Columbia Slnftiecefitp THE CQMMERCI -h #• CON D:' U c t Of the PROVINCE of . N E W-Y O R K CON SIDERED, 4,- AND' . The True Intereft of that Cdiony attempted Ihewn.' In a LETTER to The Society of Arts, Agriculture, and Oeconomy. “ I will make my Kingdom forich, that there lhall be Occafion neither of - “ Hofpitals or Pril'ons.” Aurengzebe. Printed for the Benefit of the Society of Arts, Agriculture, and Oeconomy, of New-York. 1767. To the Society of Arts, Agriculture, and Oeconomy. GENTLEMEN, R A D E being always entered into with a 8 View to Gain, but Experience has evinced that it has not anfwered that End in this Province; for notwithftanding that our Productions amount annually to a very confiderable Sum, we have found Means not only to get rid of it, but alfo to have an immenfe Balance againft us; the Diftreffes in confequence of which being taken by you into Confideration, and having proved that you follow a lofing and ruinous Trade, this Situa¬ tion of Affairs pointed out the only Means that could ex¬ tricate and deliver you, which was to form yourfelves into a Society to encourage Arts, Agriculture, and Oeconomy, the (^ I the rapid Progrefs and Succefs ofiwluch has furpafled your moft fauguine Expectations. * ^ And as you are by this patriotic and noble- Inftitution rearing to yourfelves a Monument of Fame; permit me to endeavour to give Stability and Firmnefsto the Pedeftal, in fupporting your laudab Undertaking in the follow¬ ing Pages, with fuch poor Remarks and Reafoning as my Experience has furnilhed me with; and if they be found confiftent with Truth, they claim your Patronage to ren¬ der them as diffufive. throughout the Province as in your Power ; if otherwife, I defire they may be fuppreffed, lance my Intention, I am fure, was not to propagate Error, but to remove it; and if I have failed in my Delign, I at lead: have the Pleafure that I meant well,, and to allure you that I am, with the greateft Refpect, . GENTLEMEN,. Your moft obedient Humble Servant, A Linen Draper. ;***&?- - E 5 3 T HE COMMERCIAL CONDUCT, $V. T HE many Difficulties and Diftreffes that this Province la¬ bours under, our Prifons crowded with Debtors, the Eftates of many felling by Execution from under their Feet, to fatisfy very trifling Debts, and the Cries of all Ranks of People among us for Money, from whence fuch a Complication of Mifery and Misfortune is derived to the unhappy Sufferers of this Pro¬ vince, is a Matter that 1 have thought worthy of Inquiry j as alfo to confider of, and to endeavour to point out, a Remedy for thofe Evils: But if I fail in the Attempt, I lhall have the pleafing Teftimony, that I wrote' with a good Intention, being no other than that of fer- ving my Country. B Firft, Firft, then, I would obferve, that it is generally laid down as a felf- evident Propofition, that Trade is the Road to and Fountain of Riches. Of this very few among us ever fo much as doubted, and therefore every Man that has it in his Power turns Merchant; but whether, in fu:h their Commercial Purfuits, they ferve theihfelves and their Country, or whether it has not a direct contrary EfFeft-on both, is what I alfo mean toconfider in the following Pages. We have many Merchants among us whofe Trade is altogether to Europe, from whence they import every Kind of its Manufactures, of which I have known above Forty Thoufand Pounds Sterling arrive more than once in a tingle Ship from London ; but, taking in all the , Ports of Great-Britain, and thofe of foreign Countries, New-York has for feveral Years paft. received from Three to Four Hundred Thoufand Pounds Sterling in Britijh and Afiatich Manufac¬ tures annually. In this vaft Importation the People rejoice, upon the fame Principle that the Portuguefe do, who think that their great Importation is a Mark of their great Riches; when it is Ex¬ ports alone that makes a Country, rich, and Imports that im- poverith it. And that all our Bread and Flour, Beef and Pork, Horfes, Lumber, Fur, &c. are not able to keep us out of Debt, I think'every Merchant among us muft be fully convinced of, or we fliould not be fo many Hundred. Thoufands in Debt to Great-Britain as we are. And this is the Reafon we are not able to keep any Money among us: for Silver and Gold imported for our Provifions cannot flay here, whilD there is fo great a Ealance again ft us in England, it not being made ours, and.therefore is no Increafe of our Wealth. The only wav of keeping Silver and. Gold among us, is by confuming lefs of Foreign Commodities than what our own Commodities amount to, for then, whatever the Balance is, it is certainly our own, and .will .oVt ’ • . ”‘l flay I 7 ] ftay in the Province; but our Provifions, and other Produce, not be- •ing by any Means equal to our vaft Imports, our Money muft go; •and this is the real and only Caufe of the Diftrefs which we labour under. But I will, with a little Variation, better illuftratc this by a .Quotation from Mr. Locke. Let us fuppofe Staten Iflind one Farm, and -that the bwner, be- fides what' ferves his Family, carries to Nexv-Iork, Beef, Pork, Corn, Butter, Cheefe, and Wool, all Commodities produced from his Farm, to the Value of One Thoufand Pounds a Year; and for this brings home from New-Tork, in Rum, Sugar, Wine, Cloth, Silk, Mullin, and Tea, to the Value of Nine Hundred Pounds, and the -remaining One Hundred Pounds in Money, it is evident he grows e- very Year One Hundred Pounds richer; b,ut if the Owner be a better -Huiband, and, contenting himfelf with his native Commodities, buys no Rum, Silk, and Muflin, he will bring home Five Hundred Pounds yearly; and inftead, as in the firft Inftance, of having faved in Ten Years One Thoufand Pounds, he will now in the fame Time have faved Five Thoufand. He dies, and his Son fucceeds totheEftate; but being a faflrionable Gentleman, he muft have Claret and Madeira; he cannot drink his own Malt Liquor, but muft have it from England ; the Linen made of his own Flax is home-fpun, he therefore cannot endure it, but fupplies himfelf with that of Holland and Ireland. He cannot fleep in a Bed with his own Linen, or Stuff Furniture, but muft have that of Chintz, which are more genteel; and nothing but a China Damafk is . fit for a Morning-Gown for him to wear. By this Means he foon fpends the ready Money his Father had faved; the Produce of his ......... Faim [ 8 ] Farm dill goes to Market, and tho’ it fells for a Thoufand Pounds, that will not fupply his luxurious Wants; he brings home Fifteen Hundred Pounds in Rum, Sugar, Spice, Raifins, Silk, and a great Variety of India Goods; he lives with the Appearance of Splendor, but grows every Year Five Hundred Pounds poorer; he is arreded, Judgment and Execution is awarded againft him, his Farm is fold, and his Body (hut up in a Prifon. The Conduit of a (ingle Farmer and a Province in this refpedt differ no more than greater and lefs; for it is certain, as in the above: In¬ dance, that we may trade, and be bufy, and grow poor by it, un- lefs we regulate our Expences; but if the virtuous and provident Way of Living of our Anceltors, who were content with our native Conveni- encies of Life, without the coftly Itch after the Materials of Pride and Luxury from Abroad, were brought in Faflrion and Countenance a- mong us, this alone would do more to keep and increafe our Wealth, than all the Helps that Paper-Money can afford us. It is with a Pro¬ vince as with a Family, fpending lefs than our Commodities will pay for, is the fure and only Way for us to grow rich; and when that is once ferioufly confidered and fet about, we certainly (hall have no - need of Paper-Money, our Commodities will foon bring us a Balance of Gold and Silver. But till this be done our Misfortunes will not only continue, but increafe; for Money that is brought in among us for our Provifions, can day by no other Means than by confirming fewer foreign Commodities; but by fpending or confuming more than our Produdtions can pay for, brings on Poverty and Ruin. Foreign Commodities, which by us ought to be looked upon as Luxuries, mod certainly impoverifh us, by being brought if); but that is [ 9 1 is the Fault of our Importation, and there the Mifchief ought to be cured. Vanity and Luxury fpend them, and our Merchantshav¬ ing imported and vended them, our Money muft go to pay for them; but as that alone will not do, our Lands are every Day fold to make up the Deficiency. The Americans, fays Mr. Locke, who are rich in Land, are poor in all the Comforts of Life, whom Nature, having furniflied as liberally as any other People with the Materials of Plenty, a fruit¬ ful Soil, apt to produce what ought to ferve for Food, Raiment and Delight, yet for want of Improvement have not the Conveniencies • This he (aid of the Native Indians of America, who had never had. the Opportunity of Knowledge, or the Ufe of Iron ; but that Britons, who have tranfplanted themfelves- thither, and who carried with them Arts and Sciences, Ihould not be able,-in one of the molt fertile Countries on the Globe, lituated in the molt definable Climate under Heaven, whofe very Forefts abound with Natural Plenty, whofe luxuriant Soil refufes not to yield any Fruits that its Owner demands, and is adtually capable of every Production that any