Documents Department Oklahoma State University Library RESIDENT POPULATION ON INDIAN RESERVATIONS 1950 Indian population residing on reservations within Continental United States under jurisdiction of Bureau of Indian Affairs, by State, Jurisdiction, Reservation, and Tribe DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Bureau of Indian Affairs Washington 25, D. C.  RESIDENT POPULATION ON INDIAN RESERVATIONS 1950 Because there is. no "standard" or universally accepted definition of the term "Indian" in United States low or usage, estimates of the total Indian population of the country for 1950 or any other specific year necessarily will vary in accordance with the definition being used. Since the earliest colonial admixture of the white and Indian races, about the time of the marriage of Pocahontas and John Rolfe, the population has included "mixed blood" people who might be considered either Indian or non-Indian depending upon the point of view. Today the number of such people in the United States is large enough to make possible on extremely wide range of estimates of the "Indian population." The theoretical definition of an Indian used by the United States Bureau of the Census includes the following categories: ( 1) foll-blood Indians, (2) persons of any degree of mixed blood 'enrolled at an Indian agency or reservation, (3) persons of one-fourth or more Indian blood, and (4) persons regarded as "Indians" in the community of their residence. In practice, however, this definition hos little significance since the Census enumerators ore instructed not to ask specifically the question of race but to make their own determinations. The probabilities ore that enumerations are reasonably accurate race-wise in the vicinity of Indian reservations, where the enumerator usually knows which persons meet the Census definition of an Indian, but are highly unreliable in other localities. Even though no completely accurate computation is possible, the Bureau of Indian Affairs believes that the total number of persons actually meeting the Census definition of an "Indian" is probably well over 400,000 and there can be no doubt that the. number is steadily increasing. Included in this total, however, are a number of; tribal groups and a substantial number of individuals having no specific relations with the Federal Government under terms of laws or treaties. It would include, for example, the Indians of Maine, the Croatans of . North Carolina, and other groups whose relations are with the State governments under treaties dating back to colonial days. It would also include some Indians of. Canadian or Mexican origin 3 who have never had any special relations with .either _ Fe,der~I or State government. Finally, it would include a large number of individuals no longer maintaining residence on reservations for whom tribal relations, and perhaps even Indian identity, have lost all practical significance. The tabulation given below reports only those persons found by the Census enumerators on Apri I 1, 1950, to be residents of Indian reservations (or similar jurisdictional areas) under supervision of the Bureau of Indian Affairs. For most of these reservations, the boundaries of Census enumerator districts were so drawn as to permit the identification of the reservation as a specific geographic unit. Within such "reserobtain not only the usual Census information but also certain additional data such as tribal affiliation. In tabulations devised for these special questionnaires the distinction was made between members of the tribe (or tribes) owning the reservation and members of all other tribes. The category "other tribes" includes spouses involved in inter-tribal marriages who have moved into the particular reservation, Indian Bureau agency employees belonging to other tribes, and various individuals of Indian blood who may be living on the reservation .. even though not affiliated with the dominant