HANG THIS BOOK UP FOR REFERENCE. To the Practical Farmer. iPIRESElKrTErj s^- BROWN CHEMICAL COMPANY, Sole Manufacturers of Powell's Prepared Chemicals, AND DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF RELIABLE FERTILIZING GOODS, Office: — SO Hanover* Street, Please examine this Pamphlet carefully, as it gives full information about Fertilizers. J. D. EHLER3 i CO., EN'GS. * PRS. Reasons for Using Powell's Prepared Chemicals: Because they have been more thoroughly tried in every section than any other Chemical Compound ; have given better results; are always the same in Chemical Components, and are in a mechanical condition, easy for mixing, requiring no water to dissolve them, no addition of plaster or salt and weigh more to the formula tluin any other brand, consequently contain- ing more actual plant life. — Try them ! WHEAT. RICHARD VANSANT, E:q., Mt. Airy, Mi, says : — Last rear I used three tons of Fertil- izer made of Powell's Prepared Chemicals for Wted, an 1 at the same time :nd in the same laud as it was applied, I used seven tons of high priced phosphate, which cost 532.00 a ton. The Powell's Prepared Chemicals produced such good results, that I am using seven formulas on my present cr^p, and advise all farmers to give them a trial. WHEAT. JACOB STITELY Of T.» ESQ.) Johnsville, Hi, says, he used the Fertilizer made of Powell's Prepared Chanicils for Wheat. "200 lbs. to the acre, side by side with manipulated fertilizer costing $32 00 a ton, and found t le Powell's Prepared Chemicals produced as good crops and as much ; he is now tiding the Chemicals exclusively. WHEAT. JOHN C. PARBAN, Esq., Green Spring, W. Va,says: I am more than satisfied with my experience with Powell's Prepared Chemicals] shall continue to use them in preference to other fertilizers. WHEAT. J. E. NICHOLS, Esq., Johnsville, Frederick Co., Va., says, he used the Fertilizer made of Powell's Prepared Chemicals for Wheat, and it acted SO well, that his tenant wishes to sow it again. WHEAT. W. D. riTSHTJGH, Esq., Brandy Station, Va., says, he used the Fertilizer made of Poicell's Prepared Chemicals for Wheat, and his wheat weighed 63 lbs. to the acre, and he made more per acre than his neighbors, who used fertilizers costing three times as much as Powell's Chemicals. WHEAT. P. W. FETCH, E-.q., Scottsvil!e, Va, says, he used the Fertilizer made of Powell's Pre- pared Chemuals for Wheat, and it proved to be all that it was recommended to be, and he will use again. WHEAT. A. A. DEVILBISS, Esq., Johnsville, Mi, says, he used the Fertilizer made of PowelPs Prepa ed Chemicals for Wheat, 200 lbs. to the acre side by s de with fertilizers costing $.34.00 a ton, same quantiy per acre: results wis such as to make him use Powell's Chemicals exclusively on present wheat crop. A LARGE REDUCTION IX PRICE. At the earnest solicit ition of many large Farmers and prominent Gran- gers, we have concluded to reduce our p ices of Powell's Prepaied Chemicals, from $12.00 to $10.00 per formula. This gives the farmer the very lowest wholesale price. Jt will be observed, -while making the reduction in price, we have increased the bulk quantity of each formula, with a 18SL In this pamphlet we have tried to show perfect pictures of healthy Plan (3 and Vegetables, and to answer all the usual questions asked us about 01; r " POWELL'S PREPARED CHEMICALS," that have become bo deservedly popular as cheap and reliable fertilizing agents. Our sales for the last year have largely increased, and we can positively assert, of the 25,000 formula? of our Chemicals sold, which represents 25,000 tons of Fertilizer, there has not been fifty complaints of their not doing all that was claimed for them. We have greatly increased our manufacturing and shipping facilities, an>l by doing away with the Agency system, and selling the Farmer direct, ut wholesale prices, we are enabled to offer more for the'money, when quality is considered, than any other manufacturers. We would also call your attention to the "Tip Top" Bone Fertilizer, the Powell Brands of Bones, and Bulk Commercial Chemicals, described herein, as being worthy of your consideration. B@~Please remember, we give every branch of our business our person ;il attention. Address all orders and inquiries direct to us, and make all payments to our order. We refer to any Banker or prominent Merchant in Baltimore, as to our responsibility. Hoping for your orders, Yours truly, W. S. POWELL, Treasurer, Baltimore, M<1, Wheat Certificates. WHEAT. C. W. HAZEN, Esq., Cattlett's Station, Va., says, in answer to your inquiries in regard to the result of niy experiment with Powell" s Prepared Chemicals on wheat I bought of you in September. 