..___..._..—— .._._..__—_. I u I I ._______.__._,__._._________..__.__ _____...._._ ..~_ I _ ‘ ' Q , I I . ’ _ I ¥ . ‘ *onloAL QUESTION ”'31 jimomim THE CHIEF RESULTS, IisInrimI Ianh GE IhnngmglgicaI ' ; YEBEEN OBWED’BY THE LAIEST RESEARCI: A GEE? 0F GRAPHICAL, WHICH HAVE BEEN OBTAINED BY: THE LATEST RESEARCHESV BY ROBERT H. LABBERTON Anson. or u webm- anoaum. , ——-———-. z 1 Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1862, by it ROBERT E. LABBERTON, ; in the Clerk’s Office of the District Court of the United States for the Eastern ‘ ' District of Pennsylvania. STEREOTYPED BY L. JOHNSON AND 00. PHILADHPHIA. PREFACE. THESE questions are not designed to take the place of any historical text-book, but to be used with it. They were originally written fer the benefit of my own pupils, on the same plan as those which I am in the habit of proposing to them on the _ grammatical and lexical difliculties in those por— tions of the classics which they may happen to ;_5 read. Being repeatedly asked for copies, I resolved to p . §\have them printed. ' \ée If they meet with a favorable reception, they Q _ ‘ will be continued over thewhole field of history. *3 Their chief aims are: to invite the student to as. self—exertion; to accustom him to patient inves— htjgation; to make him acquainted with books, j: ‘ sand to teach him how to use them. ' ’ LABBERTON. 411 South Eighteenth Street. f 33551 3 .\ CONTENTS. A. ROYAL ROME. I. DEVELOPMENT OF THE EARLIEST CONSTITUTION. a. History. PAGE I. THE MEDITERRANEAN NATIONS............................... ......... 7 II. SPREAD OE THE INDO-EUROPEAN FAMILY ......... ............... 8 III. ITALY AND ITs NATURAL DIVISIONS ........................ . ......... 9 IV. INDIGENOUS RACES 0F ITALY .................................. . ........ 10 V. HEfLENES IN ITALY .......... ........... . .................. ...... 12 VI. LATIUM, PHYSICAL ........................... ...... . .................... 13 VII. LATIUM AND THE LATINs ........................... ................ . 14 VIII.~ THE CITY OF THE RAMNEs ............. . ........... 3." .................. 15 IX. THE HOUSEHOLD AND THE MILITIA ........... ............. . ..... 17 X. ORIGINAL CONSTITUTION 0F ROME .............. . .................... . 18 b. The Legend. I. THE HISTORIANS AND THEIR CBITICS ................. ........ . 19 II II. III. . THE LEGEND OF THE FOUNDATION OF THE ETERNAL CITY.... 21 II. THE SECOND CONSTITUTION. a. History. THE PLEBS..... ............................... . ........ ..... . ..... 22 THE MILITARY CONSTITUTION ........... ..'... ...... h ................... 23 ROME AND LATIUM ....................................................... _. 25, ENLAEGED ROME.,...... .......................................... 26 19’E v "TM [Exam—«p: vi CONTENTS. b. The Legend. PAGE I. TARQUINIUS PRISCUS ............................................. . ........ 26 II. SERVIUS TULLIUS ....................................................... 27 III. TARQUINIUS SUPERBUS ............. . ..................................... 28 III. CHRONOLOGY. I. DIFFERENCES AND DISCREPANCIES IN EARLY ROMAN CHRO- NOLOGY ............... ............ .................... ...... 29 B. PATRICIAN ROME. I. CONCORD BETWEEN PATRICIANS‘AND PLEBEIANS. I. THE REGAL AUTHORITY LEGALLY RETAINED AND PRACTI- CALLY RESTRICTED ...................................................... 31 II. COMITIA CENTURIA’I‘A ................... ................................ III. WAR WITH IjORSENNA...... ..... . ....... . ................................. II. DISCORD BETWEEN PATRICIANS AND PLEBEIANS. I. SECESSIO PLEBIs ...................................... . ............. II. THE PLEBEIAN CONSULS ................................................ III. CORIOLANUS .......... . ............................................ . .......... IV. THE CODE .................................................................... V. EQUALIZATION OF THE PATRICIANS AND PLEBEIANs ............ . III. DESTRUCTION OF THE OLD CITY OF THE RAMNES. I. FALL 01‘ THE ETRUSCAN POWER. .............. ..... . ..... . ........ II. THE CELTs ................ ............ ................................. I III; THE CATASTROPHE ............ ROMAN HISTORY. A. ROYAL ROME. . DEVELOPMENT OF THE EARLIEST CONSTITUTION. a. History. I. THE MEDITERRANEAN NATIONS. . Where are to be found the earliest civilized states? . What is the reason that'they are invariably found alongside of rivers? . Give me some instances of such states. , *. What name could be given to this earliest historical period ? . What is the second historical‘development? . Around the shores of What inland sea did . this second historical development take place? . What name could be given to this historical perfod ? . What is the third historical development? . What name could be given to this third historical period ? . Which of these three periods has been usually called ancient history? _. What is this so-called ancient history in reality? 7 8 ROMAN HISTORY. 12. What races inhabited the shores of this‘inland sea? 13. How many great phases of development does the his- tory of civilization among the Mediterranean nations present ? 14. What is the first of these phases of deveIOpment? ' 15. Where was the dwelling~place of the Coptic'stock? . 16. Why can this Coptic civilization be considered as the connecting link between the first and second period? . 1 17. The history of what nation forms the second phase of development ? 18. Where was the dwelling-place of this nation? 19. How far did it extend into the interior of Asia? 20. The history of what twin-peoples forms the third and fourth phase of development? 21. To what race did these nations belong? 22. The reciprocal intercourse of what races developed that peculiar civilization which is generally styled “ ancient”? . II. SPREAD OF THE INDO-EUROPEAN FAMILY. 23. What do you understand by the Indo-European family of nations? 24. Whence its name? 25. Where was its original home? ' 26. In how many directions did it spread? 27. What tribes went across the Caucasus 28. Where did they finally settle? ’ 29. What was the collective name of the tribes which ' wandered eastward? . - _ p 30. Where did they fix? their homes? 4 31. What tribe went westward ? - ‘ 32. 33f 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. k 45. ~ 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. . What are the modern boundaries of Italy? 34. 35. ‘ 36. 37. ROMAN HISTORY. 9 Of what part of Asia Minor did they possess them- selves ? What tribe of the Phrygians went farther west- ward ? V What country was occupied by them? What was the chief religious centre of the Pelasgi. 7 Where 1s Dodona situated. '9 What subdivision of the Pelasgi had their religious centre in Dodona? Into how many branches did these Greeks divide them- selves ? What was the name of those who went eastward? What the name of those who went westward? What does the name Itali signify? What the name Helli (Hellenes)? Describe the course of the Western migration, as coming properly within our present subject. Into how many parts did the Italians divide themselves , before entering the peninsula? Give the names of these divisions. What were the subdivisions of the Umbrians? Make an ethnological tree of the IndO-European family of nations. ' O 1 III. ITALY AND ITS NATURAL DIVISIONS. Where is Italy situated? By what mountain-system is it formed? Describe the course of this mountain—system. What were the ancient boundaries of Italy? 10 ROMAN HISTORY. 53. Since when is the valley between the Alps and Apen- nines considered to be a part of Italy? 54. What is the peculiar character of the Apennines? ' 55. Give me the names of the great Italian plains. 56. What is the only plain on the east coast? _ 57. What are the principal plains on the west coast? 58. Are there any notable plains south of Campania? 59. Do the Apennines end in Southern Italy? 60. What is their continuation? 61. What is the interior of Sicily? 62. Which of its coasts are girt by a broad belt of coast- land? ~ - 63. On which of the Italian plains was the historical de- velopment of Italy chiefly dependent? ~ 64. What do you understand by the term Italian .Hz'story ? IV. INDIGENOUS RACES OF ITALY. 65. Do we possess any information concerning, the first migration of the human race into Italy? 66. What nation seems to have occupied the greater part of Europe before the immigration of the Indo- Europeans ? i 67. What was a peculiar characteristic of this people? 68. Are any remains of them found? IVhere? ‘ i 69. Do we meet yet with any parts of this people in , 5 Europe? ‘ ' 70. Do we find any traces of them in Italy? 71. How many primitive Italian stocks can we distinguish ‘ in the peninsula? 