Coluntlna ©nttJersittp intljeCitpoflmgork THE LIBRARIES ^^^^^-^-^^ HISTOKT — OF THE — BAPTISTS iN MISSOURI — EMBRACING — AN ACCOUNT OF THE ORGANIZATION AND GROWTH OF BAPTIST CHURCHES AND ASSOCIATIONS ; BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF MINISTERS OF THE GOSPEL AND OTHER PROMINENT MEMBERS OF THE DENOMINATION ; THE FOUNDING OF BAPTIST INSTITUTIONS, PERIODICALS, &C. BY K. "S: BUNCA^N, WITH AN lirrEOL=rcj;ioi«.BY W. POPE TEAMAN, D. D. ILLUSTRATED WITE NUMEROUS PORTRAITS AND OTHER ENGRAVINGS. SAINT LOUIS; SCAMMELL & COMPANY, Publishers. 1882. 93?. s ^9/ v» Copyright 1882, Ox SCAM]\IELL & COMPANY, All Riehta Keserved. Y3/ £ PREFACE. rr^lHIS volume is the fruit of an early desire to know more JL of the doings of Baptist Churches. To this end, full twen- ty-five years ago, the author commenced gathering together As- sociational and Church records. These old records were care- fully studied and then as carefully filed away. Old documents fell into his hands from which he learned that the original Bap- tist settlements in Missouri were made under the most intense- ly interesting circumstances — that, in point of fact, the Baptists literally captured the Missouri Territory from the Spanish Catholics, and were really the first to preach the gospel and found churches west of the Great Eiver. Thus did he continue his collections and researches until, quite absorbed in the sub- ject, it occurred to him that a "History of the Baptists in Mis- souri" might be both interesting and useful. For this purpose, from about the year 1865 he labored most earnestly to complete his files. In the year 1875, at the request of the managers of the Central Baptist, he prepared for and published in said paper a number of chapters on the Early Baptists of Missouri. Soon these chap- ters were called for in book form for permanent use. Thus led on, he commenced the actual preparation of the work now com- pleted. During its prosecution he has found it necessary to fol- low another calling at a nominal salary, from which he had to make such frequent drafts to pay express and postage bills, and also sometimes the original market value of documents almost daily being added to his accumulating files, that, much of the time, those dependent uj)on him have been compelled to make very great sacrifices; but by the strictest domestic economy, and the generous aid of kind friends, the work has at last been con- summated. Many chapters of this book have been written at in- tervals in his office work which ought really to have brought rest to his tired frame. And though he has grown prematurely gray under the pressure, he desires, in this connection, to express his devout gratitude to Almighty God for his abounding grace VI PREFACE. in keeping him thus far, and for enabling him to complete the work, which, though full of toil, has been one of great pleasure. This is not a traditional book. It has been prepared from the testimony of original documents or manuscripts and living wit- nesses ; nor has it been written to tickle the fancy of the casual reader, but for truth-seekers — for those who are desirous of knowing well-authenticated historic facts. The plan of this work is as follows : The first division is into Periods — from 1796 to 1810 forming the first period, and each succeeding decade completing another period. These periods are then divided into chapters of a convenient length. Sketches of Associations founded in Period No. 1, may be found in said peri- od, and thus throughout all the periods ; sketches of churches being placed in connection with the Associations to which they belong ; and all being interspersed with biographical sketches of the men who wore more or less prominent in building up said institutions. Then comes the Miscellaneous Department, con- taining: 1st. Such Biographical Notices as are not found in the preceding chapters; 2d. The Educational Institutions of the State ; 3d. Eeligious Periodicals ; 4th. Baptist Publication In- terests; 5th. The Missouri Test Oath; 6th. Statistical Tables, &c., &c. My object has been to preserve from oblivion the memory of men and of institutions ; to record on the pages of history im- portant events in the rise, progress and result of Baptist senti- ments in Missouri, once the battle-ground for soul freedom, and where the final blow to papal supremacy in the United States was struck. In seeking to accomplish these ends, I trust my highest motive has been the glory of God in the advancement of truth, and the perpetuity of the people who have "preserved pure the doctrines of the gospel through all ages;" all of which I have desired to accomplish without partiality. Also, the author wishes here to acknowledge material aid from the writings of many brethren, among whom may be mentioned the names of J. M. Peck, J. E. Welch, A. P. Williams, E. S. Thomas, William Polk, William Carson, and Wade M. Jackson, now gone home to rest; and S. H. Ford, J. H. Luther, E. S. Du- lin, W. Pope Yeaman, Jeremiah Farmer, and a host of others still living; and, fearing he may have, in a single instance, fail- ed to give them the proper credit, he takes this method of doing so, and likewise to express his gratitude for their valuable assis- tance. PREFACE. Vll Praying that this volume may be followed by the Divine blessing, that it may meet with a hearty and cordial reception by the denomination as well as by many others, and accomplish good in the world, it is sent forth upon its mission. E. S. DUNCAK. Montgomery City, Mo. August, 1882. IXTRODrCTIOX, EMBRACIXG A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF THE AUTHOE, BY W, POPE TEAMAX, D. D. HISTOET is treasured life. To it the intelligent are indebt- ed for a knowledge of the facts and forces in the progress and development of human society. But for the painstaking historian, each successive generation would be left to the uncer- tain testimonj of tradition for those ideas and institutions of preceding generations upon which is dependent almost all valu- able knowledge. Each generation would be left to grope its way in the imperfect and uncertain light of each dav's experi- ence. The writer of a reliable and comprehensive history of any people or period, of any institutions of government or reli- gion, or manners and pursuits of any race or nationality, has necessarily led the intelligent student into an acquaintance with the leading ideas of the people about whom he writes, for the period embraced in his history, and he discovers to the student the leading facts in the life of that people — facts that were the outgrowth of ideas, — and then in turn the ideas that spring forth from these facts. In these ideas and facts is embraced the all of the inwardness and the outwardness of human life. Beligious History unfolds to the student nearly all of the more potent forces that have, through the ages, worked out the prob- lems of the individual and social improvement of man. Legis- lation, jurisprudence and literature have never been above nor independent of the forces that inhere in the native religiosity of the human mind. Science technically owes its development and practical formulations and utilizations to legislation and liter- ature. The history of the Christian religion is the history of advanced revelation and progressive thoughtunder the guidance of the Spirit of the Creator of all. It is here, and here only, that are found those active principles which have emancipated thought from fhe thraldom of ignorance and the domination of corrupt individual minds. Free thought and the liberty of individual INTRODUCTION. IX 6onscience — the inalienable rights of man — are asserted, defend- ed and promoted by the spirit and precepts of the Christian re- ligion. Its light dispels the darkness that gathered over man as an inevitable and unarbitrary consequence of the violation of the law of God — the law of human life. The Gospel is that river which, flowing from the throne of Eternal Truth, has carried life whithersoever it has flowed. Baptist History is the history of the force, purity, and pristine simplicity of the Gospel in its application to the wants of man- kind — a history of the introduction of light through the Mes- siah and the struggles and conflicts for the maintenance and universal dissemination of that pure light. The cardinal and vital principles of the doctrine and practice of the Baptists underlie and create that spirit and form of thought to which is traced that consciousness of individual right that led on to the assertion and establishment of religious liberty, and from religious liberty comes the highest and best forms of civil and political liberty. It requires no forcing of ideas or tortur- ing of facts to convince the philosophic historian that the very idea and practice of Baptist Church polity have in them the germ and mainspring of the highest type of soul liberty. For in that idea and practice is a recognition of individuality of faith and accountability, and therefore individual right in all matters of conscience and ecclesiastical government. These ideas once reduced to practice in afl'airs of church were not long in assert- ing themselves in state afl'airs. The History of Missouri Baptists is the history of one geographi- cal division of that apostolic community whose light and power have been so long felt in the amelioration and elevation of hu- man society. A history well worth writing, for one fact if for no other, that the Baptists were the first anti-Eoman Catholics who planted the standard of an unpriestridden Christianity west of the Mississippi Eiver. The impress of the pure and simple faith of that people has ever been seen and felt in the institutions and habits of the free, generous, progressive and independent thought of Western people. The author of this volume, Eev. E. S. Duncan, is a native Mis- sourian ; and herein is one reason why he should have undertaken the work which is now ofl'ered to the public. It is full of singu- larly instructive personal and general incidents, intimately in- terwoven by the conditions of real life in pioneer enterprise with the planting and training of the apostolic church in a virgin soil. INTRODUCTION. Mr. Duncan is fifty years of age. He was born April 27, 1832, in Lincoln County. His father, Lewis Duncan, was a native of Virginia, whose wife, Harriet Kinnaird, was also a native of that State. Lewis Duncan was a Baptist minister. He with his family moved to Missouri in 1828. There were born to him eight sons and three daughters, who lived to maturity and married. In Missouri, at that early day, educational facilities were rare and imperfect. A farmer, with a large family to support, and his REV. R. S. DIXCAN. time divided with preaching, it was almost impossible to accumu- late sufficient fortune to enable the sending of children abroad to school for an education. The log school-house, with a few weeks' school in the winter, was the total of school opportunity. The author of this book never had a scholastic education, and in the technical sense was not educated. Yet he is an educated man. Self-reliance, diligent and painful toil, inspired by a noble aim and commendable ambition, led him at the age of earlj'" manhood to have so far jnastered the rudiments of an English education, that he was able to teach a school in which Arithmetic and the English Grammar were successfully taught. This was a de- cided progress, for when he was married and settled in life he INTRODUCTION. XI could read and write only imperfectly, and had not been farther into the mysteries of arithmetic than the "Single Eule of Three/' In 1851 he was converted and baptized into Zion Baptist Church, Montgomery County. The venerable James F. Smith, who still lives, full of life and honored by all who know him, was God's chosen servant in the conviction of Mr. Duncan. In August, 1855, he was ordained to the gospel ministry by Bethle- hem Church, Lincoln Co., assisted by Walter McQuie, W. D. Grant and Lewis Duncan, his father. His services were at once in demand for the pastoral office. In this capacity he has occu- pied the pulpits of the following churches : Bethlehem, Sulphur Lick and Pleasant Grove, Lincoln Co.; Union, Warren Co.; Mount Pleasant, Loutre, Zion, Wellsville, Hopewell and Middle- town, Montgomery Co.j Mount Zion, Martinsburg and West Cuivre, Audrain Co.; and New Hartford, Pike Co. During much of the time of the pastoral life of our author he was compelled to do farm work with his own hands, that he might support his family; at other times, from necessity, he taught school. In the early period of his ministry, churches in the country were not given to the support of their pastors, and the preachers of the period were hard working, poorly fed and clad, and made many sacrifices to the work of the gospel. Un- der all these disadvantages, Mr. Duncan pursued his studies, never daunted by the seeming insuperable difficulties that frown- ed upon his noble effort. During the sectional war in this country, that unnatural and unconstitutional law was enacted by the party in power, that made it a criminal offense for any man to preach without having taken the Test Oath. Many faithful ministers were indicted un- der that law for preaching the gospel, Mr. Duncan among the number. In the summer of 1869 he was chosen Agent for Missouri of the Foreign Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. Since that time, with only a short interval, he has continued in the service of said Board as District Secretary, and in 1881 he was appointed Vice-President of the Board for Missouri. He has made a diligent and faithful agent, having done much in the way of increasing interest in Baptist Foreign Missions, and in systemizing that work in Missouri. About the year 1857 or '58 he commenced collecting together material which, a few years later, led to the conception of a written history of the Missouri Baptists. He determined to per- Xll INTRODUCTION. feet, as nearly as possible, his collections for that purpose, and subsequently began the preparation of said work. His labors have been onerous. No writer of history has been more pains- taking to gather reliable facts and dates, to arrange such in their proper order, and to show their bearing upon Baptist progress in this State. None but those who have done a like labor, or have been familiar with this particular work, can form any ade- quate idea of the immense labor involved. Almost a quarter of a century devoted to such an undertaking is evidence of great characteristic stability and commendable devotion of spirit and purpose to a definite and worthy object. During this long period Mr. Duncan has produced another work — The History of Baptist Sunday-schools — a volume of considerable merit, and one that met with complimentary favor in Sunday-school circles. The studies, writings, sermons and secretarial work of Mr. Duncan, and his steady advance in the acquisition and utilization of knowledge, have served to give him a deserved place among men of rank. In all this time and work, he has had to bear his full share of trials and afflictions ; but these have ever failed to extort from him a word of murmuring complaint, but on the other hand have served to develop and refine a higher spiritual life, clearly observable and remarked by those who have all the while known him. Mrs. Duncan, the wife of our author, whose maiden name was Sarah J, Ervin, has been, through all the struggles and trials of her husband, a constant and affectionate help-meet and sympa- thizer. She was a native of Lincoln County, Missouri, a daugh- ter of David and Olivia Ervin, and grand-daughter of Hon. Mal- com Henry, one of the pioneers of Missouri, and a member of the Convention that framed the first Constitution of the State, in 1820. This short and insufficient sketch is written as a deserved tri- bute to a strong and good man — one of those self-made men to whom all intelligent people gladly render merited honor. He is another instance of the effectiveness in every good work, and the triumphs which are almost sure to follow as the reward to self-reliance and integrity of purpose. The volume to which 1 write this imperfect introduction, will ever keep fresh and fra- grant the name of its author, and may Missouri Baptists never forget the duty and pleasure of owning and reading the work. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PREFACE 5 INTRODUCTION by W. Pope Yeaman— With Sketch of the Life of the Author . " . . . . . . . . 8 CONTENTS 13 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS 27 PRELIMINARY. 1682-1796. EARLY SETTLEMENTS. La Salle — District of Louisiana — Tradition — Upper Louisiana — First Settlement — Ste. Genevieve — St. Louis — St. Charles — Louis XIV. — Auguste Chouteau — The Rude Cabins — The First House in St. Louis — The Original Districts of Mis- souri — Population, &c., &c. ...... 31 PERIOD FIRST. ^ 1796-1810. CHAPTER I. EARLY BAPTISTS OF MISSOURI. First Baptist Families — The "Lower Country" — ^Formation of the First Church, Ty- wappity — Thomas Johnson, the First Regular Baptist Minister to come "West of the "Great River" — David Green — The Second Church formed, Bethel — Fiat- Boat Traveling ; the "Setting Pole" — ]\Ir. John Baldwin — Dr. J. C. Maple's Mem- orial Address— The "Old Log House" — The Gavel — William Murphy 35 CHAPTEE II. EARLY BAPTISTS OP MISSOURI (CONCLUDED). The Saint Louis District ; First Baptists Therein — John Clark, the Pioneer — The Mu- sick Family — Catholic Oppression and Religious Liberty — jVIeeting Under Diffi- culties—Thomas R. Musick— Fee Fee Church, the Third Formed— Cold Water Church — James Kerr — Funeral in the A\'ilderness — Eld. Brown — J. T. Green — J. Hickman ........ 44 PERIOD SECOND. 1810-1820. CHAPTER I. BETHEL ASSOCIATION. Formation of Other Chm-ches — Providence, Barren, St. Francois, Bellview, &c, — Qt- XIV CONTENTS. ganization of the First Association — Sketches of John Farrar — "William Street — Wilson Thompson — James Philip Edwards — Wingate Jackson — Thos. P. Green — William Pollc and John Tanner ..... 67 CHAPTEE II. THE MISSOURI ASSOCIATION. Negro Fork, Upper Cuivre, and Femme Osage Churches — The Association Formed — Life of Lewis Williams — Of Jno. M. Peck — The Squatter Family — Eock Spring Seminary — The First Baptist Newspaper .... 76 CHAPTEE III. MISSOURI ASSOCIATION (CONCLUDED). James E. Welch — His Conversion, Marriage, IVIission to St. Louis, General Sunday School Agency, Sudden Death — First Baptist Church, St. Louis — The Second Baptist Church, St. Louis — L T. Hinton — Jerry B. Jeter — G. Anderson — A. H. Burhngham— W. W. Boyd— W. M. McPherson— N. Cole— W. M. Page and Mrs. Page — Second Baptist Church, St. Charles — Third Baptist, St. Louis — Garrison Avenue, St. Louis — John Teasdale — ^^Vashington Barnhurst — G. A. Lofton — ^Marshall Brotherton — P. J. Thompson — W. M. Senter — Fourth Baptist Church, St. Louis— J. V. Schofield— Carondelet Church— G. L. Talbot— Park Avenue Church — Beaumont Street Church — Union Church, St. Louis 94 CHAPTEE lY. MOUNT PLEASANT ASSOCIATION. The Baptist Church on Loutre — Joseph Baker — Indian Troubles — Origin of Mount Pleasant, Bethel, Mt. Zion, Salem, and Concord Churches — Formation of the Mount Pleasant Association — William Thorp — Preaching in the Forts — J. Hub- bard — E. Turner — Coldon Williams — D. McLain — Adventure with the Indians —William Coates ........ 146 CHAPTEE V. MOUNT PLEASANT ASSOCIATION (CONTINUED). Great Prosperity — New Associations Formed — ^How They Divided — The Case of Lynch Turner — Account of the Division on Missions — Prinaitive Baptists and Missions, or Who Are Primitive, Missionary or Anti-Missionary Baptists? — Thomas P. Fristoe— Fielding Wilhoite — The Three Horsemen— The Old Log Court House, Carrollton — The Grand Pviver Country— The Dc\irs Headquarters — ^Ebenezer Eodgers— W. H. Mansfield— The Terrills, Jesse and Benjamin 161 CHAPTEE VI. MOUNT PLEASANT ASSOCIATION (CONCLUDED). Plan of Domestic Missions— William Duncan— Partuig Scenes— From the Pulpit to the Grave — The Slavery Question— Addison ]\I. Lewis— The Huguenot Lawj^er — James Porter — Union with Anti-Missionary Baptists — Y. R. Pitts, His Last Hours and Sudden Death- J. W. Terrill— S. Y. Pitts— G. W. Eobey— J. B. •Weber— Sketches of Bee Branch, C 'liffton, Friendship, Huntsville, Hickory Grove, Mobcrly, Mt Horeb, Mt. Shiloh, Mt. Salem, SaHsbury and other Churches 185i CONTENTS. XV PERIOD THIRD. 1820-1830. CHAPTEE I. CUIVRE ASSOCIATION. Formation and History of — Church Troubles — Sudden Dissolution of Antioch Church — Siloam Association, Its Origin — Cuivre-Siloam Association — Extreme Calvinism — Thomas Bowen — George Clay — Ephraim Davis — Darius Bainbridgc —Thomas J. Wright . 204 CHAPTER II. SALT RIVER ASSOCIATION. Formation of the First Churches in the District, Kamsey's Creek, Peno, and Stout's Settlement (New Hope) — Biographical Slcetches of Davis Biggs — ^Jesse Sitton — Bethuel Riggs — Jeremiah Vardeman, His Eventful Life — The Dancing School, &c. — The Roman Catholics at Bardstown — Vai-doman's Visit to Nashville — Set- tlement in Marion County, Missouri ..... 211 CHAPTER III. SALT RIVER ASSOCIATION (CONCLUDED). Controversy on Missions, and Its Results — Division of the Association — Prosperity of the Churches — List of Associational Moderators — Sketches of Bowling Green, First Louisiana, and Other Churches — ,Iohn H. Duncan — Robert Gillmore — David Hubbard — Anecdote of Hubbard — A. D. Landrum ; How He Baptized a Man Privately— J. H. Keach— W. F. Luck— J. D. Biggs— W. J. Patrick 226 CHAPTER lY. CONCORD ASSOCIATION. Cooper County ; First Baptists Therein — Formation of the Association — ^History of Big Bottom, Big Lick, and Other Churches — Luke Williams — Revival at the Dance — John B. Longan — The Lawyer Outwitted — Controversy on ^Missions — Historic Import of the Term " United Baptists " — Peter Woods . 243 CHAPTER Y. CONCORD ASSOCIATION (CONCLUDED). Begins to Promote Missions as a Body — First Executive Board — Opposes Alien Im- mersion — Sunday School Convention Formed — First Baptist Church, Jefferson City — David Allee — Snelling Johnson — William H. Duvall — M. D. Noland — William Clarke-Joseph 31. Chainy— Andi-ew Estes— G. W. Hyde— T. W. Bar- rett^B. T. Taylor . . . . . " . .259 CHAPTER YI. FISHING RIVER ASSOCIATION. Its Formation — Broad Field of— Strange Views of Associational Powers — Advisory Councils, and Not Law-making Bodies — Dr. Peck's Views on the Subject — Anti- Mission Policy of the Association — Rejects the Messengers of Concord and Blue River Associations — Declines in Membership . . , , 272 XVI CONTENTS. CHAPTEE VII. CAPE GIRARDEAU ASSOCIATION. Its Formation, History, &c. — A Primitive Missionary Body — ^Its First Executive Committee — First Evangelists — The Anti-Missionary Controversy and Division — Minorities — Jno. H. Clark — Crushing Influence of the War . . 277 CHAPTEE VIII. SALEM ASSOCIATION. Organization and History of — Corps of Earnest Preachers — Her Highest Degree of Prosperity in 1836 — Harmony Interrupted — Split on Missions — Opposition to the " Central Society" — Becomes Anti-Missionarj^ — Mistaken Policj' — Peyton Steph- ens — W. Cunningham — Deacon E. Stephens — Jabez Ham — Stephen Ham — Theo. Boulware— The Shouting Sister . . . . .290 PERIOD FOURTH. 1830-1840. CHAPTEE I. FRANKLIN ASSOCIATION. Formation and Early History of — J. C. Duckworth — Hon. John Hutchings — The Old Pioneers — Consecration — Baneful Influence of Intemperance — Robert Car- penter — Fundamental Law — Feet-Washing — ^War Period — Missiionary Revival Organization of the Churches — James AVilliams — G. AY. Sturdivant — The Bap- tist Convention of Southern Missom-i ..... 299 CHAPTEE II. BLUE RIVER ASSOCIATION. First Churches — Organization of the Association — " United Baptists " — First "Work — Account of the "Split" — 3Icssengcr of Peace — Misrepresentation — Domestic Missionary "Work — Progress — Sketches of the Churches — John Farmer — Bushy Head — Dr. Lykins — G. AV. Sparks — Jeremiah Farmer . . . 307 CHAPTEE III. BETHEL ASSOCIATION (N. E.) Organization and Faith of — The Conflict on Missions and Ultimate DiAision of — Pros- perity and Growth — ^lission Work — ^Ministerial Education Society — ]\Iale and Female College, PalmjTa — History of the Churches — AVilliimi Carson — Jer. Tay- lor — Christy Gentr}' — William Hurley — Robert Hendren — J. S. Green — Anec- dotes — Mt. Salem Association ...... 322 CHAPTEE IV. THE MISSOURI BAPTIST GENERAL ASSOCIATION. How it Originated — John Jackson — Prelirainarj' Meeting — A'iolent Opposition — Hard Names — The Great Revival in Cooper County — Change of Name — ^Establish' CONTENTS. XVll ment of The Missouri Baptist — Southern Baptist Convention — Uriel Sebree — R. Hughes— D. H. Hickman— A. P. Williams— Noah Flood— X. X. Buckner— J. B. Woruall— L. B. Ely— W. Pope Yeaman— J. T. Williams— L. M. Berry — Table of Meetings ....... 338 CHAPTEE V. BLACK RIVER ASSOCIATION. Organization, Location and Field of — Its First Ministers — ^Aggressive Character — Growth— J. W. Brown— L. L. Stephens— J. H. Floyd . . .382 CHAPTER VI. UNION AND LIBERTY ASSOCIATIONS. Union Association Formed — ^Faith of—Forms a Missionary Society — ^Its Growth — Peter Williams — Division of the Association — Basis of Union — Coldness — J. H. Thompson — Liberty Association Formed — the Local Church Idea . 386 CHAPTER YII. LITTLE BONNE FEMME ASSOCIATION. Organization of, When and Why — Early Baptists of Boone County — Bethel, Little Bonne Femme, Cedar, Union, Columbia, Nashville, Kow Salem, JNIt. Horeb, Concord, Richland, and other Churches — A " Big Revival " — Sunday-schools — First List of Ministers — The Unanimity Rule — Method of Missions — Origin of William Jewell College — Stephens College — Bonne Femme Seminary — R. Dale -James Suggett— Thos. H. Ford— Da^^d Doyle— R. S. Thomas— W. M. Jesse — H. W. Dodge— W. H. Burnbam— J. M. Robinson- E. D. Isbell— J. M. Mc- Guire — James Harris ....... 391 CHAPTER VIII. LITTLE PINEY AND OTHER ASSOCIATIONS. At First "United Baptists" — Then Anti-Mission, Anti-Bible| Anti-Sunday-school Society, and Anti-College JNIcn — The Versixilles Council — Trouble Aboi}t a Name — Mount Pleasant Old School Association — Real Beginning of — Old School, Not Primitive — Retrogression — Adopts the Name "Old School" — Change of Policy — Protracted 3Ieetings — Revivals — The Men of the Past Gen- eration — The Present — Lamink Rivkr Association — Two River Old School Association — How and When Formed — Reject the Mission System — A Small Body— Henry Louthan— F. M, Turner— Wm. Priest . . . 424 PERIOD FIFTH. 1840-1850. CHAPTER I. LIBERTY AND OTHER ASSOCIATIONS. When Organized — When The Weak Are Strong — Baptist Camp-meetings — Plan of Missions — The Communion Question — Knapp's Treatise — Biographies of Wil- liam Tatum— Henry Akard— i)vaugeliet§— The Ageocy System— Kesults—Gea- 3 XVlll CONTENTS. eral Kevival Interests — Unites "With The Sac Kiver Association — Mt. Pleasant, Greenfield, Slagle Creelc, Friendship, and Springfield Churches — Sac River As- sociation — Organization — Appellation — Anti-Mission Proclivities — Elijah Wil- liams — Revivals — U.vion Association — Novel Method of Forming — W. F. Spillman — B. Buckner — Mission to the Cherokees — Kansas Applies for Help — Division of the Association — War Troubles — Reorganization — Secession — Change of Name to Springfield Association — Greene County Association — An- other Sac River Association — New Prospect Association . . 434 CHAPTER II. SPRING RIVER ASSOCIATION. Its Formation — Location — Lunsford Oliver — Customs — First Preachers — ^Novel Pro- ceedings — Revivals — Plan of Missions — Division of the Association — Institution of Learning — War Period, No Meetings — A Wise Action — Second Division — Shoal Creek Association ........ 446 CHAPTER III. NORTH GRAN£) RIVER AND OTHER ASSOCIATIONS. Organization — A Blunder and How blended — Voluntary Missions — Great Territory — Family Prayer, Circular Letter On — The Colony of Ten Churches — Endorses the Test Oath — Chesley '^^'oodward — W. Herron — J. G. Benson — Trenton, Linneus, Union, Pleasant Grove, Mt. Nebo, Providence, Liberty, Parson's Creek, Chilli- cothe, and Mt. Olive Churches — Linn County Association — Livingston County Association — ^W. W. Walden .... 454 CHAPTER IV. MOUNT ZION AND OTHER ASSOCIATIONS. How It Originated — When Formed — Sweeping Condemnation of the Missionary En- terprise — Henry xV very. Arrival in Missouri — .John Warder, the Pioneer of La- fayette County— Pi.atte River Association OF "Regular" Baptists — Nod- away Association — Osage Association of Baptists . . 4(33 CHAPTER V. CHURCHES AND ASSOCIATIONS OF THE " PLATTE PURCHASE." "Platte Purchase," Where and What— Platte River Association — Union Association — Change of Name to " West Union "—The War Cloud — Devi\statiou — Graham Church— Northwest ^Missouri Association — C. L. Butts — St Joseph Associa- tion—Churches in "Platte Purchase": Pleasant Grove, Mt Zion, Nishnabotany, Sonora and Others— The Mission Band— Jonas D. Wilson— Wm. Harris— E. S. Dulin ^'^8 CHAPTER VI. SALINE ASSOCIATION. How It Originated— First Constitution— Faith of— Sketches of Its Churches: Good Hope (Big Bottom), High Hill Church (Trouble and Settlement), Rehoboth. Heath's Creek, Zoar, Fish Creek, County Line, Bethel, :Mianii, Marshall, Salt Pond and Others— Revised Coastitu^ion— Summary for 1879— Peyton NowUn— CONTENTS. XIX — A. Gwinn — R. Y. Thomson — Russel Holmaii — J. L. Hampton — W. M. Bell J. C. Maple— J. L. Tichenor— W. R. Painter . . . .479 CHAPTEE YIL MACON ASSOCIATION. Constituent Churches — Euphrates Stringer — Change of Name — Second Change — Pol- icy on Missions — Great RcAnval at Mt. Salem — Trouble on Open Communion — End of the Controversy — Mt. Pleasant College Adopted — Big Spring and Blank- et Grove Churches — Joseph Oliver ..... 503 CHAPTER VIII. NORTH UNION AND NORTH MISSOURI ASSOCIATIONS. Disagreement Between Elds. Hite and Stringer — When and By Whom the Associa- tion Was Formed — A. T. Hite, His Early Life, Conversion, Removal to Mis- souri, and Pioneer Life — Frontier Scenes — The Pet Pig in the JMeeting-house — Lewns Conner — Growth of the Association — North ]VrissouRi Association — First Meeting — Successor of North L^'nion — First Constitution — Amended Con- stitution — Unassociated Churches — Ministerial Destitution . . 510 CHAPTEE IX. NORTH LIBERTY ASSOCIATION. Why Formed, and When — " L^nited Baptists " and Their Principles — War with the Anti-Missionaries — Fishing River Association, Her Strange Action — Meeting- houses Closed — Eld. Bouhvare's Pamphlet — Constituent Churches — Sketches of New Hope, Richmond, Little Flock, Second Liberty, and Pleasant Ridge Church- es — Early Ministers — Thomas Rigg — Circular Letter on Missions — Luke Wil- liams — Franklin Graves — Schools and Colleges — W. C. Barrett — H. INI. Richard- son — W. H. Thomas — O. P. Moss — Tables — Northwestern Association 518 CHAPTEE X. OSAGE RIVER ASSOCIATION. Organization of — Churches of in 1868 — Resolution on the " Missouri Constitution " — Mixed Communion, Trouble On — J. M. Brockman — R. 'SL Miller — Methodist Stronghold, &c. ........ 535 CHAPTEE XI. WYACONDA ASSOCIATION. The Work of the Pioneers — Wj'aconda from Bethel Association — Its Faith — Con- stitution in Full — Wj'aconda and Gilead Churches — War Troubles— Fox River, Mother of Churches — Dover, Bear Creek, South Fork, South Wyaconda, Mt, Salem, La Grange, Sand Hill, and Other Churches — Itinerant Methods — Results — Aggression — Foreign and Home Missions — Lemuel Hatcher — Samuel Nich' oils — James M. Lillard •..,,,, 539 CHAPTEE XII. WEST FORK AND OTHER ASSOCIATIONS. Formation — Settlement of Daviess Coimty— The Mormons, War with Them— First XX CONTENTS. Churches : Grand River, Union, Friendship, Pilot Grove, Zoar, Crab Orchard — Compromise on Missions — Other Churches — Opinion of the "War and the Test Oath — State Convention — Co-operation with — Jno. Woodward — Wm. McCam- mon — The Converted Wife and the Mad Husband — Gentry Baptist Associa- tion — The " Old " Gentrj- Association — The New Gentry — Churches in 1868 — Missionary Board — Query on the Deaconship — The New Country — Heresies — Missouri Baptist Indian Mission Association' . . 652 CHAPTEE XIII. CEDAR (now ANTIOCH) AND GASCONADE ASSOCIATIONS. When First Formed — Its ^Ministers — ^Record of Meetings — Cedar Church — Obadiah Smith — Sacrificing ]\Ien — Thomas Smith — Change of Name to Antioch — Com- munion Trouble — James Johnson — William Cook — Gasconade Eiver Asso- ciation — First Appearance of its Name — Semi- Anti-Mission — Light and Change of Views — Alien Baptism — Pulpit AiRliation — Dry Fork Association Formed by a Colony from Gasconade ..... 563 PERIOD SIXTH. 1850-1860. CHAPTER I. BEAR CREEK ASSOCIATION. Origin of — History of its First Churches — Constituent Ministers — Progress of the Work — The Great Catholic and Lutheran Field^ — Joseph Nicholls — The Little Baptist House in St. Louis — Lewis Duncan — D. W. Nowlin, Early Life, Con- version and Doctrinal Views of— Thomas T. Johnson, the Revivalist — W. D. Grant ......... 571 CHAPTER II. BETHEL (NOW CALLED SOUTHWEST BETHEL) ASSOCIATION. The First fleeting— List of Churches — ^linisters — Mission Spirit — Plan of Work — Associational Powers — Cheap ^lissions — Remarkable Action — Baptists Not a \Law Making People, as Such — Change of Name .... 585 CHAPTER III. BOURBOIS AND SMITH VALLEY ASSOCIATIONS, Its Formation — Missionarj- — Refuses Admission to Excluded Churches — "Old Mount Pleasant" Church — Smith Valley Association — Rejects "Alien" Immersion — ^Friendship and Other Churches . . . . ' . . 689 CHAPTER IV. CENTRAL MISSOURI AND CONCORD ASSOCIATIONS. Central Missouri from Bethel — Feet- Washing— How a Church was Tried— The Wonderful Revival— Another New Association— Numerical Strength . 694 CONTENTS. XXI CHAPTEE Y. FREEDOM ASSOCIATION. Formation — Policy — War Influences — Reorganization — Confusion — Relsellion^Pro- scriptiou — Great Destitution — ^Votion on the Liquor Traffic — D. R. Murphy, His Night Adventure, and Coming to Missouri — Geo. Mitchell, His Education, Work and Death ........ 598 CHAPTER VI. JEFFERSON COUNTY ASSOCIATION. Origin and Name — Sabbath Observance and Sabbath-schools— Bethlehem and Calvey Churches — ^David Stites — Lebanon, Swashing, and Other Churches . 607 CHAPTEE VII. NORTH MISSOURI AND MOUNT MORIAH ASSOCIATIONS. Organization and Brief History of North Missouri Association — Of Mt. Moriah — Pre- liminary Meeting — Its Object — Circular on Communion — Summary — New Sa- lem, Gentr3"V'ille, and Pleasant Valley Churches — Open Communion Trouble — Deacon R. D. Black— B. F. Kenney— The " Test Oath "—Israel Christie— J. W. Black— Israel Christie, Jr.— B. Wheeler— Sam'l Weir- P. E. Jewejl— T. M. S. Kenney ......... 613 CHAPTEE VIII. ST. FRANCOIS ASSOCIATION. Organization of — The Itinerant Sj"stem — The Revival — The New Colony— Feet- washing — Sketches of the Churches — Biographical : C. T. Graham — A. Hughes —J. Crowley— W. W. Settle— Pinkney Graham . . .622 CHAPTEE IX. TEBO ASSOCIATION. Early Itinerant Work in — Formation — First Ministers — Effects of the War, and Sub- sequent Prosperity — First Church, Clinton — Sketches of Churches — Biographi- cal : James Woods — W. A Gray ...... 630 CHAPTEE X. UNION ASSOCIATION (hOWELL COUNTY), AND OTHERS. First Settlement and Churches in Howell County — Richlantj Association — Devas- tation — HuTTox Valley Association — Union Association — The Schism — W. A. Findle}- — State Line Association — Sketches of the Churches : Rich Valley, Harmony, Mill Creek, Mt. Nebo, Mt. Hope Nos. 1 and 2, Richland — N. Barnett — Refugees . . . ■ . . . . . 635 CHAPTEE XI. ZION AND OZARK ASSOCIATIONS. When Formed — Sixth Meeting — Its Ministers — List of Meetings — The Anti-element — Compromise — Baptist College at Lebanon — S. W. Mo. Convention — Declen- XXll CONTENTS. Bion— W. C. Wheeler— H. H. Atchley— J. H. Lane— J. B. Miller— W. H. El- liott — Ozark Association — G. B. Stogsdell — Lowry Richardson . 640 PERIOD SEVENTH. 1860-1870. CHAPTEE I. CANE CREEK AND BUTLER ASSOCIATIONS. Date and Organization of Cane Creek — Timothj' Reaves — List of Churches in 1867 — W. H. Reaves — Public Collections — "Alien " Baptism — Ministerial Need — BuTi-ER Association — First Called Western Missouri — Quarterly Communion — Affiliation With State Convention — Help From the Home Mission Society — Record of Meetings — Change of Name to Butler .... 647 CHAPTEE II. CENTRAL (formerly CALLED SEDALIA), AND OTHER ASSOCIATIONS. "The Queen City " — First Baptist Church, Sedalia — East Church — Sedalia Associa- tion — Formation of and Change to Central — South Fork Church — Isaiah Spur- gin — E. T. Bro%vn — Pettis County Association — ^Why Formed — Harmony Association — Why Organized ...... 652 CHAPTEE III. GENERAL BAPTISTS AND FREE WILL BAPTISTS. Bkthany Association of General Baptists — Missouri Association of Gen- eral Baptists — Bio Creek Association op Free Will Baptists 659 CHAPTEE IV. THE MISSOURI BAPTIST SUNDAY-SCHOOL CONVENTION. Its Constitution, Motto, Work, and Final Dissolution — S. W. Marston — M. L. Laws ......... 661 CHAPTEE V. MISSOURI VALLEY ASSOCIATION. Date and Purpose of Organization — Early Prosperity — Carroll County, Sketch and History of its Churches — The Three Horsemen — Old Log Court House — Car- rollton Church — " The De\'ir8 Headquarters " — Big Creek, Wakenda, Beth- lehem, McCroskie's Creek, Good Hope, and Other Churches — Biographical : J. M. Goodson — Kemp Scott, Pioneer Life — J. D. Murphy — G. W. Hatcher — C. Bullock ' . . .669 CHAPTEE TI. THE MISSOURI BAPTIST STATE CONVENTION. Where, When, and Why Formed — Objects — First Executive Board — "Test Oath" Endorsement — Money Expended on the Field — Conference for Peace — Consolid- CONTENTS. XXIU ation with General Association Proposed — How Accomplished — Dr. Burliug- ham's Speech — Closing RemarlvS ...... 683 CHAPTEE VII. NORTH CENTRAL ASSOCIATION. Meeting of the Convention — First Anniversary — The Object Stated — Faith of — Ap- proves Test Oath Constitvition of Missouri — Rescinds that Approval — Summary of the Year 1874 688 CHAPTEE VIII. NORTHEAST MISSOURI ASSOCIATION. Where and How it Originated — AVTien Organized — A Helper of the State Conven- tion — Disintegration — Not Very Prosperous — Biographical : J. M. Ingold and Stephen G. Hunt — Sketches of Highland, Greensburgh, and West Bethel Churches .. ^ ...... 692 CHAPTEE IX. OLD PATH ASSOCIATION. Why and When Organized — Early Ecclesiastical History of Hickory County — First Minister — Ministers' Salaries — London Confession of Faith — Thomas Moore's Apostasy — The Case of J. H. Smith — Resolutions and Queries . . 695 CHAPTEE X. ROCK PRAIRIE (NOW DADE COUNTY) AND OTHER ASSOCIATIONS. Rock Prairie Formed — Change of Name — Pastoral Support, Position On — Confes- sion of Faith — Missions — Lack of Unity — Nevada Association — Sketches of Churches: Harmony, Nevada City — Report on Temperance — Webster Asso- ciation — Sketches of Churches : Antioch, Cedar Bluff, Fairview, Good Hope, Good Spring, Mt. Zion — Biographical: Jacob Mingus — E. J. Smith — E. A. Mingus — Sketch of Prospect Church ..... 700 CHAPTEE XL NEW PROSPECT ASSOCIATION. When and Where Formed — Eld. A. May — Record of Meetings — The Prefix "Union" — The EiTor Corrected — Itinerant Work — Consolidation With Sac River Asso- ciation — Union Sunday-schools vs. Baptist Sunday-schools — Dissolution Consid- ered .......... 710 PERIOD EIGHTH. 1870-1880. CHAPTEE I. LAFAYETTE AND JOHNSON, AND OTHER ASSOCIATIONS. Rise of Lafayette — Principles — Progress — Methods of Work — W.P.C. Caldwell — Jonathan Gott — ^Wm. C. Ligon — Henry Talbird — Lamine Association— Bio- XxiV CONTENTS. graphy of T. V. Greer — A. Machett — Merameg Association — Comes froiil Franklin — Progresses — Retrogrades — Biographical : Hiram Smith — E. Harmon — R. N. Gaugh — G. Seymour — Sketches of Churches; Pourche a Renault, White Oak Grove — Mount Zion Association — Sketches of Churches: Fay- ette, Glasgow, Chariton, Mt. Moriah and Rocheport . . . 713 CHAPTEE II. PLEASANT GROVE AND OTHER ASSOCIATIONS. A New Organization — When Formed — 'Where — Constituent Churches — Caleb Bush Visits the Churches — Method of Sunday-school Work — Present Strength — Dry Fork Association — Its Location, Origin, G-rowth and Present Strength — Dixon Association — How and When Formed — Landmark — Sketch of F. M. Mathews — .James River Association (Now Lawrence County Associa- tion) — H. C. Lollar — Charleston Association . . . 729 CHAPTEE m. SHOAL CREEK ASSOCIATION. Formation of — Its Pioneers — Prevalence of Baptist Sentiments — Views of Pastoral Support, Missions and Education — Alien Baptism — Excluded Members — Bio- graphical : Hezekiah Dobbs — E. W. Downing .... 737 CHAPTEE IV. SOUTHWEST MISSOURI BAPTIST CONVENTION. Organization — Real Aims — A Co-worker with the General Association — College Founded — Trustees — Churches Aided — Jas. Schofield — B. MoCord Roberts 739 CHAPTEE V. WAYNE COUNTY AND OSAGE ASSOCIATIONS. Origin and History of— Curious Action on Domestic Missions . . 742 CHAPTEE VI. MISSIONARY SOCIETIES OF MISSOURI. The Missionary Society of Missouri Baptists — The Missouri Baptist Wo-'s Missionary Society — Mrs. O. P. ]\Ioss — The Woman's Baptist Foreign Missionary Society of Missouri .... 745 CHAPTEE VII. THE GERMAN BAPTIST CHURCHES OF MISSOURI. First German Baptist Church, St. Louis— C. Schoemaker— F. W. Glatfeld— E. S. Kupfer— C. West— J. S. Gubelmann— J. C. Haselhuhn— C. Ohlgart— J. M. Hoefflin — First German Baptist Church, Concordia, Lafayette County — C. Kresse — Chr. Werner— A. Hausler— First German Baptist Church, Pin Oak Creek — A. Rauschenbusch — A. Hoffman— First German Baptist Church, Hig- ginsville, Lafayette County — F. W. Greife . . . , 752 CONTENTS. XXV CHAPTEE YIII. THE AFRICAN BAPTIST CHURCHES OF MISSOURI. First Africaa Church, St, Louis— The Little Sunday-school — J. B. Meachuni, His Method of Emancipation — Second African Church, St. Louis — W. P. Brooks — North Missouri Association— Faith of— First, Second and Third Districts of — Eastern and Western Divisions of— Union (Colored) Association, Beginning of -Its Churches — Emanuel Cartwright ..... 755 MISCELLANEOUS. CHAPTEE I. BIOGRAPHICAL. David Anderson — Samuel Boone— J. C.Armstrong — Nathan Ayi-es — M. J. Breaker — S. Driskell — Josiah Duncan — B. F. Edwards — W. L. T. Evans — Wm. Fuqua — Henry Farmer — Joseph Flood — Jno, P. Glover — J. N. Griffin — Jno. C. Hern- don— Tyree C. Harris— Jesse A. Hollis— E. C. Hill— Wade M. Jackson— J. P. Jesse — li. M. Jones — Wm. M. Jones — J. T. M. Johnson — W. P. Lanier — Evan Lawler— E. Landers— J. H. Luther— M. P. Matheny— A. G. Mitchell— John S. Major— Walter McQuie— Jno. E. Moore- David Orr— Joab Powell— Thos. Pitts — J. W. Renshaw — Wm. Rice — James Schofield — A.Sherwood — A. B. Snethen— Elisha Sutton— William Thompson— Thos. Taylor— M. A. Taylor — O. Tompkins— Leonard Turley— C. C. Tipton— E. Towler— James Walker- Anderson Woods— A. Baker— Peter Brown— M. T. Bibb— R. F. Babb— B. Baker- J. W. Bradley— J. B. Fuqua— W. R. Green— John Greenalgh— R. F. Ellis— Wm. Ferguson— P. N. Haycraft— S. C. Major— J. P. Smith— W. H. Vardeman — Jesse B. Wallace — ^B. F. Lawler .... 760 CHAPTEE II. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. William Jewell College, Founding and History of— Dr. Wm. Jewell — College Opens — Suspends — Resumes — Present Condition — AV. R. Rothwell — J, R. Eaton — R. B. Semple — J. G. Clark — Stephens College — Its Curators — E. S. Dulin — J. L. Stephens — Mount Pleasant College — LaGrange College — Competition for Loca- tion — J. F. Cook — ^Resuscitation — Lexington Female College — J. F. Lan- neau — Hardin College — The Hardin Donation — C. H. Hardin — IVIrs. P. A. Baird — St. Joseph Female College — The Patee House — McCune College — A. Slaugh- ter — Grand River College — Scholarships — Southwest Baptist College — J. R. Maupin — Pierce City College — Mayfield-Smith Academy — St. Louis Semin- ary ..... . . , 846 CHAPTEE IIL RELIGIOUS PERIODICALS. Th& MissouH Baptist of 1842 — The Western Watchman — Burning of the Watch- XXVf CONTENTS. man Office — Another Missouri Baptist — Suspension of — Missouri Baptist Jour7ial, 1866 — J. H. Luther and K. M. Rhoades — The Baptist Record — Con- solidation of the Journal and the Record — The Central Baptist — William Ferguson — W. H. Williams — The Christian Repository — S. H. Ford — Baptist Battle-Flag (now changed to The American Baptist Flag) — D. B. RaySj? 5¥y CHAPTEE IV. PUBLICATION INTERESTS. The St Louis Branch House of the American Baptist Publication Society — ^Lewis E. Kline — The St. Louis Baptist Publishing Company . . . 910 CHAPTEE V. THE MISSOURI "TEST OATH." The Oath — Its Penalty — How Received by the Denomination — Strictures on, by Dr. W. Pope Yeaman — Decision of the Supreme Court Thereon — Its Abolition — " Star Chamber " Notes — State of Society in 1865 and 1866 — Imprisonments — Indictments — Trials — Murders, &c ..... 918 CHAPTEE YI. STATISTICAL TABLES. Statistics of Missouri Baptists by Decades — Statistical Table of Missouri Bap- tists 980 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Eev. Alvin p. Williams, D.D., - Full Page, Frontispiece. Eev. E. S. Duncan, ------ 10 The Missouri Pioneer's Home on "The Great EiVER," ----- Full Page, 30 Eev. John M. Peck, - - - - Full Page, 34 Old Bethel Church House, - - - - 39 Eev. Thomas E. Musick, ----- 60 Old Fee Fee Church House, . - - . 53 Eev. John T. Green, . . - - - 55 Eev. Joshua Hickman, ----- 56 Lewis Williams' Certificate of Ordination, FullPage, 82 Eev. James E. Welch, ----- 95 The Pioneer Sunday-school, - Full Page, 100 Second Baptist Church, St. Louis, Mo., • - Full Page, 107 Pulpit, Baptistry and Gale Memorial Organ in Second Baptist Church, - - - - 109 Eev. J. B. Jeter, D.D., ----- 115 Eev. Galusha Anderson, D.D., . - - - 118 Eev. a. H. Burlingham, D.D., ... 119 Eev. W. W. Boyd, D.D., ----- 120 Hon. W. M. McPherson, . . - - 121 Hon. Nathan Cole, ------ 123 William M. Page, . . - - . 124 Mrs. W. M. Page, ------ 125 Eev. G. a. Lofton, D.D., ... - 135 Hon. Marshall Brotherton, ... - 137 William M. Senter, ----- 139 Eev. J. V. Schofield, D.D., - - - - 141 Eev. a. a. Kendrick, D.D., . - . - 144 David McLain's Adventure with the Indians, Full Page, 158 Eev. S. Y. Pitts, 198 Eev. G. W. Eobey, ------ 199 Eev. J. B. Weber, . . - - . 200 Eev. Jeremiah Vardeman, - - - - - 221 Jeremiah B. Yardeman, ----- 225 XXVlll LIST OP ILLUSTRATIONS. The Secret Night Baptism ; — " Would ISTot Tell Unless He was Asked," . . . . 237 Eev. James D. Biggs, ----- 241 Eev. Wiley J. Patrick, . . - . . 242 Eev. G. W. Hyde, . _ - . . 268 Eev. T. W. Barrett, - - _ - - 269 Eev. John H. Clark, ----- 283 Eev. Thos. P. Stephens, - - - - - 294 Elijah Stephens, . - . . - 295 Hon. Wm. Carson, ------ 330 Hon. David H. Hickman, . . . - 358 Eev. Noah Flood, ------ 364 Eev. X. X. Buckner, ----- 368 Hon. J. B. Wornall, ----- 373 Lewis B. Ely, ------ 374 Eev. W. Pope Yeaman, D.D., - - - - 375 Eev. J. T. Williams, ----- 378 Eev. L. M. Berry, ------ 379 Eev. David Doyle, M. D., - - - - 410 Eev. J. M. McGuire, - - - - - 422 Eev. "Wm. Harris, ----- 475 Eev. E. S. Dulin, D.D., LL.D., - - - - 476 Eev. Wm. M. Bell, ----- 499 Eev. J. C. Maple, D.D., - - - - - 500 Eev. W. C. Barrett, 528 Oliver P. Moss, ------ 530 Eev. Lewis Duncan, ----- 576 Eev. David W. Nowlin, ----- 579 Eev. T. T. Johnson, ----- 582 Feet-Washing; A Eare Observance, - - - 595 Eev. Wm. W. Settle, ----- 627 Eev. S. W. Marston, D.D., - - - - 665 Eev. J. D. Murphy, D.D., - - - . 679 Eev. G. W. Hatcher, ----- 681 Eev. Henry Talbird, D.D., - - - - 7I8 Eev. H. C. Dollar, ----- 734 Mrs. O. p. Moss, - - - - - 749 Eev. J. S. GuBELMANN, ----- 753 Eev. J. C. Armstrong, ----- 761 Hon. Joseph Flood, ----- 771 Dr. Eichard M. Jones, ----- 784 Eev. William M. Jones, . . - - . 785 tIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. XXlX Eev. J. H. Luther, D.D., - - - - - 790 Eev. M. p. Matheny, ----- 793 Eev. James Schofield, - - - . . 800 Eev. Adiel Sherwood, D.D., - - - - 803 Eev. William Thompson, D.D., LL.B., - - - 809 Eev. M. T. Bibb, - - - - -825 Hon. S. C. Major, - . - - - - 835 Eev. J. F. Smith, . . - - - 837 Eev. W. H. Vardeman, . - - - . 840 Eev. B. F. Lawler, . - - - . 843 Hon. George C. Bingham, ----- 844 William Jewell College, Lib^^rty, Mo., - Full Page, 849 Dr. William Jewell, ----- 851 Prop. A. J. Emerson, ----- 857 Eev. W. E. Eothwell, D.D., - - - - 859 Prop. James E. Eaton, ----- 860 Prof. E. B. Semple, ----- 861 Prop. James G. Clark, LL.D., - - - 862 Stephens' College, Columbia, Mo., - Full Page, 865 Hon. James L. Stephens, . - - . 867 Mt. Ple-\sant College, Huntsville, Mo., - - 869 Eev. J. F. Cook, LL.D., - . - . 875 Baptist Female College, Lexington, Mo., Full Page, 877 Prof. J. F. Lanneau, ----- 880 Hardin College, Mexico, Mo., - - - . 882 Hon. Charles H. Hardin, - - - - 884 Mrs. H. T. Baird, ------ 885 Prof. A. Slaughter, ----- 889 Grand Eiver College, Edinburgh, Mo., - Full Page, 891 Eev. J. E. Maupin, ... - - 892 Southwest Baptist College, Bolivar, Mo., Full Page, 893 Pierce City College, Pierce City, Mo., - - 894 Eev. William Ferguson, ----- 903 Eev. W. H. Williams, ----- 904 Eev. S.H. Ford, D.D., LL.D., - - - - 906 Eev. D. B. Eay, D.D., ----- 908 Saint Louis Branch House, . - - - gn Lewis E. Kline, ---.-- 913 PRELIMINARY. 1682-1796. EAELY SETTLEMENTS. LaSalle — District of Louisiana — Tradition — Upper Louisiana — First Settlement — Ste. Genevieve — St. Louis — St. Charles — Louis JCIV. — Auguste Chouteau — The Bude Cabins — The First House in St. Louis — The Original Districts of Missouri — Population, &c. &c. ROBEET Cavelier, de La Salle, a Frenchman, in the year 1682, took formal possession of the country near the mouth of the Mississippi River, and by this act the King of France claimed dominion of almost the entire Mississippi Valley, which was called the Province of Louisiana. In 1763 France relin- quished her claim to all the country east of the Mississippi River. France ceded to the United States, in 1803, the Province of Louisiana, but Upper Louisiana was not transferred until March 10, 1804; after which all this vast territory north of the south- ern boundary of Arkansas and west of the Mississippi River was called by Congress, The District of Louisiana. This was after- wards called the Territory of Louisiana, and still later the Ter- ritory of Missouri. This last name was given it by Congress in 1812, and embraced what is now known as the States of Arkan- sas, Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska and Oregon, and the larger parts of Kansas and Minnesota, also "Washington, Montana, Idaho, Dakota, and parts of Wyoming, Colorado and the Indian Terri- tories. While under the dominion of Spain, this country was known sometimes by the name of Upper Louisiana, and for a short time after its cession to the United States it was so call- ed. The capital of the Territory of Missouri — Upper Louis- iana — was at St. Louis. Under this organization the county of St. Charles was formed, and was defined as all that part of the territory north of the Missouri River and west of the Mis- sissippi River, extending to the Indian Country on the west and the British Possessions on the north. This was undoubted- ly the largest county ever formed in America. In the year 1820 the State of Missouri was organized, and 32 PRELIMINARY. admitted into the Union in 1821, The capital was at St. Louis until November 1st of that year; at St. Charles from 1821 to October 1, 1826; since which time it has been at Jefferson City. By act of Congress in the year 1836, the western boundary was extended to include the ''Platte Purchase," when the State of Missouri (the Baptist History of which we shall try to write) attained its present dimensions. Tradition fixes the date of the first actual settlement of white inhabitants in what is now Missouri, as 1735, in the county of Ste. Genevieve. Subsequently, in 1763, a number of French families came from Kaskaskia and St. Philip and settled in this part of the country. The next settlement was in what is now St. Charles County. It was made by Blanchette La Chasseur, where now the city of St. Charles stands, in 1762. The next and principal of all the early settlements was made where St. Louis now stands, in the year 1764. The circum- stances of this settlement were these: Pierre La Clede Liguest, in 1763, ascended the Mississippi Eiver in search of some suit- able place to establish a permanent trading-post with the In- dians. He stopped at Ste. Genevieve, but failed to find even temporary accommodations for his goods and party. He pro- ceeded as far north as the mouth of the Missouri Eiver; he then retraced his steps and landed at the present site of St. Louis. He blazed a number of trees, and said to Auguste Chouteau, a young man who accompanied him : "Next spring you will come here and make our settlement after the plan which I shall fur- nish you." Accordingly in the early spring of 1764, Auguste Chouteau, with thirty picked men, came to the selected place, cleared the ground and erected a few rude cabins. In March, M. Liguest arrived, laid off the village, and called it St. Louis, in honor of Louis XIV., King of France, not knowing that he had already ceded the territory to their old enemy, Spain. Liguest built the first house worthy of the name. It had a cellar and lower story of stone, and was on the square where Bar- num's Hotel now stands. Originally, Missouri was divided into five Districts : 1st. New Madrid, including all the territory between the south- ern boundary of the State and Tywappity Bottom. 2d. Cape Girardeau, including all the territory between Ty- wappity Bottom and Apple Creek. 3d. Ste. Genevieve, including the territory between Apple Cr^ek and the Meramec River, PRELIMINARY. 33 4th. St. Louis, including the territory between the Meramec and the Missouri Rivers. 5th. St. Charles, including the territory between the Missouri and the Mississippi Elvers — that is, all north of the Missouri Eiver. The population of Upj^er Louisiana, or the Missouri Territory, as afterwards called, in 1799, three years after the beginning of Baptist History, was 6,028. Ste. Genevieve was then the most populous district, and St. Louis next; while St. Charles was very little behind either. The following was the comparative pop- ulation of the above named places at the date aforesaid: Ste. Genevieve, 949; St. Louis, 925; St. Charles, 875. We have now a bird's-eye view of what Missouri originally was. ^m^'"" KEY. JOItN' M. P£CK. HISTOET OF THE Baptists in Missouri PERIOD FIRST. 1796-1810. CHAPTER I. EAELY BAPTISTS OF MISSOUEI. First Baptist Families — The "Lower Countrj'" — Formation of the First Church, Tywappity — Thomas Johnson, the First Eegular Baptist Minister to Come West of the "Great Kiver" — David Green — The Second Church Fonned, Bethel — Flat- hoat Traveling ; the " Setting Pole" — Mr. John Baldwin — Dr. J. C. Maple's Me- morial Address — The " Old Log House " — The Gavel — "William Murphy. • MANY years before Missouri became a state, and while her territory was controlled by foreign kings, a few Baptists came and settled in her borders. At that time Romanism was the established religion, and hence there was no freedom of conscience allowed. Those who met to worship God in the sim- plicity of the ancient faith, did so at their peril. The few Baptists who were here prior to the close of the eighteenth cen- tury, were frequently threatened^by the emissaries of the pope; but they " counted not their lives dear unto them," and went forward, not fearing them who could kill the body, but trust- ing in " Him who had power to destroy both soul and body in hell." They seemed to become emboldened by the threats of the papal 2:)arty, and raised their voices in opposition to the su- perstitions, corruptions, and innovations of the Eomish Church; and in the defense of the doctrine of salvation by a personal and living faith in Christ. Those were noble spirits that first planted the standard of a pure gospel west of the Mississippi River. The first Baptists of whom we have any account (and they were the first Christians other than Catholics), that ever set 36 EARLY BAPTISTS OP MISSOURI. foot on the soil of Missouri, were Thomas Bull, his wife, and her mother, Mrs. Lee. They settled in what is now Cape Grir- ardeau County, in 1796. Mrs. Bull and Mrs. Lee died before the first church was organized. The next that came to this part of Missouri were Mr. Enos Eandol and wife, and Mrs. Aber- nathy, the wife of Mr. John Abernathy, in 1797, and settled a few miles south of Jackson, the present county seat, on Ean- dol's Creek, so called in honor of Enos Eandol, the first settler on it. These families lived several years in the midst of forest wilds, with Indians on almost every hand; entirely destitute of ordi- nary church privileges, though they occasionally met together — not public!}" — to sing and pray, and worship God in the wil- derness. They were not, however, destined to live thus always. Tn the year 1799 they were encouraged by a visit from Eld. Thomas Johnson, an aged Baptist preacher from Georgia, who was probably the first Baptist preacher of the regular order who ever came west of the " Great River." Eld. John Clark, who was a Baptist in principle, though not a member, preceded him one year. The particulars of Clark will be given when we reach the St. Louis District. Of Thomas Johnson's life we have limited information. He was, doubtless, a native of the state of Georgia, where he resided at the time of his missionary tour west of the ''Great River." Most of his ministerial life was spent as missionary to the Cherokee Indians in his native state. His visit to Missouri was a great blessing to the scattered sheep of this great wilderness. Though contrary to law, he preached the blessed gospel to them ; not in stately houses of worship ; not in the large public gathering, but in the log cabins and out of the way places, and to small companies of eager listeners with honest purposes and warm hearts. They made no great parade about their meet- ings, lest they should be interrupted by the agents of the pope. The prcacliing of this old pioneer was fruitful of good even be- yond the encouragement it gave to those who loved the Lord. During his stay, Mrs. Ballou, the wife of one of the oldest set- tlers, was converted under his preaching, and baptized by him in Eandol's Creek. This was undoubtedly the first baptism ever administered in Missouri. As there was not yet a church in the territory, Mr. Johnson, following an old custom, gave Mrs. Ballou a "Certificate of Baptism," which, practically, answered all the purposes of a " Letter of Dismission," EARLY BAPTISTS OF MISSOURI. 37 Elder Johnson died in his native state about the year 1830. The year 1805 constituted a new era among the Baptists in this part of the territory. One year before, France had ceded Upper Louisiana to the United States, -which event brought with it the enjoyment of religious liberty* Another fact also contrib- uted this year to the prosperity of the Baptist cause. It was the coming to the territory of Eld. David Grreen, of whom God Beemed to have made choice as the instrument to permanently plant the gospel seed in this "Western Wilderness.*' David Green — was a native of Virginia. He spent the most of his life in North and South Carolina, preaching the gospel to the poor. During the early settlements of that state he moved to Kentucky, were he resided till 1805, when he came to Missouri. A few Baptist families had moved and settled in Tywappity Bot- tom, some ten or twelve miles south of Cape Girardeau. Sev- eral others had also settled in the neighborhood of Jackson. To these families Bro. Green preached for a while, and then return- ed to his home in Kentucky. But the condition of his brethren in the Missouri Territory rested so heavily upon his mind that he could not remain away from them, and the next spring he came with his family, and fixed his home in Cape Girardeau County. He continued his labors among the pioneers of that district, or- ganized the first two churches in the territory, and was taken home to rest on the 9th of December, 1809. (Reid's 3IS.) The first Baptist church ever formed in the Missouri Territory was in the Tywappity Bottom. As there has been some doubt about the date of this church, and as the honor of being the first has been claimed for an- other, we give the testimony entire, on which this statement is made : " In this vicinity the first Baptist church, called Tywappity, was organized in 1805, of some 8 or 10 members. This was the first religious congregation, other than Eoman Catholics, that was gathered west of the " Great Eiver." The next year (1806), the second, called Bethel, was gathered in the vicinity of the present site of Jackson, about a dozen miles northwest of Cape Girardeau. In this vicinity, quite a colony of Americans from Kentucky and other states, including several Baptist fam- ilies, had settled. A preacher by the name of Green officiated with these churches in their early formation. "Tywappity Church was a feeble body from the first, and be- came defunct after a few years, but was reorganized in 1809, or 38 iSARLY BAPTISTS OP MISSOURI. another church occupied its place, to which Mr. Edwards minis- tered in 1817. The meetings were held at Eoss' Point and Perry, at or near the present site of Commerce in Scott County." {Peck's ^^Reminiscences of 3fo.," W. Watchman, vol. 8.) Those pioneers endured many hardships. Even ten or twelve years after the date last named, they were sometimes reduced almost to starvation. We give the following description by an eye-witness : "On Saturday, November 15, 1817, we were circumnavigating the ' Great Bend,' the flood of the Ohio checking the current. "When we left Shawneetown, there was not half a barrel of flour in the place, and it was by a special favor that we got two loaves of bread. We had lain in a supply of fresh beef, and the captain had a small stock of hard sea biscuit. A supply of eatables of some sort must be had at the first settlement, and this proved to be Tywappity Bottom, on Sunday at 12 o'clock. Here I found two Baptist families, learned some important facts about the state of religion and schools in this part of the territory, but no milk and no meal could be had. We obtained a few ears of damp corn from the field, and a bushel of potatoes. The mills, such as then existed, were out of repair, and no family enjoyed the benefit of corn-dodgers. Hominy was the substitute for bread. Our progress by the setting poles, the cordelle, and 'bush-whack- ing,' from this time until we reached St. Louis, was at the rate of 8 or 10 miles each day. On the 17th, we reached Eoss' Point, where bluff's jut into the river, and where resided John Baldwin, Esq., a Baptist of some prominence. Here also I found and made the acquaintance of Eld. James P. Edwards, who subsequently died in the western part of Kentucky." (Jhid.') We have already seen that the Bethel Church was the second gathered in the territory. It was organized July 19, 1806, a short distance south of the present site of Jackson, the county seat of Cape Girardeau County. We write with the old "book of records" before us. David Green, minister, and Deacons George Lawrence and Henry Cockerham officiated in the con- stitution. The constituent members were Eld. David Green, Thomas Eng- lish, William Mathews, Leanna Green, William Smith, Jane Eng- lish, Agnes Ballou, Thomas Bull, Clary Abernathy, Edward Spears, Catherine Anderson, Anderson Eogers, Eebekah Ean- dol, John Hitt and Frances Hitt — in all fifteen. Eld. David Green ministered to this flock in the wilderness EARLY BAPTISTS OF MISSOURI. 39 for a few years and died. Thomas Bull was chosen writing clerk, and William Mathews as singing clerk. Bethel Church, though the second organized, may be regarded as the first permanent church organization in Missouri; the first (Tywappity) having become defunct not long after it was gath- ered ; and from Bethel Church, directly or indirectly, sprang all the churches that composed the first association. The first house of worship ever erected in Missouri, save by the Catholics, was built by the Bethel Church not long after its organization. It was constructed mainly of very large yellow poplar logs, well hewn ; was about twenty by thirty feet, and lo- cated about one and a half miles south of Jackson. OLD BETHEL CHURCH HOUSE. In October, 1875, the Cxeneral Association of Missouri met at St. Joseph. On the first day of the session, Eev. J. C. Maple pre- sented the moderator with a handsomely mounted gavel, made of wood from one of the sills of the old Bethel Church house, accompanied by the subjoined address, and sketch of the early Baptists of the Cape Girardeau District. 40 EARLY BAPTISTS OF MISSOURI. ADDKESS OF KEY. J. C. MAPLE, D. D. *' Brother Moderator and Brethren : I have a pleasant duty, which I desire, by your permission, to perform. " It is known to you, my brethren, that, as in other states, the Baptists were among the first to erect the standard of the Cross in Missouri. And though we are not of those who have faith in the preserving power of relics or amulets, we do believe in guarding with care our records, and that both duty and affection require us to treasure some of the mementos of the men and their work who were the pioneers in this great state. "From 1731 to 1803, the condition of the governmental affairs of the province of Louisiana, which then included what is now the State of Missouri, was far from being settled. The question of Spanish or French rule was not arranged to the satisfaction of the people. Yet for years the ' Upper Territory ' was under the control of a Spanish governor whose headquarters were at Cape Girardeau. Here he ruled with the pomp and severity of an oriental prince. He was never without his retinue of priestly advisers. Influenced by these vassals of the pope, he at one time issued an order that all the people who resided within a distance of fifteen miles from his mansion, should, on a certain day, at- tend 'mass' at Cape Girardeau. The few Baptists then in the province, and residing within the district named in the order, dared to disobey the command. And it was only by what the priests termed ' the neglect of the governor,' that they narrowly escaped the penalties of their heretical insubordination. "In 1806 the Bethel Baptist Church was organized and soon afterwards a house was built in which they met to worship God. This was the first house of worship built by anti-Catholics, west of the Mississippi Eiver. From the Great River to the Pacific Ocean this log house was the only building devoted to the service of the Living God. "The membership of the church was not large, but formed an active, consecrated band. When visited by those remarkable pioneers, Peck and Welch, they found here an earnest, liberal, working missionary body. Even the amount of money contrib- uted for missions has been kept upon the records by the un- wearied chronicler, Rev. John M. Peck. "But in a few years a portion of the church withdrew, and form- ed a new organization in the village of Jackson, one mile north of the old Bethel meeting-house. This was not the first, but the fourth colony which had gone out from the mother church. But EARLY BAPTISTS OP MISSOURI. 41 those who remained after the formation of the Jackson Church unfortunately became anti-missionary, and of course the Bethel Church ceased to exist with the death of those who were the members. "The church in Jackson, therefore, is the proper representative of this first Baptist church of Missouri. And at the suggestion of Rev. W. J. Patrick to the pastor of that church, Rev. James Reid, I had this gavel made. It is composed entirely, except the moun- tings, of wood taken from one of the sills of this first temple erected in the ' Western Wilderness,'* "The old house has been torn down. The hand of time and the ruder hand of man, have fully accomplished the work of demolition. f But that spiritual temple, of which every truly regenerated man and woman forms a part, will never feel the weight of years, nor yield to the wasting force of time. Sus- tained by the Almighty Hand, this more glorious structure which we labor to erect, vf\\\ endure with the rock upon which it is founded, not only through the ages, but its existence is absolute and eternal. "This little piece of wood may serve to remind us of the small beginning of the Baptist denomination in Missouri, sixty-nine years ago. In less than seven decades the one church has in- creased to 1,292, and the little band that then stood alone in this vast region has become nearly 90,000 — to say nothing of the large numbers and the glorious work now being accomplished in other states and territories west of the Mississippi River. "We may well to-day exclaim, 'What hath God wrought!' "And while we should carefully avoid all vain-glorying over our numbers, let us to-day take fresh courage from this little memento of the past, and seek an increase of consecration to the Master's work, commensurate with our numbers and our oppor- tunities. We have not now, as then, a single log-house in the wilderness, but many elegant houses of worship, and what is still better, a noble band of able and consecrated ministers, who preach the word of life in these well-built temples. * This gavel is a handsomely polished instrument and maybe seen at the annual sessions of the General Association in the hands of the president of the body. f The old building was standing in 1871, four years before the above was written. The writer then visited it, but it had long ceased to be used as a house of worship. We looked at the old walls of the building — now doorless and windowless, and with- out a floor — and thought of the men and women who, while the Indians and the wolves prowled around them, used to meet there and worship God. 42 EARLY BAPTISTS OF MISSOURI. " "We have all needed facilities for great usefulness. And let us, my brethren, with the call of this gavel, hear the voice of the little band that began the work in this great state, exhorting to greater activity, and, in the name of Him by whom they con- quered, promising us yet grander victories. " To your care, my dear brother, as the moderator of this body, I commit this memento. And when seven more decades have passed by, may it appear that our growth has continued at least to equal, if it shall not surpass, the rate of the j)ast."* Eev. John M. Peck visited the Bethel Church in 1818, of which he thus writes : " On the 7th of November — Saturday — I met the church in Bethel meeting house. Eld. Wm. Street, who had come from a settlement down the St. Francois, had preached before my arriv- al. The church sat in order and transacted business. I then preached from Isaiah 53 ; 1, and Eld. James P. Edwards followed me from John 14 • 6. The people tarried through all these exer- cises with apparent satisfaction. Custom and common sense are the best guides in such matters. Dinner was never thought of on meeting days. The Cape Girardeau Society, auxiliary to the United Society, had already been formed in this vicinity, and there were more real friends and liberal contributors to missions in this church, than any other in the territory. Yet in a few years, from the formation of Jackson and a few other churches from this, the death of some valuable members, and removal of others of a different spirit, Bethel Church had "Ichabod" writ- ten on her doors. It became a selfish, lifeless, anti-mission body." {Peck's Reminiscences of Missouri.') The same writer, on the Sabbath following, preached a mis- sionary sermon from Exodus 33 j 15, and followed it with a col- lection amounting to $31.37. The Bethel Church sent messengers to the Eed Biver Associ- ation, Kentucky, in 1810, and so continued to do until the form- ation of the Bethel Association in 1816, f an account of which will be given in a subsequent chapter. A Baptist preacher by the name of William Murphy, a native of Ireland, from East Tennessee, with his son William, and Mr. Silas George, located claims just south of the present site of * 'From, iha Minutes of the MissouH Baptist General Association, 1875, pages 7 and 8. t Life of Eld. Wilson Thompso7i, p. 175 ; also Minutes of Bethel Church, June, 1810, and Bubsequent years. EARLY BAPTISTS OP MISSOURI. 43 Farmington, St. Francois County, in 1798. Eev. Murphy and Mr. George both died on the road home, as they returned for their families. David Murphy cut the first tree in what was known as the ''Murphy Settlement." Mrs. Sarah Murphy, the widow of Eev. Wm. Murphy, in 1804, came to the claim located by her husband in 1798, in company with her sons, Isaac and Jesse, and a grandson and several others. Three 3^ears after she came to this country, she organized a Sun- day-school which continued in successful operation for many years. The school was organized not far from where Farmington now stands. CHAPTER II. EAELY BAPTISTS OF MISSOUEI. (Concluded.) The Saint Louis District; First Baptists Therein — John Clark, the Pioneer — The Musick Family — Catholic Oppression and Kcligioiis Libert}' — Meeting Under Dif- ficulties — Thomas K. ^Musick — Fee Fee Church, the Third Formed — Cold Water Church — James Kerr — Funeral in the Wilderness — Eld. Brown — J. T. Green — J. Hickman. THE first Baptist families that emigrated to this part of the territory, came from North Carolina, South Carolina and Kentucky, in 1796 and 1797. They lived several years under the Spanish Government. Several of the children and some of the family connections of Col. Daniel Boone were among the number. Col. Boone himself vras not a member of any church, but he was in sentiment a Baptist, and was religiously inclined. ''Among these pioneers across the Mississippi, were Abraham and Sarah Musick, Abraham Musick, Jr., and Terrill Musick, Adam and Lewis Martin and their wives, Jane Sullens, Sarah Williams, who lived to see her son and four grandsons ministers of the gospel, Mrs. Whitley and E. Eichardson and wife, all of whom settled within the present boundaries of St. Louis Co. The Boone family, David Darst, William Hancock, Flanders Callaway, and others, settled on the north side of the Missouri Eiver, from twelve to forty miles above St. Charles." (Peck's narrative in Benedict and Triennial Register j 1836.) The French liberalists often boasted that the Sabbath should never cross the Mississippi Eiver. Such was the prevailing sen- timentwhcn the first Baptists came into this district. It was com- mon for men to attend " church " on festival occasions, and the better informed treated the ministry with respect, but the most of them regarded religion as priestcraft — a very good thing for the ignorant and vicious, but quite unnecessary for gentlemen. These Baptists of the first period encountered difficulties from other sources than French infidelity. They were now under the dominion of the Pope of Eome, and were required by law to bring up their children in the faith of the Eomish hierarchy. EARLY BAPTISTS OP MISSOURI. 45 On the first of January, 1798, Gayoso, Commandant General, issued orders, among which were instructions as follows : " Liberty of conscience is not to be extended beyond the first generation; the children of the emigrants must be Catholics. Emigrants not agreeing to this must not be admitted, but re- moved, even when they bring property with them. This is to be explained to settlers who do not profess the Catholic reli- gion." This was the sixth article. The seventh regulation *' expressly recommended to the com- mandants to watch that no jjreacher of any religion but the Catho- lic, comes into the province." {Martinis History of Louisiana^ vol. 2, p. 90; in Father Clark, p. 223.) These instructions were not enforced by post commandants, which, however, was not the fault of the Catholic faith, but grew out of the disposition to encourage emigration, and a lib- eral-mindedness on the part of the commandants. All American emigrants were examined as to their faith, but Christians of almost any sect could give satisfactory answers to their questions. We give the following as an example : " ' Do you believe in Almighty God? In the Holy Trinity? In the true apostolic church? In Jesus Christ our Savior? In the holy evangelists,' &c. To these, and other questions of a gener- al character, affirmative answers being given, the ceremony would close with ^un hon Catholique' (a good Catholic)." {Father Clark, p. 225.) While under the dominion of Spain, Missouri was a Catholic country (Eoman Catholicism was the religion of the territory); but on being transferred to the United States in 1804, it became free for all sects and denominations, and to persons of no reli- gion. In a very large measure honor is due to the Baptists for the existence of this freedom. Freedom in religion has, from the beginning, been a fundamental doctrine of the Baptist de- nomination. Prior to the American Revolution they stood al- most alone in the defense of this doctrine. The colony of Hhode Island was founded by the agency of Baptists ; and this was "the first civil government upon earth that gave equal liberty of con- science." Bancroft (History of the U. S., vol. 2, pp. 66, 67) says : "Free- dom of conscience, unlimited freedom of mind, was, from the first, a trophy of the Baptists." In his Essay on Toleration, the celebrated John Locke says: 46 EARLY BAPTISTS OF MISSOURI. " The Baptists were the first and only propounders of absolute liberty, just and true liberty, equal and impartial liberty." (Jones' Vindication, p. 15. in Rel. Lib., by Bitting, p. 14.) Upon investigation it will be found : 1st. That liberty of conscience is not a mere accident with the Baptists, but is a logical result of long cherished principles. It is an outgrowth of the fundamental doctrines of the denomin- ation. 2d. That intolerance is a natural and logical result of the doc- trines of the Eomish Church. In his encyclical letter in 1832, Gregory 16th denounced religious liberty as "that pest of all others most to be dreaded in a state," Again, prelates are required to take the following oath of of- fice: '< Heretics, schismatics and rebels to our said lord (the pope) or his aforesaid successors, I will to my utmost persecute and oppose." {Bel. Lib., by Bitting, p. 37.) The first Baptists of St. Louis County formed three settle- ments : one near the Spanish Pond, north of St. Louis; another between Owen's Station (Bridgeton) and Florissant ; and still another on Fee Fee's Creek. For several years these pioneer emigrants were destitute of preaching and other religious privileges. The first preacher that came among them to break the bread of life was Eev. John Clark, in 1798. And, so far as we have been able to learn, he was the first preacher, other than Eoman Catholic, that ever set foot on the icestcrn shore of the 3fississippi River. Tradition in the fam- ily says Thomas E. Musick preceded Clark one year. Clark lived in New Design, Illinois, and at first only made occasional visits to Missouri, preaching to the scattered sheep, but subse- quently made regular trips, after the style of a Baptist pastor, making monthly visits to three or four churches; or like a Methodist circuit rider passing the rounds of his circuit. John Clark — was a native of Scotland. He was born near the city of Inverness, which was once regarded as the capital of the Scottish Highlands, on the 29th of Kovember, 1758. His ances- tors for several generations were born, lived and died at the same place. The family connections for many generations, were strict Presbyterians. The classics, mathematics, Presbyterian catechism and forms of religious worship were taught the chil- dren in the parish schools, and in the fimilies, in that part of Scotland. Young Clark received a liberal education in the com- mon branches, but had a great aversion to the classics. During EARLY BAPTISTS OF MISSOURI. 47 his youth he was very amiable, kind-hearted, moral and gener- ous j remarkably industrious — never idle. About 1786, or 1787, he removed to Georgia and settled on the waters of the Savannah River, and under the ministry of Elds. John Major and Thomas Humphries, united with the Meth- odists, and in 1791 was received on trial as a preacher and placed on the Richmond circuit in the region of Georgia. Three years after this he was ordained as deacon by Bishop Asbury. Mr. Clark had great veneration for John Wesley as a reform- er in the church of England, but was singularly scriptural and conscientious in all his religious views, and learned from the New Testament that a church was a local society — that all dis- cij^les should begin and end in the local society or church in which the members are in covenant relation. So dissatisfied did he become with the episcopal mode of church government, that in 1795 he severed his connection with the M. E. Church. In 1796 he started westward on foot, and after tarrying awhile in Kentucky, came on to Illinois, where he lived (if indeed it could be said he had any settled home) when he visited Missouri in 1798. At this time he was generally regarded an independent Meth- odist, though he was in sentiment a Baptist. About the year 1803 he became a Baptist officially, after the following singular manner: He was intimate with an Independent Methodist preacher by the name of Talbot. Both were dissatisfied with their baptism. A meeting was appointed. Talbot baptized Clark, who in turn baptized Talbot and several others. "At the next regular meet- ing, a month later, Mr. Clark baptized two or three others of his society. * * * It was ten or twelve years after this before he became regularly connected with the Baptist denomination." (Father Clark, p. 238.) Eld. John Clark was therefore the pioneer preacher of Mis- souri. His mode of traveling was on foot. There were no rail- roads and steamboats in those days. In fact horses were a scarce article. He traveled thiis as far west as Bluftton, which was then the extreme frontier; south to St. Clair County, and north as far as Monroe County. In the midst of so much arduous toil consequent upon these extensive excursions, in the early summer of 1824 (an unusually wet season), the roads being very muddy, and especially so on foot, Mr. Clark's friends in Missouri furnish- ed him with a pony, put on him a saddle, bridle and saddle-bags, 48 EARLY BAPTISTS OF MISSOURI. and induced him to ride on his customary circuit. He started, but was greatly troubled lest the pony should hurt himself or hurt him. Whenever he came to a creek or muddy slough, he would dismount, throw his saddle-bags over his shoulder, take off his nether garments, and carefully lead his horse through mud and water, often to the depth of three feet. His thoughts were so distracted in his care for the animal, that on his return home he entreated his friends to take back the horse and relieve him of a burden that actually interfered with his religious and ministerial duties. He would travel through heat and cold, wet and dry, rather than miss an appointment. On one occasion he actually traveled all night in order to reach his destination. The cir- cumstances are thus related by his biographer : "The ferry boat below the mouth of the Missouri Eiver had been destroyed in a flood, and the ferry not again established. Without knowing this, Mr. Clark started from the Spanish Pond, intending to cross at this upper fej'ry, which would have been a gain of thirty miles. He was obliged to turn down to St. Louis. His appointment next day was at Judge Lofton's, sixteen miles above Alton, Eesolute on fulfilling his engagements, though three score and ten years had brought on him the infirmities of age, he made his way to St. Louis and crossed the ferry about dark. In traveling along the muddy pathway, in thick darkness, he became fatigued, and was repeatedly compelled to rest by leaning against a tree. He reached the house of a hospitable Presbyterian friend at breakfast. He was excessively fatigued, and on inquiry the family were astonished to learn that he had traveled the whole night and preceding day. Eegarding such an effort as an undue sacrifice from a feeble old man, his hospitable friend ven- tured an admonition that he should not expose himself. He received a response in his mild voice: 'O, my dear brother, souls are precious, and God sometimes uses very feeble and insignifi- cant means for their salvation. The people expect me to fill my appointments, and the only way was to reach here this morning. This is nothing to what our divine Master did for us.' " He had walked eight miles to his customary crossing place on the river, thence eighteen miles to St. Louis, twenty-four miles to LTpper Alton, and by two o'clock he was sixteen miles further, preaching to the congregation in Lofton's Prairie. This made sixty-six miles walking in a muddy path, without sleep, so conscientiously strict was he to fulfill his engagements," {Father Clark, p. 272.) EARLY BAPTISTS OF MISSOURI. 49 "Father Clark" was never married. While spending his time in Illinois, he usually made his home with one or the other of his intimate friends, Capt. Joseph Ogle or Eld. James Lemen, Sen. Among his most intimate friends in Missouri were William and Elijah Patterson, at whose hospitable dwellings he usually found a home from about the year 1814. At an early day he formed societies, one in Spanish Pond Settlement, the other on Cold Water, both of which finally be- came Baptist churches. The exact date of these societies is not now known. These are the leading facts of Bro. Clark's life. He fell asleep in Jesus in 1833, being nearly 75 years old. The second preacher that came to this part of the territory and proclaimed the gospel was James Kerr. We have the fol- lowing brief account of him: "James Kerr — a minister of the Baptist church (whose father emigrated from Ireland, and was a Presbyterian), was born in the state of Pennsylvania on the 8th of October, 1749. In 1780, with a wife and two infant daughters, he settled two miles from where Danville, Kentucky, now stands. In 1797, his oldest daughter, with her husband, removed and settled twelve miles west of St. Louis, Missouri. Two years later, in 1799, he with his wife came on horseback from Kentucky to Missouri, to visit their daughter and look at the country Ij^ing between the two great rivers, and when within six miles of her daughter's home, Mrs. Kerr suddenly sickened and died. Few Americans were then in the country, but it was determined that the memory of the deceased should be commemorated according to the relig- ious customs of her fathers, and after due notice her funeral ser- mon was pronounced by her stricken husband, in the presence of all the Americans then in the surrounding country, on the 20th of October, 1799, and was long remembered by those ' strangers in a strang'e land' as an occasion of extraordinary in- terest, in which the minister, always earnest and gifted with na- ture's eloquence, subdued every heart and laid the foundation among his hearers for one of the most blessed Baptist congre- gations subsequently established in the earlier history of the territory and state of Missouri. " This devoted pioneer minister removed, with all his other children, to St. Charles County, in 1808, where he died Septem- ber 27, 1811. Of his nine children, who lived to become heads of families, all died in the fellowship of the God they had served. 4 50 EARLY BAPTISTS OF MISSOURI. His sons were men of great respectability and fine intelligence, exerted a wide influence for good wherever they lived, and each filled responsible public trusts. His four daughters survived to be' regarded truly as 'mothers in Israel.'" (Southwest Presby- terian, March, 1870.) Another name deserves to be added to the list of pioneer preachers of Missouri. It is that of Thomas R. Musick, who, in 1801, visited the pilgrim settlers of the St. Louis district. In company with the pious John Clark, and a preacher by the name of Brown, he traveled and preached among them. Thomas E. Musick — was of Welsh descent; born in Spottsyl- vania County, Virginia, Oct. 17, 1756. The origin of the name -^^'^^"^=^- Musick is quite in- teresting. More than a century and a half ago a small boy was found wan- dering alone in the province of Wales. lie could tell nothing of his destination or of his ancestry. He could only tell them his name was George. As he developed into manhood he showed a fondness for music and be- came an excellent singer. As ho lack- ed a surname, and showed an unusual KEv. THOMAS K. MUSICK. attachment for mu- sic, his protector conceived the idea of naming him Musick (the manner of spelling the word then), and hence he was called George Musick. Such is the tradition now in the family, and there is no doubt of its correctness. Many years ago George Musick came to America, and settled in what is now called Vir- ginia, where he raised a family consisting of five sons and sev- eral daughters. Ephraim was the fourth son of George Musick, and the father of Thomas R. Musick, the subject of this sketchi EARLY BAPTISTS OF MISSOURI. 61 Ephraim Musick was a member of the Church of England, and when his son Thomas, at the age of 17, was converted to God and proposed to join the Baptists, he met with violent opposition from the father. Thomas, however, was not to be deterred from his duty to God. His convictions were strong that the Baptists held the truth in greater purity than any other people. He united with them in his native state, and soon after this began preach- ing. When a young man he moved to North Carolina and mar- ried Miss Mary Nevil, who proved to be to him " a helpmeet" truly. As to when he was ordained, we have no account. At the time of his first visit to Missouri, in 1801, he was a resident of the Green River district in Kentucky, where he had been in a revival for several months, and about one hundred converts had been baptized. " Coming from the midst of an extensive and power- ful revival of religion, he was in a spirit of preaching, and cared little for the Spanish calahoza. He visited every family, in which professors of religion were to be found, in the districts of St. Louis and St. Charles, and during three weeks' sojourn, preached fifteen times to congregations assembled in log cabins and in the woods, on short notice, to hear him. He was threatened with the calaboza repeatedly." Eld. Musick moved his family and settled in Missouri in 1803, some say 1804. He was doubtless the first Baptist minister that ever permanently settled in the state. In 1811 an extensive re- vival spread over the district, and he preached almost uninter- ruptedly night and day. Out of this work he came with his voice very much shattered, from which he never afterwards fully re- covered. In 1823 or '24 he lost the companion of his early man- hood, after which he sold his little farm about a mile or a mile and a half north of Bridgeton. After this ho taught school and preached alternatelj^. His plan was to travel, j)reaching until he exhausted his means, then go into the school-room and teach again. In the latter part of his life, his labors in the ministry were confined to the counties of St. Louis, Franklin, Gasconade and Osage, south of the Missouri Eiver ; and Lincoln, Pike, Montgomery, Audrain and Callaway, north of the river. To illustrate the dangers braved by the first Baptists in the state, it is related that, on a certain Sunday, he had an appoint- ment in one of the settlements ] and such had been the demon- strations of hostility from the friends of the Catholic authori- ties that his nephew, Asa Musick, accompanied him, and with gun in hand sat as his guard during services. 52 EARLY BAPTISTS OF MISSOURI. Elder Musick was not regarded as a deep doctrinal preach- er, but his discourses were well connected and his points were macie clear. His strength was in exhortation. His appeals to sinners were often very pathetic. In doctrine he was strongly Calvinistic, and he was said to be anti-missionary in sentiment ; notwithstanding which he seldom preached without earnestly calling on sinners to repent. In his later ministry he was cotemporary with Eld. Lewis Wil- liams, and now sleeps by his side in the old Fee Fee Cemetery in St. Louis County. He died December 2d, 1842. Among the records we find the name of a Brother Brown, a Baptist minister from Kentucky, who was associated in an early da}' with Clark and Musick, preaching to and gathering together t-he scattered sheep of this western wilderness. Elder Brown came in a very early day to the territory and made his home in a frontier settlement above St. Charles. He died in 1802, and his funeral sermon was preached by Elder Musick. From the scattered condition of the early Baptist families, and a number of other circumstances, no church was formed for sev- eral years after Father Musick settled in the district. But he and Father Clark continued to visit the different settlements, and preach to these hardy pioneers. The first Baptist church in what is now St. Louis County, was organized by Elder Musick in the year 1807, called Fee Fee's Creek from a small stream near which the meeting was held. The following are the names of most, if not all, the constituent members : Adam Martin, and his wife Mary Martin ; Abram Mu- sick, and his wife Sarah Musick ; Terrill Musick ; John Sullens, and his wife Jane Sullens; Eichard and Susan Sullens; Pru- dence Musick ; Hildebrand ; Susan Link, John Howdershell, and his wife Joicy Howdershell. This was the second permanent church organization in the territory, the Bethel having preceded it one 3''car, and it is the oldest church now in existence in the state, so far as we can learn, since the Bethel has ceased to exist. The records of the Fee Fee Church, from its organization to 1830, were burned with the Eev. John M. Peck's library. The facts given of that early period can be relied on, having been furnished by a living witness, Mrs. Kate Martin, the oldest sur- viving member of the church. Great prosperity followed the labors of this pioneer band, and in 1820 the church had grown in numbers and influence, having upon its roll at that time over 100 names. The first house of worship was a hewed log building on EARLY BAPTISTS OF MISSOURI. 63 Fee Fee Creek, about two miles southwest of the present site. What is now known as the old Fee Fee church house, was built of brick about 1831 or '32,on the old road from St. Charles to St. Louis. In 1870, while Eev. Joshua Hickman was pastor, the church completed a new brick house of worship 40x60 feet, located on the present rock road from St. Louis to St. Charles, and erected on a beautiful site of five acres of land, the gift of Bro. Erastus Post. The house is elegant, has a commodious auditorium, aiid in the basement three rooms for the social services and Sunday- school. It was dedicated in July, 1870, the sermon being preach- ed by Eev. W. Pope Yeaman, who, on the occasion, lifted a collec- tion, supposed by the committee at the time to be sufficient to free the new enterprise of debt. It transpired afterwards, however, -p^t.-rn^MCO.y./: OLD FEE FEE CHtlRCH- HOUSE. that a large debt was still on this beautiful property. The finan- cial crisis of 1873, and the death of some of the members of the church, and partial failure of others, combined to make the re- maining debt quite a burden to the surviving members. Not un- til 1882 was this debt finally and fully paid. The occasion was one of great rejoicing to the members of this historic church, and on the 9th of April of that year the church held a thanks- giving and memorial service, and invited their fast and generous friend of years' standing, Dr. W. Pope Yeaman, to return and preach the jubilee sermon, which he did, to a large concourse, from Matt. 25 ; 23 : "Well done, good and faithful servants." The following have labored as pastors of this church: Thomas R. Musick was pastor upwards of 30 years, John Clark, J. M. 54 EARLY BAPTISTS OF MISSOURI. Peck, Thos. P. Green, William Hurley, J. C. Herndon, Adiel Sherwood, Hawkei', James, J. W. Thwing, W. H. Vardeman, J. B. Fuqua, Joshua Hickman, Joseph Hay, S. H. Ford, J. B. English, J. H. Luther and J. T. Green. In 1882 the church numbered 76 members, and was out of debt. Cold "Water. — This was the second church organization in the St. Louis district. The records before us show that, after some dissension as to whether the Baptist community on Cold Water should become an "arm" of Fee Fee Church or of an Illinois church, being advised by the preachers present when assembled at the house of Wm. Patterson, a visible church was constituted the 10th of March, 1809, under the appellation of "The Baptist Church on Cold Water, Missouri-Territory." Thomas P. Musick was for some years pastor, and was, we think, succeeded by John Clark after his removal to the terri- tory. This community of Baptists had much trouble on the slavery question. The records show that an emancipation Baptist church, on Canteen Creek, Illinois, in July, 1812, established an " arm " on Cold Water, and 18 persons were received into it. This "arm" continued to exist until I^ovember, 1834. It was then organized into an independent church, called "The Baptized Church of Christ, Friends to Humanity, on Cold Water." The Cold Water Church continued its records until May, 1819, when they cease. The church of 1834 died in or about 1888 or '39, and on the 23d of September, 1841, the present church on Cold Water, called Salem, was oi-ganized by Elds. John C. Herndon and Thomas P. Green. The constituent members of this church were from the old extinct churches orUnion and Cold Water, and twelve in all viz. : Cumberland James, Gilbert James, William James, Solomon Eussel, Edward Hall, Aseneth Patterson, Ann E. Henley, Sarah Hume, Keziah James, Eveline James, Ellender A. Eussel, Fran- ces Monroe and Elizabeth Blackburn. Eld. John Lee officiated as minister at times for the emancipa- tion Baptist church of 1834. Eld. John C. Herndon was first pastor of Salem, and was suc- ceeded by^Bayless, Hawker, Clark, James, Hickman and Sher- wood. As Elds. Green and Hickman were for some time associated as pastors of the foregoing historic churches, we place their sketches in this connection as follows : John Thomas Green — was born in Crittenden County, Ky., June Early baptists of Missouri. 55 4, 1847, He moved with his parents to Fayette County, 111., in 1852. In early youth he was impressed with the idea that he was to be a preacher of the gospel ; in fact he practiced boy- ish preaching until he was fourteen years of age. He was con^ verted to Christ and united with the Baptist church at the age of 17. March 1, 1865, he enlisted in the IT. S. service, and served till the close of the war. At the time of his conversion he was seized with the conviction that he must preach. In 1868 after sevei-al years of most intense struggle against this convic- tion, he entered the University of Chicago as a ministerial stu- dent. Here he spent four years, entered the Baptist Theological Seminary in 1872, and graduated in the class of 1875, receiving the degree of Bachelor of Divinity. He was licensed to preach by the University Place (now Memorial) Baptist Church, Chicago, June 25, 1873. He entered upon his first pastorate at Moweaqua, 111., Jxily, 1875, where he was ordained Sept. 16th of that year. Was married to Miss Melvina E. Bower, of Macon County, 111., November 12, 1876. Received and accepted a call to the pastorate of the Park Avenue Church, St. Louis, Dec, 1876. Jan. 27, 1877, he was called to endure the great- est trial of his life, the death of his be- loved mother. He was blest in his pastorate at Park Ave., though moun- tains of difficulty rose on every side. In January, 1879, he entered upon his pastorate at Fee Pee, the "Mother Church of Missou- ri." He has been PvEV. JOHN T. GREEX. instrumental, under God, in paying off the debt of nearly $5,000, which had rested upon the church for nearly twelve years. 56 EARLY BAPTISTS OF MISSOURI. Joshua Hickman — is a native of Mason County, Kentucky. He was born March 16, 1826 j and at the age of 12 years he was converted. Two years after this event he united with the Baptist church at Mayslick, where he was raised, and was baptized by A. D. Sears, D.D., of Louisville, Ky. In March, 1850, the church licensed him to preach, and at once called him to fill the pulpit once a month in connection with Dr. S. L. Helm, the pastor. In September, 1850, he entered the Western Theological Institute, at Covington, Ky., of which Dr. S. W. Lynd was president, and continued there until November of the year following. He then came to Missouri, and spent the winter of 1851 and '52 in St. Joseph, j)reaching most of the time for the First Baptist Church of that city, during which time 26 were added to the church. While in St. Joseph, at the call of the Baptist Church, he was ordained to the ministry by Elds. W. H. Thomas and Jonas D. Wilson. This was in March, 1852, and the next month he moved to St. Louis, and was married on the 25th day of December, 1852, to Mrs. Martha J. Kri- der, who became the mother of five children, and died in January, 1862. He was again mar- ried March 26, 1866, to Mrs. Isabella Crouse, of St. Louis ^' County. Elder Hickman continued in St. Louis and vicinity for more than 27 years, preaching for the churches at Fee REV. JOSHUA HICKMAN. Fcc, Salcm, Ches- terfield, Antioch, and Bernard Street, St. Louis. During this pe- riod he spent three years as corresponding secretary of the Gen- eral Association, and one year as general agent of the Central Baptist. He then went to Cape Girardeau, Mo. and became pas- tor of the First Baptist Church in that city. PERIOD SECOND. 1810-1820. CHAPTER I. BETHEL ASSOCIATION. Formation of Other Churches — Providence, Barren, St. Francois, Bellview, «&c.— Or- ganization of tlie First Association — Sketch of John Farrar — William Street — Wilson Thompson — James Philip Edwards — ^^Vingate Jackson — Thomas P. Green — William Polk — John Tanner. IN 1816, Missouri was still a wild territory. There were a few Baptist churches scattered from New Madrid to Old Franklin, but there was no associational confederacy of the de-- nomination. The first gathering for the purpose of forming an association was held in the county of Cape Girardeau, at the small log meeting- house of Bethel Church, the second Lord's Day in June, 1816. The convention was opened with prayer by Eld. Thomas Dono- hue. Eld. James Edwards preached. Isaac Sheppard was cho- sen moderator, and Thomas Bull clerk. The following churches and messengers were enrolled : Bethel Church : Thomas Bull, John Sheppard, Eld. Benjamin Thomson and Robert English ; Tywappity Church : Henry Cockerham, John Baldwin and William Eoss ; Providence Church: William Savage; Saline Church: Eld. Thomas Dono- hue and John Duval; St. Francois Church: Eld. William Street and Jonathan Hubble; Turkey Creek Church: William Johnson, Daniel Johnson, E. Eevell and S. Baker. Elders H. Cockerham, John Farrar, Thomas Douohue and James P. Edwards were appointed to preach and constitute churches in different parts of the territory, after which the con- vention adjourned to meet again, on the last Saturday of Sep- tember in the same year, at the same place, Bethel meeting- house, and complete the organization. In accordance with the foregoing preliminary arrangements, another meeting was held at the Bethel church house near Jack- son, the county seat, the fourth Saturday in September, 1816, and the first Baptist association west of the Mississippi Biver 58 BETHEL ASSOCIATION. was fully organized and called Bethel, after the name of the church with which it met. Bethel, Tywappity, Providence, Bar- ren, Bellview, St. Francois and Dry Creek Churches were the constituents, whose aggregate membership was 230. Eld. Thom- as Donohue preached the introductory sermon on this memor- able occasion. The preachers who were members of this first association, were Henry Cockerham, John Farrar, Wm. Street and James P. Edwards. The origin of Bethel and Tywappitj^ churches has already been given. Providence Church — was constituted in August, 1814, by Elds. Wilson Thompson, John Farrar and James E. Welch, the latter of whom was a licentiate, at that time on a visit to the territory from Kentucky- The church was formed in a small log house on the St. Francois Eiver, not far from where Fredericktown, Madison Co., now stands, built for the purpose of holding wor- ship in, and capable of containing about seventj^-five persons. This body was first an ''arm" of Bethel Church. At an early day Eld. J. M. Peck visited this church and circulated a subscription paper to secure money to enable Eld. Farrar to visit it monthly. He secured about $60. Several weeks after this the church took up the subject, and the majority actually voted to burn the sub- scription paper. What a deed ! But it was done, and we make the record to shame men who may now be disposed to flagrant- ly violate Baptist rights and privileges. Barren Church — was situated in a tract of country then known as the "Barrens," about twenty miles below Ste. Genevieve, in what is now Perry County. It was constituted the first Satur- day in July, 1816. Thomas Donoliuc was pastor until his death. Among its members were Obadiah Scott, Mr. Duvall and Elisha Belcher. This church was situated in a strong Eoman Catholic settlement, and, by deaths and removals, it became after a few years of toil extinct. St. Francois Church. — The exact date of organization is not known. On the 18th of June, 1814, the old Bethel Church dis- missed by letter Eld. John Farrar and forty -four others to form a church of this name. Prior to this, they had been known as the " St. Francois Arm of Bethel Church." It took its name from the river that rises in several branches in the vicinity of the Iron Mountain. This church held its meetings about twentj''- five miles below the village of St. Michael, and had Eld. Wm. Street, a most excellent, devoted and faithful man for its pastor. BETHEL ASSOCIATION. 59 Bellview. — This church was situated in Washington County, ten 01* twelve miles south of Potosi, in one of the best farming settlements in this part of Missouri. The exact date of its or- ganization is not known. In 1818 it reported 23 members. It was one of the constituents of Bethel Association in 1816. In 1818 Eld. Felix Bedding was its pastor. He was a son of Eld. Joseph Bedding, a pioneer of Kentucky. Mr. Bedding was so far anti-missionary, that when the leading members of his church at Bellview wished to circulate a sub- scription to enable him to devote more of his time to preaching the gospel, he absolutely refused to permit any such thing to be done. He would accept no perquisites from the church for his labors unless it was bestowed in the most private manner. Dry Creek Church. — The time and place of the organization of this body is not known. It was one of the pioneer churches, and a constituent of Bethel Association in 1816. At the first meeting the Bethel Association adopted the arti- cles of faith set forth by the Virginia Baptists, at the time the Begulars and Separates formed a union. It was hence organiz- ed upon the principles of the United Baptists, and to this day holds to the same faith. As to when and where the meeting of the association was held in 1817, we are not informed. In 1818 the association was held in what was called ''The Barrens" (now Perry County), at the cabin of Mr. Duval, one of the mem- bers of the Barren Church. Two corresponding messengers were present at this session, viz. : Eld. "Wm. Thorp, from Mt. Pleasant Association, then but recently organized in the Boone's Lick country, Missouri; and Eld. Josiah Horn, from Little Eiver Association, in Southern Kentucky. Also, Elds. J. M. Peck, Thos. P. Green and others were present as visitors. Eesolutions passed favorable to missions. The following record is from " Reminiscences of Missouri," by J. M. Peck, who says that they are from the records of the asso- ciation for 1818, the first year he visited the body : " September 28th, the business relating to missions, postponed last year, was taken under consideration, and Bro. Peck called on for information on the subject. Several interesting communi- cations wore read, and a circular from the Baptist Board of For- eign Missions j)resented, and the great eiforts made in the Chris- tian world to promote the cause of Christ stated, together with the views, proceedings, object and success of the Baptist denom- ination generally in this great and good work. Therefore, 60 BETHEL ASSOCIATION. " Resolved, That Eld. Thomas P. Green (near Jackson, Cape Girardeau County) be our corresponding secretary, to open a correspondence with the Baptist Board of Foreign Missions, transmit to their secretary a copy of our minutes, and receive communications from them. " Heard a plan, drawn up by Bro. Peck, to promote the gos- pel and common schools, both among the settlers and the Indi- ans in this country, which we think would be highly useful, and which we earnestly desire to see carried into effect. Therefore, ^'■Resolved, That we view with pleasure the exertions of our brethren, J. M. Peck and J. E. Welch, united in the western mission, to spread the gospel and promote common schools, both among the white settlers and Indians in this country, and that we recommend the above plan for the consideration of the churches and the liberal public. As Bro. Peck proposes to com- municate an outline of the plan, it is hoped that each church will consider on it, and instruct their delegates against the next as- sociation." {Western Watchman, vol. 8, p. 118.) Says the same author: "The doings of this meeting became the rallying point between the friends and the opponents of the missionary enterprise, that continued to agitate the churches, and produced a division in the old Cape Girardeau Association" (this was a daughter of the Bethel), "and the formation of the 'New Cape Girardeau Association,' as a missionary organization in 1840." {Ibid.) Eld. Wm. Polk, during his lifetime, wrote a history of Bethel Association, which was published in the Ironton Baptist Journal and also in the Christian Repository. He was a member of the body from an early day. To him we are indebted for many of the facts in this history. He says of the meeting of 1818 : "Com- munications were submitted by J. M. Peck on Foreign Missions, which resulted in a resolution favorable to the missionary en- terprise. But the next year it was withdrawn, and in 1820 re- newed again. It was then resolved that the churches send up their views at the next association, when the correspondence was again dropped, and never afterwards renewed. {Chris. Rep., vol. VI., part 2, p. 37.) Of the preachers who formed this first association in Missouri, the following records have been preserved : John Cockerham — was pastor at Tj^wappitj'- in 1816. Of his coming to Missouri, we have no record. Soon after the organ- ization of Bethel Association he left this part of the territory. BETHEL ASSOCIATION. 61 John Farrar — was ordained to the ministry at the call of Bethel Church, by Elds. Golden Williams and Fielding Wolfe, June 18th, 1814. He was a preacher of moderate abilities, but a godly, praying man. He was courteous in his manners, mild in his address, amiable in his disposition, sound and unwavering in his doctrine. He preached at Providence Church until about the year 1825, and then moved into Washington County, where he died in 1829. He was one of the worthy and successful pio- neer preachers of Missouri. William Street — was also a minister of those early times. Though a man of no extraordinary ability as a preacher, he was much beloved and respected by all who knew him, because of his consistent life and his zeal in the great cause he had espous- ed. He resided on St. Francois Eiver, Wayne County, in a house he had built, and which was covered with shingles fasten- ed on with wooden pegs ; this he had to do, not for want of means, but on account of his remote situation. He was a man of wealth j had a number of slaves and abundant property. He would often solicit protracted meetings, and would feed and lodge all the visiting brethren and sisters rather than burden his poorer neighbors. He was frequently chosen moderator of the association, which place he filled with dignity and satisfaction to his brethren. He died in Wayne County in 1843 or '44, at the advanced age of about 90 years. Eld. Wilson Thompson — was one of the pioneer preachers of Missouri, and although not in the formation of the Bethel Asso- ciation, nor living in the state at that time, yet such was his con- nection with the first Baptist churches in Southeast Missouri, that he merits a place in this history just here. He was a de- scendant of respectable Welsh and English ancestors, the oldest son of Closs and Eebekah Thompson, born August 17, 1788, in Woodford County, Ky. His ancestors were almost all Baptists. His first awakening was at a baptismal scene. He fled from the water's edge into the adjoining forest, and fell prostrate on the ground. Thick darkness and gloom fell around him, so that he could scarcely see any object, though the sun was shining bright. Finally, being led to contemplate the mediatorial and sacrificial work of Christ for him, light shone round about him and he was filled with joy and peace. After he grew up to manhood, as a means of support and men- tal culture, he taught school for several years. This, however, was not until after he commenced preaching. Under his mental 62 BETHEL ASSOCIATION. discipline and efforts to teach others, his active mind developed rapidly, and he gained some celebrity as a school teacher. After many struggles with himself he began preaching — or trying to preach, as he called it — when about twenty years of age. Some of his early efforts were followed with wonderful effects. In May, 1810, he was married to Miss Marj^ Grigg, of Camp- bell County, Ky., and emigrated to the Missouri Territory the following January, settling in the neighborhood of Jackson, Cape Girardeau County. Here he taught school and preached as opportunity offered. The inhabitants then lived in small set- tlements of log cabins. His preaching was well received; a revival in old Bethel Church was the result, and there was a mighty shaking among the dry bones. His uncle Benjamin Thompson was among the converts, and subsequently became a minister. The revival con- tinued about eighteen months and was by no means confined to Bethel Church, where it commenced, but spread into the different settlements, reaching in one case as far as Caldwell's Settlement, some sixty miles. Thompson says: *' During the revival I bap- tized 400 or 500 subjects, some old and some young, some white and some black, but all professed to be sinners and to trust in Christ as their Savior."* This was indeed a most wonderful work for those times and circumstances; yea ! we will add Avonderful for even the present times. About the close of this wonderful work of grace, the Bethel Church numbered 186 members. We will here relate an incident of the great revival of 1812 and '13 : A negro man, Dick, the property of Judge Green, an avowed infidel, though a good citizen, was converted. Mr. Green forbade Dick's baptism, threatened to whip Dick and sue the man that baptized him. Thus the matter went for a time. About three months after Dick's conversion, he attended Eld. Thompson's meeting at Bethel and asked to be baptized. "Why," said Mr. Thompson, ''are you not afraid of your master, Dick? The Bible says, 'Obey your masters.' " He replied : " I got two masters : one is greater than the other. My Great Master says, Be baptized, and I wish to obey Him," The baptism was performed ; the two daughters of Mr. Green witnessed it, but decided to say nothing of it to the father, and thus, if possible, save poor Dick a whipping. About two weeks after this, Judge Green came home in a fine humor, and began praising Dick in the highest terms. " Dick has al- * Life of Eld. Wilson Thompso7i, p. 190, BETHEL ASSOCIATION. 63 ways been my best servant," said he ; " but for some weeks past he has been better than usual. The horses shine from his rub- bing them, late and early, and he keeps every thing in the very best of order." The girls, thinking this was the best time to tell about Dick, said : '' Father, we can tell you what has made Dick so much better of late." ''What has done it?" said he. " Why, a few weeks ago we were at Bethel, at meeting, and Mr. Thompson baptized Dick, and he seemed so happy when they all gave him their hand, and called him brother." " Did you see Mr. Thompson baptize Dick ?" said the Judge. " Yes, sir, we saw it all." "Well," said Mr. Green, "I wish to Grod he would baptize all my negroes, if it would make them as good as Dick."* Wilson Thompson was ordained to the full work of a gospel minister some time after he commenced preaching. His ordin- ation occurred in April, 1812, at the request of Bethel Church, Elds. John Tanner and Stilly acting as a presbytery. In July following he was chosen pastor of Bethel Church. About this time his field of labor embraced, in addition to Bethel Church and neighborhood, Johnson's Settlement, about twenty miles southwest of Bethel; Caldwell's Settlement on St. Francois Riv- er, near St. Michael, about sixty miles from Bethel Church ; and Saline Settlement, forty miles north of Bethel. These settle- ments he visited monthly, in doing which he traveled, going and coming, 240 miles. In 1813 Mr. Thompson removed to the state of Ohio, having spent a little more than two years in Mis- souri. James Philip Edwards. — This pioneer of the West first came to Missouri Territory in 1811, and settled in Cape G-irardeau County. He was born in Kentucky in 1782 ; was in stature rather under than above the medium, but wiry and compact, with great powers of endurance. His opportunities for an education had been much better than the majority of ministers of that early day. He studied for the bar and commenced the practice of his profession in his native state, but his inclination for the sacred calling predominated, and he commenced preaching soon after his settlement in Missouri, having been ordained at the call of the Bethel Church, on the 10th of April, 1812. In the year 1817 we find him actively engaged in the work of the ministr3^ In the summer of this year he made an extended missionary tour in * Life of Eld. Wilson Thompso)i, pp. 193, 194. 64 BETHEL ASSOCIATION. the lower part of the territory, during which he visited all the principal settlements on the Arkansas, the St. Francois and the White Elvers, and traveled more than a thousand miles. In some places he found the people not only destitute of ministers of any denomination, but deplorably ignorant of the gosj^el; while in other settlements some attention was paid to religion. Late in the fall of the same year (1817), "when Dr. Peck was on his way to Missouri, the craft on which he was a passenger ' lay up ' for a day or two at Ross' Ferry, a few miles below Capo Girardeau. Here he found Bro. Edwards, and that acquaintanceship began which lasted through the lifetime of the former." In 1818 Fa- ther Edwards left Missouri and settled in Union County, Illinois, and spent the most of the residue of his life in that state and Kentucky. He fell asleep just before the storm of 1861, and was buried at his old home in the last named state. " In 1820, the Hephzibah Church united with the Bethel Asso- ciation. This church was constituted by Wingate Jackson, in Ste. Genevieve County, the same year. It was located on the waters of the Big Saline, in a settlement called New Tennessee. The members in the constitution, eight in all, were Eld. Wingate Jackson, Obadiah Scott, Noah Hunt, Joel and Enos Hamers. and three females. "WiNOATE Jackson — was born in Virginia, in 1776. His pa- rents emigrated to the state of Kentucky in the early part of his life. In his early youth he professed religion and joined the Baptists. He was ordained in that state and was for many years a prominent and useful preacher among the Kentucky Baptists. He removed to Missouri while it was a wilderness, and preach- ed with great acceptance through the bounds of Bethel Asso- ciation. He was ever ready to visit the churches in all cases of difficulty, and received the blessings of a peace-maker. On one occasion, there being seven accessions to the church while it was destitute of a pastor, Jackson and the writer of this were sent for, so that one or the other might come, and there be no dis- appointment. The church-house was occupied by the pedobap- tists, and the circuit rider made an appointment for the forenoon to sprinkle an infant. Both met at the same time, and Elder Jackson and the circuit rider took their places. The circuit rider preached, and at the close of his discourse called for the subject of /iis ceremony, making the following remarks: 'We are the people who believe in free agency, and that every per- son should judge and choose his own mode of baptism.' He BETHEL ASSOCIATION. 65 then called for the baby, went through the ceremony, and gave way. "Jackson then rose, took charge of the congregation, and after singing a hymn, he said he was well pleased with the sentiments expressed by the brother. He also believed in the doctrine of free agency ; and was most earnestly in favor of their choosing for themselves. But, said he, the brother was very inconsistent when, after such remarks, he sprinkled water in that babe's face, when it could not help itself and was incapable of choosing; and from the way it cried and resisted, we know the ceremony was no way pleasing to it. " The circuit rider was set on tire by these remarks, and rose up majestically and challenged Jackson to debate. " ' There is nothing to debate between us,' replied Jackson. ' Reconcile your principles expressed, with this practice of yours, and the question is settled.' " The circuit rider took up his saddle-bags and left, while Jack- son went on and preached most acceptably to the large and waiting congregation. " He was a man careful to put the churches on their guard against all imposition; yet avoided at the same time all unnec- essary controversy. Teaching the doctrines of the Bible, he dwelt on experimental and practical religion. He was a very profound man in the Scriptures, and was held in his day as a standard preacher. Long after his death, when the propriety of inviting mourners forward was questioned by some, it was re- membered and used with effect, 'that Father Jackson had prac- ticed it.' So true is it that the good, though dead, yet speak to us. '' I might dwell at length on the labors of this faithful man of Grod. It is due to his memory that this much should be said. The churches, in their prosperity or in their struggles, should be reminded that there sleeps beneath the soil of this growing state, men who labored on amid obscurity and want, and passed through trials the most severe, that they might establish, under God, the good old cause in Missouri. ''But as these things might not be interesting to the numerous readers of the Journal, I shall close this sketch by adding that, in 1835, he rested from his labors, and went from the storms of earth to the eternal sunshine of glory."* In 1821 the association had increased to 14 churches, with u * Wm. Polk, in Ironton Baptist Journal, Vol. I, No, 4, 5 66 BETHEIi ASSOCIATION. membership of 417. Some of the churches were located in the territory of Arkansas, and were soon after dismissed to form a new association in that country. "In 1822 the Bethel Association appointed Elds. Street, Clark and Edwards to visit Arkansas Territory and constitute therein two churches. The point they were to visit was some 250 miles from their homes, and most of the way a wilderness, where the Indian camp was far more frequently met with than the white man's cabin ; but as servants of the Lord they i^roceeded regard- less of danger and difficulty. But they did not go unaided by their brethren. As soon as the appointment was made known, the brethrenmanifested their liberality as in the days of the apostles, and members subscribed toward their outfit, and sufficient means were collected to defray the expenses of the trip. They con- stituted two churches, Union and Little Flock, in Lawrence County, Arkansas Territory, both of which applied for and were admitted into membership at the session of the association in September, 1823." In 1824 Bethel dismissed nine churches to form Cape Girar- deau Association. They were Dry Creek, Bethel, Tywappity, Clear Creek, Apple Creek, Ebenezer, Big Prairie, Hebron and Shiloh. She also dismissed two other churches in 1831, to aid in the formation of Franklin Association. So that the Bethel has been somewhat of a parent among the associations in South- east Missouri. In the year 1825 Pendleton Church was constituted in a settle- ment six miles west of the present town of Farmington. This settlement was made up chiefly of immigrants from Pendleton District, South Carolina, and hence its name. One year after it was constituted, in 1826, this church united with the association. James Holbert was its early pastor, and sustained this relation until 1838, when he removed to Crawford County, and Eld. Wm.Polk became pastor, and so continued for more than twenty years. For a while this pastorate did not bring prosperity to the church, but in after years, under it, the church enjoyed several very precious revivals, and in 1859 it num- bered over 100 members, after having dismissed others to consti- tute new churches. This body has sent forth several faithful heralds of the Cross. She has stood firm when oppositions have beat on her in all their fury. Firebrands have been thrown into her midst; seeds of discord have been scattered ; but the former would not burn, nor the latter take root and grow. BETHEL ASSOCIATION. 67 Before us lie the minutes of 1827. This year the session was held at Providence Church, Fredericktown, on the 22d to the 24th days of September. The introductory sermon was deliv- ered b}^ Eld. D. Orr. Eld. AVingate Jackson was chosen moder- ator, and Simeon Frost clerk. At this meeting the New Hope and Little Flock Churciies sent up this request: "We pray you as an advisory council, to devise some plan whereby the destitute churches and the vicinities may be supplied with the preaching of the gospel." In answer to this, "the association agreed to choose j^reach- ers for the purpose of visiting the destitute churches and set- tlements, and to preach to them, filling their offices as gospel ministers, and report to the next association. They then chose Brethren Wingate Jackson, James Williams, David Orr and John Farrar." Nine churches sent messengers this year, viz. : Providence, Bellview, St. Francois, Hephzibah, New Hope, Pendleton, Crooked Creek, Little Flock and Liberty. They reported 17 baptisms and a membership of 227. There were present six or- dained ministers and six licentiates. Eld. William Polk says : "In the year 1834 there was a council held with Pendleton Church, August 1st and 2d. The messengers from the churches met to confer on the faith and order of the association, and as the term 'United' has not been generally used in the official records of the association, the propriety was taken into consid- eration, and the faith and order compared with that of the Uni- ted Baptists of the United States, descending from the Union in Virginia. "Bro. Wingate Jackson presided as moderator, and it was agreed unanimously that Bethel Association was the legal de- scendant of the United Baptists of Virginia. The proceedings of this meeting were presented to the association the same fall, 1834, and unanimously received and ordered to be printed with the minutes. " From that time to the present,we have been known as ' Uni- ted Baptists,' by using the term in all official works of the asso- ciation and churches. And for this the association and churches have been reproached on one side for M'^earing it, because it was thought to fence out Parkerism or the two-seed doctrine; and on the other side, because she could not tack on the surname ' missionary.' 68 BETHEL ASSOCIATION. "Bethel Association has not connected herself, as a body, with any missionary organization, foreign or domestic, outside of her own bounds, since the year 1821, when the correspondence was dropped with the Foreign Board of Missions. " Her actions, as brought to view in the last chapter, show that she was, in her younger days, an active missionary body, but the anti-missionary element finally succeeded, in a measure, in putting a quietus on the spirit of missions." Two things should be considered in connection with the fore- going action of the council : 1st. It would have been in perfect concord with the commis- sion to have been " connected with some missionary organiza- tion outside of her own bounds," since the command of Christ requires that his gospel should be preached in "all the world." 2d. The great body of the Baptist denomination has never recognized as any part of its official name, the title of "Mission- ary;" while at the same time they have ever been a missionary people. "Missionary," if incorporated into the name of all Bap- tists who promote missions at home and abroad, through soci- eties, churches or associations, would by no means be a distin- guishing appellation ; for not only is the principal Baptist family missionary in spirit and practice, but almost all the minor sects among the Baptists are so too. As a rule (except in those states affected by the union of the Regular and Separate Baptists, in which case they are called "United Baptists"), the great body of the denomination is known under the simple cognomen of " Baptists." The Bethel Association held its session in 1837 with the Pen- dleton Church. The Little Piney Association j^etitioned for cor- respondence, which was cordially granted and reciprocated. The preaching and business of the session Averc conducted with gen- eral satisfaction. Much of the spirit of Christianity was mani- fested, and the outpourings of the Spirit of God were witnessed on that memorable occasion, Hcphzibah Church, Ste. Genevieve County, was the place of meeting in 1838. Several brethren were present from Little Piney Association. At this meeting a motion was made to drop the name "United." A warm debate followed, in which Oba- diah Scott, an old and venerable soldier of the Cross, and Eld. "Wm. Polk, long a member and minister in the association, plead earnestly that the union which had so long existed should still gontinue, It was ^ melting scene, when old Bro. Scott, wit'i BETHEL ASSOCIATION. 69 tears freely flowing down his withered cheeks, besought them not to thus break the union between brethren of the same house- hold. Some of the principal advocates of the proposition were then merging into Parkerism, or two-seed-ism, where they even- tually landed. The following was agreed upon : " This assoei- tion wishes her churches, if they think proper, to accede to the voluntary council of Yersailles, and report to the association." For three years this proposition aifected the peace of some of the churches. During this time Parkerism found its way into the association, though in disguise. If the reader should ask, "What is Parkerism?" we would answer, fatalism, antino- mianism, two-seed-ism — something akin to universalism and atheism — it is the worst of all isms. It dishonors God, and gives the devil the honor of being the father of a great portion of the human family. Connected with the early history and work of the Bethel As- sociation, was a most useful and devoted minister of the gospel, an account of whom we have reserved to this date. We allude to the worthy and amiable Thomas Parish Green — than whom few men have done more to build up the Baptist denomination. He was born in Chatham County, ISTorth Carolina, June 3, 1790. He emigrated with his father and family in 1807 to Maury County, Tennessee, where, un- der the ministry of Eld. John Record, he was converted and bap- tized into the fellowship of Lebanon Baptist Church, in the spring of 1812. Ho removed to Missouri in the year 1817 and settled in Cape Girardeau County, where he was very successful in building- up Christ's kingdom, and where he lived until his death, except a few short intervals. From his entrance upon the work, he be- came an earnest advocate of the Sunday-school and missionary cause in South Missouri. In this work he met with considerable opposition from churches which were somewhat tinctured with antinomianism, and opposed both missions and Sunday-schools j but under the conviction that he was right and that " the gospel must be published," he persevered amidst all difficulties, until he saw much good fruit from his labors in the pioneer associa- tions of the state. He was the author of the resolutions on for- eign missions adopted by the Bethel Association at its session in 1818. In the years 1829 and 1830 he published the Western Pio- neer, at Eock Spring, Illinois ; acted as agent of the American Sunday-school Union in 1831, for South Missouri, in the prose- cution of which work he visited and established schools, and 70 BETHEL ASSOCIATION. procured libraries in the following counties, viz. : New Madrid, Scott, Cape Girardeau, Perry, Madison, St. Francois, Wayne and Stoddard. He accomplished much good in the capacity of mis- sionary of the American Baptist Home Missionary Society, to which work he was appointed soon after the formation of said society. He moved to St. Louis and became pastor of the Second Baptist Church in June, 1835, and sustained this relation one year, foiir months of which time he kept the Bible, Tract and Sunday-school Depository in St. Louis. Eld. Green was an extraordinary man. Eaised without any educational advantages, he made himself a scholar. For some time his mind w^as entangled in the meshes of antinomianism and anti-missionism, but he burst the death-cerements and stood forth the champion of living truth and missionary effort. Illustrative of the spirit of the man, Ave give the following anecdote, for which we are indebted to Deacon Sandy Pratt, of "Wright City, Missouri : In the year 1835 the Cuivre Association met somewhere in Lincoln Count}'. Thomas P. Green was present as a correspond- ing messenger. The association was anti-missionary. Soon after Bro. Green's appearance in the meeting, several of the older members of the body held a caucus to consult as to the best pol- icy to pursue relative to the visiting minister. They saw, and so decided, that Green was an intelligent man, an excellent preacher, and a decided missionary. They could not mistreat a visiting minister from a sister association, yet they feared the consequences if Bro. Green should preach. The brethren finally agreed that he must preach. Accordingly it was arranged to have three sermons on Sunday in the following order : 1st. Eld. Robert Gilmore (Bro. Gilmore was at that time opposed to missions, and subsequently related these facts to Bro. Pratt); 2d. Thos. P. Green ; and, 3d. The strongest man they had (name not given). The understanding was, that Bro. Gilmore should attack Sunday-schools, mission and Bible societies, &c., with the expectation that Green would attempt to answer him, in which event the third man was to wind up Green. Old Father Gilmore carried out his part of the programme. Eld. Green arose, took his text, and without the slightest reference to the former dis- course, preached a precious, melting, gospel sermon. Almost the entire audience was delighted, and when Green quit, the whole house was bathed in tears. The masses were carried away with the sermon, for it had been a rich feast. The servant bethkl association. 71 of the Lord had fed his people. Eld. Green was master of the situation. The minister who was to follow had nothing to say. He of course could say nothing against Green, for he had not entered into the controversy. The labors of this man of God were signally blessed, hundreds having been brought into the fold of Christ through his instru- mentality. The churches of Cold "Water, St. Louis County; the Second Baptist Church, St. Louis; Cape Girardeau, Bethel, and a number of others in South Missouri, reaped fruit from his la- bors. Eld. Green died in the triumphs of a personal faith in Christ. During the larger portion of his sickness his sufferings were great, but he bore them with calmness and patience. ]^ot long before he died, he said to a brother by his bedside (Eld. J. 11. Clark), "Brother, I have labored for thirty years in the cause of Christ, and only regret that I have not been more faithful. From the time I commenced preaching, I consecrated mj'self entirely to the work, though sometimes at a great sacrifice. Yet I do not regret what I have lost; and if I had my time to live over, with all the facts before me, I would enter the ministry." Like one of God's servants of old, he called his family and friends to his bedside, bade them an affectionate farewell, gave them a dying blessing, and admonished them to prepare to meet him in heaven. At his home in the city of Cape Girardeau, Mo., he breathed his last on the 11th of July, 1843, being then in the 54th year of his age, after a painful illness of twenty-five days, which he bore with patience and resignation.* The Bethel Association held its session in 1840 with the Beth- any Church. Correspondence was dropped with the Little Pi- ney Association, because she refused to correspond with any United Baptist Association. Bethany Church has been quite a fruitful vine. Pour other churches were organized of members of this church, all of which were, in 1859, working members of Bethel Association. And there were in that year two Sunday-schools under the auspices of the mother church. During the ministrations of Eld. Wm. Polk, he baptized in behalf of Bethany Church 337 persons, and at no time were there exceeding 200 members in the church, such was the migratory condition of the people of that country. * For many of the facts in the foregoing sketch we are indebted to Eld. J. H, Clark, in the Christian Repository, \o\. \Til, 72 BETHEL ASSOCIATION. William Polk. — This Missouri minister was born in Georgia, January 18, 1806, and united with the Baptists at the age of 23 years. He comnienced preaching in 1831, and was married (date unknown) to Miss Mary Sharp, where Arcadia now stands, then in Madison County. Of his life work in the ministry, it may be said, that he was the most energetic, as well as by far the most popular, preacher in Southeast Missouri. Kind, S3nnpathetic, truly pious, and ever punctual ; he always had the confidence of the public, regardless of sectarian prejudice or political differences, in a measure un- paralleled. The eloquence or fame of other deserving ministers never drew such crowded houses. He was sometimes chosen moderator of his association. At the session of 1838 he was in the chair when an effort was made by the Parkerites to change the constitution of the association, and drop the term " United." Mr. Polk was, at the time, young in the ministry; but, together with Obadiah Scott (and of the ministers then in the body they were alone) he stood firm upon the original platform. In January of 1859 he started a monthly paper at Ironton, called the Ironton Baptist Journal. In volume I. of said paper appeared a history of Bethel Association as editorial, a few num- bers of which came into our possession, and have rendered assist- ance in those sketches. In the popular acceptation of the term, his sentiments were not anti-missionar}', though he was not in full sympathy with the great body of the Baptist denomination in evangelical work. He had an aversion to the term *' missionary." As seen in the his- tory of the association, he and his people had a system by which they promoted the spread of the gospel. Under their system they employed an itinerant, but were not willing to call him a missionary. He thus gave much of his time and talent to the churches without remuneration, an error which his family, now living in comparative poverty, are free to confess. And truly it was an error. No man has the moral right to rob his family by giving his time to others for any purpose. A minister of the gos- jiel is no exception to this rule. Bro. Polk died Nov. 1, 1864. In the year 1841 the association met with the New Hope Church, St. Francois County, Missouri. The Colony Church was received into the association at this session. It came with 15 members. Tliis church was constituted in the summer of 1841, at the dwelling-house of L. Parks, in a new settlement called Colony UETHKL ASSOCIATION. 73 Settlement, some five miles east of Farmington, in St. Francois County. The inhabitants of this settlement were from Virginia, Kentucky and North Carolina, and at the time of the constitu- tion of the church, a house sixteen feet square would hold the entire audience. During a term of less than twenty years this church received by baptism about 250 members, numbers of whom were dismissed and went into other counties, while others went out and formed churches in the country adjacent. This body had in 1859 a Sabbath-school of 60 scholars, and kept up a prayer-meeting. The minutes of 1859 show that the session this year was held with the New Hope Church, St. Francois County, on the last Saturday^ in September. Eld. Wm. Polk preached the introductory sermon, and was also selected as moderator j Eld. W. A. Hamilton was chosen clerk. Three new churches were received, viz. : Mt. Zion, Lo- cust Grove and White Oak Grove. Nineteen churches appear as members of the association, almost all of which report bap- tisms — in all 87; total membership, 834. Eld. E. Moore was appointed by the meeting to supply with preaching the destitute in the bounds of the association. Eld. Wm. Polk, W. Covington, G. W. Eennick, W. Burke and C. Gid- eon were appointed a committee to meet with Eld. Moore, the evangelist, every three months in the year, and also to make collections by subscriptions and in any other way they might think proper. The funds on hand were taken to make an outfit for Bro. Moore. In 1829 the following churches made application for dismis- sion for the purpose of organizing an association in the territory of Arkansas, viz. : Spring Eiver, New Hope, Little North Fork and Eichland. The delegates from these churches requested help. The association appointed Eld. J. Williams/S. Frost, J. Wilburn, Elder M. Bailey and Eld. W. Street, to meet and con- fer with the delegates at Spring Eiver Church, the second Satur- day in November, 1829. This church takes its name from the beautiful stream near which itstands, the crystal waters of which glide gently over its pebbly bottom. After the above dismis- sions, so far as our records show, Bethel Association was wholly in Missouri. In 1845 its numerical strength was between 300 and 400. In 1870 10 churches were represented, which reported 13 baptisms and a total membership of 311. The minutes of 1872 are COQi 74 BETHEL ASSOCIATION. tained in a neatly printed, though small pamphlet of thirty pages. The session was held with the Texas Church, St. Fran- cois County, beginning Sept. 20th, and continuing three days. The Bethel is one of the few associations in Missouri which believes in feet-washing as a religious ordinance. It has an arti- cle of faith on the subject as follows: "We believe the feet-washing as set forth in John 13th, to be one of the ordinances of the gospel, and that it ought to be ob- served by all Christians, as our Lord and Savior delivered it to the disciples, and ought to be practiced in connection with the Supper by all baptized believers." From the foregoing account it will be seen that Bethel Asso- ciation has been a fruitful vine, having dismissed nine churches in 1824, to form Cape Girardeau Association ; four in 1829, to form an association in Northern Arkansas ; two in 1831, to go into the Franklin Association j and nine in 1859, to form the Central Missouri Association. The total membership in 1872 was 627. Total baptisms, 65. The following brief sketch of a very worthy minister deserves a place in this chapter, and we give it in conclusion : Eld. John Tanner — was born and raised in the state of Vir- ginia. We know nothing of his early life. He was a Baptist minister in the Kehukee Association as early as 1777, in which year the following incident occurred in connection with his min- istry : "A certain woman, by the name of Dawson, in the town of Windsor, N. C, had reason to hope her soul was converted, saw baptism to be a duty for a believer to comply with, and express- ed a great desire to join the church at Cashie, under the care of Eld. Dargan. Her husband, who was violently opposed to it, and a great persecutor, had threatened that if any man baptized his wife, he would shoot him. Accordingly, baptism was defer- red for some time. At length Eld. Tanner was present at Eld. Dargan's meeting, and Mrs. Dawson applied to the church for baptism, expressing a desire to comply with her duty. She was received, and Eld. Dargan being an infirm man, when other ministers were present, would generally apply to them to admin- ister the ordinance in his stead. He therefore requested Eld. Tanner to perform the duty of baptism at this time. Whether Eld. Tanner was apprized of Dawson's threat or not, or whether he thought it his duty to obey God rather than man, we are not informed; but, however it was, he baptized Mrs. Dawson. In BETHEL ASSOCIATION. /O the following June, in the year 1777, Eld. Tanner was expected to preach at Sandy Eun Meeting-house, and Dawson, hearing of the appointment, came up from "Windsor to Norfleet's Ferry on Eoanoke, and lay in wait, near the banks of the river, and when Eld. Tanner (who was in company with Eld. Dargan) ascended the bank from the ferry landing, Dawson being a few yards from him, shot him with a large horseman's pistol. Seventeen shot went into his thigh, one of which was a large buckshot, that went through the limb and lodged in his clothes on the other side. In his wounded condition, Mr. Tanner was carried to the house of Mr. Elisha "Williams, in Scotland Neck, where he lay for some weeks, his life being despaired of; but through the good- ness of the Lord he recovered again. Dawson being somewhat frightened lest he should die, sent a doctor up to attend him. After Eld. Tanner's recovery he never attempted to seek an}^ redress, but submitted to it patiently as persecution for Christ's sake."* John Tanner spent a few years in Kentucky, and removed to the territory of Missouri in a very early day — sometime prior to the earthquakes of 1811 — and settled in what is now New Ma- drid County, not far from the present town of New Madrid. In the winter of 1811-12, he was visited at his home in the "Low Country," by Eld. Wilson Thompson (a licentiate) and Thomas Bull, both members of Bethel Baptist Church, and found to be an old and infirm man.f In the spring of 1812 the earthquake had been so severe in the low lands about New Madrid, that he left and moved to the high lands of Cape Girardeau County, and settled in the neighborhood of Bethel Church, J and in April of that year he and Eld. Stilley, at the call of Bethel Church, ordained "Wilson Thompson to the ministry, Eld. Tanner preaching the sermon on the occasion from the words: "Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me?" In the summer of 1812 or '13 his health became more feeble, and he was for some time confined to the house ; soon after which he died. As a preacher, he was sound, Calvinistic, able, and a great favorite with the mother of the Hon. Henry Clay. * Burkitt and Reed's Church History, pp. 60-02. f Life of Eld. Wilson Thompson, p. 175. X Ibid., p. 182. CHAPTER II. THE MISSOUEI ASSOCIATION. Negro Fork, Upper Cuivre, and Fenime Osage Churches — The Association Formed — Life of Lewis Williams — Of Jiio. M. Peck — The Squatter Family — Rock Spring Seminar}' — The First Baptist Newspaper. THE Territory of Missouri was under the control of Spanish or French Catholics from 1762 to 1803 or '4. Under their rule, ''no preacher of the gospel, save Catholic, was permitted by law to come into the Province." A few preachers did, how- ever, come; not to stir up strife, but to preach the gospel of peace and salvation. Upper Louisiana was transferred to the United States in March, 1804, and with the transfer came the abolition of Catho- lic intolerance in the territory. This year (some say the year previous) Eld. Thos. B. Musick became a resident minister of the District of St. Louis, and soon began preparations for col- lecting the Baptist element into a church. He was successful, and in 1807 organized Fee Fee Creek Church of about seventeen members. This was the second permanent church organization in the territory, and having stood from the beginning is now the oldest Baptist church in Missouri, and worships at this time in an elegant and commodious brick edifice, situated in one of the most beautiful localities in the county of St. Louis, about fifteen miles northwest of the city. For further particulars of this old community, the reader is referred to Chapter II. of PEKIOD FIRST. CoLDWATER. — A sketch of this church has already been given in the aforesaid Chapter and Period. BoEUP Church — was formed jjriorto 1817, within the present limits of St. Louis County, but the circumstances and exact date of its organization are not now known. Negro Fork Church. — This is, also, one of the primitive churches of this part of the state, having been formed prior to the organization of the first association. Ui'PER CuTVRE. — This pioneer community was located several miles southwest of Troy, the county seat of Lincoln County; THE MrSSOURI ASSOCIATION. 77 was gathered and formed by we know not whom, in about the year 1815 or '16, and, after an existence of some twenty years, dissolved. Femme Osage, — another pioneer church, was formed previous to 1817, and was located on a creek by the same name in St. Charles County. It has long since ceased to exist. The foregoing churches met and were formed into an associa- tion in the year 1817, under the appellation of " The Missouri Association." This is now St. Louis Association. As such doc- uments are now very rare, we give the entire minutes of the first meeting as follows : • ]^[INUTES OF THE MISSOURI ASSOCIATION, Held at the Rev. T. R. Musich's, St. Louis County, M. T., on the 7th and Sth of November, 1817. 1. Bro. Lewis AVilliams preached the introductory sermon from 1 Peter 2 j 5. 2. Letters from four churches were jsresented and read, and the names of their delegates enrolled. Churches. Delegates. Total No. Boeuf, Simpson and Massey, . . 30 Negro Fork, Lewis Williains, Ileldebrand and Tcrrv, 16 Cold Water, J. Allen, . . . . "^ 17 Fee Fee Creek, ' Musick, Sullen and Martin, . 52 Upper Cuivre Creek, C. Hubbard and M. Springston, . 13 Femme Osage, Colgan and , . . 14 {Letter failed.) 142 3. Letter from Upper Cuivre Creek received, and tlie names of their delegates enrolled. 4. Bro. L. Williams chosen moderator, and T. E. Musick clerk. 5. Resolved, That a committee be appointed to arrange the business of the association, and report to-morrow at 10 o'clock. 6. That brethren Colgan, Hubbard and Sullen, together with the moderator and clerk, bo that committee. 7. Adjourned till to-morrow, at 10 o'clock. November 7th, IS 17. Met agreeably to adjournment, and aftei- divine worship ])ro- ceeded to business. 8. The report of the committee called for, read and approved. 9. The rules of decorum were read and adopted. 10. Articles of faith read and received. 78 MISSOURI ASSOCIATION. 11. Contributions received from the following churches, viz.: Cold Water, 75 cents ; Upper Cuivre Creek, $2 ; Femme Osage, $3 ; Fee Fee Creek, $2 ; Boeuf, $3 ; Negro Fork, $2 : total, $12.75. 12. Appointed T. E. Musiek treasurer of this association. 13. Brethren Martin and Sullen appointed to examine the funds, reported that $12.75 was yet on hand. 14. Shall we correspond with sister associations ? Answer, "We will, and that Bro. T. E. Musiek write a letter, and that he and Bro. Williams bear it to the Illinois Association." 15. Eequest from Upper Cuivre Creek "that the next associ- ation be held at Femme Osage, St. Charles County." Voted, therefore, that this association hold its next meeting at Femme Osage Meeting-house, on the Friday before the fourth Sunday in October, 1818. 16. That Bro. Williams preach the next introductory sermon, and that in case of failure, Bro. Collord. 17. That Bro. Musiek prepare the circular letter for the ensu- ing year. 18. That the minutes of this association be printed, and that Bro. Musiek attend to the same, and distribute them to each church according to their numbers. 19. That Bro. Musiek receive three dollars for his services. The association adjourned to meet at the time and place ap- pointed. L. Williams, Moderator. T. E. MusiCK, Clerk. Such was the commencement of the second association in Mis- souri. Let us look in upon this frontier company at this first meeting. We see thirteen men, the messengers of six small churches, met together in a log cabin, the residence of one of the number, to form an association. The letters from the churches are road, names enrolled, officers are elected, commit- tees appointed, &c. Hark! what is that we hear? The united voice of that little company, singing. How it fills the air with melody as each passing zephyr catches up the sound and wafts it toward the neighboring hills. The singing has hushed, and a single voice is heard : it is the man of God, praying. He talks as if in the very presence of Him who hears prayer. And thus they worship, untrammelled with many of the forms which so hinder the development of spiritual life in worshiping assemblies of later days. Again we examine the statistics of this primitive Baptist body, and find the entire membership to be 142, MISSOURI ASSOCIATION. 79 Contrast the circumstances of this meeting with the condition of the denomination in the state to-day, with her seventy dis- trict associations and ninety thousand church members. Wo must now contemplate some of the more prominent ele- ments in the life of one of the leading spirits of this Baptist meeting. Eld. Lewis Williams — the first moderator of the Missouri (now St. Louis Association) was the father of the late distin- guished Dr. Alvin P. Williams. The father, like the son, was self- made, self-taught, having grown up, and, for the most part, ac- complished his life work amidst trials and obstructions unknown to the present generation. With a giant mind he " attacked the armory of knowledge," and by a continued and unyielding ef- fort, seized upon and secured the instruments with which he dug deep, and laid strong the foundation of the Baptist superstructure in the field of his labors. A most striking illustration of the adaptation of means to ends, is seen in the early preachers of the West, and the subject of this sketch is by no means an ex- ception to the rule. Lewis Williams has been justly called the "prince of pioneer preachers," having been reared amidst the wilds and dangerous adventures of the then unpeopled or uncivilized Upper Louis- iana. He was born in North Carolina, May 19, 1784, and cross- ed the Mississippi River, as a member of his father's famil}', when a mere boy, in 1797. ''He had grown up among the solemn mountains and the mighty forests, having never seen a large town, and could nei- ther read nor write. He was now to live with the Indians, by his rifle and his daring. What a schooling for one whose min- isterial and religious influence is still felt throughout a great state. " St. Louis was then a French trading post, and was usually shunned by the American emigrants. Fourteen miles northwest of it was a settlement of Indians and Americans, called Owen's Station. It was made up principally of a band of mixed Shaw- nees and Dclawares. A mission school was inaugurated among them by the Moravians, which lasted about six months. Young Williams attended this school with the Indians — all the op- portunity he had until after he became a preacher. But in Indian warfare, in hunting and dangerous games, he showed the supe- riority of his race in all feats, surpassing the older Indian boys. "And thus he grew up, like the oak of the forest, or the 80 MISSOURI ASSOCIATION. eagle of the mountains, the future pioneer preacher, and ' father of preachers,' of Missouri and the West," All that was neces- sary to an accomplished backwoodsman, such as sagacity, nerve, quickness of perception and intense thought, were born in Lew- is "Williams, and developed and strengthened by his wild and daring life. In the war of 1812, immediately succeeding the battle of Tip- pecanoe, November, 1811, he joined a volunteer company, and was a brave and faithful soldier until the close of the war. These companies were called ''mounted rangers," and organized by act of Congress. Williams was a remarkably skilful rifleman. After the set- tlement of negotiations at the close of the war, at an Indian vil- lage where Alton now stands, it is said that the Indians made a banter, and AYilliams was selected to take it up, beating their most expert warriors, both with the rifle and the bow. After the shooting had ended, an Indian walked up to Williams, put his hand on his head and exclaimed, "Pale face, silver hairj but Indian within." Raised amid such associations, we could expect few religious influences or impressions on his character. He had not heard a sermon until he was twenty years old. His father was destitute of religious habits, quite an illiterate man, and secured his prin- cipal living by hunting and fishing. One there was, however, whose influence was eff'ectivc in impressing his mind and direct- ing his thoughts. It was his mother. She had made a profes- sion of religion and united with the Baptists in North Carolina. In her solitary life in these Western wilds she never forgot her noble and daring bo}'. In her anxious prayers to God she fol- lowed him in his ramblings. He was married in 1805 to Miss Nancy Jump, who, like him- self, had grown up in the settlements. She made a profession of religion, and was baptized by either Clark or Musick, after the formation of Fee Fee Church, St. Louis County, in 1807. The issue of this marriage was the following children: Eliza, Lavisa, Isabella, Alvin P., Mary, Perry D., Isaiah T., Prudence E. and Milton F.; in all, nine. All four of the sons became jireachers. Alvin P. and Perry are dead ; the other two are living. Isabel- la, one of the daughters, married a Mr. Murphy, two of whose sons became preachers, one of whom is the well known Rev. J. D. Murphy, D. D. Mary, another daughter, married a Mr. Cooper, two sons of whom, Perry D. Cooper and Frank Cooper, are min-; MISSOURI ASSOCIATION. 8l isters. Justly was Lewis "Williams called " the father of preachers." In 1809 or '10 a glorious revival was enjoyed by Fee Fee Church and community. Williams, who had fearlessly enter- tained Universalist sentiments, attended these meetings, and the brave-hearted backwoodsman bowed as a trembling sinner at the mercy-seat ; and thus continued until he found ^^eace and joy by faith in the Lord Jesus. This result, however, was not reached in an hour or a day. He continued for a season in utter darkness as to the way of salvation, at times settling almost in- to despair. At length the light began to beam in upon his soul and soon flooded his whole being. His insight into the right- eousness of salvation through Christ was as instantaneous as a flash from the leaden clouds, but the full manifestations of par- don were gradual. About two years after his conversion and baptism, he made known to the church his strong desire to tell the gospel message of mercy to his fellow men. He was at once licensed, and began to exhort the people with great earnestness and zeal, and soon after was ordained. On the next page is a true copy of his " cre- dentials," written on brown paper, and in the possession of the youngest of the family, Eld. M. F. Williams, of Randolph County. His preaching was almost always accompanied with a recital of the way the Lord had led him from darkness to light. This feature was characteristic of almost all the pioneer preachers of that day. A modern writer says : "I have seen a rural audience in those backwoods, made up of men and women of strong nerve, and not to be moved by any story of pain, dangei*, or death, weep with deepest emotions as Williams, Musick or Wilhoite told of the struggles of their souls in the days of their convic- tion and conversion. I have also observed the same appeals with the same results, in an audience of the refined and fashion- able, of men of business and skepticism, when Earle has told in the same artless manner, his heart-struggles and his deliver- ance. The first eff'orts of Williams to preach, were recitals of what God had done for his soul, and hundreds were led to Jesus through the gospel thus preached." Williams was a very poor man. He lived on a small farm some seventeen miles from St. Louis, not far from the present town of Manchester. His education was very deficient; he could bare- ly read at all, and could not write. His wife would often read for him, and help him to find his text, 82 MISSOURI ASSOCIATION. < i>> ^- 4^ r? >^ sl^ -^ 1 >: H Ls ^ s > 1 .11 < ^1-3 -^i? ^- J . ^ ^^' Vi \ Nl i MISSOURI ASSOCIATION. 83 In 1819 he was 35 years old, had a large family, was poor, and had been preaching at least nine years. By the help of friends he surmounted all obstacles, procured the means to hire a man to fill his place on the little farm, and spent six months in the St. Charles Academy with Eld. Jno. M. Peck, in useful and appro- priate study. From this association with Dr. Peck, he went forth with fresh zeal and power, and hundreds were converted under his preaching. His name is now almost forgotten save by a few, but the records of his toils may be traced to this day through all that region of country. A missionary society presented him with a concordance and a copy of Fuller's " G-ospel Worthy of All Acceptation." These books, with his Bible, composed his library, and ho made them his constant study. " He moved from St. Louis County in the spring of 1821, to the mouth of St. John's Elver, some fifty miles west of St. James. Difficulties thickened around him. He had to a great extent to depend on hunting to supply his family. He had now to clear a new place. He could not deny the calls to preach in distant neighborhoods, though no pecuniary assistance was given him. In the midst of these embarrassments he was wounded in the leg by a vicious horse, and had to submit to the operation of amputation. The operation was so painful and protracted that it was feared he would sink under it; but he recovered. His family was destitute of the necessaries of life, but the churches came to his assistance and supplied all the wants of his household. " He arose from his bed of suffering with seemingly renewed energy, and, provided with a wooden leg, he removed his fam- ily to Franklin County, and gave the remnant of his life to the work of the gospel. Through the lead mining district, along the waters of the Gasconade and Osage, up as far as Cole County, he was for some years the only preacher of the gospel, except an occasional Methodist circuit rider. The people would come from twenty miles around any day of the week, to hear him. From long and laborious circuits of preaching he would return home to spend days and nights in the woods hunting, to provide for his family. On one of these occasions he had quite a thrill- ing adventure. He had brought down a deer late in the after- noon, but it finally escaped wounded. His horse had broken away from him, and in his efforts to catch him he broke his wooden leg. He was three miles from home; but, late in the night, crawling and hopping almost in helplessness, he reached 84 MISSOURI ASSOCIATION. his cabin, to the gratification of his family, who had for hours been expecting him." '* Lewis Williams," says the venerable James E. Welch, " was one of the best of men and one of the most useful ministers Mis- souri ever had." He was prominent in the formation of the Franklin Associa- tion in 1832, many of the first churches of which were organized by him. In 1833 he labored as missionary in the bounds of Franklin Association (up to 1832 this was in the Missouri Asso- ciation), being aided by the American Baptist Home Missionary Society. His labors were very much blessed. He reported at the end of the year 84 baptisms by his own hands, and the asso- ciation increased to almost double its numerical strength. About the year 1837 he again moved into Gasconade and set- tled on a new place. Now destitution seemed inevitable, his supplies from the missionary board being cut off by the gen- eral financial distress of the country. Age was pressing upon him. He said to the agent of the board, " jSTever mind; we can get corn-bread and bacon enough, and if these fail, I have the old rifle yet." '^ In November, 1838, he rode down to St. Louis to purchase the land on which he had settled. The weather was severe, and returning homeward, he reached the house of his old and early associate, James Walton, sixteen miles from St. Louis. He came with trembling steps, took his bed, and in less than a week — November 16th — his spirit passed away to its rest and reward — strong in his faith and mighty in his fall. His mortal remains re- pose in the old grave-yard at Fee Fee Creek, where a monu- ment marks the spot."* The first annual meeting of the Missouri Association was held at the church called Femme Osage, St. Charles County, on the 24th of October and following days, in 1818. Great harmony and love prevailed throughout the entire session. The most important action in connection with this meeting was the forma- tion of the " United Society for the Spread of the Gospel." Rules and regulations were adopted, setting forth the objects of, and to govern the society, and a board of managers appointed con- sisting of the following members : David Badgely, Wm. Jones, Thomas R. Musick, Thomas P. Green, J. P. Edwards, William Thorp, Bethuel Eiggs, J. M. Peck, J. E. Welch, and Messrs. * S. H. Ford, ia Christian Repository, New Series, Vol. XI, pp. 28-35 ; to whom the author is indebted for much uf thiij sketch. Missouri association. 85 John Jacoby, Cumberland James, Thomas Smith and William Biggs. Of this little company none are supposed now to be living: all have crossed the river. St. Louis was the centre of operations for the society. We give the following details from the constitution, as this was the first society organized west of the " Great River," for philan- thropic and missionary purposes. Name. — '' The United Society for the Spread of the Gospel. Object. — "To aid the * Western Mission' in spreading the gos- pel and promoting common schools in the Western parts of America, both amongst the whites and Indians. Terms of Membership. — " Persons of good moral chai-acter, by paying five dollars annually. Each (Baptist) association, con- tributing annually, can send two messengers. Each branch or mite societ}', church or other religious society, contributing ten dollars annually, can send one delegate. Measxires to be Adopted. — " The society, at its annual meeting, shall consult on the best measures to promote the gospel and common schools j devise measures to assist ministers in obtain- ing an education, and to qualify school-teachers ; consider the moral and religious welfare of the Indians, and devise means for their reform, and use every means in their power to send forth missionaries on the frontier and destitute settlements. Qualifications of Missionaries and School Teachers. — ''The first must be in full standing in the Baptist churches, and give satisfactory evidence of genuine piety, good talents and fervent zeal in the Redeemer's cause. No person of immoral habits, or Avho, in the judgment of the board, is not qualified, can be employed as a school-teacher. Funds. — " The funds of the society shall be included in three departments: the Educational Fund, the Indian Fund, and the Mission Fund." In an early day the society employed several missionaries in Missouri and Illinois as itinerants, at the rate of the expense of hired men — at $16 to $20 per month, according to locality. Most of these itinerants labored with good success; and some of them received their compensation from voluntary contributions. At different places local missionary societies were formed auxiliary to the *' United Society" at St. Louis. These were sometimes called " Mite Societies." The association continued in active co-operation with the missionary enterprise for several years, and then, from some intimations we have, we conclude that it 86 MISSOURI ASSOCIATION. became somewhat lukewarm and indifferent, but never opposed the spread of the gospel through human instrumentality, as in some cases other sister communities did. The year 1818 was fruitful in the formation of several new churches in the bounds of the association. In the autumn of 1817 Elds. John M. Peck and James E. Welch, missionaries of the Baptist Board of Foreign Missions, arrived at the village of St. Louis. On their arrival they found several Baptists, and soon after hired a small room and commenced holding religious meetings. In a few months their number increased to thirteen, and on Feb. 18, 1818, they held a meeting and organized the First Baptist Church in St. Louis. — There were 11 constit- uent members. Immediately after the organization was com- pleted, the church showed forth the Lord's death in the Supper. The week following the church held a meeting, and resolved to proceed at once to the erection of a house of worship. Subscrip- tions were circulated and liberal donations were made. This was the first house of worship, save Catholic, ever attempted to be built in St. Louis. At the date above mentioned there were no more than about 25 professors of religion in the village. Up to 1824 the church had increased to 54 members, which certainly indicated a good degree of prosperity. Soon after this, the church began to retrograde, and in 1832 reported no more than 17 members, and shortly it became extinct. Those were days which tried men. The general state of soci- ety was truly corrupt. The village was crowded with inhabi- tants. Rent was extravagantly high. Eatables of all kinds were hard to obtain, and rery dear. Butter was from 37 to 50 cents, coffee 62 to 75 cents, flour, inferior quality, $12 per bar- rel. But the worst of all was the society. On this subject Eev. J. M. Peck says : *' One-half at least of the Anglo-American population were in- fidels of a low and indecent grade and utterly worthless for any useful purposes of society. Of the class I allude to, I cannot recollect an individual who was reclaimed or became a respect- able citizen. . . . This class despised and villified religion in every form, were vulgarly profane, even to the worst forms of blasphemy, and poured out scoffing and contempt on the few Christians in the village. Their nightly orgies were scenes of drunkenness and profane revehy. Among the frantic rites ob- served, were the mock celebration of the Lord's Supper and burning the Bible. The last ceremony consisted in making a MISSOURI ASSOCIATION. 87 place in the hot coals of a wood fire, and burning therein the book of God, with shoutings, prayers and songs. The boast was often made that the Sabbath never had crossed, and never should cross the Mississippi. The portion of the Anglo-Amer- can population who had been trained to religious habits in earlj' life, and manifested some respect for the forms of worship, were kept away from the place of worship by an influence of which perhaps they were not fully conscious. Though the profane ribaldry of the class already noticed did not convince their judg- ments of the fallacy of religion, it affected their feelings and pride of character. But there was another class whose influence was far more effective, because it carried with it a degree of courtesy, respectability and intelligence. I refer to the better informed French population. These constituted at least one- third of the families. They were nominally Roman Catholics, and their wives, sisters, and daughters adhered to the Catholic faith, attended mass, and went to confession regularly. The men attended church on festival occasions. But every Frenchman with whom I formed an acquaintance, of any intelligence and influence, was of the school of French liberalists, an infidel to all Bible Christianity. B^ut they would treat Christian people, and even Protestant ministers of the gospel, with courtesy and respect. Romanism was the religion of their fathers, but the casual correspondence held with France, where infidelitj^ was demolishing the thrones of political and religious despotism, and tearing up the foundation of superstition, led them to regard all religion as priestcraft, necessary perhaps for the ignorant, superstitious and vicious, but wholly unnecessary for a gentle- man — a philosopher. The good-natured jokes and badinage of their French acquaintances, and the bittertaunts of profane and drunken scoffers, made it unpopular and unfashionable to be seen on the way to church on Sunday, except on special occa- sions. The Sabbath was a day of hilarity, as in all Catholic countries. Mass was attended in the morning by females and illiterate Frenchmen; and in the afternoon both French and Americans assembled at each other's houses for parties for so- cial amusement. Dances, billiards, cards and other sports, made the pastime. Four billiard rooms were open throughout the week, but on the Sabbath each was crowded with visitors and gamblers. With few exceptions, the stores and groceries were open on that day, and in some of them more trading was done than on any other day in the week. The carts and wagons from 88 MISSOURI ASSOCIATION. the country came to market, and sold their provisions at retail throughout the streets." (Life of Peck, pp. 87-88.) Such was the state of society when the First Baptist Church was organized in St. Louis in 1818. On the second Sabbath in March, 1818, Messrs. Peek and Welch organized amission Sunday-school in the village of St. Louis, for colored j^eople. The school opened with fourteen pupils, and in a little more than one month had increased to ninety. Some six or seven colored teachers aided the missionaries. Although they admitted no slave without the written permission of the owner, yet there were some who manifested great opposition to the " negro school." From one of such opposers Peck and "Welch received through the post-office the following : " St. Louis, May I4, 1818. ^^ Gentlemen: As you have but lately arrived in this country, and perhaps may not be acquainted with our laws, I would beg leave to refer you to the 7th section of an act for the regulation of slaves, and leave it to yourselves to decide, whether or not you have not incurred heavy penalties by your negro schools. " It might also be made a question by the patriot and philan- thropist, whether it is pi-udent or humane to give instruction to those who must be made by it either more miserable or rebel- lious. I warn you that the sanctity of the clerical character will not here screen the offenders against the laws from punishment. " Yours truly, Justice." Truly this was a curious document, and after reading it care- fully, Messrs. Peck and Welch filed it away as one of the curios- ities of a frontier missionary life. The school continued to pros- per, and a number of pupils were hopefully converted and baptiz- ed, and one of the happy fruits of this efi'ort was the organiz- ation of the " First African Baptist Church of St. Louis." On the 22d of October, 1818, Eld. James E. Welch met with a few Baptist families at the house of Flanders Callaway, in what is now Warren Count}^ not far from the town of Marthasville, and after the necessary preliminaries formed the Friendship Baptist Chttrch. — The constituent members were 12 in number, as follows : Flanders Callaway, Jemima Callaway, William Hancock, Mar}^ Hancock, George Miller, Judy Miller, Honry E, Welch, Harriet Welch, James Stephenson, Elizabeth E Iwards, Nancy Young and Nancy Spiers. There is no account of this church having any pastor, neither is there anj^ record of church business. It became a member of the Missouri Associ- MISSOURI ASSOriATION. 89 ation. There were two baptisms, one in 1820, the other in 1822, and nine persons were added by letter up to 1825. From the records, this body must have dissolved prior to 1831, for in May of that year it was reorganized at the house of John Welch in Tuque Prairie, with nine members, and called Salem. The year 1818 was fruitful of still another church in the bounds of the old Missouri Association. It was the First Baptist Church in St. Charles. — This ancient com- munity was formed into a church, partly by the instrumentality of Eld. J. E. Welch, about the middle of November. It was com- posed of nine members. For want of regular preaching, and after struggling with insurmountable difficulties for several years, it eventually disbanded. Bro. Welch thinks that this event was brought about, in part, by the unwise policy of many ministers in neglecting, and in many cases actually avoiding the towns and more prominent points of influence in the country, and exhausting their energy upon fields of less promise. It is true that Baptists too often yield the occupancy of the cities and towns, in whole or in part, to other denominations. Our towns wield a controlling influence upon the whole surrounding coun- try, and hence such points should always be under the influence of a pure Christianity. Too often have these points, in the early settling of a country, been left to other denominations, and thus, in all eff'orts to form and give direction to the religious prin- ciples of the people, they have had the vantage ground decidedly. Two men were quite prominent (others did their part also) in founding the earlj^ churches, and in giving tone and proper direction to religious sentiment in the Missouri Association. We refer to Elds. J. M. Peck and J. E. Welch. And although they did not spend their entire ministerial lives in Missouri, nor did they die here, yet their work as Christian ministers is insepar- ably linked with the history of the Baptist denomination in the state. They deserve a place, we think, just here. "John Mason Peck — was born in the parish of Litchfield, South Farms, Connecticut, October 31, 1789. His parents occu- pied a respectable but humble sphere in life; and derived their support from a small farm, in the cultivation of which the fath- er was aided by his sons. So soon as these were able to render assistance in the toils of husbandry, their services were thus em- ployed during the summer, while in winter they enjoyed the advantages of that glory of Ncav England, and especially in the earlier periods of Connecticut, the district school. Alternating 90 MISSOURI ASSOCIATION. in this manner between toil of the body and reflection of the mind, the subject of this sketch grew up among the hills and rocks of his birthplace, rather a stupid and uncultivated youth, until he was about 19 years old, as he has since ingenuously confessed. Two or three events then helped to develop some powers of his nature which before were latent. He taught a Avinter district school for two or three seasons, boarding around in the several families of his employers, as was then the more common custom j and what was no uncommon result of such family intercourse, he got married May 8th, 1809. JSTear the same period he was converted to Christ, and with some little hesitation he joined the Congregational church in his native town. There was, indeed, scarcely anything else to join in that region then; but ere long, and while still employing his winters in teaching in some of the adjacent parishes, he formed the acquaintance of a few scattered Baptist families, simple, hon- est, humble Christian people, even their ministers unlearned, and putting on no airs of superiority to the common people, with whom they very freely mingled, and by whom they were highly esteemed in love for their work's sake. He lived, some half a centurj'- later, to draw the picture of the two denomina- tions, with the marked and sharp angles of difterence as they were when he first knew them both, and before the large assim- ilation, which has since taken place, had melted and rounded off many of the very noticeable points of early dissimilarity. A few years after his marriage, finding that his father's home- stead Avould be inadequate to the support of multiplied and in- creasing families, he removed into a wild new region, in Greene Count}', N. Y., and there, among the mountains of the Catskill range, he cultivated a rude, new farm, in summer, and taught school in winter, as before. Here, too, he and that discreet, pious, faithful and self-denying wife of his, put on the Lord Je- sus Christ in baptism, according to the original institution, after having been long and deeply exercised on this question, after having searched diligently among books and living, learned, able advocates of pedobaptist usages, and struggled manfully with the prepossession in favor of the traditions of their early years. There, too, he was licensed to preach the gospel, and not long after was publicly ordained in the same county."* While living at Catskill, prior to 1813, he adopted the follow- ing means of improvement. He and two other ininisters, Breth- * RufiiB Babcock, in Western Watchman, Vol. XI, No. 1. MISSOURI ASSOCIATION. 91 ren Jenks and Lamb, living near each other, met every fortnight at each other's houses and discussed some question previously proposed. Thus they passed over a number of important topics in systematic theology. On the 17th of May, 1817, the board of the Baptist Triennial Convention accepted and appointed Eev. J, M. Peck and his co-worker, J. E. Welch, as missionaries to the Missouri Terri- tory. On the following day, which was the Lord's day, they were solemnly set apart to this work by appropriate services in the Sansom Street Church, Philadelphia. Eev. Dr. Furman preached the sermon of the occasion from Acts 13 ; 2 : " Separate me Paul and Barnabas," &c. One thousand dollars was the whole amount appropriated to defray their expenses to St. Louis, and to support the mission. On Friday afternoon, July 25, 1817, a little one-horse wagon was seen leaving the door of Asa Peck, in Litchfield, Connecti- cut, with J. M, Peck, his wife and three little ones, bound for the scene of his labors in the then "Far West." They made the trip by way of Philadelphia, to Shawneetown, in said vehicle, thence by keel-boat to St. Louis, where they landed on the morning of the first day of the following December, Mr. Peck being sick with low intermittent fever, from which he did not recover for two months. As soon as he had fully recovered, he entered upon his work. Se found many obstacles to the pro- pagation of a pure Christianity, among which was a great want of reverence for the Sabbath, also a disinclination to attend any place of worship. But a few men and women were found who had the fear of Cod before their eyes. On the third Sabbath in February, 1818, these, to the number of eleven, were organ- ized into a church, called "The First Baptist Church, St. Louis," by Elds. Peck and Welch, this being the first time Eld. Peck had stood up west of the Mississippi to preach the gospel. We next find him engaged in a school which he had established in the spring of 1818. The building was on the east side of Fourth Street, opposite the site of the Planters' House; a two-story framed building, 30x20 feet, the lower story being used for the double purpose of school and church. Here for a time the First Baptist Church worshiped. Such was the commencement of Baptist work in the Catholic village of St. Louis, sixty years ago. But his labors were not confined to St. LouiSo He made extended prospecting and preaching excursions in the terri- tory, establishing and aiding churches and associations. In 92 MISSOURI ASSOCIATION. June and July of this year he made a tour through St. Charles, Clark's, Woods' (now Troy, Lincoln County) and Stout's Forts, to Ramsey's Creek Settlement in Pike County, where he found a small Baptist church, to which he preached Saturday and Sun- day, and returned to St. Louis. In September of the same year he made two trips to the south and southwest of St. Louis; the first one as far as St. Michael in what is now Madison County. On his return he preached in Cook's Settlement, also in the Mur- phy Settlement. It was on this tour that he found and thus de- scribes the " specimen squatter family :" " About 9 o'clock I found the family to which I Avas directed. As this family was a specimen of the squatter race found on the extreme frontiers in early times, some specific description may amuse the reader, for I do not think a duplicate can now be found within the bound- aries of Missouri. The single log cabin of the most primitive structure was situated at some distance within the corn-field. In and around it were the patriarchal head and his wife, two married daughters and their husbands, with three or four little children, and a son and daughter grown up to manhood and womanhood. The old man said he could read, but 'mighty poorly.' The old woman wanted a hjme book, but could not read one. The rest of this romantic household had no use for books, or ' any such trash.' I had introduced myself as a Bap- tist preacher, traveling through the country preaching the gos- pel to the people. The old man and his wife were Baptists; at least had been members of some Baptist church when they lived ' in the settlements.' The ' settlements ' with this class in those days meant the back parts of Virginia and the Carolinas, and in some instances the older sections of Kentucky and Tennessee, where they had lived in their earlier days. But it was ' a might}' poor chance ' for Baptist preaching where they lived. The old man could tell of a Baptist meeting he had been at on the St. Francois, and could direct me to Eld. Farrar's residence near St. Michael. The old woman and the young folks had not seen a Baptist preacher since they had lived in the territory, some eight or ten years. Occasionally they had been to a Methodist meeting. This was the condition of a numerous class of people then scattered over the frontier settlements of Missouri. The ' traveling missionary ' was received with all the hospitality the old people had the ability or knew how to exercise. The younger class were shy and kept out of the cabin, and could not be persuaded to come in to hear the missionary read the Scrip- MISSOURI ASSOCIATION. 93 tures and make a prayer. There was evidence of backwardness or some other propensity attending all the domestic arrange- ments. It was nine o'clock when I reached the squatter's cabin, and yet no preparations had been made for breakfast. The beds, such as they were, remained in the same condition as when the lodgers first crawled from their nests in the morning. The young women appeared listless. Their heads, faces, hands, clothes, all indicated slothfulness and habitual neglect. Soon the old wo- man made preparations for breakfast, and as the culinary oper- ations were performed out of doors, very probably the younger women assisted, but no other female entered the cabin but the old lady. In an hour's time her arrangements within com- menced.*" Mr. Peck continued his itinerant work in Missouri until 1821, when he removed to Eock Spring, Illinois, and established the Eock Spring Seminary, which in 1831 became Shurtleff College. In 1829 Dr. Peck commenced the publication of The Pioneer^ the first Baptist newspaper in the Western States. As editor and publisher he continued this work about twelve years. He was also the author of ihe Emigratit's Guide, The Gazetteer of IllinoiSj Life of Dcmiel Boone, Father Clark, &c. He was a most remarkable man, indeed, and for a full account of his life the reader is referred to The Memoir of J. 21. Peck. From 1821 he spent the residue of his eventful and useful life in Illinois, and died at Eock Spring, March 15, 1858, where he was first buried, and about a month later his remains were removed to the city of St. Louis, and now repose in Bellefontaine Cem- etery. * Western Watchmati, Vol. VIII. Reminiscences of Missouri. CHAPTER ni. 3nSS0UEI ASSOCIATION. (Concluded.) James E. W'rlch — His Conversion, Marriage, Mission to St. Louis, General Sundaj- school Agency, Sudden Death — First Baptist Church, St. Louis — The Second Bap- tist Church, St. Louis — I. T. Hinton — Jerry B. Jeter — G. Anderson — A. H. Bur- lingham — W. W. Boyd — W. M. McPherson — X. Cole— W. M. Page and Mrs. Page — Second Baptist Church, St. Charles — Third Baj^tlst, St. Louis — Garrison Avenue, St. Louis — John Teasdale — Washington Barnhurst — G. A. Lofton — Mar- shall Brotherton — P. J. Thompson — ^W, M. Senter — Fourth Baptist Church, St. Louis — J. V. Schofield — Carondelet Church — G. L. Talbot — Park Avenue Church — Beaumont Street Church — Union Church, St. Louis. EEY. James Ely Welch — another member of the pioneer brigade, and cotemporary with Eev. John M. Peck, whose history closed the preceding chapter, was born in Fayette County, Kentucky, February 28, 1789, not far from the present city of Lexington. His father, James "Welch, and mother, Nancy Ely, were both natives of Virginia, the former of whom was born February 7, 1750 ; died August 2, 1828 ; and the latter was born Oct. 27, 1767, and died August 7, 1837. Whenyoung Welch was about 10 years old, his father commen- ced sending him to a country school in the neighborhood. He con- tinued occasionally to attend schools, kept by different masters, for a period of five or six years. When nearly 17 years old he left his father to work with his eldest brother, who was by trade a mill- wright, with whom he continued, except at intervals, until he was 19 years of age. He then taught school in the summer and worked in Lexington in the winter, until he reached the age of 21. He again made his father's house his home, doing business in the neighborhood. During the summer of 1810 it pleased the Lord to open his eyes and show him that he was a poor lost sin- ner, justly exposed to His wrath. In the fall of the same year he made a public profession of the Lord Jesus, and on the 26th of October was baptized by Eev. J. Vardeman, and united with the church at David's Fork, about two miles from where he was born. Mr. Welch thus speaks of this part of his life: ''In the summer of 1810, when I had just entered my 22(1 MISSOURI ASSOCIATION. 