\r1()Q ~ t'l · · 1 fU G) .. , n l /:j _ . . e ea• .. • e e e • e e e 8 e e 1·e e e I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I e I I I I I I I I irpartmrut nf 11't Jutrrinr @ffitt · nf Jubtan Atrair.1 • e I I 8 I 8 I I e e I • e I e I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I e I e 8 e I■ I e I e I I I I ilulltlin. isaa, No. a libltngrnp.lnJ. nf lJuhiau lrgruha ,riuttb at tltt &altm Jiwtau &t~nnl Gtfttmawa. (l)r,gnn •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• u. Office of Indian Affairs _Bulletin_ 2, (1928) · ·t1thlin9ruplfy nf Juhiau iGrgruhs l (Books indicating "Supt. of .Docs;'.' may he purchased from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C.) - ADAMS, RICHARD C.: A Delaware Indian Legend, and the story of their troubles. Washington: 1899. 72 pp., ill. BARRE~, s. A.: Myths of the· Southern Sierra Mi wok. (University of California ·, Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology, Vol 16, No. 1.) - 1919. Berkeley, Cal.: The University Press. BOAS, FRANZ: Tsimshian Mythology. port, pp.· 29-1037.) (31st Bureau of American Ethnology ReWashington: Supt. of Docs. '$1.25. Kutenai Tales. (Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin 59.) 1918. 387 pp. Supt. of Docs. 50c. BRINTON, E>ANIEL G.': American Hero-Myths. Philadelphia: Porter & Coates. 1882. A study in the native religions of the western continent. Essays of an Americanist. Philadelphia: Porter & Coates. 1890. 489 pp. (Pt. 2, Mythology arid Folklore.) The Lenape and their Legends} with the complete text and symbols of the Walam Olum, and an inquiry into its authenticity. Philadelphia: Porter & Coates. 1885. .(Vol. 5 of Brinton's Library ofAboriginal American Literature.) Myths of- the· New World. Philadelphia: David McKay. 1905. Religions of Primitive Peoples. New York: G. P. Pntnams Sons. 1904. $1.50. 3 BROWNELL, CHARLES DEWOLF: The Indian Races of North and South America. Cincinnati: Morse & Gordon. Hartford: Lucius Stebbins. 1853. 760 pp., ill. BUSHNELL, DAVID I.: The Choctaw of Bayou Lacomb, St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana. (Bulletin 48, Bureau of American Ethnology:) Washington: 1909. 37 pp., ill., map. CANFIELD, w. w . .: Legends of the Iroquois. New York: A. Wessels Co. 1902. CHICAGO FOLK-LORE SOCIETY The Folk-Lorist , Vol. 1, No. 1. Chicago: The Chicago Folk .. Lore, Society, 1892. CLARKE, Hvnre: Researches. in Prehistoric and Propohistoric Comparative Philology, Mythology, and Archaeology. London: N. Trubner &. Co. 1875. 73 pp: COMPTON' M.: The American Indian Fairy Tales. New York: Dodd, Mead &Co. 1907. CONNELLY, w. E.: Wyandotte Folklore. Topeka: Crane & Co. 1°900. 25c. CONVERSE, HARRIET MAXWELL: Iroquois Myths and Legends. New York State Department, Bulletin 437. CURTIN, JEREl\H~lI°: , Creation Myths of Primitive America. Boston: Little, Brown & Co. 1898. Myths of the Modocs. Boston: Little, Brown &·Co. 1912. Seneca Indian Myths. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co. 1923. HEWITT, J. N. B.: Seneca Fiction, Legends, and Myths. Ethnology Report, pp. 37-819.) Docs. $1.30. (32nd Bureau of Ameri~·an Washington: Supt. of 4 Ctrarrs, Em'lARD S.: , Indian Days of Long Ago. (Indian Life and Lore.) New York, World Book Co. 1914. 