72. Give their names. _ 73. Who inhabited the south-eastern extremity of Italy? .5 ,. ‘flm-‘L'ce ‘. Irma... ’1 .uasiwzciskzayhs you w . 74. 75. 76. 77. ‘78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. . 90. 91. 92. 93. 94.- ' 95. 96. ROMAN HISTORY. 11 Were these J apygians Indo-Europeans or not? To what Indo-European nation were they related? What supports this opinion? What are the characteristics of the J apygian nation? Where did the Etruscans come from? What was their national appellation? Did they belong to the Indo—European race? What mountains preserve their national name till the present day? Where was their first settlement in Italy? Who drove them across the Po? Where did they make finally their chief settlement? What part of the northwest Italian valley became the chief seat of their civilization? ' What river formed its northern boundary? What chain of hills formed originally the southern boundary of the Etruscans ? What became afterwards their southern boundary? In which of the Italian plains was a second Tuscan settlement ? Into how many states was each of these Tuscan settle- ments subdivided? What was the third of the primitive Italian stocks? What part of Italy was occupied by it? What were the main divisions of this stock? What were the subdivisions of the Umbrians? What marked difference was there between the regions occupied by the Latins and Umbrians ? .Recapitulate the three primitive Italian races. 12 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. ROMAN HISTORY. V. HELLENES IN ITALY. Who we1e the first among the inhabitants of the eastern basin of the Mediterranean to navigate the coasts of Italy? Which of the countries inhabited by the Hellenes sent forth the earliest explorers of the Western Sea? Did this privilege of navigating the Western Sea remain the exclusive property of a single division . of the Hellenes. ? What event in modern history can be compared with the Hellenic migration into Italy? Into how many distinct groups can we divide the Greek immigration into Italy. Give me their names. Which of the three groups had the oldest settlements? Which of the three groups was the most .numerous? What common name was given to the Ionian towns? What was the oldest of their settlements? Where situated ? Where was the greater part of the Chalcidian towns situated ? Give me the names of the principal Chalcidian towns. What is the date of the Ionic immigration into Italy? What colonists followed the Ionians ? . What part of Italy Was occupied by the Achaeans? ’What name was given by them to that part of Italia? How many towns belonged to the Achaean league? Give the names of some of these towns. . 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. . 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. ROMAN HISTORY. 13 What was the distinctive character of these Achaean towns ? , What was the only one of their cities that could boast of a paltry roadstead? Who farmed their lands? Who bought and sold for them? Which of the Hellenic tribes made the latest appear- ance in the Western Sea? Where were the chief settlements of the Dorians situated ? What was the character of their towns? What was the only Doric settlement on the Italian continent ? ‘ What rendered this city the natural emporium for the trafiic of the south of Italy? What was added to their carrying-traffic ? What did they manufacture and export? What city was an ofi'shoot of Taras (Tarentum)? The possession of what town gave it the command of the Adriatic trafiic? What were the relations of the Western Italians and the Greeks? . Recapitulate the three groups of Hellenic immigrants. Point out their colonies on the map. By what are the different groups of Hellenic immi- grants clearly distinguished? VI. LATIUM, PHYSICAL. Where is Latium situated? What was its western, what its northern, border? What mountains form its eastern bdrder? 