mwm '$&${ m wk llf IP subjugated vassals, but a? descendants of English free- men. He warned king, lords, and commons to beware how they moved in regard to America. His solemn mo- nitions were like oracles, and his warning voice like a voice try, which can produce three millions of people, wronged and insulted as they are, start up like hydras in every corner, and gather fresh strength from every opposition ? Nay, what dependence can you have upon the soldiery, the unhappy engines of your wrath ? They are Englishmen, who must feel for the privileges of Englishmen. Do you think that these men can turn their arms against their hrethren ? Surely no. A victory must be to them a defeat ; and carnage, a sac- rifice. But it is not merely three millions of people, the produce of America, we have to contend with in this unnatural struggle ; many more are on their side, dispersed over the face of this wide empire. Every whig in this country and in Ireland is with them. Who, then, let me demand, has given, and continues to give, this strange and unconstitutional advice? I do not mean to level atone man, or any particular set of men ; but thus much I will venture to declare, that, if his Majesty continues to hear such counsellors, he will not only be badly advised, but undone. He may continue indeed to wear his crown ; but it will not be worth his wearing. Robbed of so principal a jewel as America, it will lose its lustre, and no longer beam that effulgence which should irradiate the brow of majesty. In this alarming crisis, I come with this paper in my hand to offer you the best of my experience and advice ; which is, that a humble petition be presented to his Majesty, beseeching him, that in order to open the way towards a happy setttement of the dangerous troubles in America, it may graciously please him, that immediate orders be giv- en to general Gage for removing his majesty's forces from the town of Boston. And this, my lords, upon the most mature aud deliberate grounds, is the best advice I can give you, at this juncture. Such conduct will convince America that you mean to try her cause in the spirit of freedom and inquiry, and not in letters of blood. There is no time to be lost. Every hour is big with danger. Perhaps, while I am now speaking, the decisive blow is struck, which may involve millions in the consequence. And believe me, the very first drop of blood which is shed, will cause a wound which may never be healed " 24 INTRODUCTION. from the tomb.* The then young and 'manly Charles James Fox, the eloquent Burke, and the unyielding Barre. formed a trio of greatness in favour of America. But that wrong-headed minister, Lord North, was incorrigible. He had an accommodating majority in parliament which would * It was not far from this period, that Doct. Samuel Johnson wrote his celebrated pamphlet, " Taxation no Tyranny," in which he sneer- ed at American Rebels ; and, under the influence of a Pension, even frowned at the immortal Pitt. He lived just long enough to see George III. ratify the Peace of 1783, and surrender the " Amehican Jewel." "Lord Littleton the Younger" not inaptly styled '■'■the paragon of virtue and of vice" thus expresses himself upon the sub- ject of American Affairs : How such a lord as Littleton, could amal- gamate with such a lord as North, is one of the mysteries in " state affairs" " not to be told." — " In the great subject of this day's politics, which seems to engulph every other, I am with them. I shall never cease to contend for the universality and unity of the British empire over all its territories and dependencies, in every part of the globe. I have not a doubt of the legislative supremacy of parliament over every part of the British do- minions in America, the East and West Indies, in Africa, and over Ireland itself. I cannot separate the ideas of legislation and taxalion ; they seem to be more than twins ; they were not only born but must co-exist and die together. The question of right is heard of no more ; it is now become a question of power ; and it appears to me that the sword will determine the contest. The colonies pretend to be subject to the king alone ; they deny subordination to the state, and, upon this prin- ciple, have not only declared against the authority of parliament, but erected a government of their own, independent of British legislation. ' To support a disobedience to rights which they once acknowledged; they have already formed associations, armed and arrayed themselves, and are preparing to bring the question to the issue of battle. This being the case, it becomes highly necessary for us to arm also; we must prepare to quench the evil in its infancy, and to extinguish a flame which the natural enemies of England will not fail to feed with unremitting fuel, in order to consume our commerce, and tarnish our glory. If wise measures are taken, this business will be soon comple- INTRODUCTION. '2j follow, wherever he lead. Their measures would remind one of the familiar adage — " Quem Deus, perdere vult, prius dementat." The parliament imposed a tax upon tea, so that the very matrons of America, while sipping this cheering beverage ; should remember their English mother. Then followed the stamp-act, so that every transaction, evidenced by wri- ting, should carry with it evidence of British supremacy. Then followed the tax upon painters'' colours, so that every ted, to the honour of the mother country, and the welfare of the colo- Bies ; who, in spite of all the assistance given them by the House of Bourbon, must, unless our government acts like an ideot, be forced to submission. For my own part, I have not that high opinion of their Roman spir- it, as to suppose that it will influence them contendedly to submit to all the horrors of war, to resign every comfort in which they have been bred, to relinguish every hope with which they have been flatter- ed, and retire to the howling wilderness for an habitation : and all for a dream of liberty, which, were they to possess to-morrow, would nol give them a privilege superior to those which they lately enjoyed ; and might, I fear, deprive them of many which they experienced be- neath the clement legislation of the British government." Cowper, a legitimate British bard, who lived during the " French War" in America, and who was at the height of poetical fame at the close of the " War of the American Revolution," thus alludes to the death of the first Pitt, (Earl of Chatham) and Gen. Wolfe. — " Farewell those honours, and farewell, with them, " The hope of such hereafter ! Thev have fallen, " Each in his field of glory ; one in arms, " And one in council. — Wolfe upon the lap " Of smiling victory, that moment won, " And Chatham, heartsick of his country's shame ! !" Speaking of the Independence of America, he says — " True we have lost an empire — let it pass — ■ : That pick'd the jewel out of England's crown." 26 INTRODUCTION. ornament upon American buildings should remind the pos sessor of British power. If the Parliament of Britian could impose taxes upon the colonies without their consent, the King of Britain, the head of the " Holy Catholic Church," could send them Arch-bishops, Bishops, Priests, Deacons, Curates, &c. &c. and the whole systematic ramification of a " Church Es- tablishment." Tythes might be imposed to support the gorgeous pageantry of mechanical Christianity, and the Puritans might have been persecuted as schismatics, and their houses of worship denounced as conventicles. The stern unyielding men who composed the popula- tion of the " Thirteen Colonies" were not of that low- born, stubborn race of beings who resist the exercise of all necessary as well as arrogated power, nor were they so destitute of political science as to deny the right of legiti- mate rulers to impose salutary restraints, and necessary contributions. No ! amongst them were statesmen who would have graced the parliament of Britain, either amongst its Lords or Commons — statesmen who had learn- ed the necessity of obedience, before they aspired to the arduous duty of commanding. The Adamses, John Han- cock, James Otis, the Livingstons, Benjamin Frank- lin, the Clintons, Patrick Henrv, the Randolphs, Hen- ry Laurens, the Lees, Pincknevs, and an expanded con- stellation of exalted patriots like them, knew well how to manifest a cordial allegiance to a monarch, when in the exercise of legitimate and constitutional authority. Thanks to the stubborn resistance against arbitrary prerogatives and tyrannical power, these peerless and unsurpassed patri- ots and statesmen knew equally well how to expose the en- croachments of tyrants, and to rouse up freemen to resist INTRODUCTION 27 them. It would require a "Muse of lire, to ascend the highest heaven of invention" to pen a suitable eulogy up- on these Sampsons of the western world. They taught the people that they possessed the right of self-government : and spurned a doctrine since taught by American Aristo- crats " that the people are their own worst enemies." Whatever were the nature of the different governments — whether exercised by royal Charters — proprietary govern- ments, or their own municipal regulations, every govern- ment in the colonies, emphatically exercised what jurists call the Jura summa imperii — the right of supreme power. Their legislative assemblies enacted laws — their judicial forums administered civil and criminal justice. They im- posed taxes upon the people, and adopted the incontrover- tible axiom — " That representation and Taxation should be correspondent.'''' They viewed the constitution of Bri- tain, and saw an hereditary monarch — an hereditary sen- ate; and commons, which represented rotten burroughs, rather than a free people. Notwithstanding the imperious court of Britain seemed to have fixed its course in regard to the colonies, yet their vacillating policy excited the contempt, as well as the in- dignation of American Statesmen. They imposed taxes, and seeing them resisted, omitted to enforce the collection. They passed acts and repealed them ; but finally resolved " that the parliament had power to make laws to bind the col- onies in all cases whatsoever.'''' This was a new species of legislation, — it was a preamble without an act, an attempt to atone for an offence, and at the same time claiming the power to repeat it. Fox, Burke and Barre, in the House of Commons, poured forth peals of eloquence and satire, which the imperious Mansfield and North, and the minis- .!l, INTRODUCTION. ter's dupes, could meet only by dumb legislation, and the physical power of voting. Said Fox to the minister, " In your infatuated conduct, resolutions and concession, ever misplaced, have equally operated to the disgrace and ruin of the nation." But it was native eloquence, in the Forum and from the Press,* that kindled the latent spark of freedom into a • * In presenting to the reader the following' extracts from " A Circu, Jar Letter from the Congress of the United States of America to their Constituents,'''' — " By the unanimous order of Congress ;" dated 23d Sept. 1779, I give him a new opportunity of contemplating the native majesty of the gigantic statesmen, of the members of the " Old Con- gress ;" and the splendid energy with which their exalted sentiments are conveyed. " That the time has been when honest men might, without being chargeable with timidity, have doubted the success of the present rev- olution we admit ; but that period is passed. The independence of America is now as fixed as fate, and the petulant efforts of Britain to break it down, are as vain and fruitless as the raging of the waves which beat against their cliffs. Let those who are still afflicted with these doubts consider the character and condition of our enemies. Let them remember that we are contending against a kingdom crumbling into pieces ; a nation without public virtue ; and a people sold to and betrayed by their own representatives ; against a prince governed by his passions, and a ministry without confidence or wisdom ; against ar- mies half paid, and generals half trusted ; against a government equal only to plans of plunder, conflagration and murder; a government by the rao^t impious violation- of the rights of religion, justice, humanity and mankind, courting the vengeance of Heaven, and revolting from the protection of Providencce. Against the fury of these enemies you made su^ces-ftil resistance, when single, alone, and friendless, in the days of weakness and infancy, before your hands had been taught to war or your fingers 10 fight. And can there be any reason to appre- hend that the Divine Dis;,o^er of human events, after having separated us from the house of bondage, and led us safe through a sea of blood, towards the land of liberty and promise, will leave the work of our po- litical redemption unfinished, and either permit us to perish in a wil- INTRODUCTION. 2 iiame. The impassioned eloquence of the Adamses, Han- cock, Otis, &c. in " Fanueil Hall," in Massachusetts; derness of difficulties, or suffer us to be carried back in chains to that country of oppression, from whose tyranny he hath mercifully deliver- ed us with a stretched out arm ?" " What danger have we to fear from Britain ? Instead of acquiring accessions of territory by conquest, the limits of her empire daily con- tract ; her fleets no longer rule the ocean, nor are her armies invinci- ble by land. How many of her standards, wrested from the hands of ker champions, are among your trophies, and have graced the triumphs of your troops ? and how great is the number of those, who, sent to bind you in fetters, have become your captives, and received their lives from your hands." "A sense of common permanent interest, mutual affection (having been brethren in affliction,) the ties of consanguinity daily extending, constant reciprocity of good offices, similarity in language, in govern- ments, and therefore in manners, the importance, weight and splendour of tiie union, all conspire in forming a strong chain of connexion, which must for ever bind us together. The United Provinces of the Netherlands, and the United Cantons of Switzerland became free and independent under circumstances very like ours : their independence has been long established, and yet their confederacies continue in full vigour. What reason can be assigned why our union should be less lasting ? or why should the people of these states be supposed less wise than the inhabitants of those ?" " We should pay an ill compliment to the understanding and honour of every true American, were we to adduce many arguments to show the baseness or bad policy of violating our national faith, or omitting to pursue the measures necessary to preserve it. A bankrupt faithless repubhc would be a novelty in the political world, and appear among reputable nations, like a common prostitute among chaste and respec- table matrons." " The war, though drawing fast to a successful issue, still rages. Be mindful that the brightest prospects may be clouded, and that prudence bids us be prepared for every event. Provide therefore for continu- ing your armies in the field till victory and peace shall lead them home, and avoid the reproach of permitting the currency to depreciate in jour hands, when by yielding a part to taxes and loans, the whole 5 3G INTRODUCTION. reverberated along the shores of the Atlantic, until it reach- ed the " House of Burgesses" in Virginia, where the ma- jestic spirits of Patrick Henry, and Richard Henry Lee, poured forth the thundering and sonorous voice oi indignant freemen, resolved to be free. Franklin, who had wrested the lightning from the clouds by his philosophy, led the van of those statesmen in the cabinet, who by the Pen and the Press gave a systematic direction to Ameri- can Patriotism, which eventuated in the " Declaration of Independence," and in wresting from the House of Brunswick the sceptre which she wielded over her Amer- ican Colonies. The artillery of the American Press, was little less potent than the thunder of land and floating bat- teries, in converting what was denounced as an unnatural rebellion into the most "Glorious Revolution" of the eighteenth century. " Crirses, not only loud, but deep," were uttered forth from the lips of tottering age ; and the hopes of their country, the rising youth, caught the holy enthusiasm of liberty. The massacre at Boston, and the murders at Lexington, were tocsins of war which echoed might hare been appreciated and preserved. Humanity as well at justice makes this demand upon you, the complaints of ruined widows, and cries of fatherless children, whose whole support has been placed in your hands and melted away, have doubtless reached you ; take care that they ascend no higher. Rouse therefore ; strive who shall do most for his country ; rekindle that flame of patriotism which at the mention of disgrace and slavery blazed throughout America, and ani- mated all her citizens. Determine to finish the contest as you began iX, honestly and gloriously. Let it never be said that America had no sooner become independent than she became insolvent, or that her infant glories and growing fame were obscured and tarnished by bro- ken contracts and violated faith, in the very hour when all the nations of the earth were admiring and almost adoring the splendour «f her arising." INTRODUCTION. 31 from the Atlantic to the Mississippi — from the Canadas to the Floridas. In the wide range of history, no parallel example of uni- ty of sentiment, and unity of action can be found. Thir- teen distinct governments, moved in more perfect unison, than did ever thirteen different dials point to the minutes of the passing hour. From 1765 to 1775, the materials of a dissevering shock, which was forever to dissolve the con- nexion between the Thirteen Colonies of America and the British monarchy, had been constantly augmenting. A Revolution in public feeling had been effected, before an appeal to arms — the dernier resort — was made. The immortal Washington at the head, followed by Putnam, Gates, Montgomery, WoobTER, Green e,&c. and followed themselves by hosts of true Americans, laid aside the peaceful pursuits of husbandry, and the arts, and re- paired to the " tented field," resolved to be " Fire to fire,— flint to flint, and t' outface the Brow of bragging horror."* But a class of Americans was scattered over the bosom * The following masterly apostrophe to the memories of the States- men and Heroes of the Revolution is extracted from an anniversary Oration on 4th July, 1787. " But what tribute shall we hestow, what sacred paean shall we raise over the tombs of those who dared, in the face of unrivalled power, and within the reach of majesty, to blow the blast of freedom throughout a subject continent ? Nor did those brave countrymen of ours only express the emotions of glory ; the nature of their principles inspired them with the power of practice ; and they offered their bosoms to the shafts of battle. Bunker's awful mount is the capacious urn of their ashes ; but the flaming bounds of the universe could not limit the flight of their minds. They fled to the union of kindred souls ; and those who fell at the streights of Thermopylae, and those who bled on the heights of Charl«£ town, now reap congenial joys in the fields of the blessed." •32 INTRODUCTION. of the rising Republic, who are now to be introduced t« the attention, and it is hoped, to the admiration of the rea- der. They were the energetic, the daring, the adventu- rous sons of the ocean, "Whose march was on the mountain wave, Whose home was on the deep." It was upon that element they wished to display their courage, and their patriotism. It was in floating bulwarks, they wished to breast the shock, and hurl the gauntlet of defiance at the enemies of their country. Such a desire, at such a time, with such apparently insuperable obstacles to surmount, could have originated only from souls, that were strangers to fear, or have been imbibed in bosoms glowing with the ardour of patriotism. The seaboard of the thirteen colonies, was barricadoed with the " wooden walls" of Old England, her admirals, post-captains and seamen, had acquired almost undisputed sway over every ocean and sea ; and the colonies possessed not a single armed ship. In the war of 1755, commonly called by Americans the " French War," but very few of our ances- tors acquired knowledge of naval tactics ; and what they did acquire, must have been in very humble stations, — for if the officers of Britain in the army of America, aspired to supreme command, a fortiori, would they in the navy. What little science in naval tactics was acquired, was lost by American navigators in the peaceable pursuits of law- ful commerce, and drawing from the bosom of the oceaa its inexhaustible treasures. Thus, in few words, were situated, the ocean-warriors of the infant Republic, when that awfully unequal contest commenced, which gave Independence to America, and wrested from the British diadem, its most brilliant and in- INTRODUCTION. valuable gem. Merchantmen were suddenly converted into privateers, and British commerce, of immense value, and transport ships, with army and navy stores, were rap- idly brought into American ports. The very naval stores indispensably necessary to fit out armed ships, were drawn from the enemy ; thus weakening them and strengthening our energetic ancestors. The legislatures of the several colonies, aided the daring sons of the deep in their noble endeavours, and began to build " state ships." The Con- tinental Congress, at the close of 1775, made provision, for building 5 vessels of 32 guns, 160 guns. 5 " 28 " 140 " 3 " 24 " 72 " 13 372 None of these were fitted for sea until about the time of the Declaration of American Independence. There were no navy yards — no naval depots — no naval stations — and but few naval architects. But that fecundity of genius which draws the means of action from resources invisible to the eye of despondency, enabled the statesmen and war- riors of that portentous period to achieve wonders, bor- dering upon miracles, with means apparently wholly ineffi- cient. The denominations of vessels at that time were " Continental Ships," " State Ships," " Letters of Marque," and " Privateers." There was then no Naval List of ships, nor Naval Reg- ister of Officers ; at least none can be found by the writer. Information upon this subject can be gathered only from the scattered materials of that period, — information from the few*surviving veterans of the revolution, and communi- cations from obliging correspondents. It will excite astonishment in the reader, that the whole 34 INTRODPCTIOJV. Continental marine force in 1776, was less than four 74's at this time (1823). This diminutive force, with the aid of State ships and privateers, was illy calculated to face the immense naval power of Britain which stretched along the American coast. But it could reach the wealthy com- merce of Britain, if it could not encounter her powerful ma- rine. Let the reader run over the following authentic list of Ships of the Line, and add to them more than tre- ble that number of Frigates, Sloops of War, Brigs, Schoo- ners, &c. and he will see what the " Naval Heroes in the War of the Revolution" had to encounter — " The following is an authentic list of the grand Chan- nel Fleet, which will sail on or before the 21st inst. under the command of Admirals Hardy, Darby, Barrington and Digby : — Victory 100 guns, Britannia 100, Royal George 100, Duke 90, Formidable 90, Namur 90, Ocean 90, Un- ion 90, Barfleur 90, Prince George 90, Queen 90, Fou- droyant 90, Princess Amelia 80, Gibraltar 80, Marlbo- rough 74, Alexander 74, Dublin 74, Fortitude 74, Cullo- den 74, Valiant 74, Conrageux 74, Arrogant 74, Alcine 74, Cumberland 74, Bellona 74, Alfred 74, Monarch 74. Diligente, Sp. pr. 70, Princessa, Sp. pr. 70, Monarca, Sp, pr. 70, Inflexible 64, Monmouth 64, Nonsuch 64, Prince William, Sp. 64, Prothee, Fr. pr. 64, St. Alban 64, Buf- falo 64, Chatham 55, Isis 50, Jupiter 50, Portland 50, Warwick 50— Total, 41." Whatever may be the opinion of ethical writers and cas- uistical declaimers upon the subject of privateering, or in any way capturing the property of unoffending merchant- men, let it never be forgotten, that Britain waged a war, not only of vengeance, but of extermination, against her own children, in what she vauntingly called, her »w» colo- INTRODUCTION. 35 it an affectionate mother is entitled to unceasing gratitude and filial affection ; yet, when a mother, with an uplifted hand is about dooming her chil- dren to bleed, shall they be called upon to bare their bo- soms to the dagger? The commencement and progress of the first war be- tween Britain and America, was marked on the part of the former, with a ferocity and a barbarism which would have produced compunctions in the breasts, and blushes upon the cheeks of the ancient Vandals and Goths. War was made, not only upon the embattled ranks of our noble an- cestors, but upon the humble mansions of unresisting weak- ness. A cheerless track of desolation, like a flight of lo- custs through verdant fields, pointed out the path of the vindictive foe ; and unappeased wrath and ceaseless rapa- city seemed to have converted the once noble Britons in- to da3mons. Could the hardy sons of Neptune remain in- active spectators of the devastations committed, and com- mitting, upon the cities, towns and villages upon the bor- ders of the ocean,* without ardently wishing to avenge them upon the bosom of that element ? No ! the divine doctrine which enjoins it upon men to render to each oth- er "good for evil," may be preached by the " Holy Alli- ance" of " Legitimate Sovereigns" of Europe, who had waded through blood to their tottering thrones in the 19th century, and still sustain them by blood — it may be echoed * Witness the burning of Falmouth (now Portland) in Maine.— Charjestown, Mass. ; the ruin of the island of Rhode-Island ; the con- flagration of New-London, Fairfield, and Norvvalk, Conn. ; Esopus, N. Y. Norfolk, Va. and the partial destruction, and plundering of innu- merable other places upon the sea-board. 36 i PRODUCTION. by the Peace Societies* of America. Yet it belongs not t© the code of the Law of Nations, when a powerful sovereign is waging vindictive war upon unoffending colonies, as Bri- tain did in the War of the Revolution against America, and as France is now waging war against Spain. To say more by way of introduction to the following Sketches, would fatigue the reader — his patience is alrea- dy exhausted, and yet. the "half is not told." This "birds'- eye view" was deemed necessary to lead the younger class of readers to contemplate the causes which led to the san- guinary contest, which called forth the unparalleled exer- tions of the Naval Heroes of the Revolution to achieve the unsurpassed deeds, imperfectly detailed in the suc- ceeding volume. * The following is the result of the inquiries of the Massachusetts Peace Society, formed at about the dose of the second war between the American Republic and the kingdom of Great-Britain ; and of which the Autocrat of Russia is a peaceable member. In what class of wars the War of the Revolution — the naval warfare with France, in the administration of Adams — the war with Tripoli, in the administra- tion of Jefferson— the second war between America and Britain in the administration of Madison, are included, is not known by the wri- ter of these " Sketches."— " 44 Wars of ambition to obtain extent of country. 22 Wars for plunder, tribute, &c. 24 Wars for retaliation or revenge. 8 Wars to settle some question of war or prerogative- 6 Wars arising from dis- puted claims to some territory. 41 Wars arising from disputed titles to crowns. 30 Wars commenced under pretence of assisting an ally. 23 Wars originating in jealousy of rival greatness. 5 Wars which have grown out of commerce. 55 Civil Wars. 28 Wars on account of religion, including the crusades against the Turks aad heretics,'*' BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF NICHOLAS BIDDLE, COMMODORE AND POST-CAPTAIN IN THE CONTINENTAL NAVY, IN THE WAR OF THE REVOLUTION. Place and time of his birth— his early propensities and pursuits— his shipwreck and sufferings upon a desolate island— returns to Ameri- ca, and continues in the merchant service — aspires to the service of a warrior under Geo. III.— Falkland Islands— Junius and Johnson. —Expedition to the North Pole— Biddle becomes a coxswain, with Horatio, afterwards Lord Nelson, in that voyage. — Hazard and per- il of the voyage.— After Biddle's return to England, he finds that power on the verge of a war with America— Returns to America in 1775— is appointed to a small vessel, the Camden, to defend the Delaware river— is ordered to the Andrew Doria, attached to Com. Hopkins' squadron, destined againstNew-Providence — Regains two deserters by his consummate courage — Distress of the squadron by the small-pox — Capt. Biddle's humane exertions — he returns to America — Sails alone under orders of Congress — Compels Lord Howe to exchange one of his Lieutenants— Captures many prizes —returns and takes comjoand of the Continental ship Randolph- he suppresses a mutiny— loses all his masts— enters a port, refits and puts to sea— captures the Free Briton and three other vessels, and returns into Charleston, (S. C.) seven days after his departure. — Commodore Biddle is appointed to the command of a squadron, the Randolph, Gen Moultrie, Fair American, and the Polly— The of- ficers and soldiers of Gen. C. C. Pinckney volunteer onboard his squadron — He sails in pursuit of the enemy — Falls in with the Yar- mouth British ship of 64 guns, which attacks the Randolph of 32 guns, in the night— Com. Biddle is wounded, and remains upon the deck, until his ship explodes — Reflection — Character of Com. Bid- die. Upon commencing a brief sketch of the life of Nicholas Biddle, a solicitude is sensibly felt which can be but feebh described. To portray the life and character of an ardenl hero, who entered early into the service of a monarch, who swayed the sceptre of dominion over his native conn- ^8 NAVAL HEROES. try, and who died a Commodore in fighting against the same monarch, to secure the Independence of the land of his birth, at the early age of twenty-seven, requires a vol- ume instead of a sketch,— the hand of a Plutarch, instead of " such an honest chronicler as Griffith.' 1 ' 1 This gallant and fearless ocean hero was born in the city of Philadelphia, in the year 1750. His ancestry can- not be traced far back by the writer, for the want of mate- rials. Indeed, were materials for such an attempt ever so copiously strewed around, it would be a useless waste of time to trace the genealogy of Nicholas Biddle. If he did not derive a great name from his ancestors, he made the name of Biddle dear to Americans. He was the sixth son of William Biddle of New Jersey, and who removed to Philadelphia to prosecute commercial business. He discovered his propensity for a nautical life in the early period of his existence. However much his parents might have wished to retain him in their domestic circle, until more mature age, and greater literary and scientific acquirements rendered him better qualified for a bold ad- venturer into a dangerous and pityless world, they found it wholly impossible to restrain his juvenile ardour, or pre- vent him from accomplishing his darling object. At the age of thirteen, he made a voyage to Quebec, in Canada. It was a pleasant and prosperous voyage ; and he became fascinated with the charms of the ocean, and the exhilarating scenes of a sailor's life. Having explored a portion of the American coast, he became anxious to penetrate farther into an element with which he had become enamoured. This adventurous youth little anticipated the disastrous scenes he was about to encounter. Indeed, if it were only COM. NICHOLAS BIDDLE. 3 l J partially revealed to men, what their future destiny should be, it would produce inconsiderate rashness in some, and in others, — " The native hue of resolution, would Be sicklied o'er by the pale cast of thought." The second voyage the ardent Biddle made, was from his native city to the Island of Jamaica, from thence to the Bay of Honduras. After having accomplished the object of the voyage to this bay, the master of the vessel sailed for Antigua, at near the close of the year 1765. Upon the night of the 2nd of January '66 in a violent gale of wind, the vessel was wrecked upon a fatal and im- passable shoal. The crew remained upon the deck, through the night of the 3d, and until late in the morning of the 4th. Finding it impossible to sustain themselves upon the wreck, they resorted to the forlorn hope of wrecked mariners — the boat. After enduring the imminent hazard of an agitated ocean, in a feeble boat, crowded with a crew, whom it was scarcely able to keep above water, they land- ed upon a desolate and unpeopled island, ten miles from the shoal where they were wrecked. After remaining a number of days upon the island — famishing with hunger, and making what repairs the scanty means in their power afforded, a part of the crew ventured off to the wreck, and procured a small supply of ruined provisions ; which, like the fcetus of a camel, or a putrified wen, to Robbins, was to them a delicious repast ! Soon after, one of the most appalling and distressing scenes, which the destitute, forlorn and miserable sons of Adam have to pass through in this " vale of tears," was to be acted by this hard- fated crew. They could not sustain themselves upon the island ; and 40 NAVAL HEROES. the damaged boat could not carry them all from it. Four were to be left, and to suffer what Providence should de- cree, or had decreed. Who should remain upon this re- gion of barrenness, and who should enter the boat, (both desperate chances,) was to be determined by the usual, uncertain, and capricious mode — by lot. This mode, ac- cording to sacred history, decided the fate of a prophet ; and it has often determined the dark and gloomy prospect o{ life when " shadows clouds and darkness rest upon it." Young Biddle at this time was a boy of fourteen years of age. He was in that period of life, when most boys con- tinue to hang upon the arms of their mothers, for effemi- nate indulgences, and who look to their fathers for protec- tion. When the lots were cast, it fell upon Biddle to re- main upon the island ; to perish or escape as the dark fu- ture should determine. With his three companions in ca- lamity, he endured all the privations and anguish which man can endure, and yet survive. Inheriting from his an- cestors a constitution which possessed the real stamina of the European emigrants to America, and an original strength of mind which was not to be daunted by adversity nor effeminated by prosperity, he passed through scenes of sufferings, and privations, which might well have appalled the heart of matured manhood. I do not mean those suf- ferings inflicted by a barbarous and relentless foe, who pur- sues an enemy " with a step steady as time, and with an appetite keen as death," nor those dangers which surround an ardent and adventurous youth, who would glory to die on the field of battle, or on the deck of a vessel, in fighting the battles of his country ; but those sufferings' and dangers are meant which are occasioned by a diminution of the wonted supplies which nature demands, and the gloomy COM. NICHOLAS BIDDLE. hi and distressing consideration that a total destitution uf them is near at hand. For sixty days, young Biddle, and his three associates (who were advanced far into manhood,) endured those dis- tresses and privations, which, to those who have always lived in the midst of temporal enjoyments, would seem to be absolutely beyond the endurance of human nature. It is in such situations, that the native energy and fortitude of men develope themselves. To retain firmness of soul, in a state of hopeless destitution and solitude, where there is " no eye to pity nor arm to save," but those of Omnipo- tence — to wear away life with fortitude upon a desolate island like Selkirk, or to wander, in slavery, over an out- spread desert like Robbins, where no sympathizing mortal can witness or alleviate suffering, surely evinces the origin- al greatness of the sufferer's soul. Such was the soul of Biddle in the days of his youth. But he was created for a different destiny than to perish by famine, or the hand of slaves. At the expiration of two months, he was taken from the island, and returned to his native city, in an American ves- sel, and immediately again resorted to his adopted element the ocean. As it regards Americans, the remark may safely be made, that disasters, storms, shipwrecks, and " hair breadth 'scapes," instead of driving them to the dull and perpetu- ally recurring scenes of domestic life, rather stimulates them to press forward to new encounters, to enable them to enjoy the exultation of success. — Life may be called a lottery— the prize holder still hopes to gain, and the loser to retrieve his losses. Young Biddle continued in the merchant service, and 42 NAVAL HEROES. made frequent voyages from the American, to the Eastern continents. But there was something too tame in this bu- siness to fill a soul, created for " noble daring." He had, to be sure, made himself an able seaman, but that is an ac- quisition within the reach of ordinary capacity. In the year 1770, the unsatiated ambition of Britain, in- duced that unsatisfied power, to cast a wishful eye at the Falkland Islands, in the possession of Spain. A war was expected between England and that power " and Biddle wished to be engaged in some pursuit, which should evince his ardent love of the country which gave him birth, and the King of England, who swayed his sceptre over it. Altho' born an American, with that high sense of inde- pendence which characterized Americans, as well before as after their allegiance to Britain was dissolved, Biddle wished to serve his country as a warrior. The dispute concerning the Falkland Islands, eventuated in no other warfare than that which was carried on between the Opposition, and the Ministerial party in England. At the head of the first? stood the unknown, and the unrivalled Junius. The min- istry stood aghast and terror-struck, at the peals of elo- quence and satire, which were poured forth from the pen of this unsurpassed champion of constitutional freedom. The descendants of the house of Stuart trembled ; and the house of Brunswick was tortured into agony. Grafton, Bedford, and Mansfield trembled — and the throne itself seemed to totter under the tremendous shocks of eloquence which rolled forth from this resistless political essayist. Once more the imperious Johnson advanced with the ar- tillery of his pen, and commenced a war of words in sup port of majesty. His " Taxation no Tyranny" was consid- ered as a bull of excommunication against high-minded COM. NICHOLAS BIDDLE. Americans, who could not be brought to bow to parlia- mentary usurpation. He now came forward and attacked all that portion of Englishmen, who manfully struggled for the wreck of freedom, which had survived the numerous breaches made upon the constitution. While the literary world admire Johnson as an Essayist, Moralist, and Lexi- cographer, the patriot abhors him as the pensioned advo- cate of despotic power. Biddle much more ardently wished to be amidst the roar of broadsides, and the thunder of batteries, than the " pa- per bullets of the brain," which issue from the artillery o' the press. But a reconciliation between Spain and Eng- land deprived him of serving his then " king and country" as a warrior. But his propensity for a naval life predom inated over every other consideration ; and the appoint- ment of Midshipman in one of H. B. Majesty's ships, com- manded by Capt. Stirling, was the consummation of hi? wishes. It was in this station that he commenced the study of naval tactics. He began to acquire a theoretical knowl- edge of that almost mysterious system which imparts such a mysterious power to floating bulwarks. Although Brit- ain, for many centuries past, has been almost constantly engaged in war, yet at the time Midshipman Biddle enter- ed the navy, that nation happened to be at peace. The ardent Midshipman, not sufficiently aware of the import- ance of acquiring the theory of naval tactics by long and patient service, impatiently and impetuously determined to enter into some more active and adventurous employ. He had that natural inquietude, — that impatience for en terprize which rendered inaction to him the greatest mis- ery. 44 NAVAL HEROES. An opportunity presented, when the Admiralty of Br'u tain determined to despatch two of their best fitted vessels of their class the Race-Horse and Carcase, for a voyage of Discovery toward the North Pole ; and a most distinguish- ed British officer, Lord Mulgrave, was designated as com- mander of the expedition. There was something too splendid in this object to be overlooked by the aspiring Biddle. He solicited a dis- charge from the station he held in the British navy for the purpose of entering into this expedition. He had become a favorite of Capt. Stirling — had been promoted to a lieu- tenancy, and he strongly remonstrated against his leaving the service of the king in his navy. But, it was wholly im- possible to restrain a spirit like Biddle's from sacrificing the rank he had obtained in the navy, and the certain pros- pect he had for promotion, from gratifying his ardent wish- es, for advancing forward into scenes of enterprize and danger. When Biddle found that Capt. Stirling would not con- sent to the gratification of his wishes, he resolved to be- come the master of his own conduct and run the risque of its consequences. He flung off his naval uniform — divest- ed himself of every insignia of office, and assumed the garb of a common seaman. When the Race-Horse and Carcase were nearly ready for departure, Biddle seized a boat, row- ed off' to the Carcase — jumped on board of her, and enter- ed as a seamen before the mast. He was recognized by a seaman who had served under him, and whose manly cheeks were immediately moistened by the copious tribute of tears which grief forced from his eyes. He thought his beloved Lieutenant had been degraded ; but when he learned from Biddle the facts just related, his exultation surpassed his COM. NICHOLAS BIDDLE. 45 Rejection. This affectionate tar continued the unaltera- ble friend of Biddle, during the whole of the perilous voy- age to the Pole. This simple fact shows that Biddle, in very early life, possessed the rare talent of securing re- spect by his dignity, and attachment by his benevolence. That prodigy ofa man — that paragon of naval greatness, and human weakness — that matchless commander upon the ocean, and easy victim of seductive charms upon land — Horatio Nelson — was on board this vessel. Two more congenial spirits, so far as it regarded manly energy and naval ardor — could not be associated than BIDDLE and NELSON : and had the fortune of war have placed the American in the same situation it subsequently did the English hero, it is not presuming too much to suppose that he would have acquired laurels of equal splendour. Their commander soon appointed them cockswains. — This designation evinces the estimation in which these ar- dent and aspiring young heroes were holden by the noble commander of this interesting and hazardous expedition. The duty of cockswain requires the most dauntless, skilful and intrepid spirits to execute it ; and these adventurous, and fearless candidates for fame, soon discovered their na- tive energy, and displayed their nautical skill. This voy- age was made in 1773. Although the polar regions were not then altogether un- explored, yet perhaps no preceding navigators ever, ac- complished more than the officers and crews of the Race- Horse and Carcase. It presented to the view of the young- er as well as to the more advanced sons of the ocean the stupendous works of nature in lofty mountains and floating islands of ice. To encounter an enemy upon the ocean, in the usual mode of fighting upon that element, where the 46 NAVAL HEROES. prospects of victory, and the numerous chances for escape, remove all ideas of despair, is next to amusement when compared with encountering an iron-bound shore, or float- ing regions of ice which defy the utmost exertion of hu- man power to resist. But even in such situations, the fu- ry and the terror of the elements seem to yield their de- structive power to the skill and prowess of man. The vessel in which Biddle sailed reached nearly as far as the 82° of north latitude, and subsequent navigators have never penetrated farther than to the 84°.* A minute detail of the events of this voyage would be inconsistent with the objects of this sketch, which is intend- ed to present a miniature picture of the gallant Biddle. For a number of days,, the vessel and crew to which he was attached, was in the most imminent danger of destruc- tion. Indeed, for five days, her destruction seemed inev- itable, as the Carcase was completely surrounded and hem- med in by mountains of ice. No imaginable situation could be calculated to produce in the mind more horror and despair. But Biddle, a second time, escaped a disas- trous death, to meet with one, if possible still more tragic- al. He returned to England and exhibited his own jour- nal of the incidents of the voyage, which was lost when he was lost to his country, and the world. At the time Biddle returned to England, the long pro- tracted dispute between the American colonists and the crown of Britain was drawing to that issue, when encroach- * The voracious devourers of wonderful news have lately been amused with the story that Capt. had actually " doubled the North Pole ;" and that if the ukase of Alexander did not detain him, he would sail home peaceably through the Pacific Ocean. Perhaps some subsequent navigator may enter " Symmes' Hole" and sail through the earth. COM. NICHOLAS BIDDLE. 47 ments and remonstrance, impositions and concessions, pe- titions and rejections, were all to give place to the decisions of the sword. Every suggestion and inducement, excepting those of patriotism and devotion to country, would have led Bid- die to devote his services to the king and country in whose service he commenced his naval life, and with whose al- most boundless power he had become familiarly acquainted. In that power he recognized the imperious Queen of the Ocean. Her floating batteries were riding triumphantly in every sea and ocean. With the " mind's eye" he viewed the ports and shores of his native country, feeble, defence- less, and unprotected, save by the imperfect fortifications, and the bayonets of his countrymen. But this patriotic son of a rising Republic would not suffer himself to " de- bate which of the two to choose, slavery or death. 11 He returned again to the bosom of his native, and then endangered country, in the year 1 775. The Thirteen Col- onies then had not a single frigate, sloop of war, brig orgun boat belonging to the government. But a daring and ar- dent spirit like Biddle was not born to despair of the com- monwealth. Merchants and ship-owners, deprived of their wonted commercial pursuits, converted many of their hea- vier vessels into privateers, and the hardy sons of the deep impetuously rushed forward to lend their aid in repelling the cruel and implacable enemy who were devastating the country; and though with apparently feeble means, to chastise the insolent foe upon the element of which she claimed herself to be mistress. The immense disparity of Naval power between the Re- public and Britain, in the second sanguinary war which commenced in 1812, was pointed out by the writer in at- 48 NAVAL HEROES. tempting to present the American reader with the Life and Character of the unrivalled Decatur ; hut in the first war, which commenced in 177 5, there was nothing with which to compare the overwhelming naval power of Britain, in the Thirteen Colonies, for as to naval power, they had nojme. But the Old Congress — the Colonial Assemblies, patriotic combinations, and even single individuals, suffer- ed not the paralyzing effects of fear or despondency to check the ardor of patriotism ; but promptly seconded the noble wishes of their noble countrymen upon the ocean as well as upon land. They did not suffer themselves even to hesitate or doubt, knowing that — " Our doubts are traitors, that make us lose the good " We oft might win, by fearing to attempt. 11 The language of each Statesmen, Soldier and Seamen of that gloomy and portentous period was — " I dare do all that may become a man; Who dares do more is none." It was indeed a period when the ordinary calculations of prudence, and the dictates of moderation, were in some measure to be disregarded from the extraordinary and al- most unparalleled circumstances in which Americans were placed by the imperious crown of Britain in 1775. In Nicholas Biddle was recognized an exalted Amer- ican, in the ardour of youth, and with a heart glowing with patriotism, fitted for the time and the occasion. A large galley was fitted suddenly up for the defence of the river Delaware, upon which his native city was situated, and called the Camden. The command of it was offered to Capt. Biddle, which, for the want of a more active and ad- venturous service, he accepted. Although but twenty-five years of age, his previous ser~ COM. NICHOLAS BIDDLE. vice in the British navy, and his voyage to the polar re- gion*, had rendered him as familiar with naval tactics and nautical skill as any American, at any age, at that period. Although to navigate the Delaware with an armed galley, might now (182 3) be considered an humble station, yet Capt. Biddie then deemed it his duty to act in any station, sobeit he could render any service to his then almost un- protected country. He was willing to move in a minor, although well calculated for an exalted station. He could not become small by being in a little place. He continued in this service until an expedition was fit- ted out for the island of New- Providence, one of the West India islands. This expedition might even now be consid- ered as a daring one, were America at war with Britain .; then it might be considered as a desperate one. Capt. Biddie, whose qualifications had become known to the government for such an undertaking, was appointed to the command of the armed brig Andrew Doria. She ra- ted at fourteen guns, and her crew consisted of an hundred and thirty men. He was indefatigable in preparing his crew for the service, as at that period, naval service was almost wholly unknown to American seamen, who had spent their lives in the merchant service. While at, or near the shore, a very stout and able bodied seaman, by the name of Green, shrinking from the hazard of the expedition, and dreading to desert alone, induced another of the crew to desert with him. They were de- tected and lodged in prison, but little distance from the Capes of Delaware, where Capt. Biddie was lying with his brig. He sent one of his Lieutenants on shore to regain the deserters. The Lieutenant returned, and assured the Captain, that the deserters, with a number of other despe- 60 NAVAL HEROES. radoes had fortified themselves in the prison, and bidden defiance to the civil and military power to take them. They were supported in prison by the loyalists and tories, and encouraged in their desperation. This pusillanimous condnct in the organized powers, and desperate determination in two dastardly deserters from the flag of their country, afforded the young and fear- less Biddle an opportunity to develope his character. He selected a favourite Midshipman only to attend him on shore. Full armed, he approached the prison door, and with a manly and commanding voice demanded entrance. It was refused. The door being strongly secured within, he ordered it to be forced ; although Green and his asso- ciates had repeatedly declared that instant death should be the fate of any one who had the presumption to pass the threshold. Biddle entered with a loaded pistol in each hand, and, bringing his heart and soul into his face, sternly advanced towards Green, who was well armed, exclaiming with a stentorian voice, "Take good aim, Green, or you are surely a dead man." The agitated and trembling de- serter dropped his weapon, and he, with his deluded com- rade, returned to their duty on board of the Andrew Do- ria. Death on the yard arm, like that of the British de- serters taken from the Chesapeake frigate, in more modern days, would unquestionably have been their fate, had they belonged to a British, instead of an American vessel. But the Captain, who awed these men into submission by his fearless firmness, secured their attachment to him and to their country by the suavity and humanity of his conduct. Capt. Biddle's early example of uniting the dignity of the warrior, with the humanity of the man, has been happily followed in our day. COM. NICHOLAS BIDDLE. 51 Commodore Hopkins was the commander in chief of this? expedition. The expected rencontre with the British for- ces upon the island of New Providence was anticipated as a most desperate one. Capt. Biddle, well acquainted with the firmness and courage of Britons, with whom his coun- try was now at war, prepared his crew as well as he possi- bly could for the approaching scefle. Cool, collected, and fearless, he left no duty undischarged to prepare for the approaching attack. He was well aware that he had en- tered into a service encircled with dangers ; but, in the language of one of the finest painters of the human passions, he was — " Serene, and master of himself, — prepared For what might come— and left the rest to heaven." Uncertain whether he should ever again revisit his native shores or city, he thus addressed his brother: — u I know not what my fate may be ; be it, however, what it may, you may be assured Iivill never cause a blush in the cheeks of my friends or countrymen." His brother, whom he thus pa- thetically addressed, was a distinguished scholar ; and it would remind the classical reader of what Pope wrote to Lord Harley " My mother, such as she is, never caused me a blush, and her son, such as he is, never caused her a tear." Capt. Biddle's crew were chiefly Pennsylvanians ; and had survived that once alarming and mortal disease, the small pox. The crews of the other vessels of Com. Hop- kins' squadron were mostly New Englanders, who had never taken that loathsome and appalling disorder. They became infected with it after they had put to sea; and it raged with almost resistless violence. It became the mel- ancholy business of the well to watch over the births of the 52 NAVAL HEROES. sick — to cast the lifeless bodies of the dead into a watery grave, and then become victims themselves to the raging pestilence. " 'Twas all the business then to tend the sick, And in their turn to die." Capt. Biddle with that feeling humanity which is always a concomitant with real greatness, exerted every mean in his power to assuage the distresses of his languishing coun- trymen. His crew, being uninfected, he despatched his boats from time to time to the other vessels, and brought on board the Andrew Doria, such officers and seamen as were in the most dangerous condition. Amongst them he recognized an elegant young midshipman, who was in the last stages of this dreadful distemper. He laid him in his own birth — watched over him with the most tender solici- tude — slept himself upon the lockers, until death relieved the accomplished and distressed young Midshipman from his agony. But with his slender force, reduced essentially by disease and death, Com. Hopkins bore down with his little squad- ron for N. Providence. Meetitfg with little opposition, he acquired possession of the island, levied a contribution up- on the inhabitants, and brought offa great amount of naval stores. This affair will not be particularly mentioned in this place. It more properly belongs to the biography of Com. Hopkins. Capt. Biddle's crew became sickly with the disorders peculiar to the West Indies ; and, when ordered to return to America, he had scarcely able seamen sufficient to navi- gate his vessel. He arrived at New London, (Conn.) where a salubrious climate and the urbanity of the citizens, restored them to COM. NICHOLAS BIDDLE. 58 health, and rendered them fit for any duty they should be ordered to perform. The officers and crew of the Andrew Doria under the discipline ofCapt. Biddle, had become somewhat familiar- ized with the principles of naval tactics, entirely devoted to their commander, and ardent in the cause of their coun- try. He refitted his brig at New London ; and soon after re- ceived the orders of the " Marine Committee" of Congress, (for there was then no Navy Department,) to proceed to sea, and cruise against British merchantmen upon the coast of Nezofoundland. He eluded the numerous British cruisers upon the Amer- ican coast ; and, before he reached his destination, captur- ed two of the enemy's transports, containing half a regiment of Highland troops, to reinforce the British troops, under the perfidious Gage.* This was a most seasonable capture, as it enabled the government to make exchanges for American prisoners, and to ensure better treatment to them before exchanged. * It will be recollected that Gov. Gage pledged himself to the peo- ple of Boston, to "let the people go" if they would surrender up their arms. It is thus happily touched off by the Hon. John Trumbull, in his inimitable Hudibrastic poem " M'Fingal." " So Gage of late agreed you know, To let the Boston people go ; Yet when he saw, 'gainst troops that brav'd him, They were the only guards that sav'd him ; Kept off that Satan of a Putnam, From breaking in to maul and mutt'n him, He'd too much wit such leagues t'observe, And shut them in again to starve." Canto I. 9 54 NAVAL HEROES. It served another purpose — to enable the intrepid Biddle to compel a British admiral to regard the right of war. One of his Lieutenants, Josiah, an excellent officer, had been captured in a prize vessel, despatched by Capt. Biddle, by a British frigate. Capt. Biddle wrote an indignant letter to admiral Howe at New York, remonstrating against the treatment Lieut. Josiah received. " If, sir, you see fit to mal-treat a noble and patriotic young officer, whom the fate of war has placed in your possession, rest assured the law of retaliation will be resorted to by me." Amongst hit prisoners, he had the son of an English nobleman ; and con- sidering one of his Lieutenants as equal in rank to any no" bleman, he determined that he should feel the weight of necessary severity, instead of inflicting it upon a common British subject. This determination was worthy of this truly noble American officer. Not satisfied with this, as the only means in his own hands to insure the good treatment of his Lieutenant, he addres- sed Congress upon the subject. At this period it excites not only astonishment, but in- dignation, that the officers of a nation which then claimed the first rank amongst the nations of the earth, for civiliza- tion and Christianity, — that her Commons, which were gra- ced by a Burke, a Fox, and a Barre, and her Peerage, which contained two arch-bishops and twenty-four bishops, deco- rated with the sanctity of the lawn, and lords temporal ro- bed in the ermine of justice, should have been guilty of bar- barity toward prisoners of war, taken in defending the dear- est rights of their country. The enoTmity of it was in- creased from the consideration, that Britain considered herself all-powerful, and America a$. all-impotent ; for it is one of the attributes of real greatness, to be humane. They COM. NICHOLAS BIDDLE. 55 ought to have remembered the sentiment of the prince of their poets. • " O ! 'tis excellent to have a giant's strength, But tyrannous to use it like a giant." By examining the Journal of the " Old Congress" it will be found that that majestic body of statesmen would readi- ly lend all their aid and call forth, if necessary, all their power, to avenge the injuries which a single individual sus- tained. This every government is bound to do ; for if ru lers will be tame and unmoved spectators of cruelty in flicted upon one of its citizens, the whole become endanger ed. The same nation who were then violating the rights of civilized warfare, upon the person of Lieut. Josiah, owf their boasted habeas corpus act to the injuries which an obscure individual suffered. The treatment an American, by the name of Meade recently sustained from the govern- ment of Spain, and the decided and spirited conduct of the American minister, in regard to that subject, convinced the Spanish monarchy that every citizen of our Republic, is ready to give efficacy to the declaration of a Roman — " Ne- mo me, impune lascessit" (no one shall injure me with im- punity.) In the Journal of Congress, August 7th 1776, is the fol- lowing entry.—" That the general remonstrance to Lord Howe, on the cruel treatment Lieut. Josiah has met with, of which the Congress have received undoubted informa- tion, and a letter from Capt. Nicholas Biddle, to the Ma- rine Committee, was laid before Congress and read — Whereupon, Resolved that Gen. Washington be directed to propose an exchange of Lieut. Josiah, for a Lieutenant of the navy of Great Britain." Although this resolution was passed the next month after the declaration of Ameri- 5(5 NAVAL HEROES. can Independence — and although the Confederation was considered by its vaunting enemy, little stronger than a " reed shaken by the wind," yet such a proposition, from such a body, and to be offered by such a man as George Washington, awed the enemy into compliance, and the gallant Lieut. Josiah was restored again to his station in the little marine force of his country. Doctor Ramsay, in his excellent and authentic " History of the American Revolution' 1 '' thus remarks. " The American sailors, when captured by the British, suffered more than even the soldiers which fell into their hands. The former were confined on board prison ships. They were crowded together in such numbers, and their accommodations were so wretched, that diseases broke out, and swept them off in a manner that was sufficient to excite compassion in breasts of the least sensibility." — " Eleven thousand persons per- ished on board the Jersey, one of these prison-ships." — " On many of these, the rites of sepulture were never but imperfectly performed." — This is the language of history. Let me add, that within a few years past the whitened bones of these gallant ocean-warriors laid scattered along upon the shores of Long Island, — monuments of their de- votion to country, and of the Gothic barbarism of Britain in the first war. Praise to a preserving God, and thanks to our energetic countrymen, in the Second War, Britons dared not thus treat American soldiers or seamen. Amongst a great variety of interesting incidents in the War of the Revolution, many of which are but little known, and generally forgotten, the following is apposite to the present subject. It ought not to be forgotten, that in the early part of that sanguinary contest, American prisoners were denied the rights of prisoners of war. Witness the COM. NICHOLAS BIDDLE. M treatment of the gallant youths, Robert and Andrew Jack- son ; and more especially of Col. Allen, wafted in irons, across the Atlantic, to be exhibited in London, as a Rebel Colonel. Witness also, the incarceration of the great Hen- ry Laurens, in the Tower of London. Let the following morceau be read, and let the memory of the Old Congress be venerated. " A memorial having been presented to Congress, from Lieut. Christopher Hale, of the British Navy, praying to be exchanged, and to have leave to go to New York upon his parole, for a few days, to procure a person in his room, that Assembly resolved, " That Mr. Hale be informed, that the Prayer of his Memorial cannot be granted until Capt. Cunningham is released, as it has been determined that he must abide the fate of that Officer." Capt. Biddle, in his little brig, now went on " conquer- ing and to conquer." A very great number of British storeships, transports, and merchantmen, with munitions of war and property to an immense amount, were captured by him, and sent into American ports. At that period, when the country was impoverished and constantly impoverishing, from being deprived of the thri- ving and prosperous pursuits of husbandry, commerce, fish- ing, and whaling, such acquisitions were of more conse- quence than can well be conceived in the forty-seventh year of American Independence. He kept constantly at sea himself; and, from time to time, despatched his officers and seamen into different ports with his prizes and prisoners. Many of the prisoners he took, entered cheerfully into his service, and, in this way. he kept his crew good. When he found it necessary to land in a port, his vessel was so crowded with prisoners, 58 NAVAL HEROES. that, for some days before landing, he remained constantly upon deck. After he arrived, and inspected his muster- roll, he found he had but five of the original crew he had, when he sailed from New London ! ! While Capt. Biddle, with his slender means was thus making an impression upon the enemy, and animating his countrymen upon land by his brilliant success upon the ocean, the " Marine Committee" were preparing for him a more important command. A frigate of 32 guns was ra- pidly built, and called, The Randolph, and Capt. Biddle was appointed to the command of it at the commencement of the year 1777. His ardent and restless spirit would scarcely give 'sleep to his eyes or slumber to his eyelids,' until he had fitted the frigate for sea. Although probably much inferior to the fine frigates of her class which now belong to our no- ble navy, yet she was probably the finest ship then belong- ing to America. Capt. Biddle, at this period of his life, might have reti- red to enjoy the independence he had acquired by his va- lour. But that independence which the fortunate chil- dren of wealth display in splendid equipage, and by soaring abroad like the gaudy butterfly, which spreads the varie- gated wing to the rays of a summer's sun, was littleness itself in s^uch a soul as guided and governed the actions of Nicholas Biddle. He was an advocate for that independ- ence which proceeds from self-government, and was anx- ious to exert his faculties, and if necessary to lose his life, in establishing the independence of his native country. At that dangerous and doubtful period, it was difficult to obtain American seamen to enter on board the few ships which belonged to the Republic. But the Brirish seamen COM. NICHOLAS BIDDLE. 59 which Capt. Biddle had captured, equally regardless of the monarchy under which they were born, and into the service of which they were daily liable to be impressed, as they were for the Republic which was striving for inde- penqence, enlisted under Capt. Biddle. He was aware that they were good seamen, but he had good reason to doubt their fidelity. They were mostly composed of be- ings who were hired to die, or compelled to spill their blood in supporting and defending the pageantry of royal- ty. They considered themselves as mere " food for pow- der," and cared little in what cause they died. But the determined Captain was resolved to put to sea, and once more to face and defy the enemies of his country. He sailed from Philadelphia in the month of February, 1777. He had been at sea but a few days before he dis- covered the mutinous and perfidious machinations of his crew. The English seamen entered into a combination to rise upon the Captain, his officers, and the American sea- men — take the frigate into their own command, and pre- sent the ship and crew to the British admiral, or become pirates. They possessed the physical power to carry this determination into effect. It required all the energy and intrepidity of Capt. Biddle and his officers to defeat this nefarious design. Indeed, it is upon occasions like this, that the native greatness of man is displayed. To bear a ship into action, with an equal antagonist, with a crew like that of the junior Decatur, whose hearts beat in uni- son with that of their commander, is pastime and pleasure, when compared with the danger that arises from disaffec- tion and treachery. Said a noble Spartan — " May the god* preserve me from friends — my enemies \ am always prepared to encounter." The disaffected part of the 60 NAVAL HEROES. crew, as a signal for rising, were to give three cheers- rush into the cabin — put the officers in irons, and assume the command of the frigate. The noble, the fearless, and determined Biddle, re-acted the scene he had passed through at the prison, when he re- took his deserters. His presence of mind — his thundering denunciations — his consummate and wonderful power of commanding, struck in-tantaneous terror into the hearts of the numerous host that opposed him. He was, indeed, a host of himself. The awe-struck mutineers submissively returned to their duty ; and would afterwards as soon set Omnipotence itself at defiance, as to wink an eye-lid in hostility to their commander. No sooner had he restored order in his floating garrison, than he had to endure the distressing scene of beholding all his masts go by the board, from their original defects. He put into Charleston, S. C. to refit. Every hour's de- tention seemed like a whole calender to this unsurpassed ocean warrior. The means of refitting a dismasted frigate in 1777, were next to nothing to what they are in 1823, at our well furnished naval depots. Capt. Biddle's whole soul was entwined around the cause of his country ; and he ardently panted to be constantly facing her enemy. He was not to be restrained by the cold and icy suggestions of prudence, from venturing all his temporal possessions, and his life too, in the holy cause of his country, which he loved better than he did himself. He was lavish to excess, in spending his blood and treasure for it. His short stay at Charleston, excited toward him the ad- miration of its patriotic citizens. The enemy had learned that an American Frigate had been to sea, and they were determined to add it to the Royal Navy of Britain. Capt. COM. NICHOLAS BIDDLE. 