Part of the World is known to afford, and which in a great Meafure Experience has de - monftrated ; for this we can venture to affert, that whatever has been introduced, either from Europe, or from under the Tropic, to that Continent, flourilh there: That fuch a. Country, then,- Ihould have Recourfe to Europe, and even to fome of the moft defpicable Corners of it, and through them to Afia, in order to clothe themfelves, is fuch a Condu£t of its Inhabitants, that a Stranger, unacquainted with thefe Fadft, would pronounce it incredible. But would he not be C. , . _ altonilhed . [ 10 . ] aftonilhed when he was told, that the Colonies of North America were near Five Millions (according to the beft Calculation) in Debt to Great Britain, not only for Britijl) Goods, but for Silks, Chintz, Cal- lico, Muflin, Tea, &c. from Afia, and even for Linen from Silefia and Auflria, via London, Hamburgh, and Amfterdam ; Hemp, Diaper, and other Linen, through England_ from Rujfia, and even from Arch¬ angel, when they have under their Feet a Country whofe natural Fertility furpaffes any in the World ? But they prefer ploughing the Ocean, from the Torrid to the Frigid Zone, rather than their Fields, and to fupply a whole Kingdom with Flax-feed, and afterwards' involve themfelves in Debt to that very People for Linen ■, a People oppreffed by their Lords for their Lands with extreme heavy Rents, whilft the American pays no Rent - at all j but, notwithftanding this, they rather chufe to be in Debt and to have their Land taken from them, than make their own Linen. . The Kingdom of Scotland, which is by no means famous for its Fertility, having found that their Imports greatly exceeded their Ex¬ ports, and that in Confequence they grew poor, did fo late as 1746 - eftablilh at Edinburgh, a Britilh Linen Company, which in 1766 ftamped for Sale Twelve Million Seven Hundred and Forty Six Thoufand Six Hundred and Fifty Nine Yards of Linen of their own Manufactory; the Value of which was Five Hundred and Seventy Thoufand Two Hundred and Twenty Seven Pounds Sterling. This they export, and which not only pays for their Foreign Wants, but leaves them a Balance. All this they have done in Twenty Years, tho’ moft of their Flax they buy from Rujia, an Article which we have of our own. Will not this great Example, as well as the much greater one from Ireland , animate every Friend of this Province to exert himfelf in the Deliverance and Salvation of his Country, by the Eftablifhment of Manufactures, and in Earned: to fet their Faces againft the Importation of every Species of Foreign Linen and Afiatick Goods, as well as againft thofe of any other Country that are hurtful to us? For Charity begins at Home j nor is it any Service we do Great-Britain, in taking her Luxuries, which we are unable to pay for.. But as to the great Staple of our mother Country, the Woollen Manufaflure, thofe are ufeful Goods, and therefore a moderate Im¬ portation of them would be.perhaps mutually beneficial, and Ihe alone ought to have a Right to fupply us, until we become wile enough to make our own ; for that only can deliver us from our Diftrefies, and keep Silver and Gold among us; but Men being brought up to a Foreign Trade, they think there is no way to Fortune but that, and therefore to their Country’s Ruin have and do import fuch immenfe Quantities of Goods, that they have thereby not only dripped us of every Farthing of our Money, but have reduced us to the greateft Diftrefs j and tho’ a few of them get rich by fuch pernicious Trade, they Ihould remember that it is at the Expence and Ruin of the Pro¬ vince; fora Merchant may, and often does, get rich by a Trade that makes his Country poor. As a Proof of it we have only to look round us, to fee fome rolling triumphantly in their Coaches on the Profits gotten hya foreign Trade, out of the Unthinking and Unwary, whofe- Paternal Eftates they have feized by the Law, and the Bodies r 12 3 of thofe who have none crowd our Prifons, which of late Years have been obliged to be enlarged, whilil the Din and Noife of Profe- cutions even tire our Courts of Juftice. All thefe Evils are derived from no other Caufe but that our Im¬ ports exceed our Exports, the Balance of which is the Caufe of all our Calamity; for a Country, fays Montesquieu, that conftantly "exports fewer Commodities than it receives, will foon find the Balance finking. It will receive lefs and lefs, till, falling into ex¬ treme Poverty, it will receive none at all. But neither his Opinion, v nor that of Mr. Locke, and both confirmed by our own Convidtioa that we follow a lofing and deftrudltive Trade to