tribal group. It is possible that in some instances the Census tabulations have not recognized tribal synonyms, such as Hidatsa and Gros Ventres, and thus have reported under "other tribes" persons actually belonging to the dominant group. In addition, tribal affiliation was not reported for some persons either through lack of cooperaton by- the individual or through an overslqht by the enumerator. For some of the reservations the Bureau of the Census did not establish special enumerator districts because of the difficulties involved. These were principally either the extremely small reservations or areas where the Indian and non-I ndicn · populations were greatly mixed. In those areas lndiori population was reported for the counties which· most closely approximate the reservation boundaries. The reservation resident population as reported by the. Bureau of the Census-244, 906-represents about three-fifths of the total enrolled population of 3~6,000 reported by the Bureau of. Indian Affairs to 4 the House Committee on Public Lands as of January 1, 1950. However, this 244,906 figure is probably too low since it does not include Indian migratory laborers and their families who may have been temporarily away from their reservations on the day of the enumeration. In the case of the Navajo and Papago Reservations, where there are considerable numbers of migratory workers, this factor is probably important enough to need consideration in any use that may be made of the figures here reported. Indian Population Residing on Reservations Within Continental United States under Jurisdiction of Bureau of Indian Affairs, by State, Jurisdiction, Reservation and Tribe SOURCE: U. S. CENSUS 1950 State Jurisdiction Reservation Tribe Population Grand Total 244,906 ARIZONA Colorado River Agency (See California) Colorado River Reservation Chemehuevi Mohave Other tribes Tribe not reported Havasupai Reservation Havasupai Other tribes Tribe not reported Hualapai Reservation Hualapai Other tribes Tribe not reported Yavapai Reservation Yavapai Tribe not reported Other reservations1 Fort Apache Agency and Reservation Apache Other tribes Tribe not reported Hopi Agency and Reservation Hopi Navajo Other tribes Tribe not reported 55,607 2,170 1,336 139 503 559 135 368 149 1 218 300 276 14 10 115 114 1 51 3,003 2,846 90 67 4,011 2,750 1,106 79 76 5 Navajo Agency and Reserv. (See N. M. and Utah) 32,838 Navajo Hopi Other tribes Tribe not reported Papago Agency Papago Reservation Papago Other tribes Tribe not reported San Xavier Reservation Papago Other tribes Tribe not reported Pima Agency Fort McDowell Reservation Mohave Apache Other tribes Tribe not reported Gila River Reservation Pima Maricopa Other tribes Tribe not reported Morkopa (Ak-Chin) Reservation Papago Other tribes Tribe not reported Salt River Reservation Pima Maricopa Other tribes Tribe not reported San Carlos Agency and Reservation Apache Other tribes Tribe not reported Uintah and Ouray Agency (See Utah) l(aibab Reservation Paiute Other tribes Tribe not reported CALIFORNIA California Agency Hoopa Valley Reservation Hoopa Other tribes Tribe not reported Tule River Reservationl All other reservations2 Colorado River Agencyl Chemehuevi Reservation Colorado River Reservation Fort Mohave Reservation 29,561 284 91 2,902 4,468 4,035 3,939 73 23 433 423 5 5 5,918 192 105 81 6 4,423 3,601 119 290 413 141 127 12 2 1,162 1,067 25 49 21 3,136 3,054 45 37 63 59 59 2 2 10,045 10,000 731 690 33 8 91 9,178 45 35 9 1 6 COLORADO Consolidated Ute Agency Southern Ute R,eservation Southern Utes Other Utes Other tribes Tribe not reported Ute Mountain Reservation Ute Mountain Utes ,Other Utes Other trbes Tribe not reported FLORIDA Seminole Agency and Reservation Seminoles Tribe not reported IDAHO Fort Hall Agency and Reservation Bannock Shoshone Other tribes Tribe not reported Nev. Agency-Western Shoshone Reserv. (See Nev.) Paiute Shoshone Northern Idaho Agency (See