61 Biddle sailed from Charleston with the patriotic wishes and fervent prayers of every true American for his success. The third day's sail brougnt him into contact with four valuable British ships. The commander of one of them, the True Briton, had expressed his urgent wishes to fall in with the Randolph. As soon as he recognized the ship, he hove to, and at long shot commenced the action. The fire was incessant, although ill directed from the True Briton. Capt. Biddle set the example, which has so successsful- ly been followed by the modern officers of our navy, of bearing down upon the enemy, reserving fire — coming into close action — and settling the contest at once. The aston- ished and vaunting Briton, at the moment the Randolph was about to pour in her first broadside, struck his flag, and surrendered his ship to Capt. Biddle. He instantly officered and manned his prize ; and, with the Randolph, went in pursuit of the other vessels, every one of which he captured. The citizens of Charleston had hardly expected that Capt. Biddle had left the American coast, before he gladdened their eyes and rejoiced their hearts with the sight of his frigate and four prizes of very great value. At that time, such an achievement, and such an acqui- sition, produced perhaps more real joy than the more re- cent achievements of our matchless navy. It was but sev- en days from the time Capt. Biddle sailed from Charleston before he entered the same port with his frigate and prizes. His presence diffused animation through all ranks ; and the possessors of wealth readily advanced it to augment his force. Every exertion was made to prepare a squadron for Commodore Biddle. " The north gave up, and the 10 62 NAVAL HEROES. south kept not back," as it regarded North and South Car- olina. The very souls of the people were devoted to the cause of their country ; and the wonted enjoyments of pri- vate luxuries, and the more splendid display of glaring and magnificent equipage, were forgotten in the cause of the Republic which must have sunken into the degradation of slavery, had it not risen into the majesty of independence by the unparalleled exertion of the undaunted spirits of '76. Com. Biddle's reputation stood so high at this period, that the ardent youth of South Carolina were solicitous to adventure their lives under his command. In a very short time, the Commodore raised his broad pendant upon the Frigate Randolph,* and had in his squadron the ship Gene- ral Moultrie,! the brigs Fair American and Polly, — and * This frigate was named Randolph, in honour of Peyton Randolph first President of the Old Congress under the confederation. f This ship was named General Moultrie, in honour of William Moultrie, Maj. Gen. in the Revolutionary army — the defender of Sul- livan's island, and the victor at Beaufort. Lord Montague, ex-gover- nour of S. Carolina, offered a princely bribe to Gen. Moultrie, as Gov. Gage did to Gen. Putnam, to join the British forces. Although the literary acquirements of the latter general, would not enable him to repel the audacious insult so elegantly as the former, his patriotic heart, repelled it as indignantly. As Gen. Moultrie's letter is in my possession, I am persuaded the reader will be gratified in perusing the noble sentiments of a warm friend of the exalted Biddle. Haddrell's Point, March 13, 1781. My Lord — *■' I reeeived yoursthis morning. I thank you for the wish to pro- mote my advantage, but I am much surprised at your proposition. I flattered myself I stood in a more favourable light with you. I shalj write with the same freedom with which we used to convers e, and doubt not you will receive it with the same candour. I have often heard you express your sentiments respecting this unfortunate war ; COM. NICHOLAS BIDDLE. 63 ^loop Notre Dame. The Randolph had lost one of her masts by a stroke of lightning. It was immediately restored. when you thought the Americans injured ; but am now astonished to find you take an active part against them ; though not fighting parti- cularly on the continent ; yet the seducing their soldiers away to en^ list in the British service, is nearly similar. " My lord, you are pleased to compliment me with having fought bravely in my country's cause, for many years, and, in your opinion, fulfilled the duty every individual owes it ; but I differ widely from you in thinking that I have discharged my duty to my country, while it is deluged with blood and overrun by British troops, who exercise the most savage cruelties. When I entered into this contest, I did it with the most mature deliberation, with a determined resolution to risk my life and fortune in the cause. The hardships I have gone through I look upon with the greatest pleasure and honor to myself. I shall continue to go on as I have begun, that my example may en- courage the youths of America, to stand forth in defence of their rights and liberties. You call upon me now, and tell me I have a fair opening of quitting that service with honor and reputation to myself, by going with you to Jamaica. Good God ! is it possible that such an idea could arise in the breast of a man of honor ? I am sorry you should imagine I have so little regard to my own reputation, as to listen to such dishonorable proposals. Would you wish to have that man honored with your friendship, play the traitor I Surely not. " You say, by quitting this country for a time I might avoid disa- greeable conversations, and might return at my own leisure, and take possession of my estates for myself and family ; but you have forgot to tell me how I could get rid of the feelings of an injured, honest heart, and where to hide myself from myself. Could I be guilty of so much baseness, I should hate myself and shun mankind. This would be a fatal exchange for the present situation, with an easy and approving conscience, of having done my duty, and conducted myself as a man of honor. " My lord, I am sorry to observe, that I feel your friendship much abated, or you would not endeavour to prevail upon me to act so base a part. You earnestly wish you could bring it about, as you think it will be the means of bringing about that reconciliation we all wish for. J wish for a reconciliation as much as any man, but only upon hon» 64 NAVAL HEROES. and the frigate was fitted for sea, with a lightning rod on her main-mast. orable terms. The repossessing of my estates ; the offer of the com- mand of your regiment, and the honor you propose of serving under me, are paltry considerations to the loss of my reputation. No, not the fee-simple of that valuable island of Jamaica, should induce me to part with my integrity. " My lord, as you have made one proposal, give me leave to make another, which will be more honorable to us both. As you have an interest with your commanders, I would ha' e you propose the with- drawing the British troops from the continent of America, allowing in- dependence, and propose a peace. This being done I will use my in- terest with my commanders to accept the terms, and allow Great Britain a free trade wi" Portsmouth, Monday afternoon, Sept. 13, 1779. Sir John Lockhart Ross hav- ing struck his flag from on board the Royal George, and hoisted it on board the Romney, has this instant got under way, with the Berwick of 74 guns, the Hon. Keith Stewart ; the Biensfaisant, of 64, Capt. M'Bride ; the Jupiter of 50, 108 NAVAL HEROES. Captain Reynolds ; and the following frigates, viz. Diana. Phoenix, Southampton, Ambuscade, Crescent, Milford, Bril- liant, and Porcupine ; the Bonetta, Cormorant, and Hele- na sloops ; the Griflin, and Nimble cutters ; and Firebrand and Incendiary fireships." It is a circumstance, not unworthy of notice, that the "Milford" which twice before, in 1776, had encountered Jones upon the American coast, was one of this fleet. An European statesman, under date of Nov. 19,1779, says " The Dutch seem at present entirely to disregard Great Britain ; notwithstanding Sir Joseph Yorke's memo- rials, they allow Captain Paul Jones to refit his little squad- ron, and give him every assistance possible ; nay, he is even allowed possession of a small fort in the Texel, in which he has put his sick and wounded seamen, — his own marines constantly mount guard, and Continental colours are hoisted. The English do him the honour to attend with eight ships at the south and four at the north entrance of the Texel to watch his motions." It may be added— the Dutch peremptorily refused to deliver up the Seraphis. and Countess of Scarborough, when demanded. He shifted his flag to the Alliance, American frigate ; and, in view of the British Squadron in the Downs, effect- ed his passage to Corunna, in France, where he arrived in the height of glory, and in the depth of bankruptcy, in January 1780. He soon after repaired to Paris — was re- ceived by Doct. Franklin with distinction — at public pla- ces with applause, and finally had an audience with Louis XVI!! It excites a smile at this period that the appearance of Jones upon the coast of England, in 1 779 with an ill-fitted little squadron should have excited such consternation, I. JOHN PAUL JONES. 109 when, id lt>05, they treated with sovereign contempt the vast preparation of Bonaparte to effect a landing. But while they feared him as a gallant ocean-warrior, they were compelled to admire hirn for his magnanimity. He never made war upon defenceless villages, or drove the harmless cottagers houseless and destitute into a cruel world. To repel the infamous aspersions of his infamous British biographer, who calls him the " American Corsair," I will here present the reader with a few extracts from more dignified British writers who dared to speak the truth of Americans and of Jones, in the face of a corrupt and imperious court. The commendation, coming from an enemy, is doubly valuable. The following is from a Lon- don Gazette of Sept. 1779. " By an examination of the four men belonging to one of Paul Jones' squadron, before the mayor and magistrates of Hull, it appears that Jones' orders were not to burn any houses or tozons. What an example of honour and great- ness does America thus shew to us ! while our troops are running about from town to town on their coasts, and burning every thing with a wanton, wicked and deliberate barbarity. Dr. Franklin gives no orders to retaliate. He is above it. And there was a time when an English Min- ister would have disdained to make war in so villainous a mode. It is a disgrace to the nation. But notwithstand- ing the moderation hitherto shewn by the Americans upon our coast, it is to be feared that moderation will cease in a little time. " Paul Jones could have burned Leith the other day with the greatest ease, and another little town near it ; but his orders were peremptory not to burn any town. Bute and Knox must whitewash Lord George Germain, and say. 16 110 NAVAL HEROES. that the burning the towns lately in America, was not done by his orders. Falsehood agrees with all their characters* " Many of the particulars of the burning the two towns in Connecticut, viz. Fairfield and Norwalk, have been re- ceived, but they are too shocking to relate. The brutality and cruelty of the soldiers in several instances, are too dreadful, as well as unfit to be printed. These horrible, scenes are an indelible scandal to our arms. And the ministers and officers, who can order and execute such proceedings, must be detested by all mankind," Another London Gazette of the same month thus pours forth the language of indignation : " What will be the consequence of burning Fairfield and Norwalk ? Paul Jones h3s done no mischief yet : But had he known of the burning of these towns, is it not probable he would have burned Leith and Hull ? They were as completely at his mercy. When this burning business comes to be retaliated upon our own coasts, we shall thea see our ministers' scribblers expatiating upon the cruelty of it, of its being contrary to the rules of war, &c. and those public prints, which are paid and bribed by the public money, for deserting and betraying the public interest, who print every he for ministers, but refuse every truth against them, will be the foremost to publish those com- plaints, which they now approve in others. The nation cannot be misled much longer ; the tricks of the court in buying up the newspapers, and sending about their runners, are become so obvious, people cannot now be duped by them as they have been." The French minister of Marine, now furnished Com. Jones with the Ariel of 20 guns, a king's ship, in which he sailed for America, in October, 1780. On his passage he COM. JOHN PAUL JONES. ill ,^ed and captured the British ^hip Triumph, of 20 guns. He arrived in America early in the year 1781. He repaired to Philadelphia, where the highest honours awaited him. In April, 1781, Congress passed a vote of thanks " For the zeal, the prudence, and the intrepidityj with which he sustained the honour of the American flag ; for his bold and successful enterprise, with a view to re- deem from captivity the citizens of America, who had fal- len into the hands of the English ; and for the eminent services by which he had added lustre to his own character and his associates." That august body, also presented him with a Gold Med- al, as a token of the high estimation in which he was heid by the Congress of the American Republic. At this time, the long and arduous contest between Amer- ica and Britain was drawing to a clos^e by the resistless and powerful attitude in which the American Republic appear- ed. Britain, instead of devastating what she stiil called her American Colonies by armies, fleets, conflagration, massa- cres, and destruction, was now willing to acknowledge their Independence,* and enter into negotiations for peace. But until a definitive treaty of Peace was concluded, the active spirit of Jones could not rest. A ship of the line, the America, of 74 guns, had been built, designed for Com. Jones ; but she was presented to Louis XVI. to supply the place of the Magninque, French 74, lost on the American coast. * In a London paper, the beginning- of 1 7K0, is this paragraph. " A cessation of arms has again been proposed on the part of France and the rebel Colonies, through the mediation of the King of Sardinia, which the British cabinet have refused to listen to, unless the depend- ence of America on the parent state, be made the ground work of such cessation." 112 NAVAL HEROEb. He now entered the Triumphant, flag ship, of the Mar quis D'Vandreuil, — was received with the utmost distinc- tion, and assigned to one of the highest births on board. The object of the Marquis's expedition was prevented by a general peace, by which the Independence of the Amer- ican btates was fully acknowledged. Jones returned to America to enjoy the political Independence of the Repub- lic; but as to that independence which arises from wealth, he could not enjoy it, for he was in possession of none. His wealth was on the other side of the Atlantic. In 1783, he went to France — obtained for himself his officers and seamen the full amount of prize-money due them, and re- turned to the bosom of his adopted country, to enjoy the blessings of that freedom which he had so gallantly and un- ceasingly aided in obtaining. He selected the then new state of Kentucky, as his place of residence. In the midst of a high-minded and noble race of Americans, he enjoyed the inestimable blessings of a free government ; and lived long enough to behold the Republic rise from a state of political infancy, to the ma- jestic state of national greatness. He closed his active, eventful, and diversified life in 1801, at the age of fifty-three years ; leaving an example to the youth of his native and his adopted country, of the aston- ishing effects resulting from " decision of character." The foibles of his early life serve as beacons to avoid the rocks and quicksands of rash precipitation. His whole life, most clearly evinces, that the most humble birth, and disheart- ening circumstances, furnish no insuperable obstacle against an ardent and determined spirit, and a decided character. COM. JOHN PAUL JONES. 113 ADDENDA TO THE PRECEDING SKETCH. Persuaded that the reader will be gratified with Europe- an details, both English and French, concerning the daring expedition of Com. Jones, I present them exactly as pub- lished in (heir papers in 1779. It will serve the double purpose of confirming the preceding sketch, and also to ihow, that the hireling editors of his Majesty in London, under Lord Germaine, could traduce and slander Ameri- can champions, as well as the " royal printer" Rivington in the city of New York under Sir William Howe. Extract of a letter from Scarbro, Sept. 21, 1779. " Yesterday a ship (1 two decker) a frigate, a sloop and a cutter, appeared about a mile oil" the Pier, supposed to be French ; they fired at several ships, took two, and obli- ged two others to run into the harbour, damaging their rigging and sails, by keeping a continual fire after them ; they then steered their course to the northward." Sept. 27. A letter from Sunderland, dated the 20th of September says, " that an express arrived there the 18th from Aymouth, with information, that Paul Jones was off there, with five sail of ships of war, and 2000 troops on board; that on the 19th they appeared off Sunderland, and came up within two miles, which put the inhabitants into great confusion, as they expected them to land every hour, or destroy the ships in the harbour. The inhabi- tants and soldiers got immediately under arms, and contin- ued so at the writing of the letter, as they were still in sight." Extract of a letter from Stockton, Sept, 21. " Copy of an express which arrived here this day from Sunderland, dated September 21.. " The under mentioned ships having appeared off this 114 NAVAL HEROES. place under the command of Paul Jones, we have sent the bearers to inform all light colliers they may meet with, to take harbour as soon as possible, and there to remain till they receive advices of their being off the coast ; the bear- ers are to proceed to Bridlington with all speed. Two ships appearing to be 50 guns each ; one frigate about 40 guns : one brig, like a collier; two sloops ; one snow, and one brig both armed. E. Linshell, J. Young, J. Marshall, J. Smith." On Saturday noon, two gentlemen of the corporation ol Hull, arrived express at the Admiralty with the alarming account, that the celebrated American corsair, Paul Jones, had entered the river Humber on Thursday last, and chased a vessel to within a mile of the Pier, where he sunk, burn- ed and destroyed 16 sail of valuable vessels, which threw the whole town and neighbourhood into the utmost con- sternation ; as a very few men in armed boats, might have laid the town in ashes. He had taken nine or ten colliers and other vessels a day or two before he appeared at Hull ; one of which, being left to the charge of only four men, her former crew rose upon them, and cairied the vessel in- to a port near Hull ; and which men state the strength oi his squadron to be as follows : A Boston built frigate with 40 guns upon one deck. (Jones' ship.) A French ship (an old Indiaman,) of 44 guns. Two American frigates of 32 guns each, new. One 20 gun ditto. Two brigantines of 18 guns, and two small tenders. Some of this squadron conducted the prizes they had made to the coast of France, and returned to Hull the Friday noon, attended by other Dunkirk privateers. COM. JOHN PAUL JONES. Hi, On Saturday night another express arrived at the Admi- ralty from Hull, (which set out at three in the morning) with (he further disagreeable intelligence, that Paul Joncs r squadron, after having done more mischief in the shipping on Friday, had fell in with the Baltic fleet, (for which pur- pose he principally ventured to cruise in the North Channel) and had taken their convoy, the Seraphis man of war, of 44 guns, Capt. Pearson, and the armed ship hired to govern- ment by a gentleman of Hull called the Countess of Scar- borough, Capt. Percy, of 24 guns. This action was seen by thousands of spectators, and the last express was des- patched in consequence of it, and seeing the other ships of Jones' squadron making havock among the fleet ; most of which, however, had taken shelter near Fiamborough and the Head. From the four captured Americans it was discovered that this fleet sailed with stores for three months, from Brest the beginning of August ; and that two other small squadrons were to sail soon after them for the coasts of Ireland and Wales. They were all in the service of the Congress, and few or no French seamen on board. Their plan generally was to alarm the coasts of Wales, Ireland, the western parts of Scotland, and the North Chan- nel, while the combined fleets kept Sir Charles Hardy at bay to the westward. Jones took several prizes on the coast of Ireland, particularly two armed transports with stores for New York, in the North Seas, and near the Firth of Forth, and had it in his power to burn Leith ; but his orders are only to destroy shipping. His squadron is now but weakly manned, owing to the great number of prizes he has taken, arid it will likely fall an easy conquest to the 16 sail of men of war who have orders to go after him. 11G NAVAL HEROES. The Seraphis, man of war, lost her main-mast, bowsprit, and mizen top mast, before she struck ; and the Countess of Scarborough made an exceeding good defence against one of the 32 gun frigates. The enemy's 44 gun ship was not in the action, and the Seraphis struck to Jones' ship and the other 32 gun frigate. Expresses also arrived on Saturday from Sunderland, stating that Paul Jones had taken 1 6 sail of colliers. In consequence of the capture of so many colliers, and the interception of the trade ; the price of coals will be enormous. Instead of having the dominion of the sea, it is now evi- dent that we are not able to defend our own coast from depredations. Extract of a letter from Newcastle, Sept. 25. " The little squadron commanded by Paul Jones, after leaving the Firth of Forth, directed its course along the coast southward, and excited no small fears in the inhabit- ants along shore as they passed. About five on Sunday afternoon, they appeared ofFTynmouth, and after parading a while in the offing, proceeded onwards to Sunderland, and so much alarmed the inhabitants of that place, that many of them immediately had their valuable effects buri- ed in the earth, or conveyed up the country. The militia there beat to arms, and, with many of the town's people, lined the shore until the next morning : but no descent was attempted, the enemy continued their course to the southward. " The Emerald frigate of 32 guns, appeared off Sunder- land on Monday morning, when four fry-boat men were sent off to her, to give information of the above squadron ; the sea running exceeding high at the time made the spec- COM. JOHN PAUL JONES. 11? tators on shore fear much for their safety ; but happily they e llec ted their errand, and were kindly received on board. " Monday the Content sailed from Shields, and joined the Emerald frigate to go in quest of the above squadron. " The following particulars are from the information of the master of the Speedwell sloop, of Hull, which was ta- ken and ransomed -by the said squadron, and who made oath to the fact thereof before the Mayor of this town on Wednesday. " Sunday last, about four leagues off Tynmouth bar, the Speedwell sloop of Hull, and the Union brig of Chatham, were taken by the Pallas, an American friate or barque, of 34 nine pounders, in company with a two decked ship of 44 eighteen pounders, (name not known) commanded by Paul Jones, and a snow of 14 nine pounders, called the Ven- geance, (master's name not known.) After taking them. Jones and the master of the Pallas disagreed concerning the capture. Jones proposed to turn the brig into a fire ship, and to send her into Shields harbour, to which the commander of the Pallas would not consent ; the master of the Pallas proposed to ransom the sloop, as she had a wo- man with child on board, to which Jones would not consent. However, the next day, about 12 leagues off the land, be- tween the Scarborough and Filay Bay, the brig was plun- dered and sunk, and the sloop ransomed for 300/. the mate taken hostage. Jones had one or two, and the Pallas three or four English masters, and a number of other prisoners on board, belonging to ships that had been taken and de- stroyed. The master of the sloop said he was informed that Jones had 200 marines on board. Jones declared that his orders were to ransom none, but to burn, sink, or de- stroy all. The master of the Pallas, in the ransom bill 17 118 NAVAL HEROES. styles himself thus : " Denis Nicolas Cotineau, of Keloguen, Captain of a man of war in the service of the United States of America, and Commander of the American frigate the Pallas." They hoisted English colours, but the captain of the sloop saw that they had also American and Swedish co- lours." Friday morning the principal inhabitants of Yarmouth met, and agreed to petition the lords of the Admiralty for a number of ships to be sent down for the better protection of that town and trade. The Fly sloop of war, that beat off the two privateers who engaged him in hopes of capturing the packets, allur- ed by the expectation ofa large ransom for the noble pas- sengers, is got safe into the Elbe. The Fly carried only 14 guns, and was scanty of powder. The privateers were stoutly manned, and one of them carried 20 guns, and the other 13. Extract of a letter from Hull, Sept. 25. " On examination of one of the ship's crew retaken from Paul Jones, we learn, that he had pilots on board for every part of this coast, from Edinburgh to Harwich, and that he had taken 15 sail of vessels ; some he had ransomed and others sent to France — that he had 500 men on board his own ship, when he left Brest ; and that the complements of the whole fleet were above 2000 ; that they had provisions for three months, and an amazing quantity of military stores, as shot and gun powder ; that the seamen were exercised daily with small arms, in case of their going on shore, as a debarkation was intended, when a convenient place and opportunity offered ; that the major part of the crews were English and Irish, many of them taken out of the prisons at Brest and St, Maloes, where any prisoner was offered hi? COM. JOHN PAUL JONES. 119 liberty to serve on board his fleet — There were very few Americans, but more French, and some neutrals, as Dutch and Germans. They gave them but small bounties at first for the men to enter, as the promises that were made them that they would all return with fortunes, had a great effect 5 but men growing scarce, they were obliged to pay very handsomely for them, and some of the ships were obliged to come away without the complement intended, as they all brought more away than they had need to work the ship and fight the guns, in order to be the better enabled to man the prizes they should take, and not reduce their proper complement, in case of meeting with a powerful enemy." The master of a sloop from Harwich, who arrived yes- terday in the Pool, saw, on Saturday last, no less than 1 1 sail of men of war going in search of Paul Jones, and among them was the Edgar of 74 guns. London, October 1. Extract of a letter from Scarborough, dated the 26th of September, 1779. " Last Wednesday the red flag was hoisted at the castle, as a signal that the enemy was in sight. It proved to be Paul Jones and his squadron. He kept our coasts several days, and spread so universal a terror, that the inhabitants quitted the city. He cannonaded the town most severely. The following circumstances are mentioned in a deposition of a sailor, who escaped from the squadron: The squad- ron consisted of 8 vessels ; they sailed from L'Orient to the western coast of Ireland, from thence to the north shore of Scotland, where they took a most valuable prize, bound to Quebec with military stores, and a Liverpool let- ter of marque, and sunk several colliers near Whitby. Ha- ving cruized six days between Berwick and Humber. they 120 ^AVAL HEROEs. met the Baltic fleet, escorted by a 40 and a 20 gun ship, They first attacked Jones' ships ; the contest continued four hours, when Jones 1 fire was interrupted, but the Bri- tish man of war was finally obliged to strike, on the coming up of the American frigate Alliance, one of Jones' squad- ron. Jones' crew were then obliged to call for the boats of the Alliance, to save them, as their ship was sinking. This sailor and six others took that opportunity to escape. They add the following particulars : Towards the end of the combat, the British captain called to Paul Jones to strike or he wonld sink his ship the next broadside. The intrepid American answered, " sink me if you can, if I must go to the devil, I had rather strike to him than to you." Jones fought in sailor's frock and trowsers, with a large girdle round his waist, in which hung twelve pistols, and a large cutlass in his hand. The sailors say they saw him blow out the brains of seventeen of his men, for aban- doning their posts. During the action an attempt was made by a few British desperadoes he had picked up in France, to relieve the prisoners he had below decks, with a view to surrender the ship — the Seraphis (the vessel he now fought with and took) was new, and built on a new construction, sailed wonderfully fast, and was copper bot- tomed. Twenty-five vessels in different divisions have been sent in pursuit of Jones, but it is thought he is gone towards Norway. Fxtract of a letter from L'Orient, dated Oct. 22, 1779, to a gentleman in this city. " The gallant behaviour of Capt. Paul Jones, at present engages the whole attention here. In my last I informed you, that he had the command of a small squadron then on a cruise. He sailed round Ireland and Scotland, spreading COl>I. JOHN PAUL JONES. 121 t error and devastation in every part. He took, burnt, and sunk a great number of vessels, among them a ship bound to Quebec, extremely rich. " On the 23d of Sept. in the evening, having under his command the Poor Richard, of 40 guns, the Alliance of 3G, and the Pallas of 28 guns ; he fell in with the Baltic fleet, consisting of about 40 sail, under convoy of the Seraphis, of 44 guns, and the Countess of Scarborough of 20 guns •, the Pallas, after an engagement of about an hour, took the latter, and Jones in the Poor Richard attacked the former ; they fought three hours and a half, with inconceivable rage ; two hours of which time they were fast to each other, and almost all the time one or the other was on fire. " The Poor Richard was obliged to keep all her pumps going during the greater part of the engagement ; it being night, and the two vessels enveloped in smoke, the Capt. of the Pallas could not distinguish which was friend or en- emy, so could give Jones no assistance. The Alliance lay out of gun shot for the greatest part of the engagement, and when she came up to his assistance, through mistake, in- stead of firing on the enemy, gave the Poor Richard two broadsides, which killed 1 1 men, besides doing other con- siderable damage.* Notwithstanding all this, Jones con- tinued the engagement until he obliged her to strike. The Seraphis is a fine new ship, sheathed with copper, on an entire new construction, and thought to be the fast- est sailing vessel in Europe ; she has two entire batteries, the lower of which is 18 pounders ; so that she may be said to be almost double the force of the Poor Richard. This * This corresponds with Com. Jones official letter, and directly contradicts the British account. 122 NAVAL HEROES. last ship, notwithstanding every assistance from the others, sunk the second morning after the engagement." Extract of another letter from the same place. " Capt. Jones came to town from the Texel, and he it gone to the Hague ; his presence will, I am persuaded, embarrass this Republic, and may probably produce warm altercations in the senate. I cannot give you a very particular account of the en-' gagement, only that the conflict between the two ships ex- ceeds description ; upwards of 230 men killed and wound- ed in both, and so shattered, that it was a matter of doubt which of the vessels would sink first. The captain of the Seraphis, behaved with great bravery. " The Poor Richard with all the assistance afforded from the other ships after the action, could not be kept above water, and Jones had the mortification to see her go down, not being able to save any material part of her stores. He (it may be said) has made a good exchange, but he wished to have got the poor Richard into port, shattered as she was, as a picture of curiosity and distress." By the following note, it seems the conjecture relative to the Hague was correct. Yesterday in the afternoon despatches were sent from the Secretary of State's Office to Sir Joseph Yorke at the Hague ; and, it is reported, that they contain a request to the States General to stop Paul Jones the pirate, and his ships, and to deliver him up that he may be brought to England, and punished according to law. In consequence of these despatches, the following" de- mand" was made by Sir Joseph. " High and Mighty Lords, <■ The undersigned Ambassador Extraordinary and Pie- COM. JOHN PAUL JONES. 123 mpotentiary of the King of Great Britain, has the honoi to communicate to your High Mightinesses, that two of his Majesty's ships, (the Seraphis and Countess of Scarbo- rough) arrived some days ago in the Texel, having been attacked and taken by force, by a certain Paul Jones, a subject of the King, who according to treaties and the laws. of war can only be considered as a rebel and a pirate. The undersigned is therefore in duty bound to recur to your High Mightinesses, and demand their immediate or- ders that those ships with their oflicers and crews may be stopped, and he especially recommends to your humanity, to permit the wounded to be brought on shore, that proper attention may be paid to them at the expense of the King his master. YORKE." What ineffable contempt must Americans have felt towards the ministry of Great Britain at that period when their prostituted presses were whining forth their piteous wailings and lamentations, for the loss of a few armed ships which would weaken their marine — a few merchant- men, which would diminish their treasury ; and a (ew " Colliers," which would make " the price of coals enor- mous ?" What puerile gasconade was it to pronounce the fearless, the intrepid, and magnanimous Jones, the Ameri- can Corsair, Rebel and Pirate, when he, scrupulously kept within the recognized boundaries of civilized war- fare, and never applied the torch, to even a sheep-cote. Nevertheless, he had every personal reason to feel a spirit of revenge against Englishmen. He had been impressed aboard their ships, — abused — compelled to fight his friends — had been swindled by sharpers, and driven from the kingdom. But the American Commodore, forgot the in- 124 WAVAL HEROES. juries of John Paul Jones. He fought in the cause of free- dom, of religion, and humanity, against despotism, super- stition, and barbarity ; and he fought in a manner worthy the cause he espoused. Let the tables be reversed, and for a moment examine what kind of warfare was carried on in America at the very time. Com. Jones was conquering ships of war, capturing privateers, taking forts, spiking cannon, and making prizes of merchantmen on the coast of Britain. Let the follow- ing proclamation of an incendiary knight of Britain be read with the highest indignation by Americans, and with the deepest shame by Englishmen. " By Commodore Sir George Collier, Commander in Chief of his Majesty's ships and vessels in North America, and Major General William Tryon, commanding his Majesty's Land Forces on a separate expedition. Address to the Inhabitants of Connecticut. " The ungenerous and wanton insurrection against the sovereignty of Great Britain into which this colony has been deluded by the artifices of designing men, for private purposes, might well justify you in every fear, which con- scious guilt could form respecting the intentions of the pre- sent armament. Your towns, your property, yourselves, lie within the grasp of that power, whose forbearance you have ungen- erously construed into fear ; but whose lenity has persisted in its mild and noble efforts, even tho' branded with the most unworthy imputation. The existence of a single habitation on your defenceless coast, ought to be a constant reproof to your ingratitude. Can the strength of your whole province cope with the force which might at any time be poured through every CQM. JOHN PAUL JONES. 126 •listnct in your country ? You arc conscious it cannot. Why then will you persist in a ruinous and ill judged resis- tance ? We hoped thai you would recover from the frenz\ which has distracted this unhappy country ; and we be- lieve the day to be now come, when the greater part of this continent begin to blush at their delusion. You who lie so much in our power, afford the most striking monument of mercy, and therefore ought to set the first example of re- turning allegiance. Reflect on what gratitude requires of you ; if that is in- sufficient to move you, attend to your own interest: we offer you a refuge against the distress, which you univer- sally acknowledge broods with increasing and intolerable weight over all your country. Leaving you to consult with each other upon this invi- tation, we do now declare, that whosoever shall be found and remain in peace at his usual place of residence, shall be shielded from any insult either in person or property, excepting such as bear offices either civil or military, un- der your present usurped governments ; of whom it will be further required, that they shall give proofs of their penitence and submission, and they shall then partake of the like immunity. Those whose folly and obstinacy may slight this favour- able warning, must take notice, that they are not to ex- pect a continuance of that lenity which their inveteracy- would now render blameable. Given onboard his Majesty's ship Camilla, in the Sound. July 4, 1779. George Collier, Wm. Tryon."* * The following Hudibrastic version of this proclamation appeared originally in the Connecticut Courant, published by Hudson and Good- 18 j 26 NAVAL HEROES. The addition of William Trjon's name, ex-governor of .New York, shews that the army and navy of Great Britain win, July 27, 1779, the leading Gazette in New England, in the re- volutionary war. The production carries strong internal evidence' that it emanated from the same " Connecticut Butler" who produced that inimitable burlesque poem — " M'Fingal." " By Collier George, Sir commodore, Of all the ships that line this shore ; Of vessels too, and all the squadron. In North America, the Lord on : And Major General Tryon Billy, Of separate party sent to kill ye : The Royal, mighty, arch director. And of the Tories kind protector. To all Connecticut folks greeting, Let this address save you a beating. When people blinded by delusion, Have set the world in dire confusiou : When factious freemen dare cabal Against the Royal must and shall ; The conscious rogues may well feel chilly. At the approach of George and Billy. You see until the time that now is, We hare forborne t'exert our prowess : Thankless rebels ! with wanton sneer, You've construed mildness into fear ; When long ago you might have lost Each house and barn upon your coast. Each moment now a force at hand, Might spread wild horror through the land Nor all your vile militia rabble, Could cope with Britons in the squabble. Why then resist almighty force, And every day grow worse and worse ? We waited long that we might then see If you'd recover from your frenzy ; And we believe the day now present. COM. JOHN PAUL JONES. 127 produced twin Goths in Collier and Tryon in the first, and Cockburn and Ross in the second war with Britain. Let the American reader peruse this short extract from When all from Congress down to peasant, Who've not obtain'd the king's protection, Begin to blush at their defection. All those in reach of cannon shot, We can destroy as well as not. Since you're expos'd to British power, And death's before you every hour, And not recover'd from your blindness, You're striking proofs of British kindness. The wings of mercy you've not flew to, And must find shelter with old Pluto, A dismal cloud with vengeance dire, Hangs o'er your heads and now grows nigher, 'Twill fall intolerably severe, On all you rebels far and near. On this invite and threatning thunder, We leave you to consult and ponder. We therefore solemnly declare, Which is as much as 'tis to swear, That he in usual place who stays, Shall not be injur'd several ways : We'll only rob him, and his person, Let soldiers have to make a farce on. But officers in state and army, You've something more that ought t'alarm ye . 'Tis fell submission, penitence, Entitles you to like defence. But they who still may choose to slight us, And rashly dare to arm and fight us, Who disregard this friendly warning, Must feel the effects to morrow morning. In seventeen hundred seventy- nine, July the fourth, at sun's decline ; Given on board King's ship Camilla, Sir Collier George and Tryon Billy. 128 NAVAL HEROES. the speech of the patriotic Lord Camden in the House of Lords, in 1778, and the Protest drawn by his unequalled pen. How striking must have been the contrast between Lord Camden and Lord Mansfield, when one arose as an advocate for humanity — the other for barbarism. " What did the desolation of war mean, but destruction of the houses, and massacreing the people in an enemy's country ? The declaration in his opinion, held forth a war of revenge, such as Moloch, in the Pandemonium of Hell advised." His lordship added, " That the Proclamation ought to be damned ; for it would fix an inveterate hatred in the Americans against the very name of Englishmen, which would be left as a legacy from father to son to the latest posterity. If there was any doubt of the intention of it, let a comparative retrospect prove it : What had been done by that fellow, Colonel Butler, Had he not surprised a little peaceable settlement, and put the poor people, men, women, and children to the sword ? Pie hoped he did not now bear the King's commission." The following are the inscriptions on the flags captured at the taking of York, conveyed by major Armistead to Washington : " The standard of the notorious plundering, burning, murdering, scalping corps of rangers, commanded by col. Butler, in the service of England, in the revolutionary war, whose savage barbarities will loug be remembered by the inhabitants of Mohawk and Susquehanna river ; taken at Fort George, Upper Canada, May 27, 1813." [This flag was held in great veneration by the savages.] The declaration alluded to by Lord Camden, is presented to the reader for the double purpose of shewing the Gothic COM. JOHN PAUL JONES. 129 rage of the British ministry, and the exalted magnanimity of thirty-one Peers of the realm, who protested against it in language, humane as it is Christian — just as it is forcible. As they " chose to draw themselves out, and distinguish themselves to posterity," as enemies to " ferocity and bar- barism in war," let the present generation of Americans venerate their memories as friends to the infant colonies. The declaration says, " If there be any persons, who, divested of mistaken resentments and uninfluenced by self- ish interests really think it is for the benefit of the Colonies to separate themselves from Great Britain, and that so sep- arated they will find a constitution more mild, more free, and better calculated for their prosperity, than that which they heretofore enjoyed, and which we are empowered and disposed to renew and improve ; with such persons we will not dispute a position, which seems to be sufficiently contradicted by the experience they have had. But we think it right to leave them fully aware of the change which the maintaining such a position must make in the whole nature and future conduct of this war, more especially when to this position is added the pretended alliance with the court of France. The policy, as well as the benevolence of Great Britain, have thus far checked the extremes of war, when they tended to distress a people still consider- ed as our fellow subjects, and to desolate a country shortly to become again a source of mutual advantage; but when that country possesses the unnatural design, not only of estranging herself from us, but of mortgaging herself, and her resources, to our enemies, the whole contest is changed, and the question is, how far Great Britain may, by every means in her power, destroy or render useless a connection contrived for her ruin, and for the aggrandizement of E30 NAVAL HEROES. France. Under such circumstances, the laws of self -pre- servation must direct the conduct of Great Britain ; and if the British Colonies are to become an accession to France, will direct her to render that accession of as little avail as possible to her enemies ! /" Dissentient, 1st. Because the public law of nations, in affirmance of the dictates of nature, and the precepts of revealed religion, forbids us to resort to the extremes of war upon our own opinion of their expediency, or in any case to carry on war for the purpose of desolation. We know that the rights of war are odious, and instead of being extended upon loose constructions and speculations of danger, ought to be bound up and limited by all the restraints of the most rigorous construction. We are shocked to see the first law of nature, self-preservation, perverted and abused into a principle destructive of all other laws ; and a rule laid down, by which our own safety is rendered incompatible with the prosperity of mankind. The objects of war which cannot be compassed by fair and honorable hostility, ought not to be compassed at all ; an end that has no means but such as are unlawful, is an unlawful end. The Manifesto expressly founds the change it announces from a qualified and mitigated war, to a war of extremity and desolation, on the certainty that the provinces must be in- dependent, and must become an accession to the strength of the enemy. In the midst of the calamities by which our loss of empire has been preceded and accompanied; in the midst of our apprehensions for the farther calamities which impend over us, it is a matter of fresh grief and ac- cumulated shame to see, from a commission under the Great Seal of this kingdom, a declaration for desolating a COM. JOHN PAUL JONES. 131 vast continent, solely because zoe had not the wisdom to retain, or the power to subdue it. c 2d\y. Because the avowal of a deliberate purpose ol violating the law of nations, must give an alarm to every state in Europe. All commonwealths have a concern in that law, and are its natural avengers. At this time, sur- rounded by enemies, and destitute of all allies, it is not ne- cessary to sharpen and embitter the hostility of declared foes, or provoke the enmity of neutral states. We trust that by the natural strength of this kingdom, we are secur- ed from a foreign conquest, but no nation is secured from the invasion and incursions of enemies. And it seems to us the height of frenzy, as well as v/ickedness, to expose this country to cruel depredations, and other outrages too shocking to mention (but which are all contained in the idea of the extremes of war and desolation) by establishing a false, shameful, and pernicious maxim, that where we have no interest to preserve, we are called upon by ne- cessity to destroy. This kingdom has long enjoyed a pro- found internal peace, and has flourished above all others in the arts and enjoyments of that happy state. It has been the admiration of the world for its cultivation and its plenty ; for the comforts of the poor, the splendour of the rich, and the content and prosperity of all. This situation of safety may be attributed to the greatness of our power. It is more becoming, and more true, that we ought to at- tribute that safety, and the power which procured it, to the ancient justice, honour, humanity, and generosity of this kingdom, which brought down the blessing of Provi- dence on a people who made their prosperity a benefit to the world, and interested all nations in their fortune, whose example of mildness and benignity, at once humanized 132 NAVAL HEROES. others, and rendered itself inviolable. In departing from those solid principles, and vainly trusting to the frailty of human force, and to the efficacy of arms, rendered impotent by their perversion, we lay down principles, and furnish examples of the most atrocious barbarity. We are to dread that all our power, peace and opulence, should van- ish like a dream, and that the cruelties which we think safe to exercise because their immediate object is remote, may be brought to the coasts, perhaps to the bosom of this king- dom. 3dly. Because, if the explanation given in debate, be expressive of the true sense of the article in the manifesto, such explanation ought to be made, and by as high author- ity as that under which the exceptionable article was ori- ginally published. The natural and obvious sense indi- cates, that the extremes of war had hitherto been checked, that his Majesty's Generals had hitherto forborne (upon principles of benignity and policy) to desolate the country ; but that the whole nature, and future conduct of the war must be changed in order to render the American accesion of as little avail to France as possible. This in our appre- hension, conveys a menace of carrying the war to ex- tremes and to desolation, or it means nothing. And as some speeches in the House (however palliated) and as some acts of singular cruelty, and perfidy, conformable to the apparent ideas in the manifesto, have lately been exer- cised, it becomes the more necessary, for the honour and safety of this nation, that this explanation should be made. As it is refused, we have only to clear ourselves to our con- sciences, to our country, to our neighbours, and to every individual who may suffer in consequence of this atrocious menace, of all part in the guilt, or in the evils that may be- COM. JOHN PAUL JONES. 3? come its punishment. And we choose to draw ourselves ou( ; and to distinguish ourselves to posterity, as not being the first to renew, to approve, or to tolerate the return of that ferocity and barbarism in war, which a beneficent re- ligion, enlightened manners, and true military honour, had for a long time banished from the christian world. Camden, Abergavenny, Beausieu, Abingdon, Coventry, Harcourt, Fitzwilliam, De Ferrars, Effingham, Fortescue, Ferrars, Wycombe, Grafton, Stanhope, Scarborough, Craven, Rockingham, Cholmondeley, J. S. Asaph, Tankerville, Devonshire, Richmond, Ponsonby, Foley, Bolton, Derby, Spencer. Radnor, Egremont, Manchester, Portland, London, December 12. The list of noble Peers, who protested against " the ex- tremes of war and desolating America," on Monday last, is one of the most respectable that has appeared for some years, as, independent of theirgreat characters in private and public life, there are ten of them whose fortunes altogeth- er make up above two hundred thousand pounds per j ear ; yet these are the men whose sentiments must avail nothing at so critical and important a crisis as the present : whilst a mad and impracticable war is carrying on for the pur- poses of a false pride, the aggrandizement of vicious, igno- rant statesmen, and the rapacity of hungry contractors." It was certainly a studied, as it was a low insult, to date this conflagration edict upon the anniversary of American 19 134 NAVAL HEROES. independence : and, like the ancient Nero, who fiddled while Rome was burning, these modern Vandals were " grinning horribly ghastly smiles," while, in three days only, after its date, the beautiful towns of Fairfield and Norwalk,* were in smoking ruins. No wonder that the prophetic Lord Camden foresaw that such barbarism " would fix an inveterate hatred in Ameri- cans against the very name of Englishmen, which would be left as a legacy from father to son to the latest posteri- ty." Although the powerful empire of Britain may boast, that in the eighteenth century she carried her conquests thro' the four quarters of the globe, let her not again, in the nineteenth, attempt to subdue that portion of America, which lies between the Atlantic and the Western ocean — the 45th degree of north latitude, and the Gulf of Mexico. At the sessions of the common pleas at Whitestown, N. Y. in September 1820, Kirkland Griffin, Esq. a veteran of the revolution, appeared in person to witness an assem- blage of heroes of the revolution, who appeared before the court, to procure the proper vouchers to enable them to obtain the pension munificently granted to them, through the exertions of James Monroe, who was himself a se- verely wounded lieutenant at the " Victory of Trenton," in 1776, and now (1823) President of the United States. The venerable Griffin, did not come to ask for himself, but to congratulate those who asked conscientiously, and who received gratefully. The scene revived his ardour, and he proceeded as follows : " Who could forbear to go into service, when fathers, * The British general Garth, one of Collier's torch bearers, was taken by the Experiment, and 80,000 guineas with him. COM. JOHN PAUL JONES. 136 nothers, sisters, and friends, all implored it, and all would , r ive every thing and do every thing in their power to pre- pare the young men. Those were the days of devotion to our country. I went on board a privateer. We were soon captured. We could not help it. We had but 10 guns, and they came upon us with 64 — we could not resist, and surrendered. It was early in the war, and we were not considered or treated as prisoners of war, but as rebels. We heard nothing from our country but from our keep- ers, who gave us the most dismal and gloomy accounts ; until after a long confinement a clergyman happened to say to us that there was good news from America for us. After he was gone we had a long consultation about what it could mean, and finally concluded that it must be, that Burgoyne,* of whose invasion and progress we had heard the most exulting statement from our keepers, had surren- dered. We immediately mustered a crown and bribed a poor woman to bring us a paper that had in it the account of Burgoyne's capitulation, and a candle: for we had not seen the light either of a fire or a candle for many months. Having procured them, we mounted one of the best read- ers on a beam, for we occupied a second story, and had no floor over head, and all gave attention. He read the ac- count in a loud voice, and it was with difficulty that order was preserved until he had finished, and the moment he had, there was a tremendous shouting. The guards were roused, we heard them and retired. They examined and left us. We went at it again ; they returned — we retired as they approached. They took off a few and departed; we re-assembled and determined that we would rejoice. How to do it we knew not ; for we had nothing to drink, and precious little to eat ; but rejoice we must and would. * Com. Jones announced this victory to the French Admiral. 136 IN AVAL HEROES. Finally, we concluded we would dance. — We had a few fiddles, and we set two or three to playing, and then all throughout the whole extent of our long prison went at it, and in spite of the keepers and guards we had a real Con- necticut dance." After an imprisonment of more than two years, our Paul Jones* was liberated, and again went into the service under the brave commander of that name, and was with him during his most successful cruises, and par- ticularly in the terrible engagement between the Good Man Richard and Seraphis, when the engagement was de- cided by boarding. The Americans lost 150 out of 350 men, and the British suffered a still greater loss. The American Frigate was old, and not built for war, and it was believed, during the battle, that she would sink : ' Nev- er mind it,' said Paul, ' we shall have a better one to go home in,' and so it proved. All, said our Paul, that I ever received for my services, except a little prize money, wa? 180 dollars in continental money, and that I have now." Since the preceding sketch was written, the writer has enjoyed the high gratification and the amusement and in- telligence of an acquaintance with Mr. William Henderson, a remote connexion of Capt. Matthew Henderson, immor- talized by the elegy and epitaph of the charming bard of " Old Scotia," Robert Burns. This inimitable bard, who. like Pope, " lisped in numbers," was often hospitably en- tertained at the house of Mr. Henderson's father, situated upon the estate of the Earl of Mansfield. At this hospita- ble mansion, Burns wrote many of his unsurpassed effu- sions ; and Mr. Henderson's brother, who, with him, left " Old Scotia," for " New (Nova) Scotia," during the last war, has in his possession a large poem in the hand writing of Burns, never yet published. * In his vicinity Mr. Griffin was so called. COM. JOHN PAUL JONES. 137 Mr. Henderson had explored almost the whole of Scot- land, England and Wales, before his desire for novelty and enterprise led him to the province of Nova Scotia; and, late in 1821, to New England. He has been acquainted, from early life, with that part of Scotland, so long menaced by one of his own country- men, and the adopted champion of American freedom, John Paul Jones. He assured me, that amongst the elder portion of the people still surviving, the achievements of Jones are still a subject of animated, yet fearful conversa- tion. As the Scots peasantry are remarkable for supersti- tious belief in ghosts, witches, warlocks, &c. they probably still fear Jones, " though he be dead," as much as Sir John Falstaff did " that gunpowder Percy." It is with the highest satisfaction 1 present the following anecdote, so perfectly characteristic of the ancient Presbyterian clergy of the kirk of Scotland, in the language of Mr. Henderson. " About the time that Jones visited Whitehaven, he went round to the Firth of Forth, and made his appearance off' the harbour of Kirkaldy, a noted small town on the borders of Fifeshire (called by the Scotch the ' Lang toun o' Kirkaldy,"' owing to its length.) No other enemy however formida- ble, could have created in the minds of the inhabitants, such consternation and alarm as that which then approach- ed. Paul Jones was the dread of all, old and young, (and pamphlets of his depredations were as common in every house as almanacs.) He was looked upon as a sea-mon- ster, that swallowed up all that came in his power. The people all flocked to the shore tp watch his movements, expecting the worst consequences. There was an old Presbyterian minister in the place, a very pious and good aid man, but of a most singular and eccentric turn, espe- 138 NAVAL HEROES. dally in addressing the Deity, to whom he would speak with as much familiarity as he would to an old farmer, and seemingly without respect, as will appear from the follow- ing ; he was soon seen making his way through the people with an old black oak arm chair, which he lugged down to low water mark, (the tide flowing) and sat down in it. Almost out of breath, and rather in a passion, he then be- gan to address the Deity in the following singular way. , " Now deed Lord, dinna ye think its a shame for ye to send this vile Pireet to rub our folk o' Kirkaldy j for ye ken they're a' puir enough already, and hae naething to spairc. They are a? gaily guid, and it wad be zpeety to serve them in sic in a wa. The wa the wun blows, he'll be here in a jiffie, and wha kens what he may do. He's nane too guid for ony thing. MeickWs the mischief he has dune already. Ony pecket gear they hae gathered thegilher he will gang wP the heal oH ; may burn their hooses, tak their vary claes, and tirl them to the sark ; and waes me! wha kens but the bluidy villain might tak their lives. The puir weemen ere maist freightened out o' their wuts, and the bairns skirling after them. / canna? tho^lt ! I c anna'' tho'lt! I hae been lang a faithfu' servant toye, Lard] but gin ye dinna turn the wun about, and blaw the scoundrel out o' our gate, I'll na stur a fit, but will jujst sit here, until the tide comes and drouns me ; Sae take yere wull o'<." Whether the wind suddenly turned or not, Jones al- tered his course, and moved off. The good old man took up his chair and went home ; expressing his thanks to the Lord for the favour, in a more humble manner than he requested it. To Mr. P. Waldo, from his ob't servant, Wm. Henderson." P. S. I will send you the original poem, by Robert Burns. COM. JOHN PAUL JONES. 139 I at first thought of furnishing a glossary explanative of the Scotticisms in this singular specimen of Scots devotion. which Mr. Henderson repeatedly heard recited hy his fa- ther, and many aged people of Kirkaldy ; but there is so much " sprinkling of Scots," as Burns says, it is all offered in modern English under the correction of Mr. Henderson. " Now, indeed, Lord, do not thou think it is a shame for thee to send this vile Pirate to rob the people of K kaldy ? for thou knowest they are all poor enough a 1 and have nothing to spare. They are all, in great measi good ; and it would be a pity to serve them in such a wa , The course the wind blows he will be here in a jiffin ; and who knows what he may do ? He is none too good for any thing. Much is the mischief he has done already. Any little wealth they have gathered together, he will go off with the whole of it. He may burn their houses — take their very clothes, and strip them to the very shirt ; and woe be to me ! who knows but the bloody villain might take their lives. The poor women are almost frightened out of their wits ; and the little children are screaming af- ter them. I cannot endure it ! I cannot endure it ! I have long been a faithful servant to thee, Lord ; but if thou dost not change the wind about, and blow the scoundrel out of our way, I will never stir a foot ; but will sit here until the tide flows and drowns me. — So let thy will be done." CHARACTER OF JOHN PAUL JONES. John Paul Jones was a phenomenon in human nature, and an anomaly in the human character. However sacred and endearing is the principle to Americans, that " all men are born equal, and born free ;" a Scots peasant has but a I 140 NAVAL HEROES. faint conception of native equality or native freedom — yet, although Paul of- Dumfries' was born of humble peasants, he might, with " Paul of Tarsus" have faid, " / zoas born free." The devotion of the Scots peasantry is proverbial for its fervor ; but the fervor of Jones seemed to have but little reference to Heaven ! He divested himself of devo- tion and humanity also, and attached himself to an infernal, blood-stained, slave dealer. He left the diabolical traffic in human flesh, and became commander in chief in smug- gling goods. He left the business of defrauding the reve- nue, for the daring employ of capturing the war ships of his king. He found himself an outlaw from the land of his birth, and sought a new home in France. As he had been a prince of smugglers on a little island,* he became a princely tavern-keeper on the continent : Disgusted with retailing wine and soup at Boulogne*to replenish his purse, he dash- ed into London to fill it by gambling. Calculating himself a match for any thing, he there suddenly found himself outmatched. He once more appeared like a piece of abandoned goods, ready to be taken up by the first fortu- nate finder. This thoughtless and inconsiderate being, at length began to consider and think. Driven from two king- doms in the Old World, he sought an asylum in a rising Republic in the new. A passage across the Atlantic dissipated all the incongru- ous eccentricities of his character. From soaring like a comet, where the varying gusts of flames and winds hurled him, he began, and continued to move like a planet in a regular orbit. Furnished with secret instructions from Washington and the Old Congress, he repaired, incognito. to the proud capital of Britain. With a minute knowledge * Isle of Man. COM. JOHN PAUL JONES. 141 of the preparations of the Admiralty of the first naval pow- er on the ocean, he returned to the struggling colonies, and suddenly ascended the " mountain wave" with the first "star-spangled banner" that ever waved upon a war ship of Independent America, bearing the first Post-Captain's commission, under the signature of Washington, that issu- ed after the " Declaration of American Independence," and sailed in a ship, bearing the name of the first legitimate Saxon Prince who first gave regulated existence to English Liberty ; which, after being banished from degenerate Bri- tain, was rearing her mild and majestic front amidst a new race of Freemen, sprung from an old stock of subjugated and unresisting vassals. The new-born Jones, a champion of the new-born Re- public, wafted forth, violating the mechanical rules of stu- died naval warfare, and defying an enemy, who defied heav- en and earth, nor shrunk at the power of u profoundest hell." He rushed on from victory to victory, from " con- quering and to conquer," till the Genius of Conquest claim- ed him as a favourite son. From the time of his defection from his tyrant king, and the beginning of his achievements in the cause of his " rebel colonies," he was sought after as a "piece of lost silver," and pursued, by the arm of vengeance, as a daring traitor. Jones eluded their search and their wrath ; and, with a squadron of ill appointed ships, excited alarm for the homeward bound fleets of Bri- tish merchantmen — captured their convoy, and compelled St. George's Cross to fall before the Republican Banner of America. He menaced the cities of Old Scotia — visited the place of his birth as a conquering Commodore — took the plate of a Scots Peer for his own cabin, and drew from him a letter 20 142 NAVAL HEROES. of thanks for his magnanimity in restoring it. Upon one month he spread consternation and dismay upon the coast of Britain — upon the next, he received the congratulations of a Prince of Bourbon, and their High Mightinesses of Holland. He announced the victory over Burgoyne, and received the first salute ever given by a foreign power to the American flag. He re- crossed the Atlantic, like a pro- digy, conquering as he passed, and received the highest meed of praise ever bestowed upon a hero — a Vote of Thanks from the Old Congress by the recommendation of Washington. At the height of glory, and the depths of bankruptcy, he once more rolled across the ocean — placed in his coffers the reward of his valor — again made his last voyage to the admired Republic — his adopted country. In the bosom of that favoured land, he lived an object of wondering contemplation, and died with the glory of one of the first heroes of the eighteenth century. His birth, his life, and his death, evinces that the most disheartening circumstances furnish no insurmountable barriers against an ardent and determined spirit ; and that, by exertion, with the smiles of heaven, man can arise from obscurity to dis- tinction, from penury to competence, and from degradation to glory* BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF EDWARD PREBLE, LIEUTENANT IN THE CONTINENTAL NAVY IN THE WAR OF THE REVOLUTION . AND COMMANDER IN CHIEF OF THE AMERICAN SQUADRON IN THE MEDITERRANEAN IN 1803 AND 1804. His birth, early propensities, pursuits, obtains a midshipman's warrant — enters the Protector 26 gun ship — engages the Admiral Duff, 36 guns, takes her, and she explodes — P^pidemic on board the Protec- tor — Preble is promoted to 1st Lieutenant — Enters the Winthrop in that capacity — Capt. Little designates him for a daring enter- prise in Penobscot bay, which he executes, brings out his prize, and enters with her into Boston harbour — Peace is concluded— Lieut. Preble commences the merchant service, accumulates pro- perty, and marries an excellent wife. — Incidents of domestic life omitted — He is appointed a lieutenant in the modern navy in 1798 — Capt. Preble is appointed to command the Essex — Repairs to the East Indies — Returns to America — He is appointed commander of the Mediterranean squadron — Mahometan depredations upon Chris- tian merchants — Coin. Preble's squadron, names and force of ves- sels, and commanders — Modesty and reserve of naval officers — Com. Preble's measures with the emperor of Morocco — Lays his squadron before Tangier — Is invited to land — Declines to lay off his arms when on shore — His unshaken firmness and decision — Be- fore he returns to the squadron, effects an accommodation — Pro- ceeds to his ultimate destination — Loss of frigate Philadelphia, and bondage of the crew — Lieut. Decatur captures a Tripolitan cor- sair — Difficulty and importance of Com. Preble's situation, and his fitness for it — His general rendezvous, Syracuse — Jussuff, Bashaw of Tripoli — Com. Preble designates Lieut. Decatur to command an expedition against the Philadelphia frigate — Danger of it — Master- ly execution of it — Com. Preble obtains two bombards and six gun- boats from Naples— Gen. Eaton's attempt to aid Com. Preble — Carramalli ex-bashaw — First general attack upon Tripoli, Aug. 3. 