flti/lllt' "A g Y.VI-/S. A :, jiuum. L "4< 9^ ^rtPr>i Qn% <~ n ^ Hut** ^Y >< : cysp 4 51 ?t I J* tA- — £V T TT C WHOLE ART AND TRADE OF H V S B A N D 8 Y, CONTAINED In fbure Bo okes, Viz,: I. Of Earable-ground , Tillage , and Pafturc. I I. Of Gardens,Orchards,and Woods. II I. Of Feeding, Breeding, and Curing of all manner of Cattell. 1 1 1 1. Of Poultrie, Fowle,Fifli, and Bees. Enlarged ^Bahmabt Googe, E/qu/re. Genesis, j. 19. In the fweatofthy face flialtthou cate thy bread, till thou be turned againe into the ground,for out of it waft thou taken : yea , doft thou air, and to duft iLal t thou returne. LOJ^D *l: Printed by 7". S. for 'Richard LMore , and are to be fould at his Shop in S. Dunftanes Church- yard in Fleet ft rect. 1 6 1 4. TO THE RIGHT V Vorfliipfull , his very good friend, Sir WiBiam Fit^-WMams , Knight. ■ Ffuchas hauc painefuUy and faithfully of long time ferued their Prince and Countrey Abroad \ doe mofl of all others deferue y be- fide their condigne reward, the benefit of a quiet and contented life at home y 1 know m no man {good Sir William Fitz- Willi* ams) thaTof right may better challenge it , thenyour felfe : who for the long time of your painefull feruke , the truftie dtjchargwg of the Treafurerfbip of Ireland, W your wortbie gouernement, while it pleafed her moft excellent Maieflie to appoint you for the fayd Realme her higbnejfe Deputie) ha*e Jo behauedyour felfe 9 as euen your very enemies {whereof I know you had good ftore)haue beene forced to giueyou , will they nill they ,y our iujl defcrtted commendation. I leaue to remember your fundry and trouble fome trauailes,your Gentle- manly minde ,alw*yes vnwearied and vnmated with whatfo- tucr peril or hawd happened: I pajfeouer (becaufe J how you delight mot in hearingyour yayfcs)tbat Honor able >and worthy for euerto be Chrontcled y charge giuen vpon the Onealc y at Monhanv* there/cue of your mifer ably diftreffed andflaugb- tered companions ,and Countrymen, of which there be fundry yet remaining , that will attribute the hauing of their liues % pjv 2 (next The Preface. (next vnto God) to the profperomfucceffe of your vslianten- terprife: neither hath this your loyailferuice to your Prince and Count rie at any time beene accompanied ^without a foment and zealous affect ion towards the Almightie, the chiefeji and onejg beautie of all mans actions. Since thus (as I (ayd)yo» my iujlly challenge for the good feruice you banc done in your youths a place ana time of reft and quietneffe m your greater jeeres, and that there is, in my fancie, no lifefo quiet \fo ac- ceptable to Cod 3 andpleafant to an honeft minder is the life cf the Count rie , where a man , withdrawing himfelfe from themiferieSj vanities, and vexations of this fotlifk and now too too much doting v or Id \may giue himfelfe to the facet con- temptation of God, and his werkes y and the prcfit andreliefc o>f his poor e diflrejfed neighbour , to which two things we were obiefcly created,! thought it food to fend you here (a* a token and a tefiimonie of my thankful mind \ for your fundry friend- fbips and curtefies (bowed vnto m-) a rudedrauglt of the or- der and manner of the [aid Countrie life , which you may vfc {if it pleafe you) for your recreation. And afterwards (tf/oyo* thinkc it meet) publifbvnder your protection , to the commo* ditk and benefit of ethers* Fare you wel : from Kingftonc Your aflurcd Iouing friend, Ba&masy Gooti! MsatzassBSBBStta mss-y ^mwmwmivvsi <» ^ *»3) The Epiftlc to the Reader. Haue thought it meet (good Reader J for thy further profit and pleafure , to put into En- glifh, thefe foure Bookcs of Husbandry,col- leftcd and fet forth , by Matter £W*fr Ht- retUub, a great and a learned Counccller of the Duke of CUnti : not thinking it reafon, k though I haue altered and increafed hii vvorke,with mine owne readings and obferuations , ioyned with thcexperienceof fundry my fr.ends.to take from him (as dmeis in the like cafe haue done) the honour and glory of his owmetrt- uaile : Neither is it my minde,that trot either his doings,or mine, fhould deface, or any wayes darken the good enterpr.fe, or pain, full trauailes of fuch our Countrymen of England, « haue plenti- fully written of this mattcr.butaiwaycs hauc,and do gra them the reucrenceand honour due to fovectuous andweH d'fpo'cdGen- tlcmen,namely , Matter Fitter bert, and Matter T*fflr * vvhofe vvorkes may. in my fancie, without any preemption, compare with any. either Vtrre, Columella , or Mfebr of Mtm. ^ You haue herefetdowncbefcreyou.notonelytherulcsand praftifca of the olde auncient husbands, as well Greckcs as Latincs, whofe very orders (for themoft part) at this day wee obferue.and from whom (.f we willconfclfethe truth) wee haue borrowed the beft knowledge and skill,that our skilfulleft husbands haue i but alfo haue ioyned hecrcwithall , the experience and husbandry of out ownchusbandsof England, as farrcaseyther mine owne obferua- tions, or the experience of fundry my friends would Puffer ^mee And although I haue dclt with many, both Gra.nes, Plants, .and Trees, that are yet ftrangers, and vnknowenvnto vs , I doe no whit doubt , but that with good diligence and Husbandry To the Reader. they may in fhorttime fo be denized and made acquainted with our Toy le, asrhey will p^ofperas well as the old Inhabitants. It is not many ages agone, fince both the Peacfyhe PiiUce,the Pine, the Cyprcllcjthc Wamur, the Almond,the Chery, the Figge, the AbricockjthcMQskc Roft, and a great fort^-f others, both Trcet and Plants, being (bine Perfunvfomc Scythians,fome Armenians^ fomc Irahans, fome Frjnch,all Grangers and aliants, were brought in asnouelriesamongftvs, that doe now mod of them as well, yea, and fomc of them better, being planted amongft vs in Eng. land, then ifthey were ac home. I hauealfo beene car cfull about the planting and ordering of the Vine,frhough fomc of myfricndf would haue had itomitted.as altogether impertinentto our coun- trie : becaufe I am fully perfwaded if dihgence, and good huf- bandrte might be vfed) wee might haue a reafonable good Wine growing in many placet of this Realme .as vndoubtedly we had immediately a f rer theConqueft, till partly byflothfulnetTc, not lising any thing long that is pamcfull , partly by Quill difcord long continuing it was [eft, and fo with time loft, as appearethby a number of places in this Realme, that keepes full the name of Vineyards : and vpon many Cliffesand Hilles are yet to be feene the rootes, and olde remaines of Vines. There is befides N$ttn£- bam an auncient houfe called Chtiwet!, in which houferemaineth yet as an auncient monument in a great window of glatle, the whole order of planting , proyning, ftamping. andprefling of Vines. Befides, there is yet alfo grow ing, an oldcVine.thatyeelda a Grape fufficient to make a right good Wine, aswai lately pro- ucd by a Gentle* oman in the fayd Houfe. There hath moreouc r good experience of late yecres beene made , by iao Noble and Honourable Barons of this Realme, the Lord Vtllums of Tame t and rhe Lord Cokb«m , who both had growing about their hou* fesasgood Vines, as are in many places of France. And if they anfwere not in all points euery mans expe<3arion,the fault is rather to be imputed tc the malice & difdaine peraduenture of the French- men that kept them,t hen to any ill difpofition.or fault of the foyle. For where haue you in any place better, or pleafanter Wines.then about Batkr*cb , Ccltn , tsfndtrnacb , and dk'ers other places of Germanic, that haue in manner the fdfe-fame latitude and difpo- fuion To the Reader. fition of the Heaucns that wehaue f Befide, thatthe nearencfleto the South, is not altogether the caufcr of good Wines, appeareth in that you hauc about Orleans, great flore of good and excellent Wine: whereas > if you goc to 'Bnrges % twodayes iourney farther to the South , you (hall finde a Wine not worth the drinking. The like is (as I hauc heard reported by Matter D.2Wf,Embatfadour for his Maicftie in thefe parts J of T*rts, and BarUduke, the Towne being Southward, with noughtic Wines : the other a great wayes farther to the North , with ms good Wines as may be. But admit England would yeeld none fo ftrong and pleafant Winesas are dc» fired (as I am fully pcrf* aded it would,) yet is it worth the triail and trauaile to haue Wines of our owne, though they be the fmaller : and therefore I thought it not meet to leaueoutofmy bookethe ordering andtrimming of Vines. It rcmaincth now (good Reader) that thou take in good part my trauaile and good will, which were chicfely employed to thepleafuringand benefiting of thee, and not to quarrell with mee, as is the manner of the mod fort, for cuery fault and oucrfightthat hath efcapedmy hands, nor to lookefor any curious 3 or well meafurcd ftile, wherewith I am not able to fatisfic thee , and though I were, yet were it neither for the matter nor method nccciTary. And therefore I truft thou wiJt accept it as ft is, fpecially considering, that I neither had Icifure nor quietnelTcat the doing of it, neither after the doing had cuer any time to oucr Iooke it, but was driuen to deliuer it to the Prin- ters I fir ft wrote it i neither was I priuy to the printing,ril!fuch time as it was finifhed. And therefore ( though there be faults,and great faults in it) I am not to be charged with them, that if time, or opportunitic had fcrucd, would not hauc fuffcredthem. FareweU. 4^*^$6$$$$$g$5 jFfln''g1»«g'aaa y^^JB It A Table of all fucli principal! matters and Wrds as are contained in this Book e , wherein vhe firll , fidcof the Icafc is fjgnificd by a. and the fecond by b. ABlaqueation of vines. 78.b Africa, her fertilitie. 1 8 .a ssfglm judged happy by Apollo. 7. a Ambition to be moderated. I ,b Almond tree. 90. a jinnife. 54-b Angelica, 65b zAngelicajhe vertues. 1 8 1 .a Anthony the Saint } his an/were. 4-a Armaracia. 5 5. a Abrecocks. 92.b Ar uncus, what. 1 3 6.b •/^, £7.b Bees, their induflrie. Bees, how toflnde. Bees their winter food. Bees angry, to appeafe. Bees* 3 the breeders. 1 78.b I Bees common wealth. 1 6 5.a 1 77.b Bee the Mafler refirained. 1 72.b Bees to make. 1 7$.a Bees their /landing. 1 66. b Bees remoued for foode. l8o.a Boare and Bull common. iil.b Beets. 54.b Betony. 183.4 Betony, the vertues. 1 8 3 . a.b Birch. 97.a & 1 01. a Bizontes. 130.4 Borrage. 58.b Bullockes, their fatting. 1 2 3 .b Bullockes, how to buy. 1 1 1 .a. & b. Bullockes, their /hap e. 1 2 1 .a Buffes. 1 3 o.a Bullockes, their foode. 1 2 3 .b Bul'ockes halting,r erne die. 1 2 6.b Bullockes ill digeflion. l 2 5 h Bullocks bitten with a mad dog. 1 2 7.a Bullockes hidebound. 1 2 7«b. 1 2 9 # a Bullockes feuer, the cure. 1 2 6.b Bullockes ache in thefynevoes. 1 2 7.a 1 65. a Bullockes mangers. 123. a 1 68.b Bullockes their hooues worne. 1 2 7.a 1 7 1 .b Bullockes, the fix. 1 2 6 . a 1 74 .a Bullockes. to prefer ue them. 1 2 3 .a !<>7,a Bullockes mangie, i27-a Bullockes- The Table. Bullockes fores mattring. Bullockes heele, hurt. Bullockes hoofe, hurt. Bttllockes rcatrtng. Bullockes pafluring. Bullocke, the tatle. Bullocks thefiugh. Hullo eke how to fetter. 'Bullocke, the murrine. Bullockes lung-ficke. Bullockes, the yellowes, Bullockes lister fcke. Bullockes, the bUine. Bullockes thefprenges, Bullockes , the Jiaggers and the dafie. 1 2 9. a Bullockes p'tjfmg blood, the pant eyes, taynt, and gargtfe. 1 2 9 . a Bullockes, for all difcafes. 1 2 9.b BlackthorneflonreSythevertues, 1 8 o.b Balme, the vertues, 1 8 o.b Buglofe. S8.b r Beane,thefiratv, and the ofall. 3 1 .b I2 7.a i2 7.a i27.a 124a i24.a I2 0*.a 116.9 I2 3.b I24.b I28.a I28.b iz8.b I2 9.a 129. a Beech reheat. Beechgroue. "Beech. Bull, common. Bull, his making. Birdlime, the making. Bay tree. c Cammell of Arabie. Cammellof SaEtria, Cammell-, her foaling. Cammelleopard. Cammels tngender backward. 2 9.b ptf.a 97-a 121. b i2i.b iof.a 89-b 1 20. a 1 20. a i2o.a 1 2 o.b I20.a Cammelingendring-ppithBores. 1 2 o.a Come f elds and Z/ineyard compared, 74-b Caution in buying of land. 44.a S. Tho.Chalener. ns.b Courtiers, their gorgeous miferie. J A Colroorts, the feedefor oyle. 5 3 .b (folvports crompled. 54*^ Chalke vfedfor doung. 1 9-b (fandels of trees. 1 04.a Cobles of rrilde Oake, I O 3 .a Coales of Juniper. I o 2 .b Ccalcs , what wood to be made of. 104 a Carotes. 5<>.b Cheefe of huge bigneffe, 1 3 9. b. Cheefe par majin. 1 3 9-b Cheefe not to be made of beafles that haue more then four* paps, 1 3 9«b [heflnuts, 9°«b Catoes anfivere touching breeding, 106. b Catoes Oracle. 14b C abb edge, 53*b (fytrons. %jh Cordum,a kindeofHay. 43»b Coryander. 54«b Cornell tree. 88.b Crefmus, his diligence. 44-a Cucumber. 59*b Cumyn. 54- b Cypreffe. l°*-b Cyrus King, nurcedby Shepheards. 107.9. Cytifa. z 6 * Cajirill. I^i.b Cattell, their breaking* 1 2 3 a The Table. Cattell keeping andtyllage,theirfelloyv- fhip. 10 <> a Cattell keeping,the antiquitie and wor- thine(fe. 10Gb 107.9. Cokes their handling. H2.b Corfte free. 103-a Corkegroue. pS.ae^-b Corne-foore. 12. a (fow barraine. i2i.a (fow, her age. i2i.a Cow, her making. 121, a Cow, her cabling. 122. a Cockes, their choife. iso.a Cocke,awoouer to repentance. I50.a Calues, their gelding. I X l b 'Capons their making. I53* a £ardiac a, his vermes. 1 8 3 . a Cardvu BenediSlm,thevertties. 1 8 1 .a Chickins hatched without the Henne. Chickens difeafes, and remedies. 1 52.a Crejfes. 55>* D Date trees. 9 3. a Damfons. 5? 2. a Dyll. 54-b .a Dogge for the fold. 1 4^.a 'Dogge his age. IA7& D og qes madde> the tokens. 1 4 8 .a Dogges tayle, the cutting. 147-^ Doages, their feeding. *47-b 'Dogges colours. i^Gb 'Dogges, their kindes. 146 '.a 'Dogges kind to be retarded. 1 46. b Dogges of wonderf tiff price. I4$.b Dogges difeafes, and remedies. I48.a Dogges names. \ 47 b D og ges , their lytures. * 47«a Doueh oufe, building. 1 G 1 . a Doues, to keepe from the Hawkf. iGib Doues, their foode. iGi.z, 'Doues, their foes. 1 G I .a & b 'Dfues, their price. 1 5 9-b Doues, their kindes. 1 6 o.a Diues 3 to allure them to the houfe. itfi.a 'Doues ytung, their feeding. 1 Go.b Doung, the forts. 1 8 ,b D oung new, befifor meadows. 1 9.a 'Doung old,befi for Come oround.iQ.H Doung beft, the maflers-foote. I p.b Doung for Vines. I9.a Dounghill. lib Dv?ellinghoufe m 1 o.a jEY;^. 97.b Elme,his vfe. 1 04.a Eldar. ioi.a Elecampany. Gib Smperours ofNeathards. 107.3 Endiue. 5 3. a Eg ges, their forts. 1 5 3 .b Bgges, to be hatched. 1 jo.b .£"£ 3.a 8p.a Fruit fulncjfe of diners countries. 1 8 .a Fig ge tree, I02.b Fennell. 54-b Fenugreeke, 34-b Fodder for fattelt. 3 5. A Fijh delighting in mud. I <>4.a Fifif delighting ingrauell. I 64b Fifhponds their fundry forts* I4^>.a Fifhponds, where befi. Fifhponds. Try. G Garlicke. Galles. lO^.a Garners. 40. b Goofepennes, their fianding, l 55.a Goofe liner of great bignejfe. 1 £ tf a Goofe,her hatching. I5sb Gfltf/f, their fatting. 1 5 tf.a Grafting, diners forts. 694 Graff ng with the toppe downewards. 7i.a Gelliflowers. 63b Gourdes. tfo.a H Helecampany. 65 b Husbandman, his good nature ; 1 6 .a Husbandmen mofl happy, 7.a Husbandmen come to be Smperours. sb Husbandry, nurfe of all other fciettces. 1 63 .b I Husbandry cofin-germane to Wifdome. 1 63. a j- I tf4.b I Husbandry, her nobUitie. .. \ Husbandry, her antiquitie. Sjb Husbandry pleafeth God. Husbandry no bafit trade. Holly, the tree. Honycoames, what fafhion. Hony coames. Happy, who is. Haruefi for Oates. Garden hetrbes, the fow'mg* 50.a Haruefi ofHempe. Garden the fianding. 5 i.b Garden, what mould befi. 4p.a Gar den, dunging and digging. 49b Gardens of great antiquitie. 45.b Garden a fhambles. 4^.a Garden without water. 47 '.a Garden ill, declares an euill huswife. 4&a Garden, when to water. 47b Graffng. , 69.Z Grafting, the feafon. 70.a Graffng, a neve way. 7 1 .a Haruefi of Wheat. 6b 6.Z sh 6b 6b 103.3 i73»b 166b 7-b 39 A 39-a 39-a S9.a 38.b 39* Haruefi of T^e. Haruefi of%apefeed*~ Haruefi of Winter Barley, Haruefi of all other Come and Pulje. 39.a Hempe. 3 7.b Hart ic hocks. 6i.z Heaucns,theirfiatefor thegroud^yb Heauens , their fate for planting and fowmg. 51. a Horfes age, how to know. 1 1 o.b f* tivrfe The Table. Horfe loueth troubled water. 1 1 4-b Horfe his proportion. H4-a Horfe broken winded. 1 1 7-b Horfe forfaktng his meate, the remedy. 114-ae^-b. Horfe halting, theremedte. Horfes their colours. Horfes, the Cratches. Horfes foundrmg. Horfes gal d. Horfe defcnbed by Virgill. Horfe windgals. Horfe to be in health. Horfe prouoked tojiale. Horfe tyred, the remedie. Horfe hauing wormes, the Jign remedie. Horfe, to keepefrom Flies. Horfe, when to be broken. Horfes feete , the cure. Horfe his rhume, the ewe, Horfe mangie. Horfe the vines. Horfe pained in the belly. Horfe, how long he lines. Horfe, holefome to trattaile. Horjing of Mares, the time. Horfes watring, Horfes gelding. Horfes currying. Horfe , his ordering after tran Horfe his prouender. Horfe his skowring. Horfes generall remedies. Horfes fiables. & 5-a 143a 144a 143a Horfes clothes. 1 1 $.b Horfe lejfe hurt by drawing then bea- ring. 113. a Horfes wallowing, holefome. 1 1 5. b Horfe hot, not to be watered. 1 1 6 Jo 116 Horfe cold, to haue. H5.a 10. a Horfe how to chofe. 109.8 1 tf.a Horfe fuddenly ficke, the cure. 1 4 3 .b I tf.b Hey making. 43 .a & b io'.a Hey cutting. 43.3 9«b Hey, when to cut. ' 43 .a io'.a Husbands beflowino of time. 2.b 1 5 .b Husbandry commended. 1 5. a Hogge ficke,the fignes. 1 5.a Hogge mefled, and Hogge found, their tokens. I J.% Hogges their breaming and farrow- I7.a ing. 14Z.Z I2.b Hogge fieke of the Qtiinfcy , andtht io'.b Kernels. 14 3. a io'.b Hogges j their gelding. I42.b 17b Hogge, the feuer. 1 43 .a io'.b Hogges, their herbes. 1 41. a 1 7.3 Hogs difeafes, & the remedies. 1 4 3 .a I I .a Hogges lung-Jicke, remedie. 1 43 .a 1 5 . a ; Hogges ftcke of the milt. 1 4 3 .a 1 1 .a Hogges turne-jftcke, 1 4 3 .b 1 4.a i79.a i79.b Larfh. 71.SL 71a 11. a I 8.3 12 1. a I02.b i07.a 73-a I02.b xi.b U5/.b loj.b itf.b i7-a 59-a 52-a 4<£.a 33-a 57-<* 104.4 Lecherie,what hurt to the body. 1 3 y.z M LMaple. 1 03. a Maple bordes. I04.a Marioram-i. • 61. b MoowesforCwne, i2.b [ Mallow. 58.a Manna. 171. a Me lean. 14<>,a Mellones. 59.b Mellon pompeons. 5o 4 b Medlar. 8o\a Mares, whether theyjhould be couered yeerely. 1 1 2. a Mares with Foalejjow to vfe. x 1 2.b Mares time of Foaling. lllb Mares conceauing by the winde. tub Mefcelm. Meddow, new to make. Meddowes, why fo called. Meddowes, their ordering. Mowles to catch and dejbroy. Maflywhat Maftjhe difference. 3 1. a 42 .b 4i.b 42. a 66b 97-a 97.a e£ b Maft, The Table. M aft, the vfe. Maftholme g? oue. Mdke blacke. Mdke, to trie. Mdke, the ordering. Milke-t the difference. Mdke, the whey. 97-b 9#.a i 3 8.b, i 3 8.b i39-a i 3 8.a, I39.ai Mdke to purge Melancholy , And all other humours. xJMilks to purge theDropfo. Mdke topurifie blood, Mdke to looje the belly. Moone obf trued tnfowing. Moone obferued in dowging. Mynt, Myllet. Mulbery tree. Mulbery the wifeft tree. Modes, their colouor. Modes doe breed, Mife, to deftroy, Moffe to deftroy, Muftard feede. Myrtle tree. N "Nauens. $6.b Neatheards made Smperours. 1 o 7. a Neighbourhood, %.b.& 44»b. O Of chu[tng of ground, 1 6.a Of C erne ground. io".b OfDuckes. 156.Z Of Bees. i6$.a OfGeefe: > I54- b Of Plowing. 20.a 0f*s4ffes. Il8.a OfZullockes. llo.b i 3 8.b i 3 8.b i 3 8.b i 3 8.b *i.a 43. a Cz.b 3i.a 88.a 88.a U9.a U9.a 66.b 41. a 5S.b 63 .a OfHorfes. io8.a Of (folwortes. Si A Of Buffes. i 3 o.a Of Butter, i 3 8.b 0/ Cammels, 1 2 o. a 0/ Dogges. I45.b OfGoates. i 3 6.b 0/ Cheefe. 1 3 9.a Of Wax. 1 75. a 0/ Pigions. 1 59«b 0/ CVitt. I48.b OfHennes, *49-b 0/" P# hearbes. 5 1 .a Of Gardens. 49.b 0/ Turkie-CQckes. 1 5 8.a Of Mdke. 1 3 8. a ©/P*^. 3I.b Of Bony. i74.a OfHameft. tfb OfMoyles. 1 1 9 .a Of Sheep e. I30.a Of Shepheards. 144-b OfEgges. I5 3 .b OfPeacockes, 157 A Of Blood letting. 1 1 8.a Of Orchards, 66. b Of fatting of Swine, falt'mg , andpre- feruing of Bacon. 1 44 . a 0/ Seedes, and their forts, 5 o . b Of D ounging, 1 8 . b Of Swine, 140.4 Of Woods. 59.b Of good Ground. 1 7.a Of Wheat. 1 5. a OfTurtle-doues. 161.% Of the Baily of Husbandry. 13.8 0/*/k £#*. 74-a Orenge The Table. 87.b 88.a 8i.b 9 roote. TKemedie againfl Gnattes. r Remedie againfl JVyuels. Remedie againji Catter fillers. r Roz,in. r Reaz,ins [mall. Romulus mrced byjhepherds. 107.3. 64. a 62 .a 5p.a 52.a 139-a 24.a 2 6. a 39-a 7.b 3 o.b tfi.b. r Rofemarie. Rafpis. Rew. 'Bonnet for Cheefe. 'Raking. Rye. Rye harmfl, r R^ch,how. Ryce, $ Swan. Saffron. Sauorie. Setterwort, and his vfe. 6$.b 1 1 7.b. iiS.a Servants their looking to. 1 4.a Seruants health fo be regarded. 1 4.a Sauine. 66.a. So/lets. 46a Sorell. 45.a Sauce of apples. 84-b Sauce of Peares, 85.a Sheepe pild, *34-t> Smalladge. 54.b Sellars. \l.a Sellars and Larders. 1 2 .a Sheep jicke of the lungs-the cure.j 3 6.a Sheepes co <-^ a great benefit. Sheepe , when to buy. I 3 i.a j Trees bearing fruit , their forts. Sheepe couered. X 3 4.b I Trees to ripe timely. SheephaumgfwallowedaHorfeleach, Trees not bearinajhe remedie. his cure. 1 3 tf.a Trees y their diftance inftandinl. Scabious, the vertues. 1 8 1 .b j Trees young, their proying. Trees ftanding Sawtyer wife. * Treesfiandmg Checker wife. Ty ruber for building. 1 03 .b Trees their bowes. 1 o4.b Tymber 'for pump es , and water pipes. Trees , their order for gaffing and Trees remoued, their ft anding. 94.b Trees helped with vrme. 95^ Trees, the trimming of their roots. 93 .b Trees their fat. , 04.^ Trees tofauefrom Miftes. 95.4 Trees ftc\e } the remedy. 95.3 io4.b ic>4.b <>7.a <>7h 95-a 95a 5>4.a 94> *8.b 68.b planting. Trees, their blood. Trees launced. Trees, their feede plot. Trees their kindes. Trees their doungino. Trees their dropping. Trees their loue. io3-b. #-.i04.a Trees, the North fide mojjy. 1 o o.b Trees of knowledge, why created. 6y.a. Treeforefbewing his fall. 1 o 3 . a Tree neuer without fruit. 8 6.a Tree the wifeft. 88.a Trees beft for tymber. I o o .b Trees how to keep e from wormes. 8 5".a Trees fpringingbefi of the feede. 7S.b.94.b 92.b 94-b I04.b 103.3 io 3 .b i©4.a io4.a Tymber for Bcrdes,for Axeltrees, for Haftes and Handles, for Gates, for Lances, for Tables , Shippes, Tar- gets , Sheathes ? Pullies , and f or TieitMes.. The Table. Eeames. : 03.^^.104^ Tenants changing , not good , Their labour wore to be regarded then their rent, their ordering. 45- ^ Thrufbes. i^-b Veronica, his vertues. 1 8 1 - a J'emijb. to 5 h Vine plants , which, and I: or* to get, thetr keepings heir length, yj.b 78.a Vine plants, thetr planting. 7 7. a Vine, his eafie husbandry. 7 8 . b Vintaae. 7 7. a f "meyard flony. J 6. a. fine the plucking of his leaues. 8 o . a Vine his propping. 8 o.a Vine his fir]} plant. 74. a J'tne hiswondrrfidl encreafe. 74-b J'tnes but late in Germanic. 7 5,a fines yoxed. 75-b J In cs gut tered. 75-b J 'hies mingled, not to be planted. 7 ' 7 . a fines how to ft and. j6.b pine: pi Anted. their or derm". 7 5.b Vines how to be dan Ted. 7 8 . b J'tnes, his friendship and hatred with certaine trees . 75-b fine when to plant. 77 A fine his grajfing. 77-& fine who ftrft found. 74-b fine when hefkwreth. 2 6.z 8 0. b.cr 75-a W Wormewood, Csh Wood for Cuppes. I04.a Winter grainethe befl. 2 J. 2. Wheat ffieene dayes in blade, ffteene inflonre,andffteeneinriping, 16,3. Wuiow ff rones. 9 9 .a Willow his vfe. I o 3 .b Willow the kindes. I o 3 .b Wood cutting, the feafon. 1 00. a Woods coppifed. 9 9 . b Woods coppifed their fevering. I oo.a i Woods for Maft. 9 7 . a Wood greatly cherijhed by the Ra~ manes. 96.* tf 'oods wilde, their fruits. 9 6 .a 7" 7 'taif haruefl. ' 3 9 . a i Wheat the kindes, 2f.b J Jf&^f ecrc« tarp. Metella.3 g©Mp mafter/nrce you tjaue bcenc nuo oapra at home, atto note v on mud be fenf ft: agame to tfcc Court,perfjap0 to be Tent atycaa on fome cm-* Manage. Cono. tclseout fo quiet a life 3 ano gluing ou trail, canfecrctlp he if am tl)c plcafant Countries, fuffcrmg tos in tt>z meant tunc to be toft foirt) tfje cares ana buftneffe of ttje common focale. Cono. &urelp 31 muftconfeffe 3! (jau/? tafcena Ijappptoap, if ffjefego)** of tlje <£artt) toouta fuffer me to eniop fuel) tjjppi* ateffe , tljat hnwe bequeatl;eo rt;c troublefome life of tfic Court a to Lueulltis. The firft Booke, entreating to fytbtftomt of tf)t fea. HSuttoljaf ? ooe poa mtrmvo bjmg meagainetomp olo troubles, being tfcus tiappilp tifijJargfD. Rigo. #btbmg UtTe, tfcougtj 3 tooulo beijerp glao pot* fipulo not fo fcaftils foifafce tf}3CGort,nc? ns pour fclfe frtm tlje affaire of ttje Common foealrb.^ou fencto iue arc net borne to line to our frlues,no? at our otene plcafurcs: but fo? our coun> trp,ourCommon-foeale 3 $lfatetubcrct9U)c art calUo.SMKrc cannot be a too?fc tijing tijen fo? a man to fuffer (jis Countrp fb2fabcn, to come into tfje ^anos of fcillanous perfons 3 ant> f u* lopcctoitt) [nmfclfe^tbat being out of t, Ije fjatfj icftttjc twrlpburip ofgouerwmcnt. tfnotfjougfj Cato bao no neio of Romc;pcf Rome anDCato ftfs friente Ijao ixeDc of bim. Co n o. 3 grant potj,aslcmj as pert sano trrcngti) mill beare tf 3 lueare bounD to ferue in our location: but aspcu pour frlfe areouuen to eonfc0e 5 tbere is form time a reafonable eaufe of gi# uing ouer. Lucullus is tjfgtyp £ommenoeo 3 tbat labile bis boop tuas ftrong t lutrp 3 $e applpco fjfmfelfe tofcolp to ttje feruice of tys countcp 5 t tjjat after fjt0 ijonojable. feruice bet!) ab:oao ano at -. . tromejin tyc eno !)c got bimfeife quicflp againe to fjis btofce* £no «*»• Scipio ; tirt)o after be rjaDconqaerebbotiiCarthage f Numidia 3 ktas content rather to lean* of t reft l)tmfelfej tyen to 00 a0 Manui oto.tube after.ro manp bictoiucs ano atefnu c fjonenrs cculc net content bimfelfc intjen lie leas toel,but puft top tottt) tomneafurc able ocfireof glo:p f gouemmcnt,U?auto ini)i* old ageconfenD iuittj psng men : iobetebp fit b?ougbt ijimfclfe at t^clengtb to moff miferable miferie. &urrlp Cicero take a better map b? mucljjUjljen after tbeoucrttj.:om of C»telinsconfpiracp 5 ^e rather contentetrbimfrlfe to iiue quietip at bome,then bp ambitious ity temuDOling toitb tfjc contentions of ttjc Common focattfj, to teing bimfelf in oanger of fcis life.Cbe ccSrc of bearing ruleta 3common-fo)ca!e,isto bewooetafeo feH'ftj a beunoco moocCic, fprriallp in tin* age of ours 3 ioben Courts arc fubifrt- to fuel) m* uie0,batrec0 3 fiatferie0,flanOer0 > couefous % ambitious BcCres 3 and tnfjere no place is left fo? oextuoumes 1 Cfciffian fimplicfc tfcIE&efeare tljc ti^inss ttjat o?oue Socrates f Plato from t&cir iommon-tocales4 do libetotfe heepe me,bring nolo ofgojo peres ana Oefeelp^e Court fo?Cs6en^tn t^is mp p»^ cottage at rjome^ R:jg o. Cicerc. of Earable-ground and Tillage. £, Rico. f*ea,fcatage is no faffidmt mute fo? pon f o bmie l&egoucrningofpourConntrp. ^ou Rnou>,£evoc vtc*v fa& yizov™, tl;e labour of poungmen t tbecotinfdlofoiD mra,ano fcoto ttjofc common-toeaics are fafeUctt alwapcsgmDr0 5 tobcre oU> mens beaos, ano poung mens armes are (hrrmg. ifatljer Ncftorgot great commenoation fojbis counfcIJ at rfcc fiegc of Ncfto* Troy , lubece a* Pdcus ana Laertes mete OcfpifeO ana accomp* tec fo: bcncb-tobitflers at dome. Co n o. &omc arc ttclileo ujitb gtap:fome l»f t^ gafnegifts, $ reU>arDS,rcraincrbe coefcrofoen €ourtiers,pea web as fcauc' one oftficir feet alrcaopm tbe gcaue.$ofo if fee woulo content 4inr felurs tuittj rtjis Ufe,$ giuc ourfclues to tl;c true * perfecting In Princes Courts we should not gape nor gafe, Nor ill fucceile in fute* fhould vexc our nwnde ; No vainc nor fond deuifc our eyes fhould dafe, Nor lewd affection fhould our fJncie blinde. All fuch things fhould be left and lay d afide, Now liuesalas each out of order quite : And to our fliame the tune away doth Hide, All fcelceto line, but none to hue vprighe, 0s trjc poeterccllentlp tocU fojttctl) in \)ik epigram, if foert fys part of a mac man,oj a cor:ombr,to run headlong without anp pjoSt into Danger , Uifjen as rj c map liue goolv f qaictlp at borne fourjjoutaU troub!c 3 as our oloe fathers lucre luo.it to Doe. R i g o. st is bcrp true: tyc poet aeeomptctb bim bletlco to torjom t^tfl life can fjapprn. 15ut in t^r meane time pou are tlonc,ano lca3 pour life tuitlj b caffs,! otots of tfyc £ountr p, and &«s, tfjat tjaur fpent all pour time bcfo;e among tw'fc ano bo* nourable perfonages. Socrates aftirmerl; tuifcoome to be lear* Ucam, wo in Cities, ana not among beaffsanb trees. Co no. Socrates bis iuogemcnMbougb 3 mill not garoefap, pet it appear et^ bptjis Difputatfons mm) ifcbomachus in Xeno- phon,trjat be Did not Oifatoto trje £ountrpmans life, a no as fox mp lining alone, it almoff tjapnetb lucre ta me,as Cicero repoj* ietfjScipio to fap^at fje inas ncuer leffe alone t^jen iuljen fjetoas aloueifo* being alone, % fjaue continual conference toritb rfce gran ueff * mifeft meu:fo? either 3 app!p mp fclfe fen)olpto tb* facreD fl 2 ;Q % :3Clctf The firft Booke , cntreating- £>:aelcsof tl;e pjopfjefs andflpoftks 3 tot)o teacfctije f cue toff* i>ome 3 bp to&tcrj botfc tttngs rule, an) {binecs gouerne, ant) bp ti)bict> euc toulrs (Vxifjicl) toe c|iefclp oug^t to rcgaro) are fi0 3 toijicij alfo tyoto fcnto tBt^e perfect toap to trjat eucrlaffing The vft of a Courtaboue: ojlu^cn 31 lift, 3 I;aue r&c eompanp of t&e grea* foinanr life, tc& jpunttB ana SDonarctyes of ffjc foojlD, toitb foment 3 ton* ferrcofttjeDoubrfulIffatet gouernmcnt of Common teealcs., to teasing t£e ^tffo?ies anD Cttfomclcs of trjc lno?lD 3 trauel* ling as ft toere, tfcougrjout all nations, 0; reading t&e too^fecs of fuifj asto;ife in l)ufbanD:ie 3 3 occapiemp mtnoe in tfje bcfjol* Ding ttje toonDerfull foo?feemanu>ip of entlemen 3 fometime $oblc* mcit 3 Comerime tije |3:ince fjimfclfe tjouc&fefett) to tufit mee : fo tljat ttjete is fcarcelp anp Dap bat ttjat fome come twito me, feme fo: f tjeir pleafure,fonie to; gaD-teill, f fome fo? tfjeir bufi* neOTe:fo? to mp fcfenasanfrmp neighbours, 3 neither &cnp mp connfel,no? mpfrauel. SCtjercfo** it is tier? rrpestent tyaigmh et>oife be maoe of ilafoters,f DiOrreet men foj tbe Counrric, aU toapes pjoniceo, tfjep gtue t^efr eonnfellfra t teitbouf teages< ^anp times befioe,pou from t&e Court fenD me Ijtcrjer p?oc effe am> arbitr entente to be tried before me. 2l&us fjauc 3 in the Counfrie fteter ana pleaianfer eompanp tfjen pou ijane^ttjer m f^re Court 0; Ciff e. Rigo. SDell me rfjen STbefeerrj pou 3 t>oto pou beffoto pear fmtcand |oto pou are occupied all trjcDap, fc.: 3 Doubt not but pou Doe as muci) asm pon Uettj to fpena tlje time as profitably as pou map. Cono. 3? tofll fell pou tfnougfrtp, mto not Diffemble toify pou 3 if pou toill giue me trje tearing, ano to begin 3 3 toin* bfe tyz toojos ano toerfes of tr>e fojefaio poet 3 rt)ougt) in of (jet ty% tojitfngs fcareef>oneff 3 vtt in fijis fpeafeingfcerp graue f ferife* Firft fcrued on knees the Maieftie diuine, My feruants next and ground I ouerlooke : Toeueryman histaskel doeaifignej When this is done, I get me to my booke. of Earable-ground and Tillage. 3 31 fcfe commonlp to rife Heft of all mp felfe, fpceiallp in &om* mcr, to!?en inc Icofe tye Ijealtyfulleft t ftuuetcft tunc tufty Aug* gttynrfTc. Ariitoclc accountcty earelp rifling tye belt, botyfo; £ealty,toe3ity,f ftuDic. Jn tye Uunterif 3 be loaty to nfe s tf ep> tyer tye fcnfcafonauicncs of tlje fotatyer,oj ficfeenrs caufe me fa fcecpe mp bco, 3 commit all to my &>tetuarD,U)l;ofcfmty * Dili* gencc 3 am furc of,U»t)om 3 Ijauc fo Uiell inftructcD,tyat 3 map fafelp maSc trim nip Depufic : 31 fjancaifo Euriciia mp maiD, fo ffcilmll m imftoiferp, tyatflje maplucll be mp tomes fuffragan, tyefe tUwinc toe appoint to fupplp our places:&ut if tye tocatyee ano timeferue,3 plap tye toojfcemaffer mp felfe, flno tyoug^ 3 Ijatic a bapufeas ffcilfullas mapbe,petremcinb;nng tye olo fap* tng,ty3t tye beft ooung foz tye fielo is tye Rafters fa>f,f tye brft Th . » p^oucniwr fo* tyebo:fc tye Rafters epej plap ttje ouertermp d ou »o\ r felfc. S^fjat it is fjolfcmc to rife carelp,3 am pcrftoaDeo boty bp ground * tye counfel of tye moil gratie p^ilofopl>er0,a»o by mine ctone thc ma(i «* experience. MJjen my feruants are all fet to tuojUc, anD eucrp foot - man a0 buftt as map be,3 get me into mp clofct to feme dDoo 3 ano toreau tye fjolu Scriptures: (fo?ty(s o?Der 31 aitoapesfeeepe, to appoint my felfe euerp oap nip taffcc, in rcaoing fome part eU tyer of tye ol& Ceftamcnt oj of tyei^etoOtyat Done,3 tojifeoj reao futy things as 31 tytnlsemoft meDful,oj Difpatty tobatbnfi' iteffefo euer 31 $&& m mp i)oufe 5 o? toity futcrs abjoao. little before Dinner 3 toalne ab?oao 3 if it be faire,citycr in mpgar&cn, 0: in tye fieloSjif it be foc;le 5 in my galerp: toljen 31 come in 3 % fina an egge,a tyfcfec,a p&ceoffcio,oj apeece of ueale,fiflj,buttrr,ana futy lt&c 3 as my folDcSjmp paroe,oj my Daicp ans exponas lutU peeloc fomctimc a fallat, 0; fuel) fruits as tye garDen oj o^tyaro Doty bearc : toJ}iel> victuals toityout arm tyacges mv toife pioui- ficty me,ioi)crlutty | content mp felfe af luel,as if 3 fjao tyc Dam' ti:ft Dtul in (Europe : 3 neuer lightly fitaboue one Ijourc at nip meat: after Dinner 3! paUe tlje timetefty talftrnglui'ty my Uufe, mp feruants,ottf 3! !?auc anp,lnity mp gljeffs:! rife $ i»alBe# boutmp gr«unD, mbcre 33 tatcVo mp toozhe men,nm paftures, mp ^e9oi«es 5 mp Come^nD mp Cattcll. ©Illrjcn 3 am in t\)z ComitrieJ goc euerp Da«> 5 if tycliieatJjcr be gcoD, anD no ctyrr great bufineuTe 3 about my gcouno: if not euerp Dap,at tyc leau; 3 once The hrft Booke, entreating cnec tattoo o* tiy?& capes :as often as 31 tome to tb* Cine from ll;e Countries ooe tlje ha? 3 to on&er8an& t)oio nip grcuno 10 Jjuf banoe^ano tofjat is 3one',lu£at fenoone: neither Co 3 cue ego about Ujfcut feme goo cemmctb of mp trauatie. 3n fyc meant fefjileS befpio trje UiDncerfuUiDifc&omeof£8(ure 5 an& iJjetn* ccmpjefjenfible footing of rljemoff migbtp <25o2> in fcis trea> Acadcm. tureSjtoJn'clj asCicero trulp afnrmctlys tfje tieticattSfajo of tfce qadUib 1. ^ouIc.t tyc trjing tijat maUetli os come ncereft onto OoD, !^£U iuaigt)3;Untt)mpfelfe, tlje benefits an&mcndctfuliUiojKcs of CcD,tu|)a teingeti) fo^tf) grafie fc; tt)e Cattcil, $ grcene fjearbe pfoLio4, fo? tl)e bfe of m3n,t[jat !je map tiing fmo out of tpe e ar%aceo2* Sing to t\)t jafciimc. !^err ^c p?ractjcrlj to me. . Tne fruitful] Eaiththat tild in fundry wife, vntc theeyeher goodly fruits doth yc eld ; The Violets fwcetthat each where thickc doerifc, and ftaine with purple die the pleafant field. The field with hearbes, thehearbes with branches b.aue, The glittering flowers that ftiine J ike ftarresof iight. And fpringing fair difclofe the grace they haue, Each hcarbe with fundry flow re mod fweet in fight. Curjat tocufceman is t!;ere in ttje k*02lD 3 t&at 10 able to frame o* counterfeit tuty fjc auenip ioo2fcs. ftafjo ccula of a ficnDer guile ma»c cSirjeat 02 S32eaD,anD of a tenoer f foigge bjing fo?tl; fo nc* bit a licour as Wiintr' but onlp ttjat migrjtp &02D tljat fjatf) crca* f eD ai t fjings biGbie 1 inutfiblc:' SCTitlj ttjetc fights 00 3 recreate mptmnDe 3 ariE> glut tfjanfcs onto Ooo trje £reato? anoconferuer or ail trjtngSjfo; rjis great am- ere ecDing gcoones,? wig tlje fcng 5 Co t^ee 3 03Lo2D 3 belongerr;p:atffstn^ion 3 o:,p.2aifeti)cu the 2L02D £)mp foule, sr , befcei j)ing (£00 to blcfie f^e guts t&at tjee rjatb giucn rs , tfjiougb tjis bounteous ItbetaUttc^to enric^ tfje ifte.ss.anDto p2cipertbe Coz.ie anD tt>cOrau"e 3 8n3 Ujatrje toil croionc ffjepeeremiri) rjjsplenteounuu'e.tijatlre mapemeptlje fcuils of ti>ecartrj Ioit{)tl;anl ? ifgiumg,t0tl;erjonourof{)im,an3 tlje profit of our neighbour.. £l;en returning fjome,3£Ge to tea- ring 0: rca»ing>02 fuct) ctf)erbufinr0as 3 £auc: but tuitljffu&p, 02 imienttcn, 3 neuetmeoole in ttyet tjoure & after 3 *>aue oinco. 3 fuppefoitjj a fmall ptttans, ano after fupper 3 cptfjer felscme 0? of Earable-ground and Tillage. 4 *£ neucrtomti 0; reao,bui ratlier patTctlje timetemgmplliape come fcoine fromti>' Jpteio,f mp £Dven ojaggmgtjometljeploUi loitt) toearp t\c:i\$, m betjototng tl)e pleafant piifturesffoatfip fuui uig about nip ^oufe,oj mp Ijcarcs of cattclUoming t>uo bp jut: fomcttini 31 lift to reft mctonocr ait olo l^olmcfometimc fcpon p gr&ne graiTe,in tijc mean time p.tTctfj b£ mc tt)c pleafant &iuer> tijeftream^s failing fram ti)e fpjtngs iuttli a comfortable noife,o? elfe walking bp ttie i£iucriiDe 5 o£ m mp garociw mtceff paftures, 31 confer imrtnnp lutfc 02 temsnts of tmfbanDjp, ap* pointing toljat3|UuU tjaue oonc : ifmp BailnTetpueanp rJjfng to fap,tf anp tljmg be to be bought c: foiD : fo: a genD tjufbaitd , as Caro faitt),muff rat^r be a fcliar tljcn a buper,§>omttmes (fpecte A ooi alt? m winter) after fupperj mafcemp spiniffer to tel fomtfjmg husband eat of tlje tiolp Scripture, oj elfe Come pleafant f£oip , fo tijat if muftratha be fjonettt goolp 5 ano ftic& as mapecine.2Cfeio 0? tfyce fjcurejsafr l ' ca (dlac f er fupper 31 get me to beD,ano commonlp,ae 3! fato before, tfje ^ e " a laft in t!jei)oafe,erceptmpCbambeIaineanDmp&tetuarD. R 1 g o. Slntljc mcane time being farrefcom ttje Cfjurci), neither can pou l?care ttje sermons , nej be pjefent tuitf) pour toife and pour tioufctjolo at feruice : fo: pour owne part, tijougt) pemap fupplp tfje matter tottf) rcaDing^t pour wife anD pour fecuante can not fo Doe* Cono. Jfo: mp part (fottfjoutbaunt be if fpofeen,3 t)ane fecuice euerp Dap at ccrfaine appointee fjourcs 3 fofjere p?eact)et& tome Dailp tlje p;opl)ets 3 tfje ^pottles. Bafil,chryfoftome,Na- zanzen, Cyril, Cyprian, Ambrole, Auften ,anD Otfftt crcellenf fc:cact)cr0, Un)om 3i am fure, 31 tjcareimti) greater pjofif,ft)en if 3Ift)oulD Ijeare pour fir lohnlaefc-latines, ana folia) felloture in tfonrCimrcfjesf, ^p wife alfo bemg giuenfo reaDing, reaoetfi tijc t5ible,$ certaine pfa!mes,tranflatco into our otonc tongue, if tr;cre be anp tbingtaj ^aro ozDarfcefojbcr, 31 matscfjer fo ton* DerffanD it: bcGDeSj u)c tjatt) p2tnate pjapens of Ijer otone tfjat H)e tifetfjim tljemeanc time 3! ijaueone,ft}attjpontl)cf)olr Dates ;tffi)C Weather c; our buftnes be fu !? as we can not go to ctjurcl)) rcaDctf) tijc <2ofpel,feacf)eti) trjcCafeet;tfmc 3 anD mimftretf)tbe Sacraments toljen time requites : hut intlje&ommertime, if tjje focat&cr be notfcareafonable, WcegoealWapcsfcpon tlje £ 4 ^>un.Dapes The firft Booke, entreating: &>unoat'es anDfcffiuailoapcs to ourparifljCljurtkfoljctc Uia Ijeare cur Curate, ancreceaucfyebteffeo Communion : asfo; mp ljoufc|)fiiD3 teingttjein fo tins ejDcr 5 tlmt tljepai&aics fcrue T , , CUoO before ttjeir going to l»o^e,i at tlictr camming to mealcs. jL of fJnt 3 tts ^M™ of Anthonie tlje <£rmtts,t&at being Bcmaunceo of ^tbony. a certaine pljrtofopber l)oUi tje cotilo in tfyz fclifarie iiiilDcmciTc fcritljoutanp fceoltes,oaitp{c btmfeifc in ij)e ftuoic cf SDfuinttie : - • Ije anftnerro , ttjat tfjeto^ole U)o?lS fcrucD i)im fa; fceohes, as a U>cll furnifljeo &ib?arv : in tolnct) l?c alinapco reao tije teenser* full U)o;UemanU)ip cf it)CD!eof2L)mimtr,fnot of a i^ufbano-mans cottage: tfjt'fi toastfje fcerpo^occ of ttje |9a* triarKcs, ano tbemonafterirsmtbep::matiuc£t)ucib« c o n o. Sfno^eChryfoilomc iuoulo ^aue all Cfjnfftans, Homil 5 6. rosfjpfc foiijfs ano tjmnarittr.toleaDtljeir liues acceding to ttje i6°ofM« cuieano ojser of spontsrs : but of fuel) fyonbts as UucD m tbofe and mo- &a\>cs » not frefc gcno-feUofocs as ours be noto : fo: the pjofcfr tiicrpia«s. Ron of a pontic in tbat age, inas no otljct but ttje life of tbe pu* reft ano pcrfcetelt cftttfttans,tobttl) kinocof ufctye oioepatrt* arte , as tlje §>ccipture oat Untncu*c,oio leao, Ri 00, 3} oftentrmes toonD;eD,tljat f^umg fo g©olp a £oufe anfcfo toellfurnin^eD in tlje cine as pou ^ue } tel)at pou meant to Of fire ratber fo Ditieli m tlje Caunfrie : but ncto rbat31 fa tlje gasD o;0er of psur life, 31 tcatie ta tosnocr anp longer. c o n cy. 3ft is naturall tc me,ano left nu by my parentSjfo ceiigfjf t'n^|uCbam^:fo; mv iFatl)£r,nip € , >anoiat!)vr.mp great €*?anDfatljcr , ano rs farre t s 3 can fctcfj mv petigra, all m^ jSunceftours tuere occupiers cf fjuf bano^v, ano toeccaU bo^tc and lift in fyis tjotife tfytt pou fa* RlGO. of Earable-ground and Tillage. 5 rigo. 3 remand not long ffnce, bemg in buuneETc Uit'tli tbe Cijauncclto.: Hypfographus ,a (obex man , pour neighbour, auD one tbat Deiigbts in |>ur bartty? , it foas mp c^aunce to fee EOtic fatbet, furelp a man tooulo baue tafcen [nm foj olo Laertes in Homer, o.j tatber fo: AbrahaM),o; Ifaac 3 fin5 as tlje Citfncclto: tolD me,bc teas fourc-fcojc anD ten tntrcs olde : but fo fdicc fjdc bare bis age, as tbat 3 forte bim tj be fcarce &fttc,!jfe memo?? anD iuDgemcnt femes to ferue biwfoanDerous to clUbe tooulo talfee of tbeoiDersof tbe Cauutric, of tbe antiquities tbere a* bouts,of tbe ffonesof t!je §>cripfure,fa ftofftip anD doqucntlp, as 3 toastooiiDerfullr miotic toftb I>im : bccljaDtbe l^iopbets anD trjcGuangcitftsatbts fingers cnDs,fo tl;at 3 fato t^enoblc men bao bim m eftimaffon,not Vuitrjout great caufe. Cono. 3n&ec3tjctaj;>e fu.li ocligbt in tbe holy Scriptures, as no Dap paffeofnm toitbout reading fome part oftbem:be bfeD to goe commonlp euerp Dap to tbe nert pariu) ctr abufes. Cono. Co returne to \ny quietness my I£ufbattD*£,from tobenrc 3 DtgreffeD:Docpou pet maruaile boto 3f can Ofltgf>t mp feife taritb tt\i$ fo boncft anD p:ofitabU a quietnes, rfjen toiwb in t\)e iuogement of tfje boncft 5 -toifc ft men,tbere is notbing mo.:e boneft no? better, neitber iB tbere tafia? anp tcaac of fifcmo?e Thc co;Tlcj meet fo; a v£>entleman,noj trauaue mo?c acceptable t:> flto.tgcn mention is tbe tilling of tbe grouno-SCbepeoplem-tbe olDtime(asCatc a of Huf- man of great toife:>ome,$a teacrjer offjuCbanDi-pestji teirntftc) " nd,; y- as oft asttjep tooulo giue a man tbe name of anbonrft man, fbcpmoutt) call bim a gart fjufbanD romp?cben3mg m tfjatname as mutb c:mmcn:ation, as tbcp codD me bim : bcuD.smeff f^J*£ tmgbtiefcings anD (Emperors toere no tottftafymuo tepioixOe pr o fcffo i 5 ' tbistraDe,asXcnop!ionrepo?tetbofHingCirus:tbe:i^eii»:itctb or nui- QaJntuXuitiiu of Abdolominus.Numatljefetn0Of£i)eiiomans bamiry. bars The firft Booke, entreating tare a (mguiar affcition to rjufbanD:r,f^ tfjnt tjec trjcngfjf fftere toasno kino ofitfe fo fit to matoatoc cifrjtr peace o; toarres^t fo: t\}e p:ouifton of a mans life, bemg rather a gmer of gcoD life, fyen ricfjes. tPo.ucoucrjHiero.Priiioineror, Atraius Arch hus, ami a great number of|f:inrcsino:e 3 toerceeligi)t£0!jpurj trje pzofewon of f)ufoanD:p: trjisfcnetoieogeis alforjigrjlp comment CcDbpHomcr.ttie fecrp fountains fn tjis time oftoifDome^tjerc* as rjee Defcribrtrj Aicmustrjctung of trje Ph acc.>,uJtjofe oeltgrjt (n t rjc planting ? plcafurcs of ^is o:crjarDs tn» vvonBerful. 3nD Laertes tfjeoioeman, trjat luitib bis continuall occuppmg oftjuf' sanD:r 3 b:ougrjt rjis mtno better to beare ttjenbfcncc of ^ fori. Hdjodus in rjts bMgberff E^ysH yux\ npx^ea gioetfj great p:aife to A(rrea } f rjat bnng bani&>a rtje arp,gane rjimfe ife to trje life of trje eouncric: pea 3 trje grouno tjatrj before time bin till jd bp the rjan&s cf Cmpero2S,trje earttj in trie mrane ttme 3 rcicpcing to be to:rte toitn a oicto:ers u>are 3 am> to be ploluco iuitt) trje tjanDs of a tri> umpfjant conquerer , ctttjer beeaufc trje? dealt toitrj trje Itke re* gars m ttjeir teo 3 as m rrjrtr foarrcs,o: tofeo fuc rj Diligence m rtje come fielcs, as rrjep Dto in tye campe, o: eife becaufe all things fjanoleo ioitrj tjoneff anD uertuors angers p:ofper rtje bettcr,be* Scmnu*. tog moze carefuli? loheo to. Serrarusinrjentjcujas catleD to tjo* nour 5 toas founo fofomg of us&.CrjcD.dators office lr»as bzougrjt Cir.c^auu fcptrje purceuanf toCincinatus, being all natseD * brfmeareolmtr) (toeat ano cuff. I3rje pcrceuanrs rjacfirfr ttjeirname of calling £>cnato:sano (Souernccs out of trje Ccuntrieto trje Cttie. 3n lifce fo2t tjao trjis name at f lie nrff,trjc Fabij.tfce Pifons ; ttjc Cun j, ttjeLentuJijt^cCiccroes^trjePjiumni^o otrjerauncient Ijsufcs. Horace teilctrj^atofrjufbansmen rjanebenebuDtije baaantetf ano trjoittjicft fouloters .-affirming, trjatttjc rjanD trjat tjarl) bene fcfcD to tbc fpaoe , pzouetfj often of grcatcfr tialue in trje fielo* Homer repoitctrj agreat toanric in vlilTcs tjis neat !>rai D,m trje K^band- & avi &) tct oftrjofefellotues ff)at tooelo tjauc rauiCrjes fcismt' me.^come SrcflTe. ^ott crrtameit is, trjat a great number of Cmpcreurs to be Em- fcauefp:ung from trje ploto .ano to let otljcrs gee, it is tmoUme p;;ours. trjat ttjc emperors Galenus < Maximmus canu faotrj from pco:e l^caromen to t^e imperiall Cigmtie. Slrje l\bt is te?itten of lu- flinCjConftantianus^robui.atlD AurcJiaiiUS. Z^be fieilCS repels that The anti- of Earable-ground and Tillage. 6 tyat M.Curius tlje empercurtoa0founD ml)i0 Ijoufeboplmgof a rape rote, tufjat l)e refufco t()e great fums of golo b?ougbt bp rlje £>ammt0 €;mbnffaoo?0« $ffl$ at tyoulo 31 fpeafce of tlje anfi* f quttie of uVtrjcM? f&ttiptnm Declare IjufbanD^fQ bet()ean> cre tl;e geft founder* dr y- of t^$0 Biwl»lcoge,a0 tbc ^ainmia fable,but t|>at tlje moft mig^ rteiot5^mfelfeoti)«rfto?oamett:fo2AdamantJijiieifon0tocre all hufbanomen.Noc teas a planter of t3iuc0,Abraham 3 lfaac,ano Ian e tcr of Jacob, lucre tycepbearc*, Saul from |>isb 3u"c0,$ Dauid from \)i$ f ViRCSm a)tpber!30foere maoe pjcphcta.Ozias ao toereao,pjofeffeo fjufbano^. lefus tip fonnc of Syrach commencing bufbanbjp aboue ttjercuyaitb 3 b& enffomabip tjfeD fjunfelfe to ijolo tfje ploto to Djiuc tlje cart 3 i to K#pecatteil:but forfjatndtfUjemoje:' &ur&>auiour Ctyyfttym* felfeglojict!) to be ti)e fsn of aijufbanoman, $ frametij l)i0 para* bles of planting of t>mc0,of uj&pe g ttwbearo* : mo?eouer,a0 it (0 in Luke, our &o?D feemettj to be a teacher of ijufbano2p,toljere jje ttjefoctMbat tree* are to be Diggco about i oungea,tf)at fljcp map ptofper tlje better. JFoj uttjtbteunofoleDge f* cf all otber moirimtoccnt,! toitljout toljtcf) it iomoft plain* toe are not able to hue: trje belt men ijaue altoape0 imbjaeco it 5 ano tlje olo j?a* t&'er* iiaue euer countco it fcerp £ofen-<23erman to totfeoome, Cicero eallctf) it tlje spifiri0 of 3Jufttce 5 Bfagimcc 5 anD t|)?ifttnc0 : ^ fome otber0 call it tfjc mother ana nurfc of all offjer art0. $?ox dry rhc tDl)crca0 we map Uuc toityout tlje otber,tottfjout t^ts toe are not mothcr & able to fufcaine our life: beftDc0 5 rtjegame ttjat bereof artfettj ; tsJ nurf« of motJgsOUsanolealr fubicrt to cnup 3 foj it batb to ocale toitb fye *" «»«« earti),tljatrefto?efbtoitr)gainefucl)tl)ing0 a0 i0 committed tip ftl s - to ber/peetallp if it be furtbereb Unty tbe blcffing of (£>od.2#c onelp gentlemanly toap of enrreafmg tlje boufc,i0 tyetraoe of f)ufbant5?i» : ano fa: tiji* caufe fyep toere altoape0 accounteo tbe perfected Gentlemen , tijaf, content toitrj tije mm t&e« fluneeuwleft ttjem , liueo in tljeCounttie of ti)cir 3ian50, ™ c c ™£ not meoDUng tottf? figging, chopping, ano cb^nging , noj fe* Hu ; ban , feingtbeirliuing bpljanoicraft** M. Varro in Ijt* time , faptb, d ry , tberetoa0 great complaint maoe, tbattbc if atljer* fo?fafeing t\fc Blougb ano the fickle, began to creepe into tfce SDoUme, ^ ano The firfl: Bookc, entreating ano bufieo ffjemfelncs ratljcr foiflj ^ageanfsano Sptofcmmer* games, tfjeti ioitfj tljeaimparo of tlje ifielo,fo$crcastfce C0c uernours of Home fo oeuioco tfje pcere ,as t$cp affigncD OHclp tlje nintf) oap fo? burniefle of ti>c Cifie, stljercfl: of tl;c ftme fo; tf>e tillage oftfje Countrie,mbercbp being ijarcenco Uull) labo? in peace, tfjcp migfjtfbe better be able to abiDe tf?e trauaile of foarres. Wfyity counfric people toereaimavesp?efcrrcD befo;c tlje people of fl>e Citie 3 atiO mo?e ijiobilirp tijougljt to be in f Jjcm t&at filif&e grouno ab2oao,tf)ruiii rljofe tijat liuing ieclpmit^in tt)e mallcs, fpent tfjctr fimeonoer tfjefyaooto of tf)c penffjoufe: ercept a man foill,imtb t&e common fo?f, ttynke it mo?e Ijoneff toget^sltamglui^t^ebto^anDcalamitic of peoje fodrs, oj not oaring to ocale wity ttye ftuo?D, to make tys game of mar* c&anoije, ano being a creature office lano, contract to tya kfaDf, gtae fjimfelfeto ffjerage of tfje&eas, ano t&epleafute of ttje ^KnDeSjtBanOering like a biro, from u)o?c tou>ne,anc«0unrrp. to conntrie, o; fofolloUj ttys goDi? pjafeCTion of batoling at a barre,f fo? gaine to open \)i& iafoes at euecp bencfj. &>urcl2,as 31 faio before, tljis onelp ^atfi bene euer counteo tlje innoceHtett erase of life of all men,ano in all ages. 30 p ljufbanc?p focre maoe Gencf.j. tfcf) t^egoWp ifatberS,Abraham,Lot, Iacob, anoioab 3 ano mod . certainc it fs,tt>atffHs pjofeffion $ tins gaine ismoft acceptable to (0oo, token fjee commanoeo Adam to till tbc grouno, ano to gettjis liuing imtl) tbe fiDeat of Jjis bjoinrsSbbus is ijufbanojp Huiban- of fuel* aut£ontp,as Cpoo U>t't|» tys open iuifneflc Ijatl) ailotoco it, dry plea- ano affertoacosbp Ijis feruant Mofcs fjatl) aoDco jjis blrffuvg on' pz*° to tt,faping,3! millgiue tf?e grotmo mt> blcffing in tfje firt peerc, LcuiLiff. anD tt * aJl fa ^5 fo^tf) tlje fruits of t[j?ee peercs, 3no againe,3f yon will feeepe mp commaunoements , 33 mill feno pcu rainc in oue fcafon, ano tlje carfl) fyall pcelo ijenncrrafe,ano pour trees fljail be looen toirf) fruit, tbe tjbefljing time fljall lafte fill tl;e tiinragc, ano tlje outrage fijall enourefill tfje foliung time,! pou u)all cat pour bjeaDtwtlj plcntcoufnes, ^Sl^at can f Ijerebc noUi mo?e pleafant f a Cl^ifftan man, tban to get Ijis liuing bp fue^ meanesas tje hnotoetb Oct!; pleafc (25oo,ano to piap tl;e pi)ilo<» fopljer intye moftfteeet contemplation of tlje benefits of cSoo, ano f acHuotDleoge ano «uerence tfjeluifsome t power of ti;c ouutic of Earable-ground and Tillage. 7 Biume CbMcttic, nnD h^ bountcoufnc ffe to manlmtoe $ to giue tljan&e0 ano pjaife fo? tHogotfmeltejt&etjerp fcearbes ano txtte cures in t\)t field in ttjc meane time poaching but 00. R 1 g o. f£ou frame me trees of a ijufbanoman a Duiaie,nnD almottbjfug mee in ininoe to become a fjufbanoman i toljo al# fciaie* hitljccf otoitlj tfje eommon fojt, acconnceD tt)<0 Imfbano* rie to be a beattlp ano beggarly occupation* c o n o. mw oiuinitic there is in it , ano to&af a ftelo of flje acanomlcDgcD benefits of dtfoo, pou Ijaue Jieaco. SCfmf t&e eommon fojt boe tbinfee if a beaftlp ano beggcrlp fetnoe of life, it is no maruell,fitj) the eommon people do neuee fuogea rigfjt* %\)t eommon people Doe toonoer at tfje pompe of tfje Court, ano iuoge them fin the happidi men that oeeltf lint!) goto ano purple, ace in greateff fauouc Imty^mrcs, ano Officers, an* Counccllojs to tticm , little fenotoing in t|>e meane time tofjat iicapcs of fojotue* lies fjioonoer fljat b;aue 1 glittering mifcrp. %\)t eommon fo:t pjeferr crh njamefull ano beaftlp Delica(te 3 bc« fo;e boncft 1 vertuous labour , toping to confume the night in OmnBenne0,lecl)erp,aHofeillanp,ano t&e oap in fleepe $ paffime, thinking fuel) f)apppa0 neither be&olo tljerifing no? fetting of i£e &nnne* But t&ofe that are of feunoet fuogemenf, account the tjufbanoman moft ?;appp , if tljep tmetu their oiune felt* titizfo totjom tlje €actl>in a farce quieter waner dotf) mtnifter a fumcient lining. And though with gorgeous gates the building high, With earthly greetings alwayei doe not flow, Nor feeling garniflit gay vvkh imagrie, Nor rich attire wee fee, nor coftly (now v Yet ftedfaft ftate and life vnskild of guile, With wealth ynough and Paftures wide at will* And people ftrong traind vp to painc and toile, And youth with diet fmall contented (till, Where Godly zealc and vcrtues all did dwell, When luftice laft did bid the world farewell. 00 t^poet fcatb mott grauelp tyitttn in tlje p?aife of ffje Georg. HUfbancman. Aglus Sophidius teas iuogeo rjappp bp tj)e £);acle <>f Apoilojbecaufe l)e occupies a fmall cower of Arcadia, but pet foffiuent The firft Booke, entreating fatticttntrotliie iweioD, fo^e&efpcntbfsltfctoftioae awr rommmgabjoao: tofcofe ojDcr of life %Uiett>,rt)at &* toa* neT* tfht feereo tutti; gro&p Otfire^tctttjtciui^ anp otfjcr trouoleof mmDe 5 a*Pimy toftaeffeti). But 3! IjolDepsu to long toify com* menoattoji of tljattobtet) of it feife 10 fafficienflpcommcnoes. I^ato, foife, J p?ap pou let tMJ gee to Dinner. M t t e l l a. f^ou flwll fir bp ano bp.tfPoB mo^rofo maiffec K'g° 3 3 tfjaug^tXcnoplutus Ijao banc tyttjafyo fcjfcttjtofetctj tmj fcufbanD afoap,be Jjatfc bpcijance feenenotoat fame a ioaUe 0? tfoatne , fc&iclj fome mifliKtng, prefer #m to moff pamcftiH ano troublefomelmfine^pjocurmg tym to be fentut embaffage feepeno cfjepiUers of Hercules, ano (fcinct) t&cp fl&ouiobe loatfj to beare tfjemfelucs) t&ep caff all Upon &10 bacfce,a* a common frxtyotft&ho being note oiD,reafon toculojje fooulD be fparco ami fuffereD to be in quiet, t&at being at tlje laft ft« from t|e tutmoile* of t&efoe3lD,bemig#gmel)imfelfet9f|fe pjapotf, ano prepare .{jfmfeifelb; tjeauen. Rigo. 3ft toeremejefojtlje benefit ofljis Counfrp,tljaf m» ftet Cono came ofrncr to tfce court,but fcei* tfce fclDomer tbete, Sjceaafe fje tsKett> fuel? pleafure in Ijts Imfbanoj^lictobeit,? came f 0? no fact} pur pofe, but onelp to tJiOte lum.bung mp olo tricnO, Cono. iaoumuir^eareUntl) a tooraan* cabling. Rigo. 3 p^ap pon , Once it is not ret ctoner time^et t>« toalBe about, ttjat 3 map oieto pour boufe til! owner be reaofe, C o no. Bjf it pleafepou,3l toili u>to equkjp l)oufc,fo£ere 31 fcauc appointco nip RingDomc. Rigo, jjiohs furelp vou l?aue as fjappp and aapleafawt a femgoomcasmapbe. whoiihappy. Con o. 3!nOceo 31 confeffemp felfe&appp m t!>fe 3 tJiiaf content* ins m? fe!f Urit& mp pioie eftatej Defire no mo?e;foj 85 tic faitt?. Horace.. Thc man that moft j^ hc< , rc poodle, Thoucanft not iuftly happy name, But he whom God with gifts doth blefle, And well doth know to vfc the fame : ilimmaieft thou rather rightly call, A happy man aboue them al*. &ardp 3l>m ttjf«mpkingcom,oj rather $m* £ottage,sm moje ijappp of Eatable-ground and Tillage. 8 fappp tljen a great fojt of binge f pjinec s oftfic toojia, tfjat ate lo?osof manp f large oominiQns.ifcicbes ace not to bemeafurco bp rbcirmultitti5e,c mino of tf>c potfeffoj.ano as Da- who is rich. uidfafrM little is better tottl) tije got>lp 3 Hjcn tye great ritljcs Of ttje totcbea.Cindnatus occupies Olllp 4«acrcS of grouno. Socra- tes bauittg but 20. parses m all tl;ctoo£lo,toas counteD a ctcf> man.^oBJtoitlj virgin ooc commeno great poffeCfions^butbaB rather occuplclittleXbecefoje lofce not to fee bere tlje boufeof Lucullus 0? Hyrcius . feljieljis faio to be folofo? 4000000.H s. fucb ttatelp Sellings 1 marble floras Cicero faitb 3 3l befpife. rigo. ^octoitbttattoing, Nereis all things falre, am) as it appeared tommooiouflp built. Cono. 5fo* mp part, 31 built) mpboufe,as tljep fap.acco^ ting tamp purfe, agreeable to mp calling,* to m? liufng* 31 toil! ipeiu vmin o?oer \fo\v 3 £auecafrit,folloi»*ngtbe aomfe of Jf- comachus in Xcnophon, totjomciccraootlj greatlp comment 0no firff 3 ttje feat of mpboufe batb mooneo me to builo it after reorder of tjnsfotf. Cato teouls frwe a man long in oerecminatf on to Guiding of a builD, but to plant ano fofo out of &an&* <£>ut: fathers f)#re be houfe for th« foje, obferueo f £e fame, ano feemeb to folloto tbe councell of c©uatn«. Cato ano Columella ,toitf) to-bom agreetlj alfo Plinic, fijat tlje otoncr bulla fjf* boufe in gcoo 0?&er 3 fo as weitl;er tfjc boufe be tco great fo; tbe lan&,no£tbelano le-mud) foj ttjc f>onfe,Hno l)erc* (n it isUmtfen 3 tbat L. Lucullus, ano Qu.ScaeuoIa.tocce feottj to blame : foj one of tyem bao a greater boufe trjen teas anfincrable to bfs liumg: tl;c otbcr,ta»bicb foas Sequoia, built a fmaller boufe tben bisiiumg requireo^bere botb are unprofitable totbema* lter:fo: ti)t great ruinous taftyiotonlp ismo;e chargeable in builoing 5 but alfo affcetb greater coir in tbe maintaining.Bgain, if tbe boufe be to litle,it toillbe a bed-ruction f lotfe of pour com e ano fruit : tb erefoje it is gceatlp to purpofe, in ishat fe^t te& builoi ojoaine our boufe* Catoftjouio tjauctf^e rjcufe fo feates, as tbe apje be goo about it 5 ano (if it map be)ptaeeo at fbe bot< The feat of a » tome of a bill, la&tng oircctlpfeourb,$ in a tobolefome corner. houft. Varros mwoe iSjto \faut it places rotoaro tbe <£aff, tbat it map i)aue tbe fljaOoto in Summer , $ tbe §unne in Minfer : fottb iw)om Columcllaagreet^tapingjtlat if abilities ferae rfce feaie HP The ficft Bookc , entreating is to be feriS?ee m a bolefcme place (fo; Caro, as 8>all fccttafret be tyetoeD 3 UK)ulobaue bealtyp ftatKing c^ic f ei^ regarded) tmrti a fruitful moulo,fome part of it cbampion,icme b;llp,lHngoufe,tyen before it: ano tyat rtjc frunt of tye boufe be tucneo from tye burffull f tmbolefomc ferinos, ano placeo tofewros tye fcealtyteff quarters. &inre ail iuaters commonlp ferity oamptOj Vapours in &ommer,ano Hinhiiig eolo mtffs in ££{intcr,ercep£ tye? be feiell putgea irnty bolefome $£ltnDes,Do mfect boty man ano beail ferity pefttlence: beft is it tyerefoje in gcoD j bcaltyp places, to fet tye tjoufe tofe&arD tbe eau\o: tye »>out!bf in fa* Xperteo aires to place tyem agatnfr tbe j$o£ty.iFcom tye &ea it is goo to beas far as may be,bccaufe tye teinos tfyat blofe? from tye fea,are tmbo'efome, anD tye fpace Iping betferirt pou ano if, peelos alioapes a loatyfeme aire. #ou mutt betoarebcGocs,tbat pou fet not pour boufe bp anp great bie-toap, Uft you be mole fteo foity paffengcrs,ano tcoubleo oftcntmes teity moie gueils Neighbour- tfjetl pOU feJOUlD \)mt. hood. Rigo. as far as 3 remember, olefeilefeiesotDmeafure tye gt»ones of tyeir otoellrag 5 bp tye quaitttes of tyefc neigbboots. CO NO. of Earable-ground and Tillage. kc.3 bauefcnotone fnmnp gasmen, Defirous of qutctncfTe, tbat baue fo?fabcn goo Dtucllings,ratrjcrtrjen tt;cp luonlo abioc t&e iniuriesanD trou* blcs of fuel; companions : ioberefoje Hdiodus i;ao fame teafan m Taping: As great a mifchiefcis a froward knaue, As is the ioy a neighbour good to hatie. But pou maruell tobat 31 meane bp facba longpzeamblcfarc' Ip I am tf?e longer in t^jts matter,becaufepou faoulO tmDctffano flje rcafonof bittlftingof nig fjoufc. if 02 U%rcas tbere arc fan* Djp purpofes of butlomg-, fame builo fo; plcafure.famefoj torn* f onnefle, ano fame fo; neceffitie, 3 tbougljt it goo to recite tlje minos of tfic olo tonters,concerningtl;e bmloing ofa f>oufc.0no lu[jcn as eucrp one Unit not faff er fuel; curt off tic a* tfjep require in Replacing ofa fjoufe, fame building upon riuers,fame Iwfb* out 02 toitbin trjc sparu; toals,fobQ cannot u)un f i;c nctg!;bo;l?cDO of trje riucr oj tl;c fea,fame in lakes, feme in tecoDs, t fame buil* ting opon mountaincs, arc Djtuen rofupplp tlje Defect of nature foifb art $ inouffrie:3 mpfelfe,fitb 3 can bp no means auoio ttje necc en effe of tb c riucr, Do feefce as mucfj as in me Iks, to funic c* toap tyc Dt'fcommoDiticsianD becaufc 31 feele f !;c DifcommoDitie of tye riffrig of tl;e flo>DS,_3 Ijauc fet mp ijeufe intf\is place toirtjout the banks, f mountcD it as bigb as 3 coulo: anaicG tbe rage of tijelu3ter,anDfo:cc of tfje ifc QjoulDbearc it atnap,3 rjaue plan* tco rounD about it great trees :ana tljat 3 migbt u)un ffjc Damps of tbe gcouno,anD fl;c blaffs of tmlubolfameftinos, 3 banc fur- ncD m^ Deo;esanD m*? minDotoes to f|jc Uifjolfomcff quarters, R i g o. &arelp,etiberpou,c2 pour anccu^s bane botb com* moDiouflpanDtjanDfomelpplaccD tins boufejfoj trje front is Don* ble, onepartlojfeingtoluart'StbcC&aff, tbeotbertoiuarostrje &outb,anofo built toitb v^aicriesanD (Sables, ssit bofl; rccei* ttctb tl;eS>unuem©Kinfec, ano tlje Gjaooto m Summer : be* uocs, pou baue a fairc pozefj as poa enter in, tbat feeepctl) afoap tlje minocan^ tlje raincfrom tlje oeozc, Cono. 3U tbe one ffDe,tf pou macfec if, fenjere tfjefrotrt is, The firftBooke, entreating littl) ^oufkteceimng from t!)c firU coiner, tye rifing of t&eftm in SBinter, Declining fometofjatfrcm t£c GQUii, turret? it is toarme intointcr 3 anDnct troubleD totrfc ouee-grcat beat m font* met: fo? tins fetnoc ofbuiiDmgljatf) anequall mcolp of tye tour fertomocs t fommertomDcs,fo tfjat ttrccetuctt? tbeoole tomes in fommcr,ana is not fubicct to f&e bitter blafirs in tointcr. R i g o. &>ome part of t&ebmtoing,met!Hnfeet!?,is after tfc* Italian manner. c o no. &ome part of it btin$ ruinous ,3 built after mp fan* tit 3 ano furi) as 31 founo founo , 3 ttjougfjt enough fo; met to fecepe in reparations. R 1 g o . 5 p:ap pou,p?occeD to oefcribing of tyt reflr. SEftf s bafe eourt fames to be after ttje Italian fau)ton 5 tuit^ttoo gates. Co n o. 2Dt)is Court 3 tfjus oeuifeo mp felfe.l#erc mas a htnD of Court before , but not fo commoDious : tfjerefo?*. 3 maoe a fquareinall fjere tottlja great gate,fo?tbe bunging ut of mpca* n'ageSjf a lefTer fo? people to paffc in g out.Jn ttje boto place bere beflDcs tfje po?c&J [jane maoe a litle tnalfee,couereo font!) a same, toity oiuers feats in it fo? G)atJofo,&ljere 3 manp timzs toalbe s talfee tuitJj fuefj futers as 3 ljaue: 3 ^aueintt a tableoffioneto fupbpon tefjen 3 am oifpofco.£)uet agatntt ttje gafe,as pou fo, at rt>8 fouttj fftJe of t&e Court, tfjere is a I3a&e-boufe, 1 a Come* mflljfoirf? £>uens fo? b?eao 3 f otber bafceo meat cs^ere is alfo a i3?cujfjoufe,foit!? an^att fo?D?pfng of maltfo make bare fcirf?* R 1 g o, £>arelp,all berpljani>fome,an& in bcrpga)Do:Der. Co no. ICtjefe offices (fo? feare of fire) pou fee,are all feurrci from trje fpnfe.-tljere is hereunto aof owning a fatec saeil.loljicf) bcBoes tijc ferutec bere, Ooftj a!fo ferue mp kittfyn, anD otljer ijoufes of office : fo?toitbin tbefcoufe,3 Ijaue neither CGell no; ^cuntainc 5 iobtcb is a great mfcommoDif p,fur!) as $ tooulo giue n great Scale of moncp to rcmcoie 3 botbfo? \)c&lfy $ ccolencsin fommer ana fo? matermg mp ^aroens t £)?clj3r$s. taatcr is oneoftbep?incipaleff tbtngstobe careDfo? 5 ast^cgrcafcff canfe of fcealtlj botb in man f beaft : but this iuant is fuppIicD partly bp a goto S&climitbout,t part!? bpCcffernes, receiuing tbe ratne foatcr t^at fa!s in certatne ConDuits ano pipcs,lol){cb iuater is moft tetjo'efome fo? tt>e boo?; ano beaoe ; t^e riuer is nst far offc RlGO* of Earable-ground and Tillage. 10 Rigo. €omz on 3 P?ap Vou } let us fee tin* bacfe^oufe, 3( fjrarc tfcat uoh tjanc a neui fauncneo Sptll 5 of pour civ.ic Demfe, Co n o. £*ou l^^U fa it, tBljen as in a great Jjoutatljcri is great n&D of <£orne milles,anD tys common $pillfs,teuigfarr$ otfjtbctoatt? foule, ana 3 at mine uton hbertie togrmoaf fjome, or Inhere 3 lift ,tf)iwfeiiig to matte a tpiii l)ere at t;ome> tin; en neu rljer place no; aut&oritie foull fecue mee to bmlo ei^ec a tacr mill o? afomo mtlhano a &uerne,or a ijano nuUooty but a litle goarana fobwilo a ^ojfc -mill lucre mo2£troublefom$.CSIf;cn 3 fata tlje tofjeeles tljat tljjcp ufe to o?atu tuater foit!),turneo tuttfi acres o? men,3 t|ioug|)t m tbe iifcefort tbeiubcele of a mil intgfjt be turneu,! after tfys Cort oeuifeo $fyi& engine, folwcb a couple of flffes, guisco bp a bop, Ooe eaftlp turne , ano mafte uerp fine meale,fum^ient for mine oluneljcufc, and meft times fo? tup neighbours, tuljom 3 fufFer to grmoe toll fw. rigo. &urelp3 itee UwU pour oeuicc. Mijaf tell not tlje diligence of man bating to pair* * Cono. 3j linDe it profitable unto mc,bot becaufc it is not tyc fpiCDica map of grinofng, 31 toe fccQDc a f)s?fe-nriU,to£n$ if neeo requite, is turneo about fciitfj a 3aoe 0; (too, Rico. ko 3 &erelsagreat icaoplaceo IjanofomJp ma brick furnace in tije corner, folnclj 3 tljinhe fctueti) to b?cto toit&all. Cono. 3noceD,to tfjateno it tsmcu;occupieD 3 buntferact^ otljertumesbefioe. Rigo. SCbere is a popper (mt fjjinfeetfjjouer fljefop of t$e ®aft: tuyere to fr ruetfj it i Cono. 3f feruetlj toeonuep Ootune tlje ^alf,after it is foa* iereo unto tljc baieccloti), tan>re it is D?pco. Rigo. ^ijccefo2e fernetlj t^at great SCumte ^ Cono. Co tuaf er tfje HBarlep in , luljen neeo is,otl;erluife it kructf) fo; a maft) fat. ^erebpts a bafce-boufe, ano a paftrie ir.tttj rujo £)uens? one feruing for Ijoafeljolo breao, tl;c ottjec for mancfjet forming otoone table,ano for tarts ana ftnebafeemeats. ^eee are alfo troughs to feeepe meale in, ano trowgfjs to lag lea* utn ftt,anD tyere is afafre table to mould upon. Rigo. au is tenotome 1 bat luljat meanes tfjfs buiiotng about pour Court < Bl Cono, ThehrftBooke, entreating tyeBS,finunnc0,f a lingular cranio pie Doty Ifcomachus fijeio in Xcnophon,in ijts ^Ijinician barfee, fofjerein a foonccr it is to fee foijat a Dcale of ttufife fjee ijao bex Cotoeo in fo fmall a tjcffelliije earcico iuity Ijim ail tye furniture tyat a man Qjouloneeo, ano euerp tying in fuel; ojoer placed as tyep. toere 3t (jano tobennceD &&, toityout anp trouble. Con o. 3(mpfelfet)aueaninuento.2?ofallmpl)ufb3nD:p!m* plements,ano foijatymp ISailp ano Ijis toifetmp ^tctearD Ijaty tye feepof tye flfo?tyoufc 3 anDDeIiuers out ano rccciuesas 3 folD potuUjljat euerp man nans : foz Jtoillmgipnettyec bozrotu no? lcnD:3ff)auc a ncigbboz 02 ttoainc. of lutein fomettHie3Mjo:oio, ano ieno agsine : but ercept tyem,f noue,as Cato featyety me. R 1 g o.s:fjefameCatoalfo,as3remember,teac^etytofenolu a \nw,8 fjufbanoap bvl)is teaks,* tyerfoiebp pour great number of talcs, a man map gueffe pou baue a great oealc of crcupping* Cow o. ST&e Double number of tyem makes tyc nmffer tijc greater s of E arable-ground and Tillage. 1 1 greater t oti)crliufe, if t£ere toere but to fcruc t(je turnc tfjeg fooulonot feemelomanp. R i g o. 3 p?ap pou goc fo?toar& foiti; pour Defcriptiom Con o. pan fee a oopo ramie bcfa?e tljc iliitc^in^ li)lji(& (« an entcie bell) to tljc fe:td;in 3 to tfje Jfolfecss chamber, ano to f£e £Dre-I;oufes, fo ttjat if anp mis:o?tune Ijappcn to u)e catfeil in tfye nigljt, mp men may fyeeotlp ijelpe tfjem, Rigo. £Lbe ftitclmi is oerp ujelli)anbleo,in fljat pou l?aue The Kit- fo U>xit pargetteo tlje rcoffe. chin « c o n o. 3t iis beeaufe 35 l)auc a great number of feruants, foljfrt) fo? Uclte of otfjer tome? Doc cine ano fup ijerc: befioe,tf)e pargetting o? facing, is a gcoo fafetie againft fire. rigo. i^ecc is a gcDD (janfcfonie rofebptijc cijimnep, indl ffo?co foit& reD ^erring, JlSacon, ano fpartilmas becfe, t^ere is oifo a ijanofoms feincUe bp tye feiteljm. Cono, fiCijislettifeo mail tljat pou feejopnctl; romp Bap* |iCfe^ chamber, fo tljat ^ee map fee l»|)3t is Done in tije fkitcinn, ano about ifyc ijoufe. hereunto is alfo iopneOmp ilaroer,aoault Larder. luitl; t&?ee tcom ce, one feruing fo? Gutter ano #tlfte 3 t&e otljer fo? XSeerc ano XMirn, tlje ttjiro fo? to feeepe if lei in : Ijerc fjauc 31 no toinootoes to tjje fe>oufl; 5 no? f o tye Meu\ but all to tlje jpo?th, ano to t(je (Bait, becaufe tijefc quarters arc lead fu inert fo co;ruptiou, anD Unil longed p?cferue anp tt)mg.3bouein ttjc loft ponDcr^ooe 3 lap mpco?ne,opon a fairc 0aj?e, clofelpfcnceD comdoft, ano fceleD againft lifee Appkloft. iuinooujes toluaro tl;e $ o?tij , feruing fo? mp fruit : fo? tl;at quarter is colo, and not inopft, imjerebp it p?cferues belt? bot»> $peat,Co?ne,ano JFruir.^ofo if pou tmllgoe tfj?ougl)tins oo?e, pou map beljolotfjebacfe-fiDe of mp^oufe : locl)creafairetl)?e* firing fla)?e, hereupon mpco?ne is funo?p times tfj:eu>o, fan* neO> anotuinnoluco? ano manpower things Done? cljtcflp intlje fointer mo?niugs, tljougl) 3 fjaue bcfioeatt)?eftingplaceui mp barne. £Dn eacl; fioe are loogings fo? mp fecruants „ anD ottjer ramies ano lofts fo: fetrain ano JfoDoer fo? mp Cattcii : anD tfjere bp t&e fetabies, are alfo £>cruan*s loog* Jngs on euerg fioe, ano mp spaioes etjamber neere ti;e Uihtyiny 315 4 ano The firft Bookc, entreating ana fljefoaQring boute- i^oufeetbis fojeftaiiclofeo rounb about, to rtje eno tbat tbc cattcll, teben tbep be teatreo ano put fo:tb, terjile ttjeir Routes be maoe eleaiic,map be in fafefp. 3no bcre 3 feoepealfo <3eefc,Ducfecs,peacoe&es,2:ur!ucocBes,f orber poul* trcp. 3t is as pou fo,fo cnclofeD tetttj ttables,barnrs, anD ottjec jjoufes>tbat noting can get out.Varro Unit m anp cafe tjaue tteo Courfs,an tuner court toify a little pono in it of ftanoing toater, 0? running teater,m manner of a ^tu)pono,anD tbere be teoulo Ijauc !^o:fe ano &ren, commtng from tbc fielo, 0? liable, to be toaterco ano teau)co, 1 to ferue Ufam tfe fo: s b up c, s toine,ana Crsfe. 3n tbc btter Court teoulo tjrc bnuc a lake to call in fob^Us, ffaucs,an& peeres of timbec,fo: internments of bufbaw &?p,tbat tber mtgljt tbere be feafoneo. %tys Court Ije teoulo tjaue often ffratoco tettb Urate, an D cbaffe.tf>at being tramples teitb cattell,tt map ft rue to lap bpon tbegrouno. |0ou fa in tbts court a Double ooungbtU,onc of tbc m netolp tt):cteen out oftfje tfablcs, an otbec olo 5 ancfcrumgfc; tbc fi;:b : fo; ncte Doung is nottjiug fo gcoo as tyc olo,fo: manuring of tyc grouno. R 1 g o. tabatmeanestbefetteigges,botoes,anoffratees 3 caUbpontbeooung^ Cono. &bisp*eferucs tbcooung,tbaf t!je fupecfbaf tfje ground requires, be not fueaeo out of t^e funne: anDfjitberalfo runs tbeteatcr fromtbe HaunD:t> fo nwiff it fyt better. Varro teoulo baue fjere alfoalooging fo: feniaiits: But leafttee tare? tm long among tbc Ooungbiis,lct bsgoefeetbeotber butlotngs Bar B « abont *&* Court. ZZfyzte great ramus tt)at pen fe,be Barnes to lap Co;nc in : in fome places tbep bfc boufes,in otbetsagaine, tta"cBC5,fct tip en p:ors, teijicb t\)ty rail motees : but tbc houfes Subies. are a great Ocalc better, jiertfo t^z Barnes, are f be stables, ttanDing arote ronno iboutttiz court. 3nD becaufe Virgil teculD fmue tbe (table llano foteaco ttje &outb>anD virruuius,ncere tbc ftrr,3 bauefolloteco tbeic o*oer mbuilDingmrtrablcs.IinD fitft banc 3f fct tjece mpffablefo: mpcart-bozfcj banc anotber Sable nare rap otene loDging,ro:mpbo:fes of feruice, anDbacfenetes. Rico, S&batfeemetbtobctjerpljan&fomclpbtrfir. Cono. jpjenertatebowfcsfojmpfb^Mncrttbcmfo* iunc,calucs,an& bepf crs,£bcr c is a bogffte teitt) tteo r«mes,one fo; of Earable-ground and Tillage. 1 5 fojmp farrototng fotoiS,tbe otber fo? f£3g0 5 anDboarc$. C^crc tea«fo atbtCDfttcaiotfarrcfromtbetoaU)boufe,foz tbs fatting of mppojfees: eucrp fetn&e b^tb tbcir beepers iping iieere tbem,tbat rtu-p map be at ^anD tol;atf jcuit tbawnetb. iiatt of all , tbere ftanos mpl£apbarne,tobtcb batb in tl;c upper rcomes mp l£apjf bcneatktoaines^artSjCarreSjtoaggonSjCoacbcSjbarrotoSjficcs, plotocSjtoto.erSjtobceleSjnaucSjpofcrSjraKes^ptotobcames^nD fuctj libe, to[;rcfj are ttjerefafefcomloet 5 anD from pilferers. Rico. 31 p*ap pou, toijo ootb Itofce to all t&ts geate , anD hixpcth eucrp man to bis toozfcc i CoNo.fp Bamffc,as a tola pou befoje,ouerfeetl> botl) mp tocnfte anD mp too:fccmcn : be fi'Dcs 3 3 banc a &fetearD tljat ice* fcetb to ti;e rcceaumg of mp rcuenues anD commooi'tt'e 0, Rigo. fJour uailuTc bao nceo tobeafiu'lful and truttpman. C o n o. ^ou faptcue/oj as Xcnophonfaitt>,tfjecf)opfeofa BafUffcanDap&iGtiortQugbtto be one : pou mutt cfja>fcfucba «te,as being a beep erperf buibanoman,map toel be able to raise The flje cbatge,anD not to be ignorant of tbofe tbtngs tyimklftjfyat Ije b Jil&o * commanoetb otbers to 00, fo? noting is toell taugfjf o? learneD 3 husbandry toirbout cramplc. jfo.: as Cato faitt) of a tjnfbanDof ol& ttampe , it goctl; til toitb trjat matter toijom rl;e loarhffc mutt fcaeJj.3s ifcouuchus being DemaunDcD of Socrates, fobetberfja tooulD bupea 13apufFc 3 as be tooulD btteafmltfj.oj rather teach tjim bi'mfelfc atl;omc i tpc anftoereD, i;etodulD r>auc bim of tits cfcme t eacbutg. Rigo. Wat f b ts is after trje old to o:!o . toberem no man toaa tmfijilfull : but it is 1 toonoer, boto pou t&at jjauealtoapcsbecne b:ougbt op in pzinces aflhircs 5 C3ulD in ttjcfc oapes ;to'bcn ocn> feto,errept plotomen,ano fucb as banc no orbcr frabe of lifc,baue anpfinil in if) apply pour mtnD fo onto it,as a man tooulD rrjmUc t>ou bad neuer mtnoeo anp otber pjofeffion. Co n o &urelp,3l t&fnts ije fljal neuer baue a geoD BailnTe 3 tljat iBnot able bimfelfc to fuDge ftulfullp of %im : no: let bim cuec trjmfec to baue bis toojhe toell Donc/tbat bnotocrtj not &oto,no; totytf) toap tbtngs ougbt to be Done, but mutt be fame to leatne of bus man: fo; tbere is none can iuogc of a too:fee 3 but a tocufcc man* STbcrefojcmrbe riwerc of a H5atlifrc,3 tooulD banc foure things The fir ft Booke, entreating svh« firings dhtcfip confiDercDrtbathcbcbtnir^QtUgcM^mcf f forulc, things anDtrr(ftiC,ii(rouiTJjUaDOcafi'%3«>»^^tcntcntfD } tt)attS3 ought to that l;c be not gium to D?unfcrnm(Te: fo? a Dum&ti man Icofctlj raiha^ f ^it!) ^ memo ^V^ t "S a to of fcisDuttc. 3 Do not enquire luije* husbandry ^ er *> rc ^ IU£ bcRC b- 20 "^ *P flultl ? °- 2 Damtdp,but 3 fcoouid £aur !;nn a $arDfcU3to,ti;oug!)tbpfrom fjis (rjiiDtjart to labour, and one tfjat lucre tf):cugljlp locli fiulico,of a tncanc a§e 3 tl;at tje be not ImUulling to tawRefozpcntl), no? unable totrauaile fo? age. J tooulo l;auc trim bauc fomefdi'i rn carpentriCjttjat if tljerc happen to be anp tiring bjofecn about lus Arabics, tys Carts, o? anp ottjettyis inffruments^e migtjt rptxoilp meno tljcni, t rl;at Jjc route mens ££Jai satis l^eogcs. 3 .tooulo tjauc [jim alio not - t?nffetifuli In ttje Dtfeafes of Cartell. s foci) a one as ^it<; bcene fc2oustjtt3p imtjj failfull t)t;fbanes , ton! p:coue meetctf to £i3ue sfcarge. Jfo? t[j:re be a great number,tt)attl)ougt)t&ep be fmiftnl r nougtj In ttjeir p?ofell!0;i,pct tjauc ttjcp not goucrnmeat in t£cm.* but cptljer fcfing to? mucl) fyarpewcffCjO? to mucl} gentlctus to* Justus fuc|) as be unocr tyern, Doe tyifttt ttjc p?oittcf ti)cir mt* (ret: ano tljcrefo?c 3 teoulo tjauc a X3siluf e foeti tik% bcfo?e fjc be fatten : neither is it onelv to be foug!)t,tot)eti)er l;e be fmifail m rfjnurafcuut toijettjer lie bctrufric anolouing tofris *patfrr, foitfjout tutucb, Ije is not hrojfb arull), tfcougl) tjts f lull be neuec fo great. 9n0 clncfelp fjc mufi be f&t&Uci ttits,to bnoiu u>t»at &io?Bc is mectcft fo? cucrp man :fo? fomc Uu?ks require flrcngtlj tno?ct$etifhilI.anD others, otljerliufc. -Hi'iO rljcrefo?e m appoin* ting of r^efe,^c ongfjf to fjaue great iuDjementfgao Olfaction, iufjicl) tjee cannot fjauc, except fjc fyaue g©Dfiul f , £t>rrcfc?c a 15ailuTcis as tacit fobc taug|)t>a£t a ~>uutt)jO?a Carpenter : anDtljchnoliiIeDgeofbiiroon&ipisgccatcricfmo^cDifficulu'e: ZZHtycrsfoit 3 meruaiic, tbat m thjs foucceffatp an occupation, tl)creare founfi fo feto Rafters anD p?rnti;cs. R i g o. perhaps ttje te.toufneu*e ano ^aromfle thereof Hii' ner|it^cmau>ayi c o no. SKifrpr Jjaue not £>:ato?s bme lifcetuifc D?(ucn a> &ia£r-fo?.a0 Cicero fatt£, tljetc tjatl) bin no perfect ^atca founD, Rigo. .£Df tobom UiouiD pen baue pout Bailiffe to be taught/ C o no. ^ourquetcton 10 gop ; .i U5iUu)eUJi>on,tl;oug^ tec? feie of Earable-grourul and Tillage. 1 4 ftfo \> tuc tm%\)t tuJjrit bclortgctfj to a fjufbanD in al! f Jungs, ncv ffjcrirjall pcu Snoetnanpfftftfttllin cuerppopnt. JEJjercfbJc be tfjat 0jaU be a IBailrflV, muff be taugbt bp Drgrees,bc»nuftmff begin Ui!jcnf)c is a djiioe,lyitb keeping of ^cepcoi£>U)tnc,anD Vf l [ ay " foijen be is clDcr,tuifi) odours of Cattell, ana keeping of.^oife: SJih^e. 3 fjc muft learne nr rt to &igge,to tb.:c(tyto ftf,to foUie 3 to I)eDge,tQ imtiD>fo meutt f«rtj twinge as areb2okcn 3 to plaptbe butcljcr, to cjiue o:infccsano me&iancs to ftcfce <£attcll, anD fuel) otljec like tljings. slnotbus imiftbcpioceeDefrcin one to another. R 1 c o. pou fljefo mee tucr.Dcrfult l3i)tlofopt)ie. Co n o. as 31 faio at tl;e firft 3 J)i3 beff age is betfoirf tyittit anD t!j:ee r eo:e: foz tfje flames of luftp poutb beginning to abate, Ije fotll not be fo (jot in bis tinning: fo: topics !je follofoes tljat gamete Ml bane no minDc but of fjis mmton,nettl;er fljali anp refoarD befo welcome fontoljimj as tfje fruit of bis fancie, no? anpgricfefo great to Ijim, as fije failing of fjisoefue. BJffjconte paffe tbjeefcoje,!)c toaretl) aofrjfuil $ 'onable to labour : fo? 3 ba& rather ijaue tbetx»02heofa pamefuU 1 Diligent i5aimTe 3 tl)en tfjc feruiee of a great number of flotyfult lubbers :asl)e tljatbao ra* tfjer bane a JUon captainc oner ^arfs 3 tben a ^artcapfaine oucc llions.snfjts muff cbieflg be loahcu fcuto (Tinceearctp going fo toojae is a great matter) tfwf tlje Bailiffe be a gcoD rifer 3 s tyaf , Cupph'ing %\* gaffers placets map befirff fop in trjc morning, anDtjjelaft t&atgoetf) fobcD 3 f tfjat fjc fee tlje Doo?esfaftlocftcD, ano euerp man in beD 3 tfjat tbe catf ell banc meat enough! be foell litfureD,tljat be fet fo2tuarD 3 acco2Dmg f fyc time of fije peere, fuel) as Do lopfer in tbetrlabo2 3 tbaf !;e bimfelfcgo lufftlp befo:e, tbat be fuflfer no man? after it is Dap,f tag befjinD, but rfjat tfjet? folloln tbe Wtiiliffc luffilptuitb a ecurage,nstf be toerc tljeir ta$* taint in afsirmiH) ; anD tjjat Ije fefc funDip Dent ft s f 3 cljeere fym ftp in fbeir lal>o; 3 fomctimefo fjclpe l)im tljatfamtc tb, to tafec b& tooleout ofl)fs fjano, f labour ludiip before fjim.^nD as a care full fltijepljeaiD, earel^i carrying out bisfltjeepe, f bringing ttjem liome late, loohetb tbaf be leaue none of bis flscfee bebinDe Ijimr fo liSetDife ougljt a gooD Batiiffc to carrp outfjismen^f fo tjaue- gooDregarDouerf^cm* ff anp of fl)cm be rjurt 02 Gcfee,lct Jjfni IcoUeto t|>e-D:emng of tljcm, aasif ttjep betarp ftcfee 3 fo carr\? tljcm The firftBookc, entreating iljcm to fye fake folursloogtnnr, f to fee tbat ttjep be tuell cjoe* reD :anD td tljartfc l;auc 3 builr ponocc hjufe tt;at pou fee ccmo* ucd from tfjc ottjer bmloings, ttjat tbe nefce map be ba& ttitttjer unne (becaufe fyz 53>unne \\ivcttt\) ttje boop * twines) tbeir oief muft be t|jc tbinner, tbat tbep make not tat great meales,but rate Utleano often: tl)ts ojDer bapetb f bem in bealtb 3 $ belpctb cigeftion. &ome 00 fefe to gtue CClo:mclu(»o- CUmc, o; pottage made of , C£io.jmeujoD. 3Ct is fcerp neccflarp fo2 n)em fomfimes to recreate tbemfelues, fo tbat in tt)c mcane tobile ttirp giue not tbemfelues to naiigbtt* ncETc. Oeremuff be IjceD tafcen 3 tbat t|)c^ ojinfee nottoben trjep be bot 5 noi Ipe t?pon tljc cola ground : if tbeir toatec be not gofc, it mutt be foell purificD. Bit is feerp goD alfo to let tbem o?inke barlcp toatcr. taemuff remember tbat feruants be men : be/ fioes, fucb goo lohtng to, toill biecu a greater goo mill t oufte, ano ligbtlr tbep mill ferue fl»c fa? tb fuller ano better toben tye? baue tbeir bcaltb, torjicb bauc t)ao g©9 cberttujtng in tbeir ficfee' netTe: ant) befi0es(l»bKb is not toellebferucD m greater goucD no:s) t^c BatlnTe mult bctoare t^at be scale not to eruellppto; f a) gentlp toitb t\)tm t tbat be altoapes make mucb of tbofe tt)at be Diligent t patnefull, tbat be be not tm batrte tout) tbe tootfer fojt,tbattbep ma? ratberreuerencebim fo? tyB feaeritte 3 tljen bate bim fo; fats crueltie, totyd) be fball eafeip tiling to paffe, if be ratber beware tbat tbep offenD not, then after t^ttt offence, to latcjto pamft tbem. if o? there is none fo goo a b:tole fo? an eulll oefpofeD per fori, as to let bim almapes be occupieO. &o tbat Catoes faf ing beerein is moa true, tbat mm in oomg notbing, learnetoooeeuiU, Het tbem bapttt)eiraUotekance 3 and tberr meat of Earable-ground and Tillage. 15 meafe to Due feafon, lettljcmaltoapes feeo together in one place, anDtbe Bailiffelnitb tt) cm 3 tljat tje map bean cample to tljem of all fyiiftuuB. 3f be finDe anp of tfjem to Ijaue laboureo painc* fullp ano truly, let f)im giuc tljem a gooo countenance 3 anD en* courage tljem toitlj retoaras, to make tljem tfjc toillingcr to Dae r&ctr Dutie : bcliae, let lum loofee tbat tbep bee rather toell do* ^eD,tben curioufip apparelleD 3 t&at t&eir garments map baps tljem from tlje coloe 1 tlje raine : let tbeir toages be toell paieD fgem , tljat tlje tuant thereof beno ercufe fo? t&em to loiter in rijeir labour* 0nD as meat anD appaeell is neceffarpfo: t|icm,fo iifcetoffe it correction, if 0; tijefmfeman faitlj,giue a ^o?fe tlje Uiljip, an 8lTe tlje fna(fie 3 anD a ifoole tljeroD. ano againe , tjee tlj.it Dcalcs too gentlp Mty fjis feruants, u>U make tijem in ttje cno ftubbome an* frotoaro. flboueall things let bim fee tljat tfjep feare (Pud 3 let ijim In no wife fuffer tbem to ftoearc 3 02 to blaf- pljeme, noi to bfe filtfjp 0? bngoDlp. fpcecfc : but lettjim pjouiDe tljat f Irep bee inffiucttD In tlje Catectjifme, tljat tljep fcfc p?aper 3 rjjattljepgoe to Sermons tjponttje^olpDape0>anD receiuetye Sacraments at times appotnfeD , tljat tljep be not ljunters of #leijoafes 0.: cuill companp. 5Fo?,as tlje poet faptlj,it to late t full to be tocll ocenpieD,cuen on tljeifettiuall oaics.Mtjen tljep IjaueferueD (0od s $ omei, lett^cm foaiR(rab2oaD in tlje grounD, let tljem loofce tljere be no Cattell in rfce \C02ne > anD Hop fuc!) gaps as tljep finae o?en,anD looUe tljat ttjeir Cartel! be in fafetp abjoao. 2:0 beti)3}t 3 tye HBattfflfe mutt in allttjefe matters be 3 as it toerea Bi0)op 3 02 a Rafter of tlje too2Res,fo u)all euerp man flje better Doe tlje waike tljat belongetij onto IjimSClje IBailiffe muft neuec be from tljfir ljeelcs 3 leatt in Ijisabfcnec tljep fall to ioptering ,neitber muft Ijee fuffer tljem anptime to be toie: lj« Ijimfclfemuff not be giuen to D:infeing 0; gaming,noz to fjunting 02 fiiljtng 5 crecptfo2l)is mailers p:o8t:lEtbtmt)crp fcloome en* tectaine anp guefts 3 ereept tljep be of fjis matters re tineto : let tym not bettoto fyis matters monep about tjis otone mecctjanDif e 3 fo: fuel) hmoe of bargaining mabes bim t^e fla.fecr in ty& outie, anD ma^etl) Ijis accompfs feloome fail out tutt. 3aoue all things %s i« tobchuOjcD in tljcBai!iffe,tl)atbc Do nott^nneMmfeift loiter ttjen W matter 3 oz fuppofe Jnmfelfe to l?a«e mo?c fatU tijen |je The ficft Booke, entreating Ije $an), f tljat tjee almafesfffUefo Icarnefacrj tying* zshtteip norant of. ;foz as it ts tec? profitable to do anp ttjtnj tetlfutlp/o is it moit ijurrfulto Do ftkntoiuarDIr.Columclla ijadratrjctfjaae a HBatliffcttjat could neither read nor write, fotljatljis mentors be gart : for fuel) a loatiuTe (fattljrjc) Unilcftner bjfng bts $pau j Gee mcnr,trjcn a baae ; bceaufe(notabie to mrttej rje cannot fo The Bay- eafilp frame a faife account 2E$ e Bapiiffes toife mutt altoaies liffcs wife, be mjtrj £tm,trjatfi)e map feap trim from runningat rouers 5 ano map Ijelpe trim (11 Jjis labours : ijcr age mud be fuel; alfo, as tot re quired in tlje USapUffc before 5 fl)e mule be pamful,tjealtijp,eare# full,? j)oneu%u?e mutt not be tooili fsua:cb,Uff u)e beioarljfome fcntoljtm 3 ncr to beatttttuU 3 lett^eeooat to mucrj bpen tjer, and keepe borne fcujenljc ujeuld beabioaa. £>ljee mutt in the meant time UDhcto trje&itcl)ui 3 anotoet&ertoarfe«atrjome,gouen« tlic Slides, and ueepe tijem at trjeir toorfee, lofcc to t&eir nccefc Caries, and glue tytm trjcir allowance. Rigo. f?ou fame to me fjere$ to make tfjeBaptuTe a fyaU tter, anD tlje ^aitter a S&apliffe. Cono. SEijtssgc of ours, quite corrupted imtfj delfcaeleand dafntines 3 litle rcgatdetb tbs Ijoncir ? profitable orders of our fo;e* fathers : for in ttjofe dates trje fitters t&emfelues plaid tyt £cf* bancs, $ trj iougtjt it net to goe mell toitfj trjat g&aittet t^at mutt beraugfctbp tjis J5apliffe,as Cato witnelTetkf Varro alfo com* plaincttj, rljat t&c ljufbands in iris Daies fjao forfafeen t|j e plom f tfjc Gtrje, f gotten tljcmfelues untijiu trje mails, and fpent t^eti tune rather in mapgames ? midfummcrfigrjt0,t&cntoiflj filling t\)C ground,or planting of dines. SCljercforeCarof tlje old So;i# ters,tto attribute manp things to t£e £paitter,tljat foe afigne to tlje *5ai!ife.£ind 3,trjougfj 31 fetmtto put tlje cljarge of tlje Ijoufr fjold in tbe ijands ef mp 23aplirTe,ret mil Imp felfe be ouerfeer, and Ijane euerp tbing done as 3 appoint entreating gently fas 3 taugfjf tfj c 25apltfe afore)bottj trje IBallife $ mp labourer* ,rrgar* ding more tljeir labour then mp games. 3But 5 earrp pou about to long,being fatting,^ prappou let bs goe to dinner: pou 0$U notdineatCourttodap,neitljermeant3i to fljetopon,as pou fe, trjepalaee of Lucullus^but tlje pare eof age ofCincinatus,Abdoio- tniuus, or Laertes, ^erc pou to trj e xmmiB for mp rjufbandmen* Xmtvm of Earable-ground and Tillage. i £ feuereDfrom mineoton f>cufe 3 but ytt fo,as3f mapcafilpfee toljat tyrp Doe, I^ere 3 ano mp toife,toitl) our fjoufc&oJD fcruants lie. R i g o. ail toerp ercellentlp inril as map be, t&erc is no* tying toant tag ttjat is to be UuOjeo fo?.. ^iffriffe Mctella, pou trouble pour felfe tea mucfj, (the Martha, about tyc pjoiuDmg of pour Dinner. METELLA.j]iofa toln'f &ir, pou muff be eontenteb lnirt) Connrrer fare, pou mail neither tjaue red SDeere, $J9arc|paine 3 no? ^furgton, no? anp Courtiers fare : but m Ckgge, ano a pallet, a gullet, o? a pace of Hambe. R i g o. m* Diet contcntetf) meaboue all otfjec. c o n o. jfallto it tljen, ano tell me fjoto poulifee our conn* frepWne. R i co.&urelp it paffcfl) either tofne of £>?lean0,o?flnioto:3l DfD not tlnnfce to tjaue foutiD fo goft a cup of tome m tijefe quarters. Con o. ctje JmfbanD?p, ano gooo feafon of tlje peereDotf) pads tt3c fame. r i g o. sjfflell, toe fit too long at Dinner : tfje tocat&er being fofaire ano To pleafant ab?oaD,it i& a (feamefo fit anp longer,but to toalne out ano \ml\c fcpon pour grounD* C o n o. 2C[)e tocatljcr being faire , pou b?inga &o?fe fo tfje ffelD{as t&cp fapjtoijcn pou fpeabetome of going ab?oaD: fo? 3 mp felfe,if fbe toeatljer o? bufineffe Do not let me, am cuerp oap 3 acco?Dfng fo Catocscowifel,ab?QaDin mpgrouno : f if itpleafe pou,3l toill carrp pou ab?oaD anD toeto pou mp grounD^ou mutt nottofeto fee tbc great countries ofMcteIlus,o? Lucullus 3 buttf)c poffeCBons of a po;e countrp man, tljat contcnteo tot'tlj l;ts ftare tooulo be as Ije is,i tooulD not change hues totty ttjecSmpeccur , R i g o. 3 P?ap pou let me Ijcare pour opinion of t&e fielo anD of the t -, fyettlfure thereof: fo^feepouareapfrfectbufbanD^anDnoM.ngand " tying Dnfsilfull. 31 (jaue a great Defiretoiicare fome rules, anD husban- fnty as ferue our turne beff. ng of the c o n o. 3 f it bee a tyame fo? m appzenf ife at tye 2Lato,anD a grou * d ' pleaoer of caufes, tobe ignorant oftyelatotrnjereinljeoealetlb a greater fljame is it fo? a pjofeffo? QftjufbanD?p,te betjnfBtlfull in tye grouno tofjereon bis tofcole trdQe Ipety.^oto is ije able to iuDget3p?igi)tlpm^ufbanD?p 3 tljatHnotoesnotto^irl)toapto m The firft Bookc, entreating fjfs lamv SC&epjofclfos of all otljcrarts 3 DQ commonlp Keepefo Jawrf of trjcrafclucs,futrj tljingsas be tfce t|iiefempftceies of t|^etr fenoto> IhThuf- Ic^je* Contratitoife, tfce tmfban&man reiopcettj to £auc merp bandman. boDp maDe p2tup to ijis CfiiU, $ being ocmauntea mtuljat fc:t tji Dot6 tl>is ano tfjat^tje glaDlp Declaceti) Ijis toljele Dealing in lutvv point: fuel) gcoDnatureDmen Ootlj tl;is KnoUtfcDgcmafee.3; tjaue O20ereo mp grounD tjer c,acco:Dtng to trje diligence of tlje olo Jf a« trjers 3 ratrjer trjen fo: tljctoantonncs oftfjefe times. SCtjerefate The de- 3 totllfirff ftciu pou tljcir opinions,anD aftcrtoarcs mineofont greesand famte. JFitff ,CatoappointeD nine Degrees of tlje lano in 3 talp. forts of %\) t grft, tfje EiinepacD,tfjat peeloett) mucf) ano gooD ftitne: t£« ground, ne]Ct jjfjg to e n. latere D €kraerr. tlje tljirD, tlje ccuiioto ®roue: fljefourtij 3 tfje £)liue trees : tfjefift,fo2 spc&Doto: tlje firt,Co2nc grounD : tfjc feauentlj,fo£ (Topic grounD : ttje eig!}t/o? STimbec trees : tlje laff fo2 £paff. *5ut tfjefe Degrees* as Varro fapttj 3 are not generallp allotoeD of,nrittier Ijaue luc ttje tjfc of ttjem all in tbcfc countries : but make mod account of fuel) lamias feruettj fo2 €>aroen 02 ^Dzc^aro grounD,Co2nc, 02 if iujponos.£)f Come grounD 3 toill firff entrcat ; anD afterdates of JDatfure^cooto, of Come S&TcDD-lanDj ano Eailloto ©roues. ground. r 1 g o. 3 pjap pou f Ijen take tfje paines to ffjcfo tlje nature of it, anD foljiet) foap t Ij e bett grounD map be Unolucn. c o n o. CatocountetljtljattljebettgrQunDjtbatlictfjaftljc fbotcofamountaine,beingieuell,anDlpmgtolDarD tfjc i>unne, as tlje tofjole tounttic of jtah'e lietfj. gn colDc anD ^oztfjerlp countries, it is gooD fo [jane tye lano Iping eatf anD &outh 3 lcatt tfjefe two quarters, being baro off op anp |itll 3 trje lanD be frozen Uutfj colDc : but in Ijot countries it is better to Ijaue tlje ground ipe i^02tl), botrj fo* pleafure anD Jjcaltlj. Rigo. JSC&epfap it is neeDfull to tmoto rlje consitiens of cue* rp grounD. c o n o. 3ft is Co, anofooner fljall pou uoe it, rljcn tfjceonep How to *i° n * of a wan: fo? being tucll tilleo, it toiil notDcrciuc youjwt know the Dcale iuftlp tottfj pou. Z£o fcnoto tl;e nature of cuerp grounD, goodneffe ifcomacus in Xcnophon 3 Dotl; trill rou to matkcmcU tl;e plants of the . anD tlje paelD of tlje Counfric, crcept pou loill locfe pcur labour sroun ' ,oj figfjt tcitlj ®oD. varro ceunfels pou to Icoae iufjctfjer tljcre be of Earable-ground and Tillage. 1 7 It in flfje lano either &tone , garble, &ano , Cjauel!, KaooeM, Cbalfce,£tap,|32cblc, o;uCarbuncle,tbatis, ground oucr^catcB ano pnnljcD Uutb tijc funnc, toljtit) txuii burne tljctccttscl tutjaC.-' foeuer commit!) in tt.fllfo ifit bztott 0; topping grouno,*? fub tret bnto etijer inconucnienccs, anD fucb gi oano aifo^cco^titig to tl)c nature of tl)c fotte.is goco o? caflL 3n feme Countries fienjc grouno is altogether barren , fpeciaUp fo; Cojnc ano J? ruit: Jtt outplaces againe, tfjcg bfc ttonrs ut tbe manuring ano better ring of ttjcfr lano, as in certaine places of 0rocnts to be tone* Thcophradus tmitctb , tljat tbcConnths Dto eailafoap alltljc if ones out of tt>c fteios of Sarragofa , itrjere bp maoet!)c grouno tbe Uwfc,toljcn,t!Ktt3ncs being afoap,$ tbe countrp bor, tljerc loas nofuccour left to oefeno trje grouno from ttje ertreamebeat oftbe funne. 3Jn otfcjer places in ftonieano bill£ grouno, ^tisoo pjofper toell. 3fn hfce fo:talfo, in all Countries Im mudregato tlje lapje of tbeCowiceie,ano tt>e nature of tbe Hso tyat toe fstoe : foz C?rauell in Come places , is eaff opon tl}$ grouno in ffeao of dung,f fonts tying* p:ofper beft in gratiellp grounosjn Barbara fas Columella DotblnitnetTe,) tlje oerp rotten fanes crceeoanp o* tfjcr grouno tnfruttfulrteffe; 3t is alfo fometbtng to trje pt?epofe, lu Ijetrjert^egrauell be t»ljite 3 reo,o?plloto:beliees,fome grouno ootb oeceiue botlj tmtb colour ano quaittpjn fome Countries tyz blacfcemoulo is onelp effeemco : in otbcrs,fljefatreomQulOfs tyougbt beff. 3Jn England, rbecfjaUric grouno bearetb g©D co^ne, ano paftures berp foell. 3-n fome places tlje trjiclse ano tlje clam* mie grouno is mctr fruitfull. 3n all tfjcfe if is to be learneo,turjaf is beft fo?tfje £illpgeounD,lr»bat fo? tbe ba>Up,foJ)atfQ2 tbe tilleo, tuljat fo? f be lap grouno 3 toj)at tbe moift feggie grouno requires, anotoljat tl;a Ojp ano barren. 0lfo in planting, tuljat grouno is bed fo? 3ftmes,tofjatfo? otfjcr teees,fol)at Deligtjfs in *;ie grouno, lobat in motff grouno. virgi! esmmenoetb a melloto grouno tfyct is fat, ano toill franc be refolueo,fo.z fuel) grouno is ttllcoteitb fmallcBcbarge ano labour : tije nerf,fl;at fobieb is fat ano aiflfe, l»J)tcf) greatlp recompeneetfj ffje bufbanoman i)is frauaile ana charges : tbeluo2fi:is,tbatto!)icb is ojpe, leane, ano fttffe : fo? bot!) if is tilleo toitb great labour: anobefiDc, neitberontffc of tfje grouito tf ib^ goad- eaSltpercetac5bppfrfc(t tokens :fo: a cioafp;mWcoto!t|j a little ■rat toatfr 3 tf m diking txiitti t\)t &anfc it be clammp,anO cleuing,ano fc (tertt) to t&e fingers lute p1trl),to!jen it w &mMeO,aB tfcc J^oet &r: b, ano bzcauctb not in falling to r^ c gr ocr.D , rljis ujciuc th a nit nrall fatticHc ana rtcjmcae to be in tt : b;fiocs, pou map Unoui & moulD tfcatis goo fo: Co^te 3 tf it beare 13ulruu)es : 2^tftles, SIl}iiE!eaucDgratre,D3ntoo2t 3 13;antblcs,13lail>ct&o;ne, ano furfjltae,asneuer grow but in gooo grounO: as on tlje otfyzx fioe, lotfyfome ano til fauourefc luaDrs, oeclacc a leane ano a bitter gcoano: i^crne, ano iDir^rrcD plants^ coio grounfc,faDan&|jea# tnc coloutro,a motft ano a tort grounO: a raooel f a Gonp grouno, is otfreraco bv ty; e pe, a thffeano a f ougtj clap,bp tlje labour an> fotlc of rfjc Oren. 3 gooo token is it alfo of gooo grouno 3 U)t)erc tfjeCrctucs f pies follato in great number tl;e|3lolo,fcraptng m fyt Heps of tjjclMoloman Stjegoosneffe is libelous fcnotoeii, \I*t t^e &un fetttng, after a Hatneboto, ano in a fljolme ofrainet, foricintng a great aioug&t, tt palDrttja pleafant faueur: alfo in fatfc it imll appeare: tf taff ;ng a eloo ttjat battj bene toatcreD in an earfben or Oe!l, vou fi-u e it fmat,tt is a figne ofric^ grouno,if bit* tec,a great token of barren grouno 3 tf tt be fattifyit 15 to be tyim* t»D, ano not to- be ofco Upon tlje Ocun^jtll.i^au mull remember vv.l? * fo ' *& ar jrrount) Ml fomertmes eljange,anD of fcnitfull become change, barren, iu:;irtj £at^ bene tencas PJinierepo:tefl) 3 inrl>e oU time in Theuahe, am in our time, in fonojp places ef ourCountrep- 15c n^c 5 onc feuta of groum>,rtpugl) tt be ncuer To fertill, U)ill not The drfpe. .beare a!itkmgs ; as tlje poctttufelp itotrtl),Ne frrucs one ground firicm cf for cu^ry crop. 3}o:coucr ,tfje OifpoQtion of tf)e |m is a omstoiM 5rCl1t imttct '> a * £3tmtrirs fjauc not tlje meatier ano ap:e alike *. obfenmL M>arf/o;e it is tlje part of a gooofjufbano to kno^o «;enatureanD p:oprrtie of iji* gcoutrxina to marhe ftjc Dtfpofiticti of it fo.: cue* rp part of toe pere: tje muf! a!fo confiocr lufcat crop is belt fc: ear* n> lapcr. &3tnc groans fcruerrj fojCDome, fotncfo? atncs 3 fome fo: Oiiues.fcmefwiaDe^oolUjfomefo* pafture, neither map all tilings toCv be fotnrn in nclj grouno,iioi nothing in barren ground .§>ucl) tljinjs as men not murl) moiaurc, arebeftfoiuen in lig&t groun^as tbe great Ca!uer,3»pcrie,v5l)icl), an} tlje ottjee pulfes, ^Alarepuli;OanDnotcut.- Z^qU that requite mo: cfullenance, of Earable-ground and Tillage. 18 arefotone in richer grouno,as f&oMjcarbs, actbcat.ttp^Barfp, llin-fajD. 3>omc of tijem Doe good to the grourtD tlje : pare fol' lofoing,af fluptnes that arc ofeo to be f jfcucn fo: tfce bettering of t\)c gromto. SSberc is eifference aire to be put bettoirt fruits fo: plcaforc .ano fuel) as be fo; profit : as fruit tras ana flofocre , ano fart) tbingjaepaiobotl) picafureanofutlmanav.iiD are aifo profitable to tfyc grouno, f^ott mud ctjmfc fo; flMMotoc s 3 €). f p.:c*, ano l'\ ocj c6,a to ct ano a marriflj geouno,at id contrary Dob erf pott foill twue Cojne f 19ulfe,u)atoeug$ts in Ojie grouno: &perage ano fun) Iter, irntft bcfoUien in fl)aOotopplacr*,anoon)ergroun& fo? ^utcbfet^SDimber^attjanft ifetoell: pca,fueb grouno as u ocrpgrauellp ano barren , fjan) §is ufe^tofcere pou map plant Bird*, ano fuc& lifce, ano foatr* grounos to&cre pou mapfet %b Dcrj3,i3;amic,anD 2i5uiriiujes. R i go. feurelp tt)e temperature of tt)e apje, ooft) mucl) tn fl&e ftintfumcjsof tf)egtouna 3 fo? 3 ijaue oftentimes marfteo,n)at one bino of gtcuno is more fruitful in one Count rep tljen tn anotrjer, Co n o. Jn vencfrijtlje grauell grcune bearcs£)ltacs bfft t Utyereas about Granado, n)ep require tfje ric&eftgtounotljat ma? be. Wlfytn in on)er places t&e mine Don) not pjofper oerp iudl tn (ton? grounos, about tlje tttjme tfce berp raggeD rochr* doe patio as fruitful! ciines as map be fen e. Flinic Ootb foif n effe, tt)at in fome places n)e tmtnes ooe groto euen tn tt)e Jfennes ano $arO)c$, fuc& a fecrct fo;ce is tbere tn natnre. about chat- cia. an Bilano about tbc. Uoocs,it ts fato u)crefsa piece of grouno fo fruitfuil,rtMt tfjepmeto tijeir barlep being fofoeo in tys fcafon> ano tbeir Croppc, foto it agafne,ano gattjer it toitb tjjeie ot&er grainc. SDfje Albanoyfcs reeeinc tbe fruit of tbetrlano cctta^toc wcfj! h^oju onftUeoanotmfo!»cn,anD bctngoncefofocn, it peel* Oetb bis tcoppe njjee peeres together. Homer ai'.lttb Phi-igca ocu7rt?b£to be an rjunojcD folo. Italy 10 f fruit* Ttal J» the full, tbat varro called it nje garoen oftfjc foojlo, berate it 10 fo ;^Z, fertile f foci planteOin encrp placc.Campania.bcing ful of come: Apulia,pUtUeousfoit^1xiine:ant) vcncffi.abounoing U?tttj €>ple f €l R I G o. ThefirftBooke, entreating Rico. 3 &aue &earo fap, t&3t ®crmanp t. jfcancc ba«f net Ltcnc in times pad berp fectill.ano ttjat tijep Ijsite bene altogether to'tijotit v3injfi,f neto foe feenacoonfrpmcye fruitful*, tfcat i?«i* fief |) greater abunoance of all twinge 3© &:re canEouonOe better tomes tfc:n abaut- ISauaer ana tJ>c Hbinc i 3 (peafecnotof t|jcic Th? r nm- great ff^c of graine, Seines ef gwl^,aiucr,ti;on^nO icao. 3n t&e foil He of eountrie of Thurin in ®erroanp>ii is fa?*, tfcat after ittyeat oiue Gomaaie ft^,, t[je grouno Iwll peelo ttic of ttfeiix tiuo *ws together. Cono, i^ea, ano in our £ountric bcre.toctjaue grounD fyat iu:U bcarc &2&eatceuerppeerc.iAapc fao being ome foU?enbJttt> fcs, Dotlj oftentimes pieio ijts Crop ttoo pcercs togei[)ec,UHtt)eut fotumg o; labouring. : R i g o. OiiDer t\)t &o}t\ntn&olc 3 it is rcpo.:te3,tf> c S toun & is fo fciftil 3 as ttjcp folne in tbe £po;ning,anD rc-ape at #©ne.3;n The fruit- BArbary,U)ijcre t\)t grounD is loUj,tbep plant fcnoer ttjgjDate tree foiocflc of ff, e £)uue 3 t)n0er i&c £>liucr&e Jrigge tiae, tHiaer tfjc Jrigge tlje y * pomegranate, tnDcrit tl;c EJine , frnQer ttje G3ine t&ep fotoe Zttbcat^nn fcnDcrtotjeat |duifc,aU p?ofpcring onebnect ttjec ttjers ftaDoto,anD Rising ttjeir fruit tbe famepecrc. Cono. icfjat mace me to fapjtijat ttje grounD fotfefoes ttje Difpofition of tbe fjeauens. R i g o. isut Off? in all places tl>e grounD is not cf li!*e gcofc< ncGfe, tubat if toe ctjauce bpen a leane anD a barren grounD , as tj.eatbp^urap.anDgraudlp ground: mapttjcfcbemaOe fruitfully Rao mcnocD bv Zii i . Cono. aeeel? t»cll,f&erc is no eounfrep f tjat tt)e moftgra* tjous Ho;o Ijatf) left Uutfjout fufficient peeio^f iaijcur anD tcaueU benotrcfufio. Rigo. SCtjafffcU3i iaoulo glaDlp buDetfianD, of dung- cono. 3t is bjougljt to paffe biuers toapes, p:ineipaUp bp ground, ^cungmg ans ai'igent labour : ano to tljis euD ferue tijofe ijeapes of toung ttjat 5 lately fijetticD pui. Rigo. 3 paap pou ict mc ftnstu Mja* Doung Detf) mole cn> riei) ttje grotmD. The fort* Cono. Varro anD Columella lj!SfOuQfocr,appopnt t!)jetf02tS of doung. Q r DoungS: ti)C g r (j f potiitrp,tbc ne rt of tpen 3 t&c ttjirs of Cat* nil. £>f t^c firtt fojt, tt)c bell is ttjatto^Kbis tjaoout of fDouc Jjoufes 3 tlje nertis of ^utlinc 3 f all ct&cr foU)Ic 3 crccpt Gcfc anD pucfeeSj of EaraMe-ground and Tillage. if &>ncftes 3 fo Jjf cb is b urtfui, 231; e people in tfj c olo age bat) fuel) ff o?e cf poultry ano ifotoIe 3 as tyc Doting of tbem fuflftfcbfo? tbe manu* rfng of fbeir ground. SCfje nejet to tbls, 15 mans ojoure, if it be mire* tuitb otber rubbiu) of tl;e Ijoufe : fo; of it felfe it it tm bet, anoburncs tbegrounD,^anstMne 3 bcing firemonctbsfecpt 3 ano Vrinc. potmebbpon iterates of hippie teas ano aiimes, bmigctb great Fcuirrulncfle to tbefrtts, ano gtnetb a pleafant tatteto tlje fruit. 3n tfie tbfropiacefe fbeoonng of£attell 3 UJbcreof tljebcG is tbe Boungof &crcs,betauretbJS beau; Dotbcbafotoitb moftleafurc, imjcrebp Fjte mcate being iueliofgetfeo, is maoe tfje pjofitabler Doting.^* crt to tijiSjis f be ooung of &>b«ps 5 ncrt of (£oatcs,tfjen of£Drm 3 ano©o?fes:tbetoo?ftofaU of &tome 3 berp bnttfullto ttratu 3 tuttb Duff anD otber tbfngs rafceD to* gerber : but in tyz miDff 3 pou mutt lap fome found matter againft V)t taeebmg of Sobers f &naBes:atfoi£cmlockcs 3 ^alfoo.:f,an0 tbe tneebes groftmig abouttoilloto jECrees ann JFerne,imtb otber fucb rotten U)#Dcs 3 pou map gatber ano lap tmoer pour ^b#P& %\)cv tbaf Bluei m dftrauelfp ano ^eatbpgrounos^oe ta&e t^z Surues of tbc (Sartb ano fbe l£eatb,ano laping t^cm in beapes pofoojeo toif b a Iff tie ooung, fuffer tijmx to ipeano rot,auo after lap if bpon barren ground, but fpcciallp iubere tbepfceepe great Ttm cf s>boepe,tbep call into tbeir fclos fucb Queues pares from t\)t ground Columella counts t^zmbutwM bufbmmjfyntbauz of etierponc of tyt leCfer uinoe of Catte!,lelTe tben a Cartload o r ou dang ooung in sooJoapes f eacb of tbe greater fo?t ten loao 5 befiortlje k*i\ f?c filfbano curt of tijeparo. SCbis isalfo to be noted, tbat tbe Dung Com -» rbit batf; line a pecre, is beft fo: Come, foj tt botb is of fufficten: J",,^ ,i'7 or Jtagft), anb b.iceoet^ IclTeiDaocs, but bpon speesotu ano \$,y mm™. € I 41ure, ThcfirftBooke, entreating SSl&enpoutoo^he^our £>rrn muft be pofcco sum together Jtyat rbepmapojato mc;e rjanofcmlptoitbn)cirl)ca&s at tibcittc,ano leffefcurt to tbefr neefces. a^isfcino of poaiung is bsttccit^Djof inawith" «iaiip 3 t|».«i to bepohcobp tbe t)omes: fo; ttje Cattdifljalbcable th? heaa, to o?ato better tuitb tbe wefee anD tl)e b?eft,rbrn rijcp rijail tottt) jsvfcdin n)eir bcabs:an& f&istoapftjepput tottic fo^ccof ttjcirtobole be* thevpper otes 3 tobereas t£e otfjee toap ( being refframeo bp tbe pofecon Fwuncc ^ CI ' C & fa55 ) $*£ arc fo sricuctj , as~n>p fcarcrlp face tfce bppec & Spainc. part of tfjc cartj). SCfl^re Ijetfes map be bfefc, tljeir bfe to mo?e eommebioas fo.z n)c |0lotu,ano n)c fetoer of n)eui ttje better: fo; manptjoifes Djatoto baffilp, $ make to large 5furrotocs,tof)ifrj is not gart ; tobcrebptoeefie n)e grouno to be erccUcntlp toeli The like plotoeO in Gdderlanc^f about Colcyne, tob ere tljcpplo to aitoaics is rfed UMt[) ttoo tjo.jfcs, going beep foftlp. 3n Frauncc,anD cu)er places, with vsin fe^re tljep ploto tottb£>rcn,tbe"pmaUetbcirifurrotocs rartjer and Lm'* 5 *P C f & cn ^oao.^ca^ere tfje grouno is ffiffctbe coulter mutt bo coJnihire, fy* greater f ttje ttronger, n)af it map goe tjje Deeper: fo? tf n)e cruft of n)e cacti) be rurneDbpbcrpbjoaD it remained fhl tobolr, iof)crebp nein)er tfjc toce&esarc fcilleo 5 no? tip grouno can be tod jjarrotoeo.SCtje Jrurroto ongbt not to erxeco one buno?eD t ttoen* rp font in len§tb,fo; if it &oe 3 as Columella {aityjt is fcurtfull to tl)e bcaftSjbccaufe n)rp are to much tocarieo toitijall: but this rule, tobere fyc fidos arc large,ts not in manp places rcgaroeo, as in ttjeCpunfric ofGuIicke, toljerc fbc tfclos are great, ttjeir f;nx* rotors ace Djatone berp long, ^ou mull not pioto in toct toea> $rr,no;toet grouno,no?tof)cn after a long Djougbt a little raine falling tj^t^but toetttjc bppcr carta not gone tcepc.3fit.be to toet tofjen it is plctoctut tot!) no gtuo tbaf recrci^oumuft there? fo;e Ijaue a regarb to tyz temperature of pour feafon, n)at it be neitljcr f£DD;p nostra toet:fc.2 3 t©muc9moiiture ma&en) it too Our.* fic,ano to great bipneffe mafcetb tfcat it toill ricucr too:fcc toeil : fo? err&er tfjc fjaroncs oftfje Gsrtl) rcOfteti; tljc ?aloto,o: if ttoo Cntcr^it bjeahes irnot fniall cnoug^,butturnefo t»p great flafees, x>cai b«rtfull to t|j e nc rt plotoing. ifo? t^otigtj ttjc lano be as neb as "•"W*' mapbe,T?etifpougocanpDe;tl),pou (ball tjauc it barrcn,tobicb isturneb bp in rtjtfe great clooocs 3 to^crcbp it t)appcnetb fyat tfjc ba&oe moulo, mireb toity fl)c goob, rceibct^ ttje too^fec Co;ne« iftfccrs of Earable-ground an4 TW^g * *• l fc&berepou baucplotocom a o:r fcafoiMtts gcoo tofjauefomc mottture in pour fccono (&rring,toljicJ) moiffning trjc grouno,u)ali maae pour labour tbc ligt) tr r.^atjcre tt>c ground is nc^ano ijatf) long bo:nc toater.it is to be tfirrco again Uj^en ttjc tocattjer toap ctlj toaerae 9 ano toljcn rlje toccries arc full grotonc,ano Ijaue t&cir toce tn ttjnr toppe , to&icfj being ploto cD fo tlucfee > as peu can fcarfe fa ioljcrctrje Coulter. fcatrj gone, uttcrlp feiilctlj $ Dettrop* etfc tfjc ujccDcs : befioes, tbjougj) manp air rings, pour falloto is lyougrjt to fo tine a moul0,as it (bal nceD beep little o.j no fcartoto* ing at all to&en pou foto it : fo? tlje olottomans, as Columella luitneffctfjjtuoulofaptljattljegrouiiD teas ill rjufbanocOj^atafter fotoing tjao n«D of tlje fjarcoto. spojeeuer tl;e gcoo ^nfbano mutt Trial! of trie tobctrjer it be Id ell plotoeo o v : no,$ not onelp trutf pour epes, good toinctj ftfje bains beingrouereD tottt) moulojmap eafilp be Deceit plowing. ueo, bat trie it toitb pour Ijano, ( totjtcl) is a certetner p2©fe ) bp fluffing oo tone a roo into trje furro to, toljitrj if it pierce a like in euerp place, it foetocty trjjat trjc ground is toell plotoeo- 5f it be falloto in one place, f oerpc in another, it Declares ttjc grouno to be euil rjnnolco in tlje ploU>ing.3|f pou are to ploto upon a t)tll,pou The plow. mutt ploto ouerttjtoart,$not fcpano ootonejfoj trjeccbp ftje incon* mgoum ncniencc of tuc ttitpnes ts met Ujitrj,ano the labour of bofrjman ano Catf ell is lig^tnco : Butrjereinpou muttbetoare, tljat pou ploto noraltoaies one toap,but f3mtimcbigber,fQmctimetetoer, tooling aQope as pou (ball fee caufe. EC ouctjing tije feafon of pour T ^e beft plotoing ; it mud be dweflp in t|e fp;ing,as trje poet tod teacrjetf) : f j™ e °| When as the plcafant fprmg,&c, jPojin feummer tlje grouno is teo p omns * jharD ano cfjurliuVanO in ult inter tc fouieano oirtie : but in tt>e £>p2tng 5 tl)e grouno being melloto>is eafilp to be to^ougl^ano fye to«oe3 are tl)en bett turned in,torji(& bot& Do gcc-D fo? tbe enrich ing of trje ground anOpiucfceD op bp t|ie rotes before tfjep&aue feeoeOjtotll ncucrfpjing againe.2nD ttjcrcfojc Uriel) t>s, toe ofcto begin to ploto about ttjc micoeft of a&arcrj: but in fanop anoligrjt grouno,ri)cp ofe topUtoin tijemtooctt of tomtcr,iftJ)c feafon toil futfer. Pimicisof opinion, ttjatftiffe grouno alfoG)ouiot[)cn be ftirreo. % flenoer ano Uuell grouno, fubtcct to toater, tooulo bs firtt plotoeo in tbeeno of ^uguft^ ftirreoagainein September, ano prepares fo? fotoing about tye ttoelftrj of Sparer;. %\)t lig&t tyllp grouno? is not to be b;oHcn Dp in Summer, but about ijjc ftaieno* The firft Booke r cntreating ftaUnW of September itoiiUt befoofeenbpsroi^betng barren anotanthoutiuptc, ttisbumtbptoirbtbe&mmc, sitDSjatbno- gcoDncffE remaining in it. 33 e t grounD, feme looulo fyaue b;ofecn Dp after tbe3oes of 3p?ill, tobtcb being plotocd at tbatrime, fljoulo be ttirrcd againe about ttjc ten. I) of 3une,and after agamti at»outt|e bairnhs of s>eptc»ibcr,aao^cing to Cohimellacstmnoe. Butt(jofc tyatarefkilfuU m bufbamup,agra tfwt after tbetentf) ofgunr, tottfjont great fto;e of ram e, pou#all net plofc : fo;tf tfje pate be Uut, tyere ts noting to tbe tontrarp but pou map, plelu m BKiIp. 3n tbemeane ttmc,betcuretbat poudealenot fc»it|p ground eucr-toet, as 3? gaue pou toarning befo:e. Rico. SBap 31 plouj in tye mgbMf 3 lift t Plowing C o n o; pea, Derptoell, in Summer ttme»ano m Ijct conn* m the tries pou map begin in the euening, and continue till tiji fernine Night, rife, fyat ttye motfture and fatneffe c f ttje ground, map remain* iuaoootoeo twicer tye clod : ano tijat ttje Cattell rt}:ongl) ooer# mnfy tyente of t\)t smnnc, benot difeaftd no; tntrf. i^clo oft pea Gall plotottjc ground ttjat pou meant fo foU), par tip rtje nature of tfje fople, ana partlp rfjc condition of tjis Code tuill tract) pen, 3«im)Mfoetomttoif 5 3imU tell pou : font fsnof n*dfullfo"ftu: a gtaucllp ano a lig^f ground, Co often as rfcr ftjffe gtenna : pet Sue -fctdctljat land,tbe oftner it is ftirrc D,tbe better itbearcs.fet ttjat fo: fome fao e,poo mutt not onelp ttopfalloto,anB ft# afalloto your groundnut alfo fourefallom it,as tbepfcfe intfys fruitfalleft plates of Jfalp and Ctrmanie. SnMiimaenoAuilnatyepploto imtttoife. 6>ttflfeground,astyeP£ommonlpdocin3talP,isbea to be fcfoeo fcpon trje fife ftitring : in Tufcan, fcpon tbe ntntlj, Stjus tjatf) euerp Countrie, both in f bio , ano o'rtjer matters, ty3 faflNon,acrc20uig to tfje natnreof t&egioand. R 1 g o. iisut map 3 nut fofoe one pate of ground euerp par ? toit&outtef ing i Cono, &i)erearefome grounds poa map foto pare!?