1878. I take pleasure in stating I used one ton, iu the way of experiment- by the side of Bone Dust that cost $42 per ton. Not having much faith in the Chemicals, I closely watched the result: I noticed soon after the wheat came up, the difference in favor of the Chemicals. The final result was, the wheat on which the Chemicals were used came out best. I Bee no difference in the grass crop up to this date. I was so well pleased with the experiment. I bought ol the same preparation in September, 1879, enough to make tour tons for another experiment. Used other fertilizers that cost mere than double along side the Chemicals. The wheat on which the Chemicals was used took the start and looked better all through the season. At harvest that wheat was said by good farmers to be the best. Mr. Bazen also says he has been using fertilizers for over twenty-five years ; have been experimenting during the time with many different kinds of fertilizers, and never used any kind that has given him better results than Powell's Prepared Chemicals. WHEAT. J AS. and FRANK WIVEL, Esqs., King's Dale, Pa., say. last fall we bought Powell's Chemicals enough for one ton of Wheat Fertilizer. We sowed it aside of "ZelPs" and ' 'Bruceville, " the most popular fertilizers iu this neighborhood. Our wheat with the Chemi- cals is fully as good, if not better, than where we used the $35 Fertilizer. WHEAT. DANIEL W. SNYDER, Esq., Clear Spring, Md., says, I purchased enough cf Powe'.Ts Prepared Chemicals to make three tens fertilizer for wheat. I used 200 pounds of the fertilizer to the acre with the best results. I am now in the midst of harvest, and can say that my wheat is elegant. This Fertilizer, including my labor in making, only cost $15 per ton, and I am confident I have as much wheat as I would have had, had I used a fertilizer that cost $35 per ton. I will use Powell's Prepared Chemicals on my wheat this fall, and would recommend it to all farmers. CHEAP CHEMICALS. PRACTICAL EXPERIMENT OF CHARLES DEVILBISS, Esq., One of the most Prominent Farmers in Carroll County, Md. tfT Which is the Cheapest — Good Goods at a Fair Price; or, Cheap Goods at a Low Price? New Windsor, Md., Aug. 27th, 1880. Mr. W. S. Powell, Baltimore, Md. Dear Sir : — For two seasons I have used your Powell's Prepared Chemi- cals on Wheat, making a perfect success with them. Last season I used them again, and at the same time, influenced by the cheapness of price, I was in- duced to use oue formula of Messrs. Baugh & /Sons' $9.00 Chemicals, which they guaranteed to be as good as yours, that cost $12.00. Of the mixture of Powell's Chemicals, applied at the rate of 175 pounds to the acre, I made a good crop ; but with the mixture of Baugh's Chemicals, 200 pounds to the acre, I made no more wheat than when 1 applied nothing. This, I think, conclusive as to the relative value of the two makes of Chemical3. I am using yours exclusively this fall. Yours truly, CHARLES DEVILBISS. Improvement in Quality and Quantity. By recently effected advantageous contracts for raw material, we are ena- bled, while reducing the prices of POWELL'S PREPARED CHEMICALS, to increase the bulk matter. This and other improvements made in prepar- ing the Chemicals, which does away with either Salt or Plaster in the mix- ture, makes the " Powell" brand the cheapest and best. Corn Certificates. CORK. E. B. TRENIS, Esq., Cattlett's Station, Va., says, that he has tried the Fertilizer made from Powell's Prepared Chemicals for Corn, 100 lbs. to the acre, and considers it as good as the average $40.00 Phosphates sold in his section, and the Chemicals in some in- stances have done more for him than the high-priced fertilizers. Used the Chemicals in the hills of corn one season, and think his crop was doubled by their use. cork. MARTIN SNYDER, Esq., Boonsboro, Md., says, he used the Fertilizer made of Powell's Prepared Chemicals for Corn, 150 lbs. to the acre along side of a $33.00 fertilizer, same quantity per acre, and considers the Powell's Chemicals made as much corn for him. CORN. J. W. PUGH, Esq., Gray's Chapel, N. C, says, he tried the Fertilizer made of Powell's Prepared Chemicals for Corn, and he was so well satisfied with the results that he is now using it on his wheat crop. CORK. THOS. J. HETTIN, Esq., Damascus, Md., says, he used the Fertilizer made of Powell's Prepared Chemicals for Corn, 300 lbs., to the acre, and received as good results as he ever did from any high-priced fertilizer — was so well pleased he is now using it on wheat. CORK. A. W. PHILHOTYER, Esq., Boonsboro, Md., says, he used the Fertilizer made of Powell's Prepared Chemicals for Corn, 150 lbs. to the acre on thin slate land, some of his neighbors using fertilizer costing double the Powell's, and his corn was as good as any. Mr. P. left a strip without any fertilizer and there the corn was so poor it was not gathered. CORK. NICHOLAS V. COLE, Esq., Mt. Carmel, Md., writes, saying, he purchased enough of Powell' s Prepared Chemicals for Corn to make a half ton fertilizer, which he used 200 lbs. to the acre, and got better results than from any fertilizer he ever used. Mr. C. is now using it on his wheat, and says he will use it again for corn. FERTILIZE FOR CORN AND SPRING CROPS. As one-half of the failures of our Corn and other Spring Crops is attribu- table to lack of plant life during droughts, we cannot too strongly recom- mend the use of Fertilizer in the Spring, as well as in the Fall. POWELL'S PREPARED CHEMICALS have paid well, when used on Corn, Oats or Vegetables. Owing to their cheapness, a trial can be made at very little expense ; therefore, we hope all those who have not already done so, will give them a trial on crops named above and see if it does not pay. • Discontinuing the Agency System. While the discontinuance to sell through agents, many of whom have assisted us in the introduction of our Chemicals, may be a seeming injustice to some, we are satisfied, as our prices were generally broken by agents work- ing against each other, that the plan of sales as now adopted