221 pp., ill. The North American Indian. New York:· 1907-1922. CUSHING,· FRANK HAMILTON! "Ontlines of Zuni Creation Myths. Washington: 1896. (13th Bureau of American Ethnology Report.) Zuni Folk Tales. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1901. 474 pp. DIXON, R. B.: Maidu Texts .. · Layden,· Holland: E. J. Brill. 1912. (Publica.tions of· the American Ethological Society of New York, . Volume 4_.} - _, DORSEY, GEORGE A.: Mythology of the Wichita. (Carnegie Institution, Publication 21.) ·19M. - Pawnee Mythology. (Carnegie Institution Publication.) 1906. · Traditions of the Arikara. (Carnegie l~stitution ·Prihlication .. ) 1904. Traditions-of. the Caddo. (Carnegie Institution P~,~li~~tion-.) . Traditions of the Osage. (Field Columbian Museum, 'Publication 88.) Chicago: February, 1904. 60 pp. Traditions of the Skidi Pawnee. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin Co. .. 1904. (Memoirs ofthe American Folk-Lore Society; Vol. 8.) DORSEY, J Al\!IF~S OWEN: "Osage Traditions. pp. 373.-397.) (6t}:1 Bureau of American Ethnology Report Washington. EAST:MA~' ELAIN:R. GOODALE: Indian Legends Retold. Boston: Little, Brown & Co." 1919. 5 EASTMAN,· 11ARY: Dacotah, or Life and Legends of the Sioux. New York: 1849. FiwKES, JESSE \VALTER: - Tusayan Migration :Traditions. (19th Bureau of American Ethnology Report.) Washington. QU<'FORD, E.W.: .Miwok Myths. (University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology, VoL .12, No. 8.) Berkeley. 1917. . • GILFILLAN,, J. A.: Some Ojibwa Legends. State Historical Society of North Dakota, Vol. 3. Gib,LE'rTE, J. M.: Introduction to Indian Mythology. ( Collections of the State Historical Society of North Dakota, Vol. 2, Pt. l, pp. 493-497.) Bismarck, N. D.: State Printers and Binders. 1908. GILMORE, MELVIN RANDOLPH: PrairieSmoke. 'Distributed by author, Bismarck, N. D. GODDARD, PLINY EARLE: Hupa Texts. (University .. of California Publications iu American Archaeology and Ethnology, vei. 1, No. 2.)' Berkeley: The University Press. -~1904. Myths and Tales from the San CarlosApaches. 1918. Distributed by Librarian; Museum of Natural History, New York City, 75c. Jicarilla Apache Texts. (Anthropological ·Papers of the American · Museum of Natural History, Vol. 7 .) New York. 1911. Navajo Myths, Prayers and Songs. Berkeley, Cal.r . 'The University Press. 1907. Chippewyan Texts. American Museum of Natural History, Anth., Vol. 10, Pt. 1. GORDON, H. L.: Legends of the Northwest. St. Paul, Minn.: .St. Pant Book&Sta: tionery ce., 1881. l I I I 6 GRINNELL, GEORGE BIRD; Blackfoot Lodge Tales. New York: Chas. Scribner's Sons. 18.92. Pawnee Hero Stories and Folk Tales, with notes on the origin, customs, and character of th~ Pawnee people. New York: Chas. Scribner's ·sons. 1889. Punishment of the Stingy and other Indian Stories. New York: Harper & Bros. 1901. HASKELL. INSTITUTE PUPILS: Indian Legends and Superstitions. Distributed bjl'Haskell Printing Dept., .Lawrence, Kans. 50c. HENTOH (B. N. 0. WALKER): Tales of the Bark Lodges. Oklahoma City: The Harlow Publishing Co. 1919. (Written in dialect English.) HEWITT, ·J. N. B.:. Iroquoian Cosmology. (31st Bureau of American Ethnology Report, pp. 127-360.) Washington. Supt. of Docs., $1.75. HODGE, F. W.: The Verification of a Tradition. Washington: Judd & Detweiler. 