* as us 3taip,and in Staff ria 3 $ IriseUH'fc in fome parts I) ere about t be Ui* uer,t|at are fruitful either bp nature,©? bp ouerfloming3n ot&cr plates pou matt obferue tije old Taping oftlje bafoano, Take not too much of your ground. Virgin tooulo baueground reft eurrp After- pare: tofcirt) if pan ljauetto;c of ground, out of all doubt is btftAJtowf &ad $c gtewiO tijat is fotoco euerp pore, %\* name in of Earable-ground and Tillage. i* fit tye old time : but comrocnip cum tfjc bra gcomto rccrtiicctfj rett t&et&iro,t£e fourth (at U>e fartfoetfj ttjefcft ptfnM.vurrt* b>^tt^» tljattii Olymhiatljelatiii bcaretb euerppcet^amreueeg Ct>tcO pcere mod plentifullp.But if you toill Do toell.pan mutt let tt Ipe euerp ot&er peere>acco*oing to tlje nature oftfje fcpie 3 oj * Ife fotoe it totttj lighter fee&e 3 t(jat fofeetl) outlcffe t&e fyfettancc cf t&s gcouno,a0 lupines « otycrj^at foe foil) flwtlp intreat of. 3ft is alfomucJ) to beconfiocrcD 3 ioijet&er tfKgrouno t^at pouplotobe lapgeouno pcerelEfotone,ojfallQU):3fpou b2enkfcpnefogroun&, if it be ricb,t)caup 3 anD p:eparco foj teo 3 tt fufficetb to ploto it once, Biio to foto it immeoiatelp 3 ano barroto it-SIf it be ligbt $ graucllp groun&,pou mud t(tfpfaUefoit 3 fpeciallp at tbenxft breaking tjp* R i g o. ^crc pou fpeake of muec* tearmes belonging to tbtf fraoe 3 3 p;ap pou ma&c uicfcnoevffanD$*m y befo:e pon psoceecc anp farther, Con o.2C!ji50rt/aitIiljetjuireaIlotI)cc)^atfjcect3meioo?o0 P iucr * peeuUar,anO belonging to it felfe; an$ becaufe mnbjp men of ga»D words be. - learning t>aue herein boene oecciueo, leffmp matter SjoulDbs: longing to jnarccD Untb&aelieanB tonge tearmc^Biiojll oularetbe toojo* husbandry as plapneasl can,oigremng a iufjtlefrom mp former fpeecfc* '"j crprc " Ri g o. 3 befisebpouljeartil?. , t€d> Cono, $!?etake Agrum>a >$ iclo in our fyoedj^ot foj a,3u* ^#^4. rifoiction 3 a SDiocelTc 3 o;a ^bue^rbeolplaHHccfitaaeit^tit iwttj Iaboknus f Floreniinus 3 ioe cowitu aparailof gcoun9,citi?erea=» table o^paffure. Agcr, Aruus,o* Aruumjtoe call, carablc ground tfjatisto be plctoeoanafotone. varrotooulo ratjjerljaue it calico Aratpm,anD itOtSatum.Ebc JfielS tljat i0 calleD ReOibilis,|gfbat &>!)$) i0 renueo, ana cuerp peece fotone, caite&of tlje -<&}&&& 7r*\o/U(pfMc^cfaufe l)i0 fnittfulncffe contmuetl) totljenctt peere., ano peeiorti) l;i« croppe cuerp pcere. AgcrNoualu, iscalleoef Varro, tbegrouno tljat batljbaene fotenc ana&Uotoeo : of Pimic coimtcoto bccfolonecttcrpotbcr piece: teitfj ti)citatoi»$r5it*C8 counted grounoncU) plotoco,ti)atjjatl?lpen apesre: toeacfe^tng to ffceoulgar fpeecftffojtoe muff fpcafttoulj tbemott.ano 3us>ge teftij tlje fetoeffj ooe call Noualc Agrum, ti>at tofyidyteneto b?ohcnop, anobatfj not before beene plotorfr, toljercof commctf) Noualium Decimae, ffje Cities of ne& bjobrn-&plan&:: pet 31 fetwto tyere are fome learnco tfjat count it tfot, totyti) after £10 » tropv Th e hr ft Booke, entreating crop lit* lap.veruatfum is of Varro tafeenfe; tfjaf greuttd,fljat6i ttjBfp2i*g tfmeis rurneo Dp, anD tjatf) beerte f<# afctyleftiarco, ©frmfimfltfs t^rs^tfo calico Noual<- 3 bofbri?efieH) ttjat^atl) l»* in a fore, anb t^at trlnclj i* taofecn top tfjefirff: fpjtng : fo2 . t&uf fattf) v r arro : Ctiere is great Difference fcofjetijcrpeu foUun ton* trtlcDgtotm&,o.: in tljat tefjlctj is r/cerelt>fotone,anD is caltcD Re- ftibijis, oj in ttjat fctyit&ljarljUen alnljile, am> is teuton frp in f$e fptfnf. 3£oz&ucr 3 feotrj Columdlaano Plinicoo bfe,not feloome, vcruadum, fo: grounD Htlu foofcen fep in tfje fp2tng 3 fafeing tfjetr reafan of rfje time. Ctje fielD is fa&'D to be plolue D 3 to bet Gitttn Ixjttfj tlje plow, lufjen if is turneD tip. 3t is toofeen bp totjen it is firftptotnea, tping in greafclobs. Sfje fcconD ploluing is called Offringerc Agrum, 02 Iterate, fo-plofoagaine : TcrriarctO tfjiifaU lotl) tt. Agcr iterarus, anD tertiatus, brVuall it»02DS twtl) Colu- mella anD Plinie. Kouarc.is fo change tfje grounD, i»ell tjufban* DeD before, anb to plotu if ano pjepare if fo: tt)c fotoing, Occare, foljarrofoj it as Varro fait!) 5 is To f o focafec irYas tljere rcmaine no flot>. Jrfje^arrotDisanmlrtmtuntcrcflrc letfufeD, to bjteafeetlje dote toiftjatl.anfc fo coiiertfjc CccDrs. Cratirc is lifeelxjtfe fcfeD in tfje fame 0gni8cafion, Atrarc is, U>!jen trjat iuljtcl? is fotone and cemetofomegrototb, is turned in Uriti)trjeploto. Plinie ealUtl) Arafarc, as it krere Aratrarc, to plcto often tfjaf toljfclj is fofone, San-ire, is to pnrge trjiflj tfje rafec.Runcarc, is foUjoDe out oftlje grouno notTome toeeos,fo2 tofjicfj is alfo fcfeO Auerruncare,* De- runcarc : anDOf CoIumella^Exherbare^aftinarejanDRepaftinare. ts to Digge about tfje nines. Pa ftinum, is a fojfeeD internment b* feD in ffje planting of tames. Lirare ano Occare, areahnoft one. terete lee pieto fo as toe leauebcttoirt tfoo JHirrotors a HtDge, fortfje'tttie fefcping of tlje grainc, h&e a garben beo. £TnD hereof is tfje fpate called Lira,a Ki&ge 3 tol)ict» tlje tjufbanomen cal Porcas, becaufe tf>c" place being eaifcD bi<$ 3 DefenDetb tfje co:nc from r&e tuaf er, anD Lira Hortenfis, abcD in a garDen, Scamnum,a balfic, is tl;eaxoCrceartl)tljat rjatl) feapeb t^eplolu. Plinie &jiflef£, ffjat t^erc be no baltee maDe, no2 great clobs rcmammg>meanmg tfce great furffe tljaf is turneoOpaffbeftrtt plotoing.Scamnatusagcr, is calleD of vibius v T rbicus, ffjat lanD totytl) runnef!) all inlengtlj fttrn tHcff fo Oafrtoljtcli if itbemoie of lengtfj tljen bjeDf^anB irrf^ Upon f^e i>oH^is cafleD Strigams. %ty lanD itfdfel'salfo calleo of E arable-ground and Tillage. 2,3 caHefc groffe am> rato 5 tl)at is not toe 11 mettotoe3,totnefj fcatij n«D tobc feafoneMwtt) tye jicatoftfje £>umm8r,an&ttje cola of QSltii" f cr,ano to be pioUicD in tfce feeing 3ft is alfo calleD ru[) 3 fruttfull 5 fertill :ano tliat loin cij ts nougtjt, ana pal&e not &10 fruit, 10 cai# leDleane, barren, iHingrp.o^bjiniU): aifofatt, bitter, fcnniu>, foljere tl;e toater mil continue : WitUtbat Cometfme lies o;ie: <£atbunhlcD, ttjat 10 burnt tufty tye $>unnc, rotten anD motor, tjtis alfu ealleo plcafantgrounc, Tweet, blacfce, rotten, anD mel< lotocD,l»l)tcf) ace tye figncs of g©D ground : but hereof 3 tljinfee 3 tyatic noU> fpoaen fuffictenf Ip. Rigo. K\)%t vou m& coMian* pour fpcwk H p?au pou goc to pour former maitcragaine. Con o. ©a^en pou paw b:ofeen fcp pour grouno,ifit.oe No* uilis 3 a8 3 fato,anD not tilled befo v 2e,pou mapfotoe it p?efentlp,anD Ijarcotaut, anD if nceDc bceyrafce it. SDije grouno tyat is pecrclp. fotonc> ana tyatt>atylpenfpare,is to be piotoeD tyjifc, acco;Ding to tlje nature of ttje-fot'le, anD tye feeoetyatpou meane to foVuc. Rrco. $oU)pou pme told me Ijoln to o#3ermplanDfo?feeDr, 31 pjappou let me fonoerffanD tyefojf* of feeoe, anDwtoljatfojt tyev. muft be fotecD. •Cono. 2Cljatmna35t>0c : &f)cfeeDctyateammcty of tyatorscedc, toljitytye ILafine* call Frugcs,a0 pulfe,ano Co;ne, tue.l^re Doe <» nd *« r rail Frugcs,atl fo:fscf tjarucCi grame : fo&ity tyt0ennan0call d,ucrluy * yulot anD x&ito, becaufe tfjepare gatyereo in tyeirbcautie, anD tyeir ripcneCTe.luIian tye ^Latote^cal-ety Frug« 3 a*W»&* tofjer^ kitty a man i0 fee* SCl;c ancient hwtersaoe tjnDcrftanD it moje iarge^,fo: all tljcfrutts of tire eaity. Plim'e DeatDes it into titso iunoc0, into Come tyat gtoiuca on eare,a0 GaliustyelLa&terD:* fme0 it : tye otycr, t^at beared cods,- as all fttnDc of $ulfe, 0; pcotoare. ^ftfje ftrft btnBe 3 ate53tftyU>ljeat,oi5i5ucfc, o:ff pou toiilin $&*Bo cp^o^cc, &tfe,snD Hentcn 2Gtyeatr,tyotig{j alitu'ii&r-s groto not tn all pla* ce0, noj Ijaue in cuerp place ail one name. Binfomc places pou l;aucnot Lenten QQtycatc, cineflptDljcrc turrets plenty of 15tg. 3n otycr places tycpbfc neptt*r £Datc* nojSSuche. Qffyclmzs of $ulfe arc tyefci Beaue*, ^enfon, iLei?tilce,Ct)itye0, £~nrc0, JLin retejllupinc^anD futy like, anbtijougl) tyere be funsip tors °™ t ™ c 0ff«oe,ano euerp Counreptjaty \)vs bmoejano fotoe* fiutj asbclt" o wn o et e agrees The fir ft Bookc, entreating agrees ir itb tljetc nature : pet generally tbrs 10 to be regarded, that pou feujc none tfcat are c:D and DjpeD, but tbe mtoctt : rot 0IO feci) Dotb oftennrn es,as ttjep Id: ttr 3 cbange ttjeir nature: 8J tfce ted ef Colir>o;ts,tbat being fotone,turnetb to ttapes •, ano Kape feed Uhcteife into ColUio:tP, C^eTeeo of tljc futt perrc is beft, of ttoo pcere old ii)o:fe-,anD of tb2ee,lDo:ft of alUrjerett is barren and naugbt.Ebe bed faoalfo to t^ar irrjictj is ioaptfeft, ano Ipctb in tbe bottome>anD fuerj as is full. ano being bzofeen, b :. tb a g©d ccx leur : fuel) as us to;uicfeleD,and t bin in tbe ea«,is to be tb:otame a* toap.Eljcre is alfo anofber neecrlarp note, to rja«c tfje fed from firing e ground, t from tbe toaife to ti^e bitter and not rtje centra* ricno: from cold Countries into bot 5 no: from trjefo;icarDto tfje floto 3 * to be toarc trjat it be not bitten tomb JStrt s,^ifc,o: ants : ano to piofpertlje bettcr,fp2inbletbcm befozef bep befohm 5 foftb tbe iupce of ^ou0etke.3f pou mingle toitb pour graine tbe feed of 22rarfcDt,f fob? it aboutpour grouno,pou Qjalfauc it from trjcaip The ©rdcr nopance of biros.^oumutt foto poor Utdges toirjj an equall band, d rowing, uri o^aX^.ano all alike in eaerp place,letting pour f©te(fpeciallg pour rtgbt f«ot)and pour tjano goe together : Wfye af,Uie,J5arlep, £ttSy% orbec.ebieflpfuebasbearecDs.asMelium f P*nicum,mutt be folmtc imtb a full b a no, but Hape feco onelp toittj tlj: a fingers. R 1 g o. man mutr ofg tjis band § pcrcciue,as tbei^arpec, dotb > to mabett perfect Co no. l^cmufi indeed. 2nd as foe put mo^ loafer to firon-' ger Ccnine,rrj en toe doe to fmalUnd lap the greater burden dpon rbe ttrongcr mamano fome fiomarfee requires tbe fironger fed, fofome grown mapbearemucrj feed, ano fome atoar tot tbleflc : nefrbf r can ttbc ecrtainelpappomted.boto mucb fee "J is generally to be cafi bpon an 3cr e : tbougb 3 fenolu trje old to: itr ts appoiru ted a ctvtaint quantitie to cuerp acrctobieb perhaps migbt ferue toitb tbem: but toe $ould fonlelp dcretuc our felucs.if tocfyould obferue tbe like in euerp place : Site, becaufe fome ground to qaizztt) mo?e feede ttjen otber, as tbe ground is cf fitffemffe 0; iigbnufle: to? tljefftflFcr ground fas in Holland ndretbcUbinc) requires mucb feede 5 b3bere Ugbtcc ground requiretb Irffie. 2C b« timelp fototng, rbetbinner : and tbe later , as Columella faiffj* tbe tbicfecc. feccoualp * tbeir meafuresand acres Differ, as tbe ibing tbat at fyii dapfenattb?ouj#lpagttt& bpon* JlButnoto pou of Earable-ground and Tillage. 2,4 poutyallt/earc lul>at fcc.x cucxv ground rquireffj. rigo, 2Dbat 3 long to bearc. Con o. after long rctt^ttjcfiraoungrng.cptlKClBarlcpo^ Cdlj^tc is to be fotoae: but C&rjcatc, tbougb it require gcoo ground, ptt if tl;e gcouno be* t© ricbluberc it tsfotorn, it brill groin to ranUc, ana lye Uaoge bpon tl>c ground #no tberc fojebpon fucfjgrouno^it is beff to folu pour Wfycat after a crop of 3£arlcp 3 $eafe,o* li5uche,ano after pour S23!)eat crop 3 to fotoe tt tottf) Ute: ano tym againe(tf tlje grouno toare not pouejioitb J&arlep. 3ln ucrp ricb gcounD 5 tmmeOiatip after fbe gathering of Kapc fao, ploto it pjefentlp fojBuefte,toberebp pou may tyaut ttoo croppes in one pare. 3n ttjc ufce manner Cabeggeo rape fouKit after &ie , mafeetb tmo barucfts in one pare. JBeafe, SSeanes, Cares, and jFitcbf0 3 an& almoftall pulfe elfe, requi* retb ricl) groun0 3 ^tclj aftcrfoaros map parelp ferue fo? ffi^ijeaf a Milium, ano ttape. BHnfo tuoulo not baue Hapes fotoen , but in fcei^tocllDungcB ground: but toe finoebp crpcricncc,tbat after a Crop of Uie,m mcanegrouno 5 pou ftjalbaucrtje fame pare greal Kapcs. &a«3ie ano grauellpgrouno,mutt refteuerp tbiro pare, fgjttoo 0; tijjee pares, tfjat being tben toell ooungeo, pou map fotoe ffiie 3 0? !5ucM after j2Dates.3Inga>D paffure grouno neto bjohen tip, pou map fbtoe £>atcs after tfje fitft plotoing, after tt)at, ttape fieD 5 tt)cn Barlcv,aftcr tJjat Mbeat 3 o? Hie 3 ano at !aff jg)atf0 3 oj J£ic,lftbt nature of tye Counrriebcfoj it. tfaaben tbis fs Done, pou muftepttjec Doungft 3 o.: let it Ipe lap. 3f tbe ground be meilofoaftcr 315arlep,m fome places fbcp fotoe Millit , tfjen &aoiu\ after tt)at3!5arfep,an0 OTjcaf ,ss in Campania* ana fuci) grouno is fumaentlp pIotoco,tobrn it fsfotoen in fome place lufjere Jienten tKafoeate ts fotene 3 if rcffstbza monetae, 1 after is fotocn toitb HBeancs in tlje fepiing, in no otfjer toifemap pou cbargcinDnTcrentground.gf after ttoo fcafons of Come 3 pou foto pulfc o£pcDtoare,tbcbarrcner ground mult reft tb?a pares. £>ome tottl in no *afe baue pou fotoe tobcatjOirXSarlepjfn grouno Harrow rbatliesfalioto. after pee bauctbus fotoen pour faDe in ground" ijjiice plotoeo t toeil piepareo. tben muff voufrraigbttoaics W* roto it, tobicb isoonetoitb a'lettufcD inurnment full of tot&, tyatocn tpon tfje grouno.tobcrebptbe clots arc bjofcen,* ttjr tea conc«o;in fome places it is oonetaitlja ba»^o tpeo to the j3io\rs toljict) 1*£. The firft Booke, entreating Raking, foljfet) tycv wll in laf tne Lirarc. &onurime railing is nouftiH; foijui) in ttje fepziHg.lofctl; tbeeartb,muDe cli.ngrD fotty t&c colD of iutnter, anD lettetbintbe frcfo toarnutlj. Bttisbxfttorahc ©abeate, SSarlep, anD Bcancs tfcufe. ^cacsucr, t£rp bjcafee Rowlmg. afunfcer fottb tfce tfotoler tfce greater ano ttiffer dew, C&eeDtng (0 toljen t\>c Cojne is linottea, tJjc rwns&tic toeec* being ptatfeeo The time fep^enueretb rbcraitrs of tJjeCJojnejano fcnrretljit. Sofpeafce forfowiug oftf)cfeaGm of&obnng, itisagrceDbponef all mm, t^atrbere ougbt to be nofohung hi Winter: fc: tbc$£imterco2ne 3 fcrt)rnit is fsHuo before Unntcr , appeared aboue tljc greunD feme times ttiitbina feauen-nigbt after, toljt^if it beefotoeD after ftnnterfs beann } it fcareclpappearetbin fotfp Dapea after .fecme foerr fonB* lptljinfee it better to fofoe mtbe&p?tng,rbfn in Autumne. PJinic fc>;ttefb tJjat in Trcucrs tlje i^arucft being in,tbep baue fotoco in ttje colDeft of toinf er, anD caking tbeir ground m tfce fepjing, bane Ija d an ercellent geoD crop after . 3mcngti oar barueft iJeeue s.ttjero are fome i;arDcr, tfrat are able to abioe ttje tmrtfer, iotjKtj are I'cfcme in t>ot Countries, as virgiJlfaittj, about ttje ferfmgofitye Teauen ft arrcs , tDljicb Columella onDcrftanoetb to be about one ano tbiette napes after tlje AutumneAequinocliall, fyatis, tfje 2. fealenos of $ouember,anD in if ranee ano cDertnaiiieinfeep* tember,anDtbe beginning of£DctQber,as Uapefeo,C23^cat,Kie, Winter Bar lep,tl;at are nountyeD m tbeblabeali Minfer,anti groto bptotoaros earing in tbe$>p?ing,&>onrerbere be tbat&tU Sou to folu c bcfe:c, onc!p in D:p grounD ano Ijot Countries, &ome againe ioouio baue pou to fotoe in coio Countries after Late fow- tyz Autumne AcquinodiaJl, m bot Countries later, left rben ingaimiw fljefiiD floortft) before to in ter,anD be beffropeo ef toojmes, o:bia* fayicth. g CIK ^ omeon tbeor^erfiDemabebaftc/ar/nigtThat foone row- ing fometimes deceiucs,but late lowing cucr. 3!tiS gtDD reafonto fotoe timelptn hjetgrounos,tljattbe fceDe rotnettoitb onermucij moifture : anD later inDjp grounas^leftlpinglong t notfpzoto* ting, it come tonongbt, 3lfo,in timelpfctoing, to fotee tbirfcer, becaufcit is floUi mooting: ano in later foteing thinner, lefttoittj Summer tyc tyi&ntfte it be cboafeeo. Summer feeDts,ta*icb are fotoeD be > grime, fou ttje nfing of tbe feaucn ftarrcs, t m tyi sbp.2ing,arc Beanf s, 4deafe, ano fnc^, pulCc, fillet, panicnm,Scramum. S>nmmet, lparlep,i^lare,^ernpe3^Dates 3 S5ucfeejSporia, anD &t& otl^er, are cfEarable-ground and Tillage. 15 arefcfcuo in tlje &>p c :mg time %n Afia a«D Greece tfjepfctoe all,as t|»fp fap,at t^'fettingcii^fcauenftarurf.i^olxi^aU^crj^ tfjerc be certaine precepts of i\)c time of fotoir-r , ana |)3to muct) fee*£ id meetc foj euerp quamttp cf grotmo , uirclp, tjjey migbt as 3 t>auefai8bel'o:c,fo.jtbeir otoncCounteep ansnatarcof rljeir grouno, giue a Binae of gneffe 3 but teoetermme auip typing herein ccrfainclp, tl;cre to no man ttjat can Ooc it , but fye grouno ano euerp mans otone pjacrife te Jjereut tfje belt Rafter. £>ne ami* a geneoH tnt generallruleof &ufbano:ptfjcre io 3 to&crein toe are toarneo lule * in coin Countries to fotoe late,in temperate Countries famcr,an& in one Ijofettcgtons foneft of alLEratofthcnes faftljjt&at India is fubieet to muefj raines in &ummer 3 ano tfjat trjen tbepfoto Jriar, Sefamum, $lice,ano Millet: anD in OTntcrjMI)eaf,Barlep,l9cD* ware, ano offjrr fruit* tljattoe fane not. Hc(iodus,t£c §a?tnceut t>te tune of fmf bano#, toils bs to foto aeeo?Ding to rbecuftome of Greece, IjiS naturail Countrep. Virgil, Cato, Varro, Columella, ano Plinic, appoint tfjetr rules fo? Italy, toljofe minors if poutoiH banc follotoeb in all otljer places^ pou fljall but feefee tocouer eu& rp pot iottrj one couec. HBut to come to the matter? Gcb tl;e feebes of funojp natures require funojp times of foioing,ano Diuers fo?f s of ojDering,ano f&atfjcrein euerp Countrepfjatijbfeguife.^ toirt l)ere (obferuing fuel) ruftomes as are mod general! to ttjem all) Teuccallp fljeto pou of euerp feeoebp fjimfclfe, anO fo Declare fento von ttjc ojDcr of tljeir fetoing. 3nD ftrtl, amongft all rfj e fruits ano grainc tfjat tbe eartb Dott) peelD fo; our fuftcnancc,t[)ect)i i eft ft place is rtgfjflp giuen tmto tobeat, calleo in dpreehe -nr^'c in %ta* lian Grano,in &paniu) Trigo j in kmttt) Wcyfs,in Crenel) Four- whea*. ment, as a grainc moff neeofull fo? a manano tf)erefo:e moft fruits ful.beraufe OoDijatyojoaineo it to nouriu) man toifbal.Jt is toon* oerfull tobatpeeloit barf) bant of in forae Countries. Auguftus his SDepufic fentljim from Bifaicc in Africa of one graine of tomcat foure IjunD^eD bjancfjes. #n& PImic toitneffetb, t^af in tfjc fame place, one buu)elli)atf) pccloeD atjtmo.jeDano fifrie buu>Is. R 1 g o. SrjerearetrjatfjolD opiniomtrjat t&ts tobteb tbe com* mm pcoplecall Mbeat, ttjc dpermaincs Weyfs, ano tbe l^ollan* Ders Tcrue, is not tt)e true Qaafjeat, buta hinne of Hie, ano fycit ifjetrue TOjeaf tot)id) tjjc Bftalians callGranc,grotoetb oncly.in 3falp ano in &paine. SD Cono. The fii ft Booke, entreating C o n o. Cljat fofjicf) grotoe* in ^talpaiiD £iti\\ at tyia-oap, lifftzttl) not from curs in faSjton, colour, noj fioime 3 tljougl) tyz Qmmt'mz be fbmetotjat great , ano tire fiotwe nioje clammie, to^tdj mafcetij it ttyat it tmnot be long kept, fpectellp about Spree. 2nD totjercpfi our ^Hi)^ate is eittjcr bearDca oj pollarD, tiyiiisis aitogetbcrpolO : toe call it polo o; pollais that rjatb :io Zldim fcpou ttjc cares, 0no tfjat toe call ttje 3ane 3 tol)id) groto* rti; out of tfre care,ltke alongpziefce o.: aSDatf, toljcrebp tyc rare tsoefmeeb from t^e Danger of 15ircs.»tf) Virgilltlje flancte ttfeDfozfijecome, astpcparhefojttjeto&ear. G I u ma us tl) e ^ nf^e cf tije co;ne,ir>f)ofc top is tfje #ane« Frit ta t&e fmall graine,lcffcr tl)Ui fye come tljat groines in tl;e fop of tlje efpeearc.SCo returns to flje toljeafj graunt tljcrcarefome tyat Doubt of fijis tomcat of outs, ftuf^atb borne tljeiniurp oftlje time (asalitbtngsalmcft forgotten J toe fcarfclp bnoln fco to to name ifre fo; e tljat toe Dailp foe;e ofj?o? mp part^ toiil folloto common Ufe,as a tyiftiiBtn fpcsclj, Cfje oto totters fjauelmtttenof funojp fojfs of totjeate, to&ereof tjjep Ijaue t&ougfcf t&atmotfnceofutl to bcfotone,tofjfci) rrjepeaUeD Robus,as tt>efap;&eff ana toJig^fteuUClje fecono called Si J igo,t!jept)feO in tljeie fineftcfjeate. SDljctljiro, tijep calic&.TrU mcftrcjbecaufe it tooulo be ripe in tj^eemonct&s after t&e fbtomg* Cljoug'0 Columella aloto no fucfj fcinoe, ?cttoasitmoftaumf# cnttDitrjtlje^de^cs, andcaiUD Trimcnon, grotomgonelpin tJje es!D countries. 3n Tbracia, tfjep Ijaue a fetnoe testis ripe ta- ttoo tr.o:ictt)s, anD iscoucreo teiflj a number of bufus,againft t%z ertreamecolD of tije countrep. 3n our Countries alfo toe &aue SKflljeat ans Uie, tfcat fee foto to>.t£ our Summer grame, as toe ufcetoifesoeft < ipefee*>e,but to no greatcommowitic : fo^ttic touu fer ftie^es to farce crccece tl;em ; ana being nourifljeo in tlje eartrj aUtomfer, tbcp p^coue, as rheophraftusfattf), ofmo?e fubttancc ano pzcfit.amongftall tgefe fo?ts 5 Plinic recountetktlje tomcat of 3falie robe tljebeft, botlj fo:bcautieaniJ toeigljt. CSHeebfctoiflj bs onelp ttoo fojts. Differing inttys, tljat tt)u oneliattj fmcntlje- eares toitboutanp bearos,trjeoit)ec toitl) long beards oj ZLuus, fcerp rougijano ujarpc, not mucl) tmufec to Splinter JBarlcp: The time Mailorder pjopertiis t'oep are botij alihe. Bltwfotonein S>ep^ foi wheat rember, t\)t feafg;i being faire , t\)t grounD t^iice plotoeo anD fowjiig. tucU raHeO o? I;aci:oU»e^ait|)oug^ pqu map fotoit tjerp Uiell after onte. of Earatle-ground and Tillage." 16 once ptotoing topen gecuno iufjerc peafe? 2Carcs 3 0; Bucfee fjaty banc neto'? Ijao of 3 m a groo foglcPJinie $ Columella luoulD (jaue pjn fotu of C?iM)eat ana Uic, fine bafyci c upon an acre : but as 31 faio bcfo:c, tfjto meafurc 10 to bemeafurco toitf) rcafon. Hie at rf)!S oap foto not fo lmiclj tubcat bpon an acre 5 aa ctcnoj fo muct) ric, as barley Kt w bcff 3 if tljctointcrbc li&e tobecolo 3 fo foto t\)Z foncr : i:toarmc 5 tbclater.OT)eat ocltgbtctl; in a IcucU.rtcIj, toarmcanoaoj? grouno ; a fl)a6otoeo s loeeop 5 ano a tjillp grounD, it loucti) nof.ttjougtj Ulinte fap tj;e t)ill£tfU>?tt) barDer1trt)ear,but no greattfoje. Arteritis fotane, it puttetb out a great company f fmall rotes.auD appearetl) at tfjcfirft tup c? blaoe : it t)at») fun* »;pffalb0, but fuctjas cannot bjanct) all tt)e fointer.as otijertoin* tcr come is, itisnourifljeo in blaoe : Uiljen tt)e&p?ing Djatocttj on,it beginnctt) fo fpinole.tjpon ttje tfjtro o? fourth tcpnt rfjereof, commetfj out tbceare,tebitb firff appearett) inclofeD in ttje blaCe, it flofojcti; tbcfourtbo?nfft)oapafter: if itgrototoranhcatflje fitff it is eaten Ootune toitljcatteU^ in fame plare motoeD: it us after foaceo :it flolmes aboutttje io.of luncfonec 0: latere i f)e peere falles out, eucn at one time afmctt tuttt? tt)e Clmc : ttoa noble Gotu^cs,h)itlj comfortable fauonr flourifljing at once.Varro nfflrmctb,tt)at flje tufjeat Ipctfj 1 5, Bapeg in tt)e blaDc 5 flouriS}cf[i j y, ana ripetfj 1 j. after it ijatt; flofojeo it toareti) greater, ants as Thcophraftusfaitkis toitt)info?tieoaics after full ripe,tol)ere* toify t\)t latrft tt)et> eeape in tbcefgtjtmonetb. £Dtl;er fas in fire ono ffjirtie 0aies 5 anD rcapeo in tbenmtb4noneti).3tncuer cares, till all tjtsioynts 0; knots begrofone. Sljereare foure iopnts in fc)!jeaf,as Plinie faiti) } anoeigbtin barlep : but in our country ano oucoaic0,botl; Sfflbcaf, Hie, liSarlcp,* SDtcs.ljauebut foure.ano not tt)af alUmies. 25efo?e tije full number of ttje iopnfs, ttjere is no appearing of ti)c care : totjtcbUibenit commctl;,begmnetl; fo GoUije tottl)in foure 0: fiue &apes,ano fo manp, 0; little mo?r, it faoctt). m'ntn tt)e flotwe is gone, tije graine begins to ftocll 5 anD in foure 0; mteoayes after, fo ripe. SCfje blaDe of tt)e lubeateifl fomett)ing like a ^>coge-, but narroiner tfjen ttje barley : f Ijc fpm* Die, ffalbe, oj ffcatoc ttjereof, is fmcotberano gentler, ano not fo battle as Barlcp. 3t is clofct) in manpeoatcs. m\)t Ifalhetfjat bcarctlj ff;c care is bigger t$zn fljaf of barlep : tfje earegroiretlj nio^c ljp?iffl;t, ojio farther from ffje blaoe? tfje cfjaffc is fcfter 3 E> 2 ilo^ferj ThefirftBooke, entreating fluster, and mo:c full of iupce, tye care oflm) care is oat of o:Der ano tncni'n 3 as toll of tbepoUsra, as of rtjc bearded, fcrfjercas iSaciep f)3i^ t)LS care of tall number, ana tit perfect o:der. 3n Ba- clri- 3 !t!SfaiD a grime of ailjeattsrquall m quantitie to an tare of out tomcat. 3ni3abplon,tf)cbl3tifsbott)of tomcat ano barlrp, as Hero joriisrrpo:retlj, arefoucc mc^cs b:oafc. Sa$cat,as Colu- mcUi tottcrljafrcr tyc tljiro foiomg cbangctb to Utc,tebub &at£ h&nz knotonc in Gcrraame, es 3 faid before in manppbues. £>f iuhcat ts made Ai-nyljtrjc making Voijereof, CatoandDiofcoridcs tcacljctf). after forjeattofotototrt) ts etc. Efcerc arc r&att&ini$e ttto be frjat iut;ict) tbe C:skrs call :wg* ttjaugb Homer tafee -jtL-, fo; a Uinde of fade fo: t)o:fes : fomc ortjers take tt fo? a krnoe of lutjeat.Hcrodotus faitl^fccaD teas made of it.£f Lauren- tius tt is called Far. Of GafajSiigo. Dtuers learned men call it SD as Homer alfotoitncu*eri)>pct in tl)c0oith:vn\:Countiu s it fuppltcs the place both of b:c;.D ann IPine. fiLtjeccare of It ttlJO fc;ta, Hex-ittichonanD Polyftichum, tofjofe eared arc ttj: tr,four c,anD fomc turns fire fquare 3 ano ciuas wrrsfpjinging from one grapne, cuecpearc containing aboue fourefcojc grapnes , fo iuonDerfull are tyc gifts ano blcfftngsof od. SCfjc otyer fo:t is calico Diihchoo, bauing in tbe care but ttoo rancas o.: oifcecs onelp. £igamc,tf)crc is onefcinoeof it to be fotoe;> m toinf er, another foi fummer. !Oje tointcr Barlcp is of better pcelo, but it is tone fjurt, fpeciallp Until mucij toet $ froffs follotoing.2Et)ere is nothing mo?eljurtfull to totnter CD:ne,fpo riallp 15arlep,ttape feeOe»anD Uic^tljcn tfje toet of tomtcr>mppcD toil!; often froffs, and after a toarme tljato, to be pjcfentlp fro > fen againe : botlj tfje fairs of JBaclep require grouno that is fcerp rtcf>. Winter 25arlep,after ttoo 02 tf>2eeplofoings 5 is to be fotoei m September : Summer liBarlep in sparc&.o* £p2ill,after ttoife plotoing; and manptimes,ncccmtiefo:cing,aftcr once plotoing : in tye fotoing, pou mutt occupp moie fooe bp balfe 3 tljen in fotoing of toljeare : it required a melloto ano a fat gcouna.ano theccfozc is bett fotoeD, toljcce ttjc gcouno csmoff manured. ZZbc tointer feeoe flotmetl) in spap, ano is ripe in 3une at tfce furttjett. Eftls feinoe toas not toontfo be fotoco in tbefe parts, but great num* bers 3 noto mowed b^ mp erample,oo fcfe ano recctue great gaincs bp it Cfje fummer Barlep in manp Countries is ripe anD reaop in t\);k moneys after tjje fotoing. 3n Aragon, as PJinie tozitcty, it mafcetb Double fcarueffs cuerppectcSCfje fcuenttjoap after it is fotone.it commett) bp, anD one cno of tlje tooc tunncty Dotone in rote : ttje otljer, tljefconec fp2tngetfj,f commetj) bp in blaocttlje greater enD of tf>e grapne mafeetb tfje ro>fc 3 ano f(je flcnocrcr t\)t flotoje. 3noft)er grapne ttje rate ano rijeblaoe fpjingbotl; from one parMlye blaocs of bottjfeinDes arereugbJt mutt begatljcreD \n\t\) mm fpaeo tljcn otljer graines,fo: flje ttrato of it ts ucrp b.:it# tle.3Df JBarlep is maDe,as Diofcorides Umtetb,bot& Bare f flle. Rig 0.3 lifcc pour H5arc pou fjaue erccllcntlp iuell, 3 p:ap pou tell me in tofjat fozt pou make it * C0N0.3 toill not iji&e mp cunning in ttysmM cr.spp !15arlt> ® 3 ^ The firft Booke, entreating i§ Self ffecpea in a Cetfcrne of water a Dap 02 tlno 5 tf if be mint cr foDe it is IjarDer tjuIicD.cnD rrqutrctrj trjc longer iDatringXIje ^umrmrgtaine is tijmncr, antJ tcqutrctt) a Uffcr tune, CSijea it is watreD, 3 D:p tt bpen a fionc 0: afceele, till it fiurll ana focafee, putting out as it lucre iittic ber&so2tf>.ieDs,if ttbela:& rbiu.it ionl in fummer,f|;ceiaUpin^arctj r D2?* bzeafee ofttfeife iuiffjout anp fire, ^aurautl false gartfjceDjtljatuifpzstoting it c pen nottmmuc^nolorerjjsflotoje.Srjis beuig Doners grmoc it, ar.Dputtrjeipcalcmtoataa^-j^at, wbeceunto 3 putim? licour foDDemaiiD after let it fatijc tt)2ee e: fourc tunes, aDDtng unto if, bot^fo: wftDlcfomnesanD faflre,tf)e floUnc ofrlje I^op: after t&i's, 3puton|9ec(r,aiiD fefitawo:&t!ig,anD trjcnclcanfeit.£&cmo2e it i3 cleanfcDjtijc iuljolfomcricieerer ttts : tt)3t&incrjrommet£ eftfjefpurgma/jts ueptbotrjfo: 15 :eititng ana basing: trjeDiinfce tuilt bcetl;e better, it you put to it a four trjpatt, 02 a firt part of tnrjeat: tfjemo:e Come pou lap cnjtrjcpleafantcranD bettered loureD will pour 13eere be. pour greatett care mutt bee to fee it lucil fQDDcn,toell cleanup anD&eli tjoppeD,otfjerU3ife^altoftt fclfc mill franc CQ2rupt.£>bferuuigtrjts o;Der,pour DstntuQalibe botb wirolefcrncs plcafant: t^af enDurrtbbcaanDlonkcff 5 tbatu5 b:ciueD fa ^arcfj. Ktyns, is maoeof Barlcp Alica, a reasonable gQ33 meat ; ano Prfaa, £ofs t\):y mulf.be ma5c,vcu map reao in z litics of cacrj of t^em^f is of tirjo fa#3&tmtm ttalbr,iopnt,anD rare, like to tomcat auD carrietlj in rnerp f-ufae fUio fett*, attt rbercfo:e ts ealieD AiiuMixoc,tf>e«tt>et rjautng boti) ftaluc anieare 2)32ter,aii& but oncgrainc fa cuerp bufhe,grotBingmtQ sancfafc tin tbetop tefemb:ingi5arlptoit^tjisruacpcaancs. JttHtaUf, fpertailpabotif Ni.randuia an3 Concordia, it IS WcDin p:oueilDet fa: l?3:fef,!t isnot in trjrfe countries mfcfej wouio fowit bere," utb rfjc grounD Urni fcruc fo; it,f tbaf bofr; b?ea3 *D:mfccmigt>t be maoe of it terr tucH, bnttljat itisfometlnng troublcfomc to grinD,becaufe of trjjc Double rj'jfiW.JtDcfirctrj a msi(rgr0unD,nc^ ana gc&u, it i5 foiueD after the fame nnner ttjat U$eat is femeo, m - of E arable-ground and Tillage. 23 in September 0: October : it flotojety in %unt, ano fs ripem jjuip, toerpmeetc fo; coioe Countries , becaufe it can abioe frofts anoffomies. „ R 1 g o.ETbcrttsCa*? remember)* WRfieofto^catcaUcttFar, Fir, Ado- auueient people called it Adoreum , ttjatgrotoet&mmanpCoun^ 1 "' tries Co n o. |^ou fap true, fox Uiifrj tl?c olDe fojt,Far mas a gene* rail name to allco:ne 3 as toijeat Far, isarlep Far.ano i*te Far, ana tofjen mils mcreiiot pet Deuifeo, trjcp did bent tljctr come m mo** ters,toljerof catnc 3 ti)at ttje meale teas calicD Fanna : pet after 3 fc)ss tf)C name Of Far one! p gtuentO Adoreuro.tljCUgtj Columella calico ttaitoatrs Far Adorcum , matnngfeurc funtup fo?ts of tt. %\)t jfrenctymen call ttBr^nce, t&c Italians Sandala, tlje £>pamares Elcandia, t\)t molt people of our Cotmtrp call it Farro, ttje BDutc!) Keskome,U^ofegratnc is bcrpitKetuijcate, butifjat it is Ujojter ano tl)icfecr 3 auo iutjercmljeat Ijatlj aTltft,tljere&at& it a t (finger is jjcauiertljcu barlp,f lighter tljcntol;eat,itpeelOctl)mo:emcale tt)cn anp otber Come. S$f people of Home as Plmic fatttj,tiucD iDittj tfcis Come at tyc 8dr tfcwe twnBzcD peercs , it grotuetl) in Cgpptiiutboutaanc.Ujitlj a greater earc anoatoaigtjticrnttjati) in ttjc ftallie fcaucn ioints,ano cannot becleanfcfi ercept it be par* cljeD. Jrrance&att) ttuo fo?ts ttjercof,one of a rcttuflj colour,Vut)ttt) tlje people call reD lurjcatc , ttjc otyct fotjitcr , fotji^ tljep call U)(>iCe fotjeate : tlje care is ty:ccfquare 3 nott)nlt&c to fpelt.jn 3te* lie tfjepmafee pottage of it fo: tljctr labourers. Far 0^ Adorcum, Virgil Uioulo tjaue fotone befac tijefcttimj of tljefeauen Carres, after tfje Acquinodiall of Autumnc : but in \mi anD cols barren grounDS 3 tt to belt to fotu it about tin fcalenas of &ctobcr 3 ti)at it map tate Ditpc note brfo:c ttje filing anD coio in Imnter. 3t is fotoeD in loin grounD 3 tonfrifl),anQ ctjalfcp: after tt is fotoeD it mutt be t)arcoUieo,rafecD, anD luceDeD: ttje rahing Icofctl) in t&e fp:ing, fl>t fytmv fyactrs of winter, 3n railing 0? ijarrotuing, pou mutt tane tneO,as 3 faio befo:c 3 t!)at pou ljurt not ttjc rcotes : tDCCDmcj in!) en it is KnofteO feueretl) tl;e Come from all annorances.Slje prmci) men fotoit in hollom furroiues, becaufe it is fcerpfub* teetfo blafring 3 ti;inHingttjcrcbp to pjcfernc it bettj from fclaft at:3 mticcfou 2Cofoto it in f)ie grounD ts Difccmen0£D 3 t!)0itgl) itpiefc per there Uicll mongthbecaufe eattcll cannot afoapUutlj it,foi fije Thefirft Booke, entreating ffjarpncffe anD tuffnes of ttje carcs.ana beraufc it required great labour m getting off* ttje tjuf fes.toljiet) if it be not c!ecnt> cf,ts nc t< tfjetgmD fo; man no: beaff : n)e tonclcanc ctjaflfe Doty fcurt toittj rbe<£ongb. ttje Cartels lungs. £mongfttbefointcrfeDcs, fcape faDc Doi"; challenge i)is place, fofncfc 3 fafce to be t|e faoeof tjjc Kape, folmb Piink mafeetf)fo2£is tf>trB bmoe 5 anD toilDe, tefjofe rate, lifee tfje KaDti&,runncn) in lengtlj.rljeleaurs being ruffe, lihe flje otfjcr fcinces, anD ttje ffalfec buOjp ano full of b?anc|ics : ffje xcote of it is gcoD to; nothing, but is orielp fotoc D fo2 ttje feeDe, thereof ffjep malsc £Dple, feruing foz poje mens fcifeliins, fairs, anD lights? fpcciallpin Germanic, tefjere tljcp toantttie £)ple of £>itur s .feifjcrc bp arffett) great gaines to tye ljuf banOman.Jn tlje tiot Countries to&crct$>cp bane otljer£>ple meng^t^isroeD is of no toff, but in teDing of iSirDs : it is fotoeD intfce enD of 2uguff, o: tije beginning of September: botu be it,fomefime it is fetone in epmty among n)e Summer faoes , but to nothing fo great a Profit : it is caft into berp rict) grouno, 02fr>eUmanurco, tjmce plotocD ano iocll rilleo, it mutt bee fotoeD toerp tr>iti : fo; being a fccrpfmall toD,itmua notbefotoeD tmtlj ttje full banD, astotjeat is.but onel£ luit^ rfca fingers : it fiol»2etfjin^arc^o2 there- abouts, as ffjepeerc is fojtoarD, ano continue^ i)is flowing a long time : n)efloto:e is peilofo, anD berp ftoecf, tuljercin H5*s Doe mucfj Deligfjt : as fconeas it fpat£ left fioto:ing,if isp:cfent(p ripe : it grotoetljttoo cubits in tjeigbt. bearing a plentiful* fas e m little fmall cots, it renDccetbfo; one budjell, a bonD2cDbuO)eIs offeeoe. ^itbertofjauelfpofeencf Winter faDes, notomufta tel! pcu of Oicb as are fo&ne totoar&s Summer* R i g o. ®3ill pou fpeahc netting of n)e ftape ra>fe,tD&icf) is rjreatip oecupifD of tfje IjufbanDman, anonottcbceDefpifcDasa tbing ttjatgcotoctb in great quantitie, anD is meetelpgcoDmeatr bottj fo; man anD bf aft t c o n o. Efje £apc is namcD of n)e (Ejcefces ycyfito, m Jfa* lianRapojin fepamOJ Nabo, in j^rcnef? Raucn.EJje 02Dering of iuljict), tljougf) 3 raise it fo belong fo tfje C5atBcn, tisercin pou arc able to fap moie rtjen 3!,pet bee aufe pou requite if,f f Ijat fome* timetbebcfbanDmcnDopIanttfjemrnt^eicfielDs.BI Uni tell pou as mucljas 3 bnotu tbereir?. Ebere are 2. femos of tljem, tbe firlr totf) rcDteaUiu Ungt^lihe t^eUao^i^, fc^uij in manp places of Cecmante of Earabk-ground and Tillage. , i^ <&ermame is ofeo fo; a oainfie meat: ffje otfjer ept&er grotoctt) in great rountmcfTe , o? rife b:rp flat : t(jcp are nouriujcO toitb miff0,fro&0,sirt colDjtfbee monctfjs togctbet,ano grotetoaner* rceaing greameffe. Riinfc tojlfetkfbat&ee&attjfeenettojfea of fljem ftjat baue toeigbeb fo?tie pounD. £>ome fap , t&ep fcaue fane of t&cm t&at bauc ton'ghco an tjuntucD potmo. 3 1 t* teonoer' fall, t^at of fo little a too Ojoalo come fo great a rojt. £&e €>re* cians make two hinDcB of tfjem,r&e male i tfje female, botfc com* mmg of one f«D,tl>e male tofjen it is fotoeo t bicBe,ano tlje female tofjen it is fotoeo ttiin. S^cre are ttoo feafons foj t|>e fotoing of it ,ept^er in spared toljic& toill be rfpe about tjjetentt) of 3une 3 o:in 3ulp,oj auguff, after t&efteft plotofngjeommonlptoponttje groano toijecc Hie i tojnter Barlep tiaue bene netolp fjao of. Bit is tl; ought tlje l 1 are tbe Ctoeeter bp Ipmg in tlje grouuo all tomter, tofjm ai fl;c encreafe ts not tn tlje Icafe, bnt in the rote. £l)ep are alfo fotoeo fas Plinic tontetij) inbot ano mo ill Countries tit tye&p?mg 9 ana toill tlje better encreafe if tljep befotoco toitf> cbaffc,u>t>o tuouloalfo jjaue tfjc fotocr nafcea, ano in catting tlje teoe, to tutto gcaolucbc to t)imfelfe,ano to i}isnefgt)bour*.&$ep are pjeferuco from t&e Caterpiller, testify commonlp confumctjj tbe poung leaues, bp mingling ti)e feeo ttritb &mte, oj Keeping tjjem all a nigtjtin tlje iu^ec of ^oufleefce: Columella afifrnuty, tfjaf Ijc fcimfclfc Ijatlj fcene it pzoueD. Rico, $otop:occeDe(3p?appouJtoitl)pour feommerfeess, C o n o. Clje iaommer faces are almoff all fuel) as ate ripe toit&in tf>:ce moneys, oj foure at tbe bttermoft after tijep are fotocn , ano fome of tljem fonet,h? tlje grounoanD tbetoeat&er be got!, among tlje sommer fecoes toe toill firft talfee of graine, ano iaftcr of pulfe. JS)t tlje grainc, ^)ates ate ttjefirft tbat are Oatcs. fotoeo,tf)ougt) Virgill count tljem barren, fPlinieeountett) tfjrm rather toe&s tfjen come, affirming, tljat Barlep id t)en it p?ofpe> reffj not, toill manp times turnc to £>ates : pet tlje if rencljmcn t t\)t cSerma.ies count (it at tin's oapjtbe bett pjouenocr fo? ^oj* fes,ano fcoo fo: Catrcll. Plinic alfo totf neffefy , t^aftlje (^er* manes bfeo to maise pottage of ^)afes. ^no Diofcoridcs mafcetb mention of ^)aten pottage, tto'atoc U (2>e^M» yi'fn7r«, pottage of gruell is maoe of £)ates, it is calleo of tfce <0teehcs ^moj, in Italian vcn»,m ^>paniu) Aucna, in ^rencl) Auoinc, in BDutclj Haucr, Buck. ThefirftBooke, entreating Haucr , iuljut) ftjougti tt grolo not rommonlr. in $tz\? ,yct fcpcn Monte Ficcho, ano m tfce fctngtome of /Naples about Siponto tt is founo. cclec tjsue nmongif bs ttoo Hlnscs cf rpun, one fuil ana iucigtjtic, fcruing in care pares, to mafee b2c«& mi Mnfce ofj fpecwllv tf ^ o* nuoico intttj a little 13arlcp , ano x^is Unot pzofperctf) m net) ano ncin bzohm bp ground crcceomglp. £~be ml)tt femoe is ligbtec 3 Uitjicb tyc common people call CiocnanD £52um!>aucr , it is beep ligt)t>ano veelDcrt) but litfis 8oto2e no; fmDcutgrotoetg bpon fanop anD barren greunos , ano feruetij inell fo? Cattcll anD fa; ^o:fe: faotrj ttjc kinoes baue bu% tops, from taljcNCc ganger!) ttje feof,inU'ftctoife rcfembitng tlie grade* ijopperitlje flote2e of it is te!)tte 5 ? from one gcainc, t^ere (p&p gettjOiucrstt.ilhesi^ittjDiorcondos.Bromosjts a tunDc of Oafs ttmtrefemb!ett)ti)t)eatirt t&e ftalfee ano t\)t bla0e,t grotogtl? lifes iriilDe irtjeat. Theophraftus callctt) it aiyu'AoTra. £be Oat is not Dangerous inttjc cljopfe of t)is grouna 3 buf grotoeti)lifceaga>D-feli> ioto in eucrp placc,tof)ere no feeoc elfe tutfigroU). Ofttjc lifeeci* fpodtion almoftis ISucfeo? I5eecI;tof)caf 5 tmtmomnetQQur olo fa* tfjers.^t is called (pMyon^j 13 eecbtoear,02 .uiAa^Trueo^.. Black* it>rjeaf,tf3ouglj jU£A£?/upgd£i ffgnifictl) anotijer grainc.3! [jao rattier cailit 13cecl)lr»t)eat, becaufcttjegrame tijereof istl)2ceco2nerD, not bnUlsc tf?e Bcccfjmaft betf> in colour 1 fo:mc>utffcrtng onlp in t\)t fmalncfTc. Slje UalKe is berp great.* UrafccD l&z to tlyc greater fearne: ittjatfj manp. foancfjes, tottb a bufljp top, a great fo:t of incite riotous in a fcnop,lrac t\)t flcUncs of Gloer : it floto2et& long together, ^ after appearetfj ttjc grain c, firff totjiteanD gree* niQ)inn>apetl)2eece2nero rafter tbcpbe ripe tfje colour cfjaungetf) to Wac&e 0.2 b2otoniG) 3 lihe a vDbeftnut. Stjis graine Ijafb not long fihee bene bzoogfjf from ITuflia t tlie ^o:ty2eu parte in (Beany nte : noto it is become common ,ano b'feo fo? fatting of l9ogs 3 ana ferae tb tfje common people in oeare fcafous, to make bicao anD tiirite itutfjai. gt map be fotoco in any grounu,anD is fotuen m 3< p,2il!.0}np 3 ano rn Junc,affer tf)e reaping cf Kapelfeft. Pou mutt fotoe leffe of it bpon an3rre bp a frmrtb part ttjen of ta&eat 02 3Kie: it ismiKljbfesto be fofocD bpenffjegrouno inhere tfapes gro\u,U.itjerebPt|)e grounODotf)pkilo a Double crop in onerecre* WBfrtn it is fgtwcn 3 it commctf) bp, if it tcmoitl iueatljer, fcttl;in foure 02 gue Dayes after^aumg tiujj ieaues at tyz fir ft appearing, not of Earable-ground and Tillage. 30 it of mucfr tmlilse to |3nrflainc. flmongff tbcfommer fceDesisalfo rrcciiieDfommcriBarlep, tofjicl) from tyc Cannes rntrtng into Sommer tbe yCcjuinofliall, till tlje rnD of spare!; $ %:U1, is folnen, ano is B » r ky. reapeD agame fo? tfce moft part in tb«Jfiemonetljs,o? at tfce brier* mofffourc* 3|t requirctb (as iuintcr Barlcp &ot&) a ncfj anD a uielloto grounCt to be fotoeD after tfoice ploUHng,tljougb fome* time fojneceffiriett isfotoeo after tbefirff plofoing. ^notfjouglj ft peels not To gart no? fo perfect a graine as ttjc tomter Co?nc Dort),lol)orc grame a* Thcophraftus Uuitetb, is farre mo?e per* feet ano of ffronger fubftanee, b:ingfng greater ffrato anD mcig^ tier eares,pet beeaufeit is farcer tjnffteD, anD tfie Summer feeb mo;t fine anD gentle, is t!)erefo:e of moft men DcfircD,affiKonn' tea to peelo mo?e floto*e t£cn tfje Uunter gratne : fome agame M1I pjeferrc tbeotfrer Millet, ealleo in Marine, MiiJium , m Creefee e * ntyxw * tt Btaiian Milio, 0? Miglio , fjautng us it toere? a ttjori' fanograines in a eare, as Feftus fcemeti) to anoto, m^panift) Mijo, m if renclj Millet > anD in £>urclj Hycrs, iuljerc tfjcp ma&c pottage oflt anD b?eaD. %\>e humans anD s^nfrouiansare ttytf* Ip nourifrjcD foirb tbls Rinoe of pottage, lm)icb fbep make ixiftfp *fr>e flottue minglcDtoltb'inilKejanD tbe blcoD tljat tfjctf let from tjjeir bo;ifcs. 2Df?c men of Ind, as Plinie faptfj , know no otfjcr grain* but Baric? anD fillet, tofcicf) grew in bts fimeplenff failed in Campania, it istye bell leatien fbat map be maDe, mU ffjcr is tfjere am? graine comparable to it fo; toaigbt 3 tbat moje fctercafcfb m bafcmg:fo? of one butyeUfjarb bin D?ataenttj:eefeo?e pouno of bjeaD,t abufljeil of foDDen meat,maDeof t&ee quaeres foctanDbnfob. gt is fotoeD at tbis cap in euerp place, tfjougb toerp little intyc loU) Countries: it grower!) font!) a ffalfce fell of fopnts,a cubit Ijfgb, aleafe libra moe, a ronno anD afmall fceoe Ranging Dotone in long rimmes U$irb manp tops : it groloetlj fomctime fcuen fcote bigb,ttDeligbf etlnn a watrifl) mco:p gronnD, ano m grauell , fo it be noto am fben ouerfiewne, if batetfj D:te anD cljalfcfe grounDs.£>ome gtuecotm&ii to fofoe it firff in a cola anD wet grouno , anD tben in a botgrounD : bcfo:e rfce ^pnng pou muft not fowe it, fin it Dcligbtetl) \mn\) in warmtlj. 91 little fcetre of it, is fuflficicnt foj-a great Deale of grounD: if it be foiotD tbici^c, itcomes to nought : a great IjanDftiHtoillfcrur a indole #ttc,UrtjcrefQ:e ia racing, pou muUraheouf totiat is moze fytn The firftBooke, entreating tym neeDfull : an acre bcaretl; foutttcbutycis, if it be forilfofoco, euttv fceDr pccioui; about a ^cttc 11. 3 ttsfi-zbioocn tubefoumcai mongClincs 0; fruit Crees, ano mutt cotUtnttatlp be toceOeD ano rahco. OTjen tf>e care is full groUme, it inuft be gatbere ~ iutt & tbe i)anD 9 ana ojpeo in tljc £>unnc , left trje bot incatijer flatter tl)c f«Dc0. SSbis grainc map fc crp long be p;efcruco 5 fo? being tocii lapo op U)l;er e tije minor cannot come , it twill toell laft an l)unD?e? peeve. Cfcere is another Imc gratne ttjat tfjcp call 31m Oian ^tUctjUutl) a great gralne,ano a blackeanD big reeop ftalfee, tel)icb toas firfi bzougtjt into BKalie in rfje raigne of Ncro,t»lnc| (as Piimc fgifljj bias called Loba, iMjereas Lobaeate catijee t£e Cods of all pulfe, ano Phobse, tfjc manes atro topper of £$tttet, as it appeared bg Theophraftus. Panicum is calico of tfjc <&;itkt Pannidc. tXu^og 3 of tt)e SDutCfc Pfcnnich , 0£ Heidengreifis 5 of tyt 3 tall/* ansPannacho,tlte jspamarcs Panizo, tyz if renefcmen Paniz, fo called of ttje little panniclcs,t»&erein tlje feeo uetrj. 3 1 coimncty tip like fillet, toitfj man? leaurs, ano Otppes, glittering Hurt) a reooiu) buu)ie top, fall of feeOe*,lifce flpuffaro fceOe,fome pelloto, purple 3 blacfee,ano toljite : it mutt be ojocreo in all tying* almoft as fillet : being fomeo in &ommer , it it ripe in fojtp oases as> ter : tnotyrr places fofoeo in &9ap in met grouno 5 tt is to be ga< ffjereo in September. SClje!)ai:uctt,ano trjc ofe of it 5 isalmoft all one toity fillet , neither can it 3 as jpllcr,be fined toftljctrf par* tiring: tmjenit beginnes tofpmole, it mutt be tuell toceoed, lead tye toeeocs ouergroto it : being toell Ojctt teity CftceQll ano $pilfee 3 it mahzty indifferent gcoo meat : in bjcao it is not fo muclj t>fe as fillet , fo? tyc b?ead is oerp Djie , ano e cambletb like &ano 0: aOjcs, being altogether Uritbout moiffure oj cleautng: but rte common people remeoging fyzt tot'tlj HarDe o: £Pplc,eo mafecafl&tft toitrj it as toell as tticp can. SCbep tljat itneH about Ponms,5refauDto rffecmc it abone allottjer fcoocsstlje people of Nauare doe at tyis oap. 3jn manp countries iris ofeo onelp to fade pigeon* foitball, Rifc * ®f t&enomber of outIanOtu)graine,isHilc, inu)apcas Thcp- phraftus faptb, lifee Darnell, I;auing abuftjie foppe libc cptllet 0; patmiclc 5 bttt no care : tys grapne is libe trjc feincc of Barlep, called Zw, t^c leaues are tijidic like tyc ieaues of Eeche s , bnt loader, tljefialbc a cubit fet'glMbc fioure purplc,SCi«'s gratne i* but of Earable-ground and Tillage. 3 1 but geafon in if ratine e ano (Dcrmanie, but fti 3ltaUe and 3lum* baroie common, tuyere it is calico Eirilo, ano Mcnclrro Dcinfo, fbeifcemb menleauuigfoeficu; letter? Doe call it Rifon, tfjg C^«be5 S^* , tyc £>paniarO0 call it Arrofs. Plinic fuppofetb it to be engcnDjcD of tbc water &eDge. 2C&cre is maoe of it if urmentie, as Horace cailea it^ mtc if urmentic. 31 1 10 fowen nuparcb, as fillet anopanniele 10. Cbe3nDian0 (tbep fapj tot bzufc it before tbepfowcit,foma&e it the ligbter of Digcfftou. #nD a0 Strabo rcpojtetf), tbep make Djtnfce of it. Ri go. mm fap pou to Scfamum, ttjat wasgreatlp m bfc in tye oloe time * c o n o. Sefamum fs name) witb tbe Creeae0 <™paniacO0 AionioIi,tljeif rencfjmen Tugiolin. 3ln timc0 patt, it batb b*ne mojc fcfco ano gceatlp commcnDcB, botb of ColumclUano Plinic £lttbi0Dap itis Unowcn to a beep fefo, as a great fojt of feeoe0elfG are 3 in fo mucb a0 tbe ucrp come fljat toe oailp fee) of, toe fcarcelp hnow fobat it is. kome reckon it in Renumber of €>raine,anD fomc of JDulfe: tbe ttalac tfjerc of is not lifee fillet o: pannfclc,full of iopnt0, but plapne anD finmtl), uftc a reeoe, fyt leaucs thereof cuDDp,tbe feed U)hitc,uot fo bigge as Htnfee^anD i0confaineo in Utile tops like poppie : it is fofocn befo:c t(;e riling of rlje feanen ttarres, after tlje man* ner of Bltali?. Columella faptb, tbaf be batb feene it in Cilicia ano Syria fotoeo in 3Iune t 3ulp>anD reapeDin Aucumne. 3ft requires a mellow blaelse inottlD , fbottg$ ft will groto tjpon gooo fanap grouno,! fo?ceogrouno,raine is (jarrftiU linfo it after if 10 foweD, tuyere as it Dot!) go) fo all of'oer <25raine : no great Cattell no; C&erinmetoiU meoole witb if > it burf etb grouno brrp mut^ , be * caufe of tbe great quan f if ie anD tbic&emffcof ttjc ttalhe, ano tlje number of tbe rotes. Plmie imittty , tbat it wa0 bjougbt cut of Hnoia , ano bfc) botb fo? meats ano oplc. H&ut to refurne f fueb grainea0 Wee are aquafntea Witb. flmongtt tlje fommer feeoco is spifeclin fo be tecftonco. SEbe tyifbartmwn ooe fome* rime msBc a meDlep of funojp fojt0 offeeDc0 3 anofotoefbem parrlp fo; Caftell,ano pat'tip fo? bope tfjat tbougbfome of tbrm faile, ^tt fomc will grofoc. 15ut bere mutt pan betoare,lctt pou mingle not winter ates o: Bucr,«s lucll foj Vetoing, as foj feeoing of Cattell: auo SCares oj ot&cr like pulfe map be mingleDtmtb £>afcs, as feerp goo foj beatts. SC^jcp are to be fctiufc in time ano place as 3 l)2uc toiDc befo;c,ni mp feuerall entreating of tbem. Rigo, i&mbau*meUfatif6cDtmefo k : <22rameano <£ome 3 pou map now (if it pleafe peiO boe as mucb in pulfe. Of Puifc. Cono, pulfe oj peDtoare, is calico of f be <3axksS cW$ i«, tlje otber parts of tbe fruites of tbegrouno : of tbefetbercarc ftino^ fo?tes,as pou baue feme of Come: Tome put ^illet 3 pan* mclCjanDSelamum, to tyis binoe 3 becaufeCoIumcJ)a,fometimcs puts tij em in tbe number of <2raine 3 an& fometime of pulfe: but 3 following Plinie berein, Doe put rbem amongff tlje fefn&cs of 0raine, accounting tljofe to be pulfe 3 wbofe fceDes are contain co- rn co&oes,as Beanes,(3eafe,ILentiles 3 2Cares^bpcbcc,i?itcbf s, ano fucb liKe,wbicball are to be fotoen in tbe fpmtg.&fall hinoe of pulfe , tbe greater bononr is Due to t\)t iSrane, as Plinie witnelletb,as to a pulfe tyat is moil commoDious fc? man ano Beancs. bead. 3n (fcreebe it is caltea Kua/uoe, in 3 rattan ano Hafine Faba, ms>paniU)Haua,in irrenc^Fcue,inE>utcl;Boncn.2Cbisamongtt all otljee pulfe gro&etb in beigbt witbout anpjrap , if batb a tbicke.leafe, acreaftrD floUijcofbiuers colours, fpotfeo tel;t to anoblache •> wfjicb varro calles tlje lamentable letters Ut batb a long roobe 3 bis fruit loif bin b?oaD, like the naple of a mm> of sU uers colours 3 it appearetb at tt)t firff witb manp ieaues Use a peafe,ano not wf tb one alone,Ufec W&fytat. Sit is foweD firft of all ctljer pulfcin tbe fpiingtime, as virgill willbaueit 3 ano timeip, beraufe of Fabalia, lubic!; is tlje offall of tlje i3eancs 3 fo: botl; tlje coos anD t\)t ffalKc, is a fmoc f batcatfell mucb ocligbts in* CoJu- mc!Iarepo?tetb b&& bebearoa ffeilfull bufbanoman fap,tbat X$z r>ao ratber baue X^z oJFall of Beanrs timely foweD^ben fjjc Crsp of tljat tobitb is ripe in tl)?ee mouetbs 3 pou mutt foiue tbem in tbc enereafe of tbe ^a»ne,anD after once plowing. 3ft is faiD, cbat if tljep bee enelofeo in <©oates ootwg anofoweo, tfjcr? luiil #alo great enereafe, anD t^t parts tl;at are eaten cjgnaiime, in tbe enereafe of tl)t Wane trull Mbp againe. Jft^cp be fotoc& Hereto tbe rato of £Cr#s 3 ti)ei?wiilUiil tbem.&ome i}o\^ opU .siion,tfjatif tf;ep bjeft/#pc.a in Capons blo^tfjep will befafefrom all of Earable-ground and Tillage, 32, all fpittftiU toceocs,s trjaf lapeo in teat er a Dap 0? tfoo before tbep be fotucti,tt;cptoiU groin tf;c famer. £3je ISeane Ocligbfrfb m rt'c^ f toell cunges grounds all otr)cr pulfc Doty: toet anb loto greuno it Dotlj not rcfufctbougball tl)e rcfl oefire ojie grouno,tt iiuietr) notto<£Dmg,beingablcto ouergrototbtm. £>fallotbet |3ulfe tt oncip fp:ingetb tuitfi an bpjigbt ttalkt full of fcnots, aito 0olloto.8tU) totjercas al otber pulfcarc long in flotojMbis aofo* rctl) longeff,floiDjing fo?tic Dape« togetfjcr,one ffalfee beginning Uiljen otbers cno, ? not all at one times* fobeat,t&cp coo tn fun* Djp oaprs,tbe lofoeft part of tbe ffalfcc flowing firtt,f fo bpfoarD (till in ojoer.&o fruitful are fljc pinfomepIaces,as pou ftjall fino oneffaifcc to bcare a buni>?eo hemes Ktyc Bcancsfticfeeclofcto ttjeu? CDow : tyc blacfee in tfjeir tops , tr)e Marines call Hilum,t&e COW Vaiuuli, tbetoojmcS tyat bjceo in ttjem,Mida. Lomcntum us tbe mea!etol>ieb tr)e people in otoe time oio fcfefoj tbefmotljrng of flieir fluns. Frcfa Faba loastbe beanetbattoas bat ftwallp bjo* ben, ana bulleo in tbe spill. Refrina foas tbaf toljicfj tfcep bfeD to offer in fatrutce fo? g©D lutfee toitlj tbeir Co?ne%3t is g©o to (lap pourSBeanesin tbefoater of^>altpatcr 3 a Dap before peu foto t[jem 3 pou u)alheeptbemfrom Mlpuels,as(Pa!!adiusfaitb)tf pou gather tbem in tbc foane of tye fymne,f cberity tbem,f lap t&m Up before tlje encreafe. Beanrs.anoall otber f^ulfe ooeineno rbe grouno tbattbeparefotocnfnJCbc nertto bcanesmiiicjtt)mcs ano folwing, is peafe 3 calleD in Creese th'tos 3 in Italian Pife, anD Peaft Pifclie, in S>pamO} Aroewt in iFrcwb Pcfe, in &>utcf) Errcr rem, a J0ulfe tljat groUictlj txsttljfjoUQtii ffalfccs ano full of b;umcbcs,lp' ingfcpontbegrounD 3 manpieaues ano long, tye cotisrounD 3 con» taming in ttjemrouno feeficsanDiufritcrtfjougljPlinie it^irctbafc trjep be cojnero as e&pcfj, of totytfy fotf foe bauc fome att&t's Dap Netoifyfoittj flexes in fljape like tljc 515uttcrfiie,purple colourcS tofraro ttje mutt. Cbere are fino fojfs of peafe, tire one fojf co< tietetbto cumbealoff,$ runncfb bp bpon Otcfccs,fobicb toitfiltttlc iuinocrs be bmDctb btmfelfe, t is foj tbe moft part onto fofoen itr garOens:tbe otijer fo?t grofoctr) Iofo,$ creepetb bpon tbe groimD : botb Uinocs acebrrp g©s to be eaten,fpeciallp foljc" tl^ep be pong, ana tcnOcr,tbep mutlbcfofone in foarmegrcunD,fo: ti}ev can in twfoifeafoa^ telrb co!D,tt>£|rare fotoeD eptber tponfalloioeo, 0? ratycUw ufy mwmlt bearing ground once^loipeo 3 ano as ; ThefirftBookc, entreating all ott)et:pulfc 3 rna gentle ano a racUotomotilD^tijc frafon being toarmc ana mopft. Columella faptf), ttjat groono is maee tocrp net) tuni) tt)0m,if tfjcpbip;efcntlf plctoeo 3 ano t^eccultcttarnc in, ano cocicr tijat inlncl) ttje l^oae b^ mtol? left, c^ct are fotoeo among fnmmer Sc:ne 3 commonly toitt) rfce firft. irtrtt 15eanes 3 |dcafe 3 ano Gentiles., t^en Hares ano £>atcs>asis fato bcfo:c . &mt ano Cares muS be Cotoeiiiti &arrt) ano 0p*iU s ano in tt)e loan* of fyc q£ame,Uic tt;ep grcto fa? ranfce 3 ano fioiiue out of o:Crr,im)e teas the bed fotnmg fo; all crljcr pulfc f graine, 10 MtrjeenereaCe of rfce ^fDiieXbcrearctrjatcountpeaferobe tip £>ulfc tftat rfce Crakes call k&t, tbe Ratines Eruum, t^c Jtaltans Eruo, rfce fcparaacos Yeruo,rfje &atc£men Eruen* of fofjieb tfcercare tlno feui0cs 3 tt)c one tutjttc, tije otljcc reo. E^i latter 10 \inlDe, ano grctocttj in tjeoges ano come fields : ft is a fmall plant, Waning tys leaurs narrotu ano fienocr , tys fickle cetber b)bite,o.jmeOleo to&b purpU 3 cjFommgnate together like. i3eafe,thcrc is no great bufinctTc abont it : tt ockgtjtett; m a leans barren grotmo^ot morfr/o? tt trull be fpttttoitt) ta>mae^ tsnthe* neUe : it mutt be (otoeo befc;e sparetj, mitt) \urjrtcb monett) tt a* gractt) no^bceanfe it is ttien fcurrfull fcnto Cartell. Eruilia ts a pulfe Ube fmall beanes, Come ftrtjite/ome blaefce 3 an& others fpec klcQ , tt t) at^i a Italic lihe pcafe , ano eitmbett) Itfce a^oppe, tt)« Coddcs are fmrntti like ^eafeocs. £3hc leaues longer tfjen rtia Isaacs of lieancs: tbc fioto:c is a pleaCant &ddc to 13as. Jn France ano LumbarOie it is calico Dora, 02 Doreila. Phafcolui ui ^Urine^n Creckcpaniaros call it FrifoJ «,tbc Jrrcnebmen Fafioles,ano Falcs Pinccos , t^C £>utcfymtt\ Facclcn, o? fcttiOe bencn. St 10 8 fctnoe of $>nUe, mbercof ttjerc are tolnte 3 rc&0c 3 ano pclloto.ana feme rpcehlcD tottj blaefce fpots, tlje Icaoes arc tifee 3uie leaues, bat feme t^ing tenderer , tlje tralfee is flcnoct ; iutnoing toitfy clafpes about fu:b plants as arcnert him, cunning bp Co higlj, ss paumap maitc3rboursbni)ert>im: r^eecODcs arc longer ttyzn -if emrigrecae, tbc Ccaincs iMttimDJiicrg eoiourcD, anD foffponcd MBe!3iDnetes: it pjofperst^ ma fat anoapecrdp bearing grouno, in CarDtns, o: lugere rou ictU : ano becanfe it cltmctl? aloft, fbece of Earable-ground and Tillage. 3 3 t fjr re mtiff be fcf hv t|em | iltz 0: four*, from tlje running to t: e fops , it cltmbetl) tipon trac , fearing Weil fo: tljefl^ootumg jf 0rbouroano t&oumvet t)ju.cs. dfit 10 fotocnof Dinars from rrje 3oes of £Drtober to tt>c ftaUnoes or &oi\cmbct in fome places, anotoitfj tos zn spacct). ttfloVuicr^ tn is>ommcr,tbemeat of tijem <0 but inoiifercut, tljc fuprenot bcrp g©D,tbe cods anD tfje grams arc eaten together » c# tibe £>pecage. £Di)e3!eU)os fell tljem at KomcpzcferueD, to be eaten catue.Lens anD Lenticula,m Creese Ljmles. cpa*ig a«D ermanie, in $parctj anD in £p:rtl,tl]e $&mnc encceafing,in mclloU) gtounD, being ricb,anD D:pe : yet Piinie tooulD rather Jjaue tfye groanDleanctben ricfj, ano ttje iW fon o:tc:tt fiotejerfj in 3alp,at tofcicf) time bp ouermucl) rancfencs anD mopffure, it fcone cojruptetti. 2Cf>crefo?e to caufe it quicfcelp to fp;:ng and foeil to p:ofpcr, it muff be mingleDtoirfj D?p Doung before it be fotoen,anDto»£en it t>ar| Ipen fo mingleD foure 02 fiue Dapes, it mud be cad into tije grouno. 3ft grofoetf) fcigb (as tbn? fap) iuljen it is toef in toarme foateranD faltpeter, before it be fotucn, snD to til neuer corrupt being fpjtncfeleD tint j) Bcngtotng anD eiincger. Varro toilletti , tljat pou fofo it from tfje fiue ano tiuentic Dap oftfje tyooiu to t&e frjictietb,fo fljallitbe fafe from Smaples. flno Columella affirmetlj, tljat if it be mingleo tmtij atbcsjt tciill befafe from all annopanrr. Ctea in ilatine Jn dD'jeese iqifiivdos, in Italian Ceci,Cicerc Roiro,anDCiccre biance,in §3pa* nii Garuangos, in jFrentl) Chiche, anD inSDuttf) Cicercrbs, \& a Ciche. buft)ic RfnDe of|&ulfe, rjautng a rouno Cod, $ therein a couple of ttnie eomcrD feeoes, iufjereof tljere are tljat m&e t\)m Kinoes, H>bitc 5 reo,anD black, Differing onels in tbe colour of tljeir floto^e: fyc beft UinDe t>atb a SicBieu;alBe 9 cra)BeD 3 little leaues inoenteD, a totyitt, a purple, 0: a blacbe QotD:e. 0nD toljereas otfjcr pulfe |>a r !c tfjeir Cods long anD b;oao, acco:Ding to tjjeir feeDe, ttyz bca' retb tyemrounD : it Delig^tetb in a black anD a rid; moulD,it is a great fpopler of lanD, anD t[)erefo;enot gooofojnetrj b?oaen bp <£ gcounei ; The firft Booke, entreating $rounD:ttmap be fotoen at my iimt in $parcb,m ramie toeatijer, anD in berp nc'; ground : tlje fuD moll be tferpeo in toatcr a Dap before it be fctoen,to tbe cno it map fpjtng tfje fa>ner:it floto:ctl> in %unt ano 3u!p, anofljen failed) to feeoe : it Eotojetf) aberp long iobtle , ano is gatbereo f be fourth Dap, being ripe in a berp $o;f time : Urt)en it is in flotoje, of all otljec pulfe it receiuctlj fjarnu bp raine: tofjen it is ripe it rauft be gatbercD out of bans, fo* it fcatteretl) berp fame,anD liet|> l)iD toljen itisfallen. 3n tbe Ctncfjttjereneuer biecDetfc anptoojmccontrarpto aiipulfeelfe: ano becaufe it Djnuctb aiuap Caterpillers,it is countcD got) to be Cicercuh. fee in gardens* ciccrcuia in Ratine, in eoc, in Kta* Itan Cic€rfc,in.§>paniu)Cizcrthc,it Differefb from tbe C()fcf) 3 onlp in tljat it is fomciuljat blacker, Urljicl) Plinic accounted to baire. bneuen ccmers,as peafe barb: ana in manp places about bs,tbey We tfycm in ffceD of $eafc, ctteemtng tyem farce abouepeafon : foa tbep bet b peelD mo?e fioto?e tfjen peafe, i is iigbter of oigctti* on 3 an3 not fo fubiert to loomics.CoIumclla counts it ratber in t£e Tar« and number offoDoerfo?€attell,tl)en of pulfe fo? mammfrljicbnum* fodder for bet are tijefe tfjat folloto. ano firft, vicia in Ratine , inOreebe tattcij. ^ Qlov j in tr>utcl) Wycken, in Jf r encb vertac, fo called, as Van o t|)Mr;s,ofiDMDuig, becaufe it batb tcnDjels oKlafpes,astbe dine fratb, inijerebp it climbetb bpon fucb ftalfces as groto ncrt it : it grotaetb fjalfe a parD fjig^ IsaueDlifce £Eintare,fauing t^attljep be fomerfjing narrolucr 5 t!)efloln;e like tf>e fiotoje of ptafctjan utng little blachefeeoes in coos , not altogether roun0,buttyaaD i&t tbe Hintell : it required a type groans, tljcugb if toiil alfo groto torll enougb in Hjaoofop piacfS,o: in anp ground toitt fmal labour, being not rambicftnne to tfje bufbancman : it require^ but once ploimng 5 ano la&etbfo? nttyct barroUungnoj Dunging, but enriefcetb trjc lano of it feife,fpcciailp if u)e ground be plolueD fofjen tbe crop is of,fo tbaf tbe iialfcesmap be turned in: fojotfjcr* toife tbe toaics ano. ftalfccs remaining, Do fuckecuttbegartntlTc ef fbe grounD: yet Cato mould baue it fomen in grafiie grotmd 3 nottoatri^> f inntte bjofeen-bp grouno,aftee tbe Beam be gone,. anD t|ie moifture tyieD op tuitb tlje &mne f tl>e U)tn5e.|3ou mutt betoare.tljat pou foine no mo?e ? tym pou map IneH couer tbe fame capifoj ti)e leatt Dcatoe intbetoo^lo Dotl) fpopleit.ii either mu&poufototijcm befo.;c.tl)e (poiiebe tUienttc-fQureDrUesolQe,. orlKC* of Earable-gtound and Tillage." 34 offcerfoffe t^e gmaile ituUDcuoureit : in'gtfmeoffofefhgiM* Plinie tojitct£,at tljc fcttmgof tyt ffarrc,calltD tyt Berward.tljat ft map ferue to foo m SDcecmber: ttje fccono fofeung t'0 in %a\xuz* viz : tlje laft m %*arcl). gjn dSermanie tycp tfc to fot» t|ctn ill QHxfy 0} 0p?iU, rtjicfclpfo; fooacrfo: tijeir Cattell. &o iota Carts,! as PImiefaitt) B.eanesjnnotbjofecn&pgrcunDiintijout lou*e,i0 a great pdece of ljufbanDjp: t&ep flotete in 3csne,at toinclj feme tljrp are tierp goo to fcoto:e l^ozfcs j it i0 gcoa to laptfjem tp m ttjccoD, 1 to k&pc tljcm to fcruecattell tottljall .*£are0 and £>ate$ mafcr a gojo mcflinc fotoed togettjer.Lupinus in ilatine 3 ui Lupines.' 2eefee ^e.woc M/utgoc, m Jtalisn f Jfrenc!j 3 almofta0 in lsfine 3 ui fepaniu) Alrramuz, in SSDutc!) Roomfcbc Booncn 3 (03 pulfe 1)3* King one onclp flralfce, tyc leafe tagged tn fiue dtut(jon0 lifee a ftarre 3 tljcflohijciuI)tte,tbeoO0 iaggeo,! t'n&enfcdabout 3 f)auing Untinn ttjem fiue o? fire f&se0.ijarD 3 b£oao,f reo 3 ttje lcauc0 tljerof Do fall.SEtjtaet palfe ccqutrctl) leaft trouble.! is of (mall pjice^ana pet moff tjelpcttj t&e ground of 3ttp trjtng ttjnt is fotune : fo? ttjcre can be no better manurfngfin barratne Iiinep3rd0 1 Come field0 tljen tl)ia,fo&icf) either topon barrainc ground p?ofperctf) 3 o;r 3 feept in tl;e o fruitful! if i0 5 30 if it be caftsmong HSuQ}e0i 115?icr0 3 pet hull it roite ano p?ofper : if re* ftifctt) both torrotot'ng and raising, $ (0 not annopeo totty fonts cs, but hilletljr^e totsdessbonf if, 3;f Dung be toanting to menu tlje ground kutljall, fljis fcrucs tlje furne aboueall ottjer; fo; being fotoed. and turned in initt) tfje ploUMf feructlj tfje turne in ffoad of dunging : it is fafoeo f imelictt of all ottjer 3 aud reaped latt : it is fotoeo before all ot^er pulfc 3 a little 3fter^3rucft: couer itboiu flen&eelj? pouMl 3 it carctb not(anercellentgo)i) faCcfojan cuill IjusbanD) pet DeSretl) it the loarmt^ of Autumne.tijat it map be ioell rtottn before fcrinfercome. fo? otljertoifetljc co'5 (0 tjurtfnll tjnto it. ?t QotoKtt) tljjife, nrft in 95ap, tljcn agame tn 5unr, ana latttn 3^!' ♦ after euerp flotomtg if bearetb ^t'0 cctoe. 35efo?e it flotu?et^,tl)ept3fe to put incattcll:fc % : U^ereas t&cp Mlfaoe eMen i" f louop ioeatyce, toljat time of tf>e Oap it is. Fcnum grccum m &acine, in Jfrenty Fcncgrcs.ano Fcnigrcnr.in Bifaiian Ficnigrxco , m £>pantu) Aiholuas , in gmtty femctimebp tye 3lstine name, ano commonly Rohornc, ano Locksbomc : commety fcp forty a fmaU ffalfec,tye leafe iihe a tyjeelraueO graffe,it is fofoeo toell in a flenoer barren grounOjPoii mufl take lieeD pon ploto it tyicfee,ano not feerp ocepe, to; if tye too be eoue* reo aboue foutc fingers tytcfcCjitituttberpljarolp groto. l^ere* foje tye greunomuli be frto Uuty fmall piofoes^ano tye freo pjc> fenrlp ronereo tatty mhes. SCljcrc are ttoofo?ts of it> tye one calleD of tye common people SiJiqua o? CoDDe , io^ity tytp folo fo? Jfaooer in &eptember,tye otyer in 3Januarp,o? tye beginning of jfebjuarp: Uiijen tyep foto tt foz f&oc ; tt flotouty in 3imeanD 3iu> 5 U){jcnalfott bearety |)isCoDDe 3 buttyefeeDcfsnot ripe till 3uguft: it is ojcflfeo to be eaten after tye ejoer of &upms,ttuty i>ineger,toafcr, ano fait, fome put to a little ople : it isfcfeo boty foj fcDQer, anooiucts otyer tjfes, JFurtyctmo?c,ef pulfe calico of GeilitiSjLcgamcma, iue bauctyefe general* u?les,tyaf tycp all bcareco&s, t^aue finglermf cs cucrp ont, crerpt tye 15eanr,tye Cbicf) groining fceepeff. 2Ll)c ftalfee of tye bcane $ tye lupine is alfo &ngle>tye ethers are all full of b?antyes ano flenoer flipg,ano ail IjoLiofri. jftil pulfe fo? tyc moft part, are to be fotoeo in tye lp;ing,ano require ocrp rid) grouno,rreept tire lnipine 5 t^at cares not tuyere foiitBjfycy are all foUicnintircenereafe of tycSBamc, $eecptpeafc:iftl)ie^be Uiatecco before t\)iit fo^ing,tljcpp?ofp(r tije better: fytv are fpeeailp tobegatljereo^en tijep beripefoj iliep fuooenlp &ottcr 5 tf)cp toili enourc longeltbeing gatljecco in f be change of tbe i3p©ne. 3tis mucl? to be regaroeo l»l}et|ec pou ioill hcepe o; fell t^cm, fo? tlje feeos in tljeencreafeof tlje tyam& 5oe luare.greaterUtieceare t^atp^efecue t^ein'in cact^enoeffete, flraiuing of Earable-ground and Tillage* 3 5 fcratufogaujes onsrr t&cm, and fp;incfeling ttjem toftfj iEiincger: fome Ufe alto aionc , ot&ers fcfc to fp;incWe f tjcin toit£ 25 ccgc* ternc fcmcger,as 31 1) jtic faio of tljc lentill.spo;eouer 5 tl)c ©rafics fjauc toilled to mingle toitt; tl;c Dung a little faltpctct: iuljui pott foU) ttKm ,to&crebp xtyty (ball ttje better U&ty and be trje tenderer, and if tljep be not p;efenth? tender,tl;ep mill to call into t&e pot a little ^uftarD feeo, luljtrb toil', make tlnmuraiglimup toclL Thcophrailus oDoct^ aiuccs things befior 3 totn'cl) toxic tea long to tell. Rig o. Bid it nceofull fo; cucrp tsufbanDsnan to folu all tfrcfe (©rainc and pnlie m ijis gcotmo t Coho. $0 : but as 31 fapo b efo?e,tn Ip cafcmg of ground and ted,pou mutt cfjtcfclpfoto fuel) as belt agree totty tl;e nature of pour ground: fjotobeit , t&ere are fomc of t&emf&at refufe no ground. 3£ljereare tcrfaine of tfjcm.as Varro faptlj,tfjat are not foto cd fo; p;ef ent nccrmtte 3 but fo; otfjcr aft erturncs. #nd others againe trjat are of nccefJttie to befotoen, as Co;ne fo; man, ano 5f odd cr fo; Catteil : of tol)icfj mutt f pceiall care be fjadjtijat tt»ete be no toant of tljcm, toit (jout tojnctj teee can not line : as Hie, jaDatcs, ano Buck* Hupincs, and certaine pulfe elfe/o; fodder, refufe no gcouno,tl)ong^ ttbeneuec fo barren. HBefocs 5 tofjenas Fodder ffje tjufbandman mutt notonelp l;auc a care of p;outfing fuclj forCw- as ferue fo; tfje fuftenanee of man, but auofo; fuel; as f: rue 10; ulL tfje fecDing of pro.zc Cattell,tottfjout to^irf) tijc ground cannot be fjtifbanocD : r|ercfo;e muff i)c fotoe pulfe fo; rtjc bfe of man ano beaff,anO ifoooer in mo;e abundance fo; tljc fuftenanee of beads. Hmongft all fo;ts of if odd cr,tl;«u is counted fo; fyettyL ano : fj e beft..io!)icb tf)c people of oldetimc, ? ftje Italians at ttjtj? Dap call Mcdica,fomecall it 2Creefoile,tt)e jfrenc&mencall ftGrandrrefle 3 Medical t\)t Spaniards Alfalfa, others call it H5urgundic graffc 3 becaufc it toas biougljt in bp ttjc Burgundians , it in nolo alfo come info <3ccmanie,anD ttjere called Wclfliolken. Plmie to;itett), tt)a* it toas b:ougl)t bp tljc Momanes, out of Media into Italy, differing almott nothing from 2Erpfoll?, 0; tb;eeleaued graffe : but tjjat it is greater,bigljer,anD ranhcr 5 fo; in ttal!$e,leafe, and floto;e if is all one: it gcofoetb altogether butting in leaues. Bin ttjetoppeof tf)c ftalhe it puttett) fo;tlj mo;tcodde5 9 to;itljen UUel)o;nes inoen* ted about , and bauing as it toecc, little p;icbles, ivbctmx in tlje C s feed Thcfirft Booke, entreating fe&efljapeD like a S^ene, anD grototng to t£e €00 in bigme a* ttie Untilljlu^c^ being ct)3U»eD,taaett> Uke^eafc:eucr?(oD ^att> Jjis fcc?e , EC rrqutEcti) a fat grounD tottbout flones,fuilof taper ano riff) -in man? placcsttcommetb not bpin otbersit fpjingett) feerpttuefce. varro giuefb rt)arge,t!j3titbenot foiueOm to Dip agrouno 02 tickle , but in goo anD lueli fe^fonco. Plinic iuoulo \jm& rtje grouno be o?pe anD fcerp ncl). Columella bfDDetb,fyat f^e fieio.toJKre ttjis Medica fljall be fotocD, fljoutQ.be broken top aboct£ajb£:r,anD fo to ltemelloU>ingaUtrje fcuinter, ano t&en to ft irre if in j^cbruarp , % frje fronts caff out 3 totjatroto it fcueH s anD after in iiparrrj to ojDcr it garDcn-tmfe, rafting it into beo&* nirrp beD tm fore b:o3D,anD fifttc in lengrtj/o fyat ttjep map be ea3lpk)atreD,and cfeuerpfiDeiycUtocsDeD : rrjcttiar>ingong®& olo ooung, let U Ke till ap2ill, anD at t&e enD of 2pjfUfou;e it in fuc!j p2opo2tian,aseuerp rjanDfull of feeo mapoccupicfiuefa>tein b2eDtf),ano ten in lengtt), anD toucct^e feeo oat of fya.Kb, caking fbcm Uurb toajDen rases, fo: ttjc ©unite loill fconeburne trjew. 3fter it isfotr>m ; tjjafiteeme fcp an met) in imgrjt.pou muft be* iuarc psu teuctj hot rfce grocmD toirtj anp p:on internment , but sptfjet ujtfb pour fingers, oj toitl; Hakes of tuooD: foeeDe it toril from all of fret nopfome tr/mgs 3 otticctotfe it Ml grotofotloe anD turnc ropafrure.Leffrje firft^arnfffbelongDefcrxeDjtotbeeKD fce map fometefjat ft)eo rjisfceDes: at ottjec times eou map mcto it as (ant as pou tuill.anD giuc it to pour Cattell. ©nefcasare ffeiifull m fcufbanBjp.D'oe fap,tbat if pou mingle £>atcs isn't!) tfje fees of Medica, ano foto tt)em,trjep toill eaufc fytax f o ftotfe oerp toril: ttis folseD tn2p.:ill } o:later ? tnSpap,to fcape thje fcofts^anD rtje tea is raft in like (ait as ktfjeatis. - batjen tt bcgtnncfb to 6:anch,a!l ottjee tutors muff be tD£0eoatoap,an0 being trjuso:* DercDroj mar moUie it Bre rimes a Piere-Kf noU):ctb 5re times, o? at rrje iraftfiycfimrs.fo if btnotmLdlcn van rjaucmoUieD if, luater ittodl,* as it fpitngetrj, tote ttagnrne. 3nO fyus&s » 3 fapD,pou map mcta it fire times a pcccc, ana tt ii>*U tfjus confix nue ten percsfcget[jrr if niridjetot!jegroiinD.allfc:c2nD fable Caffell are fooncluought op toitb it, it Usemife rjealett) £afteli rfjitare DifeafcD,-buttD^cntt firtt fp;inget|j,ttilcaftel beacquain* f ets totti) it, pou mnff giue tijem bat itttic at once,lcaft tbelrcangc* mffc of r^ foooe ljurt tfamfo; it mafeetb f^emto Ca>eU 3 an& b?ee^- of Earable -ground and Tillage. 3 6 fcerl) great abunoame of blooo« Columella to2itctb 5 t&af one acre of it twill toeil finDe fyice l^ojfcs a peere.BIn fome Countries tljis Ijearbe Dotf) groUJin grcatplentiemeucrp ^coootiMptljer oftt?e nature of ttje greuno.oj t|»toug^tlje mfpofition of tye !£eauens s ano fomerime rfce reliefers of rtjat m&icb ^atrj becne lengagee fotoen oottj peerelp fpjing of t&e fertc tfcat failed, f ouergrotoen twtrj <£ra(Te ano Ujctoes , ootb change into speoooto. I fee no canfe but tfcat it map geotu of it felfe, btit tljat perhaps lin£ |aianfsaoare bjcugljt out ofttrange Countries require fotoing ano Djrffingtit is beft to be moUieototjen itbeginnet^to flotr»?e, fej it mutt not be fuffeteo to foo, Urt)ercbp ttje iFcOOer 0*all bee t&c better: tobit^ being iuell lapo bp,toi!leontinuem goooneffe 1Ij2eepeetes 3 to t^e great profit of tlje grafier, fe* as 31 tjaue fa?o fcefoje, ttjetecan be no better Jf oooee oeutfeofo? Cattell,tei)creo toitbtijep toill better fcebe,ano fooner rife. Oene rt in gocmus tot'rjfs Medica is Cytifus.toonocrfullp. as Plinic tnntetkeommen* Cyti f M , oeo of Ariftomachus, ano>as virgin fapty, agooa foooet fo.i £>ftfepe^mo being o?fe, a DeligtjtruU foooto &Uiine : it map bee motocD funojp times in tlje peerej to tfje great commooifie of tfco %n(osnoman : a Itttic lutjereof Dott; foonc fat tjp cartel!, nettle I* tljere anp. ott)er graffe ifcat pceloetfceptljer moje abunoance oj better ^ilfee^ttje molt foueraignc*meoicinefo2 tfje fickenefTe of Cattelltbatmapbe: be0De 5 tt)elBfiilofopt)crflp2omife,t&at JBees toill neuerfaile tfat fjane tbt*graOe growing neerc them: n)eee< fo;e it is neceffarp to bauepout gronno ffojee Untlj it,as tbe ttjing *$atbett fernery fo2$8oultrtc ano Catteil : tljeleaues ano fooe* are to be giuen to leane ano oiouping pullen : fome rail it Te- linen, Tome JCrefoile, fome great cpeUlot.tfje ttomane* call it Trifolumaius, great trafle,it i6 a plant altbairp ano tointify, as Rhamnusui 3 ^aumgb2anc!)es tjalfea paro long? mo2e,tobereupon grotoetb leaues lifce onto ft enigteefce 02 Clauer,but fomet^ing Uffc 3 |>auing a riGEngcreS in tt>c miott of tbem. SCtys plant teas firft foimDintbeBllanD Cythno.ano from rbence fp2eao tt)2ougb' out tbe Cyclad* , anb fo to Greece , tofjcrebp tlje ttoje cf Cbecte eamctobegreat: neither is tfjete anpeountrep at tbts$ap,i»bere trjepmapnot fjaue great plenty (ao Columella fattf))of tW flw&. 3n Italy it groUietfj about tbeencloficrs oftineparos.if fynnlutb neit^rfoiljeaVolDjfrc^nojfnolwutreqmretbgroogesiinOjiftbc .<£ 4. ioeatycr The firft Booke, entreating toeatber be beep bifjt mutt be toafno. ml totjtn it firff fp?mgs iucll tjarrotoeOrafter tb;cc pares, peu map cut it cctone>anD giue it pourCattell.Varro fcuculD haucitfoUicn in toeli ojiaOgrounD, astbefffoeof ColcfooitstyoulDbc ano after rcmmneDanofrta fcot ano a fjaife afunDcr,o: elfetobefet of the flips. Cbe time of fotoma; ef Cynfus is either in Aurumne,oj in tfce fp?tng,in ground tacllpleiutOanDlapD outinbeos: ifpou toanttbefao pouma* ease ttjc aipe,fo $af poo fet tijem foure fat afwioer 3 an& a baneae catf about ttjcmtoitn ear ttj mrllooungec: pou mapalfo fet tt)tm befoze September, teljert ttjcp toill toerp toell groto and abiDe rfce coloe m tointer 3 it InQetb but t&:« pare. Columella batt) ttoo lun&esofCytifui : onelmlDe,tbeot&erQf tbe garcen. Erjetmloe trot!) Untrj iKsdafpcts fceoe berp Vocli : it toi.icetrj about 3 ano fells t)is neighbours as tbe 3oie Dotj): it is fowto in Gomefielfis, fpe* ciallp amongU JSarlep, thje ficm;e thereof is iifac tfce fiolfi:e of §deafe j trje leafe,if it be biuifea, fmellctt) Itae rocaet 3 anD being erjampr D in r^e moutb, it tattrfb Uae £btcbe,o.: peafe. Ktytxt is an other feinoc of J^oODer among tbe plants, bnfcnciiicn to fyt oloe tDjtters.berp g©D to feD bottj Cartel! anD poultries fenois not torjetijer it be fcnotoen in ot^er Countries befioc ©ermanie, Sfxric. trje eomrnim people call it Spurie 3 o; speric : it &at& a liaise a fate in ^ctgrjr o: mo.ie, bnu>Q fo;ttj in manp b:aiicij*'S> it rjatb a tolntc fiotauc toit&oat stnj leafctrjc floir»:e enDctl) in little snops as irlare batty containing in t$em a cei p little faoiifce Hapeuxo* 2D|)ep are mucb Deceiues tfjat take it fo: Cytifut , totjen f|»at (as. Diofcondcs fatttj) fjatlj leaues line jfemigra ae, ana ttyis is alto? getrjer Untrjoutleaaes : neither istbetoanptf)tngliBe 3 t&oug& t\}t 'ofe be aunott one. 2L£>e belt milae an o butter m Oermanicv commcttj of tlj is facing : to|?ercfo:e it is c frames aimott as coo as23atlrp>02 otbecgraine: tbe ftrato is better t£enanp$£ep;t£e tljaffe fceDettj as fcuell as anp grain ts : tije fee fseOt tb pigeons ano fjonlfrie in Ijotnter paling iuill : it is fo\»c"o m fanOte ano ligrjt grcunos all tbe a ernmer long.ano feme fetor it in ap?mg time tuitb ^ates^ttje feeoefaac: in AutumncanD^arutil time itiB fofeeo to fceoe Cattell : it is profitable foj ^ufbanomen t^at Oloeli mfanopanogtauellpCcuntttes, torjecefoje t|tf u)oulo neucc bee tottljout gooD fto:c of it , fo: l^cnnes, ffas, Coates, &>!?${$, £)ren, ano all kinoe of Catteil ceiigljt teip mnet) of Earable-ground and Tillage. xy tn it : note r cmatne tb tbe fotmng of if la re ana $cmpc* RiJg o. 3fl©fecfo;tt. Con o.SCfxMltyottg!) tbcp be not to be receiucd m tlje mm* fcer of Coptic no; polfe, Jf odder no; l^carbs, pet is tbere great account to be made of tfjem mi tb tlje buf banomans things, mi tlj< cutfofwbno boufe can bcfutmOjed, no; man toellapparrelleo : fobtcb being beaten to a foftncffe,feructb fo;toebsofltnnen,ano fmifting ofCojds : and mo:c, of tfjtftfo little a teoc dotl; fp:mg tljaf,fo!jicf^aBPIinic feitb; carcierb tbe Indole U)o;lDlji^eranD fi)etber,tbat b;ingetlj Cfcgpptto gtaip, $ carrictb bs from Calcs to Oftia in 7.oaies. Linum in Jtatine: tn &f&9&wi in Italian and &pantu>,Lino:m Crenel) Dulin: m EHifcb almcff ltfee,fauing fyat tbep call tbe feed Lin. and rbe plant Flaxc, is a beep common fi«*. Jjearbe, mberetoitb toomen ace fet a too?he : it fpty a flender fcalfte, notmucbbnlthcto Spery, bnt tbat it grolurtb btgbcr a little, and bigger, toitb narrow leaned and long bleto floto; es m tbe top,to(»cb falling atoap,lcauctb behind tbcm Utle rounD hnops as big as a pcafe, wijerm are enelofeo pelloto few : it ociigb tctfj in net) grounds fomc to bat moid : fomc foto it in barramc ground, after once plotomg,lt is forced in tbefp;ing,ano gathered in fum* tnerjn Ocloeclano and ing tb cm in tbc funne to gather rbe feedXbe bundles aftertoardS are laid in mater b catcd \mt\) tbe funne, tot t p fomc toaigb* bpon tfmn to feeepc tbcm ootonc.tbe rindetoaring imfc, ujetoetb Uifjsn tbcp banc beene ftaepeo enough. 2Tbrn fyc bundles bnlofed and *njt d m tbe fun, are beaten toitb beetles, toben as tbe outer rinoe is pilled off s and combed* t b ached t? pon an r jcu combe : t!u nu\:e fo;ong it fufferctb, tbe better ootrj tt p :cu c : tbe tome is u u c red from tbc flare, and appointed fojbtebfe, foare tbepfcucrallp tymtbpw tbe dittaffc, made top inborfomes, anofent to trjr luca* aecf> tubeceof arc toouenwebs, to tlje great commoditte of all men. ThefirftBodke, entreating men.laff of all,t!je tocb is lafd out fit tin bot &imnc,a\ft fpjmtU*' led tottt) luatcr, toberebp it is bjougbt in a pau"mg tobircnrffe* 3t map be rcmemb*ed,tt)at not long ff nee ttje toomen of ^ams# nfc feneiij no coftlter attp?e.2Lt)e brtt i?Ure t&at ts at ttys aap,f* fcougbtfrom spufcouia, Liuonia,ano t&ofe Countries, far mtU ling ours in lietgbt ant) gmdne ffe, ercept tfjere be great encreafe of it; and pientie in tfjc Country tolKce pou itoc 11. Columella iuould not tjaue I'ou meddle tottl) tlje fotoing of it, foj it is moft InirtfuU to tbc gronno, as Virgill barb notes. Flaxe,wherc it growes doth bume the Field. The like doth Oates and Poppey yeeld. $nd tberefoze (but tbat toomen muft bauc forne things to mupi f bcir bands toltbalUit to ere mo?e p?cfit to folo tlje ground tottrj Cojne,and to bup linnen abroad, efpeeiallp if pou toatgt) t&e fjurt Hcmpe. »f vwc gtound,* t|»c charges of t&e making. Hempc,m latme is Cannabis, in <0£«fce ntwa&c mV^M Italian, Canabe, in &>pa* HM) Cannamo, in frmtty Chamura, and in HDutcb Haucph, is ft jpiant of tbe ttadtU) feinae,$amnga bery ftrong fauour •• it grofou erf) toitb a ffngle ftalb,i maiip times to fuel? a &cigt>t,tfjat it mat* cljetf) toitl) indifferent trees : it is of great neceffitie fo; tt)c bfe of manj ano feruetr) bctbfo? making of tbe tbicber pou foto if s tbe tenderer it toill be,and tberfo:c manp times it is fofejne rt#ife 3 tbougbfome tl;ere bet()atappopntto euerp tot fquare Crefads* SClje if cmale, oj firble l^empe is firft pulled Hop, aftertoard tl>e ^ale?o? tye carle, J»Jen IMj5 r^pje 10 ripe, is plucked t>p, and mads of Earable-gtound and Tillage. 30 made fep in bunoete , lapo in f &e &tinne fo* tto* o* foare oapc0, ano after 10 call into tfjc toater , tuttfj toeigfct laioe bpon fcfm fo? eigljf 0? ternie Oape0, till Ije be fufficic ntlp loafrco, ano as Jf tare, iillt&e rfaoe foare tafe : tljcn tafeen oae 3 if 10 ojfeo totty rfje &uri, anoaftectoofcenint&etoahe, ano tym combed ano tjacfeeB fo? i^arne and Hopes. £>f l^emp, are made Cablc0, €0200, #ef0 ano £>aUc0 fo.2 &&ippe0, garment0 fo? Habourcw, &bitt8, ano £>bate0: t&eujatoo* ftalfcr* ferue fo* fjeatfng of £>uen0, 02 kmoiingoffire0. 3 R i g o. 3ftt ffce Counfrcp of CWicfce, ano Tome parf0 of if raunee , 3 remember an ^carbe planted of tfjecommon people lBtt()greafDi!!genee 5 t^atfec«etMBtljepfaiofo?S)iar0. c o n o. f»aufaptrue , tyat fjearbe,Gcfar m tys Commence vie* of#eU>arrc0of JFraunee, called GJaQum, m 0reehe icon 15 Woidc, «A«Cor, fa 3*aU'an Gnado,m &pani# Pattern ifrenclj Gudum ano Guefdc , in ®ufc& Wcyt : t&e 2>iar0 ooe We if. ano tuitfo r&em ttf0grcatlp eireemeo 3 f great game arifctb thereof onto the people of CWoerland3ulic0 ano 2Curin 3 * dtuew Countries euV tbe leauea a0 Plmiefojitetkare itfee fcnto &>ocfe reaue&Diofcoridcs fo;itet& of tfoOBinoc0 3 tf)eaHloe 3 anotf>e harden $!lQadc,faplna; tbat tfje (Parden mom U>f»cb 2Dtar« tfe,t)aue lcauc0 like Man* ttne 3 but fomctljing tbic&er,ano tbcim'loe Ieaue0 like llentill toith pelloto floUier0 : toitlj t\>\* Ijearbe Ccfar,faM) tljepeople of Gng* land, tocretoont to paint tyeic faecjrnid bodies, to feme 11102c terrible to t&eir enemrc0 : it require^ like fofotng ano foile as mfyate ootjj : but it 10 a great fofeer of tlje ground and much ^uttzt b it : it tooulo fjaue a fcerp ric& ano a fat ground , ano tuell Oiggco : fo? ttje ground mere better f be t urneo tip toifh fpaoes r&en fottl; piotuea fo? t&e fotoing of fyte plants it muft be berp foelto*dcd.3it tSfofoed in (25eloerlano in £p?i!,anoafferthecom* mon peoples rulr 3 in Matter foa&tat rfje firft fallowing the? marie % grouno, after fofoe it: poumu&beuerpfjeeoefullinfhcU)** Jtng of if. tm\)cn it is grotocn a |jaitDfull Ijpcano mo2e,t&ei> fu5 fentnottofiofeJie, butUutbanintfriiment"fo;t!)epnrpofe 3 fhep rutitc{ofebptljerajte,lua^it 3 anoearrpitfotf)e m\,m(\\m* riHgittogrolnagairte,ttjepcutit ttyk o;foaretime0 3 anOfo leaue !L« e ^ ■ We s . r ^ e ^ acbe ^ c ? ^« Dc rn ^illrs like Apple 3?i!0>p2t«mi0 it til tycp get out al tfje twice tfjer^tf^cn roule tfiep it The firftBooke, entreating %p tottb trjelr Ijanos in rounc ball rs, ana fe lap ft bpon to;*et Ao:cs to be o;pr D. R i g o.fPoa \>auc gteitlp DcligfctcD ttw,tttoefccftftrgtmtfl me the e;Der of fotoing ef feeDs, toujour In bich, not onelp tf?e people of tbc Countrep>but alfo tbje Courtier anD Citizen ace notable to line : my Defice (0 note to bnDerllanD ttic o:Ccr of tjaru eft, tbc Countrp mans long loStS-toi-time,* fyt retoaro of all ^ts topic. Harucft. Coko.J mill pjocceDcin tyc accompltfljmg of pour rcqucft. tafjen tfje come is ripe, befoje it be fco.zcbf & toin) tf>e great fjcat of tbefunne(tobh"b 10 moll crtrcame at fyt rtfrng of tie lefer Dog) it to to be cut Dotone oat of bano : foj D e lap rierrin is Dangerous* Jfirft, brcaufe rtnt btrss 3 an0 ortier bertrane toill Dcueuce it: and againe,botb tlje CkaraeanD rtjc Carr,tbe toppeanD tbc &rato be« ing battle ano oner D?p,totll fame fall to tye ground : tf tto;mc 02 temp eft cbanec to anfe,ti)e greatett part rbcrof toil to tbc grouno , ana tberfo:c it muff not be lmgrcD,but im)en it Botb lobe pelleto in euerp place, anD befo;e rjjat tbc <£:awe be tbo,:oiD baro } tt)bcn trjeprometo Itofee reDOio), pou rauft tbcnt)auc tt in, that it ma? ratfjer toare in tbe barne, tben m t^e fielo. erprriencc teac|jer^, fljaf if it be cat Dotone in sue rime, the feeoe toill greto in mines as it ipeth in frje barne : fo? tbc ^awte inrreaung, the Come groin es greater : at the change pen muft gatbec fucb feoeas pou tooulo n)oulD be Icaft fauitte. Varro faith, t£at tbe belt rime fo; ^aructt, isbettoirttbe ^unnettap, anorbeDogge Dapes : fo; the Come rbef lap, sorb lie in (be blase fifteen c Dates, floiv* wtb fiftcene Dapes, ano ripefb in fifteene baits, amongft Orame Rape Har. anD jaulfe,tbe firtt that is to be garbcreD, is Kape ferDc 2nd bs> *cft. cau/e tbe fsjDe 5 toben tbc cod beginnctb to toarc pclloto,Drelarerb rip entire, it mull be gatrjrrco out of bana : an fttb rfce fuse toill rafilpfcatfer^tmuit be lapD ertberin plamefmajtij places tn tbe ^iclo,o; bpon CanuaOe : anD if it be pjefentlp to be carrieD,rbe CQapneo.: cart muft be 1 mcD toirb fcectes, left toirtj togging and trotting of tbc carnage, tbefeeDcfali rbo:wto.?Pou mo& tafee gmo fceeDe as toell berrein,asin allotber jpulte, fyatpou wcutnttye rapne, fo? rberapnefall«ig,rbe cods doc open. 3s fewte as poar Uape fceoe is off, if tbe grouno be plotoeo, pou map fcto X5ucae, 0? I3?anfee, as tbep call it : fo rh.it ofonepcece of grounD in one p#re, pou inapntafce ttoo ^arueils, $ ert fcnto £ape tjarueH in rbcfe of Earable-ground and Tillage. 3 9 fhcfeCotrnttie^fbllotocft) tl)t haruefr of Winter Bariep, W ^° ^ sa:oing as tyty are timely fciueo,to!iecein pou muft raise tjeeDe,as and ^ 4 3 taarneo pau before in ftape fee*, ttjat ttjcp lie not abioao in tfjc raine : fo? if tfjep Doe, ttjep toill open ana Icofe tYjtit fees. Haft of all commett) ttje l^arueft of ttje otljer Smmmer feese , as of 13ar* !cp,^anm:le,^nlet, antj £)ates. 5t is founDbp erpec!ence,toat ramc is goo formates after tljcp be DoUme: fojftcaufet^tbcm to flucll anD fa be fuller, ano to tyat cm ttjeu ate left in tt)e8clo wiaup rimes ttuo 0^ tl):ee toeeljes after tljcp be Detune, R 1 g o . CCIfjat cjoer fauc you in pour reaping ? Cono, Clierc are Diucrs fo;ts of reaping , acco:Ding to t^e Diucrs^ manner of ewerp Countrp, ^omc toitt) ^ptl;es;tot)ui; Differ alfo f° rts of The firft Booke, entreating as tlje toojfee requires. Bin tljis Countrep toe fcfe ffjjee fotf* of coznc &itjjes,foi citljertoc fcauea &ittjclifeea £>icltfc,tofjiclj Ijel* Den m tye rtglit l)anD,tl)ep cut tlje ttrato clofe by t|?e grounD, and Ijaucm tlje left jjanoa longl;fl>l$e, to&ccetoitljt&cp pull together tljat t&at tyi? Jjane cut, nno lap it in Ijcapcs : ano in tljis fo2f tffityeat ano Ktc, an* fuel) CSraineasljatlj ftjc tturoicft ttrato, is reapcO. 3n ot|jcr places as in Iulis, Ulcere tlje grouno being berp riclj, t£c Come grotoctbfcig&cr ano ranc&rr, tljerctljep fjolotljen: left Ijano full of Come, ano toity tlje rigljt Ijano toitl) fcDtljcD £>icttfestljepcHtit, Icauingtljc ttrato bnocrtljeirljanas long, to Ijclpc t\>t grounb toitfjall.^n otljer places ttjep bfe a greater *Sitlje toit[) a long fetoatlj, anD ftnccD toitij a crakeo frame of ttidxss, . totjeretoitb toitij bort) tfjeir Ijanos tljep cut oo tone tlje Come, anD lap ft in £>toatljes as rtjcp doc (Scsfle to&cn tljepraotoe it, ana toitij tljat ttjep moto tlje tjtgljer fo?ts of Come. Varro ano Colu- mdla,anootbcr,ooetelloffunmpot&cr fo2ts ofreaping. Palladiut teacljet&,befiDetl)e labour of men, a fl>02ter toap to be Done toitl) an £>rc, tljat fljall in n)o;t timt cut Dotone ail f bat groto etb,to&icjj toas totont to be bfco in jrraunce. SEfjc Deuife toas, a loto fcinD* of Carre toitl) a couple oftoljeelcs, ano tlje ^runtarmeo toitfy fljarpe Ccfeles , toljtctjfejce&bp tlje bcatt tbougtj t&e Cojne, did rut Dotone all before it. &fyis tricisc migljt be bfeo in leuellano fljamplon Countries : but toitl) bsittoouio ma&e butilUfauoureO toojUe. Bn reaping, pou muff regarD to goe toitij tijetoinoe: fo: if pou toojbe againtt tlje toinoe, it toiil be ^urtfull, as Xenophon Xaitl),botl) to pour tits atto pour tjano. gftfje ttrato be but tt)02f, pou mutt goe neercr tlje gronno, if itbe long, pou mapputpour hictutt f o tjjemiooctt to Difpafclj it tlje fomcr, t f o mafec it tyitty t\)t better : ano ftjc ttubble tipon tfcc grouno mutt eitljcr acco:Ding to virgils rule be burnt, 02 rot bpon tlje grouno,fo2 tlje bettering of tlje lanD.^ome p?eferue tljat tofjictj is longctt,tor$atclj iSarns, & tablcs,i Countrep Cottages toitfjall.ano to^cre l^apisfeant, it fctuctjj fo2 foDD2fng of Catfcll : foi 315arlcp ttrato is a fart tijat X5ullocfes loue toell, ano befioe,all feintie of ttrato is goD to litter toitljall. SQljcn tlje Co2ne is Dctone,it is pjefcntlp to be bounD iu ftjeaucs : alt!jouglj Barlcp, ®atts, ano ot&erCo*neano pulfo «s maucDp m Cops ana italics, but not toitljout ljurt ano bajaro, StljeCojne being cut, j'snorfobcljaD into tlje 13arnep2efcntip 4 but of Eatable-ground and Tillage. 40 buffo be let D?p, acco?&ing fo tbe nature of euerp <£?apneana ipulfe : fo? tf it be carried in before it be tlj?ougf) D?p,itco?rup# tetb ano tottctt), £Date0 ano Bucbcare longeff left ab?oaa ,20 a!* fo fi,etttiles,iaeafe anD pulfe,becaufe tyep are longcft in D?ping. K® Ijcaf map fame ft be carr pcD,if tt be not mfngleD feutb f © mans tDceoes, t&at t>moer tye t>?pmg of if. WL^m l^aruett is in, tl;e plowing grouno mult out of tjano be plotoct), botfj to hill tije U?ccDe0, anD after h«- to maae it tbe meeter fo? teener* fofoing. Cbe Co?ne cut oowne u?it - ano D?ic, is to be lai&ritberm Barnes, ^ouc!0, o?£>facli0 : ana after in OTnter , to be trofcc out toitbBcafcs , o?t[)?eu)e&eut Wt\> iMaile0, ano to be eleanfeo toitfj Cannes. Rigo, 3!n 3ftalp t&ep t»fe f treao out tbetr £0?ne toity Cat .» fell : tbelifeerepo^tef^Xcnophonoftbe tg^t^. Cono, 3^aue fane it mp felfe, toljeretbeprafljer fafeo ^o?fet&en ®xen : anD t&at timetljep aifofoinnotofijeir Co?ne, t^mbittg tfje £>outl)toeff foinDe fo bee beft fo? tljaf purpofe : but to (Jap fo? tljatj Columella tyt'nbef f) but flje part of a fmall fcu0banD* r 1 g o. 3f fee pou Ijaue berp large Barnes, 'fo&at o?ber cb* feme pouintbebuiloing of them i Cono, l^oumuft fo fetpour Barne, tyaf fbe Co?nemapTheBa*u be foell bjougljt into it, ant fee it be berp clofe on euerp fioe, lea* uing open a fpace fo? ttoo Da^es,a fc?c Dco?e, ana a bacue Da)?e,lmt fo, as neither of ttjem open fo f&g S&cft, but ratfjer $o?tljanOf Cattj ano at botf) fiocs of f be flro?e beftoto pourCo?ne in feuerall faffe0 anD ma>fo0, fo tbat pou map taUly comefo cuerp oneat pour pleafure, #nDfljougbtl)eCo?ncbelapDbponbatfe0infbe' fl©:^, pet let tijerc be a fpacc left in tlje mioff, tfjat map be open fo t|je berp top, t^at pou map fcfcbfoljat fo?tpoulift to betlj?e> ; fyeo. 3n fomc places tljep l;aue a $u!lp in tbe mmu% Utycrctoitir tijep fcopfe bp tije Come to tlje beep rafter0 of rtje ijoufe.^n 1$oU ' lanD tljepbaue fcto clofe3i3a£ncs,butall!£ouef0 anD £>tacb0> fo placeb totty banging rcoffesbpon poftcs, tfjatixiitb pinnes anD touacijes, ttjep map ljctgl?f en it,o? let it Dotone a0 tbep liU. R 1 g o. SCbofefeinoe of JBarnes tbep fap,are notfo fubiectfa i iptfc anD Hats, no? fo chargeable as tyc otl;cr» Cono. ^otofoeuec fbe Barne be, pou mutt place if a« Ijigl) as. pou mapp led tjc Co?ne be fpople^ toiflj moptture 0? The fii ft Booke, entreating Damps : fome thtnfce it uetfer fo: tycm to be tijatcfjrD r&eti fpleD: tlje largenctfc mud btc nicozsmg to ;i)t greats of pour occupy ing.£>ome,totrje rna Cxs anu eaSecjUsmap ttje bctfcrccmebp, tt)cp do baulttfjefi©2efoitt)b2ttks,ano lading cafcer* rtj^rc oil, Do lap ontfjeir Come. 2C{)e fiojemuft bee fay:c anDfmotbmaoe, fo as tljeCojnemap betoell tfceCbeD o: trtDen out. Columella fooulD fjaue tfje flone faire pauco tmtt) flint 02 ftone,toljcrebp tfjc Co2nc null tl)t Toner be trj:cfljiD,anD ttje C ecu not Ijur t lxiufj 3ca* ting and trampling of £>rcn, anD to&en it is fan'o 0: totnnotoeD, tt Unit not be full of graucllanocuct, as t(j: eartl;en flaucs peelD. 25 ut toe content our Celucstoitb oueeactfjen fl(D2cs,tocllmaDe s ana of gcBD eartb, mtrcD toitlj a little C&aflfe, anD tijegtouncs of Ople ; founts puferuetb tfje CojnefcomspifeanD 0mets. ^ou niufi make it oerp euen anD tcueil , and after it is mingles Uritf) Ctjaffe,tet it be tocll troDen,ano fo fuffereo to Djp.^ou mutt feape alfo from it JBeattes 3 anD |3oultcte,U)^tct) toittj trampling t fcra* pingtotll make it ruggco anobneuen. ECUjentbc florets D2p,t$8 Come laiD on it, is beaten outtoitfj jflaplcs, anDcleanfetftrntlj ifans, t&ougb in fome place t&ep rather Ufce to treao it out toity m £ renins to toinncto if after tfje etc fasten, luttt) rtje UnnDe. R 1 g o. tut ell feir, tefym pou t>aue ttytts rt)2cu>a pour Co2«e 3 fofjat toates rjauc pou to feeepe it from iinuels t Gamers. Cono, SC&e Garners, 02 C02HC ILoftSjtDfjereUl pour Coma t\)U5 t'rj:eO)ED anD rleanfeD tyall be IapD,mutt ftanD rjigrj, t|>at tfjep map beblotone tf>2ougb U)it^i tlje <£atterac <* ip>02t£erne toinDs, to tof)i:rj no raoptture firem tjje places aoiopning mu& be fuffereo to come:fo2 tbe quarters of ttje tieauen that are coIDett and D:prtt, Doebotlj pjefecue Cometfje longett.3n japaineanD Apulia 3 being tot Countries, tl;c minoe ys not onelplet in on ttje fioesbp torn* Dotoes,but alfo at trjc bottome bp grates. §ome againe p2eferurs tf in baults tmDer tfje ground , to&ere t&e D?p eart& Dottj c&eriQ) fuel) fcuites as u)ee fcatl; bjougljt fa>2tb, bfcoas Varro faity, in ^pauie anD Cartage : anD in our oa?>es toeebfe tekecpeboty 83inc anD CSjaine in fuel) baults. Bfn Countries t&at are loet anD toatciu), it is better tomahe flmn in <&azvets, as Ijtgb as map be, ^auinggo)D regaro fljaf it be ioell tualleD ano fiasco. ^o^eouer, toljere as Cornets fubicct fo SSTiusIsanD iaennme, ernpt it betierpfafelplapDbp,it Ml fame bcconfumeD ; tljere* » i32& of Earable-ground and Tillage. 41 fole pou mull mahe tottt) Clap, mfngleD m fteaD of ffrato, Initfj Againft ?;ap:e, tlienoucccaft it toittnn anD Uutljout Untt) Incite potters breeding Clap: iattofall, aapett)e roles and leaues of toiloeCucum^W) *!* fcers ui tiutcr iUjo oapes, ano tuitt) tljat Mater, uno Lmic, ana £>ano, mabc plaiffer,anDlD;i!l) tr)eretoirt)aUtt)ctoallesUJiti)m : albeit, PJmic counts Unite as fjuctfull a tl;mg as map be fj: C une.&omfe mingle toittj iltmc tfjc «l:me of Cattell, as a tiding that U>: .1 ocftcop waiucls ,oj t Jjc leaucfl of i)}oufei©sc,o: 3SHo:mc^ Uicdd, 0; l9oppcs : but fpeciaitp if pou Ijauc it, there is nottjmg to ga>:> to beff rop all bub flBecminc,as tfjc cicggcs ano bottoms of ©pie : fomebfc in t&effeao thereof, tf)epicfcie of herrings, leaning in tr)is fo:t o:ouo ttjctc feelings , ano ttjeir fl©;es being Dae, tfjep fuppofc that no tjurtfull tuanne fljaU annop fcunatfo* euer Co;ne tljcplap in tfjem. ,s>omclap bnDec ttjeir Come, jf Ice* tooit: otters ttjinhe it an affurcD ceincOp,ift&ep be often fanneO ano toinnotocD, anD tfjercbp rolco : but Coiiu»nciUtI;in!scsit bntruc, anD tfj.it b^ tfjis m canes tfje Clccmine ujall not onelp be noto;iuen out, but trjcp Hj.ill be oifpcarfea tt);ougtjoat all tfjc Cozne, toljicrj if tfjep orfjcrtoife be left alone, ioill meoole in; t& no nu:c tfjen tfjeoutujaro parts, fo: a t)anobjcDt(j oeptlj toittjin, tfjerencuer bzeedes anp Churls, ajia ttjcrcfo:e tje t&tnhs it bet* ter to let tljat alone that is alreaDp corruptee, ano vut;i goe no furtfjcr,ttjcn truth farther m:D;mg to marreall: font ts aneaue matter, tufjenfoeuer v& ntcoc to oceupp it,to take atoap. tfjit is taintco.auQ to life the red. 13ut fo: all tfjis, erperience teacfjetfc t>s, tfjat tfjere is not fogort a rem cop to Deffrop tfjc 583 pu ell. as is tt)e often fanning ano touirtotoirtg in Summer. 3 iter tlje firft tic 3 pcetes, tfjep fjolo opinion, f fj ep toill not mebole tottfj Come : but 31 tocarp pou toirfr carrping pou to mucfj about, ano if it ple3fc pou, toe totll tcfurne Ijome. R 1 g o. 33f it be fo; pout eafefotoDat ottjerfoife ttjerc can be no greater pieafureto me,thcn uulbingab:oao to tjcare pou tallsc offjusbanO;p.3re tfjefetfjat 3 fee pour jaaftures, tofjece pour fat °^j? u , rc £>ren, anD pour spares, ano pour Colts goe leaping. ^ " C o n o. Hfiep are fo 31 lap all mp paftures feuerall,fo: euerp ninoe of Cittellto bcbpfjimfclfc : in tijefjitbennott tljat pou fee, are mp Cattell tfjat J fat: in tfjenert acemp ^ojfes,mp^aces, au&mpColW : in tf)enertacemppoungbj«oc, peecelings. ano $ SCtoo* ThefitftBooke, entreating Ctuopeecelmgs. SCtje^e^otocs tbaf pouftem penbcr tSallcp, !pe aH to be S^oUieD. l£ecc nect to in? boufCj arc imp feuiklings, ffj.it ace b?ougljt to tljen-Dams to fucfeetb.uTeaDap, ano ti)eic> fo?e ougfjt to be nace : f)ctobcif, fticfj as faDe farce off, mutt Di< iigentlp anD oMlp be loteeb to, foj feace of Difcafe*. R i g o. &tnee 3 tjauc troublco pou tjrusfacce,3f cannot Icaue till 3 fcnDecftanO all pouc o:Dcrs. Con o.^otcoubleataUfomeibutcatbecasHfat&befoje, flje ceco:Dtng bcrcof,is mp gceat iop. : foj in talking of ttjefc mat* fees pou bring me a beD. R i g o. 3 prappoufljenfahcflicpaincsto tercribcmct^co^ Bering of paftnces ano ^eoofocs. tohm as tbcce fcmcty to be a great aftmitie betlmrttbemano Comegrouno, anobecaufe f$ep ace fomefimesalfoto be plotoco, me ttimfcett) fyis pactce* matnetf) to be fpohen of. c o n o. £&ttb all nip l;cacf , 3 foill fatiffie poac ceffee inas; muclj as 3 am able ; ano moit^fince Bf bauc all tins tolnlefpoBen of Come gcouno,it is not out of ojocc to fclrou mp mince of pa* (luce : $ altljougl) Cato in fome places Doth giue tjje preeminence to tije SHinepaco : pet orljec oio frritece ooemoft ofallprefeccc paftuces 3 as tbe gcouna tfjat cequfcefb lead to Doc about tt: ano rfjeccfore t^cp luerc calleD, as Varro faitlj, Prara, beeaufctfcep lucce Parata 5 altoap in ccaoincs 3 ?neeoeDncitbec gceat ctjscgc no.: Iabouc,no? ace in oangee of ffo?me o? tempcft0,ssetbecfeaiDrof gecuno ts^ercept fuefc paccelsas lieneeec Uiucts 1 3lanDs,twjiff) ace ffmettmes ouecfleteeo: ano tyat DtfcommoDieie is fumcientip recompenceoimtb ttje fatneffe ffjat ttje Icarcc ieauce bcbtiioe if, ixu)U\) encicbetii trjegcount, anomalies ittbcbeftecrecrclpto ra?& tits game cpttjee m paftuce o: £peDco!x>. ££e fBafruccs iuitb fcs Doe common!? fecue botrj fo: paffuceor^tB^oto toljen. J&t liff/peeiaUp in fuel) places to^ere tf?e gcouno is cicfjano D?ie, luljifb tljep IjaD caffjecto emp'op to patruce,bexaufeu>itbDung#' tng of Cartel!, it toacetrj alfoaies tbebcttec, totrcceas tnitb eon* rinuall bearing of !£ap, it rjatij gcoluue to be mofl&c ano naugljt : but mrjccctfje gcouno is altoatcs met ano toatciGj, cijece it tsbef* tec to let it Ipefo? speoDofo. Columella mafeetrj tlwoiinDesof pattuce gcouno toljeceof one is altoaies ojp, tbe otbec onec^ Hotoeo.Sije gas ano cic^j gcouno tiat^j no mxoetf ouecQotoing> of Earable-ground and Tillage^ 4*. tyc $ap being mueb better tbaf grofoetb of ttyt felfe gajbnefife of t$c ground , tfcen tbat tobitb ts fojceD bp toaters ; tobtcb fame* fimsnottoitbftanoingis neeofall, if tbe bacremteffe of tbe ground required it : foi in bad ana naugbtp ground, goto s^ecDoU) map be made, if it lie to be ouer*flotone : but tbcnmufttbe grouni neither lie (jo!loU>, no; in t)t!s, teaft ttje one of tfjem feeepe tfj e lu li- ters bpon it tofotbittcll, ano all ot&er £Lbtffels,intbe&pnng. ^au mutt take beeDesf&foine, tbat fpoiieanD turne bp tbe grouno ilWauouredlp, and all otfjer Car* tell : ercept it be in bard anD d;p tocatber, fo; otbertoife f bep gult ano marre tbe grouno toitbtbedeepc fincfung of tbeirfiaete tread* tng m rtjo C^affe^ avo b; eahing of tbe ttajres. 2Cfje bad anD bar* raine grounds are to be belpco Ivitb Dung in Winter , fpeefallp in if cbjuarp, tbe ^eone encreafing, ano tbe ffones, ftufees, ano fucb baggage as Ipe fcattereo ab;oao, are to be tb:ofone out fa* ner, o; later as tbe grouno is. fCbere are fome spcDDofocs tbat toitb long Iping, are oucritbffanaing tbcfe are but trouWefome remedies. seb'e beft ano certain*!* is fo plofoeft: fo; (be grounD after bis long reft, toill beare goslp Cowic, But after pou baue plotoro if, it tuill fcarfe recouer bis olD atcs , anD to ^arroto tyc ground cucn anD Icucll , and to Jjurir out all tfcc fronts anD fuc£ ttjmgs as map ljurt tbc ep;rjc : fo; £)atrs is a great biaocr of g ruffe. fc>;mc Doe raft l^aprfaDc , gat&crcD from trjc *£ap*lolt oz rije ■Ua.-bcs, ourr t!;c grour.D befeje t|icp bartott) it. Ctr.ctsagair.Cj tutjin t&etr SpeDDotocs Ijaue lien long, fohn 13 canes upon hum, o: tiape faDe, o; ipiilct, anD tlje pare after tCltjcatc : anD tlje frwro pare tjj ep let trjem lie agame fo; ^eDDolu 02 |0afture.^ou muffbauarc, tljattoljilc the grounD is leofc anD foit,pouiit not in the toatec, fo: t&c four of ttje toater toili toaft) alnap tbc ear t^ from tijermtcsof trjc (Sjaffe , anD toillnof fuffer ttjem to groto together : neither mutt pcu (foUtjelifec Danger) fi ffciCattellto come fcpon it, er.cpt in ttjc fccoi.o pare ©oates, 0; stjapc.o: fucrj Ufce, after pou tjauc motoeD tt, anD tfjat it tlje fiafon better? ejie. %\)t ttnrD rare pou map put on pour greater fo?t of Cattell a* gainc, anD tf tljegrouno befjillp ano barraine, pou map Dung tlje ijtgtj cQ part of it in i^ebiuarp, as 3 fatD before, catting on it feme ^ap faDe, fo? tljeljigljcr part being menDcD , tlje raine 0? toater tbat comes to it , null came Dotonc fomc part of fyc rtcljncffe to tlje bcttomcj as 3 fato before, tofjen 3 fpafce of tlje manut mg of carable gcounD. 15ut ffpoutoilllap mucin grcunc fo: £pcDiolo. anD tfjat pou map tjaue pour crjotfc, fake fuel? as is rub Bciup, lr* ucll, 0? a little Ranging, ojuljcofg fu:t> a taller, fertjere tye toater can neittjer Ipe long, \k% runne atoap to fatt : netttjer is tlje ranfee affe altoapcs a ftgne ofgaD grounD : fojtorjargasDher CjaiTe is t^ccetatttj Plmic , tben is in Germanic , ar.D pet pou tyall trjere ijauefanDtoitljuialtttic of tlje topper part, i^ettrjec isitaltoapa teat rp grounD toijere tfje CiaUc grotoes rjtgt) 3 foj tlje ttcrp O^oun^ fames in SycherJand pffio treat anD rjigtjgraCcfoj Cattell. SLtje pafture* tfjat lies bp tlje Lafcrs of Dumonc m Aufby ano Hun- gary are but flenDer, no? about tyz Rhine , fpecialip at IjisfaU ling info tlje j&ga about Holland, as liEeUnfc in Jf rafclanD anD JFiaunsers. GxCuVvpUus, tljej^iclDscfRc ferns tocrcttepjin* cipallof Jfalp, to&ere tye <$i«tie tooulD fo foone grotoc, as it tooulD Ijice a ttaffe in a Dap. pou map make gocD specootoe of anp grounD , fo it map be toarriD. f^our spetDotocs ate fo be pucgro in September anD £ttwbcr , anD to be no of all. bulges, bjambUs, ano great, foule TOjods , ano all things rife mt of Earatle-ground and Tillage, 43 ffjaf tm\m tycm , t^en after rfjat it batl; often toe ffitrtD, an) hritbmanp times ploiuing mabe fine, fijc (tones caff atuap, anD rbe dobs in cuerp place bjofcen, gott muff oungit toell Uitt^ freflj tmsjfyc ($e Dung bc,f be better it is, ano tfyt tno:c C^afle it maBCS:iMjtrtJ muff be lain bpon tfjsfop of tbeljigbcff of tfcc grcuno, tljat tl;e gcnBnes m^ rttnne to f be bottome* Ebe beff bearbe fo: paffurc 0; ^eo- &oro,t0 tlje Crefoile 0: Clauer* tljc nrrt is ftoeet C ; ;au"c : tlje too;ff as Plinie faitb,is Kuff)es 3 JFearne 3 an& ^ojfctaile. R 1 g o. SijoU) fijall 3 towto fcul;en tbe C^afl'e is ripe., ano ecaop to be cat * c o n o. SCJje time of cuffing of if, to Urfjcn tfje Bent begfo- itetfj to fabeano toare ffiflfoano before it luitber. Cato bibs not to molt) pour C^affc tofty ttje lateff,but befoje tljc too be ripe. Bit ts toff mi boUrne before it l»itfjer,t»berebppou ftal Ijaue botlj mo?e, ano better i#ep of if . &ome 3 U)bcr e tyep mar ou ccflctu if ,0 toaf er it a bap before tbcp tut it 3 it wttcth better after a o eun'e euening. R 1 g o. H>oepou tut grade in the libe fotf as pou Doc Come? c o n o. ftlmoff in tbe lifee (oit > fome ooe bfc fljotf &in)es> mowing it tmtlj one IjanD ; but toe fjerc Doe bfe tbe common great &f n) 3 motoing tottl; botb our bancs, as 31 faio befoje,tbat £)ate0, ano Barlp 5 anD facjj otber like Comefoas mofocD 3 totjic!) &>itbes toe bfe to u)arpe toub 52l(jcf ff ones,o? inffruments of toart? z; cfl co iuitl) faab. Clje Cfeaffe being cut, muff be toell f e&oeo ano tut * tieo in tye Summer, ano notcocfeeD till it be D?p : ano if iterance to befoettoirbraine,tt muff not be turneMill tl)e topper part be D?te&. SEbere i» a meafurc to be tofeb in making of it, t^at it be not Ijao in t©o;ie,no? rto greeneXbe one fo?t,if tlje iu^ce be D?icD •tjp 3 fcructb onelp fo? lifter : tyt otjier ftas greene onD mopffjif tt becarieo into t^c ilofr,rottetb,ano t\)e bapour being ouer-brat to, /alictij 011 fireanD burnetb, kn% if fo be tl;e raine chance to fall #3 *m The firftBooke, entreating fepon tbc gcaffe fyat is netn cut Dolune, if it be not fttrrcD 3 tt fafec* not fo mucb barme : but tf it be once turnco 3 pou matt thtl be ftic# ring of it, otijcrtotfe it toiU rot. S£berefo:e tbc fcppermoft part bcrozctt be tumcD , mutt be toell o;uo teitf) tbc smnnc anD rfcje touiDc : toben it is o?ico,toc lap it in U):nD;ota)cs 3 anD tbcnmaue it tp in Cocaes 3 ano after rrjat in tpeomes , tol;icb mull be G)arpc ano pifcco in trje top, tbc better to Dcfeno it from ttje rarne, tntitcb if it Doe not fall , pet is it gcoD fo to Goe, tl;at tbep map fUuat m tbe faio a^comes, ano Digctt uibatfocuer moirhire is in it. ano rb crefozc gcoo bufbanss doc not lap it bp tn tbetr lor trs, ttll fair; time as ittyat}) ftneat in tfjc fidD. Oraffe is commonly motoeo ttoife a pecre, in £papo.z 3une,anD agame after l^arurtt : tbeneft moUnng is ectmtcO tt)c bed. 3s fame as tbc 1j=mp is off afcer t^e ftrft moUiuig, ittooulobc ouerfloiiieD fifpoumap conuementip) to tbe cud tbc after feuatb map be molaeo m Autumne , tobicjj tljcpcall in llatine Cordum. fntbe DuaeDomeof Spoleto, it isfaio tbcp momefouce timesapeerc, being D?ie grouno, ano Dtuers otijee places trjnfe a pare. Mcdica map be cat Gre times apeerc, if it be ozDcreD as it cugljf fo be. %t is beft niotoeD ioben it brginnetrj to flchnc, fo:tt mutt not gcoiue to fecoe : being o:ieD it ismaocbp in bunDcis 3 anDEeptgeDDtfjjccpcstcs, to tbe great comfort of pone kartell : but becaufc 3 l)zut tolDe pou of Mcdica bcfo:e,if is but bainc to rebcarfe it agame. R i g o. fPcurjauc fpoaen of abcrp large ano great anofo* lesgeof fjufoane;p 3 lobul) out of Doubt rcqutrctb in a man great frauailcaao Diligence. Con o. Jt require^ fnDeeSc great Diligence anD ftauailr, r)ofc>beit 5 if rccompcncctb tfyt pamcsanD tbc ebarges,nct iuttfjeut great gi.ics, lubcrcof Plimebangetb fo2crample CaiusCrseli- ru?, tetjo tuben bpon a little piece of grounD be reapiD mo:e fi uit am> gtafnes a great Dralc 3 tben tjts neighbours did fcpon their gceat ;e:upic:s,greto into great tjatrco amengtf tb«.m,ss rbougrj fjee tjaD belititibcD trjeir ficlD: Uibercof being a:c*;fcS bv Spu_ rus Albinus , anD fearing to be cOHlintfteB , luben tbc Oucff flpulo pafiTe bpon rjtrn, be b;inqs ali bis imTruments of bufbanD:p info ttjc common place, ano bzougljf in tberetoitball tjis Daugb* fer 3 aiollp great Hotle, tjis iron t©lcs pecfemp trell maDe, great £>paais , mig^tie Coulters 3 ano luftie Cattcll ; ioc beerc (qoot^ of Earablc-ground and Tillage, 44 (qtjot^r) mine encbauntmenfs, natter can 3 bnng before pou Thc Si ^ m ntV ■jceatanopamcfull labours . toatibmgs, anofuieat, U^crc* ^""scrx- topon $ce Uns p:cfentip quit bp r^c bopas of trjem ail. 15ut 3 Gnu*. fe t epe yi.u to long about mp ^usuano^, tt is goo time foeleaue and gae borne. Rico, wty a god Ml, 3f 3 map obtapne one ttynsat pour l}ani;0, \ufjub U>ben pou I;auc maoe an end Unci; , 3 Unil trouble pou no longer. c o no. mfyatiBtW* ! R 1 c o . 3f a man foouto bupa jFarme 0; a spamro;, inimjat fo:t fljall rjc belt 00 c it i fa: 3 doubt not but pou rjan e god (bill in fucij matters. c o n o. iichomachus in X°nophon, felietl), t&at Ijts father eaugfjtljim t&at be $oulo ncucrbupapeece ofgrouno, tfcat l;ao borne fatlfuilp 0: curiouflp fj .sbanoeo before, but rather (at$ ground as b? fl;e flottjfulncffe and pouertp of tlje tpaiffcr, barb lpen tinttlUD and neglect ca,anD pet fame to be beep goo ground: as it is better to bup aleanef^ojfe, fotfiattjebenQtolo,an3 ttjat $e baue tfje tokens of a goa ^o;fe, tljena fatte f^o?fe, ano one cfjat is curioullp Kept, d lucll e?Dereo pace of lano is rjclo oocrc, ano peelds no great encreafe, ano ti)erefo?e is neptljer fo pica* (mt 3 no; fo profitable, as trj.it Uirjicrj bp goo&usbanozp map bee tnabe better. Cato tooulo tjauc ttoo ttyingts to bee obferueo in buping of land : SCfce gooneffe of tfjc ground , ano ttje toljolc* fomencfo of tlje aire : of tobttrj Urn, if e itfjct be lacking, u>t;ofo- tuer Doty bup it, rjc iuDgetlj rjtm maooe, ano nicer c to be fent to Bedlam : foz none rrjat i» fetell tains toittct, tot 11 bcttM toft bp< on bar rain c ground , no? &a$ard jn'mfelfe fo.: a little rid; ground, to be att»3ies fubiect to petttlentiall Difeafes : fo; \ui;i re a man muB Deale toitlj trje 2>iu ell, tb ere is not onelp &is commoDit ie,but bis life Doubtfull , and rather l;is dcatrj ttjen \)S game cectame, &ftertbefe ttoo pzincipall notes, as Columella fatrt), Cato aoaed of Ifee toejgrjt tbcfc ty:ee tbat foiloto to be regarded : tf;c Wav y r^e Mater, ano tpz $cigbbour. SCbe gooneffe of tljemap is a great matter? fo; it botfj mabes tl;e Rafter &aue a Delight to goe about tt 3 anb it in commodious fo; carriage, tebfer; b:mgctb great gain*, and little charges. Of trjecommccitie of toater tubo doue* ter^wtfjout U^ofe He no man is able to \mt £Dfa mansneigb* #4 6o«* The firft Booke, entreating boor , fje tuoulb f>auc a man rjaucfpeciaH regard, Hefiodus faitfj, lnfia, zouos Aen\^ 5 an euill neighbour is a great mifcrjiefe. 3 £ane fcnobmc oiucr£ , trjatfo: trje troublefommfTc of tfjeir neighbour, fja-efozfaBcngcirtoteeUiijgsanD c!)angeD goia fG2coppcr,bccauf$ tfjcp fjaue 1)30 falfe bnaucs to ttjeic neighbours, ano quarrelers, r^atfuffiTingtlKitcattrllfo ramie at targe lit euerpmansgrouno to fpotle tljcir Come ano ttjeir CJmcSjtooulo alfo cut ooton e tomb, ano take totjatfocucrtljcpfiiDjalUiaUS tabling about trje bounes of ttjeir grounD, ttjat a man cculo netier bein quiet fo: trjem : 0? cUerj3ac bluett bp feme C3tcrpiUer,tfuman,02fto3fl)>buraler s fijat luoulMeauc no bins of mifcljiefebnbonc.amonalr allto$t$ commonly trjere is not fotll a ncig!)botir,as ttjc ncU)"tplr«rt ? tbat tafces&panfjimtbenameofa Oenticman , to&c t&ougl) pourjfe fjimneuerfoUicll^tUat one time 02 errjergiuer on to&nDerttan$ from toljcnee tje comes,ano make ponfing iuitfj daudian. tsfperitis mhil eft ktiwilt cum furgit in alittntt A lewder wretch there hues not vnder skie. Then Ciowne that-climes from bafc eftate to hie. Hs flje |3:ouctbe m <2nglano is, fef a fenane on ho:lcDaCK,an& £:a n>?ll fa tnm ttjonlDera &nigt)t : fo.: an 3pctotU be an 3pe 3 tfjongf) pon clear!) rjim in purple, &urelp $p. Portius tooulo bate a man ffjtmne t\)t neigrjbsurrjoo of fucrj, as trje pefftlence. 3 fo.: mp part am tjappp in t jjis point, t^at3tjaue no neighbour t^at 3 nee-e to fear*. Rig o. perTjaps t|?ep Dare not fo? roar autistic fo zoc, as orfjcctotfe t'nep toonlD, Cono. £3ut mice oeatfj ano otbet cafualtics rt'00 a man of fycm, tit smelling is rust to be left, if itrjaue fitter goto common Ditirs, ercrpt it be places in tbebottcrs of funD:r Countries rf)at be fubirctio great ttclmeaxs. feome commeno trje Dwelling tbat tjarb fairc males about if , is mxce fomc £rucr 02 gcoa ^Barker* iutjerebp a man ma? came tjfs ^crctanoije toitb IclTe tfjarge*. S^rjcoIOfrUotaJ wou r d nenecrjaueanunplacebmifelfencete tije trig!) map, fc2 pilfering of fu^b aB pau~e bp, ana trxmblcfomnrii'e of guefts 3 as 3 laid before in fpcafetng of rtjie placing of an bonfe, The let- 3>j trje letting of a irarme , tbcfc things arc fa be obferueo rljat Fara* * ^ ^ e of befo?e ' "' 0erm ^ vt ? of a 3Bat{nTe of ^afban^ie anoftfs tabsnt ; t^at yon let it to fuel;, tobofe trauaiie ana gma bibauioas of EaraUe-groundand Tillage. 