is best for all concerned. Every farmer gets the bottom. And in this connection we would notify the farmers that any of POWELL'S CHEMICALS offered under our published prices are not genuine, and that many firms, who were once our agents, becoming chagrined at this action on our part, are working against us. Pay no attention to them. Corn Certificates. CORN. JAMES T. MILLING, Esq., Baltimore Co., Md., says, he has used the Fertilizer made of PoivelVs Prepared Chemicals for Corn, and considers it equal to any fertilizer he ever used, and is confident from the results they are better than any fertilizer costing double the money. CORN. DIETRICH GLATFELTER, Esq., York, York Co., Pa., says, the Powell' s Prepared Chemicals for Corn, bought in the spring of 1879, were used on the same field with, and along side of , and several other high-priced fertilizers of good reputation there, and the corn manured with the Chemicals was as fine in every respect, as that grown with either the other fertilizers. The advantage in cost is very great, the Powell's Chemicals being much the cheapest f©od Fertilizer he has ever used. CORN. JOHN S. RIDGELY, Esq., Sinipsonville, M(l. says, this season, as an experiment, I tried Powell's Prepared Chemicals on my corn crop, side by side with Manipulated Fertilizers, that cost me $45.00 a ton. The results are that the corn on which the Powell's Prepared Chemicals was used is fully equal if not superior to any I have, and, I now will use the Chemicals on mv wheat crop with confidence. CORN. THOMAS A. AMOSS, Esq., Fallston, Md. says, he used the Fertilizer made of Powell's Prepared Chemicals for Corn, 300 lbs. to the acre, and made 15 bushels of corn to the acre — the largest crop he ever made. From practical experience, Mr. Amoss thinks the Powell's Chemicals the best and cheapest fertilizer ever made. CORN. W. L. D. FROCK, Esq., Hanover, Pa., says, "I have, ever since I have been farming, been using "Whitelock," or hen manure and plaster on my corn. Last spring I bought a ton of Powell's Corn Chemicals, and used it on part of my crop, putting the same quantity to the acre as of "Whitelock," and my com, where the Chemicals were used, was far the best, and all my neighbors pronounced it so. I intend planting my whole corn crop with Powell's Chemicals "next spring, because it pays me better than any Phosphate 1 know of. The wheat upon which my neighbors and I used the Wheat Chemicals this fall looks well, and every one ie well pleased." CORN. H. S. McNAIR, Esq., York, Pa., says, last spring, I was induced to try Powell'* Prepared Chemicals, among other fertilizers which T purchased for use on farms under my con- trol in Adams County, and the crop of corn raised where the Chemicals were used, notwith- standing the dry season, was much better than that raised on the same soil, manured with other more expensive fertilizers. The result induced me to use Powell's Chemicals on wheat. I was struck with the superior appearance of the wheat grown with the Chemicals, looking finer than that on which sixty bushels of lime and six loads of barnyard manure had been applied per acre. • Powell's Prepared Chemicals a/r onh/ shipped m good sound barrris of 260 lbs. net Every bbl plainly marked for what crop if is lo be used and lion mixed to make oar /mi! 'ton of complete, fertilizer. Price prrbbt 5°°. CONTENTS. ■-*SSS "~^&. -^~- — , -^. f WELLS 1 a nwmowa ' 'prepared chemicals \ H POTASH 1 11 M AGNESIA FOR GRAIN . 26o lbs ' 4| in proper J M proportions J 91 to make yz ton fe ET ^ m S complete i f M fertilizer for M '^^^^•-sy i'sJI- Grain jjy Powell's Prepared (IxemicaLs for <*ram in stiff n if/ if quantity to make f> Cone/ 'fertilizer is 2 lihls 260 (bseaeh 520 Ihsprice of ' u hole <$' IO"° The CTiemicals when miaced with 20 Bushels of good rich earth , manure or unleadwd 'ashes makes a full ton of superior Phosphate thai cannot be excelledirvthe successful production of /Wheat, Corn, Buckwheat, Oats and- Grass. Use from fj0to300 lbs of the compost to thr acre as the land may require over POWELL'S TIP TOP BONE FERTILIZER. POWELL'S "TIPTOP" TRADE GUARANTEED Jmmonia 2 to2&|| I/ail.Phos. Acid 7& to 9 6 A gTbTALBoNE Phos..27to30°/c ^Potash 2 to 2^° Only One Price— $30.00 a Ton, Cash. NO COMMISSION'TO AGENTS. SPECIAL NOTICE. The " TIP TOP " BONE FEKTILIZER, as will be seen by analysis given above, is very rich in plant food. We put it on the market as being much cheaper and equally as good as many of the higher priced brands that are now sold. The analysis ©f this Fertilizer is guaranteed, and is in the best mechanical condition for drilling. There is not one pound Of earth or foreign matter used in making the compound. These facts, with the high chemical value and low price of the "TIP TOP," will make it fill a demand made by a great many farmers for a cheap and efficient Fertilizer, where they have not the time or means of manipulating chemicals successfully. .CJIVE IT A TRI1L.. • 6 OUR REFERENCES. Owing to lack of space we can only put a few of the many Testimonials we receive, stating the value of the POWELL'S PKEPARED CHEMICALS. If you are not satisfied that our goods will do all claimed for them, write us, giving Post Office, County and State, and we will furnish you the names of prominent parties near you, who have used our Preparations, and to whom you can apply personally. If you do not know