1804 — Desperate engagement of the gun-boats — Death of Lieut. James Decatur — Effects of the engagement — Second attack Aug. 7th — Proposition from Com. Preble to the Bashaw — Third attack, Aug. 27— Fourth attack, Sep. 3d~Upon the 4th Sept. Lieut. Som- 144 NAVAL HEROES. ers, &c. enters the harbour with a fire-ship, which explodes — Re mark — Com. Barron arrived Sept. 9th, and Com. Preble returns to America — Employed in Navy Department — Died at Portland, Maine — His character. The man whose life and character I now attempt to pre- sent to the reader, moved in a subordinate station in the first war between America and Britain — for he was then but a youth. He was born in Portland, the capital of the then District, and now State of Maine, in the year 1761. His native country, then under the dominion of Britain, was struggling, hand in hand, with what was then called, " the mother country," against Frenchmen and Indians. Born in a frigid, and what was then deemed a sterile region, as he advanced along into that stage of life when the " ruling passion" evinces itself by overt acts, he manifested his pre- dilection for a nautical life. His surviving companions in boyhood, relate many inci- dents of his early life, which clearly show the original firm- ness and greatness of his mind. Although habit, educa- tion, pursuits, associates, and innumerable other circum- stances, give a tone and direction to the human mind, yet there is a certain native trait of character which distin- guishes one boy, as well as one man, from another. It seems to be born at their birth, to grow with their growth, and strengthen with their strength. Neither the mother in the nursery, — the father in the active scenes of life — the preceptor in the school, nor the president in the universi- ty, can divert the mind of some youth from their predom- inant aim and object. Although it is said " the stream is made by nature, but the channel is cut by custom ;" yet Edward Preble would float in the stream which nature made for him ; and it was as vain to attempt to change his course, as it would be to strive to divorce the sun from thf. ecliptic, or the earth from the zodiac. COM. EDWARD PREBLE. 145 The parents of young Preble, being amongst the most respectable class of citizens, designed their son for one of the learned professions. He was placed in one of the best seminaries, and under the tuition of one of the most accomplished preceptors of that period, to pass through studies preparatory for a university. He made rapid pro- gress in his studies ; but while his eyes were upon his books, his thoughts were upon the ocean. The remonstrances of his parents could not long dis- suade, nor their threatenings deter him. They were com- pelled to part with a favourite son, or dampen his ardour by thwarting his inclination , and the adventurous youth wafted from his native shore, to his adopted element, as a cabin-boy. Disgusted with the humble duties of the cab- in, he was almost constantly on deck, or hanging in the rigging, " in calm and in storm." He was too inquiet for a cabin-boy, and fitted by nature for some duty more man- ly and daring. He continued at sea in the merchant service until the year 1779. He was then of the stature of manhood, and had a heart beating ardently for heroic enterprise. Hav- ing influential friends, they obtained for him from govern- ment a midshipman's warrant. Although this was but a humble rank, it is the " first de- gree" that is now obtained in the British navy. Even then it became necessary for lord Nelson, and the duke of Cla- rence, (son of Geo. III.) to pass through the duties of this station as a passport to one of higher grade. Young Preble in this capacity, entered on board the Protector, then commanded by Capt. J. F. Williams. Preble soon discovered his qualifications for the station he filled. Although like a true seaman, he was to all, " Manly aad honest, good-natured and free." 146 NAVAL HEROES. he maintained and exercised the authority vested in him with a firm, steady, and undeviating hand. Although but eighteen years of age, he had entirely divested himself of the frivolous puerilities of boyhood. The year 1779, was a year, memorable in the desperate struggle which eventuated in the independence of the American Republic. The armed ships belonging to the Thirteen Colonies were like little barques, thrust into the midst of powerful fleets ; and they were compelled to swim or sink by the most unparalleled exertions of human courage. Swim- ming or sinking, their crews, inspired by the patriotic sen- timents which the genius of liberty infused into their hearts, were cool, dauntless and undismayed in the hour of disas- ter — humane and dignified in the midst of victory. The first cruise the Protector made was upon the coast of Newfoundland. It was the theatre upon which the first Jones* and the first Biddlef began to act their splendid parts in the tragedy of the Revolution. The Protector af- forded every possible protection to American commerce, and gave every possible annoyance to that of Britain. She mounted 26 guns, and her crew were principally " Yan- kee seamen," prepared for the most desperate enterprise, An opportunity was afforded them to display their cour- age when the Protector fell in with the British ship Admi- ral Duff, of 36 guns. Capt. Williams might well have wished to avoid an engagement with a ship so much supe- rior to his own. But he chose not to strike the American Flag, which so lately began to wave over the Atlantic in a hostile capacity. He laid his ship along-side the Admiral * Com. John Paul Jones. fCom. Nicholas Biddle. COM. EDWARD PREBLE. 147 Huff, and entered into action as close as possible, unless it were by boarding. This was the first serious engagement young midship- man Preble ever entered into. The men under his imme- diate command, were inspired to the highest pitch of en- thusiasm by his fearless example. The ships laid so near together, that as the survivors relate, the men actually cast balls at each other from the decks with their hands. After a short, but most furious contest, the Admiral Duff struck to the Protector, Midshipman Preble with his su- perior officers, was on the point of taking possession of her, when she was blown to pieces by the explosion of the magazine. Whether it was occasioned by the chagrin of the British commander at being compelled to strike to a Yankee ship, of inferior force, or by accident, never was', and never can be determined. Instead of taking possession of the ship, the officers and crew of the Protector, were now engaged in picking up the surviving crew of the enemy, from the fragments of the destroyed ship. Five minutes before, Preble would have encountered a whole gang of them, single handed — but now, when he saw them at the mercy of the waves, he strove to save human beings who could no longer resist him as enemies. The consequence of taking on board the Protector the surviving crew of the Admiral Duff, was the spreading of a malignant disorder, on board the ship, and losing two thirds of the crew. The humanity and benevolence of American Naval He- roes, were displayed at this early period of the naval glory of the American Republic. It was not in the instances of a few individuals only that these exalted sentiments were 148 NAVAL HEROES. displayed — it was a sentiment common to the American character. The moderation of our ancestors during the sanguinary struggle of the revolution, must excite the admiration of their descendants, and the applause of the world. No race of people upon earth, however, ever had more cause to resort to violent measures. Americans were denounced as rebels, and threatened as traitors. Wanton destruction and Vandal devastations, marked the presence and the pas- sage of the enemy. The capital of Preble's native Dis- trict was burned, Charlestown, (Mass.) was in ashes, New London, Fairfield,* and Norwalk, (Con.) were reduced by conflagration. The beautiful island of Rhode-Island was turned into a waste. But why extend the long cata- logue of barbarous deeds ? It might indeed be extended ; and as the character of Britons approximated to that of Vandals, that of Americans would remind the historian of Romans in the best days of Rome. Capt. Williams returned into port to refit the Protector, and recruit his crew, so alarmingly reduced by a dreadful malady. This was soon effected, and the Protector once more wafted into the midst of the enemy. It was her last cruise under American colours. She was obliged to strike to a heavy British Frigate, and Sloop of War in company ; as it would have been the height of desperation to have contended with a force so vastly superior. The severe treatment the crew of the Protector receiv- ed, was unquestionably occasioned by their unrivalled gal- * Vide Gen. Humphreys " Elegy on the burning of Fairfield." Also preceding Sketch of Com. Jones. The debates in Parliament, in the most vindictive language condemned the conduct of British officers in America. COM. EDWARD PREBLE. 149 lantry in compelling the frigate, Admiral Duff, to strike ; but which really ought to have excited the admiration of the British Captains. Instead of paroling the officers and exchanging the seamen for British prisoners, the gallant Capt. Williams, Lieut. George Little, and many other un- rivalled patriots in the cause of freedom, were transported to England, and lodged in Plymouth prison. Midshipman Preble, however, by the intervention of influential friends, obtained his release in America. Mr. Preble, for his gallant, and his highly meritorious services on board the Protector, received the commission of first Lieutenant. He was but twenty years of age, at the time he was placed in this highly responsible station. The British might be led to suppose that the favours be- stowed upon the Lieutenant by his exchange, would have conciliated his feelings towards the crown of England. But while he was gratified at being in the bosom of his country — receiving the approbation of the Old Congress, and be- ing promoted to a station in which he might again serve his country ; he could not forget the gallant Williams and Little, incarcerated in a British dungeon, three thousand miles distant. He was not long separated from the deter- mined Little. He scaled the wall of his Plymouth prison — made his escape to France, and returned to Boston. He was immediately promoted to the rank of Captain. A fine sloop of war, called the Winthrop was prepared for sea ; and Capt. Little, and Lieut. Preble entered on board ; and very soon had a crew well calculated for such officers. They immediately put to sea, and these young officers soon gave evidence of those exalted qualities which afterward raised them both to the acme of glory. At this time, Penobscot Bay, and the adjoining country. 21 150 NAVAL HEROES. was in possession of the British forces. How much benefit the possession of it was to Britain or detriment to Ameri- ca, cannot well be calculated, considering the state of that portion of the country at that period. At any rate, in the war of 1812, the British forces were permitted by the con- stituted authorities of Massachusetts, to remain for a long time in peaceable and undisturbed possession of a large portion of the State of Maine ; and Castine, became a com- mercial, rather than a naval depot. The British had erected considerable batteries upon the shore, and had a considerable marine force in the harbour. Capt. Little and Lieut. Preble conceived the daring design of capturing a heavy armed ship and her tender, as they lay at their moorings. The design was to be executed in the night season, and Lieut. Preble was honoured with the immediate command of the expedition. Forty dauntless New-Englanders were selected to accompany the gallant Lieutenant. To avoid confusion arising in a night battle, from mistaking friends for foes, the Americans were all clad in white frocks. The enterprize was a most desperate one. When every thing was ready, and a night favoura- ble to the expedition came round, Capt. Little bore into the harbour, and alongside the British ship. The unsus- pecting enemy supposed the Winthrop to be their tender. The sea was running high ; and the sentry of the British ship excleimed — " You will run us aboard !" The cool and collected Preble, in a tone of decision, answered — " Aye, aye, we are coming aboard." His forty " white frocks" were all ready to follow him ; but from the head way the Winthrop had made, and the state of the waves, but four- teen could follow him to the deck of the British ship. The solicitude of Capt. Little was excited to the high- COM. EDWARD PREBLE. 151 est pitch at the situation of Lieut. Preble, and his fourteen fearless comrades. When doubtful of the result of the ar- duous contest between fourteen of his crew, and over 200 British seamen, he hailed Lieut. Preble, and demanded of him " Do you not want more men ?" Lieut. Preble, with the thundering voice of a stentor, answered, " No, Sir! we have more than we want; we stand in each other's way j" and suddenly rushed into the cabin of the ship, full armed, and found the officers, who had been disturbed by the noise upon deck, just "turning out." The intrepid Lieutenant said to them : " You are my prisoners — resistance is vain — and, if attempted, may prove fatal to you." The panic- struck enemy leaped over the gunwale of the ship, and through the cabin-windows into the water and swam to the shore, or were drowned. Complete possession having been gained of the ship, and Lieut. Preble, being about to bear his prize out of the har- bour, the batteries commenced a cannonade upon the Win- throp and the captured ship. The British troops rallied — rushed to the shore, and poured harmless vollies of mus- ketry upon the two ships which were sailing triumphantly out of the harbour of Penobscot. Their cannon had an elevation so great, that it was fruitless to attempt to ob- struct their passage out of the harbour. Neither ihe hulls or rigging of the Winthrop or the prize received the least injury. The "striped bunting" waved proudly over St. Georges Cross ; and the gallant Little and Preble conduct- ed their valuable prize triumphantly into Boston harbour. The little glory which British arms acquired in taking Pe- nobscot, was more than counterbalanced by losing this ship ; and the victors were remunerated for the loss of the \dmiral Duff, which blew up after she was captured. 152 NAVAL HEROES. The contest between America and Britain was now draw- ing to a conclusion, by the commencement of negotiations ; but Lieut. Preble continued to fill the station of first Lieu- tenant on board the Winthrop, in the active and vigilant discharge of his duty until the treaty of Peace was ratified in 1783. Thus early and brilliant was the commencement of Ed- waku Preble's life in the naval profession — a profession for which he was peculiarly adapted by nature, and to which he became ardently attached by inclination and habit. But the conclusion of peace with Britain, and the com- manding attitude which the American Republic assumed as a Sovereign and Independent Nation, was the annihila- tion of the little gallant marine force which had accom- plished such wonderful effects upon the enemy. Such gal- lant spirits as Bidole, Jones, Murray, Nicholson, Man- ly, Hardin, Tucker, Decatur the elder, and a long list of naval heroes, who had encountered the convoys of Bri- tish fleets of merchantment, or British armed ships and fleets themselves, were now driven from their darling pur- suits as naval officers. The Republic, although independent as it regarded the privilege oi^e!f-government, were destitute of the "ways and means" to sustain a respectable naval force. The of- ficers of the Army as well as those of the Navy, were com- pelled, while the wounds they received in the cause of their beloved country were hardly healed, to retire, unreward- ed — the first to tneir farms ; the second to the merchant- ser- vice, as a mean of subsistence. The few little armed ships were converted into merchantmen, to strive to regain by commerce what the States of the Republic had lost by war. COM. EDWARD PREBLE. 153 Lieut. Preble returned to his native town and commen- ced the business of a seaman in the merchant service. It would be thought by a British naval officer to be degrada- tion itself to leave the quarter deck of a frigate, sloop of war, or any other armed ship, belonging to the government under which they had served, to enter on board an India, man, West India trader, or coaster. But Americans, at that epoch of their progress to national glory, knew well how to aid the infant Republic in any station. They knew also that individual wealth would ultimately add to the treasures of their native country, while it would furnish them with the enjoyments of individual necessaries, con- veniences, and luxuries. Lieut. Preble, at about this period of his age, entered into matrimonial life. Although a stern commander upon the ocean, he was not insensible to the fascinating and al- luring charms of domestic life. His bosom companion happened to possess the noble and exalted sentiments of her husband. He now entered, with his usual ardour, into the business of commerce, — to make provision for a family ; — knowing well that his fame as an ocean warrior, would be but a miserable support for a domestic establishment upon land. He lived in the midst of a commercial people, and was sur- rounded by the most accomplished and adventurous sea- men. He could not endure a state of inactivity. He en- tered into the business of a seaman, with the same energy he did, when he entered into the contest with the enemies of his country. He was fully aware that national wealth was the sinew of national glory. He was also sensible that individual wealth added essentially to individual consequence ; and 154 NAVAL HEROES. enabled the possessor of it to accomplish objects beyond the reach of want and dependance. Although but few commercial treaties were established between the Repub- lic and other commercial nations in the eastern continent, yet the name of an American was a passport through the world, for the glory his country had acquired for manfully struggling for, and securing national independence. Eve- ry keel that wafted from the American Republic to the ports of Europe, Asia, or Africa, were welcomed as coming from the most energetic and exalted race of men who ex- isted in the eighteenth century, and were generally treated on terms " equal to the most favoured nations." Lieut. Preble, was one amongst the numerous American navigators, who had aided, by his courage, in acquiring the high rank his country sustained ; and while acquiring wealth by commercial pursuits, he was remembered and admired as one of the young and gallant champions of American Independence. From the conclusion of the war of the Revolution, the commercial enterprise of Americans surpassed every pre- vious example from the discovery of the magnetic needle to that period. The torrid, the temperate, and the frigid zones witnessed the presence of this "New People," and their canvas whitened every sea and ocean. While the kingdoms of the " Old World" were expending their treas- ures, and tearing from their subjects the hard-earned pit- tance of their labour to sustain thrones which began to tot- ter before the majestic march of liberty whicli moved from the Republic in the Western World. While immense standing armies covered the realms of monarchs, and vast fleets afforded wooden walls to their shores. While eas- tern empires and kingdoms were rising to the height of COM. EDWARD PREBLE. 155 glory, and sinking to the depths of corruption, Americans, better understanding the nature of true national glory, — that which produces the greatest possible happiness to the greatest number of people, were peaceably pursuing a lu- crative commerce, and with unparalleled rapidity were accumulating national and individual wealth. They grew rich, not by rapine and plunder, but out of the follies, vices, and ambition of other nations. It would be an useless waste of time, for the writer to de- tail, and for the reader to peruse the various pursuits of Edward Preble in the seasons of peace. However delight- ful peaceful scenes may be in the enjoyment of them, they ■are generally tame, and uninteresting in description. The biography of this energetic American, need not be pro- tracted by expatiating upon the same events of his life, which are common with many of his humbler countrymen, whose names were never heard beyond the sound of the parish bell where they were born, and whose graves can be discovered only by the humble stone, which humble friends have erected. The biography of Edward Preble, is vastly more fertile in incidents, than that of Samuel Johnson ; yet the " Laird of Auchinleck" by detailing the little, puerile minutiaes of that giant of literature, as he was glad to be called, and as Bozzy, parrot-like, was happy to repeat, has extended his life to three huge octavos. What would the '• Tars of Co- lumbia" think, in taking up the " Life of Preble," their departed naval father, and instead of learning what he had been doing, while alive, worth reading, they should be told, that he went to the barbers upon Saturday, and dined upon fish — to church upon Sunday, and dined upon roast beef — that upon Monday he cut his nails, and drank one glass of ] 56 JS AVAL HEROES. wine — upon Tuesday he changed his linen — upon Wed- nesday looked into the harbour with his spy-glass and scoured the rust from his quadrant — upon Thursday (if it was thanksgiving-day.) he ate turkey, plumb-pudding, and pumpkin-pie — upon Friday (if it was " Good Friday,") he^ ate no butter upon his bread, drank no cream with his coffee, nor brandy with his water. " Avaust there ! blind my top-lights — stun my hearers, if I bring the first into ac- tion, to look at such blarney, or the last, to hear the report of it." This, or something more nautical, would be their exclamation. But badinage aside. Thanks to the noble, daring, and gallant achievements of our valiant countrymen, their lives are pregnant with- deeds worthy of detailing and worthy of reading. It might be amusing to follow Preble as a master in the merchants service through the various voyages he made to various portions of the globe ; but there was nothing in them to distinguish his from the voyages of other masters. The same breeze that wafted this hero of the Revolution from the ports of the Republic to those of foreign domin- ions, wafted also thousands of his own countrymen whose names were to be found in no higher register than the ledg- er in the counting room ; the files of the custom-house, or the marine list of a gazette. While Mr. Preble was thus engaged in the unostentatious pursuits of commerce, the government of the Republic was preparing the only effectual safeguard for that commerce — a Navy. It would illy comport with the limits of this Sketch, and be but repeating what the writer has attempted in the Biog- raphy of Com. Murray, to dilate upon the immense im- portance of Naval Power to our Commercial Republic. COM. EDWARD PREBLE. 157 its efficiency and its absolute necessity too, seem now to be admitted by all. But in the administration of John Ad- ams, who is emphatically denominated The Father of the American Navy, the question called forth the talents of the greatest men in the nation, as the Journals of Congress for 1797, and '98, will show. Our navy was commenced in the face of potent opposition — it struggled into exist- ence — sustained itself by its early achievements, and has now fought itself into glory. As soon as any of the frigates, or vessels of inferior rates were fitted for sea, Edward Preble was remembered as the gallant Lieutenant in the war of the Revolution, and was placed in command of the brig Pickering. In this active craft, the Lieutenant rendered immense service in convoying American merchantmen, and protect- ing them from French picaroons. Such services, although they seldom call forth " Public Thanks," public applause, splendid swords, or gold medals, are neverthelss rewarded by the thankfulness and gratitude of Americans, who enjoy the protection and the independence which is thus secured to them. Lieut. Preble, less fortunate than his senior in the revo- lution, Capt. George Little, had not, like him, an oppor- tunity in this war, to distinguish himself by any brilliant achievement. Had Preble have been in command of the Frigate Boston, the La P'irceau would have met with the fate she experienced. Capt. Preble will now be presented to the reader of these imperfect sketches of his eventful life, in a capacity in which he was calculated to shine, and in which he shone most conspicuously. After the salutary chastisement which French and Span- 22 158 NAVAL HEROES. ish picaroons received, in the administration of Mr. Ad- ams, from Capts. Little, Truxton, Murray, the senior De- catur, and the gallant constellation of heroes in the naval warfare, between America and France, Capt. Preble was appointed to the command of that wonder-working ship, the Frigate Essex, of 36 guns. In 1 800, it was deemed expedient to despatch an Amer- ican frigate to the East Indies, to protect the immense amount of American trade in those seas. The presence of a single frigate in the commercial ports of that country, immediately after the splendid victories over Le Insurgente, Le Berceau, and other French ships, indicated to every power that were guilty of the least en- croachment upon American commerce, what their fate would be. Capt. Preble introduced into his frigate that inimitable discipline — that nautical skill — that familiarity with naval tactics — that skill in gunnery — that system of police in an armed ship, which distinguished the squadron he afterwards commanded in the Mediterranean, and which now gives American officers and seamen, a rank above all other offi- cers and seamen in the fleets, squadrons, and ships, of any naval power on the earth. He finished his cruise and re- turned to America. ' Omitting numerous incidents in the life of Preble, the detail of which would be inconsistent with the limits of this sketch, I now attempt briefly to narrate the events of his life, while commanding the American squadron in the Mediterranean. The kingdoms, most justly denominated Barbary States, upon the northern coast of Africa, including Morocco, Al- giers, Tripoli and Tunis, and all owing allegiance to the COM. EDWARD PREBLE. 159 Sultan at Constantinople, the head of that vast race of hu- man beings called Mahometans, have, for many centuries past, mercilessly preyed upon that portion of men called Christians, who prosecuted commerce in the Mediterrane- an, the largest and most renowned sea known to men. It would be sickening to the philanthropic heart to detail, or to read, the diabolical cruelty of these infernal descend- ants of Ishmael, and ferocious disciples of Mahomet, to- wards every portion of the Christian race, whose commer- cial pursuits lead them within their barbarous grasp. Too powerful to be resisted by unarmed merchantmen, their corsairs, for ages, have sacrificed the wealth and made miserable slaves of the crews of merchant vessels. If captured in the Mediterranean, they are incarcerated in dungeons, chained to the galley, or treated like beasts of burthen. If wrecked upon the iron-bound coast, they be- come still more despairing slaves to those demons incarnate, the Wandering Arabs ; and in a state of hopeless destitu- tion, are compelled to wander, with naked bodies, parch- ing thirst, and famishing frames, over that vast, outspread scene of cheerless desolation, the Desart of Zahara. The cruelties of these children of wrath towards unfortu- nate Christians, whom they denominate kellup ensaurah, (Christian dogs) can hardly, be described in Christian lan- guage. In hearing the pathetic and heart-rending narration of Archibald Robbins ; (a miserable slave for about two years, but thanks to redeeming mercy, and the smiles of Providence, now a respectable commander in the merchant- service) and by attempting to present, his oral communi- cation in " Robbins' Journal," impressions were made up- on the mind of the writer which nothing can eradicate, and 160 NAVAL HEROES. which may have led to the use of language, which one race of imperfect human beings ought not to use towards anoth- er. Human, indeed they must be admitted to be, for their origin can be traced to the most ancient race of men ; but their principles and conduct would do credit to the char- acter of the devil himself, if the inspired Job, and the half inspired Milton have afforded a correct picture of that in- vsible being. Nations the most powerful by land and by sea, have for ages obtained a temporary suspension from the wrath of these Ishmaelitish pirates, whose " hands are against every man," by paying them tribute, as the price of peace, and ransom for the redemption of their enslaved cpuntrymen. It is almost invariably the practice with these detested robbers against all mankind, to make war against other na- tions who are warring with each other ; especially against that nation whom they consider the weakest. Until within eighteen years past, these untutored barbarians, and half- civilized hottentots, considered Americans as a mere fee- ble race of merchantmen. Hence in the naval warfare with France in 1798, &c. the Tripolitan corsairs commen- ced a destructive war upon American commerce. When that contest ended so gloriously for our little naval power, these vaunting marauders were to learn the American char- acter in a new light. From 1801 to 1803, a small naval force, commanded the first squadron by Com. Dale, the second by Com. Murray, the third by Com. Morris, and the fourth by Com. Rodg- ers, had been in the Mediterranean ; but were barely suffi- cient to menace the ports of Tripoli, awe their Corsairs and hold in check Morocco, which kingdom also had com- mitted depredations upon Americans. This rapid sketch COM. EDWARD PREBLE. 161 was deemed expedient to prepare the mind of the reader to follow the determined, gallant, and conquering Preble, and his unrivalled comrades, in compelling the proud Cres- cent of the Turks to fall before the Stars and Stripes of America. The American government, at peace with all the world ; with a commerce expanded over every sea and ocean — with a fine little naval force unemployed, and with officers and seamen ardently panting for an opportunity to sustain, and, if possible, to augment the glory of the American na- vy acquired in the contest with France, determined in ] 803 to effect suddenly, what all the kingdoms of Chris- tendom had not effected in centuries. This determination was worthy of the only real Republic on earth ; and Ed- ward Preble as well qualified as any man on earth to ex- ecute it. His achievements in the war of the Revolution — in the naval warfare with France — his subsequent acquaintance with navigation and commerce — his recent cruise in the Essex to the coast and ports of the East- Indies, and, to crown the climax of his high qualities, his cool determina- tion, and dauntless courage nointed him out to his govern- ment as Commander in Chief, with an augmented force to relieve the little squadron in the Mediterranean, then com- manded by the active and vigilant Com. Rodgers. This appointment was made in June 1803. It appears from the archives in the navy department, that the government not only felt but expressed their high estimation of Com. Preble. The language of the depart- ment to him is, " Reposing in your skill, judgment and bra- vert/, the highest degree of confidence, the President has de- termined to commit, the command of this squadron to your di~ im' NAVAL HEROEb. rection" &c. &c. It was in reality the most important command with which any naval officer had been invested since the adoption of the American Constitution. He was sensible of this ; and elegantly said " / am fully aware of the great trust and responsibility oj this appointment. The honour of the American flag is very dear to me ; and I hope it will not be tarnished under my command.'' 1 I am indebt- ed to the politeness and urbanity of Com. Macdonough for the following list of vessels, their rate, and their com- manders in Com. Preble's squadron, when he entered the Mediterranean ; made from recollection. Frigate Constitution, 44 (flag ship) Com. Preble. " Philadelphia, 44 - Capt. Bainbridge. Brig Argus, 18 - Lieut. Hull. " Syren, 16 - Capt. Stewart. Schr. Vixen, 16 - Lieut. Smith. " Nautilus, 16 - Lieut. Somers. " Enterprize, 14 - Lieut. S. Decatur. It would be a source of the highest pleasure to the wri- ter, and undoubtedly a gratification to the reader to be furnished with a Register of all the commissioned and warrant officers, attached to this justly renowned squadron. Many gallant young Lieutenants, and Midshipmen, till then unknown to their country and to the world, are now enrolled in the Naval Register in the temple of fame.* Commodore Preble hoisted his broad pendant on board the frigate Constitution, now emphatically called " Old Iron sides." With a rapidity of sailing in squadron sur- passed only by the squadron of Com. Decatur in 1815, he entered the Mediterranean Sept. 12th, 1803. That peculiar reserve and retiring modesty, which dis- tinguishes American naval officers, while it spreads a lus- * See close of the sketch of Com. Preble. COM. EDWARD PREBLE. 16; 're over their splendid achievements, is, nevertheless, a source of regret to those who would ponder with all the rapture of* delight over the record of their brilliant actions. It seems to be an invariable determination with them, nev- er to speak in detail of gallant deeds in which they were principal actors ; and, excepting their extremely brief of- ficial accounts' transmitted to their government, the bio- graphical writer can learn nothing from them. Other sources of information must therefore be assiduously sought, and the labour of research must be endured. As it regards that portion of Com. Preble's brilliant ca- reer, as commander of the American conquering squadron in the Mediterranean, it might well occupy a volume. If given in detail, it would be a history of American prowess in that renowned sea, which from the earliest periods of Carthage, Greece, Rome, and Syracuse, to near the close of the first quarter of the nineteenth century, ha-s been the theatre of the most interesting and astonishing events in the civilized world. — It would be the description of the American Naval School, where the present brilliant con- stellation of naval officers obtained the first rudiments of their noble profession. Previous to the arrival of Com. Preble with his squad- ron, his predecessor, Com. Rodgers, and then Capt. Bain- bridge, had detained some Moorish armed ships, by way of retaliation for the Capture of American merchantmen. The emperor of .Morocco, who considers himself as a sort of Grand Sultan over the Mahometans of Africa, and feels the most sovereign contempt for the feebler Christian powers, assumed the most hostile attitude towards Amer- icans, and detained the venerable James Simpson, Ameri- can Consul General, who received his appointment from 164 NAVAL HEROES. Washington ; and who had remained at Tangier, in Mo rocco until that time. As the difficulty with Morocco was so suddenly settled, it will not be minutely detailed. Com. Rodgers, although relieved by Com. Preble, with a magnanimity and patriotism characteristic of his whole naval and official life, consented, on request, to remain in the squadron with his ships, until affairs were determined by negotiation or bombardment, with the emperor, who had repaired to Tangier with more than 5000 men. Com. Preble, with the Constitution and Nautilus, Lieut. Somers, bore, in the most gallant style, into the bay of Tan- gier, and laid them within gun-shot of the extensive and powerful batteries before that city, the strongest and most important in the empire of Morocco, upon the 5th of Oc- ber, 1803. Com. Rodgers joined him with the frigates New York and John Adams. He wished to communicate with the American consul ; but sentinels were placed at the door of the consular resi- dence, and an interview between him and the commander of the American squadron, was thus inhibited. Ambassadors, Plenipotentiaries, Ministers, and Consuls, are, by the acknowledged law of nations, considered as the representatives of the governments from which they de- rive their authority ; and any indignity offered to them, is considered as an insult to the nation they represent. The American commander was aware of this ; and made every preparation in his squadron to sustain the dignity of the American Republic. The enthusiasm of his officers, seamen and marines, cor- responded with his own. They were at quarters night and day ; and, upon a given signal, were ready to perish them COM. EDWARD PREBLE. 16^ selves, or make the imperious Mahometans on shore bow io Christian thunder upon the waves. A description of the batteries at Tangier, a part of which, are in the form of a crescent, and commanding the whole bay, might be amusing to the reader. But as the power of them was not tried upon the commodore's little squadron, nor the force and skill of the squadron upon (hem, it is omitted. The next day, the emperor, surrounded by his numerous and splendid retinue, and at the head of his powerful army, appeared in full view of the American squadron. Com. Preble, as is customary with civilized nations at peace with each other, saluted the Emperor from his ship — the Emperor saluted the Commodore from his batteries, and sent, as a token of peace, a few Moorish bullocks, sheep, and fowls, which were politely received by the commodore. Previous to this, Com. Preble had ordered the ships of his squadron to bring in all Moorish vessels which fell in their way, by way of reprisal for the capture of American vessels ; and this order was still in force. From the pacific conduct of the Emperor, amidst his warlike armaments, he was convinced that he was anxious to effect a pacification between the American government and his empire. But to effect this, was only a secondary object with the energetic Preble. His primary object was, the subjugation of the Bashaw of Tripoli, whose aggres- sions had been vastly more aggravating. But he saw that this was the time to prevent a protracted negotiation with Morocco, and, in conjunction with the two American con- suls, James Simpson and Tobias Lear, was determined to effect a peace speedilv. 23 166 iNAVAL HEROES. He brought his squadron to within a few cables' length of the batteries, and assumed the most warlike appearance, upon the 7th and the 8th, in full view of the Emperor, who. upon the 9th, relieved the American consul from his re- straint, and condescended to permit him to have an inter- view with the American commander ! Such was the sud- den change of the feelings of a powerful prince, conscious of his aggressions, when beholding the slender force of an unoffending Republic, determined to avenge them. The sagacious Commodore, however, was fully aware of the faithless and perfidious conduct of the disciples of Ma- homet towards all the people of Christendom ; and, in hb peculiar critical situation, resolved to prepare, as well as he could, for the worst possible emergency. At his interview with the American Consul, he was in- formed that the Emperor would give " audience" to him on shore upon the l Oth.* This dauntless son of the ocean could speak more audibly from his squadron than from his lips ; but as the potent prince had invited him to a tete a tete, he was resolved to be heard, in human language, and be a pacificator on shore for once. Upon the 10th, in the morning. Com. Preble prepared to go on shore with only four attendants.! Before leaving * In a London paper in 1779, is found this article- Gibraltar, Sept. 18 — We hear that the Emperor of Morocco hatW refused to give an audience to Mr. Logie, the English Consul, and that he will neither admit him into his presence, nor receive the pre- sents from his court." Little did the imperious court of Britain suppose that a young Lieu tenant in the then " rebel marine," would, twentj-nve years after, awe the Emperor, and be " admitted into his presence," full armed, and compel him to respect "American Rebels." | Consul Simpson, his Secretary, Charles Morris, and two midshipmen. COM. EDWARD PREBLE. 167 ihe Constitution, he addressed the officers of his squadron, as near as could be recollected, in these energetic terms : " Comrades — The result of the approaching interview is known only to God. Be it what it may, during my ab- sence, keep ships clear for action — let every officer and seaman be at his quarters : — and, if the least injury is of- fered to my person, immediately attack the batteries, the castles, the city, and the troops, totally regardless of me or my personal safety." As represented by a spectator, and actor in this scene, (Mr. Morris) it was one of the most solemn and interesting that can be conceived, and the efforts of the pen and the pencil would equally lag behind reality in the description. The mosques, towers, terraces, and dwellings of Tan- gier were crowded with spectators. Five thousand full armed Moorish troops were drawn up in double files, form- ing a lengthened vista, rendered brilliant by burnished mus- kets, sabres, and scimetars. The Emperor, in the splen- did costume of Eastern monarchs, surrounded by a numer- ous retinue of princes, courtiers, alcades and guards, was seated upon a spangled carpet spread out in his castle. The bay presented a view, less variegated, but no less in- teresting. The frigates Constitution, New-York, and John Adams, and brig Nautilus, with colors hoisted, were arran- ged with all the masterly skill of naval tacticians. Com. Preble and his attendants descended from the quar- ter deck of the Constitution, upon which his broad pend- ant was proudly waving, into his barge, and was rowed to the shore. Full dressed and full armed, he landed, near the fortress. The Emperor's oflicer requested him to lay off his arms. With manly dignity, he promptly declined it. With a firm 168 NAVAL HEROES. and dignified step, he approached towards the Emperor, through the double files of Moorish troops, viewing them as calmly as he passed along, as a general would review a regiment in time of peace. Upon reaching the Emperor, he was requested to kneel, pursuant to custom. Upon de- clining it, the ceremony was dispensed with. The Empe- ror demanded of the Commodore—" If he was not in fear of being detained ?" " No ! Sir," said he—" you dare not detain me. But if you should presume to do it, my squad- ron, in your full view, would lay your batteries, your cas ties and your city in ruins in one hour! !" The Emperor, who had always been accustomed to re- ceive the humble submission of subjugated men, was awe-struck by the presence and firmness of the American commander. He immediately gave orders to his marine officers to re- store all American vessels that had been taken, and formal- ly renewed the treaty made with America in 1 786. Com. Preble revoked his orders to capture Moorish ships, and re- stored those that had been taken. Happy had it been for the blood stained Jussuff, the Bashaw of Tripoli, if he had followed the example of Moolay Solimaan* the Emperor of Morocco. The memory of Com. Preble, ought to be venerated, and the characters of Commodores Rodgers and Bainbridge du- ly estimated, for having first compelled the Emperor of Morocco to respect the American Republic. From 1803 to this time, Americans have suffered no obstructions in their commercial pursuits from the Moors. * The writer of these Sketches is not certain that this was the name of the Emperor of Morocco in 1803 ; but he knows it to be the name of the emperor in 1817, when Archibald Robbins passed through hi? dominions from Zahara Desart COM. EDWARD PREBLE. 169 From the decision, firmness, and energy of Com. Preble, in his transactions with the Emperor of Morocco, his offi- cers and seamen were readily enabled to anticipate their duty when they reached their ultimate destination before Tripoli. He had declared Tripoli to be in a state of blockade, and had given formal notice of it to all the American Con- suls in the Mediterranean. It was not like the " Decrees of Berlin and Milan," without power to enforce them — it was a blockade with a competent naval force to carry it into execution. The writer of this sketch, having recently offered to the public, the second edition of the " Life of Com. Stephen Decatur;" and having in that volume attempted to give a succinct account of the operations of Com. Preble's squad- ron in the Mediterranean, derived from sources of unques- tionable authenticity ; and being under the necessity of connecting the actions of the gallant Commander in Chief, with that of his favorite officer, Capt. Decatur, the detail of some events, of Com. Preble's Life, while in the Mediter- ranean, is adopted from that volume, with such additions and corrections as recent information suggested. While Com. Preble had been thus engaged, Captain Bainbridge, in the frigate Philadelphia, Lieut. Smith, with the Vixen Sloop of war, laid before Tripoli, and, with this small force, completely blockaded that important port. On the last day of October, the Philadelphia, lying about fifteen miles from Tripoli, Captain Bainbridge discovered a large ship, with Tripolitan colours, under sail, between him and the shore. He immediately gave chase to her, and continued the pursuit until the ship entered the port for safety. In beating out of the harbour his noble frigate 170 NAVAL HEROES. struck violently upon an unseen and hitherto undescribed rock. It is wholly impossible to conceive what must have been the feelings — the distress — the agony of the gallant Bain- bridge, and his no less gallant officers and crew, upon the. happening of this dreadful disaster. Capt. Bainbridge and his crew, while the frigate floated would have fought at sea, all the Tripolitan marine, single handed. But his irreversible fate was decided — the ship could not then be moved, and he was compelled, when an overwhelming Tripolitan force assailed him, to strike the banner of his country, to the crescent of Mahomet, and, with his truly American crew, to be reduced to the most abject slavery, which the most merciless of human beings, can inflict upon civilized man. The whole crew exceeded three hundred Americans ; and they were immediately immured in a dungeon. In this crew were Bainbridge, Porter, Jones, Biddle, — names familiar to every American, who knows or appreciates the glory of their country. And here I have the infinite satisfaction of recording an instance of mutual attachment, perhaps without a parallel in the history of the most romantic affection. Captain Bainbridge, his officers and crew, now reduced, in a degree, to equality, by common misery, pledged themselves to each other, never to separate alive ; but to endure one common bondage, or enjoy together, one general emancipation. The friends of the accomplished Biddle, offered the sum demanded for his ransom, which he decidedly refused to accept. This noble crew were confined in a tower which over- looked the bay of Tripoli. They beheld their gallant COM. EDWARD PREBLE. 171 countrymen, wafting triumphantly in their floating bul- warks, and knew that the day of their redemption would one day come. They knew tnat a Preble, and a band of unconquerable warriors from the ' land of their home' would not forget them. They knew what they had done, in Morocco, and what they could do in Tripoli. They nevertheless could not help thinking of their country, — their friends ; and, what to an ocean-warrior, perhaps, is dearer than all, the laurels they wished to gain in chas- tising the diabolical wretches, who, by an unavoidable dis- aster, and not by their courage, now held them in degra- ded subjugation.* * The following' pathetic lines are extracted from a poem originally published in the " Analectic Magazine." Tkey apply with peculiar force to the captive crew of the Philadelphia frigate in a Tripolitan dungeon. I should be happy to give the author's name. Blest country of freedom ! no longer my home ! In my boyhood I lov'd o'er your green fields to roam ; Columbia ! still sweet to my ear is the sound, Though now I'm a captive dishonour'd and bound. Dear land of my birth ! where my kindred all dwell, Couldst thou see thy lost son in this comfortless cell, Pale, starving, a slave, and with irons compress'd, Thy vengeance would rise, and his woes be redress'd. While millions thy bloom-scented breezes inhale, And on thy rich harvests of plenty regale ; Here, far frem the shores of abundance and health, My wretchedness* adds to a rude tyrant's wealth. When night o'er the world drops her curtains of gloom. I am plung'd in the damps of this horrible tomb ; Where nought can be heard but the clanking of chains, And moaning of slaves that give vent to their pains. * It is the practice of Mahometans, to aggravate the miseries * f Christian slaves to extort a higher ransom. 172 NAVAL HEROES. But we turn from a picture coloured in the darkest shades of human calamity, to some of the brightest orna- ments of the human race. Com. Preble despatched Lt. Decatur, on the 14th of December from Malta with the schooner Enterprise, and he laid his course for Tripoli. The Tripolitans had seen this little schooner before, and the reader already knows what was the result of the inter view.i On the 23d, in full view of Tripoli, he engaged an arm- ed Tripolitan vessel ; and, in a few minutes, made her his own. She was under Turkish colours, and manned prin- cipally with Greeks and Turks, and commanded by a Turk- ish Captain. Under these circumstances, the Lieutenant hesitated for some time, whether to detain or release the captured vessel. Upon investigation, he found that there was on board two very distinguished Tripolitan officers, and that the commander of her, in the most dastardly man- ner, had attacked the Philadelphia frigate, when driven on a rock. He farther learned from unquestionable authori- ty, that on this occasion he fought under false colours ; and that when the heroic but unfortunate crew of the Philadel- phia, could no longer resist the immense force brought against her, he boarded her ; and with the well known fero- city of a Mahometan, plundered the officers of the captur- ed frigate. Here the exalted character of Com. Preble's favorite officer Lieut. Decatur, began to be developed. He was then, as he ever was, a lamb to his friends — a lion to his enemies. He had before his eyes the beloved frig- ate, which had fallen a victim to misfortune and to de- mons. But, adhering rigidly to the rights of war, he man- * Alluding to the victory of Lieut. Sterrett. COM. EDWARD PREBLE. tested no resentment against the humbled and trembling wretches now in his power. His great spirit scorned to make war upon weakness, or triumph over a fallen foe. He indignantly disposed of the crew — handed the papers ot the vessel, to Com. Preble, who took her into the service of his own country, and gave her a name which she after wards so well supported, The Ketch Intrepid. Notwithstanding the loss of the fine frigate Philadelphia, and the bondage of her accomplished crew, which very materially reduced the force of Com. Preble's little squad- ron, that veteran officer was not to be deterred from at tempting to accomplish the great object of his government, in sending him to the Mediterranean. Fortunately for his own fame, and for the lasting glory and benefit of his beloved country, he united the most cool deliberation, with the most dauntless courage. The first, enabled him to prepare well for the tremendous contest which lay before him. He might have exclaimed, in the language of an inimitable, although not a very modern bard — " The wide, the unbounded prospect lies before me, But shadows, clouds, and darkness rest upon it." The second quality enabled him, when entered into the dreadful brunt of devastating warfare, to brave death in its most appalling and horrid forms. In his officers and sea- men, he recognized chivalrous warriors, who, amidst a host of dangers, and the strides of death, thought less of them- selves than they did of their country. Fortunately, was it, I may again say, that there was such a man as Preble at such a time, to command such men. He wanted nothing to stimulate him to the most daring at- tempts. 24 174 NAVAL HEROES. As commander of the little squadron in the Mediterrane- an, he was in some measure situated as Jackson was. when commanding his little army at New Orleans. Hi? language to Mr. Monroe, then secretary of war, was, " as the safety of this city will depend upon the fate of this army, it must not be incautiously exposed." The gallant Com- modore might have said — " As the glory of my country, the safety of her merchants, and the redemption of my countrymen depend upon my small force, it must not rash- ly be carried into a contest where so many chances are against its success." He selected the harbours of the cities of Syracuse and Messina for his general rendezvous in the Mediterranean — occasionally laid off the island of Malta, and sometimes carried his squadron into the bay of Naples. No portion of this globe could afford the ardent hero, and the classical scholar a more sublime subject for con- templation. Excepting some sections of the immense American Republic, no part of our world seems to have been created upon a scale so wonderfully grand. It i^ calculated to inspire the most exalted views of the bound- less greatness, incomprehensible wisdom, and resistless power of the Creator. Com. Preble, his accomplished officers, and intelligent crews, in different ships, and in different positions, were in view of three of the four quarters of the globe — Of Asia. whence issued the Law from Sinai, and Grace from Bethle- hem, and where Mahometans and heathen now bear sway. Of Africa, once the seat of Egyptian power and science, and now the region of superstition, Of Europe, the smallest, and yet more powerful than all the three other quarters of the globe. They were in view of Vesuvius and Etna. COM. EDWARD PREBLE. m which, for ages have spread desolation over the cities al their bases. The gulph of Charybdis, which long swal- lowed up mariners who escaped from Scylla — the place where Euphemia once was, and where the hideous desola tion of earthquakes are yet visible throughout Calabria. were within his view. In addition to this, it has been the theatre of the most important events recorded in ancient or modern history. The minds of the historian, the scholar, the poet and the warrior, seem to be irresistably hurried back to the days of antiquity, and traces the events and the works which have so astonishingly developed the moral, physical, and intel- lectual faculties of man in this region. Com. Preble had in his squadron many scholars of the lirst water, as they were all heroes of the first stamp. The region in which they moved, and the object they had to ac- complish, were both calculated to stimulate them to that pitch of unparalleled enthusiasm which led thein to the achievement of such unparalleled deeds. The renowned city of Syracuse is situated upon the isl- and of Sicily. The historian will readily recollect its for- mer grandeur and importance ; but the writer has enjoyed the desirable satisfaction of learning its present state from some of the accomplished officers of Com. Preble's squad- ron, and other American gentlemen who have recently ex- plored the island of Sicily, and who have resided in the city of Syracuse. This island was once the region of fertility ; and whil^ ihe Roman legions were striding on from conquest to con- quest, over what was then called " the whole world," this island was literally their granary. The climate is altogether the finest that can be imagined. 176 .NAVAL HEROES. The soil produces not only all the necessaries but all the luxuries of life. The ancient Syracusans carried their city to a pitch of grandeur, second only to tlfat of Rome. It can hardly be believed in the nineteenth century, that this single city in ancient days, furnished one hundred thousand foot soldiers, and ten thousand horsemen, but such was the fact. And, when it is mentioned that her na- vy amounted to four hundred vessels, the assertion would almost seem to be incredible ; but it is no less true. At that period of their history, the Syracusans flourished by war — they afterwards became degenerated by peace. Rome conquered Greece by arms, and was herself con- quered by the refinements of Greece. It was easy for the clans which composed what is generally called the " North- ern Hive" in the fifth century of the Christian era, to con- quer them both. They only had to conquer a people by arms, who had conquered themselves by effeminacy. The Saxons, from whom Englishmen and Americans principally derive their origin, were in that myriad who precipitated themselves upon the ancient nations of Europe, and established those which now so completely eclipse their former splendour. The Gauls, Franks, and other clans followed in their train, and European nations are now, what the Grecians, Carthagenians, Romans and other an- cient nations were about the commencement of the Chris- tian era ; and London, Paris, and other cities, are what Rome, Syracuse and other cities were then. While at anchor in the harbour of Syracuse and other places, Com. Preble and his brother officers frequently went on shore and explored these places of ancient wealth, refinement and grandeur. Syracuse is twenty-two miles in circumference : al- COM. EDWARD PREBLE. 177 though its limits could then be discovered only f>\ the mouldering ruins of its ancient boundaries. Although the natural charms of the country remain the same as they were when the fiat of creative power brought the universe into existence, yet the miserable, degenerated, and vitiated descendants of the ancient Syracusans, had so scandalously degraded the noble and glorious ancestors from whom they descended, that the officers of Commo- dore Preble's squadron saw nothing in them to excite their respect — much less their admiration. But Com. Preble was not designated by the American government to conduct a squadron into the Mediterranean for the purpose of visiting the tombs of Archimedes, Theo- critus, Petrarch, and Virgil, in the adjoining regions of that sea, and then to return home and amuse his countrymen with the present state of the " classic ground" which their splendid geniuses have rendered sacred. His business was to conquer a barbarous foe bordering upon another portion of the Mediterranean who never had any more pretentions to the productions of genius, than they have to the exercise of humanity. He perfectly well understood the ancient character of the Syracusans, and from occular demonstration had plena- ry evidence of their modern degeneracy. As the squadron rendezvoused there to obtain water and fresh provisions, the officers and seamen had occasion fre- quently to be on shore within the city by night and by day. Although the American Republic was at perfect peace with the Neapolitan government, yet there was no individ- ual safety when intercourse became necessary with its vin- dictive and sanguinary subjects. From many interesting narrations of many of the accom- 178 NAVAL HEROEb. plished officers of Com. Preble's squadron, the fact ma) be asserted, that the Syracusans, who were amongst the most noble of the ancients, are amongst the most degraded of the moderns. Their sordid and mercenary rulers exer- cise a boundless, undefined, and unrestrained power, over the miserable and degraded people. They, in hopeless despondence, prey upon each other , and like Macbeth, having long waded in blood, may as well advance as to re- cede : and, as if blood was their aliment, they make a bu- siness of assassination. Armed with concealed daggers, stilettoes, and knives, our unsuspecting officers and seamen were assailed when the earth was shrouded in darkness, and sometimes esca- ped with their lives by putting their assailants to death. This is no place for grave and prolix reflections — they belong to the writers of ethics, and not to the biographer ; but it is utterly impossible to avoid the inquiry, how the human heart can become so completely divested of the feelings of humanity, and be metamorphosed into those of beasts of prey ? and how those portions of the world where the arts and sciences not only once flourished, but may be said almost to have originated, should now be reduced to a state far worse than that which is naturally savage ? Many portions of Asia, Europe, and Africa, bordering upon the renowned Mediterranean sea, are now inhabited by races of men far less magnanimous, and little less fero- cious, than the aborigines who roam through the boundless wildernesses of America, where science never diffused its lights, and where civilization never imparted its refined blessings. While at Syracuse, Com. Preble was incessantly em- COM. EDWARD PREBLE. 179 ployed in preparing his crews for the unequal, the daring, and desperate contest into which he was shortly to enter. His arduous and impatient soul panted for an opportuni iy to avenge the injuries of his country, and above all to relieve his countrymen from the dreadful state of wretch- edness to which they were reduced by their slavery, under Jussuff, at that time reigning Bashaw of Tripoli), It will not, I trust, be deemed a digression — indeed, upon second thought, it is no digression at all, to make a brief allusion to the blood-thirsty demon, who sat upon the blood-stained throne of Tripoli, while Preble and his asso- ciates were pouring out the vindictive wrath of an injured and indignant Republic upon his no less blood-thirsty sub jects. Jussuff was to the reigning family of Tripoli, what Rich- ard III. once was to the reigning family of England. He was a remote heir to the throne of the Bashaw, filled by his father. The certain progress of the king of terrors, or the sanguinary hand of some other assassin, might have placed him upon the throne according to the laws of suc- cession, (if they have any in Tripoli) without ascending it with his hands reeking in the blood of his father and his eldest brother. Both of these he had murdered ; and his next eldest brother, Hamet Caramalli, apprehending the same fate, sought a refuge from unnatural death by fleeing into Egypt. Having no other rival, this modern Cain mounted the throne of his father and his brother ; and, as he had acqui- red it by violating the laws of God, of nature, and of man. he endeavoured to support himself upon it by re-acting the same tragical scenes which carried him to it. The " com- punctious visitings" of conscience ; the monitor in the hu- 180 JNAVAL HEROES. man breast, excited no horrors in his callous and reprobate heart. A gleam of horrid triumph seemed to shed a baleful and blasting illumination over his blackened and bloody soul. He " grinned horribly a ghastly smile" at the fate of his innocent and exiled brother ; and gnashed his teeth at the gallant Bainbridge, his incarcerated crew, and the rest of the American prisoners, then in his dungeons. It was in vain for Mr. Lear, then American consul, by all the melting and impassioned appeals he could make to the obdurate heart of this demon incarnate, to obtain the least mitigation of the indescribably wretched bondage to which his beloved countrymen were reduced. As well might the lamb bleat for mercy in the paw of a tiger, or the child attempt to demolish the bashaw's castle with his wind-gun. Mr. Lear was compelled to be an agonized spectator of the accumulated and accumulating miseries of gallant Americans, who had left the regions of happiness — the arms of fathers, mothers, brothers, and sisters — of wives and children, to redeem, by their courage, their own coun- trymen, who had previously been enslaved. The powerful arms of Bainbridge and his crew, which, at liberty, would have scattered death amongst a host of Turks, were pinioned aud lashed together, they driven to the shore ; and, in taunting derision, commanded to cast their swimming eyes upon their shipmates, then wafting in the bay of Tripoli ; and to heave forth the sighs of hearts already bursting for the land of their homes. But I must retract — not a tear was dropped ; not a sigh was heard ; for revenge had closed the flood-gates of grief ; and American hearts, beating in bosoms truly American. COM. EDWARD PREBLE. 181 panted for nothing but vengeance upon their demoniacal oppressors. The bashaw, who might well be compared to the toad which wished to swell to the size of the ox, reposed in fan- cied security. He cast a malignant glance at the little squadron in which Preble was the commander. He law in the bay, spreading before the city, his batteries, and his castles, a noble American frigate, (the Philadelphia,) once the pride of the American navy — upon which the * Star-spangled banner" once triumphantly waved, now added to his naval force — manned by a double crew of Tripolitans ; and, with the Turkish crescent waving on its mast. He saw its once gallant crew, miserable slaves in his own gloomy dungeons ; and, in anticipation, feasted his cannibal appetite upon all the victims which the Ame- rican squadron could add to his list of Christian slaves. Com. Preble's fearless and noble soul, was not only aroused to the highest pitch of enthusiastic courage, but it was absolutely inflamed with desperation to behold his for- mer companions in the navy, thus degraded — thus humilia- ted — thus subjugated. But, like a lion, growling at a dis- tance, and indicating to his foe their future fate, he was re- strained, from rushing too precipitately upon the barbarous enemy, he wished instantly to encounter. All personal considerations, were completely merged and lost, in the agony he felt for his brother officers and seamen in slavery. He had taken his life in his hand, and seemed anxious to offer it up, if so decreed by the God of battles, for the redemption of his endeared countrymen. But the cool and yet cautious Preble, knew full well that the means in his hands, must be directed with the utmost caution, to accomplish the end he had in view. 132 NAVAL HEROES. To recapture the Philadelphia, was absolutely impracti- cable, as the writer has been assured by some of the expe- rienced and accomplished officers of Commodore Preble's squadron. She was moored under the guns of the Bashaw's castle, and his extensive and powerful batteiies, and was herself, in her present hands, completely prepared to join them in repelling any assailants that should approach her. There were these alternatives — she must either be destroy- ed — constantly blockaded — or suffered to escape, and com- mit depredations upon the commerce, and outrage upon the citizens of the country who built, equipped, and man- ned her. Lieut. Stephen Decatur, with the most impassioned and fervent appeals to the Commodore, entreated him to per- mit an attempt to destroy her, as she lay at her moorings. It was an attempt so pregnant with danger, and approach- ing so near to certain destruction, that the heroic, though cautious Preble, hesitated in granting the request. The imminent hazard of the enterprise was pointed out in such a manner as was calculated to allay the ardour of the most romantic heroism. But Decatur, rising above the ordina- ry calculations of chances — retiring into his own bosom, and forming his judgment from his own exalted gallantry, took no counsel from fear, but volunteered his services to his Superior officer, to command the desperate expedition. At length, " He wrung from him his slow leave" — and immediately commenced his preparations for the aw- ful undertaking. The ardour of the Lieutenant was in- creased as the danger of the attempt was magnified. At this early period of his life, he seemed to have revived the spirit which pervaded the hearts of men in the " age of COM. EDWARD PREBLE. . 183 chivalry," and to have adopted the ancient axiom " the greater the danger the greater the glory." But let 1 it he remembered that Decatur sought for glory, only by the discharge of duty. Uniting the most consummate sagacity with the most daring courage, he selected the little ketch Intrepid, which, as previously mentioned he had himself captured, in full view of the bay where the Philadelphia was moored. He was aware that if the expedition should prove successful, it would render the mortification of the insolent Bashaw doubly severe, to see a little vessel which lately belonged to his own marine force, boldly approach to the guns of his battery and castle, and destroy the largest ship that be- longed to his navy. A ship, too, which he neither built nor honourably captured, but which became his by the ir- resistible laws of the elements. No sooner was it known that this expedition was to be undertaken, than the crew of Lieutenant Decatur volun- teered their services — ever ready to follow their beloved commander to victory or to death. Other seamen follow- ed their example. Nor was this the most conclusive evi- dence of the unbounded confidence placed in his skill and courage. Lieut. Charles Stewart, also volunteered un- der Decatur ; and for the expedition took the brig Syren and a few boats ; and, to show still farther the high estima- tion in which he was holden — Lieut. James Lawrence, and Charles Morris, and Thomas Macdonouuh, then midshipmen, entered on board the Intrepid with Decatur. What a constellation of rising ocean heroes were here as- sociated ! They were then all young officers, almost un- known to fame. Now their names are all identified with the naval glory of the American Republic. 