45 betfiuiwt pou map be affurea of,ano tfjat pouregarB »no?t t&cir gcDD ordering of tlje ian'j rijcti rfjc rcntjtobic&is leaft burtful 4 an& moff gaincfull. if 02 toijercas tljrgrounD is todl bufbamjtB,vou fljall commonlp &auegamc,f neuerlofle? erceptbp unreafonablo nrffe of t\)t toeatyc r.sutytl) fye Ctuill -iatopce faptl), njoulo not be anp Damage of t&e SCcnant, 01 tlje innafion of t&e enrmie 3 fo&eretbeJEenant cannot fjeipt «. Bettors, t&e 2Lo2b mutt not ocale toitlj (3(0 ECcnant (0 ftraigbrlp in c ucrp point, asbp iato tje might, fo; fci0 rent oapc0, bargain** of foooo,qutt rents, 02 fuc^, ti)t rigour to&ercin is mo:e trcublcfome,ti}cn bcneficiaUmeittjet mig&tmceto tafcc eucrpa&uantage, fo; ialu manp rimes is riglit plamc l»;cng : neither mutt ye be to (Jackson tfic otljei Gte/o? to muclj gentlencJTc manp times makes a man rjjctoojfe. 0nD t&rrefoje it (0 gcoo if fr)e irarmec be flache in rjis paimenf0 , to make rjim to hnoiu it : but in no totfc to be a raifer 0; enrjaunfec ef re»if0 s fo2 t'pat &ifcomfb2t0,8nD mam? times tnooetlj tij c tenant, fpojeoue^pou muff not liglitlp ttjange t&e oloe JFarmer,botb be* caufe of Ijis ocferts, anD t&at ijee is better acquaintco tain) tlje grouno frjen anew. L.volulius foouio alfoapes fap , trjat tjee luas inbeff cafe to: rjis Hands , tfiat Ijao alkapcs rjis tenants fcome ano bjcODe tip in ttjem , totjerebp tr)e long familfaritie njoulo make ttjem moje louinglp totofe frjcmfclucs : fb2 fureit is son euill bfe often to djange Cenanf s,ano trjcrcfoje 3f Doe like well trjat 02Der,torjerc trje lano 10 letfoj trje liuca of trje KcmttU tys toife ,aito rjis crjtioe,papntg a perelp rent 3 fo trjat 30 long as rjc papes rjis rent, ano fceepes ttjc reparafions 3 itajalinotbc latofull to occeiue tjirn : fo2 becebp trje^enant (tjall be p2ouofceo to o2oer trjo ground toitrj mo2et)il!gcnce,to repatcc tlje fioufe 3 anD to toUe to it in all points as to ijis otutte 3 bcltolDmg manp times as mucfj as fjc Ijati) tjpon it. 2Df)is tuap of letting iano me fcemes is feeft, ioljcce t\)t grouno is fubiert to tije »>ea 02 tlje ^tucr,02 ot&cr Dan^ ger, ttjattije SCenant bee c^argcD toitf) tlje matntenanre of it, tfnDbcre be fure tljat pou let it ratljer to one of fjabtUfie, tljcn to an Unt^iiftie man, tijat is-not able to beace it, U^crebp pou map lofe botl) pour ItanQ ano pour rent, gn fitcb place a* lies neercttjetLoiD, f^e map cecupiett bpfjis H5ap;ifFe,Q2 to |)al»ue0:bntmberc it is far off it is better to let ii out fo:a pcrelp xmt twon t[)e fozcfaio cguenont0. J02 if pou occupie it iuiti; pour fceuartts* ThefirftBookc, entreating fcromtt&tfjeplmllepfyer UDlteilL topoureatteil, ojrow grotmB, o: fuflfcr things to be ffolnc, o; Ueale tl;f mfelHrtr c: mafee pou be at tno^e ctjarges t&en neeoetk anD be catcleffe in euerp tfjmg. 3n letting of gtounD commonlp it is coaenantcD , ttjat tijc Ctnant fljallnot let no: fell tott&outlcaueof tt)e$,:>2D, ano ttjat Uc Ml not bjcahc an? paffnee o: mcoooto lano , anD to&at, ano tjoU) muct) \)c fljaii fctoe of c ucrp fetnDc of geame, l)cto mutt) fcec tyall Ijaue fo? pauwe,&oto mucl) tje ft)alt let ite,ano tjoto mutt) tje (ball jneno. ^ere fcaae pon almctt as mochas 3 am able to fa? ttt £ufbanDmgof tijegronno. C o n o, 3 t^anberon,ro« $aaegreattp&eUg&te&mtftntfr $1 Defcribmg of pour paflurt-gtotuiftano eatable, The end of the firft Booked Tke mmmmmmw The fecond Booke : Of Gardens, Orchards, and V Voods. Thrasybvlvs. Marivs, Ivlia, Xj) <£caufe of tfje altance betfoirt ^earbcs* Etas, anDCome? anD becaufe tt>tit tjufc bano;p is almoii one,it is reafon tfjat nert t \) t firtf bmfce, tD2tttcu of (Ratable grouno ano'SfilflgcAcuiDfoiioto the DiTcripfion of SDjcbaros, (SarDens, ano tbeir fruits. virgiJJ fn Uniting of i^ufbanojp, left tijis pact bmitttttctt of: botrjbeir 3 oiucrs others bottj olo | ncin Betters l)mc not toitijaut Tome Diligence tojittm of tf)ts part,but pet bp matches (as it to ere) « not tfj^ougljip.Ui^ofc opinions iopneo tout) mine oton crperience,it feemerrj gcoo to me in tins bmfce to Declare»3nD fincc tlje trfe of £)?cbaros $ CfarDens The vfe is great ano ancient,? tljat Homer torrefy, ijoto Laertes tfjc oloe of Gar- manias toont toitb W trauatle in bis 4DjGljarDS, to ttfiuc from den$ of . Ijisminoe tbefoa-otoljeetcDliefQjtbcabfemeof ins tonne. £no ^j 8 "" 11 " Xenophon repo;fetM(jat King Cyrus , as great a pjince as be s hi 3S,moulo plant tottb rjis otone banos,s fet trees in tyis ojcfjarss, in fucrj ojocr,as it temeo m eattfjtp paraoifc. Q^Curtiustmi* tctl) of AbJoIominus tljat fo^ljts great oertue.,01 apanegaroncrj tame to be Ring of tbe Sidonuns. 8na furelp, not ibntoojtljilp is tbispart of Ijuf banoip eftamcD, feing it Ootb not aionclp fcjing great pleafute, but alfo is grcattp profitable foi t\)t mainfe* nance of rjoufer)Moe,ano ttje fparing of charges, miniitring to tbe buf bano aatip fane , ano fumcient fuffenance tottbout ceil if o; toll en fasCoiumclla faittjj in tbe oioe time tbe pcop'e Uneomoje temperately, an^ tip pcoze r»t mo:e Uberfte fed of flcfij f milhe, ano fueb icings ss tbe grouno i fol&es pceiDeO, but in tbe latter age torjen rpot ano oainti.ics began to come in, ano tbe lucaltljtcr fozt to etteeitu no fare butcoftip, an!) farre fetcljeO, not content foity mcane owt , but counting fucij tfjingsas toere of grcateft pjice. The fecond Booke, entreating plitis tfjc pons people as notable to bcarc tljjc cljargc0,forre ba* ntflje'o ftotn ttjc cettlier rates, anD Djiucnfo content tfjemfeluts toitl) f&ebaulr forte. #nD Ijcrcof fpjang at H;e 8rir tfjc planting of SDntjarssauo malting of<3D.irDcns3,VK»ljcrcUntl) tlje poj.ua trra* ture fl)utU)aj?,uugl;t (leu &i0i&ifcbin 3 anD Ijnuctjis btctuals aN toaprs at Ijano, f&e £)uj)ar& ano flterDen feruing fo? tjie &!>aim bles j Xoitl) a great Deale mojc commcnDable ano burtlcffe Diet* An will herein lucre t&e oiDe l)Ufban&0 fcerp carefuU 5 anD fefeB, alinaprs Garden ( tudge, ttiat iu&ere ffjepfouno t&egarDen out of oj|tfr,ttje wife aruifhuf-. tfWb°*te(f°l fence fccrbelongio ttjie charge ttjeror%a0 no goto wife. U &ufuufe, fo; t&ep tboulo be fojeeb to r;auc ttjrtr oietuals from tije gambles o> t&e sparfeef, not making fo great account of Col* too2t«tf)en } a9tbepDaenoU), condemning tf) em fo? tl;c charges ftjat &crc about tbem. 00 fo; ficft), it iuao rather lotted ttjrn fc* f cd amongtr tijem, £>m> ^Duijaroo ano®ar&en0 oto d&f eflp pleafe tljem>becaufe ffje frutt0 f&at tfjeppeelOjtiee&c&no ffrefo? tbeDjef- ting of tyemjmt fparea mart, being altoapes of tbrmfelue0reaDp tsuffcD, eafie of oigeffum , ano nothing buroenfome toflje ftoo mathe: ano fome of tbem feruing alfo f o pouoer oj pjeferue toitjj' aU,as gasD marctyan oije at tjome 3 a0 Plmi e fav t^ not cjiumg men fo foehe pepper as farre as Bfnofe, £>f Lucrin, 3J t&eflDpffcr not regaro 3 a0 tljepocC farri), 0not&eref0?e tomafce tytm of mo?e |uo?tl){ne(re 3 anDtljatfo?t^etr common p:ofiic,tt)e]?$oulD not be tl;e leflTeregarOeo>t|ere were oiucro noble men of fjhe fcoufe of Qr Lctta- Valcrius,tl)att©hetbe(r furttames of &ettufe 3 ano were nor au)a' lins. meo to be nameo 2tctf ifmen. SCijc of a people rjao m great eGu mation trje dffarbens of fr)e Daughters of At!as,ano of trje feings Adonis anD Alcinoi, of iorjom Homer fo mucrj fpeafcetb 3 as alfo trje great baulfeo Cfaroens, eEtrjct built bp Semirarais, oj bpCyru* ttjefcmgof Affiria. Epicure i0 repojteo fo be trjeftrir tfjatruer Deuifeo garDen m3f r)cn0 5 befo2e ijts time it tuns not feene.tbat trje pleafure0 of tfjcCountrfe were tjao infrjeCftie. $oto torjet! Thrafybulustrauailingtn trje affapu0of t)te pjinee, cijauncco fo comefo tlje^oufeof Marius, f carrieDbrlmn into a (DarDen tM %t &aDi to&fcl) tuas berp beautifully being led about among trje Lhoeetfmellingflatou0 3 anOt)noert^epieafant Slrbours, iwl;af a .goDDlpfigbt fqaot|>Thrafybu!u*) is je'ere ^ Ijeto ercellentlp baue yau garmujeD ^10 paraDifc of pouts toitlj allbinoeof pleafures/ ^our of the order of Gardening, 47 |>our parlets,an3 sour banfcetttng boufes botb tof tbm ant) toit[j' out,a» all be&edseo toify pictured of bcautifull ifciiucs $ Crees, tbat pou map not oncip fc^e pouc cpes tottlj tyt beboloing of tfce frueano liuclp jflotoer, but alfoDeligb* pour felfetoitt) tljecoun* ferfait m ttjc nuctt of tointer,fcing in tbeone,tbe paintcDflotocr to conteno in beautie untb tfce beep flotoenin tt)e otl)cr,tl|c toon* Dcrfull toojfte of ja«ture,ano in botb, t^c palling gcoDncs of <0oD, cpozeouer, pour pleafant arbours to toalnein,tobofeu)aDDotoes feape off tlje brate of tlje funne,anD if it fortune to rainc,tbecloi' tteifl ace faro by.Wut fpcciallp tbis little Kiuer,toltb moftcuice tDatcr,eneompamng t|je garoen>oort) toonoerfullp fetit fo?tb,ano Ijcrctoitball tbe graneano gafllp quicbCetbeogfS 5 no cbargeable femoe of cnclofures,oifferetb it botb from ®m 9 UBe aft.3 fpeafce noting of tbe toell ojDereD quartets,tobereas tbe l^earbf s ano %m* ace feucreo euerp fojt intbeic Due piace,t&e pot-bearbes bp tbemfclues, tbe flotoecs in another place,tt>e &r*s $ Blmpctf in anotber quarter, all in tuft fquareauo p?opo?tion,toiti)^lUi3 ano toalkes among ttjem. among tbefe ga>Dlpfigbts>31 P?appou remembec accotaing to pour pjomife (foj fo tbe time required to fljeto mec fome pact of pour great fenotolcage in garoen mat* fers,Cib pou bauc bpon tbis conottionfjearo mebsretofojegrab* ling,c;ratber toeaepmg pou toitb ttje Declaiming of mppaveftul in totaling of tbe fielD. Makivs. |0our memojle is bcreina little fa> quicfee , but to&at OmII 31 Doe? pjomife maftbeheptano Qnce pou toillneeos fojceme,Pouu)altbcare me babble as toell as 31 can,of mp Unoto* leogein (Saroening: but nottoity tbe li&e pleafurc tbat J fcearo pou talfctng of pour gcapfmg ana pourgrounD. Thu. ^estculp,\mWasgreatp!eafurefbfu"reasmapbe. Mauvs. Come on tben, let bs bere fit Dotone in tty$ £r« feour 5 anb toe toMnato ana tt)en rife < toalfce, retting teas oft as pou toill : in tbe mcane time Iulia fljall maac rcaop. our fuppcr. ana firtt, cum as pou began toitb tbe crjcnQ ig of a place ("meet to fet roue l;oufc bpon,fomutt 3 toitb tbe cbupfeof a ^iot matefo; a (25acDen.a:beo.:DermgofC5:irDen0isDiucrB,f3: fome ace maoe bp tbe apanno? bo:iffS,rome in tbe Suburbs, fom^ in the Citie, tobere focuer tbep bc,if tlje place totil fuffec, tljc^muttijc maoe afituere to tlje ^oufe as map be; but fo.as tl;ep be as far from tbo 3 3i5acnes The fecondBookc,cntreating 3H5arne* *$ W can,foj the C tjafft o: duff blowing tnfo f $cm,ajft etttjee fubicrt to t\)i £)ounge beape,tobsrcbpf t map bcjnaocrfcf?, o? rife in Tome focrp gooD ground tbat battj fome ftnali l^oolie .running bp it, e? if it baue none fuel), fome Mell o* Conduit, tobcrebp it map be foatereo. #n erccllcnt plot fo: fye purpofcis, tl;at icljicl) DecU'nctb a little, and barb certaine gutters of Uiatcr tunning t&ongb Diners parts thereof: fo? gardens muff altoaicj* be to be eafilp loaf cred, if not toitb fome cunning ffrcaine>fome pumpe to be made, o? nettle, spill, 02 fuclj ltfce,as map ferae tije The time farnwf a natural ffteame.Columd la would baue pou maUe pout of fearch- fearclj fo2 foater,tobcntbe bunnein in flatter part efvirgo, in g for ^tc^ is in September , before tyz entrance into tbe W&mttt water. ^Equinodrall, fo: tben map pou belt tmoerffand t^e ttrengtb o$ goDnclTe of tye fpztugs, toljcn after tbe great burning beat of tbe jbommer,f be ground fja tl; a long torjile continues Uii ttjou t raine» Jf pou cannot thus bauetuater , pou mud make fome Handing pono attbeoppet part of the ground, tbat map recetuc$ containe fucb toater as fals from aboue, tD^cretuttl) pee map iuatcr pour harden in tbe ertteamebeat of &ommer: but tobereneitber tbe nature of tfje fople,no; conuepancebp Conduit o: putnpc,o; run* mngffreamc is to be bad, pou baue no otber bdpc but tbe raine lsater of toinfer, tobteb tf pou alfo Ijaue not, tben mult pou dclne and lap pour Careen f but o: foure fete deepe:tobicb being fo o:; Derco,Uull toell be able to abide fobatfoeuer dzougbt Doe bappen. Kfyis is alfo fo be regard; o,tbaf in gardens that arc drffitufeof Inater, pou fo ozder tl)tm into feuerali parts,tjjat tofyat part pott to ill oceupie in Pointer, map lie totoaros tbe s>outb,s tfjat isrjteb «|aU frrue pou fo* §>ommer, map lie towards t\tc #o:tb- %n a ^?aroen 5 as in tbe cbepfe of Come ground, pou muff i©fee tube tbecrbc goodneCTe of tbe ground be not btn&ercobp tbe unfkilful* ncflTc of bim tbat batb occupied it Pou muft alfomafec cbepfe of pourfoatcrs,of tojncb fy* brtt (as Pl«niefaptb)are tberolocff.and fucbasbeftoat todjinBe: tbe too.:!* tbat comes from pours, cj is b:ougbt in bp trencf;es,becaufe tbep b Jing iuitb tbem tyc feeds ofgraffeand hntdes : but tye ground dotb matt oeligbt in raine ioater,tobicbfeiUetb4no?mesanD baggage rbatbjcess in it: but fo; fome bearbs,falt toater isnfc&ful,as tbeffiawiifJ&.liSietc^cln, ^auvclljto^icf) aJ fait toater ttjcp (ap,isf afpecial |Selpcr ? mafcing tljcui of the order of Gardening. 50 $cm-bo$ plwfanf ancfruitfuU:fo all otfrer0,ftoet! foafet is on!s to be fefco. #nD becaufe 3 tjaue begun to entreat of toatecingj Thc time mutt gtue tyis note, t(jat tlje time* of toatring f0 not in tije beat f waK . of tbe Dap but earcip in ttjc morning,* atnigbt,leaft tl;e toater ring of betjiateD iiiittj flje £>unne:onelp 3i5afillpou mufttuater at name. Gardens. t^etovj fomctljing tmllcome tlje rcoiier t)p 3 tf tbep be fp?tntftIeo at tbcfirtt tottlj ijottoacer. ^ou Ijauc licrc fjcarDjttjattljc firftnaD* fall tiling foj a <25arDen,f0foatcr. 2nbenerttotfjatt0en:lof«re 3E , f ff rtjatit betoelenclofeD,botb from bnrulpfoltra 1 tljceue&anD Itbe^ ofVar? 2 lmfe from beaG0 : left Iping tn toaitefo? pour [jearbs anD pour dcn$. fruit0,tbcp>map botb btvcauc you of pour paine*, anD pour plea* fure: foj if ept&er tbcp bebiff en ioitb beaff0,o? t© often tjanDlco Juitb men, it binDjett) tbcm botb of fbeir grotofl; $ fesing: anD tbercfoje it is of neceffitie to baue fije harden foell enclofcD. ijtotofo? cnelofucc0, tbereare funD#&f.ibc0,fome mafcingeartlj tnmoulo Doe counterfeit 3i5jichfoal0:£Dtl)er0maUe tfmn of lime $ ftoncs : fome of here of Hours lapo one Upon another in bcapc0, rafting a £Mtb foj toater rounoabout f ^cnUubicb kinoc PalJadi- us fo^biD0 to folloto* becaufelt foill Djatoout tbe mopfture-fcom tije (ftatDcn , ercept it be in a matin) grouno, 3Dtlw mafce tfjctr fence toitt) ttje Teeoc0anD fet0 of SDfwne : fome mahe tfjem of muDDe teallcff, couerea toltb ftrato 0? fjeatfj. Varro mahettj men* tion of foure Kinoc0 of cnclofare : tye fait naturall , tbe fecona iuiloe, tl) c tbiro feuloierip, tbe fourtt), of carpenters lxio;he.£|jc firft f nafurall 10 tyc quichefct l?eDge,fceing ftt of poung fbo;nc0, Ui^tcfi once iuell groUien, rrgaroerb neither fire no? otfjcr b«rf 4 Edc fecono 10 tbc common |>cDge maoe of oeao luoji,teeil ftaheo ano f btcfcc pla(beD 7 oj raitoe. K\)t tyira f &c fouloiours fojtifpfng, in a oeepe Ditcl) Init^) a campier : but f|}3Ditclj mu&be fomaoe,s0 it maprcrciue alltbe loafer tbateomes from aboue,o: fa!0 into if 3 therein tijc tjamure muft be fo tt&?c , tfyzt it map not eaftlp bo tltmco. SLljishtnteof fence is to be mace, tobcrctbegrounolied necce tbe ^e iuap 3 o? but0 tjpon tfjc Hiuer, of ly|)tcb fo?t 31 ftjall \jmc occafun to fpcaiscmojebcreaftcr.SEbefouft&fenccmatje bp f(je Carpenter 0? bp tlje ^afon,i0 commonlp hnotoen: thereof tljere 10 foure fo^to, eitber of &>tonc0, of b?ic&c0, oj Earfe, anD ' sattfc, $ little ftonc0 framco in mouloe. Columella follotoing tljc anilcntell aatl)o?0, pjeferretf) t^e qwiebfet fjcog? befo?e tf?e orab,- bot| The fecond Booke, entreating becsufe it is !effecrjargcabir,anD aifo en&urttrj rbe longer _cmti- Thenu- mring a long time : totjierj fcoge efpong trj02ms 5 tjc teatrjittj to kin S of a make m t^i0 fo.it. SSfjc place ttjat vjou Determine to enclfife,mc8 quick ut a ft £C r tje beginning of sfeeptcmbec, inrjen t^e gronno tjaitj btene hcd * € - toell fofeeo toittj came, be ttcncrjcD about Unttj ttoo furrctois, a paro Diftant one from ttje ottjec, ttje oeptrj i teeaottj of tucr? one of the mmuff be tin 9 fart, totjictj pou moil ftrffer tolpe emprte all iutntcr.pioinoina m ttje mcanc ttme t|e fttocs t&at pcu meane to fatoe in ttjem, totj.crj mutt be tt>c berries of fljarpe ty oznes bjicr*, rj ollr ,atiD toilcc bglan tine ,totjutj trj e C raises ail Dog b :ier .£ tjs berries of rfcefe pou mutt gati;er as ripe as pou map, anb mingle ttjem iottrj ttje fl-toje o; *peale of tares , torjiitj tofcen it is fpjtno MiDUmb toater 5 mutt be put fcpon ole ropes of ttjij:s,02anp otbec ropes, trje ropes being trjus rjanDLD ano titeo,jnufl be lapb tp m fomebauDeo Gone, aftcttuaro toben tointer is scne 5 &mjjtnfo2tB capes aftctabout fyc commtng of ttje £>toaUoto,if ttjerebe anp toatcr remaining m ttj e i?ur rotors, it muft be let out,? trje mi I* lolurD eartrj, tobfetj toas call out of ttje furrotecs in trje enoe of Summer, muft no to be call in again e,till pou rjaue fi i h irjem t p to trje miDff : trjni muff pon rjanofomeli? bnfoloe ttje copes, ano lap ttjem in length ttj jougrj botrj trje furrttoes,anD fo couer tbira, taking gcoo rjceo ttjat pou ttjzoto not too moetj eartrj bpon trjim fo: bmoertng trje fp:ing,torjurj common p tofettj to appeare tout/ in rrjtrtie capes after s ana torjen rtjcvj be grctone to be of feme &etgrjt,trjtp mutt bemace to enclineto ttje fpacebettoirtrrje two furrotocs: in torjietj Cpaee pouinutt tjauea little toa.lco betge 5 to teacrj ttje fpimgs of ottjer rarrotocs to eltmbe bp torjietj bill be a Another follp trap. anO a comfoHto trjcm.iSuf 3 baueanorberarD a mo2C newcrandrfaotertoapofmaBmgoftrjcmj totjttrjB firff p2aeti0ng in trjus better way ^ountfiejrjiuets otbers rjaue follotoeD.3 aifo 00 make aeertatne aqmck-fe g t SWttjyi gattjering in trjctoooo,trjepoungfp2ings oftfjo.2nes,ct^ kedge, ting off trjetr fops, 3 fet tyem on trje bantfce of trje £Wrrj,fo ttjat ttjep ttano tjalfc a fcot out of trje gt ouno,pluehtng top all rtje Ucci s (Tpeciallp ttje firtt ^ommer)trjaf grato about ttjem ano fuebea* toaptrje tnpee ttjat comforts ttjefet. Ctjerootes being ttjis rio,3H rouer all ttje eartrj about ttjem tottrj ttrato , to^erebp both ttje rjeato of trje nigrjt is i£t into trje rooteSjanD ttje poo^e plant is Dc* fenoeo from rf)e burning of t^e ^>unne. £tje penre after,3; matie M of the order of Gardening, 5 1 a Ifttle flenoer railc of plants , tobercunto 31 i«P bp tbe fp:ings, lucauing tljcm m fuel) fozr as 3 laiU t)auc tyem to groin > toijicb 3 peeretp malic fji'g^r, accoiDing to tfce tjcigbt djatS UiomD bauc tbe ^;oge to fpzing. (Sigljt, o? at t&e bttermuft nine fcote, is a fufftcitnt beigfjt , ano toijatfoeuer fpzing aboue , mutt le plafljeb of one fioe 0? tfyt otber , tomafee tbe fence tfje (Iron^r. CSl^cn 3 Ijauc ttyus oone,3i ,na ^ ir tbtcfeer ano tbicuer eueip pare, filling top ttjc places toijere 3 te it tbume , Uiittj fucb batots as J fee grots out of ozoer : ano tljus is it tnauen To tijuuc imtlj pare* if binding* , ttjat not To muctj as a fmall bird ts able to paOV tyo* roUi tt , ito: anp mm to loise tbzougb it flZSUjm tt ts fyit&e 0* nougb a"5 fo2S c enongb > tlje fuperfluous fpztngs mutt eucrp pare be cut. Cf)ts b^gc can neuer be DeftropeD*, ere pt it be plucfceobp bp tbe rentes : neitber fearctb it tbe burt of fire, but toill grotoc tbe better foztt. j3no tbisismptoapofenclofinga Oaro en,as tbe pleafant ctt,moft pzofitable 3 anD of leaft charges. Th r. a. SDljere ts anotber toap of making of a qnic&fet !£eoge, Another fobicb out Rogers in rfce Countrep ooe We, fobicb is fometbmg {° rt of tbe ffrongcr. if 0; fetting tbe poung £>efs,as pou bane faio befo:e a hcd s ,n s- lubentbep be grotone to forac grcatnrCTc , t\)cycut tbe SHljozne mr re to tbe grouuD,aito being batfe cut ano broken a funocr, tfjep botoe it along tbe ^cDgejanoplaft) it. jProm tljcfe cuts fpzingbp neto plants , to Uicb till as tlje^ growe to anp bigbneffe tbep cut tbem,ano plau) tbem againe : fo Doing continuallp, till tbe l^eoge become to bis full bcigbt.ffibistoap t|e ^eogeis : maoefoftrong, tbat neitber l^oggc no; otber beaft, is able to bzcafce tbzougb it : but t^t otber is a great Deale moze pleafant to tbe eve U5ut tf 3 bauenot&cts enougb to ferue^map 3 make an Bjmpe&aroen of tyeit feeoc i Mauvs. f^ea bcrpfoell. $pifee pour SCbozne dtfaeocn oz ttoit plot in tbis fozf. SEahe pour Berries 01 ttoms, ano mingle t\)9m toitb cartbjlap tbem bp fo* tbe firdpoere in fame place mxtt fo.i tbem, tbe ncrt peere foloe tbem as tbichc as pou can, ano pee u>3ll iBitbin a tittle time baue a tobole Cd-u) of tbouies. Thu, |^ou blue notofpoben of 22Uaterantj cnclofure,flno pztncipall points in a cSarftcn : Bltnoto rcnuinctb to fpcane of tbe grounb meetc fo: a <& jroen,an5 tbe o:oer of ozeffingHt M a a 1 v s. ^>ft^efanozpfoitsofgroun3,ano of t\)$ oifcermng C of The fecandBooke, entreating of ffjem , bccanfe potr in pour dttcribing of Co.me grotino before baue fufficienfcpfpohen,? Do not tbtnft it neebfailfoj.me to repeat it. &$aine,iti* enougb tome to aooeonelp tbis, tbat tbe grouno cugbt notto bstcoricb, no: fee lcanr 3 but fatano melloto, Uifjuf; fc;inge tb fo^tb a unall InnOe cf d^affe it be tiatrcs : fueb grouno re* quires leaff labour, tbe fftffeano the rub ground afhetb greater paincs about ft, but ootb recompcnccit agatne Untb bis fruitful* netfe. SHbeftiffcleanc, anb eolo grouno, to not to be mcoleo foitlj, as Columella tojitetb in appointing groo grouno fo: Oaroens. The ground that giues the ripe and mellowed mould, And doth in working crumble like the fands : Than of his ownegood nature yeeldeth manifold, Where Walwoort with his purple Bcrrie ftands. . For neither doth the ground that ftill is dry. Content my roinde,noryetthewatriefoy!c : Whereas the Froggc continually doth cry, While in the ftinking Lakes he ftiU doth moile* I like the Iandthatofitfclfe dothyeeld, The mighty Elme that branches broad doth bearey . And round about with Trees bedecks the field With Trees, that wiIdebcarcsAppIe,Plummc 3 andPeare, But will no Bearefoot breed, nor (linking Gumme, Nor Yewe, nor Plants whence deadly poyfonscome. what to flno tbus mucb of tbe <£ arc en grouno, fobicb as 3 faio, is tea* be confi- f reD, o?map befoatreo, ano is enelofco either inttb atoall,a beege, thTcholfe o: r ° me Ct ^ r fafc * nc[ofl?r *- W* *W& ** neeofwW it lie U>eU to of garden tbe g*awc , ano tuarme : fo? m grouno t^at is.berp coloc, tf;e. ground. foaemfb of tbe is>unnc ivili not mucb suatle it. 0no cant earp,if it A Fe» be a bot burning fano, tfft benefit of t^e ^eauenscan little belpe VVlnd «- it, Pon muff pet lo!ie,tbat it lit not fobiectf o ill toinocs, tbat are ; The ord - ^ mti fco?cbp.2ing, be foeil Dtggeb in t\)t fall of tbe leafe, about tbe ftalenos of October.: ano tbat \nfyity yon garocn in tf)t fall of tbe leafe, muff be oiggso in spa^ tbat eit^et bntbceolDeof cainfen o:tjje brate of Summer, bofb tbecloc map be mellotueo , anb tbe rates of tpe foeeoes Oeffropcb , no;- 3M.ucli before this time mti ff pou Dung it, flno toben ti?c time of foxing o ofrhc order of Gardening.' 50 fofofog is at |ano a due oapes before, f be toeeDes mud be got our, ano tl; c sung lap cc on,ano fo often ano o tltgcn t lt> mud it be tsiggeD, a« tfjegrounD ma? be tfcougblp meDleo toitb tbe mouiD. SCberefoje tbe parts of tl;c €>arDensmuttbefo o:um:o 3 a0 tfpac totyit) pou meane to fotoe m ff)e eno of &ammer, map be Diggeo tntbe £>p?ing : ano tbe part trjat pou toill fotoe in tbe^pjing, matt be Diggeo in trje eno of Summer: : fo ttjall bortj pour fallctoes be feafonco bp tJje benefit of tbe coloe ano trje ^unne. Crje^Jj.; beos arefo bemaDenarrotoanoiong , as ri;. fofeinlcngtb, ano ttreinbjeaotbj tfjat ttjepmapbe ttje eafiertoccDeo : fbep mutt lie In toet anD toatrie grouuo (too fot fjr'gb , m o?p grounD a fcote (0 (uffitimt. Jfpour bebslpefo D?p, a0 tfjep toiil fuffcrno toater fo farrpfcpont&em, pou mutt mafee ttje fpacesbettoirtbigbcr > tljaf -tbe toater map be fojeco to lie anD auoioe toben pou toill. flDf ofd;^ trje feinDea 1 fojfs of ounging being futncientlp enrreatco of bp pou, s in § a ^ 3llmUtapnotrjing ;: onelp, aooing tbis tfjattfie Hung of Mwte^S ttjebett, becaufe it bjeeoetfj frtoett toeeocs : trjenertia Cattels d cns . Dung, ano £>b* P** Dung, if it baue lien a paece. SCbe grouno as 3 fafo lorjicr) toe meane to fotoe in tbe &p?mg, toe mutt after trje eno •of Summer let Ipe falloto, to be feafoneD toitrj rfie froft ano tbe colo : fojas trjebeate of Summer, fo Doti) trjeeolo of rfje ©Etinfer. babe and fcafon trje grouno. flffi&ben toinf r 1 is Done,tljcn mutt tos begin to Dung it: ano about th c fourteenth 0.: fifteenth of BJanuarp, toe mutt Digit againe , DeuiOing it in quarters ano beta* fnxft mutt tfjc toeeDes be pluefccD tip, ano turfTesof barraine grouno mutt be lapo in the #llepcs , tojjicb being to ell beaten toity Bee* ties, ano to teoD fcpon , that tbe grade be too:ne ateap, fo tfjat it fcaree appeare, it toill after fp?ing fep as fine as little tjapje, ano pre!D a pleafant figbt to trje epe, torjicfj toill be fcerp beautiful!* Mbenpou rjauefeuerco pour flotmes bp tbemfelucs,peur tyljU fiefee bearbs bp trjemfelues, ano pour $ot-bearbs ano Pallets in anotber place : tbe beos ano t!;e borers mutt be fo catf , as tf?e tM eeoers rjanos map reacf) to tbe miott of tbem , fo (bail rrjcp not mxoe in tbeir labour to tread fopon tlje becoes, no? toburttbe Ijearbs. 3no tbis 31 tljinfee fttfttclent fo? tbe preparing of pear grouno befotetbe fotoing. $oto toill 3 fpeaueof fotoing.ano Gfs \\)l)at ujall be fotoeD in euerp feafon. 2Co f?ca!?e of all fo:ts of lngm l^earbsano ifloto?cs ; toere an eno!c(Telabour 3 oneip oftljcfc tyat <® 2 wrz The feconei Booke, entreating aremoff tiixGfalljg meant to rntrcat.anfrficff of tjearbs/ctne are fo2 tj)e Jdot 5 fomcfo2 tljeugt)t,fouic fc£ pleafure ano (lucef fauour, ano fome fa; ptjificKe. anDagaine,fomearcfo2S8tntcr : fomefoj Three fea- ^umnierywo fome bctwirt boti). Zfyt firft time of fctomg after fons to 2Saintcr,is tl)c monrtij of ££arc& 3 £p2tl 3 ano 2£ap 3 totjerein toe bfe {owe in. to feto Coiti>u,\>fs ? tf aiiu^5apr 3 ano after 13eetc3 3 &etrufe 3 £>02rl, jgftitfartkfe&e, Co2ianocr 3 Dii' 3 anc <£>ar&cn CreiTcs. E^cfcccno f:afon fo^ fotomg^sint&e beginning cf £5etober 3 tot)crcin ttjes fet foetus , anofoto 3>mallage m Nigella ano Arrechc. 2£tjc t|nt& feafon. Indict) ttjep call ttjc Summer feafon , in fome placets Oaroners begmne in 3anuarp> iotjerein fyty fet Cucumbr rs, 0QurDs 3 ^pinna£t) 3 i5afill 3 puruaine 3 anD&aucric. spanp things map be fomeD betU)irt t&efe feafons, ano petooeuerp toell, 311 Careen tjearbs ace common!? fotoen before ttje tentfr cf 3une 5 fucfj t^ngs as pou ioouiD not ijauc fceD,rou map foto after tyi* time. 5>ometjjings arc fotoco onelp tioo timesapeece,m tt?e ^pjtng^ ano in ttje eno of Rummer. £)tfjers againc at funojp times, as Jlcttufe 3 Coltoa)2fs 3 lSccHef,^aDiu),Crcffes 3 €o2ianocr, Ctjet* ui l 3 ano £>ill. Sfjrfeare fetoeo about sparrlj, o% about ^eptem* ber 3 ano CoJumciJa fattrjjfcoecemeeitfjet of t(jefee&e 3 02 of ttjc flip : fome of t Ifje c©tf 3 fome of ifje ffalKc? fome of t&e leafe, feme of ttjc Clot, fome of ttje !£cao 3 fcmeofbctfj : ottjersof ttje 13arfce,otfcer6 cf ttjc |Bitf7 , fome bettj of tlje fetDranottjefiippc 3 asftcto 3 totloe spacurum, ano ^13afill 3 tijis tfjcp cut off, toijen it comes to tc a giansfuu tjigfc : £Dtljersgrotee faotlj ofttjefaDe ano t|ie rcfe, as jCnions, OarucUe, ano fucf) Use. flno altljougfj all things toill grcU)of ttjeir toDes, pet itjis tbepfap, HeinUull not eoe : fo: tt fceiEfclOcmefpitngs, trjecefoje tljep'ratljrr fettfje flips. Stjefe ttjat arc fet of ti-c rote, coe common!? !aft longcr 3 anD biancijbetr fct,4}uttuigfo2t») poung fiippcsfcomtjis Gees, as ttje &nion ano Oitlj. ZZtyi tfa:fcebemgcut,ttjfp all Docfpjmg againenn rfjemeft part, crccptfuctjas&aucfpeciall ffallses,callcobp Theophraftus » kKoT^v^j t|>at is, fuel) as iutje n ttje ffalbe is cut groto no ssicje : Gafa interprets ttS:cauiia. Oje£apeanot&ei3a&tU) 5 t!jcirleaur$ being pullco atoap ano couereO tenth eacttj,Oce groto ano continue till Summer. £Dtje fruits of feme is in tyc tarty, feme toityout, OffecJes. ano feme bettjtoitljtn ano toift}out 3 fome lie ano grolu, astyr£u> cumber ana tye ®ouro s ano foimtums l;ang , tyougjj of greater trnofjt of the order of Gardening. 51 focfg&f bp mucfc tben tfje fruits of SCrees j tome requires ffapes anotjelpcs to dune bp,as J£ops,llupmiS,ano $3 rale ; fome feeoe groujct|)bettcr,tbcuetticr tljcp ue,as iueies, Nigcba Romaua, Cueumbees,ani) (Bouroes^sno tljeeefoje fometofetofttepctljeic Cucumbers, m mtlse oj Ujatir, ta caufe tljem to grolu tljc fpeeD* lier. &u t(jc otljcc fiDe, ofoioe feeoe better gioloet^ t\)t Beete, CtarDeit Creftc0,19eninaU, great *parierum, ano Cojianacr. 3»i ttje I5ecte tt^is is onelp obiecueD, tljat tlje feeoe commetf) not all fep m one peere,but part tijc recono peeie,anOfoinc t^.tl)ivo : aaD tljerefoje of a great Dealc of feeD,fpjingeti) but a httlc. Southing feeD,t(jis is to be well feetie to ; tbat ttjcp be not tco olo ano ojp,tbat t£ep be notmingleo,oj tafeen one m another : oIj fceo in fome is of fuel; fojee, as it ganger!) denature : foj of oio Coltoojtf&De fiojingctl} t&e &ape,ano lifceUnfe of itapc feeoe Cottnojts. £Ufo tyat pee gather not pour feeoe s tea fcane, no; tea late. £fce oecp fime,as rhe< phraftu j umtctys at tfyc fp?ing,tbe fall of tfje leafe, anD ti)t rtff'ig of t'ae SD jg : but not tn allplacesanD hmocs alike. £>f s>ceos,tbe famett rrjat fpnng are tfjefe Bafill.^rac^ijiauen, what $u:4 Koc&er,tljatcommetb op ttje tfnro oap after t&e fofoing> Hettufe fpnng tire fourth 8ap,tlje Curumber ano tyz €>ouro, tlje fift oap, pur* lo ™ e > a id flm, longer ere it come>SE>uV!)e fourth oap,Crcffcs 1 ^uftaro/^r feeoe tfjefift oap , 15eetes in fummer ttje firt oap, intomter tlje tenty 0? tfje tuielftb, iLeelses tlje rir.oa?, foinctimetberr. Co?u anoer later: fobicljifitbenew, fercept it be tyw& together) it grolucf I) not at all. p eniriall anD great spartcruni, come op af* ter rrr. oapes.parflp,is ofallotljertbelongcu;befo:e it come op, appearing tjje fcuiierj) oap after, oj manp times tbe fiftieth |0ou The wea- mutt alfo confiocr, ffjat ttje toeatijer in fotoing i& of great foice : therfor fo? tljo feafon being faice $ toarme,fl)ep come tip tbcfconer.&ome Sowing, fojts feeo one peered neuer after come bp: fome againc continues as parflp,&mallcoge,ilcehes, $igella,fl)at being once folueo, come op euerp peere.&uelj as continue but a peere,pjefentlp opon tbcirfecoingoie: otljer fpjingagame after tlje loffeof tfteitfia.ne, as Hee^cs,i>igella,^)mons,ano c fiDe:ano all tl)cfe require Dunging $ Uiatring. 3n fotoingbeaoe fome tfjinh^ou mutt Ijaue rcgarD to tl)e tpmne, The and to foio ano fef in tbe encreafe, ano not in t&e luanc. S>ome u> Moooe. pine tl)inhe it bett from tliat u)e is foareoapes oio, nil Oje bx d3 s eighteen*: The fecond Booke, entreating ^Igljfcetie : fomc after tfje tljtro, ctytts from t&ctentf), till tyt ttoentietf? : ano bell (as ttjcpali fupyafe ) tt>e ^©ne being a* loft, an& not fcf. T h r. a. %5ut note 31 p:ap pea tcllbsfometljmg of tF>eo?D*» ring of tfje beft<£arDen ^earbs pou baue. m.uivs, &ame oeutoe tljeirC^c&em'ngfimebptfje 3&o> net foas tycv not tyeit otfjec fcusbauinp, T h b. a. 3 care nottejjethec fcp sponetljs o.: office teapes,buf 3 fooulo tapm; bnote tfje ojoermg of pour 0arDen l;eere 3 r\: 3J. fcnete m fcot Countries tfcep (EacDenaU tlje cainterlong, but J am altogether fej our <£ountrp,U)l}ofe o?Der toe muC bere foliotu, Ti« time M a r i v s. 3fn tbefe parts tf)ep commonly begin tyifr Car* fcr GarJs. Drning f if tfje tucatljpr be faire ano fcafcnablOir. ttje eno of Jf c* n,n s* bjuarfc.at tyis time tfjerefaie tfje Careen being Dimgeo,Diggco, rafccD, ano cieanfeo,tf5epf}fc to p'.ant ^perage, ano ttctoe, of pot- T h- r a. 3 p^ap pou begin tottf) Afparagus, o: £>pcrage, an5 hearbs. ffjcotfjer pot-bear bs,cucrp one in t)i3o?Der:anoafcctioaro tottfj jflotoitB ano ^tjpftcfee fjearbs. Afparagus. M A R I v s. Afparagus foas iUQWf to grotoftHlOe, but nofo iB bjoug&t mtotfje v2arDcn,tt iscalleo in C??ahe 3 «we^G$,in jfa> Iian : S>pamlI) ana if renci},it is aimcS all one* tfje one call tt Afpa- rago 3 tfje oH;cr Afpcrgc, trje £>ufdjmcn call it Speragcs anc«Sps- rifus.beesufe tt comes tip of it fclfe:fo?tl)cijeragct^c? iorrcnot acquaints taitf).3f is planteoin ttoo foUSjCtt^croftfje feeDe, oi tbe rmtc : tljcpfnfcc of ffje freDe as mucf) as pou map fafee tip iDitb fyiix fingers, ano befroUnng it in little Ijsles, euer? flue- o: ifnee fteocs tjalfc a farfe afunoer : ttjcp fet tfymin rt'cfj grcuno, in j^ebjmarp, ano eouer tljc grouno brittj Dung. S^fje toceors trjat groin, mutt bee toell pla:fceDaiuap 3 after tljc fourth erf) tap tljtytomt tip as it Here to one rcote, anD esngiso toge* tfjer: tf;e~rato baucfunmp ffrong trj;ee^6, iol)tc!j tljep call tfje sponge; BfngrounD tfjat is tjtc, rfjc feezes are to be fet D&pr, anotoei! tempereD tott^-Otmg. ?n \xut gretinss, on t(je ot^er froe, t^ep are to be fet ftjalloli) in tf^top of borers, left tlje mot* ffurcDetfrop fytm.&ljt firff pcere pou muttb^frfec off ifyettcHks tf^af nrroto i foi tf won pluc^e tfjcin tp bp tljc rcotcSj^t indole fets l»t I folioto,tu!)icij are to be pjefcrues foj tiuo pere tortf? Dunging anD iuojDing. 0lU[)e pares after; pen mutt not gather tjjem in t[)? of the order of Gardening." $ t ef>cffalfee,buf pulltbcm from tyz rorf, t^at tlje tats btittgopmcti, map tfce better fp^ng^tobfeb crccpt pot. Doe,pou tjurt tbe £>p?nig» ^tm tfjatpou meaneto feeepe fo? On, pou utuft m no totfe meBD:e feftyall, after, burne Dp tbe bufljts, anD in Mnter Dung luaittje rotes tottb Dung anD aOjes , tbep are planteo a!fo of rtjc nates, fcptiic^ after ttDopieres pou mutt rcmoue into a luarmeanD tucll fcungco grounD.Cfje ttonebcstoberepoH mean* tofettbem,muil fiano a fen t a funoer, anD a Ojafcuian in Depttj,l»beretn pou ntuft fo lap pour ©ponges (as being coucreo; tfjc^ map beff gtoto ♦. but w tbe*£>p?ing before tbep come Up, poumuft t©fc tbe eartb toitb a little jf o?ae, to caufe tbcm tfje better to fp;mg,ano to mafcc tyt tarts tbe greater.Cato fooulo baue pou to raHe tHcro,but fo,as pea §uzt net tbe W)ts,anD after to pull tbe plant from tbe rear : JFoj if pen otbertoife bjeaise it^ tnc ret feuil Die, $ come to noting. But pou map fo long crop tt , till pou fee it begin to groin to fceDe : ui iatytfy peere fo? t\)t Winter time , pou muff acceding to Catocs mmDc,couer it inittj ffcato.,0? futb ii^c,lcatt tbe colo Doe tulltbem, anD in fyt &p?ing opentt againe,ano Dung it toell. ©omctbinfce, tbat fyt ntft peere it is necDlcffe to Dee anp tljing fo tfye plant,bur onelpto toeeDe it. if rem tbe roots, tobicb tbep call tbe Sponges, tbere fpjingctb firftcertaine buDS Untb crumpleD fenops,fcet:p gcoo anD plcafant fo? pallets ! W$ tf pou toffee to groto, it ttraigbt* foap buOjctb fo;tb Mb bjancbrs Ufee f inncI,anDat Irngtb groto to be pjicfclp : after it batb fl oto?tD>it bearetb a Berrp ,firff grotte, anD toben it is npercD. 3tf pou tooulD banc pallets of Aiparigut all tbe pare tbjougb : lub^npoubauegatbereDtbe Berrics,opc« fye rcotestbat runne aloft by tbe gromtD toitb Digging, anD pou fbal bauc tbe roots fcnD fcjtbneto buDs out of bano.|t is tbougbf* fljat if pou taraoe to potoocr t^t bo?ne of a team , anD fotoc it 9 fcutring tt tartlet Unit come to be gooD spcrage. 3» tbe §>p?tng time tbep mate a &erp gooD pallet , being foDDc in toaht , o? fatte HB:oatb,ttll tbcpbetcnDcr : fo? if pou fotb tbcm toomucb, tbepteUtoaffe atoap. Milken ti)t? be foD, tbep D?eOe tbrm toitb tamegar, ®pit, pepper ano&alt, anDfo eatetbem : o? as nip fcteno William Prat,berpfbilfull in tb efematters^ellexb me tbep cuttbemin fmallpteccsli^c SDice, anD after tbep baue pacboi? IcD fbem, butter tl;em toitt) CUieet gutter 3 a little Vinegar anD Pepper* The fecond Booke, entreating T h r. a. pou fcauc fccrp toellnjcfocD me t&e o;Dct ing of Afpa- ragus : 3 p;ap pougoefozwacD to&ctoe. Rcw. M a r i v 5. Ueto,t»i)tcl) tlje (S^eehrs call t™a^>w, tlje fca< tinzs Ruram , tlje Jtalians Ruracbe, ttje&paniacDs Ruda , tlje fmitymcn Rude dc gardin, is plant eo at t|je cnD of j?cb?uarp>o; in tparctj, pjofpering beff in Hie anD Dannie grounos, ttabfjo^ retl; bott) toater.anD Dung , fobictj all otfjer fjearbs moff Delight in, it mctt Ddig&tetfj in atijesi anD fotjere all ctljcr plants Uull fp?ingoft&cfttOe, t&istbepfapfoiilncuctbocff. £Dbeb;umcl}cs being Oippeo off, ano fet in tfje fpjing, fotll fce rp tocll grotu> but if peu nmoue tjjc olorcot, it Diet!; : it Deligbtetlj in tljc fljaDDeto oftlje Jrigge free, anD being ff cine fastyepfap) it p;ofpercti)fbe better : it is fotoeD toitfj curling, as Cummin, anD Diuers otljer> anD cannot abioc tlje p^cfence of an oncleane fooman. Thra,3 fagaD iettufe &ere, 3 p?ap pou fjoto Doe pou o?# uttitt Makivs, &effufe is calleD in SDufcf) Latrich , in Crenel* Laiftue, in C;ccU 3gui\x| , in Stalian iaduca, anD fo in Ratine, in £>paniu) Lcchugas, tofcereof beftDestfje toilDc, t&ecc ace tyjee feinDcs,one erumpIeb?Uil)iclj Columella called Caecifia, anD &pa* mu) ilcttufc, of tlje Countries Inhere it moff grotoety, anD is gr eateff tffeemcD 3 fnEHifcb calleD Kraufer Lattich , in J?ccnc& Crclpuctbe ot&er tfabbeDge !lettHfe,in S)utc& Knopf Letticcin ifccncl) Laiftue tcftue , of Plinic calleD Lacomca, anD Seflilis, be caufcit grotoeffc tonne ttfcean bcaD 5 o* an appleXbe t&iro fo;t is calleD Rotunda, becaufeif groteetb in compacts opont&egrounD: > thra. i5utljcto come pou to Ijauefo g©Dlicftufe>anDl)Qfc» Docpouo^Decrljem^ Lcttufc. M a r i v s. atttjeenD of jreb?uarp, onn fijc beginning of £parcl), toeofe to fctoif, tyatit map be rcmoueo about flpziil oj ^ap. 3n bof Countcies as Palladms relief b>tljcp foto it in 3anua* ric, o? in December, lottb mf ent fo remoue it in jTebjuarp : but pou map fofo itatanp time oftl)epcece 3 fo tbcgrcunDbego^tocll Dunge D,nnD toatreD. S&tjen pou temouc tfjem,t^e rcotesmuff be parcDana rubbeD ouer luitl) Dung,anD fuel? as be alrcaop plan tcD, tbeirccotes muft be pareDanD DungeD : tljcp loue a god grounD, motffanD tuell DungeD, tfjep fpaeaDtlje better (if pou fctbptljrm rfce tfape) oj to&en ttjep begin fo ffalfee? tjje ffalfce being tinmlt of the order of Gardening. 53 ctouen,pou lap bpon ftaeloo 0; a SDtUfbarD : tl) ep tnill btlutytejf poufpmufelc tytm often totty faitD,oj tie fano U)itbtn tbe leaues, attD botfj f cno st ano hi !;t t e pou fyall Ij.iuc tb cm . 3fttuo Date* be * foje tbcp be gatbcreD,tbeir tops be f peO bp,tj)epfoil be rounD ana Cabbcfcgeo. 31 f tfje itotc being remaueo Vatytn it is grotone a IjanDtooao in beigjjt, bepareoano fmercD UutbfrctbCotu tiung, ano eartb call about it, be toell iuatceD, attD tnijen it groUictt; fjigb, tlje top be cut, a petfyarD laio bpon it, tlje ftoarcr alfo tbcp tutll be : tbe mo?e pou rcttcaine tbe ftallie from gating bp,totncl) mutt as I fato, be kept Oolxme loitb Tome Hone 0; toaigbt, tfjat r&ep map fpjeaD t^e better, 3? tfje Hettufecljaunce by reafon of tljc baDiKffe of tljt foEle,tbe f^oe,o; tbe feafon, to toare fcaro, tbe remaining of it toill bjma; it againe to Ijis tenberneffe t it toill J;aue fimo;? ano Diuers raffs, if taking a 2Crecolc of &ijeepe, oj <0oate* bung, ano tjoUotomg it cunnfnglp toitlj an Htole 0; a Boobtn, poutb?ull into it t&efeeaeof Jlettnfc,Cceffcs,15afi», ftochet, Smiailage, percclp,ano KaODiH), ano after gapping it in bung, pou put it into ben? g©o grouno $ toafer it toeil.SEfjc PercelpA* §>mallagegoefbtorcDte, tfje others groto in beigbt, feeeping (till tbe tall of euerp one. Conrtantinc affirmetlj ilettufe to be a nioptt ano coIo bcarbe, a quencher of t\)ii% ano caufer of flitpc : ano ttjat being bopleo, it nonrifoctb mod, ano abatctf) iLetcberie, fo: Uiljicb tlje Pythagorians call It Eunuchion. Galen Jnmfelfe tbe p;ime of pbpfitions Dot!) greatlp commenOtt,tobo in bis j»autlj Did altoaics bfe to rate it rato, ano after in bis elocr peercs bopleo, lotjcrebp b^ f^cpt bis boot? in gcoo temperature* EndiUe, ill Hatftte, lntubum, ojlntubus, nOtbnliUetoEettufe, Endive. fomccall tt(25aroen £>uccojic, tfje £>utcbmen, ano common fo?f, Endiuiam, t^z Italians ano tf)t irrenci), Cicoriam, tbe&pant* aros, Endibia: it is f ohm casotycrcHSaro en Ijcarbs in $£arcl), it louetb mopftuce ano ga>D earth, but pou mull make pour be&s loben pou folu it tbe flattered t^c eartb failing atoap,tbc rartcs bebareo : Usljcnit batbput f©ztb leaucs? pou mult rcmoueff mtolurllDnngcDgrouno: tbatiuljitb i& foiunc befoze tbe fta- ienos of Julp, ootb come to feeoe : but ttjat tol;icb is folune after, feeoetl) not. |^ou mull foU) tbat Ujbicb ^ou tooulo ban* fo ferue pou in tointer, in j£Detobcc,in toarme ftonie places fo? pallets in iuinfer; t^ep bfe at ttys oap tol)enl;t>leaucs be out, to folo t^em The fecond Booke , entreating topf ogct!jer,an5 We tljcm rouno in rt)e top tutty feme fmall ftyng, couccmg tfycin toitt) fome little earthen ocffdl, ttje rotes (hll re mining to nourtfl) t^emtotttjall: tfcus Doing, tfccp Unit groin to be lotlite ano trnoer, ano to lofe a great part of ttjetc bitferneffe. 3Jt is faio, tljat tljrt tonll be Volute, if ttjep be fpnnfelco a fern Dates ab2caD 5 ano 'ring t}ponfanD,oc toafbcD foitfj tt)e rainc : .anot&ns is csnometottl) l)t5 encreafepteferacD all SSmter^ometljerebe, ttjar contenting tbemfeiucs i-Ditfj leffe charges ano labour, Doe ompcouertljemmitfj eartfj 3 otl?ers againetottt) tfraoj-.tbts oiDcr of Uuntermg of it, ts note in eucrp place grotone to be common. Coiworu. T h r a. J fee alfo in tt)ts pieafant ©acocn Colwoom , t&at " tocCounfrep fclfccs be fo focll acquatnteo U)it|). M a r. i v s. gt is meefe mp Oaroen fcculo not loant f(jaf, hi^ietj as pou bnoto Cato pjeferretlj before all of^ec fjearors, in Dtfcribing ttje ioonocrfull properties ano tfes thereof : ano t^s pl&a 3! onelp appoint fo? fuel) common fdot^earbes , as Col- woorts 25ates,€nfcwe,i>ntons,83peSj£anenfS, lifers, Car* rets,UatrDi^,<^arHche,anD faarfneps : ffce mooter fo;f 3 place fcpttSemfetacs, ano as tlje nature of eocrp one reqwrctb. Col* tomits is commonly calico in Hatinc Br&fIica,o? Caulis,in (Sjafee K.c^|wCkf, in if renclj choux in Italian Cau!c, in &panfuj vcrza, in EUifctjKoil. 2CljeolDcU\2itets maOe Dlucrs fo?ts of it, asatt^s cap t^jcre be. £>ne fojt toify great ano fe;oao leaucs,a big ttalfte, ano fcerp fruitfull. 2£bis fojt is commonlp fcnotone, tol)tc& being tije pleafantcr in Winter, tofyen if is bitten toith fl;e feoffs, is foo iBitij Bafcen, ano tofcD in $o:rroge. SEfje tenoer part of t£je top feeing a little boplco, is ferucb fo? Pallets, DjeffcD fcJirlj oplc ano fait. SDfjcfcconofojtluitljt^ecrumiJleDleafej oft&ercfemblance ftjatit tjatyto &mallagp 5 ts calico sdinodi 0? Apian*, of rrjc com* mon people erumpleo Coll, 0; tozinchleD Coll. £tjc tbiro fcit lr»l)icl) is pjopcrlp calico Crambc, fcatya fmallec ftaifce ano lcafc> fm©fb,fcnDer, ant) not Deep full of tupec. SEtjc fourth fo;t is trje great CabbcDge, UMttjfcoaD leaucs ano a great fjeao> calleo in Dutct) Rappcs, in Jfrcnct) Cheuz Cabuz of tt>e olDe amtrrSTri- tiana Braffica, ano tljis kinDeis onclpmoif fetbf. SnOermanfe there is onefcmoeof tfjem tfjaf tbet call LumbarDv Coitoo2t,oj &>auopColmo2t 3 (totter ttjen rtje ottjer, ano not able to cnoure tbc Winter ; ano another u?itl) lserr bjoao icaurs crumpleo, ano full of the order of Gardening. 54 full of fo2uuklcs r buta great freale blacBer,toljicf) tfje Sltalfans call Migrecaulcs , anO tt)e JlatUUS Nigra Braflica, of tye number of U)ofe t|?at n)ep call commonlp red Coll, oftfjeoloc liters Maru- cina Bxafsica. £i;ere arc btfioesotijcrfo.zts, tafcmg their name* oftljeCountrepU)[)eretl)epgroUj,aBAricinaanDCumana. snjjg beft time fo; fettt'ngano fommgof ColtuoUs!, is after ttje 3iDes of £p;tll. 5n cold anbrapnfe Countries, tlje oftner it is bunged ano rancD, ttjc better a great orale totll tfjeColtoojfs be : fomebfe to fotoc tljcm about tjje ftalcnDS of sparcb, but nje eijte fell of it go* ctfj out in Icaf^anoiofjen tt 10 oncecuf,mafcetbnoga>D ffalue fo; tye OTntctafter : petmai? ponrmtfercmoue pourgrcateft Cell, ano if pou fo 00c, you fljail [jane be il) mo; c feeo.anD greater peelo : foz it fo abounoett) foitfj fecsc , as it is foiueD tuicg no lefte aDuanv tage ttjen &ape feebe, jFoj n)e mahmgof ople, eolfoojfsmap be fotoen all tl>e peere long, but cljtcfl? in sparcl) after ftts fotoeo,it appeared Untiu'n ten Dapcs,crceptpaur feeoes be olDanDD;m 3 fo? olD fecoe toiil groto to ttapes,as olDKapc fecDc iuill to ColtoojtSi £>omc faptt pjofperetf) beff in fait grouno,ano tfjerefoje t^ep bfe tocaffbpontbe ground altpaterojatoes,totyc!)alfQDcuTopetf) tljcCaterpiller ; it is remoueo in %\me , c&ieflp mfjen it fjatft put fojttj fire Icaues, ano njat fofjen tl>e ioeatljer is rain* e, fo tljat poti eouer tyc rctebefoje foitfj a, little frcu)Oung,ano tojap tt m £>ca* toee9e,ano fo fet it. ^o?c Diligence is to be bfiB about t(;e Cab bebge ; it mutt be fo teen infarct) intbcfull of tlje £pojne, rfjatit map rematne in ttje grouno tfoo spmnes^ana in £pap pou mutt tafee tt)cmfcp,anO fettfjem againetfoofajtcafunoer. 2E^egrounbmuff be tuell DtggcD tobere pou fet t[jem 3 aimas fatt as tfjepgrofoj tfje $actfc mu& be raifeo about tljem : fo tljat tljere appeare no moje tljan tlje berp tops of tfjem : fo? fo caufe ffjem to groto faireaufl great : pou mutt as oft as pou remoue tt)cm } banhet|)emtjp luttfj • eartl) abouttfjem, tfjatnon)mg bnttfje leauesappeare. 0nDf!ju5 you muff often Doe to all tfjc fetntr s ofibenubcijoarc fro&s matte tfjem tjaue tfje greater ftueetneffe. SCfje Eiineparcs (i\)ty fap) foljcre Coltoorts groiv 3 Doe pcelonje footer Ciincs.ano t&eCcll co.jruptetlj ttje Mine, Thu. 3lP?appoup?oca^eiwtljtf)erettof t^cfe poW;earI;S; Ma.r. 1 v s. ^ou foe bcertb^ ^putage, fo teavmeo (ns poa^pina^ map hnoto) of ti;e j-jicb^ f«iiufct> : it tsfofonea* tbofe bcfo?c 3 in fpar^,ap?uMntJ fo till ferptcmber: if it map be toell toatrcD,it commctlj top in fcaurn oapes after t&e fctofng,Eoii ffjallnot neetse to rcmcouett. fl:&efceDc mutt pjefcntlp after tlje fotoing be coucreo, ano aftertoare tocll toceseo : it refufctfj no feinDe of grounD,but pjofperetfc in cuerpplace:pou muff often tut it,fo: itcontinuallpgcotoctrj 3 itis to be boileOtoitljontanp toatcr* tojerein t&e bopling itDotfj peelo great fto?e of tupee 3 anoconten' ting itfclfc toitlj (lis otoncliquour>it requiretl) none otbet. 3ffcr* too being beaten ano fftrrco toitlj tlje HaDle 3 till tlje clammf* ncsbc gone : it is made top in littk ballet, tlje iupceffraineo out, ano bopled topon a Sfjafpnoify totttj ^Dple 02 Butter, fome awe thereunto S3ergius 3 0; trj; iupce of fotoze C5:apcs, to make t|e faftc mo:e (arte, 3 ffje to pou in o:oer as pou fee, allmpifcitcfjiii jorreii. Ijearbs: noto follotoetfe Sorrdl, ealleo in Ratine, Acetofc, in 3ta* lian liftetoife, in &paniuj, Romaza, in Jfrenclj, Oxeila, in SDutcij, Surick, of frje fotojenes t&crrof.lEfjercare funozp (ozts of it: toe Ijaueat tins Dap ttoo binos 5 tlje gar c en &o:rell $ tlje toiloe,tobiclj are pleafant bortj in b:otlj t Pallets, ano of tljfs fjearbr 3 t$e toilos fojtfi are boty fotojc in taftc, ano fmaller in teafe : it is fotoeo as all otfjer pot-fcearbs are, ano it grotoety of it felfe in ^eovotocs Cummin ano €>aroens.Cummin ano Coriander require tocl o&zeft ground: and tfjep are fotoeD in rfce fp;ing, ana muff be toell toeeoeo. Cummin Coriander j g w n e0 | n & a f trWj curainum , ano almoff like in all otber £ar?< guages : it is fotoeD beff fas tljep tbinfee, toitlj curling ano ererca* tton 3 tljatitmap pjofpertrje better. Coriander iscalieo in ILatme Conandrum,ano is almoff bp trje fame name in a! otljer tongues: ft Doflj beff pjofper toljen it is fotoeo effeeoe tljat is oloeff. bmal- Smalledgc ledge an3 ParflvjCalleD in ilatine 3 ApiumPetrofeIinum,anDApium erParflcy. ^ rrenfe 3 in 3falt'an 3 Apto domeftico^attD Pctrofello^in&pamu), Peterfillie r 01 I eterlin : it IS fotocDat tfce Aequino(5rJa!l 3 in tyt fp;ing timzj Jjc fceo beaten'a littlc 3 ano maoe top in ronno pellets : toe call if Aequino&iall toljen tlje nigfjtanotfce oapcsareofr* quail length oner all tlje too?lo : tfjatis, torjentfje fbimnt, tlje Captaine ano^utfjour of tlje ot&cr lights, tljeto'ecp foule of tlje toc:lD, Ootlj enter info tlje fignesof Anes and Librajf is t|ougt)t to p?efper tlje better tbc oloer tlje feeoe is, % fo fp:ing i&efconer: if comme tfj bp fije fiftieth Dap, oj at tlje foncft ff>e fojritfl) oap after of the order of Gardening . 55 afferftte'fotoie : toim it w once fota;ic, it abiDctbalongtime, it reiopcetb in toafcr 0; foef. rend), in %tatim Fenocbio, ftiFendi. &pam'$ Hinozo, in &tm$ Fcnoil, in Wuttl) Fcnchcl, is fotoeO in tlje beginning of $e&ftung,inftoe funnpplacea,ftonp grouno, oj anpgrounDtbeing once fotone,it fp#ngeff) cuerp pare. Anmfe, Annifc. in Ilatme Anifum,fafenotoue tnmoff tongues, as Cummin ano Cojianocr r required; a grounD fcoeU o^eo anD Djeffec. Dyll, in D y n - Hafine Anethum, in if rencb ano Italian almoft fo, in £>pamu) Enc!do 3 in 8>utclj DyJJ, enouretb ano abioetb all fcmoe oftoea* tbers, bur Delights mod in foarme grouno : if itbcnotfoeilto treo, itmatt be fotocfc tbinncr. &ome neur couer fyc feeOcs toben tbep foto tbcm, fuppofing tfiat no Biro toill mcoole iuitfj it : it commcttj top alfo offtfelfeas iFeunell ootfj. chcruill, in cheruiie. lUfine Cerofolium , in SDurxJb Kerbell , m Italian Gingidia, in if renc!) Cerfucil, oefiretb a gcoD grountynopltano UicUoungcO: it is fotiKO tottb rbe reft in coiopIace».3n tbisfame #onetb ti;ep alfo foto Bcctcs , tljougb pou map fotu tfjem Uujcn pou tutU ata> Beetcs. ttpotber time of tljc peart as fepmage, it is a common Coturtre? l^earbe : fbepcailtt mStaiian Britola, in £>paniu) Acelga,ui EDuteb BccefjoVMangclf. jjia <&att)rnbearbe t>atlj greater leaurs, fo tl;at toiflj Due o:imng,it grotxietrj like a poung trie. 31* w taUtiD Beu, becaufc tttycmt Ceeoefb.rt ia (as Columella ar?irmetb)to tbe lisenetreof tlje <25:eehe letter J$. SCbcrebe tino fojtsof tljcntfji* folate ano tijebi.ieae, tbc o^nng of tijem is after one fo;t : it is fotoeoas Coltoffi2ts,«>o2teU,atto Maaoify arc, in tyaxty, &P&U 02 £3ap. &ome tln'nnc tbebeft time fo? fotoing it is \v\)ite trje pomegranate ootij fioto?*.: it map tie folueD ncuertbe.etfe as 3Lctfufe,Cote, ano oiuecs otljers, at anp time of ti;e gummier. ICbefeoc, tije.oUJcr tt is, trje better it is to be fotone, asaretbe freoe* of fenallage, parflep, <2?aroen Creffcs, £>aucrie y Ipiic e ^aricrum,ano €o2ianOcr,tbougb in all otber tbenctoeft bebeft. Sttcommctt) tip in &ummertbe«rroaiyn fointcetbetentb after tbe fotoing : it louctt) a i*topft,a rtc^ano a mcUoto grouno : pou mw remoue it forjen it fcjatlj put &9^tb &# leaujs, tf pour ground libc foell to be txtatrtD : rt itlic tote grouno, it muft be fct in tbe eno of tbe feummer,as 31 tjauefaio of ColUia)?ts, tbougb it maUe no great matter at mbat ott)cr time pou Doe it, ©aben pou re* nuoue it, pou muft rubbe ouer tye rote toitbneto Dung, ZLty* i* proper The fecond Booke, entreating: ptoper fetbel5eete, f bat bis feeoe come not all bp together, but feme tbc pare after frme tijcrtjiro^ftre : ano tfjerefoie of a great KaleoffiTef,t^fcetsatti)cSTftbutaiittlc^cto,itgTotoct(jttje fe;oaorr an?) tfje letter, if toljcn tt is fometbtng grolunc, pcu lap fcpcm'r SDflc Hones, 02 fuel) Ifltt, to caafeic to fp.;eaD 3 as 31 fpa&a Garden t>rfo:e of Letfufe.OarDe nCret^m Italian Nailurtio,* Agrcrro, Cbtw. ln ©p 3m ^ McAkfzo, m jFrencb Creifcsde gardin, in sbutclj Kerfs, are fofoeD botrj in tfjc ©pang, anD attfje j^Uof tfceltafe, it commrtb t?p tlje firO Dap after tt is fefonc, anDD;tnfcefbatDap ttje mopffurefrom fuel; hearts as greto ntere |illi MtoglUjuflQ otfjcr ports, lie caretrj nottofjat ircatber come, an3 tbercfo:e p.2ofperctlibotrj as luellm Winter as tn Summer : tfttbefoinne fatty Lcttufe, tfcommctb op ercecotnglp, if Orltgbtetb initio?* Curcjto^'cf) tfitln^rf, it lutilDoe tnell cnougb : in iuatrp places if grciyetf) of bis ekrne ncco?o : as about Paddbor, a totsnetrt Wcilpha'ij, it grotocttj in great abundance in tlje Hmer, ana fl;ercfo2Cis calleO of Come CQatcr Crcffes : it loas called m t$>e o*o time Sifimbrium. STrjcb:ancrjcs Inben tfjcp loare olD. are net* Ciricn feotogctber&itbtobtrerjar:? rings. GarDen Poppy, calico in 7 1 '-':- Latinc Paupaucr Gmuamj isttjougrjt bell fo groto tofjereoloe fialfes banc bm\c burnt : it is fotneD tntuarme placcs 5 te?tb ottjec i- fiotbearbs. Murtard-fced*, inLattneSinapi, in Dufcb SencrF 3 feefo m gtad'an Seoape, tn epantPj Moftaza, hi j^rcnerj Scncu^ttierc are tioo fet'nDes, tobtte ano felaefce : tt ts bzft to be fotocfc in t|e ■mo of Summer, anD againe in i£arrb. £&hcrcitts cncefolone, tttsbarOtortDDetbegrounocf it agatnc, becaufetbefeeDeOotlj ttiil grcln as it falietlj. $t louctb to groin bpon Dung-biiSj ano ca&tatcte. Th ?. a. 3 fee pou bane bcrp fane HaotjfC^es berr- M a r iv?. ^orbing fofatreas 3 baue hao tbem, fo: tetjera as tbep Delt'gfjt tn tbc Sunned tn Unrmc grcunD, mv Garoners tiaue bercfet tbem m tbcflbaDotn.Cbe o2Drrof rbemts fo be fet tn ■DcrpgrnOgroimDjanDiping bpon tbc sunne: fonie fap 5 it Dot!) net grcatlp care fo2 Dung, fo tt map baae cl)a&e iTraiucO bpon it; "terjen ttfscometofimegrclDrb.tbepnrurrbccct'freDVDirbeartl;, fo2 if it Bounty once abouetrjegrcuno, tiictrotesknlncucrbee go:, bttfftaffl anofuil ofpifb. §c is calleO Uaoeifljj beeaufetf er* ccDetb all otf)cc totes m cjreatneiTe. Plinic inttetbj t^at gee fate of the order of Gardening. 5 £ foto ar Erford in €>ermanie,ttaOOifl) as bigge as ffjc bo&p of an infant, Jtiafolnco ttmfein ttje pare, in jprbjuarp oz g&arclj, tljc spone being in tfjeujanejeft it grota fm ronton leaues/ouce fingersoitfant one from tfic otFjer : ano againe in fluguf^totjicFj is t|re befffeafon fo: tfjem. ICtjofe ffj.iT pau fet after tlje fentji of ^unejlwill neucr fa*e,tt)c Ittie 10 to be obferuco in all otfjer faos : ftcommetbopfommonlp tl;e t&frooapafteritisfotocn : infjot ano £>outljctlp Countries, tfce toeatber being faire 3 it grotoetfj fwne to ffalUc: ano qatcfedpfecDe e. Cf)e leaucs as tljcpgroto> mull dill be trampled oofoneano troDen opon, tu&ercbp tljc rcute fljall grototlje greater: oujectoife it flofojffljctl) toitfj leaucs ano $ii\tt\) encreafe to tlje leafe,anOnot to tlje rote: tlje IcCfc ano ttje ftnartjier ffjeleafe is,tfje railoer ano tlje floater is tlje rate: coloe as fome fap, Dot^ further tlje gooneffe of fljem 5 tfjcp fap tljep foill he fcetp plcafant, if ttic feeoe be (rapes in #aotjj,o? in tit iuyce of Haijfnst t&epfoare ftoat toit&coloe as tijeKape oot&.ano'tljcic uittemeffe its taken atoap tuttfi tyn$, am tijerefoie fometuouio Ijaue Kaoiu)es foatreo $ nourifljeo foiflj fait toafers: being foOfcen iijep come to be beep float , ano feme tljc furne of Kapcs : gt> lien faffing, trjep pjouoUcbomite, trjep are burtfull to tlje beinr s and to fljetatl;. itaDOiflj eaten at firff, is a goto pjeferuatiue a< gafnftpopfon: eaten before mearc,ttbjeafcctl) toinoc,ano p;ouo* fectlj tyinc: f after mcafe it forfeit; f&e belip, it iscalleOin Ratine Saphanus, in^talian Raphano, in frpamilj Rauano, in JFccncfj . Haue, in>S2>utclj Rctich. T h r a . 2Cr)crc is anoffjer fcurte of r&em, ffjaf tljc SDufcr) mencaUMerraue pou gotten ffje irape i i^itberfo 3 tbongbt bee bao eneln belonged Dnto tts,fo2 toe tfc to folu fyem after tbe &unne tjat^ beene at tfje bigbrff, ano tmm tt i&ttiv after our ottjer Co;nc, foi tbc futtenance bott) of man ano beaft. Rjpa. M.uivi, ^ou Doe toellj ano Uic foto ft ncto in ^ap^ano fn Dwtrp grouno f©nrr,anD in Tome places in gulp. Cbcre are Di- ners fa:ts of tfjem fomc of tt) cm rouno, feme greiu all in length, ano are moft pleatant m tafte, as at Bing x, ano tn tbe Cottntrp of Bauar. s>ome agame of tbc qnanttti'c of a mans bcao,ano of at t)uno:eD pouno ticigbtrbut tbe fmallrftfoit is tbc flneetea.SDbett is anorberUmo of tfape rbaTt^epbTe to fotoe,taf)icb earrict&ty's ftfDe in little Coos, # is cbi'eflp planteo in Crcnnamefo: to malic opte of,tlje Infjtcb poti.tfc c ot^er Dap, fpafce of 3 i t'ts calieo in (Deatse >M»A£7, fn jfrentb Rauctn Btaltan Rapo,tn^paniU)Nabo 3 tii The little 3)utcb Ruben. JEbete is alfo anottjer toiler feinae calieo Rapun- Rape. cuius, tbat grotoetb balfe a par* bigtj,full of feo,anD f enoer fop* petu SStns tbep gatber in tfje ^pjingfime, !#«• tbeffalfcebe fp2ongbp,f pulling tt Dp bv the rotes, Do Dfe it in Pallets, mp* Naucns. ^g^ t{ (o fap a to jj Dc femD " e of g ap£# <£ty ^ aucnfi glfo calleD in (Frake yofiAv\ns>in llatfne NapuMn J^rencb fctauefjto Italian Kapo,tn §ipaniu>Nabicas,m S>utcb Srockruben.mapbecounteO in tbe number of fcaprs,fo2 Uapcs in romegronnocbange into j^auens^infomegrouno, & au ens into Kapes. SEbefealfoloue to grotu in a njeUtDatreD 3 mell8to,anoancb grounO'fbougb fucb as groto in fan&feano barren grouno, p:oue often t^e fmceteft fn eating* Cbef» Dfe to fotoe tbem in {^arcb,ano in fomc places be* rarfnfps. fa^gs ajr t n 3uguu\ parweppe in (Dcaftc <&$vKwsin£A0 tin Pattinaca in ofner tongueo almoft as in Jlatfne, fsbcrp ptea* fant to-be eaten , ano reqniretb a fat ano rfeb grotmD,ano Deep* R j , j Bi£geo,t»berebt> n)e rate map bane came enougb to groto in : it y^iow tefo&eo sno fet fn tfje fpang', ano in tbe eno of &ommer, Ganw. T h a a. f^ou baue tyu alfo in tljfs C-arDen reo garrets* M AR I VS. of the order of Gardening, 57 M a r. 1 v s. 1 fjauc To. ^elloto Carrcrs is calleD in latfne Silt r, m ifremrj Chcruillc, in Italian Si(cro, m £>pamu) Ctwiui- as, tnSHir-.t) Querlin, 3 trjMUe pou bnjU) it. PJmie totffefb, ttjar i oer.us U)o5 fo tdloucUittt) tljts rote, ttjat tje caufeD Car- ters t j be i»c5tetp u;ougrjt rjtm out of dDccmante, from tlje Cuff cil ot'Gclauna Jranoing upon the Krjmc. 31 1 Dcligrjtetrj tn coloc pla* ccs, ana is .cluco befo:c tlje fcaicnDs of sparitj , anQ of fomciri September : but trje trjiro auo tl;e bell fctnoeof fotoingas foitic trjtniie , is in 3uguff. SDtjccc is alfo wiiDe Carre:* , a fcinDc of |9arwep, in iUtineDaucu*, in Italian Dauco, in jffremrj Caroce lauige, in 2Dutdj Wortzd , ttjere are ttjat fuppofe it to be tfje pellofo note, trjat is fo common in Germanic, trjep arc to be foU)C0in ^act^. |f is genecall to Iff ape*, KaDiu)es/pacfncps, Carrey Anions, anD & ueffjtbat tbep map be tbegreater, trje eartrj muff be continualip tofeo about it, anD trjep muff be pulteD anD rapleD op, as | faio before : iflnrjen pouremoue tyem, pou make in trje rjeaos of cue* m one a little tjolc io.trja p«ce of u»jc, o: anp tiling ercept The fecond Booke, entreating 3(ron, ato fyn& therein a Cucumber fetf>e 3 tljep torn" grofo to a toonarrfbll greatness : feme ofc in fteaD of Cucumber fees?, to put m Uapc fecsc. Co £aue fcerp large and great Jlee&es, paa tttufl ijollctoa SDtcstle of OoafesDung, ano fill it full cf2,«fce faoe, fo.2 tfje little fp?ont at tlje firttrelrratneo, Uull runne altoge* rberinoncj anD fo come fojtl; oft^egrcunD: ano tfcis as Hieroni- nuis Cardanus \s;ittt\) , Intt) beene often tcicD to be true. 2D&ep ffyill net fauour of ileefees o? £?m'ons, tyatfcaue eaten Cummin after. 3t tommtty top tfjetenttj Dap after t^e fofcring, ana latter!) f iuo pecre : t!>e firtt peere tt contented it felfe onelp iuirtj bearing of leaue , the nert pare it rifettj in a iong ttalfce rjolloto httttjin, Onions. *^ e t0 P sarm'fljrD Mr; rouno fcnops of flofo?es, 2:be Onion : m Marine Ccpa, c: Cepc, in Italian Cipcila, in ^paniOj Cebolla, in jTiCjidjOignon, rfcenert neighbour to trje Hecfce : isalfo of ttoo KtnDcs, tlje one fcinDc calico Capiramm, ttjat gcetoctfj to IjeaD, tfjg fitter Fiflilc , tljat Uutfjcuf anp tjeaD onelp flouriu>t^ in blaocs., ano is often garrjereD as Jiee&csare,anD rfjercfoje onelp is fotone, ano not fct in Jfebguarte o? spared in faire foratijer, ano in ttje foane of tlje $3©ne : ft oeltgtjtct^ mricfj grounD,toell DiggcDanD t)tmgeD,anDtberefo?e Columella iooulo fjaue flje grouno tocllfal* Io&jcd. tljat itmap be mellctseD tottr; trjc Winter frotts, sno afr fer&u?tgc&, aftiT tocll Digges agr.ine > ano tfje rotea ano tue&es p:ffilc. calr out^IatD out in btts ano folueo : it is calico Fiffilc, becaufett is parted ano Dtuioco brlotu , fo? in tyz Wnhz it is left fajftfjftfs topna&cD: iiTfrje^p^ingfimcrljeblaDes arepul!rDoff,ano others come top in tijct'r places. SDfje beats arc fct, ano if pou plucfce a- Inap tlje tapirs and rlje eut Utff m tfjo encrraf: of it : yet fyac are tljat t}ulo opinion, tbat if pott fefei tijeni in t&e toane, f Ikv tuiii be tjjc fmaller, ano foto^cr j ana m tfje cncreafc, tljeytettl be tyc greater, ana tfjc milder. &*>e red ^Dnpon, is mojc ujarpe fben tljetobite, fljep are btft weferueD in 3U3arlev ctjsde, tf Rett vou dtp tljem tn fjot foaterj anO after djp fyein in ti)e &unnc. tttl itjzy be t^ougi) &#♦ Elicg are of the common people tljaugljt to lad longed, being gauged Up intbe fmoke ife> tbefeinowd it &att) Imtrj rrjc fi)npon,3 proceeds to fpeaaenert of Garlrckc, calico in iiatine Allium, in Italian <*»&** Aglio, in &pantu> Aio, in SDutcfc Knobloich, in jfrencb Aux, it grolnetfj toftb a Hade like tije jZDiipon, but not boUoto, tt?c (laifee round, auo t|je Gotojesin tfcetop in a round tufttoijere tfjenida Ipety, dCtolicbe grotoctlj botfc of tfjc bead anD tije fe^as tfjc flDnvon ano otfjer of f b?s fctnoe dot!;. Bit is commcnlv fofceD in ^eb^uarie ojsparclj, aecojtmg to t^c Dtfpofition of tljcfcieatfjcr, as r(K jDnpon is. jt tooulD be fct in tijefcppermod part of little nacrolu rioges, fyz Clones being aidant foure o?Sus incbrsone from f&e otyer, ano not fcervdape. After, fo&ent&c €loms fcaucput f(o:tlj tlje little Htin%^ t; txfytn their biases arc ccme tjp,t^cpmattbetuellrafeeo,fo?tbeoft;jer ree Doe Co.fbe greater tljepfoillbe : but if poiitoillljauc tbcl;eats the greater, bcfo?a it gecto fo dalae, vou djall tofnde ano rojeatbe t&e gtecne blades together, and tread fljem to tije ground, fo; ttjat continual! treading bpon tijein bull make t&cm tye greater. Jn October tyc Cloues umit be plucked afunder, $ fet in rote upon fngfj bonders, t&at tbevmapfcapetlje danger of t&e tomtce Coynes. SCfjcy fat? tjje fcent of tijem fcofli ccafe if vou eate after tfyzm tlje rote of 25ats todeo at tlje fire: tljus fattrj Piinic out of Mcnander. Thu. Mbatljearbeictbatvonderjtbatcommetb^pfoljie as a man mav make a fiafifc ofttje daltse, frjc icaues large ana round, trje fioteje fnfljape taming to compare toitfy tl;e Hofe if M a r i v s. 3jt is Haliokc, o? harden ^alloto , in ILarinc Maiiovw. Malua hortenfis, inE>ufcl> Pcppcl, in Italian and JFrenclj almsu; as in Hattne. Thu, 'd22Hljaf,tlje fame f bat Horace fabetfj to befofo^olco fomefw tfjebodp^andiofjtcij of Hcfiodus atn Martial is fobigrjh> commended i ^2. Mar i vs* The fecond Booke, entreating M.uivs. Cfjc tcrp fame: anD alfo tobtct) is mo:c toonDer* full in ft, tlje icaurs turnc about iutttj the &unns, fo tljat tt map fcrue in ffeaD of a £>pall i Declaring by ttje turning of bis Icaucs inljat rime of the Dap it ts,trjougt? tlje -bunneccenot Q)ine,totjutj tlje ptjtlofopljcts t^inne to be Done, up tlje c;aU?mg of fcismcp* ffure.jn Hrtrfea.asPIinic toiitctfyit commeifc in feancn monettjs to be line a poung tree, anD Cerues tecll fo; a toalUing-ffaff, Site fotoco in October, 02 in tlje eno of tlje &umme r, as alfo at ot^er itmcs,t fjat by tlje tomming on of to trite r , it map be reftrapneo of In* fcigfj grototrj; it reiopcetfc in ric£ anD moiff grounD, anD muff be remoneD luljen it commety to tjaue foure c: fiue Icaucs, tt groUntt) beft tofjenif is poung: toljen it comesto be greater , it Dies in ttje remouing. Mc nfe it boflj fo; tfje pot anD fo; fallf ts 5 ttjetaffe is better to^mitis not remoueD: pou mutt tome it but ttjinne fo? groining to rancke,anD in ttjt miaff of t&cm,pon muff lap little cloos 0; ff ones, it requirctrj contmuall rahtng, anD ma> feetfj better tlje grounD tuyere ifgroters. Thu, 3 maruaile iajjerljer pou fofo fitarselauie , fi$ it grotoeti)tmloeab:oaD. Purflaine. M A a 1 v s. Clje 3tafmeS rail itPorfulacan, tmtl) tlje Btali* " ans it Ijattj fyz fame name, in &pamu) vcrdo!aga,in fvzwty anD glutei) PorcheJIe, if is fofoeD in CParDens, anD toell o^ereD Dotlj groto tlje better, anD fpjeaort&t&e farther, it fjatlj a blaeae teDe grotoing in little grcene enps. Buglofc Thra, Eug!o(e,tljat ttje ilarinrs ea!l BugloiTum , rlj« Statesmen Ochfenzung, ojBurrrrfth. tlje irreneijmen Borauge, foe Italians Borache, tlje fepam'sres Boraic. gs not tfjis u ttjat 3 to fjere foittj t&e faire bleto floto?*, anD a ffalne a fat long 3 aw!» tullofbjanrtjes^ M a a 1 vs. Buglofe is at rljfs Daptmtfj t$e $otyicariescal« leD H5o.:age , ttjoug^ rfjep Differ fomctljmg in tlje flotoje, anD in nerp DeeOe tfjep are ttoo fano;p l^earbes : fo? fome ca!l tlje common 15o?age, tlje lefler 15uglofe 5 anD tlje greater Buglofe is rjjougijf to be t&at tuliicft Diofcorides cailett> Circium.ttje true Buglofe : tlje flotojes of botlj fo;ts are bfeD in pallets anD in Wiint, bteaufe it manety tlje fjcart merrp, anD tfjcrcfo;c is cal< teD ftttifrgbe wcpeoffiu^tljat is to fap,glaDncs:t^e leaucfl are alfo torn tiffing of meatcs^it is faUuh about iparc^ f onceletosn ft of th e order of Gardening. 5p it ttiill neuer afoap, tfjcrc to alfo a twice hinoc of if. Th r. A^BJpjappgu goefijtoaro, ano tell bs fome tying of &trato&errif0,tobicb Ijcre groUi Voitb great plentp ano beautp, fjeipeo as it feeinetb ttJitb g©o ojOering. Mauvs. JL^cyate To, fo;toce ufe to bjfng rates out of ^ tvav ^ t\)t tocoos, U»l)icb being fet ano planfeo in tye dDarOen>piofpe r cp bmc *' cceomglp tlna o? tto# pceres togetber : ano after, luce eptljer rcmo)uctbcmagame 5 becaufetbepfoare luiloe , o? fet f be iutioe in tbeir places: ano (a Ij.iuc toe tjjem to pcclo tbeir ivuit timfcm a p(erc,inti;e &p;ing, ana in tbe eno of Summer, fluo aitljangb it grolnetb of it felfe in fl)aoooUjp marts in great picntp, as if it Ocligbtco w ft)aoow of SCre^, pet being bjaug'at into tlje<£5ar* KtA y it oeligbferb in tunny places, ano gooo o^Dcring. rowing* great oeale mo:e anD better fruit : it creeper!) bpon tlie ground UutSjout a ffalue toitb fmall brings camming fram tye rote* Uutlj a totyte flofoje, ano a leafe lite a SCrefotic, inoenteo abanf. drcberrieSjUjIjtcb is rfce fruit, are rea,ana tafte tierp pleafanf Ip : tt>e &>utcb men call tbem Erdbem , tlie frttmbmm Frcfe*. SDfjsre is anotljier fruit tfcat grotoetl) fametbing \)i$btx> lul)ofe betrp is alfo ItUe tbe j&fraUrtcrp. Diofcondes feemetb to call it Rubus Idacus, tbe 15jper of Ida , becaufe it grow* Rafpe*. « etlj in great abunomce bpon tbe^auntaincldi. 3?tis nat full of piithtes , as tfye otbec brambles are, but foftanD tenoec , full of toancljes ana fobituTi leaues,it bearetb refcDe berrics,fometbing pslee tban tbe &traUiberp,ano berp plcafant in tatte.2Cbe2Dutcb' men Call if Imbercn, tfje ifrenebmen Frambolas. Thu. W&fat is tljat grotoctf) ponDcr,a paro in fjeigbf i M a r i v s. 31 1 is commonlp calico iiqucrtfe.inilatineDiilcis Liqoenft. Radix in Italian Rcgolitia, in &pani(^ Rcgalfza , m jFrencb Rc- clille, in SDufcb Clants, o: Susfliolrs. T h rt a. 31 oionot tln'nfceto baue founD if Ijcrc. 31 tjeace it grotuetbberp plenttfull about tbe x^eine, 31 toaulo be glao to Ijearc bom o?e t?o*j otDcr it , fa? it batb a rote foj tfjc fto^tnefTe thereof (mijenee it tafeetb bis name) bery commenoable, v M a r. i v s. 3it isfef of poung fpjtngs of tl?e rote j as tfje ^oppe is, inbzie Itgbtgrouno ano (unnie. Th n a. OTjat fap pou to fmall Uea^ins, calico in 3latine smaiiRw Ribcs,oae pou ttjimHe tbe oloe liters fcneto tljisbuu)^ *iaL ^ 3 -M a b. i v So The fecond Booke 3 entreating M uil$, Srjat Wpftf^tM call Bt t!;is otpRibe* anD rfce Dutchmen Skini rohns Pcarie, besaufe about a)iofummrc it is gwrnfltci iuirfj ceo anonct) bemes, fjaumg a carte talk, querun> ma ttjtrft, chiefly tfje raging asiD ftferawe ttjictt of feoers,anO ccimg tiic tramaclsc, fatyfef the flpttfteoRfai m &ngcc o: l^onie feapail tfjeper*,4tl0t}oacrjt it tecsfenfcnctDrn to trjc oUjU};ii ten : butnolu a common bnlrj fcfeo fc: cnclomigof Oaroetts, mo malting of 25o:Dcrsan^ rtibcurs: ft tmtl eafiip grom,hie tbititts fQmttbmgtrcublcf3mc,bpreafGnof£)isu)ntuep:icfcle« to be bent abestssmmer hcufes. Hop?:s. J h : . a . fta fuafce cucn noUi of £~3ps, Doc pea fct in rtjefe rscrpiineclp paracifcs, tfcaf planftfraf is fo common iuitfj t^e Counttcpman about os? tljcu mafcegreat game of it. M - . KcH pou tbcrcfo:r. 5 p:ar pcu , tjcto trjrp ooe Melt. Read; the T h r a. gt t'0 fct cftijc rong 2)CDfes 5 as pou tcloe a little be* ptrfector. fc;e of Hiquerifc,antj tim m trjeeno ofsemmcrto: if trjepfrarc iXV n °' oc rorcs > anQ *W fct fn grown toetl toner cttoftt ocung ano *n-U 0OOD monlo, ant aftermaro" t;iHco, ans fo fuffc reD to remamc all Scots CClnfer. §n the fp:ing,tke eart£ is ttix-tm untrj Uofccs,ane not bookcof tojtf) §>pste*, ans the fcillcsraifcD.anD the ground rt'D cfallljurtv GotSju • fu!ltol - x::fS « 3 bout u^aic.ccrfajne'pcuUcsarc fetop,b?cnm'nurj ' ' tb: l^sppccKiubctfiruiittrfpiart^atfirimgcthabcucti)^ floUue is commoner cut off. ftbant September; c: m t&c cr.D of 0ugt:fi, the £elo:c3c: be'ssregarnmo ^no sept to mate Itere Uh o j t lu'ncn the Hoppea are garr-cieo^the rcmatnesarecut Mime clef: to the grctHiD; anD t|c l^ils being ag^neratfe^aveccucceO tnitfj Sung. She tops.snD tbepcungbuts tijai come fir& cut m 3|Btlj are tfeD fc be gathered ■'::-7.1:[crs : anohixpeiiitIn*mfromgt: t'ng to ranl-ic. Ktatoofe) 3p:a? pougoe on>am>tetnaieto fije Deftrfpftai of pom Oar&cn. &*) mbat crceiknt Helena . |3om* pcn3,Cuc:mbtT£.an^OoucDcs^auei?cur;£U.3pv4vrou ttUni Id tut fo:t pan OlOci them. M lr i v i. Melons (tofciclKome, bcEuifct&cp arc faftoieO ifuc- npp'.fs.cail pomes arc ofJfbc iubc of Cucumbers , anD Coohb. ft 5re r ^' pepons^ti'iicb t|c j f ce miMn eo caU {dompeoof.S^c ben. Cucumbers are cailco m LatmeCucumcr? in 3(talun Cucumcro of the order of Gardening. 60 ct Gedruolo, in Jf rem!) anD SDufclj Cocumbre. Ctycp change to pompcons, ano spiifBemillions, from tol)icl) fyiy onelp differ in fljape and grcatneuTe : toljen tljcp erceed m greameOTc 3 tfjcp be corns pompcons, and toijen ttjep gcoto round, tfjep are <3}clon' pompcons : all tgefe ninocs arc calico of fome Uniterm felons, &\)t Ozcuans call allttjcfojts, as tocll Cucumber* as tTDcion* pompcons , bp tljc name of pompcons ano 93clons , tbouglj ttjece arc foment maise a lifference bcttocenepompectis ano felons, neither Doe tlje learneo yet tfcoug&ip agree tjpon tfjcfc names, no? can it be cerfatnelp faio tofcaf Rindetljc oloe toiifcis meant bp pompcons, $ spclonpompcons, pompcons ooecrcepe along fepon tbe ground toitlj rougfj Icaucs ano prllcto flotoje, and are pleafant to be eaten luljcn tljep are ripe SDrjc fUiffttfi Xo$t of t^cm tbcpcallSuccnno , ejMuskemilJtons. £Efje Sj&flonn pompcons arc fuppofed to fpzing fire in Campania, being fafljic* ned line a Quince ££W fciuoe tjangctfj not, but groUutf? round Iping fcpon the ground, and beingripcdoeleauettje (fslfce, §>omc Cucumbers arc called citriniiCftbcirpcllotenes tuyere tfjepberipe, and alfo Citruli, 0; Cirreoii,ti)£p groto all in Icngtlj, and are fpotted as t\)t Citrons arc : fomc be called Mann, and be called m Italian Cucudjc Marina-, trje fed tofjercef isfo be eateti befoze fycy be ripe: ttjcp are cut in paeces,ano po;rcdge made of f&em,not mucrj fcnlifcein faftnen to tf^c rpelon. S£r)cre is alfo another Kinds of Cucumber ofabugecompaffc,almoftas big as a buu)ell: trje joiners and l^arucft folncs in 3 talt'r , tofcto carrp great pecccs of tgem to tljc field tottb tljcm to quencl) tfjeir trjirlr. Pou mulf fct all tl?cfe kinoes *n spared, tijefeesea mute bee fct tfjinne, f too footc one from another ,in toatric g'round toell doun* gcd and Digged, fpecialip fandic ground : pcu muft lap tfjem in gillie, 0; mater and i^onnp trj:cc oapes: and artcr ozte tfjemand fotoctrjem, fou)allpou ijauettjem feerp pleafant. Cijcp mill fjaue a tocrp ftoeet fauour, if tfjeir feezes be kept manp dapes $* mong Kofc-leaues. ponrCucumbcrsfljailbe long and tender, if pou fetdndertrjemtooter in a bzcafi fccffciMtoo (janafu's lui* Dec tljcm.sntjepDcligljtin mater fo muelj as if tljep be cut cff,tfjep Xuill pet benD toward if, and if rrjep t>ang 0? rjaue anp (tap , trjcp toil groto erartcd^as alfo if pou fet oile I p ti)cm>tolmt) t$ep grcatip eb!>ozrc,£lf)e flowers being fuffcrcd tc grew in pipcs,oo groto a ^ 4 toonocr* The fccond Booke, entreating iuonDcrfhll length Cfjr p louc not tfjc HHtafeCM mo:r ffjen Dotlj toe Couo , iorjrreunto ttjepare a.mott lifcem nature: to.: ttje flotas, tt)c kaurs, anD tlje clafpets, are like of t&cm botf) : tut Gourds rrje OoutD is mo2c bu&c tn clunbtng,fo trjat toit£ tjattp. grotot£ } it fp;ca0et|j quicKlp cuectrjerjcarfcsaHO ^ummer^cufes, tunning top bprtjc iuaUs, anD mounting Dp to ttjc betv CiUs ofttjc tjoufcs ? Jjauinga great fruit of a mentrrous bignclTe :: Ranging by a touul tralke, in fasten itfcea pears > anD grtrnc in colour , alttiougr; tutjen iti;at"n flcttueD, it toill groin in mtjat fatyion pcutuill|iauc ft : trjcp far ? tt)-rc &at[) lane fome of ttjem nine fcote in iengtij. i~rjc coanft ones alfo groto to be fcfeD fc>2 great fceffeis : tfce rtnee of tfjcmU) ciu 5.16 foft anD renDcr 3 bui oftfje olo oncsrjaro,tDt)cre* of ttJtjcn trj£ mcate is out, trauailers make great bottc:s to came t):inhetn. SfjcCaurcstljatarebfeDrobe eaten m &umnur 3 are fnncjp infljapc, fome arc rouno, fome long, forae bjoao : anD tl)2ugl)t^efau^ionbet)iuers 3 pettl)enatureisallonc:fo2ttismatic bv 3rt to groin in Mjat ftjapepen mill, as in tlje fo:me of a crcc> ping D:agon ; 0,2 mrjat pou lift , tytv are calico in Stalian zuma, in s^panifl) CaUbaz, inDutcrjKuirbifch, in Crenel) Vnc courge. £i* fete* ttjat n)c CourB beared nert to trjc ffalfce fas PaUdius fantj) are longeff, ttyy m t&e miODcft rounD, anD ttjofe t^at lie on trjekDc, G)o:t, bpoate, anD fist : if rou fct tfce fcarpecnDcftlje fixocDcU)nciJPaiD 5 as Columella feitt) , pou fljcll fcaue ttjem both grtatrr Courts anD Cucumbers. 3t Dcligrjtctrj m a moitt, rut), fcjcll BungeD, a;iD Ineii fantrrD grounD.^ljaf iuf)iir;grott)itrj rnittjout ioatcr, hpngs tip pleafanter ftuir : anD rtjat UifcieJ) tjattj mater enough, n&Dcs ttjcletle linking I©. Sf)e floticrsmijere trjcpbcfrr } muftbeDiggcDa fatccnDatjaifc Dccpe, rrjetrjiro part mtjereof muff tc tiilcto inirrj drame, anD tfpet) toitrj gooD ncl) mculD : it muft be nilco to tip miDDeft , ttjen tgp fceDis being fct, muffle matrcD, ttU ttjcp be fpzung, ano after, cartrjiaiototjicm tfiilastrjcrgtomc, tttitljc j^urrombefillcD. S»)cp muftbefet fpinne, ttoo fcotcafcnSfr , it eommetrjbp in lire c: fcauenDapcs after tlje fertmg, Ctjofc tljatarcfct in t2ir greuno, muft be tie* rietocU toatrceD, ft)ercfc2c tyt? bfc to fee bp ttiem eantjen pots full of mater, iuitb ragges 0: clout. s m item toiuatcr trjera, Z&fym tljcp be a iitrir grciucn, tyzv mt ft tiaue ^cipesfet b? $an to climbs upon, tj/C loiter tl)ep be, t^c better tl^emeate is. of the order of Gardening. 60 Pm matt befoare tbere come no fooman neete tobcrcpou fetto tijMT,fojt!)cir pjefenec oott) grcatlp ljuct t&rm. Cbofe tbatpou feeepe foj fe^e, pou mutt fuffcr to remaine tipon tfce ffalfcc till Winter, am tlfcii gattjcrtbcm, anD ojie tbem, citber t'n tlje £>unue aiin tbefmoafce, fo; otbei toifetbe feeoetoillrot anape* wu). sc^'cp ixjill long be pjefcrueD , anD continue frefo , if after tljep begatbereD, tbepbe put into aclofetoeffell Uiiti) tbelLecsof tainteujinc, ozbangeD inatjeffcU of iUlinegar, fo tljat tfjerj tenet) not tye Vinegar. Thu. Wjat meaner!) tfjat great SCtjiftcli tfjat fp?ingctt) tljere^ M a r. i v s , DiD pou neuer reaD in pour Columella of ttje ipac ticbocb, fpcciallp in &is becfes rtjat be towte of <25ai;Dening 3 Uirjere Jjefaitt): Goe fct the bryftled Hartrchoch, That well with wine agrees, &c. Athenseus in btSfeconD bQJise Dipnofophusout ofSophodus. 9H Ctjiftcll is tbe i^artiebod) ttjat euerp tobcre Dottj groto.. 3t its Anichoch fctnoe of SEW ell, bp ttje Diligence of ttje CtorDner, b?otigbt to be a ga>D £5arDcn i£earbc,an0 in great carnation at #oblemens ta- bles: it is as pou fee, frame* toitfy a gcouno pjichlv, t)eaO,^auinga great fotf of Jrlafecs fctin o?Dec tfcepletarife. SDljc JUtincs call it Strobilum beeaufctbc fruit of it femetf)tng refemblett)tbepine<> apple. SCfje iFrcncfjmcu call it Alticocalum of tbcArabickc atircle Al 3 anD Cocalos a pineapple, thereof itis eojruptlpcalleD Ani- chaulr, in Italian ani &paniO) Cardo , in fcDuteb , fomctimc bp tyc jf remtj name, fometime Strobrin. 3jt iscalleo of columella Cfnara,becaufe in bis gcoujing, W crjicfelp Deligbtetb in Mes. Sb^ferr) ts beff fotoenin $atcj), anDtbefetsm jjiouembir : if pou toillbaue it veelD fruit in ttje fpjing, pou mull beffoU) mucf) aOjes boon it ;it toill Ijarolp beate ttje firtt peerc tfjat it is fotocn* Bclnaretrjat i?ou fct not tlje feeseroitbtbc ttuongsiio tipioato, fo; fo n)all pour CTcttctjcclj p;ouc beep little ano enill fauourca : 3ft louctb goo5 gcaunD anD toell Dungeo, anD p;ofpetctb be befet: ano float ttiep toill be , if t&e faDe be l?io in £$iv»e. pou muff Rape t&cmfrom spotoles ana sptfe, toitt) Cats 02 tame GQafels, as Rueliius teaitjetf) pou. Ather.xus calletl) tf)e ftalbc of t[)c arte cijoclj, am-mu, tjjatlictf) open i&e grouno , ano ffjat totjictj ffanD* tf |) topitgtjtj wotgvi'jusr. thu, t22Bcll, tofjat Jjearbe (0 ponDcr fame tljaf commct& fcp as it toeretjaires, luit^a bktuifl? flower t palc,j>auing tn tfjs mieDeft of r&c belles, as it lucre, fierie pellolo tongues t Saffion. M a r 1 v s. 3t is Saffron, in <©2ahe ne^oc » in Jlatrne Cro« cu$, in 3JtaUanano JFrencI), fo in &>pamu) Aczafran. Thh, SSHfjat nee^e toe care anp moje fo? cttfjec Coricum, SiciJ, oj Cyren , from toljence tocc f0tc|) it toitl) fo great e&ar* ge*f M a r r v s. f^ea, tycre gcotoef& great plentie of it in <&er* manie about Spirs, ano Dieters otljcr places, tobfefjmap compare in gojDncffe Vmtrj anp ot&er place, gt is fet in 3?accf), of f l>c tieao tijat it &ati>,roiinD, ano in Clones as tfjc ipllictljc &eebe,anD trje &ea 3Dnion. Conftantine aifi'rntct]),tfjat it map be fct of tfjerof, as fame as tfje flotocr in off. SDtje rotes 02 tlje Ijcacs coe fo en* creafe bnoer tlje grounD, tbat of one of tijem fome pare fp;ingcr£ eigfjt 02 nine others. 3fn imnv places tljcp are remoueo eucrp fcaucntl) 02 etgfct pare into bittee grounD, toljerebp tyep come a* game to be as gan as at tlje ftrfr. Bin tlje Countries ipmg about tlje Ktn'ne 3 tljep pluck tytm bp eucrp tfjirD pare, $ lap ttjem a D2p* fng in fyc &>unne till 3uguC, and tben pulling off tlje outer ffcin, tbep fet tfjem agame fjaife a fa>te one from tlje ot^er : t\)2 bell fjcaos aretfjofe ttjat are fattctt, anD bane little tjaires, tfjc tomjft iofee rottenlp ano ill fauourcoip, anD baue an ill fauour : Bt ce* Hgljtetl; to gcoto bp fjigl) toaies anD nitre fp.2Uige,ano to betroaD ano fcamplcD on, p2ofpcrtng as it toere bp oppjeffion : it gcotoctti greenc all tlje E23inter, it is gatljcreD in tfufumne, tofytnitis come to \)i& colour,bp plucfeing out tfjc little pell oto tongues from Ifje bell; to&i$ are aftertoaros D?f eD t&ce 02 foure Dates together, anD of the order of Gardening . <£*. ano tuell picfeeD ano purgeD , atiD fo maoc trp m Hi5orcs : fomc t&intse it bell to Djp it m tt)e fyaDoto. Bit i* craftiip counterfeiteo bg t&c ;3pot tK«rus,b?aping it in foD u?me 3 inf)ic^ tfjepbefmcare, aoomg ttjercto tbc fcum of fiiuer o? leaD to cncccafe t[je tueigbt, tlje craft is peccciueo bp tfje DuftmelTc thereof, anDbptfjefaucur. oftfjefo&toinc. Hbepjajfcoftfjcgotf is, if it cradle bettoeene t&eljanos as a brittle tbing, tu^tclj t^c counterfeit ootb not, o? if In putting it to pour moutyjit caufe pour epes to foatec. 2£lberc* fcue, tbe bett is tbatiobicb isnefo 3 anDbafb"aplearantrmcU, in co> lour like to <©olD,ano cictb tbc fingers in toucljutgtt. Bin £pareb pou muff purge tbe grounstobece it grofoetb > ano fcotjctljer pe pluckeitop o; not^QttottljftanDing, otberljearbs map toecptocll gcolu tljece tmtill ^uguft : ^uraiine^acacp.o? fucfj like bracts Doe bett gcolu ttjece.anDfofjcntfje &anrcnbegmnetl)ro flotme, pou mutt rio atuap tlje otber bearbs ; fo? in l^aruett time about September o? £Detober it floUuerlj. T h r. a. ^ccc is great ftoje offtofemacic, tbc etyefett beaufp Roftmaiv of v£atoens 3 ano nottobe hrantto in tbc iutcfjin. ' M amvs. mtty o?oering of Hofanarie., fttfj pou will fjaue mc,3iUulifpeafee a little SEberearc Uifjrcb fappofeftto betbe fame totyd) fyt ®;«kcs call A:€«votic, becaufc.t rauoutcfb Ufcc Jf ranlmtcenfe, in Ratine tt iscailtDRofmarinus, ano in all otljer tongues it kecpctl; tl)c name , it fcrurtb boti) fo? pleafuceano p^ fit. Thcophraftus mafcetfj tfcoo kinoes of it, a barcame, ano a fruitful!, ano is (ct of fmali flips in 0p;tfl : it is fet bp iucmen fo? tbeir plearurc , to grotoin funojp p:opo?fions, as in fbe faunon of a Cart, a pecoc&e, ojfucb Me tbing z& tycyfonfte. 3it oeiigfj* tctb in (Ionic o?rougf?grounD 3 ano in tlje tops istberccDcmlcfcD in little Ijufaesiufrte ano romiD. 9ft 3otinettjffoifea pace, in tlje £>p?ing,anD intbeenocf £>amnur: itisgatfjereofrom tyavtill September , anD it is goio to pinefce off tbe flefowc often, tbat it map not floto.je tomtttfe %n tbebrgber parts of framtcc it grotoctlj toiioe in fuel; plentie, i^t tbcpbfc almcft no otbec fetocll : it is in colbe Countries in Winter fet in tellers ano Ijot Ijoufcs , ano is b?ougbtagaine in t!je &>p?ing into tlje ®ar&en, But ijere pou mutt betoare, tt)atU»bcnpoufirftb:ing it out, pon bcepe it from tlje qjarclj 5unne 9 fettingitin tbc Ojaoooto, ac« quainting it bP little ano little toitf) tlje ma ; fome bfe to fjoufc it toitlj The fecond Booke, entreating totflj fefrato anD l^o:fc Dang, ans fo Icaueit in ttjc Oar&em Sage. Sage,tn LatineS.aluu.anD lifocin ottjer Languages, tsan i^eatbs common tn tucrp CarDtn : it is plantcD bot& of t^ tenant* of tljc flip,in ^arch, in anpfcinDe of gcounD, tt mafcetb no matter tofnrc : r&c OarDncrs ibfe to lap buckingau>s about it,bit)ere* Mints, ty lt pjofpcrettj tfje better, p.cxt to 5>age, is Mint, tn iiatine Mcnra,tn Dutctj Myntz 3 rn Italian anD ^renc^affec ttje Hating m £>pamnj Yerua bucna : it is plantcD 3tt0 o;D?iDin all tbmgsaj* £>.ige is : it p:ofperettj be cl) tn D:p anD toct grounDs, anD guto* rtbtoellbptuatcrs. 3f poulaefee fuDcs, pcu map take ttjcte*8 of tfje tot:Dc ^tnt,anD fettbem toitt) tfje topsDoipntoarD,tuberc' bp tbep tyall leaue t^eir rankneffc; ano being once fotone o: fcf, Pimpernel g C0 toctb eucrp peerc. Pimperndl, in Latine Pimpinella, is tttcO botbin tt)e iiitcl;m 3 anD in |iMjificfce : anD being onr< fotone,gccUjrf etfj eucrp rare, borfjm funnie places anD in (fcaDotop : it groto* Hyfop. etb m moll places iatlDe. Hyfopc, tn Latinc Hinbpus 3 anD focal* ieD tn moff Congucs in Cucope : a common l^carbe, fcnetone to eucrp OarDcner : it Dcfirctb , ttjougfjnofunnp grounD,pctgeoO ano rid) grcuno, it is plantcD botf? cf tljcfoeDe ano of tfjeflippe: teben it Ijatb once taken rcote, it carets not fo? tbe u>arpncffeof Si^zrk. tointer. Sauorie\mLattneSatureia 3 o:,as Columella fatt^CuniJa, in Jtalian ConieJIa, Sauoregeia,Thymbre, in ifrcmf^Sauoreie, in Dutcb Kuuclz ••vibelhifop, gretoetb m barraine places, anD is fct anD fotocD as ttyt plants bcfo:e. Eljenert is tfat tofjic&com* Baf 7 11 - aionlp is calle D bafyll, in Jlatine Ocy mum, in jrrcneb, Italian, anD Dutc^Bafilica: anbearbe tbattsbfeD fo be fet in fbemtitf of fcnots,ans m UnnDoU)es,fo2 fyz ercellent fattour tljat it batfj: it is alfo ga)D fo: tbe pot: it is fctoeD in sparctj f 3p:i(l,anr Deligln tetb in funny grounD,pon mutt put ttoo fecDs trill foge^cr. Baiill is beff tuafceu at name, tuljcreas all ottjer tjearbes are to be tea* treD in t\)t moaning ano in tbe euening, if map be remoueD in £Bap. Theophraftus faptb , tt»at it p?ofperett) beft, tefjen it if Maricrnra foWeD toitlj CUrfeS.Marierurn,m iiattnc Amaracus. anD Maiorana, is a!fo in lifee fo:t bfcD : rtjc £>utt\) anD ttje Italians call it after tfjc Ratine, tfje ^pantarDs Amorcdux , tbc frcm\) Mariolaicnc anD Thyn, in ©reehc Of Diofcoridcs f Paulu-i /Egi'neia evfxnouo\: tfys alfo fo? rbc pleafant fauour it fjatf) is fet in pots anD in <5&v* jDcns ; it is foteeD in ^arcljt^ce o; foure faos toget|j£r,anD tjalf* J of the order of Gardening. ^j a fofeafmi&cc, fit S£ap toljen it grotoetb to fomc rjet'gbMs Ba* fpll, it 10 renuaucO. Tunc , n«re of feinD;eO to tijefe, in JFrenclj, Time 3Jfalian, ano S>uteb itke tfjc Latinc,in fepaniff) Tomillo, ocligb* tetbinftom>,ligbt>anOfunme ground: it fpzmgrtl; Dot!) of tijefao ano oftt)r flippe, ano alfo of tyc fiotaue , as Thcophraftus faitb> STfjefc th:cc tenoer ano Delicate I^carbs, are to be foluco tottfj great b*oe, ettfjer in earthen pots, o:in <25arOen bee*, ^itberto fj.iuc 31 ocfcribea unto you fucb l^earbs as fcruc fo; the ikitcbm : an ^ becaufe tfjc later fo; tare alfo ctteemeo fo; the fauours, 3? luiil goe fojtoarO toitb tl;c oefcripf ton of trje cell tyat acefet in Oar? tens fo; trje pleafure of tl;em, ano fo: trjc fauour, Doe garniu) tlje Taia CarOens,anO feme alfo fo: other purpofes, £>f&ofemacfc 3 fpafee before, I iutll noto p;oceeo e toitt) tfjcfe that grow before SAP fttte. Lauender, calleO in Jlatine Lauanda, o; Lauendula, tljat Lauender. grotoctb in bo;Oers about tfje bcos,ano fceepetb the ILattne name in other tongues, ootfj grow in UnlDc places ano fionie : it isfet of the flips , ano rcm©ueo : it gcolncttj to &pthe in 3(une, ano in 3uIp is gatbereo anD tpeO in bunoles fo; tlj e fauour, ttjc floto;e is Oifftlleo fo; ftoeet toaters. Flowrc-gcntlc, in Hattne Amaranthus, Fiowrt tbougbitfjaueno fauour at alt : ret rjatbtt a Oeligtjtfullbeautie gentle, to tpt epe : rbe ifcenebmen, fo; tlje faireneCTe ofttjc colours, tu celling botfj Ccimfon ano purple in gcaine, ooe call it Paileud- Icurs, ftje 31talians Fioruduto 3 becaufe it contenoctfj in colour toirt) Crimfonin grain* : ftlouett) to be often gatbeceoano pluc* feeo, tmjerebp it fp;ingetb tr>e better : tbe floto;es after t\)tv be Oeao, ioitba little toater come againe to t^eir colour : it is calico Amaranthus, befaufe it Opetb not. Thu, ^ere fallotDetfjLauender-cotten. Makivj, SDftS Laucndcr-cottcn : fome call itSantonia, Laufn j er ano female &outf)crnetoa>9, in SDutcfj iti& calleocyprctrcn, in cona. iTccncrjCyprrz: itgrofcDettKommon!pm<$arDcns, fp;mgtng euerp pare. Myrtdl,in Hafine Myrtus, in 3lta!ian Myrto, in £>pa* Myrtc u, nifl) Arabian, in ifccncb Meurre?, in SDutcb Wdfcheiddber, tlje leaues are not mucf) bnlthe tf?e leaues of trje £>Iiue free , fomc? tfjtng fmaller,tu!tb flenocr b#mcbcs,ano leaues groining in o;> Oeronc by air therms rou te 5 U»tb blacfce berries, ano leafeo Elbe tlje pomegranate. 3it grotoetfj almaics greene : it is fet ano fijtoeowtf) ofttiefaoeanoaippe, anotyettoefce: but sou mutt 001 The fccondBooke, entreating fftll taffe tip tfjc earttj about it : till it be trjiougrjlp ra>ceo.&om* foto ttje berries being a little beaten, ant) couereo in jfurrotoes ofcartrj : ftoeligbtetrj in tontinuall toeeWng : fogrotoctbttto a Ijanofome fjei'aljt , nice tc to tyaoofo Reacts : it louet&to bee iuatrco toitrj ttjc SS^am of men, o: of fljeepe. Erjis onrlp t5 to bs teonD:eo at, t'nat of tbc liqueur trjetcof alone, ma? be "made all fo.:fs cf Ulinc an* £>ple: c«to teaet)et^ to make &3me of tlje berries, being tepeD, ano put in toatcrano $enp foo&en toge* ttjcr : if trjev be not D?peO, trjes come to £)pte : rjoto flje Zffini of tbem rs mace, Diofcoricks fufficientlp Dcclarctrj. Plmiecepoj* tetb, tbat Cato mane rb: ec fojts of tj?r?tcl£» tofjite, blacfcc, ano a trjtrt fetno, tbat b* callctb Coniugale : it ocUgbtctp to grolo bp the £dcs bankes, as Scrums fattb,it gtoVuetp at tbis Dap common* Ir in Ktalp, along bpttjc &ea ecatfs. Cdiflowrs " Thr a. &$ fojjat ftocete ano gcoOlp Ge!iflowr« are tjoecel feu map tru el^fap 3 trjat Salomon in all b is J3?mcelppompc,toa5 n truer able to attain c to tins beautie : fome of tfiem gutter ferity a perfect Crtoifon ope, feme laity a ocepe purple, ano fome toitl* a pacing beautttull Carnation: JmaruaUe t^eole totters kieto rtctrjtng of tfjefe in tfjetr time* M.uivs. Etjcr'e are fome tfjaf fuppofe it to be a kmce of Oarden ISctomc, torjub rrje (Gardners fetching oat of tlje fids, ano fluffing Cloues into tfce rotes of rfcem, tarittj oiligcnr plan> ting, rjaue b:ougbt to tbis cecellencp : otrjets trjinae it to be cat* let) veronica ofttje fepantaros, torjo 0rU found it. feome f tjtnfee ft to be Oenanthc, becaufc it (loUuctrj iuitrj tbe©we : itOeUgf}' tctb in ioacme funnie ground : it is fomcD fcloome of fceoe, but commonlp fct of tfce flips, &s 31 fapDof fcofemaric. 2Ct>e \Ear&* ncrs in the eno of Summer, ooe taue tbe rentes ano fet fytm in pannes, pofs, o: pailc*,ano tofcn tbe feoffs come, trjcp carrp them into their fellers, ano m fapje ioarme capes bring Ujero ab:or,D againe , ano fuffer tbem to be note ojtben toatreo tet'tlj t\)c rapne. ?f rjatrj becne often feme, tbat in fucrj uanlts n fellers If ep rjauc flofcueO all tbe eQinter long, tb:ougrj toarmenclfe cf ftp place: fome fefbougbes abort ttjem, ano ccucr tljcm toitlj iftato ant? i^o;fe-oung,to p:cfcrt.e tbem againft tbeeolb: it cften '.vsppenetfj tbat one ra»te bearer!) one ptre tolnte &oi»;es ano res* a*ijj t^etpiro (jpe&lcft oj Carnation. Thr. Aa of the order of Gardening. £4 Thusivs, 3io$, ponoer arc&ofes grotoing m B02* fcer* , ano maoeiit a maje : 00c tljeu grow of tlje fcese, c? of Mauvx. KQfcs.tallcD in 3Ufme Rofa, ano m afl ottjer lam Rofcs. guages as in &atinc> areoiuerflpplanteD,remefime of f^crcote^ fbmcttme of tfce bjaunctjcs, being cut in fmall fefs 3 ano planted a fcotc afunoer. £>ome to#eatr)e ttjem indDarlanos , ano fo fet trjem to rjauc trjem fmell ttje pleafanfer. 2D|ie ofe of fotoingcf trjem is beff : tjoto be ft, trjcptoill oen? toell grolo of tr)e feeoc, ttjongr) ft be long ere t^ep fpjing, ano trjcrefoje t^ep fct tyem of fets a fafte in lengti) , ft nether Deliglfterr) in ricrjno: mopff grouno, but is focll eontcnteo to groto amongft rubbiu),ano oiv oertoalles. Ctjc places wtjere ttjepmuff groto muff be Digged oespertrjen Co?ne ground, ano not fo rj$epe as ttjc i&imeparD:tr)e 3£ofe is rather a 2Cf)o?ne trjen a plant, ano grofoetr) upon rije fcerp. bjamblrs : it commctrj firtt out in a little buDDe ano long (r)3rpc beard, turjicrj after trjep be opened, ft otfclofetli ft fclfc am* fpjeaoetlj abroad, toirr) a pclloto tjaicie tufbe in rrje miott. Plinic inaRctb mention of furto?p fojts of trjem : onefo:f he caliettj Mi- Jc(la,rjauingan j©?ientanb fietg colour,au other Ahbandica.toM; forjttc leaner, ano spermom'a, ttje bafeft (oit of all: ttje Damafue ano trjcMrjite^re cfed fo; ftocct fosters: rrjcp Differ in rougrjnes, pjicfelcs , colour ano fmell. sntjecc are rtjatrjaue bat onelp mie i*aues,ana ottjers foirrjan tjundjed leaties 5 neitrjergUrrtcd 5 ana rjaue a mod crrclicnt faucur.£ofcsarc ofeo to be fet ° e in if cb;uarp,torjictj is citycr oone fcuitij ttje fo^o? tf>c fet planted in little Jfurrotees. JZ\)t feors (as Paladms faptfc) are nottije littlcrellom ttjingsin trje midir of trje Uofe, bnt trje gramestrjat c^oto\jntrjintijcreorii»cD]3crip:ffjcripcnesiil)creofisDivineD bp tyf fluartljineffc ani trje fofcnclTc of trje bcrrie : inrjcrc tyc? once arc plantco, trjep continue long,anD after tl;ep Die, tfjep feno out nelu buos ano fpjinjs, 3f pou lacfte fcto , anD Vuouio of st feta rjauc a great number, rafee tbe b:aun:l?es ffjat btoin as it ioere, to Hjcl© tljeir buns, ano cutting tfjem in fuuo:v fefs^oure oj ftue fingers in lengt^fet ti;em in gcoo grouno toel: oungeo ana luatereo ; The fecond Booke, entreating foatcrcd : and tul;en fytv be of a peeccs grotorb, false tbcm fcp, and fct ( fjem a fate afuntier , pjomc tbcm ana trimme t&tm *mt£ often Digging about rfjem. .ttofcs muff ttil! be cut, fo? tljt moj^ rou cut tt>tm>tl)c thicker and t&e doublertbep groin , ctbirunfe t\)w toilltoare Angle and toilce, it hullalfo coe tbcm good tome time to baine tbcm : being rcmcncD, it fp;mgct; lay torn ano toelf, being fet of fcts foure fingers long ano moje , after tbe ftt<» ft, g of t\)c feauen &farrcs, and after nmoucd in a tS©rftcrlp loinoe,anD fet a fate afunder, and often c tggco . SZfyt old Koipars muff bauetyecartb Unfed about ttjem in i^ebmarp , ano tbefccao ttoigges cut eff,and lDt^ere f b ty toare t btnnc, rbep muff be rcpap* red iintij f tjc poung fpnngcs. Co ^aue iiofcfs of Sue fund;? co lours fop on one rote , make inben tbep begin to bur gen , a fine bole beneatrj in tl;e ffocbe tmocr trje iopnr,t fill it imtrj reu colour made of I3:afell rod in inater, and ttyuttit in toitlj a cloatrj,ano in tbe like fo?t put into another part of ttjc troche greenc colour, ana in another peliotu,and lurjnt other colours rou toilijf court tljc boles tocltoitb tfDredoung c 2D:cggcs of flDple.3 f pou toill baue tbcm at ail tun ce 5 v eu mutt fet ttjem euer p monetrj,and dung tbem, and To (as D.dy mus faittj; pou irjall baue tbcm contmuallp. 2Co ca-fc tbcm, o; anp otber ficUms to groto double, put ttoo ox t\);cc of tbe fades in a tan beat ttrato, and Co lap ttjem in tbe ground. 3fpouret<£»arlitae bppourttores, rtup toiil betbeftoceter: tbe d?ncr tlje ground t3 inhere tber groto,tbe fuuxtcr tbep toil! be, as it appearetb bj> tt)c feafon of tl;c pcere, fo; fome peeres tbep arc fmectcr then others : tbe tfofc Uml be Jprjtte, tb?it is fmoaked truth Bnmffone, tub en it beginnetb to open: amongff all Hofea, ttjofe are moff to be commented, tbat tfjep call Carnations and ^ijouincials. Cfje OvU of Kofrs lnas sreatlp i^ad in ettmtation etien in Homer bis time,and at tyia dap of the order of Gardening. £5 tt)z ftmegar of Kofes is grcatlp t>fcD, j^ert tmfo f&e ttofe (n Soojtfjinfffc, fo.: bis fauour anD beauttfull tubifcnitTc is tt>e Uttlp, Lillte* calUDin Italian Giglio, in &panify Tirio, in jfrencbFieurdc Lii,inS>ut£^Liiicn. SClje ®iabcs bole opinion: t^3t ttfp.:ang firtt of lunos $ilbe fp.:incbleo upon t(jc grouno. 311 jrcb:uarie toe begin to fet HtUicst, 0^ if tfjep greto before, fo Icofe tbe eartfj about them toitb a rafte, taking gcoo beeoe tbat t\)t poung tenon tyntcs about tlje rojte be not burr, noj tfce little tjeaft, \n$ity ta* ben from tbe olora>te, toe fetfo:nela Hiltis. 30tbcHofr0ace, Co are tbe iUUies, tbef water, rbetyicr tbe grouno is toljcre tyzv groto : JUUie* aro Kofe0 being oncefet,continuebofb bcrplotyj. %bf eo of tbe Eiilie,ano bang tbem in tbe fmoahe till tbeplniv tber, anD U)fjen tljs fenot0 begin to toncouer,tbep are laio in Rarefy m tfjc H0E0 of rcD foine, till tycy be coloureo , anD tycn tetinfyc grounOjfcottb tbe Hiss potmeD about ttytm, Co toill tbepeome ta bz purple. CItolet in €>:tefce i0 ioj, in ilatine viola Violet blac!* ; anu SItolct purple, iov niA&v t mi 76y ito&vtfsii, in Italian it is calico Viola porp jria, in &panifl) Violetfa, in ^CCWf) Violets de Marts Viclcu. &Carefmc, in 2>utcb Fiolcn : trjefe altbougb t^ep groto toiloea> bout euerp i^cDge anb C&all : pet are tljcp fet in <0acben0 uncb otrjee flotoero. ~,rjrce are funDip fo:t0 of ftiolef*, bofrj of binoc anb colour* but ri;e ojoering of tbem is in a manner all one. Thra.j tjauc noUi bearD cnougb of Mtityn bearbc0 anO flolu:c0, tbercfo.:enoUi , B5 pjappou* tetme fyeare poufap fome* tbing of tbc tljiro fo:r,tbat is pbifiebe bearbes. fo; me famctrj 3} fee a great fojt of bealingbearb0 bete in pour (Saroeu. M a a 1 v s. Mature tjatb appointco rcmeoico in a ceaoinclTc it*k» fo.: all Difcafe0 , but tbe craft ano fubfiltie of man 5 fo? gaine, fjat!) J ) h n e °f l a ni " ocuifco 8potbecarie0 flbopo, in tobicb a mans life 10 to be folo ano Gardiner, bougbt : tobere fo? a little bple, tbcp fetcb t^cit meoicinc0 from Ipierufalem, anooutofCurbte, labile in tbe meane time cttcrp pone man b-itb t\)t rigb* cemebic groining in \)is <2?atsen : fo.: if men tooulomabetbeir 0arDcn0tbeirl£bifitian0 3 tbe pfyQtians craft looulo fcouc Drcap. J^ou bnolo tofat pour oloc fcicno Cato fsitb, anD tojjata ocale of JjKn&t&e ^c fctcfjeD out of a $mc Col* i»©:t. 2 Tun a. The fecond Booke, entreating T h r a. 3i Dee remember it , ano tyattje faity fjctoas iomnt botl)to£elpe&tmfelfe 3 anDt)teU)f)Qle familp tott^ftjetjearbes of fjis Oarocn. But toljat fjearbe is ponDer tnittj t&e long ftau5e,ano tljclong&lacfccintuntct) leaucs on t^ctop i if 3 be not Deceiuco Mb Bcarcfa}te,U>itf)U)tjofe rote toe tofe to £eaic oureattell fculjen tfjep be fi:fce, Bcarcfoote M a r i v s. 3f is fo infcasie , sti^ is eaHeo i'r Hatine Vera- orsmer- trum , tfjerc are rtootsinoesof it , tfjcblaebc anot^e iofjttc : tlje w 011 - c£lf)ite ts ttjat to!)tc!) tlje £>ufc£men callNyfouns YVranckraut, tfje IBlacae rl;cpcaUKriftwurts,becaufeitfloU)2ett) about £&2ifc» mafle: tt)c3ta!ians,tbes>paniarO0:> anotfjc jrrrnctnnen&ape rlje<£2ce;$ename. Stje rote of ttje JSearefcot tljcp ftjiufJ tt)2ougf) tijeearr, 02 into tfjeb^caUof t!je beaff •, t^at is ettljer DifeafeD in f);s lungs, 0.2 bar!) tlje a^urren. Columella fecmctfj to call it Con- figilio : it grotoetrj not in OarDcns, ercept it be fofoeo, it contfr nueffHong, ano louefi; coloc ana tooooie gtouaD. Cfj ere francs, net farrefrom tfjaf, anottjer toerp noble fjcarbe in |9tttStaccailc& Angelica. Angelica, it is fuppofcotobe calieD tn ^s&c.wi'ee's^anoiD^ettjeE it be Myrrhis toiftj tye Ratines 02 no, 3 leauc tljat to tfje p&iBfo ans fofciftuuY: it is called foittj rtje 3falians,£>pamarcs,^renc^ men, ano Ceruianc^ Angelica, ^is rmte 3 becaufe it is a foue« raigne rcmeoie againff tye plasur, ano fjat!) ciuers otfjcr goo ope* rations^ if iscfKritycDin our (Careens, anD being once fomco,f£ commctl) tip cucrprarc : it grolnerf? alfo toilse in t^emountaure Heiicam- Country , aiio flotojetljiu gulp ano ZusuQ. ^ere is alfo Heh- pana. campanajn llattne Enula, in Italian Enels ; in «>panft1)Eiiufa C2m- pana , infltntll Aulne, in iDutff) Abut, tljis alfo is fct in our (0arorns fo2meDuuif s fake, ans tac make mud) of it fo\2 f Jje rcof, if groluctt} toilDe in tijc Ijillv Cotmtrtes,anD D2P ffjaoDotutc places. 3n Summer tl;e rote is t aken out of tl;e grouno, anD cut in fmail pCC:eS 5 anDf3D2!C'D ' 8t tljl'SSap it is calleO Enu.'a campana:it!jaf& a pclleto rloUifr, a-eafe iiac dpaUm, butlutntc snofjearie at ttje. onefHje. GUomictocv;), tljangl; it grote in cuctp place, vet tljis Worms, tljaf pan fee tjerc is Uotnane o? ponnfee. Wcrmewood, rtjc 3La> wood. tines callit Ccrephium 02 Abfinthium Romanum t\)t 2)utc^men Romifchewermur, tt)C JtaliaJTS AtTenfo, tf;e^?a:;tJrwS Enfanfos, t\)e irrencljmen Aluine ana Abfince, t^is bmoeisfctin our Car- Sauinc. 0fns 3 ano tl)oti0^t to be t!;e bell. Sauine foijiclj U?e l)aae fjers alfo . of the order of Gardening. 66 «Ifo in our dD'atOens, foj OiHct0Difeafc0 of Caff cll 3 fe calico m &&> tine Sabina , in EDutcfj Scuenboun, m Italian as in Hafine, in £>paniu) Ufeclptfe, in ifrencf) Sauinicr , it ijatfjleancs Ufce guni* pcro;i>£ppu0 3 aituapfsgranc, tbere ace ttoohmoc0 of it, one iifce tfje Tamanskc, tlje otber lifceCppus : it t* a buG) nttyct fpjeaDiug in bzcaotlj^ttjcn groining in beigbt : fl;e Berries lufjiclj f)e bearety, map be gatbeno in tjjc eno of ummer 3 oj an? of bet time. Th r a. But manp times fee fee OSacoens to be DcffropeO ioitrj toojmes ano t)ecmine,tobat remeop fjaue pou fo? tty* i M a r. i v s. £Df tfje faulte of fjje gcouno 3 ano tbe cemcoie thereof, a* ffje amencingof eitbec ta> mtid? mciffure o; tymttte : 3 fpafee in tlje beginning , f oucbing ^o;me0, j?ifc0, ano otfjet ^ermine ttyat annop fbe <£ar0ens , fobicb foj tbe meff pact ace tbefe, Caterpiilers, fcrnailcs, spoies, spice, (IDnafs, ano 3ntt0. SCbcreacctbat fap, ttyat if pou mingle toitb pour fortes fo)fe 3 ojAgainft tbe 3kiiceof^oufelcefce 3 o?&>ingreeu 3 tl;e Cat erpillers toill not faterp*. tneoDle teiit) tbefjeacbe t£at fpjingeif) of fatytenc : ano tbattbep Icrs * hull Doe no Ijarme to pone £Tcec0 , if pou fptincfcle fljem lutfB ttyz toater toberein ttye affjesof Winvs &atb beenelaio : mo?ecuer lrjc ffalfcca of <0aclicbe maoe in bunbrte , ano burnt in £)?c^acbs ej (5arOen0 5 oeffrcpctb tbe Cafccpillccs. Crjep fofll notb;eeO(as tjjepfap) if pou bucne about tbe rotes of pouc beatbe0 oj screes, qufefee l&?imffone ano Hime : tfje fame tbcp report of lie maoeof tbe Jfig free,flnts toill not annop pour come o? beatbs, if pou en* cempaffe it couno toitfj Cbalfee, o? put info tbeicbils 3 trjcaffjes of fcnent &nailc0,ano if fome of tfcm be taken t burnt, tl;e rcfi mill not come nacre tbe fauour : if Alia foerida be laio in £Dple 3 ano pcto; rco bpon tbcic W*,tt bttcrlpoeffropefb tbem 5 tbep toft not fouclj trje teas no; ttyt bcarbs,if pou annoint tbe ffallses toitb bittcc life pincs,oj lime laio mitb ople. f^ou muff ffjafce offtfjc Cat erpiiters in tbe mo?ning 5 o;i late in r be eucnuig toljen tljcp be numbco : alfc tuaf cr lobcrcin H)ill fatty becne foooen, caff about in tbe £>?cbacO bytytnit i0 coloe, Dcffropetb t\)tnh 3t iBimiticn , tbat if pcu fct €bicbf0 about pouc d5arDcn,CatcrpiUec0 toilnotb?ee?),anDtf tbcp bealceaopbjeo, pou mutt Hxfbtbe iupce of MoimctumD, cno caff among tbem. 2C[jeoungofBullocb0bucnttjpontbecoaIc0, ieffropetb Cnat^jiijelihealfo ootb b?imffonc;a fpungelucttuifb Gn.u 9 . 3 2 tjuicgar The fecond Bookc, entreating fcincgar ano rjangeo top, D;atoetr) alfo ftnatmes of Cnatis fcnfo it : alfo tt)c mato of a ^fjeepe nek) bilUD , nor toafyeD no; maoc cleancif it be late m the place totjerc Spctrjc5,o: ortjer fuel) ton mine Ooe tiff, ano roucreoa little ttje bpp er part, pcu (tjall after tluo oa?e s finoe all tr): nopfomc Cictmine crept into ttirrjusmuft poa rwcttoife oj ttjzife, till pou t^tnfcc pou rjauc cctrropcotrjcm Moles, all. £>f hilling ano o?imng ateap spelts. Strion trje Orafee )n;U tetrj,trjat pou mutt rafcc a p.ut, o: anp like fruit>anD making it rjollotDtoirtjin 3 fill ifbptoitrj£rjafre. ) Uo$e.n,ano Bjimfton cotter* inatD tfoppe trje tent rjsles ttjat trje tpole rjarr) in eucrp place, ttjat trje fmoafce bjeafee not out, onelp leaning one open , forjers pon fyall lap trj; j^utyn fuerj fo;t as it map recciue trje toinoe ort rtjebackc part, ttjat map Dime trje fmoafec into rrjc spincs 3 rrjere are alfo reaps to be maDe 3 fo2ttje ceffrorjing of ^oiea : a frame is to be fee upon trjeneto ^illes,lnttt> a piece of Uhdd forjollotu ano frameo,trjat it map rcceiue (as it torre in a i3>rjcatrj) an ottjer pcece of mcoo maoe in faujion lifee a &nife 3 to trjis is fopntDan t* trjec little ttitkz ttjat lietrj in trje rjole , ano is fatfneo to a Catcfc ioitrjeut,trjat as fconeas trje {pole touetjetrj trje (riefce tottrjm 3 irja Myff • is taken p:efentlp>as it toerr 3 toittj a pap:e of £>r)carcs. ^ifc are taken 3 ii pec potojc into a platter , trje trjickeff mother of £)ple, ano fet in trje rjoufe a nigrjt, as manp as comeaf it arc taken: alfo trje rcotc of Bearefcot minglco foitrj drjcefr, B?eaD, ficto:e, o? tteas 5teafe 3 fciilcttj ffjem. £artc ano tocrp ujarpe £3mcgar mingleo tottrj ttjeiuree of i9cnbane 3 an0 fp;inkU& fcpon trje ^earbes,feil# letrj trje .fleaSjO; little biarhetoo?mee tljatbcinttjeui.^ofcinD* of Pennine Unll annop pour l9carbts 3 if pou take a gco fo;t of CcefiH)es 5 ano eaa ttjem inaneartljenijeuel toitrj toater,fuffering trjein to lno.2ne ab:oa3 in trje &imnc fez trje fpace often oapes, ano after Vuitrj trjeir Uquourfpttnchlepour^earbes. ISutgfcrepe vou long in ttys ill-fauourro Careen , if it pleafe pou toce taill Uialfcc into trje £\jctjarc ao?ovm'ng, T h r a. taitl)at)ci7gffioU3iJ 5 a!tt)ougr)tr)egffl!!lpfapjeeoy lour ano font faucursof ttjefc ^earbesano fioto:es, bcOrje trje fap:e rjc&grsinc!oungtt 3 ?s :tttiere,Vuitr)ago;gecusgrane tape £ric,ma&c me tl)at g eoulo abi. e fjere eucc^ or Or- Mamvs. i3otrj trje Carocu ano tfje £»?cfjarD are fnclofcfr durdi. luit| feacrall tjecgc5anODitcr)es 3 U)t)crcfcp ttjep. areccfenoeo from rjurtfnli of the order of Gardening.' 6j fmrtfull baits ano tjnrnlp folks (m a folo pou at f&c fftft) forjeti 3 began to fpcafceof ttje cnclofing of (£5arBcnsano 3D?cbac$s. Thu, (tan? tljfng lifectrj me pairing torll : CtoD Ho;o .tnrjatapleafant grouno, totjat a {parasite is t^i£t i met&inUes 3 fie trjc £>:d)arDS of Alcinow, tfjc Crecs are tit Gfjc caerlmfe, ano ToeafceD, as IcoKe toljicf} loau peu toill,ti)cp lie leucll : filing Cy- rus Ijirafclfe ncucr fjad better. Jf Ly fancier (jao euer fcene tfjia £)jcl)arD^c UioulofMue io3no;eD a great oealemoje, tben (jc ofa at Cyrus fjis £DutjarD. Marivs. £>uct) gorgeous (ftaroens ano £>jcfjar&s as f£?m' ccsljaue,3B neither Defirc, noj meaneto counterfeit: but Wtng t^e Diligence of a poD^eCounf rep d^aroncr ? Bjbuilo (astfjepfap) mptoallsaccotfung to mj> focaltjj. 3 framed tfjc ojoer 3 ano fef t\fz mod part of ttjcfe SCrees tout) mint otoneijanos 3 follofomg ljerem,tfje jratfjersoftljcolotime, fofjo oeligfjteo tfjemfclues erjieflp toitfj tfjislrinDe of pinlofoprjte. &o tym fas 3 tljin&e)t()c SCwesano Mcoos to be tfje greateff commoDifie giucn to mm : foj bcaocst^e Jjoufe pleafure tfjat tljepmmiffer fcnto *s 3 tf;e gra*» ctous !Lo?o 5 tl)at istljegtuer ofallgcoo tfjings, ijatfj alfogiuentos a number cfotfccr gcoDty commooitics bp tyon,U$fcg) at tfje firff ferueo mm foj f©Oe,couertng,ano elotfjing j fofjicfc commodities, 4fje tocrp CBfrjmcfes I;a0 in cttimaf ion. $out tmto to tfjat hnoto CD»oo, bptotjom Uiefjauerccciueo our preeminence aboue all o> tfjcr creatures, fofjicfj benefit toe ougfjt iuitfj tfjanfees to acfencto leoge, tfjebolp Scripture ootl) feaejjamo?ef)igfjer anompfficall eonCoecation : foj before tfjat gracious ilojto fjao frameD man, io tiling to pjout'oefjim of fcooeano apparell , lje caufeD all feinoe of pleafant SCrces bearing fruit to fpjmg out of tfje eartij , tfjat tljep mtgfjf feme foj tfje fuffenanceof man : ano in tfje mica fje planted tljeCree of life : ano tfjerebp 3 tfje SCree of Unomleogeof goo auo cuill : to tfje eno tljat Adam migfjtfjaue an altureo figne oft)i8Outfean&reuercncefQfoarD0$oD, out of tol;icrj tfjc Jloj^ fas in a temple Oio fpeafee onto Adam; ano Adam fjtmfelffj ff fjc |>ao continueo in t)is inuocencte after fjis refecttou of tfje %x& of life, Ijao toitfj fjts pofferitie p?eacbeO(0oD, ano altoaies bitnt tfjanfefull %nto tym , fo? rjia autljozitie giuen tnto ttmi ouer all otfjer creatures , as tfce |3joprjcticall ^falmift fing^ etl> SCrjfs tljatt^oHgtJ tfje bounftfull Uberalitte of Ceo toatf 31 3 Stucn The fecond Booke, entreating gfaen t» tofe goo an cno, t\)t tmgooip ano irtcfeeo poffetftfe fmv ikd to ioolarrie, confeerating botbSDrees ano tfroues, to tljei* cols of tbe ^earben. t h r. a . Ufyat t me tbmfes poo begin to pla* flj* }3;car&rr foif b me. M a r i v s, feurelp, tbere (* no better a piare to p^eacb m fben bcrc, to acfcnotoleoge tbe Create? in |>is cceaforcs, ano bp tbcfe btublc looses : to beboio tyt j3lmigbtie ano c uerlattmg potoer, blcffconc (Tc, bounfimlneffe, ano (SoDbeaD, of tbe inrotru- pjcbenfible toojfeman, anOaUDaicstofpeafceanDpiieaeboftbcm : butjioill fap moje be reafter. jEbe planting of srrecsootb out of all ooubt (as g fatg) b^mg onto bs botb p?oSf ano pieafures : ano tlje rcfo.ie ttys partofbnfbanojp, mnftnot benegtctfeo, foj Columella accounts if one of tbe cfyitttH points of bufbano#> tufjfcb tbe poet fiimr s to agree onto. Of tyilagc all this while, and of the ftarre*, We here hauc talked. And Bacchus now of thee I mesne to fmg,&c. T h r a. J p;ap yon fym Declare onto mc , tbeojoer of plants lag ano p.jcfermng of SCrees. Mar i vs. icttafirttfitootone oncer tbe (fcacoom of fyis faice mm , tbat pecloetb botb pleafant Mine , ano comfortable fbaDDom, thr A.%rao. M a r i v s. Cbe fo?f* of Crcts are outers ano manttolo : Come gcoto toiiDc, Come come of tbe fetoe^fomc of tbe rtote,aj tbe &ife fame poet faitb* Some forts there are, that of the /cede are fowne. And fome that fet of rootei, to (cedes are growne. &omeDaegroiuanofp;ingof tbcmfclucs: a number of others againe ace to be foione. £f>fc tbat groto iroloc iimbout tbe la- bour of man , Doe brace tbac f*Dcs cacb one acceding to in* femes ; b;\l rI;ofc tbat are fet mis>o:cit, Doc palD greater encreafe. SCbcteare oiuersagatne tbat ace altars grrene, ano ooeneuer larfetbeirleafe, Unbare (asConftantiDcrepojfetbJtbcfejtbe jSpate, tyt £>;cngc, tbe H c mom t^t Cptr on, tbe 15ar 3 tbe &\wt. tbe Cpp?effc, t\)t tyine, ttft Collie, tbe JBore, ^i>2tili,£eDcr,ano iimipcr. £s f*2 Srangc W,%w , ano fbofe tbat totlt grofoeno tobetf of the order of Gardening . £8 tofjere bat at b omc, toetotflnot mcooic tmtball : foefotUfbcrC' fo;e tegttt ft tic toitt) ttjofc tfja t peelo to full ens toilOe SDate, o; neither SDret no; tfj:nb as tbe Clinc. Thm. 5 oefire to beare pour opinion of exicrp fo:t, fo; 3f tljinkc it no fmall ffeill to plant fucb faice ;cbarss, ano flHincpacos. cperbinfces pou baue ofeo a tuonoerfuli g
