PRACTICAL AND SCIENTIFIC TREATISE ON CALCAREOUS MORTARS AND CEMENTS, ARTIFICIAL AND NATURAL; CONTAINING, DIRECTIONS FOR ASCERTAINING THE QUALITIES OF THE DIFFERENT INGREDIENTS, FOR PREPARING THEM FOR USE, AND FOR COMBINING THEM TOGETHER IN THE MOST ADVANTAGEOUS MANNER ; WITH A THEORETICAL INVESTIGATION OF THEIR PROPERTIES AND MODES OF ACTION. THE WHOLE FOUNDED UPON AN EXTENSIVE SERIES OF ORIGINAL EXPERIMENTS, WITH EXAMPLES OF THEIR PRACTICAL APPLICATION ON THE LARGE SCALE. BY L. J. VICAT, ENGINEER IN CHIEF OF BRIDGES AND ROADS ; FORMERLY PUPIL OF THE " ECOLE POLYTECHNIQUE J " MEMBER OF THE LEGION OF HONOUR, ETC., ETC., ETC. TRANSLATED, WITH THE ADDITION OF EXPLANATORY NOTES, EMBRACING REMARKS UPON THE RESULTS OF VARIOUS NEW EXPERIMENTS, BY CAPTAIN J. T. SMITH, MADRAS ENGINEERS, F.R.S. ASSOCIATE MEMBER OF THE CIVIL ENGINEERS INSTITUTION, LATE PRESIDENT OF THE EDINBURGH PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. LONDON : JOHN WEALE, ARCHITECTURAL LIBRARY, 59, HIGH HOLBORN. 1837. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from NCSU Libraries TO JOHN GRANT MALCOLMSON, ESQ., MADRAS MEDICAL ESTABLISHMENT, M.D. , F.G.S., F. R.A.S., ETC., KTC, ETC., THIS WORK IS INSCRIBED, IX TESTIMONY OF UNFEIGNED ESTEEM, AND IN GRATEFUL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF NUMEROUS AND DISINTERESTED ACTS OF REAL KINDNESS, BY HIS ORLIOED AND VERY SINCERE FRIEND, J. T. SMITH, AUTHOR'S PREFACE. The art of composing calcareous cements was confined, till within the last few years, to the knowledge of a small number of facts, and to the observance of certain rules long since admitted into use without examination, on the authority of Vitruvius and the architects who followed him. But the rules were almost always found to be at fault, and the facts, for want of correlativeness, were of but little aid. Could we, for instance, manufacture good mortar in France, by mixing three parts in bulk of dry pit sand, or two of river sand, with one part of slaked lime derived from a white mar- ble of great hardness ? Such, however, are the proportions of admixture, and the characteristics of good limestone pointed out by Vitruvius. It was of little importance besides to those, to whom it was impossible to procure it, that the pouzzolana of Italy and the Dutch tarras were possessed of extraordinary binding qualities; that lime eminently adapted for hydraulic works was to be found at Metz, Viviers, Nismes, &c, in France, at Lcea in Upland, at Aberthaw in England, and elsewhere. With all this information, and even adding to it the discoveries of the Swedish Baggc, and Count Chaptal, regarding the transformation of some schists, and certain ochreous clays into pouzzolanas by calci- nation, it was not the less necessary to work by guess in most instances, or to trust to obscm-e analogies for the success of the most important works. One engineer vaunted the effi- cacy of the powder of tcell-burnt tile, another looked upon smithy slag and iron-dross as the finest ingredients. These again, on the other hand, asserted, that such substances are destitute of energy. Lastly, this difference of opinion extended even to the manipulation of the compounds. Was the lime to be slaked with much water, or to be allowed to fall to IMU I powder after having immersed it for a few second? ? .Should it be applied hot or cold ? &c. Even- plan had its partisans ; and what doubtless appears paradoxical was, that each me- thod too was supported by experiments and testimony, of which it was hardly possible to dispute the authenticity. We shall leave it to the reader to appreciate a state of things like this, and to decide whether such a chaos of opinions and opposing facts could or could not make up a science. — a doc- trine of calcareous cements. Perhaps it may be replied, that at the epoch of which we speak, builders had learnt to erect bridges, locks, Mc. without either tarras or pouzzolana, and in countries where the lime possessed no extraordinary quality. Without denying this truth, we must remark, that most of these works have not endured, nor can continue to endure, but by frequent and expensive repairs. That on many canals it has been necessary to reconstruct a great many locks, whose side walls were in a few years found to be quite stripped of mortar. That a multitude of dikes, sluices, weirs, («* bar- rage?,*') and aqueduct-, of recent construed' >n, already exhibit all the characteristics of age. without the possibilitv of attri- buting these unexpected dilapidations to any other cause than the bad quality of the mortars or cements made use of. These facts, known to a number of engineers, have long since attested the insufficiency of the art : and this insuf- ficiency exhibited itself more and more, owing to the mul- tiplicity of marine works called for bv a constantly increasing commerce. It wa- to put an end to such a state of things, that we, in 181 '2, commenced our experimental researches, published in 1818. The subject, so to speak, is one of intrinsic importance, and consequently to discuss it merelv is sufficient to attract public attention. We may. therefore, be allowed to say. laying aside personal vanity, that the experimental researches on lime and mortars have been the subject of se- rious examination by chemists, architects, and engineers. Cer- tain theoretical points, independent of general results, have given rise to the-e di -. which have themselves stimu- PREFACE. Ill lated us on our part to new labours. Experiments in contrast with one another, undertaken in various parts of the kingdom by order of Mr. Becquey, Director-General of Public Roads and Mines, while they consolidated the necessary fundamental points established by us, enlarged the domain of facts to such an extent, that it became necessary to re-digest the whole, in order to arrange and compare them together. But by this very operation, owing to the multiplication and mutual support of the truths, they have added fresh confirmation to those which we were already possessed of. They have also en- abled us to contract the scale comprehending them, both by leaving us at liberty to adopt a mode of classification before impossible, as well as by affording us the power of casting into notes a crowd of details and historic or scientific documents, useful to consult, but not indispensable to the understanding of the whole. It is, moreover, in the nature of things to become more simple, in proportion as they approach perfection ; and this is the more fortunate, as now-a-days, much more than formerly, large volumes create alarm, and are no longer read. These explanations having been given, we are anxious here to make known the fresh obligations which we labour under to the analytic and synthetic labours of Messrs. John and Berthier, on calcareous compounds and hydraulic limes ; to the researches of M. Bruyere, Inspector-General of Roads and Bridges, on the manufacture of artificial pouzzolanas and cements, resulting from the calcination of clays combined with a small proportion of lime ; to the very remarkable experi- ments of Messrs. Avril and Girard de Caudemberg, Engineers, the first on the psammites of Finisterre — the second on the arenes of Perigord ; to the examination of the limes of Russia by Col. Raucourt, an examination which has led that Engineer to enrich the science with numerous important observations ; and lastly, to the interesting results obtained by M. Lacor- daire, Engineer, in using the hydraulic limestones imper- fectly burned, as natural cements. 1\ I'HLIACL. There are services of another kind which require no . acknowledgment — such is the generous and enlightened maimer in which M. Bruycre, Inspector-General, first, in [Q18, obtained for rny work the attention and support of the Director-General and Council of Roads and Bridges ; such alpo if the succour afforded to this work by the honourable mention of it which Messrs. Gay-Lussac and Thenard have been pleased to make in their Lectures in the u Ecole Poly- technique ;" in the Syllabus of his Lectures on Building by ,M. Sgauzin. Inspector-General ; and lastly, in an able Re- port to the Academy of Science?, by M. Girard, Member of the Academy. TRANSLATOR'S PREFACE. The merits of M. Vicat's valuable researches into the composition of mortars and cements are already too well known, to render it necessary for me to apologise for an endeavour to extend their usefulness, by submitting them to the public in a more accessible form. But as the motives which induced me to undertake this work, and have en- couraged me to persevere in its fulfilment, may require explanation, I ought not to refrain from making them known, nor from claiming that indulgence for the result of my labours, which the peculiar circumstances under which they have been accomplished render necessary. Having been occupied for many years in the construction and repairs of numerous public buildings, the charge of which devolved upon me in the performance of staff duties, I was long embarrassed, in the endeavour to give durability to works executed under my superintendence, by many dif- ficulties arising from the defective quality of the cements employed, the dampness of the situation, and other causes at the time unknown. Anxious to remedy these evils, I engaged in a series of experiments, in which numerous modifications of the pro- cesses previously employed, and even.- suggestion which could be gleaned from the scattered hints contained in the writings of the various English authors who have incidentally touched on the subject, were put to trial, both with reference to the durability of the compounds, as well as their economy on the large scale. But although these endeavours were followed by many promising results, it was not until I became pos- VI TRANSLATOR B PREFACE. sessed of M. Vicat's Work, that the theory of the composition of mortars and cements was developed in a sufficiently satis- factory and comprehensive manner, to enable me to take a full view of the varied resources found within the limits of almost every locality, for the fulfilment of the objects of which I was in search. But, systematic and plain as M. Vicat's instructions and experiments are when well under- stood ; yet it was not without much labour, in repeating many of the experiments, and the perusal of other French authors on the same subject, that I was enabled to over- come the difficulties occasioned by my imperfect acquaint- ance with the exact meaning of the numerous technical term- employed in it, and fully to appreciate the originality and appropriateness of the experiments, and the depth and philo- sophical accuracy of the reasoning founded on them. Hav- ing surmounted these obstacles, and felt the great value of the copious information placed at my disposal, I could not look back upon the pains which it had cost me to effect my object without being led to consider, that others similarly situated with myself might have the same impediments to contend with; and that I might assist future incpairers. by placing the labours of M. Vicat within the reach of those, who might not possess sufficient leisure to give that attention to his work which I had found to be indispensable. Of the desirableness of such a work, indeed, it needed but little consideration to Batisfj me; for though intimately con- nected as such researches are with the success and durability of our most important const ructions, and with the security and domestic comforts of every class of civilized society: it is re- markable, that since the publication of Dr. Iliggins, now- rendered obsolete by the rapid strides which the art has taken since his time, no English work on this subject has yet appeared. Nor have the investigations connected with it, hitherto, attracted the attention of any of the distin- guished philosophers, to whom science and the arts are in other respect* so largely indebted. TRANSLATOR S PREFACE. VU At a time, therefore, when the rapidly extending demands of a quickly progressive civilization, daily give birth to new and stupendous undertakings, there could be no doubt as to the benefits which must result from bringing before the public, the labours of those who have devoted themselves to the study of this very important and hitherto neglected branch of Architecture, and of placing within their reach the manv valuable facts brought to light bv them. But of my own fitness for this undertaking, even with the advantages of expected leisure under which it was com- menced, I could not avoid feeling the greatest diffidence ; nor should I have ever ventured to incur so great a responsi- bility, had I not been encouraged by the consideration, that much which could not fail to be of service, might be effected by the mere exertion of persevering industry. And that, although, as I felt conscious, numbers might have been found infinitely better qualified than myself to do justice to the task; yet, that the very circumstance of superior fitness, joined to the increasing demands upon the talented members of the profession to whose province it would most properly belong, would be sufficient to pre- vent the public from ever deriving the benefit of their assistance. Under the influence of these considerations, therefore, and in the hope of thereby finding useful and instructive occupa- tion, for the leisure which an absence from my duties on ac- count of ill health would afford me, I made up my mind to commence the task. But I had not proceeded far, when I was unfortunately deprived of the advantage upon which I had principally relied for success, by being called upon to apply the time I had intended to devote to this object, to the service of Government in a different pursuit ; whereby I was deprived of the ability to devote that attention and study to it, which it was my earnest wish to have done. These causes must, I fear, necessarily be pleaded as an ex- cuse, for those inaccuracies which I cannot hope to have escaped viii TRANSLATOR S PREFACE. from : and which will, I trust, be treated with indulgence. In the general design and execution of the work, however, I have not failed to keep in view the convenience of the reader, in so far as it lay in my power to add to it, or to the general usefulness of the volume. I have therefore, throughout, en- deavoured to communicate whatever information it was in my power to collect, either from the published works of others, or from my own experiments, in illustration or support of the opinions or statements contained in the text. The whole of the measures made use of have, also, except when clearly unne- cessary, been reduced to the corresponding English standard ; a process which has also been applied to the very valuable results collected together in the Tables. Thus, these experi- ments now admit of a ready comparison with similar ones made in this country, and the reader will find no difficulty in forming a clear apprehension as to the efficiency of the processes to which they are applied as tests. It may be pro- per to add, that these calculations have been made from tables of the correspondence of English and French weights and measures, given at the end of Ure's Chemical Dictionary (Edition of 1824). In the first, or more practical part of the volume, ex- planations have been given in the notes, of such scientific terms as may not be familiar to the general reader. This, however, has not been done in respect to all the notes in the Appendix; as many of them, consisting of purely scientific reasoning, conk) not, in the limited space of a note, have been rendered perfectly intelligible to those by whom the terms themselves were not understood. These additions, with that of a copious Index, and a more di-tinct separation of the various subjects severally treated, will, I hope, materially assist the perusal ; more particularly by obviating the confusion liable to be occasioned by the apparent contradiction of the different directions given in the work, ap- plicable to various circumstances. In the latter part of the volume, I have ventured to take a liberty with respect to its TRANSLATOR S PREFACE. IX arrangement, to which I was prompted by a desire to attract the attention of the scientific reader to a subject hitherto little noticed. I have for this purpose converted the " note on the theory of calcareous mortars and cements" into a distinct chapter (the seventeenth); to which the appendix to that note, together with the particulars of some experiments by myself in prosecution of the same subject, have formed an appro- priate appendix. To this more prominent position in the body of the work, the theoretical investigations above men- tioned seemed to me to be entitled, both from their close connexion with and essential influence over successful prac- tice, as well as from their intrinsic value and philosophical in- terest. Its discussion is accompanied, moreover, by so many hints calculated to awaken attention and stimulate inquiry, whilst so little seems to be wanting to complete the evidence, that we may soon hope to be possessed of a sufficient number of facts, to form the basis of a correct theory of the hitherto ill- understood causes of solidification, under all the various cir- cumstances in which it takes place. In regard to the use of some new terms which I have found it necessary to apply, it may be right to explain, that after trying many substitutes taken from the tech- nical language of the best authorities on this subject, I found M. Vicat's classification so different and so much more methodical than any which has hitherto obtained in this country, that I should have run the risk of sacrificing the clearness of his arrangement, had I attempted to intro- duce any synonymes taken from the English language to express his meaning, in lieu of the simple translation to which I have confined myself. Other words, used for the purpose of defining substances hitherto classed by us under a more general category, and consequently intended to mark distinc- tions at present unknown, such as " arenes," " psammites," &c, I have thought it advisable to convert at once into Eng- lish terms, taking care to explain their meaning on their first application. X TRANSLATORS PREFACE. Of the particular merits of the numerous practical instruc- tions and varied processes contained in this volume, it would perhaps be premature in me here to speak ; the most satisfac- tory recommendation being the experience of those, who may have occasion to put them to the test of actual trial. I ought not, however, to omit to notice a circumstance which it would be injustice to M. Vicat not to refer to. This is, that although the processes he has laid down for the manufacture of artificial hydraulic compounds are of a comprehensive nature, capable of accommodating their results to the exact wants of the archi- tect in every situation, thus including all the various kinds of Roman Cements, &c. ; yet, it will be observed, that his own practice seems to have been chiefly confined to the adoption of the hydraulic limes, in lieu of the more energetic cements more generally used in this Country. This preference may expose him to the opposition of many firmly-established usages and opinions, where the latter practice has so long and successfully prevailed, with respect to the justice of which it would not become me to hazard an opinion. M. Vicat has, however, relieved me from that necessity, by expressing his own very decidedly, in his declaration (in Chapter XV., Art. 263)] that the superior adhesion of the hydraulic limes over our (so called) Roman cements, must inevitably, in time, give them the preference, whenever the comparative merits of the two are fairly known and appreciated. Now, without entering upon the discussion of this question, I may remark, that it appears to be one in which a contrariety of opinion may be oc- casioned by a difference of situation and circumstances. Thus it may perhaps be important, in considering the merits of the two systems, to recollect, that in one the means of minute me- chanical division are an essential element, in the other, that it. is unnecessary ; and that this element which in one situation may be obtained at a cheap rate, may in another be expensive or unattainable. The hydraulic limes, therefore, which do not require to be ground previous to use, are at all events, what- ever may be their other merits, more especially suitable to TRANSLATOR S PREFACE. XI those situations where the facilities of mechanical agency cannot be resorted to. This circumstance would in itself be sufficient to justify M. Vicat's opinion; but I have now referred to it principally to point out, that the use of ground cements, valuable as they are in our constructions, are better adapted to the vicinity of a large capital, where it is of little importance that the builder becomes dependent upon others for his supply, than for a remote situation or a new country, in which the unground limes cannot fail to be preferred, from the facility with which they may be prepared by the mason himself. The difference, in fact, consists in this, that the ground cements, of whatever kind, will ever be furnished by manufacturers, whereas the hydraulic limes may at all times be prepared by the common workman, without machinery, and at a cost not much exceeding that of common lime (vide note to App. XVIII). And it will be in reference to this advantage, in addition to those pointed out by M. Vicat, and in opposi- tion to the inconveniences which may be occasioned by the defect peculiar to them, their comparatively tardy solidification, that the engineer will be guided in making the selection best suited to his situation and exigencies. Moreover, it is not merely in the accuracy of the details of his valuable invention, that M. Vicat has done the most service to the profession by the publication of his work ; we must not forget the variety of other processes which he has illustrated and verified by numerous and exact experiments, and by which he has increased the resources of the practical engineer in every situation. And it is by the broad light thrown upon the relations of the numerous but ill-known in- gredients, that he has placed within his reach a clew for the formation of compounds, hitherto guided by empirical rules, seldom derived from and therefore not adapted to the cir- cumstances under which they are to be applied. It now only remains for me to express my acknowledg- ments for the assistance of which I have availed myself, in the execution of my small part of this volume. Of the pub- xii translator's preface. lished works to which I have had occasion to refer, I have made a point of duly stating the authority to whom I have been indebted; and to the distinguished authors to whom these obligations are due, I have merely to add the names of my friend Dr. Malcolmson, whose valuable services will be recognised in various parts of the Work, and of Colonel Sim. of the Madras Engineers, whose kindness in the ready com- munication of the results of his extensive experience in the processes for the manufacture of the celebrated mortars and stuccoes of Madras, has added another favour to the many debts of gratitude long due to him. TABLE OF CONTENTS. SECTION I. VARIOUS LIMES, OR AGENTS OF ADHESION IM CALCAREOUS MORTARS AND CEMENTS. CHAPTER I. Pages. Of limestones, and the various limes they furnish. — Distinction of the known limes into rich, poor, and hydraulic limes. Characteristics of the different limes. — Method of distin- guishing and classifying them. — Relation between the quali- ties of limes and the chemical composition of the stones whence they are derived 1 CHAPTER II. Calcination of limestone on the large scale. — Conditions neces- sary to render the calcination as easy as possible. — Case of the rich limes. — Case of the hydraulic limes. — Different kilns made use of. — Average quantity of combustibles required for the calcination of a cubic metre of lime. — Irregular action of the coal kiln by slow heat 13 CHAPTER III. Of artificial hydraulic limes. — Two modes of preparing them. Comparison between the hydraulic limes and the water- cements used in England. — Description of the processes followed by M. Saint Leger at Paris. — Average price of the artificial hydraulic limes 20 b li i Ai'.i i OB < "\i 1 S i • CHAPTER IV. Page?. Of the slaking of lime. — Ordinary process. — How abused. Expansion of the different kinds of lime. — Effect of cold water upon rich lime in effervescence. — What renders lime sluggish in slaking. — Second process of extinction. — How it ought to be practised in order to reduce rich lime well. Water absorbed. — Expansion of the various limes, in powder not compressed. — Third process. — Water absorbed. — Expan- sion. — Order of the throe processes in reference to the degree of division communicated to the lime. — Action of the carbonic acid of the atmosphere upon lines differently slaked. — Method of preserving the different limes before and after extinction 26 CHAPTER V. Of the hydrates of lime, or solids resulting from the simple combination of water and lime. — Influence of the degree of consistency given to the hydrate in the first instance. — Ac- tion of the air. — Mode of exhibiting this action. — Action of the water. — Use that may be made of the hydrates in the arts. 34- SECTION II. VARIOUS INGREDIENTS WHICH UNITE WITH LIME IN THE PREPARATION OF CALCAREOUS MORTARS AND CEMENTS. CHAPTER VI. Of sands. — Of arenes. — Of psammites. — Of clays. — Of volcauic or pseudo-volcanic pouzzolanas. — Of the artificial products analogous to pouzzolanas. — History of these substances ... 43 CHAPTER VII. Qualities of the ingredients mentioned in the preceding chapter. — Definitions — inert substances — slightly energetic TABLE OF CONTENTS. Ill Page?, substances — very energetic ditto. — Insufficiency of their physical characters to denote the qualities specified under the above denominations. — Approximate chemical methods of recognising them ; by means of acids, by lime-water ... 52 CHAPTER VIII. "Manufacture of artificial pouzzolanas. — What are the substances most proper for such fabrication. — Conditions to be fulfilled to attain the object. — Influence of a slight calcination and the contact of the air. — Nature and quantity of the ingre- dients in a good pouzzolana which are acted upon by muriatic acid 58 CHAPTER IX. Mutual suitableness of the ingredients, with the various limes, in relation to the destination of the mortars or cements for the preparation of which we use them. — Case of constant immersion. — Case of alternations of dryness and moisture. Case of exposure to the weather 64 SECTION III. COMBINATION OF THE ELEMENTS OF CALCAREOUS MORTARS AND CEMENTS. CHAPTER X. Mortars or cements intended for immersiou. — Choice of pro- portions. — They are variable. — Limits established for certain cases. — The proportions exert a more important influence the less energetic the mixed substances are. — They must be modified according to the use for which the mixtures are intended. — Choice of the process of slaking — Order of pre- b 2 iv TABLE OK CONTENTS. Pages, eminence of the three known processes, in reference to the nature of the lime made use of. — Manipulation or manufac- ture — How it ought to be conducted under various circum- stances. — Application to use, or immersion. — Difficulties to be overcome, huw to manage them. — Old method defective. Action of the water upon the parts of immersed mortars or cements with which it is in immediate contact. — Influence of time 67 CHAPTER XI. Mortars or cements constantly exposed to the weather. — Mode of correcting the bad qualities of rich limes. — Use of sand in different mortars — Opinion of the ancients upon the quality of sands. — Influence of their size — it varies with different limes. — Method of mixing them. — Choice of pro- portions, — with rich limes, — with hydraulic limes. — Choice of the process of slaking ; — it is the same as in the case of immersion. — Fabrication. — Conditions of a good manipula- tion. — Use — difficulties to be overcome. — How to attain the object. — Precautions in respect to drying to be taken after application. — Very remarkable influence of time upon mor- ta» of rich limey after many centuries 84 CHAPTEfl XII. Mortars or cements subjected to the constant influence of ■ damp soil — Influence of the coarseness of the sand. — Of the process of slaking. — Proportions. — Application to use. — Of concrete 9g ( IIAPTKR XIII. Of the vicissitudes to which cements and mortars may be exposed. — Influence of these vicissitudes. — Case of frosts. — Effects of the proportions and the size of well-mixed Nmdi ]qo TABLE OF CONTENTS. V CHAPTER XIV. Pages. Influence of beating upon the resistance of mortars — Cases in which it is more injurious than useful. — Difficulties which mortar when used as a plastic substance opposes to mould- ing. — Case in which these difficulties disappear 106 CHAPTER XV. Natural cements. — Composition of the calcareous minerals which produce them. — Their advantages, their inconveni- ences. — All argillaceous limestones when imperfectly burnt afford natural cements Ill CHAPTER XVI. Of ancient mortals compared with mortars of the middle ages. Description of the cement used in the Egyptian Pyramids. State of the art in Egypt; — amongst the Greeks; — amongst the Romans. — False opinion of the moderns as to the cause of the hardness of ancient mortal's. — Known limits of abso- lute resistance of mortars 1 14- CHAPTER XVII. Theories of calcareous mortars and cements ; their insufficiency. M. John's experiments. — Macquer's hypothesis. Loriot and Lafaye's opinions. — Definitions. — Four cases presented by aggregates. — Probable consequences of the first case ; ditto of second case; — ditto of third case; — ditto of fourth case. — Theory of the solidification of hydraulic limes. — M. Petot's experiments. — Remarkable influence of sand on the absorption of carbonic acid in old mortars. M. Berthier's opinion. — Its insufficiency. — Concluding re- marks 124 \1 1ABI.E OF I APPENDIX. NOTES OX CHAPTER L No. Pages. 1. History of lime and calcareous minerals 141 2. Chemical methods of appreciating the qualities of lime- stone* — Fruitless attempts of the ancients in this respect... 1-13 3. Of the way in which we have been enabled to add to the facts made known in 1818. — Authenticity of the i results 145 4. On the colour of limes ib. 5. Method of analyzing a magnesian limestone by hydration 146 6. Account of the Madras magnesia 14-7 7. History of artificial hydraulic limes 150 NOTES ON CHAPTER 11. 8. Effects of calcination on compound limestones. — Mutual re-action of the constituents 152 9. Influence of aqueous vapour upon the calcination of lime- stones. — Experiment by M. Gay-Lussac ib. 10. Fact relative to calcination in a clos< i --> I 153 11. Consequence of the imperfect burning of limesl Contradictory experiments on this subject Ml cperiments upon the di ffer e n t quantities of combustibles used in tin burning of Kme 157 13. Sensible improvement which takes place in the burning of lime with coal, by very alight modifications in the manage- ment of the fire, and in the selection of the combustible ... 158 11. Irregular action of the coal kilns by slow heal (Jkm ctmtmu). — Use of turf 159 15. Kilns with alternative fires for the buri; jriHaceous limestone — manner of using them ib. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Vll NOTES ON CHAPTER III. No. Pages. 16. Remarkable instances of the use of artificial hydraulic limes 161 17. Opinion of certain chemists on the efficacy of oxide of manganese in lime and mortars — Striking instance in op- position to that opinion 163 18. Details of the manufacture of artificial hydraulic lime on the first calcination under the most unfavourable circum- stances ... 164 NOTES ON CHAPTER IV. 19. Examination of the vapour and gas disengaged during the slaking of lime 166 20. Opinions of the masons regarding lime which slakes to dryness 167 21. History of the various processes of slaking. — Examination of Fleuret's process ib. 22. Numerical comparison of the bulks, with the quantities of water absorbed 168 23. Observations on the quantity of lime contained in equal bulks of the same consistency, of the different hydrates... 169 24. Remarkable fact of the indefinite preservation of rich lime in paste, in damp trenches ib. 25. Notes regarding the preservation of limes slaked by im- mersion 170 26. Repugnance of the workmen to the use of hydraulic lime. Reasons of this repugnance ib. 27. Methods made use of at Doue (Maine and Loire) to slake hydraulic lime, on the large scale and by immersion, and to convey it by the Loire ib. 28. Experiment on a large scale on the preservation of quick- lime 171 NOTES ON CHAPTER V. 29. Definition of the hydrate of lime by chemists. — How to obtain it , 171 30. Experiments on the absorption of carbonic acid by mortars IT'2 Mil TABLE OF CONTESTS. No. Pages. 31. Progress of carbonic acid in the various hydrates of lime. Jyses and remarks 173 32. Use of unmixed lime in buildings. — Composition of the Madras chunam 175 NOTES ON CHAPTER VII. 33. Account of the use of arenes as pouzzolanas 177 34. Of the use of certain psammites as pouzzolanas ib. 35. Use of pouzzolana by the Romans. — Dutch tarras l~ s 36. Observations of Count Chaptal on the action of sulphuric acid on some pouzzolanas 17i> 37. Experiment regarding the chemical inaction of lime towards quartz. — Ditto upon the inaction of hydraulic lime in the same circumstances ISO NOTES ON CHAPTER VIII. 38. Account of some artificial pouzzolanas [82 39. Opinion of certain builders regarding the efficacv of the oxide of iron — invalidated by facta 183 40. Opinion of Colonel Raucourt, Engineer, npon the influence of the contact of the air in the calcination of artificial pouzzolanas. — The absorption ofoxj gen is not sufficiently ilished. — Investigation of the constituent principles of pouzzolanas separately mixed with rich lime. — Case in which it is impossible to overlook a chemical com- bination ib. 11. Etererberatorj furnace proposed for the calcination of pouzzolanas — its inconveniences — other forms 186 42. Experiments of M. Bruyen , Inspector-General of Roads, upon artificial pouzzolanas. — Repeated on a large scale by M. De Saint Leger 187 Kperiment tending to prove that clays calcined in contact with the air do not absorb any gas. — The clays which are calcined in a close vessel are not acted upon by acids to the same degree as those calcined in the air ib. TABLE OE CONTENTS. IX No. Pages. 4-4. Research into the influence of the admixture of pure potash or soda with the clays previous to their cal- cination, in reference to the energy of the artificial pouzzolanas produced 189 45. Notice of Mr. Martin's new Patent cement 191 NOTES ON CHAPTER IX. 46. Explanation of the contradictions exhibited by various writings regarding mortars and pouzzolanas 191 47. Table of the composition of the various mortars and cements used by Mr. Smeaton 193 NOTES ON CHAPTER X. 48. Exceptions offered by the poor limes in relation to pro- portions 194 49. Explanation of the influence of the various methods of slaking ib. 50. The exception of the hydraulic limes explained 196 51. Different ways of viewing cements and mortars ib. 52. With reference to their texture and preparation 197 53. A mode of slaking approved by trial on a large scale ... ib. 54. The methods of fabrication and immersion approved, by adoption on a large scale in the foundations of the bridge of Charles X. at Lyons ib. 55. Fatal instance of the use of lime imperfectly slaked 198 56. Explanation of the deterioration of some water-cements and mortars. — M. Petot's experiments 199 57. Cases of exception applicable to what has been said re- garding the influence of time 201 NOTES ON CHAPTER XI. 58. Experiment upon the influence of calcareous sand in com- parison with granitic 201 59. Ancient examples, accidental or designed, in favour of the principles laid down regarding the influence of the coarse- ness of the grain in sands 202 i TABLE OF CONTENTS. incient examples tending to prove the fatal influence of clav in mortars exposed to the weather 203 61. Explanation of the varied effects of the different methods of slaking ib. nanimous opinion respecting mortars and cements mixed thin. — Means tried to effect kneading them very stiff ... 204 Method employed at the canal from Nantes to Brest, to guard the hands of the masons from the action of the lime. — Precautions to be taken relative to the soakiug the materials used in masonry 206 64. The influence of slow drying upon the goodness of mor- tars known in Italy, and made use of in the fabrication cf artificial stones 207 65. Remarkable instance of the time which mortar of rich lime requires to harden. — Chemical comparison of various old and ancient mortars of excellent quality. — Mode of reducing the results of chemical anayles into technical language 209 NOTES OX CHAPTER XIII. 66. Observations upon certain cases of deterioration of cen removed from a damp situation to a dry one 212 •he protection of stuccoes from the weather ib. rfeets of frost upon mortars and cement-. — Difficulty of explaining them. — Usual mode of experiment- — Remarks on the decay of mortars in the mild climate of India ... 213 lethod proposed by M. Brard to distinguish E liable to be affected by frost. — Application of that method to various mortars, — Bran! ■ does not ai;- with mixtun - kind; — ii. t to bricks and stones it may be of great service )X CHAPTE1 XIV. 70. Poor success of Loriot's process applied to mortar c dcred as a plastic substance. — Smeaton's remarks on ditto 21 9 TABLS OK CONTENTS. XI NOTES ON CHAPTER XV. No. Pages. 71. Account of the English and Russian natural cements. Notice of a cement found in the Madras Presidency ... 220 NOTES ON CHAPTER XVI. 72. Particulars of the analysis of the cement of the Pyramid of Cheops, by Dr. Malcolmson 222 73. Observations upon certain calcai'eous incrustations 224? 74-. Examples of ancient mortars of great hardness 225 NOTES ON CHAPTER XVII. 75. Particulars of an experiment upon the solidification of the calcined sulphate of lime (Plaster of Paris) 226 76. Experiments upon the solidification of cements composed of rich lime, and artificial pouzzolana ib. 77. Remarks upon M. Girard's " Notice sur de nouveaux mortiers hydrauliques" 228 TABLES. Account of the manner in which the experiments were made. 234 TABLE No. 1. Comparison of the qualities of various limes with the chemical composition of the limestones from which they are derived... 237 TABLE No. 2. Comparison of the hardness and absolute resistance of com- pounds, resulting from the combination of water with various limes 238 Xll TAB1.L 01 >- OS 1 KM li. TABLE No. 3. (bis.) Pages. The action of muriatic acid upon clays taken in different states, compared 239 TABLE No. 3. Comparison of the qualities of ingredients with their behaviour in regard to muriatic acid 210, 211 TABLE No. 1. Comparison of the various artificial pouzzolanas with the Italian pouzzolana, tarras, and the aqua-fortis cement 212 TABLE No. 5. Comparison to aid in establishing the reciprocal adaptability of the various limes to the different ingredients of mortars and cements 213 TABLE No. 6. Hvdraulic mortars and cements compared, in reference to the process of slaking made use of 211.215 TABLE No. 7. Comparison of the relative resistances of the various hydraulic mortars and cements, immersed in different states of con- ristancy 246 TABLE No. 8. Water-cements and mortars compared in reference to the dete- rioration which they undergo at their surfaces. — The quick- ness of set of different cements compared with the varieties of composition of these cements, and the resistance they ac- quired after one year's immersion 217 TABLE 01 CONTENTS. X1U TABLE No. 9. Pages. Quickness of set of various cements compared with the propor- tions and the hardness acquired after one year's immersion 248 DOUBLE TABLE No. 10. Absolute resistance of mortars, compared with that of the hydrates of lime which form their matrix. — Mortars com- pared in reference to the coarseness of the sand made use of 249 TABLE No. 11. Mortars taken from various buildings compared with mortars compounded for experiment from the same limes 250 TABLE No. 12. Mortars compared in reference to their proportions, and the mode of slaking 251 TREBLE TABLE No. 13. Mortars of rich lime compared in reference to the influence of manipulation. — Mortars compared in reference to the con- sistency given to the mixture of lime and sand. — Mortars compared in relation to the influence of desiccation 252 DOUBLE TABLE No. 14. Absolute resistances of various mortars compared in reference to the effect of beating. — Mortars and cements compared in reference to their specific gravity and their porosity 253 TABLE No. 15. Characteristics, composition, and absolute resistances of some Roman mortars from the South of France 254 XIV TAIU.r OF CONTENTS. TABLE No. 16. Pages. Comparison of the resistances of various compounds in refe- rence to the proportions, and the coarseness of the sub- stances introduced into the matter forming the matrix 255 TABLE No. 17. Analyses of various old mortars 256 INDEX 257 A COMPENDIUM, &c. &c. SECTION I. CHAPTER I. OF CALCAREOUS MINERALS, AND THE VARIOUS KINDS OF LIME THEY FURNISH. 1. Calcareous minerals are substances essentially composed of lime and carbonic acid ; a they always dis- solve, either wholly or in part, in weak acids, with a more or less brisk effervescence, and may be scratched with an iron point. 2. Limestones arc sometimes pure, that is to say, wholly composed of lime and carbonic acid ; at others, the lime is associated in intimate combination with silica, alumina, b magnesia, with quartz in grains, oxide of iron, manganese, bitumen, or sulphurctted- a Carbonic acid is a gas composed of one equivalent of carbon and two of oxygen : it is transparent and colourless, and incapable of supporting combustion or respiration: it combines with the alka- lies, oxides, &c, forming the class of carbonates. — Tr. b Alumina, or oxide of aluminum as it is now termed, is the sub- stance which forms the basis of the plastic clays. — Tr. c Manganese is a metal similar in appearance to iron, but rarely- met with in the metallic state. — Tr. 2 CALCAREOUS MINERALS, [CHAP. hvdrogen. d The presence of these substances one bv one, or two and two, or three and three, &c, con- stitutes the various kinds of limestone, which arc fur- ther subdivided into different varieties. 3. Mineralogists distinguish the argillaceous, mag- nesian, sandy (arcnaces), ferruginous, manganesian, bituminous, fetid, &c. ; and then in each of these kinds point out varieties of form and structure, which they specify under the denominations of foliated, lamellar, saccharoidal, 6 granular, compact, globular, coarse/ chalky, pulverulent, pseudo-morphous, g concretionary, nodular, ("geodiques" h ) incrusting, &c, &c. (App. I.) d Sulphuretted-hydrogen is a compound gas, containing one equi- valent of sulphur, and one of hydrogen. It is liable to be extricated on the decomposition of a metallic sulphuret by water, whence it is not an uncommon natural product. — Tr. c " The whitest and most esteemed (granular limestone), from its resemblance to sugar, has been termed by the French mineralogists chaux carbonatee saccharoide ; but it has more generally, from its important uses in the arts, obtained the name of Statuary Marble." — PltiUij)s's Mineralogy, edit. 1816. f " The bouses of Paris are built of a large-grained and soft cal- careous stone, which is incapable of polish, and is of B dingy white, grey, or yellowish-white colour. It is found in immense horizontal Id its, forming the plains south of Paris. It is a very impure lime- stone, and furnishes when calcined a very bad lime. The use to which it is put has occasioned its receiving the familiar name of Pierre a batir. Ilaiiy describes it under that of chaux carbonatee grossiere." — Ibid, p. \9B* 8 " Minerals exhibiting impressions of the forms peculiar to the crystals of other substances are said to be pseudo-morphous." — Ibid, p. 1. h " A geode is a hollow ball. At Oberstein, in Saxony, are found hollow balls of agate lined witli crystals of quartz or amethyst, which are termed geodes." — Ibid, p. xlvi. I.] \XD LIMES THEY FURNISH. 3 4. It is useful to be acquainted with this nomencla- ture ; but that which it is of the most importance for the builder to be aware of, is, that each variety of limestone furnishes a peculiar kind of lime, distinct in colour, weight, in its avidity for water, and above all by the hardness it acquires on being mixed inti- mately after slaking with the earthy substances known under the names of sand, puzzuolana, &c. 5. The physical characters which serve to distin- guish calcareous minerals, fail to give anv certain indication of the qualities of the lime they contain. Even chemical analysis itself is mostly but an ap- proximate mode of investigating them, in addition to its being onlv within the reach of those familiar with laboratory manipulation. Experience by actual trial ought to be the builder's only guide. (App. II.) 6. We readily assure ourselves that a mineral be- longs to the calcareous class, by trying it, as I have already said, with an iron point, and a weak acid.' Having established this fact, we reduce the experi- mental specimens to the average size of a large wal- nut, and fill with them a crucible ("gazette"), or any other vessel of baked earth, pierced with holes to favour the circulation of the air : wc place the whole in the middle of a potterv furnace, (a brick or lime- kiln will answer equally as well, if it is heated by the flame of a fire of wood or furze,) and at the end of its calcination (fifteen to twenty hours) we remove the material, and introduce it while still warm into large- mouthed bottles, quite dry, and which we immediately ' Vide Articles 1 and 23. B 2 4 CALCAREOUS MINERALS, [CHAP. close hermetically. The object of this precaution is to preserve the lime in all its activity (causticity), till the moment fixed on to submit it to experiment. 11 7. When we feel disposed to begin this experiment, we remove the lime from the bottle, and take as much in bulk as would about fill a quart measure (includ- ing voids) : we put it into a cloth bag of an open material, or rather a small basket ; we immerse the whole for five or six seconds only in pure water ; we drain it an instant, and then empty the bag or basket into a stone or cast-iron mortar. 8. The following are the different phenomena which may ensue after this immersion : — 1st. The lime hisses, decrepitates, swells, gives out a great quantity of hot vapours, and falls to powder instantaneously, or nearly so. 2nd. The lime remains inactive for a space more or less long, not exceeding five or six minutes ; after which the phenomena above described manifest them- selves with energy. 3rd. The lime exhibits no alteration even after five or six minutes ; a quarter of an hour even may elapse before it appears to change its state. However, it begins to smoke and crack with little or no decrepita- tion : the vapour formed is less abundant, and not so hot, as in the preceding case. 4th. The phenomena do not commence till an hour, and sometimes till many hours, after the cxmcrsion. k In order to make sure that the calcination is complete, it would be as well to subject a small portion of the lime to trial, by slaking it with a little water, and adding dilute muriatic acid : if sufficiently burned it ought to dissolve without effervescence. — Tr. I.] AND LIMES THEY FURNISH. 5 Cracks form without decrepitation, slight fumes are given out, and but little heat is disengaged. 5th. The phenomena commence at periods very variable, but are hardly sensible ; the heat developed barely manifests itself except to the touch ; the pul- verulence is but obscurely marked, and sometimes does not ensue at all. 1 9. In no case is it necessary to wait till the effer- vescence has ceased in order to finish the slaking ; as soon as the disaggregation manifests itself, we pour water into the vessel, not upon the lime, but on one side, in such a manner that it may flow freely to the bottom, whence it is sucked up by those portions of the material which are farthest advanced. We stir it at the same time with a spatula; continuing to add water if it be required, but with care not to drown the mix- ture. Lastly, we substitute the pestle for the spatula, and work the whole up to a stiff clayey consistency. 10. Thus prepared, the lime must be left to itself till the more sluggish portions have completed their developement. The termination of this part of the operation is indicated by the perfect cooling of the whole mass. It lasts from two to three hours, and sometimes more. 1 If the calcined mineral (having been proved to be calcareous by trial with dilute acid — Articles 1 and 6) should not .--lake at all, or very imperfectly, it must be reduced mechanically to a perfectly impalpable powder, without the addition of water, and then dealt with as afterwards explained (Articles 11 and 12). Many of the most energetic and useful of the water-cements, such as the York- shire, the Harwich, and Sheppy cements, require to be treated in this manner. — Tu. li CALCAREOUS MINERALS, [CHAP. 11. We now take the lime again with the pestle, and add water if it be required, in such quantity as to give us a paste as stiff as possible, yet not entirely de- prived of a certain degree of ductility. Its consist- ency may be compared to that of clay ready to be worked up in the manufacture of pottery. 12. We then take any vessel of greater height than breadth ; (a china mustard-pot, or a large drinking glass, will answer the purpose very well;) we transfer the lime to it in such quantity as to fill it up about two-thirds or three-fourths, striking the bottom of it with the palm of the hand or on a block to cause the material to settle down and spread itself on the bot- tom of it ; we then label it carefully, and immcrge the whole without delay, noting the day and hour of the immersion. 13. In studying successively during fourteen years the most remarkable limes of this kingdom treated in this manner, I have been led to arrange them in five categories, distinguished bv the following denomina- tions (App. III.) : — 1st, Rich limes; 2nd, Poor limes; 3rd, Limes slightly hydraulic ; 1th, Hydraulic limes ; 5th, Limes eminently hydraulic. 1 1. The rich limes are such as may have their volume doubled, or more, by slaking in the ordinary manner," and whose consistency after many years of immersion remains still the same, or nearly the same a- on the first day, and which dissolve to the last grain in pure water frequently changed." m Vide Article 56. and App. XXII. — Tr. n Solubility in water may be used as a eonvenn at 1 the I.] AND LIMES THEY FURNISH. 7 15. The poor limes are such as have their volume but little or not at all augmented by slaking, and which, in other respects, exhibit in the water very nearly the same phenomena as the rich limes, but with this difference, that they only dissolve partially, leaving a residue of no consistency. 16. The moderately hydraulic limes will set v in fifteen or twenty days after immersion, and con- tinue to harden ; but their progress becomes more and more slow, particularly after the sixth to the eighth month. After one year their consistency is about equal to that of hard soap. They dissolve also in pure water, but with great difficulty ; their expan- sion by slaking (" foisonnement" q ) is variable ; it fre- propcr calcination of rich lime : in this case, if a little coarse sugar be melted previously in the water, it will very much increase its solvent power. — Tk. ° Rich limes also may leave an insoluble residue (of carbonate of lime) if either insufficiently burned, or if they should have been much exposed to the air, and become partially regenerated by the absorption of carbonic acid. Should there be any reason to sus- pect this, a drop or two of muriatic acid should be added to the water ; when, if the residue be the carbonate of lime, formed as above explained, it will dissolve with effervescence ; but if it be composed of the silicious matter of a " poor lime," it will remain insoluble. — Tr. p Vide Article 20. i "Lorsqu'on Otciut lachaux commune avec de 1\ au,a sa sortie du lour, pour la lvduire en pate, on trouve qu'elle augmente considcra- blementde volume; cette augmentation est telle qu'une partie de chaux vive inesuree en volume en produit qnelque fois plus de trois mesuree a l'etat de pate epaisse : e'est ce qu'on appelle le foi- sonnement." — General Treussart, Memoire sur les Jlurtkrs Ily- (havlifjues, p. 3. 8 CALCAREOUS MINERALS, [CHAP. quently reaches the limits of the poor limes, without ever attaining that of the rich limes. 17. The hydraulic limes set after six or eight days' immersion, and continue to harden. The progress of this induration may he continued to the twelfth month, although the greatest part of the effect will he attained after six months. At this period, the hard- ness of the lime may he already compared with that of the very soft kinds of stone, and the water ceases to have any action on it. Their expansion by slaking is always small, like the poor limes. 18. The eminently hydraulic limes set from the second to the fourth day of immersion. After one month they are already very hard, and altogether in- soluble. At the sixth month they appear like the absorbent calcareous stones, whose surface admits of being cut. They splinter under a blow, and present a slaty fracture. Their expansion by slaking is con- stantly small, like the poor limes. 19. In other respects, the rich, and poor, and hydrau- lic limes of all grades, may be white, grey, mouse- coloured, red, &c. r (App. IV.) T As no reference is here made to the properties of magnesian limestones, it may be useful to describe a mode by which they may be recognised. Though capable of setting under water, they may be entirely soluble in dilute acid ; but magnesia not combining with water till exposed for some time in contact with it, the mineral, if containing a large proportion of this substance, will cither not slake at all, Or will do so imperfectly, and will gain much less in weight than an equal quantity of calcined rich lime would do. Upon this property of magnesian limestone, Mr. Prinsep has founded a very neat and umple process for estimating the proportions of the consti- I.] AND LIMES THEY FURNISH. 9 20. We say that a lime has set, when it bears with- out depression a knitting-needle of 0.12 cent. (.017 or nearly ^ T) inch) diameter, filed square at its ex- tremity, and loaded with a weight of 0.30 kil. (about 10 ozs. 9 drs. avoirdupois weight). In this state the lime will resist the finger pushed with the mean strength of the arm, and it is incapable of altering its form without fracture. 21. The chemical examination of the minerals which supply the various kinds of lime of the preceding categories, points out, in a general way, as follows: — 1st. As furnishing the rich limes : 1st, the pure limestones, or such as contain only an admixture of from .01 to .06 of silica, alumina, magnesia, iron, &c, taken separately, or two and two, three and three, &c. ; 2dly, the simple, bituminous, or fetid limestones. 8 2nd. Such as form the poor limes: 1st, limestones associated with silica in the state of sand, magnesia, the oxides of iron and manganese, in variable propor- tions, but limited to .15 to .30 of the whole, whether these principles exhibit themselves one by one, two and two, three and three, or all together. 3rd. As furnishing the slightly hydraulic limes : tuent ingredients, of which an explanation will be found in the notes. (Vide App. V.) — Tr. s " Swine-stone, or stink-stone, so called from the strong fetid odour given out when scraped or rubbed, is found massive and compact, and of various shades of grey, brown, and black. By cal- cination it becomes white, and burns into quicklime. The offensive odour which it gives out when scraped is considered to be owing to its including sulphuretted-hydrogen: it is commonly attributed to bitumen, which tines not applied by us to a substance so essentially different in its nature and mode of preparation, although similar in its uses, that it would be best to avoid confusion, by a distinctive appellation. Beton, then, is a mass composed of hydraulic lime and rubble, in which the lime is usually slaked precious to its mixture with the Other ingredients, and the mass seta under water. In concrete, the lime slakes offer mixture with the rubble, and the mass cannot be immerged till after consolidation Tr. ARTIFICIAL HYDRAULIC LIMES. l 2 1 48. The artificial hydraulic limes are prepared by two methods : the most perfect, but also the most ex- pensive, consists in mixing with rich lime slaked in any way, a certain proportion of clay, and calcining the mixture ; this is termed artificial lime twice kilned. 4 ( J. By the second process, we substitute for the lime anV very soft calcareous substance (such, for ex- ample, as chalk, or the tufas), which it is easy to bruise and reduce to a paste with water. From this a great saving is derived, but at the same time an artificial lime perhaps of not quite so excellent a quality as by the first process, in consequence of the rather less perfect amalgamation of the mixture. In fact, it is impossible, by mere mechanical agency, to re- duce calcareous substances to the same degree of fineness as slaked lime. Nevertheless, this second process is the more generally followed, and the results to which it leads become more and more satisfactory. (App. XVII.) 50. "We see that by being able to regulate the pro- portions, we can also give to the factitious lime what- ever degree of energy we please, and cause it at plea- sure to equal or surpass the natural hydraulic limes. 51. We usually take twenty parts of dry clay, to eighty parts of very rich lime, or to one hundred and forty of carbonate of lime. d But if the lime or its car- c " The artificial hydraulic limes manufactured at MeudoD under my direction, by Messrs. Brian and Saint Leger, gained the gold medal at the exhibition of the products of the useful arts in 1827*" '—Original note* d The SO parts of lime here mentioned, refer to the lime in the unslaked condition, and the 140 parts to the uncalcined mineral. JJ ARTIFICIAL HYDRAULIC LIMES. [CHAP. bonatc should already be at all mixed (with clay, Tu.) in the natural state, then fifteen parts of clay will In- sufficient. Moreover, it is proper to determine the proportions for every locality. In fact, all clays do not resemble one another to such an extent as to admit of their beino* considered as identical : the fi: o and softest are the best. 59. There is at Meudon, near Paris, a manufactory of artificial lime set on foot by Messrs. Brian and Saint Leger. The materials made use of are, the If the lime be slaked, the proportion should be increased to 110 parts. The mixture here described, is such as to produce the hy- draulic times, whose properties are similar to the Aberthaw, the ana- lysis of which, by Mr. Phillips (Annals Phil., new series, vol. viii. p. 72), shows it to correspond nearly with the proportions here recom- mended ; as it consists of 86.2 of carbonate of lime to 11.2 clav, (with 2.6 water and carbonaceous matter,) being at the rat.- <>t' 18.2 parts clay to IK) of the carbonate of lime. The eementa now commonly in u.-e in England, are much quicker setting than . and differ from them in In iing tmslaked. Tiny contain a greater proportion of clay, but may be manufactured artificially with equal ease, by combining such relative quantities of chalk, <>r lime, and clay, as will suit the purpose intended. Parker's :-t Cement, as analyzed by Sir Humphry Davy (Ure's Diction- ary, art. Cement), contains 15 per cent of clay t<> 55 carbonate of lime. The Yorkshire cement, 31 clay to 62 carbonate of lime. The Sheppy, 32 clay to 66 carbonate of lime. And the Harwich, which i- ■ quick* r netting cement, 47 clay to +9 carbonate of lime. (Prac- tical Remarks on Cements, p. 32.) These facts may serve as a guide towards the admixture of ingredients, for the formation of a com- pound suited to our purpose, in any situation ; but for the exact proportions, recourse moat be had to experiment in ercri/ case when new materials are to be employed. In fact, so different may- be the chemical properties of apparently similar materials, that no vex in CCIMITJ that the prisms be thoroughly dried previous to catenation, as experience shows, that if subjected to heat while re- taining any mo istu re, it may deprive tin in ■hnOOt, if not rutin ly. of their hydraulic properties." — Trmt6 *mr FAri M tiers, $c, par h Coltmd Faiuourt J< Ckarleviih, p. 39. III.] ARTIFICIAL HYDRAULIC LIMES. 25 tries where the argillaceous limestone is entirely want- ing. They are sold at Paris, at from seventy to seventy-four francs per cubic metre. g In the country, they may be had for forty francs, on an average, when twice kilned, and will not come to more than thirty francs, when they result from a mere mixture of chalk and clay. (App. XVIII.) s At the exchange of 25 francs for a pound sterling, this Mould be at the rate of from £2. 2s. 10(7. to £2. 5s. 3d. per English cubic yard. — Tr. CHAPTER IV. THE SLAKING OF LIME. First Metliod. 5C). Quick-lime, taken as it leaves the kiln, ami thrown into a proper quantity of water, splits with noise, puffs up, produces a large disengagement of hot slightly-caustic vapour, 3 (these phenomena may be more or less marked, App. XIX.) and mils into a thick paste : in this state it is termed indifferently (" chaux fondue" " chaux coulee" "chaux . l(j(>. TV.] SLAKING OF LIME. 29 65. The hydraulic limes, under the same circum- stances, give from 1.80 to 2.18. Third Method. 66. Quick-lime, subjected to the slow and continued action of the atmosphere, is reduced to a very fine powder. During this natural slaking, there is a slight disengagement of heat, but unaccompanied by any sensible vapours. 67. The rich limes increase J- ths in weight, and give a volume of 3.5-2 to one (of the quick-lime in powder). The hydraulic limes take, on an average, but g-th of water, and give a bulk of from 1.75 to 2.55 (the powders are measured without compression, " tasse- ment") : to obtain these results, it is necessary to seize the moment when the pulverization is com- plete, and by no means to operate in too damp an atmosphere. 68. Of the three processes, the ordinary mode of ex- tinction is that which most perfectly divides the rich limes, and the hydraulic limes of all degrees, and con- sequently, which raises their expansion to the highest c Even with rich limes it appears, that the spontaneous extinc- tion does not effect a perfect division ; so that, should it be thought advantageous to adopt that method, in order to increase the. binding quality of the lime, it would be desirable to obviate this defect, and improve its qualities by mechanical subdivision. Ge- neral Treussart makes the following observation, in reference to common (not hydraulic) lime : " I shall add, that all the mortars made with lime slaked in powder (by immersion) were very homo- geneous, whereas those which were slaked by the air, exhibited in their interior a multitude of white specks, which appeared to me to .30 BLAKING or li.mi:. [chat. limit. Next in order in the same respects, the spon- taneous mode of extinction is more suitable to the rich, than the hydraulic, and eminently hydraulic limes ; but vice versa in slaking bv immersion. (A PP . XXII.) G9. From these differences it ensues, that three equal volumes of lime, in paste of the same consist- ency, but slaked by different processes, contain nei- ther the same quantity of lime, nor the same quantity of water. (App. XXIII.) 7<). Every kind of lime, if exposed in its caustic state to the contact of the air in a sheltered situation, insensibly re-absorbs as much carbonic acid as is necessary to saturate it d : the time required for this change varies with the nature and the volume of the lime. Is it rich ? ten months suffice, when we spread it in beds of only m .0i2 c (rather more than three-quarters of an inch) thick. After that lapse of time, one hundred and ninety-one parts of it will be composed as follows : — Caustic lime IOC) Carbonic acid 7 1 Water 17 In particles of lime which had absorbed carbonic acid. This was • specially remarkabh on breaking the mortars." It is unnecessary to point out how much this must have impaired the energy of thl M mortars. — Tr. d The quantity of carbonic acid regained from the atinosplu iv. M ver amounts to the full saturating dose : and as it appeals to depend upon a previous re-union with water derived from the atmos- phere, (vide note to Art. 75,) it is most probable thai the time of 6uch absorption will be regulated essentially by the >tau of the wea- IV.] SLAKING OF LIME. 31 Is it hydraulic? In that case, under the same cir- cumstances, the change is complete after the seventh or eighth month. At that period, 16 ( J parts of it will contain as follows : caustic lime combined with one-fifth clay 100, carbonic acid 54, water 15. 71. All lime, when first slaked by immersion, and then exposed to the contact of the air in a sheltered situation, becomes gradually loaded with carbonic acid and water, but only up to a certain point : the amount of this change, as well as the time required for it, varies with the quality of the lime. 72. One hundred and sixty parts of rich lime so slaked, contain, after seven and a half months of expo- sure (as before said), caustic lime 100, carbonic acid 36.15, water 23.85. 