184 NAVAL HEROES. As soon as the crews of the ketch Intrepid and the brig Syren were made up, the utmost despatch was used in preparing them for the expedition. The Ketch was fitted out as a fire ship, in case it should be necessary to use her as such. The Brig, with the boats accompanying her, were to aid as circumstances rendered it necessary, and to receive the crew of the Ketch if she was driven to the ne- cessity of being blown up. Upon the 3d day of February, Decatur weighed anchor in the little Intrepid, accompanied by Lieutenant Stewart in the Syren, who was also accompanied by the boats. A favourable wind would have wafted them to their destined port in less than five days ; but for fifteen days, they en- countered the most boisterous and tempestuous weather. Instead of encountering a barbarous enemy, they were buffeting the waves and struggling for life with a tumultu- ous and agitated sea. Nothing could be better calculated to repress the ardour of Decatur and his little band. His provisions were diminished and almost expended, and al- though not a murmur escaped the lips of the humblest sea- man, it may well be imagined what must be their reflec- tions, when liable every hour to be swallowed up by the waves ; and, if they escaped them to be famished with hunger ! Men of the stoutest hearts, who would undaunt- edly rush to the cannon's mouth, become even children at the prospect of famine. At length upon the memorable 16th of February, 1804, a little before sunset, Decatur hove in sight of the bay of Tripoli, and of the frigate Philadelphia, with the Turkish Crescent proudly waving at her head. The apprehensions arising from storms and famine were suddenly banished by the prospect of a glorious victory or a glorious death. COM. EDWARD PREBLE, 196 It had previously been arranged between Decatur, and Lieutenant Stewart, that the Intrepid, accompanied by the boats which had been attached to the Syren, should enter the harbour at 10 o'clock at night, with the utmost possible silence, bear down upon the Philadelphia, and take her by boarding. But, as if fate haa entered its veto agamst the success of the expedition, the Syren, with all the boats, by a change of wind, were driven from five to ten miles from the Intrepid, leaving Decatur, with only seventy volun- teers in this small Ketch. The moment of decision had come. His provisions were nearly expended, and the expedition must have been relinquished for that season, unless the object of it was now accomplished. He knew that her gallant little crew were as true to him, as the needle by which he directed his ketch to Tripoli. was to the pole. Wherever he would lead, he knew they would follow. Having a Maltese pilot on board the Ketch, he ordered him to answer the hail from the frigate, in the Tripolitan tongue ; and, if they were ordered to come to an anchor, to answer, that they had lost their anchors upon the coast in a gale of wind, and that a compliance with the order was impossible. He addressed his gallant officers and men in the most: animated and impassioned style — pointed out to them the glory of the achievements which would redound to them- selves, and the lasting benefit it would secure to their country, — that it would hasten the redemption of their brother seamen, from horrible bondage, and give to the name of Americans, an exalted rank even amongst Mahom- etans. Every heart on board swelled with enthusiasm, and responded to the patriotic sentiments of their beloved 186 JNAVAL HEROES. leader in this expedition, by wishing to be led immediately into the contest. Every man was completely armed — not only with the most deadly weapons, but with the most dauntless courage. The reader may form some faint conceptions of the tre- mendous hazard of this engagement by learning that the Philadelphia was moored nearthe Bashaw's extensive and powerful batteries, and equally near to what he deemed his impregnable castle. One of her full broadsides, of twenty six guns, pointed directly into the harbour, and were all mounted and loaded with double headed shot. Two of the Tripolitan's largest corsairs were anchored within two cables' length of her starboard quarter, while a great number of heavy gun-boats were stationed about the same distance from her starboard bow. As the Bashaw had reasons daily to expect an attack from Com. Preble's squadron, the Tripolitan commander of the Philadelphia, had augmented her crew to nearly a thousand Turks. In addition to all these formidable, — yea, appalling considerations, Decatur and his noble crew, knew full well that after having entered into this dreadful- ly unequal combat, there was no escape. It was a " for- lorn hope" — it was victory, slavery, or death — death per- haps by the hands of the Turks — perhaps by the explosion of the Intrepid. As soon as darkness had concealed the Ketch from the view of the Tripolitans, Decatur bore slowly into the har- bour, and approached the numerous magazines of death which were prepared to repel or destroy any assailant that should approach. The light breeze he had when he entered the harbour, died away, and a dead calm succeeded. At 1 1 o'clock he COM. EDWARD PREBLE. 187 hud approached within two hundred yards of the Philadel- phia. An unbroken silence for the three preceding hours had prevailed; reminding the poetical reader of the ex- pressive couplet — " A fearful silence now invades the ear, And in that silence all a tempest fear." At this portentous moment, the hoarse and dissonant voice of a Turk hailed the Intrepid, and ordered her to come tc anchor. The faithful Maltese pilot answered as previously directed, and the sentinel supposed ',' all was well." The Ketch gradually approached the frigate ; and when within about fifty yards of her, Decatur ordered the Intrepid's small boat to take a rope and make it fast to the fore chains of the frigate, and the men to return immedi- ately on board the Ketch. This done, some of the crew with the rope began to warp the Ketch along-side the Phi- ladelphia. The imperious Turks at this time began to imagine that " all was not well." The Ketch was suddenly brought into contact with the frigate — Decatur, full armed, darted like lightning upon her deck, and was immediately follow- ed by midshipman Morris. For a full minute, they were the only Americans on board, contending with hundred? of Turks. Lieutenant Lawrence* and midshipman Macdon- ough, as soon as possible followed their leader, and were themselves followed by the whole of the little crew of the Intrepid. A scene followed which beggars description. The con- sternation of the Turks increased the wild confusion which the unexpected assault occasioned. They rushed upon * Lawrence at this time was a midshipman ; but was acting lieuten- ant in the schooner Enterprise. 188 NAVAL HEROES. deck from every other part of the frigate ; and, instead of aiding, obstructed each other in defending her. Decatur and his crew formed a front equal to that of the Turks, and then impetuously rushed upon them. It was the business of the Americans to slay, and of the Turks to die. It was impossible to ascertain the number slain ; but it was esti- mated at from twenty to thirty. As soon a6 any Turk was wounded, he immediately jumped overboard ; choosing a voluntary death, rather than the disgrace of "losing blood by the hand of a " christian dog." Those who were not slain, or who had leaped overboard, excepting one, escap- ed in a boat to the shore. Decatur now found himself in complete possession of the Philadelphia, and commanded upon the same deck where his gallant father had commanded before him. But in life, he was in the midst of death. He could not move the frigate, for there was no wind — he could not tow her out of the harbour, for he had not sufficient strength. The Bashaw's troops commenced a tremendous fire from their batteries and the castle upon the frigate. The gun- boats were arranged in the harbour; and the two corsairs near her were pouring their fire into her starboard quarter. De- catur and his gallant companions remained in the frigate, cool and collected, fully convinced that that was the only place where they could defend themselves. Finding it totally impossible to withstand, for any length of time such a tremendous cannonade as was now pouring in upon him, he resolved to set the frigate on fire in every one of her combustible parts, and run the hazard of esca- ping, with his officers and seamen, in the little Intrepid, which still lay along side of her. It was a moment, preg- nant with the most awful, or the most happy consequences to these gallant heroes. COM. EDWARD PREBLE. IfiS After the conflagration commenced, Decatur and his as- sociates entered the ketch as it increased ; and for some time were in imminent danger of being blown up with her. As if Heaven smiled upon the conclusion of this enter- prise, as it seemed to frown upon its beginning, a favourable breeze at this moment arose, which blew the Intrepid di- rectly out of the reach of the enemy's cannon, and enabled Decatur and his officers and seamen to behold, at a secure distance, the furious flames and rolling columns of smoke which issued from the Philadelphia. As the flames heated the loaded cannon in the frigate, they were discharged, one after the other — those pointing into the harbour without injury ; and those pointing into the city of Tripoli to the great damage and consternation of the barbarous wretches who had loaded them to destroy our countrymen. One of the shot entered the dungeon where Capt. Bainbridge and his crew were confined ! It is wholly impossible for those unaccustomed to scenes like this, to form a conception of the feelings of Decatur and his comrades upon this occasion. Their safe retreat was next to a resurrection from the dead. Not an Ameri- can was slain in the desperate rencontre, and but four were wounded. Com. Preble might well have exclaimed to Lieut. Deca- tur upon joining his squadron, as an ancient Baron did to his favourite knight — " Welcome to my arms ; thou art twice a conqueror, " For thou bringest home full numbers." Equally impossible is it to imagine the feelings of Captain Bainbridge and his companions in bondage upon this al- most miraculous event. They heard the roar of cannon 26 190 NAVAL HEROES. in their gloomy dungeon, and saw the gleaming light of the flames, but knew not the cause. Upon learning the cheer- ing tidings, joy converted their chains and cords to silken threads. It was a presage of there deliverance, and fore- told to them a glorious jubilee. They might have said of the Commodore, " Better is a friend that is nigh, than a brother that is far off." Com. Preble, fully sensible of the deficiency of his squad- ron in vessels of a smaller class, negotiated with the king of Naples for the loan of two bombards, and six gun-boats. Nelson, when commanding immense squadrons of ships of the line declared that " Frigates were the eyes of a fleet ;" and gun-boats were to Preble, what frigates were to him. This great man. and veteran officer had the scantiest means to accomplish a most important end. But as the gallant Henry V. with his little army before Agincourt " wished not for another man from England," so Preble wished not for another keel, another gun, or another maa from America. His noble soul converted his little squad- ron into a powerful fleet; and, surrounded by'such officers as Decatur, Hull, Stewart, Smith, Somers and others, then less known, and perhaps equally gallant, his comrades were magnified into a mighty host. While Com. Preble was thus preparing to negotiate with the tyrannous and murderous Jussuff at the mouth of his cannon, and to send his ultimatum in powder and ball, Mr. William Eaton, who had previously been a consul from America up the Mediterranean, conceived the daring and romantic project of restoring Hamet Caramalli to the throne of Tripoli which had been usurped by the reigning Bashaw. Hamet had relinguished all hopes of regaining a throne which had always been acquired and sustained by blood and COM. EDWARD PREBLE. 191 assassination. Like a philosopher, he had retired to Egypt, where the beys of that ancient kingdom extended to him their protection aad their hospitality. To use his own language, as translated into ours he " reposed in the secu- rity of peace — had almost ceased to repine for the loss of his throne, and regretted only the lot of his unhappy peo- ple, doomed to the yoke of his cruel and tyrannical brother." Novel language this, to be sure in the mouth of a Ma- hometan ! How much his " unhappy people" would have been benefited by his reign, cannot now be deter- mined ; as he is not amongst the " legitimate sovereigns" who have, in later times, waded through the blood of their own subjects to thrones from which they were driven by the public voice. Thrones which tremble beneath them, and which they maintain only by the strong arm of power. Some few Americans from the American squadron, join- ed Eaton, and, many natives of various tribes, languages and colours flocked to his standard. A motley sort of an army was thus formed, and Eaton placed himself at their head as a general. He repaired to Alexandria, and found the feeble Caramalli, as just mentioned "reposing in secu- rity and peace." Fortunate indeed had it been for him, if he had remain- ed in safety by continuing in obscurity. Few instances are left us upon record of princes who have been exiled from their thrones and kingdoms, who have enjoyed either of them upon their restoration. The houses of Stuart, Bour- bon, and Braganzi furnish the commentary. The expiring hopes of Caramalli, were brightened up by the ardent and romantic Eaton, as a sudden gust elicits a spark from the faint glimmering light in the socket. He cast a longing eye towards the dangerous throne of Tripoli. 192 NAVAL HEROES. more than half a thousand miles distant, between which and himself stretched an immense desart second only in bar- renness and desolation to that of Zahara. But nothing could repress the ardour of Eaton. The idea of an American, taking from the land where Pharaoh once held the children of Israel in captivity, an exiled prince, and placing him upon the throne of a distant king- dom, had something in it so outrageously captivating, that the enthusiastic mind of the chivalrous Eaton was lost to every other consideration. The grateful Caramalli.if an Ishmaelite can be grateful, took leave of his Egyptian friends, and placed himself un- der the banner of Eaton. He entered into a Convention with the general, by which he promised immense favours to the Americans, and to make the engagements reciprocal, the general promised to restore him to his throne. This diplomatic arrangement was doubtless mutually satisfacto- ry to the parties, although the American and Tripolitan governments had no hand in this negociation. Caramalli, his general, and a great assemblage of incon- gruous materials called an army, moved across the desarts ; and endured every thing which they might have anticipa- ted from the nature of the country. After passing about six hundred miles they reached the city of Derne, which they triumphantly entered, and at least found some repose and a supply of their immediate wants. The reigning Bashaw in the mean time had augmented his garrisons to three thousand Turkish troops, and an ar- my of more than twenty thousand Arabs were encamped in the neighbourhood of the strong city of Tripoli. How- ever contemptuously he might smile at the force which surrounded his approaching brother by land, and however COM. EDWARD PREBLE. 193 iitlle he cared for the loss of the little city of Derne, a " fearful looking for of judgment" harrowed his guilty soul when he beheld the whole of Commodore Preble's squad- ron, upon the first week of August, approaching the har- bour of Tripoli. He had seen (he gallant Capt. Decatur, in his hay cap- ture one of his corsairs — he had seen the same warrior with the same corsair destroy his heaviest ship of war, under tiic very guns of his batteries and castle, surrounded also by his marine force. The name of Decatur sounded in his ear, like the knells of his parting glory ; and when he saw the broad pendant of Preble waving upon that wonder- working ship the Constitution, and surrounded by brigs, bombards, and gun-boats, he almost despaired. He had the crew of the Philadelphia and many other Americans in wretched bondage. Determining to extort an enormous ransom for the prisoners from the American government to enable him to support the vain and gorgeous pageantry of royally, he demanded the sum of six hundred thousand dol- lars for their emancipation, and an annual tribute as the price of peace. This Mr. Lear indignantly rejected. He left it with such negociators as Com. Preble, Decatur, &c. to make the interchange of powers, and to agree upon the preliminaries of a treaty. After having stated that the whole of Com. Preble'!; squadron laid before Tripoli, the reader may have been led to suppose that it was a very formidable force. But to prepare the mind to follow him and his comrades into the harbour, and to pursue him to the very mouths of the Ba- shaw's cannon upon his batteries, in his castle, and on board his corsairs, gun-boats, and other marine force, mounting little less than three hundred cannon— let it be 194 NAVAL HEROES. remembered that his whole squadron, including the Nea- politan bombards and gun-boats, mounted less guns than one completely armed seventy-four, and one frigate ! ! His squadron consisted of one frigate, three brigs, (one of which had been captured from the enemy) three schooners, two bombards, and six gun-boats. His men amounted to a very little over one thousand ; a considerable number of whom were Neapolitans, upon whom he could place but little reliance in a close engagement with Turks. But he felt like a warrior, and knew that Americans were heroes. cc ******* From hearts so firm, " Whom dangers fortify, and toils inspire, <; What has a leader not to hope ?" Com. Preble had made the best possible preparations he could, with his limited means, to effect his ultimate object. The four preceding squadrons sent to the Mediterranean under Corns. Dale, Murray, Morris and Rodgers, had gone but little beyond mere blockading ships — for this was all they could do. The American government, in the sea- son of 1803, used every exertion to prepare a respectable augmentation to Com. Preble's squadron, and in the mean- time he was preparing to make " demonstrations" upon Tripoli rather more impressive than those made by ten times his force upon fort M'Henry, fort Bowyer, and fort St. Phillip by immense British squadrons in the war of 1 8 i 2 in America. After having been baffled for a long time by adverse winds, he reached the harbour of Tripoli in the last week of July. The Bashaw affected to disguise the real appre- hensions he felt by exclaiming to his courtiers — " They will mark their distance for tacking — they are a sort of Jews who have no notion of fighting." He had not yet COM. EDWARD PREBLE. I9i> sufficiently studied the American character; and needed a few more lessons from Prebie, Decatur, &c. to enable him thoroughly to comprehend it. He was soon to learn that Americans upon the ocean were not like the children of Israel, or the descendants of Ishmael. Captain Decatur was selected by Commodore Preble to command one division of the gun-boats, and Lieut. Somers the other. The duty imposed upon them was of a nature the most hazardous ; as from the little water they drew, they would come almost into contact with the Bashaw's batteries and castle where the numerous gun boats of the Tripolitans were stationed. As this was one of the most desperate engagements amongst the numerous ones in wh ; ch Americans were ever called to display their nau- tical skill and desperate courage, the reader will indulge the writer in detailing it particularly as related to him by one of the officers on board the Cons'titution, lying in full view of the bloody scene. The bombards, each carrying a mortar of thirteen inch- es were commanded, one by Lieut, commandant Dent, and the other by first Lieut. Robinson, of the Constitution. The gun-boats were thus arranged, mounting each a brass twenty-six pounder. First Division. No. I. Lieut. Somers. No, II. Lieut. J. Decatur. No. III. Lieut. Blake. Second Division. No. IV. Capt. Decatur. No. V. Lieut. Bainbridge. No. VI. Lieut. Trippe. The Constitution, Com. Preble's flag ship, the brigs and the schooners were to be situated to cover them from the fire of the batteries and the castle, and to silence if possible the tremendous cannonade expected from more than two hundred pieces of heavy ordnance mounted on them and in the marine force of the enemv- 196 NAVAL HEROES. Although the squadron had been long in the Mediterra- nean, the unceasing vigilance and assiduity of Com. Preble, and the rest of the officers and seamen, had kept it in the most complete preparation for any service. The bashaw was also prepared to receive them, and, as he confidently expected, to repulse them. Com. Pre- ble had not the most distant wish to enter the city with his small force. He was determined, if possible, to destroy the naval force, the batteries, and the castle of the enemy, and conquer them into peace upon his chosen element. Upon the 3d of August, the gales subsided, and the Com- modore resolved to commence an attack. The disparity of force between Preble and the Bashaw of Tripoli, was much greater than that of Nelson and the King of Den- mark at Copenhagen. At half past ten o'clock, the bombards, from signals pre- viously arranged, stood in for the town, followed by the whole squadron, in the most gallant style. More than two hundred of the Bashaw's guns were brought to bear directly upon the American squadron. — Included in this force of the enemy, were one heavy armed brig — two schooners — two large gallies, and nineteen gun- boats ; each of superior force to those commanded by Cap- tain Decatur and Lieutenant Somers ; as they mounted each a brass twenty-four pounder, in the bow, and two smaller guns in the stern. The number of men in each boat of the enemy, were forty. In the six boats of Com. Preble's squadron, were twenty-seven Americans, and thirteen Neapolitans each ; but, as the latter, in close engagement, remained aghast — in awe-struck astonishment, and declined boarding, they were of but little service, but rather a detriment. Thej* COM. EDWARD PREBLE. 197 huddled together, and, instead of aiding the Americans, were praying for their own suuls, while they ought to have been destroying the bodies of the Turks. Thus, at the commencement of the engagement between the rival gun- boats, the different forces stood — American; Tripolitan. Gun-boats 6 guns 6 Gunboats 19 guns 57 Americans 162 Officers and seamen 760 Neapolitans 78 Officers and seamen — 240 To " make assurance doubly sure," the enemy's gun- boats were stationed directly under cover of the Bashaw's batteries, and within gunshot of them. So perfectly con- fident were their commanders of a decisive victory, that the sails of every one of them had been removed, being de- termined to conquer or to sink. Com. Preble had so arranged his squadron as to afford every possible aid to his two bombards, and his six gun- boats ; but his ulterior object was to pour his heaviest shot into the batteries, the castle, and the town — knowing that if he dismayed the boasting Bashaw in his den, his af- frighted slaves would flee in promiscuous consternation. The elevated roof of the palace, — the terraces of the houses, and every building capable of sustaining spectators were crowded to overflowing, to behold the triumph of Ma- hometans over Christians. At a little before 3 o'clock, August 3d, the gallant Com- modore made signal for general action. The bombards led in ; and, with a precision and rapidity, perfectly as- tonishing, poured their shells into the city. The immense force of the Bashaw immediately opened their whole batteries upon the squadron, from the land and 27 i98 NAVAL HEROES. in the harbour. The Constitution, the Brig?, and Schoon- ers, approached within musket shot of them, and answered the tire of the enemy. Every soul was inspired by the fear- less example of Com. Preble. \| Captain Decatur, in the leading Gunboat of his division^ followed by Lieutenants Bainbridge, and Trippe, in Nos. 5, and 6, bore impetuously into the midst of the enemy's windward division of nine Gunboats, consisting of the men and guns before mentioned. He had previously ordered his three boats to unship their bowsprits ; as he and his dauntless comrades resolv- ed to board the enemy. Lieutenant Somers and his divis- ion, were to follow and support Captain Decatur's ; but his and Lieutenant Blake's boats had fallen so far to lee- ward that it was rendered impossible. Lieutenant James B. Decatur, of No. II. however, brought his boat into his intrepid brother's division, and entered into the engagement nearly at the same time with him. A contest more unequal and more desperate cannot be imagined. As soon as the contending boats were brought into contact with each other, the discharge of the cannon and musketry, on board of them, almost entirely ceased, and the more bloody and destructive struggle with swords, sabres, espontoons, spears, scirnetars, and other deadly weapons succeeded. Captain Decatur grappled an enemy's boat, full armed and full manned — leaped on board of her — was followed by only fifteen Americans, (little more than one third of the Tripolitans in number,) and, in the space of ten min- utes made her his prize. At this moment the American Gunboats were brought within range of the Bashaw's batteries which opened a tre- mendous though harmless cannonade upon them. COM. EDWARD PREBLE. 199 Com. Preble, perceiving the imminent danger, and the almost inevitable destruction of Captain Decatur's division of boats, immediately ordered the signai for retreat to be made. Amongst the numerous signals on board the Commo- dore's ship, that for the retreat of the boats had been acci- dentally omitted. The dauntless Preble determining to support them, or perish with them, brought the Constitu- tion, the Brigs, and the Schooners, to within three cables length of the batteries — completely silenced them by a few broadsides, and covered the retreat of the Gunboats with their prizes. Had he left them to their fate, their fate would have been inevitable. But a duty, encircled with peril without a parallel — an achievement to be performed without an equal — a display of affection surpassing the tales of romance — and the sud- den execution of vengeance upon transgression remained for Captain Decatur, before he left the blood-stained har- bour -of Tripoli. His gallant brother, Lt. James B. Decatur, no less daring than himself, had captured a Tripolitan gun-boat ; and, af- ter it was surrendered to him, its commander, with diabo- lical perfidiousness, combined with dastardly ferocity, shot him dead, just as he was stepping upon deck ! While the Americans were recovering the body of their commander, the Turks escaped with the prize boat. As Captain Decatur was bearing his prize triumphantly out of the harbour, this heart rending catastrophe was com municated to him. Instinctive vengeance, sudden as the electric shock, took possession of his naturally humane and pailanthropic soul. It was no time for pathetic lamentation. The mandate of 200 NAVAL HEROES. nature, and nature's God, cried aloud in his ear — Avenge a brothers blood. With a celerity, almost supernatural, he changed his course — rushed within the enemy's whole line, with his single boat, with the gallant Macdonough and eight men only for his crew ! ! His previous desperate rencontres, scarcely paralleled, and never surpassed in any age or country, seem like safe- ty itself when compared with what immediately followed. Like an ancient knight, in the days of chivalry, he scorn- ed, on any occasion like this, to tarnish his sword with the blood of vassals. His first object was to board the boat that contained the base and perfidious commander, whose hands still smoked with the blood of his murdered brother, This gained, he forced his way through a crew of Turks, quadruple the number of his own ; and, like an avenging messenger of the King of Terrors, singled out the guilty victim. The strong and powerful Turk, first assailed him with a long espontoon, heavily ironed at the thrusting. end. In attempting to cut off the staff, Captain Decatur furious- ly struck the ironed part of the weapon, and broke his sword at the hilt. The Turk made a violent thrust, and wounded Decatur in his sword arm and right breast. He suddenly wrested the w r eapon from the hand of his gigantic antagonist ; and, as one " doubly arm'd who hath his quar- rel just," he closed with him ; and, after a long, fierce, and doubtful struggle, prostrated him upon the deck. During this struggle, one of Decatur's crew who had lost the use of both arms by severe wounds, beheld a Turk, with an immense sabre, aiming a fatal blow at his adored commander. He immediately threw his mutilated body between the falling sabre and his Captain's head — received COM. EDWARD PREBLE. 201 a severe fracture in his own, and saved for his country, one of its most distinguished champions, to fight its future battles upon the ocean* While Decatur and the Turk were struggling for life in the very throat of de&th, the ex- asperated and infuriated crews rushed impetuously for- ward in defence of their respective captains. A scene terrific and horrible beyond description followed. The Turk drew a concealed dagger from its sheath, which De- catur seized at the moment it was pointed at his heart — drew his own pistol from his pocket, and instantly sent his furious foe, " To his long account, unanointed, unanneal'd, " With all his sins and imperfections on his head." Thus ended a conflict, feebly described, but dreadful in the extreme. Captain Decatur and all his men were se- verely wounded but four. The Turks lay killed and wounded in heaps around him. The boat was a floating Golgotha for the dead, and a bloody arena for the wounded and dying. Captain Decatur bore his second prize out of the har- bour, as he had the first, amidst a shower of ill-directed shot from the astonished and bewildered enemy ; and con- ducted them both to the squadron. On board the two prizes, there were thirty-three offi- cers and men killed ; more than double the number of * This was an instance of affection which has hut few parallels. To sacrifice property for a companion and a friend, is no uncommon oc- currence- But, for a common seaman, to offer his life to save his commander, with whom, perhaps, he never spoke, shows a trait of character, equally admirable in the offered victim, and in him whose manly virtues attracted such romantic affection. The lamented De- catur afterwards distinguished this seaman with something more than mere notice— he gave him money. 202 NAVAL HEROES. Americans under Decatur at any one time in close en- gagement. Twenty-seven were made prisoners, nine- teen of whom were desperately wounded — the whole a miserable off-set for the blood of Lieutenant Decatur, treacherously slain. The blood of all Tripoli could not atone for it, nor a perpetual pilgrimage to Mecca wash away the bloody stain. The gallant and lamented Lieut. Somers, as he could not join Decatur, as ordered, with his single boat No. I. attacked five full armed and full manned Tripolitan gun- boats — committed dreadful slaughter amongst them, and drove them upon the rocks in a condition dreadfully shat- tered. Lieut. Trippe, whose name will forever be associated with courage, as well as that of midshipman Henly, with only nine men besides themselves, rushed on board an enemy'6 gun-boat — slew fourteen, and made twenty-two prisoners, seven of whom were badly wounded. Lieut. Trippe re- ceived eleven sabre wounds. Lieut. Bainbridge, also dis- tinguished himself for saving his disabled boat and gallant crew from almost certain destruction, and beating off the enemy. The bombards, by the rapid and accurate directions of shells, spread as much consternation in the city as the squadron did in the harbour. The skilful and fearless Com. Preble, in the frigate Constitution, keeping his ship in easy motion, was found wherever the greatest danger threatened ; and by frequent- ly wearing and tacking, gave perpetual annoyance to the enemy, and afforded to the smaller vessels of his squadron, constant protection. The enemy, driven to desperation, by the loss of their COM. EDWARD PREBLE. boats, and by the numerous hosts of their comrades slain iipon land, as well as those who fell under their immediate view, attempted to rally, and regain what they had lost. They were suddenly foiled by the brigs and schooners, who acted a no less gallant part in this desperate ocean-allVav than did all the rest of this immortalized squadron. They attempted a second time ; and met with a second repulse. Finding that no naval power in the Mediterranean could withstand Com. Preble's squadron, they sought a covert under rocks, a natural, and under batteries and castles, ar tiiicial defences. At a little before 5 o'clock, Com. Preble, with the whole squadron, and their prizes, and prisoners, moved majesti- cally out of the harbour ; and left the Bashaw to examine and reflect upon the consequences of the third visit which the vessels of his squadron had made. The reader who has past his early, advanced, and closing years of life in the tranquil scenes of retirement, can form but a faint idea of the sensations of the officers and seamen of Com. Preble's squadron when they met each other after this desperate and most unequal combat. Every one would naturally inquire — " How many were killed and wounded in the frigate — how many in the differ- ent brigs, schqpiers, bombards and gun-boats." It was for Captain Decatur to make the answer. " Many are wounded, my comrades, but not one is slain, but my bro- ther." He might have said — " If you have tears to shed, shed them now." Well might the tears of grief be mingled with the smiles of triumph, upon this saddening intelligence. k ' Death loves a shining mark," and when James B. Deca- tur fell, me American navy lost a brilliant ornament — Com. Preble a favourite officer, Capt Decatur a brother. J94 NAVAL HEROES. he loved as he did himself, and our Republic a most gal- lant and accomplished ocean warrior. But, like Nelson, he died in the arms of victory, and his death was most sig- nally avenged. As represented by an officer of the Constitution, when Captain Decatur, Lieutenant Trippe, Macdonough, Hen- ly, and most of the officers and seamen belonging to the gun-boats, joined the squadron, they looked as if they had just escaped from the slaughter-house. Their truly noble blood was mingled with that of Mahometans, and the garb of those whose hearts or hands would never be stained with dishonour, were crimsoned with barbarous blood. The injury sustained by Com. Preble's squadron sinks into nothing when the danger it was exposed to is consid- ered. This was owing to the consummate nautical skill and coolness of the Commodore and his officers and sea- men ; and to the stupid, sullen ignorance and consterna- tion of the enemy. To them the 3d of August was a day of dreadful retribu- tion. A furious tornado not more suddenly drives the feathered race to their coverts, than did the first discharges from our squadron, the frenzied Turks, who came to wit- ness its discomfiture. From the representation of an intellige^officer, once of the Philadelphia, then a prisoner to the bashaw,it is learned that every one in the city fled who could flee. Even the troops in the batteries and castle dared not mount the par- apet to discharge the cannon. The affrighted Bashaw, with a Mahometan priest concealed himself in his bomb- proof room ; and undoubtedly responded to the roar of christian cannon, by pitiful orisons to the Prophet of Mecca. They were as fruitless as the prayers of the Philistines to COM. EDWARD PREBLE. 205 Dagon or Ashdod. His slaves who had no covert, buried themselves in sand to escape the bursting bombs. Although it was a scene of blood and carnage, there is enough of the ludicrous in it to excite a smile in the American reader. It clearly evinces that those who are most boastful and impe- rious, when possessed of real or supposed power, are the most mean, pusillanimous, and contemptible when convin ced of their weakness. I will here present the reader with the sentiments of a distinguished Turk in the language of an American officer, then a prisoner. He asked the officer — " If those men that fought so were Americans, or internals in Christian shape sent to destroy the sons of Mahomet the prophet ? The English, French, and Spanish consuls have told us that they are a young nation, and got their independence by means of France. That they had a small navy, and their officers were inexperienced ; and that they were merely a nation of merchants ; and that by taking their ships and men we should get great ransoms. — Instead of this, their Preble pays us a coin of shot, shells and hard blows ; and sent a Decatur in a dark night, with a band of christian dogs, fierce and cruel as the tiger, who killed our brothers and burnt our ships before our eyes." By this first attack, the city of Tripoli suffered consider- able damage. Many of the guns were dismounted, and many Turks were slain. But it was in the Bashaw's marine force, where the most destructive blow was struck. In the two prizes taken by Capt. Decatur, and the one by Lieut. Trippe, there were originally one hundred and twenty men. Forty-seven were killed, twenty-six wound- ed, who, with the remainder, were taken prisoners. Three full manned boats were sunk with every soul on board : 28 206 NAVAL HEROES. and almost every deck of the enemy's vessels within the range of American cannon were swept of their crews. In consequence of the destruction of the Philadelphia frigate, the barbarism of Jussuff, the bloody Bashaw, was increased against Captain Bainbridge, and his officers and seamen in bondage. But Com. Preble and Capt. Deca- tur, aided by the magnanimous and patriotic exertions of Sir Alexander Ball, once a favourite officer with Nelson, and then at the island of Malta, found means to alleviate the dismal gloom of their bondage. A gallant naval com- mander, like Sir Alexander Ball, could not endure the thought that a gallant hero like Bainbridge and his valiant crew, should surfer indignity or abuse from such a sangui- nary wretch as Jussuff and his slaves. After the 3d of August, the humbled Bashaw began to relent. But his conviction was more the result of alarm ing fears, than of a consciousness of guilt. The noble hearted Preble treated his wounded prisoners with the greatest humanity. Their wounds were dressed with the utmost care ; and, upon the 5th, he sent fourteen of them home to their friends. In a generous bosom, although an enemy, such an act would have excited inexpressible admiration ; and although a species of revenge calculated to " heap coals of fire upon the head" of a subdued enemy, yet it should have melted a heart of adamant. The Bashaw knew that one of his offi- cers had basely slain Lieut. Decatur, and could not com- prehend the motives of his humanity. His savage subtilty augured evil, even from an act of pure benevolence. But when he heard the wounded and restored Tripolitans ex- claim in the rapture of enforced gratitude, " the Americana in battle are fiercer than lions, and after victory, kinder COM. EDWARD PREBLE. 207 ihan Mussulmen," his savage heart began to soften. But, without a great ransom, he would not release a single pris- oner who belonged to the Philadelphia frigate. From the 3d to the 7th of August, Com. Preble, and the rest of the officers and seaman had but little time for repose after their arduous toils in reaching the harbour of Tripoli, and administering to the Bashaw aportion of American ven- geance. They were all incessantly engaged in preparing for another visit. They had become perfectly familiar with the theatre of action on which the American squadron was now acting its various parts. Every scene was draw- ing towards the developement of the tragedy. The impe- rious tone of the Bashaw was lowered as his hopes of safe- ty diminished. He however would surrender no prisoners without a ransom beyond what Com. Preble thought him- self authorised by his government to offer. He rather preferred to have consul Lear negotiate upon land ; and he felt confident of his powers to negotiate with his invin- cible squadron. All the officers of every grade, and every seaman, exert- ed every nerve to aid Com. Preble. They stood around him like affectionate and obedient children around a be- loved and dignified parent, anxious to learn his precepts, and prompt to obey his commands. He stood in the midst of them in the double capacity of their father, and a repre- sentative of his and their country. He knew they would follow wherever he would lead, and would lead where ne- cessary prudence would prevent him from following. — Well might the astonished Turks compare them to lions ; for they had proved themselves irresistible in battle — gen- erous and noble in victory. Com. Preble could bestow nothing upon his officers and 208 NAVAL HEROES. seaman, but his highest and most unqualified commenda- tion. This was not the mere effusion of an admiring com- mander, surrounded by his victorious comrades around the festive board, after a signal victory, but it was official- ly announced to the whole squarron in a "general order" upon the 4th. The Commodore knew well where to be- stow applause, and when to make, or rather to recommend promotion. His general order is in the Navy Depart- ment. Amidst the congratulations in the squadron for the suc- cessful issue of the first attack upon Tripoli, a silent gloom irresistibly pervaded the hearts of the officers and seamen. It was not caused by contemplating upon the arduous and yet uncertain contest which they were directly to renew. Inured to duty and familiar with victory, they were total strangers to fear. But Lieutenant James B. Decatur " was dead !" While they were floating triumphantly up- on the waves of the Mediterranean, his body was reposing in death upon its bed ; and his gallant spirit had flown to heaven. The shouts of joy over all Britain for the victory of Trafalgar, were mingled with groans of grief for the death of Nelson. No less pungent was the sorrow of in- trepid Americans at the fall of Lieutenant Decatur. He had unremittingly pursued the duty of the naval pro- fession from the time he entered the navy, until the day he was basely and treacherously slain. It is inconsistent with the design of this sketch, to go into a minute detail of his life. Suffice it then to say, that by a long course of assiduous duty in various ships of the American navy, and under different commanders, he secured to himself the con- fidence of his superiors, and the approbation of his govern- ment. The post assigned him upon the 3d of August, COM. EDWARD PKEBLE. 200 evinced the high estimation in which he was holden by the discerning and penetrating Com. Preble. The manner in which he discharged the duty imposed upon him, and the manner in which he fell, have already been mentioned. His memory is embalmed with those of Somers, Wads- worth, and Israel, who followed him into eternity thirty days after he left the world, and who made their exit from the same sanguinary theatre upon which he fell. The fearful, yet temporising Bashaw, through the me- dium of a foreign consul, offered terms to Com. Preble which he indignantly rejected, as degrading to his govern- ment. Upon the 7th, another attack was resolved upon ; and the squadron arranged in order to execute it. The effect desired was produced. A heavy battery was silenced — many bomb shells and round shot were thrown into the town — and, although the damage to the enemy was not so essential as the attack of the 3d, it increased the dismay of the Bashaw. Amongst the Gun-boats engaged in this second attack, was one taken from the enemy by Capt. Decatur. She was blown up by a hot ball sent from the batteries ; and Lieutenant Caldwell, Midshipmen Dorsey, and eight sea- men were killed ; six were wounded ; and Midshipman Spence with eleven seamen were rescued unhurt from the waves. Two days afterwards, Com. Preble took a deliberate view of the harbour in one of the Brigs, in order to deter- mine the best mode of commencing a third attack. He gave " no sleep to the eyes nor slumber to the eyelids" of the sullen and incorrigible wretch who wielded the sceptre of blood-begotten power over his subjects, the wretched 210 NAVAL HEROES. and degraded race of beings who were dragging out a mis- erable existence in Tripoli. The hopes of the American prisoners increased, as those of the Bashaw and his troops diminished. The terms for ransom were lowered more than two thirds, from the original enormous sum ; but Com. Preble had become a stern negotiator ; and Mr. Lear chose to let him continue to display his diplomatic skill, upon his cho- sen element. The prospect of a long protracted warfare, at an im- mense expense to the American government — the tedious and gloomy imprisonment of nearly half a thousand of Americans, in the dungeons of a barbarian, amongst whom were some of the noblest hearts that ever beat in human bosoms — the probability that more American blood must be shed in effecting a complete subjugation of the yet un- yielding Bashaw, induced Commodore Preble to offer the sum of eighty thousand dollars, as ransom for the prison- ers, and ten thousand dollars as presents, provided he would enter into a solemn and perpetual treaty with the American government, never to demand an annual tribute as the price of peace. The infatuated and infuriated Bashaw rejected these proposals with affected disdain mingled with real fear. Com. Preble, had nothing now to do but to renew his na- val operations. To repel the idea that the pacific offer of the Commodore arose from apprehensions of defeat, the bombards occasion- ally disgorged their destructive contents into the city, to the dire consternation of the bashaw and his slaves. Upon the 27th of August, another general attack was made with such effect as to induce the Bashaw to renew COM. EDWARD PREBLE. 211 negotiations for peace, but nothing definitive was effected , and Com. Preble took every advantage of his horrid fears. Upon the 3d of September, another attack was made to the very great injury of the Bashaw's batteries, castle and city ; the particulars of which would too much swell this sketch. Although but few Americans had lost their lives in the various battles, yet the vessels of the squadron had suffer ed very considerable injury from incessant service. It was proposed that the ketch Intrepid should be convert ed into a fire ship, and sent into the midst of the enemy's galleys and gunboats to complete their destruction. To this the Commodore acceded — loaded her with one hun dred barrels of powder, and one hundred and fifty shells ; and fixed upon the night of the memorable 4th of Septem- ber for the daring and hazardous attempt. Capt. Somers volunteered his services and was designa- ted as the commander. He was immediately joined by Lieutenants Wadsworth and Israel, and a sufficient numbei of gallant seamen. Of the awfully tremendous scene that followed, the read- er may be gratified by a succinct account, as related by an accomplished eye-witness, to the writer; but any descrip- tion by the pen or the pencil is tame and dull, compared with the animated narration of Capt. . The evening was unusally calm ; and the sea scarcely presented the smallest wave to the eye. That part of the squadron which was not designated as a convoy to the In- trepid, lay in the outer harbour. Two swift-sailing boats were attached to the Intrepid, and the Argus, Vixen, and Nautilus, were to conduct them to their destination, and receive the crew after the match was applied to the fatal train. 212 NAVAL HEROES. At a little before 9 o'clock the Intrepid, followed by the convoy, moved slowly and silently into the inner harbour, watched with the deepest solicitude by the Argus, &c. — Two of the enemy's heavy galleys, with more than a hundred men each, encountered the fire-ship, unconscious? that she was pregnant with concealed magazines of death. They captured her of course, as^he little crew could not withstand such an overwhelming force for a moment. It heing the first prize the Tripolitans had made, the ex ulting captors were about bearing her and the prisoners tri- umphantly into port. The crew were to be immured in the same dungeon with Capt. Bainbridge and his crew, who had worn away eleven tedious months in dismal slavery. To Somers, Wadsworth and Israel, " One hour of virtuous liberty, was worth " A whole eternity of bondage." and, instant death, far preferable to Turkish captivity. It is still left to conjecture, and must always be so left, by whom their instantaneous release from slavery and from mortal- ity was occasioned. It is with an agitated heart and a trembling hand that it is recorded, that the Intrepid suddenly exploded, and a few gallant Americans, with countless numbers of barbarians, met with one common and undistinguished destruction. It is generally understood by American readers that Capt. Somers, his officers and crew, after being captured, mutu- ally agreed to make voluntary sacrifices of themselves to avoid slavery and to destroy the enemy. In support of this, the writer is authorised to state that Capt. Somers direct- ly before entering into this enterprise, declared that " he COM. EDWARD PREBLE. 213 would never be captured by the enemy or go into Turkish bondage." , It is entirely beyond the reach of the most fertile ima- gination to form an adequate conception of the reality of this awful scene. The silence that preceded the ap- proach of the Intrepid, was followed by the discharge of cannon and musketry, and ended by the fearful and alarming shock of the explosion. Every living Christian and Mahometan within view or hearing, stood aghast and awe-struck. Thus barbarous Turks and gallant Americans met with one common destiny, and all was an outspread scene of desolation. The remaining part of the night was as silent as the season that immediately succeeds some violent con- vulsion of nature. Com. Preble, who had the preceding day enjoyed an animated interview with this trio of heroes, found an awful chasm made in the catalogue of his associates. If the biographical writer could be allowed to blend his own " reflections and remarks" with the incidents and events he records, this momentous occurrence might justi- fy them. It will, however, only be observed, that Captain Somers's memory has sometimes been assailed by those whose contracted and scrupulous system of morals evinces a " zeal without knowledge." Admitting that he made a voluntary sacrifice of himself, his officers and his crew, to avenge the injuries of his coun- try, and rescue his numerous countrymen, in his full view, from bondage ; let the severest casuist that ever perverted the plain dictates of conscience, by metaphysical subtlety, be asked if every man who enters the navy or army of his rountrv does not voluntarily expose himself to death in de- 29 J 14 NAVAL HEROES. fending its rights, its honour, and its independence? N© matter in what manner death is occasioned, so be it the sacrifice adds to the security and advances the glory of hie country. Whether it happens in the midst of opposing hosts, in single combat, or as that of Somers and his com- rades did by voluntary sacrifice, it equally redounds to their glory and their country's weal. To those who form their systems exclusively from the records of inspiration, exam- ples from them might be quoted ; and the instance of Sampson alone, who fell with a host of his enemies, will not, by them, be denied as being analogous. The classical reader will immediately recollect that Rome herself was twice saved from destruction by the voluntary sacrifice of the Decii. The writer hopes to be indulged in a brief allusion to the gallant, the accomplished, the lamented Lieutenant Wads- worth, with whom he had the honour, and enjoyed the pleasure, of some acquaintance. His birth-place and resi- dence was in Portland, the metropolis of the state of Maine, and in the immediate neighbourhood of the great Preble. To a very elegant person, he added the captivating charms of a mind highly refined. His situation placed within his reach all the fascinating enjoyments of fashionable life ; but a participation in them could not render him effeminate. The previous examples of Stephen and James B. Decatur inspired his ardent bosom with a thirst for naval glory, and this was enhanced by the renown acquired by his distin- guished townsman, and naval father, Com. Preble. He repaired to the renowned sea, whose waves are bounded by three of the great quarters of the globe, and almost in the sight of which the American squadron was triumphant ly wafting. He did not envy, for envy found no place ir» COM. EDWARD PREBLE. 215 bis noble heart ; but he wished to emulate the gallant deedi of his brother officers. The disastrous, yet splendid affair of the 4th of September, has been briefly detailed. Wads- worth upon that fatal, awful night, left the world in a blaze of glory — gave his mangled corse to the waves — his exalt- ed spirit to heaven — and his immortal fame to his country. Although his precious manes are " far away o'er the bil- low," his virtues and gallantry are commemorated by a monument in his native town, the voluntary tribute of his admiring friends to his inestimable worth. While the American squadron was achieving such unpar- alleled deeds in the Mediterranean, the American govern- ment yet unadvised of its splendid success, despatched an additional squadron to that sea. From the state of the naval register, and the rank of the post-captains, the new squad- ron could not be supplied with officers without designating one who was senior to Com. Preble. This devolved upon Com. James Barron, who arrived upon the 9th of Septem- ber, 1804. To an aspiring hero just entering the path of fame, and anxious to reach its temple, a sudden check to his progress is like the stroke of death. It was not so with Com. Pre- ble when he was superseded by Com. Barron. His work was " done, and well done ;" and he surrendered the squadron to his senior as, Gen. Jackson did his army to Gen. Pinckney, when there was nothing to do but to enjoy the fruits of victory. He immediately gave the command of his favourite fri- gate, the Constitution, to his favourite officer, Captain De- catur, and obtained leave to return to America. It has been barely mentioned that the government of the Republic were unadvised of the splendid achievements of 216 NAVAL HEROES. Com. Preble, when the additional force was sent out from America to Tripoli. The slightest recurrence to dates will place this subject beyond all doubt. Nothing but the intervention of contrary winds for a long period, had spared the boasting Bashaw of Tripoli, from the accumulated stores of vengeance, and the red artillery of Preble's squadron, which were in reserve for the chas- tisement, the consternation, and all but the annihilation of this diabolical representative of the Sultan of Turkey, and the vicegerent of Mahomet on earth. The first general attack upon the strong city of Tripoli, was made upon the third of August, when the terrible battle of the gun-boats took place. Upon the 7th another general attack was made ; and for a number of days in suc- cession, the alarmed and affrighted Bashaw was coiled up like a venomous reptile in his bombproof castle, — gnash- ing his teeth like a " serpent biting a file," and, like the enraged lion in a cage, lacerating himself by his own tail, he was torturing his own horrid and blood-guilty soul, by the agonizing contortions of his blood-stained body. He occasionally " grirm'd horribly a ghastly smile," at half a thousand Americans incarcerated in his dungeons near at hand. Amongst them, he recognized the exalted spirits of Bainbridge, Porter, Jones, Biddle, and about four hundred other noble American ocean-champions whose bodies only were held in " durance vile" by a detested power which they could not then resist, or escape, but which they despised with ineffable contempt. Upon the 4th of September, as the reader will recollect, the truly awful explosion of the fire-ship " Intrepid" con- vinced the astonished Bashaw, that his whole marine was CUM. EDWARD PREBLE. 211 to be destroyed, unless he hastened to make peace with the veteran Com. Preble, and Preble's indignant govern- ment, whose energy he had so sorely felt. During the whole of the memorable month of August, 1804, Com. Barron and his vessels were as peaceably wafting over the Atlantic, and the Mediterranean as Amer- ican ships are now, 1 823. As mentioned, his vessels appear- ed before Tripoli upon Sept. 9th, when the echo of Corn. Preble's cannon had scarcely ceased ; and when the com- motion of the waves from the explosion of Capt. Somers' fire-ship, had hardly subsided. He had the good fortune to enjoy the fruits of the con- quest, without hazarding any " hair breadth 'scapes" or at- tempting any " imminent deadly breach." The Bashaw's immense batteries were silenced — negotiations were just commencing, and Com. Barron, without any opportunity to show his skill and prowess, had nothing to perform but the manoeuvrings of his squadron — standing off and on — and blockading Tripoli, which Capt. Bainbridge* in the Phila- delphia, and Lieut. Smitht in the little Vixen had done be- fore him. His duty, compared with what Com. Preble had performed, was as different as a regimental review in time of peace is from a sanguinary battle infield fight. The admiring comrades of Com. Prebie were now to perform a duty more affecting to the hearts of noble and high-minded men, than danger, battles, bondage, wounds, and death itself — it was to bid adieu to their beloved, vene- rated, and almost adored commander, Edward Preble. The parting scene, as described by one who painfully witnessed, and who was sensibly penetrated with it, was one of the most interesting that the mind can conceive. * Now Com. Bainbridge. f Now Capt. Smith. 218 NAVAL HEROES. For more than a year, the Commodore, and his gallant comrades, had been absent from their friends and their country — a year that may well be denominated an age in the cailendar of American Naval skill, prowess and giory — a period of splendid and "successful experiment" with our ships, and of naval instruction and experience to our officers and seamen. Their mutual attachment had become strongly cement- ed by common toils and privations — common dangers and disasters, and by fighting the common enemy of the civili- zed world, and forcing Mahometans to crave mercy of the same Christians, whom, a few months before, they affected to despise. The war-worn and veteran Preble, gave the parting hand to his officers, as the father would extend the hand of pa- rental affection to his children, who were about to depart into a world beyond his immediate care, but never out of his remembrance and solicitude. His officers manifested a dignified regret, mingled with a consciousness of untarnished honour, rectitude of con- duct, and unsurpassed courage.. His noble tars, who always sought the post of duty and of danger, and whose natural heroism was augmented by the fearless example of their noble commander, gazed at a res- speclful distance upon their Patron, their Friend, and their Commodore. With swelling, but with manly grief, they cast their moistened eyes upon the last visible piece of canvas that wafted their once beloved commander in chief from their anxious view. Although all were affected, none could be more so than Charles Morris* his midshipman and his faithful secretary * Now the highly respected and accomplished Capt. Morris, conv missiouer of the navy. COM. EDWARD PREBLE. 219 <*n board the Constitution. This gallant son of Connecti- cut was born in the vicinity of the writer of this imperfect 9ketch of his matchless commander's life. It is a sentiment entirely paramount to local attachment, which excites his esteem and respect for this excellent man and excellent officer. His father was an officer in the naval warfare with France in the administration of Adams. His son Charles, as soon as requisite years and suitable acquirements rendered him fit for the station of a Midshipman, repaired to the Mediterranean, the American Naval School. The correct discernment of Com. Preble selected him as his confidant and his secretary. He was one of the four who landed at Tangier with him, amidst Moorish hosts, and accompanied him to his interview with the emperor of Morocco, previously described. He sailed with him to Tripoli. He was one of the first who volunteered, with Lawrence and Macdonough, under that unequalled, that universally lamented hero, Decatur, for the destruction of the Philadelphia frigate. He was the first who gained the deck of that ill-fated ship, after his dauntless leader reached it. He was in the Constitution in all her attacks upon Tripoli. In the war of 1812 with Britain, he was first Lieutenant of the same wonder-working ship, in the first wonderful es- cape from a British squadron. He was in the same capaci ty when the same ship sent the Gurriere to the bottom. Morris was the favourite of the gallant Hull, the favour- ite of Connecticut and his country. In the action with thf Gurriere, as a native poet elegantly says, " Where virtue, skill and bravery, With gallant Morris fell ;— 220 NAVAL HEROES. That heart so well in battle tried Along the Moorish shore." He long languished, but survived to advance still farther in the dangerous path to fame. He became commander of the frigate Adams — entered Penobscot bay, (where his patron, Com. Preble signalized himself in the war of the Revolution.) ascended the Penob- scot river, defended his ship against an immense force, un- til, to use his own language, " he had no alternative but precipitate retreat or captivity." He destroyed his own ship, and, with his noble crew, wandered over the wilds of Maine, in a state of destitution, to Portland, once the home of the then sleeping Preble, whose tomb he bedewed with manly tears.* Morris still lives ; and lives the ornament of * Although this volume professedly relates to the Naval Heroes of the Revolution, yet, as Com. Preble's young officers in the Mediter- ranean acted such signal parts in the second War with Britain, and as Capt. Morris, after he left the Constitution and took the command of the Adams, had not the good fortune again to meet the enemy in equal contest, I give the following extract from his official letter, shewing his conduct in the hour of disaster. Although overwhelmed, he did not " give up the Ship 11 to the enemy. — Boston, September 20, 1814. Sir— I have the honour to forward a detailed report of the circum- stances attending the destruction of the United States 1 ship Adams, at Hampden, on the 3d instant. On the first instant, at noon, I received intelligence by express that the enemy with a force of sixteen sail were off the harbour of Cas- tine. 30 miles below us. This intelligence was immediately forward- ed to brigadier general Blake, with a request, that he would direct such force as could be collected to repair immediately to Hampden. As our ship, prepared for heaving down, was in no situation to receive her armament, our attention was immediately directed to the occupa- tion of such positions on shore as would best enable us to protect her. By great and unremitted exertions, and the prompt assistance of all ^he inhabitants in our immediate vicinity, during the 1st and 2d inst. COM. EDWARD PREBLE. -. the navy, the deligltf of his friends, and the pride of his country. This brief digression will be excused in the wri- nine pieces were transported to a commanding eminence near the ship one to the place selected by general Blake for his line of battle, four- teen upon a wharf commanding the river below, and one on a point covering the communication between our hill and wharf batteries: temporary platforms of loose plank were laid, and such other arrange- ments made as would enable us to dispute the passage of a naval force. Want of time prevented our improving all the advantages of our posi- tion, and we were compelled to leave our rear and flanks to the de- fence of the militia in case of attack by land troops. Favoured by a fresh breeze, the enemy had advanced to within 3 miles of our posi- tion at sunset on the 2d with the Sylph mounting 22, and Peruvian 18 guns, and one transport, one tender and ten barges manned with sea- men from the Bulwark and Dragon, under command of Com. Barrie- Troops were landed under command of Col. John, opposite their ship- ping without opposition, their number unknown, but supposed to be about 350. To oppose these troops, about 370 militia were then col- lected, assisted by lieut. Lewis of the U. S. artillery, who by a forced march had arrived from Castine with his detachment of 28 men. Ma- ny of the militia were without arms, and most of them without any am- munition, and as our numbers were barely sufficient to man our bat- teries, I ordered the ship's muskets to be distributed among the mili- tia, and further ordered them to be supplied with ammunition. Our sick were sent across a creek with orders for such as were able, to secure themselves in the woods in case of our defeat. These arrange- ments were not concluded until late on the evening of the 2d. As the wind was fair for the enemy's approach, and the night dark, rainy, and favourable for his attempting a surprize, our men were compelled, notwithstanding previous fatigue, to remain at their batteries. At day-light on the 3d, I received intelligence from general Blake, that he had'been reinforced by three companies, and that the enemy were then advancing upon him. A thick fog concealed their early movements, and their advance of barges and rocket boats was not dis- covered until about seven o'clock. Believing from their movements that they intended a simultaneous attack by land and water, I placed the hill battery under the direction of my first lieutenant, Wadsworth, assisted by lieutenant Madison and Mr. Rogers, the purser, and di- 30 222 NAVAL HEROES. ter, — it is a feeble tribute of respect to a juvenile acquain- tance. rected lieutenant Watson to place his small detachment of 20 marines in a position to watch the movements of the enemy's main body, as- sist in covering 1 our flank, and finally to cover our retreat in case that became necessary. I had but just joined the wharf battery under the direction of lieutenants Parker and Beatty, and sailing-master M'Cul- loch, when the enemy's infantry commenced their attack upon the mi- litia. The launches still held their position beyond the reach of our fire, ready to improve any advantage their troops might obtain. A Hew minutes only had elapsed when lieutenant Wadsworth informed me that our troops were retreating, and immediately after that they were dispersed and flying in great confusion. We had now no alter- native but precipitate retreat or captivity. Our rear and flanks en- tirely exposed, whhout other means of defence on that side than out pikes and cutlasses. The only bridge across the creek above us near- er the enemy than ourselves, and the creek only fordable at low wa- ter, with the tide then rising, I therefore ordered lieutenant Wads- worth to spike his guns, and retire across the bridge, which was done in perfect order, the marines under lieutenant Watson covering their rear. Orders were given at the same time to fire the ship, spike the guns of the lower battery and join our companions across the creek. Before these orders were fully executed, the enemy appeared on the hill from which our men just retired and were exposed to their fire for a short time while completing them. Retreating in front of them for about five hundred yards, we discovered it impossible to gain the bridge, forded the creek, ascended the opposite bank, and gained our companions without receiving the slightest injury from the ill-directed lire of the enemy. We continued our retreat towards Bangor, when we found and retired upon a road leading to the Kennebec, by a cir- cuitous route of 65 miles. Perceiving it impossible to subsist our men in a body through a country almost destitute of inhabitants, they were ordered to repair to Portland as speedily as they might be able. The entire loss of all personal effects rendered us dependant on the gene- rosity of the inhabitants between the Penobscot and Kennebec for sub- sistence— -who most cheerfully and liberally supplied our wants to the utmost extent of their limited means. Our warmest thanks are also 'bieto the inhabitants ©f Waterville, Augusta and Hallowell, for their COM. EDWARD PREBLE. At the time Com. Preble left the Mediterranean, — that jea, its islands, and the nations bordering upon it, had be liberality and attention. Our loss was but one marine and one sea man made prisoners. That of the enemy was estimated at eight o ten killed and from forty to fifty wounded, principally by the H', pound er under charge of lieutenant Lewis of the U. S. Artillery. As the Constitution was the favorite ship of Com. Preble in the Meil iterranean — as Hull and Morris were his favourites in that sea — as they, in the same ship, achieved the first victory in the Atlantic against Britain, the following, amongst the first, and certainly amongst the best Odes and Songs, during the second war with Britain, is offer ed to the reader in this place. There is nothing in the author 1 : 1 Hubert and Ellen," superior to it. Britannia's gallant streamers Float proudly o'er the tide ; And fairly wave Columbia's stripes. In battle, side by side. And ne'er did bolder foemen meet, Where ocean's surges pour. O'er the tide now they ride, While the bellowing thunders roar. While the cannon's fire is flashing fast. And the bellowing thunders roar, When Yankee meets the Briton, Whose blood congenial flows, By Heaven created to be friends, By fortune rendered foes ; Hard then must be the battle fray, Ere well the fight is o'er ; Now they ride, side by side, While the bellowing thunders roar, While the cannon's fire is flashing fast And the bellowing thunders roar. Still, still for noble England, Bold Dacres' streamers fly ; And, for Columbia, gallant Hull's, As proudly and as high ; 224 NAVAL HEROES. come the expanded theatre of his glory. The ,k Two Si- cilies," with their two volcanic mountains, iEtna and Ve- Now louder rings the battle din, More thick the volumes pour, Still they ride, side by side, While the bellowing thunders roar, While the cannon's fire is flashing fast, And the bellowing thunders roar. Why lulls Brittania's thunder, That waked the watery war ? Why stays the gallant Gurriere, Whose streamer waved so fair ? That streamer drinks the ocean wave ? That warrior's fight is o'er ! Still they ride, side by side, While Columbia's thunders roar, While her cannon's fire is flashing fast, And her Yankee thunders roar. Of Bush, the gallant spirit, Starts from the reddening wave ; ' For the deck it was' his ' field of fame,' ' And ocean' is his ' grave.' The waters high their bosoms heave, For valour now no more ; That in the clouds, glory shrouds, While contending thunders roar, And Victory bears from Earth to Heaven, As the rolling thunders roar. Hark ! 