our standing as manufacturers, we refer you to any banker in Baltimore. Tobacco Certificates. TOBACCO. J. A. HORTZELL, Esq.. Hickory, W. C, says, he used the Fertilizer made of Powell's Prepared Chemicals for Tobacco, 200 lbs. to the acre, side by side with the "Anchor Brand," 200 lbs. to the acre, latter costing $50.00 a ton, and considers the Powell's Chemicals equally as good if not better than the Anchor, and he shall use the Chemicals here- after. TOBACCO. JAMES O. CHAPPELL, Esq., Mountain Road, Halifax Co., Va., says, he used the Fertilizer made of Poioell's Prepared Chemicals for Tobacco, 150 lbs. to the acre, and consider them as good as any fertilizer he has ever used, costing from $30 to $40. TOBACCO. W. F. EL9IORE, Esq., Edmund's Store, Va., says, he used the Fer- tilizer made of PowelVs Prepared Chemicals for Tobacco, 250 lbs. to the acre, for the past two years, and is more than pleased with the results. TOBACCO. J. JBECKWITET, Esq., Meredithville P. O., Va., says, he used the Fertilizer made of Powell' s Prepared Chemicals for Tobacco, 250 lbs. to the acre, and considers it equal to any other Fertilizer on the market. He paid $60.00 a ton for Guano that was no better than the Powell's Chemicals. TOBACCO. P. N. STAINBACK, Esq., Octagon P. O., Va., says, he used on his tobacco crop of 18T9, 3 tons of the Fertilizer made of Powell's Prepared Chemicals for Tobacco, and made as good tobacco as he ever did with Guano costing from $50 to $60 a ton. TOBACCO. SAMUEE H. ROYAL, Esq., Powhatan County, Va., says, this is to certify that I used Powell's Chemicals on my tobacco crop last year, and whilst I did not experiment at all, yet am fully persuaded that the preparation acted well ; I made fully as good a crop as I usually do with other Fertilizers. The crop, although hindered by exceeding dry weather, was a fair average one, both in weight and quality. It was sold in the Richmond market, April 1st, prices varying from 4 to 11 dollars. I expect to use these Chemicals again the present year. TOBACCO. WM. J. JOHNSON, Esq., Cumberland Co., Va., says, I used Powell's Prepared Chemicals on my present crop of Tobacco, side by side with (Star Brand) which cost me $50 per ton. I think your Chemicals equally as good as the $50 Fertilizer. Powell's Prepared Chemicals are Ij/i/// shipped in e/ood sound barrels of 260 lbs net Kirnj bbl plainly marked for what crop it is to be user/ and hoi/' mixed to make ont half tan of complete fertilizer. Price prrbbt.i 00 . CONTENTS A PERFECT TOBACCO PLANT Powell's Prepared Chemicals for Tobacco in sufficient quantity to main a tan of fertilizer is 2Bbls. ?oV Ibseach 520 Ihsprice of it hole S 10 °" The Chemicals when mixed with 20 Bushels of good rich earth, manure o/ unleashed ashes makes a Hill ton of "superior Phosphate for Tobacco Powell's Prepared Chemicals when mixed u-iilt an equal quantuy ot itrii toif.ee/ Stable manure makes a mast excellent concentrated fertilizer for Plant beds. Use from /50to300 lbs of the compost to the acre as the land /////// require. Very often we receive letters asking us if we guarantee our Chemicals to produce a good crop. If the writers of these letters would think for a minute they would see it would be impossible for us to do this, as there are too many things between seed time and harvest for us to undertake to watch over them. What we do say is, that fully 25,000 farmers have tried our Chemicals, and we have not heard of fifty instances in which they have failed to do all we claimed for them. We think this statement, with lowness of price, and strong recommendations we give from leading farmers, warrants our recommending a trial of them to all. BWrfffffWHIBIII HTB^WBIWIIMH I JIMTl^ltMiMffBlll Tobacco Certificates. TOBACCO. MOSES E. GILLIAM, Esq., Moylcna. Piinco Edward Co., Va., says,' I cheer- fully add my testimony to the efficacy of Powell's Prepared Chemicals. I gave it a fair test .m my present crop of tobacco. On one side of the road which runs through my plantation, and which I regarded as the best land, I applied 250 lbs. Peruvian Guano and 250 lbs. Bone Dust to the acre, and on the other side 500 lfts. Powell's Prepared Chemicals. The crop on the latter is equal in every respect to the former, and I am so much pleased at the result that I expect to use the Chemicals exclusively on my tobacco crop next year. The Guano and Bone Dust cost me $52 per ton — the Powell's Prepared Chemicalo cost me $15 per ton. TOBACCO. F OBERT PINICK, Esq., Appomattox Depot, Va., says, 1 used Powell's Pre- pared Chemicals upon my tobacco and corn crop last season, 1,000 lbs. upon my corn and 1,000 lbs. upon 18,000 tobacco hills. I tried it alongside of a Fertilizer which cost me §50.00 a ton, (The Anchor Brand). I prefer the Chemicals to the $50.00 manure, even at the same price. I made a fine crop of tobacco and corn. If I had not have used it, would not have made half what I did make. I used it this fall upon my wheat, and shall continue to use it as long as Mr. Powell keeps it up to its present standard. TOBACCO. CHAS. H. GODSEY, Esq., Spring Mills, Appomattox Co., Va , says, I used Powell's Prepared Chemicals upon my tobacco crop in the Spring of 1879. 1 made the best crop of tobacco I ever made in my life, although it was the most unseasonable year I ever saw. I tried it side by side with a fertilizer which cost me $50 a ton, (Turner's Excel- sior). I used the same quantity of Guano that 1 did of the Chemicals ; I could .