oer,tbat arnongd pour and 8p;ecots, and tbaf pou fjaue feucceo pouc 4D;cbaro from pour <0arDen,ano pour flaineparofroai t'tjem hoiS, toith fairs Ijeogcs ano Ditcfjcs, m.uivs. 3t U>asneeoefult fo to ooc, lead mp fclfees labour ring in fome of tljem fljoulo come into tbe reft , contcarie to mp pleafure. if irC, if pou mill, 3 mill fpea&e of tfjofe tfjst b;ing to ' fruit, ano t|ien of tljc mtloe, ano tbe o;oer of fettfng ano planting cf»oDS. if irff (as Columella faicij") t bat grouno ffjat feructb fo; an £>;cbaro, ImU fcrue fo;a fllineparo, as pou fee ttDofy pctt: mb it t\)t gr ouno be tjillp, ruggeo,ano imcucn 3 it ts mo;e mcetc fo; a satneparo tym fozan €>;cbaro. 3f tfjcrcfojc pou totil make an How to *D;ctMrc, pou mud cljmfe fucb a grouno as is mate fo; it : a rtcfj make m grounb, leuell, ano Ipingbpon tbe £>unne, tobicb tofjen pou baue Orchard. founo , pou mud toell enclofe it : as SI taugbt pou before in tyt enclofure of (SarDens, tljat it map lie out of Danger of Cartell ana tsnaues : fo; altbougb tint tbe trampling , ano Dunging of Cat* telt , is not unprofitable tottje 2Crees , pet if tbep be eitl;er b;tu> fco o; b;olscn to I; ties tbcp be poung, tyzp to ill fame come to nougijt. WLtym pou meane to D;cffe pour £D;c!jarD place tfjus fcnceD, pou ftjall mase pouc furrotues a peerc befo;e pou plant tbem,fo&all tbcpbe Uicll feafoncotoitb ttje : 3>unncano ttjc earner ano imjatfoeuer pou plant, ujalifbe fconer false. But ifpoutolll naeoes plant tbe fame pare, tbatpou mafte pour fuccotocs, let tbe furrotoes be maoe at lead ttoo monetbs befo;e : after nil t\}tm full of ftcatu, ano fet it on fire* 2Dl)e b;oaoer ano totocr tytt pou mahe pour furrotoes,tbe fairer anomo:efcuitfuIlMlpour SErecs be, ano tbe fruit tbe better. ^ourfurrotoesmuftbemaocliRean ouen, o; menace, toioec at tbe bottome tljenabouc, tbatttjc rote ma^ fp;eao t\)z better, ano ttiecoloe in Winter? ano tbebeatein 31 4 Rummer, The fecond Booke, entreating fejcmmrr , nt3p tbc better bee kept from it , ano alfo in ftrepc grcunDfijt^ceactljftailnct focafcrpbeto.tfbcDaluap, Bfnfctrmg of pour fruit eras 1 Hints , pou nruflr place t^rm in o:Der,ept&cr Cbechcrimfe,o: jRctiuifc.- \x>tyu\) neecfuilo:ocr of fctttng, tsnet oneip p:ofitai;lr,bp rreeiumgtljeapjcbutaifofcerp beautirtillto rbe cpe : Vufjen as lot)ic^ i»ap focuer pou la>!>e , pou u)all fee tbem Sana m ranse, artD iuljictj alfo is to gea* pfcptft, fo; the das (pall cqualip reertuc tbetr morfturc from t$f ground. Thu. 3 fee tfpc Carcncts to eucrp pUcc obferuc t&is oj< Drr, fettmg t^cir Wrsa tn fuel) p2opo:tion ; as to|j!tfj ioap foruec poulG3ne 7 vourereu>aUnotbcclet,butu)aU fee tgteitric* (rano llraig!;ttn o:cer. M a-r i v 5. ? ijauc tjfec ftuo fo:tes of r^s eafreo o;Der,one iubcrem hip Srees JTanD foure fquarc like the Chequer o? C^riTeto;*: tbc other not in fquare as rt>e ftrft.bnt Loftrtg-Um'c c: DiamonO-ttufc , iiKc tbc glaflc itunoomrso: /5cts. ?m mutt frame it aeeojcmg to t|?c nature of tbetrces, letttbe lotocr fait be D;otoncD of (be (jigber. ^ou mutt alfo fet tbem a gooo DitraneeafunDer^that ttjrtrbjaiubesmap fp:eaD atplcafurr 3 fo; u pou fct tbem to tlitfcc, rcu frail be able to fern noting be* tteirtrbcnu tan ttprp Uuil bribe Uflcfrci'tfuil. Cbercfe:e Pal a- Droppins diuslucH:DbgtJCtf)efpaeebctlJUirttbem r th£rncfrateatt[)elcafl:: ot itas. ft, crcts n]D:c profit in tbegcncraUcifpofingof fbrm,eHtetmc;:* ling tb: greater toir& the leflTer, fo as the great ones Dor net an* nop tlieic bnocrungs, dttjer tottf} r^eir ftatoti c: o:oppmg, fo: rbat thepgrolD net equal! to tbem inftrengta o:luaneffe.potne* grarratrs aiiD ^pities mull be foiueD naercr together* as nine farfe afunsrr, firplrsurcrrrtbrntbcp, anD pecrcs turret tben tbem both : MIC of tbem tbere are funo;r fo: to 3imonco atto fig Fncnd%. frees Btoft alfo be fet neercr. 3nfc breaufc tbere is a nafurati smoagQ f nr f^Qjjp jug [cue bt tiuirteecfaiac Crers,yon mu& fet tfpni the neerer tog? t^rr, as the Cine ? rt;t €>iue, the pomegranate anD ttje jjjritcil tfcti the otbar &9c,pea mult fet farri%ifunSrrfuc&&s i)aue mufuail IjatreO among them, as tbe time tuitb tl)t filbert * fyc i5ap,Cbrre arc fome of tbem, tnat orftre to 2ano . tlno ano t\i)0 t0gcrper ; a2 the Cbetlnut: the Dioppir.gs alfo Do great tjurt of rdl fo:fs 3 butfpe(ia:Ip t[;co:oppmgs of CaarSjPinetrors,? Upafc shadowes hQ\ m s, i3o;eouer ; tjjen)aDcU>rsof Oiwrs-of tenure ^urtfuli,. of Tree*. * tg of the otder of Gardening. &' 6 9 as of tlje tRItalnut free, ivijofe ujarooto is bnfobolefome fo? mm, ano tbe $ine tcdc tljat Hillctb pouttgfpjings.Trt tfjcp boll) refill fbcUiinoe,ano tbccefoje are beff to be fet in tyt outer fibes of tbe ^cljarDis J a0 hereafter fljall be fate. M tfje place ano t[je o*ocr, pertjaps pou tbinse 31 bauefapo enough , anftlahc tfjaf 3 n)ou!o pjoact) to tbeojoer of planting ano fetting. T h r. a. WJfytf time i* tbe bell fo? planting ano fettmg of SCrces i M a r 1 y s. SD&e c$nefeff time of planting fas Florentine Time of faptlj) istbzcnoof&ommer ,fo; t|w is nature motf occupied planting. about tlje rcot,as in tlje fpjing about tl;c tapper parts: ano tberc foje grafting is nmtcd in tbe fpjing, ano fitting in ttje cno of jfeommrr: fojtbc plants arctoatceo all f|je Winter, f therefore it 10 beft fetting 0? planting, from fyz fefting of flje feauen flars, tontM tfje tlvclftb of HDccember, Bin tlje Spring time, pou map Time for fet tljofe things tbat pou fojgat before: at tu!?at fcafonfoeuer it gaffing. be, Icoftc tljat pou fet tbem in tbe afternoiie, in a far? efo elf erip tuintic, ano in tfje foane of tbe gpcone. Plinie faitb, tfat tijts note 10 of great importance fo* tlje encreafe of fl)eCree,anDgai$nrire of tbe fruit, gftye Crecbe planteo in tbe encreafe of tbe q^cone, The ob- it grotuctb to befectp great : but if it beintlje Uume. ) it Unit be fcruation finallcr., pet a great Dcalc rno.u lafffng. of the T h r a. isut arc tfjerc mo;e Uiapcs then one of planting Mcon? ' ano fetting i M a a 1 v s. a greatfo?f: lue plant ept!;crbp ^raffing, fcf ;Thekinc{ ting of tbehernel!,o; tbelrone/ctting tbera>tcS;irockcs,o? atps, of plan- grafting beitoirttbe Bacfce ana tbeSrce: feme are planfco tin £« an <* in fomc of tyetetetfs, others in all. 3» Babtlon fas- fjfep fap) ^ r - 3fB,, § one'.p tbe leafe fet comes to be a tree: firft 3'inill fpeafee of <£>faf/ f ut( fing 5 ano fljcnof tberctJ.Cbcre arc tlj.it appoint tut r&2c*fcin:0 Thr of (Sraffin^bettoirt tfje barue ano tbcUiortc, in tljctf-orhe, an kmj , implaaringjOi inoculation. Efyc firft fo?t tfjcr call <2»rcm'ng,tf«'e Grafifng. fecono imbjancbing , tbe ttjscD inoculation, ci tmbuODing. &uc!j Srecs as bauc tbiefcea barfcrs, ano 0:r,Ui moft £>appe from ttcf hit etrouno,are bell graffeD brfloirt tbe batlsc ano tfje toos, zs tl>e ur tTbc Jfigge , tbe Cbetie, ano fyc £Dltue: ibofe mtfyaue tbin rinDrs, grafted be. ano content tbcmfelues toitf) leflTe moiffure, as if tbe &appe lea* mixt the sifttg m barfecujoulo gatt)erit felfe totlje Dcavf ; as tfje ^cnge^'ol rcc bpon tlje Cljeftmif, ano tlje Beeclje, tlje apple, tbe peace, ttje (£lme, ano tlje toljite poplar,toljeremif pou graffe,pou u)all tjaue pour. ^pulbcrfestoljitc : topontfjefame (tocKeategraffco tbe peace, tbe Quince, tljc^eotcr, ano tbe £>crui£re : ttjepcare bpon ttje To haue pomegranate, ttje &uince,tlje a3ulberie,ano tbe 0lmon. Jf pott red Prates ^rjffe po ur pgare upon a spulbetp, em f&att baue reo pearcs: & Apples. ^ e £ppi elg <£ ca ff e & tipon all peace ffocte* , ano Ccab fef0, WlloUi,ano poplar : being <0rafTcD topon tbe £\\xir\tijt bjing* crlj fojtb ttje fruit to^tcb t|>c CDrcefees call Mdimeila: it 10 alfa e'raflfco tipon tlje piomtcee, but being <0caffeo bpon tlje plaine tree, it tefngetb fojfjj reo applet* &tje Areolar being Ctaffc* topon tbe 2Etwne,tljc <25raffe grofoetfc to great bigneffe, but tbe ffocfee contin»c0 fmall : topon ttje pine-tree , it bjingetb s ~> ftueet fruit, but not lading. SClje peaeij graffeo in tlje &bo?ne, oj tbe ffieeelje, groined to be toecp faice? ano great : tlje aimono anO tl;e peaclj being iopneo f oget&cc/ano <25caffeD in tlje plum* a Peach (^ kM bcare a peacb foiti) an aimono in tijeftone. &fje jfil' 7j th ™ d bert mill onehj be graffeo in tlje Mloing, not agreeing mftb anp in IT" **&<*• SCtje pomegranate oeligfjtetb in &tucr0 ffocfee0,a0 in t&e »lloto, tlje Bap, tlje 3fte, ttje SDamfon , tlje piome, ano the fllmono , topon all toijtclj Ijee pjofperetlj toell. SElje Wamton grotoetfj toccp well topon anpfeinoe of foiloe pcaie, ^umccauo apple : tlje Cbeflmut li&ef if toell tlje m&lnut, ano tlje Beeclj* ICfje Cljeccie refufetb not tlje eompanie of flje peaclj, no^ t^e 2Curpentine 3 no? tljep Ijis : tlje Quince toilltoell be graffeDbpon ttse Barberie:tlje spittle bpontlje fealloto : tlje plom bpon ft)e ^amfon: tlje aimonObpontljeifUbert : tlje Citcon, becaufe of fjte tenoer 2Drce , ano ttjmnc ttnoe, txiillfcarcelpbeare anp otljer gtaffe , ano t|jercfo?c contents fjimfelfe Uiitlj Ijis olune b^aunct). 2Cbe Winz tljat is graffgObpon tljevCljecie tree (FJorentinusp;o^ mifetb) luill beare C^rape0 , ano graffeo ^pon tlje ^iiue, itiill fetng fojtb a fruit tljat bearing fbe name of botlj fjifi parents, is oiiue calleD El *oftaphilos. 3n fine, all poang 2Cr©0 tbat fjaue fap in grape, tlje bArfeejnap be (0raffeb;if it be greater a it is bed ©rafting neerc tlje of the order of Gardening. 7° metencff e of tlje gtouno arc full of fappe. I))e then that to 11 graft "ithec m the Heche, oj betto.ct tfts ttoche am fljjr nbe let b « oathrent*©iafftsftomafrHitfnlltcn»crtras,anofnllofiopnts, X>«t of o> alines anoirfggc trees aw bjpettin i tf,cm.bble parts, am faSebettoftbetop, ano therefor ftom thence poumuttgatbec pout Caflte ©Lsare fuUeftof fappe in the matt, MW lutcr part. h ?P ett. »ofebcttagne together ,«*"«»" nou muft gatbee pour ©taffca in the toanc •"*«»*"? haws befoje pou ©jaffe them. Conftontmcaoii t l tbi* trtte, ffifwttttsnabettre ©jaffeeoe alittte tottbee, Uiatbemap he betfec be eeceiuch of the ttoche.|9ou muffi appopnt pom © amngrhc.^ time in tbe &p;ing, ftom ajarch, tohenas the ^"f b /»'" «• ^ burgen, but not come out (altbough poumap ©jaffetbegrace tobeWslcauesbeout) bntiUCpap: fo; faffing mrmnojspjo. Sfeble!butnotfo, imbuing. S»e **», «£^"?« longettbuo.anohaucmuch fapue bnaerthcbarhe,t|cabunoame Z »rf boll, h«et the ©jaffc , muftbe (a. ; Floren me tottO from flBav till 3une. Columella tooulo Ijaue the fflltue p>ill, anb the time of faffing to be «**>" <""*%!*! "*l g atg, afternome, toben there blotoetJi no Soutbtombc. W&*?oo hauefounoagfflb ©^c,tafeepourfenifc(being t>erp Ojatpejmm pate it about a Ifcft fingers ftom the fopnt Dotonetoare.fo much a. n>all be mate to be fct in the ttotae : that part m it u w«t the fopnt (not petifhfng the pith j pou mutt tut tottb pout Unite, The fecondBooke, entreating as if pou (feoulD make a pen, fo as ttje &oq imttj rrjc foot,ano r&e barfeetoitb ttje bathe, map iopnctogctijcr, as iutt as map be* Ctlljiclj being oonr 3 if pcu mcane to graffe in tljettoeli, pou mutt firftfeatoe it fmottj,ano tljcn cleaue it in t&emiott toitb atyarpe fenife, about ttj:ee fingers : ano to tfje eno pou map (janofomrlp put in pour G2affe 3 pou mutt Ijaue a little toroge of tooo 02 3(ron, (PJinic thinks it better of bone) toburjfoeoge(U)tjenpoalmll craffe bettocenettje rinoc ano tfcettocfce mutt be maoe Satte on ttje one fioe, ano rouno on tlje otrjer, anot^ecE^affemuttbepa* rtD alfo fiat ontljat HDe tjjat mutt ttanD nert tlje toon, taking al* Uiaicsgmt) Ijeeoe, fyat ttje pitlj be not pertCjco : ttje otljer pari muff onelp jjaue tlje rinoe puilco off, tufjtcrj after pou mutt fet in tljeclcftjO: betioirt ttje barke, till pou fee all parts agree together. &ctne Doe cut ttje popnt of tytit Gzaffe rfj:eefquare, To as rtua Goes are bare, ano the otljer courreD Unfits barfee : ano in ttjat fo:t tjjep fcfeto C;affe in a ttocfec one againtt another : butitte ffjougfjt bett to C?:af?e no mo;c but one. CD ben pou fcaue t\)u* fet in pour C:affe in rtje ttocfee, plucfce out the tocoge : but $era is a great carefulneffe, ano fjoeOe to bebfeD : ano therefore goo 0:afters,r!)inhe it brtt forjolot&e C^affc euen mitfj bctfj $ant8 s lett in ttje blncing ano pulling cut of t\)c Uie&gc, frje d&affe be tjurf, 02 ttanD oneuen. Jf 02 auopoing of totjicfj, fome tjfe foz to binoe tfi e ttoebe about, ano after to put the iueoge, ttje bancs bet* ing it from opening to tetoe. ^fje baracr tljep be fet m, tfjc low ger toill trjep be ere ttjep beare, but will insure f tje better : pon mutt take Ijceoe ffjerefoje, trjat ttje cleft be not to fiacfee no; fo ttraigfct. tCtycn pou fjauc ttjus OzaffeD, btnoe ttje Coche toft!) a ttoig, ano eoucr it mitt) loame, iaell fcmp:cD twtfj trjaffe? ttoe fingers trjicfeneCTe, ano f putting moffe rouno about it) tyeit top fo, frjat tijetecemc no raine at if, no? be rjurtlmrt) tlje £>unneo; tlje toinoe , Srjis istyc 02&er both m t be olo time, ano at tijis Dap fcfeo : ffjouglj in Columellas timers it apearcttj) trjep toere not •luont to 0;affe, but onelp bettoirt t|»c baefceano ffjefooo : fo; tlje olo people fas Pliniefozttetbj fcurttnof as pet meoole toitjj clcauing of ttje ttoefee: atlcngtrj tbepp2efumeDtomake!joleF 3 ano <^2arTe in ffce prtfj, anD fo at latt toareD bolo fo eleaue t|j€ ttoehe. Cato iuoulo fcaue tbe ttoche couereo loitl) clap ano cljalfee, intngUofeit'p fanoanoiDrc-Dung,anD fo maoe in mozfer.^onw timz of the order of Gardening. 7 1 time tyep Cfoaffe fotty tbe fop oftlye <(&aft ootonctoar& 3 ano tbcp &oc ft to malic a little Ecee fpjeao in bjcaotb. 3t is beft Staffing nerttbegrounD,tf tbefenofsano tbe ttocfeetoillfuffer: ano Plmic tooulobauetbe (fl^affe grotofajjtb notabouefire wigcrs/|f pou toiil <3;affe a little Cree, cut it narc tlje grouno, fo as it be a fmte ano a balfe btgb- Jf pou tooulo cartp pour Crafts farre,tbep To keepe fcill longeft feeepc ti)dv fappe, if t\j&v be mutt into ttje cote of a g" r ff fcape ; ano tbat tb*p tntllbe pjeferueo, if tJjcp Ipe bettoirt ttoo little gats, running out offome Kiuer o? ifiu) pono.ano betoeli rouerco toi tb eartb. T h ra,| oae noto greatlpoeffre to bearc pou fap fome< Ofimpla- rbing of splattering, o? 3(noculation, tbat is, in faffing toitb !* crin g , an4 tbe buo o% tbe leafe,tobicb pou call in (2%cefee t^uMe^ou, tobtcb t ™ kinoc of (faffing, 3 fee tjiofe ffjat aregiuen to neto fau)ions oc Ugbtmucbin, Mauvs, Stbis tt no neto manner of faffing, but toee finoe tbat it toas tofcobotb of tbe ILatines , anb of tbe defers, iubentahing off a leafe o? little buo, Uiitli fome part of tbe rtnoe toitb btm, toe tiftaffie it into another bjauncb , from tobtcb toe Imueta&en asmucb barfee.Ct)is ojoer ('Columella faitbJ ttfe tyxb banas in bis oaics toere toon t to call 8lmplafrcing,o.z inoculation : anD before Columellas &aifS,Theophraftus int)iB HScofecDc cau- fu Planrarum 3 ootbU)eto tbeteafon of3|noculation.PlinicDotb fap it toas firtt learneo of 2Datocs,bt&ing of feeos in caues ano boles of Crees. CbisfcinDcof CEkaffing,as Columella ootb tojite 5 aitD our (Earonete tbcmfclues confeffe , is beft to be bfeo in fbum* tncr,about the ttoelftb of Blune: petDidymusfaitb,bcbatb<^af.» fco in tbis maner,anD batb bab geoD encrcafe toitb it in tbe fp?ing time, ano fttb ttistlje oaintiettfcinoe of Chaffing, it is not to be bfco in all SCrees, \)ut onely in fucb as baue a ftrong, a mopff, anfc a fappp rinOe,as tbe £>liue,tbe§0eacb ano tbe iftgge, Uiijictj are full of milfce,ano bane a big bathe. £>f tbat Crce tbat pou mcane to ©zaffe , cbofe tbe poungeftanotbc faiceft foambes pou can, ano in tbem tafee the buo tbat iB liisclieff to groto, ano marfcc it rouno about ttoo tncbes fquare, foas tbe buo liana euenintbe mtoft,ano tben toitb a u)arpe knife cut it rQunoabout,ano flato of tbcruiDejtafcinggmo fy&nc pou burtnot tbe buo, ano take out tbe pace.aftettoaros,goe to t&e JBCree tbat pou mean* to <0*affe on, ana ThefecondBooke, entreating ano cfcofc lifecfoife tbe fatrc ft bjauntb, ant) pace afoap tbe rfne a Iff .e fpaee,anDfo?nem20ut buooe fo foff,as tlje rinDe* map a> gree togcttjec fo clofe,as nettfjer toafer no? teinoema? enter fit. ^ou muff loose tbat pouburtnot tbe CCtoo,anO tbat tbe cinocs be of one ttjicfeeneffe. Mbtnpou fjauetbis &one,binfcc itbp.fo as vou\)uvt not thjc buD : JE&cnclaptt oner ali, :eauing.libec'tie rnc-ugb fo; fijebuo. Cutoff all tbe fp:ing rbatgrotoes about if, tbat trjere be notbing left fo 0;ato ateap t&e &>appe, but tbat it map onelp feme ttje ®raffc : lifter one ano ttoentieoapes, bn» loofe it,ano tafee off pour couering, ano pou (ball fee pour buD \m co?pojafeo in tJje bjamb of a ffrange tea. Columella fpcafcctb Wimble ° f &n 0t ^ tV f ° ?t ° f ® ^"^ * ° D0 # a & oIe * n a ^ r * Mty an & a > Graffing. gur,eitber to tbe pitbe,oj tbe bttermeftrinoe, going fometbfng floapetoife DctonetuarD, ano getting out all the c&tps clean e 3 take a ,2Jine,o; an arme of t^ebett ame,not cnt fcom tys oloe mother, ano paring atuap tbe ouer tinDr, tb;uff it fall into tlje bole,betng all moift ano full of £>appe,leauing a buD c: ttoo onelp bpon it : affer&arojftoppe tty ijolctoell toif Jj 3)ofTe ano Clap ,ano commit ft fo tbeeartb.^n tbis fojf map pen $raffeclrne0 bpon <£itncs 9 fo (ball t|e bzancb line, being bot'b nouriujeo bv tns oloe mother, ana fn* ttetn jratber. SCtoo peere after, pou £jaU cut off fbe nelo graffeo b;ancb,ano tbe ttccae toberein pou graffejo, pou u)all false off a little aboue tbe bo:mg, fo l^ail tbegraffe become tbe ebfefeff part of tbe plant* Sbelifec Co our Countermen.. faking 3 bjancb of a 13 recti a forte tyickt : ano luben tbep baue cut it, and bo?eo itjtbepfetin if tbebjanebes of t\)t bell ^eare o.: 3pplc tfjaC rbe^can gef 3 fefting tbe fame in a beep toef geounoin Q^arcb,anD fn tlje fame 95onef b t\}t peere aftcc,tafeing bp ttje Seecb, tfjcp cut ft a funocr fo'itb a fato beftoirt tbe tjolcs nnDtljeb:atnbfs : ano c* uerp peeee of ffoeaetoitb fjfs bjancb, tyvg (it in berp cictj f fruits fulfgrounO.SCbereare fome tbat bjag of another kino of graffing, ttot mucbbnlifeefo t\^t ^merjbebereof notluitbffanDingjArrican in Conthntinc mafcetb mention, as trieo in a &ml)> sijep Ml a man fo fa&e tbe b?ancb of a &©i!ioto as big as pour arme, ano .ttoo Cubits in lengtb,o: mwc : tbis tbeptooulo base pou fobo;e . , r tb.:ougb tbe mio», anB after flipping off tl)t b:aKncbes of a |3eacb ^ne/of ss bcffanos, lcaumgone!p tbe fop bntoucbcD , t^ tooulobaue cGtaifing. pou tomUtyt $m\> pato . tftf oiiglj fyt C^illoto battc , ano tfKft of the order of Gardening. 71 tfjat Done, foboto tbe SKaiUofo Use a 15q\bz, totting ban) tys enostnto ffce eartb 3 *nOfo to binsetty bolebp toitlj moffe,moj' tcr ana banos. 2Eije rare after, toljcn as tbe tjeao of t(je peac^, fjatb topneo ijtmfclfe Uritb tlje pitljof t^c Wlloto, t&atbotytfje boOics are become one. Pm fljall cut t^e SCr&beneatlj, ano re> mrotie if, ano ratfc bp rfjc cartb 3 foas pcueonecttjc fe)!tl; ttjetop of tbcpeacbianotjjis u)all tying pou peaches toiU)* out Cones. SCijfe feinoe of faffing mutt be Done in mopff pla^ ccs, ano tbe ^illcfors mutt be bolpcn iamb often teatrings 3 tbat t^e nature oftbe2Cramap be of fo;ce.Cljefefnoesanomanncrspropa-ati. of propagation, are occ!areObpPlinie,it>bo tcllcnj of two feinles : on,andhis tbc fttft, to\>cvcm abjambcf tbe SCra being botoeo oobme, ano kindle. bueteo in a little furroto.ano after tiuo pares cut off,ano n)e plant In tbe tlnro pecre rcmeueo : tobicb if pen inteno to carrp anp far oittanceoff, iti* bettfo? pou to burie pourbjawbes in Baskets, 0; carlben brffeuJ, in fo!jtt& pou map sptlpett eatrp tljem. #nD anotber mo;e uelicatcr leap be fpcafeetlj of 3 tofyity rt to get n)e rmtc out of n)c berp 2Cree, laping tlje b;ancbfs in Bashefs of cartb, ano bp fbat meanes, obtapning notes bettoirt tbe berp fruit ano tlje toys, (foj bptljis meanes tbe r©te isfetcbeo from ttje berp fop, to farrc t^tv pjefumcj ano from ttjrncefcfef) nj cm* bfing it as before : in totjlcb fo?tpou mapalfo oeale toitb ftofe* mane ano £>auinc. Columella ibetoctb amap 3 boti> flippes of all manner of SCrees map be ^affco in toljat agrees pou lilt Thu, 3tio Tome are alfofct of tbc flippes, ojfliumgs : nn> fclfe baue plucheD a b?anclj fromaipulberic&rce, ano b^uifini tljccno altftle toitba pallet, fymcttt it in tbegrouno, ano ft fjafb grolune fobeafaire 2Erce. SlIjcu&c Ijatij beenc tote* (&& tljcpfap) in£pplcsan&pcarcs. M-a r. 1 vs. ^oufaptucl?, fc-2 jpafawMbfffcfofBb** fbsr tbep^cungjQcnces 3 pj'jihc0from,tbet(Dtcsoftl)ctreesU>ai groin; tbc poungifrarebcttto be planter) >anDfo to bepuUcDbp^ns fycy map b?ing tutf b tljem fomc part oftfTetr mothers bo&ie. Bin this fojt pou map plant pomegranates, jf Mats, Hpplf s.fecriiiffesi areolars, glomes, irigges, but fperiallp taincs.ano fomctwiea Cberrics, ano <$pjfilles. £Df tlje ttocfee ano tlje b?ancl-esae8 nlfopiantco t&e0lmono 3 tbepearc, tbe ano tire Kmkity .glome : The fecond Booke, entreating foln'cl) tlje offnetpou rcmoue ttjemtfce better tlic^ p;oae. Plinie faptt), tt)ebjancbe0 cut from tye 2Cra,toere attijefirff onclpofce fol ^eDge0, dMoer, &uinc&c0, ano 15:ier0meDleo together, af> tertoarO0 foit>fe,ao tf)epoplar,tbe a:oer,anD tlje Mtlloto, at t|)i0 Dap tuee fee tbem i»ber e toe bed like. ^xoe muff be tahen, tjjat t^e ftoc&e0,o; tlje fee* be of ago*) femcc,not cross cD,fcnetttf, no? f oj& co , no? flenoerer ttjen tfjat a m an map tocll gripe fottfc |lt0 Jjano 3 no; Icffe ttjena forte in lengri). T h jl a. jt remained noto, t^at poti fpeaUe of tfjc f effing of t Ije fruit o? feerncli. Marjvs. /Jiaturefas Plinie faptfj,) fjatfi taugbt os fo fet tffe&ernel!,bp tbc face* DcuoureO of I3ico0,anc motffeneotoirfj ttietearmtl) of tljcie entiles, ano after ootDco m ti)e bcugtjro and rtfes of JZms : totjerebp toee finoe manp times a plains SCree grotoing out of a 15ape, a Bap out of a Ctjcrrp, ano a C&ern? out of a Mlleto. spanp £Lree0 are fet of ttje fruitfcer* »ell,o?ffone,tof)ie^ groto peerelp of r&emfcluc0 ) bp reafon ofrtje falling of t&e fruit : a0£i>eftnut0, ^afelnut0,ano saalenut0. Columella faptfj i tfjcp are fyc fruitfuller 2Cree0 rfjat fp;mg of t&elr fruifci tyen trjofe rljat are fet of rfjc troche, 02 tlje bjanefc. Sfcome delight to be fet in Krees, ano not in tye grouno : tobrn t&ep tiaue no fople of tfj etc ofone, ttiep liue in a Granger. £)f rlj e fruit 0? feernell, are planteo i£ut0, £lmono0, fditocctf, Ctjeff* nut0, 2>amfon0,pum0, pincapple0,£Date0, Cpp?eO"e,55apc0, 0pple0, ^eare0, ^aple0, jtotree0,Cl)erric0,iBeacbe0,anD,ab;tf* ccebs : but fet 0; planteo. tljcp p?oue fo be tfjefemolicr. £>ome of ttjcfc Doe groto in Chaffing ano otber toaie0 : fo: erpecienco tcs* ctjctij, tfjat tfje #utano tbe Cercbintb are G>;n(FcD; anD Dema- gcron toifneffctb 80 mucf) i netr^erareallfrutf0 } hernel0,anO iione0 fet in libe fo:f, a0 hereafter fljall be tone, feome arc lapo in toafcr before, otbewnot: fomelpc flj;ce oapc0 in fjonp ana loafer, ano at rfjc fall of tl;c leafe are bunco in t!jc grouno till The kee- <$arcb i anD t\)m fet $uf arc onelp lapD in moptt fung a Oap pingof before, ano of fome in loafer ano fjonp onelp a nigtyt, lefttije puts, ftacpneife f rtje fjonp Deftrop-rrjc fp;out.&ome arc fet toiti) trjeir toppeB ftanoing optoaro , a0 tlje Crjcffnut : ofber0 oolunc* inaro , 30 tbc aimonD , tfjougl) tyis is not greatlp f be regan ueo, fit Je tuee te tlje fruitc t^at failed from tlje £Trvc , 0; is let of the ordering of Orchards. 73 let fall bv Biroes, uotb p:ofpcr brtt of anp otl)cv. T n r a. 3 tjaiie a toonoerfull Delight in tbe jmpc dSat&cns Dftbefe Countries, 3 p:at> pen tcilmcbomtbcpbe oiOerco. M rbl 1 v s. £Dt?e e:Dering of an 3mpc Careen map not be Of impe Safoo oucr, wijernn as fii a ptorac,tbe young plants are noun* Gardcns * )rD. 3aD bcraufc rlje j^urfc fomettmes ongfjt to be fciuDer 5 ano reincrcr tben tyc tftotber, a m&ts gcouno mull be cbofca fc* t!je pucpofc : tbatts, a gceun3D.ne, fat, an'o tecil labourco tmtlj tl;c ^ittocfce, tisercin tfjettranger map be toeil cberifbcD., ano bcrp ItBcbntotljefotle, into to^'clj pou meane to remoue fjjem, SC^e fcetnete, 02 ftanrs, mull rtat be altogctbcr naked, but little couc* rco tmtb fome pact of fyc fruit, fo Ujall tbcp affectoarD ensure tbe longer. Cbcpmuttbcfctafcore, o^tfjere^aboufsafunDcr: after ttu 3 Pieces tljep mull be rcmoueo : ano becatfe tytit Hcotcs Do$ runne berp oape into tbe ground , tfjep mutt be fomcUnjat bewr, oj turned in, to tbc end tbcp map fpieao abtoad, anD not runne dolunctoaro. ftboue all ttjings, pou mutt fee if be free from Hones ano rubbiu), toell fenced againtt ]£oultcic, anD not full ofcbtnl-.es 02 clefts, tfjattbe £>wme burnenot tbe tender rmtes : tbepmutt fce fet a ftofeand a fjalfe a funocr, tfjat tfjep burtnot one tjjc otber foitb tfjeir neerc groining, among otber emls,tbep hull be full of O&oiimeSj ano tljerefo2e mull be tuell raked ano toeeded : beffoe, groining unlit, tfjep mutt be trimmed ano pjopneu. Cato fooulo fjauetbeni eoucceo oucr UiitbJUttufcsbponfojses , to let in tbe &unr\e, ano to fteepe out t&e coloc: ZCt>u& are tbe kernels of peares, pineapples, &ut8 } Cpp?eflrc,anofucb offers c&erifyeo, SCbep mutt be gcntlp toatred fo; tbe ficft tb?ee dapc$,at tbe going dotmte of tbe &nnne, tbat tfjcp equally ccceiuing tyc mater, map open tlje famer. zizipha.otSCuraep plumbs, $uttes, WMl* nuts, ano Cbcttnuts, 2Bapes, v£I) erics, ptttaccs, 3pples,£Dates, Peaces, Naples, JFinWplumbs, ano Diuers others , arc fet of t!;c ttoue, oz Kernels. Jnrcmouing oftbem, fjaue fpcciallrr* gaco, tbatttjep be fet in tbe lifee foile, ojin better, not from bet ano foztuatd grounos , into coiocano backward, no? contrarie from tbefe to tbe otber. |9 on mutt make pour ^urromes fo long befoje, if pou can, that tljcp be oucr^grotone Ujttb gojo mouio. M tl;at tfyey map be fcoellfcafoneo toitytyi&imMy anotbe rocatjjer ; £>}if pou can* fc not The fecond Booke, entreating nzt fo, pen muQ hinole fires in t&e miDDeft of tfccm ttoo monetf)* afo:c , and not to fet tfiem , but after a fyoto;e. Zljc Dcptfj of t^ctt fitting mull be in Citfeclap o: t)arD grouno, tfuee Cubites : ano fo: plumb Zxtts a tjantfull mo?c. SUtje JFurrofo mull be nwfte furnace liRe,firai$t)tabouc 3 anobjoaoe int&ebotfomc: anD in blacfce mattU^ttaa Cubitc s anD a £anD bioaoc, being t\imt co.mrceD,ncucr Deeper rl)an tiuo fojtc anD-a&alfYno? b:oa0er tfjen tluo forte b.:ouDc, no? ncuer of ictle Depttj, ttjena fate ano a fcalfe, foitf'clj in a toct gtounD imll o:aU) neerc t^e mater. &uclj as De* ligfjt tn tr)eD£ptJ) of tijc grounD , arc to be fet trje Deeper^ as tlje fit^e, anD trje Oiiue : tyc fe anD fucJi UUe, mutt be fct foute frofe tape, the others it fufftcett) if tfjep tfanD tt).:ce fmte rape, ©ome fcfc fo fetbnocrtljcir iicDtesrounD little Hones, botfc toccntamc, anD conuap atoap tijc tuater : others lap graueil tnorrneatt) tfjem. SClje greater Srss are to be fet toinaro trje £w$ ano trje SSctt, ttje fmalier toloaro fyc £>ouft) ano tfyz Call. £ome mill fjaue no £roe rrmoueD bnDec ttoo vrercoloe, o; aboue tfj;ee: ano ctfjers tofjrn fijep be of a pares grolDtfj. Cato refittctf) vir- giJs auttjonrte , tfjat it is to great purpofc to marhe t!jc ttar.fi* ing of t\}c Eree, as rt grctoc at :rje firtt, anD f o place it t ofoaros ttjc fame quartets of flje rjeauen again?. Others obferuc trjcconj trarie in trje clin? , ano trje Jf!ggc£rce, being of opinion tj>ai tijelcaues tfysll tijerebp betl;e thicker, ano better oefeno ttje fruit, anD not fo franc fall : brficc, the jfHggc £Dree mill be tijc better f o be climbcD fcpen. 2pc:couer, pou mutt bctoare t]jat bp longtarpmg,tt)e ttootes be not mitrjercfi , no: tl;c mtnoc in tbe &Qit\} tuljen rce remcue tfjem , ipfjcrebp manp UmtB trjcp Die, ttje ijufenr-fi net knotting tt>c caufr. Cato ccn^cmiictrj ttrerlt' all manner of luinces o: tto;mcs. in tt)e remcumg of Crecs , ana toerefc;eit is to great gorfi purpofe to talic tljem fcp tutrh ttje earftj about trjem , anD to couer tl;e Uootes Unttj a &rffc, anD fo: ti)is eaufe Cjro luouiD t;auc tijem to be carrieo in i3afKcts hU lcD iritfj eartb bp to tb,c toppc : tijcSrce muttfo be fct, as H mapttanOintfjemiDocttofflje Srenct), anD fo great IjeeDc mutt be tahen of t^e Bootes , tl)at ttjcp map net be b?oben, no? manglcD. thu. 3-ct ts nolo goe fo:U»arD ivitlj eucrp SUree in \>i* c;cer. Marivs. of the ordering of Orchards. 74 Mahivs. Among all SCrees anD plants, tfje Ww hv gcoo The Vine, rfgbt cbalengttl) tijc &oueraignctie, feeing ttjcccisno plant tofeD mljufaanojiemozcfruitfuU and mo:e commoDious tfjen it , not aloaelp fo: the beautifulneffe, anD gco&lmeffc of ttjc fruit, but ab Jbfo; ttje eaftneffe ljc l;atb m grofomg, luljercbj? &e retufetbnat almoff anp brnoe of Country in tl)c irujolcmojiD, ercept fuel) as are to crtreamelp fcoubeo fcottb tlje burning locate of tijc &unue, 0: dfc to crtreamelp frozen ftuti) ti)eljebeimntcoioe,p;xifpcring alfo as iucll ui ti)c plat'nc and tampion Counfrcp, as it uotl) up* on tijc fillip ano jS|9otni tame Countrcp : iufctlmfe as Uuli m the ftiffe ano raft ground , as m tf>e foft ano meUom ground : 3 no d* tcntimesm tlje &oamieanD leanegrouno as in fbe fat ano fog* gic, ano t'n tijc niit f as in ti)t moift ano mine, t?ea, ano m manp places,m ti)e berp Hocfccsitgrotoetlj mod abounoantiv ano mcJE fruitfully as is to be fee i-nD p:oueo at ttjio Dap about tt)e ftiucr cf Ublne in Oa-mjnii, ano rljeiStucr of Mofcil in if ranee: ano abcue all tt)is } it beHabioett) ano bcaretl; tt)e contrarie Dtfpc(t;ton ofttKbeauens. thu, $3 Doubt it is tfje moft excellent plant : HBuf Inborn Doe you fuppofc to be tbe fittt J3uti)oui* of tt)e planting of it : Me common foit Doe nttttiuU tl;e tfrff imicntlou of it to Bacchus. Mamvs. Wit ffyat are faagbt bp €?oos Ijolp Ujojd, Doe ThrfuS fenoki tbat aiuas mrft founo out bp tljepatciarbc Noah, tomtetf* uen jj°» atelp after tbe Drowning of tfjefoojlo : 3it map be, tyi inline toas vi n J before tbat time , tbougb t^z planting ano tbe bfe thereof toas nottbenbnotone. SCbel^eatljcnbotbmDft faldpanD tjerp fotiD* It?, as in manp order things , Doe gtue tijc inuenfion of tlje fame tint tfjc Coo Bacchus. Wut Noah ItucD mmy pares before ei* rfjcr Bacchus, Saturnus, 0? Vranius mere bome. T h r a. 35c is moft li&c'p fo : But 3 -toou'b fame knofo fafyctyce Replanting of Siinesootij majeeimcl) tt)e i)uftianD tben otbcrfcufbanDjlesooe. Marivs, about tt)fs qneftfon fbere is no little aeoe ambng tf)t lifers of olo,U3berc tbcre are fome tljat pzefeerc d5raffmg> Settling, anD ©BfoDfales farre aboue t!;c tunes : ano pet again-e t&ere toants not great ano learneD men , tljat affirme tf)e tEline iobemoffgamefnll; ano Declarer^ that oloe fruitfulmiTc of Re Hi 2 Klines, Thejccond Bookc,entreating Tht Vine- 3lUie3 3 mentioncD bp Cato, Varro, aiD Columella , UrfjUf) tpCH yirdnaoit ruerp &re polocD fcaym bunn;eO (Sallonosei QSItnc, ano ttje gaincfuii. ^uijpatosofScncc^ torjereiw(jetiao reereipfcpononeScce i ceo. Oallonss : mf)en as in £o:ne gronnOj patrurc, q: ESKdo lanD, if a man ooe gct.topon one 3ere rr. b. a pare, it is ttjougtjt a great matter. Cornfield Th r a. I5ut ffje amc affcetrj great charges , ano great tra* and Vme- uaiie about it , ano it is fubieet toman? nuQjaps , as ttjecoloe yards com- jfrofts of CUmter 3 tr)e Mattes ano burning of Rummer :ano from pared. t(j£firaap>.earing 3 tiilttjettjuo of^ap {tofyitfyis Irjc laff Deere* tciiz oapoftfjc £itne / )tbet*urt of tfce eolOe ano J?rstt is feareo. tcltjtn itfj3trj fcapco tins cangcr 3 tljcn comma!) a greater mifr $Ufe, iV'^ufj ligrjtip euerp pare Dottj great rjaruie ; fo? citrjcr iBitt) Italics m t^c SDogge Bates 3 0.2 fozlachcot caine.tl;r Crapes areUnt^ereoanDfpoileD 5 c:clfeU>{ti}ouer*muct)rami: trjeptoaie foiu;c 3 ano not ripe. <3>un02porijcr mifyapsrfcete happen, tfjat tt)cai:icis fuliuitto. mVuvV. 3 graunt : fo is pour Co:ne lihifeife ,-fe; botrj it affect!) great charges, ano fuel) cafualttes ofotimes On&ortt) tfje pco:e l^ufbanDman. Jfo? in alt feinse of 3£ufbanfc:p 3 if ttjrre be not great oiiigmce 3 ano gcoo fisiU impioieo. tfjtre Ml be but fmall ccmmoDific rcaj>cD. £luo efpcriailp tljc Gme reqnitetrj great lm& banD:p about ?f^ra: it is tcnU^anofconerjarmc&jariO.tbcrefoje in etjojfeoftbeGJincrar^tljeremuftbegffiD Ijace, $ bot£ trjenaturc of trje Ccunrrp 3 am, t!)e Ufpcfitton of rlje rjeauens to tvrll com fiocrcO. q&ftuun plant tfcen times unttjoutanp greatcare 3 oi ijecce of rjjem : ano tofjifl ttjcp groto t>p 3 ofe Itttle Diligence in tlje trimming ofi[)cm 3 bv toiji^ negligence, manp times ck>cp tmtljcr befoze tljep be ripe. Ciders againc tbinhc it makes no gctat mat* ter 3 ttif)at grctiitjD tytv bcuxfc? abcut it, ano met* times lap cut fo: tl;ispurpofe,UjeUi©;irgrcunct|)ep|?aue 5 r.5tr;cugf)itii;ouiDf£rue fp? t^is p!^nt r^at todl feme fo: no ttber tj)ing. ^ome agame reapc ali tfyc cc-mmscirp f rjrp tm t[;e m tt rtxi es,rLot pjcutoing fo2 farther time, a: ( o ft) sLmpiawe ilj.it ttjar gainrs Cotlj uritijer an? follp anOnrgiigmrr ts tt)e raufc : fo: ireljrie be CHigence f paints beftclvcobpen it.as Columella p:ci:ett)bp manrreafons 3 ti)eteis ko kwflaftOiE fc p.u arable, Q5t^ planting of times. T H R A. of the order of Gardening, 75 Th r. a. 1 Doe not Demebut ttj.it tijcrc is great profit tn it, mVre ttjc groutto isincetc toiqames, am njt fofirfo; Cj: le : ecbecajife 31 tbiiiaet&j tbtuijj jf Ciane to beau eatfsr mitur, an j rptCJitx Uup to cnruft $£fe*8raa*ttat; M^uvs. laucclp as ijuctji.ig tljg eafmeaTcof tyc ftufiiasi' D:tc,atn tbe greatncffe of ttje game, tue aide tomtits b-uu eucr pzefcrreo tt?e Qliinepaco afo:e Uk Csjae fieiD : fo: as Columella repozect^ s (erna fo:ttctb, ttjat tbe labour of one man is fuffci' cnt to: cigbt acres of Qftnes, 0: at ttjs leailfo: feauen; of tpeui' creafej t^anefpoSen befoze. T h r. a. q^arrp fir, at tfjts bar one mm tymfas tbzee acres fa mucb fo: !n'm : but not to trouble pour talfce, 3 pza>> pou 30c ftzUneofrity tbe bufban^p of pour dines, Mauvs. 2Cbe opectng of tbc ©Smc-beartng-Slincs , as tfjc fozfs of Ci';Tf0 arc uiiD:p 5 neither can tfjep be contameo in cercainc numbcrs,foz tbcre is as man p fo:ts,as tbere ts of ground. Homer gtuett) tbe cbicfeti pzapfe to the same of Maroow, and Pra11niu.11. Virgil J ineff commenoctb Ubenifljtome : otbers tbc foUlC Of A.iiinia, Lamcnrana, Candy, anOCoricga, but 31 miatlt to fpc.ilic of tbofe tbat arecommonlp in our bapes. 31 1 Jtalp at 'tty* oaptbe? malseraoft zttoimt of mine of Corfcga, Ro na ir,anD Meylina. 3 a 5>pamp tfjc belt cftixmethc U)inc of £>. Marine, of Ribodari,ano GibcraU cr. 3n if ranee tjje greateft pzatfc is giucti to tfje \BiiK of Orleans. Anruo, anO Greues: Ofccnumc began but of late torn :D3'.c toti b planting of SUincs, fo; Virr.Uwtctb,tbat tb: ifrenebmenano vdcrmanes baa in bis time bo tb 33mes and jflDtfueS: bu t at tbis Dip tbe Rhine, tbe Necker, tbeMmcMofeJ, atio Omav, map compare toitb anp Countries, fo: gooonelTe of tbeir Wine*. Thu. 3lfeefbatrbet!atnesareD!ucrflpo:eiT?r3,otbettu:fe Mta'.p, tben in ifiance 3 anD otberUnfc in if ranee tben m ®w mvip, cucrp Countrep bfing bis fcuerall faunon. M \ \ i v s. SDruetfozas Plmic, after Columella, feacbefjj, tbe Mint map be planteo Sue funD:p uiai/es : fo: eptber bis b:an* cbes are fuffcrcD to ruiine m fafcric opon tbe ground o; elfe luitbout anp ffapgeom bp:igbt,o: b-imuga ftap oz apjap fet foz tbcm, t\)ty climbe top bp it, o; elfe runue Up bp a couple of ft iff c .o?op* 4 calico of Liuiea ^e,o;eife fuffatncD U?;tb fourc of tbofe Ife 3 faahejs. The fecond Bookc, entreating poafeef ,fo!)fcl> of tty refcmblatKettjatttjev&aue lxrttfj ttje fcaHofo gutters of a fjoufe, ace fapo toot guttcres : others againe fuffe* rep forunnebpen frames Ufce 8rbcurs,fe ruing to Dt Onier, anD arc calico Arbour Cmics: others rumte op bpttje toallrsoffcoit* ks. *po:ecuer, ffjepoafeec cJines, calico in C^eehe EirifwjiWx, arrtpeDtogctf)cr,anD icpncDUXtt) n);re ojfeure pjors>as if t^ep tuerepoahco : feme Doe let tijem runnc opon trees, as ccmuionlp Trees in lumbardy , tfjep are fuffercD to elfmbe topon Cinus , KHiU which be lefees^an&^fles, tol;ere tfKpgreatlpp.zofpcr * neptijer ooetocp focsto °LW*S al * wpraicc oftrccs, fo? t|jep |>ate tbc j? ut tree, ttje X3ap, t& Vme, lia&f&attD tfjc- Coll : as^gatne,tl)ep leue t£e y)opUr,tr)c Cime, fije CQiiicln,t!)e i*ig, $ the £>iiuetrce, £!;e Sltnes tfSatare poa* feed, e? llapeo op totffj pzops, recetuc mote ar.:e, ano tcare tfjcir fruit tyel)igf)er,9n0 ripe tjie better, but affeemc?c trouble tit tlje tehing to t anD ttjcfe are fo o:D;eo , ttjat trjcp map be ploVoeQj tufjrrebp tl;ep are tfjcmoje fruitfnl^bteaufcttSeputap ttjeolttur, ano toil Ij tfje leflfe charge be ttil cO 2C t> c CJmcs teat creep Open tlje grounD,mabemuc£ CQine,but notfas Columella fatty; fo got* T h r a. $olu fo pour o?D:mg of tycm. M-a r i vs.i?tr(J, 3 toilt fpeafceof tyegretmo, anooftyefctg* ging of if,anD after oftye planting ano ratting of tyem.0»D firft The ordc- vou muff tafee fo? a fpceial! note, t$at eucrr Cltne toill net agree ring of fofrlj njfrp piaee, impffiDrjts^itKmltriegaoneGe, offuctj Vipc$. f j re l8 ^ e quaittie of rije ap:e.neptyer toill all fcmtc ofgrcuno What fsruc : jfbj Coforrfrlli Dot!) ccunfatle to fet tye tEJine in a tetloe ground is grcunD,ratrjf r tyen foljere <£ofnc 01 bufijes tjauc grctone : fo? a$ the v" fc - : C ^ ^ !nE ^ 3rC£f 5 ittsmeff crrtaine,tycr arc tyeiue;tff places of ine * all otfjcr to fet tirlu in j feecaufe the grcuno is matteD > ano bs \t mere nettcoltuty tycrcmaiacs oftyecks rates i nert^er l?atytf tofftyc porfon of tyc rotten ano oloff.mhmgfteofrs ; lr.bcrrU.uty t^efoflefglurfcD as ttUicre&ity tiennnej tsbmurerr.cD : en? tfjercfojc the totlDc anD fcntilleo oro'itD is c'ctefelp to be cljofcn, totych ttjcttgf? itbe oi:cr-croUmrU>itrj QpobkeBan) t;ees,map vet eafilpbcriDDe. 3f fuct)ulilt?r grounobenot to re |)nO,t^rbcffts tfje plainc cfjampion lane Unt?;out tr«s: if neither (nit) a gcoun?> ijjf n tl>*4ic'i)t ano finite buu^te grounD, o: £»ltue grounD* U be Idff anD tocVff T as 3 f.ipo ) is tyc o!d rotten ttineparD, rofjiib if nrccluitf compell gou fo tahe,pou muft Etff no. tlie grouno of all of the ordering of Orchards, 76 tt;e otoe tottm rate* , ano tfjrn couerit rptljcr Uuffc ofocbnng, oiUiitt) tije nctue& of anp ot&rr KinDcofmannurmg: tlje rales being t&us DiggeO lip>mutt be lapo t?p toget^cr^nc tiotiieD.JSlftcr matt trje ground be confi ocr eo,in!j etfj c r it be niellom ano gentle : 3t 13 thought to be ga>D, tljat is fomefljinggreetieanDgrauelU', ano full of (mail peebles, (0 tljut it be minglco torn; fatte woulo toit^ali, toljiclj if itbenot, is ottcrlp oifaloiueo. Dame Ceres ioyes in hcauy ground, and Bacchw in-the light. ^ou u)all pereefne ft to be maflTicanO fljtcue, if bzing DiggeP, ano raft into tyefjile againc, it rtfetfj oner *. tf it fccifelp fill t[je &oIe,tt is a figne tljat ttts Ifgfjtano tljmne. 2Cfje jflint, bp tlje gc* nerall confent of ^usbanomeu, is eounteo a frieno to tlje toe, fpeciallp inhere ft is toell eouereo fcn'tlj gtoo moulotfo? being colo ano a Keeper of mopfture, ft fufferettj not tlje rotes to be feaul* Deotoitl; tlje tjeafe of feummer : fo ntuclj, rfjst Columella Dotfy tutll men to lap certaine (tones about tlje Goes of tlje Dine trees, to tljat tfjep ercecoe not tlje foeigljf of fine pounb a peece : U4j j'clj as virgin ijatljnotcD, feeepesatoap tlje foatcrin OTnter, ano tlje fceate in Summer* Hurleinthcthirftie (lone, or therein throw the naflie flielles, feo 00 tu e fee the banks of tlje l\f?tnc being full of tfjcf e If oner, eo peeloan erccllent gmo Mine : but tlje ftones tljat ipe aboue grouno, are to be caff awap : fc? in fyc fsunmm, being fj cateD toit!) tlje feunne 3 trjcp burne tlje sitnc, ano m tlje tcinftcr tfjep i5urt tfjrm Untlj trjctr colDncfTc, contrarte to tljofe tljat Ipcintye fcottomc. 3l5ut tlje bed of all is tlje fcote of an Ijili, foljtcl; recrf* uetrj the falling monio from tlje toppes, 0: tlje fcallp, tljat folf& oacrfloiaing of tttucrs ^attj beene maoertclj. jjieprljer isCtjal*' hie grouno to berefufeo, tfjougtj tl)t Cfjalhe of ft felfe tfat $ot* ters bfe,ts (jurtfull to t Ije Wine* SEtjc ljungrp fanop gr ounOjt&e fait, bitter, ano rljirftie grouno, is not meete fojtljc Wine: pec tfjc blaefeeano rcootft) fanoe, meoleo tmflj fome mepff eartl;, is of fome allofocO luelt enouglj. ^sjeoucr, ncftljcr grouno to Ijotte, 0; to coloc, to> o:p, noj fto mopff, tea flenocr, no? to) triffe, tljat Ml not fuffer t^c raine to mike, as meetc is to be Wc& to; Mints, fo? ft toill eaftlp gape ano open , torjerebp tlje &unne tsmming in at t{je craiueu~es , ooetlj burne tfje Kates : U 4 >ZW The fecond Bookc, entreating SEgat again* toftify is ouert&wnc, letting in as tt tocrr,bp fcenff tfoUamc, trjc ©anne, an ?>ttj* GSmcr 3 toifc tnctop r$t wcjOure c. ri;e r®t£s;t^c rtjufee ani» M.."£rctmQu»rjarUptote iabccriD, ttjc fat grounD fnbicct to tea mud; rameniffc , tye leant grounD to barrcmuffc i iu|rucfc:c trjue mutt bean:wn temperature amongtt t.icfc crtrcunutus,a5 ;snquiieotn oucbGfcus.ioIjofe Ircalt^ ts p;eferu£D bp tlje equal! meoUp Q»'beateanDc3toc :) D2pr& ano mor(lurc ; fnlncffe anD empttmffe, 02 trjicLeuiffc ano trjuv ms:nnttjerrcttsti)!s temperature tngrcuno foj Onus foiuftip to be eueneo, but tfet tfjere is requtreoa mo?e enctimng to tfce one part , aatjwt trjeearff) bemene fjet ttjen coiDe, mo:e &2pe tben mortt, mo:e fufetill tljcn grefff, fpectallp if ttje Hate of tie ^eauens agra::againe 3 Ujt;at quarter ttjereeftlje OmepatD ou&t)t NVr . t to Ipr, ft is an olDc eonttoucrfic, feme like belt trje riling of trje quarts of &umie 3 feme t[)cCafu: 5 fome tlje£c2tfc: Virgin ratamet&tije thehcauaj taett.Gtrjersagarne ttjinketljs bill iping to beupon tljeJS>oHt$N mftfcV J3ut m ? enccaI1 ft IS rfjougljt bett tn colDe Countries, to rjaue tt "T^ a " IpctcUjatDtrje&outkin luarme Countries bpon trje eaft,m^ot burning C:untrtes,as £gypr? Barbari^tpon tlje jS02ttj. PJinie tooulo Ijaue trje Ume t)imfelfe ttano totoarts tlje /?02ttj,anD l)ts ft*mg, o? Qjotes tefoarDs trjc feoattj. # fit groimD 5 anc foell Ip« tng ; beingfounD outynuttfce biligcntlp Diggers cnngeD,anD fc>6* «»cD:all fen pjc Stable tnocDs mutt be puUeD fcp 5 sno trj2Qtoen ai»ap 3 iett tbep GjculD fp:mg agame,an& eittjer corrupt t^e pong plants, D2ljrnDrr the laborer. Thr a. i3efo:e psu come to frrncrjmg , $ toerulB glaclp irrarein fo^at fat pcu plant pcur cJine ; ano tofct fcufon is tttitt m tt. M a s 1 v s. 3 liftil grtf fpcafee of trje ffafon.ano afrertoatDs The font of tlie planting. &fp Umc is pianteo acto:mng to Virgils rule, fcvpbqr in f^gg cf n?e lraa , ^ tuf bctuc ra t ^£,p 2;n?i j f t ^ c uieatljec Y»c° tc ^rm"y c: cotoe, c: the groui.o be fat, champion, 02 a tijattiuj. cailep : anD brCe M tlje fall of t'ne tc-afe, tf tlje tocarrjer be D2pe aoB tuarmr 5 ti;e groom Q&tmfr li%% a barren, 02 a ruggeo tjill. St^ctimc cf ptealQ*9,ti tlje ^nng asColi.^clIa toptrj) er^ twettrfotfw CiPfsfrfemtrjeJCfs 0/ Jr-iU2usrp,fcnfilltrje i£qui- iKd'ai.crusin trjefull cf tlje icaft\fccmtl}e 3ces of October, to trjc ^alcn^s pfBUtflBfrCTi Ca(Can m Contbnunc,beujg taught bp srpefiencfj of the order of Gardening. 77 *rperfence,fattf),!n foafrie ground* pou would ratfjer plant fit Au- tu: nnc, Ui!;cn the leaned are fame, and ttjc plants aftcc the ami* fagedcliucredof tlje burthen of tydr clutters , found and ftrong, beto:et|)cpben!ppfOiBttitltefcoff0 3 fo? t&citrrjcp beftagree toity t|)e ground , nature applying fjer felfi faiijollp to tbe nouriflnug offfjerajte. Clje time of graffing Columella fattl), is of fomcep fenced font ttjc firftof i^ouember,t»tl>cfirft of 3unr,ttlltol)ic& Graffin S time tye mote 0: graffe may be p;efcrued : but it is not Uicil liked ©1 Vines. of tym, to(jo rather luoulD (iaiie it to be Done in tcanttcrUjcatber, iuljen tfjc CGlinteris paft, toljcit batjj bud and rindeis naturally moucd, and it Cafe from cold, t(?at migljt anno? either tlje^affr, 0? fI)c&foeke: pet fje granted (tot)en baft required) it map be done in tbe fall of ffje leafr , tor)en af tlje temperature of tfjc apje, is not mutt) Unlike to the fining : foi Uittftrj pnrpofe , pou mud eljfljfc a toacme dap, andtto minor tttrting. SCfje CDjaffe mutt be round and found, not full of pith, but of buas, ana tyicke ofiopnts, what tfje SCcnant tober eof mutt not erteede^eeinclicB^ndfmajtMnd Graff* euen cutte : t&e ttockeana tfjeclcft mutt betaell clofed foitftclap J? b ^ho- and moffe. Cbofe tyat gcovw totuara tlje £>3ut|j ; mutt be marked, eUa toljicj) virgin obfcruing,faitb : But on the barkc, they alfonote the quarter ofthc skie, The order how it ftoud,and grcvr,and where the South did lie, jSCfjc UTue is to be done toitfj all ottjer Creed. M planting o* times, t^erc isttootoapea, ftjeoncof t&e ftmte,tj)e ot&er of tfje b^anclj, 0? fp?ap : SDftettajtets cmntt&asuat acale better tfjen tbeteanrlj 0: fer,bp reafon of tbeforttiaroneffc, and fcantage tbat it fjaty, intliat it jtatrj alreadte taken rate. SC&e Kate is fet in ffrffc ground, toell digged and laboured, in a teem!) of fy: eefafei tfje fet 0? fpjap, in a gentle and mclloUigrouna : in o?ie grouna,it is neither godto fet tbc ttote, noz tfje SSjamt) in a djp feafon : it fsbett to plant in tfje fall ofttjc leafe in a !)ot feafon,and in a colde and moptt,fn tfjc S»p?i-.ig: in mucb tort pou muft ftt ttjem tbirtner, fn great ajict?) thicker : m tuljat fo?t pou flNl make a ff o?e harden fo? dines PallaJius teachetij pcil SClje fet rcquiretb a time to r©te ; ano being remouco toil! beare ttje better fruit, £&eroetrs doe bearefrutf trjefefonoreerf^? fooncr: tyc ^its^o; li5;ant^s, tofeiia tlje tjjird o^fourtl) peeve, Jfwigtjm feme places fo oner, Ltidymus The fecond Booke, entreating Didymusfn Conftantinc teaebcty an cafie anfca reaMcfoap of planting ttjc tZlnfcBfct, luljtch is, to take of a ftrong ano ten pare THtne, tyt longed ano faireff bzanclj, that geefcuett) lotoeff, a forte from rtje grouno , and laying it tong in a Crenel) of a tote c eptfj, toconer it Initt) eartt) ttjc fpaee of fonre topnts, fo ttiat rcmaine in the fop, erc&oe not tiuo 02 tbux topnts ; ano if rt?c b;anc'u be Co long, as it torn" feme fo2 ttoo burnings , von map malic thereof rtu o reotefi. f^eu mud not fuffer tluo rartes to runne bp bpon one flap, but allouicuerp rote fjisfuppoitcr. C|jei5:aiul;es,o:©et that poumeane to plant, pou muff cut from a tier p fruitful! and fi'outiu)ing ame, that ijatlj borne ripe ano perfect gao fruit, full offopnts, ano not anp toaprs fain teo , but totjole anD fcunD. £t fuctj pou muff cljofc vour &efs,ano not of poung tames, t|jat are tocabc ano feeble, but fuel) as are in tticir ctjtefe If ate. ^cjeourr, you muff gather pour &ef, not of tljet)tgi)ru\ noitrjc lotoeff, but from the miooeff of tb c X&int : the feet muff be r ouno, fmcotb,full o? knots ano iopnts, ano manp little burgeons. 3ffa>nc as pou tjauc cut it cff,1cofce ttjat pou fct it : fo; better ootlj it agree Unttj t&c greuno,ano famer groin, gf pou are o:tucn to feecpe tfccm, buric tliem in t\)t grouno citljer Icofe, o: lofelp bouno : ano if the time be long tyatpou in cane to brepc tljem , pou muff lap them in eraptte barrels , ffratoingcartl; fcnoer f|em, anDbpon t^cm, rfcat tbe rartrj map lie rouno about fycm : ano tfjc barrell pou rnuffffopelofclptoitti clap? ttjat there enter neither Uunoeno: aire, fo ft)all pou p:cferuc tfjem ttoo monctfjs tn their gffioneffc. £>uctj as are oner o:ie 3 pou muff lap them in wafer foure ano t torn tie Ijoures afo;c pou fet tljcm , ano pou muff fet ttoo &tt& together , tfjat t&ougf) ttjc one faile , the other map take : ano if tljep boty groto,pou map f afee bp ttje letter of tljrm : pou muff not mafeea meolepof funo?p foifs , fpeciallp tolnfe ano b\a±t toge* ffjer : but as Columella fatty, muff fc:t them feuecaltp. i^ou muff uetoare tfjat tlje f&cts Iwue not put out ttjet'r fp?mgs , ano fljaf pou fet not a toitljereo S>et. Conftantine tooulo ijauetbc&cf fomerbing erofeeo , affirming tfjat it toill tfjc foner fafee rcotc* f?ou muff lap about them tb:« o: foure Hones, an 3 $cn ratfe tbe earttr , tbat it map cquallp hurl) fl)c Dung be troDen ootonc ; fo: t\}t ftones beepettj tSjc eartfc firme,anO as J faio befo:c, cartel l&e&artt, ipotfi ttjeenos of tije £et pou muffannoint tottb Ore imnsi of the ordering of Orchard s. 78 tang, fo: tbefctiling of t\)c momies: as foz tbe latg$,ff 'ft be full of t»?flt0 . it map be tt>e goiter, if it l;aue fcUi iopnf s, pou mutt make it trje longer,! pet not crcccDmg a tot fn Icngtb^noz a u>ff man in fljaztneffe, tljeonc foz being burnt foitrj oucr bzpneffe in feommcr : tye otlier, f call being fet to crepe, it be Until great jjaraneffe taken tip, but tins is foz tf>e leuell grounD : foz bpon !)ite,fol)ctett)C eartb ftillfallcty, pou map liauctl; cm a f©tan& a fcano bzeott) in lengtb. Florentine tooulo not baue tfye trencfj leffe t&cn fourefeofe in Depijj : foz being fet ujalloto, tfjev. fonec Dceap,botb fo: tfje want of futtenanee , ano great b cat of ttje j&unnc , tobJtl; is tbougftfto pierce fouce footc into fbegcouno: Thc tl)Oug!*fomc trjerc bee tljat tjjtnbc t(j:ee forte fuffictcnr fa* tlje length of plant* SDtje SDrcncrjes foz same* , virgill tuoulo not b,aue berp *« fcts r beep* : but Ottper a great Deale foz SErecs. &>ud; tlincs as pou tneanefyall runne bpon frees, pou mutt plant tfjzce cubits Dfftant from tlje SCr« : aftertoarcs, tul;en tbep be tuell gromen,ano neeb to bee fopneo Until tl;e SCrae (torjicb pou fliall pcrcciue bp Ijis tbiclicncs) pou fl) all lap it ooluuc in lengrb, 1 burie it,fill it come luitrjin a tot of tbc 2Dra., tottering tlje remain c fo goe at libera tie ) nipping off all tf>c bubs toitlj pour naile,ercept one oz ttoo, tljat it map tl?ebetter pzofper, fobici) toljen it is grotuen bp,pou mutt iapscbp little ano little to tlje Crce, ttjatit map reft tpon it: toJnch. part ofttjc fiCrec mutt be Diligent Ip pzopneS , ano tlje fpzings artD faences ti^at gro& out of tlje rote, mutt accozDing to Florcntmus, be cat clcaneatuap. Cbe trees, a&mucb as map be, mufl be fozceD to trje CBafl; aitb tffiift-, anD botfc ttyiXm anD tbs Gline , mu& l;auc (!je earti; taell Digged , ano oungcD absut tjjetn. 3n ricfj. ground , pou may. fatter tic SCrees to groliie fn Ijefgfjf , but in barren grouno rjjepmuft bee pulleo at fea« mn cz epgbt fort, leatt ail the fubftancc of tlje CDartlj bcfoaSeb bp of tlje SCrce. 0ftce. pour planting, p,ou mutt Digge tlje grouno The or j«- euerp ^onetl> , anD toceos if > fpceial'p from t5?e fictt of iarcrj, ^ n ^ of f . till tljem-tf of £Deto&er : eucrptijirtiet!) Dap pou mutttigge^^cir about tbe poung plants, ano plucke t>p tbeteeescs, n;etiallp planting tbe graffe, tofrcl) erccpt it be tlcane plucbt bn ana call alnap, t^ougl) it be ncuer fo lueli couereD , tetll (t>ii*nxwmz, ano fo of fig* burne tl;c plants, as tfjcp tnili maljc tl)em b-arb fbule axtoMfyt* f^ ind ' teo; tlje oftnec pcuoigge tljem,t!ivmo;e0a;oycuooc t^m.^y^ The fecond Booke, entreating of dig- fltt&tn tfje <&5zapc beginncs to alter, pou mull in bauu foitt) pone ging and tbico Digging, a.\D toben it ts rtpe , before none u>btn u Uma$ dunging bot, ano after nam e tobfwtbebejtcoetreafetb ?ou mtift&tggg of vwe$. rtjai|D Mtfe ty g jnft^^tt) DoirajDefenDctb tbe ©jape b£tt) from rtjc feunne ano tbe spiff e. aceuDing to Vtr^ii* minoe,tbt awe mult be DiggcD arts lu&ceo tmxy ^oncttj : feme tosoU baue tbem Diggio all tbe Summer long, after enrrp Deato : ottjecoa. game luul not b-iue ttjem DtggcD as longastbcpbuo o; bcrgen, fo: batting ttje fp:ings, fapmg, tbat it is enough tocigge ttjem ttj:ife m tbe peere, from rtjc entrmg of ttje aunne into Aries, till tbe nung of trje feaum s tacr c« ano rtjc Dogge. some againe Inonlo banc it cone from tbe Mintage before catnter, ar.orVom the Iocs of flptH befo:c it tafee, anD ttjenagame bctois it florae, and Iteetoife befcie tbe burning tjouccs of tbe cap. 3n fome pla* ces toben tfjcp baue DiggcB tbem, the? Doe not llraigbt-toairs co* uer tb em, but fuffer tb e treneb cs to Ipe open all tb e flOtinrec : in met anD rapine places tbcp court tbem famer,cloOng \% tbe r ©ts toitb eartb, and Sopping ail tbc paffages of tfce mater. 3>om« What ma{Je *& c trenches beep oeepe,ano fome not pairing a fete ooe r r e : dung is ano im)en tbep bane cone, tbcp couer tbun aloftU>irtj£>re-cung, bed for ^hcepes dung, o: isoggrs Dung, o: of ottjer Cattell : ptogious Vinei. dtm g ^ t jj e botteft^ano fucb af caufetb tbe Qttne fafictt to gcolu, where W mafcetb trjc toaufcr SClme. SCbs dung muff not be lapo eloXe the dung torbe.Oine, buta little orttant from if, mberebp ttje rentes tbat jnua be fpjeafr abaoaD, map baue fome belpe of it^ and ttje bung tnuft not M c ' toucb rbe t(Dtcs,foz breaking of tbrmrif tijere be no Dung at banD, tyz Salbes of SDeanes and otber^ulfe, mill mdl feme rbe turne, loljieb botb DefenDctb tbe dine from froff ano colD, ano fecrpes tbem IifedDife from nopfome mo?mns : tbe kernels, ano tbe Haines of tbe <3:aprs, Doe Iraetatfe fupplie tbe toant of Dung-, but piffe. the tbe beft of all, is olD Sale Wiint. SCbe.plants or a peere, 02 ttoo feeft dung. pcereolD,anofo fcD2tr> 3 fill Sue recces, mull be fcifcteetlp Digged, ano Dungca, acco2Ding to ttjetr ftatc : itt (m:$ grounb, tfycbtft Dung ts of &becpe ano Coates : anb in fu. b fort r ou mud oigge The order tbe grounD, tbat tbe eartlj tbat Ipetb bigt)-lr, be raft to tl)e bot* of diggmg f om e, anD tbat tobirb foas at tbe bottome, be lapD aloft : fo u)ail XevouTid ^ at f ^ at to *5^r?j °V ttje mopfturc m\)in, be ^Ipcb, anD tbat g ^iei; mas mopflt ano lliffebpttic ideate abjoue, betojfeneD. i^on muu; of the ordering of Orchards. 7^ mtiffaifcteflptrfjecebeiio Volcano? fits in tbeHfnepari^but tfyat it lit tuen. flClbcn pou Ijaue tl;us oiggcQ it, ano tbat tljc 5atncs (jaue tsaen note tfic ftrft pare, tyc rentes tbat groto about muft be cut atojp Hurt) a fijjtrpc hnifc: fo: tlje QJtne 3 if it be fuffo reo to rente euerpteap, it bmoerctb tbe eeepc botone groteing of tijeraite. SC^e Mines tbat are note of tteo pares grotetb, tee muft Di'jgc am tretub about tteo footc DecpcauD tbzeefoote bioaD,acco:Ding to tbe rule of Socior>.&>£ ttjofe Klines tbatclimbe topon Ccecs, pou muff lifccteife cut off tijc fpjmgs tbat runnea* mong tfjc rootes of tbe Cree, leff tlje fmall rente tangling teitb tbegreater,beffrangleD:ano tberefozcpou muff leaue fome little fpacc bettetrt tfje mine anbttje Cree. £>ften Digging caufctb great truitfuintfc : gooo been muff be tata, ttjat tlje plants be n3tl)urtin tbe Digging : aifo it muff be DiggeD before bis ftoitrt' unug , 0: footing out of tjis Icaucs: fo: as immeDiatelp ttjerc* toitljill be beginnetb to tbznft out \)is ix\xit i fo bee tijat Diggctlj after tbe comming fooztb tbcreof,lcofctb muclj fruit foit&tbc bio* lent fyafctng , ano tberefoze muff oigge tbe timelier. Cutting ano ozeffmg of tbe rootes , pou muff begin in bano teitb at tfie 3IDC0 of October : fo trjat tbepmap be trimmeo ano DifpatcbcD afoze Mnter. after Wtintet aigge about t\)z rootes tbat pou Dreffing [jaue Dzeffeo: ano befo:e tbe &unue enter tbe <£cju(no&ium ) ofVinc«. leuell tf;e rootes tbat pou baue trimmeo. After tbe goes of flpzitf, raifetop tbe cartb about pour mine : in Summer let tfje grouno be oftentimes barrotecD. after tbe 3ocs of £)ctober(as Jbaue faioj before tbe coloe come in, pou muff DzciTe tbe rootes of pour taints, lotjiclj labour lapetbopen tbe Summer fpzings, tebicb tbe gooo bufoanDman cuttetb ateap teitb tys Rntfe : fo: if pou fuffer tbem to groto,tbe rtotee tbat grote ootonc teill perm*}, ant) itbappenctb tbat t))e rootes fpzcasall ab3uc,tebifb toili be fftbiett botbto colo ano beat : mx tbercfa?e tebatfoeutr is tuitbui afoot ano a b^lfe, is to be ait o/f, but fo r as pou ^urt not tt;e pm> ripa!!, t^ou muff. matte tbis riooancc of tbe rootes at euerp fall of tbe leafc,fo: tljefirft ffuepcercs, tiilfbe Slime be full grctecn: after, pou muftozrffetlKmcucrpfourtbpceie : futb Slices as aret'opneo teitb S^irsJoztbetniljansfomnciTe, cannot be fyus banDleo. Clines ano Screes , tbe fooner t|eie fcoofc* bee tfw DacffeD , tyz ffronger an;s teeigbtirrtijep )x>id bte ; but fucb as groin ThefecondBooke, entreating gioto tjpon t\)c Goes of bils,muft To be mc£rcD,a0 tlje bppet rafrs ncare to tt»c ffocHc map fpjcao largclp, ano fotiDerneat^ tctoar&s tjjc focte of t^chiil ttjc tatty muff be banfceo to fteepe ttjetoatrr anO ttie moulo the better. El; c olo CJtne mud not bane bis roots tneDlcD hntyall fo? foittjering, no? be piotoeo , fo? b?cauing of tljcnijbut tl;e earfb a little loofeD twtttj a 2pattccbe,ano lofjen pou banc tfjus b?eff tl;e roote, lap Sung about it. after tfjis nosing of tbe rooted, tben folloteetb p?opning 5 o? cutting, to terror tbe fobole nine id b?ougbt to one ttoigge > ano tbat alfo cut imtbui two iopnts of tbe eartt) : tu&tcl) cutting muff not be in tye iopnf, but bettotrt tlje iopnto 3 toitb a fiope cut fo: auoioing tfce toater : neither muff ttyc cut bee on tljat floe tbat tbe buODe comes out of} but on tbe eontrarie, leff tottb bis bleeoing bee hill tlje buOOe. Columella appoint etb ttoo feafons fo? tbe cutting of tHincs, tlje fp?ing, ano trjc fall of fbc leafe, iuoging in colbe Countries tbe cutting in tlje £>p?ing to be beff, and in bo t Countries tobere tbe Winters be mfloe,fbe fall of tlje leafe: at tob'cl) time botb 2Cras ano plan ts,bp tlje ocumeano euerlaffing appointment of Ctofc, peelo top tljeir fruit anb tljeir leafe. f*et muff not pour fete be to ttearelp cut, ercept tbep be berp feeble: but tlje firff pare tbep be fef tbep muff be bolpentoittj often btgging,ano pulling off tlje leaues monetfjlp,folnle tfjep bearc,ttjat tljep map grow tbe better. Phamphikism ConftantincjOeclaretb t|e timt of cutting,o?p?op> mng,to begin in JFcb?uarp, o?^arctj,fcom tbe fiffeeHtfj of ife/ b?uarp tilltfje ttoentiettj of spareb; fomc djefertfO t&ougbt got to cut Hjem fmmeotatelp after rtje gatl;ering of tbe C*rapes,lrff bp bleeDing in tbe fp?fng tbep loofe tbeir fuftenance : tbougb be* ing cutinfbe fall of tbe leafejtf p?tngctb tbe fooner in tbe fusing, ano if tbe coloe of froff l;appen to come, it is fpopleo. 2Dbercfo?e in coloe Countries, it toere better fo pjopnc it a little, tben to cut it tb?ougblp, tbat is, to (offer tbe p?fneipall fp?ings ano b?amtje* to groto. againe, it is berp neceffarp to cut tljcm in rtje £>p?ing: tbe cuts muff be maoetoitb a beep fbarpe Knife : tbat tbep map be fmootlj, anb tbat tyt teat cr map not ffana in tb cm, to tlje engenv tying of too?mrs, ana corrupting of tbe Sfflne: pea muuHuf tycm rouno.fo toill tbe cut be fooner grotoen out againe : but Plinie 1»ouID Ijaue tljem flope toife, fo? tyt better auopbing of tbe toa* trr* 2C$e bjanc^es tijat be b?eai> olo, croofceb, n fotf t&rn, cut atoapj of thcordering of Orchards. 80 atoap, ano fet pong ano better in tfjcir place. &ou muff mane an eno of pour cutting Unt"n as mucij fpeeBe as pou map : from tljc Joes of December , till tbe 3locs of 3lanuarp, pou muff not tautl) pour mints Uiitl) a ttmfe : fo; Columella tettneffctb , tfjat Clinrs in tmnterma?notbecut. 3n cutting, remember tocll to tut it bcttoirt tfoo fopnts, fojif pou cut it in ttje iotmt, pou fpCil if: let tbe cut bealfoaleSootonetearo/o fljaliit be fife botljfrom &unnc anD toeatljer. f^on muff not cut tfrcm tperp earelp , but tuljen tbe &\m batb Omnhe bp fyt froff , 0; tye ocato, $ foarmeo tbe bjancb: tfje fp?ings oftlje fets tbe firff pcere,muft be cutfoitb goob Oifcretion,no? fuffereb to groto too ranfceno; cut too neare, but making tbe oloe fet to fuffer a fpjing o? ttao to grofcj out. jjiert bnto cutting, follotoctb tfje propping, 0; fuppozting of tt>c p mint: aw it is beft fcu tfje pong ano tenner mute not to be ftapeo r ™w-> n z tjp fottb anp fftong (tap, but \nity fome fmall tying at tbe fieff , ° ana Utfjilc it is pong,tt muff be oaintelp tpeD to t&c ffap Uuf b fmal tfoigs of SaiUotojCBlmcB^me^uu)^, 0? &>tcalu: ttys latter binoing,is tbougbt to be beft, foj tbe ttoigs toben tbe? toare o?ie Doe pierce ana bmttberinBc. STljctc is an ^carbe^iebbecaufe of bis aptnes fo? tping of Glmes,tbcSicillians call a^-a*? vMtpfyi fit|e beft ftapesfo? Wms, as Piinic fatt^arc ma&eof Milloln, £>fce,tf eea, Juniper, Cppjeffe anocDloer. 0no in another place, l)ee pjeferrctb tljc Cfjeffnut fo: tbia purpofe, abcue all fye reft. Kftt beff fo? tbe Wine, is rbc ita&e, torjict) foell cn&ucctb mie peercs. Vetoing of tbe kaues, f rutting tbc&tnc,isalittoft in one manner : tl;e gelotng of tbe ieaucs, c; bjanw&es, muff be Done Gelding tUnfc a pere,to trje eno tW tbe fupcrtlucus fpjings 1 Ieaucs map or P K,ck ' be pluckca off.&bc ficft(as Pliny fo:itetb)muff be cons tuitbm ten \ ng oft of baits after tfje 30rs of 2p«p ? bef0?e rfje Eiinc becrtn to fletoe: fo? ' about tlje tcntb of Blun^bol^tbcSlmc jtbcMJijcat^etteonc* ble fruits,tio fioU)?e. 0f rbs fcccjiD timctbe opinions arc funt>?rv fca femefuppofeit btQto plucUe off tbe Ieaucs t bjambes as folic as it batl) left floUuing ictbeis.&ben tyc fcuit is full rtpe.&bc f u * perfiuous fpjings being pong f tcnDcr,arcto be tafernnfoap,tbat tbe tmne map be mo?e at iibtttie, anD t^ougb bloUien U)itl; tl;e luinOc.S^is geloing,ouutting alnap tbcfuperrlucusb?ambrsf Itautsis asnccDful as tbe propping :fo:botb tyc fruit Dolb p?ofpet rjie better,! tlje p?opf inj tlje uert peere U?ill be tijeimncfQmmcr, ana The fccond Booke, entreating anD ttje m\t toill be tye leffefull ofgaUes : fo? t^attu!j! frno ttjem from tije tjcaf e of tl;e &tmne: cut &to3? meft from t$ie poung dine, fo? oucr-burDenmg rjim. after t\)c Jjeate of ttje £unne beginneti) to faDe, atoap tutttj t&e lrattes 3 fo? ^tno?tng tfje C5;apcs oftrjeir riping : anD tootle ttje Cviape is a tlotD?mg,buu"e pour felfe Unrfj Digging aboot it s>uc£ cUnes,as iuittr ttnriutes oftljen: leaues co?ruptet& tyeir fruit, are to be n'D oftyeir fuper* fluous b?anctjes anD leaues a sponetfj before ttje gathering of vour <£?apcs,t£at tj>e fcotnoe map bloto the better t!>:otig& t£rm: kittle leaues ttjat grefo aloft int^e toerpfop, mcllnot be mco* leu toitfc, but left as a DefeiKe 3 »iD tyaDoto agamff tfje tjeatof ffjc £>unnc : but if fo be,tfjc enD of Summer be giuen tomuef) rsine, anD tfiat ttje €5?apcs ftoell in greameffe, tljen fjarolp plutke off ttje leaues from tr}c top alfo. Thra, ^ou fjaue tolD tos of a great Deale of labour about taincs* Makiv s.tEfje Sitne keeper muff often go abauf £ts &inz* } anD fct top fcts p?ops 3 anD make cuen fjis poakes. Thu, j©ne ttjing $ p?ap pou 3 let me £eare mo?e, fye ffgnes anD tokens of ttje ripeneffe : fo? as 3 tmDcrtfanD 5 U>e map not be to bufie tn gathering t&em to fone 3 no? tofe anp Imgrrng after tljep be ripe, toit&out great J>arme. M a r. 1 v 5. ^ou Cap true : fo? being gafljerfD befo?e tfjef be ripe, t&ep Unll make but fmall ESJine, anD not Durable. 3nD a* gaine, ifpou fuffee ttjem to long, pou u)all not onelp fjurt rlje Taint Untlj tlie oner-long bearing of tier bnrDen, but affo if tjarlc 01 froft tjappen fo come, vou put pour tEline in great Danger Dcm«cntus iu?itetrj, tljat ttje d?:ape cnDurett) in \)it ripeneffe not abouc fire Dapes,anD trjerfcue rt)e iuDgemenf of ^tsrrpeneffc, is not alonelp to be giacntopontljefigtjf, but toponlnstaffe, ttioug^ Columella trinket!} tljercian be no certametuDgemcnr gium of the ordering of Orchards. 8 1 gfuen of tlje faff c. 223ut if tfje ffones Doe eljange tf/cfr colour, ant) be no longer grant, but be almoffblacfee,it is a lignc t\)t <25;ape is ripe.fecmc againe Do p?eu~e tlje ©;ape bitMxt t\)tit fingers, ? ff ttjcp fee tlje ftone to flip out fmrof lj 3 foitljouf anp tying c Icaiiing to ft, ffjep tljmfce t^em meet e to be gatljercD ; but if fljcr come out foittj foine part oftlje 0?apc clcauingf o f fremiti; ry cemft tljem nst to beripe,2Dtljers photic tljem in tljis fojt : £>ut of a beep ffjirite clutter ftjep tafte a €>?apc, ano as tyepbcfjolD tlje clutter teeil, iufjerein fljei? fee uo change, tljep fahe if fo? a toben of ripeneiTe. pon muff gather pour Crapes, tlje sprone being in Cancer, Leo, Libra.Scorpiiis.Capricorn^o? Aquari, anD bllDcrucatlj tl)t cartij. ThraJs ttjcre no map to mafcc tlje dD?apc ripeftieeDite i M a r. 1 v s. PJinic feacljctlj, torubbe ouertlje Kotes tuitfi tart Elinegar, ano bcrp olo Wtmc, ano f [jus to be often Ciggeo, anD couercD. Thu, mw ejDcr fjaue vou fo? p?efccufng of pour <0?apes ioljen tljcT? be gatfjcreD * Mar. i v s. &omc feeepetlj em fjangeDbp in tfjsrrofc of eljarn* bcrs, ano fome in eattljen pots, clofe couereotoitlj frroDBen befc fels. Palladius ujcfoetjjatoapljoto to hcepe tfjembpon iljeCfme, till tlje £>p?ing. T h r a. 3 p?ap pou p?oeeeDe toitfj tlje otfjer fruit SCrces of your £>?cljacD. m.uivs. Hmong otfjer fruit trees nert bnto tlje Wine (as The oiiue Columella faitljj tlje ctjicfe place is giuen to ttje^Dtiue,in Eatine Olea. £Df all otljec plants it requiret!j leaff trauaile ano eljar* ges, mjerc as tfje i&lme required* moff : ano ftjougf) it beare not eucru p«re 5 but euerp otljer peere 3 petis Ije to be bo?nc ititttj^ ell j becaufelje aslsetb neither coff no? labour : ano if pou beffofo any bpon Ijlm, Ije recompenfetfj it ttj?ougljlp, fcutlj tlje abunoance of tjio ftutte. 0no fince tfjere is fo great profit ano commoDitic in tins tree, ami ttjat tlje bfes of it are fo manp, ano fo neetefull, it is goD reafon fo be Diligent anD earefull about it : Ije loucty a grounD neither fro fjtgfj^fro lom,buf ratfjrrtlje fiDe of a l;fll, fticf) as is tlje moff part of italic ano fepaine: fo? in fuctj grouno tlje erfreamc Ijcatc of tlje &unne, is fomeffjtng mollifico totflj t\)t colD btaffs of tlje tuinDe : fo? in £Dliue trees (as Pimie faitlj) tifc toyl$ ano tlje clime is of great importance; it Deligljtetjj H in The fecond Booke, entreating in a iBarmr, ano a D?ie aviCj anD tjjcrrfoje in Barbary .siril, Anda- luib, funa?p pacts of gtaiie, fpeuall? Campanu, it pjcfpcretfj Uicnocrfulty : ttiihetljnot to great Scat, nojtconurci) tile. 3m tbczrfozcintiot £ountrtcs,ttiosnctfj upon ti)e iSojtlj fioccf tl)c tylks., anD in colo,upon Ujs &outt> Soc. 3t istrjougtjt, tjjaf tftt fJano nbo«ctl);efcc:cmilcsfrcmtbc feca, trjattt evt&cr Drcrr;, 02 p^ouetb not frtiitfullX&c bcU gecmrt is tyc gratieilp grouno, I^auuig aloft a Uttle ctjalitc rninglco U?:trj feno : it ts aifo gcoo grouna iufjere t|)c fans 02 graucil is meoleDimtrjEicbineulD: pea, tlje HuTc ground if it bcricrjanD I:neIp,cottj fcerpteell agree iuitrj tins f cee.£!;3Uuc grotmD ts fctf erir to be rcfofc3,anD &afrp ana mariQj grouno tnsoiH of ail, Sijc liixr ts a barratnc fanD,ano Ijimgtrfano : but pon mapfct it toell in Co;m grouts, &fjrre tftyct tlje SSilotng 02 ipau^clmcljiirjgrQUinc ; bstbctliurt ttjs &afce atto it fytxc is" great ^atrcrs,fj; tf tf)e Oakegrelrjct£ narc, itfipctrjafoaPjano Hj::ntJetl;tct;arDstt!ecait^ : anDt&ougrj pen mt Detune tlje £>ahe, ret ttjc faeri? rentes porfemcti) ano utilctr; rt>$ paj:e tiDuae. Sijc Ifcc feme affirme of tlje ibices call eDCcrrus, ano Efcuius : fgj inberetfjepbe pd:CDfep 3 tf ton fettle Qliuc, bs eictf) : fo Dot?; it (as Plinie faitfj) if it efcaunce to be b;uifeo of tlje <25oatc. £Dn ttjeefber fior^erUurttfK&iuie anfct&cainefiure is great frtcncQip anD lone : ano it is faiD, t^attf psu greffe tfje £D!itie bpen ftje fltanajf luiii bearc a fruit ti;.it n>ilbe fraife O'japc, anD fjalfe GUne, callcD Vuolea , an Olius-Grapc. £fcre a:e funD2p toarss of planting of Oliues : feme fake ilje btggcft b;?,nt cijes from tt)G SUrccs. ano gaining ei? tbc peunjcic plants of t^j.3 cubits in iengts/rfjep fct tbcm c^erip in tlje grennb : fomc tet te tt): turjolc SErer together : fame agauie cutting c;T trje taf s, ano oil ti;cb2anel)cs, fet trjcffocUe- about tfcertfcng cfrrjcBtarre Actuals, ^anpmofec t!)e:n gmpc CarOrnsin gceo grouno anD tnellolu, fudj asts common!?^ biachc mcu^Dc : f>ercintl;ep feft^eponng b2an£^sit)f loUveff, ani t!>e fcpiett, tUjooit^s intbesm tl)tc{'.«tirr 5 ans l n erp fertiii, 'm\)Li) ii;e^ gather net from Hjebcopof t!)c ^rce, but kom VQcntteift anD latett boug!;e0. SEfjcfc ilicvtut intopicttv &tttts of a fate ano a rjaifc in lengf&j tafautg gcob bteDe that f^ep l)urt not tlje riaoe, ano paring t^c rncsocrpfmcstbeUuti) a t^arpc linife, s\\t> marking tbcmkntfi reooe £)Urr, t^at tljev maptuiolw U^icf) Ujap t^c^tfogafo;?, ano of the ordering of Orchards. 8 i anofo fetftng ffje lotoctt part into tljc 0rouno,an5t^c^.!)£(f to* inaros tlje &cauen 3 tljcp put ttjcm hi tlje grouiiD 3 ano fo lijep groin tije falter) $ brace ti)z better : fo: if pou. fijoulD fet tljeni toug tlje lotner ena opfoaro, tfcep teoulo ept(jer£arDlp gtctu , 02 pzawe unfruitful!: an) tljerefojetljep fcaue aiTgai'O of ttjc fitting of tljem, l^ou mult befioe, before pou fet tfjsmj rubbe otur Jjotij e^c foppe ano tlje fsjtc U»it^ ooung mfngieD toitfj jftfifjes, anofo fet frjem Dccpc m trjc ground couering tljem Grace fingers r^u~Ue ^ciitl^ rottenmoulD. f^ou mapcljofe tu|?et!jrr pou iutUfcttc tlj;m all unocr tljcgrounOjO? fet feme part Uuttjin tlje grcuno,anDfuf* fee tlje reft to appear* aboue tlje grouno : t&ofetljat be fcffcall Uu'tWn tlje groun!J 3 nococ not to be marfeeD,but (nth as ffjaii fi"»nO toitlj one part aboue tl;e grounO«Dydimus inoulo Ijaue tljem fo fet as tlje v map appeare four e fingers aboue tijc grottno, ano tljen to snake a Uttlc trenctj fo: trjc recetumg of tlje loafer : ano tin's man* ncr of planting fotttj tlje boughs, is of Dydimus bell ftbcc.seifjcrc pou mean to plant,pou mutt purge tlje grouno of all otljer plants, bufijes ano tneeces : and tlje trenches mult fo be maoe, as toitjj fljctuinDe,t|)cfHnne ano raine, it map be mellotoeD t inaoecrom* bling, fljat tlje plants ma? trjc fconcc take rate, 3|f pout buftneffe require l>ifte 3 pou mult a monett) 02 taio before, burne in tlje trcnrljes ctrljer (ticks 0.2 reeOe 3 02 fuel) things as fcif 11 eaulte tahe fire : anb tljls pou muff Do c-tuers oaics together, peur trnuljes mult be ttjice cubifs,c: thereabout in ocptlj, % 40, cubits afiaiDer, foljcrebp t^e frees map fjaueapje enough tlje fitltfceonD 3 anD tlje tljiro pare, t&e eartl; mult be frimmro tuitlj often rafcing : tlje firtt ttoo pares pou mult not meoole tvtth propping : tfce tljiro peer e,pon mult leaue upon euerp one a couple of Luancrjcs^ often rakepourBJmpe garDemtfje fourtfj peer,pou fijal of tlje tluo bjan* eljes cut atoap tlje toeafccr.being trjus 02D2eD 3 in tlje fift peer ttjep mill be meet to be remcoueD : tlje troche tljat is as big as a mans arm*, is belt to be rcmouco : let it ftano but a little aboue the grouno,fo Qjal ft p2ofpcr tlje better.UScfojepou remouett,njarfee tlje part f bat ffao £>outfj Uritlj a peeceof £Dfccr 3 tljaf pou map fet it in Itbc mancragaine. pou muft firft Dig ttjetrcncvjeorjrcuno mltlj ^)attocfts 3 t after turne in ftone-plotocDearftj 3 * foto ittoiflj Barlep : if tljere be anp foater trancing in tljcm, pou mult let it cnf 3 ano caft in a fete fmall Itoncs, ano fo fcttingpoue ^ettes, 31 2 catt The fccond Bookc, entreating caff in a little Dung. after tljc tcnttj of Banc, torjen ttje grouna gapes Uritlj trjc tjcate of trjc &unnc,pou mutt rake tjaBe tt)at ttje £>unne pf erre not trj:cugrj ttje clefts to ttje rote, i^rcm trjc ru* fring of trjc purine into Libra, pou mail ritDe ttje rotes of all fupecfluous fp:ings : ano if trjc Sree groto fopon ttje eDgeofa fjttl, pou mutt totttj little gutters &:ato atoap t^emuoop toatcr. s:rje Dung mutt be call on at trjc fall of ttje leafe, trjar being mmg* leo m CStntec Itnrrj trjc moulo, it map feape trje rotes of ttje trees toarme.Cljc mother of £plc muft be poUucO fcpon trjc great ones, anD trje mou"e mutt be cut off mitrj an 3ron Jnttruntenr, o* clfc it will peelo pou no fruit. 0lfo after eettaine pares, pen mutt cut ano ieppe pour £>liue trees : font is anolDp:euerbe, SErjat inrjo fo plowctrj rjis Qliuc OarDen.rrauetrj fruit : iorjo oungcttj tr 3 moUutrj fruit : tufjo cutfetrj trjc trees, fo:cctrj frutt.Bfn tlje£)liuc £Irce rou ttjall fometime tjaue one b;ancrj mo:e gallant ftjen rjis f elloiues, torjierj if pou cut not atoap, pou otfeoucage all trjc rctt\ 8$s £1iuctsalfo grarTeO infrje tbtloc- £)liue, fpccialtp bcttrjirt ttje rinDe ano trjcir>o& ; ano bp implattring: others graffeftin ft)* rote, ano torjen it fatty taken, frjep pull tip aparccilcf trjc tote tottrjaU, ano rcmoue it as tycy Coe ottjer plants, £bofe £Mtues ttj3t rjauc trjc tljicfceft barfcs,are graffeo in f rje barfcc.SLtje time of gjdfliig trjem, is from ttje entcing of trjc feunnc into Ancs, ano toitrjfome from trjc rru. of ^ap 3 ftll ttje ftttt ofHune.lEfjettmeof gathering of Qlim^ , is lorjcn ttje greater part of rjalfc trjc fruit feoaretrj biacfe,anD in fairc tuear!)er:trje riper the Qliut is.tyt faU tec toill be trjc £>vlt.$n gatrjering of £1iucs 5 there is moze aw m'ng m making £p!e, f tjen in making Cctinc : ttje Utter £ltues ferue fo? Ople, the greafer fozmcatc. Zlirrc is funo?p fo:fs of £>icma0c of an Oluie : t^e tirftof all is ralu anD pleafantett in tattle firff ffrcamc trjaf comes from trjc p:cile is bett,ana fo in o;Der.EfjetettCrl£ isaboutvenafn in Italics LicmiatnSpainc: trje nert in gG>?!uiJe ; in Prouence^recpt in ttje fruttfull parts of BarbaryXlje ^iiues that pou mapcomc bp iuit() ^-our tjanos,pori muff cpttjer tpon tfjc grsuno, 0,2 foitfj ^aotsrs gntrjer, sno not br*t trjem ooUinc : fo.2 trjofc fyzt are beaten Dotonc ijbttbcr.anD ralD nat fo mini) £v\t as trjc otrjer : ano better is the £Uuc rrjat ts gatfjerea tHif h the bare rjan^trjen totfij gloues: ttjercis an ole iatofo: Qlms,B ruifc not the QJiue, nor bearc bim, Etjofctrjat paffe of the ordering of Orchards. 8 3 paffe ffje react) of tfjc tjariD, mutt be rarfjer beaten oofone foit& Ha-Des tijen j3otolcs: the jDplc is increafeo fromtt)c rittngoi t&e Berward, ta tlje rbi. of the feaUnDS of October : after, tljeftonc atiD t&e meat Doe geoto.2Df £>plc 5 fome pact feruetl) foj meaf,anD otberfojttje fotoplingof tbe boDp : aito tljcrefo?e,as Varro fattlj, it accompanied £ismaiffer,not enelp to ttje 3!5atb,but aifo to rljc fielo, o: totjerefoeuer tje goetlj. St^dBim teijereof poo maae pour £Dpi c,muff be taken from 1 1) c grouno : ano if it be foule,muff be toaftjeD : fo> tjje D?2ing,t&jee oapesis fufficicnt : if it ot frgffp toeatfjer, t&e? muft be puffeD t&e fourth Dap : cueep firff beape mutt be put in eart&en pate, anD £>?let3cu~els, tuyere toitn hare anorougb ffonestljeparegrinDeD.&lje gat&ereo £>liue, if itlpe fa> long in fjeapes,pnfi:lfieti) bp reafon of |ieaf,t maheo tmfauerp gDple. sptlsare mo?c fcanDfomc fo? t&e making of ®ple,tfjen tlje t rouglj ano t&e fort e : fo? t&e ^ils map be IjanoleD tottb great oif* crction : tbe totjole ffoje map be rapfeD 0? let Dofone, accojoing to tbe quantitie of t&e Berci?,leaff tlje Cone tofjicfj toioulo marre tlje tafteof ttje SDpleujoulD be bjoaen. &tje p?eu~c0e|iefelp>anD tie £Dplc fcoufes ougbt to be toarme, fo? tfje fpeeoier running of tit ^Dplc, tufjtcrj tjottt) colo tooulo make tlje longer Hap. 2no fit£ fieat ano luarmth is fo neeafulU sou mutt pjouioe tljat pour tjoufe ivt toloarD tlje sumne, fo (ball pott neeDe neither flame no.: fire, iutneb toitl) fmofce o: fate, map corrupt tljetaff of pour £Me. snfjc latoesantto?Der of gatljermg,anD bettofoing of £Duue, Ijarlj Cato DefcribeD : ttje manner of pjeferuing tyttn is occlarcD bp Columella, inljfctj U» er c fas muty fo: me to (peafee at fin's time* Thu. <25oe on ttjen, anD let Ms beare iwrjat pou can fap of 0pple trees : foujofe tfc fsmoje commonlp imotone nnto Ds, M.uivs, SD&e Apple, called in Hatine Pomum. SCfjere Apple*. are tljat put ttys Difference bettoirt tbc Apple anD tlje #attc, tljat tolntfoeuer fruit is to be eaten fort toitfjeut, anD IjarD imtty in, is an nipple, anD tbe contrarie a $utte. Pomum gcnerallp fpoben, is to be unDcrffcnD of all t&at tlje Crakes compjcfjcnDco in t\)t too:o, onco^, as \5eacljea, ©ninces, anD peares, ioljere^ tnto tlje Hafoper agrcctt) : but in tl;i'3 place 31 fpeahe of Apples, acco:oing to tbr common pb:afe :as fo: Quinces, pomegranates, anD Cucbie glomes, Bl Hnllfpcafec of in tbeir Due places. fiCtjere are fuclj funo;pro^ts of apples,Diffmng botlj in u)ape anD fauour, %l 9* The fecond Booke, entreating asarefeareelp to benumbjed. 3n tyt olde time tyz ebfefeff #p- pics U3CCC Sept ians , fcert' great and round, Martians, Claudians, Marians, and Appians, To calUD of ttjefr firft foundecs : fomt a* game tone ttjeic names of tljctr Countries, as Camerians, ana Grecians: fo ottjersoftrjetr colours, as red.fanguine, filRcn 3 ano golden. CCU bauc at ttjts nap tljar ace etnefe in p:ice t \yt pippen, trjelSomet, tbe pomecopall, tbe {£acfgolo,foitb a gceat number of ottjets that foece tm long to fpenfee of. SZfjerc is but one man* nee of planting ano gcatTing of ttjem all , fauing trjat tl;e peact), ttje ilcmon, tlje ap:lcot, ttje Ouince, ano tye Cpfcon, foijirt) ace all, of Diofcorid«,aecounfeO in ttje numbec of apples, cequic* a Uttle mo:c Diligent care , as thall be faio thereafter, fym tije o* tijecs, fo? fbspaceall bot|> planted and geaffed : ttje manner of angmpe Oacden Catodefccibettj, #pple feces ace fet eittjer in J^ebjparic, oj in tpacrtj: o; if tije Counters be tjot andd2p 3 in i_ sober and j?oucmbcr. 15ut all fcfndcs of apples doe better pzofper by grafting, ano inocnlation, 02 imbudding, as 3 faio be* fojeabout^arcl; o?3p;Ul, c: tuhst time fo euer ttje fap be in ttre r inoe. Ctjep are alfo grafted bp f mplaff ring , about the tetitf) of Hune : though fome (as ttjep Cap; tjaue bad god fucceffe in Doing it after the entrance of tbe jbuime info Aries, as 3 fjaue faio be; fo:e, fobere 31 fpafee of implatrringand €f :afftng, %ty apple is commonlp 0;af?ed fcpen the Crab ffocfcr, o: bpon the I5:amble, being firff planted, and tfce paereafter cot off ioitbin a fate of tbe earttj : bpon ttjts ffoefee pou ma? tv> uiOe tree, p each, plane tree, poplar, SZHilloSe, and peace : but in fuct) difference of Countries, luecan fet ooitme no rer tame o;* der fo; fbem all : and tljetefoje as farre as mine otone rrperienee, and tbefenoiulcdgc tljat BE tjaue learned of others null urefch, 31 toill glaotp ffjeto pou. STrjere ace that according fo tlje olde o:< dec, doe 0?affc ttje apple eitljec bpon a foilde pcrrp, o; bpon a Quince, inrjcreoftlieptjaucamolceccellcntfcuif , called of tlje olde miiter* Melimela. 3f pou Graffe fepon ttje plane t cee, pott l^alltjauea red fem't : pou map alfo teell C:afife pouc apple bp^ on ttje Damfon tree , and if pou <£?afie tpon ttje Cvtvon, pott $ail haue tjjcmbwre 3 as Diophancs fattb , fruit alihott all tt}$ peerg of the ordering of Orchards? 54 pare long. flCfj c apple lonef & a fat, and a gcoD grounb, to el! toa# trcD rather bp nature , fljcn fag fnanarfe. Bin mottntauie \Ioun* tctcB, fljcpmuffaltoapcs befetfotoaro tbc S>outb : ftp^ofperctb foell enough fo It be fometbmg fiolpeti totttj ttjc Bunnc, neither; doc tljcv refafe either rough 0; marrfft) ground* a leane ano a barralne fople b?mgetb out toojme>caten, ana falling fruit: tJjc nopfome fl29fo;mes are ocffropeo toftb J^ogges oung, niingleo toitb mans to:mc , ana poto;cD bpon tl;e rotes. 0nD if tfjc tree Againft ijctocq? fiillof S83o?mes,bcing fcrapeD Douuic toitlj a brafen fcca> urtfu11 pec , tljep neuer come againe , if tfje place fo&cnc* poo fcrapea vvormc$ * il;cm , be rubbcD oner toi'fb 3l5nIlocfes dung : fome aoae bnto to* nne <23oatc$ otmg , ano poto?e topon tijje rmtes ttjelecs of olo* Unite. &be free that to fiefce, 0; p;ofpcr ctb not, to fjolpen being toafrea tottb affe Dnng, ana toater fire ttyes : f&ep mutt be e& ten toatcreD at t&e fetting of tfje &unm, till tb e £>p?ing be come out. Plim'c tojitet^ , ttjat tfje toafer fo&ercin Hupfnes t>att) beene foo poto;co topon ttje tree, Doty tlje fruit gaa. &ljep fop, if tfjc tree be mucb toafreD tottb tojine, tfje fruit toill be reb. £>rtiers a* gainefetbnacr tbcfr 2Cte«s Uofcs,tbinfcmgtfjerebp to bane t&cic Apples ceo. apple Crees (as Bl faio before) mutt be fet cimv fo:t bp tjjnnfclues, as Columella bioDcfb,leair tfccfmall trees begirt of ttjc great , becaufe t&ep be not all of one gr ototlj, 0; ftrcngtlj. 25 efioe, pou nrnti fet t b cm be n? tyut, tbat ffjep map Ijaue rame f Apt out n)eir bjanebes: Jfoji if pou fctt&cmtblcfc,tl)ep toill neuer beare tocl,f therefore pou muff fet tbemfo:tp,o? at tbeicatt ttyxiv fat a funDcr ;2:be apple occlarctb fyt* ripcnes 3 bp t|>e blachnes of $to feernel0.2Ebep are gatbcccD after tbe fourtccnf ij of^epf ember, 0; thereabout, accoutring to tbeir bmoe 3 ano not before tlje fleams befeauenteene Dates olo, in faire toeatfjer,anD in tt>e after none : SEfjofe tyat fall from the tree.mutt be lato bp tbcmf clues : iti» btu fer to pull tbem 7 tljcn to ujabe fycm, Icatt tbep be b?uifea in tbctr falling. C&ep are Kept in faire lefts, baults, 0? colD plaecs 3 totrf) J° | cee P e toin&otocs opening totoarDtbeipojtb, to^icb in faire toeatljcr Applcs * tnuftbe fettoioeopenrf tbcrfojeVarrotooulD baue all apple lofts J^aue t^ctr teuiDotecs ijiotfb , tbat tljep mar recetue tbe 0o;t^ aire: tbe &outb toinos mutt be u>ut ouf.SEbc blaKs of tbe j^o;th toinoe, cotlj maae tftcm tojinfeleD f ruggeD : fytv muft be lato tjjin •Jjpon^tratojC^aflfejO? ^pats.31 Ijao an apple bjougljt me out of IL 4 !gollanD 3 The fecond Bookc, entreating Holland, ttjat enDurco t&eereercs : 3 Ijaue a tree of tfjemfKre in ttjtjs £>:cl)acD of lj!5 colour, calleD a Greening. |9eu mutt lap eutrp fe:t bp rfjemftlues, UltfunD2p fojtsiping together, tljep fewer rotte, &ome t>fe to lap ttjem in £iut icaues , toljicrj botf> giuett) tf}rm g(DD colour,ar,D groo fmcll.Sljcp art alfo kept frcm rotting, iitycy be iapo in 15arlcp 02 tarjeafe. Pa'ladius tooulD rjaue tfjem tcpt in eartljeniJctTeisclofc ftoppeJMn &cffcrns,02 m Caucs : Apulcius mConftannne,taiculDljuUC eucrp 0pple lwap* pcD tn jpnf leaurs, ano To Into tip : a great fo:f of uiaf cs bcfiDc of feeeping t&cm,pou u)all rcaD tn Diucrs autfcours.&ome to auofoe tije rjtuf of tl/e froff, We to coucr t&ttn toittj tuctfc JUnncn clottj, indict) bring frozen, tlje fruit tfjat Ipett) oncer it, is paeferueD. f^our 0pptcg mutt be To lapD bpas tije trainee ttanoDotontoarD t neither muff pon tourt) anp , but fact) as pou nec&e. Apples ace ljurtfuil to bearing cattcil, fo as tije fauour eauret!) tytm to tp?e, as Lucian m fit's affc toitneffct& •. tije lifee to bitten of pearcs; fbe rcmcDp,t&e? fap, is to let ttjem eate fome of tfjs fruit afo2e. Of 0pplcs,tuitjj ccrtaine^ils foz trjc purpofe,tljcpmafcea Djinls called CtDcr, ano a fmall oimfee beftoe toitfj toater, ano f be refute of ttjc Apples ttcatneD, agart Djinfee to cole tjie trjirtt oftrjepoje labourer, a feinoe of p;mg luater, 02 Hapne foatcr, and fo is it faffercD to Umn dole couerco rJjtrtie Dates, anD after taking out foljat dinegcr Th« peaxr; *^ e P n ^ De ' f ^ c P P urM1 againeas muct) mat cc« SL&e Peare, in JLa* tint Pnusjdjallrngerl) tlje nertplaee,f is one of rtjc cfjicfeft beau* ties of tbe O:cb.iro. £ rje apple trecf p?eaoet fj in bjoaD b:a ntrjes : t lie p eate tree rtfetl) in tjeigfit , 1 Dciigtjtefl) in a neb an* a moid grbuno : it Dot!) groto efttje kernel!, ana of trje pippen, but is a great infcile before it ecrae to g©D : ar.D fofcen it is grctone, it Degeneratet!) from tljem f)ts oID gcoo Mature, anD tljeref02e it is better to false the toitDe plants, anD to fet ttjem in tbetr grouno in i^ouember, anDlurjenttieibeUtdtrtDteD, roumap graffe t)pon t^em, 3?tis faiD,ttjat it fo pjofperct^ toity often li& gtng, anc mucfj motiJure, as it neuer imfctl) "nis flcUue, ^ou fljail Doe great gcoD onto it , if euerp otrjcr peere pon bcttotn fome tjung opon it* £>re Dung is t bought to mafee great anD maffie * ^eares j of the ordering of Orchards. 85 P cares : fome put to a little 3 uks to make tljeir faflc tfje plea* fanter. SCtjep are not alonclp planted of tlje rcates, but alio ttje fccrp little tfeHgs,being plucfeeo from tlje rote,UuU groto.Sif pou toill fet soung plants, let tfjem be tyix peer c olo, o; at ti;c Uatt ttuo rare olo before pou fet ttjcm, &>ome againe tabe the fapjeff branches trjcp finoe upon tlje tree, ano fet tfjem as ttjep doe tfjc ^Dlcue. Sttjefime of grafting tlje peare, 10 2j?arcrj ano 0p?ill : Piinie faitrj, pou map tucllgraffe it toljen the blolfome ts on if, toijidj 31 in? felfe fjaue trpeo to be true. gt is grafted open tlje Quince tlje almond tree, tbe pomegranate, tlje apple, ano ffje ^ulberfctree : if pougraffedpon ttje $pulberie>pour peare fljall be red. virgiJI teactjetlj to graffe it tjpon an aflje, torjereas in* 5iXDc it will agree Uutrj an? ffoelr the e place : let pour peare trees ftand t&irtie fore afunder, 0; little leffe : pour apple tree fartijer, as 3 tjaue faid. &ljep are feept pjeferued To keeps fundjp toiies. fome dipping trjeftalbs in bopling^itcrj,doe after/ peares, wards tjang ftjem op, and fo fceepe trjem : others beepe ttymin new bopled i&int, o: elfe in a clofe fceffell ; others in fand,fome in flocUs, and fome againe coucred wtttj w!jeate,o£ cljafte: fome are of opinion, there is no hinde of fruit, but may be pjeferued in £onep;£Df peares Paliadim teacljett>,asof Apples, to mafceborlj djinfeeano faufctfceiupce being p^ctt out witb tlje p?effe:toomen tjaue a pjettp OtflEj made of peares fo; ttjetc religious faffs, called Caftimoniale, $ert in ojoer, after Apples and peares, com* The metl; tlje Quince, W^iclj W30 8rftb?Cato called Cotoneum, ffje Qdnm The fecond Booke, entreating C&cefes call it, Eutoiov, of tfjeCiffeCydon, tromHnjence it teas firft b?ougl)t : t|ie3jtah'ans,Meiccotogrie 3 tbe &paniaros,Men> briilo : tlje j^renctj men, vneoiginer : botlj tt>c stfjeekes and vir- gil 5 call tfecm of t&e colour xe^o^*, (Etoloen Apples, t Stmth/a, fcjljicb tunoc(ti)ougfj ftjep Oiffera little) arc of tfjis fojt s fo? Colu- mella fprafeetl) of t&?ce fojtS Of €5utncC0, Strufbia,Chryfomcla, ano Mutfea., foljict) all feme boffc foj fjealttj ano pleafare, SC&ep arc plantco after tj)e fame manner ffjaf Scares ano Cfjerfes are: fome amrme, f&at t&e fetfes tl;at Ijaue bane fet in 9patt% otfn jfe&uarp, Ijaue taken fuel) rote, as tfjej? fjaue bo?ne fruit tyz pare after. Stye? groto \at\\ in colo ano mo^ff Countries, tti platne $ Ijtllie grounos. Bin fioto^ Countrics,poumutt fetttjem in October, S£an? fet t|cmfcrir[) rljetops ano tjjefcf, but neither of tt) cm botlj is ocrp geoo : ano being fet of fefenee, tljep font De> generate. Ctjcp are better grafTeti in theffocb tljen in tfjc bacfee* ano.tfjat in Jf cbjuarf oj $£aref>. £fje? receiue inf o t&eir ttocfes, tfje (S^ffes (in a manner) of all manner of trees, t&e pomegca* nate,t|je &enmTe,alltf)efe?ts of£ppies,ano m &* tf)c fruit tfc feettetSClje Quince tree muff be fet in tfcat o?oee,tijat in tfje ffjia* fct'ng of tlje foinbc,t&cr 0?op not one fepon the ottjer. Mben it is Eoungojnetolpplanteo, it is fcelpeo toitfy aung, oj better fe>itfr Ht^cs : ftjepmuftbe teatreD as often as t&e feafon is fecepojie, ano ofggeo about continually t in fcot Countries in October, o; ^ouember : in colo Countries, in J*eb?uatte o; $arc& : fo? if pou ooe not often big about fytmjfy? fofll either bebarrafne,o? beare naugftfie fruit : tyepmutt be p?opneo, cut, anoriooeofall rneombjaunccs. 3f tlje tree be ficfee, o: p:ofpcr not toell,tnercDfe mutt be toatreo iottb tlje moffcr of Qp\c, mtngleb ixuttj tfje like quantitie of toater,as Didymus in Conftantinefaitfc, oj bnClccfet time minglcDiw'tlj cfjalfcc, o: Ho? en anO Carre mutt be poto;eD fcpon tlje r (Dtes : sou fljall gather ttjem in a fayje &ap,betng found anDt3nfpotteD,anot)erp ripe,anu in tljeioane of flje ^©ne.SDtjep Tokeepe are bett kept ceffeneD betlnirt tfejo fiol'olu SEiles, toeil clofeo on Qumces. eucrp fioe ft»i ty £\ty J fome lap tljem onelp in ti? places, toljerc nototn&e eemmetlj : others feeepe tljem in CbaffeanO 3Srbeatc, many in !£cncp: fome in tKline, anDmabct^ tlje ©atne mo?e pleafant^Dcmocritus btostty pou betoare, ttjaJt van laptljem not neece otljer fnHt 3 becaufe iuttfj tlje ap?e tlje^ luiU corrupt tfjem* lltjerg of the ordering of Orchards. 8£ JKfjcrefealfemaoea feinoeof Mine of fouimcs (being beafrit ano pjeffcD)anoa littlcl£onp t ^>ple put into it: out Coumrfmen mafcc of tljem a pjeciou* £onferue 3 ano ^atmelaoe, being, ton* gealeo foitl) longtetfjing, an* boplei toit& &ugar,3©ine, ano fcpicc*. 31 toiU noto $*fo ?o« of t&e ^eDia^foljfil) tfjc llatinr* T . „ . call Mcfpilus.tljc 31taUan« Mefpiio^efepaniaro* Mcfpcro , fye\„ Jfrencfmien Mcfplier, oj Ncfflicr, tfje SDutclMten Mefpelcn ; f$$ ' Xvceis alfo of tfje number of tfpplc trec0yan& peare frees : it t0 planteo in libe manner as rfje ^ufnee is : it ocligiftet& in Ijot places, butfoell foafmo, t&ougt) itooc foell cnougfj in tolo.m* fjauefoneif pjofperberp foell among 4Dkes,ano fl&iajD*s:fo?foe jjauefcene great fl»osoftf)emgrofoing among £»kes 3 tl)atfjaue t&tely p&loeo a great oeale of inonep. £>ome fap, ft is planteo of t&efcience, in Sparcfj o v : j£ouembcr,inafoell Ooungeo ground ano mellofo 3 fo t&af boti) tbe ems be tubbed ouer foftl) ooung, Sit is alfo fct of tije ftone, buttyen it it oerp long before ft come to anp t&tng : ft isercellenflp foell graffeo fn tyt Bjamble, tfje t^eipirne, oj fye #pple. SC&e ^eDlars ffjaf poumeane fo feeepe^muUbcgatljcreD before t&ep be ripe: ano being fuffcreo to groto opon tije 2Cree 3 tyep latt a great part of tfje printer : t&ep are alfo pjeferueo in foooen »nc, ano tHmegerjano Wfa> ler..3fnCatoc8 tmtetfiepfoerenoffenefone in italic. Plinieano others bauefpo&enof tljem : neither is it certainc r foi>efljer tlje olo fonters faibe tbem foj&erimTes. PJinicfpealsetljof tfyee fein&csof tycm : Cljcm-fthfnoefjauing but tl^oe ftone* in tyem, eallcDffjerefo^e Tricoccum : ink Ijaue at fyfe oap ffoo kuxozs^e one tjautng ljcre ano f Jjere pjicfelcs, grofoingm euerp W&coo ano 23&tchet 5 fcerp fotojeafoje ft be mellofoeO, « maoe foftfoitlj ftoff, ana colo of Caumfer : tfje otfjcr &aufng no pjicfcles at allfoitf) a great fruit, fofcictj foemetb fo be bjoug&t hereunto by diligent planting ano ©rafting* 2Clje mmo of fyz foiloe areolar foe oft f o mafee £>pofees fo: Wjete of,ano tjje tfoigs of ttjem feme fo? Carters fofjips. i^ertbnto tljespcolar^fo.: neighbourly fane^ foe mutt fpeafee of tfje £>eruftTe 5 a !)tg^ tea tottl) a rouni hettvw faO)toncO Ubean€gge:fol)rrfo^e ft tscaUeo oua,a0Thcophraaus fottneffetlj, ano tlje (tuft Sou, t!)e Ratines call it Sorbu 8) tt)c Stalk an«as tye Hatmeo,tbe §>pamarD0 SerualJ, t^iFrenci;men Cor- mic,o;CGrmicr,tl)e^utel)men SporcffcIbaumjSCije fruit gr&focje The fecond Booke, entreating in duffers as tlje ®&p* oot& : tfce toiloe is better tfjrn tfj* Gter' Den fruit. Bit Dciigtjtetb in colD placcs 3 anD if pou plant it in hotte Countries it foill teare barraine. 3t Jjatfj no p?tcfeles as tlje speo* lar |at&, it grotoetfj of tlje ftone, t&e fet, t&erarfe, oHtje fcience, ano p:ofperet& in a eolD ana tort fcple opon littles j it is planted in i^ebjuarp ano 39arcf) in rolo Counttiesj ano &ot, in jOctober ano /i oucmbcr. gt is graffeo either Upon tjts otone ffocBe> o; on tlje Quince 0; ^atot&ome, cptljer in ffje ffoefee o? tfcebarfee. Thh. 3j maraell (join can pou tjaue pomegranates £cre, 3 p:ap pou fljeto mljat o^ocr pou fofe. m.uivs. Among ttic Ilrange fruits, tfcere is none compa* table to tlje pomegrafatc (To eaileo Jt&tnfee) becaufcof jjis romegra- Counfrcp 5 Carthagc ano Africa,totjaetije brftooe groio:tbctree Bates. (as pa fee) (s not trigtj,rlje leafc narrom, f of a fcerp fairr greene, t|5C floimc ftarplcano long like a Coffme,tfje Apple ttjat is com* paDTcD toitr; a tfjicfce rmoe, is all full of grain es tottrjm : it ib calico of tlje Reefers ?oa cj eoia 9 as toell tlje tree-as tfjc fruit goot y\uK«« *a; ci vcW%, tlje pomegranate ftoeete ano Colore, it iB calleD in Laffne Malum Puaicura , ano Malum Granatum in Italian Male grano, in feaniU) Granada, in ^rencfj Pomes de Granad.in SDntclj Granatapffd. ICbfs 2Dree onclp as tlje if igge ano trje Oine,ttje botip being douen.oiet¬ : tlje b?anetjcs are full of p:irbles as tfje<£o?ff is: it louetfj boffj a rjof grouno,ano a Ijot Countrie , ano ltfcet$i not toatrte plares. gn fome &ot Conn* - tries, it grotoet|,totloe in t&e bulges : it is planteo in tlje fp?mg time, ffceroetes being toatrco toitfj ^ogs oung arm (tale. Jti§ graffeo topon tjis olone ftock c a ano aifo fcpon otrjer trees,! liartoife of trje fcienres ttjat grot* from tlje rates of tije oloe tree. £no tljouglj it map be planteo funO:p foapes, ytt tlje be ff leap is f&e b:ancljcsof a cubit in length fmajt&co. itoftfc pcur knife at bottj trje eni>s,ano fet flopetoife in tlje grounD , foitlj botfc tjis enoes fciell fmeareo toitlj l^oggcs Oung ano Hale. Sfcere is alfo ano* ottjertoap of planting it, te$i$ is, to take a tjerp frmtruli ftoeke, _ fcrtjiclj map bebjouglttotfjc eartlj, anOrjfm after t^e manner of rljer frees rljcp C:arTcbpinfolltarten, bcttoirttlje barkeanot^e rinoc, ano toell ano elofelp binoe it: after,tljep fet it in ffje ground, not foucfjing ffjc graffeo part 3 but tlje parts beneattj, annom* ting it UHtlj tlje mother of orle , ano make it faff foitlj cojoes, tljat of the ordering of Orchards. % 7 r|af it flip not bathe, till t&e bzaiufj be grcUmc, 3t much Dcltgl> tety(a* Dcmocritusfatfli; in ttjc ^p?till, infomuclj as tye rots bull mecte ano tangle together Uutf; great tor* STtjc fruit mill gtttoiwtt>outfcernels,tf ao m tfce ttiinc tfrepitfc being tahen out, tye fet becouereo taitl) earfb,ano(hibett ittjatrj taken Jtf>e fpjing bepjofneo* %\)ztz t« (as African repo?tctf)J in euerp pomegra* nate a itfee number of gcaincs,tbougri tfjcp Differ in bignes, Bafill fomtetf) in tyB Hcxam,t£at tlje foto^e pomegranate Idfll grefo to be ftoeet.if tfje boo? of r^c tree ncere to ttje rent be pierceO tf^ouqtj, ano filieo top toitb'a fatptfel) tree pin:you fljall fjaue ttjem ensure a ten? great turtle, it ttjep be firff oippco in feaulotng foaf er, ano ratten out quiefeelp, be iatoe in 0?p fano, oj elfe in fome fjeape of locate in t&e (I;aoooto, till tljep be mjinefeleo, o? elfefo couereB Uiitb ctjaffe, as tyty toucrj not one tlje otljcr. 3Dtl>er fap,ic fe belt tobeepe ttjem Itiie Quinces, coaereo tuit|> platfer, ojcljalhe : fo? in cola places t&ep are feepf toftljoutco?tupting.2Df)ennoe of t&e pomegranate is calico in Hatinc Malicorium : tfje flotejeof tfje Careen pomegranate, Diofcondes calletfj, kutwov, ano of ttjs iuiloejSaA^w. th r a. 31 fjeare alfo, f&e ®ur-lanoiU) Cpfronfc&erc&erte carefully planfeo. Mauvs. £#e Cpfron, called alfotrje Median, tfje Pcrfian, Cytroflf - ano tfce Aflirian tfpple, becaufe it fcoas ftrff bjougltf out of Pcr(la 3 f from flje Mcdcs. -others fap it mas ftrff bjougfjt out of Africa in> to Grccce 3 bp Hercules : anO tJKrcfoje Varrocallcff) it, t\)t Apple of Africa : tfjep arc calico in Italian Citroni, in S>paniff> zidras 3 m SDutC^GercrnipffclPomcrancen, in Jrremt) Cifron : ffjefruit IS calleD in JlatmeHipericum, $ Aurcum malum, tfjegoloen^pple, alfo tbe mariage 0pple of lupiter ano luno : fuel) of tljcm as are pclloto, $ of a gotten colour, tfjep common!? call Ranges : fticfi as are of a greeniu) pale peKotu, fyev call Cotrols, o? Cttruls : ffcofc tljat are long fai^ioneD iihe an egge, if tljep be vc\lo\u 3 ate calico Citrons, if rfje? be grone, Simons : if tfcep be fcerr great anorouno Itfee pompeens, recall tljem |$omcie:Diis : tfjetrce Dotb altoairs bcarefcuit,fome falling,fcmc ripe,f feme ffr&igfog: nature mctotng in tyem a Vnonoerfull fertilities in tyo rr res tbat Homer ocfcribctf) in tlje £D;cliarDs of Akinous. k ijt Iraft is lihe tytm&vktft) fauuigtljat t^regrotu^uhlejef arsons dtfjem : tf>e The fecondBooke, entreating trjc frutf is pelloto > Jmfttthko totfljout, ftoeet m fauonr, and foto;e in tatte : tt»e Kernels It^e ttjc kernels of a £>care, a great refiftcr of persons. SEfjc SCnic isplantcD (as Palladium faft&) fcurc manner of Jboatcs 5 £>ftl)e &crneu\t$e Science, tbeBjantt?, anD f&e &f oefce. Jf.pou ferill fct t&ehcrncit, pon matt Diggc ttje cart^ ttoo fotc euerp teap, ano mingle it toitt) a$cs : pon mull make fljojt beas,tbatt|iep map be toatrro toitb gutters on met? fioc. ?n tfiefc bxDs pou mull open tt)ceatttjtottb pour rjanosa tjano b?cDttj,anD Cervix Kernels together, toirt> tyc tops ootone* ioartj ano being eonerco>toatcr rrjem ruerp Dap; anD terj:n tbep fp?ing, leane notoaDcs naret^m : t&eptoill fp:ing tlje famer, if sou toater tyzm toi# inarm e loafer : others Cap if is bell the grains being taken cut in tfce fp:ing,to fct t|em Diligent lp in goo mcUotocDfurrorocs, anD to toater t&em ruerp fourth e? fifr Dap : ano tofcen tjjep begin to groto , to remoouo trjem againe in tlje spitng, to a gentle ano a mopff groun&,fo2 it Delighted in muclj luet : ifpoufett^eb^ncb, pott mutt not fet it abouea fotc ano a fcalfe intbe grouno, led it rot. Etje feience ano the ttccke, Pal- ladius tbinaetlj it better to be plant CD, ana fyctoc? !; Un)it^ inap f 3f anp matt meanc to efjtriflj tjrjtt^ f rri,let Ijirn Defend it to ell from t&e j£oit&, anD fetit totoaro t^e^out^ anD t&e £>nnne, in t|# taiHfcr,tn fraiiesanD baskets: tetjetcfo2c,fome tfjaf are earefull anD Dtligent in tye tendering of tty* tnt,Do malsc little fcaulrs to* foaro tyc ^outbclofecoucreD : anD tottfciu tfjem, mice thetoail, ttjcp plant t\)c £>2enge,fuffermg tfcc faults all summer to lie o< pen fotrjc.&umu,an5 to |iaue tlje beat thereof : anD as fame as Winter comes, tljcp couer tfjem ttraigijf toirf) tt rato, 01 mattcs s fpeciailp tott|) tijettalKSofgourDs.Elns free Deitgtjtetb to be con* t inuallp Diggeo about : f hep are grsffcD in 'got places in 3p?ill,in eolD Connfries in ^ap, net totter trje barhe, but cleaning to the fiocfeefjatDbp tbercote: tljep map be grafTeD botlj onffce^care f rec 3 anB tfce ^ulberie : but liljcn tfiepare graffito, mutt be fences eirtjer i»it|i a toicscr basset, 02 fomecartijrn beflell. JC&e fruit toill beftoect if ttjcfcerncls betteepeDin toater foDDe tottfj tjoncp, o.: totycrj is better in &>t)eeprs mtlfec. feucrj as pon mcane to feeepe,mutt bee gatfjereD in tlj e nig l;t, tfyc £$®nz being Dotone,ano f atljereD toit^ bzanc^es anD all, as tyzy ^ang. Wtyxz tlje fruit ^uronetfjt^ sdr^jpou mull pull tyzm erf, ano leaue but fete HI of the ordering of Orchards. 8 1 en f f 3 toijtcl) toiil be tfje pleafanter 3 ano t&e feintjfier fcerff , 3!t to attfjto cap nourifycB botb in C3'c rmanie ano Jf ranee 3 ano is pl?n> tro m In ilils full of cart!;, and in hot teeaf ;>• r is frt abjoao m tf>e ^untte : in ccltj tDcatijer fet tn §ellar& 3 o? in l;ot Ijoufes. 31 fjaue tone uKDermaniejCertalnc l;ot-Ijoufes,of purpofe maoc of irttre ba#K$,t|)atm TOntcr^aucUmmcDailfrjc €5arocn, $ in &em* tner tfce frames tafcen afoap, I;aue gfuen place to tfje &unne. 31f fo»!;ile t\)tv be poungano little fJjcp be put into cartl/cn 1^0^5,0? glafT? 3 ttjep grotoaccoj&ing to tbe pjopo?tlon ffjcteofifo tfjat poti map tjaue ttjem faflrjfonco either Utic a man o$ uhe a bea# 3 accc?* rsing topourfanctc:butpou mufffo o;Der pour motiiDSjastjie aire map come to tfjem. l&ut left 31 Inepe pou tea long loifb ttjcfe out* lanoify iCreesJ Uitli fpeahe fomctbtng of cur otone frees, tofyerc mti) toe are better acquainted Smong lu?)tcfj toe rjauetjje cpul* The Mui< beep, in Hatine Moros 3 in 3talian Moro , in &pmiu) Mora , in bay tree. Sf tenet) Mcutc, in SDuttfr Mulbcm: ttjis to accounted of all ctfjee trees t'gi toifcftjOe-raufc be neucr bleffometl) til all colo toeatljcr be qpite pafi :fo tljittubenfoeuer pou fee tlje Cl3ulbecp begin to fp?tng Eoumap be fnre trjat W&intet is at an eno : jje is ripe teilb tfje 6rff, ano baocetb cut fo JjnCiip , as in onem'gtjf tuittj a noife (je tl)?ufiet|jout fjis leaues : tl;ep oie tije rjanos (as Plimefattl;,toitl> tty iaice of r£e ripe be trie,? tuafy it cflf Initfj tlje grcene ben ie: l;e cjjijnget&rjis colour tfj:ife 3 fii(lU3l)ite 3 t^en reD,anD !dftipb!acfc;be louetb t)Qt places ^nDgraucllpjano oeligl;fs m Digging ano cung* fng, but not in luaf crfng : Ins rotes mutt be openeD about £>tfo* ber, ano tije Eees of fstiint potoeotjpon trjem : if is frt te of trje ftaneSjbut ttumw : it often grower!; to be tmiDe:trjebefr planting is tljcfcience,ano trje fops, a fcote ana a ftalfelong, fmeofi) at botf> enoes, ano rubbco ouer &tti) oung, ££l;e pftCf toljerrin pou fet pour §>cte,trjcpceuerUittrj ft^csmingleotottfjcartbjbut eouer itnotaboue fence fingers tfjufce. Palladius ti?s pen to fet it in ^arerj,ano to cemoacitin October, o? Jpdnrmbcr. Dentins teU letfj, rtyrttbe ^tiibcrie mapbe planted iutbofatl of tlje leafe. bv tfjzuffinguite trjc grottnD trjc biancrjes,after tlje o:oec of tTje jrig tree, tul;;ch impfclfc Ijaue pjouco ; fpcciallp, iftl;c rno t!;ntto cut be tocUb;uifea, ttjatit map trje qutcfsUcr tnne rcote : anD fo tol;en pou i?aue maoc pour bo'e ixitb a flto»e , fyitkl it in : it to bett graffeo qx tje i&sil), t t^e totute poplar, cittjer bp gracing. in ThefecondBooke, entreating in the ffcrfec,o:bp moe Elation : anD fo (battle berries be totytc 3t is graffeDalfo in ttje Jfig, f t&e Clmctotjiclj in o!D time tfcep tooulo not fuffer,fb? feare of co?rupting.£>f t^c ^ulbene is mace afcerp noble mcDicme fo? tyt ffomadsc,anDfo? ttjcgontittjcp totU longclfc inDurc (as it is im) fecptm glaffcs. £f;e leauesDofcrue to face &ilfcc-t»o?mes kntjjail, toljcreof fomc mafeea feerp great gaine,anD fet t%t m ratfjer fo? tljat purpofe tljen fo? ttjc fcutt. T h r a .Mfcat tresis tJjatfcHtt) t&cruDDte colourcD fratt 5 tfjat is line a &)ixmi The M a a i v s. 3Jt is a Cornel! tree, callcD m JLatmeCornus, in Cornell. Italian Corncplo, in &paniU) Zcrcko fcluertro, m Jfrcrtrf) Cor- nier, tn SDutcfc Cornelbaum : tfjts tree is ttjougijt neuer f o crcccD ttoetue cubits tn tjeigftft fyt boop is founo anD tI)icKe,Ulie Ije:nc : the Icafc is Uhe an almonD leafe, but fatter : the flotojc and the fruit is Ufce ttie 0lwe,fcoitlj roanp bene s Ranging bpon one ffalfce, firft togiite 3 anD after reD : rtje tupce of rtje ripe becrics, is of a biouD? colour : it iouetr) both tpountatnes anD dallies, anDpio* fperctii bsty in mopff grounD anD Dae : it grotoctb botj) of fire fi tppe, anD of tl) c feebe. i^ou muft betnare pou plant it not n err c to pour 25ees, fo? ttje flouwe Dotfc hill as manp of ttjem as Uv trctb it. T h r a, W&fy&t 2Tr« is fyefamet&af groiucftjnerf fcs ? Ziriphw. marivs. &tyat SErceis calleD Ziziphus, in Italian Guig- giole, tn &pantuj Azofeifo, in ifrenefc lniubz, in ibuttt) Burft- byrle, rlje beries hH)ereof,areltfce tfje Cozrtel bcrrics,t$e flotae iifee tye £Dliue floto?c, but mo?e ftoectcr, Columella fpeafeettj of ftoo fctnDcs thereof, ttje one reD, t&e ottjrr tobttc : t^epare fet of fljetrones^n &ot Countries, in dp?tll,ant tn eelD piatcsin tpap, o? rife tn 3Hne : pou map fet botlj tlje ffone,anD tbeb?anclj ! it is tjeep flolu tn groUung : ttpou fet tlje plant, pou muft Doe it m spare!) in fort grounD : butif^ou fettle Hone, pou mutt fctttjem in a little trencfj of a tjanD b?oaD,ti)?ee Iron cs together, torn) tt)etr pants oolonetoaro. BStlouert) not tone!) a grounD, butrattjera Ugfjt grounD, anD a toacine place. Bfn camterf as Palladia fartt)) it is gaiD to lap fiones about ttjc boDp of ttjcHIrce. £f)e ncrt are Italian Italian Filberts, m ilattne Piftacea, in Italian Pittinachi, ill Filbert, ^panift Alhozigo, tn jFrencb Piftacbcs, mSDatrt) Welfcepim- pemus : tr)e leafe is nattoto anD b?olwne ; fo? fcponr^eb?anc^es hang of the ordering of Orchard s^ 8^ $ang ftje $ufs, Ufte tlje $ut& of tfje §2me. £5f tin's free (t is thought there is both, male anD fcmalc,ano therefore tljcr groto commonly together , the male Ijaumg onDcrneaty tjt£t u)eii,as tt foere, long Hones: Bit ts grafFco about tfjc firtf of #prillj but op* on Ins oitmc ftocfee, anD upon ttjc Scrcbintlj 3 anotlje 3lmono SCree, tfyev are alfo fet (as Palladrus immeflefljj in the fall of trje leafe in October, botl) of tye fitps> ano the .pur. 3 1 Dcligtjtetlj in a Ijotanoa mopff eountrie,ano topes in often lustring. Thu. 55ecaufe 31 remember pou toloe me before, trjat of plants ano Crees , fome Doe grofo of t'gc feed, o: fruit, ano fame are CtaffcD : ano becaufeBj Ijaue&eatDtlje ©raffing of molt of thcm/3 tooulD nolo fame Jjeare pou fpcalic of fuel) ECrees as groin onenj of the ft one, o: berrie. m.uivs. f^our remembrance ts ga>o : for fljougrj tfjep commonlp grotu better toljen t&ep be graffes, pet fome there be that pzofper the better being fotoen, ano foill fcarcegroro aup o* flier uiap. 0nD though fome of the fo:efaiD SDrees being fet, Doe incll pzofper, as the areolar , the Cornell, anD Dt'ucrs ottjer , pet fometimes ttjep toare ujiloe. ano are long before ftjep. come to perfection, totjicjj Virgil! alfo affirmetJ) : For that fameTrcethatofthefeedjthe ftonc or berrie growes, Doth (lowly fpring, and long it i*, crc any fruit he ihewes : And when itcomes, it proueth wiide, and doth degenerate, And lofeth that fame relifli fwcet,that longeth to his (late. Butbp <2?raffingit is reftoreo agatne : s>ome of frjem agamr, fjotofocucr ttjep befomeu o: fet, Doe not Degenerate or grofo out of fetnocaa tlje Bap, trje 3)ate 3 tjje Cppr«u~e,tt;e p cach 3 trjc 3bw cot, the Damfon, ttjepiftace, trje jfirre Cree,anD tlie Cfjerrie t ano becaufe tljep be not all of one oroer, 3 foill tell pou feuerallp of the crjtefeff of th em. Co plant SCrees of tlie feeDe, Mature ( as 3 fapD before) taught mm at ttje ftrft : the fceoe being DeuoureD of 15icD0,anD toittj the ooung let fall in the clefts of Cne^tufjerc f hep after fprong ano grefo, 2Efjc Bay, in Ratine Laurus, in all other tongues almoff as in The Bay. Ilatine. 2Erje berrp is called in lutme Law Bacce , in Bjtaltan Bacche de Lauro,in &pam0) Vaya de laureil.tn £>UfCtj Lorborcn, a molt gratefull Cux to trje lioufe , a porter to em per ours anD The fecondBooke, entreating Mjops, toljfclj cljiefeli? gamifljetlj tlje |joufe, ana ffanaeffj al* iua^es at tlje entrie. catomafeetfj ttoo fcinoes ttjeceof, tfje Dcl- phickanD CyprdTe : tlje Ddphick,equallp colouteD ano greener, toitlj great berries, in colour bectoirtgreenc ano reD, toljerctoiflj ff)c Conqucrours at Dclphos toere toont to be crotoneo. SDfjc Cppjcffe Way fjatlj a u>:ter Icafe, anu a Darber grecnCjguttercD (aiit toere) rounD about tlje eDges , toljtcli fome (as Piinic faptljj fuppofe to bcatoilDetunDe: it grotoetl?altoaT>es grcene, ano b£zv£tybaxicS)\)zc\~i)®tcti) outljis b:anclics from tlje fiDcs ano iljcrcfoic toarctijfeone oioana rotten : it Dotf) not octp toell atoap tort J) colo gtouno, bring fjot of nature : tt is planted oiuers toaics, tlje berries being o?peo toftlj t&e j!iojtljtoin&c,are gaf^e* rcoanb lapDabjoaD fcerp t&lnne, left ttjepeluffct together, after* Usaro being to# totti; marine, tljep are fct in furrotoes a fjamsfull Deepe , ano beep neere together : in iparclj tljcr bealfo planteo of tlje flip, ano tlje fcience. 3f ecu fet tljem of tlje dip, pou mull fct f jjem not pairing nine tot afunoer: but fo tljep groto out of binD. &>ometijinb,tljatrljgp map begraffeD onein anor&er,as alfo upon £>eruiffc $ tfje 3u)e: tlje berries are to be gathered about rije be* ginning of SDecember , anu to be fet in tlje beginning of 4pact(j > Nm tr«$. ^ u t trees aw common^ planteo of tlje $uf , asall otfcer Obeli- The ai- fruits are.£>f all j£uts,fyeAlmond is eonnteo to be tlje too?tlneff 3 mond tree, talleo in JtalfanMandorlCjin &paniu) AlmcidraSjin ^rencfjAtnan- des,(n&>utclj Mandclcs : tljep are fet in jf eb?uarp,$ pjofper tna dare ano i;ot gronno.in a fat ano a mopff ground t&ep torn" gtoto barren ttljep tljiefelpfetfuclj as are ertDbeD,anD tlje pong plants: tbep are fet botlj of tlje &lfp0,tf>etf:
t kimono is grafeD not ueere f|e toy of t$e Jtocbe, bufc about of the ordering of Orchards? 9 6 about tfjc mibft,fcpon tljc botoca tljat grofo out* SCfjfs SErce Dotlj Came bcarc fruit, and flotu;etij bcfo:c all onjcrs, m ^anuarp, oj if c bjuarp. virgin accounts it foj a i^ognofficatour of t Ije pleno tffulncffc ofCo?ne. When thicke the Nut Tree flowresamiddc the wood, That all the branches laden bendwithall : And thatthey profper well and come to good, Thatyeere befure, of Come fliall plenty fall. JEljc bitter oiks i ioljub are tljc fofjolcfomcr) aremaDeffoeef, (f rctmo about tljc Crce, foure fingers from rt)e roote, pou mafee a little trencf), bt> fo&icl; ijc ujallftoeat outliio bittecneffe: 0: elfe tf pou open u)erootes 3 ano potoje thereon cpfljer Slrme,o; 1^)050 tang: 0? if at n)e rote of tljc $Ctm s pou njjuff in a fat fueoge of §Mcf) SCree. 115? tljis meaner (as Bafill fagtlj ) tljep. brill loofe t&efr bittemeffe : but no SCrcegcotoctl) fomcr out of fcmoe , and n)erefo?e pou muff often rcmoueft, 0? graffefo&en it is great, ^alnut0,calleo in Hatine luglantc*,in Italian Nocy, in £>pa* Wainat$; niu) Nuzcsjin JfcentliNoix, inlbutcljGroiirc nufz :n)cp ate fet in tbe ground (as Plinie fapn)) tije frame Dotonetoara, about U)e beginning of$arcf):fomen)infee,u)at ftjep Ml grofo astlje Jfil* fcerf Don), cither of tfjc flippe, 0: tlje roofe : it groinctlj fpccDtlp, and Uheti) a Djie ano colb place better fytn a ijet* %l)t fiut n)af pou meane to fef,foiil grofo n)e betf ct>i f pou fuffcr it to Ire fotire 0; Sue oaves before in t\}t foafer of a bop, andfoill profper n)e mo?e,if it be often remoueD: tfjofe jpufs (as it is tfjougljtj p?ofr per befenjat are let fail bpCrofoes,anD otrjee bfros Jf pou pierce tfjc SCeee tlwouglj foinj an 0ugur , ano 611 ftp trje place againc Mil} a pin of Cime, tfjcSTrcsujall lofe l)is fenottie fjarDneffe, net* njcr fotll !)5 lofe ins fruit, if poufjang bp eiu)er#allct,o? a piece of Scarlet from a DungljilL T h r a. Wfyat is n)e reafonpou plant pour Walnut frees rouno about on tljc outftoc of pour £>:d}arD,anonot among pour either 2Crecs i M a r 1 v s. Bceaufe f)is C&aDofo is great, ano bnfofjole* Come, betide njc fjurt fjc Don) foitlj fjis Dropping, ^e fucfcetlj out a great Dealt of goo iupce from tljc ground : to: as pou fee, thev are oerpmigfj tie ano l)igrj Cries , fo as fomc of njem are tfoo 0; i&ee faDome aboutrtljep occupfe a great oeale of rtome ioitlj trjetc $® 2 Uanoing 3 The fecond Booke, entreating ffanding, ana beguile ttje ot^cr SDrees of ttjclr fuffrnanec : 23c fides, t& ere are certatne 2Drees tyep agree not tocllioitijall, and ttjerefoze rjaue 3 fcf tfjem on ttje oufGde of mp £>:crjard,asitan' dards to Defeno tbcir fellotoesfroni temped i iueattjer. tfmong Hafeil #uts,is alfo to be recounted tfje ^afeil i2uts,afcinde totjereof Nuts, is ttje filbert, called m Ratine Auellana^tn Italian Nociuolc,in £>pamttj Auellamas, in JrcencrjNoyfette, in Dutctj Hafelnuzes : Filbera. tfjep are planted after t|je manner of trje Blmono: it dcligrjtetrj in clap anD toatriflj gcouncs 3 and opon1£ils, being toell able to abide t\)z colde. SCtjep tuere firft Hougrjt into Ada, and Greece, from Pontus.ano tbercf02C called Pontics anD Heraclioticae,&c.;3mong Cheflnuts fyeguttt* alfo crjalengcttj tfjcCtjettnutrjig place, ttjougrj rje be rattjer to be reckoned among ^atrc 3 torjerbp be fe calico ttje j£ut 02 £paffe of lupiter, in liatine cutanea, in Italian Caftagnc , in &>pamflj Caftaii3,in jrrcncij Caftagnes,in jEDutttj Kafteyut louetfc to ell to groin on £pountaines,ano in coloe Countries : it rjatctlj toafcrs, and ocCretfj a cleaneanoaejed mould : itmifllfeetfc not a moptt grauell ground , ano iopetfc in a fljaootu ic ano # o:tfjrrlp bancfee , it bat erf) a ffiffeano a reo clap ground : it in planted bote; of trje j^ut, ano is fet : it is better planting t^eods of trjcin 3 of ttje #ut 3 trjen of trje fef 3 otrjertoffe tbe fafer toap toere trje fet, tDtjtcr) in ttuo peered bearett) fruit.g t is planted iubm trje ©untie fc8intrjc^£quinodiall,bottj of trje fcicnce,tr)efef, trje bzancb, and trje rote , as trje €)liue is. SCJje Crjeffnuts trjat pou meane to fotue, muff be oerp fatre and ripe, trje netucr trjcp be trje better rrjep groto. |3ou muff not fet trjem after t£at fo:t trjat pou fet 0Unonds,o; Jrtlberf0,batfoitrj ttje fljarpc end opinard, ano a fet a fundcr : ttje furroto mutt be a ujaftman crepe, i^ou toere bet^ ter fas J fapd) to mafcc pout Crone of trje j2uf,trjen of tfje fets, forjttrj mill be mcetc to be feilcd fo: ffapes in fcaucn pecre. Colu- mella , toittetrj , tljat trje CtjeCnut 3 meet fc: ttje fuppo?ting of <3incs 3 if rjebc fctofd in toclldigged ground,dotrj quicblp fp?ing, §;id being felled after ftue peercs,it p:ofperetrj like ttje ftftlleUi : and being ct\t out in (tapes , it lattetrj till ttje nert felling,as Ojall beujcli>cdrjcrcaficr,Uri)en\i3efpeabe of t&arts. SCtjeptoillalfo IjaucfljcCrjcffnntto fcegtaffed on trje S&alnut, ttje 23eccrj, and trje £>aftc : it tjatrj Irene fane, t^at turjere t&cp groto ftoo ano tfoo together, trjep piofper trje better* of the ordering of Orchard s . ji 2£(jc pnrc 3 m ILatine Pinus, in Italian ano &pam'flj Pino , m ifccnct? Pm, m 2Dutitj Hanzbaum,isplantco nat mutf) onufoe to tbe aimono , tbe kernels of tfce feeitc-clecEts bang fet as tfje kimono is : tjjep are gart^rcD in 3«ip, bcfozc tt^c Camculcr iDinOrs,ano ere ttje Jjiuts, tyz bufse being b^onm, fall out. I^fje beft time cf fotoing tbcm, Paiiadius rccBoncty to be £D(tob*r, ano j3oucmbcc : tt;is ZZrx is tljoogrjt to be a nouriujer of all tl)at is foiueti unocr it SEb^ pitrb tree is ealleo in Ratine Picca, 111 Jtalian Pcrzzo , in ^>paniQj Pino negro, in SDuici) Rotdarj- nenbaum : but 3 come note to ftje Cberie. £Etje Ctjcrp tree, Thc chc ° in Bftaltati^e Cree Ccrafo, tf)e fruit Ccraic, ano Circgic,ui &>pa* llcucc - mft) Ccrez >, anO Ccreza, in if cencf) Cerilicr , anO Cerife,in S)utcfj Kirsba jm, Kcrlcn : tt)C JEree is eafic to be planteo, if tbe fton:s tie but caff ab:oao,t&ep frill groU) Uutt; great encreafe : fucfj is tbcir fojtearOncffe in grotoing, tliat trj: Crapes o; fuppo.zters of Clincs, being maoeof Crjcrrie tree, arc commonlp feeiie to groUi to be 2Crees. Ebep ace graffiO upon trje ^lome Cree,&pon bis otone ftoclse, bpon the plane SErce, ntiDon tlje 3i5;amble, but beft bpon tl;c ioilDe Ci)erie,it topetb in being graffco,ano bea< rctt) better fruit : if pou grafts tfjem upon tbe Elme,pour SCree fliall beare in trje&p.zing : tbetime of gracing, is eptbertoben tberc is no (3 amine Upon trjem , 02 toljcn trjebuinme rjatfj left cunning. SC&ep remooue ttjc luiloc plant, citrjer in SHtober 0; #ouember,tbattr)efirff of Blanuarp 02#eb2uarp,to(Kn it&atjj taken roote, it map be graffco upon. Martiall fooulo b wc pou graffc it in tr)e ftotkti butinoeeott pjofptoet&betfecjbringgrafr feobettotrt trjebarfce ano trjc teooo. Stoeligbtctb to be fet in txpe trenches, to rjaue roome cnougr), ano to be often oiggeo a* bout, jt louctlj tobauetbetoitrjeeeobofo rgnttmiaUpcutatoap: it grotu ctb beft in coloe places, ano fo rjatetb dung as if it be la pa about tbcm, tr)e? grotu to bee wiloe : it is alfo planted of tbe flips, ano toiil beare bis fruit toitbout Hones s if in tfje fetting of the fet pou tunic ttjc upper cnoootonetoaro. €)ttjers lutU tljaf trje free being pong ano ttoo footing!;, be flit ooUmeto the noot s ano tbe pttbtafeen out of botb floes, ano iopneo together , tlje Teams* clofe bouno about,ano couereO liutb Ooung : toWb ^it'i)* in a prercafter, Uibenit is toell gretoen,tbeponggraffes (frljtcfj i>it^crto l)aue borne no fruit) if pou graffe tbcm , Unllbcaie 9b 3 -Cbcrif« The fecondBooke, entreating Gutties tottljcut Irenes , as Martiali fapty. £Cf>ere are fun* D?p lunoescf Ctjencs (as Plmic repo?tetlj, oj Apromanus) ttjat arc teDDrr trjrn tfje rcff, A<5t;anus, as blacfce as a cole: tDtjicfc fcina in Occmamepct at fyis Da? trjcp call Acklifchc kirfen, Cclicians, trjat are rou.20. PHoie in fpcafctng of tyc fun$?p fe.:ts,p?efcrrctrj t\}£ Duracins, UJijicrj in Campania tljep toere toontcD to call Plini. ans. anD a little after l?c faitlj } opon tfjebanhes of tlje l*!)ine,tf?cre greto alfo Kcrfis, of colour bctlatjrt blacfee, reD, aria greenc, like trje 3uniper berics,Uirjen t?>epbe almottripe : in to&icfj t&e com- mon fo:t of boBea fjaue Terrus fo: Kcrfis amongff ttje <&sv* manes : fo; Piimc , iuljcrcas in man? places tjee trfurpctfj trjg E>utcfj hio.jts,as in trjc p. 10. 1 7. ana 18. booac, ana in Diuers otrjcr piaece,fcorjiit) being not teerffeaD |of tlje lUfines, cam* altogether co;rupteo to tfce poSrcrttieXtjerearc alfo 13ap panii9 Cirudo , ano ciruda, in ifrencji Prune , in iDuttfy Prapraep, it is planted from t£e mioaleof 823infcr>tiUfrje 3Des of ^cbjuacp : but if rou fet trjc ffoncs at trjc fall of t*)e leafe,let it be cone m^cuember, in a gcoo anD imiloto grouna t too banafuls Deep c : tbcpmapbchkcUufefet in irebmarp,but ttjen tljcp mnft be £*pr& in ipe trjjs oaprs, tljat trjtp map toner fpjing : fljepare alfo planfeD cf tf}epcung'fets tljat groin from t&e beap of frjc trce^eptfjer in ^anuatp,o; in t|jc beginning of ire* bj«arp,f rje rcjtcs being ftel couereD toit^j Dnngitljep p;ofper tctt in a ciei) ana a r»6?u: grouna, ano in a 1 oloe Countrep : f rjep are graffea tetosratijeenocf^atc^ ana bitter in tjjeclouenaocfee^ t^cn ne:s. of the ordering of Orchards^ ji, tym in file bathe, o? elfe in Blanuarp, before tfjc (Wartime bestit to D:op out : tt is €>raflfeD fapeu Ijjs otone ftoc&c.tlje peael) ano rbe illmono. SCtjcrc are funD;pfQ2ts of plomcs, totjereof ttje JBDamfonis tljep2iuctpail,iopingin a DjpgrounD, i m a ijot coun? rrep,ano is gcaiteD as ffcc etfcec piomes arc. SCtiere are Diucrs colaureD J9IomiS,to!)ite,blatBc,purple,anoreD: W:;Cht glomes, ano t£3:fc piomes,fojjeretoitf) tljep bfe to fat ^ogaXfje finger ptainesare waft cammenDeD, being aflengtij, a mane finger, fo&ie& arcb:ougljtbntQDS from Bohemia ano Hungarie.anoiu- luns,ano Nobcrdians.uetng bleUun colour,but later "2Cf)eSDanv fens are DtieD in the £>unne bpon iiattifes,licaDSj02 in ait ;©ucif, tome Doe Dip tym befoze,eitber in featoatcr , o.:tn Bztnc , anD after Dzie tljcm. &be |0eac^ tree , called lit Ratine Pafica, in The Italian Perfco ( in &paniu) Durafuo , t^ep arealfo calico Rhedo- peach cina, ana Dorocina, ozDurarinajfo&ereQft&ere are f oar e ntnses; Trc* but t(je cbiefeft are t&e Duracins , ana t&e 0bzicot s : in $ouem* feer tn |?ot Countries, ana in atfjers in January, t!;e Hones are f o-fce fet ttuo fot afunDer in tocll Djeffeo-grounD , f ^at lu^en tfjc potmg trees are fpiong up, ty*? map be remoueD : but in the fet* ting pou mutt fit tij e iarpe eno oownefoarD, anD let fycm &anD f U) 3 oz tf>:e.r, ^ 4 -W The fccond Bookc, entreating tbaf tt)ep map tljc better Oefeno tbemfcJues from tlje Ijcat of ffje &unw. %\)i jfrcncbmen,ano our (Baronet*. alfo, after ttje31ta' lians opcr , oot graife tljs ftbtitet , taking a graft (not full a finger long) c: tbe bi;0 tbat to Uiellfljot out,foitb a little of tlje rino at cflf,an:i fitting tij: rmo of a pong plomc tux ccoffttoifc tljcp attorn tn,btn-ing tlj;m foell about toitb ^empr,o^ SEoluf, ano ttjat in tl;. enoo' 3une,o?in 32ulp,ano #ugutt. &omctbinfce t^p Uull be uo, if tyep be either graffcD in tbe plane tree , oj I>uu i\cf:Sf t tonDcrneatb tbcm : ttjcp \nill alfobcc figured, o? ior.tten uyf feauinoapes after trjat pon bauc fct ttje Conc 5 tt^en it bcgiiwetb toopen,poutahe out ttjc iacrnctl ano toitb vHcrnit" lion,o: anpotber colour pou map counterfeit fobaf peuttuti,afte* tfyc (tone elofeo bp about it, ano couerco toitl; Clap, o L : l£oggc s oungpeu let it in tbe grcuno. jCtgame, pou (ball [jauc tijem Uutl>- out ftoiKB , if pou pierce tl;c SErcc tbo:ch),ano fill it bp U)itrj a pinne of eciltiioto , 02 Cornell tree , tyc pitb being ba& out : tlje HootcBoftbe Creemuft bccutano^elTeDintljefallof tbelcafe, ano Doungco tu:rtji bis otone leaues : pou u)all alfo at ttjis time piovnc tbem, anoriooctljem of all rotten ano oeao bams, 3if trje£rcep?ofper not,pofo;$c,bpont$e rootest&c&ecsof oio • Wline mtngto teitlj taster*, flgainft t[)e Ijeat of tbe&unne 3 Ijrare top tbe eart|» about t&em,toatcr it in f&e euening, ano fya> oofa tbem a* Uiell as pou map, 0gainft tbe frctts, tap on tung encugb , 0: tbellees offline meOleo toitfy toater, cjluattr toberein Beancs Ijaue beene foboen : if it be liurt tuitb tooinie*, oi ft cb baggage, potoje on ftttje Wneijf^DrenmeOleo tout) a ttyro part of flUinegar. The Date. &h s SDatc fcee, in 3talpamttj Dattiles.m irrencfc DarrcMti3Dutc$Da&dcm,ttgrofaet!n'n a milo grauciipgrcunD, ano ocligbtetfj in a toatrp fople: f tbcugb it Oefiresfo baue toater all ttje 1. are long . pet in aojp rare it beans t\)c better : tberr# fo?c fomc tfyinkc tbatEung is bur tful bnfo if. a bout tbc ifftucrNi- lus.f in tbe CaapartSjitgroluetb pltntecuap^bereastljeptjfe fomafcebefb TOneanol&jeaD of it: ibis STree in Europe (to* tbe meff part)!s barren 5 tbcugb it be plantco of manp fo; nout If p faae. E&e fionis !»f tetts are planteo in trenctjes of a cubit inoept|> ano ofthe ordering of Orchards. j3 attD bjeaM^tbe trench filleD tip againe tmtb anp manner of Dung, erecpt dSoatcs Dung : tycn in tye miooeft of ttje bcape fct pour ft ones (o as tfjc uprpcr pare ftanD fcptoaro : otljcrs tooulo Ijnue ftftanD totoarDtbe ®a3 : ana aftcr,tobenmtf tbcpbauefpjincfc* leD hereon a little &alf,tbcpcouer tyemUrity eartfj, toell mcD* IeD toit^ Dung : anD euerp Dap tootle itfpjingctb, tfjcp Untcr it : fame rcmouc it after a pieces grototlj , ott>cr let it grew till it be great. $ojcouer, becaufe it oeligtjtctb in fait grounD, rfje rajtcs mutt bcDicffeO eueeppcere, ano fait tfcottmetoponttjem : ano fo U)M it quicalp groto to be a great Cro;. Me hct& are not p;c* fentlp to be put in ttjc grounD, but firff to be fetin earthen tyots, ano toljen fbep baue tafecn rote , to be remoucD. &>atc Km& Ijauc fncfj a Delight one in tlje otljer,tbat tl;ep benD tbcmfclucs to foueb together ,*anD if n>p grote alone, tljep tuare barraine. Cbep areplanteD (aaPlimc fait!)) of rfje bjancbes, tUw €ubitc* long, groining from tfic top of ttjc %m : alfo of tf)c flips anD Ou uer*. CbefamePhnieaffirmetb, tl>at about Babylon, n)eben? leafe fif ttbe fct; oottj groto; T h r. a. 3rremcmbecpoufolomeonee,tbe&p;unganD&ef< *nce tliat gromtfb out of tfje rcotes of fome 2Dree0,toillt)erp toell be piantco. M a r. i v sj tolD poubcfo?e,ftjatDiuersof ffce SCr&s foljerc* of 3 fpake, migfjf be planteD of tbe bianeljes, ana ofttjc &tim* res, fjauing fome part of tfyc locate plucftcDtip toitf) ttjem : anofo df faiD t&e Cberrie migljt be planteD, as alfo ttje ^afcll, flje Hau* rcll, tbe ®wtell, ano ttje ^calar : lifcetoife tlje faicrft b?ancbcs flippco off,anD nje ciim a little b?uifeD,anD tbmft into tljc grounD, commonlp Doe grototo be Crees, as imp felfebauctrieDbotljin f&e ^utberp, tbe pcarotrce , ano ttje applcrtrct* £>ne ttjing 3 lnill aD3ebeffoe» tyzt ttje SCrees tljat bcace fruit once Ijaffiip, Doe citfjer neuer come to tljeir iutt bignctte , o? ttje fruit that ttjcp bcace , ooti) neuet long emmrc : thereof 3 ttjinfce fp?ang fit ft flj.it lato of Moifes,tt)at fruit SCra6U>oulD fo? ttyti v&rw be cot;n^ tcD t)ncircumcifeD,ans trjctr foje^innes toitl) tljeir fruit,(rjculo be circumcireD: tljatij5,tf)cburgcnsanDbloffomr6 fboulo bcp'udscD off, ICviftbeu^DulDbearc before tyttimc > o? Inljcnbc batl)b?2nc, l£Dfrf>:s fruit; but Ife&pc ?ou t©-long in t|je Dcfcribiiig of ms £D;c]jarX T H R. A* The fecond Booke* entreating Thu, :©no, 31 rather (Mnleff 3 beatepou) imagine mp fcife to be amongtt tijcm , planting ano Vetoing cf tfyuc fruits ; but note remained ttjaf in ffenb of a conclufion to pour tali>c,poa Declare- tfje o;Dcr of pjeferufag tbem , to tbat cno fpcciallp, t&at tfjafe things tyzt ace appointeD fin ccmeop (being not euclp, o; in time abminiftrcD : be not rather aburtj tben abetoc. Mauvs. f^our motion isgtob : ^irfftbercfo^anD gene* callp, Dunging anD lustring is neeDfu II fo: fruit 2Crcts 3 a bcrpfete ereepteb : ano focrcm fceeDe mn&be taken, tfjaf pou ooe it not m ttjc tjeate of tbe .^unne, anD tbat it be neither to neto, no; to olD : h either mutt it be laioe clofe to t£e fore ef rtjc Crec, but a little Dittaiiceof , f battle fatneffe of tbe oungmapbe o;unfce in of tbe rote, pigeon? lung, and ^egges Dung,Doe alfo bcale tbe butts o: teounos of &r&*. &&e tester tntjecrlcttf) toe toater tbcm, mutt not be jFotmtaute toatcc > o: SSell toater , if ot|ec map be bao , but DjaUwe from fome muDDte llaue > ox trancing pale. $f)o?eouer, pou mud fahe ijsee, ss 3 alfo folo pou befczej teljen toe began totalise of planting of an ®;t\)axv) tbat pour SErees Ca«D a gob Dtttance a funtier , tbat iotjen tljep are gtoftwe bp, tbep map rjauc ram e enough tofp?eao,anb tljat tyc Dnall ano f en* Der, be not butt of tbegreafcr 3 neif^er bv $aoccto 3 no:Djoppuig< &omc fooulo banc pomegranate Strees , anD ipp;te!0, anD Bates , fee as ttjicnc rcgef rjet as map be, not pairing nine fete a funoer : anD lifeetoifc Cberrp trees", plumb trees , Cmintts, 3pple trees , anD $&eare trees, tbirrie fote anD mo;e a fonbrt : euerp Coztmuff ffanD bp tbemfelues, tbat (as 3 faiD) fbe toeabcr be not b«rt of tbe greater, &be nature of tbe &ople, is Jjcrsut mote to beregarDeD : fo: tbe i^iilrequirefb to bane tytm ffano neerer together , mfoinop plaees pou mnft fct tljem tbe tbiefeer* Sbbe £>liue (as Cato fatty) woulD baue fine f ttoentfc fort cittance at tye Icatt. pou muff fct pour plants in fucb M as tfje tops be not burf ,o? b?uifeD,no; f be bar'ae,o: rinec flamcD off: fo; tyc barfce shadow feeing taken afoap rounc about , bille ty anp feinD c ef Crce. pou of Trees. mv & a ifo baue a regarD cf the flpDDoU) , tobaf trees belpety, anD tofyat trees it burfcty. SDbe Walnut tree,tbe pine treejtfje ppf clj tree, anD tbej?irre free , tobatfoeucr t&epfl&a&Dofo, tbep popfon* f^be u>ioboto of t\)t tualnut tree , ano t^z jS>afeeis fjurtfulUo C«?ane;t|je Walnut tree tuitj Ih's «>d^o1m alfo 3 is ^uttfull to mens jjeabs^ of the ordering of Orchards . j 4 &ea*$ y ano to all tbings fyat is planfeo neere if. E#e pine tree ioitb Ijis flfjaooto lifeetoifc ocffropctb poung p!ants,but tbepbotlj rcGft tlje toinoe , ano tfjercfo^e goo to cnclofe Slineparos. £Dbe Cppjeffe 3 t>i0 fyaoofo is toerp (mail, anD fpjeaoetb not farre, SCbe fljiDoto of tye jftgge tree 10 gentle, fyougtj it fpjeao farrc , ano tjjercfoje it map fafelp euougb groto amongtt Clines.Cbe Olmc free, tys tyaOoto id alfo miloe 3 nouriu>:ng tobatfoeuer it couerctfj. SC$c plane tree tljougrj it be tbicKe anbgroOe, is pleafant. SCtje poplar batl) none, bp tbe reafon of tbe foauermg of bis leaues. SCljc Slbcr tree barb a ttjtchcfl)aooto> bat nourittjing to W neigb* boms. SCfje tatnesis fuffictent fo: ijimfelfc, ano tbe mouing of fjrslcafe, ano often fl).iUing,tempeccfb tbe fjeafe of tbe £>unne, ano in great raine teell couererb it felfe. &be waooto of all ttjofe, Dropping is commonly miloeano gentle tbat baue long ttalaes:tbe Dropping of Ttecs ' of all Crees is nought, but foojtt of all tfjofc , foljofe bjancbes groto fo as tljetoater cannot teaoilp paffef^ouglj : foj tbe o:ops of tbe pine 3 ti)e j2Dahe,ano tlje spaffbotme, are mett fjurtfull, in iuljofc companp pou map alfo fafeetlje Walnut : tyt Cpp:elTefas Plim'elaitrj) fjuctetf) not, ^o?eouer,p?opningano cutfmg,is toerp Groyning. goo an&neceflarpfo; tciies>toberebptlje ocao f toitbereobougbes are cut afoap, anD tyt unprofitable b?ancljes tafecn off: but to moine tljem eucrp peere is naugrjt , tbougb tfje 3ainetequiretb cutting cuerppeerc : anoeuerp otber peere 3 tl;e ^pjtill,tbe pome* granate,ano tfje &>liue, tobertbptbeptoill tfyt Tamer beare fruit : tbe others mutt be tbe feloomec p?opneo. 3Mtne frees moft be p?opneo in tlje fall of tlje leafe , after tbe fetffng of tbe feauen ttarres : ano firtt, tbcp mutt be toell Dunged, as a beipe againtt fbeir burrs. f?ou mutt cut atoap all tbe olo rotten bzancfjes tljat groto in tbe miDDett 5 ano fuel) as groto tbicfee, ano are fanglco fo* getter, ano all tlje toater bougbes, ano unprofitable branches a* bouttbem 1 t\)t oloe ones are to be cut clofc to tbettocBc 3 from tobence tbe neto fpjings tutil arlfe. £>carifping alfo 0? launcing 3 fs forifymg. ■ tocrp tofjolfome fo: r';c trees, Uiljen tbep are fcretneo luitb tljeir leaues, t otuuffe ofttjetr barfees : at1»bicb time toe bfefo launce tlje barfce luitrj a u^arpc hntfe , rat frngit ttraigbt botonc in manp places : turjict), to^at gajo it oorb , appearetb bp tlfc opening 2nd gaping of tbe rinSe,tobicb is ffrafgbtartaies fillco top iortbtbebo* Dptonoerneatlj. |^ju mutt alfo trim ano ojeffe fN rotes of pour SCr«*; The fccond Booke, entreating AbhquM- Cras after trjis fo;t : |&ou mutt open tye grounb rounb about non. tbem,trjattbepmapbecemfojteDfoitbtbeU)acmtb oftbes>unnr, ana tbe raine, cutting atoap all tbe rctcstbat runnc uptoaro. Remo- -^e tras tbat pou remoue,mutt bemarfceOto&icb,toaptt)eptt©D ning. at tfjC fittt : fOJ fa realty Virglil : And in the barkc they fet a figne, To know which way the Tree did grow: Which part did to the South enclme. And where thcNorthernc blaltcsdid blow. 0lfo poti mutt conftDcr to ell tbe nature of n)e &ovlc, ffjat pok rrmouc out of a d:ic grotmo, into a mopft % and from a batratne bill, to a moitt #laine > ano rather fatte, ttjen otbertoife. SCtjs poung plants being tljusrcmoueD, mutt in tbe fecono ourjirD pore be pzopneo , leautng tttU about tyia 02 fouce b:ancb'es on* toncljeD, foujall tbept&e better gcoto: t bus mutt pou tofuallp Doc euccie otrj cr rare. E b e o^ f ra tee remoue Uutij tfje tops cut oft, atio tbe cotes tnpcrt^cD, turjicb mutt be bclpco initrj often sung* t'ng anD toatering. 8pplc*fras tbat bleffomc ano bcareno fruit, 02 if it bearc, tfjcp fo oainlp fall atoap, pou ft>i 11 rem coic bp flitting of tfje rojte,ano fluffing in of a ftone, 02 a tomDOrn tocDge. jSllfo if pou toater pour 2Cras Uutrj o?inc tbat is oloe, it greatlp auai* letb fas t&epfap) faottj fo: tbe fruiffulneffc, ano pleafantncffe ef when tbe fruit. 3f tbe Cree Decap bp reafon of t^t great tjeate of ttje uccsbcarc ^uHne, pou mutt ratfetbe earth, about tt , ano toater t^c rates hold not CDCr P m W 3 fetting fcp fome Defence againtt tbe g>unw?, Co th«r trait, eaufe t^etr frnte to be euricfelp ripe, pou mutt met tbe little rates a remedie. toitb tKinegar, ano C32inc tbat is olo e, eouc ring tbem again c luitrj earth, anfc oft Digging about tbem. SbeEfcinc of men, if it be kept tfo& 0; foure monctbs. orb in oncer full much gmo to plants, tofjicb if pou bfc about EUnes, 02 0pplctras, it Doth not onelp tying pou great enereafe , but alfo giucn) an errcllrnttatt ano fa< uouciotb to the fruit ano the tuinc : poumapalfo bfe ttjic mother ofople,fucbas istoitbeutfalf , tofbefameuurpofe, teUtt> bctb mutt fpo.Dt.lp be bfeb in Winter. Thh. Me fa t^at frc&s ano miffs, toe oftentimes great harme to Eras, bane pou anp rcmeDp againtt if t M a r 1 v s. iTgainft fcottsano mitts, pou mutt lap fcp*oun& about pour £>;c$iarD, little faggots maoc of (tallies, rotten botoes, of the ordering of Orchards. ^5 bougbes, o? ffraw,tebtcbfoben tfjc froffs,o? miffs arife, map be kmoico , tic fmoaae tofjereof auopOetb tlje Danger. &on mutt folic alfo ojie Dung amongft pouraaines, tobic!) ^ l{ K" tfjcfroft t's great, pou map fee a fire : t(;c fmoafee whereof Difperfcrlj tljc front* Thu. WM\>M fffbeCrees be ficfce,anD p:ofpemot/ Marivs. S23!jent^epb3ueanpficfeneflre,tl)ept)fe to police tjpon tbe UcDtcs tbe Hits of UUmz minglco untb toater, ano to foto Hupmes rouno about tbem. Cbe toater alfo tobertin &u* pines baue beene Too, polmeo rouno about, id berp goo fas PJinie faitbJ foj&pple trees. Thu. SJrees are oftentimes alfo fyuxt toitb foojmes. M a r 1 v s. jfpour SCras be troubled toitb toomtes, tbere are oiuers rtmeDics,fo; the fupce of 3ffltto:mctoa)D Deffropetb tl;c Catcrptllers. Khz fcDcso;graine 3 tbat arcfttxpeo in tijetupcecf Jfeengreene, o?l^o«fc!ctfee 3 are alfo fafe from anptoojmes: alfo &u)es minglco toitb tbe mother of £Dple, 0? tbe ffale of an £>re, meoleo toif b a tgiro part of Vinegar. o?o:eoucr, tbep fap, trjat trjc SCras trjaf ace fmoaheo toitb is.zimttonc, 0; time, are fafe from bucrfullbermine: Galbanum lifeetoife butnt bpon tfjr eoales , 0:wetl) tJjcm atoap. Cbe biases alfo of uFarlichc , tl;e fjcaos be* tog off, fo burnt (as tfje fmoaUe mat? pafTe tbjeugb tbe £>jcbarD) Dotb Oeffrop t\)t Caterpillcrs: fomc mingle 3>03tcUjitbfl;efoDs a ano fpjmcfcle tfyztn toitb toater. Democntustojifetbjtbatatoc' man in ber bncleaneneffe, bngirf, ano bcr Ijatrr Ranging about bcr ujouloers, if Hjc goe barc^fcotc rouno about tbe place, tt)e Ca* rcrpillers toill pjcfenflp fall : but prrbaps 3 trouble you toitb tbis tcotous, 0; longDifcourfcof^carus, piants,anD 2Erees,and fbcrefo^e tbougb ttjere be muti^ mojeto be fpoisen of, lsatt% ftjaulD fame to ouer*toearic pou, 3 mill make an eno, T h r a. trouble * no, pcu bauc Done me a ffngutar grea£ pleafure, in Declaring bnfo me tberigbto;oeringofa ano Coppiffe, planteb in beepgeoo ojoer, ano ijaro bjf 3 a S&ill oto <£?oue^ ThcfecondBooke, entreating Cftouebpou tl)c fine of a Utuer, 'crcdlcntlptBell o:cerco 3 Inhere the Jficloslnere cnclofeo rouno about fcoit| great eimcs 3 to[nci greatly beauftfietb pout otoelltng , ano pcelo (3 iuarranf J no fmall p:ofit : Bj trj crcfoie gceatir &efire to tjcare fcmctljtRg of tit* parfofiufbanojte. M a r. i v s. JCiougitf befoffiouf mp conenanf,attD fyaf pott ocmauno mo# tien 3 p?omtfc& , ?ct fine*, pou fo?ee me 3 3 totll notrefufett, leatt pea $culo titnfee 3 UjopIh faile pou tii anf Of Weods titng* 0S tOUCimg 82Sa>00, Ancus Martius (80 Pctrus Crinitu* imftef i j foas f tj c fi rfl m Home tfjat euer Dealt tn fyem : ti>e oloe Jraticriao altoaiea afpecfall regaro of 8QU0&0 » ktyerefoje vir- gin (Mi:. If that of Woods I frame my Song, Woods vnto Princes doc belong : If that of Woods I lift to fing, Woods may full well befeeme a King. 3t teas ojoameo bp tie Romanes a tljat tie Contois u)outo iaue t^e charge of tie C&eds , fiat the re tyoulD no SCpmber be banting fo: butloing of f^oufes, ano aitps, and otrjer SCpmbrr* itio:fees,boti publtque, ano pjiuafe. £~ie ffate of Venice at tit* sap, obferueti tlje fame o:ocr , point mg a p?uia:e CrTtccr fo; tietr W(bh > teio iati tn charge as well fo fee to tie peered planting of tiem,asfo let tfjat fierebe wanting no £pmbcr,fo* tietr nceetfarte tsfes. ffiie £&«D fiat pou tola me pou paffeo bp s is of ©aues 3 Beeches, ano otier {*paft trees: fome part ferutng fo? 2Cpmbec, ano otier fo; fan ell. £>f tbefe therefore tut U 3 n'eff begin f fprabcano tljen offline Cooties, ano tcn'lloiu cs 3 fome of them be fo»loe 3 anO groin of tiemfe!ues,nof neeDtng anp Imfemg fOjbut fuci, as oatlp erpertence licinrs, are nothing fo gcoo, as tiofetfjatarcplantco. £$©ds 3 ano f-oixtfts, doc cljtcfelp com 0ff of ^afee 3 Beeci,ifp?re free, 25pjcie 3 ^foe, ptfci tree, *paff* iolme, Cozfee, Moe 3Dltue, 3peoIar 3 £rab>tr«, juniper, Co^ ncllj ano pp:nc : otier COfcoos iaue of icr trees, acco;oing to tie nature of tie grouno. Oc great CamD of i^artcftealo tn <£5cr* manie 3 asitnumctifb?ougi otuers Countries, bearrti fn fome place onelp £Dafee 3 in others B«ei,fti otiers Jfpjres.STieiFoj* -reft otflroerne fo? tie motf part beareti 3Daue: Montificdlo, jttarft), $ p?re 3 Cornell^ ano ICamarice, Monte D.s.Gothardq, jjreat of the ordering of Orchards. y 6 great afeounoanee of Cfjeffnut trees. SLIjefe toilder fo;f, tijeugb fyev groto of tbemfclues, map pet fe>ellbcplanted,if pou baue mecte ground of tfje flcozne,anD tf)e ISerr? : cacbof tljem liaetlj fomc one feinde of ground better ttjen another, as firtt Thcophra- ftus, and after Plinie ljatt> declared. 3n tlje mountaincs Dcligbtetb tbe irp;retreMbe€cdar,tI)e Jlarfy, tlje pirelj tree, ana fuel; an beare KoCne : as alfo tfje ^oime, t&c STcrcbinfl), ttjc Cfjcftnut, tlje $paftbolmc,tbe £Da&e, tye Biectj, tfje Juniper, tfje £o?nell, and tfje SDoggctree: tfjougb fome oftfjefe alio p;ofpcr iocll t* nougfj in tbeplaine. We if p;re, tfje 3Dafce, tfje pon tlje ^ountaine, crcepf tbe peare, and t&e 0p# pie, fa* Thcophraftus faitfjO 3n sparrfuj ground dcligbtertj tlje SSZillofo, tijeaider, tbe §aoplar,and tljeP;iuet!. 0no aittiougfi tlje moa Cclmoes Ooe fp;ing of tbeir ofo nc nature ano acco;o, pel aretbei? bp planting, labour, ano oiugenre, b^ougtit to b« a great deaie mo:e fap;e and fruitfull: fo:, as aio;e 3 told pou bote fruit trees are ncurifijeo anD Inougljt bpin3!mpe Careens j fo are tljcfe twice and fruitletfe trees fet an* planted fo; Cimbrr ano ft etoell . ^c tljat is oifpofed to plant a Moo, mutt fieff, ac rowing to bis Topic? eljasfe b:'sfets : and tf be fjaue tycm not fp;in> ging of btf otone,let tjim mafcean HmpeCarden of tbe feedes^ clofing Uiell t^e ground Iwrlj I^eogr, Kamptrc, 0? jbifeb, leafi ^>rjecpe, Ceates, 0; anp otber CattelUome in to bite and ujcbjc ft : fo; tobatfoeucr tljep fjaue onee bitten (as it Inere infeeted Uu'tb a deaDlp popfonj pcritbetb : and tlj«refo;e tfjofc tfjat tneane to plant encodes, epttjer fo; SCimber, if etoell, 0; a?afte, um& earefull? p;ouioe againS tbefe bnrf full enemies. SCrje Conntrep latoesbaue therein toell p;ouided, tbaf tofjere fuel) &p;in$n are, ibev u>all feede no Ctoafes, no; fueb CattelL amongft ttje ®att The Oak« ^rees, and fuel) as feruc fo; &?mber, the nrtt place of rt'gbt btlongetlj- The fecond Baoke, entreating belonged to tye €>ake , called in Jlatine Quercus , in Italian Querela, fo&>pantfl}Roble, in i^ewtjChefnyjin&UfCljEichcn- baum, \)t tfjat toill then plant an £>ake ®roue,muffp2outde him of ape 3co:ttcs, notoucr»D2ied, no: faultie, 02 anp trap co:rup* ten : tljcfe mutt fje foto fn g©D ground todl tilled, tort!) as great carefulncffe as &e plants tys £Dut)ard , and tocll cnclofe it, that tjjece corns no Cattcll m it : iujjictj f to&en tljep be fomctljing grofone) pou mull about ifebjuarie remoue to tlje place toherc p. ou intent) to plant pour CO coo : if pou cat ano p:opne tljem, it istljougfitfbeptoillpjofpcr tlje better fo; ££ail : butifpoure* feme tjjiem foz timber , pou mufi not touch the fops , that it map runne top t&effraigjjfcr and ijtgfjcr. 3n rcmouing tfjcm 3 poii mull makepour trenches a fajte ano abalfe occpe, coucringflje itofes toellfoitfj eartfcj faking god fjaede pou neither buifc them, noz bjeake tljem : foi better pou lucre to cut tljem. SClje £)ahe agreed toell enougfj \xsify all manner of ground, but pjofperctfj the better in sparges, ano toatrp places : if grotoctlj almotl in allgrounos, pea tumin grauell ano fand, ereeptit be oucroojp : it likctb foajff a fat ground , neither rcfnfcttj if tlje mountain*. Wit Ijauc at tfjis oapan £afce in Weftphalia , net farre from tlje Cattle of Altaian, folicl) is from the fcote to tlje neerell bom, one fjundjeoand tfjt'rtp fcotc, ano tb:ce dies m trjicUncCTc : ano ano* tfjer in another place, tljat being cut out, made al;und:eo CKaine load? : not farre from fljis place there grew another £>akc of f enne pards intbicbne(Te ? but not tierp tjfgfj : the itoucrs in Ccr* manie,toere tuonf to bfefo: tfjcir £>btps bollotucd &rces,toljerc¥ of fome one fas Plinie faitlj)tooulBearriefljirfiemett. SCtjenert Beech amongff t\t $aft trees is tye HBcec!?, in Ratine Fagus, in Italian wood. Faggio, in §>panil!j Haya, in if renctj Faus,in SDatclj Buchcn, plan* fed almott after the fame manner tljaf tfje ®akc* be. £Ifje 33aff* holme in llatine ilex, in Italian fo^ercif is better knofonc Elicc, m^>panin)Enzina, in if cenefj Hauffcn : it grotoetlj tjigb, if if ijauea ground mcete fo: ft : if piofpercth tip on hi lies, and likes not the piaine : it bearcth geontcslcffcr tfjen tlje 3 comes of tlje £Dafae, a leafe like a H5ap , and ist continually greene. SCfje like fjatlj tlje Co.2kcrfree,m Hatine Subcr, in ^paniflj Alcomoqucfa ifrenclj Liege, toljiclj is counted amongff ffcofe tljaf beare spaff, the barke tojjcrcof toe occupte fo: tlje flotes of our fiftjing £ ets, ano of the ordering of Woods? j7 mrt to pantofcls fo? SKUmtcr : all otber frees (faumgonclr. tbe C o;hc ,tf you fp o pic tb cm of ttjcic barbe Doe dp c. 3 no tb cc cpaff- bearing £DIie tfjcrc ts , calico in Hatinc Quercus (ilucftmm , in irrencbChcfne,a fcinDe utyereof fomerbmfce tbeCerrefree to bcs calico mllatmcCcrrus.gcolMing in toiloeanb barren places SD^ereare tome tljatooe number tbe Cbeffnut tree among ft ti;c mutt bearers : but of tyis HI bane fpafcen before* %\)z beft 03aft Mail, and fs tbe £>ae $aft,tbenert tbeBactj ano tbcCbcftnuMben tyz his d,ffs - fotlbe £>ae, tc. 011 berp gooo and meet fo? tbe fatting of Cafc rencc * tcll,fpeciaUp l^ogges. %\>z dDfce $paff,o: Scow* maUetb tbic&e Bacon, founD flcfij ,anb long laffing4f it be toellfalfeb anfityieo: on $c otber fioc, Cbeffnuts anDBeecb cpaft : maftc ftoartano oeifcafc flcflj, Ug'gt of Digcftion, but not fo long lafting. Cfjc nerf is the Cerre SDree , tfjat mafcetb tier? found ano ijcoa fleu) : SCbc 3&aftbQlme mafcetb pleafant Bacon , faire and toeigbtie. PIiniefaitb,tbatittoaso?Dafneobptbe &ato of rijc ■ttoelue Cables, f bat it ujoulo be latofull fo.: an? man to gather ins otone i^aft , falling bpon Hie grouno of bis neighbour, tobic| t be e:>ut of tbc cbtcfc jtafticc Doth rl;us inf erp?ctc : tbaf it (ball be latofull fo: bim to Doc it tb:ce Dares fogetber, toitfj tfjts p^o* uifo, that bee Ml onelp gather t\^t 8cojnes, anoooe no barmc to bisncigbbour,as vipunustoitneffetb. Glans^paft (as Cuius faptb) is tafcen fo; the fruit of all trees, as Augo'ta, ugmfictb toitl) tbz <0reefce,tbougb p^operlp Aa^d^ox, be tbofe fcuits tbat are fljcloe, as i£ufs,anD fucb otber. tSpon fbefe $aff bearers tberc grotoetbalfo t^z <0ail,fn if rencb Noix dc Galle, in Italian an: 8>afeb,as in itatine, in ^bpaniu) AgaIIa,a little Ball, ruggcD anobneuen tottfjout, tobereof fomc be imuTie, fome bolloto, Come blacfee, fomc tobitc, fome bigge, fomc letter. 3Jt grotoetl; fas Plinic faptb) tbe f&unnz riling in Gemini, commonlp all out fuDDenlp in one night; in one jap it toar cflj tobife, ano if tbe bt at of tbe svimne thru take it,it toitbecetb; t^z blac'ac eontinuetb tbe longer, anD gcotoetb fomctimetotbebigneffe ofan flpple:t'befe feruetb beft to currp tottball,ano t^z otber to ftniu) tbe &eatber, t\)z toojft is of tbe £Dafte : ano tl;us of fucb SLrcrs as beare £paft. #oto toill 3 iopne toitball tbe p?iticipaileft of ti)z otber SCrecs, to mafte bp pour Mcdsdcs , amongft toijicb are t\)Z Clme, ano tbe Mloto ; tbe Cime, in Ratine vlmus,Th«Eim* . The fecondBooke, entreating hi StaliananD &pani$ Olmo, in j^rcnR Ormc, in 2>ufR vlm- baum, ano Yffcnholtz: Replanting totjereof , becaufc it 10 to great ofc,anD eattlp grotoes, ioeinap notletpaffe : firtt,becaufe it grotocR toell tuiR Re dine, anD mimttrcR gcoD fitt Rem lifec a C-arlanD , anD feeing UiellnointeDimR Bnllorfees Dung, fet Rem,anDtreaD in Re earR rounD about Rem. Etje female Crimes are better to be plantcD in Autumnc, beeaufe Rep l>aue no feeDe : at tyis Dap in manp places, cutting off &>cfs from Re fatrett eimrs, Rep fet Rem in frenctjes , from torjence to rjen Rep are a little grctonr, Rep gaRcrliae &zts, anDbp Ris Dealing make a great game of Rem : in Re lihe fo?t are plantcD €;oues of allies. £tje 0Oje AOigroucs fit Italian Fraxino, in £>pamR Frefna, in Crenel) Fraifne, in DutREfchcn : Re £Rc oelig&teRinrierj anD moift grounD 3 antt inplainc Countries, Roug^j it groto toell encugtj alfo in Djie grouttDS$efp;eaDeR cutl)fs&ortcs&crrfarre> anD Rerrfojcts not to befetabouc Co:ne grounD, itmapbe felleD euerp ttnrD 0^ fourR peere , fo* to mane ttapes fo; Bints. £Lt)e 3GjegrotoeR fcerp faft,anD fuel) as are fo?toarDs arc fct in Jr cbjuariejtotR fuR peung plants as come cfRcm, in gcoD tjanDfouie ojDcrttanDmg a-roto : oRers kt fuel) &tycs as Rep meanetyall mafec fuppo^ tcrs fe? Oarocn Uines, in trenches of a pare olD, about ReCa* lenos of Sparc!) : anD before RcRtrtp CrR monettj Rrp touR Rem not UuR anp Knifed Re pjefecuing of Re btanfyti : aftrr euerp of the ordering of VVoods. jS mi#of!jcrpeerefttsp.:opne&, anD mt&effrt peers iopneotoitfj tilt mmt : if pou fcfe to cut afoap tbebjanrfjes, tbcp toill gtoto to a ben? gcoDlp i)e igfjc, torty a rouno boDp,fmootkplaine, $ ttrong: pliniefontetl; of crperiencc^&attlje Serpent Doty foabijozretbe affje, ttjat ff pen enclofc lire ano jjiut toir& t(je bjant&cs, be trill ratfcer ruane into the fire t\)tn goe tl;2ougrj the botucs. H3p;tfj, ealleo in iUtinc BctuU , a* Theophraftu* tojitetl) in ty& fourth 25ooBe, is a SCrcsoerp meetefoj Mlooos : it pzefpetet!) in coloc Countries, froilic, fnotoic ano gcaucllp , ano in anp barraine gcoano, totjerefoje t&ep tjfe in barraine grounos, tyatferue fo? no otljcr purpofc to plant HBpjc&c* : it is calico in Italian Bedol- h , in SDutcij Byrkcn, in ifccncf? Beula. pne Marts, iFpjre t2©art>s,ptc&fcee,anDiLarfy,are common in 3 f alp about &rent. SDfje \&inz tree in ILatine Pinus, in Italian ano &pant$ Pino, in T h c pj nc > ^>utc6 Harczbaum, is planfeo of &ts Kernels , from October to 3(anuarte , in hot ano o;p Countries : anD in colo ano toet places, in jfebniarte 0? spaccl) : ttje Kernels muft be gatfjereD in 3une, before tfjc clogges Doe open, ano tuyere pou lift to fotue ttjem, ef> tfjcrfcpon btlleso.: elfe Utyere : pou mutt ftrff plolu tl;c ground ano cad in pour teoc , as peeooe in foluing of dome, ano rouer ttjem gentlptoitlj aligfjt^arroln 0? a Kane, notcouering tfjem aboue afjano b?oao : pou ujall&ocfoell, if pou lap tl;e Kernels in toatcr tb;ce oaies befo:e. W^z Kernels of tye |0ine are calico in £pamu) Pinoncs. Cfje JFirretre* tn&afine Abies , in 3taltan Arretted Abere, in £>pamn) Abcto,in SDutcb Deamen , louctfj not to &aue anp great aooe mao* about it : if pou be to curious in planting of it, it foill groin fas tfjep fapj t&e toagfe , it grefoes of l)is otone Kcrnell in foiloe ^ountaines, piaines, 0? anp totiere. 2Cbe T , . . ptte!) treem Latine Picca. in Italian Pczzo, in fcpaniO) El pino „£ p de que fe baza lapcz.in SDUfcf) Rododemem,tS a tree of t\)t BtnDe of pines , an^ terp like to tfje pine ftoeafing out fjts fficj en as Ije oott) : fojt&ercace fire Kinoes of f(jefe&t>f en trees, tlje pine, fbe pttcrj tree, t&eteilDe tyint* tfje ifirre, ttjelLarft), ano tlje SCarretree, t!je planting of tfjem allisalifce. SEljetf loer, a tree The Alder alfo meete fo* SSfoos, in Hatinc Alnus , in Italian Auno, in 2Dutcfj Elfen.m iFtcncf) Aulne, it grotoetfj in plaineanomarriu) places neere to .^iuers, Theophraflus fatttlj, it pceloetb a fruit* full feeoc in tfjc end of Rummer : manp places are commaoioua? jp 2 planter The fecond Bookc, entreating poplar, plant eD lain) poplar, thereof u)ere arc tfoo fotfs., t&e Whitt, white and ana ttje XSlacae ; ffje CClbitc tocaUcDfoitrj u)e Italians, Popu- blackc. Jo bianco : tcttl) tfjc ja>paniarDS, Alamo bianco j tlje Blache, of trje StaltanSf Populo nigro : ofn)eoU)cr,Amalonigrillo : tit ^rencfj, Pcuplicr : in SbufCj), Peppdcm : it is plant** of tlje JBjanctjes anD &cttcu, anD Deligfjtetjj in toatr ic places e? anp o* f fjcr grounD 3 it pjcouetb foerp. fafi : n)e blacue Ijatl) tfje ruggecoer barfcc, t)ts leaues rounD luetic ijc to poung, anD cojnerco in t)ia age, tofjite bnocrneatfj, anD greene aboue. £D&c Spmbrr fcerr* of ts ga>D fo? builoings, fpecfallp tuitfjin D(d.us : jite Uioo is fo[H'tif& fcuitbin, ana tlje rinse blartufotorjcnce [je fjatij byname* Thcophraftus aDDctlja n)irD feinDe, fobicrjfome call tfje poplar Willow?, cf Libya 3 anD of trje Alpes 3 ft iiatt) a ruggeo barfee, like t^e nulDc perric : a leafc Use 3utc, anD to in colour line a Darke gresne 3 fyarpc at tlje one enD> anD bzoaD at t&e otber. SO)C blacfee poplar gcotuetrj in great plenttc abont tt»e lofocr parts of tt}e Hbpnc : tfjougf) Homer call tr;e C&tlloftia rruitUffetrre,bc* caufe b«s fruit turner^ into cobtoebs beftue fyty be ripe : jet is tlje foueraigntp giacnijun araongft S&ods tljatace fcfualip fclo, Cato giucttj tlje tljirD place of basbanDjp gronn&sto tycWM* Ioto 3 preferring it either before tjjc £>hne ©:oue 3 €o?ne grounD, o: speDDofo , fo? it is offner to be cuttc, ano grctuctyttjetbic* fecc : neptyer is tjjere fo great qaint fent|) fo little charge in anp tbing. %t DeUgftfctlj in tatfrie groanfcs 3 Darne ano Q?ao* acinic , anD t|)ercfo?c is planted about Hinets anD JLafee*, fjotu^ be it it grotDctlj in Champion, ano otfjer greunc. 3f is p!an< tcD cf poung^cttrSja fote anD afjalfe long, ano foellcouereD foittj eartrj : a tuef grcuno require^ a greater Diffauce tetfoirt tbcm, fofcrrcin you fnallDoe toeii to fet tf>em fine f©teauwDcr 3 in c?ecr nfectrje feinke bpen a 2?pe : in tlje Diic grounD n)ep map be fette tfjicticr together , pet Columella fooulo fjauet^em fine fcofe Oiffanf, fo? pairing bp tljenr. SCljere arc ftoo fo^ts Ofiar. C f t2Hi!:oU)fS 3 cne feUtneun'ng fo2 euer, callcD 0JTar-j ferutng fo.jmaling cf XSasfeefs, C^ap^es, ^ampers 3 a!qDctt(rCcun* trep ttufre : tlje ot^er feinDe growing luitrj great anD ^ig^i biatu effc*, fciuaig fo.: ttapes to Clincs, o? fo? ©uiebfets, c? fra&cs of ^eoges ; anD iscallea §«tabe 38illofo : it is planfeD botlj oft^e tU)iggcanD of t|ic ttallic, buttle Calbeis tbeurtter, \»$i$mu& bt of the ordering of VVoods. 99 befet ina mopff ground tnell afgged, tfoo fate and a ^alfc in the ground ucfo:c it fpjing, anD totjen the ttoigges ace bare,pou mutt take tfjem from the tr#,toben t^ep be t?erg c;p , ot&ertoife the? p;ofpcr not fo Ui ell : ttjcfe ttafees 0; fetter being taken from the poung ftocae, that hath beene once 0; tfoice t\xt y ano in thtchrteifs «i much as a mans arme,yon muff fet tntije ground th;eefccrc,o; a fco te ano a tjalfc de&pe, ano fire fmte afunoer, laying gart mould abont them, fence tycm toell , tfjat there come no cattellto pill off the barfce of tljem. #ffer tfeee 0; foare peeres pou ma? pull fdfim,toherebp t&eptoill groto ano fpieao the better, and fo row map continually cut tljem euerp fifth , 0; fourth peere, thereof pou ma? malie &efs fo; planting of mo;e, fo; tl>: uldcones are notfo grao to be occupied. SDjie time of cutting of tl; cm, is from the fall of tt)e Icafe ontill 3p;tll, the #ome encreamig, ano in Wetterip, 0; ^ outh crip tu macs : fo.n'f pou Doe if, t'rjelomde be* ing in trje i£o;th , toe finoe bp erperfence trjep totll not groin fo toell: pou mult tuttyem cleane afcoap, that the oloe benches hurt not the poung £>p;ings : fome tbinac the poung S&tlloUj to groU) the better tfje merer trje grouno , ano the Another lie is cut. ICrje Odar commonlp grotoetfj of fjis otonc felfe, ano is al* For plan. fo planted of tits Koooes , in toatrie ano mariu) grounds , the c ' n § of earth raifco op, ano lapo in furrotocs : it 10 planfeO,anb fp;iugs moft plentifully, toljere trje earth is beaten fcp totth tlje rage and ouer*tlouiings of the iuatcr : it fcrueth as afure defence fo; ma* Ring of Banacs and dalles in ^arfyes, ano that ctnefelpui ^arcrj, fyz fymnz encreafing : tlje ofiar map be cut euerp pcere, 0; euerp ttoo pcere if pou mill* &oe,ljere &aae pou concerning Mads forjat n&oeftiUeff are fo; ourCountrpmten to plant : fo; as fo; Warts of Cedar. Cip;eu~e, and other tfrangeCrees, it is not fo; our ^ufuands to bufie t&emfelues about : teet and rich pounds trjat are meete fo; Come , is alfo goo fo be planted toitlj £Dabcs, Beech, 5K2lilloto, and poplar, although the C'afcc and the Beech rcfufe tjillie, and lighter ground : handle, and bar» fame grounds, are good fo; Birch, H5;amble, B;oome, and \$eaty, as 31 hauc fum'cientlp faid befo;e. j^otn perhaps pou mould tjauc me pjoeecoe imtl; Coppiffe floods, tfjafare conto nuallp fo be felo. T h r a. 3 toould ; if it foere no paine f pou* $ 3 Mahivs, The fecond Booke, entreating M.uivs, Coppiffe, o? fale £StoD,Uicre firft biougljt bpf'as Plinicfafcff)) bp Qu.Martius. SCtjis uinde of 8S&COD groUjenj com* monlp of f)!5 orone acco?o in if Q2rcfite , and foatrtc places : but ail ftdcDos arc not fo? f t)ts pttrpofe , fo? fome SCrees tfjere are iuljtcf; tf^ou cat and pottle often, toill face ano ope, as ttjeaflje, f&e 3uniper,n;e Cl)errie,tt)e if irre, uje Apple, ano t^e Jaime : ano fome againe if tfjep be not tut 3 fcrill periu) : tfjc Utile requf* rctfj peecelp rutting, tije £>lfue> nje ^fctell, ano tye pomegra* nafe, eact) ot&er peere* 3fn cutting of tyem (as n>p ace oiuers)fo fstbeir o?oer i fo? tlje &afee, as fjegrotoen) flotolp, fo is Ijc not to be cut , before Ijebe of feaucn y o? cigt)t paces grofon) : ano t&cneerer ttje ground pou rut l)tm 3 tjje better ticgroUies, tijougl} |jc map be police feaueno? cigljt fcotc aboue ti)t ground : Slje like is of tbc Bceclj, faumg tljat !je map foner be cut ESfje great SISiIIoUj, and ttje poplar, are cut after one fo?t , as 3 ujeiued a little before : njougtj t|je Ofiar map be cut euerp ttoo peere, o? euerp peere. SCfje Cfjeffnut map be fclo euerp fcauenn; peere, bottffojfcluell, o; fo? omc arc felled euerp fourtt) yeere, fome euerp fifty peer* , as tfce OTlloto, n)e poplar, tlje aider, and tl&e 2IBlrc|) : fome, once in feauen peere, as tbeC&efc* nut, and fome in mo?e, as nje £>afee. Bit r cmamef f^ n>at 3 neto Ibein pott tfte manner of felling of timber , and tojjat timber is meet eft fo? euerp too?fee. ThraJ ijaue a great defirc f fjrare fortiaf timt is mceteff fo? felling of ttmberjtoljicbmucljauailetl) (as tljep fap)fo tt)e long enduring of it: after, 31 &p?ing, 0? in Summer, tboug^ tljer Came o?p m\)Qut 3 are nottoityftanding full of moptture , and fcctneir? tolftin 5 oftheorderingofVVoods? too toityiiu tofitcfi tit burning, fofli neuer make goD fire t anD fbere* fo?c CoppiflTcano ftrcAucoD, pour deft felling 10 m Wnfer : an* fo?builoing,itlsbeu; cutting of roue trees in December, ann 3J3* miflric, the asomc tiring in ti;e toane , from tljc ffoenffe, to tfje tfjirtp Dap. pet are t&ete fome tfjat fap, t&ep &aue founo bp crpe* cence, tfjat SCrees being cut in 3annarie, are full of .&ap ; anD t\) erefo?e tljutke it better einjer to cut t&cm bcfo2e,o? after. Cato fatty , tfje bed time is about tbe floelftf) of December , fo: tH timber STrcc trjat beared fruit, tsbeff in feafon IvtyntysteH is ripe, anD tfjat to&tct) fjatb no feeoe , m.n it pilles it i& time to cut. £>ucb as are flalueD , feraing fo? fillers of Cfwrcfjes 0? 0* tijer rouno iuo?focs , mull be cut fcrtjen tbep fp?ing : shingles, anD fuct) as tlje \3tfthet muff fiaiuc , are to be cut beftoirt miDDe certnf er, anD tbe beginning,in t&e ®Stettetne Wne*. Plinic aft firmed tlje bed feafon fo; felling of timber, to be tabi 1 e f f)e 09 con c is in ccuiunctton foitlj ttje &unne. vitruums an excellent fellottf in buitoing, ootlj Uull you to fell pour timber from tl;e beginning of Autumnc, till tijc time ttjaf tlje WLtfatnz fc»fmu?s begin fo blofo, tfje iorjicfj minbes begin to blefo (as Plinic fait!)) about tlje ItrtBloes of ir eb^uacie: fo? in tbe &p?tng, all STrses are as if iuercinitlj ctjiloe, anobenD all t|jeirfo;rc totljc puffing out of tfjcir leafe, anD tfjeir fruit, &f«ce tben ttjep be&appie, anD not founD, bv the neceffitie of t\>e feafon , tfje p are maa e bp tfjc reafoic of rbcic uafeneffe feeble, anD of no fojee : eum as tije bodies of toomen, after tfjcpfjaueroncciucD, from their conception, fill tfje time of tbeir Deliucraucc , are not iuDgcD fo be founD, 0? pernf > 2nlihe fo?t tbe Crces in Autumne, fofjen tfje fruit anD leaues be* gin to fall, f be Urates D?atofng from tfjc earth tfjeir fufficient fo* ffenance, are reltojeD againe to tljeir olDe elf ate : be(tDe,t^e fo?ce of t\)e aire in Winter Dotfj fatten anD mabe founD the 2Crees,an& tbccefo?e it is tljen t&ougf)ttf)e beff time fo fell pour timber, JOje manner of cutting of it is tljis, firft to cut it fill pou comet tbcmiODle of tfcc pttbe,anDfo to let it ffanD, tfjattbc&ap tfjat is in it, map DefcenD anD D?op out : fo u)all not tye moifture foitbin putrine, no? co?rupt tfje timber, but paffe clearelpateap* WHyen pou bans cutfe it , anD ton fee it D?ie tfjat if fjatfj left D?oppmg, pou map cut it Dotone, anD fo ujallpoube fure it fljall belt feme pour turn c. JCljerc are fome tpaiters in builoing, tbattbmRfit ^4 beH The fecond Bookc, entreating beff after pou ^dc fa tone out roar timber m bm:t)C5 5 to lap ft) em in ioatec fo? ttj?e£ o? route Dates, c: if ttjep be of Beetrj , fo: a ton* ger tune, eigj)to?mne Dates : ano being o?DcreD tn ttjts totfe tfcep fyall neither (fbepfap) be rotten, o?too?me eaten. T h & a. jpoto let bs beare tobat frees are beff fo? timber. M a a i v 5. SCtjere ate Dtuers ano funD;te ofes of tmtber : fucrj as are bacraine, are better ttjen trje fruitfull, excepting ttjefe fo2tsto!jfrc t!je male beared, as t^eCtp?effe,anD ttje Cornell : in all trees tfje parts n)at groto totoacD ttjc i?o?rrj , are JwrDcr, ano fcunocr, Urfjtr$i arealmott couereo fcuittj meffe, as Uiinja cloafce againff rbe coloe: the too:!! arc tbofc ttjat grots tnfljay Dotoic ano foatrift) places, n)e maffier ano better Durfng,are ttjep n)af groto againff trje sunne : ano ttjerefoze Theophrartus Dent* Den) all Ctmber into n):ee fo?ts, info cloutn, fquareD, ano rounD, ofvurj-cl) the clouen Doe neuer rent nc: eoame : fo: nje pin) being bareo, D:tetb tip ano Dicn) : ttjep alio ensure long, becaufe trjep fcaue little moitlurc. Cfje fquareD, anD trje ceuno, o? the irjtiole timber , ootfj eoame anD gape, fpectallp trjc rounD, becaufe it i$ fuller of pin) , anD n) crefoze rentcttj ano eoame ft) in cucrp place. £nD fucrj tjigfc Zvas as njep bfe fo: pillers anD maine poftes, njepfirftrub ouer toitt) IBulloefees Dung fo feafon tt)cm, anD fa facke out t&e fappe : fo: tbe motfiure Don) aliuates eoame fooner t|ien n)e D?p, and D?p better to be faftme njen n)e greene, ertept tfc»c £afcr ? anD t &e 15orc,n)at Doe m o:e fill n)e tertS of nje feator, anD refill it Seme againe refufe to be giueD either toin) tytm* femes, o? am* crbrr, as the £afee , Icbutj cleauen) as foone to a Irene, asanpmooo, neither Doe ttjep Id ell clean?, but to fucrj as are of If he nature : tobebo?eo,tfje gtecnets ioo?fcr n)en t&eD?p: n)c Itgrjt anD trje D?p , are rjarDer to be tuttt : fo? Manors anl U?trtjcs, n)e tSSilloto, n)c *3?oomc, tyt *5p?rfc, n)c Clme, nje poplar, tbe Sine, t&edouen Keeoe, ano trje 15 gamble are beff : rtjc Ifsafeiitaillalfofrrur, butttjefirff fstrje milloiu : tbrpbane aifo accrtaineljfirDncffcanDfatrencflrr,meetefobebfeD in graoe* foozfcrs, among ttjofe n)at ferue fo? £tmbcr,are moff in bfe tbe Jfirre n)e M^i gfnctrje Larfytije <3fclr,f$e Clme, $©fU loto CeDar,Cpp:efft, n)e*5ore 5 ^p?crj,$lanetra,aiDar, 20X loilDe£)8&e,Daterra,15eecrj,toilce£)liue^afn>olme,C£ralrmt; ^aple , anD ^ollp , anD sums fitter* , tofeo axco?Ding to rtjeit nature, of the ordering of VVoods. 1 01 twf ure,anb tlje manner of t&e £otmtrfe wfcerc tljcp grow. SCfjc jfficre tree , tobereof 3 baue fpoaen before , gtuett) out Hojen, TheFirrt. ano bitftimber 10 mat fo? Diuer0 Wo?bc0, «no greatlp etteemeo fo? bie Msitf ano bigneffc, tobereof arc maoet&e &b

fnp0 fo? burocn » of pne to , ano j©aae. 3Df dDafee, 3 baue fpoaen a little before, tye timber tobereof io bctt, botljfe? fnwarD bniloing0 , ano fo? tye toeatber , ano alfo well enouring in tbe water : Hefiodus woulo fjaue poae0 maoe of dDae. Ktyt wiloe £>ae feruett) alfo toell in toater too?aes , fo it bee not tt«re tbe fcca : fo?fbere it enburetb not , bp reafon of tfje fait" neffe : it mill not be piereeo witb anp augur, except it be met before: neitber fo will it fuffcr (a0 Plinic fait&j anp jpaile o?f* nen in it, to be plucaeo out againe. W$e Mart holme , in <©r«fee w&m, a 2Cr« well fenowne TheMaft. m 3talie, tbe tf©ooo whereof is tougb ano ttrong, ano of colour holme liae a oarae reb ,m«te (m Hefiodus Duty) to feme fo? plow wares : it map alfo bee maoe in Mamefcot , ano paile bmne. X$e Larfh 2nra,in kalian Larice, in SPutCb Lcrchenbaura, teas ThcLarfh m tbe oloe time greatlp efteemeo about tbe ttiuer Poe, ano ttie <5EWe of vcmz , not onelp fo? tije bitterneffe of tbe &appe, wfcrebp ( as vitruuius faitt) ) it is free from co?ruption ano wo?mes, but alfo fo? t&at it mill take no firc,wbict> Mathiolus fametb witb W arguments to confute.^* ga>o to futtaine great buroens, ano ttrong to refill anp biolewe of weaker, bo wbcit tbepfap 3 itmtll rottewttf) fait mater. SC&e Efcleis afeinoeof £>ae , calleo in 3Utine Efclus , is fame burt tuttlj anp moifture : tbe €lme,tbe WIlotMnotbepopla^wbcrcof 3 bane fpoaen befo?e,wtllberp fame rotte ano co?rupt: tbep will ferue Well tnou$ wrttjin Dane, ano fo? making of ^eoges. »e (time eontinuctf) berpl)aro 5 ano ttrong, ano tberefo?eis meetefo? tbe Cbeeace ano JDottes of <25ate0,anD fo*ap, cuggedder ano fjarder. JEfce I3ap leafe (as Plinic faptfj ts a popfon to all fctnoe of Cattell : but herein tie if Of eef* uco, as it ft)outo appeare bp ffje Irfeelincffe of tfje name, /xi^oc, ff/w^gtc, ts rtje poung S^ree, totiefe lfaurs,(as is cerfainelp tried,) fetlletrj all fuct) bcalrs as c^alu not trjc cud. aCfooe&des bis manu fold tfe ot^er ioapfS,mafef t& t|f beff f fatnff bo;femcns ffaue s, fcjfjeteof toas made f jje ffaffe of Achilla, iotjicf) Homer fo greatly commended : it ts alfo cut out m tUmnc bodies. £rje 15 a^ fofjercof 31 fcaue fpohen before, altfjougfj it be brittle ano tcuu r, and map be fo cut intern bo?drs,anabcnt,as rjc feemetfj fa fetue onelpfo.j<£afBef0,bores,ano Coffcrs:f)is colour being oerpfairfj Set ts lie fure ano f cuff if t'n beating of toefgtjt, as in 3rcitr« s, fo: Carts o: uZaines . She barhc of f & e Heccrj, teas bfed m old e rime fo; beflels, to gather (Crapes m,ano otfjer frutf.ano alfo fo; Cruets, ano toeffels to dee farrmce tott rjall : and t[jerefo;c Curius ffoare,tljat |e b:ougbt noting ainap of all t\ft fpoileof his ew< wt'es, but one poa;c 15ecrjcn Cruet, fcrfjereiH rjee migtjf facctfice to f] is Cqds , SE b c 3 loer is a VZ r a Wit rj ffr e ig ij t b o o ir, a foff and rcd'diflj UicdD, groining co mmo nip in trjc toafrie places, it ts cbtetlp effamedfozfaunDattons, anD tnlcater ino:fccs, becaufc it neuci rettetf) Ipfng in tlje mater : and t|iecefe?e k tf is greatlp accounted of among tb e Uenetians, fo: the foundations of trjeir places, ano £oufes: fo; being d;iue« tfjichefn piles, ttenourctf) fo? euer,an& fuffainet^ a toonderfull foefgftf. %fyt rinde is pulled B$in tfje £>p2ing,ano ferue t£ t|e£)iar in [)ts occupation: tt fjatf? like knots to trje <£edar,to be cut and fa>;ougl)tln. &t piaHf free is but a ,ffranger,and a neto come to 3talie } b;oug&f trjttbc r onelp fo; tfce commeoitie of tfje djadoliijbeeping off t&e &mr\z in £ommer an& letting if in,in^linfer,Sberf are fome in Athens(as Plinic faitb) fofjofe bzancljcs are 16. cubits in teedtf) : in Licya trjere is one fo; gceatneire like a !joufe,tljte fljadoto place tmderneatb containing ^i.fmte in bigneffc : tfje timber tBitij IjisfoftneiTf ^at| \)is %it but in loafer, as t&e aider, but d:ier tfjen tfje Cltne, tlje ^uje, t!)e£^ulbfrp,aHdt^e C^erp. £fje Hinder, in C>reebe utc& Wachoiter : it is tierp U&e to Ccdar 3 bnt tfcat it fs not fo large, no* fo fjigfj, trjougrj in manp places it grekerti f a great height ; trje timber lorjcieof toell endurettj atymd.:eri) peeres. #nd tbere" foje Hannibal commanded tfjattfje SCemple end of Diana fljouio . be built ioitrj rafters and beames of juniper, rot^e end if migijt continue. 31 1 alfo beepetfj fire a long time, in fo mucfj as it is faiO, f^coales of 3unip«rbindUd 3 fcauefsept ftreapeece togetljec: The fecondBooke, entreating The Ce- tye (Dumme te&ereof out pamterd bfe. 2D$e ceder Era , in dcr « Jlatine Ccdrus, ano almoff lihe m ctfjer tongues : tf)c barDncffc of thjs SCtmbcc is onelp p:atfcD,auD tf>at tt to til neucr rotce, no? be l»o?me eaten, bat continue euer. Salomon built tbat noble SCempie of uuetree, Doe neuccttji'nfee no; coame. images of Cods ano &>aintdtoere alkies maoe of Ceoar, becaufe tt euer peel* Detb a motfture, ad rfjongl) it flneaf. Theophraftus mjlfetb of Ceoars in Syria.of foure elles ano mo:c in compaffe. Sbettojcrc ano pitch, of the Ceoar tree, to calleo in €»recfce *(&$*. 2Cbe The Cy- Cpp?effe,ano tfje jaine, Doe enoute a long time toitljout eptber preffc. too?me o? rotting. PJim'e cemmenoetb Ctered of foure buno?eo The Pine. U«rcB oloe.EL^ePinc (fatty Thcophraftus) id of a great ffrengtb, ano beep meet fo? trje irraigb?ncflc ano banofemneffe, to be em The Wai- piopeo in builoing. &$t Malnut tree id a great tree , ano com* .nut tree, mon \^ fenotone, imjofe Cimber is mucb b&o in feelinge, ano ta* bled. Thcophraftus ituttcti; , tljat the Walnut tree before ft fab letb 5 mafeetb a certain c fctnoe of nopfe , tol)tci) it once bappenco in Antandr©, tyz people being greatlp afrapo, fieofooainelp out of The wild t ^ e jBtfm ffcfo to fl W ®iiue, in Ratine Olcaftcr, in Italian ■* Oliuc Saluatico , in fepaniU) Azenuche,in ^renclj Oliue fauuagc, in SDutcb Wilder oly boum, of tjis tmmn ts maoe tbe baffed ano .-The Holly banoels of immbles and 0ugurd. i£olme , oj l^ollp , is a Cree turjofe leaued are full of p?icfeled ? rouno about t|e Ieafe,ano tl;e .fcarUe, being botrj continuallp greene, tbe berried \fot tbe Ceoar: of tl;e rinoe anD raited tbep mafee Birbltme: t^t WLwb it ben? ,#ar& 3 tbe bzancbes hull toefl ftnnoe ano boto c , ano therefore fer# uctb crccllent toell fo? qwcfcfrt beoges: tbe jDufcfjmen call it The Ma- Hulfen. 2Cf)eMapIe,calleD bp Thcophraftus *pevcfyuvoc,m j£)Utcl> pie. Mattel terbaum , fo: tbe beaut ie of tbe ttcoD to nerf f o tbe Ceoar, bauingabcrpfap?eanDpleafant grame, offbcrefemblancecal* leo peacocked taile : toif b tyi* focoD SEablrs are couereo mod gojgeroud to tbe e pes , anD other fine too?feedmaOe, fpectallp of *bc fenobd o? teens that grots out of if, calleo BmfcouanD Mol- lufccu : of mbicb the fenobs l;a tb t\)t fairer anD t\^t mo?e courleo grainc. Mollufcou is a mo?e open graine, ano if fo be it mere of Ju8icientb2eaDt$fo?CablcB 3 itlpere to be p?efecreo before t^e Ceoar : of the ordering of V Voods. 1 03 Ceoar : noto it is but fctoome tone, an& t&at in footing tables, 0; about beta.- K here is alfo a Unob^o: a tocn 3 grotoing upon ttje flloer,but a gr cat ocalc toojfc tl)c n tfcat of rtje staple. SLfje Date 5£r*,tot)creoffoeet>auc fpofeen before , Ijatfj atoerp fofttooD. trcc e ^ aie SCbe Corkc,|i« timber is fougfj : but noto fo?a feretoell, 3 kill The' tocte fontuljat toojfecs euerp timb«r is meetfo?. %\)t iftrw,tj)c Corkc. Pwe,anD tyc Ccoar 5 fcruc fo? S>bips 3 foj ©allies: ano Jligljtcr* whattum fas ThcophraOws faitb; are maoe of ifirre, fo; t&e ligbtnifft cac h tim- fafce: &lnps of batDcn 3 arcmaoeof pnc. Qlpou tbe JFremJi bcrferues. ano CDermaniefeas, tfjcv ct)icaptjfe£>&c about t&cir &l;ips: tfjc For ships, felfe fame timber alfo fciuetb tocilfo? burioing of boufrs,fpcci' all? tye <£eoac , anD t&e Cpp^effe. 2D^ ifirre, tbe^oplac, tyt For boufes flftj, anotljc (fame, are meet fin t&e inner parts of t&e boufe, but tyep ferue notfo toell in ttjetocatfjer, as t&e £>fce Dot!), jfo; £2™'* conueianccs of toater,t^c aiDer, tljc pine,anb tt>eptcfmee 3 are beft maoe in ppes : being focll eouereo in tbe *artb, tbep lau; a toonoerfuil tobtle, but if tljep lie bncoucreo, tW faner periuj: STljc mt alfo, t&c Bktc^anDtbe Malnut, ensure berp toell in tt>e te&tzt. EClje Cimbcr ti>at longeft ennuxtt^is tfje£)liuc,tbc ®\at$z foiloe £>Uc, ano tbe £pa£bolme : if o? as Plinic toirncf* fetb 3 t&e £Dliuc ba$ b&nc fame-to fianD tfoo bunojeo pares, ttje lifee tbcCeoar , ano tbe Cpp2e8e,asbatb bstnt fa(D,befo?e : fo? Hafters ano £&o.ittffl* petres , tt>e<£lme,ano t\)t 8u>,bp reafon of f (jete lengtb fcrues beft. ECtjc oeft to bcare hmgt&ts fye if ir, For & ft „- ano tljc &arO),U>t)tcl) botefocurr pou lap tbem>tDiU neither beno 3 ring of no? bjcafce, anoncuer faUe 3 till foojmes confumetljem. Contra weight,- ritoife, rlje j^DIfue tree.ans f be £Diie,foiU giue anD beno^no fo tutii flje poplar, tfje ©SWloto, tije <£hne, anotbe315p?ct). 2C&c 2Date (a U)o?tbte CrceJ bcnDetb tpngainft tys burocn. Sbe poplar on tbe otber fiDe giuetfj at euer\? ligbt tbing. SCfjc €lme^ ano tbt 00)^ tbaugb ^ololp, are eafelp bent. 2C^efe alfo are •xafelp- toousto ano bent: ttjc 22lillotB 3 ttje iSp^cb^bc B^me,tl)e £Dbe r anii tbe £>fecn bo:aes. ^tjinglc s,to couev boufes iiittball 5 ace be0 Fo r Shin- tnaoe of Stec, Wo&% ano fucb otbersas bearc ^aft : ano alfo of gi« r fuebas £ixlol£ojen,as tbepine 3 an^tbe^itcl) tw: tf)r%pitcfj free 3 ana tbe £Dl5e 3 ferue beft fo? Cups 3 SCanharos, ano fucb ItUe* SDbofe tf;atarecut fo? JHfllainfcot ano thin bo?oes,t|»e Cerre tr©> tije SCecebintl^ tjc-^aple, tlje JK>W0,tjje5tote>tl>e ^aftt;clm$ a The fecondBooke, entreating ty'rott of tfje eioer 3 ano tfje poplar, foi tyt beaaffrVntg of For i&.a gables, teruetb ctjrefcip ttje i£aple 3 tfje 3ff) 3 ti)e£Salrtar , ano fomefrmestfje Cleric, ano tijejdeare : battbcp:etionfeffaret&e C?p?effe 3 ano ttje Ceoar Sables. f;o; .Sreltrtts, BQbolrs^o For^Axe!- ^p ga {s e5 ^ a itfj tyt gkt&t ^3pU.aH0 fyt 13e£Cl}.Virgii] DOtfc alfo appoint tt)eCea3r,an&t$c€pp:effe tot|isofc. hereof rtjrp mane rtje ^poafecs of CQfcceles, ano hereof Carts ano CSatnts, £fje felfc famclDmber alfo fcructf) (as Hefiodus fairt) J fo* Yok« anu |3letocs, |2okes , anD SGagons : bat trjaf bee a&oetfc fjcreunto p!or?c$. rbe 3flje,t t^t Cc rre tre^ano as fbe 3u>e fo: tys foftneue^o tije ^afttwlme fo: rjtsbar&nes. j^palltes, cStmbles,&bearbcs, ana iB3llets 5 t^inatraaret{)ctx»il0e^liae 5 tjrel5ore,t^c^a(!* tj&lmc 3 f^c 5pcDlar 3 trjo Clme 3 trjc 3u>e>frje^aple-,anotbe S;am' blerbnt r^r greater fo:f of spallefs 3 o: 13cetUs 3 anD fyt Ujfyettes, ano pulltes fo; s£il6,ami CCIets, are maoe of pme, ano &3al* nut trs.Cato tooalo baue rfce ESatnrs an& Carts maoe of l^ollp, For Har?$ ^ 3 P 5 anD £lme. Hyginus fejoulo t>ane tbc banoles 3 o: ffeeles of and Han. f£ufoansmens f©!es 3 mase of Dogge tree toco, i^oltne, Cerre di«. trre 3 ano (tofctcj? toe baue commonlp in ofe iSorc. targets (as Fcr Tax- Theophrirtusfapt&JmaDe of CGiUoto 3 ano Cltnc/o: being pierccD 8 e:s - ftjep dofe t$e barter togetbec : but r&e EQiUoln is tjje lig$t£& anjfftjecefcrce t|ie better, Efje ^igge tree alfo, ano tjjeJUn&jc, . tbeSr?^ 3 tbe^iplac 3 aniJt^eClDer5fecBeastuellfo.:Xargtts. finakwei £ & eocff Jfl£D3 fo: ^o:femensftanrs is tbe HOje, ano ;as virgili • ' ' * faitb; fo: fcaliant ttaues,tbe ^frfill: tbe Cine trffferuftlj v ast^8 fame V r irgi!l totrncfletrj) fo: 13otocs : The E*e Tree for the Perfun Bow they bend. f-r. Oaf es 3 tbet> trjc <3ime:fo; pampers 02 23affeets.aU fort) as caul? beno. f-oz Cupplings ano Uaftcra of rjoufes 3 ttje eime: ano fbe3$cfe: thin bo:D:tbebefftecleaue,tf)e J"-irrr 3 tf?e pop' lar, and trjc 15cecrj : fo: long Curing, anD abiding the toeat£er 3 anD trancing in toater,tbc.£>he is commenDeD, fo: tobie£) ttje otbec ffrue not;faticfo:trjeluatrr,tlic25atlj,anot^e 2locr : fe? 6re, For m:er anDligfjt.arc Mrt the jfftce,$« |SfffifiTat,Mi t l|w fMng. £be woikw. beUjJalesarcmaDf of thefaftetttocD, f trjc^fefjaniJ t^cimlDe ^cibuttfje-fincrsrarberoelirftbeeoale-st^at arc maDc orpine trie, becaufc ttjep better abt'Dc the blolumg.ano Die notfo faff as tyz ot'prr, S^!;cCcrrc rr cc.ttjougfj tt?c trmber U of no great ofc, of the ordering of Woods. 1 04 pet fettict!) it foell to mafee Coale of fo? tlje B?affe ifo?ges, be* F«r Coa. caufe as tone as tlje iBeUotoes lcaur,tljc fireceafet$>,ano t&crc 10 lin s. little toaft in it : bntfo? building, tfyc timber thereof is altogc* trjcr unprofitable- beeaufe it ootlj ea0lp b?eafce, t mouloer afoap : but being in potte* bnljeroeo , it ferueflj toell enough toitljin oeo?c. SDtje apteft to tafee fire, 10 t&c /Mgge tree, ano tlje 2Diiue tree. SCtje ^iggetrec bctauhitte foft ano open : tlje fiUfoe tree, fo? tlje fafrneffe ano tlje fatnefltc. SCtje Eartt) trr* fas Vic'rouius faitl)) reCff etlj t&c fire , tjjouglj Mathiolus (as 3 faio befoje) go* ctrj about to otfp?ouc it. 3n all tlje booies of trees , as of liuelp creaturrs,tberc fs ffcinne, Gnetoes^Iroo, 0cu),bc fnes, bonrs,ano marroU) : tljeit ffcin t* tbeir barhe, of great bfe among Cotmtrp people : tlje Ucffels tfjat tljep gather tfjeir mines, ano otljer fruits ln,rjjep mafeeof t&e baeheofilinoetree, iffrre, Mtlloit),l!5eeei), ano aioer. 2Dtje Coffee batlj tlje ttitcfeefi; barfee, toljicl) tfjougfj fce Thcbarke icofctie otcttj not,fo? fo beneficiallijatlj nature beene to tjfm, tljat beeaufe lie is eommonlp fpoilco of Ijis barke, fye [ja tb giuen [jim ttoo barfees. £)f fjis barfee,are maDe [Dantofl es,ano feltppr rs,ano if loates fo? filing i^ets,ano Angles : if tlje barfee be pulleo off, r&e focou fintjes : but tfje barb* altuaies fwimmetlj. SClje nert to tlje rinoe in moff trees, iB tlje fat, tlje foffett ano tlje foaijff part of t&e free,ano moll (ubiea fo too?mes : tljerefo?eit is eommonlp cut atoap. SC&e fappe of tjje treats tbe blcoo, fcnbtrb ts not alike in all frees , fo? in t&e if tgge tree it is milbie , foljfclj ferurttj as a Jftennetfo? C&iefc. 3n Ctjerietre«s,ltis gummie: in CBImes, fal* flu) : in apple trees, elammieanDfaf : in hints, ano}9rare frees foatriu) : tljep eommonlp fp:ing tlje beft, toljofe feappc is clan* mieff. K\)t fupce of tlje ^ulberie, is fougbt fo? (as PJimc faitb; of tfjefaijiGtians. $erttoti)efaf, is tlje flew, ano nert to tfjat tlje boncttjebeff part of t&e timber: all frees Ijaue notanp great quantitic oftfjfs fat ano fleu), fo? tlje Boretlje Co?ndl, ano trja j©liue, fcaue neitfjer fat, no? fleu>, no? marroto , anb berp little bleoo ! as neitber tlje &erut(Te, ano 3loer , fjaue anp bone, but botb of trjem full of marroto. Heeces fo? tbe moft part Ijane no fleOjataU : in flel^ of trees , tljcrearebot^teinesano arteries, tlje belnes are b?oaoer, ano fairer : tbe arferies^re onelp in fuel) trees as tuill cleaue , bp meancs of Utyctj arteries it commetfj to palfe, tljat tlje one eno of a long beams laieo to pour eare, if The fecondBooke, entreating ff pea Oo but fillip imttj 2 one finger topon tt) e ottjer eno, ffje fount fs bjougftt fo:t&toiti) te pour care, tofcerebp ft 10 taiofcme, tm)g* tbec t[;epeece beffraigljt anD eueno; notjn fome frees tf^cre arc knots on ttjeoutCoe, as tfcetoenne,02 t&efeernelltntbe ficft) of tnan 3 m ttje ti^ictj ttjere is neither tjetnc, nojarterie, a tjaro fcnop of flefl) being clong 3 ano rolleo tip m ft felfe : tfcefe are moft of pcire in fyt <£eoer 3 ano ttjc Staple. 3n fome , tyz fici^ts quite tott^out u *ines 3 ljauing onelp ccrtaine fmali ffrmgs, ano fuel) are tfjougfjt to eleaue bell: otf}ers 3 rljat£auenot tbetrirrmgs 3 02 ar> fcrieflf,iiull rather bzeafeer^ en eleaue;as tbe Cline,anD tlje Qiiue, l»illratbcrb2eaketfjen eleaue. £f;eUn)Qle boo? of tlie $i$ ts fleflfre: astijeboop oftbe ^aftbolme 3 t&eCo;n*U, tbetoiloe £)ac 3 tbeaiulber2, ano furfc others as £iaue no plfrj, is allbon?, Cfjc graine t^at runnett) ouertbftart in t£e JSceclj, loas taken (as Piinic fapttj) intf)* oloc time fo2 fys arteries. th r A.'&ijereareor&ttcommeDtttesbefioct&c timber fo begafoeteo of tljcfc trees, M a r. i v s. aery, true : (fo; as 31 ratd btfozt) of ffyt 2&t& iar, t|e £*e, tfce Cbeftnat, t£e J3me 3 ano tfje ISoecJj, tbcfe trees tyzt grrofaunthcCa'o^Sj befioes tbeir timber, bearefruit alfo, gmo ano mate to be eaten. &o of tfje jrirrrs, tyt &itc% trees, ano tyz y)incs>me gather Uojen an: pitcfjjto our great common Uifie ano gaine: as of fijc jDae 3 tbe 0IKJM&C C&eftnutjf&e ^efo lar ano t\)z pine, toe ijaue fruit bot| mat fc; man, ano alfo gas fo: fee wg of l^ogs, ana tljcc Cattell. Bin time of ceartf) , bo trj our fo2cfatbcrs,ano ii>c,Ijauc trteo tbe gooo feruiee tbat 3co:nes in bieao fjattj Oone,pea, asPJinieano others hapc tu:t'ttrn 3 trjep. toere toont to be fcraeo in amongff fruit at mens tables.^ either (5 it bn¬oen to^at great games fome countries get bpflcoznes, Kojen ano^itct) : &£e ©ail alfo grotoetfj bpontbefeacojne- bearing Screes, hereof 3 tjaue fpofcen befcue. Amongff all tyz trees oat of to'pir&runnerlj Ho$en,fbe Sarrr tree, a feino offline, ts fullelr of fap 3 ano fofter t^en f be §3lf cb, bottj meet foj fire, ano lrgI)f,tD!jflfebo20esmebfe fo burnc in If eeo of eanoels. K$z&u OarfiueatetljoatHojcnano (3ite^, ealleD Ccdria, ^cjeourr* birdlime, sf Crtes, ts 13icoUme rnaoe, tlje bed oft^e £erre tree , tfjz ipaCr|olme, ano rtjeCbelrnat, fpen'allsfei f^e tSTooDes about Scnc, anoneere t^e $>ea Qoe,tu&ere tiie^ arc carefully planteo in great of the ordering of V Vood $.' 105 great plentie , bp tyc Biroiimc-makcrs : Jf oj tljep gatljec tFjc berries from tbe teas, ano bo^le tfjem fill tfcep bjeafce, ana after tijep Ijaue HampcDf!)e!n,tf)^iBafl[|f!jemmU)afer 3 fiaaia^c fieri) fall atoap. Plinic affirmetfi , fbat it grotuetlj onelp bpon £*fees, ^aftjjolme, js>haDDcs , pine tnts, ano if irre. Birolime is alfo tnaoc ofttjc rtotes of ccrtaine Cra?s,fpeciaUp of tlje ^oUp,fo!>Gfe rotes anD barfees toifljall tyep gatbecano laptljem op in trm* tljcs, coucrcD ioit!) Icaues in afcerp mopff gcouno (Tome Doe it inBoungJ aito ttjer c tljcp let tfycm lie till tljcp cot, tfjen fafeetljep tljem out, aim beat t fjem, till tfjep foare clammie,anD after foafli tijem in luarme toater,anomaIsetf)em tip inballes foitijtfjeir Jjanostit isbfeo fbefioe otfjerpurpofes) foj ffje taking of Biros. SBefioesall tt»s, t&creftoeafetf) eutof Creesacertaine (limine hnofoento all mcn,as of t&eCfjerp fra,tlje^lometi;fic 3 t^c3uiTi* per, tlje 2DUue,t(je Blachtl)ome,tf)e 3fuie,ano aimono. j©ut of t^e3Bumper,commet^erm0):oiitoftf)e^irrfie,^to?ar:outofverniflij tbeimjite poplar, amber. PJinie tojitetlb tbat tfmbeecommetl) Amber out of cert ainc pine trees in tlje fat,a* a anancere iopneo in j3fv ^mo;cD to t\}t ftlturc of tljcgrouno, not s oncii? appeared bpvirgill.r&epiinee of poets, Inljo tjatfj in fyis C3eo2giefecs tfjzougrjlp fef fo:tb tbeozDcr thereof, but a'fobptfec ioitneffe oftlje mo.2e aunetcnt p^tlofopbcrs, Xcnophon , anD Anftorle. SLrjc like Dortj our eemmon crpcricuce at bome oailp tract) ts: fo: albeit rtjc fra^c of tillage anD keeping BfCaftell is Diners, ano tbe manner of oreuppingmanp times contrarp tbeonefofbe other i as lrn)ere the (FraCer and~ X5?&Ber, rcqmretn a ground full of Oraffe anD paffurc, the ^ufbanoar^i on ttje other One, a ground tottbout C?rau"~,anD ^cli filleotpcr in ttjcfc trjerr Diucrs- Defircs, tbere appcaretb a cccfame ftlictu^tp $ mutua'l ccmmo# tiitic rrDounDing in tljrir oreupring of one the otrjcr,li»!?ie^ Fun- dju'us in v«jrro,Dotfi feemtbv an apt companion to p:oue: as in a eoup'c of febalmcs, e; Hut 02OC1S, fcitb Jjc , the one mffr rrttj in founD from tt)?otncr,tbcucrt) the mufufce * fougbcall one(tfjc one fonnDtngtbeCreb;c,rbf ot^ertrje 13afr" brtibc manner map tuc terme tbc (Sraficrs tcaoe tbe treb'e, t the fillers occupation tfj« bafr,fol!otDtng D;cz*rcl us.tofyo crpc2fctb.tijat et f be beginning, men 'iucD onlp bp b:ceDing f facing of CattelLnof fjaumg as pet t£e Hull of plotoing ano til.ing t&e groun&,no2 planting of trees. After* entreating of Gattell. io£ flftcttoarbs in fyc lower Degree, tons found out tfjc manner of tilling oftt>e ground,ano tl)crefo;e bearctfj tlje bate to t&e feeder* fnttjat it is lotocr •, asm a couple of ${cco?oers, tl;e bafe to tlje treble. 3>o tins toft'ng to Rccpc cattell fo? plotomg>catiage,oungmg of our ground f ottjer commodities: anD on tlje ettjee fide, to nil the grouno fo; fccDing f maintenance of our cattell, It comes to paffe,tl)at though the manner of occupying m tiIlage,ano keeping of cattell be ctuers, pet one of tljcm fo feructf) tl;c furne of tlje otfjer, ttjat as it feemetlj, ttjcp cannot well be afundce : fo?toltl}* out tlje fcruice of V)q;(c ano 3Dren> toe can ncitljer pioto no? dung our grouno.CljaiTe, ffrato,and otljer offall of tome is mi** ter to be fpent opon tlje ground, then to be fold, butt) fo? ttje Jfarmcrfi bcljarfe, ano tfjc ILo?os, ano better bettotocd tpon t|jc $oun)old cattell, tljen bpon tlje fo?rciners. 3Bcfi'De0,t(>e dung of tfje cattell enricljrtl) f|iegrouno 3 ano b?ingetf) great encreafe: and loljereastljere is no place (as Columella faitfj) but in t&e tillage of the grouno,tt)ei? fjaueasmnclj neede ofcattel^as men ; tlje cattell feruenot onelp fo; tlje tilling of the ground, but alfo to bnng tit come, to beare burdens, carrp dung fo; t&e ground, and alfo fo? b?eeO,anOincceafeof tbe &totKe:tol)ercbEtl)cp ^auetfjetename lumenta, of helping, becaufe tljep Ijelpeano further fes, either in our labours,bp plowing tn bearing ijbittjer is it onelp fumcient to nouriu) and b?ing op tljis htnde of great cattell called iumenra, but alfo the ofber leller fo2 1 of Bcaftcs , as £>fjcepc, fetoinc, deflates : and of if owles, jfen and tloo feljeepc, cucrp <©redalued at d,s. fci. d. and euen? £>i?repe at bi. d, 2L1)c fmal* left was a 8>beepe : tfjebcrp like is pet obferued toitlj tlje nobleff and toarUReff people, tofjofe fubffance Ipetlj altogether in cattell. ;© 2 Cato The third Bookc, Cato being once asfceo bg fobat part of buobamnpamanmtgbt fomeft bemaoe rtctj^ maoe anfiDere.Bp. paling: : ano betng au feeDagaine, tobitfc inapb* migbtgetfumcieHt Uuei^mn .-• beam The wor.fiucretijlSp meant C\:amig.^;;:couer,tbattbeteo?rbpneac anD thincfie gt-# original! of keeping of Catteil is of greatcft antiquitic, sno and a ™- tbattijc traDe tljerccf batrjaltoapes, from tbe time of ttjr $atru keepmo of arfesbtt&crto,banc cauntcD mod : boneft,a5Uicll tbe ^captures, Caudf as p:opbane ^tftones Doe iitirncs,tu1jub fctnQc of life, bom tutept table it batb altoaics bane to ©oo, bvtljofetrjat liueo in tbefirti UiDJio 3 t!otb plaiitelp appeare. £3l;e scripture ifeetnct$ bom gca* ctouflp t\)c iio?D acecpteotbe faenfice of Abel, a feixpcr ano fceoer offljeep, b{fi3e0 3 Sah,Noe, Abraham, Lor,Iacob, lob, Amos, ^olp ants bltffeti men arc eommentseD fc: keeping anD faomg of €aU tcll,toberebp attaining to great mealtb, tbcp fuftapneo ffyam felues, tijeir Catues, tljetr C()ilo:en, ano trjeir bugc i^amtiies. SElje bonnes of Jacob, iuljcnastrjet? iiure Dcmaunoeo bptbe Jimg of yEgyptiubat manner of life ttjcp leooc * maDeanftuere, SEbat tbep mere ftsocrs ano keepers of CatfelL JFromtobicb trace, Lor, Mofe?, Saul, ano Dauid, mere by tyc toili of <25oD armanceo to tl;c Crofone, as among t\)t Ccnttles t\it mofr an* cienf, ano famous p:incrs iocre, fome of tbcm bjougbt bp bp ^>bepbear5s, ano fome £>ljepbeares tbcmfelues. Romulus 2no Ciru?,bemgmtgbtte Cmperours,mcre b:ougbt bp among s>b*P' bearDS* 15cfiDeS, Valerius Maximus, Con Ifa urine, Probus ariD Aurclianus,camc allfrcm tbe jOrc-ftail,to tl)c 3mperiall&eafc. Homer rommenoefb vliiTcs bis feminebero, foj bis great bait* ance ano nobleneffe. Xtyat tyc fcaliant ano nobicS people baue pjofeffco tbi's traoe,tbc 3talians> 0ermancs, ana Bp £>mit$crs ran feffine,tubofe eountnes being note groton to mo?e oeliracie tbentbfp toerefoont to be, mere front altoarrs, ioben tljeir Do* ings mere moft famous, to glo:ic ano fcaunt tbemfelw s of tbis life, as attbis oaptbegoolteaanoinifettooe. 3nD tfjerefo:etbc undent fe;iters,astoell dfteekes, as Latmes, Doc count tbe cfjte. feft toealtb to be in tbe number of &>bcepc, Cattcll ano J^ruit : fojtobicb effimation t\)t Cattell mere fuppofea to be claboe in C?oloen Coates : Vubcncc fp?ang fittt t\)z fable of t\)e (Doiom #lafeofColcGs, tDfjicfjiafon ano bts companions attempteo to fetc^anb of t&e €5oloen Apples, bept b? ttje baugtjters of Ar/«s. i$efioee. entreating of Cattell. 107 SBeffOcs^fje fignes of ^eauenj 3 tbe S>eas , spounfames , ano Countries 5 ooe bearc tfjeir name of IBeaffs ; among tl)c &tars, fbcttamme 5 tt)e Bull: tlje spounfaine, Taurus .- anotye&ea, Bofphorus. italic tsofcc Ijts ttamc of Calucs. spojeouect&efcec* pingef Cattell is tlje toojttjiec, in t&attt fjaffj fomerefembiance of tlje Hate of a Oouernounano tijeccfo:c tot p:opljcts m tijetc bepfjcat:DS,ai:D feeders of tljepea' pie* pcajljc 2Lo:D of tlje infjole tuo.Uo Dottj call bfmfelfe a &ty:$'< Ijearo. since it appeared bp tfjefe eramples,of tofjattoojtljineire beeping of Cattell is 3 anD ijoiu neere tt is UnacD foitfj ttliage , 3 liaue beere ftjougfjtgajD , after the entreating of SDiliagc, C5aroc> nmg, ano £D;cl;arDs, to Dcfecibc as bzicfel? as 3 can, tijc o:Dcr ant) manner of keeping of Cattell: Urfjicfjfijtll tljougij v^arro DcutDeib onelp into tfizcc parts ,31 fjattcDcuiocD intofoure. 3jnttjefirft part 31 put the great Cattell fo: bucocn,as l>o;fcs, 3iTes,gpulcs ; ano Camels: in tljcfecono part, the UCTc fo;f,as £>heepc, C?oatcs, ano &\muk : in tyz tbt'ro , fucfj things as are belonging to the Keeping ano fafegarD of Cattell , not fo: tlje profit tljcp peelD of tljemfelucs, but fo: rljctr nccclTarp Ufe, as &(jcpljC3t05 Dogs, ano Cats: of tfjcfc ttj.:ee parts,in this tlnro JSoofcc, HI entreat off: the fourth 3D referre to the fourth Wake. Waning thus Declared the contention betfoirt Beeping of Cattell 3 anD 2Cillage,foitJi tlje toojtfjincffeanD antiquitit ttjereof , 3J meane nolo to p:ofccutc fucfj things as are belonging to the fame. 31 bauebjougfjt mtfjc fiic gaffers ano beepers ofenerp BinDe of Cattell, ano retting t\) cmfclucs fopon tlje boip Dap in tfje greene graffe 3 ano the gDonv merslfcaooto, ewers one Declaring ijis f Bill ano bnolxileDge^acco^ Ding fo bis {pjofeffion. SDIje parties are 3 Euphorbius tbe jjieat* bearD : Hippocomus tlje l^ojfe-seeper ; Hediotlje ^Ijepbearo, ano Eumcus tlje &fome-f)earD. * Evphor. i^alnurra Hippocomus, tobitljertoanDerpou i jSDoe pon not BnoU) tfjat it in fcolp Dap 3 a Dap f Dance iu 3 anD make merrpatttjeaietfoufc:' Hippo. Ouerp Dap is bolp DaptottJj lajp anD aouffjfull marcbants : it It ctf) mctjponto Icdkc torn? p:oftt, to fee M; ether mp I^ozfes feeoetoell 3 anD tfjat tyep take no ijarme.Cb* pattures are To burnt toltlj tlje Ijeat of Rummer, tfjnt 31 am afraiD fo? toant £> 3 * The third Booke, of meat e, t&cp kill teht to b?eanc into ot&er grcunts , ano fo Imtttljemfelues. E v p h o a., m&pbzmgpounct tfjem fnto tfjis ftrtOjtofjrre rrjcte ifi botf; a gcoDgrotten, anD p^ettp ffoje of gratic among tije IjeaDgrcues. Hippo, f^ou pcrftoaDe me not fo tljctoo.jff. Evphor, Come on trjci^biDMaftrix pour bop bjing $tt|er pour [)02fcs,ano pou pout fclfe, fit pou Dofome DnDcr rjjis l^afeli , tljat Unll peetti fes bott) HjaDofo ano~# uts, anD toe toUl feno fo: Eumc.us,auDHedio,ifpou t Ijtnhe g©o> anD toeetoillpaffe atoav irje timt toitlj fuel) talfce as toe ujafl finoe. Hipp o. flgrceo : 0oeMiftrix, fefcljlnf&er n;e!£o2fcs 3 toitl) X\)z Cofis ano lije 3ffes. OfHor- e v p h o r. £no pou humcus,ano Hcdio,bjmg peur fjcarcs kt - togefljer, ano tome fjittjer, cuerp man fljall lap Dotone t)ts fcof, as t&epfofe in tljs 2Cauernes>but toirfjeut monep c? anp cljatges, Declaring at large tofjat belonged totfce Cattcllbefeapetlj.^ouc ^ojfesHippocorrmsarepetmgoJD plight. 3 fate trjc \}o;tt3 of our neighbour Agnus of late, toljicl) ate leaner ano barer a great toap. Hippo. jacraDuenfure frjep fcaue not fo gojo tofcingtmfo, tljougf) tfjep neither toantpaffure,rtoj are muetjlabcurcD, but tume on fyc ottjer fioe, are continually laboureD, ano ate not fo tuellfto, but better laj&eD fcnfo tfjen mp neighbours. Evphor, t&Jell, finccbotrj time anD place requirctyt'f,3 VWV pou, let ds fjeate iuijat pou can fap touting t|jc cfjatgc anD taking to of l£o:fes. Hippo. £>utelp , Bffjaue not fo murrj monep to fell, but 3 maptueil beat lepfure^no ffjerefojc mice pou are fo earncft toitfj me, Bf toill not Denie pour requeff : altrjougl; ttjat of rfjtsmatfer 3 an fjoneff ano icarncD Gentleman of <£nglanD 3 cpaftce Thomai BlunGuiic&anjfo ttuoug&lp to:if ten to tjts comraenoaf ion 5 anD be* nefit of rjia Countne , as ffjetc cannot be mo:e faiD: 3 r efer pou fijerefo?e torjelp fo trim : nottoitrjffanDing b?iefclp 3 totUlrjcto vonmp famie. 3raangall or&er creatures tr>at Xdc fcfe in our la< fcaur,r^e i£o:fe map toojtlncftcljalenge t£e ctjfefcft place, as tfje noblcff 3 tltf gcDOlieft, t|e neceBarieff, anD trje mstftclr beadt&at loee We in our ferutee, ano fince [jee fetuct& tofo roan? bfc* s 31 tyrat* entreating of Cattell. 10$ f&oulD Jjcre beff otofome time m Ijist p?atTc, ai*D fn Dccltic^ng fjts fenifce, but to; tyis, anotfjee time (ball better ferae* Evphou, 323 c onelp I; ere Dciirc to fenoto tfce fi gncs of a goto, ano an ercellent !£o;fc , ann tlje rigfjt manner of ojoering jjiim. Hippo, Jfirff , pou fljall fenofo tfjat l£o;fc* ferae fo; fun* o?.p purpofes. feomefo; tbcpioiu,t^e Carf,anD tl;e JDacbfaooic, orders, fo: Kgbt ^o;fcs,Courfers, anD *£o;fcs of fercittc,otl|cru againe, fo; Stallions, anDbjeeDers : anDtberefo;etbep muff be tbofen acco;Dtngtotbclrteratcc. &oulOiers,ano mm of SKKarrr, Deuce a fierce ^o;fe,ccura0ous 3 runft, ano foci! colour eD. W$z ^ufbanoman uioula baue \)i* ^o;fegentle,large booicD,ano meet fo; trauell ano burDen, ijiottoitbffanDfng,tbe b:ceomganob;mg* fug bp of tl)2in, is almoft one : fo; in their b;itDtng, toeefjope to b;fng t\)tm all to tbe&aoole. evi'hor. uE^attl)mg0aremofitobecou(toereDmt^efr booing t ■ Hippo, ^e fljat \)%fy a fanctefo b^aoe ©o;fe , muff firff p;omoc (n'mfeife of a gob Hace,anD then of goto gromtD,ano pletv tie of paffure, iuljtclj in otfjer Cattell ought not to be fo great* Iv obferueo, but in l^o;fes tfjore muff be fpeclall care thereof* #nD tberefo;e, pou muff irff f® tfjat pour s>tallton be of a god cace, toell p;opo;ttoitco,anD frameo in cuerp point,ano in like fo;f» tbe ipare. &ome reckon tlmr geoDncffe up tbctr Countries, tobeecin cljrp taUe fo; ebfefe, tfje (femct of Apatite, tbe Courfer of Naples, tbe &acmacfan l£o;fe 3 tfje Pel oponcfian,tbe Turkey, ano tbe Thcilalian,but tbefe ferae cbiefelp fo; ranntng,anDftoift* neffc. jro: largeneffe of boDp , ensuring of labour, anb ntneffe fo; b;ceoe 3 fyc beff are to be I?ao oat Of Frccfeland*. Holland, ano Artoys. Cfjc ftjape ano p;opo;f ton of tbe *£o;fe, ought beeDtjp to be eonSoereo , fo; tfje berp lake ano countenance oftentimes Declare tb tfjc gaumeffe of in* nature* 2Dberefo;e pou muff Dili' gentlp conffoer bis making, from tbe beele to tfje beao,anD firff pou muff cbiefelp regarD fjts feettfo; ao in bietutng of a boufe,it is in toauuto regarD tfce beautie of tlje upper Jiamics if trie founoa* tion be cuinoustfo tbe l£o;fe tl)&t is not founo of bis teer,teill ncu tber ferae tlje&oalDto^tbe ^ufuanoman.no; tbe iCrauailer. 9n T , pour lohfog bpon ijim tjierfo w ;e pou muff Srft conGocc tyz [jofes, ^ ® 4 tfpat ' The third Booke, f&af rlicp be not fencer ana foft, but Ijaioaiio fcuno., round, and tjoilotuj t^at rf;e fjollotoncffe map fecepc tjis for from tljc ground, and founomglifeeaCtmball(asXenophon faptl)) map declare tljc founonrffc of ctjc foot e a fo i tfje Ijoofc ttjat is full aiib fieftjp, ts not to bclifccd, and the 19o:fcs tljat Ijauc fuel) rjoofes coc cafilp t)alr,iprjcrefo:e Diners commend a l3o;fe like t&e ijmfe of an 9ffe, tl;e pafternes nert to tljc hcafc, not tea long, as the C?oat fjatl;,fo: Gjstnng off tys rider, and booing of foinogall » no; tea u>?t, fo; being tjurt in tfonp ground. SDfje legs and trje tl)pe0,fiti) tljepare fiie ffandecos of the body , tljep cugfjt to be emn , ffratg&t" ana found, not goutp,tottt)nuui; fletij and ucinrs, fo: fuel; astjaue fijeit legges clad toitf) much flcflj ano tocincs , t&ep toifl) great iournepes grotu full of ttmidgals, ano fuellings, toijicl) brill The legs, caufetjjem to fcalt 3 Urfjicl) legges at tfce firft foling, are as long aseuer tliep fotll bee,bp reafon toljereofpou mapgeffe foljat The knees fieigfjttfje ^o:fetuill be of, being pet a Colt. SEtjc fences muff be round, flerible,and finall, and not botoing intoard, nc: ffiffe, Thcthies. tyz types large and foell b:afoned.,t)isb:catt great and b2eao,i)ts Thebrcft. necfeefoft and b:oao 3 not Ranging lihe a (25oates, but &p:igl;t The neck, Itae a CocUes, and foell reining, Ijis g&mz trjichc > falling on tljc The man« rigbt fide, fome lifee it better on the left, Ins head uiiall and leanc, The head, fo: a great and fjeaw'e Ijead is a figne of a dull Bade, tys mouteU fljo?t, rjistnoutf) feioe, loitl) large Uwincfclcs, (till plaping toity t&e 15if, and foming : as virgin : There (lamping (lands the Heed, and roomy Brideil fierce he champs. Thc Ebc l9o?fe that fjatfj a dip mouth is naugbt : t>is cfjakebones mcuth. fooulo be euen and fmall ', fo: if tytv ffand to farre afuneer,fce foillbcillfo uebiioledj and fijo bnctienneflTecf tfje crjorfees UuU make t)fmt)eaOirrong,and mutt fo rapne foell, but to rtjjmft out ty'shcad ill fauouredlg, fj:s epes great, bluddp, ano fierrp, ano The eyes, ffanaing out of his fjeao, Ui^ictj is a figne of qutckcneffe,ano line* lineCfe : hollo to j little epes are naught, and blacfce,o: pale liars, in t^e epes are fo be aifp:aifed : ibefc faults are bell fpied in tyt nigjjfbp candle iigtjt. Columella comnundcti) blacfee eprs.fl foall epe is fceep god , fuclj as tfcep fap Alexanders Bucephalus tjafc. The caret %fa eares muft be u)o:f ? ffanDingup:igl)f^ 8imng,fo?tlje eare* entreating of Cattejl. ib^ be tlje fofcensof a ^ojfcs ffomacfee,toljicfj if t&ei? be great ano Ranging, are figncs of a 3aoe. SCtje $ettlmls mull be toiae,tl)e The better to recefue apje, ttiljtcrj alfo Declareth. a lfuelp courage : "° fthri,I « &ts tyoulDeis large anDttcaigf)t,tbe fiDcs turning tntoarD : t&e JJ^ d riDge-bone oucr tfje tyoulDecs being fcrnctying tjtg!), giucst^eThcchTnc f£o?feman a better feate, anotbeu>ulDcrs,anD tlje reft of ti)e boopis ftronger femt together, if it be Double': Insfioes Deepe, Uiell knit bctjmoe, ano fometljing botoing fcp,folncb botl) isW> T,3C fil- ter foj tlje bo^feman, ano a Cgne of a great ffrengtt) : bislopnes, Thei©in« tlje bjoaorr tljep be,tf)c better Ijeliftcth. tjist fo?cfeete,anDfolloto* etfj toitf) tlje Iji'nocr, anD !jis pauncb, fyati ft)e leffeappeare, totjub bo$ Difgcaceti)lmn,anD buroenet!) fjirn: t)isbcllpinuft be gaunt. The belly. l?is buttocks large, ano full of fleCtj, anftoerable to tjis b?effSj The but- ano hjs ftDrs : fo? if l;e be b?oao IjancljeD, anti toell fp?cD bctjinDe, tocks. anD goett) imDe, t»s pace toill be tlje furer, totneh. toe mapper* ceiue in our fclKcs, if toee affaile to take top a tljtng from ttyz grounD ffrpDing, anD not toitfcpour legges togetljer, toe fahe it &P totth. moje eafe anD ffrengtrj.^u* faple tooulo belong,fe?iftlie 3 The tayle, ano curleD, tfjc lengti; toiler eef isnof onelpa beau tie, but alfo a great commoDitie to fjim to beate atoap fires s yet fome Delight to tjauc tl] em curt apleDjfpcefallp if tycy b c MaD but f oefct.^n fine, t&etoljole boDp tooulDbefoframcD, a5 it be large, fjigf), liuelp fpjtgbf CD, anD toell f ruffeD. £>ome i^o?femen tooulD [jauc tbeir $o?fe to be limweD after tlje p.:opo?tion of Diners beaffs, as to ijaue tt)e (jeaD anD legges of a &tagge, tyc cares ano tayle of a i?orc, t!;c neefce of a I>toanne,t&e b:cff ofa 3,ion,tfje buttoebs of a Moman,anD tbefeete of an #ffe*virgill in ijis Georgickes ootfj fcerp Clarkelp Defcribe ffje tokens of agtoD l|o?fe. With head aduanced high at firffyhe kingly Colt doth pace, His tender lims aloft he lifts, as well befeemes his race, (way, And forcmoft (til he goeth,& through the (treme he makes his And venturcsfirft the bridge, no foddain found doth him afray» High crcfted is his necke, and eke his head is framed fmall, His belly gaunt, his backe is broad, and brcfted big withalf. The bay isaiwaies counted good, fo likewife is the gray, The white and yellow word of all, befides,iffarrcaway There happen a noife 3 he (lamps, and quiet cannot rcft- Bot ThethirdBooke, But praunceth here and there, as if fome (pirit were in his breft. His eares hefcts vpright,and from his nofe the ft erie flame Doth feeme to come, uhilcas hefnufTcSj&fnorterhatthefame. Thickeis hismanCj&on the right fide down doth hanging fall, And double chinde, vponhis ioynes agurter runncs uithail. He fcraping ftands,& making deep a hole.he pawes the ground, Whiles as a loud his horned hoofe,all hallowed fecmes to found. pou to in fjofo fcto feerfes tfje $oct Ijarrj erp:e&e& tpe proper* tits of a god l£o:fe : other conoittons ttyctcbchi ir»Iii:b trjrp be Uheo, iorjen ttyey be pleafant, firft liucip, gentie-> anD tractable ; J^fuc^as Columella fattf), tDtii botlj better be taught, ano biU tcr a\wap ixutfj trauell. Xenophon accounted it a ftgne of a goto ^ojfe, If after trje toeartnefle of t)i s tourney tje tome to labour luffeip : againe, foe fince bp erperlcncc, trje better t|c l£ojfe w, tbe Deeper be rentes fyis rjeao into tbefoater fotjen be ojinfcetb, anotbat (being a dolt) ffriuetf) to outrunnclns fellemes in ttje pattuccanD as virgill fattfj,leape firtt into the toafer,ano paCetb b;iogcs,not tactvjngfo: anp btyer, no: fearing trje 3fe. E v p h. tabat colour in ^02fes count pou tfje beft i %\i $ oet fomctrj to mi fltfee trje itit) if e 5 lorjM others agatne,as g baue funD:p times rjeato commcnD 5 fpcetallp in CnglanD, iutjece tfjep. are toell accounted of, ano molt cUcemeD, H i p. SToucrjmg trjccotours 5 tbereareO(nersopmtons,anD of all colours, ligf)tl?pou ujallfinoebotrj gcoo ano bao : fo trjaf rbe colour is not fo g tea tip to be regarded, if fje baue oftjer tokens of a goDD \) o:fe s Pct fo; beau tie, ano manp times fo? gaones 3 toe make cbopfc of colour. 2£r)e bcffcoIears,as Oiuers fuppofe, are tjjefe, Srje roane,tbe fofHte :liarD,tfjc bap,trje fo:eU,trje Dunne,tlje caple Staple aflj£to!nfe,tf)c fleabitfen,tljemflfeeiuf)ite,tt)e blacky f be iron grag: tbebap is molt of p:tce as far as 3 to at trjts Da?, ano p;eferrco bp tbe poet abouc tiered. SCbc Jrrencbmen call tlje bapljojfe,Le bayariIoya!,tcuirp25aparD : tfjepare tfje better tijat tjatic a darrein the fozerjeab, anof^e fofefpotted a little toit£ fobtf e:afo?cttme ttjeoaple grap,ttje flebitf cn>rbe moufeoun, ano tfce grifell fcucrc mofteffeemeo, ano fuc&as came mired to fbem, as tbe3rongrapjt^ebjtgbtfo;ell,tf)eb;oU)nebap. £Dnclp Plato commmoeili tN mtlfce toftffe 3 tljat virgin Difp?apfefb. ;©t&ers entreating of Cattell. 1 1 o il>f&erscomineHOtf>eblacfte, fpeefallp if &e f>aue efnjcr incite ffaere in l)isfo?ef)eaD 3 o? ttrafce Dotoneliis face, o? tjati) anp lu^tte fcpon ijt'0 (cote, tfjc coalcblacfcefottbaut anp Ujtjitc, is altogether miflifteo, tfjc flea-bitten l^o;fcp.2ouctI)alivi.itcfig«DD anonotable in tcanell : tlje pellotoiG) ano tbc ftm*, o? pieo ljo?fcs are tffcom* menoeo almoft of all men, natluitfjUanOing either oftyein (if tbcpbe toell maefceo) p?oue oftentimes foell cnougtj , fpcriallp tijc pelloujiflEj, tc fje bane a bUcnc lift DoUmc bis baefce from tfje necucfotbetaile. OjcStalliontbercfojetooulo be of one colour, TheSui- ffroiigbooieD , torll limmco , accozDmg to tbe p;opo?tion afo?e. I,on ' £D;e Marcs luouID libetoife baue tfje fato p?opo?riou ofttje &tal- TheMares lion, fpeeiallP to (jaue large booies, faire ano beautifull, of one cc* lour ? greatbeilieD,toitf) large ano fquareb?eaft ano but todus. E v p. OTjat 3ge count pou beft fo? b?aDe i A s e » H i p.2C[)e&taUionma?goctoitl)tOeip3restof)enljJSiopnts ano limbs be foell knit ano come to tljetc grofoty , fo? if tyep be ta> poung,tljep get but toeafee ano it>eatifl& Colts : fome ote tile t t\)zm goe together at ttoo pares oloe> but tb?ce pates olDc is tfje better: tfje stfallfon foill feme pou from tfjat time till tfueittts pare, it fjatlj bane fane tyat tbep tjane gotten Colts till fo?tie,bo fug IjclpeD a little in ttjeir buftneffc , fo; it is not pares but ftull ffjat abafetf) luu\as Anftorleafo?e PJinie fo?ofc. $5et fome ttjinfce tijan not meetefo? tyirte before t&efourttj o? nftB pare, in tofjicfj fpace tgcp faoe tf)em luffelp, fo mafeetljem mojc couragious, foj ttjelufttertbepbc 3 t(je better Colts tl)cpb;ing,ncif^eriooulotljep fcauebnDer itrtane Clares, no? aboue ftoentp, fo? one Stallion. Herodotus tojitctl) y tfjat one !£o?fc tola* toell fuffice ttoentie tBarcs , but tbc number ougbt not altoafes totcobferueo, but fometimes mo?e, fometimes ieu"e, acco?cing to tfje ftafe of flje ^o?fe, t&at be map tfje longer rnoure: a poungl£o?fe »)ouionot fjaue abooe fiftane o? firrane spares luttr) tym s t&e ^o?fesmutt befomrtime fcuereo fo? Sanger ano furring of tfjemfelues, (ja> uing in tljcmcane time goirj regaro to tljeftate of ^isbcop, fo? fome be toeafecr ano fainter ttjen otljers. E v p h. wtfat age Doe pou tijinUe beft fo? tlje ^areto goe fotbe^o?fe* Hippo. Ci>e<^rcstofliconerMr 3 atttooparcsolD,uut3| tafce it ti)e better not f o fooler tljem till tyep be t£?a pares oiee, ana The third JBooke, anDlthetoifc 3! tytnke ffjcm net mate fo? Colts after fen«e, fo: an olDe S$are toill altoaics bang a dull ano Ijeauie beaoro gaoe : tt)cp goe Uuf|i J-oale an elcauen monet&s , ana ^oaU in ttjs ttoclftb. E v p h. i^oio can pea fenofo tfjeic age foljin pou be Doubt* full of it :> H i p. SCtjaf map pou knofoDiuers taapes, but fpeciallp bp tlje tcetlj, ana t|ofe teettj t&at Declare tlje age, tfje Grecians call yfOfiont 9 turjicfj ttettj toljen tje Imfetij, be tofetfj botlj cftimation ano falc. Anftotle afflrmetlj, tljat a ^o:fe ^atf) fo?tic tecttj , of Un)ielj Ije caff etrj tlje ttjirtietjj monetfj after Ijis foalmg feurc,ttoo abeue, anDttoo beneattj : againe in t&e beginning of fjis fourtfj pcere fjeeaffefy liketmfefoure,tteoaboue,anD ttoo beneatfj,being full foure, ano going topon&is fifty, Jjecaftettj tfje reff,bot|j aboue anD beneattj : fuc& tectb as come tip againe be jjollolu : toljcn fce beginncttj to be (ire pcere olDe, tyc fcollomneffe of fits firff tail) is filo tip : in tfje feauenttj peere all tjis teettj are fillcD bp, ano no Ijollofonefle anp longer to be feene : after tobirfj time , no iuDge* tnent of Ijis age, bp bis tecrb, is anp mo?e to be IjaD : tljere are fome ftjat tafee'topon ftjemto tell fjis age bp tlje iopnfs of tjis fatle, after t|e marfee is out of tjis moutlj. Palladia ffjemes , tljat a ^o:fc toljen &e begins to be oloe, tys temples toare rjolloto, Ijis eicbtfes grap , ano bis teettj long. Ariftotlc faittj , ttjaf ttje age of ali feure^foteo beads map be imotene bp tlje ftinne of ttje it 3atoes : fojifitbepuloetpanopaefentlp I et fall again e, if it fall fmcortj,ft Declares a poung beaff, if it lie in Uuinfcles, it tyttoefy Ije is olDe. 3 l^ozfe itucttj commonlp ttoentp preres, fome tljtr* fie, o? foittc, anoalfofo fiftie,a8 Ariilotle faittj, tftiebe of a gcoo Difpofition, ano tocUDieteD: itisfaiD ttjere tjaue beene ^o?fcs *bat fjaue liueD ys- pares, tlje ^are liuettj not fo long as ttje I^ozfe, no? ttje Stallion, fo long as tfce l£o:fe t$at is fuffereD to runne among!! spares : tlje S$are leaned growing at fiue peecc olD, anD tljei^ozfe at are, o: fcauen. E v p h. catjat fimettjmfee pou beff fojeouering of $ares t Hip. 3fn ttje &p:ing, after t|e riuelftli of £parcij , 3 fake fo be tlje beft , after trjc a>p:ingin tlje rett of t^e pcere t^iep are fe be feept from tlje J£o:fc, fo: tjnrfing of tlje ^otfe : fb? tlje ^are after l^e^arljeoncettteD , fufifers f|je ^ojfeno mo.je 3 but btatcs, ano entreating of Cattell. 1 1 1 ano ftrihes tym \nitl) Ijer beelcs , vet in moil places, fbep fuffcr tfjeir £>taluons to runnc Utftl) tt)ctc ^aresall t&e Summer long, ano take it to be ttje beff map fo? anftoeringtije {pares oefirc, fo? manp times tye spare toill not abtoe tyc l^ojfe till Summer time, o.: ilugutf , ano tbe tfugulf Colt pjcues common^ tier? faircaltbougb tfjc Colts tfjat arc foaicO in (Ijc Opting, are not to be OcfiteD, becaufe tfycy nmnc all tlje pceie toitb tl>rir oantmes mgmo patture', ano ttjercfo^c ttts beC at tyat time to put tf)c g£arcto tbellKufc, fa: ttjefe creatures fpciiallp, if pou icffraine tl)em,are mott enrageD iuitb luft , hereof came at tbefirff ttjc namcof tbatOeaDlppc^fonHippomancs , becaufcitftitretbtopa flcfljlp affection, aecojomg to tl;c burning Defire of beatls 3 mbtctj grower!) in tbe fojeijeao of trjeColt,of ttje quantiticof a irigge^ ano blacfce , lm)icj)t£e Damme ootlj ffraigbt , as fomeae tyc barb FoaleD, bite off: anDiffyee be pjeucnteo , fljee neirijer loues tl;e Coit , no? furTers tym to fucfee , neuter is it to be Doubt eD, but trjat tye spare* in fome Countries fo baencfoitb luft, as tbougt) tbeptjauenott^ei^o?fe 3 l»itl) tfjciroUmc feruent ocfire, ffcep tonceiuc ano b?ing fo?tlj aftet tye manner of 25p?oe* 3 as tfjc poet notetlj. In furious luft the Mare exceedes all other hearts that be. St fcatt) bcene faio 5 t[)at in S>paine ^ares baue conceaucD toifr) tbetoinoe, ano b:cug&tfeptfjcir Colts, but tbe Coifs baue not liueo aboue ttyti peetes. Arillotle to?itctlj s t&at a ^ares oefirc isquencijeDbpujjeartngofljcrmane. E v i> h. Mjat if tbe spare will not false tlje ^o?fe, is tljere no mcancs to mahctjer i Hippo. JOjcre are t&af rub rjet taile wttb £>ea Anions, #ctfels, o? S^asocrjano fo p:ouoUe Ijer fo luft, fometime a fair* nic gaoe is put tober , to'oo linden fje batfj gotten fjcr gcoD will, is ttraigbt remoueo , ano a better l^ojfe put in place. 3f tbe ^02fc be tea flowfull, f)is courage is fficrco op bp wiping Ijcr faile wttb a £>punge,ano rubbing it about bis # ofe. 3 f we woulo fjaue a ^o;fe Colt , toe fenit tbe left ftone of tbe l^ejfe witb a cojoe : ano fo? a spare tl;e rig&t, 2Ltje lihe is to be obferuco a!^ moftinallotljerbeaffs. Evi'ho R.^oltioffenmdfiu)ebe^o?feoafferu)efa!je^ Hip. Xt^ev tafeenotalibe,fomearefpeoatonce,fometi»ife 3 fome The third Booke, fomcmo:c. yfrfttoyigMtt mill wot fuffer about fifteen* time* in n)c reere : being oftrntrincs fatifficD fcuit^ feluer. SDljcp muff be put to ttjc i^c:fe at times, tturfc a Dap, in n)c moaning, ano at mg£t : totjcn the? are fpeD, tt appeared" bp rcfuGng,att& tfrikmg attt)ci^o:fe. ^cpfap: tljatt&cre is amongft tfjcfe bcafts a great regaro of fcin3uo,am> t\)*t poti can ^arDlp fo;ce ttje Colt t3 l^o:fe Cfff Danune : fo; p:©fe thereof ttjcp repo;f,t^at toljcrc as a ccctainc i^o:fe;fcreper did make tjis l^o:fe, bp coneringljis ncSj to couet |)is gttnanc, t&e cloaffj being pule amap, Intjen tjc fato ttiljat tjc tjao none, £• rannc bpon t)is deeper , ario flcln Inm : as feone as fi)e is coucreo, tip ^arc mutt out of fjano be bcatcn 3 ano fo:ccD toruimc , leatf u)e Irofc t\>at ft)i Ijarf) recciueo, £>ucelpa spare of all otfjer bcaffs, after £er courting , oott) runne either £outrjioaro, o: £o:t!)tear& s . ncecjomg as tyc tjatf) comemeo tu rtiet 6o:fe £olt 5 o:®are Colt :I;cr colour alfo fcon) change ana become b:igtjter 3 mt)ict) torjen ttjrpprrccmc, ttpv offer fcertfje *£o:fc no mo:e. £ ome after a fern oaprs if tjjcp Doubt |jer, offct t^el^o:fe againe , ana if uje reftife anb Arise (as 3 faio before) itjep iauge fyet>atjironcetuc&. Evphor, i^uirttjepbecouereo.cuerprerrt^ Hipp o..s>uct) is our couctoufnecre 5 as toe fafcc to fjaue ffjem bcarccnerp pare : but ifpcu iutll Ijaue gmo Colts , let pour spares goe to l9o;fc but cuecp otljerpecrc, fo u)all ttjep toeilan* Xlucrerour oefire,rjotobcit n)c common bfeis eucrp peere. Evphor. tQe fee 3ffes fomctimes focouer ^ares com* tnonlp.anQ thereof is cngeno: eo nje spoile 3 arts foaleo in tljc ru. muffe as fljall be fatD hereafter. &ome fapitisbcttto cut ttjc mane of nje $ttf t&at D)aU becoucreo of the 3flc,tl)ougrj otitis |>oiD opuuon tyzt it Qjall abate rjer kill. S3rjc spares tt)at be tturf) foaicjiniiftbclncll IcoheDfento, anD put in goso patturc. Snotf th:oogfj ttjc cclDe tumter , paffurc beiiantmg, tfjcp -muff be kept in tbe boufc.anB neither laboureD no:iau"eD tip ano Doiune, no; fuffcreO to take anp col^no; to be feept to manp in a firaigljt rcorne, fc: calling tljeir .foalrs, fe? all tljefe mconuenienccs h)i!l fjaysrotfjcir i*-oaIes,rerto traueltl)cmmoDeratelp,UJiUDott)£m rather gcoD then Ijarme , fo.: fco long reft frriil caufe tbcm to be refiuTc, an6 to rper fenner. Anftotlc Ui;itetf), fyat t^e Scythians m bCett twuell t^wc iBares great iuitlj foale : aftcr tlje timttljrp began entreating of Cattell. 112, bsgan fotttrce , fuppofing tyttt foaling ftjoulobe tt>c eaffee, but g£D3 tjceoc mutt be tahcn, tljat tbcir b«lliw be not fjurt toitj) anp tying Mnlctbcp aretoM) foale : bat if fo be t&c space be in oan* ger, citber in catting bcr iFoale,oi in foaling, tbe remcop is, Po- lipody dampen j minglcofoitbUiarmeioatrr, ario giucntuitb a trozne : it is fato tl;at tbe fmell of a canoell fnmTe, caufetb tbem to catt ttym foales : pou muff euctp pare ouer^Ve pout spares, ano fucb as be Unprofitable , o? bacraine, mutt be put atoap, fo? from tbcic firtt foaling tbcp are not f be feept aboue ten pceres,at fofticb time tbcp arc luttp enougb,ano map be tocll folo,but fo toil tbcp not be after: ECbcpouug i?aalcsarenottobcbanolcoUiiti) tbe bano , fojtycp ace burt toitt; tbe ligfjfett toucb ttjat may be* 31tmuttbefauetmto,tbatif tbe spare beboufco, tbcrebercoms enougb M b«* ano tjer if oale, ano tbat tyc place be tuarme t* nougb, t&atneit&cr tlje colo barme it,no2 tbe 2Dammeoucrer poung, ano if u)e be hrpt from it 3 taheti) barme. Clie if oale tyzt lathes bis SDammei is oft cnb;ougfrt bp,of otber sparcs,tbat JjaueColts: tbe spare mutt. gee in toerpgcoa paffure, tbattbe Colt map baue ttoje of milfce. Bring fine monctbs otoe, toben pou bring tbcm intoboufc,pou mutt faoe tbem toftb barlp flotoje ano b.wnue : at a tfoeluc mWfb otoe, pou mutt eifber put tbcm into gcoo patture, ojfceoc tbcm Uiitb B?anne, Cbaffe, ano \pay. Varro totilnot Ijatic pou to toeane tbcm, till tbey be tfoo pares sloe : ano tbougb 31 Ufcenot ffflfronetoeaning, pet tue bfe com* monlpto toeanetbem at fiue oz fire monctbs olD,anota Jet tbcm runnc in ga>3 patture, totyd) cuttamc pzouetb not amtffe. Spojo ouer, as long as tbeprunne toitb tbe&>amme, pou (ball Doe torir to banole tbcm nolo ano tben, leatt, tubmfbcp be put from tbe JDamme,tbcptmrc Uriioe : tbcp muff be taugbt to be gentle, anD not onelp to abtoc a man,but to couct bis companies ano not to be afrat&ateuerp ftcangc figbt, no? at euerpnotfc, but to come to it Xcnophon (aitbtoe mutt (as mcn)p?ouiBe fecbolematters fo? cue CbuojcHpfoUbctotfe teactjas fojiour ^fes, f appoint licto tee The third Booke, totll tjauctbem b?ofcen : fo? as t^ctr feruiec isomers, fu muff be ttjcic b?cahing. 18ut bcrcof toe (ball fpeafee mo:e hereafter, iuljcn toe cntrrate of lio:femanff)ip , ano b?cafeing of ^o;fes : onelpnoto toe toiliocale tottb tljofe tljat fuche, ano frruc fo? ttje pioto. So mafcetbem gentler, ttje b?iDles,anD ottjee l£o?fe bar* tulles mutt be bangcD bp ttjem, tt)at t^ep map njc better be ac* quainteD toitb tljem, botb tottb njc Cgrjt, aiiD it)c gtngltng. j>cto toljcn ttjepbe tocll tameo , anD toill fufFer to be banoleD 3 varro tooulo tjaue pou lap a Bopgroueling bpon tbem ttoife,o? tb?tfe, anD after to beftrioe tbem , and tbis be tooulo batic Dane , toben tbep be tb?ec peere oloe , fo? tt)en tbep groto mott , ano begm to be great b?atone&. SLbecebetljat tbtnfce a !£o?fe map begin to be tjanolcD at a pare anD a tjalfc olD, anD Varro, at tb?ec pare olD, toljen tncic p?ouen0er is giucn tbem i but toe bfe commonlp after ftoo vecres to labour tbem gentlp, firtt in barrototng of ncto plotoco lanD, bJlwb is ga>D both fo? tbeir forte , anD their pace, ano alfo toitb plototng,* wo) Ube crercife: tobercbp toe bfe to at* quaint tbem tottb colDe anD beate, in D?atoing togctber. BCf mutt bttenz to , tfjat tbep be eaenmafcbeD , leaff fbettronger fpoile tbe toeafeer, tobtlc b e D:caDetb tt)e rating anD tobipp ing. 13 o? fes rabelcLTc barme tottb D?atoing tben tottb bearing* Ebus mutt njep bebfcD to reafonable trauell, bp reafon tobereof, tbep totll be t'bc barDcr, anD not fo ligbtlp tafce barme : but Herein mutt be great attention* E v p h . Mfyat fap pon to (SelDings \t fo? in tbefe parts toe tjfc OclDings mott. vf tables. H 1 p p o . &bep ferae fo? fome pnrpofe! but lie f bat totll baue a goD D l£o?fe ; tbep are tut at a peerc olo ano elDcr : 3! rnp felfe fyaut cut tbem at fine pare olD,anD are peere olo: in cutting tbep lofe their ttomacfce: pou mutt Icebetbat tbep be in goD piigbttoben pon cuttbem; fo? as tbe? are at tbctr cutting, tbep commonlp continue. %^z spares alfo tjfeto befpapeo,butnot often, anD tola) great Danger. E v p H.^bat manner of Stable tooulDpoubaue,fo? 3 ba«c fomettmcsbearDjtbat t\)c Stable is of great impo?fance v Hippo, f^our Stable mutt be built ina D?pe placc?fo? toef* ting tbe l^o:fee bcDfe 5 tobicb pou ftjall auoiDe if pou planfee it tottb acoD £>fcen planfes, o? ftobicbXcnophontoonlD rather Ijaue pou . hoc) entreating of Cattell. 1 1 3 &oe) ImffjreuKopauiugff one, feeepmg it alfoaic* cleans from oung,ano ffraiu.,ano after lapingfceu)litter,fo as Ojepfiano Ijaro, ano lie toft, Xenophon tooulo ijaue tfje Stable fo placeD , as it mat? altoaprs be in tbe patters eie, ano to be ltgrjtroinc,!wlltl)C f^ojfe being ofea to cfjc Daruc , tys etc oa^eil at rtje Ugfjt. £>omc tbntfeetljcplutll be tlje gentler, if rtjcp be ofeo to tfje ligbr, $ tl;c faicer,if tljcp l;.iue tye &un at t(je riling in summer time : let as muctj aire come to tfjem botb Dap 1 nigljt as pou can. 3n Winter pour stable ujonlo rather be toarmc,tfjcn tjot,ano tljcecfo?c pour aabUmuftffanDtoluaro tbe£>outtj,butfoas ttjcwmDofocsuiap open totao tlje Jjiotfb, toijiclj .being Kept Ojut in Winter, map be iuarme,antj openco in*>ummer,pou may let in tlje cole aire* E v p h. 3SLI)c Itfic toeofe in our €>rc ftalls. Hippo. 315eftDes 5 U)fjere3S tljeboDirs of cattell, IjaueneeDc of rubbing, as toell as mens booies , fojmanp times it ootljtbe !£o?fe as mucb 8©o to be ftroisro fcotone tlje bach Uutb pour |panD 9 as to feeo tjtm.SEbe l£o?feis to be continually :urricD,mtbc mo?* mngjatntgbt,anD after bis labour. Jneucrpihg of tljcmtoc muft Currying. begin at tlje tjrao, and tljenccfce : fo? tt ts a baine tfjing to mafce deanc tbelotocr parts, ana leave tlje otber foule. it is £©c«lfo to obferue Due times fo? ijts fecDing, Ijis teatrring,ano tys trauell. Sfjusn;u:b of bis erercife. iJciofoUoiuctljrofptabeoiljis liet : D y«. ano becaufe toe Ijaue fpofeen before of tys pallure 3 toe rnutr alfo fap fimufobat of Ijis otfjer feeoing. 2Clje better a man tooulo bauc Ijis ^o?fe to p?oue, tbe better mull ijelche to bis meafr.fr: tljat goD feeding f tbc Countrp people fap)isa great Ijelpe to tlje gojo- neflTe of ttje^o?fe. 3f tfjet£o?fe be poung fas 31 faio before of Colts) be muff be feo luitlj graffe, cljaffe,anD hap : if be be cloer ano meet to trauaile,bis froo mnft btt})e o?icr 3 as Cbaffe,Bar!ep, i£)afes,an& i£ap.v£baffe oofb not fo toell nouriflj, bp reafan of tlje fttfneffe, but it feaepes tfjc boopin goo plight : ano becaufe Ij^ro mcatetsbaroettof oigefiion , it is ftjerefcue to be giuen fo rtjofc ffcat labour. SLbe ffoch 0? ffuD,muft be pattareo in large paffures ano marttjes,as alfo opon mountaines,an0 billp ground, but euer toell toatreo,notDzp,ratbcrcbampion tben toa>Dp, ano ratljer foft fuwet grauTe,tben bigb ano flaggp : iftbepaaure be tw trjozf, tbrp famer toeare tfjeie fo:e*tectfj,ano are fatljlefle befo:e fljcir full age. #m> tol;cr* as euerp feinoe of creature is naturallu moilt, a li)c:fe The third Booke, ongljt cfj(c flp ( tof)etljer tje be soung, 02 olD) to be feS tsfr& mottt patturr, fo: tlj: better confernaticn cftjis natarail temperature. £>:mc iuoutD bauc pou in no totfe to giac pour ^e?fe graffe m> ttje j®p;ing timeout in June 3 02 ttje fall cf ffce Irafe : tfcep rooulo tjauc pen giue ttjem graffe Imttj t£e Dilae tipon ikanD in ttjcnig&t fcafon 3 jOafcs, 15srlp 3 anD ^ap» t#ombeit 3 in tl;e colore Coin* tnes 3 m Octmanp,^raunee,englanD,tot)erettje paffureusberp gaso 3 tljcv Doubt not to f;oto:e ttjeir !