1897 .. 302 pp. HOPKINS, W. f_: The Indian Book. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co. 1911. JOHNSON, ELIAS: Legends, Traditions, and Laws of the Iroquois, or Six Nations, and History of the Tuscarora Indians. Lockport, N._Y. 234 pp., ,1883. Distributed by the author, Pekin, N. Y., $1.50. JONES, WlLLIAl\'l: Fox Texts. (Published by the American Ethnological· Society.') Ojibwa Texts. (American Ethnological Society, Pub., Vol. 7, pt. 2.) JUDD, M_. C.: \Vigwa1n Stories. Boston: Ginn & Co. 1901. 7 JUDSON, KATHERINE B.: ? · Myths and Legends of California and the Old Southwest. Chicago: A. C. McClurg & Co. 1912. , Myths and Legends ofthe Pacific- Northwest; especially of Washington and Oregon. Chicago: A. C. M~Clurg_ &·.co., 1910. Myths and Legends of the Great Plai~s. Chicago: .A. C .. McClurg & Co. 1910. Myths and Legends of Alaska. Chicagor A. C.· McClurg & Co. 1911. . Myths and Legends of the Mississsppi Valley" and the Great Lakes. · Chicago.-A. C. McClurg &:. Co. 1914~_, · Old Crow and His Friends. Boston: Little, Brown & Co. 1918. Mvths and Legends of British North America. Chicago: A. C. McClurg & Co. 1917. · Old CrowStories. Boston: Little, .Brown & Co. 1917 .. KROEBER, ALFRED L.:' Indian Myths of South Central California. (University of · California Publications in American Archeaology and Ethnology, Vol. 4, No. 4.) Berkeley: TheUniversity Press. 1907. Gros Ventres Myths and Tales. (Anthropological Papers, American Museum of Natural History, VoL 1, Pt. 3.) · New York: 1907. Traditions of the Arapaho, collected under auspices of- the Field Columbian Museum and of the American Museum of Natural History. (Field Columbian Museum, Publication 81.) . Chi-. cago.. October, 1903. 475 pp. · ·.LAIDLAW, G. E.: Certain Ojibwa Myths. Toronto, Canada: Archaeological Reports, 1914, 1915, 191Q .. L~LAND, CHARLES G.: · Algonquin Legends of New England. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co. 1902. $2.00. PRIN<;E, JOHN D.: , Kuloskap the Master, and other Algonquin Poems. New· York: · Funk & Wagnalls. 1902 .. LLOYD, w. J.: Aw-aw-tam IndianNights. Westfield, N. J.: The Lloyct._q.rot~p. 1911. 8 i Lowra, ROBERT H.: Myths~and Tmditi<;)ns1,of the Crow Indians. · 1918. Distributed ··by.the Librarian, Museum of Natural History, NewYork City, $3.00. Chipewyan Texts. Amer .. Museum Nat. Hist ... Anthropological Papers, Vol. 10, Pt. 3. 'Lu:MMIS, C. F.: Pueblo I!ldian Folk-Stories, Ne.w York: The Century Co. 1916. Man Who Married the Moon. New York: The Gen~ury Co. 1902. New Mexico David. New York: Chas. Scribner's Sons. 1891. McALLAN,_ ·ALEXANDER: Americas. Place in Mythology. Brooklyn, N. Y.: 1919. 113 pp. McLAUGHLIN, M~RIE L.: Myths and Legends of the Sioux. Bismarck (N. D.): Tribune Co. 1916. Distributed by John l\L Carignan, Ft. Vates,/ N. D., $1.25. MNIVJ'HEWS, WASHINGTON: Navajo Legends. Boston: HoughtonMiffiinCo. 1897. 