-ee no difference either in the size or quality of the tobacco. I shall use the Chemicals hereafter. TOBACCO. GEO. W. ELAM, Esq., Curdsville, Va., says, I bought in the Spring of 1879, enough of Powell's Prepared Chemicals for the preparation of three tons # of fertilizer for tobacco. I used it in a lot side by side with Peruvian Guano and Bone Meal, equally mixed ; I also used it by the side of a Manipulaied Fertilizer which cost me fifty dollars a ton, (Peter's Guano). I used the same quantity of Guano as I did of the Chemicals; I consider the tobacco where I used the Chemicals fmly as good as where f used the high priced manures. 1 used the Chemicals this fall upon my wheat crop, and shall use them on my tobacco crop next season. I let one of my neighbors, Mrs. Wm. El am, have a portion of the Chemicals I bought, and she was so much pleased with their action, that she used three tons upon her wheat this fall FERTILiIlZS FOR A PROFIT. Scantily feeding Land is like half feeding Stock; it don't pay. Put enough Fertilizer on to insure a crop, remembering, on thin or moderately good land, that not less than 250 lbs. to the acre of any Fertilizer will pro- duce paying crops. Tobacco Certificates. TOBACCO. R. V. LANCASTER, Esq., Cumberland Co., Va., Bays, I bought enough of Powell's Prepared Chemicals last spring for tobacco to make one ton of Fertilizer. I used it side by side with a fertilizer that cost me $50 (Ober's) per ton, putting the same quantity to the acre of each. I could see no difference in the Tobacco. I am very much pleased with your Chemicals. TOBACCO. R. H. GILLIAM, Esq., Hixburg, Va., says, I used two tons of Powell's Prepared Chemicals on tobacco last Spring. I used it in the drill, principally on gray land. I tried ten rows through the lot on which I used a $50 fertilizer the (Star Brand). I aimed to use the same quantity of each. I carried several good farmers to see the tobacco; they could see no difference in it. TOBACCO. RO. B. BASS, Esq., Cunningham's Store, Person Co., N. C, says, all the per- sons I have heard from, who used Powell's Prepared Chemicals on Spring crops, say the results were the best ever obtained from any fertilizer, and they all say they will use it again. I used eight tons myself, and it acted finely on tobacco. TOBACCO. JOHN R. GILLIAM, Esq., New Store, Va., says, I bought in the Spring of 1879, three tons of Powell's Prepared Chemicals. I used two tons of it upon fifty thousand tobacco hills. I made the best crop of tobacco 1 have made for ten years. I tried seven rows through the centre of my lot in which I used a Fertilizer (The Eureka) which cost me about forty-two dollars a ton. I used the same quantity of Guano as I did of the Chemicals; I could see no difference whatever in the tobacco. TOBACCO. WM. E. "WOOD, Esq., Spring Mills, Campbell Co., Va., says, I bought of you Powell's Prepared Chemicals, enough to make three tons of Fertilizer for tobacco. I used of the Fertilizer made of the Powell's Prepared Chemicals, 250 lbs. to the acre. I have used fertilizers of different kinds for 30 years. I have not used any fertilizer to come up to Powell's Chemicals. I have the finest lot of tobacco I have ever raised. I am so well pleased with the Chemicals, must try them again. I used the Fertilizer in the drill. TOBACCO. JOSEPH WOOLING, Jr., Esq., Fork Union, Fluvanna Co., Va., says, I bought in September, 1879, of Powell's Prepared Chemicals, enough to make one ton of Fertilizer for Tobacco. I used of the Fertilizer made of Powell's Prepared Chemicals, 300 lbs. to the acre. I consider Powell's Chemicals superior to any fertilizer I have used, and shall use it in prefer- ence to any other. TOBACCO. R.J. GOODMAN, Esq., Cumberland, Co. Va., says, I bought enough of Powell's Prepared Chemicals last Spring to make one ton of Fertilizer for tobacco. I used 250 or 300 lbs. to the acre on thin land. I made a fine crop of tobacco, and am very much pleased with your Chemicals. Shall try and use more of it next Spring. Note Carefully the Following: A CAR LOAD OF POWELL'S PREPARED CHEMICALS, qr any other Fertilizing material, is not less than 20,000 lbs., or more than 24,000. FREIGHTS. — Under no circumstances do we pay freights, and the dif- ference in rates per cwt. on shipments of one formula and a car load is a saving of fully 30 per cent, on the larger lot, therefore, it is advisable for farmers to form clubs and ship together. We always get best shipping rates possible. APPLICATION. — As the profits of fertilization is based on the results, we strongly recommend such liberal application of any fertilizer as will leave no_doubt in your minds — should the season be favorable — that a good crop •ought to be made. HOW TO MIX.— Mixing thoroughly is half the battle with composted manures. Mix in a dry, protected place. Seive your muck, ashes or earth so as to get all the small stones out ; mix all the matter well together and pass through seive until a perfect mixture is the result. This is easily dis- cernable to the eye, and very easy to do. HOW TO SEND MONEY.— Always send us Postoffice Order or Banker's Draft to our order, or currency in a registered letter. If you send us currency by express or a merchant's check, include 25 cents extra to pay expenses on 4ame. OUR PACKAGES are always sound and in good condition when shipped. Therefore, should they arrive out of order, make application at once to trans- portation company for damage done. ORDER EARLY.