£o2fes iBit£) gnenc graffe Scovwng. ar.D toceftef of tlje mcoDotoes : anD intije ijoftcr Countries, ttjrp " Doe tfjetthe iDttygrcenc biases of £at)ear 3 02 Barlp. &cme tfe fo gitie tfcem Apples fljareD in pieces, tofcoUj;e tljcin tottyall, anD ttjusmuttjof fcofcu;ing of i^cjfts. 0emiallp, fo&ofocnciUriU tjauc tjis l^ojfc fcreit!)p 3 anD able to enfcurcerauflljlcttmnfeeDfjis f^ojfe&HttjiDates, mingles Wttj ctjarrc 02 ftrafo, fou)all fje be tempcratelp ano toell feo, cnoiffo fje labour mue$, giueljim t^e mozr £>ate5, l$is meat mud be giucn tjm as feme ttjintsebeflMn a loto tpanger,fetfo Icto.as tfjepare fo:rcDfceatet[)eirmeattoitt) fameoimLulrp o: traucll , to^ut) tl)ty fapis fo mafec t&em ben& tijeirncefes : bp to^icljerernfe bottle &eao anD tljeneefcegroto* etf) bigger,ano tljei? foillbe ffce eaffer to te baoleo : befiDes,tIjep toill be ttje ffronger,bpreafon of t&e fcaro fetting of tfjefo^fcete, ^otubut,in fome places,t£ep bfe ti$ ffanomg gangers : after fcufjat fo;tfocuertl)cpbe 3 rtjcp muff alfoaies be kept cleane, anD rrouender toell ftoepf befojc pon caff in tfjeirmeafe. £Tljeir^;ouenoer tt)ougtJ Diucrs l£o2fe>courfets t\>zt liueb? fate of %o.2fe, Doe faoe tbm teitl; foDDen tf ie,o? Beanmieale foD, pampering tfjem fcp, tijatt^ep map be t^e fairer to tfjc eie : pet is it not ga>D fcoD to la* bourfoitt}. £:^ebefflp.:ouenoertl)afts 3 ifl £)atcs, anD fo: Default ofttKmjffiarlp : pou muff befoare pou gm ctljcm neither CCil) eat, V ntes be long , tljep muff baue p.zouenDcr beQDes m t^e nigfitj aU u>aie0renwmb2ing(as3faiD)tl)atpou glut tijem not SLije better a ^O2fefaoetljj t|ie better Mil tie labour, ^cu muff alfo befearx tJjat entreating of Cattell. 1 14 tyaf pou gfue ljfmnop?oucttocr, neither Mates no* Barlp,an;er my great labour,till be be tl;o:ota colom ot iortljilanDing peu map. giue fjtm a little I; si? to cralc ljis moutlj.SCIj c l;ap mutt be fiuce t ami tocllmaoe,$tbo?otolp u)aRcn 3 befo.» itbecaff mto tlje raclse : anD fpeefallp feene to,tbattbcre be no fcatljer^ of anp folole amongff \t, 3Jft&c bozfebcocrp botaftcc ljislabQur 3 lct Imn be toell coue<» rcD,am> foftlpioalkeD till be be cold, before pou fef bim op : iuljrn lie (0 ret fcp, If ttcv Ijim uicll, leatt tlje colours of tbe grtm.io ttnfee into turn: in anp tutfe loafl) Ijim not to'gca be is fjst^faut io&r n rc is ttjjougb colo,toafer bim,anD loatt) tjim,loipingtjfm ojplotjenpou b:ing t)ira in, 3fftrje ^ojfe fo^fabc bis meat, fomebfc to ttampe (Sarlicu f pepper, 1 to giue it i>im, rubbing bis tectb ioell,tiilbis Gomacfc come to bim: fomc looulo bauea clouttoet in fait loafer, fpeoopon a tticfejf t^:utt into his Haloes. Bin loatermg,poumuft Imfee kiell onto Ijim/o? (as Ariftotle faitb)beatt s Do feeo,f are nou* rtujco tfje bettcr,ff t&ep be to cl loaf reo, ^c.;fes f Camcls>oo loue bell to ounfec a ttjieh Uuter 3 fn fo mucb ao if tlje loafer be clear c 3 t^ep Ml trouble ittoity ttjeirfeefe : fo: tfjemoff part Bullocks agafne oeffre a faire cleare loafer,! running* SDtje fame Ariftotle alfo afficmctb, tlja t a bo:fe map wrier ttjir ft foure oapes loitrjouC bjfnh. v«rro toils sou to loafer pour fjojfes f totfc a Dap 3 fcurjicb ou Dec toe obferue, ttjat is once in ttje morning, 1 agaiuc in tfje after* neonc.buf in cdintec ? iftbcp o?inftc but once a Dap 3 itfufficctlj : be* fozc pou loafer tym&c mutt beioell ruhbeo,ano tfjen leo info toe loafer op to t&e bnee»,fpcciallp if be be lcauc,if Ijc be fat,tje map go t\)c Deeper, j^otfottbttanoiugtrjetearc fomc that bolo opinion, tberj ougb t not to go fo Deepens tljcir (tones touclj tlje loater,fpe* cfalls if ttje f>o?fe be pong.aftec spared? tbefptfng,itfs oerp gao to rioc f bem op f oolone in fame Uiuer,lm)icb mill erereffe fbefc legs, fo; flje loafer o;ictb t rje legs, f r ettraincf b tyc bumo;s front falling oolone, ano beeped ttjemfcomloinogals:as fameastrjep come from ttje loafer , pou mutt inttfj a little ffratu foipc tljcm cleaue.fojtbcDamp of tbc liable caufctb fnflamafion fn tbebo:fcs legs tfjat beloct. %\\c loafer (accoaofng f vegctius Ins minte) looulo be cleare, ? fpzingiug, otberhftc it a little running ? troub# leo in a clap grouno:fo: t\)is loaf er,bp reafon of tbe tyidmts * fat* ncs,botb better nourifo ano feeoc t\)t bo;fe,tfjcn flje ftnift running Became: pet tfjofc ljo;fcs ttjatare bfeb to tlje ftuift 1 cleare riuers, 13 2 are The third Booke, are common!)? ttje frrongeft, ano beft trauellcrs : ano fyere* fo:e it moulo be tucll conQioeccO l>oUi ttjc &o;fe tjatlj bane stccu> tromeo : tljccoloer ttje toatcts ace, fye letfetrjepnourifl), trjeoa* per a l)Ojfc D?infces, fyc fattcc f)e y?cmics : ano t|iercfo?e fome i^ojfe-eourfers fcfc to toafl) time rjozfes mouths, firft toitrj tea* ter, ano after to cub tljem toitrj fait, to gtuetljcm an appetite to tfjeicmrateano trjdr Dmifte. E v p h o r . 3 pjap pou let tjs rjcarefome remeDiesfo?rjojfe«r DifcaftS, foj (a0 Ariftotlc faitrj) a rjotfc Ijatl; as manp Difcafcs as a man. Hip. 0s touching Bifrafes in a l£o?fc, it is better to p?eucnt fycm bpgcotj I)^Dcta > atrtg,anD(as vegctiusfait^jtobemo?ecare# full in taping a tjo?fe hcatti)P 3 tt)ett totjen rje is fiefce to cure tjim: torjicfc tjealt&pouflw! continucimtl)rafc,ifpQU imllobferuetfjofe things touching tjis Dper, bis ftablc, ano tys labour, tfjat3ffcana tolD pou cf oefo:e. Mtjafoeuer imil feauea gcoO tjojfe, ano feap* tjim in goo eftafe, muft oftentimes fa rjim,come to^im, tjanole Ijiin ano ttrofce tjim: fo^ trjat botfj mafees tjim gentle, ano giues tjim a fap v :e coat : ano be frill minofull of ttje olo pjoaerbe, The Maiflers eye niaketh a fattc horfc : anD to be ftjojt, to tjauetjim fo ffill in tjis fi^t 3 as tje rather foant tjisofone meatman tjis rjojfe ^oulo : fo? tje ttjat ncglcctetlj tjis rjo;fc 5 ueglectctrj ijimfrlfe. Co let tjim rjaae moderate erercife,ano to rifcerjim nolu ano tf)em(tf ttje foeat&ec befaire) into ttje SeiD, foiilose frim great gco : tfje morning is better to labour tjim in tljen t^ceucnfcig 5 neitrjer mutt you in Winter o: in Rummer ouer labour tym : fo.: being in a ftoeaf, ano aftcc tafewg colo {jcfalict!) into Dangerous Difeafes, #no ttjcrefo;e remember fobat 3 faio 5 tl;at foljcrfocucr pou tjaue iabonreo tjim 0: riocen tjim, be fure pou couec &un iuittj fomo clot&,anD toalfcc tjim foftlp,ttjk be n»ap be coio.befoje rje cittjer be fuffereo to catc o: Diinkc : ivrjen rje is colo, rje map be IcD to t&e mater ana foaujeo : foas torjen pou b?ing tjim into ttje ftable,pott litter rjlm mell, ana f fcougljlp rub rjim,an& fo giue tjim meat. Jf rje be ouertrauelleD,trjconelpremeDie is reffjano after tjis ftuea.* ting, to toa(l)lMsmoHtt)in Summer toitl) water ano t)inegcr,nt Minter toitl) bjine : fo: ttje neglecting of t^cfc things, [jat^ bane ttje aeftcucticnof manp a gojo tjo?fe.0lfo, to pom:e into tjis mcutn Mine ano ®v\c 3 in ^i.mmer^ colo, in Wmttv, toarme, entreating of Cattell. 1 1 $ ( as Vcgctios fcacbetb J ana as tea finbe bp erpmeme, fe tcr? gmo: fojitiscommonlplane, tfjat a tpieo $02fe (ifncctffUie fojcetl; a furtbrr iournep) toitjj poising m a quart ofgoaiyine, Ml frauellluttilie. &ou mutt not fuffer pour bojfe to D;mtteaf« ter Iji8 iournep, till be becoio : botobdf, tr be ftoeafe net ttatf* fceamelp, ano be rio&cn fame after, it ts not fo Dangerous ; it is farre better to let bimtbirtt,tbm to giuc ijim colo toafer if be bo fjot.lf a bojfe (jaue long rettco^e is not to be frauaileo upon ttje fuooen, eitber in galiopping, o.: long iournep, but to be laboured faire anofoftlpat ttje firtt. tf (jo^fe tfcat is toearie o? tp:eo, mill be monDerfullprerrcu>o,foasittooulD famebebasneucr bane trauai'tOjtf be map toalloto bimfeife either in ttje Cable, o? ottjer n;te pMfW out of tbe tnitm anoraine : ano tbercfo^e Xenophon tuoulo bane nare Onto eucrp (table a place mat fo? tbeir toaUoto* teg,Vo^retn after tbeir tourulc0,tbep map tumble tbemfelue s :fo? in fo ooirtgjf ^ep u^to ffjep are in Ijealtfj,! tefreu) tbemfelucs.^ou mutt l*fce fciligentip ffjat tfjep be tocll Icoaco to at mgfjt, ano t tjat after tl;eir ftoeaf,tbep be tuell rubbeo ano currpec,anD tb.it tbes be not Dilquiefeo toben tljep ffjoulo rrth jm to inter tbcptooulo be clotbeo luitb foollen, fo? tahing of colo,ano in summer toitfy Canuas, to fcapefbem from fives, pou mult bctoare tijat poti iournep tbcm not long toitboutttaling, but after poubauefra* tiaileb an bourc, o? fo^b a tiling , pjeuofee tljem to ffale (by tit ting tycm out of ttje map ) into fome place loljrrc &ljapc fywz nun j co, 02. info fome bigb graffc feme o: ttubblc>mticb o:Der mas ton tinualip obferuco bp fyc bettbpeter of bo:fes,tbat euer 31 kntto in <£:iglai»> one Henry King, t»bo bauingebarge of rtjat mctt too2tbppoit mutt batbc bim imtb batb appcinceo fo? coUVbat i& t flDpl'c mmgi* leo toitb Wiint potnzea tipon ty* lopnes : alfo a ^oufc put int fo bis paro , 0? Cope put into tys funoament, fafy bane fane to ticlpe bint. §f tbis so notbelpe, pou mutt fquirt in^oncv bopleo lljin 3 toitb fait info W pauD. fronts tooulo ba«e tlje licour of tbc |3 $ Um« The third Booke, Umt Bitumen GmfrfcO in : j£liomusfojfret^$aft&e!5o?fetlmf cannot Sale, is ?: efentip rcmec ieo, if fo be a spato ftcthe him by en tfjc face toin) lire giraeil, the fate (tofcicb tstljc cljtefcff matter in a l£o;feJ pou Oj^U nituatcs hcepc found : if as 3 tolde pou afo:e, jouc Stable befcoell paued irtttj round ffone,o: teell plank co and kept clcane : touted Done , pou mult Hop tye- tjofes tottf; Coiue mmg, o; fo? toant thereof teitb bo? fe>oung toatreo,ano bts Irgges muff be often rubbed bntb a ffrafcme totfpe. So caufe tlje b©fe togroltt, o? to repaire rl;e b?oken Ijoofs , tabc of <0arltcbc beaos feauen ounces, of ^earbeograee tty® bandfula, of flllome beaten and fitted , fcauen ounces , of Barrofoesgreafe bcr? oloe tiva pounds, mingle alt tljefe U)ith a banofull of Sllrc e>img 3 boile tf)em,andannointtbeb©fes fberetoity. #ftcr tijeir fouwtep, fa Sou fearcf* t&efr feetefoell , fuffering no grauell , no? iitb fore* maine therein , pou ujalt foell rcfreu} tbeir bafes tuitfj tt>e olnfr mentafojefafo* sntjeiopnf&ojt&c pafterneSjtooulo be foell ba- tbeo after tbcfr trauel toitf) roarme ioine ? o; an egge oj tiso luouio be tb:uftinto tfjetr hcDfc5 3 t!j* legges tbemfeluc s toculo be iuaftco Juttl) t3oarme)!5ttrejOi fomclthcbatt).3;f tlje ^o;fe rfcuff out one of f)!g feetc, and ftano not euen, it is a figne of fome fault in tbe ^(ofe : ttje l[)o:fe balrctb, either bp reafon of the fpoiltng of fjis fcfflfe in iournep,o* bp ill uja>mg , o? bp fti|j ol fom c tjum 020 falling ootcncbp lotoffanding in rbe &tablc,o:bp to mdgals«3ftbc fault be in tfje flying , ffrfc* fcpon tfyc bead of cuerp naile toitfj ttje jammer, and tofjen pou pcrcetue bim to u#inisc, plueHe out tpat naiie , 02 police fcpen tfje ^ofc col e toater, and that naile t£af is firff &jp,plucfe it out: if it maffer,fqucefe it our,and pofoje m\Sitt§ toell fcDoe n UJit|j olD Amines greafe : pou muff alfo fpeedflp open &fs b©fc beloto, tijattije matter ('if ifcfcs full of corruption; map defcend, leaft it tyeafee out aboue Hje !)©fe, anb fo caufe a longer time of tj ealing. SCfje fignes of it be, if be bold bp fjis fc«f-torj«cf> If pou Do pare jjim to fye quiche, ano ioljere pou pcrrciue it to lake Wacae, open if, ano let outtbe matter : if fie be f)urt uitoaro, ano ffanbet!) but on his-f oc, it _u)cloetb the fault to be infjisfjafc : but if be treab equaiip Unt^ l;is fojte,it declares- tlje griefe fo be fome orber tuyere, tben in \0 beafe t if in [)i'6 bauiting be botoe not bis JopntS; it is a ugne tfje fo: c is in t^e iopnts. if m all Halting gene^> ialfemingle \$cm$ toity tbc tobrt e of an egg?, and Hop tbe fota entreating of Cattell. 1 1 tf Wtyall, an* after clap on tfje Ujae: if itbe atoouno, pnff&erefrt tbe potooer of £)ptf er ibda, anD Oicr&egreafe to Dip it tip, o? t&e Ujtjtte of an egge, iottb 0ajfc ano ftmrgar. SD^e Cratcbcs (&$ tbe? commonlp call tytm)te a malaDp t&at bappenety btttoixt rfj* paffernes anD tbe ^rofe, in t&einannerof aicab, anD to ntgen* D;cD of tfje Damps of tbe £> (able, fobtf e be ffanbetb wet legged t t^e r emcep totjercofy's all one foftb r l;c paints, turret) i» UhcUnfo a ia:ance b;«Dfng about tlj* iopnts,b;cakmg tbe ffcmne, anD mat* t ring : taking atoap tbe Ijaire, foaft) tbe fo;e foif b toarme 15 ee re» o: toifb tbe b;oatb iuljerefnfs foDDcn^alloUies,B?fmffone,anD &fyeepe* uief , tobich muft be bourn about ffjc fo?e place moaning an* euening, ojelfe.^^apcsfuct, <£oafcs fuct.feto tries grcafe* ©eroegreafe, anD quicke B?fmtf one^olearmomac^ano &ope, botleJJ ano maee in olnfmenf,tul)eremitb you u)all anoint tbe foje ttoj'fc a cap, loading tt firff iuifb toarme Mine , ano after it is DzieD annomt it , in tbemeane time b*pe b*m out of tbe toater : tbe 3tees of mine is alfo fomefime tifco in tbe curing of r!;e craf* ebes. cainDgals,U>bicb are fujelimgs,anD ruing* fn tye lcgB,ar* cureD toitb cutttng,anb burningtfome fbinfce n)ep map be reftraf* neb ano cureD , bv riding tfic I£o:fe oftentimes tip and fiotunt in fome coloe ano f un'ft ffrcame , alfo bp ioau)ing bis legges toitjj fcaltjOmegar,&fcu'ne6>grwfe, anD £>ple,iu;apping tljtm tip ccr* tame Dapes,o*bp launcing, ojfcarifptng tijep arecurcD : fbc out* toarD fojes are ficalcb bj burning* 3(f t&e baefce be tojung toit^ tbe feaJ3Dell 3 o; on)ertoife butt t^at it fmell,Vcgetius tooulo bane pouto feet l; Anions intoater, f tobentfiep be fo botas tljc t£o:fe map fuffcr, to lap tl^tm tipon tbe fo; c, anD binoe tbem fall, toijtcfc luill afftoage t^t ftoelling in one nig&t. item, fcait beaten and mebleo mln) <3inegar,putf ing to it t^t pol&e of an egge 3 lapeb tip* on tbe ftoelling 3 twll bealeit : befioes, iarCTmart ffampctianD lata to, Dott) mefentlp afffoage tlje fuelling. 3f tbe baefee be gallco, load) it fciitb Hfteece ano Butter, o; call tipon it tbe pofoDcr of a 1 ome mall. K\)ttc it a Difeafe tljat (acommon in !£o?fes, called t\)t UmeSjtiJbicb if be fyaue, turne oomne bis eare,ano launce tl\o fo:e at t\)t rate of tbeeare,anD taht out tiic matter : but take ejooD b* De pou cut not tbe Wnt tbat lietb a little aboue. 3f a i^o.zfc baue bkm fet tip i)ot after bis iournep,ano in %isi beate barb bcene toatreb, ojtafcen coloe, Wtytibxty (Sermancs call verfaugen. P4 ^ The third Booke, in €ngl(u> JFounDjcD 3 oj m feme places ifcafoe : fSercmeofefi ifje thin of a MDcjdl tut in ftnall pceccs, frcfo butter, a rotten egge ariD otnegar mingleo together* ano potojeo into tfje tjo^fe tout) a [>Q?ne : after iu[ji£t),letlnm ftanocouerco kiitfj a toet clotfj till |je foare [jot, p;tU nt, ano aEureD cure fo? tlj.o oifeafe, 31 ieameenot long agone, ef tijat tjomfijteife^ano fcltant toentle* mao; Captainc Nicholas Malbee 3 in fttyom tt)cre foantetfc no# tiding belonging to a foodie £>ouloict : tjisnicmttnc tarns tfcts, barter cacfj legge tmmcOiatclp one fcantfull abouc tfje fenee foitb a ii'fic, g£D3 anD Ijaro, ano tljcntoathe f)tm to t^afc^tm, ano put turn in a I;eat, ano being fometo^at t»armeo 3 let fjim blcuo in boti} fycbt&faiws,* mum ilje oaincs of t$e imatt Icggc^bc* ttuoDiie tfje &©feanDt&epauXme,refcruingti)eblQUD to make a charge luilfjai^in tfjts manner : SCafee of tijat blcuo tfto quarter, ano of Ujljcat meale, as if commetlj from t^e spill, fcalfe a pcrfce, ano fireegge$ 3 tt)els ano all,of liMearmoniacKetjalfe apouno 3 of Sanguis Draconis JjalfeaG/aarterne 3 ano a quart of ft rang fcineger : mingle tfjem all tcgetil)er 3 ano charge all ijus u>uiDcn3 3 b;eff 3 bac&c, Uyiicg, ano fo?eieg5t$ereloiifb ano foaifee fjim fcpon feme tjaca grouno : tjwa poured after, leao fjim info tjie ftable.ano let tym ffano tpeotfeo^onrtfi to ilje racke 3 toitf)ont meat ojojinae, ano foaifee tym tycn t l»o oj t&ee ijoure s mo?e a ano t!;en giue Ijtm a tittle tearaie ioater, toittf grouno spaltin it, anD after a little fjap ano p?oucnoer 9 tiien toalBc Ijimagameopen ffce mmft grouno l?ou can get : pon $all Hoe $m fyttwt oap a mile oj tteo foftlp, « fo from oap to oa? ontill ijebeleell, toi)ic& toill be foitljin tfcoe 0? foure oaie*. ttmtmbct to let Ijim llano ftjeSriJ Dap after i)i& firff toaltung,ttoo Ijourcs in loafer op f tfje bclip : tty* me Dicine is infallible, SCfje collicae, ejpameintljebcilpis tJjoHgijtUnlibe ea&o in a twfcoj$pule 3 onelptoitlj tye fig^tof a jSDucae, ojanp foater fcteie. SCo feeepe pour fwfc frcm flpes, it is gceo to toad* gn'm ouer fcit!) tfyz iupce of t&e ieaues of t^e (25ouro, in tlje mictfc of Summer, ^anp times |jo?fe« arc troubleotoit|iioo?mr0, 0; bot5,U>l)fcfj rou fl/ali perceiue, if ttjer calf tfjctr toiRe open tyeit bellp 3 if tfjepluaUots) oftenfimea,anDari!iet^eir bellpluit^t^ti: ta>te\ tty remefiie is ^arts.fjome , g>auine beaten, ano giuen fytin tuitlj a little pnegar in a &o?ne. Columella tocolo |aue poo case rfjefjo^fs toujour |iano 3 ano alter tyat%M ^auepluehea out entreating of Cattcjl. 1 17 mrt ffje Dong, to toaft) l>is fanoament tottf) &ea toaf et,o* H&ine. Brafanolus in r ots Commentary fepon Hippocrates,oeclarefh bofr tie cuceo the SDufee of Ferars t)o;fej5 5 bcmg m great Danger Unci) toojmes, bp giuing them &uicfcfilucr, ano Scordium, 0? S&af er- Gcrmandcr, frben no other meoicines froulo heipe. Che 3ffbcfemic?o; Diiliiiation, wiaUetb a i^ozfe flothfull, Dull , aim faint, pet frill he be leo, ano rioocn , anD moDerate labour 10 not amiffe fo? tym, let (jtm D?infce frarme frater frith Wtycat bjan: the moje fitfh he bopDeo at the mouth* t^c better frill it bee foj him. SDhereate funo^p Difeafes thought tomircablejfrbfch if the ^o:fe Ijao , ano fras folo , up tfje oloe Hafr es be fras to be turnco bacfee againe , ercept the bargaine frere otherfrife : of frbtcb number, are the bjofcen teinDeo, the lunatiefce, ano tije mangmes, calleD the JFareine^hich Difeafetf it eome once to tfje {tones, fe tfjeugittjiifticable. Co U)i$ fyev aooe the though feplent : fome Ibinfcct&ebjoUenfrmDeDisnottobecureD, be* raufeit is like to the confumption of the lungs in a man, pet fome hope of receuerp tfjere is, if it be taken in time : fo? let* ting of bloo m ojp Difeafes, is asainft reafon. But pou map an# nopnf the frfjole boop frittj WSHine and 3Dplc, mingleD together ano frarmeD, anocurrp tfim agalnft the hap?e rill he ffreat,ano grat htm this Djmfee mfraro from tlje firff Da? : tlje tupce of ptfan, fefrfnes greafe clarifieD , ano Amylum , in nefr ffreet frmc,frhfeh being bopleo together, pou ma? gtue it him frith a %mt to open 1)1$ pipes , ano fet him fo as tree ffano frarmc. 2Dhe lunattse eves are cureo bp letting him blooo in the temple tjemes,batfjmg the cvts on the ouflioe frith fome toarmeliatbe, ano putting into tytm fome ftrong frater certaiae Dapes , tirl thep be frbole: Jfo^tbe mangineifejta&e the frames taHeo Can- tharides , beating them, ano mingle frith tyem a little Wevot' greafe , ano fo annopnt l;fm frith ft, frarming the boop of t(j$ ^o?fe fritrj a fire panne. j©the*sbfe to fraft) him frith frarme frater tfrtfe a Dap ,anD after to rubbe ijitn frith &alt foooen in frater, fill the matter eome out. 3boue all other, thep fap it er<> - celled in the beginning to-amtopnthmt frftfr the fat of a &eale: If ft haue runnelong, pou mufttife 8rongermeDfcmes,asitroic, 2S?imffone, Carre, oiD^frines^aafe, of eaeh alike quantitie, iop lea together , annfritfyaUttle ^lemaoe m an oyntrnmu The third Booke, ft)*? bfe f o tnb it alfo twitfj t&e fecote of a Calojon. flgamffmai np Oifeafea both of t3oife«, ano ISnllceRs, tycg tife tije rati of the *P earn calico loiaca eilcbo;c 3 of fomc 13earefote,o:orbcr« .&cttertoo.2f,tm;icb tljcp tb.:uCt in t|jc bjcll of a beaa 3 bc timet r^e fic$ ano tbe Cam, mabing a bole before toity a 25oohm, 0gainfc all oifeafea of J£o;fea,vcgeriuscemmenOetb rbia^eoictnc aa tfce cbiefeff.Cento.zfe, Ma>;meiWD0, &>ogge if eneil., S53iloe SCUiw, |?agapm 5 13etonie 3 fearifrage, Ariftolochia rotunda,tahc of ea*b a ItUc, beare tbcm fmall, ano 6ft t&cm, ano if tyt l3o:fe I;aue an neb e, glue it htm toitb inatcr, if fie be ferine, Untij gcoo ffrong C^utc* SDbc olo ^nabanoa tooulo not fuffcr tbeir ttojfra to be let blouD, but open great necc CTitir 5 leafi being trieo to if 3 if it CjsulD atanv fimebeomitteo, it E^oulD b:se&e fomc &ffea& ; ano tfjercfoic in bcrp poung ^e;fe* 3 ano fact aa be bcalf bp? it it belt not to let fyem blouo, but in tbc rofe of f be motm): fo; tbofe that be come to tfjeir roll age,pon map let tijem blonD befo;e pen put tyem tc paflrure, bnt bctoare poa beare a ft coo? t)ano 3 ano fame f&e m not fee Ocepe.Oeloinga poa fljait not neeO to let blouo* &t)c Ij^otfe* of fiarbary (aa tbep fapjneuer mtoe an? meofefne. E v r h or. |^ou bane fpofecn enougf? of ^o;fce, UiB time pou fap fomctbing of 3CTca. h i ? . 3 1 ia great!? oat of o?cer,buf Unu pon tofll neeos bana me fo to ooe 3 3l frill not ff icfeeloitb pon to Tap to^at 3! can therein, AiTcf. that each of ?ou map ooe tfjc like in bis cbargc fl ffe a ace com* ■monlpBfpt 3 pcf not fo be little fefbp,beeaufe of fbcirfuno;prom* mooitice, ano tfjc baroneffe of tbeic feoing : fo; tW proje bead content a bimfelfe toitfy tofyat meat fa euer pou gine bim,£C bittlca, 33?pcra 3 &falKca 5 €baffe, (UHjcreofcuerpCountrep batbffoje,) is goo meat tuitr) $im : beffoea be map btCt afatoe tbe ill Imhingc tco of a negligent aiepcr» ano able fo fmiaf nc blotoca,labeur,bun< get ano tbirff, being fcloomeo; neuer fiefec : ano tbercfo?c of all otbec Cattell longeff cnoarerb: fo? being a bcaft noting cbarge*- oble, be feructrj fo; a number of ncccflartc Wca : in eacrping of burOcna,be is comparable fo tfje l^o:fc, beo:aluetfi fbe Cart (Co tyeloao be not bweafonable j fo; gcinoing in fyt C0iU be paffetb all others: tbercfo:e in tbe Conner? tbeHlte ia moll neeofull .fc; carrying of tbingafo rtje market, ano Cojne to tbe ipill. Bin -Egypt ano Barbary (iojiere t&egronno is oerpligbtj ttytfaue alto entreating of Gattell. i is alfo ttrdc bfc to pletofng : ano the fine iLnorcn of ffje Country ioe rioc tjpon flu~cs ruiilp furnttyco : pea, tbep be ncr? apt to be taag&ti to as at t^i5 Dap in Alcayrc, pou floall |>auc fyem fcauncc tierp manncelp, ano feoepe meafure tutrtj tfjrtr SBufitfan. Varro makety mention of ttoo fojfs: one toiloc,to[Kreof in Phry. gia ano Lycaonia tljereare great ftojc : tbe foiloe jatTeet f bat are rameo, arc pairing goo,fpeciallpfo; tyesoe,* ttjep are eafilie b?o* feen : ttjcotfjer (0 tame, of tebfeb 3 nieane to fpcafee, SHjebcl!: areb;ougf)t out of Arcadia, (altfjougfj Varro fames focommeno t&e bjaoeof iraly foj ga>oneu~e. ) ^c tfjat toiUJjane a toaoe of #ues, mud Ijauettje spaleanO Jfemale bof(j of reasonable age, large boopeo, fonno, ano of a g©o Binoe j tlje q&alemuff beat tbe leaft trjja pare oloe : fo? from tfox, till tfjep be tenne, t&ep fee fit fo? bjeeotog : tljep b?ing f©j fij time Colt* fometimes at ttoo pares ano a tjalfe, but t&a pares is flje belt age : ttjc $c* male gocttj as long tourer bnroen as tbe ^are, ano oifctjarget!) m all refpectsas fljaootlj : butfce toillnotoerp toelt retame a trcept n)e be fojeeo immeOiatelp after fbe &o?ffng to run about : (be feloomc bjingety fcD?tf) ttoo. $$f>cn $e foalet^ w)e gets fjec Into fome aarfee place, ano napes ljec felfe from bttns fane* ffifjep tutll beare all t&eir life time, toljic|> (as Ariftotle faftb) fo ttjictiepares : t!)ep areput fo tlje fwfe a little befojetfje tenty of 3une 3 ano beare euerp otljer pare : tyep btfnq fto?t& rbcir ifoalcat tlje ttoelue mottety. WLfyilc tg|epbetoi$jj>o0le,tbr? mutt not be grcatlp lab oureo>fo?t)a$ar Ding fljeiri^oaleitbe ^ale muff nener be tolc, fo? litis asletcbcrous as tye SDtuetl, ano by reff toill iuarenaugbt.SCtjc Colt isfuffereoto run toin) tlje SDam tbe firft pace, ano tfcc ncrt is gentlp fpco fop toitfj fjcr, oncip m tbe nigftf times: t&ctbicD paret!jepareb?oBen 3 aeco?Dingfo tjjeir fofe. Stye SDamBotfj toonoerfullp lone ber poung, fo tmir^as tip toill not ttiche to come tbojototlje fire fo it: but rlje wafer fija? oare in no toifecome nore, no,not toucij it toity ber fatfe^eitbec toill flje ojmk&in aHp ffrange toaf er, but iutjere tytte tfco to be toafrco, ano fo as fye map goe ano ffano ojp ftete- fi^^poe^ J(gl)Uo beloogeo in kMOeroomcs, ano are trouWcotuitfj fearer ftillo;eamcs in fljeft fiapes, tofjereat tyty fo oatee toitbfljeir legges,t|iat Iftytv Ipe note anp ^arot[jing,tl;cp f^urtttjeir fate: ^ -.ftjinbtaff, tire ftwfeJp toucfj t&e lwat«r ip^f^Kttppc^ The third Bookc, (as it is tl)3uql)t) fo? fearc of toettmg f&cir gmelp carts, tuftofe fljaaotocs tyep fa in ttjttt Diinbing : no beaft can luo:fe atoap toittjcolD then this. 3fpour atlcsljaltataiiptinie^pouQjaU tljus remeoie t&cm, toad* all t&cfoofetoity toarme h)afer ; ano after* UiarDmaBettjemcleanc \mt\) a fyarpe fcmfc , Uitnct) to^cn poti Ijaue Done, t .i«c olD chamber lpe,as tjot as mat? be,ano nuit tyt ce* tn CPoates fuet : 02 if pou &aue not ttjat, SDre talloto, anD anoint all fl;c feet fill tljep be Utfjolc. Evphor, Cfjep fap, tfjatbetfofrt an 0ffe, anD a $pare, 10 gotten tjje$potle,as a ttji'cD fcinDe.of ttoo um Dip fetuses, neither refcmbling tfje father, no? tfjc mother. Moil**. Hippo. 3Jt ijs toerp true : as of tlje ft)e Me, anD tfje !^02fe is cngcnDzeD tb c u)e £13 oile, but altogether, Uubbe2ne 3 anD tmrea* fonable Dull $lfo of tfje space, anD ttjc toilDc au~c, being bjofcen are faieo q^ties tij.it run pairing flmftlp,ano are toonoeifull tjaro Roofed , buf ruggeo of tljcic boDp, anD mifefjieuous ftomat I;io, pet eafie to be fjansleo : ttytyates fo? b;ecD, muft not be tmDcr foure peered : no; abouc ten: tljep are foaleo in tfjcfroclftljmo* netfj, as i£o?fcs anD 3(Tes are, as Ariftotlcfauij : but Columella faptf), tl;eir foaling time is not before tije tfjirteenttj monetlj. Ctje 5f emale conceauetfc (as ercertenee feacfjettj) afluteolp after tjjc feauentfj Dap : the spaleDotfjneuer better ljo?fe, tfjen iiljenljeui niofttpuD, &fjc ttjat conccauety not bcfo:c fbec tjatfj call tjer colts tatfj, is taken to be barren, as flic Ittu Uufe tjjaf takes not at tfje fttff I;o2fing. SEljofc tjjat are gotten bettuirt a Ipoife anD an 0ffe in olDe time, toere calleD $eparDS , ano fucfi as lucre bjougljt fojtfj bctiuirt an 3tTc anD a spare, tfjcp calleD spotlcs. %\)c tBotlcs tijcmfclucs (tljep fap) Doe ncuer tngenoer : anD if at anp time tfjep Dio,it toas ta!;cn fo: monttrous, accounting trie catifeof tljeir barrcnneiTctljc contrarietie of ttjeir feinDcs: U;hicrj patter a long time troubleD botlj Anrtotlc, anD tfje reff of tfje ptjilofopljers. SE&ougtj Ariftotlc fjatfj otfjer teljere U)2ittrn,ttj&f Voiles Doe both mgenQer,anD bung foiVj: anDtoitfj Ijim agrectlj Yhcophraftus, affirming, tfjat in Capadocia tljep Doe commonly tying fojtlj, anD ingenDer f tfjemfelues. SEfje lifec Doty varro, an* before ^im Diomfyus,anD Magoaffirme,tfjatt[jeb^eDtngof ^etlfs in tye countries of Aflfrickc, is neither monftcous, noj 0ea$on 3 but as common as our b:ccDe of ^o?fes ; buttye tyoile is entreating of Cattell. 1 1 « tsbotb father, atiD better ffomacfjeo, tyat is btgottm of an flare ana a mate. Ctje Stallion tfjat pou meanc to Ijaue fo? pour race of spoilcs 3 mull be as fap?c as pou can get, bauing onclp tbisrc garD , ttjat be be large of bo&p, bigge necfeco, b:oaD 3 ano ftcong ribbeo, large, ana taatune b?cn;eD 3 bis tbtgtics full of fpuoives, ana tl;e legges tocll fentt, of colour blachc anb fpottcb : fo? tfflxs (tfjoug&tljepbecommonlp bumtej pet tbat colour agreeetb not VucllUutb a tpoile : fomc fap 3 tyat lm)at colour poumoulo baue pour *pot»le to be, mitbtbatcoloureo clcafte you muff eoucc pour flffe. 'K\)t affc fo p?opo?fionco (ascitic Declares) t&at pot! mesne to appoint fo; pour fetallion, pou muff ffcaigbt tua^cs Ul\t fromb-s oamme,ano put tym to fome spare tbat barb a Colt fucking of ber : pouu)all eafifpDecemerbe spare, bpfetfing ber in a Darhe place, rcmauing ber cmne Coltftom bee 3 ano putting to tjcr in ffdeotljereoftbc #u"esColt. ) mbu:b Q)c millnurfe as fjec 3tune. 0fterUiarDs 3 U)bcn tbc SparefjarJ bme bfeb to it a f enne bapes , u>e mill continually after tljat time giue it fucae. SEtje 00*5 being in t\)is o?ber b?ougbtbp 3 mill better acquaint bim* fclfemitb tbe spare: foractimes tbougb l)e befuctooottelptoitr; [jis otonc oamme, being b?ougbt up totjenbe is poung amongtt $parcs,UHlttoell cnougb trapccompanpmtfb ftjem(as Columella faifb: ) but our &h~cs are of tbcmfelucs or firous enougb of t\)c spares, tbat t^ neeoenot to be trainee to tbc matter : fo? it is a ioonoerfull colfiu) beaff, f bnreafonabl? meaponeb. !£emuft not be leffe tben ttj?ee pares olb toben fje coueretb pour sparcs 3 forjicb muff be in t be £>p?ing time, to&en pou map toeil fkse bun mitf? graffe,anb g©o fto?e of £Dates, anb liBarlpmcitber muff pou put ^im to a poung 39are 3 fo; if Ojc baue not bemc bo?feb bcfo?e, (be mill fo beat ber tuaser 3 t\}at fyc mill make tjim like tf)c mo?fe as long as tje liuettj : fo? rcmebp mbereof, pou muft at tfje ftrff put fotfjc {pare a totloer 8ffe ) tbatmapfoffltjecbefo?c,buf notfuffixD to bsjfc b^ano U>bcu pou psretiue tbat %* is bo?mtg,amap miff; rbe raf hall s anD put to ?ouc &>taHion.3 place fit fo? tbispurpofe, tbcCountrie people (as Columella faitb) mcrcmont to l;auc 3 iubteb tbepcalieo a if ramc, o? a B?aKc,mitb tmo raifes on bott; fiocs,an3 a little mffmce bcttorene, tbat tijc spare cannot ffriuc 3 nocturne fi ont ttje^-Dife, tl)e loiuer part tnclofe 1 ), anD tfje spare ftanbing lorn, fo the #fle ma^ ttjc better Uape tjer y fjaumg fbe The third Booke, topper ground foiljis ^elpc^lnfjtcljtuljcn fijcfjarl; conc?aiicd 5 and at tbetioeluc moncttjscnd b:ougbt fo?t|),t|je pare after fl)c mutt be fuffcrcd to run empfie>tl;at tlje map tlje better b:ing fcp Ijer colt. SCfce ffjc Spoilt (being a tUieiue monetfj old) muff be taken from rijeDammc,anDlctrunbpong3ountaincs,o.: iuiloe placesjonije fjardcntngofl;is&a)fcs,and tlje better enduring of labour ,fo:tije male is tlje better fo.: burden,and tlje female tlje quieter and lute Iter : botlj tlje kinoes Doe f rauclltocll, ano till tbc grounD,if fyc plowman be not tmreafonablc, o; tlje ground fo (hffe,as it xcquU rctfj a ojaugljf of £>ren, o? !£o?fe. SCljep totli leauc ffnfeing and fetching , if you irfe to gtue tytm SStfne , fas Plinic repo;* tetjj,) fojjo Ufeefoife to;ifet&, t&at a *poiletoill line foure fco.:e peeres, E v p h o r. &mce poti [jane began Mtlj frauellmg beaffs 3 iuljaf can pou Tap of the Cam ell :? Hippo, JCljc Camcll is cfjfcfclp fcfeo fo tlje <£aff parts, fc^ielj Tome fuppofe to be f b e feruiccablcff cat fell fo; man tljat is, and as it mere thereunto onclpframed/o; fje is bumbatt t)pon tlje bacfee forbearing of burdens. aifOjtjefjatij foure fences, iuljeceas ft)c ^o;fc , tlje acre 3 and fuel) others , baue but ttoo : fc: tjis Ijindcr Iegges bom fiwtuard as a mans fence dotf^ mfjcrcmitlj l;ee feneelefl) tor cceiuc l?is bur den. gij ere arc tiuo feindesof tjjem s tlje Bachian , anD tlje Arabian : ffjeBadtrian t;aue ffoo bune|es tpon tljeir baefces,and tlje Arabian bat one, and tlje otijer on tljeir b;ett to leane t?pon 3 botjj fo:t es of tfjem lacfee tljeir feetfj abouc 3 as tlje bullocac dorlj : tljep all feruetn tljofc Countries fo: burden? and to care? men in tlje Uiarres :;tljep are as f iujfc as bo:fcs, but fome a great oexle mo:e ttjew etljers : neither mill tljep b:eafee tljeir pacej no? carrp moje burdens fljen tbtv arcfefed fo: tljep beare a nafurall Ijatred to tlje rjo;fc : and ran fozbeare d;infee fo: foure jsapes : jjee dn'nfees tutjen Ije map, botfj fo; tljat is patt , ant to come, troubling tlje mater before luitJj fyis fat , otfjertoife Ijcc ncligljf crrj not in it : ijec is fedde brfide Jjts paffurc , and met) tljings as bee gets in tlje Mod) toitygDateso; Car lp, and £>alf : Ije engendjetfj bacfeemard as tlje Glepfjanfs, £Epgacs 3 &p> tns&oimits, and fueb otijer , m^ofe mffruments groin bacfee* iuarD : fo&cn tljep meane fogoe fo rut , t&ep tefectlje fecrefett and defertett places tljat map be ; neither map a man atanp time come entreating of Cattell. 1 10 tome neere tfjem, tuitfjout great Danger* SEfjep goe fcitfj poung artoeluemonetfj, ano are meete foj bjricDe at tfj,?& peeresol^anD after a pare tl;ev coneeaucagainc, tljcp beare but one atonce,as ®lepfjants,anD otfjergreatbeaffesDoc : tfjepgiuc milfce till tfjep be great. 0gauie 3 (as Anrtotle faptfjj Dydwnoa in fjtsbcokes of t) ufbcino: v tojitctlj, tfj.it the Camcll batb a regarD to bis blcoO, as tfje ^ozfebiitljjaiiD lietlj neither toitlj mother, no? fitter. %m tfje female Camell ofBaftria, feeding bpon tlje spountaincs a* mongfttfjetoflDeBoarrs^s oftentimes bzeameo of tfje Boarc, anD conceaurtl). 4Df tlje Boare ano tfje u>£amell,is engcnDjeo tfje Camell toitfj ttoo lumpes fcpon tbe baefee 3 as tlje Orotic is of tfje 2tu>, anD tfje spare, ano in outers things refembletfj Ijis fire, as in bzifftt* fjeares, ttrengtb, ana not fainting in tfje mpje btit going luftilp tbiougtj , anD in carrying Double fo mucfj as otfjcr €m\tlB, as tijc fam: autfjour faptfj. 2Cbe females of tljcm arc fpaiue,to feme tfje better fojtfjctoarres: tljcpiiue (as AnftotJe faptfj J ffftie prercs: otfjers fap a j)«nD2eo poeres 3 ano are fubicd fo maoneu*e 5 (as Plinic faptfj) tbere area ftinoe of tfjem calleD Camclkopards, tfjat fjaue tbe refemblance of ttoo Diuersbeaffs, tfje fjcofes an* bin&cr legges \ti\c an £)rc , Ijis forelegs auo fjis fjeaolikc tfje Camell, tfje nccfeeUUe a!£o£fe,bcmgfiecaeD toljitc anD reD. Strabo faptfr, be is conereo like a falloto JDeare, ft raigfjt iiecReD 3 anDfj!c,Hncan £)ffn'Dgc,fjis fjeaD fomc tying fjigfjertfjen a Camels. Evphor. | remember 3 banc fcene tfje like beaff fo? all tfje iuojlo in a peere of SEapefftp toittjblacke spiwes , toitlj tfjeir WLiut* , anD baggage tjpon tfjeir bacftes , fane tfjat tljcp IjaD tljeir little Fj wncs topoti tfjeir IjeaDs , Use as fomcfeljapc jjaue. 31 tfjinfee Hcliodorus fn btS Ethiopian ffojie, WD firft DC' fertile tfjis bcau% but t^cfc outlanDtH) beads toe meoole not muci) toitfj. Hippo. <£5oe to Euphorbus , let fos noto fee pou Difcfjargo pour part, accojomg to pour pjomife, ana tell tos fomepart of pour eunnfng in beeping pour Cattell : fo^ncrt to tjjc 1£c:fe in toojffjineflfe commetfj tlje £Dvc. Evphor. &mee it fs fo appcinteD , 3 am contenteD to Buiic&a, fijeto pou tofjat 31 tm fap toucfjing mp poje f l$ill:anD firtt,3I map notfuffee t^je ©ojte tocfjallenge tfje c^i^fe place a tofjen tfje o!De to^item The third Booke, Setters aniatmcicnt people did altoaics giue trje garlanD am rrjicfj p:atfe to trje Ore, as foagmD piofo*man, ano a fait^full fcrnant : fo: Heliodus,amoftaunctent CCfriter, ano trje grsuril autrjOurofourp:ofcmonaffirmetrj, tfjat tlje famtlpOotrj confiiT of tl}c ^ufbano, tlje C£Jifc, ano ttjc Ore* Srje felfe fame b# tys auttjozitic ootl) Anitotlc fame to aileaDge m tjis politicoes, ano m tjis Geonsmichcs , torjtct) braffiuae.aiUiaies of tytt honour anoeffimafion, trjatrjeajasconDrmncDtnagreatpcnalip, inrjo* focucr did hill fjim, bring a fclloto, ano a $tefc helper In owe tjufr banDzp. 13p trje VDo.2tt»meflTe of ttjis beatr\ manp great things re* e:ineo tljcir names of trjem : fo? of tfje nnmber, beautp, ano fer* flliticof I9aifcrs, Did 3talp (asttjep fap) ftrft ta&c tjis name, be* caafe Hercules pnrfucDtrjc noble 13ull,caUcD [talus. SDrjisist^e crjiefe companion of man intys labonrs, anottje truOp feruant of tfje OoDDeffe Ceres : m manp great trjtngs,fo: tt)e roialtp of trje Ore, trjep Dcrtueo t&eir names from ttje Ore, as in calling alfo tfje <2>zape Bumammam : mfwe^ Iupiter fjimfelfe trjOUgrjtgmD to conuert into rrjis fljapc tjis CUusc Darling Europe. £po:eouer, of a rotten &t&re are tngenD:eD t£e fUJcete 23ees , ttje mothers of l^onep? toljerefine frjep mere calico of rrjecojaekes (asvarro fatflj) BuAovac. £tje fame Varromafccs foure Degrees in tljeic age: trje ftrtt of€alues 3 tbe feconD of ^eercings,ttje ttjiro stares^ trjc foartrj Orcn.Srjc £>ercs : in trje firft,tijc 15ulUalfe,ano tije Cotoc*calfe: ttjc feconD, trjef^cpfaCjanDt^^tare: mtrjerfm-o anD fourth, ttjc JBall, ano trjc <£ofoc : t£e barramc Coine fje csl^ Ictrj Tauram, tfjc raelcfj ColneHordura, from thence came tfje fcaffs calleo Hordica fcftz , becanfe tfje melcrj/ninc force trjen fa* erfficcD. SrjegajDneCTeof trjis beaffis6iuers,acco:Dtng to trjeDi? uerfitie oftrjcCountrp:trjc bell iDerccounteo in trje olee time to iieof trje b:ffDeof Albania, Campania, attDTofcam : at tyis tap &c tahc tfjebeft fetnDc to be in S^ungarp, X3tirgunDp, j^nflan^ JDenmarfce , anD in CnglanD. Of 55ullocks , fome arefs: trje Dzangtjf, fomcfoztrjeffaule, anD fome fo: trjcpaile : foforjatfur* pofc focucr tt?r|> fcrue,lDrjctrjer it be fo: labour, fo: uniting, c: fo: fencing, it is beff alfoairs to crjmfe fucfj as are pcung, of luffie .age , rather tfjen tfjofe tfjat are olDeano barrame , trje lno:rs of couenant fn ttje olDc time fas varro faiirj, m fellmg of 15ol- joefc^toere fljefe : Doc pou Warrant tl;cfe 15uilocbs,o: ^tecrcs, ttjaf entreating of Cattell. 1 1 1 tljaf pou fell to be founo, of a founo l^earo, and foitljouf fault i SSDfye Butchers tyat buy fo? daughter, ano fuc&asbup fo? facri* fices, tfc no tnoio of toarrantife : anD though fome I5ullocns ace ctiofcitbptrjctr ffrengt^fomebptljegreatneflreoftyeirboDp, pet ttje beff commonlp fcauetfjefe properties : large, focll fenit, ano founo Itmbs, a long, a large, ano a oecpc ft'oeo Loop, blacfce fj o,^ nco, t&ougl) in ttje colour t&ere be no great mafter,pet fome mit* like ttje totnte fo2 t&cir tenocrneffe, fofjict) alfo varro confen* tetlj, toljo tooulo fjaue t&embjoao fojefjeaoco, great epeo ano blacfee , fjte tares rougf) ano fcairp, [tfs iafoes to be large ano toioe, fjis lippes blacfem), fjfs nccfeefoeilbjaunco ano tljicne, ljis oetolappe large, twanging Dotone fromljtfl necueto ljis fenees,tjis tyouloers b2oao, Ijislnoe notfjaro 02 ffubbojne in feeling, las bcUpOeepe,lHS legges foell fefte,fuIiof anetocs,anDffraigl)r,ra> tljer Ojo2ttt)en long, t&e better to fuffatne tfje toaigrjtof i)is bo* Ole, fjifl fences ffraig&f ano great, fusfeefe onefarre fcomtlje o* tfcer, not bjoao, no? turning in, buteafilp fpjeaoing, ffje tjapjeof all &is boo? tlnc&eano 0)02t, Ijistaple long, ano big&apzeD.PalJa- dius t&tnketij ttje beff time fo? buping of ojaugfjt j£>ren, to be to sparctj, tojjcn being bare, tfjcp cannot cafflp [jioe ttjetcfaulfs., bp t|»e frauoe of ttje feller, no2 bp reafon of iljeir foeafenctrebe ta ffnbbojne to be tjanoleo. Bit is beft fo bup ttjem ofpourneigtj* bour, leff ttje ctjangcofapjeanofopleijurttljem : fojtljc IBuU loche ttjatis teougljtopneer* fjome, is better tfjen ttje ff ranges becaufetje is neitljcrtroubleo toittj change of ap2e,foafer 3 no2 pa* fture: if pon cannotljaue ttjemneerepou, bup tljem from fome like Cotmtrep, 02 ratfjer from a fjaroer: ano betoellaflTureo flw f pou bu^ tfjern euer matctjeo, left in ffjeir labour ttje ffron* ger fpoplc the toeafter. Jlajfee befioes fljattijep be gentle, fbtb full in tfjetr labour, fearefull of tije goaoe, ano fjjc D2tuer, not ojeaoinganptoaterojbjioge: great feccers, but foftlp, ano not ouer-l)attilic,fo2 fuel) ooe beffoigeff tfceir meate. 3?n cjjofing of Bullesoj feine, tfjc fcerp lifeefigncs are to be requireo,ttjat tfjc Bull Differed from tfjc £Dre, intyatfjcljatlj a inoje frotoning ano fierce lake, u)o;tcr bo2nes greater, ano tljicfecr necfec, fobig, as it tomes tfjc greateft part of fjts boDp, Ijis bellp fomctfjrng gaunter, ano meetec fo2 Bulling of &tnc. 2Ef>e Bull, before is be fufTewD to goe toity fyz Wne 3 mm be toell feo iuiHj graffe, £t c^affe, The third Booke, cljaff e> o? Ijap, ano kept fcuerallp bp Ijtmfelfe, neither muff Ije goe to tl>e Cotoe, tilltbetcntb of %une. varro fooulo not fuffcr tjtm before ttje rifiag of fyz Ura : but Ariftode tucnlD i;auc fj-'m all f&c reeling time, to goe m paffure Iwttlj tlje iitne. EbeCiAtic lifeetoifeluoulDteiji'sijL'f ffature, anDlongbcEsieD, bauing great ooocrs, bjoaoe fo?cf)eaD,faire bomrs^ano fmcotb, ant) all ottjer to> feensalmoft tbatis requireo in tbe Bulb fpcciailp to be pcung : fo? IMjen tJup paffctfoclue pcercsolo, tl;ep arencf goo fo? b?eeo, but ttjcp liue many turns farrc longer if tbctr paffure be gmo, ano tbcp kept from oifeafes. Pe oloeCofoe giuetl) mo?e milhe tljeatlje poung, acceding to tfje Counfrp peoples p?ourrbe,oloe &ine mo?e milfcc, poung genius mo?e egges, #gainc, bnoet tb?cepeeresolo, poumapnotftnrer tbemtogoe to Bull : iftfjep tljaunce to be lottl) Calfe before 3 pou muff put tlje Calfe from f jjem, anD mtlfce tbcm fo? tyw Daics after, lead tfjetr booers be fo?e 3 afterfoares fo?bcare mining. Pliniefojitetlj, tfjat at a peere old tfycy behuittiill , but tlje b?eeoe mill belittle, a0 it bappenetlj in all Icd turnip ingenD?ings,|2ou mult eucrp peere in tfjefe beaffs (as in all ottjer) fo?t pour ttocae^tfjat tlje olD tljat be barraine, o? fenmeete fo? booing, map be put amap, fold, o? rcmoueD to tlje ploto : fo? tuben tbcp be barraine (as Columella fatttjjtbcp tofll labour as tncll as j£ren$ bp reafon tijep are D;frD bp, tat toe bfe comntonh? to fat tf)em : tbe ir age is fcnotonc bv tlje knots ano tit* clcs of tljcirbomcs, toljiilj Plmie market!) libctoifeui Ctoafes. SCbe time fo? going to Bull , feme takz to be beff in tlje mit ft of tbefp?ing : PaUaJms iuoulD baue if in 3,ulp , fo? fo in tbc nintb monctb u)e fijall calue, fo? fo long u)e goetb ftutb Calfe (as tbe common people fcy) a Cttue ano a tSlue ane batjj botb one time. Bin-man? places tljep ocure to baue tljar Comes goe fo Bulla tbirtp o?fo?fpoaies after tlje fentb of ^une, tbat t&ep map calue in i^arcb, 02 0p?iil : tfjat tbep fljouio baue mucb milfee, fo op oertbemaffer, nstfjeirftine goe fo BuiPromtjje &p?mg„ fo ffi^mfer, Udjerebp tl;cp alUiaiesnulfiefonie: at once bulling tlje conceiucttj, if tye townee to faile,fi)e goetfj f Bull agfiinetoitbiii ttoentp Dapes after : fome fap, if fo be tl;e Bull come oolune on tbeleft fioc of tljeComc , itliill be a Cotoeaifc, if en fbe rigbf fioe,aX5ulUalfe, SC!>c ^eclses affiime, tbatifpcu Unilbauca 15ulUaifc,4?oa imU Unit tyt rigljt Hone of tlje HZ\\\\ 3 % fo? a Coin calfe 3 . entreating of Cattell. i%i calfe, f J>e left e Varro rattb, tfiat If pou put t&e Cofo f o ffje Bull fmmcotardp aftet gcloing, fije tomctucty. Columella affirmctb fifteen* Mu to be cnougb fo? one Bull* 3ltbinfce IjeUnli toeil rnougb fecue tluentv ftine 5 iff>e be fucb a Bull as 3 ocfcnbeo : it pou tjaue gcouitjic of pafture, pou map let tyem goe to Bull ftfecp roefc, but yon mult betoare pour &me be not too fat, trjat Ixull tnnoer tljcii* being uwt) Calfe. Cbc Cotoe fooulo when fijc 10 reoojUTg, baue but ftjojt patfure, ano the Bull ins bcUp full : foUjall rteitljec flj* beta? fat, nojbebnluftp. Ji tijc CoUictutU not take tbs Ml , yoa muft ftampe fea Anions in toatcr, ano rub bec'onoer tlje faile fottb it : if ttje Bull be not iutty enough about bisbufinelTe, taltetbe pencil of a&>tagge> burueit, ana tnakeitmpotirtet, ana foul; a little iumeano die poiooer 3 batlj |;:as (toiicsj ano |jt£s pectcii to.tfjaii, to^icb totli ferue fo: tijclme purpofe in all orber beaites (as Qumtilian fattljj fjts courage i$ alfo fiicreo tsp Uv t|»c Uhe odours tfjat pou fpeafce of fo? pouc l^ozfe. Bull ougbt Hot to leape tye Cofoe aboue ttoife in a bap as fomc tbmfcc, but toe finoe bp experience , tbat be ma? oftnec. Bin fome places tbep Ijaue common Bulles, ano com* mon Boares to tutvv 2Cotone : # Bull mill tuarc furious at tfjc (tgbt of ant> reD trjmg, as Ctjc Ciepbaut. and tbe llpon,torjtcb can in no tone abioe tjje figbt of anp tolntc ffjing. Cotoe mill giue fuetic to a ftcangc Calfe , but let not tlje Calucs Ire toitlj tbem in tlje m'gtjt, fojfeace ofouerdaping tljem. feome foeane t&em at ttje nrS,ana fuchletfj tb cm U)it^ sptlfee, oi <22lbap, liautng a little Bjannefo it, o? irlotoje, toberetoitb tbeV b;tng tbem bp, till tl;ep be able to feeoe. C&fjetber pou meane fo rearctbem fo: b:eeoc, labour, o; feeotng , pou muft let ti)tm toant no ffoje of goo pafture : fo; tbougb fijep be of neuer fo great a bjeeoe, pet if tijetrpatture be fcantie, rijeptoiil neuer come to ttjetc full grototy \ fo? pafture makes trjcbeaH (as the &Qunttcp people fap.J Mago, ano tbe oloe l^ufbanos, moulo ijauepou to geloe trjem lubile tbep be beep poung , fcobicb ou net toae Jifeetoife obfecue in cutting of tbem : ano in ttje ^p^ing, cj at tbefall of tbe leafe, lob^n tbep be trjzee moneys oloe, o; tbece about, to« bfe to geloc trje Bull Calucs , am fpaptfje Covoc Caiues, foming bp ttje iuouno , ano annotntiag it \nitfy feeflE) Batter* Columella IjdouIo not baue tpem mtte y but tydt £1 x ftone* The third Booke, Cones broken bv little anD little toitb an mtfrumcnf 5 fobtcb fcmde ofgeiomgbe beftlifectb, bccauretn ttje little poungoncs,tt is Done toitb out bitting : fo: U)t;cn t!>~v. be fometjjtng grotone tip, it is better to cuttetljem attujopccrcolDc, tbenatapecrealDe, tufmb muft be done in tbe £>p2tng, 02 at tbe fall of tbe leafe, tbe £$amt being in tbe mane : r ou muft tpc b p tbe Calfe to a frame, anD before pou cut ljun,pou mule fatten about tbe fincmcs 3 tuber c« bp tbe Hones bang , a couple cf fmall flicks like a patriot tongs, ma taking fjoio trJcreUntr;,cut atoap ttje ttoncs,fo as a little of tbc tipper parts of ttjem map ccmamcUntlj tbe fozefata fpnofors: fa: bp tfyis mcanes pou fljall not bajaco the fecatt bp onermucb bla* Ding, neither is f)is ttomackc quite taken atoap, but batb fomc rbing of tljefatbec remaining, anD ret lofctl; bis abilittc of ingenv Djing. #otmitbttanDing,ffpou fuffcr Ijtm immesiatelp. bpon bis new cutting to goe to t|ie Coiu, it is cerfaine lie map get a Cal/e, but let turn not fo Doe, fr>2 feare of bleeding to oeatb. irtje tpouno muft be annointeD toitb ttje aftjes of laines, anD Lptbargc,anD fje mutt not be fuffereD tbcfitff Dap to D2inkc,but nourifljeD Inittj a little meate : ttj:ce Dapes after be mutt be DpeteB, accojoing ta ifis fceblcnciTe> toitlj greene boiues anD ftocefe graffc cut "fo: bim, anD lokeD to, ttjat be Dzinkc not to mucb : anD if pou mill, pou tnapannopnt tbe fo2rfo2 tb:ee Daies fcritb SCarre, anD a little 0fljes, anD 3Dple,to beale ijim frje foner, anD to krepe t%t place from flpes* i^ou muft bfc ttjem tartnle rtjep be pet poung to fufr fee to be banDleo, anD ftrokeo,anD tpeDbp fo tbe ganger, tbat btfjen ttjep all eomefobe bjofecn , fbcp map bee banDleo Mtfy mojc eafe, anD leffc Danger : but Columella forties pou to mcD* Die Wtfy tbe breaking, 02 labouring of t^tm, before tty& peerc olo, anD after fine : fo: tbe one is fofonc> anD fbcorbertolate. STilofe tbat pou fjaue taken bp tmlDe, anD be tuell framed, and p:e* po.2fioneD,acco2Ding to mp patterne, pou fljall banDic anD b:cafce in t\)is fo:t : j? frtt of all, fee tfjat pou ijaue a large rome, imjere tbe Weaker map eafilp goe bp anD Daionc, anD out at bis plea* fure, tottbout anp Danger. S5cfo:c the Stable pou mutt baue a fairc field, tbat tijc stccrcs map fjaue liber tic tnougb, and not be feard, 02 bait red mitt) trees 02 butyes, Jn tbe Stable, poo mutt baue cerfaine ttalics 02 bo:Dcs,poke-foife fet bp, a feauen fotcfrom tbe ground , to totyty *be frt ceres tm?bt tped : t^is Done, entreating of Cattell. 1 13 Done, rfjafepou a fapieoas fo? tfje purpofe, ant) taking t&em Up tying ttjem into tlje liable : ano if tijepbe tmreafonablc , toilDe, an&curft ,lct ttjem llano ti?cD a Dap anD anigbt foftboutanp meate , to tame t&em Imtljall : aftermatDS let &im t&at fecepc* t&em, offer tfjem a little meat, not fioefeiapcs, 0; bct)inDe,but be* fe?e, coing tbem all tf)c tootle, ano fpeafcing gentlp to tt)em,tteo' femg their baefces, anD ^ tiK ma)ftllS » anDfpjinKlingtbemlmtb a little ftoat tmne,faWng goBD fceeo, t&at ttjtp ffrifee j)im neit&er UiU|p beao, nojfoit&beele : fojif lie once gett&at triche, fce mill neuer leaue it, nus being a little acquainted tottlj biin, pou aj.ill rubbe fji'0 mouth lutttj &alt , anD let Doftwe into bis tfcoat eertatne lumped of fait tallom , ano !pofe#ing after a quart of gooo OTne,foI)icb ittillmafeetnm in tijjee oapesas goooa felloto aspoumoulDtoitytnmtobe. &omeirfetopoafeetl)em together, ano let tfjem Djatu fome ligbt tying , 0? ploto in a ligljt plotoeo Srouno, tijat tljeir labour fcurt not tjjeir neefces. SCbe readier toap of bjeamng tljem, is to pofcetbem toitljan *loe £)re,t^atma? eafflp inllruct tljem: if Ijeljappento ipeoolmte in the furrow Doe neither beat turn, no? feare $im, but btiiDcbts feet together, ano let t)imlt?e 3 t^atljee map neither fturre , no? feeDe: mljicf) being toellpuniulicD tDltti fjuuger, anD t&irff, Mil teac&fum to leaue tfjat fallen friefee. C&e feeoing of tt)is feinD of Cattell is Dfuers , accoiDing to tlje Diuerfitie of Countries : if f&ere be ffoje of gasD pafture in t&e Countrie, t&ere is no fanse to t&at : in Countries totyere manfetb failure, anD fpeeiallp in Winter, |jc maft be feept in the &tall, anD feo im'ty fuc& foDDer as tfje Countrep pcelDs, tE&fcere ffjerearc JCaresto beljao , it istbebeff feeDing fojt&em: anD!£apisberpga>D,Cf)affe,anD Cmlcffal&estMtl) Cljaffe anD !£ap,anD crjopt ffcato foDDe togc* t&er in foatce, is Deri? gaiD feeoingfo? Wnter. 3(n fome places, tbep feeDe altogether toiih neto tftfefyeD ffratoe : in manp pla* ees t\)tv giue tljem Hupincs ffeepeo in mater , 0? Cljicbes , 0? JMon,mingleD luttlj Ctjaffe : befioes, tbefaane&csanD leaues of mints, ttjc greene bjanctjes of Clme, flu>, poplar, anD f^olme : in toinf er, fofjen ottjer greene bomes faile, t!je iFigge Cree mill feruc,o? t^e b?oufing of £Dhes 3 t ^ollp. ®wn are fame fat in gcoD pafture,anD mitfj mbeaf 5 ^apes,3pples,ano Haoiu): ^).ren,o? t^tnc«tDiU be pacing fat,tol)ere tljeretoantetli |9afture, &3 b l? The third Bookc, fep gming tfjem meale mirttotti) SCl&eatjCfjaffe, *no Kape*, e# €>!;en t&ep arc taken from paffi r : \, pou glue tfjem tl;c nrff cap Colixrauts cfjopf ano fftfpeo in ujarpe Uinegar, anDafterUiar^sCbaffc, being toell cleanfcD 3ntimmg* Jeotoitf) CClIjeatbzannfjfo.: tlje fpace of mrc o? Glycates, feeaing ffjcai after imtb goo tioje of fooocr : m Saunter pou muff face tijem at t\)t firtt CceU-crotoing , ano agatne ii)t)falles, fo? tfje fuccou* ringof fucfjasbegrcatUJiti) Calfe. f^our stables o; £)rcffals, muff ffan:i D?p, snn betucllfiozeo, cii[jeciPitbffone 3 grauell, o; fanD : tfjc ft mi tuill fuffer no toatcr to abioe upon it, tye otljer mill faine o.zinbe ittp>ami D?p it : be !) fozts muff be lapeo Hope, tfjat tfje mater map runne atoap fo: rotting tfje grcunofels, ano marring tffftc rjoufrs. net ttjem cpen fomaro ttjc soutb , .fo ffyill tbcpfcetbctwr, anotl;e manner: not^UljffanDuig, let pour minDcmcs open $ cjf !; ano Caff ,Uibicb being ffjut in vZHn* ter, ana open in summer : mapgiueabealtbfullapje. 3Cnftnr 3 as neece as can be let tbrfjoufesbe ncitbec tmtyot, no; to colDe 3 anD as Dip as map be : Columella tuoulo tjaue tUio £)re^oufeS) one fo^ttjc CUintcc, tpe otjjcr fo.j tye ^nmiuerjbott) bnc9uereD 3 but entreating of Cattell, 114 ft tit foell ana fjfglj mallco, fo: beeping out of fotloe bcaffis. SEfje J&fal3\iiauiDbiJ cigbt frotemiDe, tbaf fljep map Ijaucromec* nougrj to Ive in , ttjat tljc &iuc great Uuttj Calfc fjtirf not one tfje oUjec, no.: tfje ffrongcr £>re iu:ong tlje toeafcer : ano tfj.it ttiere ma? be ramie fo? tljeir ftrcpers to come about tljem, nut fo? poatung tljem. virruuius Uioulo fjauc tlje 3Drc*bonfe open tolnaros ttje Caff, ano to be neve* t^e fire : fo? fire is naturally beneftciall to Cattell, bottj fo: tlje o:ping fop of toe infretiue Damps, ano tbe Keeping of tljc Cattell tosrmc. 15e(iDc5, op foc^ fng of tlje fire , tljep arc maoe gentler, ano bp tlje Ijeatc thereof, farfjateoioc tijep fjaue tabm in tlje paffure* iserpellcD, an&ci- iters .ntvai'D Difeafrs eurco. Xfyc fjenfes muff be feuereo tmtfj Dtuersrflmie0,eaclofcoanDracKeD,ttje&acacmuff ijauc fuelj per* futons, as onebcaff beguile not tljsotber,iMjercto fljep muff be JtoclltjaltrcDano tpeD, fozljurting one tlje ottjer : CatofoouiD ijaue tfce per tn ions letttfeo. ^ozcGucr , it is to no purpofe to fecDc them ujrll, erceptpou alfo loofec to tlje Keeping oftljem in tjcalttj, ano (cuno, ano tljcrcfo:e mrjctljer tljep btin fjoufe* o?ab?oaD, pou muff altoaies tjauca fpeetall regaro tnto tljem, ano to oucdIookc tljem in tbe nigljt , fpeefallp, if trjere be an? laine amongft tljem teiflj Calfe. 3no tfjotigjj it be nceoefull at all times toouer'fcettjem,bottjmo?nmg ano euening, pet moff tieeoefull is it of all otljcr times , to to to tljem tti tfrc £>p?ing, tofjen pott firff put tljem fo paffure : fo: at ttjat time, bp rcafon of tfjct'r rijangc of Diet, both dDjmi, ftine,anD ^apfars, are moff in Danger of fictmeffe : in {EH inter againe f loofee to tljem , tljat tjjep be not, fo? fparing of charges, Kept fo poo?e, as tljep be fatter! v fpoiico. Sno t(j cr cfo?c pou muff fpare no litter, fpecialip foljen tljep come from labour, to rubbe tljem , ano o:p fytm 9 ffroBing tljem ltutr> pour fjaiiDs , ano railing trje ijioc from tl)c fleQj , totjictj mill Doe tljem great good. Jn comming from too?ke , c^ out of tlje paffure , pott muff U>au) rtjeic fectc tnell foitfc toatcr, bcfo?c pou b?tng t&cm intotfjeljoufe, ttjat tljeourf anofiittjeleauing to tljem, b?eeOenoDifeafts, no? foften tbrir jjofes. ilBetnare oftconiuclj colo, o?ljeafc,fo:toomi::fj of either, filletrj tljem mitt) Difcafes. pzu muff rase rjeeoe tlje? be not irjaff,no?cijafeDtjpanDD9U>nc, fpcetaUptnljotiueartjer, fb2t£at itffirgetlj tyrniin a ireaucr, 0? caufcttj tljem to tjaue a irUVc. .£& 4 &aae The third Booke, SCane fiaDc alfo tt»at ttjcrc come nettle t ©tome no; |3culf rte rnsrc tijnr Italics, fo: botfj of rrjem toittj trjetc Dunging p or font tb, tyc bead. JTfje Dunging of a Cche £>tuineDoth, b?ee&c tlje pctri* lence, o: tRurraine among!* Cartel!, f^ou mutt atoap. tottl) all manner cf Carrions, anD burring trjem iurli fo? infecting pout Cart ell.Jf fo be tlje £& urratnc efjancc to come amonaff ttjrm.pcu muffp:cfcntlp ctjangc t^e ap?e, anftfeucrrour Cattcllfarrea* funDcr in Diuers paffurcs, beeping tlje fount) from tlje ficfer, that tljepbcnot infecteD, no;fufferingt&em either, to teoe togcttjer, o? D?mfee together. The Mur- &&e pcftilence o? $)urtaine> is a common name : but fljet e raineand ate Dtucrs UinDesof it : infome tWutramrs, tljecattcllD;iucll, his a.uers anQ rtmne botii at tlje nofe anD moutlj : in otijets againe tycp be lundej. D ^ ant) fe jj atoa? mo?c ^ mo?e , f 0mc timcs it comes in tlje iopnfs, anD caufeffj tfjem to rjalt before o: bekjnoe : fomctime in tfjcir hiDnes, anD appearef fj bp tlje foeafencs of tijeir liinDcc pacts, icfKrcin tljep fecmefo laue great paine in ttjeir iopnes. 3notfje£ JunDe tljcre is, rfjaf rffetl; Use a Jfarcine, Uutlj pimples oner all trjc boDp, ncUi appearing, and p:cfentlr baniu)iug, anD comming out in a nete place. 0not|iec fo:t, bettolrf tlje tjtoe anD trje &i% Uiljecein tlje Rumour fiueafetlj out in Diuecs pacts oftbeboDp. Sometime it is like a lepjofic, fofcen all tlje fainne. is full of little pimples.anD fometime a feinDc of maDncffe ; fcutjm in tljcr ne r tbec ^eace, no; fee fo iucll as tljcp toere iuonr, tfjouglj ti)cp l©kefe?;e anD fat,anD luffie enoughs Cucrp one of thefc BinDes,are conragi* ous anD infeetiuerano ttjercfoje as fame as pou perceiue tfycm in; fecteD , pou muff pjcfentlp put tijetn afunDcr, fo: infecting the tuljolc{rocBe 3 left pou impute that to tlje tozatlj of 0oDfas manp fcoles Doe ) tuijictj ijappcnetb rfj:englj pouc otone beaffIpneu~e,anD negligence.Slje common rcmeopfas Columella faiftjjs tbctcots of Angcilicj, anD £>ea SCljiftle mtngleD i»itb pencil feeQe, ana toity ncfobopleD ®3ine, CSijeat fioiwe, anDljot loaterto be fp:incBlcD fcpen tljem. £rjc common people,m^en ttjep perceiue eitrjer tfjeit ^ozfsoj Bullocfee Gca,o?anpottjtt cattell rlfe,tfjep setter- tJfe totafee t^r rote of blacse <£Ucbo?,calleD of fome Confihgo, of woort. others 25eareftDte : anD fo? a Bullccae, to ttjmff it in t$jc SDetu* lap-, fe? a !£o:fc,tn trjeb:£tf; fo; &toint o: feljeepe , though, trjc car c>malung a JioU toitij a ^oDhin^ $ ttj^uSing tlje rcote p: ef e n tip t^ougfj entreating of Cattell. 1 2,5 t^ougfj, Inlitcf) tlje nek) toounD ijolDcf l> faff tliat if can not fall out, to&creunto all tlje tuljolc fozee of tlje popfon Dotrj ffraig&fr mates gat&cr, anD runnctt) out in filttjp iuater.^erfumcstntbfs cafe (as vegetius feac&et&jDomtuct) ga>o,as B?imftone,fen0ecl*e& llime,CarUcb, toiluc tpariorm-n, anD Co.JianDcr foeCc, laid bpon t!jecoales,ano tyc £>ren fo ijelD, as tfjepmap recciuetbefmofee bptbefr mouttj t nofc,ft)at it map fill tticb?auie,anO ttjeir itf&ole boDp lui tl; a (jealtljfull ap; c. 3 f is g©D alfo tljus f perfume the tufjole boDp,botl) fo: t&c fccalrt) of t&e fi'chc, anD pjefcruing of tfje toljole. Before 3 p?orrieD anp farther,? iwll fetpou Dotonefofjat fcmDc of Apices, anD fo&at quantitie pou ougbt alwaics to Ijauc in a reaDmeiTefo? pourcatteU^cu muff Ijaue one pounD of if cm* cri!ic,l>alfe a pounD of HiquereffCjcnc pounD of C5?afne0,2Curme * ricfee> fjalfe a pounD, 0? a quarterne of I3ap d cries, one pounD of itong $3eppec 3 tjalfe a pounD of 2Drtacle of $ean,a pounD of 2LvAU fceDe^alfe a pounD of CDomtn^alfea pouuD of ^aDDer,4D?tmenf, Ijalfe a pounD.Clje Jjcarbe toljofe rote pou map He (as 3 faiD be* fojcjgrotoety in manp places in ttjc chojds :it teas once tuougljt tntome bpcjjauncefrom Darndalltri SulTcx,bpone Richard An- drowes, a gooo patnefull fearcljcr out of mci; things, if 0% befioe 91'fl pjefentremeoping of Cattell, tjc fcructb agatntt DiuersDifca* fes in a man, fpectallpfo? t^e &uartane, as t i)c learneo Mathic- J or Cm- lus ijatSi in l)ts Defcrtptton of plants mentioncD. Co returne fo inp Cattell : if tljep toantt&efc Dtgeffton, 0? cfjatoe not cuDDe, tofjub Dffcafcs is peccetueo bp often belcljtng, anonopfe in t&ebcllp,roitl) forbearing of tljeirmeafe, Dulneffeof f&efr epes, anD not Ucttfng of tljcmfelues. SDafee a fcanDrall of pellttojic of £>pame, as mucfc of t^earbegracc , as mucl) of ifefberfefo, £age, ^oje&ounD, anD SBap fealt, ttjjfc pfnfes of feerp ftrong nciu Djtnfce : feetlje t&em all together tfyce oj foure foalloppes, anDgfue it fnm blouD-toarmem t&cmojning, not fuffcring |tm to Djinfcc till the afternoonc : if pou ueglcii tfjts Difeafe, fo t&at ijebe papneD intbcbellp, anD fullofgriefc, fjes fofll grone, anD ncuec ttanD Hill in one place, if 0? rcmcofe hereof, pou fljall binDe b»s faple clofe bp tlje fcumpe, as ttraite as map bee, and giue £im a quart of Wiinc , toitf) a pinfe of ffje purett ®yle : anD after Djiuc #m apace fo? tfje fpacc of smile ano a tialfe; annomt pour i)anD toity grcafe,anD rafee Ijim : aftei^oarD«3 The third Booke, afterto3rc0 3 maBe tym runneagainc : fomefcfefo IcfljunblooD in ttje taile? Uutljtn a ijanDfull of ttjc rumpe. ThcTaile scfytzt is a Difcafe ivl)tt% ttjcp call tfje SJHolfejOt^rstlje Carte, Uifjtcfj is pcrcetueD bp ttjc loofcne0,oj foffncffe bcttoirt ttjeiotntfl: talic tfjc&atle anD feeie bcttoirt cuerpiofnt, anDtoljerctbe topnt ttzmztl) to be a fanner, 02 is foft anD not clofeaa fbe otfyct topnt*? tljMfi taae ano Htf Ijt'm fl)c longed luap tnocr tije 2Dailc , about ttoo tnc!)C£f long, ana la? m tlje toenno £>alt,&ootc,anD CParUcfcc? anD binDe t't faft luitf a clout about it* C^e CfroUcise, 0: paine fn flje bellp, (0 put atoap in f&ebefwlomg of (£>eefe in tfje toater, fpcciallp 2Ducfce0,(aa pou fapo before of !£o?fc0 : ) fo? tfic ftglft oftbeSDucfeCja* vegetius anD Columella fap,i« a pjefent renteD* to tbts bcaft. The Flixe $*% ^ e $ lixe > 0? ^ e ^ af be > fe W flt fome P laaS ^ Cp Wl1 tbeKap^taae^loc* ano D?p tfj em tn potot>er,aiio giue it ttjem to tyinbe: ifitbetijeblooDp JFUre^tije oioefelloi&c* lucre iuontfo cure ft tn tyis fojf : Cbep fufferco not tlic beatt to D?f nfte in tbjee oape0, ano Kept Ijim fatting tfje firtt Dap,anD gaue tym tyz Stmts of &ea$in0,o? (Shapes, D;peD anD made in potooec ttoo pounD0, iuitb a quart of Cbarpe tart Mint, ano fuffeteo tljcm to Djinfca no other onnhc, ano maoe tytm eate t|te bjotofing of imioe £>hue trepans spaftrtre tree* : anD if t&cp menoeDnot toit& tyis, Xfyvg burnt tjtem in tfje fojebcaDtotbetJcrpbjainepcuyutD cut off&i* earc-0. SLljc UrounD0 3 tillt?>ep tacretofjolet^eptaaflbeDiDit!; j©re ptffe : but tye cut part0toere to bccJcalcD toitb €>ple anD rjt»ke in gf pour calory Ijaue f be Hap 0? Hafae, take fto&f milacanD Calues. pttt therein tljc ttennct of a Calfe, make it no tijicaer but as tjio Calfe map toell Demise it t ano giue it tmn luhe-toarme* J hc a 33f pour HSullocfce tjaue fbe Cougfj , ano if it bee but begfw 8 rnng , giue J)im a pinte of SIBarlep mcale toitb tbe polae of an igge, Kca?in0 bopleo inffoijet s©inc anD ttraincD 5 a pinte : mingle tljcm f ogetl>cr 3 f giue it fjtrn fatting, 0ifoi©raine0 bea^ ten ano mingleD luitl) ^lotoerj fricD 2Beanes s anomeale of &en* fil0,all tticr eo together, 9 giucu l)im in a mau). Columella tooulo l?aue pott gtue tljcm (Praffc cbopf,anD minglcD loitf) Beancs tl;at are but a little taofeen in t^c ^tll 5 ano llentite fmall grouno, anD minglcD toiib toatctXJe.olo Cougl; f^s cureD Mty ttoo pounD of entreating of Cattell. litf of^prope, ffocpeD in rtjjee ptners of luatec , anD mingleD toftf) JFiotoer, lo^ufj tfjep maoe fjim to ftoalloiue, ano affcrtoaros potyteD into t)im tfje toafer tisercin i^pfopc l;aD been? fococu, alfo |3cafon,ujitl) ISaelp toafer anD fcDDen l^onp^Uilicn tfjcpfjao tlje Cougfj, ano Confumption of tlje Hungi So fceepe tyfnia* line, tl)cv ufeD to tame tl;e rcote of a l^afcll , ano to tfctift ft tfuougt) tfjetc cares, gmiiig tfjem to D;infcc a pint of tlje iuice of iLee'^touf) tlje like meafure of £>pleanD $&ine. jfojtjjeCouglj oftfjc ILungs, 31 t)fe to giue tiicm long- pepper, C15raines,5Fene> grptsc, ISapcs, anmffaoe, dement balks, £DurmericUe, anD ^aoocr, beating t&cm alltogct!;er,ano feting tycmin gcooaie grounos. 3tvento;p, anD beat it to potooer, anD gtue it tljcra- ^ft|)cp tjaue tlje Fcaucr, o? ague, pou u>ll percefuc it bv t£e The Fca. tuatrtng of tljeie cits, tlje fceautneffe of tijeir Jjeao, tlje Dn'uc* ller - ling at tfjemoutlj , beating t^ebeines, anDljcate oftijeiuljole boDp : let tljem fad one Dap , tlje nert eap let tljem blcoDa little betimes in tlje moaning in tfce taile, after an (joure giue tfjem a tfjirtp little ftalkcs of Colfoojts foD in 4Dple, Skater, ano £>alf 3 toljictj mull be pofojeD. fatting in tljem , Sue Dapes together! J5efiDe , pou map giue tyem t&efopsofMue frees, ilenrils, oj anp tencer baitings, o? bjancljea of tat les , anD toipe tfjnr mouses toitlja punge , giuing tljem coloe toafer tfjnfc a Dap. 2Ll;e blooo falling ootone into tfje legs,caufeflj tljcm(as Vcge- fius fait!)) to lj:ilt,toljicF) as fame as pou perceiue,pou muff ffraigtjfc Haltin2 toxics toofcebpon tlje fjoofe*, tfje Ijeate thereof toill Declarers griefe,befioe^e toill fcacfefuffer pou to foucl; it But if fo be ftie blooD be pet auoue tlje fjoafe in tfje Iegs,pouffjJllonTolue ittuiff? gooD rubbing, o; if not toitJj t&af, ir^tlj fcanfping; o? pouncing fyc f kinne. Jf it be in tlje foote, open it a little Unci) a fenife be- tlosene ttjettoo clatoes,anD lap to t|je fo:c, tlautcs cippeo in mi* negae ano &a!t, making Ijtm a ujooe of Broome , ano be toell toarclje come not into anp toater,butffan) o?p» 2CljrsblQ0D>tfif be not letout,totUb;ce:> to mittectuljietj XbiU be long ere itfjeale: if it be openeD at tljefirttinitlj a Unifc.a:j& maDe eleaue,anD after tlolntflDippeD in &afer,£>aif 3 ano ®y\z latD to it, ano at tlje latt annointeD Uiitlj olDe s>Uiincs greafe , ano $5oafcs fuet bopieD togetljec 5 itujUlquicbeIpbeiM!)ol^ £Ci)iscifeafe,asjjtaUe if,- The third Booke, rrjc totxntttv people call trje jfotole , 02 trje SGifpe, forjiefj fijcp fomcttme cure totttj offering a rope of ttrato , o? rjap2e trj:cugtj ttje CUsfc, ttllttbleeDc , 02 bp fearing of it tofttj a rjot p?on. 3f trje blcoD be tn ttje lotoer part of f &e l^oefe, ttje Sttermott part of ttje Clee is pareD to trje quirke> an& fo ttje bltoo let out, ano after trje tot ttuappeo totttj clotof cs,anD ttjcotD toitrj I3;omie,pou mutt open t^e ^oofe in trje mtDDctt, ercept ttje matter be ripe. 3f tje rjalt b^ reafon of tije Grampe, 02 patne of ttje finetocs, f on f^all rubbe rjts kntt*,tijigrje0 ; aiiD legs, tott& fcaltano £>ple 3 tmi)cbe totjole.Sf fjts knees,02 f opnts be ftoolcn,tfjep mutt be batrjeD toftjj to3tme Oineger, anb iUnfaDe , e? §3plcf beaten ano lapD h if, Uutfj caater ano l^onnp. aifo &pnngcs toet in rjot toater, ano dzpcd agame,anD awnopnfeD toitrj !£onp,aret>erp goo to be laio to tbe knee : if onset trje ftoelling irjere beanp rjumour 5 2Leauen> 02 JSarlp mealc fiooe in toater ano ^onp,02 ftocef £Cline ; mutt be lapD to it : ano tor; en it is ripe, if mutt be openeD toitrj a kmfe 3 ano rjealeo as befoze. ail griefes genecallp, if t|iep be not b2oken 3 mutt be DtffotacO totjtlcft ttjepare neto,toitrj bathes, ami fomentations: ano if tljef be olD, trjep mntt be burncD , ano trje burning annointta toitrj SSutter, 02 Ooafes feet. 3f %t rjane rjurt tjis rjeele, 02 tjis rj©fe> ttone piterj, ffinmttene, anD greafie WLaW, mutt be burnt bpori trje foare toftfc a rjot p2on. SSfje like mutt bee Done torjrn it is tjurt toitrj a &>rnbbe,a 2;rj02ne 3 02 02 a i£afle, being firtt pluckeB out , 02 if it bee fcerp Decpe, if mutt bee openeo toice toitrj a bnife, anofo tjanDleo : fo? kibeDrjeeles, take anD cattfjim, ano btnoerjtsleggesfatt together, trjen fake pour knife, anD rut it out as me as pou can 5 anD let tjfm blecD toell : f£cn fake a ptHP-fcuo:trj of aertegreafc , anD ffje poalke of an Ggge 3 anD temper trjem toell togettjer, ano binoe trjem elofe f trje plaee,ano lie frjali rjeale. 3f the UDDer of pour Uint Doe ftoell, pou Ojall bat&e trjem iDitl) gup, foDDen in ttale ioeere,02 0le,anD fmoke -t^em toitfj ^onp coames , anD Camomcll- $f tfje loullocfees facte be neere toojne, anD furbaf eD,toau) frjrm in &re pifTe toar^ meD, ano kinDlingafeto ttotgges,02 fptapes, tofjen trjc flame is oonc,eaufebtm to ttanD tjpon ttje rjotimbers, anoannopntfiis rjoznes toitt; SDarre , anD Ople, 0? l^ogges greafe. SCfjcp toill neuer lig^tlp fjalt? if after t|ie^ fjane beene laboureD,trjeir fiefe entreating of Cattell. 1 17 befoaftjcD foell luitb colD toatcr> anD after inarts ffjeir patterns, ano tbe places bctlnanc tfje Class be rubbcO luttt) oloe &tumc0 grcafe. Cbe fcabbrs, o? mangene Ate , fs gotten afoap toit& rubbmg Skcbbes. tbem Uutrj ftampeo (felicfce, fobfeb alfo eurctb tbe biting of a maDDe Dogge : befiocs, penetiall, anD JUSjimfltone, beaten ano boplcD Uiittj ^Dpie, Olineger, and Mater , ano after fobileft it is toarme, a little fllommaoe in potoDer, anD raft into if, Dot!) cure tbe fcabbe, being annoinfeo in feunOjine. flDtbcrs Ofe to anrtoint tbem uml; Butter , ano IBulloefospiffe : anD fome againetah* Hojen, SDarrc, ano Mine, ano tjfe it as a pulteffe. ^ioe-bouno, is loben tbe ffcinne fo ffiches to bis bacfee, tbat Hide, pou cannct tabettbp from trjeribbrs, tDtjicrj tjappcnctfj by fuffc* bound. ring bint to fafee colo after rjte ftoeaf, 02 if after bis labour be be Uiettottb raine, 02 bjougbt loto tuitrj ttcbeneffe: fobicb, beeaufe ft is berp Dangerous, pou muft Itohetbat toben tbepcome from tbeir labour , ano arebot, pou fpjincfele tbem Uwtb »ne, ano $m tbem fome peeees of fat, 02 fuer. JSutif ttjep be alceaop btoe-bounD* it is ga>D pou feetbe Come !5ap leaues , anD toity tbe toarmc Decoction thereof, to batrjc bis bacfee, anD to rubbe bun all ouer foitb Mine ano 3Dple mingleD togetrjer, ano to lift ano plucuebp tbe f«in rouno about, anotbata bjoaotobflefbefunne (binetb- 3f bisbleeomglrencb not after tift tutting of tbe baine, tbe rcmeDp is, to lap t}is oUwe Doung fo ttjc place* 3 common meoicine fc>2 all oifeafes (as vegctius repoztetb) is tins: tbe rojfe of a &ea£Dnton,tbe rote of a poplar, anD tbe common l>alf,of eacb afufficient quanfitie, lap tbem in toater, ano Qiue it pour Cattell fo Djinfee till tbep befoijole : tobicb alfo being gtuen in tye beginning of tbe &p:fng , fo? t^t fpace of fouretone oapes, p:cferuerb tbem from all ficueneflTe. ipofo tbat pou baue bearo in ti»l|at fo?t t\)t olo bufbanDS Dio rcmeoie tlje Difeafrs in rtjeir Cattell, 3 u)all b:iefelp Declare bnto pou tberemeDies tbat are obferueD in funw Difeafes attbis oap 3 wbereof 3 bane cbopt in fome amongff tbe meoidnes befoje. ifirtt,fo2tbe£^urraine: itbeginnetbattbeficatnfberb2oaf, For th , ano Ouellerb in t^e beao, anorotletb loifb mccb nopfe fn tbe Murrain. tfooat, toberebp it is perceiueo : tahe a quart of netoe flpilfee, £aife a penp-tooitfr of gutter , a penp-foojtb of Ctolicfee, ttoo Pin? The third Booke, pcnr-Vooitb of Ongliu; &afifron 3 ttoo penpliwfljof Cinamor?, ttDapcnt>-luo;tt) of £utmccickc , a quantitpof i;9ear&egrace 3 a quantttie of ISitfonp, mingle them all togrrtjet,anDgfueft tmn inarnie: Hjen toucan aule ? aRDtlnuatt)et0ppeeffcfsnofc top* Inaro, tafce but trje beep foppe.fo ilj:u8 tf);oug£) y ano net to tlje tjeaotoaro, t^en let i;imbl©o m tbeneciuaimcfr apotfell, tftjee be able : faue fyc bloo, ano let tt ffano 3 if it tljange., tje map hue, t'fnat^ectct^ another fo:r£efame. S&iiac.jue flu cilctt) about tSjetatocs, ano op to j$c earcs, epen ijim onotr. t&ciafc?« to t£c tmtc of ftje tangae, ano get in pons finger , ano open it a g©o toiticnefTe 3 fyen take a geopecce ofccEp. 15acon 5 anDa|jano*mU of Uaggek)03:t, ttampe tbem toeil together, ano fill tin fjole full ioit&tt: t&enlct£iimbuBoatt£c nofe, ano tr)e tongue. 3o:tnfec fo: t£e fame. Eafce Can&e, i^earbegrace, ^ungtoaut, l^pfope. Slime, of eac& a like quantttie? £alfc an jMUtfHI •-, ffampe ttjem 3 ano ta&e aquact of gecD 3legrounos } anofeett) tlnm a toallop 3 o; ttoo : take ano Statne it , anD put rtje licour into a beffell ,put tt?ereuuf9 a ^wiP-ioo;tt) of frames, a penp -Ujoitfc of long pep* pet 3 apenp-k)o:ti} of £?tment, anoanpenp-toort^of^eingrefef, fo ertue it'tyz beatf luke-marme. Forthe ££e Cckene&e of t|eHungsi0peteefoeD,ffffjeDetolapb< Lun=». fjaco clofeo together beep farre op : alfo in fcaco fading t&e fcice bpontbcb3cfcc 3 ttcrachet& 3 o: mapped muct) : alfo a ujoit tmfr fang, anB fluffing out tt>e tongue toit&ali: it it be mue& perrOno on the left aae,rje tsbncurable, to^ict) poa Ojall pereeiue by ttjc l£iDE s to&irt) bill fftea faff on t^at fioe 3 an0 lifeetoife t&e Detolap: if tic be farre gone , &e hull groane mucij. S&e temcop. fo; ttys fcfeafe, 10 fo take long pepper apemf-moitkrounopepprras muc$ , of Ctatncs tfcuo petip-U)o:tn, of Ormertc&e rioo perrp- tuo:t£ 3 of jFenegrcke ttoo pcnp-iuo:tt},of ©ace as muc^louea apenp-iDo:t{),of3uiu*a:osa pcnp-tooitfj, oftpaoDectbopenp- ioo:t£j 3 of £riacU of Cean , t&e btter nuDe of CSalnufs o:ptf> 3 ano maoempofrDEr 3 3umpcc berries pQix>&2eo 3 CrejLungii)©2t, jfet£er?ctoe 3 ^tar*graee, CanOe, ^fe tBmtfs 3 15ap berries potoD:cD 3 a penp too?t^ of Oarlieae, a quart of Crjambeclie 3 a ptnteof saIt,a'quantitieof iiutter. £>ettcc turn befoie.o? tm* -. tneBiatlpaftct ttys mecicmecuueri. ofc-.k CM.i&er of &cttrfng a 33uUocfce is f&fe :tahe £>ef f erftxKf, otyntoitt entreating of Cartel!. 11S ofbctfoife callcD Bearefcofe, anD (0arliche, like quanfffie , pale and ftampetbe ©arlichc, anD pare tfjc £>cttcrUiaut cleane 3 ano tu?appe tfjem luell in Butter, tljen cut tbe JE)etotap ttoo incfjes bebinoe t^je fticlnng place,to tlje b2ctttoarD 3 ano cut tt alongtttoife about ttoo o.2 tb:oe incbes, ano pull tbe SDctolap Unci; tf;i> finger, 02 tuitF) a ftitbe, rounD abouf,one ftoe fcom tbe otljcr, as muclj as poucanpoffiblie: SEljen put tbe &cttertoco2t, efoiap , altoapes remem* tying Co cutt(;e£Dc'&lap a IjanD bzoaD, 02 aboue tfjc bottcme,anO in any Uufe to rent fyim to the bottome , befoze pou put in ti)e medicine. Hl>e tfjiro Dap after tbe Iscttring, Itofee to the opr* ning tlje to jnnD,anD let out tbe corruption (if tt be come DotrweJ if not, put in mc;t of tbe mcoicine, anD tucne tbe eotolc : ano if it be uutcb (tooilen, ano I;arD,ann toitlnof rot, tafce a hot iron,anD fane fep pact of tbe foare, tbe ffcinne, anD tbe flcu), in fucb place a* tbou Coed mod comicnicnt, fo as it come not to tbe bone, and tfouCt tbe iron tb.2oug!j on tbe one fioc, ana on tbe otljcr, o: once rigbttjnoer,tftbe ftoslling be rigbt beneatb,anD Scarce t)im toeil if tbe flics be buffe. ot iron, remember to take a little fticbe , and £otoc-,anD Dipping it itt Pallet £Dple , 02 tocoll^Dple, to rubbe tbe fjoie fcotjece tlje pzoti paffeo. SCbe (tckencite of tlje (Ml , is fenotoen bp f be running epes, The Gall, 02 if be Ijauc mucb peilofo care-foare : it is alfoiDifccrnco bp t^z ° r Yd- fooUmepeUotocs bnDcr tbebpper lippe: t\)t Cure is ttyst iafee lovves ' Cbambeclie? gooD 3lc-grounDS, oj Bcere-gtounDS , bars fexnte in potoDer, €5alltoaHt , bealrs iLungtoaut , planten leaucs, i^earbegrace, l£empfeeD,G2 feempc toppes, <25arlicfce ffampcD, a penp toaztlj of Aqua vnxy foz a great BuUoc&e,tafeealmoir a quart of t\)is meDicmc , fo; a (mail BullocUc, Icffe : infjen l;ce faty D2unl>e,tahe fi>alt,JLoame of t!)e\pall,anDlcaucncD foeaD, anD rubbe tuetl bis tongue, anD all tlje rcofe of bus mout?} : tben io.ii^f)tsbaci5e 3 anD cfjafc it tscll toity C^mnbtrltejabi tearme; gatb.ct' The third Booke, gather all tljcfc ^carbrsin Rummer, ano keepe fljem,aHD make ttjem in poU)DccXt»ts speotcineferuetlj likctolfefo2 tlje ilungs. for the 3f a 15ullocfee be tffe afeo in tlje iLiucr, be complained ficft in t jje Lmcr. legges, fc^icfj tutll fo gricue l)tm, tljat tjc u)all not be loell able to If ano, tljcuglj tje be ingcoo liking: tlje remeoie is tljts: Cake a quart of ga>0 aie (if it map be gotten) if not, take 3toe, put therein ILiuerfoauf a goo banDfuil, SClojmetocDD as mucb, a penp-too2t|} of €>arlicke, tjalfc a penp-mo2ttj of ^aDOer, a penp moitlj of rouno pepper, asmuclj long pepper, apenp-too2ttj of Clouesano$pace,a pcnp-mo2tlj of2Criacle 3 mingle tfjemtoge* ttjer, tlje l^earbs being potoojeD, aHOgiuetfjeBeaffaojinke The luke-marme. Efje figncs of tlje IBlatne are ftjefe, 6>toelltnga* Blame, tout ttjc face ano ttjc epe,anofottutobaf in tlje boor: if it be in ttjc bcop, it fmctlctb muetj ttjcie : the onclpremcOfe is : ETakeano fcarefc tjim infyt mouttj, if pon pcrceiue buffers twoer tlje rates of ttjc tongue, o? otljer place tbcre-abouts, tfjen cut tfcem to tlje bottomcano let ttjem out,anDrubbc ttjc place mftfj salt : frarct) fjim alfo in tlje boote at the fcmDamcnt, bp the arme 02 hanocf fome poung trxiplmg : ano iufjen fjts arme is in as fatre as bee tan 3 letjjnn rurneljis arme opioarD, ano fecle fo: tlje 25laines,o$ 15tiflrets 5 ano bieatse tfjem toitfj rjts naples, pulling tyim quite out : fee ttjaf tje annotnt tjis tjano toell toitfc C'zcafc 02 £>ope« Th« sjjere is a Difeafe called tlje jbpaenges, tobercm bee mill unite Sprenges. |>is tjeao baefemaro to Ijis bellp> ano ttampe toitlj Ijisiegges : pou mod put pour bano into rjits funoament, as far as pou can, t pull out tlje Dung, ttjen $all pou finoe blouD,pull tlje blouD qiriUout, anD take a gcoDtjanofull ofI3ap &alt, ano put if in at tmifc, as fat as pou can: tf Ijcbauc this Difeafe, fjeXniUnncilin tlje booie, ano The couet mueb to Oung. gf be bane tlje Staggers, betoilllake Cugg?rs. foerp reD about tbe epes, ano call bui (jeao baektoato : take tfce foortrj part of an ounce of pepper 3 b2Uifeit,ano take balfe a pinte of fljarpe EJineger, toarmeo blouo toarme,ano poUuc it into tjis p.oft\)iils, $ IjolDljtsbeaotoellbpioarD^ano let fjim blouD at tlje The Daf c & ofe. 3f pout J&ulloeke turne rouno, ano baue tlje Dane, pou fljall fake iji'm bp tlje fceao, anD feele upon Ijis fojebeao, ano pou Hjall feelc it Uritb pour t^jumbc : tut tlje fhinne croffctoife rig&f in tie place, ano toipeatoap tift blouo as if ootlj encteafe toirfja xlouf, ano binoe a clotlj ouer fjis ljeaD 3 ano keepe it tuacme. Kf pour entreating of Cattell. x 19 tour j©ren$uTe blauo,feffpetyem foure ano ttoenfp Courts from Pifr.ng of hiatcr,ano tben guicto cucry oncalittle Diiofull of rennet euros bioud. fna quart of imlfcc 3 let tbem not onnlicm foure boures after, severe fometimc runneth a btouo upon tbe bacUe of aBullocue, fetjich hull make turn o:am bis legges after btrn, ano goe as if &ce were ftoafoein the Cljmc : cut off a topnt o; tuuo of bis taple,ano let bim bleeoc : if t)e bleeoc ten mucb, Unit bis taple? o: feare it. Biffje ijaue tbe panties, t>t mill pant mucb, anofljabein ffjc Panties, iflanae, ano fomefime fl&afce oofone: giueijima little rennet, Uutb ^oteano Cbamberlpe.^f beCteell of tbe 2Cami,o.j £>tmg* Taint, wojme, giue bim tyine, falf,anO trpacletoO.;inBe.3lfbe be l^iDe* Hide- bound, ftampe tfje leaucs of iflo^eoelife, (frame tbem, ano giue bouod - tbe bead to tutnkc : if \)t chauncc to f)3tie a ftrofce in tbe epe, take tbe iupce of £>ma!leoge, JFenell,ano fbembife of an GDgge, &be <£>argpfc is a fmelling befioe ttfe epe upon tbe boanejiuea botcb, Gargyfe, o? a bplc : if pour Bullocks bane it,mt off rotms about if panes of fainne as b:oa&e i tfyzn cutalfo rouno about tbofepeeces one narroro (appe of tbe ffeinne, tobicb mfllfeeepe tl)z Difeafe from b-s lippcs, fo; if it come to tys lippcs, it is tmcucable : SDbenfake Cljamberlpc anD salt, ano foetbc tljan together, ano man) tffc places luberefbe ffeinne is cutoff,anDtoau) it tbereroitb cuenins and morning, till tbe fmelling be gone, fcraping off tbe feabbes, ano otberfiltfjat euttpDjctrmg to tbe quiche, till t^t fmelling be go!?c, not fparing it fo long as it toatretb ano runnetb : tuben tbe fmelling is cleane gone, talie jjiaruoile ano l^onep, bopleo togetber blouo marme, ano annopnt all tbe faio places, mbicb will bo tb b cal c it, ano caufe tbe bapje f o come againe- WLe baue For ail certaine meoicines befioes, tfjat tue bfe generallp foz alloifeafesj dl caIes » as fbis, mljjcbis beep foueraigne : SCakeabanafullofbcaffs iLungfoaut , a banofuil of otber ftungtoaut tbat feructb fo? t\)z pot, a banofuil of inmaro rinOe of doer, a banofuil of Heme, cboppe tbem fmaii,ano put tbem info a pottle of gcoo 3lc,lct tbem fcetbe till t^tv be (oft, tben ffirre tbem, ano put in tbe tiquour a penp-mojtboflongpeppecapen^-moztbofgraincs.apenp-iuo.nb of &iquecife, a pcnp-too:tb of antffceOe, a balfe- penp-tDo;: tb of <£omrn,a penp-tuojtb of 2DurmcricKc,all luell besttn,mD put in* fotbeliquo:,toitb a quarter ofapounoof spaooer; anoiub'lftall tfjefc bo fotbj ta&e a great bole oifu, ano put tyatina banofuil of ft JJ53P The third Booke, 33mt!)e botoleittjcn lah-etyc'liquour afyjrfatD from rljc fire,tM it be tjairc coiD,ano ptittije Uarmc liqueur into tyc borolc, Uutfj tije Ouraciic^al^eggfS.nnD^nmciifjt::^ it Unll together, anogiiie tl)c l5tt.Q to burnt biooo-toarme,02 a little mo;e. Sue* t!;er of tpr fame fo;t is ttjts : Etoo pcnp-U)c:ty- of Cornell* a pe- np-UiQ2t& of O;air:s,tfoopenp front) cf3mu~ceDs,a prnp-lvctflj cf 15ar-eerrus-apcnHnc2t& of jfrnecnta pcnp-foo2tf)cf£ur# meriefce, one baUof£>:tmcnt, a pcnp-iDo:tl; ot Sriacie, 02ra<» Qtrfog tl;c £ungs 3 tt):t£ ej foutc fpmnefuls of tpaCDcr.beat tijem ail together, anD put trjem in ty\2e£ quarts of Djmfce, fettrjemon fl;e ttrr,ttlltrjcpbeblouD-tuarmc. > giue trjcbcaftno D:infeein ttje morning be fo2e s no: till nconc after,inttje Summer, anD in tlje tUintcr tillnigrjt : 02 ifpou iDill 3 vou map giue tljem t£is meou rmcfoiloUu'ng : Sake ifiint foatr, tt)at ts IjacD D2peo fcpen a poll C2 rojfe 3 ano beat it info potoDer tmttS fait, tfciitatte running tea* rer, anD fotrjeit, rank 3ute, tuit|) tlje fate a»fc fait, ano tofjen ttie Hate ts foff,takc anD inking cut trje furce 3 anD liraine all together trj:oug[) a linnni dell), anD giue it sour cattcll to D2infce blouD- toanne,m trje jsp:tng 5 ano at ttjc fall of trje lcafc.BubaIe ; ealleD of The tt>e common people 15utTes, of Plinie Biibntc 9 arc common In Eafes, 3talp, bepono tfje Apcnin : a toiloe anD fauage i5catJ, tf?at fo; tyetc necceneffc, arc tjanoleD foitrj rings cf gron in t rjeir nofes : of colour biacke, tljrir boDics large anD mig£tp 3 ftjeir leggeo tucll fef,anD tmitfcerpffreng : anD in refpeetoftrjcirbooie, n?02t,trjen: tjomes {arge 3 crain£D } anDblackMrjcirrjap2efmaU anD &02f,trjeic tapirs itttlc : ttjep arcm trjofe parts fcfeD ftu carriage, C2atogrjf a am> Use bfes, as the £>rc. £tf trje milkc of tljis bcaCacc marc C^eefcs.tijat about Rook anD ottjer places ace greatl? cftecmeD. Columella counts trjem to be treong mcatr,anD rjeaup of Dtgclft* on. Loc rjerc is all tijatfo: mp fnarc 3 fcai;e to fap touching mp cattcll : nebj Bedio,rjotDreu trje canDicanetrjcr toijile. H z d 1 o. j^crt tor. to trjcg crater fo.2tcf cattcll, trje crjicfrft suerpf. place is to be oaigncD to feijape : pea, if pou confioer tye great commocttts anD p;ont, tbeparc to bcp:cfcrreD before tfjem : fo? as Cren fcruc fo2 trje tiding cf grounD, anD neceffarie ^fe of men 5 fo is to tljis p©2e feeair aXcubco ttjc faticgaro cf tljcboDPifo? entreating of Catteil. 130 ffie feljeepc dotfj botl; tuitrj I; 10 ficecc apparrell tXJ, anD foitrj Ijis mtlUc and iarjclifomc ficfa nourw) Us (a0 tfjc |3oct inttncGTct^o Poore bcaft, that for defence of man, at fir ft created wafr, And inthy fwelling vddcr bcar'ft,thc iuyce of daintictaft: (Taile, That with thy fleece keepft offrhe cold.that fhould our limbs af- And rather with thy life, then with thy deatb,docft vs auailc. Cf &topc trjere arc fund?p b;jxacs. SC&ericrjano a cljautptotr totmtrep bjcettctrj a large ant) a great u)ape: the barren ano ttja tliffte>a reafonablcttature: tfjetoiideand tlje mountains gronno, a fmalland a toocriu) fliccpc. Crje old tjusbanfcs did great lp com* mend trjc b?aDe Of Milet, Appulia, ano Calabria, ano mott of all, fye bjecDe Of Taranto^ert Of Parma^and Modena. 9it tfjlS Da^ fo? tljc ftnencilc of trjctr flaece>arc molt in yztcc tfyz fljspc of (2ng* land, of©crmanp, about trje Urjine 3 ano of prance, varro conn* f cilctjj all fuel) a* toouio buy Clues, to Ijaue tijeir c^t'efe confide* ration of t&eic age, ftjat ttjcy be neither ten olo,no: tie poung: tlje wie of tljcm not pet come to it, tfce otljer already pan: profit: bat better is tfjat age,U>rjcrcof t&cre in fomef)ope,trjen forjercfrjere fcllotoetl; uotrjmg but a dead carfcaffe* i^our bett is trjerefo?e Thcchoifc to bup tljem at tluo peeres old, ano not to meddle tuitrj fuc^ as office* arc patt trj:& : tfjctr age 10 to be fenoUmc bptrjeir tcctli : foz trjc tcefrj of tljc olDc ones arc momeafoap : nert mutt ?oh Irnke, trjaf pour Giuc rjane a large bodfe, deepe toalleo, ano tljicUc ouer all trjc bodp, fpenallp about trje neefce ana trjc tjead, anogmo tto;e fcpon trjc bell? : fo? fucb as mere bare neehed and belipeD, rlje do fjusban^s alfoaies rcfufeo. SCrjc nccU mutt be long, tfje bel* ip large, tfje legges tyotf, trjougrj trje ujeepc of (England be long Icggeo, tfje faple in fome counfrcp u)o:tj in otycts terp long-: fo; in Arabia fome (jauc tables a cubttelongt but kiondcrfull fc;oao : otrjers, fas botlj Herodotus, and ^Elianus amrmcj trjiee eublts long, fo ttjat trjc ferjep^earDs are forced fo tpe tljem tip, fo; being tjurtmitrj trapltng bpon trje grouno, 3!n jEgypt a Kami tatle rjatrj banc found fo iucigrj rr. pound and mo;e. SEfje Uam Ranmeq mutt Ijaue ^is rjojues great, tomdtng tnUiard, and benumg to trje face, trjougrj in fome places tljep Ijaue no tjomes at all, and vet no better tiammes : ffjc fjoznes mutt ratljer croltU mUiarn IC 2 tljeri The third Bookc, ttjcn groin iiraigljt fcp. 3nfome Countries tbat arc toetfearm ftojmir , 0oates f tfammcs are to be ctjofen tbat Ijauc tlje grea* ttft ano largcff ljo:ncs, tofjercbp ttjep map Defend tljetr beats from ffoimeand temped and tljcrefo:e in cold and ftountecoun* tries, tlje Ijomeo tf amsarc beft : tn mtlde ano gentle clpmatcs, tlje pels. Ii5efidc,trjcrc is t|)is tnconueniencctotjcn tjefcnctos tjim* fclfe to be armed 3 tjetoill attoatcs be figbtmg, and bnrnlp among tjis (£tors,and though !jc be not able to feme tlje turne btrnfclfr, pet toill t)c fuffer no otber ilamme tn tlje irlochc, till be be nun eloped, and lamed totrl; letcljerp. £E be pollard on tlj c otljcr tide, finding bimfelfe fcnarmca is tniidcr and quieter bp mtu!):htt)crc« fozettjes&ljcplicaros, to rcfframcthcragcofttje tnrulp,doe tfe to bang before fjts ljo:ncs a little bco:o totttj ftjarpe p:ufcs intoard, toljicbfeecpcs \)\n\ from Ijismaoncs, tufjiie \)t pcrcnucttj bimfelfe to be fjut t toittj bis otonc bioud : others far, tjjatif pou pierce W Ijomes foittj a fotmblc, nert to the cares, toijerc tljep tomdenr toard, be toill leatie bis bjatoling. 3" tome places aifo tlje Ctocs are bomeo : but to tlje Hammc. I^ts epes mutt be b:otouc> bis earrsmutt be great, his b:eu\ fljoulders, and buftoebs b:oad,bte Hones great, ^staple bjoad, and long: pou muff Uofcebcfidc* tijatfiis torn tie be not blacfee, no? pctfclcd, fo: commonlp fuc& toill get biacUc and pped &ambes,as virgin nctetb : And though the Rimmc in fight be white as fnow, If blackc within hisiaweshis tongue be wrought, Refufe him quite, left if he leapethy Ewe, He doc infed thy Fold with colour nought. 15upnot pour Mapc but traced and tm$Cvme,tljat tlje colour map plamdpcr appcareitljetoijtte colour,as it is tijebeautifuUcff When to fo is it tlj*^;:ofttablcff.BnS£arr.t) is pour bcttbuping of £>|ieepc: buy fictpe foj jbtjcpljcarcs Itfec fuel) as Ijauc tocll too?m? out tfje totntet. tiaktjofoeuer toill be a l^apmaittcr 3 muff regard tlje abt!t tie of In* gcounD:fo2 it is not enougtj to |jsuc paffurc in £mmmcr,butttjcp muff be tocll p;cutdc d foi tn Winter : tn anp to tfe pou mull ijaue ffrueof paffurc : and better it is, and mo?e profitable to tlje jpafc fter,to feccpea ft to lb ecpe tocll, tbena great number tottf? fear fi tic of paffure.Florcminusis ofttjatfancp,t&atJ)etofluld pour number Hcula entreating of Cattell. 1 3 1 ffymln Mifytt be oooc then enen 5 tl)inKing tjjat number mo:e fo?# tunafe 3 foj tfjeljcaUljiueGc, ano long continuance of tfjecattetl: but t^cfe are fupeeffittous f opes , as are a great number o» ijjer, imagines bptfjcfaftfjlefFe. 315e fure euerp peere once , to mafee pour mutter? ana fupplp tyc places of fuel; as areoeao , gi Cclie, tirity a neto ano a founo number,fo ttjattlje fatter be not aeeeiueo toitij an oio Unprofitable flocne, SElje IjarDuclTc anocru' eltie of t&e cole OTnter 3 oot& oftentimes beguile tlje ffjeepljearDj ano ocffropetfj manp of ijis floefce : fcrtjereof f pjcfummg of tljc.c ff rengtlj tu tlje eno of tlje Summer ) fce fjao maoe no fupplp,ano therefore Columella is of opinion , tfjat t&e age fo? bjceo oug^t not to beleffetfjen tJj:ce pcerrs , no; aboue eigljf, botfj becaufe ty&t neptljcr of f Ijc ages is meete to be kept : ano alfo tijat tofcat* foeuer commetfj of an olo ffoclsc, Jjatlj ligfctlp a fmaefec of Sjts ola parents imperfection,anD pjouctb either to be barraine 0; tueaBe. SCijefelfefame Columella fooulo fjauet&e (Btoes to be put tc tfjc ttammc after tfjsp fjao patfeo ctoo peeces olo,anD tlje tfamme to be of fiue peercs olo, ano after feauen, to Decay. 3)n manp pla* tts att\)i& oap, t&ep fuifcr botl) tlje Kinoes to b:#o from ttoo peere olo,ttllntne : but before ttoo peeres , it is not gcoo to put eptfjcr f be &amme 3 o? tlje Cfctoe to b?eeo , alttjougb in meff places tljep fuffer tlje Ctoc at a peere olo. scfj e Kamme is put bp jjis purpofe* bp tlje Mickers 3 or 13ulrtffjcs,tpeo to tlje G&cs taple 3 but mo;c commooiouap, bp going in feuerall paftures : tjotobeif, tfjcp are not commonlpfeuereO,but fuffcreo to go togctljer.2E!jc ttammes tfjat pou ujohId Ijaue to ferue pour (Stoes, muff afo:c tlje b!ou> tning, be Kept in gaso paffure, for ttoo moneys , fo&erebp tbep map be ttje better able to Doe tfcir bumuffe:buf in our eountrp, toe commonlp fuller tljem to fecce together. Co increafe ttjeic luffs, pou ffjail giue tljem in tyeir pafture tlje biases of Anions, o?fcnot-<0ra(re:2C!jep rather couet tlje olo Gfcfocs tljen tlje pong, becaufe tbep be earner to be enfreafeo , ano tlje ftammes tljem* t clues in age be tlje better. ^Knitting of t(jcrigljtffone 3 pc« ffjall Ijaue felue iLambcs,anfi of tlje left,&amme ilambes : alfo tjjeir blotToming in tlje iiojt|)-U)inoe,gcttet^amme3Lamb£S, ano in a &out'g toinoe, Ctoe ilambes , one Hamme (as Didy- mus affirmet^jj fufficet^ fo.2 fiftie d;t»e s : toljcn tfjcp Ijaue all con^ cciueDj tlje Hammcs muff againe be baniu^ca ■> for oangering & 3 ana The third Booke, ana fjarmntg tlje Ofoes. Dating tt)e time of tbefr bloffommg, tytv arc to be taatreo in one place ( as borfc Varro ano Plinie af' nrmc ) becaufe ttje change of loatec botb oifcolouretfj tf?e to©II a ana oangctctjj tlje &ambc, £E&e politic, of Iacobttjc ^atriarfj, in procuring of tactie eoloutcO 2lambcs,ts toeil rnougfc Enotom* TL\)i beff time foj bloltatng, is feomtfjefctting of tlje 15aer* fcjatD 3 to ttje ferting of ttjc Cgle : ( as varro ano Columella fjaue ltviitcn ; iutjicl) is ( as Plinic interprets it ) from tt)e tbiro 3»ocs of iBap 3 f ill t'rje Jtjictccne kalenss of augaff: others t^inbe it gam all E|e race long , many prcfecre tyz tQtnrer iLambe before tljofc ifyit fall in tbc &>p2tng 3 as a creature ttjat of all others beff L:©fcct[) l;is CGinterhrutt). StjetbunDer,iftlje Glues gocalone ma'acs ctjein call ttjeir iambes, ano ttjerefo^ it is goo to let ti)tm gae toftfj cempanpfo: auoiOingtbatpcrill : tfjcp gee fcoitfj ^Lambe one fjunDrctt) ano 6fticDaies,o? fine moneys: fuel; as are afierlc3r0B^mmeD 3 are feeble ano toeaae 3 anDfaeb mere oftbe do tn;iters calico Cordi : fo: ttje mod part ttjep. b:ing but one £ambe a pace, ytt oftentimes tfoo 3 ano if rfjepbc mell feo 3 ffre at a time, 3t tjatij beenc feenein OeiDetlamMtjaf fine Ctoesfjaae fjao in one pcerefiue ano ttocntie Lambes : it map feme perac* uenrure f o manp increDtble 3 anD pet no great maruaile 3 fince ttjep haue ttotfe a pare moll times ttao, ano fonufime Gre at a time". 9$c fefjcp&carD muff be as carcfull as a sptslnife in tbe peamng time, fo; tt)is pco:c creature ( ttjougb u?e be bat a f&tyczpz ) is as muc?) to:mcnteo in bet Oeliuerp, as a u):efco 3 ano is oftentimes ftje mo.:cDangcreuflpoercDanopatneomberlabour,intbafff)cisak fogetfjertoitboutrcafon: anD tbercfa.:e,itbctja)nctb tlje^bcp' fjcaco ta be (ailfull in mcoicimngof biscattell, ano fo conning a ^MDfctfc luitfjallj as if noco require be map fjelpeljis efoe 3 imjaf Danger fo truer bappen. Z\)z Cambe as fane as rjcis fallen, mutt be fef on fete, ano put fo fyz Dammes fcODet, anD oftentimes fy* motif blKlo open, t'^z miiac muff be milhco i\h tfjst be map learnc to fuefte. b:jtbcfa:e pou Doc tfcs. rou muft be Hire to milae out ft)e firft m.ifcecailcD Co!oftra ? tu&:reof 3 fculi fpcatic hereafter : fo: f^:s 3 erccpt torn quantitic beO:aiune out, oott) tjurt tlje lamb*: iftbeoanmusie^ou muCfu:feIeitljOit[)abc:ne: ifttje lambeiutUnotof biinfelfcfucKcbcmuffbeputfoitjanD tjf» lips annomtcD twtt) fujat X5uttet,ano^toincs[gi;eafe,anofcafoneD a. attic entreating of Cattell. 1 3 i tfffle foftf) ftoret $llne« #0 fame as tfjcp arc lambco, f&cp muff be fyut up together foifb t&etr oambcs, fo&erebpbotij tijeoambe map ctjeriff) ttjem, ano tticp learne to fcnofo ibefr oambes. after* foaro ,to^cn t^ep begtnne to foare toanfon 3 t&epmuff befeuerea tDttl; parodies : 0? f as varro fo?tfet& ) after ten oaics tbep. muff be tiz* to little ffafces toft$ fome gentle aap 3 fo? hurting of iljeie iopnts, ano inaring leane %oit|i f feer mail be feuereofrom tlje fironger^fo? burfing of tbem.Bno in t|jc doming betimes befo?e f be floeue goe to paffure, ano in ttje Cuenfng iufjen tljcp be ful^tfje JLambs muff be put to tijeir earns : ano iuijen tbeptoare ffrong, tfjep muff be feo in tJjefjoufe, tottb Clouer, ano ftoaete graffc, o? rife toft$ H5?anne 3 ano Jf lofo?e. #no to§en|tbep l;aue gotten greater ffrengfij , tljep \tmtt be let tat foitlj fbeirDammes about none, in fo fomefunnpano iuanue Clofeueereaofopning:. 3Jntbemcanefime 3 pou muff not oeale imtJj tlje milking of <£iues 3 fofyallpoufjauetbemfobearet&e mo;c toQ)ll 3 ano bung tbe mo?e Ilambrs.Mbcn tlje aiambcs arc taftcR from tyefr Bammes 3 »gcaO tjccD muff be fjao , tljat tljep. pine not afoap : ano ttjerefoje t0ep muff be well c|ieriu)eO in tljeir iueaning ttmefoitbgojo paffuee 3 anofoeURcpt 3 botb from colo, ano ertreame beat jjioto after tbattljep fjauc forgotten tlje uooer, tljat tbep care not fo? tbeir oammes, tym (Sail pou let tbem feeo iuitb tbe floebe : t)olobetttn moft places tlje iLambcsare fuffcreo to feeo in tlje aocfce together foitl) tijeir Dammes 3 ano fo fucbettll fjaruefftime 3 tilltb* oammes tljemfelues ooefoeawe tytm* varro tooulD Ijauc pou not to gelo pour Hambes unocr fiucmonefbes elo 3 ano tljat in a feafon neither f to i)ot, no? feo colo : but erperi* enee teacbetlj us,tbat tije beff geloing is unoer tfjc oamme to&en tfjep be poungeff : fo? in tlje eloer ( as in all ot^er beaffs ) it is fcangerous, SCbofe tljat pou twill fceepe fo? Kammes 3 pou muft tafec from fucb Clues as ufe f baue ftoo at one time* SClje beff paffure fo? ffjeepe,ts tbe dSraffe tljaf is turned up toft!) tfje |3lofo 3 ano grotoettj upon fallotues:ti)e nertis tijaf 3 t!jatgrofoctb in o?p speoootoes : tbemarifylp grounois fobe refufeo,anO tljat totjicb grotoetfj neerc unto 2Ufces ano ifennes : tfje plarnc ano tfjc cbampion jfielos ano 2Dotones,arcbeft fo?tljeodtcateff ano ft* nettlnmlleo &tjecpc. 2no be u)o?t,tlje ff!o?fcc ano finer tfje dDraffc is^tlje meeter it is fo? ^eepe : ano set is tfjere no paffure fo & 4. ffoa The third Bookc, ga>a,oj fo fine,but toitrj eontmuallufcpour&rjapetoillbcfoiarp of tt, crcept ttje sijeprjearDrcmeoietius fault toitrj giuing trjem £>alt 3 toljicrj ( as a fancc to trjeir forte j \)c mufi fet rcaoie in Summer tofen tlje;; come from patfure,in little troughs of tocos, bp Itching ioijerjeof t^ep get t&cman appetite botrj to t^rt'c meat c anr thrtr D;i".hr. J^ojlofjcreas s>ljcepc to3rettjfamefffattoit& fmtcr&g AdftodeaffirmctlpJ rou molt m summer euerp off cap iett&emrjauc 3>alt,apcefee to cucrp fjunozcD : fo fljall pour ftcepc bealto3tcsrjcaltlip,toarefat,anDpe\D pou plentpofmilhe. £9o:eoucr ; aga:nft frje dclinfer rctte , o: rjungcr rotfe, pou mult ptmtot to fectre tljem at fjome in Cratches. Ojep arc bctt feo in tYjt Uurmer coumrtes,tettfj tfje leauesano b?oufmgs of Chic ano 3ft), ano tlje l^atctrjatis maoe after l^arueft m t&e eno of jammer, becaufe tt fofteff,an3trjerefo:e ftoeetec trjantfjc offjer. WUfy tohat fjecoc ano csrcmlncfiTc trjts cattcll is to be feD, Virgil Declares, torjo toils a regard tobeSfao of tfjc time, botfj of t|>etr toafring, ano fatjtng. When Summer faire with Weflerne vu'ndcs doth call, Your lufticflockesto woods and pa (lure fend Betimes, when day doth fpring and ouer &\l The gladfome grade thehoarie dew doth bend. From thence when as the fourth hourc of the day, W.th loftie Sunncdoth make them drietobee, Towels or waters deepc go ta?intsea£ name : but our fjusbanos fcfenot fo futfer ffjetr fljaepe to fceoe abjoao in ttje Summer time, nether before tlje &unne fifing, no* after tlje fctting, bpreafon of ttje Deto, being mo:e ljurtfull m Summer, ttjen in Winter, gn Winter, ano ttje fep:ing rime, f^epfceepctrjem in a JFolMrtifuctj time as ffjc&unnc fjatlj Djatoneop tlje ttimes., ano fjoare Jf tods from tlje JPielDs : fcp ttje froftic graffe, at ttjis timt of pare, Hops ttjeir rjcaDs toiifj &fjumc,anD filstijeit bellicsfull of toatcr : anD tljerefo;e fntbe rolo ano toetfeafons of trjcpoere 3 tt isenougtj fo let tbemojinke once aoap.q3o;eouer tlje &ljeplj carols alfo tljefteeper of ail cat* f cll,muff Dcaic gcntlp ano loumglp U>tt|> tljetr ficche 3 anD comfo::< ting, ano cljeering tljem tmflj (Jngtng, ano tu^taiing : fo? tt)c Ara- bians (as Alianus tuzifetl^DofinDe^atfljis kinbe ofeattelfai»cf[j great Oeligljt in n3uftefee, ano tljat it Dotlj t^em as muclj gcoa as tWt ^allure. X5efiDc a t^cp muff be toell iuare mf&eDjiumg of t^em The third Book e, fljcm 3 anti ruling of f tjem 3 t^ae tfjcp gufoc tljem foiffj f &cijepfc caros office to fiano altoapcs as tjtgtj as Ijecan, tljat $e map plarne ano eafilp fcifecrne, tljat neither ttje flom,no? tlje great bellpeD in lamng rime a tto? tlje quicfee, no; tlje iiuelp, foljUe tljep roame, befeucreofromtljeirfeiloiues : ana lead fomc tfyiefe^ o? twice beaff beguile flje negligent £>fjep# tjcatD of tys cattcll. £>f ttjeir gaffuring? 3 t!;tnbc HI tjansfpohm fumrientlp; ano tljerfoje 31 mcanc nofo to J^eln you of tljeir *$ou> shcepc tts, o: &ljeepcoats, tojjrreof tljere ougljf to be a fpeciall rrgnro, coats. tl^at tliep be conuenfenflp placet) , not fubicrt to minors, no? ffo2mes 3 ano tljat tljep ratljcr ffano toiuaro tlje eali 3 tljcn toUiarD tlje &ouf lj. Columella tooulo fcaue tljem built loiu, ano rather longtfjcn bjoao, tljat tljep ma? be marine in t|efl$inter 3 ant tljat tije ffraigtjfneffe of tlje rome ljurf not tlje poung, 0no be* fiDe 3 ljc IxiculD fcaue tljem ff ano fofoaro tlje&outlj : ft.: fljis beaff (ttjouglj fjfs garments bee foarme) cannot amaptoltlj cola foea* ttjcr, ncftljerpetlmtlj tlje great fjeaf of tlje Summer. 31 Ijatte fane fome £>ljcepe-ljoufes fo ftameo, as f Ijep banc Ijatrf |jeic gates tofoaro t[je ^outij 3 ano f ofoaro tlje <£aff 3 tljat tljep migljtanffocre to tljefeafons of tije piere. Columella tooulo fjaue tlje i^oufe fe£ totoaro tlje &>outtj 3 ano on tlje bache-ffoea ciofe |3offerne 3 tD|)rre tljep map fafelp tahz ttjc ap;e. pan mutt lake befiDes 3 tljat Inhere tJjcE ffanb 3 tljegrouno bemaoefapje ano euen,fomet&mg ljanging 3 tljat it map be clean efeepf>anotbaf fljefymic map fee well tiopoeo atoap : fo.: tlje irefneiTc Ijcrcof oof I; not onclpljucf, an& ano co?cupttljcir ftete 3 but alfo fpopletlj tljeir coat es 3 ano maRetfj tljem ruffe ano ill fauoureo. let tfjere be no mopff tire tljerefo;e 3 but almaies foell fframeo i»ft& D?fe feme, o; fframc 3 tljat tlje Cities tljat be im'tlj poung map Ipe tlje fofter ano cleaner. 3let t|jcfr beos be ten? eleane,fo: tlje cleaner tljcp Ipcflje better tljep fceDe : let tljem in anp toife be Inell fto 3 fo? a (mail namberfas 3( faio bef&e ) hull feD 3 peelo mo?ep:ofif to t^eir £paiftcr 3 tljcn a great flocRebarelpfeept. ^on muff alfo Ijaue feuerall partitions to ncepe tlje meaner ano t^effcfee 3 fcom tlje ffrong ano tnrnlp. 3m> tljus muclj of IjoufeD fljeepe , ty&t are cuerp oap b^oug^t ^omet entreating of Cattell. i 34 fcome : but in fome places t&cp ace fecpf abjoao/arre from eMjcr totune oj fjotifc 31n Jp ojreUs,an& opcnftuloefielDs ano ootoncs, int&efe places tbefc&epljearDcarrpetb iutt^im^s ^3rDlcs,am> I)is iliets, ano ottjer neceffarics, to fold fjts flocfceimtball. 3n t&e ocfart ftclDs,fobcn aetfjc TOnfcr paffurcs,anotbe Summer paffucrs, arc otffant certaine miles afunocr (as Varro faity) &ce fooulobaue ttje flocfes tbatl;aue tomtrcb in Apulia, to be feeptin Summer fopon tfje spountaincs cf Kietc : ano virgiJi tlws to#* fell) of tl;e ^Ijcp^earos of Lybia- j What mould I here of ' LybUn Shephcards tell, Or of their Paftures write, and dwellings poorc, That night and day on Downes, and Defarts dwell, Where wanders dill the Flocke without the doore : And on the ground doth lye the Shepheard heare, While he remoueswith him continually His houfe, and all hishoufehold goods doth beare, His ftaffc, his dogge, and all his armory \ SCtjclfte fjaueS! mpfelfefcene m&wpt$erIanD,an&ofl)erpla* ces of Ctomanp, foijcretlje ^IjcpfjearD, lpingftill abjoao Untb |i'0 floefce, folos bis foape in t&e nigjjtftjitb paroles, f^mgtljcic Doggcs about t&cm fo: toatefmuu : tfje ^epfcarobimfelfefo a littlefjoufe bpon todies* fleepes itfrobpfjiscbarge. W$z fl)o>pe of Greece, Alia.anD Toranro,anD ffjofe io^ici} tbepcail^ouerco - fcljeepe, are commonly fcfeo to be fcepf in boufes, racier then a* tyoao, fo? tbe crcellemic ano finencOc of tfjeir foam. Evphor. ©mbat times ooe rou appoint fo; tije Rearing of jour £>fceepe i Hedio, STfje ftes of Rearing, are not in all place* one, shearing but baric, acceding to tfyc oifpofttion of tfje ap?e, flje cattell, ano oi 5hec P 8 « tbecountrcp: tbebefttoap is fo IjauegcoDregaro to tye foeatljcr, as t\)t Ojcepe be not fcurt bp Rearing in tyz cold, no? barmeo bj? forbearing in trjebcate. 3in fome places tbepbaucf too feafons in t&e pcercfo: Rearing of t&eirfceepc * tyenrfffeafonfo? tljeir bearing, i& eitber \x>ify tl;e beginning of may, o: elfc Untb tfje enoing of 0p?M : flje fcconD feafon of tfjetr bearing, is about $c beginning of September, $acfj as- ooe We to ft)eare tbeir The third Booke, ftjapc but met in f Ijc pare,Do commonlp appoint fo; 1 1) tit feafoti t^cfentf) of tlje ©onctlj of June : about foljicl) time alfo fuc£ as toe locate ttoife a pare,Doefljearc tljeir Hambs.SC&ee Dares be fo:c pou fljeare tfjem,pou muft maflj tljem loell-anD totjen tbtv be full D:te, pou map fl&eare ttytm : tljep Doe not in ail places tjjeare tljrir fljeepe, but in tome places (as Pliniefaitlj) pull tljem. SEIjc olD !£usban&s did account fo; tfyz bell fcSlcoil, tlje cacoll of Pug- lia, anD tljatfoljicl) in 3!talptoas calleD tbe ©fceefce jrlace : tlje inxtin gcoDncfle tljep tcohe to bG tlje CStoU of Jtalp : in tlje tljrrD placctljcp effameDtljeMilefian JFleece : tlje moll ofPuliiaisbut ftjo?f, anD mate fo be toome onelp in rieingCloafces.SClje fool! about Toranto, anDCanas,is t&ougljt to be pairing gcoD : but tlje bell at f&is Das is t|iels>0BlI of ©nglanD.SDlje finer pour pafturc is, tlje finer fas it is tljougbf/ pou fljall jjaue pour moll. 23lje iutsll of fuel) ffjap as are (lame fcp f be tClcolfe, anD tlje garments maDefbereef/asAriftotlefaitljJareabfeff fobjaoe iUcc. Jfpott happen in tlje (Rearing f o clippe tlje f kinne, pou mod fautljtoitlj snnoinf it mi tl) Carre: mtjenpou baueugome tljem, fomctljmfee it gcoDpou anopnt tljem toitlj tlje iupce offoDDen Hupines, S. as ofolo C&tne, and f&e o;egges of £>plc maoe in an opnfmcnt: $ after f&a Dates to toaffj tljem.'if it be nare poujin tlje &ea, o; if tlje &ca be farre of, toittj raine mater, feooen foiflj s>alt. 3na being fljus o;Dere& 3 pou fljallnot Ijaue tljem fo lofe tljeir rocBll all tlje pare, but to be fjcaltljie, anD f o car rp a cape ano a fine flare : ano tJ>crefo?e virgill biDDes pou, Goe plunge them oft in healthy ftrcames . SCfjeee be fome againe,tbat moulo baue pou f annoinf f Ijem tlj;a Dapes in tlje pare, tlje Oapes being faane after pou IjauetoafijeD tljem foitlj £Dp!e, t £®ine mingleD together. 0gainft Serpents, tljat man? times lieljiD fcnoer tljeir eribs,pou muft burne Ceoar, Galbanum, o.: momans l£ap;e,o? ^arts fjome: in f tjc eno of turn* mcr is pour time fo; Draining anD feuering of tljem(as 3 tolo pou before) mtjen ?ou muft fell pour fyape,tt)at tljjougljfablcnclTe, rljcpfa?ie not in tljeminter. 15e(ttie ? feilltng one 0^ ttuoof tljem, pou muff Ico&c mell upon tljeir JLiuers , anD if tlje &iucr bi^ not founo (hi rljerebp is fo; efane tlje Danger ) tfjen epttjcr fell f Ijem, 0? fatte tljem, anD fciil tljem : fo; tierp IjarD it is to faue tfjem tljeir lliuers being periftjeo. BmfcctcD £>ljape ate mo?* fubieet entreating of Cattell. 1 3 5 fubietfeo fcabbes ano mangineffe ttjen anp ofljcrcatfcli, itiljict? commetfj (as trjepoct UittnrfTetl) : ) When coldclt ftormes doc wet them ncare. And hoary frofts on ground appeare. £Dj tfpou toatt) not offtlje ftocat of tfje Summer toitgj fait foa* tec : 0; otbcrtotfc, if totjen tfcepbe u)o?ne 3 pou fuffer tl;em to Ire &urt totty iuambles,oj tljojnes j 0; tfpou put tt)em into tjoufes, Ulcere eitfjcr ^ojfes, spttles 3 Q2 &ttcs tjaueffoDe : but fpeuallp lacUc of g©D fooing, torjereof p:occeDetji pcDieitcffe, ano of pauo ncflTe fcabbes ano mangmeffe. SCljc fljeepe ttjat is infetfeo is tints fenotone, 3f fje cptyer ferafef), ftampc toitf) bis fate, 0; beate jjfm felfc fcuttl; tys &ome 3 0? rub fifmfelfeagamft a tree : tolnc!) pereei* utng fjtm fo to Doc, pott (ball take butt: ano opening i)is tuoiU^ou fljall finoe trjc ffcinne ruffe, ano as it toere ttrtne, £>iuecs men &aue Diners rcmcDics foj ttjis malaDie,bttt fuel} as are not atltano tobe&ao : virgiii tfjinfcs tljere is no p;cf enter rem cDic Then at the fir ft to clippeaway the fere : For being hidde, it feftrcth the more. Conftantine out of Dydimus affirmed, tfjaf tfje fcabbes of &ljeepe arcfcealeDbpfoalfyng tfjemtoitlj tmnc,ano after annom> tmgtljem toitlj S^imffone ano j©ple.2Ctje common feljcptjerDs, tofjen tfjep peccciue a u)eepe to fall a cubbing,trjep ffratgfctfoairs rafte l)im 3 an&H)cDDttig tfje &apje 3 ooe fearettje place Urity &arre: otfjers Doc teaelj ottter remc0ies 3 moje fcarD to come bp, foitfel arc not fo.: euerp £>ljcpf)carD, noj euerpCounfrepto fcfe. &no if tlje fo&ole irloche beinfedeo, it Doty manp times fo continue, as itu)aUbenarjfulltocl)angerjottfes,,ano ffolnci) in allo%rDffea# fes befjometljj bett) Countrep ano ap?e. Cl)is one alonelp mcoi' cinetjaue 31 alUtaiesp^oueofo^ tfce beeping in tjealttj of ttjis cattell, to be molt pzefent ano foueratgne : SCafee tfjc berries of Juniper beate tljem fmall 3 anD fpnucfele tfjem toitlj 2Dafes ano fealt, info*- gletfjem all togctrjer 3 ano giue it pour £>tjpctfo.: ttje Dcfire of tye fealt antt f^e £>atcs, tfjep totll eaaip tafeetticrn all together. 3tf ttjcp be-lolufif, 0; full of rieRles 3 tfjep bfe f beate flte rotes of ^aplcano fcettjing trjem in iuater, anD opening tlje tomll toittttljeir fingers, trjcp poto;e ttjc liquourjfo as from tjje rtoge of tfjebackejttrunne ouer tljeboDf. SDtijeis The third Booke, £>t]jers Me tlje rote of Taping : It eafeth ftraight the flaming fcauers painc, if in the foot you (hike the ipinning vein?. £>omclet t\)tm blmo fcn&er tbe ries,* feme beijino tlje eares.SDlje foUile 3 actfcafs bct\3)itt tfjc CUeSjis taken atoa? iuitlj SCarrc, ai« icm 3 B2imffone 3 anD denegtr, mingleo together : c: potooee of Ucr&igeeafc put upon iU Elje ftoeaing betfxixt tlje ttuo 02 toittj ttjp knitics poinf 3 ano pulling tlje fcaires a little ana a iiftle 3 tlj2uff after tljp ot*jer|janMoit|) fljp fin- ger i tljp tljnmbe 3 an& ttjere foill come out a fo02me 3 liEe a peece of fleu^neereas big as a little fingcc:U)ijenif is ouf 3 put a little Sar in tfje Ijclc^ it imll fljoztlp meno.Bf f(Jf P happen b^ tlje ertrcame fjeat of tlje &unne to fall oofone 3 ant) to fojfakc tljeir meat, giuc tljem tfje iaice of tlje foiloelocrte 3 ana caufe tljem befioe foeate tlje Beets. 3jf tljrp tjarolp &2ato tljeir bjeatlj, Hit tljcic eares,ano let tljem bleeo. gf t^ep be f roubleD iutt^ t£e Couglj, aimonos beaten icitlj tdine 3 anD potozeD a p?cttie quantttic into tbeir iiott^ils , remeotetlj tljem. ^ &lj»rpe 3 c? fercine, tljat fjatfj tlje TheMur-^urraineoftlje ilungs, pouluall Ijclpcl^ fluffing tlj.:oug|j iainc of ttyiz eare.tlje rmte of s>ettertoo;t : tljis ficfcmu~caot& commonlp thc Lun s s - fp^ing of foanf aiio fcarfttie of icaf er,ano tlierefo k 2e(in jbummer time entreating of Cattell. 1 3 6 timt fpca'allpj pon mutt toffee no femoc of Caff ell to foant foa# ter^Cljeirlegges, if ttjep happen to be Robert, ace to bccureDin Itfcc fatas mens bcbcingUijappco ftrtt in toroil DippeD in iuDplc, anD saume, anD aftcrluarD fplrntcD. SEtje poung &ambcs,anD Lambes. otfjer &!;&pc> alfo tat;i! c tljcp goc ab2oaD 5 are troublco toitj) fcabs ano mangimiTc about tints UpptS,U>rjKl) tbev get up feeding open Dctoiegraffe: tberemcMcls iapfopcano ^altjOfeactjalihcquaifc title beaten together, anDttmr moutljcs, itjeir pailats, ano tljcir lippes rubbcD toifball : tlje fclcctous places mutt bee annointeD iujtrj tfiinrger, SCarre, ano £>tuines grcafc. 3f tbepctjaunce to Ea "A? ftjucll iiutt) eating of any Wmmw; Bcncmousgraffe,pouG)all ™ v ° c rnies let tljcm bioitf in tlje tjeines about tlje lippes? anD fciiDcr tlje ^u"°* faile, and after potoic into tl; cm C&amberipc. 