Europe, is fuf- ficient to determine us to fet ourfelves in Earned about curing the . Evil, and thereby to prevent the total -Ruin of our Country, many of whofe unfortunate Inhabitants are prevailed on. to buy the Toys and Trifles of other Countries, which they foon find themfelves unable to pay for by any other Means than the Sale of the bell, Eftates in the World, their Lands. “ I will, faid Aurengzebe, make my Kingdom fo rich, that there “ fhall be Occafion neither of Hofpitals or Prifons.” This indeed was a Refolution becoming a good and a great Prince, who, tho’ he ruled over Realms burnt up by the Sun, in great Meafure effedted it. Is it not then a Reproach to us, who are not only bleffed with the fined Climate, but the moil fertile Soil under Heaven, to have Occafion of either Hofpitals or Prifons, in a Country whofe Exten- fion knows no Bounds ? But our Diftreffes beginning to operate, they, point out to us our midaken Purfuits, we begin to be alarmed, and* ' ■ in- [ *3 ] in order to-prevent and put a Stop to the Evils that an imprudent Foreign Trade has involved us in, what is the Remedy that we mean to apply ? I anfwer, it is a Paper-Currency. This every Man is anxious about, and folicitous for, becaufe they think it would be a fovereign Remedy for all their Evils; but in this I beg leave to differ from them, becaufe I think the Remedy would be worfe than the prefent Difeafe. My Rcafons for thinking fo are, That it carries no intrinfick Value, that it is expofed to Depreciation ; but above all, if it be emitted by Way of Loan, the People, who are fo extremely fond of Trade, will obtain fuch Paper on the Security of their Lands, which being fet afloat, many of them, either for want of Experience, or Misfortune, would foon find themfelves either without Land or Paper-Currency. Nor have I ever heard of a Man in Europe parting with a landed F.ftate in order to turn Merchant j but, on the con¬ trary, Merchants always have a View to quit that uncertain Profeffion, in order to invert their Property in Lands. Emifiions therefore of Paper-Currency appear to me to be the moft miftaken and moil fatal Mcafure that we can poffibly take, and which will by no means remedy but increafe our Evils. And in this Opinion I am fupported by Mr. Locke, who fays, “ That a Law cannot give to Bills that intrinfick Value which the “ univerfal Confent of ^Mankind has given to Silver and Gold, which " Writing cannot fupply the Place of, becaufe Bills are liable to “ unavoidable Doubt, Difpute, and Counterfeiting, and require “ other Proof to affure us that they are true and good Security than “ our Eyes or a Touchftone; and at beft this Cou'rfe of ufing “ Paper, if practicable, will not hinder us from being poor, but “ maybe fufpeted of helping to make' 'uS^fd^by keeping us from- . . I D “ feeling [ 14 - J; “ feeling our Poverty, which in, Diftrefs will be ftjje to find us “ with greater Difadvantages.” This has been fatally experienced in mod of the Colonies on the Continent, and Europe has, by. no means efcaped the Evils of too much Credit given to Paper; .witnefs the South-Sea Stock in England, Anno 1720, where though it was not a Tender, yet the Kingdom went into that Bubble to fuch a Degree, that it ruined near half the Nation; and the Year before, the famous Mr. Laws formed the Miffiftppi Company in Prance, where Billets de Banke, or Bank Notes, were emitted. The People, who had been told of Mines not inferior to thofe of Petofi, fwallowedthe gilded Bait, and paid in their Silver and Gold to the Exchequer for Stock, or' Bank-Notes, but in Nine Months Time they found themfelves ftripped of all their Money ; in Exchange for which they had Paper, which depreciated to fuch a 'Degree, that, in a few Months, One Hundred Livres would purchafe but Eight Livres in. Silver. At prefent it is not worth a Earthing. A precious Metal, therefore, fays, one of their Countrymen, ought reprefent the Value of all other Things; and in this all Na¬ tions have agreed, that Silver and Gold lhall be the Sign of it, be- caufe it is durable, and little liable to be counterfeited. But there are many People among us, who, being intoxicated with an Excefs of Trade, fay that the Trade of England is extended by the immenfe Emifiions of Bank-Notes; and therefore, confidering them as a Paper-Currency, alledge their Utility. To which I anfwer, ift, That they are payable on Sight at the Bank in Gold or Silver, which for -want of Ability. is hot propofed in the American Emiffioos;. and, . v sadly. [ IS 1 zdly, Altho’ they are payable at Sight, I am far from thinking that they are of fo great Ufe as is