73. One hundred and sixty-nine parts of hydraulic lime, under the same circumstances, contain, caustic lime with one-fifth of clay 100, carbonic acid 44, water 25. 74. After the period alluded to, the weight of the powders does not sensibly increase further ; the ba- lance will merely detect hygrometric changes, some- times positive, sometimes negative. Water, however, in which we may mix these powders, dissolves a small quantity. 75. The evident consequence of these last results is, that a sudden immersion robs the rich and hydraulic limes for ever of the faculty of regaining, by a long ther, and the humidity or otherwise of the climate in which the experiment is made. — Tn. .'3 C 2 SLAKING OF LIME. [CHAT. exposure to the air, the quantity of carbonic acid of which they have been deprived by calcination. 70. In the work -yards, rich limes slaked by the "ordinary" process, are preserved by placing them in trenches nearly impermeable, and covering them over with thirty to forty centimetres (11.8 to 15.7 inches) of sand or fresh earth. (App. XXIV.) When slaked by immersion, or spontaneously, they may be kept with- out change for a tolerably long time, either in casks, or under sheds, in large bins covered with cloths, or with straw. (App. XXV.) 77* The hydraulic limes harden in a short time in a trench (App. XXVI) : they cannot be kept long, nor especially be much carried about, without very sensible alteration, unless they be slaked by immer- sion, and then secured in that state in casks, or sacks of cloth. (App. XXVII.) One may, however, keep a pretty large quantity in a caustic state for five or six months, by adopting the following method. 78. We spread a layer of fifteen to twenty centi- e It seems to be essential to the re-union of carbonic acid with the lime, that the latter should have previously combined with its equi- valent of water; fori found that stuccoes which had been hastily formed with unslaked lime, got up with as little water as possible, were, alter a couple of years' exposure, still in a caustic, state quite close to the surface; while a similar stucco, composed with well- tempered lime, would be neutralized by the carbonic acid of the air to the depth of half or three-quarters of an inch in the same cir- cumstances. This observation is also confirmed by an experiment detailed by Dr. Henry (System of Chemistry, vol. i. p. 610) ; for he states, that if a piece of dry quick -linn be passed into ajar of car- bonic acid over mercury, no absorption whatever takes place. — Tr. IV.] SLAKING OF LIME. 33 metres (5.9 to 7-9 inches) thick, of the lime reduced to powder by immersion, on the floor of the shed where the supply is to be laid up : on thi3 layer we pile up the quick-lime, packing it as close as possible. If there be no planking, the sides of the heap are finished in slopes, which are covered by a final layer of lime, taken at the moment of its undergoing immersion ; this, falling to powder, lodges itself amongst the interstices of the lumps of lime, and covers it sufficiently to de- fend it from the air and all damp. (App. XXVIII.) i) CHAPTER V. OF THE HYDRATES* OF LIME (.\PP. XXIX), OR THE SOLIDS RESULTING FROM THE SIMPLE COMBINATION OF WATER AND LIME. 79. The study of these substances would be attended with but little interest, if it were not linked in its re- sults to facts most important in the history of mortars. 80. Numerous preliminary trials have shown, that the quantity of water employed in slaking the lime exerts a powerful influence on the hardness of the hvdrate which results. And this is easily under- stood. Too little water fails to bind the mass ; an excess swells out the stuff, which remains light, porous, and friable, if it does not shrink propor- tionably in drying. Plaster b mixed thin, or stiff, exhibits a remarkable instance of this fact. 81. The pasty consistency which produces the greatest hardness, is at once ductile and firm. We have given it the name of " clayey," because, in fact, we can compare it to nothing better than clay which is in a state of readiness for the manufacture of potterv. It is this kind of consistency which we con- * A hydrate is a compound of water chemically united with anv substance. The hydrate of lime consist* of about twenty-eight parts by weight of lime to nine of water. This compound i> formed by tin- proeea of slaking. — Tr. b Plaster of Paris is here meant. — Tn. HYDRATES OF LIME. 35 stantly gave to the pastes of the hydrates made use of in our experiments. Action of the Air on Hydrates. 82. Different limes prepared in this manner, and exposed in the form of quadrangular prisms to the action of the air during one year, have furnished the following results : — 1st. The carbonic acid contained in the atmosphere attacks the hydrates, fixes itself in them insensibly, and carbonises them ; its influence extending from the surfaces towards the centre. The thickness of the coats thus carbonised, amounts after a year to not more than six millimetres (.236 inches, Tr.) for hy- draulic limes, and to two or three (.07S inches to .118 inches, Tr.) for the rich limes. We may convince ourselves of this, by making sections of the prisms in different directions by means of a small spring saw. The coloured limes exhibit a band enveloping them, which is distinguished from the interior by a deeper tint. This tint is owing to the oxidation of the iron. No appearance of this kind is observed with the hydrates of white limes ; but on applying a- slightly moistened test-paper to the sections, we have at once an evidence of the breadth of the carbonated parts. d c " The consistency of a good mortar should be such as to be capable of supporting, without very sensible depression, an iron necdlo of a line diameter loaded with a quarter of a pound." — Rau- court sur let Jlortiers. d This operation, however, although simple, is difficult to perform; for the whole sectional surface being hidden by the test-paper, the eye is deprived of the comparison between the operation of those parts which affect it and those which have no action. At the same D Q 36 HYDRATES OF LIME. [CHAP. 83. The annual progress of the carbonic acid is maintained with decreasing rapidity. In fact, the greater the distance the part acted on by the car- bonic acid is from the surface, the more difficulties docs the regenerating principle meet with in reaching it. These difficulties further vary with accidental circumstances, and with the more or less compact texture of the surface. (App. XXXI.) S 1 . 2nd. The hardness acquired by the hydrates, varies with the mode of slaking made use of. The three common processes bear the following relation of superiority to one another with regard to rich limes: — 1st, Ordinary extinction ; l 2nd, Spontaneous; '3rd, By immersion. With regard to the hydraulic and emi- nently hydraulic limes, that order of superiority be- time, that the difficulty of closely approximating the uneven surface of the cement to the test-paper, more especially in coarse mortars containing gravel, makes the effect, even of the caustic portion, \< ry irregular and undefined; bo that it i> almost impossible to fix the line of demarcation with tolerable exactness, putting measurement almost out of the question. The method I have been in the habit of adopting, and which su gge s te d it-elf to me at the time I first noticed the phenomenon alluded to in the text, will be found more easy in practical application, and satisfactory in its results. It consists in merely detaching a frag- ment of the mortar to be examined, and immersing it in a neutral me- tallic solution, containing any dark-coloured oxide, which will be pre- cipitated bv caustic lime. The superior affinity of the lime for the acid which is combined with the metallic oxide, immediately decomposes the compound, and tin' oxide attarhfin itself to the surface; whereas no action takes place on those part- which have been acted on by the air, the lime being rendered powerless by union with carbonic acid. I found the most convenient test to be a fresh prepared solution of the protosulphate of iron (green vitriol), which deposits the dark V.] HYDRATES OF LIME. S"/ comes, 1st, Ordinary extinction ; 2nd, By immersion ; 3rd, Spontaneous. 85. On referring to what has been said in Chapter IV., we see without difficulty, that the order of rela- tive hardness is absolutely the same as that of their expansion ; that is to say, the method of extinction which reduces the lime to the finest state, is also that which gives the hydrates the greatest strength ; a result in conformity with this principle, that the cohesion of a compound ought to be in proportion to the tenuity of its particles, since they can then arrange themselves mutually in the most intimate contact. 86. On consulting the tables in which the experi- ments are recorded, it is easy to deduce the following conclusions, which are a sequel to the preceding ob- servations : — 1st. Certain very rich limes, free from colour, are capable of forming, by mere union with water, bodies as hard as a number of natural minerals. green protoxide of iron ; but I have also made use of many other solu- tions and substances with very excellent effect. Some of these are, the bichloride, and the proto, and pernitrates of mercury, producing bright yellow, and brown, or black precipitates, the nitrate of silver, black. Also the infusion and tincture of nut-galls, or of the seed- vessels of the Terminalia chebulica (one of the mirabolans), a plant common in India, which gives a dark green colour (with a strong infusion), in a short time turning to chocolate. With the solution of green vitriol the action is immediate, and when applied to the fresh broken surface of a fragment (not less than half an inch to an inch in thickness, and from six to twelve months old) of a light-coloured plaster, the materials of which have been well incorporated, the separation will be very clearly and beautifully exhibited, the parts acted on by the atmosphere being accurately defined, by a white band surrounding the darker-coloured centre. (Vide A pp. XXX.) — Tk. 38 HYDRATES OI LIME. [CHAP. 2nd. The carbonic acid diffused through the atmos- phere increases, with age, the hardness of those bodies on which it fixes itself. 3rd. The hydraulic limes of all kinds, more especi- allv those which are strongly coloured by iron, cannot, by mere union with water, form any but bodies which are light, and of but moderate hardness. lth. The carbonic acid augments their hardness also, but never to such a degree as to raise it to an equality with that which it gives to the hydrates of the rich and white limes. Action of Water on the Hydrates. 87. Water dissolves those parts of the hydrates of rich lime, which are not combined with carbonic acid, whatsoever may be their cohesion. 6 88. If from the same rich lime, we make, by the three common processes of extinction, three hydrates of the same stiff consistency, and in every respect exactly alike ; and if we immerse them immediately in pure water, they will absorb, in a given time proper to each, a certain quantity hereafter specified, viz. : — S9. A thousand parts of the hydrate made by the c When water contains carbonic acid associated with it, which it almost invariably does, it is then capable of dissolving the carbonate of lime. Tins operation takes place extensively in Nature, when the superficial waters of the earth, in filtering through calcareous strata, carry with them carbonate of lime in solution, which is de- posited in recesses and caverns, in the form of stalactites. The same effect may 1»< observed underneath the arches of some bridges; though it i- probable that, in this case, the lime at first carried down is dissolved in the caustic state. — Tit. V.] HYDRATES OF LIME. 39 first process, will after one month take forty parts of water, which is the limit of saturation. 90. A thousand parts of the hydrate made by the second process, will after two and a half months take one hundred and eight parts of water, which is the saturating limit. 91. A thousand parts of the hydrate made by the third process, will after two and a half months take two hundred and forty-six parts of water, which is the limit of saturation. 92. The duration of the operation depends upon the mass of hydrate immersed. When we place the materials for experiment in an impermeable vessel, of such a kind that a very small quantity of water suf- fices to cover it, then the lime dissolved by it, and which it is necessary to take into account, forms only a very minute fraction of the total quantity of the hydrate. 93. It evidently results from the preceding compa- risons, that the deficiency in expansion which accom- panies the use of the second and third processes of extinction, enables the same lime to be reduced to a paste at first, with a much smaller quantity of water than is necessary to its complete saturation ; but we also see that they retain the faculty of completing the dose by an internal and progressive action, yet unac- companied by any change, except an alteration of density, and by consequence, of hardness ; for after the cessation of the action of which we have spoken, no sensible alteration of volume can be perceived/ f General Trenssart details an experiment which affords a very easy demonstration of this fact : — Two mixtures of a pulpy consist- 10 HYDRATES OF LIME. [CHAP. 9 4. This observation is of much importance : wo shall take care to avail ourselves of it when neces- sary. 95. We have already, in the first chapter, considered the hydrates of hydraulic limes immersed in the con- dition of paste, and the hardness they acquire in con- sequence of this immersion. It remains now for us to point out that this hardness, as well as the quick- ness of setting, is influenced by the method of ex- tinction, in a manner the more remarkable the less energetic the lime is. The order of pre-eminence of the three modes of extinction is not constant : it is the same for the rich, and slightly hydraulic limes ; for the hydraulic, and eminently hydraulic limes, the order is the same as that given in treating of the action of the air. 96. The hydrates of the hydraulic, and eminentlv hydraulic limes, immersed in the condition of very soft pastes, reject a portion of the superabundant water they contain, and become solid : in the condition of very stiff paste, on the contrary, they absorb an addi- tional quantity, solidify more quickly, and in time acquire a degree of hardness, which lime immersed in the soft state never attains. 97* All hydraulic lime which has hardened in the r iky were made, the one composed of a rich slaked lime, which had been tempered for four years, and the other, of lime fn >h alaked as it came from the kiln, both mixed with water. In the course of time, the second mixture became very thick and stiff, the first re- taining it< fluidity unaltered: water was added to dilute the thick- ened one to the same consistency as the other ; and it again, though more slowly, bt scame agglutinated; and this wan repeated several times, before it. could retain it> fluidity unaltered like the first. — Tn. V.] HYDRATES OF LIME. 41 air, may afterwards be immersed with impunity, with- out the water dissolving any sensible quantity of it. 9S. The hydrates of the rich limes are not of any great benefit in the art ; (App. XXXII.) the prin- cipal difficulty consists in the shrinkage which the mass undergoes on drying in the air, more especially when it has been slaked by the ordinary process. When we mould it into prisms, of which the dimen- sions do not exceed those of a very small brick, and if we place them at intervals on an area to which they do not adhere, the mass concentrates itself without obstacle, and the process of drying and solidification proceeds tolerably well ; nevertheless the prisms be- come covered with a slight efflorescence, arising from small portions of the surface which have been unable to participate in the general movement in shrinking. But when the dimensions are enlarged, when the forms become complicated, and the use of moulds becomes necessary, then the material is cramped, the paste adheres to the sides, cracks show themselves, and we get nothing but fragments. Beating is not of any avail whatever. 99. The shrinkage is the more considerable, the richer the nature of the lime employed, and the more it has been swelled in slaking/ But, if we could con- 8 It appears, that when slaked with much water, the lime shrinks on drying, because it is incapable of combining with the fluid which forms it into paste ; and its particles must therefore necessarily ap- proach one another when it is withdrawn from between them by evaporation. It shrinks least when made into paste after bring slaked by exposure to the air, for then all the interstitial fluid may be solidified by the lime itself, and it is probable that the expansion of the particles of lime during this absorption tills up the spaces 1 J HYDRATES OF LIME. fine ourselves to simple forms, we might succeed in manufacturing at slight cost, with the rich and very white limes, small slabs, which being susceptible of a good finish, and polished on a fine free-stone, would imitate handsome white marble, and might be applied to many uses. 100. The hydraulic mortars in the condition of hydrates, can only be employed with success under ground, or in the water, whether it be in puddling, or in masses of beton. But they will not succeed better than the mortar which is obtained by mixing them with common sand ; so that it would be very bad policy to neglect that means of at least doubling the bulk of the material. left by the abstraction of the water. (Art. 93.) It must not be for- gotten, that the remarks contained in this Chapter refer merely to the solids formed of lime and water, without the admixture of sand or other ingredient. — Tit. SECTION II. CHAPTER VI. OF THE MATERIALS WHICH ARE ADDED TO LIME, IN THE FORMATION OF MORTARS OR CALCAREOUS CEMENTS. 101. These materials are, 1st, The different kinds of sand, properly so called : 2nd, Arenes : 3rd, Psam- mites : a 4th, Clays : 5th, Volcanic or pseudo-volcanic products : 6th, Artificial products arising from the calcination of the clays, the arenes, and the psam- mites ; and the rubbish and slag of manufactories, forges, glasshouses, &c. INGREDIENTS OF MORTAR. Sand. 102. The granitic, schistose, and calcareous rocks, the free-stones ("gres"), &c, &c, reduced to the state of hard and palpable grains, either by the agitation of water, or by spontaneous disaggregation, give birth to the various kinds of sand. We distinguish them from powders, by their at once falling to the bottom a These terms are explained in Articles 109, 110, 111, and 112.— Tu. i 1 MATERIALS IN THE [cHAl\ when thrown into limpid water, and that without altering- the transparency in a sensible degree. b 103. The disaggregation of rocks is often accom- panied bv a decomposition which produces a powder. This powder renders the sand "rich," or, in other terms, susceptible of a certain cohesion, when tempered with water ; washed by rains and currents of water, it on freed from the pulverulent particles, and is deposited pure in the beds of rivers. l"i. This purity is generally changed near the mouths of streams, and in the small rivulets whose tributaries flow over a bed of clay or mould ; the sand mixes with vegetable debris and animal matters, and becomes "loamy." The particles composing sand faithfully represent those of the rocks whence they are derived. The granitic regions furnish quartz, felspar, and mica ; and the volcanic regions, lavas of all kinds. The tabular-shaped sands, whose particles are tender, are furnished by the schistose mountains ; it is difficult for them to be transported far without being reduced to powder. I 1 15. The calcareous sands are the least common. This very probably arises from the circumstance, that b The specific gravity of siliceous or quartzose sand I found, by a mean of various experin. _• . which is the same as that of quartz. A cubic foot of thi*. if it wen solid, would therefore I _ e a cubic foot of wat . a 1000 ov. But I found that, when measured in the way usually adopted in ap- portioning the ingredients of mortar, (in which case the sand, which was usually rather damp from being fr _ as thrown into the measure, but not beaten or compressed.) a cubic foot of i: only 75 lbs. Hence the voids or spaces between the grains were rather more than equal to the bulk of the sand itself, when mr-n ly thrown together. The same method may be employed to ascertain VI.] FORMATION OF MORTARS. 45 there are but few rivers but what take their rise from primitive summits, or such as are composed of primitive elements. The calcareous rocks, besides, are not sus- ceptible of that kind of disaggregation wdiich could be called granitic ; for if they be of a soft kind, they merely produce powder ; if hard, scaly splinters. 10(5. The partial and secondary revolutions of the globe, have occasioned immense deposits of sand in situations where now neither brooks nor rivers flow : these are the fossil sands ; and they should be carefully distinguished from the virgin sands, which are still in their original scite, and have not been operated on by the waters. 107. The fossil sands generally exhibit a more an- gular grain than the sea or river sand ; but in other respects they are the same elements, sometimes pure, sometimes coloured by ochres, &c. 108. Among the fossil sands is one very remark- able, the arene. Its peculiar properties entitle it to a distinct place in our category. the density of sand in other conditions ; and it is equally applicable to any mixture of gravel or rubble and sand, if the pebbles and grains contained in it do not vary much in specific gravity from that of flint and other siliceous minerals, which is rarely the case. The knowledge derived from this experiment is of considerable import- ance, in reference to the established principle, that the best propor- tion of lime or other cementing matter in a mortar, is that which exactly fills up the voids between the particles of sand with which it is mixed, and which is thus obtained. For the difference between the weight of a cubic foot of the materials, when condensed as much as possible, and 162^ lbs., will indicate the proportion which remains to be filled up with cementing matter ; which is the least dose (sup- posing the whole of it to be active) that will bind them firmly toge- ther, but beyond which as little should be added as possible. — Tr. 46 MATERIALS IN THE [CHAP. INGREDIENTS OF CEMENTS. Arenes. 109. This is a sand, generally quartzose, with very irregular, unequal grains, and mingled with yellow, red, brown, and sometimes white clay, in propor- tions varvinor from one to three-fourths of the whole volume. 110. The arene almost always occupies the sum- mits of the rounded and moderately-elevated hills : it sometimes constitutes entire hillocks ; frequently it in- terposes itself in large veins and seams in the clefts of calcareous rocks: it belongs essentially to alluvial soils. (App. XXXIII.) Psammites. 111. We apply this term to an assemblage of the irrains of quartz, schist, felspar, and particles of mica/ agglutinated by a variable cement. The varie- ties of these are very numerous ; those which in ap- pearance strongly resemble the free-stones, and sili- ceous breccias, 1 belong to the class of rocks whose dis- aggregation furnishes sand properly so called. But the psammites, which are slaty, of a yellow, red, or brown colour, fine grained, unctuous to the touch, producing Sc]ii>t" i- the German term for slate : felspar is "a simple mineral, which next to quartz constitutes the chief material of | Lyell's Geology.) " Mici is a simple mineral, having a shining silvery surface, and capable of being split into very thin elastic leaves or scales." (Ibid.) It is often mistaken for talc, which • mbles. — Tr. d An a-s( mblage of angular fragments glued together by any cement is called a M breccia." — Tr. VI.] FORMATION OF MORTARS. 47 a clayey paste with water, form a distinct species, and one which merits our attention. 112. These last belong to the primitive schistose formations ; they do not, and cannot exist, except " in situ ;" they are found in beds or veins, forming- part of the schist of which they are merely a decomposi- tion. The Department of Finisterre, in the neighbour- hood of Carhoix and Brest, furnishes it in abundance. (App. XXXIV.) Clays. 113. Clays are earthy substances variously coloured, fine, soft to the touch, which diffuse in water with fa- cility, forming with it a paste, which, when kneaded to a certain consistency, possesses unctuosity and tenacitv, and may be drawn out and kneaded in every direction without separating. The clayey paste, when dried, retains its solidity, hardens in the fire, &c. 114. Clays are essentially composed of silica and alumina : these two substances are adulterated by the presence of the oxide of iron, the carbonates of lime and magnesia, sulphuret of iron, and of vege- table combustible matter partly decomposed. 115. The clays are separated into four classes: viz., the refractory, which resist, without melting, the heat of the porcelain furnaces (1 40° AVedgwood) ; the fusible clays ; the effervescing, or clayey marls ; and, lastly, the ochrey clays, coloured red or pure yellow by the oxide of iron. 116. The position of clays is very varied: we find them as veins in primitive formations ; in hillocks, on IS MATERIALS ix THE [chai\ the confines of the primitive chains ; in horizontal beds, or layers, in the secondary formations ; in threads, thin veins, or infiltrations, in chinks and hollows of calcareous masses ; lastly, in volcanic regions. There, their formation is attributed to the decomposition of the compact lavas, and perhaps also, with some proba- bility, to miry eruptions. 117. AVe shall confine ourselves to these short ob- servations ; as the mineralogical history of the clays cannot be entered upon here. On this subject, the reader may consult the excellent article " Argile" of M, Brogniart. (Dictionnaire d'Histoire Xaturclle.) Natural Pouzzolanas, or Volcanic and Pseudo- Volcanic Products. IIS. Pouzzolana, properly so called, is a volcanic matter, pulverulent, of a violet red colour, first dug out of the earth by the Romans near the town of Pouzzol, not far from Vesuvius. 119. The environs of Rome furnish it equally. The naturalist Faujas de St. Fond, has found it in France, on the extinct volcanoes of Vivarais. There are few regions exposed to igneous agency which are destitute of it. But it presents itself under very dif- ferent physical appearances ; sometimes pulverulent, sometimes in coarse grains, often in slag, pumice, tufa/ e " Tuff, or tufa, volcanic. An Italian name for a variety of vul- canic rock of an earthy texture, seldom very compact, and composed of an agglutination of fragment! of scoriae and loose matter ejected from a volcano." — Li/clfs Gcolor/i/, 5th edit., vol. i. p. 461. VI.] FORMATION OF MORTARS. 49 &c. Its colour, which is generally brown, passes to yellow, grey, and black/ 120. We shall, in the rest of this work, comprehend under the name of pouzzolanas, the pseudo-volcanic products arising from the ignition of coal-pits, such as the tripolis, calcined sandstones, clays, &c. 121. Of these substances, some appear to have been exposed to a very high temperature ; others seem to have been only slightly scorched. Many appear to have been re-acted on, and modified anew by the heat, or altered by the effect of a very slow sponta- neous decomposition. These changes have deter- mined in the constituent principles a union more or less close, and consequently more or less difficult to overcome by chemical agents. 122. The pouzzolanas are essentially composed of silica and alumina, united with a small quantity of lime, potash, soda, and magnesia. Iron is associated with them mechanically, in the magnetic state. 123. The mineralogical history of the pouzzolanas will be found in the works of Desmarest, Faujas-de- Saint-Fond, and other authors. (App. XXXV.) Artificial Pouzzolanas. 121. Under this denomination we shall include the clays, arenes, psammites, and schists, properly cal- f The only preparation this material undergoes previous to use, is that of pounding, or grinding and sifting, whereby it is reduced to powder; in which state it is beaten to a proper consistency with a due proportion of lime. A specimen of it analyzed by M. Berthier contained, silica 44.5, alumina 15, lime S.8, magnesia 4.7, oxides of iron 12, soda 4, potash 1.4, water 9.2, in a hundred parts. — Tr. .00 MATERIALS IN 1111. [CHAP. cined ; smithy ^lasj, the refuse of the combustion of turf and coal, and pounded earthenware ; and, lastly, tile and pot shards/ 125. Such is a brief account of the substances which unite with lime in forming calcareous cements. But these bodies, although generally composed of silica and alumina, are far from acting in a uniform manner ; some bind well with the rich limes, others with the slightly hydraulic, or eminently hydraulic limes ; and of these several mixtures, some resist the effects of the air, the weather, and the action of water ; others only retain their solidity while im- mersion continues : and airain, there are some which I Mr. Smeaton tried powdered forge-scales, such as fall from iron at a smith's anvil, with excellent effect. Also the sittings of the iron- stone after calcination at the iron-furnaces, called " minion." which were ground in a mill previous to mixture with lime. He considered the forge-scales, when well powdered, and sifted clean from dirt and glassy slag, to be equivalent to as much pouzzolana, or tarras ; rust of iron, or iron-ore burnt, powdered, and sifted, to be equivalent to minion ; and each of these last to about half the quantity of pouzzo- lana, or tarras. In the construction of the new Docks at Sunder- land, which I visited during their progress, in May I8S5, I found that the cement used there, was a mixture of two parts of lime (which was obtained from a blue species of limestone, probably lias) and one part of the ground slag from the iron-founderies in the neighbourhood. I examined some of the lumps of slag lying about ; they seemed to contain much iron, either in the metallic state, or as the protoxide. (Vide note to Art. 138.) Before being applied to use, they are ground on a cast-metal bed to a very fine powder j and I was informed that the ashlar work mi mostly all united with a cement of this powdered slag and water, without any admixture of lime. This was kept dry for a couple of days, in which time it set ; and it afterwards indurated slowly, becoming of a Monv hardness. — Tr. VI.] FORMATION OF MORTARS. 51 lose all their cohesion as soon as they are immersed, &c, &c. 126. To what are these differences owing? They can neither be accounted for by the physical character, nor chemical composition of the different varieties ; (if we confine ourselves to determining the number and the proportions of the constituent principles;) for in this last respect, most of them will be found to be identical. f S CHAPTER VII. OF THE QUALITIES OF THE DIFFERENT MATERIALS WHICH ARE JOINED WITH LIME IN THE FABRICATION OF MORTARS, OR CALCAREOUS CEMENTS. 127. In what follows, we shall term every sub- stance " very energetic" which, when kneaded to a clayey consistency with very rich lime, slaked by the ordinary process, forms a cement or mortar capable, 1st, of setting from the first to the third day after im- mersion ; 2nd, of acquiring after one year the hard- ness of good brick ; 3rd, of yielding a dry powder under the spring-saw (a little saw whose blade is a clock-spring). 128. 2nd. We shall call merely " energetic" every substance which, under the same circumstances as before, will produce a cement or mortar capable, 1st, of setting from the fourth to the eighth day ; 2nd, of acquiring, after a year's immersion, the hardness of a very soft stone ; 3rd, of yielding a moist powder with the spring-saw. 129. 3rd. We shall call every substance "feebly energetic" which, under the same circumstances as before, produces a cement or mortar which, 1st, will set from the tenth to the twentieth day ; 2nd, which acquires, after a year's immersion, the hardness of dry soap ; 3rd, which clogs the saw. QUALITY OF MATERIALS, ETC. 53 130. 4-th. Lastly, we shall say that a substance is " inert" when its presence in proper proportions in rich lime in paste makes no alteration whatever in the manner in which the lime would behave, if immersed without mixture. 131. In the first three cases, what rigidly charac- terizes the substance, is the hardness acquired at the period fixed; for the "time of set" may sometimes transgress the prescribed limits. In fact, we know hydraulic cements which set on the third or fourth day, without ever attaining the hardness of soft stone ; and others, on the contrary, which become very hard, although sluggish at first. 1S2. These definitions being fixed, we establish as the result of experiment, 1st. That the sands, properly so called, are gene- rally "inert" substances. 2nd. The arenes, the psammites, and the clays, are generally " feebly energetic," and rarely " energetic " materials.* 3rd. The pouzzolanas, natural or artificial, may a I have met with a clay of a common kind which, when pow- dered in its crude state, and made into a stiff paste with rich slaked lime, set under water in ten days ; but it soiled the finger on first hardening, was meagre and gritty, and did not possess much co- hesion. In five months and ten days, however, it had very much improved, and seemed to promise to turn out an excellent cement. I was, however, unfortunately compelled to abandon it at that time, and have been unable to learn its subsequent progress. Its hard- ness was then indicated by a depression of .2125 inch, when tried by an instrument similar to that used by Mr. Vicat, but no part of the surface was removed previous to subjecting it to the blow of the proving needle. — Tr. 54 QUALITY OF MATERIALS, ETC. [CHAP. be "very energetic," or "simply energetic," or "feebly energetic." 133. There is nothing in the physical charaet< either of the arenes, the psammites, or the clays, which will enable us to prognosticate with entire certainty, what their action on rich lime will be. 134. In this respect, the natural and artificial pouz- zolanas offer some indications, but they are merely ne- gative. Thus the hardness of grain, density, vitreous or enamelled aspect, want of adhesion to the tongue, in a word, cvcrvthing which indicates a great cohesion, is an almost sure sign of mediocrity. \\ ith these substances then, as with the different kinds of lime, it is still experience which must guide the builder. Nevertheless those who possess chemical knowledge, may applv it usefully in this case ; for without making a rigorouslv exact measurement of the qualities of the above-mentioned substances, these agents assist us in classing them in an approximate manner, by pointing out, to a certain extent, the state of combination of their principles ; it is this state which we shall endea- vour briefly to investigate in what follows. The Art ilight indentation was made by the needle, measuring, as nearly as could be ascertained, 0.0125 of an inch. — Tr. ' Vide Art. 151. f Five per cent of carbonate of lime will produce this effect But the use of such a clay is not to be prohibited on this account as it is easy to moderate the heat, and its presence is attended with some advantage. General Treussart recommends a rather meagre clay containing the above proportions of lime, in those cases wherein it is impossible to provide machines to effect pulverization, as the\ an inor.- easily reduced tn powder than the richer clays. — Tr. VIII.] ARTIFICIAL POUZZOLANAS. C)3 deficiency in burning- ; since moreover they employ, for tiles especially, clays impoverished by sand, and more frequently simply stiff earths, we perceive to how many hazards the qualities of these kinds of pouzzo- lanas are left. 158. The cinders of coal and turf sometimes form an energetic pouzzolana, but they are sometimes also altogether " inert." This depends upon the internal constitution of these substances. 1.59- The slag from the forge, and the dross from the large furnaces, ordinarily give but " feebly energetic" pouzzolanas. 160. The remarkable cement known by the name of the " aqua-fortis cement," is nothing more than a combination of argil and potash, resulting from a very feeble calcination of nitre and moistened clay. It is a very energetic pouzzolana, but very dear. 8 (App. XLIV.) ? Silex, alumina, and baryta, decompose this salt (the nitrate of potash, or nitre,) in a high temperature, by uniting with its base. (Ure's Dictionary.) The potash is rendered caustic, so that it may perhaps act by favouring the partial vitrification of the elements of the clay. Carbonate of soda or potash would, in such case, produce the same effect. (Vide App. XLV.) — Tr. CHAPTER IX. OF THE RECIPROCAL SUITABLENESS OF THE VARIOUS KINDS OF LIME. AND THE INGREDIENTS WHICH UNITE WITH IT, IN THE COMPOSITION OF MOR- TARS AND CEMENTS. 161. Let us imagine that we have at our disposal the four kinds of lime described in the first Chapter ; and further, all the ingredients mentioned up to Chapter VI. ; and, that being puzzled in our choice, we are at a loss to know what course to take. The following are the rules indicated by a very numerous assemblage of facts, collected during observations of fourteen years' continuance. (App. XLYI.) First Case. 162. To obtain mortars or cements capable of ac- quiring a great hardness in the water, or underground, or in situations constantly damp, we must combine : WITH THE RICH WITH TBI 6LIGRTLY HYDRAULIC LIMES. WITH THE HYDRAULIC LIMES. WITH THE : NTLY HYDRAULK The " very ener-J The " simply encr- p> .uziolanas, getic"pouziolanas,na- natural or artificial, tural or artificial. The " very energe- tic" pouzzolanas, na tural or artificial, tem pered by the mixture of a half of sand or other " inert" sub- stance. The " energetic" arenes and psam- mites. The " feebly ener-l " Inert" materials, getic " pouziolanas, such as the quart- natural or artificial. zose and calcareous The " energetic" sands - a Ipouzzolanas, natural Slag, dross, &c. or artificial, tempered by a mixture of about one-half of sand. The " feebly ener- arenes and psammites. * With an eminently hydraulic lime, found in the neighbourhood of Ma>ulipatam (vide not. to Art. 24), I found that the mixture of LIMES IN MORTARS AND CEMENTS. 65 Second Case. 163. To obtain mortars or cements capable of ac- quiring great hardness in the open air, and of resist- ing rain, heat, and severe frosts, we must combine : WITH THE RICH LIMES. WITH THE SLIGHTLY HYDRAULIC LIMES. WITH THE HYDRAULIC T.IMF.S. WITH THE EMINENTLY HYDRAULIC LIMES. No ingredient will effect this.b No ingredient will completely effect this. Any very pure sands. Quartzose pow- ders. The powders of hard calcareous mi- nerals, or other " inert" matters. Any very pure sands. Quartzose pow- ders. The powders of hard calcareous mi- nerals, or other " inert" matters. 164. If, for any reasons, we should modify the rules above given, we may still succeed in making tolerable, and perhaps good mortar ; but to a certainty we shall be farther off the best, and that in a greater degree, the more completely the combinations made use of tend to invert the scale, which places the " very energetic" pouzzolanas opposite the very caustic rich limes, and two parts of a highly energetic artificial pouzzolana produced a much inferior cement to a like mixture of the same pouzzolana with rich slaked lime. I did not find the time of set to differ much, but the cement containing the hydraulic lime was meagre, and friable, and soiled the finger on touching it, for a day or two after solidifica- tion ; that prepared with rich lime, formed a compact, perfectly hard mass, with clean surface, and conchoidal fracture, and so homoge- neous in texture, and closely united, as to be superior to many sub- stances which had undergone the action of heat, such as bricks, tiles, See. — Tr. b Having analyzed several very old mortars, with the view of dis- covering, if possible, to what their superior durability might be attri- buted, I found that the hardest and most compact almost invariably h(. LIMES IN' MORTARS AND CEMENTS. the " inert" sands opposite the eminently hydraulic, very mild limes. Lastly, we shall have done the great- est mischief possible, when we have united together rich limes and any kind of sands. Such is the language dictated by a comparison of facts. It is unnecessary to add, that when we meet with substances of quali- ties intermediate between those which constitute the categories given above, we must use medium propor- tions ; but fresh experiments can alone tell, what will be the peculiar result of this or that new combination of principles, which it may suit the fancy of the builder to adopt. contained a considerable quantity of silica in a minute state of divi- sion, and a portion in a gelatinous state, which I presumed to have been in chemical combination with the lime. In some excellent specimens of very old mortar also, magnesia was found to exist in considerable proportion. The limestones, therefore, from which these mortars were prepared, must have contained the silica and magnesia as constituent principles ; and it is to be recollected, that it is the presence of these substances which communicates the pro- perty of hardening under water. Hence we may infer, that the most durable common mortars are such as have been manufactured from hvdraulic limes. — Tr. SECTION III. MIXTURES OF THE DIFFERENT LIMES WITH SAND, AND THE OTHER INGREDIENTS OF MORTARS AND CEMENTS. CHAPTER X. OF CALCAREOUS MORTARS OR CEMENTS INTENDED FOR IMMERSION. 165. Every calcareous mortar or cement destined for immersion, and mixed beforehand as a matrix, with a certain quantity of stones, fragments, or rub- bish, constitutes what is called a beton. It is a real piece of masonry of small materials, which is depo- sited at once in the situation which it is to occupy. In what follows, we have merely to consider the matrix of the bctons. Choice of Proportions. 166. The proportions which lead to the greatest in- duration, are as varied as the number of possible combinations of the various known ingredients ; that is to say, in a word, the question cannot be well discussed in any but an imperfect and altogether ap- f '2 68 MORTARS OR CEMENTS [cHAP. proximativo manner, and that in this respect, every builder ought to study the materials at his disposal.' lf>7. Of the known materials, the arenes, the psammites, and the clays, appear to have the least affinity for lime ; when reduced to a dry powder, and measured in that state, they take, for a volume represented by unity, as follows : — Of rich lime slaked by the ordinary process in stiff paste, from 0.15 to 0.30; of slightly hydraulic lime, from 0.2 to 0.2 5; and of hydraulic lime from 0.25 to O.oO. 168. The energetic, and very energetic pouzzolanas, require, in the same circumstances, of rich lime, from 0.30 to 0.50 ; of slightly hydraulic lime, from 0. M > to 0.60. It if). The quartzose or calcareous sands — of hydrau- lic, or eminently hydraulic lime, from 0.50 to 0.66. 170. In general terms, it is better to err from a de- ficiency, than an excess of lime, when making mix- tures of rich lime, and any kind of pouzzolanas ; and trice versa in the case of hydraulic or eminently hy- draulic limes, mixed with quartzose or calcareous sands/ 1 (App. XLVIII.) 171. The proportions play a more important part, the weaker are the ingredients which are mixed " The reader will find in the notes (App. XLYII.) an extract from Mr. Smeaton's excellent essay on water-cements, containing the proportions of twenty different compositions employed by him, in the construction of the Eddystone Lighthouse and other works, and which, being prepared from materials in common use in England, can not fail to be valuable. — Tr. b " A considerable excess of lime is proper in common mortars ; an excess of cement cannot be injurious to hydraulic mortars, except when employed in plastering." — Raucourt de ChnrhviUe. p. 14-. X.] INTENDED FOR IMMERSION. (J9 together; that is to say, that slight differences in these proportions may, in that case, correspond to very considerable differences in the hardness of the compounds. 172. Furthermore, all that we have just said may be modified according to the purpose to which we pro- pose to apply the mortars or cements ; more especially in dealing with pouzzolanas and the rich limes. Are these cements intended to bind materials together ? Let there be given a slight excess of lime, without which they will not adhere to stone without much difficulty. Are they to be employed alone merely ? Let us keep as close as we can to the exact propor- tions, in order that their hardness may be the greatest possible. Choice of the Process of Extinction. 173. The nature of the lime, and of the ingre- c Colonel Raucourt de Charleville considers the best hydraulic lime to be composed of equal parts of pure caustic lime, and of such other ingredient, as by its chemical action gives birth to hydraulic properties; such as silica, alumina, magnesia, &c, and which he terms "base hydraulique." None however is to be considered such, unless in a sufficiently minute state of division to exert its full influence, and allowance is to be made for all such gritty and inert particles as the best hydraulic lime is apt to contain, their amount being ascertained by experiment, and a proportionally smaller quantity of sand being used in forming the mortar. The best hy- draulic mortar he considers to be that prepared from a mixture of clean sand with so much of the above matrix as is at least sufficient to intercede its grains. Many hydraulic cements, particularly those made by mixtures after calcination, contain so much inert matter as to be incapable of the addition of sand. — Tr. 70 MORTARS OR CEMENTS [CBAP. dients employed, regulates the choice of the process of slaking. 174. Facts lead to the following general observa- tion, viz. : — 1st. That for all possible kinds of cement, of rich, or slightly hydraulic limes, the order of superiority of the three common kinds of extinction is as follows : spontaneous, — by immersion, — and ordinary. 2nd. That for every possible kind of cement or mortar, of hydraulic and eminently hydraulic lime, or- dinary extinction, — by immersion, — and spontaneous.' 1 17-5. There may be exceptions doubtless, but we have to this day met with none. I7C. The differences of induration, which follow the use of this or that process, are very variable ; they reach their maximum in the case of the rich limes, when mixed with inert substances, and become almost insensible, when these same limes are allied to the very energetic pouzzolanas. Between these limits, the differences observe a progressive scale, which is regulated by the variable energy of the ingredients. (App. XLIX.) 177- ^ e may slake the hydraulic, or eminently hydraulic limes, either by immersion, or by the ordinary process, without entailing any great dif- ference in the mortars or cements in which these limes are employed ; but this is not the case with regard to the spontaneous extinction, the influence of d Mr. Smealon mentions, that the Aberfhaw blue lias, when quenched hot from the kiln, falls to powder as freely as any other kind of lime, and that when mixed as fresh burnt as possible, i" thought t<> -. t more strongly in tmder^water vwks. — Tn. X.] INTENDED FOR IMMERSION. J I which is accompanied with a more injurious conse- quence, the more eminently hydraulic the lime to which it is applied. (App. L.) Of the Manipulation or Manufacture. 178. The manufacture includes the slaking of the lime, and its mixture with the ingredients which unite with it in the composition of the mortar or cement. 179. In whatsoever way it may have been slaked, the lime ought to be first brought to the condition of a thoroughly homogeneous paste, and then to be mixed with the ingredients destined for it. f 180. This paste ought to be as stiff as possible, whenever it is intended to act the part of a matrix amongst hard and palpable grains, which preserve e Mr. Vicat has omitted to mention what seems to me to be an important caution regarding the choice of the process of extinc- tion, viz., that the extinction by immersion will be attended with similar evil consequences, if the lime be exposed to the influ- ence of a humid atmosphere for any length of time ; and this is equally the case with the ordinary process, if the mortar be per- mitted to remain mixed sufficiently long to allow the injurious action of water upon the lime to take effect. Hydraulic lime should be re- duced to the utmost state of division, and used as quickly a possible afterwards. (Vide note to Art. 185, and App. L.) — Tr. f In hydraulic mortar composed of lime and tarras, repeated beatings rather improved those compositions in which lime pre- dominated, more particularly when it was rich lime. " The cus- tomary allowance for tarras mortar beating, first and last, is a day's work of a man for every bushel of tarras ; that is, for two bushels of lime powder with one bushel of tarras." — Smeaton, Construction of Eddyslone Lighthouse. 7 l 2 MORTARS OR CEMENTS [CHAP* a sensible interval between one anotber. Such is the case with mortars, or mixtures of lime and sand. (App. LI.) 181. It may have a more or less thin consistency, when, with a pulverulent substance, whose grains are impalpable, and at the same time absorbent, we would form a whole of a homogeneous appearance, in which the eye is unable to discern any one of the consti- tuent elements. This is the case with the calcareous cements, or the mixtures of lime with the pouzzolanas, arenes, clays, or psammitcs. (App. LI I.) 182. But in every possible case, the resulting mix- ture, be it mortar, or cement, must exhibit a good chn/e// consistency, according to the definitions laid down in that respect in Chapter V. g 183. We may at pleasure bring lime which has been slaked by immersion, or spontaneously, to the condition of stiff paste or pulp, when we take it in the pulverulent state ; but this is no longer possible when we have to deal with lime slaked by the ordinary pro- cess, if it has been drowned at first in too much water. To avoid committing this mistake, we ought to em- ploy, at the moment of slaking by that process, no more than the water rigorously required, that is to sav, which is necessary to cause the lime to pass from the solid caustic state to that of a stiff paste. In fact there is always an opportunity to add it, if necessary, at the time of applying it to use. 184. The hydraulic, and eminently hydraulic limes, R Vide App. LXII. and its note. — Ta. X.] INTENDED FOR IMMERSION. J3 present certain difficulties in this respect. We shall here detail the process to be followed, when the ordi- nary mode of slaking is applied to them. 185. The quick-lime in lumps is shovelled into an impermeable basin, where it is spread out in beds of equable depth from 20 to Q5 centimetres (7.8 to 9.8 inches, Tr.) ; the water is poured in gradually, and in such a manner that it may spread, and easily penetrate the spaces which the fragments of lime leave between one another. The effervescence is not long in displaying itself: we continue to throw in lime and water alternately ; but we must take especial care not to mash the materials, and bring them to a pulpy consistency, according to the bricklayers' custom. But when by accident any of the shovel- fulls of lime slake to dryness, we turn the water to it by means of little channels, which we draAv lightly through the pasty mass, and from time to time thrust a pointed stick into those parts where we suspect the w r ater has been wanting : if the stick comes out of it covered with an adhesive coating of lime, then the extinction has been proper ; if, on the contrary, there escape a floury smoke, it is a proof that the lime has slaked to dryness : we then enlarge the hole, make others beside it, and direct the water upon it. h h With eminently hydraulic limes, it may be found highly advan- tageous after slaking, and the separation of the stony and unburnt parts, to bruise and reduce to powder those minute lumps, of which they are often full, as in some instances this operation may have the effect of developing unexpected hydraulic properties. Colonel Kaucourt de Charleville in this manner discovered the virtues of the Narva lime, the best of the Russian cements, which 7 1 MOllTAKS OR CEMENTS [cil.U. L86. We ou^ht not in this way to slake more lime than is required for the completion of one or two days' work at most. Two separate basins, or two compartments in the same basin, are indispensable. We begin to fill the one, when the other is nearly emptied. By this means the lime has at least twenty- four hours to sour, and the doggish lumps become all reduced. 187. The lime which has been slaked as I have just described, is already very stiff next day ; it is necessary either to pick it, or at least to cut it with a spade, in order to remove it. It seems in a state that it can no longer be brought to a pasty condition with- out a further supply of water, but that is a mistake; it is easily rendered ductile by means of the pestle. The beater (" rabot") has no longer power to bind it : but if it is battered perpendicularly with rammers of cast-iron, fixed to handles of wood, it is not lomj in disgorging a part of the water, which, if we mav so say, it had rendered latent ; it then forms a paste sufficiently thin to receive the sand. (App. LIU.) 188. The materials which combine in the formation of calcareous cements, arc worked up and mixed to- gether with the more facility, the greater the quantity of water with which they have been diluted ; this is to such an extent, that the same workmen will take four times as much time to prepare a stiff mortar, as would be required to prepare the same quantity of that degree of softness adopted by masons. If, then, it signified but little, in regard to the promptitude with which had been entirely unknown till he thought of trying tlii- experi- ment — Tk. X.] INTENDED FOR IMMERSION. 7$ the mortar set, and its ultimate hardness, whether it were worked stiff or soft, it would on the other hand be of importance, in an economical view, to know the limit of the greatest quantity of water proper to be used, in order to keep as near the mark as possible. 189. However, the most exact and varied experi- ments show, that every mortar or cement destined for immediate immersion, ought, as we have before said, to be worked to a stiff clayey consistency, or lose one-half to two-thirds, and sometimes four-fifths, of the strength it would have acquired if properly treated. 1 190. But it is not with the ordinary instruments that we can hope to attain the object alluded to. It is absolutely necessary to substitute the rammers we have spoken of above for the beaters, and batter the mass vertically with force and suddenness. It is not until the mortar or cement has been fully worked, that we introduce the rubble or flints which constitute the beton : this second operation also is effected by the aid of the rammer. Of the Using or Immersion. 191. All the trouble taken in the fabrication is ' By leaving a mortar, which has been mixed to too thin a con- sistency, exposed to the air, and stirring it from time to time, to change the surfaces of contact, till it has become sufficiently firm, it may regain half of the virtues of which the drowning has deprived it. (Raucourt, p. 99). When, however, hydraulic mortars which had become dry, were beaten up again and water added to them, they were found to be deprived of hydraulic properties ; and this was more remarkable in the eminently hydraulic limes (p. 108). Pouz- zolanas are not injured in this manner, until after admixture with the lime. (Vide note to Art. 311.) — Tn. 7') MORTARS OK CEMENTS [CHAP. pretty nearly dead loss, if the immersion of the beton be ill done ; in no ease ought it to be shovelled in. If the depth of the water be inconsiderable, as, for ex- ample, a metre, (39.37 inches, Tn.) we should lower it to the bottom, and there deposit it gently. The hopper ought to be generally interdicted. The mass of water which it contains, although stagnant, always soaks the beton which passes through it. 192. The bux proposed by Belidor is without doubt the best. We have simplified it, by giving it the form of a truneated quadrangular pyramid, inverted. It is suspended a little above its centre of gravity ; on reaching the bottom of the water, it empties itself like a tumbrel, turning over by a tumbler movement. The beton leaves it in pyramidal shape, and settles firmly upon its largest base. 193. The immersion of beton is carried on by suc- cessive layers, whose depth should not exceed O m . 40°. (15."/ 5 inches, Tr.) As fast as the layer advances within the coffer-dam, or trench, it drives before it a pulp, or milky fluid, which is continually increasing, and becomes the more abundant the greater the breadth and height of the layers arc. This pulp, by reason of its fluidity, makes way for the product of each partial immersion, and finally, if we do not take care, rises from one layer to the next, and in such a manner as to leave behind it a thickness of from 3 to 5 centimetres (1.18 to 1.9 inches, Tr.) between the two successive beds : a very serious evil ; for being com- posed, as it is, of lime which has been drowned, this pulp never sets more than imperfectly, and thus ruins the continuity of the mass, of which it moreover favours the settlement. X.] INTENDED FOR IMMERSION. 77 194. It is oasv to obviate this inconvenience in a flowing stream ; it is sufficient to contrive little open- ings in the sides of the coffer-dam, and to multiply them to such an extent, that the water of the enclosure may be renewed without ceasing. We must, however, keep them so narrow, as that the beton be not carried through. k 195. In stagnant water, we may establish one or two powerful pumps at the extremity of the enclosure, where each layer in it ends, and pump out the pulpy fluid as fast as it arrives. Brooms are employed with success, when the coffer-dam affords an outlet ; but this method supposes that we can give each layer time to set. 190. Furthermore, we reduce the formation of this milky fluid to a mere trifle, when we take great care in the immersion. We ought above all to avoid beat- ing the beton when immersed. It is a perfectly use- less operation, and is moreover very injurious. The beton of itself settles as much as we could desire ; the beating has no other effect than that of diluting and impoverishing it. The only thing which we may allow ourselves to do, is to spread or w r eigh down the product of each partial immersion by compression, but without giving it any blow. 1 (App. LIV.) k Mr. Smeaton used a coating of Plaster of Paris to guard the cement of the Eddystone Lighthouse, when there was not time for it to set before being subjected to the violence of the sea. — Tr. 1 The following ingenious method of immersion, proposed by Gene- ral Treussart, is well deserving of attention, although he does not speak of it as having been subjected to trial. The space on which the foundation is to rest, is first surrounded by sheeting piles, and cleared 78 MORTARS OR CEMENTS [CHAP. 1<)7. A practice very generally admitted in former times, and which naturally sprung from the persua- sion, that the most rapid set led to the greatest abso- lute induration, consisted in making use of hot lime, and in immersing the beton while still warm. Now a bcton still warm is necessarily one imperfectly re- duced ; it is in fact quite impossible, that the heat developed by the quick-lime should be retained during the whole period of time required by a good manipu- lation. Every manifestation of heat at that period out to the depth of about six feet, which space is filled up to the h \ < 1 of the bed of the river with beton. While thi- i> -till somewhat soft, a second row of sheeting piles parallel to the first, and at the distance of four or five feet, is driven into the beton itself, to the depth of eight inches. The two rows are to be firmly bound and united together by struts, braces, and other means, and the space be- tween them filled in with a puddling of clay. Thus a coffer-dam resting on the beton is formed, so that when it has become induratt d. the whole of the water may be pumped out, and the masonry of the piers built up within it. But as the removal of the water from the interior may expose the whole to the danger of being lifted up by the pressure of the fluid, since it then becomes similar to an empty caiaaon, it may be necessary to guard against this danger, by load- ing it with weights placed upon trestles supported by the beton, which will keep the whole down till the masonry has been exi cuted. When this has been done, the interior line of piles may be easily removed. The outer row will require more trouble if they have I., i ii driven to the depth of six feet or more; and there is also a risk of the lu ton insinuating itself between them, and opposing a further n -i-tance to their extrication ; to guard against which, a stout piece of sheet-iron might be bent round the inside of them before filling in the foundation with the beton. which would prevent its entering the joints. Or the outer row of piles may be sawed off level with the beton, and ^o hit, which seems better. — Ta. X.] INTENDED FOR IMMERSION. 7Q indicates the successive developement of a sluggish lime, and consequently an imperfect extinction and mixture." 1 Now if such a mixture be immersed in a spot where nothing confines it, it swells, becomes di- luted, and spreads. Hence we must conclude, that it is not proper to use the lime, until after it has com- pletely cooled, which is a certain sign of its being completely slaked. Moreover, it will rest with the intelligence of the builder, to distinguish when the heat given out by a large quantity of slaked lime in paste, is the result of a real internal action, or the remains of the first effervescence. (App. LV.) 19S. We ought not, as Belidor directs, to wait to immerge the beton, till it has been deprived of its duc- tility by an incipient desiccation ; for it parts asunder and crumbles in an incredible manner, and will then merely form a pulp, which necessarily sets very slowly and imperfectly : such a beton does not finally attain more than from one-tenth to three-tenths of the hard- ness of which it is susceptible, when properly immerged. 199. When, from unexpected hinderances in works, we are obliged to postpone the immersion of a cer- tain quantity of beton already prepared, and it has begun to harden in consequence, there is not the least danger in beating it up afresh, and bringing it to its first consistency by the addition of water ; provided nevertheless, that the hardness it has ac- m These remarks cannot be applied to the employment of those hydraulic mixtures, which are used unslaked, and ground previous to mixture, such as our Roman cements, concrete, &c, &c\ the theory of the consolidation in these cases, being quite distinct from that of the lurdening of common mortars and betons. — Tr. SO MOETAB8 OE CEMENTS [CHAP. quired merely arise from a too rapid desiccation, brought on in a few hours by the heat of the sun, or a scorching wind. £1 N ). When it is possible to make use of mortars and cements in the dry way, in a drained enclosure, the beton is generally supplanted by masonry. \Ve may then double the future resistance of which these mortars or cements are capable, by leaving them to acquire, previous to admitting water into the enclo- sure, a certain degree of hardness, not incompatible with an obvious humidity ; such, in a word, that the white tint, which is characteristic of dryness, shall never make its appearance. Action of the Water upon the parts of the Mortars and Cements in immediate contact vitJi it. '201. The parts of mortars and cements in imme- diate contact with the water, after having acquired a certain degree of hardness, at periods varying with everv description of lime and ingredients, sometimes finally retrograde so far, as even to lose the consistency they had at the moment of immersion. They also form themselves a kind of envelope, whose thickness is constantly increasing, and tends to reach the centre. If we remove it by an iron knife by scraping the sur- face down to the sound part, it forms a second, and so on, one after another. l J( £. These phenomena, which are very remarkable when we make use of the rich limes and feebly ener- getic pouzzolanas, are imperceptible in every case, where we use the very energetic pouzzolanas, or the X.] INTENDED FOR IMMERSION. 