95 year, the Eev. J. Vardeman announced from the pulpit on the Sabbath, that as there were to be a barbecue and a dance at Mont- gomery's Spring on the 4th of July, he would preach at the meeting-house, and invited all the members to attend and to bring their children with them. When I heard the appointment and request, I had a ticket in my pocket, and decidedly intend- ed to be one of the party on the Fourth. When the day arrived, my father said to me in the morning, 'My son, you are your own man, and have the right to go to that frolic to- day, if you choose; but if you will gratify me, you will go with us to Da- vid's Fork.' That was all he said, but when he had re- tired it left me in serious thought, which resulted in a determination to gratify my father and let those attend the ball who might. * * * * Nor do REV. JAMES E. WELCH. I ever expect, while time and eternity may last, to cease prais- ing God that I was induced to gratify my parents on that occa- sion instead of myself; for on going to the meeting I listened to the first sermon I ever really heard, from 1 Sam. 7 ; 12 : ' Then Samuel took a stone, and set it between Mizpeh and Shen, and called the name of it Eben-ezer, saying. Hitherto hath the Lord helped us.' Before a profession of religion was made, I had a private conversation with Bro. Vardeman on the state of my feelings and the exercises of my mind — that on a certain occa- sion, while at a meeting, such were the manifestations of the love of God to my own soul that I scarcely could restrain my- self from getting upon one of the seats and exhorting sinners to ' flee from the wrath to come.' He coolly, and unfortunately for me, replied, ' you had better take care, lest you run before you 96 MISSOURI ASSOCIATION. are sent.' That remark caused me more anxiety and anguish of soul than any remark I ever heard. Full one j'ear I was un- happy at meeting and alone. The ardent desire of. my soul was to warn and beseech sinners to be reconciled to God ; yea, I felt, 'Wo is me,' if I do not do it; and then would come the warning voice of my father in the gospel, ' Take care lest you run before you are sent.' Neither my own parents, nor any one else, knew the exercises of my mind, but I deliberately decided, ' I cannot live so ;' and yet such were the views of my unfitness, that I never should have entered the ministry could I have en- joyed peace of mind without it. The question of deepest anxi- ety was, what can I do which promises any deliverance from the dilemma in which I feel myself to be ? Finally, I concluded to travel, and see whether new scenes and new acquaintances would bring any relief, and if I must preach, I had rather begin among strangers, for ' a prophet hath no honor in his own country and among his own kin.' But where to go, was the question. Knowing that I had an aunt in Greorgia, to Georgia, in the fall of 1811, I directed my steps, with noworldlj^ business whatever in view, but perhaps upon the same errand that took Jonah aboard ship for Tarshish." (Western Watchman, vol. IX.) After spending an anxious winter in Georgia, he made his first attempt at preaching in March, 1812, in the Sharon Church, of which the distinguished Abram Marshall was pastor. Bro. Welch thus describes his struggles in that state: " I never studied more closely, nor more hours during the day and night, than while I remained in Georgia, and yet I had no instructor and but few books to aid me. I had been literally born in a cane-brake, brought up on a farm, and had never stud- ied geography, history, or even grammar, when I commenced my labors in the gospel at 23 ; and no individual, except the in- finitely wise One, can tell with what readiness and joy the ad- vantages of instruction now enjoyed by j^oung men would have been embraced. The Baptists had no theological seminary, nor even a private instructor of whom I had ever heard, where a young man might pursue those theological studies which would enable him 'rightly to divide the word of truth.' Those of us who entered the ministry forty-five years ago [this was written about twenty years ago], know what it is to meet with discour- agements, and sometimes when treated discourteously by young men who were educated in those seminaries which we labored to establish, human nature could not do less than to say, ' Well ! MISSOURI ASSOCIATION. 97 we have had our day !' No other young men, thanks to the All- wise Disposer of events, need ever in future pass through the difficulties with which we had to contend. I question whether any mortal suifered more from a man-fearing spirit than I did in my early efforts at public speaking ; to whom it was a greater tax upon the nervous system to arise and address an assembly, than it was upon me; and especially if there happened to be one or two aged ministers present. If experience teaches truly, I can safely say to my young brethren in the ministry, that of all the hearers you may ever have, you have the least to fear from a father in the gospel. He will hear j^ou with more char- ity and allowance than any hearer you have. Perhaps that dread of public speaking might have deterred me altogether, but for the counsel and encouragement given by old Father Marsh- all, who would often say, 'Bro. James, if you ever wish to make a -preacher, preach'; and so say I, to you young ministers still; for 'practice makes perfect.' " (Western Watchman, vol. IX.) In the spring of 1814 he returned to his native state ; in the summer of the same year visited and preached in Missouri for the first time ; returned again and traveled and preached almost incessantly through most of the country north of the Kentucky Eivcr. His mother church, David's Fork, called him to ordination, which occurred March 2, 1815, at the hands of Jeremiah Varde- man and Davis Biggs. He was now 26 years old. In the fall of this year he went to school and studied English grammar, which was his first instruction in this science. In the spring of 1816 he visited Philadelphia for the purpose of securing an appointment from the Triennial Convention as a missionary to the Far West, to labor among a people, as he said, " who had enjoyed no better advantages than himself." He spent one year in theQuaker City, under the tuition and training of the celebrated Dr. William Staughton. In this "school of the prophets" he laid the foundation for that celebrity which he subsequently attained as a minister. The Triennial Convention met in Philadelphia in May, 1817, and Welch offered his services to establish a mission in St. Louis, in company with his classmate, Eld. J. M. Peck. They were ac- cepted, and on the 25th of the same month were set apart for that mission. The following is somewhat characteristic of Mr. Welch. He says: '.T M. SEXTER. day-school. With a liberal hand he contributes to missions — state, domestic and foreign; and, best of all, he said to the wri- ter of this notice: " If I have been able to honor God in the po- sitions I have held, that is all I desire." The Fourth Baptist Church, St. Louis — was organized Sep- tember 21, 1851, under the name of the Zion Baptist Church. There were 16 constituent members. They worshiped in Stur- geon Market Hall until April 24, 1859. They then entered the base- 140 MISSOURI ASSOCIATION. ment of the present house of worship, under the name of the Fourth Church. Much good was done under the first pastorate. The early history of the church was very discouraging, and after six years of struggling against what seemed to be insurmounta- ble obstacles, they held a special meeting on the 10th of October, 1857, to consider the question of dissolving the organization and abandoning the enterprise. A committee was appointed to con- sult with the other churches in the city. It was finally agreed that one more efi'ort should be made to sustain the undertaking. During the revival of 1858, the church was much increased, and in 1859 the membership had reached 150. The war came on, and new difficulties gathered around the church. Again, in 1861, the chief supporters of the church held a consultation to determine the second time whether the effort to build up a Baptist church in ISJ^orth St. Louis should be finally abandoned, but all this while there were some faithful men and women who stood by the enterprise and gave it their prayers and labor. The pastorates have been somewhat brief, as might be expect- ed under so many discouragements. The following is a list: Ed- ward I, Owen, Thos. Morton, Geo. Howell, Geo. Mitchell, E. G. Taylor, "VV. B. Bolton, Thomas Morton (second term), A. C. Os- born, D. T. Morrill, M. H. Pogson and J. V. Schofield, under whose labors the church has been gradually building up, and a cumbersome debt has been recently paid off. J. V. Schofield — is a native of Chautauqua County, New York, the eldest of a famil}- of eight children, born December 4, 1825. His father, Jamos Schofield, is yet living, and has been formanj^ j^ears in the ministry of the Baptist denomination. In 1843 the family removed to Illinois, but young Schofield re- mained one year and attended the Mayville Academy in his na- tive county, where, in the spring of the same year, he made 9, pi-ofession of religion, was baptized by Rev. O. Dodge, and join- ed the Mayville Baptist Church. In the fall of 1848 he entered Madison University; three years thereafter he became a member of the junior class in the Uni- versit}^ of Rochester, and graduated in 1852. He then entered the Rochester Theological Seminary and graduated in 1854. In July of that year he was married to Miss Julia E. Frary, daugh- ter of a Baptist preacher. Immediately after, he entered his first pastorate in the Jeft'erson Street Church, Louisville, ^y. Here he was ordained the 24th of October, 1854. During his MISSOURI ASSOCIATION. 141 four years' occupancy of the pastoral ofBce, this church added to its original 16 members, 94 by baptism and 87 by letter. From Louisville, Eld. Schofield removed to Quincy, Illinois, in May, 1858, to acj^ept the care of the First Baptist Church of that city, where he labored a little over four years, and, under his administration, 86 were added to the church by baptism and 60 by letter. In the summer of 1862, while visiting his brother. Gen. Scho- field, in St. Louis, he was invited to supply the pulpit of the Third Baptist Church, on Sabbath morning. Soon after, re- ceiving an invitation to become their pas- ^^^^^r ''"'-O' tor, he resigned his charge at Quincy, and settled as pastor of the Third Baptist Church, St. Louis, commencing his la- bors July 1, 1862. {Manual of Third Bap- tist Churchy St. Louis.) His pastorate here of seven years, was dur- ing a very critical period, civil strife di-f viding families and former friends ; but under his wise admin- istration the church prospered. The pres- ent edifice was built at a cost of $50,000. Dr. Schofield inaugurated the movement and raised most of the money. The house was dedicated May 12, 1866. Under his pastorate the church took rank with the first church- es in the city. In 1869, he was elected to, and accepted, the pas- toral ofiice at Des Moines, Iowa. In one year the house of wor- ship was completed, a debt of $5, 000 provided for, and a revival ensued in which 80 were baptized. He next moved to New Brit- ain, Connecticut, in 1871, and for four and a half years was pas- tor here, adding 305 members to the church, 225 of whom were by baptism. In 1876 he returned to St. Louis, and was installed pastor of Frum ••In.; iiaiJtist Eucyciopcdia. J. V. SCHOFIELD, D. D. 142 MISSOURI ASSOCIATION. the Fourth Baptist Church, his present field. Here the edifice has been thoroughly repaired, debts paid, and the church im- proved financially, socially and spiritually. In May, 1880, La Grange College conferred on him the honorary degree of Doc- tor of Divinity, and in June of the same year the Chicago Uni- versity conferred on him the same degree. Dr. Schofield is a clear thinker, an able preacher, an earnest and efficient pastor, and has baptized over 600 persons.* Eev. J. y, Schofield was the contributor of the other bio- graphical sketches from Missouri, for Dr. C&thcart' s Baptist Ency- clopedia. Carondelet Baptist Church of St. Louis. — The first interest fostered by Baptists at Carondelet was a mission Suuday-school established in the spring of 1864, with occasional preaching by Rev. John Finkburg. The first gathering for this purpose con- sisted of 8 children, but the number soon swelled to 130 pupils and 15 teachers. The meetings were held in Odd Fellow's Hall, corner of Nebraska and Main Streets. This work was forward- ed somewhat by Dr. Anderson, then pastor of the Second Baptist Church, St. Louis. November 3, 1867, under the guidance of Dr. Adiel Sherwood, the Carondelet Baptist Church was organized at the house of Clinton S. Barrett, corner of Second and Taylor Streets. The constituent members were 5 in number. Dr. Scho- field, then pastor of the Third Church, assisted Dr. Sherwood. Mr. Morey T. Andrews, at the solicitation of his wife, who was a member (now deceased), offered the church a lot of ground 75 feet front by 140 feet deep on Fifth Street, at the head of Taylor Street, provided the church would erect a house of worship thereon within fifteen years dating from July 1, 1871, to cost not less than $10,000. The offer was accepted and a brick chapel has been erected on the rear of the lot at a cost of $4,000. leav- ing a $6,000 addition to be made within four years. The first regular pastor was Fred. Bowers, then J. H. Luther, after him Thos. Hudson, Jno. Seige, J. H. Breaker, T. J. Koetzle, A. F. Eandall, E. L. Schofield and G. L. Talbot. The total num- ber of members from the organization to the present has been 267; present membership, 106; Sunday-school, average attend- ance 100, teachers 15. There is also a Ladies' Industrial Society in the church, which has done efficient work, having raised $1,000 for church purposes among themselves. Altogether things look hopeful at Carondelet. * Baptist Encyclopedia, Cathcart, pp. 1034-'35. MISSOURI ASSOCIATION. 143 G. L. Talbot — was born near Harrodsburg, Kentucky, June 21, 1853, where he grew to manhood, with good common-school advantages during his minority. He spent three years in George- town College and two years at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, at Louisville, Kentucky. He made a profession of religion in 1869, and in February, 1876, was ordained a gospel minister. He taught school for two years, one in Kentucky and one in Illinois, and while thus employed supplied several pulpits for short intervals. His first pastorate was at Columbus, Ken- tucky, beginning May 1, 1879, where his labors were much bless- ed of the Lord. On the first of January, 1882, he was settled in the pastoral office at Carondelet. Park Avenue, St. Louis. — This church is located on Park Ave- nue and State Street, and was organized May 9, 1868; 13 mem- bers from other Baptist Churches and 15 by baptism were en- rolled as its first members. J. M. C. Breaker was the first pastor. His successors were Geo. Kline, M. L. Laws, D. T. Morrill, J. V. Schofield, J. T. Green and C. X. Wester. The church then called Dr. Geo. A. Lofton, and has a nominal membership of 130, in reality not over 80. It is situated in a churchless district and is as much a mission as a church, says the clerk, Jno. Morton. They have a Sunday-school of 250 members, with "W. L. C. Brey as superintendent. Prayer meetings and also young people's meetings are held weekly, and have a fair attendance. Beaumont Street Church, St. Louis.^ — This church is the out- growth of the Jefferson Mission Sunday-school which was or- ganized by members of the Second Baptist Church June 20, 1859. The school first met in the second story of the Jefferson Engine House, corner Franklin Avenue and Twenty-third Street, where, on the 6th of January-, 1861, a neat chapel was dedicated for the use of the school. The cost of the building was ^2,000. This building was destroyed by fire soon after the war, without insu- rance. A much better building was then erected on a lot on the corner of Beaumont (Twenty-seventh) Street and Morgan. October 4, 1866, 57 members, 55 of whom had been dismissed from the Second Baptist Church for the purpose, signed the Cov- enant, and the Beaumont St. Baptist Church was duly organized. Eev. A. A. Kendrick was chosen pastor, and continued to serve in that capacity for nearly six years. In the first three years the church grew to 182 members. Mr. Kendrick resigned the pastorate June 1, 1872, to accept the Presidency of Shurtleff College. He was succeeded in this office by J. C. C. Clarke for 144 MISSOURI ASSOCIATION. about two years, and Mr. Clarke by J. S. Mabie, who remained as pastor until the church was consolidated with the Second Church, upon the removal of the latter from its location in the heart of the city to the vicinity of the Beaumont Street Church. The church enjoyed an unusually vigorous and prosperous life, until it became evident that it was the purpose of the Second Church to take possession of the promising field in which it was located. The property of the Beaumont St. Church passed into the possession of the Sec- ond Church, and the proceeds of sale were held in trust for ex- penditure in some new field. In June, 1858, an- other church was or- ganized in St. Louis, called Union. It was composed mostly of members dismissed from the Second Baptist Church, In the minutes of the St. Louis Associa- tion for 1858, they From "The Baptist Encyclopedia." rCpOrt having SC- KEV. A. A. KENDRICK, D. D. ^^^^^ ^^^ SCrvicCS of Rev. G. J. Johnson, of Burlington, Iowa, as pastor. During their short history they worshiped in the commodious house formerly occupied by Dr. Post's Congregational Church. This church, after a brief career of only a few years, ceased to exist. This is all we know of its history. Most gladly would we extend these sketches, but space forbids. We must take leave of the Missouri (now St. Louis) Associa- tion. The space allotted to it is more than full. This body has, for the past twenty years, met as usual, been engaged in promot- ing the various enterprises of the denomination, such as mis- sions, Sunday-schools, Bible work, &c. It is now confined most- ly to the city and county of St. Louis, composed of about twen- ty chui-ches, with an aggregate membership of more than 2,500. CHAPTER TV. MOUNT PLEASANT ASSOCIATIOX. The Baptist Churcli on Loutre — Joseph Baker — Indian Troubles — Origin of Mt. Pleasant, Bethel, JNIt. Zioii, Salem and Concord Churches — Formation of the Mt. Pleasant Association — AVilliam Thorp — Preaching in the Forts — J. Hubbard — E. Turner — Golden Williams — D. McLain — Adventure with the Indians — William Coates. IX the year 1809, several Baptist families emigrated from the State of Kentucky, and settled near Loutre Island, in what is now known as Montgomery County. Among the number were Eev. Joseph Baker (and wife, perhaps), and John Snethen and Prudence, his wife; also one or two families by the name of Brown. The next year a Baptist church was organized a short distance west of Loutre Island, which was the first organization of the kind north of the Missouri Eiver. It was organized after the following form : "District of St. Charles, Upper Louisiana, the first Saturday in May, 1810. "We, the Baptist members of the United Order, whose names shall be hereafter written, do covenant and agree to live to- gether in a church capacity', and endeavor to hold up and be governed by the Old and New Testaments, believing it to be the only true rule of faith and practice. And as we have no op- portunity to get helps to constitute, we do therefore form our- selves into a church, believing it to be legal and right, as we do not think it right for any human composition to be binding on the conscience of any, but that it is right to be governed by the Old and New Testaments. " Samuel Brown, Joseph Baker, John Savage, Delaney BoLEN, William Savage, John Snethen, Elisha Todd, Benj. Gammon, Abraham Groom, Susanna Savage, Eliz- abeth AViLLiAMS, Prudence Snethen, Frances Brown, Patsey Bolen, Mary Savage, Margaret Jolly, Sally Gammon, Sarah Todd, Sarah Groom." At the church meeting in the following September, Eev. Jo- seph Baker was elected pastor, Samuel Brown was ordained deacon, and "William Savage was made clerk, 10 146 MOUNT PLEASANT ASSOCIATION. During the time they had pastoral preaching the church held regular monthly meetings, but in the fall of 1811 these were interrupted by the death of the pastor, Eld. Joseph Baker. Some were added to the church during this period. This church was organized and held its meetings at an unoccupied log cab- in one-half mile west from Loutre Creek, and some four miles north from Loutre Island, owned by Mr. Williams Warden. This was the pioneer church of North Missouri, it being the first west of St. Charles and north of the river. Though men and women of true courage and bold hearts, these pioneer pilgrims were destined to annoyances and sufferings scared}' dreamed of Avhen ihcy first set foot on the soil of Mis- souri. They were compelled literally " to fight for the field " in which to plant Immanuel's banner. Their houses were plun- dered, their property was stolen, and they were driven into forts to save their own lives from the ruthless savages whose hands were dripping with the blood of many an innocent sufferer. The Indians began their depredations as early as the year 1810. In July of that 3-car a hostile band of Pottawatomies came stealthily into the settlement on Loutre, nearly opposite the mouth of the Gasconade River, and stole a number of horses. A volunteer company was at once raised, consisting of Stephen Cole, Wm. T. Cole, Samuel Brown, Messrs. Gooch, Patton, and one other person, to go in pursuit of them. They followed the trail across Grand Prairie to Bone Lick, a branch of Salt Riv- er, where they discovered eight Indians, who threw off' their packs of plunder and scattered in the woods. Night coming on, the party disregarded tlie advice of their leader, Stephen Cole, an experienced man with the Indians. He advised setting a guard, but the majority exclaimed against it, and cried " cow- ardice." About midnight the Indian yell and death-dealing bullet ai'oused them from their sleep. Stephen Colo had taken his station at the foot of a tree, and if he slept it was with one eye open. He killed four Indians and wounded a fifth, though severely wounded himself. Wm. T. Cole, his brother, and two other persons, were killed at the commencement of the fight. Next morning the survivors reached the settlement and told the dreadful tidings, and a party returned to the spot, buried the dead, but found the Indians gone. (Peck's Reminiscences.) This was but the commencement of a series of hostilities which drove the settlers into forts, and finally resulted in the Indian war of 1812-15. After being greatly harassed for some MT. PLEASANT ASSOCIATION. 147 two years, the little church near Loutre, with the exception of Benjamin Gammon and his wife Sally Gammon, and Sarah Groom, moved higher up the country into the Boone's Lick region, where the settlements had become much stronger. Here they united with the former settlers in building forts to protect themselves against the hostile Indians. After the close of the war John Savage, Delaney Bolen, "Wil- liam Savage (clerk of the church on Loutre), Susanna Savage, Elizabeth Williams, Patsey Bolen, Mary Savage and Margaret Jolly all moved across the river and settled in Cooper County, not far from the present town of Boonville. Deacon Samuel Brown, John Snethen, Elisha Todd, Abram Groom, Prudence Snethen, Frances Brown and Sarah Todd remained in the Boone's Lick country, and subsequently Mr. Snethen and his wife, and perhaps a few others, returned to their home on Loutre. The fact that "William Savage was clerk of the church formed on Loutre in 1810, and on the dispersion of the church at the breaking out of the war, having been driven into the " Upper Settlements," and subsequently moving into Cooper County, ac- counts for the records at the beginning of this chapter being found in the old Concord church book, for it was but natural that the clerk should hold on to the church-book on the dispersion of the flock; and having taken it into another county, it was but to be expected that on the organization of a new church he would present it to said church, to be used as it had formerly been ; just as William Savage did when the Concord Church was or- ganized in 1817. In the year 1810 a number of families emigrated, mostly from Madison County, Kentucky, and made the first permanent settle- ment in the Boone's Lick country. Several of the number were Baptists, who came with the purpose of planting the gospel in these wild regions. Among these Baptists were Col. Benjamin Cooper (one of the pioneers of Kentucky), Capt. Sarshal and Braxton Cooper; and Elders William Thorp and David McLain. These were joined in 1812 by several Baptist families from the Loutre Settlement, among whom were John Snethen, Samuel Brown, William Savage, Elisha Todd, Abraham Groom, their wives, and several others, who had been driven from that " low- er settlement" by the Indian depredations. Although these pio- neers were in hearing of the savage war-whoop, and the more able-bodied had to shoulder their trusty rifles in defense of their homes, yet they occasionally met to worship God. 148 MT. PLEASANT ASSOCIATION. In 1812, on the 8th of April, Elders Thorp and McLain held a meeting in a log cabin in which school was kept, situated only a short distance from Pranklin, in Howard County, and organized the first Baptist church in the " Upper Country," " Mount Pleasant." The following were constituent members: Eld. Da- vid McLain, Samuel Brown, Abraham Groom, John Berry and wife, David McQuitty, Elisha Todd, Sarah Todd his wife, Wil- liam Creson and wife, William Monroe and wife, Isham Eevis, Berry Wren and wife, Shadrach Wren, John Snethen and Pru- dence his wife, Josiah Brown and Frances his wife, Daniel En- gart and wife, Mr. Hill and Mrs.Winscott. Eld. Wm. Thorp and wife united with the church in November, 1816. During the early history of Mt. Pleasant Church, its members were called to pass through severe trials on account of the In- dian war. The people who remained at home were compelled to live in forts to escape the Indian tomahawk and scalping- knife. Their fields were cultivated under guard. Their meat was brought from the woods, being the fruit of their well-aimed and trusty rifles. In consequence of the war, no church meetings were held from September, 1812, to Januarj-, 1816. During all this time Elds. McLain and Thorp held meetings and preached in the forts. Eld. David McLain was chosen pastor in July, 1812, and served in this capacity until April, 1819, when Eld. W. Thorp was cho- sen. In February, 1824, he resigned and was succeeded by Ebenezer Eogers, who continued until September, 1833. In 1835 Beubcn Alexander succeeded Rogers and served the church one year, when William Duncan was chosen pastor and so continued until 1846. During the first twenty-five years of its history the Mt. Pleas- ant Church had several divisions. The first occurred in 1817, on account of slavery. The second in 1831, over the selection of a pastor; and in the following year another occurred upon the question of missions; again, in 1834, a large number of the members became disaff'ected, withdrew, and went off with the Campbellites; and finally, in 1838, quite a number withdrew, and united with the Methodists. Under all these reverses this primitive community stood firm. She preserved the ancient faith, and stands to-day as a monument of God's mercy and goodness. Bethel Church — comes next in order, north of the river. It was situated in the western part of what is now Boone County', MT. PLEASANT ASSOCIATION. 149 about eight miles north of Rocheport, and organized June 28, 1817, with the following members : Anderson Woods, Betsey- Woods, David McQuitty, John Turner and James Harris. Wm. Thorp was its first pastor. Mount Zion — another of the pioneer churches of this period, was constituted December 20, 1817, at the house of Elisha Todd, four or five miles in a southerly direction from the present town of Fayette, Howard County. The following persons were in the constitution : Eld. David McLain and wife, Thomas Hulbarth, Elisha Todd and wife, Henry Burnham, and Elds. Golden Wil- liams and Edward Turner. Eld. McLain was chosen moderator, and Henry Burnham clerk. In June, 1818, they agreed to build a house of worship on Bonne Femme Creek, about one mile north of where it was constituted, and in 1823 it moved back and built upon the pres- ent site. The old house still stands, but a new one has been built near by. In 1831 the church divided on the mission question, but we think both parties continued to meet in the same house. The anti-mission brethren have not met for worship since the war of 1861, and only about three members remain. The present mem- bership of Mt. Zion Church is 32. At the house of Wm. Coats, in what is now Callaway County, Eld. James E. Welch, then a missionary of the Triennial Con- vention, on the 31st of May, 1818, constituted the " Salem Bap- tist Church," with 9 members, 5 of whom were pious and prudent men, and one of them a deacon of long standing in Tennessee. Immediately after the organization was completed, the church celebrated the dying love of Jesus "in the breaking of bread." "The meeting was a solemn and deeply interesting one," saj^s the venerable Father Welch in his Recollections of the West. John M. Peck was the first Baptist preacher who visited this church, which occurred in December after its organization. Concord Church, Cooper County. — On the 10th of May, 1817, a meeting was held among these cross-bearing disciples, which was attended by Elders Edward Turner, William Thorp and David McLain, who proceeded to organize the Concord Church of the following members : Luke Williams, Polly Williams, Wil- liam Savage, Mary Savage, DelaneyBolen, Judith Williams, Ab- salom Huff, Susanna Savage, Joseph Baze, Lydia Turner, Charles Williams, Patsey Bolen, Sally Baze and Elizabeth Williams, in all 14. 150 MT. PLEASAN'T ASSOCIATION. The following is a coj)y of their ARTICLES OF FAITH: "Article 1. "We believe in one only living and true God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, and these three are one. Art. 2. We believe the Scriptures of the Old and New Tes- taments to be the written word of God, and the only rule of life and practice. Art. 3. We believe in the fall of man and his utter inability to recover himself from that lost estate. Art. 4. We believe the doctrine of particular election, espec- ial calling, believers' baptism and the final perseverance of the saints, through grace. Art. 6. We believe in baptism by immersion, and the Lord's Supper, and that true believers are the only proper subjects of the same. Art. 6. We believe in the resurrection of the dead and a general judgment. Art. 7. We believe the joys of the righteous and the punish- ment of the wicked will be eternal. Art. 8. We believe in the imputed righteousness of Christ. Art. 9. We believe it to be our duty to svppoii: the gospel, and de- fray the expenses of the church." This church was located in the settlement south of Boonville, and gave name to the Concord Association in 1823. In June of the year 1817, at the second meeting of the church, she chose Elder Luke Williams as her pastor, who continued in this rela- tion until his death, about six years afterwards. This left the church in a very destitute condition. The membership was small, very few of whom were males. Such was the gloomy state of affairs when Eld. Kemp Scott came among them, a year or two after the death of Eld. Williams. He was chosen pastor, and for a time the church was greatly prospered. The first fourteen years of its historj^ show that the church gradually grew, re- ceiving members both by baptism and by letter every year, but at the same time dismissing many members to join other churches, and sometimes to go into new orgaiiizations. During this per- iod its numerical strength ranged from 20 to 45. There are no authentic records of the church from 1833 to 1846, a period of thirteen years. On the 26th of December, 1846, a union was formed with a neighboring church, known as "The Vine." This event added considerable strength to the old church, which to this day stands as " a city set on a hill." MT. PLEASANT ASSOCIATION. 151 Some, we believe, regard the Concord Church a continuation of the church on Loutre, formed in 1810. We do not so regard it. We have aimed simply to place the facts before the reader. Anothe;!' "Salem" Church was organized prior to the year 1818, but we cannot ascertain when it was organized nor where it was located. Saturday, July 25, 1818, a meeting was held at the Mount Pleasant meeting-house, Boone's Lick Settlement, Howard Coun- ty, and "The Mount Pleasant Association" was formed. The 5 following churches and messengers composed this first meeting: Mount Pleasavt : David McLain, William Thorp and S. Brown j Concord: L. Williams, William Savage and C. W. McWilliams; Salem : (the last Salem above named) John Croly, Eeuben Guage and Joseph Litterel ; Mount Zion : Colden Williams, Henry Burnham and Edward Turner; Bethel: John Reed, Anderson Woods and Lazarus Wilcox. Aggregate membership, 161. These five churches did meet, as above stated, and form in point of time the third Baptist association of Missouri. Eld. Wm. Thorp was chosen moderator and George Stapleton clerk, after a sermon " introductory to business " by Eld. Luke Williams. Correspondence was opened with the Tate's Creek Association, Kentucky", and the Bethel Association, Missouri; with the former by letter only. Elds. Wm. Thorp and Edward Turner were selected to bear the letter of correspondence to Bethel Association in Southeast Missouri, some two hundred to two hundred and fifty miles away. The contributions for asso- ciational expenses were $16.87. The following is the 3rd Article of the constitution : " The members thus chosen and convened to be denominated 'Mt. Pleasant United Baptist Association,' being composed of sundry churches, lying and being in the territoiy of Missouri," &c. The reader may have need to refer to this article in the future. It is now meet that we should inquire somewhat into the lives, and if possible, learn something of the sacrifices and the work of the ministers of this early period. William Thorp. — This man was the first moderator of the Mount Pleasant Association. He was born in Yirginia in the year 1772 ; his parents were from the old world, and were Scotch Irish. At a very early age his mother died, leaving him and his two older brothers, Dodson and James, in somewhat destitute circumstances. The father was of a restless disposition. He having broke up housekeeping, left his three sons to shift for 152 MT. PLEASANT ASSOCIATION. themselves in the midst of a selfish and tempestuous world. The boys became separated and know but little of each other until they were about grown. William fell into the hands of a tyran- nical aunt, who compelled him to take the fare of the negro chil- dren. She was a hard mistress, and so intolerable was her treat- ment that he determined to get away ; and finally, after several at- tempts and failures, he succeeded in making his escape. Not long after this he fell in with his uncle, Thomas Thorp, with whom he migrated to the wilds of Kentucky in 1786. Here he encountered many hardships, but managed to support himself, laboring by the day, month or job, as best suited. Soon after his conversion he united with the Baptist church in Kentucky, then under the j^astoral care of Eld. D. Chenault. Feeling a deep impression to speak of Jesus and His salvation, he went forward in praise and prayer, and began at once to point sinners the way to God. He was now in his 20th year, and about this time he became acquainted with Miss Frances Owen, a daughter of Barnet Owen, late of Yirginia. Frances was the youngest of three daughters, a zealous Baptist, a de- lightful singer, and an attachment sprang up between them which soon resulted in their marriage. His choice of a wife proved to be a good one, for through all her long life she ex- emplified those qualities which adorn a preacher's wife. She would say to her husband : " Go, preach, if the Lord has called you — He will provide for us." When first married they were very poor in this world's goods, being able to carry their en- tire possessions in a sack; they were, however, rich in faith. They believed that God would provide for their wants ; and with this faith they coupled industry and economy. They hired to a man by the name of Phelps for a year; he to do farm work, she for the house-work, wheel and loom. Thus they continued for three years, the plan of salvation all the while engrossing his mind. He still wanted to preach, but had a great difliculty to encounter, as he had never been to school and could neither read nor write. By the help of his wife and the assistance of his employer, Mr. Phelps, he soon learned both to read and to write. Being a man of unceasing energy, he press- ed on through every difficulty, overcoming all obstacles. He commenced preaching, and some time after was ordained to the full work of the ministrj-. Under his ministry the church- es grew and prospered, and he was highly esteemed for his work's sake. His family meanwhile had increased to six chil- MT. PLEASANT ASSOCIATION. 153 dren, four sons and two daughters. He had no inheritance of land or money, and having heard of Missouri and her won- derful riclmess, he put his little household goods on pack-horses, bid adieu to friends and old associates, and with his family started westward. About the 1st of J^ovember, 1809, he pitched his tent at Loutrc Island, now in Montgomery County, Missouri. At St. Charles, then occujoicd mostly by French and Spaniards, with a slight sprinkle of Americans, they passed the border of civilization. The following spring he left his family in charge of his brother James, who had come with him from Kentucky, and went about a hundred miles further up the river, and made a crop in Boone's Lick Bottom, now Howard County. On Christ- mas eve, in 1810, he landed with his family at his new camp, made of split slabs, in company with about five other families. In 1811 the settlement increased to thirty or forty families, and in 1812 the increase was still greater, covering portions of what is now Boone and Howard on the north, and Cooper and Saline counties on the south of the Missouri River. In this increase of population there were a number of Baptist families, so that, as we have already seen, Elds. David McLain and Wm. Thorp, in 1812, constituted the Mt. Pleasant Church, the first church on the Baptist platform in the "Upper Counti'y ;" and, save the little fraternity near Loutre Island, the first church north of the Missouri River. The troubles of the Indian war came on in 1812, and the inhabitants were compelled to take shelter in forts from the ravages of the blood-thirsty savages. This state of things lasted until jDeace was made in 1815, during which time our venerable father, William Thorp, traveled from fort to fort, preaching the precious gospel at such intervals as best suited, he and his companions with guns in hand, lest they should be attacked by the Indians. Through all the suff'ering, privation, and many narrow escapes of those fort days, God preserved him from the hand of the prowling savages, while his brother and companion in labor. Eld. McLain, was wounded and had a son killed. After the close of the war, he devoted most of his time to the ministry, constituting churches, having generally the care of four, some of which were forty miles distant, and often visiting destitute neighborhoods to preach the gospel to the scattered sheep of Christ. He indeed came as one " preaching in the wilderness," and his labors were blessed in the conversion of souls and many were added to the churches. His early asso- 154 MT. PLEASANT ASSOCIATION. ciates in the ministry were Elds. David McLain, Luke "Williams, Golden Williams, Jacob Chism, Edward Turner, Peter Woods and Thomas Campbell. Mt. Pleasant Association, of which Eld. Thorp was first moderator, was formed in July, 1818, and still later the Salem Association was constituted, and churches and ministers increased. Among his later ministerial acquaintances were Elds. T. P. Stephens, Theo. Boulware, Berryman Wren, James Barnes, Thomas Fristoe Sr., John Longan, Kemp Scott and Thomas Fristoe, Jr. In 1821 he extended his preaching tours up the Missouri Elv- er and constituted several churches in Eay and Clay Counties. Fishing Eiver Church, from which Fishing Eiver Association took her name, was the first in order of time. He moved from Howard to Clay County in 1824, and united with Little Shoal Creek Church, where he remained until his death. For some years he was moderator of Fishing Eiver Association, and was discontinued as such only when, from old age, he was unable to serve longer. During his long, hazardous and somewhat event- ful life, he received no pecuniary compensation from the churches, but on the contrary often contributed of his substance to supply the wants of his needy fellow-laborers in the ministry. He had great prejudice against what he called the "modern missionary system." He witnessed the union of the Eegular and Separate Baptists in Kentucky, and was in the sejDaration in Missouri on the missionary question, and went with the anti-missionaries. In doctrine Eld. Thorp was an extreme Calvinist; not as much so as some of his later associates. He would, not unfrequently, when preaching, dwell on the final doom of the impenitent, not in a cold phlegmatic manner, but with tears trickling down his furrowed cheeks. " On one occasion he and Eld. Thos. Campbell were returning from a trip to Eocky Fork Church in Boone County ; conversation had abated, and Eld. C. had lagged behind. Suddenly he rode up by the side of Eld. Thorp, and remarked hastily, vere laid by, he took the field at his own charges, and toiled day and night, pointing sinners to the Lamb of God. In this way he held a great number of meetings in the school-houses, cabins of the settlers, or under the trees of the forest, and had the exquis- ite pleasure of rejoicing with hundreds of happy converts, most of whom he baptized. Bro. Terrill was a sound gospel preacher, and though not a man of "great learning," was possessed of a natively strong mind. His views of "salvation by grace" were very decided. He held no mixed views, but had clear conceptions of Divine truth. He was a genial companion in the social circle, and always delight- ed to talk about Christ and his salvation. A little more than four years before his death, his health be- gan to fail. His disease was what is properly known as " heart disease." He gradually became more and more feeble, but en- dured it all without a word of complaint. About four years be- fore he died, he thus wrote: "I am looking at the sun as she fast moves to the West. I sometimes feel like I have a home in heaven, and as soon as I enter the door I expect to cry, Grace, grace." He died at the residence of his son, President A. W. Ter- rill, of Mexico, at 9 o'clock p. m., June 17th, 1877; and his re- mains were carried to his old home, one mile from Moberly, and buried in the family graveyard. One word more. The Terrill family of Central Missouri have been a power for doing good ; not surpassed, probably, by any family in the state. CHAPTER YI. MOUNT PLEASANT ASSOCIATION. (Concluded.) Plan of DomeBtic Missions — William Duncan — Parting Scenes — From the Pulpit to the Grave — The Slavery Question — Addison M. Lewis — The Huguenot Lawyer — James Porter — Union with Anti-^Iissionary Baptists — Y. E. Pitts, His Last Hours and Sudden Death— J. W. Terrill— S. \\ Pitts— G. W. Robey^J. B. Weber- Sketches of Bee Branch, Clitl'ton, Friendship, Huntsville, Hickory Grove, Moberly, Mt. Horeb, Mt. Shiloh, Mt. Salem, Salisbury and other Churches. '' A LEE AD Y have we seen that the decade immediately suc- -L\. ceedingthe division gave to the churches Jesse and Benja- min Terrill, Addison Lewis, Joshua Terrill, Wm. Duncan, Green Carey, T. S. Allen, John Roan and B. Anderson as ministers. During the same period the association nearly quadrupled its membership, the years 1839-'40-'41 furnishing by baptism 327, 203 and 415 additions, respectively. The churches during this time began to move out on two lines of progress, viz. : missions and ministerial education. In 1839, at Mt. Gilead, a committee of which Stephen Wilhite was chairman, entertaining a deep sense of the need of educating the rising ministry, recommended to the association a proposition which was adoj)ted, setting forth the propriety and practicability of establishing a theological seminary in the state; and asking co-operation of Baptist church- es and associations throughout the state in the enterprise. Thus was agitated the wave that led the General Association to adopt in 1846 a plan for the erection and endowment of Wm. Jewell College at Liberty, and here Dr. Wm. Jewell found in Wade M. Jackson, Eoland Hughes, Uriel Sebree, Noah Kingsbury, Noah Flood, Addison Lewis and the Wilhites its warmest friends and efficient supporters." * At the session of 1843 the Mt. Pleasant Association adopted measures for raising funds to aid young men in studying for the ministry; and a committee was appointed to examine such as might be recommended to them as beneficiaries, consisting of A. B. Hardy, Roland Hughes, Wade M. Jackson, F. Wilhoite and Wm. Duncan. The committee was styled the "Educational Com- * Eld. S. Y. Pitts m Central Baptist, Vol. XIV, No. 23. 186 MT. PLEASANT ASSOCIATION. mittee of Mt. Pleasant Association." Some few of the churches seemed yet to be unsettled in regard to the General Association. They had grave doubts as to whether the real design of said association was understood, although its aims were explicitly stated in its constitution. A large majority were in favor of becoming auxiliary to the said General Association, but for the sake of the little remaining disaffection action was deferred, and all were advised to acquaint themselves with the real purposes of that body. The Condensing Committee say: "In all our let- ters we hear a salutary expression in reference to Sunday-schools and Bible classes." The association held meetings regularly; attended to the usual routine of business, with occasional "forward movements." The old mother church, Mt. Pleasant, Howard County, entertained the meeting of 1844; Huntsville was the place of meeting in 1845; Ebenezer, Randolph County, in 1846; Mt. Zion, Howard County, in 1847 ; and back to Randolph County with Shiloh Church, in 1848 ; and in 1849 it met at Mt. Olive, Howard Coun- ty. During all this time Uriel Sebree was moderator, and John Swetnam clerk. The minutes show a good degree of prosper- ity in quite a number of the churches; 261 baptisms were re- ported ; number of churches, 25 ; total membership, 2,043. The plan of domestic missionary operations adopted this year, consisted of two parts : 1st. The churches were pledged by their messengers for a specified amount of money for missionary work the ensuing year, to be paid at the next meeting ; 2d. An executive board was appointed, consisting of the moderator, treasurer, clerk and three other brethren, whose duty was annually to appoint a mis- sionary or missionaries to ride in the bounds of the body; said board was to perform its duties without any pecuniary consider- ation and report annually to the association. The following item of business will be of interest to many: " Settled with corresponding members. Eld. Jesse Terrill was allowed S4; B. Terrill, $3, and M. M. Modisett, $7." (Xote. — The above named plan of domestic missions may have been adopted in 1848 instead of 1849. We have not the minutes of 1848 before us, and from the records of 1849 see that pledges for missions were made the preceding year.) Rev. William Duncan. — " This deservedly popular minister of the gospel attended for the last time the association in 1846. At that session he preached on Monday, the last day of the meet- MT. PLEASANT ASSOCIATION. 187 ing, and was taken sick while in the pulpit, but could still travel, and rode home the same day a distance of some 20 miles ; he was immediately confined to his bed and died on the following Sat- urday, October 10, 1846, of congestive fever. The meeting was held this year at Ebenezer Church, Eandolph County. " William Duncan was born in Amherst County, Virginia, February 22, 1776. His parents, John and Sarah T. Duncan, were highly respectable residents of that county. His father was a Baptist minister. At the age of 20 years he became the subject of religious influence, and was converted and united with the Baptists, and at once entered upon the work of the ministry. He was very soon recognized as a young man giving promise of usefulness. Early in his ministry he was called to the pastoral care of as many churches as he could serve. In this capacity he labored with Ebenezer, Mt. Moriah and Pedlar Churches, in Am- herst County, and Rock Fish and Jonesborough, in Nelson County. The first four of these churches he is said to have served about 34 years. He labored with fidelity and eminent success, until his removal from Virginia. Large numbers were brought into the fold of Christ through his instrumentality, so that his churches were the largest and most influential in the Albemarle Association."* He was married quite young, in his native county, to Miss Sal- ly Henly, by whom he had eight children, two sons and six daughters. Three of the daughters are dead. The sons are in Missouri; one of whom, Dr. W. H. Duncan, is a physician. In the latter part of the year 1830 he emigrated to Missouri, leaving behind him four churches he had served about thirty-four years. These churches he left amid the pleadings, remonstrances and tears of all, to follow his children to the West. He settled in Callaway County, where he lived for eight years, faithfully pursuing his ministerial work. "He then moved to Howard County, where he served five churches, acting a part of the time as domestic missionary, and thus filling up his time in the min- istry until the close of his life."-j" Besides his pastoral work he traveled over a large portion of Central North Missouri preaching the gospel, and no man ever held a more enviable place in the aff'ections of the people to whom he ministered. Two incidents will serve as illustrations on this subject. The first is his departure from his churches in Virginia, thus described by an eye-witness: * Virginia Baptist Ministei's, by Taylor, p. 312. f Ibid., 312. 1^8 MT. PLEASANT ASSOCIATION. " I shall never forget his valedictory sermons to those church- es. The lamentations of his flock he had so long fed on spirit- ual food, in fact the sorrow pervading the whole congregation, surpassed anything of the kind I had ever witnessed, or ever expect to witness. This speaks in language not to be misunder- stood, as to the estimation in which he was held by his churches, and his congregation generally. But not so loudly as when he was solicited, after locating in Missouri, to return to Virginia and take charge of his old churches at any cost he might assess them; and was also offered the finest farm in that section of country with everything to make him comfortable.'' All this he declined and remained in Missouri. The other incident is this : When the news of his death reach- ed Huntsville, Eandolph County, where he had been pastor the last eight years of his life, the circuit court was in session; which, on motion, was immediately adjourned. His puljiits also, both at Huntsville and in all the churches where he was pastor, were draped in mourning. William Duncan was an eloquent preacher, with much more than ordinary talent and influence. "His views were enlarged and liberal." Born in the times of our Revolution, Eld. Duncan was one of the connecting links between the present and the past — a repre- sentative of another age ; zealous and vigilant of the interest and progress of the Baptist denomination. " Fidelity to friends, noble and generous impulses, devotion to wife, children and all, gushed from the fountain of a clear and strong judgment, the streams of which fertilized the actions of his life. And more still, he cultivated the minor as well as the greater virtues. His presence was seen in everything useful and honorable within his reach. He was frequently urged to become a candidate for Con- gress and as frequently declined the honor, preferring to spend his time in his Master's vineyard rather than to mingle with the rabble." The last sixteen years of his life were spent in Missouri. And although he died at the advanced age of 70 years, he literally went from the pulpit to the grave, as the circumstances of his death already spoken of show. He had clear views of Bible doc- trine and was a sound gospel preacher. During the decade commencing with 1850, the Mt. Pleasant Association held regular annual meetings in the following or- der ; Mt. Gilead, Howard County ; Keytesville, Chariton Coun- MT. PLEASANT ASSOCIATION. 189 ty; Sweet Spring, Eandolph County; Bethlehem, Boone County; Huntsville ; Sugar Creek, Boone County; Chariton, Howard County; Huntsville; New Hope, Chariton County; Eoanoke, Howard County. New churches admitted as follows : In 1850 Little Bethel; 1851, New Hope and Eocheport; 1852, Liberty, Middle Fork and Oak Grove; 1853, Mt. Horeb (Boone County), Lebanon, Yellow Creek and Boonsborough ; 1855, Prairie Val- ley; 1856, Muscle Fork and Mt. Salem; 1857, Mt. Moriah and Pleasant Hope; 1858, Bethany; and in 1859, Zion, Mt. Yernon, Hays' Eidge and Union. The association now numbered 40 churches, with an aggregate membership of 3,184. It was an active missionary body, having expended for itiner- ant missionary work over $3,000 during this period. The amount of salary usually paid missionaries was from $20 to $50 a month. In 1854 the citizens of Huntsville founded Mt. Pleasant Col- lege and offered the control of it to the association. The prop- osition was accepted, and steps were at once taken to secure a charter, erect suitable buildings and collect funds for endow- ment. This association was now, without doubt, one of the most efficient institutions of the kind in the state. Eoland Hughes, a leading member of the association and its moderator since 1850, died between the sessions of 1854 and 1855. Broad and comprehensive views were taken of educational interests in the following action at the session of 1856 : ''■Resolved, That this association recommend William Jewell College as a state institution, that should rise above sectional and local feelings and prejudices, and be the first object of our prayers, energy and contributions, and that we cordially invite the agent of the board of trustees into our midst to raise an en- dowment." In 1857 the American Tract Society manifested quite a dispo- tion to interfere with the institution of slavery in the Southern States. The news of this event reached the Mt. Pleasant Asso- ciation through the Big Hatchee Association of United Baptists of Tennessee, in the same year, whereupon the Mt. Pleasant As- sociation adopted resolutions as follows: " Resolved, That we recommend to all Christians and patriots that they withdraw their patronage from the American Tract Society. '* Resolved, That we recommend to all the members of the Bap- tist churches that, in the future, they discountenance the efforts of the colporteurs of said society in our midst, and that they 190 MT. PLEASANT ASSOCIATION. purchase books and tracts of our own publication societies in the South. " Resolved, That we recommend to all our sister associations in the state and throughout the South, to take a similar position with reference to the American Tract Society, until that society recedes from its present attitude toward American slavery." Another important entry is made in the minutes of this year as follows : *' Whereas, In the dispensation of Almighty God, a beloved brother and faithful minister has been called from earth to try the realities of another and invisible world : therefore, "^eso?ye(Z, That although we bow with humble submission to the will of Almighty God, we feel that in the death of Bro. Ad- dison M. Lewis his family have lost an affectionate and kind husband and indulgent parent, the community at large an inval- uable citizen, and the church of Christ a faithful, zealous and de- voted minister." Eev. Addison M. Lewis — was the seventh child and youngest son of Colonel Zachary Lewis, born at Bell Air, Spottsylvania County, Virginia, in September, 1789. " The ancestry of Mr. Lewis was highly respectable. Mr. John Lewis, brother of Addison, thus refers to his progenitors : * On the revocation of the Edict of Nantes, a French Huguenot lawyer of good fortune, Mons. Louis, left his native country and bought an estate in "Wales. lie had three sons, all of whom were lawyers. One re- mained in Wales wnth his father, the second went to London, and the eldest to Ireland. After the death of their father, the youngest emigrated to Yirginia and settled on the Dragon Swamp. He is the "Welsh Lewis, from whom Addison is lineally descended.' " * His parents being Episcopalians, he was brought up in that faith and became identified w^ith them. Before he reached the age of nineteen years he became powerfully convicted of sin. He saw the necessity of personal holiness as a preparation for death and eternity. Euclid and other text-books were laid aside and the Holy Bible took their place. To everj^thing he seemed indifferent, save his condition as a sinner. He soon became a walking skeleton. " Morgan, a pious slave, and member of the Baptist church, was the best spiritual adviser which Addison, his j'oung master, could find. Said his brother: ' Morgan has had more of his com- * Virginia Baptist Ministers, by Taylor, p. 474. MT. PLEASANT ASSOCIATION. 191 pany than I have, although we were very intimate before. Ad- dison brings him to the study, and also goes to his cabin fre- quently.' How illustrative of the fact is this, that the experience of God's grace in the heart qualifies far better for giving relig- ious instruction to the religious inquirer, than all the learning of the schools ! Under Morgan's tuition Mr. Lewis was led into a knowledge of the plan of salvation, and thus brought peace- fully to rely on Jesus Christ, and to hope in His name." * He became a Baptist, having left the church of his childhood, and was baptized July 3, 1808. Ever after this his chosen com- panions were found among the Baptists, and through his whole subsequent life he manifested great attachment to their distinc- tive principles, because he believed them scriptural. Soon after uniting with the Baptists he entered the ministry, and spent the prime of a useful life in Virginia and Kentucky. He was one of the original fifteen members of the Baptist Gen- eral Association of Virginia. In 1843 he emigrated to Missouri and spent the evening of his ministerial life in this state, having been made the successor of the late lamented Wm. Duncan at Huntsville. On the 26th of August, 1857, he died, it being the 68th year of his life, and the forty-ninth of his ministry. " In the pulpit Eld. Lewis used the simplest form of speech which a learned man could select from the pure Anglo-Saxon dialect. He was a man of exalted moral and Christian charac- ter. In personal appearance, tall and commanding; in deport- ment, grave; in sjieech, conservative; and a gentleman of the olden school." Eld. James Porter — though not many years a minister in Mt. Pleasant Association, well deserves a place in these sketches. He was the son of Hezekiah and Nancy Porter, born in Grayson County, Tennessee, in the year 1809, and with his parents emi- grated to Howard County, Missouri, in 1820. His education was secured in the common or district schools of his early day, and did not extend to the higher branches, but was abundantly suflJcient to qualify him for a successful school- teacher, the occupation of a portion of his earlier life. At the age of 19 years he was married to Miss Sarah Walker, who proved to be a true and affectionate companion and a good minister's wife. While young, though married, he removed to Monroe County * Virginia Baptist Ministers, by Taylor, pp. 475-'6, 192 MT. PLEASANT ASSOCIATION. and settled on the middle fork of Salt Eiver, some four miles north of Madison. Here he lived until his death. He was a moral man and concluded that he could do much by way of hid- ing the deformity of his soul, under which impression he united with the Campbellites, but for want of fitness failed to be immers- ed. He used to say that this circumstance in his life had much to do in producing penitence and leading him to the foot of the cross as a humble beggar for mercy. On the fourth Sabbath in September, 1843, in the midst of a large congregation, he arose and told of God's pardoning favor, asked admittance into Hick- ory G-rove Church, Monroe County, was cordially received and the following month was baptized by Eld. Benjamin Terrill, the pastor. This church was a small, new organization at that time, and Porter's addition greatly encouraged the brethren. From the beginning he was active in promoting the cause, and com- menced preaching in 1854. He was ordained to the ministry by Elds. James Burton and Benjamin Terrill, in March, 1855. He at once heartily entered upon his work as a gospel minister, serving from the commencement of his ministry the churches at Union, Eandolph County, and Oak Grove, Monroe County, both of which were raised up under his labors. He also was pastor of Mt. Salem, Macon County, and Shiloh, Eandolph County, a part of his time. His race was short but strong. No man had more influence in his field of labor than he; and no preacher, at the time of his death, was doing more to build up the Baptist cause in the bounds of Mt. Pleasant Association. Not long before his death he said to one of his sons : " You are preparing to live ; I am preparing to die." So death, although it was somewhat sudden, did not come upon him unawares. He died of apoplexy — the third stroke— April 21, 1859. During the war period of 1861-'5 regular meetings were held by the association, and although the statistics show less of pros- perity than formerly, yet several hundred were baptized and ad- ded to the churches, despite the blighting influences of the civil strife. In the year 1863 an effort was made tOAvards a re-union with that part of the association which violated the constitution in 1835, and thus caused a division in the old association. Look- ing to this end, Bro. B. Anderson introduced the following pre- amble and resolution, which were adopted unanimously: "Whereas, Our Old School Baptist brethren hold in common with us, to one Lord, one faith and one baptism; one and the MT. PLEASANT ASSOCIATION. 193 same experience and church organization ; and in fine, believe in the great leading doctrines to which we hold, therefore, ^'■Resolved, That we ought to labor in order to a reunion with these brethren ; that we ought to pray earnestly to God for this desired object." How this proposition was received by the Old School Mount Pleasant Association, we have been unable to learn. We only know that the reunion has never been eifeeted. Something was done by the association each year to promote evangelization j and ministerial education was commended to the churches. At the close of this period the association was com- posed of 41 churches, containing a membership of 3,432. In later years the association held meetings as follows: At Mt. Gilead, Howard County, in 1867 ; Keytesville, Chariton Coun- ty, 1868; Chariton, Howard County, in 1869 ; Cliffton Hill, Ran- dolph County, in 1870 ; Friendship, Howard County, 1871 ; Hunts- ville, in 1872 ; Mt. Zion, Howard County, 1873 ; Salisbury, 1874; Hickory Grove, Monroe Coun-ty, 1876 ; New Hope, Chariton County, 1877 ; Walnut Grove, Boone County, 1878; Sharon, How- ard County, 1879; Shiloh, Randolph County, 1880; Prairie Val- ley, Chariton County, 1881. We shall chronicle only a few events of this period. In 1880 12 churches were dismissed to form the Mt. Zion Association (for names of churches, see said association). The year following four others were dismissed to unite with the same association, which left Mt. Pleasant with only 31 churches on her list, and an aggregate membership of 2,110. Thus was the association reduced from her 56 churches and 4,000 members in 1877. Truly can the Mt. Pleasant be regarded the mother association in northern, central, western and a part of southern Missouri. Its territory is now confined mainly to Randolph and Chariton counties, with churches in Boone, Monroe and Macon counties. The plan of missions, in operation for over thirty 5^ears, has resulted in much good ; $200 to |300 have been annually expended in sustaining itinerants in the bounds of the associa- tion. The minutes of 1872 chronicle the death of two of the most influential ministers in the body, viz. : Elds. Thomas P. Fristoe and Y. R. Pitts: the sketch of the former has already been given. Younger Rogers Pitts — was a native of Kentucky, born at Great Crossings, Scott County, November 8, 1812. His parents were Younger and Elizabeth Pitts. His father was a member of Great Crossings ^^ptist Church and died when our subject was 13 194 MT. PLEASANT ASSOCIATION. a boy twelve years of age. His mother was a most remarkable woman, known throughout the central portion of the state as a " mother in Israel." While Younger Pitts was yet in early life, he came on a visit to Missouri, and while in the state he was converted and bap- tized ; after which event in his life he returned to his native state and attached himself to the Baptist church at G-reat Crossings, from which church, according to the records, he went as a mes- senger to the Elkhorn Association as early as the year 1840, and was also at that time a licensed minister. In 1841 he was regu- larly set apart to the gospel ministry by the following ministe- rial council, viz. : J. D. Block, James M. Frost, Howard Mal- colm, Eyland T. Dillard, B. F. Kenny, and W. G. Craig. Soon after his ordination he was called to the pastoral office in the following churches : Great Crossings, Clear Creek and Forks of Elkhorn; and so continued for a number of years. He was a la- borious, earnest and successful pastor. Bold and fearless in the "defense of the gospel," a staunch Baptist of the primitive mod- el, he was ready under the most adverse circumstances to do his whole duty, both as a member and a minister of the denomina- tion of his ancestors. Besides his duties as pastor, he filled im- portant positions in denominational enterprises in his native state. He was an active member of the Board of Trustees of Georgetown College, and also moderator of Elkhorn Associa- tion, one of the three oldest institutions of the kind in the state, as well as the largest and most influential. After spending about twenty years of active ministerial life in Kentucky, he removed to Missouri in October, 1860, and pur- chased and settled on a fine farm in Howard County. "In this state he devoted himself with characteristic earnestness to the work of the ministry. He was a true friend to the cause of mis- sions and to all our educational enterprises. To the young men preparing to preach the gospel he was a sincere and substantial friend. For several years he was a member of the Board of Trustees of William Jewell College, in which capacity he served all its interests with industry and fidelity. He had even con- sented to devote all his energies to the work of raising a perma- nent endowment for the college, when he was suddenly stricken down by the hand of death." Minutes of Geyieral Association of Missouri, 1872, p. 34.) Wherever he went he wielded an influence for good. His pas- toral labors were mostly given to the churches at Fayette, Mt. MT. PLEASANT ASSOCIATION. 195 Moriah and Salisbury, and temporarily to Glasgow and Bruns- wick. To every denominational work his energies, his talents and his means were directed. He was a generous contributor to William Jewell College. He filled a large place in the affections of the denomination, not only in the Mt. Pleasant Association, but throughout the state; and with few exceptions, he was al- ways present at the anniversaries and contributed in no small degree to the success of the meetings. Pitts was a man of broad and expansive views; of a large and beneficent heart, brimful of love to God and his people ; of an untiring zeal, and of an invincible courage. His body was large and well proportioned ; his deportment manly and dignified ; and his personal appearance commanding and bold. With these characteristics he seldom, if ever, failed to interest and entertain an audience, eren under the most unfavorable circumstances. He was a master workman and rarely ever failed in what he un- dertook. He fell at his post — in line of battle — and his death was as sud- den as it was unexpected. The following account of this event was furnished the Central Baptist, soon after its occurrence, by Eld. W. E. Eothwell, now of William Jewell College: "You have doubtless heard of the death of Eld. Y. R. Pitts. He died at Clinton, Monday evening, October 16, 1871. He was attacked Sunday afternoon with sj^mptoms like cramp colic and congestive chill. I was first apprised of his sickness in the even- ing after our delightful Sunday-school meeting. I found him in an agony of pain. Dr. Britz and Dr. Jennings were called in. , Everything was done that could be for his relief and comfort. Nothing seemed at all to arrest the disease, and no relief came till death. "He was perfectly rational, except in the last hour perhaps a few incoherent utterances. He knew the danger of his con- dition and often spoke of it. Monday evening Bro. Warder said to him : " 'Bro. Pitts, if it is the Lord's will to take you now, are you ready to go? Do you still feel the Savior near you?' " 'What, do you think my end is near ? Yes, perfectly recon- ciled — perfectly reconciled.' " Brother Warder then asked him if he had any messages to send his family — his dear wife and children. For a moment he seemed overcome with tender emotion. I cannot say certainly whether he said, ' Tell them I trust in the Lord and His right- 196 MT. PLEASANT ASSOCIATION. eousness, and not in works which man can do,' or ' Tell them to trust in the Lord and His righteousness, and not in works which man can do.' It was now his trust — not that he had preached the Gospel forty years; not that hundreds had been converted under his ministry ; not that his zeal and energy and counsels had so blessed the churches throughout nearly half a century in Kentucky and Missouri; but his soul rested in this last hour solely on the Lord and His righteousness. " Father Pitts' suiferings were intense and he talked but little. The last connected words I remember hearing him utter were, 'Now let me rest a little.' He soon rested from pain and toil and care forevermore. ' Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord, yea, from henceforth saith the Spirit, They do rest from their labors, and their works do follow them.' " Some circumstances of his death are very painful : that he should die away from home — from his wife and children beloved so well; that he should be called away so suddenly. And yet why not? He was absent from home, but it was on the King's business. Never were his heart and his hands so full of work for the blessed Savior. He had just cut himself off more from all temporal cares and consecrated himself to the work of the Lord more unreservedly than ever perhaps in his life. He had just girded himself afresh with the whole armor of God. He had just accepted the financial agency of the William Jewell Col- lege, and had the care of our ministerial students upon his heart. He fell on the field of action — fell in the harness. All the breth- ren will remember how spiritually minded, how full of charity', how fervent in spirit he was during the meeting of the associa- tion. But I must stop. As his spirit went up to God I stood with Bros. Warder and Averj^ and Jennings and others, M^eeping — in silent prayer that God would give a double portion of his Spirit to many an Elisha from the school of our prophets, and bless our Zion while he chastened. "A funeral sermon was preached in Roanoke on Wednesday, 3 P. M., by Bro. M. L. Laws, pastor of Glasgow Church, from the text: 'Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints.' He was buried in Huntsville Cemetery, Thursday, 11 A. M. A great congregation was present. Bro. P. T. Gentry led in prayer, and we committed the manly frame of Y. R. Pitts to the earth in the comforting faith of a glorious resurrection with our Lord Jesus Christ." {Note. — The General Association had only a few days before. MT. PLEASANT ASSOCIATION. 197 closed its annual session, on which Eld. Pitts had been in attend- ance. Many sad hearts left Clinton on the 16th of October, 1871.) Just two years before his death, at the close of the General Association at Columbia, Bro. Pitts was stricken with apoplexy, and many then left his bedside expecting to see his face no more, but it pleased God to raise him up and give to the church militant two years more of his mature ministerial life. Joshua Willis Terrill. — The parents of J. W. Terrill (John and Rebecca Terrill) were natives of Virginia, and emigrated to the state of Kentucky in an early day, settling in Boone County, where, August 21, 1821, he was born. He moved with his pa- rents and the family to Howard County, Missouri, in 1835, and settled near Roanoke, where, except a short time during the war, he has ever since resided. Under the ministry of Dr. A. P. Wil- liams he was led from darkness to light, by whom also he was baptized and became a member of the church called Mt. Ararat, in May, 1839, and the same year was licensed to preach. Four years to a month after this he was ordained, and afterwards fill- ed with honor and success the pastoral office in the following churches: Roanoke, Silver Creek, Thomasville, New Hope, Pleasant Grove, Pleasant Hope, Friendship, Salisbury and per- haps one or two others. Of some of said churches he was pas- tor from twenty to twenty-seven years. The name of J. W. Ter- rill will ever be revered and loved by the members of the Mt. Pleasant Association, over which he presided as moderator for a number of consecutive years. He was a logical, sound, gos- pel preacher, few men handling a subject better than he ; and no man did more to build up the Baptist interest in the field of his labors.* He was married to Miss Matilda A. Walton, October 8, 1840, who was to him a helpmeet in all his ministerial life. From youth he was afflicted with dyspepsia, and much of his life with chronic bronchitis. This last deepened into consump- tion, and on May 18, 1882, he died at his home in Howard County. Samuel Younger Pitts — is the son of Jno. A. Pitts and Sarah Rochester McDowell, the former of'Scott County, and the latter of Danville, Ky. They emigrated to Missouri in 1831, where, in Randolph County, the subject of this notice was born October 14, 1833. The Christian mother dying in his eighth year left a deep religious impression on the boy; and a lovely sister, four years younger, imparted to his young life joy, shape and im- pulse. At eighteen years of age he was converted and the fol- * Eld. E. J. Mansfield's MS. ~~ 198 MT. PLEASANT ASSOCIATION. lowing year was baptized by bis uncle, Eev. Y. E. Pitts, into the fellowship of the Great Crossings Baptist Church, Kentucky. He spent several sessions at Howard High School, now Central College, Fayette, Mo., under the instruction of President W. T. Davis, with Prof. J. J. Eucker as classmate, with whom, in 1852, he entered Georgetown College, Ky., taking the English Litera- ture Diploma in June, 1854. While at Georgetown he became acquainted with Miss Anna M. Winston, daughter of Dr. J. D. Winston, of jSTashville, Tenn., to whom, February 28, 1856, he was united in the bonds of wed- lock. At the instance of the Eoanoke Baptist Church, Mo., he was ordained to the gospel ministry July 3, 1859, b}:- Dr. J. W. Terrill and A. R. Macey, his former Ken- tucky pastor. Beingthconly son of an en- terprising and thrifty farmer, many cares and duties claimed the time that should have been given to study and work for the Master, thus crippling his early growth, and stinting the fruit of manhood, for which he is now attempting to atone by encouraging young ministers to a thorough preparation for, and exclusive devotion to their calling. He has served, in a ministry of 23 j^ears, seven churches as pastor; among them Eoanoke and Huntsville 3 years each, Mt. Ararat 5 years, Mt. Shiloh 10 years, and Cliffton Hill 22 years ; and has baptized 257 persons. In 1872 he removed to Hunts- REV. S. Y. PITTS. MT. PLEASANT ASSOCIATION. 199 ville. Bro. Pitts is generous, kind, hospitable, and one of the most liberal pastors we have ever met; and the fruit of his spirit may be seen in the life of his people. George W. Eobey — was born May 27, 1838, in Marion Co., Mo. At the age of 14 years he was converted, and three years after was baptized by Eev. Nathan Ayres. When 18 years old he was licensed to preach the gospel, and entered Bethel College, Pal- myra, where, after four years, he graduated in 1860. He was or- dained and became pastor of Little Union Church in 1859. From 1860 to 1867 he preached as pastor to the last named church, and also to Philadelphia, Bethel and Emerson Churches, in Marion County ; and Newark in Knox County. He also labored as mis- sionary of Bethel As- sociation, save one year — 1865 — which he spent in Indiana, preaching for two country churches. In 1863 he was mar- ried to Miss Rebecca J . Kelly, who has proven herself a true helpmeet in every good work. She is a woman of extraordin- ary faith, and deep, earnest piety. The husband cheerfully owns that whatever of success has attended him, has been largely due to her earnest prayer and faithful co-operation. In the year 1867 Mr. Eobey was settled as pastor at Shelbina, where he continued for five years, devoting a part of his last year as missionary of the General Association. In 1872 he ac- cepted a call to Hamburg, Iowa. Here he continued until the spring of 1875, when he resigned to become associate editor of the Baptist Beacon, published at Pel la, Iowa. In the fall of this year he accepted a call to Bedford, in the same state, where he was remarkably successful. He continued at Bedford until Oc- tober, 1881 when he resigned, returned to his native state, and KEV. G. W. ROBEY. 200 MT. PLEASANT ASSOCIATION. at once settled at Moberly, Here, during six months' labor he gathered some 75 members into the church, quite a number of whom were young converts. Mr. Robey has a weak constitution, and is always in feeble health, yet he has been in labors quite abundant, and already about 1,200 souls have been added to the churches under his ministry. J. B. "Weber — President of Mt. Pleasant College, Hunts- ville, was born in Lewis County, Mo., June 2, 1848. He had the advantage of excellent common schools in early boyhood. In his 13th year he was converted. He graduated at La Grange College, taking the complete classical course in 1871. He held professorships of mathematics and natural sciences two years in Concord College, Kentucky. After this he took a special course in Washington and Lee University, Virginia. He returned to Missouri, and filled the chair of Latin and natural sciences in La Grange Col- lege for two years. On June 13, 1876, he married Miss Annie Pay, el- dest daughter of Eld. D. B. Ray, and spent about 5 years as associate editor of the American Bap- tist Flag. He was ordained a ni i n i s t e r in May, 1879, and in June, 1881, was elected Pre si d en t of Mt. Pleasant College, soon after burned. In the former part of this sketch some account was given of the five constituent churches of the Mt. Pleasant Association. There are others which deserve a notice just here. Bee Branch. — This church was organized by Eld. David An- REV. J. B. WEBER. MT. PLEASANT ASSOCIATION. 201 derson, May 13, 1848, in a neighborhood about 20 miles north of Keytesville, Chariton County. The constituent members were nine in number. Mr. Anderson was chosen first pastor and con- tinued in this office two or three years, and was succeeded by N. Dille for two years, and he by J. S. Bell for about eight years. During the war the membership became much scattered, and some united with the " sects." No meetings were held from about the middle of the j-ear 1862 until after the close of the war. The house of worship — a log building 22 feet square — was built in 1853, but in 1870 was unfit to occupy. The church was in a better condition in 1881, and numbered 88 members, with P. M. Sears as pastor. Cliffton Hill. — Under the name of " Dark's Prairie," 23 members formed this church October 13, 1859, having been as- sisted by Elds. N. Flood and J. W. Terrill. It has a house of worship valued at $2,000, whicVi was built or re-built in 1868. Rev. S. Y. Pitts has been from the beginning the pastor, and has built up a large church of 147 members, contributing regularly to the different benevolent and denominational enterprises. The church is located at Cliffton, Eandolph County, 7 miles west of Huntsville. Friendship. — This is one of the pioneer churches, and bears date from May 9, 1829, having been organized at that time by Elds. E. Turner, Ebenezer Eogers and others. It is in Howard County, about 6 miles north of Fayette. Asa J. Bartee served the church as pastor the first six years of its history, and was succeeded by Jesse Terrill for fourteen years. The church en- joyed a most wonderful revival, commencing December 25, 1864, which resulted in 60 accessions. Present membership, 92. Huntsville. — This is the county seat of Eandolph. The Bap- tist church here was organized with only 8 members, August 27, 1837 J Elds. Wilhoite, Fristoe and Mansfield assisting in the or- ganization. The pastors have been William Duncan (first eight years), Addison Lewis, Bartlet Anderson, G. Carey, Wm. Thomp- son, Noah Flood, W. E. Eothwell, S. A. Beauchamp, M. J. Break- er and S. Y. Pitts. The most remarkable revival in the church was during the ministry of William Duncan, who was assisted by the lamented A. P. Williams. The immediate fruit of this meeting was the conversion and baptism of 130 souls, one entire family of 8 being among the number. After the founding of Mt. Pleasant College the church sold its house of worship and gave the proceeds to that institution for the privilege of using 202 MT. PLEASANT ASSOCIATION. the college chapel for religious worship. The present numerical strength of the church is 117. They give to missions annually, have a Sunday-school and also a juvenile mission society. Hickory GtROVe. — On the 29th of August, 1843, this church was organized by Euphrates Stringer and Benjamin Terrill, with 31 members. Its location is in Monroe County, not far from Mil- ton, about 18 miles westward from Paris, the county seat. The first pastor was Benjamin Terrill, and then James Porter, James Burton, Bartlet Anderson and W. L. T. Evans. In 1844 the church built a log house for worship, 30x60 feet, which it occu- pied in 1870, but was at that time making efforts to build a bet- ter one. In 1882 the church numbered 133 members, with M. F. Williams, brother of the late Dr. A. P. "Williams, as pastor. MoBERLY. — This is a railroad centre of some 4,000 inhabitants. The Baptist church was organized November 15, 1841, of 18 members, and was called Shiloh, and was some two and a half miles northeast from Moberly. Here the church built a log house in 1843, in which it worshiped until 1868, when it moved to Moberly and built a frame house on the east side of the rail- road, at a cost of 81,100. The present elegant church edifice has been since built in a central part of the town, costing some ^10,000 to $12,000, on which it is carrying a somewhat cumber- some debt. For about ten years after the church was organized, Benjamin Terrill was the pastor; after him came Bartlet An- derson, James Porter, W. L. T. Evans, J. W. Terrill, H. Hatcher, A. J. Colwell, under whose ministrj^ the present house was built, and G. W. Eobey, under whose ministry the church has grown in efficiency and members, numbering nearly 200. Mt. Horeb — located one mile west from Sturgeon, Boone County, bears date of March, 1853. This church was organized by Wm. Thompson and Green Carey, with 32 members. Thomp- son served the church as pastor a few months, then W. R. Wig- ginton filled that office until 1857. After him came P. T. Gen- try, Green Carey and others. Mt. Shiloh — in Eandolph County, some nine miles west of north from Huntsville, was formed of 12 members, by Bartlet Anderson, May 29, 1852. The next j-ear it built a small frame house of worship in Darksville, a small village at or near where the church was formed. Bartlet Anderson was the first pastor. D. Cliffton was pastor in 1882, the church numbering 102 mem- bers. Mt. Salem. — This church is about four miles south of Hunts- MT. PLEASANT ASSOCIATION, 203 ville, and was organized September 9, 1856, with 44 members. Benjamin Terrill was first pastor; after him came F. M. Stark, James Burton, and D. ClifFtou pastor in 1882, the church num- bering 112 members. New Providence. — Elds. E. Foley and F. "Wilhoite organized this church on a constituency of 15, August 8th, 1841. Its loca- tion is six miles northwest from Columbia, in Boone County. It belongs most likely to Bonne Fcrame Association. Sweet Spring. — This was one of the older churches of the Mt. Pleasant Association, having been organized September, 1845. It was located some seven miles southeast of Huntsville. Benj. Terrill was pastor the first fourteen years, then came J. R. Ter- rill, after him Jesse Terrill. Benj. Terrill was again pastor un- til the church dissolved and the members went to Moberly and Renick. Salisbury. — This church was organized January 19, 1867, and was at first located two miles south of the town. Lewis EUedge was pastor one year, then Y. R. Pitts until his death. The church worships in a house worth $3,000, and numbers 69 members. S. A. Beaucharap was pastor several years ; J. W. Terrill has filled the same office. PERIOD THIRD 1820-1830. CHAPTER I. CUIVEE ASSOCIATION. Formation and History t)f — Churcli Troubles — Sudden Dissolution of Antioch Church — Siloam Association, Its Origin — Cuivre-Siloam Association — Extreme Calvinism — Thomas Bowen — froorge Clay — Ephraim Davis — Darius Bainbridge — Thomas .1. AN' right. rr^HE formation of Ciiivre Association occurred in 1822. It JL was composed of eight churches former!}^ belonging to the Missouri Association, and situated north of the Missouri Eiver, in the counties of St. Charles, Warren and Lincoln. Of the first six years of its history we know no more than is given above; aud are even doubtful as to the correctness of one item there given, which is, that there were eight constituent churches. We give it, however, as we find it in the only record we liave of the fact. We have access to the minutes of this old community from 1828 to 1838. The session in 1828 was held at Friendship Church, in what is now Warren Countj', in October. The introductory sermon was preached by Eld. Darius Bainbridge, who was after- wards chosen moderator, Geo. W. Zimmerman becoming clerk. From the minutes of that year we extract the following summary : C/wrehes. — Friendship, Cuivre, McCoy's Creek, Little Bethel, Sulphur Lick, Troy, Prpvidence, Antioch and Stout Settlement. Ministers. — G-eo. Clay, David Hubbard and Darius Bainbridge. Licenfinics. — Thomas Bowen, David Clark and Wm. Skinner. Three baptisms were reported and a total membership of 225. The following ministers were present as correspondents : Thos. R. Musick, Lewis Williams, Wm. Coats, Jabez Ham and B. Wren. In accordance with the custom of that day, three minis- ters, Lewis Williams, Jabez Ham and William Coats, Avere se- lected to preach on Sunday, all of whom preached regular ser- mons. One regular sermon at a sitting, and that a somewhat brief one, is all that the people of this age care to hear. What a difTcrence fifty years ago concerning such matters! CriVRE ASSOCIATION. 205 Thismaiiifestl}' results fi'ointwo causes which we now mention : 1st. Meetings for preaching arc much more frequent now than then. 2d. There is really less of spiritual mindedness and more of worldly conformity now than then. This association adopted the very common custom of that day of holding yearly meetings. From the minutes of 1828 we learn that the appellation used by it was simply The Cuivre Baptist Association. For the next ten years, reaching up to 1838, regular meetings were held as follows : In 1829 at Cuivre Church, Lincoln Co.; in 1830 at Stout's Settlement, in Lincoln Co.; in 1831 at Sulphur Lick, same Co.; in 1832 at McCoy's Creek, St. Charles Co.; in 1833 at Little Bethel, Warren Co.; in 1834 at Bryant's Creek, Lincoln Co.; in 1835 at Macedonia, Montgomery Co.; in 1836 at Troy, Lincoln Co.; in 1837 at Little Bethel, Warren Co.; and in 1838 at Salem, same Co. At no time up to this period did this association seem to be an efficient body. No more than ninety baptisms were reported by all the churches during the entire ten years, and the largest membership reached at any time was 304, which was in 1833, in which year there were forty-six bap- tisms, and letters and messengers received from ten of the twelve churches composing the bodj'. In 1834 the association agreed to unite with the Salt Eiver Association in "setting apart the first Sunday in the following January, as a day of fasting and prayer for a revival of G-od's work upon the hearts of poor sin- ners, and that He also will raise up laborers, and send them into his harvest." This does indeed prove that there were a few names in old Cuivre that had not forgotten their first love. An incident occurred in connection with the discijiline of a small church called Antioch, located not far from AVarrenton, Warren County, at the meeting of the Cuivre Association in 1836, which really did not terminate until the following year, and which we think ought to be related for the benefit of the church- es now. The facts are briefly as follows : At the session of 1836, held with the Troy Church, Bro. Thos. J. Wright informed the association that there were rumors afloat in the world that some of the members of the said Antioch Church had suffered fiddling and dancing in their houses, and countenanced horse-racing. Bro. Preston, the messenger, when appealed to for information, said that he was not authorized to give any information other than that contained in the letter. 206 ruiVRE ASSOCIATION. The association then aj)pointed Brethren Elton, Nethcrton and John M. Falconer a committee to visit said church, inquire into her situation and report to next association. The committee visited Antioch Church and inquired of them if they countenan- ced dancing and horse-racing, and they answered no. The com- mittee then retired to consult, and after a short time returned, and through the chairman began an address to the brethren of Antioch Church, whereupon they were informed that there was no such church in existence — that it had dissolved while the com- mittee was out. This, of course, was a quick way to dispose of the matter, but was it right ? Some of the members were guilty of the things alleged by Madam Eumor, and the rest did not have the courage to rebuke them. The fate of Antioch Church has been the fate of many others which countenanced, or even permitted, disorder, with- out a protest. A church is a place of purity, and the members are required to keep themselves unspotted from the world. In 1838 the Cuivrc Association was reduced to 7 churches and 202 members. The names are as follows : McCoy's Creek, Lit- tle Bethel, Sulphur Lick, Sand Eun (formerly Troy), Bryant's Creek, Macedonia and Salem. Ministers. — Eobert Gilmore and Thomas Bowen. Licentiates. — A. L. Knapp and Joseph Nicholls. Sulphur Lick Church entertained the association in 1839. The feeling in opposition to missions showed itself in proceedings un- friendly to those engaged in promoting this enterprise, and in consequence two churches withdrew, viz.: Salem and Sulphur Lick, the former of which united with Bonne Femme Associa- tion and the latter with Salt Eiver Association. About this time also some trouble occurred in the lastnamed association relative to the subject of missions and three or four churches which were opposed to the enterprise withdrew and soon after formed a new association called Siloam. These churches were located in the counties of Pike and Lincoln, and called Spencer's Creek, Beth- lehem, Union and a j^art of Siloam. The Cuivre Association was now reduced to five or six church- es, and after the Siloam Association had existed for two orthree years, or about 1842 or '43, the two bodies met together and consolidated under the cognomen of " Cuivre-Siloam Eegular Baptist Association." This association refused co-operation and fellowship with all associations that promoted missions, Bible societieSj or Sunday- CUIVRE ASSOCIATION. 207 schoolis. By it, all societies for the dissemination of gospel truth were called " men-made institutions." It took the ground that because there was no direct Bible authority for such societies, they were, therefore, wrong; although there is as much author- ity in the Scriptures for such societies as there is for Baptist as- sociations. We have scattering minutes of the Cuivre-Siloam Association for the last twenty -five years. Judging from the statistical table, it has scarcely held its own in numbers during this period. In fact it is not so large now as it was then. Very little business is transacted in its sessions, ex- cept such as is needful to keep up its annual meetings, and con- tinue correspondence with several sister communities. Of these we may mention the Two Eiver Association, the Salem, and the Mt. Pleasant (Old School) Association. The minutes of 1850 give the following summary : Churches. — Mt. Pleasant, Bethlehem, Little Bethel, Sand Run, Siloam, Bryant's Creek, Spencer's Creek, Pleasant Hill, Mt. Zion, Macedonia, Sugar Creek and Union. Mmisters. — Thos. J. Wright, "Wm, Davis, Thos. Bowen, Eichard Owings, M. Moore and Ephraim Davis. Licentiates. — T. P. Rogers. Baptisms 7 ; total membership 352. In doctrine, the majority of this association may be put down as extreme Calvinists ; in practice they are a unit in opposition to missions. While truth compels us to record these facts, we wish also to say that the so-called " Old School Baptists" are generally experimental Christians. They are as a rule sound on "experimental religion," although in the grossest error concern- ing the "mission of the churches of Christ." This assertion can certainly be demonstrated, but this is not the place to do so. We have for years been thoroughly convinced that their errors on the subject of missions (the subject that really split the de- nomination), grow out of an unscriptural application of what is commonly called the " doctrines of Calvinism." For years after the anti-missionary churches separated themselves from the great body of the denomination, the majorityof their ministers became extremely controversial in their manner of preaching, seldom failing to select a theme which would lead them to the discussion of the doctrines of election and predestination, and they were not unfrequently somewhat bitter in their denunciations of their missionary brethren. But a new order of things is gradually 208 CUIVRE ASSOCIATION. growing amongst them. Some of their ministers hold protract- ed meetings — a thing much abused by them twenty-five years ago — and earnestly exhort sinners to repent and turn to G-od. Under this condition of things some of their churches have of late been on the increase. This feeble community was reduced at one time (1867) to only 186 members ; but since her ministers have changed their man- ner of preaching, as indicated in the last paragraph, she has been on rising ground. Her living ministers are Elds.Wm. Dav- is, P. L. Branstetter, T. P. Eogers and Charles Holcomb. Her churches are eight in number situated in the counties of Lincoln, Pike and Montgomer3^ Thomas Bowen. — This servant of Christ was one of the few men who, born in the 18th, passed into the last quarter of the 19th century. He was a native of Warren County, Kentucky, born in December, 1797, and when about 17 years old he emi- grated to Missouri, where he spent the residue of his life. He commenced preaching the gospel when about 30 years of age and was for more than fifty years a minister among the people commonly called Old School Baptists. Many people now live in eastern Missouri, Christians as well as good citizens, who say that " Father Bowen was the first preacher we ever heard." He was known among his neighbors as a good man, the record of his life being that of a Christian of spotless character. By the continued and universal testimony of his long life he proved the genuineness of the gospel which he preached to his fellow men. But his life work is now done and he sleeps with the sainted dead. He died November 10, 1878, nearly 81 years old. George Clay — another pioneer preacher of eastern Missouri, was born in the state of Kentucky. We find his name for the first time in the minutes of Cuivre Association, in 1828, when he appeared as a messenger from Friendship Baptist Church, War- ren County, and was also at that time an ordained minister of the gospel. He was an able exponent of Bible doctrines as un- derstood by the Baptists. As a preacher, his style was plain, clear and forcible. We never saw him in the pulpit but once. On that occasion his subject was "Bible baptism." He handled the Scriptures bearing on the subject as a " master workman " — one fully com- petent to " rightly divide the word of truth." We know neither the time nor circumstances of his death, but think he has now been dead for some years. CUIVRE ASSOCIATION. 209 Ephraim Davis — emigrated to Missouri in 1834 or 1835, and was for sixteen years a minister in Cuivre and Cuivre-Siloam Association. He was from the state of Kentucky, and settled in Lincoln County, in the neighborhood of the present town of New Hope. In May, 1835, he became pastor of Union (now New Hope) Baptist Church, and continued such until his death. He was strongly Calvinistic in his doctrines, a good man and much be- loved by the church. His preaching was better calculated to feed the flock than to call sinners to repentanc*?. Under his min- istry the church increased very slowly, and his entire sixteen years' pastorate was without compensation save a few presents. Under his ministry the Union Church, in 1840, declared that she "would not hold correspondence Avith any society or body of professed Christians who hold to and practice the present be- nevolent institutions of the day," and further "that nothing in said declaration should be construed to prohibit any member from giving to any preacher sent out according to the order of the United Bajitists." In July, 1841, the church withdrew from the Salt Eiver Association of United Baptists and in two years there- after united with the Cuivre-Siloam Association of so-called Eeg- ular Baptists. The result of these unwise, and, to us, strange proceedings, was a divided church at the close of Eld. Davis' pastorate. He died in October, 1851. Darius Bainbridge — was a native of Kentucky and son of Eev. Absalom Bainbridge, M. D. He moved to Missouri and settled in St. Charles County, about 1822. He was married in Kentucky to Miss Mary "Wright, sister of Eld. Thomas J. Wright. Darius Bainbridge commenced preaching as early as 1824, la- bored in Missouri twelve years, moved to Wisconsin, thence back to Missouri and settled in Clay County in 1847, where he spent the remnant of his days. He was chosen moderator of Cuivre Association in 1828 and was re-elected for eight consecu- tive years. In his preaching he was not considered quite so " hard " as some of his brethren of the same school. The following incident is related of him : On one occasion, while preaching, he became very earnest and commenced exhorting sinners to repent. Pres- ently he suddenly stopped and said, "Brethren, I feel like dning what I ought not to do." But why not exhort sinners? Those who call themselves ''Old School Baptists" can best answer this question. Opposition to what was then called " the effort sys- tem" was the prolific parent of niany j-esolutions and prejudices 14 2J0 CUIVRE ASSOCIATION. ■which produced discord among, and retarded the progress of, the Baptists. Eld. Bainbridge lived to a good old age, and died in Clay County, Missouri, about the year 1862. He raised a family of ten children, three sons and seven daughters, and was married but once. Thoaias Jefferson "Wright — a Baptist minister of more than ordinary preaching ability, and for years the moderator of Cui- vre-Siloam Association, was born in Clark County, Kentucky, March 8, 1803; he was married in 1820, and moved to Missouri in 1830. In the split on missions, he identified himself with those who opposed what he called the "men-made" institutions of the day. His preaching partook greatly of a controversial char- acter. Seemingly under the impression that all denominations had departed from the true faith, he seldom preached without attempting to disprove the supposed false system of somebod}^. He was well posted in the arguments both of his own people and others, and was considered an able advocate of the doctrines of his own denomination. He was moderator of his association the year he died. The following lines to his memory are from the minutes of 1868 : "Brother Wright for many years preached the gospel among us, and was bold in confronting heresy, and in him the church had a defense though the enemy should come like a flood. But he has gone to rest, he has finished the work the Master assign- ed him. He h«ld up the ensign of our Savior triumphantly to the end. He passed, as we confidently believe, from the militant to the triumphant kingdom of God, on the 2d of September, 1867. Let us cherish his memory, ever remembering that we, too, are subject at any time to the Master's call." CHAPTER II. SALT EIVEE ASSOCIATION. Formation of the First Churches in the District, Kamsay's Creek, Peno, and Stout's Settlement (New Hope) — Biographical Sketches of Davis Biggs — Jesse Sitton — Bethuel Kiggs — Jeremiah Vardeman, His Eventful Life — The Dancing School, &c. — Vardeman's Settlement in ^Missouri. THE Salt Eiver Association is now a large and influential community of Baptists, composed of 37 churches, located in the counties of Ralls, Pike, Audrain and Lincoln. The fol- lowing record is from the minutes of the first meeting : "Minutes of a conference of Baptist brethren, begun and held at the Baptist church on Peno, Pike County, on the 23d, 24th and 25th of August, 1823. "Met agreeably to appointment. The introductory sermon was preached by Bro. Jeremiah Taylor from 1 Chronicles 12 ; 32. "Letters from 6 churches were read and messengers enrolled." The names of the churches were Ramsay's Creek, Stout's Set- tlement, New London, Bethlehem, Bear Creek and Peno, the aggregate membership of which was 95. Davis Biggs was cho- sen moderator, and Wm. Carson clerk. The ministers were Da- vis Biggs, Jesse Sitton and Leroy Jackson. Articles of faith were adopted, very nearly agreeing with those usually set forth by the General Union of Baptists, or " United Baptists." The fifth item of business on Monday is, that " This associa- tion be called the ' Salt River Association of the State of Mis- souri.' " The following from the constitution is of interest : "Art. 5th. No query shall be received which has not been du- ly considered in the church who sent it, and on which satisfac- tion cannot there be had." " Art. 6th. The association shall endeavor to provide for the general union of the churches, and to preserve a union among them, give them advice in matters of difficulty, inquire why churches fail in representation, but shall not enter into or con- tinue a correspondence with any church, body, or board of peo- 212 SALT RIVER ASSOCIATION. l^le, without the consent of each church in the association, sister associations excepted/' "Art. 7th. Two-thirds of the association concurring therein may withdraw from any church in the union that is heterodox in principle or disorderly in practice. But no member shall be questioned for believing in or promulgating the doctrine of elec- tion, or a general provision in Christ for all men." Eamsay's Creek Church. — The first church formed in the bounds of Salt Eiver Association w^as the Ramsay's Creek Bap- tist Church, in a settlement of the same name, in the southeast- ern part of Pike County. Eld. John M. Peck visited and preach- ed to this church in July, 1818. (^Western Watchman^ Yol.Ylll, No. 43.) He says that in 1816 — in the fall of that year — the Ramsay's Creek Settlement was commenced, and the church above named was situated in this settlement; hence it must have been organized between the fall of 1816 and the summer of 1818, the time of Peck's visit. Major "Watts and John McCune were two of the leading men in the settlement. McCune was a Bap- tist. The first pastor of Ramsay's Creek Church was a Mr. Rud- dle (pronounced Riddle). Mr. Ruddle was taken prisoner by the Indians on their attack ou Ruddle Station in Kentucky; he was carried away to the northwest and adopted into the tribe; had liis cars split and all the "white blood washed out" of him. He married a daughter of the chief and adopted their customs. After the laj^se of many years he heard of his relatives in Ken- tuck}', and with his Indian wife found his way back to his native state. His wife soon died, and he professed religion, learned his native language (which he had about forgotten while among the Indians) and began preaching. When Eld. Peck visited Ram- say's Creek Church in 1818, Eld. Ruddle was then pastor, but subsequently removed into Adams County, Illinois, and after- wards to Pike County, where he died at an advanced age. Ramsay's Creek Church still exists. It worships in a substan- tial brick edifice, some six miles from Clarksville. The earliest known church records were made in 1823, which show that in 1835 Eld. Ephraim Davis was elected pastor, who was succeeded in the same office by Eld. A. D. Landrum in 1838. Eld. Albert G. Mitchell, the present pastor, succeeded Eld. Landrum in 1850, which gives him a thirty-two years' pastorate. Peno Baptist Church. — Another constituent of Salt River Association was Peno Baptist Church, organized at the house of .John McCune on Big Peno Creek about eight miles northwest SALT RTVER ASSOCIATION. 213 of Bowling Green, Pike County, December 25, 1819. Eld, Le- roy Jackson officiated in the constitution. Constituent members : Leroy Jackson, Polly Jackson, Joseph Trotter, Polly Trotter, John McCune, Polly McCune, Thomas Hedges, William Biggs, Betsey Biggs, Bfetsey Shannon, Susan Doyle, Wm. McCoy and John Carr — in all thirteen. Until 1833 Peno Church held its meetings alternately at John McCune's and a school-house near by, on Big Peno Creek, and at Samuel Lewellen's on Little Peno, some four miles distant from McCune's. On the 26th of February, 1833, Peno Church was divided and the membership on Little Peno Creek, thirty in all, were formed into a separate organization by the name of Mt. Pleasant Church, by Elds. J. Vardeman and Davis Biggs. This church still exists and worships in a comfortable brick church edifice about three miles south of Frankford. From 1823 to 1833 Peno Church was ex- ceedingly prosperous, and greatly increased in numerical strength both by letter and baptism. About this time emigrants were flocking to this section of the state, mostly from Kentucky, many of whom were Baptists. In 1839 the church enjoyed a gracious revival of religion. Among the converts were numbe-red Hon. A. P. Miller, long the clerk of Salt Eiver Association; also Wm. Penix and many of the Biggs family, the Shannons and the Mc- Cunes. The successive pastors of Peno were Elds. Leroy Jack- son, Davis Biggs and A. D. Landrum. The church never had a house of worship properly so-called, the two she had had being built of logs and used for the double purpose of school-house and meeting-house. In 1852 the church dissolved, gave letters to her members, the majority of whom met and formed the Sii- gar Creek Church in the same year. Stout's Settlement (now New Hope) Baptist Church, Lin- coln County — another of the constituents of Salt Eiver Associ- ation, was organized June 16, 1821, by Elds. Bethuel Eiggs and Jesse Sitton, the latter of whom is supposed to have been the pastor until 1828, when he was dismissed by letter and left the state. Eld. David Hubbard succeeded him and continued pastor some two or three years. In February, 1830, a serious difficulty was brought into the church, growing out of the marriage of a young sister to a man whc had a living wife. On an investigation, the sister was ac- quitted. The minority was dissatisfied with the decision of the majority, and asked that a council be called, which was granted. 214 SALT RIVER ASSOCIATION. Sulphur Lick, Troy and Little Bethel Churches sent each three members, who sat as a council, and after hearing the ckse, advis- ed that the sister be excluded, and the majority refusing to do so, the minority withdrew from the church in June, 1830, and formed the Bryant's Creek Church in the same neighborhood. In August, 18.31, the name of the church was changed from Stout's Settlement to that of Union, and about the year 1836 she built a log meeting-house 46x20 feet, about two miles north of New Hope. Eld. Ephraim Davis became pastor in May, 1835. Dur- ing this pastorate the church adopted a resolution refusing cor- respondence with any " society of Christians who hold to the present benevolent institutions of the daj'." Eld. Davis, who was a good man and much beloved by the church, died in Octo- ber, 1851, and left the church much divided on doctrine and the subject of missions. Finally, in 1852, a majority called Eld. A. G. Mitchell as pastor. Being dissatisfied with this action, the minority withdrew — some getting letters and some not — most of whom united with Bryant's Creek Church (anti-mission). Soon after this the church rescinded all her acts and resolutions in op- position to missions, and under the ministry of Eld. Mitchell gradually grew in numerical and moral strength ; and in 1857 the place of meeting was moved to New Hope, the church having built a commodious frame house in that town, 40x60 feet, which she now occupies. By resolution, the name was changed from Union to New Hope in July, 1867. This is now one of the strong- er churches in the association (not so strong probably as it has been) and wields an influence for good in the community. (From B. N. Basket's MS.) The Salt River Association held its second meeting at Bear Creek Church, Ralls County, in October, 1824. The third meeting of the association was held at Ramsay's Creek Church, Pike County, commencing September 30th, and ending October 3, 1825. Eld. Davis Biggs preached the opening sermon, and was also chosen moderator. Wm. Sitton was clerk. Elds. Bethuel Riggs and D. Bainbridge were present as corres- ponding messengers from Cuivre Association, and were selected to preach on Sunday-. On Sunday, Davis Biggs administered the ordinance of the Lord's Supper. ** Agreed to hold the next association at Salem, and set apart Saturday and Sunday for di- vine service and the Lord's Supper, the elements to be prepared by the church where the association is held." The association adopted the custom of holding '' union " or " yearly " meetings SALT RIVEIi ASSOCIATION. 215 — three of which were provided for during the year. Summary : 8 churches, 25 baptisms, and total membership 184. In 1826, Siloara was the place of meeting. One new church, South Eiver, was received. In 1827 the association met at Bethel Church, Marion County. Daniel Moss, Jeremiah Taylor and Mordecai Boulware have been added to the list of ministers since the first meeting. Salt Eiver and Quincy Churches — last from Illinois — were added this year. Total membership, 225. The sixth meeting was held in 1828 at Mt. Pleasant. Corres- pondence by letters and messengers was held with Salem, Mt. Pleasant, Cuivre and Missouri Associations. Nineteen baptisms. Elds.D. Hubbard, E. Turner and James Suggett were appointed, and preached on Sunday. The meeting in 1829 was held at Eamsay's Creek. The custom now prevailing was to meet on Friday and close on Monday. Saturday and Sunday were spent in preaching and other acts of divine worship. Would that such a custom yet prevailed ! Eli Merrill appears now as a minister of the association. South Eiver was the place of meeting in 1830. The churches seem to be enjoying a steady growth. Membership, 343. In 1831 there were no items of interest, excepting the adoption of the following resolutions offered by Bro. Davis Biggs : " 1. That the messengers of this association do request all the members of their respective churches to engage in solemn prayer to God for a revival of religion among us, between sunset and dark of each day. "2. Set apart the first day of January next, as a day of fasting and prayer, and all the members of the churches composing this body be requested to observe that day as such." One new church was also received this year, viz. : Bethlehem, Marion County. In the year 1832, the meeting was held at Bear Creek, Marion County. Salem was added to the list of churches, and John H. Keach and Jer. Yardeman to the list of ministers. " Concurred with Cuivre Association in setting apart the first of January, 1833, as a day of fasting, humiliation and prayer, that God avert the awful pestilence in the country, stop the progress of error, and revive his work among us." In 1833 they met at Peno. God had manifested his power, doubtless, in answer to prayer. Many souls were added unto the Lord. The ministers of Christ were active in itinerant labors. They preached the gospel from neighborhood to neighborhood, 216 SALT RIVER ASSOCIATION. in the cabins of the settlers, under the trees of the forest, and in the rude houses of worship which here and there began to be seen in the country. As a part of the visible results 296 baptisms were reported to the association this year, and eight new churches were added to the list, viz. : Palmyra, Mt. Pleasant, North Fork and Union, of Marion County; and JS'oix Creek, Gwin's Creek, Little Union and Union, of Pike County. Total membership of the association, 874. At the session of 1834 (held at Salt Eiver, Ealls County) there was evidence of a continued state of prosperity throughout al- most the entire bounds of the association. Two hundred bap- tisms were reported. David Hubbard preached the introductory sermon. Six new churches were admitted to membership. The association was now grown to a large and influential body, with its borders extending northward into Lewis, and westward into Monroe County. Fourteen churches were dismissed to form a new association. These were situated mostly in Lewis, Marion and Monroe Counties. From the minutes we gain the following summary of Churches. — Bear Creek, Bethlehem, Ramsay's Creek, Siloam, Bethel, Providence, South River, Salt River, vSpencer's Creek, Paris, Salem, Palmyra, Mt. Pleasant, North Fork, Union, Pleas- ant Hill, Noix Creek, Gwin's Creek, Little T'nion, Union Pike County, Indian Creek, Mt. Moriah, Elk Fork, Wyaconda, Mt. Pisgah and Gilead; the total membership of which was 1,143. Ministers. — Davis Biggs, Jer. Taylor, Christy Gentry, E. Wil- liams,,Ed. Turner, Archibald Patterson, Jer. Yardeman, David Hubbard, W. McQuie and J. M. Lillard. Licentiates. — C. L. Turner, J. Keach, J. Lear, T. P. Park, Noah Flood, T. E. Hatcher and J. F. Hedges. Davis Biggs — one of the fathers, and the first moderator of Salt River Association, was born in Camden County, North Car- olina, March 8, 1763. His father, John Biggs, who emigrated' from England many years before the revolutionary war, was of Welsh extraction. He was a soldier in the war of 1776, on ac- count of which, and during his absence, the British and tories stripped him of almost everything he could call his own, save his land. When Davis Biggs was but a boy his father died, not a great while after which event he determined to try a seafaring life, to commence which he embarked on the Black Ship, which was go- ing out on a trip to the Wqst Indies after a cargo of salt. In SALT RIVER ASSOCIATION. 217 these days the seas were infested with pirates, who captured many a merchant vessel and tilled their coffers with the rich treasures on board. The Black Ship was a medium sized vessel of six guns. They had a pleasant sail out, and without difficulty secured their cargo of salt and started home. On the way thoy had a desperate encounter with two privateers, and after several hours' battle succeeded in driving back the pirates, and were no more molested. Once more at home our young seaman conclu- ded he had had enough of a sailor's life, and determined to spend the remainder of his minority at the old homestead, under the care and training of a fond and loving mother. He had three brothers — Eobert, the eldest, and John and Imoriah. The last named became a Baptist preacher, but was cut down in the prime of life in his native state, North Carolina. After his return home young Biggs, in company with his broth- ers, occupied his time in cultivating the old farm. Notwithstand- ing these were war times, and but little attention paid to school interests, he managed to secure quite a respectable English ed- ucation — far ahead of the generality of his day. At the age of 18 years he was married to Miss Anna Morris, daughter of Jesse Morris, of Camden County, North Carolina, by whom was born to him two sons, William and Morris, and two daughters. Wil- liam Biggs succeeded his father as moderator of Salt Eiver As- sociation, and we think occupied that position until his death. When about 20 years of age, Davis Biggs began exhorting and preaching. In 1797 he was called to the pastorate in the Ports- mouth Baptist Church, Virginia, not long after which he moved to that state, and settled in Norfolk County. He did much preaching in this and adjoining counties during his thirteen years' stay in Virginia. He M^as accustomed every fall to make preaching excursions to the " Upper Country," and spend sever- al weeks at a time. In this way he rendered efficient aid in build- ing up the Baptist interest. In 1810 he sold his possessions in Virginia, and moved to Kentucky and settled in Bourbon Coun- ty. He was now in his prime, being forty-seven years of age. He traveled and preached all over that part of the state. He was pastor of the Baptist Church in Georgetown seven years, and of Silas Creek, in which he held membership ten years, and supplied the pulpits of the Bethlehem and Dry Eun Churches a part of the time while he lived in the state. But emigration advanced westward, and with it came the sub- ject of this sketch, bringing with him the everlasting gospel, the 218 SALT RIVER ASSOCIATION. divinely appointed instrumentality of Christian civilization. In September, 1820, he, together with his family, landed on Peno Creek, Pike County, Missouri, where he made his permanent dwelling place. Davis Biggs was about five feet and ten inches in height, weigh- ing from 150 to 155 pounds. He had a round face, blue eyes and brown hair. He was quick tempered, and used often to say that his temper was his besetting sin. His body was of that build suited to great endurance and a frontier life. He aided much in building up the Baptist cause in Northeast Missouri. The field next to his own house was first looked after. The churches of Peno Creek, Eamsay's Creek and Mt. Pisgah reaped the fruits of his labor, in a majority, if not all, of which he labored as pastor. At the 6rganization of Salt Eiver Associ- ation he was chosen moderator, which position he held for sev- eral successive years. Father Biggs had quite an intelligent look, and was indeed an intelligent man. As a preacher, he was considerably above medi- ocrity. Besides preaching to the churches of which he was pas- tor he would travel extensively, confirming the churches in the faith. In his preaching excursions he would often proceed south as far as the Missouri River. As preachers were scarce in his earlier day in Missouri, much devolved upon the few who were here. Elder Biggs seemed always willing to bear his part. Be- ing a man of quick impulses, and devoted to a pure and holy life, he used often to find it necessary to reprove blasphemers and wicked and worldly men ; in fact, he faithfully exposed sin wherever he saw it. He aimed literally and faithfully to follow the instructions of his Master — "Reprove, rebuke," &c. This brought down upon his head the opposition of many who had darling sins, and there were many of this class in those pioneer days. But none of these things moved him. Such was the heat- ed opposition to him at times, that it amounted to persecution, but still Davis Biggs wavered not. He was as firm as they were hostile. Had the pioneer band failed to lift up a warning voice and show the people their sins in this countrj^ fifty or sixty years ago, what would have been the state of society now? Tongue nor pen could have described it. Of the descendants of Elder Biggs, there are a number of high- ly respectable families in Pike County and other parts of the state, the most of whom are Baptists, and some of whom have occupied quite honorable positions in official life. Elder James SALT RIVER ASSOCIATION. 219 D. Biggs, the popular and much loved pastor of the Baptist church in Kirkwood, Mo., is a great grandson of his. For sev- eral of the last years of Father Biggs' life, he was unable to preach on account of affliction, and on the first day of August, 1845, he died, triumphing in the cross, at his home some six miles nearly west of Louisiana, Pike County, being upwards of 82 years of age. Jesse Sitton. — This honored minister of Jesus Christ was one of the founders of the Salt Eiver Association. We have nothing pertaining to his nativity. He came to Missouri as early as 1821 and united by letter with the Stout's Settlement Baptist Church, being a minister at that time. He was pastor of this church from 1821 until 1828. when he was dismissed by letter and moved from the state. The name of Bethuel Riggs appears among the older ministers of this association, and deserves some notice here. Bethuel Riggs — a pioneer preacher of Missouri, was born about 1760 in the state or colony of New Jersey. Not much is now known of his very early life, he having spent a little more than half his life out of Missouri. At the age of 17 years, while but a youth, young Riggs enlisted as a soldier in the war of the Amer- ican revolution, and for the services rendered therein he after- wards received a pension. He married in his earlier life. His wife was Nancy Lee, sister of a celebrated Baptist preacher by the name of James Lee, who used to preach under the trees with his gun standing by his side, apprehending an attack from Indians. At the age of 18 years Bethuel Riggs was converted to Christ and became a Baptist, and soon after moved to North Carolina, and subsequently to Georgia, where he lived some years, and here he not only began his ministry but traveled and preached somewhat extensively. Long before that state was densely pop- ulated he traveled from settlement to settlement and preached the everlasting and blessed gospel to poor sinners, warning them with tears in his eyes to flee from the wrath to come. "While still a comparatively young man, he, in company with a largo colony, came across the Indian country to Kentucky. This trip was made during the earlier Indian wars. While crossing the mountains and the unsettled portions of country intervening be- tween the states, the emigrants were in great peril. But they used every precaution and were watchful and vigilant, and final- ly reached Kentucky in safety. Mr. Riggs settled in that part of Kentucky opposite Cincinnati. 220 SALT RIVER ASSOCIATION. While living in this j^lace a somewhat rare incident occurred in his life. There were some restrictions in the territorial laws concerning marriage. One day a couple came to his house wish- ing to be married. Owing to the above named restrictions they could not be married in the territory. An expedient was thought of, which was to get into their canoes and go out into the river. And this they did, and when about midway in the Ohio River Eld, Eiggs married them, and they went on their way happy. In the year 1809 he came to Missouri and first settled on Dar- denne Creek, in St. Charles County, where he lived some eight years. He then moved higher up the country and settled about five or six miles nearly north of Troy, the county seat of Lin- coln County, by a celebrated sulphur spring and lick, called Sulphur Lick. This spring possessed some excellent medical qualities, and afterwards gave name to a church which was or- ganized at his house in 1823, of which he was a constituent mem- ber, and was also pastor several successive years. But Elder Higgs was of a traveling disj^osition and hence did not confine himself to one place long at a time. He spent much of his time in itinerating. He preached over large portions of Warren, St. Charles, Lincoln, Montgomery and Pike Counties. Subsequent- ly he moved to Monroe County, where he lived for awhile preach- ing in the settlements in the Salt River countr^^ He then mov- ed to Illinois, thence to Ohio, and back again to Missouri, where he died and was buried by the side of his faithful wife, the com- panion both of his youth and his old age. Jeremiah Vardeman. — This distinguished minister was one of a class somewhat rare in the annals of the church. He possess- ed the peculiar talent of bringing the leading truths of the gos- pel home to the consciences of his hearers. His illustrations were singularly vivid, his language strong, simple and well suit- ed to convey clear thoughts to everj^ class, even the most illiter- ate; while the deep fountains of feeling gushed forth from his own heart and poured like a shower of rain over the minds of his hearers. In deep emotions, vivid conceptions of gospel truth, and the power of exciting sympathy, he resembled Whitefield. There were occasions, when in an unpremeditated exhortation he seemed to touch every chord of the soul, and by the outpour- ings of gospel admonitions in a simple and affectionate style would strike the consciences of all around him. There was not the least affectation in the style and manner of his preaching. He had never studied the arts of the rhetorician, and despised SALT RIVER ASSOCIATION. 221 all trick and artifice in moving the passions. In allusion to the practice among frontier people of winnowing grain in a primi- tive fashion, he spoke of the labored efforts of some preachers in getting up excitement, as " making wind with a blanket." (J. M. Peck in Western Watchman, Vol. YII.) Jeremiah Vardeman was the youngest of twelve children, a descendant of Swedish and Welsh ancestors, and traits of char- acter peculiar to each nation were conspicuous in him. He was born about twelve miles above old Fort Chiswell in what is now AVythe Count}', Yir- ginia, July 8, 1775. His grandfather, John Vardeman, Sr., had emigrated to America from Sweden and set- tled in South Carolina early in the 18th cent- ury, when his father, John Vardeman, Jun., was seven years old. Here the younger John Vardeman grew to manhood, married Elizabeth Morgan, a native of Wales, and soon after removed to and settled in Bedford County, Virginia, not far from the celebrated peaks of Otter. The elder John Varde- man was a member of the Lutheran church in his native coun- try, but united with the Protestant Episcopal Church in South Carolina. He died at the extreme age of 126 years. John Vardeman and his wife, the father and mother of Jere- miah, professed religion and united with the Baptists while liv- ing in Bedford County, Va.; in 1767 removed to the settle- ments on New River; and in 1779 moved to the wilds of Ken- tucky and settled near Crab Orchard. Jeremiah, the youngest son being old enough, took part in the Indian wars, and frequently served as a scout. During a great revival of religion in Kentucky which commenced in 1792, he was converted and made a public profession of religion. He had strong impressions to preach, but having little education he re- REV. JEREMIAH VARDEMAN. 222 SALT RIVER ASSOCIATION. sisted the impressions, and they finally wore off. Note what fol- lowed. Young Vardeman had a natural fondness for social pleasures and hilarity , seeing which, some of his worldly associates used all their influence to entice him into sin. He was induced to attend a neighborhood dancing party ; only once, he cogitated, and then he would be more strict. Here he found persons of respecta- bility who treated the young church member with marked atten- tion. His next downward step was to attend a dancing school ill the neighborhood of Crab Orchard "only as a spectator." Here amidst the whirl of excitement and gayety he was in- duced to sign his name to the list of pupils to the school. He now gave himself wholly up to worldly amusements, though oftentimes, as he testified afterwards, scourged by the lashings of conscience. Before that fatal night he had never attended even a country frolic. Trained as he had been under the uni- versally prevailing idea that balls, dancing and sports of all kinds were a violation of the Christian profession, he very nat- ural!}^ regarded his conduct as a forfeiture of his Christian char- acter; and left the church without explanation, to the deep mor- tification of his parents and two brothers, who were members of the same church. " Being a man of strong impulses and great energy of charac- ter, he engaged with his whole soul in whatever he undertook, lie became the leader of the young people in every species of amusement. None could sing and play on the violin so en- chantingly — none so full of hilarity as Jeremiah Vardeman." * With one exception his religious friends gave him up, under the impression that he would proceed, step by step, the downward course. That exception was his pious mother, who would some- times say : " I know Jerry will be reclaimed : God is faithful, and I feel assured that he is a prayer hearing Grod." Under the ministry of an unlettered Baptist preacher by the name of Thomas Hansford, after spending three years of his life in the manner above described, Vardeman was most powerfully convicted of his backslidings, and for two or three days he had great distress of soul. He finally found comfort and solemnly vowed to the Lord that he would forsake all vain amusements and devote himself to the preaching of the gospel. The people of Pulaski County at that time, for the most part, lived in log cabins, scattered through the forests, with few wag- * Peck's Memoir of J. Vardeman, in Western Watchman, Vol. VII. SALT RIVER ASSOCIATION. 228 on roads, but only "bridle paths" leading from cabin to cabin. In these cabins Mr. Yardeman began to hold week-night meet- ings. Gr-reat interest was at once awakened, and quite a number were converted. "The church of which he had been a member restored him to fellowship, and gave him a license in the old Baptist form; a certificate merely stating that he had " a gift" of usefulness and had libertj^ to use it wherever Providence opened a door. He now gave out appointments and preached several times in quick succession. All classes came out to hear him, and in a short time upwards of twenty of his former associates in Lincoln County, and members of the dancing school that had led him astray, became humble and obedient disciples of Christ." (West- ern Watchman, Yol. YII.) His ordination occurred about the year 1801, soon after which he found himself called to the monthly supply of four churches. He was poor in this world's goods, but by the favor of Divine Providence and the aid of his brethren he was soon advanced in the ministry to a sphere of great usefulness. From the first Eld. Yardeman was eminently successful in exhortation. On the first Sabbath next succeeding his restoration he attended a meeting where he was expected to speak. A crowd of people had assembled. After some older men had spoken he arose, and with tears gushing from his eyes, gave an exhortation mingled with confessions of his own backslidings, and entreated his young associates to forsake the sinful amusements into which he himself had led them. The effect was wonderful : " Young and old pressed forward and offered him their hands, and with audi- ble voices exclaimed: ' Oh, Mr. Yardeman, pray for mej' and one said, ' Do pray for me, Mr. Yardeman, for I'm a heap bigger sinner than you ever was.' " (^Annals Am. Pulpit, p. 422.) Mr. Yardeman had never before attempted to praj^ in j^ublic, but remembering his vow unto the Lord when he obtained re- lief, he fell upon his knees and began to pray in behalf of the crowds around him begging for mercy. It was soon after this event that Mr. Yardeman visited his old church in Lincoln Coun- ty, and was admitted back to membership as related in a preced- ing paragraph. Prom the time of his restoration, Eld. Yardeman spent an ex- tensively useful career in the Baj^tist ministry in Kentucky, and was one of the most popular preachers in the state, which se- cured for him large congregations wherever he went. He preach- 224 SALT RIVER ASSOCIATION. ed at David's Fork, Lexington, Bardstown, Louisville, and as far off as Nashville, Tenn., and Cincinnati, Ohio. In 1830, he emigrated to Missouri and "pitched his habitation on the border of a beautiful and fertile prairie near Salt Eiver in Ealls County. Here he soon had comfortable houses for his large family and numerous dependents, and 200 acres of virgin soil under cultivation." Nor was he neglectful of the moral wilderness around him. Without a stipulated salary, he pro- ceeded to collect together the scattered sheep of Christ's flock and gather them into folds, and several churches grew up under his immediate labors. His influence was not confined to Salt River Association. He took a prominent part in bringing the denomination of the state into active co-operation in benevolent eff'orts, and was the first moderator of the " Central Society." He had a giant frame and vigorous constitution, yet he con- tinued his ministerial labors without relaxation. For nearly two years before his death he became unable to stand while preaching, and sat in an arm-chair while he addressed the peo- ple with deep pathos. Only two weeks before his final depart- ure, in company with another minister, he visited the Sulphur Springs at Elk Lick, which appeared to afford him benefit. Be- fore they left, they constituted a church, a measure not contem- plated in the visit. There was a revival, and notwithstanding his weakness Eld. Vardeman baptized five converts; the last service of the kind he ever performed. He had then baptized more Christian professors than any man in the United Statet^. As he kept no registry of these and other labors, the accurate number cannot be ascertained, probably not less than 8,000 con- verts. On the Lord's day before his death he attended the appoint- ment of another preacher in the church in his immediate neigh- borhood. He was free from pain, his appetite good, and his mind clear and calm in view of death. After the first sermon, he spoke with usual effect half an hour or more from Heb. 2 ; 3 : "How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation?" The following week he grew worse, though little alarm was felt by him or his family about his speedy dissolution. But on Satur- day morning. May 28, 1842, he called his family around him, gave some directions, bade them farewell, and sank in death like a child falling asleep — all within fifteen minutes — in the 67th year of his age." (J. M. Peck in Western Watchman, Yol. VII.) " In doctrine he was moderately Calvinistic. His views of the SALT RIVER ASSOCIATION. 225 doctrine of the atonement corresponded with those of Andrew Ful- ler, in his Gospel Worthy of all Acceptation. He delighted to defend the essential divinity of the Son of God — the trinity of persons in the Godhead — God's sovereignty and man's free agency and ac- countability — the vicarious atonement of Jesus Christ on the cross, with all other leading doctrines of the gospel held by the denomination to which he belonged. His success in the ministry of the gospel was perhaps unequalled by that of any other minister west of the Alleghany Mountains. This unusual success must be attributed, in a great measure u n d er God , to the sympathy of his own heart with the unconverted. 'Knowing the terror of the Lord ' himself, he felt deeply for the poor sinner al- ready condemned. He threw his soul into his sermons, while he would plead with and for them, as though he could take no denial. The earnestness of his manner was calculated to convince the sinner that the preacher felt, and felt deeply for him. When he perceived that his preaching had enlisted the feelings of the unconverted, he was in the habit of proposing to pray with and for them." (J. E. Welch in Western Watchman, Yol. VII.) Mr. Vardeman was married three times. Two sons by his first wife have long lived in Missouri, Jeremiah B. Vardeman and Eev. W. H. Vardeman. Both professed religion in youth. JEREMIAH B. VARDEMAX. 35 CHAPTER III. SALT EIYEK ASSOCIATION. (Concluded.) Controversy on Missions, and its Eesults — Division of tlie Association — Prosperity of the Churches — List of Associational ^Moderators — Sketches of BowUng Green, First Louisiana, and Other Churches — John H. Duncan — Robert Gihnore — David Hub- Ijard — Anecdote of Hubbard — A. D. Landrum ; How He Baptized a Man Private- ly— .J. H. Keach— AV. F. Luck— J. D. Biggs— W. J. Patrick. DUEINGr the first eleven years of its existence the Salt Eiver Association made very gratifying progress in the dissem- mination of Baptist principles and the formation of Baptist churches, until its boundaries included the counties of Pike, Ealls, Marion, Lewis and Monroe. In 1834 it dismissed the following churches, viz. : Bethel, Little Union, Palmyra, Bear Creek, Pleas- ant Hill, Salt Eiver, Providence, South Eiver, Wyaconda, Gil- ead, Indian Creek, North Fork, Paris and Elk Fork. These churches, situated in the counties of Marion, Lewis and Monroe, in pursuance of an act of the mother association, met the follow- ing October at Bethel meeting-house, Marion County, and form- ed the "Bethel Association," of which an account will be given in due time. This event reduced the number of churches in the Salt Eiver Association to 13. From 1835 to 1840 the sessions were regularly held, and har- mony prevailed until 1839. In 1840 a division took place on the subject of Missions, concerning which event we have gathered the following facts from the records and from eye-witnesses: The fifteenth anniversary of the association was held at Siloam Church, Pike County, September 7-9, 1838. Quite a number of brethren were present who felt that the time had come for the churches to do something in the way of sustaining an itinerant missionarj^ to labor among the destitute in the bounds of the association. They consulted about the matter, and finding that some were opposed to bringing the question into the association in any shape, and wishing to avoid trouble and confusion, a meet- ing was held at the church house on Saturday after the adjourn- ment of the body, and a missionary board or society was formed. Eld. Thomas T. Johnson was its president; ^30 were raised and SALT RIVER ASSOCIATION. 227 Eld. Jacob Bower was employed as a missionary at $10 per month. Although the friends of missions kept this matter en- tirely out of the association, yet the opposition was not satisfied. The next session (1839) was held at Eamsay's Creek. No ac- tion was taken on the subject of missions, but there Avas a mani- fest lack of harmony. During the introductory exercises, the Bro. who was preaching (Eld. "William Davis) said : " Paul was a Roman;" whereupon Eld. Jer. Vardeman spoke up and said, "No, no, brother; Paul was a 'Hebrew of the Hebrews;' " and here the fight began. Eld. Vardeman was the advocate of mis- sions. Eld. Davis was in the lead of the opposition; still no ac- tion was taken in the association. Soon after this meeting of the association, the Bethlehem Church published a circular against the missionaries, urging those opposed to missions to "come out of Babylon." A copy of this circular was sent to every church in the association, and thus the controversy waxed hotter and hotter. In 1840 the association met at Spencer's Creek Church, in Pike County. When the messengers arrived, they ascertained that three churches, including the one with which they had met, had separated themselves from the association. In view of this pro- cedure, the following admonitory resolution was adopted: " That we consider the secession of Spencer's Creek, Bethle- hem and Union churches a palpable violation of their covenant engagements with Salt River Association, and we do affection- ately advise and admonish these brethren to reconsider the course they have taken and return again to the bosom of the as- sociation." This admonition did not prevent the schism. Noth- ing in reason would conciliate the brethren who were opposed to missions. The three churches above named and a minority of Siloam, separated themselves from the mother body, and formed soon after a small association called Siloam an account of which was given in a preceding chapter. During this period — 1835-'40 — several names were added to the corps of ministers. We note the following: T. T. Johnson, Amos Beck, A. D. Landrum, Wm. Davis and E. Davis. The first formal action we find in her records on the subject of missions was at her session at Spencer's Creek in 1840, as fol- lows : " Resolved, That we recommend to the churches composing this association the propriety of obtaining and sustaining a preacher whose labors are approved by the churches, to labor in the 228 SALT RIVER ASSOCIATION. bounds of this association in destitute places, and report to the next association." In 1841 they met at Salem, Ealls County. Sulphur Lick Church, from Cuivre Association, and Bethel Church, of Kails County, were admitted this year. They dropped correspondence with Cuivre Association (anti-mission), and opened correspondence with Little Bonne Femme Association. Eld. Lewis Duncan was added to the list of ministers. The churches now began to en- joy greatly increased prosperity and 96 baptisms were reported. Peace and harmony prevailed throughout the bounds of the as- sociation. Mount Pleasant Church entertained the association in 1842, when the following resolution was adopted : "That this association approve of the object and principles of operation of the General Association of Baptists of Missouri." Every year brought accessions to the ministry. This year the names of Eobert Gilmore, Ira Bailey and L. C. Musick were added. The anniversary of 1843, held at Sulphur Lick, Lincoln Coun- ty, was gladdened by the glorious intelligence of an old fash- ioned revival of religion among the churches. The whole num- ber of baptisms during the year was 213; total membership had again increased to nearly 1,000, having more than doubled in the last three years. Four new churches were received, viz. : Saver- ton, Ealls County; New Salem, Lincoln County; Mt. Hope, St. Charles County ; and Camp Creek, Warren County. Noix Creek was the place of meeting in 1844, and Mt. Pisgah in 1845. In 1844 J. H. Duncan and W. H. Vardeman were added to the list of ministers. The latter was a licentiate. Troy and New Hope Churches, both of Lincoln County, were received this year. New churches were added every year. In 1845 Martins- burg Church, Illinois; Zion Church, of Montgomery County, late from Bonne Femme Association ; Bethlehem West Cuivre, Lincoln County, and West Cuivre, Audrain County, were re- ceived. This year, at the request of Salem and Mount Pisgah Churches, an executive committee on missions was appointed, consisting of Brethren Wm. Waddell, H. G. Edwards and Geo. W. Peay. Said committee were instructed to procure a minister or ministers to ride and preach in the bounds of the association, for such time as funds might be procured for such purpose. The minutes of the session of 1846 are printed on one side of a large sheet, similar to a small newspaper. The meeting thi,s SALT RIVER ASSOCIATION. 229 year was held at Kamsay's Creek Church, and lasted four days. Elds. A, D. Landrum and David Hubbard traveled as evangelists about 100 days, at 75 cents per day; 58 were added to the church- es by baptism, and 30 by letter. The association now numbered 1,088. Zion Church, Montgomery County, was the place of meeting in 1847. Wm. Biggs had died during the year, concerning which event appropriate resolutions were adopted. The table exhibits but little prosperity during the year. Only 7 baptisms reported. Contributions amounted to $17. Decided action was taken con- cerning missions. Last year the question had been submitted to the churches, a large majority of whom had expressed their ap- probation of the action of the association. With reference to this approval, the body ^^ Resolved., That with a view of carrying out the wishes of said majority, and with no view whatever of trespassing upon the rights of the minorit}', the association now proceed to select a minister, or ministers, whose duty it shall be to give at least two Sabbaths in a month to the work, and labor mainly with the weak churches and in destitute settlements so long as funds may be procured for that purpose." The collection on the Sabbath for mission purposes, in cash and pledges, was $46.75. For the remainder of this decade, up to 1855, the association held regular sessions, as follows : in 1848, at Bethel Church, Ealls County ; in 1849, at Noix Creek, Pike County ; in 1850, Mt. Pleasant, Pike County j in 1851, Eamsay's Creek; in 1852, at Salem, Ealls County ; in 1853, at Mt. Pisgah, Pike County ; in 1854, at Mill Creek Church, Lincoln County ; and in 1855, at Sugar Creek Church, Pike County. In 1853, the First Baptist Church, Louisiana, Cottonwood Church, Lincoln County, and Mt. Pleasant Montgomery Coun- ty, were admitted into the association. From 1856 to 1865, the association held regular sessions as fol- lows: Adiel Church, 1856; Martinsburg, 111., 1857; Providence, in 1858 ; Union, in 1859 ; Buffalo Knob, in 1860 ; Louisiana, in 1861 ; West Cuivre, in 1862 ; Mt. Pisgah, in 1863 ; N"ew Salem, in 1864 ; Noix Creek in 1865. During the 35th session, in 1858, a "Ministerial Education So- ciety" for the association, was organized, the object of which was to raise funds for the education of young men preparing for the ministry. The giving of two dollars constituted the giver 230 SALT RIVER ASSOCIATION. an annual member. The following is a list of ministers : Steph- en Fish, J. T. Williams, J. F. Smith, J. J. Gipson, J, F. Hedges, A. P. Eogers, J. M. Johnson, T. T. Johnson, J, H. Keach, L. C. Musick, J. N. Griffin, A. G. Mitchell,W. F. Luck,W.W. Mitchell, C. B. Lewis and E. Autery. At the session of 1859, Bro. Jno. T. Williams preached the in- troductory sermon. A. G. Mitchell was re-elected moderator. The churches were advised " not to receive members from pedo- baptist or Campbellite societies, without baptizing them." This advice is in perfect agreement with the great body of the Bap- tist denomination of the United States. For the information of many, we give the following on this subject, from Rev. David Benedict, the Baptist historian. He says : " I have ascertained by my extensive correspondence, that by far the greater part of our denomination both re-baptize and re- ordain all who join them, from whatever churches they come." (^History of the Baptists, p. 944.) Early in the year 1861, the booming of cannon was heard in our peaceful and happy country. It was the beginning of four years of civil war. Many hearts were wrung with anguish at the news from the bloody battle-fields, and many a sad story was told concerning the mangled bodies of fond fathers and loving brothers and sons who fell, fighting like true soldiers. During these troublesome times no interests suffered more than the cause ' of a pure faith. Seven of the twenty-four churches failed this year to send letters or messengers. Still the table shows that at least one-half of the churches had a good degree of prosper- ity. There were 128 baptisms. In 1862 only twelve churches sent letters; the meeting was at West Cuivre Church, far away from the great body of the mem- bership of the association. There were only 23 baptisms. The minutes of 1863 show that messengers from almost all the churches were present. Officers of last year were re-elected. Elds. J. S. Green, Eobert Kaylor, and Bro. Jas. McPike were present from Bethel Association, and Brethren L. S. Moore, J. Motley and M. E. Motley from Bear Creek Association as corresponding messengers. Dover Church, Pike County, was received into the association this year. The membership had grown to 2,500, and spread over a tract of country from Salt River on the north, to Cuivre River on the south and southeast, a distance of about eighty miles. In 1865, the association met at Noix Creek Church. It was in SAiit RlVKR ASSOCIATION. 23l September. This was the month, on the fourth day of which the "Test Oath" took effect, and consequently there seems to have been but little preaching during the session. From the minutes no arrangement appears to have been made for preaching on the Lord's day, and no one is reported as having preached on that day. Elders Eussel Holnian, agent of domestic and Indian mis- sions of the Southern Baptist Convention, and J T.Westover of the American Baptist Publication Society, were invited to seats, and presented the claims of their societies to the association, and over $200 were contributed in response to Bro. Holman's appeal. Over 200 baptisms were reported. In 1866, the association met at Dover, Pike County. Sessions of the association were held as follows from 1866: At Dover, Pike County, Sept. 7-8, 1866; Eamsay's Creek, Sept. 13- 14,1867; Salem, Ealls County, Sept. 11-12, 1868; Providence, Pike County, Sept. 10-11, 1869; Sugar Creek, Pike County, Sept. 9-11, 1870; Mill Creek, Lincoln County, Sept. 8-10, 1871; Louisiana, Sept. 13-15, 1872; Bethel, Ealls County, Sept. 12-14, 1873; Mt. Pleasant, Pike County, Sept. 11-13, 1874; New Hope, Lincoln County, Sept., 1875; Dover, Pike County, Sept. 8-9, 1876 ; Star Hope, Lincoln County, Sept. 7-8, 1877 ; West Cuivre, Audrain County, Sept. 13-14, 1878 ; Spencerburg, Pike County, Sept. 12-13, 1879; Yandalia, Audrain County, Sept. 7-9, 1880; New Salem, Lincoln County, Sept. 6-8, 1881. During this peri- od there was an average of 138 baptisms annually. In 1866 the association numbered 22 churches and 1,968 members. In 1881 it numbered 37 churches and 3,176 members. The churches seem to have had the greatest prosperity in 1870 when they re- ported 290 baptisms. Ministers in 1881. — J. D. Biggs (since moved to Kirk wood), P. M. Birkhead, J. B. English, S. G. Grivens, E. Jennings, M. P. Matheny (since moved out of the bounds), A. Gr. Mitchell, D. W. Morgan, W. J. Patrick, A. P. Eodgers, G. B. Smith, W. M. Tip- ton, J. Eeld and M. S. "Whiteside. Action was taken as follows on the " Missouri Test Oath," which came up at the request of Mt. Pisgah Church through her letter: " Tour committee recommend the association to appoint a committee of five members (in case it should be necessary) to memorialize the next legislature to repeal or abolish the ' Test Oath,' or at least so much as relates to our ministers, many of whom are debarred from prosecuting their duties, duties which 232 SALT RIVER ASSOCIATION. they dare not disregard, and which the state should vouchsafe security to as a sacred duty, on account of the commission they hold from Jesus Christ Himself to ' Preach the gospel to every creature.' " Moderators of Salt River Association. — Eld. Davis Biggs, 6 years; Eld. Jer. Taylor, 1 year; Eld. Wm. Fuqua, 1 year; Wm. Biggs, 15 years; Eld. A. D. Landrum, 11 years; Eld. A. Gr. Mitchell, 10 years; Eld. J. M. Johnson, 1 year; Eld. M. M. Modisett, 2 years ; Hon. John D. Biggs, 4 years; Hon. A. P. Miller, 4 years; Eld. John T. Williams, 1 year, and Eld. W. J. Patrick, 4 years. Bro. Miller was for 17 years clerk of the association. The following churches number upwards of 75 members : Bowling Green — was organized June, 1854, by Elds. Wm. Hur- ley and T. T. Johnson, with 19 members. The pastors have been Elds. Wm. Hurley, M. M. Modisett, L. C. Musick, J. T. Williams, W. F. Luck, J. F. Smith, J. W. Haines, A. P. Eodgers, W. H. Burnham and J. D. Biggs. Total present membership, 86. Dover Church — was organized September, 1862, with 11 mem- bers. The ministers officiating were Elds. A. G. Mitchell, M. M. Modisett and J. B. Fuller. M. M. Modisett was first pastor; his successors have been Eld. A. G. Mitchell and J. F. Cook. Present membership, 86. Louisiana First Baptist Church — was organized March 26, 1853, by Eld. A. D. Landrum, with 36 members. Eld. J. F. Smith was firstpastor; his successors were M. M. Modisett, J. T.Williams, H. M. King, J. B. Fuller, A. F. Eandall, E. Gibson, J. D. Biggs, J. T. Williams and W. M. Tipton. Present membership, 145. Mill Creek — was organized in 1851. In 1882 the church num- bered 87 members, with W. J. Patrick as pastor. Mt. Pisgah — was organized December, 1833, by Elds. Davis Biggs, Moses Fuqua and Walter McQuie, with 18 members. Eld. T. T. Johnson was the first pastor; his successors were W. Mc- Quie, J. F. Smith, J. T. Williams, W. W. Mitchell, A. P. Eodgers, M. M. Modisett and W. J. Patrick. Present membership, 140. Mount Pleasant — was organized February, 1833, by Elds. Jer. Vardeman and Davis Biggs, with 30 members. Eld. Jer. Yardeman was the first pastor; Eld. S. G. Givens was pastor in 1882, the church numbering 74 members. New Hope. — (Sketch of this church in former chapter, under head of Stout's Settlement.) Xew Salem — was organized in 1843. In 1882 the church num- bered 161 membei's with J. Eeid as pastor. SALT RIVER ASSOCIATION. 233 Noix Creek. — This church was organized in 1830. J. Reid was pastor in 1882, the church numbering 221 members. Ramsay's Creek. — (Sketch of this church in a former chapter.) Star Hope — was organized at Reid's School-house, May, 1867, with 9 members, by Eld. W. F, Luck. The first pastor was Eld. M. S. Whiteside; Eld. W. H. Burnham was his successor. Total present members, 126. Salem. — This church bears the date of 1832. The present mem- bership is 215. Sugar Creek — was organized May 1, 1852, by Elds. A. D. Landrum, J. M. Johnson and T. T. Johnson, with 9 members. The pastors have been : Elds. J. M, Johnson, M. M. Modisett, Gr. W. Foster, J. F. Cook and J. D. Biggs. The total present mem- bership is 98. West Cuivre — was organized in 1845, by Elds. W. H. Yarde- man and J. G-. Sweeney, with 11 members. Eld. W. H. Varde- man was first pastor ; he was succeeded by Elds. J. N. Griffin, Wm. Jesse, B. B. Black, L. C. Musiek, J. F. Smith, R. S. Duncan, J. T. Wheeler, W. R. Wiggington and J. D. Robinett. Present membership, 211. This church has preaching three Sundays in the month. John H. Duncan — was born in Culpepper County, Ya., about the first of July, 1803. He grew up in his native state and mov- ed to Missouri when a young man. He had a good English education, and while he preached but little, spent most of his life in the school-room as a teacher. He lived and died a single man, and never manifested any special fondness for the society of the gentler sex. His preaching was methodical and partook somewhat of the controversial. About the middle of December, 1851, he died, and was buried on the farm of his brother, Eld. Lewis Duncan. Robert Gilmore — for some years a member of, and minister in Salt River Association, was the son of John and Elizabeth Gil- more. He was born in 1792, in the state of Yirginia, and subse- quently moved to the state of Kentucky, where he was married to Miss Mary Hansford in 1818. Eight children were the issue of said marriage. In 1819 he emigrated to Missouri and settled in St. Charles County, where he remained for a brief period, and then moved to Lincoln County and settled in the neighborhood of Old Sul- phur Lick Church. Not long after his settlement in Lincoln County, he professed 234 SALT RIVER ASSOCIATION religion and became a member of the Baptist denomination, hav- ing been baptized by the old pioneer, Eld. Bethuel Riggs. We first find the name of Eobert G-ilmore as a licensed minis- ter in the minutes of Cuivre Association in 1830. He was or- dained about the year 1841. He was a most excellent man, had only a limited education, and was a real old fashioned preacher of the gospel. He was for a time identified with the opposers of missions, but after- wards obtaining clearer views on this subject, he became a mem- ber of the Salt Hiver Association and so remained until his re- moval from the state. His labors in the ministry were confined chiefly to Lincoln and Montgomery Counties. In the spring of 1849, equipped for a long journey. Eld. Gil- more, with his own family and many others from his adopted state, started across the western plains for California. The cholera broke out among the emigrants and many were made its victims. Eld. Grilmore, his faithful wife and one son were among the suff'erers. He died at the head of Sweet Water on the 25th of June, 1849. He died as he had lived, a faithful, devout Christ- ian. In his last moments he was very quiet, and with calmness and composure he sweetly "slept with his fathers." A name remembered with much pleasure by a large circle of admirers in the Salt River Association is that of David Hubbard. — He was born in the year 1796 in the state of Kentucky, near where the celebrated Daniel Boone first settled. His father, Charles Hubbard, was a native of Virginia, and after spending several years in Kentucky he moved to and settled in St. Louis County, Missouri, in 1809, when David was a small boy. Charles Hubbard was an influential Baptist, and while he lived in St. Louis County filled the office of deacon in the old Fee Fee Baptist Church. David Hubbard grew up in the territory of Missouri, in an age when schools were almost unknown so far west. He therefore secured few advantages from this source; but possessing a strong, active mind, he made the best use of his limited oppor- tunities. He, however, never secured what would be now call- ed a good common English education. At about the age of 23 jj^ears he professed conversion and was baptized by Eld. Charles Collard while he was a resident of Gasconade County. Soon after this event of his life he moved to Warren County, and about this time — 1821 or '22 — he commenc- ed preaching j and was ordained by the Little Bethel Church in SALT RIVER ASSOCIATION. 235 1824. He spent three or four years in Warren County, moved thence to Lincoln County, and settled some ten or twelve miles west from the county seat, Troy. In 1829 he moved higher up in the county and lived some ten or twelve years in the neigh- borhood of New Hope; thence he moved to Pike County, Ill- inois ; where he lived until he moved to Oregon in 1853 or '54. David Hubbard was popular in the pulpit and out of the pul- pit. Wherever his name was known in Eastern Missouri he could get a congregation, week-day or Sunday. As a pastor he labored industriously. In this capacity he labored with the Sul- phur Lick, Bryant's Creek and Union Churches, all in Lincoln County, and with the former of these for a number of years. He was almost all the time pastor of four churches. The following somewhat amusing anecdote showing that the best of preachers sometimes make a partial failure, and also how ministers occasionally enjoy a joke at each other's expense, is yet told and very much enjoyed by Bro. Hubbard's most de- voted admirers : During the sitting of the Salt River Association at Sulph- ur Lick in 1843, on an afternoon several ministers were spend- ing a social hour at the house of Bro. William Moore, near by the church house. The conversation was upon the sermon preach- ed in the forenoon, which merited some severe criticisms. Bro. Hubbard raised up and said, "Brethren, if I can ever out- preach myself it is when I have to follow a bungler." At night a visiting brother from a sister association was put up to preach. It was undecided as to who should follow him. His sermon was somewhat muddy and mixed. Bro. A. D. Landrum who was sitting near Bro. Hubbard in the pulpit, whispered in his ear, <'Now is your time. Brother Hubbard." The visiting brother finished his sermon and Brother Hubbard rose to follow him. He took a text, talked awhile, but all was dark. He took another text, but utterly failed of any liberty on it, and sat down finally, having said but little. This was a good lesson to Bro. H., and will become such to any other who will properly use it. Eld. David Hubbard was twice married ; first to Miss Hannah Morrow, of G-asconadc County, Missouri, of whom were born to him ten children. His second marriage, in 1842 or '43, was with Miss Mary L. Thurman of Lincoln County, by whom he had eleven children. In 1853 or '54 he moved to the state of Oregon. Calmly rely- 236 SAL* RIVER ASSOCIATION. ing by a living faith on the merits of the Lord Jesus Christ, he breathed his last at his home in Oregon, June 14, 1868. " Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. . . . that they may rest from their labors, and their works do follow them." Abner D. Landrum — was for fifteen years an active minister in the Salt Eiver Association. He was a preacher in Kentucky before he emigrated to Missouri in 1838. He was most likely a native of Kentucky, and must have been born not far from the beginning of the present century. From 1838 to 1850 he filled the office of pastor in the Eamsay's Creek Church. At her ses- sion in 1845 he was elected moderator of Salt River Association, and was continued in this office until the close of the session of 1856, save one year (1846). He presided with ease and dignity. In the pulpit Eld. Landrum was dignified, graceful and easy. As a preacher he was earnest, practical, persuasive, rather than profound. As to his early advantages for intellectual culture we know nothing, but feel justified in saying that his education was liber- al for his day. He aided in organizing the following churches : Salt River, Sugar Creek, and First Baptist, Louisiana. In 1838 he became pastor of Pcno Church, and so continued until its dis- solution in 1852. The following somewhat diverting incident occurred in his ministry : On one occasion he was visited by a good Methodist brother who had become dissatisfied with his baptism, but not with the Methodist church. He said, " Brother Landrum, I want you to immerse me at night, and then not say anything about it, as I wish to remain a Meth- odist, and it may make some trouble if the church finds it out." "I cannot do that," said Mr. Landrum. The man was verj^ earnest and insisted that Bro. L. should im- merse him under the foregoing restrictions. Finally Bro. Lan- drum agreed that he would immerse the brother and say nothing of it unless some one should ask about it. They met on the appointed evening a little after nightfall, at a pond or pool of water not far from Bro. Landrum's house, and the baptism was administered. From the pond to the house the elder proceed- ed, and with dripping clothes walked into the presence of his family and some neighbors who were present spending the eve- ning. Of course every one was astounded and amazed, and " Bro. Landrum ! what is the matter; what have you been do- SALT RIVER ASSOCIATION. 237 ing?" immediately fell upon his ear. This was what he wanted to hear, and he promptly replied : " I have been out to the pond to baptize Bro. C." The news of the baptism spread rapidly and soon the entire neighborhood knew of it. THE SKCRET NIGHT BAPTISM; — "WOULD NOT TELL UNLESS HE WAS ASKED." At the next quarterly conference Bro. 0. was called to ac- count for having ignored the teachings of his church, having sought immersion after having been sprinkled, thus denying that sprinkling is authorized in the Bible. Bro. C. could not deny the charge, and finally arose and said : " Brethren, I hope you will forgive me this time, for if you will, I promise you I will never be baptized again." Bro. C, we suppose, felt that he must surely be right now, and had no need of trying any other mode of baptism, for he had both. In the latter part of the year 1856, or early in 1857, Eld. Lan- drum moved to Henry County, since which time we have learn- ed but little of him. We have an impression that he died during the war. If now living, he must be quite old. John Hawkins Keach. — This most excellent man and useful minister of the gospel fell asleep in Jesus at his home in Ealls 238 SALT RIVER ASSOCIATION. County, Missouri, January 11, 1878. He died of rheumatism, followed by congestion of the lungs. " Father Keach was born in Prince William County, Virginia, March 29, 1807. When he was eight years old his father removed to Mason Co., Ky. They spent six or eight years in Mason, Fleming and Nicholas Counties, and then settled in Jessamine County, near Nicholasville. It was here he was first awakened; under the preaching of Elder Edmund Waller he found himself a lost sinner. A great revival was in jDrogress at Mt. Pleasant Church, when he was converted and joined the Baptist church in the fall of 1826, His was a powerful conversion, such as con- strained that eminent divine, Rev. Edmund Waller, to prophesy that yoiing Keach would be called to preach the gospel. In 1831 the fomily emigrated to Missouri and settled in Marion County, north of the Fabius, young John having come out and raised a crop the year before. Soon after landing here he lost his father, and he had to plod the world alone. March 29, 1831, he x;nited in marriage with Miss Mary Lake, who survived him. In 1841 he was ordained a Baptist minister. Elds. Haycraft, Lillard, Shumate and Taylor officiating. All his time was taken up preaching the gospel to various churches. In 1848 the Baptist G-eneral Association of Missouri appointed him an agent to raise funds for the endowment of William Jew- ell College. He traveled over Northeast Missouri for this object during the years 1848, 1849 and part of 1850. He raised several thousand dollars, and all his life he remain- ed a warm friend of liberal and popular education." (M. W. Wood in Central Baptist, January, 1878.) Eld. James F. Smith says: " Bro. Keach was a Bible student from the time of his conversion to the commencement of his min- istry ; hence he was a good preacher from the beginning. His address was cool and deliberate — never much excited, but very earnest. His preaching was eminently useful, being full of in- struction and matured thought, and was highly appreciated by inquirers after truth. He was a doctrinal preacher, but seldom failed to make a practical application of the subject. Many have claimed him as their spiritual father. He was one of the best pastors in Northeast Missouri, and long filled this office in the Salem and Bethel Churches, Ralls County." Bro. Keach was a devoted friend and promoter of missions, both home and foreign, and especially the latter, in which he took great interest. SALT RIVER ASSOCIATION. 239 The following brief description of his triumphant death is from the pen of his son-in-law, Bro. M. W. Wood: " The antithisis of suffering here, and glory yonder, seemed ever present to his mind. Bro. J. F. Smith, who had known Father Keach for more than half a century, and who began the ministry with him, called to see him a few days before his death and remained to comfort him. They conversed much indeed upon the comforts and consolations which the religion of the Lord Jesus Christ affords the Christian, both in life and in death. A question was put to the dying man (who remained perfectly conscious to the moment of dissolution), as to how the valley and shadow of death appeared to him from his near approach ? ' Bro. Smith,' said Father Keach, ' the way is a dark and shad- owy vale, but the light on the other shore is so bright and efful- gent, it dispels the darkness and the gloom. Jesus is there — Jesus, the light, the truth, the way.' "But when the members of the family and tried friends were called around the bedside to receive the parting word, and take the hand in the final good-bye, the scene was far too affecting to be described. It was a happy, a glorious occasion to confirm the truth of victory in death to a house full of witnesses. There were no dry eyes, no vacant looks — no mistaking the grand and triumphant victory over death, hell and the grave on this occa- sion. All could see 'he had faith in God.' " {Central Baptist, Jan. 31, 1878.) One more standard-bearer remains to be noticed in these sketches — the invincible and venerable William Francis Luck. — This earnest and aged Baptist min- ister has not been long dead. He was born November 27, 1801, in Campbell County, Virginia. His grandfather Luck was a na- tive Scotchman and his grandmother Luck was of English pa- rentage. Young Luck grew up with but little help from the schools, for there were few such institutions in his early day. His mother was a devout Baptist; his father was an irreligious man, and died when he was a small boy of only eight summers. Left fatherless, he grew up into a wild and somewhat reckless young man. He was married September 2, 1824, to Miss Elizabeth McGann, of his native county, and early in 1827, with his young wife emi- grated to Tennessee and settled in Wilson County. He was con- verted at a Baptist camp-meeting in the fall of 1830, and united 240 SALT RIVER ASSOCIATION. with the Pleasant Valley Church of Separate Baptists. Soon after his conversion he commenced preaching and received or- dination in July, 1833, at the hands of Elds. John Whitlock and Elisha Bell. The union of the two Concord Associations of Tennessee in 1842, identified him with the " United Baptists " after that date. He spent upwards of twenty-five years in the ministry in Tennessee, a larger portion of which time he was in the pas- torate. He removed to Missouri in 1857 and settled in the bounds of the Salt Eiver Association, in Lincoln County, and was soon industriously engaged in preaching the gospel. He labored both as an evangelist and a pastor. As an evan- gelist he was quite successful, and was much beloved as a pastor. Soon after he came to the state he was called to be pastor at New Salem Church — near his home — and so continued, with one or two short intermissions, until his death. He also labored as pastor in the following churches : New Hope, Sulphur Lick and Fairview, in Lincoln County ; and Bowling Green and Indian Creek, in Pike County. During the war between the states, Eld. Luck was made a po- litical prisoner, and lay in Gratiot Street prison, St. Louis, for about nine months. Here he continued his ministry, preaching almost every Sabbath. He was finally released, having learned of no charge against him, save that he was a Southern man. But the end must come. After a ministry of about forty-sev- en years William F. Luck died December 26, 1878, of softening of the brain, resulting from an attack of hyperaemia about a year and a half before. James D. Biogs — was born in Ealls County, Missouri, October 17, 1843. He was baptized in March, 1858 -, and licensed to prerach in 1866. He was educated at Georgetown College, Kentucky, where he graduated in June, 1869, and was ordained in the same month. In August of that year he married Miss Lucy Hatch of Georgetown, Ky., and the month following, with her entered the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Greenville, S. C. He accepted the care of the chiirch atMillersburg, Bourbon County, Ky., in July, 1870, where he remained for two years; thence he returned to his native state, and, in answer to a call from the First Baptist Church, Louisiana, he settled as pastor inthatcity July, 1872. During his pastoral period here, in April, 1873, he was elected to the presidency of the Louisiana Baptist (now Mc- SALT RIVER ASSOCIATION. 241 Cune) College, which position he held two years. He resigned the pastorate of the church and the pres- idency of the college at Louisiana, to ac- cept the care of the First Baptist Church at Springfield, Mo., and continued there from 1875 to 1878, when he was forced to resign on account of injuries received in a railroad dis- aster. From Spring- field he went to Ealls County, and after resting and re- cuperating preached to several churches in Ralls and Pike Counties until the first of December, 1881, when he was called to the Baptist church at Kirkwood, Missouri. J. T>. Biggs is a great-grandson of Davis Biggs, one of the pio- neer preachers of Northeastern Missouri ; and the founder and the first moderator of the Salt River Association. Wiley J. Patrick — son of Wiley J. and Margaret S. Patrick, was horn in Macon County, Missouri, January 3, 1840. His fath- er was reared in Kentucky and his mother in Baltimore. When quite a child his parents moved with him to Hannibal. Seven years of his boyhood were spent in Illinois among strangers, and from the age of fourteen to twenty-one in Monroe County, laboring on a farm in the summer, and going to school some in the winter. Two years of his early life he taught school. On the 18th of May, 1862, he professed conversion in his pri- vate room, and on the following day united with the Salem Church, Monroe County, having been baptized by Rev. A, C. Goodrich. Here he was afterwards ordained and first became pastor. The next autumn he preached his first sermon at Long- Branch Church. The period from this until June, 1864, was spent 16 REV. JAMES D. BIGGS. 242 SALT RIVER ASSOCIATION. for the most part in going to school, the last year at William Jewell College. He then spent a year as missionary of Bethel Association. In 1865-'6 he was in a series of revivals in Little Bonne Femme Association, and in the latter year locat- ed as pastor of New Salem, Nashville and other churches. At Eoanoke in this year he was elected corresponding sec- retary of the Gener- al Association. In 1868 he remov- ed to Jefferson City, the capital of the state, having become pastor of the First Baptist Church in that civy. Here he preached until the spring of 1870, when, accept- ing a call, he moved to Fulton. In 1872, ho was again missionary of Bethel Association and became pastor of Union and Providence Churches. In January, 1873, he was elected chaplain of the Mis- souri Senate, and in 1874 became one of the owners and editors of the Central Baptist. He was missionary of Salt Eiver Associ- ation in 1876, and entered the pastorate of Mill Creek, Curry- ville, Salem and Mt. Pisgah Churches ; and in the time has been pastor of Indian Creek, New Hope and Spencersburg. He is the moderator of Salt River Association, a trustee of William Jew- ell College and a member of the Board of State Missions. Mr. Patrick was indicted by the grand jurj'- of Monroe Coun- ty in 1865, for preaching without having taken the Test Oath. He has been twice married : in 1866 to Miss Lizzie A. Withers, the issue of which was one daughter and one son j in 1875, to Miss Amanda E. Ustick, now the mother of two daughters. Mr. Patrick is scarcely yet in his jirime, and ranks among the able men of the denomination. REV. WILEY J. PATRICK. CHAPTER IT. CONCOED ASSOCIATION. Cooper County ; First Baptists Therein — Formation of the Association — History of Big Bottom, Big Lick, and Other Churches — Luke Williams — Eevival at the Dance — John B. Longan — The Lawyer Outwitted — Controversy on Missions — His- toric Import of the Term " United Baptists " — Peter Woods, COOPER County, situated in the central part of the state, was settled in 1812. A few Baptists were among the first settlers. Immediately after the close of the Indian war in 1815, other Baptist families moved into this region. The number was still further increased the following year, and in 1817, as we have already shown, the Concord Church was organized in the settlement south of Boonville, the first church south of the riv- er west of St. Louis County. In accordance with a resolution of the Mount Pleasant Asso- ciation, and of churches dismissed from that body, the Concord Association was formed on Saturday before the third Sunday in October, 1823, at Mt. Nebo Church, in Cooper County. « The constituent churches were eight in number, situated south of the Missouri Eiver, and east of a line running south from said river so as to include the church in Big Bottom. Their names were Concord, Big Bottom, Pisgah, Mt. Nebo, Double Spring, Big Lick, Union and Mt. Pleasant. The aggregate membership was 335. Peter Woods was chosen moderator, and Jordan O'Bry- an clerk, after an introductory sermon by Ebenezer Rogers. Be- fore us lie the minutes of the first meeting, in which we recog- nize the names of the following ministers : Luke "Williams, J. B. Longan, David Allee, Peter Woods and Jacob Chism. The ap- pellation of this body was, " The Concord Association of Bap- tists." Correspondence was opened up with the Mount Pleas- ant Association of United Baptists, and also provided for with Pishing River Association as soon as organized. The custom of holding Union or Yearly Meetings in diifer- ent sections of the associational field, was adopted, following the example of the older associational communities. 244 CONCORD ASSOCIATION. Forty-one baptisms and 359 members were reported at the session of 1824, held at Big Lick, Cooper County. Jordan O'Bryan, of Mt. Nebo Church, appears as the author of the circular letter published in the minutes of this year. It contained an able and scriptural argument on the support of the gospel ministry. Bro. O'Bryan was a layman of remarkable devotion and purit}^ of life. He was for some years a member of the legislature from Cooper County, and was one of the few who came out unsoiled by the corrupt influence of politics. Eld. Luke Williams died only a short time before the meeting of this session, whereupon the following was passed by the body : " The Concord Association do recommend to all the churches in its bounds, to draw up subscription papers, and request their members to subscribe thereto what money they are willing to give, which money shall be deposited in the hands of William Savage, for the purpose of paying the remaining balance due on the land on which the widow of Eld. Luke Williams, deceased, lives. If there should be more money subscribed and paid into the hands of Bro. Savage, he shall appropriate it to the use of the family." The association unanimously agreed to the following : " That we set apart the first Saturday in October for prayer and fasting, in union with our brethren in Kentucky, praying that the Lord would revive his work throughout the inhabited world, and that a great reformation may take place." These views were in perfect concord with the evangelical spirit of the denomination in all ages. In 1825, the association held its session with Good Hope', for- merly Big Bottom, Church. Jacob Chism preached the intro- ductory sermon, and was afterwards elected moderator; clerk same as at first meeting. One new church, called Liberty, was received. The following action was taken on the subject of "alien bap- tism": "Agreed that this association do advise the diff'erent church- es in her bounds not to receive any members into their fellowship who have been baptized by preachers or ministers out of the fel- lowship of the General Union of Baptists, on account of their heretical opinions, unless they are rebaptized by some regularly ordained minister in the Baptist Union." At the third annual meeting at Mt. Pleasant Church, in Cooper County, in 1826, one new church, Zoar, was received. The asso- CONCORD ASSOCIATION. 245 ciation mourns over the death of one of her pious, able and wor- thy ministers, Eld. Peter Woods, pastor of Mt. ISTebo Church. The minutes of this year show the following summary: Churches. — Concord, Pisgah, Good Hope (formerly Big Bot- tom), Mt. Nebo, Double Springs, Big Lick, Union, Mt. Pleasant, Liberty and Zoar. Ministers. — Kemp Scott, John B. Longan, David Allee William Jennings and Peyton Nowlin. Big Bottom Church, — one of the constituents of Concord As- sociation, was organized on the fourth Saturday in August, 1818, in the celebrated Missouri Eiver Bottom of the same name, in the "G-reat Bend" in Saline County, opposite the town of G-las- gow, Howard County. The records furnish no clue to its con- stituent members. Wm. Lillard was the first clerk. In May, 1820, " the church requested Bro. Peyton !N"owlin to attend their monthly meetings ; he agreed to do so." This is the first record of a pastor. Until 1825 the church held its meetings from house to house, sometimes in the town of Jefferson. In April of that year it moved into its new meeting-house, and changed its name to " Good Hope," the name it now bears. This body, from the list of members in the old church book, now before us, has done a noble work in its field of labor. In 1829 its membership was* 84. The following is its succession of pastors: Elds. Peyton Nowlin, Kemp Scott, Thomas Ptiggs, Abner Gwinn, W. M. Bell, J. D. Murphy, A. P. Williams, and again W. M. Bell. It is now a large and influential body in the Saline Association, contribu- ting statedly to home and foreign missions. Big Lick Church, Cooper County, — another of the pioneer churches of the state, and a constituent of Concord Association, was organized the 24th of August, 1822, under an arbor near Judge Ogden's Spring, about one mile north of where the church house was afterwards built. Elds. Jno. B. Longan and Jacob Chism composed the council. Its original members were 16. Eld. J. B. Longan was pastor from 1822 to 1845 ; Eld. Tyree C. Harris from 1845 to 1851 ; following him was Eev. Eobt. H. Har- ris, fifteen years ; Eld. B. G. Tutt, one year; Eld. J. B. Box, one year; Eld. J. D. Murphy, four or more years; and Eld. J. S. Palmer was his successor. Two extensive revivals were enjoyed by this church : the first in 1838 under the labors of the late A. P. Williams, the other in 1847 during the pastorate of T. C. Har- ris, when the church reached its maximum, numbering about 350 members. 246 CONCORD ASSOCIATION. Liberty, — another of the early churches, was formed prior to 1825 by Brethren Longan and Woods, located in what is now Moniteau County. Its pastors have been T. Y. Grreer, Chancy, Duncan, Akens, J. K. Godbey and Wm. Wood. Of the remaining churches bearing date prior to 1825 we have no sketches. Elder Luke Williams. — Standing at the head of the list of ministers in the first meeting of the Concord Association is the name of Luke Williams, a very popular and useful preacher of his day. He was born August 5, 1776, in the colony of Virgin- ia. His father was James Williams, whose wife was Martha Murrell, sister to Elders Thomas and Eichard Murrell, two Baptist ministers of olden times. His mother having died when he was a boy, Luke was bound to a man by the name of McGrloh- lin, to learn blacksmithing, where he remained a little over one year, and learned the use of tools very readily and was delighted with the business. His master was a fine smith, and was gener- ally kind when sober, but unfortunately he would indulge in the use of intoxicating drinks to a great excess, and when drunk he was very tyrannical, not only to his apprentices, but to his own family also. On one of these drunken occasions he promised Luke a severe flogging next morning, and made him pull off his pantaloons and put them under the head of his bed. In the night Luke opened the door of the old man's room, crept softly up to his bed, and finding his pantaloons he jerked them and made for the door, with the old man after him. The boy shut the door as he ran out and thus checked the speed of his pursu- er. The race led through a piece of newly cleared land ; and soon the old man ran against a large stump and fell sprawling to the ground, and commenced hallooing at the top of his voice — " Oh, Lord ! oh. Lord!" while young Williams continued his flight, shouting, " Thank God ! thank God ! " At this time his father lived about 150 miles from there, but after overcoming many difiiculties, Luke finally reached home in safety. Like a wise man his father took him back to McGloh- lin's, had the terms of the contract rescinded, and returned home with his boy. After this the father and son spent much of their time in hunting in the early settlements of Kentucky, during which they had some hair-breadth escapes from the In- dians. On the 9th of July, 1799, Luke Williams was married to Miss Polly Shropshire, a lady two months his senior. They were both CONCORD ASSOCIATION. 247 at that time very fond of the dance. Williams was also a good fiddler. On one occasion, some three years after their mar- riage, while the wife was on the floor dancing, she was pung- ently convicted of sin. She at once betook herself to prayer; and had no rest day or night till she felt the preciousness of G-od's pardoning grace, soon after which she became a Baptist. She was a bright light in the church until she died at the ad- vanced age of 66 years. Shortly after the conversion of his wife, Mr. Williams was brought under conviction, and soon after found peace in believ- ing in Christ, and became a church member with his beloved wife. The plan of salvation seemed so jslain to him that he at once began to have a desire to preach Christ crucified to a per- ishing world. The church of which he and his wife were now members was in Powell's Yalley, but the name is not now re- membered by the family. In the year 1804, he and famil}'- moved to and formed a settle- ment on the Clear Fork of Cumberland Eiver, there being no settlement nearer than twenty-five miles. About four or five families composed the new settlement. The county filled up rapidly with new comers, and the people built a log house which served the purpose of a house of worship and school-house. It was not far from this time that he was called to ordination, Eld. Elijah Foley being one of the officiating presbytery. In the fall of 1815, he started with his famly for Missouri, stopped one year in Illinois, rented a farm, made a crop, sold out, bought a few head of cattle, and in the fall of 1816 continued his journey west and settled a new place, establishing his home in Cooper County, five miles west of where Boonville now stands. Here he built him a log cabin, cleared a small farm, planted corn, &c., spending his Sabbaths and many week nights preaching the gospel to the pioneer settlers. He did not confine himself to his own neighborhood, but traveled and preached over most of the settled portion of what is noAV the state of Missouri. This he did without fee or reward, pecuniarily, because, in fact, the peo- ple had nothing to remunerate him with, Missouri at that time being no more than a wild territorj^. For a while he was the only ordained Baptist minister in the "Upper Country," south of the Missouri Eiver. He often stayed out on preaching tours without a dollar in his pocket, for the reason that he had no money. He used to say he needed no money to travel among his brethren and friends. This was nearly sixty years ago, and 248 CONCORD ASSOCIATION. times have very much chauged, so much so that should a man go without money in his purse now, he would most likely be compelled to borrow before he reached home, as has been the case with the author. On arising one Sunday morning, preparatory to starting to his appointment, he learned that there was neither bread nor meat in the house. The children were crying for bread. The poor man's heart sank within him. What could he do ? No manna fell from heaven on the Lord's day to supply his family. Game was plentiful and could be had during the week — but none had been laid by for this occasion. While meditating on this condi- tion of things around him, a well fatted buck leaped into the garden enclosure, as if to say, " j'ou can feed your crying chil- dren with my flesh if you wish." The pastor took down his trusty rifle, killed and dressed the game, and his good wife pre- pared it for the family. But he went to the place of worship with a sad heart, feeling that perhaps he had done wrong. How could he proclaim the terrors of God's law to others, while he was guilty of violating the Sabbath ? Such were the thoughts press- ing in upon his mind. With tears in his eyes he related to the congregation all the events of the morning, and requested the church to decide whether he had done right or wrong. With unanimous voice it was decided he had done right in killing the deer on the Sabbath, under the circumstances; after which he dried up his tears and proceeded with the worship of the sanc- tuary. While the foregoing will serve to illustrate his conscientious- ness, the following, related by Eld. Benjamin Bowler of Cooper County, will show something of his decision of character, and his readiness in turning everything to good account. On one occasion as he was journeying homeward with his wagon and team, he applied for lodgings at a neat, respectable looking farm house by the road side. The family consisted of a mother and son, respectable, well-dressed peoj»lo. After pro- viding for his horse, Eld. Williams returned to the house and took his seat near the door with his wagon whip laid across his lap. After awhile quite a number of well-dressed ladies and gen- tlemen began to assemble at the house, and from every indica- tion he soon began to think that there was going to be a dance, and this opinion was confirmed when the young man of the house went to a trunk, took therefrom a violin, and began to tune it up. Eld. Williams did not belong to the dancing Baptists, and he COiSfCORD ASSOCIATION. 249 asked permission of the lady and hei* son to talk about thirty minutes before the dancing began. Permission being readily granted, he took out his hymn book and Bible, and opened the services. After talking about thirty minutes he invited peni- tents to join him in prayer, whereupon every one present ac- cepted the invitation. There was no dancing in the house that night, and subsequently he organized a Baptist church in the neighborhood, which manifestly had its beginning at the pro- posed dance. When Mr. Williams was married, he could barely spell a little in two syllables. Fortunately for him his wife had a liberal ed- ucation, and proposed to him that if he would devote his spare moments, wet days, etc., to study, she would at least teach him to read and write. Being an apt scholar, and having so good a teacher, he soon became a good reader and quite a fair penman ; and continued until he had a good practical knowledge of arith- metic and grammar. Thus did he prepare himself for his subse- quent life work. Many of the facts in this sketch have been furnished us by El- der Williams' oldest son, James Williams, of Scio, Oregon. In reference to their life in Missouri the same informant says : " Father used to tan his leather in a trough and made our shoes himself. Mother and the girls spun and wove our clothing, and 'we raised our cotton and picked all the seed by hand. Many have been the nights after I came in tired and weary from plow- ing all day, that I have been soothed to sleep by the sweet hum of the spinning wheel. In addition to the cloth made, father killed a good many deer, and we dressed their hides and made clothing of them. I have often seen my father get up before an audience to preach with his leather hunting shirt on." Thus did our pioneer fathers live. How much do we owe them for their efforts and privations to plant the gospel in our land, and not only so, but much gratitude is due those faithful women, the wives of those men of Grod, who stood by them in the midst of peril and want and on whom so many cares devolved while the husband and father was absent in the gospel field. Eld. Williams was a faithful expounder of the truth as it is taught in the Scriptures. His preaching was better calculated to inform the judgment than to excite the passions. In the latter part of his ministry Elders J. B. Longan, Jacob Chism and Peter Woods were his contemporaries and co-labor- ers. He and Eld. Woods had an agreement that whoever was 250 CONCORD ASSOCIATION. the survivor was to attend and preach the funeral sermon of the other. When but little past the prime of life, he died September 5 1824, and was buried near where he lived in Cooper County. In accordance with the agreement Elder Woods preached at his funeral, from 2 Tim. 4 ; 7. 8 to a large congregation of peo- ple. Elder John B. Longan. — The following sketch of this servant of Christ and pioneer preacher of Missouri is from the pen of P. H. Steenbergen, of Callaway County. ^' John B. Longan was born in Virginia The exact date and place of his birth I cannot now remember. In early life he was fearfully wicked, and being a man of extraordinary physical powers, and of Irish descent, when excited was a great terror to most men. In early life, ere his footsteps had become too fa- miliar with the paths of sin, he was awakened to a sense of his lost condition under the preaching of that distinguished Virgin- ia revivalist, Eobert Stogdon. He soon after professed to find a Savior, "just such an one," as he often afterwards said, "as could save such a sinner as he was." He very soon joined the chiirch, and was baptized by that great preacher, Jeremiah Vardeman. Like Saul of Tarsus, he was soon found earnestly engaged in building up that cause which he had once tried to tear down. He had a scanty education ; but as Grod called illit- erate fishermen, so he called John B. Longan to that holy call- ing. In his early ministry he moved to Kentucky and settled in Barren County with a few Baptists, mostly from his native state. These formed a church called Mount Pleasant, in the midst of a strong Methodist neighborhood, which had the preaching of Pe- ter Cartwright and Zachariah Quesenberry. The little church planted by Longan soon began to grow and flourish. The Lord blessed his labors abundantly. Soon a controversj" arose on the subject of baptism, but he was immovable as the rocks of Gibral- tar on the subject of believers' baptism. His faithfulness and courage soon wiped out the last vestige of sprinkling from the whole neighborhood. He was soon afterwards elected modera- tor of the Green Eiver Association and presided over that body until he moved to Missouri, which was, I think, about the year 1816, and settled for a short time at Old Chariton, Howard Coun- ty. He afterwards settled in Cooper County, soon after it was divided into what is now Cole and Cooper. He lived in that part denominated Cole, where he labored with great success. A few CONCORD ASSOCIATION. 