2 14 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. ROMAN HISTORY. What mountains form its southern border? By what is this Volsoian range separated from the main chain of the Apennines? What two rivers traverse this plain? What kind of a plain is Latium? _ What is the most important of the hill-groups which traverse this plain? _ What must the plain of Latium have been in pri- meval times? What proof have we of this? What accumulated in these fissures during winter- time ? What was the cause of the formation of these lakes? What is the result of the exhalations proceeding in the heat of summer from these stagnant waters? What were, and are still, the only protection against the influence of the malaria? Was the whole of the Latian plain inhabited by the' Latins ? What part was chiefly inhabited by them ? How large was this district? With which of our States can it be compared? What does the name Latium signify? What difliculty is in the derivation from ldtus, broad? VII. LATIUM AND THE LATINS. What stock settled in Latium ?> What was the reason of their being called, subse- quently, priscz' Latim' :2 Do we possess any accounts of the mode in which the « settlements of the Latins in Latium were made? 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169.. 170. 171. ‘ 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178 179 ROMAN HISTORY. 15 Into how many cantons do we find Latium after- . wards divided? How was each canton subdivided? What was a‘ gens or clan? Where was the common meeting-place of the clans of a canton? How was such a place called? With what feature of our Western States can they be compared? What other use was made of this stronghold? What was the presiding canton of Latium? Where was Alba situated? What federal festival was yearly celebrated by all the thirty cantons on the Alban Mount? How were the fem'ae Latina? celebrated? Where was the chief seat of justice of all Latium? What was also held near the source of the Ferentina? What were the rights of the members of this con-‘ federacy ? What were their duties? Give me the names of some of the Latin cantons. What was the chief occupation of the Latins? VIII. 'THE CITY or THE RAMNES. Was Latium a commercial country? What was the bulk of its population? Which of the Latin cantons was commercial? ’ What was the cause of this? Describe its situation. On what hill was its stronghold? How many tribes lived within its walls? 16 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. I 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. 199. 200. ROMAN HISTORY. Give their names. Were all these tribes of Latin origin? After which tribe was the city named? What does the name Rome signify? Can you give me some more instances of a similar change of sound in Latin (from a‘to o) ? What name was given to the Palatine city? Why? In what was Rome entirely difi'erent from the other Latin strongholds ? What position did Rome hold in Latium ?_ With what people were its commercial relations? What was the mercantile emporium of Etruria? Describe the exact site of Caere. v What was built to facilitate the commercial inter— course ? _ Where was this oldest bridge situated? What was its name ? How was it guarded on the Etruscan side ? Who had the care of the bridge? How many settlements were gradually formed round the Palatine ? What festival preserved the memory of these more extended settlements around the Palatine? ' In which way were these settlements connected with Roma Quadrata? > What name was given to the Palatine City with its 'six suburbs? By what name did the inhabitants of the Mount City call themselves ? What hills, afterwards forming an important part of Rome, were not included 1n this “city of the seven mounts”? 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. ' 211. 212; 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. ROMAN HISTORY. 17 By what name were the inhabitants of the Quirinal and Viminal distinguished from the Romans? What were the relations between the Palatine and Quirinal communities? ,Did these communities of the Palatine and Quirinal fill the whole of the site afterwards occupied by Rome ? What other heights were near the city? When and by whom were the mount- and hill-cities, together with the Capitoline and Aventine, sur- rounded by a single great ring-wall? IX. THE HOUSEHOLD AND THE MILITIA. Were the Romans polygamists or monogamists? What are the natural elements of a household where polygamy has not obliterated the distinctive posi- tion of the mother? Who was the head Of the household? Of how many parts was a household composed? Give their names. Who were the agnatz' .9 Who were the clientes .9 What name was given to the menials or slaves? Was the household dissolved by the death of its master ? What name was given to those who were descended from a common ancestor? How many households were afterwards considered to form a normal clan or gens .9 How many gentes formed a cum'a ? 