81 hydraulic and powerfully hydraulic limes combined with the ingredients proper for them. We see of how much importance this observation is to the dura- bility of works exposed to the dashing and erosion of a current or agitated water ; but in a tranquil pool the progress of this species of decomposition has a limit. A very thin blackish or whitish crust insensibly forms on the soft envelope of which we have spoken ; behind this sort of shield, the forma- tion of which is due to carbonic acid with which every water is more or less impregnated, the soft parts regain their consistency by little and little, and everything seems to indicate that at some period its solidification will be complete. It is certain that after six years it is still not equal to the centre in hardness." 203. On being submitted to examination, the de- teriorated parts exhibit much less lime than the others ; what is deficient then, has been dissolved and carried off; it was in excess in the compound. 201. Nature, we see, labours to arrive at exact pro- portions, and to attain them, corrects the errors of the hand which has adjusted the doses. Thus the effects which we have just described, and in the cases alluded to, become the more marked, the further we deviate from these exact proportions. (App. LVI.) n Mr. Smeaton made some experiments to ascertain whether any difference would arise in the strength of hydraulic mortar when mixed with fresh or sea-water, the compositions being immersed in the same water ; and he found, that after a trial of two or three months, those made up with the salt-water appeared, if there were any difference, to have the preference Tu. G 82 MORTARS OR CEMENTS [CHAP. Influence of Time. 205. Some persons are in the habit of concluding upon the future goodness of a cement by the rapidity of its " set. ;" numerous facts prove that this indication is not always constant. The second process of extinc- tion, for instance, hastens the set of all bctons of power- fully hydraulic lime, but does not lead to as great a degree of hardness as the ordinary process. Besides, there are ingredients whose binding qualities are only developed in a slowly progressive manner, and which nevertheless attain a very high degree of solidification. The time of first setting cannot be taken as an exact prognostic of the future hardness, except when we compare together cements or mortars of the same kind ;° thus, for example, when a mixture of 200 parts of pouzzolana and 100 of rich lime takes six days to set, while a mixture of the same consistency of 200 parts of the same pouzzolana with 270 parts of the same lime take nineteen days, it is certain that the first will become more hard than the second. And this will also be true, if, while the proportions con- tinue invariable, the cements differ merely by the quan- tity of water introduced into them, and if, by reason of this difference, the more stiff one sets sooner than the other. 206. The following remarks are deduced from the " I have remarked also, that mortars of hydraulic limes which set very quickly did not exhibit great resistance; but those formed of pouzzolanas, which caused common (rich) lime to set speedily, always gave good mortars." — General Treussart, p. 1 2.3. X.J INTENDED FOR IMMERSION. 83 facts which have been observed up to the present day : — 1st. An excess of rich, or slightly hydraulic lime in a cement, retards its set ; the proportions most favourable to that set are also those which give the greatest hardness. 2nd. The second and third modes of extinction seem generally more adapted to hasten the set than the first. 3rd. The progress of the cements of rich limes and the energetic or very energetic pouzzolanas, continues still sensible during the third year following their im- mersion. 4th. The progress of the mortars formed of the hy- draulic or eminently hydraulic limes and the quartzose and calcareous sands, is no longer appreciable after the second year of immersion. 5th. Time modifies, but does not invert the rela- tions in respect to hardness which are deduced from a comparison of the three processes of slaking. That is to say, the order of pre-eminence observed at the end of the first year, is still the same at the end of the third, and so on afterwards. (App. LVII.) CHAPTER XL OF MORTARS CONSTANTLY EXPOSED TO THE AIR AND WEATHER. 207. We have already said in Chapter IX., that the only mortars capable of standing the vicissitudes of the atmosphere, and of acquiring at the same time a great hardness, were those composed exclusively of the pure quartzose, granitic, or calcareous sands, and of the hydraulic, or powerfully hydraulic limes. If then in what follows we treat of ordinary mortars, or the mixtures of sand and rich limes, it is because we are compelled to do so to complete the history of the phenomena which we have to describe. For it is our most decided opinion, that their use ought for ever to be prohibited, at least in works of any importance. 11 a In those situations in which it « impossible to avoid the use of rich limes, it may be useful to be aware that their bad qualities may be in some degree corrected, by the use of a comparatively small quantity of the coarsest sugar dissolved in the water with which they are worked up. This substance (or "jaghery") is extensively employed in the East, and with admirable effect ; for the common mortars made of calcined shells, when avcII prepared at first, resist the action of the weather for centuries ; and I have no doubt that this is in great part to be attributed to the use of sugar, the influence of which on the first solidification of the mortar is very marked. Even in this country it may occasionally be found advantageous to employ the cheapest sugar, or molasses, when works of import- ance have to be stuccoed with rich lime; for its aid is chiefly con- fined to the hardening of the outer surface, which is effected by MORTARS EXFOSED TO THE AIR, ETC. 85 208. Among the results which flow from a general comparison of the mortars with the hydrates, or solids formed by the combination of water alone with the va- rious known kinds of lime, the most remarkable and most important may be exhibited as follows : — 1st. That the hydrates of lime which in the open air attain the Greatest hardness, are those whose mix- tures with pure sands, on the contrary, produce the weakest mortars. 2nd. The intervention of pure sand does not tend, as was before believed, to augment the cohesion of which every kind of lime indifferently is susceptible ; but it is injurious to rich limes, very serviceable to the hydraulic and eminently hydraulic limes, and is neither beneficial nor injurious to the intermediate kinds. 209. Sands being, as we have already said in Chap- ter VII., merely inert substances, it would seem that they ought not to differ in quality from one another, employing a stronger solution when laying on the stucco, and rub- bing it with wooden floats afterwards, which is sometimes continued several hours ; and as the quantity of fluid required for these pur- poses is not great, the expense of the sugar, if purchased wholesale, would not be a very serious addition to the cost of the work. The proportions used in India are various, depending upon the judgment of the workmen. I am unable to state precisely what quantities the solutions usually contain, but as well as I recollect, there need not be more than about a pound weight to every eight or ten gallons of Mater in mixing the stucco, and the same quantity to two or three gallons for laying on and floating afterwards. After the sugar has been dis- solved, and the solution prepared for use, a quantity of fresh quick- lime is added, and well stirred with it, so that as much may be taken up as possible ; by this means a very strong lime-water is prepared (note, Art. 11), which is made use of in the manner above men- tioned. — Tr. 8(j MORTAKS EXPOSED TO THE AIR [CHAP. in anv wav except by the form, the size, and the hard- ness of their grains. The ancient builders wished us to choose the fossil sands, harsh to the touch, in pre- ference to the rounded and polished sands : they re- garded the colour also, rejected the yellow, &c, &c. But the whole of their writings on that subject are so vague, the experiments on which they depended are so incomplete, and conducted with so little method, that we can conclude absolutely nothing from them. One thing which we know to be quite certain, and which we ought never to lose sight of, is this — that there is no sand whatever, be it red or vellow, erey or white, with round grains or angular ones, &c, which can, if it be inert, form a good mortar with rich lime. Whilst, on the other hand, all possible kinds of sand, provided they be pure, that their grains be hard, and do not exceed a certain size, give excel- lent mortars with the hydraulic and eminently hy- draulic limes. Nevertheless, we admit that there are differences in the quality of sands, according as their constituent elements may be granitic, calcareous, schis- tose, or volcanic, &c. ; but these differences being in general very small, we shall in what follows merely attend to those which depend upon the size of the grains. (App. LVIII.) Influence of the Size of the Sand. 210. We shall call coarse sand, that, whose grains, supposing them round, vary from one and a half to three millimetres (.0.59 to .118 inch) in diameter; fine sand, that of which the dimensions in the same XI.] AND WEATHER. 87 way are comprised between one and one and a half millimetres (.039 and .059 inch) ; and powders, the solid substances of the same nature, whose largest particles never reach the fifth of a millimetre (.00787 inch). These definitions being understood, experi- ments prove, that the quartzose and calcareous sands take, with respect to each species of lime, the follow- ing order of superiority, viz. : — 211. For the eminently hydraulic, and simply hy- draulic, 1st, fine sand; 2nd, irregular-grained sand, resulting from the mixture of coarse and fine ; b 3rd, coarse sand. *> The object of mixing sands is, to obtain the greatest possible quantity of matter within a given bulk ; and this is attained by filling up the interstices between the parts of a coarse rubble by the finer particles of sand, and then the interstices of both these by the ce- menting matter. A method of estimating the proportion of these interstices or voids in a mass of sand is given in note to Art. 102; and by the plan therein detailed, the amount of condensation ob- tained by mixing them, is at once shown by the increase of weight which it produces. When, however, the means for making such a trial are not at hand, another excellent process, described by Colonel Raucourt de Charleville, may be resorted to. To estimate the voids in any mass of stones, gravel, or sand, a measure is taken and exactly filled with it, and a similar one filled with water ; part of the water is gradually transferred from the second to the first measure (pour- ing it over the stones or sand), till it is full. It is then easy to judge by the quantity of water used, what proportion the voids bear to the whole bulk of the sand, and which will evidently be the same as the ratio of the quantity of water taken from the second measure (to fill them up) to its whole capacity. Colonel Raucourt de Charle- ville found, that rubble, consisting of pebbles of about half an inch dia- meter, required half a measure to fill up their voids ; gravel, of grains from oue to two lines, five-twelfths of do. ; common sand, of grains half a line diameter, two-fifths do. ; fine sand, one-tenth of a line dia- 88 MORTARfi EXPOSED TO THE A1K [CHAP. 212. For the slightly hydraulic limes, 1st, irregular- grained sand, mixed as above ; 2nd, line sand ; 3rd, coarse sand. — For rich limes, 1st, coarse sand ; 2nd, mixed sand ; 3rd, fine sand. ( App. LIX.) 213. The greatest difference in the hardness of mortars of the rich limes, which the use of this or that kind of sand is capable of occasioning, rarely amounts to more than a fifth; but it exceeds one-third with the mortars made from the hydraulic or emi- nently hydraulic limes. That is to say, if we repre- sent the maximum hardness in the two cases by 100, the minimum will be not far from 80 in the first case, and 60 in the second. meter, one-third do. ; very fine sands and earths, two-sevenths do. The same author gives an excellent practical method of determining the proportions in which gravel, stones, and Bands ought to be mixed, and which is very similar in principle to the process above describee A measure is first exactly filled with the gravel or stones, and they are shaken down in it so as to condense them into as small a bulk as possible. By reason however of the interstices which still exist between these stones, and which by the experiments just quoted have been shown to be equal to one-half of the whole bulk, (when they are of an average size of half an inch diameter or more,) it i- evident thai there may still be added a huge quantity of .-and, without sensibly increasing their volume. A similar measure full of sand is therefore prepared, and part of its content- by degrees taken out and poured amongst the stones, which are well Bhaken, to cause the sand to penetrate and till up the voids perfectly, more and more sand being added, as hist a- it settles into it- place, until it be observed that the hulk of the whole begins to augment sensibly, which is a proof thai all the voids are filled up. The quantity of sand remaining in the second measure, will now indicate what proportion the gravel can bear to be mixed \\ it 1 1 it, without augmentation of volume; and to thi- mixture a >till finer kind may be added if thoughl proper, and the quantity which the mixture will bear, estimated in the same, way. XI.] AND WEATHER. 8 ( J 214. When the sand reaches that degree of fine- ness which constitutes the powders, its mixture with the hydraulic or eminently hydraulic limes still pro- duces excellent mortars, more especially when these powders are derived from calcareous substances en- dued with great cohesion, such as the marbles. The quartzose powders, though not so efficient as sand of the same nature, may still be very advantageously employed ; but, it cannot be too often repeated, that the intervention of any loamy or argillaceous particles in the above-mentioned powders, robs them of their qualities. (App. LX.) Choice of Proportions. 215. In this case (as well as with regard to mortars destined for immersion) we cannot, to speak exactly, lay down a general rule, since each kind of lime behaves, with respect to this or that sand, in a man- ner which is peculiar to it. Nevertheless we are suf- ficiently advanced to lay down certain limits, and to determine a few points, so to speak, of the line which it is impossible to trace throughout with exactness. In order that this process may succeed fully, the two kinds of sand mixed ought never to bear a less proportion to one another in the diameter of their particles than ten to one, as unless that be the case, thi' finer will not penetrate effectually. When therefore this condi- tion is not fulfilled, or when we want to compare the condensation obtained by mixing different proportions of common gravel and sands, whose parts are of various dimensions, it will be best to make the mixtures first, and then proceed with the experiment by ascer- taining the comparative weights of the same measure filled with each, as before explained in the note above quoted (to Art. 102.) — Tu. c 3Jr. Higgins' Patent Stucco, made from the best stone lime, 90 MORTAllS EXTOSED TO THE AIR [CHAP. Case of the Rich Limes. 21 6. 1st, The resistance of mortars made from verv rich limes slaked by the ordinary process, in- creases from 50 up to 210 parts of sand to 100 of lime in stiff paste, and beyond that decreases indefi- nitely. 217. 2nd, The resistance of the same mortars, when the lime has been slaked by immersion, or spontane- ously, increases from 50 to 220 parts of sand to 100 of lime in stiff paste, and then diminishes indefinitely beyond that proportion. Case of the Simply Hydraulic Limes. 21 S. 1st, The resistance of mortars of hydraulic- lime, slaked by the ordinary process, increases from the proportion zero up to ISO parts of sand to 100 of lime in stiff paste, and then diminishes indefinitely beyond that point. 219. 2nd, The resistance of the same mortars, when the lime has been slaked by immersion, or spontane- ously, increases from the proportion zero up to 17" parts of sand to 1UU of lime in stiff paste, and then diminishes indefinitely beyond that point. slaked bj immersion, consisted of fifty-six pounds of coarse, and forty-two pounds of fine sand (both washed), with fourteen pounds of lime, and fourteen pounds of sifted bone-ash ; the whole wetted and well incorporated together with as small a quantity as possible of lime-water, and applied expeditiously. When a finer texture was required, the coarse sand was omitted, and ninety-eight pounds of fine sand used, and to this, fifteen pounds of lime, and fourt- 1 1. pounds of bone-ash, were added. — Tn. XI.] AND WEATHER. 91 220. These results are sufficient to establish the fact, that the best proportions are subordinate, not only to the nature of the lime made use of, but also to the mode of extinction to which that lime has been subjected. We shall see hereafter, that there are a vast number of other considerations on which they depend. Choice of the Mode of Slaking. 221. We have stated, in speaking of cements and mortars when immersed, that the manner of slaking the lime exerts a very remarkable influence on their hardness. This influence is by no means so marked in mortars exposed to the deteriorating action of the air. We may, however, by using this or that process with discernment, sometimes do as much as double the resistance which we should have obtained by the contrary process, a fact which well recompenses the trouble of making a few experiments. 222. An examination of the Tables, in which the facts which we have succeeded in collecting together on this subject are recorded, points out at once the same laws which we have already remarked, in respect to cements and mortars when immersed ; that is to say, that the three processes of extinction, arranged in the order of pre-eminence, are, for the hydraulic, or powerfully hydraulic limes, 1st, the ordinary process ; 2nd, by immersion ; 3rd, spontaneous ; and vice versa for the rich, or slightly hydraulic limes. ( App. LXI.) Tlie Manufacture or Manipulation. '223. Many authors assert, that mortars are very gSt MORTARS EXPOSED TO THE .Mil [CHAP. much benefited by being soured a long time, but without precisely fixing anything. To put an end to all uncertainty in this respect, we engaged in a new course of experiments, which were further called for by the insufficiency of those we had published in ISIS. 22 1-. Quartzose and calcareous substances acting in "-eneral to more advantage in the state of sand than as powders, with every species of lime, the mechanical effect of a laborious trituration kept up beyond the time necessary for the perfection of the mixture, can obviously be only hurtful. But there is another point of view in which the subject ought to be considered ; it is that of the atmospheric influence upon the ingre- dients of mortars, an influence which a long tritura- tion keeps up and assists, by the frequent succession of fresh contacts. 225. Now we have seen, that the hydraulic and emi- ncntlv hydraulic limes, when exposed to the air, lose in it a part of their qualities, while the rich limes acquire new ones from it ; hence it follows, that a mortar of rich lime is the only one which can gain anything by being a long time soured, and this is also proved by our more recent experiments. They show, in fact, that a mix- ture of 150 parts of sand and 100 parts of this lime, slaked by immersion, and measured in paste, having been kneaded and worked up afresh with additional water every eight days during five months consecu- tively, acquired after one year, an absolute resistance of 5 k . 13 per centimetre square ; d while, in the case of the ordinary manipulation, the same mixture only d Equal to 77.3 pounds Avoirdupois per English square inch. — Tk. XI.] AND WEATHER. 93 reached 4Mi ; e but, however sensible this difference is, it is by no means commensurate with the labour which it cost. 226. It is therefore only by means of renewing the contacts, and favouring the action of the atmosphere, that a long-continued trituration can become favour- able to mortars of rich lime ; and this furnishes a complete vindication of the Lyonese method, which consists, as is well known, in preparing large heaps of mortar beforehand, from which they take succes- sively as much as is wanted for the day's consumption, rendering it ductile by adding water. 227. But we see at the same time, that the same method may be ill-judged in a country where the lime may be hydraulic or eminently hydraulic. 228. Everything which has been said of the slak- ing of lime, and the consistency of the mixtures, in treating of mortars and cements for immersion, applies exactly to mortars exposed to the air. The mortars of hydraulic lime may lose four-tenths of the ultimate hardness of which they are capable, when, instead of that stiff consistency of which we have spoken, we make use of that adopted by the masons. 229. Mortar in every season ought to be prepared as much as possible under cover, whether it be to avoid the rapid desiccation which takes place in sum- mer, or to obviate the still more serious inconvenience in the rainy season. In the latter case, we ought to deviate a little from the principles which we have laid c Equal to 58.93 pounds Avoirdupois per English square inch — Tk. 94 MORTARS EXPOSED TO THE AIR [CHAP. down in the preceding pages, and choose the hydraulic lime slaked by immersion, in preference to that pro- duced bv the ordinary mode ; and this in order to have it in our power at pleasure to absorb the water contained in the wet sand ; without this plan, it is impossible to obtain a stiff mortar. 230. In summer, on the contrary, the lime in paste is not always sufficient to moisten the sand, which is sometimes hot. It then becomes indispensable to add water, but gradually, and with the greatest caution. One could hardly believe, without witnessing it, how very small a quantity is sufficient to drown the mix- ture. (App. LXII.) Application. 231. It is quite evident, that a very stiff mortar cannot be used with dry and absorbent material?. When we have materials of this kind, they must be watered without ceasing, and kept in a perfect and permanent state of imbibition. The whole secret of good manipulation and right employ, is condensed in the following precept : " Stiff mortar, and materials soaked.'' Our bricklayers, on the contrary, seem to have taken for their motto, "Dry bricks, and drowned mortar.'* 232. It is true, that to build in the way here understood, we must change certain habits ; as, for ex- ample, never after the first supply have to introduce mortar between stones too close to one another, but to lav under each one, in the first instance, a sufficient XI.] AND WEATHER. 95 quantity to allow those at the side to supply them- selves from it when it is battered down in bedding it. 233. The mason's hands will soon be covered with sores, if he do not at the same time take some pre- cautions to guard himself from the action of the lime. Liquid tar remedies this very effectually ; f it is sufficient to rub the hand with it frequently during the day: the thin coating which remains sticking to the skin acts as an impermeable glove. (App. LXIII.) Precautions to be taken after Application. 234. In general, all mortars become pulverulent when, after being applied, they are exposed to a rapid desiccation. The influence of such a desiccation be- comes the more fatal, the more erninentlv hvdraulic the mortars are. They may then lose four-fifths of the strength which they would have acquired by drying slowly. It is therefore proper to water the masonry when we build during the hot season ; and this in such a way, as never to permit the mortar to whiten, and thus part with the water necessary for its solidification/ (App. LXIV.) f The necessity for this preventive is obviated in England by the pallet or board (called the " hawk"), used by plasterers for mixing 6mall quantities of stucco as they apply it, and for catching such as may fall ; it consists merely of a piece of plank about a foot square, with a handle about six or seven inches in length, fixed perpendicularly underneath the middle of it, by which it is grasped. — Tr. g It was found by Mr. Higgins to be injurious to chalk mortar to be kept too long in a very damp state. The object here intended, is MORTARS EXPOSED TO THE AIR [CHAP. Influence of Time. 235. Mortar a hundred years old is still in its in- fancy. This saying of the masons is the result of the daily observations which they have the opportu- nitv of making in demolitions. It is seldom in fact that we meet with good mortars of rich lime, except in the foundations or masonry of buildings of four or five hundred years old. What is it that determines such a tardy solidification ? It is a thing which it appears difficult to account for ; however, there is one thing which it is not at all difficult to apprehend, and that is, that a mortar which does not harden for four or five hundred years, is to us much the same as if it never hardened at all. h (App. LXV.) 236. As regards hydraulic, or eminently hydraulic mortars, numerous experiments which we have col- lected prove, that when exposed to the air in small bulk, they in a very short time (eighteen to twenty months) attain, if not the ultimate degree of hard- iv to retard the desiccation of the mortar. Colonel Raucourt de Charleville recommends straw-mats to be suspended in front of the walls as the best means of effecting this. It is an important fact too, that the mortars composed of the very hydraulic limes used in the " active" or imperfectly-slaked condition, are best adapted to resist the injurious effect of too speedy drying. This observation of the above author corresponds with my own experi- ments on this subject. — Tr. h " Colonel Raucourt de Charleville is of opinion, that in donates not subject to frost, atmospheric vicissitudes, so far from being inju- rious to mortars, increase their induration, and that in a greater degree the h ss hydraulic the lime of which they are composed." — / i, p. 1 12. XI.] AND WEATHER. 97 ncss of which they arc susceptible, yet at least a condition differing so little from it, that we are en- abled to predict with certainty what they will ulti- mately become. 237. Thus the influence of ages may modify, but not overturn, the relations in respect to durability established by our observations. H CHAPTER XII. OF CALCAREOUS CEMENTS AND MORTARS SUBJECTED TO THE CONSTANT INFLUENCE OF A DAMP SOIL. i 28S. With respect to cements, we may refer to all that has been said concerning the proportions, the mode of slaking, and the manufacture, in the case of a constant immersion ; and with regard to mortars, to all that has just been said in reference to the case of ex- posure to the weather, with the exception of the follow- ing modifications. o Size of Sa)id. - ?9« When the quartzose or calcareous sands are of that degree of fineness which constitutes powders, their presence is injurious to the hydraulic and eminently hydraulic limes ; and this effect is the most remarkable in regard to the calcareous sands derived from the softest kind of stone. Process of Extinction. 240. The varieties of hardness resulting from a difference in the modes of slaking employed, conform to the order laid down, but in general in a more marked way than in the case of exposure to the air. a • Vide Art 222. CEMENTS AND MORTARS, ETC. 99 Proportions. 241. These are essentially modified agreeably to the following observations : — 1st. The resistance of mortars made from very rich limes slaked by the ordinary process, continually di- minishes, reckoning from 50 to 190 parts of sand and more, to 100 parts of lime in paste. 2nd. The resistance of the same mortars when the lime has been slaked by immersion, remains very nearly the same, from 50 to 130 parts of sand to 100 parts of lime in paste, and diminishes indefinitely beyond that proportion. 3rd. The resistance of the same mortars, when the lime has been slaked spontaneously, remains very nearly the same, from 50 to 200 parts of sand to 100 parts of lime in paste, and then decreases indefinitely. 4th. The resistance of hydraulic mortars, no mat- ter by what process slaked, is augmented by very small differences, from zero up to 90 parts of sand to 100 of lime in paste, and remains constant from that proportion up to 240 parts of sand. Employ. 242. Cements intended to bind together the parts of underground masonry, are used with the same precautions, and the same care, as the mixtures of lime and sand. They lay hold but feebly of the stone or brick when compounded in exact proportions. We augment their adherence by giving them a slight ex- ii 2 100 CEMENTS AND MORTARS [CHAP'. of limo, but. this is always at the expense of their «>wn proper cohcsion. b b Tor foundations and works of that kind, the use of concrete as a substratum in dangerous soils seems in England to be fast super- seding every other method, and it offers so valuable a resource in so many difficult situations that I cannot omit the opportunity of doing the reader a service, bv giving a short account of its nature and preparation. Concrete is a composition of stones or rubble and sand with fresh-burned stone lime (ground to powder without slaking), in the proportions of from one-fifth to one-ninth of lime, to one of the mixture of rubble and sand. These ingredients should lie \\ ell blended together dry, and as small a quantity of water added as will bring them to the consistency of mortar, and then, after turning over the materials with the shovel once or twice, thrown as quickly as possi- ble into the foundation from a height of eight or ten feet It sets very quickly, so that it is desirable that the mixture should be made at, or close to the height from which it is precipitated, and after being expeditiously spread and brought to a level, or puddled, it ought not to be again touched. The best proportions of admix- ture of the stones and gravel or sand, are such as produce the great- est possible condensation, and depend therefore upon the dimensions of both ; and the principles by which these proportions may be de- termined with accuracy will be found in note to Art. 211, it being remembered that the greater the condensation, or the greater the n al bulk of the materials packed into a given space, the less the quantity of cementing matter necessary to bind them together. The concrete osi d near London is composed of Thames ballast, containing about two of stones to one of >and, which proportion Mr. Godwin, the author of a valuable essay on this composition, considers to be the best ; and as the size of all the stones used is limited to the bigness of a hen's egg (all beyond that dimension being broken), it will be that this practical result is in perfect accordance with the ex- periment* referred to in the note above quoted. The quantity of lime (if hot from the kiln, and perfectly well burnt and pulverised) should l.e such as is sufficient to form good mortar with the $tmd (only), which i> the simplest rule to go by. afl by it the exact proportion.* in XII.] SUBJECTED TO A DAMP SOIL. 101 every case can be decided according to the nature of the materials, and the energy of the lime used, according to the experience and judgment of the architect who employs them. I have not heard of concrete being employed under water, but when once consolidated, it may be exposed immediately to its action without risk. In setting it expands in the same manner as hydraulic lime (vide App. XLIX, par. 3), which renders it very valuable in some situations. This in- crease of dimensions amounts to three-eighths of an inch in a foot in height on the first setting of the concrete, and it continues to expand insensibly for a month or two afterwards. It is proper to add, that this expansion follows a previous condensation of about one-fifth in bulk, by which the ballast and lime are found to be contracted after being incorporated together. — Tr. CHAPTER XIII. OF THE VICISSITUDES TO WHICH CEMENTS AND MORTA15S MAY BE EXPOSED, AND OF THE CONSEQUENCES. QU3. Some mortars and cements which solidify tole- rably in the water, lose part or the whole of their cohesion when exposed to a dry and warm air. This happens generally with those whose elements do not suit one another perfectly ; for instance, the cements of rich limes and feebly energetic substances, such as the arenes, the psammites, clays, &c. ; the mixtures of feebly hydraulic limes with inert materials, &c. The deterioration is more particularly marked in re- spect to the exterior surface, which the dissolving action of the water has already caused to undergo an incipient alteration ; these parts lose all their con- sistency. 244. Mortars formed from the hydraulic or emi- nently hydraulic limes, whose solidification takes place in a damp soil, behave equally well in the open air, and in the water. 245. In general, most kinds of cement which have well hardened under a damp soil, stand equally in the water, but they behave variously in the open air ; some resist, others are altered by it. We are unable to say to the presence of what principles these differences are to be attributed. (App. LXVI.) 246. The mortars of hydraulic or eminently by- CHANGES OF CEMENTS AND MORTARS, ETC. 103 draulic limes, and in general most cements which have acquired considerable hardness in the open air, will retain it indefinitely in the water, or under a damp soil. 247. The simple mixtures of rich lime with inert sands, whose hardness is merely due to their drying in the air, become completely decomposed in the water. 248. In general, all cements of rich limes resist frosts but imperfectly ; they give way like hard stones by irregular cleavage. This action of the frost is considerably weakened, and may even be entirely avoided, by mixing a certain quantity of pure sand with the powdery ingredients which arc employed in their composition/ (App. LXVIII.) 249- All the mortars of rich limes, and coarse and a In India, where the very speedy decay of mortars and cements, in some situations, appears to be attributable to frequent alternations of dryness and humidity (vide note to App. LXVIII.), I found the best preventive was a coating of tar, which I tried with a view to check the transition of moisture. Part of the surface of a very damp wall, the plastering of which had been long remarked for its repeated and very early failures, was newly stuccoed with the usual composi- tion (4 of rich lime to 5 sand), and after it had dried thoroughly, a portion of it, containing about 50 superficial feet, was painted with a double coating of common tar. This was renewed by a third coat about nine months after, the heavy rains of the monsoon having intervened ; and at the end of eighteen months, at which time I was compelled to quit the station, the whole Mas perfectly sound in every part. The remaining parts of the stucco which had not been thus defended by the tar, began to decay in little more than a month after first completion, and having been restored throughout after a total dilapidation, were again (a second time) in complete ruin when the tarred surface received its third coat ; that is, in nine months after it was hist applied. (Vide App. LXVII.) — Tit. i'^ CHANGE? OF CEMENTS AND MORTAR?, [CHAT. verv pure sand, resist the winters of our climate when they have attained a certain degree of solidification ; in the contrary case, they are variously acted upon, and this in relation to the proportion of lime they con- tain. Experience furnishes the following indication- on this subject : — 1st. Everv mortar prepared in the month of April, with rich lime slaked by the ordinary process, is at- tacked the following winter, when it contains less than - . parts of sand to 1 of lime in pa- 2nd. It is attacked in the same way, when it con- tains less than 160 parts of sand to KX) of the same lime, in paste obtained by immersion. 3rd. It is attacked in the same way, when it con- tain? les? than 240 part? of ?and to 1*. There remains but one problem to be solved, thi- is, to discover a means of hastening the set of a mortar, without injuring its future qualities; and this, in order to avoid being obliged to multiply tli moulds indefinitely for the same casting. This las! XIV.] ON MORTARS I\ T GENERAL. 109 point seems difficult ; Loriot's process is altogether insufficient, and besides produces only mortars of bad quality. b (App. LXX.) The natural cements, which harden almost instantly in the air and in the water, when worked up like plaster (of Paris, Tu.), are subject to the inconvenience of being* tinged brown. Such as we could fabricate artificially (" de toutes pieces"} by calcining mixtures of lime and clay free from iron, (Chapter XV.) do not stand the weather. 259« But henceforth, mortar of hydraulic lime may be employed as a plastic substance in a multitude of cases, in which the number of moulds ceases to be a difficulty. Such is the case when we have to prepare artificial stones bearing mouldings, vases, or orna- ments of any kind susceptible of formation by the rectilinear or circular movement of a profile ("cali- bre"). It is evident that it will then answer to set the mould in a trench, and run the profile along the clayey paste, prepared and arranged for that pur- pose. The economy which such a process would b Colonel Raucourt de Charleville found that a good liquid mor- tar for grouting was composed of eminently hydraulic lime and fine sand run into the joints immediately after mixing, and while still fluid ; it hardens immediately without shrinking, and solidifies all its water. Smeaton formed an excellent grouting of pouzzolana and lime, in the proportions constituting mortar (1 lime to 1 pouzzolana) m 11 beaten and incorporated together, and then tempered with water till sufficiently dilute to pour into the joints of his work. In the course of a month this composition became of a moderate stony hardness under water, so that he was obliged to break the vessel in which it was contained to get at it — Tr. 110 INFLUENCE OF BEATING, ETC. introduce into our ornamental constructions is indeed incredible. g6(X In support of what we have just advanced, we may quote the honourable testimony of the Society of Encouragement. It has welcomed our endeavours favourably, and has been pleased to signify its ap- proval, by presenting us with a gold medal, at the ses- sion of 29th of October, 1833. CHAPTER XV. OF THE NATURAL CEMENTS. 2Gl. When the proportion of clay in calcareous minerals exceeds 27 to 30 per cent., it is seldom that they can be converted into lime by calcination ; but they then furnish a kind of natural cement, which may be employed in the same manner as Plaster of Paris, by pulverizing it, and kneading it with a cer- tain quantity of water. 262. There are some natural cements which do not set in water for many days, and some which har- den in less than a quarter of an hour ; these last are the only ones which have been made use of at present. Though very useful in circumstances where a quick solidification is indispensable, they are far from afford- ing, in ordinary cases, the advantages of hydraulic mortars or cements of good quality. In fact, they merely adhere to the stone owing to the roughness of its surface, and the entanglement resulting from it ; a and, however dexterous or experienced the workman a This statement must, I imagine, be understood to apply only to cements which harden in contact with the bricks under water, because the adhesion of such as dry in the open air is well known to be much greater than what would be caused merely by asperities of the surface. It is not uncommon to see from 20 to 30 bricks stuck to one another by Roman Cement, and projecting at right angles from the side of a wall, as a proof of the excellence of the composition ; and an instance has recently been mentioned to me, in which 33 bricks were successfully supported in this manner. 11-2 NATURAL CEMENTS. [CHAP. may be who makes use of them, he will be unable to connect the different parts of his masonry in one con- tinuous bond by means of it. L 2G3. That which is in England very improperly termed Roman Cement, (App. LXXI.) is nothing more than a natural cement, resulting from a slight calcination of a calcareous mineral, containing about 31 per cent, of ochreous clay, and a few hundredths of carbonate of magnesia and manganese. A very great consumption of this cement takes place in London, but its use will infallibly become restricted, in propor- tion as the mortars of eminently hydraulic lime shall become better known, and in consequence better ap- preciated. 26-t. Very recently, natural cements have been found in Russia, and in France ; we may compose them at once, by properly calcining mixtures made in the average proportions of 66 parts of ochreous clay to 100 parts of chalk. It is fair however to admit, that no artificial product yet obtained has been able to match the English cement in point of hardness. L 26o. We remarked (in Chapter II.) that the pure calcareous substances when imperfectly calcined, be- came converted into sub-carbonates, possessed of certain properties. These properties are to afford a Now, if we assume the weight of a brick, and its corresponding joint of cement, to be six pounds, and their thickness, when the bricks were joined one to another in the manner above alluded to, (in which the longest dimension of the brick was placed vertically,) at 21 inches, then the cohesive force necessary to unite the first brick to the wall, with sufficient firmness to bear the strain occasioned by tin weighJ of the remaining 32 supported by it, poBl have been neazij U]\\». par square inch; or equivalent to a direct load of llba. upon it- whole surface of about 4-0 square inches — Tn. XV.] NATURAL CEMENTS. 113 powder, which when kneaded with water in the same way as Plaster of Paris, acquires in it at first a con- sistency more or less firm, but which does not con- tinue its progress at the same rate. 266. The argillaceous limestones, and the artificial mixtures of pure lime and clay, in the proportions requisite to constitute hydraulic lime by the ordinary calcination, become natural or artificial cements when they have been subjected merely to a simple incan- descence, kept up for some hours, or even for some minutes. This result, which has often occurred in the course of our first experiments in burning the artifi- cial hydraulic limestones, has been equally observed in Russia, by Col. Raucourt ; and M. Lacordairc, Engineer of Roads, has not only just verified it with respect to the different argillaceous limestones of the neighbourhood of Pouilly, but has also made a useful and happy application of it in the works which he is directing at the junction of the Burgundy canal ; both in transforming these limestones into natural cements, and in turning to account the large quantity of half-burnt lime which is found in the upper layers of the kilns, when the intensity and duration of the heat is so regulated, as not to exceed the limit proper for the lower strata of the change. 9,61. The history of these new cements will not be complete, till authentic and multiplied experiments shall have established, both the manner in which they behave in the open air, and stand frost, and the degree of adherence with which they unite to the building stone. We hope that Mr. Lacordaire will soon solve these important questions. i CHAPTER XVI. OF THE ANTIQUE MORTARS COMPARED WITH THOSE OF MEDIUM AGE AND MODERN MORTARS. 268. The Egyptian monuments present beyond doubt the most ancient and most remarkable examples which we can quote of the use of lime in building-. The mortar which binds the blocks of the Pyramids, and more particularly those of Cheops, is exactly similar to our mortars in Europc. a That which we a By the kindness of my friend Dr. Maleolmson, of the Madras Medical Establishment, to whom I am indebted for many important suggestions and valuable assistance throughout the progress of this work, I have been put in possession of some specimens of mortar taken by himself from the joints of the largest of the Pyramids (that of Cheops), and which, interesting as it is from its great an- tiquity, is the more so from some peculiarities in its external ap- pearance and its chemical constitution, the former of which I shall here notice ; as from the account of it contained in the text, I am in- duced to think that the cement submitted to Mr. Vicat's examina- tion could not have been taken from the same edifice as that which I am about to describe. The specimens which I examined were of a whitish, or pale cream colour where fractured, and the broken surface exhibited a number of white specks, which, on attentively observing the action of strong nitric acid upon them under a microscope, were found to be in- soluble. As the cement Mas also studded throughout with nume- rous crystals of the sulphate of lime, I satisfied myself that these specks were occasioned by the fracture of (lie smaller grains of it, ANTIQUE AND MODERN MORTARS COMPARED. 115 find between the joints of the decayed buildings at Ombos, at Edfou, in the Island of Phila, and in other places, gives evidence by its colour, of a reddish very fine sand mixed with lime in the ordinary propor- tions. The use of cements was therefore already known two thousand years before our time ; perhaps it would be easy to carry that epoch still farther back, were we to consult the ancient monuments of India, and the Sanscrit books, if they speak of the ancient relations of Egypt with that country ; but this would be to attach too much importance to an inquiry, more curious than useful. 269. In confining the use of cements to filling and not, as I at first supposed, by the unreduced particles of an imperfectly flaked lime. The crystals above alluded to were of various sizes, the largest I saw being half an inch long by a quarter in breadth ; and most of them corresponded in every respect with the well-known characteristics of selenite, but other portions were of a more granular earthy structure, being also opaque. In .general appearance, with the exception of containing these crystals, the cement was exactly similar to a common mortar of the present day. I also observed, here and there, fragments of the size of a small pea downwards, of an indurated ochreous clay, in some cases of a dark red, or purplish colour, similar to that of an over-burnt brick — in other places yellow ; and in one instance I found this clay surrounded by, and imbedded in the crystals of the sulphate of lime, of which it formed a kind of nucleus. Now, as the analysis of this cement proves it to contain no siliceous matter, I have no doubt that the particles of clay which exist in it are fragments which ac- cidentally adhered to the sulphate of lime when it was dug out of the earth, and that the mortar is a composition of rich lime and roarsely-powdered gypsum, which has been used as a substitute for sand, in the proportion of about one of the former (by weight) to five of the latter. Its appearance quite corresponds with this supposi- tion, and for a cement of that kind it possesses considerable tenacity. I 2 116 ANTIQUE AND MODERN [CHAP. the narrow joints of their courses, the Egyptian! appear to have foreseen the opposing influence which an always scorching atmosphere exerts on the har- dening of calcareous compounds. Time has shown us, how their prudence, or chance, has aided them in this respect : for the Roman works on the banks of the Nile already leave no traces, whilst, after forty centuries, many of the Egyptian temples exhibit them- selves to our admiration untouched. 270. Besides, a masonry of small materials would not suit a people, who covered the walls of their public buildings with bas-reliefs, and thus confided The specific gravity of a lump about the size of a walnut I found to be 1.98. The particulars of the analysis (by Dr. Malcolmson) of this inte- resting specimen will be found in Appendix LXXIL, one of the re- sults exhibited by which is more particularly noticed at the end of the note to Appendix XXXI. In the mean time, as the possibility of the formation of the crystals within t/a ccnunt, by the mutual ex- change of constituents, of sulphate of soda and the nascent carbonate of lime, (the resulting carbonate of soda being supposed to have been subsequently washed out,) has been suggested, it would be in- -•ing to inquire whether, in accordance with my own explana- tion, gypsum be procurable anywhere within reach of the Pyramids; and if so, whether, as is frequently the case, it be in connexion with an argillaceous deposit? The absence of sand in a locality where such an abundance is now to be met with, is also a remarkable circumstance. In reference to the above suggestion, I ought not to omit to mention, that the cement was found to contain a considerable pro- portion (18J per cent) of soluble salts; principally the sulphate of lime, but with also a small quantity of the sulphate, and a trace of the muriate of soda. These last were, no doubt, derived from the water, which I am informed is in no place anything like pure in the plains near the Pyramids. — Tit. XVI.] MORTARS COMPARED. 117 to sculpture the history of their manners, their arts, their battles, and their conquests. Unburnt bricks cemented with clay sufficed for simple habitations, and beneath a constantly unclouded sky such a me- thod of building was equally safe, as expeditious and economical. 271. It was in the country of the fine arts, in that Greece so fruitful in ingenious inventions, that in- dustrv, favoured by the climate, began to vary the application of calcareous cements, and to apply them to a number of uses, of which Egypt did not furnish an example. At the same epoch in which the roof of the Areopagus, built of earth, was exhibited as a curious antique at Athens, the houses of the simple citizens were ornamented with stuccoes, which for whiteness, hardness, and polish, were comparable to the Parian marble, and their terraced roofs defended them from the action of the elements. They con- structed with flints, or other hard stones of small size, walls, which were not inferior in hardness to free- stone ; and the artificial pavements were brought to such perfection, that in a few instants they would absorb all the water with which they washed them : thus the slaves walked over them barefooted, without being incommoded by damp or cold. Such, in the times of Pericles and Plato, was the progress of the arts among the same people, who seven centuries and a half before contented themselves with erecting a monument of clay on the Sigcian promontory to their bravest hero ! 272. Italy soon witnessed the spread of Oriental customs through her. Greek artisans also flocked thither from all parts. The Romans, in turn, were 118 ANTIiJl'i: AND MODERN [CHAT. able to instruct themselves from the writings of Anaxa- goras, Agatarchus, Metagcncs, Phytheus, Thcocides, and others. Fussitius published the first book of Architecture which appeared in Rome. After him came Terentius Yarro, Publius Septimius, and lastly Yitruvius, who lived under Augustus, whose archi- tect he was. His work, the onlv one which has reached us, is the more precious as it contains, ac- cording to the confession of the writer himself, all that the Greeks knew of the art of building. Pliny the Elder in his natural history, and Palladius (Rut. P. iEmil.) in his treatise " De re Rusticii," have added nothing to what Yitruvius had said before them. We are even tempted to believe, that in more than one place they confined themselves to copying him. 27S. It is therefore Yitruvius whom we ought to consult, when we want to clear up anv point of contro- versy regarding the architecture of the Greeks and Romans. Rut the monuments erected by these people speak still more plainly than their books ; and what remain to us in that way, are sufficient to clear up all the difficulties started on that subject. 274. The Romans, as we have already observed, considered that lime of the finest qualitv, which was furnished by a marble of the hardest and most pure kind. Hydraulic lime, judging from the silence of Yitruvius, was totally unknown to them, at least ai regards its properties. Thus they were unable to do without pouzzolana, when engaged on hydraulic works of great importance, such as a pier or jetty into the sea. They were besides so well aware that common lime and sand only could never set under water, that XVI.] MOKTAItS COMPARED. 119 after having laid the foundations of the piers of their bridges, by means of coffer-dams, they still kept the dam empty for two months, in order to allow the masonry time to acquire some degree of consistency. " Relinquatur pila," says Yitruvius, " ne minus quam duos menses, ut siccescat." 275. They did not trust the success of any works, ex- cept such as did not require great strength, to pounded brick used in the way of pouzzolana. In general, all their mortars which are exposed to the air are alike ; we recognise them by the presence of coarse sand mixed with gravel ; the lumps of lime in it are some- times so multiplied, that it is impossible to attribute them to defective manipulation. The extinction by immersion, as applied to a very rich lime, can alone account for it. 276. The Roman hydraulic mortars are very re- markable, and differ from ours essentially : they are composed, with few exceptions, of pure lime mixed in large proportion with the fragments of bricks coarsely pounded ; thus they resemble a breccia of which lime is the matrix. Nevertheless, as the hrick could not be broken up without leaving a small quantity of ra- ther fine powder, it follows that the lime in such an aggregate is never white ; it is on the contrary tinged slightly red or yellow, according to the colour of the brick made use of. 277« This mortar was usually intended to prevent the infiltration of water ; they formed the bottom and side lining of cisterns, fish-ponds, aqueducts, &c. They beat it forcibly and for a long time, and 180 ANTIQUE AND MODERN [CHAP. after having smoothed the surface of it with a sand- stone, they sometimes laid over it a plaster, or red paint, whose composition is unknown. After the above explanation, it is evident that the Romans cm- ployed lime in paste in the way of lining, and that the spongy dry substances which they introduced into it, were for no other object but to hasten the solidifica- tion, by exhausting its superabundant water. We can understand, that owing to the size of these bodies, the absorption could only take place slowly, and after application of the mixture, a circumstance which faci- litated its being compressed while in its place, to make up for the shrinking of the lime. Besides, the bits of bricks being insulated, and surrounded by the matrix, did not injure its continuity, as the same brick would have done had it been comminuted into fine powder. Thus the desiccation of the plaster took place, and the compactness and impermeability of its texture were maintained. 278. Everything therefore in the composition of this cement had its use, and the general application made of it, shows that it answered its object well, without however offering a great resistance, if we may judge from the numerous specimens which have come to our hands. The lime in them is in fact hardly harder than chalk. However, it is of this same cement that the Italians of our day manufacture those caskets and snuff-boxes which they sell to the curious ; but it is remarked that they never make use of any but the outward and superficial parts of the plasters, which are usually incr listed by a deposit of carbonate of lime. XVI.] MORTARS COMPARED. 121 Now it is this deposit which, when perfectly polished, supports the rest, and constitutes the beauty and curiosity of the work. (App. LXXIII.) 279. There is a prejudice already pretty generally spread throughout France, that is, that the Romans possessed a secret for the fabrication of mortars. Some suppose the secret to be lodged in the choice of the materials, and others merely in the way of apply- ing them to use. b The very evident consequence of these two opinions is, that the Roman mortars ought everywhere to be equally hard. Now there are six to one in which this is not true, as may be seen in Table, No. 15. It is besides certain, that the ingre- dients, lime, sand, and brick, always apparent in these mortars, are absolutely the same as those of the country where the monuments exist ; and Vitruvius has saved us the trouble of this observation by saying, (lib. i. chap. 5,) "I do not decide what ought to be the materials for walls, because we do not every- where meet with such as are most desirable ; but we must make use of such as we can find," &c. 280. Some have thought to give a triumphant an- swer to this, by saying, that from the mere fact of their having existed for eighteen centuries and more, b Leoni Baptista Alberti speaks of the use of oil, which he declares to have been much employed by the ancients. He says, (book iii. chap. 16,) " The work will be more secure still, if between the rubbish and the plaster you lay a row of plain tiles cemented with mortar mixed up with oil :" and again, "The ancients made their shell either of baked earth or of stone; and where men's feet were not to tread, they made their tiles sometimes a foot and a half every way, cemented with mortar mixed t(j) with oil." — Appeal to tht Public, Liardet, 1778. 122 ANTIQUE AND MODERN [CHAP. the antique mortars must be much superior to the modern ones, whose unfitness is shown by the deplor- able condition of most of our buildings. In order that this conclusion be just, we ought to compare grand monuments with grand monuments, and the puny un- substantial buildings, with buildings of the same kind. We could then, even with advantage, put in opposition to the antique mortars those of our old ramparts, and generally those of the grand edifices of the middle ages. (App. LXXIY.) As for the fragile walls of our private houses, they would figure perfectly by the side of those which Pliny speaks of when he says (lib. 36,) — " Ruinarum urbis ea maxima causa, quod furto calcis sine ferrumine suo csementa compomentur." 281. On taking a general survey of the different categories of mixtures contained in our Tables, it will be seen that the limits of absolute resistance of mortars of lime and sand vary from 18 kil .53 to &'-.''■ per centimetre square. Xow the resistances of build- ing-stone, taking the basalt of Auvergne for the last degree on the scale, and for the first, the lime- stone which is not sufficiently hard to stand polish- ing, are 77 kil .OO and i 20 kil . d (The soft stone made use of at Paris gives hardly 10 kil . c ) By this comparison we see, that we ought to be verv guarded against un- derstanding, in a literal sense, what some authors say of the possibility of compounding factitious stones as hard as flints, by means of lime and sand. c Reduced to English measures these give from 263.75 to 10.675 pounds Avoirdupois per square i)tch. — Tn. d l,0961bs. to 284.711m. p. r »qa*re inch.— Tr. e 1 12.3 tlbs. per square inch. — Tr. XVI.] MORTARS COMPARED. 1 23 282. In calculations into which the tenacity of mor- tar enters as a datum, when we have neglected nothing in regulating the proportions correctly, and the choice of the mode of extinction, we may reckon, one may say, — In the case of the eminently hydraulic mortars, on an absolutely resistance of 12.00 kilf With common hydraulic mortars 10.00 With hydraulic mortars of medium quality . . 7.00 With rich limes 3.00 The bad mortars which our builders manu- ) > 0.75 g facture do not give more than J These resistances refer to mixtures continually exposed to the weather, and one year old. 283. The best cements and mortars, of the same age, which have been immersed, or buried in a constantly damp foundation, do not give more than 10 kil .00. h f It resulted from some experiments made by Mr. White (Phil. Mag. No. 64-), that Parker's and Mulgrave's cements, and pouzzo- lana, are in respect to incompressibility equally useful, and that brickwork constructed with them would bear on each superficial foot, before the bricks would crack, about twenty-three tons ; that fifty tons would totally crush such brickwork ; that Portland stone of the best cpiality would not split with less than one hundred and seventy-three tons and a half; and that a bedding or joint of pouzzo- lana mortar was not destructible with that weight. — Tr. k The following are the resistances in pounds Avoirdupois when reduced to correspond with the English square inch. Pounds. The eminently hydraulic limes 1 70.8 Ordinary ditto 142.34- Hydraulic limes of medium quality... 99.64 Rich limes 42.7 Bad mortars 10.67 Tr. h 1 12.34-lbs. per square inch. — Tr. CHAPTER XVII. ON THE THEORY OF CALCAREOUS MORTARS AND CEMENTS. 28 1. The solidification of mortars has been at all times the subject of controversy ; Yitruvius has entered into the subject, and many celebrated che- mists in our days have made it the object of their meditations. It would be irksome, as well as useless, to notice in this place all the whimsical and odd theories which have been published upon this subject ; there are some amongst them which it would suffice to name to show their absurdity. We shall confine ourselves in what follows to discussing, as briefly as possible, the most remarkable and plausible hypo- theses ; and we shall suppose that the reader is in possession of the principal facts mentioned in the course of this work. 285. The cause of the phenomena was first attri- buted to the regeneration of the lime by the slow and successive action of the carbonic acid of the atmos- phere. This opinion, supported by Black, Higgins, Achard, and many others, held sway for a long time. But Darcet, in analyzing some mortars procured on the demolition of the Bastile, found in them only one- half of the acid necessary for the saturation of the lime ; and very recently, M. John, of Berlin, has dis- covered that some very ancient and hard mortars were ON THE THEORY, ETC. 125 far from containing that proportion. After these facts, and our own remarks upon the difficulty which the carbonic acid meets with in penetrating into the depths of masonry, the received explanation could be no longer maintained. 1 28f>. The experiments of Guyton Morvcau, on the mutual re-actions, in the humid way, of lime-water and the solutions of silica and alumina, in potash or soda, have caused it to be presumed with some proba- bility, that chemical affinity may take a part in good mortars, and that a portion of the alumina and silica of the sand being acted upon by the lime, enters into combination with it. This opinion, which we adopted in our early researches, was also that of Mr. John ; but that able chemist was not long in discovering its insufficiency, by assuring himself by direct experi- ments, that caustic, and even boiling lime, has no action upon quartz. Soon afterwards, upon some objections by Mr. Bcrthier, we became convinced on own part, by disaggregating some mortars eighteen 1 There can be no doubt, nevertheless, that common mortars ■which do not set, are very much improved in hardness by re-union with carbonic acid, a fact which is easily proved by comparing the resistance of the interior of a large mass of mortar, of chalk lime, a twelvemonth old, with that of its superficial crust ; the former will be found in a crumbling tender state, while the particles constituting the envelope are firmly knit together and compact in texture. In mortars, however, which set, the induration appears to be due to other causes, and they ought, therefore, to be classed in a category distinct from the simple mixtures of the hydrate of lime and inert materials, and their phenomena studied independently, lest the facts which they exhibit should interfere with our attempts at generalization, by their apparent contradiction to truths already established. — Tu. i'J.'i ON THE THEORY OF [dlAP. months old by muriatic acid, (the sand of which had been very exactly weighed,) that hydraulic lime is equally without action on the granitic sands. 287. In this state of things the most precise notions we as vet have, of the induration of the mixtures, mortars, are confined to the knowledge that there is neither any combination between the lime and the sand, nor any integral transformation of this lime into its carbonate, by a principle derived from without. 288. It remains, therefore, for us to inquire into the possible influence of a mechanical agency of the particles, either considered as the result of a mere interlacement, or as the proper cohesion of the lime, in comparison with its adherence to the quartzose, or calcareous substances embodied by it. 289. The hypothesis of a mere interlacement will not bear examination, since any two bodies whatever when joined by tenons and mortices, and without glue, always separate by an even section, at the very joint, and nowhere else, when they arc subjected to a trac- tive force directed in any way in reference to the joint; whence it follows, that no mortar can be superior in resistance to its matrix. 