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REPORT ON TH 1‘2 PEPYS MANUSCRIPTS, PRESERVED AT MAGDALENE COLLEGE, T-AMBRIDGE. ipruknteh to warlinment by Grumman!) of leis jflatestg. LONDON: ‘ PUBLISHED BY HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE. . To be purchased. either directly or through any Bookseller, from WYIAN & SONS. L’l‘D., Ema Luna, Ell; or OLIVER & BOYD, Twsnnmma 000m, EDINBURGH; or E. PONSONBY. lam, 116 Gus-non Sum. Dnnmx. "man‘s! THE HEREFORD TIHES LIMITED. Munouo Swan“, Human. 1911. [Cd. 5721.] Price, 15. 7d. INTRODUCTION - REPORT INDEX - or PENNSYLVAFHA UBRARES ‘»}rl\.? m: .52». .v, ,- -, \ i i CONTENTS PAGE This Report has been prepared and edited, on behalf of the Historical Manuscripts Commissioners, by Mr. E. K. PURNELL, M.A., who is also responsible for the index. INTRODUCTION . The majority, at least, of these Papers belonged to John Evelyn, who on November 24, 1665, showed his collection to Pepys (Pcpys‘ Diary under date). "Writing to Wotton on September 12, 1703, Evelyn explains that they came into his possession through his wife’s family. He married Mary, daughter and sole heiress of Sir Richard Brown, who was Clerk of the Council to Charles I and his successor. Having been sent as ambassador to Paris in 1641, he remained there till the Restoration. From him, therefore, must have come ‘ most of the Stuart Papers. He was grandson of the Sir Richard Brown (0b. 1604) who had been introduced to official life by Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, to, or by, Whom most of the Elizabethan Papers are written. That the elder‘ Sir Richard was the source of these is confirmed by the gap in the series from about the date of his death till 1624. On December 5, 1681, Evelyn sent them to Pepys with a letter of “ particulars,” adding in a postscript “these papers, 1nappes,lettrs., books and particulars, when you have done With, be pleased to take your own time in returning.” Of this letter the writer kept a copy in the margin of which he . noted “ wch. I afterwards never asked of him.” To avoid “the sad dispersions many noble libraries and cabinets have suffered in these late times ” (Evelyn to Pepys, 1689, Aug. 12), the latter bequeathed the contents of his library, first, to his nephew John Jackson for life, then to Magdalene College, of which he had been Scholar, and, failing their acceptance by that college, to Trinity College, on condition that they were never broken up nor supplemented. Magdalene accepted the legacy on these terms, and on the death of Jackson in 1724, there came to Cambridge inter alia three volumes, described on the title—page of each, in Pepys’ hand as “ the. gift of my honoured and learned friend J o n Evelyn.” . 0f seven pre~Elizabethan papers the most interestmg is an undated letter of John, Duke of Northumberland, With post- script in the hand of the Duchess, to his son John, Earl of Warwick, on the subject of the latter’s debts. Towards the end of the collection are three papers. of later date than Evelyn’s letter of “particulars.” Poss1bly the letters of Ray and Flamsteed, as men of science, may have been added to Evelyn’s “ gift” by Pepys himself. The notorious Protestantism of Lord Robert Dudley brought him, in 1559, a list of “ Divines, to be considered,” and a large proportion of these soon. received preferment. Some of them, as Pilkington and Whitmgham, respectively; vi Bishop and Dean of Durham, Lawrence Humfrey, President of Magdalen, Cole, Archdeacon of Essex, and VVyborne, Preacher and Reader at Northampton, as time went on and the Queen’s Church views stiffened, had to beg his Lordship to get them out of trouble caused by their dislike of Popish apparel, and in 1570 he is directed by Elizabeth to warn Archbishop Parker against toleration, and in particular to desire him to enquire into disorder “ committed in Norwich Church.” Grindal writes to the Earl to complain of the Arianism of one Smythe. Alley, Bishop of Exeter, applies through Lord Robert for leave to eke out a net revenue of 300l. by letting out—houses and “waste” in the precincts, while Bishop Scory of Hereford, who had moved his clergy to make contributions in aid of a‘new Residentiary, contrary to a 'law for Wales and the Marches made by Henry VIII, says that the Papists intend in Consequence to undo him at the next Assizes. During the War of Religion in France, Leicester’s foreign correspondents are constantly appealing to his zeal for the Religion. It seems to have been part of the duty of the Master 0/ the Horse to provide houses for-Ambassadors and Foreigners of Distinction in London. Lord Francis Bedford, at Berwick, prays that if the Lady Cecilia, Marchioness of Baden lies 3 not in his London house herself, “ order may be given for the removing of her train which, as I hear, be butahomely company and in as homely manner do use my house, breaking and spoiling : windows and everything.” Again, if a house must be provided , for the Spanish Ambassador, Bishop Horne, of Winchester, ' is content that no rent be paid for his town house, ‘ though he had meant to occupy it himself. If, on the other . hand, the Ambassador has to find a house at his own charges, he shall pay 300 crowns till St. George’s Day next. Several of the foreign correspondents of Dudley refer to horses, bought, or intended as presents for him, and Kings and Queens were constantly presenting these to one another (see index, horses), Riders also were sought out and sent to England. Five letters in the collection [17. 3, below] on the subject of the death of Amy Robsart were printed by the third Lord Braybrooke, Hereditary Visitor of Magdalene, in the Appendix to the first edition of Pepys" Diary, but both his Lordship and Mr. Froude overlooked a most important letter of 1567 from Thomas Blount to Leicester, describing an attempt to suborn John Appleyard, half brother to Amy, to give evidence against the Earl as to her death. A merchant, instigated by the Duke of Norfolk, the Earl of Sussex and Thomas Heneage, had an interview with Appleyard at Hampton, offering him, in vain, 1,000l. down, and from time to time as much as he should require. A further charge against Dudley was that he was the only hinderer of the Queen’s marriage. On this matter Thomas Randolph writes to him in 1563—4, “ The worst I intend you is to marry a Queen.” A few months vii later Throgmorton, expecting him to be sent to France with the ratification of the Treaty of Troyes, gives full directions as to the outfit necessary for such a journey, and in October Sir T. Smith reports the belief of the French Court that Lord Robert is, or “shortly shall be made Duke.” Though her Majesty did not send him, and only gave him an Earldom, he was persona grate to Charles IX and the Queen-Mother, and received the order of St. Michel, to the surprise of Philip II, at whose Court, however, he was “much praised.” In the summer of 1565 Throgmorton, from Edinburgh, commends his wisdom or devotion to the Queen’s Majesty, which had stayed him from a reat inconvenience as never to give himself over to like any 0t er than Elizabeth, adding that the matter between Mary and Darnley was “ too far past to be broken.” Smith, in the following October, under the thin disguise of mis— liking “ Lovealian ” and the opinion of “ Agamias and Spitewed,” hopes that he may see the Queen, who had been at his poor house at Ankerwick in his absence, “ merry there and your Lordship together.” In December comes a most quaint letter from Katherine, Duchess of Suffolk, claiming a motherly interest in Leicester. She was in difficulty about the choice of a New Year’s gift for her Majesty, which might fulfil the purpose the writer most desired. The (planets, however, had reigned uncertainly, but she now hear of “ some better aspect,’ though she playftu upbraids the Earl for so far proceedi Without her knowledge or “ any means made for your mot er’s consent.” When, two months later, Bedford regrets that Leicester’s estate is not so well as some of his friends could wish, the Archduke Charles was in the field. Yet no answer was to be sent to Vienna by the Queen through Sackville, until the Earl returned to Court. Throgmorton warns him not to “ wrap himself into the whole burden of the matter ” by coming hastily. Possibly the servme for which he was thanked by the Emperor in July, 1565, was the promotion of the suit of the Archduke. . . At any rate Leicester’s influence with Elizabeth 1s shewn by the many letters requesting his intercessmn. Lad Mary Grey writes to him from Chekers to further her smt w en she had made a secret marriage with Thomas keys, the Queen 8 Serjeant—Porter, and Edward, Earl of Hertford, husband of Lady Catherine Grey, appeals to him as the appomted means that shall gain our ‘ Prince’s over long wanted favour. Homesick Ambassadors, as Chaloner and N orreys, Lord Warden Francis Bedford, whose daughter married Ambrose Dudley, and Sir Henry Sidney, his brother-in-law, “dead already of very grief and toil in Ireland,” think that Lemesten can work their recall. Lord Hunsdon is a suitor through him to the Queen for the captaincy of Norham and even Erancis Englefield, in disgrace at Antwerp, has hopes that Lemester may help him. John Hawkins, eager to intercept the Inches fleet in 1570, requires the Earl to borrow the Bonadvenlufe viii and the Bull from the Queen, and George N edham, the “ discoverer of Emden,” and thereby odious with the London- Antwerp traders, desires to be recommended to the Lord Treasurer to have in farm the cranes and new wharves in London, and gained his suit. Many who had advice to offer the Queen upon matters of state, as Sadler, Henry Killigrew, and Norreys made Leicester their channel of communication. To Sussex, as President of the North, he wrote, in 1569, or later, upon the wisest treatment of Mary, Queen of Scots, possibly having before him a paper (p. 166), endorsed “Sir WT. Myld,” bearing date Windsor, Oct. 26, 1569. In 1565 Leicester, with Egmont and the Countess di San Segondo, stood “ gossip ” to the daughter of Thomas Baroncelli, of Antwerp, the child being christened Elizabeth. He provided a christening cup, and Baroncelli, in return, is anxious to help him with commissions for her Majesty in the Way of geldings and jerkins. In one of his own gifts Leicester was unfortunate. An adamant (diamond) sepulchre* which had been sent to Throgmorton appears to have miscarried. “ The messenger is more grieved with the loss than you be” (Calendar, pp. 102, 103). By a later letter it would seem to have been recovered. In 1575 Henry Killigrew, in View of the Queen’s intended visit to Kenilworth, writes to Leicester to commend an Italian artist in fireworks. A scheme for three evenings is suggested. The following paper is a “ Remembrance for the Progress ” to Kenilworth. In 1587 occurs Leicester’s letter to Christopher Blount, Lieutenant of his Horse, written shortly before his departure to the Netherlands. He charges Lord Buckhurst with having exceeded his powers. The same volume contains an attested copy of his will. Vt’hatever may have been his relations with Cecil at other times, in 1567 the latter writes : “ Wishing myself to be with your Lordship at Burton.” Again, the concluding paragraph of his letter of 1568, May 15, goes far to prove that he-believed Leicester to be innocent in the matter of Amy Robsart. Of other friends, in 1566 George, Earl of Shrewsbury, writes from Wynfold that it would have been greatly to his comfort to have had Leicester with him, and no subject so welcome to him but Pembroke. Several letters prove that Leicester was a sportsman. Horses and riders come to him from abroad. John Casimir, of Saxony, “ wished you this hunting time when he was at the death of 80 stage in one day, whereof one weighed 7001bs.,” and Lord Hunsdon would hear how his hawks do, but thinks him so busied that he has small pleasure of them. * “ A sepulchrc” is also known to have been sent by Mary, Queen of Scots: to Bothwell. Mr. Andrew Lang, Mystery of 111 my Stuart, p. 276, note, explains this as “a ring in black enamel with representations of tears and bones, doubtless in whlte.” ix As Chancellor of the University of Oxford, he accepts Dr. Kenall as his Commissary, being the choice of the University, and having required the University to take a survey of its statutes, receives a reply from the Senior Proctor. in 1569 in View of the Chancellor’s intended visit, the Vice—Chancellor sends the exercises proposed. Leicester was to lodge in Christchurch, which College had, three years before, protested to him against bearing the whole charge of the Queen’s repair to the University. Of Cambridge there is little mention. In 1569. however, Bishop Cox of Ely had “ visited ” St. John’s College to settle controversies between the Master and Mr. Fulke, Fellow. From the College Records, edited by the present Master. it appears that Fulke was an extreme Low Churehman, but had not been punished for his disorders, the Master, Lmigworth, urging that he and others did. it of conscience. Later, Elias Mead, Fellow, brought a charge of felony against Fulke before the Mayor, who declared it to the Vice-Chancellor. With this the Bishop declines to deal and wishes the “ foul matter ” referred to some of the discreet of the University (p. 165). From Professor Mayor’s edition of Baker’s history of the College it appears that Fulke was charged with celebrating marriages in Cambridge Within the prohibited degrees of relationship. A pamphlet exists in the Cambridge University Library entitled “ A vindication of the Jurie who in . . 1653 gave their .verdict . . at Westminster against the inhabitants of Haddenham concerning Common which they pretended to have in a marsh called the Delfis and Ose Delf‘fs ” there. It is by Francis Taverner, owner of some pasture m Haddenham, and throws light upon the letter of the Dean and Prebends of Ely,calendared on p. 159. In 5 Elizabeth the Bishop of Ely, as ex officio Lord of the Manor, gave a lease of the land to the use of the inhabitants subject to their maintaining the banks, which protected the Isle of Ely against inundation. Six veais later the Bishop demised the Delfls and Ose Delf‘fs in reversion to Oliver, Lord St. John of Bletso for 21 years. Against this the Dean and Prebends protest to Leicester. They seem to have been unsuccessful for 1n :20 Elizabeth Lord St. John, for 100 marks, granted the land to the use of all parishioners. The present Editor 18 indebted to Archdeacon Cunningham, of Ely, for notice of 'lavcrner s pamphlet. From Elizabeth these Papers contain one letter only, calendared on p. 182, addressed in 1599 to the Earl of Pembroke. The son, to whom the Queen refers, may have been William, the Queen’s Godson, then 19. If so, his “ good beginnings ” did not survive the attractions of Mary Fit-ton. It is noticeable that the concluding phrase, “ with our best wishes to you both,” is less modern than it might well be thought. X To the Queen there is on p. 10 a letter of Richard, Lord Rich. He had no good reputation. He had deceived Bishop Fisher, and perjured himself at the trial of More. He had helped Somerset to obtain the attainder of his brother, but joined Warwick in overthrowing the Protector ; he had signed the proclamation of Lady Jane Grey, but declared for Mary in Essex. His only claim to respectability is the foundation of Felstead School. If it is safe to infer that the first part of the Papers came from Leicester’s office, her Majesty may have passed on the ex—Lord Chancellor’s letter to Dudley before the coolness between them which took place later in this year. The second letter to Elizabeth is the petition of the Archbishop of Armagh and the Bishop of Meath for an academy to be erected in Ireland. Then, p. 65 of the Calendar, we have a letter to the Queen from John Hawkins, and 3).. 173 one from Hawkins to Leicester. On p. 73 is the appeal of the Duchess of Somerset on behalf of her son, Lord Hertford, the close of which might possibly have an efiect opposite to the writer’s wish. Elizabeth also received undated letters from Cecilia, Margravine of Baden, Princess of Sweden, and from Petrucchio Ubaldino, who could not collect enough of his countrymen to perform an Italian play. Two . other letters to her are dealt with under the subject to which they refer. The letters referring to France commence with one from Henry Myddelmore, written three months after the assassi- nation of the Duke of Guise. Within another three months the Queen~Mother had united both parties in a common task, and "Warwick surrendered at Havre in the last days of July. It was argued, not without justice, that the English occupation of that town cancelled the clause in the treaty of Cateau~Cambrésis by which we were to recover Calais. within eight years, or receive 500,000 crowns. Chaloner’s letter of January ‘24, 1563—4, shows that he took this .for granted. He had tried to minimize the effect of the loss of Havre at Madrid, but clearly realized the force required for the recovery of Calais and the dangers of war with France while we had no “ faster hold ” on Philip’s amity. If France were aggressive in Flanders things would be different. But the “ sinews of war” were wanting, and though Chaloner was hopeful of the result if his advice were taken, Elizabeth was so bent on peace that the French, writes Throgmorton to Dudley in April, said they had the peace in their hands to conclude it as they would. In July Hunsdon had taken the Garter to Charles IX, and Henry Killigrew, whom he left in Paris, is conveying to Leicester the desire of the King and Queen—Mother for his help in the preservation of this new league with England. In the same summer news came from Rome that the Dukes of Ferrara and Savoy were to meet the King and Queen~ Mother at Lyons on their progress through the south of France. xi Ferrara had personal reasons for his journey [Cal., p. 27], Savoy wanted French help against the Calvinists, and had the support of the Pope. whom Catherine was glad to gratify as a set-off against the difficulty which had been made in France in accepting the Tridentine decrees. His Holiness at this time decided a. question as to the precedcncy of the French and Spanish Ambassadors at his Court, in favour of the representative of France, whom he had reasons for gratifying even at the risk of alienating Philip. Smith at .arascon in October hears of too much intelligence between ' Rome and Mary’s party in Scotland and some at this Court. It is about this date that we find letters addressed to Benedetto Spinola. His name, if a digression may be pardoned, has a melancholy interest. to the College to whom these papers belong. Thomas, Lord Audley, bequeathed to Magdalene, which he had revived after its collapse as Buckingham College, the garden of his house at Aldgate in the City of London, some seven acres. His will stipulated that the College should grant to no person a longer lease than 21 years. His motive was obvious—the protection of the interests of posterity. But the College was advised, apparently by Cecil {8.P. Dom., 1575, Jan. 26] to grant a lease in perpetuity to the Queen for 151. per annum. This lease the next generation tried in vain to upset, but the Courts decided that t. are was no violation of the will, the Queen not being a “ persbn. She had disposed of the lease to Spinola, who was good en: Jgh to present the College with a silver seal, having sold tlu lease for 2,5001. 0f the tour of Charles 1X there is an .ceount in a news— letter of October 17, which gives an a lusing incident at Cavaillon, a Papal town in the Venaissin and details of the festivities at Marseilles. The Queen-M =ther went 011 to Bayonne to meet her daughter. the Queen of Spain, and Alva. From Toulouse Smith laments this diversion, backward again from England,” and Robert Huggins, who was in charge at Madrid after Chaloner’s departure on March "'2, writes that the marriage of Mary and Darnley roused fears in Philip’s mind of a united England and Scotland, and thinks that the Catholic Kings would come together on this point. Phllip was grumbling at the expense of his Queen’s journey, and was annoyed at the second French expedition to Florida, which Coligny, the Raleigh of his day, had despatched, hoping that it might lead to war with Spain. Phihp, however, chose to regard the expedition as the work of an 1nd1v1dual only, and sent Melendes with 50 ships and orders to gibbet and behead all Frenchmen within those regions. The King of France had promised not to interfere, and the settlers were hung not as Frenchmen but as heretics. _ Philip indeed had too much on 1118 hands to occupy him without picking a quarrel with France, for he had promised Genoa to care for Corsica as if it were his own, and John Andrea Doria and Pietro Corso were at close quarters there. xii Moreover. the Sultan, preparing for naval warfare in the Mediterranean, charged his Intelligence Department to watch Philip’s provision for the seas (p. 53, below), and was encouraging Zapoyla, the Vaivode, against the Emperor, who was sending out all troops he could raise under Schwendi and Stephen Battorj, the future King of Poland, Gastoldo being his Commander—in-Chief. The only support which France was likely to obtain was the hired Swiss. The Nether- lands were seething, and when Alva advanced against them ,by Burgundy and Lorraine the Swiss were to hedge him oil France if necessary, but they drove a hard bargain with the French (p. 40, below), who were practically isolated. In France therefore, 1566 was to be a year of reconciliations, the Admiral, the Cardinal of Lorraine and Condé meeting at Moulins~sur~ Allier, and the latter‘even resorting to the Cardinal’s weekly sermons. The quarrel, writes Paget, 1566, Feb. 2, is no more for religion but for private injury betwixt the Cardinal and the Constable, the latter at heart detesting the Guises and the Italians at the Court, and the Admiral labouring to maintain the quarrel between the two Houses. Catherine, “sailing with a side-wind seeks to reach some haven before the storm grow greater,” and is for pacification. The Cardinal as a spiritual man. left the prosecution of his brother’s death to others, and the Admiral denied all complicity with the murder. Elizabeth, at this time much troubled with Scotch affairs, had little consolation from Ireland. Nevertheless she was enjoying life, so much so indeed that reports of her levity of conduct, plainly worded indeed (p. 7 8, below), reached the Spanish Court, through the household of her late Maid of Honour, Jane Dormer, now Countess of Feria. Dr. Man, the new Ambassador there, was held of small account for his frugality, and tales were on foot as to his antecedents. Arundel was sent to the Diet at Augsburg in the same summer and one of his suite gives an account of. his journey from Cologne onwards by the Rhine and Neckar, and on through Ulm, interspersed with notices of the religion practised in the towns along the route, and concluding with a description of the Service at which the Emperor was present at Augsburg and of an evening at his Court. After some hesitation whether to go in person, Philip despatched Alva to Italy for the Netherlands in March, 1567. In February begins the series of Sir Henry Norreys’ letters. He seems to think that Philip would have gone himself, but for the preparations of the Sultan, who was more to be feared than ever after his attack on Malta, of which these papers contain two accounts. Norrcys remarks that the Protestants in the Netherlands want the aid of some of the noblemen there who begin to pluck their heads out of the collar.” On the news of the murder of Darnley, Thomas Barnaby at Paris prays that “ the tragedy may have no more acts but xiii one,” and adds that the Emperor, though secretly assured of peace with the Sultan, is trying to raise money for a worse end. The government of the Queen-Mother is unpopular even with the l’apists. She will “ rather turn Totnam French and become Protestant another while than sit beside the saddle.” In March Norreys writes of a meeting of all the Huguenot leaders and that the old quarrel is likely to re—kindle. Schemes were already in the air for bringing Prince James to France. Elizabeth had renewed her demand for Calais, and Norreys was of opinion that if the Emperor, being at peace with Turkey, at this juncture demanded Metz, Toul and Verdun, she too would be successful. The Queen-Mother therefore tried to arrange a double marriage alliance with Maximilian—«his eldest, son to marry Princess Marguerite, and Charles IX to marry the Emperor’s second daughter. 0n the other hand Condé was urgent that Spain should not be allowed to annex Genoa. If this were prevented, Philip would be drawn towards Elizabeth, and the Protestants have a better chance. Mary’s marriage to Bothwell, and a report that she was with child by him, made the French still more eager to secure the person of Prince James. At this time came the first of Norreys‘ grievances against the Court, the arrest of Barnaby for a small debt, which the Ambassador had offered to discharge. He was released upon an application to the King, and Norreys immediately writes of the King’s intention to delivc: Mary, then captive at Edinburgh, and to get James into his hands “ by hoke or croke.” Moray was summoned to Orleans and received various “ gratifications ” with this in View. “ Merchant ships under colour of a voyage shall do the deed.” The Pope, to set France and Spain by the ears, had made over Avignon to Philip. Elizabeth had therefore many ways to “ make her profit,” but in France she was suspect, as Imperial and Spanish. “Now would a hot minister do good service, but we are too full of moderation.” A fortnight later Condé, learning that the Constableship, when vacant, was not to be filled, left the Court in great anger, although the Queen-Mother tried to atone for the rebuff by special cordiality to the Admiral and d’Andelot. Philip had satisfied the Court that his sole object was the Netherlands, and designs on the Protestants once more filled the minds of the Court. At this point comes in an important paper in the shape of an account of the interview between Zulega, Envoy of the Elector Palatine, and the Catholic party with L’Hopital, the politique Chancellor. Zulega saw Condé‘ also, who dilated on the grievances of the Religion, and admitting that it was at his suggestion that the Swiss had been summoned at the time of Alva’s march, asserted that they were now brought to the Court to be used against the Huguenots. Before N orreys wrote again on January 29, 1568, the ‘ Constable had fallen at St. Denis, and the Huguenots had xiv moved eastward to join the force from Germany. Dr. Man soon reports from Madrid that Philip was urged to make peace with the Turk and crush the Protestants in England, and that he had warned Charles IX to make no terms with the Huguenots. Things were proceeding to extremities in France. Norreys in April doubts the continuance of the Peace, and is anxious to know the truth of a report that Leicester, Bedford, Cobham and Throgmorton had levied 60,000 crowns to aid Condé and Coligny, and whether this had been done with Elizabeth’s knowledge. In May Mary had escaped from Lochleven only to meet defeat at Langside, John 'Wood sending to Throgmorton a long list of prisoners. Elizabeth had left the Lords of Scotland without answer as to the delivery of Mary from Bothwell, the preservation of the Prince and the pursuit of the murder. At Langside they settled two of these questions for themselves. On August 1 Sir Francis Knollys at Bolton Castle writes to explain what had been done there for Mary’s comfort. He had tried one of his own horses with a woman’s saddle for the Scottish Queen, and had provided a litter in case of need. Meantime the Marshal Montmorency, now Duke, had summoned Norreys to a meeting with a View to alliance with Elizabeth. The Court party wished to know whether she intended to marry; he was, as was his father, hostile to the Cardinal of Lorraine, and warned N orreys of the passage of letters from the Queen of Scots to the Guises. Captain Coqueville, disavowed by Condé, had made a raid into Picardy, only to be captured by de Cossé and executed at- Abbeville. The Cardinal sent Italians into England to work treason to Elizabeth. It. was hoped that Condé and the Admiral might be seized in Burgundy, in spite of the Treaty of Longjumeau. They effected their escape to Rochelle, a far better stronghold than Orleans. Here Coligny fitted out the fleet which kept open communication with England, and brought munition, for which he paid. On this comes Octavian Fregoso on the scene with galleys from Marseilles, Bordeaux and Nantes, which put Norreys in fear of an attempt upon Scotland. At any rate Chatelherault was to go there, and Norreys notes the failure of an attempt on the part of Elizabeth to stop him by negociation. In June Egmont and Horn had been executed, a blunder which the Emperor failed to justify to the indignant Elector Palatine, and William of Orange had been checked on one of his lines of attack by the defeat of Lewis of Nassau at .Jemmingen. It was reported to Norreys that Lewis was drowned, the boat in which he had escaped having been found adrift. By September William was ready to advance, and these Papers include a list of his horsemen and their commanders. The result was a Court promise to Condé that the Edict should be observed, and the Queen—Mother, says Norreys, “ for- athinketh herself to have given so- attentive ear to the Cardinal _ '._. XV ’ of Lorraine.’ Orange advanced into Brabant (p. 135, below), but December 5 found him still on the French frontier awaiting Deux—Ponts. Charles tried to bribe him to withdraw. In November Anjou and the Admiral had been fencing in Poitou, and on p. 138 is an account of a stratagem on the part of Martigues. At the end of December Condé writes from Poitou to Leicester to assure the Queen of his gratitude, promising to relate his successes through Odet dc Chatillon, who had esca ed to England. Orange was then on his way to join Coligny, iaving crossed the Marne on the 22nd. The King on January 15 was at Chateau Thierry on the Marne, intending for either Troyes or Chalons—sunMarnc, and such was the fear of Deux- Ponts’ advance that Philip and the Guises were ready to sacrifice Metz to stay the Germans. Early in March the Court was at Metz and Condé. at N‘iort. Norreys’ position was becoming more strained, his correspondence being inter- cepted. Now, wrote Sir Ralph Sadler, to Leicester was Elizabeth’s opportunity. She should aid Condé and Orange with money, and where she gives or lends a pound, her enemies’ own people will spend ten of their own. If she does it with a pure conscience, God will give her strength. DeuX-Ponts, by Montbéliard in Franche Comte, was making his way to the Loire, but not to join Condé, as Henry Kilhgrew hoped, for the day of Jarnac had come, and with It. had passed the possibility of a league between Condé and England which would have resulted in the alliance between France and Spain. John Casimir was hanging back waiting for money from England, which never came, but Deux-Ponts reached La Charité on the Loire on May 10. his force joining the Admiral on June 23, but his death by press of wine taken the first night at supper in the Queen of Navarre s tent was known to Norreys at Orleans on the 19th. By July 8 the Huguenot army is by famine and sickness so scattered as to be useless. The Duke of Orleans, however, had left the King so small a guard at Orleans that Norreys thought Charles might find it hard to reach Paris. Yet N orreys saw the danger to his mistress if the Catholics swept the board. (letter of August 28). But in September the Admiral, ralsmg the siege of Poitiers, advanced upon Chatelherault, on which the Duke relaxed his hold. Norreys writes his last letter on September 23, 1570, from Paris, nearly a year after the disaster at Moncontour, of which these Papers contam no account. Peace had been signed at St. Germaine on August 8. “The credit of Monsieur increases so fast as the King may repent it.” Some of the German Bishops, he remarks, would gladly shake ofi‘ the Pope’s yoke in consequence of a new oath 0f allegiance required at their confirmation. Two letters of John Hawkins have been .already named, the first announces to Elizabeth his return in her Majesty s ship Jesus on September 20, 1565, when he had in obedience xvi to her command “ been a help to all Spaniards and Portyngals,” to the second reference has been already made. It was in his expedition of 1567 that he was attacked at S. Jean de Lua. The result is' described in Edward Horsey’s letter of December 20, 1568, which gives a full account of the Queen’s seizure of Spanish gold at Southampton. The act was illegal and the means unworthy of an Elizabethan official. The Papers include one letter on naval affairs, dated Chatham, August 27, 1569. In spite of the press, “ the ships want of their appointed numbers.” The name of the Scottish Queen first appears in an entertaining account from Randolph to Dudley (1563—4, January 15) of Twelfth day at her Court. The bean fell to fair Fleming, and “ two worthy Queens possess without envy one kingdom both upon a day.” The, real Queen was in white and black, “ no other jewel or gold about her that day but the ring I brought her from the Queen’s Majesty hanging at her breast.” Randolph, who was then 40, was drawn into the dance by the “ old Queen ” [? Mary], and thought that Dudley would have been much fitter for the purpose, “with somewhat else of greater felicity, if I knew how to frame [? word] it unto my desire.” Let her Majesty, he continues, “ do against France what she likes. Scotland shall remain hers.” Lord Warwick had just been made President of York, and Francis, Earl of Bedford, soon to become his father-in-law, was at Berwick, whence come his letters to Dudley, urgent for the fortification of that post. In October, 1565, Moray is on the point of flight to England, the aid sent to him under Captain Reade remaining at Carlisle till time came to employ it, but “the same is no force to the purpose.” Moray becomes more despairing, and Bedford, protesting against Sussex being sent over his head to the Lords of the Congregation, begs in vain for definite orders from London. Mary was “ viewing Eyemouth ” and had designs on Kelso. In December the rift between her and Darnley had begun, “ he on his pastime on the other side‘of the water on hunting.” By Christmas Moray was at Newcastle, hoping that Elizabeth’s commis— sioners might do him some good. A chest containing 2,000l., thought to have been brought by Yaxley, in.Spanish gold was cast ashore from a wreck off Northumberland. The Earl of Northumberland secured it, though the Berwick garrison had seen no pay for eighteen months. Bedford had suspicions of Melvill’s practices with Papists in London. By the end of April the marriage with Bothwcll was known in London, and the Earl of Lennox in Scotland, feared his own destruction and that of the young Prince, the “ parricide having the guard of the Son,” but not even Throgmorton seemed to realize that Mary had staggered all Catholic Europe. Elizabeth, however, gave no comfort to them that would pursue the murderers of the King. At this stage Mary, who could not induce Bothwell to go to Mass, re-established the law of xvii oblivion for the Protestant party made before she left France. The competition for the possession of Prince James had begun (p. 104, below), but Elizabeth made no sign. In December, 1568, the Scotch Lords were in London in increased numbers, and Lindsay and Herries were at daggers drawn, while the Bishop of Ross writes a criticism of the proposal for a joint Regentship.. By the end of the year relations with Spain were becoming strained. Apart from the seizure of the gold at Southampton, named above, Philip had refused to allow the English Ambassador to read the Prayer Book in his own chapel at Madrid, and Alva, beginning to see daylight in Flanders, was urging invasion of England. Don Guerau’s idea that the fall of Cecil, and consequent reversal of his policy, was, imminent, and Philip’s fear that France might sink religious questions if she only secured England’s support against Spain, kept that King quiet. Yet relying on support from this quarter the English Catholics became active. with the result that the Earl of Shrewsbury writes' from Tutbury that the Queen of Scots coming to his charge will “make me soon gray-headed.” His Countess (Bess of Hardwicke) found her house unready for the Scottish Queen “ coming at sudden,” but rather than not answer the trust reposed in her, she “ will lack furniture of lodging ” for herself. Later, as has been already said, English statesmen are conscious of Elizabeth’s diii‘iculties in dealing with Mary, while the latter ()9. 177, below) will refuse nothing within her power for her “ sister’s reasonable satisfaction.” There is no further mention of the Scottish Queen. From Ireland the first letter is that of Shane O’Neill to Dudley of February 20, 1563—4. The Queen, contrary to the advice of Sussex, was disposed to make the best of Shane, but she would not go so far as Cusack. from whose articles of November 18, 1563, she struck out the article non est habend-um pro violations pacis 81? non accedat personaliter ad gubernatorem Between Shane and Dudley an intimacy had existed since the former’s visit to England. Later in the year. Cusack suggests economies in the administration; captains and soldiers have lands and wages in Leix and Offaly; 3,0001. may be saved if they are docked of wages, but the Conors and Mores are not yet brought to order, nor is it certain that Desmond will keep his promise. In November Ormond writes to Leicester complaining of Desmond. (The two Lords fought at Afiane, Desmond being wounded, and both were summoned to the Queen’s presence.) Since the beginning of 1561 the Pope had had a mission in Ireland, and m 1564 by a Bull, Dam exquis-ita, he authorised the establl'shment of Catholic Colleges; this move was met by the petltion of the Irish Primate and Bishop Brady, referred to on p. .43, to the Queen. They had the support of Leicester and Dead. A letter from Cusack, probably of June, 1565, shows indignation at the continuance of the quarrel between Ormond b 4 xviii and Desmond, and satisfaction with O’Neil’s work against the Scots ; of the Earls the offender must suffer some smart, and Shane must be persuaded, by the Dean of Armagh, not to release his prisoners, James McDonell and Sorley Boy. Like Cusack’s other letter it is far too optimistic. But by this time the Queen was hardening her heart and beginning to unloose her purse—strings, and Sidney was sent over. Her deter~ mination must have been confirmed by a shrewd letter, dated May 24, 1566, from Lancaster, formerly Bishop of Kildare, who succeeded Loftus as Primate when the latter was trans- lated to Dublin. To deal with Shane, whose proceedings he fully describes, would cost treasure for the moment, but “ the time serves for the same, for the very robbers of your crown are desirous to be ordered by the Deputy there.” He reminds her Majesty “ what the omitting of time has lost your predecessors in Gascony, Gyan, Normandy and Ange de Maine. I need not put you in mind of later losses.” On September 5 Sidney addresses his brother—in~law Leicester from Drogheda, being obliged to write his own letters: “ Pardon my shaking hand. I fear I am entered with a palsy.” He knew that he was “ slandered” by the party opposed to Leicester. by his predecessor and by Ormond. 0f the latter he certainly wrote that Desmond had not done “ a groat’s worth of harm ” in‘ his lands. He had not intended that a letter from Nicholas Whyte, Seneschal of Wexford, which he had enclosed to Leicester, should be seen by Ormond, whose countries were “never richer.” He had paid certain money, due by the Queen, to a servant of Sussex, who had had no receipt from his master. (Winter fighting was advisable, and it had been decided to have an outpost in North Ulster.) 1,000 men were to come (under Colonel Randolph) from Berwick, London, and the West. Only the former had arrived. Money must be sent over, or all is “ lost that is spent, or hoped to be gained. I can be but in one place at once. I would I were at Jerusalem to be out of this place.” Yet he has a word as to a love affair of his nephew, Harrington, and is not forgetful of Leicester’s man, Pet. Hedenies that his men had stampeded upon the. reported approach of O’Neil. This Harrington was l‘lenry, second son of Sir James, who had married Sidney’s sister, Lucy. He did not “marry Windsor.” He may be the Mr. Harrington of Man’s letter to Leicester of April 4, 1568. The next reference to Ireland is in a letter of August 1, 1568, from Sir Francis Knollys to Leicester. Knollys had been sent to Ireland to keep an eye on Sidney, but was now back and at Bolton in charge of Mary. He reports a statement made by a servant of Sidney’s who had been in Scotland to buy wine for his master. Alexander McDonnell and Sorley Boy had agreed to make an attempt to recover their Ulster land; the latter, aged and broken by his imprisonment at the hand of Shane, was to stay in Cantire, while his brother crossed with 800 men. When they came to details, the xix agreement broke down. One McAlester had, however, crossed with 400 men. In or about 1569 is dated a letter to the Queen from Owen, brother to Sir Donogh O’Connor of Sligo. The latter, who had received a present from the Queen. required Owen, who was at Oxford, to return to Ireland. He does not Wish to leave the University entirely. This is the last mention of Ireland in Elizabeth’s reign. From Spain Chaloner’s letters contain little news of importance. Before the arrival of his successor, Huggins, who was in charge at Madrid, writes of Philip’s vexation at Coli ny’s attempt upon Florida, and of Feria’s goodwill to the Eng ish. William Burlace had been sent to Milan. Later there was reconciliation between the Pope and Philip in View of the Turkish preparations. In March, 1565—6, Huggins is writing contemptuously of Man, who in the following December complains of the countenance given by Philip and Feria to Englefield, and of the reluctance of the Cortes to vote money. Three months later Philip’s departure to the Netherlands was delayed by the loss of 29 provision-ships ofi' “ Malaca,” and his beloved Queen was four months gone with child. In the summer of 1567 comes, by way of Paris, a bruit of a joint invasion of France by Philip, the Emperor and the Pope, who was said to have given Avignon to Philip to set him and France by the ears. A year later Man has signified to Buy Gomez, who was of the anti-Alva party, the sympathy of Leicester with Englefleld, which was not worth much in the face of Elizabeth’s continued wrath at his treason at Namur four years before. The Ambassador, himself a cleric, was complaining of Phili ’s prohibition of Protestant service in his house, and of is encouragement of Burlace against Arundel. Restitution to the King of Poland of his mother’s Duchy of Bari was demanded. Don Carlos was in prison. Philip was planning an Algerian expedition, but the Turk had come to terms with Ferdinand and with Persia. In Vol. II of the Collection, p. 445, is John Evelyn’s list of the ships, armament and personnel of the Armada. . . Of the Empire the first allusion is to the impecumOSity of Ferdinand in 1561 (p. 4). His death was not at once oflimally notified to Elizabeth, but his “ obsequies ” were performed by her at a cost of 12,000 crowns for decorations, alms and banquets, “ as is the custom there.” His successor soon had to arm against Zapoyla, Vaivode of Transylvania, Sigismund of Poland oflering to mediate. Toccar L? Tokay] and Terentsch fell to the Emperor early in 1565. The Imperial Ambassador to the Pope about this time is requesting that his master may be allowed to sanction the marriage of priests, license for the administration of both kinds in the Sacrament havrng been already granted. Maximilian’s appearance at the Diet at Augsburg in 1566 has been already named. . The further course of his war against Zapoyla and his relations With the Sultan are given in Barnaby’s letter of March 1, 1566—7, XX while Norreys on the 10th refers to the case of Culemburg and the Bishop of Wurtzburg. In June Maximilian labours for a truce with the Turk, who insisted on a continuance of his tribute, and supported Zapoyla’s claims. He is also trying to annex the Empire to his House. Further negotiations with the Sultan are named by Norreys on July 16. The marriage of Philip to Anne of Austria is first named by the same writer on June 30, 1569. The Elizabethan section of the Collection contains many advices from I taly, and a letter, probably from Guido Cavalcanti, strongly urges the renewal of diplomatic rela— tions between England and Venice, which had ceased in 1537. In Rome Benedetto Spinola had a correspondent. Thus we learn much of the movements of Colonna and John Andrea Doria and their galleys, of the marriage of Colonna’s son into the family of the Borromei, and of the question of precedence between the French and Spanish ambassadors at Rome, which was the counterpart of a dispute at the revived Council of Trent. Ferrabosco, a rider in the service of one of the Farnese Cardinals, was being tempted over to England, and a Bolognese lady was invited to Elizabeth’s household. Pius IV presents to the Seigneurie of Venice the palace begun by his Venetian predecessor, Paul II, but it was hoped that the Venetians would allow the Popes to occupy it in summer. Economies were being enforced and Borromeo was setting an example in the matter. Portugal is granted, letter of December 2, 1564, an extension of time in the enforcement of the Inquisition, at the discretion of the Cardinal. Infants, later Henry I. From Venice comes a story (p. 41, below) of a pretender at Constantinople, and in the next paper of an attempt to assassinate the Pope, and later of the punishment of the conspirators. Snowballing is reported from Genoa in January, 1564—5, and a case of Wife—murder from Milan. The matter of the Archbishop of Toledo comes up soon after. Letters from Italy cease with the death of Pius IV, but there is in Vol. II, p. 339, a fine plan of the Battle of Lepanto, bearing the crest of Gregory III, and dated 1572. Of events in Flanders covered by these Papers an account has been given above. But with regard to trade with that country and with Holland Herrle’s letter from Hamburg of August 17, 1561, is of some importance. Instructed to deny the rumour that Elizabeth had been encouraging pirates and sending arms to Russia, which last was unlikely on the face of it, he came upon one Georgesson, or Yorgessen, who had boasted of having evaded the Queen’s Customs. Herrle suggests corruption in this department. At Bremen he complained of excessive duty levied upon the Queen’s impertations of arms, which was denied. He justified her attempts to trade With Russia as due to a desire to explore the North Sea; the results might be the same to other nations as the voyages xxi of Gama and Magellan. If she were successful, Bremen would be a sure harbour midway and would benefit thereby. At Hamburg he refers to a mysterious business, a knowledge of which might alienate Denmark. }resham he describes as jealous lest in service [business] he be prevented, and suspicious. Of him and some business of his, Herrle thinks it safer to write in cipher. In the spring of 1564 comes a long letter from John Shers, who had been sent to the Lady Regent on the matter of the Intercourse. Mindful of a suggestion from Cecil he had a conversation with the Prince of Orange, who saw difficulties in the injury done to the Lady Regent’s subjects. Egmont was more encouraging, attri— buting Margaret’s reluctance to Cardinal Granvclle. Viglius dwelt upon their grievances, the damages amounting to almost two millions of gold. He did not seem to believe that our merchants would forsake Antwerp in favour of Emden. Egmont had advised Herrle to be stout with the Regent; he took the hint and opened his final interview by announcing his recall to England. In the end she went so far as to say that she would want in no part of duty to maintain the love and amity between Elizabeth and Philip. TWo months later follows a very promising account from George Nedham of the possibilities of Emden, which, according to him, was a Ut0pia; “ for quietness and honest living here is a heaven.” Neighbouring magnates would make things easy for our traders, the Bishop of Munster promising to grave out a river from his capital to Emden, of which port Nedham enclosed a chart. In December a writer, probably Shers, discourses on “ the traffic of Emden and Antwerp.” He leans to the former, but suggests that the Emden people had selfish motives, and had not provided for the dyeing and dressing of our cloth, though a marginal note claims that this was now done as well in England as anywhere. He answers the criticism of those who argued that peaceful trading was hkely to induce neglect of the Navy; trade to more distant places would follow and be better means to maintain good shipping than these two-day voyages twice a year where every pedlar may practise. He points to Flanders as an instance of a country where goodly and beautiful towns were maintained by fOI‘Clg'Il commodities. And England has of her own store more than Flanders could purchase of others. Probably to the same year may be assigned “ Instructions for the. Commissmners concerning Emden.” They state the requirements of the merchants at the hand of the Count of East Friesland. In May, 1565, Nicholas Wotton writes _from Bruges of her Majesty’s demands as to poundage, while Shers says that the Antwerp merchants wish to break the Intercourse, and abolish the favoured nation system. This might suit the nation at. large, but would be resisted by the Merchants Adventurers. He cautiously is against a change until we see our way; repentance would be dearly bought. xxii Lord Montague, writing a fortnight later from Bruges, after a long talk with D’Assonville, is more hopeful of concessions, for the latter admitted that it was not the time for Princes to “ depart with things of profit.” Later in the year there was scarcity at Antwerp, and George Gilpin expresses the hope of the magistrates there that Elizabeth would allow corn to be exported thither from England. A year having passed since his previous letter, Montague sees “no likelihood of agreement in this our wearisome service.” Of the Russian Company’s treatment of its factors we read in Christopher Hoddesdon’s letter (p. 143, below). Two papers refer to the V intne-rs’ Company, and we learn (p. 95, below) that Queen Mary, to save the wood of the realm by the use of foreign wine~casks, had extended the monopoly of the Company for 10 years. In November, 1566, the House of Commons listened favourably to the (Tiernpany’s petition, questions ministered by Cecil having been satis— factorily answered, and an inspeximus was granted to them in 1567. An unsigned and undated paper refers to the rent which might be raised by pressure on the farmers of the import duties on wine at certain ports (7). 