'tis the Briton's lee gun ! , Ne'er bolder warrior kneel'd ! And ne'er to gallant mariners Did braver seamen yield. Proud be the sires, whose hardy boys Then fell, to fight no more ; With the brave, mid the wave, When the cannon's thunders roar, Their spirits then shall trim the blast, And swell the thunder's roar. COM. EDWARD PREBLE. 225 suvius, which disgorge their adamantine contents, in the midst of columns of fire, and spread desolation around their bases, witnessed the approach of this Christian hero, with a dauntless band of warriors from a distant Christian land. Malta, (the ancient Melita,) where Paul, once the pupil of Gamaliel, and afterwards the apostle of the Gen- tiles, preached the gospel, and where the renowned Knights of Malta, long enjoyed and practised their mysterious rites — Italy, once the dominion of imperial Rome, which once conquered the world by arms, and then conquered herself by luxury — Corsica, the birth place, and Elba the prison of Napoleon, the modern Charlemagne — Sardinia, Genoa, indeed every country and island in that portion of the globe, which did not acknowledge the supremacy of the Sultan — and even the Pope of Rome, with all his rancour- Vain were the cheers of Britons, Their hearts did vainly swell, Where virtue, skill, and bravery, With gallant Morris fell. That heart, so well in battle tried, Along the Moorish shore, Again, o'er the main, When Columbia's thunders roar, Shall prove its Yankee spirit true, / When Columbia's thunders roar. Hence be our floating bulwarks, Those oaks our mountains yield ; 'Tis mighty Heaven's plain decree — Then take the watery field ! To ocean's farthest barrier then, Your whitening sails shall pour ; Safe they'll ride o'er the tide, While Columbia's thunders roar, While her cannon's fire is flashing fast. \nd her Yankee thunders roar. 226 NAVAL HEROES. ous bitterness against Protectants, all, all joined their notes of praise, in one harmonious concord of applause and ad- miration, for the peerless Hero, from the Republic of the Western World. The Pope, the supreme head of the Roman Catholic regime, forcibly declared that — " All Christendom had not effected in centuries, what the American Squadron had accomplished in the space of a single year !" Even British naval officers, whose tutelary deity upon the ocean, (Lord Nelson,) declared that " In the germe of the American Navy, he saw the future rival of Britain upon the ocean" — suspended, for awhile, their deep-rooted jeal- ousy, and poured forth the effusions of involuntary admira tion for Preble. Grateful as such applause undoubtedly was to such an aspiring mind as his, no approbation came so " home to his business and bosom" as the unqualified demonstration of attachment from his own Comrades — his own Govern- ment, and his own Family. Such approbation from such sources, must have filled his capacious heart to repletion. The value of praise is doubly enhanced, when it proceeds from those whose ex- alted merit deserves the praise they bestow. Like " the quality of mercy" " It is twice blessed — it blesseth him, " Who gives, and who receives." The Congress of the United States, the only legitimate government in existence, presiding over the only Repub- lic upon earth, deeply penetrated with the exalted worth, and vast services of " The Commander in Chief of the American Squadron in the Mediterranean in 1803 and 1 804," bestowed upon Edward Preble, a Vote of Thanks COM. EDWARD PREBLE. 227 a reward more grateful to the feelings of that noble offi- rer, considering the moving cause of it, than would have been an estate equal to the dukedom bestowed upon Arthin Wellesley, by the Parliament of Britain. As a visible token of the regard of that august body, the Congress voted a splendid gold medal, with devices em- blematical of his achievements. This was presented by the same hand that drafted that unequalled state paper " The Declaration of American Independence" — by the same statesman who selected Pre- ble, as Commander — then President of the American Re public, now the Philosopher of Monticello — Thomas Jef- ferson. This portable monument of his fame is now, with the other archives of this ocean-hero, in the hands of his posterity — an invaluable legacy — a treasure of fame ! His family and his countrymen, when he was " far away over the billow," cast their anxious thoughts to the sangui- nary arena in which he and his comrades were contending with the thickening hosts of Mahometans. When the Turkish Crescent bowed to the " Star-span- gled banner" of the Republic, and he returned with his rich harvest of honours, the elder portion of Americans re- membered the gallant Lieutenant Preble, in the war of the Revolution, when in the Protector he assisted in capturing the Admiral Duff, and led in capturing a heavy ship of war in Penobscot bay, when he sailed in the Winthrop. The younger Americans, with the writer, enthusiastical- ly recognized in him the redeeming spirit who rescued our countrymen from Mahometan bondage ; and compelled a strong power, under the Grand Sultan, to submit to Ameri- can prowess. He might well have wished, at this time to retire into the 228 NAVAL HEROES. bosom of his family, at his delightful residence in the capi- tal of Maine ; but he had become identified with the Amer- ican navy, and its future respectability depended essential- ly upon the application of the skill and experience of the Commodore to its future operations. Although considerable experience, as well as man) splendid victories were gained in the naval warfare with the French Republic, a few years previous, and many and much of each under his command in the Mediterra- nean, yet the complicated system, requisite in the Navy Department, was by no means thoroughly digested. The admirable police, which is now systematized on board 74s, 44s, 36s, sloops of war, brigs, and schooners, was then in an incipient state — it has ever since been pro- gressive, and it may now almost be said, that it is perfected. Com. Preble had, at the seat of government, the collec- ted wisdom of naval officers, and the heads of the different departments, to aid him in putting the " American Naval System" into operation. If it required the wisdom and penetration of Oliver Ellsworth* to arrange and digest the Judiciary System— if it required the stupendous mind of Alexander Hamil- ton, from a chaotic mass, to perfect a System of Finance- it also required the scientific and practical knowledge of Edward Preble to arrange a Naval System, for the marine force of the Republic. * The profound discernment of President Washington, and the First Congress under the Constitution, selected this exalted man and great jurist, to digest the Judiciary System of our vast Republic, consisting then of thirteen, and now of twenty-four distinct govern- ments. It was a subject full of importance, and abounding in difficul- ty. To give sufficient energy to a Federal court, and yet to secure COM. EDWARD PREBLE. 229 His time at the scat of government was not wasted by en- joying the fashionable blandishments of the metropolis, in the " piping time of peace ;" and although he had recent- ly returned from ' attempting the imminent deadly breach,' he was in no danger of being effeminated by "listening to the soft lulling of the lute." He was not one of those courtly retainers who make an accessary of the languishing genius of evanescent amusement, in the murder of time, the most bounteous gift of heaven. With Preble, as with Franklin, ' time was money ;' yea it was more than money — ' money is trash,' in comparison to the invaluable results of patient study, sound reflection, and matured wisdom. The American people employ their civil Rulers, as well as their Naval officers, to act, and to act efficiently. The aggregated wisdom of the Republic is not annually concen- trated at the seat of government to convert and pervert the season of legislation into an endless succession of 'holi- days,' excursions of pleasure, or intrigues for office.* the rights of indiviual State Courts, was a vast undertaking ; and was accomplished by the vastness of this great man's mind. Oliver Ells- worth succeeded Chief Justice Jay when he was appointed ambassa- dor to the Court of St. James; and continued Chief Justice himself until he was appointed ambassador to the Court of St. Cloud. * The following is an extract Yrom a very recent publication ; and is inserted in a note to excuse the presumption of the text. " Is it for this that the people of the nation send representatives to, Washington, and pay each of them $56 a week ? Is it to spend their nights in revelry, and their days in slumber, that they have been sent there ? Is it to enable the higher officers of the government " to feed and plaister," to corrupt and prostitute their representatives, that they have suffered the late great increase of their salaries to pass almost unnoticed ? If this apathy is continued, they will only merit the politi- cal degradation and perdition which infallibly awaits them." 31 230 NAVAL HEROES. The assiduity of the Secretary of the Navy, the Navy Commissioners, and Naval Officers, is a shining light that points out the path of duty to every officer in every station, in every department of the government. Com. Preble remained at the seat of government until peace was negotiated by Mr. Lear, which he had conquer- ed with the American squadron. Com. Barron returned with the constellation of ocean- warriors who subjugated Tripo- li when under Preble. Gen. Eaton, with Hamet Cara- malli, ex- Bashaw, whom he found an exile in Egypt — whose dying hopes he revived, and whose motley multitude call- ed an army, he conducted through desarts to within a few leagues of Tripoli, also returned to America, to reap the reward of his well-meant, romuntic,and daring endeavours,* and also to induce the government to pay the disheartened Caramalli for the loss of his throne, and the disappoint- ment of his wishes. It is believed that this is the first and only instance of a Mahometan prince begging money of a Christian power — they have, for centuries, obtained it by blood and plunder. Com. Preble, cool, collected, dignified, and gratified, lived to behold the consummation of the first wishes of his heart---the subjugation of the Barbary powers, and the re- storation of the noble Bainbridge,! his gallant officers, and fearless crew, and the rest of the Americans, from dismal bondage, to the fruition of freedom. He cared little for the scramble for office, promotion, or money. He saw the happy result of his toils for his coun- * Gen. Eaton, in his letter of Dec. 5, 1805, to the Secretary of the Navy, says—" Mr. O'Bannon and myself united in a resolution to pe- f Amongst the returning heroes, who received the congratulation of Corn. Preble — the delivered heroes, Bainbridge, Jones, Porter, COM. EDWARD PREBLE. 231 try. He saw his gallant comrades in the Mediterranean, once more in the bosom of the Republic, enjoying the peace they had obtained by valour -the blessings they had ren- dered secure by their victories, and the applause they so richly deserved for their unparalleled services. He retired from public life, like Washington, the father of his country — like Adams, the father of the American navy-— and like Jefferson, his patron and friend, and the patron of the Republic, to enjoy the sweets of retirement in the bosom of his family, in his native town, where every temporal blessing awaited his return. There, with a consciousness of having faithfully served his country in that tremendous contest, " The War of the Revolution," against Britain, in a subordinate station — having assisted in chastising Frenchmen — having awed the Emperor of Morocco into a peace, and having fought the rish with him [Caramalli] before the walls of Tripoli, or to triumph with him within those walls." " I have" said a British Peer " reso- lutions to make resolutions, if I cannot keep them." Biddle, and their gallant crew, once of the unfortunate Philadelphia Frigate, after a dismal bondage of nineteen months, must have poured out the undissembled gratitude of hearts, glowing with feelings, unap- preciated by the luxurious, and effeminate sons of indolent security. Their feelings are thus painted by an anonymous poet, who unites, in these lines, two of the fine arts, poetry and painting. The dawn through my grates the thick darkness dissolves, And again the huge bolt of my dungeon revolves ; That monster's dread step is a prelude to pains, When the lash that he bears will drink blood from my veins. Hark ! what notes of sweet music ! they thrill through my soul : Columbia's own strain is that soft melting roll ! Gracious Heav'n ! my dear countrymen once more I view. Hail Liberty's banner ! ve base tyrants adieu. 232 NAVAL HEROES. blood-stained Bashaw of Tripoli into subjugation, he enjoy- ed that repose of body which toils, privations, long service and sanguinary batties had rendered necessary; and that tranquillity of mind which conscious virtue, rectitude and honour, rendered sweet and felicitous. But these enjoyments were hardly began before they were to be ended. Death, which he had so often undaunt- edly faced in the most appalling forms, removed him from the scene of his temporal, to that of his eternal glory upon the 25th day of August, 1807 — just three years from the memorable month of August in which he conquered a pow- erful nation of Barbary. Like his beloved comrades in that warfare, Stephen De- catur, and James Lawrence, he died in the meridian of life, being but forty-six years of age. CHARACTER OF EDWARD PREBLE. Edward Preble, possessed peculiar native powers — those which the heroes of antiquity most craved — a sound mind, in a sound body. So far as countenance is an index of mind, his indicated decision of character. It also indi- cated benignity of heart, and generosity of feelings. His person was tall and commanding ; his posture erect ; his movement natural and unaffected. His whole presence pointed him out as a " mighty man of war."* As to the qualities of his mind, the prominent traits were a restless Wy wrongs are all cancelled — your shore is receding — My country has freed me, ray heart has ceas'd bleeding ; In the arms of affection I soon shall be bless'd, And my dust with the dust of my fathers shall rest. * " That form indeed, th' associate of a mind- Vast in its pow'rs — etherial in its kind, COM. EDWARD PREBLE. J33 emulation, and an inquietude for enterprise. For listless indolence and effeminating inaction, he manifested the most sovereign contempt and contemptuous pity. Not satisfied with achieving deeds of common renown, he aspired to those which would leave previous examples of noble daring far behind him. Possessing by nature a high-minded sense of independence, he espoused the cause of his country when imperious Britain was attempting to subjugate hi? countrymen to vassalage. Although then but a youth, " He gave the world assurance of the man." Returning to the peaceful pursuit of commerce, he placed himself and his family in independent circumstances. Ev- er ready to avenge the injuries of the Republic, from what- ever quarter of the world they should proceed, he repair- ed as Commander in Chief to the renowned Mediterranean. France, Spain, Italy, Naples, and Genoa, upon the borders of that sea. — Sardinia, Sicily, Corsica, Minorca, and Mal- ta, islands in its bosom, witnessed with astonishment and admiration the approach of this Christian hero from the Christian Republic. To the people of these regions, as well as to his own countrymen, who were exposed to Tur- kish capture and bondage, he was a ministering angel of protection and redemption. But, to the merciless disci- ples of Mahomet, he was a minister of wrath, armed with stores of vengeance, to avenge the barbarous cruelties for centuries inflicted upon unoffending Christians. The vol- canoes of Vesuvius and iEtna excited but little more con- That form- -the labour of Almighty skill, Fram'd for the service of a freeborn will, Asserts precedence, and bespeaks control, But borrows all its grandeur from the soul." Cowpek. 234 NAVAL HEROEfe. sternation with exposed Neapolitans and Sicilians, than did the gleaming messengers of death, "red with uncommon wrath," hurled by the American Preble, into the capital of the Tripoiitans. Maliometans were subjugated by him and his dauntless band, and the Turkish Crescent fell beneath the American Banner. The veteran finished his work in the Eastern World, and returned to the enjoyment of civil liberty and religious freedom, amongst his redeemed, pro- tected, and happy countrymen in the Western World. He died, as a hero would wish to die, before the ravages of time had debilitated his body or deteriorated his mind. Never having been humbled by a mortal enemy, he yield- ed all of himself that was mortal to the King of Terrors, and gave his body to the tomb — " Till mould'ring worlds and tumbling systems burst, " Till the last trump shall renovate the dust." His exalted soul he gave to that God who gave it to him, and he bequeathed his temporal glory to the Republic ; and if that Republic hath not yet raised a monument* to his * It would be gratifying to learn how much money has been drawn from the National Treasury, to erect Mausoleums, Monuments, Sta- tues, &c. to Revolutionary Heroes. Soon after the death of Gen. Washington, a resolution was passed in Congress on the subject. In 1818, the following was found in the Congressional Journal : " The joint resolution for a monument over the remains of General Washington, and some minor business, was postponed to Monday." In 1818, the following notice concerning the " Washington Monu- ment Association" was published : " Boston, Nov. 25. We learn that the Trustees of the Washington Monument Association, through the Agency of our countrymen, Messrs. West, Allston, and Samuel Williams of London, have engaged the celebrated sculptor, Chantry, to form a Pedestrian Statue of George Washington, and that some progress has been made in the execution." The elegant monument in Portland, to the memory of Capt. Bur- rows, was erected by the patriotic munificence of Matthew L. Davis. Esq. of New- York. COM. EDWARD PREBLE. 235 memory, he hath a living monument in the heart of every surviving Naval Oflicerand Seaman, who knew his virtues, appreciated his worth, and emulated his valour. But as the government of the American Republic, in the plenitude of its gratitude, has seen fit to draw from its treasury the small sum of one thousand dollars to erect a monument to the memory of Elbridge Gerry ; it may hereafter remem- ber the Father of the Modern Sons of the American Navy ; and future generations will behold a monument erected to his glory, and his glory shining in the monument. REGISTER Of American Naval Officers in the Mediterranean, in the years 1803 and 1804, under COMMODORE PREBLE; In presenting this Catalogue of Officers to the reader it is impossible to repress the feelings of admiration with which the mind of every patriotic American must be pene- trated. In retrospect, we behold the little infant navy of our infant Republic, in that renowned sea where the marine of ancient Carthage, spread dismay and consternation upon the borders of the three great continents, whose shores are laved by its waters. In that sea where the Grecians gain- ed their naval renown. In that sea where Cleopatra waft- ed in her barge, and captivated Antony. It would be invidious to make a selection from this con- stellation of ocean heroes, who entered the dangerous path of glory with the immortalized Preble — some of whom have followed him from temporal warfare to eternal peace -from a life of glory on earth to immortal honours in 236 COM. EDWARD PREBLE. heaven. Saying nothing of the Commanders, Rodger*. Bainbridge, Stewart, Hull, Smith Somers,* and Decatur,* we find among the Lieutenants, — Gordon, Dent, Jones, Porter, Trippe, Crane, Read, J. B. Decatur,* Lawrence,* and J. Bainbridge. Amongst Midshipmen, Burrows,* Morris, Nicholson, Gadsden, Wadsworth,* Israel,* Ridge- ley, Henley, Patterson, Mead, Macdonough, Gamble, Ren- shaw, Spence, Pettigrew, Warrington, Ballard, Cassin, Thompson, &c. These then ardent youth were unknown to fame — their names are now inscribed in its temple, and their glory is identified with that of the Republic. Their monuments will hereafter rise in various parts of our vast Republic, and consecrate the places where the naval he- roes rest. It is however, ungenerous, unjust — to bestow all our ap- plause upon the fortunate heroes whose destiny enabled them to signalize themselves by some glorious achieve- ments. Their associates, equally gallant, equally skilful, equally meritorious, are too often obscured by the halo of glory that shines around their companions. Had not Gib- bon, perished in the flaming theatre of Richmond, he might have acted as glorious a part on the theatre of naval glory, as his brother midshipmen, Morris, Biddle, Macdonough, Burrows, Warrington, etc. As the meed of praise is the highest reward of a hero, it ought to be bestowed with im- partiality. In page 162 of this volume, a List of Ships and Com- manders of Com. Preble's S juadron is inserted. It was all the information the writer had when he drove through this imperfect Sketch of Com. Prebie's life. * Dead ! COM. EDWARD PREBLE. i37 Since it was written, the very obliging and ever atten- tive Secretary of the Navy, has furnished me with the fol- lowing " Official List." Officers attached to the Squadron under Com. Edward Preble in the Mediterranean in 1803, &c. Constitution frigate , Edward Preble, Commodore. John Rodgers, Captain. Lieutenants. Thomas Robinson, Jun. Samuel Elbert. William C. Jenckes, Charles Gordon. Joseph Tarbell, John H. Dent. Nathaniel Harriden, Sailing Master. James Wells, Surgeon. Thomas Marshall, Surgeon's mate. Patrick Sim, do. James S. Deblois, Purser. Noadiah Morris, chaplain. Jonathan N. Cannon, Boatswain. William Sweeny, Gunner. Isaac Steel, Sail Maker. Thomas Moore/Carpenter. Midshipmen. Hethcote J. Reed, Ralph Izard, Jun. David Deacon. William Burrows, John Rowe, Daniel S. Dexter, Thomas Hunt, Charles Morris, John M. Haswell, John Davis, Alexander Laus, Francis C. Hall, Thomas Baldwin, Leonard J. Hunewell, Joseph Nicholson, Louis Alexis, Charles Gadsden, Jun. Henry Wadsworth, Charles G. Ridgely, Henry P. Casey. 32 238 NAVAL HEROES. Joseph Israel. William Lewis, John Thompson, Robert Henley. John Hall, Captain of marines, Robert Greenleaf, 1st Lieut. Philadelphia frigate, William Bainbridge. Commander. Lieutenants. John S. H. Cox, Jacob Jones, Theodore Hunt, Benjamin Smith, David Porter. William Knight, Sailing Master. John Ridgely, Surgeon. Jonathan Cowdery, Surgeon's mate. Nicholas Harwood, do. Keith Spence, Purser. George Hodge, Boatswain. Richard Stephenson, Gunner. William Godb), Carpenter. Joseph Douglass, Sail- maker. Midshipmen. James Gibbon, Daniel T. Patterson, . Benjamin F. Read, Thomas Macdonough. James Biddle, Bernard Henry, Wallace Wormeley, William Cutbush, Simon Smith, Robert Gamble, Richard B. Jones, James Renshaw. William S. Osborne, 1st Lieut, of Marines. Brig Syren, Charles Stewart, Captain - Lieutenants. James R. Caldwell, Michael B. Carroll, Joseph J. Maxwell. Samuel R. Marshall, Surgeon. Alexander C. Harrison, Sailing Master. COM. EDWARD PREBLE. ! * Nathan Baker, Purser. John Unsworth, Boatswain. James Welman, Gunner. John Felt, Carpenter. Thomas Crippen, Sail maker. Midshipmen. Thomas O. Anderson. Robert T. Spence. John Dorsey, Cornelius de Krafft. William R. Nicholson. John Howard, 1st Lieut. Marines. Brig Argus, Isaac Hull, Captain. Lieutenants. Joshua Blake, William M. Livingston, Sybrant Van Schaick. Humphrey Magrath, acting sailing master. Nathaniel T. Weems, Surgeon. John W. Dorsey, Surgeon's mate. Timothy Winn, Purser. George Nicholson, Boatswain. William Huntress, Gunner. Stephen Hurley, Carpenter. Charles Smith, Sail-maker. Midshipmen. Joseph Bainbridge, Samuel G. Blodget. George Mann, William G. Stewart, Pascal Paoli Peck, John Pettigrew. John Johnson, 1st Lieutenant marines. Schooner Vixen, John Smith, Commander. Acting Lieutenants. John Trippe, William Crane, Richard Butler, Sailing master. Michael Graham, Surgeon. 240 NAVAL HEROES. Clement S. Hunt, Purser. John Clarke, Boatswain. James Bailey, Gunner. Bartholomew M'Henry, Carpenter. Joshua Herbert, Sail-maker. Midshipmen. John D. Henley, Lewis Warrington, William Ballard, John Nevitt, John Lyon. Schooner Nautilus, Richard Somers, Commander. Lieutenants. James B. Decatur, George W. Read. Edward N. Cox, Acting Sailing-master. Gershom R. Jacques, Acting Surgeon. James Tootell, Purser. Charles Walker, Boatswain. James Pinkerton, Gunner. Robert Fell, Carpenter. Midshipmen. Octavius A. Page, Stephen Cassin, George Marcellin, William Miller, Charles C. B. Thompson. Schooner Enterprise, Stephen Decatur, Jr. Commander, Acting Lieutenants. James Lawrence, Daniel C. Heath, Jonathan Thorn, Joseph Bainbridge, Seth Cartee. William Rogers, Acting Surgeon, Alexander M'Williams, Surgeon's mate. Mr. Bearry, Boatswain. William Hook, Gunner. COM. EDWARD PREBLE. 2A1 Mr. West, Carpenter. Patrick Keogh, Sail- maker. Midshipmen. Daniel C. Sim, George Mitchell, Walter Boyd, Robert Innes, Benjamin Turner. Samuel Slewellyn, 1st Lieutenant of marines. The very names of the vessels composing this little squad- ron, have become familiar with Americans, for their achievements in the Mediterranean under Com. Preble, in the war against Tripoli ; and on the Atlantic, in the second war with Britain. The Constitution bore the broad pendant of Preble in all the victories of the squadron in the Mediterranean. In the Atlantic, commanded by Hull, she astonished British officers in escaping from a British squadron. Commanded by the same officer, she sent the boasting Guerriere to the bottom; commanded by Bainbridge, she compelled the Java to submit to the same fate, and commanded by Stew- art, in one action, added the Cyane and Levant, to the American navy. The Philadelphia, was conquered only by hidden rocks, and a foe, with hearts harder than rocks, who dared not point a gun at her while wafting. But her loss to America was retrieved by Decatur, in destroying her under the tremendous batteries of Tripoli, in the midst of her ma- rine. The Syren, commanded by the ever vigilant and intrepid Stewart, was constantly in the station of duty and of dan- ger. She accompanied the Intrepid to the bay of Tripoli, and witnessed the destruction of the Philadelphia. Her 242 iNAVAL HEROES. language, unlike the fabled Syren, was more calculated to alarm than to allure. — While commanded by the accom- plished Nicholson she fell before a "hell of England." The Argus, commanded by Hull, acted well her part in the Mediterranean ; and, commanded by Allen in the war with Britain, spread dismay upon her coast — swept her commerce from her very harbours ; and when she fell be- fore superior force, was deemed a trophy, and her com- mander who fell gloriously, was " By strangers honour'dand by strangers mourn'd." The Vixen, was a terror to Tripolitans, and in the war with Britain, fell a victim to the elements in company with a British Frigate, commanded by the modern pride of Bri- tain, James Lucas Yeo, who publickly thanked the gallant Reed and his crew for their gallant courage as enemies, and magnanimity as friends. The Nautilus, was the favourite of the seas. She me- naced Tangier, in Morocco — Tripoli on the Barbary coast — and her nautical skill extorted admiration, from a Bri- tish Commodore when she fell into his hands, and who re- turned the gallant Crane his sword for his masterly exer- tions to save this ship. The Enterprise,* (" who can tell her deeds") has be- come the most renowned schooner upon the ocean. In the hands of Sterrett she battered a Barbarian corsair to pieces — Commanded by Decatur she captured the won- derful little Intrepid — Commanded by the lamented Bur- * This fine craft was wrecked and lost in July, 1823 ; so that there is not now, in the American Navy, a single keel of this renowned squadron, but the Constitution (" Old Iron-Sides.") It is to be hoped that she may never be sent to sea again, lest the elements should destroy, what enemies never could catch or capture. COM. EDWARD PREBLE. 243 rows, she captured the Boxer — and with the frigate Con- stitution, is still the pride of Americans. As if the whole of these vessels, possessed an "inani- mate ardor," corresponding with the animated heroism of their commanders, they became renowned for conquests, and seemed to extort smiles from the genius of victory in the hour of disaster. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF ALEXANDER MURRAY, CAPTAIN IN THE ARMY AND IN THE NAVY IN THE WAR OF THE REVOLUTION; POST CAPTAIN IN THE NAVAL WARFARE BETWEEN THE AMERICAN REPUBLIC AND FRANCE ; OOMMODORE OF AN AMERICAN SQUADRON IN THE AVAR WITH TRIPOLI, COMMANDANT OF AN AMERICAN NAVY YARD. Biographical writers, and subjects of Biography.. ..Alexander Mur ray's birth. ...a lineal descendant of the Highland chief, Murray of Elginshire, who espoused the cause of the Pretender in the Rebel- lion of 1715, who was banished to Barbadoes, and his estates confis- cated.... Houses of Tudor, Stuart, and Brunswick... .The grandfath- er a Scotch Rebel, the grandson an American Revolutionist.... Dr. Murray, Alexander's father.... Alexander, the youngest son.. ..His education,. ..Commencement of his nautical life.. .. His highminded sentiments.. ..William Murray, Earl of Mansfield.... Alexander, ap- pointed a Lieutenant in the Navy, by the Old Congress.... for want of a ship, enters Col. Smallwood's regiment as Lieutenant in the ar- my.. ..As James Monroe did Col. Weedon's.... Note. ...Battles in which he fought... Sufferings of the American army. ..Note. ..Lieut. Murray seriously affected by explosion of a battery Is promoted to a Captaincy. ...Becomes an invalid for a short time. ...Retires to his father's... Forlorn state of the poor and sick soldier... Extortioners... Murray recovers, and resumes his station in the Navy as Comman- der of a Letter of Marque. ...Fidelity of American officers, but one exception, Benedict Arnold.. ..Note. ...Incessant service of Lieut. Comdt. Murray. ...He is taken prisoner, paroled and exchanged.... He enters the continental frigate Trumbull, 32 guns.. ..Note.. ..She encounters a violent gale, and immediately enters into a most des - perate engagement with the frigate Iris, 38 guns, and Monk, of 18 guns.... Description of the battle... Lieut. Murray is severely woun- ded.... The wreck of the Trumbull is towed into New York by the enemy ...He again recovers, is exchanged, and enters the frigate Alliance as 1st Lieutenant.... Peace with Britain, 1783.. ..The fame of Murray, and revolutionary veterans. ...He resumes the character of the private citizen.. ..Annihilation of the navy.... Meagre resour- COM. ALEX AN DKR MURRAY. 245 tes of the colonies at the close of the revolution. ...Caution of Ame- rican Statesmen. Spoliations upon American commerce, and indignity to American cit- izens ...Commencement of a naval force.. ..Lieut. Murray appointed Post Captain. ...Sails in corvette Montezuma against French. ..Im- mense service to commerce. ..Receives avote of thanks.. .Appointed tofrigalc lnsurgente....Soon after to the Constellation.. .Is encoun- tered bj' the Razee Magnanimique... .Returns the fire.. ..Injures his supposed antagonist.... Finds him to be friendly.... Mutual explana- tion, and mutual satisfaction.... Constellation "and Magnanimique, (Murray andTaylor,) President and Little Belt, (Rodgers and Bing- ham) Chesapeake and Leopard, (Barron and Humphrey).. ..Peace between America and France.. ..Note. Turkish rapacity against American commerce, and infernal cruelty against American seamen. ...Commodore Murray appointed to com- mand American Squadron in the Mediterranean, as successor of his revolutionary comrade, CDm. Dale. ...Restricted power.. ..His flagship, Constellation assailed by Tripolitan corsairs.... He disper- ses them, and drives them under the Bashaw's batteries. ...He could not act offensively.... In the midst of his defensive operations, is su- perseded by Com. Morris.. ..Secret intrigue and palpable injury. Com. Murray, though not degraded, feels himself injured, and re- monstrates. ..".Inexplicable "affairs of state".. ..Peace with Tripoli, and renown of modern Naval Heroes.. ..Affair of the Chesapeake.... Com. Murray solicits a command.... Is detained at home.... Secret machinations. Second war between America and Britain. ...Com. Murray, senior Commodore and Post Captain in the Navy, again refused a command at sea, and detained at home to discharge duties in the home depart- ment.. ..Peace with Britain. ...Com. Murray is appointed Comman- dant of an American Navy Yard.. ..Efficiency of Naval defence.... Importance of Naval Architecture.. ..Com. Murray's science, skill and judgment in his new capacity.... American and British Naval Architecture.. ..Com. Murray's indefatigable exertions, and unpar- alleled economy in the service of the Republic. ...Increase of the Navy and decrease of expenditure... Com. Murray's closing years... His death. ...His character.. ..Original Ode.. ..Death of Com. Mur- ray's son. It is the usual course with writers of Biography, to se- lect for the subjects of their researches and lucubrations, those fortunate characters who have signalized themselves by one or more splendid achievements or literary produc- tions, and have become the idols of " the people." The name of the hero is a passport for the volume, whether he is dressed out in the simple, artless, and beautiful attire of 33 246 NAVAL HEROES. Marmontel, or in the heavy, coarse, and clumsy garb of Bos- well. Our own country, from the landing of the pilgrims to this time, affords as rich a harvest of biography as Rome did for Plutarch — as France has for Marmontel and La Montaigne — and as England, Scotland Ireland, and Wales? has, for a countless throng of major and minor biographers. But notwithstanding u the harvest is truly plenteous, the la- bourers are few." To the conductors of the Port Folio* and the Analectic Magazine, the American reader is more indebted for the Biography of modern worthies, than to all other American periodical publications. The only regret in the mind of their readers is, that although they have multurn in parvo 4 they do not furnish their patrons with half enough. In the last mentioned publication, is found the following forcible remark — " We have seen works of this kind ("American Biographical Works,") too often made the vehicles of adulation to the living, and extravagant eulogy of the dead, for the sordid purpose of gaining patronage, and swelling subscription lists." And, in speaking of au- thors, it says that there " is a chance of being dazzled by the glare of fresh blown reputations, or of mistaking tran- sient notoriety for that solid fame which is slowly collected from the sober judgment of the nation." One fact however is certain, that the " Analectic Maga- zine itself," has suddenly captivated its readers, with high- ly coloured and highly finished biographies of " fresh- blown reputations" which were gained in a fortunate hour and not " slowly collected." * With deference, however, Henry Dearborn's " Account of the Battle of Bunker Hill," must always be excepted. COM. ALEXANDER MURRAY. 247 These biographies were to be found in the offices of men and upon the toilets of ladies. The faces of these favour- ites of fortune, and heroes of renown were exhibited in galleries of painting, in parlours and in print-shops ; and the lovers of the olfactory cordial could scarcely gratify one of the five senses, without snuffing to the " immortal glory'' of some matchless hero, looking from the lid of his pocket- box. The fatigued nymph, while wafting to her relief the refreshing breeze, would suddenly stop — eye the heroe's face upon her fan — give a melting sigh ; and, in tender tones exclaim "May beauty ever be the reward of the brave." Such has not been the high destiny of the venerable reteran whose life and character, with deep solicitude, I now attempt imperfectly to portray. Aexander Murray was born in Chestertown. state of Maryland, in the memorable year 1755 — memorable as the year which first involved the infant colonies in a war with a foreign civilized power, for with native savages they had always been at war. To trace back the parentage of Alexander Murray, would open one of the most capacious fields of biography, and em- brace one of the most interesting periods of British history. It would require the polished pen of their own Robertson to detail, with historical fidelity, the various and deeply in- teresting events, in which his grandfather, the " Highland Chief Murray" was engaged, and the heart-rending scenes through which he, his family and his Clan were doomed to pass. The Highland chiefs of Scotland have ever been renown- ed as the most daring, romantic, chivalrous and dauntless race of men upon earth. Their simple, unvarnished histo- 248 NAVAL HEROES. ry will speak their eulogy, far better than the inflated ro- mances and wizzard fictions which " invade" our country. When the House of Stuart became extinct, as it regards regal power, by the abdication of the British throne, by James 11., and the House of Brunswick began, by import- ing the Guelphs from the continent, real high-minded Scots- men claimed in the eighteenth century, as a matter of right, what, in the nineteenth, has been enforced by the arm of pow- er, that none but a " legitimate sovereign" should set upon the throne of Britain. The ardent and chivalrous young Murray, Alexander's grand-sire, put himself at the head of his Clan, possessed each of spirits, chivalrous as his own, and espoused the cause of the Pretender. Every American reader is, or ought to be, well acquaint- ed with English history at that period, as it is so much con- nected with the history of our own country. History has been well denominated " Philosophy teaching by exam- ple," and every American, in a certain degree, must be a historian, philosopher, and politician, to enable him to ap- preciate the invaluable blessings enjoyed in our Republic, when compared with the oppression of his fellow-creatures in other portions of the globe. The cause that Murray's ancestor espoused was the cause of the Catholic Religion and the cause of his Prince ; a religion which may well claim the greatest antiquity of any system adopted under the Christian dispensation ; and since the Reformation effected by the immortal Martin Lu- ther, may claim quite as much consistency. It was a master-stretch of policy in the House of Tudor, to alarm their subjects about the horrors of the Catholic religion, and to set at defiance the Papal power, in order COM. ALEXANDER MURRAY. 249 to exercise as corrupt a power themselves over their own subjects.* It was well for the House of Brunswick to denounce the House of Stuart — to adhere to the " Protestant Succes- sion" — to raise the alarm of " gun-powder plots and trea- son" in order to furnish a pretext for the persecution of the unoffending Catholics, whom they still persecute ; and, to secure themselves upon the throne of Britain. It is unnecessary to ascertain whether the ancient Mur- rays were advocates of the Pope, of Luther, Calvin, or Knox — suffice it to say that in the memorable " Scots Re- bellion" in seventeen hundred and fifteen, the gallant Scots Chief, Murray, and his dauntless clan fought as much in the cause of a legitimate sovereign, as did the Irish gen- eral, Arthur Wellesley^ in the " Holy Alliance" of eigh- teen hundred and fifteen.! * The history of Henry VIII. and his daughter, Queen Elizabeth. f Attend for a moment to what a high-minded Englishman said up- on this subject "to the People 1 ' — (in Feb. I780,) which met the eye «f Geo. III. in an hour after it issued from the press. — " Let me conjure you to be no longer deceived by the pious hypoc- risy of the present king ; he has done more in the short space of a feis years, to subvert your religion and liberties, and to ruin the nation, than ever Charles thejirst did during the whole course of his life, and yet he was brought to the block, by the virtue, firmness, and resolu- tion of our forefathers ; if ke had not, we at this day should not have had either liberty or freedom to have contended for, nor would Eng- land have been reduced to its present miserable, disgraceful and ru- inous state, by a dasterdly, mulish tyrant, of the house of Brunswick." " James the second at his first coming to the crown of England, pro- fessed (though not BORN a BRITON) so much tenderness for the people, and so great a regard for the preservation of their liberties and their property, that the parliament and people gave him more money than he asked, and he himself had honour enough to put a stop to the profusion of their grants and foolish loyalty. The deluded peo- *8i NAVAL HEROES. A successful rebellion acquires the more courtly name of a revolution ; while a suppressed one is denominated treason. The rebellion of Scotland, in 1715, was crushed by the hand of English power, and her union with the British crown annihilated her ancient greatness forever. Murray's immense estates were confiscated to pay for his valour — he was banished from the land of his nativity. as Napoleon was from Europe, because his presence might endanger the safety of a then new dynasty, but which has now become legitimatized, by the legerdemain of princes and the force of arms. The British king, little thought that from the loins of this banished Chief, in little more than half a century after the sentence of banishment was promulgated and executed, there would arise a gallant warrior in the New World, who would act a most distinguished part in a drama, the catas- trophe of which would be, in wresting from the crown of Britain the finest section of the British empire — and such was Alexander Murray, the subject of this sketch. He pie presently saw their error, for he soon began to put the imperial law of his own WILL in execution, and to exercise an arbitrary and uncontroled power over them." " James being deserted by his priests and chaplains (who had in- vested him with all his illegal arbitrary power) he was at length obli- ged to fly from the face of an injured people, and seek refuge in a for- eign land, as a proper and just reward for all his villainy. That anoth- er base, ungrateful, perjured, hypocritical and blood-thirsty tyrant, may share the same or a worse fate, is the sincere wish of millions." Thus it would seem from the days of the Charleses and the Jameses of the House of Stuart, and down to the third George of the House of Brunswick, there has been a succession of changes from bad to worse, until no change could render the British monarchy more oppressive to the people. It was the House of Brunswick that the Murrays op- posed, and for that they were banished as rebels. COM. ALEXANDER MURRAY. 25j was surely a legitimate, and he was also a successful rebel — a revolutionist. The reader may wish to he informed of the destiny of the Chief, subsequent to his banishment. What would fur- nish materials for a volume, must be despatched in a few sentences, and this will lead directly to the notice of his descendant, the American Murray. The banished Highland Chief landed with the wreck of his fortune, and with his family, upon the island of Barba- does. The attachment of a Scotsman to " Auld Coila" is proverbial ; and although the pensioned Johnson sneer- ed at her barren fields, and oaten cakes, and declared that *' The best prospect he saw in Scotland was the high road that led to Old England" — yet a more high minded — a more profound literati — a more virtuous peasantry, were never known than she has aiways produced. Although on the beautiful island of Barbadoes, it must, for a season, have seemed to him like a waste, and he to himself but an exile and a wonder.* But his innate great- ness could not be diminished by being driven from a once powerful kingdom to an island in the West Indies. It was here the father of our hero was born, as was also a sister of his father, the grand-mother of Benjamin Chew, Esq. of Philadelphia. His father and his aunt, in early life, directed their views to America, which was then, is now, and heaven * The situation of this banished chief, reminds the historian of thai of the Doge of Genoa, at Paris, who had been ordered to leave his dominions, and appear before his Most Christian Majesty. A French courtier asked the Doge " What was the greatest wonder he there saw ?" He indignantly answered. M The Doge of Genoa in the city of Paris." 252 NAVAL HEROES. grant it ever may be, the most capacious tield for manly enterprise, and the safest ' asylum for oppressed humanity.' He selected Chestertown, in Maryland, as the place of his residence, and soon became distinguished as a physi- cian. His dignified manners, his scientific acquirements, and his manly virtues, attracted the attention of people of the first rank, and secured the affection of a Miss Smith, the daughter of a distinguished citizen, whom he mar- ried. They were blessed with a numerous progeny, who have all sustained the high standing of their exalted pro- genitors. Alexander Murray, (the late Commodore) was the youngest child of this numerous family. Had he been born in the dominions of Britain, where the hereditary principle exalts the first-born, and leaves younger sons to press forward to fortune and to fame, by their own efforts, this circumstance alone would have served as a sort of impetus to urge him forward. But in our beloved Repub- lic, primogeniture is known only in family records, or the parish register. All sons are here ' born equal,' and like Paul, are ' born free.' Young Murray received as good an education as the se- minaries of learning in that portion of the country, at that time, could afford. The literary and scientific acquire- ments of his father led him to appreciate duly the inesti- mable value of knowledge, in any and in every situation in life ; and he spared no pains to qualify his numerous children to act well their parts, as they entered, one after the other, upon the stage of life. It will not comport with the limits or design of this im- perfect Sketch, to notice further any branch of this inter- esting family, except the one who is the subject of it. A COM. ALEXANDER MURRAY. Biography of the Family of Murray would make a capa- cious and deeply interesting volume. Horn and educated in a state, which hounds upon the largest hay in the world, and has for its capital one of the most important commercial cities in the Republic, the an- imating scenes upon the bosom of the Chesapeake, and the ceaseless activity in the city of Baltimore, led young Mur- ray to select the nautical profession as his pursuit for life. It was a circumstance peculiarly favourable to the then future renown of the American navy, that those who after- wards became commanders in it, first made themselves masters of the theory and practice of navigation. As it would be but repeating what the writer hastily expressed in a recent publication upon this subject, he hopes to be excused for referring the reader to that volume.* In the organization of the British navy a vast many young men, who can scarcely distinguish the main from the quarter-deck — the starboard bow from the larboard quarter — the mainsail from the jib, being " younger sons of younger brothers," " the cankers of a calm world," and yet having the clumsy blood of a degenerated nobility sluggishly coursing through their nerveless bodies, are ap- pointed officers to command the weather-beaten sons of Neptune in their floating dungeons, who were forced into them by a press-gang. Such men there, have to obey such boys there. Not so was it in the little marine force of the Thirteen Colonies in the War of the Revolution, which sprang up, as if by magic, and as if by magic conquered the floating bulwarks of the " Q.ieen of the Ocean." * " Life and Character of Com. Decatur." 2d Edition, 34 254 NAVAL HEROES. The little Continental Ships were then commanded by such men as Nicholas Biddle, George Little, John Manley 7 James Nicholson, Edivard Preble, John Paul Jones, Thomas Truxton, the Subject of this Sketch, and a list of men too numerous to mention here, and too valiant and patriotic ever to be forgotten. They learned to serve themselves, before they ordered others to service — they learned the necessity of obedience, before they aspired to the rank of commanders. So indefatigable was young Murray as a navigator — so skilful, so trust-worthy, that at the early age of eighteen, he became master of a valuable ship in the European trade. The early education of this high-minded descendant, of a high-minded race, made him well acquainted with the history of the country of his ancestors, and more minutely with the tragical history of his ancestors themselves. His classical parents infused into his naturally ardent mind, a high sense of independence — detailed to him the scenes of sufferings through which his grandsire passed — gave him an account of the confiscation of his ample estates in Scotland, to satiate the almost insatiable cupidity of the reigning House of Brunswick, wielding the sceptre of pow- er over the land of Wallace, Bruce, Lovatt, and " Murray of Elginshire." As the same dynasty began to stretch her powerful arm across the Atlantic, and to wield the rod of oppression over his adopted, as she had for a century over the native land of his ancestors, he rekindled in the bosom of his son the noble flame which three quarters* of a century before glow- ed in the bosom of his grandfather, a Chief of the Clan of Elginshire. * The Rebellion in Scotland began in 1715, in America in 1775, COM. ALEXANDER MURRAY. 255 it was not so with all the Murray s who sprang from Scotland. The classical William Murray crossed the Riv- er Forth, — became a subservient courtier to George III, — left the muses which he had courted in the land of Ossian, Campbell, and Burns, and became a peer of Old England. This defection made Pope, the Bard of Twickenham, ex- claim, " How great an Ovid was in Murray lost." This Prince of British poets, had he not been somewhat captivated with the princes of Hanover, might better have sung, " How great a Murray* was in Mansfield lost." * William Murray, by his subserviency to the house of Brunswick, was created " Earl of Mansfield." Well may the American Mur- rays despise the memory of a Scots Murray, springing from the same country, and from the same stock, when they reflect, that he, in the court of Britain, advised his master George III. to exterminate them in their adopted country. In" The Scourge" No. IV. published in London, Feb. 19, 1780, ais lordship is thus addressed. To the Right Hon. (subtle Scotsman) William Murray, Earl of Mansfield. My Lord, The wicked, mischievous, and hellish conspiracy your Lordship had formed (in conjunction with others,) under the auspices of a das. tardly tyrant, against the common rights of mankind, and envied con- stitution of the British empire, was laid deep, and it spread wide, you urged it on with a steady zeal, and an unwearied application, but as soon as your infernal scheme of destroying charters, and arbitrarily imposing taxes, on a people whom you never saw, in America, contrary even to any pretence or legal claim of right failed ; you watched aU opportunities to begin the bloody execution and slaughter of mankind, that you might satiate your Scots revenge with human gore ; thefirs^ opposition to despotic power you declared in the privy council, to be an act of rebellion, and in consequence of that diabolical advice which 256 NAVAL HEROES. But the Earl of Mansfield, once the companion of Pope, and once the idol of the House of Brunswick, and still the you knew would please the temper of your master, whose aim is to be the imperial tyrant and butcher of the human race ; many thousand distressed orphans, and unhappy widows are now bewailing the loss of their murdered fathers and husbands, and daily call to Heaven for vengeance on your head, as the author of their miseries ; for they %vell know, my Lord, that you have been the artful friend who planned and advised their total extirpation by the sword, if they would not submit to be slaves. This, my Lord, the whole kingdom must be con- vinced of, and believe, for none but a monster in human shape, or some malignant devil could have said what you uttered in the House of Peers against the people of America more than four years since, " If we don't kill them, they will kill us ;" yes, my Lord, it was your advice and your design to kill them, and you, together with your hu- mane master, gloried in the slaughter : Heaven be praised, your suc- cess has not been so great as you expected, they have gloriously and manfully resisted your tyranny, and frustrated all your schemes of ' despotism and arbitrary power over them. As you found, my Lord, the Americans were too wise, too brave, and too virtuous to be cheated out of their birth-rights as Englishmen, by your chicanery, sophistry, and Scotch cunning, or by force ; you and your master the tool of a desperate faction, are now determined to try the same experiment upon the deluded people of this country." It is well known to the legal profession what broad strides towards despotic power " Lord Chief Justice Mansfield," made in the trial of Woodfall, for publishing the " Letters of Junius"— Letters which now rank with the very first of the " British Classics," — Letters which William Murray might have considered as cheaply suppressed al the price of his " Earldom in Scotland," — Letters which must make the present hereditary Earl of Mansfield blush at the " bad eminence" of his ancestor, and which may well make the American Murrays exult that their ancestor became a victim instead of a favourite to the House of Brunswick. The following language was used by another patriotic Englishman. "Freedom of speech and public writing, is the birthright of every man, a sacred and most invaluable privilege, so essential and necessa- ry to the happiness of a free people, that the security of property, and COM. ALEXANDER MURRAY. 2j7 oracle with the iegal profession, will never be forgotten, for the Letters of Junius will forever be read; and Wil- liam Murray, will " Be dam'd to everlasting fame." Alexander Murray, when the olive branch of peace ceased to wave over his native land, and the clarion of war echoed along its extended shores, and over its lofty mountains, left the peaceable and profitable pursuits of commerce, to face the enemies of his country arm to arm. From eighteen to twenty one, he had been in command of merchant vessels, and had become acquainted with eve- ry part of the Atlantic ocean, where it was most probable, that the British marine, would bring its force to operate, and where British commerce would be most exposed to capture. the preservation of liberty, must stand or fall with it. Whoever, like the present king and his ministers, would undermine an equal, limited and free government, and destroy the natural rights of mankind, must begin by subduing freedom of speech and public writing (this was at- tempted in the second year of this blessed reign, against the authors, printers and publishers of the Monitor, North Briton, &c.) which that hoary traitor Mansfield (who has more than once on his knees drank damnation to the present family on the throne) calls the licen- tiousness of the press, because he and his master wish to do public mischief without hearing of it, conscious that it has been a terror to tyrants, traitors, and oppressors." That great and able statesman, the Lord Treasurer Burleigh, used frequently to say that England would never be ruined, unless it was by a Parliament ; he consequently foresaw, that other oppressions wrought by violence, would be at once resisted and by violence shaken off again. This maxim those notorious enemies to the peace and freedom of mankind, Lords Bute and Mansfield, instilledjinto the mind of the king, and he with a narrowness of soul, peculiar to himself, and to every tyrant upon earth, sucked in the poison ; and Lord North, the contemptible puppet of the court faction, was singled out as a proper tool to carry into execution the grand design of public mis- chief and public ruin. 258 NAVAL HEROES. In 1 776, he was appointed a Lieutenant in the Continen- tal Navy, although there was then no navy but " in em- bryo." Although privateering was then, as it still continues to be, a legalized mode of warfare, yet it was a pursuit not congenial with the lofty sentiments of the lieutenant. Although the ocean was his adopted and favourite ele- ment, he solicited a command in the first Maryland regi- ment, then about to be organized under the command of Col. William Smallwood,* who afterwards highly distin- guished himself. * Fully persuaded that the reader will be gratified with a conclusive testimony of the high reputation of Com. Murray's first commander upon land, I present him with that from the lips of the dying and gal- lant Baron De Kalb, communicated by his gallant aid-de-camp Chevalier Dubuyson, who, when his general had received eleven wounds, flung his own body between him and the enemy's bayonets, and received them himself. Charlotte, August 26, 1780. " Dear General, " Having received several wounds in the action of the 16th instant, I was made a prisoner with the Honourable Major General the Baron de Kalb, with whom I served as aid-de-camp and friend, and had an opportunity of attending that great and good officer during the short time he languished with eleven wounds, which proved mortal on the third day. " It is with pleasure I obey the Baron's last commands, in present- ing his most affectionate compliments to all the officers and men of his division : expressed the greatest satisfaction in the testimony giv- en by the British army of the bravery of his troops : and he was charmed with the firm opposition they made to superior force, when abandoned by the rest of the army. The gallant behaviour of the De- laware regiment, and the companies of artillery attached to the brig- ades, afforded him infinite pleasure, and the exemplary conduct of the whole division, gave him an endearing sense of the merit of the troops he had the honor to command. I am, dear General, With regard and respect, your most obedient, humble servant, La Chevaliek Dubuyson. To Brigadier General Smallwood. COM. ALEXANDER MURRAY. 259 He was immediately appointed a Lieutenant in this re ■^imcnt, and, with his gallant company of Marylanderv In less than thirty days after this battle, (at Camden, S. C.) in which Brig. Gen. Smallwood bore a distinguished part (and in which the Maryland regimeut in which Alexander Murray was once a Cap- tain, "covered itself with glory,") he was appointed Major General of the division then lately commanded by the heroic De Kalb. Confident that the reader will be pleased with the following lette; in my possession, I insert it ; and would add, that Gen. Morgan men tioned in the letter was the Hero of the battle of the Cowpens, and afterwards commander of the Virginia forces in suppressing the " Whiskey Rebellion," in the western counties of Pennsylvania. Col. Washington was a captain at the victory of Trentou ; and, with Lieut. James Monroe, (the President) took from the British artiller- ists two cannon in the act of firing, and were both there severely wounded. The pine log stratagem was admirably calculated to intim- idate the detested tories of the south, who infested that country a= much as they did New York, when Capt. Murray was in the army. (Copy) Camp, Dec, 6, 1780. Dear Sir, Receiving intelligence, on the first of this instant, that parties of the tories were advancing from the outposts of the British, up to Cane and Lynche's creeks, with a view to intercept our waggons, and avail themselves of the supplies in those settlements, from whence the prin- cipal support of the troops under my command has been drawn for some time past. I detached General Morgan, with 500 infantry, and Lieut. Colonel Washington with 100 cavalry, to cover a number of waggons which were ordered down in that quarter after corn and pork, and if possible to intercept the tories. The enemy, gaining intelligence of the advance of our troops, re- treated, and whilst the covering party remained on that duty, Lieut. Col. Washington, with the contiuental and some militia horse, reduced Col. Rugely, Maj. Cook and 112 tory officers and soldiers, (in a log- ged barn, on Rugely's plantation, strongly secured by abatis) to sur render at discretion, without fii ing a shot. The Colonel's address and stratagem, on the occasion, deserve ap 260 NAVAL HEROES. followed Colonel Smallwood to the "tented field," as Lieutenant Monroe (now the admired President of the American Republic) did, with his company of gallant Vir- ginians, follow Col. Weedon. Both of these regiments joined the main army near New York. Both of these ardent Lieutenants fought in the battle of White-plains. Both of them were promoted to a captaincy for their steady conduct and cool courage. Each contracted a friendship for the other, which lasted and which strengthened until the day of Alexander Mur- ray's death. Lieut. Murray was also in the sanguinary battle of Flat- bush, where he displayed his usual gallantry. In this bat- tle Maj. Gen. Israel Putnam was senior officer, as he was the preceding year, at the battle of Bunker Hill. Lieut. Murray was in the masterly retreat from Long Island with Gen. Putnam's division of the army, and again joined the main army in the city of New York. Capt. Murray had hitherto escaped unhurt, although in the midst of danger. But he was soon to receive an injury which was to end only with his life. Gen. Washington's whole force in New York was less than 20,000, while Sir William Howe's army, as estimated plause ; having no artillery, he mounted a pine log-, and holding out the appearance of an attack with field pieces, carried his point, by sending in a flag, and demanding an immediate surrender. With very sincere regard, I remain, your most obedient, Humble servant, Wm. Smallwood. Hon. Gen. Greene. Published by order of CoDgress, Charles Thomson, Sec'ry. COM. ALEXANDER MURRAY. 261 by the British minister, consisting of British and Hessian troops^ amounted to more than 30,000. The city was invested by a strong naval force — Hudson and East rivers were commanded by British men of war, and the whole American army seemed to be in the same state as a " forlorn hope." That consummate general, Washington, like the Roman Fabius, and the French Moreau, knew that the salvation of an army by a skilful and military retreat,* was far more glorious than to expose it to almost inevitable destruction, *In relation to this retreat, which might be said to have been the salvation of the American cause, I find the following fact in relation to the imminent danger of about one fifth of the whole force, in " Thatch- er's Journal." "When retreating from New York, (in 1776) Major General Put- nam at the head of 3500 continental troop9, was in the rear, and the last that left the city. In order to avoid any of the enemy that might be advancing in the direct road to the city, he made choice of a road parallel with, and contiguous to, the North River, till he could arrive at a certain angle whence another road would conduct him in such a direction as that he might form a junction with our army. It so hap- pened that a body of about 8000 British and Hessians were at the same moment advancing on the road which would have brought them in im- mediate contact with Gen. Putnam, before he could have reached the turn in the other road.— Most fortunately, the British generals, seeing no prospect of engaging our troops, halted their own, and repaired to the house of a Mr. Robert Murray, a Quaker and a friend of our cause. Mrs. Murray treated them with cake and wine, and they were induced to tarry two hours or more. Governor Tryon frequently joking her about her American friends. By this happy incident, Gen. Putnam, by continuing his march, escaped a rencontre with a greatly superior force, which must have proved fatal to his whole party.— One half hour, it is said, would have been sufficient for tlJI enemy to secure the road at the turn, and entirely cut off Gen. Putnam's retreat. It has since become almost a common saying among our officers, (hat Mrs. Murray saved this part of the American army." 35 262 NAVAL HEROES. a rushing precipitately upon an overwhelming superiority of force. Capt. Murray at about the time of the evacuation of the city of New York, was stationed at the battery, and there, by the hursting and explosion of numerous pieces of cannon was severely deafened. The loss of one eye and one arm to Nelson, was scarcely a greater calamity than the partial loss of hearing was to Capt. Murray. Nelson had one eye remaining to descry the enemy, and one arm left to wield his sword ; but Mur- ray could not distinctly hear the deserved applauses of his friends, or the mysterious whispering of his enemies — for such a man will always have them. The approbation of Washington, the Commander in Chief, — of Putnam, his chief Commander at Flatbush, and of Smallwood, his immediate commander, all evidenced by promoting him to a Captaincy, was a volume of com- mendation. Had Capt. Murray retired from the army with such a rank — obtained for such services, — from such exalted men, it would have been announced at his death that he was an HtRo in the War of the Revolution. But Murray knew that his countrymen had " passed the Rubicon ;" and although but a youth of twenty-one, he was resolved to face the enemy, until the last glimmering of hope from resistance was extinguished — then sullenly to retire before them, fighting as he retired ; and, when he had reached the utmost verge of the land of liberty, that place should be his sepnlchre. He continued in the service of the American army, until the close of the campaign of 1777, embracing, from the time he entered it, to that period, the most gloomy, des- COM. ALEXANDER MURRAY. 263 pairing, and desperate period, of the unequal contest be- tween the infant colonies of America, and the kingdom of Great Britain, probahly when he entered into it, — during the progress of it, and to the close of it, the most powerful kingdom in Europe. During the two campaigns of '76 and '77, Captain Mur. ray was always at the post of duty and of danger, as a sol- dier ; but he impatiently awaited the time when he could resume his station of Lieutenant, as an ocean-combatant. The service he had to perform when in the army, as was that of all the officers and soldiers in those two desponding years, was more arduous and dangerous, than during any other period of the revolutionary struggle. They not only had to contend against the best disciplined troops which Europe could produce, but they suffered all the wants, privations, sicknesses, and despair which an ill appointed camp invariably occasions. There was scarce any arrangement that would make an American officer of 18-23 think of a Quarter-master, Com- missary, or Hospital Department. In addition to these disheartening circumstances, that ef- feminate, nerveless, heartless race of beings called then by a name, which is now almost synonimous with traitor, — the American tories, were an annoyance to the American troops, worse, if worse could be, than the arms of a foreign enemy in the field of battle, or the ravages of want and dis- ease in the camp. But, as the clemency of the American government then spared them, let them now be remember- ed only with indignant and contemptuous pity. Of the many thousand patriotic Americans who aided in the holy cause of freedom, in the city of New York and its vicinity ; more became victims in British prison ships 264 NAVAL HEROES. ■ — by the predatory incursions of tories and cow-boys, (not meaning the stern unyielding patriots, Williams, Van Wert, and Paulding, who captured Andre,) and also by un- wholesome food and want of medical aid, than ever fell by the arms of the enemy in open contest.