290. Macquer seems to be the first who endeavoured to explain the resistance of mortar by the adherence of the lime, as compared with its own proper cohesion. " The minute fineness of this substance," says he, "and its extreme division, which reduces it altogether to surfaces, gives it the faculty of applying itself most intimatelv upon the surface of the sand, and of adher- ing to it with a force proportioned to the nicety and XVII.] MOUTAUS AND CEMENTS. 127 closeness of the contact." This able chemist, else- where accounts for the superiority of the aggregate over its matrix, by the property which the particles of slaked lime possess, of adhering to hard bodies more exactly than to one another, or, in other terms, by the superiority of its adherence over its cohesion. This system has been developed very recently, though not published, by Mr. Girard, Engineer of Roads and Bridges. k k It is surprising that in the construction of a theory based upon these properties of adherence and cohesion, no pains should have been taken to throw any light upon the nature of the properties themselves. With the causes of either the one or the other we are at present quite unacquainted ; for though the study of the facts connected with their developement in certain circumstances may sometimes afford a clew to the explanation of individual cases, much must be added to our present knowledge of the subject, to elucidate satisfactorily even the simplest phenomena. From some experiments which I made with a view to investigate the cause of the simple cohesion of pastes (which were not capable of absorbing the fluid forming them), and their hardening when dry, I found that the hydrates of lime and alumina, fresh precipitated oxalate and phosphate of lime (containing water), silica when gelatinous, the hydrated oxides, starch, gums, &c, all possessed considerable tenacity when powdered and kneaded with water ; whilst the an- hydrous substances, on the contrary, such as sulphur, carbon, silica, and phosphate of lime freed from water, carbonate of lime, and sulphate of lead, were very feebly coherent. In hardening on desiccation, an evident superiority was exhibited by those sub- stances which possessed the greatest affinity for the fluid ; while, on the other hand, substances capable of acquiring considerable hard- ness with one fluid, were altogether void of it with another. Thus a paste of slaked lime made with water, when dried slowly acquired a certain cohesion, but a similar paste of slaked (rich) lime with alcohol fell to powder. The same substance kneaded with a solu- tion of sugar, for which it has a great attraction, acquired a remark- 1 28 ON THE THEORY OF [CHAP. 291. Loriot and Lafayc viewed nothing but the interlacement in the aggregation of mortars ; hence all their pains were directed towards the physical per- fection of the matrix, to which they strove to give great compactness ; whether by the adoption of pro- cesses of extinction, which, by partially dividing the substance, caused it to take but a small quantity of water, or by introducing quick-lime in powder after it was made up ; experience has not completely justi- fied these attempts. 292. Before going farther, and to avoid complicat- ing this discussion too much, we shall proceed to define adherence such as we should understand it, and to examine Macquer's hypothesis in all its bearings. 293. Adherence is the result of internal and un- known forces which only act in contact ; it therefore increases with the polish of surface, when we apply hard bodies to hard bodies, and with the roughness of surface, when we apply a soft or fluid body to a hard one. But the asperities of a surface, although they may increase the number of contacts, can add nothing to the strength of an aggregate, if the cohe- sion of its ganguc be much less than its adherence ; for the rupture or separation will constantly take place in the ganguc, and all the excess of adherence beyond the limit which marks the inequality referred to, will evidently be superfluous. 294. The first consequence deducible from this observation is, that the size of grain being the same, able consistency, hut with spirits of terpentine, lor which rt has none, ii attained hardly any at all. — Tit. XVII.] MORTARS AND CEMENTS. L29 the more or less perfect polish of the grains, in sand of the same nature, ought not to influence the resist- ance of mortars of hydraulic limes. 295. Aggregates present four extremely remark- able cases : — 1st. The matrix possesses the faculty of hardening without perceptible shrinkage, and its ad- herence is much stronger than its cohesion ; let us call this G'. 2nd. The matrix can not harden without shrinking, and its adherence is much stronger than its cohesion ; let us call this G". 3rd. The matrix is capable of hardening without perceptibly shrinking, but its adherence is much less than its cohesion ; let us call this G'". lth. The matrix will not harden without shrinking, and its cohesion is much stronger than its adherence ; let us call this G"". Probable Theoretical Consequences of the First Case. 296. 1st. The matrix G' must, it seems, always ex- hibit a less absolute resistance than that of its aggre- gates, because its rupture always takes place freely in the direction of a plane surface of least resistance, while the aggregate can only be fractured along an irregular jagged surface of larger developement. 297« 2nd. Proportions being the same, the strength of the aggregates ought to be independent of the size of the sand, if the grains are likewise somewhat similar, because the section of fracture will in every case keep the same developement, and since the notches, whether consisting of plane or curved faces, will expose the same number of elements, and under the same inclination. K 130 ON THE THEORY OF [CHAP. 298. 3rd. In every possible case, an inequality in the proportions of sand should carry with it that of the resistances, inasmuch as the developement of the section of fracture is dependent upon this inequality. 299- 4th. The nature of the sand ought to be per- fectly indifferent, ccrteris paribus, when their proper cohesion surpasses that of the gangue. 300. The hydraulic and eminently hydraulic limes afford the only gangues that we can with entire cer- tainty assimilate to G'. Hence the mortars which result from the use of these limes, ought to satisfy the four consequences above established. Now experi- ence shows, that the second and fourth are constantly and completely invalidated, and that the third is so, in the case of mortars buried underground. 301. We see, moreover, that we can gain nothing by modifying the foregoing consequences ; for if, for instance, we reverse the two first, we shall place our- selves in continual opposition to the third and fourth, which are indisputable. It is in fact, because matter cannot lend itself to the mathematical conceptions from which the first three consequences are derived ; for in reality, the asperities and incidental irregulari- ties of surface of rupture of a solid mass of the hydrate of hydraulic lime, are very nearly of the same order as those which we observe on the fracture of mortars of sand of the ordinary size. Thus the mathematical distinctions drawn between the developcments of these fractures are, physically speaking, null, and conse- quently in no relation to the enormous differences which experience points out between the effectiye resistance of mortars and that of their gangue-. XVII.] MORTARS AND CEMENTS. 1.31 Probable Theoretical Consequences of the Second Case. 302. 1st. The gangue G" ought to form aggre- gates of less resistance than itself: for the sand beino- o unable to follow the general movement of such a gangue in shrinking, this movement is obliged to be subdivided, so to speak, into an infinite number of partial contractions, whence arises pulverulence. 303. This consideration perfectly accounts for the bad qualities of mortars of rich lime slaked with much water by the ordinary process, and there is no need to search for any other cause. Probable Theoretical Consequences of the Third Case. 304. 1st. The matrix G" must necessarilv oive birth to aggregates of less resistance than itself, be- cause the interposed grains, from their want of adhe- rence, interrupt the continuity of strength throughout the mass. 305. This consequence is completely justified in the instance of the bastard mortar, or mixture of plaster and sand; as it would also be in the instance of the mortars of rich limes, called Loriot s and Lafaye's, if it were proved that in these mortars the cohesion of the gangue surpassed its adherence. Now this is a circumstance at least doubtful. Probable Theoretical Consequences of the Fourth Case. 306. 1st. The gangue G" must produce the worst k 2 132 ON T THE THEORY OF [CHAP. of all the aggregates, and this evident conclusion is justified by the instance of the mixtures of clay with sand of all sizes. 307. Thus the mortars of hydraulic, and eminently hydraulic limes, are the only ones which cannot he explained by the theory of aggregates. We are therefore compelled to have recourse to other consi- derations ; and most of the difficulties will at once disappear, if we consent to admit, 1st, that the action of adherence is not confined to a superficial effect or to contact, but that to a certain extent it augments the cohesion peculiar to the matrix ; 2nd, that the limits of this extent are the more enlarged, the more favourable are the circumstances in which the mixture is placed, to a continuance of the molecular movement which takes place in the gangue ; 3rd, that lastly, the increase of cohesion in this matrix is inversely proportional to the distance of its particles from the aggregated body which acts the part of the nucleus. 1 1 That some cases of the solidification of hydraulic mortars are to be explained upon the principle here laid down cannot be denied, as this volume contains many facts in support of it, (vide Arts. 309 and 314-, with the notes, especially the latter,) which render it im- possible to exclude chemical agency from an important place amongst the causes of the hardening of mortars. Neither, on the other hand, can it be denied, that many instances may be adduced, in which the chemical affinity of the component parts is insufficient to afford a satisfactory explanation of the phenomena, and the energy of such cements must therefore be attributed to some other cause. Thus, the setting of Plaster of Paris, and calcined magnesia in powder, in which there is no chemical re-action between the solid particles, seems to be more probably due to the solidification of the intersti- tial fluid (by which they are kneaded into a paste), by its combina- tion with the solid substance of the paste ; which combination I XVII.] MORTARS AND CEMENTS. 133 308. We shall proceed to support this hypothesis by facts and considerations of great weight. When we examine most of the calcareous incrustations attached to the sides of caverns, and above all ancient aque-' ducts, we remark that the density of the layers de- creases in proportion as they recede from the part in- crusted. This fact is, so to speak, inscribed on many specimens taken from the bed of the aqueduct of Gard, specimens which we have before our eyes. Molecular and successive motion within solid bodies is attested by a multitude of observations." 1 Mr. Arago has given us some unanswerable instances of it in the change of elasticity of steel springs. Why refuse to admit it in gangues which appear possessed of great powers of crystallization, such as the hydrate of hy- draulic lime ? Is it contrary to the principles of science to suppose, that the film of lime which attaches itself in adhesion to the face of a hard body, becomes itself a hard substance in respect to the film next to it, and that one after another these films may finally adhere one to another by an attraction superadded to the cohesion natural to them ? Doubtless no ; such an action may even be kept up for a very long con- tinuance, especially when the moist condition of the matrix favours it, have ascertained to have actually taken place in these cases. The same may perhaps be a correct explanation of the first set of Parker's and other cements, of the concrete now so well known, and of some of the hydraulic limes (vide note to App. L.), though there are no doubt many of these which combine both causes of solidifi- cation. (Vide App. LXXV.)— Tk. m The crystallization of the metallic mirrors used in Telescopes, induced, after solidification, by certain processes, is a remarkable example of this. — Vide London Encyclopedia., art. Speculum. — Tft, 13 1 ON THE THEORY OF [CHAP. 309- The very remarkable experiments of Mr. Petot, Engineer of Roads, on the relations which exist between the solubilities of hydraulic lime joined with sand, and the proportions of the mixtures, leave no doubt of the influence exerted by the presence of the quartz upon the cohesion of the lime. n The conclusions to which that observation leads, are ne- cessarily analogous to those which have been given above. 310. We shall leave it to the reader's care to apply these principles to the various cases of resistance offered by mortars of hydraulic lime ; and in respect to mortars of rich lime slaked by immersion, or spon- taneously, we shall confine ourselves to remarking, that in lieu of endeavouring to account for their inferiority by the purely gratuitous hypothesis of the n This observation seems to be confirmed by the result of some of my own experiments, although they were undertaken with quite a different view. In endeavouring to account for the absence of carbonic acid in mortars of great age (note to App. XXYIII.), and in searching for the neutralizing power which had supplied its place in part, in deprhing the lime of its caustic quality, I wa< naturally led to inquire into the influence which the presence of the other ingredients of the mortars might exercise over the exhibition of the phenomenon, in the hopes of tracing it to its true cause. In some of the cements water was found to be a component principle, but this was not always the case, others being met with in which the analyses were complete, although there was little or no water. The only remaining ingredient therefore to which the effect could be referred WW the silica ; and although, in respect to it, I was unable to obtain any direct proofs on which to found the assertion, that silica exercises a neutralizing power with lime in the humid way. yet its affinity for it and the alkalies is so Btroagly shown by many well-known far-, n ially in it- action in hydraulic Cements, an '1 there are so nianv indirect circum-taii'-i - connected with its XVII.] MOllTAUS AND CEMENTS. 135 superiority of the cohesion over the adherence of the matrix, it is much better to believe with Mr. Petot, that being deprived of all power of crystallization, the matrix has no occasion for the presence of the sand in aid of its own proper cohesion. 311. Calcareous cements, as we have already re- marked, cannot be assimilated to aggregates ; their solidification presents phenomena of another order, which have only been viewed in their proper light within the last few years. Rich lime, when lodged amongst the grains of quartz of an ordinary mortar, retains in it its characteristic properties, which are, to be soluble to the last particle in water, and to remain soft for a great number of years when ex- cluded from the contact of the air. When mixed however in certain proportions with an energetic influence upon these bodies which tend to strengthen the above opinion, that I cannot avoid looking upon the subject as one well worthy of investigation, under which impression I venture to subjoin the following remarks : — In revising the simplest cases of the phenomenon, the facts are as follows, — 1st, That a certain weight of lime which is associated with silica and carbonic acid, is found to be perfectly neutral to the action of tests, though there is only sufficient carbonic acid present to combine with part of it. — 2nd, That silica has a strong affinity for lime in circum- stances which may frequently occur in cements; these are, when it is in a minute state of division, especially if gelatinous ; a fact which is shown by its communicating to it the property of har- dening under water, (App. XXXVII.) under circumstances in which the iuduration cannot be occasioned by absorption of the fluid, as in the setting of Plaster of Paris and some other cements (note to Art. 307). — 3rd, It is remarkable, that many very old mortals, and particularly those which considering their age pre- sent a striking deficiency in carbonic acid, are very difficult of solution in the cold, even in strong acid, some even requiring days 136 ON THE THEORY OF [CH.U\ pouzzolana in a pulverulent state, the lime disappears in a way, becomes insoluble, and communicates to the compound the faculty of hardening in a short time, either in water, or in enclosures impermeable to the air. Now, in what way does this lime thus change its nature? The ancients appear to have attributed a part of these phenomena to the faculty of pouzzolanas to absorb a large quantity of water ; but it is evident that that effect is null when the absorp- tion of the pouzzolana is complete. Now mix a rich lime in paste with a pouzzolana soaked to saturation, and immerse the mixture ; it will harden none the less after a few days. 312. On attentively reading over Mr. John's ob- servations upon the efficacy of pouzzolanas, which he compares neither more nor less to every kind of sand, before yielding, and parts being occasionally quite insoluble except at an elevated temperature. — 4th, What has contributed still more to turn my attention towards the possibility of a neutralizing agency in the silica, is the remarkable fact exhibited by a comparison of mortars of the same age, and of similar compositions of lime and sand, but of different proportions, and which show a manifest rela- tion between the quantity of silica, and the quantity of carbonic acid, the latter being always in the smallest proportion, when the former was in excess, and vice versa. I have extracted from my notes the following analyses in illustration of this, and they are the only ones strictly comparable with reference to the point in ques- tion, as in them the cements which are ranked in the same series and opposed to one another, are all taken from the same part of the same building, and are consequently of the same age, and have been sub- jeeted to the same exposure. I should also mention in referring to them, that the analyses were all completed without reference to the point now under examination ; as it was not till long afterwards that a comparison of the results kd me to observe the relation I have stated. XVII.] MOinWUS AND CEMENTS. 137 and more especially this singular assertion, " That if the pulp of lime cannot harden of itself, and without any addition, neither will it be able to do so a bit the better by any admixtures," we saw at once that that scientific chemist had not studied water-cements, and thus that on this head his authority could be of no service. 313. Mr. Berthier, Engineer in Chief of Mines, who was perfectly sensible of the strangeness of Mr. John's Table extracted from the analyses of various cements (Table 17), showing the relative proportions of lime, sand, and carbonic acid contained by them : — Series. No. of Analyses in Table 17. Age. Years. Lime Sand. Proportion per cent, borne by the carbonic acid contained in the cement, to the full sa- turating dose. 1st. Mortar of Rich Lime. 1 2 3 120 do. do. 1 1 1 1.9 2.1 5.9 92.0 93.8 83.3 2nd. Mortar of Rich Lime. 4 5 6 7 8 200 do. do. do. do. 1 1 1 1 1 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 3.3 93.4 93.2 91.2 91.05 77.4 3rd. Mortar of Rich Lime. 9 10 150 do. 1 1 1.83 2.93 79.0 76.9 4th. Mortar of Magnesian Lime, con- sisting of 2 Lime to 1 Magnesia. 11 12 400 do. 1 1 2.2 3.7 The carbonic acid I in these two cases o*7 ry amounts merely to J the per centage nam- ( ed of the saturating «ro *7| dose for the lime ' -• ' Ic/i/v, leaving the mag - | nesia entirely desti- 1 tute of it. The quantities of sand in the above Table have been reduced to the unit of lime to render comparison more easy ; by which means 1'38 OM THE THEORY 01 [CHAP. opinion, has endeavoured to explain the solidification of hydraulic cements, by the intervention of carbonic acid, held in condensation in the same way as other gases, in the pores of pouzzolanas and analogous sub- stances : but analysis does not confirm this supposi- tion ; on the contrary, it proves that there is very little carbonic acid in the greater part of water- cements. For instance, Mr. John found only £.25 of acid to 32.76 of lime contained in 100 part* of tanas cements. Besides, how could we explain the deterioration which, with certain water-cements, fol- lows a solidification already far gone ? By virtue of what affinity does the lime, when once carbonized, get rid of its acid in order to regain its solubility ? 311. "We persist in thinking, as we have always maintained till now, that the lime in cements of natural or artificial pouzzolanas, as well as in cements formed with the uncalcined psammitcs and arenes, enters into chemical combination with these substances. Our the remarkable correspondence between the proportions of silica and carbonic acid are rendered obvious. Indeed, the surprising accordance to the supposed relation, which is exhibited by the first four numbers of the second series, is I have no doubt accidental, as the experiments were not made with the scrupulous exactness neces- sary to entitle them to confidence in such minute particulars ; but I cannot attribute to that cause the close correspondence to it exhi- bited by the sudden change in the proportion of both substances in the fifth analysis of that series. — Tr. A remarkable confirmation of this opinion was exhibited by the result of some experiments on artificial pouzzolanas made by myself. From these it appeared, that no absorption of fluid what- < -vi r took place dmfog the set of a cement composed of one part of well-tempered rich lime to two of an excellent artificial pouz- zolana. I alt, passing through that county, and the west of Lincolnshire, border- ing Nottinghamshire, thence following for some distance the east bank of the Trent, afterwards crossing Warwickshire and Gloucestershire, and malting its appearance in various parts of Somersetshire, finally termi- nating near the junction of the counties of Devon and Dorset, in the neighbourhood of Lyme. " This formation consists of thick argillaceous deposits, constituting the base on which the whole oolitic series reposes. The upper portion of these deposits, including about two thirds of their total depth, consists of beds of a deep blue marl, containing only a few irregular and mbbly lime-stone beds. In the lower portion, the lime-stone APPENDIX. 113 'Die shelly formations and the marls of the tertiary strata are also very often argillaceous, and help to swell the calcgory of hydraulic lime-stones. (Vide the systems of geology.) (II.) The following is a method of analysis proposed by M . Berthier, for persons who have some acquaintance with che- mistry, as well adapted to distinguish hydraulic lime-stone. " We pound the mineral, and pass the powder through a hair sieve ; 10 grammes (15-1.4 grs.) of this powder are put into a capsule, and we pour upon it, little by little, muriatic acid, (in case we have no muriatic, we may use nitric acid or vinegar,) diluted with a small portion of water, stirring it continually with a glass rod or strip of wood ; we dis- continue adding the acid as soon as the effervescence ceases. We then evaporate the solution by a gentle heat, until the whole be brought to a pasty condition ; the pasty mass is now beds increase in frequency, and assume the peculiar aspect which charac- terise* the lias, presenting a series of thin stony beds separated by narrow argillaceous partings ; so that quarries of this rock at a distance assume a striped and riband-like appearance; in the lower beds of this lime-stone, the argillaceous partings often become very slight and almost disappear, as may be seen in the lias tract of South Wales : beds of blue marl with irregular calcareous masses, generally separate these strata from the red marl belonging to the subjacent new red sand-stone form- ation. The lime-stone beds, towards their centre, where most free from external mixture, contain more than 90 per cent of carbonate of lime ; the residuum has never been distinctly analysed, but appears to con- sist of alumine and iron, and in some varieties traces of silex have been found : towards the edges of the beds, however, where they come in con- tact with the alternating strata of clay, the proportion of alumine is, as" might be expected, more considerable. This lime-stone is particularly characterised by its dull earthy aspect, and large conchoidal fracture ; in colour it varies in different beds from light slate blue, or smoke grev, to white : the former varieties usually constituting the upper ; the latter, the lower portions of the formation. The blue lias, which contains much iron, affords a strong lime, distinguished by its property of setting under water." " The irregular beds consist of fibrous lime-stone and cement stones (septaria) so called, because used in making Parker's cement." Com/bcare and Phillips's Geology of England and Wales, Towards the southern extremity of the lias formation above referred to, the bed widens in extent, so as to include a small part of Glamorganshire, whence the celebrated Aberthaw lime-stone is procured. But of late years the valuable properties of this lime have acquired it a reputation at other *B 2 ] I I VPPKNDIX. diffused in about half a litre c of nraler, ami we filter ii. The clay remains on the filter. This substance is now dried in the sun, or before the fire, and weighed. Or what is still better, it may be calcined to redness in an earthenware or metal crucible, previous to weighing. Very clear lime-water is poured into the solution, as long as it continues to form a precipitate *. This precipitate, which is magnesia, is collected as hastily as possible on a filter, it is washed in pun- water, dried as perfectly a- possible, and lastly weighed." The weight of the clay, as compared with that of the calcareous mineral dissolved, gives an approximate indica- tion of the place which it ought to occupy in the scale ■>! hydraulic lime-stones. It is important to remark, that instead of clay, there may very probably remain after the first filtra- tion, nothing but a very fine sand, or perhaps a mixture of very fine sand and clay. In the first case, the mineral under examination is incapable of affording any thing but a " poor lime." In the second, we must separate the sand and clay by washing and decantation, and estimate the weight of each independently. The varieties in the quality of lime did not escape the ob- servation of the ancient architects. Hence they took much points of the line above traced, as for instance, at Barrow-on-Soar, in Leicestershire, and Watchet, in Somersetshire, both of which will be observed to be within the limit of the same formation. It a]>; however, that the quality of the lime is not uniform throughout the whole extent of it- range, being in sumo places slightly less energetic than others, a circumstance no doubt to be attributed to variations in the quality, or proportion, of the alloy contained by it. — c A litre i- equal to about a quart English. — Tb. d It would be better to ascertain by an independent experiment, (viz. by dissolving a separate portion of the mineral in the acid, and adding an excess of lime-water,) whether it contain magnesia or not ; because, should there not be any. the lime may be precipitated by car bo nate of potash, and its Quantity estimated, u a cheek t<> the accuracy of the rest of the process. The weight of the precipitate obtained by the carbonate of potash, (which is carbonate of lime, with perhaps a little iron, &c.,) after being washed and dried, ought, with that of the silex and alumina, to make up the whole amount of the mineral dissolved for analysis.— APPENDIX. 145 trouble to discover relations between these qualities and the external characters of the lime-stones. Their labours were necessarily fruitless, since the chemical composition on which their intimate qualities depend, cannot be exhibited by the weight, hardness, fracture, colour, or. iii a word, by what constitutes the physiognomy ot'a body. The modern works which have taken up this question, moreover, all repeat, in a pretty uniform manner, the rules which Yitruvius has transmitted to us. The Roman ar- chitect had, as he himself confesses, consulted the Greek works which existed in his time ; so that all these doctrines >eem to refer themselves to a common and very ancient origin ; possibly they were perfectly suited to the materials of the countries where the first observations were made. (III.) The field of our early experiments was siugulavlv enlarged by the researches on hydraulic limes which we under- took in 1824, 1S25, and 18'2t>. by order of the Director General of Roads and Bridges, on the lines of navigation from Xantes to St. Bffalb, from Xautes to Brest, from Briare to Digoin, from Decise to the course of the Yonne near Chatillon, and in the environs of Besan^on. "NYe were enabled to examine and to submit to uniform methods of comparison eighty-three varieties of lime, both hydraulic as well as slightly and emi- nently hydraulic. The details of this examination and of the results which accompanied it, have been confirmed, as regards the canals of Brittany, by M. Bouessel, inspector of division ; Piou, Engineer-in-chief; Mequin, Leguay, and Coi- quand, Engineers in ordinary, attached to the works of the canal of Isle and Ranee ; and, for the canals of the Loire and in Nivcrnais, by Messrs. Yigoi-eux and Tibord, Engineers in chief, and Barraude, Engineer in ordinary, attached to the service of the canal of the Loire. (1Y.) A very small quantity of iron is sufficient to change the ordinary whiteness of lime, and communicate to it the yellow, red, or greenish-yellow tinge, which we frequently see. It is therefore quite plain, that a lime may be coloured without ceasing to be " rich," while at the same time there is nothing t<> prevent a very white lime being powerfully hy- 146 Ari'KNnix. frantic", since it may owe this latter property entirely to the pivsi -nee of a pure clay, that is to say, one wholly composed of silica and alumina. (V.) — *Thc following account of the process alluded to, is extracted from the " Gleanings in Science," vol. i. p. -17. " The method of analysis was rather different from that usually employed. The lime-stone in powder, was exposed in small covered cupels to the regulated heat of an assay fur- nace. "When the first heating was not sufficient to expel all the carbonic acid, they were again submitted to the fire ; and to prove that all the gas had been driven off, a few of the samples were further heated without loss of weight iu a forge. " A very ingenious method was adopted to prove the correctness of this mode of analysis. The lime, rendered caustic by the preceding operation, was converted into a hydrate. The increase of weight was found to correspond with the carbonic acid driven off f . " The employment of this method of verification has afforded a very valuable hint towards the solution of the very difficult problem of separating lime from magnesia, or rather • From experiments en various limes, Mr. Smeaton concluded, that their goodness for hydraulic purposes could not he inferred from their colour previous to burning, inasmuch as he found blue, whitish, and brown of equally good quality, but they ad seemi d to agree in falling, after calci- nation, into a powder of a buff-coloured tinge, and in containing a consi- derable quantity of day. — Construction of the Eddystone Lighthouse. 1 Should the mineral consist of carbonate of lime only, then the quantit) of carbonic add expelled will be gtha of its weight, the remaining fgths being pure lime. This remainder gains an increase of jgths by slaking, which is the weight of the water which unites with the lime by that process. Hence the following rule for ascertaining the quantity of lime in a compound of lime and magnesia, by the process of hydration. Multiply the increase of weight after slaking by f (or by 3,',) which will give the amount of pure lime, or by 5j for the quantity of carbonate of lime corresponding to it which existed in the mineral previous to calcination. The remainder will be carbonate of magnesia, unless there be other ingredient-, which must be ascertained by a separate process. In carbonate of magnesia Hdths or nearly 47 per cent, is magnesia, and the remaining 53 carbonic acid Tr. A1TLNDIX. 147 of estimating their respective quantities. It appears that magnesia does not form a hydrate e , so that the increase of weight is an index to the quantity of lime in any magnesian lime-stone." In recording some further experiments in pro- secution of this subject, the author says, M the results were in even- way coincident and satisfactory, and leave no doubt in my mind, that the dry analysis of mixtures of lime and magnesia is capable of much greater precision than the humid analysis, in which according to Daubeny, five, and even ten per cent, of difference will result from the use of different precipitants. " With care in the process of calcination, and the check operation of slaking, I do not imagine that one per cent, of error should find its way into the result. And the method is applicable even when there is silex or any of the inalterable earths united to the carbonates ; provided that the proportion of these be first ascei'tained by solution in an acid." — Tb. (VI.) — ^Extensive beds of the native carbonate of magnesia have been recently discovered in the South of India, near Salem and Trichinopoly, in the Madras Presidency, and the supply is so abundant, that measures have already been taken for turning this valuable material to account as a cement, for which pur- pose the experiments of Colonel Pasley have shown it to be admirably adapted. Some varieties of the mineral are so s This is not correct, as magnesia does combine with water, and form a hydrate, but not with sufficient rapidity to interfere with the correctness of this method of analysis, if its completion be not unduly retarded. I found by experiment, that a hundred grains of fresh calcined magnesia, powdered while warm, and immersed in water, had in twenty hours gained 18j grains in weight, and after three days and a half immersion bad combined with very nearly the whole of their saturating dose of water, (the weight being then 142. 9, and some allowance for loss beinsr neces- sary, owing to its having been dried and weighed repeatedlv) and become converted into a true hydrate of magnesia. It is remarkable also, that as long as this reabsorption of water continues, the mass has a great ten- dency to set and harden, and requires to be continually stirred to prevent its doing so ; but as soon as the saturation is complete, the powder becomes quite inert, and incapable of setting under water Tb. ]48 APPENDIX. haul, pre\ ious to calcination, as to strike fire with steel, others are of a softer description. The constituents of a spe- cimen analysed by my friend Dr. Malcolmson, of the Madras medical service, to whose kindness I am indebted for the fol- lowing particulars, are, in a hundred grains, magnesia 17], carbonic acid 51^, water £, and silica £, the proportion of the last ingredient varying in different samples within very nar- row limits. Alter calcination, the magnesia does not slake like lime, but when powdered and made into a paste, a sen- sible heat is extricated ; it is capable of hardening nude) water, though it is preferable to allow it to dry for twelve hours or more previous to immersion. In time it acquires a firm consistency, and even as a common stucco has been de- scribed as of " extreme hardness." An admixture of not more than one and a half times its bulk of clean sand is found to improve its qualities for general purposes, at the same time that it diminishes its cost, but the proportion of such alloy must, of course, be regulated by the use for which the mixture is intended. As a stucco it is considered the most beautiful of all the cements, and that even at Madras, where the chu- nam, so long celebrated, is made in the greatest perfection. In fact, the only impediments to its exclusive adoption seem to be the cost of transporting it from the situation in which it is found, and the difficulty of preserving its properties, after calcination, unimpaired, it being subject to deterioration by the absorption of moisture from the atmosphere ; together with the cost of pulverising it previous to use. With regard to the use of magnesian lime-stone, I shall merely add to what is stated on this subject in the note, that I have met with very excellent common mortar of great hardness which, iiom the proportions of lime and magnesia which it contained, appeared to have been made from dolomite. And the follow- ing quotation from Phillip's Mineralogy, p. 166, where in speaking of inagnesian lime-stone, he says, " The lime ob- tained from it is greatly esteemed foff cements, being less sub- net to decay; owing to its absorbing less carbonic acid from Al'I'ENDIX. 149 the atmosphere than the lime of common lime-stone," seems to correspond with the opinion I have been inclined to form of it. I have recently had an opportunity of making some expe- riments with the calcined mineral referred to in the preceding paragraph. I found it exceedingly hard, and difficult to reduce to a sufficiently minute state of division, but after this was effected, a mass which had been squeezed into the bottom of a jar, and immediately immersed, set perfectly in thirty-eight hours, and gradually hardened ; but a ball of the same paste fell to pieces in half an hour. It appeared that in the first case a thin superficial layer of the cement was dete- riorated by the action of the water, and became detached from the rest of the mass, but as it could not leave its position, (the surface of the paste being horizontal,) it served as a pro- tection to the parts underneath. In the ball, on the contrary, similar deteriorated parts at the sides and underneath, having no support, fell from it, and exposed fresh surfaces to the ac- tion of the water, which were again destroyed by it, till the whole had fallen to pieces. In the mass which set there was a thin layer of this powder covering the surface, which was of a harsh meagre description, altogether devoid of consist- ency. The cement beneath was in a fortnight already very hard, so that no mark whatever could be made upon it by the nail. It split the vessel (which was a preserve jar of 2| inches diameter) in which it set, and the crack very slowly, but per- ceptibly, widened day by day, being at the end of the fort- night about T Vth of an inch in width. A quantity of the pow- der which had been diffused in water and allowed to settle, and had remained undisturbed during fourteen days, was found to have some consistency, and seemed inclined to set. A thick fluid pulp which had been poured into a phial so as to till it, and tightly corked up, had solidified, and was become nearly dry, but its hardness was not then of the kind that is acquired by immersion, or by drying in the open air, and was more like that of mortar which has dried in the heap. It seemed to want the previous condensation. — Tjr. 150 appendix. Since the above was sent to press I have met with the notice of a paper on the sole efficacy of magnesia in rendering certain limr-stones hydraulic, submitted by Bff. Vicat to the Royal demy of Sciences at Paris, and which is thus referred to: — " This paper has for its object the correction of an opi- nion given by Iff. Berthier in the Journal des Mines of 1832, that magnesia alone has no more efficacy than alumina to render lime hydraulic ; from which it would follow that silex was the only essential principle in all cases." M. Vicat was, for a long time, of the same opinion, which he now declares incorrect ; and says that magnesia alone, when in sufficient quantity, will render pure lime hydraulic. lie does not explain the degree of energy of these new spe- cies of lime, but only affirms that they will solidify from the sixth to the eighth day, and continue to harden in the same manner as ordinary hydraulic lime. Until his experiments are further advanced, he states that the proportions of magnesia, taken and weighed after calcina- tion, should be from 30 to 40 for every 40 of pure anln-drous lime. The native lime-stones examined and cited by M. Berthier contained only from 20 to 20 of magnesia for every 78 to 00 of lime. It is probable that this want of proper proportions was the cause of his negative results. M. Vicat, in conclusion, points out the importance of these observations ; hydraulic lime never having been found in the calcareous for- mation below the lias, is because the dolomites have never been examined, but it is now probable it may be found in iliis lower formation." — Vide Journal Frank. Inst. Vol. xviii. No. 4.— Tk. (VII.) It was for a long time thought, according to Berg- mann, that the virtue of hydraulic lime depended upon the presence of a few hundredths of manganese. Guyton was of tlii^ opinion. Smeaton, the English Engineer, had remarked, earlier than 1756, that the limes of England fitted for sub- aqueous constructions, all left an argillaceous sandy residuum after solution in nitric acid. (Construction of the Eddvstonc API'ENDIX. 151 Lighthouse, extracted from the " Bibliotheque Brittanique.") h Thirty years alter, Saussure announced that the lime of Cha- niouni, although destitute of manganese, hardened under water, whence he inferred, with reason, that that property de- pended solely upon the clay. (Tour in the Alps by Saussure.) Lastly, Colets-Descotils, on analysing the compact marl of Scnonches, in 1813, found in it very nearly a fourth of silica, a circumstance which led him to conclude that " the cause of the phenomenon was due to the presence of a large quantity of siliceous matter, disseminated in very fine particles through- out the texture of the mineral." The opinion of Descotils did not invalidate that of Saussure, inasmuch as clay generally contains more silica than alu- mina ; and besides, the two chemists perfectly coincided in the opinion, that the oxide of manganese, if not useless, was at least not an essential element. Such was the state of the question in 1813. To put an end to all these doubts, we determined at this time to proceed synthetically, and to compound hydraulic limes at once, by calcining different mixtures of common lime slaked spontaneously, and clay : the success exceeded our expectations. All rich limes, soft to the touch, afforded the same result. Our experiments, repeated at Paris in 1817, with the lime of Clayes and Chanipigny, and the clay of Vanvres, soon afterwards in England by M. St. Leger, at Nemours by M. Giraut, and in Russia by Colonel Raucourt de Charleville, coincide with one another without exception. M. Berthier, Engineer in chief of mines, has since thrown much light on these phenomena, by studying the action of lime, in the dry way, on the oxides, silica, alumina, magnesia, and the peroxides of iron and manganese, taken singly, and afterwards two and two, &c, &c. The results >' The Abcrthaw lime-stone left a muddy residuum, which being brought into an argillaceous state, was very tough and tenacious while soft ; and when sufficiently hardened, being worked into a little ball, and dried in that slate, appeared to be a very fine compact blue clay, weighing nearlv one-eighth of the original masb — Ibid. p. 107. 1.V2 APFENDIXh at which this able chemist has arrived, are comprehended in the statement preceding the number of this note (in Chap- ter I.). The reader who is anxious to make himself ac- quainted with them in all their details, will find them in the 22d volume of the " Annales de Chimie et de Physique," page (i-. NOTES ON CHAPTER II. (VIII.) The effects of calcination are not confined to driv- ing off the water of crystallization and carbonic acid from compound limestones ; it further modifies the constituent oxides, one by the other. In fact, if we treat an argilla- ceous carbonate of lime by a weak acid, it forms a deposit or insoluble residuum more or less abundant. After cal- cination, on the contrary, a complete solution is effected ; the clay therefore has entered into combination with the lime. The arenaceous lime-stones still leave an insoluble residue, when we submit them to the action of acids after calcination ; and this deposit is more nearly equivalent to what we should get on treating the carbonate, in proportion as the size of the quartzose grains is greater. It follows from this, that when the silica, in lieu of being minutely divided, as in clay, is on the contrary, dispersed through the calcareous fabric in the form of sand, its cohe- sion cannot then be overcome, or at least only in an imper- fect degree. Descotils, to whom a part of these observations is due, justly concluded, that silica does not assist to render lime hydraulic, except in so far as its extreme attenuation allows it to be acted upon by the lime, and enter into combination with it in the dry way. From this we may understand, how there may be limes which are not hydraulic, although con- taining a notable quantity of silica. I \.) Dalton has observed that a current of aqueous vapour APPENDIX. l.->:} .ice delates the reduction of lime-stone into lime'. This re- mark ought not to be passed over, in reference to its economy of fuel. We should do well then, if when burning during the dry season, we were to sprinkle the lime-stone with water before charging the kiln with it, and from time to time throw a few buckets of water on the burning faggots near the eye of the kiln. Or, if we are burning coal, to place a large vessel filled with water in the draught of air at the mouth of the vault. We are informed that Lord Stanhope has made a successful application of this principle in England. (X.) The carbonate of lime,w 7 hen violently heated in a close vessel, melts, and afterwards crystallises on cooling, arranging itself anew in the state of carbonate ; this observation is due to the chemists Hall and Watt; it is more than half a century old. The carbonate of lime alloyed with clay, when burnt in contact with charcoal, does not become converted into nearly so good an hydraulic lime, as when it is burnt with coal. And the fire from coal, in turn, does not answer so well as the blaze resulting from the combustion of wood or furze. An authentic experiment made at Nevers in 1825, has proved, that charcoal can deprive hydraulic lime of a half of the ' M. Gay-Lussac, (Annates de Chimie, No. 63,) has recently proved this by the following interesting experiment. He filled a porcelain tube with fragments of marble, and attached a retort containing water to one end of it. Heat was applied to the tube till the carbonic acid began to be disengaged from the marble, and it was then slackensd to a dull red, when the gas ceased to come over. On now heating the water in the retort, and allowing the vapour to pass through the tube containing the ignited fragments of carbonate of lime, a copious extrication of gas imme- diately ensued, which ceased the moment the supply of aqueous vapour was cut ofF, and was again disengaged on its renewal. By a similar expe- riment, M. Gay-Lussac found that the same effect was produced by a current of atmospheric air, whence he concluded, that the effects in each case were to be attributed to mere mechanical agency. But the last ex- periment would, I have reason to think, have failed of success, had the air been previously freed from moisture ; as Dr. Faraday has long since proved, that when the aerial current has been carefully dried by passing it through sulphuric acid, carbonate of lime may be exposed to the heat of the oxyhvdrogen blow pipe, without material loss of carbonic acid. As l.-,l APPENDIX. cner^v which it would have acquired, bad it been burnt with the common flame heat. Colonel llaucourt, the Engineer, hM on his part observed, that a mixture of pure lime and clay, burnt at oue time on an iron plate heated to redness, and at another in a kiln, constantly gave good hydraulic lime ; whilst the same mixture, if burnt with charcoal, merely pro- duced a poor lime. These facts not only establish the utility of the contact of the atmosphere in burning argillaceous lime-stone, but they lead to the belief that an absorption of oxvgen may help to exalt those qualities, which hydraulic lime owca iwr nlinllj to its combination with clay 1 . This opinion however is not, after all, supported by any fact. (XI.) Different degrees of calcination may cause lime-stones to lose from 10, 15, "20, to 40 per cent, of their weight. Tkdf we have various subcarbonates with excess of base, some of which slake in water, and some not 1 : these last possess pome remarkable properties which we shall explain. Having di- vided a certain quantity of pulverized chalk into ten equal parts, we spread the first portion upon an iron plate heated to a cheiTv red, where it underwent a calcination of three minutes : the second was left six minutes, the third nine, and no mention is made in the account of If. Gay-Lus-ac's experiment, of this precaution having been attended to, it is very probable that it may been omitted, and that tliis circumstance lias led the di>tinguished French chemist to adopt a theory of the action of the vapour, which seems to be quite inconsistent with the fact abore stated. — Tb. k On the other hand, Colonel Pauley remarks, that coal dust, (which i< a de -oxidating substance,) though not absolutely necessary to all artificial cements, does no harm to any; and his experiments proved that it often did good. A proportion of about one-twentieth of the compound was mixed previous to burning, the object being to restore the iron of the day as much as possible to the state of protoxide, during the calcination. (Observations on water cements, p. 6.) The clay used in his experiments was of a blue colour, very soft and fine, and was obtained from the lied. wavat low water, by digging from one to two feet below the surface of the mud. — Tb. 1 Mr. Higgins found that lime-stone or chalk heated to ndness in a covered crucible, or in a perforated crucible through which the air circu- freely, loses only about one-fourth of its weight, however loaf be continued. (Vide Experiments on calcareous < < i:.< m-. p. b., — Ta. APPENDIX. 155 so on to the tenth, which consequently liad to remain for half an hour. During each operation the powder was well stirred in every direction, to assist the equal distribution of the heat. The ten portions so calcined were then kneaded up with a little water, and brought each to a stiff' paste of the very same degree of consistency. During this manipulation, not the least sign of effervescence or expansion was exhibited. The first numbers merely exhaled the common odour of moistened chalk ; the latter ones exhaled in addition the alkaline smell peculiar to lime, and gave pretty decided indi- cations of causticity. After two hours of immersion, all the numbers, excepting the first, had set ; and after four days, it was altogether im- possible to thrust the finger into them. In a word, the first evidence of this solidification, was so similar to that of the hydraulic limes, that it was impossible not to mistake it for it m . But the sequel did not justify the hopes which we had a right to form ; it is for this reason that we expressly give warning against the trial of lime-stones by a calcination effected on a small scale, that is to say, with small portions of material subjected to a chimney or stove heat. During the time that we were engaged upon these experi- ments, M. Minard, Engineer in chief of roads, observed on his part analogous phenomena ; but, being without doubt deceived by the rapidity of the first set, this Engineer prema- turely announced, that a properly regulated calcination could be made to bestow upon nearly all pure calcareous sub- stances, the property of furnishing at pleasure, either rich lime, or natural cement analogous to Parker's cement. Un- fortunately the sequel has failed to confirm these predictions. Our own experiments, as well as those which M. Berthier has since made known, have completely invalidated them. m It is remarkable also, that rich limes when partially regenerated by the carbonic acid of the atmosphere, appear to possess similar properties. Col. Raucourt de Charleville found that common rich lime, after falling spontaneously, by exposure to the air under a shed, and being stirred from time to time to equalize its action, had acquired hydraulic properties in a month's time, so as to be capable of setting under water when used cither i:>i; \iti\i.i\. If. Berthier is of opinion, that when we throw water upon the sub-carbonates, they we changed into hydro-carbonates, or combinations of the hydrate, and the ordinary carbonate of lime ; combinations which are feeble, and of little perma- nency in the water". The sub-carbonates with excess of base, are much more difficult than the neutral carbonates to reduce completely into lime by a second calcination ; a circumstance which ac- counts for the old opinion common to all the master lime- burners, viz. that it is impossible, let you burn a whole forest, to transform into lime a lump of the stone, which has been chilled before the completion of the calcination. M. Lacordaire, Engineer of bridges and roads, employed on the works at thejunction of the Burgundy canal at Pouilly, having repeated the experiments made by M. Minard and myself on the pure lime-stones, upon the argillaceous ones of Auxois, has discovered that the latter, when in the state of sub-carbonates, become real natural cements. This observa- tion has led to a number of happy applications to the ad- vantage of the works which he is directing. Thus he has reduced the continuance of the heat, which is usually for six to eight days in ordinary kilns, to three, being confident in his power of turning to account the unburnt lumps which were necessarily formed by this diminished consumption of fuel. To effect this, he slaked the lime by immersion, separated from it the sub-carbonized parts, which he afterwards reduced mechanically to powder, and incorporated with the mortar. By a singular coincidence of circumstances, the quantities n Some specimens of mortar which I examined in the course of my experiments, and in which the lime was perfectly unalterable by the ac- tion of tests, (being completely neutralized,) exhibited a large deficiency of carbonic acid, although they were in a state of such entire disaggrega- tion, as to leave hardly room for the supposition that a union between i lie silica and the lime, (vide art. 309,) could have taken place. In these there was a considerable quantity of water in chemical combination, and it seemed to me probable, that a bydrated sub-carbonate of lime bad been formed, together with the true carbonate, with which it was mechanically mixed ; and it is remarkable that the mortars whose analyses led me to suspect the existence of the hydro-subcarbonate, were some which had I n prematurely mined bv exposure to damp. — Tr. APPENDIX. 157 of quick lime and sab-carbonate furnished by each charge, were found to be in the respective proportions (from 12 to 15 cubic metres of the sub-carbonate, to 48 or 45 cubic metres of lime) which experience demands for the pro- duction of the best possible hydraulic mortar (of mor- tars of this kind,) with the addition of a natural calcareous sand found in the country. The economy afforded by the manufacture of this new kind of mortar, cannot be looked upon as a general result. It depends essentially upon the imperfection of the lime-kilus in the neighbourhood of Pouilly, the dearness of fuel, and the scarcity of sand. But let the price of wood or coal be taken at the average rate which it bears every where else, and the form of the kiln be modified in such a way, as to do away with the necessity of expend- ing as much caloric in burning the last fourth or filth of the charge of stone, as is required for first 3-4ths or 4-5ths, then the method of M. Lacordaire will maintain none of its advantages. The mortar of sub-carbonate of lime does not seem as yet to have been exposed to the action of the wea- ther. It is impossible to form a judgment of its actual qua- lities, until varied experiments have sanctioned its use on all occasions. (XII.) At the Monsieur canal (a field kiln is used), seventy- five cubic metres of lime required, on an average, 26 cordes of wood (oak). The corde measures 4.74 stores, which makes 1.64 st. per cubic metre . At the bridge of Souillac, (the kiln is cylindrical, sur- mounted by a cone,) a hundred metres of lime required, on an average, 107 steres of wood (oak), which is 1.70 st. per metre. At the Monsieur canal, (the kiln was a field one) forty- seven cubic metres of lime required, on an average, 7000 faggots, measuring together 1050 cubic metres, which comes to 2.234 st. per metre. The reader will recollect, that the stere (which is a measure only ap- plied to wood, faggots, &c, &c.) is equal in capacity to the cubic metre ; hence the relative proportions laid down in this and the succeeding para- 158 APPENDIX. At Saint Brieux, (the kiln ovoidal,) fifty cubic metres of lime required 2500 fascines of broom, measuring together 1500 st., which makes 30 steres per metre. At Cartravers (the kiln is ovoidal), thirty cubic metres of lime take, on an average, 15,000 fascines of broom, measuring together 900 St., which makes 30 steres per metre. In the coal kilns by slow heat, at Cahors, twelve cubic metres of lime consume, on an average, 1 cubic metres of coal. (The kilns are inverted cones.) This comes to 0.33 Oh per metre. In the coal kilns, by slow heat, at Done (Maine et Loire), seventy-eight cubic metres of lime consume, on an average, 29m. 80c. of coal (the kilns are ovoidal), which comes t" Oin. 36 c. per metre. The broom and the faggots were measured in large piles, and consequently, with the bulk which the pressure they were then subject to, gave them. (X11I.) We had occasion, in 1824, to visit the coal kilns esta- blished at Paris, near the bridge of Jena, for burning the artifi- cial hydraulic lime. These kilns, which were built of the shape of inverted cones, after the old method, worked badly. The quantity of " core," or unbumt lime was constantly so great, that it could not be exposed for sale without previously pick- ing out the worst parts. We again visited these same kilns in 1826, and they worked very well. No change had been made, either in the shape, or capacity of the cones; the im- provement was owing — 1st, To their not lowering the u at each drawing of the charge more than from 30 to 35 centi- metres (11. S3 to 13.78 inches, Tr.), instead of 0.04 m. (25.2 in., Tr.),the limit used before. 2dly, To their finishing the charge at the level of the top of the kiln, in lieu of heaping it up in a pyramid as was done before. 3d, and lastly, To the use of a peculiar mixture of coal and coke, and to a well regulated and uniform distribution of this mixed combustible. graphs, may be applied with equal oonectnesa to any other kind of mea- sure : f'>r instance, in the present case, acubic yard of lime would require 1.64 yard-, of wood. — Tn. APPENDIX. 159 (XIV.) The ovoidal kilns are subject to the same caprices ;b the conical ones. They have been seen to work perfectly well lor a long period, and then become suddenly out of order, without any apparent cause. The lime furnished by the kiln whose section is given in fig. 9 (plate 1), is always either too much or too little burnt. A current of flame, probably owing to the sudden contraction of the upper opening, rises with force by the circumference, while the middle bums badly. The kiln, fig. 10, has been a long time in use, it works tolerably; but Xos. 11 and 1-2, in the last section, answer the best. Number 11 produces 6.84 cubic metres (24 Ik cubic feet,Tr.), and No. 12 — 4. 50 cubic metres (158.8 cubic feet,Tr.) of lime per day. It is in the ovoidal kiln, that Messrs. Debline and Donop propose to burn lime with a peat fire. They affirm that two steres of that material, which do not cost more than half the price of wood, are sufficient to burn a cubic metre of lime ; there is therefore much benefit to be derived from using it, wherever it is provided by nature. (The Society of Encou- ragement have decreed to Messrs. Debline and Donop the prize which it had proposed for the invention of an econo- mical mode of burning, applicable to the manufacture of lime.) The turf is placed upon a grate fixed beneath the vault of the charge, and burns with a flame, in the manner of wood. (XV.) In the flame kilns from five to seven metres (10.4 to 23 feet, Tr.) high, it is extremely difficult, or rather impos- sible, to burn the upper layers properly, without exceeding the measure of right calcination for the lower strata ; this in- convenience is of little moment with respect to rich lime ; but it is accompanied by serious consequences with the argil- laceous lime-stone, which in such case vitrifies, and is no longer good for any thing. We have proposed to the Administration of Roads and Bridges, a kiln, and a mode of calcination, which would appear to obviate the inconveniences above mentioned, at least in a great measure. The following is a description of it. *C 2 160 APPENDIX. The form of the lower part of its interior, to the height of about two metres (6£ feet, Tr.), is cylindrical, on a cir- cular, or elliptic base (figs. 5 and 6, plate 1). The remainder, to the height of 5 metres (16.4 feet, Tr.), is finished off by a conical hood truncated at its vertex, so as to leave an opening of in. 60 (23.6 in., Tr.) for the smoke and heated air. The infe- rior capacity is divided by partitions into two or three rounded chambers. In the first case, the partitions are raised 3 metres (9 ft. 10 in., Tr.), in the second 2.60 metres (8 J- feet, Tr.) above the floor. The object of these various arrangements is, 1st, to avoid angular parts, in which the calcination always proceeds badly ; 2d, to keep up the intensity of the heat in the upper parts, by a more powerful concentration than takes place in prismatic or cylindric spaces whose sides are per- pendicular ; 3d and lastly, the partitions are intended to be adapted for the alternate calcination of the lower strata, with- out the discontinuance of it to the upper layers. For instance, supposing the kiln with three chambers to be loaded on vaults, as is usual, with an easily verifiable argillaceous lime- stone. We shut very exactly the openings of the two fires, b and c. (fig. 6, pi. 1.) We light that in d, and keep it up for two days. Before the close of the second day, we unclose the opening of the kiln />, and ignite it with- out delay; as soon as it begins to draw, we imperceptibly slacken that of d, which we allow to go out altogether, when b is in full activity, by quickly closing the aperture. We change the fire of b for that of c with the same precautions. It will then by this means ensue, that the whole of the upper, and one portion of the middle region, will have undergone 144 hours of the direct heat, while the lower parts will only have received 48 hours of the same heat. The kiln with two chambers, is intended for the argilla- ceous lime-stone of medium hardness ; we proceed in the man- ner above described, and each chamber will receive 72 hours of the direct heat. The height of the partitions, and the continuance of the heat in each chamber, are evidently two circumstances which APPENDIX. 101 depend upon the hardness of the stone, the quantity of clay it contains, and the heat given out by the wood within a given time, according as it may be green or dry. One or two ex- periments made by an intelligent foreman, ought to be suf- ficient to decide all these questions. Besides, nothing is easier than to raise or depress the partitions, without in the least injuring the body of the kiln. Much stress ought to be laid upon the necessity of chang- ing the heat from one fire to the other, without in the slightest degree slackening its continued and general action in the regions situated above the partitions. When, by reason of its peculiar nature, or its friability, the lime-stone is incapable of bearing the pressure to which the vault and piers of the charge are subjected, that vault is divided into two others, by placing a pier in the middle. Should this precaution appear insufficient, we build the facing of the piers, and the first course of the intrados of the vault, with incombustible stone, or common lime-stone. The latter expedient, in a word, consists in building a skeleton vault of refractory bricks, as is practised in the pottery furnaces. NOTES ON CHAPTER III. (XVI.) At the canals of Saint Martin and Saint Maur, the artificial hydraulic limes have been put to every possible proof; they have been applied to the masonry of locks, to the coating of the basins, to subterranean vaults, &c, &c. The following are other instances, in which mortar manu- factured with the same ingredients, has fulfilled different functions. 