190, below), and are to be found at the end of the Elizabethan papers (pp. 190—192, below). Papers on the export of cloth, four times yearly at the most, with a petition from the townsmcn of Lynn that they may farm the customs themselves, and also be relieved of the restriction as to export- in English bottoms, with a somewhat similar petition from Bristol, supported by arguments. An undated paper of the Italian merchants in London praying to be allowed to continue to export cloth and other commodities is in Vol. II of the Collection (p. 591). - Onpp. 187 sq. below is given a declaration of the fees and annuities, pensions, rents resolute, and the expenses at the Honour and Castle of Windsor. It is undated but is endorsed, Temp. Elia. R. It is of interest as showing the extent of the Royal Forest, and the expenses thereof, including the swanmote, the making and carriage of the Constable’s wood, and for the inclusion of such Parks as Easthampstead and Langley, and for the mention of such places as Folly John and Upton, now Slough, and of the Bishop of Salisbury, in whose diocese Berkshire once lay. (VViltshire Farm, near Wokingham, Berks, may derive its name from this fact.) . On the sanitation of London Alessandro Riccardy writes in Italian a paper much in advance of the times. lie would have smlr—water pass through underground channels to the rlver, estimating the cost of channels from houses to street at 10d. per rod, and that of the street channels, which are to be 18 inches wide, at 2803., taking the cost of bricks to be two ducats per thousand. C(mnections from houses to streets is to be paid by the master of the house contributing to the Chamber of the Commonalty of London, or the latter should borrow at 15 per cent, and assess the householders. The xxiii channels are to be flushed every summer. An adequate flow of water is to be kept up in mill ditches, a sluice is to control the flow of water into the ditch below the mill ; this ditch to be cleansed every five years and kept in repair by the millers. As to the Fleet, which has three bridges, if the houses on the ditch have sufficiently deep foundations, a. sufficient head of water as far as the third bridge is to be secured by a lock, or as an alternative the ditch should be deepened and cleaned. He would, however, allow this ditch and, of course, the Thames to serve as sewers. From his knowledge of Italy he recommends public slaughterhouses, and from Antwerp he borrows the idea of public dust carts for house refuse. Four letters, calendared on pp. 182, 183, refer to a search for Jesuits made by Sir Francis Knollys, the younger, at the house of Francis Parkins, or Perkins, at Upton, Berks, on the night of July 17, 1599. Miss A. Mary Sharp in her history of Ufton Court supplements these papers by quotations from Exchequer Depositions, 6 James 1, Easter, Berks. Parkins himself was absent, but the informer Gayler found a secret place wherein were two chests containing bags of gold and plate, a. note of which was taken in an adjoining room in the presence of one of the family. Knollys removed the gold and plate to his house at Reading. The family then induced one Peter Beaconsawes to assert that in the secret place was a bag containing 751l. 163. 7d. belonging to him. He brought an action of trespass against Knollys and his servant Cray, in the Court of Common Pleas, and was awarded 900l. damages and 20L costs. In the meantime Knollys exhibited a bill of complaint against Beaconsawe in the Court of Exchequer. On his evidence the Court issued an injunction to stay Beaconsawe’s proceedings, and in 1609 the Lord Chancellor and Barons of the Exchequer decided against the latter’s claim. Vachell’s claim comes to light for the first- time in Lord Buckhurst’s letter (1). 183). Sir Thomas Vachell, Knight, and Sir Francis Knollys were justices for the county in 1625. [Diary of the Reading Corporation, edited by Rev. J. M. Guilding, Vol. II, p. 245.] Of legal matters there is little mention. Onslow, Solicitor- General, writes to Leicester, May 8, 1568, on the proposal to carry. on the Chancellorshjp of the Duchy of Lancaster by Commission, for which he could find no precedent. He had consulted Lord Justice Cams. From the latter and 1115 coneague on circuit, Edward Saunders, is a letter Justifymg their postponement of a Monmouth murder case at the end of 1564. Medicine is not mentioned, but Nicholas VVotton contem- plates taking the waters at Aix-la-Chapelle to find relief for his present catarrh and for his gout and otherdiseases, and Cecil wishes himself at “ Stamford where I am informed thlS May [1567] to grow a sovereign medicine for my gout.” Plague Xxiv is often mentioned in France and Italy [see index], and Bishop Home of Winchester in June, 1569, is anxious to prevent, on grounds of sickness feared to be plague, the Queen’s progress into Hampshire, even at the risk of being suspected to be exaggerating the scare “ to save his own charges.” As to Englishmen’s knowledge of Continental languages, Throg- morton, April 14, 1564, insists that if Dudley comes to Troyes, his gentlemen should speak French or Italian. Lord Montague was unable to have full. discourse with Montigny at Bruges “for want of speech.” Mr. Thomas Mildmay, bearer of Killigrew’s letter of May 26, 1569, hath the French tongue as well and natural as if he were born in France. To painting there are several allusions. Mary, Queen of Scots, closes a discussion between some of her Court as to whether a portrait of Elizabeth, seen at a merchant’s house at Edinburgh, was a good likeness of the Queen of England, by saying that it is not like her, for “ I am Queen of England.” A Florentine painter comes from Antwerp (p. 44, below) to take service with Leicester, to whom the Countess of San Segondo sends her portrait. He also receives portraits of Elizabeth, of Charles IX and two of himself, the work of one du Court, attached to the French Court. He imports armour and an armourer from Flanders. As to music Che-loner recommends a lute player, Fabricio Denti, who also sang in falsetto after the Neapolitan fashion. Luys, his father, had been offered 1,000 crowns yearly by Henry VIII. As to furniture, Sir Francis Knollys and the Countess of Shrewsbury both make a great point of the Scottish Queen’s apartments being furnished with hangings, while we find Elizabeth bargaining for the purchase of furniture from the late Post— master, probably Sir John Mason, who had been in Brussels. Madame d’Egmont is writing to Leicester to bring the pieces before her Majesty. 0f family matters, Sir William Dormer writes to Leicester in January, 1568-~~-9, that he purposes to lay the allegations against his daughter Anne, wife of Walter Hungerford, second Baron, before the Court, and, she once cleared, to bring the whole matter into the Star Chamber to have redress for the slanders. The lady was charged with an attempt to poison her husband in 1564, and with adultery with William Darrel] between 1560 and 1568. She cleared herself, and her husband, failing to pay costs, was sent to the Fleet. The Duchess of Feria was her sister. Lady Katharyne Berkeley was a suitor to Leicester for a relation of her husband’s. Her cousin George had already been supported by the Earl. An allusion to the Earl of Warwick fixes the date as prior to 1590, when that Earl died. 0f foreign visitors, Cecilia, Marchioness of Baden, and her husband must have been troublesome. For some time, as has been already mentioned, the lady occupied Lord Bedford’s house. Her husband writes to thank Leicester for some XXV kindness to his Wife and son. In April, 1566, the Marquis himself was arrested at Rochester for some mistake about a horse. In consequence he was returning home without seeing Leicester, from whom he asks the gift of an English horse for his journey. He offers a German one in return. Odet, Cardinal of Chatillon, broke his journey to London, in September, 1568, at Canterbury, “ none of his company being of estimation but one that is a Dean.” in the following May, he was expected to accompany Leicester to Oxford, and both were to lodge in Christchurch. STUART PAPERS. Included herein is a schedule of 401 letters taken at Worcester, abstracted by a clerk who is sometimes inaccurate, and a “ Breviat ” of 79 letters brought from Jersey, and reported to the Council of State on April 16, 1651. The first important item is an “ Acte ” of the Admiralty at Dieppe concerning the ships James and Benediction of London, brought into that port by a captain in the French navy in 1629. As there are so many allusions in this part of the Collection to Prizes and Prize law, it seems best to mention them at once. A long paper of [1?] 1635 gives the Remon- strances of Charles I on the rigour of the Ordonnances of the Marine of France. Those of Charles VI (1400), of Francis I (1517 and 1543), and of Henry III (1584) are dealt with, article by article. A great point is made of the fact that officials, including the receivers of the High Admiral, have an interest in privateers. Again, if a single enemy, or single article belonging to an enemy, were found in a neutral ship, that ship was lawful prize, whereas Spain only seized the goods. French laws against piracy are not enforced in France. Many French ships sail, it is asserted, under a plain white flag, without the lilies. Attack by such a ship ought to justify resistance. English ships have been adjudged good prize for firing a shot to salute a man-of—war. English prisoners in a French port are kept so close that they can get no assistance by way of advice or money. Their case is dealt With by the Conseil de Marine at Paris without their being heard. On the other hand in 1645 the Royah'sts had seized a Dutch ship. In 1647 the ship Pelican and her cargo, from Amsterdam to London, is taken by Captain Errington, the owners and consignees being English. S e is declared lawful prize by Dr. Registrary Hart, who gives a sunllar de01s10n in the case of a dogger boat of London, which had. taken on board at St. V alery-en-Caux cloth and corn belonging to her English owner; the cloth, it was argued, was canvas used for making cartridges. Some of Hart’s (1601310113 may have been unacceptable—at any rate in January, 1649, .111 tea};- of being directed to proceed to sea, he had “ cause of conjecture that his place as Judge of the Admiralty would be disposed xxvi Fleet are instructed not to take prizes (pp. 209 and 2.49, below). in other cases seizures are limited to vessels which can supply the Fleet with necessaries. In July, 1648, the Prince in the Downs was staying all ships belonging to Englishmen, and in particular the Damsel of London for Middelburg'with cloth, but bulk was not to be broken, and goods belonging to the States were not to be damnified. At the same date the Governor of Scarborough was authorised to make prizes and apparently did take a barque of Rye. A difliculty arose over a Dover boat taken while entering Calais with cargo belonging to merchants there, and the proceedings of her eaptor, Penniall (p. 261, below), are interesting, as is Norgate’s letter on the same subject, and two petitions from Ran, late Mayor of Calais, and the owners. In October, 1648) an Admiralty Court was appointed at Scilly, while the Royalist Crescent was, if possible, to be Victualled from a third part of the prizes taken by her, the tenths and fifteenths being first deducted for the Prince. In the same month Batten was ordered to unload a New England ship at Helfort Sluce, but opposition was made by the Shrive of Brille. In the following December Apsley [under whom John Evelyn served in 1641‘] is ordered not to make prizes till he knows that negotiations in England are absolutely broken off. The proprietors of sugar on board the Elizabeth and Susan 1eceive promise of payment of2 ,3001., and the joint owners of the Goods-peed a bond of 7,000 guilders on account of her detention by the Fleet. Three bales of silk were restored at the request of the city of Amsterdam in September, 1648, in which month Mr. Fisher was authorised to sell in the best market merchand dise seized by the ,lfleet. John Cornelius [undated] writes of a Dutch prize of 100 tons; “ let her prove Jew or Gentile but he will gett a paire of silk stockens and a Wast coat for Mr. Secretary” William Sandys in 1649 had a design for the seizing the English fleets trading to Greenland and Russia, the vessels employed in the work to be taken as for the service of the Duke of L0r1aine. In April, 1642 the King informs John Heenvliet of the intended marriage of his daughter Mary. After acting for nearly two years at the Hague as Superintendent 1n the Court of the Princess Heenvliet is to be made Baron de Kerchove, and J eimyn enquiies of Digby if the Barony 1s to be an English one and to descend upon Heenvliet’s son by Lady Stanhope. If not she desires that the son may be created LOld Kerchm- c, Baron of Wotton Marley. “Advise with Council whether being born in Holland he must not first be made a denizen.” There is also a paper endorsed by Heenvliet “ about the precedence between the Princess Royal and the Electress of Brandenburg, Louise daughter of the Prince of Orange. Mary refused to be present at her wedding. Of the proceedings of Prince Charles there is the summons of Queen Henrietta Maria, June 1, 1648, to the Lords of her xxvii Council to meet on the question of the Prince’s remove into some part of his father’s dominions. The same month part of the Fleet revolted to the King. and the ships are ordered to the Downs, Calais, or St. John’s road, where the Prince will meet them. There was a doubt whether Lord Willoughby of Parham would be acceptable as Admiral. Later there was an idea that Lord Warwick himself might be induced to join the Royalists (7). 249, below). In July comes a draft letter to Ormond, with a corrected paragraph. The first draft authorised Ormond. “ in case the settlement cannot otherwise be effected to grant unto the Confederate Catholics an assurance of abolition of all” penal laws. The amendment runs: “ In matters of religion he is to grant whatever hath been at any time offered unto them by him upon any former treaty,” Le. the Ormond Treaty of 1646, which marked the furthest point to which the King would openly go. Meantime the Prince was doing his best to get ammunition over to Colchester, and to relieve Walmer. The revolted Fleet was a good card to play at Rotterdam and Gough. quel goflo [stupidl Delta-re, as Windebank calls him, was sent to play it, and Sir William Boswell was to follow suit. A diplomatic letter went from the Prince to John Webster of Amsterdam, who had been trying to hire ships for the Prince’s service. It was also hoped that Lord Gerard might try to induce de Ransau at Dunkirk to lend two frigates, with ammunition, if possible on a “general promise of payment?» The Duke of Lorraine; informed of the Prince’s intention to join the Fleet in the Downs, warns his Highness to keep open his communications with ()stend (p. 218, below). The Prince of Orange refused to lend ships against “launch but his Vice-Admiral will protect the Royalist Fleet when in Dutch waters. To Lord Cape] at Colchester goes a letter calling the defence “the most gallant action of the whole war.’ But nothing in the way of relief is to be expected from the Prince, who has not the means to do it. The Worcester papers .(No. 344) tell us that Cape] was imprisoned at Windsor Castle. Correspondence with Scotland begins on p. 221 of the Calendar. The news of Preston elicits a letter of condolence to Hamilton. A letter to the Lords and Committee of the Estates of Scotland in September announces that the Prmce is in Holland on his way to Berwick, and Secretary Long s minutes provide for letters to be written to mdiwduals in Scotland. , . ‘ In October Sir John Grenville is sent to hold Seilly, captured by Captains Noy and Arthur; there he has to break Captam Diamond for misdemeanour and disobedience (p. 276, below). In the same month Long receives the first of a series of seven letters from William Curtius, giving an account of the close _of the Thirty Years War, and of the state of thmgs on the dis- persal of the various forces at the conclusmn of the Peace. In his last letter from Nuremburg of May 11, 1649, he quotes xxviii some remarks of the Duke of Amalfi [Piccolomini] as to the King’s prospects and plans. In November, 1648, comes up the quarrel between Lord (Jolepeper and Sir Robert Walsh, referred to in a letter. enclosed by Nicholas to ()rmond, dated Caen, November 16—26 (Original Letters (md Papers 0/ Duke of Otrmo-nd, i, 191). On “October 23 was spoiled Lord Culpepper’s face.” Walsh had agreed to give 3,000l. for a prize laden with sugar, taken by the Fleet in the Downs. The money was not forthcoming, and (L‘olepeper at a Council called Walsh a “ shark and a fellow not to be trusted.” Rupert said he should acquaint Walsh, who was his friend, with this. Words followed between Rupert and his lordship, but the Council reconciled them. Next day Sir Robert met Colepeper and gave him several blows in the face. He then published a pamphlet accusing Colepeper of corresponding with the Parliament (p. 237, below). Summoned before the Prince to justify some reports scattered by him in “ cabarets and ordinaries,” he did not appear, but the report was traced to a Norfolk recusant. The .Prince dis— believed the story, and wrote to request Ormond to arrest Walsh if he went to Ireland. An order was given to a Dutch Advocate to proceed against Walsh in the Provincial Court, but the matter was allowed to drop. Number (32) of the Jersey Papers is probably from Walsh. About this date the Prince made a contract, given at length in the Collection, with Martine de Reuz, of Rotterdam, for the provision of victuals for the Fleet, to be paid for by the sale of guns. His Royal Highness on December 28, writes to Ormond to commend Sir George Monro, who had served in the late unfortunate Engage ment in Scotland. (He agreed to disband his forces at Stirling late in September.) At the same time the Prince is giving a favourable reply to the Committee of the Estates of Scotland, to whom Brentford was sent, and to Argyle. The support of the King of Poland and of the King and Queen of Denmark was sought about this date. In January, 1648—9, comes an important letter from Ormond. He had then been four months in Ireland, having been begged to come by Inchiquin. He had powers from the Prince, but the King had ordered him to obey the Queen and not his own commands until he was free from restraint. ()rmond was not to be startled at concessions to Ireland, for they would come to nothing. The Treaty of Kilkenny, on the basis of that of 1646, had been signed a week before ()rmond wrote. The position justified his appeal to the Prince to come to Ireland. “ Three parts ” of the island were devoted to him, and the fourth consisting of J ones’ and Owen Roe’s parties might be won . over or reduced. The Marquis is so confident that Charles will take his advice that he names the ports that were most suitable for his landing, including in the list the late Confederate Catholics’ Waterford, Limerick, xxix and even Wexford, with a warning against the bar at the last haven. He contemplated the possibility of the Duke of York accompanying the King. who was proclaimed in February, and renewed ()rmond’s Commission, while the latter was arranging for the return of. the Marchioness from Caen, and treating with the Spanish Agent [de la Torre], for the transporting of men to the Spanish service for a sum of 3,000l. or 4,000l., a matter which he desires may be rightly understood in France. The money would be useful, considering the “ forwardness of Jones and Owen Roe to agree." From the “activity of the Nuncio ” Ormond was soon to be free, for Rinuccini departed in February. The letter found the Prince at the Hague, subjected to Scotch influence. On March 2 Loudoun and Argyle send him a joint- letter (on the back of which 0.1%. thrice writes his new style). If any man dissuade his Majesty from hearkening to their advice, he has just reason to ponder such counsels as most ready means to strengthen his enemies and render Scotland incapable of serving him, “ whereto we shall be more Grievous than any private interest or loss can befall us.” T e reply expresses his Majesty’s hope, when the Commissioners come, to clear all mistakes. Loudoun writes again on March 24 pressing the Covenant. This letter crosses one from his Majesty requesting Loudoun to save Huntley. He then sends Bishop Bramhall to Ormond to tell him of possible help from Portugal. whence an envoy, Irish but bearing the name of Domingo de Rosario, will be sent. But in view of possibilities of something better from Spain, Ormond must not commit himself with Rosario. A minor duplicity this, compared with the Royal letter of April 25 May 4, in which the King, having just promised to go to Scotland, hopes “ to start for Ireland in a few days.” Lord Henry Percy, sent to Paris writes of being occupied only with doctors (p. 2.77). By this time Rupert had gone over to Ireland, and commerce- raiding had begun. This appears by the Lord of Musselburgh 3 letter (7). 277, below) and those of Lord Marlborough (p. 296). Sir Andrew Logan, more enterprising, is for the capture of ships of rebellious subjects south of the Equator, the suggestion to be concealed in View of his own interest in the East lndla Company. Logan’s idea was probably the resultof theopemng to Royalist ships of Lisbon, the Azores and ports in Africa ()9. 253, below). The sending of ships into the Straits was suggested (p. 283). The Fortune from Holland to Cabo de G10 was also seized, and the King had to complain thereof (30. 264). In April he had written to Ormond 1n favour of Lord and Lady Broghill, and the reply of May 25 brings somewhat disquieting news of a combination of Drum Roe, Moan and Jones. In May, Montrose is preparing for his missmn to northern Kings and States, and the Collection contains a memorandum on the subject in his own hand. To Ireland are sent commissions for commanders in Ulster, as Montgomery XXX of Ards, and Sir Robert Stewart and James Erskine, with warrants for the apprehension of Sir Alexander Stewart and others. In June the Constable of Brussels requests the usual gratuity for firing a salute on the King’s “Joyous Entry ” to that city. In July Grenville wants frigates at Sci-Hy, which place would have been in great distress but for a Dutch prize which supplied their necessaries. Long’s notes of July 18428 include an intimation to Sir John Cochrane to remonstrate with the State [‘2 Courland] if Jones be received, an appeal to Curtius to procure the Emperor’s letter to Hamburg that none be received from the rebels, and a warning to Grenville and Ormond of invasion, in the case of Ireland by Cromwell. About the same time Thomas Killigrew is sent to ltaly where the King now has consuls at Venice, Naples, tenoa and Leghorn. [An account of the circumstances of his recall is given by Hyde to Brown, 1652, August 6. Clarendon Letters.) Braham reports the apprehension of Marchamont Needham (Pragmaticus) “by his own consent; he is a very knave ” (pp. 286, 298). The Jersey Papers contain three from Lucy, Countess of Carlisle, the first promising to give intelligence, and two commending Sir W. Batten and Lord Peter-borough, respec~ tively. The fifth paper, supposed to be from Arthur Slingsby, written after the Countess was in the Tower, proposes the raising of six troops of horse in and about London. Numbers (5) and (7) are from the Prince to the Countess, expressing gratitude, fearing danger to her by his letters, and acknow— ledging the “carriage of the Lord of Nor-thumberland in the Lords: house, when the ordinance for the trial of the King was rejected.” In (9) she receives blanks “ fOr Colehester to do what she will.” The money upon Tom Howard’s blank is to be paid to the Countess and not to Lord Willoughby. A letter signed LC. recommends Mr. Low. An unsigned letter, “yet supposed to be Captain Titus, his hand, . . wrote between the execution of the late King and Hamilton,” is from some of the Presbytery inveighing against the Parliament for murderng the late King, earnestly pressing him (sic) to the Covenant. Numbers (22) to (28) are despatches from “Peter de la Fountayne, who sometimes wrote as Tyler, to Coventry, alias Crocker, dated in June and August, 1649. He mentions that Fairfax must march northward, but is not entrusted with the main design; that Sion College resolved to pray for the King, not-withstanding the Act; later that Fairfax was to be laid aside, though courted with 5,0001. per annam. [f Cromwell is not prevented by "" the Presbytery” from defeating Ormond, he may be “crowned King in the heat of his victories in Ireland, and for quiet sake most men would submit.” Number (29) refers to Mrs. Horwood [‘3 Jane Whorwood, who had tried, with Captain Burleigh (p. 284), to enable the King to escape from Carisbrooke]. She is to have a place kept open for her for six or seven weeks. xxxi Number (55) is from James, Earl of Derby, writ-ten after the execution of the King, expressing loyalty ; this is followed by a letter of gratitude from the “King of Scots” to his Countess, while Number (57) refers to the designs of the Parliament on the Isle of Man, and advises that the Countess be exhorted to hold out. From (97) it would seem that in July. 1649, Charles received copies of letters from Fairfax to Ireton. Other interesting documents among the Stuart papers are a list of the new King’s household early in 1649, a. letter in which the Prince condemns Wishart’s Res Geetae, a most extraordinary production from Cornellis Yvans, or Evans, the pretended Prince of Wales (p. 209, below), an almost equally extraordinary letter from Mrs. Fit-zjames, whose husband became a Parliamentary spy, and one from Sir Gilbert Talbot, written Feb. 343, 1644, from Venice, probably to Sir R. Brown at Paris, at the instance of Lord Banbury’s Governor “ who is at a great fault in his correspondence out of France, if you will . . lay the man upon the sent [sic] you will do a deed of charity to the young gentleman (who hath suffered quarantaine and all the inconveniences of a blind guide).” From another Governor, Sir John Berkeley, in charge of the Duke of York, there are several letters of interest, especially one describing their journey from Steenbergen to Cambray in January, 1648—9, and another of September 2 in which Berkeley requests an audit of his accounts of money spent both for the Duke and for Princess Henrietta since she left Exeter. In the former case the money had been obtained at Rotterdam. From Carisbrooke two letters are written in August, 1648, the first by Robert Hammond to his friend Colonel Nath. Rich ; after an earnest request for pay for the latter’s troop lying there. he passes to the news that the King approves beyond expectation the message of the Commissioners; then follow many expressions of piety, which have a very genuine ring. “I new apprehend that God is about to set me free from the world, that which my soul hath thirsted after, but I_ fear in a carnal way.” The second letter is from the captain of one of the troops of Colonel Rich to that officer, and describes a day of the King’s life there, and his relations with Hammond. Rich had written to Hammond that he had sent him 1118 best friend, and this is probably the best friend’s letter. Noticeable also is a letter of June 23, 1651, from Thomas Aileen, apparently a Parliamentarian spy, to St. John, the Ambassador of the Parliament in Holland. He has much .to say about English and Foreign supporters of the ‘Royahst cause. Of the same year is the deposrtion of John Christian, of the Isle of Man, that Major Whitford, son of Bishop Vl’hitford, had confessed to the murder of Dorislaus. and had given the dagger used by him to the late Earl of Derby. The - Collection includes many appeals sent or drafted to Foreign Powers by the Prince. Condé is congratulated upon his xxxfi victory at Lens ; other letters appeal to the Duke of Lorraine, the Archduke Leopold and the Czar, besides powers already named. Loyalist Englishmen come forward from many quarters, and in some cases their letters were kept to fall into wrong hands at Worcester, or in Jersey. As to colonisation we find heads of a letter from the King, undated, to the Secretary of the Colony of Virginia, a copy of an undated letter to Lord Marlborough, as a person of “great experience and interest in the Caribbo Islands,” and certain appointments in Virginia, 1649. A remarkable paper on the first Plantation of New England (p. 270, below) is noted as written to Mr. Evelyn. Of the few later papers which, as it were, fringe the Collection, mention may be made of two papers by John Evelyn on the sovereignty of the sea; of these an outline is given ('1). 267, below). The letter of Edward Billings. Quaker, dated the first month called March, 167341, is noticeable, and even more so is Flamstecd’s letter of February 18, 170243, which has been given in full. As a rarity the most valuable paper in the Collection is the letter of Elizabeth, daughter of Charles I, only one other autograph letter of the Princess being known to exist. It is addressed to a servant, Kilvert, who may possibly be the person mentioned on p. 288 below. The third volume concludes with the keys to about 20 ciphers in use in the reign of Charles I. The present Editor wishes to express his great sense of gratitude to the Master and Fellows of Magdalene College for the particularly kind manner in which they granted the use of the Papers, and to Mrs. S. C. Lamas for invaluable help in translation and other ways. E. K. PURNELL. PEPYS MANUSCRIPTS BELONG INC T0 MAGDALENE COLLEGE. (lAl‘lllRlDGE. EDWARD IV’s CHILDREN. [1485.]———Copy of a memorandum dated Hilary Term 1 Hen. VII. concerning the reversal of the act declaring the children of Edw. IV bastards. l p. (II. 64l.*) EDWARD IV. Extract from the will of Edward IV appointing two chantry priests in the college of V'Vindsor. to be named respectively by the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, and to receive 20 marks yearly. Their requirements as to duty and residence. 1 2). (II. 627.) Warrant to Sir HUGH CONWAY and Sir JOHN WILTSHIRD. 1511, August 18. Nottingham.w/«Directing them as Treasurer and Controller respectively of Calais to make into gunpowder all such stuff for gunpowder as remains at Calais, and the Treasurer to pay for the making of it after the rate of 4.3. for every last. Sign Manual, evil]; 5 signatures, including Tho-mas Wulcy. 81ines. (I. 3.) The GREAT WARDROBE. [1512,] Jan. 26, 3 Hen. VIII. Greenwich—'Warrant to Piers Curteys, Keeper of the Great Wardrobe, directing delivery to Piers Burton, saddler, of four yards of black velvet to cover a saddle and harness for the French ambassador. Sign manual, HR. 6 lines. (I. 5.) [JOHN, DUKE or] NORTHUMBERLAND to his son [JOHN], EARL‘ or WARWICK. [l55l—l553.]—-“ I had thought you had had more discretion then to hurt your selfie thorew fantesyes or care, specially for 'i‘lie figures in brackets denote the Yolume and page when; the documents will be found in the Pepys Collection; 1 P 2 suche thinges as may be remedyed and holpon. Well ynoghe y0u must understand that I kno you canot lyve under great chargyes. And therfor you shold not hyde frome me your debts what so ever yt be for I wolde be lothe but you shold kepe your credyte with all men. And therfore send me worde in any wys of the hole some of your debts, for I and your mother will see theym forthwith payed and what so ever you do spend in the honest servis of our master and for his honour so you do not let wyld and wanton men consume yt, as I have been servid in my dayes, you muste thinke all ya spent as yt shold be, and all that I have must be yours and that you spend before, you may With God’s grace helpe yt herafter by good and faithfull servis wherin I trust you will never be found slake and then you may be sure you canot lak serving soche a master as you have toward Whome the lyvinge God preserve and restore you to perfyt helth and so with my blessing I comytt you to his tuision. Your loving Father. Northumberland. Postscript in his Mother’s hand .' Your lovynge mothere that wyshes you helthe dayli Jane Northumberland. l p. (II. 729.) PARSONAGE 0F MAIDSTONE. [-1555,] Feb. 20. Westminster.——Warrant from King Philip and Queen Mary to William, Marquis of Winchester, to grant lease for 40 years of the parsonage of Maidstone with the chapels of Dettling and Loose to Christopher Roper, licensed to attend upon Cardinal Pole, in recompense for his services during the rebellion of the Duke of Northumberland and the insurrection of Wyatt, and for his attendance upon ambas— sadors coming from outward parts through Kent where he dwells. Sign manual torn ofi. 1 p. (I. 280.) EARLDOM OF NORTHUMBERLAND. [1557,] April 30.-—~Copy of Letters Patent: appointing Thomas, Baron Percy, Earl of Northumberland. 1g pp. Latin. (I. 29.) List of PROTESTANT DIVINES. i [1559 ‘2] “ The names of certen godlielerned preachers which have utterly forsaken Antichriste and a1 his Romishe rags, besides divers whose names I do not presently remember and others that I know not. ‘ “ Mr. Coverdal, Dr. Tumor, Mr. Alvey, Mr. Fox, Mr. Lever, Mr. Sampson, Mr. Whitingham, Mr Lau. Hompfge , Mr. Gilbie, Mr. Tho. Cole, Mr. Adam Haliday, Mr. ngley, Mr. Buskit, Mr. Wyburne, Mr. Horton, Mr. Philpot, Mr. 3 Austian, Mr. W. Cole, Mr. Pilkington, Mr. Allen, Mr. Hancock, Mr. Havel, Mr. Tremayne, Mr. Courthop, Mr. Stanton, Mr. Gogh, Mr. Sawle, Mr. Roth-28. “ Whether these pore men (if they were but two) which for the zeale of God’s pure religion, do refuse and reject Anti- christ’s Livereys, or the Lord Bushops and others, that for wordlie respects, receyve and allowe them, are to be prefard, let those that are godliewise judge: the one following thexample of a1 Christs faithful ministers in Germany, Fraunce, Scotland and a] well reformed Churches, to the abolishing of papistrie' and superstition: the other imitating Christa swome enymies (the papists) to the maintenance Of poprie and superstition.” Endorsed: A remembrance to the Lord Robert Dudley concerning the Preachers Of the Gospel. To be considered. 1 3). (II. 701.) Lord ROBERT DUDLEY to THOMAS BLOUNT. [1560,] Sept. 9. Windsor. 2p. Copy. (II. 703.) 'TIIOMAS BLOUNT to Lord ROBERT DUDLEY. [1560,] Sept. 11. Cumnor. 2- pp. Copy. (II. 705.) Lord ROBERT DUDLEY to THOMAS BLOUNT. [1560.] Windsor. g p. COpy. (II. 707.) Lord ROBERT DUDLEY to THOMAS BLOUNT. [1560,] Sept. 12. Kew. $17. Copy. (II. 711.) THOMAS BLOUNT to Lord ROBERT DUDLEY. [1560,] Sept. 13. Cumnor. in 32. Copy. (II. 709 ) The above five letters have already been printed in the Append-27:1: to Lord Braybrooke’s edition of Pepys’ Diary, and elsewhere. The date of the last letter but one is wrongly qnoted by Fraude as Sept. 27. For a later letter on the same subywt see p. 111 below, Warrant to the MARQUIS OF WINCHESTER, HIGH.TREASURER, Sir RICHARD SACKVILLE, UNDER TREASURER, Sir WALTER MILDMAY, CHANCELLOR OF EXCHEQUER. [1661,] March 14, 3 Eliz. Westminster.——Warrant to grant to John West and Johanne, his wife, 21 years’. lease of a tene— ment parcel of the houses and rent belonging to Somerset House beside Strand at the accustomed rent .of 268. 8d. Sign manual of the Queen. 3; go. At fool m dzflerent hand .- pro Honnyng. (I. 7.) W. HERLLE to Lord [ROBERT DUDLEY ‘2] 1661, Au . 17. Hamburg—After I had addressed my letters Of thge 12th of July to your Lordship from Antwerp 4 I met at Amsterdam with Mr. Brigantyne. He showed me to have orders of return homewards by Mr. Secretary. He told me of some Colonels who entertained men of service with only hope of some doings, but this is but the common practice to procure entertainment to themselves. I shall repair to Brunswick, where no few things of great moment and importance are to be known. The Pope and the Emperor be feared to practise some extraordinary feat against Germany, now specially because they be a Kingdom divided, some Lutherans, some Calvinists and the rest Papists, so as the time itself seems to work for them. An Ambassador of the Pope, accompanied with one of the Emperor, is presently at Lubeck. They have solicited the Bishops here, and mean to persuade as they go either the obedience of a Council, or the constraint of the Interim decreed by Charles the late Emperor at Antwerp ; their commission extends to the King of Denmark and Sweden, to the Polish King and to all the states of the Empire, but their confidence depends much upon the German bis'hOps, who for the maintenance and restoration of their dignity have much induced the parties. They think perhaps also that the Emperor’s quietness with the Turk shall be able to add a great terror, if they show any forwardness against this legation, wherein surely some part is abused, for either they have left to fear the shadow before now, or the substance itself hath been little regarded hitherto, which I mean by Ferdinand the Emperor, a person smally esteemed. He wrote of late to have borrowed of Cologne, Bremen, Hamburg and Lubeck 160,000 dollars towards the relief of Livonia, but no relief could be gotten at their hands. There is a fame that. a great piece of the King of Sweden’s navy is appointed for Livonia over which he is constituted protector, nor have the Hamburg ships detained of late by the King of Denmark in the Sound been yet released, but more quarrels are sought to aggravate the matter laid against them, the Hamburgers following the Court from place to place, but not being admitted to audience of the Prince, who now is not going to Leipsic for the marriage of the Prince of Orange. The French King has had for more than five years an Ambassador in Denmark, “Carolus Danseus of the county of Poyteis,” so as if anything he meant towards the Scottish Queen for marriage, it is his drift and motion. At Lunenburg have divers princes of Nether Saxony assembled; the Stedes Isie have also been present with their divines to establish uniformity in the Sacrament, from which it is agreed to banish all other meaning than Luther’s Catechism prescribes ; they of Higher Germany dissent, and much laboured in the last convention at Nurem‘burg to have added a new preface to the Augsburg confession, which the contrary part stifily repugned; since which time Dr. Albert of Bremen, otherwise called Hardenberg was banished at Brunswick out of all the Nether Saxon circle, , having converted the greater part of Bremen, and now is with WW‘V"“‘C 7‘» w:- 5 Count Christopher of Oldenburg who has appealed from the sentence to the Bishop of Magdeburg and to Duke Heinrich of Brunswick, but there they suffered repulse. Melancthon’s epistle to the Palsgrave hath alienated a number from Luther’s meaning. The late Diet at Lubeck concerned religion principally, and next how they might recover from her Majesty their ancient privilege in England and from the King ‘ of Denmark the prerogative they enjoyed at Bergen, and now partly deprived of the same. " To conclude they agreed to show themselves stout to the end their demands might force some better issue.” My instructions will me in all places to declare how untrue be the reports which concern the conveyance of armour into Russia by her Majesty. N 0 place was more infected with this rumour than Amsterdam, where one George Starkye was, on express letters from Brussels, attached upon surmise that he should transport from thence munition into Russia, using for the shadow of his feat to ship out corn divers times, the ballast whereof was armour and such like, but nothing was found in the ships. Yet it affects not the rumour. A more serious report was that her Majesty and the Council maintained pirates to spoil all merchants that had traffic through the narrow seas. The principal author of this infamy is one Cornelius Georgesson, a man of wealth in Amsterdam. He said “ If I had paid all the Queen’s custom, which hitherto I have stolen, I should not now be worth a great.” I used secret practice that this might come to the Scout’s intelligence, yet not seeming that the motion proceeded of me, or of any English- man, thereby to explorate how the Scout was affected, and thereby to get incident occasion for the rumour of Russia. The Scout sent for Georgesson who denied all things. Yet suspecting in whose company he had spoken such words he arrested one Robert Sergeant of London ; under pretence. to assist him, I got occasion to declare the Queen’s zeal for justice, her upright mind to strangers, her clemency to all men, her hazard of her Kingdom for the preservation of the Scottish liberty, and how she punished pirates of her mere grace, Without respect of persons. Unkindness might breed between. the countries from such slanders. Her Majesty was prov1dmg armour for the defence of her realm against France ; no person can prove that. ever she sent to any place out of her own country the value of one harquebus. Her Majesty had charged me to affirm that she never heard of any armour carried out of her Realm to the use of any country, and for more surety she hath given charge to all her ports that whosoever shall attempt to do so, shall lose all that he hath. Neither should the merchant, I concluded, find profit in that commodity in RUSSla... . The Scout answered very courteously, assuring to become a diligent investigator of these rumours. Georgesson should .be an example to the rest. He has a son in London who might be attached upon the word of his fafiher for stealing so much 6 custom ; peradventure it might show small truth in some of the ofiicers at home, only there may be craft in dawbing (bribing). Some fear Sir Thomas Gressham did inform of Starkye. You understand Gressham’s nature; how jealousfk he is lest in service he be prevented, and how suspicious. From Amsterdam I went to Bremen, and there solicited the free passage of her Majesty’s armour and provisions, and the purgation of the false rumours spread upon the pretence of the said provisions being destined for Russia, affirming that double toll had been charged upon her Majesty’s goods ; she did not seek any privilege, “for as she was a Caesar within her own dominions, so wished she to be given to every Caesar whatsoever should be due unto the same, so it were not prejudicial to other.” She was falsely reported to have con- veyed into Russia such store and provisions of armour as she of late had made in Germany for the use of her own country ; she never had the meaning to furnish the Russ with the commodity for it brings neither profit to the carrier nor use where it is carried. The haunt of our nation with that people did not tend but to the public benefit and knowledge of the world ; as the Portingales had benefitted by finding out the Moluccas and the spicery trade, and the Spaniards of the other side by opening a way into the large and quiet sea of Sur through Magellan’s strait, so her Majesty desired to discover the unknown coasts of the North Sea,“ and had taken this navigation in hand to try out whether any issue were to be found betwixt Greenland and the continent of Norway and Lapland and by compassing the Frisian Sea to be able to attain Cathayia by a. nearer route than the world yet knew : in this attempt it were not amiss to have a sure harbour midway, therefore to maintain amity with the Russ, Wishing that Lubeck or some nearer place did not more supply him things apt for his purpose than did England. They assured me they never knew that those provisions appertained to her Majesty, but rather to the merchant who might make his profit of the same again in England ; that the custom did not exceed an English penny upon every corslet ; they never took any toll of things that belonged to Princes, much less of anything wherein her Highness might have an interest, requiring me so to make report; they had been written to from the Emperor and other Princes that the munition passing through Bremen was secretly sent into Russia, yet they never gave any faith thereunto. They presented me with wine, and for that the way of my travel was somewhat suspicious, would have sent with me 20 horse, but I refused all save four which accompanied me as far as the Duke of Lunenburg. The Provost of Bremen entertained me on my way. The Duke Otto of Lunenburg is worthy of her Majesty’s pension for his Wisdom, forwardness and goodwill to her Majesty’s subjects. * The words in italics are in cipher undecipheredi [for key see the actual Papers, Vol. 11., pp. 581, 583. 9 7 He is but about 32, yet apt for all things, well proportioned, and of mean stature with a comely auburn beard. His country lies so hard upon the Elp’s (sic) stream that upon time of service no place were more commodious. He has written several times to England, but received no answer. A letter would make such a man more careful to give larger intelligence of things. Thence I came to Hamburg, and presented myself to the whole Senate. I did not ask for free passage for the Queen’s munition, for they had already given the same. They promised to purge the Queen’s cause whenever they could. In my principal cause I have good hope to make a happy end by Nicholas Plate’s mean. I shall communicate secretly with the parties within ten days. He showed me of a greater sum to be had than double my commission extends unto. It only remains to agree of the interest, for the assurance did not mislike them. To keep the bargain secret, I have practised that two or three shall take it up of the rest in their own name, that no bruit sound of it. If it were known, it would be con- jectured that her Highness meant war, and the Dane, who is Wholly French, would withstand with all his force the conclusion of the bargain. 0f M r. Gresham’s armour“ I shall shortly know, and will use all diligence therein. The Pope’s Legates are at Lubeck and but for the authority of the Emperor’s Ambassador would be stoned to death ; they solicit safe conduct to Denmark and Sweden, but in vain for they are feared to practise a league with the Russ. Another Diet of Princes is to be at Halberstadt on the 25th chiefly concerning Russia and Lyveland [Livonia], and the con~ veyance of munitions there will be much spoken of. _ Postscript—I have written to Mr. Secretary so much in efiect as this to your Lordship contains, Mr. Graham’s case“ excepted. The same is sent by another messenger for double security. If the Queen be first informed by you of these, my proceedings, I desire that in no wise she show any token thereof till the other party make the first overture. Dymock hath written to Lubeck to be delivered out of prison and albeit his case deserves rigour, yet the simple glorious .man Will seem rather to transfer all things to his own just merits than to her ious clemency. 15 pp. (I. 45.) GEORGE GILPIN to Lord ROBERT DUDLEY. ‘ 1561, Sept. 6. Brussels.—-—Encloses letters received the previous day. The voice was that the Prince of Spain. would be here in the beginning of next summer ; it is now said that he is sick of a quartan ague so as they doubt of his recovery. The Lady Regent is by report weary of her state and deslrous to be in Italy with her husband. He thinks this country Will ' teas; undeciphered. 8 be well content to give her leave, notwithstanding they seem to be indifferently well contented with her. They are in doubt here that the King of Denmark shall marry with the Queen of Scotland, which they would not gladly should come to pass, for they think he doth not bear good will to the House of Burgundy as his father did. There is here a Council Provincial of Grey Friars. The Chief of the order is here : he was received at Antwerp by his brethren with procession and also visited of the lords of the town and the wine presented him after the manner of the Country. “To-morrow he shall be received here." There is great persecution in the Kingdom of Naples for religion. I p. Endorsed .' Hearll’s letters. (I. 61.) EARLDOM OF WARWICK. 1561, Dec. '36. Westininster.~—COpy of Letters Patent appointing Ambrose Dudley, knight, Baron Lysle, to the Earldom of Warwick. 2%; pp. Latin. (I. 31.) {GUIDO CAVALCANTI] to Lord -—--- [1561.]~~~lle heard of his Lordship’s return from the Emperor, and hoped to have seen him, but could not reach Lyons in time, there being plague in Italy, and therefore writ-es. When in England he had often heard great lords there marvel that since the Queen’s accession no one had been sent to her from Venice. On his leaving England the Queen dexterously alluded to this, regretting that she had not been able to main- tain and increase the friendship which had existed between her predecessors and Venice. He replied that the Signoria, believ- ing she would marry, was waiting to send an ambassador who would execute both offices [of congratulations] together. Being in error on this point, it did not appear to them feasible to send to congratulate her accession. They therefore reserved themselves for some other occasion. She replied that any time for correcting an error was better than none. He therefore saw an opportunity of being useful to both sides, but. an interview with his Lordship being impossible, writes his views, though he has no charge in the matter. The Venetians have rubs with Flanders about trade, and wishing to draw trade to Venice, think that, with an ambassador in England, they might have more facilities than Flanders; There has been talk whether they might. find some material for the gallcys to begin to traffic as formerly. Things are at present but unripe (verde). But- I believe that the Signoria would not think twice of a little cost to negotiate with En land and its Queen. The diversity of religion is no draw ack, for they had an ambassador there in King Edward’s time, and to the Queen 3. Venetian ambassador would be even more 9 pleasing ; an English ambassador would be more acceptable in Venice, and very honourable gentlemen would be sent in return. He fears to engage more than is fitting for him, but is most anxious to work some good, and will act on a hint. He hopes to hear from his Lordship at Genoa whether it will be possible for him to come there, or to Florence where he is going. 2% pp. Italian. (II. 667.} [The letter is unsigned but is the writing of Guido Cavalcanti, . a Florentine in the service of the Queen, who had negotiated the treaty of Cateau Cambresis. There was no authorised Minister from Venice to England between 1537 and 1602. [n 1560 the Venetians resident in London elected a Vice-Consul on their own responsibility. The Signoria soon terminated his appointment, but in 1603 the merchants were obliged to appoint a Consul, who was however not an accredited Agent] to Sir NICHOLAS THROCMORTON. Notes of things to be considered in the reformation of the statutes in Oxford. [1561 ?]—-—~That at morning prayer between 5 and 6 one half- hour at least be spent in expounding the Scriptures, and that once in a week they declare some fruit of their studies, and be better prepared for the Ministry, and other schools be instructed. 2. That gentlemen and other strangers that live of the University, and not bound to its exercises, be not forced to swear to the Statutes unless they proceed in degree, and that their names be only registered in the matriculation book with a general protestation of their favour to the maintenance of the State, and of their obedience as scholars in things con- venient and pertaining to them. 3. That suspect houses be forbidden, and unlawful games as dice, cards, football, and specially at the time of prayer or sermons, or study and public exercises. 4. That the Statute of caps, tippets, hoods may be some— What qualified that scholars may not so straitly be tied to them but in the time of school exercises, and that the penalty may be mitigated. That there may be a consideraton of Heads and Masters of Colleges which before were never hunted but governed others. . 5. That Doctors of Divinity may according to the ancient custom wear a round cope with a neck or otherwise both that the rule of Lindaverius in tit-ale Doctoral-us may be observed, and some distinction betwixt the common priest and the Doctors of D. retained. . _ . 6. That the order of Cambridge may be received in choosmg Proctors by combination of houses, whereby contention and perjury may be removed, which now commonly every year are used, though oath be taken that they shall labour nee per se nee per alium. l p. (H. 567.) lO RICHARD, Lord Brent: to the QUEEN. 1562[~3], Feb. 2. London.———“ Most dread sovereign lady, perceiving yesterday your most godly inclination, great care and study to leave your imperial crown, your realm and your loving and faithful subjects of the same in unity, concord and quietness, if God should call your Highness from us without heirs of your most royal body, which, God defend the same, should be to all true hearts and faithful subjects the greatest misery and calamity that ever was in this your realm, and knowing assuredly your accustomed goodness and benignity doth bolden me most humbly to desire your most excellent Majesty to give me leave to speak with your Majesty at what time your Highness shall appoint on certain things which at that time I shall declare to your Highness, which, I trust in God, shall not only tend to the preservation of your Highness but also of your imperial crown, realm and dominions, and to the continual unity and quietness of your faithful subjects of the same, which matters being to your great wisdom disclosed, you may order as your Highness shall think most for your surety, your crown and realm, and the quietness of the same, most humbly craving of your Highness pardon of this boldness, trusting it shall appear to your Majesty that it procedeth from a true and faithful heart according as I am most bounden, which through your great wisdom and princely experience you have not hitherto refused, and upon your pleasure known I shall wait upon your Majesty with all diligence.” . l p. Holograph. (I. 67.) ENRICO, DUKE or BRUNSWICK and LUNENBURG to Lord ROBERT DUDLEY. 1563, April 18. Langenhagen.——I am much astonished that you have not written to say whether the Queen wants my people or not. I do not think that my good will ought to be paid with ingratitude. Coming to my lands I would look for very good people, and l have now more than 2,000 or 3,000 soldiers thinking the Queen would take me into her service. I put myself in your hands for an answer yes or no so that I may not remain with all the expenses, as I see that you are a very real friend. I pray your answershortly. 