218. How many curiae formed a tribus ? 2a 18 219 220 221. 222. 223. 224. 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. 233. 234. 235. 236. ROMAN HISTORY. How many tribus formed the populus .9 HOW many households formed a tribus .9 What had every household to furnish? What name was hence given to a foot-soldier? HOW many gentes formed a tribus? ' What had every gens to furnish? What had every gens to furnish besides an eques .9 What was the whole number of milites ? . Into how imany legiones (gatherings) were they divided? Who was at the head of each legio .9 Who commanded the three legiones .9 What was the whole number of the horse ? Who commanded the horse? Who were only allowed to serve in the army ? What was the whole number of freemen that com- posed the Roman army? How many free inhabitants must the Roman state, therefore, have numbered? How large at the utmost was the Roman territory that furnished this army of three thousand three hundred men? 1 How many inhabitants does this give to the square mile ? 237. What is the number of inhabitants in the most thickly populated parts of the United States per square mile ? X. ORIGINAL CONSTITUTION 0F Roma. 238. Who was the. bearer of the plenary power of the state in Rome ? ROMAN HISTORY. 19 239. To whom did the administi ation of the state belong? 240. What forms the essential difference between the present limited monarchies and the Roman state ? 241. Did the community exercise any power over the per- sons of the citizens ? 242. Did the community possess any power over the pro- perty of citizens? 243. What was the Senate? 244. Whence its name? 245. What was the number of its members ? 246. What were its functions ? g 247. What were the functions of the rear ? 248. What was he in fact? 249. Was his oflice hereditary? 250. How far was the royal power absolute? 251. How far was it limited by law? .252. Were all citizens equal? 253. What were the rights of the citizens? . 254. What were the burdens of the citizens? I). The Legend. I. THE HISTORIANS AND THEIR CRITICS. 255. HOW many centuries was it after the foundation of the city when the Romans began to write down their early history? 256. Who was their oldest author? 257. From what sources. did he derive his information? I 20 258. 259. 260. 261. 262. 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. 269. 270. 271. 272. 273. 274. 275. ROMAN HISTORY. Were they very reliable? What was the cause of the want of reliable documents concerning Rome’s oldest history? The works of what two historians give us the chief information concerning Rome’s oldest history? When did they write? In what languages ? V What is the character of the work of Dionysius? What is the character of Livy’s work? Who was the first to doubt the veracity of these his- torians. ? Who was Philip Cluverius, and when did he live? What great scholar subjected Dionysius and Livy, for the first time, to searching scrutiny? ‘ What is the character of “Jacobi Perizonii Animad- ‘ versiones Historicae ?” What Italian followed in the footsteps of Peri- zonius ? What is the character of his “Principi‘ di Scienza nuova d’intorno alla commune Natura delle N a- zioni” ? What Frenchman attacked the credibility of Livy in the beginning of the eighteenth century? What is the character; of “ Beaufort’s Dissertation sur l’Incertitude des cinq premiers Siecles de l’Histoire Romaine” ? Of what great critic were all these men the fore- runners? Who was Niebuhr? What are his chief works? What was his hypothesis about the origin of the Roman legend? ‘ What eminent men in England adopted his views? ROMAN HISTORY. 21 276. What Englishman wrote a very lucid exposition of Niebuhr’s hypothesis ? 277. In which of his works is this to be found? 278. What Englishman wrote a refutation of Niebuhr? 279. Have later investigations proved or disproved the "‘ truth of Niebuhr’s hypothesis? y II. THE LEGEND OF THE FOUNDATION OF THE ETERNAL CITY. 280. What is the common legend concerning the Trojan - settlement in Latium? Liv. i. 1, 2, Dionys. i. 56, p. 45, Virgil’s Eneis, vii. 281. Who founded Alba Longa ? Where? When ? Dionys. i. 66, p. 53, Liv. i. 3. _ 282. Who ruled over Alba Longa. ? Ovid. Fasti, iv. 41. Who were the last of their race? 283. What is the legend of the Twins? Liv. i. 3, Dionys. i. 76, p. 61, Plutarch’s Romulus, 3. - 284. Where, when, and by whom was Rome founded? Ovid. Fasti, iv. 815—v. 151. 