1. At the bridge Duke D'Angouleme, over the Dordogne at Souillac, the foundation of one of the piers is entirely laid on a beton composed of sand, flints, and artificial hydraulic lime. This beton was immersed in five metres (16.4 feet Tr.) reduced depth, across a current, in a caisson without a bot- tom. Alter eight months it bore the weight of 2,500,000 lb'2 A IT). N nix. kil. (2402 tons, 7 rift*. 2 qrs. 0^ lb., Tr.) distributed over a surface of eighty metres. ([)') sq. yds., (i ft. 70 in., Tr.) p . 2. The bridge of Melisey is in the .same way founded aped a bed of beton of artificial hydraulic lime. 3. In the repairs of dilapidations, made at the bridges of Tavernay and liaudoncourt, with the same lime made use of at the bridge of Melisey ; the beton immersed did not after fifteen days sink more than two millemetres (.08 inch, Tr.) under the pressure of an iron needle a centimetre (.89 inch, Tr.) square, loaded with a weight of 300 kilogrammes (5 cut. 3 qrs. 17 lbs. 14 oz., Tr.). The experiment was made by If. Laeordaire. Engineer. 1. Experimental pointing with mortar, eomposed of sand and hydraulic lime, made use of at the base of the Triche mole at Saint Malo, on the 12ih July, 1821, by M. Robinot, (be engineer. This mortar, which was introduced into joints from which the water flowed as from a spring, had, when we visited the work, resisted the actiop of the sea for the years 1821, 1822, 1823, 1824. It was in very good condition, although over dosed with lime. X<>w. there is no Engineer, who is not aware of what the effects of the ocean upon the mortars of revetments are at Saint Malo. M. Bernard, Engineer of bridges and roads, attached to the works at the harbour of Toulon, wrote me word on the 20th October, 1820, that having had oeeasion to demolish certain portions of masonry, fioe <>/■ nx pmuthtC old, he found that the mortal Of artificial lime which had been made use of, had already bound the stones together with such force, that it was often more ea^y to break them, than to tear them asunder. All Paris could in 1826 have witnessed the hardness which the beton of the lloor of the basin at the canal of Saint Martin had acquired. The fragments which were taken out where the lloor had sunk, were like mill-sione ; it was therefore determined to turn them to use. They were broken by hea\ y I i.i- b ;it the latent about 6402 lbs. j» r Lngli-h square foe*; 01 uurh 4Jllib. per square inch — Ti.. APPENDIX. 163 blows of a mallet, in order to employ them in lumps for the fabrication of a new beton destined to repair the breach. These examples will suffice, we trust, to show the value of those attempts which some persons have made, to cast a slur upon the efficacy of artificial mortars. We have been anxious, in the preceding pages, to rest solely upon examples in the large way. The experiments on a small scale, would not have been sufficiently conclusive ; on this account we have passed over in silence, the examination instituted by the. Council of Civil Buildings* on the -24th December, 18-21, and the detailed report of the Commission nominated for that pur- pose. From which report it results, that the artificial lime at Paris, is superior to the natural hydraulic lime of Senonches for the first few months of immersion. The experiments of the Commission being incompetent to establish the progressive law of solidification, we ought, in fact, to refrain from coming to any conclusion, as to the future state of the limes compared together. (XVII.) The efficacy of the oxide of manganese, first sup- posed by Bergmann, and afterwards assented to by Guy ton, suggested to the French chemists, two methods of procuring artificial hydraulic limes; the first, consisted in mixing four parts of grey clay, and six parts of the black oxide of manga- nese, with ninety parts of lime-stone reduced to powder, and calcining the mixture. The second, was to add to common quicklime, a certain quantity of white iron-stone, which is in great part composed of carbonate of lime and manganese. These two methods, supposing them to be good, must have been of very limited use ; for the peroxide of manganese, and the white iron stene, although abundant natural products, are nevertheless not so much so, as to be used as materials for large buildings. M. Pach, Professor of the Arts and Sciences at Stockholm, informed me that, in reliance upon M. Bergmann, they had in Sweden constructed a whole lock with mortar of rich lime and the peroxide of manganese, but that the wretched con- dition of the masonry had necessitated its demolition. l(i| APPENDIX. (XVIII.) We shall lievc relate the particulars of the first attempt at the manufacture which has been made on a large scale. It took place at the works of ihe bridge of the Duke d'Angouleme, at Souillac. They had a large stock of rich lime slaked to powder bj immersion, and kept in that state under a shed. A guy. slightly effervescent clay of the neighbourhood was procured. This, when dried in the sun, and reduced to fragments of the size of a nut, acquired the property of dissolving and dif- fusing itself spontaneously in water, forming a pulp, which it was sufficient to stir about a few seconds, to render very fine. To effect the mixture of the materials, a score of little heaps of lime in powder, about one-fourth of a cubic metre (fMJ cubic feet, TV.), were made on an area of a certain size. Each of these being hollowed in the middle like a funnel, received a fluid pulp, composed of Om. 03 c. (1.059 cubic feet, Tr.) of clav and tvater, in such proportions, that by beating and amalgamating them with the aid of pestles, there resulted a tolerably stiff paste. The partial products of each division were accumulated together into two or three large heaps, which were allowed to acquire such a consistency, as to admit <>f their being afterwards divided into irregular fragments, by means of shovels, or an adze. These fragments, which were of the size of small blocks (" moellon "), were removed and spread out on the ground, to acquire a proper degn hardness by drying. They were afterwards taken up, to be housed under a shed appertaining to a lime-kiln, like No. 5, pi. 1 (except the partitions), and of the capacity of 100 cubic metres. (130 cubic yards, 20 feet, Tr.) The base of the charge of the kiln was composed of com- mon lime-sti'iif, and the upper part, of the artificial lime. An exact extract from the list of the ''ays' labour, and other items of expense, gives the following detail: — MI'INDIX. 165 Materials. Francs. 34 in. 55 c. (45 cub. yds., Tr.) rich lime in the caustic state, which will be made by the burthen of the kiln [v. statement) 00.00 5 m. 76 c. (7^- cub. yds., Tr.) of clay, measured in powder, at 6 francs q per metre 34.50 43 m. 18 c. (56'4 cub. yds., Tr.) of lime-stone of rich lime, to furnish the lime credited ; and to form the base of the charge, at 3 f. 1*29.54 150 m. (196 cub. yds., Tr.) steres of fire-wood, at 4 f. 20c 630.00 Carried on F. 794.10 Workmanship. Francs, Brought forward 794.10 Slaking 34 m. 55 c. of rich lime by immersion ; 50 days' work, at 1 f. 50 c. per day .... 84.00 Mixing the same lime with the clay ; 140 days, at If. 50c 210.00 Dividing the paste and putting out to dry in the sun ; 65 days, at 1 f. 50 c 97.50 Lifting the fragments, about 50 cubic metres {65 vds. 9 ft., Tr.), carrying them, and measuring them under the shed; 16 days, at 1 f. 50 c. . . . -24.00 Loading the kiln with 43 m. 18c of lime-stone, in- cluding building the vaults ; and also with 50 cubic metres of artificial lime : — 7 days, a master burner at 3 f. .... 21.00 30.40 assistants at 2 f. 72.80 Carried over, 1303.40 1 As the cost of materials necessarily varies with every locality, I have not thought it n e c es sa r y to reduce these items to their corresponding values in English money — Tr. 106 APPENDIX. Franrs, Brought over, 1303.40 Burning and keeping up the fire for six days and six nights, as follows: — 12 days a master burner, at 3 f. . . . 36.00 24 do. of his assistants, at 2 f . . . . . 48.00 1 387.40 Sundries at 20 per cent 277.50 Cost of 50 cubic metres (05 cubic yds., TV.) of J artificial hydraulic lime, which will be dimi-F Dished to 40 (52 cubic yds., TV.) by the£ shrinkage of the material ) 1664.90 At this price the metre costs 41 francs 02 centimes. Such is the result of an experiment made under the most unfavour- able circumstanees, that is to say, without the aid of any previous experience, and without any other power for the manipulation, than manual labour. At the bridge of Melisey, the cubic metre of twice-burnt artificial hydraulic lime like the above, amounted, inclusive of 20 per cent, for sundries, &c, to 38 francs, taken at the kiln ; which is not far from the price which it came to at the bridge of the Duke d , Angouleme r . NOTES ON CHAPTBB IV. (XIX.) The vapour which rises during extinction, turns paper tinged with mallow, green, which is occasioned by a portion of the lime in a minute state of division, which the vapour carries along with it. We introduced successively several kinds of quick lime, still retaining some carbonic acid, into a large earthenware retort, with distilled water ; and then by means of a bent r Col. Raucourt dc Charleville estimates thecost of the factitious hy- dr.nilic lime, twice kilned, at one-third more than the ordinary (niick- lime of which it is composed. — Esmi. p. 21 i APPENDIX. 167 tube, collected the vapours and gas disengaged during the ex- tinction, in a large bottle full of filtered lime water, inverted over a pneumatic trough filled with the same water. When the operation was completed, we corked and withdrew the bottle, which contained about two-thirds of gas, and one- third of lime water, and then shook it for a long time, with- out perceiving any precipitate in the liquid ; having returned and uncorked the bottle again in the trough, not the least absorption was manifested. Lastly, a lighted match burnt in the gas which it contained, without its light changing in colour or intensity ; therefore, there was nothing which escaped from the retort, but common air and water. (XX.) The masons say of rich lime which slakes to dryness, that it is scorched, and has lost its properties ; it in fact loses the faculty of producing so fine and so perfect a pulp, as when it passes immediately from the state of quick lime to the state of paste; but it gains in respect to its binding qualities. (XXI.) This method of extinction is due to M. de Lafaye, who published it in 1777, as a secret restored from the Ro- mans. He founded his opinion upon a forced interpretation of the expressions " lapis calcis intinctus in aqua," which we find in Vitruvius, Book II. Chap. 5, and " perfundere calcem, perfusio calcis" in Saint Augustin, Book XXI. Chap. 4. of the " City of God." It is sufficient to read at- tentively the passages from which these words are exti'acted, to be convinced of the very small probability of the interpretation of M. de Lafaye. His process was very much in vogue at the time. Fleuret, professor of architecture in the old mili- tary school, published in 1807, under the title of " L'Art de Composer des Pierres aussi dures que le Caillou," a treatise on the fabrication of mortar by Lafaye's process; which process, however, he modifies by endeavouring to retain and turn to use, the purely aqueous vapour which is disengaged at the moment of effervescence. " This vapour," says Fleu- ret, (pages 40 and 41,) " arouses and stimulates the appe- tite of the workmen, whence I conclude, that it contains 168 APrENMX. principles suited to the regeneration of lime, and conse- quently, to the induration of the mortar" The other reason- ings bj which the author endeavours to demonstrate the excellence of his method, are pretty much of the same force. Experience has done justice to the exclusive pretensions of If. de Lalaye, by pointing out in what cases, and with what kinds of lime, it is proper to apply the extinction by im- mersion. It has also afforded an explanation, in the differ- ence of the lime made use of, of the success which M. Fleu- ret met with at Metz. and the disastrous result of his attempts at the basin of Villette. Water absorbed. Bulk of the paste XXII.) 100 kilogrammes of rich lime, converted into a thin paste by the first process, give The same, previously slaked by immer- sion The same, first slaked spontaneously . . 100 kilogrammes of hydraulic lime, re- duced to a thin paste by the first pro- cess, give The same, previously slaked by immer- sion The same, previously slaked spontaneously On examining these results, we see at once the enormous • By a mean of three experiments, I found that a cubic foot of dry slaked rich lime, (prepared from sea shells and slaked by immersion,) whin thrown loosely into the measure, and shaken down, but not comprt and then striked, weighed very nearly thirty pounds. And the experi- ments of General Treussart show, that rich slaked limes, when converted from the drv powder to the state of paste, are reduced to about one half their bulk. These facts will be of use in reference to some of the direc- tions contained in this work, which generally apply to mixtures of sand with lime in the latter condition. — Tb. 1 As the numbers in this table are merely comparative, I have thought it better not to encumber it, by reducing them to their equivalents in English weight. — Tr. Kil. VoL 291 350 17Q 234 188 258 105 137 71 127 68 100 l APPENDIX. 1G9 difference in expansion, which results with the rich limes, from the adoption of the two last methods of extinction. We notice besides, that with the exception of the very white limes, all the others acquire a clearer colour by the ordinary mode of extinction, than when they are subjected to spon- taneous extinction, or extinction by immersion. Now we know, that many substances may be blanched, and acquire clearness, by a minute subdivision of their particles, which become so many more faces adapted to reflect white light. Such arc the black marbles, green bottle-glass, &c, and which give white powders by pulverisation. (XXIII.) Let us suppose, that making use of the three com- mon processes of extinction, we have prepared three equal volumes, V, V", V", of the same degree of consistency, (in thin paste,) with the same rich lime ; the elements of V being, for instance, kil. kil. Quick lime . . 100 . . water 290 Those of V" will be . . 150 . . do. 253) including some Ditto V" will be . . 135 . . do. 254j carbonic acid. If then to each of these equal volumes V, V", V", we add for example, the same quantity of sand, we shall obtain three mortars equally rich in appearance, yet, nevertheless, very different in the proportions of lime and water. The conse- quences of this difference are important. In general, in practice, when we make use of lime slaked by the ordinary process, we never know how much we put into the mortar. In fact, between the limits of the consistency of a good paste, to that of a milky one, the lime may receive from 130 to 400 kil. of water for every 100. There is no point esta- blished ; all depends upon the pleasure, or rather upon habit, which guides the hand of the workman entrusted witli the slaking. (XXIV.) Rich lime, when slaked in paste, and covered with fresh mould in a trench secure from absorption, may be kept many ages. Leoni Baptiste Alberti speaks, (Book II. Chap. XI.) of having seen lime in an old trench, which had been left for about five hundred years, as many evident indications led them to conjecture; that this lime was still so moist, so 170 \PIMM>I\. well tempered, and so rich, that neither honey. norbeaets marrow were more so. (XXV.) Lime, housed in this way, becomes earbonised superficially, it forms itself a crust, not very hard to be sure, but sufficiently so to protect the internal particles. Were the powder to rest upon a damp floor, the lime would suck up the water with force, and would pass to the solid or pasty state, according to its being hydraulic or rich. (XXVI.) It is this faculty of hardening quickly in a trench, which gives the hydraulic lime so bad a reputation amongst the workmen : so that it is only in the last extremity, and for kick of any other, that they will consent to make use of it. They then endeavour to retard its .set, by drowning it as much as possible; this is what they call deadening it; an expression which is by no means synonymous with slaknitj, but which properly signifies depriving the lime of the power and energy which cause it to harden after slaking. 15 nt spite of their efforts, the hydraulic lime always ends In- hardening in a certain time. They then determine upon break- ing it up with hammers, and working it up to the condition of paste, with the addition of water ; with such a lime as this they make their mortar ; it is needless to enquire if it be of good quality. (XXVII.) Extinction by immersion is not, as one might suppose, a difficult operation, more particularly when it is done on the large scale. We shall proceed to describe the method employed atDoue, by Messrs. Ollivier, brothers, con- tractors for the supply of hydraulic lime for the Xantes and Brest canal, for the passage to Xantes. On leaving the furnace, the lime is put into a bucket, the bottom of which opens and lets down at pleasure. This bucket is suspended at the end of a rope hooked to the jib of a crane. It is lowered into a basin full of water, and then raised after a few seconds, and a quarter of a turn of the crane brings it above an opening left in the roof of a small vaulted building. The bucket opens by the trigger of a spring, and the lime falls into this building, which they call the magazine of immersion. In it, they thus collect all APPENDIX. 171 the lime which leaves the kilns during the day's operations, and next day it is found reduced to powder. The maga- zine empties itself by an opening into a building below; the lime being pushed through this opening, first falls into an iron meshed cylinder, which by a rotatory movement separates the unburn t lumps, and discharges them outside the building. The powder which escapes through the cylinder, falls into a hopper, by which it is conveyed into a second cylinder of metallic web, which performs the office of a finishing bolter. From this it passes into two hoppers fixed to the summits of two vaults, through which they descend. These vaults support the floor of the sifting house, and form the magazine for delivery, on the ground floor. The shoot of these hoppers descends vertically from the summit of the vaults, and opens or shuts at pleasure, over sacks placed at the end of the beam of a balance. By these means, more easy to uuderstand than to describe, the lime is slaked, sifted, put into sacks, and weighed, in the most simple and expeditious manner ; it is embarked upon the Loire. In this way it may be earned many months, even a year, without experiencing any deterioration. (XXYIII.) A trial on the large scale, with 60 cubic metres, (78 yds. 12 ft., Tr.) of quick lime, at the works of the Duke d'Angouleme bridge at Souillac, proved the excellence of this process. The lime taken from the heap heated and slaked again very well, after five months of a continually rainy winter. NOTES OX CHAPTER V. (XXIX.) Pure lime and water combined, constitute the hydrate of lime. It is obtained, 1st. In the solid state* white, and more or less pulverulent, by exposing lime, in a pulpy state, to the heat of a spirit lamp. -dly. In a crystal- lized state, by placing lime-water under a glass receiver with concentrated sulphuric acid beside it'j the lime then civstal- u Concentrated sulphuric acid being very liable to deterioration bv ex- posure to the air, in consequence of its powerful avidity for moisture, it would be as well, previous to employing it for the purpose for which it is 172 APPENDIX. liscs in regular hexahedrons, composed of 0.70 of lime, and 0.30 water. 3dly. When a cold saturated solution of lime is boiled, the hydrate of lime is precipitated in the form of small crystals. Such arc not the hydrates referred to in Chapter V.j under that denomination we comprehend all the solid combinations or pasty mixtures of water and every kind of lime. (XXX.) — *By the method described in the note to Article 82, and availing myself of the advantage of being in superintend- ence of the erection and repairs of numerous public build- ings, I have been enabled to undertake and carry through a connected series of observations, as to the rapidity of the absorption referred to in the text, in the case of stuccoes freely exposed ; and in order to exhibit this action more clearly, I have thrown together in the form of a table, the mean results of many hundred measurements, showing the average progress of induration of mortars of the common sort. But the individual observations themselves are not in such close accordance as might be expected; the depth of penetration of the carbonic acid of the air, being influenced by smoothness of surface, and compactness of structure, to an extent, which renders it difficult to secure close uniformity in the results. In referring to this table, however, I ought not to omit to mention, that the whole of the stuccoes from which the measurements were taken, were strictly similar in composition, and were prepared by mixing one measure of aver}- pure slaked lime, with one measure and a quarter of clear sharp sand, and incorporating them well together by beating. They were also laid on and finished in an exactly similar manner, and the different series were all fully exposed in the same situa- tions. The measurements here given, may therefore be con- sidered to approach the true average, under the conditions above stated, as nearly as possible. here proposed, to make sure of its energy, by boiling it for a sbort time. Wben this cannot be done, and in those cases in which its use may be attended with inconvenience, the dry chloride of calcium in powdei maj be used as a substitute. — Tit. APPENDIX. 178 Table of the Depth of Penetration of Carbonic Acid into different Mortars, after exposure to the influence of the air for various periods. TIME OF EXPOSURE- 1 Week 2 do. . 9 do. 1 Month 2 do. . 3 do. . 4 do. . 5 do. . 6 do. . 7 do. . 8 do. . 9 do. . 10 do. . 11 do. . 12 do. . Mean depth of penetration of the carbonic acid. Lines. 0.25 0.50 1.0 1.5 1.875 2.00 2.37 2.9 3.3 3.85 4.0/ 4.35 4.6 4.8 4.9 Being very nearly half an inch at the end of a year's ex- posure. A similar set of experiments was commenced with mortars of eminently hydraulic lime and sand, and in every other respect similar to the above, which as far as thev went gave very nearly the same results. I was, however, compelled to abandon them, before they were sufficiently numerous to exhibit the mean depths for the respective periods with suf- ficient exactness, (by the mutual compensation of errors) to admit of being associated together in a tabular form. — Tit. (XXXI.) In plate second we have given representations of the carbonated bands of various sections, cut from prisms of lime and mortar a year old. It would be difficult to credit, did we not see it, how great an obstacle a smoothness of surface presents to the penetration of the carbonic acid. It is not certain, besides, that the reunion of this acid can ever be complete, even in the most accessible parts. The following are the results of the analyses of some very small pieces of hydrate of lime, which had been exposed to the air for eight years. MM 561 567 424 416 422 IS 2:5 11 ("lav anil Water. 510 570 517 311 278 355 179 252 128 174 APPENDIX. Id. W llr . f When slaked !>\ the ordinary The hydrate of veryN process rich lime gave, for even j Ditto ditto by immersion 1000 parts . . . .(, Ditto ditto spontaneously m, , , , c ,. , , C When slaked by the ordinary lhehvdrateofsliirlitlvV J J , ,.- ,• r > process hydraulic lime gave, fori Dj » ^ fa immersion , every 1000 parte. . / Ditto ditt0 spontaneous , v . Turmeric paper, when applied in a moistened state to the centre of the broken pieces, did not change colour ; they had therefore no causticity left, although the proportions of car- bonic acid were incomplete". We shall observe, moreover, that the hydrates obtained by the second process of extinc- u This fact, which has been exhibited by the researches of several eminent chemist-, is so difficult to account for in a satisfactory manner, that I have taken pains to repeat the "analyses of cements exhibiting it, with a view to detect, if possible, any inaccuracy in the process, to which to attribute the apparent deficiency in the quantity of carbonic acid se- parated. The results, however, of many experiments made with this object, have all tended to confirm the statement contained in the text, however anomalous it may appear to be, in reference to the received opi- nions regarding atomic combinations. No case has occurred to myself, among analyses of cements of various ages, in which I have found the lime fully saturated, (although entirely deprived of its alkaline qualities,) and some cases have presented themselves, in which the deficiency has been decidedly marked, even after an exposure of considerable duration, as for instance, one-fourth the equivalent dose of acid being deficient after an exposure of a couple of centuries. Thus we see by referring to the table of analyses of old mortars, bv Mr. John (App. LX.), that No. 1, though no less than 600 years old, con- tained only 5 of carbonic acid to 8.7 of lime, being 73 per cent, of the saturating dose ; No. 2, of the same age, contained only 24.3 per cent.; No. 3, 1800 years old, 75 per cent. ; No. 4, the same age, 63± ditto; and No. 5, whose age is not stated, not quite 42 per cent. As no reference is, however, made in these analyses, to the use of any tests to ascertain the condition in which the lime existed in the cement, rendering it possible that part might still have remained unaltered by the action of the air, I subjoin the following extracts from analyses by myself, in which that point was particularly attended to ; a part of the specimen operated on being in each case reduced to powder, and minutely examined, to detect the existence of lime in the caustic state ; but invariably without success, although I availed myself, in addition to the usual method, by APPENDIX* 175 lion, arc those which took the least carbonic acid, and the greatest quantity of water; a result in conformity with what lias been stated in Chapter IV., in relation to the unequal capacities of the powders of lime slaked spontaneously, and by immersion, for carbonic acid. (XXXII.) Vitruvius (Book 2, Chapter II.), and Pliny (Book 3o, Chapter XXIII.) speak of a light species of work which the Romans called " Albaria Opera," and into which nothing but lime entered. Thevenot says (in his collection of reports), that in India the application of moistened turmeric paper, of the more searching tests described in the Note to Art. 82. Extracts from the Analyses of various old Cements, showing the quantities of lime and carbonic acid which they were found to contain. Number of the analysis in the Tabic WI1. Age of the ce- ment analysed. Weight of lime. Weight of car- bonic nciil. Proportion per cent. which the quantity of carbonic acid con- tained in the cement hears to the full sa- turating dose. Years. 14 1800 29.1 20.0 87.4 17 45 60.1 39.5 83.6 5 200 99.68 73.0 93.2 3 120 26. 17.0 83.2 (i 200 110.9 80.0 91.8 8 200 19.7 12.0 77.5 7 200 110.43 79.0 91.0 10 150 17.0 10.3 77.0 11 400 17.4 11.9 87.0 12 400 13.8 8.0 73.7 13 200 33.9 20.0 75.0 15 Recent. 17.1 10.0 74.4 1G Ditto. 15.6 10.0 81.5 The analyses from which these extracts are made, will be found, at length, in table No. XVII Tr. Since writing the above, I have been kindly furnished by my friend Dr. Malcolmson, with the results of some experiments upon the mortar of the pyramid of Cheops, which is described in the Note to Article 268. Thi> cement, though between three and four thousand years old, and exhibiting to the most searching examination not the slightest trace of causticity, yet in one analysis yielded only 5.64 carbonic acid to 11 lime, in 100 grains, and in a second 4.53 carbonic acid to 9.6 lime in the same quantity. In the former case, the carbonic acid amounted to 65.4, and in the latter to only 60 per cent, of the saturating dose. These analyse*, which were conducted throughout with great care, and *D 2 176 APPENDIX. they plaster the walls with a rough cast of quick lime slaked in milk, aud beaten up with sugar, and that they afterwards polish the mortar with an agate. The fact is, that they mix the lime with a little curdled milk, with gingelli oil, and water of jaghcry, a coarse very brown sugar, which is derived from the cocoa tree. (Vide the letters of M. de Bruns, inserted at the end of M. de Lafaye's memoirs 1 .) most especially in reference to the separation of the carbonic acid and lime, mav be fully depended upon. The particulars of the first of them will be found in App. LXXII. Some further remark- upon this subject will also be found in the Note to Art. 309— Tb. * The celebrated Madras chunam is a stucco laid on in three coats. the first a common mixture of shell-lime, and sand, tempered with jaghery water (vide Note to Art. 207.), and about half an inch thick ; the se- cond of a finer description, made with sifted shell lime and white fine sand, which is also sifted to free it from pebbles or foreign matter ; and this coat, as well as the third, is applied without jaghery, which is omitted on account of its colour, and its frequently containing deliquescent salts. The third and last coat which receives the polish, is prepared with great care ; the purest and whitest shells being selected for it, and none but white sand of the finest description, and of that a very small proportion is used, varying from one-fourth to one- sixth. The ingredients of the third coat (as well as the second also, sometimes) are ground with a roller on a granite bed to a perfectly smooth uniform paste, which should have the feel and appearance of white cream. In about every bushel of this paste are mixed the whites of ten or a dozen eggs, half a pound of ghee, (which is butter separated from its caseous parts by melting over a slow fire,) and a quart of tyre, (which is sour curd fresh prepared,) to which some add powdered balapong (or soap-stone) from a quarter to half a pound, which is said to improve the polish. But each master bricklayer has generally a recipe of his own, which he boasts of as superior to all others. The essential inTedients, in addition to the lime and sand, seem to be the albumen (of the eggs), and the oily matter of the clarified butter, for which oil is sometimes substituted. The last coat is laid on exceedingly thin, and before the second is dry ; it dries speedily, and is afterwards rubbed with the smooth surface of a piece of the soap-stone (steatite), or agate, to produce the polish, an operation which is sometimes continued for many hours, after which it is necessary to wipe it from time to time with a soft napkin, to remove the water which continues to exude from it for a day or two after completion. — Tr. APPENDIX. 177 NOTES ON CHAPTER VII. (XXXIII.) The proprietors of the mills on the tributaries of the Loire, between Nevers and Briare, and on the river Isle, in the department of Dordogne, have for time immemorial used, in repairing their works, a mortar composed of the rich lime of the country, and a reddish, very argillaceous pit sand, which they call arcne. This mortar hardens more or less in the water, but it is sufficient for the preservation of the hy- draulic masonry in which they use it. M. Girard, Engineer of bridges and roads, and in charge of the works connected with the navigation of the river Isle, being naturally struck by so singular a fact, engaged in 1825 in some extremely in- teresting researches regarding the properties of this kind of sand. The sen-ice he was charged with afforded him oppor- tunities of extending his experiments beyond the bounds which confine the mere trials in the laboratory ; and the ob- servations which he has made upon mortars of arene em- ployed in large works, such as locks, wears, &c, &c, afford, in consequence, as great a degree of certainty as could be wished for. These observations, which we have eagerly availed ourselves of, have given a place in the domain of science and art henceforth to facts, which, however well they might have been known to the millers of the Isle and others, were not the less hidden and lost to builders. (XXXIV.) The hydraulic properties of the brown schistose psammites, (grey-wackes of the Germans,) when used in their natural state with rich lime, were discovered in 1824 by M. Avril, the Engineer, when charged with the superintendence of a division of the canal from Nantes to Brest, in the depart- ment of Finisterre. " In studying the varieties of schist which compose the soil of our neighbourhood," says this Engineer, (Memoir on the Navigation of the Kergoat, written 1st October, 1824,) " chance threw in my way an arenaceous rock of a yellowish red colour, in a state of decomposition, 178 APPENDIX. the action of which, when used as sand in its natural Btate, and as a cement, after a calcination of ten hours in a lime- kiln, seemed to promise a solution of the problem which 1 had undertaken. This rock belongs to the species of sandstone called grev-wackes by the Germans, and psam- mites by M. Brogniard ; it is so soft as to fall to powder be- tween the fingers; it hardens in the air and the fire, a cir- cumstance which enables us to build it up into vaults, in the same way as lime, to burn it," &C The conversion of the schistose psammites into pouzzolanas by a gentle calcination, is by no means a new phenomenon in the science of mortars, for these substances being est tially composed of silica, alumina, and oxide of iron, form, in some measure, the transition of the schistose rocks into clays, and even seem to differ from these merely in having a lighter contexture, and by the faces of mica which their fracture exhibits. But what truly constitutes a new fact, (and which sooner or later must have led to the discovery of the analogous properties of the arenes,) is the circumstance, that in their natural state they act as pouzzolanas with rich lime ; this action it is true is slow, and very variable in its intensity, but it does take place. (XXXV.) Pouzzolana was in extensive use amongst the Romans-. The following is what Yitruvius says of it: — 9 No particular account being here given of the use of Dutch Tarras, I have extracted and thrown together the following notice- of it from Mr. Bmeaton's valuable Essay on Water Cements, in hi> w be nothing calcareous in its composition, for aquafortis dropped upon it only wets it like water: to me it much resembles some petrifactions that 1 have Been | but my more learned friends seem to be of opinion that it is a lava Although really endowed with those qualities, which have justlj obtained it a reputation for water building, yet it is generally admitted to have some properties, that for our use were not quite so eligible. In the tir.-t place, though it will coi. mpsl kinds of lim^ to set and become hard under •. u w< have -m h\ b) vrral example .-, yet if the cement grows diy APPENDIX. 17i) " There is found in the neighbourhood of Baye, and the mu- nicipal lands lying at the foot of Vesuvius, a kind of powder which produces admirable effects; when mixed with lime and small stones, it has not only the advantage of giving great solidity to common buildings, but possesses the further property of forming masses of masonry, which harden under water. We may account for this property by the great num- ber of burning soils, and hot springs, which give evidence of an extensive subterraneous fire, occasioned by the inflam- mation of sulphur, alum, or bitumen. Tims the vapour of the fire and the flame passing constantly through these beds of earth renders them light, and converts them into a withered tufa without moisture, so that these three substances (the lime, the stones, and the pouzzolana) modified by the violence of the heat, on being mixed together, form a solid substance as soon as we add water. This mixture quickly acquires so great hardness from the damp which it absorbs, that neither the dashing of waves, nor the action of water, are able to destroy it." For want of pouzzolana, the Romans made use of pounded brick, which we call cement. (XXXVI.) Count Chaptal was the first who remarked the unequal manner in which certain of the pouzzolanas of Italy by a gradual exposure to the air, it never sets into a substance so hard as if the same lime bad been mixed with good clean common sand ; but is very friable and crumbly ; and if, after it has acquired a considerable de- gree of bardness by immersion in water, it is then exposed to the air, it loses a considerable part of its firmness, and also becomes crumbly ; though according to my observation, it never becomes so much so, as if it never had acquired a greater hardness by a submersion in water. . . . In a state between wet and dry, or of being wet and dry by intervals, Tanas is known not to answer well Another property of Tarras mortar is, that when kept always wet, and consequently in a state most favourable to its cementing principle, it throws out a substance something like the stony concrescences in caverns of lime-stone strata, called stalac- tites ; which substance from the Tarras comes to a considerable degree of hardness, and in time becomes so extubcrant as to deform the face of the walls ; and when smoothness and regularity of surface is wanted, as in navigable sluices, mill conduits, &c, it becomes necessary to remove itfi 180 IPMtHDiX. and Vivarais behave with sulphuric acid ; without deducing therefrom any conclusion with respect to the energy of these substances. The observations which have, in a general man- ner, established the relations between the qualities of the in- gredients of calcareous cements, and their mode of action in ct to acids and lime-water, are entirely our own. They were published by fragments in the different numbers of the " Annales de Chunk et de Physique," from 1819 to 1826. Till that time it was the general opinion of chemists, that clays were more easily acted upon by acids when in their natural state, than after any degree of calcination ; a mistake the more fatal, inasmuch as it rendered the supposition of a chemical action taking place, in the phenomenon of the solidification of calcareous cements, altogether improbable. If. Berthier (in the Journal des Mines, vol. viii. p. 356), has endeavoured to show, in conformity with the opinion of Proust, that the oxide of iron is merely interposed in the ochres, and not in combination with the silica, as Berzelius has stated. This accounts for the facility with which some of the ochreous clays are decolori*ed by the muriatic and nitric acids. (XXX VI I.) It was Mr. John, of Berlin, who first pointed out the impotency of the most caustic lime on quartz. This able chemist having, in fact, kept a dozen bits of garnet in roughness by tools ; for otherwise the Tarras mortar will grow so much in the joints of these conduits, as to knock off the floats or ladle-boards from the wheels A composition of this kind (2 lime, 1 Tar- ras, 1 sand), is further increased in bulk, by another measure of sand ; so that one cube foot or measure of the common Tarras mortar composi- tion will by this means become two, and quite as good in every respect. Finding this idea so far to answer, not only in experiment, but my expect- ations satisfied in works at large, I was induced to try whether lime would not bear a saill greater addition of sand ; and I soon found that it would, with good beating, take iD, for every two measures of slaked lime, one measure of Tarras, and three of tK-.m -and ; which would pro- duce nearly 3i measures of good water mortar, or full 2£ times the com- mon quantity of mortar from the same quantity of Tarras and lime ; this being near upon four times the bulk in solid mortar of the utujuenched Jimc, or the unburnt stone." — Tr. APPENDIX. 181 decoction for eight hours in a fluid pulp made from Carrara marble, these minerals did not lose in it a single atom of their weight ; the same was the case with two bits of rock crystal, left for six months in the same fluid. We have on our part established, as follows, the absence of chemical action by the hydraulic limes upon various kinds of sand. A certain quantity of white, and entirely quartzose pit sand, was digested in muriatic acid, then washed in much water, and dried at the temperature of boiling water, Parts and weighed 896.000 On the other hand, we took hydraulic lime, in its quick state, fresh from the kiln 300 These substances were made into mortar in the ordinary way in a glass vessel, which weighed 787 parts, and altogether the whole came to 2620, whence it follows that they had taken a quantity of water represented by . . 647.00 Thus the whole weight of the fresh mortar No. Awas 1843.00 A granitic sand mingled with basalt, prepared in the preceding manner, weighed .... 896.000 Lime as before 300.000 Water absorbed under the same circumstances as above 612.500 Total weight of the mortar No. B . 1808.500 These two mortars, when placed in the circumstances most favourable to a chemical action between their component piinciples, each lost, in fifteen months, 27 per cent, of their weight. Two years after their manufacture, both one and other of them were disaggregated by muriatic acid. The sand of No. A, being separated, washed, and dried, weighed when cool, 892.000 parts. The loss was then only irjj or ToVo o 5 it W evidently to be attributed to the second wash- 182 Al'PENDIX. ing, The sand ol* No. B, treated in the .same way, only weighed 883, which gives a loss of -fa. We took 500 parts of this same sand, and digested them in muriatic acid ; and as there was a disengagement of heat during the disaggrega- tion, we took care to raise the temperature of the acid in the counter-proof in an equal degree, and to continue its action during the same time. The sand, when washed, dried, and weighed as before, gave a deficit of 7 out of the 500, or -?!• This result, which differs but slightly from -£g, leaves no doubt regarding the cause of the loss exhibited by the sand mixed with basalt ; and we may conclude from the above experi- ments, that the hydraulic lime has no more action on the granitic and basaltic sands, than on those which are purely quarlzose. NOTES ON CHArTEK VIII. (XXXVIII.) Tile-dust, which has been used in buildings for time immemorial, is evidently, according to our defini- tions, the most ancient of the artificial pouzzobnias known ; but the products to which that tenn was specially applied, previous to the publication of our first researches, do not date farther back than the middle of the 18th century ; at which period a Swedish engineer, Bagge of Gothembourg, despair- ing to obtain the pouzzolanas of Italy for the hydraulic con- structions which he was superintending, at a sufficiently moderate ] trice, thought of imitating them by calcining the Compact schists, which arc found in abundance in Sweden, near Wcnesborg. Count Chaptal, to whom science and the arts are so largely indebted, soon after (1787), made known his experiments upon the calcination of the ochreous clays of Langucdoc, and showed, that when properly chosen and prepared, these sub- stances acted precisely in the same manner as the pouzzo- lanas of Italy. But it was in the number and respective proportion* of their principles, that this celebrated chemist endeavoured to find the cause <>f the phenomena. The con- APPSNDDL 1^3 sequences of tbe important observation contained in Appi XXXVI. escaped him. (XXXIX.) The hydraulic virtues of the pouzzolanas, have for a long time been attributed to the presence of iron : our experiments upon the non-ferruginous clays have caused us to abandon that opinion. We should be wrong, however, to conclude, that in the red coloured pouzzolanas, the iron is entirely inert ; one thing, however, is certain, that is, that its presence is by no means indispensable, since there are very energetic pouzzolanas which do not contain an atom of it z . (XL.) Colonel Raucourt of Charleville, the Engineer, to whom, a few days before his departure for Russia, we com- municated the singular properties which clays acquired, when calcined in powder on metallic plates heated to redness, was eager to repeat our experiments in Russia; but he has thought, that the slight degree of calcination which the clay undergoes by this means, was not the sole cause of the phe- nomenon ; the contact of the air appeared to him to exert a notable influence ; and this suspicion was changed into as- surance, by a series of direct experiments, which led him also to examine the effects of the contact of the air on the burning of artificial hydraulic limes. (See pages 130 and 13], of his treatise on mortars.) The conclusions which he has drawn from the whole of his experiments are, (vide p. 136, of the same treatise,) that there is an absorption of oxygen ; he again expresses himself very clearly to that purpose, in the note placed at the foot of page 161. But such an opinion not to be mere conjecture, has need of the support of direct experiments ; for it is by no means evident, that such is a necessary consequence of the favourable influence of the con- tact of the air on the conversion of clays into good pouzzo- lanas. Whilst engaged with the researches of which this " My experiments also tend to establish the authors opinion on tins point, both d.reetly and indirectly, as I have met with elav entirely free from iron, which after calcination formed a highly energetic pouzzolam. and on the other hand, a stiff paste prepared for experiment of rich slaked lime and the washed colcothar of vitriol, (peroxide of iron,) was perfceth •I' .Wtcr seven weeks' immersion Tk. 184 \mMiix. chapter contains a summary, we studied the action of lime in the humid way on silica and alumina, when isolated, and taken in various states of cohesion. Mixtures made in the proportions (by bulk) of 200 parts of these oxides, to 100 of rich lime in paste, gave, after three months of immersion, the following relative resistances under the shock of the experi- mental needle. (Vide the statement of the manner in which the experiments were made, at the end of this volume.) Depth of penetration of the needle. 1st. With the mixtures of the hydrate inche* r of rich lime, and gelatinous silica, simply ; dried in the air 1-70 0.0704723 2d. The same, with the silica calcined to redness 2.50 0.098425 3d. The same, with the silica separated from various clays by boiling sulphuric acid 2.85 0.1122045 4th. The same, with silica separated from these clays, after they had been slightly calcined 4.16 0.1637792 5th. The same, with silica in an alto- gether impalpable powder, taken from hyalite, by trituration, and successive washings Indefinite. 6th. The mixtures of the hydrate of lime, and alumina in a gelatinous state, and slightly dried in the air .... 18.17 0.7153 7th. The same, with the alumina slightly calcined 12.86 0.504298 8th. The same, with the alumina strongly calcined Indefinite. These experiments prove, that silica may form a good hy- draulic cement with rich lime, without being soluble in at ids. It suffices for this purpose, that its cohesion be very much less than that it is possessed of in quartz. APPENDIX. 183 We see further, that the hardness of the cement is th ! greater, the more nearly the silica approaches the gelatinous state, in which condition it is obtained by the aid of chemical agents. With regard to alumina, we sec, that even in the gela- tinous state, although it gives rise to an insoluble compound, yet that it produces a substance which, if not soft, is of a very indifferent consistency ; we have moreover ascertained, that the peroxide, and carbonate of iron, display no action what- ever under the same circumstances. It is impossible to avoid recognising the effect of a che- mical combination in the cases Xo. 1 and Xo. 6 a ; and this ought not to surprise us, since it is known, that the solutions of baryta, strontia, and lime, &c, decompose those of alumina and silica in potash, and that the precipitates are binary compounds, of alumina, and of silica, with one of the substances above named. These curious facts, for which we are indebted to the celebrated Guyton Morveau, have been since confirmed by Professor d'Obereiner and by John of Berlin. It evidently follows from case Xo. 6, that a firm solidification is not a necessary consequence of the chemical combination of two soft or pasty substances, brought in contact in the humid way. With regard to Xos. 2, 3, 4, and 5, although analogy 1 1 have found this observation to be fully confirmed, when applied to certain artificial pouzzolanas mixed with slaked rich lime ; (vide Note to Art. 314,) but the explanation cannot be extended so as to embrace all cases of the set of hydraulic limes ; (vide Note to Art. 307.) I may here, however, notice an experiment made by General Trcussart, which appears to bear additional evidence in favour of the conclusions contained in the text : he says, " In mixing common (not hydraulic) lime in paste and clay together, I met with a singular phenomenon, which I am unable to account for. It is, that if you diffuse clay in water, so as to bring it to the consistency of thin pulp, and after bringing the lime to the same condition, mix the two ; no sooner is the union effected, than the compound becomes so stiff, that it is difficult to continue the operation without adding a further considerable quantity of water." This seems to indicate a new arrangement of the particles, consequent upon chemical affinity. — Tr. 186 APPENDIX would had us t<» look upon them also as combinations, yet when we take into consideration the state of cohesion of tin.' silica employed, and the known absence of action of the hydrate of rich lime upon quartz, we ought not to affirm such to be the case. We may nevertheless remark, that it is not correct to compare silica, such as it is in quartz, to such as has just been separated from combination ; the first in fact is only acted on by soda or potash with heat, whilst the other readily dissolves in them in the cold, a fact which leads us to presume, with some probability, that lime is not devoid of action upon it. Nos. 1 and -2, which exhibit as much hardness as the best hydraulic cements, lose all their cohesion by an exposure to the air more or less prolonged. (XL I.) It has been proposed to make use of the revcrbe- ratory fumace b ; but the powder of the clay, owing to the water which it contains latent within it, undergoes an ebul- lition the moment it touches the incandescent surface, and this raises and dissipates it in clouds ; besides, it is no easy b Colonel Raucourt de Charleville describes an air furnace for this purpose, the chimney of which instead of being vertical is curved semi- circularlv, the lower end of it being horizontal, and the upper perpen- dicular, and occupied throughout its entire length by a covered trough of sheet iron, one foot and a half broad, and six inches deep, passing down the middle of it. The lower end of this trough crosses the fire of the fur- nace, and is exposed to its full force ; and the upper end terminates at the top of the chimney, in a hopper filled with the powder to be calcined. The flame and heated air in their passage up the chimney, impart their heat to this trough, which is closed on all sides; and the lower end, being in contact with the fire, is kept constantly of a full red heat. When sufficiently burned, the powder i-; removed by small portions from the lower end of the trough, by a door for the purpose; while the contents of the upper part descend and take its place. This door has apertures left in it to admit of a draft of air up the interior, and which acts upon the thin layer of powder lying on the floor of the trough. In another fur- nace of this kind, the chimney is bent like an elbow, not curved, the part next the fire being nearly horizontal, and the rest vertical ; the first con- tains two troughs like that above described, one above the other, and the vertical part of the chimney is entirely filled with the material. Both these possess the advantage of heating the powder very gradually, by which the difficulties alluded to in the text are avoided — Tr. APPENDIX. 187 matter to reduce crude clay to line powder; we know, that however dry it may be, tins substance adheres to the bruising tools, and clogs underneath the stamper. (XLII.) M. Bruyere, Inspector-general of bridges and roads, has bestowed much pains upon the conversion of clays into artificial pouzzolanas; his attention was prin- cipally turned to the method of giving these materials that degree of porosity, necessary for them to be quite equably acted on in all their parts by a moderate heat : he employed successively as ingredients for dividing them, lime, sand, and various vegetable substances. The results which he obtained, give us cause for serious regret, that he has not made them known by publication. If. Saint Leger has re- peated most of M. Bruyere's experiments in the large way. He found, that a mixture of three parts of clay in powder, with one part of rich lime in paste, was that which we ought to give the preference to ; and in this he is in perfect accord- ance with the intelligent Inspector-general. The artificial pouzzolanas which are formed by a slight calcination of clay mixed with lime, afford very active cements, which set in a few hours ; but it is proper to add, that these same cements do not finally reach more than a moderate degree of hardness, they are besides very dear. (XLIII.) We procured a very fine plastic clay, brought from the environs of Loupiac, (Lot,) and containing in 100 parts, 61 of silica, 31 of alumina, an inappreciable trace of the oxide of iron, and 8 of water. This clay, being pulverized and passed through a hair sieve, and equal portions of it put into hessian crucibles with covers let in, (and the joints carefully filled in with a luting of sand and refractory clay,) was in that state subjected to a good incandescence, for about half an hour, in the middle of a small dome furnace. The powders were always cooled in the closed vessels, and 100 parts gave by weight- In the first experiment . 88.71 1 ,.,.,, ... I of which the mean is 88.543. the first experiment . 88.71 "j In a second ditto . 88.32 y In a third ditto . . 80.60 J UPPENDIX. Anotlier portion of the same clay, equally wrll pulverised end sifted, having been calcined at a common red heat, on an incandescent metallic plate, and for 5 minutes, gave for 100 parts — In a first experiment . 89.85 ) of which the second ditto . . 80.80 j mean is 89.825. A second portion, calcined in the same manner, but during 15 minutes, gave for 100 parts. First experiment . 88.50 ) of which the Second ditto . . B8.63 j mean is 8^.575. A third portion, calcined as before, but during 30 minutes, gave for 100 parts, First experiment 88.45 ) the mean of Second ditto . . 88.55 j which is 88.50. The very trifling difference which we observe between the weight of the clay when calcined in the close vessel, aud that of the clay calcined in the open air, prove incontestibly that there is no kind of absorption. These differences may be accounted for; first, by an inequality in the duration and intensity of the heats ; second, by the slight losses inse- parable from a calcination in the open air, more especially when we are obliged to stir the substance. To what then is the real and notable difference in the binding qualities of the clav, as subjected to these two kinds of calcination, to be attributed ? We should in vain endeavour to explain this. At any rate, by calcination in a closed vessel, the clay i^ unable to acquire the faculty of yielding to acids the same quantity of alumina, as in the case of the ordinary calcina- tion. The difference amounts to more than half. One part of the above plastic clay, being first calcined in a close vessel. and then, after eight days' exposure to the air, calcined again in an open crucible, lost T oTo °f i* 8 weight. One part of the same clay, being first calcined in the open air, and then treated in the same manner as the above, lost yott °f i ts weight. From this comparison it results incontestibly, that clays calcined in contact with the air. possess after cooling an APPFADIX. 13!) absorbent property ; which the same, when calcined in a close vessel do not. But in what does this absorption consist ? Is it simply hygromelric ? This it is impossible for us to decide. The following, moreover, is a complete series of facts, observed in reference to cements prepared from two kinds of clay, calcined according to the two methods now in question. Time of setting. Hardness, as measured hy the fall of the needle, after | J ~ '- c Observations. Five months' One year of immersion, inmiersion. 1. White clav, marked 2, in Table No. III., and cal- cined in powder in the Rich lime in paste. .. . • The same clay calcined in .s. An ochreous clav, marked No.'e III..C.-.1- cined in powder in the Rich lime in paste .. &00 1. The same calcined in a close vessel 3.01 Rich lime as before. . lA Days. 1 1.50 h 50 j J7-00 3.2.i mill. 0.1279 in. .i.immill. 0.19585 in. 3.00 mill. 0.H81] in. 4.(«i mill. 0.1575 in. 2.50 mill. 0.0984 in. 2.00 mill. 0.07874 in. ■2.t 10 mill. 0.7874 in. 1.7" mill. 0.0669 in. 3.40 mill. 0.1338 in. 100 mill. 0.11811 in. 2.iximill. mow in. 1.80 mill. 0.07086 in. The cements were tried by the five or six millemetres (.196 in. or .23»J in., Tr.) below the sur- face, and by the piercer, in the centre. With a spring saw, they gave a nearly- dry powder. Vumbers 1 and 3 were hard superficially, and did not at all adhere to the sides of the vessels con- taining them ; Nos. 2 and 4 werj dete- riorated at the sur- face, to the depth of six millemetres (0.236 in., Tr.), and adhered powerfully to the sides of the vessels. (XLIY.) Is it to the presence of the potash, or the de- gree of calcination only, that the aquafortis clay owes its binding properties r In 1818, we subjected to the action of heat some small bricks, composed of clay moistened with solutions of the sub-carbonate of potash, containing from 1 to 15 per cent, of the salt, and could observe no relation between the energy of the products obtained, and the quantities of the alkaline oxides introduced ; but on re- flecting on it since, it has occurred to us, that by calcining the clay in the form of bricks, it was possible that, from the sudden action of the heat which that mode of calcination requires, the potash may have acted witli too great intensity, and at last entangled the principles of the substance, by an in- UK) APPENDIX. cipient vitrification w bictaj although imperceptible, might be no less sufficiently decided, to destroy all the binding property We in consequence recommenced our experiments, as fol- low b. A hundred parts of a red effervescing clay, (containing silica 42.60, alumina 15.90, oxide of iron 8.00, carbonate of lime 24.0-1, water 8.80) were moistened in a solution of caustic soda, containing ten parts of saturated fluid; thej u rre then dried, and brought to the state of powder, and afterwards calcined at a red heat in contact with the air. A hundred parts of slate, previously calcined in powder in contact with the air, and which in that state afforded only a pouzzolana eery nearly inert, were moistened with the same quantity of the soda solution, then dried again, and calcined in the same manner as the clay above mentioned. Thus prepared, the two pouzzolanas were mixed of a good consistency, with rich lime in paste, obtained by the ordi- nary extinction, and the products were immersed without delay. The phenomena which accompanied this immersion arc exhibited in the following table. COMPOSITION or THE I'KMKNTS. Time of Set. I ) under the blow nf the trial neetlle, after seven months' iinnier- Ricb lime in paste, obtained by the ordinary mode of extinction 100 Pouzzolana, resulting from a simple calcination of the red rlay in powder . . . .200 Rich lime as before . . . 100 Pouzzolana, resulting from a cal- cination of the aforesaid clay impregnated with soda . . 200 Rich lime as above . • .100 Pouzzolana, resulting from a simple calcination of the pow- dered slate 200 Rich lime as above . . .100 Pouzzolana, resulting from a se- cond calcination of the said slate, when impregnated with soda --ii»" y i.oo J 1.00 U20.00 j coo 3.00 (0.118 in.. TV.) 1.75 0.0689 in., Tr.) 12,26 ,o.»s-2G76 in. Tr.) 8.0 (0.3 loin., Tr.) APPENDIX. 191 (XLV.) — * A patent I recently taken out by Mr. R. F. Martin, and a company established for the manufacture of a newly discovered cement, prepared by calcining bricks composed of powdered gypsum, and the solution of the sul- phate of potash (prepared by neutralising the alkali bv the acid). The bricks are pulverised, after calcination at a red heat, and the cement thus formed is applied in the way of common stucco. It sets in about two hours, and some specimens which Mr. Martin had the kindness to exhibit to me, were of extreme hardness. As the material itself is of a pure white, it is admirably adapted as a vehicle for colours, and for the imitation of marbles and various descrip- tions of ornamental work, some of which are very beautiful. The cement is said to be quite uninjured by frost, and to be capable of enduring exposure to the weather without damage, for any length of time. — Tr. NOTES ON CHAPTER IX. (XLYI.) The reciprocal suitabilities of the ingredients of mortars and calcined cements were laid down in a general way, and for the first time, in the work which we published in 1818. The law which regulates these compatibilities has been since verified by a great number of Engineers, amongst whom we may name Colonel Raucourt, of Charleville. The treatise which he has printed, regarding the various kinds of lime employed in Russia, and on mortars in general, con- tains, besides, many interesting facts, of which we have availed ourselves. We are now-a-days enabled to explain the contradictions exhibited by different memoirs relatiug to mortars and pouz- zolanas ; contradictions, which made the collection of facts known up to 1818 a real labyrinth, the clew of which had escaped the search of the most judicious investigations. 19'2 AFPBHDOL First example. The experiments made in L786 at tin harbour of Cette, by the commissioners of the States of Lan- guedoc, on the occasion of Count Chaptal's researches into artificial pouzzolanas, established in an authentic manner, that the pouzzolanas of Vivarais were very inferior to those of Italy; and yet we find in the supplement to the first me- moir on pouzzolanas, by Faujas de St. Fond, experiments also made with great care, and which demonstrate precisely the contrary. This is because, on the one hand, they used an eminently hydraulic lime, (the lime of Montelimart), and on the other, the rich lime of the environs of Cette. Now the eminently hydraulic lime, when used with the very energetic pouzzolanas of Italy, must, in fact, have afforded to Faujas, results infeiior to those which he obtained at the same time from a feeble pouzzolana mixed with the same lime. Second instance. The slaty schists, which were in 1807 advertised by G. Lepere, the Engineer, as substances capable of conversion by a powerful calcination, into pouzzolanas equal to those of Italy, deceived all the builders who wished to apply them to use. This was because the trial betons upon which that Engineer rested his comparisons, were made with the hydraulic lime of Grossville, and that lime, in fact, was adapted to a very slightly energetic pouzzolana, which ceased to be the case when rich lime was made use of. Third instance. The military Engineers employed upon the works of Alexandria (in Piedmont), being ill satisfied with the induration of the beton prepared with the Casal lime and the powder of bricks once burnt, thought of calcining the powder violently in a reverberatory furnace, and they thus obtained better results than before; this was because, by giving a high degree of calcination to their artificial pouzzolana, they changed it into a pouzzolana of feeble energy, which in that state suited the lime of Casal very well, as it is hydraulic. It would be tedious to enumerate in this place all the mis- takes into which our predecessors have been led, by their un- certainty in regard to the mutual adaptation of the ingredients APPENDIX. 19:1 of calcareous mortars and cements. We must believe that Vitruvius, in making the qualities of lime to reside in its whiteness and expansion by slaking, merely viewed that substance in reference to its mixture with the excellent pouz- zolanas of the environs of Rome, and not with pure quart- zose or calcareous sands. Now, all who have written after him have not failed to repeat, in an absolute way, that the hardest and purest marbles furnish the best lime. (XLVII.) A Table containing Twenty Compositions of Water Mortar, suited to different situations and circumstances. Extracted from Smeaton's essay on water cements. Narrative of the Construction of the JEddi/stone Lighthouse. WATER LIME WITH Lime now-! Pouzzolana POUZZOLANA. der. •""«"»» Eddystone mortar . . . Stone mortar 2nd sort. Face mortar 2nd sort , Backing mortar Bushels. 2 WATER LIME WITH MINION. Face mortar Calder com- position Backing mortar .... 