251 Baptist churches formed themselves into an association known as the Concord Association. He was chosen moderator, and pre- sided as such as long as he was able to attend. About the year 1834 the Central Society was formed, now call- ed the General Association, over which he presided as moderator for many years. Here we must relate a circumstance which illus- trates his peculiar Irish wit : In the election of candidates for the division of Cooper County to form the new county of Cole, the aspirants were a young lawyer and a farmer. He took a deep interest for the farmer, though never known to meddle with pol- itics. On the first day of the election he went to a precinct, and the next day to Boonville ; he was soon surrounded by a crowd, inquiring how the election was going. He said he was fearful the lawyer would be elected. A young lawyer standing by wish- ed to know what objection he had to lawyers. He remarked that he doubted their honesty. The lawyer remarked that he did not know why a lawyer could not be as honest as a farmer. The old father's reply was, ''Neither do I, but show me an honest law- yer and I will show you a white crow." Some time after, father Longan was called into court as a witness. This same lawyer was employed. As soon as he was sworn, the lawyer looked at him, saying, " You are a preacher, are you not, sir?" '' I pro- fess to be, sir." "Well, we shall expect to hear the truth from you, sir." "I expect to tell the truth, sir." "Well, sir, is not Mr. M. very fond of his tea?" "I do not know, sir. I know he is very fond of his coffee." " You understand what I mean, sir." "I understand what yon say, sir." "Is he not fond of ardent spirits ? " " Oh, if that is what you call tea, he is." This being a little tough on the young lawyer, created a burst of laughter throughout the court, to his great confusion, and he said, " You may stand back, sir." The lawyer on the other side slyly remarked, "Another white crow for you." These two cir- cumstances were the foundation of the greatest intimacy be- tween the preacher and the lawyer, till death separated them. I have often heard the lawyer remark in after years that he believed old Father Longan was the best and truest man the world ever knew. On another occasion he was in company with a preacher who held to the doctrine of holy perfection in this life. Father L. of course argued that this was impossible. When they retired to their room the old father took great pains to fold up his clothes and put them under the head of his bed. Bro. K. Scott, 252 CONCORD ASSOCIATION, who was present, said, " Bro, Longan, what do you mean ?" His reply was, " I am afraid this perfect man will steal my clothes before day." The young man said, " Father Longan, do you think I would steal ?" " I hope not, my son, but if it were not for the restraining grace of God, with all your perfection, you would." This young preacher became one of Father Longan's warmest friends and greatest admirers. Father Longan was Calvinistic in his views, but by no means an extremist. Salvation by the sovereign grace of God, Christ and Him crucified, repentance, faith and experimental religion, were his great themes. His true greatness consisted in the sim- plicity of his preaching. He was a student of the Scriptures, and had no taste for idle speculation. He was a man of deep- toned, earnest zeal and piety, devoted to his calling, a strict dis- ciplinarian, perfectly versed in Baptist usage, impartial in all his decisions, strictly honest and upright in all his dealings with his fellow men, an affectionate husband, a kind father, an oblig- ing neighbor. All denominations loved him; the world loved him; in fact, it was only to know him to love and admire him. In February, 1827, two members, John Briscoe and Charles Woods, were called to an account in Nebo Church for carrying on the traflSc in negroes for purposes of speculation. Two min- isters (Jacob Chism and William Jennings, the former of whom had sold a negro woman to Briscoe and Woods) undertook to screen them. The difficulty soon got into the association and resulted in a heated controversy on the subject of missions. Chism and Jen- nings were alone, as to the ministry, in their opposition to mis- sions. They violently opposed the publication of the circular letter written by Eld. Kemjs Scott in defense and explanation of the missionary enterprise, at the session of 1827. As a peace measure the association gave the following advice, in lieu of the publication of the circular letter, viz.: "We recommend that the cause of missions be not made a bar to fellowship, and that the subject be not stirred in any church any more, nor be brought into the association hereafter, and that each individual be left to think and act in the matter as he please, as we think they have an undoubted right." This advice enraged the opposition, and to the association in 1828, met at Double Spring, in Cole County, through the influence of Chism, the Bethlehem Church sent the following declaration: " The United Baptist church of Christ, called Bethlehem, re- CONCORD ASSOCIATION. 253 quest the association to undo what she did in last association, in saying that the mission cause should not be a bar of fellowship ; for we would remind the association of the ground on which the constitution of all United Baptist Associations stand, that there is no toleration given for any of the hired money-begging mis- sionaries to come in among us, nor hired priests, nor any of the societies that stand in connection with them ; therefore, they are not among us constitutionally, and according to strict discipline they are not of us. We therefore join with our sister associa- tions, the Kehukee of North Carolina, and the Buttehatchy of Alabama and Mississippi, which have declared an unfellowship with all the money-begging, hired, pompous missionaries, and hireling priests, with all the societies that stand in connection with them, such as auxiliaries, tract societies, Bible societies, theological seminaries, Sunday-school union, and rag society, etc. We therefore pray a division in the association, that all the above described characters be separateed from us in the associa- tion ; and if the association should fail to separate them from us, we as one of the members of the association declare, that we stand on the ground that the United Baptists guaranteed to us, also the constitution of our association. We declare we will not live with the above described characters, and as many churches as stand on the ground this association was constituted on, we contend that they are constitutionally Concord Association. , , . By order of the church in conference, 17th September, 1828. EiCE Hughes, Chairman." What a wonderful production the foregoing is, coming as it does from professed Christians. Who violated the principles of the United Baptists, the association in 1827, or the Bethlehem Church under the leadership of Elds. Chism and Jennings? We leave the reader to judge for himself. A majority of Nebo Church joined in with the Bethlehem Church in this opposition to the association and good order. After a full investigation, Bethlehem and Nebo Churches were both pronounced in disorder and excluded from the association, and non-fellowship declared for Elds. Chism and Jennings. The faction under these two men claimed to be the Concord Associa- tion, held a session in the following November, and reported one church of fifteen members, a majority of another of thirty- six members, and a third church made up of about eight disaf- fected members of several churches. This schismatical body held together for several years, and then became extinct ; and 254 CONCORD ASSOCIATION. the old Concord Association continued its course unharmed and in great harmony. We feel constrained to introduce in this connection a brief ac- count of the origin and meaning of the term " United Baptists," for the following reasons: 1st. Most, if not all, of the oldest associations in the state were organized upon the " terms of union" adopted by the first Uni- ted Baptists of America. 2d. The foregoing controversy in the Concord Association in- volves the principles of the United Baptists. 3d. Many of our readers, especially the younger members of the churches, do not understand the historic import of the term " United," as a prefix to the term " Baptist." The name originated in Virginia. At the time the Baptists of that state began to send forth such populous colonies of their brethren to the Western country, they were divided into " Reg- ulars " and " Separates," the latter being much the most num- erous. The Regulars were Calvinisticj the Separates were not unanimous in their doctrinal sentiments, but a majority of them were Calvinistic, and of the rest a part were much inclined to the Arminian side of the controversy. '< In 1769 the Ketocton Association of Regular Baptists sent Messrs. Garrett, Major and Saunders as messengers to the Gen- eral Assoi^iation of Separate Baptists, which met that j^ear in North Carolina, with a letter, of which the following is an extract : " ' Beloved in our Lord Jesus Christ : The bearers of this let- ter can acquaint you with the design of writing it. Their errand is peace, and their business is a reconciliation between us, if there is any difference subsisting. If we are all Christians, all Baptists, all new lights, why are we divided ? Must the little appellative names 'Regular' and 'Separate,' break the gold- en bands of charity, and set the sons and daughters of Zion at variance? 'Behold how good and how pleasant it is for breth- ren to dwell together in unity,' but how bad and how bitter it is for them to live asunder in discord. To indulge ourselves in prejudice is surely disorder j and to quarrel about nothing, is irregularity with a witness. O, our dear brethren, endeavor to prevent this calamity in the future.' " This excellent letter was presented to the Separate Associa- tion, and after a lengthy debate, the proposal for a union was re- jected by a small majority." (Sample's History of Virginia Bap- tists, p. 46.) CONCORD ASSOCIATION. 255 Just eighteen years after, in 1787, the proposition was renew- ed and the union effected, and " the terms of the union were entered on the minutes in the following words : " The committee appointed to consider the terms of union with our Eegular brethren, reported that they conceive the man- ner in which the Eegular Baptist confession of faith has been re- ceived by a former Association is the ground work of such un- ion. The manner of this reception was, that they should retain their liberty with regard to some of the objectionable articles, "After a considerable debate as to the propriety of having any confession of faith at all, the report of the committee was adopt- ed, with the following explanation: " To prevent the confession of faith from usurping a tyranni- cal power over the consciences of any, we do not mean that ev- ery jferson is bound to the strict observance of everything there- in contained; yet that it holds forth the essential truths of the gospel, and that the doctrine of salvation by Christ, and free and unmerited grace alone, ought to be believed by every Christian, and maintained by every minister of the gospel. Upon these terms we are united, and desire hereafter that the name of 'Eeg- ular' and 'Separate' be buried in oblivion, and that from hence- forth we shall be known by the name of the ' United Baptist Churches of Christ, in Virginia.' " (Semple's History of Virginia Baptists^ p. 75.) • Such was the origin of the term "United Baptists" in Virginia and the South Atlantic States. This question also has a history in the West. The first Baptists of Kentucky were both Eegulars and Separates. The Elkhorn and South Kentucky Associations embraced the substance of the two parties in the early days of the Baptists of the state, and by these two bodies, in the year 1801, a "Union" was effected, simi- lar to the one which took place in Virginia fourteen years before, upon the following terms : "TERMS OP UNION BETWEEN THE ELKHORN AND SOUTH lOilN- TUCKY, OR SEPARATE, ASSOCIATIONS. "We, the committee of the Elkhorn and South Kentucky As- sociations, do agree to unite upon the following plan : " 1st. That the Scriptures of the Old and Kew Testaments are the infallible word of God, and the only rule of faith and practice. "2nd. That there is only one true God, and in the Godhead, or divine essence, there are Father, Son and Holy Ghost. 256 CONCORD ASSOCIATION. " 3rd. That by nature we are fallen and depraved creatures. " 4th. That salvation, regeneration, sanctification and justifi- cation, are by the life, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ. " 5th, That the saints will finally persevere through grace to glory. ^'6th. That believer's baptism by immersion is necessary to receiving the Lord's supper. " 7th. That the salvation of the righteous and punishment of the wicked will be eternal. " 8th. That it is our duty to be tender and afi'ectionate to each other, and study the happiness of the children of God in gener- al; to be engaged singly to promote the glory of God. " 9th. And that the j)reaching Christ tasted death for every man, shall be no bar to communion. " 10th. And that each may keep up their associational and church government as to them may seem best. "11th. That a free correspondence and communion be kept up between the churches thus united. " Unanimously agreed to by the joint committee. ( Signed.) Ambrose Dudley, John Price, Joseph Eedding, David Barrow, Egbert Elkin, Daniel Ea- MEY, Thomas J. Chilton, Moses Bledsoe, Samuel Johnson."* The foregoing "Terms of Union " were unanimously adopted in a General Convention of the churches of both associations, held in October, 1801, at Howard's Creek meeting-house in Clark County. They agreed to lay aside the names "Eegular" and "Separate," and travel together in future in communion and fellowship as united brethren. We have now a brief outline of the historic import of the term " United Baptists." All the oldest associations of Missouri were organized upon the principles of the United Baptists, and when the controversy on missions sprang up, the opposers of missions refused to continue in fellowship with those who maintained the aforesaid principles of the United Baptists, all of which may be seen by reference to the preceding account of the union of the Baptists. Who then adhered to and who departed from the original platform in Con- cord, Mt. Pleasant and other associations of the state ? We must * Benedict's History of the Baptists, first edition, Vol. 11, pp. 239-40. CONCORD ASSOCIATION. 257 now leave this subject, and the reader can form his own judgment in the premises. Petee Woods. — This worthy minister of the gospel was the first moderator of Concord Association. 'He was in the strictest sense a pioneer preacher. He was a native of Virginia, born March 20, 1762, in Greenbrier County; when young, he moved with his father's family to Kentucky, grew up, married, and lived in that state until about 45 years of age. His wife was a Miss Cavan- augh. He was brought up in the faith of the old school Presbyter- ians, and regarded the Baptists as altogether unworthy of re- spect from honorable and highminded persons ; notw'ith standing this, when he was converted, he joined the Baptists. The cir- cumstances were as follows : A most wonderful revival broke out among the Separate Bap- tists of Kentucky in an early day. Hundreds were converted. So inveterate was young Woods, that he would not even attend the meetings, though in the neighborhood. One of his broth- ers, with less prejudice than he, was converted and joined the Baptists. " This was too bad ; our family is disgraced ;" so thought and so said Peter Woods. He further decided that if any one should in his presence allude to his brother's becoming a Baptist, that he would slap him on the mouth. But God's ways are not our ways. Peter Woods knew not what was be- fore him. The meetings went on and he was converted. The question now came up as to what church he should join. He decided that he would read the New Testament and find out if possible the true church and the true baptism. For convenience he decided that wherever he found sprinkling he would place a red string, and for immersion he would put a blue one. He read the Testament from Matthew to Revelation, and on examining he found that all the strings were blue. He was so enraged that he dashed the book away from him. He would afterwards al- lude to this rash and foolish act of his life, and wonder that the Lord did not strike him dead. But he was a very conscientious man, and despite his early Presbj^terian prejudices, became a Baptist and soon after commenced preaching. He was a very useful man in his day. Not learned, not pro- found, not brilliant; but with a mind full of the knowledge of God and a heart full of zeal, he succeeded. He loved souls, and he won souls. He was a pioneer preacher in three states. Having commenced 17 258 CONCORD ASSOCIATION. early in Kentucky, he removed to Tennessee soon after the be- ginning of the present century, and after twelve or more years in the last state he emigrated and settled in Cooper County, in the fall of 1819, while Missouri was jet only a territory, and hut three small Baptist associations had been organized — the Beth- el, the Missouri (now St. Louis) and the Mt. Pleasant. Eld. Woods was 57 joslts old when he came to Missouri, but he engaged earnestly in preaching the gospel. At the formation of Concord Association he was elected moderator, and was re- elected the second year. In his last illness he expressed himself as feeling conscious of approaching'dissolution. He had his grave-clothes and coffin made, and at his request the latter was brought into his room by the workmen, Messrs. Simms & Eice. He thanked them, and in about one hour thereafter he breathed his last. This event oc- curred September 19, 1825. Thus lived and thus died one of the pioneer standard bearers of three states. CHAPTER T. CONCOED ASSOCIATION^. (Concluded.) Begins to Promote Missions as a Body — First Executive Board — Opposes Alien Im- mersion — Sunday-school Convention Formed — ^First Baptist Church, Jefferson City — David Allee — Snelling Johnson — ^^Villiam H. Duvall — M. D. Poland — Wil- liam Clarke— Joseph :M. Chainy— Andrew Estes— G. W. Hvde— T. ^Y. Barrett— B. T. Taylor. THE meetings of the Concord Association after the settle- ment of the anti-mission controversy, noticed in last chap- ter, were generally very harmonious. About the same routine of business occupied the attention of the body every year: such as the reading of letters and enrollment of members ; election of officers; welcoming corresponding messengers; appointment of corresponding messengers; selection of ministers to attend the "union" or ''yearly" meetings, etc., etc. It cannot be expected that we go into detail on these subjects every year, because it would be uninteresting and unprofitable to the reader; we shall in the future pass as briefly over the ground as possible, noticing such things as are of special interest, or pertain to progress. The almost yearly reception of new churches indicates the gradual enlargement of Baptist influence and the steady progress of Baptist principles in the association. In 1830 the churches of Sardis and Bethel ; and in 1833, Mt. Zion, Mt. Gilead and the First Baptist Church on Osage, were admitted to membership in the body. As a body the association did not sustain itinerant missions, but she declared in terms not to be misunderstood, that each in- dividual member should enjoy liberty of conscience on this sub- ject Corresponding messengers were usually present from Mount Pleasant and Fishing Eiver Associations. In 1835 the meeting was held at G-ood Hope in Saline County. At this session, when correspondence was called for, two parties claiming to be Mount Pleasant Association presented letters. That party which ad- hered to the principles of the ''United Baptists" and was will- ing to grant liberty of conscience on the subject of missions, was 260 CONCORD ASSOCIATION. recognized as the Mount Pleasant Association; and the majority party, which had sent to this meeting Brethren Davis Todd and J. P. Embree, were rejected. During the associational year ending Septem.ber, 1838, the churches enjoyed large prosperity. There were 350 baptisms this year. From 1841 to 1843 upwards of 1.000 were added to the churches by baptism alone. Progress in new churches was made as follows from 1835 to 1842: Cold Spring, Monroe, Gilgal, High Hill, Jeiferson City, Lebanon, Heath's Creek, Mt. Vernon, Pinnacles, Little Eich- woods, Fish Creek, Eichland, Osage, Providence, Prairie Point. At the meeting in 1842 the following was adopted : " Eesolved, That we divide this association, by striking off all the churches above and west of the Lamine Eiver, to form a new association." An account of this new body (the Saline Association) will be given in due time. In 1843 the ordained ministers were J. B. Longan, Wm. C. Batchelor, Kemp Scott, Thomas Green, Elias George, W. H. Duval, D. W. Johnson, Levi Eoark, M. D. Noland, G. O. Mor- ris, John Brockman, Snelling Johnson, M. W. Duncan, Z. W. McCubbin, Wm. C. McCubbin and Enoch Taylor. Aggregate membership of the churches in 1843, 2,136. The session of 1847, held at Lebanon meeting-house, Moniteau County, was an important one. The church at Moreau sent a request that year, that the association would " use the surplus funds on hand to employ a minister to ride and preach in the bounds of the association in destitute neighborhoods, and hold protracted meetings with the most destitute churches, and also recommend the churches to send up annually a special fund for that purpose." The association referred this request to the churches for approval or disapproval. So far as we have been able to learn from tho records, this is the first action in Concord Association looking to the promotion of itinerant missions by the body. In 1848, the meeting was held with the Osage Church. The association appointed a presbytery, consisting of all the ordain- ed ministers present, to ordain Bro. T. F. Lockett to the minis- try, at the request of the Osage Church. This action of the as- sociation was justifiable only upon the ground that the church calling for tl\e ordination could witness the examination and or- dination of the candidate. Associations, as such, have no power nor right to ordain ministers. Gospel churches alone have this CONCORD ASSOCIATION. 261 power. The following important action was taKen respecting missions, and ordered printed in the minutes. It originated with the request from Moreau Church the preceding year : " In lieu of the resolution of 1827, we advise that each church in Concord Association, that is unanimously in favor of missionary opera- tions, and each individual belonging to churches not unanimous be permitted to contribute, and send up their contributions an- nually to the association, for missionary purposes." The twenty -sixth anniversary was held at Mt. Pleasant meet- ing-house, September 14 — 17, 1849. Eight churches sent up mis- sionary funds. The following wise action was taken on the sub- ject of missions : '■^Besolved, That one member out of the delegation of each church that contributed to the missionary fund of this associa- tion, compose the executive committee, viz.: J. H. Hutchison, S. Johnson, I. Vivion, M. D. Noland, G-. W. Lockett, D. F. Denwid- die, T. Bolton and E. Jobe. Great peace and harmony prevailed among the churches. Elds. Snelling Johnson and W. M. Eobertson labored as evan- gelists a part of the year; the former under the appointment of the executive committee, at $15 per month, and the latter vol- untarily and gratuitously. Prosperity prevailed throughout the bounds of the association. Nearly 400 baptisms were the result of the year's work of the various pastors and missionaries. The Sabbath collection for missions amounted to $18.50. The association continued her sessions regularly, growing stronger and stronger every year. In 1854 $286 were raised for missions. Elds. Jacob Capps and Wm. Clark rode as evangel- ists. In 1855 she declared the endowment of William Jewell College to be " the most important enterprise before the denom- ination." Information reached the association in 186.3, at Mt. Pleasant, Cooper County, that certain churches followed the practice of receiving " alien immersions." Said churches were promptlj' advised not to receive the immersions of other denominations, because it was regarded as inconsistent with gospel order; and the following j^ear it was decided that she would drop such churches as continued in said practice. At the meeting in 1868 Eld. G. "W". Hyde met with a very cordial reception, as agent of William Jewell College, and was invited to visit the churches in behalf of said interest. Rev. S. W. Marston, agent of the State Baptist Sundaj'^-schoGl 262 CONCORD ASSOCIATION. Convention, was present at this meeting and organized a district Sunday-school convention, the object of which was the promotion of Baptist Sunday-school interests. Its officers consisted of a president, secretary and treasurer, and a vice-president in every Sunday-school in the district. The minutes of 1870 show the following summary: Churches. — 39 (we have not space for the names.) Ministers.— N. E. Eice, E. H. Hurlbut, J. B. Box, S. Driskell, J. W. Williams, J. P. L. Maxey, A. N. Bowers, E. H. Harris, John Wood, Thomas Howell, C. Nevill, G. W. Hyde, J. K. Jones, J. L. Tichenor, W. M. Eobertson, B. G. Tutt, S. Aikin, J. E. Sims, E. P. Scott, J.^K.Godbey, I. y. Johnson, J. D. Murphy, A. N. Bonois and T. Y. Greer. Baptisms during the year, 286. Total members, 3,166. In 1871 Eld. T. V. Greer was elected missionary at a salary of $800 per annum. In 1872 contributions were as follows: various mission pur- poses, $742.25; and for all purposes reported, $6,726.91, or near- ly $200 to a church. The association was now composed of 41 churches, situated in the counties hereinbefore named. At their request certain church- es were dismissed (seehistory of Lamine Association). The Con- cord is the daughter of Mt. Pleasant Association; but during her greatest prosperity became the mother of two of the most active associations in the state — the Saline and the Lamine. In her later years the Concord Association has not been so active as in former years, though she is still putting forth commend- able efforts in promoting the various denominational enterprises. Her aggregate membership is 2,648. *Her churches are central- ly located in the state, being situated in the counties of Moniteau, Morgan, Cole, Cooper and Miller. Jefferson City, the capital of the state and county seat of Cole County, is in the bounds of Concord Association. The denomi- nation failed, for many j^ears, to give this city that attention which its importance demanded. The First Baptist Church was organized here July 8, 1837, by Elds. Kemp Scott, M. D.Noland and E. S. Thomas, with eleven members. For nearly three years after its organization it had no pastor. The first pastor was Eld. Kemp Scott, who was elected to this office about 1840. His suc- cessors weft Elds. S. H. Ford, W. W. Keep, M. D. Noland, J. A. Hollis, Thomas A. Lockett, E. H. Harris, W. J. Patrick, E. H. Hurlbutt and T. W. Barrett. Several of these pastoral periods CONCORD ASSOCIATION. 263 were only about 6 months long, and none of them, up to Bro. Patrick's, was two years. In 1845 the church dissolved, but ral- lied and reorganized in April, 1847. .The condition of this church from its organization has been varying — sometimes hopeful, sometimes doubtful. Its principal hindrances have been : 1st. A wantof regular ministerial watch- care; 2d. A neglect of prayer meetings and Sunday-schools; 3rd. A want of wholesome discipline; and 4th. An injudicious location of its house of worship. During a pei-iod of thirty-one years, running from its organi- zation in 1837 to 1868, the church held no regular meetings for .-.twelve years, and for twenty-one years of this time it was with- out a pastor. In 1869 its total membership was only 35, but it has since grown into a much larger church. It has recently com- pleted a new church edifice on Monroe Street, between High and Main, and numbers 134 members. David Allee — of Spanish and English descent, was born near Richmond, Va., in 1763 ; served as a soldier in the Revolutionary War of 1776; and was married to Miss Charity Bibee in 1784, who was of Welsh extraction and made him a useful and devoted wife. He was converted when a young man, emigrated to Ken- tucky in 1795, and soon afterwards commenced preaching the gospel to dying men. He settled near Louisville, Ky., and united with Glover's Creek Church, by which he was ordained to the ministry in 1806. He emigrated to Missouri in 1820, set- tling in what is now the southeast part of Cooper County, and united with Pisgah Church. Two years after he aided in the organization of Mount Pleasant Church, of which he and family became members and so remained until his death. He was in the organization of Concord Association in 1823 and ever sought to promote its prosperity. When the question of forming the "Central Society" (now General Association) was agitated, he advised its formation. Bereaved by death of the wife of his youth in 1823, dwelling in a country sparsely inhabited, and here and there crossing the freshly made trails of roaming bands of Indian hunters, he steadfastly continued in his Master's work, traveling and preaching in the counties of Saline, Cooper, Mor- gan, Moniteau, Cole, Callaway, Boone and Howard. In the sum- mer of 1825 he put up a rude log-cabin and taught the first school in his neighborhood, almostat his own expense. He spent the summer of 1834 in Kentucky, returned to Missouri in the fall, and, after a long and painful affliction, died in January, 1835. 2n [ CONCORD ASSOCIAtlON. Eld. Allee's manner of preaching was plain and forcible. He was not what would now be called a systematic preacher, but his sermons were made rich with Scripture quotations well adapted and fitly chosen. He was a man of prayer and deeply pious, and this gave him power as a gospel minister. His children, five sons and six daughters, all professed religion. Three sons filled the ofiice of deacon in the churches of which they were members. Four grandsons are ministers of the gospel, viz.: Wilson and Nicholas Allee, David K. Scott of Kansas, and E. P. Scott, for some years moderator of Concord Association, by whom the substance of this sketch was furnished. Snelling Johnson.* — This earnest man of God, and self-sacri- ficing Baptist minister of the New Testament, was born in Clark County, Kentucky, October 23, 1804. While yet in his minorit}^ he emigrated with his parents, Philip and Margaret Johnson, to Missouri, in 1819, and settled in what is now Moniteau County, but then Cole. His father died soon after coming to Missoiiri, and left him and his widowed mother in charge of a large, de- pendent family. After maturity he married Miss Prudence N. Hackney, who, with five sons and two daughters, survived the husband and father. When he was a young man, eighteen years of age, he em- braced, by a living faith, the Lord Jesus Christ as his Savior and was baptized and received into the fellowship of Union Church, Cole County. He soon afterwards commenced preaching, but was not ordained until 1834. From his ordination until near his death he was pastor of three to four churches, with very little by way of support, many j^ears receiving less than SIO. The same old story ! We are of opinion that as a rule ministers are as much to blame as the churches for raeagerness in sala- ries. " The laborer is worthy of his hire," should be as fully preached as that God commandeth all men to repent. Besides pastoral labor, he traveled as missionary of Concord Association. Also as missionary of the General Association he preached in many counties in central and south Missouri. Snelling Johnson was what men generally call a "revivalist." His peculiar gift ran in this direction. He disturbed the waters of Central Missouri in the baptism of above five hundred con- verts. Many a saint will greet him "in that day" as their spirit- ual father. He lingered some months with cancer and died December 9, * By his son, Eld. I. V. Johnson. CONCORD ASSOCIATION. 265 1856. In his last illness he was visited by a number of his fel- low laborers, among whom we mention Elds. William Duvall, E. Hickman, B. L. Bowles and E. H. Harris. "William H. Duvall* — was born in Virginia, December 23, 1790. His parents were Notley and Jemima Duvall. He emi- grated with his parents to Kentucky when about 6 years old. He professed faith in Christ about the 24th year of his age. In the year 1825 he came to Missouri and settled in Cole County. On February 27, 1827, he was married to Miss Eliza J. Tully, in Callaway County, Missouri, and was licensed to preach by Beth- el Church in Cole County during the year 1830. He was after- wards ordained to the gospel ministry by the Mt. Zion Church, then in Cole, now in Moniteau County. He at once entered the work of the ministry with earnestness, and spent the most of his time in preaching and serving as pastor of Pisgah in Cooper County, Union in Cole, and Big Lick Church in Moniteau County. He also did much missionary work, being the first ap- pointment of the Home Mission Board in this state. His co-la- borers at this time were the Langdons, Spencer, Maxey, Fristoe and tSnelling Johnson. In 1844, he moved to Johnson County and continued the same active life in the ministry up to the beginning of the late war. During this time he served as pastor of Bethel and County Line Churches, and did much work as an evangelist among the neigh- boring churches and through the surrounding country. For two years during the war he served as pastor of Stony Point and Pleasant Valley Churches in Jackson County. Owing to the dan- gers incident to the war, he was then compelled to suspend his labors for a season; and when peace was restored he found him- self disabled from further active life, partly from the infirmities of old age and partly from an old affliction from which he had suffered the greater part of his life. Yet, notwithstanding his enfeebled condition, his heart still glowed with the love of his Eedeemer, and his soul burned with the desire to proclaim that love to his fellow-men, so much so that whenever he could get to church he could not forbear preaching, even when it was nec- essary to support him while standing to speak. And when con- fined entirely at home with his children and grand-children, his almost constant theme was religion, and as long as he was able to speak to them he showed as great a desire for the salvation of his offspring as he had manifested for the salvation of sinners. *ByEld. Geo. W. Smith. 266 CONCORD ASSOCIATION. During the last few years of his life he was very feeble, being entirely blind and suffering great pain. But he bore his suffer- ings with patient resignation, and although the light of day was shut out from his sightless balls, yet by the eye of faith he be- held the " King in His beauty," and " endured as seeing Him who is invisible." At no time did his faith falter, but to the last most implicitly trusted the same Savior he had so often and so earnestly commended to men. He died January 4, 1873, at the home of his daughter, attended by loving relatives. In the midst of a raging snow-storm his spirit left the old, worn-out tabernacle, and departed to be with Christ. He leaves two sons and two daughters, his wife having died November 1, 1852. At the time of his death his member- ship was with the Concord Church in Lafayette County, Mis- souri, where he was greatly beloved." Martin D. Noland, — for nearly thirty years a minister in Con- cord Association, came to Missouri as early as 1828, and proba- bly in 1827. At all events he appears at the meeting of the asso- ciation in 1828 as a messenger from Sardis Church, which was organized in August, 1827. We know nothing of his nativity or early life, and have been able to gather very little of any jsart of his life. He was a man of mature mind when he came to the state, though not a minister of the gospel for several years sub- sequent to this event. He was licensed to preach by the Sardis Church in September, 1834, and by the same church ordained to the full work of the ministry in February, 1836. He filled the office of pastor in the following churches : Cold Spring, Sardis and Dry Fork j besides, we know not how many more. As a pastor he had few, if any, superiors. Devoted as a Christian, fervent in pra5^er, Avarm- hearted in exhortation, he was, in his sermons, logical and con- vincing. The Concord Association thus notices his death in her minutes of 1862 : ''Resolved, That in the death of Eld. M. D. Noland the cause of truth has lost one of its most zealous advocates, and the church of Christ one of its most devoted, Christ-like and self- sacrificing ministers." William Clarke. — This devoted servant of God and faithful minister of the gospel was born in Hampshire County, Massa- chusetts, June, 1826. He emigrated to Missouri in 1841, and was married to Mary Snodgrass. He became a member of Mt. Zion Baptist Church, Moniteau County, in 1842, having been baptized CONCORD ASSOCIATION. 2fi7 by Eld. Danville; and was subsequently ordained to the gospel ministry at the call of the same church by Elds. Snelling John- son and Dunn. He was a much loved pastor, a wise counsellor and a true minister. We tind his name in connection with the pastoral office in Lookout Grove, Lebanon and Sardis Churches, in the Concord Association, and at the time of his death he was pastor of Burlington Church, Boone County. He died at his home near Centertown, Cole County, January 29, 1877, of cancer on the breast, leaving a wife and seven child- ren to await their reunion in the resurrection morn. Two deceased ministers of Concord Association, of whom we have been able to gather little information save of their death, deserve a place in this chapter. The first, Joseph M. Chainey, — died during the year 1863, we presume, as his death is published in the minutes of that year. We know nothing of his nativity, age, or the circumstances of his death. He was regarded as a zealous preacher of the gospel, and died triumphing in the Cross. Andrew Estes. — The name of this brother first appears in the minutes of the Concord Association in 1842, as a messenger from Richland Church, and in 1848 he was present at the Association as a messenger from Freedom Church, where, by the well-known star in the statistical table, he is numbered among the preachers. The minutes of 1864 contain an affectionate notice of his death, wherein he is regarded as " a most zealous advocate of the truth, and a faithful laborer in the gospel of Jesus Christ." G. W. Hyde, — son of Richard and Eliza D. Hyde, was born in Spottsylvania County, Virginia, March 25, 1838. His grandfather Hyde was an Englishman, and made frequent visits to his native country. The family descended from Hyde, Earl of Clarendon; in honor of whom also the celebrated Hyde Park in England was named. Richard Hyde moved to Chariton County, Missouri, in 1839, where he raised a large family, consisting of eight sons and one daughter. He and his wife were members of the old school Presbyterian church. Gr. W. Hyde was converted and joined the Baptist church at Keytesville, Mo., in May, 1858; and in September, 1855, he en- tered the Missouri University, where he took a full course and graduated in July, 1859. The following October he entered the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and took the full course, graduating therefrom in May, 1862. While a student of the uni- versity he held his membership in the Columbia Baptist Church, 268 CONCORD ASSOCIATION. was made superintendent of its Sunday-school, and was licensed to preach by the same. Ecv.'j. B. Jeter procuring him a chap- laincy in the Confederate Arm}^, he preached from 1862 to 1865 to a military post in Powhatan County, Ya., called Huguenot Springs. At this place his labors were much blessed, and many of the soldiers professed conversion and were baptized. During this period of his life (July, 1863) he was ordained to the full work of the ministry by a Baptist church in the neighborhood of the military post. After the war Mr. Hyde rotr.^-^-'^' 1o ;^rissouri, and in Septem- ber, 1866, engaged in an agency for the Sunday-school Board of, the Southern Bai:)tist Convention, and for some time prosecuted this work. In Octo- ber, 1867, he was united in mar- riage to Miss , \ Anna Clark, only child of Judge B. C. Clark of Coop- er County, Mo. In July, 1878, she died, being the mother of four children. Elder Hyde spent a year as pastor at Keytcsvillc and Brunswick, but the greater part of his minister- ial life has been spent with the churches at Mt. Is'ebo, Concord, Mt. Hermon and Boonville, all in Cooper County, and, for many years, in the Concord Association. Twice he has been agent of William Jewell College, and for a year was one of the general missionaries of the General Association. In March, 1880, he was united in marriage with Mrs. E. G. Garnett of Dover. Mr. Hyde was one of the original eight who founded the "Jer- emiah Vardeman School of Theology" in "William Jewell Col- lege, for which purpose he gave $5,000. Eor twelve years ho has REV. O. W. HYDE. CONCORB ASSOCIATION. 269 been a member of the board of trustees of said institution; for eight years he has been a curator of Stephen's College j and is now a trustee of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. While a student at Greenville, S. C, he superintended a large col- ored Sunday-school which met Sunday afternoons in the gallery of the Baptist church. In this work he was seconded by the church, and had for teachers some of the best students in the seminary. While in attendance on the meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention at Greenville, in May, 1882, he met a colored man who was then and is now a member of the Sunday-school, who said, ''Thank God I see you, my brother! Those were golden seeds j'ou sowed amongst us, and they have yielded a blessed harvest." Thomas Washington Barrett — was born in West Virginia in 1835. He united with the Baj)tist church at Marietta, Ohio, in 1856, and was bap- tized by Dr. Leon- ard. In the same year he came to Missouri, and was educated atWilliam Jewell College. On the 28th of Oct., 1860, he was ordain- ed to the ministry and immediately received an ap- pointment as mis- sionary of North Liberty Associa- tion. The year fol- lowing he became pastor at Weston, Mo.; and in 1862 was called to the Tabernacle Baptist Church, Leaven- worth, Kan., which he served two and a half years. From this point he went to St. Joseph as pastor in 1864, and in 1866 was finan- cial agent of the Sabbath-school board of the Southern Baptist Convention for JSTorth Missouri ; also for a part of the years 1866 and' 67 he labored as general agent and missionary of the General REV. T. W. BARRETT. 270 CONCORD ASSOCIATION. Association. He Mas then recalled to the church in "Weston, and such was the success of his labor, that in two and one-half years the church was more than quadrupled in numbers, and a beauti- ful and substantial house of worship was erected. In 1869 he was called to Hannibal, where an elegant house of worship was built and paid for during his pastoral term; and many were ai- ded to the church. In 1873 he took charge of the Baptist Church at Jefferson City, where he has labored with efficiency, they hav- ing paid a heavy debt on their house. In 1872 he received the degree of A. M. from William Jewell College, and for a number of years has been an active member, and is now secretary of the executive board of the Greneral Association, and for a consider- able period filled the position as member of the board of the Baptist State Sunday-school Convention. Brooking T. Taylor — is a native of Kentucky, and was born in Franklin County, March 12, 1823. His parents — Brooking and Ann Taylor — were formerly of Virginia. From his 6th to his 16th year he was a sad boy, by reason of conscious guilt be- fore God. He then became sweetly reconciled to God, from which time he felt a constant sense of duty to preach the gospel. In 18-43 he commenced his pupilage in Georgetown, earnestly desiring to learn to read English, but succeeded in taking the degree of A. B. in 1851, and of A. M. in 1860. He was ordain- ed in Dcceniber, 1851, and the year after became pastor at Colum- bia, Kentucky. From this time he filled the pastoral office in the following order : at Newcastle, Ky., in 1858 ; Owensboro, Ky., in 1860 ; Henderson, Ky., in 1866, and at Urbana, Ohio, in 1868. In 1872 he became pastor at Columbia, Missouri ; at Ful- ton in 1877, and at Brownsville in 1882, where his labors have been much blessed. In the year 1851 he married Miss M. B. Alexander, of Ken- tucky, his present companion, whose missionary he has been since that time, except about five years ; and has therefore made his saddle his theological school for the most part of his life. He settled as a school teacher in a destitute locality (Creelsboro, Ky.) where he constituted a Baptist church which eventually swallowed up the Methodist and Campbellite organizations that had preoccupied that place. Having acted much as an evangel- ist, he has baptized comparatively few of the converts of his meetings — in all about 1,000 baptisms during his life, one of the number being a lady, who was at the time 105 j'ears old. Ho has never had but one church (Fulton, Mo.) that did not prosper. CONCORD ASSOCIATION. 271 Since 1853 he has been a Landmark Baptist of the strictest sort. Nothing can induce him to be anything else. As such he has been persecuted no little both in Kentucky and in Missouri. He confesses to an ardent wish to arouse his ministering breth- ren to a more aggressive dcnominationalism. He always awak- ens a missionary spirit in his churches, and gathers from them missionary contributions. They are also expected to run a Sab- bath-school and one or more prayer meetings. Eld. Taylor is an author. He wields a ready pen. His most important work, published in book form, is entitled The Infidel's Confession. Although in his present field but a short time, his churches are increasing in numbers and growing in influence. CHAPTER Yl. FISHING EIVEE ASSOCIATION. Its Formation — Broad Field uf — Strange Views of Associatioual Powers — Advisory Councils, and Not Law-making Bodies — Dr. Peck's Views on the Subject — Anti- Mission Policy of the Association — Kejeots the Messengers of Concord and Blue River Associations — Declines in Membership. FISHING Elver Association was the result of dividing the territory of Mt. Pleasant Association. It was organized at Fishing Eiver Church, Cla}^ County, the second Saturday in November, 1823, embracing at that time all the churches in the state west of a line indicated by Grand Eiver, seven in all, viz. : Fishing Eiver, Mt. Vernon, North Eush Creek, Little Shoal Creek, Sniabar, North Bluffton and Big Shoal Creek; with six ministers. Aggregate membershijj of the churches, about 100. From Dr. Peck's sketches we learn that in 1824 the association met in September, in the bounds of a church near the site of the city of Lexington. There were then 9 churches, 4 ministers, 26 baptisms and 291 members. In its ministry and in its churches there was less of activity, religious enterprise and self-sacrifice than in its sister associations. Much of the increase in member- ship was from emigration, now pouring into the state, mostly from Virginia, Kentucky and the Carolinas. From the minutes of 1826 we gather the following items : the session was held at North Bluflfton, Eay County; Wm. Thorp was moderator ; thirteen churches were represented, six bap- tisms reported, and a total membership of 372 ; Eld. Felix Bed- ding was present as a corresponding messenger from Mt. Pleas- ant Association. We recognize the following names of ministers: William Thorp, James Williams, Eobert Fristoe, Wm. Turnage and Vanderpool. The contributions amoui^ted to $14.87. "At the session of 1828 fifteen churches appear on the min- utes. The churches received since the organization were New Garden, Little Sniabar, Six Mile, Pleasant Grove, Beersheba, Salem, First Platte and Liberty. Total membership of the as- sociation, 508. Elders James Williams, James Edwards and Benj. W. Eiley had come into the country. '' At the same session the association made a wonderful dis- covery. We give it in the language of the minutes : " 'In answer to the churches requesting union meetings, we ' FISHING RIVER ASSOCIATION. 273 say that we, as an association, have no right to appoint or dis- appoint any meetings of this kind, but wish the churches in fu- ture to say when they wish such meetings, and we will request our ministering brethren to attend them; but for the year 1829, we recommend the holding of four at the following places,' &c. "Though insignificant in itself, we advert to this small mat- ter to illustrate and explain a prominent Baptist principle. " These brethren had some vague notions that Baptist associ- ations had some power derived from the churches, for some pur- poses and to some extent, but its extent or its limits were quite indefinite. And here we will give a historical fact that we have traced out with no small labor and care. In early times, when Baptists were persecuted in old Virginia, those who called them- selves * Eegular Baj^tists,' received the sympathy of Presbyter- ians, who, in their opposition to the laws that sustained 'the church,' entertained similar views of religious liberty with the Baptists. The ministers of the Eegular Baptists knew that the Presbyterians had their presbyteries and synods, and as they had associations it was natural for them to suppose that these bodies had at least some power derived from the churches like their neighbors. And yet these Baptist associations, copying the phraseology of the Philadelphia Association — the mother of all such bodies in America — claimed to be only 'advisory coun- cils,' but with them (but never with the Philadelphia body) ad- vice meant law. If a church did not think proper to follow the ' advice,' it met the censure of the association. Law is follow- ed by penalty, but every one may neglect advice without cen- sure. We could refer to twenty, yea, fifty cases, in which cen- sure, then divisions and alienations followed the neglect of advice given. These crude, anti-Baptist notions spread through Kentucky, Tennessee, Indiana, Illinois, and to the frontier of Missouri; arid hence there has been no small amount of trouble in adjusting the question, how much or how little power the churches have delegated to the associations. All the ecclesias- tical power a Baptist church possesses is derived from Divine authority through the New Testament, and cannot be delegated to another body without trenching upon the authority of the King in Zion. Only let the impression prevail that a Baptist Association is a voluntary society made up of messengers from the churches for all useful, religious purposes, and can devise measures and do every good and lawful thing that any individual Christian or community of Christians may do, and all will be well. 18 274 FISHING RIVER ASSOCIATION. " In all religious affairs, as in everything else, there are essen- tials and non-essentials. With Baptists, essentials include all those things derived from the New Testament, either in the form of precept or example. All the doctrines taught and practical duties enjoined are essential to some purpose in the kingdom of Christ. Our readers will please not to make the blunder many of our pedobaptists do, when they use the term 'essential' to denote such things only as are essential to the salvation of the soul, and ' non-essential' to signify many duties enjoined on the believer. By ' non-essentials,' Baptists mean all those things used for religious purposes, about which God has made no spec- ial revelation — such as building meeting-houses, printing the Scriptures, purchasing hymn-books, publishing circular letters, forming associations of churches, mission societies, &c. " Doubtless our anti-mission brethren were honest in their opinions, and really thought if the mission party gained the as- cendency, they would institute rules under the specious name of 'advice,' requiring them to contribute to objects in which they did not conscientiously believe. Hence there was a strife for power, when all the notions about power in such bodies originated in misapprehension. And it would be strange indeed, if in such strife there were not some blame, prejudice and mistakes in all parties." (J. M. Peck in Repository^ Vol. VII, p. 415.) Salem Church, Jackson County, was the place of meeting in 1833. The following churches had been added since 1828 : Mt. Pleasant, Mt. Gilead, New Hope, Crooked River, Pound Grove, Little Blue, Pleasant Garden, High Point, Marion and Black Water. The total membership had now increased to 919; bap- tisms this year, 38. Elders Thomas Fristoe, Kemp Scott and M. D. Noland were present as correspondents, the former from Mt. Pleasant, the two latter from Concord Association. The statis- tical table shows the following list of ministers: James Williams, Wm. Thorp, Enoch Finch, Wm. Turnage, Robt. Fristoe, Thomas Staton, Sr., Henry Hill, B. W. Riley, James Savage and Joseph White. The action of 1828 relative to union meetings was ig- nored, and this year seven "yearly" meetings were appointed in as many different churches. In 1834 the association held its meeting at New Garden in Ray County. Letters of dismission were granted to 10 churches on the south side of the Missouri River, for the purpose of forming what is now the Blue River Association. From the first, the Fishing River Association held correspond- FISHING RIVER ASSOCIATION. 275 enee with her sisters, Concord and Blue River Associations. In 1837 her messengers, Elders Henry Hill, Wm. Thorp and others, returned from the meeting of the Concord Association and re- ported that said association " advised the churches to make the favoring of mission societies, etc., no bar to fellowship." This advice not suiting the Fishing Eiver Association, at her next session in the fall of the same year she refused seats to the mes- sengers of Concord, and thus committed herself to the anti-mi«. sion policy. In like manner also did the Fishing Eiver Associ- ation sever her fellowship with the Blue River Association. In 1841 the last named body '' recommended to the churches to let the missionary question alone;" and further, "that churches and brethren be left free to act in this matter as their consciences may dictate, and that it be made no bar to fellowship." On account of this action, the Fishing River Association, in 1842, refused to receive the letter of Blue River Association, or to recognize her messengers as Baptists. {Christian Repository, Yol. XXI, p. 262.) From this time forward the Fishing River Association stood opposed to the missionary enterprise and grew weaker in nu- merical strength. This year (1843) her minutes show the follow- ing summary: 20 churches, 78 baptisms, 10 ministers and 1,072 members. This year also she opened correspondence with Two River (Old School) Association, although, according to her min- utes, she stood upon the platform of the " United Baptists." In 1844 the 20 churches reported 39 baptisms and 1,071 mem- bers. Contributions, $25.50. Our next minutes are for 1850. This year the session was held at Little Shoal Creek in Clay County. Eld. Thos. "Wolverton preached the opening sermon. The appellation " United Bap- tists" had been exchanged for that of "Regular Baptists." The table shows the loss of one church and over 200 members in the last six years. Our latest re.cords of this association are for 1866; 21 church- es appear on the list, only 17 of which sent letters, the aggregate membership of which was 556, showing a heavy loss numerically since 1843. In this sketch we have aimed to present all the salient jioints in the history of Fishing River Association to the full extent of the records before us. The fact is, that without exception, so far as we have been able to get information either from observ- ation or printed records, every association in the state adopting 276 FISHING RIVER ASSOCIATION. the anti-mission policy has made little or no progress, and most of them have grown weaker in membership. There are, we feel confident, few, if any more, of that persuasion in Missouri now than there were in 1836, CHAPTER Vn. CAPE GIEAEDEAU ASSOCIATION. Its [Formation, History, &c. — A Primitive Missionary Body — Its First Executive Com- mittee — First Evangelists — The Auti-Mission Controversy and Division — ]\Iinorities — Jolm H. Clark — Crushing Influence of the War — Slvetches of Churches — Thomas Juden. THE Cape Girardeau Association was organized at Hebron Church, Cape Girardeau County. The convention for this purpose met on Saturday, June 12, 1824, and closed on the 14th. Letters were received and messengers enrolled from the follow- ing churches: Bethel, with 41 members; Dry Creek, 28; Ty- wappity, 11; Clear Creek (Illinois), 66; Apple Creek, 15; Eb- enezer, 17; Big Prairie, 19; Hebron, 26; Shiloh (Illinois), 28; Jackson, 8 ; nine of which had been dismissed from Bethel As- sociation. Ministers in the Convention. — Benjamin Thompson, James Wil- liams, Edward Kerr, James P. Edwards, Jeremiah Brown, Dav- id Orr, Thos. P. Green, Wingate Jackson, James Holbert and John M. Peck. The last three* were corresponding messengers from Bethel and Missouri Associations. The following from the constitution will show upon what basis and with what principles this old community was oi-ganized : ^^ Preamble. — From the long experience of Baptist churches, it has been found useful to associate on general principles for the mutual fellowship of the churches; to provide means for gener- al intelligence, opening Christian correspondence, supplying des- titute churches with evangelical preaching and ordinances, de- vising means for the promotion of religion, and thus concentra- ting our efforts for the peace, purity and prosperity of Zion." "Article 1st. This body shall be known by the name of Cape Girardeau Baptist Association. "Art. 8th. The fund of the association shall be raised by the voluntary contributions of the churches or individuals, out of which shall be supplied the expenses of printing the minutes, expenses of the clerk and corresponding members appointed to other associations, and the surplus, if any, shall be applied in any way to promote the spiritual benefit of Zion in the limits 278 CAPE GIRARDEAU ASSOCIATION. of this association or its vicinity. The association may adopt measures for the purpose of raising contributions, which shall be added to the surplus fund for the purpose of enabling minis- ters to preach to the destitute churches of this body, or where the association may direct." At the first meeting the following resolution was adopted : ''That one person be appointed in each church for the pur- pose of carrying into effect the objects proposed in the eighth article of the constitution, whose duty it shall be : "1st. To ascertain the churches in our body which are desti- tute of preaching and the regular administration of the ordin- ances, and settlements that are destitute of i')reaching, and make report to the association. "2d. To raise funds by voluntary contributions, subscriptions or public collections, for the purpose of enabling members of this association to supply the destitute churches and settlements, under the direction of the association." The association held its meetings uninterrupted I3' for eight years, from 1824 to 1832. During all this period its business was transacted in harmony, and a true and genuine missionary spirit, prevailed throughout its bounds. It maintained the principles adopted at its first meeting. Resolutions were followed by ac- tions, as may be seen by the following facts : The Clear Creek Church sent a petition to the association in 1825 requesting the ordination of Bro. Brown, which " was taken up and decided that the authority of this body does not extend to ordination, but we recommend the churches to call on the min- istry for that purpose." Throug-h the agents in the churches, $21.20 were sent up for missionary purposes this year. Bethel Church gave $1 ; Clear Creek, $4; Hebron, 50 cts.j Shiloh, 36; Jackson, $5.50; Thos. P. Green, $3.12 ; and S. B. McKnight, $2. " Elders Thomas Donohue, of Missouri, and James P. Edwards, of Illinois, were elected as traveling preachers — their fields of labor to be designated by the clerk. Samuel Huntsaker, Thos. Howard, A. Randal, Isaac Sheppard and S. B. McKnight were appointed an executive committee to take charge of the'funds for the support of the traveling preachers." At the session of 1826 the executive committee reported that Eld. J. P. Edwards had spent three and a half months as a trav- eling preacher in the field of his appointment, at a salary of $10 per month and his incidental expenses. CAPE GIRARDEAU ASSOCIATION. 279 The amount sent up for sustaining the gospel among the desti- tute was $27.95. Bro. Edwards was continued as a traveling preacher, with the privilege of selecting his own field of labor. At the session of 1829, instead of one collecting agent in each church, the association provided this year for the appointment of a committee annually, "to transact the whole business, and adopt such rules and regulations as they may deem proper, con- sistent with the intent of the eighth article of the constitution, and that they report annually to this association their proceed- ings." Brethren B. Hempstead, James Eandal, Andrew Martin, E. A. McBride and Thomas Juden were appointed said commit- tee. These records abundantly show that this body possessed the true apostolic missionary spirit. During most of this period — 1824 to 1832 — they kept two trav- eling missionaries in the field, who were objects of both their prayers and their contributions. These were the better days of the old Cape Girardeau Association. Soon, however, troubles arose and rent the churches asunder. During the period from 1832 to 1860 many changes were wrought in the association. At the commencement of this per- iod it contained twenty churches, double its original number, lo- cated in Cape Girardeau, Scott, Mississippi and Perry Counties. And while it continued to promote missions, its influence was extensively felt throughout these counties. But the day of ad- versity came. Gradually a spirit of covetousness began to pos- sess some of the churches. The principles concerning the spread of the gospel, so unanimously adopted by this body at its first meeting, began to be ignored ; in the doing of which the com- mands of the Head of the church were set at naught, and tramp- led under foot. Such was the bitterness of feeling on the part of the opposition that they not only refused to do missionary work, but they also refused to remain associated with those churches that did. As in all past time among the Baptists, so also now, those who felt impelled to put forth efforts to promote the spread of divine truth regarded this obligation as proceeding from the command of Christ; but they always taught that whatever a Christian did in the way of giving to spread the gospel must be a voluntary act on his part; as indeed must be all his acts and exercises in the divine life, if at all acceptable to God. Those who opposed missions were not willing, however, to do this. They said to their brethren of a more evangelical spirit, " You must not give 280 CAPE GIRARDEAU ASSOCIATION. money for these missiouary purposes, or we shall refuse you our fellowship." The result of this spirit was that in 1840 eight of the twenty churches withdrew and formed what was then called, by way of distinction, the New Cape Girardeau Association. Their names were Cape Girardeau, Mt. Zion, Harmony, Mt. Moriah, Pleasant Grove, Cj^press, Pleasant Hill and Little Eiver. These churches were all in which majorities were in favor of holding to the original principles, as adopted by the first meet- ing of the association. The rest of the churches — twelve in num- ber — embracing the anti-missionary element, kept up what was called the old association for awhile, but its do-nothing policy, adopted in antagonism to the Bible and the most ancient prac- tices of the churches of Jesus Christ, has long since brought it to naught, and every church which went off into anti-missionism has either become extinct, or, reorganized, united with the reg- ular Cape Girardeau Baptist Association. The ministers who went with the anti-missionary element were Jeremiah Brown and Benjamin Thompson, and some say that James Williams became anti-missionary, though this does not come well authenticated. That body which was called, at the time of the division in 1840, for the sake of distinction, the "New" Cape Girardeau As- sociation, was in reality the original association, while that body or party which continued to be called the " Old " Cape Girar- deau Association was a new association. The majority, or so- called old association, not only changed the original constitution, but obliterated that entire instrument and adopted a new one upon an entirely new basis; hence we say it was a new associ- ation. The minority, or so-called New Cape Girardeau Associ- ation, not only did not abolish the old constitution, but did not even change said instrument in any essential feature, if at all, and hence it was the old, original Cape Girardeau Association. Constitutional minorities, and not schismatical or factional ma- jorities, must in all cases be regarded as the true and legitimate successors of original forms and institutions. Tak§ the following case for illustration : In the town of M was a Baptist church of 75 members, practicing the immersion of professed believers in Christ as a condition of membership). In course of time dissension arose in said church. A few so-called liberal minded men thought that the conditions of membership were too much circumscribed, and finally proposed that not only immersed believers, but also all CAPE GIRARDEAU ASSOCIATION. 281 who " desired to flee the wrath to come," and the children of believing parents, should be admitted to membership in the church. A sharp contest ^nsued. The vote was taken. Forty sustained the proposition and thirty «five voted against it. Which party was the Baptist church at M ; the majority who viola- ted the constitution, or the minority who adhered to that instru- ment? The case is easily decided. We now proceed with our narrative. From 1840 to 1850 the constitutional Cape G-irardeau Association held regular sessions, but nothing of special interest occurred. New churches were formed yearly, and old ones increased in numerical and spiritual strength. From 1856 to 1860 the association made steacjy but not rapid progress. Sunday-schools received the heartiest com- mendation. Educational interests were fostered and promoted. A missionary was kept for most of the time in the field. The old plan of 1824, of having a solicitor in each church to raise mis- sionary funds, was followed. The net increase was 154 members. During most of the year 1860 all things seemed to work well in the bounds of the Association. But worse times were near at hand. This was the year immediately preceding the commencement of the war. G-radually the excitement rose higher. In the spring of 1861 hostilities actually began. It was now that a great trial came upon the association, located, as it was, on the Mississippi Eiver, the line bordering between the free and the slave states. Up and down this great river were carried the munitions and men of war. All these things produced more suffering among the churches of this association than those in the interior of the state. Regular monthly meeting of the chui'ches, in many cases, were prevented. Communications were cut off between many of the churches, military commanders began to usurp authority and jeopardize the lives of the brethren, brave men trembled, those strong in the faith began to doubt, and many of the doubting fled. Such was the condition of things throughout this district that the association hi^ld no meetings in 1861 and 1862. In 1863, messengers from eight churches north of the Big Swamp met at Goshen, and held a short but harmonious session. J. G. Rutter, J. C. Maple, G. W. Coker, J. H. Clark, A. McKel- vey, J. Wyatt and T. B. Turnbaugh were the ministers in attend- ance at this session. The business was transacted on Saturday. From the corresponding letter we learn that for the two preced- ing years "great spiritual dearth prevailed among the churches. 282 CAPE GIRARDEAU ASSOCIATION. the missionaries had left the field, the Sabbath-schools had been broken up, prayer meetings had been scarcely thought of, and in many churches a sermon had not been heard for a year." Though the attendance was small at this session, there were many pleas- ant reunions of old and endeared brethren in the Lord. The oppressive measures growing out of the civil war either silenced or drove from the field every minister in the associa- tion, save one, whose name was John H. Clark. From 1864 to 1867 he was the only minister belonging to the association that did ministerial work in her bounds. How the grace and power of God were magnified in this man ! By nature he was timid, but by grace he was bold. For several years he had no comrade, but stood up alone, and in sight of those who sought the destruc- tion of his cause, boldly preached the glorious gospel of the Son of God, waiting for the fulfillment of the promise to send more laborers into the harvest. John Henry Clark — was born in Loudon County, Yirginia, December 12, 1812. At about the age of 16 years he was con- verted, and together with three of his sisters was soon after baptized by Eev. "W. F. Broaddus into the fellowship of Long Branch Church, in his native county. He often spoke of Eld. Broaddus as his father in the gospel. Bro. Clark moved to Missouri in June, 1839, and settled in Cape Girardeau, soon after which he united with the church in that place. He was licensed to preach by the church in Cape Girardeau in August, 1842, and by it he was ordained December 28, 1844, soon after which he was called to the pastorate in said church. This oflSce he filled only for a few months, being unwil- ling to give up his appointments in the county. But he gave the church in town Uvo Sabbaths in the month. Rev. S. H. Ford, now of St. Louis, succeeded him in his pastoral office at the Cape. During his boyhood he manifested some taste for the languages and displayed remarkable ability for acquiring them. He re- ceived a good academic education in his native state. Much that he acquired in early life was pei-mitted to pass into disuse, and he used to warn his friends against a like neglect. He gave much of his time to teaching, after his settlement in Missouri, and be- ing a man of a very gentle spirit he was very tenderly loved by his pupils. He gave much of his time to secular emploj^ments after his marriage, but almost every Saturday left these matters to the care of others and went to fill his appointments and preach the blessed gospel of Christ, and whenever he saw that the inter- CAPE GIRARDEAU ASSOCIATION. 283 ests of the cause required it, he laid aside pecuniary matters. For some years he preached once a month at a log school- house about twelve miles from Cape Girardeau. Because he saw no visible results for good from his labors, he talked about giv- ing up that point to preach in some other locality. He was urged to continue his appointment by his sister, Mrs. Gordon, a lady of influence and wealth in the community. She told him she be- lieved there were blessings in store for that people. He labored on, and in 1861 such deep feeling was manifested that he decided to hold a meeting of days, sent for Eld. J. C. Maple, and they held a meeting, at the close of which, in that old log house, they constituted a church of thirty members, which was named Hub- ble's Creek, from a stream of the same name near by. To this body he ministered un- til his death, dur- ing which time but few months elapsed that h e did not bury some new convert into the likeness of Christ's death. Hubble's Creek in a short time grew into a strong and active body, and they have built a good house of worship. Eld. James Eeid was Bro. Clark's successor in the pastoral ofiice. The minutes show that for a number of years Bro. Clark acted as moderator of the Cape Girardeau Association. In this posi- tion he acted with his usual kindness, and if he committed any blunder in rendering his decisions, he did so on the side of ten- derness. Bro. J. C. Maple, to whom I am indebted for the foregoing facts, relates the following incident in the life of Eld. Clark. He says: REV. JOHN H. CLARK. 284 CAPE GIRARDEAU ASSOCIATION. *'I once rode with him some thirty -five or forty miles, to aid in the ordination of a minister. We had been invited by the church of which the brother was a member. Bro. Clark was the moderator of the presbytery which decided to ordain the man. After the adjournment of the first meeting, several brethren of unimpeachable integrity came to Bro. Clark and informed him that the man was not honest and perhaps untruthful. Brother Clark took him aside and after telling him in his own kind and even fatherly way of what he had heard of him, told him plain- ly that the cause of Christ was at stake in this matter, and we could not lay hands on him. We never learned the subsequent history of that man. The church which had wickedly consented to call the council in order to get rid of his importunities, was greatly pleased with the conduct of the presbytery." On returning home one night sick from Ebenezer, nine miles from the Cape, he said to his wife, " My work is done." This ill- ness was long and painful, but borne with a patience which as- tonished all. He bade his family and friends farewell, left mes- sages for his churches, and April 4, 1869, breathed his last. The association held its session in 1864 at Hubble's Creek Church; 58 baptisms were reported ; one church. Pleasant Grove, having reported 48 of that number. Only nine churches were represented . Crushing were the trials under which the body met in Septem- ber, 1865. The mouths of the ministers present were locked by the "Test Oath," The minutes record that the ''introductory ser- mon was to have been delivered by Elder John H. Clark; but owing to the restrictions imposed by the new constitution of the state, he was unable to do so, being unwilling to take the oath prescribed therein." By resolution the churches were earnestly recommended to keep up their regular monthlj^ meetings, their vSunday-schools and prayer meetings, in view of the probability that they would be deprived of pastoral labor by the Test Oath. Nineteen church- es appear on the list this year (1865), but only six of this num- ber sent messengers. From 1867 to 1870 the associational minutes show that meet- ings were held regularl}-, and that the churches were greatly prospered. Ministerial help began to increase. In 1867 G. F. Brayton and J. G. Shearer; in 1868 James Eeid ; and in 1869, J. S. Jordan moved into the bounds of the association. And Bro. Jonas Hoffman was ordained in 1867, Bro. B. L.Bowman in 1869, CAPE GIRARDEAU ASSOCIATION. 285 and Bro. J. T. Ford in 1870, so that in the short space of three years seven ministers were given the chnrches in the associa- tion. At the session in 1870 an amended constitution was adopted, which provides that the " association shall be composed of life members and messengers sent by the churches." Ten dollars given at one time constitutes a '' life member." In 1876 the association numbered 29 churches. Several were that year dismissed to form a new association — mostly, we think, in Scott County. In 1878 the Cape Girardeau Association was composed of twen- ty churches, embracing in whole or in part the counties of Cape Girardeau, Scott, Mississippi, Perry and New Madrid. Her min- isters were T. A. Bowman, John T. Ford, C. B. Ford, J. F. God- win, Z. A. Hoppas, J. M. Warren and W. H. Welker. Total mem- bership 557. She had standing committees on Sunday-schools, on foreign missions, on state missions, on religious literature, on education, on family worship and on the state of the churches. The 58th annual session was held at Cape Girardeau, August 19-21, 1881 ; when Eld. J. Hickman was elected moderator and Eld. T. A. Bowman clerk. Fourteen churches were on the list, 5 of which were without pastors. Statistics of eleven churches were given showing their aggregate membership to be 426 ; 20 converts had been baptized and $125.20 had been expended in itinerant work in the bounds of the association, with Eev. T. A. Bowman as missionary. Jackson Church. — Save one, this is now the largest church in the association. It was organized April 30, 1824, mostly of mem- bers from Bethel, the most active and evangelical element of which it gradually absorbed ; the residue of which became in- different to progress and finally dissolved. The Jackson Church in 1882 numbered 64 members with Joshua Hickman as its pas- tor. Gravel Hill. — This church was organized in 1870, and sever- al years ago was one of the strongest in the association numer- ically, and had Eld. J. M. Warren as pastor. No statistics are now given. Eld. J. T. Ford was pastor in 1882, Cape Girardeau. — This church occupies the most important field in the association, being in Cape Girardeau, a town of sev- eral thousand inhabitants, and located on the Mississippi Eiver, with a strong Catholic element to antagonize. It was organized August 13, 1834, by Eld. Thomas P. Green, with 9 members. Its 286 CAPE GIRARDEAU ASSOCIATION. house of worship is a neat brick edifice, valued at $1,500. The number of members in 1882 was 63. The pastors have been : first, T. P. Green, succeeded by J. H. Clark, Samuel Baber, D. D., S. H. Ford, LL. D., W. F. Nelson, Jas. S. Green, A. Sherwood, D. D., J. C. Maple, G. F. Brayton J. S. Jordan and Joshua Hickman. Union Church. — The organization of this body was effected with 18 members, the first Lord's day in May, 1832, and that year it united with the Cape Girardeau Association. Pleasant Hill, — in Scott Countj-, was organized in 1828. HuBBEL Creek. — This church of 44 members was organized in 1861. Pleasant Grove. — Located in Perry County, was organized in 1839. Mt. Moriah, — in Matthew's Prairie, Scott County was con- stituted in 1830. Apple Creek. — This was once an "arm" of Bethel, and be- came a separate organization in 1820, the members for that pur- pose getting letters of dismission from the mother church Sept. 9th of that year. Ebenezer — is located in the Big Bend of the Mississippi, Cape Girardeau County. Its organization was consummated June 9, 1821. The constituent members (five in number) were dismissed from Bethel Church. Mt. Zion. — This church first appears as a member of the Cape Girardeau Association in 1830, at which time it consisted of 26 members. Cypress — was organized in 1827, in Scott County. The church of this name now existing was organized twenty years later by Henry E. Hempstead, of four members; and again the church was reorganized in 1867 by J. G. Shearer. Little Eiver. — This is now Sylvania Church, under which name it was reorganized and admitted into the association in 1871. The old church (Little Eiver) was first organized about the j^ear 1845, by Thomas Owens, with 5 members, and was lo- cated in the Little Eiver country', Scott County. Harmony, — was among the pioneer churches of this part of the state, having been constituted in 1830, in Mississippi County. This body must have been disbanded in subsequent years. The present Harmony Church was organized April 29, 1855, by W. D. Terry, M.W. Holland, H. B. Graves and G. W. Coker, of only 3 members. CAPE GIRARDEAU ASSOCIATION. 287 Dry Creek. — This flock was gathered prior to 1816 — no more is now known of it. Goshen, — situated near Oak Eidge, Cape Girardeau County, was organized by Peter Williams, February 20, 1841. Eld. Wil- liams became first pastor and served six years. Hebron Church. — This, too, is a daughter of Bethel Church, having been organized in May, 1822. On the eleventh of that month Bethel Church dismissed the following members for that purpose : Polly Green, Abraham Eandal, Eebekah Eandal, Ma- ry Eandal, Simon Poe, James Eandal, Nancy Eandal, Samuel K. Parker, Elizabeth McMiller, Elizabeth Parker, Eebekah Poe, James Holcomb, Francis Holcomb, Susannah Williams, Matilda Williams, Benjamin Hitt and Sarah Hitt. Also Judge Thomas Juden, then late of Baltimore, united in the organization of the church. The Hebron Church is located some four or five miles northwest from Cape Girardeau, and was organized by Thomas P. Green, assisted by Thomas Juden. The church in 1879 was without a pastor, and numbered only 13 members. For 1881 no statistics are given. Judge Thomas Juden — for some years an active and efiicient member of the Hebron Church, was born in the citj' of Balti- more, Md., April 12, 1799. His parents were from England, where his eldest sister was born. In accordance with the old and well established custom of that country, Thomas was in early life put to a trade, and continued his apprenticeship until he was a thorough master of his chosen handicraft. When in his sixteenth year he was converted and became a member of the First Baptist Church in his native city. In the spring of 1820 he set his face for "the far West"; and in company with some others he crossed from Baltimore over the mountains to the Ohio Eiver, down which he floated to the Mississippi Eiver. Thence on foot he made his way to Jackson, Cape Girardeau County. On the 22d of March, 1822, he was married to Miss Nancy Hol- comb, who survived him. In May following he aided in organ- izing, and became a member of the Hebron Baptist Church. He bought a tract of land some 3 miles from Jackson on the road to the Cape, from many acres of which he soon cleared away the forest and put them into cultivation. Owing to a defective title the whole was afterwards wrested from him, and with a growing family about him he had to begin life anew. He then purchased from his brother, the late Col. G. W. Juden, the farm which be- came his lifelong home, and where now his body rests. 288 CAPE GIRARDEAU ASSOCIATION. "While living near Jackson, the church in that place being in need of some one to fill the responsible position of deacon, and hav- ing no male member suitable for the office, it petitioned Hebron Church to part with Thomas Juden that he might unite with them and take the vacant position. This request was acceded to, and, until his removal to Cape Girardeau, he continued to honor the charge assigned him, afterwards filling the same office in the church at that city. Thomas Juden was highly esteemed as a Christian and as a citizen. He was for years moderator of the Cape Grirardeau Association, in which office he gave full satisfaction to his breth- ren. He also filled to the satisfaction of his constituents the honorable position of justice of the county court. And although he lived 56 3'ears in Cape Grirardeau County, no one ever found a blemish upon his character. He died a triumphant death at his residence, two and a half miles north of Cape Girardeau, February 8, 1876, having almost reached his 77th year.* Addenda. — We have before said that the old Cape Girardeau Association was a missionary body. To confirm that statement we give the following from the minutes. In 1832 the Bethel Church in her letter solicited the association "to strike out of her constitution all features relative to missionary subjects and ob- jects." In answer to this the association, at the same session, adopted the following: ^'■Resolved, At the request of the Bethel Church, that the asso- ciation strike out of her constitution and preamble, all the parts bordering on missionary subjects and objects, and particularly out of the preamble, from the word 'church' in the third line to the word 'therefore' in the eighth line," etc. In 1839 this subject was again acted upon, in these words : " Upon an examination of the constitution of the association, together with the order made at their meeting in 1832, striking out certain parts thereof, the association is of opinion that no part of the constitution is by that order stricken out, because it does not point out clearly the parts intended to be struck out; and that this association are of the opinion that they have from the constitution the right to take such steps as they may deem expedient to supply the destitute churches in her bounds." Such was the deportment of those opposed to missions, that * The substance of this sketch was furnished us by Mrs. Ann E. Wilson. CAPE GIRARDEAU ASSOCIATION. 289 the friends of this work, as a peace measure, withdrew before the next meeting of the association and became what was for a time called "■ The New Cape Girardeau Association," but which was in reality the old Cape Girardeau Association, because it adhered to the old constitution, while what was by some regarded the old body was schismatical, because it adopted a new constitution, a new policy and a new name, styling itself, from 1841, " The Cape Girardeau Association of Jtegula?- Baptists," ly CHAPTER Vni. SALEM ASSOCIATION. Organization and Historj- of— Corps of Earnest Preachers — Her Highest Degree of Prosperity in 1836 — Harmony Interrupted — Split on Missions — Opposition to the " Central Society " — Becomes Anti-Missionary — Mistaken Policy — Pej'ton Stephens — W. Cunningham — Deacon E. Stephens — Jahez Ham — Stephen Ham — Theo. Boulware — The Shouting Sister. SUCH was its rapid growth that the Mt. Pleasant Association deemed it expedient to divide again. Accordingly at its session in 1827 the following was adopted : " This association agrees to divide by the line between ranges thirteen and fourteen, so that the churches east of that line may form into a new association," etc. Pursuant to the foregoing action, thirteen churches, viz. : Lit- tle Bonne Femme, Mt. Vernon, Eocky Fork, Cedar Creek, Sa- lem (Coates' Prairie), Union, Liberty, Columbia, Middle Eiver, Freedom, Providence, New Providence and Enon met at Cedar Creek meeting-house, Callaway County, October 20, 1827, and organized the '' Salem Association." This was the title of the new association. It embraced the following Ministers. — David Doyle, Anderson Woods, James Suggett, Thomas Henson, Ninian Eidgeway, Thos. P. Stephens, J. C. Mc- Kay and Alia B. Snethen. The aggregate membership of the churches was 513. Dr. David Doyle was moderator and Wm. Jewell clerk. The Salem Association was the third colony from the old Mt. Pleasant, with which it proposed correspondence at its first meeting. At the second meeting correspondence was opened with the Concord, Salt Eiver and Cuivre Associations. For the first ten j'ears the sessions were held as follows : at Little Bonne Femme Church in 1828 ; at Eocky Fork in 1829 ; at Samuel Boone's house in 1830; at Union, Boone County, in 1831; at Fulton in 1832; at Gilead in 1833; at Salem, Boone County, in 1834; at Millersburg in 1835; at Providence in 1836, and at Eocky Fork in 1837, She had a corps of earnest gospel preachers, and for the first nine or ten years of her history the churches were enlarged, SALEM ASSOCIATION. 291 strengthened and multiplied. The total net increase of mem- bers was 546, making an aggregate membership of 1,058 in 1836. She never afterwards reached the same numerical strength. At the third meeting several changes were made in the arti- cles of faith, or constitution, as they called it. Two years there- after the Freedom Church complained that the association had proceeded illegally in making said changes. The subject was taken up by the association, and after a lengthy debate it reached the following conclusion : '' That this association had no power to change the constitution, and that, therefore, the constitution, as given by the convention, is the only constitution which the association can recognize, till altered or made anew by another convention called for and appointed by a majority of the church- es composing the association." In 1836 the harmony of the association was interrupted by the presenting of two letters from Mt. Pleasant Association, there having been in that body a division on missions, each part claiming to be the original association. By one or both parties claiming to be Mt. Pleasant Association, the appointment of a joint committee was solicited from Salem and Fishing River As- sociations. After a consultation, " It was agreed that a friendly letter be written to each division claiming to be said Association, and brethren Suggett, Boulware, Duncan, Campbell, Stephens, Davis, Boone and Thomas were appointed a committee of con- ference." In 1837 the association met with Rocky Fork Church, Boone County. On Saturday the joint committee made its report, giv- ing advice, which was acted upon as follows: "Agreed that we receive the advice of the committee from Sa- lem and Fishing River Associations, and to have the advice pub- lished in our minutes, viz. : ' Forasmuch as the Mt. Pleasant As- sociation is now divided on the subject of missions, and they have unitedly called for a committee from Salem and Fishing River Associations, and those committees being assembled (to adjust the difficulty, and, if possible, reconcile the contending parties) at the meeting-house called Mt. Zion, in the county of Howard, properly in order, and the parties being also assem- bled, were called upon by the moderator, and did lay in all their claims of being the Mt. Pleasant Association, together with all their grievances one with the other, and after hearing all that each party had to say on the subject, give the following as their most clear conviction and the deliberative opinion, viz. : We the 292 SALEM ASSOCIATION. committee advise those who are called missionary brethren to withdraw their names from the Central Society, or any other mis- sionary society, and take their seats with the rest of their breth- ren; and, 2d, that those who are called anti-missionary brethren cordially embrace their brethren, allowing them, and all the rest of their brethren, the liberty of conscience and privilege of giv- ing their money or anything else, to the furtherance and pros- perity of the cause of G-od as they may think proper.' " (Minutes of Salem Association, 1838.) The foregoing report was not published until the year after it was made and adopted. On Monday of this session (1837) the same subject was again taken up in the following order and with the following results : "1st. Called for the unfinished business of Saturday, on the subject of Mt. Pleasant Association, and agreed to correspond with the anti-missionary part of said association It was also proposed to correspond with the missionary part of said associ- ation, which proposition was rejected ; whereupon Brethren Sug- gett and Thomas, our moderator and clerk, withdrew from the association." " Brother T. P. Stephens appointed moderator, and O. Harris, clerk, to fill their places." Thus was the association rent in twain. The following year (1838) four churches, viz.: Little Bonne Femme, Columbia, Nash- ville and Mt. Horeb, sent letters and messengers to the associa- tion, seeking a reconciliation ; but failing, withdrew, and the next year formed a new association. (See history of Little Bonne Femme Association.) From this time the Salem Association was anti-missionary to all intents and purposes. It fraternized with the anti-mission- . ary part of Mt. Pleasant Association, which refused to allow the missionaries liberty of conscience in contributing money for the spread of the gospel. Yet in 1838 it adopted the following: "On motion, it is agreed that this association will not meddle with the liberty (or duty) of anj^ individual member contributing to the support of the ministry, or the propagation of the gospel as they may think proper." "We are free to confess that we cannot see why the Salem community should have adopted the last named motion, after opening correspondence with the anti-mis-, sionary part of Mt. Pleasant Association, which had positivel}' refused liberty of conscience on this subject, and refused corres- pondence with that part of Mt. Pleasant which simply asked for SALEM" ASSOriATTON, 293 liberty of conscience on the subject of missions. (See history of the division in Mt. Pleasant Association.) In 1843 the Salem Association numbered 1,054 members and seven or eight ministers. From this date it began to decline, and so continued until its aggregate membership was less than when it was first organized. The minutes of 1870 give the following summary: Churches. — Eocky Fork, Cedar Creek, Union, Two Spring, G-il- ead, Concord, Goshen, Mt. Carmel, Davies' Fork, Liberty (Ful- ton), Mt. Tabor, ]^ew Liberty, Middle Eiver, New Providence and Salem (Coates' Prairie). These churches were situated mostly in the counties of Boone and Callaway ; one or two were in Mont- gomery. Ministers. — Peter Kemper, L. McGruire, W. E. Stephens, E. H. Burnham, F.Jenkins, T. Bowen, C. Guthrie, J. F. Burnham and S. Ham; and two licentiates, E. E. Pace and James E. Lee. Baptisms, 26; contributions, $26.50; aggregate membership, 500. We have now passed over forty-three years' history of this as- sociation. For the first nine or ten years it was an aggressive and prosperous body. In 1837 it took ground against the Gen- eral Association and all other benevolent societies, and soon be- gan to grow smaller, until in 1870 its membership was less, by thirteen, than it was in 1827. These facts are recorded for the benefit of all whom they may concern. Thomas Peyton Stephens.* — The subject of this sketch was born in Eockingham County, ISTorth Carolina, in the year 1787. He moved to Kentucky in 1815 ; was converted and united with Mason's Fork Baptist Church in 1818. In the fall of 1820 he emigrated to Missouri and settled in Callaway County, soon after which he, his brother Elijah (father of Hon. J. L. Stephens), Wm. Edwards, Isaac Black and Abraham Eenfro, with a few sis- ters, organized Cedar Creek Baptist Church, the oldest in Calla- way County. [Salem, (Coates' Prairie) was older by two or three years.] Eld. Stephens was pastor of this church nearly half a century. He felt it his duty to severely oppose in the pulpit all who difi'ered from him in doctrine. His home church. Cedar Creek, held only monthly meetings, and during his early life he generally supplied as pastor three other churches. He was conscientiously opposed to ministers receiving a stipulated salarj^ for their services, and opposed * The substance of this sketch was furnished by Hon. J. L. Stephens, of Columbia. 294 SALEM ASSOCIATION. with all his might the organization of the General Associa- tion for missionary purposes. He and Eld. Theodorick Boul- ware led the division movement in the association, and until their death they were regarded, throughout Korth Missouri, as the leaders of the anti-mission party. Boulware was a man of more culture — Stephens was more determined and constant, hence more felt. Although Stephens was what is popularly called an uneduca- ted man, yet he had a fine stock of information, and his influence will he felt in his field of labor for many years to come. As a legitimate fruit of his peculiar views on the subject of minister- ial support he relates, himself, that he preached for Old Eocky Fork Church twenty-five years, for which he re- ceived " one scrub sheep an done drab overcoat." Elder Stephens was of the ex- treme Calvinistic school. His man- ner of address was feeling and pa" thetic, often mov- ing a large part of Ills audience to tears. In the so- cial circle he ex- celled, and here he was a universal favorite. It was no unusual thing to see half a dozen to a dozen men gather around him and listen for hours to his entertaining conversation. Once a year he would usually make an extended tour among the associations, and his name was generally on the list of preach- ers for Sunday. The following facts are from his obituarj' in the minutes of Salem Association for 1866: <' Eld. Thos. P. Stephens died on Sunday, April 2, 1865, at his residence in Callaway County, Mo., REV. THOS. P. STEPHENS. SALEM ASSOCIATION. 296 after a short illness, aged 78 years. He leaves behind him a lov- ing wife and children, and many friends to mourn his loss. The deceased was three times married : in 1817 to Miss Edwards ; in 1827 to Miss Hall of Indiana; and to his third wife, Mrs. Nancy Shields, of Howard County, in 1835, who survives him. Eld. T. P. Stephens was a faithful minister in the Baptist denomination for half a century. His Christian character was pure and unsul- lied, and his influence was given to the building up of the Bap- tist cause in the West." No man was more unflinching and un- compromising in declaring the truth as preached by the anti- missionary Baptists. William Cunningham, — another minister in Salem Association, died in the spring of 1868, in the prime of life. He was regard- ed as a true believer in Christ and the doctrines of the Baptists, which he was ready and willing at all times to defend. He was a man of feeble bodily powers. At the time of his death he was pastor of several churches who felt deeply his loss. Elijah Stephens;* — elder brother of Eev. Thomas P. Steph- ens, was born on the Dan River, in Eockingham County, North Carolina, Janu- ary 26, 17 8 5. His grandfather, John Stephens, was an English- man. In 1812 he m arri ed Miss Patsy Eenfro of Kentucky, and about four years thereafter he uni- ted with the Bap- tist church at Ma- son's Fork, of the same state, giv- ing the brightest evidence of con- version. In the fall of 1819 he and his wife, with their children, Lock,Wm., Jas. *MS of Hod. J. L. Stephens. ELIJAH STEPHENS. 296 SALEM ASSOCIATION. L. and Mary, moved to Boone County, Missouri, settling on the east side of Two Mile Prairie, some twelve miles east of Colum- bia, where he spent an unusually quiet life as farmer. Soon after the organization of the old Cedar Creek Church in 1821 or '22, he was elected deacon, and filled the office until his death. After a brief illness of six days he gently and quietly breathed his last, and followed his fathers. This event occur- red about one year after the death of his brother, Elder T. P. Stephens. Jabez Ham — deserves to be numbered among the early preach- ers of Missouri. He was born in Madison County, Ky., in 1797, and moved to Missouri in 1817. He began to preach in 1824, having become a Baptist sometime previous to this. About the year 1826 he organized the New Providence Baptist Church on Lou- tre Creek near the western boundary of Montgomery County. In the division he and his church went with the anti-missionar- ies. He was a man of limited education, but of a strong, active mind, and with a proper degree of culture would have been a re- markable man. At times, in exhortation, he was powerful. He was a soldier in the war of 1812-'15 and filled the office of trum- peter. After a somewhat active ministry of about sixteen years, he died at his home in Callaway County, and was buried at New Providence Church, in Montgomery County. His wife, Hannah Todd of Kentucky, became the mother of fourteen children. She survived him and in 1879 lived near Pop- lar Bluff, Missouri. Stephen Ham, — a younger brother of Jabez, was born in Mad- ison County, Kentucky, June, 1804. He married Jane Johnson, of his native state, and moved to Missouri in 1828, settling near the western boundary of Montgomery County, in the neighbor- hood of which he lived until near his death. (Mr. Ham moved to the home farm, where he is now buried, in 1838.) In the year 1843 the Salem Association met at Middle Eiver Church in Callaway County, September 3-5. To this session, the New Providence Church, of which Mr. Ham was a member, sent a request that he be ordained to the ministry. He was accord- ingly ordained by Elds. B. Wren, P. Kemper, T. Campbell, and brethren Davis and Fuqua, who were present as visitors. He was somewhat active in the ministry for about twenty or twenty-five years. He preached at Salem (Coates' Prairie) Church eighteen years. SALEM ASSOCIATION. 297 He succeeded his brother Jabez in the pastoral office at New Providence, commencing probably a year or two before his or- dination as a stated supply to the church. He continued with this church some twenty years. He also preached for some years at Freedom (Frog Pond) Church on South Bear Creek, Mont- gomery Count}". His death occurred March 29, 1879, at his temporary home with his youngest son at Montgomery City, Mo.; and his mortal remains were deposited in the family cemetery on his old farm. Theodorick Boulware. — This distinguished Baptist minister was of Irish and English parentage, born in Essex County, Vir- ginia, November 13, 1780. At the age of ten years he professed conversion and united with the Forks of Elkhorn Church, Ky., then under the ministry of Eld. W. Hickman. His parents mov- ed to Kentucky when he was a child four years of age. Having been ordained a Baptist minister in July, 1810, by Elds. Suggett and Ficklin, he spent about seventeen years in active ministerial duties in Kentucky, and removed to Missouri in the spring of 1827, settling two and a half miles north of Fulton, Cal- laway County, and camping out until, by the help of ten or twelve of his new neighbors, a log cabin was built. He was pastor of the following churches in Kentucky: Buck Run, Big Spring, North Elkhorn and Clear Creek. He also, once a month, visited and preached to the convicts in the state prison at Frankfort. In 1823 the Buck Run Church enjoyed a precious revival under his minis- try — some 40 being received into fellowship. Soon after he removed to Missouri he was pastor of, and preached monthly to the following churches : Liberty, Provi- dence and Middle River. Mr. Boulware continued preaching for these churches for many years, visiting other churches and asso- ciations; and thus he spent from three to four months of every year up to 1856, when he received great injury from a fall on the ice. From this hurt he never fully recovered, though he after- wards traveled and preached some. Eld. Boulware was a man of high order of talents, had a lib- eral education, and was an impressive, forcible and eloquent preacher. He appealed to the judgment rather than the pas- sions of men. As illustrative of this feature of his ministry, we give the following anecdote. In his autobiography he says: "While addressing a large audience, some shouted aloud. I sat down, the noise ceased. I said, ' If it is my duty to speak, it is your duty to hear. I have not come to address your passions 298 SALEM ASSOCIATION. but your understandings.' Stepping out at the door, a lady, shaking my hand, humorously said, ' AVhen I get to heaven, I will shout as loud as I please.' I replied, - Com." W. C. LiGON, ) 346 MISSOURI BAPTIST GENERAL ASSOCIATION. It is an interesting fact that in 1836, one year after the divis- ion, the Baptists of Missouri numbered 8,723 and were divided as follows: Regular or Missionary Baptists, 150 churches, 77 ministers, 5,357 members ; anti-missionary Baptists, 80 churches, 49 ministers and 3,366 members. In 1846, just ten years after, the Regulars numbered 292 churches, 144 ministers and 15,331 members; and the anti-missionar}^ Baptists, 118 churches, 57 ministers and 4,336 members. What a commentary on the unwise policj^ of the opponents of the missionary enterprise ! In the future we shall be able to notice only the more impor- tant events in detail in the history of the General Association. Our space forbids any other course. For the sake of brevit}', we have grouped in a table at the end of this chapter a number of interesting facts, such as the time, place and officers of annual meetings, preachers of annual sermons, &c., &c. The association continued from year to year to prosecute the work of state missions, supplying destitute neighborhoods and weak churches in important places with a preached gospel, to the full extent of her means; to encourage and foster Sundaj'-school interests, mostly for years through the agencies of the Am- erican Sunday-school Union ; to build up and strengthen the claims and give to the support of William Jewell College, with a view to ministerial education; and to commend and forward denominational interests throughout the world, especially gen- eral domestic, Indian and foreign missions. On Indian missions she said, in 1847 : "Next to the supply of our own immediate wants, the contiguity of the Indian territory to our own borders directs the eye of Christian philanthropy to the red man of the forest, as claiming no insignificant share of our sympathies and aid. We, therefore, recommend the Indian Mission Association to the prayers and contributions of oiir brethren throughout the state." On foreign missions she put on record the following sentiment: "In the judgment of this association, the subject of evangelizing the world commends itself to the cordial co-operation of every Christian, and the ministers of our denomination are requested to aid in disseminating light, and awakening, if possible, a deeper interest in behalf of foreign missions." The executive board this year (1847) consisted of IT. Sebree, Eld. R. S. Thomas, Leland Wright, S. C. Major, W. M. Jackson, Eld. D. Perkins, H. Wallace, W. D. Hubbell, Eld. F. Wilhoite, MISSOURI BAPTIST GENERAL ASSOCIATION. 347 Eld. John H. Keach, E. Hughes, Eld. W. C. Ligon, Eld. A. T. Hite, John Eobinson and Wm. Carson. By the minutes of this year it appears that a ministerial con- ference was organized the previous year in connection with the association; the object being "to promote the information and usefulness of its members by essays, discussions and mutual criti- cisms on portions of Scripture and subjects of a doctrinal and practical character." An important action was taken this year on the "agency" question, the first of the kind we have noticed. The constitution was amended, so that the corresponding secretary might receive compensation for his services, and the appointment of a general agent, to be sustained by the funds of the association, was de- clared to be incompatible with the interests of the body, and it was, therefore, " Resolved, That we affectionately request twelve ministering brethren of our denomination gratuitously to devote one month during the ensuing year to present the claims of the General As- sociation, and take up collections to promote its objects. Elds. W. H. Vardeman, W. C. Ligon, W. C. Bachelor, Elias George, M. D. Noland, Wm. Worley, Jas. Suggett, T. C. Harris, E. C. Hill, S. W. Lynd, W. W. Keep and .T. C. Eenfro agreed to labor as requested." How strange such an action ! This was equivalent to asking these twelve ministers to support a general agent for twelve months, rather than that the whole association should do so. In 1850 the association reversed its decision respecting agen- cies in 1847, and instructed the board to put a general agent into the field as soon as a suitable man could be found. Sad news reached the session of 1853. Bro. Uriel Sebree, one of the constituent members of the body, and for a number of years its moderator, had but recently died. Uriel Sebree, — a native of Orange County, Virginia, was born July 15, 1774, and was left an orphan at the age of ten years. Soon after the death of his parents he went to live with his un- cle, Cave Johnson, in Boone County, Kentucky, and was by him placed as apprentice at the carpenter's trade. In the 23d year of his age he was married to a Miss Cave, of Boone, by whom he had one child, who died in infancy. He commanded a company during a six months' campaign in the war of 1812. He was in the disastrous battle of the Eiver Eaisin, where he was made prisoner and afterwards exchanged 348 MISSOURI BAPTIST GENERAL ASSOCIATION. ■without permission to return to the service. He returned to Ken- tucky and subsequently served several sessions in both branches of the Legislature. His second marriage was in 1817, with Miss Elizabeth, daugh- ter of Gen. John Payne. Of this wife were born to him two sons and six daughters, of whom six survived the lamented father. In 1819 Capt. Sebree was sent on an exploring expedition to Council Bluffs, in charge of government stores, and performed the arduous duty with great satisfaction to his employers. His conduct on this expedition secured his re-appointment to a sim- ilar service in 1820. He was a man of great skill and indomit- able perseverance, to which his success in these hazardous enter- prises is mainly attributable. He served for several years as a receiver of public moneys in the land office at Fayette, Missouri, and maintained the reputation of an upright and efficient officer. It was in the church, however, that the excellence of his char- acter was most conspicuous. He attached himself to the Baptist denomination in early life, and for more than forty years bore an active part in all that concerned the church of which he was a member. He co-operated liberally in organizing the General Association, when obloquy and persecution were the reward of its advocates. During many of its sessions he presided over its deliberations, and was never absent but from physical debilitj'. His house and his heart were always open to his brethren and none was ever favored with more delighted guests. His death occurred May 18, 1853, only seven days before the meeting of the association. Again in 1855 the association was called to mourn with the be- reaved. Eoland Hughes and Eev. T. C. Harris had both died during the associational year, the former of whom had often pre- sided in its deliberations. Roland Hughes, — by diligence in business, had acquired more than an ordinary share of this world's goods ; and qualified by that practical good sense which so eminently distinguished him, he appropriated a portion of it to the education of Tyree C. Har- ris, whose piety and aptness to teach gave early promise of his having been called to the gospel ministry. Brother Hughes Was "mild and conservative in all his views, commanding the confidence and esteem of all his brethren; ever ready for every good word and work; and deservedly wielded more influence with the denomination than any lay member in the state." MISSOURI BAPTIST GENERAL ASSOCIATION. 349 The war clouds darkened the horizon early in 1861. But for faith in God stout hearts would have failed through fear. Long will the memory of those days live. At the meeting in 1862, held at Eehoboth, Saline County, a very exciting event occurred, which is thus described by W. E. Rothwell, an eye-witness. "The business of the body was transacted in the afternoon of Saturday, then adjourned to hold divine worship in the forenoon and afternoon of the next day, which was the Sabbath. On Sab- bath morning, the 27th of July, while Eev. Wm. Thompson was preaching, the meeting-house was surrounded by a company of troops, which produced so great an excitement as to bring the exercises to a rather abrupt close. All the men present, minis- ters and all others, were ordered out into line and examined as to name, place of residence, and any papers in possession. A number of men were arrested and taken to Marshall, the county seat of Saline. The troops were, I understand, militia in the Federal service, stationed at Marshall. "The excitement among the people was so great that no furth- er services were attempted. Among the ministers present were Elders A. P. Williams, Thomas Fristoe, J. A. Hollis, J. W. War- der, Jesse Terrill, &c. I think the persons arrested were citizens of Saline County." Pursuant to the call of the executive board — there having been no session held in 1864 — the association met at Boonville, Au- gust 19, 1865, Several distinguished brethren from a distance were present as visitors, among whom were Elds. James B. Tay- lor of Eichmond, Ya., corresponding secretary F. M. B., S. B. C.j Eussel Holman, corresponding secretary domestic board, S. B. C, and A. D. Brooks of Lauderdale, Mississippi. The associa- tion continued her former relation to the Southern Baptist Con- vention, and so amended her constitution as to have appointed annually a committee on foreign and domestic missions. A case of great interest came up at this session. The State Convention, under the influence of extreme politicians, had framed and secured the adoption of a new constitution, which required all ministers to take an oath before a civil magistrate as a qualification for ministerial functions. This law was to take effect September 4, 1865, only a few days from the time of the meeting in question. It was under this state of things that the G-eneral Association held its session at Boonville. Not a few of the best men of the denomination in Missouri were present on that memorable occa- 350 MISSOURI BAPTIST GENERAL ASSOCIATION. sion. After long and careful deliberations the following docu- ment on the "Eelation of the Churches to the Civil Authority," was adopted and published in the minutes. Because of its import- ance, we give it in full, as follows : "The Baptists hold no equivocal position on the relations sus- tained by the churches to the state. While they have taught for ages that Christians owe allegiance to the civil government in all things belonging to the temporal power, they have likewise held that the state has no right to interfere with the freedom of conscience, the relations of the ministry to their congregations, and the absolute liberty of the churches in all matters of faith, worship and discipline. For these principles they have suffered in every century. The religious history of Great Britain, the annals of New England, the criminal records of the South and the present trials of the Baptists in Europe, all bear witness to the steadfastness of our brethren in maintaining the liberty of conscience, absolute religious freedom for themselves and for all men. " And the progress of these principles in other religious bodies, and in the popular mind, shows not only that they are of divine origin, but that statesmen have discovered their wisdom in en- grafting them upon the laws ordained for the government and order of society. "We cannot therefore but express our sorrow that the new constitution of the state of Missouri requires of o»r ministers a certain oath before they can lawfully discharge the duties of their sacred office j for " 1st. This ordinance they regard as a violation of the spirit of the Federal Constitution, which guarantees freedom in the exercise of religion. (Amendments to the Constitution, U. S., Art. 1.) "2d. It is inconsistent with the declaration of rights of the new Constitution. (Constitution of the state of Missouri, Art. 1, sec. 9.) "3d. It presupposes the right of the magistrate to come be- tween the minister and the great Bishop and Shepherd of souls, from whom alone thecommission to preach is derived. (Matt. 28; 19, 20.) "4th. It is plainly adverse to the teaching of the New Testa- ment, which directs us to 'render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's' (Matt. 22 ; 21.) " We do then most solemnly protest against the enforcement MISSOURI BAPTIST GENERAL ASSOCIATION. 351 of this oath, and we hope that all the ministers of our denomin- ation will remain true to our glorious history, faithful to the ex- press will of our fathers in the associations of olden times, and steadfast in our devotion to our divine Master, who has provided us with laws, not only for the government of our churches, but for our guidance in every private trial and public emergency. " But, let it be distinctly understood, that while we submit this paper as an expression of the Baptist denomination, we do at the same time recognize the authority of this state in all temporal matters, and do exhort our brethren to hold them in honor who rule over us, and as much as lieth in them to live peaceably with all men -, therefore, " Resolved, That it is our belief that civil government is of divine appointment, for the good order of society; that magis- trates are to be prayed for, and conscientiously honored and obeyed, except in things opposed to the will of our Lord Jesus Christ, who is the only Lord of the conscience and Prince of the kings of the earth, "2d. That we therefore hold ourselves bound (this limitation understood) to be good and law-abiding citizens. " 3d. That the requiring of this or any other oath of us, as a condition upon which we are to exercise our ministerial functions, is opposed to the will of our Lord Jesus Christ, "4th. That it is our solemn duty to decline it, choosing, as the servants of Grod did in the primitive churches, to obey God rather than man. " 5th. That we do this in no rebellious or captious spirit, but in order to maintain a pure conscience in the sight of Grod, by whom we are finally to be judged. " 6th. That we earnestly request a modification of the con- stitution of the state in this particular, as we love our state and wish to remain in it, and have a perfect harmony between its requirements and our ministerial duties." The anti-missionary brethren, at the time of organizing the Central Society, warned the people against the movement, de- claring their belief that the object was a " union of church and state." How overwhelmingly does the foregoing action refute such an insinuation and show its utter lack of foundation. Let it be borne in mind that to be a Baptist is to necessarily and for- ever oppose the state church system. At the session of 1866 intense interest was manifested in all our denominational enterprises. 352 MISSOUEI BAPTIST GENERAL ASSOCIATION. The following amounts of money and pledges were raised dur- ing the associational year, including the efforts made at the pres- ent session : For G-eneral Association, $2,591.10 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, . . 3,511.85 Foreign Mission Board of Southern Baptist Convention, 800.00 Domestic " " " " " " 3,319.70 Sund. School " " " " " 261.80 Grand Total, $10,484.45 The Missouri Baptist Joxirnal, published by the Eev. John Hill Luther, was recognized as the state organ of the Baptist denom- ination, and warmly commended to the churches as worthy of their patronage. There was a question agitating at this time the minds of many. It was that of co-operation and fraternal feelings among North- ern and Southern Baptists. This was a practical and important question for Missouri Baptists to consider, because there were here men of all parties. If our ministers and members could rise above mere sectionalism, peace and prosperity would surely fol- low; but if they could and would not do this, then there must be bickering and strife throughout the state. The General Associa- tion, comprehending these facts, gave expression to the follow- ing sentiments touching the subject: *' Since it is our desire to promote the peace of Zion, to allay the spirit of strife, and enlist the co-operation of our entire de- nomination, irrespective of party or politics, throughout the state, in preaching the gospel of the Son of God ; therefore, " Resolved, That we request all our agents, missionaries and pastors to labor for the peace and harmony of Zion; and to make no distinction on account of secular influence, but to win souls to Christ, and to know nothing but Christ and Him crucified." The meeting of the association in 1868, held at Paris, was one of the most important that we ever attended. The following was adopted : " Resolved, That on Sabbath, August 9th, immediatelj'' after morning service, a collection be taken up in all the congrega- tions over which the members of this body have control, and that funds so raised shall be appropriated to the mission work of this state, and that besides this collection, no money be raised publicly for any purpose during the present session of this body." One hundred and forty-seven churches were represented in MISSOURI BAPTIST GENERAL ASSOCIATION. 353 this meeting by messengers or money, or both ; and it was prob- ably the largest gathering of the Baptist hosts ever seen in con- nection with the General Association up to this time ; no doubt due in part to the fact that the Baptist State Convention had been dissolved, and its members were returning to their former seats in this body. Here, too, was demonstrated that men in whom the Spirit of God dwelleth can rise infinitely above sec- tional and political differences and sit together in harmony and love. On Sabbath afternoon a Sunday-school mass meeting was held at the Baptist meeting-house. In connection with this meeting " The Missouri Baptist Sabbath-school Convention" was organ- ized, with B. D. Jones as president, S.W. Marston as correspond- ing secretary, and an executive board located in St. Louis. A very important action was taken at the session of the associ- ation in 1869, at Columbia. After deliberation, the constitution was amended by striking out the second clause, which read as follows: " And shall be auxiliary to the Southern Baptist Con- vention." The object in striking out this clause was to leave each district association, church and individual member free to contribute funds for general missionary purposes through what- ever society they might choose. The necessity of this arose from the fact that the Baptists of Missouri, of all sections and parties, proposed to co-operate in one general state organization for be- nevolent and evangelical work. This session was cheered by the presence and counsel of a number of visitors, among whom where Elders J. L. Burrows, of Virginia, M. T. Sumner, of Alabama, S. M. Osgood, of Illinois, A. D. Brooks, of South Carolina, E. E. Pattison, of Alton, and G.J. Johnson, of St. Louis. Manifestly the above action of the association called forth the following misrepresentation from a reputed (but to us unknown) Baptist minister, and published in Martyrdom of Missouri, volume II, page 369. The author says: "The General Convention for 1867 met at Jefferson City, in October. The 'Test Oath' of the new constitution having been set aside, the convention changed its policy, and ordained three things as indispensable prerequisites to membership in order to co-operation with the Baptist General Association of Missouri. " '(1.) A continuance of their auxiliary relation to the Ameri- can Baptist Home Mission Society, in order to secure their sym- pathy and aid in our work in this state. 23 354 MISSOURI BAPTIST GENERAL ASSOCIATION, "'(2.) A continuance of the Board in St. Louis, as the most proper and effective base of operations. *' '( 3.) A clear recognition of the Baptist doctrine, that all Bap- tists, without reference to race or color, have an equal right to a participation in our councils, immunities and privileges.' " This put the Baptists of Missouri in a condition to be sold «mt to the ^Northern Baptists, and henceforth be subject to the behests of the Board of Home Missions of Kew York ; and now the institutions and oi-gans of the church in Missouri are in the hands of the political Baptists of the state, while the true Bap- tists are deprived of their rightful heritage and denied the bles- sings of Christian fellowship. * * * The foregoing facts have been furnished by a well informed and reputable member and minister of the Baptist church in this state," etc. We propose no apologies in behalf of the members of the State Convention. It may be they committed some blunders in con- nection with the history of that body, which was organized un- der the pressure of political excitement. It is enough for us to know, that after three meetings of the convention it Avas dis- solved, and peace and harmony were restored. But in regard to the foregoing statements from Miniyrdom in Missouri, furnished by '' a well informed and reputable member and minister," etc., we have only to say, so far as we have been able to gather the facts, those statements are almost entirely a perversion of the truth. The General Association did indeed strike out the clause in her constitution making her "auxiliary to the Southern Baptist Convention," but she has not been auxiliary to the Home Mis- sion Society since 1845. She very wisely left this question with each individual and each church. Xor did the General Associa- tion for several years after this move its board to St. Louis; neither was the board of the Baptist State Convention contin- ued in that city. The General Association never denied fellowship and mem- bership to "Northern" or "Southern" Baptists, but in the midst of discord and confusion opened her doors equally wide to all, and for so doing she is calumniated as above by a sup- posed " reputable minister." Some of our churches have been at times under the necessity of denying " membership and fel- lowship" to certain would-be "reputable ministers," and it may be that the publisher of .Ifarfi/n/oin in Missotiri was "taken in" by some of these (dis) " reputable men." MISSOURI BAPTIST GENERAL ASSOCIATION. 355 Late in the year 1867 Eld. .T. M. Robinson accepted the posi- tion of corresponding secretary and general agent of the board of the General Association. He prosecuted the work with vigor and success, the contributions for associational jjurposes for the year ending August 8, 1868, amounting to §6,260.10. Twenty- eight local and traveling missionaries had been in the employ of the Board, who reported 4,797 daj's of labor, 688 baptisms ad- ministered and the organization of fifteen new churches; 147 churches had contributed to the associational funds. For the year 1868 and '69 Eld. Eobinson was continued as corresponding secretary and general agent, and though greatly hindered by sickness and giving only one-third of his time to the work, his success was little below that of the year preceding. Thirty-four men had performed services under the auspices of the board, and ^4,898.71 had been contributed to the funds of the association. The missionaries reported 3,215 days of service and the baptism of 832 converts. On the 13th of October, 1870, the association met with the Sec- ond Baptist Church, St. Louis. Rev. Xoah Flood, moderator of the preceding year, was re-elected to that office. Through the general board, and the boards of district associations reporting to said general board, ^8,096.44 had been collected and expended during the year. This session closed Rev. J. M. Robinson's term of service as corresponding secretary, and the association ten- dered him thanks for his labors. Li 1871, when the body met at Clinton, Rev. "W. R. Rothwell appears as corresponding secretary; and 16 missionaries had been in the employ of the board, to whom about $2,000 had been paid. Sometime during the year the old office or title of corres- ponding secretary had been exchanged for that of superinten- dent of domestic missions. In this office Dr. Rothwell was suc- ceeded by Rev. J. Hickman in March, 1872, the former having resigned the January before. To this office Rev. S. W. Marston was called in 1873, and was entitled superintendent of state mis- sions. His first report was rendered at Sedalia (First Baptist Church) where the association met October, 1874, showing that $4,903.73 had been collected during the year. The board had in its employ that year, for longer or shorter periods, 18 men as missionaries, to whom it paid the sum of $1,320 ; 605 were bap- tized and 12 churches were organized. The association met at St. Joseph in October, 1875. The whole land was under great financial pressure and the churches especially seemed to feel its 356 MISSOURI BAPTIST GENERAL ASS0CIA1?I0N. influence. Eev. S. W. Marston had continued his labors as sup- erintendent of missions ; 347 churches were enrolled as contrib- utors, and ^4,916.51 was the amount of contributions. At the commencement of this session the board was ^1,420. 72 in debt, which was $729.16 less than the debt of the year before. The meeting at Hannibal in 1876 was held under financial em- barrassment, in the itinerant department. On the first of the .June preceding, Rev. S. W. Marston resigned his position as superintendent of state missions, and a majority of the board voting to dispense with the services of a paid traveling agent. Rev. J. D. Murphy was appointed to conduct the work through the mails and the papers until the annual meeting. The embar- rassments arising from the new method of conducting the work, to say nothing of midsummer wlien collections are meagre, gave but little room for success. The whole amount of collections through the year from churches, individuals, advertising, &c., was $3,377.43. Soon after the meeting at Hannibal Rev. Joshua Hick- man was again employed as corresponding secretary, and began his labors under the greatest discouragements. The lack of vigor in prosecuting state missions the previous j'car; dissatisfaction on account of unpaid salaries; and the general financial embar- rassment of the whole country were formidable obstacles to suc- cess. The amount collected for associational purposes and passing through its treasury was $1,945.35; addedto which were $3,351.42 paid out by various district associations reporting to the cor- responding secretary, as auxiliaries to the General Association. The report of the board at the session of 1878 indicates a com- parative failure in the work, there having been in actual collec- tions only $1,511.20 during the whole year. When the board commenced work immediately after the meet- ing in 1878, claims against it for services rendered were present- ed by four missionaries of the year before, and also by the former corresponding secretary. Added to this embarrassment was that arising from great opposition to the agency system, under the influence of which the association gave instructions limiting the time to be spent by the corresponding secretary " on the field" to "one-half his whole time." Under these circumstances Dr. W. Pope Yeaman filled the office of corresponding secretary for a part of the year; $2,461.03 (including the IS^eal fund) were collected, and some old claims together with new ones were paid off". For the year closing with the session of 1880, Dr. Yeaman was continued as corresponding secretary, giving only a part of MISSOURI BAPTIST GENERAL ASSOCIATION. 857 his time to field work. The board had in its emploj' during the year 17 missionaries; and the total collections amounted to $5,753.81. Encouraged by this state of things and approving the methods of the board and the energy of the corresponding secre- tary, the association recommended that the whole time of Dr. Yeaman be secured, with such liberal compensation as would en- able him to surrender all other engagements. He virtually gave himself up to the work, and at the end of the year (October 21, 1881) the treasurer's report exhibited as the total receipts the sum of $11,199.69, of which amount the board had disbursed $8,875,41, having had in its employ thirty-three missionaries. For many years the executive board was located at Fayette, Howard County. In 1866 it was removed to Columbia; then in 1873 or '74 to St. Louis, where it remained until 1878, when it was removed to Mexico. In 1881-'2 it consisted of Eev. .7. C. Maple, presiden.t; Eev, T, W. Barrett, recording secretarj"; J, A. Guthrie, treasurer; Rev. W, Pope Yeaman, corresponding secretary; Eev. J. D. Murphy, Eev. Wm. Harris, Joel Guthrie, J, M, Gordon, T. M. James, A. G. Turner, A. C. Avery, Eev. G. A. Lofton, Eev. J. Eeid, C. H. Hardin, L. B. Ely, Eev. J. T. Williams, Eev. W. W. Boyd, Eev, W. J. Patrick and N. T. Mitchell, [Because of their special prominence in other fields of labor, sketches of some of the early leaders of the General Association have been given in other places.] Hon. David H, Hickman. — This Christian nobleman was a na- tive of Bourbon County, Kentucky, and was born November 21, 1821. His father. Captain David M. Hickman, moved to Boone County, Missouri, when young David was but a boy, and settled not far from Little Bonne Femme Church. He received quite a liberal education at Bonne Femme Academy, and at the age of 15 years, under the preaching of Eld. Fielding Wilhoite, he was converted, baptized, and united with the Baptists. His adopted county, Boone, honored him with a seat in the Legislature, where he in turn honored Boone County. He was the author of the first bill creating a state tax for the support of public schools. Wherever he was, he was full of enterprise. Exceedingly modest and retiring, he never sought preferment, but seemed the more frequently to be called on to fill important positions in the councils of his people, whether social, political or religious. He was for years moderator of Little Bonne Femme Association, and at the time of his death was moderator of the General Association. 358 MISSOURI BAPTIST GENERAL ASSOCIATION. D. H. Hickman was a most amiable Christian, one among the most liberal in the denomination. Not long before his death he gave |5,OO0 for the endowment of William Jewell College, and otherwise materially aided that institution. He turned no char- ity away. He was foremost in establishing the Baptist College at Columbia, now known as " Stephens' College." The rule of his life, as a con- tributor, was to give '' as the Lord pros- pered him." He said to the writer: " The more I make, the more I feel like giving to the Lord's cause." He died of con- gestion of the lungs and hyperaemia of the brain^ after an ^ illness of twelve -^ days, June 25, 1869, at his residence near Columbia. The procession which fo 1 1 owe d his re- mains to the grave was the largest ever witnessed in the town of Columbia on the occasion of a funeral. Alvin Peter Williams. — The news of the sudden death of Dr. A. P. Williams produced a widespread grief over the entire de- nomination of the state, yea! over almost the whole land, east, west, north and south. The loss of no other man in the state ever caused such general lamentation. All seemed to realize that a prince in Israel had fallen. We clip the following notice of his death from the Glasgoic Journal. "Elder A. P. Williams came to an untimcl}' death in this place on Monda}-, Nov. 9, 1868, under the following circumstances: "He had been stopping with his friend Mr. W, J. Key, whose residence is situated on a high hill. About 3 o'clock in the after- noon of that day, he started home, and led his horse down the ^^\\1^P^// '/j^y^'^' nOX. DAVID n. IIICKMAX. MISSOURI BAPTIST GENERAL ASSOCIATION. 359 hill, and just outside of the enclosure, close to the gate, in at- tempting to mount, his spur struck the horse, causing him to jump down an embankment some six feet, throwing Elder Wil- liams violently to the ground. He was seen to fall and immedi- ately assistance came to his relief. He was taken up almost in- sensible, but soon became conscious, and was taken into a house near by, when he told how the occurrence happened. No bruises were perceptible on his person. Drs. Collins and Southworth, two excellent phj'sicians, were immediatelj* called in and everj^- thing done that was possible to save his life, but all in vain. A blood vessel had been ruptured and internal hemorrhage ensued, resulting in death in about two hours from the time of the acci- dent. He was conscious until about twenty minutes before he died. He seemed to suffer a good deal in breathing, wanting to be raised up frequently and then let down. "His remains were taken home Tuesday morning to his fam- ily, at or near Cambridge, in Saline County, eight miles from Glasgow. On Wednesday the Masons of Glasgow, and a large number of the citizens from the surrounding country, attended his funeral. "Elder Williams was one of the most eminent Baptist preach- ers in the state. He was about fifty-five or sixty years of age. No more will his eloquent voice be heard in the pulpit. He has gone to his rest in the better land." Missouri claims the honor of being the native state of A. P. Williams, he having been born in St. Louis County, March 13, 1813, being the oldest son and the fourth child of Eld. Lewis Wil- liams, one of the most noted and useful among the pioneer preach- ers of Missouri. "Though his father was a minister of the gospel, and felt the importance of giving his son opportunities for an education, such facilities were not aftorded him, as in that early day ministers were poorer and were more poorly paid than they are even at the present day. To eke out a scanty supportthey were obliged to resort to manual labor, a not uncommon thing in the state in this day. And, besides all this, schools were then few and of an inferior quality in this western countrj'. Young Williams spent his boyhood in laboring on the farm, thereby assisting his father in providing for the family. This employment he was compelled to follow, in some measure, for years after he was married and entered the ministry." {Rev. Dr. A. H. Burlingham's Sketch, p. 7.) To give some idea of how he overcame obstacles, it is related 860 Missouri baptist general association. of him, that in the earlier days of his ministrj'- he made rails at 50 cents a hundred, to support his family and to buy his books. His conversion occurred in his sixteenth year. While under conviction he made the same mistake that thousands had done before him — that he must be able to oifer a holy prayer before Grod would hear and answer him. His burden increased rather than diminished, until, finally casting himself wholly upon Je- sus Christ for salvation, his spirit became calm. He at once made a profession of religion and was baptized. The following year, the 17th of his life, at the call of the St. John's Church he was ordained to the work of the gospel ministry, his father, Lewis Williams, and David Stites acting as the presbytery. The wonderful influence that he was to wield in the Baptist denomination generally, and especially in this rising state, was not indicated in his early ministry. But God manifestly intend- ed that he should become a leader in our Baptist Zion, to do which he encountered and overcame wonderful difficulties. " Without the prestige of means, social position or education, he was to carve his way through the world. If ever a young min- ister, destined to attain eminence in the profession, was put up- on his own resources exclusively in the beginning of his career, that young man was the late Alvin Peter Williams. But God had endowed him with rare intellectual powers, and had kindled in his soul an insatiable desire for knowledge." {Dr. Biniingham' s Sketch, p. 10.) Young Williams lost no time, nor did he let slip an opportun- ity for improvement. Though at once entering into active min- isterial life, both as pastor and evangelist, and obliged to per- form manual labor for the partial support of his famil}^, he found time in a few years to gain sufficient knowledge of the Greek language to enable him to read the Ncav Testament in its orig- inal tongue and to make himself the Apollos, " mighty in the Scriptures." He followed the habit through life of reading and studying his Bible as he rode on horseback to his appointments. His powers of memory were extraordinary, retaining Bible phraseology, or whatever he saw, heard or read, with astonish- ing distinctness. He used to say that " if the New Testament were lost, he thought he could replace it from memory." *' He was a profound thinker and an able theologian," fond of contro- versy as a means of arriving at the truth, but never seeking the least advantage or unfairness in debate. As a safe expositor of God's word, few men in this country could equal him. " For MISSOURI BAPTIST GENEAAL ASSOCIATION. 361 originality of thought, and for calm, careful Christian thorough- ness, whether hy speech or by pen," he doubtless bore a more striking resemblance to Andrew Fuller than any other man on the American continent. The following testimonial, from the pen of Eev. J. H. Luther, appeared in one of our leading religious journals. " As a contributor to the Baptist literature of the nineteenth century. Dr. Williams had no superior. He has been styled by one of the most polished scholars and eloquent divines of our country, " The Andrew Fuller of America." Referring to this compliment, we shall never forget his reply to us, as arm in arm we walked to the church, in 1860. "It humbles me to hear this compliment from Dr. . I have simply tried in my work to show the errors which beset our people in this great valle}'." He had all the simplicity of "Wayland, the orthodoxy of Fuller, the straight-forwardness and bluntness of a western pioneer, and the earnestness of Henry Martyn. His fugitive pieces, the occa- sional sketches of his ever ready pen, would fill a volume, and give him a place among the foremost writers of the age. " As an evangelist in Missouri, the last quarter of a century is illustrated with his triumphs. In the common acceptation of the term, he was not a revivalist. He was, however, an evangelist of the primitive type, resorting to none of the clap-trap of pseudo- religionists to attract the masses to his church, and avoiding every demonstration not sanctioned by enlightened reason. He may have labored sometimes to spread out his argument so that the simplest could grasp itj but with his analysis made out, and his subject fairly before the minds of his hearers, he rose like a giant above every depressing surrounding, carrying by his pecu- liar eloquence and persuasive manners every heart with him. It was not Williams, then, who was seen and admired by the con- gregations of Missouri J it was the sublime theme which had been presented to fallen men — the same sweet story of old, which fell from the lips of a disciple whom Jesus loved and honored — mak- ing him a winner of souls. "As a pastor Dr. Williams was unsurpassed. In the pulpit, at the fireside and in all the relations of life, he carried himself as the affectionate shepherd, the dignified bishop, the persuasive teacher, winning the affections of every class and fortifying his churches against every form of error. In his estimation the pastoral ofiice rose superior to every other position. Though his labors as an evangelist were immense, resulting in the organ- 362 MISSOURI BAPTIST GENERAL ASSOCIATION. ization of many churches, and though his contributions In the press were never intermitted, he nevertheless magnified his office as pastor of several churches. He loved to minister to the sick and the sorrowful; he was the friend of the young, the unwearied teacher of those who, burdened with sin or sick of a false religion, sought his counsel for guidance. Many a home to-day is sorrow- ful because of the death of the faithful pastor who combined in his complete character the eloquence of the preacher, the wisdom of the counsellor and the affection of a friend." (Central Baptist, Vol. I, Xo. 16. Dr. Williams' sermons were thoroughly prepared, and so plain that all could understand them. To preach the gospel was his delight, and when dwelling upon the great themes of grace he often rose to a high degree of eloquence. His whole soul was ablaze. As a burning mass of devotion to Christ and love to men, he would throw it into the subjects of eternal interest he was presenting, and at times he would become absolutely over- whelming. His itinerant work carried him over much of Central and Western Missouri; and, besides this, prior to 1857-'8, he spent some time in pastoral work at Lexington, Richmond, St. Joseph, Libert}^ Pleasant Eidge and other places in Platte County. He was ten years pastor ofPleasant Ridge Church, commencing with its oi'ganization in January, 1844. Not far from the same date he organized the Second Baptist Church at Liberty, Claj' County, and the Richmond Church, Ray County; and the same year (1844) was foremost in organizing the North Liberty Association, hav- ing constituted three of the four churches (the last throe above named) that formed that body. He may be therefore regarded as the father of the North Liberty Association, which commenced with four feeble churches, in the midst of one of the largest anti- mission associations (Fishing River) in the state, but is now, in efficiency, second to no organization in the denomination in Missouri. As early as 1848 the name of A. P. Williams is associated with the Baptist General Association of the state, having come that year from the church at Lexington. He was then beginning to rise to distinction, receiving the appointment as one of the three messengers to the Triennial Convention, which was to meet the following April at Philadelphia. He lived for a time at Warrensburg, but moved thence to Sa- line County, where he spent the last ten years of his life as pas- MISSOURI BAPTIST GENERAL ASSOCIATION. 863 tor of Miami, Bethel and Rehoboth Churches, and a part of the time of Good Hope Church. During his ministry he was instru- mental in the conversion of many thousands of souls, and is said to have baptized between three and four thousand persons, a service in which he took great delight. He was first elected moderator of the General Association in 1863, and served in this relation for four consecutive sessions. The last work of his life as an author is a bound volume of 165 pages, entitled The Lord's Supper. The Scriptural and logical arguments on the question were presented in a clear and con- vincing manner. It is, in short, a profound and exhaustive dis- cussion of the subject. The following memorial of Dr. Williams was published in the minutes of the Southern Baptist Convention. (Session of 1869, pp. 27-'8.) "Rev. A.P.Williams, D.D., of Missouri, was a highly honored and greatly beloved friend of this convention and of all the in- terests which it represents. God endowed him with a remarkably clear, vigorous and active intellect, which, without early culture, had been by many years of study carefully disciplined and richly stored with Bible knowledge. Pew men of the age possessed a more logical, discriminating and creative mind. He devoted all his powers in early life to the ministry of the gospel; and rarely has any man made fuller proof of his ministry. * * * He was equally efficient in the pulpit, on the platform, or with the pen. By force of character, sound judgment, conciliating man- ners and incessant effort, he placed himself in the front rank of the Baptists of Missouri, and, indeed, of the denomination." "In the early years of his ministry, A. P. Williams was mar- ried to her who, while he lived, was the devoted sharer of his toils and sacrifices as a public servant of Christ, and who, now that the Master has called her husband first, waits in sadness a.nd in hope to join him where unions are never broken." (7)r. Bur- Ungham's Sketch, p. 9.) A. P. Williams was the oldest of four brothers — all Baptist ministers — one of whom. Perry D., is dead ; and two of whom, Isaiah T. and Milton F., now live in the state. Noah Flood. — For many years Rev. Noah Flood was a minis- ter in the Baptist denomination of Missouri, that held him in very high esteem and delighted to honor him whenever occasion offered. Now that he is gone, they hold sacred his name and memory. 364 MISSOURI BAPTIST OENERAI. ASSOCIATION. He was born June 14, 1809, in Shelby County, Kentucky, be- ing the fifth child of Joshua and Mary Flood — the former of hon- orable English parentage, and the latter a descendant of the Huguenots. His parents were possessed of strong intellects, great decision of character, and for many years were devout members of the Baptist de- nomination, in the faith of which the}- raised up their children and at the age of nearly fourscore year s died, having been permitted to wit- ness the conver- sion of their entire family of children. When but a child, little Noah began to ask ques- tions about death and the Deity, REV. xoAH FLOOD. whlch sccmed really beyond his age, and from his veiy early life it was the be- lief of his pious mother that he would be a minister of the gospel. His limited early education was obtained in a log school-house near his father's farm, and when eighteen years old he could read, write and spell, and cipher to the "single rule of three," this be- ing as far as his teacher, an old revolutionary soldier, could go in the arithmetic. In childhood he was the subject of religious impressions, but his stubborn heart would rebel against God, whom he regarded simplj-as a tyrant. On his death bed he gave the following account of his conversion : "About the year 1824 there was a great religious awakening throughout that portion of Kentucky, when I was led to serious reflection upon the condition of my soul, and had I been under the instruction of modern revivalists, doubtless then would I have been induced to join the church ; but it was the custom then for those seeking membership in the church to relate their Chris- MISSOURI BAPTIST GENERAL ASSOCIATION. 365 tian experience and to tell of the work of grace upon their hearts, and the churches were very careful to ascertain, if possible, if G-od had produced a new creation before persons were invited to membership. The venerable Abram Cook was then the religious teacher of that part of the country and he was careful that I should make no mistake. I thought much upon the subject until about the year 1828, when I felt that it was my duty and privilege to unite with God's people." In July of that year he united with Six Mile (now Christiansburg) Baptist Church, Shelby County, Kentucky. By peculiar providential circumstances, in October, 1829, Noah Flood was led to Missouri and located in St. Charles, where he followed the tailor's trade to procure means to go to school, at the same time studying such branches as are taught in the com- mon schools. From St. Charles he went to Marion College, Ma- rion County, under the management of Dr. Nelson, where by his own exertions he supported himself, unwilling to be a burden to others, or to live by the charity of fri^ends or brethren. While attending Marion College the Lord brought him forth publicly in a manner peculiar to himself. At this time a small band of Baptists known as Little Union Church worshiped not far from the college. "With these Noah Flood found a spiritual home, and for them and their success his sympathies were arous- ed. In December, 1832, that little band of Christians called upon him to exercise his gift in preaching, and upon that day they gave him license to preach the gospel. He never up to this time had mentioned his desire to preach. In this we may rightly in- fer that while God was teaching and preparing him for the work, he was likewise impressing the mind of the church in the same direction. During the spring that followed his first attempt to preach, an incident occurred in his life which resulted in his being greatly encouraged. He started to attend a meeting some forty miles distant, in company with an aged brother. In the evening the}^ stopped all night with a family where there was a gathering of people at a quilting. The old minister preached and left an ap- pointment for the return trip. It so happened that young Flood had to fill the appointment. A cloud seemed to rest upon him. For two hours alone in the woods, with his Testament he sought aid from G-od. His mind was finally led to Titus 2 ; 11-15, from which he preached, and God was with him. His own heart was full ; the people wept and prayed ; and here God gave his first 366 MISSOURI BAPTIST GENERAL ASSOCIATION. marked evidence of approbation. He spent the remainder of the year in preaching in school-houses and in strengthening weak places. He did a vast amount of real pioneer work from Marion Coun- ty to the Des Moines Eiver, and jiroved himself eminently fitted to organize and lay foundations for useful superstructures. In this field he was the instrument of forming many churches, the first of which was St. Francisvillo in Clark County. Another was Fox Eiver. In this work he was often associated with Elds. James Lillard and Jer. Taylor, two of the early pioneers of Northeast Missouri. From this field God directed him to Alton, 111., where he at- tended Shurtleff College in 1834-'5, in company with Drs. J. M. Frost and Samuel Baker. These three men would cut cord wood and clear up ground to obtain means of support while preparing for the ministry. While at the Alton school Mr. Flood studied theology five months under Dr. Colby. From Alton he went to AVoodford County, Kentucky, where he taught and preached. While here he was much aided in his stud- ies by Elder Nathan Ayres, afterwards his brother-in-law, and who contributed greatly to his usefulness. In 1838 he was ordained to the gospel ministry by the church at Forks of Elkhorn, and June 19th of the same year married Miss Livisa Jane Ayres, a noble Christian woman, who suftered many hardships to permit him to be from home preaching the gospel. She, with six children, one son and five daughters, sur- vived him. In October, 1839, Noah Flood returned to Missouri and settled in Callaway County, where he was destined to accomplish much good in the Baptist cause. He contested every inch of ground with the anti-missionary spirit that met him at almost every point. He had settled in the midst of the strongest anti-mission element in the state, supported by the strongest men in their ranks, among whom were Theo. Boulware and Thos. P. Stephens. His opponents warned the people against him, and closed their meeting-houses upon him. The only church house that was for some time open to him in that section of country was known as Brick Providence. So full of trial and discouragement was his first year in Callaway County that he was often tempted to leave for another field; but the language of Christ in John 4; 35, *' Lift up j^our eyes and look on the fields," &c., seemed so di- rectly addressed to him that he determined to stay. He wa.- MISSOURI BAPTIST GENERAL ASSOCIATION. 367 even publicly denounced from the pulpit by the opposition as a "hireling," " money hunter," &c.; but none of these things moved him. Grod helped him and he pressed forward. The people flocked to hear him in school-houses, inprivate dwellings and in the groves, while many seemingly providential circumstances aided him and often resulted in the founding of a church. While in Callaway County, the first church organized was Kichland, now strong and useful; and after this the folloAving churches were in whole or in part the fruit of his labors: Grand Prairie, Unity, Union Hill, Mt. Horeb and Dry Fork, From his field in Callaway, he removed to Fayette, in Howard County, in 1852. Here he remained until 1858, and was pastor of Fayette, Walnut Grove, Mt. Zion, Mt. Gilead and Chariton Churches. In 1858 he removed to Huntsville; thence in 1863 to Roanoke. During all of this time he was active in labors. The dark period in his life was during the war. He was a pos- itive man and often subjected himself to dangers by a bold and honest expression of his sentiments. His sympathies were with the South, and however ultra men may have regarded him, all gave him the credit of being honest and true, and his extremest opponents respected him. Never will the great brotherhood of the state forget his bold and manly speech in 1867 at Lexington, Missouri, in the General Association, when he frankly told the causes of grievances, and opened the way for mutual explana- tions Avhich resulted in a much fuller union of our denomination- al interests in the state. No other man on the floor, perhaps, had the nerve to make that speech. It was, however, produc- tive of great good. The harmony of the Missouri Baptists after the close of the war, was due in a very large measure to the in- fluence of Noah Flood. He comprehended the real diff'erences and saw that they could and should be thrown aside. Upon this conviction he acted and took the brethren from whom he had been alienated, to his heart; and upon his death-bed expressed his great love for them, whom he said he "appreciated and loved more than ever before." His love was reciprocated, for during his last sickness many of these brethren visited prayed and wept with him. In 1865 Noah Flood removed to Boone County, and closed his very useful earthly career in Columbia, on Monday, August 11. 1873, at 8 o'clock, P. M. An affectionate family and dear friends who loved and honored him, surrounded his wasted foi*m when he breatbcd his last. His death was a full and complete triumph 368 MISSOURI BAPTIST GENERAL ASSOCIATION. through grace. Having long expected to die (he was sick aj^out twelve months) he had made his arrangements for that solemn hour. From its early history he was a conspicuous member of the General Association, He had acted as missionary and financial agent, and was specially active in organizing her educational in- terests. "William Jewell College was a special object of his fos- tering care and of his earnest prayer. Though he did not enjoy the advantage of a complete collegiate education himself, he nev- ertheless greatly appreciated it and cheerfully aided others in attaining it.* Xerxes Xavier Buckner-j' — was one of the most eminent and useful members in the Baptist ministry of Missouri, prominent in the interests of the Greneral Asso- ciation and ready to every good work. He was born in Spencer County, Ky., Feb. 20,1828. He was brought up on a farm , where he learned those habits of self-denial and up- i-ightness which were so eminent- ly his characteris- tics through life. When about 19 j^ears of age he made a public pro- fession of religion and was baptized into the fellowship of the Plumb Creek Baptist church, in his native county. By this church he was licensed to preach, and afterwards the call for his ordination issued from the same body. We find him a student, first in Mount Washington Academy, * The foregoing account is from the f-keteh of the hfc of Xoah Flood hy Eld. .T. F, Cook, LL.D., published in Christian Repository, Vol. XIV, p. 41. t From Central Baptist, February, 1872, KEV. X. X. BUCKNER. MISSOURI BAPTIST GENERAL ASSOCIATION. 369 and afterwards in Georgetown College, in both of which he took a very prominent rank. By his inexhaustible fund of good hu- mor, as well as by his natural goodness of heart, he won both the confidence and esteem of his associates. He was, during his boyhood and early manhood, exceedingly popular. He was gifted as a singer, having naturally a very sweet voice and more than ordinary talent for musical acquire- ments. When he had finished his studies, or rather when cir- cumstances forced him to relinquish what he earnestly desired to pursue farther, he left the college and became pastor of the churches at Taylorsville and Fisherville in his native state. His' work in the ministry was therefore begun among those who had known him from his childhood. His labors were not in vain; souls were converted and the churches strengthened. In the fall of 1855 Brother Buckner came to Columbia, Mo. He had been called to the pastorate of that church, and after earnest solicitations accepted that field in preference to all the others then before him. Columbia was then, as it is now, sur- rounded by a wealthy and prosperous community. The people were mostly from Kentucky and Yirginia; they were energetic, hospitable and intelligent. While these were the special char- acteristics of the farming community, the citizens of the county seat were marked for their cultivated refinement. Here was the State Univei'sity, which has continued to flourish; there were also several flourishing schools for young ladies. He came among this people a timid young man, dreading the terrible ordeal through which he as a young pastor must j^ass. This ordeal he successfully underwent and continued to gain upon the confidence and esteem ofthe community until he wielded an influence for the religion of Jesus, such as he alone can exer- cise " who points to heaven and leads the way." After nearly two years' residence in Columbia, during a con- siderable portion of which time he was both teacher and pastor, he was married September 3, 1857, to Miss Clara Moss Prewitt. This marriage proved a most happy one. No man ever found a wife more true and devoted to the work of Christ than did X. X. Buckner. So long as it was possible for him to preach, she encouraged him to give himself wholly to the gospel. On the 21st day ofthe same month of their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Buckner took up their residence in the Baptist Female Col- lege of Columbia. This institution, now known as " Stephens' College," had its origin in a suggestion made by Mr. B. He 24 370 MISSOURI BAPTIST GENERAL ASSOCIATION. was the first to propose such un enterprise for the Baptists. But at that time he had but little means, and hence the money was principally furnished by others. Hickman, Prewitt and others, whose names I have not at command, were the substan- tial friends of the enterprise. " His large views," said Dr. Du- lin, in a sermon upon the occasion of his burial at Columbia, comprehended the importance of an institution of learning here. He conceived the idea of a Baptist Female College in Columbia, assisted in purchasing the property and aided in inaugurating the departments of instruction." After about five years of toil at Columbia, having most of the time discharged the double duties of pastor and teacher, Brother Buckner settled at Boonville. Here he began his work as pas- tor, devoting his whole time and energy to the church. From the brief notes kept at this time, I learn that he accepted the care of the church in Boonville, January 17, 1860. For several months preceding this, and afterwards until the first of May, he preached almost every day. Large numbers Avere converted and baptized. At Boonville, Mt. Zion and Fayette, where he held up the ban- ner of the Cross, sinners enlisted for the glorious conflict. In May he visited his native state. Having spent a month among his kindred there he returned and on the first Sunday in June preached three sermons in Boonville. When Avill the lov- ing and appreciative brethren learn that preachers' lungs are not made of steel or brass? He aided in a number of meetings dur- ing the summer and fall. His labors were constant. Very fre- quently he speaks of preaching Saturday, Saturday night and three times on Sunday. His afternoon sermon was often preach- ed to the colored people. He mentions protracted meetings at Columbia, Nebo, and other places, in which great good, we have no doubt, was accomplished, for numbers were added to the churches. The limits of this article will not admit of specifica- tions. In these constant labors, this riding twenty-five and thirty miles to appointments, then preaching to crowds of people and again riding to some distant house to spend the night, sleeping some- times with fire and sometimes without, sometimes in comfortable rooms and on good beds, and again in open cabins on hard and uncomfortable straw mattresses, we find in the record of two years' labor of this kind the secret of the origin of that disease that laid him aside from the active work of the ministry and finally brought on the attack that terminated his mortal career. MISSOURI BAPTIST GENERAL ASSOCIATION. 371 He soon found that his support at Boonville was not sufficient to pay the expenses of his family. In order therefore to keep the wolf of want from the door, he went to the country and be- gan teaching in a private family. In a short time he concluded that if he must teach, he had just as well go at it right. He therefore went back to Boonville. purchased property, fitted it up in good style and soon had one of the most flourishing schools in the state. To show that he engaged in teaching reluctantly, I Avill here mention a single fact. About the time he was leav- ing Columbia, he was elected president of the Baptist Female College in Lexington, which position he declined because of his consuming desire to be wholly in the ministry. In Boonville he soon owned a good school building with all the necessary ap- pointments to carry on Successfully an institution of high order for young ladies. In a few years failing health began to warn him that he could not bear up under the double duties of the pulpit and the school room. Driven by the necessities of his enfeebled health he left Boonville and became a resident of Kansas City. His invest- ments in this growing city at that time proved his wisdom and forethought. He could not gain his own consent to become alto- gether a business man. Though preaching almost every Sunday, and a portion, at least, of the time, acting as pastor of the church in Westport, he yet desired to be more fully in the work of Christ. He therefore moved to Liberty, and again undertook the work of two men. He became principal of the Liberty Fe- male College and pastor of the church. After some two years more of hard toil he again moved his family to Kansas City, which he then decided to make his home for life. And this res- olution he kept, though at a later period he often spoke of mak- ing his home in Columbia, where now his mortal remains sleep in the grave. The Baptist denomination in this state could not afford to do without his services. The gifts with which the Master had en- dowed him were greatly needed. He was soon called into act- ive work with the president and friends of William Jewell Col- lege. His superior financial abilities had here ample opportun- ity for their full exercise. He had been appointed agent of the college in April, 1867, and did very considerable effective work. He was now again pushed forward to lead in the important en- terprise of raising an endowment for the Baptist State Institu- tion. He made a liberal contribution himself, and had not his 372 MISSOURI BAPTIST GENERAL ASSOCIATION. failing strength compelled him to relinquish the work, the finan- ces of the college would no doubt be to-day in a much more flourishing condition than they are. He soon discovered that he could not be from home sufficiently to discharge the duties of financial agent of the college. And if he could be thus constant- ly away from his family he could not do the speaking necessary to be successful in the work. Grod had in the last eight years greatly blessed him in worldly goods, and he knew how to use his means for the cause of the Divine Eedeemer. His liberality was limited only by the meas- ure of his abilit}'. His life was a verification of the divine prom- ise, " The liberal soul shall be made fat; and he that watereth shall be watered also himself." During his last illness a meeting of brethren Avas called at the residence of Deacon D. L. Shouse to devise ways and means for the advancement of the Redeemer's cause in Kansas City. He sent word, from what proved his dying bed, that though he was not able to be with the brethren in person he was present in heart, and that he might be counted on for a full share of the means necessary to carry out the plans. At fifteen minutes before twelve o'clock on the night of the 19th of January, 1872, Rev. X. X. Buckner breathed his last. He had been ill for several weeks, but was, as all believed, slowly recovering. About twenty minutes before his death he com- plained of shortness of breath, and before any aid could be fur- nished him he had crossed the river. His funeral services were conducted on Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the First Baptist Church by the pastor. A large num- ber of the ministers of various denominations of the city were present, as also the common school board, of which honorable body he was a member. The house was crowded, and a more solemn audience never waited upon the services of the sanctuary. His remains were then taken to Columbia for interment. The trustees of Stephens' College, acting as pall bearers, carried his remains first to the family mansion of his father-in-law, and thence at 2 o'clock P. M. to the Baptist Church, where a full au- dience listened to an eloquent discourse from Dr. Dulin, from the text, " What I do thou knowest not now, but thou shalt know hereafter." Loving friends then laid his body away in the grave, there to await the summons of the last trumpet. His loving wife, his five children, and with them the whole Baptist denom- ination of the state, mourn his loss. MISSOURI BAPTIST GENERAL ASSOCIATION. 373 Hon. John B. Wornall — is a man of imposing personal pres- ence, a well-built frame, clothed with a firm, muscular, powerful system — an honest, open face and a kindly beaming eye. Though a. private member, he is a power in the denomination. Bro. "Wornall was born in Clark County, Kentucky, but spent his youthful days near old Burk's Church in that state. His father moved to Jackson County, Missouri, in 1844, with his wife and two sons, John B. and G. T. Wornall. Early in life Bro. W. on a profession of faith united with the Baptist church at West- port. Kansas city was then a mere landing for Westport, with a solitary clap-board warehouse. A true friend of education, he has sustained Wil- liam Jewell College with a strong and lib- eral hand, and by many a young man struggling for an education is Brother Wor- nall remember- ed gratefully. Mr. Wornall was for two years modera- tor of the Gen- eral Associa- tion. He is also a member of the State Sen- ate, where his weight of char- acter is greatly felt. He is not a politician of choice. We have heard him tell to a select few how, when his name was expected to be presented to a convention for nomination, that he went alone before God in prayer, leaving himself in His hands and asking that if it was not for the promotion of His glory, that the vote might be against him. He was soon after nominated, almost, if not quite, unanimously. He is now about fifty years of age, conservative, dignified, benevolent — a noble type of man. (Christ- ian Repository, by S. H. Ford, 1874, p. 158.) HOX. JOHjr B. WORNALL. 374 MISSOURI BAPTIST GENERAL ASSOCIATION. Lewis Bell Ely. — One of the most useful men among the Mis- souri Baptists is L. B. Ely, who for three years was moderator of the General Association. He was born in Frankfort, Kentucky, May 18, 1825, and when a youth of 13 years removed with his father's family to Missouri; In 1841, when 16 years old, he was converted and the following year was baptized by Eld. Wm. C. Ligou and united with the Bap- ^^ ^^^ tist church at Car rollton, where he is yet a member. For twenty-five years Mr, Ely was superintendent of the Sunday-school in his church, and only resigned earlj- in 1880 on account of the pressure of his work as finan- cial agent of "Wil- liam Jewell Col- lege; and ever since its organization as a union school in 1844, he has been connected with the same institution either as teacher or superintendent. Brother Ely has been a very successful business man, having followed the mercantile life for nearly forty years, from which he has but recently retired, and is now devoting himself to the interests of the college above named, to which he has been a lib- eral contributor, having given as much as ^5,000 at one time to its endowment fund, which is growing into noble and adequate proportions under his consecrated and successful work for it. He has been greatly blessed in his earthly possessions, and on all occasions he uses his means liberall}" in the support of his de- nomination and its interests. No man in Missouri holds a high- er place in the affections of his brethren. Though somewhat gray, and seemingl}^ a little beyond the meridian of life, he is appa- rently only in the midst of a most useful career. LEWIS B. ELY. MISSOURI BAPTIST GENERAL ASSOCIATlOX; 376 Wii-LiA.M Pope Yeaman.* — A moderator of the General Associ- ation, and one of the most eloquent and popular ministers in the Baptist denomination in Missouri, is he who bears the familiar name of W. Pope Yeaman. He was born in Hardin Count}', Kentucky, May 28, 1832^ and is the third son of Stephen M. and Lucretia Yeaman — the former a native of Pennsylvania, the latter (Miss Helm) a native of Hard- in County, Kentucky. He studied law in the office of his uncle, Gov. John L. Helm, at Elizabethtown, Ken- tucky, and at the age of 19 years was admit- ted to the bar in his native county. At about the same age he was married to Miss Eliza Shackelford of the same county. This lady, by her sterling qualities, vigorous in- tellect and wifely devo- tion, has proven her- self a fit helpmeet to her husband. For nine years Mr. Yeaman devoted him- self to the practice of the law and attained to From ' Ihc Baptist Kiicjclopedla eminence in his profes- rev. av. pope yeaman, d. d. sion. He was particularly able as an advocate and was retained in many of the most important and difficult cases in the judicial district in which he lived. At the age of 28 years, after a severe and prolonged struggle between ambition and a sense of duty, he yielded to his convic- tions that he ought to preach the gospel, and was ordained a Baptist preacher at Calhoun, Kentucky. His first pastorate was at JSTicholasville, and he was soon called to divide his time be- tween that church and East Hickman, in Fayette County, the pul- pit of which had been made vacant by the resignation oftheve; - erable Eyland T. Dillard, D. D., who had been pastor of tl. church for thirty-seven consecutive years. * From the Sketch published in the Commonwealth of Missowi. ■^7(^ Missouri baptist (4eneral association. In 18G2 Bro. Yeaman was called to the pastorate in the First Baptist Church in the cit}" of Covington, Kj., where he succeed- ed siich men as Dr. S. W. Lynd, James Frost and Dr. S. L. Helm. Both at East Hickman and also at Covington his pastorate was an eminently successful one. In December, 1867, he accepted the call and became pastor of a jjrominent church in the city of Xew York, where he took high rank among his brother minis- ters. Under his ministry the church grew rapidly in numbers and influence. In associational meetings in ISTew York his abil- ity as a platform speaker and as a debater gave him command- ing influence. Though ofl^'ered heavy pecuniary inducements to remain in ]S^ew York, his inclination to come West brought him to St. Louis in 1870, where, in answer to her call, he became pas- tor of the Third Baptist Church. His labors w^ere much blessed in this important field. The church grew in numbers, wealth, spiritual power and beneficence, until it "became second to no other church in the state. In 1870 the faculty and trustees of William Jewell College con- ferred on Brother Yeaman the merited honor of the degree of Doctor of Divinity. In coming to Missouri Dr. Yeaman at once placed himself in sympathy with the great denominational enterprises of his breth- ren, and has ever since remained a steadfast and self-sacrificing friend of Missouri Baptist institutions and interests. Though as- sailed and tempted, he has never swerved from his original posi- tions in matters of denominational education, missions and jour- nalism, in each of which departments he has done much service and valuable work, the good efl'ects of which are now realized by the denomination. In 1870 he was elected moderator of the St. Louis Association, to which position he was re-elected for six consecutive meetings of that body. At the seventh meeting he declined a re-election. In 1875 Dr. Yeaman was elected chancellor of William Jewell College, which oflice he held during much laborious work for two years, when he resigned. The board of trustees highly com- mended his administration of college aff'airs. In October, 1876, he resigned the pastoral otfice in tlie Third Cliurch, St. Louis, and gave his time to the chancellorship and chief editorship of the Central Baptist. In Aj^ril, 1^877, the Garrison Avenue Baptist Church, St. Louis, was founded and Dr. Yeaman received a unan- imous call as pastor, which he accepted, and in which he con- tiniied some two years until the church was in a good condition, MISSOURr BAPTIST GKNERAL ASSOCIATION. 377 when he resigned, and at his request Eld. J. C. Armstrong was called and accepted. At its session in 1877 Dr. Yeaman was chosen moderator of the Missouri Baptist G-eneral Association, and his efficient, dignified and courteous conduct as a presiding officer has secured his al- most unanimous election at each succeeding meeting of that body. He was for several years one of the vice-presidents of the board of foreign missions of the Southern Baptist Convention ; and at the meeting of that able bod}- of Christians, held in the city of Lexington, Ky., May, 1880, he was chosen, in company with Ex- Grovernor Brown, of G-eorgia, Ex-Governor Leslie, of Kentucky, and Dr. Winkler, of Alabama, one of the vice-presidents of the convention. Dr. Yeaman's close study of theology, his analytical mind, his logical and fervent eloquence and executive ability, with his gen- ial spirit and great energy, have made him a strong man in the estimation of his brethren. His candor of manner has made him the object of some unpleasant animadversions, and while the fearless declarations of his convictions have made him some enemies, he gains and holds warm and multitudinous friends. In the fall of 1878 he was elected to the office of correspond- ing secretary of the General Association of Missouri, in which position he has exceeded the highest expectations of his most devoted friends in the efficiency with which he has conducted this department of denominational work. John T. WilliAxMS — was born in Accomac County, Virginia, March 19, 1826, and with the family moved to Missouri in 1836. In 1844 he united with the Baptist Church in Hannibal, having a short time before accepted Christ as his Savior, attributing his earliest religious impressions to the teachings of a pious mother. Feeling it to be his duty to preach the gospel, he took a five years' course in Georgetown College, Kentucky, where he grad- uated in 1852 ; then spent one year in the institute at Maysville, Kentucky, teaching j and for the next four years was connected with Bethel College, Palmj^ra, Missouri, and was also pastor of Bethel Church, Marion Countj", which was blessed with many revivals and greatly flourished under his ministry. In 1857, at the solicitation of friends, he removed to Louisiana, and established the Louisiana Seminary, which was successful. He was also pastor of the Louisiana Church. Having been elected president of the Bajjtist Female College at Columbia, Mo., he accepted and removed to that city in 1860. ;-{Ts MISSOURI BAPTIST GENERAL ASSOCIATION Here he continued for five years, conducting the school through the entire war period without the loss of a day. He also served the Baptist church at Columbia as pastor. In 1865 he resigned these positions, contrary to the wishes of many friends, and re- turned to Louisiana, where in 1869 he was elected president of the Baptist college. Here for eight years as jjastor and teacher he continued his labor, growing all the while in the favor of his brethren and the community generally. In 1879 he took the field for the Centj'al Baptist, traveling through heat and cold; and ren- dered eflficient aid in enlarging the useful- ness and establish- ing more firmly the foundations of that paper. In January, 1881, Mr. Williams enter- ed upon his pastor- ate at Paris, Monroe Co., Mo., where he has been working with his usual en- ergy for an appreci- ative people, in ex- pectation of a bless- ing from on high. He has for nearly thirty years been actively engaged in the work of Missouri Baptists, sympathiz- ing with and encouraging the general interests of the cause in every department. A large portion of his life has been devoted to female education. For several years he has been a member of the board of trustees of the Southern Baptist Theological Sem- inary, also of the board of "William Jewell College, and for ten years clerk of the General Association. Bro. Williams is de- servedly numbered amongst our most useful and efficient men, and is now in the prime of his life.* * Mr. "Williams was licensed to preach by the Baptist church in Georgetown, Ky., July 13, 1850 ; and in October, 1858, he was ordained by Providence Church, Marion Count}', Mo. REV. JOHN' T. WILUAMS. MISSOURI BAPTIST GENERAL ASSOCIATION* 379 Larkin Merle Berry — is the son of a Baptist minister of prominence, Eev. W. C. Berry, for many years editor of the Bap- tist Telescope and Carolina Baptist. He was born in North Caro- lina, April 12, 1824. At the age of 12 years he was converted and baptized, and at 19 he was called of God and entered the Baptist ministry. At the age of 21 he married Miss Bishop of Spartanburg, S.C. He was pastor of several prominent churches in Xorth Carolina and South Carolina up to the war of 1861, at which time he was pastor of Lincolnton Baptist Church, !N. C, of which he was the founder. He spent the years 1857 and '58 as district secretary of the home board of the Southern Baptist Convention. Soon after the war he accepted a call to the pul- pit as pastor of the Portland Avenue Baptist Church, Louisville, Ky. He remov- ed to Missouri in January, 1871, and took charge of the pastoral work in the Chilli- cothe Church, from which he was called to the Bernard Street Church, St. Louis, in May, 1872. This work he resign- ed in the fol- lowing Janu- ary, and again assumed the mission work as district sec- retary of the home board of rev. l. m. berry. the S. B. C. for the district of Kentucky, leaving his family in Missouri. In 1876 he engaged in the agency work of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Since then he has made Salisbury his permanent home, having filled the pastoral office at different times in the following churches: Salisbury, Fulton, Eoanoke, Chariton and Keytesville, until December, -M'S 380 MISSOURI BAPTIST GENEEAL ASSOCIATION. 1879, when he entered upon the work of state missions, as dis- trict missionary secretary, in whicR capacity he served until May 1, 1881, when failing health forced his resignation. As a means of restoration he made atrip to Europe, traveling through England, Ireland, Scotland, "Wales, France, Italy, Holland, Bel- gium and Germany. He returned greatly invigorated, and is now laboring as an evangelist, and in this capacity is rendering valuable service in the promotion of Baptist interests. Eld. Berry is a man of rare preaching talents; possesses the highest order of social qualities, and is an able defender of the tenets of his denomination. He is considerably over six feet in height, as straight as an Indian, a perfect pattern of neatness and a model Christian gentleman : thus saying, we have not told the half. EECOED OF ANNUAL MEETmGS. Date. Church Met With. Mod. and Clk. '\Preacher atid Text. Aug. 29, 1834iProvidence, Callaway Countv. J. Yardeinan, I .- .. I R.S.Thomas June o, 1835 Little Bonne Femme, Boone J. Vardenian, I Count}-, W. Wright " 3, 1830 Bethlehem, Boone County, - J. B. Loiij^an, I ' G. AV. Bower 2, 1837 Mt. Moriah, Howard County, J. B. L(jngan, I "Wni. Carson 1, 1838lColumLia, - May 31, 1839 Big Lick, Cooper Countv, I Aug. 28, 1840 Paris, " 27, 1841 Chariton, Howard County, " 25, 1842 Richland, Callaway County, ^24, 1843 Jetferson City, - " 23, 1844 Mt. JVIoriah. Howard County, " 28, 1845 Columbia, •' 27, 1846 Lexington, - - - - •• 26, 1847 "Walnut Grove, Boone County, 24,1848 23, 1849 Big Lick, Cooper Coimty, Mt. Nebo, Cooper County, " 22, 1850, Little Bomie Femme, Boone County, " 28, 1851 Liberty, Clay County, « 20, 1852 Bethel, Saline (;ouut>-, - J. B. Longan, AV. yi. Quince J. B. Longan, J. O' Bryan J. Suggett, \Vni. Carson U. Sehree, R. S. Tliomas U. Sebrcc, W. Wright U. Sebreo, W. M. .Jackson K. Hughes, W. M. Jackson R. Hughes, L. Wright U. Sebree, W. M. McPherson U. Sebree, L. Wright TJ. Sebree, L. Wright ^Vm. Carson, L. Wright R. Hughes, AV. 31. Jackson R. Hughes, 31. F. Price R. Hughes, M. F. Price A. P. Williams, Romans 10 A. Wood, .James 1 ; 27 A. P. Williams, ]\Iatt. 9 ; 28, 29 James Suggett, Luke 24^; 46, 47 T. P Green, Matt. 24; 14 I. T. Hinton, Dan. 12 ; 4 I. T. Hinton, 1 Cor. 9 ; 7 A. Broaddus, 2Cor. 9;8 K IS". Herndon, 1 Thess. 1;2, 3 S. W. Lvnd, "^Gal. ; 14 T. C. Harris 1 Cor. 1 ; 2 W. C. Ligon, Eph. 2 ; 18 X. Flood, 2 Peter 3 ; 11 , J. E. Welch, Prov. 22 ; J. B. Jeter, Luke 8 ; 1-3 T. C. Harris, Is. 53; 10 MISSOURI BAPTIST GENERAL ASSOCIATION. 381 Date. Church Met With. Mod. and Clk. | Preacher and Text. May 25, 1853 Fayette, - - - - R. Hughes, R. F. Ellis, R. S. Thomas Romans 10 ; 4 " 27, 1854 Union Hill, Callaway County, R. Hughes, R. H. Harris, S. B. Johnson John 9 ; 4 '• 26, 1855 Palmyra, - - - - Wm. Carson, J. E. Welch, W. M. McPherson Sam. 24; 24 " 23, 1856 Columbia, - - - - D. H. Hickman, D. Reed, D. Reed John 16; 8, 11 " 27,1857 Lexington, . . . R. E. McDaniel, A. Poindexter, M. F. Price 2 Cor. 5 ; 14, 15 " 21, 1858 Mt. Nebo, Cooper County, - Wm. Crowd 1, Wm. Price, Wm. M. Bell 1 Cor. 1 ; 18 ^uly 23, 1859 Huntsville, ... R. E. McDaniel, E. S. Dulin, AVm. il. Bell Matt. 10 ; 9, 10 " 21,1860 Liberty, Clay County, R. E. McDaniel. G. Anderson, Wm. M. Bell John 12 ; 24 " 27,1861 Miami, - - - - R. E. McDaniel, John Francis, J. T. Williams Is. 53 ; 2 " 26,1862 Rebobotb, Saline County, - R. E. McDaniel, J. W. Warder, \\\ R. Rothwell 2 Tim. 4 ; 6, 8 « 25, 1863 Roanoke, - - - - A. P. Williams, W. R. Rothwell A. P. Williams, 1864 No meeting neld this year. Aug. 19, 1865 Boonville, - - - - A. P. Williams, A. P. Williams, O ' J. T. AVilliams Phil. 1 ; 12 July 21, 1866 Roanoke, . . . A. P. Williams, E. S. Dulin, " J. T. Williams Judges 8;4 Auif. 10, 1867 Lexinston, - - - - A. P. Williams. Charles AVhiting, o ' to , J.T.Williams Luke 9 ; 60 " G, 1868 Paris, - - - - D. H. Hickman, W. H. Thomas. J. T. Williams Num. 13 ; 30 " 4, 1869 Columbia, - - - - Noah Flood, •Jas. Dixon, J. T. Williams Dan. 2 ; 31, 35 Oct. 13, 1870 St. Louis, Second, Noah Flood, T. Rambaut, J. T. Williams Mark 16 ; 15 " 12,1871 Clinton, - - . _ X. X. Buckner, J. H. Luther, Ed. W. Stephens John 21 ; 16 " 10, 1872 Glasgow, - - . J. B. Wornall, J. C. Maple, Ed. W. Stephens Malt. 28; 21 " 8, 1873 Macon, - . . . J. B. Wornall, D. T. Morrill, Ed. W. Stephens Ps. 126; 5, 6 " 6, 1874 Sedalia, - L. B. Ely, A. Machc'tt, Ed. W. Stephens 31att. 1«;18 " 8, 1875 St. Joseph, First, L. B. Ely, S. H. Ford, M.' J. Breaker Josh. 3; 12 " 18,1876 Hannibal, L. B. Ely, W. Pope Yeaman, E. W. Stephens 1 John 4 ; 7-12 " 24,1877 Lexington, - - - - W. Pope Yeaman, E. W. Stephens G. A. Lofton, O ' Mark 16 ; 20 " 23,1878 Mexico, - - . - W. Pope Yeaman, W. W. Boyd, E. W. Stephens Rom. 1 ; 14 " 22,1879 Kansas City, Calvary, - W. Pope Yeaman, S. H. Ford, J. T. Williams Matt. 3 ; 1 " 20,1880 Carrollton, . . . W. Pope Yeaman, J. T. Williams Wm. Harris, 1 Thess. 1 ; 6-8 « 18,1881 St. Louis, Third, W. Pope Yeaman, J. T. Williams J. V. Schofield, Mark 16 ; 15 CHAPTER. V. BLACK EIVEK ASSOCIATION. Organization, Location and Field of — Its First Ministers — Aggressive Character — Growth— J. W. Bro\ra— L. L. Stephens— J. H. Floyd. THE Black River Association was organized with a colon}' of six chnrches from Cape G-irardeaii, November 14, 1835, at Greenville, Wayne County, in the midst of a destitute and im- jjortant field for missionary effort. The constituent churches were Black Eiver, Cherokee Bay, Columbia, Big Creek, Bear Creek and Greenville, with an aggregate membership of 188. The ministers were Henry McElmurry, William Macom and S. Winningham. Bro. McElmurry was moderator and Sam'l J. McXight clerk. In thefirstten years of the associational historj- we notice the following additions to the list of ministers: Wil- liam Settle, B. Clack and N. G. Ferguson. Meetings were held regularly each year until 1860. After this no meetings were held until the year 1865, when the smoke of the war had cleared away and business was resumed, and no more interruptions occurred of which we have any account. From the commencement the Black Eiver Association was an aggressive bod}-, and increased in efficiency and members, until in 1850 its churches numbered 24, with a total membership of 1,079. This year twelve churches were dismissed, mostly in AVayne County, to form a new association by the name of St. Francois. Prior to the dismission of the aforesaid churches, the associational bounds had extended over the counties of Wayne, Stoddard, Dunklin, and as high up as into Madison. The work continued to pros])er, churches multiplied, and the association grew in material and spiritual resources, and again, in 1857, says C. B. Crumb, the present clerk, "another colonj'^ of five churches went off to form the Cane Creek Association, which left eighteen churches in the Black Eiver. Since the last named date the association has generally been held in Stoddard and Dunklin Counties. The first printed minutes we have are for 1860. The title page reads thus : '' Minutes of the 25th Anniversary of the Black River Association of the United Missionary Baptists." The meeting was BLACK RIVER ASSOCIATION. 383 held Avith Bloomfield Church, Stoddard County, commencing August 31. The minutes give the following summary : Churches. — Providence, Bloomfield, Gravelly Hill, Bethany, Mount Pleasant, Grand Prairie, Kennett, Bethlehem, Pleasant Valley, Palestine, Shiloh, Oak Grove, Mount Union, White Oak Grove, New Hope, Duck Creek, Pleasant Grove, Ebenezer, Point Pleasant, Union, Friendship, Concord and Castorville. The last three were new churches. Baptisms, 125. Aggregate member- ship, 962. Ministers. — R. P. Paramore, Sanders Walker, Edward Allen, F. W. Miller, W. B. Howell, A. D. Watson, Wm. W. Whayne, Wm. Macom, Jas. H. Floyd, Lewis L. Stephens, John Miller, Jonathan Snider and Tilford Hogan. Board of Domestic Missions. — E. P. Owen, A. B. Owen, Geo. Macom, Daniel Harty and Stephen P. Waltrup. The following resolutions were adopted at this session : '■^Resolved, That this association will not hold in fellowship any church which will tolerate in her members the practice of selling intoxicating liquors, to be used as a beverage, or who will encourage in any way the use of intoxicating drinks. " Resolved, That we do not recognize any as having been bap- tized who have received the ordinance at the hands of pedo- baptists." — Unanimously adopted. " Resolved, That a liberal education is a powerful aid to piety and zeal in qualifying young men for the gospel ministry. That it is the duty of the churches to aid such brethren as give pro- mise of usefulness in the ministry, and are not able to educate themselves." (Minutes of 1860.) Eld. L. L. Stephens was paid ^50 for 50 days' service as mis- sionary. He reported 9 baptisms, 50 family visits, and 43 ser- mons preached. In 1H66 Bethany, Oak Grove and Palestine Churches sent let- ters and messengers to the 31st anniversary. One new church — Shady Grove — was admitted. An executive committee on mis- sions was appointed, viz.: B. R. Frazier, Wm. Ingrain, ,T. P. Herron, L. L. Stephens and J. B. Eeese. Eight churches, viz.: Little Yine, Four Mile, Spring Hill, Pleasant Grove, Antioch, Mt. Zion, Harmony and Liberty, were admitted into the association in 1867. The usual custom of the association for years has been to have a missionary sermon preached on Sunday, and follow the same with a public collection. The minutes of 1869 exhibit great prosperity. The scattere(J 384 BLACK RIVER ASSOCIATION. churches had been gathered together, new ones formed and added, until, in this year, the association numbered 30 churches and 1,726 members ; 338 baptisms occurred in the last year. This year the missionary plan was so changed as to make every pas- tor a missionary of the association, and the churches were in- structed to pay to them all the funds collected for missionary purposes. About this time great indifference prevailed ; there was a lack of unity as to methods of work. Many "plans" were tried, but none were successful, for want of co-operation and funds. In 1871 only 22 baptisms were reported • and no more than thirteen of the twenty-eight churches sent messengers in 1872. Eight of the churches sent $209 for home missions, and a messenger was sent to the General Association to solicit aid in supplying the great destitution in the bounds of the association. Since 1875 the association has lost in numerical strength. She then numbered 27 churches, she now has only 20. The minutes do not show whether this is from dissolutions or dismissals. She has not, however, lost in vital force and zeal. In 1878 near $800 were spent in itinerant work and Bro. Carlin was the mis- sionary. The churches are now, for the most part, located in Stoddard, Dunklin, Pemiscot and New Madrid Counties, and some of them are engaged, in a moderate way, in promoting Sun- day-schools and missions — home and foreign. Two churches have a membership exceeding 100 ; Landmark, 182 ; and Oak Grove, 153. The forty-sixth anniversary was held at Bloomfield, Stoddard County, commencing July 15, 1881. H. P. Owen was elected moderator and C. B. Crumb clerk. The table shows a moderate degree of prosperity. Several churches had enjoyed revivals. In all 70 baptisms were reported. The subject of "annual pas- torates" was discussed, and the churches were advised to call their pastors for an " indefinite time." Well done for Black Eiver ! Ministers.