imagined. My Reafon is, that People who are embaraffed, in confequence of their having over-traded them- felves, and who are often on the Brink of Ruin, make promiffory Notes, payable to their Friend, a Man of Credit. This he indorfes, the Paper is taken to the Bank, and there difcounted on the Credit of his Friend, whom he thereby plunges in the fame Ruin with him- felf. Thus the Bank, which is continually difcounting at 5 per C. An¬ num, and which always takes Care to have a good Indorfer: they, therefore, by this pernicious temporary Succour, are fo far from giving Aid to the Adventurous and Enterprifing, that, on the contrary, I think they contribute greatly to their Ruin. ■ Paper-Emiffions therefore in Nevi-Tork willnot only have a fimilar Eft'edt, but a much greater j for in England, if a Man poffcftes an hereditary Eftate, and if he be apt to build Caftles in the*Air, they in their Fall will only overwhelm bimfelf ; but in bis Rain his Succeffor cannot be involved, the Eftate remains entire, and goes to the next Heir. But this is not the Cafe in New-York and the other Colonies; for our Lands, by an A£t of Parliament, are confidered and put on the fame Footing with Chattels. Thus, for the Miftakes and Tranfgreffions of the Fathers, the Sons are vifited and pu- nilhed. This Confideration alone ought to operate on our Minds, and the Minds of the Legiflature, not to with for an Emiflion of Paper- Currency, great Part of which would be inverted to gratify a Trade of Luxury at the Expence of the only intrinfick valuable permanent Wealth in the Univerfej 1 our -Lands, which will forever give us '-“-i. both ' both Food and Raiment; and who on Earth has more ? This is really and truly Riches, that will never depart "from^.usj and- this Opinion is confirmed by the ingenious Baron Montefqiiieu K who fays, that is a bad kind of Riches which depends on Accident, (meaning Trade), and not on the Induftry of a Nation, on the Num¬ ber of its Inhabitants, and above all on the Cultivation of its Lands. f Great-Britain , fince the Reign of Henry the Seventh, has had an increafing Trade; but whether it has done it any Good or not, ,1 fhall neither confider, nor take upon me to determine. • But this I will venture to fay, that the greatelLpart of the One Hundred and Forty Six Millions National Debt derives its Origin from Commercial War^s j and the Legiflature has long been convinced, that it is poffible to have too much Trade, and therefore have and are continually mak¬ ing Laws, to prevent the Importation of the Luxuries of Europe. And . in this they are fo determined, that the Silks of France, when feized, are burnt. But the Colonifts not having it in their Power to pre¬ vent by Law the Importation of Luxuries, and ufelefs Goods, or to impofe any-Duty on them, ate therefore in a more particular Manner called on, for their own and their Country’s Good, not to encourage their Importation, and thereby to avoid the Evils above deferibed, and which not only this Province, but the whole Continent has fatally experienced. Having thus confidered,-and, as I think, .clearly Ihewn, that from our. Imports infinitely exceeding our Exports is derived all our Cala¬ mities, and from which Paper-Money cannot deliver us; not.can they be removed by any other Means whatever, but-that of efta- blilhing Manufadfures, and for which we have almoil every Materia],, {’7 3 fuch as Flax, Hemp, Leather, Fur, Iron, &c. But notwithftand- ing this we are poor, with a Profuiion of natural Wealth in our Poffeffion,; our ConduCt at prefent being ve'ry fimilar to that of Great- Britain,m.the Reign of Edward the Sixth, when the Wool of England was tent to Flanders, there manufactured, and the Cloth returned and fold to the Englifi, whofe true Intereft was not underftood or purfued, till the Perfecution in the Low Countries by the Duke de Alva ; in Confe- quence of which Thoufands of Manufacturers fled to England, where they were received with open Arms; from which Time Manufac¬ tures increafed, improved, and drew Wealth from all Parts of the World. Let us then avoid the former Ignorance of Britain , and adopt her prefent Policy, in giving Protection, Countenance, and Encouragement, to Manufactures (always avoiding fuch as intefere with thofe of our Mother Country,) and to render them cheap, no* •thing is wanted but Experience and a thorough Knowledge of them, fince the Mechanic of every Denomination, can live better for half the Money here, than another of the fame Profefiion does in England, where Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal, are on an Average Six-pence Ster¬ ling a