1 39. Spanish. Holograph. (I. 71.) HENRY MYDDELMORE to Lord ROBERT DUDLEY. 1563, May 17. St. Germains.—~Want of a cipher must excuse my seldom writing. Your servant Killigrew has arrived with your letter to the Prince of Condé. I have presented him to the Prince, who promises his brother’s discharge. Lord Ledyngton [Lethington] has also worked with his own credit and that of his Queen for his release, and the Queen Mother has promised that Ledyngton shall have Killigrew home with him when he returns. But the latter is to 11 give a promise in writing neither to return to France nor meddle in these matters until the end of the war, and you are required to give the like promise in writing on behalf of Killigrew. On the 11th Of this month Condé, by order of the Queen Mother and on the advice of friends of the Admiral [Coligny], met the latter at Essonnes, and warned him of a prinse de corps obtained against him for the death of the Duke of Guise. The Guard was corrupted, and they were resolved to cut him in pieces if he resisted. He therefore went home. His brother Dandelot is at the Court. I spake with the Admiral at this meeting, where I found him someways more mindful Of her Majesty’s favour than heretofore. The Constable [Montmorency] is at Chantilly, and has hitherto refused to take charge of the army that is said to go to Newhaven [Havre de Grace] which France would fain have again. Paris has presently given 300,000 francs for the siege of it. Danville is shortly expected to go his government in Languedoe. The “Reyters ” cannot be got out of France, and are now near Rheims. They refuse to depart until they be paid, or Strasburg answer for the money due to them, which is unlikely. It is said that her Majesty has intelligence with them ; many here wish it were so ; they are said to be 8,000 foot and 2,500 horse already in Lorraine. The appointment of this our difference by Commissioners is probable. You shall receive herewith Condé’s request to the Queen Mother for the Admiral, made on his late return from him. The Marshal Montmorency will thereby seem to have supported it both for his Father and himself, and also Dandelot who was present. Ledyngton makes account to be in England shortly. The Duke Of Guise has gone from Court greatly dissatisfied. pr. Holograpk. (I. 75.) JAMES STEWART [EARL 0F MORAY] to Lord ROBERT DUDLEY, 1563, Nov. 17. Stirling—J received your bill of remem- brance. Our Mistress is in good health and “ desireth from her the same of the Queen’s Highness her good sister.” Randolph is shortly to return, when you shall be more amply informed. gp. Seal. (1.87.) THOMAS RANDOLPH to Lord ROBERT DUDLEY. l563[—4], Jan 15. Edinburgh.———“ I assure your Lordship the worst I intend you is to marry a queen. . . . The-Queen [of Scots] hath recovered much of her health. The ladies and gentlemen are all in health and merry, which your Lordship should have seen if you had been here upon Twelfthday at the great Solemnity and Royal estate of the Queen of the Bean. Fortune was so favourable to fair Fleming, that if she could have seen, to have judged of her virtue and beauty, as blindly 12 she went to work, and chose her at adventure, she would sooner have made her a Queen for ever, than for one only day, to exalt her so high and the next to leave her in the State she found her. If Beton had liked for so short a time so worthy a room, Fleming to her by good right should have given place. There lacked only for so noble a heart a worthy realm to endue it with. That day it was to be seen by her princely pomp how fit a match she would be, were it to contend either with Venus in beauty, Minerva in wit, or Juno in worldy wealth, having the two former by nature, and of the third so much as is contained in this whole Realm at her command and free disposition. The treasure of . Solomon, I trow, was not to be compared unto that which that day hanged upon her back. Happy was it unto this Realm that her reign endured no longer. Two such sights in one state, in so good accord I believe was never seen as to behold two worthy Queens possess without envy one kingdom both upon a day. . . . The Queen of the Bean was that day in a gown of cloth of silver; her head, her neck, her shoulders, the rest of her whole body so beset with stones that more in our whole jewel house were not to be found. The Queen herself apparelled that day in colours white and black, no other jewel or gold about her that day, but the ring which I brought her from the Queen’s Majesty hanging at her breast with a lace of white and black about her neck. The cheer that day was great. I never found myself so hap y nor never so well treated until . . . that the old Queen erself to show her mighty power . . . drew me into the dance, which part of the play I could with good will have spared unto your Lordship as much fitter for the purpose, with somewhat else of greater felicity, if I knew how to frame it unto my desire.” “ I can assure her Majesty that, let her do against France what she likes, Scotland shall remain hers, though these that are here most mighty work the contrary . . . “ I have wished this Queen two or three of your Lordship’s geldings, fit for her own saddle ; the other were so well liked.” “I wrote unto Mr. Secretary for a livery for my Lord of Argile for three geldings which I trust he have in remem- brance.” Let Sir Harry Lord President,* “know that I judge him the worst servant that ever served so fair a lady as Fleming his mistress. . . . I can but wish my poor friend Harry good fortune, and think myself happy that am so far off from these blustering storms that blew him so far from the Court at my departure that never since I heard word of him.” “ There is here good news of my Lord of Warwick to be President of York. We think it no small benefit of good that two such Earls as his Lordship and my Lord of Bedford shall be placed so near unto this country.” * Sir Henry 's:;-i;;;§;""£;;;a {legit};(at; ESLiliiiiilifiiléiiliifiéilééflgiwales. He had been sent to Scotland on a. mission in 1562. l3 Postscript—«Your Lordship shall be shortly written unto in favour of my Lord Bothwell, whose suit is to be. out of England, “ whereof I think there will come no hurt, for where he is, he doth no good nor never will.” 3 M). (I. 91.) Sir THOMAS CHALONER to Lord ROBERT DUDLEY. l563[——4], Jan. 24. Balbastro, near Montzon, Aragon.— Touching our disgrace at Newhaven [Havre de Grace], set out in your letter, two months afore I had any certain advice of the loss thereof, only by conjecture, I insinuated unto the King and Court here the true causes of the rendering thereof, so as I believe the French news, which came flying with the first by post, set forth by their Ambassador here. at all advantage, did not much hinder the reputation of our nation here. I doubt if the proper time was chosen to re-have Calais by that means. If you give me leave to discourse, I doubt not Calais shall be English as before within a few years, the due principles observed. It were perehance not the worst advice to take a respite till so much treasure and warlike furniture were amassed at home as might serve the double, for if the brunt were passed of our first onset, when our temporary hoard were spent, it should be easy for him to hold us out at the arm’s end. This point I touch not only by what I have seen and read, but I have heard of the best in this Court, the King excepted. They measure us by our captains, horsemen, foot, navies, discipline, experience, armour domestical not bought abroad, and money, the sinews of war. If the Queen to her marine power did join 6,000 or 7,000 horsemen and 30,000 or 40,000 foot, it would soon be seen what account the French would make of us. At my return I trust to distend to the Queen’s Majesty the means of this reinforce, so that within few years she shall put more yearly clear remain in her coffers than the best of her neighbours. Besides my ordinary service here I have fished for something worthy her Grace‘s thanks when I return. But returning to the matter of Calais, if you here 'were as I am, knowing no more than I do, who once in five or SIX months receive not a letter from home, you would have cause to stagger at a rupture with France, so long as we have no faster hold of this Prince’s amity, but rather signs whereon to conceive great jealousy. And Whether ere long we may not have unrequired some motives on Flanders’ part to 30m With them against France, where now required they not only Sit still, but I fear do moreover. What account I made of Aquila, I shall not needto repeat, now another long robe succeedeth him, unlike to him in con- ditions and inclination to the amity. I. have described him at large in my letter to the Queen’s MaJesty. If I find him well given to the amity (as I believe you shall) show him aJ the courtesy you can so well and becommgly do, 14 I have used all good ways for the Queen’s service here. If I had gone otherwise to work perehance I should have gotten small thanks on either hand. He that liveth here must have a long spoon. Touching the license for 12 jennets I will motion it if by your next you still so desire. It is not six days past that upon conference with the King about the matter of arrest, I pre— sented him with one of my amblers stoned for whom afore I had been woed of sundry with 200 ducats. As yet I have not bought any Spanish horse, but purpose at my return to Madrid to apply the mart. Your offer of dogs shall not be forgotten. I keep a piece of a tale in store for you till my return. “ Postscripta verte graph. (I. 323.) )3 (none to be found). 15 pp. Holo~ JAMES STEWART [EARL OF MORAY] to Lord ROBERT DUDLEY. 1563[—4], Jan. 31. Edinburgh.~*Bothwell is stayed by the Queen at Newcastle. I have understood of him his present estate wherewith he is annoyed and is willing, if it might stand with the [English] Queen’s pleasure there, to visit other realms. I pray you to take consideration of his reasonable desires and at least for my sake to procure his liberty in the premises at the Queen’s hands there. 5p. Seal. (I. 95.) SHANE O’NEILL [EARL OF TYRONE] to Lord ROBERT DUDLEY. 1563[—~4], Feb. 29. Fedan. Thanks for the letters and messages of good will. received by Sir Thomas Cusake. Requests further friendship and despatch of his business. Signed, MISI [by me] ONELL. l p. Latin. (I. 99.) JOHN SHERS to Lord ROBERT DUDLEY. 1564, March 29. Brussels—J arrived here on the 18th, and the next day sent Mr. George Gilpin to Viglius to procure audience, being advertised that the Lady Regent does nothing without him, and that he would be resent at my audience with her, and also that he bears much) with the few Antwerp merchants who are against the course of our mer- chants. I hope I have brought him to some indifierency and uprightness. On the 21st I had audience with the Lady Regent. The Duke of Aerschot, the Prince of Orange, the Count Egmont‘, the Count of Meghem, Monsieur d’ Assincourt, Mr. Barlemont, and Viglius were present. I delivered the Queen’s letters; after reading them she cOmmanded me and the others, except Viglius, to be covered. She then called on me to speak, which I did, by my instruction, without interruption until I came to the end of the chapter touching the intercourse, and then stayed to hear how that was liked, but as she said nothing, 15 I required to know her pleasure concerning my message that I might advise her Majesty. She required me to retire that she might consult with her nobles. She presently sent Ba-rlemont for me, and said that she understood the favourable mind of her Majesty towards the King of Spain and how willing she is to maintain the intercourse, and professed equal zeal on the King’s part. She said that she was unable to say more at the moment but would send some of her Counsellors to me the next day. All the nobility present saluted me very courteously at my departure. The next day D’Assonvilla sent word that he and Hoperus were appointed to resort to me. They came after dinner, and not having been present on the previous day, asked to hear my report again; possibly this was to try whether my tale to them agreed to what they had heard of the Regent. I told them again, and D’Assonvilla repeated my tale that he might make relation again to the Council, and said that he liked my message and doubted not of good success. Heperus seemed to cast some doubt, and asked if I had commission to agree upon the choice of Commissioners, and for the place and time of the Diet, and for the suspending of laws made to the hind— rance of their subjects and of orders for the augmentation of our Customs. As to the two first I said that her Majesty reserved herself to the letters sent by De la Torre for the King of Spain, of which the Regent had a copy. These he said that he had seen, but they had nothing determinate. I replied not, for I had not seen them, and had no authority to talk of the other things ; it was meeter they were referred to the Diet. D’Assonvilla seemed not to mislike this, and Hoperus said that I should shortly know the Regent’s pleasure. They departed after two hours. . On the 23rd the Council sat all the afternoon, touching, as I have since heard, the answer that should be made to me. On Friday the 24th the forenoon they were at sermons ; the afternoon they sat in Council. Hearing nothing I sent Mr. Gilpin to D’Assonvilla, who said that our lady’s Day and Palm Sunday (26th) were not days for negomation, but that the Regent would send for me on the Monday. I then remembered that Mr. Secretary had willed me to recommend her Majesty to such of the nobles as I might guess bare favour towards her, and on Saturday I sought to the Prince of Orange, and told him that her Majesty had great hope that he would consider how necessary the observation of the Treaty for the intercourse would be for the maintenance of the amity between the Princes : “ Flanders and England be unto the seas as the hands and the feet of a man be to the belly ; and that. even as the belly doing her duty maintaineth both well flourishing and lusty; likewise the seas lying between Flanders and England well applied by the merchants with the _mtercourse of merchandize hath maintained both these countries hitherto flourishing and wealthy.” “The Prince . . . said that he 16 would do What in him lay for the opening of the trade. Marry, yet because there have been of late so many injuries done to the subjects here, and that daily there come in so many intolerable plaints as he could not easily see how they might be compounded without some further restitution. And as touching the prohibitions for the intercourse the Queen’s Majesty was the first that brake it (said he) making certain laws directly against the treaty. . . By this kind of talk I gathered a great suspicion of the good success of my message, for l knew that he was privy to the answer that 1 should receive of the Regent.” and replied that the injuries had been contrary to her Majesty’s wish, and that she was prepared to suspend the two statutes of the last parliament till the end of the next Diet, and hoped the like might be done as to the prohibitions made here in November last. The Prince said that he would not let to speak to the Regent, but yet he doubted that she would make some stay till further restitution were made. or that some place and time certain were appointed for the Diet. I repaired to Count Egmont, and had almost like answer, saving that 1 found him more frank ; for he told me plainly that he thought the Cardinal [Granvelle] before his departing had provoked the Regent to take many things more heinously than needed. On Palm Sunday I went to Viglius. because I understood that he could do more with the Regent than half the rest, and told him that. our merchants had in their hands a great number of cloths, kerseys and other things. If they were prohibited to trade hither, necessity would compel them to seek some new trade. Her Majesty was the only stay. He said that he knew our merchants had determined to go to Ei‘nden, but they would never find better friends. “ We know that you have no cause to trust the French man neither the Scot, and also we here have no good cause why we should trust them . . . But. 0 Lord God, said he, . . . we live in peace, but we sustain more damage than we should do if we had open war . . . The accounts taken of the damages done now of late mounteth to almost two millions of gold. The King of Spain is not so weak but if that he would have war with you and license his subjects to arm forth against you, we should easily revenge these injuries . . . The Queen‘s Majesty saith that she will maintain the amity . . . she hath made proclamations that her subjects should give pledge and caution not to injure her friends, but what availeth it? They be but bare words. The pilleries (10 continue still. There is no justice executed.” Yet in the end, for _l tarried with him above an hour and a half, l found him more reasonable, and he promised that he would be in hand with the Regent that she should condescend to a day appointed for the opening of the Intercourse. By his means, and I think of the changing of her mind, I was put over till Tuesday, and then had audience, Egmont, Barlemont, Viglius and the Secretary Vanderaa being present. The 17 Regent said she was sorry there should be breach of the amity during her government, and asked Viglius to declare her mind. He complained of the breach of her Majesty’s proclamations ; if they were observed, their placets and ordinances would fall of themselves. I said little, thinking that if I had asked them to open the intercourse, they would have agreed. I declared her Majesty’s mind according to her letters of 17th March, which came as happily to my hands the day before as could be, or else perchance I had gone too far. When I told her Highness that I was charged to repair home, she and Viglius changed colour, and I gathered plainly that it fell out far otherwise than they looked for. Egmont had said to me “ If you find the Lady Regent stout, reply unto her.” After she had stayed a while musing, she desired me to retire that she might consult with her Council. Then Barlemont came for me, and she said that it was strange to her to hear that our men and ships should he stayed in Spain, “ and I protest openly (said she) that I have not heard of it beforenow, and began very vehemently to request me that I would use the office of one that was minded to maintain the amity that hath continued so long between . . . the King of Spain and the Queen’s Majesty, and therefore I pray you . . . to declare unto her Majesty that I will want in no part of duty to maintain the love and amity between them.” Endorsed: “For the Lord Chancellor.” 7 pp. (I. 101.) Sir NICHOLAS THBOKMORTON to Lord ROBERT DUDLEY. 1564, April 8. Troyes—The French have so plainly under- stood the Queen’s not only inclination, but also resolution to some peace so as before we began to treat, the said they had the peace in their hands to conclude it as t ey would; which Will much hinder her interests. This King will be at Lyons about two months hence. I learn from the Duke D’Aumale and other good horsemen that your rider Hercules [Trinchet-ta] is specially able to break a dogged horse. (MS. much torn here.) . I doubt whether it be meet for you to make so long a. Journey [as to Lyons]. Coming in journey it will be mid June before you can arrive at this Court, and not much more naste IS to be made if you come in post, because you cannot make more than four osts a. day. _ , Nopone is yet appointed to take the oaths of e ch other s prince. I hear that you shall be grateful to the ing if you come to do this office. . 2 pp. Holograph ; partly too tom to be legible. (I. 109.) Sir FRANCIS ENGLEFIELD to Lord ROBERT DUDLEY. 1564, April 8. Antwerp. I am constrained by a particular mishap on this side to revive my suit to the Queen and Councfl by letter. I remain unholpen Without any (particular cauzse p 18 showed. Make me know what part of my suit is taken for unjust. It is said that certain reports are written of me that hinder me much, but few of them dare appear without a vizard. Of her Majesty I ask but pardon for that fault which I acknowledge. l p. (I. 113.) THOMAS BALRNABY to Lord ROBERT DUDLEY. 1564, April 14. Troyes. I learn that the Italian esquire Hercules [Trinchetta] gives place to no other in breaking young and rough horses. He will be brought to you by De Mauvis» siere, who is sent to congratulate the peace, and to see if he can induce' you "to 'come here. Employ your credit with the Queen that he may taste the same liberality as Mr. Summer, who received from this King a chain worth 600 French crowns. The peace is by most well liked here. The King and the Queen Mother desire you to be. sent here to ratify it. You should bring a second person to countervail the credit of de Gonor. My old master, though anxious to return homg’; Will stay here if desired. ‘ 1% pp. (1. 117.) Sir NICHOLAS Timonmouron to Lord [ROBERT DUDLEY]. 1564, April. 14. Troyes—«The great treaty was signed on the 6th and that for the particulars on the 7th. The King will send to England in about six weeks’ time the Prince of Mantua and Monsieur de Gonor, who is brother to the late Marshal Brisacke, and likely to succeed to his office; the Prince is very modest and with good parts, and likely to marry the sister and heiress of the Duke of Navarre. The King and Queen Mother Wish you to come here, and if not, some change will be made in the great personages deleagued from here. If you come, the gentlemen in your train should be courteous, and speak French or Italian. You should send over a dozen fair and easy paced geldings, for you must make some presents. I think Mr. Sommers will be charged to attend you on your journey. I see some inklings that the King will give you his Order, and possibly exchange orders with our Queen. For plate you should stay upon these parcels, silver vessel for three niesses-‘~~t.-renchers agreeablewa. light bason and swear—«8 or 10 slight cupswmtwo leyers and no more, so as one horse may carry all, and be Where you dine or sup,—a light bed, and your silver vessel should not exceed three score pieces, the same to be trussed in leather bagettes on each side of the horse, and the rest of the plate to be also trussed upon the same horse. I will send Barnaby to you that he may be sorted in your livery. You should make no new apparel for the voyage, nor bring more suits of all kinds than besides your ordinary mail may be carried on one horse, for three or four comely suits will suffice as your voyage is in post. 19 This King has told De Mauvissiére to bring him some good fighting mastitis and two or three pretty curtals that will gallop, and the Queen has told him to bring two or three geldings. These should be your presents to them if you come. I think the Commissioners shall have charge to speak of other matters ; therefore sort yourself accordingly. 4 pp. Holograph. (I. 121.) ADVICES from ITALY. 1564, April 17, Savoy, and April 19, Turin.—-—-The Admiral, the Vidame of Chartres, d’Andelot and others have been in Geneva and have negotiated with those of the new religion, who have elected Monsr. de Mouans as their Captain. They have put to death a bandit on account of a plot just discovered in Savoy, and in France the Huguenots have killed priests, and at Lyons wounded priests going to a funeral. The Constable and Condé have been very ill. May 5. Vienna-«The Emperor does not expect to live long. His son, the Archduke Ferdinand and his daughter, the Duchess of Bavaria, are here, and the Archduke Charles will come in two days. The King {of Poland] our master, left Warsaw on April 25 for Vilna to oppose the Muscovites, having 60,000 horse and 10,000 infantry in the field and much artillery. Two ambassadors came to him from the Turk, the first to congratulate his victory, and to demand the person of Steffano Valacco, who had made himself lord of Wallachia,-and, after killing the despot, later escaped to Poland. The Poles had seized him and his treasure 300,000 ducats. These the Turkish ambassador gave to his Majesty, and offering horses for use against the Muscovite asked for the continuance of the alliance. The second ambassador asked for the same, and informed the King that the Turk had determined to make war from’Tartary, and had raised troops, for which he asked passage through the plains of Russia. ‘ . May 6. Rome—Cardinal Carpi died on April 2. He left no belongings, except a few antiquities and a Virgil 1,200 years old, which he left to the Pope. A new Brevxary has been printed, which the Pope wishes to be used everywhere, and no other. . The Duke of Florence has resigned in favour of his son, Wishing him to learn to govern in his lifetime. . . The Duke of Urbino has arrived, and had a private audience with the Curia, but his object is unknown. The Marquis of Pescara is still here. _ _ 4 pp. Italian. Signed by Marszlw della Croce. (I. 133.) SIGNOR GURONE [BERTANO] to BENEDET’I‘O SPINOLA, London. 1564, April 22. Rome—Thomas Sackville will soon leave for England. He has been flatteringly received by the Pope, and has had, or will have 500 crowns. I have done more in the matter than he yet knows. 20 Marc Antonio Colonna will leave for Spain in three or four days. Six of his galleys (paid nevertheless by the King of Spain) being at Barcelona, his Captain had words with the General of the Fleet, and was imprisoned. It is thought that Colonna goes to liberate him, and on other of his own affairs, he being Duke of Taliaco’zza, a great Baron of the Kingdom of Naples, worth 60,000 or 70,000 crowns the year; his eldest son is to marry a sister of Cardinal Borromei [sic] nephew to the Pope. I think therefore that he is sent by the Pope and the Eardinal chiefly to satisfy the King of Spain, who is desired by the POpc to give precedence to France in the first Chapel. It is thought that the Spanish Ambassador may leave Rome, in consequence. 2 7);). Italian. 0n the covering leaf the signature A. Warwylc is written several times. (I. 125.) MAUVISSIiaJRE DE CASTELNAU to [Lord ROBERT DUDLEY]. 1564, April 26. London.—~I am sorry that her Majestyis not sending you to France, but glad to know your affection for the King of France and the Queen Mother. I will inform them of your wish to give them a spaniel and mastifis, and some cobs (haeq-uenee’s). I thank you for those which you have sent me. 1:} pp. French. (I. 129.) Anvmns. 1564, May 6, Constantinople.~—The Coadjutor of the Council of Venice, who came here to learn Greek, became Turk, and now is one of the Chamber of the grand Signory. A Greek who said that the Christian faith was better than the Ottoman, was flayed alive. May 24. Milan—«The Duke of Florence has settled the business about the marriage of his son, to whom the Emperor gives one of his daughters. The King of Spain has ceded to him all his rights over Saresana and Saresanella, but the Genoese are suspicious. May 27. Romeerleven Cardinals, who met at Borromeo’s house, suggested that the Spanish Ambassador should have place next to the last cardinal deacon. This seemed to the Pope too honourable, for the Imperial Ambassador would be dissatisfied. Finally they proposed to give him place above the Protonotary. This did not satisfy the Spanish Ambassador altho‘ they offered to give him the Pass and incense ; he went to Borromeo’s house, and wished to present a petition to the Pope, who would not give way. [A long discussion of the arguments is given] 011 the next Sunday the Pope going to his Chapel with the Ambassador of Florence alone, the Ambassador took his place without protest. The Pope is sending the Archbishop of Lanciano to the Spanish King to explain matters. Cardinal Paciaco has come here, 21 and received his Hat in secret Consistory, and it is believed that this was done, lest the Spanish Ambassador should have had to be present as protector of the King of ,Castille. The Marquis of Pescara has been here, and well received by the Pope. He is now gone to Naples. The galleys of the Corsairs are about Elba and Civita Veccl‘iia, and have burned a place of the Duke of Florence near Piombino. May 6. Constantinople.~——-Thc Sultan has sent to the King of Poland to demand Stephano Vallaco, and is likely to receive him. An Ambassador has arrived from the King of the Indies asking for aid against Portugal, bringing rich jewels. He is uno antropofago. 3;- pp. Italian. Signed Manet-Z270 delta Croce, the last two lines being autograph, with date Venice 1564, June 3. Seal with the arms of Duke of Brunswick and Danebu-rg. (I. 151.) (‘2) SALVESTRO DIPROI FEDERI [torn] to his Excellency [Lord ROBERT DUDLEY ?]. 1564, May 13.——~A long letter concerning his own proceedings, interspersed With many pious observations. He states that on Thursday the 3rd inst. he was sent for by Mr. Guido Cavalcanti, lately come to London, where were also Mr. Ruleto, Ridolfi Damieno, Doifi, and Baptista Fortini. Cavalcantl informed him that the Queen had given orders that he was at once to leave the kingdom whereupon he embarked the very next day at “ Margatta,” and after a dangerous voyage, reached “ Doncherche.” Here he learned on good anthority that the Queen had given no orders for his departure, the truth being that “ these Florentines ” had taken upon them too much authority, and done it for their own ends. . As he holds a patent from the King of Poland, he thinks it very unjust that he should have been so treated, and that they ought to be punished as well in person as in purse. _ . At his departure from England, he left With Mr. Antonio Bruschetto a packet of letters in a cover directed to hls Excellency. If they have not been received, Bruschetto must be asked to Whom he consigned them._ As a faithful servant of her Majesty, he must inform his Excellency that the Spanish fleet is said to be very large .; good guard should be kept, and men in order and readiness in all the bands. 2 pp. Italian. (I. 131.) Anvrcns from ITALY. 1564, Ma. 20. Rome—The Pope and the Cardinals were 1n congregatioii from 10 to 2 of the vigil of Pentecost to dsee if they could satisfy the Catholic King 1n the matter of prece ence. The Ambassador was sent for, and the Pope told him that‘on his succession to the Pontificate having found the French King in possession he could not but maintain him there, seeing that etiam praedo manatenendus est in sue possess'ione. Against 22 this the Spaniard protested. The Pope proposed to submit the question for reference to an impartial judge, if the Catholic King wished. The Signor Marc Antonio Colonna does not believe that the Ambassador will leave Rome. 2 pp. Italian. (I. 137.) ADVERTISEMENTS from ROME. 1564, May 27. Rome—The Spanish Ambassador has not yet left, as it was said he wished to do. I believe he awaits fresh instructions from Spain. It may unfortunately be guessed what they will be. From a discourse with Signor Marc Antonio Colonna, I rather believe that he will not go than otherwise. The Pope makes much of the French Ambassador. A gentleman has been sent in all haste with the originals of these letters, in order that you may be able to prove whether the letters which go by way of Flanders or the others arrive first, and so how you may be best and most quickly advertised from hence. The Marquis del Guasto came here three days ago from Milan, and is going to Naples ; the reason he gives is the illness of his mother, but it may be believed that his Catholic Majesty will be glad to see him in that kingdom (he being, as you know, a great lord) and the rather because of the late commotion at Naples. There is no other news here at present. 1 p. Italian. (I. 141.) GEORGE NEDHAM to Sir WILLIAM CECIL. 1564, May 28. Emden.——In my letter of April 13 (*) I wrote of our voyage and matters here to that date. I now send a Rutter (chart) of the sea drawn by William Torverson, a merchant with perfect knowledge in navigation. It gives the “ fawlings ” with the dangers and marks along the coast of Holland, West Friesland and the river Ember as far as Emden. The coast and river are much better to “ fawle ” Withal than I thought, as Sir Thos. Cotton and the masters of other Queen’s ships can declare to you. I enclose to you a proclama— tion in Dutch for the free resort of all merchants hither, and a picture, the style being written in French and Dutch. A large number have been printed in the Netherlands and called in again. This town was hitherto governed by one Drosart and a. Burgomaster. Henceforth there are to be a Drosart, four Burgomasters, and eight other counsellors out of whom are to be chosen yearly two Burgomasters in the place of two who are to be removed each year. And ordinances have been made for the better order of the town, and 100 burgesses are to watch every night. " To be found in State Papers Foreign, Elisabet/z. under date. 23 The Burgundish people have been slandering us to the people of Emden, saying that they of Antwerp trust us in not ring, that Bruges and Middleburg had banished us thence, that our nobility are maintainers of thieves and that the Queen would send ships of war to seize the town of Emden. When we went to provide chambers and packhouse for the company, we were met with refusals, or offered the worst accommodation. But this is now changed. Those of Antwerp had told our merchants that Emden was a village no bigger than Gravesend, and the river not above four feet deep, so that some have stayed at Antwerp, but those who have come are much satisfied with this place. The Company is much set against Antwerp. If the Queen and Council support us, we shall have as good sales of our cloth here as we ever had at Antwerp. The air here is not good, for they keep many beasts in the town, and do not remove the straw and litter, and their canals have no current. But this they are improving, and are turning the stables into packhouses. And we are having our food well cooked by English cooks. Those of Antwerp wrote to many towns in Austria and Germany that we should not come here. But these towns - have ascertained the truth for themselves and promise to deal with us. The Bishop of Munster sent his Chancellor to enquire, and now has promised to build inns and lodgings for merchants and to grant free passage to them through his country, and to grave out a river from Munster to Emden. The Bishop of Osnaburg makes like promises. The Duke of Cleave, the Landgrave of Hesse and other princes promise their goodwill. Thus the Queen will bind to her all the .German and Austrian princes, which will make her unfriendly neighbours of Burgundy smart, and become more neighbourlike. It is the Burgundian purse that makes war, not the vallantness of the people, and their loss of trade Will thus tend to» peace, as the Queen’s father and brother most desn‘ed. But no particular licences should be given. In Emden 200 burgesses offer to build within a year each of them two houses at a cost of 100 marks each, and the town will build 40 or 50 houses for the commodity of merchants. They surpass Antwerp in speed of building and strength of the houses; yet all their lime is made of Cockle shells gotten out of the sea, and burnt with turf. The three Earls Went last week in a boat round the new town called the Valder and determined to build round it a wall of earth, very high and thick. “ Here is great wealth and riches, though it appear not by the port and apparel of the people : here is a prison in this town, but no prisoners in it, and a place of execution, but no Sign of any executed in hi: number of years 2 here is but one advocate or lawyer in t town, and yet he is but a beggar : it is a great wonder here 24 to hear of a thief, a cutpurse or a bankrupt ; they abhor lying here very much : for quietness and honest living here is a heaven.’ ’ Seal. 5; pp. (I. 143.) Sir THOMAS CHALONER to Lord ROBERT DUDLEY. 1564, June 7. Madrid—I send herewith copy of my letter to you of Jan. 22 last, having no word of the safe arrival of my letter of that date to the Queen sent by two hands. I thank you for yours of March 22 “in which I have imprinted the image of that noble Duke your Father’s favour ” towards me. Your noble gentleness has won of me a determinate mind to desire the continuance of my bond from the Father to the son. You “ at my return shall mark in me a plain unpainted love not set forth to the Court show but sound at the bottom.” Your rider is ready to depart with me. Set in your hand and favour that I be kept here no longer. I am so sickly and tired that I cannot make double repetition of my letter to the Queen of this present. I trust to provide two or three jennets worthy the presenting to her, and if I can, will obtain license for the transportation of six more Within a year’s space. I crave you to take in worth two skins for a jerkin and harness, and half-a-dozen pairs of gloves all perfumed with flowers, sent by this bearer, my servant Farnham. “ The savour is delicate and must not be laid near apples, quinces, or such like things that will take away the smell.” Such skins are rare this year, “ because that a late restraint suffereth no more skins nor gloves to pass from Valencia hither. When I come myself, if I can, I will provide better besides some other toys.” 5 pp. Holograph. (I. 157). IL Srusnno (?) to BonmAccro DEL SOLERO at Venice. 1564, June 10. Rome.—-—Information as to movements of galleys, and other Italian news. 3 pp. Italian. (I. 163.) Sasssrrano Bnuscnn'r'ro to BENEDETTO Srmons, London. 1564, June 13. Rome.——We have good hopes that Ferrabosco will return to the service of her Majesty, and that by means of Signor Gurone, Who has dropt a few words to a gentleman of Cardinal Famese concerning his desire to do so. His father is no longer in Rome, so that the matter cannot be settled at once ; otherwise he might have travelled to England with the Master of the Horse, as he wished. As to a. lady for her Majesty, Signora Lucia Bertana has written to a lady of Bologna to enquire whether she would serve a great lady out of Italy, without mentioning her name. The matter cannot be in better hands than in those of the Signora and the Duchess of Taliacozza. I have enquired about a lutefi’player at Bologna, who is very celebrated and would be a fit person to serve the Count. ”yr-4 m“ 25 Postscrip1.~—In my last I asked you to remit 50 crowns, which otherwise Gurone would have to pay. This proving inconvenient, we had recourse to Signor Pallavicini. 2; pp. Italian; holograph. (I. 167.) SEBASTIANO BBUSCHETTO to Lord ROBERT [DUDLEY]. 1564, June 17. Rome.—~—Apologizing for not having troubled him with letters, assuring him of his desire to serve him, and that he will do all possible to engage Signor Gurone’s help in affairs relating to her Majesty and his Lordship. 1 p. Italian. Holograpk. Endorsed in error, Anthony Bruschetto. (I. 171.) Paper headed Sir THOMAS CUSAKE’S ADVICE for orders to be taken presently in IRELAND. [1564, Summer ; after the departure of Sussex.]——The north of Ireland being at peace no great care to be taken of the rest, it being only necessary to maintain the peace. The garrison, now 1,500 in wages besides 300 kerns, may be reduced one-half. Not more than 700 or 800 can be had in time of service for lack of musters. The governor should not be an Earl or Lord, and his stipend should be 1,5001. with only 100 men in wages. Sussex had 2,5001. with 50 “dead payee,” 100 men in wages for his house, with corn and other perquisites. The Queen will save half on this item. She will also save 3,0001. on the army, and the Treasurer should have 1801. and 40 men in wages, but to forego men except 6. The Master of Ordnance to have stipend, but only 6 men; in time of service he should have men out of every hand to attend him. The oflice of Lieutenants of the Forts was created by Sir E. Bellingham. A Captain will do in his stead in every fort, there being new 3 or 4 captains in both forts. This Will save 1,0001. per annum. . The bands to be wduced to hundreds, with captain and officers to every hundred, but not double officers. For :10 they had a captain and lieutenant and his officers. This Will save 1,0001. . The Queen is charged with 20 men in garrison at Alone [3w], Leghlen bridge [Leighlin] and Even. These garrisons may be discharged. Those who keep the houses should defend them.—-—A saving of 5001. . . Captains and soldiers have lands in Lam and Ofialy, and wages besides They should be discharged out of wages. The country will be as well people and defended, and 3,0001. saved. There are 200 soldiers in both Leix and Oflaly; 100 may be discharged in each—and the wages of 100 men saved. 26 Till the 0011ch and Mores be brought to order, the 300 kerns in wages should be appointed to serve in these borders, and the two countries be compelled to find till Candle~ mas 100 in every country. The other borders to find IOOMat no charge to the Queen. The English 1000 or moremtall archers, arquebusiers and footmen with 200 horse to be always ready. That will desire no wages but in time of service. Certain gentlemen to be their captains and to be considered for their pains. Finally Desmond observing this promise and Commissioners going with him to his country, the disorders in his absence to be reformed. Thus her Majesty shall save half her charges, and the subjects of the Isle be better defended. 3 pp. (11. 671.) NEWS from ROME. [1564, J une.]—The Pope has settled the precedency question in favour of France. The Spaniard protested. The Emperor has been ill, but is now out of danger. The King of France is at Dijon and will go to Lyons to settle matters. Garcia de Toledo is at Genoa with 15 galleys and is to command the fleet which is going to Algiers or Tripoli. Letters of May 17 .-——Infantry has been sent to Sarzana and has fortified La Speza [Spezzia] and a few places in Corsica. 1% p. Italian. (II. 533.) SEBASTIANO BRUSCHETTO to BENEDETTO SPINOLA, London. 1564, June 17, Rome—HI wrote to your honour five days ago, since which nothing of importance has occurred, so that I shall be the briefer. Only touching Ferrabosco, I have to say that either because the youth has shown himself too desirous to leave the Cardinal, and therefore has raised suspicion that he has been suborned by Signor Gurone, or for some other reason, not only is the Cardinal changed towards the youth, but also towards Gurone, albeit, in truth, quite wrongly. For, as a gentleman versed in the customs of noblemen, he has moved very circumspectly, and before he said a word to the young man, he spoke to the Cardinal; indeed, out of respect to him, he even made me keep back for more than ten days a letter written to Ferrabosco by your brother. 80 that, tip to the present, we do not know what will happen as regards his going, especially as Signor Gurone holds his ground, and cares little for the anger of the Cardinal, in the service of the Queen, knowing he has not merited it. Although they are both incensed with the Cardinal about this, yet it has been said that after all he was able to entertain the young man well, and that money was not so 27 plentiful in England or at the English Court that he could have any great hopes from thence. I tell you this to show you what is thought here about English affairs. To the same end, I will say that'a few days ago, Signor Gurone being in discourse with the French Ambassador, the Ambassador said that the Queen was little enough loved in her kingdom ; but whether he said this to sow discord for some end of his own, or had really understood as much, I do not know. But I think it well to inform you of all reports concerning her Majesty ; whether or not they are of consequence, you yourself can judge. I do not begin to send advices to his Lordship until you tell me whether to do so or not, but meanwhile will not fail to give you information of all that happens. Postscript.———There is no news here save that it is said (but with little certainty) that Don Garzia, general of the fleet of the Catholic King, has taken six of the galleys that were attacking San Firenze in Corsica. 21. pp. Italian. (I. 175.) GURONE BERTANO to SIGNOR ROBERTO [DUDLEY]. 1564, June 24. Rome—The news is here of the Duke of Ferrara and the Duke of Savoy, who are going to Lyons to visit the Queen and the King. The former goes for his money, lent for the late war, and also in relation to his marriage, as I hear for certain that the Emperor will not give him the daughter he desires, namely Giovanna, and Barbara does not please him, as being unlikely to bear children. The Emperor wishes to marry the former to the Vaivode of Transylvania. I think that the Imperial people are doing this to prevent the Duke of Ferrara marrying, and then to give Giovanna to the Duke of Florence. Savoy, taking his wife with him, goes with the design of getting French help against Geneva and the Lutherans. The Pope is sending to Lyons to support his suit. Geneva will have little chance against the Duke, the French, the Pope and the Catholic King. The Corsairs are very active, and although not equal to face the Spanish fleet, they may seriously endanger the Tripoh enterprise, which even now is in great danger. 2 pp. Italian. Signed. Seal. (I. 183.) SEBASTIANO BRUSCHETTO to BENEDETTO SPINOLA, London. 1564, June 24. Rome—If the Master of Horse does not appear as soon as his Excellency and your honour e¥PeCt him, it will not be to be wondered at, for the very evening before he was to start (that is six days ago) he was arrested by one to whom a horse had been sold by his means. The man com- plained that the horse was short-winded, and was determined that the Master should make it good to him, declaring that he had taken the horse upon his word. I, and Signor Gurone 28 also, believe that the matter sprang from another source, seeing that the Cardinal Farnese, as I wrote to your honour, was somewhat vexed with Signor Gurone on account of Ferraboscho, and finding him hold his ground (as indeed he has cause), perhaps thought, by treating the Master of Horse in this way, to put him to ridicule. Be that as it may, Signor Gurone has offered, sooner than that Claudio should lose time here, to be bound for him as regards this controversy, and is sending him a quicker way, and Ferraboscho with him, but secretly, because, although he has had leave from the Cardinal, he did not say that he wished to go to England, but merely to his home at Bologna. As Signor Gurone has sent his Excellency all the news, I will only add a few minor matters which he omitted, as that the Pope a few days ago gave the Signoria of Venice a very fine palace here in Rome which is called St. Mark. The cause of this fresh courtesy is not exactly known. It may be there was some idea that, as the palace is not finished, and was begun by a Venetian Pope [Paul III], if given to the Signoria, they would finish it, which will cost a great sum, and the pontifis will none the less enjoy it as they are accustomed always to do in the summer, it being situated in the coolest part and the best air of Rome. Cardinal Borromei [sic] has begun to reform, in order to give an example to the other Cardinals and prelates, in pursuance of the decree passed against the pomp of this Court, both as to Cardinals, BishOps and others. 3 pp. Italian. (I. 179.) The BURGOMASTER and COUNCIL OF ANTWERP to Lord ROBERT DUDLEY. 1564, June 30. Antwerp.———We feel we must thank you for your letter and the goodwill shewn therein towards the Low Countries and this town. We hope the ancient amity between us and England may still be renewed, and that our Regent will meet your court and nation in the matter of trade. 1 p. Unsigned. French. (I. 187.) Sir WILLIAM CECIL to Lord ROBERT DUDLEY. 1564, June. This Thursday—J doubt how the French King will resolve whom to send [to ratify the treaty of Troyes] except he be advertised whom the Queen will send. I think Sir Nicholas Throgmortbn shall be here before any shall be ready from here. I beseech you to inform the Queen that the two treaties must be delivered to the French ambassador before Saturday at night. Being sent hither to-morrow signed by her, they may be sealed here, and knowing her pleasure I shall deliver them to the 29 French Ambassador on Saturday, having some Doctor of the Archives and a notary to testify the due delivery thereof. On Saturday at night I will wait upon you. 1 p. Holograph. Seal. Signature tom of. (I. 193.) HENRY KILLIGREW to LORD [ROBERT ])IIDLEY?]. l564[?] July 10. Parisr—He has been granted leave by Lord Hunsdon to remain behind him for private business with Monsr. de Beauvais. When he took leave of the King and the Queen Mother, they sent their commendations to his lordship desiring his help for the preservation of this new league between the Queen and them. D’Aumale and the Count of Guise send thanks for his lordship’s friendly usage of their brothers passing through Eng- land. D’Anville was absent, but Killigrew returning by Orleans received his wife’s commendations to his lordship, of which Lord Strange was witness, who has shown himself friendly to his lordship this journey. Commendations also from Vielleville, the Bishop of Valence, Monsr. d’Alluy and Monsr. dc Sence. 13; pp. (II. 525.) MAUVISSIERE DE CASTELNAU to the MASTER on THE Hones OF ENGLAND. 1564, July 11. London—Requesting that Jehan Combes, Frenchman of the Ambassador’s household, imprisoned on a charge which the bearer will state, may be released on bail, and if guilty may be fined or otherwise punished Without infamy. 1 p. Seal. French. (I. 189.) ADVICES from VENICE. 1564, Aug. 26.~The Spanish Ambassador is leaving Rome, and lies with Cardinal Paceeco, while his own house is being avoided of its stuff. _ The Pope had mass for the Emperor at Santo Apostolo [sec], and was present himself with all the Cardinals, and ordered ser- vices in all churches. He sends Cardinal Altaemps to condole with Maximilian, and has stopped all his building and fortifylng. San Pietro Corso is still in Corsica and has had his Captain Bavario of Corsica slain. . , The Genoese general in Corsica offers pardon to all Corsicans who return to their allegiance. . 300 Turkish pirates and Corsairs landed there; 12 were taken by Corso and the rest slain. The Malta galleys recovered the ship taken by Corsairs, laden with alum for Rouen. . . King Philip aids the Genoese against Corso With 10 galleys and 1,500 men at his own charge. ' ‘ _ , Philip’s son Charles shall marry Maxnmlian s eldest daughter. The fleet from the Indies arrived in Spain with six millions of gold, half for the King, half for private merchant-s. 30 There have been great earthquakes near Nice. 500 were killed. At Vienna French and other Ambassadors have arrived to condole with the Emperor’s sons for their father’s death. 2 pp. (I. 197.) Sir THOMAS CHALONER to Lord ROBERT DUDLEY. 1564, Sept. 26. Madrid.——Your letter of July 15 has only reached me this day. Having been here three years, and one year in Flanders, I am anxious to be at home. Trade being st0pped nith Flanders I receive no bills of exchange, and you can judge how sweetly I apy for the money I borrow. I have things that I cannot write If I had had, not so late, advice of things determined at home, I might have prevented things to a better issue. New I fare like Cassandra, who was never believed. I am not ignorant what opinion some unadvised folks have of me for this or that. When I talk with a man of reason, as you are, I shall give such account of myself as blame shall not appear. When I come home I purpose to live a retired life to myself, my friends and my books. The rider tarrieth only but my departure hence to accompany ”me. 7 pp. Holograpk. (I. 199.) Sir THOMAS CHALONER to Lord ROBERT DUDLEY. 1564, Sept. 27. Madrid. ~~After the enclosing up of my other letter of this date, I received a letter from my servant Farnham that he had delivered m3 letter to the Queen and the cop3 to you. He writes that her Majesty gave no 2111311 er of any great. hope of my recall. If Idie here as sure this winter will make an end of me, then will they think of another for the place. All my things at home run to manifest wraek, my receivers in the country keep my rents, and I am eaten up by interest. A new broom shall sweep clean; I am worn to the stumps. If her Majesty sends another here, the King will allow me to leave without waiting for his arrival. Postscripta. -At Barcelona last March I heard one Fabricio Denti, a Neapolitan, son to Luys Denti, play on the lute. The Father was Offered of King Henry VIII 1,000 crowns pension yearly to serve him The Father’s play was mean, but - his voice ver3- sweet. The son’s “play for clean handling and deep music and parts, and excellent fingering” is uncomparable of any I ever heard. He sings “in a feigning (falsetto) voice after Napolitan fashion.’ He intends to come to kiss the Queen 8 hand. I recommend him to you. An entertainment of 400 crowns a year would not be out of the way. My brother Francis writes that you gave Philip de Austria the Moor 10l. besides the Queen 8 gift. On this side I see no such liberality to any coming from England, but “I see that blood in you cannot lie . . . A penny often given winneth a pound of goodwill.” The Queen’s “ housewives clean out of purpose 31 counsel her how to pull a billet from the fire ; their wit were more praiseworthy how for every billet spared to bring in a load.” 8 pp. Holograph. Endorsed. (I. 207.) Sir THOMAS SMITH to Lord ROBERT DUDLEY. ‘ 1564, Sept. 29. Avignon.——~This day at dinner dc Mauvissiére tells me that the King has chosen you knight and companion of the Order of St. Michael. Endorsed .' “ Sir Tho. Smyth Ambassador.” Signature torn off. sp. Cf. Cal. SP. Foreign, Elia, 1564, Sept. 30. (I. 217.) To the EARL OF LEICESTER and MR. SECRETARY. OCCURRENTS since my last DISPATCH. [1564,] Oct. 17. [Marseilles ?]—-Captain Cobron and another Seotchman of the Guard and an Almain speaking English followed the King who had gone to Aix in Provence by St.Remy. They with many ladies of the Court and Secretary Dallny went by Cavaillon, a town of the Pope, in the Venaissin. There they were refused food and provender, and were not admitted to the town. The three before named then burst so the‘gate that an unsaddled horse might get in, and so let in Dallny, the ladies and the horses. The chiefs of the town went to council. The Scot cried ‘ Tue, tue, feu, Ieu.’ Dallny made as though to entreat the three to do no harm. The townsmen soon gathered heart and demanded that the three should be given up. Dallny said that they only desired occasion to sack the Pope’s towns, and as they had 300 or 400 arque- busiers behind them, it were best to let them go and be happy to be rid of them. They went off and the town-council thanked Dallny and made him and the ladies good cheer. Then the populace wanted to slay the Council for suffering them to go who had outraged their maiden town. A complaint was made to the Chancellor through the Constable. .The matter is now turned to a laughing game, and it is a pastime at Court to tell how three men “ backed with a sight of poor ladies.” took Cavaillon. Now without a bullet or command they Will let no one into their towns. . Oct. 29.——-The Duke of Savoy is said to have told the .King in Council that he would be ill-advised to break the Edict of the Peace made at Orleans. In Provence men are much divided about religion, and contrary petitions have been made to the King, who promises to reply to them .at Tarascon. Today there was a mischance at Marseilles in which the Captain of the town was killed. It was begun by one of the Rhyngrave’s men, but the Rhyngrave says that this man has often saved his life, and that if he is punished he Will quit the service of France. , Oct. 31.—-—-All connected with the Court are ordered to leave Marseilles. Many exceptions are granted by the King. 32 Nov. 3.-——The Duke of Savoy is reported from Avignon to have received an Ambassador from the Swiss and made terms with the Bernates, they restoring to him three out of seven disputed balliages. Marshal Villeville and the Bishop of Limoges are not returned from the Swiss Cantons. The Swiss will make no new league unless they are paid what is due to them. Lately packets came here from Scotland, some from the Cardinal of Lorraine, one messenger had been to the new Emperor. N 0v. 6.~——To-day the King made entry into Marseilles. The next day the five Malta galleys counterfeited a battle, three against two, as the King came from Mass. The Marquis Dalbeouf [D’Elbeeuf] went with ten galleys to Toulon to meet the King there. They have been kept there by bad weather. The Marquis is returned. Since leaving Aix, where they stayed 5 days, the Court has only visited places of pleasure and pastime in this goodly country where oranges, lemons, and pomecitrons grow, and there is no winter. There is plague here, and it is still sore at Valence ; at Lyons it slacketh. Nov. 8.—~Four of the King’s galleys skirmished with four of the Maltese galleys. The next day the King and his brother, in Turkish dress, heard mass, and then the King and the Queen went in a galley to the Castle of If, and dined on board. N 0v. 12.——The Rhyn rave’s men who were taken for killing the Captain are release . The King is said to have discharged 2O prisoners out of each galley. 6 pp. (I. 239.) Sir THOMAS SMITH to Lord ROBERT DUDLEY.* 1564, Oct. 21. Tarascon.-—At the coming hither of Jo. Baptista all the Court is full that you are, or shortly shall be, made Duke. The “ Countie Ryngrave ” cometh into England with the collar of this order to put into the Queen’s hands to dispose of as shall be her pleasure. “ The King here giveth you the prerogative of his voice.” Let the Queen have an eye to the practises in Scotland: they tend to the subversion of the religion there, and the breach of the amity between us and that realm. Yet the Ambassador here says that Jo. Baptista brought him no letter out of Scotland. There is too much intelligence between Rome, them, and some in this Court, and words are cast out that shortly “the mass should up again in Scotland; the Queen be set at liberty who, they say, is new in bondage, and the oecasioners of the alteration in religion lose their heads.” I have sent piecemeal to you and Mr. Secretary as they did occur, conjecture of their doings. “ You that be nearer see more, and do daily look to it. . . . If I could have some light from. . * Dudley was created Earl of Leicester on Sept. 29, but for some little tune persons at a distance addressed him by his old name. thence, peradventure I should see more here. But no country is so still, I suppose, for advertising their Ambassadors as ours is.” I have written to the Queen and Mr. Secretary, who, I am sure, doth communicate my letters to you. It is told here that he goeth, or is gone, to the Emperor. If he be gone, open my letter to him. Bateras, lieutenant to Danville, hath been with me shewing that I have complained of him to you without cause, and that he hath been or [ere] this Ambassador himself and that he hath learnt to speak correctement. I answered that a gentleman of mine Francis Barlow was there with you. who saw and heard all that passed then betwixt us, and hath or can declare all to you. 1% pp. (1. 223.) VV[ILLIAM] VVHITINGHAM. DEAN OF DURHAM to [the EARL or LEICESTER ‘3]. 1564, Oct. 28. Durham.~——IIaving heard that an injunction, compelling the clergy to wear the old popish apparel, is either passed, or at hand, requests the Earl’s intercession. He quotes from the Fathers in Latin, and appeals to the example of Christ who would not suffer his disciples to wash their hands as the Pharisees did. _ “ If our apparel seem not so modest and grave as our vocation requireth, neither sufficient to discern us from men of other callings, we refuse not to wear such as shall be thought to the godly and prudent magistrates for these uses most decentfl’ Endorsed: Mr. “rhittingham, Dean of Durham, touching the injunction for “ cappes and typpcttes.” 7% pp. Holograph. (I. 227.) Gumo CAVALOANTI to [the EARL or LEICESTER]. 1564, Nov. 14. Marseilles.—-A few days ago I wrote to your Excellency of my journey hither, to see whether I could pass into Italy by the Maltese galleys, which have Since arrived ; but it is believed that, having come into this port, they Will have great difficulty in entering the ports of Italy, and I have been advised not to sail in them, lest they should carry me where I do not wish to go. . I have therefore decided to stay here until I can go With my horses, which I believe may be when Christmas is past ; the plague will probably then be over and no difficulty be made in Italy. It is true that in Venice they are more cautious than elsewhere, and I may not be able to go there until later. This being the case, I have determined to write (on that matter of which your Excellency knows) after .the manner which you will see in the enclosed copy, and I beheve this Will have more result than if I went in person. The gentleman to Whom I write, who was the last Ambassador from here, is an intimate friend of mine, and a wellwisher to this country. 93 34 I do not doubt that he will make the senators better under- stand the meaning of my letter than if I myself had gone. If, however, he should write that it would be well for me to do so, I will go there as quickly as possible. , It remains to be seen whether my letter will bear any fruit and I believe I shall have to wait at any rate for the winter, seeing that those gentlemen are slow in moving. If no result appears, it will be a sign that some consideration is holding them back, and her Majesty will see that the affair cannot be managed in this way. I believe the gentleman will, in any case, reply, though he may be slow in doing so. When the answer comes, I will send it at once to your Excellency, who, meanwhile, will design to inform her Majesty of 'What has occurred, that she may not believe me forgetful of her words, ' or imagine that my desire to serve her has cooled, which will certainly never happen. 1% pp. Italian. (I. 23:3.) THOMAS [EARL or] ORMOND to Lord ROBERT DUDLEY (sic). [1564,] Nov. 23. Dublin—The Earl of Desmond daily spoils the Queen’s subjects under my rule, and hath murdered and spoiled divers of my tenants and servants. I have had no restitution. New last of all when I come to advertise the Lord Justice of this, Desmond hath taken from the Abbey of Athashell, a farm of mine, 1,000 kyne besides other cattle, and 1,000l. worth of household stuff, and killed four of the best farmers in the same Abbey. I am commanded still to forbear revenge. I beseech you let the Queen have knowledge of it that some speedy remedy be had. I would sooner end my life than suffer thus. I pray you be a means to the Queen to write straightly to the Lord Justice and Council here to send for Desmond and to stay him till the restoring as well of all the goods awarded to me by the first Commissioners appointed by the Earl of Sussex at Clonmel, otherwise that the Queen will license me with force to withstand his attempts. 2% pp. Seal. (I. 247.) ENRICO, DUKE OF BRUNSWICK and LUNENBURG to Lord ROBERT DUDLEY (sic). 1564, Nov. 24. W orden.~—The causes of my not having answered the Queen’s letter are two difliculties which you ought to know ; the one is that I have been tied to the service of the King of Spain and of the King of Denmark, which obligations are now finished ; the other is that I have been ill for a year, and so I wait-ed and thought it was better not to treat of the thing that was put before you. I therefore beg you to defend me to the Queen, and this will also serve to let you know how I sent my Captain and servant to the Count of Schonberg and to my ehatelain at. Worden that they should visit the Queen on my behalf, and also your Lordship, to ,/ w...“ ,W’ 35 whom I beg you to give credence on my behalf as to myself, and to show yourself in this affair, as you have promised by letters, a true brother and friend. I will serve you with my heart and blood when needed. 1;- pp. Holograph. Spanish. 0n the address, Mano propria. (I. 251.) Sir THOMAS CHALONER to the EARL OF LEICESTER. 1564, Nov. 30. Madrid.- —————— ~Mr. Secretary wrote to me on Sept. 23 how the Queen would have me stay here till next spring to accompany the Catholic King or his son should either repair to Flanders. I see no likelihood of either of them going this next twelve months. Casting over my books I find I have spent in the two years ended Michaelmas last 130,000 reals of plate at 6d. the piece, besides other sums and charges in England for interest. Sir Thomas Gresham’s servant Richard Clough from Sept. 1653 to Sept. 1654 has had made over to him for my use forth of England almost 1,9001. Flemish, and I have spent in one year 1,200 crowns more received at other hands, and have scarcely 6,000 reals left. In 3% years here I have never had one penny of ayuda d6 castes besides my ordinary diet. The Bishop of Aquila, while in England, the cheapest place in the world, had besides his diet at three sundry times 9,000 ducats in reward, besides the debt he incurred there of 17,000 ducats since paid of this King. I have been three years in Spain and am so sickly that I can scarce put pen to paper. It is a great oversight of my Lords at home to have no young men trained up under the older to serve the State. Next Christmas shall be the sixth I am abroad, and I have never had one letter of thanks from the Queen. She should in any case revoke me on account of my sickness. The king will not take this time of vacation amiss, and the Queen will save my successor’s diet for four months or three. . ‘ The passage from Plymouth to Bilboa 13 but a‘pastime in summer, and he may bring plate napery and hveries for two or three years. I passed in the heart of the wmter, and so had to spend 2,000 ducats here. . ' Being certain of my return I will move the King for hcence for the jennets you wrote of, and the sooner I return the better I shall be able to spare for their prov1dmg. Postscri t. H olograph.——I want a secretary as you. “ may perceive by): this false written letter which I wrote the minute of with a fit of an 18 hours ague on my shoulders.” If you Wish, I can get the Queen’s arms engraved 111.3; ruby or diamond, which no other master save one I think in Europe can do. One Lewis Morgan is here, attendant on Mr. Smyth, well known for his valiance at the assault of St. Quenten. His suit appears by the enclosed. His pardon granted, he would return to serve the Queen. He says my Lord Henry, your brother, whom God pardon, was his specml good lord. 36 Enclosure. For the murder of David ap Llewellyn at Brecknock in Aug. 1552 two men (names given) were executed, one was pardoned. I Lewis Morgan, having agreed with the parties of Ap Llewellyn, require only the Queen’s pardon. 6 pp. (I. 255.) MARSILIO DELLA CROCE to JOHN SHERS, London. 1564, Dec. 2. Venice—News from Vienna, ‘November 23. All efforts are being made to procure men to send to the frontiers. Signor Lazaro Suende is made general of the Germans and Signor Battorj of the Hungarians; there are also some Italian Captains, as Signor Ortansio V esconte, Captain Roselle and others, who, it is said will conduct those Italians of whom Signor Castaldo is to be the General. The Transyl» vanian, we now learn, has repassed the river Tibisco [Theiss], and withdrawn, having left good garrisons in those places of importance which he has taken, and it is hoped he Will give no more trouble, the rather as the plague has appeared in divers places of the country. The Count Olivero d’Arco has returned from England, Where he saw performed the obsequies of the Emperor Ferdinand, at a cost which exceeded twelve thousand crowns for decora- tions, alms to the poor and banquets as is the custom there ; her Majesty means to send an Ambassador to make her condolences to his Imperial Majesty as soon as be send intelligence of his father’s death, in the same manner as to other princes. From Rome.—-—Signor Castiglione has returned from the Car- dinal of Trent. It is supposed that he went to inquire whether the Cardinal would be willing to give up the State of Galese, for the price at which he bought it, to the sister of the Signori Alto Emps ; but it is said that the Cardinal is not willing to do anything, and has left suddenly for Trent. On Tuesday, Signor Hernando di Torres started for Civita Vecchia, sent by his Holiness to do honour to Don Garzia, from Whom letters have come to Cardinal Paciocco, dated the 18th inst. from Porto Ferraro. He is waiting there for the Signor Gio. Andrea Doria, to make some exchange of troops, and will then come to Civita Vecchia and so to Rome, where he will be much feted. The same day, the Pope sent the “ ladamosto ” to the Duke of Urbino, to order him to give no passes to the exiles of Aseoli, but rather, it they came by chance that way, to have them taken. Yesterday, in a congregation of the Council, the time for Portugal was prorogued for four months, with option of two more at the pleasure of the Cardinal Infants. It is said that the Pope means to suspend all building paid for from his own purse, not wishing to spend more than a thousand crowns a month; but the fortifications will be continued, as that expense is assigned upon the duties on meat and flour. It is also said that the Pope has given . .v-alv‘ “MMW a, 37 Signor Brunero, lord of Furlimpoli in Romagna, some castles of the ArchbishoP of Ravenna, for three generations, for which favour he pays 20,000 crowns. Cardinal Pisani being to—day in the Consistory, some thieves broke into his chamber and stole 7,000 crowns, of which, so far, nothing has been recovered. He has since asked Cardinal Vitelli for the money lent him to pay for the Chamberlainship, but the said Cardinal answered that he had not got it. Within two or three days, Signor Marc Anth. Colonna and the Bishop of Parma are expected here, and a few days later, Count Annibalc Emps from Spain, on whose arrival it is believed that his Holiness will proceed to the making of a Cardinal, which has been hitherto postponed. Seven ships laden with corn from Puglia (Apulia) have arrived at Naples, and another Venetian ship which ran aground at the mouth of the harbour, so that the necessities of that place are much relieved. The Viceroy of Naples is expected to pass through Rome with his wife, in order to go, he into Spain, and she into Germany, thence to escort into Spain the eldest daughter of the Emperor. His Catholic Majesty has given the said Viceroy an order for 8,000 crowns of revenue, and 40,000 m ready money. H is Majesty has made the Marquis of Pescara commander in chief in Corsica, with 10,000 infantry, to be drawn partly from the galleys, partly from the state of Milan, joined to those already in Corsica; but it is not known Whether the Marquis has accepted. _ . The infantry under Signor Stefl‘ano Doria have given a sharp stroke to the troops of San Pietro Corso, and have burnt- a place which adhered to him. Signor Stefiano is said to have fallen ill. News comes from Vienna of a quarrel there between the Signors Tristano Savorgnana and Federico Collerado. It came to the Emperor’s ears, and he conhned’them to their dwellings, but by the good oflices of his Majesty s Marshal they are reconciled, and have given their word of honour to keep the peace towards each other. _ Postscript, in Della Grace’s own hand. The Turk has glven 20,000 bushels (“ stara ”) of grain for Cyprus and Candia and it is hoped he will give 50,000 more. 3 pp. Italian. (I. 271.) ADVICES from VENICE and ROME. 1564, Dec. 2. Venice.—~Lctters from Vienna of Nov. 23 Trans Ivania, and Lawrence [sic] Swendy . ‘ Almaiiis, Captain Battorj of the Hungarians, Alphonso vige conte (sic) and Captain Rnossello of the Itahans ; John Baptis a Gastoldo to be General. 38 The Vivoida has retired over the Tibisco but leaves the places he has taken well furnished with men and munition. The Emperor imagines that he is forced to retire either by the pestilence raging on this side of the Tibiseo, or not having wherewith to continue the war. At Court a quarrel fell out between Tristram Savorgnano and Count Federico Coleredo. The former seeing the latter on the other side of the street sent to tell him to salute him, but the end of his talk should be with his sword in his hand. The Count replied that if he were so dealt with, he should call him by the order of arms, for neither place nor time served for that purpose. The Emperor hearing it, confined them to their lodging, and reconciled them through his Marshal. Count Olivaro di Arco, now from England, reports that he saw the exequies of the Emperor Ferdinand kept in England with much pomp, at a charge of over 12,000 crowns. The Queen had Ambassadors in readiness to send to the Emperor, if he had given her to wit of his Father’s death, as he did to her neighbours. Letters from Rome of N 0V. 25 say that the Pope sent to the Cardinal of Trent to forego the estate of the manor of Gaelese to the sister of Count Annibal Emps for the original purehase~money, because Alt’ Emps has 25,000 crowns due to him out of the manor. The Cardinal is retired to Trent. On N CV. 18. Cardinal Pacecco had letters from Don Garcia de Toledo from Porto Fine that he was looking for John Andrew Doria to receive certain footmen from him and to send back others to Corsica by him. The Pope then sent Sr. Hernando de Torres to pay honour to Garcia at Civita Veeehia. The Pope also sent to the Duke of Urbino that he allow none of the outlaws of Ascoly to escape through his dominions. The Pope has prorogued for four months in Portugal the Decrees of the Council of Trent. He will stop all building and save money except 1,000 crowns a month which he receives upon flesh and flour. He has sold to Borromeo, one of his nephews certain castles in Romagna for three lives for 30,000 crowns. ’ While Cardinal Pisani was at the Consistory 7,000 crowns " were stolen out of his chamber. The new Viceroy of Sicily returns to Spain by Rome with his wife, who shall go thence to the Emperor and bring his eldest daughter to Spain. King Philip has given the said late Viceroy a commenda worth 8,000 crowns a year. 5 pp. (I. 265.) 1564, Dec. 2. From my lodgings.~—~Of four matters, first for the correcting and purging those malicious opinions of us in most places of traifie, touching iracy, and better encouragement of the merchant to haunt this country, second ,_~ 39 for the despatch and utterance of our commodities, thirdly for the politic valueing of our own and foreign coins, and last for a means to have our substances in more price and our people better occupied, our towns better furnished and our prince and country more enriched, the second craveth some present determination in question whether we should return to Antwerp, continue at Emden, or else make our chief utterance here at home. In Antwerp we have been subject to divers injuries, but yet never so likely to receive any as now by this late brawl between them and our merchants ; wherefore I see no means to Antwerp but either with dishonour or great danger. For Einden, if the merchants had been as mindful of the commodity of this realm and to have prepared their wares for the present utterance, as they seemed bent unto their own gain and monopolies, then should they not only have thought where and how to have had those cloths dyed and dressed,* which before they had done at Antwerp, but also have provided the sustinence and things meet and necessary, so might they have had besides the cloths ready hence for the merchants, and so as ready a market at Emden, and less attendance there for their sales, than they had any before at Antwerp. For such is the place and the people, such be the neighbours and the privileges as out of this realm I thmk it were hard to find a place more convenient; but now to our own ports of safety and quietness, less hazard, where we are out of all fear of any stay, arrest or imbargment either of our ships or merchants, where we stand not at the courtesy of others, but may have others at our Prince’s respect and devotion. Some ask what should become of our merchants or the maintenance of our navy, as though they were only maintained hereby, or as [though] the merchant could not alter his trade, or transform his stock to other gam here, or that his doings were thence quite cut off altogether, or that there is not a Iceland, a Muscovia, a Estland, a France, a Italy, a Spain, a Portugal, a Barbary, a Coast of Mahgelte [Malaquete], a Guinea, a Manicongo, a .Bacalaos, and dl'VeI‘S other places to occupy them and their ships, and better means to maintain their good shippings than these two day voyages twice a year where every pedlar may practise, whereby there is scant either a good mariner made or a good ship maintained. Thus we may avoid many hazards and losses, and have always as much or more with us, as we shall have commonly abroad ; thus the Prince’s custom‘my be marvellously mamtamed, and we may have plenty of foreign coin and bullion; our good towns may flourish, and the stranger trade only in such places, and tarry no longer than according to the Statute .; the .havsgs may have ships besides our own to serve, and With thfintd e we may shortly bring that hither that lately ‘was in F :33 With the example of Flanders, where jlgre is 3.9333115, g .9‘ In margin: They are able now to dye and dress the cloth here in England as well and as good cheap as in any other place. 40 policies and so many goodly and beautiful towns maintained by strange and foreign commodities, I commend unto you- what may be done in this realm, which hath of her own store more than Flanders could any way purchase, or come by, of others. 3 pp. Endorsed: A discourse touching the traffic of Antwerp or Emden. Signature doubtful, apparently only John. (I, 275.) W[D;LIAM] HERLLE to [the EARL or LEICESTER?]. 1564, Dec. 5. London—Being on the other side for private business this three months, I am now here newly arrived, and advertize you there be come to Calais 500 horsemen with the Prince of Condé and 1,000 foot, with intent to raise the little fort at Gravelines ; their provision of things and men is great at Boulogne and in all Boulognaise; all Flanders is moved to brink of war and Cressioner, Governor of Gravelines, hath sent men over the water to defend it, having imprisoned some French merchants who had sold Wine and other com- modities at Sluys. This sounds to be the beginning of the Pope’s holy confederacy against King Philip. I had not so lorig kept silence, if an occasion of intelligence had been offered be ore. l p. Holograph. (I. 221.) Sir THOMAS SMITH to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1564, Dec. 16. Nimes.—For the double of this letter see Carl. S.P. Foreign, Elia, Vol. 75, but dated Dec. 14. (I. 283.) ADVICES from VENICE and ROME. 1564, Dec. 16.———The Pope will make more Cardinals, and among others Andrea Maryns, whose father pays 100,000 crowns for his hat, and gives over to his son the Abbasia of Marimonte. Of the money half is in Rome ready to be paid. The Pope has given D011 Garcia of Toledo 3. place in the Chapel next the Deacon Cardinals, which the Cardinals misliked, and the Emperor’s Ambassador would not go to Chapel that day. The French Ambassador went, but disorder being expected, the Pepe did not go. Don Garcia left Rome on Dec. 8 for Gaeta where his galleys lay to take him to Sicily. Three Cardinals honoured his departure, Gonzago, Pisa and Vitelli. Cardinal Famese came not to him at all in Rome, which Garcia lamented on his going away. The Pope sent officers to escort Garcia to Gaeta, and gave him a diamond worth 20,000 crowns, and to his gentleman hallowed beads and pardons. The Pope gave to Gabrio Cerbellone two new galleys, with artillery, manned by all the prisoners in his dominion. The Swiss Cantcns have agreed to serve under the King of France, and no one else, with as many men as he requires, 600,000 crowns to be paid to them, half being due before. 41 In Corsica Corso has taken two forts, one with 70 Sar- dinians, and another called Corse by starvation. John Andrea Doria, with 20 galleys and 2,000 men arrived at Bastia, and has taken 800 Germans and Italians; with Stephano Doria he goes on to besiege Porto Vecchio, which Corso has held almost from the beginning. King Philip has promised the Genoese to care for Corsica as if it were his own. The Emperor is preparing 20,000 feet and 6,000 horse to recover what the Vivoida of Transylvania has taken from him. The King of Poland has ordered his Ambassador at Vienna to mediate between them. 2; pp. (1. 285.) Sir THOMAS CHALONER to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1564, Dec. 17. Balbastro.—-“ At this present a principal rider“ in this Court, one whom Mr. Parker, this bearer, can better inform your Lordship of, for causes of ofience by the inquisition here, hath a mind to serve the Queen’s Majesty; the rest I shall refer to this bearer’s report. “ The party is here counted very perfect in his skill, and this for this sulficeth, so I may by your Lordship’s means know the Queen’s Majesty’s pleasure touching his entertainment. ' “ All other matter my letters at large to the Queen’s Ma]esty do express, so as there resteth no more but my humble request to your Lordship to be a means to the Queen’s MaJesty for my speedy revocation.” ” “ Postscript—The cipher of this letter Mr. Secretary hath. 2 pp. (1. 289.) Anvrcns from VENICE. 1564, Dec. 23. Venice.-~The Turk is preparing for next spring an army of above 100 galleys and many great ships, either for Corsica, Malta or Cyprus. . _ On Sept. 5 as the Sultan walked in hls garden, a hermit appeared dressed like John Baptist. He refused money saying that he was the Sultan’s own son, whom hehad ordered to be strangled twelve years before in Syria, a substitute having been strangled. The Turk thought hlm so like his son that he kept him one night in the Seraglio. The next day after further examination, he was beheaded, and his head exposed. The Pope’s nephew Count Alt’emps is back from Spam; he is to marry Cardinal Borromeo’s Sister and to be General of the Church. The Pope will buy for him Castel Ariano in Campagna and other Castles worth in rents' 10,000 or 12,000 crowns. Cardinal Borromeo is to res1gn his duties to Cardinal Alt’emps and retire to Milan. Some think that the Pope will make Cardinals on Twelfth-Day, the anmversary of his coronation. ‘ H [#7- angels in ci her, undeciphered; but a key has mlmxdgwiigfim 1tion of decipheged letters of Chaloner 3 among the State Paper: Foretgn, imbeth. 42 The Viscount of Ventimigh'a brings news that the Emperor and his brothers agree well, and that he is as Popish as his father. Those banished from Naples are to avoid the Papal States on pain of death. Seven men about to kill the Pope were taken in Rome. The Marquis of Pescara is preparing against Corso in Corsica. 2 pp. (I. 297.) ' ADVICEs from ITALY, SPAIN and FRANCE. 1564, Dec. 31. Venice.-~The Turkish General is preparing for war by sea in the spring, including transports for horses.- From Spain—The Sariffa is preparing to attack Tangier, to which the King of Portugal is sending help. Of France.——Condé has agreed with the Cardinal of Lorraine and the house of Guise, and may marry the Widow Duchess of Guise. The Constable is very sick; some say dead. The King has given 30,000 crowns to Ludovico Gonzago, who is to marry the Duchess of Nevers. From Genoa.——Andrea Doria arrived on the 13th with two galleys; he took Porto Vecchio, went thence to the port called Istria and began to land artillery : Corso fled after a skirmish with 400 Spaniards from the galleys. Laurenzo Figorhoa [Figueroa] took the fort of Argolie from Corso. Signor Marine came to Genoa, having slain his Wife and a page taken in adultery. She was niece of the Duke of Sessa. From Rome.~—Three men are taken for trying to kill the Pope, Count Tadeo Manfredo, Benedict Accoli of Siena and Count Antonio Canozza. They have confessed. The Cardinal of Trenta is suspected of complicity. From N aples.—~The Viceroy is thought to be bringing in the Spanish inquisition, He has Spanish and Sardinian troops there. Don Garcia and the galleys of Rhodes are in Sicily. The Pope will not allow the Duke of Savoy to receive the Bernese towns on condition that they keep their religion. The Duke means to keep his promise to the Bernese and to let the Pope do what he pleases. 2% pp. (I. 301.) JAMES [PILKINGTON], BISHOP or DURHAM, to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1564—Not long since I was a suitor to you “in the behalf of such ministers as be called breakers of common orders because they do not only forbear the Pope’s doctrine but chiefly refuse to wear his livery, which is thought of some to be a disobedience to the Queen’s Majesty and her laws.” She has not more faithful hearts than of those that be thought so precise that in such small matters will not relent. As to your great commendation you did “ put yourself betwixt and 43 helped to stay the displeasure conceived and intended, so I beseech you be not weary Of well doing but continue your favour to such honest professors of God’s truth that under your wings they may serve the living God purely, and that God’s enemies the Papists have no cause to triumph against His people. . . . What a wound to zealous men shall this be, to see one Protestant punish and persecute another because he will not wear the Pope’s livery. The Papists would suffer no relics of our religion among them, and we shall strive how to maintain their inventions. Our sins and unthankful receiving of his word deserve a greater plague than this, but surely if this go afore, more will follow. . . . Your wisdom can consider all the inconveniences that may follow the dis placing of so many good ministers, seeing there is no greater store of them to be had. It is pity that no other apparel can be devised but this :‘ for if it had not a show of the Pope’s badge, they would most willingly receive any. The Lord 0 n your heart to be a mediator for the utter suppressing of t at punishment intended and give your Grace to find such favour that your words may take place.” 1 p. (I. 363.) ADAM [Lorrus], ARCHBISHOP or ARMAGH, and HUGH [BRADY], BISHOP OF MEATH, to the QUEEN. [1564 ?]-Petition for an Academy to be erected in Ireland. Their acknowledgments to Leicester and Mr. Secretary for their furtherance of the same. 1% pp. Seal; signed by both. (II. 677.) “ INSTRUCTIONS roe THE COMMISSIONERS TOUCHING EMDEN.” [1564 ?]——~Paper endorsed as above.~—-The said merchants ofier to use the trade of merchandise in Emden and all other the dominions belonging to the Gra[f] van East Freese upon former mot-ions as heretofore hath been intreated. They require to be furnished with pilots as required. . They desire protection from enemies in entering and leavmg and to know of her Grace how that may best be, and to be assured that their persons, ships and goods in these lands may remain unarrested for any duty, debt or contract made or hereafter to be made, and that their goods. and ships, both in England and elsewhere, or coming into the Earldom of Freesland be free of toll and excise ; they will not charge other merchants w1th unreasono able toll, and safe-conduct to dwell, come in and go out as far as the land of the Earl of East Frieeland goes, or may go ;' . . Also a good assurance and oath, and 111 pam of forfeiting a great sum of money, that the Lady and Earls of East Fries- land and her heirs shall fully perform all these artlcles, and shall get the consent of the Emperor and the Chamber Imperial, 44 To this they desire that their present privilege shall be augmented to the most advantage of the Company as her Grace has heretofore promised in writing. Lastly they desire to know what goods and merchandise they hope may be brought out of other countries hither. l 2 pp. (II. 559.) THOMASSO BARONCELLI to the EARL 0F LEICESTER. 1565, Jan. 3. Anvcrs.~—I hOped before now to have announced the accouchement of your fellow gossip,* and trust to do so by my next. Your letter for her Ladyship I have delivered, and written that I had commission from you to declare personally your good will towards her, which I hope to do after the accouchement of my wife and of her Ladyship. If you have taken pleasure in having her as fellow gossip, she has not had less in having you. I believe the geldings which you mean to send will be acceptable to her Highness, and the mares would have been brought from Holland to cross with those of the Prince of Orange, if the weather had not prevented. I am seeking for two white mares to go with the others. The arquebus for hunting will be ready in four days. I will tell you when the painter from Florence has started for your service, and if you send the pattern of the armour, I will see to it. I should like you to make interest with her Majesty that I may provide the powder. If your brother has tried ,the sample which I sent, I am sure he will have recommended it to her Majesty. I should be glad to supply any armour. 3% pp. Italian. (I. 501.) [EDWIN SANDYS, BISHOP OF WORCESTER,] to LORD —~~——— 1564[«~5], Jan 6. Hartlebury.———Recommending Robert Hunkes to be Sheriff [of Worcestershire], as favouring justice and true religion, and requesting' favour to the bearer Christopher Deighton, citizen of Worcester, as a good common- wealth man, who gave advice for the last certificate to the Council concerning favourers or disfavourers of religion. He proclaimed the Queen at Worcester five times, and each time set on breach in the street one hoghead of wine, and cast into the street for the poor two handfuls of silver. ép. Copy. (I. 305.) ADVICES from VENICE. 1564[~5], Jan 6. Vonice.———Nicolo Marine cannot obtain safe conduct to stay at Genoa till his trial for murdering his Wife. Pescara has oficred to serve Genoa in Corsica against Corso, on terms proposed by the King of Spain, and has gone to Milan ~"-"""fi1é” caress séiii’ sagging. ""'s$é'"'l$'tte£" ’IS‘E”"i5£§qusit sgfiiéfiiiagé 1565, Jan. 22, below. 45 to prepare. Andrea Doria returns with two galleys to S ain. Ga eys are expected from Corsica with the third part 0 the Spaniards to be sent to Milan. Five Turkey galleys have taken a Christian ship near Carthagena. On Christmas Day the P0pe blessed a sword and hat for the Prince of Spain, and the like for the Emperor. A hallowed rose is sent to the Senate of Lucca. The Queen Mother and King of France request the Pope to make ten new Cardinals to quell the new religion. In Provence they will sufier the new religion no longer. The Pope has ordered that no one is to enter his palace when he is in bed or at meat but four or five of his chamberlains ; at other times only Cardinals, (and they only with two servants) and Ambassadors with one servgnt. The prisoners charged with the attempt to murder the Pope say they had no accomplices. 2; pp. (I. 307.) COPY of Anvrcns from VENICE. l564[—5], Jan. 13. Venice—France has not yet accepted the Edicts of the Council of Trent. Cardinal de Bourbon, supported by the King of France, is a suitor for the Legacy of Avignon. There is still pestilence there. One of the bulwarks of the fort of Palliano fell, the cause being unknown. Marco Antonio Colonna has left it for his house in Abruzzia. Two packets of letters from Spain to Rome have been inter- cepted in France. Complaint has been made of the Spanish Ambassador, and redress promised. Count Annibal Alt’emps is made Governor of Ancona and Spoleto with 300 crowns a month for his diet. The men who tried to murder the Pope are still in prison. . The Diet on Dec. 27 gave the Emperor 400,000 florins towards the payment of his father’s debts, and double the value of the whole Customs for four years. The Emperor after Christmas went to keep a Diet in Moravia to obtain‘a subsidy, and thence will go to Prague where his father W111 be buried. The Imperial Diet will be held at Augsburg, Nuremburg or Ratisbon. The French Ambassador to him was revoked because of his contentions with the Spanish Ambassador for the precedency. The Emperor lS preparing for war with the Vivoida. . On Dec. 28 a great storm at Genoa destroyed three ships with their crews, and in a snow—balling fray a Spaniard was killed. ‘ _ When the Governor of Algeria was taken by Philip last summer, his son-in-law escaped with four galleys Wlt-h which he has now come to Constantinople, advising the Turk to secure Algeria. This he means to do. He may land in Apulia to receive help from outlaws from Naples. fie threatens also the knights of Malta for havmg taken a Slnp 46 full of pilgrims to Mecca. The Sultan himself rode through Constantinople, which he has never done, to declare his intentions. 3% pp. (1. 311.) The EARL OF LEICESTER, CHANGELLOR, to the UNIVERSITY or OXFORD. 1564[—5], Jan. 16.———On election I committed the election of my Commissary to you. Being certified that Mr. D[r.] Kenall has been chosen by you, “ I cannot but make liking of him whom so many wise and godly in such sort have elected.” I am assured you will consider my Wishes as to reformation of want of preaching, diligent reading and hearing of lessons of all sorts, and comely and decent order of degrees. 1p. Copy. (I. 315.) [The EARL or LEICESTER to THOMASSO BARONGELLIJ 1565, Jan. 16. At the Court—«By yours of the 3rd I am glad to hear that her Highness has had my letter. The patterns of bodices which you have sent me for the Queen are beautiful, but not what she wants, having several of that make. She wants the kind used in Spain and Italy, worked with gold and silver. I desire you to make every effort that I may have the two white mares, in good condition. About the powder I am unable to give you any definite answer. I will send the pattern and measure of the armour. 1% pp. I Italian. U naigned. Apparently copy of reply to I. 501, p. 44 above. (I. 509.) An VIOES from VENICE. 1564[~5], Jan. 20. Venice.~—There is a bruit in Rome that King Philip does not wish more of his subjects to be made Cardinals, being vexed with the POpe, who wishes for a settle- ment of differences. Rodrigo da Castro, an inquisitor, has come to Rome about the Archbishop of Toledo. The Emperor’s Ambassador has asked the Pope’s license for the priests of the Empire to marry with his assent. This the Pope seemed to favour in open Consistory, having already granted license to the Emperor for the sacrament to be administered in both kinds. He referred the matter to the Cardinals, directing the Ambassador to see them at their houses. The Pope has forbidden masks in the streets at Shrift—time. At Genoa Philip’s Ambassador has presented a letter to the Senate from the Governor of Milan, requiring them to give up Marino, charged with killing his wife. Marine is likely to go elsewhere while they are consulting. There has been great triumph for the birth of John Andrea Doria’s son. to whom the Viceroy of Naples is to be Godfather. 4 7 The Turk is preparing 150 galleys, and is staying even Christian ships to serve his turn therein. 2g pp. (1.3199 PASQUALE SPINOLA to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1565, Jan. 22. Antwerp.—-Since my last letter I have heard from my brother that the Signora Baroncelli has a daughter, whom he held at Baptism in the name of your Excellency, with Signor Malgrani of this town for the Count d’Agamonte [Egmont], while the wife of Ludovico Nicole stood for the Countess di San Segondo. They gave the child the name of her Majesty. I have not yet visited her because the silver bowl and ewer which I desired to have made specially for her will not be ready immediately on account of the Festa and the reat cold. I am going to take instead a silver-gilt cup which can have in three days. Count d’Agamonte left for Spain four days ago, possibly because the King wishes one of the great lords here, as this Count, Orange or Berghes, to inform him about the proceedings of these states. I; pp. Italian. (I. 511.) ROGER MARBECK [PBOVOST OF ORIEL] to the EARL or LEICESTER [CHANCELLOR]. 1564[—5], Jan. 23. Oxford.-In reply to the Chancellor’s letter certain were chosen to take a survey of our statutes; they have retained the old statutes, “ excepting some which in part touched popery and superstition and be new by common consent utterly abolished ” : they have devised a few articles to the increase of public exercise in all faculties. The number of the divines, which you commanded me to certify, the Commissary hath ready for you. 1 p. (1.3399 ADVICES from VENICE. 1565, Jan. 27 .—-Ascanio della Coma is in prison at Rome. The Pope pardoning the man who was to kill him but gave information, will put the rest to death. The Pope and King of Spain are agreed to restore from time to time the outlaws of the State of the Church and of Na les. Ilion Rodrigo, the Inquisitor, had audience of the Pope touching the Archbishop of Toledo, but returned to Spain dissatisfied with the result. . Corsica. San Pietro still holds out and 600 men are being ship, la Carissima near Ajaccio, and three galleys, one belonging to John Andrea Doria ; the Marines that escaped drowning were slain by Come. The " bousts ” [‘2 beats] of 'the galleys that might have been saved were burned by Corso. 48 The judges at Milan condemned Sr. Nicolas de Marino in 10,000 crowns for not appearing to answer for the death of his wife and the page, and his sureties will have to pay. He has left Genoa. In the Grisons Count Angosciolo is slain with a dagger. The Venetians are still considering with how many galleys to arm forth for this spring. 2 pp. (I. 515.) ADVIGES from VENICE. 1564[—5], Feb. 3. Venice.~The French Ambassador has asked Philip that some accord be made with Corso; Philip replied that he was sending an army to settle matters. He is not going to Flanders this year, but the Prince of Parma, with his wife, will go to see his mother and thence to his father in Italy. Philip sends 3,000 more Spaniards to Naples. The Cardinal of Perugia offers 30,000 CI‘OWnS bail for his brother Ascanio della Corna. The Pope refuses but promises fair trial. Antonio Canossa and the other two, who tried to kill the Pope, were drawn through Rome, pinched with red-hot tongs, knocked on the head with a mall, and then quartered. Accoli sent the Pope a little book in shape of a dialogue, summoning the Pope to appear before the High Judge in the Vale of Josaphat within 40 days. Pallicone, for conspiracy is sent to prison for life, and others to the galleys. The Prince of Florence is assured to Joanna, the Emperor’s sister. The clergy of Spain having grievances against their Bishops, had chosen two priests to go to the Pope about them. Philip has banished the ringleaders to Portugal. 2 pp. (I. 347.) BEAUVOIR LA NOCLE to the MASTER on THE HORSE. 1565, Feb. 5. Havre de Grace.~—The good will shewn by you since we have been afflicted by civil war emboldens me to beg you to induce the Queen to accomplish her promise. The hope we all have of this takes the Admiral and his camp in a few days to Normandy to join the forces of England, to strengthen his Reiters by the aid promised by her Majesty. If this aid is deferred your experience can tell you how great will be the damage not only to France but to all Christendom. 1 39. French. (I. 351.) Sir THOMAS SMITH to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1564[~5], Feb. 6. Toulouse.~I have declared your message to the King and the Queen Mother, who took it in good part. Where you offered to do what you could to entertain the amity between our Queen and them, the Queen said there was 5 i f 1 l f 49 nothing they desired more. She trusted it would increase from day to day. I commended your geldings to them and especially the Queen’s, who said she had heard. that they were as fair pieces as could be seen. She hath sent for them. I also gave your message to the (.lonstable and having heard that the gelding you sent him was dead, I said you had sent him a gelding for his saddle, and said no more, to hear what he would say. “I have heard of him,” said he, “I have willed him to be conveyed to my house . . . I intend to keep him as a jewel." I said he was as good a piece as you could find, and that it was well done to keep him there till he were acquainted with the French diet and keeping. I did your thanks Monsieur Danville for his letter; he offered his service to you at any time. The Queen here hopeth to see her daughter the Queen of Spain at Bayonne. This will take me much out of my way backward again from England, and means longer tarrying in this country which is “ dearer, worse lodgings and worse people than in France.” It has been “fervent cold” here since Christmas. I would once hear who should be my successor. Addition in another hand. 7 Feb. De Mauvissiere hath started for England with a costly litter. fair muletts and camels for a present to the Queen. It will be past. the middle of March before he shall be in England. 2 m). (I. 353.) ADVICES FROM VENICE. 1565, Feb. 10.—-“ Of Rome matters.” Cardinal Cesis [Coesi] is dead and will be buried in a chapel built by him joining Ste. Marie Maggiore. An account of his legacies. The Pope is sick. He has changed his guard of arquebusiers for an equal number of gentlemen. 7 . Ascanio della Coma is still in prison, and is daily examined, as also some of his captains. _ , The Duke of Mantua has sent congratulations to Alt Emps on his marriage, with presents to his bride. . At Corfu a fire was seen over the island ; general processnons were ordered by the Governor ; the fire rose higher in the air and passed towards Slavonia. TWO-thirds of the Spaniards in Lombardy (2,000) are sent to Corsica against Pietro Corso. ‘ . John Andrea. Doria with two galleys Wlll bring the Com- mendator of Castille with his wife and family to Spain. 3 pp. (II. 531.) Sir THOMAS CHALONER to the EARL 0F LEICESTER. l564[—5], Feb. 12. [Madi'id.]——Is “ packing to make home ” the soonest he ma . 2% pp. EMU/3%,}. For a copy of the above see Cal. S.P. Foreign, E1232. under date. (I. 357.) p 4 50 W[ILLIAM ALLEY BISHOP or] Exams to l564[~5], Feb. 18. Exeter.———I request that the Earl of Leicester may be asked to obtain leave from the Queen for me to let certain out-houses and waste within the precincts of my palace, which stand me in yearly charges to repair. The net revenue of the see is not more than 3001. I hope to dedicate to the Earl a book which shall make open all the obscure, dark, hard and contrary places in the Scriptures under the title of Anticimenon. I send commendations to Sir John Chichester, “ praying him to have in mind Colum John.” 2 pp. (I. 361.) THOMMASO BARONCELLI to [the EARL or LEICESTER]. 1565, Feb. 21. Antwerp—Although I have had no letter from your Excellency, I have none the less cause to write this to thank you, if not so much as I ought, yet as much as I can, for the present you were pleased to send to your “ comare ” for Elizabeth, your spiritual daughter, for the which our gratitude is as great as her deserts are small. By it we shall keep you in perpetual memory, in the fashion of the Umbrian Country, and when the Count of Agamonte returns from Spain,* I shall pray him to dine or sup with us, and to measure how much the cup holds by quaffing it to your Excellency’s health. Signor Bruschetto tells me that you wish to have the horse of which I wrote some days ago. I have examined him carefully, and find that he is younger than I thought, not yet four years old, but very active and strong. We cannot tell of what he will be capable later, except by trusting to the sage judgment of Signor Claudio, your master of horse. [Further details as to the purchase of horses] We can get neither horses nor anything else from Holland, because of the ice, but as soon as it is possible, her Highness and the Prince of Orange will send here the geldings which they are giving you, and I will forward them at once, together with any that I have found for you. There is a fair at Diest, on the first day of Lent, and at Mid—Lent another at Ghent, to which horses are sent, not only from all Flanders but from the Low Countries generally. I shall also send your arquebuss and as to the armourer for whom you applied to me through .Castaglione, 1 will go in a few days to Brussels and find the best that I can there, and will despatch him as soon as possible. Immediately I have notice of the painter, which will be with the first letters from Florence, I will inform your Excellency. I pray you to beg her Majesty to let me have two lines to say how she was pleased with the book I sent her ; and also that you will inform her that four days ago her Highness talked with me for a long time, showing me how courteously * Egmont went to Spain at the beginning of February 1564r—5. See S.P. Foreign, Elizabeth. 1664, 1665, No. 971. 51 she has conceded the delay at Bruges, and saying that she was preparing a gift for her Majesty which I know will be very acceptab e to her. I hope you will see everything together, with the geldings and the jerkins (“ colletti ”) which her Majesty Wishes for. If she had sent me a pattern, I should have tried to supply her before now. Your fellow-gossip sends you her portrait, taken in the year 1562, when she was twenty-two years of age, for owing to her accouehement and the cold weather, she has not been able to have a fresh one drawn. Such as you see her, she desires to be the most faithful servant of her Majesty and your Excellency. I shall be heartily glad if I can serve her Majesty in the matter of the powder, even though it be no profit to myself. Therefore I pray you to take some good resolution with the Earl your brother, and to inform me of it. Mr. Francis Berti is coming here to make an end of the salt business, and I have given powers to my brother-in-law, M. Phillippo Gualterotti to ofier him all the help and accom— modation that he can reasonably ask for, in order to con- summate the matter as all we who are interested in it desire. From Spain we have letters, and also some aid for the debts of her Majesty in this country, which has certainly come to a good resolution, and is preparing a great demonstration of goodwill for our fellow—gossip, the Count of Agamonte. It would be well if her Majesty or the prince [of Orange ?] could be persuaded to come into this country. There is much need of it, on many accounts. 