— Please remember that the longer any compost is mixed before it is used the more thoroughly its components will be distributed, therefore, we advise early orders, which will always receive prompt attention. In the middle and at the last of the season every one is in a hurry, we have more than we can attend to promptly, and some one is sure to be disappointed. 10 Please do not write us to know if we cannot take less than our published prices, because we advise you now, we cannot. POWELL'S CHEMICALS and " TIP TOP " FERTILIZER are only sold at published prices, whether one or one hundred tons are taken. Bones, Potash Salts, Ammonia, &c, are changeable in market value, and it will be a pleasure to quote special prices for any giv#n quantities that are wanted. Our Only Terms are CASH. No Discount. Cotton Certificates. COTTON. W. G. VINSON, Esq., Brinkley ville P. ©., B. C, writes that he used the Fertilizer made •f Powell'' s Prepared Chemicals for Cotton, 400 lbs. to the acre, and made over 1,000 lbs. cotton to the acre. COTTON. BAXSOM HARVEY, Esq., Bingwood P. O., W. C, writes, he used the Fertilizer made of Powells Prepared Chemicals for Cotton, made a good crop, and considers it equal to any fertililizer in the market. COTTON. ». E. EELIS. Esq., Garysbnrg p. O., X. C, writes, he used the Fertilizer made"of PowelVs Prepared Chemicals for Cotton, side by side with other standard fertilizers, costing $40.00 a ton, and got as good results, and expects to use the Chemicals hereafter. COTTON. E. J>. SCUEE, Esq., Harrellsville P. O., X. C, says, that the Powell's Prepared Chemicals for Cotton, furnished him last spring, he applied to cotton and corn ground, and made most excellent crops. COTTON. J. N. WOOD, Esq., Goldsboro P. ©., X. C, writes, that the three tons of Fertilizer made of Powell's Prepared Chemicals for Cotton, which he used last spring, he liked very well, and wants the same thing for peas and other vegetables. COTTON. J. W. GRAST, Esq , Garysbnrg P. O.. N. C, says, he applied the Fertilizer madeof PowelVs Prepared Chemicals for Cotton. 300 lbs. to the acre, along side of Lister's Fertilizer, 167 lbs. to the acre, which cost $45.00 a ton, and considers the Powell's Cfaernkals as good as any of the manipulated guanos now used. COTTONS. W. B. GRAY, Esq.. Garysbnrg P.O., W. C," says, he tried the Fertilizer made of PowelVs Prepared Chemicals for Cotton, 250 lbs. to the acre, side by side with stable manure and cotton seed, and considers the Powell's Prepared Chemicals not only a good and cheap Fertilizer, but preferable to the manipulated guanos on the market. COTTON. J. C. C. JENKINS, Esq., Illusion P. O., > T . C, says, as an experiment he applied the Fertilizer made of PowelVs Prepared Chemicals for Cotton, 600 lbs. to the acre, left some rows side by side those to which the Fertilizer was applied, without putting anything on them, and on the rows not fertilized he made 1 lb. of cotton; on those on which he used Powell's Chemicals he made 13 lbs. to the row. CONTENTS. AMMONIA. POTASH SODA in proper proportions J to make '2 to complete ffertihzerfor Cotton Powell's Prepared Chemicals are only shipped in good sound barirls of 260 lbs net £1 f/y bbl plainly 'marked t&r what c/op it a, to be used and lion mixed to make am half ton of complete fertilizer Price ptrbbl 5°°. A PERFECT COTTON PLANT Chemicals for Cotton Powells Prepar %*,??' 1 ' if <'iJ?X7>!' lt % r ° W,r a f °" z<< is ?Bbls 26V lbs re,,/, . 520 lbs,,,,,, n,ld : °t it'h rP% ni i // " J rr,/ " " /,r " nUaDed "> th & Bushels or good rich earth olfJV,?,; ° J 7 "?%* '"V"' '"'" *«****■ kiuJjmiil make after r77 y nn / /0 / / /" / ' s " /l,N '"" ^ eeeOent Phosphate for folio,, Use from MtoJOO tbs of the compost to the acre as the land trtai, require at r/ 11 Cotton Certificates. COTTON. JHO. LARKIXS, Esq., Angusta, ©a., sa y S , the Fertilizer made of Powell's Prepared Chemicals for Cotton paid him well, and he will buy largely of Powell's Chemicals another season. COTTON. G. T. CROWELL, Esq., Monroe, W. C, says, that he composted Powell's Prep red Chemicals for Cotton with cotton seed, ashes and earth, but using excess of earth made each ton 2,240 lbs. of the mixture, which he applied, 300 lbs. to the acre side by side with 300 lbs. ©f Wilcox & Gibbs' Guano, giving each an equally fair trial, and the compost of Powell's Chemi- cals, though it cost only about one-third of the W. & G. Guano, made one-third more cotton to the acre. Used it on corn same way, with same result. COTTON. J. R. ROBIJCK, Esq., Williamston, N. C, says, he used the Fertilizer made of Powell's Prepared Chemicals for Cotton, 300 lbs. to the acre, side by side with a fertilizer costing $42.50 a ton, made a good crop, and got a better yield per acre from ground on which the Powell's Chemicals were applied. COTTON. J. A. SMITH, Esq., Shoe Heel, N. <_'., writes, he made the best crop of cotton he ever made in his life by applying the Fertilizer made of Powell's Prepared Chemicals for Cotton, 400 lbs. to the acre. COTTON. Dr. E. H. HFBJTXEY, Monroe, X. C, says, he used last season the Fertilizer made of Powell' s Prepared Chemicals for Cotton, and considers it as good as any guano, and that he shall continue its use, recommending it as much cheaper than manipulated guanos. COTTON. R. A. NASH, Esq., Richardson's Creel*, N. C, says, he used the Fertilizer made of Powell's Prepared Chemicals for Cotton, 200 lbs. to the acre, and is well satisfied with the result. The yield was double where the Chemicals were used over land to which nothing was applied. COTTON. 