* Capt. Murray, besides the serious injury sustained by the explosion at the battery in New- York, was so much * The writer, Dot having' been born until the close of the War of the Revolution, hopes to be indulged with a brief note, to allude to circumstances relating to his immediate connections , detailed to him by the surviving veterans of that awful contest. In 1777, Gen Putnam, from incessant anxiety and exertions as Commander of the most important post between the armies of Sir Henry Clinton and General Burgoyne, was seized with sickness, as a prelude to the paralytic shock, which afterwards suddenly prostrated one half of his powerful frame. His Head Quarters were near West Point, where the Military Academy, and Fort Putnam are now situa- ted. Major (now Col) Daniel Putnam, his son, his constant aid, and unlimited confidant, endured the excessive fatigue attached to his office, and the anxiety of a son for a sick father. Doctor Albigence Waldo, — the intimate of Gen. Putnam — the principal surgeon of his division — and afterwards his eulogist at his grave, by perpetual pro- fessional labour, in attending upon his sick, and dyiDg comrades, was reduced almost to the grave himself. Mr. Samuel Waldo, (son in law to Gen. Putnam,) and a non-commissioned officer in his division, beheld more than one half of the company to which he was attached, carried corpses from their beds of straw to the grave, expecting every hour to follow his departed companions to the common grave of the soldier. Such tales of distress, made an impression upon the mind of the writer, in very early years which become more deepened as he ad- vances in life. How must the hearts of the present race of Ameri- cans, glow with admiration, when they know, that amidst this army of calamities, as well as amidst an army of foreign and domestic foes, not a murmur was heard but against the common enemy — not an execra- tion was uttered but against the barbarous banditti of Tories and Cow boys. COM. ALEXANDER MURRAY. 26$ affected in his health, as to render it indispensably neces- sary for him to retire for a season to the hospitable man- sion of Dr. Murray, his father, in Chestertown. Happy for him was it that he had such a refuge from the " peltings of the pitiless storms" which he had for twenty- four tedious months, endured. But " pitiful, wondrous pitiful" like the sufferings of Othello, was the destiny of many war-worn and veteran officers and soldiers, whose frames had been mutilated by wounds, — emaciated by want of food, — uncovered for want of clothing — and debilitated by hard service and wasting sickness, when wandering towards their distant homes through a country swarming with tories, more merciless than the king of terrors, or with avaricious tavern keepers, whose pendant signs, perhaps with the face of Washington, Putnam, Warren, Montgomery, or Greene, upon them, to induce the war-worn veteran to enter for refreshment and repose — for which these harpies extorted from them, per- haps the whole avails of a campaign, for twenty-four hour:? rest, and a small pittance of food. Many overgrown estates in the country were begun in this way ; and the present holders of them roll in wealth and splendour upon the hard-earned gains of the veterans of the revolution ; and who would now spurn from their doors these few surviving heroes, unless their pockets were lined with the pension money from government, obtained fcr them by one of the wounded Heroes of Trenton, James Monroe. Capt. Murray, as soon as his health would permit, resum- ed his station in the navy : and although there was no go- vernment vessel of suitable force for him as first lieutenant: and as the grade of Master Commandant was not then es- tablished ; he urgently solicited some immediate command. 266 NAVAL HEROES. He had become well acquainted with the enemy by two years' constant service in the army. He had seen them di- vest themselves of the noble sentiment of the ancient Sax- on> from whom they derive their origin, and assume the fe- rocious character of Goths. His whole soul was enthusiastically alive in the sacred cause of his country, of liberty, and of man. Inaction to him, was next to despair. The Marine Committee, for there was then no Navy Department organized as it now is, selected Lieutenant Murray to command a Letter of Marque. The Oid Congress confirmed the appointment; for the congress, then as a body, discharged nearly all the various duties which are now discharged in the various departments of the Treasury, War, and Navy, and as to the " Depart- ment of State," that consisted ostensibly of Charles Thomson,* whose counter-signature to that of " President * It may not be uninteresting to some readers to learn, that the venerable Secretary of the Old Congress still survives; and that at his retired mansion in the vicinity of Philadelphia, he has occupied much of his time in latter years, in translating the whole of the Old and New Testament, and, with the utmost care and scrupulous accura- cy, revising the proof sheets as they issued from the press, when his translation was printed in four volumes. A perusal of that translation would be interesting in this age of Biblical criticism. It is however to be regretted that this " Octogenarian" did not occupy the same time in giving outlines of the proceedings of the Old Congress. We have, to be sure, his official signature to the most important Acts, Resolu- tions, Recommendations, &c. &c. of the 18th century— But we want detail, minutce, incidents, characters, in the Army, JSavy, &c. from such a source. The exalted Secretary, in his exalted employ of translating the Bible, may be in danger of being remembered with such sacrilegious translators as Hone, &c. in Great- Britain, who by Mr. Gilford is called " The mocker of his God, the rude scorner of his Savieur, the buffoon parodist of Holy Writ — the cold blooded, heartless, COM. ALEXANDER MURRAY. 267 of Congress" operated upon American officers much more forcibly than does the amulet and charm upon Mahometans. To see the names of Peyton Rudolph, Juhi\ Hancock, Henry Laurens, Jonathan Trumbull, &c. with Secre- tary Thomson's upon the same parchment, was a pledge that those who carried this evidence, were true to their country ; and what must forever excite wonder, but one officer of any considerable grade, ever proved to be false, and he was the once gallant, but afterwards the disappoint- ed, revengeful, diabolical, and traitorous Benedict Arnold. While 1 feel a. pride as a native citizen of Connecticut, whose ancestors were true to their country, and evidenced their fidelity by leading and joining the embattled ranks of the Republic — when I remember that that little beloved and patriotic state furnished double her proportion of sol- diers, and treble her quota of officers in the army — when it is not forgotten that she furnished Major Gen. Israel Putnam — Major Gen. Parsons, — Major Gen. Huntington — Brig. Gen. Wocster, Col. Trumbull, Col. Allen, Col. Hum- phreys, Col. Knowlton, Col. Grosvenor, Col. Chester, Maj. Daniel Putnam, Maj. Pierce and others of inferior grade, but probably of equal valour ; — and that in the Na- vy she furnished Capt. Harden, Capt. Tryon, &c. as enga- ged in the same cause with Alexander Murray,* all of whom distinguished themselves — while this gallant cata- logue is looked upon with a laudable pride, with the very extremity of mortification is it remembered that Arnold malicious infidel, who labours day and night to rob the sick of their consolations of religion, and the dying of their hopes of immortality." * In the war of '98 with France,. of 1803 and 4 wifch Tripoli, and in 1812 with Britain, Connecticut also produced Isaac Hull, Isaac Chaun- cey and Charles Morris, m NAVAL HEROEb. also was a native of Connecticut.* His galiantry at Que- bec and Saratoga ivas tarnished, yea, obliterated by his treason at West- Point, and his barbarity in Virginia and at Groton and New-London in Connnecticut. The mental happiness he once derived from integrity and patriotism, was converted to anguish of heart for his treason.! * Since the above was in type, the Author has been informed, by good authority, that Arnold was a native of New Jersey. f While the detested Arnold was plotting " treason, stratagems, and spoils" at West Point, the most important inland post in Ameri- ca, the Father of the Republic, the now sainted Washington, was in council at Hartford, Con. at the residence of the patriotic Jeremiah Wadsworth, devising measures of defence and offence against the enemy, with Gen. Knox, and other American officers, together with Count Rochambeau, Admiral Tern ay, and Marquis De la Fayette. The treason was announced by that consummate general, Nathan- iel Greene, in General Orders. Orange Town, Sept. 26, 1780. Treason, of the blackest die, was yesterday discovered. General Arnold, who commanded at West Point, lost to every sentiment of ho- nour, of private and public obligation, was about to deliver up that important post into the hands of the enemy. Such an event must have given the American cause a deadly wound, if not a fatal stab ; happi- ly, the treason has been timely discovered to prevent the fatal misfor- tune. The providential train of circumstances which leads to it, af- fords the most convincing proof the liberties of America are the object of Divine Protection. At the same time the treason is to be regretted, the General cannot help congratulating the army on the happy discovery. Our enemies, despairing of carrying their point by force, are prac- tising every base act to effect by bribery and corruption, what they cannot accomplish in a manly way. Great honour is due to the American army,* that this is the first in- stance of treason of this kind, where many were to be expected from the nature of the dispute, and nothing is so bright an ornament in the character of the American soldiers, as their having been proof against all the arts and seductions of an insidious enemy. COM. ALEXANDER MURRAY. 269 The reader is now respectfully invited to leave the gal- lant Murray as a Captain in the army, and follow the wri- ter in attempting to portray his no less, and, if possible, his more brilliant career, from a lieutenant, to the senior Post Captain and Commodore in the American navy. In the narrative thus far, it was totally impossible to avoid noticing events in which he was an actor, and indi- viduals with whom he acted. Indeed, history and biogra- phy are like twin brothers, and as they were produced to- gether by nature, so history and biography must travel hand in hand ; and, to make a quotation from ' The word,' which never should be quoted with levity — " Can two walk together unless they are agreed ?" In his Letter of Marque, Capt. Murray made his pas- sage into the Atlantic ocean ; and, in the midst of an im- placable, boastful, and imperious enemy, fought " various battles with various success." To give a particular detail of all his services---of all his rencontres — of all his dangers, and all his escapes, would Gen. Washington, who by the direction of Congress, reprimanded Arnold, even before his treason, says, after he had committed it—" 1 am mistaken, if at this time, Arnold is not undergoing- the torments of a mental hell." When upon his expedition against Virginia, he had a Virginian captain as prisoner, whom he asked — "What would the Americans do with me if they should take me ?" The noble Virginian, worthy of the btate that produced Washington, answered—" They would first cut off that lame leg, which was wounded in the cause of freedom and virtue [at Quebec] and bury it with the honours of war ; and after- wards hang the remainder of your body in gibbets." But let us dis- miss the disgusting subject, and of all traitors say, with the Prince of the drama- Why let the stricken deer go weep, The hart itngalled play. 36 270 NAVAL HEROES. be so similar with those previously attempted in this vol- ume, that it would be, to readers, like " tales twice told to the ears of a drowsy man." Suffice it to say, that as long as he sailed under the ' Con- tinental Flag,' he acted worthy of the glorious cause in which he patriotically engaged ; and advanced in reputa- tion, as his country advanced towards the conclusion of the glorious struggle for independence. After a long, laborious, and incessant course of service, the persevering Lieutenant, near Newfoundland, encoun- tered an enemy's armed ship, of about equal force to his own. After a determined contest for victory, the proud Briton struck to the undaunted American. Murray's ship was encumbered by prisoners equal in number to his own crew, and manifested strong indications of attempting a re-capture. But the Lieutenant bore away for a port in France, with his prize in company, un- til his hopes of landing with it were blasted, and his soli- citude for his prisoners was relieved by being himself, together with his officers and crew, his ship and his prize, captured by a British fleet, and all were carried into New- York, then in possession of Sir William Howe's army. This was the theatre of the once gallant Capt. Murray's military career. He now found himself, by pursuing his naval profession, a prisoner to an overwhelming naval force. But the time had come when imperious Britain began to treat her rebel children in her possession as prisoners of war ; and to extend to them the rights belonging to ci- vilized nations. Lieut. Murray was not incarcerated in the Jersey pris* COM. ALEXANDER MURRAY. 271 on-ship, once " a floating," but here a stationary, " hell of Old England," in which thousands of his gallant country- men had perished as the victims in the cause of freedom. If the reader has condescended to peruse the preceding sketch of Com. Biddle, he will recollect the measures pur- sued by that noble hero of the revolution — by the Old Congress, and by Gen. Washington, to insure proper treat- ment to one of his lieutenants by the name of Josiah.* Powerful as Britain was, and feeble as she imagined the " rebel colonies" to be, she began to be deterred — yes, de- terred, from treating American prisoners with b'arbarity, lest their government should resort to the lex talionis. Capf. Murray Avas paroled — visited his admiring friends in Philadelphia, and was soon after exchanged for a British prisoner of equal rank with himself. Although he had been commandant of a number of well appointed letters of marque, yet he expressed the deepest anxiety to enter as a subordinate officer, on board of a con- tinental frigate. That heroic and consummate officer, and gallant warrior in the cause of his country, Capt. James Nicholson, had been for some time the victorious commander of the Fri- gate Trumbull. Believing that the reader will be gratified with a brief account of an engagement between this frigate and a supe- rior ship of war, before Murray entered her, I present it as published in a Boston Gazette, of June 15, 1780. " Yesterday arrived here the Continental frigate Trum- bull from a cruise, James Nicholson, Esq. commander, who on Friday the 2d inst. in lat. 45, Ion. 64 10, had an engage- * See sketch of Biddle, where the particulars relating to lieutenant Josiah, and Capt. Cunningham, are detailed. 272 NAVAL HEROES. ment with a British ship of 36 twelve and sis pounders. The action was close and severe, and supported with great gallantry by the Captain, officers and company of the Trumbull, against the superior force of the enemy, for five glasses, when both ships were equally disposed to part, the Trumbull having all her masts wounded in such a man- ner as to render it impossible for her to continue the en- gagement, and the British ship in a situation equally unfit for it. In ten minutes after the action ceased, the Trum- bull lost her main and mizen topmasts within musket shot of the cliemy, which they took no notice of, and soon lost her main and mizen masts. The masts of the British ship were left in a tottering condition, and it is supposed, must be gone. She was hulled in many places, all her pumps going, hove over many dead ; and, it is presumed, she suf- fered more than the Trumbull, and must have struck to her, if the Trumbull had not unfortunately sustained the loss of her masts. The Trumbull had 8 men killed, and 31 wounded, six of whom have since died of their wounds ; among the latter was Daniel Starr, the third Lieutenant. The British ship appeared to be bound to Charlestown ; but, as no questions were asked, and the action commenced without ceremony, her name or destination are unknown." As much as the American reader has been astonished at the almost miraculous effect of American naval gunnery in the splendid triumphs of our navy in the second war with Britain, yet if the combats in the first, were as well known as those in the last, they might well excite equal wonder. Witness the Richard and Seraphis — the Randolph and Yar- mouth — the Protector and Admiral Duff, the one just de- tailed, and to which another will now be added. Such a commander as Nicholson, and such a ship as the COM. ALEXANDER MURRAY. 273 Trumbull,* were well fitted for such an officer as Murray, and he entered her as first lieutenant. As soon as the Trumbull was fitted for sea, a most gallant band of officers and seamen were ready, and anxious to catch the first favouring breeze that would waft her along side of any hostile sail of equal force, that would presume to point her guns at this " rebel Frigate" named after the " Rebel Governor of Connecticut." Capt. Murray, as lieutenant on board the Trumbull, al- * This frigate was named after Jonathan Trumbull, of Connec- ticut, president of Congress, and the first of that name, governor of Connecticut. His son, the renowned historical painter, who is now, 1 1823) in the employ of Congress, delineating, and painting, historical views of the most interesting events of the Revolution, was imprisoned in London during that war, in consequence of the following " word to the wise," from a " loyal American," alias, an American tory. He did not perish in the " conflagration," as appears from a note announ- cing his arrival in America. He returned to London after the peace, and there finished his " Battle of Bunker Hill," and the " conflagra tion of Charleston." From the London Morning Post, August 17. " As a loyal American, and a friend to the best of kings, I think it my duty through the channel of your paper, to inform administration, that there are arrived in this city, two Americans (via Holland) and the one is son to the rebel Governor]- of Connecticut ; the latter an in- habitant of Boston, INew England, and a Major in a rebel regiment, by the name of Massachusetts. \ If such persons are suffered to be at liberty in England, another conflagration may soon happen.— A word to the wise is sufficient. Your humble servant, J T— PLE. f Mr. John Trumbull. | John-Steel Tyler. " I have the pleasure to acquaint you, that Governor Trumbull'.'; son, who was a prisoner in England, is arrived at Falmouth, Casco- Bay, and a number of vessels from Holland." • 274 NAVAL HEROES. though not first in command, yet, being next to the first, a very important duty devolved upon him. The reputation of his commander, as well as the fame of the ship, from previous achievements, inspired him with a restless emu- lation to identify his name with both. The Trumbull sailed about the middle of August, 17ol, to convoy a fleet of merchantmen to the Havanna. It was (he last cruise she ever made under American colours ; and probably the last she made under any col- ours. Flushed far more with hopes of victory over some of the boasted " wooden walls of Old England" than over rich transports or merchantmen, which would swell their cotFers with prize money, the gallant and daring Nichol- son, with officers and sailors, daring and gallant as himself, bore away for the Capes of Delaware with his convoy. Lieut. Murray was as familiar with these waters as the village swain is with the rivulets and fish-ponds of his dis- trict, and as fearlessly wafted towards the station of the powerful foe, as he angles for the finny tribe. But, " A storm was nigh — an unsuspected storm." Scarcely had the Trumbull cleared the dangerous Capes before she was struck with a most violent gale of wind. To this, in rapid succession followed the most tremendous peals of thunder, and momently succeeded by gleaming chains of lightning, which increased the horrors of the sur- rounding darkness. The ship was severely injured in her spars, and rigging ; and needed a port to refit. But, such is the fate of naval warfare, the war of the elements which was rending the tackle of the Trumbull asunder, was also precipitating her COM. ALEXANDER MURRAY. 275 into a host of foes, though less powerful, more malignant than the elements themselves. The darkness was so intense, that no sail could be des cried, until the gale had somewhat abated. Capt. Nich- olson then discovered that his ship was close along side H. B. Majesty's Frigate the Iris of 33 guns, and Sloop of War Monk, of 18 guns ! ! The phlegmatic calculator of chances would perhaps gravely declare that Capt. Nicholson ought immediately to have lowered his flag. But amongst his officers were Lieut. Murray, and Lieut. Dale,* who, like their com- mander, took no counsel from fear, were ready to enter into the contest. Instantly all hands were beat to quarters, and with fear- less promptitude repaired to them. The sea was still in terrible commotion from the gale, and the rival ships went furiously into action. The combat was long and doubtful, and the first signal of a cessation of it, was the extinguish- ment of the battle-lanterns of the Iris, which enveloped her again in darkness. The exulting victors were about to board the Iris, as a prize, when the Monk, which had before taken but little part in the action, gained a raking position — run directly under the stern of the Trumbull, which was almost bat- tered to pieces, and poured into her a succession of raking broadsides. In this dreadful situation — the ship unmanageable — Lieuts. Murray and Dale severely wounded, and more than one third of the crew killed or bleeding upon the deck, or in the cockpit, Capt. Nicholson, cool and collected, low ered the flag of the gallant little Trumbull. * Afterwards the justly respected and valiant Com. Dale, -J76 NAVAL HEROES. She was towed into New- York, a useless wreck,-r-and object of curiosity — a hard earned trophy of the prowess of Britain ! As her name does not appear in the " List of the Royal Navy" of the " Queen of the Ocean," she is probably in the same state (allowing for the decay of a third of a cen- tury) as the Chesapeake, Essex, and President frigates, which like the "Continental frigate" Trumbull, were so gallantly defended against superior force as to render them better fitted for the situation of the once British frigates, the Guerriere, and Java, and the British Sloops of War, Peacock, and Penguin ! Capt. Murray might have said, in regard to this action, as he did, as President of the Court Martial, in 1 8 1 5, which tried the lamented Decatur, for surrendering the frigate President to a squadron, after conquering the Endymion, " The enemy gained a ship — the Victory was ours." After languishing with his wounds — fortunately (for his country) surviving them, and obtaining an exchange, Lieut. Murray, was solicited by the government of The Colonies, (for so the British continued to call Congress to that time, 1731,) to be First Lieutenant, of the Continental frigate, Alliance.* This ship was for some time upon the coast of Britain, and belonged to Com. Jones' squadron, when the memora- ble engagement between the Good Man Richard, and the Seraphis occurred. When Lieut. Murray entered her, she was commanded by Capt. Barry, one of the earliest " Naval Heroes of the * This frigate was so named from the Treaty of Amity and " Alli- ance," between America and Louis XVI. and belonged to the squad- ron of Com. .Tone?. See " Sketch of Jones." COM. ALEXANDER MURRAY. 277 Revolution," and who, through a great variety of grades, and a long succession of important services, became the senior Commodore of the American navy. The revolutionary services of Capt. Barry, and Capt. Murray, (acting as lieutenant,) were now drawing towards a close ; and it would be useless to tell what these gallant officers " might have done" had not the proud, and hith- erto unconquered " King of England," sued for peace with his " Rebel Colonies." George III. was happy to give a quit claim deed to his tenants in America, in 1783, and to suffer them to be " Lords of the Manor ;" and, by the Treaty of Ghent, in 1815, he very nearly promised to " warrant and defend the premises." His son, then " Prince Regent," now George IV. may rest assured that if Americans surrender the Rupublic, the surrendry will be made to a power " more powerful" than the United Kingdoms of Great Britain and her dependen- cies. Peace, " with healing in her wings" now shed her be- nign influence over the " Free, Sovereign, and Independ- ent American Republic." The clarion of war, which for seven years of sanguinary contest, had echoed from the em- battled hosts of Republican soldiers, and from the floating bulwarks of Republican seamen, was now succeeded by the harmonious "concords of sweet sounds-" Th»e Olive Branch waved tranquilly over the swelling hills and fertile vallies, where late the unfurled banners of hostile foe? challenged to combat. A grateful, a protected, an emancipated people, raptur ously embraced the peerless champions of their national salvation. 37 •7i NAVAL HEROES. Conspicuous in (he midst of this band of matchless war riors, stood the grandson of a Highland Chief. Alexander Murray. j If.the immortalized spirits of the' illustrious dead are per- mitted to blend with their ceiestial joys a participation in the scenes of terrestrial felicity, the ancient Murray, who was banished from the land of his fathers, by the implaca- ble vengeance of the house of Brunswick, must have look- ed down with complacent delight upon his heroic descend- ant, who had avenged the injuries of his oxen house — the house of Murray. Capt. Murray of the Navy, and Capt. Murray of the Ar- my, uniting in himself the gallant soldier, and the ocean- hero • and divesting himself of the double wreath of laurels acquired in both, assumed the character of the plain and dignified citizen ; proving then, by his amiable and unas- suming deportment, that, with the scars of honour as a warrior, he could return to the gentle pursuits of peace as a citizen; and proving afterwards that he could re-assume the character of the determined warrior, and conduct the victorious arms of his country to any ocean or sea where the enemies of his country were to be found. It might be amusing to trace the life of this early veteran through the season of uninterrupted peace, (excepting the occasional skirmishing with native savages and native insurgents*) which intervened between the conclusion of the war of the revolution, in 1783, and the commencement of the naval warfare with France in 1798. But his life is so exceed- ingly fertile in incidents of a public nature, that a descrip- tion of his private virtue:, however exalted, would be like * Shays' Insurrection in Massachasetts, and the Whisky Rebellion _n Pennsylvania. COM. ALEXANDER MURRAY. 279 the transition from an animating breeze that swells the can- vas of the ship upon her course, clown to the lifeless calm, when sleep, the image of death, holds dominion. Upon the conclusion of the war, every single vestige of the little gallant wonder-working navy of America, was an- nihilated; or, what is the same as to warlike power, was converted into merchantmen. The same keels, that for years had carried the thunder of freemen to the very shores of tyrants, were now trans- porting the productions of every quarter of the globe into the bosom of the Republic. The civil fathers of the country knew well that although America was at the Zenith of national glory, she was at the Nadir of national bankruptcy — that she was plus in fame, that she was minus in wealth. It would have been the xevy extremity of madness to continue -the expense of a naval establishment, when the wounds of the revolutionary heroes were scarcely healed ; and the treasury had scarcely coin enough to defray the expense of medicine for healing them. The gigantic statesmen of that portentous period knew it was as difficult to secure, by constitutional, legislative; judicial, and financial regulations, the rights and liberties of the Republic, as it had been to obtain them by some of the best blood that flowed in the eighteenth century. They acted upon the great and exalted principle, that national glory would be more permanently established by national justice, than by standing armies and powerful fleets in time of peace, requiring a never-ending succession of taxes and burthens to support them. The reader will again excusethe writer for referring him 280 NAVAL HEROES. to a previous publication, and for adopting some hasty re- marks therefrom into this volume.* The profound sagacity, and wary policy of American Statesmen, who set the intricate machine of government in operation under our Republican Constitution, well under- stood the overwhelming bankruptcy in which the British empire was sinking, or rather sunk, by her immense naval force. They sought to bestow upon their Republic richer bles- sings than the blessing of na^nal debt. No human saga- city, however, could, at that time foresee that Americaa commerce would'soon become the direct road to suddee national wealth ; although they must have known that an extended commerce could not long be protected without a naval force, nor a naval force be supported without com- merce. England, the imperious, and then almost undisputed mis- tress of the ocean, wielding the trident of Neptune over every sea, beheld American canvas in every latitude. Her jealousy was roused ; her armed ships searched our vessels for " contraband goods," and impressed our seamen, and immured th6m in their " floating dungeons." Other petty naval powers, whose power on the ocean is now merged with that of Britain, the real dictator of, be- cause the most powerful nation in, Europe, followed the example of aggression, as feeble whappets follow in the train of a ferocious mastiff. The pride of American seamen arising from the national glory of America, acquired in the glorious revolution, was compelled to succumb to the mandate of every puny whip- * Vide Life of Decatur, 2d edition, chap. VI. " National glory an* national taxes." COM. ALEXANDER MURRAY. 281 ster who could show a gun upon his deck. It was not vol- untary submission, but submission " ex necessitate m," — the necessity of the case, — a most painful necessity. The national resources had been almost exclusively de- rived from individual wealth, and that wealth had for years been committed to the ocean as the road to immediate opu- lence. Other nations, which were contending for dominion upon land and upon water, for a considerable period, lost sight of the advancing wealth, and, as a consequence, national power of the American Republic. Contending for crowns which sat loosely upon the fear- ful heads that sustained their ponderous weight, and dread- ing to see them fall, these nations, although contending with each other, seemed to unite in trying to blast the growing commercial importance of America. The Barbary powers, whose corsairs hovered over that portion of the ocean where some part of our enterprising merchantmen were pursuing their lucrative business, plun- dered their vessels, and made slaves of their crews. The greater commercial nations, with more power, and also with more humanity, endeavoured to extirpate American commerce, and check the rapid progress of American wealth. They possessed naval power ; of which our Re- public was then destitute. Our patriotic rulers, as soon as they found our country in possession of the means adequate to the hard task of sup- porting our natural rights upon the ocean, began to devise " ways and means" to do it. It would require more pages than the limits of this sketch will admit, to epitomize the diversified arguments resort- 282 NAVAL HEROES. ed to by the most eminent of American statesmen, in favour of, and against, an efficient naval power.* Some of them looked upon the " thousand armed ships" of England, and despaired. They saw also the Russian. French, Spanish and Danish fleets, and dismissed all hopes of ever coping with any naval power. But Washington was still alive ; and guiding the high destinies of our Republic in peace, as he had done in the war of the Revolution. His prescience readily suggested to his great and expanded mind, the indispensable necessity of a naval force to protect our extensive and extending commerce. Negotiation, to be sure, had obtained some indemnifica- tion for spoliations upon it ; but the most successful nego- tiations have always been made at the mouth of the cannon. Our rulers could no longer endure the thought that our citizens, who had sought a " home upon the deep," should become victims to every prince who could send out a few cruisers, with a rapacious crew. They were determined that American citizens, pursuing a lawful commerce upon the ocean should, as they ought, be protected there as well as those pursuing lawful business on land. This was not the gasconading threat of a nurse, who on- ly brandishes the rod before the eyes of a truant child, without daring to strike ; it was the decisive language of a parent, having a right to command, and power sufficient to enforce his decrees. The year 1794, the auspicious period which laid the foundation of our present naval power, ou^ht to be remem- bered with equal enthusiasm as that of 1776, which made *See Journal of Congress, 1797, 98. COM. ALEXANDER MURRAY. the declaration, and laid the foundation, for American Inde- pendence. The first keel of a frigate that was laid by our govern- ment, was the key-stone to the triumphant arch of Ameri- can glory. If fancy might be indulged upon a subject which needs; not its felicitous aid, we might see Neptune approaching our shores, and surrendering his trident to the banners of Columbia, when (he first American frigate was launched into the bosom of the deep. The writer, then a boy, may hope to be indulged for ex- pressing now, the enthusiasm he felt when he beheld the frigate Constitution launched from a Boston ship yard. This untutored enthusiasm was occasioned, not by knowing then, the immeasurable power of a navy, but from the im- mense assemblage of animated citizens who witnessed the animating scene. They might have exclaimed : — " There is one of our protectors upon the ocean ; while she swims, she will not only protect our individual wealth, but she will manfully sustain our national rights upon the waves. r What might have then been prophecy is now history. Proceeding with that caution and judgment which must mark the course of our rulers, they authorised the building of only four frigates of forty-four guns, and two of thirty- six. Although this diminutive force was hardly sufficient to defend a single port in our own country, or to blockade a single island of any belligerant power, yet the amount of the force was of a secondary consideration to the adoption of the principle that a Naval Force was necessary for the defence of the vast extent of the seaboard of the American Republic, and for the convoy and protection of her im- mensely extended commerce. 284 NAVAL HEROES. For fifteen years, the naval ardour of Americans, which, during the revolutionary struggle elicited such brilliant sparks of ocean valour, had been extinguished by the lu- crative pursuits of commerce — the sordid love of wealth, and the luxury and effeminacy which wealth invariably produces. Towards the close of the administration of the political father and saviour of the Republic, Washington, the younger and middle aged class of Americans seemed to have degenerated alarmingly from the exalted spirit of their ancestors ; who, from the conclusion of the " French war," to the commencement of the " War of the Revolu- tion," were inspired with the " Amor Patriae," far more than they were with the gaudy charms of wealth. The historian will never forget, that the victorious army of Hannibal was conquered upon the plains of Capua where there was no enemy but luxury ; and that Rome herself, having conquered Greece by arms, was herself conquered by the effeminate refinements of Greece ; and the Grecians themselves, after the lapse of many centuries of abject slavery, seem again to be returning to the hero- ism of the days of Achilles ; and may the God of armies fire their souls and strengthen their arms, till the Crescent shall bow to the banner of Greece. John Adams, who with John Hancock, Samuel Adams, and others, first began to rock the " Cradle of Independ- ence" — who manfully sustained the majesty of the warring colonies in foreign courts, when alone and unassisted, and which defied the gigantic power of Britain, was advanced, by the suffrages of his countrymen, in 1797, to the chair which the exalted, the august, the almost adored Wash- ington, had Jeff. COM. ALEXANDER MURRAY. 286 No prince of the House of Brunswick — of Bourbon — of Braganza, or of any other house, or of any other realm, ever ascended a throne so really exalted, as the Chair of the Chief Magistrate of the American Republic. And here, let every surviving American Murray feel a glow of patriotic rapture, that, amongst the first acts of the second President, was giving his signature to the commission of Alexander Murray as a PustCaptain* in the American navy, and designating him to assist in organizing it. This early notice of the new President, must have been doubly gratifying to Capt. Murray, as it was an unsolicited appointment — unknown to his nearest friends, and wholly unknown and unexpected to himself till the moment it was announced to him. Notwithstanding the long and arduous course of service in the army and navy, and the numerous battles in which he had valiantly fought, upon land and water, Capt. Mur- ray when called again into service, was but little over forty ' years of age. As soon as the French marauders in the West Indies laid aside all disguise, and began to prey upon American com- merce, as wolves prowl and prey amongst unprotected flocks, Capt. Murray was ordered to leave the further organization of the navy to other hands, and to conduct a small Corvette into the midst of picaroons (another name for buccaneers and pirates) and neither of them deserving even the humble name of privateersmen. Capt. Murray, in the Corvette Montezuma, with officers and a crew of real Americans, dashed fearlessly amongst these despoilers of merchant ships ; spread dismay and * The writer is not positive that this commmission was signed by- Adams. If it were bv Washington, it was equally flattering. 38 286 NAVAL HEROES. consternation amongst them, — rescued thousands, and per- haps millions of dollars from their grasp, and diffused joy amongst hundreds, and perhaps thousands of American merchants, who might otherwise have been reduced from independence to bankruptcy. While he was thus securing the wealth of individuals, he was pouring treasures into the national coffers. So sensible was the government of his invaluable servi- ces, that Congress passed a vote of thanks* to him, and promoted him to the frigate Insurgente, which had been captured by Com. Truxton. Before he had an opportunity to turn the guns of this ship against the nation that built her, he was removed to the ship that took her. Capt. Murray was then appointed to the command of the frigate Constellation of 32 guns. This little ship had before become a favourite with sailors from her splendid victory over the Le Insurgente, one of the finest frigates in the marine of France. While her gallant commander was walking upon her quarter deck, where the veteran Truxton had walked and conquered before him, his naturally ardent mind must have experienced a sort of extra stimulus. He felt, if he did not express, these sentiments. " This little ship is one representative of the power and energy of the American Republic. The French Republic, once the friend of America, when the murdered Louis XVI, and his matchless queen. Maria Antoinette of the house of Theresa, wielded the gentle sceptre of power over that most charm- ing portion of our world, is now the deadly enemy of my * It is believed that this was the first and only vote of thanks by Congress for similar service. Thanks for single victories hav.e be- come (perhaps) too common. COM. ALEXANDER MURRAY. 2M. ALEXANDER All RRAY. Allusion might be made to the war <>f 1803 ami i. with Tripoli and of I 8 I J. w itli Britain ; but a- we air drawn ski tch of the venerable veteran, Alexander Murra) . to^i arcU bhose periods, in which man) ofhia cotemporariea acquired a deathless fame ; and as many of them, thank heaven, still survive, as the honour and the hopes of the Republic, a deep solicitude i^ fell lesi the labours, even of the "hon- est chronicler," should be converted into a " vehicle of adulation to the living or' extravagant eulogy of the dead." But, living, Alexander Murray never courted the ephe- meral adulation of the day. He possessed a native ener- gy of mind which could not be enervated by fulsome praise, or disheartened by censure or neglect. And, dead, his memory needs not " extravagant eulogy" to transmit his name down to latest posterity amongst the high worthies of Ins species, and the benefactors of the Republic. During the most sanguinary period of the naval contest between America and France, the British had a considera- ble naval force on the West India station. The natural hostility of Britons against Frenchmen, was heightened by the tremendous strides that mighty power was making through the falling kingdoms of Europe. The unnatural hostility of Britons against Americans, was in some measure lowered by the splendid victories the} had recently gained over their deadly foe. The naval commanders of " the Queen of the Ocean" were compelled to manifes-t at least an involuntary respect towards the American flag. The. Magnanimique, once a French ship of the line ot 64 guns, was captured and razeed down to a British frigatt of 48 guns. She was able to sink the Constellation at a single well-directed broadside. >yu NAVAL HEROES. Capt. Murray was cruising in the leeward islands in the Constellation, (then of 32 guns) Capt. Taylor, in the Mag- nanimique, in the dead of night gave the Constellation a gun. This was done, without exhibiting any signal, or in any way discovering the character of his ship. Whether this was an intentional insult to Capt. Murray — a design to disgrace the ship, as the Little Belt attempted to disgrace the President frigate, and as the Leopard actu- ally did disgrace the frigate Chesapeake, years after, the reader will judge from the sequel. Capt. Murray, in the Constellation, set the first example to his brother officers of repelling any indignity to the American flag, proceeding from any cause whatever. His gallant cotemporary, Com. Rodgers, followed his example ; but the commander of the Chesapeake, in 1 807, did not follow it. That ill fated ship, manned from the fine bay where she first embraced her destined element, and on the borders of which still was visible insignia of the Gothic devastations, perpetrated by a Gothic British Admiral in the second war between America and Britain, seemed to have something ominous in her very name. A field for digression is here opened ; but here — " Be- shrew the sombre pencil ;" and return, with delight, to the gallant Capt. Murray, who, upon this singular occasion, dis- covered that cool discretion which constitutes the charac- ter of a great warrior, quite as much as dauntless bravery. Upon receiving the shot, he immediately ordered his ship cleared for action. The result I have the pleasure of giving in the language of a Philadelphia correspondent : " In that doubtful moment of conflict, in the bosom of < OM. VLEXANDEB MURR \\. his officers, he ordered the reefa out oi his topsail time in preparing the ship for battle. \- 30011 as that ob- ject was attained, the ship was pal in II hands beat 'o their quarters- -she passed close under the lee, on oppo site tacks, bringing all the guns t*» bear and poured mt<» th< strange sail a rnosl destructive broadside- As the sail did not return the fire, the Constellation was immediately put tliuiit ; and it was resolved to hail before a second fire was made. Tliis was instantly done, and «' was soon dis< over ed thatthe ship had fired into a friendly sail. Her boat was then despatched to the Constellation, and satisfactory ex- planations were made. " The British officer, from the Magnanimique, assured Capt. Murray that nothing but the uncommon prudence of Capt. Taylor, her commander, and the course pursued by Capt. Murray, checked a dreadful combat, which would have ensued. Every officer and seaman on board each ship, could scarcely be controled from keeping up the tire, as each supposed that it was a French frigate that each had encountered, both which ships were on the look out for. " Capt. Taylor cast not the least censure upon the con- duct of Capt. Murray ; but observed, that he had been se verely injured in his spars, sails and rigging, that he should be obliged to go into port to repair damages." Capt. Taylor probably discovered his error from the lire of an American frigate, as suddenly as Capt. Murray did his, from the display of a British ensign. British offi cers had become sufficiently familiarized with French and Spanish manoevering and gunnery to know that a single broadside, even from a French or Spanish ship of the line could not have produced such disastrous effect as the fire of an American frigate of the small^t c J a6 292 NAVAL HEROEb. It was the first broadside which a ship of war, bearing St. George's cross, had received from one, carrying the Amer- ican stars and stripes, since the war of the Revolution ; and fortunate would it have been for the boasted superiority of British naval prowess, had it been the last. From this brief detail of an interesting incident in Capt. Murray's " meridian life," a useful lesson may be deduced by those who traverse the highway of all nations, in public ships ; which, when afloat, are as sacred as the territory of the nation, whose power they in part represent. Had the " affair of the Chesapeake and Leopard," been adjusted on the spot, as was that of the Constellation and the Magnanimique, the leading cause of the second war be- tween America and Britain might not have widened and widened the breach between the two countries, until it could be healed only by an appeal to arms, which cost some of the best blood which the American Republic and the British Empire have, in modern days, produced. When hostilities ended between America and France, by negotiation, in 1802, the gallant little American navy was rendered still smaller by an act of Congress for the re- duction of it. A great number of accomplished officers, either left the service entirely — retired upon half-pay, or held themselves in readiness once more to unfurl the banners of their coun* try. Capt. Murray, having passed through the whole revolu- tionary struggle, either in the army or navy — having also been in constant and active service during the whole naval warfare with France, might well have wished to retire. Thomas Jefferson, who, like his immediate predeces- sor, was assiduously engaged in the cabinet and council of COM. ALEXANDER MURB M • be nation, and of Virginia, in the revolution— who drew the I )eclaration of American Indepond now our ofthe three survh ora who Bigned it of State, and Ambassador, by th< tment of Washing- ton, was elevated to the chair of Chief Mag i the Republic, when the war-worn Mun once mon lieved from incessant and toilsome duty. The French Republic, as the great and | 'werful, and humiliated French Empire was then called, notwithstand- ing >he had, with resistless strides, prostrated surrounding kingdoms, and out of their wrecks carved kingdoms for her- elf, was rejdy and willing, and even anxious to avail herself of the pacific disposition of the American adminis- tration, to negotiate a peace with the American Republic. She had a specimen of such kind of negotiation as Truxton, Little, Murray, Barry, Decatur the elder, Tryon, kc. displayed upon their tapis. Charles Maurice Talleyrand, once the traveller in Ame- rica, afterwards bishop of Autun, and then the " primum mobile 1 ' of the vast designs of Napoleon, the modern Char- lemagne, perfectly understood the American character and country,* and, in Oliver Ellsworth, C. Cotemvorth Pinckney, and Gouverneur Davie, recognized dignified and decided American diplomatists. : The writer enjoyed the high honour of hearing- from the tongue of the great Oliver Ellsworth, many deeply interesting anecdotes of that unsurpassed minister, Talleyrand. Said Judge Ellsworth, • Mj official duty, as Chief Justice, led me to explore the most interesting- portions of the United States. I thought myself tolerably acqu with the relative situation of the different states,— the different puP suit^ of the people, in different portions of the country. I thought I had a considerable acqi tance with the American character ; judge then of mj surprise, in occasional interviews with Talleyrand, when 1 30 294 NAVAL HEROES. An honourable peace was made, and the American cha= racter, which had begun to decline, was restored to its pristine vigour. It somewhat declined again, and was again restored by the second war with Britain. During the naval warfare with France, the detested and vengeful barbarian Turks, and the graceless and ruthless disciples of the arch impostor of Mecca, were preying in the Mediterranean upon American merchantmen, and American citizens, with that diabolical ferocity which for- ever is stamped upon the conduct of cowards, when they conclude they can rob, ravish and murder, with impunity. Having, in the imperfect sketch ofthejeteran Edward Preble, a successor of the veteran Alexander Murray, briefly alluded to the merciless treatment of the Mahom- etan Turks towards American Christians, I will barely refer the reader to that sketch, as it is almost impossible, in our copious language, to find terms of abhorrence and execra- tion sufficient to pour out against the ireful, detested, im- placable, blood thirsty, God defying, infernal Turks, who are now preying upon the noble Grecians, as they then were upon our noble countrymen in bondage. Although we may well exclaim with the bard, " Let not this weak and erring hand, Presume thy bolts to throw, Nor deal damnation round the land. On each I judge a foe." — heard from this arch Frenchman, more minute descriptions of the country, and more penetrating observations upon the comparative "•wealth, and power, and future prospects of the various states, than I ^iave often heard from an American ; and I must confess I was as- tonished at obtaining ideas of my native country, at a hotel in Paris, which were entirely novel to me." These, according to recollection, and a common-place book, are very near the remarks of Judge Ells- worth. v mm. ALEX wi>! i; mii;i; u . when reflecting upon tin- unvarying ferocit] of Maho- metans towards Christians, it is hardlj possible <<> eipn si our sentiments in Christian language ; and to make us hop< that the spirit of crusading ma) revive thatawui of sub jugation, if not of extermination, be waged by the ( Christian against the Mahometan world.* Capt. Murray had hardly come out of the smoke and thunder of the West Indies, in chastising Frenchmen and Spaniard-, before he was designated as Commodore of a small squadron designed to pour out a portion of American wrath against the Tripolitans, at the head of whom the blood-glutted Jussiiff had placed himself, after embruing his hellish hands in the blood of his father and elder bro- ther ; and driving another brother, the miserable Hamet Caramalli into exile ; either of whom, with equal power, would have been equally merciless as JussufF himself. Com. Murray hoisted his broad pendant upon that match- less little frigate, the Constellation. He seemed to be as partial to that ship, as Nelson, in his earlier life, was to the Agamemnon, a heavy British ship of the line, which, to use the language of one of his nume- * The following forcible description of the Mahometan Turks, in the 19th century, is from the production of an anonymous writer, pub- lished since this Sketch was written. Another late author says : — " The bitter draught prepared for Christians by Mahometans, is drug- ged by the hand of death, and brewed in hell." " The character of the Turks is too well known to require com- ment. Ignorant, fanatical, brutal, and ferocious, destitute of almost every virtue, and tainted with every vice, the sworn foes of every thing bearing the name of Christian, whom no treaties can bind, and whose faith with all but Mahometans is given but to be violated, they ought to be treated as enemies to mankind ; and all civilized nations ought to combine, either in exterminating them from the earth they have polluted, or in depriving them of power for future mischief." 29(5 NAVAL HEROES. rous biographers — " Nelson wore out the Agamemnon, and the Agamemnon almost wore out Nelson." Com. Dale, his gallant associate in the war of the Rev- olution, and his brother officer in the Trumbull, when she beat the Iris, and then struck to the Iris and the Monk, and in which both were severely wounded, had preceded him in the command of an American squadron in the Me- diterranean. It would be extraneous to the object of this sketch to dwell upon the services rendered to his country by Com. Dale. It is sincerely hoped, that some hand far abler than the one that is now attempting a faint outline of his energetic, persevering, and valiant comrade, will present to the Amer- ican reader, a full biography of this hero in three wars — in the most important ocean, and in the most extensive sea in our world. It may, however, be remarked, that Com. Dale led the American van'm the Mediterranean — first exhibited a smalt specimen of that increasing naval power, which, in the hands of one of his successors, Com. Preble, produced such astonishing dismay amongst Turks. One of Com. Dale's officers, Lieut. Sterrett, in the little schooner Enterprise, (which has become the most celebra- ted schooner in the world) gained the first American vic- tory over Turks, as Capt. Hull in the second war did over Britons, in the most celebrated frigate, the Constitution. Com. Dale's squadron was so small, he was not, by his government, permitted to act offensively on any occasion. Lieut. Sterrett acted only defensively, when he battered a Tripolitan corsair of much superior force, almost to pieces, and sent home the wreck of her and her surviving crew, to COM. \U\ V.NDKi; Ml RR \\. be bastinadoed, and to be ridden on asses, (like Christians) as an indelible disgrace, for striking bis flag to a " kellup en Baurha" (( !hristian dog.) Com. Dale thus restrained by instructions from bis go rernment — thus inhibited from striking, until he was struck, and perhaps from the Mow, unable to strike at all, was iii the wors! possible situation a naval comma] could be placed. If he had been unable to blockade his enemy, and (hey should have escaped from port, and assailed him with tre- ble his force, he must either have escaped, if possible, or have patiently waited for a general attack from the whole marine of Tripoli before he could fire a gun, or board a corsair! ! Com. Murray relieved Com. Dale from his arduous du- ty, and embarrassing situation, and had a duty equally ar- duous, and a station equally embarrassing to till himself. This contracted sketch might be swelled to a volume by dilating upon the peculiar relations subsisting in 1802, be- tween the American government and the Barbary states, as they had a peculiar effect upon Com. Murray. Although this skilful and consummate commander could exercise the coolest judgment, and the soundest discretion, yet he never could be brought to think with the gascona- ding knight in Shakspeare, that " the better part of valour is discretion," or to act like him in " counterfeiting death, thereby to save life." However much the philanthropist, the moralist, and the Christian may applaud that pacific disposition in govern- ments which endeavour to bring about " Peace on earth. good will to men," yet, when civilized and christianized nations, who scrupulously regard the faith of treaties — the c 293 NAVAL HEROES. dictates of reason, and the injunctions of humanity, are compelled to enter into collision with the modern Saracens, and the disciples of Mahomet, who habitually violate them all, it would be feminine pusillanimity to exclaim Peace ! peace ! Missionary societies may send missionaries to convert them to Christianity— governments may send ambassadors to negotiate with them— the wealth of nations may be ex- hausted in paying them tribute— they detest the very sound of Christianity— they hold it a canon of Mahometan faith to violate compacts with christians, and the tribute they ex- tort, increases their means of waging war with the whole Christian world. They are restrained by nothing but fear • and fear can be excited in them by nothing but the display of power, and the roaring of hostile cannon. From 1803 to 1823 the American Republic have wisely acted upon this principle ; and a Turk would now as soon rattle his beads in the face of an emir of the Sublime Porte, as to offer injury or indignity to an American. Com. Murray, with the frigate Constellation, displayed the American banner, the insignia of which the Tripolitans had learned from his predecessor. He had but little other force • but so vigilant was he and all his officers and sea- men, that these lawless robbers were kept in continual check. Their marine force was sheltered in the bay of Tripoli, under the protection of the powerful batteries of the Ba- shaw. He still felt the most sovereign contempt for Amer- icans, and yet the extremest mortification at beholding his inactive navy moored under his immediate view for safety. He however derived a sort of devilish satisfaction in COM. \U.\ VNDEB Ml RRA1 . ting his infernal eyes, l>> gazing into In dungeon where man) Americans were in pinions and in < bains. Although the American commander could not relieve them, the hapless captives felt the cheering balm of hope, '•vrn in their dungeon. It was a consoling consideration that the} were held in remembran< e bj their gallant coun- trymen ; and thai the government of their country was be- ginning the work of their redemption. The name of Alexander Murray was familiar with thi m. is was that of Dale and Sterrett; and they felt assured that there was a redeeming spirit in the American Repub- lic, that would sever their chains asunder — rescue them from Mahometan bondage, and emancipate them by the arm of power, rather than by exorbitant ransom. But their hope was to be " long deferred;" and hundreds of their co'antrj nun, who aft* i wards came to redeem them, were to linger away many — many tedious months in the same gloomy cell with themselves. Com. Murray so distributed his small force, as not to suffer a single Tripolitan keel to escape, to prey upon American merchantmen. By this arrangement, he was, atone time, entirely alone with his ship before the bay of Tripoli. He was for some time totally becalmed, but a little distance from the same fatal rock upon which one of his gallant successors, Com. Bainbridge immoveably struck; and who with Irs unrival- ed officers and crew, became prisoners to the detested Jus- suff, the reigning bashaw of Tripoli. In this perilous situation, an overwhelming superiority of force came out in small vesst Is which would be mana- ged in a calm, by sweeps, and gave battle to Com. Mui ray. 300 NAVAL HEROES. He sustained the attack for a long time, by wearing ship and keeping the enemy at a respectful distance, who still felt secure of victory. A favourable breeze at length sprang up — he made im- mediate sail into the midst of the Bashaw's fleet — poured out starboard and larboard broadsides, and shots from his forecastle guns and stern-chasers with such astonishing ra- pidity, and destructive effect, that the Tripolitan vessels, shattered, battered, and scattered, made their escape into their harbour, and under protection of their own batteries. The nature of the warfare was such, that had Com. Murray been able, as he unquestionably was, to have cap- tured a part at least, of this squadron, it would not have corresponded with his instructions. He could only de- fend himself. Com. Dale, after the gallant Sterrett had silenced and completely beaten a heavy corsair, could not make a prize of her, but sent her home to the bashaw. It was as impossible for the bashaw to conceal his severe chagrin at the result of this rencontre, as it was for the American prisoners to conceal their high exultation at the success of it, on the part of the gallant commodore. During his continuance upon this station, he had no oth- er opportunity to display his skill and valour in defending his force against the enemy. He had " scotched the snake, but not killed him ;" and the bashaw was permitted to eject his venom at a harmless distance ; or, like the casti- gated ape, to bruise himself by the threshings of his own arms. The American Commodore, by his instructions, could do nothing but brandish his rod — he could not strike offensively. Com. Murray continued to stand off, and to stand on. — COM. ALEX INDER Ml RR \Y. 101 blockading and defying the mortified Tripolitans. It * i i sluggish pursuit for an active warrior, who had conquer ed BritonB upon land and upon water ; and who had ad ministered effectual chastisement to boasting Frenchmen and insolent Spaniards. But. devoted, from innate and acquired principle, to hi- country, he would serve it in any station, so be it he could support its rights, and advance its interests. He little knew what secret influence was operating in his own country, to displace him, even from the station he then held. He was soon to receive a blow from the other side of the Atlantic ; but the hand that was to inflict it, was concealed from his view. President Jefferson had ever manifested the utmost respect for Com. Murray, and continued to manifest it till the day of his death. Without attempting to deduce the reasons, a priori, for the measure, we know the ultimatum was, that Com. Murray was super- seded by Capt. Morris, and returned to America in the Constellation. This was the third war from which Alexander Murray had returned to the bosom of his country, and to the circle of his friends, with unfading laurels acquired in each, and without a blot to tarnish his escutcheon. It is often the fate of rash and impetuous valour, heedless of fixed princi- ple, to commit some untoward act that dims the lustre of brilliant achievements. The applause that is justly be- stowed upon " deeds of noble daring," is immediately fol- lowed by expressions of regret that some indelible stain is impressed upon the actor, that can never be obliterated. It was not so, most fortunately for his imperishable reputa- tion, with Com. Murray. Although he was superseded, in his command in the Mediterranean by Com. Morris, as one 40 302 NAVAL HEROES. of his immortal successors, Com. Preble was, by Com. Barron, Murray could not be degraded. As a finished sta- tue upon a lofty pedestal is diminished to the view only by its superior elevation, so the fame of this warrior cannot be lessened, only by surpassing the comprehension of those who contemplate it. Although at this period, Com. Murray had not reached fifty years in the calender of his life, he had spent nearly one third of that time in sanguinary warfare in righting for the cause of the Republic. Yes! he had fought, and fought valiantly in thirteen battles ! Many of his gallant countrymen have acquired their fame and their fortune too, in one victory, and in one hour ; and the great mass of their countrymen who never faced an enemy, or exposed their lives in the perils and dangers of war, now participate in the glory which they have attached to the name of American. As to the course pursued by the immediate successor of Com. Murray in the command of the American squadron in the Mediterranean, it belongs not to this brief sketch of his immediate predecessor. At this period of American his- tory, the writer was too young, and ought to have been en- grossed too much by other pursuits, to take any interest in the political commotions that then agitated the councils of this country. They did not then interest him : but, anxious to acquire at least a superficial view of measures then adop- ted, he has recently recurred to the publications of that day. It was like groping one's way through a wilderness of "thorns and thistles," and as the traveller made his egress, ingress, and regress, he would be most sensibly con- vinced, at every step, that the curse denounced against this world in consequence of " Adam's first transgression," had COM. ALEX wnr.R mi i;i: \\. not ceased to operate ; — that the sentci i <• against th< Bei pent, " on thj bellj ahall thou go," w; ( - then in fall for< i . ( !om. Murray had then the proud satisfa< tion ot mm ord« nvj, in the catalogue of lu> friends ami patrons, the exalted names of George Washington, John Adams, and Thomas Fefferson ; and at the da) of his death might add those of James Madison, and James .Monroe. \i the time Com. Morris was appointed to succeed C Murray, the Navy Department had become so organized, that the President did not deem it his duty to interpose hie authority in regard to the arrangements therein digested. That department acted to a certain degree as a nominating body, and the President as the approving power of the nom- inations therein made. When he approved of the nomina- tion of Com. Morris, he could not foresee what would be the course of that officer as commander of the Mediterra- nean squadron. But the American people now know wha* tool: place at the seat of government, after that officer was succeeded by the veteran Preble. Here that subject will be dismissed. The man of research needs not to be reminded of it ; and those who catch their opinions second handed, from those who adopted them without reason, and cannot be reasoned out of them, will be dismissed with perfect indifference, whether they ap- prove or disapprove of the treatment towards Com. Mur- ray. To a sluggish and neutralized mind, which is neither el- evated by pleasure, or depressed by pain — which knows not how to appreciate the acute sensibility of a high- minded man, when honoured, or the extremity of his mor- tification when neglected, it would seem that Com. Murray 304 NAVAL HEROES. ought to have been satisfied, and even thankful for being removed from active service ! The prince of the drama makes the injured Leonato thus address the consoling Antonio — " It is all men's office to preach patience " To those who wring under a load of injury." The phlegmatic beings, whose hearts are as cold as an anchorite, and whose affections can no more be warmed than polar ice, most generally place themselves uncalled into the monitory chair, and deal out a string of thread-bare proverbs, which their nurses taught them upon the stool at the same time they cudgelled into their brains the or- thodox catechism. Such neutral creatures will have the presumption to of- fer advice and consolation to such a man as was Alexan- Murray ! " Fillip me with a three-man betle," (as Fal- staffsaid) " before I would condescend to receive either advice, consolation, or cash from such miserable comfort- ers." It is a man's own soul that measures the injury that is done him ; and it is aggravated or softened as his mind is more elevated, or more stupified. Com. Mcirray was too exalted to descend to the low lev- el of the swarms of insects who were warmed into life by the resuscitating rays of Presidential favour. He would neither smile upon them for their officious intermeddling in his favour, or frown upon them for their machinations to effect his degradation. He brushed these ephemera away from him, as a lion would shake dew-drops from his mane, and remonstrated against his removal to the Executive. He had one privi- COM. ALEXANDER MURRAY, m lege left him : the privilege of i omplaining, and he did it at " Head-Quarters." ft was ever the course <>j' tin sainted Washington, bo far as executive favours could constitutionally extend, to bestow the rewards of honour and emolument upon those who had devoted themselves to the service of the Repub- lic. If any sort of proportion could he maintained between services rendered, and rewards to be bestowed, what would have been the reward of Com. Murray ? It is unhesitatingly averred, that at the time he returned to America from the Mediterranean in 1802, there was not a single American living who had passed through more ar- duous duty ; faced more dangers — fought in more battles ; or achieved more victories. His locks were blanched by the elements ; his body was wounded by hostile arms ; his sense of hearing was affect- ed, by the concussions of roaring cannon, and a premature old age had insidiously stolen upon him by his prodigality of his own blood. This is no coloured fiction, unless the plain story of the unsurpassed services of Murray, may be ranked amongst the varnished tales of romance. When speaking of rewards due to this veteran of the Republic, money is as far from the conceptions of the wri- ter, as it was from him. It was rank — it was station — it was command, he sought for, and which he so meritoriously deserved. Was age an objection to him ? let it be remembered thai the then President, at just about this time, when answering an objection to an officer in Connecticut on account of age, said, " at eighty, Franklin was the ornament of human na- ture," and at eighty-rive he is now. himself. 