2nd sort COMMON LIME WITH T ARRAS. H Tarras mortar 12 increased. . 13 further. . . . M still further 15 Tarras backing mortar. 16 2nd sort COMMON LIME WITH MINION. 17 Ordinary face mortar . . 1 8 2nd sort . . 19 Ordinary backing mor- tar 20 ! 2nd sort. . . I Bushels. 2 1 1 1 i Minion. i Common No. of Expense pr. sand. cubic feet. cubic foot. Bushels. *. rf. 2.32 3 8 1 2.68 2 14 2 3.57 i n 3 4.67 1 4 3 4.17 1 1 3 4.04 . ... 11 1 3.22 1 5i 2 3.57 1 1 3 4.17 10 3 4.04 9J 1.67 4 1 2.50 2 9 2 3.45 2 04 3 4.35 1 8 3 3.50 i H 3 3.37 o n* 2 4.75 1 5. 1 , 3 4.34 8| 3 4.05 8 3 3.92 o n The materials in the above mixtures were measured dry. The lime in powder thrown into the bushel and striked, but Dot beaten nor pressed down. 194 UTI.M'IV NOTKS ON CHAPTER X. (XLVI1I.) We confined ourselves in Chapter I. to a simple definition, in what relates to " poor limes," and we have since forborne to speak of them for a very simple reason, viz., because they are very rarely employed, and because we are right in so doing: for, to the want of expansion of the hy- draulic limes, they add all the negative qualities of rich lime. When, however, they are not absolutely devoid of hydraulic- qualities, we may venture to use them, for want of others. In that case, it is evident that we ought to modify, in respect to them, what we have said regarding proportions ; inasmuch as in an equal bulk, these limes actually contain a larger quantity of the earthy or metallic oxides, than the slightly hydraulic limes to which they are assimilated. Thus, M. de Laroche, Engineer of roads and bridges, in the experiments which he made at Brest, with a " poor lime" very slightly hy- draulic, found, that the precept " it is better to err by defect than excess of lime" was not confirmed; because in fact, that precept is applicable only to the rich, and slightly hydraulic limes. (XLIX.) This great question of the best method of slaking, has been for a long time agitated amongst builders. It is not astonishing that it has been decided by some in favour of immersion, and by others in favour of the ordinary pic Kvery one made use of the materials which fell to hand, without even suspecting, that the result which followed from any one such experiment, wa*s applicable only with ex- actness, and rigorously, to these same materials, l'aujas, alone. seems to have caught a glimpse of the fact, that lime, ac- cording to its nature, yields in preference to one kind ol extinction rather than another; for he says, in a note of bis memoir, speaking of immersion, " When we are in a sitae tion to use an excellent quick lime," (we imagine thai i»\ quick lime, the author intended to denote an h\ UM'KNPIX. 10") dranlic lime,) u we may dispense with M. Lafaye'a method; but whensoever we are compelled to use a lime of inferior quality, I strongly recommend its adoption. 11 We shall endeavour to explain, in what manner the ma- nagement of the slaking alter this or that process, exercises so great an influence, on the qualities of cements of rich limes when immersed. It is certain, that all the principles which exist in quick lime, are still contained in it after slaking, since the smoke given out during the effervescence is, as we have shown, nothing more than vapourised water, and that we can therefore neither suppose a decomposition of any part of the water used in the slaking, nor the disengagement of the small quantity of carbonic acid, which the quick lime of commerce usually retains. Thus, the lime parts with nothing it contains. It merely absorbs water, and in ad- dition, some carbonic acid, by the spontaneous extinction. But it follows from the details given in Chapter V., that quick lime, when slaked spontaneously, or by immersion, is capable, at first, of forming a paste with much less water than what is necessary to fulfil the proper measure of its saturation. Now, as it retains the faculty of completing the dose by a prolonged immersion, it necessarily results, that when inter- posed in a mass of hydraulic cement, it must in a short time solidify all the water at liberty, and thus accelerate the set of the mixture, and at the same time increase its bulk. A very slight enlargement of size, the result of this action, very frequently exhibited itself in the course of our experiments, by the fracture of the vessels containing the immerged cement. The whole, therefore, explains itself by the aid of these con- siderations. This absorbent faculty of limes slaked spontane- ously, or by immersion, ought evidently to be measured by the difference between the total weight of their proper allowance of water, and the weight of that which they have provisionally taken to form paste. Now this difference readies its maximum with the very rich limes, audits minimum with the eminently hydraulic limes. Thus is explained, in the simplest manner, the progressive extension of the phenomena which H*e ob li)0 APPENDIX. serve, and the correspondence between these phenomena and the different degrees of richness or poverty of the limes made use of. (L.) But these considerations only embrace a certain com- pass of the scale, for they do not explain in what manner the ordinary mode of extinction rises superior to the two others, when we arrive at the hydraulic, and a fortiori the eminently hydraulic limes. It is true, indeed, that the dif- ference between the first and second process is but trifling; but between the first and third, the difference is very remark- able. Now, viewing the hydraulic and eminently hydraulic limes as natural ceraeats with excess of lime, we cau con- ceive how the influence of an atmosphere, always more ox less damp, must end by bringing on a chemical combination of the constituent principles , which combination would be the more energetic, the nearer these principles approach those which constitute the true natural cements. Now such is the ease with hydraulic cements. Such limes then, when expose.! for a long time to the air, end by becoming no more than a kind of caput meriuum, deprived of all binding quality. (LI.) The strength of mortars, considered as aggregates, e\ idently resides in that of the hydrate of lime or matrix which envelopes the grains of sand. It is therefore very evident, that the greater the density of the hydrate is, the greater will be the resistance of the mixture, and that independently of all the molecular changes which may be caused by the c An explanation different to that given by M. Vicat lias suggested itself to me, and I shall venture to give it a place here, although I have not yet had an opportunity of ascertaining its propriety by any direct experiments. The energy of the hydraulic tunes, as ie well known, is developed by minute division, i note art. 185,) but entirely extinguished by the influence of a damp atmosphere. This 1 have imagined (.> b owing to a part of the lime uniting during calcination with the silica, alu- mina, magnesia, &c, and being thereby enabled to resist slaking for some time. When minutely subdivided, and made into a paste with water, these parts gradually combine with and solidify the interstitial fluid, causing the mixture to set and harden (note art. 307) ; and this takes place more perfectly, the more inrimately the panicle; and fluid are iit in contact bv the fineness of the subdivision. As it requires a APPENDIX. 197 adherence which unites the lime and sand. For the result of these changes could only tend to increase the natural density of the ganguc. Thus, without experiments, reason- ing alone would have led us to the rule laid down. (LII.) The cements cannot be assimilated with aggre- gates, (at least the cements properly made with pouzzolanas reduced to very fine powder). Here we have neither a sen- sible matrix, nor solid substances interposed at appreciable intervals. The mixture, whether it result or not from a chemical combination of the principles, is physically consti- tuted as a homogeneous body. Therefore it signifies but little, before being mixed with the powdery ingredient in- tended for it, whether the lime be in a soft or firm paste, if, in the upshot, the mixture can be kneaded to a good clayey consistency ; for, owing to their absorbing property, the pouzzolanas in general, almost always require an addition of water, and we then regulate the dose in such a maimer as to attain the end proposed. (LI1I.) This method of extinction has been constantly applied at the works of the Angouleme bridge at Souillac, and the success of their foundations has completely justified its adoption. (LIV.) M. Laguerenne, Engineer of bridges and roads, and in charge of the construction of the bridge of Charles 10th at Lyons, made a point of following, in every particular, the method of manufacture, and immersion, laid down in this chapter; he made use of a simply hydraulic lime, and of no powerful effort to enable the water to overcome the cohesion of the semivitrified particles, the ordinary process is best adapted to the hy- draulic limes, to which subdivision is so important. The process by im- mersion, or by exposure to the air, however, in which the action is less strong, merely causes those particles to fall or separate which are ?<«altered by the heat, and consequently incapable of adding to the hydraulic quality of the lime ; while the cementing matter gradually unites with water, but hardens and remains gritty, as the Sheppy stone does if wetted after calcination. Hence, the best possible plan of developing the virtues of hydraulic lime is, to slake it quickly, and then grind it to the finr-st powder, or (as is now frequently done) pulverise first, and then slake quickly. 19B APPENDIX. other ingredient than sand and flints. His beton was immersed when cold, in a rapid current, and in an inclosure cleared out by dredging. And such was the success of this mode of pro- cedure, that after 12 or 15 days, they were able to lay the foundations on masses of from two to three metres (6 ft. CA in. to 9 ft. 10 in., Tr.) in height. The enormous blocks of free- stone of which the courses were composed, rested on the foundation of beton, as upon a rock. The Lvonese builders, who frequently make use of beton in their foundations, slake the lime by aspersion, covering it with sand. They then pound and mix the materials rapidly with a large quantity of water, and employ the whole while still warm ; this method succeeds upon the whole. When the beton is inclosed in the partitions of a framing, and when the foundation is mainly supported by the timber- work of such framing, it is of little consequence if the lime swells up, and absorbs water, and afterwards takes a long time to harden ; the foundation does not stand a bit the worse; but it would have been altogether otherwise in the case which I have mentioned above. The slowness of the set, would hardly have allowed the foundation to be laid in less than a year or fifteen months after immersion ; the rapidity of the current during this interval, would certainly have de- teriorated the beton, and it is even probable, that its immer- sion might have been impossible; because the removal of the lime, would have left behind nothing but a residue of sand and flints, void of coherence. (LV.) The works of the navigation -of the Yezere, have just exhibited a sad example of the danger of using lime imper- fectly slaked. Whether to gain time, or from any other motive, they thought that they might dispense with allowing the hydraulic lime they made use of, to stand and sour after slak- ing. The masonry exhibited nothing extraordinary as long M they remained dry during the low water in summer ; but hardly had the winter floods set in, and submerged the works. than the mortar swelled, and with so much force, that the In - stone blocks of the facing of the side walls were displaced in APPENDIX. 100 numbers, especially about the shoulders of the abutments. In short, the reconstruction of two locks was the result of these accidents. (LVI.) The phenomena described in this paragraph are easily conceived ; the water begins to exert its solvent action upon weak, or too rich cements, immediately after their im- mersion. It first acts upon the very thin superficial coating with which it is in contact, afterwards, it attacks the layer next below it, &c. But its action is retarded by the difficul- ties which the crust already attacked opposes to it, and as these difficulties increase in a rapid progression, the cement gains time to solidify more or less as its nature disposes it. Now since this solidification has a limit, and as the action of water, when continually renewed, is indefinite, the slow and incessant increase in depth of the soft crust of which we have spoken, necessarily ensues. Mr. Petot, Engineer of bridges and roads, employed as an apprentice in 1825 on the works of the bridge of the Duke de Bordeaux at Saumur, has made some interesting experi- ments on the action of water at the surface of mortars of hydraulic lime and quartzose sand. He has observed, that the presence of siliceous matter in the state of quartz, ex- erted, during the earlier period of immersion, a powerful in- fluence, which would seem to indicate a molecular action which it would be highly important to establish. The follow- ing is a concise table of Mr. Pctot's experiments. 200 APPENDIX. Nature of the compound! experimented upon. Quantities <>( lime dinolved, in Iihki partt of the water Of immersion, after three clays. 1. Hydrate of hydraulic lime slaked spontaneously . . 2. Mortar, composed of 100 of sand, and 100 of the 1.030 0.560 0.540 0.607 0.601 1.100 0.840 0.500 0.450 0.630 3. Mortar, composed of 150 of sand, and 100 of the 4. Mortar, composed of 200 of sand, and 100 of the 5. Mortar, composed of 250 sand, and 100 hydrate . . 1. Hydrate of hydraulic lime, slaked by the ordinary 2. Mortar, composed of 100 parts of sand, and 100 of 3. Mortar as before, composed of 150 sand, and 100 of 4. Mortar as before, composed of 200 sand, and 100 of 5. Mortar as before, composed of 250 sand, and 100 of u It is evident from this table," says Mr. Petot, " that it is not by diminishing the number of points of contact, that we diminish the solubility of the lime ; because in that case, it would be necessary that that solubility should decrease, in proportion as the quantity of sand is augmented, which is contrary to the facts." The portions of the mother water which were regained for each sample, were about 130 grammes (2007.7 grs., Tr.) some- times more, and sometimes less than the half of the whole with which each of them was covered ; they had been filtered, and precipitated by the binoxalatc of potash. It might be objected, that the same specimen, although quite homogeneous, would, if divided into many perfectly equal parts, and covered with different doses of water, give as many different solubilities ; for each portion should yield the same weight of lime from an equal surface of contact, or nearly so ; but this remark ceases to have any foundation, when the differences between the quantities of water, and, more particularly, those quan- tities themselves, are trilling, as in the ease before us. ai'I'Kndix. 201 The relative .solubilities of the different specimens being in perfect accordance with the apparent hardness acquired br- each specimen at the time of trial, it thence follows, that the proportions of sand corresponding to the minimum solubility, are also those which confer upon the mixture the greatest hardness. (LVII.) The observations contained in this paragraph, evi- dently apply merely to the first ten or fifteen years following immersion. We are unable to estimate the influence of ages ; it creates between the constituent elements, even of mixtures of rich lime and quartz, placed in certain circumstances, reactions, which it is difficult to explain: reactions from which in time results a cohesive force, which leaves nothing to be desired. But as we have said elsewhere, mortars which continue weak for more than one century, are the same to us as if they would never harden ; for our bridges, locks, piers, dams, &c, have to resist floods, thaws, and bad weather, sometimes even before their entire completion. NOTES ON CHAPTEIl XI. (LVIII.) We made choice of a calcareous sand, of similar grain to the granitic sand of the Dordogne, for the purpose of preparing with it two mortars of the following proportions : — ■ \ Hydraulic lime in paste . . . 100.00 £ Calcareous sand 100.00 No. 2. Lime as before 100.00 Sand do 150.00 We also prepared in the same way, two other mortars in the like proportions, marked below No. 1 bis, and No. 2 bis, with granitic sand. These various mixtures being divided into bricks, and some exposed to the weather, others to the action of a damp soil for fourteen months, gave the following abso- lute resistances per square centimetre : — 202 APPENDIX. I Corresponding resistance-., pel Engush square inch. — Tb. 216.21 lbs. avoir. . I So. 1 to the air . C So. 1 bis 12.24 | 171. 22 16.99 | 241.88 10.80 239.13 Mortars buried in C No. 1 . 12.72 I 181.05 the ground. .( No.'l bis 12.00(170.80 13.(58 194.72 12.48 ! 177.64 Ditto Ditto J No. 2 ( No. 2 ( No. 2 ( No. 2 Thus the superiority is always on the side of the calcareous sand ; though at the same time we observe that the differ- ences are trifling. (LIX.) Whether it were the effect of chance, or that the Romans were acquainted with the mutual relations between the qualities of the lime, and the size of the sand ; they frequently made use of unequal grained sand, with feebly hydraulic mortars, and very coarse sand, sometimes even small gravel, with rich lime. The remains of aqueducts, amphitheatres, baths, &c, which we find at Cahors, Vienne, and other places, prove this. Monge, in visiting the ruins of Cesarea in Syria, found sunken impressions of mouldings and ornaments in the heaps of mortar belonging to the counter- forts which sustained the remains of a temple dedicated to Augustus ; the reliefs were chipped at the edges, but the mortar projected. It was so hard, that Monge in vain tried to break off a bit. Now this mortar was composed of very fine sand and a small quantity of lime, which by its greyish colour, we may presume to be hydraulic. The old ramparts of Vivicrs, (Ardeche,) which they were unable to destroy ex- cept by mining, were cemented with a mortar composed of very fine sand mixed with a white, eminently hydraulic lime. This lime, of which we still continue to make use at the pre- sent day, is generally known along the Rhone by its excellent quality. It is probable, that in these cases chance has led to the choice of the sands, more than intention ; but this does not prevent these very examples, as facts, lending their sup- APPENDIX. 2U3 port to our own experiments, and confirming the rules laid down in Chapter II. (LX.) Loamy or argillaceous particles, deprive powders and sands, which are largely impregnated with them, of the faculty of composing mortars capable of enduring exposure to the weather, in conjunction with the powerfully hydraulic limes, and, a fortiori, with the rich limes. The old canal of Xivernais, is a remarkable instance of this. The locks and other works of art built about thirty-six years ago, with mortar of slightly hydraulic lime and arenaceous sand, were, when the works of that canal were recommenced, in a deplor- able condition. It is especially opposite to the pond at Baye, that the bad quality of these mortars is most remark- able. Nought is to be seen amidst the rubbish of the dila- pidated walls, but a reddish powder, in which we in vain endeavour to find a solid fragment as big as a nut. (LXI.) The explanation of the effects of slaking upon mor- tars of rich lime, when exposed to the air, appears to be as simple as the case of mortars immersed. We see, in fact, that the mortar which has received the smallest allowance of water, is also that which has the least to lose by drying, and in a word that there is more substance, and consequentlv more density in any bulk of mortar, the lime of which has been slaked by immersion or spontaneously, than in an equal bulk of mortar, the lime of which has been earned to the farthest possible limit of expansion by the ordinary pro- cess of extinction. In support of what has been said on this subject in App. XXII., we shall subjoin the following facts. 100 parts by weight of rich lime slaked by the ordinarv process, after fifteen months' exposure (in small quantity) to the air, weighed 59.60. A hundred parts of the same lime, and in paste of equal consistency, which had been prepared by immersion, weighed at the same period 77.10. Now the two hydrates had at this time arrived at that point, at which all external influence had ceased ; that is to say, that their weight varied only in an insensible degree, by a purely liygrometric action, sometimes positive, and sometimes nega- •-NU APPENDIX tire ; it ought here to be remarked, that the bulks wire very nearly equal at the commencement of the experiment. Thus the density of the hydrate of lime slaked by the first process, would finally, if shrinking were impossible, have been no more than 0.77 of the density of the same lime slaked by immersion. The superiority of the spontaneous over the ordinary extinction is explained and understood in a pre- cisely similar way ; but the differences of density cannot be referred to, in comparing the extinction by immersion with the spontaneous method ; the superiority of this latter mode rests upon causes which are at present unknown. With the simply hydraulic and eminently hydraulic limes, the cohesive property surmounts all the rest; and the differences of density, at all events very small, are in a measure lost, in comparison with the adhesive action arising from the perfect division of the material. Moreover, the negative in- fluence of the spontaneous extinction has no other cause, than that whieh has been specified in App. L. (LXII.) Opinions are pretty nearly unanimous, astothebad qualities of a mortar which has been drowned. The an- cients insisted on the necessity of working up the mortar without any addition of water; good mortar, said they, ought to be tempered only with the sweat of the mason d -. It is the fact, that all the power, and all the activity of the cleverest labourer, will not succeed in uniting a very dry sand with a very stiff hydrate of hydraulic lime (these two substances being in tine proportions comprised within ordinary limits) ; "' General Treussart gives an opposite opinion ; and as it would, if correct, contribute materially to the economy of the manufacture of mortars, it is desirable that it should not be entirely neglected without being put to the test. He says, " The following experiments will show, that those are in error who pretend, that mortar should be made witli tin- sweat of the workmen only. It is sufficient that the sand be well mixed with the lime, and this mixture can be made more effectually, and much more economically, when the mortar is in a rather thin paste, than when it is stiff. Besides, there is do inconvenience in making it rather thin, since it frequently becomes Btiffer than what it is required to be when the masons use it ; because, as I have remarked above, quick-lime when reduced to thin paste, retains f'<>r a tolerably long period the faculty of APPENDIX. 205 in such a case it is necessary to add water, and there will be no harm whatever in doing so, provided we do not exceed the proper quantity. Good preparation of mortar, is an ex- cessively hard thing to obtain in a work-yard: this difficulty has suggested to different builders the idea of making use of machines, and thereby rendering the manipulation independ- ent of the will or strength of the workmen. Amongst the more or less ingenious attempts which we might notice, that which seems to have best succeeded, consists in making a strong wheel, built upon the common pattern, to roll over the lime and sand placed in a circular trough. The movement is given by one or two horses harnessed to a gin. This method, designed by M. Saint Leger, has been employed for the fabrication of hydraulic mortars for the canal of Saint Mar- tin ; it is right to add, that in the mortar so worked, the lime and sand are very exactly mixed, and always of the same consistency ; that the economy of workmanship is consider- able, but it is also certain, that the mixture is far from pos- sessing that degree of stiffness which it ought to have; more- over, we can never attain it by the millstone, the wheel, or the harrow. It is to the stamper alone that we must resort to arrive at a solution of this problem, and its solution is not without difficulties. In fact, it is not sufficient to beat with force and rapidity, it must be struck true, that is to say, in such a way that the blows be not lost. Now it is this which constitutes address, a quality of which machines are not sus- ceptible, except up to a certain point. The bad quality of drowned mortar is not merely owing to its want of compactness ; it depends also upon a chemical cause, which it is important to be acquainted with, viz., that solidifying water." (Memoire sur les Mortiers Hydrauliques, p. 13.) It ought not to be forgotten, however, that most of General Treussart's experiments were made with mixtures of common lime, and tarras, or pouzzolana. Now the drowning of the mortar would in such a case only deprive the lime of its power of absorbing water, of which property the set of a compound of rich lime and pouzzolana is quite independent. The case may. however, be very different with hydraulic limes, if they owe any part of their virtues to the faculty of solidifying water Tr. *F 200 APPENDIX. the water which is employed in large quantity, tends to de- compose the silicate of lime with excess of base, and reduce it to the state of the neutral silicate. M. Berthier has re- marked, in fact, that if we take hydraulic lime as it leaves the kiln, and composed for instance of 555 parts of pure lime, to 400 of silica, if we slake and agitate it with a large quan- tity of water, we shall only be able to collect by filtration G15 parts of undissolved matter, or neutral silicate, composed in that case of 400 parts of silica, and 215 parts of lime*. In using the water in small quantity, on the other hand, it would be absorbed and solidified in great part by the com- bination, so that decomposition would not take place. Now there can be no doubt but that the hydrosilicate of lime, in which the whole mass is chemically united, is of more use than a mere mixture of the neutral hydrosilicate and the pure hydrate of lime, which tends to form when too great a quantity of water is made use of. Nevertheless, it may not be impossible to communicate to a mortar, mixed thin, the compactness which results from the stiff consistency given at first; to effect this, it would be best to spread it out in the sun, or in the open air, for the purpose of evaporating the superabundant water quickly ; and afterwards to beat it with stampers, in a trench properly disposed. It will be curious to learn how far a mortar thus prepared, may be equivalent to one obtained directly by a good manipulation. This problem is peculiarly interest- ing in reference to the economy of the labour of its preparation. (LXI II.) This method of guarding the mason's hand against the causticity of the lime, was discovered by Mr. Silguy, Engineer-in-chief of bridges and roads, employed upon the canal from Nantes to Brest ; the workmen found it answer so well, and valued its efficacy so highly, that they would at e The silicate of lime is a compound of lime and silica ; the silicate with excess of base, is a compound in which the lime exceeds its atomic combating proportion. The neutral, that in which they neutralise one another — Tr. APPENDIX. 207 last have gone on to an abuse of it, if care had not been taken. The soaking of the materials is evidently an addition to the labour, which should be taken into account in the detailed estimates. It is true it is sufficient to water the compact stones, such as granite, quartz, mill -stone grit, lime-stone, marble, &c, at the moment of using them ; but a mere as- persion will not answer in regard to spongy and absorbent substances, such as bricks, the soft or arenaceous lime-stones, sand-stones, &c. ; when we have such materials, it is neces- sary to moisten them without ceasing, and to keep them in a permanent state of imbibition. To effect this, and to avoid imposition, it is best to water in mass the heap from which they are taken, so that they may reach the mason's hand in a soaked state. In large work-yards, a fire engine, which pro- jects and spreads the water to a great distance, answers per- fectly for this purpose. It was thus that Mr. Inspector-Ge- neral Deschamps, at the bridge of Bordeaux, watered the bricks piled up on the service bridges. (LXI V.) The influence of slow desiccation upon the good- ness of mortars of hydraulic limes, has been for a long time known in Italy. At Alexandria, in Piedmont, they manufac- ture artificial stones which they call prisms, because being generally used for the construction of the angles of walls, and the starlings of bridges, &c, they have, in fact, the form of a triangular prism. For this they make use of an hydraulic lime, quarried in the neighbourhood of Casal; they slake it after the ordinary mode, and when it has soured five or six days, they put it into the middle of a basin of irregular grained sand, from the substance of common sand, to that of coarse gravel. This sand is chiefly quartzose, containing calcareous debris ; the mixture is now made, and upon this they bestow considerable pains. Before using it, they prepare a triangular prismatic trench of an arbitrary length, on a level space, secure from floods. They smooth the sides with the trowel and a little water, and form the prisms in it in succes- sive layers, inserting in the mortar stones of uniform size re- *F 2 208 APPENDIX. gularly distributed. The prisms are tlien covered with the same earth dug out of ihc trench, so as always to give a thickness at top of 30 centimetres, (ll.s in., Tr.) The pro- portions for a cubic metre (35.3 cubic ft., Tr.) are 0.*2 1 c. (8.47 cubic ft., Tr.) of lime in paste, 0m. 90c. (31.77 cubic ft.,Tr.) of uneven grained sand, and 0m. 20c. (7.06 cubic ft., Tr.) of pebbles. They give the prisms a length of 1.40 c. (4 ft. 6 in., Tr.) to a breadth of side of Oin. 80c. (2 ft. 7^ in., Tr.); they re- main under ground usually for three years, but two arc suf- ficient when the lime is of the best quality; after that time they are removed and applied to use. They will then bear heavy loads ; we have seen them thrown one on the other, from the height of six or seven metres (19^ to 23 ft., Tr.), they were chipped at the edges, but did not break. We left a piece of mortar composed of common granitic sand, and common lime slaked spontaneously, but coated with an hydraulic cement, to prevent the immediate contact of the fluid, underwater for the space of a year; after which it was withdrawn, deprived of its coating, and placed upon the dam]) floor of a cellar, and afterwards, little by little, removed to more elevated situations. After some months, the exterior parts of this brick appeared very hard; we transferred it suddenly from the cellar to a loft, in order to hasten the period of its desiccation a little, and some time afterwards it was subjected to experiment. At the moment of its rapture, the part de- tached divided into two portions, one of which separated from the other, just as the yolk of an egg separates from the white, when it is well boiled. The envelope was pretty hard, but the interior was readily squashed in the lingers. "We again exposed the piece in which this separation had not taken place, to the action of the air, expecting certainly, that at the end of a few months the nucleus and the crust would ex- hibit no difference, but it was not so; the nucleus never attained the hardness of the envelope. The difference was, and always continued to be such, that there was a \ cry marked interruption of continuity between the two parts. Thus the APPENDIX. -209 act of solidification had been rudely interrupted, by the transition from a (rash damp atmosphere to a warm one. This fact was too interesting to allow us to trust to one ex- periment. Such as we have since repeated have all exhibited the same phenomena. Vilruvius (lib. ii. chap, viii.) gives many instances of build- ings near Rome, ruined in a short lime, owing to the too hasty drying of the mortar. The lime, says he, separates from the sand, if the stones (of the masonry) absorb all the moisture by their pores. (LXV.) M. John (in the memoir quoted) mentions, that not long ago, on demolishing one of the columns of the tower of Saint Peter, at Berlin, built about 80 years, and -27 feet in diameter, they found the mortar in the interior of the masonry as fresh as if it had only been applied the day be- fore ; it had the caustic taste, and formed milk of lime with water. But we very often meet with good mortars in the foundations, and in the massive walls of the buildings of the middle ages. We have often discovered the nature of the lime made use of for these mortars, by the particles or lumps of the lime not mixed with the sand ; and we have generally found it to be either rich, or very feebly hydraulic. It results from this, that after a maceration of six or seven hundred years, favoured by the constant humidity of the soil under which they are buried, the mortars of rich lime at last harden ; the term is rather long. With reference to these observations, we shall add the analyses, made by M. Johu, of some old and antique mortars of excellent quality. 210 APPENDIX. TABLE OF THE CONSTITUENT PARTS. Contained in 100 Parts or Mortar. DESCRIPTION. < 'c o c E 3 c 3 i c 1 ■ ■ 3 « r > 8 > "5 •5 | 5 a a a Q < 1. — Mortar six hundred years ^ old, from the cathedral ofV 5.00 8.70 1.25 1.30 83.75 2. — Mortar six hundred years^ old, from the church of Saint | Peter at Berlin, (the founda- \ tion laid in a situation con- i stantlv impregnated with wa- ter,) " ; 1.75 9.25 3.75 6.75 78.50 3. — Roman mortar, from an an-") cient city wall, built at Cologne (. under Aurippa, in the 1st cen- f tury of the Christian era . . J 9.00 15.1G 0.25 4.00 68.00 2.75 4. — Roman mortar, from an anO cient tower built by Agrippa, r at the same period .... J 12.00 24.00 0.25 5.00 5G.00 •2.75 5. — Roman mortar, taken from a J beton built in the Rhine . . S 2.25 6.90 ( 0.35 1.00 - L50 By rendering these results, approximately, into technical language, we find as follows f : ' Being anxious to compare the quantities of lime and sand exhibited by the analyses of old mortars, with the proportions used for the public works, I made some experiments, in order to determine the ratio be- ll the weight of pure lime, and sand, and the measures of hydrate of lime, and sand, in the condition in which they were usually served out for the mixture of mortar, for the Government building-;. I found, that a cubic foot of slaked lime in that condition, (vide note to Appendix 20,) and weighing 30 lbs., contained only l^i li>~. of pur* lime; an equal measure of 6and weighed 75 lbs., which numbers are very nearly iu the APFENDIX. 211 The composition off Hydraulic lime in paste mortar No. 1 That of No. 2 Ditto No. 3 Ditto No. 4 Ditto No. 5 C En 100 560 100 004 100 187 100 137 100 607 £ Quartzosc sand .... Eminently hydraulic lime in paste Quartzose sand . . . f Rich lime in paste . . (. Quartzose sand . { Very rich lime in paste C Quartzose sand . { Feebly hydraulic lime . ( Quartzose sand . . . This reduction is on the supposition — 1st. That in all probability the silica, alumina, and iron dissolved, belonged to the lime. 2d. That the cubic metre of quartzose sand weighs 1400 kil. (3088.8 lbs., Tr.), and that the same bulk of quick lime without voids, also comes to 1400 kil., (3088.8 lbs., Tr.). 3d. That the simply hydraulic lime, gives 1.500 for 1.00 by slaking; the emineutly hydraulic lime 1.00 for 1.00, and the rich or feebly hydraulic lime 2.00 for 1.00. These hypotheses being in accordance with the average results of experiment, must approach very near the truth. This table evidently proves, that the influence of the quali- ties of the lime, and the proportions, is lost in the presence of that of ages, for all the five mortars analyzed, were very hard, especially Nos. 3, 4, and 5. But this astonishing effect of time, is only felt, as I have before remarked, by mortars in foundations, or such as are lodged in the centre of massive proportion of 1 to 4. Hence, if the quantity of pure lime furnished by an analysis, be multiplied by 4, its weight will then be to the weight of silica and insoluble matter of that kind contained in the cement, in the same ratio as the bulks of hydrate of lime and sand would be, if measured in the way I have described in the note above referred to. This rule is however only applicable to analyses of mortars of rich lime, as the varying ratios of expansion in slaking, of the poor and hydraulic limes, cause the same experiments to be necessary, for the elimination of the like rule, for their reduction to technical language. — Tb. •21-2 Airi.Ninx. bodies of masonry ; in a word, where the humidity can have been constantly retained. NOTES ON CHAPTER XIII. (LXVI.) Our observations have led us to think, that the cements of artificial pouzzolanas, obtained by calci- nation of the clays wholly or nearly free from iron, are those whose deterioration is the most marked, when we pass them suddenly, or even by degrees, from a damp situation to a dry atmosphere ; the oxide of iron, therefore, is favourable to cements exposed to the air. The observations which we have made on this kind of phenomenon, are too few to give much weight to this opinion, which it may nevertheless be of use to express. (LXVII.) — * "Three parts of oil heated with one sixth of its weight of litharge, and one part of wax, form a good compo- sition for protecting valuable work. One part of linseed oil, one tenth of its weight of litharge, and from two to three parts of resin, form a suitable composition for common work. " The oils are heated, and applied with a brush over the sur- face to be preserved ; should the surfaces be impregnated with humidity, they must be heated and perfectly dried before paint- ing them. I have made great use of the boiled lithargirated oils, applied hot, on cornices and parts exposed to moisture, and I have in all climates met with unexpected success ; the stuccoes and the walls thus defended, were dry and sound, and resisted both rainy weather and frosts. With respect to compositions containing tar, bitumen, resin, wax, &c, &c., they ought always to be heated before application." " All the pigments composed of oils and the ordinary co- lours, and which have little body, require to be renewed alter ■ few years ; but of those containing wax, resin, &c, a single coat is sufficient; and if the time should arrive when they cease to be of any effect, the hydraulic mortars will by that period have acquired so much solidity, as to oppose sufficient resistance to the usual agents which tend to deteriorate APPENDIX. 213 them." — Raucourt dc Charleville, Traite des Mortiers, pp. 283, 4, and 293. (LXVIII.) In Italy even, where the climate is remarkably mild, the vertical plasters of pouzzolana cement exposed to the north, finally become ruined g ; they repair them by means of rich mastics variously composed. The weak ce- ments overcharged with lime, or those resulting from a bad manipulation, crumble, or become disaggregated by efflores- cence, in the same way as ill-burnt bricks. Cements of good quality split in flakes. These effects of the frost are esta- blished by cases unfortunately too authentic. If, in fact, we consult the military Engineers, as to the pointing in cement applied to the revetments of the forts in the north of France ; the Engineers of roads and bridges, regarding the same ce- 8 During my superintendence of public buildings in the northern divi- sion of the Madras Presidency, I made many endeavours to investigate the cause of the very speedy decay in certain situations, of stuccoes, which in others, apparently similarly exposed, possessed the greatest durability ; and I was soon led to observe the very injurious effects of alternations of moisture and dryness upon mortars composed of rich lime and sand, by no- ticing the almost constant failure of those mortars which exhibited a mottled appearance on first drying. This phenomenon, which is interesting when viewed in connexion with the future durability of a cement, consists in a distinct exhibition of the courses of the masonry through the plaster, the joints being clearly defined, sometimes on a darker, and at others on a lighter ground, and indicating at one time an excess of humidity in the spaces opposite the bricks, and at others opposite the joints. These appearances were generally confined to within a few feet of the lower portion of the walls, which parts alone were subject to the early decay I allude to ; and as they take place in a climate not subject to frost, and de- note a cause of the degradation of mortars hitherto unexamined, it may be useful to notice briefly the leading facts which were observed. Common stucco, when plastered on a wall of brick and mortar, gene- rally presented the appearance, on first drying, of damp joints and dry spaces (opposite the bricks) ; and this seemed to be owing to the spongy nature of the bricks, which, unless fully saturated with water in using them, caused the stucco to part more speedily with its moisture in those parts over them, than elsewhere. After the same stucco has once thoroughly dried, if the situation be damp, these appearances may be reversed, more especially if the bricks be of an absorbent kind, or ill burnt. In tliis case it appears that being kept constantly damp by sucking up moisture 214 APPENDIX. ments applied to locks ; and all the proprietors of manufac- tories, or others, who have been in the way of using them, whether in vertical plastering, or in terracing, &.c, &c, — all will answer in the affirmative. But the intermixture of sand powerfully checks the ex- pansive force of the freezing water, by assimilating the cements, whose texture it modifies, to porous and permeable stones ; to the sand-stones, sandy lime-stones, &c. In fact, it is not the most compact and most impermeable stones, that are the least acted on by the frost ; experience always proves the contrary. The action of frost, presents a class of phenomena which appear incomprehensible, when we look upon them as the mere results of the expansive force of the ice. With the from the earth, they become more charged with it than thestuccoitself, which is of a less permeable nature; and exhaling it during hot weather, render the spaces damp in comparison with the joints, which have remained dry. And it is remarkable also that, in such a case, the phenomena may be again reversed by soaking the whole surface with water; for if the stucco be not a very compact one, so as completely to exclude imbibition, the subsequent desiccation will proceed so much more rapidly opposite the bricks, which will then be comparatively dry, that the joints will continue long damp after the spaces have ceased to be so. Stucco, covering walls built of brick and clay, I have always seen exhibiting dry spaces and damp joints. Roman cement, Mr. Loriot's composition 6tucco, and such as set on first applying them, I have generally observed to present an opposite appearance to common mortars in which the lime has been well tempered. The best mortars, when exposed in situations which occasioned the above phenomena, were liable to early ruin, sometimes within a week of their completion, the decay being invariably confined to the region in which they were manifested ; such as were beyond the reach of the moisture remaining perfectly sound for years. The failure was accompanied by the separation of large flakes, which were detached from the body of the cement, leaving the mass in a crumbling and disaggregated state behind it. These flakes varied in thickness with the age of the mortar, a fact which led me to the supposition, that they might consist of the superficial crust of the regenerated mortar, separated from the part behind it by some inter- nal changes, occasioned by the alternations of moisture and dryness ; bat I found it impossible to prove this point directly, from the difficulty of detecting the separation of a patch of the falling plaster, in time to find the parts in < <>ntact with it still in a caustic state. — Tb. APPENDIX. 215 exception of such stones as are intersected by threads, visible or not, but into which the water may insinuate itself in thin capillary seams, we have hitherto been unable to give any explanation of it. In fact, as often as we endeavour to ap- proach this question, the most contradictory facts present themselves at the same time. Thus, wretched mortars of rich lime, very much overcharged with sand, and which a mere pressure of the finger would crumble, stand a cold of 12° centigrades h , (about -f- 10° Fahrenheit, Tr.,) with impunity, al- though soaked to saturation ; whilst the brick, twenty times harder, falls to powder at 4° or 6° (from 25° to 21° Fahrenheit, Tr.). Some lime-stones of a compact kind("vives"), very hard, intersected in every direction by short closely crowded veins, (as for instance, the Chouin lime-stone, used at Lyons,) en- dure the most severe winters, at the same time that other stones physically alike, (such as those of Saint George's at Cahors,) split in every direction. Lastly, what can we say of those materials, which are liable to injury from frost when impregnated with the water they contained in quarry, and not liable to be acted on after they have lost it, although they may be elsewhere impregnated to saturation by rain water ? In this state of the case, we are compelled, in order to speak with certainty, as to the qualities of such and such materials, to note the manner in which they behave for seve- ral years. And even many years may be insufficient in the southern countries, wdiere severe winters ensue only at long intervals. We must therefore try to multiply the causes of destruction, to the specimens which we make trial of, and gain time by accumulating, as it were, the effects of many winters. To effect this, we shall observe, that after having raised or separated the parts of the substances it acts upon, the crystallized water, for all that, keeps them still clinging to one another, until a thaw; at which period the disunion takes 6 I take this of course, to refer to minus 12° of the centigrade thermo- meter ; and I have given its equivalent accordingly, as about -f- 10° Fahrenheit, or 22° below freezing point. Were it plus 12° instead of minus, it would correspond to very nearly 54° of our thermometer Ta. 210 APPENDIX. place. Hence we infer, that we ought to take the duration of the frosts much less into account, than the number of suc- cessions of frosts and thaws which follow one another. Now we can create as many thaws as we have days of frost in a winter, by each time pouring boiling water over the experi- mental specimens, to melt the ice or snowy efflorescence with which they are covered, and release them from their detached Hakes, if they have any. It was in this way that we proceeded with respect to ;i number of fragments of mortars and cements of all kinds, which we studied. The results, which are made known in the thirteenth chapter, are the fruit of the observations often con- secutive winters, amongst the number of which, is that of 1819 and 20, when the thermometer fell to 1*2° of the centi- grade, (about 10° Fahrenheit, Tr.) (LXIX.) Whilst we were engaged with these researches, Mr. Brard, (then director of the collieries of Lardiu, in the department of Dordogne,) tried to distinguish the stones which are injured by frost, from those which are not so, by substituting for the expansive force of congealing water, that of an easily crystallizable salt, the sulphate of soda. No sooner were we made acquainted with this happy idea, than we were eager to try it upon our mortars. In conformity with the directions of the able mineralogist whom we have just named, a hundred specimens were impregnated with a warm saturated solution of the sulphate of soda, and then exposed in a loft to the temperature of 25° to 30° centigrade, (77° to 86° Fahrenheit, Tr.,) and lastly, washed from day to day with pure water. These specimens were not long in giving signs of degradation, in the following order: — AFTER TWENTY-FOUK HOURS. All the mortars of rich limes have become slightly disaggre- gated. The progress is more perceptible, and more widely diffused, in the set of ordinary (as regards the slaking) speci- mens, than the immersion (as to extinction) series. The spontaneous (extinction) set are the least injured. UPPENDIX. 217 The mortars of hydraulic lime and fine gravel, or very coarse sand, split at the corners; those with fine sand, stand well. AFTER FORTY-EIGHT HOURS. The three series of mortars of rich lime, are in decompo- sition, with the exception of the numbers of the spontaneous series, which correspond to the proportions of 50, CO, 70, and 80 parts of sand, to 100 of lime in paste. The other " rich" mortars detach thick flakes and split at the corners ; the "poor" ones become disaggregated superficiallv. The mortars of hydraulic lime, and gravel, or very coarse sand, have completely crumbled to pieces; those in which the sand is fine, continue to stand well. AFTER SEVENTY-TWO HOURS. None of the mortars of rich lime remain, except numbers 1 and -2 of the spontaneous series. Of the mortars composed of hydraulic limes and fine sand, the "richest" split at the corners, the " poorest" continue to do well. The observations were continued for 24 davs ; after the twelfth, not one of the mortars remained unimpaired, except those of very poor hydraulic limes, and the mortar of the spontaneous series of rich lime, corresponding to the propor- tions of 50 sand to 100 of lime in paste, which continued well till the twenty-third day. We have thus been con- vinced, that the agency of the alkaline salt is much more powerful than that of water frozen in our climate. We were about to have instituted other experiments made with solu- tions variously charged, when an accident diverted us from it. In trying, in fact, to recover from the washings the por- tions of salt dissolved by the successsivc eleutriations, we perceived that the form of the crystals was no longer the same. Instead of six-sided prisms, we got nothing but crystals flattened into buttons, and entirely of a different structure. No doubt then, the alkaline ley had acted upon the lime of the mortar. 018 APPENDIX, M. Brard's process therefore can no longer be applied to this description of materials. We should, however, recom- mend it, when we only wish to establish the relative qualities of cements or mortars. It will then perfectly indicate the order in which the compounds will be able to resist the action of cold; and if we moderate the effects of the crystallization, by impregnating the bodies under trial with a solution not saturated, it is probable that some day we may succeed in discovering that degree of solution which suits bricks and stones, to represent with precision, in respect to them, the power of congealed water, at this or that degree of the thermometer; but it is hardly any where, except in the north, that such an experiment can well be made. We have said, that mortar composed of rich lime slaked spontaneously, and compounded in the proportions of 50 sand to 100 of lime in paste, continued to do well until the twenty-third day ; and this at a time when excellent mortars of hydraulic lime, and calcareous stones of acknowledged goodness, did not last beyond the seventh or eighth day ; such an experiment deserved to be repeated, and it was so, with the same success. The mortar which behaved in this manner was six years old, its relative resistance by super- ficial ce^/we/re corresponded to 4.80 kil. (68.32 lbs. avoirdu- pois per square inch, Tr.) This is not, as we may sec, quite half of the mean relative resistance of mortars of hy- draulic limes '. Now there are a multitude of cases in reference to ordinary buildings, in which the mortars of revetments have absolutely nothing to contend against bnt the weather, and are besides sufficiently strong, when there is nought to fear from the frost. We do not think, that in this respect it is possible to devise any thing in the way of a mixture of lime and sand, which offers a better assurance than the mortar above mentioned. i Vide Article 282 — Tn. APPENDIX. Q19 NOTES ON CHAPTER XIV. (LXX.) Loriot's process consists in introducing into mortar, worked to a thin consistency, such a quantity of quick lime in powder, that the superabundant water of the mixture may suffice for its extinction, and that consequently, the mixture, without reaching that degree of desiccation pro- ducing pulverulence, may nevertheless become solid in a few instants. Loriot's process, like many others, has been very much in vogue, and like many others also, has ended by falling into oblivion. Such is the usual fate of all false conceptions, and that was certainly one, which viewed the induration of mor- tars as the mere result of a more or less rapid desiccation, and in consequence, supposed it possible to obtain this end, by the introduction of a powerful absorbent k . Specimens cast in mortar of hydraulic lime prepared according to M. Loriot's process, although afterwards sub- mitted to the influence of a very slow desiccation under a fresh soil, never attained more than a moderate hardness. It seemed, that the introduction of the quick lime in powder, how- ever it might have hastened the set, had not made up for the want of density inseparable from the thin consistency which k Mr. Smeaton says of this process, " I have made trial of this me- thod, both in small and in large ; for however little likelihood of advan- tage a proposition may contain, yet, when this concerns a physical pro- cess, nothing can be safely concluded but from actual trial : and I must candidly own that the effect was much better than I had expected; for I found the composition not only set more readily than mortar as commonly made up, but much less liable to crack, and consequently, if this cement was made use of in water building, it was less apt to re-dissolve, because it would more speedily get set to a firmer consistence, and so as more ably to resist the water from entering its pores ; but when the water was brought upon it, in whatever state of hardness it was at the time, it at best remained in that state without any further induration, while the water remained upon it ; and as I expect would so remain, till it had some op- portunity of acquiring hardness by further drying."— Construction of the Eddystone Lighthouse. In operating with the pure shell-lime of Madras, I have myself found 00(( APPENDIX. we wore obliged to give the mixture of Band and slaked lime in the first instance. NOTES ON CHAPTER XV. (LXXI.) " Iii 1706, Messrs. Parker and Wyatt obtained the royal patent for the manufacture in London of a par- ticular kind of lime, which they termed water cement, and to which they afterwards gave the name of Roman cement, a name the more unsuitable, as the Romans neither were ac- quainted with, nor ever made use of any thing of the kind. This speculation has had the greatest success, and it has given birth to several others of the same kind, which prosper equally. " M. Lesage, a military Engineer, made known, twenty years ago, the properties of a kind of lirne which they made use of at that time at Boulogne-sur-Mer, (Dover straits,) and which he has designated by the name of platre cement. We learn from the very circumstantial report of it which he published in the " Journal des Mines," vol. XII., p. 145, that that lime is precisely the same material as the English this process answer very well for the composition of stucco ; for after a comparison during two years, of surfaces similarly exposed, containing from 120 to 150 square feet each, I found M. Loriot's composition very superior in hardness, and in resistance to atmospheric changes, to the ordinary stucco of irell tempered rick lime and sand. It is, how- ever, very difficult to get workmen unaccustomed to it to apply it pro- perly, as a little want of care mars the whole effect. It is also more expensive. The mortars above alluded to were worked up and applied with iaghery (coarse sugar) dissolved in water. Mr. Smeaton agrees with Dr. Hingins in thinking, that both for dry and water works the use of fresh slaked lime, of whatever kind, is preferable to M. Loriot's process; and I am quite of this opinion myself, with respect to hydraulic lime quenched hoi from the kiln and pulverised, which will be found to produce as good an effect with les> labour and uncertainty. — Tn. APPENDIX. 221 natural cement. M. Drappiez has given a very exact analysis of the Boulogne stone, which we shall now compare with that furnished by an analysis of the English one. " Carbonate of lime ... Carbonate of magnesia . Carbonate of iron Carbonate of manganese rSilica Clay, -J Alumina (.Oxide of iron. . Water 1 English stone. Boulogne stone. 657 616 5 . . 60 60 19 . . 180 150 66 48 30 13 1000 66 970~ '' The English stone is of a brown grey colour, compact, line grained, and susceptible of polish ; its specific gravity is 2.59. That of Boulogne is also compact, very fine grained, and susceptible of polish, but it is of a yellowish grey colour ; it has never been met with except in rolled pebbles on the sea beach ; while the English stone is dug out from the marls, where it is found imbedded in the form of nodular masses. " Saint Petersburg has now, like London, its natural cement; it owes this advantage to Messrs. Clapeyron and Lame, French mining Engineers, temporarily attached as professors to the Polytechnic Institute of Russia. This discovery has already effected important saving in the execution of the great hydraulic works to which the natural cement has been applied." (Extract from M. Berliner's Memoir on hydraulic lime-stones.) We have ourselves met with natural cements on the banks of the Loire, between Nevcrs and Briare, and at Baye, at the point of junction of the canal of Nivernais; but in their quickness of setting, and final induration, they were not equal, either to the English cement, or that of Boulogne. 222 appendix. The following is an analysis of the cement of Bave. Bluish grey Argillaceous Lime-stem . Carbonate of lime 3-20 Silica . * 520 Alumina S Carbonate of magnesia 40 Alumina and iron, dissolved 94 Water 30 1010 This cement set three days alter immersion, and at the end of one year exhibited a hardness, measured by the de- sion of 3.65 mill. 0.13070 inch, Tr.) ' NOTES ON CHAPTER XVI. (LXXI1.) — * Extracts from the analysis (by Dr. Malcolm- son) of the cement from the pyramid of Cheops. (1.) A hundred grains of this cement, having been pulve- 1 The following is an analysis of the cement referred to in the note to Art. 24, and the mineral composing which was brought from Bezoarah in the Guntoor district of the Madras presidency. It is found on the banks of the river Kistnah, and in the immediate vicinity, as I was in- formed, in the f>rni of small irr gular shaped nodules, of a dark bluish grey colour, of various shades, very hard, susceptible of a dull j olish, specific gravity 2. .52. The constituents in 100 parts were, lime 43.5, silica and alumina 18, arbonic acid 36. The silica and alumina which remained behind on dissolving the stone in acid, presented the appearance of a black clay ; but the lime was of a buffcolour after calcination. This cement, when made into -till paste, and immersed in the manner prescribed in the beginning of this volume, (Articles 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,) set in 48 hour-; and in 15 da\s was so firm, that I was unable to thrust the needle (Art. 20 j into it, and was obliged to desist for fear of breaking it. At the end of nine months, its hardness was measured by the instrument used by M. Vicat, and was indicated bya depression of 0.15 of an inch; no part '.f the surface baling been removed previous to this trial. — Tr. APPENDIX. 223 rised, and dried at a steam heat, were immersed in six ounces of pure water, and after standing over night, were heated in contact with it, for the purpose of removing its soluble salts, Tt was then separated from the water by filtration, washed, and dried, and on weighing amounted to 81.5 grains, having lost 18.5 grains of soluble matters, which were examined sepa- rately, and found to consist of sulphate of lime 15.3, sul- phate of soda 3.2. (2.) The residue of 81.5 grains, left after the separation of the above soluble salts, was now treated with dilute muriatic acid, (of which 4 cubic inches were used,) and lost of car- bonic acid 4.7 grains. If to this be added 2 cubic inches of the gas, (or 0.94 grains,) for the absorption by the 4 in. of fluid, the whole weight of carbonic acid in the cement will be 5.(>4 grains" 1 . (8.) The insoluble parts which were left behind after the action of the muriatic acid in the last process, were now separated froni the solution by filtering, and after being washed and dried, were found to weigh 54.7 grains. This consisted principally of crystals of sulphate of lime, with alumina". (4.) The solution just mentioned, and washings, &c, having been tested for magnesia, iron, silica, and other matters, un- successfully, was now boiled with excess of carbonate of potash, which threw down a precipitate, (of carbonate of lime, &c.,) which when washed, dried, and weighed amounted to 19.9 grains; and was reduced by ignition to 11 grains. Of m Particular attention was paid in this analysis, to the determination of the exact quantities of carbonic acid and lime, and the processes were re- peated, and varied once or twice, with close agreement in the results. Part of the cement was also, previous to analysis, reduced to powder, and tested by moistened turmeric paper, the solution of sulphate of iron, and the tincture of galls, &c, to detect the presence of caustic lime, but no trace was observable. n The insoluble residue mentioned in process 3, was levigated with oil and powdered charcoal, and the whole then ignited. On digesting par! of the powder which remained after this process, first in caustic potash to separate alumina, and then (after washing) in dilute nitric acid, fch whole was dissolved without any residue ; whence I concluded that i; consisted of lime and alumina only Tr. *G 2 224 APPENDIX. this, by a subsequent process, 0.8 is found to be alumina ; the remainder pure lime. (5.) In order to ascertain the amount of water in a hundred grains of the cement, that quantity, after being dried at 212", was put into a bent glass tube, one portion of which contained chloride of calcium, and which was connected at its extremity with the mercurial trough. On applying heat, much water was given off, a very small quantity of which (estimated at about one grain) escaped from a leak in the apparatus. After completing the process, the chloride was found to have gained 16.5 grainsin weight, to which if we add the one grain which escaped, we shall have the whole quantity of water separated from the cement, which will amount to 17.5 grains. This, however, includes both the water associated with the car- bonate of lime, and that contained in the sulphates of lime and soda. The constituents of 100 grains of the cement are as follows : Soluble salts, consisting of sulphates of lime and soda 18.5 grains Carbonic acid 5.04 Lime 10.7 Alumina 0.3 Insoluble substances, consisting of alumina and crystals of selenite 5 J .7 Water associated with the carbonate of lime, and loss 10.10 Total grains 100.00 (LXXIII.) There have been discovered at Euriage, not far from Grenoble, the remains of an ancient fish-pond, the borders of which were thickly incrusted °. When submitted ° " In May 18 — , I fixed a stick on a mass of travertine covered with water, and I examined it in the beginning of the April following, for the purpose of determining (he nature of the depositions. The water was lower at this time, yet I had some difficulty, by means of a sharp pointed hammer, in breaking the mass which adhered to the bottom of the stick ; APPENDIX. 