285. What did Romulus do to attract men to the new-built town? Liv. i. 8, Plutarch’s Rom. 9. 286. In what way was the city provided with wives? Liv. i. 9, Dionys. ii. 30, p. 99, Plutarch’s Rom.14, Dionys. ii. 15, p. 88. . 287. What was the result of the rape of the Sabine ‘ women? Liv. i. 13, Plutarch’s Rom. 19. 288. Who now became joint kings ? 289. What was the end of each? Liv. i. 14, Plutarch’s Ram. 23, Dionys. ii. 51, 53. 22 ROMAN HISTORY. 290. What institutions are attributed to Romulus? Cicero Rep. ii. 10, 17. 291. Who succeeded Romulus? Cicero Rep. ii. 12, 15, Liv. i. 17, 21, Dionys. ii._ 57, Plutarck’s Numa. 292. What religious institutions are attributed to Numa? 293. Who was chosen to succeed Numa? Cicero Rep. ii. - 17, Liv. i. 22, 31, pangs. iii. 1. ‘ 294. What city was conquered during his reign? 295. Tell me the legend of the Horatii and Curiatiif.2 Liv. i. 24, Diem/s. iii. 18—20. 296. Who was elected to succeed Tullus Hostilius. 9 Lz'v. i. 32, Dionys. 1ii. 36—45. ' 297. What institutions are attributed to Ancus Marcius? 298. What are the reigns of Tullus and Ancus in fact? 299. What family settled in Rome during the reign of Ancus? Lz'v. i. 34. “II. THE SECOND CONSTITUTION. a. History. I. THE PLEBs. 300. DID the Romans have any slaves? What was their condition ? 301. Was there not an intermediate class between the freeman and the slave? ' 302. What name was given to this class? What does this name signify? 303. On what legal principle rested the legal position of the clientes. ? 304. 305. 306. 307. 308. 309. 310. 311. 312. 313. 314. 315. 316. ~ 317. 318.? 319. 320. 322. 323. ROMAN HISTORY. 23 How many kinds of clients were living in Rome? What was the origin of the communal clients? What were the relations of the clients in all matters of property? Who had to represent the clients in processes at law ? What correlative privilege was enjoyed by the patron? Did the clients always remain in this dependent state ? What were the reasons of their gradually acquiring greater importance in fact and in law? Could they acquire movable property? What arose gradually out of the clients? Was this change of name significant? In what way ? II. THE MILITARY CONSTITUTION.‘ Were the plebs liable to military service? What was the service in the army? In what way were the plebeians admitted to military service ? Of what was this the first step? To what king is this reform in the Roman constitu- tion attributed? How many years after the foundation of the city did this probably happen? In what way was the service in the army changed from a personal burden into a burden on property? . In how many classes was the body of men, liable to ' service, distributed? Who constituted the first class (classicz')? What constituted a normal farm? 331. 332. 333. 334. 335. 336. 337. 338. 339. 340. 341. ROMAN HISTORY. . Who constituted the four next classes ? . Who formed the sixth Class? What was their name? ‘. Had they also to perform military service? . What menial offices had they to. perform to the army? . What was the proportion in which the levy was divided over the difl‘erent classes ? . What change was made in the cavalry body? . . Were they also chosen indiscriminately out of all the five classes? How were the city and its precincts divided to facili- tate the levying of the infantry? What was included in each of these four city regions? What ingenious plan was pursued to blend the plebs and the burgesses into one people? To what number rose the normal amount of the Roman army by this constitution? Into what was the whole of the Roman state changed by this constitution ? What accompanied this military organization of the Roman state ? i What were the political efi'ects of this military organization? What did the plebs gain by this reformed constitu- tion. ? What did they not gain? How many classes of members had hitherto existed? How many political classes were established by this Servian constitution? 342. 343. 344. 345. 346. 347. 348. 349. 350. ' 351. 352. 353. 354. ROMAN HISTORY. 