— B&Yid Lewis, J. F. Bibb, W. H. Dial, T. B. Turn- baugh, E. H. Douglass, T. Hogan, W. G. Henson (licentiate), M. V. Baird, L. D. Cagle (licentiate), J. J. Wester, H. D, Carlin, M. J. Whitaker, J. H. D. Carlin and Stringer. Oak Grove Church, Dunklin County, was selected as the place of meeting for the second Friday in August, 1882. John W. Brown — was one of the ministers of Black River As- sociation. We have been able to gather the following facts, only, concerning him. He lived in Dunklin County, was a highly es- BLACK RIVER ASSOCIATION. 386 teemed brother, regarded as a man of ardent piety, earnest zeal and untiring energ3\ He was a faithful watchman, and died in battle, August 13, 1868. Eld. L. L. Stephens, — another of the ministerial band of this association, who had presided in its councils and traveled as a missionary, died sometime in the year 1872. Eld. J. H. Floyd. — Bro. Floyd was a native of Clarke Coun- ty, Missouri, and was born in 1832. His father's family moved some years ago into Dunklin County, where in 1854 he was con- verted and united with the Baptists, and in 1858 began preaching. He spent most of his subsequent life in Missouri, save one year — 1870-71— in Texas. He was a hard working man, cultivating a farm for a living, while he usually preached to three and four churches statedly, and held jjrotracted meetings at intervals. Our informant sup- poses that his death might have resulted from over exertion. He says that Bro. Floyd usually spent two to three months every year in protracted meetings, and that he thus continued until so much exhausted that he could not talk, and would be compelled to return home for rest. Eternity alone will unfold to view the toils and sacrifices of such men. He died June 8, 1874, being then in his 43d year. 26 CHAPTER YI. UNION AND LIBEKTY ASSOCIATIONS. Union Association Formed — Faith of — Forms a Missionary Society — Its Growth — Peter Williams — Division of the Association — Basis of Union — Coldness — J. H. Thompson — Liberty Association Formed — The Local Church Idea. MESSENGEES from four churches, viz. : Salem, St. John's, Boeuff and Prairie Fork, dismissed from Franklin Associ- ation, met at St. John's Church, Franklin County, Mo., Novem- ber 6, 1839, and organized the "Union Baptist Association." Eld. D. Stites was elected moderator and J. A. Mathews clerk. Correspondence was opened with the Missouri and the Franklin Associations. The aggregate membership of the four churches was 244. The articles of faith were substantially the same as those adopted by the great Baptist family. Regular annual meet- ings were held, the usual routine of business transacted and a somewhat steady but slow increase was enjoyed. In 1845 the churches had increased in number to nine and in membership to 340. The ministers present this j'car were J. H. Thompson, D. Stites, B. Leach, C. Maxwell and G. Eutherford. Our next records are for 1851, when eleven churches sent mes- sengers to the session at Indian Prairie Church. Under the in- fluence of the early example of her mother, the Franklin Asso- ciation, she had formed a missionary society whose executive committee reported annually to her the result of its work. From the report of said committee this year we glean the following facts: Elds. Peter and James Williams had been employed to itinerate, whose labors resulted in the organization of two church- es, four Sunday-schools and the baptism of 126 converts, $160 were raised in cash and pledges for missionary purposes, and one brother was appointed in each church as collector. At the session of 1858 nothing was seen of the missionary so- ciety, nor of the itinerants in the field, nor of the prosperity among the churches. Eld. J. D. Murphy, pastor at Carrollton, Mo., appeared as a young minister, and preached the introduc- tory sermon at this meeting. He was born, raised, converted and commenced preaching in this field. Eld. Peter "Williams was UNION AND LIBERTY ASSOCIATIONS. o87 elected moderator at tlie 21st anniversary (1859), held at IN'ew Salem, Gasconade County, where the following churches were represented by messengers : Indian Prairie, Liberty, Providence, Dubois, Big Burbois, Cedar Fork, New Salem, Pleasant Valley, Mud Spring, New Hope and Little Flock. The largest of these was New Salem, which had 73 members. Peter Williams — was a younger brother of the pioneer, James Williams, the first moderator of Franklin Association. He mov- ed from St. Francois up into Franklin County, about the 3'ear 1850, and became pastor of three churches in Union Association. He was a poor man and worked hard to support a large family, but was nevertheless an acceptable minister and had good suc- cess. Eld. Benjamin Leach says of him : " I assisted Bro. Peter Williams in organizing five Baptist churches, and in ordaining four ministers of the gospel. He died in Osage County. I saw him a few days before his death — he was cheerful and said he was waiting for the Lord to call him home." The minutes of 1862 show but little of prosperity. A division in sentiment sprang up this year relative to church government, which culminated in the withdrawal and subsequent exclusion of New Salem, Mud Spring and Liberty Churches. These churches and one other by name of Bethel, met together in 1869 and or- ganized the Liberty Baptist Association, which existed nine years as a separate body and was then merged into the old body upon the following terms and conditions : "BASIS OF UNION. ^^ Whereas, In 1862 a division of sentiment arose among the churches of Union Association in regard to a question of church government, which culminated in a division of certain of the churches into separate bodies, resulting in Liberty Association; and, *' Whereas, Liberty Association has in conference accepted a proposition from our sister church to blend the two associations into a common fellowship, and into one body; and, " Whereas, We see no valid reason why we should longer keep up two separate organizations, and thus perpetuate non-fellow- ship among Baptist churches of the same faith and order, all working for the same ends; therefore, "Resolved, That we be united on common grounds into one body, to be called Union Association, retaining the constitution of that body, subject, however, to amendment to suit the require- ments of the association as united; and that we will work to- 388 UNION AND LIBERTY ASSOCIATIONS. gether for good and for the advancement of the Redeemer's king- dom, looking unto Jesus, the author of our faith. ^^ Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed to meet a like committee from Liberty Association for the purpose of se- lecting a place for holding the meeting of the association as united, and to select some one to preach the annual sermon, provided Liberty Association accept these propositions. " Resolved, That the delegation from Liberty Church be request- ed to present these propositions to Liberty Association at its next meeting." {Minutes of Union Association, 1878, p. 10.) From about the year 1861 or '62 the association seemed to lose in vital force, doing little or no aggressive work, until in 1866, when the 28th anniversary was held at Cedar Fork Church, Franklin County; only five churches reported by messengers, four of which sent statistics showing! baptisms and 166 members. But by the year 1868 she had begun to rally. The session was held at Liberty, Gasconade County-. Two missionaries, Elds. L. M. Mahany and Wm. Bridges, in the joint employ of this and the General Association, had been kept in the field. They re- ported upwards of 100 baptisms, over 150 accessions to the churches and between S600 and $700 received from all sour^ces. Five new churches were also added this session, viz. : Pleasant Hill (in Franklin Co.), Hopewell, Mount Pleasant, Pleasant Hill (in Osage Co.) and Linn. In 1869 14 churches reported 96 bap- tisms and 497 members. These churches were situated in the counties of Gasconade, Franklin and Osage. Elds. L. M. Ma- hany, Peter Brown, Wm. Bridges, E. C. Maxwell and H. F. Odum were active ministers in the association at this time. The first named was the joint missionary of this and the General As- sociation, at a salary of $550. The interest continued for several years, when coldness seiz- ed hold of the masses, until in 1877 " only three churches had regular preaching, others had gone out of existence, and almost all the ministers, by the parsimony of the churches, were driven beyond the bounds of the association." {Minutes Union Association, 1877, p. 4.) This year onl}'- three of the four churches, viz. : In- dian Prairie, Mt. Olive and New Hope were represented, which reported 13 baptisms and 2 ministers — J. H. Blaylock and Wm. Bridges — in the entire association. The session of 1878 witnessed a better state of things, resulting from a restoration of fellowship between the Union and Liberty Associations and the uniting of them again into one body under UNION AND LIBERTY ASSOCIATIONS. 389 the old title of "Union Baptist Association," an account of which has already been given (see ''Basis of Union"). The Union As- sociation at this time numbered 11 churches, 437 members, and was moderately active in promoting home missions, foreign missions and Sunday-schools. One church, New Hope, Franklin County, had a woman's foreign missionary society in it, with Mrs. M. S. Walton as president, Mrs. S. A. Bridges, secretary, and Mrs. C. A. Armstrong, treasurer. The ministers of the as- sociation were Wm. Bridges Benj. Leach, J. T. Leach and P. D. Cooper. The forty-first annual session, at Xew Haven, commenced Oct. 9, 1879, when 6 ministers and 14 churches appear on the list,with a membership of 542. Kev. B. Leach, as itinerant, reported 161 days of labor, 222 sermons, 9 baptisms and 30 conversions wit- nessed. In 1880 the meeting was held at New Salem, Gasconade County. This year only ten churches are on the list, and 5 ministers. Eld. E. N. Gough had spent 86 days in the field as an itinerant, during which time he had preached 88 sermons, deliv- ered 12 temperance lectures and 10 Sunday-school lectures, bap- tized 5 and collected $81.25. In 1881 the association met at Liberty Church, Gasconade County, October 20th. Eld. B. Leach was moderator, and A. C. Walton, clerk. Only 5 of the 9 churches on the roll sent mes- sengers. Elds. Wm. Bridges, B. Leach and J. H. Breaker were the pastors. From the report of the committee on temperance, it appears that the use of intoxicants prevailed to a demoralii- ing extent in many of the churches. This may explain why so little prosperity exists. Only two churches reported baptisms, viz. : New Hope and Bethel, the former 15 and the latter 3. Eld. B. Leach had spent 144 days as itinerant and jiastor, for which he received ^21.25. Eev. John H. Thompson, — for some years a minister in Union Association, was born in Louisa County, Virginia, March, 8, 1795. He entered the ministry at the age of eighteen years and was married to Miss Sarah N. Perkins about four years afterwards. Leaving his native state in 1821 and spending about thirteen years in Alabama, he removed to Missouri in 1834 and settled in Franklin County, where he resided until his death, January 3, 1865, being nearly seventy years old. Of his ministerial life we have gathered no facts. LIBERTY ASSOCIATION. This body was the fruit of an unhappy difiiculty in Union As- 390 UNION AND LIBERTY ASSOCIATIONS. sociation, on the subject of church government. A convention was called and the association was organized November 12, 1869, at New Salem Church, Gasconade County. Four churches and two ministers went into the organization. The churches were New Salem, Liberty, Mud Spring and Bethel, the three former having been members of Union Association. The ministers were Benj. Leach and "William Lambeth. The association grew until in 1875 the churches had become nine in number, with seven ministers. In 1878, at its ninth annual meeting, the Liberty Association closed its history, and was merged into the Union Association. (See account thereof before given.) The papers before me bear witness that great harmony and unity prevailed in the meetings of the association during the entire nine years of its existence, and not a little good was ac- complished. Such is the nature of the Baptist Church polity that schisms do not necessarily result in the formation of anoth- er denomination. "With her independent local church idea, con- troversies and difficulties ordinarily affect those localities only in which they occur. This is the New Testament plan of church polity, a^d there is great wisdom in it. CHAPTER Til. LITTLE BOKNE FEMME ASSOCIATION". Organization of— Early Baptists of Boone County — Bethel, Little Bonne Femme, Ce- dar, Union, Columbia, Nashville, New Salem, Mt. Horeb, Concord, Richland, and other Churches — A "Big Revival" — Sunday-schools — First List of Ministers — The Unanimity Rule — Method of Missions — Origin of William Jewell College — Steph- ens College — Bonne Femme Seminarj^ — R. Dale — James Suggett — Thos. H. Ford —David Doyle— R. S. Thomas— W. M. Jesse— H, W. Dodge— W. H. Burnham— J. M. Robinson — E. D. Isbell — J. M. McGuire — James HaiTis. THE Little Bonne Femme Baptist Association, numbering in 1881 41 churches, located in Boone, Callaway and Audrain Counties, originated from a division in the Salem Association, occasioned by the action of Salem on missions. The following is from the records : " Called for the unfinished business of Satur- day on the subject of Mount Pleasant Association, and agreed to correspond with the anti-missionary part of said association. It was also proposed to correspond with the missionary part of said association,* which proposition was rejected ; whereupon Breth- ren Suggett and Thomas, our moderator and clerk, withdrew from the association." (Ifinutes of Salein Association, 1837, p. 2.) In 1838, Little Bonne Femme, Columbia, Nashville and Mount Horeb Churches, sent letters and messengers to Salem Associa- tion, seeking redress for the unjust action of the preceding year, but, failing to secure this they withdrew and together with Prov- idence, Freedom and Salem (Tuque Prairie) formed the Little Bonne Femme Association. The convention for this purpose was held at Providence Church, Callaway County, on November 16-18, 1839. Of the convention Overton Harris was moderator and Alia B. Snethen, clerk. The total membership of the seven constituent churches was 401. In the preamble to the constitu- tion they say: "The delegates from the churches aforesaid, agreeing that the subject of missions shall be no bar to fellow- ship, have united themselves into an association, upon the prin- ciples of the United Baptists, &c." As United Baptists they *See Mt. Pleasant Association for an account of the two parties alluded to. ;><)2 LITT].K 7iONNE FEMME ASSOCIATION. were compelled to this action, otherwise they would have vio- lated their own compact, as all must know who are acquainted with the principles of the United Baptists. The New Salem Church also withdrew from the Salem Association in 1839, but did not unite with the Little Bonne Femme until 1842. E. W. Stephens, in Missouri Statesman, says: " The pioneer emi- grants to this western country, though possessed of few advan- tages of education, were by no means unenlightened in morals, and many of them were professors of the Christian religion. As a rule they were Baptists, though there were among them a con- siderable number of Methodists and Cumberland Presbyterians, who, however, did not attain, for many years, sufficient strength to establish a church." Bethel Baptist Church. — (This church was a constituent of Mt. Pleasant Association, and now bears the name of Walnut Grove : so we are informed.) The first church organized in Boone County was called Bethel, and was situated in the northwestern section of the county, about eight miles north of Eocheport. It was organized on June 28th, 1817. The following is a transcript of the church covenant: CHURCH COYEXANT. June 28th, A. D., 1817. "We, the Baptist Church, called Bethel, was constituted by Brethren William Thorp and David McClain, on the Scriptures of the Old and the New Testaments, believing them to be the in- fallible word of God and onl}'- rule of faith and practice. Be- lieving that salvation is of God alone, also that Jesus Christ is the Eternal Son of God the Father — three persons in the God- head — the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost — these three are one. We believe in particular and unconditional election by grace, and baptism by immersion, believers to be the onlj'^ sub- jects; and the final perseverance of the saints. " Anderson Woods, Betsey Woods, David McQuittv, John Turner, James Harris." On Saturday, July 28th, 1817, the first regular session of the church was held, when Edward Turner was chosen moderator, and Aiiderson Woods permanent clerk. Edward Turner and William Thorp were, at this meeting, selected as temporary pas- tors, and served as such until the October following, when Wil- liam Thorp was appointed the first permanent pastor of the church. Meetings were held at the houses of Anderson Woods LITTLE BONNE FEMME ASSSOCIATION. 393 aud James Harris until April, 1818, \Theii a school house was built and made to serve the purpose of a church. The members of this church during 1817, in addition to those subscribed to the above covenant, were Joshua Barton, Lazarus Wilcox, William Thorp and Edward Turner, thus making the church to consist, for the first year, of nine members. Before September, 1819, the following are all the male members besides those above given, who had united with this church : William McCarty, James Hicks, Benjamin Steward, Elias Elston, Jacob Lowden, Thomas Vaughn, William and Fi'ancis Barns, Thomas Biswell, William Eyan, William Wilhite, Benjamin F. Green, Eobert Dale and Jeremiah Hall. "At this time Anderson Woods, Lazarus Wilcox, Elias Elston and others obtained letters of dismission, and proceeded to con- stitute a church now known as ' Little Bonne Femme,' in a neigh- borhood then growing rapidly, about seven miles southeast of Columbia and known among the old residents as the ' Two Mile Prairie Settlement.' Enough Baptists had collected there to form a church, the first step toward which was taken in Decem- ber, 1819, when they met and framed the following code of gov- ernment : " David Doyle, Anderson Woods, Elizabeth Woods, James Harris, Mourning Harris, Polly Har- ris, Elizabeth Kennon, John Maupin, Elias El- ston, Matthew Haley, Jane Tuttle, Lazarus Wil- cox, Lucy Wilcox, James Wiseman, Thomas S. Tuttle, Nancy Tuttle. ^'December, the First Sunday, 1819. "We whose names are above enrolled, being regular Baptists, and scattered abroad in the neighborhood of the Two-mile Prai- rie, Howard County, Missouri Territory, have this daj'" and date above named, in conformity with a previous appointment, met at the house of Brother Anderson Woods, in order to consider the propriety of uniting together and becoming a church ; and have also agreed to become a church under the following articles of constitution : " 1st. We believe in one onl}^ true and living God, the Father, the Son, and Holy Ghost. "2d. That the Scriptures of the old and new Testaments are the word of God, and the only rule of faith and practice. " 3d. We believe in the doctrine of election, and that God chose his people in Christ before the foundation of the world. 394 LITTLE BONNE TEMME ASSOCIATION. "4th. We believe in the doctrine of original sin, and iu man's impotency to recover himself from the fallen state he is in by na- ture, either in whole or in part, by his own free-will and ability. '* 5th. We believe that sinners are justified in the sight of Grod, only by the righteousness of Christ imputed to them. "6th. We believe .that G-od-'s elect shall be called, converted, regenerated and sanctified by the Holy Spirit during this life. "7th. We believe the saints shall be saved by grace, and never finally fall away, and that good works are the fruits of faith and follow after justification. " 8th. We believe that baptism and the Lord's Supper are or- dinances of Jesus Christ, and that true believers are the only proper subjects, and that baptism is immersion. "9th. Wo believe in the resurrection of the body, and general judgment, and that the punishment of the wicked and joys of the righteous "will be eternal. " 10th. We believe that ministers have no right to the admin- istration of the ordinances, only such as are regularly baptized, ordained and set forward to the work of the ministry. "The brethren agreed to call on the following churches: Mt. Pleasant, Bethel, Mt. Zion and Concord, for early help, to ex- amine into the fitness of our becoming a church, and also to con- stitute us if thought fit; and have also ajipointed Brethren An- derson Woods and David Doyle to write letters to those church- es, requesting them to send us help for the purpose above named. Also agreed that our next meeting be held at the house of Bro. Thomas S. Tuttle the first Saturday and Sunday in February, 1820. Lazarus Wilcox, Clerk pro tern. "In February, 1820, by request of the persons whose names are prefixed to the foregoing, William Thorp and Thomas Cam- bell, from Mt. Pleasant, and Eobert Dale, from Bethel, visited them and regularly constituted them a church. David Doyle was chosen the first pastor and so remained until 1830, when he as- sumed pastoral control of Salem Church, which was organized during that year. Lazarus Wilcox was elected the first clerk and held the position fifteen years, till 1835, when he was suc- ceeded by Thomas Turner, who died shortl}^ afterwards, and Charles L. Woolfolk was elected and remained in the position till 1844, when the late David H. Hickman became the clerk and so remained for many years. The first deacons were Lazarus Wilcox and Anderson Woods." (E. W. Stephens, History of Boone County, in Missouri Statesman.) LITTLE BONNE FEMME ASSOCIATION, 395 In May, 1820, the name Little Bonne Femme* was given from the creek in that vicinity. "Until August, 1820, the meetings of this church were held in private dwellings, when a log building was erected on land belonging to Thomas Duly, near Elk Lake. Services were held there till 1822, when a log house was built on ground donated by Col. James McClelland and the church there permanently established. " There prevailed amongst the members of this church during its early history a custom of which a great many are at present ignorant, and which at this day appears novel in the extreme. It was that of requiring members at sacramental meetings to wash each other's feet. This was a token of devoutest humility and was by them considered a scriptural injunction found in John 13, where Jesus having washed the feet of his disciples, enjoined, 'If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet, ye ought also to wash one another's feet. For I have given you an example that ye should do as I have done to you.' Whilst such a practice may be regarded at the present day as unauthorized, we can but admire the meekness and contrition of spirit that conceived and prompted it. "By 1821 the population of the county had so far increased as to demand the erection of another church, and in July of that year a committee from the upper Two-Mile Prairie, consisting of Thomas P. and Elijah Stephens, William Edwards and Absa- lom Eenfro, visited the Bonne Femme Church to request that a committee be sent by the latter to constitute for them a church. In compliance with their wishes David Doyle, Mason Moss and Elias Elston were appointed, who shortly thereafter established ' Cedar' Church. This church, though in Callaway, has always comprised a great many members from Boone. It consisted at first of thirteen members, and Eobert Dale was the first preach- er. He was succeeded by Thos. P. Stephens, who continued its pastor for 44 years. Among the first members of this church, besides those mentioned, were Isaac Black and Matthew Ed- wards." (E. W. Stephens, in the Missouri Statesman.') The "Cedar" Church adopted the anti-mission, or so-called " Old School " sentiments, and hence continued with the Salem Association. * Bonne Femme is French, and means a good woman ; it is the name here of a creek, and gave name to this chui-ch and to the association. "In some cases it is writ- ten bon, which is incorrect, as that is the masculine from the old Latin, bonus. Bonne is feminine, and is the term to go with/ewwe, woman." — Benedict. 896 LITTLE BONNE PEMME ASSOCIATION. Union Church. — In 1822 two colonies of members dismissed from Little Bonne Ferame and Bethel Churches met together and formed a church some six miles south from Columbia. The cir- cumstances suggested the name Union. Berryman Wren was the minister. This church also continued with Salem Association, First Baptist Church, Columbia. — The Little Bonne Femme Church sent a small colony of members to Columbia, which, be- ing joined by a few others, formed a Baptist church there (the first in the town) November 22, 1823, The following persons went into the organization: Charles Hardin, William Jewell, William Ridgeway, Hutchens Barnett, Hannah Hardin, Harriet Gooloe, Abraham N. Foley, Henr}^ Cave, George Jewell, Mary Jewell and Hiram C. Philips. "The first meeting was held at the residence of Charles Hard- in. Anderson Woods was elected moderator and Hiram C, Phil- lips clerk, and articles of faith and rules of decorum were adopt- ed. The first deacons were Charles Hardin and William Eidge- way. For a number of years the church had no regular pastor, Rev. Anderson Woods serving chiefly as preacher to them, as- sisted frequently by Elds. Robert Dale, Peyton Stephens, James Suggett, Berryman Wren, Thomas Thompson and Ninian Ridge- way. Hiram C. Phillips served as church clerk until 1828, when he resigned, and Dr. William Jewell was elected and continued to hold the oflftce for about twenty years. "The first regular pastor of the church was Elder Allen (for- merly spelled Alan) McGuire, who was elected in August, 1827, and held that office without any compensation, until his death on March 31, 1835 — nearly eight years. " From 1823 to 1828 the services were held at private houses. From 1828 to 1836 they were held in the old court-house. In 1836, of their own means and unaided. Dr. William Jewell and Rev. Moses U. Payne, the latter of the Methodist church, built a house of worship, which was used alternately by the two congre- gations for many years. It was located on the present resident property of W. F. Switzler. " In 1830 the church had grown to fifty members, among whom, in addition to those already mentioned, we notice the following names: Willis Hawkins, Jacob Bruner, Emily Guitar, Jesse Turner, Isaac Coppage, John H. Baker, Thomas Henson, Peyton N. Mahan, Roily Asburj^, James Nichols, Daniel Neale, Arm- stead Hill and others. Not a single member of the church at that time is now living. LITTLE BONNE EEMME ASSOCIATION. 397 '' In 1828 Willis Hawkins and Hutchens Barnett were elected deacons in place of Hardin and Ridgeway, resigned, and contin- ued in office until 1839 and 1840, when James H. Woods and Reuben D. Black, father of Rev. G. L. Black, became deacons. "In 1837 the division between the missionary and anti-mis- sionary bodies of the Baptist church took place, the Columbia church almost unanimously siding with the missionary element. ''The church grew during all these years, until, by 1840, it had nearly a hundred members. There are but three members of the church living now who were members at that time. These are: Mrs. Dr. W. H. Duncan, William T. Hickman and Mrs. Isabella Maupin, "After the death of Rev. Allen McGuire in 1835, Rev. R. S. Thomas supplied the place as pastor for some eight years. He would frequently resign, but was always re-elected. At last, in 1843, he resigned and refused to accept re-election, when, for the first time in the history of the church, the effort was made to raise an adequate salary for a pastor, Mr. Thomas having re- ceived at no time over $350 per year for his services — most of the time laboring without pay. "In 1843 Rev, Isaac T. Hinton, of St. Louis, was elected pas- tor at a salary of $850. [In 1844 Eld. Thomas H. Ford became pastor of this church — see sketch of him for the facts.] He de- clined, and it is a singular coincidence that the church then elected Dr. H. W. Dodge, the jiastor of the church at this time, and who was then a young man and a resident of Washington City. He also declined. Dr. Dodge, while residing in Austin, Texas, in 1876, thirty-three years afterwards, was again elected to the same position and accepted. This fact, so far as we know, is not known to any member of the church, and has perhaps even been forgotten by the Doctor himself; but occurring, as it has, it looks as though God had indeed called him to the place which he now so ably and worthily fills." (From the Columbia, Mis- souri, Herald, ^ov., 1877.) Nashville Church. — "The jSTashville Baptist Church, Boone County, was organized the fourth Saturday in April, 1834, by 17 members, only three of whom now have any connection with it, viz. : G. S. Tuttle, his wife, and Sister Winfrey. At this meeting Elds. John Greenhalgh and Berryman Wren were chosen a pres- bytery for the purpose of organizing and drafting a constitution and rules of decorum for the church. When the split occurred in the denomination, Eld. Wren remained with the anti-niissiou- 398 LITTLE BONNE FEMME ASSOCIATION. ary Baptists, and continued to preach for that branch of the Bap- tist family until his death. The constitution adopted at that time was changed in 1856 in some points essential to the articles of faith. The rules of decorum were at the same time revised and corrected. "In August, 1834, James Cunningham and Jacob Kuykendall were chosen and ordained the first deacons. During the four years following, from 1834 to 1838, there was no regular pastor, and the church was irregularly supplied by Elder Greenhalgh and Dr. Doyle. In 1839 the former was chosen pastor, and for- mally resigned in March, 1840. During the period from the or- ganization of the church to 1840, it was in a very languishing condition, though the little band of brothers seemed not unmind- ful of the interests of the cause of the church j for we find in 1838 a resolution adoj^ted to enter into a new association with other churches of like faith and order ; and it united with its sister churches in organizing the Little Bonne Femme Associa- tion, in 1839." ("C." in Misso^iri Baptist Journal, Vol. Ill, No. 22.) "In 1850 the Nashville Church sent her first contribution to her association for the avowed purpose of sustaining a mission- ary in the bounds of the association; and it was not until the church became thoroughly missionary in spirit and practice, and determined to compensate a minister to serve them as regular pastor, that we find any marked blessings upon her." (Eld. J. M. Eobinson in The Missouri Baptist, Vol. II, Xo. 11, date May, 1861.) New Salem Church. — One of the early and brilliant lights of the Little Bonne Eemme Association was the New Salem Bap- tist Church, formed with 37 constituent members byJohnGreen- halgh and David Doyle on the second Saturday in Nov., 1828, in the neighborhood of Peter Bass' and Tyre Martin's, about thirteen miles in a southerly direction from Columbia, and two miles north of the present town of Ashland. Eor the first thirty years of its history Dr. David Doj^le filled the pastoral ofiice in this church. Succeeding him in the following order were John T. Williams, W. J. Patrick, Noah Flood and J. T. M. Johnson. This brings us up to about 1869 or '70. This church has ordained and sent into the ministry P. H. Steenbergen. John M. Black G. L. Black and "W. H. Burnham. In 1830 the church built a brick house, and rebuilt in 1848 — 40x48 feet. As early as 1843 the church had a Sunday-school which was kept up a part of the year. Numerically this church, LITTLE BONNE FEMME ASSOCIATION. 399 has of late years been the second in the association. In 1882 the church numbered 190 members with E. D. Isbell as pastor. In 1829 the church united with the Salem Association, but when that fraternity took a stand against missions the church no lon- ger fraternized with her, but united with the Little Bonne Femme Association. "Within the last few years the church has complet- ed a very neat and comfortable house of worship — a frame build- ing, very near the spot where the old house stood, in the rear of which stands the monument of Rev. David Doyle, the first pastor of the church. Mount Horeb Church. — On the 3rd day of August, 1833, at the house of Samuel Boon, near the eastern border of Callaway County, the Mount Horeb Church was founded by the help of Wm. Coats and Dr. Alia B. Snethen. The following men and women signed the covenant that day : Samuel Boon, "Willis Haw- kins, Jesse Yancleave, John G-regory, Benjamin Bouchire, Ann Boon, Mary Hawkins, Lucy Vancleave, Elizabeth C. Gregory, Mary Bouchire, Sarah A. Carter, and Susan a colored woman. Their first minister was "Wm. Coats who continued only about two years and was succeeded by AliaB. Snethen until 1846. Fol- lowing him were N. Flood, J. H. Tuttle, G. D. Tolle, B. B. Black and M. T. Bibb. Its first house was a log building after the old style ; that is, double, with a pen on either side, in one of which was a door, and in the other the pulpit. Richland Church. — James Suggett, R. S. Thomas and Kemp Scott held a meeting in the Richland neighborhood, six miles north of Fulton, the county seat of Callaway, and June 20, 1840, the Richland BaptistChurch was organized, with John Robinson, ISToah Flood, Sam'l Thornhill, Mary B. Robinson, Nancy B. Threlkeld, W. H. Threlkeld and Hiram Threlkeld as constituent members. At the first regular monthly meeting in July, Noah Flood was elected pastor, which office he filled until 1852. A double log building was erected in 1841, 22x40 feet ; this was replaced by a brick house, 42x52 feet, in 1850 ; and this by a frame house, 42x60 feet, in 1872, worth $4,000. In 1872 this church had a Sunday-school of 50 pupils, and three mission schools of 30 pupils each. In 1882 the church numbered 101 members with W. H. Burnham as pastor. MiLLERSBURG Church. — The Baptist church at Millersburg orig- inated in a mutual division of the Concord Church, Callaway County, on the missionary question. The following agreement was entered into : 400 LITTLE BONNE FEMME ASSOCIATION. "■ Be it known that on the third Saturday in July, 1840, the United Baptist church of Christ at Concord in conference, on a motion to withdraw correspondence from Salem Association, some of the brethren desiring to continue correspondence pro- posed that the church divide friendly, which was agreed to. A committee was appointed which presented the following report: 'We, the committee appointed by the Concord Church, have agreed that we divide friendly, and also that the house be divid- ed, viz.: the anti-missionary brethren shall hold the original name, occupy the house on the first and third Saturdays and Sundays in each month and retain the church book ; the mission- ary brethren shall occupy the house on the second and fourth Saturdaj's and Sundays.' " After which the missionary part proceeded in the following order: " 'Taking into consideration our situation, we, whose names are hereunto subscribed, propose to continue as a church of Je- sus Christ on the principles of the United Baptists, considering the subject of missions no bar to fellowship -' and after reading the articles of faith, 23 brethren and sisters, willing to unite on the above principles, came forward and gave their names and agreed to be known as the church at Millersburg, Callaway County." (From MS. of Wm. Mosely, clerk of Millersburg Church.) Noah Flood was elected pastor and served the church about twelve years, during which time there were 118 additions. In 1848 a substantial frame building was erected, 38x48 feet. The same house was repaired and improved in 1868 and was then val- ued at $2,500. Besides Eld. Flood, Elds. R. S. Thomas, G. D. Tolle, James Hughes, W. R. Wigginton and J. M. Eobinson have ministered to Millersburg Church. In all, 226 members have been added. In June, 1869, 5 of the original 23 were still living, and the church then numbered 81 members. "New Providence Church — is situated six miles from Colum- bia, near the Huntsville Road. She was constituted on the 8th day of August, A. D. 1841, by Elders Elijah Foley and Fielding Wilhite, of fifteen members. The church met for the transaction of business on the first Saturday in September, 1841 ; chose Rev. F. Wilhite moderator pro tern., and Thomas S. Allen as clerk; oiJened the door for the reception of members, and received five by experience and baptism. At the next meeting Rev. Elijah Foley was chosen moderator, and served in that capacity for two LITTLE BONNE FEMME ASSOCIATION. 401 years. Joel Wilhite was chosen deacon at the same time, and served up to his death in 1863. He was the main pillar of the church." (From Columbia Journal, in Central Baptist, July, 1870.) Unity Church. — This church bears date of 1842, having been founded by James Suggett, N. Flood and Wm. Jesse, of eleven members, in a neighborhood about eight miles east of Fulton, the county seat of Callaway. For two years James Suggett ministered to the church as pastor, following whom were Wm. Jesse, ten years, J. F. Smith, one year, J. D. Gregory, one year, Martin T. Bibb, six years, W. J. Patrick, six months, and W. B. Walthall, three years. The first house erected was a frame 30x40 feet, in 1848, worth $1,500. About the year 1878 a new house was erected near the old site, at a cost of some $2,500. In 1882 W. H. Burnham was pastor, the church numbering 100 members. Grand Prairie Church. — On the 26th day of November, 1843, 23 members entered into a covenant and formed the Grand Prai- rie Baptist Church in the north part of Callaway County, thir- teen miles from Fulton. Noah Flood and Matthew Davis were the only ministers present at the organization. Union Hill Church. — At an early period in the history of Missouri, a few zealous Baptists from the state of Virginia set- tled in the southwest part of Callaway County, nearly opposite Jefferson City, and united with Providence Church, about ten miles distant. Being mindful of the cause in their own neigh- borhood they invited ministerial help. Noah Flood, then com- paratively young, was the first to respond. A meeting was held, and a revival followed ; Providence Church extended an "arm" to the neighborhood, and when the new converts had swelled the membership to 34, a Baptist church was constituted, called " Union Hill." This was consummated in May, 1843, James Suggett and Matthew Davis aiding in the organization. In 1849 the church erected a frame building in which to worship God, which served a good purpose for sixteen years, when in 1865 another house took its place at a cost of nearly $1,000. Dry Fork Church. — Twelve miles southwest of Fulton is lo- cated the Dry Fork Baptist Church of 106 members. This church was planted September 23, 1847, by David Doyle, N. Flood and P. H. Steenbergen, consisting of three male and five female members. P. H. Steenbergen became first pastor, con- tinuing in this office four years, and was followed by Noah Flood ; he by G. D. Tolle, M. D. Noland, J. T. M. Johnson, W. H. Burn- ham and W. M, Tipton. The church worships in an excellent 26 402 LITTLE BONNE FEMME ASSOCIATION. frame edifice 40x60 feet, valued at $5,000, erected in 1867. Its former house of worsiiip, a frame, was built in 1848, a year after the church was organized. The churches which have been more recently organized in the bounds of the Little Bonne Femme Association can receive no more than a passing notice, inasmuch as their histories are fa- miliar to the majority of the present generation. Lebanon Church, — sixteen miles north of Columbia, Boone County, was organized with 45 members, by W. R. Wigginton and P. T. G-entry, July 24, 1867. Gentry was the first pastor. Mt. Pleasant Church — was organized the first Saturday in July, 1858, by P. II. Steenbergen, with 23 constituent members, twenty-two miles south of Columbia. Steenbergen was their first minister. The strength of this community in 1879 was 115 mem- bers. Harmony, — The fruit of missionary labors by J. F. Smith, was formed by him August 11, 1861, of 10 members, about eighteen miles northeast of Fulton. In 1882 the church numbered 30 members. J. F. Smith was the first pastor. It has no house of Avorship. Union Church, — in Audrain County, eight miles southeast of Mexico, grew up under the itinerant labors of James F. Smith, and was organized in Jackson School-house, January 18, 1862, of 21 constituent members. Joshua Pearee was pastor in 1882, the church numbering 54 members. Martinsburq Church — was organized September 24, 1866, by a colony of members who withdrew from Mt. Zion Church on account of unmanageable disorder in said church. There were 20 constituent members. The organizing council consisted of E. S. Duncan, W. O. Eandolph and Geo. B. Leachman. Duncan was the first pastor, and was succeeded by S. A. Beauchamp. Mexico Baptist Church. — The first Baptist church in Mexico, Audrain County, was organized in 1857, and was re-organized February 9, 1867, by S. A. Beauchamp and E. S. Duncan, with 25 members. Beauchamp was the minister for some years. His successors were J. D. Murphy, Cone, J. C. Maple and J. C. Armstrong. For a time a beneficiary of the General Associa- tion, this church has grown into one of the most efficient bodies in Eastern Missouri, with a membership of 181, having built in the last ten years a beautiful and commanding brick edifice, with basement, 40x70 feet, the whole well finished, at a cost of from $12,000 to #14,000. LITTLE BONNE FEMME ASSOCIATION. 403 Bethlehem Church, — fourteen miles northwest of Mexico, in Audrain County, was organized May 1, 1867, with 21 members. In 1882 it numbered onl}^ 24 members. It meets in a school- house, having for some time met in the grove in summer and in private residences in the winter. W. R. Wigginton and R. F. Babb, being members of the church, were requested to preach for it, which they did, most likely without fee or reward. GrRAND View Church, — situated on a beautiful eminence in the Two Mile Prairie, twelve miles northeast of Columbia, was or- ganized by Elds. "Wigginton, Flood and Ayers, 38 members en- rolling their names on the 25th day of December, 1869. Eld. Flood was selected pastor. The church has since grown to up- wards of 100 members, and now worships in a new frame edifice, neat and comfortable, and worth we should think, ^1,000. J. M. McGuire was pastor in 1880. JVbte. — A majority of these churches have Sunday-schools j some are what they call " Union Schools," but the most of them are Baptist schools j and not a few of them are prospering and doing much good. Can any one give a valid reason why there cannot, as a rule, be a Baptist Sunday-school where there is a Baptist church? Some tell us that in a mixed community, we should have a mixed or union Sunday-school. Then why not have a mixed or union church, too ? Having extended our account of the rise and progress of Bap- tist principles in the churches of the Little Bonne Femme Asso- ciation quite beyond our accustomed limits, and as there is so much of similarity in the doings of associational communities, we shall not go vei'y far into the details of work in the subse- quent sketches of this association. "The membership of the Little Bonne Femme Association in 1842, three j^ears after its organization," says Dr. Benedict in his History of the Baptists, p. 841, "was about 700. At that time Little Bonne Femme Church was the largest in the association, having 146 members; Providence Avas next, with 106, and Rich- land, 94." The minutes of 1846 furnish the following summary: Churches. — Little Bonne Femme, 158; Columbia, 82; Provi- dence, 167; Freedom, 62 ; Mt. Horeb, 42; Nashville, 41; Mil- lersburg, 73; Richland, 104; Unity, 24; Union Hill, 65; Union, 46; New Salem, 278; Grand Prairie, 32; Loutre (number not given); Washington, 26; total, 1,200. Contributions to minutes, $11.90; to associational fund, $10.30. 404 LITTLE BONNE FEMME ASSOCIATION. Ministers. — N. Flood, P. H. Steenbergen, T. Howard Ford, Wm. M. Jesse, Eobt. C. Hill, Dr. D. Doyle, J. C. Eenfro, E. S. Thom- as, W. W. Keep and James Siiggett. The corresponding letter this year states that " under the la- bors of Bro. Ellis the cause of Sunday-schools was rapidly ad- vancing in the bounds of the association." Another indication of progress is, that on the Lord's day, at the session of 1847, a collection of $20.90 was made for the General Association. A very tedious case came up about this time. To reach a de- cision on any and all questions, the tenth article of the rules of decorum required a unanimous vote. This was found to be both inconvenient and impracticable. But it was no easy matter to change the rule, for another article in the rules of decorum (or it may have been simply a custom) required all questions per- taining to the constitution, rules, or articles of faith, &c., to be referred to the churches. Under this state of things the associ- ation was from 1846 to 1848 in securing a change in this tenth rule, when we find the following record : '' The tenth article of the rules of decorum was so altered as to authorize two-thirds to govern in all cases which do not involve fellowship." At this date (1848) correspondence was held with the Salt River, Bethel, Concord and Third Creek Associations. In 1849 the association published, for the first time, a list of its own ministers and post-offices, as follows : Jas. E. Welch and E. C. Hill, Hickory Grove, Warren County ; James H. Tuttle, Danville, Montgomery County ; Noah Flood, Fulton, Callaway Count}' J Wm. M. Jesse, Mexico; David Doyle, Wiseman's P.O.; P. H. Steenbergen, Bloomfield, Callaway County, and John M. Black, Wiseman's, This year the churches were "urged to send a fund annually to the association for the purpose 6f sustaining some one of the preachers as a missionary, who shall give his Avhole time to preaching in the bounds of the association." Their method of itinerating assumed a definite shape by the year 1850. At the session this year it was " agreed that nine lay brethren shall be appointed, no two of whom shall be members of the same church, and five of whom shall constitute a quorum; and that to them shall be committed the appointing of a mission- ary, with instructions to allow him $18 per month for his servi- ces. Committee. — C. Lusk, T. Hubbard, W. Major, I. H. Talbot, Samuel Watson, G. Nunnelly, F, Burt, J. Eobinson and T. Wil- liamson." LITTLE BONNE FEMME ASSOCIATION. i()^ Subsequently, at the same session, this committee, together with the treasurer, were constituted the executive committee of the association; and reported that the churches had sent up $97.90 for missions, and " that they had employed P. H. Steeh- bergen as missionary for six months." This year the association also committed itself to the cause of education — denominational, general and ministerial. Relative to William Jewell College, the following was adopted unani- mously : ^'■Resolved, That it is with gratitude we have witnessed the suc- cess of the efforts of our denomination to establish a college at Liberty, Clay County, and we recommend it to the patronage of the community at large, and to the denomination in particular." It is well just here to note that William Jewell College origin- ated in the Little Bonne Femme Association. Dr. Jew^ell, the founder of said institution, was a member of the Baptist Church at Columbia, and one of the leading spirits of this association. In 1853 the 700 members of 1842 had grown to 1,667, and the boundary of the association had extended far down the Missouri River, even to the eastern border of Warren County. At the ses- sion of 1857 the association gave its heartiest endorsement of the Columbia Baptist Female College, then a newly founded, but growing institution, and now ''Stephens' College." A committee was also appointed at the same meeting " to take into consid- eration the propriety of establishing an * associational male school,' and report to the next annual meeting." The committee consisted of D. H. Hickman, Joseph Flood, Jas. G. Smith, P. R. Parks and J. F. Howell. In the year following (1858) the report of the committee indicates the successful establishment of a male school, called "Little Bonne Femme Seminary," with a board of curators and a charter from the legislature. The location of this institution was near Richland Church, Callaway County, on land donated by Dr. Martin. The following additions to the ministrj^ are shown by the rec- ords of this date : J. M. Robinson, X. X. Buckner, M. T. Bibb, Gr. L. Black, J. P. Jesse, R. F. Babb, J. G. Smith, James Jackson and W. R. Wigginton. The association met at New Salem Church in August, 1861, when the executive board appointed Eld. J. F. Smith to labor as an evangelist one month in each quarter at the rate of $600 a year. The board also established a mission at Scull Lick School- house, appointed Eld. W. R. Wigginton to preach monthly at 40(1 LITTLE BONNE FEMME ASSOCIATION. that point, and appropriated $50 for that mission. No meetings were held in 1862 and 1863 on account of the war. By appointment of D. H. Hickman, the moderator, the associ- ation convened at Dry Fork, August 23, 1864, Though the land was crimson with blood, several of the churches had enjoyed re- vivals, and 13 of the 22 sent messengers to this meeting. The letters reported 182 baptisms and a total membership of 2,098. Our latest records are for 1880. Dry Fork was again the place of meeting. The session commenced August 31st. This frater- nity was at that date composed of 38 churches in the counties of Audrain, Boone, Callaway and one in Montgomery. The entire membership was 3,155. Among her pastors were some of the strong men of the state, and altogether they were a laborious, efficient and consecrated body of men, comparing most favorably with the ministry of any other denomination in the same terri- tory, or with the Baptist ministry of any other part of Missouri. Robert Dale. — This early pioneer who traveled all over what became the bounds of Little Bonne Femme Association, was a cotemporary of Wm. Thorp, David McLain, Dr. Doyle, A.Woods and others of the advanced guard to this western country. He was connected with some of the first churches of Boone County, and preached in every neighborhood from the western line of Howard to the eastern boundary of Callaway County. He came to Missouri as early as 1818, and perhaps 1817. Prior to 1819 his name appears on the roll of Old Bethel Church, Boone Count}'. James Suggett. — Second to no man in point of usefulness in the pioneer days of Baptist history in Missouri, was James Sug- gett. With a limited degree of culture, but with an active, vig- orous intellect, and an earnest, burning zeal, like the strong arm- ed axeman he entered, with a bold and unflinching purpose, into the forests of this western country, and preached the gospel to the primitive settlers gathered together under some shaded grove, or in some plain log-cabin. Such were the earlier days of this man of God in the state of Missouri, James Suggett was born in Orange County, Virginia, May the 1st, 1775, and when ten years old, with his father, John Suggett, and his mother Mildred (whose maiden name was Davis), moved to Kentucky, and settled within two miles of Great Crossings, where he grew up to manhood, and at the age of 19 years mar- ried Sally A., daughter of Eld. Joseph Redding. On the second day of May, 1800, he professed religion and was baptized by Eld. LITTLE BONNE FEMME ASSOCIATION. 407 Bedding into the fellowship of the Great Crossings Church, and the following year was ordained to the ministry by the same church. In this section of the state — Scott County — he spent about twenty-four years in the ministry, giving most of the time to Great Crossings, Dry Eun and McConnell's Enn Churches. Mr. Suggett enlisted as a soldier in the war of 1812, and was made both chaplain and major in the regiment of Col. Eichard M. Johnson, with whom he fought in the celebrated battle of the Thames, where the British and Indians were so overwhelmingly defeated and the Indian chief, Teeumseh, was slain. This was Oct. 5, 1813. In the fall of 1825 he emigrated, with his family, to Missouri, then recently made a state, and settled in Boone County near Little Bonne Femme Church, with which he became identified and for which he preached as pastor, filling during the same period the same office at Columbia and Eocky Fork Churches. Here he continued until 1830, when he sold out, mov- ed to Callaway Count}', and settled on Auxvaux Creek, near the crossing of the old Jefferson Eoad, and in the vicinity of Prov- idence Church. He there became pastor of the last named, of Union Hill and of Ham's Prairie Churches, continuing in this relation as long as he was able to travel. Suggett was a revivalist, and in his ministerial work was re- markably successful as a recruiting officer, having baptized into the fellowship of the churches during his life about 3,000 per- sons. In February, 1843, he was bereft of his first wife, in her 67th year, whose mortal remains were deposited in the graveyard at Providence Church. As the companion of his declining years he married, in 1845, the widow, Mrs. Jane Jacoby, who survived him, and in 1871 was living in Jefferson City. He died November 1, 1851, full of years, triumphing by a liv- ing faith, and now sleeps by the side of the companion of his early life, the sacred spot being marked by a single marble tab- let. At the time of his decease he was nearly seventy-six years of age. Hon. J. L. Stephens of Columbia says, " Suggett's ability as a minister was in exhortation, in which but few early day preach- ers excelled him. He was a successful and influential preacher in Boone and Callaway Counties for about twenty -five years, and many of his descendants live in this part of the state now." Thomas Howard Ford. — This eminent minister of the Lord Jesus Christ, like many of the olden time Baptists, was very much 408 LITTLR BONNE FEMME ASSOdlATION. indisposed to have the events of his life, previous to his new birth, related. They derive this from the fact that there are no such chronicles of the apostles. He was a descendant of the Fords of Bristol, England, one of whose names is found in the early records of the Broad Mead Bap- tist Church of that city. His father was what we call a licensed minister, and belonged to the coast-guard, or custom-house ser- vice, as we term it, of England, and the subject of this sketch was born about the year 1790, some distance from Bristol on the Coast, and spent much of his early life across the channel in Ireland and Wales. He commenced preaching at the age of eighteen among the Welsh Baptists and Calvinistic Methodists, who were very numer- ous in that country. Under the tuition of one Dr. Burnett he became acquainted with the rudiments of the ancient languages, and became deeply versed in the old Puritan theology, often hearing Toplady and such men preach. Of his life and labors as a preacher he so rarely spoke, even to his own son, that our in- formation is very limited. We find his name, however, in the minutes of the Illinois Baptist Convention and Association; also in the Missouri (now St. Louis) Association, showing that he was among the active pioneers who early labored along the Missis- sippi Eiver. He was the associate of Ebenezer Eogers, Thomas E. Musick, Wm. Hurley and J. M. Peck. When the Second Bap- tist Church, St. Louis, worshiped in Shepard's school-room, op- posite the court-house, he supplied them for a series of months, and was the guest and special friend of Samuel C. Davis, of Bos- ton. In 1844 he was unanimously called to the pastoral office in the Columbia Baptist Church, for half his time, and the other half at Bonne Femme Church. Columbia was then, beyond even now, the "Athens of the West." The university had just been opened with its corps of learned professors from the East. William Jew- ell, Eobert S. Thomas (afterwards president of William Jewell College), the Woodses, the Basses and the Harrises, men of cul- ture and refinement, were members of the Columbia and Bonne Femme Churches. Elder Ford was fully equal to the wants of the congregation ; and with a store of information that was sur- prising, a logic compact and often blazing with manlj- eloquence, and with appropriate citations of Scripture that illuminated his theme as with light from heaven, he attracted and held the larg- est audiences that had ever been gathered regularly in the old LITTLE BONNE FEMME ASSOCIATION. 409 Baptist church. Of his great ability as a preacher and profound theologian we have heard from those capable of judging; and Hurley and Thomas, men of culture, were equal in their expres- sions of admiration with the old brethren and sisters who still love to linger on the texts and sermons and pathos of old Bro. Ford. In 1846 the church at Richland, Callaway County, purchased and gave him a small farm in the neighborhood, near the dwell- ing of Rev, Theo. Boulware. He preached for this church but a short time, when he was stricken down with disease and closed his life in peace. '• I knew him well," says Noah Flood in a letter to a friend in Kentucky, "and was with him in his last moments, and closed his eyes when he died. A purer or better man I never knew, and a more peaceful and happy death I never witnessed. His dying words, 'Happy, happj^, bless the Lord,' I shall never for- get." The above was published in the Western Recorder of 1849. Elder W. W. Keep, who succeeded Elder Ford as pastor at Columbia, says, in a communication headed, J£ow I Became a Preacher, "I must speak of him. He was regarded as a man of warm and earnest piety, a profound and practical theologian, a kind friend and eminently devoted to the work of the Christian ministry. He died at the house of Bro. John Robinson in Calla- way County. Long did he suifer and patiently did he bear the pangs of a sudden attack; and as he wasted he felt that he was only nearing his home, and as a citizen of heaven he longed for his rest. About twenty-four hours before he died, and when no one thought he could long survive, a brother at tis bed-side said to him, 'Brother Ford, we think you cannot probably long re- main with us: what is your prospect for the future?' He an- swered: ' Clear and bright as day.' He sank into a stupor, and seemed scarcely to arouse until the next morning, when a brother called and asked him, 'How are you. Brother Ford?' His atten- tion seemed fixed a moment, his eyes brightened, he raised his thin arm, and in a feeble voice distinctly said, 'Happy, happy, bless the Lord.' It was his last sentence." {Western Recorder.') He was about sixty years of age. He left two sons and two daughters, two only of whom are now living — Elder S. H. Ford, D.D., of St. Louis, and Mrs. Ann Eubank, of Kansas City. Elder Ford's first wife, the mother of his surviving children, died while they were quite young, so that they knew but little of a mother's 410 LITTLE BONNE PEMME ASSOCIATION. care. He married a second wife a few years before his death, by whom he left one child, who has since followed his father to the eternal shore. The brethren at Eichland reared an unpretending marble mon- ument over his tomb, and his body rests in the old Eichland Church grave-yard, and near by him the remains of his loved and devoted friend and colaborer, ISToah Flood. Their spirits live above in sweet concord. David Doyle. — The following sketch, written by Dr. S. H. Ford, was first published in the Christian Repository in 1860, and ten years afterwards appeared in the Cpntral Baptist, from which last paper we clip it. '' Soldiers of the Cross, whose labors can be traced in their glori- ous results over all this great valley, are continual- ly passing away without a word to re- cord their no- ble deeds — soon to be forgotten by those who stand amid golden har- vests where these men went forth weeping into REV. i> AVID DOYLK.M.D. the wlntr}' fields, bearing the precious seed. These pioneer preachers who spent their lives in poverty and toil for Christ's sake, were men who walked by faith and not by sight. They believed firmlj'in God and in the truth they preached ; and consequently took no heed of what men said or thought. They were not miserable LITTLE BONNE FEMME ASSOCIATIOX. 411 eye-servants to popular applause. They were not looking at every turn to see what the papers said about them. "What work they did was not with an eye to the outward look of it. They were satisfied to know that the eye of the Eternal smiled ap- provingly on their toils, their sacrifices and their victories. Sel- dom did they make even a note of the privations they endured or the blessings they scattered ; and when they departed, in the language of the Roman, 'The good that men do is oft interred with their bones.' " The memories of such men we cherish. To us it is a delight- ful task to wipe the dust from their tombstones and record their humble, obscure, yet glorious lives. ' The memory of the good man shall not perish.' "A noble type of the western pioneer preacher was David Doyle of Boone County, Missouri. A hale, whole-souled man, with strong sense, keen discernment, natural eloquence and a rich, joyous humor — he seemed fitted by Providence to influence and win the confidence of the early settlers of a frontier state. For a more independent and uncontrollable class of people can be found nowhere on the earth than is such a population. They are usually bold and energetic, who part with old homes and kin- dred, and plunge into new countries to win a home from the unbroken forest. It is not every man that is adapted to gain a permanent influence over such persons. But an influence almost omnipotent David Doyle held over such a population for forty years. "He was born in Eutherford County, North Carolina, January 13, 1779. While a boy he was the subject of God's grace and pro- fessed a change of heart when about sixteen j^ears of age. We have heard the old man, after sixty years had intervened, tell the simple story of that work upon his heart, and we have look- ed around on the congregation among which were the strong- minded, the educated and the skeptic, and have seen all — yes, all — melted into tears at the recital. *Ah,' he would say, with a voice clear and silvery, 'the remembrance of the mercy I found that day will gladden my poor heart as it beats its last in death, and will gladden my soul as it sings its first notes in heaven.' " A few years after his conversion he was licensed to preach, and at about nineteen he was ordained to the work of the minis- try, in which he continued over sixty years. " His education was, for his time, quite liberal. He was a good English scholar and had paid considerable attention to Latin. 412 LITTLE BONNE PEMME ASSOCIATION. At the time he was ordained to the work of the ministry he had made considerable proficiency in medicine; and in 1816 he spent some time in Lexington, Ky., prosecuting that study. But to preach the gospel was the desire of his heart, and he looked around for a field where he could work to advantage in his Mas- ter's cause. Missouri was then a territory, thinly inhabited. It took some three or four weeks to pass from Kentucky in keel- boats to that far-off land. A party of Kentuckians about moving to the territory were joined by Doyle, and in the winter of 1816 he landed in St. Louis. '* The mighty metropolis of Missouri, destined to be the great- est inland city on the continent, was then an inconsiderable town principally inhabited by the French. Mr. Doyle remained there through that winter and held meetings in private houses. There were, in all, four Baptists in the town, and to them he broke the bread of life. This was in 1816, one year before the Baptist Board of Foreign Missions sent Elders Peck and "Welch to Mis- souri. Forty-four years ago the Baptist standard was raised in St. Louis by Doyle. "What changes have transpired since then ! Its seven Baptist churches, with their numbers, wealth and lib- erality, surrounded with a population of 200,000 — did any of them ever hear the name of David Doyle, the first man that rais- ed the Baptist standard there? "The following spring Doyle moved up into Howard (now Boone) County, which was being rapidly settled. He soon went to work to gather up a little church, and in December following fifteen Baptists assembled at the house of Anderson "Woods and were constituted into a church. This church continues to this day — the mother church in all that country. From it went forth as ministers of the gospel Anderson "Woods, whose memory still lives in the hearts of thousands, a deeply pious and most labor- ious man, who died in the harness at his post; and Robert S. Thomas, former president of "William Jewell College, who did more to direct and elevate the Baptists of Missouri than can now be possibly appreciated ; and John Harris, who labored faith- fully the short time he lived; and among others the writer of this memorial. That old Bonne Femme Church, where thou- sands have bowed before the Cross — what recollections does it awaken ! The Hickmans, Harrises, Johnsons, Basses, Jewells, Woods — tjhe men who gave energj^ to the cause in that battle- ground with Campbellism and Antinomianism — they are gone to their rest, but their memories are immortal. LITTLE BONNE FEMME ASSOCIATION. 413 " He died July 29, 1859, after nineteen days' illness of typhoid fever. For more than twenty-nine years he had been the shep- herd and teacher of New Salem Church, near his home in Boone County. He was venerated and beloved." Egbert S. Thomas. — The following brief sketch of this good man is from the classic j^en of Dr. A. P. Williams : "Brother Thomas was born in Scott County, Kentucky, on the 20th of June, A. D. 1805. His parents' names were John P. and Lucy Thomas. His father was elected treasurer of Ken- tucky in 1808, which office he held for some eight or nine years. He was at one period of his life in affluent circumstances — in- deed rich — for that period or age ; but in his old age, by some means, he lost his fortune. This happened when his son Eobert was a mere boy. Eobert was thus thrown upon his own re- sources. Having an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, he ac- quired an education by writing in a clerk's office in Frankfort, Ky.,in the day, and going to school at night. He finally grad- uated at Transylvania University when only eighteen years of age. Afterwards he secured a diploma from Yale College as a testimonial of his scholarship. "Brother Thomas made a profession of religion when a young- man — at what age I have been unable to learn. Nor have I as- certained with what particular church he first united or by what minister he was baptized. Suffice it to say that he chose to con- nect himself with the Baptists. Soon after, he emigrated to this state and located in Boone County. He came to Missouri about the year 1824, and engaged in the arduous but glorious work of proclaiming to his fellow-men the ' unsearchable riches of Christ.' He was ordained to the work of the ministry by those fathers in the gospel, Anderson "Woods, John Greenhalgh and James Suggett, who, like himself, have gone to their reward. In his earlier ministry the Bonne Femme, Salem and Columbia Churches, in Boone, and Millersburg Church, in - Callaway County, shared. And in the latter period of it the Liberty and other churches in Clay County, and finally the Westport and Kansas City Churches in Jackson. Here the sun of his ministry set. " Brother Thomas must be numbered amongst the fathers and the organizers of the General Association of our state. It was first known as the ' Central Society of Missouri. ' Hence he performed his part in the conflict, which at that time and for 414 LITTLE iJONNE FEMME ASSOCIATION. some years aftei' was carried on between the primitive mission- ary sjiirit that possessed him and his colaborers, and that mod- ern antinomian, anti-missionary spirit which opposes all instru- mentality in the promotion of the cause of the Redeemer and the conversion of sinners. And we who have succeeded him and them are not aware j)erhaps how much we owe to them, under Grod, for the present prosperity of all our benevolent enterprises and churches. They labored, and we have entered into their la- bors. They cleared the field, broke up the soil and cast in the seed ; we are gathering the fruits. " It was my privilege to have but a limited personal acquaint- ance with Brother Thomas, but I was permitted to know him sufficiently well to justify me in endorsing the testimony which others, better acquainted than myself, have borne of him. ' As a husband and father,' says Brother D. H, Hickman, of Colum- bia, ' he possessed all those social, refined and endearing qual- ities which make home attractive and lovel}-.' "As a citizen and neighbor, all testify that he was amiable, social, kind and benevolent. But we prefer to cherish his mem- ory as a minister of Jesus Christ. And here the testimony is uniform. Saj's Brother Hickman, 'He was an able, efficient and self-sacrificing preacher; and was instrumental in building up many churches in Boone and other counties. * * * Naturally kind, affectionate and sympathetic, he exerted a wonderful influ- ence over his hearers 3 and it would be impossible to estimate the good results which his faithful warnings, expressive of such earnest and disinterested love, have and will yet accomplish for the benefit of immortal souls.' Again, ' His labors of love were not confined to a limited circle. For many years no man in all Missouri was able to exert so strong an influence over the minds of his brethren and associates; and none have used it more ef- fectually for good.' ''Brother Thomas' health had become somewhat feeble, when in June, 185-, a beloved daughter was prostrated by a mostpain- ful and distressing sickness attended by long protracted spasms and alienation of mind. Night and day he hung over this dear object of his affections. His sympathies for his suffering child were intensely excited, and it became evident that his mind was yielding to the agonies of his heart. Slowly and almost imper- ceptibly at first, his reason yielded, until but the wreck of his noble and highly cultivated intellect remained. It was at the LITTLE BONNE i'EMME ASSOCIATION. 415 time my privilege to be with him aud do what could be done to mitigate his symptoms. But human efforts were powerless for good. He passed under the influence of a wild mania. He was taken to the asylum at Fulton, where under the kind and effi- cient management of Dr. Smith, he was restored to reason and a consciousness of what had passed. His beloved daughter had gone to heaven. His improved condition was of short duration — his work was done — the Great Shepherd called and he hasted away to his reward." (Dr. Lykins of Kansas City, to A. P.Wil- liams.) "Brother Thomas died at Fulton, June 18, 1859, about the /(/Y^- sixth year of his age. Let us all strive to follow him as he fol- lowed Christ." {Missouri Baptist Journal,Yo\. III. ISTo. 2- Dr. Wil- liams' Sketch.) Dr. E. S. Dulin offers the following tribute to the memory of E. S. Thomas : " In our benevolent operations he was first. First, because he gave all. His time, his talents, his money and himself were laid as a holocaust of love on the altar of Christ. For some ten years ho labored in the vineyard of his Master, with the next thing to no remuneration; and (in the language of the editor of the Mis- xouri States/nan) ' devoted himself to the high and honorable avo- cation of teaching, and continued so to do, until a short time be- fore his death. * * * His whole life was one of utility to the pub- lic, inspiring the young with a love of learning, and elevating the moral and religious tone of the society in which he lived. Before the establishment of the State University he was profes- sor in Columbia College, and was afterwards elected to fill the chair of languages and moral science in the university, the du- ties of which places he discharged, whilst he held them, with much credit to himself and entire satisfaction to the patrons of the institution.' " To serve the denomination of which he Avas a member, in 1853, at a sacrifice, both social and pecuniary, he resigned his professorship in the university and accepted the presidency of William Jewell College. This position he resigned in 1855 (when the financial condition of the institution compelled the trustees to suspend the college), and the same 3^ear moved to Kansas City. Here he labored with great success. The Baptist church in this place was constituted by him, and he continued the successful and beloved pastor until his death. " In all the relations of life, Robert 8. Thomas was a model 416 LITTLE BONNE FEMME ASSOCIATION. man. As a son, husband, father, friend, neighbor, citizen, teach- er, Christian or pastor, he stood forth as an example worthy of imitation. He was a man of talents, and those talents were con- secrated to Christ. He was a man of education, and that educa- tion was devoted to the cultivation of mind and the development of thought. He was a man of influence, and that influence was wielded for the best interests of humanity. He was a man of energy, and that energy was given to the church. " He has left his family a reputation unsullied and a name un- tarnished ; to the world, an example of heroic toil and disinter- ested self-sacrifice; to the church, a life of labor, of self-denial, of unwavering consecration and devotion to the cause of Christ. " No monumental pile may record his name and deeds, yet they are stereotyped in letters of living light upon the memories of the pure and good, they are written out upon the rolls of hea- ven by the recording angel of God. His conquests were achiev- ed on spiritual battle-fields, and his rewards are among the 'saints in light.' His ambition was to win souls to Christ and these will be gems to stud his coronal stars in the crown of his rejoic- ing to shine with undimmed lustre before the throne of God, < world without end.' " (E. S. D. in Missovri Baptist, Vol, I, No. 5.) William Morgan Jesse, — for some years a pastor in the Little Bonne Pemme Association, was a native of Cumberland County, Virginia, and was born September 2, 1798. In January, 1820, he married Miss Mary Ann Parker, and about ten years afterwards they both made a profession of religion and were baptized by Elder Jenkins. Soon after this he commenced exhorting. In company with several other families he emigrated to Calhiway County, Missouri, and united with the Baptist Church at Millers- burg in 1832. The following year he settled near Mexico, Au- drain County, and August 6, 1836, he and his wife and twelve others organized the first Baptist church in Audrain County, called Hopewell, located about one and. a half miles west of Mex- ico. Elder Jesse was ordained to the ministry at the call of this church in 1842, Noah Flood assisting in the services, and the same year (October, 1842) was made pastor and continued in this oflice until his death. From the time he was called to the pastorate at Hopewell there was a constant increase, not only of members but of vital strength. The maintenance of the doctrine of experi- mental religion is one of the characteristic elements of the Hope- well Church to this day, due in a great measure to the consecra- ted labors of Mr. Jesse in the earlier times. LITTLE BONNE FEMME ASSOCIATION. 417 Much of his time was given to pastoral work — in addition to his home church — at Unity, Long Branch, Cuivre, Loutre and other churches. While Elder Jesse was not a man of much cul- ture, such were his distinctly marked elements of character that men of culture, as Noah Flood, R. S. Thomas and others, were quite fond of and sought his company. "What he lacked in polish was fully supplied in a gushing, overwhelming zeal — a soul all aglow with love for souls and for the Master ; and back of all, godliness of life. Speaking of him on one occasion, W. W. Keep said, "A man full of the Holy Ghost." He was no Sunday Chris- tian. His every-day life was a commentary on the divinity of the Christian religion. God gave him eleven children, all of whom became Baptists — four of whom entered the ministry, three of the four having been ordained ; two, John and Thomas, have gone to their rest, and one, William J., now fills his father's pulpit at Hopewell. *' Father Jesse fell asleep in Jesus, August, 1857, near the 59th anniversary of his natural life." (From the MS. of James F. Smith.) ''There are but few of the Lord's servants who have been call- ed from their field of labor on earth who have more near rela- tives following in their foot-prints to the heavenly land than old Brother Jesse, besides a number of others who date their awak- enings under his sermons. I have a near neighbor who tells me that the first eifectual sermon to which he ever had listened was one from him; it being delivered with such effect that himself and wife, 'ere they were aware of it, were both prostrate in the midst of the sermon, calling for mercy. The husband and wife were both soon members of his church. " He traveled and preached a great deal during the twenty- seven years of his ministry, swimming creeks, going through cold and heat, with no earthly reward in view. In those days there was very little said about paying preachers. His object was the glory of God and the salvation of sinners." {Central Bap- tist, Vol. I, No. 3.) H. W. Dodge,* — pastor of the Baptist church at Columbia, Mis- souri, was born in Albany, New York, November 16, 1815, and three years afterward he moved with his parents to Richmond, Virginia. In 1821 the family moved thence to Culpepper Coun- ty in that state, where his early life was mainly spent. He was baptized in July, 1833, by Rev. William F. Broadus, a prominent ^ By E. W. Stephens. 27 •418 LITTLE BONNE FEMME ASSOCIATION. Baptist minister of Virginia. In October, 1839, he graduated with honor at Columbia College, D. C, and from that institution he has successively received the degrees of A.B., A.M. and D.D. On October 10, 1839, he was married to Miss A. B. Brown of Washington City, who died in 1864. In 1839 he entered the Baptist niinistry, his ordination taking place at the First Baptist Church of Washington City, October 25, 1840, the presbytery consisting of Eev. O. B. Brown and Rev. Stephen Chapin, president of Columbia College. His first jias- torate Avas at Springfield, 111,, where he entered upon his duties in 1840, remaining until 1843, when he resigned. For some fif- teen years thereafter he had pastoral charge of several churches in Clark and Fauquier Counties, Va. In 1843 he was invited to take charge of the Baptist Church at Columbia, Mo., and also of the Second Baptist Church, St. Louis, but declined both invita- tions. Commencing in 1859 he was pastor at Lj'nchburg, Ya., eight years. In 1865 he was again married, this time to Mrs. Ida Latham, widow of E. P. Latham, a graduate of the University of Virginia; and tAvo years after he returned to his old churches in Fauquier and Loudon Counties, Virginia. Upon an invitation he visited Texas in 1871, and soon after his arrival he accepted a call from the Baptist church at Austin, in that state, where he remained five 3^ears. In 1876 he was chosen pastor of the church in Columbia, Mo., a position which he accepted and has filled with efiiciency ever since. It is a circumstance worthy of special record that to the same church Avhose call he declined in 1843 he should, while located in a difterent section of the Union, have been called thirty-three j^ears afterwards by a different member- ship, who at the time had no knowledge of the action of their predecessors. An overruling Divinity that shapes all ends seems to have thus directed his destiny to the charge with which, in his riper years, he has been so pleasantly identified. To the labors of the gospel ministry few men are more pecu- liarly adapted. Nature and grace combine in generous degree to qualify him for his high calling. In disposition singularly gentle and amiable, he is excellently fitted for the delicate duties of pastoral sj'mpathy and oversight. In originalit}^ of thought, vividness of imagination and especially in felicity of expression — qualities of acknowledged value to the successful preacher — he is greatly gifted. If to them we add a deep consecration, an earnest zeal and a conscientious devotion to Baptist doctrines and usages, Ave but make a faithful portrait of him as a minister LITTLE BONNE FE.MME ASSOCIATION. 410 and a man. We cannot better define Dr. Dodge's characteristics than by quoting the following pen picture of him a few years ago in the Religious Herald, \>j his classmate Dr. John A. Broadus : " Dr. H. W. Dodge, so warmly loved in Northern Virginia and Lynchburg, has found the climate of Missouri better suited to his constitution than that of Texas was, and although beginning to show that he will some day grow old, is still every inch himself. What^curiosa felicitas verborum! What radiant imagery and glow- ing sentiment! What delicate and gentle satire! And best of all, what unselfish generosity, brotherly kindness and transparent honesty! It is a boy schoolmate of many years ago, distinguish- ed by his friendship, and delighting in his eloquence, who utters this passing tribute; but it expresses also the candid judgment of advancing age. Dr. Dodge's ministry is said to be highly es- teemed in Columbia, the seat of the State University and Steph- ens' Female College." W. H. BuRNHAM — is a native of Boone County, Missouri. He was born June 30, 1839, and spent his early life on the farm, at- tending occasionally the common schools of the neighborhood. In 1853 he made a profession of religion, and united with the New Salem Baptist Church near his home at Ashland, and soon became quite active in the young men's prayer meeting. After preparation in a high school he entered William Jewell Col- lege in 1857, then under the presidency of the celebrated Dr. Wm. Thompson. Here he spent four years, then entered the State University and graduated in one year. He at once enter- ed upon the pastoral work in four churches in Callaway County, with three of which he continued eleven years, baptizing during the time several hundred candidates. He held also quite a num- ber of protracted meetings with great success. In 1868 he delivered the annual sermon before the Society of Eeligious Inquiry in the Westminster Presbyterian College, be- ing the only Baptist minister they ever honored with an invita- tion to do so. In 1876 he moved to Clarksville, Mo., where he labored for many years as pastor, at the same time holding many revival meetings in other places. During this time he was also pastor at Troy and Bowling G-reen (the former the county seat of Lincoln, the latter of Pike County). In 1880 he was re-called to his old field in Callaway County, and has filled the pastoral office at Second Fulton Church, Eichland, Unity and Dry Fork, all of which churches have enjoyed revivals during his late pas- torates with them and are in a flourishing condition. '420 LITTLE BONNE FEMME ASSOCIATION. Eld. Burnham is somewliat of a belligerent, having held two religious oral discussions. The first one in 1868 was with Kev. Mr. Marlow, and the last one but recently with Rev. Mr. Jar- rett; both of whom were ministers in the Campbellite denomin- ation. Mr. Burnham is said to have triumphed in the argument in both debates. He is a very fluent speaker and one of the fin- est sermonizers in the state. John M. Robinson. — In the year 1855, at the meeting of the Bear Creek Association, held that year atMiddletown, Montgom- ery County, we met, for the first time, the subject of this brief sketch. He had not then been long in Missouri ; was young, active and zealous. Yery soon after his removal to the state, he became prominent in Baptist movements and has so continued. J. M. Robinson is a native of Kentucky, having been born in Fayette County, November 3, 1827. His parents also were Ken- tuckians. He was converted at the age of nineteen years, and was baptized by Dr. R. T. Dillard at David's Fork Baptist Church in his native county. Here he was licensed to preach late in the year 1849 ; and on the firstSabbathin February, 1854, he was ordained by Dr. Dillard, and Elds. Wm. M. Pratt, B. E. Allen and P. T. Gentry. One month after this he moved to Ran- dolph County, Missouri, and commenced his labors inthegospel in this state, at New Salem Church, Boone County, in November, 1854. In January, 1855, he was elected pastor of this church, also to the same office in the churches of Little Bonne Femme and Nashville; all of them in Boone County. In this field of labor his preaching was fruitful in the conversion of hundreds of souls. From 1855 to 1882 his labors were confined to church- es in Boone and Callaway Counties, except three years of efli- cient service as corresponding secretary of the Greneral Associa- tion. For many 5'ears he also served as a member of the execu- tive board of the same bod}-. Failing health constrained him in February, 1882, to seek a change of climate. This he found in New Mexico where he was speedily called to the pastoral office in the Baptist church at So- corro. From this place he thus wrote under the date of March 28, 1882: "I think I must remain here until my health improves. Then, if thought prudent and the Master's cause demands it, I may return to Missouri. The tie of nearly thirty j^ears' labor with brethren is not easily severed. I have a verj^ warm place in my heart for my brethren in Missouri. We differed in matters of policy at times, but T could do that and love them still." Little bonne femme association 42l Erasmus Darwin Isbell — was born at Paris, Kentucky, Octo- ber 17, 1825. He joined the church in 1841 and was ordained to the ministry in 1849. He is a graduate of G-eorgetown College, Kentucky, and also of the Western Baptist Theological Semin- ary, completing the course in the last named in 1852; His first regular pastorate was in the Beale Street Baptist Church, Mem^ phis, Tennessee, where he continued two yearsj adding much strength to the church in the acc<^ssion of nearly 90 persons to hei* membership. His health failed and he returned to Kentucky; He was pastor awhile at JSTew Castle, and then became president of the college at Augusta^ Bracken County^ Kentucky, preaching every Sunday and teaching all the Weeki In the year 1862 he was elected professor in G-eorgetown Col^ lege, in which position he remained for ten years* He also preached at the churches of Stamping G-round, Scott County, and Buck Eun, Franklin County, Kentucky. During the two years preceding Mr. Isbell's removal to Missouri, his labors seemed specially blessed both in his own and in other churches where he held a number of meetings and gathered in near three hun- dred converts. In January, 1873, he removed to Missouri and stopped a few months in Macon City. His first pastorate was at Columbia, where he remained nearly four years, commencing with about 120 members and leaving the church with nearly 300 members; ad- ding about 280 during his pastoral period. This church has a partially floating membership on account of the schools. His next pastoral work was at Fayette, where he found the church much discouraged, having had no accessions for a number of years. Here he continued two years, during which time the church house was remodelled and the membership greatly en- larged. For the past three years he has been pastor at New Salem, a most desirable country church in the heart of the state. During the first year he preached here only once a month, but for the last two years he has given all his time to this church and Ash- land, an outgrowth of New Salem. He has preached virtually to the same congregation, these churches being only one and a half miles apart; and has accomplished much good. Mr. Isbell was raised wholly under pedo baptist influences. He became a Baptist from reading the New Testament, and is the only Baptist in his family. He is a logician^ a profound thinker and reasoner. He han- 422 LITTLE BONNE FEMME ASSOCIATION. dies his subject as a master workman; his sermons being full of deep and well matured thought, method and unanswerable scrip- tural argument. Jonathan Martinie McG-uire. — The subject of this notice de- scended from a preaching ancestry. His grandfather, Alan Mc- Guire, was pastor of the Baptist church in Columbia, Mo., from 1826 to 18.34. His father, Levi McGuire, was a pioneer of Cen- tral Missouri, coming to Boone County in 1819, and was widely known, and preached many years for the anti-mission Baptists in Boone and Callaway Counties, and died in 1873. His uncle, the lamented Jno. A. McGuire, for 30 years an active and useful Baptist minister in Kentucky, died recently at Monroe, La., at the age of 83 years. J. M. Mc- Guire was born in Boone Co., Mo., May 1, 1830. Here he grew up and was edu- cated. "When in his nine- teenth year he KEv. J. M. MCGUIRE. commeuccd active life as a teacher, and by his own exertions acquired suffi- cient means to take a thorough college course. He graduated at the State University in 1855, finishing the entire curriculum after an attendance of nearly four years, and received the degree of A.M. in 1858. In 1857 he took charge of the academy at Green- field, Mo., where he taught; and at the same time engaged in the study of the law, two years after which (in 1859) he commenced the practice of law at Eolla, Mo. In 1861 Mr. McGuire enlisted in the Confederate Army ; serv- ed the entire four years as an officer, and was surrendered at LITTLE BONNE PEMME ASSOCIATION. 423 Memphis, Tenn,, in 1865. Eeturning to his duties in the school- room, he taught a high school in Kentucky, in 1866, and here, "as the chief of sinners," he obtained a hope in Jesus, made a public profession and was baptized. This event occurred in 1868. From the commencement of his Christian life he was zealous in the Sunday-school and prayer meeting. He entered the ministry by ordination at Port Eoyal, Ky., March 1, 1870, and at once gave himself wholly to the work of preaching the gospel, and has thus continued ever since, never having an idle Sunday, nor ever lacking a support. After spending four years in the ministry in Kentucky, he returned to Missouri in 1874, having been called to the pastoral office in Eichland and Millers- burg Churches, in Callaway County. To the former he gave half his time for four years, and of the latter he has been pastor for several years. Eld. McGuire has filled the pastoral office in the following churches in Boone and Callawaj^ Counties, name- ly: Little Bonne Pemme, Bethel, Grand YieWjISTew Providence, Pleasant Grove, Unity and Providence. In some of these he still fills the office, and is blessed with as cultured and liberal a people as are in the bounds of the Little Bonne Femme Associ- ation. James Harris. — The subject of this notice was one of the no- ble men of Central Missouri, and was for many years a leading member of the Little Bonne Femme Association, and active in almost every enterprise of the denomination. In Christian be- neficence he was a companion and colaborer with Eli Bass and D. H. Hickman. He was among the founders of Stephens' Col- lege, and at the time of his death was president of its board of curators. He gave $5,000 towards the endowment of the theo- logical school in William Jewell College. As a business man he was not surpassed, perhaps, in Boone County, and was at one time a member of the state legislature. He was a steady, earn- est, practical Christian. His death occurred July 11, 1881, at his residence near Ashland, Boone County. CHAPTER YITI. LITTLE PINEY AND OTHEE ASSOCIATIONS. At First "United Baptists" — Then Anti-Mission, Anti-Bible, Anti-Sunday-school Society, and Anti-College Men — The A'ersailles Council — Trouble About a Name — MotJXT PiJLiSAjTT Old School Association — Real Beginning of — Old School, Not Primitive — Eetrogression — Adopts the Name "Old School" — Change of Policy — Protracted Meetings — Revivals — The Men of the Past Generation — The Present — Lamixe Rm:R Association — Two RI^^:R Old School Association — How and "\ATien Formed — ^Rejects the Mission System — A Small Body — Heury Louthan — F. !M. Turner — Wm. Priest. THE Little Piney Association was organized in 1833 on the platform of the United Baptists, by a few churches in the counties of Pulaski and Crawford. In 1837 the meeting was held at Big Piney meeting-house in Pulaski County. There were then five churches, viz.: Little Piney, 33 members; Dry Fork, 21; Big Piney, 21 ; Grand Glaize, 20; in all, 95. Osage Church sent no statistics. Elds. Thos. Snelson, David Lenox and Jesse Butler were the ministers. Contributions, $12.50. We have said that this association was composed of " United Baptists." Such was its appellation when first founded, and it so continued up to 1838. But it took most decided ground against missions at this session and subsequently dropped the term "United" and adopted the appellation " Eegular Predestin- arian," in its stead. In 1838 there were only 4 churches, Osage having dropped out, and this year the membership was 93, against 95 the year before. The following, from the Confession of Faith (republished by order of the association this year; see Art. 11), shows that the Little Piney Association was anti-mission from an earlier day, though it claimed to be " United Baptist" on its title page. "Art. 11. We believe that everything necessary for the instruc- tion and good discipline of the church is recorded in the Holy Scriptures, and should be strictly attended to — at the same time avoiding every tradition and invention of men, such as the Sun- day-school union, Bible society, tract societies of all kinds, rag societies, temperance societies, and what is generally known by the Baptist board of foreign missions, home missions, and all ec- clesiastical schools for thQ instruction of preachers, with all oth- LITTLE PINEY AND OTHER ASSOCIATIONS. 425 er iuven.tions of men, under the head of religion, which the New Testament does not warrant. And this association does hereby declare that she will not hold any member in fellowship who will invite or allow preachers or tutors of the above societies into their houses after they are known to them j for we believe those who do it are partakers of their evil deeds. The foregoing articles are not to be so construed as to say, we forbid our mem- bers from entertaining strangers and travelers ; nor to say we are opposed to learning j those we reject are only to be rejected in their public character, as not being able ministers of the New Testament." {Minutes of Little Piney Association, 18.38, p. 3.) In the year 1838 (the day and month not given) a voluntary council was held at Versailles, Morgan County, its purport being to secure union among the Baptists who held the same faith, but were divided on account of names. Said council appointed an- other meeting at the same place December 25, 1838, and request- ed all "orderly orthodox Baptists who were opposed to all the new anti-scriptural schemes of the day, to appoint two members from each church to sit in said council, provided they would agree to resign all names except such as were scriptural, and permit the council to settle upon the name." The churches were also requested to send their articles of faith. To this proposition the Little Piney Association responded as follows : " The request of the council at Versailles being congenial with our feelings and views, we take it up and hereby advise all the churches in this association to comply with the request of said council." Every reader of Baptist history will see at once that the Ver- sailles council was a movement of the anti-missionary element of the Baptist churches of the state, or more particularly of South Missouri. We have no record of its next meeting, and cannot give an account of its proceedings nor of the number that sent messengers to it. We discover this only, that after the year 1838 certain associations of South Missouri with anti-mission procliv- ities dropped the appellation "United" and took the name "Eegular," "Old School," or some such title. In 18.53 the Little Piney Association of Eegular Predestinarian Baptists — such was now its name — met at the Bethel meeting- house in Cole County, May 21. The following summary will show the state of the churches at this date: Churches. — Little Piney (not repi^esented); Dry Fork, 20; Big Piney, 35 ; Mt. Zion, 31 ; Union, on Osage, 23 ; Prairie Valley, 21 ; Little Maries, 10 ; Union, on Big Maries, dissolved ; Sardis, 426 LITTLE PINEY AND OTHER ASSOCIATIONS. 11 ; Bethel, 43 ; Pilgrim, dissolved ; total membership, 217 ; bap- tisms, 9 ; contributions, $16. Ministers, — E. M. Newport, David Lenox and J. W. West. In the minutes of this year we have this somewhat remarkable action recorded: "Took up the reference respecting the articles of faith. The Lord's church objecting to the latter clause of the 17th item, it is agreed to strike out so much of said item as re- lates to assisting the ministry." We make no comments, as none are needed. MOUNT PLEASANT OLD SCHOOL ASSOCIATION. This association originated in 1835, it being that portion of Old Mt, Pleasant Association which ignored the principles of the United Baptists. The facts are as follows: The Mount Pleasant United Baptist Association was formed in 1818 and continued in harmony until 1835, in which year a division occurred on the missionary enterprise. Both parts retained the name Mt. Pleas- ant, neither organizing anew. Those favorable to missions con- tinued the old constitution and name, "United Baptists." Those who took a stand against the "benevolent operations of the day," at first simply dropped the prefix " United," calling themselves " Baptists." Subsequently, however, they took the name "Old School" as a distinguishing title. This is now the " Mt. Pleas- ant Old School Baptist Association," and these are the reasons why we place its commencement in 1885, and not in 1818, as some perhaps would have it.* In 1840t this body met at New Hope Church, Howard County, the second Saturday in September. It then consisted of the fol- lowing : Churches.— Salem, 32 ; Mt. Zion, 25 ; Bethel, 20 ; Silver Creek, 42; Mt. Ararat, 39; Mt. Gilead, 27 ; New Hope, 63; Mt.Moriah, 19 ; Mt. Hermon, 13 ; Muscle Fork, 45 ; Little Union, 63 ; Do- ver, 26; Friendship, 12; Mt. Nebo, 38; Pleasant Grove, 32; Liberty, 31; Little Zion, 61; Hickory Grove, 22; Clear Creek, 28 ; ^Enon, 18 ; Mt. Salem, 34 ; Middle Fork, 24 ; total, 714 ; bap- tisms, 19 ; contributions, $24.50. Ministers.— R. Alexander, F. Eedding, J. Buster, J. W. Gash- wiler and E. Turner. Eeuben Alexander was elected moderator, and Jno. A. Pitts clerk. One new church — the last named in the list — was re- * For a full account of the division in Mount Pleasant Association, see Chapter V, Period Second. f The first minutes we have of this association. LITTLE PINEY AND OTHER ASSOCIATIONS. 427 ceived. Letters of correspondence and messengers were pres- ent aa follows. From Salem Association : T. P. Stephens, Jas. Barnes, M. Davis, T. Turner and S. Kennon; Fishing Eiver : Brethren Evans and Allen ; Two River : Patterson, Fiiqua, Webb, Fox and C. Turner ; Blue Eiver : G. Fitzhugh and T. Proctor. The business of the association seemed to be conducted simply with an eye to the "welfare of its constituents, and of its sister communities. They met, shook hands, read letters from the churches, enrolled names of messengers, received and appointed correspondents, read circular letters and appointed yearly meet- ings ; all of which constituted the sum of the proceedings. There was no effort to evangelize and no money for missions. In 1841 the churches reported 17 baptisms and a total mem- bership of 710— a decrease of four members from the year pre- ceding, and one church less. Contributions, S28.50. The list of the churches was still on the decrease in 1842, when there were only 18 reported. There were 25 baptisms this year. A custom prevailed at this time of electing ministers to preach on Sunday by private ballot. In 1847 the number of churches had decreased to 16 with 436 members, and only two baptisms were reported for the year. Contributions, $15.25. This year the following action was taken relative to the name : " The recommendation of Mount Zion Church taken up ; which was, that this association be hereafter known by the name of the 'Mt. Pleasant Old School Baptist Association.' The vote being taken, it was decided in the affirmative." {Minutes Mt. P. 0. S. Asso., 1847, p. 4.) The minutes of 1859 show that there were 13 churches then in the union, the total membership of which was 306. There is nothing indicating the number of preachers. In 1866 — our latest records — the association had dwindled down to 8 churches, the same number of ordained ministers and a total membership of 310, showing that it was not half so large as when the division took place ; 50 baptisms this year. In speaking of the foregoing facts, we propose no invidious com- parisons, but in the shortest possible way illustrate the ruinous policy adopted by the anti-missionary faction of the Baptist de- nomination in Missouri in days gone by. From 1866 to the present day, this association has been on somewhat rising ground. We are unable to give the exact fig- 428 LITTLE PINEY AND OTHER ASSOCIATIONS. ures as to the state of the churches. This change in the condi- tion of things is doubtless due in a great measure to the fact that a new generation of preachers has grown up in these bounds, — men with no purer motives and purposes than those of the for- mer times had ; but in whom perhaps there is less of the preju- dice which resulted from the controversy of nearly 50 years ago; men who, while thej^ believe and preach the doctrine of predes- tination as fully as did their predecessors, take somewhat broad- er views of divine truth and address themselves more directly to the consciences of men. While some of the fathers of this association were accustomed, in days goije by, to ridicule what they called "distracted meetings" (protracted meetings), the sons of the present day are using them as suitable opportunities for preaching the blessed gospel to the people, and the consequences are that revivals are not uncommon among them. M. J. Sears, Dr. Rothwell and J. W. Bradley are now among the active and aggressive men in the ministry of this association. The church- es of the Mt. Pleasant Old School Association are intermingled with the churches of the Mt. Pleasant United Baptist Associa- tion in the counties of Howard, Chariton, Randolph and parts of Boone and Monroe ; and, it is hoped, will soon be engaged, heart and main, in efforts to send the gospel into the regions bej^ond. lamest: eiver association. This association originated, we think, during the anti-mission- ary controversy in Missouri (about 1836 or '37), with a few small churches in Pettis and Cooper Counties. The earliest minutes we have are for 1839. It met that year at the Walnut Branch meeting-house, Pettis County, and numbered only four small churches, viz.: Muddy Fork, Walnut Branch, High Grove and Vine, with a total membership of 71; contributions, $14.25; bap- tisms reported, 2. There were no indications whatever of pros- perity. Elder Martillas Embree was the moderator, and John Tutt was clerk. Elds. Jacob Chism, David Lenox and Henry Avery were present as visitors and correspondents. Correspondence was held with Little Piney and also with what they called "Old Concord Association." Jacob Chism was a mes« senger from the last named. Several years prior to this date there was a schism in Concord Association of Coojier County, when one or two churches and parts of one or two others, witli Elds. Chism and Jennings, went off, met as an association and claimed to be the original Concord Association. The above LITTLE PINEY AND OTHER ASSOCIATIONS. 429 named "Old Concord Association" was doubtless this faction under Chisra. Inasmuch as the term "Eegular Baptist" was the appellation usually adopted in that age in Missouri by the anti-missionaries, and forasmuch as this is the title of the Lamine Eiver fraternity, and as we can find no indication whatever of a missionary spirit in all the doings of this institution, we place it among the anti- effort and anti-missionary associations of the state. The latest documents before us are the minutes of 1848. The session that year was held at Charity meeting-house, Johnson County. The association then numbered 7 churches, viz.: Wal- nut Branch, 45; Potiate Saline, 21; New Bethel, 26; Charity, 12; Zion, 31; Little Arrow Eock, 10; and South Fork, 12; giv- ing a total membership of 157. The whole number of baptisms during the year was 3; receptions b}^ letter, 6; restored, 7; dis- missions by letter, 8; exclusions, 3; deaths, 5; contributions, $9. Its ministers were Martillas Embree, James H. Baker, TyreeH. Berry, James Eeavis and J. D. Loving. TWO F,IVER OLD SCHOOL ASSOCIATION.* By a call from Loonie's Creek Church, the following churches, viz. : Providence, Clear Creek, Ebenezer, Elk Pork, Bear Creek, North Fork, South Eiver, Saverton and Loonie's Creek, met in council with North Fork Church, Monroe County, on the first Saturday in October, 1838, and organized an association, calling it " Two Eiver." They adopted a confession of faith embracing the fundamental principles of doctrine as taught in the Scriptures, and adopted the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments as their rule of faith and practice. The prin- cipal part of the churches originally belonged to what was known as Salt Eiver Association, and the reader will be bet- ter posted in the object and design of forming a new asso- ciation by an extract from their confession of faith : ''We believe the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are of Divine orig- in and were given by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, and that they contain everything necessary for the direction of our faith and practice; therefore we reject the mission system as now in operation among professed Baptists, for the want of this Divine authority." It will be seen that this association has been in ex- istence forty years, and has maintained its doctrines and disci- pline intact, having allowed no innovations from any source whatever. The total membership in 1838 was 243. Elder Wm. *B\ Kev. F. M. Turner, a minister in this association, a few months before his ^eatli. 430 LITTLE PINEY AND OTHER ASSOCIATIONS. Fuqua was the first moderator and Henry Louthan clerk. Eld. Louthan remained its clerk till his death. Eld. William Priest of late years has presided over its assemblies. Some of the original churches have gone out of existence and others have been added. In 1878 it numbered 8 churches, with a total membership of 259, one licensed and four ordained ministers, viz. : J. M. Dudley, William Priest, Nathan Fuqua and F. M. Turner. The most of the churches composing this body may be num- bered among the pioneer churches of Northeast Missouri, Bear Creek being the first Baptist church organized north of Salt Eiver, and in fact the first church of any kind, having been con- stituted in 1820 in one of God's own temples — in the shade of a large sugar tree — near Palmyra, Marion County, on the farm now owned by Mr. James E. Dudle3^ This beautiful spot seems to have been selected by the God of heaven for the planting of the mustard seed that has grown to be such a great tree. Gentle reader, the imagination is our onl}^ source of realizing the sol- emnity that must have prevailed at this first meeting of God's children. Only ten persons besides Eld. Davis Biggs, the emi- nent pioneer minister, were present in a wilderness outside the pale of civilization. Nothing but the pure, disinterested, unself- ish love of God could have prompted them to assemble amid such scenes and surroundings and there pledge themselves to meet in the name of the blessed Redeemer, to worship, praise and adore the God of their being and Savior of their souls. The Spirit must have guided them and brooded over them in this ancient and emblematic temple. The noble old forest tree with its dense fo- liage shutting out the scorching raj's of the sun, while within its very shadow there came, bursting forth from the bosom of the earth, a clear, beautiful stream of water, emblematic of the Water of Life, winding its way and emptying its contents into a beauti- ful stream near by — the historic waters of Bear Creek, where so many of God's dear children have been buried with Christ in baptism. Our readers may be possibly led to the conclusion that the hand of God was in the matter, and that the Two River Asso- ciation bearing this treasure in her bosom is a historic fact worth preserving. Henry Louthan* — was born in Frederick County, Virginia, in 1808. At two years of age he was reduced to orphanage by the death of his father, which left him thus early to the care of a * By F. M. Turner, a colaborer of Eld. Louthan. LITTLE PINEY AND OTHER ASSOCIATIONS. 431 widowed mother in only moderate circumstances. So soon as young Louthan was old enough, he was apprenticed to the hat- ter's trade. Being from under his mother's charge he expected to revel in the pleasures of this life, but the Lord ordered it oth- erwise, and soon after leaving home he was convicted of sin, and at the age of 17 years united with the Baptist church at Winches- ter, Va. Though young, he soon commenced preaching, but was very awkward and ignorant so far as books were concerned. Yet in his zeal for the cause of the Eedeemer he persevered, sur- mounting every obstacle that presented itself, of which the read- er may imagine there were many, as the scene of his early min- istry was among the erudite and the wealthy of the Old Domin- ion. He was ordained to the gospel ministry in 1831. In 1835 he married Miss Mary Parsons, of Hampshire County, Va. Leav- ing the scenes of early life he emigrated to Missouri in 1838 and settled in Shelby County, where, with the aid of two colored men, he opened up to cultivation a large farm, and when completed engaged extensively in stock raising, amassing quite a fortune. All of this time he was not idle in his Master's cause, usually having the care of three or four churches. About the year 1864 he purchased the beautiful residence in the city of Palmyra, built by Hon. J. D. S. Dryden, where he resided from that until the time of his death, which occurred February 20, 1870. During his life he built two houses of worship , one in Shelby County and one in Palmyra ; and in his will he left $3,000 to the Pal- myra Church for the use and benefit of its pastor. He had ■preached on the day of his death, which was occasioned by apo- plexy. Thus ended the life of one of the most prominent and faithful ministers of his denomination. Franklin Matthew Turner. — This gifted young minister of the Two River Association died February 8, 1879, only a few months after furnishing the foregoing sketches. He suffered se- verely for seven days from a painful attack of pleuro-pneumonia. He was born July 16, 1837, in Marion County, Missouri, being the youngest son of Eld. Charles L. Turner, a cotemporary of Boulware, Stephens, Hurley, Yardeman and others. He receiv- ed a liberal education in the schools of his native county, having attended Bethel Baptist College for the purpose of completing a course in mathematics, of which he was passionately fond. There were at the time several theological students attending the college. Young Turner one day jestingly remarked in their presence, " I am preparing for the ministry," little dreaming that 482 LITTLE PINEY AND OTHER ASSOCIATIONS. his light jest, in the providence of God, would become a reality. Early in life he had serious impressions on the subject of a personal salvation, and acquired an extended knowledge of the Scriptures and of the tenets of the different sects. Yet he never embraced Christ as his Savior until he was 27 years of age, at which time he was baptized by William Priest and became a member of Bear Creek Baptist Church. In 1866 he was ordain- ed to the gospel ministry by Elds. Priest and Louthan, and from that time consecrated himself fully to the work for ten years, except about three months' service in the 28th General Assembly of the state. For more than two years prior to his death he was seriously afflicted with bronchitis, causing him to resign the pas- toral care of his churches and retire almost entirely from the ministry. Elder Turner was an exceedingly pleasant speaker, and one of the most popular preachers in his denomination. Of him. Eld. "William Priest says: "In the death of Brother William Turner, the church has lost an able minister of the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He was not only an able proclaimer of the gospel, but also an able defender of its truth. He is gone from us, but we believe that our loss is his eternal gain. He was buried at Bear Creek Church on the 9th of February. His funeral was largely attended — the largest procession that I have seen in this coun- try." (From the Messenger of Peace, April, 1879.) William Priest, — one of the most polished and eloquent min- isters in Missouri, and for some years moderator of Two River Association, was born in Fauquier County, Virginia, March 4, 1808. In 1832 he emigrated to Missouri, and twenty years after- wards was baptized into the fellowship of Flint Hill (Old School) Baptist Church, Ealls County. He was ordained to the gospel ministry in August, 1853, by Elds. C. L. Turner, Wm. Davis and T. P. Rogers. For 20 years before his baptism he had entertain- ed a hope in Christ. Eld. Priest is a man of very superior intellect. He is a self- made man, having received a very limited education in the schools, but from close application all his mature years he has acquired efficiency in the principles of government, law, physic, theology and the sciences. His whole life has been one contin- ued series of sacrifices for the benefit of those around him. He is eminently a Christian gentleman, and has filled several prom- inent offices of the state — once a member of the senate, also of the late constitutional convention. For the past 25 years he has LITTLE PINEY AND OTHER ASSOCIATIONS. 433 been the pastor of Flint Hill, North Fork and Bear Creek Church- es, and a portion of the time of Palmyra. Mr. Priest is an emi- nent minister in his denomination. 28 PERIOD FIFTH. 1840-1850. CHAPTER I. LIBEETY AND OTHEE ASSOCIATIONS. When Organized — ^When the Weak Are Strong — Baptist Camp-meetings — Plan of Missions — The Communion Question — Knapp's Treatise — Biographies of William Tatura — Henry Akard — Evangelists — Tlie Agency System — Results — General Re- vival Interests — Unites with The Sac River Association — Mt. Pleasant, Greenfield, Slagle Creek, Friendship, and Springfield Churches — Sac River Association — Organization — Appellation — Anti-^Iission Proclivities — Elijah AVilliams — Revivals — UxioN Association — Xovel Method of Forming — W. F. Spillman — B. Buckner — Mission to the Cherokees — Kansas Applies for Help — Division of the Association — Vfav Troubles — Reorganization — Secession — Change of Name to Springfield Association — Greene County Association — Another Sac River Association — New Prospect Association. THE Liberty Association of Enited Baptists was organized by messengers from Mt. Pleasant, Enon, Providence, Turkey Creek and Cedar Churches, assembled in convention on the 3d and 5th days of May, 1840. Eev. Wm. Tatum was moderator, and James Gilmorc clerk. The convention adopted a constitu- tion and articles of faith, after which it adjourned to meet in regular session the next Sej^tember. The first annual session of Liberty Association was held at Turkey Creek, Polk County, commencing September 25, 1840. Two new churches were added to the list above, making 7 in all, situated in the counties of Polk, St. Clair and Greene, hav- ing a membership of 112. A small beginning, indeed, but the few are strong when the Lord of Hosts is On their side. So it was demonstrated in the historj^ of this association. Elds. Wm. Tatum, D. E. Murphy and Brethren Obadiah Smith and James Gilmore were among the leaders at this time. At the second annual meeting, 1841, held at Providence, Polk County, Sac Eivcr and Coon Creek Churches were received into the association, having been recently constituted. Correspond- ing messengers were present from Spring Eiver and Concord Associations. Baptist cami^-meclings were somewhat fashion- able in that day, and the association agreed to hold one at the LIBERTY AND OTHER ASSOCIATIONS. 435 time and place of her next session. This custom grew out of the fact, in part, that very few communities were prepared to enter- tain the crowds that attended these meetings. The churches were requested to send up funds to the next association to sup- port home missions. Messengers from 15 churches assembled on the 4th Saturday in September, 1842, at Cumberland Camp Ground, near Provi- dence, Polk County, and held the third annual session. A very considerable revival influence had passed over the association- al field, and 138 baptisms were reported at this meeting as a part of the fruits. The aggregate membership had increased to 388. The following plan of missions was adopted: "Resolved, That we appoint five members of this body, to be known and styled * The Board of Home Missions,' .... which shall be vested with power to manage all missions in the bounds of this association, subject to the following rules and regula- tions." There were in all eight rules, the second of which said : "The board shall, in no instance, incur a greater expense than it has funds to meet." The board of missions consisted of E. M, Campbell, A. Mor- ton, U. L. Southerland, "W. Heraldson and C. Dozenberry. In 1843 the association met at Cedar Church, St. Clair County. This year and the last the following new churches were admitted into the union, viz. : Clear Creek, Friendship, Monagan, Pisgah, Union, Blue Springs, Horse Creek, Bethlehem, Greenfield, Flag Spring, Alden and Salem. The entire membership of the asso- ciation was now 614, in all 21 churches, located in Polk, Greene, Dade, St. Clair. Niangua (now Dallas), Pulaski and Camden Counties. To the session in 1844, held at Mt. Pleasant, Greene County, Coon Creek Church sent a query on the subject of communion, to which the following answer was given : "Resolved, That the following be an answer to the query from Coon Creek Church, viz.: "We, as a body, do not intend, with our present views, to agree to open communion with pedobap- tists: nevertheless, we advise our churches to exercise lenity to- ward those who may entertain a different opinion." To counteract open communion sentiments, the association re- published Knapp's Treatise on Communion and appended it to her minutes. 436 LIBERTY AND OTHER ASSOCIATIONS. This vast region of country was traversed in this early day by zealous, self-sacrificing evangelists ; revival after revival follow- ed, churches multiplied, and an unusual number of ministers were raised up. The first moderator of this association, and one of her leading ministers, was William Tatum. Eld. William Tatum — was one of the pioneer preachers of Southwest Missouri, having also previously spent twenty-seven years of pioneer ministerial life in Kentucky and Tennessee. He was a native of Gruilford County, North Carolina, and was born September 24, 1783. In 1805 he made a profession of religion and soon afterwards commenced preaching in his native state, not long after which he moved to Kentucky and settled in Lo- gan County, some six miles north of Eussellville. Here he raised a family of thirteen children, having married before he left North Carolina. Eld, Tatum was a farmer-preacher, laboring hard during the crop season to secure a support for his large and growing fam- ily, and giving himself up to the ministry the balance of the year. His labors during most of that period were confined to middle and southern Kentucky, but extended at times into the state of Tennessee. In 1837 he closed his labors in Kentucky, and with his wife and younger children moved to Missouri and settled in Greene County. Soon after this he organized Mt. Pleasant Church, not far from his own hoine, of which he became pastor, and so re- mained, we think, as long as he was able to preach, and of which he was a member until his death. He was highly esteemed by his brethren, a self-made and a self-sacrificing man, spending much of his later life in sowing the gospel seed among the peo- ple in his adopted state. Large numbers under his ministry were added to the churches both in Kentucky and Missouri. Af- ter he became too feeble to preach, he spent most of his time in reading, meditation and prayer, and died in the hope of a bless- ed immoi'tality on the 26th of January, 1856. Eld. Tatum's ancestors descended through the High Church of England, but his parents were Baptists, and his father a min- ister in that denomination. He has two sons who are Baptist ministers, living in Texas. (Furnished by Lewis F. Tatum, a son, of Greene County, Mo.) Henry Akard, — an old settler in Polk County, Missouri, and for several years a preacher in Liberty Association, was born LIBERTY AND OTHER ASSOCIATIONS. 437 in Tennessee, August 13, 1813. As he grew up he received such an education as the common schools of his day afforded. In September, 1832, he was married to Miss Lavinia Jones, and soon after, in the same year, moved to Polk County, Missouri. Here, for some ten years, he lived a stranger to God. He was converted and baptized under the ministry of Eld. D. E. Mur- phy, for years one of the leading ministers of that section of the state. From 1844 the Liberty Association moved steadily on, through her ministry, planting and fostering churches, and holding regu- lar sessions as follows: In 1845 at Mt. Zion, Polk County; in 1846 at Enon, Polk County; in 1847 at Sac Eiver; in 1848 at Cedar Church, Cedar County ; in 1849 at Mt. Pleasant, Greene County; in 1850 at Mt. Zion, Polk County; in 1851 at Union Creek Church, Greene County ; in 1852 at Liberty, Greene County; in 1853 at Brush Grove, Polk County; in 1854 at Mt. Pleasant, Hickory County; and at Enon again in 1855. The custom of holding camp-meetings was continued from year to year as long as the association existed in its present form and name. In 1846 an effort was made to unite this and Sac Eiver Association, B. Buckner, H. Akard, Wm. Tatum and others being appointed a committee for that purpose; but the effort failed. Seven churches were dismissed in 1848 to form a new association, which was so done, and the new fraternity was called '* Cedar Association." At the meeting in 1849 it elected by private ballot, Elds. S. L. Beckley and W. B. Senter as evangelists, and authorized them to take up collections wherever they thought necessary. The following j^ear was one of marked progress, 80 converts being added to the churches by baptism. The session of 1853 appointed five camp-meetings with as many different churches, selecting from three to six ministers to attend each meeting. Glorious results followed these efforts in the way of conversions, the work continuing far beyond the next meeting. At this session the association appointed a col- lecting agent with powers, privileges and duties as follows : "Besolved, That it is the duty of this association to appoint a traveling agent to travel and preach, to take up public and pri- vate collections for missionary purposes and pay over to some one appointed to settle with him; and that the said agent shall be allowed $250 for his compensation provided he collect that much, the overplus to go into the hands of the treasurer of the 438 LIBERTY AND OTHER ASSOCIATIONS. association, provided there be any, for missionary purposes, and E. M, Campbell is appointed said treasurer." Eld. B. McCord Roberts was elected as said traveling agent for the year 1854. This system of traveling agents gave new life to the missionary work of the association, as the contributions to her benevolent work will show. $210 were reported in the treasury at the ses- sion in 1855, the like of which had not before been known in that country. The minutes of 1855 make the following exhibit of the state of the work : churches, 20 ; baptisms, 283 ; aggregate member- ship, 1,140. This year, by agreement, the association united with Sac Eiv- er Association and formed Union Association, for an account of which see history of said association. SAC mVER ASSOCIATION. The oldest records of Sac River Association which we have are for 1850, which was the eighth annual meeting. This would carry the organization of this body back to 1842. Our corres- pondent from G-reene County, Eld. A. C. Bradley, says: " The Sac River Association was organized, or held its first session, with Pleasant Hill Church. There were 4 churches rep- resented: Pleasant Hill, Union and Crisp Prairie in Polk Coun- ty, and Mount Pisgah in Dade County. Eld. T. J. Kelly was elected moderator, and Nelson McDowell clerk. Both are dead." Her style of address was **SacRiver Association of United Bap- tists." The session of 1850 (8th annual) was at Mt. Pisgah Church, Dade County. From her organization until then (eightyears) only two churches. Bear Creek and Sinking Creek, had been received ; which made six churches in all, with 217 members. Eld. D. R. Murphy says that this association was considered anti-mission- ary. Confirmatory of this statement are the following facts : 1st. Up to this time correspondence had been kept up with the Salem Association, which was avowedly opposed to the mission- ary enterprise. 2d. Eld. Burrow Buckner, who for a time entertained senti- ments antagonistic to missions, was for some time identified with this association. At this date (1850) Elds. Elijah Williams, T. J. Kelly, Josiah Stogsdill and Burrow Buckner were the ministers. Elijah Williams. — In his younger days Elijah Williams was a schoolmate of the late Eld. D. R. Murphy, to whom we are in- debted for the facts in this sketch. LIBERTY AND OTHER ASSOCIATIONS. 439 Mr. Williams was born in Jefferson County, Tennessee, and in an early day moved to Missouri with his father. The next we know of him, says Mr. Murphy, was in the spring of 1840, when he was both a man of family and a Baptist minister. He lived on a farm, and was a man of industrious and economical habits, and was successful in providing a comfortable living for his fam- ily. He was a co-worker with Eld. T. J. Kelly in organizing churches and then of forming the Sac Eiver Association. In the ninth annual session of the Sac Eiver Association, held at Crisp Prairie, Polk County, in September, 1851, messengers were present representing 9 churches, four of which, viz.: Slagle Creek, Liberty Hill, Grassy Hollow and Greenfield, had been received this year. Several of the churches had enjoyed reviv- als, and 98 baptisms were reported to the association. The minutes of 1852 indicate less of prosperity — only 18 bap- tisms and one new church. Prospect, Greene County. In none of the records of this community do we find any references to ministerial education, missions, or any kindred institutions. By the year 1855, when 9 churches sent messengers to Bear Creek Church in Polk County, the numerical strength had in- creased to 628. This year 85 baptisms were reported. This was the last meeting of the Sac Eiver Association, it having received and accepted a proposition from the Liberty Association to form a union of the two bodies. UNIOK ASSOCIATION. The Union Association was formed in 1855 by the Liberty and the Sac Eiver Associations, both of which occupied the same ter- ritory. The organization was accomplished in a somewhat singu- lar manner. In 1855 Liberty Association adopted the following: "Took into consideration the propriety of making an overture of union with Sac Eiver Association, and appointed the follow- ing brethren, J. B. Callaway, J. E. B. Justice, James Bradley, John Crain and E. M. Campbell as a committee to meet Sac Eiver As- sociation at her next sitting and present to her consideration the following resolves : " Be it Resolved, That the said committee shall set forth the rea- sons why we think Liberty and Sac Eiver Associations ought to unite, making of the two oneassociation, viz.: 1st. That they both occupy a portion of the same territory; 2d. That the boundary of the two is not too large for one ; 3d. And more than all, it will remove the appearance of a difference when in reality there is none. 440 LIBERTY AND OTHER ASSOCIATIONS. "^6' it Furthermore Resolved, That provided Sac River Association shall accede to said proposition, the said committee is hereby au- thorized to pronounce the union consummated, and to propose the word 'Union' as the name of the new association," This was in September. In the following month the Sac Eiv- er Association met and responded as follows : " We, the Sac Eiver Association, agree to the proposition made by the Liberty Association, through their committee, Elds. Cal- laway, Bradley and Justice, to unite and form one association of the two, to be called ' Union Association ;' and further, *'It is agreed that the churches of Sac River Association be advised to send their letters and messengers to 'Union Associa- tion,' to be held with the Mt. Pleasant Church, Greene County, the fourth Saturday in September, 1856." Thus was consummated the organization of "Union Association." In harmony with the foregoing agreement the Union Associa- tion held its first annual meeting at Mt. Pleasant, Greene Coun- ty, in September, 1856, when letters and messengers were pres- ent from 35 churches, which reported a membership of 2,102. This was now certainly the largest association in Southwest Mis- souri. Her churches were scattered over the counties of Polk, Greene, Dade, Hickory, Webster, Dallas, Laclede and Lawrence. B. McCord Roberts was elected moderator; 200 baptisms were reported and over $300 for missionary purposes. The associa- tion retained the appellation of "United Baptists." The following ministers were embraced in the new organiza- tion: E. Williams, J. and A. C. Bradley, W. F. Spillman, T. J. Kelley, S. S. Beckley, H. H. Williams, J. H. Tatum, J. Kennon, W. B. Scnter, J. F.Wheeler, G. B. Mitchell, and, wethink, Burrow Buckner. W. F. Spillman — was an active servant of Christ for several years in the bounds of this association. He was a native of Ten- nessee, the son of Thomas and Frances Spillman, and was born March 5, 1821. From boyhood he spent a number of years in Allen County, Kentucky, where, in 1840, he was converted, uni-. ted with the Bethlehem Baptist Church, and was soon after or- dained by Elds. Zechariah Emberson and Thomas Scribner. His removal to and settlement in Polk County, Missouri, oc- curred in the year 1854. He became a member of Mt. View Church, and in Polk and surrounding counties spent seven years of faithful and useful labors in the ministry, and terminated his life June 5, 1862. LIBERTY AND OTHER ASSOCIATIONS. 441 Burrow Buckner* — spent some years in Missouri as a gospel builder. He was uncle to Eev. H. F. Buckner, the missionary to the Indians. Mr. Buckner was born in Lawrence District, South Carolina, in 1796, and under parental care grew up a far- mer's boy in East Tennessee, where his father, Henry Buckner, had moved in an early day. His education was, almost of neces- sity, limited. He was led to the Cross at the age of 19 years, and seven years after entered theministry and became a mission- ary, under his own appointment, to the Cherokee Indians, in northern Georgia and southern Tennessee. Here he soon gath- ered a church of the natives, preaching mainly at such times as the labors of the farm would permit him. His removal to Missouri occurred in 1840 or '41, occasioned by the emigration of the Cherokee nation from Georgia to their present home. For a time after he came to Missouri, he held what was then called anti-mission views, but was convinced of his error, and was for some 20 years a useful minister of the JSTew Testament in Sac Eiver, Liberty, Spring Eiver and afterwards Union Association. His forte was in exhortation, in which he greatly excelled. In fact, when aroused, he had few equals. He was also regarded as an excellent disciplinarian both in his fam- ily and in his churches. In this he was truly a bishop. In August, 1861, having gone to the blacksmith-shop to get his horse shod for the purpose of going to the association, he was suddenly stricken with apoplexy, and died before his wife could reach him. The wife of his early life, Mrs. Matilda Buckner, survived him, and was, we think, in 1875, living in Dade County, Mo. Tradition says: "All the Buckners of the United States descended from three English brothers named Benjamin, Jesse and John, who came to America in colonial days. John, the middle brother, moved to Georgia in 1792. They were all large men, having large ears, high cheek bones, large blue eyes and hair black and straight. All of them became Baptists j Benjamin was a minister, and all became fathers of large families." (Eld. H. P. Buckner, of Muskogee, Indian Territory.) The following is a record of Union Association up to 1860. In 1857 the session was held at Freedom, Polk County j in 1858, at Pisgah, Dade County; in 1859, at Sinking Creek, Dade County; and in 1860 at Mt. Zion in Polk County. At the meet- ing in 1857 a letter was received from a small Baptist community * Prom Daniel Buckner, a brother, of Paris, TeiJig, and H. P. Buckner. 442 .LIBERTY AND OTHER ASSOCIATIONS. in Kansas Territory, asking that a minister visit and organize them into a church. A committee, appointed thereon, reported that the subject was "worthy of consideration and liberal pa- tronage." The association continued the missionary plan of last year and appointed an executive board to employ missionaries. The board consisted of John Grain, Jas, P. Thompson, John Slagle, Charles Bunch and E. M. Campbell, who were instructed to employ two missionaries, instead of one, and send them to the destitute parts of the association. Amount of funds on hand for missions S333.20 ; baptisms reported, 233 ; members, 2,320. By the year 1858 the association had grown to 43 churches, the same number of ministers and 2,646 members. At this session, a committee having been appointed on the subject, reported that it was expedient to divide the association as follows : "Beginning at Springfield, thence to Enon Church in Polk County; thence to Brush Grrove Church; thence north to the northern line of said association; the churches on said line to have choice as to which association they will belong to ; the western association to retain the name and constitution, and the eastern one to form a constitution for themselves." The division left only 17 churches in Union Association, with 1,048 members. The treasurer's report shows $115.50 as having been expended for all associational missionary purposes. Two new churches were admitted to membership in 1860 — Bolivar and Zion Hill. The entire Southwest being overrun with troops, both Federal and Confederate, no meetings were held in 1861 and '62. A small number of messengers from Mt. Pleasant, Asher Creek, Turkey Creek and Mt. Pisgah Churches met in convention at Turkey Creek, Polk County, August, 1863, and organized an association, calling it " Union," after the old name. " This," sa,js Judge Nel- son McDowell, the moderator of the convention, "was consider- ed a reorganization of old Union Association." The sessions were, however, numbered from 1863. The numerical strength of the association in 1864 was no more than 265, and there were onlj' two ordained ministers — J. E. B. Justice and Thomas J. Kelley. In 1865 the meeting was held at Asher Creek Church, Greene County, at which time the records exhibit a decrease of 14 dur- ing the year. This decline, was owing doubtless, in jsart, 1st. To a spirit of revenge and bloodshed that prevailed at this time LIBERTY AND OTHER ASSOCIATIONS. 443 throughout this section of the state; and, 2d. To the fact that at the meeting in 1863 or '64 the association, under excitement, placed a clause in her constitution in the following language : " Resolved, That we are opposed to secession in every shape and form, and that we will not fellowship any church that holds members who are secessionists, and churches should not hold nor admit members who are secessionists." Eegular meetings were held in 1866 at Mt. Pleasant Church, Greene County, and in 1867 at Mt. Pisgah, Polk County. The session in 1868 was at Mt. Zion, Polk County. Up to this time, since the war, only 8 churches had been enrolled, having an ag- gregate membership of 690. The ministerial list had been en- larged by the names of M. Gr. Conn, A. C. Bradlev, J. Kennon and Geo. Kline. At this meeting, by a vote of 16 to 6, the fore- going sectional clause in the constitution was abolished, and the following inserted in its stead : "We believe that the Scriptures teach that civil government is of divine appointment, for the interest and good order of human society; and that magistrates are to be prayed for, conscien- tiously honored and obeyed ; except in things opposed to the will of our Lord Jesus Christ, who is the only Lord of the conscience and the Prince of the kings of the earth." A Sunday-school convention was organized this year with Eld. Geo. Kline as president and J. D. Bicknell as secretary, which for a time did a commendable work in promoting Sunday- schools in the bounds of the association. The association met at the First Baptist Church, Springfield, in October, 1869. Received two new churches, viz. : Friendship and Thornhill ; making 10 in all, with a membership of 769 — 85 having been added b}^ baptism. At this meeting the name of the association was changed from "Union" to SPRmGFIELD ASSOCIATION. This change was made because there were at the time three Union Associations in the state. In 1870 the prefix " United " was dropped. During this and the previous year the asso- ciation raised for its own expenses and missionary purposes nearly $8,000. The minutes from 1870 to 1873 indicate only a moderate degree of prosperity, only one church, Pleasant View, having been received during that time. The aggregate member- ship in 1873 was 817. This year the following was adopted: " Resolved, That the association grant as many of the churches of this body as wish to do so, the liberty of going into a county 444 LIBEKTY AND OTHER ASSOCIATIONS. association." Aftei* the transaction of one or two other business items, the association adjourned without time, place or preacher for the next meeting. A part of the churches which had com- posed Springfield Association met in the fall of 1873 and formed GKEEXE COUNTY ASSOCIATION. ''The residue of the churches," says Eev. A. C. Bradley, "-met in 1874 at Turkey Creek Church, in the name of Springfield As- sociation, and changed to the old name of Sac Eiver Association. This body, in 1876, embraced the following churches : Asher Creek and Thornhill in Greene County ; Mt. Zion, Pleasant Eidge and Turkey Creek in Polk County; and Pleasant View in Dade County ; with a membership of 385. This year it was agreed to consolidate with New Prospect Association, whose churches were situated mostly in Greene and Polk Counties. The consol- idation was accomplished in October of the same year through Eld. Geo. Long, at the session of the last named association. For a further account of this transaction see history of New Pros- pect Association in Period Seventh of this book. We shall follow, as the successor of Springfield and Union As- sociations, the Greene County Association. Its churches are mostly, if not wholly, situated in Greene County. The object in its formation was, if possible, to secure harmony among those churches which w^ere dissatisfied at the change of name from Union to Springfield in 1869. The formal organization of the Greene County Association occurred at Friendship in the fall of 1873. In 1877 this fraternity had grown to 15 churches and an aggregate membership of 1,102. Among the ministers at that time were B. McCord Eoberts, J. S. Buckner, G. B. Mitchell, Jas. D. Biggs, J. E. B. Justice, G. W. White and James P. Aikin. Foreign and domestic missions received a hearty suj)port at the hands of the ministers and members of this association. In 1879 there were 17 churches, 12 ministers and 1,380 mem- bers. The meeting was held at Slagle Creek Church, Polk Coun- ty. The eighth annual session was at Prospect Church, Greene County, September 30, 1880. Eock Prairie Church, Polk Coun- ty, was the place of meeting Sej)tember 29, 1881. Twenty church- es are on the roll, all of which save three sent messengers. To- tal membership 1,497. The officers were J. S. Buckner, moder- ator; J. H. Garnett, clerk; and C. F. Corum, treasurer. Number of ordained ministers, 24; licentiates, 11. A Treatise on the Lord's Supper, by Eld. Peter Brown, was appended to the min- utes. It was searching, concise and scriptural. LIBERTY AND OTHER ASSOCIATIONS. 445 Mount Pleasant Church.— This is one of the older churches in the G-reene County Association, having been organized in January (third Saturday), 1838, by David Coffman, J. Gilmore and Elijah Williams, with 14 members. Its location is in Greene County, twelve miles northwest of Springfield. The first pastor was William Tatum, who continued fifteen years, and was suc- ceeded by E. Williams. George Wilson was pastor in 1882, the church numbering 102 members. Greenfield, — the county seat of Dade County, was once a member of Springfield Association. The church here was organ- ized July 1, 1843, with 7 members, by Brantley Wright and S. Liles, the former of whom was elected first pastor. Slagle Creek. — ^Numerically this is the strongest church in Greene County Association, having in 1881 206 members, when B. M. Eoberts was the pastor. The date of the organization was not given. This church gave $20.80 for foreign missions, $25 for home missions, and $60 for pastor's salary. Friendship Church. — This church is also in Greene County, fifteen miles northwest of Springfield. It was founded in July, 1843, with 23 constituent members. Its house of worship, re- built in 1870, was a frame, 36x42 feet, and was valued at $1,000. Eld. Wra. Tatum was the first pastor. B. M. Eoberts was pastor in 1881. Springfield.* — The Baptist church in this city was organized on the second Saturday in July, 1852, by Eld. B. McCord Eob- erts, one of the pioneer preachers of Southwest Missouri. Mr. Eoberts was for a time apresidingelderin the Methodist church, but a short time before this had become a Baptist. For furth- er notice of him, see Southwest Missouri Convention. In 1861 the church for the first time entered their new house of worship which they commenced to build in 1853. Only a few months after the soldiei'S took possession of the house for for- age purposes, and no meetings were held from 1861 to 1866. On the 7th of September, 1866, the church was reorganized with 13 members, by Eev. E. Alward. There were eleven con- stituent members in 1852. From that time until 1861 the pas- tors were B. McCord Eoberts, E. Eaton, Geo. White and James Kennon. Since the reorganization in 1866 the following have filled the pastoral office: E. Alward, Charles Whiting, J. C. Ma- ple, J. F. Howard, J. D. Biggs, M. D. Beavan and J. H. Garnett. In 1882 the numerical strength of the church was 120. * From sketch of J. H, Garnett. CHAPTER II. SPEING EIYER ASSOCIATION. Its Fonnation — Location — Lunsford Oliver — Customs — First Preachers — Novel Pro- ceedings — Revivals — Plan of Missions — Division of the Association — Institution of Learning — War Period, No Meetings — A Wise Action — Second Division — Shoal Creek Association. THE Spring River is emphatically one of the pioneer associ- ations of Southwest Missouri. Its organization took place at a school-house in what was then Barry County, near the pres- ent Mt. Olivet Church, Lawrence County, July 11, 1840. Abram May was moderator and David G-uthrie clerk. "Only ten years before this, the first white man, Lunsford Oli- ver, a native of Tennessee, settled in this part of the state. He located in what is now Newton County and had no neighbor within forty -miles." {CamphelVs Gazetteer of Mo., p. 399.) Five churches, namely, Liberty, Freedom, Peace, Dripping Spring and Friendship went into the organization. The entire membership was 91. The title was " Spring River Association of United Baptists," and owing to an anti-missionary spirit en- tertained by some of the members, a resolution was adopted, agreeing that the cause of missions should be no bar to fellow- ship, and that the subject should not be stirred in the associa- tion, but that each church be left free to think and act as she pleased. (R. J. Dale, clerk of the association.) The first annual session was held in October, 1840, at Liberty Church in Barry County. Abel Lee was chosen moderator; clerk same as in July. In 1841 the session was at Freedom Church, when Mt. Pisgah and Union Churches were admitted with 32 members. Peace Church was the place of meeting in 1842. Mt. Pleasant, Lost Creek, Prosperity and Bethlehem Churches were received with 87 members. This year Eld. Snelling Johnson, messenger from Concord Association, two hundred miles distant, visited the association and preached a missionary sermon which somewhat allayed the anti-missionary spirit. The fourth annual session was held at Dripping Spring Church in Newton County, in 1843. Eld. Greenville Spencer preached the introductory sermon. This man (though uneducated) was a SPRING RIVER ASSOCIATION. 447 power in the bounds of the association, and was moderator from 1844 until his departure for Texas in 1855. The meeting in 1843 was not much more than an annual reunion, but little business having been transacted. Saturday and Sabbath were wholly de- voted to preaching; Friday and Monday to the hearing of the letters from the churches and receiving messengers from and ap- pointing messengers to corresponding associations. From Con- cord Association three correspondents were present, viz. : Elds. Snelling Johnson, K. Scott and E. Taylor; also one from Liberty — Elijah Burch ; and one from Blue Eiver Association — Eld. John Farmer. "Agreed to set apart the Fourth of July next as a day of fast- ing and prayer to God." Well done! Perhaps it were better the day were spent in like manner in this age. There were at this time (1843) eleven churches located in what are now Newton, Jasper, McDonald, Barry and Lawrence Coun- ties. Churches. — Liberty, Friendship, Peace, Freedom, Dripping Spring, Mt. Pisgah, Union, Mt. Pleasant, Lost Creek, Prosper- ity and Bethlehem. Ministers. — G-reenville Spencer, W. H. Farmer, G. J. Endicott, Abram May, J. W. Maxey and Samuel Liles. Aggregate membership, 239; baptisms, 38; contributions, $9. The fifth annual meeting was held at Friendship, in Barry County, the first Saturday in October, 1844. Two new churches were added, viz.: Enon and Crane Creek. There had been 106 baptisms, and the membership had increased to 357, One church (Freedom) more than doubled its membership, having added 46 by baptism. For its novelty, we record here the following action taken by the association at its meeting in 1846: "Appointed Brethren W. H. Farmer, A. Brite, E. F. Pinson Caleb Martin, W. H. Maxey, Basil Lewis, Ellis Neice, Samuel Liles and T. J. Holman, to attend at Union Church on the first Friday in January next, and to dissolve said church, if they think it necessary." This, of course, is something new under the sun in relation to Baptist chxirch polity. If any power on earth can dissolve a Baptist church, save the church itself, we should be pleased to witness the operation. A gospel church is the highest ecclesias- tical power known among men. This principle is as old as the Christian era. 448 SPRING RIVER ASSOCIATION. One new church (Shoal Creek) was admitted in 1846, and two in 1847, viz.: Fellowship and Eamah. The total membership was 511, indicating that the Spring Eiver fraternity was an ag- gressive body, even in its youngest days. Still greater evidence of its evangelic character may be seen in the doings of its ninth annual session, at Friendship Church, Lawrence County, in 1848. At this meeting the following was adopted : "Agreed to open correspondence with the General Associa- tion of United Baptists of the State of Missouri; and that we send Brethren J. F. Pinson and W. H. Farmer as delegates to said General Association, and recommend the latter to the pa- tronage of said association as a preacher to ride and preach in the bounds of this association, and that we send the sum of $13.30 to said General Association by the hands of Eld. D. Stites." And again the following resolution was adopted at the same session : ^'Eesolved, That we recommend to the churches of this associa- tion to take into consideration the propriety of sending two del- egates each to a meeting to be held with Fellowship Church, commencing Friday before the first Sunday in March, 1849, and that each church take up a contribution as they may see fit, and send the same to the above named meeting to be disposed of in loosing the hands of some of our ministers to preach in the bounds of this association ; also that each church take action to know if they are willing that the funds now in the hands of the treasurer be used for the same purpose, and that the said dele- gates be authorized to make choice of any minister they may think best as said preacher." (Minutes Spring Eiver Association, 1848, pp. 3, 4.) The table in this year's minutes shows an increase of three new churches, viz.: Elk Eiver, Ozark and Neosho ; and 50 by baptism. The total membership was now 545. J. F. Pinson and A. Davidson were added to the list of ministers. In 1849 one new church, Shady Grove, made application and was received. The revival influence extended over almost the entire association and was fruitful in the baptism of over 150 converts, all of whom were added to the churches. The meeting was held this year with Prosperity Church in Newton County. The convention arranged for last year met at Fellowship Church, took action, and sent a committee to this meeting, the report of which was received; whereupon, " The association agreed to spend the surplus funds now in the SPRING RIVER ASSOCIATION. 449 hands of the treasurer, also the extra contributions sent up by the churches, in employing some one or more ministers to ride and preach in the bounds of the association." In 1850 JSTew Salem and Buck Prairie Churches were admitted into fellowship. The session was held at Peace Church, Jasper County. The custom of meeting on Friday and adjourning on Monday continued; Saturday and Sunday being spent in preach- ing and other religious exercises. Another missionary convention was appointed to be held the following December with Buck Prairie Church; said convention being empowered to select one or more ministers to ride as itin- erants. The churches were requested to make collections for said purpose, and sent two messengers to the convention. All the churches report baptisms aggregating 69. In 1851 the association met at Neosho. This year she divided her territory into four districts, and appointed in each an execu- tive committee of five to superintend the missionary work. Said committees had power, each one in its own district, to select a missionary for said district, fix his salary, &c. These commit- tees were required to make an annual report of their work to the association. Prospect and Bethpage Churches were admitted into the union this year. The churches reported 80 baptisms. Ag- gregate membership, 846. The thirteenth anniversary was held in 1852 at Shady G-rove Church in Greene County. Applications for membership pre- sented and accepted from the following new churches, viz.: Enon, Carthage and Mt. Zion. For the first time since 1843 the consti- tution and articles of faith appear in the minutes. In 1853 the session was held at Fellowship in Lawrence Coun- ty. The associational boundary now extended over the counties of Newton, Jasper, McDonald, Christian, Stone and Taney, giv- ing rise to the following action : "Took up the request of the churches in regard to a division of the association, and agreed to divide, the line designated to be as follows: commencing at the northern boundary of the as- sociation, and running due south to Arkansas, so as to leave six miles of Lawrence County to the east of said line. The churches west of said line to retain the name of Spring River Association, and those east of said line to be given letters of dismission" — six in all. These formed what is now Southwest Bethel Association. At this meeting the foundation of an institution of learning was laid in the following language; 29 450 SPRING RIVER ASSOCIATION. " Resolved, That we as an association will establish an institu- tion of learning of a high character, and appoint Brethren !N". C. Hood, Joseph W. Ellis, Henry C. Lawler, George Bright and James F. Herrall a committee, whose duty it shall be to present some plan at the next annual meeting of this association, for car- rying out the above object." The plan of districting the association for missionary work was discontinued and there was appointed an executive committee for the entire bounds, consisting of W. H. Maxey, G-eo. Bright, John McMahan, N. Eutledge and John Colley. The churches had 154 accessions by baptism. Friendship, Lawrence County, was the place of meeting in 1854. By a vote of the association the institution of learning was located at or near Neosho, Newton County, and W. H. Farmer was appointed financial agent to collect funds for erect- ing suitable buildings. This did not succeed, and in 1856 the as- sociation proposed to locate the aforesaid high school in what- ever county in its bounds should give the most money to erect buildings, &c. In 1859 the matter was indefinitely postponed j at the same time the Spring River Association made this proposi- tion to the Union and Bethel (S. W.) Associations, that the three would unite in the building up of such an institution at some point within their bounds. The Union Association responded fa- vorably and appointed a meeting at Springfield, to be held Octo- ber, 1860, to form a constitution and organize an educational board. Further than this we can get no information from the records about this matter. We may hear of this institution again. The association met in 1855 at Freedom Church, Jasper Coun- ty, Indian Creek, Union, Pineville and Sarcoxie Churches had been added since the division in 1853. The total membership had again reached to upwards of 1,100. During the year there were 132 baptisms. The ministerial force had been increased by the following additions: A.Brown, O. Shirtliff, T. J. Holman, "W. B. Taliaferro, S. L. Beakley, W. McReynolds, F. J. Oliver and J. Eobinson. The following resolution was adopted : ^^ Resolved, That we advise the churches of this association to abandon the practice of receiving members from pedobaptists, on their baptism, or from any other unorthodox denomination." In 1856 Limestone Church, Dade County, entertained the asso- ciation. Corresponding messengers were present from Sac Elver, Cedar and Mt. Zion Associations. The finance committee re- SPRING RIVER ASSOCIATION. 451 ported 1103.71 in the treasury. W. H. Farmer rode as mission- ary. Eevivals prevailed in almost all the churches and were fruitful in 246 baptisms. Aggregate membership, 1,347. In 1857 the association met at Prosperity Church, Newton County. The new churches received were as follows : Bethel, Eock Spring, Washburn, Cassville and Newcite in Barry County, and Center Creek in Lawrence County. The association opened correspondence with the "Baptist Convention of Southern Mis- souri." Contributions on hand, $131.24. Baptisms, 142. Total membership, 1,708. In 1859 Enon, Jasper County, was the place of meeting. Three new churches — Antioch, Elm Spring and Coon Creek — were ad- mitted into the union ; 98 baptisms were reported ; funds on hand, $205.45; total membership, 1,816. By 1860 the membership had grown to 2,044. The meeting was held with Bethpage Church, McDonald County. (In 1861 mes- sengers were present from only 5 churches out of 27, and no busi- ness of importance was done. The meeting adjourned indefin- itely.) In 1867, upon the joint call of the Elm Spring and Neosho Churches, the association convened with the last named, Septem- ber, 13,1867. We copy from the records as follows: " The body not having met for five years, an hour was spent in prayer and conference, as to the course to be pursued." The committee on credentials reported the enrollment of delegates, by the following resolution, which was adopted : ^'Resolved, That it is the sense and decision of this committee, that each church here rej)resented, located within the bounds of Spring Eiver Association, be entitled to a seat by delegates, pro- vided it has adopted the articles of faith as found in Brown's En- cyclopedia of Religious Knowledge, and that each church be entitled to three votes." It will be remembered that the war had but recently closed, and there was no little sectional feeling in many places. The members of this association were not all exempt from this rule. This fact was fully demonstrated in a request sent by one of the churches to this meeting. It was doubtless a firebrand, but by the prompt, and, we think, wise and discreet action of the asso- ciation, harmony was preserved, and prosperity followed. We give the facts in the language of the records : "Bethel 'Union Baptist' Church, on Lost Creek, presented her letter with the following request : 452 SPRING RIVER ASSOCIATION. ''We ask your body to request the different churches compos- ing your body, to request a scriptural acknowledgment of all its members that went into the rebellion. '' Whereupon, Brother Freeman oifered the following . ^^ Resolved, That we receive the Bethel Church upon her peti- tionary letter and articles of faith. "Adjourned until 9 o'clock, Saturday. " Saturday morning session opened, &c. " Brother H. Euark called for a division of the question, which consequently was soon disposed of, as follows : " 1. On motion, the church was unanimously received. " 2. Resolved, That we affectionately request the Bethel Church, on Lost Creek, to resume the name she formerly held while a member of this body, viz.: 'United Baptist.' " 3. Resolved, That the request of Bethel Church be returned to her." Thus ended a matter that might have rent the association asunder and produced alienation throughout her borders. The association convened with Washbourne Prairie Church, September 18, 1868. The preceding year was one almost unpre- cedented for ingatherings — it was almost Pentecostal. The im- mediate fruit was 464 conversions and baptisms, and the acces- sion of 9 new churches to the association. In 1869 the meeting was held at Freedom Church, Jasper Coun- ty. Another year of revival ; 368 baptisms and 9 new churches indicate the results. In 1870 the session was appointed to be held at Mount Zion Church in Newton County. In 1871 the association met at Elm Springs. It was again found to be too large for convenience, and divided its territory, making the Atlantic and Pacific Railroad the line of division. The name Spring Eiver was retained for the north division. Of the 42 churches now composing the association 20 were retained in the old organization, and 22 formed the " Shoal Creek Asso- ciation," an account of which will be found in another place. Just prior to the division the Spring River Association number- ed 2,220 members. From 1871 to 1881 the association continued its regular ses- sions. In September of the year last named it met at Avilla in Jasper County, and was presided over by Rev. J. M. Wheeler. Six of the 25 churches failed to give full statistics. The total membership of the 19 that did was 1,049. She then had 18 or- SlPRING RIVER ASSOCIATION^ 463 dained and 7 licensed ministers. The executive board consisted of J. Tol Miller, J. M. Wheeler, M. Williams, E. J. Dale and Simpson Smith. CHAPTER in. NOETH GEAND EIYEE AND OTHEE ASSOCIATIONS. Organization — A Blunder and How Mended — Voluntary Missions — Great Territory — Family Prayer, Circular Letter On — The Colony of Ten Churches — Endorses the Test Oath — Chesley Woodward — W. Herron — J. G. Benson — Trenton, Lin- neus, Union, Pleasant Grove, ilt. Nebo, Providence, Liberty, Parson's Creek, Chil- licothe and Mt. Olive Churches — Lixn County Association — Litingston Coun- ty Association — W. W. Walden. IN February, 1841, messengers from three small churches met at the house of Wm. Mabley in Livingston County (another in- formant says at Mr. Culverson's), and organized the North G-rand Eiver Association of United Baptists.* The churches were Lo- cust Creek (now Linneus), Carrollton and Salt Creek, the aggre- gate membership of which was about 100. A. D. Eock of Car- rollton was the moderator, and John Gr. Flourney was clerk. One article in the constitution read thus : "We will not be known as a missionary or as an anti-missionary association." This sen- timent was prevalent until about the year 1845. This year the Trenton Church, in its letter to the association, sent the follow- ing query: "What can be done to supply- the destitute portions of the association with the preached gospel ?" The subject was discussed kindly and freely, and the conclusion was finally reach- ed that the constitution forbade any action favorable to missions further than to request Eld. A. F. Martin to travel and preach, while the churches were recommended to sustain him. In 1846 the association met at Yellow Creek Church in Linn County. Such had been the development of the missionary spirit under the labors of Eld. Martin and others, that at this session the messengers contributed liberally and employed Eld. Kemp Scott to ride as an itinerant at a salary of S18 a month. He spent much of the year in preaching, and at the session of 1847, held at Zoar Church, Harrison County, he read his report by permis- sion, giving an account of 97 baptisms during the year. These things gave a decisive turn to matters, the aforesaid article was expunged from the constitution by an overwhelming majority, * The facts pertaining to the organization of this body have been furnished by Eld. A. F. Martin and Bro. W. H. Kobertson. NORTH GRAND RIVER AND OTHER ASSOCIATIONS. 455 and the association took positive ground on the missionary ques- tion, and has been, from that time on, an aggressive, evangelical body. Among the ministers of this institution may be mentioned the names of A. F. Martin, Elijah Merrill, J. M. Goodson, W. C. Ligon, John Kurl, Thomas Barbee, Kemp Scott, Jesse Goin, Henry M. Henderson, Edward Benson, Paul McCollum, W. W. Walden, L. L. Wellman, W. S. Huif, Z. Goin and H. H. Turner. Numbered with the active laymen in the early days of the asso- ciation, were John and Augustus Flourney, Thomas Barley, William Burt, Frank Preston, Ephraim Huff, Samuel Benson, Edward Benson, William Benson, James G. Benson, Eobert Benson, Isaac Henderson, Henry M. Henderson, James R. Mer- rill, James Cash and W. H. Robertson, a number of ■whom have crossed over the river and rest from their labors. This association has been a prolific institution, having contri- buted to the formation of five other bodies of the same kind, viz. : West Fork, Missouri Valley, Locust Fork, Livingston County and Linn County Associations. It increased in minis- terial and numerical strength, its territory all the Avhile widen- ing, until, in 1854, its boundary extended from the Missouri Riv- er on the south to the Iowa state line on the north. At this time it was composed of the following Churches. — Big Creek, 75; Carrollton, 63; Chillicothe No. 1, 46; ChillicotheNo. 2, 67; Deep Spring, 59; Fairland, 66; Indian Creek, 28; Liberty, 43; Linneus, 116; Little Ridge, 27; Mount Nebo, 47; Mount Pleasant No. 1, 55; Mount Olive, 57; Mount Pleasant No. 2, 41 ; Parson's Creek, 56; Princeton, 69; Provi- dence, 35; Trenton, 154; Utica, 60; Wyaconda, 49; Yellow Creek, 60 ; Zoar, 47 ; Hurricane, 17 ; and Mount Zion, 23 ; total membership, 1,316. Brethren Goins, Brashear and Scott had labored as mission- aries, reporting about 16 months of labor and 92 baptisms; also great destitution in the extensive bounds of the association. Amount expended for missions was $419.70. In 1855 the fourteenth annual meeting was held at Fairland in Livingston County. Three new churches, New Garden, McCros- ky's Creek and De Witt, were admitted into the union. By au- thority of the body, a public collection, amounting to $17.66, was made on Sunday for missions. This year the churches gave for the same purpose $156.15, and individuals $52.50. In 1856 the association met at Carrollton, Carroll County, and 456 NORTH GRAND RIVER AND OTHER ASSOCIATIONS. the custom of writing circular letters was revived. This yeai* it was on the subject of " Prayer." Family prayer was special- ly urged. The following paragraph in the circular is noteworthy j " In the primitive ages of the Christian church, when the peo- ple of God were environed by enemies, sympathy and affection drew them together; and, as a common means of defense, they habitually engaged in united, fervent prayer, in answer to which they were not only often delivered out of the hands of their en- emies, but God answered their prayers by adding to their num- bers such as should be saved. Alas ! how far short of primitive Christianity many of the churches of the present day have fal- len! Then they statedly met, at least weeklj", for social wor- ship ; now, many, very many, are the churches which live habit- ually without so much as an effort to revive that ancient order of things. * * * Even a casual observer will easily detect the dif- ference existing between such churches and those who 'forsake not the assembling of themselves together'." Even now the indifference of churches upon this subject is ut- terly astounding. When will the people of God arise to a pro- per conception of their obligations, and learn to meet every Lord's day to worship Him and to study the Scriptures. We have met with no association in which the churches of North Grand River Association have been surpassed in liberality for the cause of Christ. In 1859 the session was held at Linneus. The association now numbered 34 churches and 1,988 members. Contributions, 1494.65. In 1860 a colony of ten churches in Carroll County was sent out to form a new association (see Missouri Valley Association). This year the meeting was held at Princeton, Mercer County. There having been no session held since 1861, the association met August 26, 1865, at Trenton, Grundy Count}', at the request of the church in that place. 13 of the 24 churches failed to send messengers. The aggregate membership of those that reported was 889. Three messengers, viz.: P. McCollum, A. F. Martin and Wm. Hildreth, were appointed to attend the meeting of the Missouri Baptist State Convention at Palmyra the following September. The association expressed itself thus on the "Test Oath :" '^Whereas, Questions have arisen in regard to the position we as an association will take with reference to ministers and dea- cons taking the oath as required by the constitution of the state of Missouri, and to leave no doubt as to our position; therefore, North grand river and other associations. 457 '■^Resolved, That we as an association advise all ministers, dea- cons and trustees within our bounds to comply with the require- ment of said constitution." In 1866 the session was held at Chillicothe. Here a Sunday- school convention was formed which was two years in advance of the state Sunday-school convention. E. J. Scott was the pres- ident and H. H. Turner secretary. Also at this meeting H. H. Turner was ordained to the ministry by an "ecclesiastical coun- cil" composed of the ministers present. In 1868 the association met again at Linneus, and by resolution declared that all moneys raised by public collections should be for associational missions only. In the session of 1871, held at Trenton, a motion prevailed that brethren be requested to make pledges for their churches for the support of home missions. In such cases it was exj)ect- ed that the messengers would pay the amount if the churches failed to do so. It was, however, generally understood that the church was, in honor, bound to pay the amounts. Between the meetings of 1872 and 1873 the most of the church- es in Livingston and Linn Counties, by permission of the asso- ciation, organized new interests, which left only 14 churches in the North Grand Eiver Association. In 1872 Grand Eiver Col- lege was adopted by the association. This body in 1881 aggre- gated 15 churches and 1,221 members. "Chesley "Woodward, — one of the ministers of North Grand Eiver Association, was born in the state of Kentucky in 1799, where he spent his early life. In 1820 he married Miss Elizabeth Blankenship, a few years after which he removed to Indiana and resided there some 19 years, preaching to four and five churches regularly. Thence he moved to Davis County, Iowa, where he spent some six years dispensing the gospel. From there he mov- ed to Missouri, settled near Cainsville, Mercer County, where he labored several years, and then removed to the centre of the county, near Princeton, preaching for that and surrounding churches for a few years, when he located in the eastern part of the county, near Eavanna, of which church he was the beloved pas- tor, and where he finished his earthly race. " Elder Woodward was a faithful sentinel on the walls of Zion, giving forth no uncertain sound, and never disappointing a con- gregation. He leaves two sons in the ministry. " He died at his residence near Eavanna, Mo., early on the first day of the week February 18, 1877, being in the 79th year of his 458 NORTH GRAND RIVER AND OTHER ASSOCIATIONS. age, and the 49th year of his Christian ministry." (From the Minutes of North Grand River Association, 1877, p. 8.) George "Washington Herron. — This minister of Jesus Christ was a native of Kentucky, born in Henry County, November 21, 1818, and when six years of age with his parents moved to and settled in Decatur County, Indiana. In July, 1835, he was married to Miss Eliza Ann Smith, who died March 3, 1859. He was again married the 25th of the following September to Miss Catherine Burton, and in the year 1869 removed to Wayne Coun- ty, Iowa, and ten years afterwards to Grundy County, Missouri. *' He was converted and united with the Baptists in his 18th year, entered the ministry in his 25th year and was regarded a faithful worker in the denomination until his death. " On the 11th day of September, 1880, he died at his home near Spickardsville, Grundy County. This was the first day of the meeting of the North Grand Eiver Association, and when the news was received of his death, business was suspended, and the association united in prayer, led by Eld. H. H. Turner." (From the Minutes of Xorth Grand River Association, 1880, p. 7.) Deacon James G. Benson — was born in 1813, in Worcester Coun- ty, Maryland, where he spent his early life. In the year 1837 he emigrated to and settled iu Grundj'- County, Missouri, and in 1840 he united with the Trenton Baptist Church, of which he remained a faithful, devoted and consistent member until his death — thirty-eight years — during the mostof which time he fill- ed the ofiice of deacon with universal acceptance with his breth- ren. He possessed the Scripture qualification for the deacon's ofiice, viz. : " Of honest report, full of the Holy Ghost and wis- dom," *' holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience." He was twice married and left the widow of his second mar- riage and a number of children, several of whom are members of the church. He fell asleep in Jesus at his residence in Tren- ton, on the seventh day of the week, November 23, 1878. (Min- utes JV. G. R. Association, 1879, p. 21.) Trenton Baptist Church. — This church, formerly called Wash- ington Baptist Church, was organized in the spring of 1837, un- der a large elm tree one-half mile south of Trenton, on the bank of North Grand River, in whose waters thousands of willing converts have been baptized. Elijah Merrill was the only min- ister present at the organization. He was formerly from Mary- land. This church held aloof from the association for several years, having heard that it was "not sound in the faith." NORTH GRAND RIVER AND OTHER ASSOCIATIONS. 459 Carrollton Church. — (The history of this body will be given in the sketch of Missouri Yalley Association.) LiNNEUs Church, — (formerly called Locust Creek), was in the organization of the North Grand River Association in 1841, but how long prior to this date it was formed we have been un- able to ascertain. Its membership in 1878 was 100. Union Church. — This body now meets some six or eight miles north from Chillicothe. It was organized in that town by Elijah Merrill, in 1840, with 10 constituent members. (From the MS. of W. H. Robertson.) Eld. Merrill filled the pastoral of- fice until 1845, and was succeeded by H. M. Henderson. Pleasant Grove Church, — is situated in Sullivan County, and was organized October, 1843, of 9 members, by Eld. A. F. Martin, who became the first minister. In 1867 the church built a frame house of worship, 24x36 feet, at a cost of $800, In 1881 the church numbered only 35 members. Mt. Nebo Church. — Eld. A. F. Martin gathered 9 members into an organization with this name, June 25, 1843. The meet- ing place is in Linn County, twelve miles north of Linneus, the county seat. In 1861 this church was broken up, numbering at the time 59 members. It was reorganized in November, 1870, with 19 of the old members, and two years afterwards formed a Baptist Sunday-school. The first pastor was Alton F. Martin. Providence. — On the 1st of September, 1844, this church was formed by H. M. Henderson, with 9 members. It was at first in Grundy County, but is now in Mercer. Ira Blakely became their first minister, and so continued twelve years. In 1870 it met in a school-house. Liberty Church — was organized by Edward Benson, August 2, 1846, who became at once the pastor. The church worships in a frame house, 35x40 feet, erected in 1856 at a cost of $500, and is situated near Alpha, Grundy County. Our correspond- ent, W. H.Robertson, is a member of this church. It is among the larger churches in the association, numbering 131 members in 1881. Parson's Creek Church, — ten miles southwest of Linneus, Linn County, 5rst met as a church in June, 1847, having com- menced with 7 members. It has a commodious house of wor- ship, built in 1858, which cost $1,150. This body now belongs to the Linn County Association. Chillicothe. — What is now called the First Baptist Church, Chillicothe, was organized on the fourth Sunday in March, 1848, 460 NORTH GRAND RIVER AND OTHER ASSOCIATIONS. by Elds. Kemp Scott and W. W. Walden. 13 members were in the organization. Eld. Walden became their minister, and so continued ten years. His successors have been S. A. Beau- champ, J. B. Puqua, "Wm. Hildreth, Jas. S. Green and G-. W. Eog- ers. This church is now in the Livingston County Association, and had a membership of 151 at the date of our last inform- ation. Mount Olive.— On the 8th of June, 1849, Eld. Kemp Scott formed this church. Eight persons signed the covenant. The first pastor was Jesse Goin, for nine years, and he was then suc- ceeded by A. E. Martin. In 1871 it had an unfinished frame church edifice, 30x40, then valued at S400. It is in Linn Coun- ty, belongs to the association of that name, and has 190 mem- bers, being the largest in the association. LINN COUNTY ASSOCIATION. The Linn County Baptist Association is an ofi'shoot of the North Grand Eiver Association, having been organized of church- es dismissed from that body November 2, 1872. The meetingfor this purpose was held at Linneus. The following were the con- stituent churches: Linneus, New Garden, Parson's Creek, Mt. Olive, Noi'th Salem, Pleasant Grove and Mt. Nebo. Two others (Ebenezer and Grove Hill) came into the union at the first regu- lar meeting. The entire membership of these churches was 538. The constitution and rules of decorum of the mother association were adopted, after changing the name in Art. 1 of the constitu- tion. As an expression of its faith the association adopted the New Hampshire confession as found in the Encyclopedia of Relig- ious Knowledge. The first anniversary was held at Linneus, commencing Sept. 27, 1873, when Eld. A. F. Martin preached the opening sermon from John 18 ; 36: " My kingdom is not of this world." Eld. A. F. Martin was elected moderator, J. M. Cornett treasurer, and L. E. Martin clerk. The ministers were A. F. Martin, Jesse Goin, Z. Goin, L. Wellman and E. J. Scott. Licentiates: John Walkup, William Burt, S. S. Childers, L. D. Lamkin, J. M. P. Martin and L. E, Martin. At this session, on Sunday, the 28th, a district Sunday-school convention was organized by electing W. D. Crandall, Jr., pres- ident, John Eawlins, secretary, and W. S. McClanahan, treasur- er, and one vice-president in each church. Also, on Monday, the last day of the session, a ministers' and deacons' conference was formed and agreed to meet on the day preceding the next an- NORTH GRAND RIVER AND OTHER ASSOCIATIONS. 461 nual meeting of the association. The object of the conference was the mutual edification of one another, by an interchange of sentiments in essays, discussions, &c. In 1876 the association met at Browning, when one new church (Bethel) was received. The fifth anniversary (1877) was held with New Garden Church, Brookfield. Two churches ("White Oak Hill from Mt. Pleasant Association and Meadville, organized March 4, 1877) applied for membership and were received at this meeting. This increas- ed the number of churches to 14. Baptisms during the year 134 ; receipts, $84.70 ; total membership, 1,085. In 1878 the meeting was at Yellow Creek Church, with the us- ual order of business. The strength of the association in 1879 was some less than it was two years before, being 975, but the number of churches was the same — 14. LIVINGSTON COUNTY ASSOCIATION. Pursuant to an action of the North Grand Eiver Association, and of churches dismissed from that body, the Livingston Coun- ty Baptist Association was organized at Chillicothe in the fall of 1872. Constituent churches : Chillicothe, Mount Pleasant, Har- mony, Zion, Union and "Wheeling — all in Livingston County. Aggregate membership, about 650. The third meeting in 1875 was also held at Chillicothe, when the Fairland, Utica and Dawn Churches withdrew from the Missouri Yalley Association and united with this. The ministers in the organization were F. M. "Wadley, James Turner and W. W. Walden. The fourth anniversary was held at Utica, commencing Sep- tember 15, 1876. Farmersville Church made application and was received. There were now 11 churches and 905 members. Contributions to the association fund, $173.70. They agreed to adopt Grand Eiver College, and appointed "W. T. Harper a mem- ber of the board of trustees of said institution. The missionary work was committed to an executive board consisting of Robert Filby, W. S. Morgan, A. S. Cloud, J. K. Stone and John S. Har- per, together with an agent in each church. The Mt. Pleasant Church entertained the fifth session in Sep- tember, 1877. Eleven churches sent messengers representing a constituency of 916. Receipts, $98.10. In the minutes of this meeting we find published a permanent order of business in lieu of the annual appointment of a commit- tee of arrangements. This is a method of work desirable in all 462 NORTH GRAND RIVER AND OTHER ASSOCIATIONS. institutions of this kind. This movement was inaugurated by J. J. Felts, a minister then late from Kentucky. In 1878 the association met with the Dawn Church, Officers : "W. W. "Walden, moderator; W. T. Harper and I. E. M. Beeson, clerks. Pastors: E. M. Eichardson, J. J. Felts, W. W. Walden, I. E. M. Beeson, James Turner, B. Eobinson, A. Hunt and jN". M. Allen. The seventh annual meeting (1879) was held at Union Church. Only 10 churches reported, the numerical strength of which was 955. Intense earnestness was manifested throughout the proceed- ings in all the objects for which Baptists meet together to pray and labor J such as home missions, foreign missions, Bible cause, Bible schools, denominational literature and schools and colleges. Considering its strength and its facilities, this association is doing a good work in the defense and promotion of a pure faith. William W. Walden. — This brother stands among the oldest native Missouri Baptist ministers, having been born in Howard County, January 19, 1823. He is of Scotch and Welsh ancestrj^. He was converted in 1838 ; was married June 1, 1843, and the following year moved to Livingston County. He and his wife were constituents of the Fairland Baptist Church, Livingston County, in 1847, and the year after, by the same church, was li- censed and then ordained as a gospel minister. He emphatically founded the Baptist church at Chillicothe, and has given his life to the building up of Baptist interests in that section of Missouri, having been pastor of Fairland, Chillicothe, Parson's Creek, Union, Liberty, Linneus, Mt. Olive, Hurricane, Ebenezer, Mead- ville and Chariton Churches, the last named in his native coun- ty. One element in his success has been the keeping of his churches well disciplined and united. Though almost 60 years old his zeal is unabated in his Master's cause. CHAPTER IV MOUNT ZION AND OTHEE ASSOCIATIONS. How jVIt. Zion Originated — When Formed — Sweeping Condemnation of the Mission- ary Enterprise — Henry Avery, Arrival in Missouri — John Warder, the Pioneer of Lafayette County — Platte Kiter Association or "Kegular" Baptists — Nodaway Association — Osage Association of Baptists. THE origin of Mount Zion Association is due to a division in the Blue Eiver Association on the missionary question in 18-il, an account of which has been given in the history of the last named body. Four churches, viz.: Big Sniabar, Mt. Zion, Mt. Pleasant and Bethlehem, and majorities from Big Blue and Little Blue, met at Mt. Zion, the fourth Saturda}'- in March, 1842, formed the Mount Zion Association, and took the name "Eegu- lar Baptists." The ministers were John Warder (the moderator), Gr. Fitzhugh and Henry Avery. The association declared non-fellowship for all churches that gave countenance to what they called *' benevolent institutions, such as Bible societies, missionary societies and kindred agen- cies." The following is her own language on the subject : "In order that our brethren and the community in general may know what we believe in regard to those modern institutions that now exist — " 1st. This association believes that all societies or combina- tions of men, professing for their object the promotion of Grod's kingdom and the spiritual good of man (except the church of Christ and civil government) are unauthorized by the word of God and are a fruitful source of contention and strife, — such as foreign and domestic missionary societies, Bible and tract socie- ties. Sabbath-schools, state conventions, &c. ; all of which we be- lieve are unscriptural and anti-Christian in their origin, opera- tion and tendency. " 2d. As such, we will not fellowship them, nor admit to our church privileges any that belong to them." {Minutes Mt. Zion Association, 1859, p. 12.)' Eelative to the above we submit two questions : 1st. How does civil government promote the spiritual good of men? 464 MT. ZION AND OTHER ASSOCIATIONS. 2d. Is there not as much Bible authority for the existence of missionary societies as there is for Baptist associations? Coming from an association, for which no one can claim any direct Bible authority, are not such denunciations as the forego- ing ill-timed and unaccountable? One by one, such churches as were in sympathy with the non- aggressive and non-fellowshipping policy, united with the asso- ciation, until there had been connected with it in all eighteen churches, situated in the counties of Johnson, Lafayette, Jackson, Cass, Bates, Benton and Henry. Its faith was, in the main, in harmony with the great Baptist family, but its policy was withering and blighting, as may be seen from its records. The minutes of 1859 are upon our table. They are contained in a pamphlet of 12 pages, and give the following summary: Churches. — Big Sniabar, Mt. Zion, Sardis, Bethlehem, Virginia Grove, Walnut Brunch, Muddy Fork, Charity, Oak Grove and Freedom. These churches reported no more than three baptisms and a total membership of 171. Contributions, $10.60. Ministers. — Joseph Warder, Wm. C. Garrett, Martin Corder and James Teague. At that time the association corresponded with Fishing Eiver, Mt. Pleasant (Old School), Nodaway and Salem Associations. From the MS. of Eld. Joseph Warder, the moderator, we learn that of the 18 churches once belonging to Mt. Zion Association, two have joined Creek Association; one, Cold Spring, went to Fishing Eiver, subsequently withdrew, and now belongs to no association; Dry Wood united with Turkey Creek Associa- tion; Bethlehem and Sardis consolidated; Big Blue and Mount Pleasant dissolved; and Mt. Zion was dropped; which leaves nine churches in the association now, with a membership of from three to four hundred, and six ordained and three licensed min- isters. Henry Avery.* — When the Blue Eiver Association was rent asunder in 1841, Henry Avery was one of the three preachers that took ground against missions and went into another organ- ization. He was born in Eoane County, Tenn., October 18, 1793, and was raised a farmer. He married Miss Elizabeth Greene when he was about 21 years old, and raised a family of four sons and two daughters. Messrs. A. C. and J. M. Avery of the First Baptist Church, Clinton, Mo., are sons of his. * Abridged from the MS. furuished by the son, A. C. Avery, of Clinton, Mo. MT. ZION AND OTHER ASSOCIATIONS. 465 In 1830 he emigrated to Missouri. Spending a season in St. Louis County, he continued his course westward, raised a crop in Morgan County, and thence moved to what is now Henry County in the fall of the same year. He was one of the pioneers to this county, being among the first emigrants. He built the first hewed log-house ever erected in the county, in which Hon. Chas. Allen, of Palmyra, held the first circuit court in the coun- ty, in 1834. Henry Avery became a Baptist in 1826, in Tennessee, having united with Big Fork Church. He became one of the constitu- ent members of High Point Church, Johnson County, in 1832, by which church he was ordained a preacher in the followiug spring by Elds. J. Warder, J. White, Thos. Eicketts and Wm. Simpson. From this time, until his death, though called an Old School Baptist, he was a great missionary, working hard on his farm most of the time, and spending often from Friday until Monday preaching the gospel in all the surrounding country without fee or reward; going at times as far east as St. Louis, and west, far beyond the state limits, and preaching to the Indians. Through industry and strict economy he gained a competen- cy. His house was the home of many a weary traveler; and in it elections, court and preaching were held for many years. He held a public debate with Eld. Joshua Page, a Campbellite, in Henry County, the first, perhaps, held so far out west at that date (1842). He had a good English education, was a very su- perior penman, and when a young man taught school. His preaching was pathetic, persuasive, earnest. The great theme with him was Christ. He dwelt upon this.. On the last Sunday next preceding his final illness, this was his theme. He preached at Salem Church, and something very remarkable about the occasion was, that every member of the family was present. His text was, " Say ye to the righteous it shall be well with him, &c." Soon after this he was prostrated with bilious fever, ter- minating in congestion, (Jf which he died September 26, 1845. The scene around his death-bed was truly an affecting one, says an eye-witness. His family were standing around him, and for the last time he spoke to each of his children and pointed them to the Savior of sinners. He sent a number of aflfecting messages to his ministerial brethren and others with whom he had been intimate as a colaborer. The last words he was heard to utter were, " I have fought a good fight," and finishing the sentence he sweetly fell asleep, 90 466 MT. ZION AND OTHER ASSOCIATIONS. John Warder, — a minister of decided strength of character and influence, emigrated to Missouri in the year 1825, settling in Lafayette Count5% soon after which he united by letter with the Big Sniabar Baptist Church, then a member of the Fishing Elv- er Association. Here he remained until the organization of the Blue River Association in 1834, when his church became a con- stituent member of that institution. In 1836 he was elected mod- erator of Blue River Association, and so continued by re-elec- tion until the split on missions. When the heated controversy came up on this question in the association last named, Mr. War- der and his church, with three other churches, and parts of two others, withdrew and formed the Mt. Zion Association of Regu- lar Baptists, in 1842. Eld. Warder was elected moderator of this fraternity and so continued from year to year, as long as he was able to attend its meetings. In June, 1825, he was called to the pastoral office in Big Snia- bar Church, which relation he sustained until his death, which occurred late in the year 1858. This church aided at different times in the formation of three associations : first of Fishing Riv- er in 1823; then of Blue River in 18,34; and finally of Mt. Zion in 1842 ; and was one of the pioneer churches of Western Mis- souri. Eld. John Warder was the first Baptist minister that settled in Lafayette County. PLATTE KIVER ASSOCIATION OF "KEGULAK" BAPTISTS. The Platte River Association of Regular Baptists was organ- ized by a convention composed of messengers from eight church- es formerly belonging to the Fishing River Association, June 7, 1842, at Union Church, Buchanan County. It adopted unani- mously the Fishing River constitution and form of government. The churches of this new interest were situated in Buchanan and Nodaway Counties. The first anniversary was held in the October following its organization, with the First Nodaway Church, when one new church, Flag Spring, was admitted into the Union, which in- creased the number of churches to nine and the constituents to 313. For awhile this association corresponded with the Fishing River, after which we lose sight of it altogether. We think it failed to maintain an existence, and some of the churches went into the organization next to bo mentioned. NODAWAY ASSOCIATION. This body was formed in 1849, and by its messengers was MT. ZION AND OTHER ASSOCIATIONS. 