306 NAVAL HEROES. Com Murray to be sure had reached the meridian of life ; and, by regular gradation, had ascended to the meridian of glory ; and had the American government permitted him to go forward in the path to the temple of fame, in which he had so successfully travelled all his life, Com. Morris, his first successor, might have escaped from the adimadver- sions of his government, and country — Com. Preble, his second successor, might have died without some of the lau- rels which he won, and carried to his grave — and Com. Barron, his third successor, might have returned to Ameri- ica without the honour of blockading the Tripolitan navy, until Mr. Lear had negotiated a peace which Preble had conquered. One of the profoundest, and altogether the most interest- ing of Roman historians, remarks (to put it in plain Eng- lish) " A wise government will avail itself of the successful example of its enemy." The British government, when Nelson had continued to conquer, continued him in service, until he prostrated the combined navy of France and Spain at Trafalgar ; and it is no extravagant conjecture to pre- sume, from the uniform judgment and courage of Com. Murray, that if he had been continued in the command of the Mediterranean squadron, with its subsequent augment- ation, he would have triumphantly returned to America in 1 805 ; and that he would now be remembered as the first Christian hero who made the followers of Mahomet hum- bly submit to Christian prowess. To use a term of the legal profession, the " quo animo^ with which he was treated, cannot, at this remove of time, be fathomed ; and, to resort to another axiom of lawyers, " suggestio falsi, et suppressio veri," are stamped in a mor- al sense, with eqnal turpitude. • OM. ALEXANDER All RRAY. Whether it was the suggestion of falsehood, or the ■ pression of truth, that removed him, the surviving offi< ei of the Navy Department at that period, ma) possibly de- termine. These remarks arc not made to harrow up the acrimo- ny of part) feelings. The writer rejoices, most Bincerely. that the " era of good feelings" now most happily prevails m our beloved Republic. But, notwithstanding Alexander Murray is removed from his temporal to his eternal glory — notwithstanding his sublimated spirit is now equally regard- •>f the deserved applause of his earthly friends and the insidious machinations oX his ungenerous competitors, it is the solemn duty of his surviving countrymen, to enter a solemn protest against any injury committed against this sleeping hero, when in life. Com. Murray, after having expressed his dignified indig- nation at the course pursued in regard to the command in the Mediterranean, retired with the consciousness of hav- ing served his country, and in that way, served his Creator faithfully. He was not one of those querulous, petulant men, who utter forth their quotidian ditties of effeminate and useless lamentation. But, with the heart and with the ken of a patriot, he watched the progress of the American navy. He gloried in the fame of Preble, who finished what his compatriot and friend Com. Dale began. He welcomed the returning Bainbridge, Porter, Jones and Biddle from bondage; and Decatur (the younger) Stewart. Hull, Law- rence, Morris, (the younger) Macdonou^h, Trippe, &c. from victory. He might then have said to his Maker — " Now let thy # servant depart in peace, for mine eyes have seen thy salvation. " J08 NAVAL HEROES. But, scarcely had two years more rolled over his hon- oured head, before the most flagrant outrage was commit- ted against the American Republic and her little navy. An imperious British officer, in H. B. Majesty's ship the Leopard assailed the American frigate Chesapeake ! It was the tocsin of war to all true Americans ; and the ieading cause of the second war between America and Bri- tain. Notwithstanding more than half a century had been ad- ded to years gone by since his birth ; like a sleeping Samp- son, he was again aroused to the highest possible pitch of patriotic indignation. He saw Britons, with a course unvarying as the march of time, still determined to treat Americans as rebels, as she continued to treat Scotsmen, till Scotsmen bowed to her prowess. A monitory voice from his grandsire, the Highland Chief, seemed to arise from his cerement, " My grandson, never submit to Britons. Her grasp is the grasp of death ; and if Americans bow to her, the tranquillity that will afterwards remain to them, will be like the tranquillity of my surviving countrymen in Scotland— the tranquillity of trembling slaves." Com. Murray again urgently solicited a command in the navy, and was again repulsed. He had exhausted his all, but his life for his country, and his magnanimous spirit could but illy brook this mysterious neglect. Romans sometimes made voluntary sacrifices of them- selves, if they could not sacrifice their lives for their coun- try. Englishmen have improved upon the example ; and Americans, for this cause, have capped the cjimax, by sac- rificing each other. ( OM. ALEX \M>KR MURR \Y. 309 But Com. Murray was too courageous to turn th arms which he had bo succe sfullj wielded against the en emies of the Republic", against himself; and above all deeds of desperation, he shuddered at the thought of imbruing his hand in the blood <>!' his countrymen, however regard less his country were of hi> merits. He remembered that Aristides was banished his coun- try because he was "too just;' 5 and that his grandfathei was banished Scotland because he was too unyielding to bow to foreign or domestic foes. The young, and ardent, and ambitious candidates for fame were impetuously rushing forward to the Executive, and to the Navy Department, foi office and for promotion ; and however much a junior officer might respect his sen- iors, they were willing to see them removed to make a place for themselves. The admirable nautical song of the British " Post Cap- tain" is familiar with seamen. He had grown bald in the service of his king and country ; and, when asked why hie locks had left him, coolly answered : " Because so many have travelled o'er my head.' 1 The executive was not only thronged with those who wanted and who deserved promotion, but was surrounded by hordes of caterers for their companions. Without any pretensions for themselves, they fell, like hyaenas and jackalls, upon those who stood between them and their friends. Richard of England and Jussutf of Tripoli, forgot con- sanguinity, and waded through the blood of fathers and brothers to their thrones. Bloody as were their deeds, there was something in them more noble than in the con- duct of the sycophantic grovellers—secret underminers— 41 310 NAVAL HEROES. assassins of reputation, who tried to rob from veterans the hard-earned fame they had acquired by their toils, their valour, and their blood. The character of Murray, with all who knew him, (and the whole of the five Presidents of the Republic knew him well) all dignified men at the American court knew him personally, and all intelligent Americans knew him by re- putation, carried with it an antidote against the vile, vil- lainous, venomous vermin, whose clandestine machinations endeavoured to effect his degradation ; knowing that mi- ners, by a concealed train, may demolish a fortress which might defy the attacks of open assailants. The excitement produced by the disgrrceful affair of the Chesapeake, was in some measure allayed by the disavow- al of young Mr. Erskine, then British minister at the Amer- ican court; but a wound inflicted upon national honour, is always slow in healing ; and although Mr. Rose was sent to America on a special mission to effect an accommoda- tion, the masterly diplomatic correspondence of Mr. Mon- roe, then Secretary of State, presented the subject to his countrymen, in such determined and dignified language, that although all the atonement and reparation which Bri- tain could make, was made, yet, like a secret malady in a robust svstem, it preyed upon the feelings of all true Amer- icans, and especially upon those attached to the nautical profession ; and upon no one more than upon Com. Mur- ray. Although he had now arrived at the head of the profes- sion, and was senior to all the Post captains and Commo- dores in the American Naval Register, yet the Navy De- partment chose to detain him at home. Certainly he was of vast importance, from his unequal- ( OM. ALEX \M)KK vil in; w. oil fed experience, in the '' home department ;" yet like Bri- tish admirals and able American naval offi< ers, he wu te- nacious ot* rank; not only from seniority, but from abilit) to command. Because Vdmiral John Jervis, afterward Earl of St. Vincent, and now lirst Lord of Admiralty, designated Ho- ratio NeJsion to command a squadron, detached against the French fleet menacing Egypt, John Orde, mentor to Nelson, challenged the Eari, when they both met at home ; and had not the civil power interfered, John Orde migbl have acquired as much honour (with men " highly honour- able,") by conquering John Jervis at Hyde Park, (the Bladensburgh of England) as Horatio Nelson did at Obou* kir. Com. Murray, with " honours thick upon him" still dis- played the great man ; for a great man cannot be rendered small by being placed by his government in a small place. But [ must retract. It is not a small place to be director of naval stations, and ship yards, as will hereafter be shown. From 1807, when the noble, the heroic, the chivalrous Decatur succeeded Barron in the command of the Chesa- peake, a systematic course of aggressions was pursued against American commerce, by the two great belligerant powers of Europe — France and Britain ; and a " restrict- ive system," by way of temporary retaliation, was resorted to by the government of the American Republic. The widely extended commerce of America, was sub- jected to the insatiable grasp of the Orders in Council of Britain, and the Berlin and Milan decrees of France, when abroad ; and detained in port when at home. Each was almost equally destructive of national and in 312 NAVAL HEROES. dividual prosperity. The whole system of American bu- siness was diverted from its established channel. American seamen, amounting to as many as an eighlh of a million, were driven from their wonted employ, and com- pelled, for subsistence, to become followers of the plough, handlers of the scythe, sickle and hoe, or spinners of cot- ton. Having from change to change been reduced from inde- pendence to a bare competency — from active pursuits, to the irksome business of gathering in out-standing debts, from debtors deprived almost of the means of payment, by loss of prosperous business, Americans demanded of their government a decisive course. In 1812 America " was herself again." In the war of 1755, she had driven Frenchmen from their American colonies. In the war of 1775 she compelled Britain to surrender all their American colonies excepting those they had conquered from France for her, when Americans were subjected to British power. In the war of 1798, she had, by her infant navy, compel- led France to respect — yea, to fear the American flag. In the war of 1802, with the Turks, she had completely humbled that portion of the dominions of the " Sublime Porte," bordering upon the shores of the Mediterranean. Com. Murray was born the year the first of these wars broke out. The second of these wars, of nearly eight years continuance, he went completely through. The third he also passed through as serviceably and as victori- ously as the second. In the fourth war, he succeeded the first commander, and just begun to conquer, when he was checked in his progress, and called home. When the fifth war in which his countrymen were en- COM. ALEXANDER MURRAY. H3 i with a foreign foe commenced, he onc< ro< r< iU p- ped forth as the champion <>f his countrj . Having been neglected 1>\ preceding Se< retariee of the N:«\ \ . from 1802, the Secretary in 1812 found a sorl of ei cusc for detaining him Mill at home ! ! It is -aid that defective hearing was again urged as a rea- son why i\n> faithful and victorious veteran should -till be i oneigned to some domestic station. It was no objection to Nelson that he had lost one eye , and the fact that his last despatches to the admiralty were signed by his left hand, for the want of a right one (and Com. Barclay at Lake Erie had but one arm) shows that our bitter enemy, when carrying their arms against almost the whole of the world, never degrade their own heroes by neglecting them. If, at a time of such high excitement in our government, from the unceasing aggressions of Britain, and the deep and hostile machinations of a secret domestic junto, made pel- lucid as glass, during the progress of the war — If political considerations had any influence upon the Navy Depart- ment in designating officers, they surely ought to have pre- ponderated in favour of Com. Murray ; for not an Ameri- can who inhaled American air, was a more sincere, d-evo- ted, and patriotic friend to the Republic, or more deter- mined enemy to Britain. As Andrew Jackson's Irish ancestors had been almost annihilated by British vengeance, so had Alexander Mur- ray's Scots ancestors been banished by the same power; and both were born Americans. A parallel of services ren- dered by, and rewards bestowed upon, each, will not be attempted. Com. Murray's attachment to his country was never 314 NAVAL HEROES. evidenced by inflated protestations of patriotism; nor his decided opposition to Britain by noisy and frothy declama- tion. He surely had no predilection for France, for he had fought that power nearly half as long as he had Bri- tain. He was not merely eo nomine, American, but he was in heart and soul an American ; and his body carried hon- ourable wounds, received in the cause of his country ; and his archives, now in the hands of his surviving friends, show that he carried arms and carried them victoriously against Britons, Frenchmen and Turks, for one eighth of a cen- tury. In 1812, this ardent veteran fervently wished for an op- portunity to afford his active aid in securing the independ- ence by that war, which was acquired in the arduous con- flict, the War of the Revolution. In the campaigns of 1812 and 1 3, he saw many officers of the highest grade taking the field, many years older than himself; and he panted to resort to the ocean as the thea- tre of his exertions. He longed to meet the inveterate foe of America, which assailed his country in 1775, comparatively an infant upon the ocean, to what she had become, (small as her marine was) in 1812. His application for a command, correspondent with his rank, was received with the utmost respect, at the Navy Department ; for Com. Murray had too much weight of character — too much dignity, to meet with a disdainful re- pulse. In the Executive at that period, indeed, in all the pre- ceding Presidents, he had found friends who evinced their high estimation of his character, by their courteous deport- ment, and marked attention to him. But owing either to - OM. ALEXANDER Ml RR \\. ior influence around the Navj Department] more potent than the Department itself, or Borne other unfath- omable cause, with which " strangers intermeddle not," Com. Murray's senior claim to command, was granted to In- juniors ; for every PosM 'aptain in the American Na- vy was junior to him at the commencement of the second war between the American Republic and the Kingdom o( Great-Britain. It is readily admitted that Com. Murray retained his rank in the Navy — that he was paid— that every man in America who could read, and boys who could not read, but who could be taught the Naval Register, as boys sometime*- learn the alphabet and catechism by recitation, pronoun- ced the name of Alexander Murray, JirsU As a first-rate ship, with timbers as sound as they were when they studded the mountain's side, is sometimes laid up " in ordinary" until the " powers that be" put them in commission, so this veteran warrior was detained in port, while many aspiring and gallant young officers, who were Midshipmen when he was Commander of a squadron, were sent forth to encounter an enemy which he had conquered when still younger than they were. While Com. Murray was at home, presiding in Courts- martial for the trial of his juniors, who lost their ships by the war of the elements, or by the overwhelming superiority of force of the enemy. — While, with his countrymen, he was exulting in the splendid victories of that navy in which he served in the whole naval warfare with France, until the peace in 1802, and of which he was Commander in Chief in the Mediterranean in 1802 and 3; he was deprived of an opportuniy of adding to the number of battles in which he had fought, and to the victories he had won. 316 NAVAL HEROES. Although his advice and counsel, from his superior judg- ment and practical knowledge, were of incalculable ser- vice during the last war, yet he would have much prefer- red to have died in the arms of victory, yea, in the hour of defeat ; or, as many of his younger brethren did, to have returned the Conquering Hero. The achievements of the war of 1812, were heightened with exploits in the little American navy of equal splen- dour with those of any period since the power of nations was exemplified in floating batteries. To mention names in the order in which they stand ac- cording to seniority, and not regarding the time when vic- tories were obtained over H. B. Majesty's ships of war of equal, and often of superior force — and what was of as great, or greater detriment to the enemy, and benefit to the Republic, the capture and destruction of the immense, amount of British merchandise, and protection of our own — the names of Rodgers, Bainbridge, Decatur,* Stewart. Hull, Chauncey, Porter, Jones, Morris, Perry,* Macdon- ough, Warrington, *Blakeley, &c. were familiar with eve- ry reader of the journals of the day. But the name of Murray, senior to them all, was not — excepting with those who knew and who duly appreciated the vast services he had previously rendered to the Republic. The unqualified respect and admiration of the surviving veterans of the revolution — of the statesmen who guided the helm of state, when American naval officers made im- perious Frenchmen bow, and merciless Turks tremble, was a full measure of consolation to this dignified warrior, conscious as he was of his own services, and his own high deserts. This time-honoured and war-worn hero, knew that he * Dead. COM. ALEXANDER Mi in: \\ . had been prodigal of his blood in the cause of his country from his boyhood ; and that he should reap a rich harvest of reward in the plaudit- of a grateful people. 1 1< lived to rejoice in the peace of 1 8 1 .;>, and to exult ii the augmented glory of die American navy. The navy had become the theme of all Americans, of all parties ; from thai day to the time when these bastj Bketches are writing, (1823) every American na\al officer, from a Post Captain to a midshipman, finds a ready passport to the presence of the great — the circles of the refined, and even to the admiration of the fair. When the gust of joy, at the conclusion of an honourable peace, had subsided into tranquillized pleasure, and the high honours and rewards to the officers of the army, as well as the navy, had been apportioned, the sound judg- ment and deep penetration of the American cabinet, di- rected its attention to those who could best advance the growing importance and future greatness of the American navy in the " home department," as America was at peace with all the world. Alexander Murray was appointed Commandant of the Navy Yard at Philadelphia ; and, as will be shown in the conclusion, he soon evinced that he still possessed a sound mind, in a sound body. As to his mental faculties, the result of his exertions wili elucidate their original and augmented vigour. As to his bodily powers it will be shown that he could see — that he could/eel — that he could even " hear.'' 1 To adopt a fashionable expression, the small American navy had " conquered a peace" with France in 1802 — with Tripoli in 1305 — had essentially hastened a peace with Britain in 1815; and one of the greatest conquests it had 42 318 NAVAL HEROES, made, it had " conquered the principle" that a navy wa? the most safe, most efficient, most immediate, and least expensive mode of defending the coast of our vast Repub- lic, and if necessary, carrying on offensive operation? against her enemies. Most safe, because it is the crowning glory of American seamen, never to desert from their country, or to turn their arms against her. In their floating garrisons, they never annoy their countrymen, or depredate upon their earnings. Most efficient, because a ship of war, has her crew, her munitions, her stores, her implements of movement, and all the " pomp and circumstance of war," always in com- plete preparation. Most immediate, because, at a " moment's warning," they move with the celerity of the wind, and, with the power and celerity of lightning, strike the approaching foe. Least expensive,* because, 74s, 44s, 36s, 18s, &c. can face a foreign enemy destined against any port from Ma- chias to New-Orleans 5 and, when necessary, can concen- trate their dispersed power at any given point, (if the ex- pression is allowable) like so many portable fortifications. Therefore, as a guarda costa, naval power is almost incal- culably less expensive than the immense number of sta- tionary fortifications necessary to defend a sea -board ex- tending from the 30th to the 15th degree of north latitude. For centuries, the " Wooden Walls of Old England" have been her impregnable defence. They have defended that " fast anchored isle" from the Armada of Philip of Spain, to the Flotilla of Napoleon of France. But while orators are exhausting their eloquence, and poeta are draining their store-houses of imagination in eu- COM. ALEXANDER MURR IY. <3J'. logizing kt Naval Heroes ;" and painters are delineati vivnl colours, naval achievements, it ought not to be for- gotten, thai while expatiating upon the astonishing effect ol nasal power, (lie causi "fii should come in for a Bhare of consideration* That cause originates in Navai Archi rm T\ RE, and N \\ \i. Arm \mi.\ i al home. The following documentary evidence of the effici of naval defence, is from a Secretar) of the navy who ■• knew what \\o said, and -aid what he knew." " The importance of a permanent naval establishment appears to be sanctioned by the voice of the nation : and 1 have a satisfaction in stating, that the means of its gradu- al increase are completely within the reach of our national resources, independently of any foreign country. The materials for building and equipping ships of war are all at command. Steps have been taken to ascertain the best growth and quantities of timber for naval construction, preparatory to contracts and purchases. The want of a mould loft for the naval constructor to lay out the moulds by which the timber is to be cut and shaped previous to transportation, has delayed the completion of arrangements for an adequate supply, A building has been erected at the navy yard in this city for that purpose, and will soon be finished, when the business will progress. Cannon founderies, manufactories of sheet copper, cor- dage, canvas, and the mechanical branches, are in a state to furnish the several supplies mhich may be required. The commerce of the United States increasing with the resources and population of the country, will require a commensurate protection, which a navy alone can afford ; and the experience derived from the active and vigorous employment of a limited navy, during the period of the late war, has demonstrated its efficient utility. 320 NAVAL HEROES. I do, therefore, with confidence recommend an annual increase of our navy, of one ship of the rate of seventy- four guns, two frigates of the first class, rates at forty-four guns, and two sloops of war, which can be built with the surplussage of smaller timber, and with a great saving in that material. The act to increase the navy, passed January 2d 1313, authorized the building of " four ships to rate not less than seventy-four guns, and six frigates to rate forty- four guns each." This act has partly been carried into effect, by building three ships of the rate of seventy-four guns, and three frigates of forty-four guns, in the Atlantic ports. — Txie residue of the appropriation under that act, was ap- plied to the building of large ships and frigates upon Lake Ontario. The concentration of our navy in one or two of the principal ports of the United States, where the depth of water is sufficient for the convenient ingress and egress of the larger vessels, will necessarily lead to the enlargement of the navy yards at such places, with docks for repairs, and the collection of all important materials for the arma- ment and equipments of the different classes of vessels, in order to bring them into active service, upon any emer- gency, with the advantage of combined force. A general system for the gradual and permanent increase of the navy, combining all the various objects connected with an enlarged naval establishment, such as building docks, and extending the accommodation of navy yards and arsenals of general deposit, will form the subjects of a more extensive report to be laid before congress during the present session." To such energetic, and scientific minds as Alexander ( OM. \ j i\ \NDi:i; MURRAY. \li RRAY 9 S ; :tli(l BUI 1 1 t licit nt k;i| and pi.Kli, ;t( ;tihi|-i- ac lli kphreys, and E< ford, air our unequalled captains in the ua\> indebted for much of the renown justly atta< he< io their deathless names. Bui the aspiring ions of fame, when pressing forwaid, are (<><> prom to forget the unostentatious aids who facili tate their progress to it- lofty temple* When Com. Murray assumed the command of the Navj Yard at Philadelphia, he brought into operation the exten- sive and minute knowledge he had acquired from long and continued experience. In Mr. Humphreys, he found a coadjutor exactly cor- responding with his own views ; and they went forward, hand in hand, supporting and supported, in their highly im- portant pursuit. To shew the inquisitive reader the progress of Naval Ar- chitecture, I present him with a copy of the following doc- ument in the Navy Department, prepared nearly twenty- five years since, by one of the architects just mentioned. It is a precious document, as it goes to show, that, as the ship-builders, in the employ of government, have been ad- vancing with rapid strides towards perfection in the con- struction of ships from the highest to the lowest rates, they have, in about the same degree, diminished the expenses of building and fitting them. — " Estimate of the expense of building and equipping a 7 t gun ship of 1G20 tons, prepared some years since by Joshua Humphreys, Esq. of Philadelphia, a shipwright of great respectability and professional talents : Live oak timber, < 10,000 White oak and pine ditto. 30,000 Labour. 85.100 !2-2 NAVAL HEROES. Cables, rigging, &c. 32,400 Smith's work, 30,400 Anchors, marling, 8,700 Sailmaker's bills, two suits, including canvass, 16,200 Joiner's bill, including stuff. 7,800 Carver's bill, 1,620 Tanner's ditto, 700 Rigger's do. 2,240 Painter's do. 3,240 Cooper's do. 4,860 Blockmaker's do. 3,210 Boatbuilder's do. 1,620 Plumber's do. 2,430 Ship Chandlery. 9,720 Turner's bill, 1,215 Copper bolts, 10,960 Sheathing copper, nails, &c. 17,440 Woollens for sheathing. 1,215 311,100 Contingencies, 31,600 Total, $ 342,700 The frigate President, of 1444 tons cost the sum of $220,910. The frigates Constitution, United States, and Philadelphia, probably the same sum each. These frigates and some others, were built twenty-five years since; be- fore the naval warfare with France commenced. Americans have, by some piquant foreigners, been de- nominated a " cyphering race" — by others u shop-keepers, pedlars and jockies" — and by others " penny-wise and COM. \u:\ \.\ui::; mi i;i; w . pound-foolish." If. twenty- fiv< , although in the midst of the "golden days of commercial prosp< ri our cyphering countrymen could calculate far i i ^certain thai twelve 74's and twenty-four frigates oi li guns, at the ahove rate would amount to $9,414,2 and that the annual expense of a 74; in commission wa $202,1 io, and a frigate oi . about $\ 55,000, might well have asked, when "counting the cost" whal will this come to . ; The profound statesmen, and the profound leaders oi statesmen in the American Republic, when they commen- ced the establishment of our present Navy, aimed at noth but defence against foreign augre^-ion. No mad or diabolical schemes of foreign conquest en tercd into their views. The safety of the Republic wa£ committed to their care; and they iiitle thought of drain- ing its wealth to gratify the wicked projects of unhallowed ambition. This steady and magnanimous course has been pursued to near the close of the first quarter of the nine- teenth century ; and ten millions of happy and independ- ent freemen now reap the fruits of their wisdom. Our respectable navy has progressed gradually from in- fancy towards manhood. It has afforded protection to our commerce — it has chastised our foes abroad; and even now can afford protection to our immense coa>t — and. Americans feel not the burden of it. Turn now to the vaunting •• Queen of the Ocean" and behold her. to be sure at the height of Naval glory, and in the lowest depth of national distress, national bankruptcy and (remember India) national guilt ! ! I feel both pleasure and pain in presenting to the reader the following picture, drawn by the hand of a master. NAVAL HEROES. Pleasure, that we find no resemblance to it in our Repub= lie — Pain, that the land of our ancestors presents, in per- spective, the following figure : " We have before us the warning fate of the British na- tion, where the avails of the hard earnings and the life- labor of thousands and tens of thousands are screwed from them to glut the rapacity of an individual, who regards them less than he does his dogs. Time was, when the people of the British Lies would not have borne with this ; but, with the people's money, the devouring government buys men and arms to enable it to wrest the means of defence from the oppressed, build prisons to incarcerate, and gallowses to hang those on, who dare to murmur or complain." To the departed Alexander Murray is our Republic vastly indebted for that system of economy, which for the last years of his laborious life, he introduced into our navy yards. He had one of those rare minds which enabled him to reach the most comprehensive views ; and, at the same time, to investigate the minutest concerns, relative to his important station. It is related of Nelson, that after he fell mortally wounded upon his deck, and as his officers were carrying him below, he exclaimed, in the agony of death, - doirt you see the tiller is not right ?" A great mind is never too exalted to descend to things that are small, and never so little as not to embrace things that are great. Com. Murray, with the constant aid of Mr. Humphreys, the chief shipwright, spared no labour nor pains in the very important business of superintending the erection of public ships. Public property, to an immense amount, was at his dis- posal ; and waste and improvidence, unless palpably enor- COM. ALEXANDER MURRAY. 325 mous, would pass unheeded. Prom the immense variety of articles necessary in the construction and equipment of a public ship, and from the great varict) of artists engaged in working them, losses, too trifling to mention in detail, but too serious to be overlooked in the aggregate, ma) be incurred by public agents, who arc more anxious to amass a fortune for themselves, and to aggrandize their posterity* than to advance the essential and permanent interest oi the Republic. There is often a pompous affectation discernible in public officers and public agents, which seems to render it inconsistent with their official dignity to descend to the mi- nutiae of debit and credit — day-book and ledger — income and expenditure. The channels through which wealth flows into the na- tional treasury are few — the outlets are as numerous as their calls for supply are insatiable ; and like the many mouths of the Nile, or those of our own majestic Mississip- pi, disgorge the contents as fast as they are accumulated. That portion of public expenditure which is bestowed upon Executive, Legislative, Judiciary, Army and Navy officers, in specific compensations, for services rendered the Republic is not here meaned — the moderate amount of salaries and pa) to such men, who are fit for the stations they fill, is acquiesced in by Americans with pleasure, and looked upon by foreigners with astonishment. But that expenditure is meaned, which consists of annual grants of 1 ' round numbers," to be expended, and accoun- ted tor, not only with mathematical accuracy, but with sound judgment, and rigid economy. Instance the grants for the Commissary, Quartermaster, and Hospital depart- ments. 43 32b NAVAL HEROES. But of all annual grants, that for the " gradual increase of the Navy," according to its amount, is of the greatest importance to the American Republic ; and it requires the most sound heads, honest hearts, and skilful hands, to make an advantageous application of it. Entering such a " protestation," as Coke calls the " ex- clusion of a conclusion," against the supposition that this sketch is designed as an eulogy, it is averred that Alexan- der Murray possessed such a head — such a heart — such a hand. He availed himself of the knowledge and wisdom of his predecessors so far as it was tested by the sanction of " successful experiment ;" but he never said to experiment. " thus far shalt thou go and no farther." Essential improvement in the mechanic arts, oftentimes equals and sometimes surpasses original invention. Com. Murray had an original strength of mind, which, while it enabled him to comprehend the principles upon which hu- man inventions were founded, enabled him also to extend them. Architecture is justly ranked amongst the sciences ; and it is certainly amongst the first and most useful arts. But, it will readily be admitted, that there is scarcely an analogy between land-architecture, and naval architecture. *The ancient orders of architecture, in erecting temples, palaces and mansions upon earth ; and the little improvement, and great injuries they have sustained by modern architects, are easily learned by the commonest ability, and reduced to practice by mere mechanical ingenuity. So plain is the correct road in this art, that he who read? may run in it ; and if, by ignorance or wilfulness, he strays * Sec " Life of Decatur." I OM. ALEXANDER MURRAY. from it, he gets involved in an inextricable labyrinth of blunders, from which he can only be relieved bj retracing his wandering steps. But in the erection of Ships, there can hardly be said to be an established principle ; for where there is, there may be uniformity. Why is it often said, that such and such a ship is the best sailer in the American or British navy ? Wh\ did Com. Decatur say so of the Macedonian ? and why was his noble father, in the Philadelphia, beaten by Capt. Tryon in the Connecticut in a sailing match ? \\ hy did the naval architects of Britain take models from the wretched Chesapeake, when broken up, when she was deemed altogether the most ill-constructed ship in the American navy . ; It was owing even to her superiority over their own. If the President and the Essex frigates were not. too much battered and riddled by the squadrons of Commodores Hays and Hillyar, to have reached British ports, perhaps the ship carpenters of his majesty Geo. IV. may derive a still greater benefit from scrutinizing the wrecks of them. They are the only American models they will ever have in their ports, unless they are gained by the same overwhelming superiority of force. As to the Chesapeake, Britain is welcome to her — she was disgraced by British outrage in 1807, and captured by British strata- gem in 1 8 1 3. Although our navy cannot number the years contained in a quarter of a century ; in point of elegance, strength, power, and celerity, our ships, most decidedly surpass any that have floated upon the ocean, from the days of Carthage to this age. Witness the escapes of the Constitution, Ar- gus, Hornet, Peacock, &c. and the victories of every one of them in fair and equal combat — and, to mention the 328 NAVAL HEROES. most signal instance of rapidity in movement, witness the Guerriere, and Com. Decatur's second* squadron, of nine sail in 1815. It is to the skill, genius, and inventive faculties of our Navy-Commissioners, Superintendents of Navy-yards, and naval architects, that we owe this American superiority, in the construction of our ships. But their armament also is of prime consideration. The reader may be gratified by a very brief sketch ; made from voluminous documents of the comparative force of ships of different rate. In the British navy there are four denominations of ships, 1. Ships of the line, from the largest, down to Sixty-fours. 2. Fifty-fours, to fifties, a distinct class, but rated with line of battle ships. 3. Forties, to Twenties, unexceptionably rated as Frigates. All the foregoing are commanded by Post-Captains. 4. Eighteens to Sixteens, are Sloops of War. All are pierced for, and mount more guns than they are registered at. Besides these, there are Schooners, Fire- ships, Bombards, Gun-boats, Tenders, Cutters, &c. &c. In the American navy are Seventy-fours, Forty-fours, Thirty-sixes, Eighteens, Brigs, Schooners, Gun-boats, &c. The comparative force of Seventy-fours, and Forty- fours, (although at first it may excite surprise) is as one to three. It is demonstrated thus, a 74, at one round, dis- charges 3224 lbs. of shot, a 44 discharges 1360 lbs. As the class of ships is increased, the force is increased, in pro- portion of one to three. Seventy fours are stronger in scantling ; thicker in sides and bottom ; less penetrable to shot, and less liable to be * Decatur's first squadron, in 1815 was the President, Hornet, and Peacock. COM. ALEXANDER Ml RRAY. battered. A Seventy-four is a fair match for three 1 l'a in action. To give the frigates the most favourable posi- tion ; two at the quarter and stern, and one abreast of the 74. From the superior weight of metal in the destructive batter) of the 74, the frigate abreast would he dismasted or sunk with two broadsides. In the mean time, the quar- ter and stern of the 74, might not be essentially injured ; and when a broadside could be brought to bear upon the other two frigates, they must share the fate of the first. — Still, three frigates might take a 74, and what is quite as probable, a 74 might capture or sink three frigates. The relative efficiency, of Frigates and Sloops of War, is at least as one to two ; and nearly the same reasoning will apply to them as to 74's and 44's. The CyaDe was frigate built, and mounted 34 guns, the Levant 21, and yet the galiant and accomplished Capt. Charles Stewart (from whose communications the preceding statement was col- lected) captured them both in 40 minutes. From the preceding concise sketch, the reader may have a faint conception of the importance of the duties devolv- ed upon Com. Murray, as Superintendant of the Navy Yard at Philadelphia, as it regards Naval Architecture and Naval Armament. The Commodore must have been gratified with the un- qualified and undivided approbation of his intelligent fellow citizens at home — of inquisitive and investigating visitors from every portion of the Republic, and with the admira- tion of distinguished foreigners, at the rapid progress of naval science, in this New World. But how much would the satisfaction of this veteran offi- cer, and practical financier have been abated, if, in the midst of this concord of approbation; many sullen and di6- 330 NAVAL HEROES. cordant notes — many " curses, not only loud, but deep, v - were heard from a people, groaning under a weight of taxes excise, and impositions upon every thing they ate, drank, and wore — the ground upon which they walked — the horses Upon which they rode, and the bridles that guided them — upon the chaises in which they rolled along, and upon the harness that glittered upon their horses — upon the light of heaven that enlivened their habitation by day, upon the candle that enabled them to labour, or study at night, and upon the taper that lighted them to bed — upon the bed upon which they reposed, and upon the curtains that concealed them from intruders. Such taxes had been avoided and such murmurs had al- ways been prevented by the provident economical gov- ernment of the Republic ; and Com. Murray, with his co- adjutors, the Naval Commissioners, and the skilful Hum- phreys carried retrenchment and economy in the navy department to the minutest objects under their direction and superintendence. Twenty-five years ago the expense of a 74 was $342,700 and of a 44 gun frigate, $220,910 ; and the expense of smaller rates, in the same proportion. It would fatigue the writer, without amusing the reader to point out the specific objects in which savings to the government have been effected in the erection of our une- qualled ships of war of every rate. Suffice it to say, that under the superintendance of Alexander Murray, at the navy yard in Philadelphia, ships of war, of superiour model, beauty, and strength, have been erected at only a fraction more than two thirds of the sums just mentioned. The following observations upon that all-important arti- ticle ship timber, are well worthy of the consideration of COM. ALEXANDER MURR W. £uperintendants of Navj Yards* To use a popular adage • an ounce of experience is worth a ton of conjecture." ■ \ piece from the National Intelligencer, signed " Expe rience," has induced rue to offer some further observations upon tin- subject. I had touched upon it but slightl) be- fore, and am always pleased to hear o[ Experience, if it be real 1 j founded upon just e cpt riments. The subject may be useful, but is not interesting tomany readers. As an amuse- ment, 1 have attended to the growth, durability, and d< i ajf of vegetable substances ; but of ship-building I have no practical knowledge, therefore I extend my observations no further than the two last qualities in timber which appear to render it tit, or unlit for that purpose. Fermentation,, in vegetable substances, is equivalent to putrefaction, in animal ones. The three great agents in their decomposi- tion or decay, are heat, air, and water; the same whick support them when alive.* Jn timbers, water is the pri- mitive agent, as it brings the other two into operation. Acting upon the saccharine matter it produces spiritous fermentation, and upon acidity, the acid fermentation. In its progress, fermentation excites heat and air. A more minute and technical explanation would be foreign to my purpose ; it may be found in essays expressly upon the iubject. I have seldom found the saccharine or acid principle to abound in any tree, which was durable as a timber. For instance, the black walnut and hickory belong to the same genus of plants, the walnut to the taste is destitute of sac- charine matter, and the hickory abounds with it— the con- sequence is, that the walnut is as remarkable for its dura- * Oxygen, which gives much life and spirit to animals and vegeta- bles, is the greatest decomposer. 332 JNAVAL HEROES. bility, as the hickory for premature decay — when I speak of acidity in timber trees, I shall confine myself to the gallic acid, as the other acids are seldom found in large trees. The gallic acid is a second great cause of decay. The live- oak has very little, in proportion to the black-oak (quercus tinctoria) or the black jack (quercus nigra) yet the first will last for half a century, and the two last not a tenth of that time. The loblolly-bay (gordonia) abounds with the gallic acid, so much so, that the bark is thought better than that of oak for tanning — but the wood, when exposed to wet, will scarcely last a year. Upon this subject I could multiply instances. Both these secondary causes of decay are brought into operation by a partial wetting, and yet may be removed by total immersion. Instance, the furs dug out of the bogs in Ireland, and the oak piles found in the harbour of the ancient Brundusium, which were driven down there by Julius Caesar ; both of them in a sound state. The reason is, a partial wetting excites only a slight motion of the particles, and produces fermentation ; where- as, immersion excludes the air, and on account of the affin- ity of water for the acid and saccharine, it will, in time, at- tract and diffuse them throughout the surrounding fluid. Thus, it is, that timber may be seasoned and preserved by total immersion. It is much to be regretted that there is so little of the live oak in the southern states ; and to make way for cot- ton, the little we have are constantly falling under the axe. It inhabits only the sea islands, and a slip of about twenty miles along the coast. Ten miles from the sea it generally becomes scarce ; but the turkey-oak, which " Experience" says is the second best timber, abounds in our uncultivated swamps. Many trees also attain a great size there, which COM. ILEX iNDER Ml RR \\. ire seldom used for an} purpose. The water-oak (quercuc palustris) and the cotton tree (populous nigra) are of this description, and in fence-rails appear to be durable. " Ex- perience' 1 says " the Chesapeake frigate had a numb her top timbers of black cypn --. and when that Bhip was. stripped down at this navy-yard, the cypress was found to be totally rotten, so thai no further experiment is necessary on cypress." — How ominous i> the name of the Chesa- peake ! Those timbers could not have been black cypi but an inferior and sappy species found near the The region of the best cypress commences where the flowing of the tides ceases ; but one experiment contrary to the mass of experience upon this subject, is not sufficient. I know two houses built of cypress, which men of the last century informed me were built about seventy years ago : about five years since one of them had never had but one coat of shingles ; it was tight, and both of them appear as though they would last seventy years or more. An indigo planter having a set of indigo vats to build, chooses black cypress for this purpose ; he calculates that his vats, al- though alternately exposed to wet and heat, will last thirtv years before they begin to decay at the grooves — after that. he or his sons, if he be dead, cut away the ends of the boards, and either reduce the size of the vats, or convert them into pannel-worked window-sashes. Rice planters universally prefer black cypress* for their rice field-trunks, which are exposed to the alternation of the tides. Yellow- * To the botanists, there is a curious lusiis natures allied to the •ypress, called cypress knees. It is an imperfect tree, wanting 1 leaves and branches. They are said to be excrescences from the roots of the tree, but all I have examined have perfect roots of their own. 44 334 NAVAL HEROES. pine is thought quite inferior for this purpose. Finally y cypress boards and shingles command the highest price in market, and cypress boats are preferred both in fresh and salt water. Yet upon the spot where these things occur every day of our lives, we are told from Washington, that cypress is worth one slight experiment. It is ceded, that it is " well calculated for boats." Now, I ask, if in point of durability it be calculated for boats, why is it not for ships, supposing both to be exposed to sea air and water ? But lest it should be thought that I am interested in the matter, I can assure all who think it worth while to read my observations, that I own no cypress but the shingles ol my house. I wish only to contribute my mite of experi- ence where it might be of service to my country." While this astonishing reduction of expense in the erec- tion and armament of ships has been effected in at least, one navy yard, the annual expense of ships of war in com- mission, have also been surprizingly reduced. In this respect, as well as in the erection of ships, it is unnecessary to point out the specific objects in which re- trenchments have been made. Suffice it again to say, our country is year after year gradually increasing the most efficient defence of the Republic, and annually decreasing the National Debt. Yet Americans scarcely feel a mo- ment's gratitude towards the indefatigable Officers attached to the Navy Department, while Europeans contemplate this miracle in the Science and Art of Republican Govern- ment, with that wonder which is the effect of novelty upon ignorance. While the writer of this imperfect sketch of the life of the patriotic, the gallant, the faithful, the venerable Mur , OM. ALEXANDER Mi RRAY. ,ay, rl.iiins for his memorj 1 1 1 * - unqualified reapei t ol his jurviving countrymen, h<' would presume to claim for the ent Secretary ofthe Navy/ and th< Pavy Comraia turners, then- full share of respect, as constituting the i en tceofthe American Naval System, around which all the primary and secondary agents revolve in the spheres de- signed for them. These claims however, are wholly unnecessary. The citizens of the Republic, from the hoarj headed statesmen down to the school-boy with his satchel, voluntarily pour forth the notes of applause in harmonious concord to the scientific and practical powers ofthe officers of the Navy Department, and to the gallautry and glory of the off and seamen of our justly renowned navy. The duties devolved upon Com. Murray from the time he was superseded in the command of the American squad- ron in the Mediterranean, to the day of his death, had but little of that imposing glare which draws forth the gust of applause from an admiring and an enraptured populace. He led the " noiseless tenor of his way" in discharging the more retiring, but yet no less important duties imposed upon him by his government in presiding at courts of en- * The Hon. Smith Thompson, formerly Chief Justice of tbcState of New York. I cannot forbear to extract into this note a part of a Letter from a Philadelphia Correspondent, as it goes to corroborate what I have ventured to incorporate in the preceding Sketch. I E< (Com. Murray) was slighted and disregarded by every succeeding Secretary of the Navy, until the appointment of Mr. Smith Thompson to that office, from whom he received the kindest attention and civili ly ; but he has notwithstanding (this slight and disregard,) been treat ed with the most polite and courteous attention by all our Presidents whom I presume did not think proper to interfere with the arrange- ments and appointment ofthe Navy Department. 1 ' 336 NAVAL HEROES. quiry, courts martial, and in council with the officers of the Navy Department and of the navy. In the multifarious duties of the Senior Officer of the American Navy, he con- stantly called forth from the capacious storehouse of expe- rience, the maxims of matured judgment, sound science, and practical knowledge. But it was as Commandant of the Navy Yard, that the mild rays of his setting sun shone with a splendour, surpas- sed only by its meridian glory. He lived to enjoy the most satisfactory reward of an exalted mind — " The ap- probation of his country" at the closing scenes of his life. To a mere sordid heart, a Vote of Thanks, without a golden reward as an accompaniment, is looked upon as nothing superiour to a " sounding brass and a tinkling cym- bal." It was not so considered by the veteran Murray, when he received such a vote, but a few months before he closed his temporal career, couched in terms of unqualified approbation. Although less expressive, yet no less flattering were the numerous letters, of the most distinguished officers of the Republic, received from time to time by the Commodore in his declining years. Such cheering notes of commendation, emanating from those whose high deserts impart an inestimable value to praise, must have produced an exhilaration, in a heart which had beat near three score years and ten, and must have made it re-beat the animated throbs of meridian life. In a recent communication from the very obliging Sec- retary of the Navy, in answer to one soliciting information from him on various subjects connected with this publica- tion, he says — " The vote of thanks to the late Com. Murray, to which v OM. ALEXANDER Ml RB \Y. dfade did not emanate fr >m this I U partment ; though hi> character as an officer and gentleman, was held in the highest ( stimation ; and 1 ii ^ uniform discretion, fidelity and zeal for the public service, were always duly appreciated by the government," -• Fbrlunatu, s ," maj we well say of mis departed patriot and hero ; fortunate, almost beyond conception. when his declining years are contrasted with many of hi- eompatriots in the war of Independence. Says Gen. Washington, in his last letter to Gen. Putnam — " Ingratitude has been experienced in all ages, and Re- publics, in particular, have ever been famed for the ex- ercise of that unnatural and sordid vice." What a catalogue of names which might be ranked with the best Grecians in the best days of ancient renowned, and modern struggling Greece, whose declining years were embittered by the relentless grasp of indigence ; and with whom the meagre genius of poverty " Froze the genial current of the soul ;" and of whom might well be asked the torturing question put by the anonymous insurgent to the matchless officers of the Revolutionary army before they were disbanded : "Can you consent to be the only sufferers of this revo- lution, and, retiring from the field, grow old in poverty and wretchedness, and contempt ? Can you consent to wade through the vile mire of dependancy, and owe the misera- ble remnant of that life to charity which has hitherto been spent in honour ?"* Maj. Gen. Arthur St. Clair was not the only Hero of the Revolution who lived to witness the fulfilment of the muti nous prophecy. See Revolutionary PamphleU 338 NAVAL HEROES. Admitting the Pension Law has recently, in a small de- gree, wiped off the stain of " avarice, that unnatural and sordid vice," the very terms upon which the small boon is obtained, are excessively humiliating to the high-minded soldier. With a just claim upon the government for a right, they are compelled in " forma paupe?is' > ' > to call God to witness that they are in the depths of bankruptcy, before they can obtain now what was the most meritorious due forty years ago. Whether Com. Murray inherited a fortune from his sci- entific father, is unknown to the writer. But it is known, that from his exalted grandfather, the Chief of Elginshire, his descendants inherited nothing but his fame — a most in- valuable legacy. His estates were confiscated for his fidel- ity to the House of Stuart, by the rapacious Guelphs, to erect gibbets for the ancient heroes of Scotland, the des- cendants of Wallace and Bruce. Com. Murray had a fortune sufficiently independent to save him from dependance upon the treasures of the Repub- lic. God knows they are hardly sufficient to satisfy the retainers of government, who, like birds of prey, harpies, and devouring locusts, are perpetually preying upon a fund which is constantly diminishing, and augmenting the civil list of the Republic faster than did ever the same list in- crease in the profligate government of Britain.* * Lest this " bold assertion" should be deemed presumptuous, I will just state, that in 1790 the civil list was g 141, 492 72. In 1821, more than gl, 500,000. In 1790, the Departments of State, the Treasury, the Navy, and the Department of War, cost the Republic $16,750. In 1821, the expenditures of the same Departments were $51,500. Mark now. how a plain tale shall put you down." COM. ALEXANDER Ml RR \\. While such sterling men as Mexander Murraj wen ei riching the nation l»v economy and retren< bment, thousand! of officers, little better than sinecures, who would no -«><>n erthan tin- grave exclaim •• it ia enough, 91 were draining th< treasury <>l'ii> irerj dregs ; and wresting from the " mouth of labour" its merited reward. The command, " 'Thou shall not muzzle the mouth ol the ov that treadeth out the corn,' 5 seemed to be revoked, that drones might wallow in insolent wealth, and luxuriate in effeminate indulgence. The perpetual succession of these hungry swarms of ■hunters, would remind one of Esop's fable of the fox and the llies, and of Tope's ideas of resuscitation. " All forms that perish, other forms supply, By turns they catch the vital breath and die, Like bubbles on the sea of matter borne, They rise, they break — and to that sea return. 7 ' Com. Murray, in the full possession of his mental and material faculties — in the active and vigilant discharge of his high trust upon earth, was summoned to his final audit in heaven, upon the Gth day of October 1821. Like a ' ; shock of corn fully ripe in its season," lie ap- peared before the Great Commander and Supreme Ar- chitect of the Universe to render an account of his ser- vices in that world, where man was destined to discharge his duty to man, and to prepare to meet a GOD in heaven. His life evinced that ib man was created little lower than the angels" — his death impressively taught, that " all flesh js as grass." As his life filled a capacious space, his death occasioned a vacancy, which may be tilled, but cannot be filled better. The deepened marks of sorrow that were depicted upon 540 NAVAL HEROES. the countenances of the great and good men who viewed his sheeted manes, were a speechless eulogy from fixed eyes, and dumb mouths ; far more impressive than the sonorous exclamations of funereal eloquence. It would be useless to insert the order of the funeral procession at his interment. As he lived without ostenta- tion, he would, (could he have wished) have desired to be carried to his cemetery without imposing ceremony. CHARACTER OF ALEXANDER MURRAY. Alexander Murray possessed the qualities of a vigor- ous, decided and energetic mind. He seemed to be design- ed by Heaven as a blessing to his country. Born at an era pregnant with the most important events of the eighteenth century, his life embraced near one half of it. It also embraced near one quarter of the nineteenth century, a period still more astonishing* Although he did not move in the highest sphere, he was ever in the midst of the ardent beings who approximated it. If he did not design vast operations, he was amongst the first active agents who insured their execution. He was born with an innate detestation of tyranny, and his arm was constantly nerved and raised against oppres- sors. He inherited from his progenitors, a high sense of Independence, and an invincible hostility against the an- cient enemy of the land of his ancestors in Europe, and the inveterate foes of that of his own birth in America. Hence when the potent arm of imperious Britain was lift- ed in wrath against her high-minded children in the New World, Murray, then in ardent youth, manfully espoused the cause of Freemen against tyrants-. I OM. ALEXANDER Ml RR *Y. He commenced his career ofglor) in tl ingtofy and followed the destiny oi Ibe Father oft! i lie, through the most desponding period of the Revolution. Without any respite, he repaired to his favourite ele- ment, to face in arms the vaunting " Queen of the Ocean.'' In numerous battles, and with various success, !. rated with the peerless " Naval Heroes of the American Revolution;" and desperate wounds received in furious contests furnished demonstrative evidence that he v. the post of duty and of danger. When Peace, crowned with Independence and glory, blessed the new-born, and first-born Republic, in the West- ern Hemisphere, the war-worn Murray became the unas- suming citizen. His native energy and decision of character, was exem- plified in the mild arts of peace, as signally as was his cour- age in the midst of war, carnage, bloodshed and death. When the house of Bourbon fell, and the French Repub- lic rose upon its ruins, like a Phoenix from embers — when, in her ravishing strides, she laid her rapacious hands upon American Commerce, Murray, with the high approbation of Washington and Adams, repaired again to the floating bulwarks of his country, and with the unrivalled ocean combatants in ocean warfare, afforded protection to Amer- icans, and spread dismay amongst lawless French marau- ders. The objects of his government effected, and the naval ardor of his countrymen revived, the Post-Captain Murray again retired to the bosom of his admiring friends and ap- plauding countrymen. He was retained in the naval service of the Republic, and was one of the thirteen original Captains in the American 45 342 NAVAL HEROES. Navy designed to keep alive the naval flame, and to avenge the injuries sustained by Americans upon every ocean and in every sea. When the detested disciples of the arch impostor Ma- homet, raised the blood-stained Crescent over the Star- spangled Banner of America — robbed her commerce, and enslaved her citizens, the sagacious and profound Jepfer- son selected the cool, experienced, and veteran Murray as the Commander in Chief of a little American squadron in the renowned Mediterranean. His character scarcely began to develope itself, as a Commander in Chief, before he was required to yield his command to a successor. In this capacity, he shewed that he possessed the courage of the champion, but he was per- mitted only to menace his foe at a distance, and defend himself when assailed. For the third time, he retired from the warring ocean as a distinguished ocean warrior. In three different wars, with three different powers, he had fought and fought val- iantly in thirteen battles, and the crimsoned current that copiously flowed from his mortal body, evinced the hero- ism of his immortal soul. When imperious Britain, a second time by her unhal- lowed aggressions, caused the second war between the American Republic and that haughty power, Murray's name stood at the head of the American Naval Register ? and his fame, without a blot, in the register of American glory. The cautious and wary Madison, then, and the no less penetrating Monroe, afterwards, detained this experienced veteran in the home department, to digest and mature the system which has given imperishable glory to the Ameri- COM. ALEXANDER MURRAY. can navy, and almost absolute perfection to American na val architecture. Inline: this honoured Naval Hero and American Pat- riot, went forth, from grade to grade, spending his life and exhausting his bodily vigour, in the cause of our beloved Republic, which lie loved better than be loved himself. He lived well known, highly honoured, and invariably respected by Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison and Monroe, the five renowned Presidents of the only pure Republic on earth ; and of how many departed worthies can higher honours be told ? But, with all his justly merited honours, he shewed no ostentation. He was a dignified, genuine, Republican : who, although honoured by the great, was courteous to the *mall ; and " those who knew him best, loved him most [original.] THE SENIOR COMMODORE AND POST-CAPTAIN IN THE AMERICAN NAVY. Tune — " The sea was calm," &c\ I. Young Murray, brave, of noble mein Gave " strong assurance of the man," With Neptune's sons, was often seen, The ocean's vast expanse to scan. When eighteen years had mann'd his brow, A master on the deck he stood, Of merchant's ship, with lofty bow, A youth esteem'd both great and good, II. When first Americans arose, Against the hostile British foe. : 544 NAVAL HEROES. Did valiant Murray, firm, espouse The purest cause of Man below. With young Monroe.* placed in command By WASHINGTON— both straight repair'd To join the fearless patriot band, Who, (dauntless,) haughty Britons dar'd. III. Next Murray on the deck was view'd, There pouring Freemen's thunders forth ; There spill'd his blood — but quick renew'd His vengeance 'gainst the fiends of wrath. From waves return'd with wounds and scars, He found the lov'd Republic Free ; He stood 'mongst men, like son of Mars, And Neptune's fav'rite from the sea. IV. ^iext, dauntless Murray wafted off, To meet the boasting Frenchmen's frown ; He gave broadsides, for Gallic scoff, And gain'd Columbia's tars renown. Once more return'd, he saw, with joy, His country rising high in Fame ; He found his name, by high employ, Inscrib'd upon the rolls of Fame. V. Again, in high and chief command, Murray, the Commodore, repair'd To that fam'd sea " midst famed land" Where Greece and Rome in glory shar'd. 'Twas there the Crescent, quiv'ring, fled, When his proud banner waved high * Lieut. Monroe, (the President) fought with Lieut. Murray in the sanguinary battle at White Plains, before he took command at sea. COM. ALEX \M)i:i; Ml RR \\. On that proud Ship/ v. hi< I) « loth'd in dread Made Frenchmen — Britons, frightened, iJ v . VI. Once more tin- u Conq'ring Hero" cam( Murray, with deathless honours crown'd ; Was weh oro'd home, with loud acclaim, A " Naval Hero' 1 — high renown'd. There, by the great and L r <><>n of the recreant. The blockade declared by Gen. Mori 11 o, Lo which your excellency alludes, exists not, neither has it, at any anterior period been enforc- ed in conformity to rules prescribed by the accepted decisions of the highest authorities rendered valid by time and acquiscence. It there- fore has hitherto been a pretext for the interception of our lawful trade — for the seizure and deteutiou of our property, for the abuse and 348 NAVAL HEROES. events in the Second Waf with Britain, acquired for them unqualified approbation from the enemy, and undissembled admiration from Americans. maltreatment of our mariners— for purposes of plunder and outrage-— all of which evils it has produced. For spoliations committed on the commerce of the United States, under the sanction of that paper interdiction, restitution will be re- quired— and to the dignity which characterizes the govenment of the republic is Spain indebted for that magnanimous forbearance from reprisal, justifiable on every principle of self preservation and defence- The citizens of the United States, from the peaceful and neutral course prescribed by their government, are justly entitled to the re- spect of the belligerent parties, and if their enterprize induces them to reap the advantages of a lawful trade within territories alternately in the occupancy of either, they are there as citizens of a truly neutral power— a power that has at no time afforded aid, or exercised influ ence of any kind in the present unhappy contest. Between the United States and the Sovereign of Spain there exists a treaty recently made, and consecrated by the most formal observ- ances, the acknowledged basis of which is good will, and a cordial spirit of conciliation. How then, in the face of this pledge and con' cord, do you sir, undertake to threaten with forfeitures and ignomini- ous penalties— with slavery and death — the citizens of a Republic who have a right to expect, under this token of friendship, safety and ex- emption from molestation. Wrongs and injuries that may accrue to citizens of the Union from your unlawful decrees, whether visited on their persons or property, will be numbered with the catalogue of outrages already sustained, and for which Spain must be answerable. Against all such wrongs and injuries I protest, and do hereby solemnly call upon your Excel- lency to abstain from the adoption of measures fraught with most evil consequences— measures coercing a spirit of retaliation and reaction, the end and issue of which may be conceived, foreseen and prevented by your Excellency. And I invite your Excellency, as a lover of the character and honor of Spain, of the amity and good faith so happily preserved between her and the Republic, to annul all such restrictions as lead to a violation of the laws of nations— as infringe the just rights of citizens of the United States— as deprives them of the benefits of COM. ALEXANDER MURRAY. I'll* ii' ii. -|w ini\ in d\ scribing, ivaa equal to their cool courage in achieving victories. Thej evince, thai ouv naval heroes can wield the pens of scholars, is well as the swords of champions. The rapt'. II \ increasing reputation of young midshipman A. M. Murray, was amongst the most cheering hop his venerable father in his declining years. II* looked upon his son Alexander, as the great friend of America, Edmund Burke, once looked upon his admired son Richard ; but, like Burke, he did not live to witness the death of a son, who the former hoped, would transmit his name to posterity Had young Murray died upon the deck of the Macedo- nian, as the lamented Allen lately fell, in chastising unhal- lowed pirates, in the region where the beloved midship- man languished, and died of a raging fever, it would have been no greater less to the Repubjic ; but, such is the ca- price of men, it might have been a theme of more glory to the memory of the accomplished young Murray. The following very recent extemporaneous effusion of Com. Porter, who was a warm friend of the late venerable Com. Murray — a patron of his lamented son, and who is the designed avenger of Lieut. Allen's murder, by Pirates, shows that he has a mind to express his indignation against the infernal enemies of man ; and that his arm is raised to avenge their audacious and sanguinary murders. " The cause we are engaged in is the most just and right- peace, tend to augment to an alarming amount the account which hereafter must inevitably be balanced between the two nations. 