3fti)epljappen giaii'e. to ffoalloto a i^02fcleaclj, pofoze into ttjem ttrong ano tart Wi> neger toarme, 02 £>ple.3gaintttl)e 2purrion,o2 tl;e.^of,3I Ijaue farnegiucn tljcm, certaine fpconefuls of Binic, ano after a little STarre : tin's me&icine foas fcfeo bp cpaiffcr Iohn Franklin of Maifteu Cbarttn ftcnf, iubo foas in rjis life time a ffci full f)usbano,ano ^ nF ^»^ gaio fjoufefeeepcr. 3n like fo?f rjaue 3 fenc tt)is mcDicine : SCafce ' fo; enccp foje, onepenp-luojtlj of £Driacle,anD lihetoife one little fcanDfuiiof^empfceoc, grouno 3uie,oates. H e d 1 o. (£oafcs rjaac manp things common toitf) &*rjsepes Gcates ' foj tljep goe to ISacfce atone time, ana goc as icng Icitl) poung, as feljeepc Doc : tljep paciD eommooitie fentij tljcir $-\i% tfjeic QpUbt, tl;efr Cbeefe,ti)cir &hinius, ano tt)eir ^ap^c : t$c ^aire is profitable to mahc Hopes of, ano parfocs, anDDiuers iibein^ fltruments 3 belanginp;to^eameH;bp reafon tbat it neptljer rot^. &iUr The third Booke, toiff) meiffure s no? is eafilp burnt loitb fire. Varro makety mm* turn of ttt>c fo?trs of t\)tm , a ^carp fc:t,anD a fmcotb. £urtj as bane C&cnnes , 02 Partes, tmDer tijeic tbinnes,are taken to be mott fruitfull:tbeit aooers roouiD be geeat^tbcirq&ilRc ttjicfec, ano the quantltie murb. Etje bec (Soatc monlo be fofter bap?eD, anD longer, tjis Oc.bc ll?o:t,t);s Ct):oat boll Deeper, tits trggrs flefl*p,bis Carr s great anD banging s it is thought better to bug tbe to^oleftoehe together, ttjen to bug tbemfeueeatlp, at fye Ctjinneof eucrp one of tljcm fjangett) a long bearD, toirici) Plimc calletb Aruncum, bp totjiel), if an? man Djalu one of tbein out of t\)c flochc , tlje luljo'.e florae (as ama^cD) ffatiD gating t)pon&iin. S fjc I;a ^oaf e, be eaufc of Ijis bearo", anD as (Ahanus (avtb) bp a certaine tnftinet of i£ature,p:$ferring tbe male befo?c t\)c female, goett) altnaits before tjtstoom3n. £be bargaining fo? tt);s Cattell,is not after t^e manner of bargaining fo? atuzpz: fo? no foifc mm mill p?omife tljat rbep be free from ficscneffej being as tbep be, neuetiottbout tfjeiigue : but be allures tljem fljat tfjep be toell to Dap, anD ran D2inae. £>ne tbing is to bee foon&?eD at in ttjis UBeaff, t!jat lie D?aU>ettjnot btstointe as all other beaffs Doe at bis ok. but at tus ear £ s. C t;e befi BinD r s of tbem,are ttjofe ttjat b?ingfo?tfc ttoife a peer r,anD fuel) pou nu.ft feeae fo: poor bisic. Cbc Ooafc is able to engenDer at feauen monctijs olDc, being euen as ieebcrous as ma? be : fo: iutjile be is pet fncL«'ng,beUjiilbctJp on tbe bacae of his oamme: and rfjere* fo?e be marefb feeble > anD unable, before be be Ore peeres olDc, being nolu fofceD ano eonfumeD initfj tys onertimelp mtrmeffc of £is poutb : anD tberefoje after be eomc to be fiuepecre oloc,be is no longer to feme pour furnefo? b;eeD. Ebe time tub en pou tyall faffer tbem fo go to xutUAs in Autumne,a little before SDeccm- ber,tfjatat tbe comming cf ttje §>p?fng,anDbloffomingof ttje frees, tlje poung map be b?ougbt fo2tb. Cbe Coale goetytoitb poung (as 3 faiDj fiue moneys, as tbe ^Ijeepc Dotb : ftje bjlngs fo:tf) eommonlp tiuo, anD fometimefire (asPUmc toitncSetfJ.) fstit\) as beare timfe, pou mutt feeepc fo? pour ffoeac, fo? t!;e re- tiuing fbereof, anD tfjc encreafe. 2s toncbing tljeir bjecoing 3 pou mutt in tbe enD of Autumnc feuer pour be 0oates. Sbe poung <£oaf es of a pecre o!D,an5 ttuo peeres 3 b:ing fo:tlj SiDDes: but (as .Columella fajfy) t^cpare not to befuffeceoto b:ingtfjem bp, ercert entreating of Cattell. 1 3 7 ttctpt ttyp be tyik pace oto : ano tberefoje pou mall awap tu^t^ rfje poung,tbat tlje <£>oafcsof tf>e firftpcere map bjecDianofufr fcr tfjc iatDOc of a two peers Damme, to (Me no longer tl;eii it is meete to be folD. crimen t[)e iSiODcs are b:ougbtfo:tbj thep mutt be iuougbt bp m Itisc fo?t as SI tola pou of tl;c Jlambes : failing ttjat ttjc \nantonncffc of tyz iitooc is mo:e to be ceffrai* ncD ano Inxoiicr to be kept tit, ano mud be feo bcfiDe f beir milfce, UJitrj ponng before*. Plmic affirmetb , tl;at tbcp be fcarce gooo fo;b:«oc at t!;:cc pares olD , but if tljcp pafTc fonre, tbep be ttarSe nougbt 3 ano ffjat tfjep begin at fcauen monetfjs , men inbile tytv be bnDer tlje metiers b?eaff . SDfje firft rising pjofr perctb not 3 tl;e fecono is fomefobaf totbe purpofe, ttje ttjtiij fpjcDctb,u)e brings fotfb,till n)e be eigbt pars olo>an0 tljerefoze tbe ajc(£taats,tobcntbcp be aboue eigbt parses not fo be fecpt : foj (be tljen bccommetl) barraine. Ctjofe fofneb toant joints, (as in tbemalehinoes )of ail otbers be tbe belt: fo? tbe bo?' neftj'b? reafon of their toeapons are burtfull ano bnrulp.Befiocs, m female of fuel) as lacfee home ^ Dee giue alinafes greater plea* tic of mtlhe : but Columella ( as be commenoetb ttje pollar&es in a temperate ano tniloe counfeepj fo in a bopfferous ano a ffo?« mic Keg ton bctnoulO banc tljemljomes. fenelj a* banc bonnes, Doe u)etn tbeir age bp tlje circles of tfietr bomco : it is tbongljf 3 tljat tbep foe as hull bp nigbf ,as bp oap 3 ano rbat tbcp alteaics lep rbeic faces turned one from ti)z other, ano in tljat ojoer alfo feeDe. Colo (as it is faio J is berp fjurtful to tjns hinoe of cattell 5 fpeeiallp to tliofc tbatbe itn'tb poung,as UUefoifc ttjc erf rcamc beate. 2Lbc lint of tbtsbcaft Nutianus repojtetlj 5 be oncebao erperience of, lubereas a couple of tljem cbaneeo to mktt bponabcrplongano narroUi 15?iDge,ano t^e ffrrngbrneffc fooulo not fuffer tbem to tnrne, ano fo go bachfoaro blinofolo in fuel) a ffraigbf jConQocring tb e f ttriftneffe of t\)t ffceamc bnoec tbcm, teas mo?e bnpoffiblCj tbe one of tbem Iptng ootime tbe otberpaflTeD oner bis bo&p.var- roDotb commend fanatic little flocfrcs kept feuecail, ratjjcr tt)tn great fleefcs together, bfing fo: cramplc one Gabcrijus,beeaufca great fiochc is (conn fubiect to tbemurratne 3 tbinfemg fiftic fo be enougbfo? oneflocfee. Columella alfo amrmetb,tbat tbereougbt not to goe abotte one b«nD?eD of tljem togetbec , Uibereas of $>!)i£pe be alloVoctb a f boufano in one flocbe. £El;c biting 0? b:m- fr fing The third Booke, mtgof tytm, is porfon to all femoc ofCras,anD rfjcrefojr teere t\)t v in olo time faenfires to Bacchu*, breaufe trjep lucre fc tjurt* full to 2iines. Sljcir Cables Celumcila tooulDIjaue to ttano tip* on a (Ionic grouno, en clfe to be paur o,fo? this bcafl nccocti) nc thmg tnDfctjim but a feU) boughs ; lLljmfjc lietfjabjcao, t&c &$c pljeato mutt often fiurepc antJ mafec cicaric tfjctv boufcs } nct fuffering anp cung 3 o^ mcifture to remaine m t^trn, t^at mav be IjurtfuU tottjeflocfec : foiasj faio before, t^c^arc ftloome fcuttjont jreauers 5 anDmueb fubiert totijepcttilencc. flnc tuyere* asotbereattell 3 foi)ent£rpf)aue tfje cpurraine among t^em, as feone as ttjep. beinfectrD 3 brgin to languid ana pins amap : one Iptljefc Ooafcs as fame as tt}epfcetafcen,tt)ougij l!)epbeneuer fo luttte to Icofce fcpon,fueoenlp. fall Dokme together, ana Die as tijtcfec cs Italic : teljitb Difeafe Detb cbiefclp happen, bfto murfj rantsenefie of patture. #nD tt>erefo?e as fame as pou perceiue qiic o: tlr«o of ttjem fall DoUme, let the U^elc ficcUe blooo IritL) as muitj fpceo as pou mav, and fuffcr trjem net to faD all rtjecars ~ :tu)uttljembptijefouremieble[)onrfsoffI)ecap. BHtjepbe tteafcD irutlj anp otfjcr Gchnrife , «ou mutt giue ttjem tbe partes offtakes, anDoftlje great U)|ntc£Ltnftle, ttamping t£cm toitb t\2on pettles, ano ttcatncD toitlj rai'nc Uniter let tljem D;mbe it : ano if fobc this meoieine tjeale tljem not , four bett null be to fell fytm, o; to bill tbfm, ra*,B pofofcer tbrm : ano foijenpou buy nefn,b?ing trjem not fjome too fjtiStl? 3 tiUtlje Dtfpc fition of tbea??e bealfcreo. S^tfjep falUcuerallpficfee.foretbem in fuel) fcitas vou Hoc pour <5>tjecpe. Fiorcntinus faitfc , if pou ftamp feitlj tuatec t&e gulfarD of tfjc &fojfe 3 anD giue tfjem to Djfnfr a fpmnefuil a pe*ce,it pieferuet!) botlj &£etpc anD Croats from all murramc ano pettilrnce. 3tf S&t*, tlje EDiopfcp, tf t&e ffcinne be laneeo a little bnoer tfjefysulDfr, it lets outtljc tumfull mat* ter, ano rcu map tiealG fije fo;e toitti iXarre* E v p h o r . |0ou baue fo: pour pact berp toell fafifficfc ts„ toucbtng tbe gtoo ojDering oC peur catteil •« ttjere remames pet em t|ing fo; pcu, mrjicl) rou all fo?gaf c to fpeafee of 3 an^t^at i0 tltf o?Drring of qsnikt, our elMifeftfajDeanDfuttenante, ibiilke. H e d i o. Acting t!;ai of tljts ecttell tuljereof 3 £aue entreat U*> tyz profit of tl# ipiUK is not finaila it is no great wafon lue ftpulo b;:t Difi entreating of Cattell. 1 38 woulb oucrpaffc tbe o;ocring of ti)e fame : foj ^ilfce ( as Varro faity J of allliquiotbings toljereUntfj toe fceoc, (0 ttje greateff Mourifljer. spiine Differed in gartneffe aceojDlng to t&e nature of tlje boDics tljat giue it : as tfje (©ilKc of seiomcn 3 ot ftine, jfcljflspe, C5aatcs, nffe*,!$arcs,anb Cammels : ttyc greateft nonriu)er is IK&omans Spilfee, tlje trcrt (Eoafes £l}iluc, to&crcbp ffjc pacts fame, t^at tljetr C^oO lupitcr ijimfclfc toas nurfeo iuttlj (Poaces q^tlUc : tlje fweeteffnert Romans spilbe, i? t^e Cammels $ilhe J tfjc U^oiefomca is flu~oates milnc, becatife &e rafter foeectlj en B^uts ano Bomcs, tfjnnbpos <25;affe. Cotu ^ilfec is molt mcolcinable, ano mott of all Uofetb fbebellie. feucepes SjDilfceisftoatcr, anonortfiujetymoje, but is not to goo fo* tljeffomartse, by ecafonitrs fatter ano gr offer, £11 Qpiibz t|jat f s milfecD in £>p:mg time, is toatriu)er t^cw tlj e mime of ©ummee,as lifeetoifc is tlje milbc of poung cattel! : it is fobolefomer being foooen.fpeciaUp Uutb tb c pebbles of tbe &>ea. 2Dje &b«peaboot Pontus a n«re to tl;e riuer Aftac^tjoegiuefas E j ackc Plinie fatty) blache iniifec. 5111 milfee generally ( as Diofcoridcs miike. tuatetu.'is of ga)D noarift)mcnt,but filletlj tbeffomacbe anO tfjc Error in fcellp toitf) feinoe : t&at toftfeb is milbco in tfje &pjing,is t&inncit * hc ™ der - batlo>fetb tbe bellp mott* SCbe Difference of milfee, is tafeen (as f n D ^ m Varro faitlj) of tbe paffur es,t&c nature of tfj c cattell,ano t&e miU n&*, Itfng. £Dftljc patture, tutj en tf>e cat tell is feo toltb Barb ttrato, ano all otyer baro ano 0?p meats 5 ant) ttjis greatlp no u rift ctrj. if j purging of tije bellp, tbe graffepaffureSjfpetiallptobeee tlje cat* tellftea of purging fjearbes, as cardan us in bis bcobe de Plantic teacfjefb, tfjat if pou tuill purge ^elancfjolv, pou muttfieO pour mtlcfj C5oate,o: Hffe, tuitlj Polipodi, ano fo? all otljcr humours Scnc,fo; tl)e2D;0pfieUJit^ Spurge.ojAgancke: fojclenfingoftbe blouo,lmtb jFumito;p,o; ^oppes:anD if poutnil! but onc^ Icofc tlje beU^H'.ith ^5crcurp,o? spailofoes : fo farre Cardanus. Our countermen ooccbiefclpcommenofoimilftc, t|jepatturcslt)J)crc grotoet^ S>perp,"anoClaucr-graffe 3 anD tl)at is all beoccht toitl) pellom floto;cs. $qi tbecattell, tlje Difference is berfofrtt&e 6che ano t^e ^ealtbie, t|je poung,ano fbe olo : anofojtbe miibing, tijat is bed $at is not long ktpt after tfje making not The third Booke, ttjat is milfeeD immcDiatelp upon tlje (Talumg, a groflTc tmtofjole' fame ta.ioe of #ili$e. 2Uo trie tojjcttjcc spilfce be mingleD o? nor, pounjati fake a ujarpcHuu), and putting it into tf;e cpilfte, let it c:op from tlxrnce fepon pour J^atle ano if tyc ozop runne abioao, it is afignc t^erc is toatcr in it t if it keeps together, it Gators Butter, it to be pare ano gooD. £>f spilfee is maoe Butter , ui&ofe tofe (tljougi) it faec^iefetp at tyis Dap among t&e if Innings ) is pet a gco 3 anD profitable fame in other Countries , ano muc& \)< fcD of our oio ifatrjers , pea euen of tlje fcerp Jdatriarctjes (as - 1 1) c &:riptures foitneffetf?.) Sf; c commoDitie ttjereof.befiDes ma* n? cti;er , is tlje afftoagmf of hunger, anD t&e p.nferumg of itrengty : it is maDe in ttys fe2t. Etje spilUe, as fame as it is rmifeeD, is put out of t&e pailc into XSotolcs, 02 Pamirs, ri;j be£ are earthen ^amicSjana ttjofc rather b;oao f ben ccspe ; Ujis Done,t*ne fcronD.o: ti;c t&irD Dap, rfce creame tljat ftmmmts aloft is SeercD off » anD put into a befTell ratfjsc seepe t Ijcn big , rcunD and CiiittOcr faujfon : although in fotne places tbep tjauc ottjec feinDeof C^armes,toU) ano fiat, therein toitii often beating anD mouing op ana Dctone,ft/epfou)ahetbe iplfce, as ttjepfcucr t|je ffjinnsffpart off from t&e tj>icfce,to&!c& at ttje firu\gatt)crs togc tli er in little ctomblcs, ano after toitlj the continuance of the bio* lent mcttingrfommetHoafo^oletocDgejO.uaUc: t&us it is tafcen out, anD eptber eaten fr^ojbarrelieDtoitij^alt. SCtje Buftec- milKe tfjat tcraatneftj of tlje Gutter, is eptber feept fo; f^e familp, Chccfc. 0? g mcn ro ^ a i aC £{ anD i9ogges,as a Daintp foD* C&oefe is alfo maDe of n)e spil&e of rate eii s t(?e ^tlke being polu:eD into a &cf' fell of car ^putting into it a little rennet,t£e qitautitp of a Wal- nut, in a great orfirliof i£ilfce , unjerebp it runneth into CurD, Varro Dotl) better iifcertje Hennet of t(je tleuret, oz ttje &io,n;rn fbeHambes: rjQU>bett,U»e common!? We t^e walucs&innet: otl>ers bfe funD2teottjer mcanrs,onelp iwflj tjeate, maiming it in Hinnc beffe!s,anD after Dipping ttjafc cuffcls in coio ujater, totyti) is the fmeetctt anD elcamieS mamicc : ottjers put in fyz fceoe of iuiise fe>anton,attD being fo turtieD, tf)e ££l£ep Dottj great!? purge fieamc : otbersagaine oferije tpilfce of tfje ^igge tree, ai.D t^en Dart) tfce Wfyzy purge bot^ cfjoler ano fieame: fomg purge it foitfj £)rimell , 0? fpjeope of catnegcr , Ui^tc|i is of all ot&er loaies tlje Ip^olefomeft ; (ome beCDes ; bfe t^f little Ourine entreating of Catteli. 1 39 fhtanc ef UBtt&fi t is too nctrc flcetcD, itfoonefctujetb, anD toaretl) t)iirD anD nought, ano 10 not to euDure anp toljile. flgainejbeing maDc of fat ano nc\u &3iike, it lutll ucrp long enDure, anD long conti- nue ti) in tjt8fatucu~eanDfoftneire : about atUio 0.: rr)?ee tjourrs after pon lm$ put in pour Kcnnef, ti)e sptlke commetr) to a CurD 3 toljtdj 18 fftaigfrt Urates put into jfomies , 0; Cfjeefc 5 faro, anD pjcflfrD ; o: if ttjepbc but fmall , tfjep are onclp. {\uu~eD ferity et^e l)ano- 3f trjcp be of anp quantifie , tyep tjaue great luaigtjt bpon tyem \ it 10 berp neeDfuil pou pjeffe out tye rajap ferity 20 mucry fpeeo as pon can,anD to feuer it from t!jc CurD 3 ano not to letit lie flotolp Djapning of if felfe. &r)ofc tyat make great C&fcfe0,t)aue moulos fo; tye purpofe^no MaigljtsanD pjeffes anfiuerable. after tyis, tyep take tyem out of tye p?effc , anD lap tyem bpon ^crocls, oj faire fmooty SEables 3 in a tyaDotme anD acolD place, anD clofe from all tofnDes , fpjinckltng tyem all oner ferity fealt,tyaf tyep map ftoeat out all tyrir fofouencffoiap* tag tyem fo,as tytp touty not one tye otyer. Wlhcn tyep be nolo lwell tjarDnco anD tytckncD, tyep are taken top, anD p?cu\D againe, tottb great metgbt0) anD rubbeD ouer Uuty partyeo fe>alf,ano tu ter laiD in p:cu"c againe^ toberebp it 10 tyougfjt tyep tuill net' tyer tjauc epes, no: be oucr D?fe : totjity faults rjapnety to come to I; en tyep be eptyer not foell p?tfleD, 0; too muty falttD &>ome tofe to put into tye bottomeoftyeirpaile0 , tye greene kernel of tye pme 0pple,anD milking info tyem,Doe caufe it fo to turnc. pan map alfo caufe pour Crjtffe to relity offertjatfoeuer pouferill, 80 pepper o.zanp otyer &pfcc : but Columella counts tyat fo; tye beft Ctjeefe, tyat&aty leatt mirfurein It &t)e ffrongeff Cbafe^iiDbarDeftof Dig;eftion,aret^ofett;atare maoe ofBuffe0 milke : tye ncyt ace fucb a0 ate maoe of tye milke of Clues, but tye milDctt,anD ligbteft of Digettton, arc tyofe tyat are maDc of Ooafc* milke : tye Cljeefe ttjat is maDe of spares milke , i0of ttjefame qualitietrjattbe 31Buffe0 Cr)cclei0. %\>uz is Ctjafe alfomaDeofCammels milke, anD of 3ffes milke : fr)eCbare0 ttjat arc maoe of ISuffes milke 5 are at Uome 3 of all of !;er catteli in Srenteftcffwiation,£>ucr)a0 arctouct>cD bott) aboueanD bcueatb, & 5 anD The third Bookc, ano Ijaue moje rfjen fours pappes , pou can mafee no Cfjafc of tljeir milke 3 fojittofll neuer cutb. 3n out oaics 3 trjc bed Cljeefes arc counter trjc parmaiincs, maoe about tlje Ifctucr of Po, v UaincD fo? t^efr grearneffe, ana Datsitmrffc, of faciei; pou Ojall |jaue b?oug|jt into otljcr couttftie s trjat lurfgb aboue t|;eefco?e pouno> i^crt arecommcnDeOtlje^oUano Ctjeefe, ttjcCrjeefe of #o?manoie 3 anDtl)e(lpngltt^Cl)iaefe« Bin England tlje btft <£fjeefe to t&e Cbcfu)ire 3 ano tlje &Jj?Qpu)tce 3 tijen t\)t Banburp Ctjeefe 3 ncrt tlje &>uffolfec 3 ano tlje €ffer C tjeefc 3 ano tlje toerp iro.vtt t|e iicnttfti Cfjeefe. SDlje places tuljerc i[je belt Cfjafe is maoe, appearctt) bp tljis olo Cfcngliuj Diftichon, better fenfeo, the n fcotcD. Banbu^ 3 iLangfonp } ^uffbIhe g©o C^jafe, Coffer goe fljon bp, $Ij?oplIjlre :**»» £licffrjlt:e 3 !£ertfo?b ma? foel fofty tlje beffpeere, £Df tljeoifccmmooitfe of C'ETcr Ctjdcfc, our Cngltu) ^artiall Iohn Haywood 3 t[ju« merrilpfojitetlj: I ncucr (aw Banbury Chccfc thkke enough, But I haue fecne Eifcx Chccfc quickc enough. Cfjeefe tfjrp fav Uull beff endure, and 10 longeff p:eferueD,if pon feeepe them in fjeapes of pulfe,ej (Kit beat, and if you ffapepour Kennet in tlje iuytc of Bp?crj, ?ou fljall be fure to fjaue nepttjer spite no? Creeper in pour Cljeefe. McCljecfe tfjat is foft ano neto, ootlj mo?e nouriuj tljen tlje djie 3 ano be moje comfortable to ftjeffomacRe 3 not long moigetfing : tfjc olo is confrarie,acco;- oing to tlje p:oucrbc. $ . Cjjecfe good but tljemUi. tfDlo Cljecfe foil I become neto in tafte, if pou lap ttjem in Ctme, Cft'neger 3 0; in Wint : if tb?ougb age It be Ijardand bittct , let tt be rubbed oner toitfj SDeale of tmdjied Barlep , ano fljen Dip it in mater, and after 3 ttje outer rinde fcrapea off, Me fjaue oft t imr pjoued, tljat ijaro C&eefe tojapped in Clouts toef in tSIineger 3 o; OTnc, ano oftentimes fpjinifelco Uuf b Mincano fo laid fcp,rcturne to a foftneffe, ano aoerp pleafant tsfte. &emc lap it in &eaucn , co* uering it clofe tberetotf Ij, ano trjerrbp make it foft. 3ft is repo?* fed, tfjat zoroaQcs liueb tmentie pares in Unloerneffe tuitb Ctjccfe- fo o;oeret),as it neuertoareo olo. Evphor. £Df tlje HEtyvs tfjat ccwmetf) from f|e Cfjeefe Wdci-r*, being foo totttj a foft fire 3 ttU tlje fatncCe of tlje Cfjccfeftoimwe aloft, are mace ^elcuros. H E D J o« entreating of Cattell. 140 Hedio, #ou mere toonf to loue t&cm foell. Evmevs. 3 ooeinoeeoe, fpeciallp if tbere be g©o fltoc of nefo s&ilfce put totfie Wicp. 2Dfjc olo footers ooe teacb rbenw tang of a tuuoe of tobite meat c 3 not mud; imlifce to ©Efelcuros, iojncb tljep calico Mdcar, ano maoe it in tty* fojt.SCbep pot into M<.rca«. a neti» carton bcffell taineger , ano fuffcrco it to bople foftlp topon tbe Sue, till tlje UftTcll bao o?un&e tiptoe Slineger, ano into tbat beffelltbeppoto?eofn^ilfce,anDfetlttobere tt migbtttano tteofaQf, tobcrebp thep bac luitbin a toljile t&cir oeOre. But me fljinlietb 3 fjane fo? hip part Done en eugb , it cc-mmetb nolo to peurfurne Evmevs to goefojtuarDtoftbf bereft. Evmevs. Cijat tlje Keeping of &tom belonged to tyab Swine, banojie, oefb cniDcntlp appcare bp tfjc Taping of tbe ancient tjafo bmt)*, counting fyiniu flotijiiill ano an ontjbffife buftanb* tljat l;atfj bt's Bacon ratljcr from the But cfjcr > tljcn from \»b otone Hoofe : to; there acifetb as great profit manp times to us of our oujnc j&wfne , at cotfi to pon t^atbe topers ofgrcatctt cattell of pour fiockes : fo?if 25acon be afoap, tyc cljiefeft fop* poster of tbe ^ufbanomans kittfyn is wanting, 0no tobereas &toiM$tLety femetb abominable to tbcfoitOj Vetoes, 3} be^ locue betilp ti)tv ncnzt taffeo tfjc diamonds of if ranee, fo bigl> Ipcommcnoeobp varro 3 Strabo, Athcnetu, ano otbec learneo Uuitcrs : tofcicb 3 fuppofe mere none otber but tbe fittcbes of Sfticffpbalp, fo greatlp efltemeo at tyis oap, not onelp in Oct ma* ntc, but in Home , ano tbat rtjep mere calico bpffje names of Celttefcc €>amonDs,becaufe tbe olo tonf crs,cfpcriallp tbe (Ereefcs calico all Countries on tbts aoctfjc £lpes 3 botfj JFrencb ano SDtif cb,bp tbe name of Celficfee.£>urelp tbere is no beaff b cfi'Dcs, that makes tno?e oaintie oiu)es 3 tfjerc is in bim neeee fiftie Diffc rent taftes , foberc cucrp otber bead batb but one , ano bereof came at tlje Srft tbc warpe ilam of t^t Cenfo.js, fojbiooingit to be bfeo at fuppcrs, tbe Slooers, tbe Atones, tbe Cripes, ano tfje forepart of tbe beaos of Attune, ( as Plinic tuituefletb. ) 3nO mott apparant itis 3 tbat ntf onelp tbe 5Fremb>ano tbe jSDufclj in tbofe oaies but alfo tbe 3talians,ano t^t ®r#fcs 3 nourtu)eo great bearos of ^>toinc #mongtbe<©i;ee!$es, Homer mahetbmen* tion of one of mp name, tbat bao fmelue f^ogftpcs 3 cuerp S>tpe confapning fiftie pollings , ano Polybius to^ttetb , of moje & 4 tbeti The third Booke, rbcn a tfcaufano fo be reatricat a time among tt)t ancient Bffali' ans, SDuffean0,anB irremb- varro acccuntctb a tninojco bat a fmallfjcflrD.C2If)3fotmUnoau^ i^oggr s,muft bauc rrgarD bot^ to fijc faircneffc, anD tbcage. Varro afc&etb beftoe t^c nature, tlje kinoe anD t^e eeuntcep. &1& becaufe tlje poung toe cent' monlp rcfcmbletbeir parents, tje tooulo fjaue pou ctjtnfe fnc^ as are faire, ano large boDica, ano tefctrb makes mctr to the matter, as fruttmtl as mapiar : to^elj Varro^otb cfjtcfclpcommenD tfcofe tbatbe of one colour, t&etc battles tooulo betbicfce 3 anD blacfcc, tfit be in a colo countrep : if in a temperate, pou map nourtto ttje fmotb. Sfjctr pzopoifton tooulo be long, iarge-fiDeo , ano bcU IeD,U)iDebuttocbeD, fijoit lcggeD,auo fentco, btggeneckco , ano U>eU b#itoneD,(t)02t groined, t turning bptoarD, bis taile toitrtcfc* le&, %\)t feinDc is moff commenDcD, t^ar b?ingctlj manp ptgs, tbe countrep fjjat b:eaoctlj large ano great : ti)c br# age fb: f be ^oare, is a peere o!D, trjougrj at tjalfe a peerc olD tbcp are able to feme a eotu : one JSoareis enougb fo; fenne soliies 3 anD msic. SCije s> otu ts (umctent to bnn$ ptgges at a race old, anD fo fo; fcaucn pare aftir, tfjefrmtfuUerfljets, tbe famcrffjetoarcfijoiD: at t'gc tuft farrowing, pou fyall eafilp fee toijat number u>e imll b;ingfo;tb : GjeteiU not tnutf) Differ m tlje otber, Etjcbefl fcinDc of ibotecs baue tlnelue pappes , tbe common fo;t tenne, 02 not fo mam?. <£uerp £>iggc Oerfi hnoic bis otone JDapjie t bat tfja; be teas borne too,anO (uthttl) mttv tW> ano none ot'gtt : if pou takeatoap tbepigge,tbe|i)appc tiiiztb, as bottj Plinie, ana erperrence G&eteetb. SCbep teere front to be bought ano bar* gainco fo* in fyia fa:t. D^e poa Uiacrant ttyit tbtfe Stotne are founo, tfjat B8 fyail toeli emop rfjem, tt>at pou tottl anftotre tbz faults, anD tljat rl;epbc of abealffn/ biceDc ? tort mooauj groans ts meetcft fo: ttys cattel!, fo? be Beltgbtcfb not m teater, but in Hurt anfcmpje, fa mmlj ( &s Varro te^tetb, ) ttjat tbe 5^olfe 5 asfoonc as be batlj caugbt a §>ote, Djaggctti trcr to tlje toater^ecaufc Ins tatt) are not able to abtDe tyz Ijeat of bsr flel^, 3na altbongb tin's bcaft teill aluap tuit^r anp grmma, (to be fee* betb botlj in mountatncs ; cbampton,anD mariu), pet bis cinefc Qt- ligbf is in tbe teeoos toat is fuilsf quagmires, tobere t^ece groteetb ttozc of &fcc, Ca:fce,!ottcn,Q9attb3ur,c ? Unite CUuts, Sutloe Spates , ^afeaiits, ttubbs trees , ploms trees, ami C^erte entreating of Cattell. 141 Ctjerte frees : fo; tljefe beare fruit at Diucrs fimcs 5 ano fcD rfje l^earos almoft ail tlje lutjole pffce.sai&ecetijcretiianten) toajos, tljep mud be feo from tlje grouno, ioljeteof a q?arnO) is to be pzefertea bcfo;e a o?p grouno, ttjat ttjep map moufcll m u)e a»aruj 3 Digge top ^Jo;mes, UiaUoiti in tljempze, ano tumble in tijc puDDles of tuatcr, to!)tcIj in Summer is moil n«Dfu4l. SCfjep alfo ljunt after rates, fpeeiallp if erne ra>tcs,anD tlje testes of 315ulrufljcs. fcvuajcs,ano s>eogc*,befioega)D C^alTeUieUfeeDcfl) a ^iuine.ano ^DuijacDSof Cljerics, |9lums,apj:le0,anD $uts: anD notmitljttanoing alt tljis 5 tbcl5arne,fo;i pou mutt faoe them often bp Ijano, toljcn mentc faplcs ab:oao : anD tfjcrefb?epou mull pufcruc ffo?cof ^coims, in Ceffosmes in tlje foater 3 o? ©jpcD bpon fmofeieaa»:cs,alfo Beanes,|9eafe,an0 Cares muli be giuen tljem, ano notfo mutljas Batlep fpareo : fo? tljis hinoe offeeomg Dotlj matjettjeni faire, ano not onelp fats tljem, but ai* uett) tlje flefy a plcafant tafte. ©flljen tfcv are yet poung, anD fuefce, botlj ttjep, ano ttjeit SDammes mutt be iyell fe5 3 f Ijep mu& be put f o feeoe earlp in tlje mo2ning,afote tlje Ijeat of ffre &>unne, ano after hep t in OjaDotap places,Urtjere tfjere is gcaD ff o:e of to ter. 3fo;c ttjep goe to pafture, ttjep mutt be mcuycincti, left ttje <©?aOc fcarre tljem to mucl), bp toljicij tljep foill be grcatlp toeafe* neo. Sn Minter tljep muft not be put abjoao, fill tlje froft be eff ftje grouno, ano ttje 31fc tljatoeD. a«o ttjouglj tlje ^luine totll runne at tlje fcnotoneoopce of tlje &toincljearD, yst Varro uni Ijaue tljem tyougijt bottj to palure,ano IjomefoarD, toitlj tlje founo of a i^ome : tfceirmcate mutt be giuen f fj cm fcatterco tljin, fo fljall botti Jcffe ffirace 3 ano tlje greater Ojall not fjarme tlje fmaller : as fameas tljep jjeatc ttje ^ome, tljongfj tljep beneuer fo farre off in tlje Marcs, tljep eoms running foitlj all Ijaffe, Polybius teller^ tljat fye 3tauansbfe notfo fclloto tljeic fjearos, as tlje C&itfces ano others uoe, but going a p^cf tie map before fjjem, tljep blofo tljcir Ijomcs, tljeie Starts being acquainteo iaittj tfce blatt, aoe foUew tljem in geeat o^Der.&fjep Doe fo toeii fenote, ano obap flje call of $c ^iomeljearD (if U)e mapbclaue A ^ Ahum*, tfjat toljen tcxtaine iloucrSjlanSing Upon tlje Contt of dcrfi.il SCuffcan, ana tMn$ great numbers of tljem out of fljcir&fifs, kt10VV - farrieo tljem ab®:o, tlje tljieues Ijauing meigljeotiptljeir Unhcr, lcd & cin anD being onDcf faple, tlje ^luine tpon fbe fjearing of tljcir bvv: ° e * won- The third Booke,' hypers topee? futfcenlp ran to tfje one doe of tfje f&\)ippt> arts c> uerturneo fjer,tof)erebp(tl)e |atcates D?8kmeD,)r£e&fotneeame fafe to lano to ttjeic spaifters. #s 3 tiaue &cte told pou of tl;c conoirions of the Boare ano tl;e &o5»c, ano of t&etr taping? fo Im'll 3 netu u>ir,pou tl;e manner of t^cfr booing : SEtje £s;c* ming time 10 rccisoneO to be from Winter, till tfje ttaelftt) of £9atcb, fo u)ail pou Ijaue f &cm to farroto in Summer : fo: tf^e &otoe going foure £psnetl;s loitl) piggc, farrotoet& inttjefiff. &f)c is toitfj pigge at t&e firft burning, but ttjep fcfe to let r&e m gee often to Boare,becaufe t&cp feme tmfcarric : ano tf pop tutll tiaue tfoo fatroinrs in one pore? pou mutt put pour &otoe ta SSoarefn JFebmaeie,o; ^anuarte, tfjat u)e map farroto in 8011 0; spsr^ljenas tfjerc is goio paffnreab;eaD,ano Zpilkt is in pis eijtcfe fixengtl) : ana to&en tfjcp be toeanefc, t&epmaptoeil faoe tpon ftrato, f grortens : ano after, tlje £>oto mapfarreto again* in t l) c euo of Auiumnc : fo; varro faitlj, tier farrotoing times are fo afaiaeo fo? tfie nonce, as u)e map farroto ttoife a pare, tojitle $e batfj foure ^onet&s fo beare ttiem, and nnc to fecoe tbrm. 3s fconcas trjcp bee lurttj piggc, pou muff fe«pe tfjc 15 care from tljem : fo: iiuttj bis fcnrnlineffc, tie makcttj tljem to caff, goring ^toine fo; b;ee&e, mutf not be leffe t&ena pare oloc, as varro tooulo Ijau e it : tjotobeit ft\ tv begin at eight moneys, ano conti* nue feauen pores. £:fje Boare beginnettj at efgt;t monetljs, 0; Ore, ano continuctlj toell foure pares, ano after, at trj:oco: foure pares oloe, pou map gelo ttjem, ano fat tljem . &cme tooulD not tjau e- pou nape tip aboue ctgtjf ,ot bcrs not abeue fire : not tljat the feoto i$ able fo fcapc no mc:e, but ttjat u)e tfjat feeepct fj mo:c, fainefapletfj* Varro repo;tetf), tljattlje £>oto of.£neasLauinus 3 farrotoeoat one time turtle tofjifepigges : but it is monffrous inljen fljefarrotoetfc mo:c tljen tyt fjatfc paps. Cucrp &oto mug Ijaue ber &tiz bp Ijer fel'fe toljen u)e tjattj far r oto co, ano not fuffc* rea to goe toitlj t&e toljole l^caro, as otfjer eattellare, but little Coates to bamaoe fo; tljem, toijcrcin tljep map be feepf cptljer farrotomg, 0; toitlj farrotu : fo; Jfrtoine? if tfjep Ipe together in anp number, being eommonlpillmannereo, Doe Ipe one tpon another, toljercbp thzy fjurt fuel; as are Ujitlj pigge.^no tljcrfo: e pou muft liaue feu erall feties tuyere tljep map farroto, ano maoe hig^tjiaf t^c^oto cannot get out ; fo? couereo t^epmuftnot be entreating of Cattell. 142, bpanp meanes,tbat tfje fctoinebearb map l©Ue t&at f&e &oto o< aerlap none of t&em,anD to fee foljat tljcr toant,tbat be map make tbem cleane, anD as oft as be eleanfetb it, tjemuffftratofano, 0? fucb like, to b:fe op t|)e moitture : fo; tljougb u>e be buta ftrim'Q creature, pet louetb tyce to ban* ijcr chamber cleane, W&tyn l&e Ijarb farrotoeD,u> required greater quantitie of mcate.Uiberebp fee map giue tbe mo;e sptlfce, fpeciallp 2iBaelep ftctpco m foaf er, 0; ground, and tempered toit§ foster, #nd if $ou l)aue not g«DO ffo;eof meafe, pour beft is to fell tfjc pigges : fo fl^all tfjc jsbatmne, being oeliuered of ber burden, bee fronec toitb farrofo agafne. &>ucbas are farroteed in Winter, are commonlp pem fo; foanting of milfec, anD biting tbeirpapps. 3Jf tbe &otee eafe ber pgges, it i$ a focnoer : fo; &toine of all otfjer beaffa, can tea afoap toitb bwnger, lobtcb iol;eu it pzouokctb, tfjcp cate not onelp tbctr otone, butpoung cbtld;en, tobttb not long fince bappened in puffer, to ttjepittifull oifcom> a chjidc fo;toffbe^arenf» Cbep fuffer nott&e&etoto go* ab;oao in " tcn b r a tennt capes after fjer farrotaing, ercept it befo d;inke : after, ovvc * tbep fuffer tier to goe about tlje boufe, tbaf ujeemap tfic better $iut milke, Mbentbe pigges foare great, tbepdefire fogoe ab:oad teify tbeir £>ams, at U^tcfi time tyep are feddebp tfjem* felucs apart, to tbe end tljep map tfje fooner forget fycit motl;er, fobfrb tbep lutll ooe in tenne oaics.3!tbeba)uetb tye^foinebearfc to be careftiU f diligent about fcis efjarge,t&at tjebauein mcmo;p euerp one of tbcm,botb old ano poung,tljat be eonftoer euerp far* rofo,ano (but up tbofetbai be great foitlj pig, tyat fyty map for* rofoin tbeir ftlc,!Nmuftf>auefpecial regard of euerp poung pig, tijaf euerp one of tbcm be biougbt op oncer t»'a ofone damme : fo;ff tbep get out of tfjc ftie,tbep ffraigfcttoaies mingle one torn* panp toitb anotber,tart»crbp tbe pane &>oiu io fo;eed to giue milke many times to me;e iSigrs tyen ber olune : anD ttjc rcfo.zc t!je &minebearo muft u)ut op euerp E>am \m'd) Ijer olune pigs«0nD if bis memo^pferuenot toHtiooj tbem alt, let Ijim pitcl; euerp ^olo anD rjcr pigs ojith a feuerall inarhe : fo; in a great mum bent (nail bebotte btm fo to Doe, fo; confounding !ji0 mcmo;ie. £Ufje oioe^uf banosobferuco altoaies tioo times in t be yecre fo; tuttins of tj>era,tbc ^pjlng^ano t^c fall of tlje leafc^ecebptbep auotbeo The third Bookc, auoputa tl)t Hanger boff) of tlje Ijcat c and cold. SHljjc Boare pigs tfjrp cut U$cn tijep toere fire Sponetljs do, and againe at fourc peerc olD, to make them fattc, making tlno Uiouius, anD taking out tlje ftime of cue cy ftDc : o? clfc folic n pou baue taken out one (rone,pou nuifi il;jutt pour fenife againe into the toounD,ano cut* ttng afundcr tf)e ffcinne bettoirt botlj tije (tones, dzato out iuitfj pour fingers tfjeotfjer,fo Ujall pou mafte but onefcatre: but ttjis fti'no of cutting is fomcUrijat mozc dangerous. SDiic &>oters are fpaidebp burning t|je $patcir autrj anBlron, and tlje fcarreljea* led tap, Uif) erebp tfjcp Uull b ott? tjaue no mo:c pfgges, ana be f be fatter. An (totle, and following fjim Pline, tooulo fjauetfje&oto after ttoo oapes fafting, tjanged tip bp tlje fo?e legges, anD fo cut, mljercfcpulje MI be tlje faner fat : but J iuoge it better to cutfe tfym tuljcn tljcp be poung,at two $j9enettjs old, o?pounger,fo? foare ttjcp in leatt leoparoie. Sifter tljcp be cut, pou muff beepe tbem from 8?inhe, ana glue fyem but tittle meate : tlje toouno mutt bee annopnted toitlj freffj Butter, anD folneD t}p. 0s tlje tojiftling ano turning tip of tye taile is a figu c of a fotinD l^ogge, fo be tljcre cettatne anD afifared figncs of tljeir ficftnc CTe : fo? if pou plucfce off tfje bailies from tlje bacbe, ano wide tljat their rotes Ijau c blouD in tfjem, it ujetocs tlje &fomc is not well. 3!6e.< ofdifcafes fides, if pour ^oggesheficbe, 04 taken toittja JFeurr,ttjep fcang in swine, t jj C f r jj eafiSf a t onc fiu 8j ano fuddenlp as tt>ep runne abroad, tfjep cure ffa P 3 an ^ bel "S tafeen toft & a towifctg giddineffe, tbcp fall dobwe: and tfjcrefoje pou mutt marfee feci! on toljfetj fide tljep&ang ttjetc Ijeads, tbat pou map cut tfjeearcof tfje ccntrarie fide to let tlj cm bloud : and fmder t|e faple befide, ttoo incfjes from trje rumpe, pou fljall ft effee tlje baine, tofjicfj tljete is eafilp to be fane, bp tlje bigneffe of it : pou muff ft tit beate it ioitjja little fficfec, and after it ftoellctlj toittj tlje beating, open it feutb pour fcnife, and tjautng bled fufficientlp, bindc it tjp toitlj tlje rinde of $fflilloto 0? (tlmt : after tljis, feape f&emtip in tbe fjoufe a dap c: ttiw, ano gtue tfjcmhiatme toafer, toitlj a god quantifieof l!5arlp flotoje. Tiie 3 f tlje Qu[nfey o? Vuula, (to twfjicf) difcafe t^isbeaftis toonOc puinfey. rous fubicct) cljaunce fo take ttjera, Dydimus tuould |jauc pou let ttym bloud fcebmfce abouc tfje QjoulDcrs , ottjers tjnder tfjeic tongue: fome againe cure tljcm Vuitl; fettering. 3ftfjeberttel« ftoell in tjje t^joat , i?ou mutf lettfjem bloud tnixer t|e ton$ue y and entreating of Cattell. 143 Aid fo&en t&ep &aue bUo, rubbe t|jeir moutbcs ioittMfoitfjfolf, finely beaten, anD locate fiotyte : Dcmocn tus iuouio bane pou gtue to cuerp £>otoe, tb.ieepouno Uwigljt of flje beaten cote of E>affaDtU\3f tbep oomit, ano ioatb tbeir mcate, tt to goo to giue rbembefejetbepgoeabzoao, tfje lbaufngsof3uo;uevfrpcDUiitb fait, ano ground i£eanes. murine Mjile tbepfuc^e ab;oaD,bprca> fon of tbrir great oeuouring(fo; if taan onfatiaMcbeaft)oo toon* Derouflp labour teitij tfje abunoanceoftbefepleene : fojremcote foljcreof, pou lljall gtue tycm teatcc as oft as tbcptbtrtt, in SErougbes maoe of SCamartce, flje lupec of tobicb uimo to toerp Ijolefame foj tbem.Dcmocritusfeacbetb to gtue bnfo l£cgs tbat baue tbc &pleene 3 ttje toater fobceem tfje£aalrs of l^catb batfj beene quencfjeo. C^tobeaft batb fomeffme a ficfenrffe toberein be pirns atoap, ano fojfoketb W meate : anDifpoubjingbimto tbe ficlo,|jc fuoocnlp falter!) Dotone, ano Ipctb as ittoere in a Deao deepe : tobicb as tone as pouperceiue, voufballfljut tip tfje fobol* ^eavu in fome f)OHfc,ano make f bem to faff one oap,botb from toater ano meate : tbe nert Dap, tbe tcott oftbetoiloeCu* cumber ffampco.ano ttcaineotoitbtoater^s gtuentbemto onnfe: tofjicb as fame as tpep ^smt taken, tljep fall a toomtting, ano fo purge tbemfclues. m\)tn trjep bauc f l)us rrpelleo tbeir cboter, pou ujall gtue tbcm Ijaro IBeanes, ffraiueo luitb Wiinc. 9n er* ccllent medicine agatnttall peftilenecoffe>Vuuie,Ootrj Hicroni- mus Tragus react), tobicb «s torjen pou fee tbem tnfecte o, to gtue rbem tbe Iftcotce of Polipodi, oj gDfee if erne bopleo in »nc tobercbp tbep ujall purge tobatfocuer to cwll from tljcm, ano' moft of all cbolcr,. tobc rctoitb ^luine are moft troubled. Cbe fameHicronimus(aS 3 remember) feacbetbfo?a taotfeftbeuaft ttbe toitboutmpcommimanto meosie totty tbem:) |f be beficb, ano fuDDenlp fallootone of a oifeafc ttjaf pou fenoto not, fo put tonoer bis tongue a pcece of a jfcrne rote, tobereupoit pou ujall fee IjimimmeoiatelpoovDcUptoaiaano DotonrfcarD tolrtfoeuer is m fcis boo?, ano pztfenttp m\trt : tbss f;e faitb (anD tcueip 3 oare brlccue&im) titftbe pzoueDftftb a ^fecf [)is otone. Wut to mp totem : tobereas tbirft tn eummer to burrfull ano oan^ gerotis f all atnOe of «ttell 3 totbto beaft if to molt bucf full : ano tberefoie pou mull not inaf er t\)sm as pou Doe &>b*pe $ <25eates but ttofe, 0^ tfoife a Oap : but ff pou can, pou nwft beepe tl^em The third Bookc, . bp fl>e toafetOoe, tf?«t t\)tp map goe thereto at pleafure : foj the »lmne is not conttnt toiffc Dzmtung, but He maa often ctolo ano plnnge fjis filtlnj panel) in tljc mater 3 neither Oeligt>tctf) £e in anp tfnng fo muctj, as totoallotoin tfjo onrf. Hno if soutane no fucfj place ncere, von muff o.iato fome k»atcr from tlje 3Sell, ano giu: it tfytm in troughs abunoanflp : fo;ercepf tljep tytnfae tijeic fiU 3 ttjcp tail! fall ficae of ttjc £ungs j tofcictj oifeafets enteO (as Columella to:ifcfrj) bp f lotting t|e Jafflte of better* fe>a>:t t&:ougb rbeir cares : Plimc aaTcmet|) t|»e Sooe to be a p:efent reineoie fo: rlje ficantlTe of &fcrine. £>omefap,tfcaf if a iboteelofe one of fcer epes, flje Dpety tone after* or|ierUiffeu)« ittictp fiftane rcercaXtjcrc is a kinoe of bifeafeamengfl: &tame (tljougb ofhrrtoife tt>ev be t?caitt?te anD fatte) foljcrcm tljetc flcrtj is all infectco tuitt) little ^taints, as bigge as §Beafon : tfce Wearied 0:eehes call t$cm Galazos, ano toe at tfyis oap speaf leo &tofne 3 f wiae. ^ C |j ^ on qiati tone pereeiue bp tfce Ggijt of t|e tonguc 3 ano ttje jjoarfenefle of t^err oopce : rbis Oifeafe tljepfap, is natacall ton* to them, from iufcicfc pou Crjall prefcrue f|em , if pounaple err/ taine plates of &eao in t£e bo t tome of t|eic Srougfj. pou fljaU alfe fccepe trj cm from tfjis oifeafe, if ton giae t&cm to o^inee the a^cDtc of l5:ionp : rfce gcnetall ano common retnebp is fUlome, 23;imttone, ano i3ap-berries 3 of eac^aliae : awe tljereimto a lanofull of &«fe, beate tytm all together, ano pnttfjem in a X3agge, fofcirfc 15agge ren fljall catt into ttjefr toarer token tytp oanae, ano renetu it tteife in tyz panre. Evphoh. 3 p:ap pou Eumeus ooe not oulembtc, bnf fell fcs truelp bote pou Doe to tjatic pour IfJoggesfo facte, 3 belcrue £Oti are m t£e 3£arne femetime taljcn pou Jtpulo not be * £v.mev s.WB&A means feeuer 3 fofe in ozdertngmpflocfee, tiS net to mp £paiftecs leu"e,no moje tym is pear Otligence,io^ere# bp pou b?mg pour cattell to be fo faite. i tolo poa bcfo;e 3 t&at |e toas an fentrj:ifrte ^usbano, ttjaf lyao tys 13acon from t|>e ^ambles 3 f not of bis otene pzoui'Con: ano befioes^np fitters pbiQfians giae great commenoattons to l^^ggrs flerj 3 in t^at it |atb fm& a ncereneffe ano agriemenf &ftj) oar booics 3 neither is ffcere(as 31 faio befo;c)a beaat^at makes mo:e oidjes.ano t^ere# fe:e it is greatlp fo? pzcrfit, to tjaueffje Qvtsbano-KtansMtttyn fcell{ro^eijIi)it^l5acon,u4ercU?itt) Ije map. fnliairtefjist)CKn>olo all entreating of CattelL M4 allt&etubole p*re. f>ou u)allea0lp rt^ugtjtofflWbetoaMtmg) finbe Barnes, sparttjes, anD Cojne-fietos to feeOe tbem m. JCfjep Ml be fat fas pimie fuppofetb; in tb:eefco?e Dapcs, fpeci* allpif tytv be feept feommcat tb:« oapes before pou teae tbcm: $*p ace farted toitb IBarlep , £>atcs , o: otber £ome, oz puife, eitbergiucntobolc, ozgrouno,but ofallotbers,bcftUutb ^att: ana tbat aeflj istetter , ano of mozc fubtfcance ttjat to fco u.utb #co;nes , tben tbat tobicb is fatteo toitb cpttjcr 13ocb matt,oz Ctjtftrtut. SCbfsbeaff imllin time be fofat,asbe ftull be fibienek tb?tto goe,noz llano, f^ea varro fells tbat tljere toas tone m Arcadia a &>ofoefo fat,tbatfbe torn not onelp Enable to rife 3 but fufftco a tpaufe to mahe a nefttn bet boo?,f to lap bet pong there* 2Cbcramcvarrotepo2tctl),tbattbeeeluasfenttoVolamiusa|i>£« natoziu Rome, apiece of^ozhe of two ribs tbattoeigljeo ttyic * ttoenfp poimo : tbe tbiefceneffe of tobicb &ofoe from tfje ffcinne to tbe ribbe, fcus one foote ana tb.:eeincbcs. i^our beffis to put to tutting pour fefotne of ffoo oz ty;& peercsolo : fez if tfjep be pongcr, tbeir growing toill binoer tijeir feeoing. 2Do hrepepouc H5acon anp long time, yw mutt We great otugencc in tbe fatting ano o:?ing of it, fobcrebp poutyallbaueitbotij tlje tobolefomcr, ano hvxtcv , ano beGoes to continue Diners pitrcs to feme tbe tucne,if CcacOttc bappen. f^ow J^ogge being in tbis fezt fattcD 3 pau mutt tynt bp , amr not fuflfcr tym to OziuHe t\)z oap/befoic pou lull bimlu^rebp tbe fleu)tuill be tbe Ozter. SSlb*upoubaue ibus aftec bis rbtrft tulleo bim , pou fijail cptber fkaio tym Unty mater,oz toitb a fame maoetuitb ftratoc,ozfficncs,fpnDgebwt: foztbe manner of fucb as flapbim.3 It&e not. after tbat 3 bans' fog bim fcp bp the \)&ti* , pou (bail plueac cut tys> botocls, ana put tbem to ozeuing : fas fleuj being coioe ano Ijaro, pen -ftpil lap b?on a table, ano cutting out tbe !£eao, tbe Gammon j ano tbe JFlcefcbfS-jjouDer tbem foittj&alt, tb.zu&ing great fine thereof In cuerp place, fpcrtailp UVj ere tl)e bonesbe: tbsf Done, putit into pour pouonng tubbe, ftrototng fait cnougb ^nocr it : feme lwaulobauc pou fait it intbefoaneof tbc^cone. l!5efo:cpoupou* Oer it, pou muft pzeffc ano top out sU tbe blauO 3 a»o tbe iwater* fe> ame befoze tyw fait it, ooc pluchc out tbe bones ,tbiaUi;ig tt tba befllxup foz p:eferuing if, ano to beepc it longcfcClwect. iHDtljcrd a$auu boe not ftraigbi iwpes put it into tbecpouazws tubb^ but The third Booke, but Doe leant it fepon a Cable fc; fen Dates after, an& ffjtn fjang it bp in a pure ar:c, to D:p m tl;c latOe, 0nD iuben it baft? bane DjpeD m t&e mince eettame Dapcs, bp little ano little, etiep let tlje finoke eome to it, ano afferi»ar&s moie abunDantlp. c [je 25acoK mill be f r>e ftocefer, if befcoe tj)e fmokr,tljca)in&e man eome to ft : if pou t>ang it in great fmcke at ttjefirft, it mill beruttie. Dy- dimus faittj, tbattlje 215acon toilllong coixtinat ffoafe, if after the Du(T:ng, coling, ano Doping, it be Ranged bp in fijafcoiup anD motft places, rattier totoatD tye&oify, tben tomarD t&e soutlj, ano ttjaf if Ixitil befto«ter,if it be coucrcD iutttj fnoUjanD cijaffe: tfje £ubbcs rfjatp oupotooer in, mutt be fuilj as fjauetjaD 3Dple tn, ratljcr tljcn ttjofe tfcat Ijaue tjao Umegtr. ^Utijsugfj 3 fjaue ofshep- before fpoken of fyz Ir^tijpnelfeanDanttquifieof jbfceptjcarDs, hcards. m ^ l^carDfmen, pet mutt 3 fccre fap, fljat it is in baine to nun* olcSuitt) t&e oziermg anD hoping of cattell,ercept pon ijauc^ano* fome and f fetlfail men t Ijat map take tlje charge : fo? tfjc Enoki* ledge of keeping of eatteli ^tt) a Otfeipline, iutjerem a man muft from tye fcrtp Ct)i!De-i}£DD be b:oug!)tbp : and furelpif is mcetr, f tfjat tlje-tobanD, c: i5apitffc 5 fcuicba:nc b:ougt)t bp, o: trained in all tbcfc SDrafccs, ano to eome bp Degrees to Ijis S&ai&t ts pji$e : #s from a ^tuine^eard to a £>i>ep^eacd,ftoma fetiepbcarD toa ^eat^earO, ? t. £nD mott trne it p?ourttj m ttjts that tommct& to paflfem all ot|ergonemments, fljat fuc& are bed able to tabs charge of gouernment, tljat paffmg bp Degrees ano offices, tjaus from being bnDer gonernment, come to gonerne ffjcmfelues : fo: tt}ougt) ^totjere tfje flocke is bnt fmail, ano fcotng not farre off, is b:o tight fjome euerp Dap)ctnlD:en ano ponng folks are able to feme fl>c turne^ yet tefcere tlje flocks be great, anD mutf bit keptnfg&tanD Dap in fojectts, anD miloe firelos fas 3; faioebe* fo?e of flje flocks tfjat touifreDta Appulia, ano fommcrcD in tfjc ^ounfainesofKierc) jjecte 3 fap f&e fel;cpt)carts mutf bctljbce men of luff ie age, tfrcngtlj, ano Dttigenre, as alfc ffeilfult in tljat belongefn to tfjetc office : fo2 neither otoe men, no: ctHlDzen. are able to ensure the fjarDnetTe of clpming tfje t}illes ; no: ttje u5arp«> mfTeof rfje colo O)ounfaincs, toliirf) tbepmuff attoapesooc tljat follototljeirflocke.fpeciallpttiep tljatkeepe Bullocks ano @oats, tljat Deliglit fo fsDebpontfockijanftCIecues. ^ouQjailfiEon fye ^ountaines of £>topt?ctlano , gr^af ann gtoolp fellotoes, furni$eD ^entreating of Catfell. 145 furniflbeto fit foartelilse manner to follow ffjefr ^rarfcs ano iflocfces , ano to loc-gc in tl>c toilDe tiefart0,farrc from r|)e com* pan? of men, ana ttjere alfo to make bottj Uufterano Cljcefe : tuf)crefo;e facfj as ate meet to tab* tfjarge in tfjcfe places, mutt be Ugtjf, ftutft, ano toell limmeo, ano not onrlptoell able to fcl* IoU) trjeir flocbes, but if nceDe be fooefeno tbem fcom tutloe ano ranenmg bcafrs, to lift great buttons, to folloU) t|jc cfjafe, ano to be goo arcrjere : in fine, fuc&a one as Homer ootfj mafce t)is Eumeus to be. 8no tfjcrefoje tlje oloe ^ufbanomen in firing of a fl&eprjearo, did almapes couenant among others, tbatfjee flioulo be founo of boOp ano limmc , ano free from filcrjing ano trjeft. 3ln Sclauony,tI;e ^earoefmen Ooebfefo fjaue trjeic SKliiies abzoao toitrj trjem, as companions of tficir tourwp to Djcffe tfjeie meafe,ano foirjttjingsas tfjepnecDe? fucjj things as arcfojt^e fjealtrj of rjis beafts , t&efl&eprjcato mutt Ijaue altuar cs in a res* Oineflfc. Varro tooulo &aue tym botfj fa2 f rjis purpofe 5 ano foz f tjc better otter of rjis reckonings Unci) tjis spatter , to Unite anD rcaDe. £>ftbe number of tlje l^earofmen , tjofo man? eucrp floche ougtjt fo Ijaue, is fo bemcafureD bp tljc Cjuutcie, ano fcino of tlje battel. SEtje fame v.irroallofoetfj to: rucrp fourcfecje <3oates one UKprjcaro 5 lmjierj Atricusailowetrj to an rjuno?eo>ffl eutrv fitie a3ares ttoo men : in oar Counfrep one fljeprjearo fofr ficetrj fo2 an rjun02eD,02 ttoo Ijunojco fljeepc: pea, manp times fo; trjjee tjunojeD, ano aboue, fpecialtp toijere tljep bee cuerp oap bzougfjt borne. £>nc ^toincjicaro mill fc#pe tfoentp, 0? trjirfie ^ogges, 01 moje, if ttjc ground be thereafter, tfje like fo.i J&vto locoes, ano Mnt. jfo; Jj^fesme feloome fjaue ^eatDfmcn,but eucrp man keepetf) tljem at rjome,eitrjec in Stables 0? faaffcrcs, not commonlp ereceDing f be number of ftoentp. 3n fotjaf oz* Dcr pou ITjall feeoc tour Catfell , eitber in Summer 02 in WHin* t cr, ant) foben f otoaros tlje feoutrj , ano tufjen f tfy tmttt , 31 fjaue tola pou bcfo:c. STbeDogge (trjougfj tbe iafopct alloforfpj fjim not in ffjc Do gg «. number of (Taftell) ano tbougtj Ijc peelDs of fjimfdfe nopzofif, pctis be as tbe 0}cprjearo,fo2 rji« truftmelTe 5 ant) foafrfjing of ttjc florfce) fo be eflrcemeo ano fet bp : fo? tber tjaue bane fcenc to figbt in tfje Defence ano quarrell of ftjeir gaffer. ^ra,oiucrs of ttjem baue bme fcnofone after fbeic patters fceatfj, t^pon great 2C affection Tlie third Booke, affection anD lone, to fanufli tfomteluts, tofjcrcupon tyc p?icc of gcoDiDisggesgreHUobc tocrpgrcat. 3t isU>2ittcn 3 ti;at Alcibi- adcs gauc fo.2 oncDogge eigtjtftoie pounocs. SLtjtre is net a mo?e ncccSTarp creature tt)cn tfje jDcgge about ^ufbanozp : foi befi'tte i;is fingular faittjfuincflfc anD ioat£l;i«g in rtjc nighttime, i;e is alfo a quarter mailer in Keeping of CattcU, ano ucip nees* full fo; tjje Defence of tl;en? s fpcrtal!p fefutpe ano Ofoares, n |itij Uiisuia be fajneDcttropeD bp Ccfmlfrs, if ores, £ rapes, ai D ottjec &ecnune,if E>oggcstoere not fet to be tf>eir keepers. &>Uunefec Ding m Ijcaros , if tfje toilcc bealles inuaDe tfjem, making as it lucres Jarum Uiith, tfceir grunting , anD crping, suVmbie r&em- feiuesan t^tirovunc Defence. SCtje greater CatteUDefcnotljem* fcUies fomc lml\) tljcir beeics^omc toitij $m ironies, onelr. tfyz pmiz fe^ecpe ijjatfj no apulDier but ti)e Doggc- £>f Dsggcs tl)at feruc foz p?ont,t|)erc arc but i\)i& (oxts : fo; t^e fourth, (tobjeh, ace but fc: pleafurcj 3 mahe no account. £>ne of the fojts is (nit), asbp feent, 02 fwiftiicHc, ferae fo2 ttje cfjafe , ano lulling of iDilDc bcafrs : tgefCj tefjat manner of ones rtjey ftjculD be, ana fjoto trjcp fijoalo be ozacreo, Xcnophon ano Qppunus, m t()eir Cynigetickcs fymt taught, anD 3; U\ mplatl baofce, to'jcre 3t itjall fpeaac of hunting, totfl Declare. !3utnoU) 5 fytUonefe fpeaUcof Doggcsfo* fbe fjafbans*) anD uppers both, of tlje ijoufe anD ttje CattcU : ano mil of the &*3ic tljat keepctl) t^e tjotifc : fo? this purpofe pou muft p2C* uioeyou fuel) a one, as fjcitrj a large anD a inigijtp boop 3 a great The Ban- an3 nfi):tll tjopcc , ff;a£ botij U)itb !}is barsmg bee may. Difcoucr, doege for §nDtoit&hjs fighj Difmar tlie E^fe, pea, being not fiene,Unt[) ihchoufe. tl;e l;o:ro2 of rjtts bouepuf ijim to fttgljt.^is flature mull ueitfjer belongno.2 flj02f, butWil fet, hjs hcao great, £:s eresGjarpe? aaD fieip, e:tl;er bjotonr 02gra£ 3 hjsUp?rshteeaiu7 } neither fur* iiing op , no? Ranging to much, Dolunc t b^s moul'q blaclte anD tu»Dc 3 t^isneattjrr taiucfn^anDcomming out of it of cither fiDe afang,3ppeaumg rnojc cutluarD then Ijjs otljcr feetfj, fjis tipper itify euen iiKth, bis ueatijer , not fjanging ta muelj ouer, Tcarpr> ano hjODcn toitl) t|islippes 5 f;is countcnanceliRca ILion 5 iji5b2cu; grea^anD Hj.iglja^D, Ijis l^ou!Dcrsb2oaD,l)is legges bigge,tjia taile fi)o:t, !)is fat fcerp great,bis Dtfpofition mi\& neitljcr be f© gentle ? uo2tco cur^tljatie neither faVunc t^pen a tjjeefe, no; flee fcpon entreating of Cattcll. 1 4 6 fepen Ijis frienDs, t>erpfoahing,nogaDDer abjoaD,noj lauitfc of bis mout!;, barking foifjjout caufe, nntljcr mahetlj it anpmarttr tbougl) fjc be oorfmift; to: \)c 10 but to figbt at fjome,ani) to gtue toarning of tijc encmie, £be SDaggctbat is fojtljcfbloe, muff neither be fo gaunt, I hc , 7 ito; fo f iDift as t(je <25rapf)ounD , no? fo fatte no: Ijeaup 05 tlje mX' &9aftp of tfjc Ijoufe, but fcerp ffcong, ano able to figljt ano' folloto tljc cbafe , tfjat tyt map be able tobeataUjaptljc sasalfe e: ot^cr beaffs,anD to follow tbet^afe ano receucr tlje p.:cp,ano rljcrcfoje bts boop toouloratberbe longtljcn fyojt ana tbickc: in all otber points t>cnmft agree luirfc tl;e $5anDog. sconcing tbe femDe,tbc E>ogge 10 fyougtyt better tijentbeBitdhbecaafeofttje trouble Gje b:ingeib toben u)e is fatote: bofobcifi tfjc fpapD Wit* tl)ts Doe bite fojeff, f are mo:c making 5Fo^f^ctcage,tfjep muff nctti?et: be fob^pes,no: to olDe: fo?tf)efoI;elpe ran neitbec oefeno ijimfelfc,noj tfjc flocke, tobereas pet tye o!D (jatfj fome bfe about a Ijoufe. Ifpou baueatobelpeftoljubagcis better to be trained, either fo; the bonfc 0; tl)c folojpou fljallperceiue by the fot uil;e* ffjer fjc tuill be great 0: no. I^fs fjeao muft be great, fm©tl),anD full of baines,biseares great, ano banging, J)is founts long , f)t0 fo;clegs uwtcr fljen Ijis binDer, but oetr ffraigljt ano great, bis tlatecs foiDe,bis natlcsbaro^is b#le neither flcfyp no? too baro 3 t&e rioge of bis bacfeemot ta» mucb appearing,no: creDkco,bis ribs rouno ana focll unit, ty$ u)oulocc pointcs toell Diffant , Ijis but* tochesfaf, ?b;oao,ano in allotber parts (as 3! fapo) of tbe 3©an* oogge before, if o? bis colour it maketb no great matter,tbouglj Varro ItlOulU fjaue tym \B\)ite , anO fo fooulD Columella tyt SDogf fo: tlj c uelD,as I; c tooulo ban c tfj c I£ oufe-Dog to be black : but tbe ppeO co'ouris iuDgco naught in tljem bot&.&be Incite tiiev tonv mcnDjbecaufc fjemap beoifcerneD from tljeMolfe inffjenigbtj bberebs t^ty fljallnot ffrifcc tbeSDoggc in ffcao of tlje E£IcD!fe. &be blacUc againe,fo? t\)c boufc is beff eommcnbeD, becaufe of I;is terrour to tbe tbcefc in tbc oap 3 aitD tbc ljucttl;at t)e map to bp nigbtj bp reafon of bis notbeins fane: tfjc Dunne, ffjc bjanoeD, I tfje rco ; Do not miUibe me,fo tljep be toell mariseDbcfiDe. 2Cbns muff pan iuDging bim as a iLpon,bp tbe data , eptber bup onc,oj b:ing top one fo? pour pnrpofe. i^ota mucb teacljing 0: bringing ^p p?euafletfj 3 appearetlj bp Lycurgus ijiserample in Xcnophon. SC 2 .SCO The third Book c, Comafec tljem fierce % curff,pcu muff plucfee rljem by ffjc mts, fct tfjem together toitj) pour IjanDcs, ano beepc tbem from being t)»tt, fo Gjallpou rjaae ttjem t^eboitecanDttjc fiercer : anDfuc& as will ncuer giuett ouer. |9ou muff tofe fjtm firfffo tfjccf)amc,tp rping tjim to a cloggy letting l;im Djawe it a wtjile up fjis nccfer, ano Wfjcnpoufjaue a little fpacctofeD t)im in tbis fo:t 5 tf)cn niap rou cpttjcr" leaD tym 02 tie bun : it is belt to fceepc tfjetn tpco in tbc Dap time, to make tljem trjc curlier , ana to let t^em tofe in t\)t nighttime : fo (ball tfjep in ttje nigljttune toartl), ano in t|?c Dap fiecpe. £o arme tljtm againff ti)e C8colfe, 02. otber wilDc beaffes , pou map put b:oaDe eollo2S about r&eir Qethts full of ^at ! c0 3 anQ icon ffuDDes 3 lining it wttti foft leather Within. Pan muff IcduC thiat pour Doggcs be of a gooo feinDe, ano (if pou can; ail of one fcmDe , fo tyail tl;ep fticke ttjc better together : cfjoofe tijcmtljat tjaue t&e curffeff Dammes 3 anDfoefc asfjaue tljcir ^appes eucn. Etjep begin to litter at a pcere clD, ano continue nine recrcs. after tennc tijep be wo.2tb nothing. g£fpe Dogge (as Columella faitf}) gettes talipes luffilp,till Ijebetennepecres olDc : ttjewbelpcsoftfjcolDeCutrcsargflcto anDnaugtjt. Homer fcemetf) f o ma&e t&e life of a Doggc abouc twentp pecrc^iubere !)c fpeafcctfj of ffce comming tjome of vMIcs, anD ttjc ImowlcDge oftysDogge : HnD 3 mpfelfe fjaue feene Dogs tfjat Wcrcfaio to be fo mucb, but altogether fcnp^ontable. Ocir age map be fenowen bp trjeir teefa, tl;c poung tjaumg (as Anftotlc fair!); UJtjute tcettj anDn)arpe: tt)coioe,blacbe ana blunt. 3n tfjc &p2ing tfjcp begin fo be Catute, anD goe tt>itr> tpijelpe (as Ari[lctlcanDXcnophonfaft!))trj2ctfco2eDapcs 3 o2attf)cmo(l trj:ctfco2e anD tlj:ce. varrow:ttctf), that tbep goe trj;ee moneys iuitlj poungrttieDogs of Lac-demon mgenser at ngljt moneys oi3e> anD all otljer Doggcs aifo at fyalfe a peere : trjevj are \»itif tofjelpe at once imipng : tfjcp litter about June : \x>\)cn ttjcp be littcrcD 4 tliep arebirnDe.anD fl)cmo2c mufcetbepfjaucttje longer it is before tljep fee, but neuer longer tljen one anD twenfp Darts, 1102 fconer tbm feaucn Dapts. £>ome rjolDc opinion, ttyat if tfjere bee but one at a iittec it will fee tfjenintfj Dap , if ttoo ft)e tentt? Bap , anD fo a Dap aDDeD fo.2 as many as be , anD ttjat trjofe tljat be" of tife firff littn, Doe fconeff fee : tfje beff of tlje lifter is tijat totjt'cf) laff toetfj ; 02 lu|)tc[j tlje 55itctj firff carriettj to l)er ismntll entreating of Cattell. 147 &* fame as tbep be fobclpcOjCatt atoap fuch as pott miflffcc : of feaoen,feeepe t&ee oifc»re : of t&;ee,ttoo: luetic tbep bepoung, at t^e fieff tijcp muff befuffrco to plapUntb tbeDamme,tbaf rbcp map grotu the better, aftcrtoarD, let tfjem be taugbf,ano tfcD (as 3 toloepouj tpmg tbem in tbe oap,ano letting fbemtofe in tljc nfgl;t,atio Curb asron fcnotu to be ofagort kfnoe.anD iooulo [jatic tbem p:oue toell, fttffer tbem not to fucfec a ttcange Damme: foz tlje mtlfee ano blonDof ttjc mother 10 of great fo?cc to tbcgooo* neffe ano groin th of ttje C&lKlpe. £no tf To be tbe iSttdj lacbe milfte, fnchte tbem teity tfjc milfce of a dDoate, till tbep be fence moneys oloc. Hap Unocmeatb tfjem 111 tbeir&enncls x>tralu ano Gbaffe,tbat tl;ep map Ipc toarme: foz tbep cannot foeli aiuap Untb colo.^oo mnft cut tbetafles of tijc clCitjeipcs lo!;e;i tber be fire ftieefees olo, in tJjts matter, tbere is a fitfetoe tbat runnes from tbe rtoge of tbe baefce, to tf\z tip of tbe fail e,ft»bii,b being tjelo fatt toitfy a pincer, fa little Djatone out,pouu}3llcutafunorr 3 fc'!jecc> bp neither tfje taile (ball grotu to anp foule length no; tyc SDog tyall at anp time after fas tbep fap; be mao. Cbepare tljougbt to lift op tyc leggc tefym tbep piffe, at fire monetlis olDi', to^ic^ isa figne of ttje pcrfectncfreoftbcirffrengtb. Cljc fceDing of botf) lun&ca is all one, tbcp map befco tmtb bones, po:rcD*;e,3nD Xtieb line: in an£ toife let tbem toant no mcat,fo2 if tbep Doe,tbep toiil fo: bnnger rauen ab*oaD,anD fo:fafce botb tijc boufe ano tfje flochc. Xcnophon iuoulD baue pon giue tbem milfee all t\)c yceve long, ano fori) fart as tbep fljall feeoe foitb all tbeir life time, ano no otbec tfjing : if pou fees tbem ta> foil, it fotll b;ceD fas be faitbJ mfeafes in tbeir legs, ano rot tbem toitbin. iBieao is tbeir com* mon meat , but varro tuoulo bane if giocn eptber iuitb gillie 0: tsaijap, bp tie tobcreof, tbcp toill neuer fo:fahe tbeir Cattrll, |0oa map giuc fbem beu"Dc,b2eaD,toitbtbe b;otb of foDBen bones, anD tbe bones tbemfcluesb:oofefi, tobict) foiU make tbcirfcetb tbe founoer, ano tbeir monies ariDiaU)esfoi&cr,anD tbrp \uilibe tbe feeencr 3 bp rcafon of t\)z ftuccfneiTc of tbe SBarrofoc. fou muft bcUjaretljepeatc no ocao fe>tjdepc,Ua b^reafon of tbe fatt, t\)tv falltotljc tiuconcs. Mbiletbe mtcif batbMelpes , pou mutt feeo bee ratber Untb IBarlcp b:eaD fben tnbeflfen b?eao : fo; tbep p:ofper better luttb it, ano makes tbem gioe mo:e jnilfee. ^oti mutt feeoe tljem t^ifca Dap, in tYft mo:nincc fotjen pou tytfytm %l bp 3 The third Booke, top , at name , ana againe at nigljt , tM)en pou let ffjcm Ia>fo SDljcir mums tfjat you gtuc tkem,muft,be ttjwt, tfjat tijcp map fawetjearc ioijrnttjepbccatlco. £()elut,pitclj, ©rim, fc, 0itrjougt)Colu- of Dogs. mellaUjoulonotljauc tyzit names snoerfkio fillables, fluluing fa: erample tye names of SDoggcs among tije 0ree&es , anD ttjc iLatincS, aSa^A^|> ^o'uu, aA:^, Kkhovs 3 anD Lupa, Tigris, Cerus. Xcnophon reckoner!) op tfjoufanfcs, all fo; tlje moft part of ttoo fillables, SD$t Bifeafcs ano gticuances of k)oggcs,are tyz biting cf J?lies 3 EUicfces , ano iBangineffe. againtt tljis pou mutt toad) tticm M)cn tfytpbz C&&elpes,U)trl) bitter 3ImonDs,tfampeo ana ttcsineD toirlj iuatcr, toatying tljem botfj about tljetr Cares,an& factUuirt tljeir dairies, tjjat ncif rjer Jf lies atc&e to ttjem anD bit* ttcr tl)rm, no; Eidus , 02 Jlicc moleff tljem : anD if tljep bz alt rcaop mangie^ou muttannoint tfjem Unit) 2Carre 3 ano ^oggefc greafe : ttje Bichts alfo, if pou foucb tijemtrjitb t&is rnesicinc? ixullp:efcnt!pfaH off, fo: pou mutt notplucke tfjem off"b£fo;ee. 3f wr Doggebcfuilof jfleas, tfjercmcop is Cummin beaten, luitf) a Itt^e quantitie of ntt0ngpQto9er,an5mingleDtoitl) ioa* rer, rub ijimoucr UJitfj it, 02 rlje olDe &2egs of £Dplc tubbeD ouer alltusbooie. 3;f £ebefnbbp,take Cythifus.anDCefamumjbeafe tljcm together, anD mingling tfcem tuitlj STarre, annointf^e fo2c: tljismcDieine toill alfo remeDic a Chilian creature S^cr fap alfo, tljat if pou flj:utt tlje ffein ttjjougfj init^ an iron, it Ml fjealettjemangintlTe, 02 if pou fmearc $em ouer fcuitlj Cunne* pouDer, 02 caft ttjem into a banners fatte* AriQotlc k)2itettj, tfjat Dogges are cfjtefelp troubles iuiffi ffcee&ifeafes, a)aoncffe,£>ninfep 3 anD tlje <£>out,ano tofjatfocuec tje bptetijin Iris maDnclTe,becommctj)aifc mao, auo Dtettj there- of: tfjie macne ffe is mott crttcame in tlje Dogge tiapes : fofjatfo- euer is -bitten bp t^em 3 fallEt|) ftraigfjttoapcs into a loat^ing,anO feare of (ESfater. SDo pjefcrue tl)tm from it, von mutt mingle lnttt) t&ctr mestefc; t^ictie capes together j 02 if rbep be alreaDp tnfccteD,giujtJ)cmnecOngpouDer to eafe. Plinieto2itecl),ri)at l!jcreisin tt)e tongue of E>ogges a little tuojme, calleD of tfje Creefees Lyrta, tufjict) if it be taften out Ui^tlc tijep be Uiijelpcs, %p toill neither be wiaoor, no? gree&p, no? rauenous. 3f fN £>cgge entreating of Cattell. 148 jDoggc be maoDe , be refufetfj botlj meafe ano o?tnfce , ana D;m* Madde letb illfauoureo fomte matter, botb from tysnofe, ano inoutb, Do ss c$ - fjee lajbctlj toitlj a loatbfome countenance, bisboop is ieane, auD mo?e clong together tben it \vas foont to be, Ijc bearetij tyis tale betiotrt fits lcgges,ano bitetij toitl;out anp barbing luljatfoenrr \)t meetes,falling as tacll Upon men, as beafts, making no eiffe* rettre betiinrt bts frirnoes, ano ff rangers, Sis tbe £>ogge fs a Ui.itcljman ano beeper of the fcoufcanb t^c Sorfce, fo ttjc Cat is a houfcljclo fecuant to be djeciujeo, Cbe Egyptians fo; tljeir p?o8cabIcneflTe, oio too?fljtp fo? ffjefr cattcs. <3D'ooa goloen Cat , fo? tobcreas Hats ano s^ifc, as bull in Ct* ties? as in Granges, arc greatly burtfull, toe btfpebpCattesfo? tbcauopoing of themtfcljiefe, licit!; errs there a fpeeciee rcmeop. SEbe Catte is a beaff of nature enemte to tI)c£3oufe, toatcljmg in the night, ano flcepfngin t!jc oap,ffraiingfuoiiicnlp anoffoifrlp tjpon ttje spoufc : u)c feet!) better bp ntgfjt t&en by Dap (as AIcx- dcr Aphrodifeus imftetb) ber epes fljmcano glitter in ttjeoarfc** SCbesgoe a Cattcrfoalling about Jfcb;uarp, o:otljcr times tti tbepecre (To? tbep often ingenoer) ano b;in$ fo?tb tbeir poung ones blinoc, as tyc 5£ttci> Ootlj. Herodotus faitb, that after tfce Catte tjatf) birneo, fl)cc eommetb no mo:e at the Bucbe, foljicfj lDben bee perceiuctlj, ano cannot £auc Ijis ptttpofe, be billetl; ti)e joung, thereof toben fl^e feetfj ber felfe bereft, fo? berp before of poung (toljereof this binoc is mod Oefoous) ffjee commctb ffrafgljtto tbe 23 ncbe. ifo.:mppart, 3 tootilb rather counfcll poti to oeffrop pour Uafs ano tpi'fc toify SCraps,Baneso? Mec* fels : fo? befioes the auttio^neffe ano loatbfomneffc of the Catte (pou bnoto tobaf ftjc (apes in tfje $9alt fjeapej u)e is moft . oangc rous ano pernitious among cfulo?en, as 3! mp felfe i?auc hao ga>o erpertence, Sfili Dto honor &*glorh. The end of the third Booke. T 4 The '( Sis 0© ?&s w£3 £^££©(885 The fourth Bookc. Entreating of Poukrie,Fovvle,Fiili > and Bees. P V L L A R I V S . CHEN'OBOSevs, M £ L L I S S E V S. P I S C I X A & I V £. P V L L A. Ey^^^^yg £> beeping ana fejecomgof £atfell, &o$ mis no fmall commoottte and games to tfje fcusbancman , fo ttje ncunGjmg ano maintenance of poultrte, Jromte, Bees,. anD f-itii (iftfyt Countrte be fo; ft) ootfc eommonlp artfe to fat's gecat aoaanfage, totjercbp botfc tyz rencnue is greatly en# crrafco, ano tyc fable Dailpmit&Dafntie, ano no chargeable mfljes formu>eo. eages 5 an& |>oufcs fo? H5tros, fofjetcm tec re kept all maimer ano fo;ts of jr oiolc,fe>cre fictt 5c UlfeQbp Spader Lclius Strabo at Brundiiium. from fc>f;tc& timet! ixjas firft pnt m ofe > to pen op ta} creatures, asnafurallp lucre aeruftsmeo to £te at ttjetc libertie m ttie ap?e. £It to£u:$> time alfo began fo be bjongttf m ffrangcaitf outlanofu) Jfotoles,r$>e keeping ano b:ceDtngfotjereof, pecIDctti to tfjc fjusban&man bot& pleafurcano p:cfit. WtU tyaut fcere bzcugbt in Pu]iarius,cheno. bofcu-siMclIurcus, anDPircinarius,euerpone of tbem frocraUp en» treating of fact) things as belonged to tjts cfjargc. M e l l i s s e v s. 3 fee pou l>aue tjare ( Pullarius ; great ffojc of i^ofote, ano poulfrte, anD 3 bclecue bert'lp, tfje p2oSt anD ecmmoDitte of ttjem fcoill not quite fjaife ttjc charges t&ep pt route. Pvllauvs. f^es tjcrtlp,tijep quite our. ccflr, iuijettjer tat entreating of Poultrie. 14^ tote fell rbem , 0: hcepe tbem tax tbe iiiitcbim 3K i* fapb, tbat Auidius Lurco nuoe peerelp of bis ^oulttiejanb iFotolcfiue bun* Djeo pomiD. M e l l i s s e v s. But 31 Doe a great oeale better lifee tfje common JBoulttfc, tljaf toe hcepe about our houfes. Pvllar.iv 5. mk Ijaucalfo of tbe fame Ijeere at fjome iuitb bs. M f. l. Cben let me bnocrftwDOf pjap /fn foljat ojoet pou heepc tyzm, foz berein pou fecme to be molt r fciifuil. PvllAr. 3t is meet tbat euerpone be faiifull in tbat frabe tbat be pjofeffetb. Blfpon toill,3 toiilnot rcfufc to ujetopoutbat little cunning tbat 3 [jaue : fo pau on tyt otber use boucljfafe to u)etometl)eo?ocring of pour Bees. , Mellissevs; % uull nottticfee tottb poufoj tljat, to tell sou tbe bett 31 cam P v l l a r. i v s . Well tl)en > to itlj a g©D toill I Declare tinfo poti m? bnotoleogc , beginning firffiuitbtbofe binoestljat are motrinbfe: fo: amongft alt otljcr bcufcIjolD poultrie, tljccl;iefc place is Due to tl;e Cocke and tl)t\Bmnt, tljat are befioe fo com? in on, as t be pcozeit teiODotomtbc Countrie is able to heepe tbetm 311 tbis BtuD tbere are tbiec points of naturall affection cbicflp to be toonoereD at* 2Cbe firff , tbe great carefulncffe tbat tfjep Ijaue During tbe time of tbeir fitting, toberein fo? tbe Office of b-itcl):ng tbeir poung, tljep feeme fo be caieleffc of citl;cr meate 0: Djfnhe. feeconolp, tbat tljcp beace fueb loue to tbein,tbaf tbcp IttsUe not to bajaro tbeir otone hues tn the Defence of f bent, &nft tbirolp, fystiti tbe ffo?mc,great coloc,o? fiefcene u*e,tbep pjeferue a;ionouriu)tbembnDer tbeir tomges, not making fo: t^t tobile anp account of tbeir otune fclues. SEbere i& bcreof a ftocet com* pacifon in tbe ^ofpeil, toberein our&auiouc CbJtft comparctfj brnifelfe to t^e $fnne tbat gatbetetb ber CbicUens bnDcr Ijec Uringcs. &no tbercfoje, fince tfjefc ar ecommon fo? encrp man to baue,anDtbat fyey altoapes feeoeabout tbe boufe, 3 tbinise it beff to begin toitb tbem , ano to tell pou Uiijtcb are bcftto.be Ukcd, tobicb to be bzougbt Up, ano tobicb to be fatteD. ifirff, tbe beft to be bougbt fo? b:a>oc , are tyz burnt , tbe J^ ikoi reDDc,tbe yeitoto,ono tl)e blaefee, tlft tofyite arc not to bemeclco H e °nncs toity, becaufc tfjep are commonly tenoer,ano p?ofper not ? neitber for brood. are The fourth Booke, arc fbepbeufcc ftuftfull , ano arc altoapes fbc fatreff marfec fn a !£ato&e, o?a SBuffaros cpe. itet tbeccfo?e pour l^ennebe of a gcoD colour, fjautng a large boOp, ano b^eft, a great beao, imtb a ffraigbt, reooe, ano oubblc combe,tobu;e care* ano greater tab Ions eucn. SCbe bctt Rlnoc (as Columella faftb) arc fucb as Ijaue Sue clawes, fo tbat tljep be free from fpurrcs: fo? fact) as toeare tbofe Cocluu) weapons arc not gooofo? b?©oe, anD oifoaiue tl)g companp of tbe purres : SCbcie oifpofif ion (fo; pou ffjall not neeoe to banc tbcm great figbtersj toouio be gentle?quiehe,anD liuelf, ano fpeciall? goo makers, ano crofoers : fo? it is a H5p?0 tbat foell apo?ctoncty botb tye nigbt ano tye oap } ano fas Prudentius toff* neffetyj erbo?fety to repentance, jl&eitycr muff pou on tyc otyec fioe, Ijaue bun a Craooon, fo? be tnuft fometime ffano in tye oe* fence offHStoife,ano bis cbilo?en,ano banc ffomacbe to bill 0? brat aluap a ^naae, o?an? fucb burtfull bermtnc : but if be be quar# rcllous, pou fl)all Ijaueuo rule toitb b'm fo? figbf ing ano beating f)te fellotocs, not fuffering tbcm to treaoe, t^ou$ti be baue mo?e fym \)is banos full bimfelfe* Xty* mtfebiefe pou map eafilp p?e* uent Ui(e[ju)acfeUng ^im hJttbaaja)efsle;fo?altbou0b fucb luffp &$tn& entreating of Poultrie. 1 50 ftgfjfera ace b:cooe bp ano c^eritljeD fo? tlje game , pet ace f&ep not to feme tijc li^ufbanomans turne at borne. 3 Cocfee framed ana pzopo:tio:ie3 aftec tf)is fo?t , fljall tiaue fine 0? fire ^enncs going luiti) Ijtm. Mellissevs. 31 p:ap t»on let imt fonocrffano tofjat time of ttjc p&reis belt foj banging fojttj of Cijiencns * P v l l a r 1 v s. 9}n fomc places , fpcciallp tlje Ijatteff Conn* trics 3 tlje Remits beginne to lap in 3annarv,tn colocc Countries, eptfjcr in if ebuiarp, 0? at ttjc latter enouf 3|anuarp : pou mutt alfo fuctljcr rtjeir taping, bpgfutng tljem meatcs fo* tlje pur* pofe, as ISarlep Ijalfe foooc, Uifjtctj maUettj boti) tlje GSggcs tlje fapjcr, ano caufetlj tljem to lap tbe oftner. &ome tJjinfce it gcoo to mingle tljecetxutt) tlje leaues^ 0? tfje fobes of cityfus , tuljicfj fcotb are tljougfjt to be gccatlp of fojee fo making tljem fcuitfull. 31 f tljts be not to be ija&, pou ma? fupplp ttjetuant mitlj Spery, ojfas Cardanus faittj) tuitlj ^empefeeoe, tuljici) mill caufe tljem toJap all tlje Winter. tffiRljen ttjcplap,pou muff fa tijaf tbefr neffs be cleane, ana fecpt ftiiltoitlj frefl) cleane Urate: foj otijertoife tljep will be full ef fleas, ano otljer bermine 3 toljiclj brill not fuffer tlje ^enne to be qufet ,lu^eceb? tlje (fcggcs Doe not ljatc& eucn togetljcr, 0? ui3tip times toare aDDleano rotten, SClje <£gs tljat pou fet bnoer tljem, muff be nefo iapo, fjo&ibeit , fo tfjep be not aboue tenne Inpes oloe, it matter!) no great matter : it ioulmkenotfo tljem tbep will ffcaigljttoapes fit aftec tljeic firft laping, totjictj pou muff not fuffcr,fo: tlje poung pullets ace better fo? laptugtjjm fitting : tlje oeficc of fitting is reffrainco bj? tfjmffing a featljec j^jzougtj tjjeic nofe. 2C&e olo l^ennes muff ratljcc be fuffereo ta fit tfjen tlje pouugec , becaufe of tfjeir erpcrienee. ^e rein muff pou bane a fpeciall regaro to tow wljfclj bebeff to fit, fo.j fome. be better to bzing bp Cijickms tfjen to fit. £Dtrjcrs againe,wiil bjeahe 0: cate top botb tijetc owne (Egges, ano tbeir fellowes (Dggcs : fuctj pou muff put afioe , ana if tt>etr $aiiesanO lilies be fljacpe , career tmplop tljem in bjootng ttjen in fit* ting. Dcmocritus telletlj, tljat Cfjic'sens ma? be b:oug*jt fooztfj witfjout fetting tmDcr ttje ferine, if fo be tlje ootmg of $>ennes fiffco bcrp Une y bce put in little bagges , baffeo about toitlj foft feat^rs^pon toljicljt[je Cggcs muff be laio ffraigljt t)p?igbt Mt\) The fourth Bookc, toftlj tlje itepc cnD cptaarc : topon tljcfc sgat'nc muff tfce lifee quant itic or i3ennrs doung be latD, fo ttjat ttjcp be of rucrp fiDc dofclp coucrcD. ni* done, pou mult fuffet tjjem to liefo? tl;o ttoo o: tfj;a fictt Dates, anD after, cuerp dap rucne tljem, taking godljao, rtjatpou fcnocRetbcmnot oneagainff tfje ortjtr tnttic turning, after ttoenrp oapcs,pou u)all findet&e Csgges bjofcen: and tljercfojc ttje tteentictl) eap,pluefcing afoapf&efljcls,and tt< feing out ttje Cljtcfetn, pou map commit tfccm to t|e J^enne. %tis kuirf en , that Chickens tjaue bane bafcijeo bp f (je rontinuall luarmtb of a Inomans bofome : befit: e , tt fjat jj bane fane tijat egges being laio in an £Duen,o; a toarme place , coucred iuell ioittj ff ratoe and etjaffc,bauing a little fire befide,and one to turne tbcm continuallp, Ijauc Difclcfeoano b2okcn at iycir accuffomed time. Ar i rtorlc tojif etb, tfcat ©ggc* put in tearme toeffete, o: co« uered tint I; douug 3 toill Ijatcfj of tbemfelucs. Efcje number of tlje C gges tfjst pour f&enne Hall fit fepon , fome tooulo baue to be o oceans not altuaiefi alike, but in Btenuarte, and #eb:uarp fif* fane, and no mo:e, in $&arctj ninetane, and no leffe-.tojjirij nam* berpouffjall continue all tlje Summer .till September, o; £ao< ber, after fobiclj time ft is to no purpofe to b?adea»p longer : fo; tbe CljicfetrtB, bp reafon of tbe coloe loeat&er, and oifeafe^ncucr p:ofper, pea, fome be of opinion, tbat after tlje tcnt^ 3 o: tludftb of June, pon $all ncuer &auefaireb2ojac,ano tbatthebeft feafon fo: fetring, beginner at the fentb of 2parcb. 3nd herein pen muff altoaprs be fure to bauc tfj c flpcone encc cafing.-from tbat u)e be fenne dapc* olo, fill fiffane: fo? t&at is tlje beff time to fet fit, Sno fo muff pou againe difpofe tlje f ime,as trjc batching map fall out in tlje encreafe of tlje spame : fo; rtjeiuff time ofbatrtjing, tbere are funo:p opinions: Ariftotlciy;itetfj,tbattbeparet>atcbcd in ninefaueoapes, varro (fo: fitytkins) one and ttowttie oairs, o? ttoentie dapes: fo? peacoefees , and (Safe, feauen ana tfoentie dapc*, and fomctimes mo?e : gmtkes , in tlje Kta fpace f o tlje !kennc,fpeciallpif tljep fit nigljf and dap , allowing tljem onelp tlje doming, andtbe (Bueningto fade : iuljicb times tijep muff of neecGitieljauc. 3f fo be poufoill fet fender pour ©ennc^ea* tocucs Cggestoitb Ijer clone , pou muff fet bee cpon tlje pea* coefecscsggesfendaus befojeujebaue ber omnc Cgges,toberc* fcptjjep u)all be Ijatcljeo all at once, neitfjer muH pou fet aboue fine entreating of Poultrie. 1 5 1 fitic peacocfecs, 0? oggetl)cm 5 leaft pou taeafcc t|)e firings of life.tljat are &ut nefolp begun : it tjattj beene to z, tijat bp fljafeing of tlje CDgs, tlje Cljichtns &aue beeneljatc^cD lame, SffiHe map bcfiDc pcccetuc foljetljcr tlje C£gges mill pjoue toeil 0.2 no , if fotire Dales aftet tlje i^enne tjauc fittempou fjolD tljem tip in tlje &>unnc , 0? otljer Iigljt 5 auD if pou fee tijat tfjep be deere, call tljem arnap, anD put c> tljcr in time places, Sgainff rtjunDer, ttjat manp times marretlj t\)e (Sgges,fome Doe fetatamt ttytm tlje Hcaues, 0? Ii5?anctirs of 25ap£S,o2lBentes,o,2(IDrairc,otl)frs (againcj tljeljeaosof <£>ar> Ao ft lfcfce,ano jSaiicsof pjon. Jnt&c great Ijeat of tfjc£>ummcr> pou hl f™of muft nolo anD fljen fp:incfele tfje Cggcs a little toitfj mater , anD thunder. tuct t!jcm,1eatt bp tlje ertreame i)cat ttjep tuarc D?ie anD aDle 5 fpe* ciallp tlje Cgs of SCurhiesanD ^enncs. OTjenfoeucr pou rmane to malsecleane fjjeirnefts,pou matt tahe top tlje Cggcs, anD lap tycm tcnoerlp in fome little Baf&efjj fo lap tljem fpecDilp againe in tlje cleanencft.noereto tlje place mljercttje l^cn fits,poumutt fet luater, % meat,tljat tljcp map tlje better heepe tljeir nctts 3 anO rljafbp tljeir long abfencctfje QDggrs toare not cold. 0noal> tljougtj tl)t l^cnne Dotlj altoaies turne fjcr Cggcs, ^et it befc©# uetlj pou U>ljenu>e is from tfjc ncft, ts turne tljrm foftlp foiff? pourtjanDs^rbatbprecciumga liKe lUiirmtlj, tljepmap tl;e famcc ue reaDie. iSnD if fl)c Ijaue happened to bnrl5t #p?e of fuel) is fo pe* ffilent,as it bp f bp Deff ropetl) t&em all ; foljtcf) mifcljiefc is auotV Deo bv burning of Smarts t)ome»Galbanum,o? Romans fjaire^be fmofce of all fol)u1jp?euentet& tFjis peSilence.^ou muff fecbeODe f pat tljep lie foarme: fo.: tfjep neither can fuffer colD,no? f to mucf) Ijcat: tlje feathers about tfjeirtailes muff be pulleDaiuap, leaff iDitlj t^e pruning of tljeir Dung, tfje paffage be ffoppsD, ioljic^ if it be, poumuff open foftlp toitl) a little qutll : pou mutt fceepe tljem tuitf) f 5 c ^ennc fo? a moneys fpace, anD after fuffer tytm A«ainft togoatlibertp. Botlj tfje olDanDpoung,areofallctl)er Difeafes chepippe. mofffroubleDtoitljf^pippe/peciallp.about^aruefffimejiB^c^ jsaliffle tolateiUuvouering tfcetippeof tljefr fongae^l^cl) is to be entreating of Poultrie. i$& be plucheb atuaptoitlj tlje nailc0 3 ano tlje place to be pouDjcD tottb flii)e0,o? (Sariiue pouozeD $ fpjincKleo bpon it.if romtlji0 plague £ott ftjiU pzefctuc tl)cm,bp fieDtng ti)tm in clcane bclTctejSiio gi' utng rtjemaltoaica tfje puteff,* clcanncft U»atcr,anb Keeping rtjci'c Ijoufeo alludes c'cane,auo rtnoktD,o? by fttioutng tljcsn, as tl)c$ ftt 3 U)!t[5 rtje fmofcs ctjieflp of IBape*, ana £>auin. SCIje foiucs of rf>e countries commonly cure tl)em, bp fluffing a jFcatljcr lijiougt) tfjrtr nofe,aw> fttrring it euziv Dap : Qeft Diet inuff be l^earbgtact Imapt in JSntter 0; dBarlifee, mingleo toitt) sjgeale 0? Qfflfato,o; Clones of gparliueUnt in tame &allct-orle,aH3 put into tt)efe motit£c0. j&cme (faitf? Columella J 00c tofc to iusOi tfjetr moutbestmrb pitTe,ano lutpe rtjeir bile fo long ck>fe,astije £>alt anD titter taff fojee t|)cmte caff at tljetc j]*ofc tljefpmig cf fi»c Difeafc.iDifjersagame do cut C-arlfcK In gcbfcctss ano putiing ffjsnr in ffealDing 3Dple,affer it is colo , Doe Uiau) tfjctr mouths. 31 r tljc'p tfappen to eatc 2Lupine0 7 t&ep mill ffcaigtjt fiuell onDec t!;e cpc0, tot)ict) if pou doe not gently open , ana fake out tbe Co?e 3 it p?cfentip MUeti) tijem. jfttio if fobct^epippe l;auenofo clofcD Uptljeir ei?c0 } ano tljat tyep fo^fahctljetu meatc, pott muff tawittj tijeir €i>thc0 ixutli a fljirpc Rnife, anb tb;ull out tijc &&♦ tcr tfjatltetb unocr ttjeeic0,ino put into tl;c tobunD &>alt finely beaten : t\)i$ bappenetgcincfetpiuljen in Ibeswmmct time trjep D.imsefoulc toiter,ant>alfo tatfjsn fycy toant meat,o.j talieccio-Blf tfjetc ct'es be foje 3 peer map beale tl)tm luitl)t!)e iuicc of $uttc* Jane , auir C2iloman0 milltt, annotating on ttjc outfit a* U>itrj Ctwrnuv^onp, anD §m!t armonucac. |?ou ujail riD ftjem of iLiec, luirb parc!;ce Cunmui^anD fetauefacre, a lilse quantttic of eaclj beaten togcttKr, anD polsjeo en tuiti; Wiim : alfo t^e to tectu!)creinlujiDelLtipine0i)aucbeenc foDDen. %$ vour \&a\nt fail locating of bee <£gges 3 ta&ing cut ilje toljttcpoR muff pottos in piaiffetj of feme liquto- i!)K*g,' tfyat map-tome to aljarOncHc frrtlje tI)cH. SCobcepet^euifrdm eating of <25rapcs-, pou fl^all. giue tijem tfje USercteof tlje UitD^ca^lcbtlje toiiDe-citnc gaf|eri&»- fcomtoc IjeDgc befo?2 it be ripc,a?n foD^cniuitl) ©S[jeat ficuier,. ttjccmll tdffe lubcreof UMllcaeifefbem foioatlj drapes. Pihjic affirmct!; , t\)*t ii pou gtne t!;em tbe floors of fyt mint toitlj rtjcicmcat 5 tcepUHll not totictj tije (0rape/:^e in all ettjet cattelU ©f t&e conntrie/o in tljefe femoestlje beftare to be Hcpt ? ano tba The fourth Booke, choyfc of totD;tt cither f o be folo, o? to be feilleD in tfje tjoufc. flnti fjjercfo; e Poulnie. euerp peete about tbe fall of tbe leafe, toljen tljep ceafe to b;&t*e, pou u)all UCfnt tyeir number, ano put amap tbe olo ones, bud) as arc aboue tyia peeres, ano fuel) as are ritber bnfruitfull, o: not gaiD bangers tip of Cochins, but fpcciallp t^ofetbateate tip either tbeir ctone GSggcs, o; tljeir fellofocs, o? fuel) as after tbe Cocfetfy manner eittjer croto o; treao : to i&Wb number pou fi)al alfoaose/ucb as toerefcatcbeD after tbe tentf? of 3une 5 fobicb neuerp;ame to be fap:c : but tbe Cocfee,as long as be is able to freao, poa map fteepe : fo? pou fljall feloome mesfe foitljag till pou perceiue, bp feeling of tbeir Ccopprs, tljat tfjc olDc be cnoelucD. jDtbcrsooe fpn'ncble tbeir Create toitb l£onep fobDen in mater, putting to tfcee parts of mater, one of t&onep, ano one of Wne,ano roetfing berein fobeaten b?eao,tbeptljcre* mifballDoecrammetliiem. £)tljers fap, tbat if pou putfjereunto a little ^ilbe, tbep lotll be wonoerfull fatte, SDlje Cocferels are Making of geloeo (as AriftotJcfatfl)) infyc bmoerpart, mbicltUiljen tbep Capons, freao, falletb out : tfyis part, if pou burne tmo 0? tlj;ee times, rfjcp luill bee Capons. Sinn if tbep be rigl;t Capons, tljeir €ombs becommetl) pale ; ncitljer croming 3 no? treabing anp mo;e. 4Dur entreating of Poultrie. 153 0at Wtiuts of t&c Count rep, cut ffng ttjem beffofrf t&e leggcs, tabe out tbeir ft ones, atiD fatoing tip the toounD, annoint it toitb Butter-, tobttf) Done, ttjep ttjut tfjem bp m a Copc,not fuffering tbem to ojfnlie in a Dap 0; ttoo. jf rom the beginning of ^arucft, and all Winter long, ttje offall of njc Co?ne, ano ttje Barnes Dane Dotl; faDetljcm fufficientlp : toberetbep plant tames, fpa> ring ofber mo?e cottlp fortes, tljcp feeoe tbcm toitljttje bernels ofnje<0:apes : anDtoberetbcrc is neither nje oflfail of Come, no: (0?apes,n)epmuft be feDDe toitb £Dates,&>perp, ojfucb lihe. £Do caufe them to lap in »nter,poumutt gmc tjjem (as 3 tolD you) !£empcfeDt. jfpoutooulobaue great <£gges, Lconcus teacljef & to beafe ° fE ss cs ' mtopotoDcr 25?iche,o: .flaunocrs Me, ano mingling it toin) CijcfiilanD uainc.to make it in 2Doto,anD giue it to rour Ipenne, into put a s>auccrfuil of the potoDcr of tlje Bjicbe, to a (Gallon of B2amie,anD to feeDe tbem Uutti if. SCbe %ges of pigeons, Oitfc, peaeocfcs,anD Curfeics, be nil u^itc : the Cgges of M^ f er if otole be greenifl), ano pale : n)e (Minnie $ennc s Cggcs be like ttjc jpchennes in all things, fauingtbat tbcp be fpcife'.cD as the Cucbie 19 ens. SCfje pbeafnnts, ano tfjeftaftrils Gggcs, arereDDift). £Dbc dkggcs of all ifofoles (as Plmic faitt)) are of tin c olours,tobcr etii tb e Skater j* otolr s (D;ggcs,bauing a great Dealemoje polfcc tben toljite, ano that mc:c blacbettjen others. 2Tbc Gggcs of _f ifljes, are all of one colour, Waning no totnte in tbem. Sijc Gggcs of Biros are bp reafon of tbeir beafe,b?ifc tie : ann Serpents C-ggcs, bp reafon of tbeir coloncfie, tougb : if iftjes, bp meanes of tbeir mopffure, foft in lapfng, u)e rounD part of the Gggc commetb ft eft out, tfjc £>fy\\ being foft, ano pjefcntlp after barb : tofjat fojme foeuer tfjep &aue, ttje long are molt eommenDeD,as toftneffetf) tljcpocf. SCIje eggc in faujion frameo long, ano of tbem (as 35 faio before) fs bjougrjt faijtfj tbc Coche €tyomc ^ens Ooc lap berp great Cgges, ano fbofe in off times tost!) ttoo polkes, bailing the tljcll DeuioeD as it toere toifl) a circle, \o\iic\f botb Ariftotle tojiten), ano our erperienreapp:eouetb. &ome Doe lap Double, ano hatch Double: fomcare fofruitfull,ss tbep lap great numbers at once, fome cuerp Dap, fome ttoife a Dap : fome are fo fruitfull as tfjep bill El t*jen*> The fourth Booke, ftjemfclutfJ foft| lading 31ntlje mrtoeff of all <£gges, tfjerc Ipetlj as it mere, a Djoppc of blouo, toljtcb is fuppofeo to Lee tl;e beart of flje Biro, Vubicbbe tlje firif in all tljeboop frames : tlic boop if feifeis to;ougbtof tbctmjife: ttjefuftenanccis tbcpolue: ti)c !)ceo, k>i;ile it ism tbefbell, is bigger tijen all tbe boop, tlje rpestfjut bp moiefbcntbebcao. Wtlinlcfye Cljtchin incceafetb* tl)e toijite goctb to tJjc miorr, ano tbc polite compnffrtb rouno a> tout. SSI)* tUientut^ Dap (as 3 faio before) if pou fttrcetbe <£ggc>pou l^aUljcarc t|>c Cochin, from to&Ub time tbe feathers come fojtb, Iping fo, as tbe bcaDrettetf) upon fberigbt fajfeano tbc rigbttong rcucrctl? tlje bcab* &fyc aolc (fcggcsaretbougtjt to come of fye foaine lull ami freacing of tlje ^enncs fogetber : fome fuppofc tfytm to be b2ccoe of tfje toinbe, ano tijerrfo^e call tbem WLinot egges, as Anftotie fcefoie Hmw b^tb fetfittcn. <£gges ace pzcferueo in Minter, if pou feccpettjem inCbaflfe, £>rratoe, oi&caucs: ano in Rummer, if pou couer tbem totb B:a«ne j 02 SMlljeate. &ome Doe couer tbem bcfo:c in fine Oca ten &att, fo: t|)e fpace of fire bonrcs, anb after toaflj f bem ano la? tljf m in Cipaffe, ^tcatoe, 0? 15?anne. £)tbcrs againe couer tbem in 215 canes., ana feme in liSeane a oto:e > ano fome in Ij capes of fealt : but £>alt, as it falfcret!) not tbc dfcgges to corrupt, fo it greatlp biminiCbctbtlje fubffance of tbem. I^our l£en ^eufes muff be maoe in tfjaf pact of ttjc l^oufe, as ivetlj in tlje Minter totoarb t\)t rifing of t\)t Smnne, ano iopning as neere as map bee to fome l&ili, £>ucn 5 0? Cbiawcp, ojtotbe Ittifcgnn, fo as t\)t fmofcc map come amongff tbem : foi fmofce is bet p tefcolfeme fojtbisfeinscof jfotoe. 3no fbat mas (31 tyinkt) tbe caufetljat tbeolo people maoe cbcpfe in fycit quitrents of fmofee felines, as of tbe beff,as it appeared bp olo Hentallcs. let f be front of pour ^emte fyoufe ffano altoiprs towarDs tt)t CDeft,ano fo tbat Coaff let ttyc tco:e open. iLct tbe inner remus be toelt furmfijeo fcutb 5,ofts, ano iiacoers, anbfmatl QZainboiues opening Cat •« lnaro, at mb^l) pcur poulfric map fipoutm tlje moaning, an^ come into tbc Hcofi atmgbt. 3L©fee tbatycu mabctbemclofe at nigbf j ans let t^t Wn&otocs be ioell letfeifeo foj feare of tEler* mine. 31 ef wr nefls ano lcogings 3 bctbfo?!apihg ano bteobing, be c?bedp caff : ano againft eucrp neft ano rafting place, plate &eppc0 ano bo^es to comebp b?, mafemgtijcm as rougba* mas entreating of Poultrie. 154 map bee, tFjat flje primes map fafee gcoo ^olo fobcn«jep fipbp to tj)em,ano not bp tbeir oner fmcotbeneffe, bee fo?cco to fiutter, anD burt tbeir <£gges. Blttftall not be amtffe, ii poti parget tye boufe botb toitbin ano toitbout Inttl) gart pialffcr, foberebp net* tfjec C&eqcll, no: otber Ijuctfull Permute map enter in. 1£sj:> ttD jfUozcs are not fo: irotoleto ra>ff upon, toljicb almoft all fcinoe of lSirDs refufe, beefcufc of tlje f?art ttjat tbep rccctnc bp tbeir Dung, tob»cbif if cleaue to tbeir feefe, b?ceOetb tbe <£ouf. #n& tljerefoje to rcoffetopom pou muft maUetbempearebe*, \\)\)ic\) Columella tooulD, fljouio bemaoefouce-fquare : but it is better to fjaue tbem rouno, fo tf>at tbep be nottcowuDtbe fo; tbem to fafee bole bp. &ct tfje pearcbes reacb from onefioe of rbefoalltotbeotber, foaotbepffana from tbe JFla>?e a fate in befgbt, ana ttoo fate tri Dfftance one from ti>e otber : ano ttjus baue poti tfje fau)ion of pour J£enne ^oafe. %ty Court tutjerc tbep goe, mutt be cleane from Dung ano DurfinelTc, not ba* uing toatcr in if, fauing in one place, ano tbatmuft betoeue fap2e ano cleane : fo; if it bepuDDle, 0? Durtie, it bjeeDetb fas 3 fapD befo?ej tbe pippe. Co fceepe tbeir mater cleane, pott map baue fap?e Cartben 0? &tone raeffels, 0; ETrougbs of fooo, couereo on the foppe, in trjciubtcii, tberemuffbefeucrall boles, fo biggc, as tbe beao of tfje if otole map eafiuc enter : fo; if pou ftpuio not beepetbemtbus couereo, tbe poultrie tooulD intuit c?inlnug Defile ano popfon it toitij tbeir Dung. &fait meats muft be giuen tbcm bztimts in tbe morning fo? draping ab?oao 3 ano a little befoje nigbt, f bat t^ map come t^t timelier to tbeir reft. Stbofe f bat be in tyt Cope, mutt (as Columella faitb) b« feooc tb?ife in ttft cap : t\)t otbers mutt be fcfeD to an acquaint eo topce,tbat tbcp map come at tbe calling. SOje number muft bee foell mariico : fo? fyiv fane Deceiue tbeir feeeper. 25efioe> poa muft baue rouno aboutbp tbe foalleo 3 ga)0 plentieof Duft,tobcrc> in tbep map batbe ano p?opne tbcmfelues : fo? as tbe &toine De* iigbtetb to toalloii) in curt, fo oottj tbis kinnt to bathe and turn* bieintbc Dutt. ilno rfcis is (3 ftjmbe) almoft all tbat is to bo fato of pullein. Mellijs'evs, |0ea, but foeemuff beare fomcthing alfo foucbingtbe otber fo?ts of jfotole.tbataretupt about tbe boufe, iupicb peraouenture Chenobofcusraninftruct us of. ma Chen o- The fourth Booke, Chenoboscvs. 8no if poutotllneeDesbauc me, J toill not refute to fljcto pou fomcto!;atalfo of mp featbcrcDcattell. Mellissevs,3J p?ap pou Doe fo. Of Gccfc. Chenoboscvs. tfmongtf tf)C iFote'.e fljat toe fceepe a* bout our fpufec m the Connttn-, the feconD place of ngfjt is oue toffje Carfe ano tt>e Duclse, to^icljareof tbe number of ttjofe t^atttjepcall Amphibia, becaufetb'cp line as well bponUjelano, as tf>« mater. 3nD becaufe tfje bitptng of (Secfe require* no great labour, ft is a thing not tmmeete fo? tbe !£usbanoman, fo? ttjaf (ff bee Ijauc place commootous fo; it) it is Done toirbout anprijarges, an& peelDc t[) goo acuantagebotb toittj tbctrb?©oe ano fearers : fo? beftoetfje profit of tbeir Cggs } pou map timfe m tift fiece a at t\)t &p?ing, ano tfje fall of trje leafe pulltyettt. ^o?coucr, ttjcp are a oerpgcoD Oiflj fo? tbe Cable : pea, being mo:e toattbftill tfjcntfje £>ogges, tjjep gtuc warning tofjenrtjep flcepe. £no f bcrefo?e f bep lucre tottb tije Romanes fan in great bonour, bmu(t tfjep icttb tfjeic gaggling beto?apcD flje enemie, tfjaf otfjrrlutfe in tf)c nigbt time bao tafcen t£e STofone. PJinic to?ttetb of a <£»mfc tbat moulD neucr be from tbe ^tftlofopfjcr Lacydes.f^outcbopfe mutt be of tbofetbatbeoftbefairetrfcinDe: Varro lifcetb beff ftjc tufjife ones , tobii'b colour teas mott tttee* mco in ttft doe time, as appeared bv t\)t p?cfenfs tbat toere gi# nen: tbe fame Varro account etb tbe grap fo? a tiuloe hinoe.Cbcp are fecpf in *parfljcs, ifennes, &afees,anD i33(D?tu) Commons : fo? to Come grounD^eODoines, ano |3atturcs,it is a berpburf* full fo\»\c : u> bitctfj iubatfoencr poung &p?tng rtje map reacb, ano robat u)c oncebatb btftfn 3 Dotb neucr Iigbflpp?cfperagaine: befites,ujeffencberb t!;e grounDtiHtb ber bnp?ofitabIe,o?ratbcj mod burtfull Dunging : hsfyttcffm (as 3 faio) it is bctttofceepe t^emin frmncs. Lakes, ano cparfljes. Hfpcubauettozeofuufj ground, pouflMUDoe toelltofceepefbem: fo? pon cannot toell tutpctbem UntboutgroD tto?e of loafer ano paffure. SCbe ®fc-rcomeframeD infucb o:0cr,as encrp CDcofe map fjaue a place to bcr fcifc : tobicb, if anp man tbinfee too troublesome, |jc map maac one fum'cient tofoc rcomc to ferus tycm all. %\)t places foljcrc tbep (ball lap, muff be o:ic, auD foellffcatoeo im'tb Oram, 0? fuclj foft matter, ano iueil Defences from Uermt'ne. &\)c <5cotc mutt not befuffereo to lap out of ber neft, butfobeupou (ball perceiuefbep feeae it, pou muff grope r l) em , ano tf ttje p be Untf? <£gge> tojucb pou u)ail eafiltc feclc, tl;ett ibuf tljcm tjp m tljeir nrlfo roljici) pou u)aUnotnceOetoooea^> boue onec,o? ttoife : fo? fobere u)e barb onee lapD,u)e irnil altoaies of bet felfe fceaefo be -SDbepfofll lap (as fomebolo opinion) tbtffe in tl;c parcjif tbcp be not fuffereD to fit, as it in belt pou Doe not: fo.j tbeir £gges are better to be batcfjeD bnoer a !£enne, then of tbemfelucs, ano toill better a great Deale p:ofper« SCbe C-ggcs of (Pafejano fctoanncs, lucre rjfcO (as Alianus foifnetTetb) as a moft oaintie dm) at Bankets, among the Rings ano p.:inces of tfjeSlnOfes. Ariftotleafftrmetb, tljaf tbc^aifcalmatesbfctbto fit, ano neuer tbc CSanocr, con tear ic to tlje ojocr of manp otljer if ofoles, continuing altoaies till u)e baue batdicD. after tbc laff laping, pouu)all fuffer tbem to fit, ano marts e enerp ones egges tottb a feuerall marfee, tyattyty map be fet bnoetttjeirovnne G5cofe,foj it is tbougbt tbep ioill neuer batcba fftangcrs Cggcs? loitbout u)k baue ber oUme fenDer ber, £>f C5cok (Eggcs, as of Pcbennes C2ggcs, pou ujall (as 31 faio before ) neuer fctbnoer a %enne aboue fiuc,no; bnoee tbjee : but fcnDcr tbc Ctafe pou (ball fet at tbe leaf* feauen, ano at t be molt fiff ane. P>ou muff feeepe to lap bnoer pour CEgges, tbe rotes of fettles, tobiebfb^P fapp?c ftruetb t^zm againft tbe flinging of $effles,lm)feb ofbertoife manp times feillctb t\)z <0o$ling,if tbepffing tyzm* %fyz (fcggcs tofll not beebafebeotftbe toeatber be coloe? before rtje fbietietb cap, if it betoatmc, in letter time : botobeit fo? tbe moft part, t^z ©ogling isbafcbeD t^z t\)ixtizt^ Oap after t^z fitting, £>omc Doe bfc to fet b^ tfyz netts HBarlep (ecepeo in tiaater , 0: q?aulf, loberebp t^z Ctofe u)all not be fo.jceo to be anp iw)iic abfent from m 3 bcr ThefourthBooke, Ik r <£ggcs. Wityn pour Ctylmgs are come fca^ffj, pou ujall fo? tlje firft ten oapes faeoe tt;*m toitt) tt>e Cmfe in tlje neff. £fter* iuaros,lulKn tjjc foeatljer is faire 3 rou mapfufferrtjemto goe a* l?oaB, taking gaju tjeeoc tfjat tljep be not IfingcD toit!) J^cttietfj no? tijat pou let tljem goe an ljungreD into tlje paftures : but to gtue tijem after tiyzv goe ab?oao tf)c leaucs of C"nDt«e 5 o? Hettufe e^jopt, to apoage tijeicijtmger ; fo? tf pou put ttjeman fcungreD into iijeSelD, tfjep (frame ana b?eafee tfjeir etome necks, totty puiiirsgatttjetougijano fhtbbc;netotfDcs, bprca{onoftl;tfuc* Den ftar ring baefce agatne of tlje Vueeae, SDtje C5c0ngs of Diners b?©;Ksmi;u; not goe together? no? be u)ut top tcgct5tr 3 fo? ^ur* Fatdngof ting one another. 3©ll)cn ttjep befoure^onttljsolD, o?fcmr* Qccfc. tutjaf btfc?e, is feeft tune fo? fatting tljem : t&e pcunge ft are tw* \m% ano rafcitctt fattcD, 3>f pou giue ttjem grotme i$)ault> anD ^i;eate flofo?e , pou nceoe gtue tt)em noting elfe , fo pou let tijem fjaue D?tnke enough, anD feeepe ttjim from going ab?oaD.. %$z <&i&b$$ Dio tofe to put f o f&o parts of grotmo $pautt 3 fcurc parts of515?an,temp?fng if iuitl) toate reletting tl;em D?inhett)?ife a oap, ano at micnigfjt. 3Jf pen tooulo Ijaue ttjirtr Litters foftano tenDer, pou u)alt mingle o?p #igs, tnell beaten \$iti> mater, anD making pellets thereof, cram tijem lust!) it fo? the fpace of feauen* fane o? tmentie Dates. &r)e 3fetues at t&is Dap, being tjje f fcilfuk icftfeeDrrs f&at be. Doe tofea If range o?Der in tlje fatting of ttjem, trapping tjje ®ofe in a JLinnen flp?on, t!)cp fjang Ijcr top in a Darke place,ftopplng fcer eares tojitfj peafon,o? fome otyer ttjing, tljat bp neither £earing,no? feeing ofanp tljing, &)# be not fojceo to ffruggle, no? ccp : after f£iep giue Ijer pellets of grounD ^alt, o? Bar,lepifrcpeD in mater, tbife a sap, fetfing bp tijcmtoatec anDgraue4i,bptm)ici) manner offering tiiepmafce tfcem fo fatte, as tlje &iuer manp times eommefl) fo be fiue pcunD in toaigtjf, ©caijilff 3 toas at tlje Counceilof Wormcs,tl)erc teas a Jliuer of a CStofe b?ougtjf me b)> a 3?eiy,tt)at iuaigljeofoure pounD. Plinie is atfo a toitmtte of tl;e greatneffe of tlje iiuers of fat ©eefe,amr* miwg, tfjat tljcp feiil grolu after fljr p be out of tt)e boDpesicing fp?incftltD iuitlj mt'lfce. %\>e common o?c*r of fatting iuif i) our Countrep people, is to G)utfct&ein top in a Darfee, anD a nairoto plate, anD fo fetbefo?e tijem Barlep, o? Beecl) to^eat e, giuing, tfjem Mw 3 Uittljatutlefano, o?graucUm tbcic Strokes : an9 entreating of Poultrie. 1 5 £ anD tuttfj tfjis ojoer f&ep ijmic tfjem fat fn foureteene Dapes.0ftet fcarttcft, tbep wtilbe fat Uutfjtfje d%ctten,o.: &tubble.SDlKP are piucbeD (ass 3} fato before) tUnfeintijepare,- in t|?e £>p?tng, ana in tlje fall of tli c icafc, fecntc fcfc to cltppetljcm, but t^en tijetu feathers ncttcr groin foiucli : butif poupulltIjcm ? poH ftjail Ijaue tjtem to come Mttic faw againe : ano tljts 10 cnougt) fo; a (^eofe. &>ucks ano Scales are to be ojDcreD in like manner almoft as Ducks. t!)e fe 3 fattutg t&at ttjep Dcltgfjt moje in toatcrs anD £psrtfljes; ana tljcrcfoze pou mult foicc fome Platers, takes, 9; pojJcs, fo; tycm 3 foijereunco tfjep ma? eaOip goeano ftoimmc, ano cme at ttjeir pleafure. Columella fooulD Ijaue psu Ijaue a Court foj tlje nonce fo; tfjem, tofjere no Cattell fcfe,ano n«*re to ffte fcoufe, rouHO about tlje teinc*> pou tyall buiio fo: trjein little fjauofome It comes, tijjdc note fquare, toitfj pjettte D©:es to euerp one of ihem : foijic& Hubert they bjceoe, pou fljall tope (ftutte.^aw bp, pow mud baue either fomepono, 0; Uinee, iufjercut (as 3 fato) tfjepmapfftumme: foiUuttjauftljeljclpe of tlje teatcrtljep can as euill lute, as toif&ouf tl;e lanD. 3t is goo alfo to tjanenarc tnto tftcm, fome gcoD failure, ejSpeDDoto, oho fet about the Ponos 0; Hiuers, fuel) li^carbs as trjcp beft lifee? as Clauer 3 if enegr<e 3 (£nDiue,iletrufe,anD fucfj other as tljep moft otli^ht in, ano Uirjercit*itf) trjeir poung Doe tuell face : befi&c, pou muft $m them £Dtes, loarlep, ano otfjcr Co;ne mfoafer* Carets nothing frjat tij?p mo?elouetijen 3comes,no; ttjat better fattztfy tytm. Stic? ccUgJjt foonocrfullp to bee amongft HetDes ana l&cDgeSiluijcrcm rtjcp map Ipe fafe from rauenons biros, but fo 3 as there groin no great ttalbcD iuaocs, tljat ma? t)tnoer tljeir ftoimming : fez tiicy eeligbt greatlp to plap tljemfelues in tlje toatcr , and to Seine i»t)j can ftoimme fatten, luljcn tlje tueattjer is fee ano tuarnte : fo: as rfjcp toue fuel) places fo&cre f l;ep map be® p?ap tpon the creatures of tlje fctatcr, fo are tljcp mucfj of# fenocD if tyep be reffrapneD of tljeir libertie in ffotmming* 3n tftttnter, fotjcntfje toaters be frojen,pou mutt pip tyemfome* times hurt) meate* SOjep Deligbt to mafcc tljeir netts in feme fe* cret Coueef, but therein pou muttp:euent ttym, anD make tbct'r netts in trjetc otoite looging, o:ab:oao, luell coueeeonno clofco foitJj Vetoes : to foljiclwcfl: pou muff fjaue fome Utile (luce, 0? gutter a bp toljicl) pou map euerp Dap pottle in toateranomeate* U 4 SDljeic The fourth Booke, SCfftit f©oe muff be fas 3 faid) gDfes, 25arlet>,peafe, panicle, fillet, and &>perie, ifpoufjaueanptfo:e. SLtjcp lap great ftoje of Cggcs, wi)erctottt),as toift) Ctofe Cgges 3 pou map teell fade pour familie. £i>e e'gge s of Ducks ana Cafe, arc kept m lihe fo:f as 3 told pou of l£ennes (Sggcs : and befide, in Ifoanne, tCirjeatc, o? 0u^cs. Stjer bjaoe in ftje fame fcafon tfjat Cafe, ano orrjer jfotole do,about ^arcb f ^pjtU.^nD tt)erefo?e totjerc pou feape trjem,poumuff ffrawe fficfecs ano ffrafoes ft: tl;cm to make their nets mitfjall. SEfjcir Cgges mutt be fuffered to be fcafcfjea bp tljemfclues,o£ clfercmoued andfet tm&er fome !£en: fo: tije Ducklings that cfjc l^enne tjatcfjctfj, are f tjoug&t to bee gentler anD tamer* i^ou muff false goo Ijate, tfjat t^e Cggcs lu'jicn tbet? lap. be not eaten ano fpopled bp Crowes ano ppes, htfjtle tlje Damme is fabtng abzoao fo: mtatt. 3f fo be pou rjaue Kilters ano Hakes fo; tlje purpofe, it is beft to let the Damme s tying fycm bp : fo? wrjen tycy be IjafcljeO, trjep will Ituefeer? well c-pon the wafer toitlj tr>etr Dams, without anp charge at ail : onelp fake gcoD fjadc, that the? be defended from Bujaros, iaif cs, Crowes, and ether like elermine : bat fo pou tfe trjem, as tl)t\] mill euerp nigfjt come home to the botifc : fo: it is not g©D to let them be ab:oao in tlje mgl;t,fo: Danger of loiing tljem, ano making tbcm wiloc. l&ef fcatlj it bane fane, tfjatfuctj as Ijaue hatched ab:oao, Ijaue afterwards come home, ano b:ougljt with them a great number at trjete taplcs.CClhen 31 mas ambafc faoour in Cngland, it was fold me bpmenofgeoDcreOife, tfjat tfjere mas in s>cotlano narc f tlje 3>ea certaine f rees,tfjat pare* ip b:owgbt tojtf) a fruit, t&at falling info fl;e &ea,bccamea bind* of wiloe Ducks, ojratljer 33arnaclcs, wfjicfj ttjonglj it famed ffrange f me, vet founo 3} AriftorJe a iuitneffe of tlje likt, wfjo iujttetrj, ttjat tljcKtucc Hypaotn in Scyrhia,b;nngeff)fojrrj frees, mrjofe leaucs being fomewjjat larger tfjen $aplc leaues, wfjew of commctfj a fctnoe of foure farted Bp:ocs. Peacocks. 15ut now fo peacocks, tobicfj Biros,betng mo?e fo? pleafurg trjen profit, are mater to be feepf of i^oblc-men, ftjenof p©?e ^usbancs of tfjc Countrep, tfjougb varro tozitcfb, tfjat M. Au- ffdms Lurco, toljo fiift began tlje fatting of ftjis irotule, maoo parelp of rjfs ^eacochs foure ^uno;eo pound , m^ofeerample numbers following, t Ijc p; t ce of peacock greipfo be great, fo mutl> entreating of Poultrie. 157 muclj, a0 f&efr Cfcgges toere folD foj fjalfe a crotene a pace, tfje peacocfes tbemfclues, at foure gobies a peece.&b* aefl) 10 &erp gtDD nno Delicate, meete fo; $oble-mcns Cables, anD Unil be long fcepttoitbout corrupting, tbe <£gge*alfo be toerp plcafant, anD go>D to be eaten. Horteniius ti;cpfap,toas t&efirft tbateuer feillco peacocfee fo: tbe Cable in Home , as a ncto Dtuj at tlje perils featt* SEo tbis Bpjo , is afcribeo botb bnDcrffanDing, ano glorp : for being pjaifeD, be fete op ftraigbf bts taile, ano (us PJinic eloquentlp Defcribesitjcbiefelpagainu; tb*&unne,fof)ece< bptbcbeautiemapmo:ebe feene. 1$is Uilz falling euerp pcere imtb tbefall of tlje leafe, be mournetfj , ano creepetb in corners till bis taile be fp:ong againc. SCfjep goe abroad as ^ennes ano Cbichins boe Imtbout a keeper, ano gzt fljeir ofone linings, tbep be bell fcept in little 3lanDs : fo? tbep flie neptber &ie , no? farce off. feome tbinhe it to beafpitefult ano znuious Biro , as the dSoofe to be tbamefatt , ano tbat be deuouretb bis ofowe Dung, becaufebe toculD baueno manreceiue benefit bp fyim. ^e liuetb (as AriftotlcfaitbJ fiueanD ttoenfiepeeres : be b:eeoetb attbree peercs olD, tbe Cocfte fjautng ^is feathers Diuers coloureD : be gatctjctl) in ttyttit oaies, as tyz Ctafe Dot!), ano lapetl) tfyk time* ma peerc, if tbe Gfcggesbp tafeenatoap , ano fet tonoer a^enne. i^oumuftUoHefbattbofe tfatvou fet bnoer a l$znnz , be neto taio, ano t&at tl\z ^enne from tyz firff of tbe S^ame, be fet bpon ninz (£ggcs>fiue of t^z peacoebs, ano foure of ber oiwte. %\yz Unify Dap after me barb fit, take afoap tlje Serines (£gges, ano put tjnoer tlje like number of freu) l^enncs (fcgges. SCbepmuff be turned, ano therefore marneD bpon onefioe* 0nofee that pou eb&fe t^z greatcft ^enne , for if tbe ^emte be little , pou mutt take t^z letter number of d£gge*,as fb.zee peahens (£gges, ano8rc^enne(Bgges. Wen f bep be batcbeo , pou muftas pou Doe toftb tbe 1$mnz » let ti)tm alone : t^z firtt Dap after? toaros bring tbetn out,ano put tb?m Uririj fl;e Damme info a pen, ano fee&c tbemattbefica fottb liSarlep flotme, fpriualeD iuitb hiafer, 0: pappc matie of anp otljcr Co^ue, ano c©!eD. SL fern Daicsafter 3 gtae t\)tm befioe tbis,cboppeD Heefces,anD Ccuds, 0; freuj Cbeefe,tbe Wltyy well Uuongout : to% 3®bepis (bought to be tjerp fjurtfull fo? t^e (ttytbins. after tb*p be a monef^ olD; pou map let fytm goe in m Uz\d 3 ano follow tlje ^enne> tping Dikafo. The fourth Booke, fpmg f&e l^eime foifb along line 3 tbat % goe not ta fat ab?oa& 3 but tijat t!;e vXIncam ma? come bome m tunc, #fter tbe fi rt monetf), pou map giue tbemBarUp,anD Bjcao : anD after tbe temmtfy monetb, you map put tycm to rculi in tbe baufe toufj tbe efber, notfuffermg turn to fit teen the grotnD, but bpon perches fc? tahmgof colD, 0nD altbougb Un)cn tl?ep tears great 3 ttjcp cljisfeip Deligbt to fit bpon tf>c topped of boufed, anD bead tbe (Safe id, Imjictj are tbe belt toatebmen, ana nlfo tljeeeE teaming gmerd in tfjenigbt time : ?ettd it bed fo? pou to bfc trjemts fubpen pmtjcs.mtioufcs made purpofelp fo? tlitm, Columella thtnUc0 tt notgeoo to fuffer funDjplpennrdteitbfbtfr CbtcUind-fo r«o cogetbcr 3 becaufe t£e i^ennc after u> feetba big* Jer tben bee ofomejmafcetb tfce leffe account of bcr ofon Cbicbm*, anD manp times bp tbat occasion fojfafcetb fyem. 23 be Coche,bp tYjt great IpC ttjaf bebatbtotreaD, b?eafeed a funDer n)e Cgged tbat be tmoer tbe i^enne , anD tfjerefo2c it in belt to fjaue t\jt l$mm& to fit as fccrerlr as map bc.rbep alfo tjfe to beat anD cbafe t^etr otunc Cl)tcbin0,fiil tbep fee ttjem ereffeDbpon ffje ljeaD 3 tafeing tfyem tflltben,fo be none of tbeir otone* £>nc Cocke fufficetb fo? fine penned, tobo bp fa oft freaDing, ootb manp timed caufe tljat u)e Cgges neuec come f o gas. 3n foarme rouw tciestfbep begin to treao in Jf eb?uarp, toben (tttino; bp bid tail* rouno about &im,tafcmg bimfelfe fo; no fmall perfen,bc beginnefb totoee 3 aaD tberefoje at tbtd tunc borfclbe Cocfee anD tfje Ipenne are to be cberiu)eD &ttb meatedfo? tbe purpofe to increafe tbeir luff 3 ae Beaned totteo a little bp tlje ftre 3 anD giuen f bem toarme euerpftue Dated in tbe morning. sni;c qnacrclloud anD trouble- fomeCotfecs, matt be fcuercD from tbeir feHotoed, to? hutting tbe toeafeer, anD feaping others from treating. SCbe penned muft be kept fo, ad tbep map lap onelp in tbeir boufcd,anD eucrp Dap gropeDfozbce G-gged 3 ano tjocDclp Icokco to, toirhfoft UraUJ laiDbnDer tbeir percbed : fo: manp timed tbep lap as tbep fit open tbe perct). SSbeDifeafedoftbid jfoule, anD tbe eemeDied, are almoft one toity tyt Difeafed of tbe boufe-Ccche anD tbe j^ennefpofcen of bttott&at id 3 tbepippe 3 anDill Digiffion.S£beir -.great eft Danger w toben tbeir Coamed come firtr out, fo? t^eti ■atB tbep patneD 3 ad eijile?en are in tyxnins of f&fb* M£ L LIS* entreating of Poultrie. 158 M e l l 1 s s e v s.3 tooula fame learnc tye rtgljt ojdring of Turkie tfjeir outlanoity IBtroSjCalled (25mnp-Cocks,ana 2Curhp-Cocks Cocke*. Chenoboscvs. SEfjis mnde of poultrie toec jjaue wot long Ijaa amougff bs : foj before tlje peerc of our !Lo#r 1 53o.t^cp lucre not fa?ie tafflj bs,uoj 3 bclaac fenolunc to tlje olo tojitcrs. &ome fjaue fuppofea tljcm to be a ftinde of tlje Biros, tailed in tlje old time Meleagrides , becaufc of tljeir bleto* flljCoames : but tfjrfe feinacs fjaue no Coames^butonelptoaf* tci0. ^Dt^ers agalne reckon tfjem to; a uinae of peacocks, be* raufc tljep doe m treading time after tlje fame fojt, fpjcaa and fct bpttjeir tailes, bjagging ana banting ttjcmfelucs : Ijobibeit tlicp neptyer referable tljcfc in all points. 3i5ut becaufe tljis feinSe of i?o\»lc, borfj fo; tfjeirrareneffe, and alfo tlje greats neffe of tljeir boaic, tart tljis dap feeptm great floche^ it fijall not be ninety amiffe to fpeake oft^rm : foj in dainfmeffe ana grajdneffe of meate, t^e primes map compare U>tt^ rpttjer tlje (2>a>fe,o.: tlje pcaljcn, and tljeCocfcrfatrcercell t£cm. SCljeec* lour of tljeir feathers, ts fo? ttye moll part ta^fte, blache,ojpiea intjite and bacfee , fome blefo and blacfce. SCbetr fsefe are Jihc bntoftyepcaeocKcs, tljeir taile8jo?t a but fpjeaa , and bojne bp after tfje |3eacoclies guife, fpfclall? iu^cntfjep tread. HCije Jjcaas and tfje nscfcrs of tljem , are naUcd Untfjout feathers, couered tmt&alxnmc&lea fBtunc, in manner of a Coiulc, 0% al^ooae, tufjicfj fjangtng oner tljeir bllles, tlje a.iafo bp, o? let fall atf&eir pleafures. Ctje Cocke ijatfc ttje greater toattels bnder |ts cljui;ie 7 ana on Ijis bitft a tuff of tjaire. SClje colour of tfjat tojincfc* led ftmwc about Ins fceaa ( fofjiclj Ijangetlj ouer tys bill , and a* bout Ijis nrehe^aH fuelling as it foereimtf) little blathers ) Ijc ctyangetn from time to time li&e the Cams-lion , to all colours of tfje Mneboto, fometimestoljite^omefimesredjfomerimes biefojonictimcs pelloftj, foijicij colours cuer altering, tlje IBtrd appeared &*it mere a miracle of Mature. S^fje dieting ana See* ping of tijem.; is almoft all one toitij tlje peacorne , fauing tljat tljis Bira can Uio$fe ataaptoity cola ana toet. 3t is a liai'ra tooa* dcrftill^ giucn to bjecaiug? euer^ CocSse muff as tlje peacoctte, Ijaue fsure 0? Sue ^cnnestoitl) l)im ; tt)ty are mo^e foibwro in b?ceoing tfjen tlje peacochc, beginning cptljertljc ftrftp«re 3 s% att^e fartljeft at ttoo ueere old ; tljep beginne to 'lap in The fourth Bookc, £0&vty, o: famcr. 31 n l)ot Countries tfjep lap great number* of Ggges, tf ttjcrbc continuallp taken from trjem j ano frt tmocr 3£enncs 3 ano tf fo be pou take tfjem not afoap 3 tbep begin to fit at tlje firft : fo; ttjes be of all others meff giur n to fitting, ano fo much, tbat if pou take atoap all tljcie Cgs 3 t£ep hull fit upon a Hone, o;manpttmcs tfjc bate #eff. pou muff tfcerefo:e rtv ftraine tbcm of ttjis D£fire 3 eitbcc trotting a featber though rtjef r nofe (as % told pou before) o; bp letting their bellies toitb coio toater. i^ou muff fet bnoer tbeir Ggges as (3 faugbt pou be* fo;e) in the peacocke : fo: tljep fyauc botfj onetime of batching. Sbc keeper muff marbe tijeone fioe of tfjc Ggges, ano altoaie* furne tbem 3 fp;inekling them notu ano tym gcntlpiuitb fair e fcoa# t er, ano take bceo tyc Cocke come not at tt>tm 3 fo? lie Ml bieake them as toell as the peacocke : fo; the Cocke of tyi* kinoe 3 is a frotoarD ano mifdjteuous Soiro. SErje dtytbms being batcbcO tmoer a ^enne 3 map be kept toity tbe ^ennes Cbickens, o; elfe terp foell alone luifb the IBcnnc, grotoingfaffcr a great Deale then the peacbicke. pou fljall feeo f rjem in like fo;f as pou Doc the peacocke, o: other poultrie : fo; fyvg itull eateanp thing, ano ocligljt in (H5:aiTe 3 taecocs , Gtaucll, ano s>anb. 0no be* caufe tbcp cannot afoap toify colo, no; toet, pou muff keepe them in Minter 3 in tl;c feiarmcff ano o;icff places pou l;auc» £be pearcbes fobereon tl;ep tfe to fit, muft not be* Insb > but an epgbto;tenne foot from the grouno, ncitber be tbepable to flie anp great height, ano therefo:c muff be nolpcn imtb £atbers 3 o: fteppes. De greateff oifeafe tfjat thep are fubiect bnto,iB the pt'ppc , ano the s>qurcfcc 3 fobicb muff be bolpen in like fo;f as t be ^ennes , ano tjje Ggges ktpt after the fame manner. 3 n fome places thep bfe to make Capons of ttjtm foben tbep be poung, toljicb are ferueo as a oaintie oiflj to f be Cable, as teas T , mucb bfco in tbe boufe of tbat gooip ano terfuous Semproma, hJZ, a J be &aote Hales of Kent , fobo toas firff t^t foife of £>ir War er mirronr Mauntill , of Northamptonfhire, a fooman in &>bom all bertues ofGemic- ano bounties in ber lifetime flo;iibeo* women. mellissevs. 3 toell remember tbat £aop, ano baue ijearoher blgb'P rommenoco of fuch as in bee lifetime beff kneio tj er,f 1 a number of gracious ano gooip gifts tbat teeee in ber 3 as ber fpeciall loue ano oeligbt in Ood 3 ano in bts fcruice, her iielpeo foil entreating of Poultrie. 1 50 full f>an8 anD comfort to fuel; as mere p©?e,anD Diffre fTeD 3 as tocll in relicuing tljem Uittf) meate ano monep, ns tottf) pealing oifr eafc 0, ano curing a number of loatljfoHie , ano almoft incurable tolcers,an0 U)QunO0,tjer miloe ano ftoeete oifpofition , fjcr great tjumtlitie ano carelcfncffe of tfje tonne ioo?lo, anD otl)cr fuel) feer* tue0,3 toouto to £&?ift tfcat ail otljcr <0rntleU>omcn,tbat p?o* feffe Clj.nft outuueolp toerc as iuell giuen to follow t)im in OceD, as u)e Uiac tonfamcoip. Ciienoboscvs. &&e i»a0 a feerp ^tnix ano pat ragon of all tbe ©entleiuomen tljat euer 31 Knew 3 neptbee am 3 fure 31 u)all euer fee ttje like: but u)ee bappiip reftctfj Until Ijim, unjoin in ijer life time u)e fo earneftlp ferueo. 