Washington) Coeur d'Alene Reservation2 Kootenia Reservation2 Nez Perce Reservation2 IOWA Great Lake Agency-Sac and Fox Reservation2 KANSAS Potawatomi Agency-(See Nebraska) Potawatomie Reservation2 All Reservation2 LOUISIANA Choctaw Agency (See Mississippi) Chitimacha Reservation2 Coushatta Reservation2 MICHIGAN Great lakes Agency (See Wis. and Iowa):? MINNESOTA Consoidated Chippewa Agency Fond du Lac Reservation Chippewa Other tribes Tribe not reported Grand Portage Reservation Chippewa Tribe not reported Greater Leech Lake Reservation Chippewa Other tribes Tribe not represented 635 635 333 249 13 37 34 302 258 24 5 15 2S4 254 241 13 3,365 1,672 323 1,192 62 95 192 160 32 1,501 355 56 1,090 447 447 760 760 441 319 268 268 89 179 2,008 2,008 9,421 6,376 585 558 15 12 133 128 5 2,296 2,208 2 86 7 Mille Lacs Reservation2 Nett .. Lake Reservation Chippewa Other tribes Tribe not reported White Earth Reservation Chippewa Other tribes Tribe not reported Pipestone Agency2 Red Lake Agency and Reservation Chippewa Other tribes Tribe not reported MISSISSI-PPI Choctaw Agency (See Louisiana) Choctaw Reservation2 MONTANA Blackfeet Agency and Reservation Blackfeet Other tribes Tribe not reported Crow Agency and Reservation Crow Other tribes Tribe not reported Flathead Agency and Reservation Flathead Kootenai Other tribes Tribe not reported Fort Belknap Agency Fort Belknap Reservation Gros Ventres Assiniboines Other tribes Tribe not reported Rocky Boy's Reservation Chippewa-Cree Other tribes Tribe not reported Fort Peck Agency and Reservation Sioux Assiniboines Other tribes Tribe not reported Northern Cheyenne Agency and Reservatla n Northern Cheyenne Other tribes Tribe not reported NEBRASKA Potawatomi Agency (See Kansas) Winnebago Agency Omaha and Winnebago Reservations% Ponca and Santee Reservations2 430 463 438 2 23 2,469 2,313 39 117 672 2,373 2,324 26 23 1,882 1,882 . 1,882 13,566 3,546 3,131 143 272 2,221 2,034 137 50 2,166 l,680 195 124 167 2,081 1,363 603 567 132 61 718 430 274 14 1,943 947 718 239 39 1,609 883 703 23 2,230 51 2,179 1,812 367 8 l J I, I NEVADA Nevada Agency (See Idaho) Battle Mountain Reservation Shoshone Tribe not reported Elko Colony Shoshone Tribe not reported Pyramid Lake Reservation Paiute Other tribes Tribe not reported Walker River Reservation Paiute Shoshone Other tribes Tribe not reported Western Shoshone Reservation Shoshone Paiute Other tribes Tribe not reported NEW MEXICO Consolidated Ute Agency-Ute Mountain Res.1 Jicarilla Agency and Reservation1 Mescalero Agency and Reservation Apache Other tribes Tribe not reported Navajo Agency and Reservation Navajo Hopi Other tribes Tribe not reported United Pueblos Agency Acoma Pueblo Acoma Other tribes Tribe not reported Cochiti Pueblo Cochiti Other tribes Tribe not reported , . Canoncito Reservation1 lsleta Pueblo lsleta Other tribes Tribe not reported Jemez Pueblo Jemez Other tribes Tribe not reported Laguna Pueblo Laguna Other tribes Tribe not reported ~,709 1,709 146 126 20 86 85 1 437 403 15 19 375 311 38 14 12 665 456 166 26 17 35,450 18 929 854 781 44 29 20,714 17,605 16 · 65 3,028 12,935 1,385 1,292 15 78 289 260 5 24 360 1,062 936 39 87 788 707 7 74 1,638 1,570 19 49 Nambe Pueblol Picuris Pueblo Picuris Other tribes Pojoaque Pueblo! Puertocito Reservation Navajo Other tribes Sandia Pueblo Sandia Other tribes Tribes not reported San Felipe Pueblo San Felipe Tribes not reported San Ildefonso Pueblol San Juan Pueblo San Juan Tribe not reported Santa Ana Pueblo Santa Ana Other tribes Tribe not reported Santa Clara Pueblo! Santa Domingo Pueblo! Taos Pueblol Tesuque Pueblo1 Zia Pueblo Zia Tribe not reported Zuni Pueblo Zuni Other tribes Tribe not reported NORTH CAROLINA Cherokee Agency and Reservation1 NORTH DAKOTA Fort Berthold Agency and Resrvation Gros Ventres Arikara Mandan Other tribes Tribe not reported Sisseton Agency and Res.2 (See No. Dakota) Standing Rock Agency and Reservation Sioux Other tribes Tribe not reported