3. D. WILLIAMS, Esq., Monroe, K. C, says, he used the Fertilizer made of Powell's Prepared Chemicals for Cotton, making nearly three times as much cotton where the Chemicals were applied over land to which he applied nothing. The Chemicals, Mr. W. says, paid him splendidly. COTTON. GEO. B. JAMES, Esq., Williamston, N. C, says, he applied the Fertilizer made of Powell's Prepared Chemicals for Cotton, 200 lbs. to the acre, side by side with a standard fer- tilizer, 200 lbs. to the acre, which cost $45.00 a ton, making, he thinks, more cotton where he used the Powell's than where he used the high-priced fertilizer. COTTON. . JAS. E. TEEMING, Esq., Ansnsta, Ga., says, he has used the Fertilizer made of Powell's Prepared Chemicals for Cotton, and got the most good for the least money that he ever got out of a fertilizer ; used it on 11 acres of cotton with very unfavorable seasons, got 13 bales, and if the seasons had been good he is certain he would have gotten seventeen. COTTON. J. C. SIKES, Esq., Monroe, N C, writes us, that he used the Fertilizer made of Powell' s Prepartd Chemicals for Cotton, alongside of Boykin, Carmer& Co.'s Home Fertilizer Chemicals, "Star Brand" Phosphate, and "New Jersey Phosphate," and that he must emphatically say the Powell's Chemicals are the best; paying better than the others, and that he will use them in the future in preference to all others. 12 CHEAP GOODS. We do not compete with Cheap Chemicals, or low grade goods of any kind : bur the best, they are the cheapest. We do not sell Fertilizers to make i.iTmer lose a crop, but to make one. Whe- aUALITT is Considered, ?re GUARANTEE to be the CHEAPEST. Cotton Certificates. COTTOX. r : F " SfosLE y- Esq.. Grovetown. Colombia Co., Ga., Bays, ifls having used the Fertilizer made of PotctlT t Prepared Chemicals for Cotton, two years in succession, he is con- vinced it is the best fertilizer for cotton, and wiil nse it largely in the future; and though tb* Mason was dry and unfavorable, his cotton was the remark of all that sa - ^ i .. COTTOX. ALEX. W. COBB. Esq., Shoe Heel, X. c. says, he has used the Fertilizer made erf PotcilTt Prepared Cr.emieal* for Cotton, 400 lbs. to the acre, alongside of Whann's 200 lbs. to the acre — latter costing $50.00 a ton; and considers the Powell's Chemicals superior to Whann's at half the cost. Notwithstanding the extreme drought, the cotton where Powell's Chemical? were used fruited well, did not take the rust like where other fertilizers were used. COTTOX. E. J. BITEXS. Monroe. X. C. says, he used the fertilizer cade of Poutl? t Pr^parti CkemiedU for Cotton, 200 lbs. to the acre on cotton, side by side with stable manure, and his r — '--'= ~^:~ - - - ~. : ' '. : C'ir"i:^".= if z::i as any Gin:: n la ted guano, and recommends its use by all farmers as first-class, and considerably cheaper than manipulated COTTOX. G. J RAMSAY. Esq . Toecoa. Ga.. sa TS : I bought of PoteeW i Prepared Chemicals enough to make one ton of fertilizer for cotton." I used ofthe fertilizer made of Powell's Pre- pared Chemicals, 300 lbs. to the acre, side by side with Empire Fertilizer. 200 lbs. to the acre. which cost $70 per ton. I consider the Powell's Chemicals better than the guano used. I also used Merryman, and consider the Chemicals equally as good. COTTOX. A. C. DAVIS. Esq., Bearer Dam, Union Co., 3T. C, says: I bought of Powell's Prepared Chemicals, enough to make 1 ton of fertilizer for cotton and corn. I used of the Fertilizer made of Powell's Prepared Chemicals, 150 lbs. to the acre, side by side with Merry- man and Allison t Addison's Fertilizer, 125 lbs. to the acre, which cost $40.00 per ton, and consider the Powell's Chemicals equally as good as either of the others I used. I shall use Powell's Chemicals in the future altogether, believing them to be the best and cheapest I hav» MB used. COTTOX. JOBLJf A. LIGHTSEY, Esq Branson. Hampton Co., 8. C, says: I bought of Powell's Prepared Chemicals, enough to make a ton of fertilizer for cotton. I used of the Fertilizer made of Powell's Prepared Chemicals, 3O0 lbs. to the acre, side by side with Ober'e '**»aers, 200 lbs. to the acre, which cost $45.00 cash, per ton. I consider the Po^r :■---; t.;-.a.'.;y ..- .'::. i:ii; i ^tIt:^ use on iv place, better than the other lad j» i: 2-7 rLr = >■:'..