467 present and offered correspondence with the Fishing Eiver As- sociation in September, 1850. Three of the churches in the Nodaway Association appear on the list of the Platte Eiver com- munity in 1842. Another fact we note is that at the time of which we write (1850) Platte Eiver was not in correspondence, as formerly, with Fishing Eiver. From these two consider- ations our conclusion has been drawn that the Nodaway is a suc- cessor of the Platte Eiver Association. The first annual meeting of this body was held at Nodaway Church, Nodaway County, the first Saturday in October, 1850. In 1870 only six churches of the seven that composed it, sent messengers to the meeting of the association at Mill Creek Church, Holt County. This church was situated in the town of Oregon. This year 7 baptisms were reported, and the aggregate membership of the churches was 183. One of the seven church- es (Liberty) was in the state of Iowa ; the rest were scattered over the counties of Northwest Missouri. OSAGE ASSOCIATION OF BAPTISTS. Before us lie the minutes of an association with this title, for the year 1844. The title page does not say whether this was the first, third, fourth or tenth annual meeting j hence we are totally in the dark as to the date of its organization. In 1844 it num- bered ten churches, viz.: Wablau, Bethel, Tebo, Pleasant Grove, Mt. Yernon, New Hope, Fairfield, Pomme de Terre, North Prai- rie and Antioch, located in Polk, Benton and probably some other adjoining counties. The entire membership was 202. Te- bo, with 44 members, was the largest church, and New Hope, with 7 members, was the smallest. Daniel Briggs acted as mod- erator, and H. Y. Parker was clerk — both ministers. Other min- isters : Marquis Monroe, Eobert Briggs, C. T. Woodall and M. D. Eobinson. The Wablau Church presented this query in her let- ter: " Is it gospel order to receive members into our fellowship and union without baptizing them again, that have been received by a missionary church, and baptized by a missionary preacher, or any other church not in union with us." On the last day of the session, the association took up the query, and after discus- sion, answered, " We think not." This action places this asso- ciation with the anti-missionary Baptists. Further, deponent saith not. CHAPTER T. CHUECHES AND ASSOCIATIONS OF THE '^PLATTE PTJECHASE.'' " Platte Purchase," "Where and What — Platte Kiver Association — Union Association — Change of Name to " West Union" — The War Cloud — Devastation — Graham Church — Northwest Missouri Association — C. L. Butts— St. Joseph Association — Churches in " Platte Purchase ": Pleasant Grove, Mt. Zion, Nishnabotany, Sonora and Others — The Mission Band — Jonas D. Wilson — ^Wm. Harris — E. S. Dulin. THE famous ''Platte Purchase" is all that part of Missouri west of a line running from the mouth of the Kaw (Kansas) Eiver due north to the Iowa state line, embracing the counties of Platte, Buchanan, Andrew, Holt, Nodaway and Atchison. The first associational convocation in this section of the state was the PLATTE KIVEE ASSOCIATION OF UNITED BAPTISTS.* "This body was organized in 1842 at Bee Creek meeting-house, Platte County, with three small churches, containing in the ag- gregate about 125 members." (Benedict's Baptist History, p. 841.) By the year 1845 it had increased to 18 churches scattered over a large portion of the six counties aforesaid, two of the churches being far toward the northern limits of the territory, viz.; Flor- ida Creek in Nodaway and Nishnabotany in Atchison County. This association was greatly prospered, and new churches were continually being added to the list, until, in 1854, when the thir- teenth anniversary was held, October 13th, at High Prairie Church in Andrew County, there were on the roll 26 churches, with a total membership of 1,284. The minutes afford no infor- mation as to who were the ministers at this date. *' The propri- ety of dividing the associational bounds being conceded, it was agreed that the clerk be authorized to write letters of dismission for all churches wishing to go into a new organization." Six churches got letters and formed the association next to be men- tioned on this list. By the year 1869 this association had been reduced to 13 church- es, containing an aggregate of 482 members. This decrease was occasioned by giving off churches to other associational frater- * The Platte Eiver Association of Regular Baptists was formed in June of the same CHURCHES AND ASSOCIATIONS OP THE ''PLATTE PURCHASE." 469 nities. The clwirehes at this time were Platte Eiver, Vernon, Mt. Vernon, High Prairie, Union Grove, "Whitesville, Union, Friendship, Jeiferson, Antioch, Lost Creek, Middle Fork and New Hope. The ministers were J. H. Best, Lewis Allen, A. S. JSTorris, J. S. F. Wood, N. Allen and S. Atterberry; licentiates: M. Agee and Simeon Wood. The board of missions reported that J. S. F. Wood and N. Al- len had labored as itinerants, and that to them they had paid $120 for said services. The cause seemed to be in a moderately prosperous condition at this time. The Platte Eiver Association was very much weakened by the formation of the St. Joseph Association in 1871, some of its churches having gone to that new interest, and others to the Mt. Moriah Association, about the same time. It held one or two m.ore meetings, and in the year 1873 (we think this was the date) it dissolved, granting letters of dismission to the churches, some of which united with the St. Joseph Association and some with the Northwest Missouri. The Bolckow Church united with the latter. (From the MS. of Eld. J. S. F. Wood.) UNION ASSOCIATION OF UNITED BAPTISTS. Messengers from six churches dismissed from Platte River Association met with the Nodaway Church, in Holt County, Missouri, November 10, 1854, and organized the " Union Asso- ciation." The churches were: Florida Creek, 22; Nishnabot- any, 30; Nodaway, 70; Freedom, 14; Sidney, 35; and Lebanon, 16; total, 187 members. So soon as the organization was com- pleted, three other churches — Eush Bottom, 14; Linden, 8; and Maryville, 7 ; total, 29 — were received into the compact. The constitution and abstract of principles adopted were the same as those commonly adopted by the United Baptists generally. In 1857 the name of the association was changed to "West Union." That year it met at Nishnabotany Church, Atchison County, and contained 12 churches, with 311 communicants. The ministers were S. T. Eenfro, D. V. Thomas, Eeuben Alex- ander, E. Lampkins, J. C. Eenfro, A. M. T. Zook, Elias Findley, C. A. Miller, J. G. Bowen and M. Smock. This, too, was a growing institution, and in 1861 16 churches reported, in which was an aggregate of 506 members, and the names of the following ministers present and laboring in the bounds of the association : E. Alexander, E. Lampkins, S. T. Eenfro, A. M. Wallace, Elias Findley, C. A. Miller, W. H. Da- vis, J. C. Eenfro and T. Campbell ; some of whom have been call- 470 CHURCHES AND ASSOCIATIONS OP THE "PLATTE PURCHASE." ed home to be crowned, while others are still standing on the walls and crying aloud. The association met in 1862, but because of the war troubles five churches only were represented; and the following year only four churches sent messengers. Little business was trans- acted at either of these sessions. From its organization a mis- sionary had been kept in the field much of the time, at $1 per day. In 1861 the Jacksonville (now Graham) Church had a union house in which to worship ; Nodaway had enclosed a good spa- cious brick edifice; Sidney Church had a brick house; Sonora had raised $4,000 to erect a house of worship. When the war closed, quite a number of the churches of what had been the West Union Association were in confusion, with the membership scattered almost to the four corners of the earth ; but few ministers remained in the field, having been driven out by the Jayhawkers or the Missouri Test Oath. The latest pub- lished list of the churches of West Union was in 1863, when only four sent messengers to the meeting. There were then 13 in all, viz.: Nodaway, Linden, Jacksonville, Bethel, Sonora, Nishna- botany, Lebanon, Maryville, Union, Quitman, Irish Grove, Ma- rietta and Forest City. Very few of these churches were in working order at the close of the war. NORTHWEST MISSOUEI ASSOCIATION. This association occupies the territory of the old " West Un- ion " fraternity, embracing the counties of Holt, Nodaway and Atchison, one of the most fertile regions of the commonwealth of Missouri. In the winter of 1865-'66, under the labors of Eld. J. H. Best of the Platte River Association, the work of gather- ing together the scattered remnants of the disorganized church- es of these counties commenced. In March, 1866, Eev. G. W. Huntley, under the appointment of the American Baptist Home Mission Society, entered this field and at once gave his influence to the task of rebuilding ''the waste places." During the sum- mer of this year, Jacksonville (now Graham), Forest City and Nodaway Churches were reorganized, and the churches of Free- dom and New Hope founded; and on the 2d of August, 1867, messengers from these five churches met at Nodaway Church in Nicholl's Grove, Holt County, and organized an association, adopting the name of "Northwest Missouri Baptist Association." The aggregate membership of the five constituent churches was only 139. Dr. J. S. Backus of A. B. H. S. was present at this CHURCHES AND ASSOCIATIONS OF THE "PLATTE PURCHASE." 471 meeting; a collection was made for said society on the second day, and Bros. G. W. Huntley and G. Gates were appointed del- egates to the Baptist State Convention, which met that year at Jefferson City. At the first anniversary of the association in 1868 two new churches — Mound City and Sonora — were received into the body, and the following report on "Eeligious Destitution" was adopt- ed : " While the past year has witnessed the conversion of souls and the organization of new churches in this field, the wide sec- tions remaining entirely destitute, the rapid incoming of new settlers, and the growing importance of the rising towns and vil- lages within our limits call loudly for increased effort. In the opinion of your committee, it is neither wise nor Christian to rely upon foreign aid, but every Baptist should enter the field himself, in humble reliance upon Him who with five loaves sup- plied five thousand." This report was, in some respects, the key-note of future success by the development of a missionary spirit. The committee on "religious destitution" at the next annual meeting — September, 1869 — re-echoed the same sentiments in a full and well prepared report, from which we make the follow- ing extract : " We need a true missionary spirit — a thorough con- secration to Christ. Each church should be a missionary society and each member a missionary, with a heart full of love to the Master and to the souls of men. We need a stronger faith — faith that will bring victery. * * * Only by praying and paying — praying and giving — can the wants of this field be supplied." This year the association numbered eight churches, with a mem- bership of 230. In 1870 the association had increased to eleven churches and 297 members. The Sunday-school convention of the association was then in successful operation. By the minutes of the fourth annual meeting, held with Gra- ham Church, September 1, 1871, we see a still increasing interest manifested by the association in the missionary and Sunday- school work of the field; 6 ordained ministers, 13 churches and 451 members are reported. Since the dissolution of the state convention the association has been in active sympathy and co-operation with the General Association of the state, and also with the educational and other interests of the denomination. From the minutes of 1879 we gather the following summary : 472 CHURCHES AND ASSOCIATIONS OF THE "PLATTE PURCHASE." Churches. — Bethel, Bolekow, Clearmont, Forest City, Graham, Grange Hall, High Creek, Hope Chapel, Maryville, Mt. Yernon, Mt. Zion, New Liberty, Nodaway, North Prairie, Rockport, Sa- lem, Sharp's Grove, Yernon, Walkup's Grove and White Cloud; in all, 20 churches, in which there were 1,193 members; bap- tisms, 81. Ministers. — J. H. Best, P. M. Best, C. L. Butts, N. Barton, Wm. Haw, H. J. Latour, R. M. Rhodes, Jacob Sharp, A. M. Wallace, J. H. Whipple, J. S. F. Wood and Wm. H. Wood.* SAINT JOSEPH BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. On the 3d of November, 1871, a convention of brethren from fourteen churches met at Easton, Buchanan County, for the pur- pose of adopting measures to unite the churches in Buchanan County, and in the Platte River and Mt. Moriah Associations, into one organization. After prayerful deliberation, it was agreed unanimously that such a union was highly desirable for the good of the churches and the glory of God. Pursuant to the action of this convention, messengers met at Bethel Church, Andrew County, December 30, 1871, and organized the "St. Jo- seph Baptist Association." Sixteen churches composed this body, viz.: Platte River, Friendship, High Prairie, Union Grove, Whitesville, Bethel, First Baptist of St. Joseph, Second Baptist of St. Joseph, Agency, DeKalb, Bethlehem, Mt. Pleasant, East- on, New Harmony, Walnut Grove and Missouri Yalley. The first five churches named were from the Platte River Associa- tion, and the next, Bethel, from the Mt. Moriah. The second anniversary was held at New Harmony Church, Clinton County, commencing October 3d, 1873, when three new churches, Frazer, Zion Hill and Pleasant Ridge were admitted into the union. This association is active in promoting missions, education, Sunday-schools, and whatever is conducive to the prosperity of the denomination. Numbered among its ministry are men of culture, refinement and consecration. From the minutes of 1879 we are able to present the following summary: Churches. — Bethel, Bethlehem, DeKalb, Frazer, Flag Spring, First St. Joseph, High Prairie, Mt. Pleasant, Mt. Yernon, New Hope, New Harmony, New Prospect, Nodaway, Pleasant Grove, Sugar Lake, Savannah, Taos, Whitesville, Walnut Grove, Ziou Hill and Missouri Yalley; 21 in all, with an aggregate of 1,719 *■ Rev. C. L. Butts rendered valuable aid in furnishing many facts in the fore- going sketch. CHURCHES AND ASSOCIATIONS OF THE '^PLATTE PURCHASE." 473 members. These churches are located as follows : 11 in Buchan- an County, 7 in Andrew and 3 in DeKalb. Ministers. — (Pastors) : B. Clark, D. Gr. Saunders, Isaiah T. Wil- liams, Wm. Harris, J. S. F. Wood, E. W. Dunegan, G. W. Ever- ett, B. F. Eice, J. H. Best, J. Clay and L. Farris. Pleasant Grove Church, — now one of the vigorous Baptist institutions of Platte County, was organized at the cabin of Elijah Pumphrey, with 14 members, October 12, 1844, by Peter M. Swain. Two years after a brick house of worship was built, the lumber for the floor, doors, &c., of which, was sawed with the old-time whip-saw. In 1867 the present commodious frame build- ing was erected, 35x50 feet, at a cost of $3,350. This church belongs to the North Liberty Association. Mount Zion Church — was constituted near a village called '' Hell Town," about 14 miles northeasterly from Platte City, March 6, 1844, by Elds. Swain and M. Cline, with eleven mem- bers who had been expelled from the anti-mission church near by, for "heresy" (so called). Among the constituents were Isaac Moody, his wife, a son and three daughters ; and Wm. Newman and wife. A log-house was first built; but now the church wor- ships in a large frame building, 40x60 feet, not far from the old site. JSTishnabotany Church. — The first Baptist church in Atchison County, far to the northwest, was the Nishnabotany, organized by the old pioneer preacher, Eichard Miller, in 1844. SoNORA Church, — situated in Atchison County, was formed in 1854, and subsequently merged into High Creek Church. NoDAWAY Church — dates back to 1845. It is located in Holt County. In 1848 Eld. Jonas D. Wilson, now an old man, visited this church and preached seventeen days and nights. Many were converted and 18 were added to the church by baptism. The race-track and card-table were broken up. This church is not now very prosperous. The last two named churches belong to the Northwest Missouri Association. Walnut Grove Church — is situated some six miles southeast of St. Joseph. It was organized at a meeting held at St. Joseph, February 11, 1871, by Elds. J. T. Wilson and J. M. C. Breaker. There were 5 constituent members, and immediately after the organization 9 were added by baptism. J. T. Wilson, by unani- mous consent, became their minister. This body first united with North Liberty Association, and one year after with the St. Joseph fraternity. 474 CHURCHES AND ASSOCIATIONS OF THE ''PLATTE PURCHASE/* Frazer Church. — In January, 1873, 5 persons covenanted to- gether and formed this church, being assisted by J. D. Wilson and Gr. W. Pumphrey. The meeting was continued some days and resulted in 30 accessions to the new interest. Among the number wasEev. D. Wood, a Methodist minister; also some five or six of his flock. St. Joseph (formerly called Eobidoux) was founded by Joseph Eobidoux, a French Catholic, and the first settler of Buchanan County. " In 1843 the town contained only two log houses and a small frame flouring mill, situated on Black Snake Creek." (Campbell's Gazetteer of Missouri, p. 77.) In June of that year Mr. Eobidoux laid off the town, and at the close of 1845 it con- tained 600 inhabitants. In 1846 the county-seat was moved from Sparta to St. Joseph, when the town took its present name from the proper name, rather than the surname of its founder. First Baptist Church, St. Joseph — was organized as early as 1845, as in August of that year it became a inember of the Platte Eiver Association. For a number of years the church used a small log school-house to worship in. In the winter of 1847-'48, the pastor, I. T. Williams, was assisted in a meeting of twelve days by Jonas D. AVilson, resulting in 28 accessions to the church by baptism. At that date large numbers of Indians, from across the river, could be seen in the town daily, and many of them attended the baptismal scene which took place at the old Eobidoux boat landing. This church is now one of the largest, if not the largest, in North Missouri. Second Baptist Church. — In 1870 J. T. Wilson held meetings in South St. Joseph, baptized about a hundred converts, and or- ganized the Second Baptist Church of the city. In about two years the church dissolved and appointed a committee to sell the house and pay the indebtedness. A few months after this a part of the members formed the Calvary Church, St. Joseph, which dissolved in about three months. Prior to the dissolution first above named, .T. T. Wilson had formed the " Mission Band Baptist Church" in the northwestern part of the city, and when the house of worship in South St. Joseph was sold he purchased it and mov- ed the last named church into it, which took the name of the "Second Baptist Church in St. Joseph." On Thursday, February 9, 1882, another Baptist church was organized in South St. Joseph of twenty members. Dr. E. S. Dulin was chosen pastor and accepted. Jonas D. Wilson. — This zealous servant of Christ, who trav- CHURCHES AND ASSOCIATIONS OF THE ''PLATTE PURCHASE." 475 eled all over Northwest Missouri as a pioneer preacher of the gospel, and has done a large share in building up the Baptist in- terest, emigrated from Madison County, Kentucky, to Missouri in 1845, and settled in the Platte Purchase. He is now border- ing on fourscore years, having served in the public field a half century, and witnessed, since he came to Missouri, 1,000 con- versions, six or seven of whom have become preachers of the gospel. William Harris, — pastor of the First Baptist Church, St. Jo- seph, Mo., was born in Frankfort, Ky., June 2, 1848, and is a great grandson of Eld. "Wm. Hickman, the first Baptist preacher on Kentucky soil. He was reared in Henderson, Ky., where he learned the print- ers' trade. la the year 1868, under the preaching of Eev. B. T. Taylor (now of Missouri), he was converted to Christianity; in August of the same year he was licensed to preach by the Baptist church in Hen- derson, and one month after this entered George- town College, Kentucky, in which institution he graduated in the year 1874. Immediately af- ter this he assumed charge, as pastor, of the East Baptist Church, Louisville, Ky., and continued three years. He then (in 1877) removed to Missouri, and was installed as pastor of the First Baptist Church of St. Joseph, where he is doing a most excellent work in building up and developing the powers of the body over which he presides. His marriage with Miss Flora I. Johnson occurred in Louis- ville, Ky,, in 1877, the joyful i^rsue of which is a promising son. REV. WM. HARRIS. 476 CHURCHES AND ASSOCIATIONS OF THE "PLATTE PURCHASE.' As a preacher, Mr. Harris stands in the front ranks ; as a pas- tor, he is excelled by none. Elijah Shelton Dulin.* — On his father's side he is descended from the Huguenot family, Dulon. His mother belonged to the English Quaker family, Shelton. E. S. Dulin was born near the banks of the Potomac, Fairfax County, Virginia, January 18, 1821. In 1823 his father moved to Washington, D. C, where he died when the subject of our sketch was nine years old, leaving his family entirely without support or income, his property all having been swept away by his indorsements for others. Thus early the battle of life began with young Dulin. Hard work dur- ing the day; dil- igent study far into the night and at all leisure hours, was the rule and practice of his early days. Largely through the influence of a Christian moth- er he was brought to Christ, and in 1839 united with RET. E. s. DuiJN, D.D., LL.D. the Calvcrt St. Baptist Church, Baltimore, and soon after determined to go as a missionary to Burmah. He entered Eichmond College in 1841, where he remained four years, seeing his mother but once during this time, earning the money each vacation to pay his expenses the following term. Upon his graduation, he was elected prin- cipal of St. Bride's Academy. Here, from overwork amid the malaria from the adjacent Dismal Swamp, his health gave way, and ho accepted the professorship of ancient languages in Hol- lins' Institute. A year in this beautiful mountain region great- ly improved his health, but the hope of s trength enough to go * Abridged from a sketch in Commonwealth of Missou7'i, p. 791. CHURCHES AND ASSOCIATIONS OF THE "PLATTE PURCHASE." 477 as missionary to Burmah was abandoned. To perfect himself as a teacher, he spent the next year in taking a special course in the University of Virginia. He was ordained as a minister at Baltimore, in August, 1848, and came to Missouri the following October, settling as pastor of the Baptist church at Lexington in March, 1849. His present most estimable wife was Miss Sarah E. Gilkey, to whom he was married August 28, 1849 ; this being his first mar- riage. He was the first president of William Jewell College, and organized that institution January 1, 1850. In the spring of 1856 he was recalled to the pastorate at Lex- ington, and in September following he became the president of the Baptist Female College of that city. The previous session had closed with about thirty pupils. At the expiration of Dr. Dulin's second year the number was 286 ; but the labor of secur- ing this result had broken him down, and he resigned the posi- tion. In 1858 he became pastor of the Baptist church in Kansas City, and thence he was called to the pastoral office in the First Baptist Church, St. Joseph, in 1859, where he remained about six years, when he was induced in 1865 to again accept the man- agement of the Female College at Lexington. The college build- ings had been well nigh destroyed during the war and the school closed. His untiring industry soon restored the college to its former prosperity. During all this time, Dr. Dulin's sympa- thies were with William Jewell College, and while at Lexington he conceived, developed and submitted to the General Associa- tion the plan which brought into existence the Board of Minis- terial Education connected with that institution. A wider field of usefulness now seemed open, and in 1870 he took charge of Stephens' College, at Columbia, which flourished with increas- ing patronage during his six years' management. Dr. Dulin removed to St Joseph in 1876, and became the foun- der of St. Joseph Female College, intending to make this the crowning eifort of his life work in the mental and moral training of western young women. He possesses rare talent and fitness for his great work. Sound in judgment and scholarship, ele- vated and large minded in his plans and conceptions, with intense enthusiasm, energy and perseverance, he makes the best provis- ion for the culture of his pupils, and inspires them with a high appreciation of life and its uses, and with a laudable ambition to excel. Dr. Dulin ranks among the ablest preachers of the state. His sermons are carefully prepared, with sufficient rhetorical or- 478 CHURCHES AND ASSOCIATIONS OF THE "PLATTE PURCHASE." nament to interest and please, and delivered with impassioned earnestness. He makes everything subserve in enforcing the sweet truths of the gospel, as they affect the hearts and lives of men. These truths he enforces with the keenest logic, and a fer- vid and fearless eloquence that makes no compromise with error. His literary and theological abilities have been fittingly acknow- ledged by the proper scholastic institutions conferring upon him the degrees of A.M., D.D. and LL.D. Dr. Dulin is a social, cordial, honest, outspoken gentleman. With a strong spice of the facetious in his nature and conversa- tion, and a good, true heart, he makes many friends and retains them. He is, in the best sense of the word, a self-made man, having, by his own ability, energy, perseverance, integrity and usefulness, earned his present enviable position and good name. CHAPTER VI. SALINE ASSOCIATION. How it Originated — First Constitution — Faith of — Sketches of its Churches: Good Hope (Big Bottom), High Hill Church (Trouble and Settlement), Rehoboth, Heath's Creek, Zoar, Fish Creek-, County Line, Bethel, Miami, Marshall, Salt Pond and Others — Revised Constitution — Summary for 1879 — Peyton Nowlin — A. G\vinn— R. Y. Thomson— Russel Holman — J. L. Hampton— W. M. Bell— J. C. Maple— J. L. Ticheuor— W. R. Painter. THE Saline Baptist Association, wliose churches are loca- ted in the garden of Central Missouri, was organized from a division of the old Concord, which, in 1842, met at Mt. Gilead meeting-house. Cole County, and, finding that its territory had grown much too large for convenience, passed the following: " Resolved, That we divide this association b}^ striking off all the churches above and west of the Lamine Eiver to form a new association." On the 1st of October, 1842, in harmony with the foregoing action of Concord, messengers from eight churches met at Zoar Church, Saline County, and formed a new association, and took the name of Saline. Churches.— Good Hope, 53 ; Zoar, 103 ; High Hill, 73 j Heath's Creek, 60 ; Pinnacles, 32 ; Prairie Point, 22 ; Fish Creek, 48 ; Providence, at High Grove, 20 ; total, 411 members. After the organization was completed, one new church. Long Grove, from Pettis County, membership 24, was received, which made the entire membership of the association 435. These churches were located in the counties of Saline, Cooper and Pettis. Amount of contributions, $8.60. PRINCIPLES OF UNION, Adopted by the Saline Baptist Association. Article 1st. We believe in one only true and living God, and that there is a trinity of jiersons in the Godhead : the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. 2d. We believe that the Scriptures of the Old and New Testa- ments are the word of God, and the only rule of faith and practice. 480 SALINE ASSOCIATION. 3d. We beliere in the fall of Adam, and that, by his transgres- sion, all his posterity fell and were made sinners. We believe in the corruption of human nature, and the impotency of man to re- cover himself by his own free will or ability. 4th. We believe that sinners are justified in the sight of God, only by the righteousness of Christ, imputed to them, and that good works are the fruits of faith, and follow after justification, and are the evidences of our gracious state. 5th. We believe that the saints shall persevere in grace, and not one of them shall be finally lost. 6th. We believe there will be a resurrection of the dead, and a general judgment, and that the happiness of the righteous and the punishment of the wicked will be eternal. 7th. We believe that the visible Church of Christ is a congre- gation of faithful persons, who have given themselves to the Lord, and to one another, having agreed to keep up a godly dis- cipline, according to the plan of the Gospel. 8th. We believe that Jesus Christ is the great Head of the Church, and that the government thereof is with the body. 9th. We believe that water baptism and the Lord's Supper are ordinances of the Gospel, and are to be continued till His second coming. 10th. We believe that true believers are the only subjects of baptism, and that immersion is the only mode. 11th. We believe that none but regularly baptized members have a right to commune at the Lord's Table. 12th. We believe that the Lord's Day ought to be observed and set apart for the worship of God, and that no work or worldly business ought to be done or transacted thereon — works of piety and necessity alone excepted. The ministers in 1843, one j'ear after the organization, were Abner Gwinn, David Anderson and Eichard Owen, with the following as licentiates : Ephraim McDaniel, Franklin Graves and John Clark. Good Hope Church. — The first settlement in what is now Sa- line (then Cooper) County, was made near Arrow Eock, in 1810, by emigrants from Virginia, Tennessee and Kentucky. Subse- quently another settlement was made higher up the river in the Big Bottom, where, on the fourth Saturday in August, 1818, by Luke Williams, at the house of William Job, the first Baptist Church in Saline County, was organized of 10 members, called Big Bottom (now Good Hope Church). News that the Indians SALINE ASSOCIATION. 481 were committing depredations a short distance up the river reach- ed the settlement the same day; consequently no meeting was held on the Sabbath, the brethren having to meet the Indians, while the women and children sought refuge in the fort. Though the records are silent on the subject, Luke Williams is supposed to have preached for the church until 1820. In 1825 the church built a house of worship out on the highlands, and in April of that year, on first assembling in the new house, agreed to be known as the Good Hope Church. This fraternity yet exists, and it is the oldest church in the state, west of old Concord in Cooper County and Mt^ Pleasant in Howard County. A remarkable case occurred in this church at an early day, illustrating the strictness of church discipline in those times. We give it in the language of the records. At the July meeting in 1829, "Sister Sarah Fisher appeared before the church and gave full satisfaction for the report against her for playing 'thim- ble.' " Further details of this church are given in the history of Con- cord Association. See Period Third, Chapter IV. High Hill Church — was organized on an eminence called High Hill, about midway between Cambridge and Miami, in Sa- line County, some two miles from the river. The following is a true copy of the proceedings, from the church book: "To all whom it may concern, know ye, " That Thomas Fristoe and Thomas Eigg, regularly ordained ministers of the gospel of the United Baptist order, on the ninth day of August, 1836, did constitute Abel Garrett and Nancy Gar- rett his wife, Thornton Adams and Margaret Adams his wife, Martha McDonald and Eobert Y. Thomson and Lucy T. Thom- son his wife, a Baptist church of Jesus Christ, on the following principles." Then follows the preamble, abstract of faith and church covenant, such as were commonly adopted by the Bap- tists. For some years the church prospered. In 1838 A. P. Williams became the pastor and held a number of very successful meet- ings. Ten years after its organization it contributed to the founding of Bethel Church, in the same county ; also from it, in part, grew the present Eehoboth Church. The High Hill Church made several unsuccessful attempts to move the place of meet- ing and build a new house of worship, but finally dissolved in June, 1850, empowering Geo. Ehoades and W. W. Field to dis- pose of the property belonging to the church, the proceeds of 31 482 SALINE ASSOCIATION. which they were instructed to give to Thos. Pristoe, then acting pastor. Prior to 1838, Thomas Fristoe preached for the church once a month on Friday, as he passed to his appointment at Zoar Church in the southern part of the county. This church was quite fruit- ful in ministerial gifts, having, in the 14 years of its history, or- dained Richard Owens, Abner Grwinn, Daniel Garnett and Eph- raim McDaniel. Several cases of interest came before the church at different periods, some account of which may be of service to the present generation. The first was a rather serious difficulty between this church and Good Hope. The trouble soon reached the as- sociation, whereupon the churches were advised to call help from sister churches. They agreed to do this, and Elds. Kemp tScott and A. P. Williams were selected as referees, who after investi- gation made the following report : " To the brethren of Good Hope and High Hill Churches is respectfully submitted the following report from your referees: " Whereas, It seems to be the impression of some of the citi- zens of this vicinity, that the door of High Hill meeting-house should be opened for the teaching of schools, if called for, and as the members of Good Hope Church think accordingly, we rec- ommend the brethren of High Hill, in condescension to these feelings and predilections, and for the sake of peace, which is so essential to the prosperity and happiness of the churches in this vicinity, that they open the door with this proviso, viz.: that the house shall be kept uninjured, and that if schools should ever be taught in said house and any damage be done in consequence thereof, the proprietors of such school shall make it good. This, we, your referees, respectfully submit for j'our adoption, while we ever pray for your peace and prosperity. "Kemp Scott, l Referees " A. P. Williams, \ ^^/^^^^«- Another case which we will mention : application for member- ship was made by an excluded member from another church of the same faith, when, " On motion, the clerk was instructed to write a letter to Buckingham Church, Virginia, to ascertain wheth- er Julius, a colored man, can be restored again to fellowship." Julius was the applicant for membership. This was in July, 1842. The case was continued for more than a year, when the church :it High Hill "agreed to receive Julius, the colored man, on his acknowledgment and relating his experience." SALINK ASSOCIATION. 483 Rehoboth Church — was organized by a council consisting of Elds. T. Fristoe and W. C. Ligon, and Deacons R. Latimer, E. E. McDaniel and W. H. Graves, at the house of E. Y. Thomson, in Saline County, Sunday, September 1, 1850. The constituents were 16 in all, viz. : from Bethel Church, E. Y. Thomson, Lucy T. Thomson, Elizabeth B. Thomson and Laura Thomson ; from Zoar Church, James P. Johnson and Martha Johnson; from High Hill, W. W. Field, Lucy A. Field, Daniel Hickerson, Ma- ria Hickerson, W. E. Thomson, Lucy A. Thomson and Frances A. Hickerson ; from Good Hope, Francis Hampton, Ann L. Hampton and Brickey S. Hampton. In 1853 the church erected a brick edifice for worship, 30x50 feet, about fourteen miles northeast from Marshall, and half a mile north of the present town of Slater. In 1879 this house was torn down, moved to Slater, and the material was put into one of the best church buildings in town. In 1882, J. C. Conner was pastor, the church numbering 85 communicants. Thomas Fris- toe was the first pastor of this church. Heath's Creek Church, — Saline County, bears the date of April 5, 1841, having been formed by T. Fristoe, A. Gwinn and T. Eucker. Thirty constituent members signed the covenant. It is located sixteen miles southeast from Marshall, the county seat. Gwinn became their minister, and in 1849 a house of wor- ship was built, a frame 36x44. In 1879 there were 79 members, and L. W. Whipple was pastor. Zoar Church. — This is one of the old churches of the associ- tion, and was in its organization in 1842. We have been unable to get any records of it. (This church joined Concord Associ- tion in 1826. Eld. Peyton Nowliu was the messenger.) It is lo- cated at Jonesboro, Saline County. J. L. Tichenor is the pres- ent pastor, and there was a constituency of 120 in 1880. Fish Creek.— This, too, was one of the constituent churches of Saline Association. It was organized at the house of James Crosslin, with 8 members, by David Anderson and A. Gwinn, June 26, 1842. This has been for years a strong church, situ- ated in the eastern part of Saline County. The pastors have been David Anderson, A. Gwinn, Thomas Fristoe, A. Horn and others whose names we are unable to decipher. B. Harl was pastor in 1881. In 1880 this was much the largest church in the association, having 250 members ; the next in numerical strength was Good Hope, with 201 communicants ; then followed Miami, with 193 members. 484 SALINE ASSOCIATION. County Line, — Pettis County, is located eighteen miles north- west from Sedalia. This church was organized March 1, 1844, with 12 members. Thornton Eucker became the first pastor, then Amos Horn, The church first built a log house in 1845 and '46, and in 1870 replaced it with a frame building, 34x50 feet, worth ^2,500. In 1880 it numbered 113 members and had J. G. Burgess for its pastor. Providence Church, — at High G-rove, Pettis County, is loca- ted nine miles northeast from Sedalia, and was constituted by A. P. Williams and J. G. Berkley, 20 members signing the cov- enant, April 4, 1842. Berkley was chosen pastor, served one year, and was succeeded by Elias George. Elias George. — This brother is of Welsh extraction, and re- tains much of the Welsh fire in his preaching. He spent many years in an early day as missionary and pastor in Southwest Missouri, removed thence to Ohio, and returned to Missouri eight or ten years ago, becoming pastor at Maysville, DeKalb County. He is now well stricken in years, yet retains much of the vigor of youth. Bethel Church. — Forty years ago. Saline County was behind many of her sister counties in population and cultivation. Be- fore the era of railroads and telegraphs, and when a letter "from home" cost the receiver twenty-five cents, emigration did not set westward in so rapid a stream as at a later day. And those who first braved-the privations of a frontier life were timid about trusting themselves out of the near vicinity of the wood. The prairie was lovely, when clothed in its summer robe of grass and flowers, but desolate and cheerless in winter. Then, even the stout heart quailed before its solitude and unbroken stillness, p,nd the scattered settlements were found near protecting groves which skirted the small streams. Those pioneers were generally poor. Books and papers were scarce. Schools were confined to a few favored neighborhoods. The population was so sparse that the self-denying Methodist itinerant, and the zealous Cumberland Presbyterian traveled far to feed their starving flocks ; and here and there a Baptist min- ister cared for the souls of the people. Across the prairie no bell called the people together to worship, no church spire pointed them to heaven ; nor were they much missed. The only room of the settler, which during the week served the purposes of par- lor, bedroom and kitchen, was sufficiently large to accommodate all who attended divine service on the Sabbath. If the tempot SALINE ASSOCIATION. 4S5 rary seats made by resting boards on the few chairs belonging to the cabin were not enough for all, the beds were a convenient substitute. It was a distinguished providence which drew to the same neighborhood two such men as Eandal Latimer and R. E. Mc- Daniel. Both were decided in character, sound in principle, fearless in speech and action, discriminating in judgment. Both were full of zeal in the Savior's cause and ready for any good work that required their labor. They had hardly finished the task of comfortably settling their families in their new homes before the question of organizing a Baptist church in the neigh- borhood came up for discussion, and was promptly answered in the affirmative by the few brethren who were at hand to aid in the work. In 1846 Elder Tyree Harris was invited to visit the neighbor- hood, to hold a meeting and organize a church. Deacon Mc- Daniel's new barn was selected as the most convenient place. There the gifted young minister preached from the text: "And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity." The little congregation listened, as those to whom the gospel is as bread to the famishing. The simple ser- vice and novel surroundings awakened more serious reflection than the imposing dedicatory rites of a costly city church. The unaffected sincerity of those eleven humble Christians, covenant- ing to live for Christ and to love one another, and their strong faith, which entertained no misgivings of success, stirred the hearts of all who witnessed it with strong emotion. This "church in the wilderness" was called Bethel. Soon after this event Elder A. P. "Williams held a protracted meeting at High Hill. The members of Bethel attended. "Their prayers had come up for a memorial before God." Friends, some of them allied by family ties, were found praying, a session of the church was called, and several gladly accepted their invita- tion to unite with them. The interest increased and soon be- came so general that the proposition to continue the meetings and hold them at Deacon McDaniel's house was received with universal favor. All were invited, and all were treated with the open-handed hospitality memorable in those days. Mr. Williams preached with a burning eloquence and convincing argument the sound doctrine of repentance toward Grod and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ to an awakened congregation. In the little parlor assembled day after day the praying Christians, the rejoicing 486 SALINE ASSOCIATION. converts, the trembling penitents and many awakened sinners, who said then to the Lord as Felix replied to Paul : ^'Go thy way; when I have a convenient season I will call for thee." Have they called for him yet ? Many went down into the baptismal water, as did the eunuch, and afterwards went on their way rejoicing. It was a happy day when Elder Wm. C. Ligon met the church for the first time as pastor. The church had met at Mr. Lati- mer's. It was rather late, and the congregation had all assem- bled when the preacher arrived. He was met at the door by sev- eral and warmly welcomed. He came into the room in his usual quick, nervous manner, paused an instant, and after casting a searching look around the crowded room, said, " Let us pray." Every heart went up in the invocation, " Give ear, O Shepherd of Israel, thou that leadest Joseph like a flock ; thou that dwell- est between the cherubims, shine forth." Then followed that beautifnl hymn, "Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly dove, with all thy quickening power." That was a happy community. They were a blessing and they were blessed. The Lord added many to this fold. The next most important event in the history of Bethel was the erection of a house of worship in 1847. It was not yet fin- ished when the first congregation assembled there for worship. The inconvenience of temporary seats seemed not to affect mate- rially the enjoyment of the congregation, nor the want of an ele- gant pulpit to disturb the preacher. It was a happy meeting to all. As was long the custom at Bethel, a bountiful dinner was spread under the trees, and all were cordially invited to dine and stay for evening service. ("Saline Baptist" in Central Ba-ptist, Vol XII, ^o. 9.) Rev. W. M. Bell was pastor in 1880, when the church numbered 101 communicants. The Miami Baptist Church. — Eev. William M. Bell, at the opening of the new church edifice in Miami, Mo., in the fall of 1866, preached the dedicatory sermon, in which he gave the sub- joined sketch of the First Baptist Church in that town : "In reviewing our past history, I regret exceedingly that our church record for the first five years has been lost, and conse- quently I am compelled to depend almost entirely on memory. This church was constituted by Elders "W. C. Ligon and E. V. Thompson, November 20, 1849, with eleven members — four males and seven females. Elder W. C. Batchelor, one of the constitu- SALINE ASSOCIATION. 487 ent members, preached for it for a few months, when he and his wife were dismissed by letter to remove to another field of labor. Thus left in its infancy without a pastor, and without the means to obtain one, your unworthy speaker (then a licentiate), was in- vited to preach for it, and consented. Some six months subse- quent (at its December meeting) I was elected pastor, having been ordained but a month previous, and in this capacity served it for more than seven years. "With only eight members, and these poor and uneducated, with a young and inexperienced pas- tor, and surrounded by an ungodly community, its future Was anything but promising. Trusting alone in the Almighty for aid and success, we met sometimes in one place and sometimes in another, as opportunity offered, to wait upon Him and to seek his face and favor. It was determined, in July, 1851, to hold a series of meetings, and to invite one or more ministers to assist the pastor. At the appointed time, Elder Isaiah Leake (pastor at Lexington) and Elder Edward Eoth (pastor at Dover) came to our assistance. Our meeting continued for some two weeks, during which time we experienced a gracious 'season of refresh- ing from the presence of the Lord,' and as a result more than forty were added to the little church. From this time on we had our seasons of refreshing and spiritual declension. Numbers were added, and numbers dismissed. Some were excluded, and some called by the Great Head of the church to a higher and ho- lier communion. In 1858 I resigned the pastoral care to become the agent of the Board of Ministerial Education, and was suc- ceeded by Elder A. P. Williams, who sustained this relation from October, 1858, until October, 1861, when he declined re-election in favor of Elder John H. Luther. Elder Luther preached for the church until October, 1863, when he removed to another field. In December following Elder Williams was again elected, and entered at once upon the discharge of his pastoral duties, and has been, except for a very short period, the pastor ever since. " Soon after our revival and ingathering in 1851, it was decid- ed that a meeting-house was absolutely necessary to our success as a church, and it became a subject of frequent conversations between that excellent man, Deacon E. W. Lewis and myself. How it was to be accomplished was a most difficult problem. While the church had greatly increased in numbers a majorit}' were poor, and able to contribute but little towards the erection of a house. After taking the matter under prayerful considera- tion the conclusion was reached that we would make an effort. 488 SALINE ASSOCIATION. To this end a subscription paper was drawn up, headed by E.W. Lewis and myself with ^100 each, and I commenced the canvass. For five consecutive days I rode from house to house, and from neighborhood to neighborhood. At the end of this time, under the blessing of God, I had some fourteen hundred dollars — and a yearling calf — subscribed. Thus encouraged, we lost no time in putting a house under contract; and in 1852 we were permit- ted to take possession of a neat and comfortable meeting-house, which had cost some SI, TOO. In 1854 and 1855 this house was improved by the addition of blinds and a bell, and the removal of the columns, which greatly obstructed the view inside, and by making the roof self-supporting. In 1857, by replastering, underpinning and repainting — costing, in all, about $1,000 — we had a house of worship creditable to the church and the commun- ity. TVhcn the war came on, in 1861, the house was in good con- dition, fully meeting our wants. In the summer of 1863 this be- came a military post, and the site of our meeting-house was se- lected for a stockade. The officer in charge was remonstrated with against taking our meeting-house for military purposes, but in vain. Possession was at once taken of it, and on Sunday it was placed at the disposal of the colored people for public wor- ship. Some of us will perhaps never forget with what feelings of mortification and degradation we passed our own meeting- house, thus forcibly and wantonly wrested fi'om us, to worship in the houses of our more fortunate neighbors. In 1864, during the temporary absence of the Federal soldiers quartered here, two desperadoes rode into the town, robbed some of the citizens of several hundred dollars, and applied the torch to our house, and in one short hour all that remained of it was a mass of smol- dering ruins." (From the Manual of the Miami Bajtist Chvrrh, pp. 29-34.) In June, 1866, the present house of worship was erected atacost of nearly $4,000, and is a monument to the liberality of the church and community. Eev. G. W. Hatcher was pastor in 1882. Marshall. — This is the county seat of Saline, with from two to three thousand population, located on the C. & A. Railway. "It was founded in 1840, named in honor of Chief-Justice Mar- shall, and incorporated in 1870." (CampbeU's Gazetter of Missouri, p. 584.) The First Baptist Church was organized in this city, Jan- uary 80, 1869, 17 persons having signed the covenant. The ser- vices were participated in by Elds. W. M.Bell, J. C. Hamner, J. Blingdon, S. W. Marston and C. Ingram, and Deacons X. J. Smith SALINE ASSOCIATION. 489 and J. H. Hewey. Eev. J. C. Hamner was chosen pastor. Eev. B. G. Tutt served the church efficiently for several years, and possibly succeeded Mr. Hamner. Under Mr. Tutt's ministry the church grew from a beneficiary of the General Association to a self sustaining body, and in 1880 it was one of the efficient insti- tutions of Saline Association, with a constituency of 174. In the fall of 1881 Rev. J. C. Maple became pastor of the church, and has since filled the office in his usually able manner. Salt Pond Church, — near Elmwood, in the southwestern part of Saline County, sixteen miles from Marshall, was founded by Amos Horn and E. Eoth, June 19, 1853, having a constituency of 15. This church has had for its ministers E. Eoth, E. Allward, E. S. Dulin, E. E. Kirtley, John Kingdon, S. B. Whiting andW. E. Painter. This is one of the strong and vigorous churches of the association. In May, 1881, some members of Salt Pond applied for letters for the purpose of organizing a church at Mount Leonard. Mount Leonard. — This church was organized the second Sat- urday in June, 1881. This left Salt Pond in its old place, with all the property, books, &c., in possession. On the third Sat- urday in June, 1881, the Salt Pond Church resolved to remove the organization and house to Blackburn. The third Sunday in August, 1881, the last session was held on the old ground. The organization now in Blackburn goes by the name of "The First Baptist Church (Salt Pond) in Blackburn." This is by common consent, as no action has been taken with regard to the name. Union Church, — a daughter of Bethel, now twenty-two years old, was constituted by A. P. Williams and W. M. Bell, August 18, 1860, with 24 members. The meeting was continued, and 16 additions by baptism resulted therefrom. Eld. Bell was chosen to fill the pastoral office, and, save a few short intervals, has so continued. In 1861 a frame building, 36x50 feet, was erected r.s a house of worship, which was finished after the war, and is val- ued at $2,500. In 1863 this church set apart by ordination E. E. Kirtley to the work of the gospel ministry. The Saline Association made very little progress up to 1848, three small churches. County Line, Union (an older Union than the one just before described) and the first church on Flat Creek, having been added to the original list. This year, however, there began to be signs of a more vigorous and aggressive poli- cy, as may be seen in the following action relative to itinerant work : 490 SALINE ASSOCIATION. ^^ Resolved, by this Association, That wo recommend to the differ- ent churches composing the same, to hold during the coming year a protracted meeting, that there maj' be concei't of action for the purpose of advancing the cause of our Lord and Master among us ; and that we appoint Brethren Wm. Thornton, Geo. Rhoades, J. "W". Barksdale, Oliver Maxwell and Abner G-winn a committee to procure a suitable preacher to ride within our bounds and assist in conducting said meetings, for the purpose of uniting us more closely in the bonds of Christian fellowship and love." In 1849 five churches — Good Hope, Zoar, High Hill, Pinnacles and Fish Creek — requested in their letters a change in the 14th article of the constitution. They asked that the latter clause of said article be expunged, viz.: "Nor shall this association re- ceive iiwj case having the question of missions for its found- ation." After considerable discussion it was decided that the clause be left unchanged. The following year the subject was again brought uj), and, a majority of the churches having re- quested it, the clause was expunged, and at the same session the messengers from the churches made voluntary pledges to the amount of S118. 20, to sustain an evangelist, who was to devote one-half his time with the churches and the other half in the destitute portions of the association. Brethren Boyer, Scott and Xeff were appointed a committee to employ the missionary. Bethel, Bethlehem and Miami Churches were admitted to membership in 1851. This increased the aggregate membership to 542. The churches were recommended to observe the month- ly concert of prayer for the foreign and home mission cause. At this meeting also the association adopted a revised constitu- tion, leaving out entirely the 14th article of the old constitution, and otherwise changing said instrument. The name of Wm. M. Bell appears in the list of ministers in 1852 when the meeting was at Good Hope Church, of which he was at the time pastor. This year, on the motion of Brother Bell, the Saline Association became auxiliary to the General As- sociation of the state. Monday of this session was a grand day, and will be doubtless long remembered by many who were pres- ent. All constitutional compromises having been repealed, earn- est men now took hold of the missionary enterprise, and church- es and individuals made pledges and cash contributions amount- ing to $500.15, to sustain the itinerancy in the associational bounds, the entire membership of the churches at the time being SALINE ASSOCIATION 491 no more than 752. The leading spirit in this movement was Pastor W. M. Bell, for some years a resident of Miami. G. W. Sands and Elias George had labored 153 days as evangelists during the year preceding. From that time forward the Saline has been one of the leading institutions of the kind in the state in promoting the different denominational interests. At her first meeting after the found- ing of William Jewell College, she recommended that institution to the prayers and the patronage of the churches, and otherwise committed herself in language most positive and unmistakable, to the cause of ministerial education. In 1853 over $700 were raised for the associational fund, and nearly all the churches reported baptisms; one, Antioch Church, reporting as many as 23, and two others, Rehoboth and Provi- dence, each 16. Sands, Gwinn and Gentry had traveled as mis- sionaries. County Line Church in 1855 sent up the following query ; " Should persons be received into Baptist churches from other denominations upon their former baptism?" The matter was referred to the churches, and in 1857 the association gave this answer: " With due deference to the County Line Church, we append to our minutes the following as the decision of the churches on the query of 1855: ' They were about equally divided on the question.' " Ministers in 1859, — Wm. M. Bell, Thornton Rueker, Wm. Fer- guson, Samuel Driskell, E. H. Burchfield, John F. Clark, W. Clark, J. Spurgeon and A. P. Williams. Members of the Executive Board. — R. E. Kirtley, president, W. M. Bell, corresponding secretary, Geo. Rhoades, treasurer, R. E. McDaniel and J. M. Davis. New churches were admitted into the association as follows : Antioch, Rehoboth, First Baptist Arrow Rock, and New Jerusa- lem, in 1852 ; Georgetown and Salt Pond, in 1853 ; South Fork and Cole Camp, in 1855 ; Knobnoster and Mt. Pleasant, in 1856; and Union and Mt. Olivet, in 1860. In 1860 the Zoar Church entertained the association. Messen- gers from 18 churches attended. The report of the executive board shows that $719.63 had been expended during the year in itinerating, and that the whole number of days' labor performed was 437, or about one and a half years' work for one man, allow- ing 300 working days for the year. The summary for 1860 was the following: Churches, — Good Hope. 154; Zoar, 120; Heath's Creek, 92; 492 SALINE ASSOCIATION. Fish Creek, 159; County Line, 47; Bethel, 87; Miami, 87 ; An- tioch, 97 ; Echoboth, 136 ; Salt Pond, 33 j South Fork, 40 ; Ot- terville, 15; Mt. Pleasant, 30; Knobnoster, 33; Pleasant Grove, 31 ; Providence, 95; Union, 45 ; Mt. Olivet, 13 ; aggregate, 1,314. Baptisms, 206. The largest number of baptisms in any church was, Fish Creek, 58; Eehoboth next, with 41 ; then Good Hope, 28. Pastors.— W. M. Bell, J. D. Murphy, A. P. Williams, E. H. Burchfield, E. Eoth, Amos Horn and W. Clark. The associational territory now embraced all of Saline Coun- ty, and parts of Cooper, Johnson and Pettis. No meetings of the association were held for the years 1861-1865, on account of the war clouds that hung over the land. In 1866 8 churches sent messengers, and a meeting was held at Zoar Church. In the let- ter to sister associations they say : "After a sad interval of six years, which we would, as far as possible, forget, as 'the days wherein the Lord has afflicted us — the years wherein we have seen evil,' we would again commence where we left off, and henceforth pray the Lord to ' let his work appear unto his servants, and his glory unto their children.' During these days of intermission and trial the Lord has blessed some of the churches with gracious revivals and many have been gathered into the fold of Christ." In 1868 a Sunday-school convention was organized with "Wm, M. Bell as president and W. H. Wheeler as secretary. Marshall and Hansboro Churches made application and were received into the association in 1869, each reporting 31 members. In 1870 the committee on missions, in its report, called atten- tion to Brownsville, Arrow Eock and Marshall as important and promising places, and to the churches at those points as needing aid, none of which had houses of worship at that time. We shall conclude this sketch with the following testimonial. The Saline Association is now one of the strongest institutions of the kind in Missouri. Its territory comprises, if possible, what was once the richest hemp growing district in the state, its churches embracing many well-to-do and wealthy farmers of the district, not to speak of the leading business and profession- al men. A larger proportion of its churches contribute to the support of missions and other denominational enterprises than any other association in Missouri, save, perhaps, North Liberty, and they certainly are not surpassed by the churches of that body. Quite a large proportion of its ministerial force is in the SALINE ASSOCIATION. 493 very prime of life. The following was published in 1879 as the list of Mi7listers.—^Y . M. Bell, D. C. Bolton, J. G. Burgess, I. B. Dot- son, J. F. Clark, E. Holman, D.D., G. W. Hatcher, J. S. Nor- dyke, E. M. Eeynolds, J. L. Tichenor, B. G. Tutt, J. S. Conner and W. H. Yardeman. Licentiates. — ^J. S. G-ashwiler, W. S. Scott, J. D. Thomason and Baldwin Harl. Among the niany efficient laymen are T. Garnett, G. E. Mc- Daniel, C. W. Pendleton, A. Gwinn, George Ehoades, "W. "W. Field, James Jones, IST. J. Smith, "W. L. Boyer, Thomas Lyne, C. W. Garnett, O. K. Graves, J. "W. Sparks, E. C. Fisher, James H. Huey, S. H. Kennedy, E. B. Thorp, J. A. Hawkins and a score or more of others equally worthy, some of whom have long held their posts on the battle-field, and others are in the midst of their palmy days. This association is certainly second to no fraternity of Baptists in the commonwealth of Missouri. Peyton Nowlin. — Although he was never a member of the Sa- line Association, the name of Peyton ^Nowlin rightfully belongs at the head of this list of ministers. While Saline County was still a part of Cooper, he settled in the neighborhood of Arrow Eock, where he spent the residue of his days. Peyton Nowlin, whose father and mother, Bryan and Lucy l^owlin, were members of the Baptist denomination in Virginia in the days of persecution, was born May 4, 1767. "When 21 years old he passed from under the parental roof and went to Georgia, where he spent some three years as a school-teacher. He went thence to the state of South Carolina, and the year after (in 1792) he married Miss Luc}'" Townsend. In 1797 he removed to and settled in the Green Eiver country, Kentucky, about 12 miles south of Eusselville. Soon after his settlement in Kentucky, he and his wife both professed conversion, were baptized and short- ly afterwards became constituent members of Spring Creek Church. Four or five years after his conversion a very impor^ tant event in his life occurred. A difficulty took place in the church of which he was a member, resulting finally in his exclu- sion. He continued out of the church seven years, during all of which time he was as regular in his attendance on the wor- ship of the sanctuary as before his expulsion. Having been li- censed to preach, he was also silenced from preaching. He now turned his attention to civil matters. He first filled the office of magistrate, and with such acceptation that soon he was elected 494 SALINE ASSOCIATION. high sheriff of his county, in which office he gave almost univer- sal satisfaction, and in 1810 he was elected to the Legislature from Logan County. During all this while his walk as a Christ- ian was exemplary. Finally, such had been his unimpeachable life, that the church from which he had been expelled sent a com- mittee to invite him to come back. He went, many made ac- knowledgments to him, and he was again enrolled as a member. This was about the year 1812. Soon after his restoration he was ordained to the ministry j and in the spring of 1818 emigrated to Missouri, settling temporarily in Howard County, and the year following he made his permanent home in what was then Cooper but now Saline County, four miles southwesterly from the present site of Arrow Rock. Here he lived until his death. Peyton Kowlin was actively identified with the interests and early history of Old Concord Association. Not long after his settlement on the south side of the river, he, his wife and a num- ber of other emigrants, who had brought their church letters with them, met together and formed a church called Petite Saw (Little Bottom), to which he ministered for a time, but after a few years, the lowlands proving to be very unhealthy, a number of the members moved westward and the church dissolved. Eld. Nowlin joining the Big Bottom Church. He subsequently be- came one of the founders of Zoar Church, which appears as a member of the Concord Association in 1826, and for a number of years he was a messenger of this church to the Concord fra- ternity. He never traveled extensively, but did most of his preaching near his own home, and with neighboring churches. He possessed a vigorous, active and finely cultivated mind, and being a man of excellent business habits he accumulated a hand- some property. His height was 5 feet, 10 inches, and his weight 225 pounds. His death occurred April 1, 1837. Saturday and Sunday were the church meeting days of Zoar, held at his house. Thomas Fristoe was at the time pastor. Eld. Nowlin kept his bed most of the day on Sunday, but sat by the fire during the sermon, at the close of which the audience sang the hymn com- mencing, "Jesus my all to heaven is gone," in which he joined most heartily. Ho ate his supper that evening sitting at the ta- ble. His wife asked, "Will you not now lie down, Mr. Nowlin?" Ho bowed his head, but did not speak. He walked to the bed, laid down, but was discovered to be speechless, and never spoke afterwards. He lived until Monday evening, when he expired, and was buried in his family graveyard, SALINE ASSOCIATION. 495 Mr. Nowlin was a strong predestinarian, and some supposed he would have gone with the anti-missionaries; but he stood firm on the missionary question, which he failed to discover interfer- ed in any way with the sovereignity of God, or with the doctrine of election and predestination. Abner GrWiNN, — a son of William and Agnes Gwinn, was born in the state of Tennessee in the year 1801. His parents were Virginians. In 1819, with his father's family, he moved to Mis- souri, making the trip by flat-boat down the Tennessee Eiver and up the Mississippi and Missouri Elvers, landing in Saline County at the present site of New Frankfort, near which place they set- tled and devoted themselves to the tilling of the soil. Abner, thus introduced into the backwoods in his boyhood and surroun- ded by such influences as usually characterize frontier life, be- came a wild, thoughtless and profane young man. May 31, 1836, he was united in marriage with Diana McMahan. Two or three years prior to this, at the funeral of a beloved sister, he became deeply concerned on the subject of religion. About this time a revival of religion broke out in a prayer meet- ing which was being held in the neighborhood, resulting in the conversion of quite a number of persons, among whom was young Gwinn. He was baptized into the fellowship of Big Bottom Church March 22, 1828, commenced at once exhorting his friends and neighbors to flee the wrath to come, and in May, 1826, was licensed to preach. His ordination occurred at the meeting of the Concord Association in 1837 or '38. He was trained under the ministry of the two veterans. Elders E. Eogers and Peyton Nowlin. He lived to see his ten children members of the denom- ination of his early choice, nine of whom survived him. On Sep- tember 5, 1858, he closed his labors here below for a blessed im- mortality, having for more than twenty years preached Christ and Him crucified, during the whole of which period he support- ed his family by his own labor and the help of his children, re- ceiving little or no remuneration from the churches. His labors were mainly devoted to the churches in Saline Association; yet he sometimes went on preaching excursions abroad. (From the MS. of Absalom Gwinn, a son.) Says an early acquaintance of Mr. Gwinn: ''I became acquaint- ed with Abner Gwinn in the year 1826. His character was above reproach — a man of undoubted veracity, a thorough Baptist, a strict disciplinarian, and always in his place. A man of good natural mind, not much culture, very zealous, a good exhorter, 496 SALINE ASSOCIATION. dwelling mostly in his preaching on the mercy of God, the suffi- ciency of the atonement and the sufferings of Christ for a poor lost world. He was a whole team in a protracted meeting. His activity and zeal in the Master's cause sometimes excited the envy of his brethren (I often thought), hut he pressed forward to the end, being for some twenty years one of the active builders in the churches of the Saline Association." (From Geo. Ehoades.) Robert Y. Thomson. — This brother was a native of Fayette County, Ky., born November 21, 1800, and professed religion when about eleven years old, under the preaching of Jeremiah Vardeman. He was first married February 28, 1822, soon after which he was baptized. He moved to Missouri in the fall of 1825, and the following summer — in June — united by letter with the Big Bottom Church, in which he Avas for some ten years an effi- cient member. He was one of the constituent members of the High Hill Church in 1836, and again of Eehoboth Church in 1850. His second marriage was April 9, 1826, with Miss Lucy T., daughter of Eld. Pej^ton Nowlin, late of Kentuckj^, then a resi- dent of Saline County. She was a woman of sterling worth and survived her husband by a number of years ; in fact is yet living, or was recentl}'. Brother Thomson was licensed and ordained by the High Hill Church, the latter occurring August, 1843, by the hands of A. P. Williams and Richard Owens. His ministerial life, which was mainly given to the churches in Saline County (though for sev- eral of his latest years he was not active in the ministry) was of about twenty years' duration. He -was a man of wonderfully strong prejudices and naturally impulsive, hence he sometimes got into church difficulties, a feature of his life over which he himself greatly grieved. Dr. J. N. Garnett, his family physi- cian, gave the following testimonial of him: ''R. Y. Thomson was a devotedly pious Christian and evinced that character in a very marked degree during all my acquaint- ance with him as a member of Rehoboth Church, in the building up of which he took a prominent part." Bro. Thomson died, we have learned, during the war — about 1863 or '64, but the exact date or the circumstances of his death have not been furnished us. RussEL HoLMAN. — This eminent, gifted and devotedly pious servant and minister of the Lord Jesus Christ, having spent the remnant of his long life in Missouri, the following tribute to his Tiaemory, written by Dr. W. H. Mcintosh (published in the Ala- SALINE ASSOCIATION. 407 hama Baptist and republished in the Central Baptist) is eheerfully accorded a place in this connection. Died, at his residence in Marshall, Mo., in the early morning of December 2d, 1879, Rev. Eussel Holman, D.D., aged about sixty-seven years. Little is known to the writer of his early life, except that he was a native of Massachusetts, and that he graduated at Brown University. Soon after completing his college course he turned his face southward, and settled for awhile at Elizabethtown, Ky, Thence he went to ISTew Orleans and became identified with the Baptists of that cit}-. In his quiet and unobtrusive way, yet with a heart aglow with love to Christ, and with a fervid zeal, he sowed the seed which in later years has ripened into grateful liarvests. By his personal ministry in the early struggles of the Baptists there, and subsequently as Corresponding Secretary of the Domestic Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention, he was largely instrumental in the development of the Coliseum Place Baptist Church, whose infancy was fostered by the board, and in whose success he was ever deeply interested. In November, 1845, a few months after the organization of the convention, he was elected corresponding secretary of the board of domestic missions. Here his sound judgment, tact and industry were called into requisition. The results demonstrated the wis- dom of the choice. The Board was soon recognized as a neces- sity in the important work of supplying the gospel to the desti- tute in our own country, and rapidly grew in the affections and confidence of the denomination. In July, 1851, he resigned his position as secretary, leaving the board upon the flood-tide of its prosperity and usefulness. Uj^on his retirement the board expressed their appreciation of his ser- vices in highly complimentary resolutions. He labored successfully in the pastorate until called again to the secretaryship, |jy the unanimous vote of the board in 1856. With his usual fidelity he filled the office for six years, when de- clining health demanded a second resignation in 1862. From that time, until within a few years past, he was engaged in pas- toral work in Alabama, Kentucky and Missouri. As a preacher. Dr. Holman was instructive, sometimes elo- quent. Accepting heartily the doctrines of grace, he drew from them the lessons of practical piety which the}' teach, and enfor- ced them with earnest appeals to the consciences of his hearers. As a Christian his life was in habitual and happy conformity to 32 498 SALINE ASSOCIATION. the spirit of the gospel. The most of his Missouri life was spent in the pastoral office in the Bethel and Eehohoth Churches, Sa- line County. J. L. Hampton — was the son of Abel and Sarah Hampton, and was born in Saline County, Missouri, May 15, 1839. He made a profession of religion at Good Hope, in the same county, at the age of 13 years, and was baptized by Eev. Wm. M. Bell, under whose preaching he was converted. He was licensed to preach in Liberty, Missouri, while attending William Jewell College, at which institution he graduated in 1874. He was pastor of Salem Church, where he was ordained, in Jackson County, Missouri, for several years, besides filling, temporarily, several other pas- torates while in college, and was, for some time, pastor of the Baptist church at Brownsville, Missouri. Bro. Hampton was eminently successful in revival meetings. He understood how to carry the gospel to the hearts of the peo- ple. " The common people heard him gladly." Scores of souls will rise up and call him blessed in the great day. He was a man of strong impulses and these sometimes carried him farther than he designed, when in the warmth of discussion ; but no man was readier to confess a fault when he saw it was a fault. His attachments were strong. He never betrayed a friend. However he might have sometimes erred in judgment, his asso- ciates always knew that his heart was in the right place. Bro. Hampton had an intense zeal for the salvation of souls and labored earnestly to persuade men to be reconciled to God. In one word, he was faithful — faithful to God, faithful to men. He rests in the Lord. His works follow him. His memory will not perish; it is embalmed in the hearts of those whom, under God, he has blessed by his preaching, and in the lasting regard of associates and college classmates, one of whom craves the privilege of bearing this humble tribute to his worth. Died, at his home in Brownsville, Mo., on November 25, 1878, of pneumonia, Eev. J. L. Hampton, aged 39 years, 6 months and 10 days. ("F," in Central Baptist.) William M. Bell — is a native of Eichmond County, Virginia. He was born July 23, 1823, and at two years of age, by the death of his parents — Thomas Y. and Elizabeth Bell — he became an orphan. Being an only child, and left to the care of others, he grew u]) to be a wild and — as he expresses it — " a wicked young- man." On one occasion after his maturity, he witnessed the baptism of a colored man who shouted as he came outof the wa- SALINE ASSOCIATION. 499 ter. This so wrought upon young Bell that he said to those standing around him : '' I feel like caning that man !" When a youth of fourteen, in company with his guardian, he removed to Missouri and soon after entered one of the private schools in Boonville. From 1839 to 1844 — a period of 5 years — he spent his time as a dry goods' clerk, first with Messrs. B. F. & T. B. "Wallace of Clinton, Missouri, and afterward with several other firms. In ISTovember, 1844, he was married to Miss Mary N. McDaniel, daughter of Judge E. E. McDaniel of Saline Coun- ty, and soon after entered upon the life of a farmer. In the fstU of 1846 he was converted under the preaching of the late Dr. A. P. Williams, by whom he was baptized, after which he became a member of the Old Bethel Church, Saline County. After this, for a time, he was well nigh overwhelmed with doubts as to his acceptance with God, but betaking himself to prayer, the devil left him, and all was well. In 1848 the Bethel Church licensed him to preach, and two years after — in November, 1850 — he was ordained by the same body; W. C. Ligon and E. Y. Thomson com- posing the presby- tery. The month following this event he was call- ed into the pastoral office of the Firsi Baptist Church at Miami, and in Feb- « ruary, 1851, he was '^ elected to assist W. C. Ligon in the pastorate at Beth- el, and at the close of the 3'ear, Elder Ligon declining re- ^^^- '^i- m- ^^^^ll. election, he was chosen as his successor. Thus he continued at Miami and Bethel until 1858, when he resigned to become agent of the Board of Minis'terial Education of William Jewell College. In the year 1852 he was first called as pastor of Good Hope 500 SALINE ASSOCIATION. Church, Saline County, and, save an interval of six years, has so continued ever since, a period of over twenty-nine years. At Union Church — same county — he has served as pastor, with short intervals, for sixteen years, having aided in the organization of this church in 1860. He was elected as pastor at Fish Creek Church in 1867, and four years after declined re-election to ac- cept a like position at Marshall, the county seat of Saline. Here he continued three years. Eld. Bell has filled manj^ other honorable and useful positions in the denomination, as that of secretary of the General Associ- ation ; he was also trustee of William Jewell College for a num- ber of years. Since 1869 he has presided as moderator over the sessions of the Saline Association; and under his administration as pastor the present church edifices of Grood Hope, Fish Creek, Union and Marshall were built. Though apj)roximating very closely the old man's list, the subject of this notice is quite ac- tive in the ministry, and is doing a good work as pastor of sev- eral of the best country churches in the state of Missouri. Joseph C. Maple — was born in Guernsey County, Ohio, November 18, 1833. His father and mother (with the family) moved ed to the state of Illinois in the spring of 1838, and settled in Peoria County. Here he grew up to man- hood, was converted, and by Eld. W. T. Ely was baptized June 18, 1849 — aged 15 1-2 years — after which he became a mem- ber of the La Marsh Church, in said county. He was educated in Shurt- leif College, Alton, Illi- nois, where he complet- ed the course and grad- uated June 25, 1857, and uKv. J. c. MAPLE, B.D. ^hc followiug Octobci' (4th) was ordained and became pastor of the Baptist Church at Cape Girardeau, Missouri. From the point last named he went to Kentucky in September, SALINE ASSOCIATION, 501 1864, and for some months engaged successfully in protracted meetings. On the 1st of January, 1865, he was settled as pastor in Owensboro, Ky., where he continued for over five years. He resigned there April 1, 1870, returned to Missouri, and on the 1st of June of that year settled as pastor in Kansas City. Here he continued for two years, and then went to Chillicothe, where he spent a few months, and moved thence to Springfield, Mo. Here he had been something over a year, when under the most earnest appeal of the Baptist church in Cape Girardeau he visited that city and held* a series of meetings resulting in a glorious revival of religion and the accession of twenty persons to the member- ship of the church. The interest was widespread — the commu- nity was moved — the church gave him a call to the pastoral of- fice. Outsiders proposing to help the struggling band liberally, and this help being offered for no one but Mr. Maple, he reluct- antly gave up Springfield and moved to the Cape. His labors continued here three years, when his health broke down, not long after which he accepted the call of the church at Mexico. In 1878 he went to Europe, having been appointed a commis- sioner by the governor of Missouri. After his return he contin- ued his labors successfully at Mexico until the fall of 1881, when he resigned and soon afterwards — November 1st — was settled as pastor of the First Baptist Church at Marshall, Mo. Eld. Maple has for several years very efliciently filled the of- fice of president of the executive board of the G-eneral Associa- tion of Missouri, and at the session of that body in October, 1881, was elected as its assistant moderator. Shurtleff College conferred upon him the degree of A, B. and A.M. in the regular course. And the honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity was conferred on him in 1881, both by William Jew- ell College, Missouri, and bj'- Baylor University, Texas; all of which honors he wears with much ease and modesty. Mr. Maple is one of the staunch members of the Missouri Bap- tist ministry. James Lewis Tichenor. — This brother beloved is a native of Spencer County, Kentucky, was born March 27, 1830, and is a younger brother of Dr. I. T. Tichenor of Alabama. He grew up to manhood, was converted, baptized, and commenced preach- ing in his native state. His baptism occurred in October, 1846, by Eld. Smith Thomas, at Taylorsville. Subsequently he was for a time a member of Calhoun Church, Kentucky, by which he was licensed to preach in 1858. While a member of the last 502 SALINE ASSOCIATION. named church, he spent two years in the family of Eev. J. S. Cole- man, who gave him the benefit of his instruction and free access to his extensive library. During these years he taught school as a means of support. ' He was ordained at Beaver Dam, Ky., after which he spent about eight years in that state in the minis- try, laboring as pastor at Highland, Newport and Lancaster Churches. Mr. Tichenor removed to Missouri in 1868, and was pastor for a season at Westport, and has for several years past been pas- tor of churches in the Saline Association, among which are Zoar and Shackelford. His first marriage was with Miss Eoxie Cooper in December, 1863, while pastor at ISTewport, Kentucky, where his labors were much blessed. His second marriage was with Mrs. L. E. Melvin, while pastor at Westport, Mo. His preaching is doctrinal, and "stubbornly logical," in lan- guage clear, though not polished. He is not a ''denominational" disputant, but on all proper occasions preaches Baptist senti- ments fully; and while Calvinistic in his views, he takes special pains to develop the spirit of missions in his people. W. E. Painter — was born in Warren County, Virginia, in 1838. Most of his early life was spent near Palmyra, Missouri. In 1856 he was converted, baptized b}- Eld. Jno. T. Williams, and joined Bethel Church, by which body he was licensed to preach, and by the generous aid of Hon. William Carson was placed at beth- el College, Palmyra, where he remained until the breaking out of the war in 1861. He was ordained at Bethel Church in 1860. He entered the Confederate army and served as chaplain of the 10th Missouri Infantry during the war. Eeturning to Missouri, he engaged with Dr. J. H. Luther in establishing the Missouri Baptist Journal, canvassing a large part of the state on horseback in that work. He became the pastor of Chariton and other churches in Howard County in 1866. In this field of labor (with the exception of one 5'ear spent at the Southern Baptist Theo- logical Seminary, and three years of sickness) he continued until the year 1880. In 1882 he was pastor of Mt. Leonard and Blackburn Church- es in Saline County, and has been doing a noble work for the Master. In meetings held by him, he has witnessed over 1,100 conversions, and baptized 470 persons, mostly in Howard County. His first marriage was in 1870, to Miss Sarah Hall, who died in 1871. His second wife was Miss Mary Hughes of Howard County, to whom he was married in 1881. CHAPTER Vn. MACON ASSOCIATION. Constituent Churches — Euphrates Stringer — Change of Name — Second Change — Pol- icy on Missions — Groat Revival at Mt. Salem — Trouble on Open Communion — End of tlie Controversy — Mt. Pleasant College Adopted — Big Spring and Blanket (iro^•e Churches — Joseph Oliver. THIS body was formed at the house of Deacon Wm. Griffiu, Macon County, on the foui'th Saturday in November, 1843, of four churches, a part of a colony that came out of the Mount Pleasant Association for this purpose. (For a fuller account of the events connected with the rise of this association see North Union Association.) Churches and Messengers. — Ten Mile: Wm. Griffin, Henry Math- ews and J. G. Swinney ; Mt. Tabor: Michael Moody, Michael and Charles Buster ; Big Spring: "Walker Austin and William Radcliff; Pleasant Hill: Euphrates Stringer, Benjamin Speak and Jeptha Hardesty. None of these old pioneers are now liv- ing, save Michael Moody and J. G. Swinney. The elders pres- ent were Euphrates Stringer, William Eadcliff and J. G. Swin- ney. The constitution and articles of faith of the Old Cumber- land River Association of Kentucky were adopted, and the as- sociation took the name of " Mt, Tabor Association of United Baptists." Michael Buster was elected moderator, and Walker Austin was chosen clerk. Correspondence was solicited from the Bethel and the Mt. Pleasant Associations. In 1844 James Moody was added to the list of ministers as a licentiate. The session this year was cheered by the presence of Wm. Duncan, Benjamin and Jesse Terrill, from Mt. Pleasant Association, and P. N. Haycraft and James F. Smith, from Beth- el Association. In the fall of this year Euphrates Stringer, the leading minister of the association, moved to Texas. His loss was very much felt by the feeble churches of this new interest, among whom he was held in high estimation. Being a man of fine exhortational powers, he was regarded as a revivalist in that day. Not meeting with his expected success in Texas, he moved back to Pulaski County, Kentucky (where he was born and grew up), and died not long afterwards. 504 MACON ASSOCIATION. Messengers from only three churches, Big Spring, Ten Mile and Mt. Tabor, were present at the meeting in 1848. Joseph Oliver appears in the list of preachers. Licentiates: James N. Griffin, Colby Miller and William May. William H. Vardeman from Salt Eiver, Jesse Terrill of Mt. Pleasant, and Wm. Barbee of North Grand Eiver Association, were present as correspond- ing messengers. Mt. Salem Church, from Mt. Pleasant Associ- ation, was received into the association this year. This, too, was the beginning of a new era in what is now the Macon Associa- tion. For the first time, pursuant to a resolution of the body, a public demonstration was made in behalf of missions by mak- ing a collection therefor on the Lord's day, amounting to $12.50. On Monday following the work M'as continued by the appoint- ment of an executive board of missions, the raising by special pledges from individuals and from churches of $87, and the elec- tion of J. G. Swinney to itinerate in the destitute parts of the association, at a salary of $12.50 per month. At this session al- so the name of the association was changed from Mt. Tabor to "Middle Fork," under which title it continued until the present name " Macon " was adopted in 1866. In 1849 Elder William Radcliff preached the introductory ser- mon. Says Eld. J. G. Swinney : " My recollection is that this is the last meeting this eccentric minister ever attended. He died some few years after, very suddenly, from apoplexy, having be- come very fleshy and helpless. He was a man of a good mind and of some doctrinal ability, but somewhat speculative, which, doubtless, in a measure impaired his usefulness." Blanket Grove Church, now La Plata, was admitted into the association this j'ear on a letter from North Union Association. The aggressive policy which characterized the meeting in 1848 continued, and by the year 1852 the number of churches had grown to ten, with 327 members. J. G. Swinney, James Moody and Joseph Oliver performed missionary labor during this pe- riod. Eevivals were not unfrequent. From the close of the ses- sion in 1849 at Mt. Salem, the meeting was continued by James Moody and J. G. Swinney, resulting in a large accession to the church, doubling its membership. A case of open communion interrupted the harmony of the as- sociation at its meeting in 1855. James Moody, an elder and a member in Blanket Grove Church, avowed open communion sen- timents. The church considered his case and called in his cre- dentials; but he, refusing to give them Tip, went and united with MACON ASSOCIATION. ^OiS the Bethlehem Church. In 1854 the association appointed a com- mittee to visit and look into the action of the said Bethlehem Church, but she refused to give them any satisfaction whatever. In 1855 the committee reported the facts in the case, and the Beth- lehem Church was excluded for "violating the principles on which the association was organized." (^Minutes, 1855.) This ac- tion of the association settled the communion question, which had been agitating the churches and creating division. During this discussion, however, brethren had said hard things of one another, and this session of the association closed with very con- siderable excitement, the minority claiming that the association had treated the church and Brother Moody badly. The Bethle- hem Church never afterwards enjoyed any prosperity, and in a few years became extinct. Eld. Moody studied the communion question, saw his error, abandoned his position, and subsequently became a landmark Baptist; and the churches generally became more firmly settled on the doctrines of the primitive churches than ever before. This restored quiet in the Macon Associa- tion. The business of this session (1855) was considerably in- creased b}" the appointment of committees on periodicals, col- leges, temperance, Bible societies and Sunday-schools. The en- tire strength of the association at this time was 9 churches and 427 members. 77 baptisms during the year indicated a good de- gree of interest. In 1860, at Mt. Tabor, letters and messengers were present from all the churches, now increased to 14 in number. Ministers. — James Moody, Joseph Oliver, J. A. Clark, G. C. Sparrow, John Eoan, John Estes, J. G. Swinney, S. K. Kellum — who afterwards became a wreck — and G. W. Simmons; five of whom only were in any measure active in the ministry. The missionary reported forty -nine days' labor and $68.95 collected. At this session some discussion arose on the motion to strike out the sixth article in the constitution, as follows : " Giving or re- fusing to give money for missionary purposes, shall be no bar to fellowship." The motion was lost by a large majority. The association (it took the name of "Macon" this year) met in 1866 at Eock Creek Church, Knox County, September 8th. It consisted of thirteen Churches. — Novelty, 15 ; Bethlehem, 19 ; Blanket Grove, 86 ; Mt. Tabor, 109 ; Eock Creek ; Chariton Grove, 51 ; North Fork, 75; New Salem, 41; Union Grove, 16; Macon, 26; Mt. Salem. 167; Chariton Valley, 25; Dover, ; total member- 506 , iMACON ASSOCIATION. ' ship, 630 ; baptisms, 84. The following additions had been made to the ministerial force: J. B. Johnson, B. F. Powers, William Johnson and T. M. Colwell. The latter, an active and efficient preacher, was pastor at Macon City, a railroad junction, and the principal town in the bounds of the association. By way of pro- moting education, the association pledged its support to the Mt. Pleasant Baptist College at Iluntsville. The year preceding the session at Mt. Tabor in 1867 was one of i^rosperity. Four churches — Pleasant Grove, Eichland, Eben- ezer and Bear Creek — formerly belonging to North Union Asso- ciation, were on application added to the list this year. The as- sociation was now somewhat in debt to its missionary, and had to appeal to the churches to contribute to pay off the old claim. This is no uncommon occurrence in the state, and is, we feel con- fident, a bad method of doing business. It very generally hap- pens that while a church or an association is raising funds to pay off old debts, but little is accomplished for anything else. We have known church work clogged for j^ears, simply with a debt of a few hundred dollars. This fact of itself indicates very clearly the evil of church debts. We have, however, known glorious exceptions to this rule. Ministers in 1870. — James Moody, Jos. Oliver, James Morris, G. C. Sparrow, J. A. Clark, A. E. T. Brown, T. M. Colwell, M. H. Abbott, J. Wood Saunders, G. D. Brock, J. W. Cook, W. John- son, J. Eoan, E. W. Wisdom, E. K. Basket and L. D. Lamkin. Whole number of churches, 26 ; total members, 1,602. The proposition of Mt. Pleasant Association, inviting the Ma- con Association to consolidate on Mt. Pleasant College — Macon to have half the trustees of said institution — was discussed at this meeting, and finally referred to the churches. The follow- ing year (1871)the proposition was accepted, whereby the Mount Pleasant College became the school of Macon Association as well as of Mount Pleasant. The following were nominated as trus- tees to fill vacancies as they might occur : Stephen Conner, G. W. Saunders, E. H. Lamkin, Jas. Moody, Sr., John Yansickle, Geo. D. Brock, John A. Brown, Andrew Baker and G. C. Sparrow, and Eev. T. M. Colwell became financial agent of the college. The churches of Macon Association, 27 in all, are located in Macon, Adair and Shelby Counties. Macon City, the county seat of Macon, and Kirksville, the county seat of Adair and seat of one of the state normal schools, are in this association, both of which are important centres. The largest church in the associa- MAOON ASSOCIATION. 507 tion in 1879, was Friendship, with 226 members ; the next was Mount Salem, with 215 ; then Union Grove, Shelby County, 178 ; and Macon City, 115. No others exceeded 100. At that session nearly one-half the churches reporting (21) had enjoyed reviv- als, and 179 converts had been added to the churches by baptism. The numerical strength was 1,568. Ministers in 1870.— AWan Parks, J. C. Eckle, D. E. Evans, G. C. Sparrow, W. E. Skinner, J. F. McClellan, E. J. Mansfield, J. C. Shipp, Wm. Johnson, John Eoan, G. W. Jones, E. H. Sawyer, D.D., C. ]Sr. Eay and J. G. Swinney. In 1881 the association was held at Union Grove, Shelby Coun- ty. Jno. II. Thompson, pastor at Macon, had been added to the ministerial corps. The 23 churches Teported an aggregate mem- bership of 1,401, and a moderate degree of prosperity for the preceding year. L. P. Wooldridge was moderator, and E. N. Leyde, clerk. Big Spring Church. — The first settlement in what is now MaT con County was made in 1831, located A miles north of Macon City, and was called Moccasinville. The first Baptist church organized in the county was Big- Spring, in July, 1839, by Thomas Fristoe, aided by A. T. Hite, a licentiate. It was composed of 8 or 9 members, and located in a neighborhood near the northern limits of the county, west- ward from the present town of La Plata. A. T. Ilite was the first minister, having been ordained at the call of the church im- mediately after its formation, by Eld. Fristoe. This church first joined the Mt. Pleasant Association and afterwards (in 1843) became a constituent of the North Union Associartion. Blanket Grove Church. — The second church organized in Ma- con County was not far from the present town of La Plata, in December, 1840, of eleven members, by A. T. Hite, called "Blank- et Grove." In 1868 this church built a new house of worship in La Plata, since which time it has been called by the name of the town. A. T. Hite was for the first ten months pastor, was succeeded by Wm. T. Barnes, and he by O. P. Davis for about two years, when he joined the '* Current Eeformation." Davis was ordained by this church in 1843. Mount Salem Church — bears date from Nov. 13, 1841. It has been a prolific vine. Elds. Wm. Duncan and Benj. Terrill were present and aided in its organization with eleven mem- bers. For a number of years the church met from house to house and in the groves, until in 1854 it built a frame structure, i">08 MACON ASSOCIATION. 30x50 feet, which was replaced by a very neat frame building, well proportioned, finished and comfortable, within the last ten years. In all, from the beginning, there have been 394 names on the church roll. In 1882 the church numbered 210 mem- bers, with M. F. Williams as pastor. Benj. Terrill was the first minister. This church has sent forth by ordination two minis- ters — Samuel Mays and G. D. Brock. Bethlehem (now Sue City) Church. — This church was first organized March 3, 1850, of 12 members, and located in the edge of Knox County, near the present town of Sue City. For two or three years it seemed to prosper; then heresies crept in, much wrangling ensued, many left the church, and the rest went into open communion, first abolished one of the leading articles of Baptist faith, then restored it, and finallj^ dissolved. Some time after this a new organization was effected by the same name, which was dissolved in 1869 and organized as the Sue City Bap- tist Church, of 23 members, and in 1882 had 52 members on the list. Rock Creek Church, — once a member of Macon Association, is in Knox County, five miles west of Edina. It originated May, 1857, with 24 members. J. W. Eowe was their minister. Chariton Ridge Church. — On the fifth Saturday in January, 1864, 16 persons covenanted together, formed this church, and chose Wm. Caldwell as their minister. Its present numerical strength is 75, worshiping in a house 25x40 feet, one-half only of which it owns, the other belonging to the Methodists. "W. R. Skinner was pastor in 1882. The former name of this commu- nity was Chariton Valley, from the Chariton River, near which it was organized and met for one or more years. Macon City Baptist Church, — though neither the oldest nor the largest in the association, is one of the most efficient. In 1882 J. H. Thompson was pastor, the church numbering 103 members. This church contributes statedly to home and for- eign missions and to Bible and Sunday-school work. KiRKSViLLE Church, — situated in Adair County, numbering 65 members in 1879, has struggled for many years, and is in a decidedly improved condition. In 1881 J. C. Shipp was pastor, and it has been gradually gaining in numbers and efficiency. The time of organization of neither of these last named chiirch- es was furnished us. Second Baptist Church, Bevter. — This church was organ- ized April 10, 1870, with five members. The same meeting con- MACON ASSOCIATION. 509 tiinied tifteen days, resulting in 48 additions to the church. In 1882 it had 64 members. Friendship Church, — once the largest in the association, was organized September 28, 1867, by T. M. Colwell and Joseph Oli- ver, with 55 members, and is located seven miles southeast from Macon. W. P. Elliott was the pastor in 1879. Joseph Oliver was the first pastor who filled this office. Joseph Oliver — was born in Clark County, Kentucky, April 14, 1804. He professed religion and joined the Baptist church called Cave Spring in May, 1823. "Wm. Oliver, his father, and all the family moved to Missouri and settled in Howard County in 1825, and united (five members of the family) with Mt. Moriah Church, some four miles from Fayette. In 1828 young Oliver moved to Randolph County and became a member of Dover Church, soon after which he was elected writing clerk and also singing clerk. When the trouble on missions was agitating the churches of Mt. Pleasant Association, Mr. Oliver found himself alone at Dover Church, it having declared non-fellowship for " missions and the institutions of the day." He finally got a let- ter and moved his membership to Huntsville Church. Here, too, he was made church clerk, and was generally sent as a messen- ger to his association. On the third Saturday in September, 1843, upon the call of Huntsville Baptist Church, he was ordained to preach the gospel by Elds. William Duncan and William Mans- field. The first meeting he held was one in his own neighbor- hood. A revival followed and twenty-five converts were bap- tized. He continued in the field of his early labors for five or six years; Elds. W. Duncan, Jesse, Benjamin and J. W. Terrill and Wm. Mansfield being his colaborers. In 1849 he moved to Ma- con County, identified himself with the interests of Macon As- sociation and continued in this field as long as he Jived. Here he labored as pastor of churches, as missionary, in protracted meetings, &c., &c. His gift was mainly exhortational, which classed him among what we sometimes call revivalists. During his ministry he baptized over 300 persons and married 90 coup- les. He died on the 4th of August, 1877, being 73 years, 3 months and 20 days old. His remains were deposited in the graveyard at Mt, Tabor Church, near Atlanta, Macon County, on Sunday, the 5th of the same month, CHAPTER Till. NOETH UNION AND NOETH MISSOUEI ASSOCIATIONS. Disagreement Between Elds. Hite and Stringer — Whenandby Whom N.Union Asbo- ciation "Was Formed — A. T. Hite, His Early Life, Conversion, Kemoval to Missouri, and Pioneer Life — Frontier Scenes — The Pet Pig in the Meeting-house — Lewis Conner — Growth of the Association — North Missouri Associatiox — First Meet- ing — Successor of North L'nion — First Constitution — Amended Constitution — Un- associated Churches — Ministerial Destitution. IN 1843 it was found that the territory of the Mt. Pleasant As- sociation extended from the Missouri Eiver on the south to the Iowa line on the north, and at the session this year it was thought advisable to make another division, whereupon the churches lying northward were lettered off to form a new asso- ciation. Elds. A. T. Hite of Adair County, and Euphrates String- er of Macon County, two leading ministers, disagreeing about the boundary lines, like Paul and Barnabas, parted asunder j and A. T. Hite, with the churches in Adair, Schuyler and a part of Macon County, formed, in October, 1843, at the church on the Fabius, Schuj^ler County, a now association, called " North Union." The rest of the churches, with Eld. Stringer, organ- ized what is now Macon Association. (See the history of said association for particulars.) In the organization of North Un- ion Association there were 10 or 12 churches. (Four or five of these churches had been dismissed from Bethel Association.) The first Baptist church in Adair Count}" was organized in 1838 or '39, by the name of Bear Creek. The founding of this and other early churches in this section of the state will be giv- en somewhat in detail in tlie sketches which are to follow. Archibald Talbert Hite — was the pioneer Baptist preacher of Adair County, being the first to penetrate the forests and hunt up the new settlements of this section of the state for pur- poses of evangelism. And not only did he plant the first church- es that composed it, but was also the father of the North Union Baptist Association. He was born in Clark County, Kentucky, in April, 1803. Be- ing of poor parentage he grew up amidst toil and hardship. When young his father enlisted as a soldier in the war of 1812, NORTH UNION AND NORTH MISSOURI ASSOCIATIONS. 511 leaving many burdens at home on little Archibald, he being the only son. The close of the war found his father a drunkard, which only increased the son's responsibilities. He was com- pelled to ''hire out" to help procure sustenance for the family. Amid all these surroundings he grew up without even the rudi- ments of an education. When 15 years old he could not read, and when listening one day to his employer reading the hymn, " That awful day will surely come," he was struck under convic- tion, and after many struggles and lingering for several years, light fell upon him and he felt the conscious presence and for- giveness of Christ. This was at about the age of 19 years. In 1824 Mr. Hite, now a grown man, was married to a daugh- ter of Peter Scholl, and a grand-niece of the prince of pioneers, Daniel Boone. He moved to Illinois and settled in Morgan County in the fall of 1825. He here first made a public profes- sion of religion and united with the Baptists. The church is now Winchester, Scott County, by which he was licensed to preach. He emigrated to Missouri, settling in Macon County, in 1837, with no Baptist church within less than 40 miles of his home. All this while his heart was burdened with anxiety to preach the gospel J but so poor had been his early advantages that he re- frained. He had many struggles and heart burnings, but finally silenced all objections and commenced the ministry. But what should he do? There were no Baptist churches nor Baptist preachers in those parts. About this time there came along a Doctor Still, a Methodist circuit preacher. Hite attended his meeting in the neighborhood, made his acquaintance, and agreed to accompany him on a two weeks' circuit up the Chariton to Elm Narrows, thence east to the head of the Fabius, and down this stream to a village called Edinburg, thence south to the head of the north fork of Salt Eiver, thence home. Soon after this Eld. Hite made appointments of his own and crowds of the frontier settlers flocked to hear him. Early in his ministry he held a camp-meeting high up on the Chariton, resulting in some 40 conversions. In the winter of 18.38-'9 the seven or eight Bap- tists in his neighborhood came together and agreed to hold reg- ular meetings for worship. In the July following. Eld. Thomas Fristoe visited them and organized them into a church called Big Spring — the first church so far north in this part of Missouri. The meeting was held in the grove near Mr Kite's house. The new church called A. T. Hite as pastor, Eld. Fristoe at once or- dained him, and he ba])tized a number of converts at the close 512 NORTH UNION AND NORTH MISSOURI ASSOCIATIONS, of the meeting. Eld. Hite now put his whole heart into the ministry, visiting and preaching in the newly settled districts, gathering together and feeding the scattered sheep of the fold, baptizing young converts and forming new churches. Not long after his ordination he organized the first church in Adair Coun- ty at the house of Lewis Conner, a few miles northwest of Kirks- ville, and called it ''Bear Creek." A number of the converts at the before-mentioned camp-meeting became members of this church. The second church formed was at the house of Dr. BroAver, which took the name of "Highland;" and still another during the same season on Salt River, called " Bethel." At this time there was no other Baptist minister near, so that Mr. Hite be- came pastor of these churches, although he continued his itiner- ating. And thus he labored for some years. Some one commu- nicated the facts to the American Baptist Home Missionary So- ciety, it made an appropriation of funds to this field, and Brother Hite became the missionary of the society for two years. An enemy circulated an evil report about him and the society with- drew its help, but he continued his labors as before, and subse- quently received an appointment from the General Association of Missouri, which greatly aided him in his labors. During all these days of toil and devotion to the cause, his efforts were sup- plemented by an industrious and self-sacrificing wife. His labors were extended as far to the northwest as to what is now Putnam County. Over these vast fields he sowed the seed of divine truth, and the day of reckoning alone will reveal the results of A. T. Hite's labors for the Baptist denomination in the country now designated as the counties of Adair, Macon, Scotland, Schuyler, Putnam and Sullivan. He had as cotemporaries Elds, Thomas Fristoe, Benjamin Terrill, P. N, Haycraft, Lewis Conner and others. Quite a number of very interesting incidents in his life might be told, illustrative of the times in which he lived and of which we write. He once made a tour west of the Grand Chariton in company, I think, with P. N. Haycraft. The first appointment was at a private house, made at the solicitation of the owner. When they reached the place they found that the family had re- cently moved into a partly finished new house. To this they proceeded — found about a dozen men and women, besides chil- dren, collected together to hear preaching, and the husband and two or three of the boys off on a boar hunt. Under these circum- NORTH UNION AND NOllTH MISSOUEI ASSOCIATIONS. 513 stances services were begun and soon their annoyances were greatly increased by a pet pig which could not be kept out of the doorless house. On another occasion, up in Putnam County, he filled an appointment at a private house, where only some half a dozen women had come in to hear the new preacher, and even the man of the house absent and engaged, as his wife said, in making a hog pen. He came in, however, before the services closed, and requested the minister to preach at night, saying there would be a better congregation. This was agreed upon. The audience was dismissed and dispersed, and Eld. Hite remained for dinner. It was now nearly 2 o'clock, P.M. Mr. Hite having traveled from early morning, was very much fatigued and very hungry. See- ing no signs of dinner, he sallied forth into the yard, where he found one of the smaller boys turning at a hand-mill fastened to a stump, and on inquiry found that the boy was grinding meal for dinner. He took hold, helped the boy, and soon they sent in a bowl of fresh meal for dinner. We have no account of the labors of Eld. Hite after he moved to Howard County, which was about 1851 or '52. In the last named year he was a member of Mt. Pleasant Association as a messenger from Walnut Grove Church, and the year following from Chariton Church, of which, we think, he remained a mem- ber until his death, which occurred March 7, 1864, under very peculiar and sad circumstances. He resided about eight miles northeast from Glasgow. Late in the afternoon of the day preceding his death, his wife (of his second marriage) left home to spend the night with a neighbor, leaving old Brother Allen, of Eoanoke, to spend the evening with the husband. Suddenly they were startled by a noise on the piazza and a shout of, " Surround the house, boys," when a man entered the house with a drawn revolver and demanded Elder Hite's money, which he at once gave him, amounting to about $13. With this the highwayman was not satisfied, and, in cold blood, shot him through and through, from which he died in about eigh- teen hours. By his request Eld. Noah Flood preached a sermon at his burial. He was calm and perfectly resigned, and died in hope of a blessed immortality.* Lewis Conner, — who for some years was numbered among * A. T. Hite was at different times pastor of the following churches : Big Spring, Highland, Bear Creek, Fabius, North Union, Lynn Grove, Friendship, Providence, Bethel, Liberty, Long Eidge, Blanket Grove, Sugar Creek and New Hope. He bap- tized during his ministerial life about 1,300 persons. 33 514 NORTH UNION AND NORTH MISSOURI ASSOCIATIONS. the pioneer preachers of North Missouri, was born in Shelby County, Kentucky, June 6, 1816. His father, Philemon Conner, dying while he was quite young, he was sent to Missouri to live with his brother "Washington Conner, then near Fayette. Sub- sequently he learned the tanners' ti'ade with Mr. Eli Bass of Boone Count}', and at the age of 21 years married Elizabeth Wilhoite, daughter of Deacon Stephen and Sarah Wilhoite of Boone County. A short time after his marriage he was conver- ted under the preaching of Fielding Wilhoite and became a mem- ber of Bethlehem Baptist Church, and at once commenced to exhort sinners to repentance, under a license from the same church . In the early part of 1839 he settled in Adair County, several miles northwest of where Kirksville now stands, and the same year went into the constitution, at his own house, of the first church in the county, called Bear Creek. He continued his la- bors in this part of the state for about nine years, being only a licentiate, and in 1848 returned to Boone County, where the fol- lowing year he buried the wife of his youth, she having died of consumption. He spent several years in Boone and Eandolph Counties, was ordained by Providence Church, Boone County, and in 1851 returned to Adair County, having, just before, mar- ried Miss Maiy J. Bradley as his second consoi't. He now gave his time to frontier work in Adair and Schuyler Counties, and greatl}' aided in building up the Baptist cause in manj^ a com- munity not previously much acquainted with the principles of the denomination. His home church authorized him to establish "arms," which subsequently grew into independent churches. After much hard labor and exposure he was taken sick early in the winter of 1854, of pneumonia, and after an illness of five weeks of intense suffering patiently endured, saying all was well, he fell asleep January 5, 1855, universall}' beloved, leaving two children by his first wife and three by his second, all of whom professed a personal faith in Christ. The j'oungest son bears the name of his father, Lewis. The memory of this good man is yet fresh in the minds of the few remaining members of his generation, and their immediate descendants. The North Union Association continued to grow in numbers and eflSciency until about the year 1861 or '62, when it ceased to nieet. We have, however, none of the particulars. The present Xorth Missouri Association may be regarded as in some measure its successor, as it occupies in part the field of old North Union. NORTH UNION AND NORTH MISSOURI ASSOCIATIONS. 515 ' In 1855 the twelfth annual session was held at Lancaster, Schuyler County. The following churches sent letters and mes- sengers: Fabius, 169; Liberty, 75; Bethel, 35; Providence, 71; Bear Creek, 124; Friendship, 32; Mt. Pleasant, 18; Lynn G-rove, 65; Big Creek, 18; Mt. Salem, 27; Elm Narrows, 19; making a total of 653 members. The churches reported 137 baptisms, of which 72 were from Fabius and 38 from Bear Creek. The ministers' names at this date, as indicated by the table, were W. Seamster, H. H. Parks, T. S. Myers and E. A. Pat- terson. The association promoted evangelism in a moderate degree, through the agency of an executive board, composed of W. Con- ner, S. Parker and Wm. P. Eippey. They were authorized to draw on the treasurer to the amount of funds on hand. S19 on pledges made the preceding year were paid in, and a collection made on the Sabbath to the amount of S15.40, making $34.40 for missions. Fox Eiver, Mount Pleasant, Wyaconda and Middle Fork Associations were on the list of correspondents. In 1860 (our latest records) the association had grown to 21 churches and 1,067 members. There were 144 baptisms this year. South Fabius, a new church, was admitted in 1859 ; and Pairview, Oak G-rove, New Bethel, Union and Pleasant Hill Churches in 1860. The meeting was held at Edinburg in Scotland County. At the former session a resolution to drop the term United, and be known simply by the name Baptists, was lost, and the matter was referred to the churches ; but no report was made in 1860, and we know not what became of the jjroposition. Ministers. — H. H. Parks, Wm. Seamster, E. Starbuck, tf. W. Simmonds, Norman Parks, James W, Fee, L. J. Boothe, E. K. Basket, G. J. Line, A. Huckaby, B. F. Morrow, Peter Sutter, John Starkey, Wm. Eowland, B. Shoemaker and C. W. H. Bent- ley. NORTH MISSOURI ASSOCIATION. Strict adherence to the plan of this work would have placed the sketch of the North Missouri Association in a different j^art of the book ; but inasmuch as it is in reality the proper succes- sor of the old North Union Association, its history is placed in this relation to it. The first meeting of the North Missouri Associatiou was held with the Fabius Church, in Schuyler County, commencing Sept. 4, 1868. Messengers were present from four churches, viz. : Fabius, '91 members ; South Fabius, 24; Pleasant Grove, 27; and 516 NORTH UNION AND NORTH MISSOURI ASSOCIATIONS. Bethel, 7 ; in all, 149; all of which churches had been members of the North Union Association. Ministers. — E. Starbiick, C. Daughters, G. J. Lyne and J. L. D. Williamson. The constitution adojjted was substantially that of the United Baptists, but theyleft off the prefix "United," and used the simple cognomen Baptist. The war left most of the churches in this part of the state with their organizations uninterrupted, but few of them, however, had any associational connection. This state of things called forth the following in this meeting of the North Missouri Asso- ciation: "Whereas, We learn that there are a number of unassociated churches within the bounds of this association, and feeling that 'in union there is strength,' and "Whereas, This body has been organized in faith, and is a per- manent organization ; therefore, " Resolved, That we heartily invite all such churches to unite with us and co-operate in advancing the Redeemer's kingdom." Also the following on another subject: "i2esoZuefZ,That this association recommend to each of the church- es composing it to organize and sustain the year round, at their places of meeting, and at as many other places in their bounds as may be profitable, a Baptist Sabbath-school, furnished with a library from the Baptist PuUlication Society." The officers of this first meeting were C. Daughters, modera- tor, and J. M. Epperson, clerk. The circular letter was a well prepared document on "Brotherly Love — Its Manifestation Es- sential to the Prosperity of the Church." At a subsequent meeting the constitution was somewhat amen- ded. The association gathered strength and numbers slowly, there being at the end of its fifth year (1873) only one church — the Fabius — that had over one hundred members. Its membership was 107. The smallest in numbers was Lancaster, with 11 mem- bers. A missionary board was appointed, consisting of one mem- ber from each church, then numbering 10 with 410 members. Nothing was accomplished in this way, and in 1874 an executive board, of "three brethren, full of good works," was chosen "to have the oversight of the missionary business ; " and the mission- ary was instructed to make collections wherever he preached. His salary was one dollar per day. From the minutes of September 6, 1879, held at South Fabius, NORTH UNION ANH NORTH MISSOURI ASSOCIATIONS. 517 Schuyler County, we gather that something had been done to supply the vast destitution in North Central Missouri, but by no means what ought to have been accomplished. Sixteen churches were on the roll, the most of which were in Schuyler County. Only 11 of the 16 were represented. In these there were 593 members. The ministerial destitution seemed even greater than church destitution, there being only five preachers in the entire association, viz. : W. A. Hatton, W. B. Shoemaker, E. Kinman, Thomas Brassfield and B. P. Ford. Coatesville, Schuyler County, entertained the association, com- mencing September 2, 1881. Eev. A. J. Alexander had been added to the list of pastors. Eleven churches were on the list, whose entire reported membership was 593. CHAPTER IX. NOETH LIBEETY ASSOCIATION. Why Formed, and When — " United Baptists " and Their Principles — War with the Anti-Missionaries — Fishing Eiver Association, Her Strange Action — Meeting-houses Closed — Eld. Boulware's Pamphlet — Constituent Churches — Sketches of New Hope, Eichmond, Little Flock, Second Liberty, and Pleasant Eidge Chin-ches — Early Ministers — Thomas Eigg — Circular Letter on Missions — Luke Williams — Franklin Graves — Schools and Colleges — W. C. Ban-ett^H. M. Eichardson — W. H. Thomas — O. P. Moss — Tables — Northwestern Association. THE North Liberty Association was organized April 27th, 1844, in the very heart of Fishing Eiver, the strongest anti- missionary association in the state. It numbered, all told, when organized, 5 churches, 5 preachers (one of whom was a licentiate), and 234 communicants.* The constituent churches were, the Second Baptist, Liberty, Clay Co.; Pleasant Eidge, Platte Co.; First Baptist, Eichmond, Eay Co.; New Hope, Clay Co.; and Little Flock (now Lebanon), Clinton Co. In 1844 the association published a circular letter, written by Jabez Shotwell, giving an extended account of the causes which led to its organization. The letter was a well-written document and merits a place just here, but it is too long. The writer clearly shows that the churches of the North Liberty Associa- tion adhered to the original principles of the United Baptists, on which the Fishing Eiver, the first association in western Mis- souri, was organized, and that the said Fishing Eiver frater- nity violated its own constitution, as in 1843 it opened corres- pondence with the Two Eiver (so-called) Old School Associa- tion. As early as 1841 the Fishing Eiver Association com- menced its crusade against what she called modern institutions, advising the churches to " stand aloof from all those modern things Avhich are continually crj-ing, ' money, money.' " Such was her prejudice against the friends of benevolence, that some of her churches closed their meeting-house doors against them and their ministers. (See history of Fishing Eiver Association in PEEIOD THIED.) New Hope Church, — the oldest in the association, located in * Dr. A. P. AVilliamsiii Central BnpfiHt. NORTH TJBEUTY ASSOCIATION'. 510 Clay Count}', 12 or 15 miles easterly from Liberty, was organ- ized in 1829. Eld. Solomon Kinney became the first pastor, and at the end of two years the church split on the communion ques- tion, Eld. Kinney going with the free communionists, leaving but 15 members who held to the original articles of faith. By these Eld. Thomas Bigg was chosen pastor, and continued in this relation for three years. In August, 1843, Eld. Eobert James took charge of the church, and his labors were much blessed, so that in the year following the church numbered 94 members. This church first united with Fishing Eiver Associa- tion, but was granted a letter of dismission in 1843, and united with the brethren in resisting the encroachments of the anti- mission element. Its numerical strength in 1881 was 114, and Eev. T. H. Stephens, of William Jewell College, was pastor. First Baptist Church of Kichmond. — From the month of November, 1840, this church existed as an arm of the First Bap- tist Church of Lexington, but subsequently was granted letters of dismission to go into an independent organization, which event was consummated on the third Saturday of March, 1842, by the aid of Ecv. A. P. "Williams; 23 members were in the or- ganization. The articles of faith adopted were the same nearly as those laid down in the Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge, She first joined the Blue Eiver Association. A. P. AYilliams was chosen pastor, and had gathered by 1844 a membership of 94. In 1878 the church suffered the loss of its house of worship and several of its members, by a destructive cyclone that passed through the town in June of that year. Little Flock (now Lebanon) Church. — This church, located in Clinton County, about ten miles north of Plattsburg, the coun- ty seat, was constituted on the 20th of September, 1842, of nine members, by Thomas Eigg, Thomas Dunegan, A. C. Bragg and W. L. Butts. Eld. Eigg was the first pastor, and was succeeded by Franklin Graves, J. D. Wilson, W. C. Batchelor, J. E. Hughes, J. D. Black, W. H. Marshall and W. C. Barrett. "After her con- stitution she petitioned the Fishing Eiver Association for mem- bership m that body, but was rejected without a reason being assigned by the association." In 1862 the church held a meeting conducted by the pastor, Bro. Black, and the late Wm. Thompson, continuing six weeks, and resulting in 55 accessions. The church now numbers 160 members, with D. G. Saunders for pastor. Second Baptist Church, Liberty, Clay Co. — 'Dr. A. P. Wil- 520 North mbertv association. liams was insirumental in gathering this church. It was formed May 19, 1843, of members — 13 in all — dismissed from Eush Creek and Mt. Pleasant Churches, and was situated in the hottest of the fight on missions. This body took the lead in the contest in Fish- ing River Association and the formation of North Liberty. The First Church, Liberty, preceded it at least ten years, and having adopted anti-mission views and continued in co-operation with Fishing River Association, forced the friends of benevolence into the formation of the Second Church. The membership of the First Church, in 1850, was 60 and 16 years thereafter had decreas- ed to 36 in number. Immediately after the Second Church was organized, Eld. A. P. Williams was chosen pastor, and the church grew in numeri- cal and moral force under his ministry, so that when it was eight years old it reported a membership of 134. Its pulpit has been filled by manj^ of the foremost preachers of the denomination in the state, while some of the leading laymen have been numbered amongst its communicants. This church, too, is situated under the shadow of William Jewell College, giving membership to the faculty and many of the students of that institution. The church numbered, in 1879, 235 members, being one more than the entire membership of the association in 1844. Eld. B. (x. Tutt, in 1882, was pastor. The Pleasant Ridge Church — was constituted January 27, 1844, by Elds. A. P. Williams and P. N. Haycraft, of 10 mem- bers dismissed from Unity Baptist Church. " They were induced to take letters and go into a new organization by the opposition of Fishing River Association to the freedom of thought and ac- tion in respect to the mission cause, and by the Unity Church joining in that opposition." The church is located about three miles east of the town of Weston, in Platte County. A. P. Wil- liams was elected pastor soon after the organization was com- pleted, and when the church was nine months old the original 10 members had become 57. Williams continued in the pastoral ofiice for ten years, and was succeeded by Wm. Price, W. H. Thomas, Isaiah T. Williams and others. During the first year of Dr. Williams' pastorate, that is in 1844, the church built a commodious brick edifice for worship, 35x55 feet, which was burned in 1855 and rebuilt the same year. This has ever been an efiicient body, and has a total membership of 113, and the pas- toral services of Eld. E. H. Foster. From its earliest history the North Liberty Association exhib- NORTit LIBERTY ASSOCIATION. .^21 ited a genuine spirit of progress, most of its early ministers, as A. P. Williams, one of its founders, and J. D. "Wilson, Franklin Graves, Robert James and others being men of broad and com- prehensive views, doing a good Work in laying the foundation for a vigorous institution, as the association proved itself to be. Within little more than a year from its origin the membership had increased one hundred per cent., although the enemies of the move- ment had predicted that "the few feeble churches that formed this association would soon be abandoned and perish." But they were not abandoned, neither did they perish, but have since grown to be one of the strongest associations in the state, num- bering in 1881, after having given off quite a number of churches to other sister communities, 50 churches, and over 4,000 members. The details of the work in this association are much the same as in other institutions of a similar kind, and will be therefore omitted: in place of which, however, there will be found many facts of special interest grouped together in the tables at the end of this sketch, such as a record of its meetings and officers, and the date, location and j^rogress of the churches. Thomas Rigg, — a laborious minister and pastor of Little Flock (now Lebanon) Church, died in the latter part of Sept., 1844. He w^as full of zeal in the Master's vinej^ard, a man of pious and exemplary life, and very highly esteemed bj^ those for whom he labored. In 1845 the ministerial corps of the association consisted of Franklin Graves, Robert James, Luke Williams, Jr., W. P. La- nier, Jonas D. Wilson and A. P. Williams. Correspondence had been opened with Blue River, Platte River and North Grand River Associations. This year also the association became aux- iliary to the General Association of the state, and sent A. P. Williams, J. Shotwell, T. Herndon, W. D.Hubbell and E. Stout as messengers to its next meeting. Eld. J. S. Smith was elected missionary in 1848 to " visit and preach to the destitute churches and neighborhoods in the bounds of the association, and to continiie the entire J'ear, provided he was sustained." The following circtiiar letter was published by order of the association in the year 1848, and was substantially an end of the controversy on missions in Western Missouri. It is an elabor- ately prepared paper, and for clearness and force of argument has seldom, if ever, been excelled. Relieving it of an apparent redundancy, we give the argument in full. 622 NORTH LIBERTY ASSOCIATION. " Dearly Beloved Brethren : Pursuant to the order of our as- sociation at her last annual meeting, we propose for your consid- eration — " The grounds upon ivhich our missionary operations are founded. " Feeling that the subject is an important one, and thatwe are but poorly qualified to discuss it, we invoke the Divine assistance and crave your indulgence. " Circulars as a general thing get but a cursory reading and are then forgotten. Shall this be the fate of the present? God forbid ! Let every brother and sister into whose hands it may come read it thoroughly, Bible in hand, with the view of ascer- taining the truth in regard to the subject on which it treats, and then file it away for future reference. " 1. We found our missionary operations on the belief that the world is to be filled with the knowledge and glory of God. This we gather from prophecy. God's promise to Abraham in Genesis 12 ; 3, and 18 ; 18 and 22; 18, is prophetical. His seed through whom all the families of the earth are to be blessed in Christ (Gal. 3 ; 16.) "This promise will be fulfilled. The Father's promise to the Son (Psa. 2 ; 7, 8) is also prophetical. 'Ask of me and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost part of the earth for thy possession.' Of the kingdom of God it is said (Psa. 145; 13): 'Thy kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and thy dominion endureth throughout all generations.' Also, ' He shall have dominion from sea to sea, and from the rivers to the ends of the earth.' See also Matt. 8 ; 11 and Eev. 7 ;9. From these and similar predictions we anticipate the period when the world shall be filled with the knowledge and glory of God. "2. In accomplishing this glorious result, God will employ hu- man instrumentality. This position we prove by declarations from both the Old and the New Testaments — declarations pro- phetic and didactic. Isaiah 49 ; 22, 23. Please turn and read the text. This gracious promise was in part fulfilled in the kings of Persia, when they patronized Ezra and iNTehemiah in the re-or- ganization of their nation, and the rebuilding of their city and temple. But it is more gloriously fulfilled in the missionary en- terprise. "Daniel 12;4 : 'But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.' What can this refer to but the active labors of faithful gospel ministers, and mission- NORTH LIBERTY ASSOCIATION. r)2B aries of the present day? How is knowledge increasing through their instrumentality, and also by means of the Bible Society. " But let us come to the ISTew Testament. At the birth of our Lord a heavenly messenger announced that the glad tidings of great joy should be to all people. To this end 'the gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world, as a witness unto all nations.' That God will employ human instrumentality is proven by His representing the churches as the * salt of the earth,' ' the light of the world,' and His subsequent command, ' let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in Heaven ' (Matt. 6 ; 14, 16). It is also proven by the fact that the Savior, just before his ascen- sion, said to His disciples, ' Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.' It is also proven by those pas- sages of Scripture which represent the truth as the medium of faith and the instrument of sanctification. As a medium of faith, John says (chapter 20; 30), 'many other signs truly did Jesus, which are'not written in this book, but these are written that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, and that believing ye might have life through His name.' Again in Eomans 10 ; 13-15 (let the pas- sage be read), ''How shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard, and how shall they hear without a preacher, and how shall they preach except they be sent?' " 3. We found our missionary operations on the property which God has in us. We are the Lord's by creation, Acts 17; 28, by providence, Isa. 1 ; 2, and by purchase, 1 Cor. 6 ; 20. All we have belongs to Him also. It is right that God should have His own, and that He should be served with, and by His own. " 4. We found our missions upon apostolic example. Our Lord's commission, 'Go ye into all the world, and preach,' &c., was cer- tainly understood by the apostles, and their acts are a standing commentary upon it. How did they obey it? Let us see. At the first, the 'mystery,' 'that the Gentiles should be fellow-heirs, and of the same body, and partakers of His promise in Christ by the gospel' (Eph 3 ; 4, 6), was hidden from the eyes of the apostles, hence for some time they ' preached the gospel to the Jews only' (Acts 11 ; 19). Peter finally arrives at Joppa, where in the vision, he is taught to call no man ' common,' but to re- gard all men as interested in the ' common salvation.' He was here taught that ' God is no respecter of persons' (Acts 10 ; 34, 35). " The church at Jerusalem calls Peter to account for going un- o24 North liberty AssociAMoN. to the G-entiles. He makes his defense — light beams into the minds of the bi'otherhood, and the truth is discovered that to the G-entiles also Grod is ' granting repentance unto life' (Acts 11 ; 18). In the meantime ' men of Cyprus and Cyrene ' come to Antioch, and, to the G-recians, 'preach the Lord Jesus.' The hand of the Lord is with them, and ' a great number believe and turn to the Lord.' ' Tidings of these things' reach the 'ears of the church at Jerusalem,' and behold Barnabas is sent forth to go as far as Antioch (Acts 11; 22). This is the beginning of mis- sionaryism in the church. "Kot long after Barnabas came to Antioch, the call for mis- sionary labor became so great, that he deemed it prudent to have an 'assistant' and consequently sent for Saul. For 'a whole year they assembled themselves with the church and taught much people.' (Verse 26). " After the church had increased, and other teachers had risen up amongst them (Acts 13 ; 1) so that Barnabas and Paul could be spared, the Holy Ghost demanded their separation to the work to which he had called them. The church obeyed, and af- ter laying hands on them, sent them away (Ver. 3). For a mo- ment note God's economy. Jesus commissions and the church co-operates. We are workers together with Him (2 Cor. 6 ; 1). May we not infer that what was God's economy then, is God's economy now ? "5. Missions are founded upon the fact that the missionary spirit is essential to the co-operation of the church with God in the great work of evangelizing the world. " 6. In the sixth place we found our missionary operations on what might be called a maxim in the gospel, viz.: ' Whatsoever ye Avould that men should do to you, do ye even so to them' (Matt. 7 ; 12). We have the means of coming to a just conclusion, both as it respects the destitute at home and the heathen abroad, and we can by an eifort of the imagination change conditions with them and then ask ourselves how we would have them act toward us. Would we have them make no effort to supply us with the Bible, the living ministry of the word, and the immun- ities of the church of Christ? We would want no anti-mission nor omission Baptists amongst them. Then of course there should be none amongst us." Tiivj residue of the circular is devoted to the answering of ob- jections, but our space is full, and we can give no more. The above is submitted as an unanswerable argument in favor of mis- NORTH LIBERTY ASSOCIATION. 525 sions, and embodies the sentiments of the North Liberty Associ- ation at the time of her greatest conflict with the opposition. In the year 1849 the location of William Jewell College was fixed at Liberty, Clay County, whereupon the North Liberty As- sociation very cheei'fully supported the enterprise as follows: ^^ Resolved, That we feel highly gratified that the Baptist Col- lege of Missouri has been located at Liberty, Clay County, and that we will heartily co-operate with the originators by our coun- sels and our means." {Minutes North Lib. Asso., 1849, p. 5.) At this session also Elds. J. D. Wilson and Eobert James were elected as itinerants, and the sum of $68.50 was subscribed by members of the association to aid in their support. Luke Williams, Jr. — The death of this minister of the gospel is recorded in the minutes of 1849. He was the son of Luke Wil- liams, one of the pioneer preachers of Missouri. He was baptized by Eld. John Jackson, of Cass County, and united with a church called Union, by which he was subsequently licensed to preach. He afterwards moved to Clinton County and was ordained a min- ister, but no dates are given. In 1850 the plan of missions was enlarged by the appointment of an executive board, who, the year following, reported that they had done but little, being unable to secure the services of a missionary at $20 a month, to which amount they were limited by action of the association the previous year. Brother Ham- mond had labored fifteen days and was paid $10. The work was continued — a new board was appointed, and the salary was raised to $30 per month. Thus matters continued until 1852, when a new enterprise was originated, resulting in the formation of the Northwestern Association, modeled somewhat after the G-eneral Association of the state. Through this body, for several years, the North Liberty did most or all of its itinerant work. (See Northwestern Association.) The association returned to its former method of work in the year 1858, under an executive board scattered over the entire field, on account of which nothing was accomplished. The matter was remedied in 1859, by locating the board at a central point, Avhich was Haynesville. The members of it were A. D. Stone, W. L. Watkins, S. Gr. Hollingsworth, Spencer Anderson, Alvah Mariett, E. C. Lindsey and N. S. Eiley. The work now moved grandly on. At the end of the second year from the date last named, upwards of $200 had been spent in itinerant labor per- r'ornied by Elds, Morris, J, D, Black and W, C, Barrett, 526 NORTH LIBERTY ASSOCIATION. Owing to the thickness of the war clouds no meeting was held in 1864; but in 1865 11 of the 33 churches sent messengei's to Providence, Clay County, and associational business was resumed. Ministers in 1866.— T>. Anderson, W. C. Barrett, T. W. Bar- rett, Asa N. Bird, Jeremiah Clay, E. IST. Coifee, J. B. Chris- tie, J. D. De Berry, F. Graves, James E. Hughes, B. F, Keuney, John Major, Thomas Montgomery, T. N. O'Brien, E. I. Owen, Wm. Eice, N. Eoberts, E. E. tSearcy, "Wm. H. Thomas and J. Yates. Franklin G-raves — was born in the state of Kentucky, and re- moved to Missouri in 1843. He united Avith the High Hill Bap- tist Church, Saline County, the same year, was soon after licens- ed to preach by the same church, and in ISTovember, 1843, he pro- cured a letter of dismission, removed westward and settled in Clay County, where he became associated with Elds. A. P. Wil- liams, Jonas D. Wilson and others in the anti-mission contro- versy, and in the formation and early history of the North Lib- erty Association. After the death of Eld. Thomas Eigg, the pastor of the Leba- non Church, Eld. Graves was chosen as his successor in 1844, and so continued until 1850, during which period the church was very much built up, having also had 40 additions to her membership. In 1872 his name disappears from the minutes of the associa- tion, but as to whether he died or moved to another field of la- bor we have no information. In a report on ministerial education and colleges, the North Liberty Association, in 1866, committed itself as follows: " It is the opinion of your committee that this association and its churches should urge the young ministers of North Missouri to a higher degree of intellectual culture. For while the sjjir- itual gifts and callings are from the Lord, the intellectual train- ing is of the creature. In a call to the ministry' of Jesus Christ, God does not give a knowledge of letters, but imposes the duty and labor of mental training on him on whom He has bestowed His gifts. While we have the most tender regard for all institu- tions of learning under the patronage of the Baptists, we feel that William Jewell College is paramount to them all. It is the institution of the state, and should be fostered by all. Some of those who gave their labor and means to this college now sleep in death. It is an insult to the memory of these illustrious dead, for us, their children, to let this enterprise fail in our hands. The denomination can yet save their college if they will. We recommend actiofi instead of high-sounding resolutions in behalf NORTH LIBKRTV ASSOCIATION. 527 of the College. Action is the secret of success. In respect to the finances and Condition of the college, we refer you to Bro. O. P. Moss, We will also recommend to your favorable consid- eration the 'Liberty Female College/ located in Liberty. This school is now under the control of Prof. B. W. Yineyard. " Jas. E. Hughes, Chairnian." The North Liberty Association, with its 4,000 members, stands as a beacon-light and tower of strength for the defense and pro- motion of Baptist principles in Western Missouri.* W. C. Barrett — is a native of Wood County, Yirginia, born July 8, 1810, of humble though highly honorable parentage. His grandfather was a soldier in the revolutionary war, and in very early times settled in Yirginia. He was converted and com- menced the ministry in his native county. When a child he was sprinkled into the Methodist church — his parents being of that faith. He dates his first religious impressions back to the fourth year of his age, but did not make a profession of religion until he was about grown. Though brought up in the faith of Method- ism by his parents, the influence of his grandmother (his father's mother), a Baptist of the deepest convictions, proved stronger than that of his parents, and he became a Baptist. His baptism took place in January, 1835 or '36, and he became a member of Mount Zion Church, which belonged to the Parkersburg Associ- ation. Mr. Barrett continued for some years on his farm, culti- vating the soil and occasionally teaching school for the benefit of his neighbors. He was ordained to the ministry August 16, 1845 (Eld. Jesse Wit of Eichmond, Ya., being one of the presby- tery), and at once became pastor of the church to which he be- longed. From 1848 to 1855 he traveled as missionary of the General Association of Yirginia, while at the same time he was pastor of two churches, and for the last two j^ears that he resided in his native state he was moderator of the Parkersburg Asso- ciation. His labors were greatly blessed of the Lord in that country. Through the influence of Eev. W. M. Bell of Miami, Eld. Bar- rett removed to Missouri in 1856; and settling in Clay Count}', he soon after took the field as missionary of the Xorth Missouri Association. He contributed largely to building up the Baptist cause in Clay, Eay and Clinton Counties. The last named coun- * The organization, locality and strength of the churches, the extent of the territory of the association, and many other facts of special interest, ^vill he found in the tables at the end of this sketch. In this case, we found this method more convenient to adopt. 528 NORTH LIBERTY ASSOCIATION. ty he found almost entirely destitute as to Baptist doctrine when he commenced his labors there. He has been directly or indi- rectly instrumental in organizing or building up nine or ten Bap- tist churches in the county. Eld. Barrett is the pioneer of Clin- ton County. He was two years pastor of the Second Baptist Church of Liberty, Clay Countj*, and at Missouri City he labored three years, where he had a prosperous church, until the war came on and changed things somewhat. For eight successive years he presided as moderator over the North Liber- ty Association. His seven children are all members of the Bap- tist denomination, and his oldest son, T. W. Barrett, is pastor of the Baptist church in Jefferson City, and has several times filled the position of chaplain of the state senate. Eld. Barrett is now getting old. He has a pleasant home in Plattsburg, in which place he contributed valuable aid both in founding and in build- ing up a permanent Baptist church, and where he was for three years pastor. Almost all his friends of early life, together with his parents, were members of the Meth- odist church, most of whom became Baptists. Heney McQueen Eichardson. — The subject of this sketch is a native of the state of New York, and was educated at Madison University, where he graduated with the class of 1848. He spent his first year in theology at the seminary at Madison, and the last at Eochester, graduating with the first class of that institution in 1850. His first pastorate was in Hamilton, Ohio, which continued eleven years, commencing with 32 members, and leaving it Avith a membership of 150 ; about 100 of whom he baptized, During Ms stay at Hamilton he built an elegant KEY. W. C. BARRETT. NORTH LIBERTY ASSOCIATION. 529 house of worship, costing $12,000. After two short pastorates in New York, and Ohio again, he settled as pastor of the First Baptist Church in Columbia, Missouri, in 1867. Here he contin- ued nearly four years, baptizing, during the time, forty-five per- sons into the fellowship of the church. From Columbia he went to Fulton, and was pastor there about two years, gathering into the church by conversion and baptism, thirty-two members. In the spring of 1873 he removed to Liberty, the scat of William Jewell College, and became pastor of the Second Bap- tist Church of that place. Here he continued in a successful pastorate until the fall of 1881, baptizing 160 converts into mem- bership in the church. He went directly from Liberty to Mary- ville, Nodaway Co., Mo., where about fifty persons have been added to the church during the first six months of his pastoral period. As a pastor Elder Eichardson possesses the highest qualifica- tions, being excelled by few, if any; and as a gospel preacher, he is plain, practical, intensely interesting and scriptural. In June, 1877, William Jewell College conferred on him the hon- orary title of Doctor of Divinity. William H. Thomas.*— On the 24th of February, 1881, W. H. Thomas, D. D., died at his home in Platte County, being then 74 years, 8 months and 18 days old. He was one of Kentucky's noble sons. In his 15th year he professed faith in the Messiah, and in the year 1833 he was married to Miss Nancy Willis, who was a Christian " help- meet." They reared and educated six daughters, who, in early life, began their march in the footprints of that faith marked out by the father and mother. In every department of study Dr. Thomas' investigations were critical and profound ; in all busi- ness matters ho was exact and exacting. With him yes and no had an explicit meaning. As a husband and father, his affection was deep and tender, yet with unyielding firmness he ruled his own house well. But as a student of God's word and a preacher of the gospel, the worth of Dr. Thomas will not be known fully until the last sheaf shall have been brought in. Having received a liberal education, he was set apart to the office of " bishop " in his 25th year, and soon after entered the field as missionary of the Kentucky Baptist State Convention, continuing this for five years, and many hundreds were converted. In 1850 he removed with his family to Platte County, Mis- * By Jeremiah Clay, in Minutes ^orth Liberty Association, 1881, 34 530 NORTH LIBERTY ASSOCIATION. souri, and became pastor of several churches, proving his super- ior ability as an expounder of God's word. He did much to in- doctrinate and raise the standard of practical Christianity high- er in the bounds of the North Liberty Association. He lived near Camden Point. Oliver Perry Moss— was born in Maysville, Mason County, Kentucky, Sep- tember 26, 1813. He was the son of the late Dr. Moss, of St. Louis County, Missouri. Dea- con Moss was brought by his father to Boone County, Missou- ri, in 1820. He lived with his father until 1831, and during that period was edu- cated at Bonne Femme College in Boone County, by Eev. Eobert S. Thomas, who was the first president of Wil- liam Jewell College. Deacon Moss became a citizen of Clay County, Missouri, Jul}' 4, 1831, and so remained until his death, with the exception of the period of three years, extending from 1841 to '44, when he resided in St. Louis County, Missouri. From his arrival in Clay County, until his temporary removal to St. Louis County, he was engaged in mercantile pursuits in Lib- erty. From 1841, during the residue of his life he was employed in farming, except when he was in public office or in the military service. He was married to Miss Caroline Marjery Thornton, daughter t f the late Col. John Thornton of Clay County, Missouri, De- cember 21, 1837. She survives him. They had no children. He was of a thoroughly martial spirit, and loved the life of a OLIVER P. MOSS. NORTH LIBERTY ASSOCIATION. 531 soldier. In 1846, he volunteered for service in the Mexican war, and was elected captain of the company that was raised in Clay County. It formed a part of the famous regiment of 1st Mis- souri Mounted Volunteers, commanded by Col. Alexander W. Doniphan, and participated in all the marches and actions of "^ Doniphan's Expedition," He achieved an enduring reputation for gallantry and every generous and soldierly quality in that expedition. In 1848 he was elected sheriff of Clay Countj^, and filled that position for two years. In March, 1851, during the progress of a great revival of relig- ion in Liberty, Missouri, under the preaching of Rev. Dr. Na- than Hall and others, he was converted, and was baptized into the fellowship of the Second Baptist Church, in Liberty, by his beloved friend, Rev. E. S. Dulin, D.D. This revival was proba- bly the greatest and most gracious visitation of the Holy Spirit ever known in Liberty. Within a few months after his admis- sion into the church in Liberty he was chosen to be one of its deacons — an office he held until his death. In the latter part of 1853 or beginning of 1854 he was elected a trustee of William Jewell College, a position which he retained during the residue of his life — a period of nearly thirty years. In 1865 he was elected to represent Clay County, in the lov/er house of the General Assembly of Missouri, and served therein one session. In 1868 he was again elected sheriff of Clay Coun- ty, and yet again in 1870. He was stricken with paralysis in August, 1879, and of this he died June 7, 1881, in the full possession of his faculties. He died in the joyous hope of life everlasting, and as though he stood on "Jordan's stormy banks," and saw beyond its waves the battlements of the Holy City bathed in eternal light. He rests in the new cemetery at Liberty, Mo., in the midst of his friends, living or dead. He was essentially a noble as well as a useful man. Sagacious, just and honorable, he filled every station in which he was call- ed to act, with credit to himself and profit to those for whom he labored. An impartial and faithful counselor, an unswerving friend, a far-seeing and admirable citizen, a most loving and confiding husband, who that knew him but admired and esteem- ed him ? The Baptists of Missouri owe him a lasting weight of gratitude. From the beginning of his wife's connection with the Second Baptist Church in Liberty, Mo., in 1844, until his 532 NORTH LIBERTY ASSOCIATION. death, his purse was at their service in all their great dcnoni- iuational enterprises, foreign and domestic. In the opinion of the writer of this sketch — an opinion based on every opportun- ity of knowing — if it had not been for Deacon Moss' firmness and undying hope at a certain juncture, "William Jewell College would have either ceased to exist, or have been so checked in its career of usefulness that its recuperation would have requi- red the lapse of many years. Ardent and enthusiastic, half-hearted in nothing, glowing with hope, full of trust in the mercies of our Lord Jesus Christ, he ever longed to signalize his devotion to his Master's cause by some great and striking act. He enjoyed religion in its inten- sest sense. He was a lover and the church was to him some bright, ideal maiden. His fancy was quick, and his imagination full of martial images. He was a true "soldier of the Cross," and loved in thought to conceive himself in the midst of "fight- ing fields," where the banner of Jesus flamed above himself and his fellow warriors. Never was there a Christian man who so loved that precioushymn of Watts, "The Christian Soldier," nor so felt the battle-spirit in the words: " Am I a soldier of the Cross, A follower of the Lamb ? And shall I fear to own His cause, Or blush to speak His name ? Must I be carried to the skies, On flowery beds of ease, "While others fought to win the prize, And sailed through blood v seas?" TABLE OF THE CHUECHES OF NOETH LIBEETY ASSO- CIATIOX, 1879. Churches. bO Counties. By WhomCon-\ former Pastor, stitutea. Albany - Bee Creek Bethel _ - Breckenridge Cameron - Crab Orchard Centenary Cottage " ) Grove J 1839 1872 1868 1866 1846 lOSjRav 60 Platte Andrew Caldwell 6 7115 1870:i2l 67 Clinton Daviess Caldwell A. F. Randall, G. A. Crouch J. B. Christie, J. Yates B. F. Smith, S. Pugh R; C. Hill B. Whitely Joseph Yates B. F. Smith IR. C. Hill Present Pastor. J. E. Simpson Jer. Clay J. Roan F. J. Leavitt 1 J. H. Garnett A. PfisUiP NORTH LIBERTY ASSOCIATION. 53S TABLE OF CHURCHES OF NORTH LIBERTY ASSOCIATION, Cuntlnued. Churches. 1^ 5; ^ •S. S ^ Counties. .^^ WhomCon. stvtuted. Former Pastor. Present Pastor, Concord - Crooked \ Eiver j Enon Elm Grove Fishing Kivcr Garden \ Prairie ) Gosneyville Haynes^^^le Hamilton - Hickory \ Grove j Hopewell - Kearney Knoxville Lathrop Lebanon - Lickfork Liberty Lisbonville Mirabile Mt. Carmel Mt. Vernon Mt. Zion Mt. Zion - Missouri City Missouri 1 Valley/ Xew Hope Olive Branch Osborn Park vi lie - Pisgah - Plattsburg Pleasant ") Grove / Pleasant ) Ridge / Providence Eichmond Rising Sun Rock Falls Smith's Fork Stewartsville Union Weston Platte City South Gale 1857,21 1859 121 Clinton 49l 91 30 186815 1856 34 1868 1866 1847 1870 1842 1869 1843 1867 1870 1856 1844 11 1866 17 10 1868 25 1829 — 1849 1854 1844 1844 1846 1842:23 1860 1866 1851 1853 J_ 62 201 53 105 176 94 235 35 41 93 150 81 63 41 139 Platte Clay Clay Clinton Caldwell Caldwell Clav Ray Clinton Clinton Daviess Clav W. C, Barrett G. L. Black W. C. Barrett A. W. Chambliss G. L. Black E. H. Foster W. Pu Rothwell C. M. Brown, A. N. Bird W. C. Barrett C. M. Brown W. C. Barrett J. F. Rarden A. Baker T. Rigg, T. Dunegan, A. C. Bragg, W. L. Butts A. P. Williams Caldwell Clinton Clay Platte Clinton Clay Buchanan Clav G. W. Smith, Jno. Harman W. H. Thomas, J. Clav DeKalb Platte Ray Clinton Platte Platte Clay Ray Clinton DeKalb Ray Platte Platte Peter Swain, M. Ivline A. K Bird, T. Montsomerv S. H. Carter F. J. Leavitt A. P. Williams J. W. Luke W. W. Odum J. M. P. ]\Iartin J. W. D. Hunt R. H. Jones D. G. Saunders A. Pfister H. M. Richardson S. H. Carter Swain and Kline, jointly T. Montgomery G. W. Everett Jer. Clay C. W. Stewart C. G. Rogers C. G. Rogers S. Kimsev S. H. Carter j.T. W. D. Hunt JR. H. Jones D. G. Saunders F. Graves, W.C.Batchelor P. M. Swain A. P. Williams A P. N. Haycraft A. P. Williams W. C. Batchelor W. P. Lanier . P. Williams A. P. AVilliams J. S. Smith J. W. Sacry J. W. D. Hunt W. A. Crouch W. A. Crouch E. H. Foster G. L. Black G. W. Everett S. H. Carter J. H. Garnett J. E. Hughes J. E. Simpson G. W. Everett 534 NORTH LIBERTY ASSOCIATION. THE NOETHWESTERN ASSOCIATION. This association was to "Western and Northwestern Missouri what the General Association was to the state at large. The idea of such an organization for the Northwest, originated at the meeting of the North Liberty Association in 1852, when the following action was taken relative to such an enterprise: " Whereas, The remote distance at which the churches in the Western part of this state are situated from the points at which the General Association of Missouri holds its sessions precludes their correspondence with that body ; therefore, '^Resolved, That it is the opinion of this body that it will be conducive to the interests of religion in Western Missouri, to form a Western Baptist organization for the advancement of domestic missions within the above limits. ^^Resolved, That it is expedient to hold a convention at Pleas- ant Eidge Church, Platte County, Mo., Thursday, before the third Lord's day in November next, for the promotion of the above object." {Minutes of North Liberty Association-, 1852, pp. 5, 6.) The meeting was held at Pleasant Ridge in harmony with the above action, and the new association was organized under the name of '' The Northwestern Baptist Association." The constitution of this body provided that it should be aux- iliary to the General Association, and that its object should be to provide means to supply the destitute of Northwestern Mis- souri with the preached gospel, and that it would, as far as prac- ticable, co-operate with the said General Association in supply- ing the entire state. The first anniversary was held at Pleasant Grove Church, Platte County, in July, 1853. Among the ministry in attendance we notice the names of W. H. Thomas, C. T. Hammond, W. C. Bachelor, James W. Sacry, T. Bradley, T. N. O'Bryant, R. C. Hill, Franklin Graves, L. Allen, A. P. Williams, E. S. Dulin, L T. Williams, and David Anderson. The association prosecuted its objects quite vigorouslj^ for a few years, expending annual 1}' from 8200 to about $800 on the field in preaching the gospel; and then ceased to exist. The latest minutes that have come to hand are for 1856, when the body held its fourth anniversary at Pleasant Ridge Church in Oc- tober of that year. A published list of ministers in the minutes show that at that date there were fifty-five in the bounds of the association. CHAPTER X. OSAGE EIVEE ASSOCIATION-* Organization of — Churches of in 1868 — Resolution on the " Missouri Constitution " — Mixed Communion, Trouble On — J. M. Brockman — E. M. Miller — Methodist Stronghold, &c. ^' rriHE Osage Eiver Association was formed from the pro- _L lific Concord in 1844/' {Benedict's Baptist History, p. 839.) According to the same author, it numbered in 1848 about 500 members, and its churches were in the counties of Camden, Pulas- ki, Miller and Morgan. The OsageEiver, which gave name to the association, passed through its territory. It adopted the consti- tution and articles of faith of the United Baptists. "We have nothing further of the early history of this commun- ity, our oldest minutes being for the year 1868, at which time it was composed of the following Churches. — Big Eichwood, Blue Spring, Union, Elm Spring and Olive Branch, in Miller County; Little Eichwood, Maries County; Pisgah, Pulaski County; Wet Glaze, Camden County; and Pin Oak, county not known. These churches reported an aggregate of 450 members. Pastors in 1868. — Jacob S. McComb, John M. "Williams and E. M. Miller. The association was in full sympathy with the General As- sociation of the state, and recommended all her pastors and churches to make annual collections for its treasury. Besides this, the organization of Sunday-schools and church Bible classes was urged upon the attention of each congregation. "Wet Glaze, Camden County, was the place of meeting in 1869. On this occasion a Sabbath-school convention was organized by the association, with Jacob S. McComb as president, David Mc- Comb as secretary, and James M. Brockman as treasurer. New Salem and Prosperity (new churches) were admitted into the union at this session. The treasurer reported $51.80 contribu- ted to the General Association during the past year, and $22.10 on hand for printing minutes. The twenty-sixth annual meeting was held at Elm Sprins:, Miller County, commencing September 1, 1870, when messen- 536 b^AGE RIVER ASSOCIATIOU. gers W6fe pi*esent from nine churches and one sent a lettei* onlyi At this session a newly constituted church, Fair Plajj made ap^ plication for membership, which after investigation was reject- ed upon the following grounds, named by the committee report^ ing thereon: "That the said church was organized by Eld. Jacob Capps, who had no connection with any church, and against whom other churches had passed resolutions of non-fellowship.** {Minutes Osage River Asso., 1870, p. 4.) By the following resolutions, adopted in 1870, we learn that the association held sessions in 1863 and also in 1865. ''Whereas, The resolution passed by this association in 1865, in regard to the new constitution of Missouri, is useless and offen- sive to sister associations; ''Resolved, therefore, that we hereby rescind that resolution." And again the following: "TFi^ereos, the resolution passed by this association in 1863, is offensive to some of her delegates; "Resolved, therefore, that we hereby rescind that resolution." {Minutes Osage River Associatmi, 1870, p. 4.) As to what these resolutions were, the records are silent, save what is said above of the first one. Flat "Woods Church was received into membership in 1872, when the meeting was held at Blue Spring, Miller County. The association now numbered 11 churches and 546 members. W. M. McCubbin, J. W. Terry and Alfred Devore were appointed an executive board with power to appoint a missionary to labor in the bounds of the association. Said board was also instruct- ed to correspond with the board of the General Association. The following query on communion was presented and answered: " Should a Baptist church retain in her fellowshij) any member who practices mixed communion?" Answered — "No." In 1873 the association met at Union, Miller County. Corres- ponding messengers were present from Zion and Smith Valley Associations. The subject of mixed communion was still troub- ling some of the churches and the following action was taken: "Resolved, That we as an association advise Flatwoods Church to deal with Bro. Thomas Scott for practicing mixed commun- ion, and advancing other heretical doctrines that are hurtful to the church of Christ." The table shows the following summary of statistics : Number of churches, 12; baptisms, 59; members, 585; contributions for jninutes, $17.50; for home missions, $125.35. OSAGIi EIVER ASSOCIAMON. 63? James M. Brockman's — career as a minister was a short one. Se grew up, from the best information we have, in the bounds of Osage River Association. His name appears in the minutes of 1868 as clerk of Elm Spring Church, Miller County. In 1872 his name appears for the first time in the list of ordained minis- ters and as pastor of Little Eichwoods and Wet Glaze Churches, and the following year his obituary was published in the associ- ational minutes, in which he was greatly lamented and denom- inated "one of the ablest advocates in the Baptist family, and one of the brightest members in the Masonic fraternity." EiCHARD M. Miller — was born in Sevier County, Tenn., Nov. 3, 1815, and died April 22, 1871. He professed religion when about fifteen years of age, and united with the Baptist church soon after he came to Missouri, and felt continually im- pressed with the duty of preaching the gospel in the " backwoods," as he said, knowing that his limited education disqualified him for the pastoral work of a town or city. He was a man of fervent piety and considerable usefulness. The Union Church, in Osage County, called for his ordination July 8, 1848. Rev. John Woody, Rev, John Avery and Rev. Thomas Jackson constituted the presbytery. The following year he married Miss Hornsby, a lady of intelligence and piety, and entered upon the work of the ministry with full purpose of heart, extending his labors into the counties of Johnson, Cass, Miller, Maries and Pulaski. He finally settled in Pulaski County in 1851 or '2, in one of the strongholds of Methodism. His faithful presentation of Divine truth soon began to awaken a Baptist sentiment, and in 1852 he organized a church after the primitive order. Metho- dism began to give way, and finally that church disappeared, and the entire community became permeated with Baptist senti- ments. He remained pastor of this church (Pisgah, Pulaski County) and undauntedly preached during the entire time of the war, at the close of which the church was found to be well nigh in ruins. But a few names were found who had not defiled their garments, and under the faithful labors of the pastor the church soon com- menced to increase again, and before long regained its former strength and standing. Three days before his death, while laboring on his farm, he was smitten down with paralysis. His wife found him on the ground helpless and almost speechless. The disease increased until death released the spirH to enter into rest. 538 OSAGE RIVER ASSOCIATION. It is but just to say that much of the growth of the Baptist churches in the thinly settled portions of the state may be at- tributed to the faithful labors and prayers of an unlearned but self-sacrificing ministry. Men of Grod, whose names were unti- tled and unpublished to the world, have digged deep and laid well the foundations on which we are now building up the walls of our spiritual Zion. All honor to their precious names ! CHAPTER XI. WTACONDA ASSOCIATION. The Work of the Pioneers — Wyaeonda from Bethel Association — Its Faith — Con- stitution in Full — "Wyaeonda and Gilead Churches — War Troubles — Fox River, Mother of Churches — Dover, Bear Creek, South Fork, South Wyaeonda, Mt. Salem, La Grange, Sand Hill, and Other Churches — Itinerant Methods — Eesults — Aggression — Foreign and Home Missions — Lemuel Hatcher — Samuel Nieholls — James M. Lillard. THEOUGH the devotion and sacrifices of the pioneer church- es and ministers of Northeast Missouri, Baptist principles made rapid progress, and many new churches were early planted in that country lying northward from what is now Marion County, and the bounds of Bethel Association extended to the northern limits of the state. It was now thought advisable to divide the association, and at the session of 1844, held at Pleasant Eun Church, Scotland County, the following action was taken rela- tive to this subject : " Besolved, That the following churches, viz.: Mt. Salem, Wy- aeonda, Waterloo, Friendship, Dover, St. Francisville, Bear Creek and Fox Eiver were, at their request, dismissed to form a new association, to meet at Wyaeonda Church, Lewis County, for that purpose, on Friday before the fourth Saturday in Octo- ber, 1844— Brethren A. Broadus, Jer. Taylor, B. M. Parks, T. E. Hatcher, J. H. Keach, A. H. Slaughter, A. Lafon, W. Kendrick, L. Brown, J. S. Green, W. Finley, J. F. Smith, J. Kaylor and W. Maffott to attend." (^Minutes of Bethel Association, 1844.) In harmony with this action, a meeting was held at the time and place designated, the new association was formed of the churches above named, and, in honor of the church with which the body first met, it was called " Wyaeonda Association." The constitution adopted was as follows : "From a long series of experiences, we, the Baptist churches of Jesus Christ, being regularly baptized upon a profession of our faith in Christ, are convinced of the necessity of a combina- tion of churches. In order to perpetuate a union and commun- ion amongst us, and to preserve and maintain a correspondence with each other in our union^ we thought proper to maintain and 540 WYACONBA ASSOCIAMON. keep the order of an association, according to the following plan and form of government: " 1. The association to be composed of members duly chosen by the churches in our union, and sent to represent them in the association. "2. The letters from the different churches are to express their numbers in full fellowship, those baptized, received by letter, dismissed, excluded and dead since the last association. " 3. The members thus chosen and convened to be denominated the 'Wyaconda United Baptist Association,' composed of sundry churches lying and being in the state of Missouri, who are to have no power to lord it over God's heritage, nor are they to exercise ecclesiastical power over the churches, nor to infringe on any of the internal rites of the churches in our union. Never- theless, it becomes necessary to have a uniform rule of proceed- ing; {. e., in case an offense may be committed by an individual church which affects any of the sister churches in our union ; the church so offending may be brouglit to trial, and if, in the opin- ion of the association, the church has departed from orthodox principles, or has become disorderly in its practice, the associa- tion shall withdraw from it, and drop it from her union, pro- vided, however, that no query shall come into the association until the usual course be taken upon the subject, as prescribed in the 18th chapter of Matthew. "4. The association, when convened, are to be governed by a regular and popular decorum, which they are authorized to form for themselves. "5. The association to have a moderator and clerk, who are to be chosen by the members present. "6. Any new church may be admitted into the association. Such are to petition by letter, and, upon examination, if found orthodox and orderly, may be received by the association, and manifested by the moderator giving the right hand of fellowship. "7. Ever}^ church in this association shall be entitled to a rep- resentation of four members. "8. It is the business of the association, first — to provide for a general union of the churches; second — to preserve, inviolable, a chain of communion amongst them in order to obtain this de- sirable end; third — to inquire into the cause why the churches do not represent themselves in the association. "9. Amendments to the constitution may be made at any time, by a majority of the members, when they think it necessary." WYACONDA ASSOCIATION. 541 The articles of faith adopted by the association were those found in the Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge, commonly called the "New Hampshire Confession of Faith." Wyaconda Church — was organized August 30, 1829, and by the records was the first Baptist church founded in what is now Lewis County. The church was at first located one mile below La Grange, but subsequently moved to its present site, some ten miles easterly from Monticello, the county seat, and two miles from Canton on the Mississippi Eiver. There were twenty con- stituents members, one of whom, Mrs. Elizabeth Lefler — then a Miss Cannon — was living in 1871. Eld. Jer. Taylor organized the church and became its first pastor. He was succeeded by Elds. Mordecai Boulware, Fuqua and A. Merrill'. Eld. Merrill adopted the views of Alex. Campbell, and was excluded from the fellowship of the "Wyaconda Church during the term of his pas- torate. In 1833 Eld. James M. Lillard was chosen to the pas- toral office, in which he continued uninterruptedly for seventeen years. The church first erected a house of worship in 1837, 24x36 feet, and in 1856 built its present edifice, 40x60 feet, of brick, which was valued in 1871 at $2,500. When the war broke out in 1861, the Wyaconda Church numbered 240 members. Upon revising her list in 18G5, she found herself reduced in numbers to 140, She has but recently passed her semi-centennial, had in 187 9 a membership of 108, with J. M. Lillard as pastor, and contributed regularly to home and foreign missions. GiLEAD Church. — On the 23d of November, 1833, by the vet- eran and pioneer, Jer. Taylor, the Gilead Church was organized with six members, at or near its present location, some seven miles south of Monticello, and some ten miles westerly from La Gran ge. Jer.Tay lor was the first pastor, and continued pai-t of two years. After him J. M. Lillard and P, N. Hay craft served alter- nately as pastors, until 1849, when Eld. John Eowe was called to fill that office. Gilead has been a fruitful vine. From her have gone out into the ministry Elds. J. Shumate, J. M. Holt and Eli- jah Hubbard. In 1841 the church built a log-house to worship in which served a very good purpose until 1854, when a brick house, 40x50 feet, took its place, valued at $2,500. God's people at Gilead have alternated with prosperity and adversity. At one time an extensive revival was enjoyed by the church and 120 souls were converted. But the baneful influence of the war greatly affected this body, and finally resulted in a 542 WYACONDA ASSOCIATION. division. It occurred in this way. The war over, the "Union" members decided that the rest should make a confession of their errors ; but when the test came, they found themselves in the minority and had to withdraw. This they did and formed a new church, which has since then enjoyed a good degree of prosper- ity. " Since the division " (says Brother J. T. "Wallace, clerk of Gilead Church) "peace and prosperity have crowned our eiforts, and we feel that we are what we are, by the grace of God." Eld. C. S. Taylor, grandson of the founder of the church, was pastor in 1882, the church numbering 114 members. Fox EiVER Church — is the pioneer church of Clarke County, having been organized May 7, 1835, with 10 members, by Eld. Jer. Yardeman, in Fox River neighborhood, ten miles east of Kahoka, the county seat. The constituent members were E. P. Mitchell, J. "Wayland, Addison King, John M. King, Rebecca Hay, Rachael Wayland, G. K. Biggs, Ursula Floyd and Prudence King. Eld. J. M. Lillard served the church as first pastor, and in all twenty-three years. He was succeeded by Andrew Broadus, C. Bush, and since 1862, T. J. Musgrove has been pastor. (This was written in 1871.) The church has sent forth by ordination the following ministers: J. Worthington, A. Broadus, J. B. Moncricf, Samuel Kicholls, T. J. Musgrove, S. Picard, R. V. L. Wayland and Henry Moseley (colored). Fox River is also the mother of churches. She divided equal- ly with St. Francisville. This was prior to 1844, as St. Francisville was in the organization of W3^aconda Association that year. Then Honey Creek (now Winchester) Church went off, taking about one-fourth of the membership, this was in May, 1849. Next, about one-fifth of the members got letters and formed Sugar Creek Church. Then Alexandria took a small number of mem- bers. The church worships in a commodious brick edifice, 40x60 feet, which is worth from $2,000 to $3,000. Her membership in 1879 was 109 in number, and R. V. L. Wayland was the pastor. Dover Church, Lewis County, — located six miles west of La Grange and twelve miles southeast of Monticello, was organized Sept. 30, 1837, with eight constituent members, viz.: James M. Lillard, Martha Lillard, Geo. K. Keal, Dulcenia P. Neal, Austin Morris, Nancy Cox, Sarah Morris and John C. Faulconer. This church has also a brick house of worship, first built in 1848, in size 35x50 feet, rebuilt in 1867, valued at $2,500. Eld. James M. Lillard was first pastor and served eleven years, was followed by WYACONDA ASSOCIATION. 543 Eld. John W. Eowe in a nine years' pastorate, and he then suc- ceeded by Eld. James M. Holt, who was still pastor in 1870, when these statistics were furnished. The numerical strength was 125 in 1879. Eld. J. B. Weber then filled the pastoral office. Bear Creek Church, — located in Clarke County, not far from Fairmount, was organized by J. M. Lillard and P. N. Haycraft, with 14 members, July 6, 1839, under the title of Mount Moriah. Eld. Jeptha Smith was first elected pastor — served five years and was succeeded by O. S. Jones in a ten years' pastorate. The house of worship is of brick, 24x36 feet, and supposed to be worth $1,000. The name of this church does not now appear in the minutes of the association. South Fork Church. — In September, 1843, the South Fork Church was organized by J. M. Lillard, with only 5 constituent members. Its location was in Lewis County, twelves miles wes- terly from Monticello. Eld. Jeptha Smith first filled the pastor- al office, then P. N. Haycraft, who was followed by J. S. Hobbs, J. W. Eowe, J. M. Holt and E. D. Truman. The clerk says : *'We built a log house of worship in 1847. About 1860, we built a brick house, but did not finish it. The war came on and the house was much abused. After the close of the war, we found that the house was not centrally located, such had been the changes in our membership. The house was not repaired, and now (1871) we are unable to build, and meet in a school-house." The name of this church does not now appear in the minutes. South Wyaconda Church. — In the Foree neighborhood, Clarke County, eight miles southwest of Kahoka, on the 16th of Janu- ary, 1847, fifteen persons assembled together and were organ- ized into a Baptist church called South Wyaconda, by Eld. Jas. M. Lillard, and called Eld. Chas Y. Maddox as pastor. In 1852 the church built a house of worship which was burned to ashes during the war. In 1880 the numerical strength of the church was 114, and Eld. J. M. Grolden was pastor. Mt. Salem Church. — This was one of the constituent church- es of "Wyaconda Association, and should have preceded the last named. It was organized March 13, 1838, by Elds. Wm. Hurley and A.Broadus : location, Clarke County. It had 101 members in 1880 and Eld. J. Griffith for pastor. La Grange Church, — located in the town of La Grange, the seat of La Grange College, was constituted by Eld. J. M. Lillard and P. N. Haycraft on the 26th of April, 1845, and in 1880 had fi membership of 172, with Eld. J. B. Stark as pastor. 544 WYACONDA ASSOCIATION. Sand Hill Church, — Scotland County, not now on the list, was formed by Eld. Jer. Taylor and P. N. Haycraft, October, 1837. Liberty Church. — On December 29, 1847, near Fairmount, Clarke County, at the house of F. Smith, the Liberty Church was organized with 22 constituent members. The council was com- posed of C.Y. Maddox, J. W.Worthington, J. K. Ball and M. Bas- kett. Eld. Maddox was chosen pastor. The church worships in a brick house built in 1854 valued at $800. Eld. J. M. Golden was pastor in 1880, J. H. Bull, clerk and superintendent of the Sunday-school. Total membership in 1880, 105. Providence Church. — This church bears date of January 22, 1848, and is situated one and a half miles east of Williamstown, Lewis County. The constituent members numbered 12, and Eld. J. W. Eowe was the first pastor and continued in this office ten years. The first house of worship was a log house, 24x32 feet, which was replaced by a substantial frame building in 1867 at a cost of $1,775. Eld. Eobert Wayland was pastor in 1882. Total membershij), 50. Middle Wyaconda. — The church bearing this name was found- ed by Eev. O. Jones January 26, 1850, ;with 15 members. It is in the neighborhood of Memphis, Scotland County. Eld. Jones served the church as pastor until 1858. At the commencement of the war there were 52 members which were reduced to 24 by the year 1870. At that time the church had no house of worship, and its name is not now on the list. Pleasant Eidge Church, — situated in Knox County, was or- ganizedby Eld. J. W. Eowe the first Saturday in Aug., 1855. "This church has had the hardest struggle to sustain herself against Campbellism and all other 'isms, of any church in the Wyacon- da Association." So says John B. Pulis, a former clerk. In 1870 the church worshiped in a very poor log-house, 18x22 feet, but was then preparing to build a new house. Eld. J. W. Eowe was the first pastor. In 1879 the church numbered 33 members. Mt. Pleasant Church, — now one of the efficient churches of Wyaconda Association, located in Knox County,* was organized with 25 members by Eld. J. W. Eowe, September, 1856. Eld. Eowe served the church five years as first pastor, and was suc- ceeded by Eld. E. D. Truman. The church worships in a neat frame house worth $1,200, which was erected in 1868. Eld. ,T. M. Holt was pastor in 1880, the church numbering 104 members. * When the church house was built in 1868, it was located iu Lewis County, where it now worships. WYACONDA ASSOCIATION. 545 Pleasant Grove Church. — For awhile this body was a mem- ber of Wyaconda Association. It has the following brief his- tory: It was organized in Scotland County under the name of West Providence, June 13, 1857, with 20 members, by J.W. Rowe, who served as pastor till April, 1861. From this time till July, 1862, it had no preaching. After this, till October, 1863, C. V. Maddox supplied occasionally. It laid idle from then till June, 1865, when it dissolved, as also did Middle Wyaconda, to consol- idate at the town of Etna. The new church was constituted with 43 members. Eld. C. Ingram was chosen pastor in October, 1865. After one year the church dissolved and moved back to West Providence, and organized under the name of "Pleasant Grove Church," with C. Ingram as pastor. ZioN Church. — On the second Saturday in August, 1858, eight persons met together at Black Oak Grove school-house, eleven miles northeast from Memphis, county seat of Scotland County, and were organized into a Baptist church, called Zion, Eld. Charles Maddox and others, assisting. James B. Moncrief be- came first pastor and was succeeded by William Morris, William Tolton, Joshua Harvey and Phineas Inskeep. Brother Aaron Mattley, the clerk of the church, furnishes the following facts; he says ; " Our first pastor joined the rebel ar- my under Gen. Martin E. Green and died during the war. Our second, Wm. Morris, joined the union army and was killed at the battle of Pittsburg Landing. Our members are united. We tolerate no drinking, gambling in lotteries, or dancing ; and la- bor in love to reclaim, not to cutoff". Our late pastor, P. Ins- keep, died while serving us, and having agreed to pay him $175 per year, we paid his widow that amount, and over. We pay our present pastor. Wm. Tolton, $75 for one fourth of his time." The date of this writing was 1870. MoNTiCELLO. — This is the county seat of Lewis County. 35 members covenanted together and formed a Baptist Church here, December 6, 1863, under the leadership of James M. Holt, who was elected as pastor. His successors were T. J. Musgrove,Wm. Cleveland and J. F. Cook, up to 1870. In the year 1869 the church erected a substantial and commodious brick edifice, 32x52 feet, as a place of worship, at a cost of $2,500. The membership in 1880 was 90, and J. M. Lillard was the pastor. The following churches in the bounds of Wyaconda Associa- tion have been planted since the close of the war: Fairmount, Clark County, December 23, 1865, with 21 mem- 35 546 WYACONDA ASSOCIATION. bers; West Bethel, Shelby County, March 1866, with 14 mem- bers ; Canton, Lewis County, bears date August 11, 1866, mem- bers, 12 ; J. M. Holt became pastor and its present strength nu- merically is 72 with no pastor ; Corinth Church, Lewis County, organized by P. N. Haycraft, October, 1866, with 41 members — Haycraft, first pastor ; Memphis, Scotland County — till recently this and Corinth were in Wyaconda Association; they are now members of some other community of Baptists. The church at Memphis was organized July, 1867, by A. F. Eandall and J. M. Ingold, with 12 members. Up to 1870 the church had no j)astor nor house of worship. When organized, the Wyaconda Association numbered 8 church- es, with an aggregate of 496 members. It adopted, from the com- mencement of its career, an aggressive policy. The first printed records we have of it are for 1850, when it had grown to 18 churches and 916 members, its territory extending into Schuyler and Scotland Counties. The following ministers were, at this date, acting pastors of the churches : P. IST. Haycraft, Moore, J. W. Rowe, O. S. Jones, Ormsby, Samuel Nicholls, C. Y. Maddox, J. M. Holt and Caleb Bush. About three months of itinerant labor were reported, of which C. Bush performed one and a half months; J. W. Rowe eleven days, and Moore one month. The amount of money paid out for this labor was $38. At the close of the session of 1850 there were $125.37 on hand for associational purposes. Pledges from churches and individuals were taken to be paid in 1851 amounting to $102.40. Providing for the salaries of missionaries in this way was a common custom for many years in the Wyaconda Association. The following churches made pledges: Fox River, $4.70; Bear Creek, $7.00; South Fork, $7.00 ; La Grange, $6.60 ; Sand Hill, $4.00 ; South Wyaconda, $6.00; Liberty, $10.00; Providence, $7.00; Honey Creek, $3.00; Ten Mile, $4.00. A number of individuals also made pledges. In 1850 the missionary business of the association was given into the hands of an executive board, and F. Smith, J. V. Lillard, E. Kerfoot, Ralph Smith and C. J. Brent were appointed said board. The next j'ear (1852) $128.46 were paid out for itinerant labors, Eld. C. Bush, under the auspices of the executive board, having performed five months' labor at $20 per month. Eld. O. S. .Tones was appointed a messenger to the General Association. The Wyaconda Association grew steadily in strength and num- bers, so that, in 1858 (our latest records prior to the civil war) WYACONDA ASSOCIATION 547 the total membership was 1,953, distributed among 30 churches scattered over the counties of Lewis, Clarke, Scotland and Knox. One church — Des Moines — was in the state of Iowa. Gilead was the largest, having 217 members ; Dover was next, with 186 mem- bers. Extensive revivals had prevailed in more than half of the churches and 469 were added to them by baptism, of which num- ber 87 were received by G-ilead Church and 48 by La Grange. At the session of 1856 preliminary steps were taken to found an institution of learning, and the establishment, the following year, of "La Grange Male and Female Seminary" was the result. This institution grew into the present "La Grange College," a history of which will appear in this volume under the head of "Institutions of Learning." For the first time, the association published this j^eara list of its ministers, as follows: Caleb Bush, "William Yolton, J. B. Monterief, C. V. Maddox, Orin S. Jones, Jeptha S. Smith, Joshua S. Hobbs, J. M. Lillard, J. W. Eowe, J. M. Holt, Peter Turner and C. J. Brent. The war greatly reduced the churches of this association. Guided by the title page of the minutes, we conclude that in at least one year no meeting was held. It was, we judge, in 1862. In 1863, 13 of the 32 churches met in session at Zion Church, Scotland County. Very little, however, was done, save to lament the distress in the land and to invoke the Divine guidance and protection. In their corresponding letter they say: "By the permission of Divine Providence, after almost the absence of years, we are permitted to send forth this our letter. The church- es with but few exceptions complain of coldness and leanness; consequently the growth in our body is very small. We long to see the day when Christ shall reign as King in Zion, when wars and tumults, conflicts and battling armies shall cease their strifes and men everj^where shall cultivate a spirit of love and friendship." Though many of the churches lost their visibility during the civil strife, yet the faithful and fortunate continued to meet as an association. By the year 1868 a considerable degree of prosperity was manifested in the proceedings. 21 churches were represent- ed, only 3 of which were in Clarke County, there having been a new association formed in 1866 of churches in this county. The total membership in 1868 was 1,674. The association has been, and is yet, an active supporter of foreign and home missions, education, Sabbath-schools and gen- eral denominational interests. In 1870 action was taken as fol- lows on the subject of a denominational paper: 648 WYACONDA ASSOCIATION. " On motion of J. F. Cook, the association earnestly recom- mended the Central Baptist to all her constituent members as worthy of their liberal patronage and support, because it is an able, liberal and sound denominational paper, and the organ of the Baptists of Missouri." {Minutes Wyacond a Association, 1870, p. 8.) By the year 1876 the association again found its bounds too large, and the year following 10 churches, mainly in Scotland County, were dismissed to form a new association (see Pleasant Grove Association). The minutes of this year (1877) exhibit the following summary : Churches. — Antioch, Alexandria, Bethany, Canton, Dover, Edina, Fox Eiver, G-regory's Landing, Gilead, Kahoka, Knox City, La Grange, Luray, Liberty, Lewiston, Middle Fabius, Monticello, Mt. Salem, Mt. Pleasant, New Prospect, Pleasant Eidge, Providence, South Fork, South Wyaconda, South Union, Shiloh, Ten Mile, Union, Winchester and Wyaconda. Total members, 2,341 ; baptisms, 144. Ministers.—^. K. Ball, C. Bush, W. D. Cave, J. F. Cook, Collins, S. P. Firestone, J. P. Greene, J. Hobbs, E. Hubbard, J. M. Lillard, J. S. Lillard, J. A. Minter, T. J. Musgrove, J. E. Maupin, N. Nelson, D. B. Eay, C. N. Eay, J. W. Eowe, J. J. Shu- mate, Thomas Smoot, E. H. Sawyer, J. F. Suter, E. V. L. Way- land and J. Wayland. The Wyaconda Association is now a large and influential body of Baptists in the northeastern part of the state, with an able ministry and 29 churches, the most of which are self-sustaining, the whole aggregating 2,220 members. In 1880 $356.50 were paid in at the session for the purposes of the association. Lemuel G. Hatcher. — This brother moved to Missouri in an early day, united with the Wyaconda Church, Lewis County, and was clerk of said church five or six years. He was or- dained to the work of the gospel ministry in 1843 by the Wyaconda Church, being of a delicate constitution, his career as a minister was exceedingly brief, he dying August 7, 1844, of consumption. He was never called to the pastoral office, but preached incidentally to the churches in his neighborhood, as his health would permit. He was a brother of Thomas E. Hatcher, of Palmyra, so long moderator of Bethel Association. Samuel Nicholls.* — Died at the residence of Eobert Worthing- ton, in Clarke County, Missouri, July 11, 1872, Samuel Nicholls aged 86 years, 6 months and 10 days. * Written by Eld. R. Van Lear Wayland, of East Bend, Clarke County, Mo. Wyaconda association. 549 The deceased was boi'n in Scotland on the firstday of January, 1786, and when quite a young man went to Liverpool. He re- mained there for some time, but at the age of 26 was drafted into the service of King George, and was in several engagements during the war of 1812 against Napoleon. He sailed for Amer- ica in the ship "John Wells," and landed in Philadelphia, May 30, 1832. He next emigrated westward and settled at St. Francisville in 1833 ; after staying there for several years he then moved to Chambersburg, where he resided until sixteen years ago, from which time he has made his home with Mr. Worthington. The deceased was the oldest person in the coun- ty, a man of strong intellect and ability, and highly esteemed by all his acquaintances. Old age had greatly reduced him in strength, and notwithstanding he had been blind for nearly a year, he bore his sufferings without a murmur, was fully ap- prised of his approaching dissolution, and met it with calm- ness and resignation. He had been a member of the Baptist church a number of years, was a faithful advocate of its truths, and most faithfully did he adorn the doctrine of God his Savior. His favorite literature was the Bible, and his most cherished songs were the songs of Zion. His daily walk through life has been a Christian one. During his illness he would frequently speak of death, and express himself as being ready and willing to meet it. He died as a soldier of the Cross, full of the Christian's hope of a glorious resurrection from the grave and a triumphant ascension to the haven of rest for those who love and serve the Lord. Eld. Samuel Nicholls ever exhibited a Christian character, and a godly walk in humble devotion to his blessed Master, so that even the worldly-minded man acknowledged his piety. He had been a preacher of the gospel of Christ for nearly 30 years. His excellency consisted in profundity of thought, in thorough- ness in his knowledge of the doctrines of the Bible, and in hu- mility of life. James M. Lillard, — is emphatically the pioneer preacher of Scotland County, having preached the first sermon ever de- livered, organized the first church ever formed, and baptized the first convert ever immersed in the county. He was born in Mercer County, Kentucky, September 27, 1806. His parents were Baptists, and his father, David Lillard, a minister, preached the gospel for 45 years. At the age of 19 years James Lillard professed faith in Christ, and about two years thereafter. 