229pp .. (Memoirs of the American Folk- Lore Society, Vol. 5.) ~MERRIAM,. C. H.: The Dawn of the World: Myths and Weird Tales told by the Mewan Indians of California. Cleveland: The Arthur H .. Clark Co: 1910. $3.50. MOON_EY, JAMES:. Myths of the Cherokees, (19th Bureau of American Ethnology Report.) Washington. MICH~:LSON, TRUMAN: Mythical Origin of. White Buffalo Dance of Fox Indians. (40th Bureau of American Ethnology Report, pp. 23-664.) Washington. Supt. of Docs., (paper) $2.00; (cloth) $2.75. OWEN, .~fARY A.: 'Folk-Lore of the Mnsquakie Indians of .North America. London: David Nutt. 1904._ . 9 PARKER, ARTHUR C.: . The Constitution of the Five Nations. (New York State Museum Bulletin 184.} - Albany: University of the' State of New York, April 1, 1916. 158 pp. SenecaMyths and Folk Tales".~ (Buffalo Historical Society -Publi .. cations, Vol. 27, 1923.) PHILLIPS, w. S.: ' Totem Tales. Chicago; Star Publishing Co. 1896~ POGUE, J. E.: Turquois, study of its history, mineralogy, geology, ethnology, archaeology, mythology, folklore .and 'technology. (National Academy of, Sciences, Vol. 12, 3rd memoir.) Washington: 1915. RAND, s. T.: Legends of the Micmacs. New York: Longmans, Green & Co. 1894. RINK, H.: Tales and Traditions of the Eskimo. & Sons. 1875. 'SANBORN, .J .. W.: Legends, Customs and Social Life of the Seneca Indians. 9-owanda, N. Y.: 1878. - Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood SCHOOLCRAFT' : HENRY R . : Indian Fairy Book. New York: F. A. Stokes Co. 1916. SCHULTZ, }AMES W.: Blackfeet Tales of Glacier National Park. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co. 1916. SIMMS, s. C.: Traditions- of the Crow. (Field Columbian Museum, Publication 85.) Chicago: October, 1903. pp. 281~324.- SKINNER, CHARuis M.: Myths and Legends of Our Own Land. Philadelphia: ]/~. Lippincott Co. 1896. 2 Vols. 318, 335 pp .. ~ (Legends of different. sections of this country.) 10 1111111 ~~1~~WiITTi 1lll1H1~~milll1i00111111111 3 6135 01927 8318 S1'vrrTH, B. H.: \iosemite Legends. San Francisco: P. Elder & Co. 1904. SMI'l'H, 'ERl\UNNilt A.: Myths of the Iroquois, (2nd Bureau of American Ethnology Report.) Washington: 1883. SPRNCit, L.: Myths of the North American Indians. London: G. G. Harrap & Co. 1914. STJ.~VENSON, MATILDA COXE: The Zuni Indians, their Mythology, Esoteric Fraternities, and Ceremonies. (23rd Bureau of American Ethnology Report.) Washington: 1905. The Sia. (11th Bureau of American Ethnology Report, pp. 3-157.) (Includes· rain ceremonials, songs, myths, etc.. of the Pueblo.) SWANTON, JOHN R.: Haida Texts and Myths, Skidegate dialect. (Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin 29.) Washington: 1905. 448 pp. Supt. of Docs., 40c. Tlingit Myths and Texts. (Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin 39.) Washington: 1909. Dictionary of Biloxi and Ofo Languages. (Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin 47 .) Washington: 1912. 347 pp. S11pt. of Docs., 45c. \VILSON, F. N.: Indian Hero Tales. New York: American Book ce. 1916. WILSON, G. L.: Myths of the Red Children. Boston: Ginn & Co. 1907. YOUNG, E. ,R.: Algonquian Indian Tales. New Work: Eaton & Mains. 1903. Consult also: JOURNAL OF AMERICAN For-1K-l,ORE. Boston-New York: Houghton Mifflin Co. • ·11 •