225 to examination, the incrusting matter dissolved eonipletely in nitric acid, the ferro-prussiate of potash occasioned a slight precipitate of the Prussian blue, and the muriate of barytes also precipitated a small portion of the sulphate of barytes ; whence it results, that independently of the lime, the frag- ment experimented on contained also a little iron and sul- phate of lime. It is certain that the ancient cements, separated from in- crustations, would not possess sufficient consistency to be cut into thin plates, and afterwards take a polish. The thickness of the coating of carbonate of lime which covers these ce- ments is very variable, in some parts of the channel of the aqueduct of Gard, it amounts to 0.05 m. (1.968 inches, Tr.) (LXXIV.) The massive masonry of the ancient Bastile of Paris could only be destroyed by mining ; a few years ago, there were still to be seen at Agen, near the Gravier-gate, the remains of a bridge which was thought to be old from the hardness of its mortar: they were obliged also to use powder to remove the remains of a pier which was in the way of the promenade. This bridge, the construction of which the lovers of the marvellous would gladly have referred back to the Pelasgi, was built in 1180, in virtue of a charter of Richard the First, king of England, and at that time ruler of a part of France. The mortar of the bridge of Valentre, built at Cahors in 1400, is in every respect similar, both as to the quality of the lime, the proportions, and the size of the sand, to that of an ancient theatre, the ruins of which are to be found in the same town, six or seven hundred paces from the river. Frequently repeated trials have shown only a very slight difference between the resistance of antique and old mortar ; and that difference is entirely in favour of the latter. it was several inches in thickness. The upper part was a mixture of light tufa and the leaves of confervae ; below this was a darker and more solid travertine, containing black, and decomposed masses of conferva; ; in the inferior part, the travertine was more solid, and of a grey colour." — Sir H. Davy, Consolations in Travel, p. 127. — Tr. APPENDIX. NOTES ON CHAFltK XVII. I XXV.)—* A detail of the facts alluded t >. i latiw the induration of magnesia, will be found in Note '2 to Ap- pendix V., and the following are the particulars of a similar experiment with the powder of sulphate of lime (plaster of Paris). One hundred and thirty-six grams of the common calcined sulphate of lime were diffused in water, and then pal aside and allowed to set and harden. A few days afterwards, the solid cake was removed, and exposed for several hours to a steam heat, after which it appeared quite dry. It was now weighed, and found to have increased IS grains, to which an additional allowance of about 2 grains was due, on account of the quantity dissolved in the water of im- mersion. The cake was afterwards reduced to powder, and a^ain exposed to the steam bath for about an horn, without perceptible change, and it was then re -immersed, but found to be incapable of again solidifying under water. As this experiment was undertaken merely with the view to ascertain the fact of the solidification of water during the set of the sulphate of lime, no pains were taken to measure the ratio of combination, in order to which, it would have been necessary to have used ihc sulphate in the precise condition of being entirely Greed from water, but at the same time not over burned. Mr. Graham (Transactions of the K< >j a] . ty of Edinburgh, Vol. XIII. p. 313) state>. that when calcined at 270 : , it is entirely anhydrated, and is then capable of recombining with two equivalents of water, which would amount to 36 grains to 136 of the sulphate. When calcined at too high a heat, it refuses entirely to recombine with it, and is technically termed burnt stucco. — Tr. \\VI — *The following particular of the experiments alluded to, are extracted from my memoianda. Experiment 1. — Two parti t Rajahmundry (.lay, (a white APPENDIX. 007 kind of pipe-clay, which did not effervesce, or lose weight, by diffusion in nitric acid,) were calcined at a red heat, on an iron plate, for half an hour, and then made into a stiff paste with slaked rich lime, and set in six hours. 2.— Three hundred grains of the same calcined powder were immersed at the same time, and kept under water for twdvc hours. The water was then poured off, and the powder dried at a steam heat, and weighed ; when it was found to amount to 299.5 grains, the 0.5 gr. having been lost in the process. Hence it is evident that, during the period of soli- dification of the above cement, there was no absorption of fluid to which to attribute it. 3. — And the following experiment proves, that the com- pound also does not combine with, and solidify water during its set ; (unless indeed, it be explained by supposing a union so feeble as to be decomposed at a steam heat;) for 300 grains of a similar calcined clay, and 300 grains of well slaked rich lime, after being made into a stiff paste, and immersed, set in six hours, but were retained in the water for two days ; after which, on being taken out, and dried at a temperature of 212° F., the weight was found to be 599 grains, a loss of one grain having occurred in making the powders into paste and mixing them. 4. — A quantity of the Rajahnmndry clay of Experiment 1. calcined in powder, as in that experiment, was kept in water for a month and eight days, and then taken out and made up into a stiff paste with half its weight of slaked rich lime ; and it was found on immersion to set in six hours as before. 5. — A mixture in stiff paste, composed of two parts of a calcined clay powder, and one part of slaked rich lime, and which set in three hours, was allowed to remain immersed for six weeks. It was then taken out, reduced to fine powder, sifted, and again made into a stiff paste and re-immersed. It set the second time very slowly and imperfectly, but was strong enough to bear the needle in six days. On first so- lidilication it soiled the finger when touched, and though possessing some cohesion as a mass, appeared to have but 228 AlTKNDlX. little intimate connection between its particles, as the surface was easily destroyed by gently rubbing it. These detects, however, were not permanent; they ceased to be conspicuous alter the first month of immersion. — TV. (LXXV1I.) This work had been completed, when M. Girard de Caudcmberg, Engineer of roads, published, under the un- assuming title of " Notice," a lengthened memoir on hydraulic Him tars composed with arenaceous sands. The positive re- sults made known in this memoir having been communicated to us a long time since by the Author, are contained in the preceding general compendium. We shall therefore confine ourselves in what follows, to noticing some novel assertions, which appear to us to be in manifest contradiction to well established facts; and further, to the discussion of the degree of probability of the theoretical inductions, by means of which M. Girard has attempted to explain the solidification of mortars and cements. M. Girard says, in relation to cements of calcined amies, compared with cements of arenes in the natural state, " that after one year there was no appreciable difference between the consistency of one and the other, excepting in the ex- ternal parts, to the depth of one or two centimetres (.39 or .7S inch, Tr.) ; that, consequently, the only advantage afforded by calcination, is that of hastening, in a remarkable manner, tin- period when the set of the bctons is completed. The (aCt may be true, but the consequence which H. Gi- rard deduces therefrom cannot be general, as it is founded Only upon one particular ease of calcination. This En- gineer, in fact, confined himself (page 25 of his Memoir) to heating his arenes till they changed colour, in a sheet iron < a/ior«//ii(j basin ; while he ought to have pushed the heat to a strong incandescence, and kept the substance in that con- dition for fifteen or twenty minutes; M. Girard would then have obtained a highly eiienjclic artificial pouzzolana. instead of B s/)///>ti/ energetic one, which his process afforded. \\ e pass over in silence some minor details, tin- object of which is to compare the price of the cubic metre of mortar APPENDIX. 229 of hydraulic lime and common sand, with that of the cubic metre of rich lime and calcined arene; because an error or exaggeration in a matter of that kind is not likely to be dan- gerous, experience being always prompt in doing justice. In the second part of his Memoir, M. Girard developes Macquer's system, and attributes the excess of the resistance of mortar over that of its gangue, to the necessity the aggre- gate is placed in, to break with a jagged surface in lieu of a plain and even one, which would be that which the gangue would assume in its fracture, were it not mixed with sand. We have, in Chapter XVII., seen what objections we have made to this hypothesis, which is not even sup- ported by the first and indispensable experiments, whereby we ought to endeavour to ascertain what the ordinary abso- lute resistance of a prismatic solid, taken in the direction of its axis, will be, when owing to any obstacles whatever, the plane of its fracture is obliged to assume various degrees of inclination towards that axis. A Ye may make up for this deficiency, though imperfectly, by saying, that from 0° to 45° the resistance remains sensibly proportional to the area of surface. (This assertion is de- lhid from numerous experiments made upon various condi- tions of the rupture of solids of inextensible fibres, of which experiments we submitted an account to the Academy of Sciences, at its sitting of the 11th December, 1826.) This being admitted, it is easy to satisfy ourselves with a lens, or the naked eye, that the limit of 45° is far from being attained by liif average inclination of the various faces exhibited by the sections of fracture of the mortars of line sand; and that in consequence, the development of the linear outline taken from these sections, can never be in the ratio of 1414 to 1000 p , to that whieh would be exhibited by a matrix cm- p 1.414, &c, is the square root of 2, which is the ratio of the hypo- thenuse of a right angled isosceles triangle to its base ; and consequently also, the ratio of the development of any number of these lines forming an irregular jagged section, to the base they stand on, when their constant inclination to it is 45°. — Tr. •2:30 aipknpix. ployed without Band, and supposed to be stnoot/i and plane in its fracture. Now, not only does the hydrate of hydraulic lime not show a smooth fracture, hut the inequalities it pre- sents seem to be pretty nearly of the same kind as those of the mortars of fine sand. After this, how can we account for the proportion of 3.6 to 1.0 afforded by experiment, between the resistance of a good mortar of line sand, and that of its matrix. We shall then fail to explain the solidification of good mortars, as long as we persist in denying to sand a very notable influence upon the cohesion acquired by the hydrate of hydraulic lime which envelopes it. This influence is Its placed beyond a doubt by Mr. Petot's experiments (App. LVI.). In the latter part of his memoir, M. Girard discusses se- veral facts relative to hydraulic Cements composed with rich lime and clay, calcined, or in the natural state ; and arrives at this conclusion, " that the solidification of mortars of ar- gillaceous pouzzolana, depends upon the combination which takes place, between the lime and the silica on the one hand, and between the lime, the alumina, and the oxide of iron on the other." We shall refrain from following M. Girard through this discussion, 1st, Because it does not comprehend all the known facts respecting artificial pouzzolanas ; and amongst these facts there are some very important ones which are far from accommodating themselves to the hypothesis laid down. 2dly, Because we consider the method adopted by the author, for separating the silica from the alumina and oxide of iron in ochreous clays, to be inadequate ; and that there is reason to suppose that a combination of silica and alumina has been constantly taken for silica alone, a circumstance which brings to nought all the consequences drawn from so inexact a Mipposition q . f iron on the other, by means of hydrochloric (.muriatic, Tr.) acid, and ammonia. APPENDIX. Q31 Wo agree with M. Girard, that it is impossible to disallow a chemical action in the solidification of cements; but we also think, that the question which has for its object the de- termination of how, and between what principles, that com- bination particularly takes place, is still to be solved. These observations, and those which precede them, do not amount to more than the researches of mere theory, and in no way invalidate the important and positive facts made known by M. Girard regarding the hydraulic properties of the arenes. The title which this engineer has acquired to the esteem and gratitude of builders, is therefore not the less deserved, nor less secure. Now clays treated by hydrochloric acid in excess, do not, even after many days" digestion, part with more than a portion of their alumina. Some even, scarcely yield 2 or 3 per cent, of it— Original Xvte. THE END. TABLE S. TABLES. ACCOUNT OF THE MANNER IN WHICH THE EXPERIMENTS WERE MADE. All the compounds, whether mortars or cements, (unless when the tables expressly mention the contrary,) were kneaded stiff and, as nearly as possible, to the same degree of consistency, by the aid of a pestle. The compounds intended for immersion were put into rather deep than broad cups, sometimes of glass, sometimes of Delft, or common glazed earthenware, and were covered with pure water immediately after their preparation. The compounds intended to harden underground, or in the air, were either buried, or exposed under sheds, in the form of quad- rangular prisms, having for section a rectangle of four or five cen- timetres (1.575 in. to 1.97 in., Tr.) base; to 25 to 40 mille- metres (0.98 in. to 1.97 in., Tr.) of height. The quickness of set of the immerged compounds was measured by the number of days which elapsed, from the instant of immer- sion, to the moment when the surface of the substance was able to bear, without any appreciable depression, a knitting needle of 0.0012m. (0.47 in., Tr.) in diameter, filed at right angles at one of its extremities, and loaded at the other with a leaden knob, of tlu- weight of 0.30 kil. (10 oz. 9 (lis. avoir., Tr.) The relative hardnesses of the same compounds were generally ascertained by the penetration* of a steel pin, very slightly tapered, and terminated at its lower extremity, perpendicularly to its axis, * We imagined at one time, that we could deduce from a certain number of experiments given in our first work, "that tlie iquarei of the numbers cx- preuing the depths <>f penetration of a needle impelled l>y a shock into any sub stance, are reciprocally proportional t<> the relative or absolute resistances of FABLES. j; , by a small plane circular surface of 0.166 cent. (0.0053 in., Tr.) diameter. This pin, loaded with a weight of 6.9961 kil. (2 lbs. 3oz. 2£ dr. avoirdupois, nearly, Tr.), fell freely from a constant height of five centimetres (1.97 in., Tr.). Sometimes also, we made use of a piercer similar to that which Perronet employed in measuring the hardness of stones ; the indi- cations set down in the tables in that case make express mention of this. The abolute resistances of the prisms which were buried, or ex- posed to the air, have been deduced from the relative resistances of these same prisms by determining from a sufficient number of experiments, and for the dimensions laid down, the actual value assumed by the co-efficient represented by A in the formula of Galileo. Some Engineers are in the habit of delaying the immersion of the trial betons, until they have allowed them to acquire a firm consistency in the air. The results thus obtained are alto- gether delusive, and cannot be compared with what takes place on a large scale. The experiments which have for their object the comparison of the quickness of set of the various betons, require great care, and are liable to causes of anomaly which we have it not always in our power to avoid. Whatsoever efforts we may make to give the same degree of consistency to the paste of the betons which we wish to compare, it is extremely difficult at all times to obtain any great degree of exactness, because, according to the process of slaking, and the nature of the lime, and the ingredients, we are obliged to make use of different quantities of water. Now it takes very little, either in excess, or defect, to retard or accelerate the set by a day or two. We have not, moreover, been able to make all our experiments in the same season ; so that some betons were immerged in the violent heat of summer, and others at a mean temperature; a cir- cumstance which must have differently influenced the quickness of set. We have, in fact, had occasion to remark, that hydraulic that substance;" and according to that principle, the depths of penetration were transformed, by calculation, into numbers proportional to the resistances ; but after the very judicious observations of If. Vauthier, the Engineer, we have resolved upon returning to the numbers expressing the deptlis. 236 TABLES. mortars and cements, immersed in warm water at 40 degrees, (101° Fahrenheit, TV.,) were capahle of supporting the trial needle in a few hours, while corresponding ones kept in a flowing stream at 7 degrees, (444° Fahrenheit, Tr.,) could not do so till after many days. But these variable influences only sensibly affect the period of first set, and when that period was required to be an essential element of comparison in our researches, we took means to avoid all the causes of error. The measure of the relative resistances was also attended with numerous difficulties, which depended principally upon the small - ness of the prisms, and the unequal influence of the carbonic acid of the atmosphere upon their different faces, according to their particular position during the period of consolidation. It was, besides, necessary to take into account the difference in the dimensions of these prisms, not only because in each solid the sum of the particles regenerated by carbonic acid is not pro- portional to the whole bulk of the substance, but also because the relative resistances are not, as was till now supposed, proportioned to the relation between the square of the height of the section of fracture, to the length of the prism under experiment. We shall conclude by remarking, that when we compare the re- sistances of mortars which fulfil various functions in a building, we ought to have regard to the change of place and condition which we cause them to undergo in submitting them to trials. Mortars, and some stony substances which are able to absorb a certain quantity of water, lose in such case, from \ to $ of their strength ; whence it follows, that mortars buried underground, or those which we take from the foundations of an edifice, to compare with others, ought to be tried at once, if we wish to ascertain the real resistance which they were capable of in the very spot they occupied. The machines which were made use of in measuring the resist- ances of mortars and cements, are represented, with explanatory notes, in plates 2 and 3 placed after the tables. ATPENDIX. 237 TABLE No. I. IN SUPPORT OF CHAPTER I. Comparison of the Qualities of various Limes, with the Chemical Composition of the Lime-stones furnishing them. CONSTITUENTS IN 100 PARTS. DESCRIPTION OF THB INGREDIENTS. LIME-STONES FURNISHING RICH LIME. Crystallized carbonate oflime. 100 Carrara marble Ion Incrustations on the walls of | the aqueduct of Gard 99.15 Fresh water lime-stone of Cha- teau Landon, compact, yel- lowish colour, slightly vesi- cular 97.00 Lime-stone from Cartravers (Cotes du Nord), lamellar, of a blueish grey colour ... . 92.42 LIME-STONES FURNISHING POOR LIME. Sandv lime-stone of Calviac (Diirdogne) 70.00 Coarse lime-stone of Dessin ( Loire Inferieure) CI. 89 Lamellar lime-stone of Ville- franche (Aveyron), colour ochrcous 60.09 LIME-STONES FURNISHING FEEBLY HY- DRAULIC LIMK. Coarse compact lime-stone of Quilly (Loire Inferieure) .. 74.60 Tufa of \ toy, near the banks of the Loire (Xievre) • ■ 90.00 Shelly lime-stone, from the neighbourhood of Songy (Nievre) (0.0(1 LIME-STONES FURNISHING HYDRAULIC LIME. Secondary lime-stone from! Nismes (Card), compact, yellowish 82.50 Oehreous vellow lime-stone, of Champ vert (Nievre) 82.63 Coarse lime-stone from Pom-; peau i Isle el \ Maine), called; " brnle-mort vert " i 7.5.03 Marly lime-stone, from the hillock at I'oids de fer, on the banks of the Loire (Xie- vre) K.00 Marly lime-stone of Baraigue (Lot), bituminous, blueish grey colour N2.25 LIMESTONES FUH N IM! I NO am N I NTI. Y HVDHAUI.IC LIMK. Castina (flux) from the plains of Iiarree, near Sardy (Yonne) '. 65.00 Marl; time-stone of Devay, near Devise ( \levn0 i:n..-,ii Marly lime-stone from the val- ley of liiegco (N'ievre) 78.00 Semi-compact limestone of Fortotot, near Bee d'Allier. 00.76 Vellow limestone, of the do- main of Fleury , near IK-cise. 77.40 0.30 0.40 l.oo 1.25 i..-,r 3.10 3.40 5.00 0.00 4.00 7.00 -..Mi 8.00 7--'" 6.00 6JU 0.3.5 0.45 .... 0.(i0 3.67 2.00 3.10 4.90 6.20 8.40 11.(10 9.50 8.96 10.50 26.25 I .00 1 1. I'll II JO 13.SS 24.75 20.00 3.00 2.91 7.44 30.30 17-40 0.40 1.1S 0.37 1.67 2.04 1.71 0.78 1.30 2.00 1.25 1.00 +6.00 indef. do. ndef. do. (lavs. 14.00 9.00 15.00 4.00 3.00 I 112 <• V M S ~ 6.00 none, do. do. do. do. do. do. inches. 0.33<>7 0.4397 0.5472 0.2126 0.1988 4.0(1 0.2291 0.2382 0.2205 3.00 0.11R1 4.110 3.00 0.1181 0.0945 1551 REMARKS. All the hydrates submit- ted to experiment, had a year's immersion. Most of the analyses are by myself, the rest are due to Mr. Berthier, Engineer in chief. The written statements of the experiments, from which most of the annexed results have been extracted, arecer titled bv the engineers attached to the canals of the Isle, Ranee, and Loire. * The iron is in the state of carbonate, ] The manganese is in the state of car bonate. The needle penetrates the hydrates by de pressing their ' sub- stance, without pio during splinters. The hydrates of emi- nently hydraulic lime', ■'iter under the blow of the proving needle. - APPENDIX. rABLE No. II. iv sl'PPOKT Off CHAFT1 Compausom of mr. Habdnem am- Ar.-oiin Resistance of Compounds, resulting from the Union of Water with various Limes. Absolute an it ■ Atoirdu- s 1 : = - - Relative of the com- pounds. c - z ~^ Specific "of the com- pounds. Of (he lime-stones which fur- :-d the time. EM1XF.NT1.Y 11 VDRAU- i K , . ■ . ,. - I 1 1 1 IMF J Slaked bv the first process. FROM BODGAftDE (*A KN FT f^J» {'> *« "ZgfJ**- BAH* J Ditto by the third ditto. lbs. lbs. |-172|1-212 i lr2M 1 1-143 ) THE SAMS. FROM MONTELIMART IDKOMEL HYDRAULIC LIME. FROM THE Ev nnra iuarm. | Slaked by the fir^t process. < Ditto b\ the second ditto. ( Ditto by the third ditto. /Slaked by the first process. Ditto bv t! . ( Ditto bv the third ditto. 3JK» 14-1' 13-1 341 171 ; -34? 1-435 1 " 11-4 - .155 S tup cwr ( Slaked bv the first process. 27-3 85-1 o-o48 (Kfid 1-103 - rnonlmirTtiimTl -Ditto hV the second ditto. 1." - ■- FROM SAINT CERE (LOT). ^ Dino by tht third ditto. - . " j ' SLIGHTLY HYDRAULIC ( Slaked bv the first process. .to\ !i- ■ LIME. < Ditto by the second ditto. 1. ' .' from T). (Ditto bvthe third ditto. lte, 3] I - ed bv the first process. COMMON RICH LIME. -'Ditto bv the second ditto. ( Ditto by the third ditto. VERY RICH LIME. /'. by the first process, by the second ditto. ( Ditto by the third ditto. EMINENTLY RICH ( g*"* J? |J| e firsl I i ,», «- ■ Ditto bv the second ditto. L1,r - (.Ditto by the third ditto. 4D3 !■: KYVi i-C'f, ) •ii5o 1-114 ;• ." f»5-5 129 i - 462 Hi 61-5 154 27-2 tries 0-SWl 1-4935- 57-3 92-Sl>121 O16HM361-&H0 -5-535 OS96 The hardnesses were measured by the action of a piercer : the numbers by which they are expressed, are reciprocally proportional to the depths ot the holts, made by a certain number of revolutions under a constant pressure. AIM'KXDIX. V3«J TABLE NO. III'.* IN m-ppoht OF m U>TER VII. Comparison of the Action of Muriatic Acid uroN Clays taken in different conditions. DESCRIPTION THE CLAYS. Portions of these principles dissolved by digestion in Muriatic Acid, in loo parts of the Clay, taken. Constituent principles of the Clays, in 100 parts. In the natural state. White plaatic clav of 1 ... , u , Loupiac(Lot) (2) \f9UH Grey effervescing clay of 1 ,, r , Souillac (Lot) (3) J«M» Brown ochreous clay, \ found infiltrating the fis- t . } „ sures of calcareous rocks i "' ' ID J Ochreous clay, of a hlood "» colour, separated from [-43.40 an arene (4) \) Red clay, colour of wine \ dregs, from Have (Nievre) (5) 28.67 ■42.60 15.96 24.64 Calcined in Calcined in powder, exposed ' powder, in a to the air. < close vessel. 8.00 . 2.85; .. .. 12.40 | j 12.02 6.00 6.46 2.13 18.20 35 .. 17-40 12.00 2.30! 13.86 . . | 15.00 8.80 !.?5 3.51 24.64 7.00 2 not made. 7.20 4.1: not made. 3.00, 24-60 not made. • Table No. III. will hi f mnd on the page following.— Tr. >h2 240 APPENDIX. TABLE -VPPoRT OK Comparison of the Qualities of Hydraulic Cements, with Constituent principles in \ik< parts of the Substances in the natural state. des< uftion of the substances. Very enekgetic Sib- STAsa-. Tarras from Andernac*. tabling Italian Pouzzolana, colour of wine dregs, containing . . Artificial Pouzzolana. result- ing from the calcination, in powder, of a brown; ochreous clay. ( 1 ) contain- ing ' The same, from a plastic white clay, (2) nontaining The same, from a grey. .tly effervescing clay, (3) containing The same, from a brown ochreous clay, (4) contain- ing The same, from a red. very- effervescent clay, (5) con- taining 46.60 §2.00 42.00 CI. 00 43. C3 43.40 42.00 43.00 42.m; Energetic Substances. Ochreous clay separated by washing from the arene of Perigord. containing . . Artificial Pouzzolana, result- : from an ochreous day, over-burnt, containing . Slightly energetic Sl'HSTANCES. Clay, separated from the arene I M I _nac (Dor- <■'. containing .rited boa the I of the Loire), contain Pmnmiteof Kerg ( Finisterre), of mediocre quality, containing 00-80 l.VEKT SUBSTANCE*. Quartzose sand .... ■ pavty fusion, containing.. I large fun. 100.00 ; 20.60 10.00 28.07 31.00 32.90 20.00 15.96 28.40 28.67 24. GO 1. '...'( i ! • " 13.00 15.00 12.33 9.29 I860 8.00 13.00 12.33 1100 10.40 2.16 24.04 3.00 1.96 38.60 5.00 12.80 4.05 11.00 16.94 8.00 •• - 1 - •• 880 ■• 15.00 •• 16.94 16.00 ■• 20.00 15.00 • • .. • The Alumina contains from three to four hundredths of Magnesia. APPENDIX; No. III. CHAPTER VII. the behaviour of their ingredients in regard to Muriatic Acid. 2JI Portion* of these principles dissolved' by digestion in Muriatic Acid i. 12.20 9.00 17-40 12.40 18.20 15.00 5.60 11.40 r.oo 6.00 9.80 2.00 3.00 16.47 10.50 7.93 10.00 6.20 212 24-00 11.53 3.03 .-» 40 8.80 Behaviour of the Substances with rich I. line. Proportions of the mixtures. 35 8 j x ; 9.40 5.60 2.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 §■- 3 as 9 » a Solidification. 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 oo 1.00 l.on -joo 3.00 3.00 Days. Inches. 8.00 0.0889 2.50 | 0.0728 ^ 3.00 • 0.0827 \ 1.00 2 50 2.00 2.50 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 200 9.00 18.00 6.00 17.00 Never. Never. 0.0787 0.0984 0.0866 0.0984 0.1181 0.2405 0.2657 0.3555 04228 0.4018 Soft. ■ Splinter under the blow. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Tlie needle penetrates without splintering. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. % The Sub-lances submitted to digestion in Muriatic And «crc in the slate cing clav from Bave (Nievret \ ., . | - } 2.1.1 ditto Plastic refractory clav of Loupiac (2) (Lot i. ditto '. Plastic elav of Nicer-, ditto -ciug clav from Souillai ' i .* Arene from ChatilkM] \ic\ re), ditto. . . . ■ Lamothe (Lot), ditto Psammite from Kcrgnal ARGILI.ACEOLS SUBSTANl ES (iL( I.VED IX rciUDER IX ILn.-E --.•-LS. Ochreous clav. cited (ll . . Refractor] clay, cited (2) 1.IKI 240 2.". rOWWMrWL* HEATED IV t-r.Al.V Ochreous clay, cited (1) 2.00 :.g clay, cited (3) Common slate 2M0 Kernijinous sand-stone 2.mi Basalt ami aim 240 3LO0 .(.(«l aoo 3.i«i aoo aoo ami ami aoo ami ami aoo 8.00 ami - 340 am 3ml M0 ami i aoo ."..mi 440 moo 12.00 4.KI - _■ -1 .« • Inches. 0.1102 o.i«27 0.0889 0-50 1.00 04649 j 2.50 • •■'•-! LOB 0.1181 2.50 140 0.1299 2.00 0.(666 I. .Mi LflO 0.1004 tumtf* a 1653 IU1HM"! O.lKJl 0.2m>i O.IWI AM these cements j. splinter under the • This experiment, communicated by Mr. Avril, Engineer, was uied on a cement more than a year old. t The cements fur- .ii>hed by these two expe- riments were sensibly de- I at their -ur- the depth of 0-1UN8 to 0436 of aa inch, rhej adhered to the taining tlKin with such :t it was MCCe- - iry to reduce them to powdet ti« v paratc them. The cements of these -do not splinter odei the blow. The commas indicate 4421 thai the surface was i r able to beat the 0.4819 lccdle whuh i^ oaed to i-ure the lime of the 0.6027 Niirr.— When the calcination i- puttied as h gh as thr ,, the ni ( ,rtars become (with thecxieptioiiof the >!au i ccmplctch inert. APPENDIX. 243 TABLE No. V. in support of chapter ix. Comparison intended to show the Mutual Suitableness of the various Limes, with the different Ingredients of Cements and Mortars. WATER MORTARS, Composed of eminently hydraulic lime, and quart zose sand, or inert substances. Eminently hydraulic lime of the valley of Rioges (Nievre), with sand from the Loire The same, from Baye (Nievre), with the sand of the Loire The sam«, from Vaux-Helles, near St. Prive, (Nievre), and Loire sand The same, from the marl of Devay on the Loire, with Loire sand The same, from Fertotot, near Bee d'Allier, with Loire sand The same, from Quenou (Isle et Vilaine), with the quartzose sand of La Vilaine The same, from Pompeau (Isle et Vilaine), with the quartzose sand of La Vilaine The same from Vivier (Ardeche), with the gra- nitic sand of Dordogne Proportions of the Mixtures. Lime in paste obtained by the ordinarj mode of slaking. ( 100 I 100 101) 100 , loo I 200 WATER CEMENTS, Composed of eminently rich lime, and very ener- getic pouzzolanas. Eminently rich lime, and Italian pouzzolana. . . . The same, with Audenack tarras The same, with aquafortis cement The same, with artificial pouzzolanas, obtained hy calcining various clays, previously reduced to powder, mean result of 14 experiments given in Table No. 4. ) WATER CEMENTS, Composed of moderately hydraulic limes, and sim- ply energetic pouzzolanas, or mixtures of inert substances with very energetic pouzzolanas. Moderately hydraulic lime, and tile-dust; mean re-, 5 100 suit of several experiments I 1 00 The same, with well-burnt clays ; mean result of \ loo many experiments i ( 100 The same, with clays calcined in powder, tempered i .q*. with one half of quartzose sand; mean of many, r iqq experiments ) Quart- zose sand. 100 150 100 150 100 150 100 150 100 150 100 150 100 150 100 150 Natural or arti- ficial nou/.zo- lana in powder. 300 150 200 300 300 300 200 150 200 150 200 150 Time of set of the ini- i nerved mortar or cement. 3.00 2.50 8.00 2.50 I 1.44 ^2.5 ,50 3 00 Depres- sion pro- duced by the blow of the prov- ing needle after a year's im- mersion. Days. Inches. 2.50 0.08GG 4.00 0.1161 4.00 0.1338 4.00 0.0728 8.00 0.0787 4.00 0.1315 3.50 0.1531 2.00 0.082G 0.1181 0.1181 0.0889 0.1102 0.1015 0.1354 0.1358 0.114!) 244 APPENDIX. TABLE IN SUPPORT OK Hydk M :.. . - v i> Ci -ilnts Compared, with = - 1.:;:; .. 2.00 1.00 1.:,:; .. 1.80 2.00 2.00 ■2 1 1 i l.iio 1.00 MORTARS AND CEMENTS Of eminently rich Lime from Laurac(Lot). I ., ()1 , j ,,,, ) ,„, The mean depressions for the 1st, 2d, and 3d processes of slaking, respectively, are as follows : In. In. After the 1st year, 0.8888 0.1!l71 1 After the 2d year. 8.187* " 1578 0.1412 MORTARS AND I'EMESTS Of the eminently rich Lime from Loupiac {Lot). The mean depressions for the 1st, 2d, and 3d processes of slaking, respectively, are as follows : In. In. In. After the W .2086 0.1658 After the 2d year, 0.2784 0.1703 0.1376 Mortars and Cement- Of common rich Lime. The mean depressions for the 1 *t, 2d, and ] ^- 00 ¥ 3d processes of slaking, respectivelv, art- - J '' as follow*: ■- 1 '' to. to. in. 1.44 After the 1st year, IL2390 6.1786 6.1563 L.56 After the 2d year, 0JU68 6.1402 0.1268 L35 4 56 1.66 3.66 .. 4. .'hi .. 2.1C 1.00 2.16 1.00 1.50 .. 1.50 l.iio 2."25 j.un 1 00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 Mortars and Cements Of feebly Hydraulic Lime. The mean depressions for the 1st, 2d, and 3d processes of slaking, respectively, are as follows : In. In. In. After the let year, n..';:,;; 0.2018 0.1725 After the 2d year. 82467 0.1850 0.151 1 Cements and Mortars Of Hydraulic and eminently Hydraulic Lime. Themeandt rthe 1*'. 2d, and 3d processes of slaking, respectively, are Dowa : J 3.66 2 (Ml :'..(>(• 2 16 2.16 1 44 1.50 1.50 1.1=11 1.00 240 1.00 1.00 1.(1(1 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.i»n 1.00 1.(1(1 I.imi 1.00 I.imi I.imi 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.i hi 1.00 1.(1(1 After the 1st year. 0.1263 0.1330 0.1888 ,' After the 2d vear, the experiments were »ot complete. ^ ^ 2.(1(1 1.00 2.00 1.00 uoo 1.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 I.imi 2.(hi 1.00 2.(MI I.IMI 2.O0 1.00 1.00 . . L.OO l.Od 1 00 1 (III not having ) , i the Dumben which expreai the rapiditj .iricil, alino-i arlmrarv prn|», indicate rc>|>cvti\cly. the tue of the Untinary, lm Sjwmhmu— ; I APPENDIX. 245 No. VI. CHAPTER X. regard to the process of slaking made use of. Time of Set. Depressions produced by the blow of the proving needle. After 1 year's immersion. After -2 years' immersion. o I s o I s O I s Days. Days. Days. ] In. In. In. In. In. In. 3900 101.00 7.00 0.4421 ).S330 >.1!)64 1.2555 0.2252 0.1878 9.00 17-00 26-00 0.2476 U499 I). 1610 0.1952 0.1204 0.1204 16.00 7-00 8.00 3004 1.2405 ►.2027 0.2177 0.1653 1.1378 4.00 4.00 4 00 0.1653 0.1653 I). 1010 1.1204 01204 0.1189 52.00 Soft Soft 0.6527 Soft Soft 0.6027 18.00 17-00 16.00 0.5311 0.1952 0.1653 0.4220 0.1728 0.1610 26.00 81.00 33.00 0.2102 0.1653 0.1653 0.1653 0.0976 0.0925 61.00 5200 60.00 0.3614 0.1803 0.1610 0.2854 0.1653 0.1354 33100 250.00 42.00 0.4752 0.3988 0-2177 0.3988 0.3161 0.1854 5.00 17-00 20 00 0.2634 0.1878 ). 172)1 0.2634 0.1653 0.1425 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.1499 0.1126 0.1126 U354 0.1051 0.1051 . , Soft Soft Soft Soft Soft Soft •■ do. do. do. do. do. 0.6027 14.00 2 00 4.00 0.2779 0.2102 0.1610 0.2252 0.1952 0.1425 73.00 7-00 31.00 0.2177 0.1653 0.1610 0.1610 0.1204 0.1204 321.00 2-00 12.00 0.3082 0.1878 0.1653 0.2405 0.1051 0.0976 7&20 3-00 37-00 0.2476 0.2252 01803 0.2405 0.1425 0.1539 3.00 2.00 3.00 0.2177 0.1728 0.1653 0.2177 0.1653 0.1499 2.00 1.00 1.00 0.1653 0.1126 0.1051 0.1204 0.1126 0.0976 . , .. 1 Soft Soft Soft Soft Soft Soft •• . . j do. do. do. do. do. do. 15.00 16.00 15.00 '027 12 0.2476 0.1728 0.2633 0.2252 0.1031 24.00 24.00 32.00 0.1610 0.1499 0.1499 0.1204 0.1499 0.1122 39.00 7-00 6.00 0.3311 0.1275 0.1248 0.2854 0.1204 0.1204 33.00 16.00 22.00 0.2405 0.1952 0.1653 0.2252 0.1499 0.1303 2.00 7-00 7.00 0.2027 0.1803 0.1425 01354 0.1354 0.1275 4.00 7-00 8.00 0.1126 0.0901 0.0826 0.1126 0.0752 0.0752 113.00 103.00 150.00 0.4456 0.3160 0.2712 0.4220 0.3161 0.2626 65 00 63.00 77-00 ( 0.4421 03090 0.2712 0.3614 0.3082 0.2712 6.00 8.00 8.00 0.1315 0.1354 0.2283 0.1051 0.1161 0.1870 16.00 10.00 12.00 0.1511 0.1575 0.2401 0.1259 0.1299 0.2204 10.00 6.00 15.00 0.13:;:; 0.1480 0.2440 0.1023 ,0.1023 0.2323 7.00 6.00 8.00 0.1618 0.1834 0.2598 0. 1 346 0.1220 0.2362 12.00 6.00 15.00 1 i.l 220 0.1209 0.2161 0.1008 1 0.1 023 0.1889 3.00 3.00 4.00 0.1122 0.1102 0.1615 4.110 3.00 6.110 0.1181 0.1220 0.1575 3.110 2.00 5.00 0.1144 0.1161 0.1535 340 2.00 4.00 0.13.-, i ,0.1417 0.1771 3.00 3.00 4.00 0.0826 1 0.0866 0.1417 in water of the same temperature, we ought not to attach much importance to the coin clearly, the generality of the facts to be observed. The letters O, I, Sj plated over the- slaking. 246 AI II. MUX- TABLE No. VII. IX SUPPORT OF CHAPTER X. COMPARISON OF THE RELATIVE RESISTANCES OF VARIOUS HvDRAlLlC MORTARS and Cements, immerged in various States of Consistency. H A M E .-. Relative hard- ness measured very exactly by means of 5 piercer, after months' im r-ion. Lab A cement composed of 100 parts of the hydrate of rich lime slaked by immersion, and 200 parts of energetic artificial pouzzolana, having been im- merged, of a good consistency, and submitted to proof by the piercer, after 8 months, offered a resistance re}. resented by ]ihmi 2d. The same, having been allowed to acquire a stiff consistency in the air. so that it was immersed quite in a bruised state, and without the least co- hesion, gave under the same circumstances no more than 1 4:5 3d. The same, having been allowed to be altogether blanched, in very- hot weather, so that it was immerged dry and pulverulent, without any co- hesion, gave 333 4th. The same, taken in the condition N - -ui^ed and beaten up again with additional water to the consistency No. 1, and immediately immerged, gave • 1000 oth. The same, taken in the condition No. 3, but bruised and beaten up with additional water BSteney Nft 1. and immediately immersed, gave 6th. The same, taken in the N <■ 2, but immerged with an en lope, and retaining the consistency it had already arquired, gave A ■ nd series of betons prepared with 100 parts of the hydrate of modern hvdraulic lime obtained by the ordinary extinction, with 50 par- get ic pouzzolana, and 100 pans of quartzose sand, gave, under the same circumstances, and in the sair.e order respectively, as below. Tims : in ww M 1 1 a 3d 128 4 tli oth 1000 bib. 2000 Mortar composed of 100 parts of the eminently by- \ draulic lime of the valley of Rioges ( Nierre), and < 1 « mi parts of the sand of the Loire, immerged . . / Mortar, ditto, of the eminently hydraulic line of\ the neighbourhood of Champ Vert (Nievre;, and< ed / Mortar, ditto, of the eminently hydraulic lime of J Beauvoir (Nievre), and immerged j -. ditto, of the eminently hydraulic lime of V the domain of Fletiry, dependence of Gennancy J (Nierre), and immerged / Depressions produced bv Time the blow of theproving- ofset. needle, after; years immer sion. Of a firm and duc- tile consistency ft con tej Of a linn and duc-i tile consistency .! Of a very nA con- I I -m and duc- tile consistency • Of a very soft con- | Of a firm and due-' tile consistency . Of a very soft om. sistencv Days. 3.00 7-00 3.00 7-00 3.00 SjOB 5.00 Inches. 0.1181 . _ 0.1 C53 - - 0.1.-. 15 0.2499 0.12)2 0.323G APPENDIX. 2J7 TABLE No. VIII. IN SUPPORT OP CHAPTER X. Hydraulic Mortars and Cements, compared with reference to the deterioration which they undergo at their surfaces. COMPOSITION OK THE MORTARS AND CEMENTS. Thickness of the deterio- rated PARTS OF VARIOUS Hydraulic Mortars, two years old. slaked lime in paste. 2.oo 2.00 &66 8LO0 2.116 £66 2.00 &00 2.1 Ml 2.66 2.1 hi &66 1. 00 1.00 2.00 2.1(0 I.IK) 1.00 1.00 1.IHI 1.00 1.INI 1.00 1 1.00 8.00 2.1 Nl 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 i. . •= o3 — qJ s >^~ ^ 1 .— rt .32 C 3 = E c2 a - i* Indies. Inches. 0.00 0.4330 0.00 0.3543 O.llll 0.3643 0.00 0.2362 0.00 0.1968 (MX) 1 1. 1 6?5 0.00 0.1575 0.00 0.1181 o.oo 0.0590 0.00 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 0.00 0.01 §=J Inches. O..V.12 0.3937 0.4330 0.2756 0.2362 0.2362 0.2161 Inches. 0-7086 0.6693 0.70m; O.7O86 0.3543 (U346 0.2756 0.1181 I 0.2362 0.1181 0.1968 0.1575 0.0787 0.0590 0.0984 0.0590 0.0O00 Quickness of Set of various Hydraulic Mortars axd Cements, Compared with the resistance acquired after a year's immersion. NAMES. Natural cement obtained from an argillaceous lime- stone at Belle-ville, on the banks of the Loire (Nievre) Hydrate of lime, prepared from a sandy lime-stone containing clay, calcined in contact with charcoal.. Cement, containing loo parts of rich lime, ami 800 parts of an artificial pouzzolana, prepared by slightly calcining a red effervescing clay, in frag- ments. .' Mortar, composed of It hi parts of the eminentlv hydraulic lime of Chavance (Nievre), and 150 parts of the sand of the Loire Natural cement, prepared from an argillaceous lime- stone, found at Aaaigny, near Savigny (Nievre). . . Mortar composed of 100 parts of eminently hydraulic lime of Kertotot (Nievre), and 150 pacta Loire ■and Mortar, composed of 100 parts of eminently hydraulic lime, prepared from a sandy lime-stone containing clay, and loo pan sof Loire sand Hydrate of eminently hydraulic lime, very poor, ob- tained in the domain of Pont, near the rivulet of on the banks of the Loire t \'ic\ rci Mortar, composed of 100 parts of the eminently hy- draulic lime of \ itry (Nievre), and 150 parts of Loire sand Mortar, composed of loo parts of the hydrate of moderately hydraulic lime, from Garnat, on the Loire, anil 150 part- of Loire sand Cement, composed of loo parts of the hydrate of rich lime, and 300 parts of the areneof Sancerre, on the bank- of the Loire ■ t" bo parts hydrate of very rich lime, and ; - of the arene of Petreau (uironde) Cement, of loo parts hydrate of very rich lime, and .'ton part- of the ater.e of llerry, on the Loire. . . . Hydrate of hydraulic lime, obtained from the lime- stone of ('he vanes, near DecJse (Nievre) Depression produced Time of set. by the blow of the prov- ing needle. Observations. Davs. 15.IK) Inches. 0.1889 0.1771 11. 00 0.1181 9.00 0.11J3 8.00 0.004.3 C.CHI 0.0787 7.00 0.0433 8.1 K) oastf 6.00 0.33C6 6.0<) 03288 1O0 i;.oo 0.2590 MQ 0.2 1-15 Note— The object of these compari-on- (which have been selected from experiments made with great care), i- to show, that the time of sel is not always an exact indication of the future hardness acquired by the immerged compounds. 2 18 UThNDlX. 1 ABLE No. IX. 1\ >l]M'ORT OK UIAI'Tl.R I Quickness ov Skt of various Cements, compared with the proportions, and the hardness acquired after a year's, immersion. Lime slaked by immersion, and measured in powder, Depressions produced by the blow of a •.teel point falling from a : RF.R not compressed. Artificial Time of set. ; a Rs>. pouzzolana. Yen rich | Moderately constant quality. ! hydraulic -hU Pav.. 1 2.7" 1.00 1.00 19.00 047*2 2 2.00 1.06 1.06 16.66 04102 3 1.50 1.00 1.08 18.00 0.1988 4 1.00 1.00 1.66 8.00 0.) • 5 0.50 1.00 1.00 9.00 0.1' 1 2 7<> 2.66 B.66 0.1 . f 2.06 2.06 0.123 3 1.50 .... 2.00 700 ■ 4 [.00 2.06 B.66>i 5 0..VI 2.00 17«hi 6.149 1 2.76 1.66 |j66 644M I 2.00 1.00 l.HO 16.66 0.1. 9 1.56 1.00 l.OII 12.00 0.11 4 1.00 1.06 1.66 0.1616 5 .... 0.50 1.00 1.66 12.00 0.1913 1 2-76 2.66 1246 0.1401 2 .... 2.00 2.66 [246 0.1 3 .... 1.60 .... 2.66 1 040 o.l. 4 1.00 2.66 B40 0.123 5 .... H .Ml 2.00 10.00 0.1] The object of tliiN Table is to demonatrate,that the lime of M u ■ sufficiently end indication of the future lienliif— of inun er g ed mortars and ben we confine our comparison tu couipounds wmtaJning tlie same elements, in various proportions. APPENDIX. 249 TABLE No. X. IN SUPPORT OF CHXPTER XI. The absolute Resistances of Mortars, compared with those of the Hydrates of Lime constituting their gangues. Lime in t aste obtained by ■d r. a >> c z a a — -i B ti Absolute resistancea = 2 si SB Oo i c = MORTARS OF EMINENTLY HVDR.M I JC LIME. MORTARS OF MODERATELY A.VD FEERLY HYDRA t'LIC LIMB. Mortars OF RICH AND VERV RICH LIME. Mortar of eminently hydraulic lime from Labour-"| garde (Tarn et Garonne), composed of arbitrary - proportions, -23 months old '.) Ditto, compounded in the proportions corresponding to the marimiim resistance Mortar of eminently hydraulic lime from Montelimart (Drome), compounded in arbitrary proportions, one year old Mortar of eminently hydraulic lime from Vivier ( Ardeche), compounded the same, 1 year old Mortar of eminently hydraulic lime from Baraigne (Lot), compounded in the proportions corresponds to the imiiiiilMii resistance, and 14 months old Mortar of moderately hydraulic lime from Saint Cere (Lot), compounded in arbitrary proportions, and 1 year old Mortars of the feebly hydraulic lime of Cabessut at Cahors, prepared in arbitrary proportions, and 28 old 2d 3d months old Mortars of the common rich lime of Souillac (Lot), compounded in arbitrary proportions, 22 months old Another Mortars of the very rich lime of Lanzac (Lot), com- posed of proportions corresponding with the maximum resistance, 6 years old Another Another 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.80 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.5(1 0-50 1 .30 1.70 lbs. lbs. 70.45 123.8 73.30 140.0 73.30 165.40 ;k;.G4 i2<;.54 66.61 263.8!) 85.12 7H.71 108.75 34.16 oil. 21 53.23 111.02 39.85 46.25 49.07 155.86 64.90 122.41 6U32 134.50 85.40 Mortars compared with reference to size of the Sand made use of. Proportions. Absolute resistances per square Lime Fine Coarse Small in paste. sand. sand. gravel. lbs. 1.00 1.80 165.40 1.00 1.80 134.50 1.00 L80 1.00 O.fXI 0.90 148.i>2 1.00 1.80 2»lf.89 1.00 1.80 177-20 1.00 l.HO 135.50 1.00 OlSO 040 222.04 LOO 1.80 84.68 LOO 1.80 65.47 LOO i.80 48.IW 1.00 OlSO OlSO 10&89 L00 2.i «> 41.00 1.00 B.00 54.6.'. LOO 2.00 51.24 I.iip 1.00 47.32 Mortars of the eminently hydraulic lime of Labour-' garde (Tarn et Garonne), 23 months old "1 Mortars of the eminently hydraulic lime of Baraigne 1 (Lot), 14 months old "J Mortars of the moderately hydraulic lime of St. Cere' (Lot), 1 year old .'...'. 'i Mortars of the very rich lime of Lanzac (Lot)i --'.' month- old , Note — It must be recollected, that each result is the mean of many experiments, made with all the exactness which this kind of investigation is capable of. \\'\'\ SDIX. 1 ABLE So. XI. 1\ SUPPORT uF i BJlPTKR Al. Mortars iakhn from varioi is BciLonros compared with Mo: M WTFACTLRED FOR Exi'LRIMTNT. with the saiTK- LilVRs. Absolute of the ; mortars per square inch. Mortars of thk eminrvtly HvDR.M'Lir Lime of Mo.YTELINART. Prepared by the ordinary proce**. No. 1. Taken from a private dwelling-house in Mo'iletimart. compounded with fine sand in pood pr oportions, 1:> yean old. Taken from an ancient toaer at Montelimart, com- pounded iike the above, 110 fan old No! .X Manufactured at souillar for experiment, with tolerably fine granitic sand, 12] months old.. Mortars of the emivf.vtly HVDSULK Lima OF Yiv Manufactured hjp the ordinary proce**. No. L Taken from the wall of the rampart at Viviers, com- posed with moderately fine sand in pood prop irtions, age unknown, but presumed to be not less thai No. 2. Prepared at SooJUac for experiment, with moi fine pranitic sand, 12 I old MoRTIRS OF THK moderately Hvdrailic Lime of Cab Prr}« :uy process. No. 1. Taken from the interior of a private mansion at t ahors. The mortar poor, the lime 1^ - inp been drowned i The same, situated be- t nasi two bricks; had under- gone a very rapid desirration . The 'same, ha\ ing dried in the ordinary wav: lx iter ma- nufactured than the preceding No. 4. The same, from the foundations of th. same build- inp. havinp underpone slow desiccation. No. '.. Taken from the bridpe of Yalenlrc at C ahors, comprised of coarse sand and pravel in good proportions, 4m' year* old lbs. l-KU-; Moarajts of the very rich Limf. or I Prejiared by tnc ■ •rautary proce**. No. 1. Tiken from a private house in Lanzac. The mortar from the cornice, rati-. I than rich, compounded with tolerably fine pranitic sand. tO \ears The same, another frag- ment The same, another frag- ment The same, another frag- ment No. .". T.:ken from a < composed like the pin but poorer. At-. ■ ! ■> :th the sarne sand, and . i Mortars of the vbrv bich Limb of Lovpiac \Lot>. Prepa r ed by the ordinary proce**. No. 1. Taken from a private mansion at Loup'ar. The mortar rather poor tha • composed with pranitic sand. 17 years old a fio,n the of Loupiac. rather meagre than rich, composed with pit sand. ears old less meapre than tn* above No. 4 Prepared at souillac for experiment. with pranitic sand. Age *> montht Absolute ■ rtan Mortals of the model ■ACXIC LlM I BMH — (mwfimiarf). Prepared by the ordinary proem. Prepared at Souiilac for -iment, wi h I . :ir sand, 2o mvmth> coarse 1 and pravel, 22 months The same, with coarse and fine sand mixed, 22 months lbs. 17-<«3 21.77 16J7 ♦4.41 APPENDIX. 251 TABLE No. XII. I\ SI PPORT OF CHAPTERS XI. AM) XII. Mortars compared in regard to their Proportions, and the Process of Slaking made use of. Proportions. ABSOLUTE RESISTANCE OF THE .MORTARS, PER SnfARE IX< H. Prepared from common rich lime, after 20 months. Prepared from eminently hydraulic lime, after 14 month's. ~ 7. S 1 ■ r _• = = = £ . I S3 u &■ Exposed to the air. Buried under ground. Exposed to the air. Buried under ground. o I s O I S O I S O I S Dm. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. 100 103.19 54.i it 64.05 66.04 5940 44.55 149.17 141.63 125.26! 1(MI so 44.41 34.16 41.28 2.7" 3.13 3.56 90.53 85.4" 79.71 161.13 153.72 131.66 100 60 3741 35.58 41.28 347 2.84 4.27 95.65 92.52 163.97 14840 137.21 too 7" 34.16 38,74 38.43 2.42 3.7O 3.56 120J3 10846 162.83 14:1.45 131.66' too 41.28 4048 48.70 2.7" 346 6.12 157.71 148.02 9545 1G4.54 155.15 13340 100 no 42.70 42.7" 44.41 2.27 3.42 4-41 16947 15647 H7.43 169.81 141.63 136.64 too too 4640 48163 813 3.27 4 27 174 28 18948 153.7s 17".8" 162.26 13849 110 46.40 42.7" 247 4.41 179.35 162.26 149.45 171.37 161.13 145.18 100 I2ii 39.85 55.51 48.3!) 2.42 2.7" 640 18447 17346 145.18 175.93 161.7" 146.61 100 ISO 41.2;: 58.07 51.24 2.27 844 4.27 191.87:179.35 165.11 175.".-: 153.01 148.02 100 140 41.2:: 66.33 ' , ; 2.27 3.42 4.13 211.80,196.43 1G2.42 174.22 160.84 157.99 150 3SL8S 63.76 58.07 2.42 4.41 4.13 239.13 20243 175.36 177.1 1 177.SO 148.02 100 ioo 4l.2;i 67.61 63.76 2.27 3.7" 5.41 243.24 236.28 199.2/ 174.51 15647 13643 100 17" 44.41 68.32 6440 2.42 3.70 5.41 25641 256.21 213.51 171.37 15647 13042 100 180 44.12 75.15 68.32 2.13 3.42 4.98 263.75 253J6 21046 17040 172.23 159.42 ioo 190 45.5.-) 81.13 81.98 1.71 5.41 5.12 261.62 24148 193.58 167.1:7 16349 145.13 too - 48.39 78.28 78.57 1.14 5.12 5.41 24044 238.42 172.23 17040 16245 146.61 100 2lii 47-82 81.13 81.98 1-71 5.12 5.55 222.62 21940 16346 174.22 160.84 135.22 ino B0 51.24 81.98 8648 1.56 4.41 5.41 213.51 I2O243 15P.42 177-64 142.34 136.64 100 230 51-24 7a 16 H5.4" 146 5.12 5.41 20447 172.23 150.88 189.17 145.89 131.66 1INI 51.24 75.15 i l.:*; 3.42 5.55 198.14 176.5" 142.34 17943 146.61 13847 100 . 15.47 71-74 1.56 4.41 5.41 ioo 4748 1.42 643 7.54 100 170 I.2II 6.83 7.2.: ioo 280 41.2:: 6446 8843 1.14 4.41 6.12 .... ioo 290 55.51 1.28 2.7" 4.13 .... Note.— The letter* O, I, S, indicate that the lime used wa« prepared by the Ordinary mode of drtlnfc by Immersion, or by the Spontaneous method. jr t -j APPENDIX. TABLE XIII. IN -IPPORT OF CHAPTERS XI. AND XII. Mortars of rich Lime, fifteen months old, compared in regard to the influence of manipulation. PROPORTIONS. Rich lime slaked by immersion, and measur- ed in paste. Common granitic sand. Absolute resistance of the mon-: square inch. Exposed to the air. I Buried under ground. Remixed Mixed in the with addi- ordinary Itional water manner. during five months. lbs. hi 89..Q6 Remixed Mixed in the with addi- ordinary tional water manner. during five months. lbs. lbs. - Each of these results is the mear. I menu, made with thegreatest care, and differing little from one an The mortars remixed, were not operated on da: from time to time, at in- tervals of from 7 to 8 days. The mortars buried under ground were left in the open air foT 2 n nous to being subjected to experiment. Mortars, compared with reference to the consistency given to the mixture of Lime and Sand. PROPORTION?. Eminently hydraulic lim'e.inpaste obtained by the ordinary xtimtion. Granitic sand. ISO IM Absolute resistance of the mortars at the age of 14 months, per square inch. Exposed to the air. Buried under ground. Knead- ed .-:.ff. Knead- ed nft. lbs. lbs. lbs. 7&B6 Knead- ed stiff. lbs. Knead- ed nft Obsrrtatioss. Hes lfO.ll lbs. Each of the-, | mean of a number of ex- periments Mortars, compared in regard to the influence of desiccation. PROPORTION-. -lance of the I when ±.> montl - ire inch- on. and • m parte. Whf .; first pi: Comm^gnmitic afjer manu/act, [tempera! art Karenhcit *. OCSEIO Hydraulic \ u ,, tine i '•" Kceblv hv- \ , tt . drauBc lime I " Common rich lime uo lbs. 44.12 lbs. Each of these I mean of a nuniN t • The nmncntnc Mated m the original is l.V. «hie)i I hare reduced on the supposition that it is meant to refer to tlu t eiitigrade thermometer ; IAm : Reaumur's scale would ome-pond to VC : of licit, very ncarlv.— Tr. APPENDIX". 253 TABLE Xo. XIV. IN SUPPORT OF CHAPTER XIV. The absolute Resistance of VARIOUS Mortars, compared in regard to the effect of condensation. Ingredients. Absolute resistance of the mortars, per square inch, at the age of 12 months. Mortars buried un- der ground lbs. 32.74 37 31 17081 232.29 143.48 21&53 225.46 93.94 13.68 81 .92 133.23 :.4.r.'. 8S.11 95.65 80ti7 Various Mortars and Cements, compared in regard to their specific gravity, and porosity. NAMES. Specific gravity. Weight of the water absorb- ed by imbibi- tion, percubic foot- Various mortars of hydraulic lime, and quartzose, or calcareous sand, subjected to condensation Various mortars of hydraulic lime, and sand, or calcareous powders, not compressed, but kneaded still. Various mortars of hydraulic lime, and quartzose or calcareous sands, . mixed thin Various cements taken from ancient aqueducts. 2.031 I 1.960 1.945 1.028 1.885 1.873 1.8.54 1.789 1.753 1.747 1.692 1.689 1.317 1.279 1.987 1.940 1.760 1.609 1.516 1.472 1.409 1.384 i.;u:i 1.342 lbs. 111.74 12.12 12.WJ 12.24 12.24 13.55 12.18 14.03 15.68 1. "■.."».". 17-12 1 , ..Vi 23.3<; 22419 24.3U !'-74 19.18 I9i99 IO80 22.1 '5 21.55 1 .) 20.1I3 18.90 23.(10 Norm, — Ii remlta from thtse companions, that the ccinent< are in general more permeable, than well manufactured mortars of lime and sand. *I 254 AFrF.NPIX. TABLE No. XV. IN SUPPORT OF CHAPTER XVI. Characters, Composition, and ABSoiXTe Resistances of some Roman Mortars from the South of France. MORTARS FROM LARGE OR M \S- MVE MASONRY. FROM THE ANCIENT VESCNA. No. 1. Taken from the Amphitheatre. 2. Taken from the Baths. 3. Taken from the Tow tn •: FROM CAHORS. Xa 1. Taken from an ancient theatre. P. Tin 2. From a temple. 3. From a Roman canal. FROM NISMES. No. 1. Taken from the Amphitheatre. 2. From the Temple of Diana. 3. From the Tour Magne (Turns Magna). NAMES. Substances reduced p]w substances' to imp^nable pow- ; ^^ in ^ | der, and formn „,.»_;» i principal m./ mamx. dirty white, compos- ed of lime only. M atrix grey . form- ed from a grey lime only. FROM THE AfiVEDrCT OF GARD. No.l. Taken from the masonry. P. Ditto. FROM VIENVr. No. 1. Taken from the Amp? •J. From the drains (" egouts"). FROM VXELLODIXIM. (At Caj*iri,>. No. 1. Taken from thick masonry. MORTARS FROM \NC1ENTAQUE- DICTS. REVETMENTS, FLOORS OR PAVEMENT-. FROM THE ANCIEN'T VSSl'XA. No. 1. Taken from the aqueduct of the baths. FROM CAHORS. No.l. Taken from the aqueduct of the baths. 2. From the plastering of an ancient lime, and red brick in gate, impalpable powder. 3. From a basin. Composition of the Mortars. lialHk Observations. The matrix red: Quartzose gravel. The mortar rich. l. formedof while lime, from thesizeofapea coarsely amalgamat- 2. and a verv small to that of a walnut, ed, in it a multitude 3. quantity of red pout- of lumps of lime zolana in impalpable -ible. powder. Matrix of a dim- Quartzose gravel. The mortar rich. 1. white, formed of a from the sue of a better worked than 1'. lime of the same pin's head, to that of the preceding, colour. a hazel nut. taining no pouuo- 3. .lana. The matrix some- Quartzose and cal- 1 The mortar rich 1. times grey, some- careous gravel, from land very badly mix- 2. times red, formed of the size of a pea, to ed. a multitude of 3. a white lime, and of that of a biggish ha- .lumps of white lime . 53.5U .1'iyjs . 52J8 - 75L56 .16EL38 a small quantity of red pouzzolana in impalpable powder. Matrix earthy, pre- pared from lime and a terreous sand. zelnut. were visible in it. Quartzose gravel, of The mortar poor, 1. •- 87-82 the pretty nearly ill - mixed, full of 1". . . 45JE» uniform size of a pea. lumps of white lime. Matrix tolerably Quartzose gravel The mortars rich. 1. homogeneous, of a of every dimension, tolerably wellrnixed. 2. from that of a pea, to a good sized hazel nut. Quartzose gravel of The mortar rich every dimension. badlx worked, full of lumps of lime. The matrix red- Fragments of red The mortar verv dish, formed of a brick of the size of a rich, badlv mixed", white lime, and red|walnut, in small filled with" a multi- brickdust in impal- quantity. iude of lumps at pable powder. i white lime. Matrix reddish, composed of a white FROM >M9MRS. No. 1. Taken from the galkrics of the Amphilh' FROM THE AQfEDlTT OF GARD. No.1. Taken from the revetment of the aqueduct. 1'. The same. from mm N'n.l. Taken from an ancient mansion 2. Tii: 3. Pla ■■• FR"v No. 1. Taken from a '; 25-d2 i. .. esji' A small quantity I The mortar rich, 1. ..115-86 of fragments of red mixedin a middling 2. . . 29.(4 the size of degree, filled with 3. .. <&64 a hazel nut. portions of lime of a dirtv white. The matrix grey, rragmentsofchar- The mor , al composed of a whit. ■ ., pea. ralllv veii maA ^ lime, and charcoal powder. The matrix whit- ish , composed of lime onlv. Fragments of yel- The mortar verv l. .. 434B low and red brick of rich. r. .11845 the size of a walnut. Matrix reddish, ,_ Fragments of red composed of lime, bnck a* big as a ha and red bnck b The matrix red -cd of lime, and red brick in impalpable powder. The mortars I rably well amaUra- 2. Fragm. 1 TV mortar tole- bnck as big as a rably well mixed. . 55.nfi . 78-85 APPENDIX. 255 TABLE No. XVI. IN SUPPORT OF CHAPTER XVII. Comparison of the Resistances of various Compounds, in regard to Proportions, and the Size of the Bodies imbedded in the Sub- stance constituting the Matrix. 1 Absolute Number of the bricks. Common sand. Coarse sand. Gravel. Clay. resistance of the bricks, per squareinch OBSERVATION'S. lbs. aver. 1 1.00 58.07 2 1.00 . . . . 1.16 18.93 3 1.00 0.96 14.94 4 1.00 0.76 12.95 Bricks Nos. 12, 13, 14, 15, 5 1.00 •• 0.56 11.67 and 16, were incapable of C 1.00 •■ 0.36 8.96 supporting the very light box into which the sand is poured. 7 .... 1.00 1.16 4.55 8 1.00 0.96 3.56 9 1.00 0-76 3.27 10 1.00 0.56 0.43 11 .... 1.00 0.36 0.00 12 .... 1.00 1.16 13 1.00 0.96 .... 14 .... 1.00 0.76 .... 15 .... 1.00 0.56 .... 1G .... 1.00 0.36 Plaster of Paris. 1 1.00 209.10 2 1.50 . . 2.00 120.0!) 3 1.50 1.00 K4.97 4 • ■ 1..-.II , t -.Mm 108.80 5 .... 1.50 1.00 59.64 6 .... 1.50 2.00 88.1 ;•_> 7 1.50 1.00 39.57 'r 2 APPENDIX. TABLE No. XVII.— referred to in notes, to article 3"9. and appendix xxxi. Analyses of various old Mortars. From a Dutch tomb at Masulipatam . . Ditto, ditto, another specimen Ditto, ditto, another From a Mahometan tomb From a tomb on the road from I patam to Hydera- bad '. .. 1-07 2.13 8. 9. 10. 11. IS. 13. 11. 1.-.. It 17- [Another specimen from the same . . . Another do. from do. Another do. from do. From another tomb . . From the same From the Pagoda at Tripatty :tto. another HMD From a tomb at Gol- condah, near Hy- derabad From a Roman tower near Boulogne .... Decayed plaster .... Ditto, ditto, another 1.90 2.13 2.12 us 1.48 .Plastering from public building in .lipatam . l.-o Years. 120 120 120 200 200 200 200 150 Utf 400 400 200 1800 recent, ditto. 4 b 53.2 7C.0 2G.0 115.9 38.5 101.0 I 160.0 153.0 17-0 85.0 997 110.9 110.4 19.7 IC.4 17" 174 13.8 33.9 29-1 17-1 15.G G0.1 73.0 80.0 18&0 171-2 199.3 J06.5 12.n G4.5 l m»n«r is of a tuft. BJ UN 4.4 1M ni;,s> =L1 IIm ble. 1NDE X A. Page Aberthaw lime, contents of, note 22 lime-stone, properties of, note 70 nature of its residuum, note 151 Absorption of carbonic acid of the atmosphere by lime ex- posed to the air, art. 70 — 74 30, 31 of water by the Grecian pavements, art. 271 117 by rich lime, quantities of 168 experiments on the absorption of carbonic acid by mortars 172 the opinion that oxygen is absorbed by pouzzolanas during the process of calcination not sufficiently established ... 183 absorbent property possessed by clays calcined in con- tact with the air, after cooling 188, 189 Achard, M., theory of the solidification of mortars, art. 285... 121 Acids, action of, on the materials used in the composition of mortar, art. 135 — 140 54,55 See Carbonic acid, Muriatic acid, Nitric acid, Sulphuric acid. Adherence and cohesion, examination of the theory of, art. 290—314 126—139 experiments to ascertain the cause of cohesion in pastes, note 127 definition of" adherence," art. 293 128 Age required for mortars to resist the effects of frost, art. 250, 251 104 " Aggregates," four remarkable cases presented by the theory of, art. 295 129 probable theoretical consequences of the first case, art. 296 129 of the second, art. 302 131 of the third, art. 304 131 of the fourth, art. 306 131 Air, deterioration of lime by the action of, art. 60 27 influence of the contact of, in the manufacture of pouzzo- lanas, art. 152 61.183 258 INDIA. Page Air. — Mortars, or cements, capable of acquiring great hardness in the open air, art. 1G3 do of mortars constantly exposed to the air and weather, art. 207—237 84—07 what limes are benefited or injured by such exposure, art. 225 J>2 Air-furnace, description of, note 186 " Albaria Opera" of the Romans, notice of 175 Alberti, L. B., on the use of oil in ancient mortars, note 121 on the preservation of lime 109 Alcohol, effect of, in a paste of slaked rich lime, note 127 Alexandria, in Piedmont, manufacture of prisms at 207, 208 Alumina, nature of, note b 1 action of lime on, in the humid way 184 Antique mortars, reason for their superior durability, note b. Go compared with those of medium age and modern mortars, art. 2G8 — 283 114—123 result of M. John's analysis of 12-1, 12.3 analysis of various specimens, note 174, 1 75 hardness of, 202, 225 ►See Egypt, Greece, Romans. Aqua fortis cement, composition of, art. 160 G3 comparison of various artificial pouzzolanas with the Italian pouzzolana, Audenack tarras and aquafortis cement 2 42 Aqueducts, mortar used by the Romans for the lining of, art. 277 110 Aqueous vapour. See Vapour. Architecture, notice of Greek and Roman writers on, art. 272 118 Arencs, nature of, art. 101), 110 Ml clay of, how acted upon by muriatic acid, art. L«M 55 deprive lime-water of its causticity, art. 141 5G account of the use of as pouzzolanas 177 mixed with lime, form a good mortar for repairing sub- aqueous works 177 in their natural state, act as pouzzolanas with rich limes 178 Sec 0'irard. Argillaceous particles in fine sands, injurious effects of, art 214 80, 203 lime-stones, difficulty of calcining argillaceous lime-stones by slow beat, art. 41 17 extensive use of, art. '2GG 1 18 INDEX. 259 Page Argillaceous lime-stones, kilns for the burning of 159, 160 substances, proportions of cements prepared from 242 Artificial hydraulic lime. See Hydraulic lime. Artificial marble. See Marble. Artificial pouzzolanas. See Pouzzolanas. Artificial products analogous to pouzzolanas, art. 124 49 Artificial stone. See Stone. Arts, use that may be made of the hydrates of lime in, art. 99 42 Atmosphere. See Air, Carbonic acid. Audenack tarras. See Tar r as. Avril, M., discovery of the hydraulic properties of psammites by 177 B. Ballast, used in the manufacture of " concrete," note 100 Bastile, result of an analysis of mortars found at the destruc- tion of, art. 285 124 Baye cement, analysis of 222 Beating, when useless, art. 99 4L when it should be employed repeatedly, note f. 71 when a "beton" may be beaten up afresh, art. 199 .. .... 79 influence of, on the resistance of mortars in general, art. 233—200 106— 110 may be applied to mortar contained in a mould, art. 254, p. 106 how applied with effect, art. 255 106 different effects of, on various mortars, art. 256 107, 108 process of, used by the Romans, art. 277 119 Belidor, simplification of the box proposed by, art. 192 76 Berthier, M.,his method of analysing lime-stone 143 experiments by 150 his objections to the theory of Guy ton Morveau, art. 286, p. 125 his explanation of the solidification of hydraulic cements, art. 813 137 " Beton," composition of, note b 20. art. 16.3, p. 67 extensive use of, in France, art. 46 20. 161, 162 hydraulic mortars may be employed in masses of, art. 1C0 42. 198 how its immersion is carried on, art. 193 76 should not be beaten when immersed, art. 196 77 ought not to be used while warm, art. 197 78 when it may be beaten up afresh, art. 199 79 260 r.Nnf \. "Betcn," sometimes supplanted by masonry, art. 200 Lyonese method of making Bezoarah, notice of a mineral brought from, note 222 an excellent cement from, note 222 Biscuit, porous, experiment with broken fragments of, mixed with lime, note 69 Black, Dr., his theory of the solidification of mortars, art. 28-3, p. 124 Bone-ash, deprives lime-water of its causticity, note .30 Boulogne stone, analysis of 291 Box. — Simplification of the box proposed by Belidor, art. 192, p. 70 Brard, M., method proposed by, to distinguish substances liable to be affected by frost 210—218 Breccia, meaning of the term, note d 10 Bricks, number of, stuck together by Roman cement and pro- jecting at right angles from the side of a wall, note Ill employed unburnt in building by the Egyptians, art. 270, p. 117 fragments of, used by the Romans in their mortars, art. 270 119 always apparent in them, art. 279 121 experiments on, moistened with the solutions of the sub- carbonate of potash 189, 190 value of M. Brard's process to discover if they are likely to be affected by frost 218 Brick-work constructed with Parker's and Mulgrave's ce- ments, the superficial weight it will bear, note f. 123 Bridge of Charles X. at Lyons, methods of fabrication and immersion of mortar, for the foundations of 197 Bridges, effect observed under the arches of, note e 38 process of the Romans in laying the foundations of, art. 274 119 artificial hydraulic lime used for the foundations of, art. 46 ., 20. 161, lea Bruyere, M., experiments upon artificial pouzzolanas 187 Builders, guide for, in the choice of lime-stone, art. 4 3 opinions of, as to the efficacy of oxide of iron, in- validated by facts 183 Burgundy Canal, materials used in the works connected with, art. 200 113, 156 Burning. See Calcination. '• Burnt stucco," explanation of the term 226 C. reoua incrustation;, observations upon some 224 1NM A 201 Page Calcareous minerals and the limes they furnish, art. 1 — 24. 