550 WYACONDA ASSOCIATION. September 7, 1827, was married to Miss Martha Cox. He was licensed to preach in April, 1832, and the following September was ordained by Abner D. Landi'um and his father, David Lil- lard, at the Ten Mile Church, Gallatin County. The month af- ter (October, 1832) he emigrated to Missouri and settled in Lewis County, near the present town of Monticello. The county was organized that year, and named in honor of Meriwether Lewis, of the famous Clarke and Lewis expedition, these two adventur- ous explorei'S being the first white men to cross the western part of the continent. (Campbell's Gazetter of Missouri, p. 307). Eld. Lillard was no sooner "fixed up" in his new western home than he gave himself to the work which his ordina- tion obligated him to do. There being no Baptist preacher north or west of him, nor within less than twenty-five miles south of him, he had a vast field for labor, and, plunging at once into the new settlements, he crossed many a swollen stream, and traveled many a weary mile along a mere bridle-path, some- times under a burning summer's sun or facing wintry blasts, preaching the gospel to the destitute and feeding the scattered sheep of his Master's fold. He ])lanted the first Baptist church in Scotland County, called Sand Hill. In the winter of 1842 and '43 he was almost continuously in revival meetings, during which time he preached 104 days and nights and baptized 285 converts. In all, during his ministry of now nearly fifty years, he has baptized over 3,000 persons, and constituted a great number of churches in Lewis, Clarke, Scot- land and other counties in Northeastern Missouri. He has aid- ed in the ordination of twenty-six ministers, and thirty-two ministers attribute their conversions to his preaching. Father Lillard has lived out more than his threescore years and ten and is now waiting to cross over the river. Though af- flicted and aged, he not long since conducted a religious service in which there were several peculiarly interesting features. He furnishes the subjoined statement, with which we Avill close thi-s sketch : " The last baptism I administered was a very interesting case and occasion. ^ It occurred on Monday succeeding the fifth Sun- day in October, 1880. The subject was a young lady who had been greatly afflicted from her childhood, and who, for years, had been a close student of the Bible. While thus engaged she sought the Lord and found him a precious Savior. And al- though her parents were, one a Presbyterian and the other a wyaconda association. 651 Campbellite, she wished to unite with the Baptists and desired that I should baptize her. In consequence of my age and afflic- tion I had to sit in a chair and use a bathing trough. Her ex- perience was very clear, and after her baptism she became quite happy and shouted and praised Grod aloud," Father Lillard continues: "I am now waiting my Master's will to cross death's cold river, with sweet anticipations of meet- ing those whom I have been the humble instrument in leading to Christ, as well as many others I have known and labored with here below." CHAPTER Xn. WEST FOEK AKD OTHEE ASSOCIATIONS.* Formation — Settlement of Daviess County — The Monnons, War with Them — First Churches: Grand River, Union, Friendship, Pilot Grove, Zoar, Crab Orchard — Compromise on IMissions — Other Churches — Opinion of the War and the Test Oath — State Convention — Co-operation with — John Woodward — Wm. JMcCammon — The Converted Wife and the JVIad Husband — Gentry Baptist Association — The "Old" Gentry Association — The New Gentrj- — Churches in 1868 — Missionarj- Board — Query on the Deacouship — The New Country — Heresies — Missouri B^vp- TisT Indian Mission Association. AMONG the active and efficient Baptist institutions of North- west Missouri, with its churches located in Daviess, Har- rison, Mercer and G-rundy Counties, is the West Fork Associa- tion. It was organized by a convention of messengers from two small churches and a letter from another, on the 15th of Sep- tember, 1845. Eld. B. F. Smith was moderator, and James Wil- liams clerk. Churches and Messengers. — Grand Eiver, 26 : J. N. and Moses Netherton, Henry Mills, S. Pue and Eld. B. F. Smith; Union, 24: Eld. Wm. McCammon and J. Brown ; Friendship, 26, by let- ter onl}^; total members, 76. The name chosen was West Fork Association of United Baptists. The first anniversary was held at Grand Eiver Church, Daviess County, on the second Saturday in September, 1846, but no re- cord was made, and the association book has this entry for 1847 : " The minutes for 1847 were lost in manuscript in the hands of the printer." These are the facts in brief up to the year 1848. Grand Eiver Church. — '< The first settlement in what is now Daviess County, was made in 1831, near the center of the county. On the 29th of December, 1836, the county was organized from a part of Eay, and named in honor of Col. Jo. Daviess, of Ken- tuck3% The Mormons went there in 1836, and built many cabins throughout the county. On the east bluffs of Grand Eiver, about three miles above Gallatin, they built a town and called it Dia- mond, declaring that at that place they had found the grave of ' Old Father Adam.' The lawless element among them prac- *For Early Sketches of this Association we are indebted to Eld. Peter Bear. WEST FORK AND OTHKR ASSOCIATIONS. 553 ticed their thieving propensities and earned the ill-will of the settlers, who heartily co-operated in driving them from the coun- try in 1838. Diamond (then containing a pojDiilation of 500) sur- rendered to the state militia under Col. Doniphan, and a partial restitution of the stolen property was made by the Mormons. Before they surrendered they had burned the town of Gallatin and many houses throughout the county." (CampbeU's Gazetteer of 2Iissovri.) Such were some of the surroundings when the Baptist pioneers first raised the gospel banner in Daviess County, Missouri. The first church organized in this county was the Baptist church called Grand Eiver, in 1833, of seven of the newly arrived settlers. Its location was some seven miles north of Gallatin, the county seat. This was one of the constituents of West Fork Association. It has had a continued existence until the present, with C. Nation, B. F. Smith, B. F. Wheeler, Thomas Campbell, Samuel Prewitt and Wm. Baldwin as pastors. It numbered 123 members in 1879, and had for its pastor J. L. Netherton. This church was organized by Elds. William Tunnago and John Stone. Union Church, — another of the constituents of West Fork As- sociation, was formed in 1844, and is located in Grundy County, eight or ten miles northwesterly from Trenton. Friendship Church, — the last of the three original churches in the West Fork fraternity, docs not now appear in the list, nor have we the date of its organization. We know not whether it disbanded or joined some other association. There is now a Friendship Church in this association which was organized in 1876. Pilot Grove Church. — This church united with the West Fork Association in 1848, having been organized April 18th, 1840, on 9 constituent members. Eld. Wm. Michaels was its founder. Colonies have gone out from this church and organized two new churches — the first. Union, in Grundy County; the second, Union Grove, in Daviess. For the first twenty-nine years of its history its successive pastors were, Elijah Merrill, 3 years; Jonathan Smith, 13 years ; and William Baldwin, 13 years. Joseph Wood now fills this office. Membership in 1880 was 103. In 1846 this church built a log house for a place of Avorship, and twelve years thereafter erected a frame in its stead, 30x40 feet, at a cost of $1,000. Two ministers have been ordained and sent forth hy this body, viz. : Wm. McCammon and Jonathan Smith ; the former in 1843, the latter in 1845. The location of 554 WEST roRK and other associations. Pilot Grove Church is twelve miles northeast from G-allatin, just in the edge of Daviess County. ZoAR Church. — In March, 1845, Elder Henry M. Henderson organized a small Baptist church in Harrison County, twenty miles northeast from Bethany, the county seat, and near the town of Cainsville. Seven persons enrolled their names as constituent members. Its ministers have been IraBlakely, Jno. Woodward, Chesley Woodward and J. H. Burrows. In 1882 this church numbered 116 communicants, and worshiped in a frame house, 25x35 feet, which was first erected in 1856. She has been fruitful in ministerial gifts, having sent out by ordination no less than five preachers : Isaac Seay and John Woodward in 1849, D. C. Harrison in 1861, and Joseph H. Burrows and W. E. Goodell in 1867. Other churches in the association bear date as follows : Mount Pleasant, No. 1, A. D., 1851 ; Mount Pleasant, No. 2, 1852 ; New Hope, 1856 ; Pleasant Eidge, 1857; Pleasant Grove, 1855 ; Blue Eidge, 1856 ; Concord, 1871 ; Eagleville, 1864 ; Mt. Moriah, 1862; Olive, 1872; Salem, 1868; Union Grove, 1866; Edinburg, 1876; Zion, 1878; Hickory Creek, 1879. Up to the session of 1848, held at Union Church, Grundy County, the West Fork Association had increased to six churches, Providence, South Big Creek and Pilot Grove having been added since the organization in 1845. "Union" or " yearly " meetings were appointed in each of the churches, save the one with which the association met that year. South Big Creek (now Crab Orchard) Church — was organ- ized December 5, 1846, by Benj. F. Smith, upon eight constituent members and was located in Daviess County, five or six miles northwest from Gallatin. Benjamin Smith became their minis- ter, and so continued until his death, September 28, 1852. Ben- jamin Wheeler succeeded him in the pastoral oflSce and the church was greatly strengthened during his term. This church contin- ued a member of the West Fork Association until the formation of the North J\Iissouri Association — the predecessor of Mt. Mo- riah — when it became a member of that fraternity. In the year 1859 Eld. B. F. Kenny became the pastor, and the year follow- ing the church built a house of worship, and also changed its name to " Crab Orchard." From 1848 to 1851 four new churches, Middle Fork, Mt. Pleas- ant, Pleasant Hill and Lick Fork, were added to the association; the three last in 1851. This swelled the number of churches to WEST FORK AND OTHER ASSOCIATIONS. 555 ten, in which were 257 members. Ministers in 1851 : B. F. Smith, W. McCammon, Thomas Campbell and J. Smith. The propriety of expunging the 9th article of the constitution was submitted to the churches in 1853. In 1854, '< at the re- quest of the churches it was agreed that the 9th article of the constitution of the association be erased, an^l the following in- serted in lieu thereof: "This association will have nothing to do with missionary in- stitutions further than to receive and disburse voluntary contri- butions for the purpose of supplying destitute parts within the bounds of our association with Baptist preaching; but each member must be left free to give or not, as he may think the Scrijitures teach." We have no means, whatever, of ascertaining what the old 9th article was, the constitution never having been published pre- vious to this year after its amendment. The expunging of the old, and the adopting of the new article 9 of the constitution, however, must have been a compromise on the missionary en- terprise. At the same session when the constitution was amended, the association proceeded to inaugurate a much more aggressive pol- icy, and appointed an executive committee, the business of which was "to raise funds and employ an itinerant minister to labor in the bounds of the association." The committee consisted of Jno. Everly, J. B. Christie, I. N. Carson, G. W. G-reen and Jno. Y. Chriswell. At the meeting in 1855 four new churches. Freedom, Mt. Pleas- ant No. 2, Gallatin and Athens, made application and were ad- mitted as members. Elds. Jno. Woodward and David Stites had labored, the former 5 months and the latter 198 days, as itin- erants, and made very gratifying reports. Freedom Church, — situated in Mercer County, was consti- tuted September 5, 1855, by Elds. D. Stites andB. Wheeler on 20 members. Mt. Pleasant, No. 2. — Jno. Woodward, one of the itinerants, formed this church in February, 1852, with a little band of six members. It is located high up in Harrison County, not far from the Iowa state line. Gallatin, Daviess County. — The church in this county seat was organized by Elds. E. C. Hill and Franklin Graves, the 1st Saturday in May, 1855, nine members signing the covenant that day. 556 WEST FORK AND OTHER ASSOCIATIONS. Athens Church — bears date from February 15, 1851, having been organized by Wm. Worldley of eleven members. At the request of a majority of the churches, the subject hav- ing been again submitted to them, the ninth article of the con- stitution was repealed and stricken out in 1858, after which it was "Besolved, That the association shall have a missionary to labor in her bounds." The last meeting prior to the war was held at Liberty Church, Gentry County, in September, 1860. After having lettered off several churches to unite with other bodies, the association now numbered 15 churches with 845 communicants. No meetings of the association were held in 1861, '62 and '63, the country being filled with the political and war excitements of the day. In 1864 seven of the 15 churches last reporting and three new churches sent messengers to Pilot Grove Church, and the associ- ation resumed business. The membership was now reduced to 425. At this session the following sentiments were put to record, relative to the war : '^Whereas, We, the United Baptist churches of Christ, having met in an associated capacity, and believing it to be the duty of all ecclesiastical bodies to express their views in this trying time of the government; therefore be it '^Besolved, 1st. That the word of God makes it obligatory upon Christians who are citizens of the United States of America to be loyal to the government of the same. "2d. This association will not solicit nor receive correspon- dence from disloj'al associations. "3d. That we advise the churches composing this association, who have disloyal members that will not make an acknowledg- ment and ask forgiveness, to exclude them from the privileges of the church." This association sent J. J. Everly, in 1865, as a messenger to the Missouri Baptist State Convention to meet at Hannibal that year. And at the same meeting it "Resolved, That the ministers, deacons and trustees of the church- es comprising the association, endorse and carry out the require- ments of the state convention, and take the oath prescribed." (See history of the " Test Oath," in another place.) By the year 1870 the association had grown to 18 churches and 1,394 members. The missionary, J. H. Hardin, reported seventy- WEST FORK AND OTHER ASSOCIATIONS. 557 two days' itinerant service and $135 collected for the board.* In 1872 the ministerial force consisted of "Wm. E. Goodell, James Turner, John Ilaycraft, J. L. Netherton, W. H. Graves, S. E. Dillon, B. Eobinson, J. Nordike, J. H. Hardin, William Baldwin, W. McCammon, D. C. Brown, J. A. Davis, Jonathan Smith, James C. Poe, John Woodward, J. H. Burrows, J. M. Woodward and D. C. Harrison. The only action in 1873 we shall note, is on education, as fol- lows : '^Besolved, That we co-operate with the North Grand Eiver As- sociation in the educational movement, and hereby agree jointly to adopt and take under our fostering care Grand Eiver College ; and that a committee of three be appointed to nominate eight trustees, who shall meet with trustees from North Grand Eiver Association and arrange matters necessary to carry into opera- tion this educational movement. Our latest minutes are for 1880. There were then 22 churches with 1, 791 members. The year previous there were 15 preach- ers. In 1880 the minutes showed a good degree of progress, with 108 baptisms. John Woodward. — This servant of the Lord, though not in the organization of the West Fork Association, has been connected with it for more than a quarter of a century. His name first appears as a member of the association in 1854, when he was a messenger and elder from Zoar Church. He was moderator of the association in 1880, and also filled the pastoral ofiice in one or more of its churches. William McCammon, — one of the founders of the West Fork Association, and for years its moderator, is a native of Clay County, Kentucky, and was born January 4, 1811. He was sprinkled when an infant, having been brought up by Methodist parents. About the age of 21 years he was converted, and after reading the Bible for himself and being convinced that he had never been baptized, he united with the Baptists, though he met with much fierce opjiosition from his parents and a large circle of relatives. He moved to Missouri and settled in what is now Grundy * Eelative to the dissolution of the state convention, and the return of its mem- bers to their seats in the General Association, the West Fork adopted the following in 1868 : " That we heartily endorse the recent action of the two branches of the Bap- tists in our state, and we gladh' hail this as fin event in the history of our denomina- tion which shall bring peace and harmony in our churches and contribute to the building up of the cause of Christ in om- midst." {Minutes, 1868, p. 5.) 558 . WEST FORK AND OTHER ASSOCIATIONS. County, in 1837, having married Miss Eosannah Oxford, daughter of Hon. Jacob Oxford, of Clay County, Kentucky, a few years before. Indians and wild game existed in the greatest abund- ance all around him. Though converted in Kentucky, he was not baptized for five years after he came to Missouri. In 1842 he heard of a Baptist meeting near Pilot Grove, Daviess Coun- ty, some eight miles from his home. He attended in July of that year, found the audience in a tobacco barn, and the preach- er nearly through his sermon. He gave his name, related his experience and was soon after baptized by Elijah Merrill, and commenced preaching at once. His first work was in his own neighborhood — quite an interest following, and in December, 1844, he, his wife and fourteen others got letters from Pilot Grove and formed the Union Church, after which he became their minister, so continuing without interruption until 1879, a period of thirty-four years. Elder McCammon has been a self-sacrific- ing minister of Christ. He was the founder of Mount Pleasant Church, Harrison County, and was its pastor for some years. Much of his time has been given to what might be called itiner- ating, and most, or all, with little or no reward as temporal- ities. Old and well worn, and held in the highest esteem, is Brother McCammon. On one occasion, some years past, he baptized a lady whom the church had accepted for membership, which very much enraged her husband, and he threatened to leave her un- less she would leave the church. Elder McCammon visited the husband and talked the matter over with him. Finally the en- raged man said, *' If jon will pay me S15 I will say no more about the matter and be satisfied." Mr. McCammon paid the money and that ended the trouble. Elder McCammon, from 1849, was moderator of his associa- tion for nine consecutive years, save one, and was called on a number of times to preach the annual sermon. The tenth anniversary was held at Mount Pleasant Church, Gentry County, beginning September 26, 1874. The state of the churches may be learned from the report of the commit- tee on destitution. They say: " Of the eighteen churches com- prising our association we find seven of them without pastors, in- cluding the three county seats of Albany, Grant City and Mays- ville. Nine churches have preaching once a month, and two twice a month. One or two of the pastorless churches have oc- casional preaching." WEST FORK AND OTHER ASSOCIATIONS. , 559 The churches were urged to sustain Baptist Sabbath-schools; and the Sabbath-school convention was recommended to hold two sessions a year, which it subsequently agreed to do. Rela- tive to education, "William Jewell College and Stephens' College were highly commended, the former as oifering the best induce- ments in the state to our young men, and the latter for our young women. In 1875 the territory of West Fork Association extended north to the Iowa state line, its churches being located in Gentry and Worth counties, with two in De Kalb and one in Daviess. At that time they were expending between one and two hundred dollars in missions in their own bounds. GENTEY B^VPTIST ASSOCIATION. This association was organized in the fall of 1856, of three churches — Middle Fork, Freedom and Friendship — dismissed from the West Fork Association for the purpose. Its territory embraced the most, if not all, of Gentry and Worth Counties. This fraternity sent messengers to West Fork Association in 1857, and so continued to do up to the war, when we lose sight of it altogether. From the minutes of West Fork we cull these facts : That the first annual meeting of the Gentry Association was held with the Middle Fork Church, Gentry County, com- mencing the second Saturday in September, 1857 j and that its second annual session was at Island Branch Church, Gentry Countj^ the second Saturday in September, 1858. And further, that in 1860 it adjourned to meet the first Saturday in Septem- ber, 1861, at Freedom Church, Gentry County. The Gentry Association of a later date was organized in 1864, and soon grew to be a much larger body than its predecessor. The first records we have of this association are for 1868, its fourth annual meeting, held at Grant City Church, Worth Coun- ty, commencing September 12th. J. J. Daniel was elected mod- erator, and J. H. Pierce clerk. The association then consisted of the following Churches. — Albany, 55; Allenville, 24; Ellenorah, 30; Grant City, 85; Hopewell, 56; Island Branch, 150; Liberty, 10; Long Branch, ; Maysville, 16; Mt. Vernon, 86; Middle Fork, 46; Little Flock, 38; Little Eock, 75; New Castle, 44 ; Union, 45; Alanthus, ; Pleasant Grove, ; total members, 760. 124 had been added to the churches by baptism from the former meeting. A missionary board was appointed at this session of five mem- 560 WEST FORK AND OTHER ASSOCIATIONS. bers, to employ a missionary for such time as the circumstances and the means raised might justify. The board consisted of B. Steves, T. J. Stocton, M. Horner, Benjamin Tweedale and James Canaday. One of the churches had sent this query : "Have dea- cons a right to baptize?" But the association refused to enter- tain it. At the close of the session, and by the request of the as- sociation, a Sabbath-school convention was formed with J. J. Daniel as president, and I. H. Denton secretary. Island Branch Church entertained the sixth anniversary in 1870. 18 churches were now on the list; total members, 1,070 j baptisms during the year, 73 ; 832.45 minute funds. A public collection amounting to SIO was made for the General Associa- tion, Eev. I. H. Denton was appointed as the messenger to said body, and $15 were contributed by the members to defray his expenses to its next anniversary. A list of ministers was pub- lished this year as follows, E. Tuttle, D. Dyer, F.J. Leavitt, Jno. B. Dunn, A. Oiler, E. George, T. N. O'Bryant, David Stites, A. G. Cox, J. J. Daniel, I. H. Denton, J. T. Neal, P. W. Murphy, H. Miller and Hunt. Alanthus Church. — This Church bears date September 6th, 1866, and is located twelve miles northwesterly from Albany, the county seat of Gentry. Its constituent members were four- teen in number, and they chose John A. Dunn as their pastor. Ellenorah Church. — Twenty-one persons were organized in- to a Baptist church by this name, June, 1868, by Jno. W. Eowe. It is about seven miles north of Albany and is also in Gentry County. J. W. Eowe served as pastor for the first eight months. They have a Baptist Sunday-school. Hopewell, — situated in De Kalb County, five miles northeast from Maysville, was organized on eight members by T. N. O'Biyant, March 31, 1866. O'Bryant served two years as pas- tor, and was succeeded by John Neal. Little Eock, — in Worth County, twelve miles southeast from Grant City, the county seat, was organized by David Stites and Thomas B. Eowlett, August 17, 1857, of twelve constituent mem- bers. Elder Eowlett was chosen as their minister, continued one year, and then came David Stites. Mount Pleasant. — This church is in Gentry County, in atown of the same name, ten miles west of the county seat. It was gathered and constituted by J. W. Murphy and J. J. Daniel, witli forty members, on June 20, 1869. Daniel was elected pastor. In the fall of the same year the church built a frame meeting- WEST FORK AND OTHER ASSOCIATIONS. 661 house, 40x55 feet, at a cost of ^3,000. It has a Baptist Sunday- school. Union Church, — seven miles west of Albany, was organized in August, 1866, with eighteen members. A. Oiler was elected to fill the pastoral office, accepted, and remained nearly 5 years. Little Flock Church — began with nine members, having been organized the second Saturday in September, 1854, and is located about eight miles northwest from Albany. Allenville Church, — at Allenville, Worth County, was con- stituted with eleven members in 1871, and first had P. Jones for their minister. It meets, or did a few years past, in the chapel of the school building. The Baptist churches in this section of the state have had many hard trials. The county is comparatively new, and many men of many minds have found their way thither, so that there have been a multitude of heresies, and the Baptists have had, and are now having, to meet and overthrow them. Added to this, there has been an element in the Baptist churches too wil- ling to compromise with those in error. But, despite all dis- couragements, no little progress has been made in the last twen- ty-five 3"ears. THE MISSOUKI BAPTIST INDIAN MISSION ASSOCIATION. Thirty and forty years ago the Indian country lay just west of the borders of Missouri, and many of our Baptist fathers felt the need of putting forth efforts for the civilization and evangel- ization of the red men. This feeling deepened, until, in 1846, a society was formed to promote this end, under the above title. The organization of this body was consummated August 31, 1846. The constitution adopted made this fraternity auxiliary to the American Indian Mission Association whose headquarters were at Louisville, Kentucky, Its object was "the civilization and evangelization of the aborigines of this country." (From the constitution in Minutes of 1849, p. 7.) The third anniversary was held at Lexington, Missouri, on the eighth and ninth days of June, 1849. The officers then were James W. Waddell, president, H. Wallace and E. Latimore, vice- presidents, E. S. Dulin, corresponding secretary, M. F. Price, recording secretary, and Wm. B. Waddell, treasurer. The association was very active in the use of means both for the civilization and the evangelization of the Indians of the ter- ritories Ij^ing west and northwesterly from Missouri, expending as high as ^1,000 a year for these purposes. 662 WEST FORK AND OTHER ASSOCIATIONS. This was pre-eminently a Missouri institution until 1854, when it withdrew its co-operation with the American Indian Mission Association, and became an independent society under the title of the " "Western Baptist Indian Mission Association." This body now sought the entire control of the Indian missions to the Northwest, and appointed a committee to confer both with the American Association and the Missionary Union, and request them to relinquish to it all the mission stations of the Northwest. Prominent among the supporters of Indian missions under the auspices of this association, might be named Jas. W. Waddell, J. J. Eobinson, Dr. D. Doyle, Wm. Thompson, Thomas Fristoe, A. M. Lewis, D. E. Murphy, W. M. Bell, W. L. Watkins, Eobt. Y. Thompson, E. S. Dulin, Wm. C. Batchelor, Dr. D. Lykins, Wm. Duvall, W. B. Waddell, T. C. Harris, H. Wallace, M. F, Price, J. Eoyle, T. F. Lockett and H. C. Wallace, CHAPTER xrn. CEDAE (NOW ANTIOCH) AND GASCONADE ASSOCIA- TIONS. Fomiation of Cedar — Its Ministers — Eecord of Meetings — Cedar Church — Obadiah Smith — Sacrificing Men — Thomas Smith — Change of Name to Antioch — Commun- ion Trouble — James Johnson — William Cook — Gascots'ade Eiver Associatiok — First Appearance of its Xame — Serai- Anti-Mission — Light and Change of Views — Alien Baptism — Pulpit Affiliation — Dry Fork Association Formed by a Colony from Gasconade, THE Cedar Association was organized in 1848 by the follow- ing churches dismissed from Liberty Association, viz. : Ce- dar, Coon Creek, Bethel, High Prairie, Pleasant Eidge and Blue Spring. The aggregate membership was 164. The meeting was held, we think, with Cedar Church, the oldest in what was then Eives, but now Cedar County, and from which the association was named. The meeting in 1850 was held at Cedar Church. Eld. D. E. Murphy, one of the pioneers of Southwest Missouri, was elected moderator, and Eld. L. E. Ashworth clerk. Four other church- es, Siloam, Hopewell, Liberty and Bear Creek had been added to the fraternity since 1848. The entire membership was only 260. Ordained Ministers in 1850. — L. E. Ashworth, J. Satterfield, Oba- diah Smith, D. E. Murphy, W. Cook, J. Ashcraft and James Cole. The association adopted the constitution of the United Baptists, but did not use that appellation in her title. At this session she decided by vote to continue correspondence with the General Association and made a contribution of $3.10 to the funds of that body. And further it was voted to try and support an itinerant minister in the bounds of Cedar Association. The churches were located mostly in what is now Cedar and St. Clair Counties. The sessions were held as follows : The third anniversary, in 1851, at Coon Creek, St. Clair County; at Hopewell, Cedar County, in September, 1852; Pleasant Eidge, Cedar County, 1853 ; High Prairie, Cedar County, August, 1854 ; at Pleasant Grove, Dade County, September, 1855 ; Bear Creeek, St. Clair County, 1856 ; Antioch^, Cedar County, 1857 ; at Alder, Cedar 564 CEDAR (now antioch) and gasconade associations. County, 1858; Pleasant Spring, SI. Clair County, 1859; Liberty, Vernon County, in 1860. The moderators of this association from 1850 to 1860 were as follows: Eld. D. E. Murphy, 1 year; Eld. L. E. Ashworth, 5 years; Eld. Jno. Satterfield, 1 year; U. L. Sutherland, 3 years. The clerks for the same time were: L. E. Ashworth, 1 year; U. L. Sutherland, 6 years ; W. H. Trolinger, 3 years. Cedar Church. — This is the pioneer church of what is now Ce- dar County, having been organized in July, 1838, by Hiram Sav- age, Wm. Savage and Elijah Williams. Constituent members: William Ainsworth, John Conner, Warren P. Eeavis, Ezra Ha- mor, Jno. Long, Obadiah Smith, Lucretia Ainsworth and Keziah Hamor. The first pastor was Eld. Hiram Savage, who continued two j-ears in this relation. His successors were D. E. Murphy, David Stites, Thos. Smith, John Satterfield, Jno. Ford, J. B. Carrico and B. F. Lawler. In 1840 the church erected a frame building as a house of wor- ship, 30 by 40 feet, which was rebuilt in 1871. At the call of the church, Obadiah Smith, L. E. Ashworth and James Johnson have been ordained as ministers. July, 1861, was the date of the last meeting, until the close of the war. Elds. Jno. T. Metcalf, James Cole and Brother S. L. Smith, a licentiate, held a meeting in September, 1866, and reorganized, or rather revived the church, and it went to work again. Our latest records are for 1874, at which time the total membership was 54, and Eld. H. Smith was pastor. Obadiah Smith. — The father of Obadiah Smith was a North Carolinian by birth, a Kentuckian and afterwards a Missourian by adoption. He lived for a time in McLain's Fort in Howard County ; thence he moved to Fort Hempstead. This was during the M^ar of 1812-'15. In that day the settlements were compel- led to live in forts, and while a part of the men cultivated the fields, the rest stood with guns in hand, as guards. The fath- er, Andrew Smith, a member of the anti-mission Baptist denom- ination, died at a ripe old age. The son, Obadiah Smith, the subject of this sketch, a native of Kentucky, was born August 6, 1806 ; and grew up on the farm with but little education, spending most of his early life in irre- ligious sports and pastimes. He married Miss Catherine Hart- man in 1824, and about the same time was converted and baptiz- ed into the fellowship of Old Mt. Pleasant Church, Howard Qounty, by Ebenezer Eogers. He was lioensed to preach by CEDAR (NOW ANTIOCH) AND GASCONADE ASSOCIATIONS. 565 this church in 1831, sooQ after which he moved to Cedar, then a frontier county, and as we have seen, was a constituent mem- ber of Old Cedar Church, the first formed in the county. At the call of this church Eld. Smith was ordained, Elds. Wm. Tatum and D. R. Murphy acting as a presbytery. After his ordination he gave most of his time to the ministry, building up the Baptist interest in Cedar Association and adja- cent fields. Though somewhat younger, he was a colaborer with D. R. Murphy, Wm. Tatum, L. R. Ashworth, J. Satterfield and Wm. Cook. For the last ten years of his life he was pastor of from two to four churches, and in 1857 and '59 he traveled as an itinerant in Cedar Association, the numerous conversions testifying to his success. He was four times nlarried, his second wife being a sister of the first. His last wife, Eliza Preston, survived him at his death, In 1862 he was elected to the State Legislature, where he faith- fully performed his duty to his constituents. On April 20, 1863, he landed at his home from the capitol, and two days thereafter was called to his door and ruthlessly assassinated by Quantrell and his band of guerillas, in the presence of his wife and the younger members of the family, after which his house was rob- bed of $800. After the war closed and the people could again assemble in peace to worship God, the old veteran, D. R. Murphy, preached his funeral sermon to an assembly of over 500 of his former friends and neighbors, who had met to do honor to his memory. During the period from 1850 to 1860 the Cedar Association grew from 10 to 19 churches with an aggregate membership of 962. For full half of this time her ministry made much great- er sacrifices than the private membership of her churches. In 1854 there were $7.50 for missionary funds in the hands of U.L. Sutherland, the clerk, which was by resolution '^ equally divided among the churches for purposes of charity;" after which Elds. 0. Smith, J. Ford, J. B. Carrico andL.R. Ashworth were recom- mended as itinerants to depend on those to whom they preached for remuneration. This, of course, was an easy way for the churches to carry on missionary work at little or no cost to the membership. Destitute places, where itinerants usually go, sel- dom give much to the ministry; hence, substantially, these men were sent on a " warfare at their own charges," which was a mani- fest violation of the Scriptures. But to the sequel of this. In 1855, three of the aforesaid itinerants, viz.: Elders Smith, Carrico and 566 CEDAR (now antiooh) and gasconade associations. Cook, reported an aggregate of 314 sermons, 83 baptisms, 3 new churches and no remuneration. In 1856 the association decided to make amends for her past omissions, and $65 in cash and pledges were raised for itinerant work, and Eld. J. B. Box was appointed to this field at a salary of $18 per month. The session of 1859 was called to lament the death of Eld. Thomas Smith, one of the most aged ministers of the association. Thomas Smith*. — After an illness of four months this servant of the Lord died at his home in Cedar County, Missouri, April 16, 1857. Thomas Smith was born in Garrett County, Kentucky, March 11, 1793, and with his father, Thomas Smith, Sen., moved to Barren County in his native state when a mere boy; thence to Warren County, Tennessee, in 1808. Five years thereafter he was married to Miss Hutton, and in 1816 professed religion and united with the Buckspring Baptist Church. Soon after this, in the same year, he removed to Franklin County, Missouri, and united with Bethel Church, by which he was ordained in 1823. Twenty-five years of his ministry were spent in Franklin and adjacent counties, and in 1848 he settled in Cedar County, and united with old Cedar Church, where his membership remained until his death. His labors in the ministry were crowned with encouraging suc- cess. He preached with his feet as well as with his voice. One great end of his life was to mortify the deeds of the body and bring it under subjection to the service of God. He had not been known to be in an ill humor for the last fifteen years of his life. He had the pleasure of leading nine of his children down into the baptismal waters. His wife, three sons and five daughters, survived him, all of whom are members of the Baptist denomination, save the youngest son. In his death his faith was triumphant, centering alone in the Lord Jesus Christ. Eev. A. P. Williams, as agent of the General Association, vis- ited the Cedar Association in 1857, and was cordially received and recommended to the churches. A greater interest in the work was awakened by his visit, as shown in an increase of funds for district missions, amounting this year to $120 in cash and pledges, and the raising of the salary of the missionary to $1 per day- * By D. K. Murphy, in Western Watchman, Vol. X, Iso. 11. CEDAR (now ANTTOCH) AND GASCONADE ASSOCIATIONS. 567 The dogma of mixed communion being taught by some of the ministers and churches in the association, the Pleasant Spring Church in 1859 made complaint against said churches and min- isters, asking the " association to request said ministers and churches to discontinue said practice." Considerable discussion followed, and finally, on motion of H. B. Lindsey, the follow- ing was passed : ^^ Resolved, That we strictly adhere to the constitution, rules of decorum, also articles of faith of Cedar Association, adopt- ed at its organization, in regard to communion, and that as- sociating with other denominations or not, shall be no bar to fel- lowship." This is, we confess, strange talk for Baptists. It is absolute- ly unbaptistic. And, further, we undertake to say, with the aforesaid constitution, &c., before us, that there is not a word in any of said instruments about " associating with other de- nominations being no bar to fellowship." The constitution does provide that "giving or not giving to any benevolent society shall be no bar to fellowship." No meetings were held from 1861 to 1866, when messengers from seven churches, viz : Mount Gilead, Eed Hill, Olive Branch, Union, Waubleau, Antioch and Mount Pleasant, met with the Antioch Church, Cedar County and re-organized the associ- ation under the appellation of " Antioch Association of United Baptists." J. M. Smith was elected permanent moderator, and G. Ward clerk. The total membership of the churches was 283. The meeting in 1867 was at Union Church, when seven new churches attached themselves to the association. The next meeting (1868) was at Mount Gilead, when and where the political tomahawk was buried by the adoption of the following: " Resolved, That we will wrangle less and pray more, talk more of Jesus and his holy religion and less of politics, and cultivate a forgiving spirit." Up to this date the association had regained her numerical strength just prior to the war. Her growth continued slowly until 1872, when she numbered twenty-four churches and 1,077 members. We have records for 1874, when there was a total membership of 936, showing a decrease of 141 members in two years. Great coldness and destitution abounded throughout the associational field, and some of the churches were troubled with unsound teachers ; but to her credit the association declared she 568 CEDAR (now anttoch) and gasconade associations. would '' hold the churches within her bounds strictly to account for unsound doctrines taught by ministers having membership or pastors in churches belonging to the union," — a prerogative enjoyed by Baptist associations from time immemorial. TABLE OF CHUECHES IN 18G0, TIME OF ORGANIZATION, &c. Name of Church. County. Cedar, - Coon Creek, Pleasant Spring, Alder, Hopewell, Siloam, Pleasant Eidge, Liberty, - Bear Creek, - Pleasant Grove, I Cedar | 43 1838 St. Clair 101 1841 9lil842 Cedar [St. Clair |Cedar Vernon jSt. Clairj 43 iDade 1 67 110 1843 1845 1846 1848 1849 1849 1851 Name of Church. County. Union, - Antioch, - Brush Creek, Mt. Gilead, Fremont, Harmony, New Hope, • Montevallo, Salem, - Cedar 391 " 94 St. Clair 30 Cedar 15 " 32 Dade 27 Vernon 20 " 45 Dade 34 1854 1854 1855 1855 1856 1858 1858 1858 In 1881 the association was held at Hazel Dell, Cedar County, commencing August 26th. Elder J. T. Metcalf was moderator, and J. K. P. "Williams clerk. Then there were 17 churches and 13 ministers ; total membership of the 11 churches reporting, 483. James Johnson — was from Kentucky, and came to Cedar County about the year 1842. He was an experimental preach- er of the older type, visiting and aiding in protracted meetings, and though a man of limited education, he was earnest and zealous and did much good in his sphere. He was a farmer, and worked hard tilling the ground, not depending on the churches for a sustenance, giving only such time to the ministry as he could under these circumstances. Only a few days before his death he had the pleasure of baptizing several converts. William Cook,* — an early settler in Cedar County and for some years a preacher in the bounds of Cedar Association, was, we think, a native of North Carolina. Before he commenced preaching he was a faithful and liberal layman, ever ready to do all he could to advance the cause. His house was the preachers' home. He was getting gray when he commenced to preach, but was faithful in his ministry until death. His labors extended over portions of several counties, and the people were always glad to sec and hear " Old Father Cook," as he was familiarly called. He lived to be quite old, and used to say that from an early day he had impressions to preach, and regretted that he had not begun with those impressions. We have not been furnished an account of his death. * From the MS. of D. E. Murphy. CEDAR (now ANTIOCH) AND GASCONADE ASSOCIATIONS. 569 GASCONADE KIVER ASS0CIATI0:N". This association is located in the midst of the Ozark MouH' tains, on the head waters of the Gasconade River, in Texas, Wright and adjacent counties. We have not the exact date of its formation, but shall place it in the year 1848, it having sent that year Elds. J. Aaron and Jno. L. Springer as messengers to Lib- erty Association, praying a correspondence with said body. We have no evidence that it existed prior to that date. Our earliest minutes are for 1868, when the association met at Cedar Bluff, Texas County. This is put down on the title page as the " 17th annual meeting,'* whereas if it had held regular sessions, it would have been the 20th annual meeting, provided the association was constituted in 1848. This can be easily un- derstood when we remember that many of the associations, es- pecially in Southern Missouri, held no meetings during the war, and, as a rule, the years in which no meetings were held, were not numbered in the subsequent records. In 1868 the association was composed of the following Churches. — Union, Ozark, Gladden Yalley, Boon's Creek, Spring Yalley, Dry Fork, Spring Creek, Zion Hill, Friendship, Liberty, Freedom, Berean, Cedar BluflF, Mt. Pisgah, Beaver Creek, Mt. Zion, Little Piney, Pleasant Hill, Pobid6aux, Hepzida and Pleas- ant Yalle*^\ The last seven were new churches. There were 176 baptisms, and a total of 737 members. Ministers. — Thos. Johnson, J. C. Boyd, W. F. Thornton, J. A. Summers, J. L. Springer, F. A. Dodson, G. P. Johnson, M. M. King, G. B. Stogsdell, W. J. Morris E. C. Dye, E. M. Reed and E. B. Hodges. Of this session of the association we have the following account by an eye witness (Eld. G. Seymour) : "This association nominally embraces a large region of sparse- ly settled countiy. It includes all the county of Texas, and parts of the counties of Pulaski, Laclede, Wright, Shannon, Dent and Phelps. It has never taken an interest in missions, Sabbath- schools or religious literature. Resolutions upon these subjects, introduced at its late meeting, resulted as follows. On sympa- thizing with and aiding the General Association of Missouri — seven voted for it, twenty-eight voted against it, and a few dele- gates did not vote. On the promotion and maintenance of Sun- day-schools, six for and fifteen against the motion. But on a res- olution requesting all to use such means as they could command to inform themselves upon the objects of missions and Sunday- 570 CEDAR (now antioch) and gasconade associations. schaols, the vote was unanimous, as was also the vote recom- mending the Central Baptist and publications of the American Baptist Publication Society to the favor of the churches. "Taken altogether the associational meeting was a good one. I doubt not that the results of this meeting will appear for the good of the cause for all future time. There are in this associa- tion many good and devoted ministers and members. Their want is better acquaintance with the wants of the great field of the world, and the results of the efforts now making to supply those wants by the agencies employed, or, in other words, correct un- derstanding of their own relations and necessities to Christ and his cause. As we took the parting hand, many were the decla- rations of changing views upon these subjects, and determined intention to investigate them. I see the bright glow of morning — this association is well on the road to the city of Correction." The following year (1869) the session was held at Zion Hill, Phelps County, when six new churches were received, and a board of managers was elected, into whose hands the manage- ment of the missionary and colporteur work was placed. The association now numbering 27 churches, a resolution was adopted approving a division of the territory, which, however, was not accomplished for several years. Revivals had been frequent and 147 converts had been baptized during the year. In 1870 the meeting was held at Boon's Creek, Texas County, where Eld. S. W. Rutledge was elected evangelist and sent to the destitute fields in the association. There were now 28 ordained and 15 licensed ministers, 31 churches and over 1,000 members. In 1872 the association declared by resolution that she "would not correspond with, or hold in fellowship, associations or church- es who receive members upon 'alien baptism.' " A colony of churches was sent out in 1877 to fojm a new asso- ciation, and messengers sent to aid in organizing it (see Dry Fork Association). Prior to the departure of said colony the association had on her roll 31 churches, with 1,214 members. The following query on pulpit affiliation w^as offered: "Is it scriptural to invite ministers of other denominations to officiate and affiliate with us in a public manner?" "Answered in the negative." PERIOD SIXTH. 1850-1860. CHAPTER I. BEAE CEEEK ASSOCIATION. Origin of — History of its First Churches — Constituent ^linistcrs — Progress of the Work — The Great Catholic and Lutheran Field— Joseph Nicholls — The Little Bap- tist House in St. Louis — Lewis Duncan — D. W. Nowlin, Early Life, Conversion, and Doctrinal Views of — Thomas T. Johnson, the Revivalist — W. D. Grant. THE Indian Creek Church, Pike County, in her letter to the Salt Eiver Association in 1853, suggested " the propriety of dividing the association;" in answer to which the last named body " recommended that such churches as wished to form a separate organization, hold a convention with the Zion Church, Montgomery County, on Friday, the 18th of May, 1854," &c. The convention met at the time and place recommended, and after an interchange of views, organized the Bear Creek Asso- ciation of United Baptists, adopting a constitution and articles of faith in harmony with the Baptist brotherhood. The follow- ing September the first annual meeting was held at Union Church in Warren County, when 9 churches sent letters and messengers as follows: Union, Mt. Pleasant, Zion, Mt. Hope, Sulphur Lick, Bethlehem, Indian Creek, Cottonwood and Middletown, located in the counties of Warren, St. Charles, Montgomery, Pike and Lin- coln, occupying a most important field in the forks of the two great rivers. The aggregate membership was 352. All these churches were dismissed from Salt Eiver Association, except Union, which came from Little Bonne Femme Association. The following ministers were in the organization : Lewis Duncan, W. D. Grant, Walter McQuie, Joseph ISTicholls, W. H. Vardeman, J. E. Welch, and one licentiate, E. S. Duncan. The association adopted a system of domestic missionary op- erations, making all her pastors itinerants, requesting them to devote as much time as they could in preaching the gospel and forming Sunday-schools in such places as had no organized Bap- tist church, keeping an account of and reporting their labors to the committee on missions, promising that the money should be 572 . BEAR CREEK ASSOCIATION. divtded proportionately among them, provided that no one should receive more than one dollar per day. Of the original churches the oldest is Sulphur Lick. Sulphur Lick. — This church is in Lincoln County, eight or nine miles northwest of Troy, the county seat. It was organized hy Eld. Bethuel Riggs, in his own private house, near a large spring, called Sulphur Lick, close to the north fork of Cuivre, four miles east of the present site, in the year 1823, of four mem- bers, viz. : Bethuel Riggs, Nancy Riggs his wife, Armstrong Kennedy and Polly his wife. John Cox and his wife Polly were received by experience the same day of the organization, and were baptized by Eld. Riggs. In 1826 or '27 it moved to its present location, and a few years after erected a substantial brick house, which was replaced by its present frame building in 1856. This church has been a fruit- ful vine in days that are past, but is now in a feeble state, having passed hersemi-centennial. She is an ecclesiastical grandmother, and had in 1881 only 19 members. Mount Hope — comes next in chronological order. This church is located in St. Charles County, one of the Roman Cath- olic strongholds of the state. It was organized by Elds. Joseph Nicholls and Robt. Gilmore in 1839, with four members, viz.: Henry Ball, Littleton Cockerell, Horatio Ball and James Carr. For many years, with a bold heart and a steady hand, this church stood by and defended the banner of Immanuel ; but for several years past has not been so efficient, many of her active members having formed a new church near Flint Hill, called Pleasant Hill. (This church, from the best information we can get, does not now exist; its name has disappeared from the minutes.) ZioN Church — Avas organized March 15, 1841, with 5 members, viz. : John H. Button, Mary R. Button, Washington Graves, Mildred Graves and Jesse "Watkins, all of whom have gone to their home above. Eld. R. Gilmore was the first pastor, continu- ing as such six years, and was succeeded by Eld. Lewis Duncan, he by Malan Spyres, A. C. Davenport, W. H. Vardeman and others. This church was made to suifer much during the war. Its pas- tor, W. H. Vardeman, was snatched away and became a political prisoner; and a little later some of its stanchest members were banished or otherwise compelled to leave the state, among whom was Eld. D. W. Xowlin. She worships in a large frame church edifice, located on the eastern border of Montgomery County. BEAR CREEK ASSOCIATION. 573 Union Church. — Friendship Baptist Church, the first in what is now Warren County, was organized by Eld. Jas. E. Welch at Flanders Callaway's house, October 22, 1818. It continued 10 or 12 years and dissolved. On May 5, 1831, eleven of the mem- bers were organized into a church called Salem, at the house of John Welch, now Eose Hill. The church united with Cuivre Association, but subsequently withdrew on account of the anti- mission proclivities of said body. About 1840 or '41, on account of an unhappy state of things in the church, a large proportion of the members took letters and joined Freedom Church, near Loutre Island, some 20 miles distant. Freedom Church estab- lished an arm in the neighborhood. The members of that arm and the residue of Salem, held a conference on July 31, 1843, and referred their differences to Elds. E. C. Hill and L. C. Musick, who advised the Salem Church to dissolve and the members of said arm to forsake their adhesion, and together form a new church. The advice was unanimously accepted, and on the same day the present church was organized, called Union. For more than 20 years the church greatly prospered. It is now not so large or prosperous, having given off members to form other churches. Wright City Church, Warren County, and Mt. Airy in Monroe County, are daughters of Union. Bethlehem Church (now Fairview), — in Lincoln County, was organized in 1845, and for many years worshiped in a log house with a dirt floor. It now has a substantial frame house. Middletown. — This church bears date of the 2nd Saturday in September, 1851. It now has a half interest in a well built brick edifice, one among the best church houses in the association. Indian Creek. — This is probably the most efiicient church in Bear Creek Association, and was formed September 20, 1851, in an old log school-house within a few yards of its present beauti^ ful house of worship, five miles south of Ashley, Pike County. Cottonwood— was organized October, 1852. Mt. Pleasant, — in a beautiful locality one and a half miles north of High Hill, was organized in June, 1853, by Eld. Joseph JSTicholls. Not long after, it erected a frame church house, 40x60 feet, and unwisely went in debt for the same, and has never been a very prosperous body, but still tries to hold forth the word of life. Under the influence of a moderately aggressive policy, these nine original churches have grown into twenty-one, with a total membership of 1,212, the strength of the association in 1881. 674 BEAR CEEEK ASSOCIATION. We have not the space to go into details, and can only add that the Bear Creek Association has, from the beginning of its exis- tence, been identified with the various interests of the denomi- nation; not accomplishing half as much as a proper consecra- tion would have enabled her to do. She has never been united in her methods of oj)eration, especially in her itinerant work j sometimes having an executive board, then having none j atone time electing her own missionary, then submitting the whole matter to the board ; and again, at another time, selecting one or two suitable men to travel as evangelists, and the next year do- ing away with this method altogether, and sending all her pas- tors out as itinerants. In her efforts to introduce a pure faith, the association has met with determined opposition, but none more obstinate thanEom- an Catholicism and Lutheranism, which fill, in a large measure, St. Charles and "Warren Counties. In addition to those already named, there are now churches in the followiug towns and villages : Troy, Olney, New Hart- ford, Wellsville, Montgomery City, Wright City and Jonesburg. The following churches, in addition, make up the list composing the association : Loutre, Libertj'^, Pleasant Hill, Hopewell, Wal- nut Grove and Mt. Gilead. Only two of the original ordained ministers are now living, viz.: Elds. W. H. Vardeman and W. D. Grant. The following have, from time to time, been identified with the association: T. T. Johnson (now dead), M. T. Bibb, J. H. Thomas (now dead), Ezekiel Kinman, D. W. Nowlin (now dead), J. N. Griflin and Wm. Lowrance. In 1881 her ministerial force was thirteen ordained and four licensed : D. W. Graves, Isaac M. Oliver, E. D. Owen, W. D. Grant, E. E. McQuie, L. C. Musick, W. H. Vardeman, M. T. Bibb, J. D. Eobinett, E. S. Duncan, A. P. Oliver, W. G. Eobinson, T. Bowles and W. C. Wamble. The Bear Creek association has for some years been auxiliary to the General Association of the state. Joseph Nicholls — was one of the constituent ministers of Bear Creek Association, and until near his death was one of its most discreet and instructive preachers. " He was born in the town of Blockley, in Worcestershire, England, November 8, 1789, and was married October 21, 1815, in St. Pancras church, in Tottenham, which was then one of the suburbs of the city of London. He emigrated to the United States in 1830 ^ lived in BEAR CREEK ASSOCIATION 575 Pennsylvania and IS'ew Jersey four years; moved to St. Louis, Missouri, in 1834, and from there to Warrenton, Warren Coun- ty in 1836, Some years after losing his wife, in 1867, he moved to St. Charles County, where he abode with his son-in-law, F. A. Freymuth, and his daughter, until the day of his death, No- vember 8th, 1872. It is said of Elder Nicholls that he could not read or write when he was 21 years of age, about which time he professed re- ligion, and being a man of untiring energy and industry, he united with the Baptist church, learned to read and write, and finally acquired a very good English education ; and his heart being filled with the love of God, he began to try to preach the gospel to a dying world. He thus labored wherever he lived until he came to St. Louis. I have heard him say that the Bap- tist cause was so low in St. Louis at the time he arrived there that though the city was then comparatively small, it was difficult for him to find the little house in which the Baptists worshiped. He preached there and in the vicinity, some two years as an in- dependent missionary of the Cross."* Upon his removal to Warrenton in 1836, he continued his ministerial labors in the destitute country adjacant. He united with the Salem Church, near the eastern border of Warren Coun- ty, and by said church was ordained to the ministry on the 5th of August, 1838, Elders Wm. Stephens and A. B. Snethen act- ing as the ordaining council. From this time until 1867 he was active in the work, laboring most of the time through the week at his secular trade, carpentry, for his daily bread, and spending his Saturdays and Sundays preaching, traveling as far west as Loutre Island. He formed the church of Mount Pleasant, Montgomery Coun- ty, and Warrenton and Wright City, Warren County, and con- tributed in no small degree to building up of the Baptist cause in the bounds of the association. He was devotedly attached to missions, especially among the heathen. When only a small boy he would gather pins from among the rubbish swept from the stores and shops in London, sell them for their value, and thus raise his promised "penny a week " for the Foreign Missionary Society. In 1839 he was a member of Cuivre Association. A measure was introduced in antagonism to missions. Nicholls plead, be- ing almost alone, for liberty of conscience. The measure was ^ From the pen of Mrs. W. H, Vardeman. 576 BEAR CREEK ASSOCIATION. adopted and he and the other members of Salem Church present withdrew, and the church afterwards united with Little Bonne Femme Association. Elder Nicholls was not a brilliant speaker, but he was a sound gospel preacher, a calm, deliberate and logical reasoner. He had a weak and somewhat shattered voice, but, with his well ar- ranged and scriptural sermons, he seldom failed to instruct and edify the thinking members of his congregation. In doctrine he was calvinistic. Because of his failing memory and loss of his strength, he was not able to preach the gospel for the last five years of his life. He was cared for in his decline by his faithful son-in-law, Mr. Freymuth, of St. Charles County, who affectionately watched over him until his death, which occurred the day he was eigh- ty-three years old. Lewis Dunc vn. — In an early day, two brothers, named respect- ively John and George Duncan, emigrated f r o m Scotland to theUni- ted States. John settled in the state of Virginia (then a Province), and George settled in Pennsylvania. From these two men it is believed that all by that name in the United States have de- scended. Lewis Duncan, the subject of this sketch, was a na- tive of Virginia, REV. LEWIS DUNCAN. and was born in Culpepper County, the first day of March, 1806. The old home- stead was about eighteen miles northwest of Culpepper court house, and six miles from Gaines' Cross Roads. His father was James Duncan, a native of Fauquier County, yirginia, and his mother's maiden name was Dorcas Butler, a BEAR CREEK ASSOCIATION. 577 daughter of Spencer Butler, of Culpepper County, Virginia. They were in moderate circumstances ; educational advantages were not such then as now, and he received only a partial com- mon-school education while growing up. But when near his maturity he managed to acquire a sufficient knowledge of the English branches to teach school. In the school-house he was at home. By his mild but jsositive manner of government, he used to control with ease quite a number of young men, some of whom were quite rude, as was not unfrequently the case in those early days. After his ordination to the ministry he quit teach- ing school. He was the middle son of seven children — six sons and one daughter — none of whom are now living except it be Dr. William Duncan, of Texas, who is now quite elderly, if liv- ing. Lewis Duncan was married September 11, 1827, to Harriet Kinnaird, youngest daughter of David Kinnaird, of Culpepper County, Virginia. She was to him a help-meet indeed, for twen- ty-five years ; and of her was born to him eleven children — eight sons and three daughters — all of whom lived to manhood and womanhood. He professed conversion and was baptized in the spring of 1828. On the 16th of the following October, he, with his family — my mother and oldest brother, who was but an infant — started for Missouri, where he landed about the middle of the following- December. The trip was made in an old-fashioned Virginia car- ry-all. He settled, lived and died in Lincoln County. For twelve years he lived in the vicinit}^ of Troy, the county seat, and was a member successively of the following churches, viz.: Antioch (now defunct), Troy (now called Sand Eun), and Sulphur Lick. While belonging to the second named church an incident oc- curred in his life somewhat interesting, and illustrative of one trait in his character — candor. The preliminaries to the anti- mission controversy were gradually being developed, about which time my father, having moved some distance from the church house, asked for a letter of dismission. One brother, who afterwards became a rather celebrated anti-mission Baptist preacher, arose and said: "I object to the applicant having a letter of dismission in full fellowship, on the ground that he be- lieves in a general atonement," My father, who was scrupulously honest and candid, arose and said: "Brother Moderator, I believe in a general atonement, 87 578 BEAR CREEK ASSOCIATION. and am perfectly willing for my view of that doctrine, or any fact in this case, to be stated in my letter." The case was continued until next meeting, and, by unanimous consent, the letter was granted, and he became a member of Sul- phur Lick Church, of which he remained a member for some years. By this church he was ordained to the full work of a gospel minister on the 23d day of May, 1838. The ordaining presbytery consisted of Elds. William Davis, Eobert Gilmore and Ephraim Davis. In 1840 he moved to the northwestern part of Lincoln County and subsequently became one of the constituent -members of In- dian Creek Church, Pike County. He was pastor successively of the following churches, viz.: Sulphur Lick and New Salem in Lincoln County; Zion, Montgomery County; Indian Creek, Pike County; and Pleasant Grove, in Lincoln County. His ac- tive ministerial career lasted about twenty-five years, during which time he faithfully performed his mission in " feeding the flock of God," for which he was eminently fitted. In doctrinal views he was of the Andrew Fuller school. He had a feeble frame and a very weak voice, and in the pulpit was one of the most deliberate and self-possessed speakers we ever heard. By close application to study, and a rigid life-training to sys- tematic thought, he acquired the ability to master whatever sub- ject he undertook. His conception of divine truth was clear, distinct and comprehensive; and in symmetrj^, depth of thought, logical arrangement and selection of words, his sermons were well nigh perfect. His preaching was real food and drink to souls hungry and thirsty for Bible truth. He was a farmer preacher, saying little or nothing about mon- ied remuneration. In his day few pastors were sustained. If a man received a salary he was often styled a "money preacher." We who now live know but little of what our fathers endured and sacrificed to build up churches able to furnish us comfortable pastorates. They removed many prejudices, corrected many wrongs, established many precedents, and thus prepared the way for the present generation of ministers. I must be permitted to bear testimony to my father's eminent piety. In this regard he was certainly an example of uniformity. He possessed great evenness of temper. When others were wild with excitement he was cool and self-possessed. In March, 1852, he was called upon to follow to her grave the companion of his life. This he did with great composure, Christian fortitude and BEAR CREEK ASSOCIATION. 579 resignation. My mothei* died in the same faith in which she had lived. She was a loving and lovely mother and wife, a devoted and good woman, and one of the sweetest singers I ever heard. His vital powers gradually gave way, and when he died there was no visible form of disease present. After he became too fee- ble to sit on his chair, we were one day by his bedside when he commenced to talk of death with the greatest possible tranquil- ity. On this occasion he said : "What a relief it would be to be delivered from this tenement of clay. Young people know but little about the burden of a feeble old age. But I will not say more, lest I should be thought grumbling. I want to be patient and bide my time." He died like a babe going to sleep — without a struggle or a shudder. Thus he fell asleep on the Lord's day, December 15, 1872, and on the 17th he was buried in the family cemetery, be- tween his mother and my mother. David William Nowlin. — One of the most profound thinkers in the Baptist minis- try in Eastern Mis- souri was David W. Nowlin. He was a native of Pittsyl- vania County, Ya., and was born April 11th, 1812. "The founder of the fam- ily in Yirginia was John Nowlin. He and his wife were Irish, and were res- idents of Goochland County, Ya., as ear- ly as 1715, when their son, James Nowlin, was born, who was a carpen- ter by trade and died in Pittsylva- nia County in 1808, REV. DAVID W. NOWLIN. aged 93 years. His son, Bryan Ward Nowlin, prior to 1765, mar- ried Lucy Wade, of whom were born to him sixteen children. Samuel, the fourteenth child, was bora January 11; 1784, and 580 BEAR CEEEK ASSOCIATION. married Fannie Pannell on the 8th of November, 1808, the daughter of William Pannell of Orange County, Va., and of Scotch or English origin. By this marriage Samuel Nowlin had two sons, Joseph Bryan and David William the subject of this sketch." (From the MS. of Mrs. Fannie B. Owings, the eldest daughter.) Before he had completed his fifth year his mother died. She had, however, given him many lessons in-morality and religion, and his mind was early impressed with his own responsibility. His father also was in the habit of calling his children around the family altar to read the Bible and pray with them. Of this part of his life. Brother Nowlin subsequently wrote thus : "With all these means and opportunities, and efforts of grace bestowed upon me, the first fourteen years of my life were passed j" and his heart must indeed have been harder than the nether millstone, who could have passed all these without any impression. "I read the Bible and implicitly believed every word of it as the writing of God Himself. I found great pleasure in accompanying my father to meeting, and in listening to the conversation when any of the brethren would come to see him." His father gave him a liberal education. When twenty-two years old he read law under Cooper Shelton, attended the Uni- versity of Virginia during the session of 1835-'36, and was ad- mitted to the bar in his native state. His first marriage was with Elizabeth J. Berger of his native county, on the 19th of N'ovember, 1835. In the fall of 1836 he removed to Missouri, and in the following spring settled at Tiv- iot, Montgomery County. After opening a farm he divided his time between the school-room and the law, having been admit- ted to the Missouri bar soon after his removal to the state. In January, 1850, he professed faith in Christ, and from this time forward prayed in his family, and often led in the weekly prayer meetings. He was baptized by Eld. W. H. Vardeman and received into fellowship in the Zion Baptist Church, Mont' gomei-y County, in JSTovember, 1851. It was the wish and jDrayer of his father's family that he might be a minister. He had convictions relative to the ministry be^ fore his conversion. In an old manuscript, lately come to hand, dated January, 1846, he recorded the following prayer: "Re- deem me, Oh ! Lord, from sin and bondage. Give me a will and power to serve Thee aright, and enable me to declare thy gospel to a sinful generation, and in me, Oh! God, gladden thy Zion." BEAR CREEK ASSOCIATION. 58l He was called to ordination by the Zion Church, and, by Elds. J. E. Welch, W. H. Vardeman and T. T. Johnson, was set apart to the work in 1856. He labored as pastor with but few churches, but generally kept one or more stated appointments in destitute neighborhoods, thus seeking to build on a foundation vv^hich he laid. His influ* ence was second to no one in the association. For some years he was recording clerk of the body, and in 1862 presided as mod- erator. Eld. Nowlin was a strong predestinarian. He used to relate the following incident : " When I was a boy I one day approach' ed my grandmother, saying: ' G-randmother, you are a Baptist, and also a predestinarian, yet you believe in Sunday-schools, missionary societies, &c. To me, this seems very inconsistent. If God has predetermined to save the elect, what use have we for such societies?' She answered :' Davy, you only go half way. God has not only predetermined the end, but he has also predetermined the means suited to accomplish that end.' So that I found my grandmother much more of a predestinarian than I had been." He was a doctrinal preacher ; very earnest, pointed and logi- cal. In the common acceptation of the word, he was not elo- quent, but a sound, solid reasoner. His sermons were well ma- tured and full of Bible truth; better calculated to convince the judgment than to move the passions, always securing the atten- tion of the intelligent part of his audience. In June, 1852, the wife of his early manhood and mother of his children died, and he was again married about three years there- after to Mrs. Eleanor M. Adams. One of the trials of his life was his banishment, as a political prisoner, in the year 1863. This was done by a military com- mission, because his Southern proclivities were supposed to en- danger the cause of the Federal authorities in the state. Eld. B. H. Spencer of the M. E. Church, South, and Dr. Pitman, an eminent physician of Jonesburg, Missouri, were his companions in banishment. He died at his home in Montgomery County, October 17, 1865, being then in the 54th year of his natural life. Mr. Nowlin was a man of broad literary culture, and his social qualities and conversational powers were superb, hence he was always welcomed as an important member of social circles, and left the impress of his noble character upon the hearts and 582 BEAR CREEK ASSOCIATION. minds of his acquaintances, a memorial more precious and en- during than pillars of stone or brass. Thomas Thornton Johnson — was a descendant of the "Woods and Johnsons of Yirginia, who lived in that state in the times of religious persecution, when John Waller and Lewis Craig used to preach through prison grates. He was born in Fauquier County, July 20, 1803. At the early age of fifteen years he was converted under the preaching of Eld. James Suggett of Scott County, Kentucky, by whom also he was baptized into the fel- lowship of the Great Crossings Church. He emigrated to Missouri in 1828 and settled in Pike County, which, together with Marion, Ralls, Lin- coln and Montgom- ery Counties consti- tuted the principal field of his labors. He was in the or- ganization of M t. Pisgah Church, Pike>. County, in Decem- ber, 1833; at hei- call was ord'ainedl the following June,, and became the first pastor; which office he held for some fif- teen years. In 1838 or '39^ he and a few others, in the midst of the battle against REV. T. T. joHxsoN. missious, formed a little missionarj^ society to collect funds for itinerant work. Bro. Jiohnson was sent out as a missionary and his labors were much blessed. Soon after these events, his association (then Salt Riv- er) raised funds for home missions and Brother Johnson was se- lected as the missionary at sixty cents a day. Small pay; but he was at home in the itinerant work, and for the first five years of his labor, four or five hundred persons were converted and baptized. A number of churches were founded, and many oth- ers were strengthened under his evangelical labors. He aided in organizing Providence, Mill Creek, Buffalo Knob, Bowling BEAR CREEK ASSOCIATION. 683 G-reen and Salt Eiver Churches in Salt Eiver Association • also Liberty, Elkhorn (now Montgomery City) and Massey's Creek Churches in Bear Creek Association. During the vigor of his life he was active in the ministry, traveling many weary miles to reach congregations gathered together in school-houses to hear the gospel message from his lips. His preaching was generally on the exhortational order, and when in his prime his appeals were often overwhelming — melt- ing sometimes almost the entire congregation to tears. Hun- dreds of souls in the bounds of Salt Eiver and Bear Creek As- sociations have been brought under conviction and led to Christ under his preaching. His first marriage was on the 15th of March, 1827, to Miss Margaret Henderson, daughter of Eev.Thos. Henderson, superin- tendant of Choctaw Academy, Scott County, Kentucky. Young Johnson was at the time acting usher in that institution. By the woman of his first love four children were borne to him. She died in 1834, and on the 15th of June, 1836, he married Mar- garet Ann Watson, who became the mother of seven children — four sons and three daughters — and who yet lives. " In 1856 he removed to Montgomery County, and settled near High Hill, and from there to Truxton, Lincoln County, in 1865, at which place he resided till his death. Bro. Johnson was em- phatically a Bible student, comparing Scripture with Scripture, and, considering his limited educational advantages, and a pecu- liar notion which led him to reject all the ordinary " helps," to a Biblical student, such as commentaries, &c., he had attained a good degree of proficiency in the Bible; and although somewhat eccentric, as the writer thought, yet in the main he was sound in his views of Bible truths and Christian duty, being afirmand unwavering Baptist, and denouncing every innovation of what he believed to be Apostolic precedent and usage, or new Testa- ment rule."* After having been in a state of failing health for some time he died of pneumonia, at his house in Truxton, on Sunday, Febru- ary 25, 1877. Eld. J. H. Tuttle preached the funeral sermon from the words, "Well done, good and faithful servant;" after which he was buried by the Masonic fraternity. William Davis Grant, — one of the constituents of the Bear Creek Association, is of Scotch ancestry and was born in Ohio, July 10, 1812. With the family he moved to Ealls County, Mis- * Eld. J. H. Tuttle of Hawk Point, Mo. ~~~ 684 BEAR CREEK ASSOCIATION. souri, in 1820. Here and in Pike County he grew up and spent many years. When young he learned the tanners' trade, and while thus employed he hired a man to give him lessons in his spelling-book. Subsequently he went to school occasionally. While an apprentice he was surrounded with wicked associates, and grew up a reckless young man. In the fall of 1832 he professed conversion and joined the Methodists, not long after which he was appointed class-leader, then a licensed exhorter and traveled awhile with Eld. Jesse Sitton. He became a close student of the Bible, was convinced of the correctness of Baptist principles, and united with the Bap- tist Church at Noix Creek in 1843. He was at once licensed, and two years after ordained by the same church. Wm. Hurley, A. D. Landrum and J. Bower composing the presbytery. His is another case of "farmer pfeachers," never perhaps in his life having received a salary. He raised a large family, and studied his sermons while holding the plow handle. To many of God's poor has he broken the Bread of Life. His name is a fa- miliar word in many households in the counties of Pike, Lincoln, St. Charles, Warren and Montgomery. In twelve to fourteen churches he has filled the pastoral office, of which we may men- tion New Salem, Sulphur Lick, Cottonwood, Bethlehem, Mt. Prai- rie, Mt. Hope, Zion, Mt. Pleasant, Wellsville and Walnut Grove. In doctrine he is calvinistic, and has always been regarded a bet- ter preacher by his hearers than by himself. Though about 70 years old, ho still travels and preaches at several points. CHAPTER II. BETHEL (NOW CALLED SOUTHWEST BETHEL) ASSOCI- ATION. The. First Meeting — List of Churches — Ministers — ^IVIission Spirit — Plan of Work — Associational Powers — Cheap ISIissions — Eemarkable Action — Baptists not a Law Making People, as Such — Change of Kame. rr^HE following six churches, viz: New Eamey, Prospect, -L Shady Grove, Buck Prairie, Mount Zion, and Rock Spring, having been dismissed from Spring River Association for the purpose, met in convention at Shady Grove Church on the sec- ond Saturday in November, 1853, adopted a constitution and confession of faith, and were thus "organized into an association to be known by the name of 'Bethel Association of United Bap- tists.'" The fourteenth article of the constitution read thus: ''Two thirds of the association concurring therein, may with- draw from any church in the union that is heterodox in princi- ple or disorderly in practice ; but no church or member shall be questioned for believing in or promulgating the doctrine of elec- tion, or a general provision in Christ for all men, that is, Christ tasted death for every man." The first anniversary was held at Mount Zion Church, Greene County, commencing October 6, 1854. Swan Creek, Panther Creek and Antioch, new churches, were received into member- ship, making eight churches, with 311 members — New Ramey Church not having been present at this session. The ministers were, E. Wray, E. Niece, B. Walker, B. Buckner, J. Davidson and A. Stapp. The association agreed to make an effort for the spread of the gospel, and to this end requested the co-operation of the churches, solicited the pastors to preach on missions, and the deacons to make collections for the same and send up to the next meeting of the body. Correspondence was solicited with the General Association, and Brother C. D. Bray was requested to write a petitionary let- ter, and the ti'easurer was authorized to furnish him with $10 to forward by mail to the General Association. ■586 BETHEL (now CALLED SOUTHWEST BETHEL) ASSOCIATION. The churches at this date were situated in Lawrence, G-reene, Stone and Taney Counties. The messengers that composed the second session of Bethel Association met at Chalybeate (formerly Rock) Spring Church, Lawrence Count}', October 12, 1855, Eld. B. Buckner was mod- erator, and C. D. Bray clerk. Bethel and Hopewell, newly constituted churches, were admitted. Eld. E. Niece was elec- ted by private ballot to ride in the bounds of the association, and was instructed to visit the churches, take up collections, and preach to the destitute; James M. Moore, Jesse A. Marley and Charles Byrd being appointed a committee to regulate his salary and call on the treasurer for money to pay the same. The or- ganization of the Baptist Convention of Southern Missouri was approved, and the clerk was instructed to open correspondence with the secretary of that body with a view of becoming auxiliary to the same. Churches, 10; baptisms, 57 ; members, 399; ad- ditional ministers, J. T. Walker and J. H. Tatum. At the next session (1856) held at Prospect Church, Taney Coun- ty, the association declined becoming auxiliary to the Southern Missouri Convention, and requested the churches to say in their next letters as to whether they will act with said Convention, or with the General Association, or with either. This action furnishes another demonstration of the great want of information as to the prerogatives of an association. For a discussion of this sub- ject we refer the reader to The Fishing Eiver Association. The missionary. Eld. E. Xiece, reported 55 days' labor; 41 sermons; 21 baptisms; $32,60 received from the treasurer, and $2 from the association, leaving a balance due of S5.40 ; showing that his salary was only about $21 per month. Eld. B. McCord Roberts was welcomed as a messenger from Union Association. Eld. Jacob Good was elected missionary, and the funds placed in the hands of an executive committee, consisting of C. D. Bray, Benj. Marley, J. M. Moore, Thos.W. Ruffin and Alfred Davidson. In 1857 the session was held at Buck Prairie, Lawrence Coun- ty. The executive board reported 122 days of labor by the missionary; baptisms, 16; churches constituted, 3; and a bal- ance due him of $32.85. They ignored the ordinar}- plan of mission work and requested all the ministers in the bounds of the association to preach to the destitute as much as they might see fit to do ; take collections for missionary purposes, &c. The following new churches were received this session: Pleasant Grove, Pleasant Valley, Liberty and Mt. Sinai. BETHEL (now CALLED SOUTHWEST BETHEL) ASSOCIATION. 587 In 1858 the association met at New Ramey. One new church, viz : Kenton, was received into fellowship. Under the plan of missions adopted last year, six ministers labored 185 days in destitute places, for which they received $26.55, which was less than 15 cts. a day. In short, these ministers were bearing the burden of the work and the church members were living at their ease — at least so far as missions were concerned. In 1860 messengers from the churches met in the seventh anni- versary at New Hope, "Webster County. The number of churches was increased by the addition of 9 new ones to the list, viz.: Finley Creek, Harmony No. 2, Stewart's Creek, Harmony No. 1, Galena, Beaver Creek, Pleasant G-arden, Pond Creek and Pleas- ant Hope. Baptisms, 200; members, 1,128. Among others we notice the following additions to the list of pastors: J. K. Lacy, "Wilson Seals, L. A. Smith, E. Clevenger, H. W. Herndon and E. W. Crawford. Following the records we find no meetings of the association during the war period, until the year 1864, when 13 messengers met at Mount Zion Church, Christian County, in September, and held what the minutes called a "Convention of the United Bap- tists." The meeting lasted two days. The following remarkable language was placed on record in the proceedings of the second day: "We instruct the churches of Bethel Association to exclude all disloj'al members, and we will not hold churches in fellowship who will not comply with this advice." This advice seems to be about equivalent to law, and never, since the world began, were Baptist associations regarded as law making bodies. Eld. E. Niece was elected moderator of this meeting, H. C. Nash clerk, and Eld E. "Wray treasurer. In 1865 the membership of the churches was greatly scattered during the war. Not a few of the churches became entirely ex- tinct, and others lost so much of numerical strength that at the session of 1865 only 8 churches were repi'esented, who reported a membership of 431, against over 1,100 in 1860. Correspond- ence was continued with the General Association. In 1866 the meeting was held with Buck Prairie, Lawrence County, when 7 churches were added to the list of last year, and 155 accessions by baptism were reported. Correspondence was opened with the Baptist State Convention. The association met at Bethel, Christian County, in 1867, and 588, BETHEL (now CALLED SOUTHWEST BETHEL) ASSOCIATION. received into fellowship five new churches. The past was a year of wonderful ingathering. Revivals spread over nearly the en- tire bounds of the association and resulted in 459 conversions and baptisms. The total membership of the 21 churches was 1,240. An effort was made to restore the ancient order of things and the ministers were requested to preach a gospel sermon on the sub- ject of missions, and the churches advised to send up contribu- tions to the next meeting. In 1868 six new churches reported and were enrolled at the session of 1868, held at Prosperity Church. Their names were Union Hill, Timber Grove, Pleasant Grove, Mount Olive, Post Oak Grove and First Church, Marionville, all of which were small. These, together with 332 baptisms increased the reported membership to 1,388. ^^Resolved, That we hail with feelings of joy the news that the Baptists of Missouri are now united, and acting in concert in the building up of Christ's kingdom." There being two other Bethel Associations in the state, at the session in 1869 the association changed its name to read "South- west Bethel Association." The meeting was held at Hopewell, Greene County. In 1870 eight churches made application and were dismissed to form an association west of James Eiver. In 1875 this association was composed of 18 churches, located mostly in Taney and Christian Counties, with one each in Greene, and Douglass Counties; membership, 691. CHAPTER m. BOUEBOIS AND SMITH VALLEY ASSOCIATIONS. Formation of Bourbois — Missionary — Kefuses Admission to Excluded Churches — "Old Mount Pleasant" Church — SiMITh Valley Associatiox — Rejects "Alien" Immersion — Friendship and Other Churches. BOUEBOIS Association was formed in 1851. We state this as a fact upon the authority of the title page of the minutes of the second annual meeting, which was held at Mount Pleasant Church, Gasconade County, commencing September 23, 1853. The association was then composed of 6 churches, located in Gasconade and Maries Counties, viz. : Mt. Pleasant, 45 j Hope- well, 7; Spring Creek, 28; Oak Forest, 12; Beaver Creek, 9; Third Creek, 4; total, 105. The first and third articles of the constitution are as follows, and determine its character as a Bap- tist institution : '^First. This association shall be composed of ministers in our bounds, and of such members as the churches may send, by pre- senting a letter certifying their legality. "• '^ Third. Any church may become a member of this association, provided they are sound in the faith and orderly in practice, who will not oppose those that may wish to engage in the benev- olent institutions of the day." (^Minutes Bourbois Association, 1853, p. 7.) The ministers of the association at this time were E. S. D. Caldwell (who was the moderator), J. Holeman, J. Miller, J. C. Dillon and L. Lacy. Our next information concerning this body is for the year 1865, when it met on its thirteenth anniversary at the Mt. Zion meet- ing house, Osage County, on the 8th day of September. There were then 8 churches, one of which (Brush Creek, Crawford Coun- ty) was received into the union this session. The entire mem- bership was now 249. Two churches only — Mt. Pleasant and Lane's Prairie — reported baptisms — the former 2 and the lat- ter 6. By resolution, *' Feet-Washing was recommended among the churches," 590 BOURBOIS AND SMITH VALLEY ASSOCIATIONS. During the fifteenth anniversary, held at Mt. Pleasant church, Gasconade County, September, 1867, the name "Bourbois United Baptist Association" was adopted. Correspondence was held with Osage Eiver, Union, Franklin and Gasconade Eiver Asso- ciations. Sabbath-schools were recommended ; so were temper- ance and home missions. At a former session of this body a resolution was adopted, declaring in unequivocal terms, that no church would be recognized by the association "which did not utter its solemn protest against intemperance." Mount Pleas- ant, Friendship and Willow Spring Churches had held meetings and enjoyed glorious revivals during the year, the new converts aggregating 94. The number of churches was now 10, with 369 communicants. In 1868, Corinth Church, Phelps County, was the place of meeting. The association took hold of the missionary work with a good degree of earnestness and zeal. By individual contribu- tions $131.75 were raised for missionary purposes. The associ- ation also became " auxiliary to the General Association of Missouri," and Elds. Briggs, Carr and Shanks, and Brethren Beekham, Blackwell and Gorman were appointed messengers to its next session. The next most important event that occurred at this meeting is given in the following record : "Liberty, Mud Spring and New Salem Churches presented a petition for admission j whereupon the association appointed a committee to investigate the matter, and see if said churches, which were excluded from Union Association, be in order for reception into this association. Committee, H. Beekham, W. Southard, J. Blackwell, G. "W. Sewell and James Deatherage." After a full investigation of the case the following was submit- ted : "Your committee beg leave to report that, after a full and free investigation of the difficulties existing between the Mud Spring, New Salem and Liberty Churches, and the Union Association, we come to the unanimous conclusion that said churches should not, under existing circumstances, be received into this body. While we extend to them our Christian sympathy, we recom- mend to them that they seek for reconciliation with the Union Association. William Southard, Chairman." The report was adopted unanimously. Eld. W. M. Briggs was appointed as the joint missionary of this and the General Association. In 1870 the ordained ministers consisted of T. E. Carr, G. Stur- BOURBOIS AND SMITH VALLEY ASSOCIATIONS. 591 divant, Wm. M. Briggs, Peter Brown, J. S. Frost, G-reenbury Lee, A. E. Dye, E. Moss, H. F. Odura and Joseph Shanks. This year the meeting was held at Mt. Pleasant Church; and the new churches at Dry Creek, Zion Hill, Concord, Mt. Calvary and Jake's Prairie were admitted into the association, now number- ing 14 churches and 590 members. Baptisms during the year, 158, which indicates an extended revival spirit. By the session of 1873, which was held with Mt. Calvary Church, the association had grown to 20 churches, with an ag- gregate membership of 867, and 11 ordained ministers and one licentiate. The associational territory embraced the counties of Maries and Phelps, and parts of Osage, Gasconade and Craw- ford. M. B. Holman, T, Smith and T. H. Duncan had been ad- ded to the list of ministers. Mt. Pleasant Church — is one of the pioneer institutions of Gasconade County, and of Bourbois Association, it having origi- nated with 8 baptized believers, September 16, 1844. Its location is in the extreme south end of the county, forty-five miles from Herman, the county seat. The first pastor was R. S. D. Cald- well, who continued with the church for some years and was suc- ceeded by Benj. Leach. In 1870 the church had no house of wor- ship. In 1873 it had 77 communicants, and W. O. Gibson was pastor. The rest of the churches now on the list of this association have all originated since the war, some of which we give as fol- lows : Concord in 1869 ; Dry Creek in 1870 ; Mt. Calvary in 1870 ; Mt. Olive in 1868; Willow Spring in 1866; Zion Hill in 1869 ; and Antioch in 1867. SMITH VALLEY ASSOCIATION. The Smith Valley Association, a small Baptist community, whose territory is adjacent to that of the Bourbois fraternity, and all of whose churches are situated in Pulaski County, save one in Phelps, was organized in the fall of 1870, with churches formerly belonging to the Gasconade River Association. From the minutes of the fourth anniversary, held September 10, 1874, at Mt. Zion Church, Pulaski County, we cull the sub- joined facts and statistics : Churches. — Antioch, 19; Berean, 63; Bethlehem, 10; Friend- ship, 125; Hopewell, 44; Idumea, 21 ; Little Flock, 20; Mace- donia, 34; Mill Creek, 16; Freedom, 26 ; Mt. Zion, 30; Pleas- ant Grove, 38; Prosperity, 30 ; Robideaux, 26 ; total members, 502 ; baptisms, 70. 692 B0URB0I8 AND SMITH VALLEY ASSOCIATIONS. Ministers. — W. C. Wheeler, Wm. Armstrong, M. M. King, A. Hendrix, J. M. Hibbs, T. J. Zumwalt, S. M. Page, C. A. Wilson, T. E. Lowry, M. C. Dodd, T. Jones, A. J. Fuson and G. P. Fu- son, all of whom save the two last named are in Pulaski County. The sentiments of this association, on the subjects involved, may be gathered from the following, adopted at the session of 1874: " Whereas, There are some among the Baptist brotherhood who are inclined to hold the ordinances of the church of Christ with a loose hand, having a tendency to produce strife, heresies and divisions in our churches, and in order to guard against this evil ; therefore, '^Besolved, That we, as churches composing this association, here- after will accept nor receive no baptism as scripturally valid, but that administered by the hands of a regularly ordained Bap- tist minister, of the same gospel faith and order with us; and that we will hereafter fellowship no minister, church or associa- tion, who advocates or tolerates mixed communion, directly or indirectly; believing it to be contrary to sound gospel faith and order, and injurious to the true unity of the church of Christ. ^^Resolced, That we are in sympathy with the home and the foreign missionary societies. "That we will give our influence and aid to the Baptist General Association of Missouri. "That we recommend our churches to organize and sustain Sunday-schools in their midst, and, so far as practicable, make them Baptist schools. "That we dispense with the titles, 'Separate,' 'United' and 'Missionary ;' and agree to be known only as the Baptist Church of Christ." The Smith Valley Association has made no progress in the way of mulliplj'ing new churches, but has, for the most part,/sus- taincd the itinerant system; mainly, however, with the view of enlarging and developing the original churches, rather than the extension of her territorial borders. In 1879 she numbered 358 members, holding fellowship in 11 churches, 10 of which are in Pulaski County. Friendship. — This church was organized in 1858 of 8 constitu- ent members. It is situated in Pulaski County, twelve miles southwest of Waynesville, the county seat. Wm. Briggs was their minister until the war. In 1869 the church completed a house of worship, built of hewed logs, 20x24 foet, which was BOURBOIS AND SMITH VALLEY ASSOCIATIONS. 593 valued at $150. In 1870 this body numbered 86 members, but had decreased to 45 in 1879. Mt. Zion Church — was gathered by M. M. King, its formal organization occurring October 27, 1867, in the Cook Settlement, Pulaski County, twelve miles south of Waynesville. It com- menced with 6 members, and in 1882 had 25, with M. M. King as pastor. EoBiDBAUX Church — bears date June 17, 1868, having begun with 7 members. Its location was in Pulaski County, some six- teen miles southeast from the county seat. For a few years it worshiped in an old log-cabin, 16 feet square, which was valued at $20, and then in 1875 disbanded. 38 CHAPTER IV, CEIS'TEAL MISSOUPJ AND CONCOED ASSOCIATIONS. Central Missouri from Bethel — Feet- Washing — How a Church was Tried — The Won- derful Revival — Another New Association — Numerical Strength . THE Central Missouri Association is an offshoot of Bethel, the oldest associational fraternity in the state. It was or- ganized in the fall of 1859 or summer of 1860. At the session of the Bethel Association in 1859 "the following churches were dis- missed to form a new association in Iron County, viz : Mt. Pleas- ant, Big Creek, Pleasant Grove, White Oak Grove, Sugar Tree Grove, Mt. Gilead, Mt. Zion and Locust Grove; and Elds. Wil- liam Polk, Harry Young and James Eitter volunteered to meet said churches and aid them in organizing as an association." {Minutes of the Bethel Association, 1859.) These were the churches that formed the Central Missouri Association, but as to the exact time we have been unable to obtain information. The articles of faith adopted by the new association recognized *' Feet-washing as set forth in St. John, chapter 13, to be one of the ordinances of the gospel which ought to be observed by all Christians as our Lord and Savior delivered it to the disciples, and ought to be practiced in connection with the Supper by all baptized believers." The third article of the constitution reads thus: "The members thus chosen and convened, to be denom- inated the Central Missouri Association of United Baptists, be- ing composed of sundry churches lying and being in South Mis- souri, who are to have no power to lord it over God's heritage, nor are they to have ecclesiastical power over the churches, nor to infringe on any of the internal rights of the churches in our union ; nevertheless it becomes necessary in some cases to have a uni- form rule of proceeding ; that is, in case where an offence may be committed either by an individual church or an individ- ual member of a church, which offends any of the sister churches in the union, that the church or individual so offend- ing may be brought to trial, and their case determined upon by rules prescribed in Matt. 18, and other scriptures concerning dis- cipline for the bringing to trial and determining upon the case of an iadividual in an individual church," CENTRAL MISSOURI AND CONCORD ASSOCIATIONS. 596 The sixth annual meeting in 1866 was at Mount Zion, Wash- ington County, in October. Isaac Lane was elected moderator, and David Adams clerk. The pastors were N. Adams, Isaac Lane, Gr. W. Bay and P. McCracken. There were now 13 churches, 5 of which sent no intelligence this year. The total membership of the eight that sent messengers was 367. Pleasant Grove Church, Iron County, was the place of meet- ing in 1867. Seven churches were dismissed to " form a new as- sociation in southeast Missouri " (see Concord Association). This year Bethlehem Church reported 82 baptisms, and all the FEET- W ASHING ; A RARE OBSERVANCE. churches a total of 165 baptisms. The entire 13 churches sent messengers this year, showing the whole number of communi- cants to be 528. In 1874 the association numbered 9 churches, 5 ordained min- isters, and a total membership of 283. The churches were then scattered over the counties of Washington, Iron, Dent, Reynolds and Madison, and were somewhat intermixed with the churches of other associations. CONCOKD ASSOCIATION {SOUTHEAST). It will be remembered that the Old Concord Association of 596 CENTRAL MISSOURI AND CONCORD ASSOCIATIONS. Missouri was formed from the Mt. Pleasant in 1823, its churches being situated in what was then Cooper County. The Concord Association of Iron and Eeynolds Counties is a daughter of the Central Missouri Association, having been organized by a con- vention of messengers from 4 churches, aggregating 298 mem- bers, on the first Saturday in December, 1867, at the Big Creek Church, Iron County. The churches were Big Creek, Bethle- hem, Mt. Zion and Pilgrim's Eest. Isaac Lane, a minister, was moderator, and E. C. Smith clerk. The name adopted was " The Concord Association — lying and being in Southeast Missouri." The constitution and articles of faith adopted were those of the Central Missouri, from which the Concord originated. By the third article of the constitution they were declared to be "United Baptists." The first anniversary was held at Pilgrim's Eest Church, Iron County, in October, 1868, when New Prospect, Pleasant Ex- change, Mt. Gilead and Sugar Tree Grove Churches were added to the list of the preceding year. The pastors were Isaac Lane, E. Seal and C. Warren. Isaac Lane was re-elected moderator, and Thomas M. Dickson was chosen clerk. Correspondence was opened with St. Francois and Franklin Associations. In 1869 the meeting was held at Big Creek Church, Iron Coun- ty, commencing October 2. Highland Church was admitted into the union. Correspondence with Franklin Association was drop- ped, " because her constitution and articles of faith were found to discord with the constitution and articles of faith of the Concord Association." Having compared the articles of faith of the two associations, we find this diff'erence : the Concord has an article declaring "feet-washing" to be an "ordinance of the gospel," and Franklin has no such article. We conclude, therefore, that this was the discrepancy which induced the Concord to refuse fraternal greetings with the Franklin Association. The third annual meeting was held at Bethlehem Church, Eey= nolds County, in 1870, when messengers were present from onh" 6 churches. Pilgrim's Eest and Mt. Zion churches were excluded from the association "for violating United Baptist practices." In 1871 Dening Chapel, Pleasant Valley, Locust Grove, White Oak Grove, Black Oak Grove and Friendship Churches were re- ceived into the association at the session this year, held at Pleas- ant Exchange Church, Eeynolds County. Samuel M. Beard was elected moderator and W. M. Cotton was clerk. New Prospect Church, Eeynolds County, entertained the asso- CENTRAL MISSOURI AND CONCORD ASSOCIATIONS. 597 elation in 1872, when the officers of the preceding year were re- elected. The churches at Blair's Creek, Union and Little Vine petitioned and Avere admitted into the association. The follow- ing resolutions were adopted at this meeting : "1st. That the association withdraw from the Mt. Nebo Church for violating 'United Baptist faith.' "2d. That we prefer charges against Elder A. J. Vance, and upon authority of the evidence in the case, declare his creden- tials void until he acquit himself of the charges." We know no more of the case of Eld. Vance than is contained in the foregoing language, but we must say this much relative to it, inasmuch as the association published anything concerning the case, justice to the cause and to the accused demanded that the particulars be given. Every one, however guiltj' or inno- cent, who may be brought under church discipline, has the right to demand this. When the civil law condemns a criminal it makes public his crime. Ecclesiastical law should not do less. From the table of 1872 we gather the following summary: Churches. — Big Creek, 75 ; Pleasant Exchange, 42 ; Highland 17; New Prospect, 58; Bethlehem, 102; Mt. Gilead, 63; Den ing Chapel, 24; Sugar Tree Grove, 15; Pleasant Valley, 23 Locust Grove, 37; White Oak Grove, 41; Black Oak Grove, 16 Friendship, 19; Blair's Creek, 10; Union, 19; Little Vine, 13 total membership, 574; baptisms, 29; contributions, $26. Pastors.— R. Seal, S. M. Beard, C. Warren, M. W. Cotton, J. C. Asher and J. Crowley. In 1874 the association consisted of 16 churches, whose mem- bership aggregated 584, with six ordained ministers. The churches are located in Keynolds, Iron and Shannon Counties. CHAPTER V. PEEEDOM ASSOCIATION. Formation — Policy — War Influences — Keorganization — Confusion — Kebellion — Pro- scription — Great Destitution — Action on tlie Liquor Traffic — D. K. Murphy, His Night Adventure, and Coming to Missoiu-i — Geo. Mitchell, His Education, Work and Death. '^ A CCOEDINGr to previous arrangement, the churches that J-TA-. compose the eastern division of Union Association, by their delegates, met in convention at Zoar Church, Polk County, Mo., on Friday before the third Sunday in October, 1858. The Convention was called to order by appointing Eld. E. S. Eaton chairman, and J. M, Spillman secretary. Letters from the dif- ferent churches called for, read, &c. On motion, the convention resolved itself into an association, and adopted the following constitution, articles of faith," &c. {Minutes of 1858, p. 1.) The name adopted was The Freedom Association of United Baptists. The churches numbered in all 26, located in the coun- ties of Polk, Webster, Dallas, Laclede, Hickory and Greene, and had an aggregate membership of 1,316. Minis1ers.—:i . T. Wheeler, J. Eandolph, J. E. Callaway, H. II. Atchley, G-. B. Mitchell, I. Vernon, Isaac Ingram, D. E. Murphy, T. Pitts, W. F. Spillman, J. Burns, J. H. Wammack and E. S. Eaton. The association adopted an aggressive policy, and put Elds. W. P. Spillman and Gr. B. Mitchell into the field as itinerants, the former for one year, at a salary of $300, the latter for three months at a salary of $85. Correspondence was opened with Union, Cedar and Zion Associations. The minutes of the session of 1860, held at Cedar Bluff, Greene County, show an increase of seven churches over the preceding report. The 213 reported baptisms indicate a good degree of prosperity in this direction. The numerical strength had now reached 1,730. Eld. Isaac Ingram, as missionary by api^ointment of the executive board, reported 11 months' labor, 87 baptisms, 2 new churches, and $52 collected on the field. Elds. D. E. Mur- phy and John W. Williams, as volunteer missionaries, reported FREEDOM ASSOCIATION. 590 78 baptisms, 1 new church, and that they had collected $434 for their support. These figures certainly indicate a degree of ac- tivity in old Freedom worthy of imitation. Before the time for holding the next annual meeting, the civil war had broken out and spiritual dearth spread over the land. A few churches met in 1862, but very little was accomplished. ISTo more meetings of the association were held until the autumn of 1865. "To Libert}^ Church and to her jDastor, Eld. J. P. Aikin, be- long the honor as the prime movers in the revival of Freedom Association. In pursuance of a call of Liberty Church, a few brethren met in convention, with Eld. J. Mapcs as moderator, and L. J. Tatum as clerk. The purposes of the meeting were two : 1st. To reorganize the association ; 2d. To adopt some plan of co-operation between the two j)arties, as political differences had caused much alienation of feeling. The convention made an appointment for an associational meeting at Cedar Bluff, Greene County." (3fS. of L. A. Smith.) The minutes of this session are before us. It was held in Oct- ober, 1865. Eight churches sent messengers. J. P. Thomas was moderator, and L. J. Tatum clerk ; $29.15 were contributed to defray expenses, and the clerk was requested to publish the con- stitution and articles of faith in the minutes, which he did. " The meeting was only a partial success. From this time on, for a number of years, the energies of Freedom Association were greatly crippled by much wrangling and consequent confusion." {MS. ofL. A. Smith.) The session adjourned to meet in August, 1866, at Brighton Church, Polk County. No meeting seems to have been held at that time. In September, 1866, however, 9 churches sent mes- sengers, and a meeting was held at Ilumansville, Polk County. Only 4 of the 9 churches were represented in the meeting the previous year, and no reference is made to said meeting in the records of 1866. The spirit of proscription was prominent in the majority. An amended confession of faith was adopted, the 2d article of which read thus : "We believe the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the written word of God, and the only (true) rule of faith and practice ; and that they inculcate strict loyalty to civil govern- ment, and that we will not fellowship those that have been in rebellion against the government of the United States, without 600 FREEDOM ASSOCIATTON. evidence of gospel repentance." {Minutes Freedom Association, 1866, p. 5.) Great was the destitution and many were the waste places in the borders of the association at this date. Some conception may be formed of the vast desolation from the following report of the committee on destitution : " In 1860 there were in our district over 30 churches, general- ly supplied with ministers. "We have now about 17 churches in process of reconstruction, partially supplied, in feeble condition, destitute of houses, and but five resident preachers; no Sab- bath-schools or Bible classes." {Minutes Freedom Association, 1866, p. 4.) The minutes of 1866 give the following summary: Churches. — Bolivar, Brighton, Senter (at Humansville), Liber- ty, Elkton, Enon, G-reen Mountain, Salem and Freedom. The aggregate membership was 429. Ministers. — D. E. Murphy, H. J. Mapes, L. J. Tatum and J. P. Aikin. Only ^9.15 were contributed to defray expenses. Four new churches were added to the association in 1867, when the meeting was held at Freedom, Polk County, and H. J. Mapes and James P. Aiken were appointed itinerants to ride and preach in the bounds of the association. In 1868 the session was held at Enon, Polk County ; in 1869 at Center, Polk County; in 1870 at Half Way, Polk County; in 1871 at First Baptist Church, Buffalo, Dallas County; in 1872 at Union Grove, Polk County; in 1873 at Oak Grove, Polk Count}-; in 1874 at Mt, View, Polk County; in 1875 at Bolivar; in 1877 at Mt. Olive, Dallas County; in 1878 at Pleasant Hill, Polk Coun- ty ; and at Concord, Polk County, in 1879. As it will be both uninteresting and unprofitable to follow the routine of business in the successive sessions of the body, we shall now note only such features of its history as will be of gen- eral interest. New churches were admitted as follows : Enon, Dallas, Union and Union Grove in 1878 ; Oak Grove, Friendship, Half Way and Buftalo in 1869; and in 1870, Macedonia and Mission Chapel. In 1868 the second article of the confession of faith, relating to rebellion, was stricken out and the following adopted as a substitute : " That magistrates are to be prayed for, conscientious- ly honored and obeyed, except in things opposed to the will of our Lord Jesus Christ." i^REEDOM ASSOCIATION, 601 From 1866 to 1870 the list of ministers was increased by the following: James Schofield, Geo. W. Mitchell, J. Baker, H. C. Ayers, G. Suiter, T. Buckner, J. K. Knoble, G. W. Dooley, T. Mathew and M. K. Pitts. In 1870 the total number of churches Was 20, and the aggregate membership 774, For the last ten years the Freedom Association has enjoyed peace and harmony and has grown in efficiency. In fact, from the beginning there was an aggressive element in the churches. During most or all of this period she has by the most earnest appeals sought the promotion of the Baptist Sunday-school in- terest. At one time the dram-shop question greatly agitated the peo- ple of Polk and adjoining Counties. In 1874 the association adopted resolutions condemning in the severest terms the liquor traffic, as follows : "Resolved, That this association lift up her hand against the practice of selling intoxicating spirits as a beverage, and use all her power to put down the same, and that we, as Baptists, are positively and emphatically against the granting of dram-shop licences under any circumstances whatever ; and that the clerks of the several churches in this association are requested to read the above resolutions to their respective churches." {Minutes Free- dom Association, 1874, p. 2.) Such was the extent of dram-drinking, and such its manifest hurtful influence, that the association again lifted up its voice on the subject. In 1877 the following action was taken relative to this practice: "Whereas, There is a tendency among some of our good people to countenance the sale of intoxicating liquors and advocate a moderate use of the same; and, whereas, all the drunkards of the land come from the ranks of the moderate dram-drinkers; and, whereas, it is our opinion that the moderate dram-drinker is lead- ing many of the most prominent young men of our country into the haunts of drunkenness, degradation and ruin; we therefore recommend : " 1st. That each of our church members be admonished to abstain from the use and discourage the sale of intoxicating liquors, except strictly for medical use, and on the recom- mendation of their family physician. "2d. That each of our ministers be requested to preach at least once a year to their churches on the subject of intemper- ance." {Minutes Freedom Association, 1877, p. 2.) 602 FREEDOM ASSOCIATION Having from time to time given off churches to unite with and build up other associations, the Freedom had not in 1880 as many churches as in 1870. Her strength then may be seen in the following summary : churches, 17 ; ministers, 22 ; total mem- bership, 1,464. A large majority of its churches being in Polk County, the propriety of changing its name to that of " Polk County Association " Avas submitted to the churches at its meet- ing in 1879. In her bounds, at Bolivar, is located the Southwest Baptist College, a young and growing institution of learning with J. E. Maupin at its head, an account of which will appear in another place. D. E. Murphy, — for thirty -five years one of the most useful and laborious ministers of the gospel in southwest Missouri, was a native of the state of Tennessee, and was born in Jefferson County, November 24, 1802. His father, William Murphy, was a soldier in the revolutionary Avar, and nephew of the "Murphj^ Boys," Joseph and William, who attained such great notoriety as ministers in the struggles of the early Virginia Baptists. In early life D. E. Murphy was surrounded by wicked associ- ates and customs, such as drinking, dancing and card-playing, in which he became for a time a willing participant, but under the power of divine truth he M^as converted in his twentieth year and united with the Mill Spring Church, September 3, 1832. While under conviction, he says of himself: "I retired to the lonely grove between sunset and dark, and while prostrate on my guilty breast, pleading with the Lord for the salvation of my soul, I saw that my condemnation was just, and thought sure- ly hell was my doom. I resolved to resign myself to the will of God without reserve. This done, 'ere I was aware, I felt some- thing with the speed of lightning, as it were, flash over me; my feelings were strange indeed — all was peace — and while I mused the fire of God's eternal love kindled within me, and I leaped from the earth, joyful and happy." (Autobiography of D. R. Mur- phy, page 2.) In 1834 he was ordained to the gospel ministry, and spent five years preaching in his native state. Having heard of the vast destitution in the great Southwest, he removed to Polk County, Missouri, in 1839. At that time the people of this section of the country lived mostly in small log-cabins Mnth puncheon floors, a door in one side, and a wooden chimney. In many places it was a distance of from five to ten miles between residences. Under FREEDOM ASSOCIATION. t>03 these circumstances Eld. Murphy commenced his labors to help build up the Baptist interest in Missouri. He traveled many lonely hours by day and by night. On one occasion he came near losing his life. In attempting to cross a prairie one cold, cloudy winter night, he lost his way and wandered for hours, suifering intensely, — in fact came near freezing to death. At length, almost ready to give up, he concluded to try hallooing at the top of his voice, which aroused some dogs in the distance. He ran as fast as he could, guided by the barking of the dogs, his horse trotting after him, finally reached the house and was cared for by strangers. Mr. Murphy was active in building up the waste places in the field of his voluntary missionary labors. The first church that he gathered was Enon, Polk County, organized with 6 members, April 19, 1840, which proved to be a fruitful vine. The next church he organized was Mount Zion, in the same county, on the 29th of the following August. In the first eighteen years of its existence this church received by baptism 204 members, and or- dained 6 ministers. Coon Creek Church, St. Clair County, was the next in order, which was formed in July, 1841. But it is im- possible to go into particulars. In all, Mr. Murphy aided in the organization of between 25 and 30 churches in th© bounds of Freedom and adjoining associations, and baptized during his ministry in the state some 3,000 persons. For thirty-five years he was one of the standard-bearers in the Baptist pulpit in the Southwestern part of the state. In an early day, when he was in his prime, proti'acted meetings, which very generally took the form of camp-meetings, were common in his field of labor, and his efforts were in demand in these meetings, and generally be- came very successful. Commencing with 1840, no man did more in his day to build up the Baptist cause in that great Southwest- ern field than Eld. D. E. Murphy. Mr. Murphy's first marriage was with Miss Lucy L. Carter in 1822, who bore him six sons and four daughters. The last seven years of her life she was a cripple, unable to walk. During the most of this period Eld. Murphy continued his ministerial work as before, for five years of the time carrying his invalid wife in his arms to and from the carriage, while traveling over a large extent of country preaching the gospel. Thus were his labors continued under the most adverse circumstances ; but he counted not his life dear unto himself, considering Him faithful who had promised. fi04 FREEDOM ASSOCIATION. In the beginning of this sketch Mr. Murphy was denominated ft voluntary missionary. Such was he when he came to Missouri. He was, however, a colporteur of the American Baptist Publica- tion Society from 1852 to 1855, and for short periods of time act- ed as missionary of his district association; all the while receiv- ing only a small salary. The woman's missionary society at Cambridge, Mass.; the Dorcas society at Worcester; Dr. D. Jayne, and others at the East interested in the evangelism of the West, contributed to his support. We have before us a summary of receipts by him from 1840 to 1858, which shows an average of S181 a year, and during one year of the time he paid over $200 for doctors' bills. Mr. Murphy was a man of more than average native talent, generous, of warm impulses, full of zeal, and thoroughly devoted to the building up of the Baptist denomination. His second wife, Mrs. L. A. Allen of Cedar County, Missouri, whom he married in 1853, survived him and in 1876 was living at the homestead at or near Humansville. She furnished the fol- lowing account of his death, which occurred at his home August 28, 1875. " My husband's death was a most triumphant one. He suffer- ed intensely for four months, but was patient and meek. Eight physicians were called to his bedside, but his case baffled the skill of all of them. The last song we sung was, ' I am going home to die uo more,' when he reached forth his lean, trembling hand, bid adieu to all who were present, and praised God for redeeming love." Thus he died in the 73d year of his age, an ear of corn fully ripe. George Mitchell.* — The subject of this sketch was born in Yorkshire, England, September 6, 1820, and was educated at Horton Baptist Theological College, having entered this insti- tution at the age of 22. He afterwards spent one year at Edin- burgh as a preparation for the foreign field, but on his return to England was installed pastor of the First Baptist Church at Hors- forth, July, 1847. The young pastor entered upon his charge with all the earnestness of his great heart. In the following October he was united in marriage with Miss Mary Armitage, daughter of Mr. Samuel Armitage of Bradford. At Horsforth, Eld. Mitchell labored for five years, when he received a unanimous call from the church at Irwell Terrace * From a brief sketch of his life, hy J. U. M., iu Mimites Freedom Assodation, 1879 ; also a MS. bv huneelf. FREEDOM ASSOCIATION. 605 Chapel, Bacup. After continuing here for three years he deter- mined to quit his native land and sail for the new world. Early in the spring of 1855, he left Liverpool, and after a pleas- ant voyage of thirty-three days he landed with his family in Philadelphia. Immediately ujion his arrival in America, he was settled as pastor of the First Baptist Church at Beverly, Kew Jersey. He continued three years at Beverly, when he was called to the pastorate of the Fourth Baptist Church, St. Louis, Mo. (the church of which Eld. J. V. vSchoficld is now pastor). When this church called him there were but thirty members. In less than two years the membership increased fourfold, number- ing one hundred and twenty souls. A beautiful house of wor- ship was erected. On the 1st of May, 1859, he preached the dedi- catory sermon of the Fourth Baptist Church. In the spring of 1860 he came to Miller County, Mo., by direc- tion of the Home Mission Board. He was sent not only to in- struct the people, but also to teach such of the ministry as might desire his instructions. Soon the civil war broke out and blighted all his prospects. December 2, 1860, the church at Lebanon, Mo., extended to him a call, which he accejsted, and removed his family thither. But little could be accomplishod when the domestic retreat was vio- lated, and when even the house of God was no longer a sanctu- ary. Having previously studied medicine he went to the suffer- ing and dying, ever carrying the blessed gospel of the Son of God. Toward the close of the war he went to Jefferson City to take charge of the hospital there. "When the war closed he re- turned to Southwest Missouri, and began a great work in re-or- ganizing the churches, especially in the towns. In t"his respect his labors were greatly blessed. He was pastor of several dif- ferent churches. In January, 1874, he resigned the pastorate of the church at Bolivar and went to California. In July of the same year he went to Hiawatha, Kansas. He preached for the church at this place for about two years. His labors seem to have been great- ly blessed. The house was repaired, a large increase was made and a general interest in the advancement of Christ's kingdom showed itself. This, I believe, was about his last pastorate. He was afterward called to the Carrollton Church, but on account of a stroke of paralysis could not accept. He has written in his diary of 1876 : " This year has been a year of severe trial to me. Paralysis has severely threatened 60G FREEDOM ASSOCIATION me, and with that a severe pain in my left lung. It is with great difficulty that I read a chapter, pray or preach. If the Lord has designed to remove me by this sickness, the Lord's will be done." He died May 27, 1879, at 4 o'clock, P. M. His departure was calm and serene. He has gone ; but yet he liveth. His works do follow him. CHAPTER TI. JEFFEESON COUNTY ASSOCIATION. Origin and Name — Sabbatli Observance and Sabbath-schools — Bethlehem and Calvey Churches — David Stites — Lebanon, Swashing and Other Churches. MESSENGEES from six churches, viz.: Bethlehem, Swash- ing, Mt. Zion, Calvey, Sandy and Little Meramec met at Bethlehem Church, Jeiferson County, October 8, 1853, and organ- ized the Jeiferson County United Baptist Association. Elder James Williams was moderator of the meeting, and Augustus Wiley, clerk. The following were the ministers, so far as can be now ascertained : James Williams, Washington Stephens, Wm. McKay, J. C. Hudspeth, Sullivan Frazier and Wm. H. Hensley. In 1856 the association met September 12, with the Swashing Church. The annual sermon was preached by Jacob Hudspeth. The attendance was large. The members from the different churches came up to the work in the true spirit of our holy re- ligion. After receiving three new churches, the association pass- ed many valuable resolutions relative to mission work, temper- ance, Sunday-schools, &c., &c., all of which seemed to be con- ducted in the greatest harmony. Eld. H. B. Graves, agent of the Baptist Convention of Southern Missouri, attended this meet- ing, participated in the deliberations, and received 825 in cash besides some pledges for the objects of his mission. On Sunday the audience was very large, and gave polite attention to the preaching of the word. After preaching a collection was made to raise money to sustain ministers who would consent to protract the meeting, amounting to S25. The meeting was continued until the following Friday evening. A revival ensued, which was fruit- ful in eight professions and five baptisms. The association con- tinued to grow, though not rapidly. The sixteenth anniversary was held at Mount Zion Church, commencing October 8, 1869. Eld W. Stephens preached the opening sermon, and was afterwards elected moderator. The original 6 churches had grown to 17, the following having been added since 1873 : Pilgrim's Eest, Indian Creek, Eock Spring, Shiloh, Big Springs, Lebanon, New Harmony, Cedar Hill, Hope- 608 JEFFERSON COUNTY ASSOCIATION. well, First Church, Sulphur Springs and Temperance Mission. The total membership of the 13 churches that sent statistics to this meeting was 791. Eld. Washington Stephens was appointed a messenger to the General Association, to meet in St. Louis, and an appropriation made to defray his expenses. The ^'committee on Sabbath-schools and the observance of the Sabbath" made the subjoined report: "Whereas, It is the duty of all Christians to 'remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy; ' "Resolved, That we refrain from visiting and chatting upon worldly topics on the Lord's day, and by going to the house of Grod and taking our children with us, to receive or give in- struction from his holy word, we will endeavor to ' remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.' "Resolved, That this association jDroceed to organize a Sab- bath-school convention." In accordance with this last resolution, in the afternoon of the same day (October 9) a constitution was adopted, and the "Jef- ferson County Sunday-school Convention," auxiliary to the Missouri Baptist Sunday-school Convention, was organized, and a full corps of officers chosen. Eld. W. Stephens was elected as missionary, the churches were requested to contribute to this object, and $80 were pledged by members on the floor for the same. In 1870 when the session was held at Sandy Church, two new churches, viz : Oakland and First Victoria ; also Shiloh Church from Franklin Association, were admitted into the union, and their messengers received the right hand of fellowship. The association met with the Swashing Church, October 6, 1871, in its eighteenth anniversary. Mt. Zion and Valle Mines Churches were added this year to the list. The executive board reported §141 as the amount of money collected and expended for itinerant work during the year, and $116,30 paid for mission- ary work done during a preceding year. Eld. S. Frazier had spent 144 days in the field, received 93 into the churches and traveled 2,117 miles. This association perpetuates the custom of publishing circular letters. The one this year, on Luke 24 j 47, and the one the year preceding (in 1870), on "The Design of Baptism," were both written by Eld. W. Stephens, the modera^ tor of the body. The minutes of 1879 are put up in a neatly printed pamphlet of 14 pages, and 3how a good state of things in the churches. JEFFERSON COUNTY ASSOCIATION. 600 160 baptisms were reported and 22 churches are on the list, in which the aggregate membership is 1,380. The circular letter was on the communion question, written by Eld. J. H. Blaylock, and contains a thoroughly scriptural argument on the subject. The scope of the business is very well indicated bj^ the subjects on which committees were expected to report, viz. : " Temper- ance;" ''Duty of Christian Parents to Children;" "Sabbath- schools;" ''Organization of Churches;" "Duties of Churches to Pastors;" "Church Discipline;" "Prayer;" "Who has a right to preach the Gospel and to administer the ordinances; " "Bible Eeading;" "Missionary Operations." In 1881 the meeting was held with Little Meramec Chuich, when 20 churches were on the roll. Tw6 churches, Pisgah and Temperance Mission, had enjoyed revivals, the former adding 14 and the latter 10 converts to its membership. Bethlehem Baptist Church. — The old pioneers, Lewis and James Williams, were among the early standard-bearers in Jef- ferson County. They preached the gospel through that section of the state in quite early times, and both are claimed as the founders of the Bethlehem Church, in 1829, some eight miles northwest of Hillsboro, the county seat of Jefferson County. No records were kept until 1833. James "Williams was their minis- ter for the first twenty j^ears. Uj) to 1845 the church was a mem- ber of the Franklin Association, when it was dismissed, but for what purpose the records do not say. One writer says that the church was reorganized in 1840, and that 60 members were in it. A log house was first built in 1843, about 20x24 feet. The church rebuilt in 1863 a frame, 26x40, at a cost of S500. Bethlehem was one of the constituents of Jefferson County Association; has long been a great light, and numbered, in 1881, 91 members, the third largest in the association. Calvey Church, — Franklin County, was first organized by Lewis Williams in 1829, with 5 members. Williams served the church as pastor for three years, and was succeeded by David Stites; he by James Williams; he by J. M. McCourtney ; he by Henry Lollar; and he by Wm. J. Cunningham in 1847. The church is located near the line of Jefferson County, eighteen miles southeasterly from Union, county seat of Franklin County, where in 1854 it erected a small frame house of worship at a cost of S300. This church was also in the organization of Jef- erson County Association. David Stites, — a cotemporary of Lewis and James William; . 39 610 JEFFERSON COUNTY ASSOCIATION. was born in Pittsj^lvania County, Virginia, and served as a sol- dier in the war of 1812, having moved some time before to Smith County, Tennessee. He came early to Missouri, first settled in St. Louis County, where he married Miss Sarah Murphy, and subsequently removed to Franklin County, wherey noor. r.fter, with a very limited education, he commenced exhorting and praying in public. His wife taught him to read, after which he commenced to jireach the gospel to the pioneer settlers. His hours for study, while learning to read, and afterwards when preparing his sermons, were in the evening after the toils of the day had closed, by a light made from bundles of dry sticks in the fire-place. In those days not more than one man in a hun- dred could afford a log-chain; their traces were raw-hide tugs and clevises of the same material. Their farming implements were shovel and bar-shire plows with "v/ooden rods; their axes were home-made, and their wagons were sleds, on which they hauled their wood and gathered in their corn and pumpkins. Eld. Stites usually had the care of four churches while he con- tinued to labor hard on his farm for a living. To most of his churches it was needful for him to start on Friday, from which he would reach home on Monday. Underthe exposure and hard- ships of a frontier life, his wife, in 1835, was seized with that dread disease, consumption, from which she died January 6, 1837, leaving a family of eleven children, ranging from two days old up to 16 3^ears. After this Eld. Stites distributed his child- ren amongst his relations, and gave his whole time to itinerant work, traveling from Franklin County southward as far as the Arkansas state line. During his wife's protracted illness he got in debt, and was sued for $20. Money was hard to get. He went a distance of twenty miles from home, and for a friend of his, split 2,000 rails for $10, sold his trusty rifle for $10 more and paid the debt, after which two of his boys worked out the costs. In 1839 he again married, and was solicited to preach for four churches in Gasconade County, at a salary of $1,200, but refused on account of the people in his old field of labor, who were poor and unable to support a minister. From about the 3'ear 1847 he spent the residue of his life in Gfentry Comity, Missouri, occasionally returning to his old neigh- borhood, where, to the gratification of the friends of his early life, he would hold protracted meetings, which were often attend- ed with good results. His death occurred subsequent to the year 1858. No dates or circumstances are given, JEFFERSON COUNTY ASSOCIATION. 611 Lebanon, — now the largest church in the Jefferson County As- sociation, was formed in the fall of 1833 of 7 members, by James Cundiff and Walter W. Tucker, Its location is in Ste. Gene- vieve County, eighteen miles north from the county seat, Ste. Genevieve. Their first minister was J. C. Eenfro who continued to break to them the bread of life for several years. After the custom of that early day the church worshiped in what might be called a log-cabin for twentj'-five years, having built such the year after the organization was effected. Thi^ was replaced by a frame, 30x40 feet, in 1859. In 1882 the church had 140 mem- bers. Swashing CHURCH-^bears date July 17, 1843, having been or- ganized by James Williams and W. Stephens. Six members signed the covenant and chose Eld. W. Stephens as pastor. He was succeeded by S. F. Benfro, W. J. Weaver, Sullivan Frazier, James Williams and Wni. McKay. The location of the church is nine or ten miles southeasterly from Hillsboro, the county seat, and two miles from De Soto, where in 1868 it built a frame house worth $1,000. This was one of the original six churches of the Jefferson County Association. It had 86 members in 1882, and kept up a part of the j^ear a Baptist Sunday-school. PilgrIxM's Eest. — This church was founded by Jacob Hudspeth, November 11, 1854, of 7 members, on Dry Creek, in Jefferson County. William McKay became their minister. The church worships in a neat frame building, valued at $800, erected in 1857. For three years during the war no meetings for business were held, but as soon as the boom of the cannon had died away the members resumed their places and the ambassador's voice was heard as before. Hopewell. — The founder of this church was Eld. W. Stephens, September 24, 1855, with 7 constituent members. It is located in Washington County, twelve miles northeast of Potosi. The first pastor was Wm. McKay for two years. He was succeeded by S. Frazier for many years. The church in 1879 was without a pas- tor, and numbered only 24 members. Their house of worship, a frame, 24x40 feet, was built in 1871 and cost $1,000. Cedar Hill Church, — was formed by W. Stephens, April 18, 1856, with 7 members, and in 1882 had 52 members. It is in Jef- ferson County, 14 miles northwest of the county seat. Eld. W. Stephens was the first minister. Indian Creek Church, — Franklin County, twenty miles east of south from Union was organized March 15, 1858. The records 612 JEFFERSON COUNTY ASSOCIATION. do not give the names of the constituents. About 1860 the church built a log house 20 feet square, at a cost of $100, which was the house it occupied in 1871. Thomas Mothershead first ministered unto them. We learn that from its organization it struggled hard for nearly ten years, when a revival was enjoyed by it, resulting in much good. CHAPTER Til. NOETH MISSOUEI AXD MT. MOEIAH ASSOCIATIONS. Organization and Brief History of North Missouri Association — Of Mt. Moriah — Pre- liminary Meeting — Its Olijoet — Circular on Communion — Summan,- — New Salem, Gentryville, and Pleasant Valley Churches — Open Communion Trouble — Deacon K D. Black— B.F. Kenncy— The "Test Oath"— Israel Christie— J. W. Black- Israel Christie, Jr.— B. Wheeler— Sam'l Weir— F. E. Jewell— T. M. S. Ivenney. " A CONVENTION, composed of messengers from South -jLJL. Big Creek, Maysville, New Salem, Lost Creek and Free- dom Churches, met with the New Salem Church, Daviess County, May 25, 1858, the object whereof being to consult with reference to the propriety of forming a new Baptist association." (J/m- utes of the Convention, p. 1.) After a full discussion, the decision was unanimous in favor of such an organization. B. F. Kenney, J. I). Black and John Osborn were appointed a committee to draft a constitution, and the convention adjourned to meet at the same place the following July. " July 9th, 1858. " The convention met pursuant to adjournment at New Salem Church, when the following churches were present by messen- gers : New Salem, South Big Creek (now Crab Orchard), Mt. Nebo and Gallatin, and completed the organization of the asso- ciation by adopting a constitution and articles of faith. The 3d article of the constitution reads thus: "This association shall be called the North Missouri Associa- tion of United Baptists, and it shall be a missionary body, but it shall exercise no ecclesiastical authority over the churches com- posing it, but shall act only as an advisory council." Also, "Art. 8th. The youngest ordained minister shall preach the first annual introductory sermon, and the next youngest shall be his alternate, and so on in succession, until each ordained minister shall have preached one introductory sermon, and this shall be the perpetual order of this body in the preaching of in- troductory sermons." The numerical strength of the churches above named was : New Salem, 60 j S. B. Creek, 40; Mt. Nebo, 10; Gallatin, 22; total, 132 ; all were in Daviess County. 614 NORTH MISSOURI AND MOUNT MORIAH ASSOCIATIONS. Deacon E. D. Black was the moderator of the convention, and J. H. Tuttle clerk. The first anniversary was held at South Big Creek Church, Daviess County, October 1, 1858, when one new church, King- ston, with 47 members, was added. The officers of the prece- ding session were re-elected. In harmony with the constitution, this infant fraternity of five churches contributed this year for associational and missionary purposes the sum of S85.25 ; to which was added $8.90, a public collection on Sunday. Ministers.— B. F. Kenney, J. B. Christie, R. C. Hill Benj. Wheeler, J. H. Tuttle and J. D. Black. The second annual meeting was held with the church at Galla- tin, Daviess County, October, 1859. " The last meeting of the Xorth Missouri Association," says our correspondent, B. P. Ken- ney, "was held at South Big Creek Church in 1860, Avith the ap- j)ointment to meet in 1861 at Kingston Church, but the thick- ening gloom and danger of the war prevented the session being held. The clerk of the association went South, our records were all lost, and the association ceased to exist." (We have on file the printed minutes of the association for the first and second meetings.) ilOUNT MOKLiH ASSOCIATION. This body occupies the same territory formerly occupied by the North Missouri, with considerably enlarged borders. It originated in a preliminary meeting held for consultation at the session of the North Liberty Association at New Salem Church, Daviess County, in August, 1869. The convention which com- pleted the organization of the association was held at Zoar Church, the first Saturday in October of the same year. Mes- sengers were present from 12 churches (for names, see table at close of this chapter) mostly, if not wholly in North Liberty As- sociation, and located in Andrew, Daviess, Gentry and DeKalb Counties. B, F. Kenney was elected moderator of the conven- tion, and W. W. Stout clerk. The name adopted was, Mount Moriah Association, without any prefix, although the constitution declared that the association would "abide bytheterms of union long since adopted by the United Baptists, viz. : ' The preaching that Christ tasted death for every man shall be no bar to com- munion.' " The objects of the association, as set forth in the constitution, were, "to receive statistical and other information annually from the churches; to give advice in difficult cases when solicit- North Missouri and mt. moriah associations. 615 ed ; to strengthen the bonds of union ; and to adopt measures to supply the destitute in her own bounds with the preaching of the gospel; and to promote the interests of Christ's kingdom in the world." In 1870 the association adopted the old London Confession of Faith. Messengei's were appointed to the Gentry, North Liber- ty, West Fork and the General Association. At this session the title " United Baptists" was restored and the churches were re- quested to so designate themselves in their letters. At the third anniversary, held at Bethel Church, Andrew County, in 1871, "a proposition was submitted to consolidate the three associations of Gentry, Platte Eiver and Mt. Moriah; and after discussion thesubjectwasreferredto the churches to re- port on next year. The Platte Eiver brethren, however, did not await the final action of the association ; for on Saturday, De- cember 30, 1871, the delegates from the churches in St. Joseph and other churches met at Bethel Church, Andrew County, and formed what is now the St. Joseph Association, the Mount Moriah Asso- ciation losing one church — Bethel — by the transaction." (Sam'l Weir.) Eld. B. F. Kenny read a circular letter at this session on the subject of communion, which was ordered published in the min- utes. The association has held regular meetings from its commence- ment to the present time, with no considerable degree of enlarge- ment, adding only a few churches to the original list, and giving off an occasional one to another association ; but at no time has the number of churches reporting at any given meeting exceeded thirteen, with a total numerical strength of 680. Soon after the association was formed, a Sunday-school Convention was organ- ized in its bounds, and, from its earliest history, the associa- tion has been in active sympathy with domestic missions and de- nominational education. The ministry and the churches have met with very decided opposition to the spread of pure gospel truth. " The association," says our correspondent. Eld. B. F. Ken- ne}", "has endeavored to do the best it could, surrounded as it is with Campbellism, Adventism and other forms of heresy and in- fidelity, the adherents of which are holding occasional discus- sions which are mere burlesques upon religion, excitingalikethe sneer of philosophy and the scoff of infidels ; doting about ques- tions to no profit, but to the subverting of the hearer, which things GIG NORTH MISSOURI AND MT. MORIAII ASSOCIATIONS. we desire to avoid, knowing that they increase to more ungodli- ness." (From Eld. B. F. Kenney's MS.) We herewith give a summary of the minutes of 1879 : Churches. — Crab Orchard, 54 ; Freedom, 55 ; G-entryville, 56 ; Hopewell, 29; Kenney Chapel, 53; Liberty, 106; Mt. Nebo, 32; Mt. Moriah,68; New Salem, 188; Pleasant Valley, 36; total members, 677; baptisms, 66; receptions by letter, 27, by rela- tion, 4; dismissed by letter, 30; excluded, 11 ; deaths, 7. Pastors. — John Harmon, B. Wheeler, S. Weir, Jno. Ferguson, F. E. .Jewell, Israel Christie, Arnold Pfister, D. C. Campbell, B. F. Kenney and T. M. S. Kenney. The churches of Mount Moriah are mostly if not wholly in Daviess and Gentry Counties. New Salem Church, — at Victoria, Daviess County, is one of the pioneer churches of this section of Missouri, having been organized by Elds. B. F. Smith and Franklin Graves, June 28, 1846, with Wiley Cope, Keziah Cope, Thomas M. Sherrill, Wm. and Susan Osborn, Abner and Eliza Osborn, Elizabeth Osborn, John and Rachel Osborn, Susan E. Sherrill and John H. Orr — a total of 12 members as constituents. The church united with the North Liberty Association the same year. From its organ- ization to 1855 the successive pastors were Franklin Graves, Luke Williams, Jr., Jno, Whitchurch, Jonas I). Wilson, David Ander- son, and F. Graves a second term. In October, 1855, B. F. Ken- ney was called to the pastorate and so continued until 1871 or '72, when, on account of failing health, his nephew. Eld. T. M. S. Kenney, was called to his assistance. The elder Kenney was continued as pastor though he preached but little. John Osborn was ordained as deacon in 1848. (From MS. of J. W. Black.) Crab Orchard Church. — The sketch of this body may be found in the history of West Fork Association. Gentryville, — in Gentry County, was organized October 26, 1850, by Mathias Cline, with seven constituent members, to whom were added in a five days' meeting held immediately after or- ganizing, ten others. The town of Gentryville is ten miles south from Albany, the county seat. The ministers have been T.R. Ferguson, B. Wheeler, David Stites, Israel Christie, E. W. Dun- agan and then John Ferguson. In 1857 the church built a brick house for worship, 30x50 feet, and in 1870 remodeled it and it is worth $2,000. Prior to the late civil war this was a strong church of 80 members; but during the troublous times the membership became very much scattered. Many never returned, NORTH MISSOURI AND MT. MORIAH ASSOCIATIONS. 617 some died, and the general state of society was such that the church did not hold a meeting from 1861 to 1869. Since then, though much enfeebled, they have been gaining ground slowly, and now have an active band of 56 members. In February, 1859, this church set apart by ordination E. W. Dunagan to the work of the gospel ministry. Pleasant Valley. — This church bears date February 1, 1868. It was founded by B. F. Kenney and B. Wheeler, on a constitu- ency of six, soon after which others joined. They chose B. Wheeler as pastor, who continued two years, being succeeded by F. E. Jewell. *' At this time the membership was 30, very many of whom were of the Separate Baptist order. About this time W. Williamson and Eld. Huraer came that way and organi- zed a church in the same house with Pleasant Yalley. These men preached apostacy and open communion, stj'ling themselves 'Un- ion Baptists.' A large part of the membership of Pleasant Val- ley Church left in disorder and joined Williamson's Church of Arminians and open Communionists." The church has been small numerically ever since. (MS. of T. E. Kinkade.) Deacon Eeuben D. Black. — This devout Christian man was born in Virginia in 1803, and with his parents emigrated to Ken- tucky in 1812, thence to Boone County, Missouri, in 1824. He pro- fessed religion, united with the Columbia Baptist Church about 1837, and was baptized by P. S. Thomas. The same year he was chosen a deacon. In 1848 he removed to Daviess County, Mis- souri, united with the New Salem Church, and lived a very ex- emplary and useful Christian life, being highly respected by all who knew him. In 1877 he moved to Cameron and for several years has continued his visits to New Salem Church whenever his health would permit. Benjamin Franklin Kenney, — for twenty-five years a resident of Missouri, the first moderator of Mount Moriah Association, and for over fifty years a minister of the gospel, was born in Scott County, Kentucky, January 5, 1805. In his early life he was rather skeptical, but becoming dissatisfied with this theory he for a time inclined much toward autinoraianism. All failed him when the Spirit of God got hold of him and showed him his own personal guilt. His conversion occurred at the age of 21 years, after which he was baptized into the fellowship of Great Crossings Church by Silas M. Noel. Very soon- after he com- menced to exercise his gifts and was licensed to preach. In 1828 he married, removed to Owen County, Ky., and became a fllS NORTH MISSOURI AND MT. MORIAH ASSOCIATIONS. member of New Liberty Church by which he was ordained in 1829, the presbytery being composed of John Scott, Joseph Crouch and Cornelius Duvall. Eld. Kenney entered at once up- on the work of the ministry, and served as pastor of the follow- ing churches in Kentucky : Xew Liberty, Greenup's Fork, Long Eidge, Great Crossings, Long Lick, Buckrun, Forks ofElkhorn, Mt. Carmel and North Fork. All these churches were in the Franklin Association. He was also co-pastor with the venera- ble Abram Cook, of Indian Fork Church, Shelby County. In 1855 (October) he removed with his family, settled in Daviess County, Missouri, and became pastor of New Salem, Crab Orchard and Gallatin Churches. He is now (1879) in his 75th year and has been preaching 52 years ; has baptized about 1,000 persons, married about 700 couple, and is yet able to render valuable service to God's dear people, though not to assume the active duties of a pastor. Eld. Kenney is one of our most pop- ular preachers, both for his age and for his depth and profundi- ty in Scripture interpretation. Most highly respected and dear- ly beloved by the people among and for whom he has so long labored. (From MS. Sketch by Samuel Weir.) Says another co-laborer of this venerable servant of Christ: *'A Sabbath with New Salem, Daviess County, made us ac- quainted with Brother B. F. Kenney, one of the old pioneers. He came from Kentucky to this state many years since. He is a man of amiable disposition, of fair talent and culture, and strong- ly entrenched in the affection of his friends. During the trying times of the TestOath he endured the trial, refusing to subscribe on conscientious grounds. He was twice arrested, and would have gone to prison; but to avoid bloodshed he gave bond, so great was the excitement of the people. By change of venue his trial was removed from Gallatin, Mo., to St. Joseph, and he was released from bonds when the law was declared unconstitu- tional. Returning home by rail to Cameron with a light and joyous heart, he walked home, a distance of twelve miles, without weariness. (J. Mcrriam, in Central Baptist.) Since the completion of the foregoing sketch. Eld. B. F. Ken- ney has passed to his home on high. Ho died as he had lived. Israel Christie. — This good man was for many years a pillar in Zion ; eminently pious, and a zealous and staunch member of the Baptist denomination. He was a native of Franklin County, Virginia ; born Sept, 25, 1793. After his tenth year, he spent upwards of forty years of his life in Kentucky. When about 16 NOETH MISSOURI AND MT, MORTAII ASSOCIATIONS. 019 years of age he became the subject of God's converting grace and was baptized by that well known and faithful man of God, i^bram Cook, having united with Indian Fork Church, Shelby County. On the 19th of December, 1815, he was united in holy wedlock to Miss Elizabeth Cook, who became a Christian the following year. At this time society was in a formative state in young Christie's neighborhood, and he found much to do in molding the thoughts of his frontier neighbors. The elements of a well developed Christian man were prominent in his life, and he impressed a healthy moral sentiment wherever he went. In 1849 he left the scenes of his earlier attachments and moved to Buchanan Coun- ty, Missouri, where he spent six years of his life in fellowship and labor in the New Salem Church; moving thence he made his home in Daviess County, where he spent the residue of his life. He raised a large family of children — 15 in number — all of whom lived to become heads of families, and Baptists. At the time of his death, his posterity numbered not fewer than four score. Two of his sons, J. B. and Israel, are valuable and highly esteemed ministers of the gospel in Mt. Moriah Association. Deacon Christie was a man of medium stature, dark eyes, and a remarkabl}^ pleasant countenance, especially when animated in conversation. He ''spoke evil of no man." On one occasion the writer of this sketch, in the presence of Deacon Christie, used a harsh expression of one of his neighbors. The deacon looked at him in his own peculiar manner, and said, " Suppose we talk about something else." He was for years a diligent student of the Holy Bible, having clear and well defined views of Scripture doctrine, a fact that often led even the ministry to him for coun- sel and aid. Such was the power and sweetness of his influence that it seemed almost impossible for strife and discord to long continue in a church blessed with his presence and membership. On the 21st of January, 1878, this highly esteemed Christian man, in the 80th year of his natural life, fell asleep in Jesus and was buried in the cemetery at Liberty Church, Gentry County. About three 5"ears after he was followed by the companion of his youth and wife of his old age, who was laid by the side of him to whom, 61 years before, she had given her heart and her hand. John Wickliffe Bxack. — The subject of this brief notice is now a member of the Mount Moriah Association. He is a son of Dea- con Reuben Black, was born in Boone County, Missouri, Feb., 620 NORTH MISSOURI AND MT. MORIAH ASSOCIATIONS. 1833, born again in IS-IS and baptized at Columbia by M. M. Modisett. The same year he moved to and settled in Daviess County. He was ordained a minister by the New Salem Church, having been called to labor as a missionary in Gentry Associa- tion. He has for years followed the profession of a school teach- er, still dividing his time between this employment and the min- istry. He is welcomed wherever he goes, and is a sound gospel preacher. (MS. of Samuel Weir.) Israel Christie, Jr.,* — for some years an active layman in the counties of Gentry and Daviess, long a clerk of Mt. Moriah Associ- ation, and also pastor of churches in its bounds, was born Sep- tember .3, 1828, in Shelby County, Kentucky. He was convert- ed, united with Indian Fork Church, and was baptized by Eld. B. F. Kenney in 1842. In January, 1849, he was married to Miss Elizabeth Basket, and in September of that year emigrated to Missouri, and became a member of Friendship Church, Gentry County. He and others obtained letters and organized Liberty Church, August 26, 1854, and he was chosen first clerk. He aid- ed in organizing Freedom, Hopewell, Pleasant Yalley and White Oak Churches. He commenced preaching in November, 1867, and was ordained February, 1871. Bro. Christie is an industri- ous and self-made man, and an earnest preacher. He has labor- ed as pastor in New Castle, Liberty, Freedom, Island Branch and Little Flock Churches. In 1876 he held a meeting of seventeen days with Island Branch Church, and baptized 47 converts. Benjamin Wheeler — is one of the most forcible and pointed speakers in the Mt. Moriah Association. He is a Kentuckian, born December 8, 1807, and was converted at the age of 21 years. His call and ordination to the ministry occurred in his native state, and was consummated in 1848, Elds. Moses Foley and Bur- dett Kemper composing the council. His removal to Missouri was in April, 1850, and his settlement in Gentry County one year after. For the past thirty years he has labored assiduously in that section of the state (with perhaps a short interval during the war) to build up and advance the Baptist cause; sometimes in the pastoral office, and then as an itinerant missionar}' ; and his labors have been very much blessed in the salvation of sinners. He is now a faithful and worthj^ minister in the association, has acted as its moderator, is well versed in the Scriptures and han- dles his subject as a "workman that needeth not to be ashamed." (From the MS. of Samuel Weir.) * MS. of Samuel Web-. NORTH MISSOURI AND MT. MORI AH ASSOCIATIONS. 621 Samuel Weir — was born February 7, 1833, at Warren's Point, county of South, Province of Ulster, Ireland, He emigrated to America, landing at Mobile, Ala., Oct., 1850, and moved to Missouri in Sept., 1855. After the close of the war he and his brother sailed from Baltimore, in May, 1867, for Bra- zil, and returned to Daviess County, Mo., in October of the fol- lowing year. His conversion occurred at a meeting held by the venerable Kenney and Paul McCollum, and he was baptized on Easter Sunday, April, 1871, in the clear waters of South Big Creek. His ordination to the ministry was Sept. 30, 1874, at the call of Crab Orchard Church, after which he became its pastor. Here he continued a year, then resigned, moved his membership to Kenney's Chapel, Gallatin, for which he preached occasionally for two years, and moved his membership thence to Freedom Church, DeKalb County, where he still resides. Bro. Weir has rendered valuable assistance in perfecting the sketches of Mt. Moriah and West Fork Associations. Fielding Ewell Jewell. — This brother is now an old man, having been born in 1814, in Clark County, Kentucky. At about the age of 18 years he was converted and united with the church. He came to Missouri in an early da}^, but did not commence preaching until 1854. He was ordained by a council called for the purpose in 1868, has for several years been pastor of two churches, Hopewell and Pleasant Valley, and his people love him. (From MS. of Samuel Weir.) T. M. S. Kenney, — scarcely yet in his prime, was born in Stamping G-round, Kentucky, February 5, 1844. He emigrated to Missouri in 1856, and at about the age of 16 years professed re- ligion and joined the Baptist Church in Weston, Platte County, having been baptized by the venerable Dr. Coffee. From the year 1864 he spent about twelve months at Evansville, Ind., with G-eo. H. Chandler, a commission merchant. By the church here — then under the pastoral supervision of Geo. F. Pentecost — he was licensed to preach. In 1865 he returned to Missouri, and was called to the pastorate of New Salem Church, Daviess Coun- ty, in connection with the long standing pastor, the late Eld. B. F. Kenney. By this church he was ordained in March, 1872, Elds. B. F. Kenney, Elias George, Eobert Livingston and B. F. Golds- by composing the ordaining council. Feeling that God has specially called him to that work, he has remained in that sec- tion of the state ever since, all the while gaining ground for him- self and for the Baptist denomination. CHAPTER VIII. ST. FEANCOIS ASSOCIATION. Organization of— The Itinerant System — The Eevival — The New Colony — Feet- washing — Sketches of the Churches — Biographical : C. T. Graham — A. Hughes — J. Crowley — W. W. Settle — Piukney Graham. TWELVE churches dismissed for the purpose from Black Eiver Association, met together in Madison County in Oc- tober, 1850, and organized the "St. Francois Association of Uni- ted Baptists, Devoted to Benevolent Purposes." The meeting was at Castor Church. The name at once fixes in the mind the end for which the associationwas formed. Benevolent purposes. Just the end for which, indeed, every institution of the kind should be formed — to accomplish, bv combining the influence of several churches, what one church cannot do of itself. Associa- tions can be of little use unless they work to this end. The churches of this first meeting were scattered over Wayne and Madison Counties, and possibly a few in Bollinger County. We have access to most of the printed records since the first meeting. The first annual meeting was held at Little Vine Church, Madison County, commencing September 27, 1851. Zion Church, Wayne County, and Salem Church, Bollinger County, were admitted to membership. The table gives the following as the ministers at this time : C. T. Graham, W. W. Settle, J. Dun- can, J. B. Wallis, A. Hughes, R. S. Eaton and S. M. Eanhoff. The association proceeded without delay to provide for preach- ing among the destitute. To this end on Monday morning she "set apart Eld. Wm.W, Settle as an itinerant preacher, to travel in the bounds of the association, and ordered that he keep a schedule of his travels, the labor he performs, the amount of con- tributions he receives, and report to the next meeting of this as- sociation." Correspondence was opened with Union^ Black River, Cape Girardeau and Franklin Associations. The strong- est church, numerically, Avas the Sinking Creek, which had 63 members. The next was Cedar Creek with 53 members. At the second annual meeting, held at Little Vine Church, the association divided its bounds into four districts, and appointed ST. FRANCOIS ASSOCIATION. 623 a yearly meeting in each one, requested the ministers to attend these meetings, and also recommended that each church send up five members, including the deacon, to these meetings. From the session of 1857 a messenger, Eld, Wm. W. Settle, and a contribution of $12, were sent to the Baptist Convention of Southeast Missouri. On Sunday a real Pentecostal season was enjoyed. Elds. Graham, Settle and Johnson preached in "dem- onstration of the Spirit and of power," the people were greatly moved, souls cried for mercy, a number were converted, and thir- teen united with the Mt. Tabor Church. Such scenes were com- mon in that day in the St. Francois Association. From 1851 to 1858 the ministerial corps was enlarged by addi- tions as follows: L. D. Bennett, A. G. Twidwell, A. E. L. dead- er, A. Land, T. Langly, S. Farr, W. H. Maddox, M. A. Taylor and E. J. Bunyard. The records show a steady increase in the membership of the old churches, and in the formation of new ones up to the break- ing out of the war, when there were 20 churches. ISTo meetings were held in 1861 and '62. In 1863 10 churches reported and a session was held at Big Creek, Madison County. These churches had received the small number of 22 by baptism during the three years and had only 326 members all told. So soon as the blighting influences of the war had partially ceased, the association began to enjoy larger prosperity than be- fore. Revivals swept over the field, hundreds were converted and baptized, and churches multiplied so that in 1874 they num- bered 37, with over 1,400 members. For convenience, in 1876 a colony of ten or more churches went out and formed the Wayne County Association, which left only eighteen churches in the St. Francois. The association is now a permanent institution, promoting in a moderate way the various denominational enterprises. The minutes of 1878 give us the following summary. Churches. — Antioch, Big Creek, Castor, Cane Creek, Cedar Creek, Ebenezer, Flatwoods, First Church Fredericktown, First Church Smithville, Hickory Grove, Little "White Water, Marble Hill, Mt. Carmel, Mt. Pisgah, Mt. Zion, New Prospect, New Salem, Shady Grove, Sylvan, Trace Creek, Twelve Mile and White Water. Ministers.— Z . C. Hornby, Wm. London, H. F. Tong, L. W. Eevelle, A. Twidwell, F. M. Halbrook, M. Eobins, V. T. Settle, B. L. Bowman, J. F. Eudy and J. C. Hembree. 624 ST. FRANCOIS ASSOCIATION. The churches are located mainly in the counties of Madison and Bollinger, and had a total membership of 1,200 in 1878. At this session the association adopted and took control of the ed- ucational institution at Smithville, a sketch of which will be found under the head of "Institutions of Learning." Home missions have from the beginning been promoted, but only a few of the churches do anything for foreign missions. In the last seventeen years the following ministers have passed to their home above: C. T. G-raham, L. D. Bennett, T. Langley, A. Hughes, Joseph Crowley, Samuel Farr, W. W. Settle and Pinkney Grraham. Some years ago she entertained the following sentiments on the ordinances : ^' Query. — At what hour should the ordinances of the Lord's Sup- per and feet-washing be attended to?" ^'Answer. — Resolved, Unanimously, by this body, that in our opinion, any hour after 12 o'clock noon the ordinances may be attended to." {Minutes of 1868, p. 4.) During the first twenty years of the association, 1,354 converts were baptized and became members of her churches. This is do- ing well in the way of recruiting. What is now needed is the drill. Eecruiting alone cannot make an eftective army. The same is true of our churches. The membership need, in a ma- jority of cases, that discipline which will develop them into ac- tive church life. In 1880 the association was composed of 19 churches, with 1,094 members. Big Creek, — the oldest in the association, was organized in May, 1835, located about 18 miles south of Fredericktown. Its house of worship is log, built in 1854, and is 24x30 feet. Eld. Henry McElmurry was pastor for the first four years and was succeeded by C. T. Graham for the next tAventy-two years. In 1882 it had a total membership of 75, with Bro. Wm. London as pastor. Castor Church. — This body is next in date to Big Creek. It was organized by Elds. G-raham, Settle and Eaton in July, 1845. This is now (1880) the largest church in the association, having 130 members. It is in Madison County, fourteen miles south of the county seat, Fredericktown. Its first house of worship, built in 1847, was of logs. Its next was a frame 25x36 feet, erected in 1859. Eld. H. F. Tong is the bishop of this old community. Little Yine Church, — with which the first and second anni- versaries of the association were held, was organized May 23, 1846, with 21 members. It went into Wayne County Association. ST. FRANCOIS ASSOCIATION. 625 Marble Hill. — This was once called Dallas, if our MS. is cor- rect. It was organized in August, 1848, in Bollinger County. H. F. Tong was pastor in 1882, the church numbering 75 mem- bers. Fredericktown. — The first church here of which we have any account was organized by Elds. Wm. W. Settle and Silas Liver- more in January, 1870. The church met in a hall and was preach- ed to by Brother Settle until his death in 1871, when it scattered. In June, 1872, it was reorganized with 13 members. It has since had many hard struggles, but has reached a membership of 31. Eld. V. T. Settle, an earnest man, was pastor in 1882. This association has been blest with an earnest and active min- istry. They were a consecrated band. In this respect the St. Francois was doubtless favored equally with any association in the state. We place these worthies in this list in the order in which they fell in the conflict. Carter Terrant Graham.* — This laborious Baptist preacher was a native of either North Carolina or Tennessee, and was born September 6, 1800. He moved to Missouri, settled in Madison County as early as 1822, and married Miss Agnes Henderson of tnat county in October, 1827. His conversion occurred when he was 34 years old, when he united with St. Francois Church, hav- ing been baptized by Eld. H. McElmurry in Big Creek, not far from his own door, and only about one hundred yards from the family graveyard, where his body was deposited after his death. He was one of the constituent members of Big Creek Church in 1835, and was soon afterwards put forward into the ministry by the same body, became its pastor, and so remained until his death. Being raised on the frontier he had very little education, but was surpassed by few men in natural endowments. He was uncompromising in his ministry, opposed to pulpit aflSliation and open communion, but was in favOr of feet-washing as an ordi- nance. Though what was called a '^ farmer preacher," his min- istry was quite successful in forming and building up churches in Madison County, where there were few when he commenced preaching. He was cotemporary with Eld. W. W. Settle. They labored much together in this field, and under their labors the churches *' grew and multiplied." Settle spent much time as an itinerant, Graham spent most of his time with the churches, be- ing pastor generally of four, some of which were twenty-five miles distant from home. * By Eld. Pinkney Graham. 40 626 ST. FRANCOIS ASSOCIATION. He continued to preach until the last, declaring the whole truth under adverse as well as favorable circumstances. This made him to be highly esteemed by a large circle of friends. His last sermon, preached at his home church — Big Creek — September 15, 1861, was one of his best and strongest eiforts. On the following day he was taken sick, and continued gradually sinking until the fifth of the following month, when he gave up the ghost. His sufferings were very great, but he bore them with much fortitude and patience, often exhorting his family and the many friends who were gathered around to witness the tri- umphant death of a Christian soldier. So passed away one of the most useful men of South Missouri. He left an affectionate wife and eight children to mourn his departure. Anderson Hughes, — for some years a minister in St. Francois Association, was born October 6, 1822, in Tennessee; with his parents he came to Missouri when he was but a boy, and settled in Wayne County. When young he was of a very amiable and gentle disposition and thus became an object of high esteem among his many devoted friends. His conversion occurred when he was about twenty years old, and he became a member of St. Francois Church, having been baptized by Eld. Wm. W. Settle. In 1847 he was called to ordination by Cedar Creek Church, Elds. W. W. Settle and C. T. Graham acting as ordaining council. He was moderately active as a minister, devoting most of his time to preaching and teaching vocal music in the bounds of St. Francois Association. He was pastor one j'ear in Cape Girar- deau. We find him in protracted meetings at Sinking Creek, Clark's Creek, Otter Creek and New Prospect Churches, in all of which he rendered valuable aid. While at meeting at the last named church he contracted a cold, which resulted in his last illness. He literally fell in battle — was hauled home sick from the neighborhood of the meeting, and died in a few da3's on the 27th of November, 1863. His wife and four children survived him. (From the MS. sketch by Wm. E. and J. L. Hughes.) Joseph Crowley. — This brother was a local preacher in the Methodist denomination for we know not how long. About the year 1860 he embraced the faith of the Baptists and united with them, was ordained, spent a few j'ears as a minister, and died in the year 1865. The following were adopted by the association : ^^Resolved, That this association has sustained a great loss in the death of Eld. Joseph Crowley, a devoted minister of Christ, He was a pious Christian and rests from his labors. ST. FRANCOIS ASSOCIATION. 627 "2d. That it is the Christian duty of brethren composing this body to see that the widow and minor heirs of deceased do not want for the comforts of life." (Minutes of St. Francois Associa- tion, 1865, pp. 4 and 5.) William W. Settle — emigrated to Missouri in 1833 in com- pany with George S. Barnett and family, formerly of Alabama, having married his daughter Sarah the year previous. He was born near Murfreesborough, Tenn., April 9, 1809. In boyhood he was of moral and studious habits. In fact he was a hard student all his life, most especially after maturity, rising early in the morning for study and general reading. On his arrival in Missouri he spent a year on G-rassy Creek in what is now Bol- linger County, and in 1834 set- tled in the south- east part of Mad- ison County, not long after which he made a pro- fession of relig- ion, and he and C. T. Graham erected by their own labor a small church house, of very rude construc- tion, in which, in 1835, Big Creek Baptist Church was organized, Settle and Gra- ham both becoming members. From the records of Big Creek Church we learn that he was ordained to the ministry in 1839, though his son, E. P. Settle of Greenville, Wayne County, thinks he was ordained earlier. Soon after he entered the ministrj'- he was appointed by the American Baptist Home Mission Society as missionary for the counties of Southeast Missouri and North Arkansas, in which ca- pacity he labored for two years. While thus employed he lived in Eipley County. At the close of this period, he being a poor REV. WM. W. SETTLE. 628 ST. FRANCOIS ASSOCIATION. man, Dr. John Pettit sent teams to Eipley, removed him, and presented and settled him on lands upon which a large part of the town of Piedmont, Wayne County, now stands. During this time he continued his ministerial labors, preaching for and es- tablishing various churches in Wayne and adjoining counties. A few years after this he moved to Twelve Mile, Madison Coun- ty, and under the disadvantages of opening up a new farm con- tinued preaching every Sabbath. Much of this time he received but little remuneration ; but by industry and economy he pros- pered in worldly matters, was soon placed above want and made comfortable. This gave him a fresh impetus in his ministerial life, and he gave himself up to the work, much of the time with- out fee or reward, the churches being poor and but little trained to paying pastors. He was more inclined to the itinerancy — did not accept of pastoral work when he could avoid it. In 1855 he became missionary of the Southern Baptist Convention through the Baptist Convention of Southern Missouri, spending most of the time in the destitute regions of Stoddard and Dunklin Coun- ties. After spending most of his life in the general or itinerant work, and accomplishing much for the denomination in this way in South Missouri, he was called to and accepted the pastoral of- fice in Castor Church at Marquand, and Marble Hill, in 1868. In 1870 he organized the church at Fredericktown in G-off' s Hall, for which he preached until his death. Bro. Settle was trul}?" a great man and a fine preacher, having received a liberal education by his own exertions and hard study. He stood in the first ranks of tfie Baptist ministry. He ate no meats for twenty-five years, being dyspeptic; nor could he eat fruits of any kind. In October, 1870, after a severe attack of. inflammation of the brain, and partial paralysis, he quietly fell asleep in Jesus. PiNKNEY Graham*, — one of God's faithful servants in St. Fran- cois Association, died at his residence in Madison County, Mo., July 3, 1877, after an illness of about eight months, which he bore with great patience and Christian resignation. His age was 64 years and 6 months. Brother Graham was born in Green County, Ky., January 28, 1813. His parents immigrated to Southeast Missouri when he was 13 years old, where he spent the remainder of his long and tiseful life, attended with great self-sacrifice for the cause of his divine Master and truth. * By Eld. V. T. Settle. ' — ST, FRANCOIS ASSOCtA*tON. 629 He professed faith in Christ and Avas baptized into the fellow- ship of Big Creek Baptist Church in this county, when about 22 years old, of which he was the faithful, highly esteemed and be- loved pastor when he was called from his labors on earth to his reward in heaven. He was a constituent member of the St. Francois Association, and from that time until his death did as much if not more than any other member of the body to advance its interests and to sustain and promote the cause for which it was organized. Bro. Gr. was an earnest contender for the faith once delivered to the saints. He was a faithful, plain and practi- cal preacherof the gospel. Though deprived of early advantages, he was deeply impressed with the importance of an edu- cated ministry. When I last visited him he spoke with great feeling upon this subject. The fact that the Baptist cause in this portion of the state is suifering so much for the want of an educated ministry, seemed to be his saddest thought. Although I do not think that it was ever his privilege to meet with his brethren in their state deliberations and share in their councils to extend and promote the religious and benovelent en- terprises in which as a denomination we are engaged, and though the oldest minister in his association, none was more fully in sympathy with every good work in which we engage, than was our lamented Brother Graham. Brother G. "was ordained to the Christian ministry on the sec- ond Lord's day in October, 1857, and was constantly and success- fully engaged in the pastorate from that time until his death. He leaves a devoted wife, five children, and many relatives and friends to mourn their loss. He was a good man, and God blessed him both spiritually and temporally, while his family do not sorrow for him as those that have no hope. He was free from the sad lot of so many of our faithful ministers in the dy- ing hour. He sorrowed not in the sad hour of death and sepa- ration from his devoted and heart-stricken companion and chil- dren because they were helpless in this unfriendly world, with- out the necessaries of life. His children are all married and comfortably situated, and his aged companion comfortably located in their midst with plenty to supply all her earthly wants. May the Lord supply all her spiritual wants until he shall call her also to her heavenly home. CHAPTER IX. TEBO ASSOCIATION. Early Itinerant Work in — Formation — First Minieters — Effects of the War, and Sub- sequent Prosperity — First Church, Clinton — Sketches of Churches — Biographical » James Woods — W. A. Gray. TEBO Association is a daughter of Blue River, having been organized by a convention of churches dismissed from that body. This convention was held at Pleasant Grove Church, Henry County, commencing September 7, 1855. Churches. — Mt. Olivet, Bethlehem, Mt, Zion, Pleasant Grove and Mt. Sion (spelled thus) in Henry County; Spring Grove, Mt. Pleasant and "Warsaw, in Benton County; and Elk Fork, Salem and Bethel, in Pettis County. The aggregate membership was 489. Ministers.— \N . P. C. Caldwell, ATm. White, Wm. A. Gray, B. F. Goodwin, Peter Brown- and W. P, Thompson. Eld. Wm. A. Gray was president of the convention and mod- erator of the association as soon as organized. The association adopted the principles and abstract of faith in the Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge, and denominated them- selves '' United Baptists." Like her mother she took what we should call correct views of missions, &c., in the following lan- guage : "We deem it expedient to recommend to the churches which compose this association the propriety of sustaining their ministers, and to embrace all possible opportunities to supply the destitution during the present year, and that they send con- tributions for missionar}'- purj)oses to the next annual meeting, the necessity of which we beg leave to urge." At this session it offered corresiDondence with Saline, Blue Riv- er and Concord Associations. As an outgrowth of her aggressive and evangelical policy, the association enjoyed great prosperity until interrupted by the war, her original 11 churches having grown by the year 1860 to 23, and her 489 members of 1855 to 829. She had added also to her list of preachers Elds. C. T. Teas, A. D. Landrum, W. P. Wright, Joseph Dageley, A.J.Jackson, G. T. Gray and G. Cross. TEBO ASSOCIATION. 631 The war made sad havoc of the churches in this association. A few brethren met at Pleasant Grove in 1861, and adjourned until next year to meet at Mt. Olivet. In 1862 the country was groaning under the terrible scourge of civil war. Many a good man had already fallen on the crimsoned battle-field. An infor- mal meeting was held at Mt. Olivet, no committees were ap- pointed, but after preaching on Sunday the meeting adjourned. In 1865 four churches sent letters to Mt. Olivet (including this church), reporting 98 baptisms and 359 members. Great deso- lation was found to exist among the churches. But the hosts of Emanuel went mightily to work, and by the session of 1867, held at Tebo,many of the waste places had been rebuilt, and the song of praise and the voice of prayer were again heard. Nine new churches were admitted at this session, viz. : Pleasant Hill, Ce- dar Grove, Mt. Hope, Liberty, Wright's Creek, Osage, First Baptist Church Clinton, Monigan, Mt. Gilead and Pleasant Gap. 337 baptisms were reported this year. At the same meeting the following churches were dropped from the list (reason not as- signed), viz.: Spring Grove, First Warsaw, County Line, Beth- el, Harmony, Ilogle's Creek, Eed Dirt, Mt. Hope, Deep Water, Brushy, Cold Spring, Panther Creek, New Salem and Union. Ministers in 1867. — Wm. A. Gray, W. B. Lawler, B. F. Lawler, Lewis McComb, W. B. Wright, James Harvey, J. L. Briggs, Thos. Briggs, James AV. Chaney, Wm. Thompson and L. M. In- gram; licentiate, W. F. Sibley. In 1868 the association organized a district Sunday-school con- vention, with a president, secretary and treasurer, also one vice- president in each church. The convention was auxiliary to the Missouri Baptist Sunday-school Convention, and proposed to look after the Sunday-school interests in the association. Since the date last named, the Tebo Association has ranked among the most efiicient institutions of the kind in the state. It is active alike in promoting the various denominational enterpris- es, as education, Sunday-school and publication interests, mis- sions, &c., &c.; is growing each successive year in efficiency and stability, numbering in 1878 32 churches with a membership of 1,874 ; and is contributing means for the spread of the gospel and the building up of the churches, both at home and abroad, and has a ministerial force of 16 ordained and 4 licensed. In 1881 there were 30 churches, and 1,904 members. First Baptist Church, Clinton. — This church is by far the most important field in the association ; Clinton being the coun- 632 TEBO ASSOCIATION. ty seat of Henry County, at the junction of the M. K. and T. !^. E. with the K. C, M. & M. E. E., and containing in 1875 an es- timated population of 2,600. The church grew into beingundcr the joint labors of Eld. E. T. Brown and James Woods, having been organized Sept. 16, 1866, of 7 original members, to whom were added thirteen new converts in a meeting immediately fol- lowing, held by the above named ministers. The church wor- ships in an elegant brick edifice erected in 1869, and has a pros- perous Sunday-school upon the Baptist platform. Eld. — • Houch- ens was pastor in 1882, the church numbering 138 members. Mt. Olivet — originated in 1850 with seven members, and has had, from the beginning, but one pastor — Eld. "W. A. Gray. In 1871 it worshiped in a frame house erected twenty years before, and had a membership of 136. In 1882 it had 161 members. Mt. Pleasant, — in Benton County, 8 miles north of Warsaw, bears date a short time prior to the organization of the associa- tion in 1855. This church was reorganized in 1867 with about 25 members, and Eld. W. B. Lawler became pastor. In 1871 it met in what was called the "McFarland School-house," a log building. In 1882 it numbered 36 members. Mt. Zion, — Henry County, was organized August, 1855, with 16 constituent members. Providence — was located at first in Henry County, twelve miles southwest from Clinton, and subsequently moved to the Browning School-house, four miles south of Germantown. It was constituted March 1, 1859, by Elds. Teas and D. Horn. This has been a mother church. From it sprang the church at German- town in the fall of 1867, and a little later Antioch, in Bates Coun- ty, was organized of members dismissed from it; and again, in July, 1869, 9 members were dismissed and organized a new church called (name not given). Tebo. — So far as our information extends this is the oldest church now existing in Tebo Association, having been organized in October, 1840. It is located near Leesville, Henry County. Eld. Daniel Briggswas pastor for 23 years, commencing in 1840. The church has a neat frame house of worship, 26x40 feet, which cost $800. Windsor. — This church dates back to October 29, 1853. Eld. W. A. Gray was the first pastor and was succeeded by Eld. A. D. Landrum. It had, in 1881, 102 members, and Eld. E. H. Harris as pastor. James Woods. — Though only about five or six years in Missouri, ITEBO ASSOCIATION. 633 this zealous minister of Jesus Christ and devout Christian laborer, merits a place in this connection. James Woods was a native of Washington County, Pennsyl- vania, born January 16, 1807, and was converted and joined the Baptists when quite young. He was an earnest and active church member prior to entering the ministry. His first official work in the denomination was in the deaconship, in which ca- pacity we find him acting in 1835, but how long he had been thus engaged our informant does not say. He commenced preaching in December, 1837, having been li- censed by the regular Baptist church at South Fork of Ten Mile; and in July, 1839, he was called to ordination by Smith's Creek Church, Pennsylvania, and became its pastor, serving in this re- lation for five years very successful 1}-. In 1845, feeling called to another field of labor, he removed to what is now West Virginia and united with Harrisville Church in Parkersburg Association, the most influential body in that part of the state, and made this association the field of his labors for 18 years as pastor and missionary, spending one-half his time in the latter capacity, being under the appointment of the Gen- eral Association of Virginia. He was very successful wherever he went, or in whatever capacity he labored. For twelve con- secutive years he was the much loved pastor at Harrisville ; and on several occasions he was called to preside in the meetings of Parkersburg Association. For three or four years belabored in Monroe County, Ohio, winning souls to Christ and building up the churches. Filled with a desire to travel and preach the gospel he visited Missouri in 1866, bought him a horse and traveled over many of the counties in the southern portions of the state, and labored in this capacity. The next year he removed and settled permanently in Henry County, in the bounds of Tebo Association. His first labor in Missouri, of which we have any account, was at Clinton, resulting in the formation of the First Baptist Church in that city. At the conclusion of the meetings thirteen happy souls were led by him into the water. His successful labors continued in Missouri for several years, and he sweetly fell asleep in Jesus, September 11, 1872. He died of heart disease, having been sick only about one hour. Bro. Woods came to Missouri "well recommended," and he fully sustained his former reputation. During a ministry of thirty-five years he baptized about 1,500 converts to Christianity. 634 TEBO ASSOCIATION. William A. G-ray — is one of the pioneers of the Tebo Associ- ation, and was its first moderator. He has for years been a laborious, useful and highly honored minister in that field. We sought, but failed to obtain a fuller sketch of him. CHAPTER X. "UNION ASSOCIATION (HOWELL CO.) AND OTHERS. First Settlement and Churches in Howell County — Kichland Association — Devas- tation — HuTTON Valley Association — Union Association — The Schism — W. A. Findley — State Line Association — Sketches of the Churches : Eich Valley, Harmony, Mill Creek, Mt. Nebo, Mt. Hope Nos. 1 and 2, Richland— IST. Barnett — Refugees. ''rriHE first settlement in what is now Howell County, was -1- made in 1838, in Howell Valley, on the present site of West Plains. This county was organized in 1857 from parts of Oregon and Ozark Counties." (Campbell's Gazetteer of Missouri, p. 255.) On the 6th of June of the same year the Mt. Pisgah Baptist Church (the first effective institution of the kind in the county) was organized by Elds. W. P. Freeman, James Hill and Elijah Eeese, on 8 members. In the fall of 1857 the church joined RICHLAND ASSOCIATION ; this body was formed prior to the organization of Howell County, and embraced in its territory parts of Carter and Oregon Coun- ties. Mt. Gilead Church — was also organized prior to 1860. There existed likewise for a time another small Church in the southwest- ern part of the county. The membership of both these last named churches were killed and scattered during the war and the churches became disorganized, so that only one church in Howell County (Mt. Pisgah) existed through the struggle, during which the county was almost depopulated, there being only fifty families remaining at the close of the war. This explains the havoc among the churches. Although Mt. Pisgah withstood the shock, yet she held no meetings from 1863 until 1868, on account of the scat- tered condition of her members and existing political prejudices. In August, 1868, a few faithful souls again assembled together under these adverse circumstances, and the church has been gradually increasing ever since. THE HUTTON VALLEY ASSOCIATION was organized in October, 1859, of 5 churches, situated in Howell and Douglass Counties, some of which formerly belonged to the 636 UNION ASSOCIATION (HOWELL CO.) AND OTHERS. Eichland fraternity. Both the Hutton Yalley and the Eichland Associations became defunct during the war period, and, as previously intimated, many of the churches went to pieces. So soon as the smolie of battle had passed away, God's servants went to work gathering together the scattered fragments, and soon a few churches were again in working order. One of the most active ministers in this work was the Eev. Nathaniel Bar- nett, the oldest minister in the association, of whom more here- after. In the fall of 1865, six churches in the bounds of what had been Richland and Hutton Valley Associations, after frequent con- sultations, met by their messengers and organized UNION ASSOCIATION, embracing the counties of Howell and Oregon and a part of Car- ter County. The first annual meeting was held at JSTew Salem Church, Oregon County. The second annual meeting, held in 1867 with the Eichland Church, at Thomasville, Oregon County, was an occasion of some trouble. Two sets of messengers presented letters claim- ing to come from Dyal's Creek Church. The association finally advised both parties to call helps from other churches, if need be, and settle the difficulty at home. The trouble in the church had originated over the pastor, who, with his party, which was the stronger of the two, refused to follow the advice of the asso- ciation, and withdrew from it. Two other churches followed their example, soon after which event these three churches, to- gether with three newly constituted churches, formed a new asso- ciation by the name of Bethel. This association is partly, if not largely, in Arkansas ; has never been on the list of Missouri in- stitutions ; and has had but little prosperity. In 1869 (the fourth anniversary), the association took up the subject of destitution in her own bounds, and after consultation two of her ministers, E. O. Tribble and Nathaniel Barnott, vol- unteered to visit all the churches and the destitute points in the association during the year, and depend on the liberality of the brethren for a support, \yhile this proposition showed forth a consecrated spirit on the part of these ministers, it did little or nothing in the way of developing a kindred spirit on the part of the cliurches. The Union Association, in its original constitution, declared " Feet-washing" to bo an " ordinance of the gospel." At its fifth anniversary, held at Mill Creek Church, Oregon County, this UNION ASSOCIATION (HOWELL COUNTY) AND OTHERS. 637 subject was freely discussed, and the decision finally reached that "Feet-washing is not an ordinance, but an example." Dur- ing this session of the association a district Sunday-school Con- vention was organized. In 1870 the association consisted of 18 churches, with an ag- gregate of 536 communicants. Eld. William A. Findley, — who had moved to Missouri and set- tled in the bounds of Union Association in the fall of 1870, was elected evangelist at the seventh annual meeting in 1872. His specific duties were ''to preach in the destitute bounds of the association." Bro. Findley was born in the state of Alabama in 1832. When six years old, with his father's family he moved to Tennessee, where he grew to manhood, married and was converted. In this state too he entered the ministry, having been ordained at the call of G-oshen Baptist Church. He spent several successful years as a minister in Tennessee and moved to Missouri in 1870. He is a man of small property, large family, and labors hard as a means of support. His unflinching devotion to Baptist prin- ciples and his fervid zeal in their defense soon placed him as one of the prominent ministers of Union Association. Twice has he been called to preside over the deliberations of that body. His preaching is mainly doctrinal and his subjects are handled as by a skilful workman. May his career be a long and useful one to the denomination in the field of his choice in Missouri. The Union Association held its session in 1873 with the Howell Yalley Church, Howell County. The following churches were granted letters of dismission to form a new association, viz : Mill Creek, Lebanon, New Salem, Oak Grove and Pleasant Hill. These churches, by their messengers, met in convention at Leb- anon Church in October, 1873, and organized THE STATE LII^E ASSOCIATION. This has been a growing institution, numbering in 1878 eigh- teen churches, and had a corps of preachers, some of whom were faithful workmen in the Master's vineyard. For several years past the association has kept an evangelist in the field most or all of his time. Although somewhat weakened by the dismission of the afore- said churches, the Union Association soon gained her former nu- merical strength, as may be seen in the following summary for 1878: Churches, — Bethel, 25; Birch Yalley, 38; Center Grove, 49; 638 UNION ASSOCIATION (HOWELL COUNTY) AND OTHERS. Concord, 13 ; Cold Spring, 25 ; Dry Creek, 49 ; English Creek, 10; Howell Valley, 38; Myatt, 26; Macedonia, 26; Mt. Pleas- ant, 44 ; Mt. Pisgah, 58; Mt. Zion, No. .1, 13; Mt. Zion, No. 2, 24; Mt. Olivet, 25; New Hope, No. 1, 33; New Hope, No. 2, 67; Pleasant Hill, 32; Providence, 14; Pine Hill, 26; Eichland, 38; in all, 21 churches, with a total membership of 687 and bap- tisms 106. Ministers. — W. H. Goldsbury, W. A. Hunycutt, N. Barnett, W. L. Bellew, A. Tonts, G. W. Byres, H. Forrest, D. W. Epley, W. A. Findley, W. F. Cantrel, J. J. Jackson, J.Norton, D. Neal, J. A. Lee, E. A. Colbert, C. B. Colbert, James Sutton, W. J. Lovin, C. Bolton, "VV. W. Pennington and William Bobo (colored.) This association is landmark in sentiment, rejecting pulpit affiliation, alien immersion and open communion. Its boundarj^ embraces all of Howell and Oregon Counties, and parts of Car- ter and Shannon Counties, Missouri ; also small portions of Ean- dolph and Fulton Counties in the state of Arkansas. EiCH Valley Church — was organized August 13, 1857, by Dab- ney Lynch and A. J. Jones, with 7 members, and is located in Shannon County. It worships in a union house, 20 feet square, which was built of logs in 1857. W. H. Groldsbury was the first minister, and was succeeded by Jacob Smith. Harmony Church, — Oregon County, with a union house of logs, 18 feet square, was organized March 6, 1869. Mill Creek. — This church was organized July 30, 1854, on a constituency of seven. It is located in Oregon County, seventeen miles southeast from Alton, the county seat. J. N. Eussell, by whom the church was formed, became the first minister, and two years after was succeeded by E. O. Tribble. The house of wor- ship, of hewed logs, was built one year after the church was or- ganized, rebuilt in 1866, and is valued at $75. Mt. Nebo Church, — six miles southeast from Alton, Oregon County, was organized March 19, 1868, by John B. Brown, with 21 members. It was reorganized June, 1871, and called " Oak Grove." It has a log-house 22x24 feet. New Hope Church, No. 1, — in Carter County, is situated five miles westerlj^ from Van Buren, the county seat, and is one of the pioneer churches of this section of the state, having been formed December 27, 1843. From 1845 to 1862 it worshiped in a log-house, 18x22 feet. The house was then burned by the Fed- eral soldiers, and rebuilt by the church in the year 1866 of logs, at a cost of $100. UNION ASSOCIATION (hOWELL COUNTY) AND OTHERS. 