25 III. ROME 4ND LATIUM. What were the earliest demonstrable boundaries of the united Roman community?- What towns were situated between the Tiber and ‘Anio ? What was the only town in that region that retained its independence ? What town was a constant source of trouble between the Romans and Vejentes ? What city held the plain between the Anio and Alban hills? What shows the fierceness of the struggle between Gabii and Rome? What was the greatest Of the early achievements of the Roman arms? To what treatment were the earliest acquisitions sub- j ected ? What was the natural result of the conquest of Alba? What relations subsisted between Rome and La- tium ? _What temple was erected on the Aventine as testi- mony of these relations ? In what direction took place the earliest extension of the Latin land? What communities were founded there by Rome and Latium ? ' ‘. With what people seems Rome to have been con- tinually at feud in those times? 3 26 356. 357. 358. 359. 360. 361. 362. 363. 364. 365. 366. 367. ROMAN HISTORY. IV. ENLARGED ROME. Did the character of the city change also externally ' at this time ? What new fortification was made about this time? Are there yet any remains of the Servian wall? What had been hitherto the stronghold of the city? On what bill was the new stronghold (Capitolium) built ? Was this enlarged Rome the City of the Seven Hills? What was the City of the Seven Hills? What was the condition of the ground between Mons Palatinus and Tarpejus? " What was done to drain this marsh? What other buildings were about this time erected in Rome ? . With what stood this second creation of Reme in intimate connection? What was therefore the principal temple in this enlarged Rome? 6. The Legend. I. TARQUINIUs PRISCUS. 368. WHAT Roman authors relate the history of Tarquinius Priscus ? 369. What Greek authors? 370. What part of Livy is devoted to Tarquinius Prisons? 371. 372. 373. ‘ 374. 375. 376. 377. 378. 379. 380. 331. 382. 383. 384. 385. 386. 387. 388. 389‘. 390. ROMAN HISTORY. 27 Does Cicero make any mention of him? Where ? Does Dionysius speak of Tarquinius Priscus? Where? Is he mentioned by Polybius ? Where? To what nation did the ancestors of Tarquinius belong? Who was his father? Polybius, vi. 2,10,Cicero Rep. ii. 19—34, Liv. i. 34 and 1v. 3. Why, whence, and whither did Damaratus flee. ? How was he received at his place of refuge? Who was the son of Damaratus. ? Whom did he marry? . 7. Why did he leave Tarquinii? Whither did he go? What opened an easy path for his advanCement in Rome? Cicero Rep. ii. 20, 35. How did he become king. 7 What warlike achievements does the legend ascribe to him? Liv. i. 38. What buildings were erected by him? Liv. i. 38, Dionys. iii. 67, p. 200. . What was the end of Tarquin? Cicero Rep. ii. 21, 38, Liv. i. 40. II. SERVIUS TULLIUS. How many legends are told concerning Servius Tullius. ? 3 Which seems to be the oldest? In what part of Dionysius do we meet with this oldest version of the legend? What Roman poet alludes to it? Where ? In what part of Livy do we find the common legend? 28 391. 392. 393. 394. 395. 396. 397. 398. 399. 400. 401. 402. 403. 404. 405. 406. 407. 408. 409. ROMAN HISTORY. What prodigies attended the birth of Tullius? Liv. i. 39, Dionys. iv. 2, p. 207, Ovid. Fasti, vi. 621. Who foretold his future greatness? In what way was he elected king? What was the general character of his reign? ’ What buildings and temples were erected by him? Had Servius any children? How many? Sons 0r daughters ? What were their dispositions? To whom were they married? Liv. i. 47. What was the result of these unfortunate unions? With whom did Tarquin unite in a conspiracy? What was the result of this conspiracy ? Relate the inhuman conduct of Tullia. Ovid. Fasti, Vi. 585. III. TARQUINIUS SUPERBUS. Give the places in Livy where we meet with the tale of Tarquinius Superbus. Do the same with Dionysius. What was the character of the reign of Tarquinius Superbus. ? Liv. i. 49. What immense works were erected by him? Oic. Vern v. 19, 48, Liv. i. 56.. Describe the Cloaca Maxima, and its use. Liv. i. 56, Dionys. iv. 44, p. 246. What was the foreign policy of Tarquin? Cicero Rep. ii. 24, 44, Liv. i. 53. What Latin town refused to acknowledge the su- premacy of Tarquin? Ovid. Fasti, ii. 685. ' Relate how it was at length subdued. ROMAN HISTORY. 