1 — 12 tests to discover, art. 1 1 what proportion of clay in, renders them unfit to he converted into lime, art. 201 Ill history of. 142, 14JJ analysis of. 140 sands, nature of, art. 105 44 See Sands. Calcination of lime-stone in the large way, art. 2-3. 45, p. 13 — 19 conditions to render it as easy as possible, art. 20 — 31, p. 13 — 15 different kilns made use of, art. 32 — 38 15, 10 time required for, art. 40 17 average quantity of combustibles required for the com- bustion of a cubic metre of lime, art. 40 17 difficult calcination of argillaceous lime-stones by slow heat, art. -41 17 irregular action of the coal-kiln by slow heat, art. 41, 42 17, 18. 159 influence of a slight calcination in the manufacture of artificial pouzzolanas, art. 161 61 effects of, on compound lime-stones 150 — 152 influence of aqueous vapour on 1.33 fact relative to calcination in a close vessel 153 consequence of the imperfect burning of lime-stones ; contradictory experiments on the subject 154 experiments upon the different quantities of combustibles used in 157 improvement which takes place in the burning of lime with coal, by very slight modifications in the manage- ment of the fire and the distribution of the combustible. 158 by kilns with alternating fires for the burning of argilla- ceous lime-stone ; manner of using them 159 reverberatory furnace proposed for the calcination of pouzzolanas 180 Calcined sulphate of lime. See Plaster of Paris. Canals, the artificial limes used in, art. 46 20 materials used in works connected with, art. 200.... 113. 101 kilns employed to burn lime for 157, 158 " Cancan " importance of this class of Indian calcareous mi- nerals, note 12 Carbonate of lime, dissolved by water containing carbonic acid, note e 38 of magnesia, extensive beds of, found in the south of India 147 - - INDhX. I Carbonate of magnesia, found to be valuable as a cement 147 analysis of 148 its use as a stucco 148 experiments upon, after calcination... 149 effects of different processes on. 153. 1J I Carbonic acid, nature of, note a 1 r<. -absorbed by lime exposed to tbe air, art. 7<» 30 time required for this, in rich and hydraulic limes, art. 70. 30 proportion of, in lime, art. 70 SO its effects on hydrates of lime, art. 82 — 86 35 — 38 in the atmosphere, increases the hardness of certain bodies, art. 86, par. 2 38 augments the hardness of hydraulic limes, art. 86, par. 4. 38 the solidification of mortars attributed to the slow and successive action of the carbonic acid of the at- mosphere, art. 285 124 this opinion controverted, art. 285, 286 1 25 defended, as to mortars which do not " set," note 125 experiments on the absorption of, by mortars 172 table of the depth of penetration of, into different mor- tars, after exposure to the air for various periods 173 proportion of, in small pieces of hydrate of lime exposed to the air for 8 years 174 quantity of, in various old cements 175 in cement between 3 and 4,000 years old, note 175 Caskets and snuff-boxes made by the Italians, of the same material as the ancient Roman cement, art. 278 120 Casts. See Moulding. Cements. — An excellent water-cement, note t 11 commonly used in England unslaked, note 22 contents of various, note 22 directions for producing a cement similar to the Roman, note d 23 matters improperly so called by builders how obtained, art. 157 01 composition of aquafortis cement, art. 160 63 the goodness of, not always indicated by the rapidity of the "set,"' art. 205 82 an excess of rich or slightly hydraulic lime in a cement retards its •• set," par. 1 83 what mo unction " arc best calculated to hasten the r. 2 83 continuance of the progress of certain cements, par. 3... 83 INDEX. 263 Page Cements — the relations in respect to " hardness " deduced from comparison of the three modes of slaking, how modi- fied by time, par. 5 83 subject to the constant influence of a damp soil, art. 238 —242 98—101 intended for under-ground masonry, how they are to be used, art. 242 99 method of augmenting their " adherence," art. 242 99 of the vicissitudes to which they may be exposed, and the consequences, art. 243 — 252 102 — 105 of rich lime with " inert " sands, become decomposed in the water, art. 247 103 of rich limes, resist frosts but imperfectly, art. 248 103 cause of the speedy decay of, in India, note 103 Of natural cements, art. 261 — 267 Ill — 113 when calcareous minerals furnish a natural cement, art. 261 Ill difference in the "set" of, art. 262 Ill defects in, art. 262 Ill adhesion of such as dry in the open air, note Ill proof of the excellence of Roman cement, note Ill great consumption of, in London, art. 263 112 recently found in Russia and France, art. 2G4 112 cements known 2,000 years ago, art. 268 115 how employed by the Egyptians, art. 269 116 by the Greeks, art. 271 117 by the Romans, art. 277 119, 120 table extracted from the analysis of various cements, showing the relative proportions of lime, sand, and carbonic acid contained by them, note 137 analysis of the Baye cement 222 of a cement used in the Madras Presidency, note 222 comparison of the qualities of hydraulic cements with the behaviour of their ingredients, in regard to mu- riatic acid 240, 241 See Hydraulic lime, Lime, Mortars, Pouzzolanas, Stucco, Water cements. Chalk mortars, injurious to keep them in a damp state, note g. 95 Chaptal, Count, discovery of the unequal manner in which pouzzolanas behave in respect to sulphuric acid — 179, 180 result of his experiments on the ochreous clays of Lan- guedoc 182 " Chaux carbonatee sacchaioide," nature of, note e 2 INl'fcX. • Chemical affinity, opinion that it may act a part in the soli- dification of good mortars, art. 2>'.0 125 this opinion controverted, art. 280 125 its importance in hardening mortars, note 13*2 has no effect in the setting of plaster of Paris, and other cements, note 1 32, 133 opinion that lime in cements of natural or artificial pouz- zolanas, as well as in cements formed with the uncal- cined psammites and arenes, enters into chemical com- bination with these substances, art. 314 13<5. 185 this opinion confirmed by experiments, note 138, 139 and by the observations of General Treussart, note 131) Chemical analyses, mode of reducing the results of, into tech- nical language, note 210, 211 Chemical combination. See Chemical affinity. Chemical comparison of various old mortars 21') Chemical constitution of the various limes, art. 21 9 I ..ical equivalent, note c 14 Chemical methods of recognizing the ingredients of mortars, art. 141— 143 50, 57 of appreciating the qualities of lime-stone 143 Cheops, Pyramid of, the mortar found there similar to the present, art. 208 114 analysis of it 114—110, note; l'o,;wtc; 222—224 Chill, effect of, in slaking lime, art. 59 27 Chunam, Madras, mode of preparing this stucco, note x 170 Cinders of coal and turf, sometimes form an "energetic" pouzzolana, art. 158 03 but they are sometimes "inert," art. 158 03 Cisterns, mortar used by the Romans for the lining of, art. -'77 119 Clays. — Basis of plastic clays, note b 1 kind for preparing artificial lime, art. 51 22 nature and classification of, art. 113 — 117 47, 48 notice of a useful clay, note a 53 action of muriatic acid on, art. 138 ■'»■'> deprive lime-water of its causticity, art. 141 50 will produce "a very energetic"' pouzzolana, art. 153, and note 01 what proportion of, in calcareous minerals, prevents them from being converted into lime by calcination, art.2Gl,p. Ill criterion to discover the proper proportions of, in lime- stone 144 INPF.X. ( ;5 Ways. — A mistake that clays are more easily acted upon by acids when in their natural state, than after any degree of calcination 100 result of experiments on ochreous clays 182 phenomenon observed in clays calcined in powder on me- tallic plates heated to redness 103 effect produced by mixing clay and lime, when each is in a state of pulp jg^ on the conversion of, into artificial pouzzolanas 187 experiment to prove that clays calcined in contact with the air do not absorb any gas .187 when calcined in a close vessel, not acted upon by acids to the same degree as those calcined in the air 188 when calcined in contact with the air possess, after cooling, an absorbent property 188 igg research into the influence of the admixture of pure pot-' ash or soda with the clays previous to their calcination, in reference to the energy of the artificial pouzzolanas P roduced 189, 190 table of facts observed in reference to cements prepared from two kinds of clay, calcined in different ways 189 experiments with bricks of, moistened with solutions of the sub-carbonate of potash 109 190 fatal influence of, in mortars exposed to the weather .... 203 account of various experiments with Rajahmundry c ' a y 226 228 comparison of the action of muriatic acid upon clays taken in different conditions 039 Coal, bulk of, burnt to produce a given quantity of lime, art ' 44 18 refuse of the combustion of, used as an ingredient in mortar, art. 124 50 Coal-dust, its use in cements, note k , 154 Coating used to guard the cement of the Eddystone light- house, note k Cohesion of pastes, experiments to ascertain the cause of, note. 127 See Adherence. Colours of the various limes, art. 19 0. 143 of the Roman mortars, art. 276 1 1 9 results of experiments as to the colour of limes, note e. 14G a clearer colour produced by the ordinary mode of extinc- tion in certain cases Kj9 effects of different modes of extinction 109 _>«;.; inm.x. Pafir Combination of materials necessary to produce mortars or cements capable of acquiring great hardness in damp situations, art. 109 04 of calcareous mortars and cements subjected to the constant influence of a damp soil, art. 238 — 242 ... 98 — 101 Combustibles. See Fuel. Compositions for the protection of stucco from the weather.... 212 Compounds, comparison of the resistances of various com- pounds in regard to proportions and the size of the bodies imbedded in the substance constituting the matrix 256 terete," meaning of the term, note b 20 general use of in England as a substratum for dangerous soils, note 100 nature and preparation of, note 1 00 composition of the " concrete" used in and near London, note 100 notice of Mr. Godwin's Essay on, note 100 Condensation, the absolute resistance of various mortars compared in regard to the effect of -JoS Consistency of paste of hydraulic lime when immersed, art. 11 6 of good mortar, note c 35 importance of a good consistency, whether in mortars or cements, art. 182 72 effects of too thin a consistency on mortar when exposed to the air, note 75 the degree of, requisite in any material that it may be beaten with effect, art. 255 Jot; comparison of the relative resistances of various hydrau- lic mortars and cements, immerged in various states of consistency -_> j ( ; mortars compared with regard to the consistency given to the mixture of lime and sand 259 • dlization of metallic mirrors after solidification, note m. 133 Crystals, found in ancient Egyptian mortar, note 114, 1 15 D. Dalton, Dr., his opinion that a current of aqueous vapour ac- celerates the reduction of limestone into lime 152, 153 this confirmed by an experiment of M. Gay-Lussac, not* 1 -5:5 successful application of this principle by Lord Stanhope 1"*:'. INDEX. 067 Damp. — Process of extinction for mortars exposed to a damp soil, art. 240 gg effect produced by removal on cements from a damp situation to a dry one t 212 Darcet, M., result of his analysis of mortars found on the demolition of the Bastile, art. 285 124 Dead lime, how distinguished from the unburnt limes, noteb. 14 Desiccation, rapid, bad effects of, upon mortars, art. 234 95 remedy for, art. 234, p. 295, note g 9G what mortars best adapted to resist, note <*. 9G influence of slow desiccation on mortars, lon various proportions leading to the greatest degree of, art. 166, 17G 07. 70 relative degrees of, in different mortars, art. 213 88 mortars which do not " set " much improved in, by re- union with carbonic acid, note rt5 substances capable of acquiring considerable hardness with one fluid, are altogether void of it. with another, note... 127 INDEX. o 7 , Hardness of ancient mortars o o !Sff remarkable instance of the time which mortar of rich lime requires to harden Oo<) comparison of the hardness and absolute resistance of compounds resulting from the union of water with various limes O «o quickness of "set" of various cements, compared with the proportions and the hardness acquired after a year's immersion ,,,., See SoUdiJieat'ton. Harwich cement, analysis of, note ,,o " Hawk," or pallet of plasterers, use of, note f. o,.-, Heat of the weather.— Combination of materials necessary to produce mortars or cements capable of resisting, art. 1 G3. (>:> Higgins, Mr., composition of his patent stucco, note e }} irregular action of the coal kiln by slow heat, art. 41,42. p. 17, 18, 151) best forms of, art. 43 \q quantity of coal consumed in, art. 44 13 adapted to the calcination of artificial pouzzolanas, art. 1 52, p. 6 1 account of different kilns, with the quantity of fuel con- sumed by each 157, 158 27 I IND Kilns. — Remarks on the coal kilns at Paris 158 with alternating (ires, tor the- burning of argillaceous lime- stone- IV.' 160 disadvantages of the flame kilns 186 description of one p rop osed by the author 159 — 161 L. Lacordaire, M., his successful application of certain experi- ments on limestones, in the works connected with the Burgundy Canal, art. 206 113. LS6 Lafaye, M. de, notice of his process of " extinction" 161 Le Sage, 11 . account of his phitre cement 220, 221 compared with the cement of Messrs. Parker and Wyatt 221 Lime. — Classification of the different varieties of limes, art. 13. 6 nature and properties of the u rich '" limes, art. 14 8 of the " poor " limes, art. 15 7 of the moderately hydraulic limes, art. 16 7 of the hydraulic limes, art. 17 8 of the eminently hydraulic limes, art. 18 8 of the colours of these limes, art. 19 8 When lime may be said to M set, v art. 20 1» relation between the qualities of limes, and the chemical composition of the stones whence they are derived. art. 21 — 24 9—12 Mib-carbonate of, art. 30 14 dead-lime, as distinguished from the unburnt limes, note b. 1 4 rvations on kilns for the burning of. art. 32. 42 — 44.15 — 18 account of the manufactory of artificial lime at Meudon, art. 52—54 22-21 ordinary process of slaking, ar t. 5G 2G by immersion, art. Gl 27 spontaneous method, art. GG -'j specific gravity of, when pure, note a 28 effect of cold water upon rich lime, in effervescence, art. 59 27 observation on the effect of mechanical subdivision on, note c exposed to the air, re-absorbs carbonic acid, art. 70 30 time required for this in rich and hydraulic limes, art. 70 3o changes which take place in lime slaked by immersion, art. 71 — 74 31 a sudden immersion prejudicial to rich and hydraulic- limes, art. 75 31 INDEX. -27.") Page- Lime, mode of preserving, art. 7(J — 7t> '3-2, 33 properties of certain rich limes, art. 80 37 of hydraulic limes, art. 8G, par. 3 38 hydrates of, augmented in hardness by the carbonic acid of the atmosphere, art. 00, par. 4 38 experiment to shew the absorbent power of fresh slaked, note f. 42 when hydraulic lime may be immersed, art. 97 40 small slabs similar to marble may be made with the rich and white limes, art. 99 , 42 experience the best guide in the choice of limes, art. 134. 54 reciprocal suitableness of the various kinds of lime, and the ingredients which unite with it in the composition of mortars and cements, art. 101 — 104 G4 — 00 on the mixture of the different limes with the other in- gredients of mortars and cements 07 what materials have the least affinity for lime, art. 107... 08 when it is better to err from a deficiency than an excess of lime, and vice versa, art. 170 G8 a considerable excess proper in common mortars, note b. 08 importance of proportions in respect to hardness, art. 171. 08, 09 modifications of, according to the purposes for which the mortars or cements are to be applied, art. 172 09 component parts of the best hydraulic lime, note 09 process to be applied to the hydraulic, and " eminently " hydraulic limes, when the ordinary mode of slaking is adopted, art. 185 73 how to treat eminently hydraulic limes after slaking, note... 73 discovery of the virtues of Narva lime, note 73 mistake in using hot lime to accelerate the " set," with a view to the greatest induration, art. 197 7<> criterion of lime being completely slaked, art. 197 79 the bad qualities of rich limes corrected by the use of sugar, or molasses, note 84 with what limes the mixture of sand is injurious or beneficial, art. 208 85 what sands should be mixed with certain limes, art. 209—214 85—89 each kind of lime behaves, with respect to this or that sand, in a manner which is peculiar to it, art. 215 88 case of the rich limes, art. 210 90 of the simply hydraulic limes, art. 218 90 ■210 IM'IA. E*ge J, ilia-. - 1 lie l»t st proportions subordinate to the nature of the lime, and the mode of extinction, art. '220 91 choice of the mode of slaking, art. 221 1)1 detail of the manufacture of mortars with, art. 223-290... 9 1-84 different effect on certain limes when exposed to the atmosphere, art. 225 92 when the quartzose, or calcareous sands, are injurious to the hydraulic and eminently hydraulic limes, art. 239. 08 deterioration of, hy the mixture of improper substances, art. 213 102 when the mixtures of rich limes and " inert" sands become decomposed in water, art. 247 103 hydraulic, may be employed as an ingredient in cast- ing ornaments in those cases in which the number of moulds ceases to be a difficulty, art. 250 100 how the artificial mixtures of pure lime and clay, in certain proportions, become natural or artificial cements, art. 260 • 113 extensive use of half-burnt lime in the works of the Burgundy Canal, art. 206 113 the earliest use of, to be found in one of the Egyptian pyramids, art. 208 114 mixture of sand with, in ancient mortars, art. 203 113 opinion of the Romans as to the best lime, art. 274 118 the properties of hydraulic lime totally unknown to them, art. 274 118 in paste, how employed by the Romans, art. 277 120 in the Roman cements, scarcely harder than chalk, art. 278 120 combines chemically in artificial pouzzolanas, as well as in cements formed with the uncalcined psammites and arenes, with these substances, art. 314 138 this confirmed by experiments, and the opinion of General Treussart, note 133, 139 \arieties in the quality of, known to the ancients 144 Yitrm ius's account of the qualities of, repeated by modern authors 145 notice of experiments on eighty-three sorts of 145 remarks on the colour of 145 various opinions as to the virtues of hydraulic lime de- pending on the presence of manganese 150 — 152 how rich limes may he made to acquire hydraulic pro- perties, note m 155 INDEX. -277 Lime. — Table ol the weight of" rich lime" converted into paste by different processes 108, 169 weight of a cubic foot of dry slaked " rich" lime, pre- pared from sea shells, and slaked by immersion, note s. 100 difficulty of ascertaining the quantity of, put into mortar, when lime slaked by the ordinaryprocess is used 109 how rich lime may be preserved for ages 109 instance of lime being kept rich and moist for five hundred years 169, 170 cause of the prejudices against hydraulic lime among the workmen 170 use of unmixed lime in buildings 175 impotency of the most caustic lime on quartz 180 inaction of hydraulic lime in the same circumstances 180 absence of chemical action by the hydraulic limes on various kinds of sand 181 its action in the humid way on silica and alumina when isolated 184 effect produced by mixing clay with, when each is in a state of pulp, note 185 when the " poor" limes may be used with advantage 191 best method of developing the virtues of hydraulic lime, note 1 90 danger of using it imperfectly slaked 198 comparison of the qualities of various limes, with the chemical composition of the lime-stones furnishing them. 237 the mutual suitableness of the various limes, with the different ingredients of cements and mortars compared. 213 See Cements, Hydrates of lime, Hydraulic lime, Lime- stones, Mortars. Lime-stones, properties, and component parts of, art. 1, 2 .... 1 tests to discover, art. 1 1 different varieties of, art. 3 2 experiments to examine the qualities of, art. — 12. 23 3-0, 11 each variety of, furnishes a peculiar kind of lime, art. 4 3 actual trial, the builder's only guide as to the qualities of, art. 5 3 result of a chemical examination of the minerals supplying the various kinds of lime, art. 21... p. 9 calcination of, in the large way, art. 2j — 4o 13-119 278 INDEX. Lime-stones. — Difference between pore and compound lime- stone, art. 28 13 how the argillaceous lime-stones become natural cements, art. 200 119 this result observed in Russia by Colonel Kaucourt 113 successfully applied by If. Lacordaire, in the works con- nected with the Burgundy Canal... US nature and formation of 140 — 140 abundant supply of, distributed throughout England, sole, 142—144 chemical methods of appreciating the qualities of 143 M. Bertliier's mode of analysing 1 13 test to discover if they contain magnesia, note d 144 process for ascertaining the quantity of lime in a com- pound of lime and magnesia, ?wtc f. 1 10 value of magnesian lime-stones for mortars and cements 147—150 experiments of M. Berthier and the Author on 150 effect of a current of aqueous vapour in accelerating the reduction of, into lime 152, 153 various experiments as to the effects of calcination on, 154 — 107 comparison of the qualities of various limes with the chemical composition of lime-stones furnishing them... '237 analysis of, furnishing rich lime 237 poor lime -2M feebly hydraulic lime 237 hydraulic lime 237 eminently hydraulic lime 237 Lime-water, action of, on the arenes, psammites, clays, and pouzzolanas, art. 141 66 how deprived of its causticity, note ",t; method of preparing a very strong one. note V>o " Litre," capacity of this in English measure, note e 144 Loamy particles in fine sands, injurious effects of, art. 214 : p. 80. 203 Loriot, If. his process for hastening the " set " of a mortar ... '21!» opinion of Mr. Smeaton on, note 319 answers well in the composition of stucco, note 290 Lumps, minute, found after slaking, treatment of 73. mok : 156 Lyonese method of preparing mortar, art. 220 03. 10« Btidgt. M. Madras, account of magnesia found in the Presidency of 1 17 INDEX. -27!) Page Madras, mode of preparing the "chunam" there, note x 1 7<» analysis of a cement used in, note 222 Magnesia found in old mortars, note GG test to discover in lime-stone, note d 14-1 account of the Madras magnesia 147 combines with water and forms a hydrate, note 147 experiment with, as to its acquisition of weight by im- mersion, and its tendency to "set" note 117 Magnesian lime-stones, properties of, note v 8 method of analysing by hydration 14G extensive beds of, found in India, and their use 147 — 140 Malcolmson, Dr., analysis of a mortar brought by him from the pyramid of Cheops.. 114 — 11 6, note; 11 5, note; 222 — 224 Manganese, nature of, note c 1 various opinions as to the virtues of hydraulic lime, de- pending on the presence of 150 — 152 its oxide an ingredient in the manufacture of artificial hydraulic limes 1G3 Manipulation, the secret of good, art. 231 94 mortars of rich lime, fifteen months old, compared, in re- gard to the influence of 252 Manufacture of artificial hydraulic lime, art. 48 — 52. p. 21, 22. 1G4— 1GG See Hydraulic lime. of artificial pouzzolanas, art. 144 — 1G0 58 — G3. note a. G4 of mortars or cements intended for immersion, art. 178 — 100 71—75 of mortars exposed to the air and weather, art. 223 — 230 91—04 of prisms at Alexandria in Piedmont 207, 208 of stuccoes. See Stuccoes. Marble, small slabs of, may be imitated with the rich and white limes, art. 99 42 opinion of the Romans that it furnished the finest lime, art. 274 118 Martin, Mr., account of his new cement 191 Masonry, when used instead of the " beton," art. 200 BO precaution respecting the soaking of materials used in ... 206 how cements should be employed in under-ground, masonry, 242 0!) Masons, their opinion as to lime which slakes to dryness 107 Mastics, rich, used to repair damaged pouzzolanas 213 Masulipatam, notice of a water-lime found there, note 12 280 IMjLX. Ma^ulipatam, experiment with hydraulic and rich limes of, in the manufacture of cement, note a 64 Matrix for mortars, in what it consists, art. 165 67 M its, recommended to retard the drying of mortar, note g. ... 96 Mechanical agency of the particles in the solidification of mortar, considered, art. 288 12(3 Medal. — The author presented with a gold medal by the society of" Encouragement,*' for his discoveries, art. 260 110 Meudon, account of the manufactory of artificial lime at, art. 5-2—54 -22—24 Mica, nature of, note c 46 often mistaken for talc, note c 46 Middle ages, mortars of the, compared with those of the ancients, art. 280 122 Milk, used in India in the manufacture of stucco, note x 176 Mill-works, a good mortar for repairing 177 Minerals, calcareous, and the limes they furnish 1 — 12 tests to discover, art. 1 1 " Minion," meaning of the term, note 50 used as an ingredient in mortar, note 50 Mirrors, metallic, crystallization of, after solidification, note m. 130 Molasses, used to correct the bad qualities of rich limes, note... 84 Molecular and successive motion applied to solve the phe- nomenon of the solidification of mortars, art. 308 133 Mortars, test to exhibit the action of the air on, mote d 35 when hydraulic mortars in the condition of hydrates can be employed, art. 100 42 materials added to lime in the formation of, art. 101—126 43 — 51 best proportion of lime or other cementing matter in, how ascertained, note 45 various action of the substances combined with lime, to form calcareous cements, art. 125 50, 51 qualities of the materials combined with lime in the fabrication of, art. 127 — 143 52 — 57 reciprocal suitableness of the various kinds of lime, and the ingredients which unite with it, in the composi- tion of mortars and cements, art. 161 — 164 64 — G6 comparative table relating to 243 combination of materials necessary to obtain mortars or cements capable of acquiring groat hardness in the water, or under-ground, or in situations constantly damp, art. 162 «>4 INDEX. 281 Page Mortars. — Ditto in the open air, and to resist rain, heat, and severe frosts, art. 163 6"> reason for the superior durability of old mortars, note b. (>•"> contain silica and magnesia, note 66 the most durable common mortars manufactured from hydraulic limes, note GG on the mixtures of the different limes with sand, and the other ingredients of mortars and cements <»7 of calcareous mortars or cements intended for immer- sion, art. 165. — 206 67 — 83 choice of proportions, art. 166 — 172 67 — 69 choice of the process of extinction, art. 173 — 177 ... 69 — 71 of the manipulation or manufacture, art. 178 — 190 ...71 — 75 of the using or immersion, art. 191 — 200 75 — 80 action of water upon the parts of the mortars and cements in immediate contact with it, art. 201 — 204 80, 81 influence of time, art. 205, 206 82, 83 a considerable excess of lime proper in common mortars, note b 68 the best hydraulic mortar, according to Col. Raucourt, note 69 beatings, useful in hydraulic mortar, composed of lime and tarras, note f. 71 should be of a good clayey consistency, art. 182 72 test to prove the completeness of the extinction, art. 185, p. 73 in what case the lumps after slaking should be bruised and reduced to powder, note h 7.J directions respecting mortar or cement intended for imme- diate immersion, art. 189 7.", when rammers are to be used instead of beaters, art. 190, p. 75 importance of the manner in which the beton is immersed, art. 191 7<; box proposed by Belidor, the best, art. 192 70 how the immersion of the " beton " is carried on, art. 193.. 76 directions when there is a flowing stream, art. 194 77 General Treussart's method of immersion, note 1 77 objections to the use of hot lime, and the immersion of the "beton" while warm, art. 197, 198 78, 79 directions when the immersion of a certain quantity of "beton" has been postponed, art. 199 79 when mortars or cements are used in a "dry way," art. 200 HO 282 INDEX. p • Mortars. — Difference in the strength of hydraulic mortar when made with sea-water, note B1 the goodness of not always indicated by the rapidity of its "set," art. 205 8_> an excess of ricli or slightly hydraulic lime in a cement retards its "set," par. 1 83 what modes of extinction are best calculated to hasten the " set," par. 2 83 progress of the induration of certain cements, par. 3. 83 the relations, in respect to hardness, deduced from a com- parison of the three modes of slaking, how modified by time, par. 5 83 the use of mortars of rich lime should be prohibited in works of any importance, art. 207 84 an excellent mortar made in the East Indies, note 81 when sugar or molasses may be employed, note )'. t results of a comparison of the mortars with the hydrates, art. 208 85 on the mixture of the different kinds of sand, art. 209 — 214 8.3—80 when fine sand produces excellent mortars, art. 214 8!) on the resistance of mortars made from different limes, art. 21G— 220 00, 01 on the time required for "souring," art. 223 — 226 02, 03 effects of along continued trituration, art. 224. 220; p. 02, 03 of the atmospheric influence on the ingredients of mor- tars, art. 225—227 02, 03 Lyonese method of preparing, art. 22G 93 how far the treatment of mortars for immersion applies to those exposed to the air, art. 228 03 should always be prepared under cover, art. 229 0:5 mode of treating a very stiff mortar, art. 231 1 precept in which the secret of good manipulation is con- densed, art. 231 !»1 the bricklayers' practice in respect to, art. 231 04 application of mortar in building, art. 232 01 effect on mortars exposed to a rapid desiccation, art. 234, p. 95 how to prevent this when building takes place in hot wea- ther, art. 234 !>."» chalk mortar injured by being kept too long in a very damp state, note g 95 method <>f retarding the desiccation of mortar, note future qualities, art. 258 Mortars. — Loriot's process insufficient, art. 258 1<>!> Col. Raucourt's liquid mortar for grouting, note ]<»:» Mr. Smeaton's grouting, note 1 B hydraulic lime may be employed in preparing artificial stones bearing mouldings, vases, &c, art. 259 100 antique, compared with those of medium age and modern mortars, art. 268—283 U4— 123 used in the pyramid of Cheops in Egypt, similar to the present, art. 2C8 114 analysis of the mortar, note 114 the use of cements known two thousand years ago, art. •268 11*> superior durability of the Egyptian cements to the Roman, art. 269 115. 1 1<; application of cements in Greece, art. 271 117 by the Romans, art. 272.273. 117—119 nature of their mortars and cements, and to w hat purposes applied, with an analysis of them, art. 272 — 283, p. 117 — 123 prepared with oil by the ancients, note 121 on the theory of 124 — 139 improved in hardness by reunion with carbonic acid, note 123 extent of our knowledge of, art. 287 126 table showing the relative proportions of lime, sand, and carbonic acid in different mortars, note 133 various purposes to which mortars made with hydraulic limes have been applied 161 — 1 1 (3 rapidity of absorption of carbonic acid by 172, 173 composed of rich lime and a reddish, argillaceous pit- sand, much used in repairing mill-works 177 notice of the contradictions exhibited in different memoirs relating to mortars and pouzzolanas 191 — 193 table of twenty compositions of water-mortar suited t,p different situations and circumstances 193 different views of the constitution of cement and mortars. 196 methods of fabrication and immersion adopted in the foun- dations of the bridge of Charles X. at Lyons 197 explanation of the deterioration of some water-cements and mortars 1 99 experiments of If. Petot on 200 cases of exception with regard to the influence of time on. 201 ini>j:x. 285 . .Mortars. — Experiments with mortars made of lime and cal- careous sand 201 20° unanimous opinion respecting mortars and cements mixed "thin" 204 causes of the bad qualities of a mortar which has been drowned 20 I observations on the mixing of, note 204 205 influence of slow desiccation of, long known in Italy 207 experiments on the desiccation of 208 mortar eighty years old, found quite fresh 209 mortars of rich lime in a damp soil, harden after six or seven hundred years 200 table of the constituent parts of ancient mortars 210 effects of frost on mortars and stuccoes 213 218 durability of mortars taken from ancient bridges..... 225 opinions of ftff. Girard on hydraulic mortars composed with arenaceous sands controverted 228—231 comparison intended to show the mutual suitableness of the various limes, with the different ingredients of ce- ments and mortars 243 hydraulic mortars and cements compared with regard to the process of slaking made use of 244, 245 comparison of the relative resistances of hydraulic mor- tars and cements, immerged in various states of con- sistency 2 1 (> hydraulic mortars and cements compared with reference to the deterioration which they undergo at their sur- faces 217 cpiickness of " set " of various hydraulic mortars and cements, compared with the resistance acquired after a year's immersion 247 ditto of various cements, compared with the proportions and hardness acquired after a year's immersion 248 the absolute resistance of mortars compared with those of the hydrates of lime constituting their gangues 21!) mortars compared with reference to the size of the- sand made use of. 210 taken from various buildings compared with mortars manufactured for experiment, with the same limes 2,0 compared in regard to their proportions, and the process of slaking made use of 251 of rich lime, fifteen months old, compared in regard to the influence of manipulation 253 •l IN M V Mortars, compared with reference to the consistency siren to the mixture of lime anil sand 256 in regard to the influence of desiccation 252 the absolute resistance of various mortars compared in regard to the effect of condensation 253 various mortars and cements compared in regard to their specific gravity and porosity 253 characters, composition and absolute resistances of some Roman mortars from the South of France 254 comparison of the resistance of various compounds in re- gard to proportions and the size of the bodies im- bedded in the substance constituting the matrix 255 analyses of various old mortars 250 See Cements, Hydraulic lime, Lime, Pouzzolanas, Stucco, Watt r cements. Moulding, mortars may be made to take every possible form in, art. 253 100 contained in a mould may be beaten or rammed in the manner of "pise," art. 254 106 mortar of hydraulic lime may be employed in, art. 259, p. 1"!» Mulgrave's cement, result of experiments on, nute f. 123 Muriatic acid, its action upon sands, art. 135 54 on the clay of arenes, art. 130 55 on the schistose psammites, art. 137 55 on clays, art. 138 55 comparison of its action upon clays taken in different cond i tions 239 ditto of the qualities of hydraulic cements with the be- haviour of their ingredients in regard to 210. 211 V Narva lime, how the virtues of were discovered, note 73 Natural cements, art. 201—207 111—113 See ( Mortars, Pouzzolanas. Needle, used for trying the hardness of mortars and cements.. 184 Nitric acid, action of. on sands, art. 135 "> 1 o. Obernai lime, remarks on the burning d 17 Oil, mixed with ancient mortars, nok 121 u id in India, in ..he making of plaster 170 INDEX. 287 Pacrp Oil, and wax, form a good composition for protecting valuable work 212 Old mortars. See Antique mortars. Ollivier, MM. account of their method of extinction 170 Ombos, nature of the ancient mortar found there, art. 268 ... 115 Ornamental constructions, economy in, art. 259 109, 110 Oxide of iron, opinions as to the efficacy of, invalidated by facts |83 Oxide of manganese, opinion of certain chemists on the efficacy of, in lime and mortar K;:j P. Paint. — A plaster or red paint laid over their mortars by the Romans, art. 277 120 Paris, material with which the houses there are built, note f... 2 Parker's cement, analysis of, note 22 result of experiments on, note f. 128 notice of Messrs. Parker and Wyatt's patent for a " water cement, " afterwards called " Roman cement " 220 a similar cement made by M. Lesage 220 Pasley, Col., his water-cement, note t 11 notice of his experiments with carbonate of magnesia ... 147 with coal-dust as an ingredient in cements, note k 154 Paste. — Effects of water on soft and stiff pastes, art. 96 40 how it should be made to avoid shrinkage, note g 41 quality of, to which the lime should be brought, art. 179—183 71,72 when employed by the Romans, art. 277 120 experiments to ascertain the cause of the cohesion of, note 127 effects of alcohol on a paste of slaked rich lime, note. ... 127 Pavements, Grecian, quickly absorbed the water with which they were washed, art. 271 117 Peat, advantage of using, in the burning of lime 159 Peroxide of iron, nature of, note b 55 Pestle, when it may be used with advantage, art. 187 74 Petot, M., notice of his experiments on the relations which exist between the solubilities of lime joined with land and the proportions of the mixtures, art 309 134 experiments on the deterioration of some w.ver-c ements and mortars - 1 99, 200 1NKKV Phenomenon observed in mortars and cements in immediate contact with water, art. 201—204 80, 81 Phila, nature of the ancient mortar found in the island of, art. 288 1*8 Phosphate of lime deprives lime-water of its causticity, note. 98 Piers, pouzzolana employed by the Romans in the construc- tion of, art. 274 lift nature of the n beton " used for the piers of bridges and the weight borne by it 1C> 1 , 183 "Pise," nature of this mode of building, note 108 Plaster used in India, how made 1 7G Plaster of Paris, used to guard the cement of the Eddystone light-house, note k 77 experiments upon the solidification of. 226 Plinv, his account of ancient mortars, art. 280 122 Pointing, mortar composed of sand and hydraulic lime, used for 1G2 Polish. — Manner of polishing stucco in India, note x 17(J Porosity. — Various mortars and cements compared with re- gard to their specific gravity and porosity 253 Portland stone, the superficial weight it will bear, note f. 123 Potash, on the mixture of, with clays previous to their cal- cination, in the fabrication of artificial pouzzolanas. 189, 190 Pot-shards, used as an ingredient in mortar, art. 124 J»> Pouzzolanas. — History and properties of the natural pouzzo- lanas, or volcanic and pseudo-volcanic products, art. 118—123 4ft, 49 preparation of, for use, note 4!» constituent parts of, note 49 substances comprised under the name of artificial pouz- zolanas, art. 124 49 action of acids upon, art. 139 65 the artificial pouzzolanas exhibit the same phenomena as the natural ones, art. 140 66 deprive lime-water of its causticity, art. 141 68 manufacture of, art. 144 — 1G0. oft — G3 first method, art. 148 59 second method, art. 149 GO not materially injured by moisture, note o9 experiment with hydraulic and rich limes of Masulipatam, note a G4 proportions of lime required by, art. 168 Gft INDEX. Page Pouzzolanas, quick setting of mortars formed of, advan- tageous, note 82 the Romans unable to do without it in the construction of piers or jetties, art. 274 118 strength of cements formed from, note f 123 experiments on artificial pouzzolanas, with a view to as- certain the chemical properties of the lime in, note. 138, 139 the psammites in their natural state act as pouzzolanas with rich lime 173 Vitruvius's account of the properties of 178, 179 unequal manner in which some of the pouzzolanas of Italy behave with sulphuric acid 179 tile-dust, the most ancient of the known artificial pouz- zolanas 132 the presence of iron not indispensable in "energetic" pouzzolanas 183 influence of the contact of the air in the manufacture of, 183 absorption of oxygen by, not sufficiently established 183 investigation of the action of the separate constituents of, when mixed with rich lime 184, 185 reverberatory furnace proposed for the calcination of .... 186 experiments of M. Bruyere upon artificial pouzzolanas, 187 repeated on a large scale by fif. St. Leger 187 experiments with clays in the production of. 187 — 189 table of experiments on two pouzzolanas mixed with rich lime , 190 explanation of the contradictions exhibited by various writers on 191 comparison of various artificial pouzzolanas with the Italian pouzzolana, Audenack tarras, and aquafortis cement 242 Prinsep, Mr., notice of his catalogue of Indian calcareous minerals, note 12 Prisms, advantage of moulding the hydrates in this form, art. 98 11 manufacture of, in Italy 207, 208 Proportions used in the manufacture of hydraulic lime, art. 51 M how to ascertain the best proportion of lime or other ce- menting matter in mortar, note '•"> choice of, in making mortars or cements intended for im- mersion, art. 1GG — 172 U7— 89 •290 INDEX. Paye Proportional exceptions offered by the poor limes in rela- tion to 194 quickness of "set" of various cements compared with the proportions and the hardness acquired after a year's immersion 248 mortars compared in regard to their proportions and the process of slaking made use of 231 Protoxide of iron, note b 55 Psammites, nature of, art. Ill, 112 40, 47 how acted upon by muriatic acid, art. 13 55 deprive lime-water of its causticity, art. 141 50 when the hydraulic properties of, first discovered 177 in their natural state, act as pouzzolanas with rich lime... 178 Pseudo-morphous, meaning of the term, note g 2 Pseudo-volcanic products. See Pouzzolanas. Puddling, hydraulic mortars may be employed in, art. 100 42 Pumps, use of, during the process of immersion, art. 195 77 Pyramids of Egypt, the mortar employed in, similar to the present, art. 208, and note 114, 115 See Egypt. Q Quartz, influence of, upon the cohesion of lime, art. 309, and note 13-J impotency of the most caustic lime on 180 Quick-lime, phenomena produced by throwing it into water, art. 56 - G when only plunged into water for a few seconds, art. 01... 27 effect produced on, by the action of the atmosphere, art. 00, p. 29 experiment for the preservation of, on a large scale 171 R. Rain. — Combination of materials necessary to produce mortars or cements capable of resisting rain, art. 103 05 Kajalnnundry clay, account »1" various experiments with, 220 — 228 Hammers of cast-iron, use of, art. 187. 190 74, 75 when ramming may be employed, art. 254 100 Raucourt, Colonel, precaution as to the drying of prisms, note I". *■ test to discover the consistency of a good mortar, note c. 35 "ii the best hydraulic lime and mortar, note 88 INDEX. 291 Page Raucourt, Colonel, how he discovered the virtues of the Nana lime, note 73 on the effect of exposing mortars to the air, and the addition of water, note 75 his process for estimating the voids in a mass of stones, gravel, or sand, note 8"3 plan for determining the proportions in which gravel, stones, and sands ought to he mixed, note 88 remedy for retarding the desiccation of mortar, note g. ... 96 his opinion of the effect of the atmosphere on mortars, note h '** ' his liquid mortar for grouting, note 10!) results observed by, in burning artificial hydraulic lime- stones in Russia, art. 260 113 ex periment on rich limes, note m 155 on calcined clays in Russia 183 description of an air-furnace, note 186 his composition for protecting valuable work 212 Resistance, in different mortars, art. 210—219, p. 90, and art. 24.1 W influence of beating on the resistance of mortars in general, art. 253— 200 100—110 variation of the limits of absolute resistance of mortars of lime and sand, art. 281 122 absolute amount to be reckoned on in certain mortars, art. 2152, 283 123 of mortars composed of lime and calcareous sand 202 comparison of the hardness and absolute resistance of compounds, resulting from the union of water with various limes 238 of the relative resistances of various hydraulic mortars and cements, immerged in various states of consistency ••• 246 compared with the quickness of " set " of various hy- draulic mortars and cements 247 the absolute resistances of mortars, compared with those of the hydrates of lime, constituting their gangues ... 241) of various mortars, compared in regard to the effect of condensation 203 of Roman mortars 25 I of various compounds, in regard to proportions and the size of the bodies imbedded in the substance consti- tuting the matrix 292 IM»K\. Reverberatory furnace, defects of 186. I I Roman cement, directions l'or producing a cement similar to, noted 22 proof of the excellence of, note Ill a natural cement, art. 263 1 IS great consumption of, in London, art. 203 112 how its use will be restricted, art. 2G3 112 no artificial composition made in France equal to it in point of hardness, art. 264 112 mortars, — composition, and absolute resistances of. '1~> I Romans, inferiority of the cements in their works on the Nile to those of the Egyptians, art. 260 116 a fte r wa rds instructed by their writers on architecture, art. 272 118 their opinion as to the production of lime of the finest quality, art. 274 118 the properties of hydraulic lime unknown to them, art. 274, p. 118 unable to execute works under water without pouzzolana. 118 all their mortars exposed to the air, alike, art. 27o 119 how their hydraulic mortars differ from ours, art. 276 ... 1 19 these usually intended to prevent the infiltration of water, and for what purposes used, art. 277 Ill) their use of a plaster, or red paint, and of lime in paste, for lining, art. 277 120 excellencies of their hydraulic cement, art. 278 120 the caskets and snuff-boxes of the modern Italians made of the same material, art. 278 12o the supposition that they possessed a secret for the fabri- cation of mortar controverted, art. 279, 280 121, 122 oil mixed up with their mortar, note \*1\ comparison of their mortars with those of the middle ages, art. 280 122 notice of their " Albaria Opera" .. 17.} pounded brick employed by, instead of pouzzolana 179 nature of the sand used by •J(»2 table of the constituent parts of certain Roman mortars 210 Kubble, coarse, how used with sand, note 87 proportions required to fill up the voids in, note 87 and for mixing, note 88 Russian cements, the best, note 7:'' natural cements recently found in Russia, art. 264 112 INDEX. 293 S. Page Sand, different kinds of, and how produced, art. 102 — 110. 43 — 40 specific gravity of siliceous or quartzose sand, notch 44 method of ascertaining its density, note b 4 1 the sands characterized as " inert" substances, art. 13*2... 53 when acted upon by the acids, art. 135 54 mixtures of the different limes with, art. 167 68 proportions of lime required by the quartzose or calcareous sands, art. 169 63 what hydrates mixed with pure sand obtain the greatest hardness, art. 208 85 to what limes it is injurious or serviceable, art. 208 85 how sands were chosen by the ancient builders, art. 209... 86 no " inert" sand can form a good mortar, art. 209 86 influence of the size of, art. 210—214 86—89 of sands suited to particular limes, art. 211 — 214 87,88 the object of mixing sands, note 87 process of Col. Raucourt, note 87 how the voids in are filled up, note 87 process for determining the proportions in which sand should be mixed, note 88 in fine powder, in certain cases produces good mortar, art. 214 89 the quartzose powders may be also advantageously em- ployed, art. 214 80 the intervention of loamy or argillaceous particles in fine sands robs them of their qualities, art. 214 89 proportions of, to be added to rich limes, art. 216, 217... 90 to simply hydraulic limes, art. 218, 219 90 when injurious to the hydraulic and eminently hydraulic limes, art. 239 98 proportions of, as mixed with different limes, art. 241 ... 99 requisite in mortars, to enable them to resist the effects of winter, par. 1 — 3 104 maximum limit of, necessary for mortars used in covered parts of buildings, art. 252 105 a reddish fine sand found in some ancient mortars, art. 268, p. 1 15 none discovered in mortar brought from the pyramid of Cheops, note 116 always found in the Roman mortars, art. 279 121 absence of chemical action by the hydraulic limes on va- rious kinds of sand 1^1 294 INDEX. IV Sand. — Experiment upon the influence oi calcareous sand in comparison with the granitic 201 ancient examples in favour of the principles laid down re- garding the influence of the coarseness of the grain in sands 202 what sand used by the Romans 202 fatal instance of the employment of sand impregnated with argillaceous particles '201$ mortars compared with reference to the size of the sand made use of 249 Saw. — Use of the Spring-saw, art. 127 — 129 52 Scales. See Forge scales. Schist, explanation of the ter m, note c - !< I Sea-water, superior strength of hydraulic mortar made with, note 1 " Set " of hydraulic limes, how measured, art. 20 9 quickness of, how influenced, art. 95, p. 40, and art. 15)7, p. 7» rapidity of, not always an indication of the goodness of a cement, art. 205 82 defects of mortars of hydraulic limes which set quickly, note 82 a quick " set " advantageous in mortars formed of pouz- zolanas, note 82 an excess of rich or slightly hydraulic lime in a cement retards its " set," par. 1 H3 what modes of " extinction " are calculated to hasten it, par. 2 83 difficulty of hastening, without injuring the future quali- ties of the mortar, art. 258 100 difference of time in the " set " of natural cements, art. 202 HI M. Loriot's process for hastening 219 quickness of " set " of various hydraulic mortars and cements compared with the resistance after a year's im- mersion 217 of various cements, compared with the proportions, and the hardness acquired after a year's immersion 248 Shells.— Excellent quality of mortar made of calcined shells and sugar, note 84 Sheppy cement, an analysis of, note 22 Shrinkage in the hydrates of rich limes, art. 98, 99 11 how this may be diminished, note ll Silica found in old mortars, note <;,; indkx. -295 Silica, action of lime on, in the humid way 184 forms a good hydraulic cement with rich lime 184 Silicate of lime, nature of, note 206 Skeleton vault of bricks, when used 161 Slag, smithy, used as an ingredient in mortar, art. 124 50 foundry, — mixed with the cement employed in the new docks at Sunderland, note 50 mode of application in this case, note 50 and dross from large furnaces, give but " feebly ener- getic" pouzzolana, art- 159 03 Slaking of lime, phenomena exhibited by, art. 4 expansion occasioned by, note q 7 ordinary process, art. 50 ... 20 how abused, art. 57 20 expansion of the different kinds of lime by, art. 58 20 effect of cold water upon rich lime in effervescence, art. 59 27 effect of" chill " in, art. 59 27 what renders lime sluggish in, art. 00 27 second process of extinction, art. 01 — 03 27 29 how it ought to be practised in order to reduce rich lime well, art. 03 28 water absorbed by, art. 03 28 expansion of the various limes by, remarks on, note c. ... 29 order of the three processes in reference to the most per- fect division of the limes, art. 08 29 action of the carbonic acid of the atmosphere upon limes differently slaked, art. 70 — 75 30, 31 method of preserving the different limes before and after extinction, art. 76 — 78 32 33 shrinkage dependent upon, art. 98, and note g 41 process of, how regulated, art. 173 09 processes most suitable to certain limes, art. 177, p. 70 ; art. 221, 222 \ yl a certain sign of complete slaking, art. 197 7l> history of the various modes of, with an examination of Fleuret's process 107 methods used at Doue to slake hydraulic lime on a lar«re scale 170 explanation of the influence of the different modes of,194 — 106 a mode of, approved by trial on a large scale 197 hydraulic lime should be slaked quickly, note 197 instance of the danger of imperfect slaking 19li 296 is n ex. Page Slaking of lime, explanation of the varied effects of the dif- ferent methods of 203 hydraulic mortars and cements compared with regard to the process of slaking made use of 244, 245 mortars compared in regard to their proportions and the process of slaking used 251 See Extinction, Immersion. Slow-heat, irregular action of the coal-kiln by, art. 41, 42; p. 17, 18 Smcaton, Mr., materials used by, as ingredients in mortar, note 50 remark on the Aberthaw blue lias, note 70 directions as to beating, note f. 71 coating used by, to guard the cement of the Eddystone light-house, note k 77 experiments on hydraulic mortars made with fresh and sea-water, note $\ composition of his " grouting," note 109 his observations as to the colour of limes, note e 140 his account of Dutch tan-as, note 173 — 130 table of twenty compositions of water-mortars 193 his opinion of M. Loriot's process for hastening the "set" of mortars, note 219 Snuff-boxes. See Caskets. Soaking. — Precautions respecting the soaking of materials used in masonry 207 Solidification, of mortars at all times the subject of controversy, art. 284 12 1 discussion of the various hypotheses, art. 284 — 313, p. 124 — 139 not a necessary consequence of the chemical combination of two soft or pasty substances, brought into contact in the humid way 185 experiments upon the solidification of the calcined sul- phate of lime 220 upon the solidification of cements composed of rich lime and artificial pouzzolana 22G— 228 See Hardness. Solids resulting from the simple combination of water and lime, art. 79—100 34 — 12 See Hydrates of lime. Solubility of rich lime in water, art. 14 increased by sugar, note n G Souring. — Time required for lime to sour, art. 180 71 whether benefited by a long souring, art. 223 02 INDEX. -297 Page Specific gravity. — Various mortars compared in regard to their specific gravity and porosity 253 Spontaneous extinction. See Extinction. St. Leger, M., description of his process for making artificial hydraulic limes, art. 52 — 54 21 24 experiments on artificial pouzzolanas on a large scale .... 187 his machine for the fabrication of hydraulic mortars 205 Stalactites, how formed, note e 3ii may be observed under the arches of some bridges, note e. 33 Stanhope, Lord, his successful application of a current of aqueous vapour in the calcination of lime-stone 153 Statuary marble, how termed by the French, note e 2 Stere, its equivalent English measure, note f. 17 Stink-stone. See Swine-stone. Stone, method of giving mortar the appearance of, art, 253, p. 10G casts in bas-relief and in alto-relievo bear a strong re- semblance to common stone, art. 257 108 mortar of hydraulic lime may be employed in preparing artificial stones bearing mouldings, vases, or ornaments, art. 259 109 resistance of building-stone, art. 281 122 the assertion that factitious stones of lime and sand can be made as hard as flint, to be received with caution, art. 281 122 the superficial weight borne by Portland stone, note f. ... 123 mode of manufacturing artificial stones at Alexandria in Piedmont 207 208 value of M. Brard's process for discovering whether they are likely to be affected by frost 218 Stream. — Advantages of a flowing stream in the process of immersion, art. 194 77 Strength, comparative, of hydraulic mortars made with fresh and sea-water, note 81 Stucco. — The employment of sugar or molasses advan- tageous when buildings are to be stuccoed with rich lime, note 84 composition of Mr. Higgins's patent stucco, note e 89 rapidity of absorption of carbonic acid by 172, 173 mode of preparing the Madras chunam, note x 176 defects in the manufacture of, note e 32 remedy against the speedy decay of, used in India, note .. 103 how stucco should be laid on, when exposed to the vicis- situdes of the weather, note 104 298 index. Stucco, Grecian, perfection ot. art. 271 117 value of the carbonate of magnesia for 148 mode of preparing If. Martin's new stucco 191 compositions for the protection of, from the weather 212 progress of its decay in India, note 213 If. Loriot's process for hastening the " set," of use in the composition of, note 2*20 explanation of the term "burnt stucco" 228 Sub-carbonate of lime, art. 30 14 Sugar increases the solubility of lime in water, note n 6 used to correct the bad qualities of rich limes, note 84 employed in stuccoes, note p. 84, and note x. 170 and in plaster, note 170 effect of a solution of sugar, on a paste of slaked rich lime, note 127 Suitableness, mutual, of the ingredients with the various limes in relation to the destination of the mortars or cements for the preparation of which they are used, art. 161— 104 64— GO comparative table relating to 243 Sulphate of lime, experiment with 226 Sulphate of potash, a solution of, used with powdered gypsum in the preparation of stucco 191 Sulphuretted hydrogen, nature of, note d 2 Sulphuric acid, its action on sands, art. 135 54 on the natural pouzzolanas, art. 139 55 on the artificial ones, art. 140 56 concentrated, effect on, by exposure to the air, note 171 substitute for, note 172 Sunderland, cement used in the construction of the docks at, mate 60 Swine-stone, properties of, note s p T. Talc, its similarity to mica, note c 10 Tar, liquid, used as a wash to protect the hands of masons in France from the action of the lime, art. 233 '.<■'> coatings of common tar found to be the best remedy against the speedy decay of mortars and cements in India, note 108 Tarras, artificial, remark on, note 68 nature and properties of Dutch tarras, note 17B — 180 INDEX. 299 Page Tarns, composition of six sorts of 193 comparison of various artificial pouzzolanas with the Italian pouzzolana, Audenack tarras, and aquafortis cement 242 Tests to discover calcareous minerals, art. 1 1 the proper calcination of rich lime, note n 6 of the insoluble residue in rich limes, note o 7 of a mineral composed of rich lime, art. 23 11 the carbonising of hydrates of lime, art. 82, and note d. 35 the consistency of a good mortar, note c ~.... 3.3 the completeness of "extinction," art. 185 73 magnesia in limestone, note d 144 Thames ballast used in the manufacture of " concrete,*' note. 100 Theory of calcareous mortars and cements, art. 284 — 314. 124—139 the solidification of mortars always a subject of contro- versy, art. 284 124 opinions of Black, Higgins, Achard and others, art. 285. 124 discovery and experiments of M. John, art. 285, 286. p. 124, 125 of adherence and cohesion, with the opinions of Macquer, andGirard, art. 290 126, 127 observations upon this theory, note 127 opinions of Loriot and Lafaye, art. 291 128 definition of "adherence," art. 293 128 four remarkable cases presented by the theory of "aggre- gates," art. 295 129 probable theoretical consequences of the first case, art. 296—301 129, 130 of the second case, art. 302, 303 131 of the third case, art. 304, 305 131 of the fourth 306 131 facts in support of the theory of aggregates, art. 308 — 133 observations on an assertion of M. John's, art. 312. p. 136, 137 M. Berthier's explanation of the solidification of hydraulic cements, art. 313 138 the author's opinion as to chemical combination, art. 314. p. 138, 139 Tile, fragments of, used as an ingredient in mortar, art. 124... 50 Tile-dust, the most ancient of the known artificial pouzzo- lanas 182 Time, influence of, upon mortars and cements, art. 205, 206; p. 82, 83 cases of exception as to 201 Toulon, artificial limes employed in the harbour of, art. 46 ... 20 :300 INDEX. Treussart, General, on the expansion of limes by risking, note q. 7 remarks on the burning of Obcrnai lime, note d 17 on common lime, note c 29 experiment with a rich slaked lime long soured, and lime fresh slaked, note 31) on the deterioration of clay, by calcination, when it contains lime, note 58 on artificial tarras, note o!> clay recommended by, for the manufacture of pouzzolanas, note f. 62 method of immersion proposed by, note 1 77 remarks on the solidification of mortars, note 130 experiment on the mixture of clay and lime, note i\'.'> on the mixing of mortar, note 204, 205 Trituration, injurious effect of, when kept up beyond the time necessary for the perfection of the mixture, art. 224... !)2 how a long-continued one will be favourable to rich limes, art. 22G 93 Tuff, or tufa, meaning of the term, note e 4H Turf, refuse of the combustion of, used as an ingredient in mortar, art. 124 50 Turmeric paper, its use as a test for hydrates 171 Turpentine, spirits of, effect on slaked rich lime, note ... 127, 128 U. " Using," or immersion, art. 192—200 75 — 80 See Immersion. V. Vapour. — A current of aqueous vapour accelerates the reduc- tion of lime-stone into lime, note 152, !•>:• this principle successfully applied by Lord Stanhope 163 properties of the vapour which rises during the process of extinction 1G(J, 1G7 effect of the vapour from lime while slaking, on the appetite of the workmen 1G7 Vicat, M., his opinion of magnesian lime-stones L50 Virgin sands, nature of, art. 106 4o Vitruvius, authority of, as to Greek and Roman architecture, art. 273, p. 118; cited art. 274 Ill) his rules as to the qualities of lime repeated by mo- dern authors J 15 INDEX. 301 Page Vitruvius, notice of the " Albaria Opera" of the Romans 175 his account of pouzzolana 178 > 179 Voids in a mass of stones, gravel, or sand, how to estimate, note Volcanic products, substitute for, art. 144 58 See Pouzzolanas. \V. 87 122 34 Walls of modern houses will bear a comparison with ancient ones, art. 280 Water, importance of the proportion of, in manufacturing mor- tars, art. 80 its action on the hydrates of lime, art. 87—100 38—42 containing carbonic acid, dissolves carbonate of lime, note e. 30 effects produced by the superficial waters of the earth, note e. 33 proportion of absorbed by hydrates of lime, art. 88—93 ; p. 38, 39 combination of materials necessary to produce mortars, or cements capable of acquiring great hardness in water, art. 1G2 ; 64 care required in the employment of, in certain cases, art. 183, p. 72; art. 187, 188 74, 75 when water should not be added to hydraulic limes, note. 75 its action upon the parts of mortars and cements in im- mediate contact with it, art. 201—204 ; p. 80—83, p. 199—201 experiments on hydraulic mortar made with fresh and Ol sea-water, note n when it should be added to the lime in paste, art. 230 ... 94 a stiff mortar should be continually watered, art. 231 .... 94 the masonry to be watered during the hot weather, art. 234, p. 95 durability of certain mortars in, art. 243—247 102, 103 Mr. Smeaton's ** grouting" hardens under water, note 109 quickly absorbed by the Grecian pavements, art. 271 ... 117 mortar used by the Romans to prevent the infiltration of, art. 277 il ° substances possessing considerable tenacity when kneaded 1 %> 7 with, note "' on the use of, in making mortar 204—206 Water-cements and mortars.— Notice of Colonel Pasley's ex- periments on magnesia cement, note t 11 table of twenty compositions of water mortars 193 *M 302 INDEX. Page Water-cements, and mortars.— Explanation of the deteriora- tion of some water-cements and mortars, with experi- ments of M. Petot 100 proportions of the mixtures for 243 Water-lime, notice of one found at Masulipatam, note 12 Wax. See Oil. Weather, compositions for protecting stucco from the effects of, 212 See Air, Frost, Heat, Rain. White, Mr., result of his experiments on Parker's and Mul- grave's cements, note f. 123 White-wash, mode of preparing, art. 59 27 Winter, effects of, on mortars in France 104, 105 See Frost. Y. Yorkshire cement, analysis of the, note 22 '.. \\ 'XKlfall, l'nntcr, Angel Court, Skinner Street, London. ■ utrA-enr tderdbjy . j 'kit kun aMsivars perfect^' . This hibx «.-..- E X P L A X A HON OF THE MACHINE FOR TRYING THE HARDNESS OI HYDRAULIC MORTARS OR CEMENTS. The average dimension of the different parts of the machine is about an inch each way ; breadth 10 inches, height from the sole to the lifting pulley, -2\\ inches. Length of the rod a b, viz. : from a to c, 6 inches, from c to d, for the part enclosed within the cylinder of lead, 1.69 inches, from cl to b, to the adjustment of the point p, o\ inches; section \ inch (nearly); length of lift 3.937 inches. To make use of this machine, we commence by setting it up perpendicularly; the rod a b being kept vertical. The cement to be tried is placed underneath this rod, the vessel containing it being v, edged up if necessary : the point of the rod then bears on the surface of the cement. We read off at e, on the edge of the bent index, the number of tenths of an inch marked on the scale. We then lift it by means of the string/ to a given height, (fixed at 1.9685 inches for all our experiments,) after which, we release the string suddenly, like the monkey of a pile-driving engine. The point falls and penetrates more or less into the cement. We read off the scale a second time, and by subtraction arrive at the quan- tity of penetration. The rod armed with its point weighs 15353.7 grains, or 2 lbs. " OZ. .''. dr. Avoirdupois nearly. i-latc U- ■ >ruicnine l s or cements . Sections ot~\arious pie h are represented, the parts regenerated by (he Go ■ ■'face - a. e /ractured surface the needle . - ■ znJc . « Urfacea . i a. puxnk . a b tUntah surface- b c. surface smoothed part a e pmn PI ' ■