639 New Hope Church, 'No. 2, — Howell County, was formed Sep- tember 30, 1866, by Jacob Smith. The 6 original members soon grew to be 60. This church has a frame house, 30x50 feet. Jacob Smith was the first pastor, followed by Wm. Goldsbury. Eichland Church, — in Thomasville, Oregon County, was or- ganized some years before the war. During the civil strife the old records were all lost, and August 28, 1866, the church was reoi'ganized by Nathaniel Barnett with 18 members, since which time he has been their minister. The church worships in a union house, made of logs, 20x26 feet, which is valued at $150. Nathaniel Barnett, — now the oldest minister in the Union Association, and withal one of its most laborious pastors, is a native Virginian, born in Washington County, May 13, 1819. Under the watchcare of a widowed mother his opportunities for an education were quite limited. From a boy of six years he grew up in Tennessee, in which state he married Miss Mar- tha S. Patty, August 10, 1837, about one year after which he professed conversion. Fourteen years of his ministerial life were spent in Tennessee, and in the fall of 1859 he emigrated to Mis- souri and settled in Howell County, eight miles northeast of West Plains. Entering at once this new field, he devoted him- self with earnestness and zeal to the building up of the Baptist cause with the most flattering prospects, until the civil war scat- tered his congregations to the four quarters of the earth. Tn the time of the conflict, like large numbers of his neigh- bors, he became a refugee, but returned to his home upon the cessation of hostilities, to find all his buildings in ashes, and no more than about thirty panels of fencing standing. While he was rebuilding his houses and replacing his demolished fences, he gave much of his time to the gathering together of the scat- tered churches of his field of labor. With the exception of three or four years, he has been mod- erator of the Union Association since its organization, and upon the solicitation of his friends he became a candidate and was elected to the 28th General Assembly of Missouri, in which re- lation he was specially watchful over the interests of his con- stituency, while he worked for the good of the commonwealth at large. Bro. Barnett is one of the very useful men and ministers of Howell and adjacent counties, and though but 63 years old, pauses occasionally to look for the crossing of the river. CHAPTER XI. ZION AXD OZAEK ASSOCIATIONS. Formation of Zion — Sixth Meeting — Its Ministers — List of Meetings — The Anti-ele- ment — Compromise — Baptist College at Lebanon — S. "VV. Mo. Convention — De- clension— W. C. Wheeler— H. H. Atchley— J. H. Lane— J. B. Miller— W. H. Elli- ott — Ozark Associatiox — G. B. Stogsdell — Lowry Eichardsou. THE Zion Association is mainly confined to Laclede and Cam- den»Counties. From the best information we have been able to get, it was organized in 1855. In 1860 — the 6th meeting — it met, October 4th, at Prairie Hollow Chuych in Camden County, when it was composed of Dry Glaze, Xorth Prairie, Liberty, Little Niangua, Deer Creek, Mount Yiew, Zion, Prairie Hollow, Kew Hope, Prospect, G-ood Hope and New Zion Churches, the numerical strength of which was 225. Some of these chui'ches were in Dallas County. There must have been two sessions missed during the war period ; for the ninth meeting was held in 1865; whereas, if the association had held meetings every year, this (1865) would have been the eleventh instead of the ninth session. In 1865 Prairie Hollow was again the place of meeting. The total membership reporting was only 197; five of the churches not being represented. Pleasant Hill Church was admitted into the union at this time. Good Hope Church, Camden County, was the place of meeting October 4, 1866, when Eld. Geo. Mitchell preached the annual sermon. Eld. H. Elliott was elected moderator, and Wm. S. Dennis clerk." Five churches were received, viz. : Pisgah, New Hope, Oak Grove, Fountain Grove and Mt. Zion, which swelled the aggregate membership to 420. The ordained ministers, so far as reported, were H. Elliott, C. L. Alexander, M. Burke, J. B. Miller and Pleasant Manes ; licentiate, W. Carter. The association hold its eleventh session October 3, 1867, at Fountain Grove Church, Laclede County. The following church- es were added to the list : Corinth, Mt. Carmel, Macedonia, Bol- linger's Creek, Hopewell, Union, Mount Pisgah, Bear Creek, Friendship and Bethany. This gave an aggregate membership of 921. (The facts were furnished by J. H. Gray, present clerk.) ZION AND OZARK ASSOCIATIONS. 641 TIME AND PLACE OF :MEETrN'GS FROM 1868. Oak Grove Church, Laclede County, - - - - October 1, 1868. Linn Creelc Church, Camden County, - . _ _ September 30, 1869. Ehn Grove Chui-ch, Camden County, - - - 1870. Lebanon Church, Laclede County, ----- September 28, 1871. Zion Church, Laclede County, October 3, 1872. Mount View Church, Laclede County, - - - - October 2, 1873. Bethlehem Church, Laclede County, - - - - October 2, 1874. Good Hope Church, Camden County, - - - - September 28, 1875. Union Church, Camden County, ----- September 21, 1876. Corinth Church, Camden County, ----- September 20, 1877. Pleasant Hill Church, Dallas County, - - - - September 19, 1878. Antioch Church, Laclede County, ----- September 25, 1879. lu 1868 two ministers, Wm. Carter and H. H. Atchley, were elected to travel and preach three months in the bounds of the as- sociation; and a "missionary board was organized to direct the movements of said missionaries as the funds and circumstances might warrant." The board consisted of J. Mayfield, L. Cash, J. H. Grray, J. C. Moreloch and C. C. Durham. The itinerants labored with an encouraging degree of success, but the churches manifested but little interest in the cause ; hence a very small amount of money was contributed for missions. In fact, for a time this association alternated between missions and anti-mis- sions. In 1872 a motion to appoint a committee to devise means for the support of a missionary was voted down. At the same ses- sion, although Sunday-schools had been urged upon the church- es the year before, " a motion recommending the establishment of Sunday-schools in the bounds of each church of the associa- tion was lost." In 1873 the Sunday-school and missionary element prevailed; but in 1874 a compromise was made in these words : ^'Whereas, Some of the churches in this association are dissat- isfied on missionary operations; "Besolved, Therefore, that this association make no test of fel- lowship with any church or individual, either in giving or not giving to the missionary cause." At this date there were 18 churches on the list, 14 of which sent letters and statistics showing their aggregate membership to be 545, which was 158 less than reported in 1868, six years be- fore. Good Hope Church, with 146 members, was the largest, and Mt. Pleasant, with 8 members, the smallest church. G-reat spiritual dearth pervaded most of the churches in 1875, 8 only of the 17 being represented, and 3 only reporting bap- tisms, of which Good Hope Church reported 9, and Union 20. 41 642 ZION AND OZARK ASSOCIATIONS. At the session of 1876 a movement was inaugurated and a day appointed for the organization of the " Southwest Missouri Con- vention." (See sketch in another place.) Ministers in 1876.— F. Starns, Wm. C. Brown, S. H. Lane, Wm. Lane, Joseph Lane, M. Burke, S. B. Elliott, J. M. Hibbs, F. Jef- fries, J. J. Burke, Wm. E. Brown, J. A. Frank, C. H. Lowry, M. Thrailkill, J. G. Lemen, J. M. Looney, D. L. Allen, G-. Bog- ers and G. W. Mizer, In 1878 the following resolutions were adopted : " 1st. We recommend the patronage of the Baptist College at Lebanon, Missouri, as an institution worthy the patronage of the people of Southwest Missouri, especially the Baptists." ''2d. There being a manifest need of Sunday-school work in the bounds of our association, we recommend that where such do not already exist, the brethren, and especially the ministry, urgently insist upon the churches organizing Sunday-schools and prayer meetings, and encourage them in the work by giving their approval and presence to the same." An effort was made in 1879 to restore the ancient order of things, and $50 in cash and pledges were contributed by indi- viduals to aid in the support of an evangelist. Such had been the declension that 8 churches were reported as disorganized and ordered stricken from the minutes, viz.: Bethlehem, Dry Glaze, Pin Oak, Hickory Barrens, Mt. Pleasant, Prairie Creek, New Liberty and Pleasant Eidge. This left the association with only fourteen churches on the list, with a total membership of 498. Better things may be expected of the Zion Association, if she carries out the spirit of her doings in 1879. Zion Church. — The oldest church in this fraternity is the Zion, in Laclede Count}', twelve miles north of Lebanon, the county seat. It was organized in April, 1854, when C. H. Manes be- came their minister and so continued for three 5'ears. About eighteen years afterwards the church built a frame house, 20x30 feet. All other churches now belonging to this association of which we have any information, were organized since the war. AViLLiAM C. Wheeler. — This able and self-consecrated minis- ter was born in Clark County, Indiana, in the year 1824. He was married in 1847, and the same year made a profession of re- ligion. From the first his devotion to God was of a positive and deci- ZrON AND OZARK ASSOCIATIONS. 643 ded character, he having made a full surrender of himself in body, time and talents to Him. His brethren were not long in recognizing his powers for usefulness, calling him at an early period to exercise his gifts in preaching the blessed gospel, and in 1848 he was ordained to the full work of the ministry. In 1860 he moved to Missouri and settled first in Osage Coun- ty, then in Pulaski County, and thence moved to Stoutland, where for four years he was the beloved pastor of the Baptist church, and where, in the midst of loving friends, and in the bosom of his own dear family, he bade adieu to earth, March 11, 1875. Eld. Wheeler was especially noted for his genial spirit in so- cial life, as well as for ability and consecration in the ministry. The wife of his early choice and a large family survived him. (Minutes of Zion Association, 1875, p. 3.) H. H. Atchley — was a native of Rhea County, Tennessee. He was born in 1823. He was baptized at eighteen years of age in Souxy Creek, by Rev. John Farmer, and united with Pisgah Church, Tenn. At the age of twenty he was licensed to preach. In 1847 he emigrated to Mis-souri and settled in Laclede County, where, in 1857, he was ordained by Elders McCord Roberts and G. Mitchell. He died April 6, 1870, after twenty years of suc- cessful labor in the ministry. The last four years of his life were of great suffering, caused by a j)ulmonary affection, contract- ed and aggravated by over-exertion and exposure while preach- ing. Being of a highly sensitive organism and intensely zealous in his efforts to do good, he has fallen in the meridian of life, a victim to the mistaken idea that the power of the gospel consists in the thunder tones with which it is proclaimed. He was mis- sionary of Zion Association, and died with the armor on. Long will he be remembered as a faithful evangelist and steadfast friend. In his last moments on earth he spoke words of victory over sin, and of a glory near at hand. J. B. Miller — -was born in Tennessee in 1831, and at the age of sixteen years professed religion. He was ever afterward a a most faithful servant of his Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. In 1858 he emigrated to Missouri and settled on the Union road in Camden County, near where Stoutland now stands. Here he engaged in farming and was highly respected by all who knew him. " In 1868 he gave up all for Christ and commenced the glori- QUs work of proclaiming salvation to a dying world. In his. 644 ZION AND OZARK ASSOCIATIONS. labors he was eminently zealous, and many souls professed a hope in Christ under his powerful preaching. No stain of any kind was ever attached to his character, but he was loved by all. " On the night of the 1st of J une, 1876, when he and his family were quietly sleeping at home on Dry Creek, in Douglas County, they were suddenly awakened by the rising of the waters in their house, the result of a waterspout that had burst near them. Be- fore they could get out of the hpuseit was set afloat on the raging torrent. He and his wife and five children were all drowned. Two sons, who were away from home at the time, are still liv- ing. A young man staying at the house escaped. The last he heard of those in the house, Brother Miller was praying. Thus we see what a blessed thing it is in the hour of death, to have a hope in Christ." (^Minutes of Zion Association, 1876, p. 4.) Joseph W. Lane. — This brother died at a comparatively early age, in August, 1877, at which time he was pastor of Pin Oak Church in Zion Association. Ho left a wife and five children to mourn his loss. He was born in the year 1837 and had been liv- ing in Missouri about 25 years, six of which he had spent in the ministry. He was a faithful man and well beloved. H. Elliott, — one of the constituents of the Zion Baptist Association, "was born March 10, 1810, in the state of Kentucky, but was raised mostly in Indiana, where he joined the church and commenced preaching at the age of nineteen, and eighteen years after that moved to SouthAvest Missouri, where he remain- ed the balance of his days, the most of the time traveling and preaching, and did a great deal in establishing and sustaining the Baptist cause in that region. He had a good voice for speak- ing and singing, was the meekest of men and a great favorite with the people wherever he went, wielded great influence and turned it to good in building up and sustaining churches. He was faithful in attendance and active in business. He was sound in faith as a Baptist. By calculations of his own, in the course of his ministry, which lasted about 48 years, he baptized about 1,000 persons. He married when young and raised a large family. His widow and seven of his children are still living, and three of his sons are Baptist preachers. He died December 16, 1877, leaving an abiding evidence that his faith and hope sustained him triumphantly to the end." (Minutes of Zion Association, 1878, page 7.) THE OZAEK BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. This association was organized at the Mount Moriah Church, 2I0N AND OZARK ASSOCIATIONS. 645 Wright County, October 22, 1870. It was once a part of the Zion Association, and its origin is due mainly to the opposition to mis- sions among the churches of that body. The Ozark is thoroughly evangelical. There were 7 churches in the organization, viz. : Mt. Pleasant, Mt. Moriah, Shiloh, Shady Grove, Bethany, Union and Clark's Creek. Shiloh Church is in Douglas County ; the rest are in Wright County, and all of them in the midst of or ad- jacent to the Ozark Mountains. This association was formed upon the basis of a missionary body, and grew up under the labors of Wm. Carter, a missionary of Zion Association, and C. L. Alexander, Joseph Miller, H. Elli- ott, H. Brazeal and W. S. Dennis. From the beginning of its existence it has been active in the encouragement of home and foreign missions, and a friend of Sabbath-schools and ministerial education. In 1872 the third meeting was held at Union Church, Wright County, commencing August 16th, up to which time two church- es, New IIoj)e and Good Spring, had been added to the original list, making 9 churches and 180 members in all. Of this number Mt. Pleasant Church with 34 members was the largest; and New Hope with 9 members was the smallest. An executive board was appointed, and it was agreed to put an evangelist at once into the field. The board consisted of J. G. Eiden, W. C. Calhoun and Joseph li. Freeman. By unanimous consent the Ozark As- sociation became auxiliary to the General Association, and has, we think, so continued ever since. In 1879 Eld. L. Eichardson was put into the field as the joint missionary of the two bodies, to labor in the bounds of Ozark, and showed himself a faithful worker in the cause. The association in 1879 was composed of 16 churches, in which there were 438 members. Her ordained ministers were then G. B. Stogsdill, W. H. Henderson, S. W. Eutledge, T. G. Helm, Wm. Bailey, J. D. Pritchett, L. Eichardson, J. J. Mitchell, J. A. Long, G. L. Burke, H. M. Elliott, W. W. Bryant, W. S. Dennis, A. Davis and J. D. Pettyjohn. Eld. Bailey is giving most of his time to the ministry, associ- ating with several congregations. Eld. H. M. Elliott follows school teaching, but does not preach very much. Eld. W. S. Dennis is a stock dealer, driving cattle from Arkansas to North Missouri. Eld. Davis has charge of his lead mines, which hin- ders him not a little, but preaches occasionally. Eld. J. J. Mitch- ell is 73 years old, and seldom preaches. Eld. Pritchett, with 646 ZION AND OZARK ASSOCIATIONS. an invalid wife, is working all he can and wields a good influ* enee. Eld. G. L. Burke is one of the strongest doctrinal preach- ers in the association. Eld. S. W. Eutledge is one of the active ministers of the association. He also works in the itinerancy. G. B. Stogsdell. — The meeting of the Ozark Association for 1881 was held at Shiloh Church, Douglas County. The minutes chron- icle the death of one of her devoted ministers. Eld. G. B. Stogs- dell, who died March 15, 1881, at his residence in Texas County. He was born in Kentucky, June 26, 1826, and moved to Missouri in 1837, settling in Texas County. He was converted and joined the Baptists in his native state. In 1868 he was ordained to the ministry by the Baptist Church at Cedar Bluif, and soon was made pastor of said church, and served in the same office in the Pleasant Hill, Dry Creek and other churches. His education was limited, and his standard of appeal was the Bible. When- ever the question of aid in missions or pastoral work was agita- ted in the meetings. Brother Stogsdell was generally the first to respond. A few days before he went to the arms of Jesus, he visited the Church at Dry Creek, in Howell County, and preached with great power, bidding his brethren farewell, say- ing his time on earth was short, and " All is well with me." He complained of being sick before he left the neighborhood. From this sickness he never recovered. He reached his earthly home and soon after closed his eyes on the scenes of earth, (From an obituary in Minutes Ozark Association, 1881, pp. 9, 10.) LowRY EiCHARDSON, — a moderator of the Ozark Association, was a devout and pious Baptist minister of Wright County. He was a poor man, but rich in faith and good fruits in the kingdom of Christ. He wasauseful man in South Missouri, and one of the most devoted and self-sacrificing heralds of the Cross in that Section of the state, laboring at times as a joint missionary of the Ozark and the General Association. His death occurred in the spring of 1882, but of the particu- lars we have not learned. PERIOD SEVENTH. 1860-1870. CHAPTER I. CANE CEEEK AND BUTLEE ASSOCIATIONS. Date and Organization of Cane Creek — Timothy Eeaves — List of Churches in 1867 — W. H. Reaves — Public Collections — " Alien" Baptism — Ministerial Need — Butler Association — First Called Western Missouri — Quarterly Communion — Affiliation with State Convention — Help From the Home Mission Society — Record of Meet- ings — Change of Name to Butler. ry^HE Cane Creek Association is a daughter of the Black Eiv- JL er, having been formed of churches dismissed for the pur- pose from that body. " Five churches," says brother C. B. Crumb, the present clerk of Black Eiver Association, "were dis- missed from this association in 1857 to form Cane Creek Asso- ciation." From the records before us it does not appear to have been organized until 1861. It may have been formed, however, in 1857 or '58, and failed to meet two or three years during the war; this would explain the difficulty. Its object was to per- petuate a union and communion amongst its churches, maintain a correspondence with each other, and supply with preaching and cultivate the field which Cod had assigned them. That its founders intended an aggressive policy is abundantly set forth in the name " Cane Creek Association of United Missionary Bap- tists." In conformity with this purpose it commenced aggressive work early in its history. Eld. Timothy Eeaves was the itin- erant in 1866, and reported a good year's work at the next meet- ing, resulting in 83 baptisms and the organization of five new churches. The salary was small, but the people were poor; only $53.80 were collected on the field. This association is on the border of two states, Missouri and Arkansas, and embraces a very important and large field in But- ler, Carter and Eipley Counties in the former, and Clayton and Eandolph in the latter. The following churches appear on the list in 1867: Cane Creek, Little Flock, Union, Mt. Zion, Provi- dence, ^opewell, Mt. Pleasant and Logan's Creek, in Mo.; and Good Hope, Harmony, Mt. Pleasant, State Line, Poplar 648 CANE CREEK AND BUTLER ASSOCIATIONS. Bluff and New Hope, Ark. The eight last named united at this meeting. The association veiy wisely urged the circulation and read- ing of a denominational newspaper, and recommended the Mis- souri Baptist Journal, published at Palmyra, by J. H. Luther, as the paper of the denomination and worthy of patronage. William H. Eeaves. — This highly esteemed minister had re- cently passed to his home above, and was thus respected and la- mented by the body : *' Resolved, That this association has sustained a great loss in the death of our much esteemed and beloved brother, Eld. Wm. H. Eeaves, who departed this life on the 8th of December, 1866. He died in the full triumphs of the faith, in the fifty-third year of his age." . Proper views were taken of the influence of Sunday-schools, and the churches urged to promote this institution upon the Baptist platform. Alien baptism was rejected in the following manner: one of the churches (name not given) sent up the following query : "Is it right, or legal, according to Baptist usage, to receive members from pedobaptist societies, Campbellites, or other denomina- tions, not of our faith and order — yea, or nay ?" After discus- sion, answered unanimously, " Nay." In 1874 the association deliberately declared it as her con- viction : " 1st. That it is the duty of each jiastor to make a public col- lection once a quarter for the support of the gospel. "2d. That it is the duty of each church to organize a Baptist Sabbath-school; and " Eecommend, earnestly, each pastor to preach two or more missionary sermons during the year." In the face of the supposed liberality of many churches (and not a few are somewhat liberal) we unhesitatingly declare that there exists a criminal indifference in the Christian world on these subjects. This year, 1874, 18 of the 24 churches reported 57 baptisms and a total membership of 632. No records to which we have had access give any information as to the number of ministers in the association. Concerning their ministr}-, a brother thus wrote in 1871 : "The people in this country are generally poor and un- able to pay large salaries for their ministers. We neec^ minis- ters with talents to preach the deep doctrines of tho Bible. Our CANE CREEK AND BUTLER ASSOCIATIONS. 649 ministers are young in the cause, but are improving fast. We have become very cold in the cause of religion. Pray for us." Up to 1875 (our latest information) the association had grown to the number of 22 churches, located as follows : In Missouri : Bethel, Cane Creek, Friendship, Good Hope, In- dian Creek, Liberty, Little Flock and Poplar Bluff, in Butler County; Hopewell, Mt. Pleasant, Zion and Smith's Chapel, in Ripley County; and New Hope and Providence, in Carter County. In Arkansas : Bethel, Mt. Pleasant and Shiloh, in Clayton County; and Good Spring, Harmony, Mt. Pleasant, Smith's Chapel and Zoar, in Eandolph County. BUTLER ASSOCIATION. At a preliminary meeting, held at Butler, Bates County, Sep- tember 7, 1867, a new association was formed called the "Western Missouri Association." The churches composing it were in Cass and Bates Counties. The first anniversary was held in October of the same year, at Austin, Cass County. Messengers were present from five church- es, namely: Everett and Austin in Cass; and Butler, Crescent Hill and Willow Branch in Bates County. These churches num- bered in all 180 members. Eld I. Wilcox was elected moderator and W. J. Hiser, clerk and treasurer. Elds. S. D. Bowker and A. G. Newgent, also Brother E. F. Rogers of Kansas City, were made honorary mem- bers of the association. Resolutions were passed recommending Baptist churches to have Baptist Sabbath-schools, to hold communion quarterly, and to affiliate with the Missouri Baptist State Convention, and the Home Mission Society of New York. The second session of the association was held at Crescent Hill Church, Bates County, commencing October 15, 1868. There were only 4 churches present, Willow Branch having gone out of existence. The moderator and clerk were the same as last year.^i The whole number of membership in the association was 259. Rev. A. H. Deane, Rev. Jno. Smith and Isaac Wilcox were the ministers at this time. The third anniversary of the Western Missouri Association was held at Butler, Bates County, September, 1869. The Miami and the Altoona, new churches, were admitted to membership. Eld. P. J. Gabriel was moderator, W. J. Hiser clerk and J. H. Wilcox corresponding secretary. The missionary board had employed Eld. P. H. Evans as itinerant missionary at a salary 650 fcJANE CREEK AND BUTLER ASSOCIATIONS. of $800, the American Baptist Home Mission Society agreeing to pay $300 of the amount. This was undertaking a good deal for a membership of 312 — really more than was expedient; for, at the end of the second quarter, the association was $110.29 in arrears with the missionary. A Baptist Sunday-school conven- tion was formed auxiliary to the state Sunday-school conven- tion, with J. H.Wilcox as i3resident, J. Popenoe as secretary, and J. P. Gabriel as treasurer. In 1870 the association met at Everett Church, Cass County, and received three new churches, viz.: Walnut Creek, Dayton and West Point, which, with the accessions by baptism and oth- erwise, swelled the membership to 510 — an increase of 198 dur ing the 5'ear. Collections were made for the home mission so ciety and the publication society. Elds. James Lacy and A. H Deane were present as corresponding messengers from Blue Eiv er Association, and Eld. J. Lawton for the publication society The officers of this session were, P. H. Evans moderator, J. H Wilcox clerk, W. J. Hiser corresponding secretary, and A. Ar nett treasurer. (From a sketch of the association printed in the Minutes of 1871.) In 1871 the association met at Miami Church, Bates County. P. H. Evans was moderator, J. H. Wilcox clerk, and W. J. Hi- ser corresponding secretary. In 1872 the association met at West Point, Bates County. J. W. Sage was moderator, J. E. Pennington clerk, and Alex. Arnett treasurer. In 1873 it met at Crescent Hill, Bates County. P. H. Evans was moderator, and J. H.Wilcox clerk. In 1874 it met at West Line, Cass Coun- ty. J. W. Sage was moderator, and I. R. M. Beeson clerk. In 1871 a resolution was adopted changing the name of the as- sociation from Western Missouri to that of "Butler Baptist Asso- ciation." The Missionary Board made the following report at this meet- ing : *' The past year has been marked by a total failure of anything like progress. The meetings of the board were not attended. We found a debt against us of $45. We succeeded in raising and paying over $24 of the amount, leaving a debt still of $21. " H. Quick, President.'' Times were somewhat better in 1872. J. Howerton, J. W. Swift, J. H. Wilcox, J. K. Lacy, P. H. Evans, J. W. Sage, Weller and J. E. Pennington were the ordained ministers at this time. CANE CREEK AND BUTLER ASSOCIATIONSi 651 From the number of reported baptisms, four of the churches seemed to have enjoyed revivals, namely : Butler, Walnut Creek, West Point and New Hope. In 1873 Elds. J. W. Swift and I. E. M. Beeson were active ministers in the association, the latter having but recently suc- ceeded the former in the pastoral office at Butler, much the lar- gest church in the association, no other numbering over 100 members. During the year ending September, 1874, large accessions were made to the churches by baptism — 155 in all. One-half of the churches enjoyed revivals. There were then 21 churches in the union, numbering 1,100 members. The area of the association was the most or all of Bates County, a part of Cass, a small part of Henry, and one church, Lewisburg, in the state of Kansas. Twentv-three churches were on the list in 1881, when the meet- ing was held at Dayton Baptist Church. L. McComb was the moderator. The reported membership of the churches was 1,262. CHAPTER n. CENTEAL (FOEMEELY CALLED SEDALIA) AND OTHEE ASSOCIATIONS. " The Queen City "—First Baptist Church, Sedalia — East Church— Sedalia Associa- tion — ^Formation of and Change to Central — South Fork Church — Isaiah Spurgin — E. T. Brown — Pettis County Association — "Why Formed — Harmony Asso- ciation — Why Organized. SEDALIA, " The Queen City of the Prairies," one of the most thriving business towns of Western Missouri, with a popu- lation of 15,000, was laid out in 1859 by Gen. Geo. E. Smith, and called at first, Sedville, for his daughter Sarah, familiarly called Sed. {GampbelVs Gazetteer of Missouri^ 1875, p. 430.) First Baptist Church, Sedalia — was organized in 1865, with a membership of 25, by Eev. E. T. Brown, he having settled in that city early in the same year. Subsequently a substantial building was erected. Under Mr. Brown's ministry the church prospered, but in 1872 it found itself without a minister. In 1873 Eev. J. C. Davidson was called to the pastoi*al care of the church. Having been some time without a pastor the congrega- tion had scattered. The new pastor found a church of 50 mem- bers and began his labors among them. In 1878 this church numbered 125 members and the services were attended by large and appreciative audiences. In 1873, during the spring, the house of worship was repaired ; two ante-rooms, a pastor's study and Bible class-rooms were ad- ded. The pulpit was also remodeled and the house painted and papered. In the fall of 1876 an elegant pipe organ was pur- chased by the congregation, the only instrument of the kind in the city. (From the Sedalia Democrat, January, 1878.) East Sedalia Baptist Church. — In the summer of 1874 a house of worship was erected in the eastern part of the city, being an offering to the Lord by Eev. E. T. Brown, except about two hundred dollars contributed by various persons in lumber, labor, etc., and was ready for worship October 8, 1874. On that day it was occupied for a prayer meeting, made up of six persons — Eev. E. T. Brown, wife and daughter, and Misses Sallie and Han- nah Hill and Miss Gertie Gleason. October 11, 1874, the first CENTRAL (formerly SEDALIA) AND OTHER ASSOCIATIONS. 653 sermon was preached by Eev. E. T. Brown, from Psalms 118 ; 25: "We beseech thee, O Lord, send now prosperity." At 2 o'clock the same day a Sunday-school was organized with about 40 scholars and teachers, which increased in number until it reached 225 scholars and teachers. From this date regular Sab- bath services were kept up by Eev. E. T. Brown, with evident tokens of the presence of the Lord. October 28, 1874, this house was dedicated to God's service. The sermon on the occasion was delivered by Eev. G-. J. John- son of St. Louis. A deed to the property, free from debt, was made, duly re- corded, and i^resented to J. Letts, J. D. Crawford and E. T. Brown, as trustees, to be held for the use of the Baptist church in this location, and if it ceased to be used for such purpose it is then the property of the Amer. Bap. Home Mission Society. March 1, 1875, a series of meetings were conducted by Eev. Greorge Balcom, which resulted in great good. On the 19th of March an invitation was given to those who held letters from Baptist churches to come together and form a church at this place, whereupon eleven persons presented their letters. A suitable sermon having been preached by Eev. Geo. Balcom, from 2d Cor. 8; 5, "But themselves they gave first to the Lord, and to us by the will of God," they were then and there declared, in the name of God and the Baptist denomination, a Baptist church, ready and authorized to receive members and to transact business. Several Baptist ministers and members of other Baptist churches were present. On the same day S. H. Olmstead was elected clerk of the church. March 21st, at 11 A.M., the first baptism was administered by Eev. E. T. Brown, in the new baptistry, his own daughter, Mat- tie, being the first subject, and six others following. At 6 P.M., same day, the hand of fellowship was extended to the infant church on behalf of the denomination by Eev. Geo. Balcom, Eev. J. Letts and Eev. L. W. Whipple, and the Lord's Supper j^as ad-" ministered the same evening. (From the Sedalia Democrat, Jan- uary, 1878.) Eev. E. T. Brown was chosen first pastor April 17, 1875, and served about a year, when Eev. J. Letts succeeded him and con- tinued one year. In August, 1877, Mr. Brown was again chosen and resumed pastoral work. The present (1878) membership of this church is 88, and since its organization it has received 118 members. 654 CENTRAL (formerly SEDALIA) AND OTHER ASSOCIATIONS. Eight churclies met at the First Baptist Church, Sedalia, Jan- uary 6, 1866, and organized what is now the Central Baptist As- sociation, then called the Sedalia Association, under the auspices of the Missouri Baptist State Convention. Constituent church- es: First Sedalia, 24 members; Antioch, 103; Georgetown, 22; South Fork, 35; Warrensburg, 19; Bethlehem, 63; Union, 7; Providence, 127; total, 400 members. Eld. E. T. Brown, the father of the association, was the first moderator. The second meeting was held at Antioch Church, Saline Coun- ty, October 6, 1866, when 4 new churches were admitted to mem- bership : Bethel, 22; Providence, 32; Walnut Street, Kansas City, 50; and Friendship in Benton County, 32. Bethlehem, Pettis County, entertained the session of 1867, held October 5th with the same churches and the following additions: Hopewell, 44; Smith City, 48; and Elm Spring, 59. This raised the numerical strength of the body to 810. In 1868 the association met with the Union Church, October 3d, when Eld. J. M. Robinson, the corresponding secretary of the General Association, preached the introductory sermon. The First Baptist Church of Dresden was on application received into the union. The executive board consisted of one member from each church in the association ; and the moderator and clerk were made president and corresponding secretary of it* $165 were pledged to aid in the spread of the gospel in the asso- ciational field. The fifth session was held at South Fork, October 2-4, 1869. Pleasant Green, Pleasant Point and Cornelia Churches were ad- mitted into the association. Ministers in 1869.— I. L. Crow, J. Gott, C. G. Gibbons, Z. Kirk- patrick, S. D. Bowker, E. H. Burchfield, I. H. Denton, L. W. Whipple, Isaiah Spurgin, E. T. Brown, J. Letts, H. P. Thomp- son and B. F. Thomas. Licentiates: J. Q. Bridges and F. A. Potter. About $200 had been expended in associational missions, and $160 pledged for the coming year. The Grand Avenue Church, Kansas City, having disbanded, and the Warrensburg Church, Johnson County, having united with the Blue River Association,, their names were ordered stricken from the minutes. In 1872 the meeting was held at Hopewell, Pettis County. One of the churches in the union, the name of which is not given, re- quested a reorganization of the association ; the matter was refer- red to a committee consisting of Brethren Gott, Letts, Potter, CENTRAL (FORMERLY SEDALIA) AND OTHER ASSOCIATIONS. 655 Burchfield, Burke, Spence and Eeese, who, after a free discus- sion of the subject, recommended that the name be changed from Sedalia, to "Central" Association. "The object of this was," says L. W. Whipple, one of our correspondents for this body, "to allaj^ prejudices which had existed against the association from its organization." In 1877 the history of South Fork Church was published in the minutes, as follows: South Fork Church — was organized in September, 1855, by Eld. G. W. Sands and others, with eleven members. Eld. Sands was the first pastor. His siiccessors have been T. Eucker, A. Horn, E. H. Burchfield, L. W. Whipple and Isaiah Spurgin. In all, she has enrolled on her church book 118 names, but death, removals and exclusions have reduced the number to 36. In the year 1879 a movement was inaugurated which somewhat weakened the association. It was the formation of the Pettis County Association. This left only 4 churches in Pettis County, viz.: Camp Branch, East Sedalia, Olive Branch and South Fork, members of the Central Association. There were also 5 other churches that continued with the body : Cornelia and Pleasant Point in Johnson County; Oak (xrove in Saline; Lamine in Cooper; and Orange in Benton County. Isaiah Spurgin — was born in North Carolina in 1801. In 1822 he was converted and joined the Abbott's Creek Baptist Church in his native state and commenced preaching soon after his con- version. After spending 21 years in the ministry in North Car- olina he moved to Missouri in 1843, and the year following set- tled in Pettis County on the farm where he died. He was one of the constituent members of South Fork Church in 1855, and con- tinued with this church the balance of his life. His last pastor- ate was at South Fork Baptist Church. After several months' painful illness he died August 4, 1877, being at the time in the seventy-sixth year of his age, having been 55 years in the gos- pel ministry. Edwin T. Brown*.— Born in Lancaster County, Pa., in 1818, a grandson of Elder Joshua Vaughan, who was an eminent pio- neer Baptist minister, he became at the age of 12 years a follow- er of our Lord Jesus Christ, and about a year afterward, on a visit to Pittsburg, was buried with Christ in baptism at the hands of Dr. Elliot, a Baptist minister of that city. The scene of his immersion was ever a sacred place to him. ^ By Eev. S. D. Fulton, of Sedalia, Mo., in Central Baptist, June, 1879. 656 CENTRAL (formerly SEDALIA) AND OTHER ASSOCIATIONS. He studied two years at Fayette College, Pa., and on the re- moval of his parents to Yirginia completed his education at Eec- tor College, in that state. At the age of twenty he was present- ed with a license to preach, with an urgent request that he con- secrate himself to the gospel ministry. This he did calling on Grod for strength and wisdom. His first sermon was preached July, 4, 1841, from Matthew 6; 24 : "Ye cannot serve God and mammon." In illustration of the instability of human great- ness and earthly riches, he referred to the death of President Harrison. Certain politicians present took umbrage at his remarks and laid wait to dispatch him. The brethren assisted him to escape and encouraged him to continue preaching to them. He accord- ingly continued his labors in the mountains of Pennsylvania and Virginia for a year or more. His first text foreshadowed what his life was to be — an unreserved service of God. His first ser- mon indicated his outspoken frankness and unflinching courage. In May, 1843, Bro. Brown was ordained as pastor of the Bap- tist church at Connelsville, Pa. Shortly after he married Miss Eliza J. Bryson, daughter of Deacon Bryson, of Uniontown, Pa. Mrs. Brown is an intelligent and cultured lady, an esteemed and earnest Christian, whose years have been filled with prayers and good works. Her assistance has been no small item in the suc- cessful ministry of her husband, whom she lives to mourn, though not as those who have no hope. To them were born three children, of whom a son and a daughter still survive. In 1844 he removed to Ohio, and was successively pastor at Mount Yernon, Wooster and Warner. In these fields he spent twenty years of his early vigor in his Master's service. In each of these important fields he established the Baptist interest up- on a firm footing, and in each his memory is held dear by those whom he led into the Eedeemer's kingdom and instructed in the ways of righteousness. He looked back to those days with pleas- ure and cherished the names of those who had upheld him in his labors for Christ. His love of country and sense of duty led him in the dark days of the civil war to leave the quiet scenes of home, and he accep- ted service for the government as chaplain of the 2nd O. Y. Cav- alry. Through all the perils and hardships of war he attended his regiment, and by his endeavors to promote the welfare of the men in body and soul, by self-sacrifice and fidelity, he secured the confidence and esteem of all about him. On his return homo he was appointed missionary for the CENTRAL (formerly SEDALIA) AND OTHER ASSOCIATIONS. 657 home mission society of New York, and in 1865 came to Mis- souri. He took up his residence in Sedalia, where he has since lived, and where he closed his eyes in his last sleep. Here he found a few Baptists, but no church. He set at once about his work, organized a church, and with assistance from the home missionary society built a house of worship. This done and the church placed in condition to sustain itself, he went to Clinton, the county seat of Henry County, where he gathered a large congregation, built one of the finest church edifices in Central Missouri, and rendered the Baptists the leading denomination of that city. While thus engaged he also reorganized a large number of churches which had been scattered by the war, and assisted in gathering them into an association, now known as the Central Association, of which he was first moderator, and to which he imparted a remarkable zeal for missions. He traveled sev- eral years in the interest of the publication society, and as financial agent for William Jewell College. In this work he dis- played the same ability and fervor. But the Lord had a pleasanter task for him. Sedalia was fast developing into a city, and seeing the need of providing the families of railroad men with gospel privileges as well as the importance of securing the new elements for the Baptist inter- ests, he built almost entirely at his own expense a commodious chapel in the eastern part of the city and deeded it in trust to the home mission society. He here labored gratuitously for five years, and succeeded in the conversion of many railroad men, a class usually out of reach of the ordinary means of grace, and gathered a church of about one hundred members. He re- signed the pastorate of this church a few months before his death ; but he loved the East Sedalia Baptist Church as a crown of his labors and the apple of his eye. His ministry was a fruitful one. In 38 years he baptized nearly 1,900 converts, was pastor of seven churches, organized three, and built three church edifices. These are his monument more lasting than granite. His name is engraven on many a gem that will shine in the temple of the living God forever. He died at his home in Sedalia at 10 o'clock P. M., June 9, 1879, after an illness of half an hour, of apoplexy. PETTIS COUNTY ASSOCIATION. This association was mostly, if not wholly, from the Central Association, and grew out of a desire to heal divisions and strife in that body, to which allusion has been heretofore mad§, 42 658 CENTRAL (formerly SEDALIA) AND OTHER ASSOCIATIONS. The meeting for the organization of this fraternity was held at Flat Creek Church, Pettis Count}'-, commencing October 24, 1879. 6 churches — Bethlehem, Hopewell, Flat Creek, Providence, Dres- den and Smithton — were enrolled. A permanent organization was effected by electing B. T. Thomas moderator, W. B. Baugh secretary, and James F. Spence treasurer The following action was taken relative to the motives which led to the formation of the association : "Whereas, There has been some misunderstanding in regard to the motive which led to the organization of a new associa- tion; therefore, ^'■Resolved, 1st. That we condemn all unnecessary strife and di- vision ; ''2d. That we will strive together for harmony and peace; "3d. That we desire to co-operate with all the Baptist church- es of Pettis County and others, whose interests may be served by it, in giving the gospel to the destitute in the bounds of this association." The numerical strength of the constituent churches was 447. Great earnestness was manifested on the question of missions, $210.70 in cash and pledges being raised for said purpose; and the association resolved to relieve at once the destitution in Pet- tis County, which was reported to be very great. HAPv:\[Oirr ASSOCLITIOX. A majority of the churches in Pettis County, met at Dresden, December 16, 1881, and organized the Harmony Association. The following churches were represented : Dresden, Flat Creek, Hopewell, Lamonte, Prairie Grove, Hazel Dell, Antioch, Prov- idence and Smithton. These churches, save Antioch and Hope- well, composed the Pettis County Association at its preceding session in September. B. T. Thomas, moderator of the Pettis County Association, was elected moderator of the Harmony Asso- ciation. The treasurer of the former also reported to the latter. As its name indicates, the object in forming the Harmony Asso- ciation was to harmonize some differences among the county churches. This was accomplished, and a much better feeling prevails than formerly. And further, the Harmony supersedes the Pettis County Association. (From the MS. of T. A. Wood, of the Pettis County Association.) Positive and very decided action was taken by the new asso- ciation on the subject of missions and temperance. CHAPTER ni. GENEEAL BAPTISTS AND FEEE WILL BAPTISTS. Bethany Association of General Baptists — Missouri Association of Gen- eral Baptists — Big Creek Association of Free Will Baptists. BETHANY ASSOCIATION OF GENEKAL BAPTISTS. FOUE small churches : Fellowship, Mt. Pleasant, Bethany and Pleasant Prairie, met September 15, 1867, at Bethany- Church, Hickory County, and formed an association with the above title. F. M. Coy and T. Holman were the ministers. The entire membership of the 4 churches was 88. The constitution, rules of decorum and articles of faith are the same as those of the Missouri Association of General Baptists. The Fellowship Church, Polk County, was the place selected for the first annual meeting to be held in September, 1868. This association aad the one next to be named, are the only associations in the state of the General Baptist order of which we have obtained any information. MISSOUEI ASSOCIATION OF GENERAL BAPTISTS. The Missouri Association of General Baptists was organized in 1866, with 4 churches, most if not wholly in Ozark County, Mo. According to its constitution. Art. 11, " The association possesses appellant jurisdiction in all matters of difficulty that may arise in the churches." Article 12 provided that ''The Lord's Supper shall be celebrated at each annual meeting." The first anniversary was held at Mt. Lebanon Church, Ozark County, Saturday, October 1, 1867. There were then 6 church- es : Mt. Lebanon, 121 ; Union, 68 ; Liberty, 29 j Spring Creek, 42; Pleasant Hill, 30; Eichwoods, 14; in all a total membership of 294, 86 of whom had been received the past year. The only two ministers we can find from the minutes were Thomas Norris, the moderator and M. C. Martin. Correspondence was opened with the "Union Association of General Baptists" of Kentucky. The latest records that have come to hand of this community are for 1870. That year it met in September at Casey Church, in Taney County, and had increased to 9 churches and 352 mem- bers. 660 GENERAL BAPTISTS AND FREE WILL BAPTISTS. BIG CREEK ASSOCIATION OF EREE WILL BAPTISTS. This association was organized in 1870 or '71. "We have the minutes of the second anniversary, held at Lib- eral Church, Pulaski County, commencing August 23, 1872. It then numbered 18 churches, with 602 members. The churches were located in the counties of Texas, Pulaski, Phelps, Shannon, Laclede and Wright. "We give a few extracts from its constitution, articles of faith and its doings, as the shortest method of classifying it as a Bap- tist institution : Constitution. — " Sec. 4. No church will be admitted into this as- sociation that declares itself an independent body." Faith.— "Art. 12. Freedom of the Will. We believe that the will of man is free, irresistible — controlled by no other power — it being a self-controlling power. Perseverance. — "Art. 14. We believe that only such believers as persevere in a life of holiness unto the end will be eternally saved." Baptism with them is immersion. The Lord's Supper is to be administered to all true believers. "Washing the saints' feet is an ordinance." This association holds or held quarterly meetings somewhat like the Methodists, and was a semi-legislative body, shown in the following acts : "On motion, we make it the duty of the ordained ministers, licentiates, deacons and clerks to be in attendance at our associ- ations, and also to attend all quarterly meetings in our bounds; and we further make it the duty of the churches of our body to be represented by one lay delegate to the quarterly meetings in their respective districts." Here is another somewhat novel record : "Eld. B. C. Stephens (the evangelist for the past year) pre- sented his rejiort as follows, viz.: miles traveled, 1,128; families visited, 66; sermons preached, 53; exhortations, 6; ministers ordained, 3; deacons ordained, 4; churches constituted, 1 ; ad- ministered the Lord's Supper, 4 times; expense for fare, 75 cts.; expense for horse-shoeing, ^3; money received, $1.10; goods re- ceived, one handkerchief, 15 cts. ; received two pieces of flat to- bacco, 10 cts." With the foregoing declaration of principles and doings of this association before us, we have with some degree of reluctance given it a place among Baptist institutions. CHAPTER IV. THE MISSOUEI BAPTIST SUNDAY-SCHOOL CONTEN- TION. Its Constitution, Motto, "Work, and Final Dissolution — Kev. S. W. Marston — ^M. L. Laws. THIS institution was organized at Paris, Missouri, August 9, 1868, during the sitting of the General Association. The groundof this movement is set forth in the following action of the last named body: ''Whereas, The Sunday-school board of the General Association has not been able to accomplish the work designed in its organ- ization ; and, whereas, the Missouri Baptist Sunday-school Con- vention has now been organized j therefore, "Resolved, That the Sunday-school Board of this General Asso- ciation be, and is hereby dissolved," {Minutes General Association, 1868, p. 11.) OFFICERS. President: E. D. Jones, St. Louis. Vice-presidents: W. D. Sheppard, Lansing Burrows, Dr. J. E. Yates, Peter Setters, T. E. Hatcher, A. C. Avery, Z. N. Goldsbury, A. E. Levering, F. M. Ferguson. Corresponding Secretary : D. L. Shouse, Kansas City Recording Secretary : E. H. E. Jameson, St. Louis. Treasurer: D. H. Hickman. Executive Board: J. H. Luther, E. W. Pattison, C. F. Mills, D. T. Morrill, W. D. Crandall, E. S. Duncan and J. W. Warder. General Agent : S. W. Marston, St. Louis. The following was adopted as the constitution of the newly formed convention : CONSTITUTION. Article 1. The name of this body shall be, The Missouri Baptist Sunday-school Convention. Art. 2. Its object shall be to establish and improve Baptist Sunday-schools in all the churches and destitute neighborhoods of the State, and to awaken a general interest in the religious education of both the aged and the young by gathering them into the Sunday-school. 662 MISSOURI BAPTIST SUNDAY-SCHOOL CONVENTION. Art. 3. This Convention shall be composed of Life Members, made such by the payment of Twenty Dollars; of Annual Mem- bers, made such by the payment of Five Dollars, and of the Bap- tist pasto""s of the State. Art. 4. This Convention shall meet at least once in each year, at the call of the Executive Board, or by adjournment at such a time and place as may be agreed upon. Art. 5. The Officers of this Convention shall be a President, nine Yice-presidents, a Corresponding Secretary, Eecording Sec- retary, a Treasurer and an Executive Board of seven members. Art. 6. It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all the meetings of the Convention, to decide on points of order, and to perform such other duties as usually belong to a presiding officer. In the absence of the President, any one of the Yice- Presidents may fill his place. Art. 7. It shall be the duty of the Corresponding Secretary, personally or through the Missionary Secretarj' (who is elected by the Executive Board), to correspond with all the Baptist Sun- day-schools of the State and with all the officers of Auxiliary Conventions; and to secure from them the full statistics of their Sunday-schools and names of the officers of their respective or- ganizations, and make a correct report of the same at the annual meetings. Art. 8. It shall be the duty of the Eecording Secretary to keep a full and correct account of all the meetings of the Convention and also of the meetings of the Executive Board, and record the same in a book, to be published or not, as the Board may direct. Art. 9. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to take charge of all funds of the Convention and pay out the same at the order of the President of the Executive Board. Art. 10. The Executive Board shall meet at the call of the President of the Convention, who, by virtue of his office, shall be its chairman. It shall be composed of seven brethren elected annually by the Convention, and shall be entrusted with the em- ployment of the Missionary Secretary, the receiving of funds through the Finance Committee and the general work of the Convention, with power to fill vacancies. Art. 11. Associational Baptist Sunday-school Conventions may become auxiliary to this Convention by contributing to its funds and furnishing their Sunday-school statistics to the Correspond- ing Secretary. MISSOURI BAPTIST SUNDAY-SCHOOL CONVENTION. 663 Art. 12. This Constitution may be altered or amended by a vote of two-thirds of the members present at any annual meet- ing. The first annual meeting of the convention was held at Col- umbia, Missouri, August 6th, 7th and 8th, in connection with the session of the General Association. The president, E. D. Jones, was in the chair. Much enthusiasm had been awakened throughout the state. The general agent, Eev. S. W. Marston, had performed a vast amount of labor perfecting the formation of twenty-eight aux- iliary Sunday-school conventions, each bearing the name of the association to which it belonged. His report shows that he had labored 338 days and traveled 19,104 miles; Sunday-schools partly instrumental in organizing, 84 ; money raised for indi- vidual Sunday-schools, ^1,314.86. The treasurer's report exhibits $3,190.07 as the amount col- lected, and $3,516.25 as the amount expended in promoting the objects of the convention. The motto of the convention was, " The Children of Missouri for Christ." The convention next met (second annual meeting, 1870) at the Second Baptist Church, St. Louis, commencing October 15. This year it adopted as its sentiment, "A Sunday-school in every Bap- tist church in Missouri." During the year the general agent, Eev. S. W. Marston, had become the missionary secretary. In his report he says : "At our last annual meeting there were re- ported 28 auxiliary conventions in the state. Since that time 19 more have been organized. We now have 47 of the 53 associa- tions in the state organized into Sunday-school conventions." In submitting his report, the president, E. D. Jones, said: "When two years since we took the field, 74 Sunday-schools were all we could number, according to our reports, in this state, while to-day our corresponding secretary lays before us actual reports from 590 existing schools, with more scholars, more teachers, more workers and more universal sympathy than ever existed before. Of the 590 schools their organization may be divided thus: 4 prior to 1850; 12 between 1850 and 1860; 27 between 1860 and 1867; 52 in 1868; 84 in 1869; 259 in 1870. Many bear no date of organization, and we may safely infer that a large portion of them are of recent establishment. " Our reports show that there are taken and distributed in these schools, 1,146 copies of the Baptist Teacher ; 3,200 copies of the 664 MISSOURI BAPTIST SUNDAY-SCHOOL CONVENTION. Bible Lessons; and 13,801 copies of the Young Reaper (monthly). " During the year 3 institutes have been held, respectively, in the following places: Lexington, Macon and Springfield. Their influence has been good upon the sections in which they were held." The third annual meeting was held at Clinton, commencing October 11, 1871. Contributions from all sources amounted to $7,549.72. The fourth annual meeting was held at Glasgow, commencing October 9, 1872. The convention was called to order by vice- president Wm. M. Bell. S. W. Marston, the missionary secre- tary, reported that each of the sixty district associations in the state had an auxiliary convention in it, working with more or less efficiency. Contributions from all sources amounted to $5,600.84. Of this amount $1,998.20 were contributed on life memberships, and $1,012.30 by the American Baptist Publication Society. We have before us the minutes of the fifth annual meeting of the convention (1873) held at Macon. $3,857.56 had been ex- pended during the year. Of this amount the publication society gave $1,028.98. At this session a proposition was received from the G-eneral Association relating to a consolidation of the agenciesof the two bodies; whereupon the following was adopted: ^^ Resolved, That we instruct our executive board to confer with the committee appointed by the General Association upon the subject of the consolidation of the two bodies, and if in their judgment such a consolidation would promote efficiency in both the Sunday-school convention and the General Association, to perfect the necessary arrangements." The consolidation was not finally consummated until 1878, when in October the convention held its last formal session at Mex- ico,during the sitting of the General Association. The preceding year at the annual meeting at Lexington, held October 27th, the executive board put Eev. M. L. Laws into the field as correspond- ing secretary, at a salary of $1,200, to be raised on the field. At the close of his first year's work he urged the consolidation, which was eff'ected as above stated. Since 1878 Eev. M. L. Laws has labored efficiently throughout the state as the corresponding secretary of the Sunday-school board of the Missouri Baptist General Association. Sylvester W. Marston — descended from an English family MISSOURI BAPTIST SUNDAY-SCHOOL CONVENTION. 665 that lived on Marston Moor (1664) and was prominent in the support of the parliamentary party under Oliver Cromwell. He was born in Maine, July 23, 1826. At the age of sixteen years his father, who was a tanner, said to him, " You can stay at home and work at the trade, or take your time, be lazy and go to school. If you select the latter you need not expect any help from me." He decided to go to school, and regards this decis- ion the turning point in his life. By dint of effort he worked his way through a nine years' course of study, commencing with Parsonsfield Academ}^ Maine; then at Effingham Academy, 'N. H. j and closing with a four years' course at the Collegiate and Theological Seminary at ISTew Hampton, N. H., where he gradua- ted with honors in June, 1852. During a vaca- tion, while teach- ing in Med way, Mass., he was bap- tized by Abner Ma- son, Nov. 7, 1847, which eventturned his attention to the ministry. About two months after \\H^ X I" REV. S. W. MARSTON, D.D. his graduation he entered the pastorate at Brookfield, Mass., where he labored successfully for two years, when from failing health he resigned, and by the advice of his physician spent the winter in the South. Eeturning in the spring he spenttwo years teaching atMiddleboro,Mass., atthe same time preaching in New Bedford and other places. He came West in 1856 and taught in Greenville Institute, Illinois, and Burlington University, lowaj and in 1860 was called to the pastoral office at Plainfield, 111. In 1865 he settled in Boonville, Missouri, and took charge of the Boonville Institute; three years after which he left the 666 MISSOURI BAPTIST SUNDAY-SCHOOL CONVENTION. school-room for the purpose of inaugurating a plan for the de- velopment of the Sunday-school work of the state, and in five years the -number of Baptist Sunday-schools increased from 74 to 603. There had been also under his management an efficient Sunday-school convention organized in each of the 59 associa- tions of the state, auxiliary to the State Sunday-school C®nven- tion of which he was the " Missionary Secretary," From October, 1873, for three years he filled the position of superintendent of state missions for the General Association, and in 1876, under an appointment from president Grant, he entered upon the duties of United States' Agent for the 57,000 civilized Indians in the Indian Territorj^ He filled this responsible po- sition with marked ability and gave great satisfaction to his em- ployers. In January, 1879, he was appointed " Superintendent of Freedmen's Missions" in the South, by the American Baptist Home Mission Society; and in August, 1881, the society made him district secretary for the Southwest with headquarters at St. Louis. Dr. Marston has from early life been an untiring worker. Having been trained by such men as Walsh, Upham, Smith and Knight of New England, and belonging to a family of physical, mental and moral force, he is thoroughly baptistic, impressive and logical in preaching, and in every true sense an efficient man. M. L. Laws.* — The name of M. L. Laws was widely known in Missouri. He was born in Accomac County, Virginia, August 1, 1842. His father, Wm. Laws, was a Baptist minister, ship owner and coast trader. He was educated at Madison University, N. Y., Columbian College, D. C, and Brown University, R. I.; from the latter institution of which he received the degrees of A. B. and A. M. While a pupil at Columbian College he was converted. It occurred on this wise : At the college there was a diminutive Jew who had been converted to Christ. His piety was simple and exemplary. Mr. Laws suspected him of hypocrisy and despised him. But the life of the despised Jew was the means of convincing Mr. Laws of his wickedness, and as a penitent he sought the prayers of him whom he had despised. Mr. Laws first united with East Baptist Church, Washington, D. C, in the year 1869. After spending a short period of time in the states of Iowa and Kansas he removed to Missouri in 1870, and in Saline County * From Dr. W. Pope Teaman's sketch in Central Baptist, June 8, 1882. MISSOURI BAPTIST SUNDAY-SCHOOL CONVENTION. 667 taught a school while he labored to prepare himself for the min- istry. He then commenced that career which for progress and usefulness was so distinctly marked, and which has wreathed his name in garlands of beauty. In 1871 the feeble, struggling church at Glasgow, Mo., called him to lead them as pastor. He was ordained at Rehoboth Church, Saline County, then returned to Glasgow and entered upon his work. At the time the church numbered only about 15 members. He felt the church's need of a house of worship, and at once applied himself to the seemingly doubtful enterprise of supplying this need. The result was eminently successful. A house costing with the lot $12,000 was built and paid for. The membership also increased to 69, In March, 1873, Bji'other Laws moved to St. Louis as pastor of Park Avenue Church, where he was eminently useful until May 1, 1874, when failing health compelled his resignation. He then traveled for the Central Baptist through the summer, and in Sep- tember of the same year settled as pastor at Boonville, Missouri. Here his labors were blessed in the building up of the church and the Sabbath-school. Failing health again compelled his re- signation, and he vacated the pastorate, having baptized over 20 persons at Boonville. In October, 1877, he was called to be corresponding secretary of the Missouri Baptist Sunday-school Convention, in which po- sition he evinced great mental acumen, executive ability and spiritual mindedness. He had as clear and comprehensive a con- ception of the mission of God's word as any man in the state. In this work he won the hearts of Missouri Baptists, and in Sep- tember, 1881, he resigned his position as corresponding secretary to accept the pastorate at Decatur, Illinois, where, owing to de- clining health, he had to terminate his labors about the first of February, 1882. From this time until his death, May 3, 1882, he was a great sufferer. His last days were a beautiful and effective commentary on the truth and power of the gospel. His triumph was glorious. Being told a few days before his death that he was leaving this world, he replied, "My order has not yet come." The next day while sitting in his rocker — where he rested in his last illness nearly one-fourth of his time — his wife sitting on one side and her father on the other side of the sufferer, who was in the greatest agony gasping for breath, he smiled and said, " The Messenger has now come," and for an hour seemed to be dying, but he again revived and lingered yet about 12 hours, during 668 MISSOURI BAPTIST SUNDAY-SCHOOL CONVENTION. which he was heard to say, ''Come, dear Savior, come quickly.'^ At about 3 : 15 A. M. on the 3d of May, while the watchers were tenderly and sorrowfully looking on the sublime scene of a fee- ble man in conquering conflict with Death, he was heard to say: "I now take a ride in Israel's chariot; " then his face became bright as with a celestial smile. Mr. Laws was twice married. His first wife was Miss Virginia A. Lucas of his native state, to whom he was united in January, 1866, 4 years after which she died, leaving one child, a baby boy 9 months old. His second marriage was in December, 1872. This time he took to wife Miss Gertrude A. Taylor, a daughter of Rev. B. T. Taylor. This lady, bereft and sad, survives the husband of her profound and tender love. CHAPTER V. MISSOUEI VALLEY ASSOCIATION. Date and Purpose of Organization — Early Prosperity — Carroll County, Sketch and History ofits Churches — The Three Horsemen — Old Log Court House — Carrollton Church — "The Devil's Headquarters" — Big Creek, Wakenda, Bethlehem, McCros- kie's Creek, Good Hope, and Other Churches — Biographical : J. M. Goodson — Kemp Scott, Pioneer Life — J. D. ilurphy — G. W. Hatcher — C. Bullock. ON the eighth of October, 1860, messengei's from ten churches dismissed from the North Grand Eiver Association, met in convention at Carrollton, Carroll County, and formed the Mis- souri Yalley Association. The purpose in this movement, as stated in the minutes, was " the greater convenience of the churches in the southern bounds of the North Grand Eiver Asso- ciation." {Missouri Baptist, Vol. I, No. 36). W. C. Ligon was the moderator. Churches. — Big Creek, Carrollton, Hurricane, McCroskie's Creek, Wakenda, De Witt, Bethlehem, Little Eidge, Utica and Bethel. Aggregate membership, 454. {Minutes JV. G. Association, 1860.) The second annual meeting (1862) was at Wakenda Church. Only six churches sent statistics; no baptisms were reported j numerical strength of the 6 reporting churches, 340. Our next information is for the year 1865. Letters were re- ceived from Bethlehem, Carrollton, McCroskie's Creek and Wa- kenda Churches; and volunteer messengers from Bethel and Big Creek ; total members from the 5 churches first named, 263. But little business was transacted at this session. The meeting was held at McCroskie's Creek Church, as was also the session of 1866. In 1867 the association met at Carrollton. Seven churches had enjoyed revivals; 144 baptisms were reported, of which 68 were at McCroskie's Creek. Elds. Bullock, Durfey, Scott and Linn- ville had labored as itinerants and organized three new church- es. The missionary board had collected and expended $191. The Sunday collection at this session was $100 in cash, and the same amount in pledges. The proceedings throughout indicated new life, and a consecration far in advance of any previous session. 670 MISSOURI VALLEY ASSOCIATION. It will be remembered, however, that only one meeting was held prior to the breaking out of the war, which prevented the earli- er growth of the body. On the day preceding this session of the association (September 6th), the Missouri Yalley Baptist Sun- day-school Convention was organized at Carrollton to meet in connection with the association. This was one year in advance of the State Baptist Sunday-school Convention. Lewis B. Ely was the first president and Curtis Bullock corresponding secre- tary. The eighth anniversary was held at Utica in 1868, when 17 churches were enrolled, in which there were 924 members ; bap- tisms, 177. The executive board complained of great discour- agement for want of co-operation on the part of the churches. It had, however, raised sufficient means to keep Eld. Kean in the field 11 months, Eld. Spurgeon 11 days, and Eld. Bullock 14 da} s. This session was cheered by the presence of Dr. Thos. Eambaut, of William Jewell College, and Eld. A. F. Martin, of Linneus. Mt. Zion Church was the place of meeting in 1869, by which time the total membership had grown to 1,131. Eld. C. Bullock had labored 10 months as colporteur and missionary under the ap- pointment jointly of the American Bap. Pub. Society and this association. Two new churches (Providence and Hurricane) were constituted, and many feeble churches were aided by pro- tracted meetings, in most of which revivals followed. The tenth annual meeting was held at Big Creek Church in 1870; L. B. Ely was elected moderator, and Thos. A. Welch clerk, both laymen. There were now 24 churches, with a total membership of 1,357; baptisms, 172; receipts for associational purposes, S264.70. Sunday-schools on a denominational basis were almost universally reported in a good condition. So mark- ed was the difference between them and Union Sunday-schools, that the association urged that in every eligible community there should be Baptist Sunday-schools. 1871. Nothing of special interest. The meeting was held at Wakenda. The attendance on the twelfth anniversary, held at McCros- kie's Creek, September 6th, 1872, was not so large as common, but deep interest was manifested in the business of the body, es- pecially in the itinerant work; the receipts for which were S440.53. The subjects of ministerial education, Sunday-schools and denominational literature received hearty and unanimous gupport, both moral and material. At this date, Carrollton, with MISSOURI VALLEY ASSOCIATION. 671 381 members was the largest church ; Wakenda, with 139, was the next in size ; Hopewell with 14 members was the smallest church in the body. In September, 1878, the meeting was held at Hurricane. All the churches (26) save two (Hopewell and Eock Ford) were rep- resented. Two (Pleasant Grrove and Pleasant Hill) had dis- banded. The total membership was 2,0^2; baptisms during the year, 293, of which 133 were at De "Witt, 62 at Carrollton, and 29 at Utica. 23 of the 26 churches reported Sunday-schools, 19 of which were Baptist, 4 union, and 9 were kept open the year round. In 1876 the session was held at Carrollton. The summary statement gives the following : Churches. — Bethel, 80 members ; Bethlehem, 91 ; Big Creek, 113; Bridge Creek, 29; Carrollton, 362; Chapel Hill, 35; Calvary, 56; Dawn, 72; De Witt, 130; Fair Yiew, 17 ; Gilead, 69; Good Hope, 40; Hopewell, 13; Hurricane, 110; McCroskie's Creek, 112 ; Mt. Zion, 152; McGill's Creek, 43 ; Mt. Hope, 7 ; J^orborne, 64; New Salem, 51; New Haven, 16; Providence, 61; Eock Ford, 29; Union, 90; Wakenda, 201; Walnut Grove, No. 1, 43; Walnut Grove, No, 2, 134 ; Woolsey Grove, 40 ; total, 2,260. Pastors. — David Utt, E. Spurgeon, G. A. Crouch, A. J. Miller, T. W. Minnis, S. M. Thomas, G. W. Hatcher, W. W. Walden, J. M. Goodson, J. L. McLeod, D. C. Bolton and W. C. Barrett. This association has for years been one of the most active fra- ternities in the state, fostering with a ready mind and a benefi- cent hand the many denominational interests. Her numerical strength in 1879 was 1,893. This decrease from former figures was caused by the dismission of one or more churches, the dis- solution of one or two, and the revising of the lists in many others. Without discriminating against others, we mention the names of the following active laymen : Simeon Creel, J. E.Yates, Alex. Trotter, I. 0. Herndon, Archer Herndon, S. L. Babcock, Thos. A. Welch and J. F. Brandom; and of pastors' names: J, D. Murphy, F. Menafee, T. W. Minnis, C. Bullock, A. D. Axton and J. L. McLcod, The association met at Gilead Church, Carroll County, Sep- tember 10, 1880, when 19 of the 23 churches sent messengers; great harmony prevailed and the churches reported an aggregate of 169 baptisms. The latest records we have are for 1881. That year the meeting was held at Mt. Zion, commencing September 9th. Eev. G. W. Hatcher, of Miami, being on a visit, by invita^ 672 MISSOURI VALLEY ASSOCIATION. tion preached the iatroductory sermon; 17 churches reported by messengers, which left two unheard from. Carrollton with her 347 members was the strongest; "Wakenda with 260 was next in size ; Euon with 11 members was the smallest. The total mem- bership of all the churches was 1,900. Only 60 baptisms were reported this year. Almost all the churches are in Carroll County, with one ortwo in Eay, and one perhaps in Chariton County. Carroll is among the largest Baptist counties in the state, which is some evidence of the consecration of the members of the Missouri Valley As- sociation. The first permanent settlement in the present limits of Carroll County was made in the year 1819, by John Standley and Wm. Turner, from North Carolina. The former settled just east of the present site of Carrollton, on what is known as "Timmons' Addition," and the latter north of the town, on the place now owned by Mr. John Tull. Carrollton, the county seat, has an elevated and beautitul situation on the Missouri Bluffs, overlook- ing the rich river bottom. It was laid out in 1837, incorporated in 1847 and had in 1875 a population of near 3,000. For an interesting account of the first Baptist meeting held at Carrollton, Mo., see history of Mt. Pleasant Association, p. 176. Carrollton Baptist Church — was organized August 26, 1839, at the old log court-house, with 10 members. The following is a record of the proceedings : "At a meeting held in Carrollton, Mo., August 26, 1839, after divine service, the brethren and sisters whose names are here- unto attached determined to form themselves into a church hold- ing the principles of the United Baptists. ' " The ministering brethren present were Thomas Fristoe, Field- ing Wilhoite and A. F. Martin. Proceeded to the election of offi- cers, viz.: Brethren B. Ely, clerk pro tern.] Wm. Freeman, mod- erator; John Trotter, deacon. "Agreed to call the church the 'Carrollton Baptist Church of Christ.' Appointed Brethren Freeman and Ely to write a letter to the Mt. Pleasant Association. Appointed Brethren Trotter, Creel and Ely delegates to the association. "Agreed to meet on the second Saturday and Sunday in each month. '^ Names of Brethren and Sisters. — Wm. Freeman, John Trotter, Wm. Goodson, Benjamin Ely, W. E. Creel, Joel Curtis, Theodo- sia Hutchinson, Martha Ely, Mary Freeman and Elizabeth Cur- MISSOURI VALLEY ASSOCIATION. 673 tis — in all ten, who agree to form a constitution and rules of de- corum. Adjourned. 3. Ely, Clerk pro tern."* Eev. A. F. Martin is the only minister living who was present and participated in the organization. He is over 70 years of age, has vigorous health, still preaches the gospel, and has two sons in the ministry. Of the ten constituent members, Wm. R. Creel only survives. He lives a few miles northeast of Carrollton and is an influential member of the Big Creek Church. Benjamin Ely, the clerk of the first meeting, was the father of Lewis B., Eobert C. and Frank Ely, all of whom are staunch supporters of the Baptist faith. Joel Curtis lives in the person of his son, John J. Curtis, now a valuable member of the Wakenda Church. For years after the organization, the old log court-house afforded the church an occasional place of worship. Meetings were frequently held at the residences of the mem- bers in different sections of the neighborhood. At that time there was but one house of worship in the county — that a log- house four miles northwest of Carrollton, used both for schools and religious services. Thus did the denomination itinerate un- til about the year 1846, when the old brick court-house was built. In this they became more permanent in their place of meeting. Eev. A. F, Martin was chosen first pastor and so continued until in 1841, when William C. Ligon removed to the county and assisted him. In 1844 (February) Alvin P. "Williams was elected as pastor, continued one year and was succeeded by Eld. Ligon for several years. In 1848 the church appointed a building committee to confer with the Freemasons and Sons of Temperance, from which con- ference resulted tile erection of what was known as the old Baptist church and Masonic hall, on the west side of the public square, where the church continued to worshijj until the occupancy of their present edifice. This old landmark was destroyed by fire in March, 1880. By the year 1875 the old house of worship had become some- what dilapidated and far too small for the congregation. In May of that year a committee of the deacons of the church was ap- pointed to solicit subscriptions to build a new and more commo- dious house. On the 12th of the following month, the com-mittee having reported a subscription of ^6,266, a resolution was pass- ed, creating a building committee, consisting of L. B. Ely, Noah * As publiehed in the GarroUtQn Democrat, Vol. I, No. I, 43 674 MISSOURI VALLEY ASSOCIATION. Krout, "W. S. Crouch, J. M. Farris, A. M. Herndon, S.M.Kelley and Sam'l Turner, who were instructed to select the ground and build the house, the cost of which was not to exceed $1,000 more than the full amount of the subscriptions. Subscriptions were continued and grew far beyond the expectations of even the most sanguine. About August 5, 1875, ground was broken, and on the 29th of the same month the foundation was laid in the presence of a large assembly of people. W. E. Creel, the only living member of the original church, Eev. J. M. Groodson, the first member admitted by baptism, Eev. A.J. Miller, the pastor of the church, and J. H. Turner, delivered appropriate addresses on the oc- casion. The building is 40x80 feet, elegantly finished in Gothic style, furnished throughout, with a spire 135 feet from the street be- low. Its entire cost was about $15,000. The dedicatory ser- vices took place September 10, 1879, and were participated in by Eev. J. E. G-raves, of Memphis, who preached the sermon ; also by Elds. S. H. Ford of the Christian Bepository, and A. J. Miller, pastor of the church. (From the sketch published in Carrollton Democrat, Vol, I, No. 1.) The predecessor of Eld, Miller in the pastoral ofiice wasG. L. Black, and his successor was J. D, Murphy. The 10 members and one organization of 1839, in Carroll County, had increased to about 20 churches and 1,900 members in 1881. Carrollton Baptist Church in 1882 numbered 347 members, had a flourishing Sabbath-school, contributed statedly to district, state and foreign missions and ministerial education, and wielded a potent influence in the affairs of the denomination. Big Creek Church, — Eight persons of the Baptist persuasion met June 22, 1844, at the house of James Hill, near William E. Creel's, ten miles northeast from Carrollton, signed the covenant and became the "Big Creek Baptist Church." The ministers present were John Curl and Joseph Eiffe. Their first minister was Kemp Scott, who continued with them for 11 years, and was followed by Geo. T. Kinnaird for the same length of time. Then came E. P. Scott, followed by W, F. HuflP, and he by J, K. Graves. In 1846 the church built a small log-house in which to worship, using it for this purpose until 1862 when it was accidentallj'" burned. It was succeeded by a good frame building, 33x45 feet, in 1869, at a cost of $2,000. MISSOURI VALLEY ASSOCIATION. 675 Wakenda. — The exact date of this church is not given. It was a member of North Grand River Association in 1854, when it numbered 49 members. In 1882 it was next to the largest church in the association, having 260 communicants. Bethlehem. — This church was organized about the year 1854 or '55. It grew up under the labors of Eld. Kemp Scott, who now sleeps in its cemetery. In 1882 this church numbered 105 members with F. Menafee as pastor. McCroskie's Creek Church, — eight miles west of Carrollton, bears date of Feb. 4, 1855. James M. Groodson was its founder and first pastor; 36 persons became constituent members. At the end of three years Eld. GrOodson was succeeded by Geo. T. iiin- naird one j'ear, when he was recalled to the pastoral office and served for many years. Two years after its formation the church erected a brick edifice, 35x50 feet, which was valued at $3,500. Bethel Church, — another constituent of the Missouri Yalley Association, was organized by James M. Goodson of 7 members, on October 11, 1857, in the neighborhood of Coloma, fourteen miles north of Carrollton. James Linville was the first pastor. The church grew rapidly, and in 1861 numbered 75 members; but the war coming on it was broken up. Possibly the present Coloma Church is its successor. Good Hope Church, — in Chariton County, was organized August 14, 1868, on 10 members. This church is not now a mem- ber of the association. Hurricane, — twenty miles northeast of Carrollton, was found- ed JSTovember 29, 1868, with 17 constituent members. GiLEAD (formerly Moss Creek) Church — was organized the first Saturday in April, 1867, with eleven members, and in 1882 had 93 members. Mt. Zion, — seven miles northwest from Carrollton, was found- ed December 5, 1863, with 8 members. In 1882 it had 128 mem- bers. NoRBORNE, — on the Wabash, St. L. & Pac. E. R., ten miles above Carrollton, was organized October 25, 1870, with 10 mem- bers. In 1882 it numbered 82 members. Providence — was organized ]^ovember 10, 1868, with 16 con- stituent members. It is located fifteen miles west of Carrollton and in 1881 had 59 members. Walnut Grove, ISTo. 1 — was formed February 29, 1868, of eight members. It is situated eight miles southeast from Carrollton, and in 1882 had only 31 members. 676 MISSOURI VALLEY ASSOCIATION. Walnut GtROVe, No. 2. — This church is near Hardin in Ray- County. It commenced in April, 1867, with 6 members, and has grown to 99 members. J. M. GooDSON, — for years a most laborious minister of the gospel, whose work extended over a large part of the Missouri "Valley Association, was born July 15, 1811. He was ordained at the call of the Carrollton Baptist Church, for which he labored for some time in the pastoral office. He was regarded one of the best of men, whose influence for good in his field of labor will never die. He died December 2, 1879. Kemp Scott — was one of the pioneers of the North Grand River country, and has been very properly called " The earnest preacher." " This faithful servant and minister of Jesus Christ died at his residence in Carroll County, Missouri, April 13, 1864. He was a native Yirginian, and was born in Washington Coun- ty, June 20, 1790, eighteen months after which he became father- less. " His mother, Dorcas Scott, with true Christian heroism and small means, sought to train her eight children for Christ and for usefulness, but soon after the death of her husband she passed away, and young Kemp, now an orphan, was put under the care of a brother-in-law, with whom he lived until he was nineteen years old, when, in 1810 he emigrated to Barren County, Kentucky, not far from the Mammoth Cave. On the 24th of May the same year he was unitod in marriage to Miss Anna Allee, daughter of Rev. David Allee, a Baptist minister who subse- quently removed to Missouri and died in Cooper County in 1836. " Soon after his settlement in the county, Kemp Scott was deeply convicted of sin under the ministry of Eld. R. Petty. His experience, like that of John Bunyan, was pungent, contin- ued — yea! almost fearful. But gradually light broke in upon him and he saw with a clear heart-vision how God could justify him that believeth in Christ. In May, 1811, he was baptized by Elder Petty and united with the Baptist Church at Glover's Creek. " Though possessing a very limited education, having found a mine of wealth — a well of life — a new world with bright hopes bursting all around him, he felt a burning anxiety to tell others about it and to try to lead others to it. He commenced preach-, ing in 1815 and was ordained to the gospel ministry by Hiram Casey, James Fearse and Robert Norvill, at the call of the MISSOURI VALLEY ASSOCIATION. 677 Cumberland Eiver Church, Monroe County, Kentucky. During his stay in Kentucky for four years succeeding his ordination he preached to five different churches, besides spending much of his time holding meetings in neighborhoods where there were no churches. " In October, 1824, he removed to Missouri and settled in Coop- er County. He became a member of the Mount Pleasant Church, the first formed in the Boone's Lick country, then only a small body. He became pastor of this church and so continued for nineteen years, leaving it with a meinbership of over 200. In July, 1836, the church hearing that he was receiving a salary of $150 from the American Baptist Home Mission Society, voted him out by a majority of two ; but in December following vo- ted him back unanimously. He remained in the Cooper Coun- ty country until December, 1846, during which time he had served for a longer or shorter period as many as twelve churches, and rode five years as missionary, under the appoint- ment of the Am. Bap. Home Mission Soc. From Cooper he re- moved to Carroll County, and served as missionary of the North Grand River Association some six or seven years, of which body he was moderator for six successive sessions. From the time of his settlement in Carroll County he preached for eleven churches. During his ministry he aided in the organization of 20 churches, assisted in the ordination of a number of ministers and deacons, and baptized between twelve and fifteen hundred persons. " In that far-back day in Missouri Kemp Scott was a strong advocate of Sabbath-schools, an organizer of temperance soci- eties, and as he advanced in years his zeal in his Master's cause increased, continuing to enlarge even up to the time of his death. "He raised twelve children, all of whom he lived to see church members; one or two in the ministry, one a deacon, and all are walking in the truth. *' Kemp Scott was a warm-hearted, energetic and able preach- er, of sound theological views, extensive knowledge of the Bible, and though of a very kind disposition, he was fearless in his de- fense of what he believed to be the truth. He had a limited ed- ucation, yet his language was mainly correct and his deliver}'- natural. The purity of his life gave moral force to his teach- ings, and where well known his influence was very great. A priest in his own family, he continued his custom of social wor- 678 MISSOURI VALLEY ASSOCIATION. ship under his own roof, even when on his death bed. But hav- ing served his generation, God has bidden him come up high- er." (Dr. A. P. Williams in Western Recorder, in 1864). " While Eld. Scott lived in Cooper County, he was pastor at one time of the Baptist church in Jefferson Citj'^, and of another in Saline County, some 70 miles distant. One year he visited Spring Eiver Association as a corresponding messenger, which was about 200 miles from his home, and on several occasions traveled westward as far as Plattsburg, Clinton County, on preaching excursions. After his removal to Carroll County he traversed a territory 50 by 90 miles, preaching the gospel to the settlers in rude log-cabins, sometimes crossing the watercourses on rafts, and grazing his horse at night on the grass while he slept under the branches of some towering tree." (MS. of Eld. E. P. Scott, a son.) *' Eld. Kemp Scott was a man of strong, bony frame, six feet high, with boldly marked features; and when preaching would stand erect ; commencing always slowly, one-third of his ser- mon would consist in quoting parallel passages of Scripture, to an extent you would think altogether redundant ; and then, as though encased in the scriptural armor in which he had clothed himselfand his subject, and rising in all the strength of a felt faith, he would pour forth a commanding appeal as authoritative and effective as though a prophet spoke. " The waves of war broke at the old man's feet. His infirm- ities grew upon him and he was confined to his house. He had selected as his resting-place the burying-ground of the Bethle- hem Church, which had grown up under his ministry, located about six miles northeasterly from Carrollton. "The coming shadows were deepening over him, and yet the old zeal burned in his heart. He arranged and held a protract- ed meeting in his own house, preaching twice a day for four days until help reached him. The meeting lasted ten days. The last of his twelve children had found faith in Christ; and now, of seven persons who had professed religion at his home protract- ed meeting, one was his own grandson. " His son. Eld. E. P. Scott, who had attended these services, was to administer the rite of baptism, the father being too feeble to do so ; but when the day approached, the old hero said : ' It is the last opportunity I shall have of administering the ordin- ance of my blessed Master, and I am determined to do my whole duty.' MISSOURI VALLEY ASSOCIATION. 679 " As the aged pilgrim descended into the stream they support- ed his bent form. A deacon stood by him in the water and aid- ed him in performing the rite, and the grayhaired veteran, with the light of other days still beaming in his eye, his voice tremb- ling with emotion, baptized his youthful grandchild in the name of the Trinity. The heavens smiled sweetly down upon the man and upon the scene, while weeping witnesses waited to wel- come and bless the sire and the son. "And that was the closing scene of his life's labors. His health soon after rapidly declined. His constant prayer was answered, that he might bear his affliction, which was severe, without a murmur. (He died of a cancer). And as the spring sunshine began to warm the air, and the time of the singing of the birds had come, and the early rose was opening its petals to the light, the sainted man fell asleep in Jesus." (Dr. S. H. Ford, in Christian Repository, New Series, Vol. XI, pp. 277-'9.) John Decatur Murphy, — one of the foremost men in the state, was born in Frank- lin County, Missou- ri, February 3, 1835, where, as a farmer's son, he grew up destitute of relig- ious influences out- side of the family, having never heard a sermon preached until he was twelve years old. Mr. Mur- phy is a grandson of the pioneer, Eev. Lewis Williams. His conversion took place in the winter of 1850, in the beginning of his fifteenth year, un- der the preaching of a Presbyterian kev. j. d. murphy, d.d. physician who sometimes preached in an irregular way. The text was Matt. 16; 26. The direct result of the sermon was the con- version of young Murphy and another youth, both of whom be- 680 MISSOURI VALLEY ASSOCIATION. came Baptist preachers. Mr. Murphy was baptized by Eev. Peter Williams into the fellowship of Providence Baptist Church. Soon after this, at the suggestion of his brethren, he commenced holding religious meetings, and when in his sixteenth year he preached his first sermon. On the nineteenth anniversary of his natural life — February 3, 1854 — he was ordained to the full work of the gospel ministry at Xew Hope Church in his native coun- ty, by Elds. Peter "Williams, B. Leach and Deacon H. O.Walton. Here he commenced his pastoral labors, continuing eighteen months, when, securing a call from the Saline Association, he be- came a missionary of that body in 1858. He remained in Saline County about seven years, during which period he was pastor of Zoar Church; also for a longer or shorter term he acted in the same capacity for Heath's Creek, G-ood Hope and Fish Creek Churches. In 1865 he became pastor of Walnut Grove and Eocheport Churches in Boone Count}'. In this field he remained also for seven years, and was pastor for different times of Mt. Gilead, Mt. Pleasant and Big Lick Churches; the first two in Howard, the last named in Cooper County. During this period of his life he also did much itinerant work, and was greatly blessed in all his labors. In 1872 he was called to and accepted the pastorate in Mexico. To this church he devoted all his time and labors. Here he con- tinued some five years, during which the church paid off a debt of 81,200 and was about doubled in membership. Late in the year 1876 he entered into the pastoral office at Bryan, Texas, continuing two years and adding 58 members to the church, 22 of whom he baptized. In June (12th), 1878, Baylor University — Dr. Wm. Carey Crane, president — conferred on him the hon- orary degree of Doctor of Divinity. His pastoral work began at Carrollton, August 1, 1878, where he has been doing solid and substantial work for the Master. Dr. Murphy has baptized one person for about every twelve days of his ministry, 104 being the largest number baptized with- in any one year of this time. In his early ministry he was thrown among the anti-mission Baptists and Campbellites, who, in that day often made common cause against the Baptists. Eld. Mur- phy being often compelled to meet them, was driven to a very close study of the Scriptures, which has proven of incalculable benefit to him, and which he regards as specially providential. Ho was married to Miss Culpernia Eogers, February 18, 1858, MISSOTIRT VALLEY ASSOCIATION. 681 who still lives to bless his life, and, as far as is meet, to share his toils. Eld. Murphy is a writer, and wields a ready and nimble pen. He is a close, logical thinker and an able minister of the JSTew Testament. Green "Wagener Hatcher — was born in G-reen County, Ken- tuckj^, August 5, 1846, where he grew to manhood and was bap- tized into the fellowship of the Mt. Gilead Baptist Church, in his native county, in the year 1858. He removed to Missouri and settled in Carroll County in 1870, and in April, 1872, was or- dained to the work of the gospel ministry by the Mt. Zion Church in said county, G. L. Black, Duncan H. Selph and E. Spurgeon assisting. For about six years he labored as pastor in the bounds of the Missouri Yal- leyAssociation, serving at different times the Mt. Zion, Wakenda, McCros- kie's Creek, Moss Creek, Hardin and De Witt Churches. To Wakenda and Moss Creek he preached for five years each. In Jan- ^r^ uai*y, 1878, he was settled as pastor at Miami, Saline Coun- , ty, where he has . been doing good, solid work for the i- Master. In the first seven years of his ministe- rial life Mr. Hatcher ret. g. w. hatcher. preached 1,348 sermons, about an average of two hundred a year, and baptized 315 converts. He is a pleasant and an entertaining speaker; an excellent gospel preacher; and a companionable and genial Christian gentleman. Curtis Bullock — has spent about fifteen years in Missouri, mostly if not wholly in the bounds of the Missouri Yalley Asso- ciation and vicinitv. 682 MISSOURI VALLEY ASSOCIATION. He was born in Boone County, Kentucky, June 17, 1816. HiS father was Nathan Bullock. From childhood until he reached his 16th year he was a thoughtless hoy. From this time to the 22d 3'ear of his life he had seasons of conviction, when he was converted and joined the Old School Presbyterian Church. He then lived in Indiana. From 1847 to 1849 he traveled as colpor- teur of the American Tract Society. In 1850 he emigrated to Keokuk Countj^, Iowa, and four years afterwards became a Bap- tist, and in September of that year (1854) was licensed to preach, not long after which, at the call of Brookville and other church- es, Iowa, he was ordained a minister. He remained in Iowa until 1865, preaching most of the time for four churches, at a salary of from $100 to $250 a yeai', when he moved to Carroll County, Missouri, and entered the service of the American Baptist Publi- cation Society as missionary colporteur, continuing in this work about three years, and baptizing between three and four hundred converts. He has labored as pastor of Moss Creek, Union, Wa- kenda. Big Creek and other churches in the Missouri Valley Association, into the fellowship of which he has baptized many hopeful converts. He married Martha Zeigler in June, 1838, in the state of In- diana. CHAPTER VI. THE MISSOUEI BAPTIST STATE COJ^YENTION. Where, When, and Why Formed— Objects — First Executive Board— "Test Oath" Endorsement — Money Expended on the Field — Conference for Peace — Consolid- ation with General Association Proposed — How Accomplished — Dr. Burliugham's Speech — Closing Kemarks. THE Missouri Baptist State Convention was organized soon after the close of the war, under the auspices of the Amrcri- can Baptist Home Mission Society of New York. The prelim- inary meeting for this purpose was held in the pastor's study of the Second Baptist Church, St. Louis, during the Northern anni- versaries in that city, in May, 1865. The accompanying extract from the minutes of said meeting will give a correct view of the published motives that originated this new institutibn: St. Louis, Missouri, May 29th, 186c. The Baptist pastors of Missouri, in attendance upon the May anniversaries, convened this P. M. Eev. G. Anderson was appointed chairman, and Eev. C. A. Bateman secretary. Rev. A. C. Osborn presented the following preamble and re- solution, which was adopted : Wliereas, neither of the Baptist state associations of Missouri have, to the best of our knowledge and belief held a meeting for the past two years ; and. Whereas, we believe the interests of our denomination impera- tively demand that we should meet and consult together, and devise ways and means by which to spread the gospel in the state : therefore, Resolved, That the loyal Baptist churches throughout the state of Missouri be requested to send their pastors and delegates to meet at Hannibal, on Friday, September 29, 1865, at the hour of 10 o'clock, A.M., for the purpose of forming a Baptist State Con- vention. The pastors of St. Louis were requested to prepare a consti- tution, &c., to be presented at the September meeting. Pursuant to the foregoing call, the convention met at Hanni- bal, Missouri, September 29, 1865; the organization of the body 684 THE MISSOURI BAPTIST STATE CONVENTION. was perfected, and the following permanent officers were elected G. Anderson, President. W, S. Ingman, D. J. Hancock, | ^^^^e- Presidents. C. A. Bateman, Recording Secretary. E. W. Pattison, Corresponding Secretary Kathan Cole, Treasurer. From the constitution: Art. 1. This association shall be called the Missouri Baptist State Convention; shall be auxiliary to the American Baptist Home Mission Society, and shall co-operate with the other na- tional organizations of our denomination. Art. 2. The object of this convention shall be to promote the preaching of the gospel in, and the thorough evangelization of, the entire state. Art. 3. This convention shall be composed of annual mem- bers, life-members and delegates from Baptist churches and asso- ciations contributing to its funds and co-operating in its objects. Rev. J. S. Backus and Eev. E. T. Hiscox were present and par- ticipated in the organization of the convention as the official re- presentatives of the American Baptist Home Mission Society, and Eev. G. J. Johnson, Dis. Sec. of Am. Bap. Pub. Society, was also present; and so was Rev. Daniel Read, President of Shurt- leff College. The following composed the executive board of missions : Rev. G. Anderson, Rev. J. V. Schofield, Rev. A. C. Osborn, Rev. J. S. Gubelmann, Rev. Henry Farmer, Rev. S. L. Collins, Rev. Wm. Hildrcth, Rev. J. B. Fuller, Rev. C. A. Bateman, Rev. J. M. John- son, Rev. B. Stevens, Rev. J. L. Johnson, Rev. J. H. Hardin, Rev. D. R, Murphy, Rev. W. D. Tucker, Rev. A. P. Rogers, Rev. J. E. "Welch and Rev. Robert Harris; and brethren Thomas Pratt, E. G. Obear, D. J. Hancock, J. Barnhurst, R. Campbell, P. J. Thompson, E. W. Pattison, E. D. Jones, Wm. Jones, W. Schnei- der and D. A. Winter. The convention may be said to have recognized the "Test Oath" of the new constitution of the State, in the report on relig- ious destitution, thus : "Before the war there were, in this state, 450 Baptist minis- ters, and 750 Baptist churches, having 45,000 members: now, there are perhaps 50 qualified ministers, and 100 churches hold- ing regular services." THE MISSOURI BAPTIST STATE CONVENTION. 685 The same document says of the Wyaconda Association : " Be- fore the rebellion there were in this body 32 churches, well sup- plied with ministers; now the most of these ministers are si- lenced by the new constitution oath." This is the same Test Oath so earnestly remonstrated against by the Greneral Association of the state, and also by nine-tenths of the denomination, as in violation of the liberty of conscience (a principle very dear to Baptists), and was, soon after the times of which we write, pronounced unconstitutional by the supreme court of the United States. The second meeting of the convention was held at Kansas City, at the "Walnut Street Baptist Church, in September, 1866. Twen- ty-four missionaries had been in the field during the year under the auspices of the convention, by the appointment of the Amer- ican Baptist Home Mission Society, at a cost of over $14,000. Theyreported the organization of 39 churches. The total amount of receipts from the state during the year was $16,297.19 ; of which St. Louis contributed $14,674.73; and of this amount $13,751.80 were expended in church extension work in that city. The $14,000 paid to missionaries does not appear in the report of the treasurer of the convention, but seems to have been paid di- rectly out of the funds of the society at New York. The third and last meeting of the convention was held at Jef- ferson City, commencing September 27, 1867. Thirty mission- aries had labored under the joint auspices of this body and the Home Mission Society, to whom were paid about $11,000. The whole amount of money received for the convention during the year was $11,106.65, of which $9,140.80 was raised and expended by the St. Louis Baptist Union for church extension. At this session the following paper was read and adopted as a part of the report of the executive board, D. J. Hancock, chair- man. CONSOLIDATION WITH THE GENEEAL ASSOCIATIOK " Soon after the last annual meeting of our society, several brethren connected with the state convention became engaged in correspondence with brethren connected with the General Asso- ciation, relative to the issues between the two wings of the Bap- tist denomination in this state. Out of this correspondence grew an informal conference of brethren unofficially representing both bodies, which mot in St. Louis and adjourned to meet in Lexing- ton. At this adjourned meeting the brethren of the state con- vention came in contact with a large number of the prominent 686 THE MISSOURI BAPTIST STATE CONVENTION. brethren of the General Association. The objects of this con- vention were clearly vindicated in that conference to be the building of our wasted and suffering Zion within the limits of this state — by the collection and efficient distribution of evan- gelizing instrumentalities secured by the auxiliary relation to the American Baptist Home Mission Society — this w^ork being done by the efficient agency of a board, scattered as to member- ship over the entire state, but located as to base of operations in the proper denominational centre — the city of St. Louis. It was demonstrated that the state convention had no ulterior or selfish object in view, but simply to secure the spread of the gospel and the upbuilding of the Master's kingdom in Missouri. These rep- resentations were accorded a respectful hearing and evidently made a strong impression for good upon the minds of many con- nected with the General Association. " Your board are clearly of the opinion that in considering any propositions for the consolidation of Baptists, into one state organization — a consummation devoutly to ho wished — there are three things to be strenuously insisted upon 1)}' the state conven- tion : " 1st. A continuance of such auxiliary' relation to the Ameri- can Baptist Home Mission Society as shall secure their sympa- thy and aid in our work as a consolidated society. "2d. A continuance of the location of the board in St. Louis, as the onlj'' proper and most effective base of operations. To neg- lect making this demand, wo believe to be a betrayal of the trust imposed in us as a state organization for evangelizing purposes. " 3d. A clear recognition of the baptistic doctrine that all Bap- tists, without reference to race or color, have an equal right to a participancy in our counsels, immunities and privileges. " While this question is pending your board believe it to be their dut}^ to adhere to the principles already adopted as a rule by the board — to avoid all possible collisions with the General Association and its friends, aiid to cultivate the things that make for peace." On the last day of the meeting the subjoined preambles and resolution were adoj)te(l : ^'W /ureas, The division of the Baptist denomination in this state into two bodies, whose common object is the evangelization of the state, is greatly to be deplored, as contrary to the spirit of our religion and inimical to the progress of the Redeemer's kingdom in the state; and, THE MISSOURI BAPTIST STATE .CONVENTION. 687 ^'Whei'eas, Informal consultations heretofore had between mem- bers of the state convention and members of the General Asso- ciation, have given strong encouragement and hope that, with the blessing of God, all causes of difference may be ultimately removed; therefore, ^^Resolved, That we hereby appoint A. A. Kendrick, J.E.Welch, D. J. Hancock, A. H. Burlingham, E. F. Eogers, E. H. Harris, C. Nevill, A. P. Eogers, A. C. Osborn and J. C. Bernard a com- mittee of this body to meet the General Association, or a like committee of that bodj^, should such be appointed, to consult with reference to a union of the two bodies upon the basis laid down in the report of the board and adopted by this body, and report to this body at their earliest possible opportunity." This committee, in whole or in part, attended the meeting of the General Association at Lexington soon after the close of this session of the convention. Some account of the result is given in the history of the General Association in the session of 1867. The Missouri Baptist State Convention never met after its ad- journment at Jefferson City in 1867. Concerning its dissolution Dr. A. H. Burlingham, in an address at the meeting of the Gen- eral Association at Hannibal in 1876, said : "The state convention dissolved between 1867 and '68. Some said, '"What shall we demand — shall we not require some condi- tions?' I said, ' IS'o ! Let us go to the General Association and knock and they will receive us. We did so and were received." Thus ended the brief career of the state convention — a body organized just at the close of the war, under the influence it must be believed of more or less of sectional feeling, and re- garded by hundreds of the influential men of the denomination as an almost serai-political institution. Blunders, the convention may have made — none of which need be enumerated here ; — but it nevertheless did good by way of planting or of resuscitating churches at important points, and in devising measures for gath- ering into churches the scattered African Baptists of the state. The General Association never having disbanded (it failed to meet in only one year — 1864) the existence of the convention became at once an irritating element in the denomination. This fact being discovered by influential members of the convention, good counsel prevailed, this young state organization disbanded, peace was restored, and the members returned to their former seats in the General Association. CHAPTER Vn. NOETH CENTEAL ASSOCIATION.* Meeting of the Convention — First Anniversary — The Object Stated — Faith of — Ap- proves Test Oath Constitution of Missouri — Kescinds that Approval — Summary of the Year 1874. THIS association is composed of churches located in the coun- ties of Sullivan and Putnam, extending to the northern line of the state. This association originated in a convention of mes- sengers from Yellow Creek, St. John's, Pleasant Hill, Lebanon, Smyrna and Little Union Baptist Churches, which met at Union- ville, Putnam County, Mo., September 1, 1865, in order to go into an associational organization. The following from the con- stitution will show upon what basis the body was founded: CONSTITUTION. "Article 1. This association of churches shall be called the 'ISTorthern Central Association of Missouri of Eegular Baptist Churches.' "Art. 2. This association shall be composed of such churches only as embrace in substance the following doctrines: "The being and unity of G-odj the existence of three equal per- sons in the Godhead j the divine inspiration of the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, as the complete and infallible rule of ftxith and practice; the just condemnation and total moral de- pravity of all mankind by the fall of our first parents; God's eternal purpose of grace; the proper divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ; the all-sufficiency of the atonement; effectual calling; justifica- tion freely by grace ; perseverance of the saints; believers' bap- tism by immersion only ; the Lord's Supper a privilege peculiar to immersed believers regularly admitted to church fellowship; * Locust Fork Association formerlj' occupied the territory in which the North Cen- tral was organized, but on account of difficulties between the ministers it disbanded about 1800 or 'Gl, a part of the churches going to North Union, a part to North Grand River Association, and a few of them dissolved. yellf)W Creek and Oak Grove Church- es, in Sullivan County, did not belong to Locust Fork, but to North Union Associa- tion, until it dissolved during the war. Yellow Creek became a constituent of North Central, as may be seen above, and Oak Grove became a member in 1867, when the meeting was held at St, John's Church, Putnam County, NORTH CENTRAL ASSOCIATION. 689 the resurrection of the body and general judgment; the final happiness of the saints and misery of the wicked alike intermin- able; the obligation of every intelligent creature of God su- premely to believe what God says, to practice what God com- mands, and the religious observance of the first day of the week. "Art. 3. The objects of the association shall be, by correspond- ence and personal intercourse to promote unity of faith and prac- tice, fellowship, cordiality of feeling, and union of effort in pro- moting missionary education, and other purposes connected with the interests of Zion." "Art. 10. We give our cheerful support to the new constitution of Missouri, and refuse a seat in this bod}^ to any who are dis- franchised by it on account of their disloyalty." The association held its first anniversary the same year (1865) at Yellow Creek Church, Sullivan County, commencing October 14, when one new church (Mt. Olive) was received into the union, making in all seven churches, the total numerical strength of which was 224. Geo. W. Benton was moderator, and Joshua Gray clerk. Ministers. — J. Starkey, H. Gray, J. Gray, G. "W". Benton, J. Worthington and N. H. Eedding. Pleasant Hill Church, Putnam County, entertained the second anniversary, begun October 13, 1866. Mt. Pisgah, 'New Bethel and Hopewell Churches petitioned for membership and were admitted. On Sunday a public collection was made for home missions, amounting to $11.50. Joshua Gray, John Starkey and L. G.Parker were appointed a committee to solicit the Ameri- can Baptist Home Mission Society to appoint a missionary to labor in the bounds of the association. For periodical litera- ture The Christian Tmes and Witness, The Macedonian and The Young i?eaper, were recommended to the churches. The third annual session was held with the St. John's Church, Putnam County, September 13, 1867. New churches were 'ad- mitted, namely : Oak Grove and Union. The 10th article of the constitution, endorsing the new constitution of Mis- souri was stricken out. Correspondence was solicited with che North Grand Eiver and the Northeast Missouri Associations; also with the Eden and the Fork Eiver Associations, Iowa. About this time the title of the association was changed from Northern Central to "North Central," as the name appears at the head of this article. Yellow Creek was the place of meeting in 1868. Peter Set- 44 690 NORTH CENTRAL ASSOCIATION. ters was moderator, and Joshua Gray clerk. Committees were ap- pointed on "The State of Eeligion," "Benevolent Efforts" and " Sabbath-schools." Peter Setters, missionary colporteur of the Am. Bap. Pub. Society, made quite an encouraging report of work done : days service, 311 ; volumes sold, 467 ; volumes grant- ed, 59; tracts distributed, pages 2,226; sermons preached, 144; found families without a Bible, 90; supplied families with Bible, 36; churches organized, 2 ; total amount of sales $437.06; received from churches and missionary fund, $86. Deep Spring and Mt. Zion Churches were received into the association at this session. The association met at Oak Grove meeting-house, Sullivan County, September 3, 1869. The general lamentation from the church letters was "coldness, inactivity and consequent barren- ness." Two churches only (Yellow Creek and Mount Zion) re- ported baptisms; the former 17, the latter 7. A prayerful, earnest, determined effort was made for a better state of things, and on Saturday pledges for home missions were taken, amount- ing to S222. 50; for Am. Bap. Pub. Society, $45.50 on Sunday; and for Sunday-school work, $15.50. During the year preced- ing this meeting the North Central Baptist Sunday-school Con- vention had been organized and held its first anniversary in con- nection with this session of the association. C. W. H. Bentley was the president of the convention, and Peter Setters was sec- retary. The association met at Mt. Zion Church, Putnam County, Sep- tember 2, 1870, and was called to order by the moderator. Up- on application, Wintersville, Salem and Spring Creek Churches were enrolled as members of the association. The whole num- ber of churches was then 16, and members 471. There were 57 baptisms during the year. The association voted "to become auxiliary to the General Association of Missouri," and, second- ly, it ^'■Resolved, That all our missionary work be done through the executive board of the General Association." The executive board of the North Central Association report- ed itinerant labor performed by the missionary, to the amount of $165.60; amount collected and paid, $150.75; sermons preached, 95 ; exhortations, 56 ; baptisms, 33. At the session in 1871, held at Yellow Creek Church, there was great rejoicing with some of the churches over blessed revivals during the year, and lamentation in others over unfruitfulness. NORTH CENTRAL ASSOCIATION. 691 The board reported a gratifying increase in the liberality of some, and a great lack of interest on the part of others. The evangel- ist had labored to the amount of $312, but only $146.85 of this amount had been collected. The eighth annual meeting was held at Mt. Olive, Putnam County, August 30, 1872. Union and Milan (new churches) ap- plied and were received into membership. There were 73 bap- tisms this year. Nine of the nineteen churches reported Sun- day-schools, seven of the number being Baptist schools. Little Union Church, Putnam County, was the place of meet- ing in September, 1873. The minutes of the 10th anniversary, held September 4-5, 1874, showed the following summary : Churches. — Little Union, 53; Mt. Zion, 49; Eavanna, 34; Wintersville, 28 ; Spring Creek, 40 ; Smyrna, 40 ; Deep Spring, 21; Union, 40; New Bethel, 28; Salem, 18; St. John, 37; Mt. Olive, 27 ; East Locust, 64; Welcome Home, 66; Mt. Pleasant, (col.), 10; Hopewell, 23; Mt. Pisgah, 53; Pleasant Hill, 29; Pleasant Grove, 13 ; Milan, 9 ; Yellow Creek, 79 ; making a total membership of 761 ; baptisms, 89. Pastors. — J. C. Hinton, Peter Setters, C. Woodward, A Jack- son, A. M. Green, J. E. Bondurant, Wm. H. Tuston and Green Cloyd. The session passed off pleasantly, with P. McCollum, W. B. Eogers, G. E. Bondurant, J. E. Vertrees, W. B. Ballew, J. W. Bolster, and J. H. Snider present as visitors. The churches of this association are all in Putnam and Sulli- van Counties, except two (Eavanna in Mercer and Spring Creek in Adair County). Our latest information of this fraternity is 1874. CHAPTER YIII. NOETHEAST MISSOUEI ASSOCIATION. Where and How it Originated — When Organized — A. Helper of the State Convention — Disintegration — Not Yer}' Prosperous — Biographical: J. M. Ingold and Stephen G. Hunt — Sketches of Highland, Greensburgh, and West Bethel Churches. T HE above named association originated as follows PRELIMINiiEY MEETING. " House of Edward Weber, "Mar Dover, Lewis Co., Mo., Sept. 8, 1866. ) "At a meeting composed of delegates from Luray, Bethlehem, Winchester, Zion, Fairmount, Highland and Sugar Creek Church- es, Eev. Monroe Ingold was elected moderator, and J. F. Rairden clerk. "The Wyaconda Association having voted unanimously to au- thorize such churches to form themselves into a new association, on motion it was resolved to meet at Winchester on Friday, Oc- tober 12, at 11 o'clock, to form a new association. " Resolved, That J. F. Eairden, Wm. H. Bradford, O. L. Knowl- ton and Thomas Gray be appointed a committee to draw up a constitution and rules of order. "Eev. J. M. Ingold was appointed to write the circular letter, and Eev. J. F. Eairden to preach the introductory sermon. "Adjourned. J. M. Ingold, Moderator. "J. F. Eairden, Clerk." In accordance with the foregoing action a convention was held at AVinchester, Clark County, and a new association was organ- ized October 12, 1866, called the "Northeast Missouri Baptist Association." The constituent churches were the seven above mentioned from Wyaconda Association, together with Xewark Church, a then newly formed interest. The constitution was presented and adopted, the eighth article of which reads as follows : " This association shall be auxiliary to the Missouri Baptist State Convention, and the American Bap- tist Home Mission Society." Art. 7 of the same instrument read : " This constitution may be amended by a vote of two-thirds of the members present at any annual meeting (except the 8th NORTHEAST MISSOURI ASSOCIATION. 693 article)." The total membership of the churches was 438, The ministers were "Wm. Yolton, J, F. Eairden, S. Gr. Hunt and J. M. Ingold. J. F. Rairden was moderator, and Aaron Matley was clerk of the first session. The churches were located mostly in Clarke County; one at least was in Knox; and one in Lewis County; nor was the bound- ary line between this and Wyaconda Association ever very clear- ly defined. Although a daughter of the Wyaconda, the Northeast Missouri Association never succeeded in securing correspondence with the mother institution. This doubtless grew out of the fact that the Northeast Missouri Association gave such unequivocal encour- agement to the Missouri Baptist State Convention, an institution regarded by the great mass of the denomination in the state as a disintegrating element (see Mo. Bap. State Convention). The latest minutes we have of the Northeast Missouri Associa- tion are for 1871. These exhibit only a moderate degree of pros- perity, there being only two more churches that went into the organization in 1866, and an aggregate membership of 532 — less than one hundred more than at the beginning. The ministers in 1871 were Wiley Bunch, O. N. Collins, C. E. Stephens, J. Barker and J. C. Harvey. This community dissolved about 1872, and in 1873 we find most of its churches on the roll in the old Wyaconda Association. J. Monroe Ingold — was born in North Carolina ; at an early age he moved to Indiana, and afterwards to Iowa. At 18 he became the subject of Divine Grace, was converted and joined the Baptist church, having been baptized by Eld. Cole. Soon after his conversion he entered the school at Richmond, Iowa, with a view to the ministry. In 1864 he came to Missouri and began to preach under many discouragements. But with energy and decision he pressed on, was ordained in November 1865, and appointed colporteur of the American Baptist Publication Soci- ety, in which capacity he continued a faithful and diligent labor- er until his last sickness. In July, 1868, he was taken with jaundice, and in the month following he passed over the river, and is now at rest, where the wicked never trouble. Stephen G. Hunt. — The following is from the committee on obituaries at the meeting of the Northeast Missouri Association in 1869: " Bro. Hunt was born in Wayne County, Indiana, October 7, 694 NORTHEAST MISSOURI ASSOCIATION. 1813. He experienced religion in his 20th year, united with the Eolling Prairie Baptist Church, in Laporte County, Ind., being baptized by Father Hastings. He was married to Louisa Salis- bury, August 8, 1838; entered the ministry in 1845; became pastor at Sandwich, 111.; remained there five years, where he sowed the seed of the kingdom, which has since produced a bountiful harvest, there being five flourishing churches on the field he then occupied. In 1850 he took the care of the church at Middlebury, Ind., where he remained three years. He then removed to Knoxville, Iowa, where he found a feeble church, which increased to 107 during his ministry, and began to build the noble house they dedicated a short time ago. From there he moved to Wayne County, Ind., the place of his birth, and took charge of the ElkhornBapti-st Church, where he was instrumental in the conversion of his uncle, Isaac Estele, who entered the min- istry, but has preceded his spiritual father to glory. From there he came to Missouri under the employ of the home mission society where his labors have been blessed of God. He organized the Highland, Greensburgh and West Bethel Churches, besides laying the foundation of truth in many other places. At the time of his death he was laboring for the publication society. He leaves a widow and four children, with many other friends to mourn his loss ; yet our loss is his gain. He died in the triumphs of faith. We can but pray, Lord, send more such laborers into the vineyard. ''J. F. Rairden, Wm. H. Bradford, [ Committee." C. Daughter, CHAPTER IX. OLD PATH ASSOCIATION. Why and When Organized — Early Ecclesiastical History of Hickory County — First JVIinister — Ministers' Salaries — London Confession of Faith — Thomas Moore's Apos- tasy — The Case of J. H. Smith — Resolutions and Queries. AT the commencement of the war the. Freedom Association was composed of 33 churches scattered over seven counties. Sad was the state of things in the churches in this section of the country when peace was declared in 1865. The Freedom met and was reorganized in 1866, and very unwisely amended her "confession of faith," declaring "non-fellowship for those who had been in rebellion against the government of the United States, without evidence of gospel repentance." (Two years af- terwards at the session of 1868, be it said to her praise, theFree- dom Association expunged this obnoxious item from her "arti- cles of faith.") To this a number of churches in her communion took excep- tion, eight of which, namely: Pisgah, New Hope, Macedonia, Mt. Zion, Slagle Creek, Mt. Moriah, Prospect and Hopewell, withdrew, met in convention at Hopewell Church, Polk County, October 25, 1867, and together with Bethany, Little Niangua and Fountain Grove Churches formed "The Old Path Associa- tion."* The total membership of the churches that were in the organ- ization was 706, spread over an area embodying the principal part of the four counties of Polk, Dallas, Hickory and Camden. The organization was needful to reach a vast field of destitution in her bounds which others did not or could not supply. This the association has endeavored to do. Within five years after the organization the membership had doubled, the association being then composed of 28 churches, containing 1,488 members. The first regular Baptist minister in Hickory County was Eld. Thomas Pitts, who now sleeps with the fathers. The second was Eld. Joseph Callaway, who baptized Turner Washburn, soon after which in the house of Mr. Washburn, Elds. Thomas Pitts * From the MS. of EW. Z. T. Strickland. 696 OLD PATH ASSOCIATION. and John Miller organized the first Baptist church in the county, consisting of six members. This was about the year 1843. Two of these veterans were living in 1879 : Mrs. Mary Green and Mrs. Mary B. Pitts. The pastors of this pioneer church, up to the war, were Elds. Thomas Pitts and James Wheel- er; the former serving thirteen and the latter nine years. During the war the church (the name of which we have not learned) was broken up, the scattered members uniting with Elkton, Mt. Moriah, Oak Grove and Hopewell Churches, all of Hickory County save the latter. At the close of the war there was not a Baptist minister in the county, save L. J. Tatum, who had but recently (1864) moved into it. He at once commenced to preach for the Mt. Moriah Church of 25 members, in an old log school-house. At the close of three years the church num- bered 125 members and had a house of worship. About this time, some dissension arose on the question of pastor's salary, the two deacons using all their influence against the support of the gospel. The end of the controvers}' foundthe church split, one of the deacons dead and the other a member of a small anti- mission party of eight or ten members who worship in the old house. All that was saved out of this rubbish was a small church of fourteen members, called Ebenezer, formed January 14, 1869, numbering 25 members in 1881, with Eld. David Hitson as pas- tor. The second annual meeting in 1868 was at Mt. Moriah Church, Hickory County; in 1869 the association met at Bollinger Church, Camden County; at Slagle Creek, Polk County, in 1870; at New Hope, Dallas County, in 1871 ; at Little Niangua, Hickory County, in 1872; at Pisgah, Dallas County, in 1873; at Pittsburg, Hickory County, in 1874; at Harmony, in Cam- den County, in 1875 ; at Hopewell, Polk County, in 1876 ; at Prairie Hollow Church in 1877 ; and in 1878 at New Hope again. Moderators from 1867.— ^Id. W. W. Palmer, 10 years; Eld. J. M. Eussell, 3 j-ears. Clerks for the same time. — J. Moore, 1 year; L. J. Tatum, 10 years; Z. T. Strickland, 2 years. Ministers in 18G7. — C. L. Alexander, T. Moore, Wm. W. Pal- mer, "VVm. Godwin, A. Long, J. "W. Cranfill, Isaac Ingram, L. J. Tatum, D. J. Morrow, Morris and G. Kelley. Old Path Association reached her largest membership in 1872. There was then a large ministerial force connected with her churches, consisting of 19 ordained preachers and 11 licentiates. For convenience the churches now began to withdraw and unite OLD PATH ASSOCIATION. 697 with other associations, which reduced the strength of Old Path, in 1878, to 23 churches and 1,002 members. From the year 1869 to 1878, including 10 meetings, the church- es reported an aggregate of 1,237 baptisms — a number consider- ably more than the present membership ; and from 1870 to 1878 $1,247.41 were contributed to home missions. For the same time, pastors' salaries reported amounted to $3,085.62. The amount of sales of religious literature was $1,208.91; number of volumes sold, 1,429; donated, 317; and 90 families were supplied with the Bible. Elder L. J. Tatum has for most of the time been the effi- cient missionary, and to his labors, under God, many of the churches are indebted for success and prosperity. In 1868 the association published the following endorsement of the faith of the primitive Baptists : "Instructed the clerk to arrange our articles of faith in order, and that he include the article of faith relative to the support of the gospel, originally put forth by the elders and brethren of more than one hundred congregations of Christians (baptized upon a profession of their faith) in London in 1689, and adopted by the Philadelphia Association in 1742." Said article reads as follows : " We believe the work of the pastor being constantly to attend the service of Christ in his church in the ministry of the word, and prayer with watching for their souls as they that must give an account to Him ; it is incumbent on the churches to whom they minister, not only to give them all due respect, but also to com- municate to them of all their good things according to their abil- ity (Acts 4 ; 4, Heb. 13; 17, 1 Tim. 6; 17, 18, Gal. 6; 6)." We have often wondered why so many churches, and even not a few pastors, are so -timid on the question of ministerial sup- port, as nothing — no doctrine whatever — is more explicitly taught in the Scriptures than the adequate support of the gospel preacher. Churches are often very careful as to the conduct of their members relative to other items of faith, or doctrines of the Bible, and even in matters of less importance, but we have seldom known churches to call members to account for habitu- ally neglecting to help defray church expenses. We have known pastors to preach very earnestly for hours on baptism, the Lord's Supper, the proper observance of the Sabbath and very many other things affecting Christian duty; but never a word about the support of the gospel. Why all this? Why leave out this one great question? Why demand that every applicant for 698 OLD PATH ASSOCIATION. church membership shall be a penitent, have faith in Christ, be baptized, &e., &c., and then keep such an one in the church for years, while he positively neglects, and, in thousands of cases, refuses to contribute even to the support of his pastor. It is an outrage upon the Christian name — an encouragement to infidelity. This is a question that the Old Path Association, and some, if not all, of her churches were not afraid to handle. As an illus- tration of this we cite an event that occurred at the meeting in 1877. One of the ministers had been silenced from preaching on the grounds of opposition to ministerial support, denouncing ministers who received remuneration for labor as '' hirelings," &c. The case was carried to the association in 1877, the action of the church was sustained, and the man's name dropped from the list of ministers. The effort was renewed in 1878 and a mo- tion made to rescind the action of the preceding year, which after a long discussion was lost, and the friends of the deposed minister failed to secure his restoration. Why not revoke a preacher's credentials for opposition to ministerial support as unhesitatingly as for opposition to any other plain precept of the holy Bible? This association was consistent in other matters also. In her confession of faith she declared her adherence to the old Bible doctrine of final perseverance of the saints. In 1871 she with- drew her fellowship from Bethany Church, because said church permitted one Thomas Moore to lead her members astray on the doctrine of a In April, 1876, he organized the first Baptist church in Green- ville, county seat of Wajnie, and was its pastor up to the time of his death. The death of no other man would have been so la- mented by the people of Wayne County. He was held in the highest esteem by the ministry of his as- sociation, and might indeed be called the father of them all. He raised a large family and by industry and economy left them in comfortable circumstances. He died of pneumonia after an ill- ness of eight days, at his own home near Piedmont, Wayne County. Obadiah Tompkins — was born in Grranville County, Canada West, January 22, 1823, of parents born also in Canada — of Eng- lish descent. At the age of 21 he was converted and baptized. He was educated in all the higher English branches in the com- mon schools, and in 1849 began to preach, having been ordained by the Baptist church at Louisville, Canada. In 1867 he came to Missouri and located in Henry County, and BIOGRAPHICAL. 817 has been preaching ever since in the counties adjacent to his home. In the spring of 1868 he organized Big Creek Church, having baptized during the previous winter seventy-five of its members, and for some years he was pastor of said church. He organized the Baptist church at Cove Creek, having baptized ten of its members to begin with, and afterwards gathered up its present membership. Brother Tompkins was sound in doctrine and practice, and zealous in the defence of the truth. In 1849 he was married, and subsequently baptized his wife and four of his children. His death occurred at his residence in Henry County, Mis- souri, December 31, 1878, being then in the 56th year of his age. Leonard Turley, — the father of the wife of Eld. John F. Hedg- es of Pike County, moved to Ealls County, Missouri, in 1818, settling near where New London now stands. He died in Octo- ber, 1823, being then about 70 years of age. He was a native of Fauquier County, Virginia. At the age of 40 he married Susannah Morton, who was 17 years of age. In early life he became a Christian and soon after commenced preaching. About 1797 he emigrated to Kentucky, where he spent the prime of his life in the ministry. He preached much, itinerating and caring for the churches. He was seldom at home. He was acolaborer of Vardeman, the Wallers and the Craigs, and was one of the leading spirits at the associations. After his removal to Missouri his career was short, but his time was spent in visiting and preaching to the destitute settle- ments. Many of the people in that section of Missouri, in his day, lived in tents the first year, or until after the first crop was made. Of his six children, two were daughters, the youngest of whom — Lucinda — became the wife of Eld. John Franklin Hedges, for some years a preacher of Pike County, Mo. Sister Hedges fur- nished the facts embodied in this brief notice. Eld. Turley fell a victim to bilious fever, which sometimes raged fearfully in those early times. His deatk. was peaceful and happy. Caswell Cobb Tipton.* — By request of the Eolla Baptist Church, it is made ray painful duty to announce in the Central Baptist the sudden death of the Eev. Caswell Cobb Tipton, her late beloved pastor. He was returning home from an agency * By Kev. Joseph "Walker, in Central Baptist, Vol VII, No, 38, 62 818 BIOGRAPHICAL. tour among the churches, and was stricken down by apoplexy at the house of strange though kind friends, within twelve miles of Marshfield, September 5, 1872. Elder Tipton was well known in Tennessee, from which state he removed to Roll a after the war. He had in former years trav- eled as an agent of the Domestic Mission Board of the S. B. C, and was just beginning to be known in Missouri as an excellent preacher, an able expositor of Baptist faith and practice, and a gentleman of fine address and agreeable manners. His sudden demise, in the sixty-second year of his age and usefulness, has cast a veil of deep sorrow over a large and interesting family and the church of which he was pastor. Much might be added in testimony of his good standing and moral worth, but it becomes us rather to bow in submission to the fiat of Him who doeth all things well. Edward Towler. — The following was published in the Western Watchman of March 15, 1855 : " Died, at his residence in Marion County, Missouri, Eld. Ed- ward Towler, in the 72d year of his age. " The deceased united with the Baptist church, at Ash Camp, Charlotte County, Va., in 1817, removed to Kentucky in 1827, and to his present residence in 1830. "In those diiferent fields of labor he was ever ready to bear some part; a zealous advocate for all objects that tended to pro- mote the Redeemer's kingdom upon earth. He was never satis- fied to be idle, but felt better when engaged in warning sinners to flee from the wrath to come. "During his last sickness he delighted in Christian conversa- tion, and he would often remark that he felt a particular interest in those persons that had renounced the world and placed their trust in Jesus. At times he was gloomy, but had an abiding con- fidence in God's promise, 'that he would turn none away empty.' He was an aifectionate husband, kind father and a good neighbor, always ready to administer to the necessities of the poor. When he ascertained that his time here was short, he remarked that he was ready; ' Lord, thy will be done.' " James Walker* — was born of humble parentage near the Ten- nessee line in Alabama, March 29, 1820. When he was about 10 years old his father, Jacob Walker, moved to Perry County, Illi- nois, where young James completed his minority. His father's people being of the Methodist persuasion he grew up in that * By Eld. J. S. Frost, of Kolla, Missouri. BIOGRAPHICAL. 819 faith, and when 17 years old he united with the Methodist church. In 1840 he emigrated to what was then Crawford, but now Phelps County, Missouri, and on the 26th of the following December he married Miss Margaret Love, a highly respectable and ami- able young lady, whose family for many generations had been Baptists. While a young man, engaged in the harvest field, Bro.Walker was bitten by a rattlesnake. ISTot long after his marriage, he was again bitten by the same kind of a snake near the same spot on his body. This second bite seemed to so poison his blood that this worthy man of G-od showed signs of it through the remain- der of his life. vShortly after he came to Missouri he espoused the cause of the Baptists, and with a number of the original settlers in Phelps County organized the Baptist church of Spring Creek, and in 1843 was ordained a preaeher of the gospel. His private and his public character were unimpeachable. He lived to do good, preaching to numerous small churches for many miles around his home for over twenty years. His entire talent led him into exhortation, and but seldom did he branch off on any subject in the way of theory. To him and the wife of his first love were born twelve chil- dren. Seven of them, four daughters and three sons, survived him. His widow is yet living on the small farm, the only earth- ly heritage left her and the family. James Walker died at his home near Eolla, December 29, 1866, being at the time in his 47th year. The manner of his death was quite distressing. He was subject to fits, caused from the snake bite before spoken of. He would fall into the fire, or in the wa- ter, and but for help would have perished often. The last burn proved fatal. He was engaged near his house heating a wagon tire. By some mishap the attention of his family was called away from him for a few moments, and one of his spells coming upon him he fell headlong into the fire, and before assistance reached him was so bad!}- burned about the head and upper ex- tremities of the bod}', that after lingering some days, he died. James Walker struggled through life under the most adverse circumstances and in great poverty. It is not possible now to see how he accomplished the half of what he did. But God wds with him and this is the residue of the story. Anderson Woods* — was born in Albemarle County, Va., Janu- * By Dr. A. P. Williams, as published in the Central Baptist, Vol. I, No. 7. 820 BIOGRAPHICAL. ary 18, 1778. He was the fifth child of his parents. His father was of Irish descent, and took an active part in our revolution- ary struggle for freedom, serving as a captain in a Virginia reg- iment under Washington. He was a rigid Presbyterian, and brought up all his children in that faith. Under this tuition An- derson grew up a moral young man. He was of good stature, weighing about one hundred and seventy pounds ; he had light hair, fair complexion and blue eyes. At the age of eighteen his father placed him under the tuition of a man by the name of Carr, to learn the trade of a black- smith. He staid with him iintil he learned the trade, and then set up a shop for himself in Richmond, Madison County, Ky. Here he soon established a reputation as a skilful workman, and consequently a very fair business. About one year after he began business for himself. May 4, 1808, he was married to Miss Elizabeth Harris, by Elder Peter Woocfs. After his marriage he remained at Richmond following his trade for nearly two years, when he moved on a farm about four miles from his former resi- dence. In the following spring he was through grace enabled to embrace the Savior by a cordial, obedient faith. As before stated, he was raised a strict Presbyterian. Some- time before he made a public profession of his faith in Christ he was very seriously impressed with the subject, especially about the time of the great revival of 1801. But he lived struggling with his convictions until the spring of 1811, when he became un- usually serious. One evening, having attended a wedding, as he was leaving the place he made it convenient to ride with the minister, made known to him his state of mind, and requested him to pray for him. Whereupon they alighted from their horses and the man of Grod offered up a prayer for him. A short time afterward he was enabled to rejoice in hope. ' He now devoted all of his spare moments to reading the Holy Scriptures. Up to this time he had not thought of ever being anything but a Presbyterian. And not until he had read the New Testament through the third time, was his mind unsettled. He had taken it for granted that the doctrine of infant baptism was taught therein. And though he had read it through for the third time, he thought that perhaps he had overlooked the paS" sage where the doctrine might be found. He therefore read again with special reference to this doctrine, but found it not. After thus carefully reading the word of Grod he was convinced that he had never been baptized as Jesus has commanded. But BIOGRAPHICAL. 821 what was he to do? He had ever looked upon the Baptists as a very ignorant and bigoted set of people ; but the plain teaching of God's word convinced him that they were right. The Bible not only taught him that he had never been baptized, but also that there was only one baptism, and that the people whom he had been taught to look upon with contempt were the people who held the truth as it was in Jesus. He said nothing to any one about what he intended to do, until the evening before he joined the church. His wife had never joined any church up to this time, but some time before obtained a hope in Christ. He on this evening said to her that he intended to unite with the church. The next day he and his beloved wife did give them- selves to the people of God, and were together buried with Christ in baptism by Elder Christopher Harris. They became members of the Viney Fork Church, Madison County, Ky. A few months after his baptism Mr. Woods was chosen deacon ofthe church and served his brethren as such until October, 1816, when he moved from Kentucky to Missouri and settled in what is now Boone County (then Howard). He soon found a few scattered Baptists in his new home, and with three besides him- self and wife, went into the constitution of a church which was then called Bethel, now AYalnut Grove. Here he commenced holding prayer meetings with the church, as they could have preaching only occasionally during the first 3-ear. And its num- ber increased during this time to about one hundred. Elder Woods remained here about two years, when he moved about twenty miles east and went into the constitution of a church called Little Bonne Femme. Here he took a very active part in prayer-meetings and occasionally would exercise some in the way of. public speaking, exhortation, etc. And on the third day of August, 1823, he was ordained to the ministry of the word by Elder Peter Woods, David Doyle and others. From henceforth he devoted his whole time to the work of the ministry. The cause prospered here; and from this church soon after there went out two colonies, namely, Salem and Co- lumbia churches. The last named church called him to labor for them as pastor. He labored for them in this capacity for several years, and at the same time he spent all the time he could spare from his immediate charge in laboring in destitute parts of the country, thus aiding in constituting and building upmany of our churches which still flourish and prosper. While laboring for the Columbia Church, Elder Woods trav- 822 BIOGRAPHICAL. eled from one end of the state to the other — from Arkansas to his home — from New Madrid to Kansas, bearing onward the standard of Jesus, feeding the flock of Christ and proclaiming to sinners the cheering news of salvation, spending his time, the strength of his manhood and his means in the service of his Master. Elder Woods was one of the father... of our General Associa- tion. He assisted in its organization and was the first mission- ary appointed by its board. But owing to his time being wholly monopolized by the churches he did not iccept it. In October, 1885, he moved near to Paris, Monroe County, Missouri, and took charge of the Otter's Creek, Mount Prairie and Paris Churches. Soon after he also preached for the church at Newark. With these churches he labored until his death, which occurred on the twenty-second day of October, 1841, in the fifty-fourth year of his age. He had been gone from home six weeks. He returned on Wednesday. On Friday he talked a great deal about death and appeared to be already enjoying the very beatitudes of heaven. On Monday night he breathed his last and fell asleep in Jesus. It is enough to add, what every one who knew Elder Woods will testify, that he was '' a good man and full of the Holy Ghost and faith," and by his ministry "much people were added to the Lord." Andrew Baker — was born in Washington County, Yirginia, July 25, 1797, and was baptized into the fellowship of St. Clair's Bottom Church of the same county in May, 1818. He was or- dained at Versailles, Indiana, September 30, 1837, removed to Missouri in September, 1860, and settled in the neighborhood of Kingston, Caldwell County, where he found a feeble Baptist church with which he united and officiated as pastor till amid the conflicting opinions of war times the church was dissolved in 1863. He now continued to preach at a school-house seven miles from Kingston, where, November 10, 1866, Hopewell Church was constituted. This venerable servant of the Lord was alive in 1869. Peter Brown, — of more than ordinary natural endowments, was born in Washington County, Kentuckj', May 8, 1825. His parents were Presbyterians of the old school order, and gave their children a very careful religious training in the Presby- terian faith; four of them, however, including Peter, became Baptists on making a profession of religion. Andrew, one of the filOGRAPSlCAti. 823 number, is a minister of no mean reputation in Texas; and an- other, Mary, is the wife of Eld. M. F. Williams, a Baptist min- ister of Randolph County. Peter Brown spent four years of his boyhood life — from 9 to 13 years of age — at school in his native place, and always stood at the head of his class. When 13 years old his father with the entire family moved to Missouri and settled in what is now St. Clair County. Many arguments were used to retain young Pe- ter with an uncle in Kentucky, that he might continue his stud- ies, but he had heard of the "new country" in Missouri, which abounded in deer, turkeys and fish, and all arguments were un- availing. He found no schools in his new home, nor were there any churches or preachers, and he grew up a wild and wicked young man. He was very fond of reading, especially newspa- pers, and he soon became quite a politician. Having access to but few new books he finally took up the Bible, in which he be- came very much interested, especially in the history of Joseph whose character he determined to imitate. Under this state of things he became a self-righteous pharisee. About 1843 Eld, Isaiah T. Williams visited the St. Clair Coun- ty country and held meetings, under whose preaching young Brown was led to a proper conception of sin, and finally through faith in the atonement of Christ he found sweet peace to his soul, and began at once to feel a longing anxiety for the salvation of sinners. He had convictions that he ought to preach, but for some time resisted this impression, until finally it was like fire in his bones, and he concluded to try, though, as he says, he " was poorly qualified." His first effort at preaching was greatly bless- ed, and a wide-spread revival commenced and continued for about two 5'ears. He was ordained in 1847 by Elds. J. T. Ricketts and W. P. C.Caldwell, at the call of BrinZion Baptist Church, where he had preached for some two years prior to this event. For a number of years he was pastor of Hogle's Creek Church in Benton County, which had been organized by Andrew Brown in 1847. Into the fellowship of this church he baptized many persons up to 1859, when he ceased to preach for it. During the war the church became extinct and was subsequently reorgan- ized. In 1848 Peter Brown laid the foundation of Bethlehem Church, Henry County. That year he established a mission station eight miles south of Clinton, where he continued to proclaim the gos- pel, and in 1853 removed the preaching station to within four 824 BIOGRAPHICAL. miles of Clinton, in September of which year he held a protrac- ted meeting, resulting in twenty conversions, after which the Bethlehem Church was organized. Within two years the church had grown to 76 members and built a neat house of worship, 30x40 feet, in which they now worship. Just after the date last named he aided Eev. J. T. Wheeler in a meeting resulting in over twenty conversions and the organization of Bethlehem Church in Hickory County. From 1847 to 1859 he labored a great deal as missionary, a part of the time under the patronage of Blue Eiver Association, and from 1853 to 1855 as colporteur of the American Baptist Publication Society. In 1863 such were the troubles around him that he became a refugee and sought safety, sometimes in Texas and sometimes in the Confederate Army. In July, 1865, he returned to his family — for home he had none — and found it reduced to poverty by foraging parties from the army. But with an unflinching deter- mination he set to work with his hands to get sustenance for those dependent on him, and so soon as the Test Oath was abro- gated, he again entered the field as an independent itinerant, and worked faithfully in Osage, Hickor}* , Henry and other coun- ties. A part of the intervening period from that time to 1879 he labored as missionary of the Greneral Association, for which he received small appropriations at different times. Peter Brown is a man of fine natural ability, well posted in the tenets of the Baptist denomination and Bible doctrines gener- ally, and is ''a workman that needeth not to be ashamed." Martin Thomas Bibb — was born in Amherst County, Virginia, April 24, 1812. Becoming an orphan at ten j^ears of age by his father's death, his training and education was left entirely in the hands of a widowed mother, who was a deeply pious woman. He was convicted of sin during famil}' worship conducted by his mother, not long after which he found peace and reconciliation with God through faith in Christ, and in the fall of 1827 united with the Baptists, very soon after which he commenced the study of the Bible with a view of being useful in the church ; also such other books as he could get hold of, to the end that he might make some literary improvement. Most all this study was done at night by the usual "bark light" so common in that day. He commenced preaching in 1841 and determined to make the min- istry the great business of his life. In the fall of 1842 he was ordained by Elds. I. S. Tinsley. Jacob Tinsley, E. Thomas and BIOGRAPHICAL. 825 otliers, and in the following spring removed to Fayette County, West Yirginia, where the people had built him a house on land he had previously bought. This was in the midst of a field of great destitution, but many of the people " gladly received the word." In 1843 he aided in the constitution of Payetteville Church, of which together with two other churches he became pastor. He prosecuted his labors in West Virginia for fifteen years, about one-third of which time he was missionary of the Gi-eneral Association of Virginia. For most of his time he was pastor of four churches, and sometimes of seven, and was greatly cheered by seeingthe work of Grod prosper in his hands. Among the converts under .-~"-_-- his ministry was his n e p h e w, M. Bibb, who became an eminent minis- ter of the gospel. After becoming missionary of the Greneral Associa- tion, he had Eld. Ellison as a cola- borer, their field embracing more or less of the counties of Nicho- las, Fayette, Ea- leigh, Logan, Mer- cer,Giles and Mon- roe. In 1854 he was made modera- tor of the Green- brier Association, rev. m. t. bibb. and by re-election held the office until he removed from the state. During his fifteen years' residence in West Virginia he preached or exhorted on an average every other day, baptized seven hundred converts, and married one hundred couple. In 1858 he removed to Missouri, having started to Iowa. In the fall of that year he landed at Clarksville, Pike County, and spent most of the ensuing winter in protracted meetings. In the spring of 1859 he bought lands and settled in Montgomery Coun- ty, five miles southwest of Danville the county seat; and soon 826 BIOGRAPHICAL. after entered upon the pastoral work in Middletown, Mt. Horeb, Loutre and Unity Churches. His connection with Middletown and Loutre was severed by the war. At Unity he continued six years and at Mt. Horeb twelve years. He has since filled the office of pastor at Montgomery Cit}-, Liberty, Danville, Zion, and perhaps one or two others. For several successive years he served as moderator of the Bear Creek Association, and he lives at Montgomery City in the bounds of said association. Eld. Bibb has been three times married. To his first wife, Sa- rah Duncan, in 1831. She became the mother of two children, and was killed by lightning. He subsequently married Harriet Michell, who bare to him four children and died. His third wife, by whom he has eight living children, was Sarah M. Taylor, and she still lives to bless his home. The date of this marriage was in 1847. Of the children last named one, Martin Luther, is a Baptist minister, and pastor of the First Baptist Church, War- rensburg. Mo. Thomas is an M. D. and lives at Americus, Mo., and John T. fills the office of school commissioner of Montgom- ery County, and for several years was one of the principals of Montgomery College. Eld. Bibb though over 70 years old, has the activity of many men at 60. For fifty-five years he has been a Baptist, for forty- three years of which time he has been in the ministry. For punctuality, few men have equaled him, and fewer still have sur- passed him, he having missed less than one appointment a year during his ministerial life. He has baptized near 1,000 persons, and preached over 4,000 sermons. He is an able minister of the New Testament, and for almost a quarter of a century has been reckoned one of the most useful ministers in Eastern Missouri. R. F. Babb — was born in Laurens District, South Carolina, Oc- tober 26, 1816. He grew up with limited opportunities for an education and learned to read at Sunday-school. Soon after he was eight years old he learned to pray, and then to trust in Christ for salvation, but being naturally very timid he remained out of the church until 1843, when he united with Poplar Spring Church in his native state, seven years thereafter entering the ministry; his first pastorate being in Union Church, by which he was or- dained. His second pastorate was at Eaiburn's Creek. In 1853 both of these churches enjoyed extensive revivals, 54 converts being added to the former and 34 to the latter. A few years af- ter this he removed to Missouri and became pastor of Union Church, Audrain County, which increased in numbers under his BIOGRAPHICAL. 827 ministry. With Eld. W. E. Wigginton as a coworker he organ- ized the Bethlehem Baptist Church at the house of Levi Barton. This church (in Boone County) numbered 276 members in 1879. He aided in organizing and building up Zion Baptist Church, with Eld. P. T. Gentry as a coworker. In many of the central counties of Missouri he has contributed valuable help in meet- ings in connection with Elds. Wigginton, Baker, Walthall, Bes- wick, Tipton and Haynes. In October, 1872, he left the field of his former labors and set- tled in the town of Columbia. Of his compensation he says, " I have not received during my whole ministerial life enough for preaching to clothe myself." Brother Babb is what we hear frequently called an " old time preacher," of the experimental and exhortational order, his ap- peals being to the emotional rather than to the intellectual na- ture. Barnabas Baker — was born in England, July 26, 1817, and while young, through the influence of a tract, was religiously im- pressed. At the age of 17 he made a public profession of relig- ion, and was baptized by Wm. Davis, a Welsh Baptist minister. In 1839 he commenced preaching, his mind having been greatly exercised on the subject from the time of his conversion. He mar- ried in England in June, 1838. His wife's name was Leah Smith. She is a plain and pious English woman, the mother of three children, all Baptists, and still lives to preside over the house- hold. In 1843 he emigrated to the United States, and soon after set- tled in Columbia, Missouri, in which place he still lives. No- vember, 15, 1850, he entered the service of the American Tract Society as a missionary colporteur, and except the years of the war has so continued ever since. He was ordained as a Baptist minister January 25, 1857, by Elds. J. A. Hollis, X. X. Buckner, P. H. Steenbergen and J. T. M. Johnson. Most of his preaching has been as an itinerant missionary. For brief periods he has done pastoral work, in which capacity he has labored for Nashville and Sugar Creek Churches in Boone County, and for Ebenezer in Callaway County. His brother, Samuel Baker, D.D., is an eminent Baptist min- ister of Kentucky. No man in Central Missouri has done more, we think, towards the dissemination of general religious literature, than Barnabas Baker, and the annual visits of " old Brother Baker" are look- 828 BIOGRAPHICAL. ed for by hundreds of families with about as much certainty as they look for the return of Christmas. J.W.Bradley — died at the age of 57 years, February 13, 1879. He was born in Kentucky, February 22, 1822, and in 1828 moved to Randolph County, Missouri, where he has ever since lived. He confessed faith in Christ in 1863, and was received as a mem- ber of Silver Creek Baptist Church (anti-mission) and baptized by Eld. M. J, Sears. By this church he was ordained to preach the gospel, which work he did until 1877, as far as his health would permit him. At the date last named he united with Pleas- ant Grove Baptist Church of Regular Baptists, of which he was a member at his death. Mr. Bradley was ever ready to serve his friends and neighbors when such would not conflict with his religious duties. For two terms he served his county as judge of the county court, besides filling other official positions of somewhat less importance. J. B. FuQUA — was born in Virginia, July 8, 1822. At the age of 17 he joined the Baptist church, and three j^ears later married Miss A. E. Smith, daughter of a highly honored and useful min- ister in that state, and soon commenced preaching the gosjicl which was the work of his life. In 1853 or '54 he was pastor of the Cape Girardeau Church, and successor of Dr. Sherwood. In a year or two he removed to St. Louis, where he served the churches at Fee Fee, Concord and others for some years. About 1870 he removed westward to the neighborhood of Independence, where he continued to labor successfully. For the last two or three years he has been laboring in the state of Mississippi as agent for the Baptist college in that state ; his family, a wife, two sons and one daughter, remaining in St. Louis. He spent a part of the fall months in this city with his family, preaching as opportunity occurred, and then returned to his work in Mississippi. lie had one or two attacks with something like a congestive chill, and started for home when a little better, spending a Sabbath at Carrollton in that state, where he preach- ed ; but another attack put an end to his labors, and he died at the residence of a kind family, Capt. "Wm. Ray's, December 12, 1877. The body was brought to St. Louis, where public service was held on Saturday, the 15th inst., and the burial was at Fee Fee Cemetery, in the northwest part of the county. His last ser- mon was addressed chiefly to the young. May our Heavenly Father sanctify the afiliction to the mourning widow and bereaved children. He was a good minister of Jesus and died calmly BIOGRAPHICAL. 829 t trusting in His merits alone for everlasting salvation. He paid great respect to the opinion of his senior brethren. But he is gone. ("A. S.," in Central Baptist.) William E. Green,* — who died at his home in Knob Noster, Mo., January 25, 1879, was a minister in the Baptist denomina- tion for twenty-five years. He was born January, 24, 1823, in Tennessee, and was a son of Henry and Elizabeth Green. For twenty-one years he labored hard and went to school in the fall and winter. At the age of twenty-six years he entered the Baptist university at Murfreesboro, Tennessee, under the presidency of J. H. Eaton, LL. D., finishing his course and grad- uating in this institution in 1854. He was pastor successively at Clarksville and Nashville, Tennessee; also for awhile in Texas. Nearly twenty years of his life were spent in Missouri. Bro. N. T. Allison, who was for some years intimately acquainted with Mr. Green, says of him: "He was a noble, honest and conscientious man; with him Christianity was not a mere belief; it was a manly, upright practice, that entered into his life from day to day. He was a good preacher and a devoted minister of Jesus Christ, giving all his time and talent to this object. Possessing a clear insight into the mysteries of the plan of salvation, he was especially thorough in the doctrines of God's sovereign grace and redemptive mercy. Though for years he suffered from the efi^ects of a fall through a bridge on the Illinois Central Railroad, and was at times reduced in his financial circumstances, yet he never for a moment shrank from his duties in the work of the ministry. 'Though dead, he yet speaketh.' " John Greenhalgh. — This brother died about the year 1850, near Columbia, Boone County. He was strictly a temperance man. Once upon a time some men made brandy of his peaches and got drunk. To prevent a recurrence of the same event he had all his peach trees cut down. He made a man once take oif his gloves to be married, in or- der that he might make the twain one flesh, saying that he could not make one flesh, unless both bare hands were together, and he illustrated the fact b}^ the welding of two pieces of iron. Egbert Fulton Ellis — spent a few years of his useful life in Missouri. He fell in the midst of battle, in his prime, and was at the time associate editor of the Western Watchman, the Baptist paper of Missouri, published at St. Louis. Dr. William Crowell, * From a sketch publigbed in Minutes General Association, 1879. 8B0 BIOGRAPHICAL. editor of that -paiper {Western Watch7nan, Vol. VII, Nos. 5, 6), gave the following testimonial of him: " Eev. Eobert F. Ellis is with the dead. On last Friday after- noon, when he was momentarily expected among us — it being his design to spend a few of these midsummer weeks with his family and preach to the Second Church in this city during the absence of the pastor — the overwhelming intelligence fell like a thunderbolt upon us, that the remorseless hand of Death had cut him down. Stranger hands ministered to him in his dying hours, and bore him softly to his final resting place. " He was born in Topsham, Me., Oct. 16, 1809, and died at the residence of Mr. G. K. Biggs, in Clarke County, Mo., on Mon- day morning, July 24, 1854, in the 45th year of his age. The disease which took him away was inflammation of the brain. Bro. Biggs writes that he came to his house on Tuesday morn- ing of the previous week, quite ill. A physician was immedi- ately sent for, who attended upon him faithfully to the last. He received the attention of kind friends although among strangers. Bro. Wm. Carson, of Marion County, spfet one night with him. But the most assiduous attentions were of no avail : fatal disease had fastened upon him — the irrevocable decree had gone forth. This heavy blow sinks deep into the crushed spirit. We would bow to the Father's will, and be silent." R. F. Ellis was of Scotch descent, but for several generations his ancestors were natives of America. Both his father and his grandfather were ministers in the Congregational communion. He spent his youthful days in his native town, and at 20 years of age he professed conversion and was baptized into fellowship in the Baptist church in Sangerville, December 26, 1830, where he was at the time engaged in teaching school. The following is from the pen of "L." in the Western Watch- man,Yo\. VII, No. 6: " In October, 1833, he entered the freshman class of Bowdoin College. How long he continued in the college we are not defin- itely informed. In June, 1834, we learn from his journal that he is a member of the Theological Institution at Newton, Mass. Here he completed his coui-se of classical studies, and also the course of Theological studies pursued at the institution. "As a memoir of our departed brother is expected to appear in the Baptist Memorial, we omit further extracts from his diary, and present only a brief outline of the subsequent portion of his useful life. He graduated in August, 1838 ; and during the BIOGRAPHICAL. 831 same month he was publicly ordained, having several months previously been elected to the pastoral charge of the Second Baptist Church of Springfield, Mass. " In April, 1839, he was united in marriage to Miss Mary Child, of Woodstock, Conn., who now, with their beloved daughter, thirteen years of age — the only survivor of four children — has just learned from a distant stranger's hand her heart-rending be- reavement. *' Mr. Ellis continued the esteemed and useful pastor of the church in Springfield about seven years, during which period his pastoral labors were appreciated by the church and thecom- munit}', who still cherish his memory with warm attachment. By him 116 persons were baptized into the fellowship of that church, " At this time he received an appointment from the board of the American Sunday-school Union to labor as an itinerant mis- sionary and agent in the promotion of its benevolent work ; and in the spring of 1845 he commenced his mission in the state of Missouri. After itinerating six months he removed his family from Massachusetts to Columbia, Boone County, Mo., and there continued his arduous labors with gratifying success till Octo- ber, 1847. Having previously been elected to the pastorate of the First Baptist Church in Alton, in October he removed to this city and entered upon the discharge of his parochial duties. For six years he was pastor of this church, enjoying the confi- dence and love of the people of his charge, the esteem of the ministers and churches of other denominations, and the respect of the entire community. " Mr. Ellis was ever an active promoter of the cause of gener- al education, co-operating with others in the advancement of common schools, academies and colleges. The various organi- zations for benevolent religious efi'ort, both those of a general and those of a denominational character, ever found in him an earnest advocate. " Soon after Mr. Ellis resigned the pastoral office in this city, he entered upon the service of corresponding editor and general agent of the Western Watchman, published in St. Louis, Mo. In this itinerating service a wide fieldof usefulness was open before him. On the Sabbath days, and with more or less frequency be- tween the Sabbaths, he preached to the people the message from Grod j and thus thousands heard from his lips the gospel of Christ. 832 BIOGRAPHICAL. " During the last three months his labors were in the counties bordering on Iowa. His contemplated tour had been finished, and he had commenced his journey homeward. Letters receiv- ed by the ' loved ones at home/ " informed them when to expect the way-worn husband and father. But on his return home he stopped at the house of Deacon Biggs', complaining of illness. His disease soon developed into brain fever, and a few days af- ter, with only brief intervals of returning consciousness, he died. "William Ferguson, — of Pettis County, son of Thomas and Hannah Ferguson, was born in Barren County, Kentucky, Oct- ober 19, 1806. His father was of Scotch ancestry; his mother was a descendant of the famous "Murphy boys.'' He continued with his parents on the farm until he was 22 years old, when he married Dorinda Wright, October 28, 1828 ; soon after which event they both were converted to Christ, and united with Smith's Grove Baptist Church. He continued in Kentucky until the fall of 1841, and then moved to Pettis Coun- ty, Missouri, and joined what was called the " Eegular Baptist Church on Muddy Fork." This church taught the "Two Seed" doctrine and was opposed to missions, and Brother Ferguson finally left it and became a member of a newly constituted church, called Providence, at High G-rove, in 1847 or '48. He was licensed to preach soon after he became a member at High Grove, and December 15, 1849, at the call of said church, he was ordained to the full work of the gospel ministry by Elias George and J. G. Berkley. Not wishing to become pastor, the most of his time when preaching has been given to places most needing it. He has, how- ever, labored as pastor in several churches in Western Missouri. Of their ten children, four are dead — three dying in infancy; five are members of the Baptist denomination, and all living are heads of families. Bro. Ferguson says : "I am like Paul in this respect: * Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel.' " P. N. Haycrapt — was born near Elizabethtown, Hardin Coun- ty, Ky., April 8, 1797. His parents, Samuel and Margaret Hay- craft were Virginians, who emigrated to Kentucky in 1783 or '84, Coming down the Ohio Eiver they landed at the mouth of Bear- grass, where Louisville now stands. Here they lived in the wild forest, exposed to the cruelties of the savages and the hard- ships of a frontier life; nevertheless God blessed them with an off'spring of three sons and seven daughters, all of whom be-* BIOGRAPHICAL. 833 came Baptists and lived fifty-four j^ears as a family circle un- broken by the hand of death. P. N. Haycraft was the young- est of the family, and when twenty-one years old was married to Miss Elizabeth Kennedy. About six years after he moved with his little family to what is now Scott County, Illinois. Being separated from those whose evil influences had led him into the ways of sin, the earlier lessons of piety, taught by his mother, came afresh to his mind, and he felt the necessity of pei-sonal repentance towards God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. For two years he agonized in praj^cr that God would remove his bur- den of guilt and bestow the joys of His salvation. The prayer was answered. Concerning his conversion, Bro. Haycraft writes : " In May of 1831 I found the Lord Jesus an all-sufficient and willing Savior. With joy I embraced Him, and immediately an insatiable desire for the salvation of souls was impressed upon my mind." This desire to save souls, seconded by the voice of the church, was regarded as a cull to the ministry, although Brother Hay- craft pleaded his want of talents. He was licensed to preach in April, 1833, and faithfully improved on the gifts he possessed until August 1834, when he was examined and properly ordained by a presbytery composed of Elders Jonathan Sweet, Joel Sweet, Jacob Barnes, and Lewis Allen. He no longer conferred with flesh and blood, but resolved by the grace of God to work for souls. In 1835 he moved to Lewis County, Missouri, where the laborious self-sacrificing life work of himself and his Chris- tian wife really began. Desiring to do the will of God towards his family and towards sinners, he labored on his little farm through the day, studied at night by the firelight, and on Sunday preached where Providence seemed to open the way. Quite a portion of this time he labored as missionary in the bounds of Bethel Association, which at that time embraced all the north- east quarter of the state, and at other times for the General Association, through nearly all the counties north of t..e Mis- souri river, and between Illinois and Kansas. He writes: *'In the winter of 1842 and '43, there was a general revival through- out the northeast part of the state. I j:)reached to Mound Prairie Church, thirty-eight miles south of my home, and to North "VVyaconda Church, sixty miles north, and at Gilead Church where my membership was. Four hundred were added by bap- tism that j^ear to the churches in Northeast Missouri. I went the rounds once a month, baptizing every week. I have crossed 63 834 BIOGRAPHICAL. the wide prairies, riding all day without the sight of afire, when it was so cold that farmers were all housed. I have crossed the streams where the water would run over the back of my horse, carrying a rail on my shoulder to break the shore ice j some- times swimming my horse, and riding all day in winter with wet clothing to meet my appointments." Such were the sacrifices and hardships endured by our fathers in the ministry j so destitute and large also were the fields, and so few the laborers, that their temporal interests were allowed to suffer. Missionaries employed by the association had from fifty to sixty cents a day. This condition of things had reduced Bro. Haycraft to a condition of dependence. He became finan- cially involved, and owing to the failure of crops was obliged to borrow money and pay large interest to save his home. About this time he decided to go to California in search of gold. *'Some," he says, "that never gave anything towards supporting the gospel, considered it a groat sin to leave the churches and go hunting gold, but I could see no other way to pay my debts." In the spring of 1849 Mr. Haycraft started for the gold reg- ions of California, leaving his wife and elder son to provide for the family. A five months' overland journey with ox-teams brought him to San Francisco, where he succeeded in accom- plishing the object of his heart; and on the first day of April, the next spring (1850), he set sail for home by the way of the Isthmus of Panama, New Orleans and St. Louis, and arrived at La Grange in June. Of his arrival, he says: " I found myself surrounded by friends, and was brought the same evening to my home, where I found my family all well. The gratitude and thankfulness that I felt to my Heavenly Father, can better be imagined than expressed. Suffice it to say, so far as temporal matters are concerned, I paid my debts and have not been em- barrassed since." In the thirty-five years of residence in Missouri, Mr. Haycraft has constituted thirteen churches and assisted in the ordination of seventeen ministers. He has preached seventeen years to one church, about fifteen to another, and eight to another. As pay for preaching to a church sixty miles from home, he received sixteen dollars, and thirty dollars from another thirty-eight miles from home. His labors have been for the salvation of souls, and amid strong opposition to apaid ministry. And now, as he looks back over the seventy -four years of his life, he says, " my labors are well-nigh done, and it seems to me that I have BIOGRAPHICAL. 835 accomplished but little for my Savior. I shall soon go the way of all the earth. Then let me here advise ministers and churches to be more careful in the reception of members, particularly in time of excitement ; let us return to the old custom of having candidates relate the exercises of their minds relative to the change necessary for all to experience before coming into Christ's visible church." What timely advice from an experience of forty years in the ministry! (By S. W. Marston, in Central Bap- tist, Yol. ITI, No. 44.) Samuel C. Major.* — On Saturday afternoon, March 13, 1880, the people of Fayette and of Howard County were thrown into deep grief by the death of this univer- sally esteem- ed gentle- man. For some months he had been in f e e b 1 e health, and f o r t e n or twelve days had been con- fined to his room with a threatened attack of pneumonia. On Saturday a f t e r n o o n , about one o'clo ok, he had a brief hox. s. c. major. spell of coughing, and being too weak to expectorate, passed away about half an hour afterwards, without a gasp or struggle. His funeral took place at the Baptist church on Monday after- * By Kev. M. J. Breaker, iu Central Baptist, April, 1880. 836 BIOGRAPHICAL. noon. The religious services -were conducted by Bev Dr. Yea- man, Rev. W. R. Painter and the pastor of the church, Rev.M. J. Breaker. The last named preached the sermon from Rev. 14; 13: "And I heard a voice from heaven, saying. Write, Bless- ed are the dead that die in the Lord from henceforth ; yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors, and their works do follow them." The vast concourse of people that had assem- bled from all parts of the country was much too great to get in- to the church, so that after the building had been filled to its utmost capacity there were about as many persons outside as in- side. From the church the long and solemn procession moved to the cemetery, where the body was interred with impressive ceremonies. Bro. Major was born in Franklin County, K}-., August 26, 1805. In 1826 he removed to Fayette, Mo., and has lived here ever since. On March 5, 1829, he married Miss Elizabeth Daily, who, after spending half a century in rare love and devotion, now deeply mourns his departure. Eleven children blessed this union, seven of whom lived to be of age, and four (Hon. Samuel C. Major, Jr., Mr. A. M. Major, Mrs. J. R. Findley and Mrs. W. C. Arline,) survive their honored and beloved father. Bro. Major began life as a cabinet maker, and for more than fifty years has had a furniture store in Fayette. About 1832 he was elected justice of the peace, and held this office thirteen years. In 1840 he was appointed public administrator, and ex- cept four years, when he was receiver in the land oflSce, he has held the office ever since. At different times he has been mayor of the city of Fayette. As a business man he was very painstaking and thoroughly upright. As a public officer he was to the last degree faithful and obliging. All who have ever had dealings with him had the utmost confidence in his self-denying devotion to duty. He was thoroughly a man of work, and came very near realizing to the very letter his wish to die at work, having but a few hours be- fore his death dictated some business correspondence. As a citizen he was ever alive to the welfare of society. In his political views he was a decided conservative. His patriot- ism was pure and strong. He loved and served his country, not from the hope of reward, but because it was his country. As a husband and father, he was loving, gentle and consider- ate ; and in the sacred circle of the family his many virtues shone with the greatest brilliancy. BIOGRAPHICAL. 837 In April, 1843, during a protracted meeting, he made a pro- fession of religion and united with the Fayette Baptist Church. He felt that he had too long neglected this most important duty, and he set himself with all his strength to make up the time he had lost. Henceforth, to advance the cause of Christ became the great end of his life, and nobly and successfully did he follow that end. An excessive distrust of himself kept him back from conspicuous places, but he was a very useful workman. His bountiful hospitality is known and appreciated throughout the whole state. The church at Fayette is almost orphaned without him; and the cause of Christ at large, especially the Missouri Baptist General Association, the efficient president of whose ex- ecutive board he was for years, has lost one of its best, truest and strongest friends. James Francis Smith. — Under the preaching of Eev. James F. Smith, the writer was convicted of sin in the summer of 1851. For many years, twenty -five or more, he was one of the most la- borious and suc- cessful itinerants of North Missouri. In exhortation, when in his prime, he was often over- whelming. Hun- dreds now active in church work in the field of his la- bors have been brought in under his ministration. From his auto- biography we cull thefollowingfacts: J. F. Smith was born May 7, 1811, in Jessamine Coun- ty, Kentucky. He grew up under pi- ous parental influ- rev. james f. sMrrn. ence and under the ministry of Edmund Waller, yet despite these influences he lived in a state of rebellion against God. On the 7th of March, 1833, he was united in marriage with Mary A. 838 BIOGRAPHICAL. Dingle of Kentucky, daughter of Eld. Edward Dingle; and not long after this event he removed to Missouri and settled in Ma- rion County. In 1835 he and his wife were both converted under the ministry of Eld. Jeremiah Taylor, by whom they were bap- tized in March of that year, having been approved for member- ship in the Little Union (now Union) Baptist Church, Marion County. He continued for several years with no special indications of anything above an ordinary interest in the progress of Bap- tist principles. In 1841 the Bethel Association met at old Beth- el Church. This meeting he attended and became verj^ much re- vived, and here he delivered his first exhortation, though he had no thought of ever becoming a preacher. His church (Mt. Zion in Shelby County), however, of which he was a member, licen- sed him to preach in the following December. He continued his labors in the gospel, now more and more blessed, and in Novem- ber, 1843, he was endowed with the full powers of a gospel min- ister by ordination at the hands of Elds. Christy Gentry, John H. Keach and Benjamin Stephens. Of this period of his life he says, "I had but little education, was very poor, my knowledge of the Bible limited, and a growing familj^ made my prospects anything but promising; but the grace of God and the encour- agement of a few friends who never faltered, enabled me to per- severe. I soon saw and felt the need of an education. It was now too late for me to think of obtaining one, but I must use all the means in my reach to acquire knowledge. I studied English grammar on horseback, in going to and from my appointments. I have read thousands of pages while in the saddle. At one time I went to school with four of my children." Brother Smith has been a useful minister in the Baptist pulpit in Northeastern and Central Missouri for over forty years. Be- sides being pastor at different times of a number of churches, he has abounded in itinerant labors, having done more work, per- haps, in protracted meetings than any other man in this section of the state, from Lewis County on the north to Warren County on the south ; and from Pike County on the east to Howard and Chariton Counties on the west. He has baptized about 1,200 converts into the churches, and witnessed as many more bap- tisms by the pastors with whom he has labored. Though a good preacher, in exhortation. In physical appearance he is a man of a powerful frame, weigh- ing from 220 to 240 pounds, has broad shoulders, a large head, and a voice like a lion. BIOaRAPHICAL. 839 In December, 1865, while in the midst of a glorious revival, he was arrested by Jim Mitchell, the constable of the township, and carried before Squire Wilson for a preliminary trial. He was charged with having preached the gospel without taking the oath. William Biggs volunteered to act as his attorney. Sev- eral witnesses were examined, and Mr. Smith was required to give bond of SI, 000, in default of which he must go to prison. Mason Eose and Asa James went on his bond. Of the subse- quent proceedings in the case, he gives the subjoined brief account: " I appeared at the next circuit court at Bowling Green. I do not think the judge (T. J. C. Fagg) wanted me arraigned ; but the clerk, who was a Baptist, reminded him that I had not yet been called. So I was brought before the court with four oth- ers — three negroes and one white man — all charged with steal- ing except myself. My crime was ' preaching the gospel and baptizing.' I gave bond to appear at the next term of the court and sat down near a group of lawyers, one of whom said, ' Par- son, that is pretty hard, I tell you.' ' Yes,' said Ij 'but there is no Patrick Henry here.' I thought of Christ being ' numbered with the transgressors ' and felt a little nearer Him than ever before." As it is a document of rare interest, we give below an exact transcript of the indictment against Brother Smith. " State of Missouri, | ^^ ^^^ ^.^^^^.^ ^ -^^^^^ j, ^^qq^ County op Pike. ) ' ' " The Grand Jurors for the State of Missouri, empanelled, sworn and charged to inquire in and for the body of Pike Coun- ty ; on their oaths, present, that heretofore, to-wit, the 30th day of December, 1865, at the county aforesaid, one James F. Smith, being a minister of the Missionary Baptist religious persuasion, sect and denomination, unlawfully did preach and teach and act as such minister of the Missionary Baptist religious persuasion, and sect and denomination, by baptizing divers persons, to the jurors aforesaid unknown, without having first taken, subscribed and filed the oath of loyalty prescribed in the constitution of the state, in the clerk's office of the county court of the county of the residence of him, the said James F. Smith, against the peace and dignity of the state. E. P. Johnson, County Attorney." Before the case finally came up for trial, the Supreme Court of the United States passed upon the "Missouri Test Oath," de- claring it unconstitutional, and Brother Smith with a number of others were relieved from further annoyance and cost. 840 BIOGRAPHICAL. "William H. Yardeman,* — the tenth child of the renowned Jer- emiah Vardeman, and Elizabeth his wife, was born near David's Fork Baptist meeting-house, Fayette County, Kentucky, June 28, 1816. At the age of two years he was left motherless; hence his training was left mainly to his stepmother, the third wife of his father, Miss Lucy Bullock, of Woodford Count}-, Ky. In 1830, when he was 14 years old, his father moved to Mis- souri and settled in Ralls County, six miles west of New London, the county seat. Here he com- pleted his majority, and by the assistance of Butler W. Brown, a celebrated school- teacher from Ken- tucky, he acquired a good education in reading, writing, Eng- lish grammar, arith- metic, geography, geometry, trigonom- etry, surveying and REV. vrs\. H. VARDEMAN. algebra. He professed religion and was baptized by his father in 1833, when he was 17 years old. After he professed religion he was early impressed with desires to preach the gospel, but his father being a minister with no support at all from that quarter, his limited knowledge of Divine truth and other hindering causes, made it appear to young Vardeman that it was altogether im- practicable for any one family to Support two preachers. Yet, by the aid of his father's library, consisting of Dr. Gill's Com- mentary on the New Testament and a few other readable books, when he was not at hard manual labor, he strove to acquire a knowledge of Divine truth. After the death of his father in 1842, the church at Bethel in Ralls County, being deprived of their beloved pastor, and feel- ing it to be their duty to encourage such gifts as they had among them, on the motion of Deacon James Culbertson, licensed W. H. Vardeman and John M. Johnson to exercise their gifts in the * By S. E. Ford, in Christian Repository, Vol. XXII, pp. 77-'9. BIOGRAPHICAL, 841 ministry. Feeling his incompetency to so great a task, Mr. Vardeman had many hard struggles with doubts and fears as to going forward in the work. Finally, meeting with pressing in- ducements, he started on his first tour, and stopped upon the waters of West Cuivre, in Audrain County, where there was no Baptist church, and where the people had but little preaching of any kind. Here he held a meeting, and many converts were received for baptism. Desiring a continuance of his labors among them, these converts and the scattered brethren sent v petition to Bethel Church requesting his ordination, whereupon Elds. William Hurley, Benjamin Stephens and Jacob Bower were call- ed as a presbytery, and January 12, 1845, W. H. Yardeman was set apart to the gospel ministry. He returned to his field on Cuivre, baptized a number of hope- ful converts, and constituted them with others into a Baptist church of Jesus Christ. They are now a large and prosperous church, having united with many others gathered into the king- dom mainly by Eld. James F. Smith, some few miles above where the original church was organized. This is now the West Cuivre Church. Eld. Vardeman succeeded his venerable father at Salem in Ealls County. This he did with considerable embarrassment and with great reluctance, realizing the many difficulties in fol- lowing a man with the pulpit powers of his father. But he went forward, and during a ten j-ears' pastorate God gave him many seals to his ministry. He was called about the same time to the care of Mount Pleasant Church in Pike County, where his father had preached for several years. Here he continued only about one and a half years with some success. From this place he was called to perform labor in another part of the Master's vineyard, where his labors would be crowned with more abundant success, holding protracted meetings in the counties of Montgomery, St. Charles, Warren, Lincoln and Pike. He continued in this work several years, commencing it about 1850 or '51, during which a number of souls were added unto the Lord. In 1852, on the 4th of February, by Eld. William Hurley, Eld. Yardeman was joined in the holy state of matrimony to his now surviving, most esteemed wnfe,* Lizzie M. Lindsay, daughter of William C. and Maria L. Lindsay of St. Charles County, Missou- ri. At the time of his marriage Eld. Yardeman was collecting * Mrs. Yardeman has pinco died, after living an invalid life for several weary years. During her last years she passed through the deep waters of afliiction. 