4 pp. Italian. (I. 545.) ADVICES FROM VENICE. l564[—5], March 3. Venice.~~(}eorge Albane, one of three Ambassadors sent by the Emperor to the Turk with tribute died at ConstantinoPIe on Jan. 6. _ The Venetian Ambassador there sent his Secretary With a. present to Selim, the Sultan’s son, as the Sultan cannot hve lon . 'lghe Turk prepares for the war. All who receive wages of 100 ducats a year are to join the ships at Lepanto. Ernest money is being paid to get soldiers. . . The Emperor has had success against the V1v01da of ‘ Transylvania, his General Lazarus Swendy havmg taken the forts of Toccar and Terentsch. 1 p. (I. 367.) EDWARD SAUNDERS and THOMAS CARUS to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1564[«5], March 8. Hereford—In answer'to a. letter from the Lords of the Council received by us 111 our Circuit at 52 Monmouth we pray you and the rest to suspend your judg- ment until our return when we will purge ourselves. At the last Summer Assizes it being doubtful, in law and fact, whether the offence was murder or manslaughter, and who was the deer, we “ gave day ” to the jury at their peril to give their verdict at these last assizes. They did then indict divers of the murder, and the prisoners were arraigned. Though we spent almost two hours on the challenges taken by both sides, we could not have a full jury, though we caused the Sheriff to return some of the justices being upon the Bench with us. Lack of time enforced us to postpone the trials till the next assizes, and we left the persons indicted in ward. The prosecutors are earnest to touch one whom they cannot prove principal or accessory. Endorsed: “ The Lord Chief Baron and Mr. Charas with copy of the Council’s letters touching punishment of a murder.” 13:13. (I. 369.) ADVICES FROM VENICE. 1565, March 24. ----- ~Twenty—three Cardinals were made on the 12th for their services at the Council of Trent. Thereby the Pepe takes to his purse about 300,000 crowns of gold only by change of officers and selling offices, besides a far greater sum taken for the making of the Cardinals. The Pope will change all his Nuncios, and is making a decree that any Ambassador abroad who is made a Cardinal is to be recalled. The Bishop of Fame is to be sent to the Emperor: the Bishop of Viterbo to the French King : the .Bishcwp of Nervi to the King of Spain : a Bishop to the King of Poland : the BishOp of Rossano to Venice. By order from the Emperor his Ambassador is a suitor to the Pope for Ascanio della Coma, but his trial is to go on. Cardinal Pacecco has letters from the King of Spain to condole with the Pope for the conspiracy against his life, and to report the meeting at Bayonne of the Queen of Spain with her mother the Queen of France : that the meeting shall tend to the service of the Church and the quietness of Christendom. The Pope in fear of the Turk’s army has ordered foot-men and light horse to defend the coast. Don Alvaro di Sande, who was a prisoner at Constantinople, has passed through Rome new come from Spain to Naples to aid the defence against the Turk, who is thought likely to land in Apulia or at Syracuse. The Duke of Medina Celi being expected to return from Sicily to Spain by Rome, the Pope has sent to ask him to take a night’s lodging with him. The Pope has made proclamation that none of his subjects shall take wages to serve in the wars—~500 excepted who may serve in Corsica for the Genoese against Pietro Corso. 53 The Knights of Malta much fear the landing of 25,000 Turks. In Apulia the Turks have landed, taken prisoners and done much harm, and also near Pesaro. The Turks’ army was ready to sail on March 12. They have sent spies to find out. the King of Spain’s revision for the seas for this summer. They of Casale oprontferrato are not pacified but keep the fort that the French had. The General of Venice goes forth with 53 galleys at the beginning of April to look into the confines. Two men who falsified money have been beheaded and their bodies burnt and a third has been blinded and his right hand out off. Endorsed: “March, 1564.” 3 pp. (1. 563.) FIRANCIS EARL or] BEDFORD to the EARL 0s LEICESTER. 1565, March 27. Berwick.—~~You have recon‘iponsed your long abstinence from writing with a very friendly discourse and declaration of your great zeal for religion. I have heard of some speech used to a preacher in the pulpit. Albeit I think it not so much as it was said to be, yet. do I wish it had been less or rather nothing at all; the thing was the more noted as it happened to so grave and learned a, man. Touching my coming up I trust it be had in remembrance, so as soon after St. George’s Day I mean to set forward to communicate somewhat to you which I will not commit to writing. . . Francis Douglas whom Lord Seton hurt Is not yet .dead, but in great danger. Bot-hwell eontinueth among the Liddes- dale men, and notwithstanding the order for hls coming in by 24th May, (as Seton should do the 22nd)yet I‘ see‘he meaneth not so to do, and being bound but in 2001. boottish, which is but 50L English, giveth great presumption that the Queen there doth secretly favour him. The words that he used in reproach of the Lord James have been avouched albeit he denied the same. For the fortifications here I trust you and the rest have heard the whole estate thereof, and by this have determined thereu on. _ 1% page's. Part of the above is to the same eflect as hw‘letter to Cecil of March 28. [CaL S.P. Forezgn, Elia.) (I. 37.3.) ANNA COUNTESS [née] D’OLDENBUBG COUNTESS DOWAGEB or EAST FRIESLAND to the EARL [or LEICESTER ‘3]. 1565, March 29. Ernden.—-2,000 630213 on solez'l’“ having been promised yearly by the Queen of England to her 803 John, Count of East Friesland, and the first year havmg passe Without payment, request is made that the money and letters __._-. ,-_._ . 6001. 54 patent may be sent to Antwerp or Embden. If any obligation or assurance is required, it will be given by Arnold de Walwick. l 77. French. (I. 377.) ROBERT l-IUGGINS to the EARL OF LEICESTER. [1565, April 4. Madrid.,l-Sir Thomas Chaloner left for England on qMarch 2. The King gave him a horse, and licence to take four horses for himself and 12 for her Majesty. Only six were allowed to the French ambassador for his King. The bearer of this letter is Ceaser, an Italian, the best rider in this Court, for whom I did write to you for more than a twelvemonth. He has long desired to come, but could not rid himself hence. Don Diego de Cordova offered him 100 ducats a year, besides the 300 ducats, 12 yards of velvet and 8 of satin for livery, which he had from the King. He got away by saying he would go to Naples and meant to go post to Barcelona with Prince Doria. I hope his entertainment with her Majesty may be such as he shall not regret leaving the service of one of the greatest Princes in Christendom. The King storms at the French having taken a part of Terra Florida and built a fort. They be here in as it were in a maze what is best to do. The last news is that the Queen has sent Lord Darling [Darnley], the Earl of Lynyes [Lennox] son, well accompanied, into Scotland, hoping the Queen of Scots will marry him, on which condition she will have him succeed to the crown of England. Great enquiries are made of us Englishmen what manner of man he is, and of what religion. It was said that this King is determined to entreat marriage between Don John of Austria and the Queen of Scots, and that he will send a gentleman to the Queen to that efiect. Now this is dead, I fear they will make some practice by way of France. They cannot like England and Scotland to be joined. I think the French King is at Bayonne partly for that purpose. The sending of the French Order to you is much inarvelled at ; no one here having had it, they see a great amity between France and England. You are much praised at this Court. I hear this from Feria, who asked if it was true that her Majesty had determined to marry, and further the occasion of Roger Strange going to the Emperor, and whether Don Hernando, the Emperor’s brother, was going to England. The Queen here is with child, and it is doubted whether she will go further than Burgos. The 10th inst. is the day appointed for her setting-forth. The English alone have been warned of this by the King’s command. Feria was much pleased that you willed the Ambassador on his departing to kiss his, and his Countess’ hand,* which he doth take in such good part as it seems you may command him, and he said no less to me * The letter, up to this point, is bound up in Vol. ii, p. 749. The remainder is in V 01. i, p. 379. 55 and Mr. Parker when he first came to the Court; he has always shewn great friendship to any Englishmen that had suits in this Court. He says further that it is much marvelled that the Ambassador was called home before another came, asking if another were appointed, or if we knew who was named. The Ambassador there Diego de Guzman writes of your good entertainment of him, which he says the King takes in good part. Letters from Rome say that 23 Cardinals are made, of whom 19 are Florentines ; some say the Duke of Florence is one, which is kept secret, but his younger son is one, but no Spaniard, whcrcat the Spaniards are angry. The King is discontented partly for the Queen going to France, which puts him to charges, and the taking of Terra Florida on the one side, and the 'l‘urk’s armada on the other ; the Duke of Florence, whom he fears to be more French than otherwise, troubles him. He has ordered that no Ambassadors have recourse to him for three months except for matters of great importance. The Marquis of Pescara, whom the King wished to go with his men to Corsica, refuses to go without pay for his men; moreover the 4,000 Spaniards, promised by the King, have not arrived there. Mr. Burlace, your lordship’s brother’s man, is sent to Milan with letters of great favour to the Marquis of Pescara and the Duke of Alberkerke, Governor there :. Mr. Bradborne to Naples, with Mr. Smith who has the King’s cedula for 6,000 ducats. Please you make great account of this bearer and speak to the Queen that he may have good entertainment: by my rsuasion he has left the service of the greatest Prince in hristendom ; if his doings be not worse than they have been here, you will think favour shewn him well bestowed. 5; pp. (II. 749; I. 379.) NICHOLAS WOTTON to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1565, May 11. Bruges.~—-The first news of the fall of your horse under you made us more afraid than there was cause: I have no hope of the success of this Diet in matters which concern her Majesty. They say that if she can prove that poundage has been statutum consuetum et solut'am from .50 years before the Intercourse, they will yield to it. But I doubt whether the proof shall suffice, as they allow not the proof made to Skepperus [Scheppere‘l J. . Egmont, on his return, which has caused great 10y, brought the Prince of Parma to his mother, and is looked for here on Tuesday next at a marriage. The gentleman Monsr. de Frenz is he that received a blow of a Spaniard, Don de Fonavrmz : cartels were sent, and the combat appointed. The Champions appeared and the Spaniard offered the armour ot such a strange fashion that Frenz’ parryn refused them as unlawful. I 56 Bonavidiz’ parryn maintained the arms to be lawful. They fought not, and both departed with victory, each laying on the other the fault that they fought not. When the Queen’s service is done here, I desire to go to the baths at Achen, to find relief of. my present cat-arrh and of my gout and other diseases. Trusting you may be a means for her Majesty to grant me leave, I do not mean to put her to charges for diet for that time, but hope to return to her presence with Lord Montague and Mr. Haddon. H ologm-ph 1%» pp. Part of the above is contained in his letter to Cecil of same date. [See Cal. SP. Foreign, Ella] (I. 383.) CECILIA INFANTA OF SWEDEN, MARCHIONESS 0F BADEN, to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1565, May 12. Dantzic.-~'I‘hanking you for your com- mendations of me to the Queen, which have been communi- cated to me by George North, I send certain mun-assum- which I hope may be accepted. 23p. Latin. Seal. (I. 387.) JOHN SHERs to [the EARL or LEICESTER?]. 1565, May 15. Brugesso-«Thc Antwerp merchants seek by indirect means to break the Intercourse. They would have each nation trade with the other, paying the usual customs. If all the English nation could do this, I think that it would be to the wealth of the nation and her Majesty. But I know the Merchant Adventurer will oppose this with words and money, to keep the trade in his own hands. I do not like, even as an experience, that the Antwerp merchants should have the like liberty with us in England, as we have had here, for they seek to bring the trade of all the world into their hands. I think that the present liberty, either for a few English merchants, or for the whole nation must be maintained, or else, as your Lordship said at Windsor, there must be fairs and markets open for two months, more or less, to which all strangers may resort to sell and buy, paying customs for wares brought in and carried out. But if they break with us, we must consider how we can forbear their commodities, and yet deepatch and rid our own, until we turn their present great trade to us, or elsewhere. But this must be well considered before it be put in use ; for repentance is too dear bought. We must look well into it in time, lest necessity should drive us into it. 434). Holograph. (I. 391.) Sir NICHOLAS THROKMORTON to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1565, May 21. Edinburgh—I know not “ whether I may more com[mend] your fortune, your wisdom, or your immeasurable d[evoti]on to the Queen’s Majesty. For I am 57 sure one of these or [them] all. have stayed you from a great inconvenience as never to give yourself over to like any other than the Queen’s Majesty. If solicitations of many . if persuasions and severe commandments of her Majesty, from time to time, if evident presumptions and manifest assurances of your never enjoying her Majesty and contrarywise probable arguments and vehement tokens were offered to move you to take hope that this Queen was like to be yours, as I know there was divers and sundry ; if all these respects then and many more could have enchanted you to al[low '3] of this matter for yourself, you had been very unhappy, where whatsomever bestan[deth] you are very happy, if it be a felicity to be [tom] of the Queen of Scots, and to remain in your aceep[ted] thraldom to the Queen your Sovereign. Perav[enture] this Queen (some will say) had been more yours and [less] others than she is, if you would have yielded never [so] little and so make your Lordship the cause efficient of all her misery and your own missing; she her[self_] doth not altogether accuse you, nor excuse you [but 1?] chargeth the Queen’s Majesty with the whole, as one that meant to work her so much good. Your Lordship would little believe how diligently she hath observed the Queen’s proceedings with her since she did submit h[torn] to depend upon her Majesty’s advice in the matter” [three lines tom]. I think it meet to advertise you “ that the matter betwixt this Queen and the Lord Darnley is too far past to be broken, for though the consummation of the marriage be deferred, I am sure it is indissoluble without violence. And . .I do WlSl] that her Majesty may use the matter to her own most advantage and surety.” . ’ , I mean to remain a day or {two} at Berwmk and to return by York to revent these folks’ practices. 2} pp. H 09mph. Parts of theabove let-teraretotlie same efiect as his letter to Cecil of same date. [8.P. Foreign, Elma] (I. 395.) ANTHONY, Visconm MONTAGUE to the EARL OF LEICESTER. 1565, May 29. Bruges.—wAfter I had written my other letter of the 26th I met with the other commissmners, and heard such new matter as by our common letter to my Lords of the Council you may perceive. After we were men D’Assonville, half smiling, entered into commumcatlons of small moment, saying at the last he, was sorry our labours succeeded no better. I said to him 2‘ you may perhaps say more truly than you be ware of, and indeed if things fall out to the extremity, it is as like you here wfllbethe first to repent as otherwise, and (said I), if at the Obegmnmgyou had used less peremptory determinations, I think you might have won much time to yourselves, and saved to us much labour. Whereas when these two great matters of poundage and custom of cloths were by you complained of, and by us 58 answered, you were so far from these answers, that writing twice to Brussels therein, you were content to stay our report of your answer till you might hear whether the matter would be better considered there. Whereof this change and determinate proceeding doth grow I know not, but of this, quoth I, be you sure, I assuredly believe the Queen’s Majesty will not hear of this unreasonable request, and I am as verily ascertained that there is not any in England so forgetful of his duty as to advise her Majesty to relent in that matter (I mean of poundage), wherein her progenitors far without memory of man have been in quiet possession, and her High- ness as well, able to claim and maintain for right as any other of her noble ancestors. And as for the custom of cloths, besides such good reasons as have been made unto you, therefore there appeareth small respect or neighbourly and princelike consideration, when in a time of charge extraordinary to all princes, yea and meaner men, your own Master besides others, having used so many extraordinary means to sustain his un— accustomed burthen, exceptions should be taken to her Majesty in this matter wherein her own subjects bear almost all, and these of the low country in effect nothing.” “ He seemed somewhat altered by my words and said Her Highness had many matters to satisfy this side in, and that they found relentings in nothing, and therefore it appertained to the King to see that his subjects might be used according to the treaty, or else it were much better there were no treaty. I answered him the gratuity of the Queen’s Majesty was in my opinion half lost on them that esteemed it so little, as in that she had of her good will, not compellable by the treaty, consented to their greatest grief and matter to them of most moment, which was their manufactures, whereof if no vent were with us, how many thousands they should soon have idle, and what commonly followeth of idleness he was not ignorant. Yea, quoth I, it might perhaps be (though indeed I know it not) that if her Majesty found any mind of due consideration or respect to her, she would relent in some other things that might be to you expedient and yet by law in her grace and choice, but be you assured, this is no way as it were by threatenings to win her Majesty, that no more needeth you than you her, and yet I even say and think—“God hath a pointed one of these regions to have need of an other. To t is he said, My lord, in this great case this is my opinion, howsoever I be thought of. If the Queen of England were not able to make full or perfect proof of. poundage, I would yet never consent or advise but that as much should be continually paid to her Majesty as to any of her ancestors, for that the same hath had so long continuance, and I confess Princes need not to depart with things of profit. Marry, quoth he, the relentiug, to the new rate, seemeth more than reasonable. True, quoth I, if the twentieth part were not due, and not the price which was paid when things were less cheap.” 59 And for the cloths he said, the respect of the time con- sidered, he would wish the Queen to have the commodity, so as an equality were used that the subjects here paid no more than the English subjects. “ That, said I, might soon procure no small misliking of our nation, and yet indeed they here little the better.” Finally he concluded “he was not without hope of better end than the outer appearance gave likelihood of, the Princes on both sides being persuaded the one to relent to the other.” I thought meet to signify to you this my communication with him that you “ may gather whereupon they be like lastly to insist upon, or at the least what matter they utter for the present.” “ I have not been able to have so full discourse with Monsr. de Mountenye [Montigny] for want of speech, and yet as one of us may understand another, I have plainly signified to him my mind in like sort. Mr. W otton has as fully and much to more pu ose, I doubt not, dealt with him.” 3 pp. n clerk’s hand, including signature per me T. (I. 399.) NEWS LETTER FROM ROME. [1565,] June 2.—»The Spanish Ambassador on behalf of his King requested pardon for Lord Ascanio della Corna. The P0 answered that he would hear Ascanio’s own defence. 11 Thursday the Ambassador of the Knights of Malta requested that Ascanio might be granted to be their chief Captain. Ascanio offered hostages to return when the war was over. The Pope told the Ambassador to meddle With his own business only. Ascanio is said to have asked the Pope that if he had committed anything against the See or the Pope since the time of Julio Ill, otherwise than became a man of his calling, he might lose his head, and if he had done anything amiss as a soldier in Julio’s time, he deemed pardon. He is alarmed at the riffling-up of his life, but has many friends. Lord Angelo de Ceses is said to have been Cited to appear personally under pain of confiscationof all his goods, although he is already deprived by the testament of Charles, his uncle. A muster is ordered of the Romans to-morrow 1n the Theatre of Belvedere. _ The Viceroy of Naples has granted Don Garma de Toledo 2,000 footmen, which the Dukes of Urbino and Parma. are appointed to take up. A pinnace went yesterday from ClVita Vecchia to hasten the muster of the galleys, but the navy will not be ready till July 10. . There have been two assemblies about the Crocciata (Crusade). The Spanish King liketh it not, for the Spaniards say he has authority over the Crocciatan _ Cardinal Famese is Legate of the Patnmony [of St. Peter]: Cardinal N icolini has a grief in one of his eyes. Cardinal Media will depart shortly. Cardinal Pysani 1s 810k, and may accompany Navagero, who died lately. 60 A son of the Earl of Arran, lately taken by the Inquisition, is likely to be delivered. . It is said that Pope gives the Earl Annibal Empis 20,000 duoats to buy certain pools and marshes near Terracina and turn them into pasture. An Ambassador has come from the Switzers to confirm their league with the Pope. News from Malta of May 23rd (from Messina 26th) says that the Turkish Navy was sighted on the 18th and that they entered the haven of Marza Seiroeco. On the 19th 5,000 landed there, and in a skirmish which lasted nearly all day more than 70 Turks were killed, and on our side a Portuguese horse— man and 5 soldiers, and a French horseman taken. The 20th 15,000 more Turks landed, among them many rascals and untrained men, as was learnt from five renegades who fled to Malta. Five field guns were also landed and the enemy began to entrench themselves, and to occupy ground near Tarbar. The 21st the Basha marched with 7,000 men to View the town near St. Catharine’s. Skirmishing with him we took an Ensign and slew a Langiacco (Lancer?) and many others, with little less on our part. But this day and the next the enemy made a bulwark against St. Ermyaes [St Elmo ‘2], meaning, it seems, to batter the vessels in the haven, when the great ordnance is landed. It is learnt from renegades that a great ship accompanying the navy with artillery and 6,000 barrels of powder and 600 sipahis was lost; 400 sipahis were drowned. A Makona was stranded and lost with most of its cargo. There are thought to be 180 vessels, of which 120 are galleys, l3 mahonas and :3 ships. Drogues [Dragutj is not yet arrived; Alger is expected with his vessels ; Mustapha Pasha commands on land, Piali Haga on sea. The Great Master means to resist, and has 1,200 soldiers of all nations and about 600 horsemen, besides many Maltese, of whom the best occupy St. Ermo as the most dangerous place. The galley, which brought the news, carried forth women and others unfit for war. Other vessels were to take more, but this was rendered impossible by runaways warning the enemy. Camello Medici, son to the Marquis of Marignano, was sent to the Pope and to all Christian princes for help. From Vienna May 30. «—Sir Edward returned here from Constantinople in 9% days which was great speed. He brings news that the Turk requires restitution of all places taken in Transylvania. Hopes are entertained of peace, but troops are being mustered throughout the Empire. The Basha of the Janissaries having a son lately taken by our soldiers and understanding that he was carried to a castle of Panbode belonging to a widow of Hungary, determined to assault it. Having done so, he said that he had not acted by order of the Turk and offered to restore it to his Majesty. 4 pp. (I. 79.) , 61 ROBERT HUGGINS to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1565, June 21. Madrid—«The news in this Court be first that there has been great reconciliation between the Pope and the King, and between the Duke of Florence and the King, notwithstanding by the last letters that come from Rome here is come advice of 18,000 men that the King doth make in Italy, which here was never spoken of; the Colonels of them be first Chapyne Vittello, a marquis, one of the best soldiers in Italy: he has been always general to the Duke of Florence and commendador mayor of the order of the Red Cross; Cesar de Avala, brother of the Marquis of Pescara, is another who is a very good soldier also; Pompeio Colonna of the ancientest house in Rome; the Duke of Urbino General of all the army; but whether these men shall go is not yet known here ; it is thought that they shall go into Corsica ' against San Pedro Corso, lest eradventure the Turks’ armada do come to aid him, for he as all the island at his commandment, and has driven the Genoese into two holds, Bonifaeio and another, which be impregnahle unless by treason or famine: the Turks in the last war between the French King and the imperor did take it by treason, and gave it to the F reneh King who at the conclusion of the peace did render it. again to the Genoese. The Turk hath sent an Ambassador to the French King to have safe-conduct for his armado into any of his ports if driven into any of them by weather. Don Garcia de Toledo arrived at Malta on May 6 with his galleys and six ensigns of men and a great deal of munition and other provision; he carried away to Sicily all women, children and old folks from Malta on May 16, and on the 18th the Turks arrived with 150 galleys and 50 other sails: they made as though they would go into the Goletta, but it was but a policy to deceive the Christians and to linger the time until Dragut might join them, who as yet is not. come, nor the King of Argealles’ [Algiers] galleys, so that they came about and returned, to Malta which they now besiege, and have landed 18,000 or 20,000 men and 60 cannon : they of Malta skirmished with them at their first landing and killed 400 Turks and took one tandem and divers prisoners of Malta. One knight of Portingal was killed, and a French knight, who fell from his horse, taken prisoner. Advice came from Don GarCIa that there were lost by sea 600 Turkish horsemen and much munition. In Malta there are 3,200 men and 600 gentlemen of the Order: four Turkish renegades say that the Turks’ galleys be very well furnished of men but few of them old soldiers. Don Garcia sends word to the King that he can join together 130 galleys and ships well appointed, and offers his services to the King 2 he has made a new Invention for his galleys, that he has written to the King, that one of his galleys should be better than two of the Turks’. 62 The King has sent Don Pedro de Avila to the Pope in haste ; it is suspected to be about the matters of Germany wherein the King is marvellously offended; it is thought that the Count de Feria will go to the Emperor to conclude the marriage for the Prince of Spain ; here is great talk that the Queen of Scots shall marry Lord Darlin, and letters from France and Portugal that they be married, which is not liked here. Pedro Melendes is gone with 50 ships to Terra Florida to get it, if he can, of Villa Gallion [Goulainej the Frenchman that hath it, but it is thought that he can keep it. The French King hath promised not to aid him. Nicholas Malby and his brother with Mr. Jermy and one Denby be sent. from the King to Don Garcia with letters that they shall be entertained, and his Majesty hath written that they be well used in the galleys. Sir Richard Shelly hath asked leave of the King to go to Malta and goeth in post. 2% pp. Holograph. (I. 403.) ANNA, née D’OLDENBURG and DELMENHonsT, COUNTESS DOWAGER OF EAST FRIESLAND to the EARL OF LEICESTER. 1565, June 21. Embdcn.»+Thanking the Earl for com— mending her son John to the Queen, and requesting that he may receive just compensation for his expenses in hiring Colonels for her Majesty in 1564. 1 p. Latin. Seal. , (405.) [Sir THOMAS CUSAKE] to the QUEEN. [1565, June.]~In your Majesty’s letter of the 24th* of March you thought it strange that the Earls of Ormond and Desmond and their followers should break the peace contrary to my certificate, made under the Great Seal, of the conformity of Desmond to what he agreed before your Majesty in England. I wish that the truth of the case were known to you that the offender of them two might have condign punishment, for the like attempt between two subjects I have not heard of. As for the sums of money assessed by me upon certain gentle- men in Munster for their ofi’ences, it was agreed upon before your Majesty that I should p[ut] some of the notablest to execution, and in open sessions above twenty-eight were attainted and executed, and others fined, and for the better security of payment I received their pledges, and delivered them by bill indented to Sir Maurice Fitzgerald, then Sheriff of the County of Cork, for safe keeping. The copy of the bill I send to Mr. Secretary. For this half year and more I continued for the most part sick, or would have been in Munster ere this, but intend to repair thither shortly, and as I have already advertised you * There is no letter from the Queen of March 24 amongst 8.1”. Ireland, but Cusake probably means her letter of March 14, which is there under date. 63 that the only way to keep Munster in order was to plant presidents to see the former order kept, which could have been done without great charges. It shall therefore do well to put things in proof. Shane O’Neil’s acceptation of your favour towards him shall appear by his letters to me in that behalf which I send to my Lord of Leicester. You willed me to assure him by letter or message that as soon as you established some certain deputy here, you meant to cause his case to be considered, and that he should not see in the delay any lack of favour towards him. Being sick at the receipt of your letter, I sent it to him with a letter of my own. He rejoiced much, and sent for all the gentlemen of his county to declare in open assembly your clemency to him, after which they cried in their language ‘ God save the Queen.’ He wrote a signed letter to me (which I send to my Lord of Leicester) saying that he would banish the Scots out of Ireland, and required, as before, aid of your Majesty of “ galoglas and kyrne.” Assembling his force, he sent divers times to your galoglas to join him. They traeted and deferred the time so long as their coming then could stand him in no stead. He was sorry, affirming that he would rather have them than twice as many like men. I wrote to him not to conclude nor agree with the Scots without your pleasure. He took my advice well, and I sent his answer to my said Lord. I sent for the Dean of Armagh (who is not yet come) who is a great worker with me in all these causes, that he may work with O’Neil not to enlarge his prisoners, James McDonell, his brother Sorley Boy and others without your consent, and I will advertise you how I conclude therein. “ NOW remaineth not one Scot dwellingin all the north part of Ireland that dependeth upon James [M cDonell] nor none of his.” My poor advice therefore is that you write to him [O’Neil] a letter of thanks for his services with some reward that he may persevere to do your commands. Withpoljcy all Ireland may be brought to good order, O’Neill bemg made a good subject as to my judgment can be done, his suits being ended, and Desmond and Ormond made friends (which is hard to do Without enforcement). You must be served more than by one earl or two, there- fore the offender must suffer some smart, for better they both were unborn than such cruel and wilful part[1e]s should be left unpunished. Those things done that men may fear your justice, and presidents placed in Munster to mamtam order and justice, there is no great care to be taken for the governance of Ireland, and you are like to have yearly revenue ’and profit to maintain the charges here, where now your treasure is wastefully spent through frivolous occasmns. All things are to be put in proof and to contmue no longer than occasion shall serve. The faction of counsellers for friendly respects hath always hindered affairs here. I Wlsh that all 64 counsellors were as willing and earnest in your affair as the Bishop of Meat-h. Sickness has long kept me from the company of my Lord Justice and Cmmcil; therefore I refer to his Lordship the certificate and the rest of abuses meet to be reformed in divers other parts of the realm. 5% mm, bound in wrong order. Endorsed: “ Copy of the Queen’s Majesty’s letters out of Ireland June 56 [sic, meant for 65]. (I. 41 and 39.) CAROLo UTENHOVIO to 1565, July 22. London.~—I-Ias heard from his father who urgently requires his return on family affairs, regretting his departure from England. Ending with the following, (3 ,31'09 ,8!)va 96070 t’i'rep Oxide» rlandfl—ozo. 1% pp. Italian. No address. [67. Cal. S.P. Foreign, Elia, 1564, pp. 2, and 317.] (I. 409.) ANTHONY, LORD MONTAGUE to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1565, July 29. Bruges.-Since my last letters both Monsr. dc Montigny and d’Assonville have been continually absent and yet remain at. Brussels, not meaning as it seems to return till they hear of their commissioners’ arrival here from England, whom we look for daily, and especially to hear from the Queen such matters as we have by letters imparted unto my Lords of the Council. Our not hearing is strange, but we hope at their arrival to hear the Queen’s full pleasure and resolution, to bring us to an end some way or other. From the Bill enclosed, sent by Secretary Torrey {de la Torre] and confirmed this day by the merchants, will be perceived the news we have from the Regent and State at Brussels, from Antwerp and the Spaniards and merchants. There was great joy at Brussels at the arrival of the news that the Turks had sent 40 galleys to Thessalonica for victuals which they much wanted, and therefore Don Garcia, expecting not the galleys to come from Spain, but landing part of his army, with those he had (60 galleys and 60 ships of war), invaded the Turkish navy, which he found almost empty, and therefore the sooner distressed. I write what I hear. The truth will appear after— wards. I hear the Queen removes to Windsor, which so being, I trust my wife may the sooner have commodity to lay her belly at Guildford. What the Queen shall resolve, I beseech you my poor Wife may have intelligence. So far as Cowdray she will not till my return, and in London she hath been so long that the house is too unsweet. 1% pp. In clerk’s hand, including signature. E-n.closure.--On July 26 news came to Brussels that the Turkish fleet made their sixth assault on St. Elmo and finally took it, killing all Christians found there, and while the Turks 65 were intent on the spoil of the Castle, Don Garcia, coming up with part of his fleet, recovered the castle and broke the whole Turkish fleet, and won by land and sea a greater victory than his Catholic Majesty ever obtained. Dragut, King of fipoli was killed, as also the Turkish land and sea commanders. m. Addition, in Secretary’s usual hand.~—I send such advices further as presently I have received from the Spaniards, and also by Mr. Governor from the Italians at Antwerp. ll; pp. The hall sheet here inserted in this volume is dated 1569, Jan. 22, and is cale-ndared in its proper place. (I. 411.) The EMPEROR MAXIMILIAN II to the EARL or LEICESTER 1565, July (endorsement). Vienna=~Thanking the Earl for his service in promoting that matter with the Queen. 3%; p. Endorsed: the Emperor’s Letter. Seal. Latin ; tom. (I. 419.) HENRY [Lord] PAGET to Sir NICHOLAS THROCMORTON. 1565, Sept. 1. Venice.~—~The hopes of the Knights of Malta grow less. It is said that Don Garcia will try to land only part of his men, but this seems impossible considering the continual guard of his enemies. Some of the Maltese begin to fly to their enemies, and a French deserter having given information of their weakness, the Turks gave a. general assault both to the Burgo and St. Michael, the former to keep them occupied. A bridge had been made from the one to the other, so the whole force soon attacked St. Michael; they were repulsed, but intend to batter for three days, so that Don Garcia may be too late. I have deferred my journey to France, as there may be more news. All envoy sent by the Emperor to the Turk is returned to Vienna. Had the result of his errand been good, it would have been known. If the Emperor wants peace, he must restore what he took from the Emir of Transylvania. The Venetians are looking to their forts and garrisons, for the Turk has a force in Styria near their frontier. The Pope is putting on his State a tax of 400,000 crowns. An Ambassador of the Queen of Scots is looked for there; whether his errand is to procure a blessing or a curse for England, or to borrow money of the Pope is not said, but it can be for no good to us. Let my Lord of Leicester know this. 214). Holograph. (I. 423.) JOHN HAWKINS to the QUEEN. 1565, Sept. 20. Padstow.—“ Pleaseth it your Majesty to be informed that the 20th day of September I arrived in a port of Cornwall called Padstow with your Majesty’s ship the Jesus in good safety. Thanks be to God our voyage being reasonably well accomplished according to our pretence. p 5 66 “ Your Majesty’s commandment at my departing from your Grace at Enfield I have accomplished so as I doubt not but it shall be found honourable to your Highness, for I have always been a help to all Spaniards and Portyngals that have come in my way, without any force or prejudice by me offered to any of them although many times in this tract they have been under my power. I have also discovered the coast. of Floryda in those parts where there is thought to be any great wealth, and because I will not be tedious unto your Highness] have declared the commodities of it to Mr. Winter, who will show my Lord Robert of it at large.” . . . 1 p. Holograph. (I. 427.) F[RANCIS EARL or] BEDFORD to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1565, Oct. 5. Ahiwick.—“ Your Lordship’s letter was sent to the Lords, who received the same. The Earl of Murray above all the rest seemeth best to continue a good opinion of us, notwithstanding he thinketh that our aid might here before now have in much better sort appeared unto them, and they think they have gone too far and trusted us too much.” They see now none other way but by flight . . ., whither or where are divers opinions among them. They are of no force and still grow weaker. The Queen “ will hear of no peace but will have either the Duke or the Earl of Murray’s head.” “The Earl Bothwell hath wrought sore with the Elwoods to call them to him, but my Lord Warden here of the middle marches hath deserved great thanks for keeping them ours.” More. “The aid that is sent to them under . . . Captain Reade and others remaineth at Carlisle ready for them if they see time and commodity to employ them, but . . . the same is no force to the purpose.” 1% pp. Part of the above is to be found in his letter to Cecil of same date. {“See Cal. SP. Foreign, Elia] (l. 429.) [JAMES STEWART, EARL or MORAY to the EARL or BEDFORD.] 1565, Oct. 6. Carlisle.~—I understand by your letters “ how your commission extends not so far as may support our cause as I by my last letter in name of the rest of my Lords required.” And albeit the same muckle endangers our friends here, yet your resolution to be here on Wednesday shall do muekle good, and therefore I would wish from my heart you should keep your purpose, whereby not only shall our cause go the better, but all that thing you desire of meeting with me, and no less craved on my side, shall be accomplished, for I shall not fail to meet you here that day, the 10th instant, unto the which I refer all other things. ”Your earnestness and care taken at all times in this our cause has assured our hearts, and we well understand there is no lack in your goodwill. 1 1). Signature tom 017. (I. 433.) 67 F[RANCIS EARL or] Bnnrosn to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1565, Oct. 7. Berwick.—~~Having heard from Cecil that the Queen is pleased with him, he has also heard by Melville that she meaneth to send the Earl of Sussex with a power to aid the Lords of the Congregation. He protests against being thus superseded, being willing to spend goods, lands. blood and life in the cause of God, the Queen, and the peace of both kingdoms, and requests his Lordship’s interest to avert this discredit. 2;- pp. Part of the above is to be found in his letter to C'mil 0/ same date. [See Cal. S.P. Foreign, Elia] (I. 435.) F[RANCIS EARL or} BEDFORD to the QUEEN. 1565, Oct. 9. Alnwick.—_l-laving received the Queen's letters of the 3rd he states that the three hundred men sent to the aid of the Lords of the Congregation are still at. Carlisle. and shall not enter Scotland unless the Lords are in the field, nor will he nor any of his men openly break the peace. He requests orders from the Queen that he may neither go too far nor too short for her pleasure. l 1). Signature torn ofl, but endorsed: the Earl of Bedford and James Steward’s letters in it. (I. 439.) Sir THOMAS SMITH to the EARL or LEICESTER. L 1565, Oct. 12. Nantes.—-~“ For mine opinion betwixt home friend and Lovealian“ ye take it right. But of all I cannot like th’ opinion of Agamias and Spitewed,* for it is the source of the ruin and trouble of our realm and will be the final disturbance of her Majesty’s good designs.” For my coming home I never desired it more, and am sorry that England should be destitute in time of peace of men to succeed, me. If the matter were hazardous, I would be content to be employed to adventure life, body, wit and reputation for the Queen. But in such tranquil tiniesa'tzro may do it well. I desire not to be, as one of the Commissions was sent to me, omtor perpetuus in Franc-13a. F or Mr. Hobbie [Hoby] whom you name I take him to be Sir Philip Hobbies younger brother. He will be the better able to discharge this charge with the help and counsel of Mr. Secretary 1118 brother- in-law. I am glad that the Queen took my poor house at Ankcrwrcli, but sorry that my wife was not there at that tune to entertain her Highness. That you write that the Queen was merry there recompenseth all. “ And I pray God _I may once see her Majesty merry there, and your Lordship together; Then I shall reckon my house twice sanctified and blessed. 2* pp. Seal. (1. 443.) "‘ Le. lover of aliens. and opponent. of marriage. 68 JAMES HAMILTON [DUKE OF CHATELHERAULT] to the EARL OF LEICESTER. 1565, Oct. 17. Newcastle.-~To the same effect as his letter to Cecil of same date. [See Cal. S.P. Scotland] % p. Endorsement nearly torn of. (I. 447.) F[RANCIS EARL 0F] BEDFORD to [the EARL 0F LEICESTER ‘2). 1565, Oct. 17. Newcastle—«To the same effect as his letters to the Queen and to Cecil of same date. [See Cal. SP. Foreign. Elia] l 1!. (I. 451.) F[RANCIs EARL or) BEDFORD to [the EARL OF LEICESTER ‘2]. 1565, Oct. 18. Newcastle.——-To the same effect as his letter to Cecil of same date. [See Cal. S.P. Foreign, Elie] § 19. (I. 453.) THOMAS [VISCOUNT] HOWARD [of Bindon] to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1565, Oct. 22. Bindon.~After reference to the musters of those who were bound to find horse and geldings, requests the Earl of Leicester to crave therQueen’S pardon for his having termed one of George Broughton’s witnesses as he well deserved, wherefore he was assessed by the Lords to pay 50!. which is daily required of him. He prays the Earl to give further credit to the bearer Mr. Alexander who can declare the circumstances. 1 p. (I. 455.) F[RANCIS EARL 0R] BEDFOED to [the EARL OF LEICESTER]. 1565, Oct. 24. Berwiek.—Desiring to know the day of his daughter’s marriage to the Earl’s brother [Ambrose Dudley], and requesting sympathy for the Earl of Murray and the Lords. That Queen “ meaneth to be doing with us when peradventure we shall not mistrust her, and the sending so often now of late to View Ayemouth [Eyemouth] ” confirms t Iis. I am lothe “ to take such an enterprise in hand as this is, that may engender breach of peace, having no better warrant.” Asks that Wilson “ may not say that being commanded to serve, he Was entrapped in the meantime. How much it went against my heart that he was so used.” 11- pp. (I. 457.) F[RANCIs EARL or] BEDFORD to [the EARL 0F LEICESTER]. 1565, Oct. 26. Berwiek.—-N0thing that he does is well taken, and he will henceforth keep to his orders. He has been advised that the Scottish Queen means to take Eyemouth and sends 300 men to Kelso, and 50 arquebusiers to Hume Castle. Because we mean peace, we do not Wish to believe 69 that she means war. The old Borderers say the Scotch are always beforehand in making war because we do not wish to break the peace. The news about Eyemouth comes from the Borderers. [Postscriptjmlf the Earl of Murray is gone, this letter is to be returned. ' 1% pp. Parts of this letter are to same eflect as his letters to fie Quesm and to Cecil of same date. [CaL S.P. Foreign, Elia] . 459. Sir THOMAS SMITH to the EARL 0F LEICESTER. 1565, Nov. 22. Tours.—Interecding for his man Charles Willson charged with piracy. 1} 1). To the same eflect as his letter to the Queen of same date. [See Col. S.P. Foreign, Elie] (I. 461.) GEORGE 0‘1er to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1565, Nov. 25. Antwerp—An Italian captain has lately come from Scotland to raise 300 (some say 500) Italian and Spanish soldiers here or in France. He sends them six or eight at a time by Middelburgh to Scotland for the Prince’s guard. Fifty are always to be at Court, the rest divided in garrisons, all going to Court by turn. A Scotchman also has licence to send 5,000 daggers, corslets and other munition. Certain merchants have lately complained to the Regent, who was very angry, of their ships being taken by English pirates. The complaint was first brought to the Spanish Ambassador, lately from England; he stays here a month or two longer than he meant, awaiting answer of certain matters from Spain. Viglius is about to resign. One Tisnack, who has lately been in Spain and is of the King’s Council here succeeds him, and Hoperus will go to Spain. The King of Spain may be here next summer, unless the Turk arm by sea, in which case he may go to Italy first. A nobleman may be sent from Spain to Hungary to “shut up” the marriage between .the Prince of Spain and the Emperor’s eldest daughter. Cardmal Granvelle is still in Burgoyne, “as well liked as he was here and no better loved.” . Lazarus Swendel [Schwendi] is very sick in Hungary, which is much lamented at this Court. ' Great scarcity of corn is feared here, and the Magistrates hope that our Queen will allow corn to be sent here, .for which they will be more grateful than some other places in this country Where much corn has been distributed out of England. 1; pp. (I. 465.) F[BANCIS EARL or] BEDFORD to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1565, Dec. 1. Berwick.-—Will frame his doings by the Earl’s letter received at Newcastle. l 70 The Commissioners are daily expected. The Abbot Kilwinning and Mr. Robert Melvin [Melville] have not had audience nor answer ; perhaps their dress depends upon the coming of the Commissioners, for whom with 100 horses in their train a safe-conduct has been reCeived. The Lords are where they were, and put no trust in our help. The Earl’s favour towards “ my daughter now your Lord- ship’s sister-in-law ” is requested in the matter of the jointure. If the Lady Cecilia [Marchioness of Baden] lies not in my house herself, I pray that “order may be given for the removing of her train which as I hear be but a homely company and in as homely manner do use my house, breaking and spoiling windows and everything.” The Scots seeing us discharge our force are unlikely to pay sums due to English subjects. 232: pp. A PS. to this letter is identical with that of his letter to Cecil of same date. [See Cal. S.P. Foreign. Elia] (I. 469.) FlRANCIS EARL or] BEDFORD to Sir WILLIAM CECIL. 1565, Dec. 7. Berwick.~-’l_‘he Council of Scotland having enquired into the rescue by us of the prisoners taken by them, I have in part answered, and am minded to send a man to complain of the want and delay of justice at my last meeting with Cesford, Minister of those marches. But .I see that they are disposed to exchange prisoners. At first they thought that we should put up with the injury done by them, but hear- ing that we had rescued our prisoners with only the death of one, and the capture of a few, of their men, they seem to put up [with[ the matter. “Lord Darnley and the Queen were both from Edinburgh when this news came thither, he on his pastime on the other side of the water on hunting, and she going after him, between whom is thought to be some misliking for his twenty days’ absence from her.” They come both to Edinburgh this night, and we now look for our Commissioners here. I would gladly hear whether Lord Lomeley come hither or no. “ I heartily pray you help that my house there may be rid of certain rude guests that spill and spoil everything in the same.” 2 pp. (1. 477.) F[RANCIS EARL or] BEDFOBD to the EARL 0F LEICESTER. 1565, Dec. 24. Benvick.~—~Mr. Randolph can receive as yet no answer, but I doubt whether that Queen meaneth by her delay not to make such answer as will be plausible to you there. The Queen [Elizabeth] should be stout which would bring things to better pass than this mild dealing. The Parliament there begins shortly: the Lords and all others abroad are summoned, which if they obey not, then is all confiscate. The Duke [of Chatelhérault] only is excepted 71 because he has already received his dress, albeit there be that would fain impeach him that he may not enjoy it. In what case the Earl of Murray is towards his dress for our help, if it fall out that no Commissioners can talk of things on both sides, I leave you to consider. Our number is so small that, if diminished, it will weaken this peace. I pray you have consideration thereof for it is of great importance. 1% pp. Part of this letter is to the same eflect as his letter to Cecil of same date. [See Cal. SP. Foreign, Elia] (I. 481.) JAMES STEWART, EARL 0F MORAY, to the EARL OF LEICESTER. 1565, Dec. 26. Newcastle.~—I wrote yesterday to you, and now having occasion by repairing of this gentleman, servant to Mr. Randolph, I thought it good to let you know that to me and the rest of the noblemen which are joint in this cause, as well in Scotland as in this realm (my Lord Duke only excepted) there appears nothing but to be handled with extremity and the “ forfaltor " to proceed, and as you have shewn you most favourable in this cause, I now desire you to continue and t0 “ travell ” with the Queen’s Majesty that the Commissioners may be with expedition direct doing, and to be chosen such men as will travell with our Sovereign in our cause as your Wisdom thinks good, for it appears that her Grace will appoint no Commissioners to this effect before the other Commissioners be on their journey ; the time of the forfaltor is the six of the next month, and therefore the sooner the Commissioners meet, it will be better. [Pastscrika—“The number of the persons summoned .. are ma. nor 60 persons.” ‘ 9‘- 3). Seal. The rest of this letter is to same efiect as letter to C'ecil of same. date. [See (Jo-l. S.P. Scotland]. (I. 485.) K[ATHERINE,] [DUCHESS OF] SUFFOLK to the EARL OF LEICESTER. 