«; fertilti-er. • Powell's Prepared Chemicals a ?r only shipped in good sou/id barrel-* f 260 lbs net El try bbl plainly marked fbi u hen crop it is to be used anet fwir -tnijeed to rnsikeone hair ton of complete, fertilizer. Prire per bbl .52* CONTENTS. /prepared chemicals FOR , VEGETABLES \26oibs ' POTASH AMVAOvHd, iSOLPHOSP AC\0* |B0HE PHQSPHH? MAGNESIA in proper proportions Jto make ^2 ton j complete ffertilizerfor A Vegetables • PERFECT VEGETABLES Powell's Prepared Chemicals for Vegetables in sufficient quantity to make a ton of fertilizer is ? Bbls ?60 lbs. each 520 Ibs./jrue of whole (Example.) Front, 20 feet, (front and rear) to the \ Rear, 20 " number of ft. in length, J Side, 30 " (both sides.) Multiply / " 30 " this by the average/ height, divide this by I 100 nine, which gives the > (Multiply) High, 20 number of square yards [ to be painted; divide \ 9)2000 again by 20, which will 1 give you the number of I 20)222 Square yards. gallons required. (Two / coats.) ' 11 gallons in round numbers for 2 coats. JHaP^Lead and Oil Paint mixed in the old way, will only cover 16 square yards with two coats. OUR ENAMEL PAINT will cover 20 to 22 square yards with two coats. One gallon covers 200 square feet 2 coats; 150 square feet, 3 coats. ON PLASTERED WALLS AND CEILINGS, (properly sized), 1 gallon covers 300 square feet, 2 coats ; or 250 square feet, 3 coats. These Paints are acknowledged by all who have used them, to be the most DURABLE, BEAUTIFUL AND ECONOMICAL Paint for either Wood, Iron, Brick, Stone or Plaster. This Paint not being affected by the atmosphere is suitable for all climates ; DOES NOT FADE, CHALK or PEEL OFF, but RETAINS ITS FRESHNESS and BRIL- LIANCY for many years, and will last MUCH LONGER than the best lead and oil mixed in the old way. WE MAKE ALL SHADES OF PAINT. Parties wishing any shades not on our sample card, by sending a sample of what they wish, or describing it as near as possible, will be supplied without any extra expense. In ordering please specify whether the white is for inside or outside work, and give full shipping directions. This Paint is sold by the gallon, and is put up in any sized packages, in 1-4, 1-2 and 1 Gallon Cans ; 5, 10 and 15 Gallons ; also 1-2 Barrels and Barrels. DIR.EIO PIOIsTS. Stir thoroughly from the bottom before using. For priming use the Paint of a medium thickness, not too thin (as is often recommended). Size all knots or sappy portions. (Putty after the first coat.) The first coat should be thoroughly dry before the second coat is applied. Begin at the top and work downwards. Do not apply to a wet surface. Do not spread the Paint too much, all it requires is to be spread evenly. Use full brush and light hand freely and evenly. Greasy places on old paint kill with lime water. Use no thinning, if anything a little boiled oil. I Useful Things for a Farmer to Know. CUBIC MEASURE. A cubic foot has 1,728 inches. An a!c gallon has 282 cubic inches. A wine gallon has 231 cubic inches. A dry gallon 268^ cubic inches. A bushel 2, 1 50 {^ cubic inches. A cord of wood 128 cubic feet. A ton of round timber 40 cubic feet. A ton of hewn ti ubvr 50 cut.ic feet. A pile of wood 4 feet high, 4 feet broad, 8 feet long, 1 cord. A box 24x16 inches, 32 inches deep, 1 barrel. A box 16x16^ inches, 8 inches deep, 1 bushel. A iox 8x8 \ inches, 8 inches deep, one peck. A box 4x4 inches, A\ inches deep, half peck. A box 4x3 inches, 2.\ inches deep, one quart. TABLE OP DISTANCE. An acre contains 4,840 square yards. 43,56.) square f.et make one acre. 209 feet lo:ig by 209 feet broad, one acre A mile is 5,280 feet, or 1,760 yards. A league is 3 rni!es. A fathom is 6 leet. A cubic is 2 feet. A hand is 4 inches. A palm is 3 inches. A space is 3 feet. A span is 10j£ inches. LIQUID 4 gills, 1 pint. 2 pints, 1 quart. 4 quarts, 1 gallon. MEASURE. A hhd, 63 gallons. A puncheon, 84 galls. A tun, 252 gallons. Bushel Measure by Weight, LBS, Wheat 60 Shelled Corn.... 56 Corn in the Ear. TO Peas 60 Rye 56 Oats 32 Barley 47 Bran 20 Buckwheat 52 Dried Peaches.. .38 Dried Apples. ...24 Onions 57 Plastering Hair. 8 Unslacked Lim2.30 Corn Meal 48 Turnips 55 Ashes 50 Clover Seed 60 Timothv Seed ...45 Flax Seod 56 Hemp Seed 44 Blue Grass Seed.44 1 8® 1. 2 3 4 51 6 7 8 91011 12131415 16171819202122 23242526272829 30 31 FEBRUARY. S M T W T F 8 ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011 12 13141516171819 202122 23242526 SIM T W T F 8 ..... 1 ~2 3 ~4 5 6 7 8 91011 12 131415 16171819 202122 23242526 27 28 29 30 31 - APRIL. SM T W T F 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 .011 1213141516 1718 192021 2223 2425262728293' MAY. J AMt tABI. 8 iM. T.Wi I Ft 8 8 M T|W T F 8 2 3 4 5 6 7 91011121314 161718192921 232425262726 30:31 ... ... 4 5 6 "7 8 910 111213141516 17 18 192021222324 25 2627282930 JUNE. 8 M T Wj Ti F 12 3 4 6 7 8 91011 131415161718 2021 22 232425 27 28 29 30 - JULY. S M T W T F S •■ : 1 3 4 5 6 7 8. 1011 1213141516 1718 192021 22 23 24252627 2829 31 AUGUST. _ 8 M TW T F 8 ?! .. 12 3 4 5. 7 8 91011 1213 _4151617181920 2: 222324252627 "8293031 ... SEP IEM ff»K R. I 8 Mi TiWi'T, F| S n- OCTORF.R. S M T W T F| 8 2 3 41 5 6 7 8 91011 12131415 161718192021 22 23242526272829 30 31 M)VKJIIIi:« 8 M T W T| Fi S ..... 1 2 3 4 1 5 6 7 8 91011 12 1314 1516171818 _. 2021 222324 25 26 30 27 28 29 30 nE C EMB EK. 8 M TWiT, F| I 12 3 4 6 6 7 8 910 11121314151617 18192021 22 2324 25262728293031 Bushel Measure ly WeigM. LT.S. Irish Potatoes... GO Sweet Potatoes. 55 White Beans... .00 Salt 50 Stone Coal 80 Malt 38 Millet 45 Barrel Measure. A bl.l, A bll A bbl A bbl, A bbl. A 1-H, A bbl, Afirki A tub LDS. Flour.. ..196 Pork.... 200 Beef.. ...320 Rice 600 Cider... .350 Eggs... .200 Lime....2C0 n Butter. 56 Butter... 84 LENGTH MEASURE. 12 inches, I foot. 3 feet, 1 yard. 2 yards, 1 fathom. 1GJ feet, 1 rod. 4 rods, 1 chain 10 cu .ins, 1 furlong. 8 furlongs, 1 mile. 3 miles, 1 league. SeUABE MEASURE. 144 square inches, 1 square foot. 9 square feet, 1 square yard. 30^ squa e yards, 1 square rod. 40 square rod?. 1 square rood. 4 roods, 1 square acre. 640 .-quare acres, 1 square mile.