842 BIOGRAPHICAL. agent for the William Jewell College, for which he has ever had the greatest sympathy, and to the permanent funds of which he gave two hundred acres of land, situated in Montgomery Coun- ty. Since his marriage he has resided in St. Charles County, dividing his time somewhat between the farm and the pulpit. Much of his labor in the ministry has been done at his own charges. For nine successive years he preached to the church at Zion, in Montgomery County, where his labors were blessed to the good of souls up to the 23d of April, 1863, when he was taken by the Federal authorities, without a single criminal act against the government or any individual in it, and incarcerated in Gratiot Street Prison, St. Louis, Mo., the only pleasant re- membrance of which is that he preached fifty sermons there in- side of sixty days, and had the pleasure of seeing and hearing many hopeful converts speak of the love of Christ that had been shed abroad in their hearts by the Holy Ghost. Eld. Vardeman has ever been a strong advocate for missions and a liberal education of the young and rising ministry. He has done much hard labor for which he has not received enough remuneration to keep boots upon his feet ; yet he believes that the churches ought to support their ministry. Physically and mentally he regards himself as able at the close of his 60th year to do ministerial work as he has ever been, and he feels determined to try to persevere to the end. Jesse B. Wallace — is one of the pioneers of Southern Missou- ri, and had in 1872 been a Baptist about forty years. He is a Kentuckian, and was born September 4, 1799, in Christian County. In 1820 he emigrated to Missouri, and thirteen years after he was converted and became a member of Black River Church, Wayne County. He was ordained a preacher October, 1848, by Josiah Duncan, N. G. Furguson and Deacon Geo. Graham at Mt. Pleasant Church. For twenty-four years he labored in the pastoral office, during which time he had the oversight of six churches, three of which are defunct. The dead churches are Mars' Hill, Webb's Creek and Sinking Creek. In all his twenty-four years of labor he says he did not receive from the churches as much as $30, while he gave away for benevolent work not less than $2,000. He is a farmer and was in comfortable circumstances before the war, but is now poor and blind, having only his farm of about three hundred acres left. Brother Wallace is a man of limited literary education. BIOGRAPHICAL. 843 B. F. Lawler — was born in Henderson County, Tennessee, January 31, 1834, and in early life removed to St. Clair County, Missouri, where he grew up. His first convictions of sin were at 14 years of age, but more powerful were these convictions when he was near 20 years old, when he began to entertain hope of eternal life, and was baptized by Eev. James T. "Wheeler at the age of 22. Four years af- ter this (in 1860) he was ordained to the ministry by Elders Calvin Maxwell, W.E. McLaine and James Moody. For sixteen years, save a short interval during the war, he was in the ^ pastoral work in the bounds of Tebo Asso- ciation ; and in -5, 1876 he remov- .'X ed to N'ebraska ^>:j|^ and settled as pastor in the Salem and Prairie Union Churches, which position he held in 1882. He is the son of Deacon Evan Lawler, and has two brothers in the Baptist ministry. George C. Bingham, — a prominent man in political circles, and who, in originality and accuracy as a portrait painter, had few superiors in this country, was a Baptist. He was the second son of Henry V. Bingham, and was born in Augusta County, Ya., March 20, 1811. When a boy 7 years old, with his parents, he moved to Franklin, Howard County, Mo. In early life he exhibited a talent for drawing, and abandoning his former pur- pose to embark in the legal profession, he visited Philadelphia in 1837, and spent some time in the Academy of Fine Arts. He KEV. B. !•■. L.VWLEK. 844 BIOGRAPHICAL. opened a studio in "Washington City in 1840, where he remained about five years, during which time he established his reputation as an artist. In 1845 he returned to Missouri, and three years thereafter he was elected to the legislature from Saline County. Among the drawings and paintings which won for him de- served celebrity, may be mentioned the "Jolly Flat Boatman," " Stump Speaking," " County Election," also full length por- traits of Washington, Jefferson, Clay, and equestrian portraits of G-eneral Jackson and General Lyon. There are full-length portraits of Baron Yon H u m bo 1 d t and of Frank P. Blair in the Mercan- tile Library, St. Louis, and a similar portrait o f Hon. James S. Eollins in the State Un- iversity o f Missouri, the works of his hands. In other relations than his pro- fession did Mr. Bingham win an envi- able fame. Wherever known he was esteem- ed as an hon- o r a b 1 e and Hox. GEO. c. BixGiiAM. good mau. During the civil war he filled the office of state treasurer, and discharged the duties of his position with fidelity. "He was a man of fine intellectual powers, wide intelligence, and a terse, BIOGRAPHICAL. 845 strong and vigorous writer." "At the beginning of Governor Hardin's administration he was appointed to the office of adju- tant-general, in which he acquitted himself with credit." (Jlis- tory of Missouri, Davis & Durrie, p. 471.) Mr. Bingham was three times married : in 1836, to ElizabetL Hutchinson of Howard County; in 1849, to Miss Eliza Thomas of Columbia; and the third time to Mrs. Lykins, widow of the late Dr. Lykins of Kansas City. He is now dead. CHAPTER 11. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. William Jewell College, Founding and History of— Dr. Wm. Jewell — College Opens — Suspends — Resumes — Present Condition — "VV. R. Eothwell — J. R. Eaton — R. B. Semple— J. G. Clark— Stephens College— Its Curators- E. S. Dulin— .T. L. Stephens — Mount Pleasant College — LaGrange College — Competition for Loca- tion — J. F. Cook — Resuscitation — Lexington Female College — J. F. Launeau —Hardin College— The Hardin Donation- C. H. Hardin— Mrs. P. A. Baird— St. Joseph Female College — The Patee House — McCune College — A. Slaughter — Grand River College — Scholarships — Southwest Baptist College — J. R. Maupin — Pierce City College — Mayfield-Smith Academy — St. Louis Seminary. FIFTY years have not jet passed since the Baptist denomin- ation in Missouri began to consecrate its means to the pro- motion of education. In the last quarter of a century, however, very great progress has been made, especially in denomination- al institutions for educational purposes. On this subject, at the meeting of the G-eneral Association in 1872, the late Eev. Noah Flood spoke as follows : " I have been in Missouri forty-three years. When I first landed in the state there was not a Baptist school in it — one only under Protestant control — the Old Marion College, Presby- terian. I avowed my Baptist sentiments to one of the profes- sors and by so doing incurred his displeasure, and he never got over it. It is said that now the Baptists have onh^ two schools less in the United Slates than the Catholics have, and that they have more in the state of Missouri than any other denomination." We place at the head of this list the name of WILLLIM JEWELL COLLEGE,* Liberty, Clay Co., Mo. The founding of this institution is the result of a necessity for higher education which was felt by the Baptists of Missouri at an early day in the historj^ of the state. This feeling Avas manifest- ed as far back as the year 1833. The Baptists in the state, even at that date, appreciated the supreme importance of establishing a college of the first order, wherein their own youths, under de- * V>\ Hon. D. C. Allen, Secretary of the Board of Trustees. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. 847 nominational influences, might receive the benefits of education beyond an academic course. Their General Association, on the 25th day of August, 1843, appointed Uriah Sebree, Wade M. Jackson, Eoland Hughes, Fielding Wilhoite, David Perkins, Eli Bass, Jordan O'Brien, R. E. McDaniel, Wm. Carson, G-. M. Bower, .Tason Harrison, James W. AVaddell and I. T. Hinton, trustees, to receive the offer of Dr. William Jewell of $10,000 towards the endowment of a college to be under the direction of the Baptist denomination, fix the location of the same within fifteen miles of the Missouri Eiver, not east of Jefferson City, nor west of Glasgow, and '^ to do all other acts usual and necessary to organize and carry on a Liter- ary Institution." On the 2fith day of August, 1844, the General Association declined the oftcr of $10,000 made by Dr. Jewell, for the reason that in the opinion of that body it was not possible, under the circumstances of the Baptist denomination in Missouri at that time, to raise the sum required by him, as the condition of his donation ; and so the persons named as trustees — in effect, the committee on college organization — were discharged. The General Association met in August, 1847, at Walnut Grove, Boone Countj^ The attendance of delegates was large and em- braced quite a number of the leading gentlemen of the Baptist denomination in the state. The movement in favor of the found- ing of a college was plainl}' taking a more definite shape and be- coming more energetic. The General Association, without dis- sent, as it appears, on the 26th day of August, 1847, adopted the following resolution, offered by Rev. S. W. Lynd, viz. : Besolution on Literary Institution. Resolved, That a committee of five persons be appointed as a Pro- visional Committee on Education, whose duty it shall be to orig- inate an institution of learning, for the Baptist denomination in this state, provided the same can be accomplished upon a plan by which its endowment and perpetuity may be secured. Roland Hughes, William Carson, Wade M. Jackson, R. E. McDaniel and David Perkins were appointed the committee contemplated by the resolution. The committee appointed in 1847 reported to the General Asso- ciation on the 26th day of August, 1848. The report of the com- mittee in substance was : That for the purpose of erecting and endowing a college in the state, they had secured subscriptions to the amount of $16,936 and that they believed, from the success 848 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. which had attended their limited exertions, that a vigorous pros- ecution of the enterprise would finally end in success. On the recommendation of the committee, the G-eneral Association pass- ed the following resolution, viz. : " Resolved, That so soon as the provisional committee may think it advisable to make a location, they be instructed to make such location according to the condition expressed in the sub- scription which the agents have been authorized to circulate." At the same time the General Association appointed the gen- tlemen of the last preceding committee, a committee also to make application to the G-eneral Assembly of the state for a charter for the college, and to appoint a board of trustees. Through the agency of this committee, the 15th General Assembly of the state granted a charter for a college (which was approved by the gov- ernor on the 27th day of February, 1849,) in accordance with the wishes of the Baptists of Missouri. (Session Acts, 1849, page 232.) The title of the act granting the charter is — "An act to charter a college in the state of Missouri." The preamble of the act begins as follows : " Whereas, The United Baptists in Missouri and their friends are desirous of endowing and building up a college in the state, &c." The trustees named in the charter are as follows : Tj-ree C. Har- ris, Isaac Lionberger, Jordan O'Brian, "W. C. Ligon, Eobert S, Thomas, A. W. Doniphan, T. N. Thompson, W. D. Hubbell, Eobert James, Samuel T. Glover, T. L. Anderson, E. F. Eich- mond, S. D. South, T. E. Hatcher, John Ellis, William Carson, David Perkins, W. M. Jackson, Eoland Hughes, William Jewell, W. M. McPherson, E. E. McDaniel, John Eobinson, M. F. Price, E. M. Samuel and E. E. Craig. Tlie second section of the charter provides for the location of the college at such place in the state as should be designated by a majority of the donors to its endowment, one share (or $48) constituting a vote. It further j)rovides that at the time of loca- tion the donors shall determine the name of the college, cause a certificate of the name and location to be recorded in the record- er's office of the county of its location, and that thereafter the name and location should be as permanently fixed and known to all intents and purposes as if specifically mentioned in the act of incorporation. The charter is broad and liberal and gives to the trustees of the college powers fully adequate to all the purposes of a university. This is speciallj^ true with reference to prop- 850 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. erty, for in the third section of the charter full power is given to the trustees in their corporate capacity, "to hold by gift, grant, demise, devise, or otherwise, any lands, tenements, heredita- ments, monies, rents, goods or chattels, of what kind soever the same may be, which is or may hereafter be given, granted, de- vised, demised to or purchased by them for and to the use of the aforesaid college, and may sell and dispose of the same or any part thereof, or lease, rent, or improve in such manner as they shall think most conducive to the interest and prosperity of said college." The provisional committee, appointed by the General Associa- tion, August 26, 1848, called a meeting of the donors to the endow- ment, to be held at Boonville, Mo., August 21, 1849, for the pur- pose of determining the name of the college and fixing its loca- tion. The donors met pursuant to the call of the committee. The number of shares represented at the meeting of donors was 884. The subscriptions, in addition, were $7,000 by citizens of Clay County, for the erection of buildings only; and the further sum of $10,000 by Dr. William Jewell, in lands; making a total subscription of $59,432. The donors of Clay County were repre- sented in the meeting by Col. Alexander W. Doniphan and the late Judge James T. V. Thompson. The comj^etition for the location of the college between several counties was animated. The subscription of Clay County was larger than that of any other, but did not constitute a majority of the votes. Finally the location in Liberty, Clay County, was made by the votes of Howard County being cast solid I3' for it. Immediately after the fixing of the location, the Rev. William C. Ligon moved that the college, so located, be named William Jewell College, in honor of the venerable Dr. William Jewell. This motion was seconded by Col. Doniphan in a brilliant and enthusiastic speech, and was unanimously adopted by the meeting of donors. Dr. Jewell arose thereupon, in great emotion, and after returning thanks for the honor conferred on him, requested the secretary of the meeting to draw up a deed from him to the college corporation, convey- ing to it the lands promised by him for the endowment, consist- ing of 3,951 acres, situated in Mercer, Grundy and Sullivan Coun- ties, Missouri, valued at $10,000. The conveyance of the lands was immediately completed by him. Subsequently, Dr. Jewell in his will and by sums of mone}^, voluntarily expended out of his own pocket to contractors for the erection of the college edi- fice, gave the corporation not less than $6,000. The certificate EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. 851 of location and naming of the college was tiled in the recorder's office of Clay County, in accordance with the charter, on the 25th day of August, 1849, and thereupon the name of the corporation became and now is — "The Trustees of AVilliam Jewell College." A brief sketch of the life of Dr. Jewell will be allowed in this connection. He was born in Loudon County, Virginia, January 1, 1789, and removed to Gallatin County, Kentucky, in 1800. Af- ter completing his academic education he took the degree of M.D. in Transylvania University. In 1820 he came to Missouri, and in 1822 settled as a practitioner in Columbia, Missouri. Dur- ing the latter year he united with the Baptist church in that place. No other man did more than he for Columbia and Boone County. To secure the loca- tion of the State University at Co- lumbia, he gave $1,800. He was a member of the Gen- eral Assembly of Missouri from Boone County for several sessions, and was always con- spicuous for his careful attention to the interests of his constituents. He was among the first advocates of a col- lege in Missouri for the Baptists. Pious, patient, energetic, persevering, public-spirited, liberal, conscientious, just, far-see- ing and broad-minded, it would be hard to find a nobler model of a man and citizen. He died in Liberty, Missouri, August 7, 1852, of illness superinduced by over-exposure to the great heats of that month, while engaged in the personal supervision of the erection of the college edifice. His monument is William Jew- ell College. DK. AVILLJAM JEWELL. 852 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. The sixteenth General Assembly of the state was very munifi- cent to the college corporation; for by an act entitled, "An act for the benefit of William Jewell College," approved February 22, 1851, the lands of the corporation were exempted from taxa- tion. The exempting section is as follows : "§ 1. That all the land and improvements thereon now owned by the William Jewell College in the counties of Clay, Grundy, Mercer and Sullivan, and all the lands that may hereafter be granted or devised to said college, or any other institution of learning in the state, for the benefit of education, be, and the same are hereby exempted from all taxes and assessments so long as said lands may be owned by said college." (Session Acts, 1851, page 64.) A few words will be allowed here in reference to the breadth of view and liberality of the Baptists of the state in the organ- ization and management of their college. It will be noted that the preamble to the charter says : "Whereas, the United Bap- tists in Missouri and their friends are desirous of endowing and building up a college in the state," &c. Of the trustees named in the charter several were not Baptists. One (since dead) was a Methodist, who subsequently became a Presbyterian. Anoth- er was not a communicant of any church. He afterwards united with the Christian Church. The latter (still living) is among the best friends of the college. The former was so until his death in 1869. Among the most devoted supporters of the college now are many who do not belong to auy church, and some oth- ers who are not Baptists in their religious belief. The site where the college edifice stands — superbly beautiful — was donated by the late Judge James T. V. Thompson, who, though not a church member, was by religious affinities a Presb^'terian. From Sep- tember, 1853, to June, 1861, one member of the faculty was usu- ally a member of some denomination other than the Baptist. This breadth of view and liberality has richly rewarded the Baptists of the state in their work of building up their college. The first meeting of the board of trustees was on the 12th of November 1849. Poland Hughes was elected the first president of the board and Rev. William C. Ligon the first secretary. The board at that meeting decided to open departments of instruc-- tion in the basement rooms of the Baptist church in Liberty, Jan-, uary 1, 1850. At the same time the board elected two profes- sors, who composed the faculty, viz.: Pev. E. S. Dulin, professor of ancient languages, and Rev. Thomas F, Lockett, professor of EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. 853 mathematics. On the 11th day of February, 1850, the board elec- ted Dr. Jewell commissioner to superintend the erection of the college building. On the 13th day of May, 1850, the board or- dered contracts to be let for the erection of the building. Work was begun on the foundations of the building in the fall of 1850, and by August 7, 1852 — the date of Dr. Jewell's death— the foun- dations were complete and the superstructure had been built to the height of about twenty feet. Dr. Jewell supervised the work with the utmost vigilance. He never permitted any but the best material to be used. He, in one instance, compelled the contrac- ors to remove a wall sixty feet in length and ten or fifteen feet in height, with its foundation, and sink the foundation through the upper stratum of rock to the firm and stable strata beneath. By August, 1853, the building was complete except the flooring and plastering of the rooms of the south wing and what was then the lower chapel. These were completed about 1858. The beautiful and commodious boarding-honse, named by the trustees "Ely Hall," in honor of Lewis B. Ely, of Carrollton Missouri, was built in 1880. Instruction began in the basement rooms of the Baptist church January 1, 1850, Ecv. E. S. Dulin and Ecv. Thos. F. Lockett con- stituting the faculty. The course of study adopted was admira- ble and thorough. The faculty for the year 1850-'l consisted of Eev. E. S. Dulin, Eev. Thos. F. Lockett and Eev. William M. Hunsaker. The latter was principal of the preparatory depart- ment. Eev. E. S. Dulin, Eev. Terry Bradley and James G. Smith constituted the faculty for the year 1851-'2. Eev. Mr. Bradley was professor of mathematics and Mr. Smith was principal of the preparatory department. Eev. Mr. Dulin's connection with the college as a teacher terminated in June, 1852. While connected with it he was officially designated as the principal. During the year 1852-^3, the departments of instruction were simply under the patronage of the trustees, they permitting Eev. Terry Bradley, and George S. Withers, as his assistant, to maintain a school in the rooms rented by the trustees, and take all the fees for tuition. In the summer of 1853, Eev. Eobert S. Thomas, of Columbia, was elected president of the college. At the same time the following gentlemen were elected, viz.: Eev. Terry Bradley, professor of Greek and Latin languages; James Love, professor of mathematics and natural sciences; and Leo- nidas M. Lawson, tutor. Those gentlemen composed the faculty for the year 1853-'4. The faculty for the year 1854-'5 was com- 854 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. posed of the same members as in 1853-'4, except the addition of William P. Lamb as principal of the preparatory department. The first graduation in the college occurred on the third Friday in June, 1855. The graduating class consisted of five members, and they are all living. From June, 1855, until September, 1857, instruction in all de- partments was suspended because of the want of funds where- with to continue it. The financial prospect of the college had greatly brightened in 1857, and accordinglj^ instruction began again in September, 1857, with the following faculty, which re- mained unchanged throughout the year 1857-'8, viz.: Eev. Wil- liam Thompson, LL. D., president; M. W. Eobinson, adjunct professor of ancient languages and literature; Jno. B. Bradley, professor of mathematics, natural philosophj- and astronomy; W. C. Garnett, principal of the academic department; and Gran- dison L. Black, assistant tutor. The fame of President Thomp- son as a pulpit orator and elegant scholar, with his captivating manners and wide acquaintance in the state, brought a large num- ber of students to the college. He was elected to the presiden- cy on the 19th day of May, 1857. The faculty during the year 1858-'9 consisted of the same mem- bers as during the year 1857-'8 with these exceptions, viz.: the chair of chemistry, &c., had been created, and it was filled dur- ing the year by the election thereto of Jiio. T. Davis ; Geo. W. Eog- erswas tutor, in place of GrandisonL. Black, resigned. The facul- ty for the year 1859-'60 was composed as in the year 1858-'9, with these exceptions, viz.: the chair of professor of ancient languages was filled by Eev. Edward lorwerth Owen, LL. D.; Jno. T. Chandler was principal of the academic department, in place of W. C. Garnett, resigned; and the chair of chemistry, &c., remained vacant, Jno. T. Davis having resigned before the beginning of the year. During the year 1860-'l, the facultj' was composed as in the year 1859-'60, with this exception, viz.: the adjunct ^professorship of ancient languages, &c., remained vacant, M. W. Eobinson having resigned. On the 12th day of August, 1861, the trustees, by order, de- clared all departments of instruction in the college suspended, and the chairs of the facultj^ (including the presidency) vacated, because of the condition of the country resulting from the pres- ence of civil war. These departments, may, in strictness, be said to have remained suspended until September 28, 1868, when they were formally reopened. It is true that on the 23d day of May, EDUrATIONAL TNSTITtJTTONS. 855 1863, the trustees re-elected Eev. William Thompson to the pres- idency (who resigned on the 6th day of October, 1863,) and elect- ed Eev. Edward I. Owen, Rev. Thomas H. Storts and G-eorge Hughes to professorships during that period ; yet, inasmuch as in but few instances the corporation was permitted to become responsible for salaries, which were in every case very small in amount, and the professors were in each instance to receive all tuition fees, those elections implied honor rather than emolu- ment or subjection to corporate control. As during the year 1852-'3, tuition maybe said to have been under the patronage of the trustees, the latter permitted those last named gentlemen to use the recitation-rooms of the college free of charge, with a view to the maintenance of an English, mathematical and clas- sical school, so that young men might prepare to enter the col- lege when its departments of instruction should be regularly re- opened. In that period, when practicable, some one or more of those gentlemen taught in the college rooms. The confusion of the civil war, and the wrecked condition of the endowment caused by it, rendered any other course impossible to the trus- tees. The college edifice was occupied as a hospital for the Federal wounded for some weeks after the battle of Blue Mills, which was fought in Clay County, four miles from Liberty, on the 17th of September, 1861. In August, 1862, the college edifice and grounds were occupied by Federal troops for several weeks, and sundry slight trenches constructed. No serious damage ensued to the building from these occupations. The year 1867 may be considered an era in the history of the college. The trustees decided that the time was approaching for the reopening of its departments of instruction. On the 24th day of June, 1867, Rev. Thomas Rambaut, LL.D., a graduate of Trinity College, Dublin, and a gentleman of most accurate schol- arship, extensive experience in education and thorough acquaint- ance with university organization, was elected president of the college. For a year succeeding he and the trustees were engaged in reorganization. Under his advice, the ** curriculum" system of instruction was abandoned, and in lieu of it the true university system — a division of studies into schools — after the method of the University of Virginia, was adopted. This has proven so ad- vantageous that it is likely to be permanent. On the 28th day of September, 1868, the college reopened with the following faculty, viz.: Rev. Thomas Rambaut, president; R. B. Semple, 856 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. professor of Latin, French and Italian; A. F. Fleet, professor of Greek and G-ennan ; John F. Lanneau, professor of mathe- matics; and James E. Eaton, professor of natural sciences and natural theology. With the addition of Eev, ISTorman Fox as professor of ecclesiastical, civil history and English history, the faculty for the 3'ear 1869-'70 was composed as in 1868-'9. For the year 1870-'!, J. H. France was tutor; otherwise the faculty remained unchanged. Tlie tutorship was not continued in 1871-'2, otherwise the faculty remained unchanged. On the 5th day of June, 1872, Rev. William R. Rothwell was elected to the chair of Biblical literature and interpretation. With the addition of Rev. W. R. Rothwell, the faculty remained for the year 1872-3 the same as in the year 1871-2. On the 4th day of June, 1873, John F. Lanneau resigned. On the 5th day of June, 1873, A. F. Fleet also resigned. On the 1st day of August, 1873, James G. Clark was elected professor of mathematics. On the 12th day of August, 1873, Rev. A. J. Emerson was elected prin- cipal of the preparatory department. Rev. Thomas Rambaut resigned on the 24th day of January, 1874, and Rev. Norman Fox on the 24th day of June, 1874. During the year 1873-'4 the finan- cial condition of the college did not permit the trustees to pay a professor in the chair of Rev. Norman Fox, nor did Rev. Thomas Rambaut's health permit him to actually discharge his ofiicial duties, and by consent of the trustees they were absent from the college in 1873-'4; and, therefore, though their names appear in the catalogue of that year, the faculty, in point of fact, consisted of the following gentlemen : Rev. Wm. R. Rothwell, D. D., R. B. Semple, James R. Eaton, James G. Clark and Rev. A. J. Emer- son; and they have, ever since August, 1873, constituted and do now constitute the faculty. The reduction of the working force of the departments of instruction, required a division of the ex- tra work among the remaining members of the faculty, accord- ing to the exigency of the case, as well as the temporary em- ployment of tutors, which was done. The five gentlemen consti- tuting the faculty, as now organized, and the tutors, have dis- charged the heavy burden placed on them with great energy, conscientiousness and admirable devotion to the college. Since the resignation of Thomas Rambaut, the. duties of his position have devolved on Dr. Rothwell, as chairman of the facultj". On the 10th daj^ of June, 1875, Rev. AY. Pope Yeaman, D. D., was elected chancellor of the college, a position which he filled with great acceptance until July 10, 1877, when he resigned. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. 857 The year 1869 may also be called an era in the history of the college, for on the 7th day of August in that year, the trustees, by order, created the school in the college known as *'The Jere- miah Yardeman School of Theology/' The first and fourth sec- tions of the constitution of that school are as follows: "1. This school shall be called 'The Jeremiah Vardeman School of Theology/ in which the doctrines of Divine grace, as exhibited in the Philadelphia Baptist Confession of Faith, shall be forever taught." ''4. The fund of this school shall be giv- en in trust to the board of trustees of "William Jewell Col- lege, and shall be kept in account sep- arate from all oth- er funds of said col- lege." It will be perceiv- ed that the funds of this school are trust funds, and the col- lege corporation '' the perpetual trus- tee for their faith- ful application for the purposes of the constitution of the school. Therefore, the corporation and funds are at all times within the jurisdiction of a court of equity. On the application of any person in interest, alleging mis- application of the funds by the corporation, or other infraction of the constitution, upon due proof a court of equity will enforce obedience. For the execution of the trust, therefore, accord- ing to its true intent and meaning, the Baptists of the state have the double voucher of the honor of the trustees and the strong arm of the law. The schools created by the trustees in the college under the university system are as follows : I. School of Latin ; II. School of Greek; III. School of Mathematics; IV. School of iJTatural "^^.^i^ J. EMERSON. 858 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. Science; V. School of Modern Languages; VI. School of Eng- lish History; VII. Sherwood School of Moral Philosophy; VIII. Jeremiah Vardeman School of Theology. The Preparatory De- partment prepares students for entrance into the schools. On the 22d of March, 1857, the record of the proceedings of the trustees prior to that time were burned in a conflagration which occurred in Liberty. The loss of that record, together with the confusion in the financial department of the college, necessarily caused and continued for some years by the civil war, make it impossible to write a clear and connected history of the endowment of the institution. It would be a history showing, certainly, some mistakes in judgment, but always the highest integrity in the officers and members of the corporation, and many noble and generous acts on the part of its friends. But to present in a luminous view, even those facts which are known or accessible, is not possible in these limits ; however, the present wealth and income of the corportion are as follows: Land and buildings in Liberty. Mo., $ 50,000 Productive Endowment, 55,000 Lands remaining unsold and from which no income is derived, . 15,000 Endowment not productive and not secured, but estimated to be worth, 10,000 Library, apparatus and furniture, ....... 15,000 Total Wealth, 5;145,000 Income from tuition fees (S40 per year) for year 1880-'l, . . $2,931.50 Metn. — During the year the corporation gave free tuition to (iO minister- ial students or sons of ministers. Income of C'ontingent Fimd, 3,440.00 Yield of Productive Endowment, 2,589.50 Total income for the year 1880-'l, . . . $8,952.00 On the 8th of June, 1881, the trustees decided to appeal to the friends of the college throughout the state for an increase of the endowment in the sum of $50,000, for the specific purpose of sup- plying the deficiency in the income which will occur at the ces- sation of the annual yield of the "contingent fund." From the known energy and ability of the financial agent, Lewis B. Ely, it is believed this increase will be secured within a year. In conclusion, it may be affirmed that all who shall carefully examine the extent and character of the endowment of the col- lege, and consider the devotion and number of its friends, and its d«ep anchorage in the affections of the Baptists of Missouri, will most gladly admit that the institution has all to hope for and nothing to fear in the future. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. 859 A^4| William Eenfro Eothwell, — a Missourian from childhood-, ■was born in Kentucky of parents originally from Virginia and of English descent. He is a brother of T. P. Eothwell, M. D., of Mexico, Mo., and of Hon. G. F. Eothwell, of Moberly, Mo. In 1854 he graduated from the University of Missouri, and while a student at Columbia he was converted and baptized by Eev. T. C. Harris in 1853. Upon leaving the university he entered upon the profes- sion of teaching, and was principal ofElmEidge Acad- emy from 1854 to 1856. From 1856 to 1857 he was presi- dent of the Bap- tist Female (now Stephens') College, Columbia, which position he resign- ed to take the pres- idency of the Mt. Pleasant College at Huntsville, Mo., as successor of the renowned William Thompson, LL. D. He was ordained to the gospel min- rev. w. r. RoxmvELL, d. d. istry in October, 1861, Eev. l^oah Flood being one of the pres- bytery, and was for a time pastor at Huntsville and subsequently at Keytesville. For the year 1871-'2 he filled the office of cor- responding secretary of the General Association of Missouri, and here he rendered valuable service. He was elected by the board of trustees of William Jewell College professor of theology and moral philosophy in that institution in 1872, and in 1873 he was elected chairman of the faculty. Dr. Eothwell has been a teach- er twenty-seven years, during which about 3,000 youth have been more or less under his instruction; and during his ten years' connection with William Jewell College 250 ministerial students have been in part under his tuition from one to six years each. As a teacher he stands at the head of his profession. In his interviews with the brotherhood he is always for peace and 860 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. unity, and no one wields a more potent influence in the coun- cils of the denomination than he. He is a man of decided con- victions, with clear views of doctrine and church polity, and is admirably well qualified for the position he fills. He has de- voted himself to the work of education by the Baptists, hold- ing it co-ordinate with missionary and Sunday-school work, and for the past ten years has been consecrated to ministerial education. He is free from ministerial jealousy, a safe coun- sellor in denominational work, true to principle, eminently con- servative yet progressive, keeping abreast of the times. Mr. Rothwell wears with much ease and grace the honorable title of Doctor of Divinity, and is in the vigor of manhood. James E. Eaton, — a son of Geo. "W. Eaton, D. D., LL. D., was ..^ PROF. JAS. R. EATON. born at Hamilton, N. Y., December 11, 1834. He graduated with the degree of A. B. from Madison University, in 1856, and from Hamilton Theological Seminary with the degree of A. M., in 1858. In 1859 he was adjunct professor of mathematics and natural science in Union University, Murfrcesboro, Tenn. From 1859 to 1861, he was professor of ancient languages in Bethel College, Russcllville, Ky. During the war he was su- perintendent of the advisory department and foreign delivery EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS, 861 in the New York City Post-office. From 1866 to 1869 he held the chair of natural science in the university of the public schools of Louisville, Ky.; and in 1869 he was called to the chair of na- tural science and natural theology in William Jewell College. In 1876 Madison University conferred on him the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. His wife was Miss Mattie E. Lewright, of Liberty, Mo., to whom he was married June 6, 1872. Prof. Eaton's eminent success in his profession grows out of his profound convictions of the majesty of law. With him, law should be obeyed, not merely to escape penalty, but because fidelity to what is right demands it. This element in his char- acter, while plainly visible in all he does, is prominent in the school-room. He is fully in sympathy with the discoveries of science, but does not place it above the Bible, regarding true science and Christianity as in perfect harmony. (From a sketch in the William Jewell Studetif, 1881.) Egbert Baylor Semple — was born near Fredericksburg, Va., February 6, 1842. Owing to the death of his father and mother, his early literary and relig- ious training fell under the care of Dr. Wm. F. Broadus, one of the most emi- nent Baptist minis- ters of Virginia of the last generation. After the usual at- tendance on the "old field schools," his studies were contin- ued in the higher 1;. branches in the Fredericksburg and Rappahannock Academies, and ^•., Sis^ ^ " completed in the University of Yir- pkok. k. b. skmi-le. ginia. Soon after leaving the university hQ enlisted in the Con- 862 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. federate Army, April 22, 1861, and served continuously until the surrender at Appomattox C. H., April 10, 1865. He spent a few years in Yirginia teaching, and in 1868 he was elected professor in William Jewell College. He united with the Baptists at Charlottesville, Va., under the ministry of Dr. J. A. Broadus, when attending the university in the winter of 1859. James G-. Clark, — professor of mathematics and French in William Jewell College, is a Yirginian. In his native state he enjoyed the advantages of an excellent preparatory^ school, and at the age of 17 years he entered the University of Virginia, from most of the schools of which he graduated in three years. He purposed to enter the profession of civil engineering, but was called as assistant professor of mathematics in the univer- sity in 1857, and has been engaged in teaching ever since, save a short interval. From 1858-60, he was engaged in the Alex- andrian Boarding School, and in 1860-'l and 1865 to 1871 as professor of mathematics in Columbian College, Washington, ""^ ., D. C. He spent "V 1871 to '73 as teacher in pri- vate schools, and in 1873 was elected profes- sor in William Jewell College. In 1861 he enlist- ed in the Confed- erate Army, and continued dur- ing the war. For one year he was a soldier in the Rockbridge Ar- tillery attached to the Stonewall Brigade, and af- terwards captain ' ' " of artillery, ser- PROF. jAMKs G. cr.AKK, LL.i). viug as orduauce officer in Cheatham's division of the Army of Tennessee, from Lookout Mountain until the surrender at Grreensboro, N. C, in 1865. &^.f ^i '■M~ EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. 863 Dr. Clark is the author of a treatise on the Infinitesimal Calcu- lus. From the Baylor University he received the honorary de- gree of LL. D. in 1880. He is a man of sterling character, a Baptist, and a deacon in the Second Baptist Church at Liberty. STEPHENS' FEMALE COLLEGE. "On the 15th of March, 1856, several earnest-hearted brethren met in Columbia, Missouri, and laid the plans for the organiza- tion of a Baptist female school which should be located in that city. "■ On the same day twenty-eight brethren subscribed thirty- eight shares of $100 each, and created the amount so pledged, a fund for the basis of future operations. They organized the col- lege as a stock enterprise, but soon placed it under the patronage of the Little Bonne Femme Baptist Association. "In 1857 the General Assembly of Missouri passed an act in- corporating the college, and empowering it to confer all degrees and titles usually conferred by such institutions. It was incor- porated under the name of "Baptist Female College, of Colum- bia, Missouri." " In these times of beginning the brethren seemed to know how to achieve success. Frequent entries like the following are found upon the minutes : ' On examining the subscription list it was found that $ would be required ; &c., &c. Hence it was unan- imousl}' agreed to apportion said amount among the curators pres- ent.' As is always the case in the history of such institutions, there was ample opportunity for noble effort, and noble effort was made. " The college was conducted with varying success under the efficientadministrations of Brethren W. Ji. Eothwell, J). H. Hick- man, X. X. Buckner, J. A. Hollis, Jno. T. Williams and E. S. Dulin, until 1876, during which year an interim occurred on ac- count of the failure of the curators to secure a suitable man to take the place of Eev. E. S. Dulin, the resigning president." (Prof. E. P. Eider's MS.) In 1870 this college was selected by the General Association of the Baptists of Missouri for their state female school. " The history of the adoption of this school by the denomination is as follows: At a meeting of the Baptist General Association of Mis- souri, in 1869, the necessity of establishing a denominational school for the higher education of our daughters was made the subject of earnest consideration. A committee was appointed to report upon this subject at the next meeting of the General As- 864 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. sociation. In 1870 this committee reported in favor of estab- lishing such a college, and it was decided by the delegates then in session to take immediate steps towards accomplishing this end. At this juncture the curators of Baptist Female College, Co- lumbia, Mo., offered their buildings and grounds, valued at$35,- 000, to the association for this purpose. In addition to this offer, and with the provision that it was acceiDted as the state school, Bro. James L. Stephens, of Columbia, munifieentl}^ offered to start an endowment fund by giving S20,000 to the college. These of- fers were accepted, and Baptist Female College became the pro- tege of the General Association. Tlie name has since been chan- ged by an act of the Greneral Assembly of the state of Missouri to Stephens' Female College, in honor of the donor of the above named fund." (From a circular issued by order of the curators.) Bro. James L. Stephens gave his note for §20,000, payable in five years, to draw six per cent, from maturity till paid. This sum was given as a nucleus for an endowment fund. It was the desire of the association in adopting this school to create an institution which should in a short time become so well endowed as to be able to furnish substantial aid to the daughters of Baptist ministers of Missouri in acquiring a liberal education. This end has not been accomplished as yet, but all efforts look in that direction, and the hopeful friends of the college and of our ministry feel that success is only postponed. In 1877, the college, having been reorganized by the election of Prof E. P. Eider as president, was again opened, and has since gained the hold upon the confidence and affections of the denomination which it lost during the suspension above named, and is now recognized, as its age and the efficiency of its man- agement demand, as one of the best schools in the West. The endowment fund, donated by Brother Stephens, is inves- ted in well paying real estate in the city of Columbia, and the hearty co-operation of the denomination will secure the most encouraging success in the near future. From this institution have gone forth one hundred graduates, most of whom are still living and assist in making up the number of noble Christian women in Missouri. Stephens' College is located in the beautiful inland city of Co- lumbia, which is also the seat of the Uuiversity of Missouri. The surroundings are quiet, pleasant and remarkably healthy, and es- pecially so is the location of the college edifice. It is on an ele- vated point in the eastern part of the city, overlooking a de- mi 65 866 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. lightful country, the grounds containing a goodly number of mammoth forest trees, among which are interspersed evergreens and flowers. The buildings, which were erected, or enlarged, in 1870 and '71, are one hundred and forty-five feet front, and one hundred feet deep. The first floor consists of the president's of- fice and recitation rooms. The second and third floors are used as dormitories. The heating and ventilation are admirable. The plan of them was conceived and matured by the architect, Mr. C. B. Clarke, of St. Louis. The heat used in warming the rooms is also utilized in ventilating each department. This worthy and noble institution has a glorious future be- fore it. James L. Stephens, — the benefactor of Stephens' College, was born in G-arrard County, Ky., November 17, 1815, and with his father removed to Boone County, Mo., in the fall of 1819. He grew to earlj^ manhood on the farm with his father, receiving such an education as the schools of the country at that day af- forded, and in the spring of 1836 entered the dry goods' store of Parker & Barr, of Columbia, as clerk, and has continuously resided in Columbia ever since, excepting one year in New York City, two years in Greensburg, Indiana, and one year each in Mexico and Fulton, Mo. In 1843 he was engaged in a large bu- siness on his own account, conducting three dry goods' stores, in three county seats — one in Mexico, one in Fulton, and one in Columbia. He inaugurated the first thoroughly successful cash system in business in Central Missouri, and whilst largely en- gaged in merchandising he also conducted a model farm, and for more than twenty years bought and sold annually from 300 to 500 head of mules. He has been one of the most successful business men in his section of the state, and no one has more generously contributed in means and labor to build up and es- tablish public improvements, having contributed at least one- half of all he has earned through an extended business career to aid in building roads, churches, schools, &c. In addition to his donation of 820,000 to the endowment of the college, he advan- ced $6,000 besides to relieve the institution of a mortgage that had been placed upon it under its former organization, and to aid in erecting its buildings; and he at one time undertook the work of raising a $50,000 endowment for it, and succeeded in se- curing pledges for half that sum, which failed in consequence of the entire sum not being subscribed at the time the school was changed from a local to a state institution. At another time he EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. 867 raised cm a general subscription from the citizens of Boone County, some ^8,000 toward enlarging the college property. This, with other kind oflSces in the interest of the institution, caused the General Association at its session in 1870 to confer his name upon it. In 1860 he was the regular nominee of the democratic party for state senator, and made the race to the satisfaction of his party against Ex-Grovernor Hardin, receiving the full strength HON. JAS. L. STEPIIEXS. of the party, which was at the time in a decided minority, caus- ing his defeat by some 500 votes. In 1880 he was again nomin- ated by the ninth senatorial district, composed of the counties of Audrain, Boone and. Callaway, and elected by an overwhelm- ing majority against the combined ticket, composed of green- backers and republicans. Mr. Stephens was for several years president of the executive board of the General Association. 868 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. MT. PLEASANT COLLEGE, HUNTSVILLE, MO * . 'In 1853 the citizens of Randolph County, impressed with the need of an institution of learning, and wishing to secure to them- selves its benefits, determined to erect suitable buildings at a cost of not less than $10,000. Acting on the advice of Hon.Wm. A. Hall, to put the institution under the care and patronage of Mt. Pleasant Baptist Association, a letter stating the above pro- posal signed by Wm. A. Hall, H. Austin and P. P. Euby, in be- half of the citizens of ^Randolph County, was addressed to and accepted by the association, and the institution took the name of the association. Under this arrangement the money was se- cured and the building erected. February 28, 1855, the charter was obtained. In 1857 the build- ing having been completed at a cost of $12,500, and a school of 170 pupils under Eev. Wm. Thompson, LL. D., president, Eev. J. H. Carter, A. B., professor of mathematics, and Miss Bettie Ragland, principal of the female department, having been taught with gratifying results one year, the institution was formally tendered by the board of trustees to the association and accep- ted ; the association at the same time promising to endow the college remotely with $25,000, and within two years with $10,- 000, appointed Eev. Noah Flood to proceed at once to secure the last named amount, and pledged herself to maintain sufficient and efficient teachers until the $10,000 endowment was secured. Eev. W. E. Eothwell succeeded Dr. Thompson in the presidency and the college ran till 1861, filling the most sanguine expecta- tions of its friends. President Eothwell gathered a quite exten- sive library, provided apparatus for chemical, philosophical and astronomical purposes, secured a considerable cabinet of miner- als and fossils, and established the reputation of the college. The war in 1861 crippled the resources of the school by cut- ting oif students, and a deficit of $580 in teachers' salaries was imposed, which failing to be met by the association, the trustees of the college let it to President Eothwell, who at his own risk, and mainly on his own eftort, carried the college through the clouds of war into the sunshine of 1866. The school, which had hitherto been self-sustaining or carried by the magnanimity of President Eothwell to 1866, now being cut down by the impoverished and unsettled state of the coun- try, made a move for endowment a necessity, and the call be- came imperative. The board of trustees at Mt. Gilead Churel) * By Eld. S. y. Pitts, in Central Baptist, June, 1879^ "^ EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. 869 in 1866, with emphasis called upon the association to redeem her past pledges for endowment. Y, E. Pitts and Wade M. Jackson were appointed solicitors to raise $10,000 in twelve months. The next year (1868) at the as- sociation at Keytesville, Y. E. Pitts reported as endowment : In notes, ........$ 5,640.00 In cash, ........ 200.00 Jerry Kingsbury be(|uost, ..... 2,500.00 Balance unprovided for, ...... 1,6G0.00 .'SIO.OOO.OO The balance, $1,660 was raised by subscription at that sitting of the association. In 1870, Mt. Pleasant Association wishing further to endow MT. PLKASAXT COLLEGE. the college, and learning that Macon Association were contem- plating building a similar institution of learning at Macon City in the adjoining county, and within thirty miles of Huntsville, proposed to Macon Association to consolidate upon Mt. Pleasant College, offering them, 1st, one-half of the board of trustees; and 2d, requiring them to raise $5,000 to be blended with the endow- ment fund. W. E. Eothwell, Benj. Terrill, Joshua W. Terrill,W. E. Samuel and W. T. Beckelheimer were appointed a committee with discretionary power, to confer with Macon Association. In 1872 Macon Association having canvassed her ability to build and the proposal of Mt. Pleasant Association, agreed by resolu- tion to co-operate with Mt. Pleasant Association in building up Mt. Pleasant College; when the committee from Mt. Pleasant Association guaranteed their one-half of the board of trustees except one, leaving this majority of the board in Mt. Pleasant Association. 870 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. In the meantime (1869) Eev. J. W. Terrill succeeded President Eothwell. The war being over, confidence restored, and the times being prosperous and inviting, the college, with other en- terprises, took a new life. Added to this. President Terrill brought to the institution a combination of merit, enterprise and energy rarely found in one man, and introducing a new, popular and successful method of teaching, carried the college to its high- est point of success. The question of repairs, additions and bet- terments (for the building had been used as military quarters in the war) now arose, and the terms, patronage and success of the school, and the earnest protestations of both Mt. Pleasant and Macon Associations, seemed to demand and encourage immedi- ate action in this direction. The trustees concluded to make am- ple improvement and additions, and to the main building added two wings running out and back of the main building, giving in rooms, halls, stairways and closets a building whose size, ar- rangement, decoration and stability, will rank with any in the state. Added to this patronage and liberality of the citizens of Ran- dolph County, and especially the citizens of Huntsville, to the institution, which had ever been marked, the board of trustees were induced to build a commodious and tasteful boarding-house, three stories, besides a basement. The citizens of Huntsville for this purpose furnished $3,000 cash, which, with a loan on first mortgage, assisted by a loan of $3,500 endowment fund, secured by second mortgage on the building, it was completed. These buildings and additions were begun and completed in 1871, and a considerable debt incurred. In 1873 the financial trouble which had been threatening overwhelmed the country, and a wave more damaging and blighting than war passed over the college. For two years longer under President Terrill it stood bravely on its feet carrying the heavy pressure. But the boarding-house was sold under first mortgage, and failing to bring the debt, the second mortgage, $3,500 endow- ment fund, was lost; and the Jerry Kingsbury bequest, $2,500, being swept aAvay when the bank failed, and the parties failing to come to time on their notes from financial embarrassments, the $10,000 endowment was never realized. In 1876 Rev. M. J. Breaker came to the head of the institution, and like his worthy predecessor, Rothwell, stood by it in a dark hour of peril, and by eifort and sacrifice bore her on in her noble EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. 871 mission for tliree years longer, till when on March 21, 1879, a judgment having been obtained against the college for debt, and looking for the execution to fall in June following, President Breaker resigned and the school closed, the second time in its existence of twenty-three years — once before after the close of the war in 1869 under President Eothwell; both times at the spring term. Mt. Pleasant College, during her twentj^-three years of existence, has been presided over by Rev. Wm. Thomp- son, LL.D., one year; Rev. W. R. Rothwell, D.D., twelve years; Rev. J. W. Terrill, seven years; and Rev. M. J. Breaker, three years ; has instructed hosts of youths^ turned out 109 graduates, blessed the cause of education, elevated her community, and de- monstrated that the co-education of the sexes is the fittest and best. Shall Mt. Pleasant College live or diel has been the anxious question that has been thrilling the desponding hearts of her friends all the year. Her past history, her now vacant walls, her future hopes all pleaded no! Rev. A. S. Worrell, D.D., late of California, who was elected president in 1878, was written to. He answered : " I will be there in ten days." He came. The matter was canvassed, a public meeting of the citizens was held in the college chapel, May 27, when it was announced that th© college was in debt $10,600, which must be immediately provided for. The announcement was stirring, and the case seemed hopeless. There was a rally, and friends said tremulously but trustfully, "The college must not die!" Through the concessions of creditors, and by subscriptions, the debt was reduced to $4,540, and another meeting was ap- pointed for the following Thursday night, when it was announced that the debt had been reduced to |2,415; at this meeting $415 was subscribed, and Thursday evening, June 5, appointed for another meeting, when it was stated that $1,130 was still to be raised. The meeting was to be decisive. The fact was received in silence, men and women looked at each other's earnest faces, and talked in little groups in an undertone. An adjournment was proposed — no one wanted to go — the interest deepened — 'the knots of consultation gathered — it came to the decision of one man. You could feel the grating of the keel as she moved over the bar; the brother said: "Yes, let it go," and the college passed into the agitated sea of hope. As a matter of historic interest, information and memory of 872 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. the worthy dead, a fact in this cotiTiection should be stated. Some twenty years ago Wiley Ferguson, a citizen of Randolph County, dying, left a bequest known as the Ferguson bequest, to be under the control of the county court, the interest of which was to be expended in the education of poor and orphan chil- dren. This bequest, amounting to $3,000, was loaned to.Mt. Pleasant College on secured mortgage, with these conditions: The college is to furnish instruction to orphan children to the amount of six per cent, interest of the fund, and the county court stipulates to designate the children who shall receive the benefit annually. It is the policy of the college to carry this debt as custodian of the Ferguson bequest. All other debts hav- ing been anticipated by subscription as stated, a grand reunion of graduates, students and friends of the college was announced for June 27, 1878, on the college grounds. In June, 1881, Prof. J. B.Weber, a graduate of La Grange Col- lege, Mo., was elected to the presidency of the college. On the morning of July 15, 1882, the college edifice was burned to the ground ; the walls only being left intact. The cause of the fire, which originated in the laboratory, was wholly unknown. The apparatus, college library and many of the president's val- uable books, together with a fine collection of minerals, were all consumed. The piano, organ, pulpit, Bible and hymn book were saved. There was no insurance on the building or furni- ture. The trustees design to rebuild the original edifice, 71x43, with six rooms, and reopen the institution at an early day. LA GRANGE COLLEGE. At the suggestion of the Baptist church at La Grange, Lewis County, the Wyaconda Association, at its session in 1856, after mature deliberation, voted " to establish a male and female sem- inary of the highest order in her bounds." To this end trustees were appointed, viz.: Ealph Smith, Geo. K. Biggs, J. A. Hay, Thos. R. Richardson and Ezra Kerfoot. Also Rev. James M. Lillard was appointed traveling agent to raise $5,000 to com- mence operations with. At the same meeting it was decided that the seminary should be located at that point in the bounds of the association which would raise the largest amount of money for building up and sustaining said institution. Two points onlj" — Memphis, Scotland County, and La Grange, Lewis County — competed for the location. The former subscrib- ed $7,512, and the latter $9,671 ; La Grange was hence made the seat of the seminary. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. 873 In April, 1857, the trustees appointed Thomas Eichardson and J. A. Hay to contract for and superintend the erection of suit- able buildings. The house, a brick, 90x70 feet, was sufficiently completed by September, 1858, to be occupied in the lower part of it for school purposes, and on the 15th of that month the sem- inary was opened with the following faculty: Mr. "W. M. Ellis, principal ; Mr. T. F. Peck, Miss Clara Kyle and Miss Angle Pren- tiss, assistant teachers. March 12, 1859, a charter was procured, and the institution was called *' La Grange Male and Female College." The commod- ious brick edifice, commenced in 1857, was not completed until 1866, when J. F. Cook, LL. D., became president of the institu- tion. President Cook inspired the friends of the college with new hopes. He had been for several years connected with the edu- cational interests of Kentucky, and came to Missouri with the highest recommendations from that state, as a Christian gentle- man and scholar, and thoroughly competent to fill the position to which he had been newly elected. The following is condensed from a "Historic Sketch" of the college, published in the Catalogue of 1880, p. 21 : "During the fourteen years of Dr. Cook's presidency there have been more than 2,000 matriculations; among whom about 50 students for the gospel ministry, 150 children of our ministers and many indigent students have received free tuition. During this time nearly $15,000 have been expended in improvements and the payment of debts contracted in building. No financial agent except the president has been in the field, and the institu- tion has sufficient assets to free it from all indebtedness. "An average of not more than three hundred dollars has been annually received for the benevolent department; the residue having been furnished by Dr. Cook. " The board of trustees, in its report, says : " 'Another year of good work has been accomplished by this institution, and she sent forth at the close of last session eight graduates to be numbered among her honored alumni, who are filling important positions in the states around us as well as in our own state. We have been blessed in the men that have been furnished us by the churches to educate for the ministry, and in every position in which they have been placed, whether in the- ological seminaries, in the pastorate or in missionary labor, they have stood among the best. We have them, now, pursuing their 874 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. studies in seminaries in America and in Europe, and in active labor in several states, extending to the Pacific Coast. It was known that we had no money to provide board and clothing for our ministerial students, and we not often had the indigent ap- ply to us. It is known that we have no money to pay their tui- tion, and though we have had about fifty students in the min- istry who have been educated in this institution partially or through the whole course, yet free tuition has been furnished to all of them, with, perhaps, two exceptions; and over 150 stu- dents, children of pastors and orphans of our denomination, have received free tuition in this institution. More than ten thousand dollars' worth of this work has been done without any available aid from endowment, and has, in a large measure, been the gift of President Cook to the denomination. Through the past years of financial troubles and failures, he has stood by the work un- flinchingly, and though involving himself in debt, has never failed to furnish free tuition to the classes mentioned. During the past summer he was brought near the grave by serious ill- ness, caused, perhaps, by excessive labor. " 'Many of the best public and graded schools are taught by pupils from La Grange College, and five of the number are col- lege presidents.' " Joshua Flood Cook,* — president of La Grange College, was born in Shelby County, Kentuck}-, January 14, 1834. He pro- fessed religion and united with the Baptists in 1846. In 1850 he came to Missouri and lived with his uncle, the lamented Noah Flood. He spent the next five years teaching and attending the Howard High School; then entered Georgetown College Ky., where he graduated in 1858, and was married to Miss Sue G. Far- mer the same year. In 1859 he became president of the New Liberty Female College, which position he held until he went south in September, 1861, where he remained during the war. He filled the office of pastor at Eminence, ^y., in 1865-'6. At the age of thirty-two he was elected president of La Grange College, Missouri, for the term of twenty j'ears, sixteen of which have now passed. For him these years have been years of ex- cessive toil and great anxiety. No more unfavorable time could have been found for establishing a college than in the fall of 1866. The deplorable condition of aftairs in this state is too well known to need relating. The difficulty of founding a college under such circumstances would have discouraged one of less energy and * By Prof. J. G. Farmed EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. 875 peculiar fitness for the work than Dr, Cook. When he took charge of the college it was encumbered with a debt of $10,000. The building was in the worst repair and without one dollar in the treasury. He has expended over $15,000 in paying debts, for building and improvements, and the college now has assets sufficient to free it from all indebtedness. As an educator Dr. Cook has no superior in the state, as is fully attested by the many prominent men in the various professions whom he has educa- ted. In addition to his college work he has preached almost ev- ery Sabbath and often weeks at a time. His preaching is char- acterized by simplicity, boldness and "the faith once delivered to the sai n ts." He stays in the old ruts of theol- ogy, and cares little for modern progressive ide- as. He is a "self- made man." In- tellectually and morally, his in- dividuality is strongly marked. He has a general air of frankness, straightforward- ness and honesty. May he be long spared to carry on his good work. Since 1866 he rev. j. f. cook, ll. d. has been actively identified with Baptist interests in the bounds of the Wyaconda Association, as well as in other sections of the state. He wears very gracefully and modestly the merited title of Doctor of Laws. LEXINGTON BAPTIST FEMALE COLLEGE.* This institution was founded A. D. 1855. As soon as the char- ter was secured, the trustees purchased a building costing $24,- 000, located in that part of Lexington known as "Old Town." Some six or eight thousand dollars were expended in altering and * By Kev. H. Talbird, D.D., pastor of First Baptist Church, Lexington, Mo. 876 EDUCATIONAL INSTITITTIONS. arranging the building and in beautifying the grounds, so as to render it a suitable place for the education of young ladies. Rev. E. S. Dulin was elected president, and as the result of his indomitable energy and judicious management the school be- came from its very beginning, if not the best, at least one of the best female colleges in the state. Dr. Dulin is a gentleman of extensive learning, a thorough educator, a most excellent disci- plinarian, and in short just the person suited to the presidency of a female college. He retained his position from 1855 to 1858, when he resigned, and Prof. J. B. Budwell was requested to oc- cupy his place until a suitable successor could be found. In 1859 Rev. J. A. Hollis was elected president. He was fully qualified for the position, being an amiable Christian gentleman, a good scholar and a judicious disciplinarian. While under his control the college continued to increase in prosperity. He held the position from 1859 to 1861. At the opening of the war his school was large and prosper- ous, especially so for the times. When the Federal Army came to occupy Lexington, it was at once seen that the edifice of the Baptist Female College, and that of the Masonic College for young men, were most suitably located for garrison and hospital purposes, and the officers of the army required that these build- ings should be at once vacated. Thus two of the best educational institutions in the state were forced to suspend. Except for the short time during which Gen. Price held Lex- ington, the Federal authorities held undisputed possession of the college building, using it as a hospital. But even for that short period this arrangement was not interfered with. On the de- parture of Gen. Price, those of the sick and wounded of the Fed- eral Arm}- who could not endure transportation were left in quiet possession, and were so found by the Federal authorities on their re-occupancy of the city. Shortly after this they converted the buildings into a pest-house, and the small-pox patients of their army were sent to it. During the mutations of the war, these poor follows were sometimes neglected, and the citizens of Lex- ington kept them from starving. But the country had been stripped of mules and horses, and for the want of the means of transportation the citizens could not supply them with all the fuel thc}^ needed. The severity of the weather forced them to cut up for firewood the doors of unoccupied rooms, and ulti- mately the window and door-frames of the building. It was, perhaps, their only protection from freezing. Hence, when, af- 878 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. ter the war, the building came again into the possession of the trustees, it was found to be in a state of complete dilapidation. This, together with the fact that it had been used as a pest-house, made the board unwilling to re-occupy it as a female college, and the building with the grounds was sold for the pitiable sum of $4,000. Thus a property worth at least $35,000, and devoted to the cause of education, was destroyed by the bad management of those in authority. The building has since been taken down for the brick in its walls. The board of trustees have never put in a claim for this loss. Mr. Hollis was paying a rental for the building, which virtually amounted to $1,000 per annum, but the money was expended in furnishing increased appliances for a thorough education to the daughters of Missouri. The board therefore petitioned the gen- eral government to pay them the rent, at the rate of $1,000 per annum for the four years during which their agents held the property. They have been informed that the claim has been allowed, but no appropriation has been made for its liquidation. This delay has wrought a great hardship to the board and to the friends of the college. They have contributed as much as $25,000 to replace the property so thoughtlessly destroyed. But after all the sacrifices which they have made in voluntary contributions to the cause of female education, they find themselves burdened with a debt of $4,227. During the last twelve years they have paid the interest on this amount at ten per cent. — certainly a great hardship. The prompt payment of this just claim would have released the board from this heavy burden. Will it ever be paid ? During the year 1864, while the college edifice was still occu- pied as a hospital. Dr. E. S. Dulin consented to become, for the second time, the president of Lexington Baptist Female College. Other buildings had to be provided for its accommodation. Un- der his management the prosperity of the school, so far as the number of its pupils constituted prosperity, was soon restored. It soon became necessary to provide additional accommodations, and the present building was purchased at the cost of $11,500, and $4,300 expended in fitting it up for the purposes of a school. Dr. Dulin retained his position up to 1870, when he was induced to resign to become the president of Stephens' College, Colum- bia, Missouri. The lamented D. H. Selph, D.D., was elected to the place thus made vacant. He was as well fitted as any man could be for the EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. 879 responsible position, but the complete failure of his health, re- sulting in his death, forced him, after what, under the circum- stances, must be admitted to have been a brilliant success, to ten- der his resignation in 1873. Prof. A. F. Fleet, A. M., was elected in his place. With his admirable scholarship, untiring industry and fine administrative abilities, he could not fail. During his entire administration the college enjoyed a constantly increasing prosperity, so much so that frequent additions had to be made to the college edifice, at an expenditure of several thousand dollars. In 1879 Prof. Fleet resigned to take the professorship of Greek in the State University, and was succeeded by Prof. J. F. Lanneau, A. M. No female school in the state has enjoyed the uninterrupted prosperity which has marked the history of this institution. This, under God, is mainly attributable to the fact that it has been presided over by a succession of able presidents, each of whom was admirably fitted for the work of female education. It is the honest conviction of the board of trustees that Prof. Lan- neau is, in no true sense of the word, inferior to either of his predecessors, and in some important respects he is the best president the college has ever had. John Francis Lanneau — was born in Charleston, S. C, in 1836. In November, 1856, he graduated at the South Carolina Military Academy with the highest honors of his class. He was at once appointed tutor of mathematics in Furman University, Greenville, S. C, and the year after adjunct professor of natural philosophy and chemistry. In the spring of 1861, resigning his position in the universit}-, he entered the Confederate Army as captain of cavalry in the Hampton Legion. In 1862, just after the battle of Williamsburg, Va., he was transferred to the engi- neer corps, with the rank of lieutenant, and in 1864 was made captain of engineers. He was employed in constructing the de- fences of Eichraond and of Petersburg, Ya., Mobile, Ala., and Columbus, S. C; served in the field on the staff of Generals Lee, Longstreet and others ; and during the last campaign of the war was chief engineer of Hampton's Cavalry Corps. In the fall of 1863 he was called to the faculty of his Alma Mater at Charleston, S.C.,but declined the appointmcnt,preferring active service inYir- ginia. In December, 1864, he was again called to his Alma Mater, as assistant professor of mathematics, and accepted the position, but did not enter upon its duties, the institution being soon closed by the results of the war. 880 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. Furman University was revived in 1865, and Prof. Lanneau was placed in the chair of mathematics and astronomy. In 1868 lie accepted the professorship of mathematics in William Jewell College, Liberty, Mo., and served there for five years. In 1873 he was called to the presidency of the Alabama Central Female College, at Tuscaloosa, Ala., and conducted that institution suc- cessfully for six years. In 1879 Prof. Lanneau returned to Mis- souri, having been tendered the presidency of the Baptist Fe- male College, Lexington, Mo., and under his efficient manage- ment the school is enjoying a very high de- gree of favor. In 1869 he was married to Miss Louise S. Cox, o f Greenville, S. C, a graduate of the Baptist Female College of that place, to whom much of his success in his present work is due. Of Mrs. Lanneau, Dr. PROF. J. F. LANXKAU. Johu A. Broad- us once justly said: "She possesses superior intelligence and thorough culture, with the refinement and modest simplicity of a true lady, and is warmly loved by all who know her." HARDIN COLLEGE, MEXICO, MO.* Hardin College is jet too young to have a history. We shall however place upon record a few facts that may be of service to future historians. The following are extracts from the articles of association: "Art. 1. The undersigned, their associates and successors, hereby agree to organize themselves into an association, to be * By Eev. J. C. Maple. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. 881 incorporated under the Bame of Hardin College, for the purpose of establishing and continuing an institution of learning for the education of females at the city of Mexico, in the county of Au- drain, state of Missouri. This association shall, by its corporate name, have succession for one thousand years. A majority of the board of directors shall be in full fellowship with some mis- sionary Baptist church of the state of Missouri. "Art. 2. The affairs of said institution shall be managed by a board of thirteen directors. The board shall, without delay, fill any vacancy that may occur in its body. J. D. Murphy, William Harper, S. H. Craddock, E. J. Gibbs, Thomas Smith, Joel Guth- rie, Thomas B. Hitt, James Carroll, John M. Gordon, William H. Woodward, Lewis Hord, James Callaway and Charles H. Hardin, shall compose for the time being the board of direc- tors." "Art. 4. * * * * The first article hereof shall, so long as this corporation may exist, remain unchanged and inviolable," In Art. 5, the association is permitted to acquire property to the *' value of one million of dollars." THE HAKDIKT DONATION. The first donation of Ex. Gov. C. H. Hardin to the college, amounting to between thirty and forty thousand dollars, in land and well-secured notes, was made upon the following con- ditions: " That the terms of the first article of the 'Articles of Associ- ation' of said corporation of Hardin College shalll never be changed. That said real estate, which embraces five acres, and is known as the seminary grounds, may be used as a site for the college edifices and buildings, but the same may be sold when- ever the board of directors of said college shall see proper to sell the same and purchase other grounds for the purpose. All the other real estate herein conveyed shall be sold as rapidly as prices satisfactory to the board may be agreed on ; and the debts, herein transferred, collected as speedily as the board may direct. The amounts due on the debts this day, and the gross proceeds of the sales of said real estate, shall be held and maintained as a permanent endowment fund for said college, which shall be kept at interest or invested in stocks as continuously as possible ; and on the third Tuesday in June, in every year, forty per cent, of the gross earnings of rents arising from any real estate herein conveyed, and also of the interest, profits and other proceeds ^.rising from any part of the endowment fund being at interest 56 882 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. or invested in stocks, shall be added to and become a part and parcel of the permanent endowment fund of said college until such endowment fund shall amount to one-half million dollars, when the said forty per cent, shall be applied annually as herein directed as to the remaining sixty per cent. — and the residue (to- wit, sixty per cent.) of the gross amount of rents, interest and profits and other proceeds as above described shall be applied to the payment of the salaries of teachers and such other pur- poses as the board may direct. No part of said endowment fund nor of the annual accruing forty per cent, as above described shall be used, directly or indirectly, for any other purposes what- ever than as specified, nor shall any part or portion of the same, or either of them, nor of the stocks, when any part of such fund shall be invested in stocks, nor of the evidences of loans, when any part of said fund shall be at interest, be pledged, mortgaged or made liable in any form or proceeding whatever, for any debt, interest or liability of the college." HARDIN COLLEGE. On the 10th of June, 1873, the board of directors of Hardin College met and elected permanent officers. This was the first meeting after the circuit court had directed a "certificate of cor- poration to issue." On the 23d day of the same month the board again met and adopted the following : ^^ Whereas, Charles H.Hardin and Mary B. Hardin, his wife, have tendered their deed dated June 10, 1873, to this corporation to certain lands, &c. * * upon certain conditions and trust men- tioned therein, now therefore be it '^Resolved, That this corporation accept said deed, and bind and obligate itself to faithfully fulfill and discharge at all times and in all particulars the several trusts and conditions and stipula- tions therein contained." Through the liberality of the people of Mexico and vicinity, aided by further gifts from the founder of the institution, Charles H. Hardin, enough money was soon raised to put up the needed EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. 883 buildings, and purchase additional grounds for buildings and campus. The college buildings are of brick, and were erected with durability constantly in view. The main edifice now has a front- age of one hundred feet, and is four stories in height. The build- ings and grounds are worth over twenty thousand dollars ; and the endowment fund consists of over twenty-five thousand dol- lars at interest, and unsold bonds estimated at a cash value of about ^8,500. On the 29th of July, 1873, Prof. A. W. Terrill, then of Mount Pleasant College, was elected president of Hardin College, which position he accepted, and filled the same in a most accept- able manner until the close of the college year 1879, when fail- ing health compelled him to resign. The college greatly pros- pered under the very efiicient management of Prof. Terrill dur- ing most or all of his term of office. At a meeting of the college board, July 2, 1879, Mrs. H. T. Baird was elected to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Prof. Terrill. She has succeeded beyond the highest antici- pations of the friends of the college. The course of study has been extended, and a strict discipline continuously enforced. The three years of Mrs. Baird's presidency have been among the most prosperous years of the institution. In May, 1882, Ex-Gov. Hardin made another gift to the col- lege, which consisted of his check for $18,750. It was his por- tion of the estate of Andrew Harper, deceased. '' One condi- tion of the gift is that a professorship of moral and mental phil- osophy, to be known as the ' Andrew Harper Professorship,' shall be established and maintained in Hardin College." Hardin College is located in one of the most beautiful, health- ful and fertile sections of Missouri, surrounded by a community, in enterprise and culture, second to none in the state ; and, so far as can be adjudged, has the brightest future before it. Charles Henry Hardin — is a native of Kentucky, and was born in 1820. Many years ago, with his father's family, he moved to Boone County, Mo. After graduating he studied law, and in 1843 entered upon practice at Fulton. He was one of the most laborious, sound and efficient lawyers in the country. As such he was popular and always had his hands full of business. He was elected to the legislature in 1852, and by re-election served six years. He was made a member of the committee to revise and compile the state statutes. He served also one or 884 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. more terms in the senate. In this capacity he served as chair- man of the judiciary committee. By a ma- jority of 40,000 he was elected governor of Missouri in 1874, and by judicious manage- ment restored the credit of the state bonds. After the close of his term of service he retired to his home near Mexico, Mo,, and for his Chris- tian generosity he is honored and beloved by all who know him or have heard of his noble activity in the great field of female education. H e i s a From "The Baptist Encyclopedia." Hox. c. H, HAKDix, mcm Der oi the Mexico Baptist Church. Mrs. H. T. Baird, — the eldest child of Samuel E. and Har- riet M. Davis, was born in Shelby County, Kentucky. She was educated at Science Hill Academy, at Shelbyville, and at about the age of 14 years she was converted under the ministry of Eld. George Waller, aided by her grandfather Eld. Francis Davis. Her first husband was Jesse K. Baird, to whom she was married when about 16 years old, and five years after this event she re- moved to Missouri as teacher, under the auspices of Eld. W. E. Broadus and John L. Waller, locating at Shelbyville, where she taught a select school for four years. Thence she removed to Liberty, Clay County, and taught in Liberty Female College for four years, as associate president with her brother, John T. Pavis, Her next school for three years was at Lancaster, Schuy- ler County, Mo,, after which she was at Springfield, 111., as teacher in the high school for seven years, from which place she was called to the presidency of old Bethel (now Ingleside) Male and Female College, Palmyra, in 1873, where she remained for six years, when she resigned ; shortly after which she was elect- ed president of Hardin College, and under her adminstr9.tion EbtrCATtONAti INSTITUTIONS. 886 the institution is growing in excellence and repntation. "While at Palmyra she was married to her sec- ond husband, Mr. H. T. Baird, the present efficient bu- siness manager of the institution over which she presides. By her first hus- band she was the mother of three children, Dr. D. T. Baird, of Colorado, and Mrs. Bell Baird True and Miss Iton- ia J. Baird, the two latter of whom are teachers in Hardin College. Mrs. Baird is eminent!}" well qualified for her life work, that of an instructor and trainer of young ladies, and is just now in the midst of her use- fulness in this profession. ST. JOSEPH FEMALE COLLEGE. Prom Dr. Dulin's manuscript and the catalogue of 1877-'8 we are furnished the following succinct account of this institution: " For a number of years the attention of parents and educators had been directed to the fact that a female college of the highest grade was needed somewhere west of the Mississippi. The geo- graphical position of St. Joseph, her pre-eminently healthy loca- tion, her unsurpassed social, intellectual and religious advan- tages, and being a great railroad centre, rendering her access- ible from all parts of Missouri, Kansas, Texas, Arkansas, Ne- braska, Iowa and Illinois, marked her out as the place above all others for this educational enterprise. Consequently in 1876 the splendid Patee House property in St. Joseph was purchased for this purpose. This magnificent structure has two hundred ele- gant rooms, chapel, dining-hall, parlors and bath-rooms, and is located within a few blocks of all the railroads, within walking MRS. U. T. BAIRD. "886 'EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. ■distance of several churches, and a line of street railway leading from the college to all the more prominent churches and business ■portions of the city. It is unsurpassed, if equalled, by any col- lege building in the great West. " On the first Monday in September, 1876, Eev. E. S. Dulin, LL.D., having been called to the presidency of the institution, opened the first session of the St. Joseph Female College. "In May, 1877, the charter was granted by the court under the general act to incorporate." The Faculty of Science. — For the second session the faculty of science consisted of Eev. E. S. Dulin, D.D., LL.D., president'; Mrs. F. E. Everett, Mrs. E. Gr. G-arnett, Miss M. S. Lemen, Miss C. M. Towles, Miss M. E. Yickars, Prof. Geo. Lyon, Eev. S. Grertsman, Mademoiselle Albertine Eckel and Miss Sallie Thatcher. Faculty of Arts. — Prof. William Seibert, Mrs. Mary W. James Miss M. J. Morrison, Miss F. M. Marshall and Miss M. E. Vick- ars. The entire enrollment of pupils for this session was one hun- dred and one; from the states of Missouri, Kansas, Iowa, Illi- nois, Colorado and Texas. The board of trustees consists of thirty, the time of one-third of Avhom expires annually. They were appointed by the St. Jo- seph, the Northwest Missouri and the Xorth Liberty Baptist As- sociations of Missouri; and the Northeast Baptist Association of Kansas; each of which appoints its p'*o ?'"'^^'f share. These trus- tees are leading citizens of several different states, representing the various religious denominations. The entire original cost of the building was about $120,000, erected upon the most thorough principles of substantial endur- ance, having been fitted up and furnished in superb style, with ample capacity for the accommodation of an unlimited number of boarders and day scholars. The college was closed in 1881, and the building is now used as a hotel. McCUNE COLLEGE, LOUISIANA, MO. {Successor of Louisiana Baptist College.) The Louisiana Baptist College was incorporated in 1869, by N. McDannold, S. B. Ayres,Wm. Major, Addison Tinsley, A.M. Tinsley, M. M. Modisett, Hugh Allen and others. Eligible property was purchased at a cost of $6,000, and sub- sequently improved by an addition costing $4,000. Eev. John EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. 867 T. Williams, A.M., was elected first president and conducted the institution for four years. In 1873 he resigned and the board se- lected Rev. J. D. Biggs, A. M., as his successor, who retained charge of it for two years and resigned. In 1875 Mr. Williams was again elected president and remained until 1879, when he resigned. The property having become involved in debt was sold under a mortgage in March, 1879, and A.J. McCune, anoble Baptist brother, became the purchaser, at once oifering it to the denomination for what it cost him; but for want of confidence in the future success of the enterprise, his proposition was not ac- cepted. Prof. A. Slaughter was elected to the presidency in June, 1880. In the following September the first session under his manage- ment was opened, and before its close 114 pupils had been en- rolled from four different states and from nine counties in Mis- souri. In June, 1881, a reorganization was effected under a new char- ter, with the following articles of association : " We the undersigned, being desirous of establishing a college or institution of learning in the city of Louisiana, Pike County, Missouri, and also desiring to incorporate said college under the provisions of Article 10, Chapter 21, of the revised statutes of Missouri now in force, hereby agree to and adopt the following articles of association or constitution for the government and management of said college, to-wit : "Art. 1. The name of the institution shall be ' McCune Col- lege.' "Art. 2. The object of this college shall be the education of the minds of the youth in all the sciences and literature which are usually taught in institutions of learning of the same char- acter. "Art. 3. The entiremanagement of said college with reference to the education and discipline of the students thereof, shall be vested in the president of the faculty of said college, subject, however, in all cases to the general supervision and approval of the board of regents of said college. "Art. 4. The members of said corporation or college shall on the first Friday in Juno of each year elect nine of their mem- bers, who shall be styled 'Board of Eegents' of said college, and members of said board shall hold their office one year or until their successors are elected and qualified — unless sooner re- moved for causes in accordance with these articles of association. 888 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. ''Art. 5. Should the members of said college for any reason fail to hold the annual meeting at the time fixed by Article 4 of these articles, then the president of the board of regents, or a majority of said board, may call a meeting at such time and place as may be deemed best, by first giving notice to the mem- bers of said corporation of the time and place of holding said meeting." "Art, 17. The following named persons shall compose the first board of regents, viz.: A. J. McCune, W. M. "White, A. Slaugh- ter, W. M. Tipton, S. B. Ayres, G. C. Merrill, A. Tinsley, Thos. McDannold and Wm. E. Wiatt. A. J. McCune has been elected president of the board for the ensuing year ; W. M.AVhite secre- tary, and A. Slaughter treasurer." Louisiana, Pike County, the location of McCune College, is one of tiie prettiest and most picturesque towns in the state, on the west bank of the Mississippi Eiver, and is connected with the leading railroads ; east and west by the Chicago and Alton Railroad, and accessible from the north and the south by means of the St. Louis, Keokuk and Northwestern Eailroad. Its fu- ture is thus assured as one of the growing cities of the ever-ad- vancing great West. The building is a well ventilated and commodious structure, centrally located, and with the addition of a mansard roof, now contemplated, can accommodate 125 boarders. Prof. A. Slaugh- ter is retained as president of the institution. Although the denominational character of this school is not named in the articles of association, yet we presume the fact that every member of the board of regents is a Baptist, will be sufii- cient to define it as a Baptist institution. A. Slaughter — is a native of Eappahannock County, "Virginia. He was born August 12, 1828, and was married when quite j^oung to Miss L. W. Abbott of Virginia. After maturity he spent a few years in "West Virginia, then he was for a season teacher in the public schools of Louisville, Kentucky. He moved thence to Kansas in 1857, and from there to "Westport, Mo., and opened a school. On account of the disturbed condition of the country ho moved thence to Wellington, where he taught until 1867, when he was elected principal of the public school of Lexington, Missouri. After this he was called to Texas Prairie High School, and in 1874 the people of Praii'ie Home, Cooper County, donated EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. 889 a large building to him in which to open the Prairie Home Insti- tute. This build- ing was burned and in it all his goods. Subscrip- tions were circu- lated , a n ew house was built and the school re-opened in 1875. Here he remained until 1880, when he was called to Louisiana, as president of "Baptist" (now McCune) Col- lege, where he is succeeding well, his school having grown in two years to 112 students. gPw\:n^d riyer college, EDE^^3L^'.G, mo. The executive committee, consisting of A. H. Burkeholder, Rev. H. H. Turner and Wm. C. Harvey, in a circular under date of July 15, 1881, furnish the subjoined sketch : Grand Eiver College was chartered by the General Assembly of the state of Missouri in 1859. John T. Witten, now living near Edinburg, and Wm. Peery, deceased, were the founders. The school had good success until the war of the rebellion closed its usefulness. And then, instead of the peaceful pursuits of knowl- edge within its walls, the soldiers of the United States Army were quartered there for a time. In 1866 John E. Vertrees took charge of the school as a private enterprise. And in 1867 the people of the vicinity, in order to encourage the teachers, form- ed a stock company and furnished the capital to increase its use- fulness. Grand Eiver College thus continued for ten j^ears, and until, in 1876, the people of Edinburg offered to pass the prop- erty into the hands of the Baptists of North Missouri. A board of trustees was appointed by the West Fork, IS'orth Grand Eiver, Mt, Moriah and the Gentry Baptist Associations. I^ROF. A. SLAUGHTER. 890 EDUCATIONAL INStlTUtlON^. These trustees, when duly organized, accepted the trust in be- half of the Baptists of North Missouri. Afterwards the Living- ston County and the Linn County Associations joined with them. These trustees agreed to improve the property and carry out the purpose of the original founders, and in April, 1880, the title to the property was duly passed to them, to be held in trust for the Baptists of North Missouri for educational purposes. John E. Yertrees continued at the head of the institution until June, 1879, at which time he resigned, and Prof. Thos. H. Storts was appointed principal; and Prof. R. B. McVeigh, a graduate of Dennison University, G-ranville, Ohio, was appointed first as- sistant, with Miss Ella Peery in the female department. The year 1879-'80 was one of marked prosperity. One hundred and thirty-one pupils were enrolled, and a president's house was built. At the annual board meeting in June, 1881, the office of presi- dent of the faculty was created, and by unanimous vote John E. Yertrees was elected to fill this place. At the same meeting it was determined to begin the work of endowment. Scholarships and Endowment. — To begin the work of endow- ment, the board adopted a plan of selling a limited number of scholarships for cash, at the following rates, viz.: perpetual scholarship, $300 j ten j^ears' scholarship, $150; five years' schol- arship, $90; two years' scholarship, $45. The board proposes to stop the sale of these scholarshijDS before a sufficient number shall have been disposed of to burden the college; and all funds secured in this way are to be invested at the best rate of interest compatible with security, and the interest only to be used for the payment of teachers. Believing that the co-education of the sexes works to the ad- vantage of both, this institution is for both males and females. The childi'en of Baptist ministers engaged in the ministry, and young men preparing for the ministry and approved by their churches, are offered tuition at half the regular rates. Edinburg, the seat of Grand River College, is in the western part of Grundy County, four miles west of Trenton, which is at the junction of the Chicago, Eock Island and Pacific and the Great Wabash Railroads. It is about midway between the Mis- sissippi and the Missouri Rivers, in the midst of the Grand River country, far-famed for the fertility of its soil and its great pro- ductiveness. The whole of North Missouri is tributary to it; and no institution has a warmer place in the hearts of its friends than the Grand River College. 892 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. SOUTHWEST BAPTIST COLLEGE, BOLTYAE, MO. This institution is located at Bolivar, Polk County. It is in the geographical centre of Southwest Missouri, and was founded by the Southwest Baptist Convention in the year 1878. It was chartered March 19, 1879, with powers and privileges belonging to first class colleges, and designed for the co-education of the sexes. The county in which it is located has not a saloon in it, and the moral sentiment of the people is — "There never shall be one." The course of study is equal to that of the best American colleges. The curriculum is rigidly adhered to. Ecv. J. E. Maupin was the first president. There are seven others associated with him in the faculty. One feature of the charter is that all teachers in this institu- tion must be members of the Baptist denomination. Young men studying for the ministry are given tuition free. The session closing June, 1880, was prosperous, having matric- ulated one hundred and thirty-seven students. J. E. Maupin — is a native of Schuyler County, Mo., and was born June 19, 1852. His father is a Virginian, his mother is a descendant of the Marshall family of Vir- ginia, but was born in Kentuc- ky. He w^as ed- ucat ed in the graded schools of Illinois, the Chicago Theo- logical Semin- ary, and La Grange College, Mo. From the last named he graduated in full course in 1877. . REV. J. R. MArprx. In the summer of 1878 he began the founding of Southwest Baptist College, in which work he is succeeding admirably. 894 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. While at La Grange College he was converted under the preach- ing of Dr. S. H. Ford. This event occurred in February, 1873, about one year after which he commenced preaching the gospel, and was pastor for a time of Ten Mile Church in Lewis County. He also traveled as itinerant in Wyaconda and Mt. Pleasant As- sociations. Though engaged in the duties of college president, he has filled the pastoral oflSce at Brush Grove and Humansville in Polk County, and has witnessed about 100 conversions among his students, besides fully 300 in his efforts among the churches. He was married to Miss Alice Staples, a graduate of Christian University, June 4, 1878. PIERCE CITY BAPTIST COLLEGE, PEEECE CITY, MO.* An effort was made about twenty years ago to found a Baptist institution of learning in Southwest Missouri. The leaders in that movement who still live, are among the friends of Pierce City Baptist College. The temporary organization of this insti- tution was effected by W. S. Post, D.D., early in 1877. In the same year the Shoal Creek, Lawrence County, Greene County and Spring Eivcr Associations adopted it, with name, location, offi- cers, &c., and appointed each two members of a board of trustees. PIERCE CITY COLLEGE. In 1878 the same associations, except Greene County, re-elected their trustees and endorsed the enterprise. In September, 1879, the corner-stone of the building, 50x60 * By Kev. L. E. Martin. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. 895 feet and three stories high, was laid, and the institution was chartered. This building is an elegant brick structure and will cost about $10,000, with capacity for 300 students. It is now (July 1881) rapidly approaching completion. The school was formally opened in October, 1880, with Prof. C. S. Sheffield, A.M., as president. Eev. H. C. Lollar fills the chair of moral philosophy, biblical interpretation and church history. Mrs. Nellie Sheffield has charge of the department of music and art. The present aim of this institution is to do the work of a first class academy. It provides for an academic course, a normal course and a collegiate preparatory course. "Pierce City is a town of considerable importance, at the junc- tion of the A. & P. E. E. with the M. C. & N. E. E., about 261 miles southwest from St. Louis. It was laid off in 1871, and had a population in 1875 of 1,500." (CampbelVs Gazetteer, -psige SOQ.) Prof. Sheffield, the president of this young institution, is a graduate of Eochester Baptist University. He matriculated in the first fractional session 46 students. MAYFIELD-SMITH ACADEMY.* The subscription for an institution of learning in Southeast Missouri was gotten up by Dr. W. H. Mayfield, assisted by Dr. H. J. Smith, under date of February 10, 1878. Smithville, Bol- linger County, was selected as the location, and the institution was denominated the Mayfield-Smith Academy. It is owned and controlled by the St Francois Baptist Association. Of the enter- prise. Brother Mayfield says : " The low grade of the educational interests of Southeast Mis- souri, and the great lack of moral and religious culture, demand- ed a school such as we now have. By G-od's help, not by any courage of my own, I drew up an article, and in 30 minutes raised $550. At this juncture Dr. H. J. Smith, a Presbyterian, joined me in the work heartily, and he has been ever since a faithful worker for the school. Brother H. F. Tong has also contributed valuable aid to the enterprise. The first session was taught in a hall owned by Dr. Smith, and the whole number of pupils enrolled was twenty-two. In the spring of 1879 work was commenced on suitable school buildings at Smithville, but for want of funds the enterprise was suspended the following fall. After prayerful deliberation the * The principal part of tliis sketch was furnished by Eev. T. W. Tate and Dr. Mayfield. 896 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. board of trustees located the academy at Marble Hill, Bollinger County. This was consummated September 29, 1880, and in the following June Eev. A. M. Johnson was put into the field as finan- cial agent. An excellent school building is now in process of erection, to be ready for occupancy by the close of the year 1882, and the friends of the institution are sanguine of success. The aim of this school is to have, as soon as practicable, a course which will at least embrace a preparatory department with the freshman and sophomore courses of first class western colleges. THE SAINT LOUIS SEMINAEY, JENNINGS STATION, MO. This school was projected in 1871. Property possessing great natural beauty, situated in the suburbs of St. Louis, was donat- ed by the Jenning's heirs to the Saint Louis Baptist Association, on condition that a seminary for the higher education of young ladies be established under the direction of the Baptists. Trus- tees appointed by the association accepted the donation, valued at $10,000, and Prof. B. T. Blewett, president of Bethel College, Kentucky, up to the war, was invited to take charge of the school. Under the direction of the trustees about $11,000 were expend- ed in improvements, and the seminary opened in October, 1871. The school reached a moderate degree of success, but the want of co-operation soon began to suggest that the trustees had as- sumed obligations they could not meet. The sale of the property, therefore, became a necessity. Prof. Blewitt was the purchaser, and passing from under the direction of the Baptists, the semi- nary was converted into a private select school, and has, we learn, increasing patronage from year to year. CHAPTER III. EELIGIOUS PEEIODICALS. The Missouri Baptist of 1842 — The Western Watchynan — Burning of the Watch- man Office — Another Missouri Baptist — Suspension of — Missouri Baptist Jour- nal, 1866 — J. H. Luther and R. M. Rhoadee — The Baptist Record — ;ConsoHdation of the Journal and the Record — The Central Baptist — William Ferguson — W. H. Williams — The Christian Repository — S. H. Ford — Baptist Battle-Flag (now changed to The American Baptist Flag) — D. B. Ray. THE MISSOURI BAPTIST. UP to the year 1840, the Baptists of Missouri had no religious newspaper published in the state. That year the G-eneral Association passed a resolution recommending the patronage of the Pioneer and Baptist banner, published at Louisville, Kentucky. (^Minutes, p. 4.) In 1842, at the meeting of the G-eneral Association, and by that body, " a committee was appointed to inquire into the expedi- ency of publishing a Baptist periodical as sjseedily as possible under the sanction of the association." (^American Baptist Register, 1852, p. 190.) In September of the same year the first number of the Missouri Baptist — a monthly paper — was issued from St. Louis, with Elds. Isaac T. Hinton and E. S. Thomas as editors. At the end of the first volume — August, 1843 — the committee on the Missouri Baptist reported that twelve numbers of the paper had been published at an expense of $418.45, and up to that date only $318 had been received, leaving $100.45 due. The commit- tee also "recommended that the paper be continued, and that, in order to secure its publication twice a month, a union be formed with the Illinois Baptist Convention, who shall be at liberty to appoint an editor for the Illinois department, and the title to be altered so as to embrace both states, or the Upper Mississippi Valley, generally ; that the paper shall be printed in St. Louis under the direction of the present editor, and that it be hence- forth issued twice a month, so soon as any individual will under- take the pecuniary responsibility 3 * * * that the editor and two other brethren be a committee to carry this plan into effect." {Mm. Gen. Asso. Mo., 1843, pp. 6, 7.) The old Missouri Baptist of June 17, 1843, Yol. I, No. 10, is be- 67 898 RELIGIOUS PERIODICALS. fore us. It is an octavo sheet of four pages. The following is from its title page : " TAe Missouri Baptist, published under the direction of the Baptist General Association of Missouri. I. T. Hinton, E. S. Thomas, editors. St. Louis, June 17, 1843. Yol. I, ISTo. 10. One dollar a year in advance." The consolidated paper was called the ^'Missouri and Illinois Bap- tist, under the direction of the G-eneral Association of Missouri, and the Baptist Convention of Illinois, published at the Baptist Book Depositor}^, St. Louis, on the 1st and the 15th of each month, at one dollar per annum." {Min Gen. Asso. Mo., 1843, p. 11.) This paper had a precarious existence for something over a year, and then ceased to exist, not having paid expenses. Again in 1845 the General Association of Missouri appointed a commitee of five, consisting of Leland Wright, Fielding Wil- hite, E. S. Thomas, Eoland Hughes and Wm. M. McPherson, "to devise means for the publication of a Baptist periodical in the state." {Min. Gen. Asso. Mo., 1845, p. 9.) In 1846 this committee reported favorably, and another committee, consisting of Wm. M. McPherson, Eoland Hughes and Geo. Trask, was appointed and instructed to " prepare a prospectus for a religious newspa- per, to be published in St. Louis." This was done, and some 700 subscribers were in this way obtained. The General Association continued its efforts, and in 1847, when in session at Walnut Grove Church, Boone Count}^, $40 were raised to issue a speci- men copy of the WESTEEN WATCmiAN. In May, 1848, the committee made a contract for publishing this paper, having previously issued the first number as above named. The second number was issued June 6, and sent to 1,023 subscribers. Eev. S. W. Lynd was editor and Bro. T. W. Ustick, publisher. The committee say : *' Our contract with Bro. Ustick for publishing the Western Watchman is as follows: The publisher to have the right of inserting five columns of advertisements, and to receive $2 per copy for the first 1,000 copies; $1 per copy for the next 250 copies; 75 cts. for the next 250; and 50 cts. a copy for all above that number. This arrangement is to continue two years, and the committee binds itself to increase the subscription list to at least 1,200 within the present year." (3Iin. Gen. Asso., 1848, p. 6.) Before the close of volume one the Watchman oflfice was de- stroyed by fire, and the paper was discontinued. RELIGIOUS PERIODICALS. 899 The Watchman Fund Association. — " On the adjournment of the General Association (at Mt. Nebo, Cooper County, August, 1849,) the first day of its session, a convention was called by Eld. J. M. Peck, of the shareholders and friends of the Western Watchman^ to take into consideration its condition and prospects. *' J. "W. Waddell, Esq., was selected as chairman and W. F. Nelson as secretary. Bro. Peck gave a sketch of the Western Watchman — its origin, history, wants, destruction of the office by fire, and measures adopted to resuscitate and place it upon a firm foundation, "Whereupon, on motion, it was "Resolved, That it is expedient to organize an association to sustain a Baptist periodical in this state, and also to circulate such other publications as may be needed by the denomination, and that it be formed on the basis of the shares and contribu- tions already raised. "Appointed J. M. Peck, Koland Hughes and W. F. Nelson, a committee on constitution, and adjourned to meet at the call of the chair." (Min. Gen. Asso. Mo. 1849, p. 22.) On August 26, two days after the preliminary meeting, an- other meeting was held, which completed the organization of The Watchman Publication Society. — " This society had two ob- jects in view : 1st. The publication of the Western Watchman,and 2d. The establishment of a 'depository for religious books and tracts, approved by the United Baptists.' To accomplish these ends funds were raised in shares of ten dollars each. An ex- ecutive board of fifteen shareholders, appointed annually, man- aged the affairs of the society. On the last day of the meeting of the General Association it was unanimously agreed to trans- fer all interest and responsibility in the Western Watchman to the Watchman Publication Society, all of which was done upon the re- commendation of the 'provisional committee on the Western Watchman.' " In May, 1851, Eld. Wm. Crowell was chosen editor and pro- prietor of the Western Watchjnan, and he assumed henceforth all responsibility in its publication. The number of subscribers at the time amounted to near 1,700. The paper increased in circu- lation and favor for several years, being the recognized Baptist paper of the state about ten years. Early in the year 1859 much dissatisfaction began to be manifest as to Dr. Crowell's manage- ment of the paper. Two things made the Watchman lose favor at the time — its alien-immersion sentiments and its freesoil pro- 900 RELIGIOUS PERIODICALS. clivities. The TFestern TFate^man lost ground rapidly, and during the year 1861 it suspended. The Missouri Baptist Publication Society. — This body was organ- ized by a convention held at Chariton meeting-house, Howard County, April 16, 1859. The constitution thus explicitly states the object : "Art 2. The primary object of this society shall be the estab- lishment, on a firm basis, of a religious newspaper, to advocate our denominational principles and polity in the state of Missou- ri, and to form a nucleus for a periodical and book establishment to meet the growing wants of our people in this great central valley. "Art 3. Any person being a member of the Baptist church, in good standing, may become a stockholder in this society by subscribing the sum of $50, of which sum twenty per cent, shall be paid into the treasury so soon as $5,000 is secured, &c." At the first meeting "Brethren E. S. Dulin, IsToah Flood and D. H. Hickman were appointed a committee to confer with the editor of the Western Watchman and ascertain whether said paper could be purchased and upon what terms." Negotiations for the purchase of said paper continued for eight or ten months, and all overtures failing, the Missouri Baptist Publication Society commenced the publication of a newspaper called THE MISSOUEI BAPTIST. The first number of this paper was issued from St. Louis, March 3, 1860. T. "W. Ustick was the publisher, and for three months Dr. S. H. Ford, then of Louisville, Kentucky, conducted it for the committee, when, July 23, 1860, he accepted the posi- tion of editor. For one year and three months this paper con- tinued its visits to the Baptist families of the state, all the while growing in favor, but finally, June 15, 1861, was compelled to yield to the adversities of war. In the paper of that date the following announcement was made : "To the Stockholders and Patrons of the Missouri Baptist. Miami, Mo., June 10, 1861. '■'■Bear Brethren : — It becomes my painful duty to announce the suspension of the Missouri Baptist, until the annual meeting of the society (which takes place Monday, July 29). The board having borrowed a considerable amount of money to carry on the paper during the latter part of the first volume, felt unwil- ling to increase the debt. It is the earnest desire of the board that every stockholder who possibly can, will be at the annual RELIGIOUS PERIODICALS. 901 meeting. All who are in arrears for the paper will please for- ward the amount to the secretary. W. M. Bell, Secretary." The publication of the Missouri Baptist was not resumed. This fact, coupled with the failure of the Western Watchman, left the Baptist denomination of Missouri without any religious period- ical reading, which continued through the war period. THE MISSOURI BAPTIST JOUKNAL. Late in the year 1865 Messrs J. H. Luther and E. M. Rhodes issued a prospectus proposing the establishment of a paper at Palmyra, Mo., which should voice the sentiments of Missouri- ans. With an enthusiasm unparalleled in the history of journal- ism the Baptists took hold of the enterprise and secured its suc- cess at once by calling for an edition of one thousand copies. The first number of the Missouri Baptist Journal was issued Jan- uary 8, 1866, just as the smoke of the civil war was clearing away. "Among the gentlemen who urged Dr. Luther to embark in this hazardous enterprise were Williams, Buckner, Hollis, Hick- man and Pitts, now gone to rest, and Dr. Dulin, Prof. Rothwell and Rev. S. A. Beauchamp, who yet live. Dr. Luther was then under bonds for preaching without taking the oath required of ministers, and it was mainly with the design of opposing this encroachment of religious liberty, and furnishing a common or- gan of communication for the Baptists, that this paper was es- tablished." (From a sketch of J. H. Luther, in Central Baptist, Vol. X, No. 20.) The circulation of the Journal continued to increase until, in the middle of the third volume, it was consolidated with THE RECORD. This paper originated with the Baptist State Convention, con- cerning which (see sketch in another place) that body, in ses- sion September, 1865, adopted the following : "Resolved, That the executive board be authorized to perfect, at the earliest practicable moment, some plan by which a first- class religious weekly paper may be secured." Before the next meeting of the convention (September, 1886,) the publication of the Record was commenced in St. Louis, with Rev. A. A. Kendrick as temporary editor, and Chancy R. Barns as publisher. It was a semi-monthly paper. THE CENTRAL BAPTIST. This paper is the outcome of the Missouri Baptist Journal and The Record. Rev. A. A. Kendrick, then managing editor of the 902 RELIGIOUS PERIODICALS. Record, made a proposition to consolidate the two papers and thus remove the greatest obstacle to the harmony of the entire denomination in the state. This consolidation was effected in August, 1868, and the Central Baptist was chosen as the name of the new candidate for popular favor. The most happy results followed. The Baptists being no longer divided by party lines, an increased activity discovered itself in all our denominational enterprises. "The editor-in-chief, J, H. Luther, was assisted successively by Eevs. Norman Fox, A. A. Kendrick and W. Pope Yeaman, scholarly gentlemen, who contributed in no small degree to give the paper a literary character, and make it an acknowledged power throughout the land. No paper in the United States has made for itself a nobler reputation as the champion of religious freedom, the advocate of mental and moral culture, and the de- fender of distinctive Baptist principles." (From J. H. Luther's MS.) Three and a half years after the consolidation the circulation of the Central Baptist had reached its eighth thousand. In May, 1875, W. Pope Yeaman, D.D., and Eev. Wiley J. Pat- rick became sole editors, both having been for the time connec- ted with the paper, with Luther, Teasdale & Co. From this time for some two years the Central Baptist was published by the West- ern Baptist Publishing House, then but recently formed. Eev. Mr. Patrick retired from the editorial chair in September of this year, leaving Dr. Yeaman alone for a season. He continued as editor until October, 1877, having been assisted a part of the time, successively, by Eev. Mr. Abbott and Eev. Wm. Ferguson, when he retired, leaving Mr. Ferguson in full control of the en- terprise, as proprietor and editor, having been efficiently aided, a part of the time, by Eev. J. C. Armstrong as associate editor. Under the able management of Mr. Ferguson the paper was re- lieved of financial embarrassment and widened its field of circu- lation. Owing to failing health, Mr. Ferguson sold the Central Baptist in 1882 to Eev. W. H. Williams, under whose direction, we are confident, the paper will preserve its well-earned reputation. William Ferguson.* — Eev. Wm. Ferguson was born in Saline County, Missouri, July 15, 1845. In early life he professed re- ligion, and, being impressed with the dut}' of preaching the gos- pel, in 1868 he gave up the stud}^ of law and entered William * In part from a gketch in Baptist Cyclopedia, by Cathcart. RELIGIOUS PERIODICALS. 903 Jewell College, at Liberty, Mo., to prepare for the ministry. Here, from the very start, he was among the first in his classes, and secured the abiding love and respect of his instructors and fellow-students. On his graduation, in 1873, he was united in marriage to Miss Florence M. Chandler, of Liberty, and assum- ed the pastorate of the Baptist church at Fulton, Mo. After one year of successful labor he was elected to the responsible posi- tion of financial agent of the Missouri Baptist Ministerial Edu- cation Society, and of "William Jewell Cr-llege, which position he held with great ac- ceptance and success until January, 1877, when he purchased a partnership interest with Rev. W. Pope Yeaman, D.D., in the Central Baptist, of which, in 1878, he be- came sole proprietor. Under his manage- ment of rare tact and ability the paper was j: lifted out of financial embarrassments and kept within the first rank of denomination- al exponents. In 1882 Madison University gave him the degree ^ ..^, ^ .. .^ , ,. „ " " From "Tlic Baptist Encyclopedia. of Master of Arts. In rev. w^lliam fergtjsox. July of the same year, on account of j^recarious health, he sold the Central Baptist to Eev. W. Harrison Williams of Charlottes- ville, Virginia. Mr. Ferguson possesses many qualifications which mark the born journalist. To a well-balanced mind, holding decided con- victions, and exercising a positiveness in their maintenance, he joins a heart of keen sensibilities and broad sympathies, which enable him to weigh and deal fairly with all the questions which interest the church and humanity. These qualities, combined with unassuming modesty and geniality, secure the respect, es- teem and love of all who know him. William Harrison Williams, — editor and proprietor of the 904 ftELIGIOUS PERIODICALS. Central Baptist, is a native of Virginia. In early life he was bap- tized by Dr. B. Manly, Jr., and became a member of the First Baptist Church of Richmond, Ya. This event occurred in March, 1854. He graduated from Richmond College in 1861, and the same year entered and continued one session in the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He was chaplain in the Southern Army for nearly four years, having been ordained to the minis- try December 13, 1863. In July, 1865, he entered his first pas- torate at Fredericks- burg, Va., continuing fourteen months, during which he re- organized the church and rebuilt the house. In Septem- V .■^., ... ^f^MtmsiL "^ < -=1^^ \>Qv^ 1866, he re-en- <««?^^^ii[^^Mw^^^^ <, ^aMfff^ tered the Southern Baptist Seminary, and at the end of two sessions receiv- ed his diploma as a ''full graduate" of that institution. Mr. Williams be- came pastor of the First Baptist Church Charleston, S. C, in 1868, and went thence, as pastor, to Staun- ton, Va., where his labors were much blessed, both in the Sunday- school and in the church proper; the former trebling in numbers and the latter greatly growing in membership. His next pas- torate was at Tuscaloosa, Alabama, which commenced in Jan- uary, 1872, where he spent five years of his popular and useful life. From I^ovember, 1877, to the summer of 1882, he was pas- tor at Charlottesville, Va., a specially important field because of its proximity to the university of the state. In all his efforts he has had the cordial co-operation of a noble Christian wife, of whom Dr. Jeter used to say, "Were I a little boy again I should like to have Mrs. Williams for my mother." Of Mr. Williams' connection with the Central Baptist and his re- lation to our institutions the reader has been already informed. RKV. "W. H. "WILLIAMS. RELIGIOUS PERIODICALS. 905 FOKD'S CHEISTIAN EEPOSITOEY. This is a Baptist monthly, published in St. Louis, by Dr. S. H. Ford and his wife, Mrs. S. R. Ford, editors. The Repository was first established in 1852, and issued from Louisville, Ky., with Jno. L.Waller and Charles D. Kirk as editors. In the com- mencement of its third year Dr. Ford became associated with Waller, and in January, 1856, aj)pears as sole proprietor. The Repository/ enjoyed an increasingly prosperous career until the flames of the civil strife compelled its suspension in August, 1861. The design of this periodical, as stated in its introduc- tion, was to fill the place between the newspaper and the book. In July, 1871, the first number of Ford's Christian Repository was issued from St. Louis, with headquarters at the Baptist Deposi- tory. The editor then said : "After ten years of suspense, this periodical is again sent forth into the world of thought and work. It seeks to occupy, as in former years, its own peculiar sphere. Its aim is to supply a place, which, so far as its conductors are aware, is not filled by any other journal. It addresses itself to each member of the household, and its pages will be filled with matter worthy of being preserved. " It asks the generous co-operation of the press, of the minis- try, of the brotherhood and of the sisterhood. Physically un- fitted by a fall for pastoral labor, the editor will devote the re- mainder of his life to this work, and with Grod's blessing he has no fear of success." (^Christian Repository, 1871, Yol, XI page 78.) The Repository is an 80 page magazine, and, as a Baptist month- ly, is in the front ranks, visiting tl>ousands of families at every issue, throughout the country. The family department, conduct- ed by Mrs. Sally E. Ford, is especially attractive and interesting to the general reader. Samuel Howard Ford,* — son of Eev. Thomas Howard Ford, was licensed in 1840, passed through the classes of the State Uni- versity of Missouri, and was ordained in 1843 at the Little Bonne Femme Church, Boone County, Mo. He became pastor at Jef- ferson City, Mo., and in two years after of the North Church, St. Louis, for two years; also at Cape Girardeau, Mo., and of the Fast Baptist Church, Louisville, Ky. In 1853 he was associated with Dr. John L. Waller in the editorship of the Western Recorder and the Christian Repository. Of the latter he is still the editor. * From a Bketch in Cathcai-fs Baptist Cyclopedia, p. 404. 906 RELIGIOUS PERIODICALS. His talented wife is the author of Grace Truman, Dreamer's Blind Daughter, and other works of great value. At the breaking out of the war Dr. Ford went to Memphis, Tennessee, where he preached f o r some time. For two years he was at Mobile as pastor of St. Francis St. Baptist Church, and at the close of the war he accepted the pastoral care of the Central Baptist Church, Memphis, where he preached for seven years, till ill health caused him to resign. While in this church he was instrumental in build- ing a capacious house From "The Baptist Encyclopedia.' of W O r S h 1 p, UpOH REV. S. H. FORD, D.D., LL.D. whlch $75,000 WCrC expended during his pastorate, and in increasing the member- ship from 75 to 450. Dr. Ford has received the honorary degree of LL.D. He preaches without manuscript, is earnest and elo- quent, and many hundreds have been converted under his min- istry. He is a firm Baptist. He has had discussions with A. Campbell, Bishop Spaulding of the Catholic Church, and Dr. N. L. Eice. Dr. Ford is a Hebrew and a Syriac scholar, well read in general literature, and is especially familiar with the Eomish controversy. In his theology he is a Calvinist. In the past twenty-seven years he has written upon almost every subject bearing upon the religious issues of the times. He is upwards of 60 years of age, and is as active, energetic and laborious as ever. Baptists in all parts of our countrj', and in the British Provinces and in the British Islands, wish length of years to the learned editor of the Repository and to his cultured and talented wife. THE AilEPJCAX BAPTIST FLAG. Under the name of The Baptist Battle Fhg, the first number of this periodical was sent forth from La Grange, Mo., June 1, 1875, RELIGIOUS PERIODICALS. 907 with Eld. D. B. Eay as editor and proprietor, and Eld. C. N. Eay as corresponding editor. The design and character of this pub- lication were thus given in its prospectus, sent out some months before its first issue: "To encourage the enlistment of volunteers in the service of the 'Captain of our salvation,' and the soldiers to 'put on the whole armor of God;' to entreat everyone Ho endure hard- ness as a good soldier of Jesus Christ,' and * fight the good fight of faith,' 'that he may please Him who has chosen him to be a soldier;' towage uncompromising war on error, whether held by friends or foes, and 'earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered to the saints.' But we must not forget that 'the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.' " " The Battle Flag will give special attention to ecclesiastical history. It will prove that the Baptist church is 'the only Christian community which has stood since the days of the apos- tles,' &c. 'The historical department of the Battle Flag is de- signed to make a storehouse of reliable historical facts, with the book and page for each quotation; so that any one may be able to correct the misrepresentations which are in constant circula- tion against the Baptists. It is not designed to be a state paper, but to occupy a field in polemic and historical theology unoccu- pied by any periodical in the world. We will therefore ask aid throughout the whole land. The paper will start as soon as the cash subscription is large enough to support it.' 'I feel confi- dent,' says the editor, 'that the Battle Flag will waive in tri- umph over many a battle-field, even when I shall have ' fought the good fight' and have gone to rest with the loved ones at home." In June, 1877, the Battle Flag and the Baptist Herald of Leba- non, Mo., were consolidated, and the office of publication moved to St. Louis. The consolidated paper retained the name of Bap- tist Battle Flag. The present name, American Baptist Flag, was adopted July, 23, 1879, and it continues under the management of Eld. D. B. Eay, its original founder. It has fully met the ex- pectation of its friends as a "polemic and a historical paper." David B. Eay. — The proprietor and editor of the American Baptist Flag, Eld. D. B. Eay, was born March 30, 1830, at Hick- man, Kentucky. When fifteen years of age, in October, 1844, he professed religion, and joined the Little Albion Baptist Church, having been baptized by Eld. White. Several years af- 908 RELIGIOUS PERIODICALS. ter he commenced preaching, and in 1856 he was ordained as a gospel minister, entering at once upon this work. From this until 1870, Kentucky and Tennessee were the fields of his labor, and he then became associate editor with Dr. A, S. "Worrell, on the staff of the Baptist Sentinel, at Lexington, Ky. In 1873 he removed to La Grange, Mo., and became pastor of the Baptist church there. In this field he continued some seven j^ears, and removed in 1880 to St. Louis. In his younger life he spent two years in Clinton Seminary, Ky., butill health com- pelled him to leave school. Af- ter this he spent much time in the study of theolo- gy, the sciences and history. Dr. Eay has held nearly forty oral discussions on religious ques- tions. In this work he has met some of the ablest debators among the Methodists and the Disciples, commonly called Campbell ites. REV. D. B. RAY, D.D. Among tho form- er, he has engaged in debate with J. B. McCutcheon of "West Tennessee; Dr. Gilford Jones of Memphis, Tennessee; A. H.Lee, G. H. Hays and C. W. Miller of Kentucky; and Jacob Ditzler. Of the latter, he has met T. W. Karkey of Mississippi ; J. E. Mylcs and Samuel A. Kellej^ of Kentucky; Dr. J. A. Lucas of Missouri ; W. B. F. Treat and Aaron Walker of Indiana, and D. R. Lucas of Illinois. These discussions have often been folio v?-- ed by revivals of religion, "as well as the discomforture of his opponents." RELIGIOUS PERIODICALS. 909 But this is only one element of Dr. Eay's life in the ministry. He has done much of what we call itinerant work, holding pro- tracted meetings, in which he has been more than ordinarily suc- cessful — in fact, abundantly so. Some three thousand souls have been converted in these meetings, and of this number about twen- ty-five have entered the ministry. He is an author. His first work, Text Book on Campbellism, was published in 1867, and has passed through seven editions, and has done much to expose the errors of this system. He next is- sued in 1870, Baptist Succession, which is a most useful work, and a hand-book of Baptist history. This book is in its ninth edi- tion. His Church Discussion contains his debate with theCamp- bellites. He is now doing a heavy work as proprietor and editor of the American Baptist Flag. His home is in St. Louis, and he is a man of acknowledged ability and great courage. Dr. Ray was instrumental in the formation of the St. Louis Baptist Publishing Companj-, of which he has been, from the be- ginning, the president. CHAPTER rV. PUBLICATION INTEEESTS. The St. Louis Branch House of the American Baptist Puhlication Society — ^Lewis E. Kline — The St. Louis Baptist Publishing Company. THE ST. LOUIS BKANCH HOUSE. THIS may, very properly, be enumerated among the Baptist institutions of Missouri, notwithstanding its ownership is in the society named, and it is designed and managed alike for the benefit of the denomination in all the states and territories to which its work and influence may go. But Baptists of the city of St. Louis, foreseeing and believing that such an institution as this, located permanently here, at this chief central metropolis of the great valley of the continent, would not only prove a use- ful agency to the building up of the cause at home, but for ex- tending and strengthening it over the state and the wide country beyond, wisely accepted a proposition made by the American Baptist Publication Society, through its board in Philadelphia, to the Baptists in St. Louis, and raised and paid over to that so- ciety the sum of $5,000. This secured the permanent establish- ment of a branch house of the society here for the sale of the so- ciety's publications and of Baptist literature generally, as well as to constitute a center from which colporteurage and Sunday- school work for the Mississippi Valley and beyond should be con- ducted. Baptists of this field may, therefore, properly bo consid- ered as part proprietors of the institution, inasmuch as they have vested as well as beneficiary interests in it. And no one small investment made by Missouri Baptists has probably ever done more for the advancement of our general cause in the state and beyond than has this. Rev. G. J. Johnson, D.D., — who for five years previously had served the Publication Society as its western secretary from an- other point in the field, was now called to St. Louis, and, in addi- tion to the duties of secretary for the benevolent and missiionary work of the society, was made its business agent and depositary to conduct the branch house. About the 1st of November, 1868, the Baptist Book Depository of St. Louis was formally opened, PUBLICATION INTERESTS. Sll with public ceremonies, including addresses by Eev. John H. Luther, D.D., then editor of the General Baptist, Drs. A. H. Bur- lingham and A. A. Kendrick, and others, then pastors in St. Louis. Four most reputable lay brethren also, all of whom had given the most liberally for the enterprise — but are now all so soon dead and gone — Marshall Brotherton, Wm. M. McPherson, Thos. Pratt and Daniel B. Gale — were present and participated. The Central Baptist, always true to the movement, and the other Bap- tist papers of the field, by their efficient advocacy, gave wide ad- vertisement of the house, and thus its business early commenced. The sales, however, for the first four months, only aggregated $2,356.38; but the next year, 1869-'70, showed a grand increase, it now footing up for twelve months, $24,373.75 ; the next year, $32,562.83; the next, $32,920.96 ; then $30,851.53; ^^^ and the next, the jubilee or fiftieth |||^^ year of the society and the fifth of " this branch, reaching the largest aggregate of sales it has ever at- tained, to-wit: $36,140.72. The con- tinued and increasingly "hard times," that have since followed and oppressed all the financial af- fairs of the country, have measur- ably affected the business of this branch, so that its sales have not, for the last five years, aggregated so largely as in the jubilee year. And still the material interests of the branch have not weakened. The area of its trade has been constantly widening and the confidence of the st. louis branch house. denomination in it, and the conviction of its indispensableness to our interests as Baptists, have been unceasingly growing and strengthening. And — what can, perhaps, be said of no other branch house of the society — this has, from the first, steadily paid its expenses and also added meanwhile somewhat to its capital, so that its stock and all its means of usefulness have, since the opening, been much enlarged. In ten years its sales aggregated over $300,000, and the grants, though mainly issued from the parent house in Philadelphia, passing through this branch on the way to the beneficiaries, have 912 PUBLICATION INTERESTS. footed up, for publications alone, at least $25,000. In all, during the first ten years of its existence, through this branch fully one- third of a million of dollars of Baptist literature has gone forth to bless the world. Sometimes a single tract, costing but one cent, or a pamphlet, costing only five cents, has been the means of the conversion of a soul, or the opening of the eyes of a mistaken disciple to see the errors of pedoism. "Wonderful has been the influence of this more than $325,000 worth of literature going out in Bibles, Testaments, tracts, pamphlets, bound volumes large and small, libraries, Sunday- school papers, etc., etc., all over Missouri, and Southern Illinois, and Kentucky, and Iowa, and Kansas, and on and on to the north boundary, to the Pacific, to the Gulf, and eastward to the At- lantic. But the dissemination of a scriptural literature is not all of the work done in connection with this branch and the district of which it is the centre and headquarters. In the ten years, by contributions of individuals and churches of the district, $50,000 have been collected for the support of the benevolent and mis- sionary work of the society, such as grants of publications, for colporteurage and Sunday-school work. To this amount the parent society has always added, at least, as much more in ap- propriations for this work, and for the support of the secre- tary and collecting agents, making $100,000 in all, expended here in this service during the first ten years of its life. As many as twenty-five colporteurs and Sunday-school mis- sionaries have at a time been at work within the boundaries of this district, receiving their supplies from, and making the regu- lar reports back to this branch. After a little more than twelve years' connection with the Pub- lication Society, as its district secretary, over seven of which St. Louis had been his headquarters, and during this last period he had also served as depositary and had charge of the branch house. Dr. Johnson resigned these positions, and for nearly three years gave himself to an educational agency for Shurtleff College; but is again connected with the society at the parent house in Philadelphia, as its general missionary secretary. Of his varied work and the extent of his usefulness while in our field, all well know. Upon the retirement of Dr. Johnson, January 1, 1876, the only one thought of as successor to fill the place of depositary, to PUBLICATION INTERESTS. 913 have charge of the branch house and conduct the business of the society, was Mr. Lewis E, Kline, who, for seven years had al- ready served here under his predecessor, as chief clerk and book- keeper of the branch, and who had always been found compe- tent and trustworthy. Under his able management, the past six years, the business has advanced pros2:)erously and success- fully, increasing in volume and in field of operation. To follow a man with Dr. John- son's reputation was no small mat- ter, and required rare business tact; and further, since his retire- ment there being really no district secretary — and hence no one in the field — it was a hard task to keep up the business, much more to in- crease it, but Mr. Kline proved himself fully com- petent to the task. Without the usual lewis e. kline. collegiate preparation for such work, being wholly a self-made man, by active, persevering and strict attention to business, and often under the most adverse circumstances, he has succeeded far beyond the expectations of the most sanguine ; much of the time doing the work of two men ; always at his post, not having been out of the store one day from 1871 to 1877 inclusive, and only twenty-three days in eleven years, and twelve of these were caused by sickness brought on by overwork. Such has been this man's devotion to the interests of his patrons; and by these methods he has done a most wonderful work through the St. Louis Branch House of the American Baptist Publication Soci- ety. By straight-foi'ward, fair and square dealing he has passed through storms and fires untouched by any of said influences; in fact, " by virtue of his course he is a monument and a model 58 914 PUBLICATION INTERESTS. of patience, perseverance, pluck and discreet judgment," and is deservedly one of the most universally popular, and the most highly esteemed of business men in the Baptist denomination in the West. Eev. D. T. Morrill, of St, Louis, for a few months succeeded Dr. Johnson as district secretary for the benevolent department, for the collecting of funds from the churches for missionary work, but soon returned to his preferred work as pastor. Upon Bro. Morrill's retirement, Eev. C. E. W. Dobbs, D.D., of Bowling Green, Kentucky, was appointed, who also retired in a few weeks, before he had fairly begun the work. Since then, January, 1877, Mr. Kline has been acting as district secre- tary; although not actively prosecuting this department of the society's work, he has secured some handsome donations and be- quests, so that while this department has not been actively cul- tivated, it has not altogether gone by default. " On May 1, 1882, the depository was moved into the new 'Baptist Headquarters,' in the Dorris Block, No. 1109 Olive Street, which is only five squares due north of the "Union De- pot. The entire building has been leased by Mr. Kline, and the American Baptist Publication Society occupies the first floor, which has been elegantly and tastefully fitted up for its purpose. The Central Baptist office is on the second floor front rooms. On the same floor may be found the office of the Eev. S. W. Mars- ton, secretary of the Home Mission Society; and also the office of Ford's Christian Repository. The third floor of the building has been generously donated by Mr. Kline to the use of the Minis- ters' Conference, Ladies' Missionary Society Eooms, &c." (From Ford's Christian Repository, June, 1882.) Altogether, '' Baptist Headquarters," Xo. 1109 Olive Street, St. Louis, are conveniently arranged and admirably located and suited to the ends of their establishment; and the Baptists from any part of the Mississippi Valley will find both pleasure and profit in visiting them. THE ST. LOUIS BAPTIST PUBLISHING COMPANY. On the 16th of January, 1878, David B. Eay, James B. Weber and John M. Eobinson associated themselves together under the appellation of the St. Louis Baptist Publishing Company, lo- cated in the city of St. Louis. By the articles of association, the objects for which said com- pany was formed were declared to be the transaction of a general book and job printing business, the publication and sale of books, PUBLICATION INTERESTS. 915 pamphlets, tracts and periodicals. In his preface to the afore- said articles of association the president says: "The vast flood of afiiliating literature which is overflowing the land, makes the establishment of our publishing company a necessity. Latitudi- narianism and no-churchism is becoming the order of the day. It is the design of our publishing company to give neither aid nor comfort to an alien gospel or alien churches. It will oppose alien baptism, alien communion, alien ordination and an alien pulpit. While others publish a diluted, mixed or perverted gos- pel, it will be the province of our company to publish the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth concerning the gospel kingdom and ordinances of Jesus Christ." The authorized capital stock of the company is $15,000, divi- ded into six hundred shares of $25 each. All of this stock is now taken except about $2,000. The following were elected ofiicers : D. B. Ray, president; J. M. Robinson, vice-president, and J. B. Weber, secretary and treasurer ; and these three constituted the board of directors for the management of the business. January 19, 1878, the company was duly chartered and became a body politic and corporate, under the name as given above. In June, 1881, the company " purchased the stereotype plates and the entire stock of books of the Baptist Publishing House of Nashville, Tenn., and removed them to St. Louis, Mo. This purchase embraced the standard works of the old firm of Graves, Marks & Co., of the Southern Baptist Sunday-school Union, and those once owned by the Sunday-school board of the Southern Baptist Convention, as well as the stock of plates and books once owned by the Southern Baptist Publication Society at Memphis, Tennessee." Including the foregoing purchase, the company no"W owns the stereotype plates and copyrights of more than one hundred re- ligious and denominational books, also about forty tract plates, the original cost of all of which was more than $35,000. The stock of books included in the aforesaid purchase was invoiced, at retail prices, at more than $12,000. During the first year of the company's existence it published about 60,000 copies of new books. Important changes are now contemplated by the company, among which is the increase of its board of directors from three to seven. CHAPTER Y. THE MISSOUEI ''TEST OATH." The Oath — Its Penalty — How Eeceived b}' the Denomination — Strictures on, by Dr. W. Pope Yeaman — Decision of the Supreme Court Thereon — Its Abolition — — "Star Chamber" Notes — State of Society in 1865 and 1866 — Imprisonments , — Indictments — Trials — ilurders, «S:c. OX the 6th of Januaiy, 1865, the State Convention met in St. Louis. During the session it adopted a new constitution, embodying an " Oath of Loyalty," commonly called the " Test Oath," which affected men of all professions, and of all official positions, secular and religious. The 3d section of the 2d arti- cle of the new constitution was as follows : " At any election held by the people under this constitution, or in pursuance of any law of this state, or under any ordinance or by-law of any municipal corporation, no person shall be deemed a qualified voter, who has ever been in armed hostility to the United States, or to the lawful authorities thereof, or to the government of this state; or has ever given aid, comfort, countenance, or support to persons engaged in such hostility; or has ever, in any manner, adhered to the enemies, foreign or domestic, of the United States, either by contributing to them, or by unlawfully sending within their lines, money, goods, let- ters, or information; or has ever disloyally held communication with such enoimies; or has ever advised or aided any person to enter the service of such enemies; or has ever, by act or word, manifested his adherence to the cause of such enemies, or his desire for their triumph over the arms of the United States, or his sympathy with t^^ose engaged in exciting or carrjnng on re- bellion against the United States ; or has ever, except under overpowering compulsion, submitted to the authority, or been in the service of the so-called 'Confederate States of America,' with the purpose of adhering to said states or armies ; or has ev- er been a member of, or connected with, any order, society, or organization inimical to the government of the United States, or to the government of this state; or has ever been engaged in guerilla warfare against loyal inhabitants of the United States, THE MISSOURI ''TEST OATH.** 917 Or in that description of marauding commonly known as ' bush- whacking ;' or has ever knowingly and willingly harbored, aid- ed, or countenanced any person so engaged; or has ever come into or left this state for the jjurpose of avoiding enrollment for or draft into the military service of the United States; or has ever, with a view to enrollment in the militia of this state, or to escape the performance of duty therein, or for any other pur- pose, enrolled himself, or authorized himself to be enrolled by or before any officer, as disloyal, or as a Southern sympathizer, or in any other terms indicating his disaffection to the gov- ernment of the United States in its contest with rebellion, or his sympathy with those engaged in such rebellion; or having ever voted at any election of the people in this state, or any other of the United States, or in any of their territories, or held office in this state, or in any other of the United States, or in any of their territories, or under the United States, shall thereafter have sought or received, under claim of alienage, the protection of any foreign government, in order to" secure exemption from military duty, in the militia of this state, or in the army of the United States; nor shall such person be capable of holding, in this state, any office of honor, trust, or profit, under its authority; or of being an officer, councilman, director, trustee, or other man- ager of any corporation, public or private, now existing or here- after established by its authority , or of acting as a professor or teacher in any educational institution, or in any common or other school ; or of holding any real estate, or other property, in trust for any church, religious society, or congregation. But the foregoing provisions in relation to acts done against the United States shall not apply to any person not a citizen there- of, who shall have committed such acts while in the service of some foreign country at war with the United States, and who has, since such acts, been naturalized, or may hereafter be natu- ralized, under the laws of the United States; and the oath of loyalty hereinafter prescribed, when taken by such person, shall be considered as taken in such sense. " Sec. 6. The oath to be taken as aforesaid shall be known as the Oath of Loyalty, and shall be in the following terms : " ' I, A. B., do solemnly swear, that I am well acquainted with the terms of the third section of the second article of the con- stitution of the State of Missouri, adopted in the year eighteen hundred and sixty-five, and have carefully considered the same; 918 THE MISSOURI " TEST OATH." that I have never, directly or indirectly, done any of the acts in said section specified ; that I have always been truly and loyally on the side of the United States against all enemies thereof, for- eign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the United States, and will support the constitution and laws thereof as the supreme law of the land, any law or ordinance of any state to the contrary notwithstanding ; that I will to the best of my ability protect and defend the union of the United States, and not allow the same to be broken up and dissolved, or the government thereof to be destroyed or overthrown, un- der any circumstances, if in my power to prevent it; that I will support the constitution of the state of Missouri; and that I make this oath without any mental reservation or evasion, and hold it to be binding on me." The ninth section of the second article relates in part to min- isters of the gospel, and is as follows: *' Sec. 9. No person shall assume the duties of any state, coun- ty, city, town or other office, to which he maybe appointed, oth- erwise than by a vote of the people ; nor shall any person, after the expiration of sixty days after this constitution takes effect, be permitted to practice as an attorney or counsellor at lAw ; nor, after that time, shall any person be competent as a bishop, priest, deacon, minister, elder, or other clergyman of any relig- ious persuasion, sect, or denomination, to teach, or preach, or solemnize marriages, unless such person shall have first taken, subscribed and filed said oath." {.Journal of the Miswuri State Convention, Jan. 6-April 10, 1865, pp. 258-'60.) But the reader cannot understand this subject rightly without section fourteen, which fixes the penalty. We give the section in full, as follows : "Sec. 14. Whoever shall, after the times limited in the sev- enth and ninth sections of this article, hold or exercise any of the offices, positions, trusts, professions, or functions therein spec- ified, without having taken, subscribed, and filed said oath of loyalty, shall, on conviction thereof, be punished by finenotless than five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail not less than six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment ; and whoever shall take said oath falsely, by swearing or by af- firmation, shall, on conviction thereof, be adjudged guilty of per- jury, and be punished by imprisonment in the penitentiary not less than two j'ears." (Journal of the Missouri State Convention, Jan. -April, 1865, p. 260.) THE MISSOURI " TEST OATH." 919 Such were the enactments of the Missouri State Convention at the close of our civil war. Said acts were of the severest and most sweeping character, aflFecting not only ordinary citi- zenship, but extending into all the official relations of the com- inonwealth, both secular and religious. A brief history of the religious feature of the document only, we shall, however, at- tempt. Upon the adoption of the new constitution there was a general outcry, especially among the different religious denominations, against the provisions of the test oath or oath of loyalty. It was regarded, by at least eight-tenths of the people, as a deadly thrust at the dearly bought and long cherished privilege — the liberty of conscience — and was hence, in violation of the constitu- tion of the United States. The General Association, and also many of the district associations of the state, published their unqualified disapproval of the proscriptive features of the new constitution. The Missouri Baptist State Convention and several district associations endorsed the test oath, the convention declar- ing those only who took the oath as qualified to preach the gospel. There were at this time about five hundred Baptist ministers in Missouri, some fifty of whom, with about the same proportion of churches and church members, supported the state convention and the test oath.* The eight or nine-tenths of the denomination, on the other hand, condemned the oath as an infringement of the inalienable and guaranteed right of American citizens to worship Grod without molestation or dictation from the civil powers, and also as in violation of the constitution of the United States. They regarded the instrument as a persecuting document, and with great earnestness and determination worked, in all honor- able ways, to secure its repeal or amendment. Great numbers of the ministry, believing that they '' ought to obey God rather than man," not a few of whom were "Union men," never having been in hostility to the government of the United States, nor even regarded as " Southern sympathizers," continued preach- ing as before, without taking the oath aforesaid, and were conse- quently indicted by the grand juries of their respective districts, not a few of whom were incarcerated in the prisons for this of- fence. * " Before the war there were in this state 450 Baptist ministers and 750 Baptist churches, having 45,000 members ; now there are, perhaps, 50 qualified ministers and 100 churches holding regular services. " (First Annual Eeport [Missouri Baptist State Convention, 1865, p. 10.) It is upon this authority that we make the above statement as to the number of ministers who supported the new constitution and oath. 920 THE MISSOURI " TEST OATH." "Time will decide whether the sudden convulsion of society which broke up the homes and relations of a contented peasant- ry and made it a prey to vice, vagrancy and oppressive compe- tition, was really a work of God and humanity, or the work of the devil. History, too, as time advances, will decide the moral quality of the act of that convention which closed hundreds of churches, drove their preachers from their flocks and imprisoned and murdered pastors in the discharge of their spiritual duties. * * * " The acts of that dark oath period are a part of history which partisan religion cannot expunge. In the records at Washing- ton, and in the clerk's offices of a hundred counties in Missouri, there is the painful, shameful testimony that in the nineteenth century, in 'free Missouri,' men did suffer for conscience sake. It is vain to say that there was no persecution because the oath was binding upon men of every sect. There was a distinction, and it was in favor of those who acknowledged the right of the state to manage ecclesiastical affairs. To all intents and pur- poses there was a state church, a court party, a sect, if you please, recognizing in Caesar, rather than in Jesus Christ, the head of religion." (Eev, J. H. Luther, editorial in Missouri Baptist Jour- nal, Vol. II, No. 30.) As no one could hold a civil office in the state without having taken the oath, the offices were filled with men absolutely in sj^mpathy with the new test (there were, however, some noble exceptions). This fact at once placed the opponents of the oath at some disadvantage. The particular friends of the new consti- tution seemed to be determined that said instrument should be respected and obeyed in all its sections; while the masses of the people, especially of the church goers, were equally zealous in their opposition to its unconstitutional and persecuting features. The sequel showed who were right in this contest. The case being an important one, we submit a summary of the argument from the pen of Eev. W. Pope Teaman, D.D. — then of Kentucky — published in the Baptist Monthly, edited by W. Pope Yeaman and Geo. Varden, at Covington, Ky. The article is en- titled " Strictures on the Missouri Constitution" {Baptist Monthly, 1865, Vol. I, pp. 161-'9): "The new constitution of the state of Missouri, forced upon the people of the state without their consent, is nothing more than a systematic oppression and persecution of the ministry of the gos- pel, under color of law. The spirit and letter of the document IHE MISSOURI " TEST OATH.** d2l clearly evince the character of its authors — ignorance, fanaticism and narrow-mindedness being the chief characteristics of those who composed the bogus constitutional convention. The prac- tical operations of the constitution are subversive of the interests of government and society. The design of all organic law should be the interest and happiness of those who are to be affected by it; but such was evidently not the design of those who have the infamy of the authorship of the new constitution of Missouri. Its design is to force a certain condition of society and to pro- mote the interests of those who are for a radical revolution in the social status of the state. It undertakes to do what no other constitution in this country has ever undertaken, that is, to es- tablish political tests of qualifications for the ordinary pursuits of life. No man can practice law, teach school or preach the gospel who does not first swear himself into the radical party of revolutionists. "We propose to notice only so much of the constitution as af- fects the cause of Christ and His ministry. "Now, what is the character of the oath required by the con- stitution ? Is it to discharge faithfully the duties of the position assumed by the party taking the oath ? No ; but it is to the ef- fect that he has never entertained any thought or expressed any opinion in conflict with the dominant sentiment of the con- vention who framed the constitution. ***** Passing from so minute a notice of the bungling edict of the Missouri Sanhedrim, we shall present our thoughts in the shape of rea- sons why the ministry of Missouri should not submit to the de- mands of the constitution so far as to take the prescribed oath, and, "1st. Because the so-called constitution of Missouri is in con- flict with the constitution of the United States. "The test oath of the Missouri constitution is an ex post facto law, hence contravenes the constitution and laws of the United States. Section 10 of article 1 of the constitution of the United States reads thus: 'No state * * * * shall pass any bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law impairing the obligations of contracts.' What is an ex post facto law? A law which makes acts punishable which were not so at the time of their commission. The learned Sergent says : 'An ex jJost facto law, in criminal cas- es, consists in declaring an act penal or criminal which was innocent when done, or in raising the grade of an offense, making it greater than it was when committed, or increasing the 922 THE MISSOURI " TEST OATH." punishment after the commission of the offense.' In Cranch's Re- ports we find this definition : 'An ex post facto law is one that ren- ders an act punishable in a manner in which it was not punisha- ble at the time it was committed.' Of this, Kent in his com- mentaries says, 'This definition is distinguished for its compre- hensive brevity and precision,' "Now, to have sympathy with 'those' in rebellion against the United States is not defined anywhere as a crime, and no form of punishment has been provided for it. Neither is it laid down as a crime to 'contribute' to 'those' in rebellion. It is a crime to give 'material aid and comfort to the enemies of the United States,' but material aid and comfort is to contribute to the facil- ities and resources for carrying on hostilities ; it does not em- brace acts of humanity to 'those' who are engaged in hostilities; it is even admissible for one army to feed the hungry and fam- ishing of another, Johnson's army received rations for ten days from Sherman's army before the final surrender of the former. It may be contended that ' sympathy is treason,' and that treason is punishable. The constitution of the United States does not make sympathy treason, ' Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort, No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act,' (^Constitution of United States, Sec. 3, Art. 3.) Sympathy is no overt act, neither is it adherence, for that must be by an overt act. A man may have sympathy, but his sense of duty to his country and its laws may restrain him from such a manifestation of that sympathy as would work the injury of his government. To this it may be objected that the consti- tution of Missouri reads, ' has ever expressed by act or word his sympathy,' But so vague and ambiguous is this language, that room is given for vindictive and corrupt courts and juries to de- cide that a motion of the lips or a batting of the eye are ' acts' expressive of sympathy ; or that a word of disapproval of some of the doings and policy of the administration in carrying on the war was adhering to the enemies of the United States, while every lawyer whose legal opinions are unaffected by political prejudice knows better. A man may be devoutly loj'al to his government, and yet condemn the doings of some of its public functionaries. " The constitution of Missouri proposes to disfranchise and expatriate all persons who befo7'e the adoption of the constitu- THE MISSOURI " TEST OATH." 923 tion had ever thought, done or said certain things, the thinking, doing or saying of which were not punishable at the time they were committed ; and even if they were in any manner punish- able, it was not in the manner prescribed by the said constitu- tion. The constitution, therefore, makes laws ex post facto, and they are not binding, either in law or morals, upon the people of the state. " 2. Because the Missouri constitution is in conflict with the laws of Christ's kingdom. "No earthly power, civil or military, has the right to prescribe tests and qualifications for the Christian ministry. Those who are legitimately Christ's ministers are called to the work by Him. They are His ambassadors. He has them set apart to the work of His own laws, executed by His own people. To undertake, by civil or military authority, to interfere with the ambassadors of Christ, as such, is to be guilty of sheerest blasphemy. While it is the duty of every citizen to live in obedience to the laws of his state, so long as they do not conflict with the laws of Grod, it is not his duty to obey them when they transcend human author- ity and encroach upon the rights of Heaven; indeed, if he render himself in willing obedience to such laws, he transgresses the will of Grod and dishonors Him. For to lay aside the authority of God in acknowledging that human tribunals have the right to define the qualifications of His ministers, is exceedingly dishon- orable to Him. Submission to the extraordinary requisitions of the Missouri convention would be the establishment of a prece- dent the practical operations of which are subversive of the in- terests, glory and authority of Christ's kingdom. It would be to admit that legislatures and conventions for making constitutions have the right to legislate upon things belonging solely to Christ. Let this admission be once made, and wicked men, so many of whom are now in power, would hail it as the key-note to the church's funeral dirge, for in the precedent they would find a license for still further interference with the churches and the ministry. And this license will be used in secularizing the churches, and each revolution in the political status of the state would produce its corresponding revolution in the secular char- acter of the churches. "The first preachers of the gospel, after the Ascension, recog- nized the supreme authority of Christ in all things pertaining to His kingdom, and when earthly tribunals sought to interfere with them in the discharge of their duties to Christ, they boldly 924 THE MISSOURI "TEST OATH/' refused to submit to their mandates. The Sanhedrim at Jerusa- lem, after consultation over the case of Peter and John, had them called back into their presence, 'and commanded them not to speak at all, nor teach in the name of Jesus.' To which Peter responded : ' Whether it be right in the sight of God to hearken unto you more than unto God, judge ye j for we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard.' (Acts of the Apos- tles, 4; 19, 20.) And they continued to preach in the name of Je- sus. After the miraculous death of Ananias, the apostles were again arrested and brought before the Sanhedrim, and the high priest asked them, saying: 'Did we not straitly command you that you should not teach in this name? And, behold, ye have fill- ed Jerusalem with your doctrine, and intend to bring this man's blood upon us.' To this the apostles replied: 'We ought to obey God rather than man.' (Acts of the Apostles, 5 ; 28, 29.) The Sanhedrim of the Jews certainly had as much authority over the people of Jerusalem as the recent convention of Missouri had over the people of that state. Yet the apostles of Christ set His authority far above that of the Sanhedrim. "We have another case of later times in which holy men re- fused to submit to laws subversive of the laws of Christ, In the time of Charles II. an oath was established, called 'an oath of parliament,' in the body of the act called ' an oath of allegiance.' 'A strange frenzy of extravagant loyalty,' saj'S Hetherington, 'seized upon the whole kingdom like an uncontrollable epidem- ic. The result of this frenzy was the proposal of the oath of al- legiance, in which occur the following affirmations: I acknowl- edge my said sovereign only supreme governor of this kingdom, over all persons and in all cases, and shall, to my utmost power, defend, assist and maintain his majesty's jurisdiction aforesaid against all enemies, and never decline his majesty's power and jurisdiction.' As all can see, these clauses admitted of a double interpretation. The covenanters would not have objected to them had their meaning applied to civil matters alone, but no such limitation was specified, and the first might have been con- strued into an admission of the king's supremacy in ecclesiasti- cal as well as civil matters. " This action of the British parliament, though nothing like so bold as the action of the Missouri convention, was the occasion for the beginning of the struggle between the Scotch church and the advisors of Charles II., which did not end for about twenty- eight years, nor until about eighteen thousand had sufi'ered death, THE MISSOURI " TEST OATH." 925 slavery, exile and imprisonment, simply for adhering to the prin- ciple that the Lord Jesus Christ is the sole Head and King of the church, and that His government therein is distinct from that of civil magistrates. The permission to preach on condition of taking the oath recognizing the king's sujDremacy was offered to a Mr. Blair, minister at Galiton, who took the paper in his hand, saying, 'My lord chancellor, I cannot be so uncivil as to refuse a paper offered to me by your lordship,' then, letting the paper fall to the ground, he added, 'but I can receive no instructions from you for regulating the exercise of my ministry; for if I should receive instructions from you, I should be your embassa- dor, not Christ's.' Por this he was thrown into a county jail, where he died. " We might come down to later times and call attention to a Waller, a Craig and a Childs, in Virginia, who, only about a century ago, in the county of Spottsylvania, were seized by the sheriff and hauled before three magistrates, who bound them in the pen- alty of one thousand pounds of tobacco to appear at court two days after. At court they were arraigned as disturbers of the peace, and after they had been fiercely accused, the court offered to release them if they would preach no more in the county for a year and a day. Refusing to do this, they were sent into close jail. As they were moving on from the court-house to the prison through the streets of Fredericksburg they sang the hymn, " 'Broad is tlie road that leads to death,' &c. "This solemn procession and this bold and fearless conduct on the part of men who were conscious of having committed no wrong, produced a prodigious effect upon all who witnessed the same, and had a powerful reaction for the cause for which they suffered. "Lewis Craig was soon released from prison, but Waller and others continued there forty-three days, and constantly preach- ed through the prison grates. The mob without used every eff- ort to prevent them, but all to no purpose. These fearless and faithful men of God were released from prison unconditionally." The constitutionality of the " oath of loyalty," was at last, tested before the supreme court of the United States, whose de- cision was rendered January 14, 1867. The opinion of the court was delivered by Associate Justice Field who confirmed the ar- guments previously so ably made by Dr. Yeaman. At the time this decision was rendered and published, numbers of ministers in the state were under bonds awaiting a trial for 926 THE MISSOURI '' TEST OATH." preaching without taking the oath aforesaid. All such cases were at once dismissed and there was general rejoicing over the land. STATE OF SOCIETY EST MISSOURI DTJEING THE REIGN OF THE TEST OATH. STAR CHAMBER NOTES. Under this head we shall group a number of thrilling inci- dents which occurred mostly during the year 1866, while the Test Oath was in force, illustrative of the condition of society in Missouri resulting from the attempt to incorporate that " un- precedented" document into the fundamental law of the com- monwealth. Of the Star Chamber, Eev. J. H. Luther, then editor of the Missouri Baptist Journal, said : The court of the Star Chamber, so called from the gilded stars on the ceiling of the old council chamber of the palace of Westminster, in which it sat, was a tribunal fa- mous in the history of England. Mention is made of it as early as the reign of Edward III. The statute of Henry VII. (1488) placed the jurisdiction of the court on a prom- inent basis, by appointing, as its officers, a bishop, a temporal lord and two justices. This court took cognizance of riots, perjurj', misbehavior of sheriffs, &c. It always proceeded without the assistance of a jury. It continued under the Tudors, in spite of restraining statutes, to exercise a jurisdiction which gradually rendered it one of the most odious instruments in overthrowing the liberties of the people. To such an ex- tent was its authority stretched under the Stuiirts, that, according to Clarendon, any disrespect to any acts of state, or to the persons of statesmen, was in no time more penal, and the foundations of right never in more danger of being destroj'ed. The mode of process was generalh* by information iiled at the suit of the attorney general ; or, in certain cases, of a private relator, and in other respects resembled that familiar to the court of chancery. Although the court was held incompetent to pronounce sentence of death, lines, imprisonments, the pillory, whipping, branding and various species of maiming, were freely resorted to ; and " the greater certainty of conviction," says Hallam, "ancl the greater severity of the punishment, rendered it incomparably more formidable than the ordinar3' benches of justice." [Mo. Bap. Jour., Vol. I, No. 3G.) Rev .1. H. Luther, editor of the Missoui-i Baptist Journal, was this (Thursday) morning visited by the sheriff' of Marion County, and required to give bond in the sum of ^1,000, to appear before the judge of the circuit court on the fourth Monday in July next, to answer the charge of preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ without re- ordination at the hands of the commissioner ot the state church, resident in the coun- ty aforesaid. Since writing the above, we learn that Rev. H. A. Bourland of the Methodist Church, and Rev. Janics S. Green, Baptist, have been waited upon by the sheriff, and both required to give similar bonds. When such men are the victims of s?■ ??• s-^. S ?n s Additions. Diminutions. b3 t>« N ,§> h ^3 o s a 1-^ cb a Antioch, Bear Creek, - Bethel (S, E.), - Bethel (N. E.), Black Eiver, Blue Eiver, Butler, Cane Creek, - Cape Girardeau, Central Baptist, Charleston, Concord (Cooper), Concord (S. E.), Dade County, Dry Fork, - Dixon, - - - Franldin, - Freedom, Gasconade Eiver, Gentry, Green County, Jefferson Count}-, Lamine, La^vrence County, Lafayette & Johnson, Linn County, Little Bonne Femme, Li\angston County, Macon, - - - Meramec, - Missouri Valley, Mt. Moriah, Mt. Pleasant, Mt. Salem, Mt. Zion, Nevada, New Prospect, North Central, - North Grand Eiver, North Liberty, - North Missouri, Northwest Missouri, Old Path, Osage, 1865 1854 1816 1834 1835 1834 1867 1861 1824 1866 1876 1823 1867 1873 1877 1874 1832 1858 1848 1864 1873 1853 1872 1871 1874 1872 1839 1872 1843 1870 1860 1869 1818 1878 1880 1867 1864 1865 1841 1844 1868 1867 1867 1870 17 21 15 27 20 34 21 15 14 13 10 30 16 11 14 10 23 17 18 18 18 19 19 19 26 13 38 9 22 11 23 10 35 9 13 26 12 21 14 49 15 20 24 10 11 45 40 24 48 8 4 14 63 62 12 74 14 20 20 164 77 24 142 26 28 12 70 32 29 24 31 13 33 155 189 16 114 69 27 12 9, 167 122 21 86 29 20 6 33 18 8 17 37 12 ^'> 6 94 12 13 5 13 4 15 6 145 63 18 147 87 34 11 26 45 4 29 22 9 13 M 39 41 25 4 9 9 5 2 8 11 24 14 61 18 6 19 28 6 22 104 60 15 34 13 23 5 13 84 38 10 22 25 10 18 80 37 5 35 17 14 8 56 10 14 27 84 18 9 156 63 12 72 17 24 12 88 54 18 53 14 15 20 133 130 17 115 28 23 5 50 11 13 14 22 15 18 125 142 9' 118 36 46 6 33 10 5| 42 25 10 11 90 45 26 48 37 24 6 18 6 4 11 10 4 9 169 65 20 83 33 21 10 66 27 4 30 11 7 18 137 85 4 88 32 34 8 37 15 38 31 3 31 6 11 24 95 80 20 30 29 22 8 37 17 3I 27 19 9 8 89 43 54' 32 8 10 9 62 28 3 40 35 14 34 235 113 15 184 65 53 8 43 22 31 24 5 6 9 30 25 9 13 44 9 17 132 67 9 47 26 15 14 36 19 15 1 4 10 5 556 $ 101.25 1,212 160.25 697 2,805 522.78 848 25.65 2,890 389.41 1,169 131.96 490 524 106.65 678 313 20.40 2,087 199.40 585 531 47.85 757 34.70 429 1,482 103.20 1,464 120.25 627 43.15 1,060 1^289 74.50 1,157 33.00 1,493 159.75 1,008 100.00 2,291 179.10 996 83.40 3,155 257.53 863 122.16 1,638 208.40 340 25.50 2,018 201.80 677 38.85 2,481 343.03 627 208.42 968 59.95 1,023 97.37 652 42.50 761 1,156 98.60 4,074 374.48 620 100.00 1,180 83.25 1,069 192.70 263 1 114.95 932 STATISTICAL TABLES. STATISTICAL TABLE OF MISSOURI BAPTISTS^Continued. Associations. O lb "^. Additions. ^3 o o Diminutions. •^g o O Osage River, - 1844 1870 7 16 2 16 266 529 Ozark, 148 30 15 31 21 5 116.60 Pettis Countv, 1879 9 3 12 20 11 2 7 447 78.35 Pleasant Grove, - 1877 16 7i 17 21 5 25 7 9 811 98.30 St. Francois, - 1852 19 111 43 30 11 35 23 19 1,094 25.00 St. Joseph, 1871 22 71 112 73 63 7 32 16 26 1,693 349.18 St. Louis, 1817 10 10 65 13 77 23 7 1,094 396.55 Saline, 1842 21 14 138 80 26 119 64 24 1,809 158.00 Salt Pviver, - 1823 37 14 86 113 24 136 28 42 3,132 820.28 Shoal Creek, 1871 39 47 160 104 44 147 45 20 2,151 48.55 Smith Vallev, 1870 12 9 30 21 8 19 11 4 357 17.95 Southwest Bethel, 1853 1873 1840 11 10 25 6 4 20 604 356 1,304 State Line, Spring Elver, 240 101 37 68 34 12 53.95 Tebo, - 1855 30 22 1 45 54 6 f 86 42 19 1,904 139.73 Union, 1839 10 S 15 11 9| 17 19 7 453 101.25 Union (Howell), 1865 25 15! 62 30 9 64 27 7 737 31.90 Wavne Count\', - 1875 21 3! 94 27 17 45 25 14 781 23.45 West Forlc, - 1845 22 12 108 65 41 46 48 26 1,791 127.38 Wehster, - 1868 19 11 85 35 1 32 19 7 994 139.30 Wyaconda, - 1844 29 23 110 44 25 65 46 20 2,220 356.50 Zion, - - - 1855 17 13! 66 29 30 21 17 10, 650 86.50 ^on-associated, 30 25; 150 75 15' 2,000 500.00 Totals, - 1296 841 5062 2939 839 3132 1512 947^ 79,970 $ 8,374.96 :N'. Mo., 1st dist. (col.), 1666 73 38 471 45 293 70 118 92 4,385 681.77 u u 2d " " 1871 34 19 300 70 178 39 '>39 57 3,242 144 2,174 « " 3d " " 1878 1869 7 35 6 17i 27.00 Union 149 47 12 58 52 57.75 Totals colored, 149 79! 920 162 471 121 415 201 9,945 766.52 Grand Totals, 1445 920' 5982 3101 1310 3253 1927 1148' 89,915 $9,141.48 Total number of Associations, 70. Explanation. — The meeting place of Peno Church on Little Peno, at Samuel Lewcllen's, was called Mt. Pleasant prior to 1833, the date it went into a separate organization with that ap- pellation (see pp. 213 and 215). INDEX. African churches of ?.ro. "oj Akard, Heury 436 Alauthus church 560 Allee, David 263 AHeuville church 561 Am. Baptist Flag 9U6 Aniericau Tract Society, on slavery 189 Anderson, Galuslia 118 Anderson, 1) "6U Autloch cliurch, Warren, and liow it dissolved 205 Antiocli church 707 Antiocli association 563 Apple Creek church 286 Armstrongs, J. C. 7C1 Associational powers 273 Atchley, H. 11. 643 Athens cliurch 556 Avery, Henrv 461 Ayres, N. 7C2' Bahb, R. F. 826 JJackus, Dr. J. S., visit to Mo. 470 IJainbridge, Darius 209 Baird, Mrs. H. T. 884 Kaker, Barnabas 827 Baker, Joseph 146 Baker, Andrew, 822 Baptist history, what is It? 9 Baptist ministers, arrest of 928 Baptism, first in jlo. 36 Barnett, Nathaniel 639 Barnhurst, W 133 Barren church 58 Barrett, W. C. 527 Barrett, T. AV 269 Basin Knob (Lone Jack) church 315 Bear Creek association 571 Bear Creek church 543, 430 Bee Branch church 200 Bell, Wm. U.iOS Bellview church 59 Benson, Dea. J. G. ISS Berry, L. M. 379 Bethany Asso. Gen. Bap. 659 Bethel church house 39 Bethel church, Carroll, 675 Bethel church, Saline, 4S4 Bethel association (S. E.) liis- tory 57 Bethel church , Boone co IIS Betliel association, action on missions 60 Bethel association (of Marion CO) 322 Bethel association, conflict on missions 323 Bethel association, division of 324 Bethel church Crawford 302 Bethel church (S.E) 38 Bethel church, Boone co., 392 Bethel church Marion 327 Bethel Ministerial Education Societv 326 Bethlehem church 609 402 Bethlehem church, Lincoln, 573 Bethlehem church, Carroll, 675 Bethlehem (now Sue Citv) ch., 508 Bevier Second Baptist Ch., 50S Bibb, M. T.824 Big Blue (Westport) 315 Big Bottom cliurch 245 Big Creek church 624, 674 Big Creek Association of Free Will Baptists 660 Big Creek, now Index, church, Cass CO., 314 Biggs, Davis 216 " goes to sea 217 Biggs, JanisD. 240 Big Lick church. Cooper co.245 Big Sniahar church 307 l>ig Spring church 507 Bingham, Geo. C. 843 HIack, Dea. R. D. 617 Black I{iver cliurch 302 Black, J. W. 619 Black River association 382 IJlackbiirn church 489 Black Wafer chiu-ch 315 Blanket Grove church 507 Blue River association 307 " *' division of 309 Boeuf church 76 Boone, Coi. Daniel 44 Boone, Dea. Sam'l 761 Boulware, Theo. 297 " 0])iiiion of shouting 298 Boweu, Thomas 208 Bowling Green church 232 Bovd, \V. \V. 120 Bradley, J. \V. 828 Breaker, M. J. 764 Brin Zion cliurch 315 Brockman, James M. /iS? Brooks, W. I'. 756 Brotherton, M. 136 Brown, Eld. 52 Brown, John W. 384 Brown , Peter 822 Brown, E. T. 655 Buckner, X. X. 368 Buckner, Burrow, 441 Bullock, Curtis 681 Bourbois association 589 " on feet-washing 589 " rejects excluded churches 590 Burlingham. A. H. 119 Burnliam. W. H. 419 Butler association 649 Caldwell, W. l\ C. 714 Calvey church 609 Camp-meetings, Baptist 437 Cane Creek association 647 Canton church, Lewis 546 Cape Girardeau association 27' Cape Girardeau association, how she raised money 277 Cape Girardeau association sends out traveling preach- ers 278 Cape Girardeau association, split in, and the new one 279 Cape Girardeau church 285 Carey Indian mission 319 Carrollton Baptist church 672 Carson, Wm 329 " defends the Baptists against Dr. Xelson's attack 330 Carondelet church 142 Castor church 624 Catholic intolerance 45 Cedar Bluff church 707 Cedar church 564 Cedar Hill cliurch 611 Cedar association 563 Central Baptist 901 Central Mo. association 594 C;eutral association 652 Chainey, J. M. 267 Chariton Ridge church 503 Charleston association 735 Christian Repository 905 Christie, Israel, sr. 618 Christie, Israel, jr. 620 Cliillicothe church 459 Cliislm & Jennings, and the ne- gro traffic 252 Church difficulty, and how managed 213 Circular letter on missions, end of the controversey 522 Clark, J. H. 282 " holds the fort 282 Clark, John 46 •■ ' ' ' leaves the Jleth- " odists 47 "• and his pony 47 "■ his night adventure 48 Clark, J. G. 862 Clark, William 266 Clay, George 208 Clear Creek church 315 Cleveland arrested 929 Clifton Hill cliurch 201 Coats, Win. icu Cockerhaiu, John 60 Cold Water church 54 Cole, Matlian 122 Columbia First ]>ap. church 396 Columbia Baptist college, its origin 405 Concord church and liow it div- ided 399 Concord association, ^43 •■■ " schism, 252 " " the factional 253 "• " S.E., 595 "■ " drops corres- pondence with Franklin asso- ciation 5i)6 Concordia German church 754 Concord asso. divides her ter- ritory, how 260 Concord asso. coramences itin- erant work 261 Concord asso. condemns alien baptism 261 Concord church. Cooper co. 149 Conner, Lewis 513 Cook, J. F. 874, illus. 875 Cook, Wm 56S Cooper county, early settlem't of 243 Corinth church 546 Cortois church 303 Cottonwood church 573 County Line church, Pettis 484 Crab Orchard church 554, 616 'Crooked Creek church 327 Cross Roads church 726 Crowley, Joseph 626 Cuba cliurch 726 Cunningham, Wni 295 (.'uivre association 204 Cypress church 286 Dade County association 700 Dale, Robert 406," Davis, Ephraim 209 Diamond, the Mormon town ot Daviess co. 550 Discipline, associational 505 Dixon association 731 Dobbs, Hezeklah 738 Dodge, H. W.417 Dover churcli 232, 542 Downing, E. W. 738 Doyle, David 410 Driskoll, Samuel 764 Dry Creek church 59, 287 Dry Fork association 730 934 Index. Dry Fork cluircli 401 Uuckwortli, J. C. 299 Dulin, E. S. 475 Duncan, early history of the family of 576 Duncan, Lewis 576 Duncan, Wm. 186 Duncan, John H. 233 Duncan, R. S., introducfn 10 Duncan, Sarah J., '• 12 Duncan,^ J osiah 765 Duvall, Wm. H. 265 Early day customs 610 Eaton, J. R. 860 Ebenezer cliurch 286, 327 Educational institutions 846 Edwards, B. F. 765 Edwards, James P. 63 Ellenorali cliurch 660 Elliott, H. 644 Ellis, R. F. 830 Ely, Lewis B. 374 Ely Hall, Liberty, illus. 849 Emerson church 327 Emerson, A. J., illus. 857 Estes, Andrew 267 Evans, W. L. T. 761 Fairmount churcli 545, Fairview church, 707 Fairview church, Lincoln, 573 Farmer, Joliu317 Farmer, Jer. 320 Farmer, Henry 769 Farrar, John 61 Fayette church 727 Fee Fee church organ 52 Femme Osaee clnircli 77 Ferguson, Wm. 902 Ferguso7i, AVm., Pettis CO. &32 Fiudlev. Wm. A. 637 First Baptists in Mo. 35 Fishing River assoc'n 272 " slrange action of 272 Fish Creek church 483 Flood, Noah 363 "• as a young preacher 3C5 "• has great oi)))osition 366 " Lexington si)eecli 367 Flood, Hon. Joseph 771 Floyd, J. H.3S5 Feet-washing in Bethel asso. 74 " how done, illus. 5K5 Ford, TliomasH. 407 Ford, S. H. 905 Fourche a Renault church 726 Fox River church 542 Franklin association 290 Franklin association, her act ion on the Am. Bible Soc.300 Frazer church 474 Free<>c"u , irouble in, 291 Salem assor'n, division of 292 Salem church 233 Salem church, Jackson 307 Salem church, Monroe 327 Saline association 479 Saline County, the first Settle ment or4S0 Salisbury cliurch 203 Salt i'ond church 489 Salt River association, customs on comnuMiion 214 Salt River association, organ. Salt River association , split on missions 226 S.and1Iill cliurch 544 Scboficld, James 800 Schotiild, J. V. 140 Scott, Kem)) 676 Scottj Kemp, a thrilling scene in life of 079 Sebree, Uriel, sketch of .34" Secret night baptism 237 Sedalla association C.i2 Sedalia East church 052 Sedalla First Baptist church 6.'>2 Semple, R, B, 801 Senter, AV. 31. 138 Settle, AA'm. 627 Seymour, G,725 Shclbiua church 327 Sherwood, Adiel 802 Shoal Creek association 7,37 Shotwcll, Jabez 518 Sidney church 470 Sitton", Jesse 219 Six Alile church 307 Slagle Creek church 445 Slaughter, A. 888 Smith, B. J. 708 Smith, H. M. 724 Smith, James F. 837 Smith, James F., arrest of 839 Smith, James F., inditcment of 839 Smith, Chad i ah 564 Smith, Rev, Sir., caught 928 Smith, Thomas 566 Smith A^ alley association 591 Smith A^ alley association, re- .lects alien baptism 592 Snethen, A, B, 806 Souora church 73, 471 South Big Creek church 554 Southern Mo. Convention 305 South Fork church 543, 655 Southwest Bethel assoc'u 585 Southwest Baptist college 892 HouthwestMo. Baptist Conven- tion 739 South AVyaconda543 Sparks, G. AV. 319 Spillman, \^^ F. 440 Springfield association 443 Springfield church 445 Spring River association 446 Spring River association, and her voluntary division 449 Spring RiAer association makes an elFort to found an institu- tion of learning 450 Sinirgin, Isaiali655 Scjuatter family 92 Star Chamber notes 926 Star Hope church 233 State Convention, Missouri Baptists 683 State Line association 637 Statistical tables 929 Stephens' college 863; illus. 865 Stephens, Elijah 295 Stephens, J. L. 366 Stephens, L. L. 385 Stephens, Thos. P. 293 Stites, David 609 Stogsdell, G. B. 646 Stout's settlement (now New Hope) cliurch 213 Street, AVilliani 61 Stringer, Euphrates 503 Stunlivant, Geo. AV. 304 Subscription paper, burning of 5S Sue City church 508 Sugar Creek church 233, 542 Suggelt, James 406 Sullivan church 726 Sulphur Lick church 572 Sunday-school, first Mo. 43 Sunday-school, firstin St. Louis 88 Sutton, Elisha 807 Swasliing cliurch 611 Sweet spring church 203 T.albird, Henry 717 Talbird, Henry, as a soldier 719 T.albot, G.L. "143 Tanner John 74 Tanner, John, shot for baptiz- ing a woman 75 Tatum, AA^m. 436 Taylor B. T. 270 Taylor, Jeremiah 331 Tavlor, Mark A. 815 Taylor, Thomas 815 Teasdale, John 131 Teasdale, John, railroad disas- ter 133 Tebo association 630 Tebo church , Henry, 6.32 Tecumseh, the Indian chief slain 407 Temperance, Baptist views of 704 Tcrrill, Beuj. 182 Terrill, Jesse ISl Terrill, J. AV. 197 Terrill, pres. J. AV. 870 "Test O.ath," the 916 "Test Oath," supreme court on 925 Thomas, Robert S. 413 INDEX. 937 Tliomas, Wm. H. 529 Tlionipsou and the negro boy Dick 62 Thomps()u,.J. H. 389 Thompson, I*. J. 137 Thompson, Wm. 8U8 '• serious accident of SO!) " remarkaljle incident in life of 810 " as an orator 813 Tlionipsoii. Wilson 61 Tliomson. R. V. 496 Thorp, Wm. 151 Thrilling incidents 926 Tichenor, J, L. 5U1 Tipton, C. C. 817 Tompkins, O. 816 Towler, Edward 818 Trenton cliiirch 458 Tiirley, Leonard 817 Turner, Kdward 155 Turner, F. JI.431 Turner, Lynch, and his defec Hon 163 Tuttle, Mr. Thomas 393 Two River association 429 "Two Seed" doctrine, and wliat came of it 787 Tywappity churcli 37 Union association 386, 439, 469, Union association, trouble in and division 387 Union association, trouble ad justed 387 Union association, Howell 636 Union, col'd association 759 Union church 315, 327, 396, 402, 561 Union cliurch. Cape Girar- deau county 2S6 Union churcli, Grundy, 553 Union church. Saline 489 Union cliurch, Warren, 573 Union Hill cliurch 401 "United Bajitists," debate on the term in Bethel associa- tion 68 "United Baptists," origin ot the term 254 "United mission society" 84 Unity cliurch 401 Upper Louisiana 31 Upper Cuivre church 76 Vance, A. J. 597 Vardeman, Jer., Jr. 225 Vardeman, Kev. Jer, 220 Vardeman, Rev. Jer., and the dancing school 222 Vardeman, Wm. H. 840 'N'ardemau, Wm. H,, arrest of 927 Vardeman, W. H., imprison- ment of 842 Wakenda church 675 Walden, W. W. 462 Walker, Jas. 818 Wallace, Jesse B. 842 Walnut Grove church 473 " " Boone (see Beth- el) 392 " " No 1. 675 " " No 2. 676 Warder, Jno 466 Watcliman Publication society 899 Wavne conntv association 742 Weber, J. B. 200 Webster association 705 Weir, Samuel 621 Welch, J. E. 94 " visits Mo. in 1814, 58 West Bethel church 546 West Cuivre churcii 233 West Fork association 552 West Fork church 315 Western mission, Welch's ac- count of the 101 Western Watchman 898 West Port church 315 West Union association 469 Wheeler, Benj. 620 Wheeler, W. C. 642 White Oak Grove chui-cli 726 William Jewell college 846 William Jewell college, illus 849 William Jewell college, sus- lieusion of 854 William Jewell college made a hospital 855 Williams, Alvin P. 358 Williams, Alvin P., horseback study 360 Williams, Alvin P., the Fuller of America 361 Williams, Golden 156 Willams, Elijah 438 Williams, James 303 Williams, Jno. T. 377 " Lewis 79 " " certificate of or- dination, origin- al pajier 82 " " his adventure 83 " Luke, and a revival at the dance 248 " " the eventtul Sun- dav of 2t8 " " sketch of 2 !6 " " his escape from his drunken master 246 " " aid for Ills family 244 " Peter 387 " Wm.H.903 Wilson, Jonas D. 474 AV'incliester church 542 Windsor church, Henry, 632 Woman's Baptist foreign nils- ion society of Missouri 750 Woods, Anderson 819 " James 632 " Peter 257 " " hates the Baptists 257 Woodward, Chesley 457 " Jno. 557 Wornall, Jno. B. 373 Wright, Thomas J. 210 Wyaconda association 539 on associational pow- ers 540 " churcli 541 Teaman, W. Pope 375 " as cliancellor 376 Yearly meetings 214 Zion association 640 Zion church, Laclede, 642 Zion church, Montgomery, 572 Zion church, Scotland, 545 Zoar church, Harrison, 554 Zoar church. Saline, 483 DUE DATE SIX OP-T n lOOC ' At ■ i^n ^«^r (J-6 \