1565, Dec. 28. Edname [Edenham].——“ I ways, wens mended to have sent suche anyers geflfet [a new years gift] as Mr. Bertey tolde yer. l. I hadd devessed to the quens majestey, or ifi not that non other thaune ordenare monny, for that I colde frayme no serttayn devyes to that porpus wyche I most desseryd, because the playnetts rayned [planets reigned] most unserteynly, nowe I hier to me grette comfort of some better aspecte, but ifl it was so far forthe as the frendly report is abrode, I have juste cause to hender that wyche I wold most wylengly forder, seyng you have so far proseded wthout other the knowlyge or any mayns mayd for yor. mothers consent, and therfor unlawful befor me, wyche ought wt. the forste to have the participation off the forste freutes ofl yor. felicity as naturaly I moste fyel the forste sorowes off any yer. infelicity, wherfor I wysh yor. l. as well '72 as any mother har chelde, but my blessing I wol wt. holde tell yor. better amendment upon payne whereoif I dessere yor. 1. to have my most humbly deute in remembrans to bar majestey and so I lyve yor. 1. to the etarnale God. Yor. 1. loving mother and asured frend to me powre. K. Sufioulk. Postscript by her husband Richard Bertie.——“ Acording to my promise I intend, God permitting to wayte upon yor. 1. this next terme, In the meane season and ever I remeyn yor. l. humble at commandment, R. Bertie.” 1 p. The whole in Mr. Bertie’s hand. (I. 489.) F[RANCIs EARL on] BEDFOBD to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1565, Dec. 29, Berwick.~-Mr. Randolph’s letters being “ come with answer from this Queen, and all things granted, . . I trust your Commissioners shall not now long stay. I pray God they may do some good for the Earl of Murray, .. wishing there were some consideration had of him for his long and chargeable tarrying at Newcastle.” “There hath of late been taken up by the Earl of Northumberland’s men in a township of his a chest wherein was, as is credibly reported 2,000l. in Spanish gold, which chest with an armour therein was cast on land from a ship that perished on this coast. The gold is carried to my 1. of Northumberland, and is thought to come out of Spain by Yaxeley, and that he is drowned with the ship, but hereof there is no certain knowledge, for no man escaped that was in the same ship. To my 1. admiral I have written hereof and sent his 1. one piece of the gold that was of the same.” This hard weather, if it continue, will put our bridge in great dan er as it did last year. I pray you to stand good lord to C arles Wilson; your Lordship knoweth “what good service he did and would have done if that naughty fellow J enkinson had not so soon taken him.” I pray you to be a means towards the Queen for his pardon, and shall give thanks therefore as it were for anyone of mine. [Postscrithva have received your letter by Lilgrave my man ; “ the fault formerly committed shall be amended as now ye have seen.” 11} ’pp. (I. 493.) EDWARD, EARL 0F HEBTFORD to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1565, Dec. 30. From Sir John Mason’s—Knowing that you are the appointed means that in the end shall gain unto us our Prince’s over long wanted favour I beseech the employing of your credit. for us and that you will help the afflicted that still seek your mediation to our Queen. 1 p. (I. 497.) 73 A NOTE of the COMPOSITION for the MERCHANTS ADVENTURES. [Endorsement] . . ' ' [1565 ?].~-Anna, Edzart, etc. Countess and Earls Of East Friesland grant free liberty to trade till 6 months after the present peace. 2:} pp. Copy. (II. 737.) SUMMONS to the EARL OF LEICESTER. 1565[~6], Jan. 13. Westminster.-~-Requiring his attendance at Windsor for the installation on the 15th Of the French King, by his proxy Lord Rambuliet, as a knight of the Order. ; p. Sign Manual. Seal. (I. 505.) ANNE [DUOHESS OF] SOMERSET to the QUEEN. 1565[~~6], Jan.—~—“ My trust is your Highness hath not been untold how long I lay so near the comfort Of your Majesty’s presence and was unmeet to enjoy the same, and sorry I am that as yet the same occasion drives me to write that just excuse of mine attendance, assuring your Highness that what the service of prayer and well wishing may deserve in absence, it neither hath nor can lack on my part. And herewithal for that I have so long forborne to molest your Majesty touching the tedious suit of my son, and for all that wisdom wisheth I should not still shut up my sorrows in silence, I cannot but presume your Majesty’s godly nature will bear with a mother’s most humble petition which is that "among all your merciful and virtuous proceedings in all causes and toWards all persons, the lamentable state and case Of my son may not alone be without all favour and forgiveness and herein for me to remember this more than four years’ imprisonment, the great and importable fine or other their worse griefs of mind, as punishment worthy for their Offences, or that since' their delivery, any more than the first fault of disordered love by any trial can justly be found I will not, but setting all excusing and justifying apart, fully and wholly depend on your Majesty’s mercy, which the sooner your Highness shall Witsafe to extend, the more they must stand bound in all services to do what in them may lie to recompense some part of their former Offences, and so _do rest in prayer for your Majesty’s long preservation wishing God to make your Highness mother of some sweet prince to the end your Majesty might the better conceive what mother’s cares and affection can mean.” 1 p. Holograph. Date given in endorsement only. (I. 517.) HENRY [Lord] PAGET to [the EARL 0F LEICESTER]. 1566, Feb. 2. Paris—After much standing upon terms, so as might be most for the safety Of their persons, the Admiral and the Cardinal of Lorraine are arrived at the 74 Court, and continue together in God’s peace and the King’s, shewing that they have not been all their lives courtiers in vain. The Admiral arrived a week before the Cardinal with his ordinary train, as the King ordered, but yet for that a wise man cannot be too ware of his enemies, with gentlemen adherents in sundry places about the court. The Cardinal was accompanied till within a day or two’s journey of the court with the young Due de Guise and friends to the number of 1,000 horse, nor, being timorous would have approached nearer without some assurance of the safety of his person. The King, desirous to procure prospective reconciliation betwixt the two houses, sent Monsr. Burdillion and Monsr. Bossu with 200 or 300 horse to guard him to Mollins where half a day’s journey from the city he was met by Condé and the rest of the princes of the blood and other nobles, and conducted to the Court. Though Condé and his favourers thus met the Cardinal and resort to his weekly sermons, he still professes the Admiral’s religion, for now the quarrel is no more for religion, but for private injury betwixt the Cardinal and Marshal Montmorency, no man having been a greater enemy to the Protestants than the Constable, Danville and their allies, yet in the maintenance of the Marshal they all stick together. The Queen Mother, sailing with a side wind seeks to reach some haven before the storm grow greater that afterwards she might try the seas with more prosperous weather, is for a pacification between the parties, which will be like the kiss of Judas. We had already heard that the King called upon the Cardinal in the presence of the Admiral to accept reciprocal amity; the reply was that he being a spiritual man did remit the prosecution of the death of his brother to his family, and that if Chatillon would deny his being privy to the murder, he would accept his friendship; the Admiral then replied that he was not directly nor indirectly procurer or partaker of the same and that he was his enemy only in respect of religion, but that if he accepted the friendship, those who were dependent on him, would doubt his support, and seek other anchor, and his strength would diminish and he become a prey to his enemies. As for the matter betwixt the Cardinal and Marshal Montmorency, the former is content to remit the case to the Constable, according to equity. This is thought wise, as likely to disunite them. The Admiral laboureth to maintain the quarrel and to sow sedition betwixt the houses, for if the Constable died before anything were done, to bring it to pass afterward would be a difficulty. The Marshal so stoutly justifies his doings that being sent for by the King to come to court, he replied by his brother that before he went he would know whether the King would avow his dealings with the Cardinal to have been in accordance with his decree; but that he would come with a. guard. The 75 Court thus gathered that the accord would not easily be compounded. But so earnest are the King and Queen Mother, and so pliable is the Cardinal (some doubting of his good faith) that it may almost be called an agreement. The lardinal hath remitted the death of his brother to’ be judged by the King, and accepts all that was done by the Marshal as for the King’s seifviee, if the Marshal will use some ceremonial words of encuse to that effect that none of his proceedings were of private malice to the Cardinal. The Marshal within seven or eight days means to repair to Court to the universal shutting up of the dissensions, though he may alter his opinion first. I guess that one of the chief stays of his departure hence is his desire to keep possession of Paris, for if under colour of needing his counsel they entertain him there till they have taken new order for what they lately feared at Paris, Chatillon’s side would be much weaker, in that as long as the Marshal remains here they can keep or sack the town. So since there is so much counter- mining on both sides, the worse may be prepared for, and some think that great dissimulation will ere long engender greater rancour. / In the meantime the Duke of Orleans is to become Duke of Anjou, and Anjou become Duke of Alencon. Orleans is Governor of the Finances, an office formerly appertaining to the Cardinal of Lorraine, and Lieutenant-General of the realm, the Dukes of Guise’s place; with one plaster they have salved two sores, for it is a proof to Orleans of the King’s trust, and the Cardinal’s ambition is less suspected, the King’s brother taking offices formerly held by the house of Guise, and the Cardinal may well think to arrive at his intent by seeming to shun all greatness until the King of Spain is more at leisure to be a buckler to him. To the divisions in France everyone has become a party. There is talk of some way being devised for the payment of the King’s debts, and the diminishing of his charges by casting some companies of men-at-arms. Some treasurers have robbed the King, and Grandeville and Gonora who was in England, are in disgrace for this. 8 pp. (I. 671.) CHRISTOPHER, MARQUIS 0F BADEN to the EARL OF LEICESTER. 1566, Feb. 3. Baden-“Thanking the Earl for kindness to the Marchioness and his son in England, requesting further services for them, and hoping to be able to make some return. The Marchioness will be able to explain her husband’s position. 1 p. Latin: seal. (I. 681.) F[RANCIS EARL 0F] BEDFORD to the EARL OF LEICESTER. 1565[—6], Feb. 14. Berwick.-—I thank you for the resolution obtained of the Queen for the enlargement of the 76 Earl of Sutherland. Although this does not so much please the Earl of Murray at this time of distress, as his friends desire, yet his gentle dealing herein will begin and continue friendship between his Lordship and the Earl of Huntley, whose favour may serve at some other time to good purpose, and stand this Earl in stead, since he is driven to so hard 3. condition. Yet it would encourage Murray and the rest of these Lords to be relieved in mind with some words of comfort from you above. For your own estate I am glad it is better than some would have it, yet I am sure not so well as some of your friends could wish. Touching my daughter I wrote to her that, I had heard somewhat, though not so much as I feared, and glad I am you have put me out of that doubt. Robert Melvyn [Melville] comes up soon to labour for the Lady Lennox, and for Fowler, and the money that was lost on the coast. There maybe in the cause of his coming up further matter which may be conjectured because that Queen sendeth him, who was so addict to Murray as I cannot, till I hear the contrary, think evil of him. Your wisdom may find out this. I will judge the best albeit I would not wish you otherwise to use him than you find him. “ This Queen so leaneth to Popery as useth many private devices to allure men thereunto and chiefly her nobles, among whom Lennox (who is of himself most Popish of all) she seems most wary of.” . The Ambassador has used all friendly dealing for these Lords, but nothing can prevail. He is now on his return and will be here to-morrow, and shall take the same lodging he had before, even my bed and chamber. As he had so evil lodgings at a common inn at Alnwick (my Lord Warden being then from home) he meaneth to lodge him now in his own house. ' Remember the best means for my coming up against St. George’s day and let me put you in mind for Mr. Randolph, who heareth, as I do, that great and earnest suit hath been made for the Postmastership that was promised to him, that Sir John Mason could admit a joint patent with him. You know Mr. Randolph’s services and how he hath deserved a better thing than that, which if he miss in his absence, would discourage any one to serve. His only trust is that you will stick by him. If their Lords be not holpen through the Queen’s goodness at this meeting upon the Commission, their case is desPerate and they will be driven to scatter. Great pity it were it should be so. I trust you will help them. Next under God her Majesty may best do it. . [Postscript'j—The fault found with the haste meant for my letters hence was my man’s doing, for he thought good to tickle 77 the posts a little, but since this is forbidden, let them make what haste they list. 3 pp. (I. 625.) F[RANCIS EARL 0F] BEDFORD to Sir NICHOLAS THROKMOR’I‘ON. 1565[—6], Feb. 14. Berwick.~—I cannot but lament the mutable state of religion there which seemeth to be in the wane; so do I these good Lord’s case. I cannot imagine how any man’s help can pleasure or profit them. I wish the Commissioners were hastened, and either some such as hath been wished, or else that such as should deal therein had the larger and rounder commission for their sakes, for either must it be done now shortly or else not at all. “ That Queen this other day was in a merchant’s house in Edinburgh where was a picture of the Queens majesty which when some had said their opinions how like or unlike it was to the Queens majesty, Nay, quoth she, it is not like her, for I am Queen of England.” . . . I have neither written thereof to my Lord of Leicester, nor yet to Mr. Secretary. Bothwell and Huntley refused to go to Mass when the Queen would have had them, whereat I much marvel, for I took Bothwell to have been of no religion. Divers Earls there have been at the Court now this triumphing time, and some have gone to the Sermon, and as many of them to the Mass. “ Robert Melvyn [Melville] departeth hence this morning, who (it is said) is of another humour than before he was. . Some think he cometh up about some practices, with Papists, and some think for my lady of Lennox and Fowler and to deal for them. It is very hard to make me believe that he that was so far in with the Earl of Murray should now . . . work an other way. I know not what to think thereof; you may hearken, so use him as you find him.” Some comfortable letters might be sent to these good lords to revive in them some hope of weldoing. I have had some talk with Robert Melvyn about the cause of his coming up, and I conjecture that he meaneth honestly and well. You in a little talk can soon decipher him whether he be gold or copper. To—morrow or the next day I look for Rambouillet. 2 pp. (I. 529.) ANNA LADY HUNGERFORD to the EARL or LEICESTER. l565[—6], Feb. 17. Exton.—The Countess of Feria writes from Madrid that Morgan Robarts, who had your licence to go to Spain, has unhonestly used his tongue towards you and other noblemen, and has reported our Queen 3 court more like a stews than a place of degree and Virtue. This with a great deal more he reported in the Count of Fenas 78 house, and had warning to use himself more circumspeetly. One John Dutch of the Count’s house wrote a volume being eighteen sheets of his unnatural sayings against his country. Robarts went, unawares to my sister [the Countess of Feria], to the Court where the Count lay, saying,r she was not able to write, but thought him a letter meet enough, with other leasings so that the Count believed him. At the Court he uttered his indecent words so that they now talk of the traitorousness of us English towards our country. For trial of this I have a letter which I would show you and I will write to Spain for that volume to lay his doings before his face. He is now in London and the bearer can tell you whereabouts. I am sure if you examine hi m. he will deny it. It is well known that he is great with the Spanish Ambassador, and what he can hear by bribery or otherwise he gives him. intelligence. 2;}; p7). Year stated in endorsement only. (I. 533.) F[RANCIS EARL or} BEDFORD to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1565[~~6], Feb. 17. Alnwick.~~~’l‘o the same eliect as his letter to Cecil of same date. [See Cal. SP. Foreign, Eli-a] 1 p. (I. 537.) Sir Nienonas THROKMORTON to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1565[—~6], Feb. 19. Baynard’s Castle-«By my letter of the 18th sent by Mr. Elles you might perceive that I intended to use the same speech to my Lord Keeper which was men— tioned in that letter, and I have accomplished the same. He allowe‘th your stay for three or four days, and thinketh that l\-’lr. Sakfeld shall be despatehed by Thursday or Friday next». The Lord Keeper will be at his house by St. Alban’s to~niorrow night, and looketh to speak with you there on your return, and to accompany you to the Court on Saturday or Sunday, when he will inform you of the particularities of Mr. Sakfeld’s despatch and instructions. “ More I could not learn of him. Otherwise I do understand this to be the state of his despatch. Her Majesty will tolerate the public contract for the exercise of his Roman. religion so as he will promise secretly to her Majesty to alter his said religion hereafter. She doth further say that if the Arch- duke will come, She promiseth to marry him unless there be some apparent impediment. She maketh the greatest difficulty to accord unto him some large provision to entertain him at her and the realms cost, as he demandeth." I believe he will not come. - llerewith I send letters to me from the North received this day. Keep them safely and suffer Randolph’s letter to be seen to no man but yourself. Corruptio umTus est 'veneratio alterius. 79 Mr. Henadge declines. Lord Ormond’s credit amends. Lady Stafford has advised me to estrange myself two or three days from the Court. I will do so till Thursday. All men and women of appearance in this town and Court, except the Earl of Arundel and the Lady Cecilia, were this day at the Earl of Southampton’s marriage, whence Mr. Secretary is now gone to the Court to perfect Mr. Sakfeld’s despatch, who this forenoon was with the Queen more than an hour. Lord Pembroke concurs with me for your tarrying longer. Postscript.-—~Lord Arundel has lately sounded the Spanish Ambassador touching the Queen’s marriage with Charles, and the King his master’s devotion therein, which he finds to be rather for the manners’ sake for respect of kindred than for any hearty desire the King has in the matter. I now understand that the Queen has deferred the signing of Sakfeld’s despatch until your coming which she looks to be on Thursday. “Take heed by your hasty coming that you do not wrap yourself into the whole burden of the matter.” 2 pp. Endorsed inalater hand: A considerable letter. (I. 521.) F[RANCIS EARL OF] BEDFORD to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1565[-6], Feb. 21. Berwick.«~—I had hoped that the Com- mission would have succeeded so well that I might have had leave to come up against St. George’s day. I pray you to move it for me that I may do both for my health, and for some affairs of my own. This poor garrison is now at Lady Day one year and a half behind: the men are in great necessity. “I think some there doth it to spite me... We care not whether Valentin Brovme or the devil himself come with” [the money]. . It is to the Queen’s service that Mr. Randolph should remain here. As my Lord Hume and I are out (although secretly he useth me well) and Cessford and I also, we Vshall otherwise have no intelligence. And I hear from the Lord Hume that there will be some stir in that Court shortly. At our meeting Mr. Randolph and I will write to you quickly of some way by which some of the disorders might be amended. But you see what good some stoutness used in the beginning might have done, the lack whereof hath bred much eomber. [Postscript.]—~“ It were not amiss that Mr. Robert Melvyn were sent back to Scotland since they used Mr: Randolph so, for some think Melvyn doth rather practise mth Papists than attend upon other matters that he seemeth to follow. 3 pp. Part of the above is to same eflect. as Ins letter to Cecil of same date. [See Cal. S.P. Foreign, Elm] (I. 549.) Sir JAMYS CROFT to the EARL 0F LEICESTER. l565[—6], Feb. 28. The Minories.—Requesting the Earl to confer with Mr. Secretary, and move the Queen for the 80 full release of his offence, declared by the Queen’s own mouth and confirmed by trust afterwards committed to him, other matters since objected to him not having been proved. He had been banished for a year from Court, lost an office with 1,000l. by yea1, and otherwise hindered to the value of 5 ,0001. lie had borne office 1n Boulog ne as a Councillor 1n the Prince’ s affairs there, had been Captain of Haddington, a Councillor with the Earl of Rutland on the beiders, General of the foot at Calais under the Earl of Huntingdon, Vice— President on the Welsh Vlarches, deputy of Ireland, a Councillor with the Earls of Shrewshury, VVestmorland and Northumberland, the Duke of Norfolk and Lord Gray, captain of Berwick, some time also in a King’s Privy Chamber, yet now has to beg for a living or sell his inheritance to maintain the countenance of a poor gentleman. 1% pp. (I. 553.) FRANCIS CHAMBERLAYNE to ——————-—. l565li—6], March 1. Castle Cornet [Guernsey].~«—Requests the removal of some of the J urats who govern and induce the people here to all wickedness, which by the relations of the last icinmissioners in the isle remain of record, as occasion should serve by the repair of any of the Jurats t0 the Court. The bearer; the Dean of the isle, will‘ explain to what end all the doings here tend, which seem rather to maintain factions tumults than any reformation of their wonted evils. His brother George should be sent from the Lords of the Council as Lieutenant 1 p. (1. 557.) ROBERT HUGGINS to his brother—in-law JOHN APLEYARDE. 1565f—6], March 4. Madrid.—-Mr. .Cleborne brought your letter. The King partly by my means has given him fourteen ducats a month I am sorry that you did not follow my advice in sending your son here: he might have seen and learnt what might have come to great preferment. You doubtless keep him. at home for some good purpose. Mr. Sheffield, kinsman to Lord Sheffield, has required me to help him to letters from Lord Leicester in his favour either to Don Antoniode Toledo or to Don Dego de Cordova that he may get from the King some entertainment in Italy meet for a gentleman, which letters I pray you to get him His Lordship has already written for Mr. Cleborne to Don Antonio, Master of the Horse, whereby he had this enter- tainment. If he writes for Mr. Sheffield, I pray you cause his Secretary to write effectually I suppose the King will not come to Flanders before the end of the year, but the Duke of Alva is ready to [come] with 20,000 men. M..' 81 Here is great rejoicing that the mass is up again in England, and of the marriage between the Queen and the Emperor’s brother. . Mr. Man, the English Ambassador here, wants all things meet to supply his place. He has no good entertainment. nor practice, can make no discourse in am' place of con- versation, and keeps not the countenance that his predecessors have done in keeping his house. He keeps but seven or eight servants and those ragged and torn without livcries. Other English Ambassadors here have been in as great estimation as any other Ambassadors at this Court, and always kept 20 or 24 men in a livery, and had at their table a dozen or fourteen gentlemen. Neither his own countrymen nor any of this Court will come at him : his entertainment wants all things that an Ambassador should have; his furniture is as bare as may be ; setting his plate apart, I am better furnished than he is. Yet I understand that this foolish man has as great allowance of the Queen as any of his predecessors ; one quarter of it would sufiice him : he has not been “ convytcd ” to any banquet at the Court. At his first coming he was taken to be a married priest. The King and his Council know that he is no gentleman, and nor was in any estimation in England. The Master of the Horse and the Count of Fcria tell me that the Queen should at least have sent some gentleman for Ambassador and not one that was an overseer of labourers at Dover. The Ambassador of Portugal and he are great friends, to whom he gives the over hand, and he shall take place before I the English Ambassador by this man’s sufferance, whereas ‘ all other English Ambassadors have contended with the Ambassador of Portugal for the higher place, for the King of England has always been above the King of Portugal. I do not suppose the Queen and Council know of this. You may be able to tell Lord Leicester that some other man should be sent. 2* pp. Holograph. (I. 559.) GEORGE, EARL or SHREWSBURY to the EARL 0F LEICESTER. 1566 [endorsement], April 3. Wyngfeld.-It would have been greatly to my comfort to have seen you with me, and no subject so well welcome to me but Pembroke; so would 1, if your abode had been any time in the country, have seen you at Kellengworth, and then you might have carried me Wheresoever you had willed, although at th1s time my dehght would have been to have tarried at home. I trust I shall be found as ready to serve when my Prince shall command me, as any other of my calling, yet I have written to Mr. Secretary because your Lordship was come down‘ to move the Queen for my dispensation at our feast of St. .George, which if the leave he not granted before you receive the p 8 82 letter, that you will put to your helping hand for my stay at home, unless my coming up might pleasure you. 1 p. Holograpk. Seal. (I. 573.) CHRISTOPHER, MARQUIS or BADEN to the EARL OF LEICESTER. 1566, April 4. Rochester—~I have been arrested by mean merchants to Whom, if justice were done, I owe nothing, and have been put into the common prison here. I shall have my revenge hereafter. My lady will tell you more fully of it. I should like to have to 'met you, but circumstances recall me in haste to Germany. I require for this journey an English horse; looking round I cannot find a suitable one for sale here. But knowing that you have plenty, I shall consider it an addition to your previous kindnesses, if you will give one to the bearer, my servant, to bring to me. If you care for a German horse, you shall have one. My lady will express my gratitude. Neither time nor paper allow me to express it. I commend her and m y young son to you. 11} pp. Latin. [07. Cal. S.P. Dom., April 3 and 4.] (I. 577.) ADVERTISEMENTS. 1566, May 2. Augsburg.~My lord [of Arundel] took his journey from Coleyn the 12th of April to 'Bonne by land. not being able to. abide the smell of the ship which was made ready for him, and my lord’s stuff with certain of his men whereof I was one, came to Bonne the next day by S of the clock, being drawn bya horse which was tied to our ship with a very long rope. The 13th and 14th day his L. beingr not very well remained at Bonne, which is a. fair walled town of the Bishop of Coleyn, who bath a fair house in the town and divers here and there about the town. The great Church is of the foundation of Saint Helen of Brytayn, Whose bones lie there. The country all about the town is all planted with vines. The 15th day my I. took his journey by land to Andernack 24 miles, and we by water; about four inilles from Rome we entered alongst the river between high roe «Is all, save where the bare stones appeared, set with vines, and within every two or three miles, where the river and the reeks gave any connnodious place, a pretty walled town, and over the town upon the point of some rock a fair castle, besides divers other castles that be built upon these rocks in the middle of the vines very pleasant to behold. That night we came also to Andemack, a fair walled town of the foresaid Bishop‘s. The 16th day my l. by land, within three miles of Andernack entered the territory of the Bishop of Triers, and came to dinner to Conflueno, a fair walled town, situate in the point where the River Mosella (which is there as bread as Thames at London) entereth into the Rhene and over against the 83 mouth of Mosella is a fair castle of the Bishop of Triers, built of long time, but now in fortifying, upon the top of a rock on the other side Rhene. From thence my 1. having a very da erous way alongst the rocky sides by narrow paths came to obert, 24 miles. to bed, whither also our ship brought us. through a very pleasant prospect, all covered with vines. where among did grow a wonderful number of peach trees and cherry trees. The 17th day from Pobert, a pretty walled town of the said Bishop’s, my 1. for the great danger of the way took the ship and Within six miles came to St. Gewcr lSt. Goar} a town and castle of the Landgraves of Hesse, which was the first town of pro- testants that we saw in Germany, and passing by, his I. came also by Wesell, a fair free town, upon a hill over which the Bishop of 'l‘riers has a strong castle. Not long after we came by Pfaltz a castle of the Palsgraves which standeth in the midst of the. river, and upon the land against it is a pretty walled town of his called Coue[Caub] and so my 1. came to Bachrag, where the best Rhenish wine is, a pretty walled town of the Palsgraves. There my 1. dined. The inhabitants be Zwinglians as the l. is. There my 1. took his horse and rode to Binge 29 miles, having on both sides the river towns and castles all of the Bishops of Mensa, and a little before his 1. came to Bing there standeth in the middle of the river a tower which the Bishop of Mense made to keep him from mice which were sent for a plague to consume him. Bing is a handsome walled town. That. night we saw not my 1., but lay in a village on the other side the water. The 18 day my I. by [and and we by water met at Mense or Moguntia, a great old city, where my I. lay all the 19 day to see his 1. stufi sent, and to make ready his horses for his journey. The town is all Catholic and inhabited with priests and gentlemen for the most part. The 20 day my 1. with all histrain did ride to Oppenhaym 16 miles, (an imperial town but long ago laid in pledge to the Palsgraff, who in May last put out all the Lutheran ministers, and placed his own Zwinglians in their places,) and saw their Church and service. The Church neither image nor altar in it ; in the body of the Church beneath the pulpit standeth the table, whereat the minister standing doth communicate with the people also standing, and that but five or six times in the year. They have neither even nor morning prayer, but upon the Sundays and solemn feasts they sing a psalm all together as I heard them; . after, the minister goeth to the pulpit and readeth some piece of the Gospel and upon it maketh a sermon just of an hour long; then he cometh down and they sing another psalm, and every man departeth. This is all the order through the Palsgrafle’s land. 21 we came to Worms, a very fair elty, wherein there be two Churches granted to the Lutherans to have their sermons in, in the afternoon : yet the priests say masses there in the forenoon. There I entered by means to the 84 Jews’ Synagogue (whereof there are a great number at Worms). There I saw the Church full of Hebrew books, and a continual lamp burning before a grate of iron wherein they say the representation of the tabernacle is. The 22 my 1. dined at Eggescheym, a little town of the Palsgraves, where my 1. entered the Church and talked with the superintendent for so he named himself, who openly called the Lutherans semi— papists and said that the bread and wine which he ministered were nude sigma red s'ignatae, quemadmodun adrmlus est sign/m; malrimonii: these were his Very words. They have upon the bread they use to minister the arms of the Palsgrave instead of Jesus. That night his 1. came to Spyrs a fair city 30 miles where likewise the Lutherans have two places to hear their sermons. The 23 my 1. took boat and passed the Rhone to Rhenhausen a Village 3 miles off, and because of the suv'iftness of the stream and the scarcity of boats it was very late before all my 1. horses might be brought thither. The river also was so suddenly risen that the like was not seen in memory of any man, which the common people did interpret to portend some great evil to Germany. The 24 day my 1. tool: his journey through Suevia which they call Swabenland by great woods and plains to I-"retta [Bretten] a pretty walled town of the Palsgraves, notable by the birth and bringing up of Philip Melancthon (20 miles). This Swaben is a very fair country, full of woods whereof some he of fir trees ever green, fair corn fields, pleasant valleys, divers fair vineyards, but extreme foul and deep ways. From Pretta my 1. took his journey the 25 day on horseback and I with certain other did ride in the coach to Fayngen [Vaihingen] a town with a fair castle of the Duke of \Vyrtefiburg, who is a Lutheran and hath evening and. morning prayer through his dominion as we have in England save that Magnificat, Nunc Dimittis, Te Denm and Benedictus are sung in the Latin tongue. They have an altar and the Crucifix in every Church. This day there fell great snow and hail, and the 26 day to dinner we came to Constat [Cannstat] a pretty walled town of the said Duke upon the river of Neckar, and after dinner we rode alongst the river having on our left hands great hills all over planted with vines, and upon our right hands hill all covered [with] fair green woods, and between them a fair valley all good meadow ground, and so we came to Eslingen, a fair walled town imperial and Lutherans. The 27 day we entered again the Duke of VV‘yrtenburg’s lands and followed the foresaid river about 10 miles where with the river we left- the fair vineyards whereof we saw none as yet, and my 1. came to Goppingen a strong town of the said Duke, where he had lately built a fair house ; thence we came to Geislingen, a fair walled town, under the state of Ulms which be all Lutherans. The 28 day we came to films, a fair free city, having it [sic] four cities and 100 towns. 'l‘here we saw the Alps before us all covered with snow : there my 1. rested himself the 29 day, 85 and the 30th day took his journey to Meiningen, and sent Mr. Herbert Owen Gabriel and me to Augsburg where the Emperor and all the Princes of Germany be at this Diet. Thither we came the 1st of May at 6 of the clock in the morning, and as soon as we could get lodging and our boots off, we went to see the Emperor, who was by 7 of the clock gone to the Church, where we had the full sight of his Majesty. for the nobility were come down to the body of the Church to hear a sermon, and we thereby had. opportunity to get to the chancel before the Emperor’s throne, which was all covered with cloths of gold. having over his head a cloth of State of the same, and beneath that place were 12 seats all covered with cloths of gold; and there sat but three men in them, the Bishops of Mense and Triers and the Duke of Bavier ; upon the other side sat the Archbishops of Saltzburg and Camcray [Cambray]. When the sermon was done, the gentlemen of the Emperor’s chapel came in with children, and all were about 40, and the priest began mass at which there was as good music as ever I heard. The Emperor heard the service very devoutly, and after the Gospel did kiss the book and so he did the pax also. About the middle of mass came to the Church the Dukes of l’omeran and Mechelburg, which be young men and wait upon his person : after service there came to meet him at the door the Duke of Saxony with a guard of 60 halbards and harquebusiers and about 120 gentlemen with great chains before him; there came also the Palsgrave, the Duke of Cleeve, the Duke of Wyrtenburg, and a great number more every one with his guards, and they brought him to his lodging where his Majesty did take every of them by the hand, and so they departed all to dinner with the Duke of Bavaria, and after followed their wives in rich coaches every one drawn with six great horses, a very fair sight. At supper we got in (with no difficulty) and saw his Majesty sit at his meat, with less ceremonies than any baron in England save that they took assay; there were none that kneeled at any time to him : the chamber was full of all sorts of people, and after supper he received supplications of the meanest persons, and heard them talk and tell their own tales. He is a prince wonderful gentle to all men, and therefore marvellously well beloved of all people. The Empress also we saw go to evensong through a gallery having but two gentlemen before her and about ten gentlewomen after her; we learn that they have granted the Emperor 40,000 footmen and 8,000 horses for one whole year upon their own charges to defend himself against the Turk, who cometh himself and his son to Hungry this year, and sendeth two armies more one to Croatia and tlfe other to Carinthia. Also they have granted to find his Majesty half as many horsemen and foot-men for three years more if need require, and for the performance there are five cities bound, this city, Coleyn, Frankford, N urnberg and Lipsia; the King of Poloma doth offer 86 1,000 horses, the Duke and Leia] Mantua. and Ferrara offer to go in person with him. So do these noble Germaynes ofler if he go himself, besides the 40,000. They talk of religion but there is nothing done as yet. In haste from Augsburg the second of May. 8 pp. Signature torn 017‘. Endorsed .' May, 1566. Advertisements from Augsburg. (I. 589.) ANTHONY VISCOUNT MONTAGUE to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1566, May 8. Bruges.-»I see no likelihood of agreement here in this our wearisome service. By our letters and their books delivered to us and sent to you it may appear, whether their stoutness be meant or but a countenance from which they will yield if they see no way but breach. Her Majesty, understanding in what terms we stand with them will, 1 doubt not, shortly resolve. We have given no hope of further relenting. They have also written to the Regth and Council here and expect answer. Monsr. D’Essingecourtt [D’Assincourt] is so soft that he only occupies the place, leaving the whole to Dassonville, whereof as he was at the first very glad, so we have provided at all their hands to set him short with reason and to keep him fully occupied. I pray God all things may succeed, and that the Queen may know what we sustain in mind and body specially to labour them both in a matter almost out of hope. The late bruits of motion here be now very quiet, and no more appearance of alteration or stir other than the casting abroad of nameless books which take not the effect intended. I p. in clerk’s hand including signature. Seal. (I. 597.) THOMAS LANCAsTER [Bishop of Kildare] to the QUEEN. 1566, May 24. Kilmainham.~——Shane O’Neill romised on May Day last to meet the Deputy at Dundal and show obedience. He did not come, but camped 8 miles off at the Fedan, with 200 horse, 200 hackneys and boys, 300 gunners, 120 Scotch longbowmen, 40 slash swords, 250 galloglas, and 550 kcrns, besides others camping in McMahon’s country. Let 500 horsemen be sent over at once, taken in Westmorland, Cumberland and Gysland, embarking at Workington to ,Knockfergus or Strangford, for I perceive that Sir Nicholas Bagnall shall lie at Carlinglord or at the Newry, the chief keep of the North. For it is but 12 miles to be kept betwixt the head of Lough Neagh and the Newry, so is cut off from Shane, McGennis, McCaI-tan, them of Kyloltough, Kylwaring, McNeall Oges, Hew McPhelomye's, Alexander Carron‘s, Clande- boyc and the Route. Besides it shall stay 40,000 that is ready to despair seeing him reign and rebel without fear of God and your Majesty. He has taken from O’Donell the Castle Lever, Castle Fyne, Donegal and divers from McGuire: from Lord 87 Kildare the castle of Dundrum, Down, Arglass, Ballingtoucher. the Incli, and the Abbey of Salle; from Roland Whyte Kylloloungh, and as yet he keeps the Newry from Bagenal; besides he has belded divers forts as at Sandell’s Mote, Donna- neall and the Feden, and all the Route, the Glens, the Castle of the Readeeboye, Clandeboye, the Arde and other lands of your Majesty’s Crown, only Knockfergus excepted. And though it will cost treasure for the time, yet in few years it shall be great advantage to you and your successors. I know the time serves for the same, for the very robbers of your crown are desirous to be ordered by this Deputy there. Disorders have so smarted them by Shane and his that they crave for aid. I crave pardon that I am so bold to put your Grace in under- standing of this. Therefore lose not the opportunity, and in l the meantime let letters be sent into the country declaring your grief for the realm so desolate and that you have determined to send comfort to them as shall remain among them for their safeguard against their enemies, commanding that no man adhere to O’Neil, but to your Deputy who hears your subjects’ causes and redresses their griefs as man never did the like in so short time, for there is at his command all the Towelles [O’Tooles] the Bernnes, McShanes, Caverners [Kavanaghs] and all the other that rebelled when your Deputy had to be abroad ; these was always robbing the English Pale, but now they are all at his command. The charges may be levied of your revenues and duties which are concealed, usurped and detained from you in Ulster. These letters shall stay the inconvenience, and the meaning of them, followed with effect, 'shall be a growing revenue and increasing strength, and con- sequently a decay to Shane O’Neil and his followers. But this must be done by planting and ploughing and maintaining 01 Justice and not by hosting. If this not done and he is permitted as he is, then what lacks of the prophecy of, G-eraldus Cam- brensis, viz., an universal expulsion of the English govern— ment? Remember what the emitting of time has lost your predecessors in Gascon, Gyan, Normandy andr Ange de Maine. I need put you in mind of later losses. l‘his poor realm may by your Grace be brought to good order, and it shall be specially a fame immortal that it was brought about by the hand of a woman. 2 pp. Holograph. (I. 601.) LAURENCE HUMFREY to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1566, June 2. Oxford.~—Being informed that it is the Queen’s pleasure that this decree against the refusers of the prescribed apparel without reservement shall proceed, I leave it even to the final determination of him that is Governor of all Churches in all causes ecclesiastical as well as temporal . . . Two things only I would wish: liberty ohpreachmg Without living generally, though not for the person s sake, yet for the church’s cause and for God his sake, who hath called them RR inwardly to that function, and with safe conscience may not for such a cause be put to silence, continually: secondly, license to answer this New Examination of a book lately set forth in the name of the Ministers of London; which, albeit I never was made privy to, until it was published, yet I could wish . . . that the reply to it may with modesty be again by the touchstone of truth better examined. If this may not be permitted, I purpose to rest in my liberty as long as it shall be thought convenient and live in quietness without meddling or stirring in the matter, if by favour I may not. I trust the Queen’s Majesty at her coming to Oxford shall have no cause in that respect to be offended with me or any in the University. Wherefore as I have once been tolerated by her goodness as others have been hitherto, so I wish your Lordship to bear with me still in your University, and obtain that old freedom may be renewed. I need not be otherwise punished than even by my own taxing of myself, which though it be enough for a little body already to bear, yet I mind for this extraordinary offence to lay on my shoulders in the vacation now at hand an extraordinary lecture that all men shall say I am for my disobedience well punished. I resign it over to your good Lordship to solicit as you with your assistance of my honour- able friends shall think best.” 1 p. (I. 605.) LAURENCE HUMFREY and JOHN PIERSE to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1566 (endorsement), June 4. Oxford—On the decay of readings and dis )utations at Corpus Christi College, requesting the Earl to stir t e Bishop of Winchester, founder and ordinary of the College, to remit enquiry to such grave and learned persons, as will reform the same. 1 p. Signed. (I. 609.) VVILLIAM AUBREY to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1566, Quinta I due J until. Brugesrwl hear that the Bishop of St. David’s cannot be induced to give me rights, or accept any just conditions. I therefore pray you to help my friends as I am so far away, and the Bishop has so much power in his distant diocese. l p. Latin. (I. 617.) LAURENCE HUMEREY to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1566, June 12. Ricot-t.———“ . . . As misery groweth, so mercy is to be sought. A time God may send that it shall be obtained ; if by your means, 0 most happy day, 0 worthy act, always and everywhere to be . . . published, even to the posterity. 1 am of this opinion that if the Queen’s Majesty would be persuaded to hear the cause favourably on our part debated by friends as she doth receive complaints by our adversaries, 89 earnestly urged, her [Majesty] doubtless would never proceed in it, to the triumph of the enemy, the abl’use] of the Ministry and to the stopping of preaching by so many, so good, so learned instruments . . . Touching the last book set forth in print I requested your honour to labour . . . that licence may be granted to answer the New Examination . . . Last of [all ?] if the matter be so taken that no remedy will serve, no favour may be purchased for no respect. I crave of your Lordship this friendship, that I may be advertised, . . . that it may be lawful for me yielding up . . . my livings most obediently, yet to continue in my vocation with pains, though without profit of the Church’s goods. S0 shall I exercise myself. so shall her Majesty find me an humble subject, andl trust [not] unprofitable member in the common weal. So shall I enjoy a clear and quiet conscience; so shall God be glorified, and I shall with my poor estate redeem Christian liberty. . . .” 1 p. Holograph. (I. 613.) The DEAN and CANONS 0F Wmoson to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1566, June 19. Windsor—«As our answer to your first request for our manors and parsonages in Somerset was not liked by you in all points, “ for ourselves we can be well content in consideration of your goodness towards us to accept One hundred marks only in the name of a fine and also to enlarge the term to 99 years. Howbeit for the abatement of the yearly rent of SDI. we think us of duty so bound to our posterity that we may not otherwise defalk any part thereof except by your honour’s good means they and we may be eased of that great Burden of our tenths which being new but grievous unto us may haply hereafter be scant tolerable by them. The obtaining whereof though my LOrd of Northumberland and others my lords of the Order lately here with us have promised ‘ their help, yet shall we accept the same as your honour’s only doing and be ready with any pleasure or servrce we can do to requite the same.” 1 1). Copy. Seven sigrwtures. (I. 625.) DR. THOMAS WnrrE to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1566, June 29. Oxford.~—I and my company [New College] have with one assent granted you the lease of the parsonage of Adderbury, 0x011. If the election either of Mr. Foster or Mr. Davers to the preferment be referred to the College, Mr. Davers will never obtain it, as he has been told. Whoever enjoys the lease shall have cause to thank you. 1 p. (I. 627.) The FELLOWS on NEW COLEGE to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1566, June [endorse_ment].——We and every of us granted you the lease of Adderbury, and it is not true that if we had 90 free choice, we should have given the lease to Mr. Davers, for the names subscribed being a majority were in favour of Mr. Foster. 1 p. With 30 signatures of Fellows. (I. 635.) THOMAS COLE [Archdeacon of Essex] to the EARL or LEICESTER. .1566, June [endorsement].~——I have sent particulars of my May—day Sermon at Chelmsford to Mr. Christmas as you Willed. If you have perused it, I hope I shall be not blamed, but thought to be a good subject. I spake nothing in that sermon, or any other since to the prejudice of the order taken, but rebuked those who said that the Queen minded to erect Popery again because of this order of apparel; “ my Sermon was to hinder nothing the order of apparel, but to hinder the disorderly talk and impudent conceit of the Papists, which by reason of this order rumoured that they should have their Mass again.” I am accused because my adversaries think that I dare not come to my answer for want of conformable apparel. If you examine them, they neither remember the text nor any circumstance appertaining to the same. The days are perilous: there are many quarrels against them that preach the truth. I hear that you are this week to be with Mr. Stonarde in the forest, and would wait upon you. I beseech you that by the bearer I may hear somewhat of your pleasure in my case. 2% pp. (1. 631.) Sir HENRY SIDNEY to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1566, Sept. 5. Drogheda.