1 have the honor to be, &c. ROBERT TREAT SPENCE Senior Naval officer of tbe U. States in the West Indie*., , 46 350 NAVAL HEROES. eous, as we war against the enemies of mankind — monsters who disgrace human nature — we carry with us the best wishes, not only of our own country, but of the civilized world. And it is only necessary to pronounce one name to awaken our resentments, and inspire us with vengeance — a name distinguished in the annals of our country — a name synonymous with patriotism, courage and self devo- tion — The name of Allen. " Let then, " Remember Allen," be our watchword. If it is honorable in our country to be the first to take mea- sures to exterminate those enemies of the human race, it is no less so in us to be the instruments of its will — A mar- tyr was necessary to rouse its sleeping energies. The blood of Allen has sealed the pirates' doom — and humanity will shudder less at their punishment than at their crimes. Justice, demands it — and the world will approve it." Amongst the first acts of Com. Porter, after conducting his squadron to the West Indies, was the following impres- sive general order, to demonstrate the grief felt at the out- rageous murder of Lieut. Cooke. It shows that in the depth of sorrow he can, " Think as a sage, and feel like a man." GENERAL ORDER. The afflicting intelligence which has this day been re- ceived, relative to the death of that most excellent officer and man Lieut. William H. Cooke, by a shot fired from the castle at St. Johns, has filled us with the most lively sorrow and regret. Had he fallen in battle — had he died by the hands of declared enemies, our sorrow would be assuaged by the knowledge of his having died in the de- fence of the rights of his country, and while doing his duty as au officer. But to be thus cruelly torn from his family. COM. ALEXANDER MURR U .. friends, and from his country, l>\ the conduct of a das tard, (whose aim was rendered more sure bj his perfect safety, and b) the helpless condition of t lie* vessel of our lamented friend,) is heart-rending in the extr< But while we deprecate the act of the individual who committed it, we must not involve in it the conduct of the whole people. The Captain General of the Island has given the mo>t unequivocal proofs of the most sincere re- gret that the event has taken place; Every thing has been done by him that I could reasonably expect of him to do at present, to satisfy me of lus friendly disposition towards us, and as no act of ours can recall to life the estimable man who has been taken from us, we must leave what remains yet to be done to our country, whose demands will no doubt be prompt and effectual. All that remains for us to do is to grieve ; and as a slight token of what we feel, it is pro- posed to wear crape on our left arms, and on our swordi for one month. Signed D. PORTER. U. S. ship Peacock, March 10, 1823. A true copy from the General Order Book J. M. MAURA, Captain to Squadron. The following is an extract from the Letter of Com. Porter, to the Governor of the island of Porto Rico, in re- gard to the murder of Lieut. Cooke. It contains u thoughts that breathe and words that burn." " Your excellency in conversation with the officer you wish to implicate, adverted to the affair of the Panchita as one of palliation for the offence, and there is too much reason to apprehend that the officer who gave the order to 352 NAVAL HEROES. prevent the entrance of my squadron, as well as those who executed it, thought this a fair opportunity to retaliate. Otherwise why heat shot in the furnaces to destroy my squadron ? Why open two hatteries on the schooner, and why fire round shot and langrage, while the lamented vic- tim was hailing the fort, and why the remark of the man who pointed the gun, that, the shot was intended to avenge the Panchita ? " Your excellency will recollect that in the case of the Panchita, there was an equality of force. Such an occur- rence would not have taken place had there been as great a disparity as in the present instance. The cases are not therefore parallel, and if the satisfaction of retaliation was sought for, the offenders have failed in their object ; it is yet to be obtained. " I shall leave the Island to-morrow morning with a heavy heart, and shall without delay communicate to my government the melancholy result of my visit here, which was intended for the benefit of the civilized world in gene- ral." Within eighteen years, the patriotic and ancient city of Philadelphia, has been called to deplore the loss of six brilliant ornaments of the ancient and modern navy of the Republic — Truxton, Murray the elder, Decatur the elder, his two noble sons, (" the property of our country") Stephen Decatur, and James B. Decatur, and Alexan- der M. Murray. Amidst the tears of grief for this " wide waste of great- ness," the 6miles of joy may be seen that this city still claims, as living citizens, Bainbridge and Biddle, and ma- ny other juniors of these exalted heroes ; the two first of whom, if possible, may add to their already gathered lau ■ ( OM. ALEXANDER MURB \Y. and tin- others, yet unknown to fame, ll< .1 in it- temple* >m an obituary notic< . i taken the following imium upon the deceased father and son. Sp< aki complished, deceased, and lamented midshipman, it ! --•• He was a son of* the late Com. Alexander Mui ind, from the high opinions entertained <»i | merit b) his commanding officers ; by bi- enterprising position, his gallant and generous feelings, ami above all, by his humane ami affectionate heart, he gave fairproi to prove to his country and kindred a worthy repre < tive of that venerable and highly valued officer." The author of the following pathetic and solemn etiii sion, occasioned by the death of midshipman A. M. Mui ray, will excuse the writer for adding it to the Sketch ofhh exalted lather's eventful life. No, he will not return — in a distant land. Far from home and from kindred they laid him ; And lonely and sad was the hour, when the hand Of his messmate, the last duties paid him. The wild burst of grief it is over, and now Fancy flies where the white surf is roaring ; And then, on the shore, 'neath the orange tree, bough Or, where the broad bananas are waving, They picture the spot where the brother and Has entered his last narrow dwelling, His course it was finished ; his race it was run : And sighs, murmuring sighs, they are swelb. For he will not return — and in this vale of woe, Why! why! should'st thou e'er wish to greet hii No, haste on thy journey — to Him thou shalt go. And where joy reigns forever shall meet him. ;354 NAVAL HEROES. But he will not return ! CansH thou wish his return To this region of darkness and sorrow ? No ! haste on thy journey ; thou shalt pass from this bourne And rise on that glorious morrow, Where friends meet him again — never, never to part ; "Where hope is all lost in enjoyment; And to praise the Redeemer, of each grateful heart Is the soul's everlasting employment. While Americans may justly feel proud of their naval glory, from the revolution to near the close of the first quarter of the nineteenth century — while as freemen they exult in our unsurpassed achievements, and as moral- ists rejoice that our navy has never been stained by un- hallowed aggressions against feeble powers, but has saved Christians of many different nations from the accumulated horrors and hopeless misery of Turkish bondage, as well as the citizens of the American Republic from the same state of suffering, gloom, and despair — while with proud satisfaction we can reflect that no public ship of the king- doms of Britain, France, or Spain, dare point a hostile gun against American commerce or American citizens — while with mingled sentiments of approbation and indignation we behold our dignified government assuming a vindictive at- titude against the buccaniers and pirates of the islands of America — in the very depths of sorrow are we compelled to utter forth the moans of anguish that the fearless " Naval Heroes of the Revolution" have almost all "gone to their long home, and the mourners go about the streets" — and that during the year just closed, (182-2) full one eighth of the gallant, accomplished, patriotic, and matchless officers of the present navy of the Republic, by death or retire- COM. ALEXANDER MURR \V. men! have been Bnatched from the service, and arc ten- ants <>f the tomb, the mansion, or (Ik- cottage. Those high minded men whose motto was • Vlnus ibunt, <|iii ad summa oituntur" arc now either in the congregation of the dead, or in the promiscuous mass of the living. But with a Roman civilian, let Americans exclaim, ''Nev- er despair of the Commonwealth* 1 — let our surviving and remaining ollicers and seamen say, with the departed Law- rence, " Never give up the ship" — and let all, in the lan- guage of a favourite* of Washington, — " Thank God that we have constantly witnessed his protecting care of our he- loved country ; that we have seen the tree of Liberty, the emblem our Independence and Union, while it was a re- cumbent plant, fostered by vigilance, defended by toil, and not unfrequently watered with tears — and that, by his fa- vour, we now behold it in the vigour of youthful maturity, standing protected from violation, by the sound heads, glowing hearts and strong arms of a new generation, eleva- ting its majestic trunk towards heaven, striking its strong roots in every direction through our soil, and expanding its luxuriant branches over a powerful, united and prosper- ous nation." * Oliver Wolcott, Govemour of Connecticut, (1823) on<~ - rv of the Trcasurv, and successor to Alexander Hamilton APPENDIX. As James Monroe was the revolutionary comrade of Alexander TV 1 1 rray, and his unvarying friend to the day of Ins death, the following hasty sketch of that great m \\ is attempted with deep solicitude, and inserted here with a diffidence which cannot be expressed. — CHARACTER AND OFFICIAL SERVICES OF JAMES MONROE, A HERO OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. AND FIFTH PRESIDENT OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLIC James Monroe was born upon the soil which his ances tors acquired in the early settlements of Virginia. It was his beneficent destiny to have been born in the midst of great men ; and to have had the examples of the great, con- stantly within his aspiring view. That human pre-emin- ence, which, to human beings at a distance, assumes an in- accessible elevation, became familiar with him by being in contact with it, and almost imperceptibly rising as that as- cended.. His was not a sudden flight from humble mediocrity to unrivalled eminence — but a regular gradation from minor stations, to the most elevated post occupied by living man. In youth, he passed through the discipline of the schools, and acquired the honours of an academician. No sooner was he invested with these distinctions, than he assumed those of a character totally diverse — the insignia of a war- rior. 47 358 \PPENDIX. Asa youug subaltern, he first faced the implacable foe of' the rising Republic, at the Heights of Haerlem. At White Plains he met the same foe, clad in American armour. At seventeen, when even hoary-headed veterans were desponding, and hoary-headed, and iron-hearted tories were exulting over the desperate emergencies of the strug- ling colonies, the lieutenant remained true to Washington. to America and to Independence. At Trenton, in the midst of the warring elements, and the warring danger between Freemen and vassals, and at the moment of victory, he was prostrated by a wound, all but mortal. He survived — not to shew his shattered limb, or boast of a desperate wound, but to follow, to face and to fight the enemy, until they yielded, or until he fell. As Aid-de-Camp to a superior officer, he fought in the sanguinary battles of Brandywine, Germantown and Mon- mouth. He entered the army of the Revolution as Lieu- tenant—he left it a Colonel — and left it with the unquali- fied approbation of his comrades and of Washington, the Father of his Country. With a man who united in himself the qualities of a great jurist, a profound statesman and a sound philosopher. Thomas Jefferson, he studied the science of law — the science of government, and the science of human nature. Deeply versed in them all, he commenced his civil, legis- lative, and diplomatic career ; or rather he was propelled into these various and responsible situations, by the unsoli- cited suffrages of his discerning countrymen. The motto that has governed his whole conduct, in eve- ry public station is found in his own official language — u From a just responsibility I shall never shrink.'* JAMES MONROE. At iii< age ol twenty-thn e ycai be wu the highest branch of the legislature <>f \ii^iih.i. At t wf the mosl .iinil t>M(|\ of men i • ened in the \\ est< i n H isphere, and who had to discharge the most importanl and solemn dut) ever devolved upon an human tribunal. it to less tli. in to govern three millions of high-minded people, in whom was awakened the Blumb< Freedom which once glowed in the bosoms of Saxon Free- men in England. They were always English Freemen in America — they had now become Independent American-. They had dauntlessly hurled the gauntlet of defian< the most potent empire on earth, and had tore asunder the ligament that bound them to it. Mr. Mo fought with them as a soldier — he had legislated with them is civilians — he knew them theoretically and practically. Although the youngest member of that august body, and although he had acquired by intuition, the maturity of age and the wisdom of experience, he was still " Vvt sapientia studlosus.' ) ' , The course he pursued, pointed him out to the venera- ble, and gigantic statesmen of that unequalled assembly, as one of the rising hopes of the rising Republic. When, by the cautious limitation of civil power, he could no longer retain a seat in that body, he left it with the approbation of all. He retired to the bosom of his native state, and found, in every citizen a warm friend. He was elected a member of the Virginia Convention, which was amongst the first tc adopt the American Constitution. The year after its adoption. ;d the age of thirty-one. he was elected to the 360 APPENDIX. highest legislative branch of the government of the Ameri- can Republic. The first Congress, by this master compact of human wis- dom, first found itself in the possession of efficient power. Mr. Monroe, as a Senator, was aware that he was invested with power, and that that power must be exercised con- sistently with the civil, moral, religious, and political rights of American Freemen. It was in the Senate that the vast and comprehensive views of this Statesman were developed. The natural and geographical divisions of our vast Republic, vanished from his view. His mental grasp embraced the whole region from the Atlantic to the Mississippi — from the Canadas to the Mexican Gulph. He never could be brought to com- promit the rights and privileges of one section of the Re- public for the benefit of another. He had been in the Senate four years. He had been in the councils of Wash- ington during that period, as he had been in his army dur- ing the War of the Revolution. His cool, collected, and regulated courage in the field, was equalled by his judg- ment, penetration and prescience in the Cabinet. He was an efficient actor in the establishment of the Judiciary and Financial System ; and aided essentially in organizing the Departments of State, the Treasury, the Army and the Na- vy. He was there the man of business and the practical Statesman. If he was not one of those splendid luminaries that blind the beholders by excess of light, he tvas a mild and shining lamp, that guided the doubting, hesitating, and fearful, in the safe path of statistical experience. In the midst of the difficulties which encompassed the American Statesman who put the intricate machine of a Republic's government i kMES MONROE. into operation, Mr. Monroe was designated bj V td till a Btation -till more difficult- o station upon v\ hich " -i';t\\ •- clouds and darkness rested." !!«• was appointed Ambassador to 1 1 »< ■ French Republic. Twenty-five millions of Frenchmen had disenthralled and emancipated themselves from a monarchical despotism an e< < U siastical tyranny, which had chained them to ira salage for thirteen centuries. It was not like the American Revolution, in which Mr. Monroe acted a conspicuous part — an unequalled design, effected bj unparalleled measures — it was a sudden convul- sion, .and revulsion, that transcended, and prostrated the whole system of ordinal) human operations. It showed that the modern Gauls knew no medium between absolute destruction, and systematic reformation. It was like the suppressed lire of a volcanic mountain, gathering strength by suppression and evincing its latent power by a devasta- ting and irresistable eruption. In the midst of this combustion, Mr. Monroe appeared in the metropolis of the then French Republic, (the ally of America in the War of the Revolution) as the mild and dig- nified representative, of a mild, dignified, and rising Repub- lic in the New World. lii^ post was a post of duty and of danger. The una- dorned majesty of his character, shone with a lustre, which, while it conciliated the ardent leaders of the French Revo- lutionist-, maintained, unimpaired, the exalted administra- tion of the exalted Washingron. Recalled to the Cabinet of the American Republic. In evinced to his government that in the land of Fayette, Rochambeau, and Mirabeau, and in the midst of the Robespierres, Mar at s. and Dantons, of the. French Revolu- 362 APPENDIX. tion, he was still the cool, the firm, the unshaken, American Republican. The sentence of Washington, at this por- tentous period, is the best eulogy — " I believe James Mon- roe to be an honest man." The citizens of his native state, also the native state of Washington, Jefferson, Madison and Henry, deeply penetrated with, and fully conscious of his worth, placed him in the gubernatorial chair of Virginia, from which, after the expiration of the constitutional term, he carried an unanimous vote of thanks, for the faithful, dignified, and impartial manner in which he had discharged the duties of Chief Magistrate. Retiring from the perpetual excitement and solicitude of public life, Mr. Monroe had scarcely began to enjoy the sweets of repose, before Mr. Jeffrson, at the head of the Republic, designated him to assert and maintain the rights of America, before the Court of France. The native expanse of his views, continued to expand with his expanding country. He viewed the waters of the Mississippi, and the Missouri, as of little less importance to his country than those of the Atlantic ; and the immense region of Louisiana a wild territory at the West, of a future value approximating to the invaluable worth of the cultiva- ted region at the East. His masterly penetration, as a diplomatist, secured them both for the Republic. Devoted to his country from innate and acquired princi- ple, and clothed with its authority, he repaired to the vas- cillating court of Spain, and left it as he found it, the sink of intrigue and corruption. From thence he passed to the court of Britain. He there 163 JAMES MONRO£. round himself, Burrounded bj the imperious ministen the mosj potent nv:il <>l the American Republic. Serene, unmoved, and perfect master of himself, and of bis business, be effected what then could be effected l>\ n< - gotiation- -returned home, and left the event with hie i ouni try. The opinion formed of his services abroad, was eviden- ced by pla< ing him again in the office of Chief Magistrate of Virginia. But his character had become identified with the rights the glory and the dignity of the whole Republic ; and M to he successor of Jefferson, called him to fill the all- important Department oftState. In this station the Scholar, the Patriot, and the States- man shone conspicuously, and perspicuously, in James Monroe. No British subtilty could enthrall — no vapid promises allure — no menacing tone could deter the Secre- tary. The tirm language of remonstrance gave place to the sonorous notes of war ; and the insulted country was man- fully told that protracted negotiation was ended by an ap peal to arms. Mr. Monroe, during the two first compaigns of the se- cond war with Britain, sustained the dignity of the State Department, and, amidst the accumulated horrors of Van- dal invasion, and Gothic devastation, was called also to head the Department of War. Upon one day he had to act a significant part in the Ca- binet — upon another to give official direction to the thun ders of Pittsburgh, the Canadian Peninsula, and New- Orleans. Upon the return of an honourable peace, after a glori- m APPENDIX. ous war, upon the land and on the ocean, the Secretary ot State and of War enjoyed a temporary repose from the tur- moil and agitation, of a vast accumulation of official duty. , The highest honour which man can claim in the nine- teenth century, now awaited the acceptance of James Mon- roe. He had been virtually elected the Fifth President of the American Republic, by the spontaneous voice of the Amer- ican People ; and needed only the Constitutional Formu- lae to inaugurate him into that station — above all other temporal elevation — the Chief Ruler of the only genuine Republic on earth ; and made such by the election of ten millions of the freest, happiest, .and most intelligent peo- ple in the world. The most impassioned language of eulogy would lag far behind reality, in speaking of his administration. It is found in the increasing happiness ; the augmenting wealth ; the moral and intellectual energy ; the rising glory, and impregnable defence of the great nation over which he presides. This feeble sketch of the Character and Public Services of James Monroe will be closed by a sketch still more im- perfect, of his person. He is a very little above the middle height of Americans, in his stature. Although he does not possess a robust frame, his presence would evince, to a close observer, that he was a man of very considerable muscular power. There is not the least appearance of lassitude in his per- son ; but it exhibits a natural compactness, increased by bodily activity and vigorous exertion. In the expression of his countenance, there is nothing that would attract attention, were it not for the character he has acquired, and the sphere in which he moves. JAMES MONROE. 3f,5 lie seems to be a perfect novice in the art of ' for emu in- to his (ace, oceular evidence of deep thought, wonderful acuteness, m the lineaments of wisdom ; and the phisiog* nomist would despair of gathering (he qualities ol his mind, from exterior indices. Nor would the crcmiologiri six any belter; for Ins head, like Ins (ace, in i(s exterior, is not striking!) different from other men's ; and as lie is sixty- three years of age, it dees not exhibit more of the ravages oftime than usually falls to the human lot. When silent, his countenance indicates something like forbidding austerity ; but in familiar conversation, and when reciprocating civilities, it is often lighted up with a smile, beaming with benignity and benevolence. When disengaged from official duties, his deportment is easy, unaffected, and unassuming. The disciples of Stan- hope, although they would discover in the President a suf- ficiency of " modest assurance," they would look in vain for that artificial " suavity of manners" so captivating with superficial courtiers. His manners are those of a plain, dignified gentleman. The graces, at his command, seem to have volunteered their services, conscious that into his service they never would have been impressed. His courtesies proceed from his native benignity, and his artless display of them would suffuse the cheek of affectation with the blush of shame. If the President Ijas any affectation, it is in his dress ; which though neat and rich, is so exceedingly plain, that, in a promiscuous assemblage, he could with difficulty be identified. In his different Tours* through our vast Republic, for * The following elegant extract is from an address delivered to Mr. Monroe upon reaching the borders of the State of Maine in 1817. 48 366 APPENDIX. eigners, and those who ape the wardrobe of foreigners* wondered where he was ; and, when they saw him, won- dered ! ! Such, imperfectly drawn, is the person, the deportment, and appearance of the man, whose character is known in the two hemispheres — duly appreciated in the East — ad- mired, respected, and venerated in the West. If he survives his Presidential Dignities, and, like his great predecessors, Washington, Adams, Jefferson and Madison, seeks repose in retirement* — there, when ap- pearing in native, unadorned majesty — " Nature may stand up to all the world, and claim him as her own." From this " private station," which to him will be " the post of honour," he may in retrospect, (retiring into himself) con- template upon a Life devoted to the great cause of the The Committee who offered it consisted of the present Gov. Parris, Hon. John Holmes, and W. P. Preble, (son of Com. Preble:) " This journey, like the journey of your life, is commenced and pur- sued for the public good. Like that, its fatigues have been endured with patience, its obstacles overcome with perseverance, its storms encountered with firmness, and its refreshing sunshines relished with equanimity and gratitude. In each, as you have advanced, you have acquired additional honour, reverence, and love. In your future pro- gress in both, may your health be preserved, your country's prosperi- ty and glory secured ; and the affections, confidence, and union of the people increased and confirmed. And when these respective journies shall be ended, and you shall return home, may you at the close of the one, be received in health and happiness to the embraces of an af- fectionate family, and of the other, to the favour and fruition of Him. who will never fail to reward the great and the good." * " It has ever been my proudest ambition from early youth to serve my country, in such offices as my fellow. citizens have thought fit to confide to me. It will be my most consoling reward, when I retire from public life, to find, that my conduct has been such as to merit and obtain their approbation." Tour of Monroe, p. 198, 3d edition- ADAMS AND JEFFERSON. Great Republic— upon the honour- conferred upon him in his country— and patientlj wail for thai Older of his Supreme Commander, which will remove him from his temporal to his eternal honours. The following " Familiar Letters," and opinions of the Second and Third Presidents of the American Re- PUBLic, both of whom were (he warm friends of Com. Murray, are annexed with undissembled delight. The language of these " venerable octogenarians," the one labouring under years near half in number of those of Civilized New England, and the other of an age more than one third of that which is sometimes called the " Ancient Dominion" of the Republic, ought to be treasured up by the rising generation of American Patriots, with as much avidity, as were the " more last words," of an eminent di- vine in the 17th century, by the devotional professors of Christianity. These " last words" of Adams and Jefferson, are al- most like a " voice from the tomb," uttered by dead wor- thies, to their surviving posterity. " Fortunatus Senex .'" may Americans exclaim to each of these venerated Pat- riots, Scholars, and Statesmen, You have lived for the Re- public, and in the remembrance of that Republic you will never die. The motto of these great men may well be— " After my death, 1 wish no other herald, No other speaker of my living actions, To keep mine honour from corruption, But such an honest chronicler as Griffith." This letter may be said to be " multum in parvo." This Doctor of Laws probes the wounds of the colonies to the bottom ; as a Doctor of Medicine searches the remote cause of the disease of his patient. He does not try to 368 APPENDIX. remove the eruption upon the surface, but endeavours t* extirpate the impurities of the blood which occasion it. It proves, in few words, the truth of Mr. Jefferson's re- marks regarding Mr. Adams. " No one is better calcula- ted than he, to give to the reader a correct impression of the earlier part of the contest." [The War of the Revo- lution.] quincy, Feb. 13, 1818. Mr. Niles — The American Revolution was not a com- mon event. Its effects and consequences have already been awful over a great part of the globe. And when and where are they to cease ? But what do we mean by the American Revolution ? Do we mean the American War ? The Revolution was effected before the War commenced. The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people. A change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations. While the king, and all in authority under him, were be- lieved to govern in justice and mercy according to the laws and constitution derived to them from the God of na- ture, and transmitted to them by their ancestors — they thought themselves bound to pray for the king and queen and all the royal family, and all in authority, under them ; as ministers ordained of God for their good. But when they saw those powers renouncing all the principles of au- thority, and bent upon the destruction of all the securities of their lives, liberties and properties, they thought it their duty to pray for the Continental Congress and all the thir- teen state congresses, &c. There might be, and there were others, who thoughtless about religion and conscience, but had certain habitual sentiments of allegiance and loyalty derived from their ed- ADAM.s AND JE1 FERSON. 169 ucation; but believing allegiance and protection to Ik re ciprocal, when protection was withdrawn, the j thought al- legiance an as diss oh i d< Another alteration was common to all. The peoi I America had been educated in an habitual affection for England as their mother country ; and while they thought her a kind and tender parent, (erroneously enough, how- ever, for she never was such a mother) no affection could be more sincere. But when they found her a cruel Bel- dam, willing like lady Macbeth, to " dash their brains out," jt is no wonder if their filial affections ceased and were changed into indignation and horror. This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments and affections of the people, was the real American revolution. By what means, this great and important alteration in the religious, moral, political and social character of the people of thirteen colonies, all distinct, unconnected and independent of each other, was begun, pursued and accom- plished, it is, surely interesting to humanity to investigate? and perpetuate to posterity. The colonies had grown up under constitutions of gov- ernment so different, there was so great a variety of reli- gions, they were composed of so many different nations, their customs, manners and habits had so little resemblance, and their intercoorse had been so rare and their knowledge of each other so imperfect, that to unite them in the same principles of theory and the same system of action, was certainly a very difficult enterprize. The complete ac- complishment of it, in so short a time and by such simple means, was perhaps a singular example in the history of mankind. Thirteen clocks were made to strike together ; a perfection of machinery which no artist had ever before effected. 370 APPENDIX. In this research, the glorioroles of individual gentlemen and of separate states is of little consequence. The means and the measures are the proper objects of investigation. These may be of use to posterity, not only in this nation, but in South-America and all other countries. They may teach mankind that revolutions are not trifles ; that they ought never to be undertaken rashly ; nor without deliber- ate consideration and sober reflection ; nor without a solid, immutable, eternal foundation of justice and humanity ; nor without a people possessed of intelligence, fortitude and integrity sufficient to carry them with steadiness, pa- tience, and perseverance, through all the vicissitudes of fortune, the fiery trials and melancholy disasters they may have to encounter. The town of Boston early instituted an annual oration of the fourth of July, in commemoration of the principles and feelings which contributed to produce the revolution. Many of those orations I have heard, and all that I could obtain I have read. Much ingenuity and eloquence ap- pears upon every subject, except those principles and feelings. That of my honest and amiable neighbour, Josi- ah Quincy, appeared to me the most directly to the pur- pose of the institution. Those principles and feelings ought to be traced back for two hundred years, and sought in the history of the country from the first plantations in America. Nor should the feelings of the English and Scots towards the colonies, through that whole period ever be forgotten. The perpetual discordance between British principles and feelings and of those of America, the next year after the suppression of the French power in Ameri- ca, came to a crisis, and produced an explosion. It was not till after the annihilation of the French do- \1)\MS AND JEFFERSON, minion in America, that any British ministry ha\ parliamentary taxation. Th»- first great man- ifestation of this design was bj the order to can*) into Btri< I executions those acts ofparliament which were well known by the appellation of the acts of trade, winch bad lain a dead letter, for more than half a century, and some of th» in 1 Relieve, for nearly a whole our. This produced in 1760 and 17G1, an awakening and a revival of American principles and feelings, with an enthu- siasm which went on increasing, till in 1775, it burst out in open violence, hostility and fury. The characters the most conspicuous, the most ardent and influential in this revival, from 1 7G0 to 176G, were — first and foremost, before all and above all, James Otis ;* next to him was Oxenbridge Thatcher; next to him Samuel Adams ; next to him, John Hancock ; then Dr. Mayhev/, then Dr. Cooper and his brother. Of Mr. Han- cock's life, character, generous nature, great and disinter- ested sacrifices, and important services, if I had forces, i should be glad to write a volume. But this I hope will be done by some younger and abler hand. Mr. Thatcher, because his name and merits are less known, must not be wholly omitted. This gentleman was an excellent barris- ter at law, in as large practice as any one in Boston. There was not a citizen of that town more universally beloved for his learning, ingenuity, every domestic and social vir- ♦Tudor's life of James Otis may well occupy the same bureau as Wirt's Life of Patrick Henry. The ancient dominion of Massachu- setts has found an advocate, as well as the ancient dominion of Vir- ginia. APPENDIX. tue, and conscientious conduct in every relation of life. His patriotism was as ardent as his progenitors had been ancient and illustrious in this country. Hutchinson often said that « Thatcher was not born a plebeian, but he was determined to die one." In May, 1763, I believe he was chosen by the town of Boston one of their representatives in the legislature, a colleague with Mr. Otis, who had been a member from May 1761, and he continued to be re-elec- ted annually till his death in 1765, when Mr. Samuel Adams was elected to fill his place, in the absence of Mr. Otis, then attending the congress at New-York. Thatcher had long been jealous of the unbounded ambition of Mr. Hutchinson, but when he found him not content with the office of Lieutenant-Governor, the command of the castle and its emoluments, of judge of probate for the county of Suffolk, a seat in his majesty's council in the legislature, his brother-in-law secretary of state by the king's commis- sion, a brother of that secretary of State, a judge of the Supreme Court, and a member of council, now in 1760 and 1761, soliciting and accepting the office of chief justice of the superier court of judicature, he concluded, as Mr. Otis did, and as every other enlightened friend of his country did, that he sought that office with the determined purpose of determining all causes in favour of the ministry at St, James's and their servile parliament. His indignation against him henceforward, to 1765, when he died, knew no bounds but truth. I speak from personal knowledge. — For, from 1758 to 1765, I attended every superior and inferior court in Boston, and recollect not one in which he did not invite me home to spend evenings with him, when he made me converse with him as well as I ' v ould, on all subjects of religion, morals, law, politics, his- ADAMS \M> JEFFERSON. philosophy, belles lettres, theology, mytholog gany, metaphysics.— Locke, Clark, Leibwite, Bohngb* kley, — the pre-established barmonj of the universe, the nature of matter and of r-pi rit, and the eternal estab- lishment of coincidences between their operations, late. foreknowledge, absolute — and we reasoned on such un- fathomable subject as iii^h as Milton's gentry in pande- monium ; and we understood them as well as they did, and no better. — To such mighty mysteries he added the news of the day, and the tittle-tattle of the town. But his fa- vorite subject was politics, and the impending threatening system of parliamentary taxation and universal government over the colonies. On this subject he was so anxious and agitated that I have no doubt it occasioned his premature death. From the time when he argued the question of writs of assistance to his death, he considered the king, ministry, parliament and nation of Great-Britain as deter- mined to new model the colonies from the foundation ; to annul all their charters, to constitute them ail royal gov- ernments ; to raise a revenue in America by parliamentary taxation ; to apply that revenue to pay the salaries of gov- ernors, judges and all other crown officers ; and, after alt this, to raise as large a revenue as they pleased, to be ap- plied to national purposes at the exchequer in England ; and further to establish bishops and the whole system of the church of England, tythes and all, throughout all British America. This system, he said, if it was suffered to pre- vail would extinguish the flame of liberty all over the world ; that America would be employed as an engine to batter down all the miserable remains of liberty in Great- Britain and Ireland, where only any semblance of it was left in the world. To this system he considered Hutchin- A'J 374 APPENDIX. son, the Olivers' and all their connections, dependants, ad~ herents, shoe-lickers— as entirely devoted. He asserted that they were all engaged with all the crown officers in America and the understrappers of the ministry in England, in a deep and treasonable conspiracy to betray the liberties of their country, for their own private personal and family aggrandizement. His phillippicks against the unprincipled ambition and avarice of all of them, but especially of Hutchinson, were unbridled ; not only in private, confiden- tial conversations, but in all companies and on all occasions. He gave Hutchinson the sobriquet of " Summa Protestatis," and rarely mentioned him but by the name of " Summa." His liberties of speech wer^ no secrets to his enemies. I have sometimes wondered that they did not throw him over the bar, as they did soon afterwards major Hawley. For they hated him worse than they did James Otis, or Samuel Adams, and they feared him more — because they had no revenge for a father's disappointment of a seat on the supe- rior bench to impute to him as they did to Otis ; and Thatcher's character through life had been so modest, de- cent, unassuming — his morals so pure, and his religion so venerated, that they dared not attack him. In his office were educated to the bar, two eminent characters, the late judge Lowell, and Josiah Quincy, aptly called the Boston Cicero. Mr. Thatcher's frame was slender, his constitution deli- cate ; whether his physicians overstrained his vessels with mercury, when he had the small pox by inoculation at the castle, or whether he was overplyed by public anxieties and exertions, the small pox left him in a decline from which he never recovered. Not long before his death he sent for me to commit to my care some of his business at the bar. tfMMS \M> JEFFERSON. (asked him whether he had seen the Virginia resolv< " O yes — they are men! they are noble spirits ! It kilU me to think of the lethargy and stupidity tlinf prevail h I longto be out. I will go out. I will g<> out. I will go into court, and make a spe< i h \\ hich shall be read after mj death as m) dying testimony against this infernal tyrann) which the} are bringingupon us." Seeing the viol< nt tation into winch it threw him, I changed tin subject as soon as possible, and retired. Had he been confined for some time. Had he been abroad among the people, he would not have complained so pathetically of the " lethargy and stupidity that prevailed," for town and country were all alive ; and in August became active enough, and some of the people proceeded to unwarrantable excesses, which were more lamented by the patriots than their enemies. — Mr. Thatcher soon died, deeply lamented by all the friends of their country. Another gentleman who had great influence in the com- mencement of the revolution, was Dr. Jonathan Mayhew, a descendant of the ancient governor of Martha's Vineyard. This divine had raised a great reputation both in Europe and America, by the publication of a volume of seven ser- mons in the reign of king George the second, 1749, and by many other writings, particularly a sermon in 1750, on the thirtieth of January, on the subject of passive obedience and non-resistance ; in which the saintship and martyrdom of king Charles the first are considered, seasoned with wit and satire superior to any in Swift and Franklin. It was read by every body ; celebrated by friends and abused by enemies. — During the reigns of king George the first and king George the second, the reigns of the Stuarts, the two Jameses and the two Charleses, were in general disgrace 376 APPENDIX. in England. In America they had always been held in ab- horrence. — The persecutions and cruelties suffered by their ancestors under those reigns had been transmitted by his- tory and tradition, and Mayhew seemed to be raised up to revive all their animosities against tyranny, in church and state, and at the same time to destroy their bigotry, fanati- cism and inconsistency. David Hume's plausible, elegant, fascinating and fallacious apology, in which he varnished over the crimes of the btuarts, had not then appeared. To draw the character of Mayhew would be to transcribe a dozen volumes. This transcendant genius threw all the weight of his great fame into the scale of his country in 1751, and maintained it there with zeal and ardour till his death in 1 76G. In 1 763 appeared the controversy between him and Mr. Apthorp, Mr. Caner, Dr. Johnson and Arch- bishop Seeker, on the charter and conduct of the society for propagating the gospel in foreign parts. To form a judgment of this debate, I beg leave to refer to a review of the whole, printed at the time and written by Samuel Adams, though by some, very absurdly and erroneously, ascribed to Mr. Apthorp. If I am not mistaken, it will be found a model of candor, sagacity, impartiality, and close, correct reasoning. If any gentleman supposes this controversy to be nothing to the present purpose, he is grossly mistaken. It spread an universal alarm against the authority of parliament. It excited a general and just apprehension that bishops, and diocesses, and churches, and priests and tythes, were to be imposed on us by parliament. It was known that neither king nor ministry, nor archbishops, could appoint bishops in America without an act of parliament ; and if parliament could tax us, they could establish the church of England, ADAMS AND JEFFERSON. 171 with all its^reeds, articles, tests, ceremonies and tythes, and prohibit all other churches as i onventicles and b< hism r-llO|>>. .Nor must Mr. ( lushing be forgotten. 1 li- good Bense and Sound judgment, 1 1 1 < - urbanity of his manners, his universal good character, his numerous friends ami connexions, and ontinual intercourse with all sorts of people, added to his constant attachment to the liberties of his countrj . gave him a great and salutary influence from the beginning in 17G0. Let me recommend these hints to the consideration of Mr. Wirt, whose life of Mr. Heur) I have read with great delight. I think, that after mature investigation, he will be convinced that Mr. Henry did not --give the first im- pulse to the ball of independence" — and that Otis, Thatch- er, Samuel Adams, Ma) hew, Hancock, Cushing, and thou- sands of others were labouring for several years at the wheel before the name of Henry was heard beyond the lim- its of Virginia. If you print this, I will endeavor to send you something concerning Samuel Adams, who was destined to a longer career, and to acta more conspicuous and, perhaps, a more important part than any other man. But his life would re- quire a volume. If you decline printing this letter, 1 pray you to return it, as soon as possible, to, Sir, your humble servant, JOHN ADAMS." The following letter is a precious morccau ; as it evinces the exalted magnanimity of Mr. Jeffersok, in giving to his once great political rival, Mr. Adams the rank he de- 378 . APPENDIX. serves amongst that matchless constellation of Statesmen who composed the Old Congress. — " Monticello, February 19, 1813. Sir — Your favour of the 13th has been duly received, together with the papers it covered, and particularly Mr. Barralet's sketch of the ornaments proposed to accompany the publication of the Declaration of Independence, con- templated by Mr. Murray and yourself. I am too little vers- ed in the art of design, to be able to offer any suggestions to the artist. As far as I am a judge, the composition appears to be judicious and well imagined. Were I to hazard a suggestion, it should be, that Mr. Hancock, as president of Congress, should occupy the middle and principal place. No man better merited than Mr. John Adams to hold a most conspicuous place in the design. — He was the Pil- lar of its support on the Floor of Congress, its ablest advo- cate and Defender against the multifarious assaults it en- countered ; for many excellent persons opposed it on doubts whether we were provided sufficiently with the means of supporting it, whether the minds of our constituents were yet prepared to receive it, &c. who, after it was decided, united zealously in the measures it called for. I must ask permission to become a subscriber for a copy when published, which, if rolled on a wooden roller, and sent by mail, will come safely. Accept the assurance of my respect and best wishes. TH : JEFFERSON. Mr. Wm. P. Gardner, Washington." This extract from one of the late letters of the venerable Adams, shows his anxiety to rescue from oblivion the mem- ories of the distinguished fathers of New-England. He ADAMS \M> JEFFERSON, has lived himself for posterity, and •<< posterity while he yet livt s : — " I have no disposition to vilify the character of th< il lustrious William Penn, or to depreciate his meril celebrated for \\\< wisdom, toleration, and humanity to tin Indians ; bui I think thai Ne* England furnishes tl" biog rapby of several characters, who, more than halt' a century before him, had exerted equal talent-, equal exertions, greater sacrifices, and severer sufferings, in the same piom and virtuous cause. Mr. Penn was verj fortunate in hav- i choose his own companions, and in meeting with In- dians of a very mild and pacific character; but the first settlers in New-England had spies and emissaries sent out with the express purpose of counteracting and destroying their puritanical establishments. The character of Sir Christopher Gardiner, of Weston, the heart of the estab- lishment of Wessaguscus, and Thomas Morton, of Mount \V ailaston, ought to be minutely investigated. They were all in the confidence of Arch-bishop Laud, as appears ex- plicitly, by the writings of Thomas Morton, in his New Ca- naan, This Thomas Morton was as great a plague to our Forefathers, as Tom Paine has been to us in our day. His writings, conduct, and character, ought to be examined, and stated at full length. He and those other emisaries furnished the Indians with arms, and other ammunition, and taught them the use of them; and, what was worse, gave them spirituous liquors, and commenced their habits of in- toxication." Of the writers of the two following letters, who talk away in all the charming playfulness of a " green old age.' w< may say — " They are men— take them all in all, " We ne'er shall look upon their like again." 380 APPENDIX. From Mr. Jefferson to Mr. Adams, " Monticello, June 1, 1822. k4 It is very long, my dear sir, since I have written to you. My dislocated wrist is now become so stiff that I write slowly and with pain ; and, therefore, write as little as I can. Yet it is due to mutual friendship to ask once in a while how we do ? The papers tel! us that Gen. Stark is off at the age of ninety-three. — ***** still lives, at about the same age, cheerful, slender as a grasshopper, and so much without memory that he scarcely recognizes the members of his household. An intimate friend of his call- ed on him not long since. It was difficult to make him re- collect who he was, and sitting one hour, he told him the same story four times over. Is this life ? — with laboring step To tread our former footsteps ? pace the round- Eternal? — to beat and beat The beaten track — to see what we have seen — To taste the tasted — o'er our palates to descant Another vintage ? " It is, at most, but the life of a cabbage, surely not worth a wish. When all our faculties have left, or are leaving ua one by one, sight, hearing, memory, every avenue of pleas- ing sensation is closed, and athumy, debility, and mal aise left in their places, when the friends of our youth are all gone, and a generation is risen around us, whom we know not, is death an evil ? When one by one our ties are torn, And friend from friend is snatch'd forlorn ; When man is left alone to mourn, Oh, then, how sweet it is to die ! When trembling limbs refuse their weight And films siow gathering dim the sight j When clouds secure the mental light, 'Tis nature's kindest boon to die ! ADAMS AND JEFFERSON. 381 •• 1 really think so. I have ever dreaded a floating did age ; and my health has been generally bo good and is QOM bo good, that I dread it still. The rapid decline of my strength during the last winter has made me hope some- times that I see land. During summer, I enjoy its tempe- rature, hut 1 shudder at the approach of winter, and wish I eould sleep through it with the dormouse, and only wake with him in spring, if ever. They say that Starke could walk about his room. I am told you walk well and firmly. I can only reach my garden, and that with sensible fatigue. I ride, however, daily ; but reading is my delight. I should wish never to put pen to paper ; and the more because of the treacherous practice some people have of publishing one's letters without leave. Lord Mansfield declared it a breach of trust, and punishable at law. I think it should be a penitentiary felony ; yet you will have seen that they have drawn me out into the arena of the newspapers. Al- though I know it is too late for me to buckle on the armour of youth, yet my indignation would not permit me passively to receive the kick of an ass. " To turn to the news of the day, it seems that the can- nibals of Europe are going to eating one another again. A war between Russia and Turkey is like the battle of the kite and snake ; whichever destroys the other, leaves a destroyer the less for the world. This pugnacious hu» mour of mankind seems to be the law of his nature, one of the obstacles to too great multiplication provided in the mechanism of the Universe. The cocks of the hen yard kill one another ; bears, bulls, rams, do the same, and a horse in his wild state, kills all the young males, until worn down with age and war, some vigorous youth kills mm. * ** I hope we shall prove how much happier for man the 382 APPENDIX. Quaker policy is, and that the life of the feeder is better than that of the fighter ; and it is some consolation that the desolation by these maniacs of one part of the earth, is the means of improving it in other parts. Let the latter be our office ; and let us milk the cow, while the Russian holds her by the horns, and the Turk by the tail.* God bless you, and give you health, strength, good spirits, and as much of life as you think worth having. THO'S. JEFFERSON. Mr, Adams' 1 Reply. Montezillo, June 11, 1822. Dear Sir. — Half an hour ago I received, and this mo- ment have heard read for the third or fourth time, the best letter that ever was written by an Octogenarian, dated June 1st. ****** I have not sprained my wrist ; but both my arms and hands are so overstrained that I cannot write a line. — Poor Starke remembered nothing and could talk of nothing but the battle of Bennington. ***** is not quite so reduced. I cannot mount my horse but I can walk three miles over a rugged rocky mountain, and have done it within a month ; yet I feel when sitting in my chair as if I could not rise out of it ; and when risen, as if I could not walk across the room ; my sight is very dim, hearing pretty good, memory poor enough. I answer your question — is death an evil ? — It is not an evil. It is a blessing to the individual and to the world ; * In the War of the Revolution, when Gen. Putnam commanded at Philadelphia, and Sir Wm. Howe at New-York, the general was ask- ed how much he could depend upon N. Jersey. " She is true," said he, " but what can she do when Pennsylvania has her by the horns, and New-York by the tail ?" ADAMS AND JEFFERSON- yel we ought not to wish lor it (til life becomes insupporta- ble. We must wait the pleasure and convenience of the 'Gn at Teai her.' Winter i^ as terrible to me as to you. I am almos! reduced iii it to the life of a bear or a torpid swallow. 1 cannot re. id, but my delight is to hear others read ; and 1 tax all my friends most unmercifully and tyran- nically against their consent. The ass has kicked in vain ; all men say the dull animal has missed the mark. This globe is a theatre of war — its inhabitants are all heroes. The little eels in vinegar and the animalcules in pepper-water, I believe are quarrelsome. The bees are as warlike as the Romans, Russians, Britons or Frenchmen. Ants, caterpillars and canker-worms, are the only tribes among whom I have not seen battles ; and heaven itself, if we believe Hindoos, Jews, Christians and Mahometans, has not always been at peace. We need not trouble our- selves about these things, nor fret ourselves because of evil- doers ; but safely trust the ' Ruler with his skies.' Nor need we dread the approach of dotage ; let it come, if it must. *****, it seems, still delights in his four stories ; and Starke remembered to the last his Bennington, and ex- ulted in his glory : the worst of the evil is, that our friends will suffer more by our imbecility than we ourselves. In wishing for your health and happiness, I am very selfish ; for 1 hope for more letters ; this is worth more than five hundred dollars to me, for it has already given me, and it will continue to give more pleasure than a thousand. Mr. Jay, who is about your age, I am told experiences more decay than you do. I am your old friend. JOHN ADAMS. President Jefferson. 384 APPENDIX. The following is from the pen of a distinguished scholar who visited President Adams in 1822. "The residence of the venerable patriot stands in a beautiful retired spot, shaded with trees, and every thing within and without the premises, wears an air of neatness, comfort and genuine republican simplicity, that charms one. A modern fashionable, about visiting those whom the world calls great, would expect to find the vestibules, the drawing rooms, and boudoirs choked up with fiery dragons and serpents as decorations to their costly Parisian furni- ture. But not so with this veteran father of our Republic. With him, extravagance has not superseded convenience, nor fashion banished comfort and good taste from his dwel- ling. This distinguished benefactor of his country, whose life was for a time embittered by injustice and persecution, is now 87 years old. He may be said u fairly to have out- lived the prejudices which party animosity excited against him ; in his own time the storm has passed by, and the last hours of his course are unclouded and serene." We found him in tolerable health, cheerful, and in good spirits. In conversation he was quick and sprightly ; and I was pleas- ed to find that his faculties, apparently, were not benumbed by age. Upon every subject he was perfectly at home. Indeed J never saw the man of whom, notwithstanding the imperceptible ravages of time, it might more truly be said, in the language of Shakspeare — " He is a scholar, and a ripe and good one ; Hear him bat reason in divinity, And, all admiring-, with an inward wish, You would suppose him the most learned prelate. Hear him debate of Commonwealth affairs, You'd say it hath been all-in-all, his study. List his discourse of war, and you shall hear ADAMS AND JEFFERSON .» fearful battle rendered jroe in music. Turn him to any cause of policy, The Gordian Knot <>f it he >nll unloose! Familiar as his garter." (Ii - knowledge of the ever- varying politics of the several states, i- perfect up to the present time ; and I found thai is thoroughly acquainted with all the political squabbles of New York, their causes and consequences, with the proceedings of the late convention in that state, and with every point of the new constitution, as though h< had attended and written down the journals and arguments- himself. I have seldom seen the man who appeared so perfectly happy." The following elegant remarks upon the two last prece ding letters are from the pen of a distinguished Americar. writer. " The following Letters have been obtained by solicita tion ; and are sent to the press by the permission of their venerable authors. The character, standing, and age of the writers, the one in his eightieth, the other in his eighty- seventh year, give them peculiar interest, and they cannot fail to be read with great pleasure. It is delightful to wit- ness this kind of correspondence between these two distin- guished men, the asperities of party by which they were at one time separated, worn down, and nothing remaining but the interchange of sentiments of unfeigned kindnes- and respect. It is charming to see an old age like this retaining, even under its decays and infirmities, the intel- lectual vigour unimpaired ; and displaying amidst its snows. the greenness and freshness of the summer of life. It is an enviable and privileged height to which these great men have attained ; from which they are permitted to look ob* APPENDIX. down upon an extensive and eminently happy country, enjoying the fruit of their labours and sacrifices, more than realizing their boldest anticipations ; and regarding them with that gratitude and respect to which their magnanimity and distinguished patriotism so emphatically entitle them. The letter of Mr. Jefferson was written soon after an at- tack upon him by the " Native Virginian ;" and when there was a strong expectation of a war between Russia and Turkey ; this will explain some allusions in them." The following remarks of the distinguished Editor of " The London Morning Chronicle" must have been " wormwood" to " the miserable beings who fill the thrones ©f the Continent." The Editor may be asked whether he considers the " fast anchor'd isle" of Britain as belonging to " the Continent ?" Whether in the "absence of pure monarchy" there, he can help " despising the idols he wor- ships ?" But he is undoubtedly a loyal Englishman : and although he scatters the " paper bullets of the brain" he can readily adopt the language of the British knight in Shakespeare, " No abuse, Hal ! no abuse ^pon honor, Hal ."' ; ' The Lion ivill not touch the true Prince." " America and Europe. — What a contrast the following Correspondence of the two Rival Presidents of the great- est Republic of the world, reflecting on old age dedicated to virtue, temperance and philosophy, presents to the heartsickening details occasionally disclosed to us of the miserable beings who fill the Thrones of the Continent. There is not, perhaps, one Sovereign of the Continent who in any sense of the word can be said to honour nature while many make us almost ashamed of it. The curtain is seldom drawn aside without exhibiting to us beings worn ADAMS AND JEFFERSON. 387 out with vicious indulgence, diseased in mind, if not in body, the creature of caprice and insensibility. On the other hand, since the foundation of tin- American Repub- lic, the Chair lias never been filled by a man, for whose life (to say the least) an) American need o'nee to blush It must, therefore, be some compensation to the Ameri. cans for the absence of pure Monarchy, that when they look upwards their eyes are notalways met by vice and meanness and often idiocy ; as it is a deduction from the advantage of those who possess not Kings that they cannot help de- spising the idols they worship." The following authentic document must extort from ev- ery reader the most unqualified admiration. It goes to confirm the declaration of the energetic Adams in one of the preceding letters, that in New England — " thousands were labouring for several years at the wheel before the name of Henry was heard beyond the limits of Virginia." The writer of the preceding sketches, acknowledges the rapturous delight with which he perused and still peruses " Wirt's Life of Henry." In that master-piece of Ameri- can Biography, the author is no longer " The British Spy" — he is the whole-souled Virginian in Virginia. Virginia. in his hands is " all in all" in the " old thirteen colonies," and Patrick Henry is all in all in Virginia. Like a song of enchantment, his harmonious "concord of sweet sounds," allures his New England reader from Fanueil Hall, where the cradle of Independance was first rocked : where Han- cock, the Adamses, Otis, &c. " raised such a flame in Mas- sachusetts as expelled all royal rule in America ;" — yes, he ravi-hes him away from the land of his ancestors, — places him in the " House of Burgesses in Virginia," and makes him forget the descendants of the pilgrims in the sonorou- 388 APPENDIX. notrs of Henry, and the fascinating tones of Lee, who, he almost makes him believe—' 4 gave the first impulse to the ball of Independence." " In the year 1813, I paid a visit to Mr. Jefferson, in his retirement to Monticello. During the visit, the credibility of history became a topic of conversation, and we naturally adverted to that of our own country. He spoke with great freedom of the heroes and patriots of our Revolution, and of its gloomy and brilliant periods. I will give the sub- stance of a part of his remarks. " No correct history o* that arduous struggle, has yet been or ever will be written. The actors in important and busy scenes are too much ab- sorbed in their immediate duty, to record events, or the motives and causes which produced them. Many secret springs, concealed even from those upon whom they ope- rate, give an impulse to measures which are supposed to be the result of chance ; and an accidental occurrence of cau- ses is often attributed to the connected plan of leaders, who are themselves as much astonished as others at the events they witness. They who took an active part in these im- portant transactions can hardly recognize them as they are related in the histories of our Revolution. That of Botta, an Italian, is the best. In all of them events are misrep- resented, wrong motives are assigned, and justice is seldom done to individuals, some having too much, and some too little praise. The private correspondence of three or four persons in different official stations at that time, would form the best history. 1 have heard that Mr. Adams is writing something on the subject. — No one is better qualified thaa he to give to the reader a correct impression of the earlier part of the contest. No history has done him justice, for no historian was present to witness the Continental Con ADAMS \Nl> JEFFERSON. In 1 lis zeal for independence he was ardent; in contriving expedients and originating measures, be was al« - busj ; in disastrous times, when gloom sal on the ; um ee of mosl of us, his courage and fortitude i 01 tinued unabated, and his animated exhortations n tored confidence to those who had wavered. H<- seemed to for \cv\ thing but his country, and the cause which he had espoused. " In a journey to the southward, I fell in company with an aged and highl) respected gentleman, a native of one of the middle states, who in our revolutionary war espoused the cause of the King, and held an important post in the royal army. He conversed with great frankness of his principles and motives, and appeared to have been well ac- quainted with the events of that period. " It has been dis- puted,* 1 said I. " where the Revolution originated, in Ma- sachusetts or Virginia. What was the opinion of the Roy- alists of that period, and what is yours ? " That it origina- ted in Massachusetts," was his reply, " and if I was to state who, in my opinion, contributed most to bring on the tontest, I should name JOHN ADAMS, who was after- wards your President. Concerning him 1 will relate an anecdote. He came into notice during the administration of Governor Bernard, and distinguished himself by his re- solute opposition to many of his measures. The Attorney General, Sewell, was however his bosom friend. At that time the office of a Justice of the Peace was, on many ac- counts, advantageous to a young man ; and with (he knowledge of Adams, the Attorne} General requested Ber- nard to appoint his friend to that office. The Governor expressed his deiire to oblige Mr. Sewell, but observed, 51 33* APPENDIX, ' This young man has ranked himself with mj opponent*, He denounces and endeavours to thwart my measures and those of the ministry. I could not justify it to my sovereign to bestow a favour on such a person. And I wish you to tell him from me, that so long as he continues to oppose me and the ministry, he must expect no promotion." Sewell con- veyed the message to Adams. " Then tell the Governor from me," replied the latter, " that i will not change MY COURSE, BUT WILL RAISE SUCH A FLAME IN THE PRO- VINCE AS SHALL EXPEL HIM FROM IT, AND ALL ROYAL RULE from America." The truth of this anecdote has been con- firmed to me by another respectable gentleman, who was then a student in the office of Mr. Sewell." The following Letter from Mr. Jefferson to Lieut. Gov. Barry of Kentucky, evinces the unaffected modesty of the writer. While his countrymen are literally saturating him with eulogy, he shrinks from it, not as Cesar did from a crown, that he might grasp it the stronger, but that he may give place to the superlative merits of his compatriots. His whole life has been a practical comment upon this language. Witness his generous applause of his immediate predecessor, and his potent rival, the ex-President Adams ! Witness his invariable courtesy to his successors the ex-President Ma- dison, and the present Executive Monroe. And, notwiths- tanding the baleful and blasting anathemas of ascetic and frigid malice, witness his veneration for the Father of the Republic — the departed Washington. The political axioms in this little letter, so truly great, ought to become the text-book of American Statesmen ; and be appended to Washington's Farewell Address. This idea forces upon the mind the melancholy consideration that Adams, Jefferson and Madison, await only the ADAMS AND JEFFERSON. "Greal J , e.lrhe^ :, s ,, summons, to join the IflNBOftalizi -«1 \\ kSBlNGTOW in eternity. Then may we Bay with tli. Bard— -*• Whilr others hail the rising Sim, "• WV1I bow to those whose race is run." "Monticello, July 2d, 1822. " Sir — Your favour of the 15th June is received, and 1 am very thankful for the kindness of its expressions res- pecting myself; but it ascribes to me merit which I do not claim. 1 was one only of the band devoted to the cause «»t Independence, all of whom exerted equally their best en- deavours for its success, and have a common right to the merits of its acquisition. So also in the civil revolution of 1801, very many and very meritorious were the worthy patriots who assisted in bringing back our government to its republican tack. To preserve it in that, will require un- remitting vigilance. Whether the surrender of our oppo- nents, their reception into our camp, their assumption of out name, and apparent accession to our objects, may strength- en or weaken the genuine principles of republicanism — may be a good or an evil, is yet to be seen. I consider the party divisions of whig and tory, the most wholesome which can exist in any government 5 and well worthy of being nour- ished to keep out those of a more dangerous character. We already see the power, installed for life, responsible to no authority, (for impeachment is not even a scare crow) advancing with a noiseless and steady pace to the great ob- ject of consolidation ; the foundations are already deeply laid, by their decisions, for the annihilation of constitution- al state rights, and the removal of every check, every coun- terpoize to the ingulfing power of which themselves are to make a sovereign part. If ever this vast country is brought 392 APPExNDTX. under a single government, it will be one of the most ex- tensive corruption, indifferent and incapable of a whole- some care over so wide a spread of surface. This will not be borne, and \ou will have to choose between reformaiion and revolution. If I know the spirit of this country, the one or the other is inevitable. Before the canker is be- come inveterate, before its venom has reached so much of the body politic as to get beyond control, remedy should be applied. Let the future appointments of Judges be for 4 or G years and renewable by the President and Senate. — This will bring their conduct at regular periods, under re- visio. and probation, and may keep ihem in equipoise be- tween the general and special governments. We have er- red in this point by copying England where certainly it is a good thing to have the Judges independent of the King ; but we have omitted to copy their caution also, which makes a judge removeable on the address of both legislative houses. That there should be public functionaries inde- pendent of the union, whatever may be their demerit is a solecism in a republic of the first order of absurdity and in- consistence. THOMAS JEFFERSON." *^ w8 PIS SITV LlBHA*