Turtle Mountian Agency Fort Totten Reservation Sioux Other tribes Tribe not reported Turtle Mountain Reservation Chippewa Other tribes Tribe not reported 84 98 4 94 2 311 257 54 153 143 6 4 721 709 12 152 324 63 261 284 271 4 9 501 978 842 145 254 252 2 2,564 2,460 61 43 2,698 2,698 8,273 1,763 720 550 346 123 24 426 1,538 1,408 90 40 4,546 1,240 1,062 155 23 3,306 3,198 29 79 10 OKLAHOMA Five Civilized Tribes Agency2 Osage Agency and Reservation2 Southern Plains Agency2 (See Texas) OREGON Grande Ronde-Siletz Agency2 Klamath Agency and Reservation Klamath Modoc Paiute Pitt River Other Tribes Tribe not reported Umatilla Agency and Reservation Cayuse Umatilla Walla Walla Paiute Other tribes Tribe not reported Warm Springs Agency Burns Reservation Paiute Warm Springs Reservation Warm Springs Wasco Paiute Tenino Other tribes Tribe not reported Yakima Agency-The Dalles (See Washington) Yakima Warm Springs Colville Other tribes Tribe not reported SOUTH CAROLINA Ch~rokec Agency-Catawba Res.2 (See N.C) SOUTH DAKOTA Cheyenne River Agency and Reservation Sioux Other tribes Tribe not reported Crow Creek Agency Crow Creek Reservation Sioux Other tribes Tribe not reported Lower Brule Reservation Sioux Other tribes Tribe not reported Pine Ridge Agency and Reservation Sioux Other tribes Tribe not reported 53,551 37,382 ·1,328 14,841 4,272 1,809 799 561 47 18 10 89 74 583 163 161 106 4 133 16 998 104 104 894 492 258 28 1 87 28 83 33 12 2 31 5 246 246 19,664 2,717 2,638 48 31 1,193 793 763 13 17 400 392 2 6 6,636 5.804 613 219 .1,l (~11 Rosebud . Agency Rosebud Agency Sioux Other tribes Tribe not reported Yankton Reservation2 Sisseton Agency and Reservation (See N. D.) Standing Rock Agency and Res. (See N. D.)1 TEXAS Southern Plain Agency (See Oklahoma) Alabama and Coushatta Reservation2 UTAH Consolidated Ute Agency (See Colo. and N. M.) Allen Canyon Reservationl Navajo Agency and Reservation Navajo Other tribes Tribe not reported Uintah and Ouray Agency and Reservation Ute (Uintah and Uncompahgre) Other tribes Tribe not reported WASHINGTON Colville Agency Colville Reservation Colville Other tribes Tribe not reported Spokane Reservation Spokane Other tribes Tribe not reported Northern Idaho Agency (See Idaho) Kalispel Reservation2 Western Washington Agency Hoh Reservation Hoh Quillayute Other tribes Lummi Reservation Lummi Other tribes Tribe not reported Makah Reservation Makah Other tribes Tribe not reported Qulnaielt Reservation Quinaielt Quilloyute Other tribes Tribes not reported Tulalip Reservation Tulalip Skagit Other tribes Tribes not reported 5,698 4,276 4,133 66 77 1,422 1,835 1,585 142 142 142 2,842 135 135 1,445 1,410 27 8 1,262 1,132 84 46 7,113 2,474 1,955 1,488 283 184 519 469 46 4 132 132 2,170 11 3 6 2 487 '450 15 22 489 390 80 19 583 302 143 110 28 600 256 214 121 9 ·12 Yakima Agency Yakima Reservation Yakima Other tribes Tribe not reported WISCONSIN Great Lakes Agency (See Iowa) Bod River Reservation Chippewa Other tribes Tribe not reported Loe Courte Oreiille Reservation Chippewa Other tribes Tribe not reported Loe du Flambeau Reservation Chippewa Other tribes Tribe not reported Oneida Reservation Oneida Other tribes Tribe not reported Red Cliff Reservation Chippewa Other tribes Tribe not reported Stockbridge Reservation1 Menominee Agency end Reservation Menominee Other tribes Tribe not reported WYOMING Wind River Agency and Reservation Arapaho Shoshone Other tribes Tribe not reported 2,337 2,337 1,681 367 289 6,115 3,916 795 791 1 3 843 829 1 13 686 526 12 148 1,061 970 41 50 318 311 1 6 213 2,199 1,763 383 53 . 2,343 2,343 1,252 976 68 47 1 Tribal breakdown not reported 2 Not specifically identified in U. S. Census. total Indian residents of county or counties. · Data are for INTERIOR, HASKELL PRESS, 56•137•25M 13   OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY \\\\\\ I\ I\\\\\\~\ I\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ I\\\ \\\\~\II\\ 3 6135 02233 0585