Pound. But, notwithftanding this, we are, not without fome Perfons a- mong us, who affert that we can import Manufactures cheaper than we can make them, and therefore conclude it to be our Intereft to continue fuch Importation. But, in order to convince them of their dangerous Miftake, I will fuppofe a Piece of Dutch or Irijb Linen cofts in Europe Forty Shillings, which muft be paid either, in our Money or Produce; but if a Piece of eqaal Quality be our own. Manufacture, and although it fhould coft more per Yard, it neverthelefs is fo much clear Gain to the Province, becaufe the Flax and Labour of which it. is compofed are our own, but in the firft Cafe neither one or the E " , si v other; other; and this being equally true in all other Goods, moft of which are made by Women and Childreb, it is therefore fo much clear Gain. But if we poffefled an inhpfpitable Climate and fterile Soil, which refufed us either the Necefiaries or Conveniencies of Life, the Arguments of fuch Advocates for a Foreign Trade would have fome Foundation to ftand on; and in fuch Cafe it would be prudent in us to follow the Example of the Dutch, in becoming the Carriers to other Nations, and with fuch Gain to procure the Necefiaries that we ftand in need of. But as we are bleffed with a Country excelled by none, and equalled but by few, our real intrinfick Wealth therefore lies - in our Soil: Provifions we have enough;; we ought therefore to turn our . Attention to the Growth of Fiax and Hemp, and they, with our other -raw Materials well-manufadtured, will fupply all our Wants. But, .•inftead of fuch Domeftic Trade, which would be attended with Peace, plenty, Happinefs, and Independance on other Countries; I fay, rather than do this, we chufe to ranfack almoft half the Globe, and often contrary to the'Laws, in purfuit of fuch Things as we might produce in our own Country. -We fhould not then have need to fear fevere commercial Laws, for our great Trade would be interior. But, in order the better to illuftrate my Meaning, I will fuppofe you, Sic, to be a Manufa&urer in this Province, by which you have the Pleafure of employing and giving Bread to Combers, Spinners, Weavers, &c, •your Affairs would all be under your Eye, and in a narrow Compafs, which every wife Man would chufe. You would lead a tranquil unetnbaraffed Life, and could not fail of 'getting rich. [ 19 ] I will now fuppofe myfelf a Merchant in New-Turk, with aWare- houfe full of European Goods, which are loaded with Commiflions, Freight, Infurance, and many other Charges; thefe Goods I fell, and, in order to make Payment, build Sloops to Trade to the Weft- Indies for Molalfes; this I diftill, and fend the Rum to Newfoundland, exchange it forFifh, and fend that to Spain, in Order from thence to make Payment to England. Or I fend the Rum to Africa, and ex¬ change it for unhappy Slaves, and fend them to the Iflacdsip order to obtain a Bill, to remit, home. It does not require much Sagacity to fee that all thefe Adventures are full of Anxiety, Rifque, and Dif- afters, my Veffels are expofed to Huricanes, Fifh is a very perishable ' Commodity, and Slaves often rife on the Coaft, or die in the Pafiage if any one of thefe Misfortunes happens, I am unable to pay my Britijh Creditors. Now, would not any Man who will allow him- felf a Moment’s Reflection, chufe to avoid fuch a precarious Pro- feffion, and embrace that of a Manufacturer, which would not only be attended with more Peace and Serenity, and a much greater Probability of Fortune too, but he would acquire great Honour, as being an Encourager of Arts, and the Author of Plenty ? In fliorf, our Conduit is not unlike that of the Butcher, who run about in Search of his Knife, when he had it in his Mouth. To conclude, if from what has been faid it appears, that we have in our Commercial Purfuits been very much miftaken, and if we chufe to continue indulging ourfelves with the Luxuries, and expenfive Goods of China, India, and Europe, only becaufe they come from far, and ,„at dear Rates, nothing but inevitable Ruin will be the Confequence. f In order to avoid which we have no other effectual Means but that _ of of becoming Manufadturers, and more efpecially Linen. This alofte can reduce our Imports, and increafe our Exports, this is the only effedtual Remedy for all the Evils we labour underj and which properly encouraged will not only prevent the Seizure and Sale of our Eftates, Bankruptcies, and Ruin, but it will reftore Liberty, Plenty, and Happinefs, to every Part of this Province, by making it fo *' rich, that we (hall have Occafion neither of Workhoufes, Hof- “ pitals, or Prifohs.”