—-“ Ah: my dearest lord that you could find in your heart to lose one of your fingers to have me at home; God defend that you should lose any one joint for me, but I would that I had lost a hand that I were delivered of this cursed charge.” I marvel that [Sir Warham] St. Leger should make_any indecent answer to any of Ormond’s oificers. I willed him not to meddle in Ormond’s liberties, as I was directed by the Queen. Desmond has not done a groat’s worth of hurt in Ormond’s lands yet. The hurts which have been done, have been done of the inhabitants, of the counties Tipperary and Kilkenny, both under Ormond’s rule. His country is in better order than it hath been. His steward confesses he has never received so much rent as since my coming. For my incessant toil to others good and quiet I am slandered and am in disgrace with my sovereign. “ Help me home speedily, or Almighty God dissolve my troubled spirit from my overtoiled body.” I perceive you have delivered a letter to Orniond, which I sent you in one of mine sent me by Nycolas Whyte. If you salve it not, it will be to the poor man’s undoing : he is 9i honest, wise, a good justicer, and true friend to Ormond: let him not be left in evil terms with Ormond, but be earnest with the Earl to think well of him. I have treated with my nephew Harrington ; he constantly affirms that he is free from any contract or bond, and I perceive no such affection in him towards the maid as without further advancement of living than his Father will ever be brought to depart with while he lives, that he might make any marriage. I have done what I may. Pardon his not present repairing over : he is desirous to see this winter pass here. “ As you love me and the issue of your worthy sister [Henry Sidney married Lady Mary Dudleyl help me out of this wretched land or I shall shortly die, for, before God, I feel myself half dead already of very grief and toil.” I. will write more largely of the Earl of Sussex on Mr. Horsey’s departure. I submit myself and causes to your composition and order. I will deal with your man Pet. as I trust shall content him, but not so largely as he is worthy, and I would. From your letter of the 18th ult. received the 30th, I perceive that it is bruited there that all the inhabitants of the Pale, assembled with me for its defence, upon a cry of O’Neil’s men, fled. I was in the field, and expected to meet the rebel who had promised to meet me in the field. The whole truth is they never saw enemy, nor heard cry. Three did run into bushes, out of about 300. The battle stood fast, and all the horsemen. Move the Queen not to believe such bruits. For Ormond’s countries I affirm they were never richer. I will not promise the continuance of it, for I doubt the insolence of Desmond, and see no disposition of service in Ormond’s men : his brother is captain with 40 men in wages. In the North 1 cannot spare him any soldiers. “I can be but in one place at once. I would I were at Jerusalem to be out of this where I am.” For Lord Sussex, it is too strange to see how I am dealt with. I paid Holdich, his man, all that the Queen owed him in May last, which Mr. Vice-Chamberlain, who. was then here, and Sir William FitzWilliam know. Holdich this day confessed that he had sent of the money to his Lordship, and had answer of the receipt. “ No servant of the Earl’s ever deemed my help against any that owed him money, savmg agamst O Reyly, and to him I wrote and with him I spake as earnestly as I could, but without war none [money] will be had, and how convenient it is for me presently to make war upon O'Reyly havmg actual war with O’Neil none can better judge than my Lord of Sussex himself, and yet I will make war on him for his money if it be not paid.” . . If I have not money soon, all this sent is ,lost With all the time and travail. As you tender the Queen 3 honour, speak earnestly for it. 92 The 300 Berwiek soldiers are arrived here. Of the Colonel [Rand olplr! and Western men I hear nothing. “ Come they, or come they not, God willing, I Will be in the field on the 14th of this month.” By your letter sent by Grenyll I find how I and Sir Warham St. Leger are condemned for the disorders in Orniond’s country, committed, as is there supposed by Desmond. I guess the latter rather disposed to mischief than to good. He would have done more hurt had it not been more for affection to me than duty to the Queen. He maintains Piers Grace. “ I fear he will grow desperate, for that he cannot have his causes ended between the Earl of Ormond and him, in which matters I suppose each doth other wrong, but if Desmond will burst out, he is the easiest man to be subdued of any man of any greatness in Ireland, and thereby the Queen to be made mistress indeed of a great part of this realm . . . But in the meantime what can I do, being forced to attend the North, and he inhabiting the extreme part of the south?” “ I have no more but weary of writing, life and all I humbly recommend unto you my cause, self and service—all leisureless.” Postscript.~—«“ I yet hear nothing of the Colonel and Western soldiers. The BerWick men arrived here the first of this month. I send my letters to the Queen open for your Lordship to peruse. My hand so shaketh I can scantly hold my pen. I hear nothing of that portion of grain which should arrive here whereof I have no small lack.” “ My lord, amass and send over money or all is lost that is spent or hoped for to be gained. My lord, you may see the mutability of men and how my opinion is altered for the Desmond and why, this our worthy friend can declare: my nephew now also will go but I cannot find to marry Windsor : pardon my shaking hand ; I fear I am entered into a palsy.” 7 pp. Holograph. [The pages wrongly bound up, Vol.1. 639, et seq.] (I. 639.) DR. JOHN MAN to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1566, Nov. 4. Madrid. Six days ago the Count de Feria told me the King’s determination to go in person toward Flanders. Certain captains of foot are already despatched, and 2,000 horse to be levied in Spain. The King is loath to go, but is driven thereto by the Pope, by whom he is ruled altogether. % p. Seal. Part of this letter is to the some efleet as his fitter to Cecil of 1566, Nov. 5. [See Cal. S.P. Foreign, Elia] . 647.) THOMAS GODWYN [ Dean of Christchurch] and SEVEN OTHERS to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1566, Dec. 10. Christ Church, ()xford.~~»The charge of the Queen’s repair to the University and her abode with us is 93 more than our Church is able to bear. You affirmed that the whole University should be partakers of the burden. We therefore pray you will address letters to the Com oeation that either bv the Universitv in common. or the Colleges pro— portionately, we answering our portion may be unburdened. l p. (I 651.) DR. JOHN MAN to Sir WILLIAM CECIL. 1566, Dec. 19. Madrid.—~-—In my last letters I wrote of Sir Francis Inglefield’s arrival here. He has complained to the King of wrongs done to him in England both by loss of his offices and bv detention of his revenues for four years. I am informed that he complains also generally for all fugitives in Lovayn and elsewhere. He has been very well heard of the King, who has promised aid. I told him that the greatest treason that he had ever attempted was to exasperate the King against England at such a time for relief of fugitives and ‘ rebels. He is countenanced by the Count de Feria. Ingle- field desired my aid. I told him I misliked his dealings. You may perceive quad J adds non do'rmit. ~ The King in his proposition the first day of the Cortes required a levy of a million crowns for his present charge, and told them the more speed they made, the better service they would do him, for he had a long and painful journey towards Flanders. Mr. Inglefield told me that the King said to him in Latin “ Ego ia-m propane adire in Fland-riam ct spew quad componam mania. negotia ad consolationem ecclesiae Christi et in hoe ego expe'ndam om'nem mewm substa'nt-iam et etiam vitam.” The Duke of Alva leaves f01 Italy the 26th of this month as general against Flanders, and waits for the King in Italy his second son Don Hernando de Toledo h1s11eute11ant The Spanish crown is proclaimed up highe by eight maravadise because they were so fast conveyed out of the realm I am in extremity for money Consider my case, or recall me. 2% pp. (I. 655.) DR. JOHN MAN to the EARL 011‘ LEICESTER. 1566, Dec. 19. MadridkTo the same effect as his letter to the Queen of same date. [See Cal. 8. P. Foreign, Elia] . 1 p. (I. 659.) The VINTNERS’ COMPANY to QUEEN ELIZABETH. [1566 ?]*—~Petitioning for the repeal of the statute 7 Edward VI, and for a fresh grant of encorporation. and that * A Bill repealing the Act of 1 Edward V' I, was brgou ht into the House of Commons on Nov. 5, 1566,311d passodon Nov. 30. The Queen granted them then new charter (17.6.1311 impsnmue confirming their previous charters) in 1561. 94 all free men of their mystery may have license to sell Wines in retail and in gross, and control of all winescllers in London and Within three miles. Questions ministerai by M r. Secretary Cecil. 1. As to the effect to the Customs: Answer; »——That none that now trade in wine will be out off. Wine cannot but yield the due custom because of its bulk. 2. Whether any hindrance may follow to Princes in amity with the Queen : Answer.wThat this is not likely. 3. Whether the merchants adventurers shall be prejudiced : Answer.-That the first answer covers this point. ‘ 4. Whether by this grant the navy shall be diminished, or if increased, by what- means : Answer.~—~The sale of wine will not be diminished and wine being bulky, and brought from more distant places, more ships, and more warlike, will be employed. 5. How without Parliament may the Queen annul licenses already granted to such as be not Vintners, or whether the licences granted by the Queen may not be void by her death : Answer.~~-No such repeal is sought. 6. Whether the words of the Vintners’ charter do not seclude others from selling wines: Answer.» “The charter gives no such privilege; their suit is to be set at liberty from the statute of 7 Edw. VI, and that they may have control of others who sell. 7. Whether their suit is to buy wines abroad, or only to retail them : Answer.~-~They would be at liberty so to buy and to retail at home. 8. Whether their suit extends to French or to other wines, or both : Answer—They have already this liberty. 9. Whether the prices of wines shall diminish, and the realm have better wines: A.nswer.-It will be so. 10. What success or benefit may in reason be proved to ensue to the Commonwealth 2 Answer.~~This has already been dealt with. Further the casks are for the service of ships and others which use easks. Lightermen, cranage, wharfingers, porters, carters and coopers will gain. The grant “ will be cause of avoiding Whoredom, dicing, dancing and banqueting of apprentices, servants and such like ; with observation of days, prescribed to be fasted,” and avoidance of excessive rents, and “that the order meant for m-..._.m.~fl-c “at... _n 95 the use of decent apparel concerning the said company may be observed, and that usury and overhighing the prices ” of commodities touching the trade shall be avoided. 2; pp. (II. 756.) The VINTNERS’ COMPANY to the EARL or LEICESTER. [1566 ?].—-To the same effect as the petition to the Queen, with addition that in 7 Edward VI “ by reason of all wine sellers were not under one government,” prices became excessive, and therefore an extreme act was made and took away the liberties of their Company; and that Queen Mary for the ancientie of the Company, being member assistant of the City, for the sake of the Navy, and to save the wood of the realm by the number of casks brought in with wine, and for the relief of 400 or 500 men, women and children of the Company, granted licence for 10 years now expired. This being expired, the statute stands in force against the Company, and a Proclamation has been made of. late rating the price of wines cheaper than they can be bought, and any person may now sell wines, whereby petitioners are in manner utterly undone.” 1 12. (II. 761.) LADY MARY GRAYE to the EARL 0F LEICESTER. 1566[-—7], Jan. 25. Chekers.»~—»“ I cannot but crave most humble pardon at your Lordship’s hands that I have not before this time rendered due thanks to the same for that I understand by my very good lady the Lady Clynton of your Lordship"s goodwill in procuring the Queen’s Majesty’s most gracious favour towards me, the want whereof is more grievous unto me than present death for thereby most happily I should be delivered from manifold miseries and calamities which now living do suffer though most justly I must confess and shall do until I may be restored to the same again. Full truly spake the prudent. Salamon saying the indignation of the prince is death which I most woful creature too truly have tried. Most humbly beseeching your Lordship as. you have of your own good inclination begun my reconcrlement. to towards her Majesty even so to proceed to the accomplish- ment thereof, although my faults be grievous in her Highness sight, which I do most humbly acknowledge ‘to be very great, yet calling to mind her princely clemency 1n pardomng the offences of other her highness subjects moveth me to conceive some good hope shortly to taste of the same, most humbly beseeching your honour earnestly to further thlS my lamentable suit unto her Majesty, that it may please her Highness of her princely mercifulness to pardon me this offence, trusting here— after by God’s grace so to behave myself towards her Majesty according to my duty as I will never offend her Majesty more. 1 p. Holograph. [The writer had secretly married Thomas Keys, the Queen’s serjeant-porterJ (I. 585.) 96 [JOHN Scoar, Bishop of Hereford, to his RURAL DEANS.) 1566[ '7], Jan 30. Whitbourne. —~“ Salutem in Christo Our brother the parson of Cradlev,*intendetl1 to begin his residence in the church of Hereford on Tuesday next. . These are theiefore to pray vou to speak to our brethren of the clergy of your Deanery to show their good will towards him, which I will as gratefully accept at their hands as done to myself. It hath been an ancient custom, as I understand to excite the good 11 ills of friends 1n such cases,w1thout urging any man to do otherwi 1se or further than he is disposed and willing.” $1) Unsigned. (I. 663.) Sir HENRY NORREYS to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1566[~"I, Feb. 1. Paris.-—There is some likelihood. of troubles to be renewed against the Protestants here, and the sooner if the King of Spain come into the Low Countries, ‘which these men seem nothing to doubt of, considering the lets that are presently offered by reason of the Turkish prepara- tion. ” TheV will, as thexr say, provide for the worst. The Queen Mother seeks by all means to bring them under foot, and to Win over the Prince of Condé with fair promises In Flanders “the ,l’rotestants have the worst end of the staff because they want the aid and succour of some of the noblemcn of that country, who begin to pluck their heads out of the collar. The Duchess of Parma hath offered them to live at liberty, so as it be without ministers or preachings, but such hard conditions they will not as yet accept.” 1 p. (I. 665.) MARY, QUEEN or Scors, to the EARL or LEICESTER. l566[--7], Feb. 8. Edinburgh—J‘ We have at all times but specially by the declaration of the bearer, our servant Robert Malvile at his late return understood your good mind always shewn to the increase and entertainment of the amity and mutual intelligence betwixt us and our good sister the Queen your Sovereign whereof we give you hearty thanks and cffectuously pray you to continue: for as therein ye show yourself a favourant of quietness and one zealous of the advancement and good estate of youi sovereign and of that your native countiy evinsa icven sol to us ye do 11a small pleasure, that of all other things most earnestly wishes to see the persevcrence of the same good amity. We think not meet to be anything more prolixt in writing but if it stand in * Thomas Grenewielw or Grecnvill, rector of Cradley, was appointed in J» 11., 1566 '7, to the prebend of \Varham and Ayleston in Heretord Cathedral- ’l‘liis letter was evidently enclosed in the Bishop’sof Feb. 28. See p. 98 bdow. 97 us to show pleasure to yourself or to any at your commendation ye may be fully assured of the same.” (In the Queen’s hand .') Your gud Cusign, gp. Seal. (1.685.) Dr. JOHN lllAN to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1566[~7], Feb. 18. Madrid.——The Pope has excommunicated the King’s Lieutenant and Council at Milan, and the Viceroy at Naples, which is not very well taken here, but “he hath them so tied by the nose that they dare not mislike with his doings.” The Count of Feria has declared exceeding contempt and threatenin s of the Earl of Arundel, which I could not bear Withal. “ n my opinion it toucheth the whole estate of our nobility to have one such as my Lord of Arundel so con- temptuously used. Notwithstanding I had rather be an instrument in their good reconciliation than to set them further out. It riseth all of the Contessa . . . mane! alta mente repostum Judici-um Paridz's spretaeque injuria Iormae.” ; p. (I. 689.) [Cf. Cal. S.P. Foreign, Elia, 1567, pp. 166, 220.] Sir HENRY NORREYS to the EARL OF LEICESTER. 1566[~7], Feb. 18. Paris—«By your letter I am not only satisfied of your godly disposition touching religion, but can shew [it] if any such things should happen as an alteration of religion. I have shewn part to Mr. Stewarde for the satisfaction of himself and the Admiral. The report was brought by one Dobeney [Daubigny] brother to Lord Lenneys [Lennoxj who said it came from the French Ambassador Monsr. de la Forrest, whom I think to be too wise to write of such an untruth. The idle Friars went about preaching that England was restored to the Catholic Church. Certain ships are reported to have past into Bordeaux and La Rochelle, and are. likely to visit Ireland or some of your coasts. There was lately a debate before the King between de Montpensier and the Chancellor, the former threatemng to pluck the latter by the beard. . In Flanders the Regent and the Prince are said to have, taken order that all men shall have liberty of commence, the order being taken at Orange’s house, in his presence and that of Egmont, Horn, Bredrode and Austrode [Hoogstraten]. There is an Englishman here called King, who has spoken very ill of Sir Nicolas Throgmorton and wished he had killed him; since my coming he threatened Barnaby, my servant, who offered to fight him, but he ran away, and made an outcry that, though he was servant to the French King, my servants were trying to kill him. He further said that ere long he would come to the firing of Dover. I think he should be banished. Marie R . p7 98 Please obtain for me a bill for 1,000 crowns (through request to Sir Thos. Gresham) out of Flanders. 1% pp. Holograph. (I. 693.) [JOHN SCORY,] BISHOP or HEREFORD, to the EARL 0F LEICESTER. 1566[——7], Feb. 28 (endorsement).~—I lately received your letters directed at my suit to the Dean and Chapter of Hereford, in favour of Mr. Williams and Mr. Grenewich, two new residen— ciaries, and have obtained my request, for which I humbly thank you. Now am I suitor for myself. I send you a copy of a letter [see p. 96 above] which I directed to five or six deans rural of my diocese ; which I thought I might lawfully have done, it being according to precedents in the registers of my pre— decessors. I am now informed that this is against a law which King Henry VIII made for Wales and the Marches ; that no person should make or procure any such “ commotha [ct-17d] (for so the Welshmen call it).” My offence, if any, was due to ignorance of the law, and overmuch affection to help the new residentiary being an honest man and not rich. The sum and value that was given him by virtue of my letter was not 103., nor as I presently think 6Z., the most part of which he had of me, “ yet now I wish that he had had double or treble as much more of me as he had given him by my letters, so that I had not written them.” The Papists, who have watched to have me in a trap, and know, as well as I do, What I say and do in my own house, now think that they have won the field, and intend to undo me at the next assizes. I desire you to be a mediator for me to the Queen to dispense with, or to pardon my rash doings. I 1 1). Signature tom ofl. Endorsed, The Bishop of Hereford. ( . 697.) T[HOMAS] BARNABY to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1566[—~7], March 1. Paris.~—Your letters tell us of the strange and sudden disaster which of late hath happened in Scotland [the murder of Darnley]. Pray God the tragedy may have no more acts but one. There is new stir between the Protestants and the Papists at Antwerp. Those of the religion have “spoiled and burnt the Cordeliers,” and some went with their Minister to preach between Malines and Brussels ; the Duchess sent the Provost of Villevorde thither, who took some of them and hung their Minister. Great preparations are made for the siege of Valenciennes : those within are in distress for lack of necessaries, and for want of horsemen. On Feb. 20 they made a sally, but were driven in with loss. From Hungary it is reported that the Turk’s preparations by land and sea go on, and that Lazarus Suenden won from the governor of the Vaivode’s country a strong 99 castle called Satwar, losing many Christians. The Empress this month had a daughter, after some peril from a fire in the palace at midnight; the child was born next day: both she and the Emperor desired a daughter. The diet began at Ratisbon on Feb, 9. The Emperor has sent the Duke of Bavaria, remaining himself in Moravia, demanding the contributions granted by the Princes of the Empire. It is thought that he is secretly assured of peace with the Turk, but uses this council to get money for a worse end. The King of Spain’s galleys are arrived in Spain, and his Ambassador here sets forth that he will leave for Flanders, with the Queen, by the end of this month. Alva has arrived at Genoa and is waiting for the King. A pensioner of this King’s named Clery was sent hence on Feb. 21 to fetch the 6,000 Swiss which are retained for this King’s service: he is to receive money for the purpose at Lyons. They are to be employed to reinforce the garrisons in Picardy and elsewhere. There has been a quarrel between Damville and the Count de Rais, who was reported to have been killed; this may still happen, for he is much hated for the credit he has with the King. The Queen-Mother’s government is becoming misliked even by the Papists. “ She to assure herself will, I doubt not, rather turn Totnam French and become a Protestant another while than sit besides the saddle.” 2 pp. (I. 701.) Sir HENRY NORREYS to Sir WILLIAM CECIL. l566[-7], March 1. Paris.———The Queen wishes me to see Monsr. F oix myself, and to demand his answer, which I Wlll do on his return from Gascony after Easter. . . I shall be glad to hear from you about the prlsoners in the galleys at Marseilles, 22 in number. As for a tailor for the Queen, my wife and I will do what we ma . . “yTouching the lamentable news of Scotland, the Scottishmen themselves doth speak very broad, and mistrust some practises which if so it be will be revenged of God’s hand.” _ . l p. The last two paragraphs holograpk and partly m czpher. (I. 1’05.) Sir HENRY NORREYS to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1566[—-7], March 1. Paris—I was this day with the Prince of Condé, who was glad to understand that the rumour of Mass being allowed in England was false.* [CaL SJ“. Foreign, Elia] 100 There has been stir at Antwerp between Protestants and Papists. The Prince of Orange has tried to bring them to some conformity, but can little avail. Ludovic de Nassau and Brederode entered the town with horsemen, and have declared themselves rather for the Protestants than otherwise. [The rest of the news is identical with that in Thos. Barnaby’s letter above p. 98.] 2 pp. (1. 709.) DR. JOHN MAN to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1566[—-7], March 3. Madrid—The King’s departure to Flanders is delayed by the loss of 29 ships laden with victuals, arms and munition on the coast of Malaca [‘2 Malaga], but new furniture is now almost ready. The Queen is four months gone with child. 1—3; pp. Part of this letter is contained in his letter to Cecil of this date. [See Cal. SP. Foreign, Elia] (I. 713.) Sir HENRY NORREYS to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1566[——7J, March 8. Paris.-Since I last wrote the Princes of Condé and Pourcain, the Admiral with D’Andelot, the Counts of .Rocheforca [Rochefoucauld] and Grandemoun with others of the religion met at Condé’s house near Orleans and conferred on the state of religion and government. Condé wrote to the Quecn~Mother that he might be admitted to the secrecy of the Realm and have liberty of conscience. The Count de Raye and Monsr. Danville are fallen at debate: the Count, being but a new man, leans to Condé, and is a means to the Queen—Mother to bring them to Court. But the Cardinal of Lorraine is expected there within eight days and they intend to see him departed before they come thither. Thus the old quarrel is likely to rekindle. It is also bruited that the Queen of Navarre is now in Vendome with many of the religion. La Croce [Du Croc] arrived at Fontainebleau on Sunday last from Lorraine whither he went to report to the Cardinal of the death of Darnley, and is ex ected to go to Scotland. It was first reported that Rambouillet should have gone, but he stays because the [tom] are not yet. met, at whose meeting he intends to treat to have the Prince [James] delivered to France. 1:} pp. (I. 717.) Sir HENRY NORREYS to the EARL OF [LEICESTER'Q]. [1567,] March 10. Paris.-~Alva is at Barcelona ready to embark for Genoa, and at Cart-agena 6,000 Spaniards also for Genoa. The Spanish army is to assemble at Milan. Many practices are used by the Protestants here to let- them, but there is an eye had of them everywhere. The King of Spain is said to have lost- 24 galleys which were going from Cartagena to take Tunis. Orange has declared himself for 101 those of the religion in Flanders, but the Regent is trying to extir ate them if she may. Megheni is in camp besieging Thertog ien bosee [Bois-le«due]. The town is divided in religion, but the Protestants being the stronger have made the Papists swear to defend it. The Regent is at Brussels. Trouble is beginning in Germany. Crombrack [Culemburg] who about 3 years ago was ordered by the Emperor to restore a town taken from the Bishop of Wersenterghe [V’Vurzburgj is, with those of his part, declared rebel. With him is John Frederick, the eldest son of the late Duke of Saxony. They are now besieged in Gotha by the Elector of Saxony. I; pp. (II. 623.) J o[HN J EWELL], Bishop of Salisbury, to the EARL or LEICESTER. l566[—7], March 16. Salisbury.~-Cominending for the Vicarage of Helmarten, George Coryat, B.A., of New College, Oxford. J, p. (I. 721.) [The EARL or LEICESTER] to [the UNIVERSITY or OXFORD]. 1566[—7], March 17. At the Court.——-Recommending for the Vice-chancellorship Dr.'Humfrey, Dr. Tremayne, Dr. West- phaylinge or Dr. Calfyld. I; pp. Draft with corrections. Unsigned. (I. 569.) WILLIAM KIRKALDY of Grange to the EARL or BEDFORD. 1567, April 20. Edinburgh—Copy. For the original see C’al. S.P. Scotland, under this date. 2 pp. (II. 509.) Sir NICHOLAS THROKMOR’I‘ON to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1567 [endorsement], April 30. At the Court—Since your departure it is bruited that the Queen of Scots was married at Seton to Bothwell before her journey to Stirling, whence she brought the Prince and put him in Edinburgh Castle, as she assed to Dunbar where she now is with her lover. The Lor of Grange doth not write that she is married, but to marry shortly, all Bothwell’s faction having subscribed thereto. A servant of Lord Lennox brings the consummation of the marriage; his master sues to return to England, fearing his own destruction, and that of the young Prince, the parricide having the guard of the son. Bothwel met the Queen With 3,000 horse, and conveyed her to Dunbar. Upon the com- mitting of Gesford to the Castle of Edinburgh, Lord Home and all the border Earls refuse to come to the Court. Maxwell pleases Bothwell, and Lord Scrope should beware of him. Maxwell’s ambition carries him away to this lewd fortune, for he shall be, or is, lieutenant-general. All the disfamed persons in this murder are now advanced and have charges committed them. 102 Lord Sussex mislikes his instructions and travails to have them enlarged. At the dispatch hereof Justice Brown was not arrived. “ I did not mean to procure your Lordship writing so hastily for Asshcrydge as I did remember you by Mr. Dier for the sending your sepulchre as your lordship told me by the way. But since your messengers have no better fertune in safe—carrying your tokens I would advise you be not so hasty to send things of price. And yet I know the messenger is more grieved with the loss than you be, and hath left no devices undone to recover your diamond.” 2 pp. Holograph. (I. 725.) See letter of May 10 (below). Sir HENRY NORREYS to the EARL or Larcssrus. 1567 (endorsement), May 2. Paris—At our audience at St. Mauro des Fosses on April 29 we little prevailed. But, whereas beforeMSmith’s coming it was bruited that a nobleman was coming to demand Calais, the French were minded to deal reasonably with the Queen touching Calais: now they are not so. If the Emperor make truce with the Turk, it is thought he will claim Metz, Thou [Toul] and Verdun. The Queen-Mother uses all means to let it, as in seeking to make a cross alliance between him and France, the Emperor to marry his eldest son to Madame Marguerite, and the King of France to marry the Emperor’s second daughter, the eldest being promised to the Prince of Spain. But if her Majesty urged the Emperor to make his claim, while rent’ wing hers, I think the French would offer her right or reason.’ The Constable was so unwilling to be present at this demand-making that the King and his Mother not only went to his house at Chantilly, but also gave him 30,000 francs to mitigateihis anger at his son Mont— moreney not succeeding him as Constable. Condo and the Admiral were not present at the demand for Calais, but will be here in two days, to persuade, it is said, the King not to allow Geneve [Genoa] to be takenby the King of Spain. The Pope ofiers a year’s pay to the Duke of Savoy’s army if it is taken. If her Majesty has to do with the French, I am assured by those whom I will not name for want of a cipher, that the King of Spain will be her friend. Monsr. de Morret has promised me three setters for you. I thank you for having forborne the service of him whom I know you might ill spare, your servant Mr. Barnaby. 2 pp. The last paragraph in N orreys’ own hand. (I. 729.) Sir NICHOLAS THROKMORTON to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1567, May 10 (endorsement). [Westminster.]~—-You shall understand what the Queen wishes you to hear from her through your brother who was in charge in my absence. Lady Stafford sees no cause in matters within her reach why 103 you should hasten hither. The storms which were up here lately are now so appeased that it seems there was no rough sea. Retain your adamant [diamond] sepulchre until you have the condition better annexed and more surely verified than I see as yet occasion to hope. By Mr. Blunt’s writing, you shall understand what hath been proceeding touching Appleyard. Huggon is sent for, after whose examination I think the matter shall suspend until you return. Lord Arundel remains here about that business. Lord Pembroke has shewed himself in this and in the handling of it your assured friend. Your well~willers would have you go through now with this matter.* The Queen appeared somewhat perplexed about the Irish success, and as yet gives but cold provision for the remedy. Sir ’1‘ mail is on his way home. Tylleney [Teligny] is returned from the Turk: his companion in the voyage Vyleeonie [Villeconiers] is dead. Alva is landed at Genoa. The Emperor demands new aid against the Turk. John F rederic Duke of Saxe is prisoner with Augustus; Crombake [Culeinburg] and two others with the Emperor. Brederode is fled from Amsterdam, the poor Protestants go to wrack in Flanders. Orange is in Germany. The Lords of Scotland still mean to impeach the marriage, and so save the Prince from the Queen and Bothwell’s hands. They desire her Majesty’s assistance whereto she will give no ear. Thus she shall forego her friends, and they be con- strained to be at the French devotion. This night a fair lady lodges in your bed. 21} pp. Holograph. (I. 733.) Sir WILLIAM CECIL to the EARL or LEICESTER. [1567, May 15.]~.—Letters came yesterday from my Lord .of Bedford to the Queen containing the copy of letters to him from the Lord Grange. These letters were to understand the Queen’s devotion to the comfort of them in Scotland that would pursue the murderers of their King. The Queen gives them no answer of moment. He writes that the Queen there enacted by Parliament that all laws ?‘ made for religion dangerous to the lives, lands or goods of them of religion shall be abolished, and that the law of oblivion made before ” her coming from France shall be established. “ Many more things were required to have been enacted for religion, but no more would begranted. By his letters appeareth great likelihood of the marriage, and a servant of the Earl Lennox, newly come from Scotland, saith that the marriage was secretly made before Bothwell was arraigned, but I think he speaketh upon the spleen.” “ Wishing myself to be with your lordship at Burton, to be your messenger to Stamford, where I am informed this May to grow a sovereign medicine for my gout.” .__.,Hdograrh- , I aJI 737-) “we... * See 13. iii below. 104 F[RANCIS EARL or] BEDFORD to 1567, June 15. Garendon.--I have received letters from my Lord of Grange in cipher. The Lords have not yet assembled to answer my last articles, but most of them could be content that their Prince might remain in their custody under our Sovereign’s protection. Monsieur du Croke hath offered them liberal pensions for the King his master to have the prosecuting the murder and the defence of their young Prince, being new in greater danger by the Queen being with child. Being further urged by my private letters to say whether they could be content that the prisoner might be brought into this realm for his better safety, Grange thinketh some of them would give their consent. The Earl of Mar and some of the best sticketh most in it, who will not be persuaded till all have met, and “until they have more certainty how far our Sovereign will aid them in this action. Wherein they seek three things, first the safety of their Prince, next to divide the Queen’s actions from Both- well’s, for which urpose Liddinorton is gone from the Court so as they will eal only with lI30thwell and in no respect against their Queen”. . ., and thirdly to prosecute the murder of their King, which is now openly known and to be proved to be done by Bothwell’s own hands amongst others of his adherents. “The Lords were once determined that the Lord of Mar’s brother should have come to our Sovereign of the message, which perhaps he or some other shall hereafter do when they have met, . .. and yet he standeth in some doubt hereof. If our Sovereign will assure them of secret aid, they will feed the French ambassador only with fair words and yet make him no promises. . . . I understand by my messenger,” as “ you will By Mr. Melvyn, that the Queen and the Duke a ee very ' . The Queen makes great offers into France for the glivery of the Prince.” I beseech you continue to seek my release from Berwick, for I am well assured a great number in all respects are fitter for that service than I. Nevertheless if the Queen will please to appoint me thereunto, though I hasard myself with travail this hot weather, I shall be most ready to do my duty so as I may know her Highness’ pleasure how far I shall deal in such matters. 2 pp. (1. 741.) Sir HENRY NORREYS to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1567, June 30. Paris.-———By your letter received of Mr. Barnaby on the 26th I find I have sustained great injury. In all matters of importance I used his advice only, and made him privy to all letters to and from the Queen. Only once I requested him to write to the Queen, when he said he had business of his own, and asked that some one else might write. I said that I would commit her Majesty’s affairs to none but myself or him, and wrote myself. I am most bound to you for forbearing the service of him whom you can ill spare. 105 As to the French ambassador’s report of him, “his service is like to be very slender, who in this charge shall be accom— panied with such as shall be to their liking.” From his coming into France on May 25 till the 26th June he went daily quietly in the town, no man charging him with debt. ()n which day there came to his lodging armed men, and while I was com— pounding for his debts, they took him to prison. I discharged the debt, but advertised the King: the copy of my letter and his answer I send herewith. I am sorry these dealings are so quietly put up as whatever they do no revenge may be sought. On June 24 a quarrel arose between one Mockett and a Frenchman. They fell to blows and Mockett was so over- matched as young Mr. Clinton tried to rescue him. The French increased in number, and the two saved their lives by taking a house, which happily was the King’s Advocate’s. The French have since watched his lodging, so that I brought Clinton to my lodging, nor do I suffer him to go abroad. His father, the Admiral, should send for him home. The Protestants are preparing to resist King Philip with great force. I have not changed your bill for 1,000 crowns, as the exchange is so bad, being 6d. in every crown monthly. Help me to one of more easy exchange. . I send copies of my letter to the King, his reply and his letter to the Provost of Paris. 2%1310- (I. 749.) Enclosed with the above, Sir HENRY NORREYS to the KING. 1567, June 26. Paris.——To—day a large number of sergeants and officers came to my lodgings to arrest for debt a gentleman sent by the Queen With letters who lodged near me. The sum was only 40 crowns, for which I and my host Monsr. de Verberie oerred security. They would not allow me to speak to the gentleman, forced his door, and took him through the town like a thief, knocking his head against the wall. I had difficulty in restraining my peeple from attempting to rescue him. I pray you to give such order that I may not think myself the worse treated of all Ambassadors here. 1 10. French. Copy. (I. 743.) The. KING to Sir HENRY NORREYS. 1567, June 27. St. German—I have ordered the Provost of Paris to make satisfaction to you, and to release the gentleman. g p. French. Copy. (1- 745-) We“. 106 The KING to the Peovos'r 0F PARIS. 1567, June 27. St. Germain-en~Laye.—-0rdering the release of the gentleman. 1p. French. Copy. (I. 747.) Thrones} BARNABY to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1567, June 30. Poissy.~—Her Majesty should know that the King of France, having heard from his ambassador in Scotland of the taking of the Queen and of the flight of her husband, vaunts that he will set her at liberty, and get the young Prince into his hands “ either bv hoke or croke.” To this end he privately procured the Bishop of Glasgow to send for the Earl of Murray to Orleans, whom he persuaded to return with all speed to Scotland, offering him the order of St. Michael, the captaincy of the Scottish company, to be again erected, and other gratifications, to be at his devotion. What else passed between them I am not able to say. The Earl will himself ere long advertise her Majesty of his deter— mination to go to Scotland as soon as this King or he shall hear again from there. I wish her Majesty would satisfy him better when he returns than she did coming here. Yet I trust that he will still be as ready to please her Majesty as ever. “Have an eye that no French ships-steal thither to convey the Prince away, for not long since such a matter was a brewing. . . . Some of their merchant ships under colour of a voyage shall do the deed.” Here Protestants and Papists are preparing for war, and there is bruit that the King of Spain, assisted by the Emperor, Pope, and other princes of Italy shall invade France to suppress religion and make what profit they can. Hereupon are assembled forces under Dandelot, who is restored to his ofiiee as Colonel of all the foot, and this day strikes up the drum in Paris and elsewhere. His commission is to raise 20 ensigns of foot and to reinforce the frontiers towards Burgundy, Lorraine and other places Where the Spanish army shall pass, which already marches The Protestants do well to stand upon their guard and to make the King a party to prevent this coming stratagem, which is meant only to be executed against them, although it has some other colour. The Constable now rules miich in this Court : Condé will come to the Court this day, whither all princes of the blood, nobles, councillors and bishops are sent for ; you shall shortly hear of as great an assembly at St. Germain’s as seven years ago about religion. Alva is reported to have reinforced his Spaniards with 3,000 Italian arquebusiers, and towards Luxemburg is a great assembly of Almayn foot and horse. Some say the Pope gave the King of Spain Venice and Avignon only to set him and the French King by the ears. Avignon is environed by French territory and mortgaged to the Apostolic See only for 120,000 florins, since which time the French upon devotion have suffered them to enjoy it. 107 One Hugonis, a friar, is lately sent by this King to Spain : some remembering that the liing of Spain’s confessor is also a Cordelier of much credit with him, think it a running way to work their purpose better. As for young L’Aubespine neither he nor his message was greatly respected there. The Emperor labours for a truce with the Turk. His ambassador is returned with a cold answer. The Turk will restore nothing and requires the tribute granted him by the late Emperor: further that the Vaivoda should recover his losses in Transylvania and have recompense for damage. Some think that the Emperor will have truce that he may accomplish his designs in Alemayn, and to bring it to pass that the Empire shall be perpetually annexed to his House and to make all Germany subject to him. The Duke of Savoy and the Swiss have agreed, they giving him three balliages to stop his mouth conditionally that he allow them to exercise their own religion, which contract the Kings of Spain and France have signed. “ I would to God the Queen’s Majesty would also put in a foot some way into these matters for surely she hath many ways open to make her profit. The French both I’apists and Protestants suspect her to be Imperial and Spanish. Now would a hot minister do good service, but alas we are too full of moderation.” Postscript.~~~We have news here of the Queen of Scotland’s death. 4 pp. Signed. (I. 753.) Sir HENRY NORREYS to the QUEEN. 1567, July 16. Paris—Condé, lately sent for by the King to assist in Council has gone back to Valerey in great anger. He had renewed his suit to the Queen-Mother for the Constable~ ship when vacant. She answered that she would consider With the King. But Monsieur standing by, and instructed beforehand told the Queen that as the King, his brother, had named him Lieutena-ntCeneral, he hoped no one would be admitted to an office Which would be superfluous and derogate his authority. Condé replied hotly, and this, conjoined with matters touching the King of Spain’s enterprises, occaSioned Conde s departure next day. This piece of cunning to make the King’s brother a party has been devised between the Queen- Mother and the Old Constable, who, being denied the reversmn of the office for the Marshal Montmorency his son, works that only the King’s brother shall be preferred before those of his own house. . On Condé’s departure the Admiral and Dandelot arrived, and were well received by the Queen—Mother. It 18 said that they shall be restored to their former offices. The King moved from St. Germain’s to St. Mauro des Fosses on the 12th, and after two days to the Constable 3 house. On the 17th he goes to Chantilly for the marriage of the Constable’s youngest daughter and Monsr. de Candale 5 son 108 and heir. About the 23rd the King will be at Compiégne where I am to have satisfaction of the depredations of which you and the Council commanded me to complain. The delay is because they say they are now at a place of rest, and because the Admiral will be present there and take order for the matter. Yesterday the Earl of Murray and the Scotch Ambassador were sent for, and dined with the Constable. They were to take leave of the King and Queen. But the King returned so late from hunting, that this is put off till to-day. The Earl has been ke t that he may be won with gifts to be at their devotion. e has refused all and answered with such good words that they mean to detain him no longer. You will see him shortly. The King is annoyed that Du Croc returned without leave, and would fain send him thither again. But he and many of reputation work the contrary. I think he will not refuse that charge, having special credit with Murray and the lords that are against the Queen. I ‘ hear that Lignerolles and Captain Colburne accompany Murray to Scotland to spy his behaviour with your Majesty. The King of Spain’s army, being not more than 6,000 or 7,000 Spaniards and 1,200 horse, is passing through Burgundy towards Luxem burg, and will rest there till the German forces join. The bruited war between this King and the Spanish King is now altogether calmed. The latter has assured his brother and mother-in-law that if they mistrust his arming, he will send his eldest son as a hostage. He meant only to chastise his own subjects, and prayed the French to be no let to him. The Queen-Mother is so satisfied by this answer that she is more Spanish than French. The Protestants have therefore cause to look about them. As far as I can learn, their most danger is from surprises. They on the other side work their own safety by all the means they can. I shall not comfort them more than generally without e ress charge from you. But as you have heretofore stood em in stead, do not abandon them now, for it is God’s cause they have in hand. The truce between the Emperor and the Turk is like to take effect, and the Bishop of Agria, sent by the Emperor, was well received by the Turk, from whom the Emperor demands restitution of Sigctta, and will restore what Lazarus Swenden took from the Vaivoda. The Turk wants either side to keep what they have taken and double the tribute granted by Ferdinand. The Emperor, it is said, goes on with his practises in Germany, and has been about to traffic an accord between Duke Augustus and John Frederic. The Protestants princes of Germany are discontented with the slender entertainment given by the Regent of Flanders to their Ambassadors, and of her proud answer sent to them in writing. 1 The Duke of Wittemberg is reported to advise the rest of the princes to revoke their subjects being anywhere in the Kin of Spain’s service. 3} pp. olograph. Seal. (1.759.) 109 THOMAS, EARL or SUSSEX, to the EARL or LEICESTER. . 1567, July 25. Ulm.-On the 20th I visited the Duke of Wittenberge at his house of Stocqwardia [Studtgard] not half a mile out of my way, who was very glad tohear of the Queen, and offered to her his service at all times. I find the Protestants increase in all parts, as I go, and that in many cities and other places where both the religions be in exercise: the Papists’ churches seemed almost vacant, and the Protestants’ churches beginning to be too little, the people come so fast to the one and leave so fast the other. ~ The Emperor I hear is still in Presbroke [Presburg] ten leagues from Vienna, and the Archduke in Styria, 24 leagues from thence. And, as a gentleman with whom I yesterday met riding in post from the Emperor unto the Low Countries told me, the Emperor and the Archduke were determined to be at Vienna by the last of this present. I mean to embark here for shortening of the way and ease of travel so soon as my boat is ready, and from thence I shall be at Vienna in 7 days. g- p. Signed. Seal. (I. 767.) Paper headed “ Discouas DE ca QUE DE LA PART nu TRES ILLUSTRE PRINCE PALATIN ELECTEUR . . . A ESTE TRAICTE PAR MOY [ZULEGERJ AVEO LE Roy DE FRANCE ET LA ROYNE MERE CONTENU EN ens TROIS POINTS PRINCIPAUX SUYVANS. [1567, Dec.]-~(l) The Ambassadors sent by the King to the German Princes, especially the Bishop of Rennes and young Lansac, told the Elector that Condé was in rebellion, and Lansac asked that some one should be sent to the King to learn the facts. Accordingly the writer was sent. (2) Lansac told the Elector in writing that the King had promised free exercise of religion; the writer was to enquire into this. ' (3) He was sent to find whether it was true that the King was willing to assemble the estates and ratify this. He exhorted their Majesties to embrace‘ a good peace, granting freedom of religion to all their subjects. Thiswas in the presence of the King, the Queen-Mother, the Kings Brother, Cardinal Bourbon and the Chancellor. ‘ The next day in their presence and of Six Bishops, the First President of Paris and old and young Lansac, answer was made by the Chancellor. . ,, Surprise was expressed at the interference of the Elector, especially as he had told the Bishop of Rennes that he condemned no one unheard. To say this, and then allow his son to take up arms was to ofler bread in one hand and a stone in the other. The present trouble was “not due to religion but to Condé’s hatred of the house of (xu1se. . Thie Queen, interrupting, said that the Edict had not been infringe : The Chancellor said that if it had, it was not the King 8 fault , 110 he could not know what went on everywhere. The Swiss » had been brought to France, on Condé’s advice, to defend the frontier against the Spaniards on their way to the Low Countries. Condé was angry that he was not made Constable. {Zulegefl assured the King of Condé’s loyalty to him; he had heard him say that if he had the gift of the Crown of France, he would give it to him. The King offered to grant the Edict removing the modifica— tions and to sign it at once, and send it to Condé. He handed it to [Zuleger]; de Haulloy being near asked to read it; when he had it, young Aubcspine took it from him, and would not give it back to [Zuleger]. He supposes that if he, as representing the Elector, had had it, the King would have had to act on it. He was shewn another script to the effect that the King had been with the Cardinal of Lorraine at B-‘larchais [la Marchc] not intending to fight there, and that nothing would have happened if the Cardinal had not com- plained of Condé troubling France. The King left Monceaux the next day to hunt, and heard that Condé was seen with soldiers ready to take him. This was incredible, but he retired to Meaux, and ordered his Court to protect him, and the next day, the Swiss having come, he started for Paris. This script had been given to young Lansac to take to the Elector, but he was taken, and the script brought in his baggage to the King’s camp. ’ [Zuleger] replied that the Elector had not forgotten the benefits received from France; that his interference was to preserve liberty of conscience, as his actions in 1562 had proved. The Spaniards had persuaded the King to extirpate the religion in France. The Queen answered that the Interim in Germany was due to King Henry. [Zuleger] corrected her—he had delivered them from the Interim which was worse than Papal doctrine. [Zuleger] had been refused private speech with the Chancellor and Montmorency. They did not mean peace. When he left Paris with young Lansac, Condé had crossed the Marne, but Lansac avoided him “by the King’s orders.” They were met and taken by horsemen. Lansac admitted that he meant to go to John Casimir’s camp to corrupt his Reiters. Condé charged him with lyin about his (Condé’s) intention. Lansac, on his knees, wisll‘ied to kiss Condé’s hand, who said that he was not fit to kiss those whom he had slandered: that he was in the pay of. the King of Spain. - Having saved France from the Guiscs he must now save it from Spain. He went on to describe to [Zuleger] the sufferings of those of the religion ; children might not be baptised in a house, but had to be taken six, seven, ten or fifteen leagues to be baptised. When the Queen was at Bayonne, Alva had offered her all the forces of Spain to extirpate the religion. The Cardinal de Bourbon had told [Condé] one evening in 111 his bedroom at Paris that he could have the office of Constable on the death of Montmorency. Later the Queen had told him that the Constableship was not to be filled up, but that he should be Lieutenant-General. in spite of this, on the instigation of the Cardinal of Lorraine, they had tried to seize him, the Admiral and D’Andelot. He admitted that the Swiss had been summoned by his advice at the time of the Spanish march, but long after that they were brought to the Court—a strange thing during peace in France. It was said before him at Lansac’s table that. they were in France to make war on the Huguenots, and that the King had armed the Parisians for the same purpose. They had therefore armed in self-defence. [Zuleger] also questioned the gentlemen who were with Condé and was assured that there was private cause for the quarrel. Duke John Casimir said the same, and handed him for delivery to the Elector a letter which he had received from the King, dissuading him from joining Condé. [Zuleger] adds that the King is expecting forces from the Pope, this being proved by an intercepted letter to Vielleville, enclosed. By the same letter it seems that the latter was charged by the King’s Brother to corrupt John Casimir’s Reiters. One Mandesloe had been sent for the same purpose. Particulars are iven of the forces With Condé, with whom the writer spent 6 even days. [Zuleger’s name appears from the Elector’s reply to the King. See Cal. S.P. Foreign, Elie, 1568, Jan. 19. The document is incomplete, and no enclosures are given] 24 pp. French. (11.485.) [THOMAS BLOUNT to the EARL OF LEICESTER] [l567.]