29 410. Relate the history of the Sibyl and the sacred books. Dionys. iv. 62, p. 259. 411. Who was Lucius Junius Brutus, and what were his family misfortunes? Liv. i. 56. 412. Relate the legend of his visit to Delphi. 413. What seems to have been the plan of Brutus ? 414. What afforded a fit Occasion for the accomplishment of this design? 415. Who committed this new outrage? On whom? On what occasion? . 416. What was the end of Lucretia? Cicero Rep. ii. 25, 46, Liv. i. 57, Ovid. Fasti, ii. 721. 417. How was she avenged? 418. What Roman poet has given a most touching descrip- tion of the tragic fate of Lucretia? III. CHRONOLOGY. I. DIFFERENCES AND DISCREPANCIES 1N EARLY ROMAN CHRONOLOGY. _ 419. WHAT date is generally assigned to the foundation of Rome? . 420. On what authorities? 421. What is the reason of the great authority conceded to the date given by Varro and Cicero? 422. What is the date given by Cato, the learned author of the Origines? Debug/s. i. 74, p. 60. . 423. What date is assigned to it by the great histOrian ' Polybius? Cicero Rep. ii. 10—18. 391% 30‘ 424. 425. 426. 427. 428. 429. 430. 431. 432. 433. 434. 435. 436. 437. 438. ROMAN HISTORY. What is the date given by the oldest Roman who wrote the history of his native state? Dionys. i. 74, p. 60. \ Which of the above dates 1s adopted by the learned antiquary Dionysius 1n his great work? Dionys. i._ 71, p. 57. . What date is assigned to the expulsion of‘ the kings? What particular day was set apart for the celebrao tion of the Regifugium? Ovid. Fasti, ii. 685. What is the number of the Roman kings? How many years did they reign? Cicero Rep. ii. 30—52. How many years does this give to each? What must have been the age of Tarquinius Priscus at the time of his death? What was the age of his children at that time? Give me some further instances of improbabilities in the chronology. How many years elapsed between the building of the city and the Regifugium. ? How many years elapsed between the Regifugium and the burning of the city? What is the relation between these numbers? What does this seem to imply? Make a table of the seven Roman kings, and of the duration and character of their several reigns. ROMAN HISTORY. . 31' B. PATRICIAN ROME. I. CONCORD BETWEEN PATRICIANS AND PLEBEIANS. I. THE REGAL AUTHOE'ITY LEGALLY RETAINED AND? PRACTICALLY RESTRICTED. 439. WHAT was the central principle of all Italian con- stitutions ? 440. In whom was this formidable power concentrated? 441. With what intention had this originally been done? 442. Was this power felt only by the enemies of the state? 443. What was the natural result of the oppression of the citizens? 444. What, however, was the character of this and of all other Roman revolutions? _ '445. Did the Romans ever forget the truth that the people ought not to govern, but to be governed? 446. In what waywas the power of the supreme magis- trate (rem) limited in Rome? , 44.7. What name was given to these two cO-ordinate ' supreme magistrates? 448. What are co-ordinate magistrates ? 449. What change was made in reference to the termina- tion Of their tenure of ofiice? .« _ 450. Did they cease to be magistrates upon the expiration 2" ' of the set term? " 32 451. 452. 453. 454. 455. 456. 457. 458. 459. 460. 461. 462. 463. 464. 465. 466. ROMAN HISTORY. What was the cause of this ? What other restrictions of a subordinate character were imposed upon the elfice of the supreme magis- trate ? What change was made in the right of appeal? - What restrictions were made on the delegation of powers ? Was the right of nominating their successors with- drawn from the new supreme magistrates? How was the right, however, restricted ? What change was made in the nominations of the priests ? ‘ Did the consuls retain the purple robe of the kings? Had they the right of using the royal chariot within the city limits ? What does the word “consul” signify? What was probably the oldest name of the consuls? What is the meaning of the word “praetor”? In what cases were the consuls superseded? By Whom? Describe his power. . In what particular was the dictatorial power only distinguished from the royal power? Recapitulate shortly in what way the Romans solved the important problem of legally retaining and practically restricting the royal authority. L: {- 12-4-4 A]. .. “swan—m. 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