3f pou be nctwearp, 3 iutll rcturncfo mp Jfotole, ano u)efo pouf|e belt ozoerfo: beeping ano maintaining of pigeons. Pula.ijvs. 3j tbinfee botlj M e l l e s s e v s , ano p 1 s c 1 n a r 1 v s rooulo glaolpljeare pou tell 00 fometfjing of t&i0, a« J mp felfe moft toillinglp alfo tooulo. Chenoboscvs. SCljOugb pou Pvllarivs are better able to fpcafee tjcreof tyen 3 am , pet becaufc of mp pjofeHion , 3! will not refufe fo taU it topon met, Mljatfoeucr ije be,tljat giues Inmfelfe to tfje traoe of ^ufbanc.?p,ft beboouetfj fpcciallp to fjauea care fo? b?ceOing of pigeons, a0 well fo? Pigeon*, tlje great commoottic tljcp pcelo to tjje ftifclnn, as fo? tfje profit ano petrel? reuenctoe tljat tyty pcelo ( if tljere be gooo ffo?e of Co:neficlO0 ) in tbe<$arfcct. Varro Umtet^ttjatin l)i0 time apap?eofpgcon0 toercfolofo? icoo. H.s. flnotbat Lucius Axius, a Jimigbt of Home , before tfje ciuilltoarre0 betUrirf Cge- far ano Pompey , folo bis J0igeon0 at tenne pouno tbe pap?c:fo mucti was ttjat time giuen to toantonneffej ano glutfcnp , j>ta, at tins Dap in our time , batl) beene feenc giuen fo? a pap?e of pigeons tenne pouno if iemifl). ano tl;crefo?c ffjc SDoucfjou* fc0 arc common!p built Witt* great cofl; , ana beautic , in tfje toppe0 of turrets ana Routes y from licence by narrow gratco iuinOoUus tfjep flte ab?oao to tfjctr fecoing. pgcons f if ttje countrep be fo? tljcm ) are feD ano maintaineD tritb little cott, feeoing tbemfelues all tlje peere long Witt) fucb mcate as tycv finoe ab?oao , ercept at fuc!) time as t&e grouno is couercD toitlj S»noiu, wljen an pou mutt of necc flfmc tjelpe tfjem xuitij a little m*ate t The fourth Booke, meat. Ctyttt is ffoo fo;ts of tfcem , one toiloe fcinoc , tbaf is toougtjt op in SDouc-ijoufcSjano of colour, cvtrjcr blcimty, iutjite, fpcchlcD, o; Dunne : fcotobcit , rtjeioljfte is not goo to be fecpt, be caufe tfjep be famett ceflropeo foittj octmlne. 3n 3talv. ttjere are of f tjis fo:t, as bigge again e as ours : ano are ncto common in i^launocrs. flnotljer fo:tis moje familiar ano tame, atio fame* filing mo:e large of boDie, truth rougfj fete, ano commonly of co* lour tofjite,am> fometimefpcchleD ano pellefoiflj : this feinoe :js commonlp kept in Cities ano SDotones 3 tuyere tlje others can* not be hrptauDis feDtoittjmeatatijome,f bcnufc tHrpare euer in oanger of oermine, ano raucning Bircs , ttjcpare ftill kept: lutthm oor.cs, ano alinate s fcD at ijcme. IDtjis femce tlje com* mon people call tame pigeons, 02 monetfj pigeons, becaufe tljep bjceDc cuervmonettj , fane in ftjeDeao of W&mttt. 33otlj rjjefc foatts are monoerous fruitfully booing commonlp eigtjt times a rare ( if t\)t htnoe be gcoD) pea fometimes tenne, am> eleuen times : fo* in CDgppt (as Ariftotlc felletlj) ttjeptyaoe all tlje mintet long. Bno ttjougb l^enncs are m 02 e fruit full in laving of Cgges, pet pigeons are moic profitable by often bringing fo:rt) poung : ano tfjerefojepou mutt p2outoevoufuctj b:eeoers 9 tobofc bocies be great ano faire , not fm olo , no: to voting, of a gaiD am) perfect colour, ano a fruit full fcinoe. 3t be* ijcDuctrj tjim tfjat toill begin a 2Doue-l)0ufe,not to begin Vuirfj ttjc voting ano little ones, but initrj tlje fcecoers, ano fobup fo ma* up Cocfecs, as fje oorfj feennes, ano tofeeepe tljem if Ijecar^ mafefjeo together of one ijUfftfoj if tljepbefomatc^eo , tljep Uuil bjceDe a great oeale better, Sfjcp b;ing fojtfj commonlp a Cocke ano a l^enne together ( as Ariftotk torrefy ) ano our m perience fljetoet^ it Bin S£arcfj tljep begin to b;eeoe 3 if tlje foea* tfjer be foarme,befo2e. SCtjere is no 25trt> fruitfuller ttjentlje pigeon, ano in fo:tie oaiesuje concciuetfj, laretfj , ano (itfetlj, ano brings op, ano tljat fo? tlje meff part all tlje pcere, ercept (a* 3 tjauefaio befo:e) in Winter, &lje lapettj tfoo Cgges 3 ano iol)cnmec!)atblapeotl)cfirft 3 h)b^ is a€ocBe,tljeneri u)e lapetlj, h)I)iflj (sal^cnne, tljetbironeucrligljtlp eotnmetljfo gcrt, Botlj tlje Kinoes Doealiuaiesfif, tljeCoefee in tlje Dav^tljs ^enne in tlje nigbr, tfjey. Ijafclj in tmentiecaics , tfjeplap afret Jue f reaoings, 3n Rummer tlje? fojn««mes bjing fo?tlj inttoo munet^e: entreating of Poultrie. 1 6 o monefbs tfyk pairc : ifo: tipon tlje nintt&nty oap tyw fjafcf), am p:efcntip concetue againe. lino tljerefoze pou u)all often fime among tfje pong pigeons, <£ggcs fomc rea&ie to ljatc[j,ano fame flinnj : tf ttjerc be no Cocbcs, t&c^cnncs Hull treao one another, but tlje Cg-gco neuer come to ga)D , but ace turncc (Sgges { Andotlcano Thcodotuj cailctl) tljem Uiater GSgges, fcrfjereof tljcrc neuer comment anptlnng,anD bccaufctljc pouug ones Iniil b;ceoe at fine monctfj* olo, toefuffcc ttjc ftttt flight to flic, to tnereafe tlje b:ceDe : a0 being IjattfjcD in tparclj, tetil biixm agatne in Bn^o; a»guft. ffiliefc tlj.it luc meaneto fake foj tl;e ttttcljm, oz tlje Q&arBcf, arc belt to be oiaumc at tlje laf«» U r time of tlje pecre,tofjen tfjep are toojft able to Detenu tljcm* fclues fcomtfie coUmiid from 25n^arDs,ant» CroUus : tfyc bid fo: b:©o among all if otoles, is tlje ^aref) bjtosc. 2Sljep ttjat meane to fat pigeons to fell tljem tlje ocarer , Doe fetter tljcm fctjjen tljep be netolp feat&erco , ana feeoe tljcm iuttl; ctjatueD iM^tte H5*cao tlotfea oap in £Cunfcr,ano tljnfe in Rummer: ana fuct) as be noto Ijaro peno,tljepleaue m tlje jjicft, plucking tlje feathers of tljetr toings,ano b: casing tljeir legs,tfcat t^cp remoue not from tljeir placcs,giuing tbeoatnmcs gooo plenfp of meafe, f^3f tfjep nnp better fee&etfjemfelues, ano tfjetr poung- £>ome ( as Geliius Uuitctlj ) boe foftlp tpe ttjctr legs, fo?tf tjjcplljeul& bjeahe tycm, ttjep tijinnc fl;c paiuc Uioulo feeepe tljcm from fat* ting : but ftjis tying cotij little gooD, foj tootle tljep ftruggle to jet tljcmfclucs ioofe, tlje labour Unit necpe tljcm from being rat : but ttjeir legs bcin$ b;ohen, tlje paine Ml not remaine a* bonctU)3 0atcCjpitl?:cf attlje btterinott,miDini!l Kcepe tljcm ttjat cIjce ujili neuer uxap from tljeir places, feome fefe onelp to pinion tljem,but fo fal tljep manp times ouf,ano become a p?ep to Spermine : ant) tfjcrcfoie it is goo5 to bjing.tljcm to tlje &itciim, befoje tljep be full ripe. Etjs tmfruttfullanD naugljttc coloureo, anotljcGtijertotfcfaultic, ougljtcljicfclpto befatteD 3 anamu{rbe crammeo in fuctjfoit, as voucramme Capons, Douc-Ijoufes, o: places fo; pigeons, to butlDc iih are made after Diueis mati- nees : fai tlje tame pigeons, ana fuel) as ar* feo at Ijcmc, fyw maae in the Ijtgljeir parts of t&eir l^oufes l^ing fotoaro fjje :5>ou# , eertatne ^olloiu Uoomes, anO Cclles fo: tljem, fuc^ as Pvllauvs Jjatlj oefcribcD of i;t» pullein : ano if- The fourth Booke, Replace doc not To ferue^tumg in cerfaine Qinnti into ffje iuall s tt)ep lap fcpon ttjem frames of bmw, tuitti partitions in tijem, o? earthen pots to bjeeo in, letting certaine Hedges runne from |jole to ^olc, tljat tljep map tlje better come to t&eir iJUfts, ano foalfee tip ano ootone in tlje purine. I5ut tijc Routes fo? ttjc other lotioer fcinoe, becaufettjep contains great numbers , are built after a moze banfower o?Der, alt&ougtj unDcr ttjc €uts of |)onfcs,anD inft&ples of Ctmrctycs , you ttjall fjaue tljoufanos bi eeoing. Varro appoints the E>oue(joufe to be built in tljis fo?f : aCofo?ie aoiopning to the tjoufe, ano mcll lofte&ano feeico aboue 3 foitfj one little dcd;c in if, ano fourcininooiues, anffocring tlje foure quarters of tlje ^eaucn 3 U>Ijic|) toin&otoes muftbefoell grateo 3 fo as tljcp map giue ligtjt enougb, ano fceepe out bcrmine. li 11 cl;e foalles tnitfjin mutt be faire toljite limeo,fo? tnitlj tfji's cc* lour is tlje pigeon toonocrfullp Delighted : bcficcs it mutt be iucii pargcttco ano plaiftreD toitfjout , fpeciallp about tlje torn* ootu£S,fo as neither $pcufe,38Httfell,no? otljer ©ermine map en* f cr : tlje tuinooUies muft be fo placco, as tfccp map let in t fje &umu all u)e Winter, Ijauing a bole of fufftcient Hnoencffe c ucr againft t^ctn,toell netteb ano tunnelled , in fuel) fo:t as ttjc pigeons map eaftlp flie out ano in at.ano pet not fuff er anp bate* full WitH to enter : fo? the pigeon fafcetlj great Deltgrjt in firing no to and tljcn ab:oao,tobcrc after u) c tjatlj recreates b er felfe, Ojc eommetli iuttfi top to Ijcr neff againe : as on rtje otljer fioe u)e tnournetfj,if ftje bcrctfraincoof fcer libertp.KounO about tlje toals toitljinpoumuftbauc little rounoljolcs,from tbcfopfo tijcboU tome 3 Urt)crein tl)cp map b?ceO: varro tooulo fjaue tfjem t lj?ee ljanD> fulsin lengttj, ano leogco from bole to fjolc fo? tljcm to toalhc fcpon..5>ome ttjin&e it belt fomafce pour Ijoles of Home^o: ilunc ano not of Bzickc ano £>tone,as mapDo,bccaufe of tlje toarmtfj. 2Tb ere be fomc tbat bullae rbctr SDoacljoufcs topon pillersin tl;c mtaff of fome pono, o: great toater,botlj becaufe tyepoeligtjt in toaf er,ano becaufe tjjcp toilfjatic tljem fate from bermiueXJje meat tljat tfjep moft Delight in, is Cares, toiloe iFerctj , p eafe> OTjeat 5 ^illet:U)ljeretIjefe be notion map giue tljem &perp, fpeciallp in Winter MapefeeO, ano&ocftle : fo? bp gathering ano peeking to p ttjefe little feeos,ttjcp get tljcmfelucs a beat in colo toeatber* W&btn pou giue them meat,pou muft tlj w :oUi it bar d bp t&e entreating of Fowle. 1 47 rlje foallcs : fo: tfjat part ts commonlp tlcanttt from Bang, ano tijougtj v aerobics pou to rtocepeano make cleanc pour £>oue* fjoufes continuallp, $ tljat tlje oung is gcoo ano profitable foj tlje ficlD 5 pet feeing tijis kinoc of fotole ootlj oeligljt in places fp;inB> ieD tr»itt> tr>ctc otonecung, poufoallnot meoeto be catefull in clenung of it. ilohe toell tljat tfjcp benorfraio,oj0ifquiete3foitfj Dunnes, oznotfe of people, oa otljer lilse,fpcciallp foljen tljepfit: if pou Ijaue occafion to goe into tlje boufe 3 to c^ae pou Doe it a* bout none time, tu&cn ttjep be abjoao a f&oing, ano be fure to fenoche loel befoze pou come in.&omc fap,tijatit toillcaufetljrm to loue tlje fcoufcano allure otfjers to come tljitljer,if pou fpzmnU ttjem Uriel; Commin befozetljepgoetofceoing, o: perfume tlje Ijoufe Urittj &>agc 3 ano Jfranhenfcnce* £>omeljaue another crpc> rieneefo;ttjispurpofe 3 ano tljat is potflperos beaten fmall ano fearceD 3 mingleo teity tfje Ijearbe Coaft, and goiD olo W&me, ano giuentonto tbem. jDttjers take ISarlp flolnze , foooen toitfj D?ie ifigs 3 ano a pact of l^onp.Cardan teacljet|) tfjis,as tlje befffo? tlji* purpofe,of Barlp o; $illct,of £ommm,of Coaff, of Agnus Ca- ftus,of *ponp,of olo Home.o: ^o?ter,of goo ^ufaaoe!,beilctbem alltogetber 3 ano make aftone of tljem to be fet in tljemiDOcff of a tjoufc. Tragus teactjetlj to take t&e roitcs of tlje 2Cljtftell 3 ano to botlc tljem toittj ttje pickle of gearings. Conftantinc out of Didymus, tontctb of oiuets otljer things fo? tljts purpofe 3 fo!jic!) foho fo toill,map trie, !La>fcefoell tljat tfjep be not bettropeo bp tlje Intake, oz HBuj jaro : tlje l^ato&c is afpeciallenemieto tijis BirD 3 tol)ofetabing 3 varroteacljetbpou in this manner : to las a pigeon fcpon tlje grouno,ano to fficfce,benoingclofelp ouer tjer, a couple of &ime coos. Cbere is a kinoe of ^aSsube 3 tljat natu* rallp is terrible to otljer l£amftes, ano pjeferuetb tlje pigeon: toe common people call it Caffrel. Columella amrmetfj , ttjat if feou take tlje poungCaffrels 3 ano pjefcruc tt>em euerp one in ear* tfcen tocffels toell couerco ano plafterco all ouer , ano bang tljem utt&e comers of tlje 2E>oue-ljoufe,it makes tfje pigeon baue fuclj a loue to tljcfjoufe, as tbep mill nener fc&fafce it. Cljepljaue manp otljer aoucEfarics,Crotocs 3 SDatoes 3 ano £>mles,toijicf) all Oeffroptbepgeons 3 fpeciallptobentbepbzeeD. Jfouno of late mmineotone 2Doue jjoufe,on ®tole fitting folemnlp in f&e jJJeff Uponfjcr C-ggesm the mtooeft of alltfje pigeons , anoharo bv % ttjt The fourth Booke, fyefjoufeof an olo fjoiloUi tree, 3 found peece* of young; $i$t* cns.tfjat ti;c £DtoJe0 bad b?ougf)t to feeoettjeir poungUwtfj : ano tfjougb tfje £Dtole (mm to be greater t&en tyz pigeon , bp rea> fonoftbetinclmeireoffjerfeatfjew, petfoill tfjep crape in at a* little a place as tfje pigeon toill : fo fmall ano little is t&eir booic0 3 tfjougb tljcp bebombafeo Uutij if eaters, jagamc, W«fel*,^tote 0,1 fuel) UhcPalladius tooulo ijaue pou fjeoge t&s SDoue-fjoufc about toity fljarpe p?icfelp b?anc!je0 two cf leauc0, a0d25o^fe,B^cr0 3 anofucl)lihe,S0tljepDai;enotpairetlj?oHg^&j p?ictung. Dydimus ano etfjer0,oobiopeu bang great b?ancfjc0of ttue all about tfje fjoufe 3 fpeciallp att&eenfrance of tfje D©?e , o; to put UulDeftuebnDertfjeirtoing0 , o? to fp:incfele tfjem fcmjj Hue : fo? tyis Ijearbe (as tfjep fap) fjatfj a fpeciail fo.ue againft fuel) fjurtfull tjcrminc. £>ome fap 3 tfjat if a Wolfe* ijeao be fjangca in ffje£>one-fjoufe, it iuill t>;w atoap all fjurtfull tannine. Me lli s sev s. S2Jefjaue £earo enough of pigeoiw , 3 p:ai? pou p?oceeo foitfj furl) otfjer 3i5irO0 as yon Iteepe in tfje coun* trep. fceepe pou anp jf efant* fjcere* Tcfants. Chenoboscvs. SCfjis hinoe of BirD0 ( tljougfj tfje? be fcerie fcloonte bept among tfje countrep people ) pet of ma* np eucious ano fine feiloiocs , fo; tfjeir ratcneCfc ano Daintw neffe, tfjep are b?ougfjt bp ano Kept. #no becaufe tjjep benefit tfje feeeper^nb profit tfje ^ufbano, ( if tfje fople ano countrep be fo? ffcemj tfje olo meters ijaue places tfje beeping of t&em,foiffj* in tfje compare of fjufbano?fe. Palladius teactjetfj, tfjat pou mutt p?ouiDe tutif as be poung ano luffie , tfjat toere of tfje laff yktcs banging fo?tfj : fo? tfje olo ones be neuer fruitfull. £D«e Cocfeo 10 fuflicient fo? th)o feenne0 : tfjep b?ecoe once a peerei ano lap to tfje number of ftoentie Cggr0 5 beginnmg in 3p?Ul,anofome* to^ere fn SjBarcfj , but tbep are better to be b?ougtjt top tonoer a $enne i fo 80 pou fet tonoer one !£enne fifteene GDgge», obfer# iiing tf>e time of tfje Spane, ano tbe number cf tbe Oaie0 , a0 J tola pou bcfo?c of fyz f^enne. SJbc fl)irtietb oap tljep come fo?tl) :fo? t&c Srlt fiftsne oaies pou muff feeo tijem toity ISarly* ftoure tenoeelp foo , ano caleb , tjpon totytl) pou muff fp:tnck!e a little Wiine. after pou u)a\l giue tljcm Mijeate, C'rnfliop^ |jcr0 ano Untes Cgges : let t^em not come neere tfje tEdater fo? catering t^e IfMppe, ivfjicfj if tbep cfjance to ^aue , pouXljaU rubbe entreating of Poultrie. 162, tubbetyefrbfllcstoity dSarlicfcc, ffampe a rogctycr tufty JEarre* SDbepare fattco to tyirtieDapes 3 imty QStyeat-tloure, 0; Barip- fioure made in pellets , tye pellets mutt bee fpjincnteoa little toity epic, ano fo put into tyeir tyjoatcs : pou mutt take Ijeeoe pou put it not tonocc tyeir tongues, fo; pen Doc 3 pou hill tyem : neither muttpou guic tyem anpineate till pou pcrceuic tycfiift bcoigcttcD. Pvllauvs. SKityaf fap pou fo Cur tic £lDoucs a tycfe arcalfo b;ougbt bp ano Ucpttn feme Countries. C H k n e b o s. Columella amrmety,tyatCurtlCS foiling Turtles. nee lap, no? bzing fo;ty in tyebo*fe,no;partriDges:anD tyere> f o;c tycp tofeo to tal»c tyem Uiiloe toljen tfjep lucre ful ripc 3 ano ta fceoc ana fat tyemtn little Darke eames like pigeons boles: tye oloe ones be not fo gooo, aoucityer tye pigeon is» 311 'CSttnter pou fljallbarDlp fjaue tyem fat,m £>ommcr tyep toill fat of tyem- felues, fo tyep map b^ue plentp of Mil) cat ano Come : tye toa> ter mutt be ucrp clcare ano freffj tyatpongiue tyem, SCIjep t)oio opinion, tyattye turtle after be batyloft bis mate, continuety euer after folitarp. But becaufe tyere is greater tto;e of Cfctt*- tycs ano 33lachbiros 3 foe -tare tyetcflcfo; keeping of turtles* iCfjongb Cijjufijesano 2i5lacfcebiros bee hept in Diuers places r Thrpflies pet as Plinic fatty, tyere is in no place greater compauic 3 tycn is an d Black taken in tye Winter time in (Bsvmaxty.i tyattyep tocrebfeD fo^bmis. great Dainties., appcarcs bp 1 loracc : No daintier difli then is the thrufti, Nor fleeter then the Trype. Cbep arc commcnlp o;eo*eD tnbolr^aitt not D;aiune,fo; tyeir m- foaro partes map lueli be. eaten , fo tyep be neto : tyeir Crops are commonlp fail af jfuniper Berries : fatter Varro Uijitcty, tyat Crjustbes lucre toe in rj>s time at ttosiue pence a pceee* Mijcretyep bfe to fceepe tyem , tyep alfo put m manp as tyep raise tuUoe among tye others tyat tyep b:ougi)t bp befoje , bp Vurjofc companpano fcllotofyp tyeppaOTc atoap ttjcfo^totb of tyeir pufonment, an9 fall to tyeir feeding:- fo; poiimufta> Voi^cB baie oloe feilolues fo; tye purpofeby lutjsfe cransple tyep map learne botl) f zate 1 D;mUe. SCijep mutt tjffite toartne ftsnfcs 3 as pour pigeons (jane , ereffro ty;ougb ioity fmali pea.: :j : fo; after tyep fjaue flofoen abmt, 0; bauc foo 3 tbep Defir 1 to t r tt. £'ar. 2Cf?g- The fourth Booke, £f>e perches muff be no fjigfjer tfjen a mans fjefgftf, fo as poii map eafilp rcacb tljcm ftanotng topon poor fete. Etje meate mutt be eaft tn fuctj places of the boufe,as Ipe not tmDer itje p* ar« ctjes, fo? fi.tnj of it. Columella anO Palladius tojite, tfcat tonripc iftgges beaten ana mingleo Urn!) SQfjeatc-flotD?c mutt be gtuen tbcm, tbat ihzy map eate thereof tfceir fillcs. Ariftotlc m:fcuf) manp fcinces of tbem, among tutjie^ tjec aN fo putfetb rt)e Colmons , ttjat feeoe npon Crapes, £ur £f):ufi)iS oae feeoe fo? tfjc meff part topon Juniper bcrnes s tobici) tljeir Cioppes being openeo (as 3 fafoj ooe djcto. Hb*E Onaiicj. ^ c a ' t0 ln man P places to heepe £}uailes , teb^cfj ts catljer a BirD o'rbc Gartb , tbeu of tlje £p?e ( as Plmie faitbj bat be* caufr ttjep fteDe bpon Glebo?, ano fcenemous fecocs, ano bcuoe arc toercDtoitfj toe falling Ocfcncfle, manp Doe meruaile ( as A- therein hnifett) ) IvbP tfjcp be fo grcatip rfltemcD. SCbep fap tb-tr pounj muft befrooe tottcj Zntts , anoCmets Ggges, as tbc partrtDge. 5t is t&ougbt , tbat fje fliettj ouer into ottjec Countries in ttjc CD in tec time, as the Crane. anD the £to:fee Doth , following fo? tlje giiioc ttje olDeff Ouatle , calleD the mo? tfjcr Ouatle. P v l l a r i v s. f?ou fjaue gotten one noble ano gooblp fowlc, that is bfco to be brought up in ttje&ufbanomans&onos, ial ; .cs 5 ano IX luces, 3 meane the fetoarme. Tb e c h £ n o b o s c v s. pon fap true : fo; ff)ts Biro com* sarnie, monlp bzougbt bp in tfjc ilow-Countrtes * ano kept m great numbers in Lincowe-ftnre, a Coantrep replenifljco tottb <£en- tlcmen of goo&t)Oufcs,anO gmo boufe-fceepcrs. 3no Athcnzrut allcDging the autb02ttte of Ariftotle , accountcth ttjis ifotel* to be bcrp fruitful!, and of great ffomacfee, fo much , as it is trjongrjt tljep Dare giue battailc to tbe Gagle, JEfytv are b2co ano kept (as pon well fap in t afces , Ktuers , ano .fiffj-ponos, Without anp charge at alt, ano doe great gooo in tbe Kiuers bp p!ncaing bp the Wi*os,anD other annopanecs : fo? tiic ereetUncp. of bis Dotene, ano oaintineffe of fn'sfleO) , be is grcatlp effee* meo. Ctjere is one ercellent fcinoe of tbcm, tfjat tafeetb \)i* name of tbe gooo match that bee beepett) , ano is altoaies cbc rt%D ano feept in tfje SDitcfj of €itits, ano fo?freffes, fo? t)is great faitrjfuincCTc in $iuin$ warning, £t>cv be nept almoft m like entreating of Fifti. 1^3 If&e maimer as Ctefe arc, but tbaf tbep fefc f o fft longer , fitting a tofjole menctb 02 ttjere abouts : t^cp b;mg fojtt) felDoist abonc cigbt , ano fo manp did mp £>foannes bzingme > ano fometime fiue. SDbepmaac t^eir jpeffs baro bp tfyc foatcr, of &>cOgrs, ECUxos, ano like ftuffc : tbeir roung ones tbep carrp ffraigbt in* to tl)c turns, 3f tbe italics ano fetrrnmes be frozen in Q&tnrcr, you mud tjoufe ttjera. SCSI's 3SicD ts counted among fiu b ne liue longcuyoK-fljcUJing fjcr clone Dcatl; , as Plato anD Martial lvit# neiTc 3 Hiitb a float ano lamentable fong. Cbusmueb concerning my p:ofeffion 31 Ijauc tolo, 31 trutt pou tfjat be mp frienOB , toill take it in gmo part, ano nolo Piscinarivs 31 refigne mp place topoa,to Mjofe turne it is come. Piscinarivs. 3e failed out in gab o;ocr,tljaf from ° f *j ifll " falfemg of Mint er if ofciles toe u)oulo come fo entreat of if iu> P onds * ponos,ano irtu) : altliougb 3 Doe means to entreat largelier botlj of feccping ano taking of if ittjes in mp Halienticks , but becaufc the buf bancs boufe, botb fo; Catering of cattcll, ano ot&ec ofes, cannot be toitbout p onos, ano 2L afces , ano that euerp b oufe is not fo fcatco 3 as H tjatb earable ground about i t,i t is lafoful fo j tlje fcufbano to mafee his bttt aouantage of Ijts |3onDs , ano Qftaters. 2Cbe iioble-men ano (Dentlemen of Home , lucre toont to builo about tbeir l^oufes fafre jfith ponos , ano manp times fa* nffieo berein tbeir pleafure,foiti) crcaoiugcoft ano rrpcnccs,as M. varro fojitetfj of fbe fumpfuous ano coftlp ififljponosof Hortenfius, Hircius, anOLucullus. M. Cato, Ujtjen IjC Ij30 t\)C foarofliip of Lucullus, maoc fcure buno;co pouno of the ififliui Ijis pono. SEbe fame varro mafeetfj mention of ttoo fo;ts of i^iu)-ponD0,tbc one of ftoeete toafee , tl^e otljcr of fait, tl;c one amongft ti)e common people, fobcrc fbe &>p;ings feeoe tbem, ano of great profit, tiit otber neere totlje &>ea , tobere Neptune Ootb pcelo tbem botb ff o;e of Mater ano if iu) : fo; cramplcs, map fcnie tijc if ifo-ponDs of Hortenfius, lobicb rather plcafcD tbc epe, tben tbc purfe* SDlje bell tnahing of $onfcs , iscp' ttjerbp tbe&ea, as Lucullus, toFjofo let in t&e&ea into tys faonos,maoe a paffage t[>;ougt) fbe miOOeff of a great bill 3 foberc' bp be tfjougbt Ijimfelfe as great a &o;o of iriln,as Neptune bim* felfe : 0; elfe to baue tbcm from fome great ftrcame 0; Kiuer, tbat map b^ing in botl) Crater ano if ift), toljici) bp jflouo 0;. % 3 fctafc, The fourth Booke, £>lufe, map let in altoaicsfreft) mater, notfuffering trje old fo corrupt, but altoap refrcujing it, anu bringing mo?e if iff). K,$z mxtin gmDncfle, arc tfjafe trjat are fc& imtlj pipes o? fceret pafr fages tmoer t(je ground, ana map be let out agaiue bp ^lufcs, mfjicfc £>lnfes mutt fo be maoc , as luljcn pou Uft , pou map Ice trje matrr into pour £peaDctocs, to mafec tystn mo?e fruitful!, as is to be fecne m trje Countries of trje Swirztn , and Hducti- ans , ano in mam? ortjer places. 0no tijerefo?e trje toaters ( as 3 fain j mutt be toell rnrlofeo foJirtj goo 25apes, USanars , ano dalles, ttjat tin? map be able to abioe ttjc rage of trje fi©os 3 aH& tlje fearer. SDljc too?tt ano iatt kfnoe, is fuelj as are mm in iLafces, ttanoingiaajlcSjQ? rainc featers. £ fjefe fetndc orponos, tijougfj trjep be tr)efeo?tt, bf reafon of tfjeir fcnclcanc ftinfcing mD corrupt mater , pet torjerc trjere is no better , are to be inaoc account of : fo? ttjougfj trjep be not trje foljolcfomett fo? keeping of fity , ytt ttjep peelo fome commcoitie, ano are moll rtecclTarp about trje rjoufe, c ptrjer fo? Catering of kartell , fecc# ping of (0a>fe ano HDuchcs , ano toanjing > ano etfjer lifce ofes t but if fo be pou can mane ttjern cptrjcr by trje £>rajO? ncerc feme great Kiucr, fo as trje toatcr map be let in ano out at pour plea* fure : anotnrjenfoeuer pou open tlje &>lufes , to let oattrje toa* fer. JBe fure trjat pou rjauc tljcm toellgrateo, trjat trje Sfity can by no mcanes parte trjiouglj, ano let tlje patTage 5 if foe place tottt Mffer it> be maoe on euerp fioe of trje pono : fo? tlje ols fearer tuiU bett fcotD,to!jenfocuer tlje ttrcame bcnDs.if trje currant Ipe v gainftit. SCljefc £>lufcs o? parages, pou mutt mafceattrjebot' tome of tlje ponos , if trja place Wti fo ferue, tfjaf taping pour Uuell feftrj tlje boffome of tlje pon^pou map Bifccrne tfje£>ea, o c t ttum*,to Ipcfeauen fettfe Ijigrjer : fo? tl)t3 Columella trjin&cs, feill be a fuffflient leuell fo? pour por.O, anD Uiafer enougtj foj pour if if§. t^ofebeif , rrjere is no ocubt , trje dtper trje luater comes from tlje 5>ea 3 tfje cooler it is, feJjerem t$£ i^tHjesmott fceligljf, Sinn if fo be trje place kiJjcrc poa meauc to maHe pour ponolpe Ieuclito:?l) tl;ei\2im frftrje ^ea 3 o? tlje H!'ucr,pou mutt fjgge it nine fete oeepe, ano lap pour Currant toitljm ttoo fojfc of tlje toppe, ano fo ozoer it as -tjje Uvatcr come in abunoantlp : fo^ trje oio mater Iping buocr tlje leuell of tr^e &>ta 3 iuill not out againc, ercept a greater rage come in\ but fo? tfje ponotljat is fubicct entreating of Fifli. i £4 mbt'ctt to fljc fiend anD ebbe , iti^ rtiouglj (fit be but ffoa fcofe oitpc. Bin tijc banfces ano fiOcs of tfjcfc ponDs , pon mutt tjatie i5uu^e« a«D CDrccUe-fjoles fo? tlje ifiu) to btee tyemm from tp - e I) cat of tbe sumic : bcfiDrs, olo bottom trees, anD rotes of fr^es are pleafantanDDcligbtfuU barbours fojifwj. #no if pou can IjanDfomelp conuep tbem, it is bcir to bjtng from tbe sea , Uttle &ockcs, faith tbe flSieebs ano allbpon ttjem , ano to place rfjem In the miQDctfc of pour penDs, anD to make a poung sea of tbem,tbat t&e if ity map fcaefelpkncto of tbeir imp?ifonment. £bont SEurfoan m i^ranre,anO in ofber places, pou ttjall miDe tnHougljes ano Kapne-toafer, euen m fije SMDerneux ana t^eatljcs, great abunoance of if im* an Diuers places of tfje loto Countries, fobere tljep banc tfjctr ponDs feD foitb tbe 8iuer, tofjicb tfcep mag H)ut out at tljeir pleafurc, tyey (0 ojDer tl;cm, as tbep be eptber enufroneD, ozoeuioeD toifb Deeper Mtfyzs, tuberein tfjc if in) Dotbliue m fl;e Summer fime:ano tbereff of the grouno bettoirf tf)e Ditcbcs, tfjc foater being tooioeD ano kept out bp slufes ano i5an!?es,!s fofocD toitt) Summer Cojne, ano after ^arueff, tbe foater let in agatne,tobercbp ti)c grouno be* ingluanocrouapenricljcD, Doty peelD great Croppes of Barlp ano summer come, anD (as t\)c poet faitb) foi tl;e UmD,fo map befarofo^ tbe foater,Not cucry ground for cuery fecdjbut regard muff be ijao, foljaf fo; euerp one is meet HCbe Romanes feeepe in tbeir ponas Hamp;ies, £)pftecs, ituees, gullets, ilampojns, <0npltbecDDcs,anD all otber if ifljbefioes, tbat are bfeo fo be kept in freft) foaters. ponDs foj Offers s foereiirft oeuifeD bp Scr- gius Grata, at tbel5apnes, about tbe time of L. Cratlus tbe to* ratojj before tbe Battaile ofMarfie,notfo muc& fojoelicaOe, as fo; tbe commodate ano game. Cockles, ano Ruffles , foere feept in ponos bp Fuluius iftrpcnut • ^ojcouer , Diuers if tttjes Delta;!; t in Diuers placrs.Cbe beft pikes ano Iluces foere tljougijt to be in tbe ftiucr of Tybcr , betfoirt tbe rfoo b?ioges : tbe SCurbotes, at Raucnna : t^t iLampjpes in Cycill : fo i&iuers, Hakes, posies, ano seas, in fome places baue better fifbfben in otbers. 213ut to rcturne to mp if iuj-ponDs from tubence 31 came, nertber map ail fojts of if iibes be kept in euerp one, fo: fome fojtsare grauellers,Deligbf ing onelp in (0rauellp,®to* n^jano^anop Waters, as ^eanomes , <2?uDgins 3 )0u!beat>s 9 % 4 m$t* 3 The fourth Book e, &uffes, ttvouts^ treses, Eamp2ons,CrcuuTcs, Barfed, ano Ctituiaz. ©trjers ocligbt againcm spuooic places, feeding cure to lie f)io m tbe OJua , as tyc Semb, t|jc Ode, tfce B2eame, tlje Carpc, and fuel) others. fecm; againc ocagfjt in batons the $3i«r, ttje llucc, tfce Carpc, t|»e H52eame, tbc BlcaHe , ano tfje iSoarfj. W§z Oraiiellp jFifl^cs, fpeciallp trjc ^cnoUies, are in* p;cn::eDof Shapes Dung, laio in fmall Baffcets in tfjebottome of a Orauellp Ktucr, SCbe &uee, 02 §3iae , gcotoctt; ( as Ukc# toife Dot!? ttjc Carpc J to be great m a ilp:t time , as tn t^:a 02 foure peeres, ano tycrefo2e in fucfc ]Bones as fcaue neptljer tlje £>ea, no: tfmcc comming to tljnn, Id; ofc eucrp fourtfc, 02 ttjiro pare, to ozato tlje olD , ano to ftoze rtjem folttfponng, 3nn in tbefe parts tee cljiefclp ffojettjem feutbCarpe, tjauing (mall |Donos ana ferctoes fc: tbe purpofeto fceepe tbcm in ,foas pou mst come by rtjem at pour pleafure. 2C&us muctj 31 tb ougfjt geos to Declare onto pou touching tnp pjofeffton, let ts note feeUrtjat pou ( M e l l i s s e v s ) can fap fQ2 pone Bees, ano pour ^onp. Be«. M e l l i s s £ v s. Becaufe 3S fofll not fjaue our dffeourfe of hut banoiv oepjiueo ano mapmeD of fuel) a profitable member, iufjofe ofe map in all places , be ttjep ncuet fo Deferf , 02 barren, be bao , 3 tl) m l x it gco ) as a co teluffon to tij c indole , to ftjcio pou fo2 mv part, tbe manner of keeping ano o;0ering of IBks : fo: tbe good bufbana bp e&erifljing of tb :m , puhctlj out manp times a goaD peece of tjis lining, pea, tlje pco:e fouleof ftje Countccp that fjatfj no grouno to occupie, map raife hereof ano tbattaritbout charges a great eommoDitie. Meru]arepo:ts,ffjat Varro bao peerclp fo2 trje Kent of bis ^ees , a ttjonfano gallons of l^onp: ano rtjat in a Ijoufe in &paine, bauingnof pairing one J3ece of ground to it, fcatb pcerelp bam maDe of tfyz Bees , foure fco:e pounds teojtb of SQare ano l£onp. KMi* little paHecrea* ture tbe Bee, Ootb not onelp tt>it|> fjer labour pee'Donto bs fjer Delicate ano moft Ijealttjp l^anp , but alfo toittj tlje gcoo t& induftric mtl p[ e f fy C i t patnefull tligence ano trauaile, encouraged man €es ' to labour ano tabs paines accoaoing to bis calling : in fueb fo:t, asitfeemetb tfjc 3lmtgrjtic anD moff ercellent^aiettie, batfj of ftll of ber fpeciallp created ttjis little poo2e creature , fo2t&e betnfit and commooitie of man : bp inborn beSoes tlje com^ mootfic entreating of Bees. i^ mobf tf e of tfje ^onep ano Mare tljat tbcp make, toe mfg&t take botrj rrample to fpcno our life in bcituous ano cemmerrtable er* ercifcs, ano alfo to bonour ano rcucrencc ifjc luonDctfull bounfie ano goDneffe of tfjc mod gracious iio:o fyctoco totoatbs bs, in tjje creation of trjiss fntall ano profitable UHao^me. JCtjcp are con* tmuallp bufieD in labouring, tijcp Ojcto great cunnins an& too;ke# manfyip in tljeir trauailcs : tbcp baue altoaics amongft tfjem tfje iiuelp jmage of a perfect Common-tocaltt),tbep peelo obcOienee Bees their to tljcir pnncc, not lifting tbe gouernment of funojp fjeaDs,but common- loue to be ruleo bpone : cacboneofttjem labourer!) ano trauap* wcalcs - letb in W charge, in fo muc&, as ttje totfeft ©ouemours ano Counceliers in Common locales, tjaue taken tlje Was fojtljeic y&attemt in e^cofing of Winces, oittributingof &>mtc8, retoar* Dingofbertucs, ano punilbing malefactors. Varro Oio altoaics call ttjem tyi 3l3irDs of tlje spufes : ano virgin toitJj toonberfull The Birds colours,ootb cloquenflpfctfo?trj tfje 113 ees,tjieir Common toeale, of thc palaces, Builotngs, £itits, JLatues, fanners, Carres, ano Mufes - Crauailes, fuppofing trjem to be partakers of reafon, ano tyat tbep fcaue fome inffinct from aboue, in tfjat tfjep fo neere refcmble tbe minors of men, pea, man? times crcelltfjein, touching tljefr obebience to t&eir Prince. Not jfcgy pt in his prime, nor Lydia large and wide, VirgM. Nc yet the Parthian people great, nor all the Medes befide, Doc fo their King obay, who beingfafe and wcJl 5 T heir mindes are all together one 3 he oncly bearcs the bell* On him they caft their eycs 3 and garde him day and night, And oft they bcare him on their backs, in his defence they fight : But if he chance to dye, then all is dafht and done : Their Combs afunderdownc,tbet?ftraig^t foaies ceafe from gathering of t^onrp, tbep fftrre not abrcao,but owlp toity a [jeaupanD fojrotofull bumming, tyty ftoarme ano clutter The fourth Booke, clutter fsgcrtKr about l;ts borne. £fje nature furrlpoff&usptoze creature is greatly to bz U)ono:cD at. V"g? They oncly of their broodchauc a common care, And neighbour-like their houfes nearcly ftand: And ruled are by La*es that none do fpare, A'one they know their home and natiuc land. And mindful 1 of the ftormy Winter necrc, In Summer get to liuc by allthcycerc. Onr p2inccp pallscc is fumptuenflp built, in fcmefcuerall part of trjerr £iues, being meunteD afacue frje rrfl, fofjirfc iff cu rjap* pen to b;oofc, rou tcfircp trjc bzoot). SZZfytt liuc ail as ft ftcre in a Campe, am taffe fca:pe t&etr &atc£ ana loatD, toojfeing t> getfjer 3 ariciftentimts fencing ab.:oao tfjeir Colonies, the? ace loameoat trjcic Capfamcs appointment, as ftfeorre loitf)t|)e fotmD of a J^rrmpef, bp totitct) frjcp knotu brjtrj trjcic times of iuatTcs ; ariD truce ; ttjes ioarD all tjje retime atfijeir gates in iuarlifec manner, ano rjaue great filcnee in rrjenigttf, till one of ffjrm in fyz morning gumming out trje fcifctjarge of tfce toafcrj: ffje.p get tfjem ab?cao to tytit buOncflfe, as t^e £cet Ijatli elo- quentlperpuffe^ Virgil. Together all they quietly doelre. Together allthey toyle with equall might j And in the morning forth together flic. And home as faft they come againe at night. Where as they lay their weary lims to reft, And trim their wings, and fet their legt in frame : Till euery one himfelfe hath throughly dreft, Then llnglngat their doores a *hilethey game. Till one gi ues warning for to go to bed, Then downc they lay to reft their fleepie head, jfo: forjen ffje fleeprc rime of frje m'grjf comes in,tfjcr mafee leu* -anDlrflencifc, till one cfr^emgcertj about ftittj tfje likcfounD tfjat fje gauc m r&e morning , fetting as it lucre tfje tcafcrj, anD gluing ffjem learning to go to red : at fpfrftg timz tyt? all fuo* Denlp entreating of Bees. i ££ oenlp IjoID t&cir peace. 3n tyc momfng (a*% faioj at the otfr charge of tlje foatci/, tfjev roame ftraigfjt to t&e gates, but fire notabjoao, creepttbep fatfje foeatber foillbe faice : toljereof fry nature tfjep Ijaue perfect bnoerffan&mg. Nor from the Hiues, if like it be to raine, Becs f cr(m They fane doc (tray, nor truft will they the side (hewing of If that the South-wind blo«v,but ftilj rcmaine itormes. At home, or buficd be with waters nie. Short flights they make,and when fuch (rormes they fee, They beare about the fmallcft (tones they finde : And as the Boates in floods that balafl bee, So with the fame they countcrpoife the vvinde. JBefng loBco 5 trjcp flt'e Mty fbe fofnoe i if ant? fempeff fuoocnlp arife, ttjcp counterpoife tycmfe lues Uuttj little ffones, Aping in tfje iuinoe as neare t[je grouno as map be : tfjcfr labour, bott) at rjome.ano ab?oaD,fs ccrfainlp appointed. SCrjep labour at t|;efttft toitljin ttje compare of tb?eefto:e pacts about t£e l£tue,ano tu^ett tbe flotojestbere^aue beenefufficientlp to^ougfjt 3 tljcp feno a* b?oao tbeir otfeoucrers to finbe out mo:e f©oe. #nt> toben tljcp fall all together tottjeir bufmeffe, tome tuojfec tlje flofoers toitb tfjeie feete, otysrs earrpfoafcr foitb tbeir moutljrs^ ano otoppes m t^jetr little ficefes : tfje poung luffic fr UoUjcs labour ab?oau, tlje eloer at bome. 2Ct?ofe ttjat goe- ab?cao,fco UnHj tfjeir tojetegs iaDcaUtrrctr&rjigbes, tobicb nature to? tbe nonce barb maoe rougb : tfjus being loaeeo, !Legs, l^eao, Bacfee, ano all, as muefj astbet»mapb£are,t(jc^returnebome,l»beretljcreUiaifetbcDU^ monlp tb?ee oj Graft st tijc ca>je to fcnloao trjem. TOt&m,a!l ttjrff U)'ot!e are fome laving mercer, tome butloing, tome malting tleanc, ano tome matting reaoie tbeir mcatc : to? tbep feeoe feucrallp,fo.$ fcareof begaiiing one ttjeor^er. SCfji^ frame tljeir fj jufes arcljtofr nntbiu tJjc laities, toitlj tino paflfages, to as tty p mar enter one map, ano goe out another. SCIjcir coames trj«t tbcpmnfeeareit?2oug!jtfullofl)olcs,to()t'cI)!jolcs(n3Varrofaitb) ace tljeir Ccllcs oi longings, maoe cucrv one fire quare, arco?» Ding to tbe number of tijeirfot: tfjefc Cc!!cs tljev doc fili foirb ^onp, fiilingeuerp one in a oap o: ttoo. Eijeto coames are faffnsD The fourth Booke, faffnco to tlje tippet part of fyc l^tuc, and bang lit tic tip en tyt fiDes, not eleauing to t^e l^tue, being noto co?ncrcD,nctD rounfr, aecojoing to tfje fau)ion oftlje l^iuc : as bottj Plimc repo;tetrj,ano 3 fiball fjereafter $cto pou, tuljen J fpeafee of t&e framing of trje Combs, Etje Combs are feept op from falling, fcuttt) fmall pi!* lersano pzoppes belom, fo built as trjcp map goe round about to Thepu- tepaire trjem, C&etlj:«firft lofts of tfjetr Celles beneath, arc nifhment left emptie fo? fcare of ttje l^tue : ttjcfcppcrmoff are as full as of loitc- ma? be, fuel) as are loiterers ana (Die uagabonos amongff mm, rc "- are not eo, ano punfu)eD iuitt) Deafy. Some range for food and plic the fields abroad, Some ftill at home doe labour bufily : And round about with waxe theHiues doeloade. Which from thegummes they painefully doe trie. TheHrft foundations for the Combes they make 3 And clammy cleauing Waxe they faften by : While others of their broode the charge doth take. And fofters vp the feede that fhall fupply. An other fort doth worke the Hony pure. And fillers the Cel ! cs with licour that you fee : And other* areappoynted to the doore, To looke abroad what weather is like to be. Or to vnload fuch as hauc laboured well, Or els to driue the droufie Drone away : Their labour fmokes,andallof time doth fmeJJ, The Hony fwcet that in their Combi they lay. Mtto a little after. The.great doe guide the Hiue, Make faft the Combes and Pallaces contriue. c h e n o. g)f trje mo?tl)ttieffe,fcauaile, foojfcemanujtp, and giptcc befojefaitb, tfjat ttjereare two kinoes of Iftingso? spaiftcr HBees, tbe one of a golOen colour, mbicb is count co he beft : tbe otber blaeke, ano mo:e par tic colour to : fbep be ttiufe as btgge as t\)Z ottjsr Bees, tbe tapirs of t&cm as long as oncanoa balfeof tbe otber, tbep arc callea of fome, tbe ^otfjcr of Bees, as tbcclnefe Breeders. b:eeoer& becaufe tl;c poung of tbe2>:oncs arc buooc toittjont a fiing, but tlje otber Bees ucuer.virgiil follotoinghcrem Arirto- tle, Dot!) moft commeno tfje little, long, fmeotbe 5 anDfaireJ5ee 5 The beft ano making mention of tfoo fojts of femgs^eOefcribcs rlje toco^ ^ ortI of fer,fe)f)crebp be (ball box no barme. Bees. Deftroy (faith he) and let the other Iiuc, The fliape Whofe golden hew doth glider in the eye : of their And decked with glittering fcales, faire fhew doth grue, King ' Of farre more grace 3 and farrcmorc Maieftie. With loathfomclooke the other doth appeare, And dragling drawes his tayle with heauie cheare* 3 no as tfjere is two fo:ts offings, fo is t&cre ef tbcotfjcr Some Vglie feetne, and fome againe doe ihinc, Beda Hit with drop of golden colour fine, Being miirc ano gentle : foj tbe Bee,tye greater be is 5 tbc taojfe fie is, ano if be be angrtcanD fierce, anoeounb, bee is \im& of all.SIno becaufc(as 31 fatD befojej tbe bctt are onelp to be mcCleO faritb.fitb tbe goo ano tbe bao arc a like cbargeable, ano require like tendance, ano fpcriall becOe to be bao tljat pou mingle not t\^z bao luitfi tbe goo : fo; lefle mill tbe encreafe of pour l^oncp be, if fome of pour Smarms be ill matcrjeD.^ou map ffo;c pour felfe toity Bas ttK« manner of toaics 3 ef ttjcr bp bupmgt&em,taking tl)e The fourth Booke, wha> to $* M&* &toannes, ojinafetog ttum bp artr.&ne$ as pou tmr, beconfi- Ut tbembeoftfjefcinDeanDOjape ttjat? tolD pou of,ano before dercd in fcefojc pou bup tycm, t&at tgc s>toarmcs be totjolc anD gecat, buying of fob,ic& yo U m ap luDgc bp iolitng into tyc l^tue,o* if pou cannot Bccs * be fuflfeteD fo to Doc, pou map gueffe it bp ottjer tofeens : as it fo be vsu fee great numbers dufltcmg atttjeooiccf tije I2iue,an0 if pou Ijcare a great grafting anD {jamming Untyin: o?(tftl)ep be all at rtSj putting pour Jippcs to tlje moutij of t&e l^iue, anD bloto* tii$ therein, pou fljall caQlppcreetuc bp tytit anfiucrtng fount, fcotjertjrr ttjetr number be great o? no. 3n bupmg ttjem, bctecy pou muft lolie to^er^cr rijcp befounD,o:ficfcc: tfje figmsof ttxttc being in fcealtt) . as Gjsli be ftjeteec \ut)en 3 fpeake of trjctr .Duxa> fes; is, if ttjete &>foarmcs be great, tljemfeiuesfaiee, aj?3 iecll coloured ano foojfee lutfilp. ^gainc, a toUen of t|cir not being toe U : as if tl)c^bc tjapjie, loac loattifomelp, anD Du&ilic, ereept at fuel) time as t&ep labour : fcjtijcn ttjep loare leane anD ruflfe, Txittfj r rtreame traueil. f^ou mull mafee pour coniecture liaiUufe. bptfjeic age? fuct) as are notabcuc a peere olDe, loae faircano fmottje, ano Qjine, as if tljcp tocre &plc0 : tljt olD ones ace bott) in fig 'ot a\\v fccling,ruffe an& ruggcD,anD bp reafon of agc,tojinch# leaf lu|ftc| ncucrtl;iUu"c, fo? cunning in making ftjeir Combs, erpcriencf, msullrie, anofnilfulneGfr in t&e tocattjer, Doefarre TWpoi- pace tlje oifjevs. 3n anp Uufe fectyat pou bup tbtm rafljerfrom tingof pournert neighbour, t&rn fromaftrangc Countrcp, oifarreoflf, b*"* fo? tl)cv manp tin) rs ptnfo bv change of ar?e, o; ftjalung in ftjc carriage. 3na if pcu be tyium to can p ttjriii farre, taU fjccoc pou rurujcriogge.nc? tumble fyeni : f[;cbe(f toap foearrp ttjent i:- tipon a man* HjeulDcrs, anot^at in tl;e nigfjt time, differing rljcm to reft int^: oap,ano polruing in to fljem facljftocet rtmigs as t[)fp Dfltgljt m, anD Keeping tl)cm elofe.gtts better rcmouing iiumintbci$p?ing,tl)cnin S&mtir i foUijepDce nctfotoclia* gice teal) CSInitcr. 5f pcu eacriet[)emftomagoDplace, to a- bariatnc, rl;cp toiil ftraig^t-luaprsbiD pou faremcll, sndfo^fafec tl)ar ipiues- tflfym pou Ijsuc b;oug!jt ttjem to fyt place \u|jerc pou meanc ttjcp uSall ffanD, if it be tap time, poa mutt neither b> _- . w pen tl;cm, no; place rtjem till it bcntgljt, to fyc cr.D thep map af? Se of tet tl ) £ W* Cf ff cf $ f m 3^ r ' S oe tWefulip tot^eir Uiojfee tl)C &ccc. ne;t moving. 3Se fucc to marto tjiem iuell befioes fo? tiuo o; rfc«. entreating of Bees. 1^8 ti)ik oapes after, fofjefrjert&ep goeall out 0? no : fo* it f&epooc, it is a flfcetooe figne tfjep will awap. Sometime, if fije place be 0 will) fjts knots ano iopnts, and making a fmall fjole in ffje fne, pow: e into it eprtjee l^onep, 0; fome ttoeete trjmg,ano lap if bp tfje water : ano tM>n pou fee trje 35ees fcanefouno if, ano enfecotrje fjolefo.: tljefauour of tr)e l$o* nep, ffoppc pou tfje fjole witlj pour tf)umbc,ano let but one goe out at once, wfjofecourfe pou ujallfollow, as farre as pou can fee fjim, ano t\)is u)all b:ing pou part of tfje wap t w&en pou can no longer fcefiim, let out another, ano follow fjim, anD fo anotrjer, one after anotljer, till pou come f tfje place. £)t|Kts fcfc to fet fome little fecfiTeis ivitl) fjonpbp tl;e wafer: iurjtebwtjen fome one 15 « 0.; stjjer tjat|j rjapneo to talle, u)c gtuett) ftrajgbt bnotuicoge to The fourth Bookc, to %tx fcllolnrs, lubcrebp bv tbcfr fiin'ng t'n numbcrjtbep comefo finDe out tbeir otoelUngs.Hf pou finoc rlje sparine to be in feme fact) hole, as pou cannot come at tbem, pou fyatl o:tuc turnout fcmbfmofcr, ano toben tbep be out, bang ttjem DoUinc luiti; tlje ringing of a lattin Baton? Co as t\)tv map fettle bpon fome tree, from tobence pou ftpll fljafce ttjem tnf o p our i^mc- 3 f tbe ftoarme bee in feme bole aboue in ttjc b:aucbes, pou map fcioc off tbe b:ancl; Ijanofomelp, ano couenng it toitb a tobite cletb, place it amongft pour \0inss, 3f tbep be in tbe boop of tbe tree, tben map pou foftlp fa toe off tije tree aboue trjel3ces 3 ano affertoaro, clofe twoetneatb tbem:ano being couereo as befo?c,carrp tbem borne, Copping foell ttje ctjmUs and ctftcs, if ttjere be anp. l£e rfjat fee* betb tbe liBees, mutt begin in ttjc mo;ning 3 tbat be map baue f be fobole bap before tym to marfee t\)tit labouring. Cbcs farre of t^t kitftts of 15ecs, anb getting of tbem : noto toill 3 Ok in pou Standing of tbe placing of tbem, ordering, ano (taping of tb em . She place for Bees. f ^ p ur 25as anD pour l^tucs muff be fo cbofen, as tbep map flan* quietlpano fecret, dancing fpeciallp in facb place, as t|ep map baue tbe feunne in ttlmter, ano in tbe sp:mg time altoap at ti)c rifing, anD fucb as is neptber ten bot, no; focolo : fo; tbe ereeffc of cpttjer Doth bur t ttym, but ratber temperate, that botfc in summer ano 521 inter, tbep map baue moDeratefoarmtb, and fobolcfome apje, being farre remoroeo from tljccompanpof cp- ttjer man, 0; beaff* Whereneither winde may come,whofebIafts forbids Them bringing home their Ioade,nor fheepe,nor wanton Kids, To fpring among the flowres, nor warding bell, Shake off thedew, and trampling fpoyJe the rcu\ What Ver. foi tbep moft of all eelt'gbt in quiefnelTe : betoare brfifie, tfjat mine an- tbere be no burtfull creatures neere tbcm,as tbe SDooe, tbat foitlj noyeththe jj, b?fat £ ^j, botl) popfon ^ jg^ an0 al fe &j a fo e ty tbem to bim, t\)t cacDupccfeer, tbe fetoalieU), tbe £>parcoto,tbe »fo#r, spears, hornets, 33 u ttcr-flpes, serpents, anD Qpofyts. Driuc from thy Hiu« the hurtfull Lyfartgreene, Kcepe Throttles. Hennes, and other Birds vntrcw s And entreating of Bees . i £0. And Progne,on whofc brcftas yet isfecne Tlu bloodic markc of hands that Itys (lew. All thefc deftroy thy Bees, and to their nelts doe beare Such as they take in flight,to make their young ones cheare. £)f fucb tinngs as fjuct paw 215as, 31 luill ijercafcec fpeate mo;e,T hcvalk 7 to&ece 3 uiall OKto pou oft&?tr oifeafesano twrmesan t&cmeane^"^ J c time 3i UJtll goe fo;UnrD toitt) trje placing of tycm. SEfje place t henthc tuljcrc tl)ep ujoulo ftanD,U)oulo ratfjer be in tl;c oallcp,t&en tie* hill, rie fcigl) : butfoastjje rebouno of no Ecco,Doe(jurtttjem>tol)ic^ founa is bcrienopfome imto tljem : fo fl)all tyzv fla toify mo;e eafe aito fpecoe to tlje tygfyev places , ano come laoen eotone a' gaine toitl) IcfTc trauailc. §|f tbe feate of ti)e fcoufs foill fo fuflfcr, it is goiMo Ijaue pour Basffano neere pour jjoufe, ano to be cn< ciofeo tatty a ljeDgc,o; a pale : but on fucrj fioe as trjcv be not an* nopea untrj tljc fent of finKe,p;iuie, o; oungtjill. SC&e belt Urn* Ding, is Uutljin tye fig&tof tljc matter, bp taljofe p;cfence tyep arc fafeft fecpt. ^o;tyeic better fafette (ifpoufearetyemjbcu map fet tljcm a pare o; mo;e from tye grounD , enelofing tycm tattlj little grates left open agaiutf euerp !£iue,o; fo lettifeo taity Gone s as tye Ba map tafilp come out ano in 9 ano efcape boty Biros and Mater : 02 tf pou lid, pou mar make a little tjoufe bp fo: tfjc deeper , txtyecein pou map lap pour i^iues fo: pour ^taarmes , ano otyec ncceffaries mate fo? pour Bas , tettin$ nare to tye J^iucs fome fljaootaing SCcees fo; tycm to ftaarme topon, acco:oing to tye poets aDuifc. And plant the Date tree neere, or pleafont Oliue tree, (bes That with their floury branches fwcet , thy hiues may ftiadowcd That when the Captaines young,lead out their luftic fwarmes, The plcafant (hade may thern allure, to fhun the greater harmes. Not'necdingfor their eafe, in places farrc to roame, When as they may more fafely fit, and* better fpeed at home. 31 f it map be,let tl;cm Ijaue fome faire &p;ing neere tfjem, 02 elfe Fairc m- fome taatee conueueo in pipe: fo; taityout mater tyep can my* temecef- trjer make i^onp, Mare, no; b;aDtjp tyetrpoung : anD tyecc £ ry for fo;cfaity tye poet. 1Jecs ' Haue fountaines fwcet at hand, or moffie waters grcene, Or plcafant brooke that pafling through, themeads is fwectly £iio ftraf oftt-toaics after. (feene. & if The fourth Booke, If cither (landing poolcbc neither tothem nic, Or running (Ireame with hafty ccurfe,thcir dwellings pa(Teth by Caft boughes of Willow croiTc 3 and mightie (tones withall, That may preferue the fainting Bee, that in the floud doth fall. Itountj about tljc Bee-yacD, ano neere to trje fjiucs, fct fjearbrs, plants, anD ficUiirs., bottj foj tljctr tjealtlj > anD profit : fpceiallg fuclj as ace oftlje ftudeteff anD Delieatett fauour : as Cithyfus, ECtme, CafliajHofemarp^aucrpj&mailagCsBiolct^^ag^iLa' Hearts nenoer,2ppjri)e. ) foilDe 2Jj)arierum, toilDeCt?me,3I5alme,fi»cefe thatBcej {^arierums&affcoifcBean^^uttacofaUaPoppcfjipeUtlo^ano dehght ^ ofc0# g tt0 ift^crc Ue <&courtD neere if fo: tlje purpofe, fofo it Mil) iSapc fecDs, anD HBeecfjtoijeaf : fc; tr;?p foonoerfullp Dcligljf mtr)efloto;cs hereof. PlinicU>iiteti)j tfcat 25its ociigijt grcatlp torjaue $5:amte flotujes neere rbem :oftrees,tbcpmoiT&cIigI;t fnitbefe.&bepne,tbe TOlloto 5 t|)e Jffrre freeze &lmand,ti)e peacb»tbe peace-tres,? ttje #pple 3 anD fucljasfije flofo?cs*berc of be not bitter. ^Jft&etoilBefojfsyt&e Cercbmff) 3 tbe&enfffej t\)t Hmotr©,trje fru ^ of Crimes Doty fpecfallp. tiurt tljcm , tfjercfozc in fuel; parts of 3Jfaip luijcrc plenty of Crimes grct»,tbc i5ees Do not long continue. SEoucljingrour f)mcs,frjep are ma&c of Diners fan)ion£.>acro;Ottig to the manner of tlje coun* try. &>o me are mao : rom*D,fomc fquare/ome tfoee fmf in fjeig^t* ano one in bjcaotl), maDetierp narroto toUiarD trjc top, Icaft trje of the 5iBors..u)oHlbBHf rlabor tbcmfclucsin filling of tycm.&ome tnahe Kiue. tfjw'r |iues of Hantente bo;ne-> 02 (^laile , to trje enD ( as Plinic faityj tljaf ttrep map bietotlje manner ofttjeu: Uwltmg, varro mafeetb mention of earthen Ijiues foell plaittcrca -fcuitljmanD toitfjont Ujttrj goo ^Dre^ung 3 fo as tl)e rougfjnes ano ruggeones cannot Difplcafe tfjon : but fo? all t&af , tlje earthen fjiues be tfoe 4»oja t\)ti map be , becaufe in j&ummer tfjep beto^ot, anb m mmUt entreating of Bees. 170 mintcv to colO.C&e beH fjiuc5,nre tfjofc tyat are maoe of Coihe U)icbcr,o: rind t s of tr#3,becaufe tfjcp bacpe out both colO ano heat: tfjenert are fuel) a* are maDeof ^tratoano Bents mattcD toge' tjjer,ffoof<»t inb?eHt^ano fo mue&.fljmo^acco^mg to tjjenum* bee of pour 25ees in f>efg&t. Bin fome place0 tljep mafee tljtm of one pceeeof ioooo, cut ano fjolloieefc fo; ffjc nonce, 0; of topneo boo;os,nue 0? fire fot in £ eight , 'ano ttjefe neither are fo fjot in Rummer, no; to cole in tEimf er. iDf t&efe tomsoen Ijiues , the b*ft are tfjofe t&at are maoe of flje ifigge tree, pne, 0u)e , ano tfSlalnut, of fuel) length f as 3 toio pou J ano a cubit in b;eaot jj. BeftoeMfe*? i^otilo becouereo toitfc either £utie 3 o; &reDung: fo; fo (fait!) Florcntine)t?o» Qjal fceepe tfjem long Uutbout rotting, f)ou mutt alto bo;e fym though flopeto(fe ) U>hercb::' ffje foinoe gentlp enfrlng,map one top all cobfoebs , 0; fuel) iifeenopances. pou muff altaaies ijauegojD ffoie of Ijiueelping by pou,f!)atmap beremoueo,anDeafilpearrieo to^ere pontiff : fo;tbefireo,o; ftanoing IjiueSjbe Difcommooious.a* totytt) pou can neither fekuo; rcmoue :tfjougfj Celfus feeme fo comment) tfje ffanoing [jines, be- caufe ttjep are neither fobictt to ffea!ing,no; burning,being mane of 25;icR,o; fcoame^our Ijiues (as Columella out of Celfus Dot& Howyo* teacb) muff ffano Upon fome table of ffone, a paro from tije m U n place ano grouno,fo mud) in bztaott), fo fmcotfjeD ano plaiff crcD, as nct> y° w hiu «- tt)tt 2Coao,(Euette,o; Swafee map crape bp : ano in fucfj o;oer they mutt be placeo as trjere map be betUu'tf euerp one a little foall,o; partition, being open both before i bfyinue. 3f pou tjatic no fuctj partitions j trjen place them fo, a$ tljcp be a p?etttetua? otffanf one from ttjc ctljcr 3 tfjat in o; effing anb tobing to anp one of tfcem,£ou ujauenot, no; |urt t&c ofjjer J fo; a Uttk fumbling Bott) foone marre all tfjefe rjonfes , ano manp tunes fpople tlje IBM. 3lt is enougtj to Ijaue t&;ee raafees of tijem , one aboue t&e otfjee : fo; tbe feceper tftall Ijaue en^igb to Ooe , fo ouer- toue tlje toppermoff. SLIjepart Inhere fife Bee Ooffj enter, muff ffano a little lotoer then tljc tjinocr parf,fo as tfjerainecan not runne in, ano tfjefoatcr ( if there be anp) ma? eaQIpboioe. ^[no becaufc colo Ootrj mo;e annop ttje JBee, tycn lieafc , poa muft arme pour pities tuell beljinDe, againft tf)c fjurt ano bitter* neO"eoff[)eii5o;tl)U3moe a anoiettlje &>unne come bountifullp to tljem in tlje if ront, i^no tljcrefo?e it is beft fo; pou to mate P* t& The fourth Book e, tbeljoles ml) srref bep come in anD out, as fmall as sou map, tfjaf tyiy fumce onelp foj tbe bigncfle of ttjc Bee, partlp foj auopoing of colo,an3pactlp to luepetbe Cucf j,J15eeteU,}i5nttcrfltcs,23ats 3 £^otljcs,ano fucbotbecburtmUoerrmne,tbat IdouId otbertoife Dcttrop f p c Combes : loljcr cfo:e tt is gcoD you ijauc ttoo oi tljjc c fuct) fmall boles together m cuerp ^me, fo? tije commemtie of tbe Bee, anorettraine ttft encmie, Pvllarivs. nm ell, 3 pja? pcu let ts irnoto mtjen tlje Bee begfnnetlj to labour,ant) UU;rn t;c ctafctl;. M f. l l i s s e v s. JBecaufc 3 baue DtclaceD tnto pou befoje tbeir toile,tbeir Dtlfgence,anD o?oec of tfjetc frauaile, 3 mill note iifee&ife frjeto pcu Urtjat time ttjep begin to labour. 3 n tfje cam t cr ttme,fromtbcfetting of tbe feaucnttar res, fill tlje beginning of when the tbe fp;ing,tbepfee?pe tbeir boufes,ano come not ab;oao,bp reafen Becreiieth. ef ^ colo . lt1 t £ e fp ? tng,t^ep come ttraigbt ab?oaD,ano from tbat inning * ime fo ^ oar& ( tf tbemeatber let fbcm not J tbep neuer rett Dap. fnd order JFirtt of all,tbepframe tbeir Combs,anD £®ar/bat is,tbep mafee of his en- tbeir boufes anD cbambers,toberroftbet> mafee fomanp, as tbcp uule. tymkt tljemfelues able to fill : tben fall tbep to b:ecDing ; atiD late ofall,to mafeing of bonp.Sbeir £2Hare,tbep mafee of fyz floto:eSi trees anD plants : tbeir fjanie , of ttic gummes anD clammtneffe of trees tfjat are glctop,as ®3rllobi,eimcs 3 i\du,3 ukc. Oumme, anoUojen: Anftorle faitb,tljegmahe tbeirCombcs offlotmes, tbeir ^are,ofummcr,tbe biucs are not founo to be furnifljed agatne : tbougb tberc be flofoucs enougb at tbat time. fLtys, anD mucb mo:e beercof (faitb Ariftc tic ) to^mt Pi nie foUctoing , smrmcfb bonie ro be maDc of foe #p:e mott of all, at tberifing of tbe ttarres, fbtefelp tlje Doggc timing out carelp in tbe mo.ming : t^crc* fo?epoufl)all finDe in tbe moaning betimes, tbe leaucs of tbe trees bcD^lneD toitb banie, as pou (ball itketoife baue tbe #p> farrell,^ap?e 3 anD 20earcs 3 of fuel) as baue btene earelpab?oaD. 3» entreating of Bees. 1 7 x 3ftt t&e mo?nmg 3 oat Common people call it Manna 3 oj ^onp- Manna oeto, cleaumg to tlje leaues before tfce fifing of fbe &unnc 3 as it focre £>noUi, 0; tatljcr Canfcieo-&ugar. ^Ht>ct|)et; tt be tfje ftoeate 0; erercment of tyc l^cauens, 0? a ccrtame fpittlc of fjje $>tatres 3 o? a iupcet&af tfjeapje purged frcm tjimfelfe : ijomfc* euer it be 3 31 fooulo to <&oa it mere fucfj as it ftrft came from a> boue?anu not co^ruptcDixntlj tijebapcurs ano Damps of tbc carfy. 25ett~0cs 3 being fucfeco bp from tfje leaucs by tyc 315ees, ano bu geffeo in ttjeir C^atocs (fo^tJjep call it bp at tljeir mGut&rs)anD alfo Dtttcmperco Untlj tbefent of tbeflolmes, ill feafoneo in {be •l^iues, ano fo often altrcD auD f ranffo^meo, iofingmucb ofljifi Jjeaueniu) berfue 3 fiatf; pet a plcafant ano fpcciall celdf iall ftoeer* neffe in it. Cbe bett J^onep is of &ime (as 3 tying fapo before) Thcbeft ano goio Uhetoife of Cithifus 3 of the /fgge SECree oerp plcafant : Hone x of Varro rait|} 3 tfjej? fafee not tfjeir fuffenance, ano tfcU !£onep Time * botb from one. 3 great part of t&ctr- fart; is U>afcr 3 fobieb muff not be far from tljcm ; anD muff be bcrpciearu^;!)!cb is gtcatipto purpofe in making ofga>D^onep.0no becaufe euerpfeafen fuflfo refb tfjem not to be abjoao, fyeymtsit at fticb times befco, leatl t&cp tyoulo tfjen be fo?ceo to lute all open tf?e '^jnep, 0? to Icaue fye pities emptic,£>ome giue onto tljem Mater ano tfonct? 3 fot* Bc«,thcir oen together in little oeirels^putting info it purple ipcr d 3 t.)u»ugl) wimcr- tj?e tub«l) t Ijep fuefee ft, fo? feare of Djtnhingfannuf9,L\jojoli\> foodc * mngtjjcmfclucs: otbcrs 3 o?pjfiggrs 3 either ffampeobp fytm* felucs 3 oj mingleo foitb mater, 0? tlje ojoffe of (H5?a|jes 3 0? ttea* fins mingleo teity ffoeete Mine, ano fetts maoe t;)cretoitf> 3 o? iottb ^onep : pea, 31 fjaue (me fome fcfe (but in mp fancie toft> out reafon) rogiuettjem Bap fealt, $pojcouer 3 as tye Becscc* quire great lading fo ronfinuallp, ano ffjetr^focSDaplp attar* Dance, "fo moff of all tljep craue oihgent regaro, luijcn fjjep are a* bout to &>marme, tobereunto if pou fjaue not a great goo e?e, tbepluillbio pou farcfocll, anotefeca neto ^aitter, foi futtyis tbenature of iBees, tfjat toitb cucn? p;ina, is bjeOaCommon* Going a- iucaltlj 3 Uibicb as tone as f bep are able to trauaf le 7 Doe as it mere ™y of tffoafne tbe gouernmentano fcllotuujtppe of tljeolo SBar, \vtyt\) B , ec$ ' a , nJ rnoff bapnetb toben tl;e &>Uiarmcsbe great ano lufffe, ano tbat Zvllf tbeolo Stagers are OifpofcDfofeno abjoao fbeir Colonics : ano $erefoje pou ftallbp tiuo fohens fpcciallplmoto toljent^e nem ¥ S 3iMlKC5 The fourth Booke, ring Ica&ct of ttje oiffe ntion, tobom t?ou muff fa&e afoap. EEtyat The (hape tyc p?opo?tion ano fyapeof tbe l&lng is, 3 bauctolo pou a little of the before, tljat is, fometbing longer tljen tt)£ otber ISas, ano leffet Km s- luin&eo, of a faire an& goffering colour,fui©tb, ano Uutljout ffmg, ^aUibettjCcmcoftfjimfaettjag^carDjantiiUfolGurcD, tobttb art trngfyt, ano to be HUed: Let the belt (as fje faitb) u care the Crowne : &!;omuft {ji.nfclfe alfo beoepjiuco of tys toings, if ije be f co bufie yCuHtO,a;iD tuiil aifoatcs be carrying fj;s people abjoao: fo fl;ail poti, Untrj tfjc loffc of ijis fapleSjHeepc b»n at borne fpigljt Tc keepe ofl}is tstfj, Uiljtle be Dare not fo? iiunt of tjis tumgs benture out the Kmg cf ti)e c cd?cs, ano fa fl^ull Ije fecepc \)\b people atljomc. Dydlmus at home, ^^^21 tbe 13 ecs toill ncncr goe atoap,if pou rub tbe moutij c.f sour ^iuc tottt) rtjc Dung of a neto ealueo €aife.£o tbe fame t no feructb it, if pou ffampe t!;e leatics of UuEoe £)liucs, an& OEferDeitfDl&Ufi together, anD anuowtt^e^iuesinttjecuenmg rtjcrcUutbali : oj if poutoatbtbel^tucsano tyc toa!UstDitl)^0' ncp foDDrn tottb foater. saben an oioffoefce fs come to afmall number, auotbatffjecebenof IScesenougb fofurniu)tbel£tae 3 pou muff fuppip tbe toant Initty a ncto &U)arme 3 oeff roping t&e king of tbe ftrtt finarmc in tbe &pmig ; fo ft)all botb tfjeftoarms olaeil together mamifietBitb ttjc olo parents, as GplbefljetoeD pou bereafter,i»!jcre 3 meane to fpeafcc of repammg ffjeffocfee, SEbe Summer being paff, enfuetfj fye time fo: taking of ll^onep, Gelding to toljicb b-rueft tbe frauatle of tbe toljole fenoetb. flCfje time fo? or feting gatbering thereof, Columella feacfjetb to be tym, \$\)tn roe per* the Hjucs. tt i ttt tbc~D:ones f o be tiiutn out, ano banf^eD fcp tbe ISees : fo? The thence tbcp Driue the droufie Drone auay,2DbtS *D?one tS anim# Drone, f imelp btrtb, ant> an Imperfect 25ee 5 but ben> like tnto tfje Bee, facie fi;af be is bigger boDpeD, hungaltuaiesiDlc in tlji tyat, not labouring ijttnfelfc, but fo&ing \ht a lubber on tbe froeafe of bis fellotors, pet feruetb Ije foj'tlje b?exDmg anB banging up of t|>e poung : totyzt} tefytn Ije batj) Done, tbep tb^uff Ijim out of tbe Timefor tuue. Varro appointed; frjj^feafons foutiefahtngoutffje bonp : taking the tl;efirffaf tbe rifing of tbe feauen ^tarrcs : ffje fecoriD in&um*- Combs. mtt . tfjet^iroat ti)t feting of tbe fcauen ^tarres : il\is ftgne f&tobe"! fljc f?!UiS be fjeauie, ana t&at tfjcp be OeuMe furnro)e&. I^cu map mase po:ic conjecture b? t^e iSccs, kifjen fbep mabe great nQlteMtfyia, ano tofjen pou fes tijemffano oauncing, ano plaping entreating of Bees. 173 plapfog at fbeft topics, as alfo, if lofting infoflje t^uic, pou per* ceiuetlje moutfjes of tfjc Combs to be couetto tuitlj a !£onep filme.Dydimus tljmt$crtj it to be ffjcbctf time at tlje fiitt fjarucft, t^c rifmg of tlje fcauen £>raire3 ? o.i f [jc beginning of ^ai? : tlje fcconDj ttjc beginning of 0ufmnnc : tlje tijiro, tlje fcttmg of tlje feaum s>tarrcs, iuijiclj 10 about October : fjoU'beit, fijefr times be not alwaies r-iectfel? to be obferueD, but accessing totljc fc^ ixuruneffe of tlje feafon : fo? if (0 be pou fake tlje Ijonep before tlje Combs be reaDie 3 tfjeptahe it ill 5 anD p^cfcnttpleauc footing, SCljc timefoj gelDtng,oj Djiumg pour Bees,is em-lie in tlje n\o;> ning : fo? pen muft not at none trouble pour fjiucs. if 0? tljts hum of gcioing of roue tjiues,, voumuft fcaucttxio inttrumenrs foj tlje nonce,a f©te anD a ijalfe long anD mo?c : tlje one of ttjrm mull be a long fenifeof agrno bjeotlj 5 lj3uingat tlje eno abenoing create to fcrape tottljaU .- tlje otljer muft be plaine, answers fljarpe, ttjat loit^ tlje one pou map cut tlje Combs, anD tuitlj tlje otljer. fcrape ttjem 3 ana tyafo outmtyatfoenerD?cggrso?m , tlj pou ftnot in tijem. 0no if pour ijiues be not open beljtn&e, pou Gjall mafeea fmofeetoitlj Galbanum 5 oj Djp oung 3 being put into an ear? ftjen pan mate fo? tfjepurpofe,fmallaf tlje one cno/rom iubenee fjjefmolseu)all come,anob?oaD at tf>e ot^er 3 fi:om lufjicfj pou ffjall bloto tip tlje fmofce from tlje fire,in fuclj fo.jf, as Columella ftjcfo* etlj pou. £L!jis pot ^ou mutt fuffcrattljc ftrff 3 to fmofee info t&e ijme, ano aftermaro rouno about fotttjouf, anD foujall ?ou D?iue ttjem.l^e tljat meDletlj inthiB cafe foitfjrfje JBees, muff fpeciallp Bees hate feeepe ^imfglfe from tetcljcrie 3 anD D?unbennes 3 anD toau) fjimfelfc theeue * cleane : foj f Jje? loue to haue fuel) as come about ffjem to be as * n ^ vn " pore anD eleane as map beXljep Dcl/gljt incleanlineflc fo muclj, f e n a s r ' cper as tljep tfjemfelueSDoe rcmcoue from fljem all nltljpncCrMufFe* ring no filtlj to remain amongll f Ijeir labours-ralsmg ftp in fjeaps rogctfjcrtlje erctcments of their clime bomcsAmjufj in tlje rain? Dates,tDljen tljep too.iUe not ab£oaa,ttjep rrmaweano tfceto out ot tlje f)iue,3if pou fet d^arlichbp tljem,tljep mill tting all tljat come n«re tbem. 2Ctjcir anger is eljicf elp afffoageD bp tlje pufence of ffcofe tljat fcfe fo fcnD rbem, at toljofe comming ffcep toarc milcer, being foell acquatnfeD Untlj tjjofe tljat arctljar feccpers, 3f tljere betluo ffoarmes in one Ijiue, anD agraD togetfjer, tljep fiaue ttpo fo^fs anD manner of Combs, cuerp floacmc obfr ruing The fourth Booke, ty& otonc o?0er , tut ail tlje Combrs fo &ang bp rljerofcs of fljc Ijiues anD Uses, as tljcp touclj not the grouno totjere tlje IB as tie chfcfelp to iualfce, as 31 foio before of ttje building of ttjele Tafcioning £ 8 nibes. SEfje fafljion of t!;cir Combes 3 is aUsuaies accoioing to °i th f tlje fafl)ton of tljeir Ijuic0, fomerimc s fquare? fomettmes rouno, fomettmes long as tlje tjiues ace, in totjicb rtjep sre fafl&ioneoas in a moulo* Plinie foatcttj, t|iat tyere toere ^oncp-Combes founo in Ctermanic, of eight fcote in length : but Ijotofocuer tbep be,t?ou mud not take them all out, but tnuff t>fe Difcrction inta< Un$ oftfjem. ftmongff our people in the firft SBee Ijarucff (if 31 map fo f earme it) tljep tofe toitlj t&eie ctaj&eo hnife, f o pare atoas no mo:c but the empfie Cellcs,ttll tb ep come to tljofe tljat be full, taking fjcece tjjat thep tjurt tljcm not: ano this tljep see in the &p?ing. 31n the lattec Ijarueft, tljat u$, at tlje eno of Summer, thep take the Combes full of l£onep,fn fuel) fo?t,( as 3 tolo pou) burning tlje olo i3es 3 ano altoap feaping ant pjekcuuig th c poung ftoarmes, 3n the ftra faking, tojjen t&e ^ctootocs ace full of Sotajes, tljcp leaue the fift part of the Combe* factjinoc : in the latter harueff ,m[jcn fount cr app:oihcth,tl; e v leaue a thtco of their Combes fo; ttje iuttenanccof the S5ec,323ut tyte quantitie cannot cerfainelp be pzefcrtbrofc: all Countries, but mult be meaforeO according f o the abunoance? o ; toant of fiofojes, Dydimus Tha- feus, tljinUettj gcoo to leaue them a tentlj of their Combes in fyt Rummer time, if tt>c pities be toerp full, othertotfc, aeeojoing to the proportion: ano if tijep be cmptic,notto mcoole Uutb them, Plinie uioulbnot hauc tlje^onep of tlje &p:ing-rime (tohtch h« callcttj flcir>?c ^onfe) to be mec-lco foitfjall, but to be fpareu. £>* tljers leaue no ^onic at all fe?tfjem,bexaufe of rt)eabunoancc of flotojes that ate tljen fpjinging, iubtth is the cljicfc founoation of tljeir Combes* £>uch as be f feiif ullca Doe leaue the 15ces a iteclf tfj part of fljeic labour : ano tW tljep Do about tjjirtp oaie* -after the ftoarme, iirtjidj tijepmafce an eno of commonip in Sap. %fyz olo ano flic corrupt Combes, are fo? the mcif part at tins time taken afoap : ano tlje found, ano fuel) as are ftiico toitlj ^o* me 3 leff. 3n taking of t&e!£onie at tlje later time of tlje pare, t&ep fcfe to tittxoy tlje otecG ttoebs, tofaue tlje charges of feeo ting pf tjjem. SC^is o?iuingano geloing of ^iutsis not com* monlpttfcB in fljeC «»^^Pa ba( tyty ratljer, acceding to tljeir cuttorncs entreating of Bees. 174 cuttome, at tye eno of tfjepcer* burne fljem, alleoging fo; tjjcfe nwtijo^ttic an olo (£mjlt(l) ^ouerbcof tljctr clime : Driuc Bees, and loofc Bees : burne Bees, and haueBees. Sfitj; in fome places ttjepozoUme tf)em,OT)cn pou bauc f&us fpoi* KB pour l^iucs,pou u)all cacrp all pour Combes into fome Ijano* fome place, tuyere pou mcane to make pour Ipoucp, anoftoppe tip all tl)e boles ano creuilTcs of tije toalfcs anb toinoofoes, as rlofeafs pou map : fo; tbe Bees mill be oerp buftcto rescuer tfje p:ap. |3our Xfriucs being tyusbiium, if ttjere bcanp ill placed Comics at tlje entne, pou u)all alter tyem, ano place tfjem in goo o.20cr, fo as tbe toppes llano eomnetoarD, fo fofjen pou nert geld tfjem, pouu)all caliper take out tlje oloeCombcs, anoleaue tfje ncto,ano tfje mare fyall be the nefoer : fohicF) ttje oloer it is, t^c toojfe it ts, Mfjenfoeuer pou take pour Combes, Uofte t£at pouffraincout tbe !^onep ttje fame nap, mljiletljepare Ijef ano nem. JCbc^Jnie tbatpoufabeat tlje full of tbe3&cone(asPJmie fattfj) peeloetfj moft, ano tljefapjer ttyeoapfs, tlje tt)tc^cr it f^» JChc Combes being taken out, let tfjem ratfjerbe marine, tfjen Ijeatco, leatl bp ouee-beating tfjem, pou Sratneout tlje CSiarc fontb fjje Iconic : aftcrmaro,put tfjem into a goto ttrong bagge, ano mitfj a pjeffe, 0? otfjsr Bnttrument maac fo; tljepurpofe, 02 toitlj a Weber Basnet, pjcCfe out tlje -l3omc; butfeeffjat before pou p:effe it, pou fcuer from it fuel) Combes, as fjaucin ttym poungl5£cs 3 callcDit»itl) fome, ?ougttf>an& caft bp aloft all Ijis E#egs.,tof)Kf) pou mutt often fcumme off tolffr a little Gtehc : but in manp places tfjep are not fo curious, but tumble ail together, ano fo fell it groffeas it is, %\yt btVt l^onie is altoapes in tlje bottome, as tlje beft 2Dple aloft, ano tljebeff Mine in the miDtt. Chenoboscvs. Mfjafr Count riespeelcs rjjebelr^o; m'c,aiiD tofjtcfj count pou tfjebeft r* Mell i s s e v s. Cljc beft f&onfe tuas in tfje cloe time "Hie beft ffjougbf to be in Athens,ano in Cycift: it is note t&ougijtoerp g©j Honie « tfjaf commetf? from Mofcouu 7 ano tlje $o;tij-eaft Regions. The fourth Booke, XCfje $ onp at tlje beginning is tlnn as tea t er, ant) after ffje ttca^ ning, it foo?keti like neto Mine, ana purgetlj: at tfie ttoenfuf^ Da?, tt foaretlj tin'ckc,anD afeer&arDs is couer to tuit j) a thin rine, o? filme, lufjc re tye frofjj of tlje purging is gatyerea together* SDtje belt l^onp, ano leaU tnferteo, tlje £3tes Doe gather from tlje leaner; of tlje 2Dfce, tlje Hint) tree, and tlje fteeD, 2£ljere 10 tljjce JT hree fo;fs of $onp, tlje beft kinbe 10 tljat toljici) is calico Aurhim, 0; Honny. floto: iojjcn tlje Doggc begins to come in : tlje tljiro is i^eatl; l;onp,a iuitoekinDe of tjonp,anDnot allofoeo, being gat Jjcreo after the firft fljotcus of £utumne,toljile the ijeattj is floin;co : ano f hcrfoje like tfje &>anop Ijonp. 2Elje bell tjonp (as Diophancs faitfjj fs cleare,pellofoiflj,fmcot!j in touc[jing s f fine, roping,if it be Dzaioen in lcngtlj,anD long ftickrag together, clammt?,ano IjarD to be got afmtDcr: tlje ^onp tljat is of tlje iuo?ft making, is to be bopleo* Brp,ano k&pe bp it felfe,fo? fpopling of f Ije otfjer. j^aug&f fe,an& counterfeit f^onp is Defcernco bp tlje burning , fo? til Ijonp bur* netfj nofxleare,astbefaio Di cphancs Unfneffetfj. 2Clje Djoffe tljat remained, after tlje pjeffing, after tljat pou fjaue Diligcntlp tea* fljeD it in ftotet iuafer, mutt be put in a bjaflfe CalD?on, ano put, ring a little tuater thereto, melteD fcpon t\)t firc,toljic& inhen pott Ijaue Don e,pou mull Uraine ttj e S&are tlj: ouglj a .^iuc,o; fuel) tike The ma- *& m? ma * e of ^^rato, oj Hulljes : ano after feetfj itugaine, ano king of potojfng it into fome fyffell taiiti) Iuafer, from foljenee sou map Waxe. eafilp fake if,make if bp in cakcs,o: tnljat fafijion t?ou like. Plmic U;;ifct^. ; tbat tf;e Coames mutt firft belnauSeo toell , ano after * loaro D??eD in ttje Darke, fo?t[je fpace of tlj.zee Dapes,$ tlje fourth Dap fet upon tfjefire in a neto earthen tjeffcll, fo as tfjcCoames be couereo luit^ toaf er, ano tfjen ftraincD f fcougf) a &iuei laft of all, bopleD againc in the hmetjcffcll,ani! the fame toater, ano poto^eDinfo oeu"elstoitt)colDetoafer,|jaumgf[jeir ffDes noinfeO iDitlj^onp. Clje Ware l»ill be t)erptol)tfe after it bat^tlajD in - : m t|?e purine, ano keens ttotfe ToDCen : peuiliall make it blacke entreating of Bees. 174 tolrb tfje 0fyes of piper, ana being mingleD twit!) 52crmillion,it Uiiil be reo 3 atiD fo otljcrtoifc coloured as pou lift. Chenfbos, 3fin tbe matting of pour l^onppourlSees be almoft confumeD, tobattoapes Ijaue pou to repaire ttjem i Mel. When as an oloe ttocfce income to be fmall,anD tljaf Bees dc . pou are to furmfy out tbe number, pou muftceftrop (as 3 fapDJ cayed. tfje ticlti kin 1 in tbe £p?ing time , Uiljen ttjere is a neto ujojd in tbe ^iuc, tyzt tye neto people toitbout oifco;D, map Dtocll toitfc Thcrepai . tfait oloe parents 3no if fo be tbe dToames fane not peelDeD a ring of neto b2Q)D,pou muff take tbe Dtoellers of ttoo oj tb?cc otljer bfues, them. t put tbem into onc,butfofaspou remember before,) to fpjinchlc tym tottb fome ftoeet Itcour, ano fo fyut tbem top tottb fmo con- uznimt fo.: tfjem, till rtjep bcfullp acquainteD, leauing but little bjeatlnng boles about tbe tyiue, t fceepe tytm ttjus cnclofeo tym Haves. £Dtbcrs Doetofeto feiil tbe eloer fcing,but ttjat Columella alfotoctb not : butiftbelsing bctoerpolo, (tbe age of H5eesujall fyoitlp betyttoeo bntopoujanorbe people altoaicsgiuen to feoi* tion, tijen u)all pou cbtofe a tring from tyc ^iucs>tbat tjaue moff number of Kings. 31 tolo pou before boto pou tyoulo mahe ttjem a* grte.tobenpou putttoo fujarms rogctbcr,lelr tb epfljoulDOcffrop one anotbcr,tljat is,to fafee atoap tbe feings of tt>e neto ftoarmes* Chenobos, OTbat if ttjc tobolc ffocfec be Decapeo bp ta< feing Hje i^onp,o: bp Ccbencs.ano oifeafes,toill ttjepb^D againe * 0? map ttyey be repap?eo by art i M e l. l5pbotb 5 tbougb tf)cb:ceMng, ana ingenoiing of 15oes Breeding istierp Doubtfull tottb AriftotIe,neifbcr Dare be after bis long Dif* of Bees. putations, affirmc anp ccrtamtic tbeccof : fometime berecitctb tlje opinions of otbers, fomc tbtnfeing tljat tljepare ingenD?cD bp copulation, tbe SDione being tbe malc,ano tbe XScettje female : ottjerfaping, tbat tbep bjing fo:tb poung,but Doc not ingenDcr, but tbattbep gather tbeir pong oncs ? but from tofjencc,tbcp fcnoto not. £>omc fctp, from tljc floimes of M arioram : fome, ftom tlje floto:cs of tf/e fteeoc : otbers from tbe £> ; iuc flotous, becaufe tobenfocuer tbrre is great plcntp of £Miues, tbcre is alfo great ftoatmes of I5ees, iEtjerc arc againe tbat tbinfcc tbe £>?cne3 to be fogatbcreD,anD tbcHSits to be bzcDonels of tbe kings: ano a little after, \>z fattl;,2:be poung are tlje beft b?ceD, toben tbe bonp 13 maoe 3 tljep labour toity ttjeir legs tlje Mlare, ano toittj tbeir uiouth The fourth Bookc, mouf $ tHy caff out tyt l£onie into ttj c Cel0,anb baulng late ffcr fr poung 3 t^ep Gt bpon tbem as 13irD0 Doe. £E be little ©ao?me 3 o; Ovubbz , being ttjuo batcfjeo tobile be is fmall , Ipetb rrumpUo tip in tbeCoameraftertoarD, fpzatnletb ab^cao bp b*0 otune fojee, ano fallctb to teDing, clearing fo to tlje Coame 3 a0 be femefjj to be tic*. 8Hp bjojD of tlje Ba^ano tbeH>?cue,is mfnte 3 ofu.ibicb commetb little caojme0,t£at after groin to Bee0,anD 2>}onzs; rbu0mucb, ana moje,fatt& Ariftotle. 3n otber p(acc0 be tooulo teme to gatber, tbaf tbe V5&& ace ingcnD?cD of r|c ttng5,fapBig, f bat if 1 1) is lucre noc.tljcre to ere no reafon fo? facfc tfjings as are commiiteo m tbeir gourrnment>anD tfjaf tbc fcfngs bg gceD rca< fon, reniame ttill in tytl$iut toitboctan? frausiicas only borne fc?b:«Ding. ISefiDe, tyty be greater, 30 tfcougb tbeir botics fccre^rarpofelpframeofo? generation,! fycy pumu) f^e £>?one0. 3t ts net bcrp lifcelp tbaf ttje ct»iD?cn iljoulo puma) t|ic parents, fbercfo?et£e JSces are not ingenBjefc of j3D?ones. 3Seffoe0, it io a great argument, t£at 25*0 are ingenDjcDUjiffjouf copulation, t&at tbeir b?©De lietb %m fmall at t|>e firU , fauappeo bp in t be fjoles 0; Cellc0 of tbeir £oame0 , fobereas all etbec if lies anD fS&ojmefi trjat are b?eo b? copulation , Doe iongingenoer, ano qmcfcip lap in grcamcffc,aeco?Ding to tlie fcinDe of tbc cao?me. Pliniefollotemg^erein Ariftotlc, affirmct^ tpat I5as Doe Ut as penned boe upon rbcir Cggcs : anD that tobicb is batibrty is at tbe firtt a (mail toln'te too.:me,lptog£roirc tlje bole, anD cleaning in fucb fo?t, as it femetlj to feebe. £be bing is at ttje firtt, of a pcliotDt(6coloor,a0a cbofen floto?e,framcb of tbc fined fubtfance, neitber is be b?eD a E&o:me , bat toitb tomes at tt^e bcrp firir. Sbe etfjcr common foit,tul>cn tycy begin fo baucfau)ton,arc cal leo i^lmpbes, a0 tbc £D?otic*,$e sircus, ano r&e Ccpheu>,tobofe beao0 1 if anp man cbance to pull off, tbep ferue as a Delicate f©5 to tlje bzesDers. after a little time, tbep pefo?e into tbcin foe:, ano fit fcpen t^tm making a great noifcas it is tfjougbf,to p:o* curea beatneeeCTac? fo? tbeir |»af c^tng) till b^eafemg a fanner fbe filmes fbat enclofetb eucrp one of t^em lifee an Csggc, tlje tutjoie b;ojoe commetb fo?tb. Plinie aDDetb, tbaf ttys foas feene ano ob* fertteDatRomc.in a l^iue maDe of Eantecne bomes: t\)t tobole fcjaiDc is finifbeD in nue anD fourtie Dales. 0s fame a0 tbep are b?ougfjf ouf,tl)ep are faugljt to rrauaile Uraig^tloares luif b t^tk DammeSj entreating of Bees. 176 d3mttKS,t!)c poung people Uiatttng p:cfentlp Upon fytiz poung feing. SCI; ft c are funoj p tongs bjeof 0? failing,an0 toljcn tfjep come to age* bp common confciif , tlje fouleft airo toutoroaroeil of tfjem are oeftrcpeo. 2Cl;.tf tfjere 10 tto?fo;ts 3 aiio tufrat fafticn tljep. be otj 3 tolo gou before. c h e n o b o s. iietus noto fjeare foine tying of ttreiragc. The a ge M'elus. SCbcirage (tyepfnp) maptyus be bnctoen.fruty ofBcci. Rsaeenotaboueapatc oloe, Doe u)ine, ano lobe as tyep lucre netolpopleo : ttjeolo ones be rougb^ag^ap^tojincfeleOjloaty' fomcjt ill fauo;eb to Usfte t)pon 3 l>otobeit,foj making of Coames, tyefe are tye bell* Ariftotle in fjis bmfce before mcntioniD affirm mety , tyaf HBas Mm (Ire o? feaucn parrs , ano tyat tfa ffocfee continue nine 0: fenne pareSjtyc beeper of tycrn baty goobluefeev pjinic fcijitctyjtyat one ttockc toas ncuer feenc to continue aboue ten pares , not tyou$ pou fupplp tye places of tye beao cuerp pare toity neto : fo: commonlp in tye fentypare after tljcfirtt fii&ing, tye iurjclc aochc Dicty. #no tyetefojc to auoiDe tye mtft c&icfe of being uttcrlp Dettifutcit is goo to encrcafe tt>c number of pour ^iues foity ueto&toarmcs cuerp pare.flno if fo be pour 3Bas, ty?ougl) fuDDen ffojmc, fempett, 0? coio, lie fceao topon tye J^SJ" grouito,?ou mutt gatl;er tyem fogctytr into a plattcr^a bjoao be dead, bafon, ano laptycm in pour fjonfc folnaro tye &>outy 3 fpcciaUv: if tye meaty cr be g®o , after, catt amongft tyem &tyts of ifigge tratoajo, being fometyfng mo;e tiot,tyente3runne in tbe &paing,to[jen t^e toeati) er isfaire,antJ fp;iitchlc t|)em toitfjr tye foiefaio au}es,tyep twill recoucrmttyin afeto^oures. &f)ep tyatlift,mapp?a>ae it 3 baue not l&ftyecfo tried it. Marcus Varro iploety opinion 3 tyat Basare mgenojeo fometime of otyer Makfn & 25as, ano fame times of tye boop of apong SEultacfce purrffie^ of Bce5, reciting tbis QDpigTamme of Archdau** O^ Steerethat frrangled it arc children ftrangely bred, Of Horfc ingendred iMhc Wafpc.and Bec,of Bullockedead. ThcHorfc* breed the Wafpcs,thc BulJockcs breed rhe Beer The fourth Booke, JFoza poung £Dre,0j£>teere, being fftangleo, eo?rupfeo,anocaff into fome fucij place, Inhere tlje putrifieD toapout tan not b?cattj btif,anDffojc ef bearbs ano fiofc^es, agreeing foiflj tlje nature of tlje Bees tljmff into tlje boop, as Cime, Caflia, ano fuel) lifce, ioljeretoitlj tlje oapour ma? be tempereo,pou ffjal hereof quiefcelp Ijaue Bces»cuen as sou map of tlje boopof a fjo^feUHctutfe ojoe* res, tjauc TOafpes ano ^omefs* virgiJljatb DcfcribcD botlj tlje mannets of ingenojing of H5ees, ano tjje nrff fotf,fo tljcfe toc?os. This vfe 3 you wonder wou!d,doth pleafc the Bee, The Chaincs vnchaft of Venus they deteft; To file themfelues with fiJthie lechery They iudge vnmcct, nor will be fo increaft. But from the plants and plcafant flowres fweer, They fetch their tender brood, and hence they get : Both King and Court, and whatfoeuer's meet To raifc their walles, and Empyrc vp tofct. Slje otljer manners, oz repairing of Bees bp act, tfjefamepoet eloquently tljus toucfjeo* But if your Bees doe happen all to die, The breeders gone, that mould their race renew : His lcllbn learnc , whofe skilfull cunning hie, Made Bees, with bloud of Bullockesthat he flew,&c. , STfje manner fcofo Bees are ingenoieo of a Bullobne, virgili Be« made ^ largeip Difcourfe out of Mago,ano Dembcritus. poumuff 5tcere. frame a little Ijoufe fourefquare, about tm cubits in bjeotfj, $ as mucfc in&eigbt,foit& fourefoinoofoes,on euerp fioe one.B pong fat £>teere being bjoug&t fop Ijitljer, Ijis $ofe, fjis Cares, ano all otljer open bents ffoppeo, f filleo fotrlj lumen. Dipped in pttclj, mutt bzbtattn foitlj numbers of elubbes fo Deatlj, fo as botl; tlje bones ano tlje fleu) , map be bjofeen foitljout anp bl©0: fo; of tjjc blcoo cemmcrfj tlje 25ce.!afteriuar0,t|je ijoufe being Deepe ffrafoeo toitlj SEmic, ano tlje Bullocfte laio fcpon ijis bacfee, tije oejes ano trsc minDoUies muff be clofe u)ut t)p,ano fo plaiff eceo,as tljere can no aire cntcrXb?ee foeefces after ? tjje foinsofoes muff be openeo on euerp (toe , faue foljere tlje fotn&e blotuetb ff rongeff, ano tlje ligljtano tlje aire let in: J»|jen if Ijatl; bent foeUccjleo $ reft cttjcD. eijeiuinostos muff be u)ut bp againe,ano maoeas clofe as before: ano being opened tlje eleuentij tap after,pou mall nnoetlje tjcafe full entreating of Bees . 177 full of B^, ano noting left ofCfpe^Djce, faueflje fjomes? tlje fcapje, anD tlje bones : tbep tjolo opinion beftoes, tfjat tlje Ifiings are engenouo of tlje b;aine,anb tlje otljer 15 as of tlje boDp. Pvllarivs. 31 Utce itotfo cofrlpcomming bj> Bas. MRL.dDf tlje fame opinion IS Columella: 3J telpQU but tlje 0?DCt oftfjc olo ffcilfull fellotos^pou ma? cljcofc to l; c rljcr pou toill try it. Chenobos, 3 bao ratber ?ou tooulo tell bs tobatltcfencf* fes anD Difeafrs tljcy are fubtcrt to, anD boto toe ma? fcnoto tfje ficlmeffes, anD m tobat fo:t to Ijclpc tbem. Mf.lissevs, 3itolll toUlinglpfljctopou. 2r^eCgnfsanD^5 nesof tokens of tljcirbealtb, as if tJjepbeliuelp, quiche, ano manp in f^lf number : if fljcir toojumanfljip be neatl? anD cquallp tojougtjt : if tlje? goe about tljcir bwlnctTc cbarcfullp,anD if tljeplajlscfaire anD fmojrlje- nc ftgncs of tfjeir not being in bealtlj, is, if ti)cv Uofce loatbfomelp, be rouglj ano ljap.2ic,ercept in tlje time of rljeir labour, ijytftn tyty commonlp lobe like labourers, 0? be ojotofie, 0; if pou fee tljem carrping out of Deao carl$au"es, anD folio toing tlje cojfes, after the manner of mourners, 0: ttyat poubeareno nopfe, no? fiirring amongff tbem. Cbefefignestobcnyoufa> Columella toilletb pou to giue tbem meate in iittle trougbes of HecDes, fpeciallp ^onicfoDDen, anD grounD toitlj <25allcs,o2 tto • fes. Pou mutt alfoto bcalctliem 3 perfume tbem toitljGalbariiim, Hcafins,02olo ffrigges of Ckapca.Jf tbe&ingbappento Dpe,tbe common people toaileanb mourne toitb great ncaumeu~e,m;itljcr totll tlje? maue anp pjouifion fo? fbeir otone fuffenance : anD tljcrefo?e if pou feebe tjjem not, tljcp toill famiu) tljcmfelucs. P 1 s s r n a a 1 v s.Wtfj toljat Difeafes are tbepmoftbereD i Melis. 2Cbcp are manp times infecteDtoitljfbeiaeffilence, The difca- agatnff toljidj pou Ijaue no otljer rcmeDie, tfjen to feuer tlje Wats fes f . Bcey > farreafunDer.snieir cljiefeff anD earlp (tcbnes.is in tbe beginning J^J^ of tlje fp;tug,Uirjen tfje Spurge anD t^z <&lmz Doe botfj flotojc : foj as topon neto fruits, fo at tbeir firff comming abjoaD, entifeD taritfj tijefe neto floto?cs, being almoffbungerffaruen toitb tjje tofoter paCfeD,tbep feeD fo graDilp as tyty fall info a ififr,toljcrc* of if tbei? be not quicfelp remeDieD, tyzy Die. iFoj Spurge Dotb tofetbe bellies of all otber creatures, but tfje flotoies of <£imc biitiQttl) onelp rtje Jflire to tlje Bee.8nD tJjercfo:c in fucb Coun* tcies 3 to[jere fjjer* ia great plentie of tbefe frces,f be b&* continue ■z but The fourth Booke, bufalurjile. Columellatcac&etrjpouagafnfftfjfs oifeafe,to gfue tlj era Kofcmarp fooocn luni; water and Iconic: fome ogafne t>fc to glue trjem trje ftale of men, o.: bullocks : ns alfo trje grames of tlje pomegranate beafcn,anD-fp2incfclsD toiffj CSUme 02 KeaOns, iuttrj tt>c Itfce quanfttic of i$amia UncaccD together, $ gfocn ttjem In ujarpe foinc 3 bopieD in ancartrjen fcc(Tcll,anD potujeo into little Keeoes. virgin oefctibctrj an rjearbe,caileo Aumdlus, toitya pel* loin ttaiUc,ana a pueplc floto;e,t&c tuyce of fo^ofe rente being Too* Den m olo CCiinc, ano fframco ouf,is berp g©9 to begiuen tjjem. Columella out of Higimus 3 tcadjct& to remeop ftjem intljisfojt : fixttyto take out all trje rotten ano corrupt Combes, anc to g t'tic tljem frefl) tneate 3 i after to perfume ttjem tuitt) fmolie-Btt is god alfo to put to a Decayed rjiue, a netaf Inarm e,as 3 fato befc.jc.iKfc tile times trjep oie of aoifeafe torjicl) trjep call, The great deuou- ring,Uxrjfcrjbapnctrjtoljentrjep fjauemaoc fomucrjtoare,as tljep fljinfee ttj c v 1 u)alb c able to fill, ano aftectoaro^b? fto;mc ano ttm pett» inanp oftrjembeoeffropeo,fotrjaf trje remainefumcetb not to fill ttjc CombcSjforjerefep trje einptic parte af tJ>c Combes be comtneti) rotten, ano fo bv \ttt\t ano little tnfertett? feottj trje rjonie ano t&e J5ees; if 03 iu&icb trje onelp remeoie is^cttfjer to put m a neto float me to fill tip trje cells, 02 if pou rjaue no fuel) ftoarms, to cut afoap part of trje Combes before trjep come to be naugrjfj Ui&icrj pou mutf ooe foitrj a berp fljarpc knife, fo? fcacc of Difpla* tingt&ereft of trjcCombs,8 caafebefiacmanp times of tfjeoeat^ of trje W&&, is trjeit fo mucrj pjofperttic, as tofjen tfjerc arcDi* uers pares great abunoancc of rloto?es 3 $ t&e 25ets fo bu0e in trjeic feeoing,tt)at trjep fozgetfrjeir b?0eoing 3 lol)o oucr-toearping trjemfelueslDtt^ frauaile,trjepDie,notleauinganp L*:ajQe beijinOe tljem.Sit is ealleo Blapfigoma, Uirjen ritljcr bp ficfcncu"c,ffctrjful* nes,o:barrenne(re,tfjep leaue no fruit bcrjtnoe tfjcm.&o remcop trjis: 3t is goo eucrp t&iro.Dap,tofl}ut op trje Inues clofe,leaumg bat fcerp fmall fjoles,out of lurjto) trjep cannot eteepf,fo (ball trjep feefojeeoto lofoc totrjeir b?ooe > io&en.as trjep cannot otrjerfenfe range ab^oao.^anp times befiocs trjep are t^e caufe oftrjeir ehwe Deatijs, torjen pcrceiuing frjeir Iconic to goc atoap, trjepfeefce to gcceoilie-ECfjeic otone rjonfcDofl; alfo mnnp times Defer op trjenn foi being touched luitrj it on tljebacfce, tljcp are fo limeo, as tlje^ cannot ttirre ; ano iDple eotl} not owlp feiil Wits, but alfo-ait ot^er entreating of Bees. i 7 3 ofljet Ifoe creafotes, iFlpes, ano «2ae:mejef. ffi#ep fjafc all ffl, t&ie faaours,ano fling fuc& as fmcll of j® pntments : tljep are of* fen beffcgrcti toity flKffafpeSj^ojmefs, ano great e mojc m* gcrlic tlje Beare u>uctl) anoc,tujt[j tfje greater ttuap tfjep come oponi)t0f?ea&againe, tobeeebp tlje Bees are Uicll DefenDeD.SCfJe fauOur of CtruuTes, if anpmanbople tym nccrefo ffjem, Ootf) Ml t&c Bees. SE&e Ecco is alfo a great enemte f o f &em,tbat folty i>er rcfounomg,oetb fljafee ano feare fyem : ano fjurtfnll to tljem f s alfo t&e spiff. SC&e ^>ptDcr is alfo tbeir Ocablp foe, ano foijere tfjep eanp?euailc,mafee§auoehcof tljefjincs, fefting tbeir toebs ano nets in euerp eo.mer,f o oucrtfooto tfje poje Bee.&be m'gtjf* Butfecflfe, t&at fipctf) about tfjecanolc, isbacffullto tijem ttoo fortes : fo? tfjep boffj confume tfje Combes, ano of tfjeir ercrc ments left bef)inOett)em,isingenD?eo apotljes: tn tlje berp fotoo befioc, b?eeDetlj a Mo?mc tfjaf confumettj ff)e eaaare. SDfjcfe fjurtrall flfermfne, tfje earcfull ferepec nwff biligentp labour to oeffrop ano pjeucnt, ano Icfee tfjat fje pluefee bp all fuel) butyc* ano plants as offenoety ffjem, not fnfferinganpfHci) to groto ware t&em, ano to feeepe all burffull Caftell from twenty letting tbem almaies fjaue fucfj things at&ano, as fJjcp moff Dentin. i?o; tye deeper fjatfrtoojfeeenougb to tuvnc (jfm to all fye p«re long : fo? after tbe ttoelftb of i^arcf) t[;eir tyus* mutt be openeo Hiucs pur- ano Imheo bnto, tljat alltbe rubbifl^, ano ffltl) of tbe Winter map ged in «hc be ftocpt afoap,ano tbe feptoerstljat fpople fljcCombee pinched % in s- out, anotbattb?t?map befmobeo toft!) fmohc maoe of£)rc D»ng o? linnen(as 31 fpafec of before :)fo? fmofee is of nature p^dfifable Smoke to ttje Bees, ^no tfjougf) it be froublefowe-fo* the timtto tbem, s ood for The fourth Booke, pet it is cetfamclp fcerp Utyolfome fojttjnn.Eljc ©3ojmrs,be* fi'Dcsip3tl)c5,auoiDnttcrai'cfi, mud be billeD, u>l;icij eirauing like a pcftilcme to tl)c Conjo£fi,Doc fall aluap tf pou mingle toitfc pour Dung ttje marroVti of t^je £>ye 5 aita laving it topon t|>e coales, nuhe pour fmoue : imti) t^i« o£>cr ftyfiU pour ftuarmcsbe bept fitlhn JjraU^, anD U)all he bitter all* fo aUt»e ttjeir Ub&ur : tbis turn of purging ttjem matt be often ttfco, from tl>c fcalrnts of Sipal^iQ tlje fall oi; t^c IcafeXijeiijepsi; mutt heepe tjimfelic- (a* 3 fata bcfo:c)cicane fromDiunbennes, lettl)cttc 3 anDall bncleanc ano fftong fanenrmg fenfs : foj tijep loue to be purclpanD faitt)* fullp (ofceD bnto(ssf)at!) borne often faiD.)#bout an ctgrjtanD fo:* tit baits alter fyt cntring of ttje £>unne into Aries, tijep begin to fiyarme,anD at tl;e fame time Do manp ftorns per iftyttjat fcauc ft in anODiftafcsi^cco 0bouttijc fame time are buDinttjecntetmoff part of tl;e CombcsabicoDeof a great bignrs : \u\)\d) fome count Ocfti. to be tfjc liings: others call fljern 15?a:s 5 be caufe ttjep rourfc ano crjafe trjc 13ce6 5 anD t£>erfo.:c t|)inhe it g©c to ocftrop t^im.irrom frjcrifirgoffrjcfeauen&tarrcs, tljat is, from tfjc fift 3DC5of Times for Spar, tili tfje tcntlj, oj tt)c ttoelftf) of 8to 3 trjep fcfe to call trjeir (warming f&armcs : at iitl;ic& feafons tl;ep mull be earefullp Iffiheobnto fo? going a&ap : frcm tljat time, till tl;c rifing of tfce £>og, 01 tlje comtutng in of tl>e Dog Daie s, foljict) is aimeft Ujirfp Dairs, fas Columella faiti)) tljebatueft is botrjfo^onie anD Come. SJniuljat (oit tr>et>mrs3reto beD^iuen anD gdDcDJttsujeujeD befac : but at this ttme 3 anD till ttjetiueUtrj of&rptcmfcrr, tl;e fcitus mutt be opcncD euerptentlj oap } $ fmofccD.s:f;ct);ues being tljus fmofecD,t;3u nmtt refrcfi) tfyt SSctSjUntrj fp:in£b;inganDca> ttinginto fyt einptie parts of tfytiz t>tucs>Derpfictl) anD colDtoa* ter ; ano if an? thins remaine,not iuattjeD ai»ap,pcu nuittfteccpe ttouttoitrja(£fflfc&wig. I5cfiae s,tbc a3otrjcS; if tljepappcarc, mutt be fineepcoaiuapjano fyc 13uttcrMes&tlleD,toijicODtaeUtng m tfje ljiues,ace commonlpa bane to tlje 16ccs:fo2 tlje p botrj eafe fop trjc SLfarc, ano Uufb trjeir Dung Doc b?eeDe a fetnDe of £&o;me To ddfroy trjattljep eaU ^iue-mor^es.Erjefe ISuttermeSjas Columdla tea* Buttcrfius. c ^ett?, pou map to&en tt)t £paltoto flciu^etlj (at tefrcl) time tijete is great eft number o f f Ijem) ceff rop in ti)t5 fc2t|^cu mutt tiaue a tjeCTell of b;alTc,t3erp Ijigfj anD ttraigl)t 3 narroiuneeheDanD mou^ trjeD, in tlje bottome ioljcreof pou mutt ijwt a ligl)t ? ano fef it in tyz entreating of Bees.' 15^ tlje euenmgneeretmtopour fjiur0, anDpou u)all fee all tlje ysuu terflie0 ffrafg&tUiaics fall to tlje lig&f,anD turtle tfjep plat? about tlje flame, ttjep burns tljemfeluc0 3 toljile tljep ran ticttljcrget fap, bp reafonof tlje ffraigljfne0> no? u)un tlje fire 3 bp meaneo of tlje bjafen toailcs. Betfoirt tlje riMig of tfjc £>og } ano of tlje Bcare* toato, toljirij ace almoff fiftic Dales, pou muftfahega>D fjeco pour B*sbe notfpopleo bp £o?nef0 3 to&ic& atf&at time licfn toatgljt foz tljcm 3 euenat tfjeir ofoneD©?e0.8ffertijeriwigof tlje Bear* foarD 3 about tlje ttoelftlj,02 fourtcentfj of &>epf cmber s f0 tfjc fecono fjarueff ofpour l£onp:fromttjat time 3 fill tljefetfingoftjjcfeauen ftarre0,foljtclj is about fo?tie Oapc0,t(je Bees Do p^ouioe fo? tfjeir toinfer ffo?e , of t&c flotozes of i£eatlj 3 SCamarifte, ano otfjcr buu>0 ano ffj;ub0,of l»t»tc^ pjouifion pou muff f afec Noting, left pou Difeourage ttjem 3 f D;iue tljem afcuap: from tfjcfctttng of tlje feauenffars ftoljielj 10 about tlje entrance of ijiouembcrj tlje be* Not flur- gtnningdf toe map belceue Plinie Jof tomfer.Grije Bag hue all tlje lin g of iointcr long opon fucfjffojeof ^onpa0 t&eptjauelaiDop; at tfjts Bces ia rfme,t^e^iue0 muff be opened clcanfeo of toljatfoeuer filtlj 10 Wlnter# in tljem, ano Diligently ojDjeD, fo? During tfje toinfer time, pour ^tuc0 muff neither be openeD no? fttrreD 5 ano tljerefoje in t&e enD of Summer, to|jile tlje toeatfjer 10 pet miloe ano f emperaf e,pour !£foe0 being maoecleane in fome funnp Dap, fee tljat pou tljmff fonDer tljem certaine clofe eouer0 tljat map reaclj to tlje oerp bof> tome of tbe <£oame0 3 not leauing anp fooiDe fpaee , tofjerebp tlje ^int ffjallbe tlje toarmer. Wtom pou fjaue t\)i$ oonc 3 clofe fcpe< uerp rift anD open place toitfj Clap,anD Bullocfce* Dung mingles fogettjer,oatobing it all ouertoitjjouf, leauing onelp a little fjole to come in ano out at, f^ou muff arme tljem alfo againff t [je colo fempeff 3 toitfj gaD eouerture0 of £>trato anD Bougfj0,£>ome ofe to put in tlje ^iuc0 fmall BtcD0 being D£atoen,tofjielj tottlj tfjeir featljcr0 feeepe tlje B«0 toarmc all tlje Minfer, anD tfjeretoftfj if tljep Ijappen to lacfte fa)D,tljep feeo tjjemfeluco fufficientlp. |^ea' it Ijatlj bame feene tljep Ijaue fo feD tpon tfjem, a0 tljep fjauc left notfjingbut tljcbare bone0 : ljolobeit,a0long a0 tfjeir i^onp fuf' ficet^tljepneuer meODleUiit^ t(jebirD0. 3ft i0tjerp goo anone^ cettart? (a0 3 tolD pou before; to fet tljem mm in little flUroug^ o?Heeoe0,to DefenDtljemfelue0againff famine. Mfjen Winter «0 paff a in tlje fpaee of fojti? oape0 3 tljep mahe an eno of all tfjeir « 3 ^onp, The fourth Booke, 3£onle, erccpt njcir deeper Deale tlje moje Ubcrallpfottf) u)cm. Sstfjatij often alfobcene fane, u)att&cir Combes being empfie, tbcptjauecontinucD faffing, ttUtfjc^Dcs ofiFebjuariCjanD clea* umg tottjcCombeSjasif t&cptoere Oea& 5 pctljaucrctapncorl)cu: life : but leaft ttjep fyoulo lofe tt altogether, it is goo topcfo?e tfym in fonic ffcueete liquours bp little pipes, to!) crebp ttjcp map ruffatne tijtir lines, till tiji £>UiailoU) toitt} i)er appcanng ; p:c> mife a fcuelccmer fcafon, after iul)ul)time 3 U)l)cn tfje toeatfjet fotll fuffcrt&cm,tbcpbc< gin to fcc&e ab;oaD fo: t&emfclucs : fo: after ttjc <3>t;nnc is in the iEquinoftiall, ttjep neuer reff but rraaell painetullp euerp Dap, ana gather fioto;*c"0,anDncccu"artcsfo?ti)eir Vetoing, £3cfiDcs, beeaufefito places are fo fruitfully as topeelD fioUncs bott) Summer anD CTnterit^crefojc in too) places,U)[) ere after n)e &p?ing anD Summer (at tablet) ffmes>bot& Bcanes,Kapcs 3 ®Mlofo>s,anD otber plants ano £earbs,in eucrp place Do floU)?e) tbe flofojes Doe faplc, tljcp arc carrieo of Dfuers (ano rfjat in tlje nigljt, as g folo pou befojej into fuclj places, tuljereas tljere is 0gdd ttoje of late flowing ijearbs, as STime, W&iM fparicrum, ano £>auerie,totjermitl) t&ep map be feD 3 anD gather fam at tljctr pteafure : ano asColun)dIa fajitctb, u)ati5ees in tlje oloetimc, U»ere tyougtjtfrom tlje fielos of Achaia 3 to tlje paffures of Athens, ano fo franfpo?fe0 in Dfuers otljer places, £>o map we Uutfj fcs carrp tljem from places tub ere n)e fiefo;esbeconfumcDtnn)c |s>p?ing> to tlje Summer flotmes,as <£loucr,anD fuel; otfjcr : ano after tljat,about tbceno ofrbe £>Emmcr,to places furmu)eDtott£ ^eatb,£;amartffec,anD fuc^ct^erlate bearing floto.us. Jfo? nje auoppmgofttjisinconuenicnce of carrying from place to place, 3 foill u>to pou in ixibatfo;t 3 bauc omen mp Bie pars at fjome* 2nD becaufe jailer Hersbach |jatf) fljefoeapcu before in l;is C>ar> tren manp ga>D ^carbes, anD pet not thereto t^epfetuc, 31 toill fljefo you a fern plants, njatl fcaue fct about mp Bees, feruing botb fo? tfjetr commootfie,ano ttje fjealr!) of mp boufljola : 3 ijau* ujofen of a great number, fuel) as be matt neceffarie, $ of greatcll fcerfue : tobefefpcciall fecrfacs, ano foonfltrfulltoo?fcings,giucn onelp bp ttje moft grafious and bountifull reamer of trje foo?lD, ano being as it mere fuclseD anD D?atone out bp tlje carefull topic ano Diligence of ti}c Bee, mu& neeof s nuoe a greater perfection tt tljefc entreating of Bees. 180 fytit fjonieano fljcleUiare. 3bauefitlt enelofeot&e S^arOfoljere mp Idas u*no>toitb a^uichfet-beogemaoeof Blacivtbomeano l£oni? furlile : fbc one of tfjem feruingtlje 115 # toitlj fjfsflolmes at tfje beginmeg of tlje &p:mg; ano tlje otfjer at tlje latter cno of feummer. Stye firft, tlje 3151acU-tljo^ne faearctlj a pleafanttotufe B '«** ; flotoie, fo muct) t&c Vnclcomer to tlje 23o?, as it fs f fje berp fare* tll0rnc * luell of tbc winter : fo: be csmmonlp florojettj not till rtje winter be paff. SCfjcfeflotmetljattoifb tljisonelp inaterbe fjatlj careDallmanerofpamesabouttbeftomaciyjrart, 02 fiors. ©Ktnc mate of tlje £>loc, ano p^eferuco bntill BJulie, 0? 2agaflr>tDljcn tlje blouop jf lir mod raignetb,is a foueraigne me* Dtctne againft it. %%z otfjcr,tlje l^onp fucfcle,02 tlje Ma>obine 5 woodbine beginnef b f flowje in 3nne, t continued iuitf} a pacing ftoeet fa* uour,till tlje bcrp latter cno of fummer.SCbe water tljereofoiftik IcD anD 02nnn,ttoo 0; ffcee oaies together at times, aOwagctl; tl;e beatc of tlje ftomaefee, jjelpetl; tfje Cougb, ano ftjojrtncs of bicattj. &ags of lumen oippeo tbcrein,ano applpeo,ooe beate anp tjcaf e of tlje (£ies,02 Hiuer.jpert fcnto mp tyucft£ l;aue planted rtjefweet Ijcarbe Melifla 0.: Apiaftrum, called in (£ngliu), Balme ; tuitb a Balmc - fquare ftal!je,a Icafe like a fincott)i]!i cttle,anD a pclloto floW2c,anD grotoctb almoft in enerp beoge , an bearbe tor II hnownc to tlje olo tinmen in the Countrie,ano greatly oefirco of tlje 115 ee. Efjns Meliifa^oi Balme, foODen in U)r)ite £2Iinc, ano omnfce tins 02 tljzde mornings togetber,purgef b tlje b2cff,brlps trje fljo.2f-winoeD)Com> foztetb tbebcart, Dituetl) atoag tlje oumpifljljeamneffe, tbaf pjo* atoctlj of ® elaucfjoifc brlpetb tlje if aUing-ficftnetTe, ano almoffi all otfcer oifeafes: being cijoppeo fmall,anO Qjixpco a nigbt in gons wljite Wine, ano afterfoaros 0iffiUe0,ls greatlpcommenoeo, not onelp in ocliuering ffKomen from tjjeir pangs anD griefes of tlje 333tb?r, being ojunfce fo tlje quantitie of tyix 02 foure&pame> fulls, but alfo curcflj tlyt paincs o? fainting of tlje Ijeaef, calleO commonlp. The palfion of the heart. Cardanus greatlp tommm* Detb tljis rjearbc,fo2 f(jc comforting ano renuing of a oecapeo mr* mo.2p: ano arTjrmetrj,tljatit isacanfer of fioecfc f plcfant fleepes* ficit tmfo tyi» tjatie i groining tljat finite ano pzcaousljcarbe, ■Z 4 AngeJIica, The fourth Booke, ... Angellica,wl)ofe feeocs 3 firft receuuo from ffjaf fcerfuous an& Angeiuca. g 00 ip j^p^e &aO£ Golding in Kent,a Oenflewoman tljaf (et* tetter iutjole feiicitie intyz fearcano fcruicc of ttje aimigrjtte: ttjis l$t arbc is in floW2e,fao, leafe,ffalfce, ano fauour, fo lifee fcn* to Jlouage, as tyty map IjatDlpfae oifcerneo th,c one from ttje c t[jcc,trje leafe oottjma manner referable tijc jMgge leafe,fauing tfcat it is mo:e iagge&,ano fnDenteO ronnc about. 3f any man bo fucoenl? infcctcD witlj tlje peftilence,feucr } 02 immoDeratc ftoeaf, let f>tm rake of threat of ttjis Angcllica in pouoer,f)alfe a 02am, ofTrea- ai * D pnfting to it a 02ammeef>reaele , mingle ttjem together ce, you toitf) t^?cc o? fourc fpconefuls of tlje water oitfilleo of tJje faio rot, may take ano after l)e ^at^r D2unfce it let lum lie ano fweat, faffing fojtlje the whole rpace f t^:ce ijoures at ttje leaflh tfjts Doing, by ttje tjclpe of Ood 3 dramme. ^ ^ cfMp£ ganger: fyttcBtt ttapeo in ainegar,anDfmelt tmto,ano tfjefame ciinegar fome times omnfee fatting, eotfjp^ Genua man from tljepcffilenecttobe mo2t, tljermt ano t&etoa* ter thereof; is foucraigneagainff all inWaro Difcafes,itfcow;ctlj aWaptlje collections of a ^lurtfie beginning, tjelpety taieereo an* cojruptco lungs , ano is gcoo againft tfce £l)Qlliefec,&>ttan' gurie,ano reffraintof £&omens purgations, ano fo? anp iw iuaro (Welling, 02 inflamation , ttje iupee t[)mtt into a rjolloto tcDtfj, afltoaget!) tjjepaine, t?je water ozoppeo into tfje eare,ootfj ttje like : tlje fapD iupce ano water put into ttje zw, quickenctfj tit figf)t,ano fafect!) awap ttje tfjin ffcmnes ano rines tfjat couc> rett) t^cepe. 13eftDcs,amoft pjefent rcmcop in all ecepe anorof* fen (oizs, is t\)t iuytz , tlje water 02 rlje pewacr : fo: if elenfctfj tljem, ano eouercttj tl)t bone Witlj gmo flcfy. gt Was calleo in tfje OlO time Panacea, 02 Heal -a!, j^crt fclttO t\)iS Angcllica, fyaut 3} Cardas growing in great plcnric, Cardus Benedi&us, 02 bleffeo jfctjiflrle, Bcncdi- wljirtj trje Empirickcs, 02 common Proalifers,oo commeno fc>2 fun* fln«, o:panD great bertucs, affirming ttjat it Was firft fent out of In- dia,fo Frederick* r&t Cmpero2ifo2 frjc great bertuc itljaDagaintt ttjc l^eaoaci), 02 begrime , bemg eaten 02 Ojunfeen. £t!ufoife* ftjep fap, it tjeipetl) againff trje Dating, 02 giBDineffe of tfje tjeao, mafeetfj a goo mcmo2ie,ano retto?etfj tljebearmg.iro2t^ep2a)fe of fjts great fo;ce agatnff popfon, f pep b2ing fojtfj a panng mat* sen of Pauy,trjat IjauingbnWares eaten ofapopfoneD 0pple,ano tijtrewitljall fo fwolien y as no Ercacio , 02 wiitm could curt entreating of Bees. 18 1 t urc rjcr,foas at t&c laff reftojeo to rjcairl),bp rlj* oiftilleO foater of ttjis &fnftle:anO liUcluifc trjata bop,mtofo[)ofemQutl)as[)cflcpt in ttje ficlo,bappeneO an #DDcr to ereepe,toas faueo bp ttje o:into tng of tljts water, tbc#&Dcr creeping one beljiuDe, ftnt&outanp tjurf to ttjc c^iloe. 3n fine tljcp affirme,trjatt&e leaues,iupcc,fe3., ano toater,f)enlerbaU feinoe of pcfpfons,ano tfjat tlje toater tjatfj tiealco a tooman,U^ofe bzcft tois eaten toitlj a Canker to tlje fee* rp ribbes. 31 Ijaue alfo fet into tljis little peece of grouno, great ffo;e of t&e ^earbc calico Namularia , 0? |5enigraffe, Votytfy crec« Penigrafli pettj clofe bp tfje grouno, tjauingtipona long ffring little rouno icaucs , ffanoing oircetlp one againft ttje ottjer? ano a pclioU) flotojc, ttUc trje Croc-fcor. 3jtis a fouerafgnc fjearbe foj&ca* iing of luounoa, not on dp outroaro and greene toounss , but alfo tnmaro fo:cs ano olccrSjfpecialli? of tlje ilungs , thereof ti}cxc Ijatrj beene g

:as tjaife an ounce, tljefe t^ct? lap a nigrjt in luatec : ttjenertoapffjep boile tbera,till a tfjiro part be confumeo,anD after maaingit fujest ioitli £>uger, 9^- The fourth Booke, 02 Iconic of KofcSjtlKpgfoeittoarmeinflje doming ano Cue mng 3 fo!)ereluitb t&ep fap>tfce impefterne is ripencD, maoe foft, anocougtjeocut. Pvllakivs, 3; rrmember 3 ftjaf paffage bv tfje fcoufeof f Ijat ^onouwble 13aron, fye i.020 Cobham ( imjofc fcoufc peu fgall fcloome tetottijout great tefozt, bprrafon of fcis noble Dtfr paction, ano honourable mfertainement t^at hccgiuetlj to all coramers ; 3 cljanceo to fee in tys parfeeat Cobham, a certainc Vcronia. l;gacbe calico veronica 3 toljereof 3 tiaue tjcaro tertues. M £ l l i s s e v s. £Tt)af can 3 alfo fljete pou amongft ($tf Ijcarbcs tljatj Ijau* about mp Bees : ttiscalleD of Come Pea- criuum,ano veronica, as tt isfuppofco ofarertame.fr end; king, toljo foas trjougfct bp tbe iu^ce thereof, to be cureD of a great Leu p;oSe, It is calleo in Gngliuj JflaeUfci : it craped I0U1 bp tlje gr cuno, as pemgrafikDofM" 9 beared aleafe like ttjc Blacfee* t&ome.luttrj a blefcuft) fpcefcleo floto2c 3 k!tb a feeo inclofeD in little jolucljcSjlitje a fyepbearos purfe, ano grofoerfj commonlp onset Dkcs, D. Hieron U);iteft) 3 tijat tl;c fo:cc thereof, is marueilcus againi fyt ^cttilcncc, ano contagious apjes , and trjat be i)im* fc-ifc t)at& oftentimes p:oueO» £^e toatec of trje Ijearbe (fopefc in iulnte tMinz ano DitrilleDjt&ere toittjallfjc Jjaft) curcD funo?p times , [jot burning ano pcffilcnt ^eauers, as toell in poung men 3 as in olo, Hieron Tranfchwcyg, commenoeo it to be finga* lec goo fo: all Difcafcs of tfyc Epicene : ttje fifcpljearcs of German nie giue it ioittj great p;cfit maoe in po&ocr, ano mingleo toitb &alt ; to tfjetr Gattell DifeafcD toity ttje £oug& : bcelng deepen in Cofine ana oiffillcD , it is araeff pjefent remeoie in all pcfff* lent J^eauers : being giuen ttoo ounces thereof toitlj a little £rcacle,ano after laio toatme in beD, ano toell couereD, it erpei" iet&t&e poifon bp ftocat 3 an& DJiaet^ it from t^eljeart fiC^elpa^ fer of frjis |eatbc taken tevtainz Daics together, tiuo ounces at a time , *ielper& tlje turn fieHe gioaineffe of tfje fceao , feoioetlj fieame, purged biouD,ioarmctf) t^e ffomacfeejflpenct^ tfjeftep' ping of trje Liuer, rjcalctijtrjeDifcafes of f&c lungs, anD tfce «>plgene,purgctl; ttje Claims, trje Patrice , anD rfje Blaoocr, it t»:iuetb out fineatano oenome, ^elpet!) tfje lanDife , rije ffone of tlje feints, ano otljer grieuous Difeafes. pou fljall alfo ^auc amongtt tljcfe plants of mine, tlje gcoo flwoet |jearbe Cm iphiJata, entreating of Bees. ib'i o; of fome Benedi&a : af OtberS, Sanamanda •, calleD in (fcngltu) Auensjluljofc rootc tutjctljcr ftbegritne,o? oio, refcmbietb tbc Clou* m fauour : tfje leafe isiaggeo, roug() 3 of a oarfciu) grcene 3 auD not mac}) untitle to Agrimony .- tf>c flotu^c is pelloUij ant) after fjjc falling thereof, leauetb a p;icblp hnpppe like a ^eogc* Jjogge : rrjc r©tc tbe longer it ^attj groto?n,trje fmectcr it is : tfjs fpeciall fofe of trjts rairc in fomo eoiMtries ; is to be put in SSline in tfjc £>p.:lng-rime : fo? it mafcetb trje Mint to tatte and fauonr toerp plcafantlp : to!)icfj WLm, as manp f)olo opinion, ootrj glao tlje beart, opmcti) tbe oMtruction of trjciliucr, ano bealetl) tfje ffonucise tljat is oucrburOeneaimtbcoloanDgrou~cbumours : tyis icote boileD i\% WLinz ano giuen marmc,Dotb ceafe tfje grtefc of tfje flomacfce, oj trjc bellp 3 pjocceoing of cpr^er colo, o: toinDe, ifrntb bp ttys ijearbc , ! fjaue 3 planteo tlje great loafer Bcrony 3 caileO Of fomc Ocimafrrum, of Mathiolus, Scrophularia Maior : it tjatl; a great fquare ftalke, t bigge leafcinOentcD rouno about: rbe aotu:e is in colour ptrplc.ano in fatf>ton lihe tbe l&ell of a £>naile : it flotojertj in guneanDJulp, ano grotoctb moll bp toatcrss in fl)3DoUrie places. Tragus teacfjetf) to make a fpeciall opntment tbercof^fermng again!! all ^cabbes ano ^o^Ui&ere* toitbbC'faitbjfje batbfoeac people fomangte,as ttjepbaue hxmeb euen 3lepcra to be curco : \)is opntment is t{jtj5,2Dabe tfje bearbe, ra>fes,ani3 all, gatberefc in £pap, foau)eDanDfoell clcanfeD from all filtb, ftainpe it y ano ttrainc out i\)t tupce,ano fceepe it in a itjg* rem moutbeo (SlalTe toelt ftoppeo, U%rein sou map fteepc it a torjolc pare , ano Uifjmfoeuer pou lift to mafee sour opntmcnt 3 take of tbe fame iupce 3 of ca&arc.ano £Dpie, of eactj a like quantitp. ano bsple tyem together bpon a CrjannDiuj of cole*,irircing f l;em iuell,fill tbep be incoipo?ateo,anofot)fc it. Mathiolus teaebctb to mafee a lingular ointment thereof againft kernels, t& e &ings cuill,an& tl)c ^emeroocs : bis ojoer is tyis, i^ou mull gather tt>e reotes in t\)t tnb of Summer , ano after tljat pou b^ne maoe tljem uerpcleanc, damp tbcm together toittj frell) 115uttcr,ana putting trjem into an esrtljcn tjettell elofc coucrcD, fct tljem l>p in tmnt mopft ano oampiu) place, fuffcring it tbere to remaine fo.i. fbe fpace of 0fceene«oapes : affcrioarDs, let tbc fame ISuttcr be mclteo toify a foft ficc, ano being focll ftrainefi , lap it bp fy; pout fcfe. %tyxt l)aue Bl alfo anattjec. erccllcnt l;earbe 3 . calleo Betonic, The fourth Bookc, Cardiaca. calUO lit 3Uf U1C Cardiac a, 3 fctiofo HO name fo? ft m Q&ITgUQ, tp ceptsou ioill call it spotljcc-too^t : ana inOeco it is t&e berp true ^otber-foojt it grotoit^ bp Ijigt) toaies 3 ano neere to ftene toals, it jjat&alcafe fomettnngufcea.$ettle 5 tutmoje inoenteb, tlje ieaues nejrt to t&c rote bring iaggeo li&e tlje Croc-f©te : it grofc* ttlj buying tmtljmanp ftalfecs 3 3 baue fane it plcntifulip in £>urrp, anofomeffoje of it about spaiBltone indent : itis of great fo?ceagatnftanpfictmefle of tlje fccact, thereof it tafeeflj his name : it ljelpctl)Crampes 3 am> palfies 3 it cleanfetlj tlje t?jr aU from (learn e , it hilletlj Momus in ttjebotic 3 openetfj colO ob ftrum'ons, p^ouofcefy tj?ine, ano WSlomtns com k s : being maoe in youtfer, ano a fpoancfull of it giutn in WMw, it iaon&erfullp Ijdpctlj tlje tjaro labours of Women. Chenoboscvs. 3 speruatle pou Jjaue no ffoje of Bctony alfo i fo? 3 Ijaue feme tlje H5ees labour Dtligcntlp Upon if 3 ano Jjatte Ijearo, tljat it it* of great Uerrue* Mellissevs, 31 Jjaue great fto?e fnoeeD of if , but tljar 3 fojgatfo tell pou of it , it fshnototnfo commonly as 31 nee&e not to Defcrie it onto pou : wljofonux is troubles toittj bjeatung of toinoe, ano foeafeeneCTeof ftomacbe 3 ano t&ofcfoljoft ffomacfes rcfaine not t&eir meat e>o; foljofoeuer feeles fotoer belching from tljter ffomacfcs,ano is tfjerctoitlj often troubleo.lct tljemconlmu* allpfcfe Bctony, eptljer tlje liearbe ojflotoje bopleo in TOne,o£ tlje foaferoiffilleo, o? tlje Conferue fas t^ep call it J oft&e floU^cs* 0no if fo be pou lacfee tlje Conferue, o? tlje Inater.-fou map ofe tlje ojie^earbetn poUiDer, eptljer by it felfe, o? foity Ijonp : iuomen tfjat are troubled toitfj tfjc spottier , map ofetljis jjearbefoj tljeir remeoie.2Dobeu>3?f,tljefloto2e,leafe 3 ano rorte of Bctony fo&Oen ano o^unhe, o? tjofofocuer eou mill, in dfclrrtua* rie 3 Conferue, &irop, ^ocion, o; pctoocr, as von lift to take it, is fingulargtoD in tlje Oifeafes of tlje ^tomaefce, &iuer,fepleene, &ionfes,anD S5la&oer, it freetb tfjc spatrice from obffruction,an& ojatoetlj from thence all ijurtfull moitfures. J?oj eonfumpf ions of tlje &ungs s Cougljes> SDjopfies, continuall ano putrifieo Jf e- uers 3 p;orccDfng from tbe .§>tomacbe,boilc tlje leaues ano Slopes of Bctony in fconicD foater, ano pou u)allbaue p:cfcnf ficlpe. JDl)us ijaue 3 u)eiueO ?ou iubat binocof ijearbes 3 tjaue piantco about mp X^ees, to f|)c eno tljep (boulo fjaue fcooe at ijano of t&e entreating of Bees. 183 ttje ftusteft, atft t\)c tor)olrfomcff : 3 fjauf fljtVoco pou alfo tlje tocrtueS of tljc Ijcarbe, tl;e flototje, ana tt)c wafer, tfcat pou map tofe it foj potic omne eommoDitictonlpttMs warning 3 giue pou, tbat pou ooe not DfttM tbern , as (f)e W&ilfuftDoe, in Utiles of HcaBjSCiniiCjano H5iaire,mbicb potfonetb anD fpoiletljrbc mater, butuKSiaffe §s>ti\s , Cct in f$ni? ttefifeU of iuatcr bpon tr).e fire, m^crcbp pane mater ujall bcmoft perfect anD tor)olefome. SCfjc Difference of tt)cfc ttoo5iffi!lmgs 3 appcarrr!) plainer fo.: erampie, fit ^j:nutoao,mImf) if ponoifli! in pour common &tillato;:irs, t\) c ui iter cammed out fmccf^fiumg rjottcw a corrupt quaitttc bp tijc nature ano eozrupfron of trjc fpcftall : whereas, if pot? tier it in &ti\s mioc of (Dlaile , fcoaing tyzt tfjc (Utaffcs be well clofeo rouno about,P6iir Uutct fljail »;aue tfjc l>erp taftc/auour^anD p»o* pertte of tlje j^caebc. OTtb tfjcfe OMe »fils ponmap fo o?Dcr pour fire , as pot? map D^ata oat of eucrp (jcarbc s ttje SQater, Spirit, £DpIe,ano *yalt,to ttje great comfort of GcfceanD DifeafcD pcrfons. 3 fct bribes gceat plentpof &auo2P,^caflj,£amarrfRe, anD without tbc BeeparD, liB.jmmc, in w!)ofc flotincs tbcBtt mucb Deiigbtctl;. 3 heepe pou Jjcccc petaDucnture fto long in fo fmalla matter. Small is the thing, yet fmzll is not the gain?. if gratious Gods permit, and Phoebus not difdainr. 0s tbc l^eatnen poet tojifetfc: but 3 mill beere make an cnD of urn fjlfee 3 tljat fjat-; pcri)apsbeenc ftjoiigljt tea long. FINIS. Soli Deo °:loria> Olde Englifh Rules , for purchafing Land. Wbofo will be wife in farchafrngi Let him confider tbeje points following* pirft, fee that the Land be cleare, In title of the feller. And that it ftand in danger Of no woman s Dowrie. See whether the Tenure be bond or free, Andrelcafe of euery feoffee. See that the feller be of age, And that it lie not in morgage, V Vhethera taile be thereof found, And whether it ftand in ftatute bound. Gonfider what feruice longeth thereto, And what quitrent thereout muft goe. And if it be come of a wedded woman, Thinke thou then on.couert baron, And if thou may in any wife, Make thy Charter with warrantife. To thee, thine heyres, afsignes alfo, Thus ihould a wife purchafer doc. ■£- FINIS. ft / - ^'