—Being sent for this Saturday he found the Lord Steward [Pembroke], the Marquis [of Northampton], Lord Arundel, the Lord Admiral [Clinton], and Mr. Secretary, and was asked by the latter what John Appleyard [half- brother to Amy Robsart] had said to him in a matter touching Lord Leicester. He replied that his Lordship [Leicester] having been told by William Huggons, Appleyard’s brother, that Appleyard had been practised with by certain persons, sent him to Appleyard, who at first would say nothing, .nor write, hlS letters having been opened. On a second v1s1t he said that he would tell the matter as to a friend, but not to dehver over. “ Shutting the door, he began to say, Mr. Blount, if I would be a villain to my Lord I could have money and friends great and good. . . . There came to me a man, , as 'I judge, he said, a waterman, into the garden at Hampton Court, and delivered me a letter wherein I was called to come over the water alone, and there I should -find a man alone that had to say to me in great matters, and secret. 112 Whereupon . . . after debating the matter with himself, . . . [he] went over the water and there found a man like a merchant (and a merchant he was) who drawing near him, saluted him. . . . Then said the merchant, Sir, I am not acquainted with you, nor you with me, but I have matters of great weight and secresy to impart with you, the which if you will promise . . . to keep private I will impart with you, if not I will say nothing. . . . Then say on, said Appleyard, I will keep the secret, but what is your name? Nay, said the merchant, by your leave before I tell you my name you shall be sworn upon a book. . . . Now, said the merchant, I am a messenger to you from such persons (and so he named them) in this sort. They say they know you are ungently handled at my Lord of Leicester’s hands. . . . If you will join with them who do mind to charge him with certain things, . . . you shall lack neither gold or silver, and one of the things . . . is the death of your sister [Amy]; another is that my Lord of Leicester is the only hinderer of the Queen’s marriage. . . . And further the merchant said, I will bring you to a house, upon your promise made, Where you shall find upon a board 1,000l. . and shall have from time to time as much as you shall require. . . . Appleyard answered and ‘ said . . . my Lord of Leicester is better my good lord than he is reported to be. . . . I will neither for gold or friend stand against him, but am and will be his to death . . . and so departed.” Blount asked Appleyard to come to Lord Leicester and tell him who these be and what they would charge him with, and name to him this merchant. He agreed to this, but not to give the merchant’s name, being sworn. But he would point him out with his finger. Blount delivered this to the Earl, but Appleyard not coming as promised, went to him again, and on his way found Huggons who said that he had told the Earl of this practice, and had seen a man come into the garden, and deliver Appleyard the letter willing him to go over the Water. He had gone up into the leads and seen the merchant speaking with him. There were also not near but apart two men in tawny coats. He could not get the merchant’s name from Appleyard, but he said that those he should join were Norfolk, Sussex, Thomas Heneage and others. Though he judged naught of the matter in view of the goodness of them named, he promised to deal with Appleyard that he should tell Leicester. Hearing no more, after some days the Earl sent to Blount from Greenwich, where the Court lay, to bring Appleyard to him, which he did. My Lord Marquis was then with Leicester. (The Marquis said that he remembered this.) Within a few words the Earl became so angry with Appleyard that it seemed that, if they had been alone, he would have drawn his sword upon him. He bade him depart and to Blount said that he was a very villain. [The MS. ends here.] 8 1020. Copy or draft. (II. 717.) 113 With this compare Appleyard’s examination, Calendar of Cecil Papers, Vol. I., p. 350. Sir HENRY NORREYS to the EARL 0F LEICESTER. 1567L-8], Jan. 29. Paris.——Has received the Earl’s letters by Henry Crispe and understands the indiscreet and unhonest dealings of Genney [Jenye] whom he sends to make his purga— tion. Thanks the Earl for helping him by words to Sir Thomas Gresham, and for being suitor to the Queen to lend him 1,000 crowns. From his wife he understands Barnaby’s good will to return to Paris, but considering the danger to himself, it was best that it fell out as it did ; Barnaby has as yet received small thanks for his service. There has been great difficulty in obtaining messengers. George Glover, a denizen here, being wont to convey my letters over into England is suspected and no Englishman allowed in his house. Has obtained the King’s letters for redress thereof, which hitherto has taken no more effect than those written for Montague, who by his own folly is yet in prison, boasting, it is said, that he was sent by the Earl to Condé. [The rest of the letter is to the same effect as letter to Cecil of same date, S.P. Foreign, Elia] Endorsed, Sir Henry N oryce, 29 Jan., 1567. Postscript [on another sheet]. The 27th came a trumpet from de Bocral, Governor of Orleans; the officers there, in reply to the King’s order to come to him, declare the impedi— ments of their stay. Longueville has gone to Condé’s camp to treat for peace, and Montmorency and Danville have sent La Planche on their behalf to that end. The Queen also has sent Sirlande, master of her household, to the Duchess of Ferrara at Montargis to be a means to it. “ They‘ begin to forthink them in overstepping so fair a commodity .as was lately proffered.” The Admiral has crossed the Seine at Chétillon. 5% pp. Seal. Endorsed: Jan., 1567. (II. 213.) Sir HENRY NORBEYS to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1568 [endorsement], March 30. Paris—The contents are included in his letter of the same date. [See Cal. S.P. Foreign, Elia] (I. 771.) DR. JOHN MAN to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1568, April 4. Madrid—J have declared to Wrygomes [Ruy Gomez] and to Don Antonio de _ Toledo your good inclination to the King’s and their desne for 811‘ Francns Englefield, and that you will proceed as you see convement, albeit you do not yet find her Majesty safe to be entreated in that case. From answering the King in this case, “ yet I am strangely detained blyj the misliking of the other pomt exaggerated to the ng and Council by the Ambasszdpr’s l/i 114 letters there hence. I mean the demand of equality of liberty in religion for me and my household here . . . as is permitted tohis Ambassador in England. This pill seems so much against their stomach that it distempers both the King and his Council only to smell or savour of it, but in no case they will be induced to taste of it or swallow it down. These sixteen days I have procured audience . . . with all diligence I could.” I am ashamed of the contempt towards the Queen. I beseech you take the relation of the bearer. I suppose young Mr. Harrington is arrived there. He has many good parts. You may work a good deed to bring him into love of his own country and to help him to some provision or stay of living there so that he may lose desire to return to Spain. For other occurrences I send my whole calendar of this month past, and beg you to help to rid me out of this disdainful country. I had liever serve the Queen in a right base place at home. 1% pp. signed, with enclosure following. From the first to the last of March. Mr. Shelley’s letter to me written from Malta and of his altercation for preceding with the Prior of Messina ; the word of his seal patriarum opum ewcubitor. The plague was so great last winter at Constantinople that the Turk’s purposes are somewhat altered forthis year. The Turk this year maketh no war against any part of Christendom. His force by sea not great. The peace not yet concluded between the Emperor and the Turk. The French Ambassador informeth me that the French King revoked his Ambassador resident in the Court of Portugal because certain of the Ambassador’s servants were troubled for religion and that from henceforth in that respect the French King will have no Ambassador in Portugal. Notwithstanding my denunciation unto this King of her Majesty’s misliking that de Feria did intermeddle to hinder justice betwixt- two of her subjects in main- tenance of Burlace against the Earl of Arundel, the King hath now restored Burlace unto his place in Milan, and Whereas he gave him before 20 ducats by the month he hath nowr increased it to 30. And Whereas according to the Queen’s command by her letter, I charged Burlace to repair home to England the Duke of Feria commanded him not to go. The warrant of 12,000 florins for the aid of the English fugitives in Flanders according unto a bill of names has been renewed, besides sundry pensions of 400 and 500 ducats as to Dr. Story and others, so that in my account the King bestoweth among men of our nation above 20,000 florins yearly. 115 The Prince of Castile’s cause is put unto the deter- mination of the law and counsellors retained for him and others for the King; he is never like to return to liberty. It is reported that there be in this Court two Ambassadors of England, one for the Queen and the State, and the other for the Catholics and good Christians whose entertainment comes very slowly thence. The Marquis of Pescara, Viceroy of Sicily, departs to the charge within 20 days. Don John of Austria is made lieutenant—general of. all the King’s galleys. Don Luys de Sunyca, Commendador Major of Castile, departs hence very shortly as his lieutenant. This King’s Ambassador writes from England to certain noblemen here that most part of England are Catholics and that the Queen is inclined that way also. The King determines to do some exploit either upon Busia [Bougie] or some other port toward Algeria, and not yet known What he will do. 800,000 ducats are levied yearly in his spirituality by the Pope’s grant towards the maintenance and furniture of his galleys. The Prince of Orange’s son arrived into Spain. The religious men’s persuasion to the King is that he must of necessity bend all his power against Lutherans and first against England, else that he shall not be able to sit long quiet in Spain, and for that intent they willed him to make peace with the Turk. - This King has written to the French King that he will utterly forsake him in case he make any peace with the Huguenots or not persecute them to the uttermost. Twelve captains arrived here sent from Flanders to levy each of them an ensign of footmen, besides six others appointed here before, as that it is thought to return with them by sea to Flanders. The French Ambassador told me he perceived this King is in some doubt of France lest falling to agreement they might both parts join to set upon Flanders, Navarre or Milan. The Ambassador of Polonia arrived here to demand of this King restitution of the Duchy of Barry [Bari] 1n the realm of Naples, the heritage of the King of Poland from his mother Madame Bona [Sforza, daughter. of the Duke of Milan], which this King detains from .him. I am informed that the Duke of Feria mishketh somewhat with the King’s Ambassador there because he is cold and therefore not meet to serve in that place. The Commendators of the order of St. John have of ‘\ 116 late assembled themselves at a chapter and have levied among them 12,000 ducats to be made over for this country to the aid and relief of them of Malta. It is reported that there were made over into Flanders for the king’s use last month 20,000,000 ducats. The King of Spain is sundry times touched with the gout. Advices come from Constantinople of January that the Turk arms forthwith 180 galleys and faster-s besides mahonas which serve for carriage of artillery and horse to assemble all within the gulf. One of the lineage of the Moors of Arabia revolted against the Turk against whom he hath sent great power under the conduct of the Begles Bey of Damascus. An Ambassador has arrived at Constantinople from the Sophy of Persia, and as it is supposed a peace concluded betwixt the Turk and the Sophy. A truce is likewise concluded betwixt 'the Emperor and Turk. 3 pp. [Enclosure ends.] (I. 775.) Sir HENRY NORREYS to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1568, April 8. Paris.——To the same effect as his letter to the Queen of same date. [See Cal. S.P. Foreign, Elia] 1% pp. (I. 783.) ' The SAME to the SAME. 1568, April 30. Paris.~By your letter of the 9th I find you know the insufficiency of him Whom necessity causes me to use. Hitherto he has served me as I might very ill have Spared him, and has cast himself into such danger as I could get none other to do for love or money. Yet I am not so addicted to my own opinion but am to be ruled by your direction. The 23rd inst. one came to me sent from the Prince and the Admiral to know whether you sent two bags, the one to the Prince, the other to the Admiral, and whether the messenger did speak with you, the Earl of Bedford, Lord Cobham, and Sir N. Throgmorton “who, as he declared you said, had lem'ed three score thousand crowns among you besides that the Queen would give for her part. And that you knew not how to send but by the Elector Palatine. Their desire . . . is to know whether this be true, and whether the Queen has given her consent to this your collection or not. The latter part of your letter I have fulfilled, as to put them in comfort of good will towards them, whereof as you very truly say there hath been some doubt. Otherwise things had not fallen out as new they have, and as it may appear . . by the Edicts sent to you, notwithstanding the which . . I much doubt the continuation 117 of this peace, since the proclamation whereof there have been and daily are such murders committed upon them of Religion . . at Paris, Lyons, Amiens, Rouen and elsewhere in France, where not only they refuse the Edict to be proclaimed, but the Protestants desiring to repair to their houses as they enter the gates . . are . . murdered. . So cruel a nation hath not . . been read of, that would to their own countrymen work such horrible cruelty." Wherefore I shall not marvel if her Majesty’s subjects find small justice, since their own cannot be admitted thereto. Instead of reformation of these 'cruel facts, the 28th inst. here was proclaimed that no assemblies should be made either about preaching or otherwise; and that in Paris or the faubourgs thereof none should use any service in their houses other than the mass, upon pain to them in the house to be put to the sword and the house razed to the ground, which, as I learn, is an Italian device. These extremities give me to think that for their safety the Prince and his associates must return to their arms, and the war be more cruel than hitherto. The Dauphin has entered Orleans and keeps it for the King. It is much feared that execution will be done on them of religion, without God be merciful to them. The Cardinal of Lorraine is feared to be working to get affairs into D’Anjou’s hands, and so, by his youth andfim- efficiency, usurp the Government again at his pleasure, but the Queen—Mother will not like thereof and Montmorency will withstand it. I hear of great words between them this (13. . 3Sllou may find this strange but it is from the mouth of him who was privy to it. Ramus [Ramée] said the Prince Will never consent though much desired by others, to require help of the Queen, which now I find was the occasion of 1115 strange dealings in that behalf fearing lest having set in foot, that were not easily removed again. . . Postscript.-I praise God for the great Justice‘that I hear done there by your honour to the disobedient 1n causes of religion. - I lack only a messenger to convey your iron vessel to you, which you shall receive by the next. that cometh. . Partly in cipher (italicized above) dectphered and the translatwn then erased. 1g p. (I. 787.) RICHARD ONSLOW to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1568, May 8.-—-Mr. Secretary sent for Mr. Justice Cams and me by the Queen’s command to consrder how Justice might be administered in the Duchy Court by comm1ss10n during the avoidance of the Chancellorship. I could not . , . . t wait 11 on Mr. Secretary myself, being unable to go out wrthou pain t is five weeks. I conferred Wlth Mr. J ustice Carus, 118 who came to me for that purpose, and have made search among the records of the Duchy and find not that the office was ever executed by commission, but from time to time shortly after the death of a Chancellor a new was made by letters patent until the time of Sir Ambrose Cave whose patent is not enrolled in my oflioe. I sent to Mr. Secretary by my brother, attending Mr. Justice Carus thither, a note of the patents of fourteen Chancellors before Sir A. Cave, and the precedents of the patents that have been made to the Chancellors, not knowing how the present bestowing or deferring of the same office may concern or touch the Queen’s service. Also there be very many come out of Lancashire and other counties which have to do in the Duchy Court, some for the proceeding and hearing of their causes according to days appointed in the last term, some other upon process at the suit of the Queen or divers of her subjects, which look and attend daily at the Duchy Court for justice, which they cannot receive until a Chancellor be made. 1p. (I. 1791.) JOHN WOOD to Sir NICHOLAS THROGMORTON. 1568, May 14. Glasgow.—-—“ These late mutations chanced to us to whom novelties are no novelties so well are we accus- tomed with changes.” The Queen escaped from Lochleven by means of a brother of the Lord thereof called George Douglas, who trafficked with my Lord of St. Andrew’s and Lord Herries to that efiect. She went to Hamilton and remained there from 2nd to 12th inst. Then, about the 12th, moved, as we believed, against us with the Hamiltons, the Earls of Argyle, Casellis, Eglint-on, Rothes, Lords Herries, Yester and many others. They were betwixt 5,000 and 6,000. We, seeing them keep towards Paisley, hastened towards them with the Earls of Morton, Mar, Glencairn, Graham, Monteith, Lords Hume, Lindsay, Ruthven, Ochiltree, and many of the chief professors of these parts. Our avant-guards having rencontered with spears, “it was hard fochten more than a large quarter of an hour, and then with the slaughter of six score or thereby of the chief Hamiltons they were overthrown And because we were almost all on foot, the chase was none great.” The Queen fled with Herries towards Dumfries where she is yet. Argyle is in his own country. We with divers prisoners and nine of the field pieces returned to Glasgow. For prisoners there is Lord Setoun, Lord Hackett, alias Lord Ross, the Sheriff of Ayr, Sir James Hamilton, Lord Preston, Lord Inverwyk and other gentlemen of the Hamiltons. This day the Regent has charged the Castle of Hamilton and Drafien and rides towards the same. Robert Melville was with the Queen against her will and is now stayed by one of ours ; as he is not a le to do his duty to you, I supply his room. The French Ambassador is not yet departed but the esper- ance of support thence is all our adversaries now lean upon. wrflrxwr-wj'.w » , . p 119 If “ Herries, doublcst and craftiest in Scotland were once att under, this matter were at good point. It shall be more easy to handle Huntley and Argyle nor him.” 1% p. (I. 795.) Sir WILLIAM CECIL to the EARL OF LEICESTER. 3 w‘mngi’l" l ’ M 156%, May 15.-“ I have no great matter, at the least no comfortable to write. The matters of religion on the other side suffer “ wordly ” persecution daily. Sir Tho. Smyth is come with such answers as were looked for. J l have obtained the Q. Majesty’s permission for my L. of Bedford to stay his journey as his health shall move him. “ The Lords of Scotland have newly suited to the Q. Majesty here to have her favourably persuaded in three things where- upon they are accorded, upon the delivery of the Queen from the servitude of Bothwell, to preserve the Prince and to pursue the murder. Her Majesty liketh not of the two first as not pertaining to her: of the third she doth not mislike, but yet we cannot obtain any resolution what she will do, and it is to be feared that the Lords shall be forced to accept the offers of the French. Her Majesty yesterday once said she would send Mr. Henadg into Scotland, but yesternight she grew therein irresolute. And so I end. “ If Wm. Huggyns be with your Lordship, I pray you let him come with your Lordship that he may be spoken withall upon the sudden, concerning Appleyard, for amongst them they will fall out in their own colours.” 1 p. Holograph. (I. 799.) The DEAN AND CHAPTER OF CHRIST CHURCH to the EARL 0F LEICESTER, CHANCELLOR OF THE UNIVERSITY. 1568, June 16. Christ Church, Oxford—Petition relating to one of their Vicars who had been deprived of his house. 1% p. much torn. Latin. (1. 15.) For cover see Vol. 111., p. 9023. Sir HENRY LEE to the EARL 0F LEICESTER. 1568, July 3. Ausbruck.~——There is with the Prince of Orange a man of great experience, learning and practise in the wars, a deep wit, and now the only practiser between Orange and the rest of the Princes—Fredemck Swarttes [Schwartz]. Coming from Spyers I fell into the company of‘ a Doctor of Civil Law, sent by the Emperor about his especial causes to that town. He assureth me of their deadly hatred to the Duke of Alva, and how much the Emperor misliketh With the Duke’s proceedings in Flanders. The Duke hath sent hlS excuse to the Emperor, and the Palsgrave ‘ hath also sent crying out of the murder of his son-intlaw [816]. 41} pp. The early part of the letter as to the same efiect as that to Cecil of 1568, June 29 [Cal. S.P. Foreign, Elm]. (I. 803.) mi 120 Sir HENRY NORREYS to [the EARL or LEICESTER]. 1568, July 14. Paris.~—«Monluc the 3rd of this present assembled certain gentlemen and soldiers both foot. [torn] to have surprised Montalbon in Gascony, but the inhabitants [tonal prevision for resistance and slew . [tom] and repulsed the rest. The Duke of Guise being Great Master of the King’s houses had commandment the 8th instant that all Protestant officers of the King’s household should be dismissed out of their ordinary. The preceding paragraphs are practically identical with his letter to the Queen. [See Cal. S.P. Foreign, Elia, 1566-53.] 077. the other side of the sheet is the following :——— Sir HENRY NORREYS [to the EARL 011* LEICESTER]. 1568 July 14. Pa1is.~»“ I am in the same doubt as your Lordship touching the Prince and the Admiral for whatsoever fair promises be made their only intent is to intreat these here as others hath done in Flanders” I desire you to provide for the same in time. That the Prince and the Admiral ruined, these intend to do as I have advertised their uttermost to pluck up by the root the whole religion with all the favourers thereof. And where you advise me, for which I most humbly thank you, to let the Queen understand what labour is made to win the Regent of Scotland, I have already advertised Mr. Secretary, in your absence thereof, as also I will do the Queen, Wishing and praying to God that azdmg the Queen of Scots without great circumspect-nose you lose not the Regent, and thereby do put in hazard the loss of the King of Scots which indeed is the mark these shoot at, which in my single judgment doth much appertain to the benefit of your country, wherefore my trust is God will put into your hearts to consider thereof accordingly and that in time. Here is great labour made for aid into Scotland and good hope to attain the same, which I shall be better able to advertize you shortly: in the meantime I will pray that that Queen doth not cause you some unquietness or it be long with her practises both here and there. I wish she might not approach her Majesty for divers respects which you can well consider of.” 2 pp. signed, partly in cipher deciphered : this is printed in italics. Parts of the letter are in his letter to Cecil of the same date. [See Cal. S.P. Foreign, Elie. 1566-8] (I. 807.) WILLIAM, PRINCE OF ORANGE. 1568, July 20.—Declaration of the Prince concerning the occasion of his defence against the tyranny of Alva. English translation. 12 pp. (II. 1.) 121 Sir HENRY NORREYS to the EARL or PEMBROKE, the EARL or LEICESTER and Sir WILLIAM CECIL. 1568, July [about the 20th]. l’aris.~“ The 17th inst. I was requested by the Duke M ontmorencg to come to his house at Ecquan the day following which 1 did. And after having declared to him that. was committed unto me by your Honours’ letters of the 28th of June, as that the matter being moved to your Honours, you would use your credit towards her Majesty, whom you trusted neither could nor would but accept the good will of the Dulce in very good part, whose answer was that he would be very glad to have that honour ascribed to him as to be the instrument of so beneficial a thing as this should be to both the realms, first considering how much his Father and he both were, and he yet is, bound to her Majesty, wishing there were some occasion presented to make proof of his fidelity towards her Majesty to whom, his allegiance reserved, there is not that Prince in Europe he would so soon wish to do some service that might be acceptable as to her Majesty for such honour as it hath pleased her Majesty to bestow upon his Father being of her Majesty's Order, as also upon him being in England; secondly considering the benefit to both the countries he cannot but Wish most earnestly and pray likewise to God to be favourable to this motion and grant it good success. And what he may be advertised by me that seemeth to your Honours most expedient to be done to bring this to good eject he will not fail to use all diligence therein he may possibl . He further declared unto me whereof he desired your onours might be advertised. That since the first overture made hereof, he hath con/erred with the French King, the Queen Mother, M'onsieur the French King’s brother, which all and every one doth marvellously embrace the same, with most earnest request only to be advertised whether her Majesty intendeth to marry or not, which knowing all labour and diligence shall be used in that behalf and with all speed possible. And hereby also he trusteth that the Cardinal of Lorraine shall be frustrate of his design, who, he saith, seeketh all means to do for you that already he hath done for them; further the Duke required I would advertise your Honours that it is found strange that the Queen of Scots should have letters brought to her thither and from thence conveyed Ihzther and the parties not discovered which can not be done without great prejudice to her Majesty, which he mostearnestly Wisheth your Honours to remedy in time, othermse 11; Will breed great inconvenience or it be long.” Here both parties are attentive what will be the success of Flanders. . At Rouen the Governor Carougis hath lost hlS charge and Bryotte is placed there. Since Coquevflle’s coming to St. Valery divers of Rouen have gone to him, Whlch hath caused the town to be more straightly warded than before. 122 Here hath been an inquisition throughout the whole city what strangers and others be lodged here, to whom they appertain, and of what religion they be. Such as be not dwellers, and suspected to be of the Religion are commanded to depart the town. In this search murders have been com- mitted and men found dead, their heads being cut off and cast away, whereby they might not be known. During this inquisition Teligny was sent hither to the King from the Prince ; he so hardly escaped as I think him rebuked from coming here again. Capt. Coqueville being besieged at St. Valery in Caux by Marshal dc Cossé has slain six of the Marshal’s company, but he and the rest of his company are in great danger to be lost. Condé has disavowed him. News is not allowed to come from Flanders, but I send copy of a letter brought by Teligny and presented to the Queen, delivered to him by an unknown person. You may consider the mislike had of both sorts of Religion of the Government of this country. (Postscript.)—I now learn of some privy to the Prince’s aflairs that Coquevflle did it in Picardy upon intelligence with other captains of Flanders. Having 3,000 shot and four guidons of arquebusiers and pistcliers he would have entered into Flanders according to his appointment, but the Flemings said it was not yet time, and that he should hover until Orange’s coming down. Finding preparations made by the Spaniards on one side to stop his entry into Flanders and by de Cossé on the other so that he could not lodge his companies in the villages, he dismissed his men and retired to St. Valery, as being near the forest of Ardein, but Cossé got between him and the forest. He is determined when extremity drives him thence to come by sea to England. 2% pp. ; partly cipher deciphered; the cipher words are printed in italics. (II. 19.) Sir HENRY NORREYS to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1568, July 29. Paris.-The city of Lyons was of late nearly surprised, the Sergeant—Major of the citadel having intelligence with divers of the Religion in the city and with others that were fled to Bréle, not far from thence. The citadel was to be delivered. on Mary Magdalene Eve, but it being discovered, the Sergeant was arrested at a. Captain’s house whither he was invited to that end, and, resisting, he was slain with another Captain, and three others were taken and executed, after examination. Briague, the Governor, has sent in writing to the King the confessions of. the parties; and the Prince’s [2:13. Condé’s] adversaries bruit that he was consenting to this practise. Capt. Coqueville and three others were beheaded at Abbe— ville last Monday; 36 in all are condemned, besides many that were slain and cast into the river after their entry into St. Valery. 123 .The 27th inst. Clermont d’Amboise was presented to the King, and well received, not having been at Court since the troubles. The King has been sick, and is still in danger, blood having been let twice. The Court is still ordered by the Cardinal of Lorraine; the Prince of Condé remains at Noyers in Burgundy, the Admiral at Taules, and D’Andclott at La Valle in Brittany. [Ct letter to Cecil of same date, Cal. S.P. Foreign, Elia] [In another hand partly in ctpker’“ partially deciphered :] I now learn from the Admiral, the Cardinal de Chattllon and Montmorency that the Cardinal of Lorraine has sent certain Italians to England to work treason to the Queen. I cannot get their names. One Griffin that hath lately been with you and is much conversant with the ambassador of France wishes to tell you that you receive but few letters whereof the ambassador has not shortly after the receipt thereof good advertisement of their efleet. 1i p. (II. 17.) Sir FRANCIS KNOLLYS to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1568, Aug. 1. Bolton Castle, late in the night.——“ I received at this instant your Lordship’s letter of the 29 of July whereby I perceive that her Highness findeth fault that notwithstanding her sundry sendings unto me to know the wants of the Scottish Q. for all kinds of furniture for her self, as bedding, plate, vessel, and such other necessaries: And also for her stable and all things thereto appertaining: That yet I have not advertised particularly and fully thereof as appertained. . . . I thought my forbearing to write for bedding, plate, vessel and such other necessaries had been a sufficient argument that here was no great want thereof : And in very deed this house, with the aid of my L. Scroop’s friends, is very honourably furnished with hangings, and bedding, and conveniently with cupboard plate and silver vessel, but because my L. Scr00pe is presently ridden to Carlisle for 4 or 5 days, therefore until his return I can not certainly advertise how long his friends can forbear their lent plate and stuff now occupied in this house : Wherefore if by your L. means we may be advertised how long this Q. shall remain here (by the time of your advertisement thereof) I doubt not but upon my L. Scroope’s return hither we shall be able to satisfy her Highness’ desire, signifying whether any wants shall be needful to be supplied or not in that behalf. “ But as for the staying of the letter at Dankester [Doncaster]. and of Mr. Skypworth’s stay of bringing of horses for this 0,, to Carlisle, my letters to Mr. Secretary of the 28 of June and of the 5 of July and of the 7 of July do witness that I am not guilty of their stay. I24 “ This Q hath three woman’s saddles here and sundry cover- ings and furniture for her own saddle, which do serve for her riding and hunting here about this house, although they be not very fair: but- here are 7 waiting women (such as they be) with the master cook’s wife, for supplying and furnishing of which number from Carlisle hither we shifted with borrowing to their contentation sufficiently as it happened, yet not Without trouble and. travail for the same. As touching the litter, this Q. hath no delight to use the same, but if she shall journey from hence any whither (to meet with misadventures of falls or sickness by the way) I think it honourable for her Highness that she should have a litter to attend upon her Grace, but during the time of her Grace’ s remaining here I see no need of a litter, but you had need to send 2 or 3 horses hither for her own saddle, for she rides of none of her own. We have borrowed one horse of Sir George Bowes that serves her turn, hitherto she hath ridden of one of my L. Scroope’s that is now hurt. I have sayed [sic] one of myne with a woman’ s saddle to serve her, but as yet no woman hath ridden on him, and therefore his service is doubtful, although he be well liked of her servants that hath ridden on him with a woman’s saddle.” One Douglas, 3. Scot, who says he is my Lord Deputy of Ireland’s man, came to me yesterday, saying that he has b0ught~ Wines in Scotland for his master; while shipping them to Ireland, he heard that Alexander Oeg [McDonnell], brother to Sorlebose [Sorley Boy] and both of them lords of Kantire were agreed that Sorley Boy being aged and broken with late O’Neil’s detaining of him in prison, should remain in Kantire, and that Alexander Oeg should go with 800 men, levied there and in the isles near, to Ireland to attain their patrimony in the Glyns and the Roate by the assistance of Turlogh Leynogh, but Alexander asking more of the revenues of Kantire than Sorley Boy would grant, the agreement broke. Whereupon one Mackalervie [McAlester] born in Ireland and “ being a shifter sometime in Ireland and sometime in the Out Isles of Scotland,” with 400 of these levied men, is gone to Ireland. Whereof you may inform the Lord Deputy. This Queen had news this evening out of Scotland that she likes not, but what it is I know not 2 pp. Seal. (II. 23.) Sir HENRY N 0BREYS to [the EARL or LEICESTER]. 1568, Aug. 2. Pafis.~—Letteis from Antwerp tell of a. further loss received by Ludovic of N auceau [Nassau] since his retreat from Groningen. Being within a league and a half of Emden, Alva, staying behind himself, sent two guidons of vantcurriers, five ensigns of Spaniards and two of Burgundians, a few of Whom approaching the trenches skirmished with the scouts, and one of the captains desperately 125 entering the trenches, the others followed and slew 5 or 6 men unprovided. The rest fled thinking they were attacked by the whole army. The Count was forced to pass the river in a small boat, which being afterwards taken, he is not found, and rumour hath it that he is drowned. Much booty was taken, and none of reputation slain on Alva’s side but Don Grazias Maurice. The Duke himself, ordering that none should enter any ground of the Empire, retired into Friesland. The state of the Religion here did partly depend upon the success of the wars in Flanders, and they now decline. If Orange had come with expedition as was looked for, neither had matters stood in these perilous terms in Flanders, nor the breaking of the Edict been so quietly passed over in France. Marshal de Cossé, returning from the taking of St. Valery, sent to demand of Bouchevannes, Lieutenant to Condé, if he would not receive 2 or 3 bands into the castle of Durlans. He asked for 2 or 3 days to resolve thereof, but the Marshal marched towards him, when he received the garrison into the Castle, insinuating himself in the Marshal’s favour, saying that the King might bestow a better charge of him, seeing he was well afiected to deserve the same. The siege of Rochelle is continued by Vielleville and Monluc. Those of Rochelle have lately sallied forth and taken some towns near. It is thought they will abide the extreme. The Duke Chatelhérault minds to depart hence shortly for Scotland with 1,500 arquebusiers out. of Britany of Monsr. Martigues’ appointing, to land at Dumbritton [Dum- barton]. 1%- p. Part of this letter is contained in Norreys’ letter to Cecil of same date (See Cal. S.P. Foreign, Elie.) (II. 27.) EDWARD [LORD] HASTINGS to the EARL OF LEICESTER. 1568‘ [endorsement], Aug. 2. Loughborough.~I have granted to Mr. Killigrew, your servant, the stewardship you did write for, and am glad to have pleasured him, both because he is so faithful a servant to you, and for the liking I have to all his race for their truth toward your Lordship. Resting as you will command me without spot or wrinkle, &c. Holograph. :31). Seal. (II. 29.) WW [LORD] COBHAM to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1568, Aug. 3. Cobham.——Letters from Aachen of July 23 say that the Prince is. ready to be in the field by Aug. 1. He has of late bought at Cologne 150,000 dollars of armour, and the Lansgrave Wane [van] Essyne has lent him 200,000 dollars upon his land, and the Duke of Brunswick as much more. Ludovic is nearer Holland, and would give battle to the Duke, but he rather seeks to weary him than to fight. Last Thursday came over a Walloon, of St. Thomeres [St Diner}, who serves 126 under Monsr. Dereu [? Roeulx]. Watch was laid on him, and ,being enquired what he sought, he said he came to speak with one Charle [MS torn]; he was answered that he was departed hence; next day he rode to Sandwich, and was searched for letters, but had none. At length he confessed that Alva had sent him over to see whether there were any men ready to embark, and had allowed him 43. a day; upon his return he thought he should be sent again, at which time he promised, if well rewarded, to confess all that was given him in charge. Neither the French nor Fleming sleeps. What their meaning is to double the garrison at Calais, Boulogne and Dieppe, I dare not judge. I have Often requested her Highness to have consideration of her frontier in this shire. In sundry doubtful times I have been commanded to lie on the frontier (to my great charges)——a show to small terror to the enemy, for what can one with a few do? Things ought to be well digested while opportunity serves, lest that being taken away, hurt and shame come of it. 1% p. Seal. (II. 33.) Sir HENRY NORREYS to the EARL 0F LEICESTER. 1568, Aug. 7. Paris.-——Murders and injuries are daily done to the Protestants. Robert Stewarde‘“ will inform you of the proceedings here. Rochelle now stands upon composition, requiring to have V ielleville, or one of his assignment for their Governor. They stand upon some things not yet accorded upon. Upon the determination to besiege Rochelle, Octavian Fregoso, General of the King’s Galleys, caused divers to be put in equipage at Marseilles, and other great vessels at Bordeaux and Nantes. If not employed at Rochelle, I fear the ships in Britany shall convey some force to Scotland. The Duke doth depart hence, as he giveth forth, for Geneva, but I secretly understand he means to return to Scotland. Postscript—J cannot yet attain to further knowledge of the Italian, whereof the Admiral and Chatillon require me to give advertisement to the Queen. Steward will tell you on his arrival all he knows. 1} 12. Seal. (II. 37.) WILLIAM [LORD] COBIIAM to the EARL 0F LEICESTER. 1568 [endorsement], Aug. 13. Cobham.-——I thank you for recommending my suit to the Queen for forseying [sic] and providing of these her frontier places. “Among divers and sundry storms some calms do chance that doth revive doollte [sic] spirits as now the coming of the Prince of Orange who has the leeding of 8,000 horsemen and 20,000 footmen, the horsemen already paid for three months. ” The Count Palatine of J A-“ ._. - . .. . _.__ M ..... .m.,.~-.......-._,..._._..m~w_ ..... * The words printed in italics are in Norreys’ cipher. 127 the Rhine has written to the Emperor, in excuse for dealing in this matter that his brother-in-law Egmont has been put to death. The Duke of Bavaria, being requested to stop the passages and aid the Papists, has refused. There is a practice which if it takes place Alva shall hardly escape it. A book has been set forth in French and Italian touching their proceedings. Count Ludovic is gone towards his brother; his last loss grew upon a retire commanded by the Prince, for that he had discovered a treason in his camp which could only be prevented if he removed; upon these advertisements he communicated to the rest who consented, but it was contended whose regiment should pass the river first ; this was decided by lot, and it fell to “ Conte,” who passed, and so did the second; the third under Count Swaysseyngborg, where the treason lay hid, began to cry for gelt or money, or else they would not march ; the Count answered that it was time to fight, not to receive pay; the leaders of the Duke’s men, who were made privy of this treason, came upon them; they yielded, and a great number were slain. Emden might have been betrayed, for the Burgomaster was won and promised to be made Earl of Emden; his son, faring not well at supper, said openly to the servants that shortly he hoped their fare would be amended, for says he “ My Father is like to be Earl of this country.” These words sounded not well to one of the maids, and remembering that there were often conferences by night, and late going up and down which commonly was not used, she bragged this secret conference to the Pastor ; he told the Count, who set a watch, and suffering one to pass late out of the Burgomaster’s house, had him followed and taken as he was passing the water; he was kept secret. A letter was found about him, importing the delivering of the keys of the town. The Earl called the Estates to the market place, requiring their aid in a matter of importance. “ You have heard of late a muttering of treason, but hitherto it has not been discovered, but I have found the traitor and the treason. What will you have done? ” They said "' Let him have his desert.” He commanded the Burgomaster to be taken. He was counted so upright a man that the company seemed not to allow of it. The Count charged him : he denied it. “ I have thy letter.” “It was none of mine.” “If thou canst that prove, I will openly here promise to make thee satisfactlon and upon my knees a'sk thy mercy.” Then spake the Count to the assembly, “ Shall he be put to torture to see whether he will confess it? ” They cried “Yea, Yea.” He was racked and confessed, and was executed. 3 pp. Seal. (II. 41.) Sir HENRY NORREYS to [the EARL or LEICESTER]. 1568, Aug. 14. Paris—J learn from “ a Scottishman of the Duke of Chatelhérault’s own company that he departeth out 128 of hand from hence towards Orleans, and so goeth straight to Nantes in Britany, where he shall embark with certain soldiersthat Martigues hath levied for him, and taketh his voyage into Scotland, minding toland (as his first determination was) at Dumbrytton, his intent to depart hence is at the farthest by the 16th of this present. I find his whole intent is to trouble what he may the peace of that country. . . . I wish (without offence to God) he might drink as much in the sea as he hopeth to gain in the land. . . . My trust is your Honour will in good time prevent the inconvenience that hereof may ensue, and so much the rather that you know the guidcr of this enterprise, more affectionate at all times to pleasure the French, being also to his own advantage, than to seek the welfare of his country . . . By as much as I can gather by that hath proceeded from you, these his attempts will nothing better the Queen her Majesty’s state, who serveth him for a shadow in his doings. But in the end I fear this feigned pity he beareth towards her will resolve into open ambition, Where— unto I think him apt enough of his own inclination and much encouraged thereunto by such as be his chief counsellors and directors in all his proceedings in this Court. God prosper them according to their meaning, which will not be otherwise I trust, than with their own confusion, for they intend to kindle new fire in that Realm, and do boast already their party there and friends in England to be very great, insomuch that lately they have said that the number of.the Queen’s friends are greater there with you than either in France or Scotland. But .1 think since this man meaneth that force shall try right, the honourable means that her Majesty goeth about to seek to appease these troubles will serve to small effect . . . since the Duke intendeth, as may appear, to work his designs whilst the matters of pacification shall be treated upon.” Postscript—4 beseech your Honour that such of my own servants as be there may be returned hither with Speed. Shortly La Rochelle shall be besieged, which now is the only refuge of them of the Religion, and as yet I hear of no prepara- tions for the defence of it. It is greatly sought that answer be made to the letter sent to your Honour, the Lord Steward and Mr. Secretary, whereof they seem very desirous. 2, pp. Part of this letter is contained in Norreys’ letter to Cecil of same date. [See Cal S.P. Foreign, Elia] (II. 45.) JOHN [MERSHE] to 1568, Aug. 15. Antwerp—I sent an express to Cologne and beyond; he saw large numbers of horse and foot on both sides of the Rhine, but dared not tarry till the Prince were in the field for fear of stopping the passages; the Prince and the nobles who have joined him will have 20,000 foot .and 7,000 horse, besides 2,000 horse to be brought by the Duke of Brunswick at his own charge. Count Ladron leaves this town, 129 of which he has charge, to—morrow; Mons. de chx, who had charge of the frontiers of Flanders, is looked for to take his place. The Italians report 2,000 horse coming to the Duke from Germany. and 3,000 Italians, and that the Prince has 8,000 horse and 30,000 foot. There is still persecution in these parts and (MS. torn] have been taken in this town in the night . . . especially scholars. Postscript.—~A letter from Cologne of the 12th reports that the Prince will set forward within 10 days to take possessicm of Breda. The Prince of Spain has died in prison. and Monsr. Montanye [ Montignyl is executed. 1 p. Tom. (I. 421.) to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1568, Aug. 22. Romersdorf..-~—The bearer Dolheim will tell you the occasions which have reduced me to write to you as the last remedy against the cruelties of Alva. l p. French. Signature tom of] ,' no endorsement nor seal. (11. 47.) CHARLES IX or FRANCE. 1568, Aug. 25. Boulogne.”Proclamation of the King of France on the protection of those of the Religion. 1 11. French. Printed broadside. given in Calendar of SP. Foreign, Elia, under data. (II. 51.) LIST of HonsnMEN of WILLIAM or ORANGE. [1568,] Aug. 26. Camp [at Romersdorf].«—List of horsemen and their commanders under William of Orange, 7,550 in all. 1p. (TI. 6“.) Sir HENRY NORREYS to the [EARL OF LEICESTER]. 1568, Aug. 27. Paris—Eldontmorency is earnest to have answer of such matters as I dealt with him by your directions. Lately there was suspect of the Roysters ” coming into France ; the forces of Brisac and Stozzi, levied for the siege of Rochelle march towards the frontiers, but this fear is passed over. Messengers were sent to Condé to promise that the King would regard the observation of the Edict. One of those who went was the Captain of the Guard. He saw no force With Condé, whose mother-in-law, the Marquise of Rothelin, assured the King on the 24th inst. that he did not wish to renew trouble, but had it to heart to see the Protestants so evil intreated. The Cardinal of Lorraine has been here for a. loan, pawning the Clergy lands. . Orange is in the country of Liege, and Alva in Utrecht. Chatelhérault is yet here, but two ships are ready near hantes to convey him to Scotland. I dealt. with him according to her Majesty’s instructions, but fear he will not alter his determinatiOB. p 9 130 The King sends one Mandé, protonotary to the Cardinal of Lorraine, to assist in the assembly on the borders for the Queen of Scot’s cause. 2 pp. (11. 53.) Sir HENRY NORREYS to the [EARL or LEICESTER]. 1568, Aug. 29. Paris—«Such is the time for the Queen to demand her rights as better cannot be desired. I doubt not your answer shall be more reasonable than it was last, the messenger being sufficient. The being of Robert Steward there is well known so that his return cannot be hither without danger. 1 p. Partly cipher deciphered ; the cipher words are printed in italics .' the last two paragraphs holograph. Part of this letter is in N orreys’ letter to the Queen of same date. [See Cal. 0/ S.P.Foretgn, Elie] (II. 55.) Sir HENRY NORREYS to the EARL 0E LEICESTER. 1568, Sept. 2. Paris. I sent Mr. Dauncy in haste, hearing that Chatelhérault leaves to—day by small journeys for Orleans to pass by Nantes to Dumbritton, whereof I marvel, the state of this country well weighed. I trust you will not omit the time which God again has now profered for you to make evin with the French for Calais. D’Anjou leaves on the 7th for Orleans. Condé was at Limozin where companies of the Religion draw to him, contrary to his Eminence’s expectation, who trusted to have surprised him. Postscript.—--——l now hear that Baron de la Garde, captain of the galleys, is gone to Marseilles to take galleys to Rochelle to let, the victualling and land of foreign forces. Mandey [dc Mandel stands still upon his departure to England. 1 p. Partly deciphered ,' the cipher words are printed in italics. (ll. 57.) WiLLIAM [LORD] COBIIAM to the EARL or LEICESTER. [568, Sept. 5. Cobhain Hall.--The courtesy you have shewn to my wife at Killingworth [sic] binds me always to serve you. I am glad to hear that you have passed these dangerous months without sickness. All the Protestants about . Dieppe are assembled at St. Albyn, 2 leagues from Dieppe, and are minded to repair to the Prince at Noyers. One came over yesterday from France who found in all places soldiers gathering for the King for the siege of Rochelle. All the garrisons on the frontiers of Flanders are gone to Maestricht. The Prince [of Orange] cometh not forthward. Alva has taken away the Allemans that were at Antwerp, and has put 600 Spaniards into the Castle and 6 Ensigns of Walloons into the town. WWW" :«V ' r" r‘ 131 Postscript.—-—-The 2nd inst. one wrote that he heard proclaimed at Rouen that it was lawful for any to kill any Protestant that armed himself. 1 39. Seal. (II. 61.) JOHN MERSHE to the EARL or LEICESTER [2]. 1568, Sept. 5. Antwerp—“Advice has come from Cologne that the Prince [of Orange] has passed the Rhine. Van der Bergh left on Aug. 20th with 100 horse, and among them two Spaniards suspected as spies—one was shot, the other fled, and two others were taken in the camp. On Aug. 30th the Prince’s camp was at Duren whence he passed to St. Vyt ; whether he means to pass by Liitzenbourg, Namur, Luke [Liege] or Maestricht is doubtful. A Frenchman reported here that he saw Condé at Hennyng on the Lorraine coast with 5,000 horse. and there is a whispering here that he and Orange will meet, and that Orange will go towards Namur. The last of 10,000 horsemen are reported to have passed the Rhine on the 3rd inst. I enclose copy of a proclamation made here on the 3rd on which a schoolmaster who absented himself, returned and was immediately put in prison. The Lords of Antwerp at the request of certain schoolmasters sent one of the secretaries to the Duke that they and other Burgesses who have absented themselves, showing themselves reconciled to the Catholic Church, might safely return, which message the Duke misliking said that they should have justice. The Bloody Commission, John de Vargas, a Spaniard born, John de Rye, a Spaniard’s son born in Bruges, the l’rocurer— General, and Secretary Misdach (with whom the Spanish Ambassador now in England is thought shall join) arrived here on Monday last and sit searching for some matter against some of those of the Town—house. 1,200 handsome, well appointed Walloons under de Reux arrived on Friday last, and four ensigns more were looked for from Cortrecht. An Englishman, coming with a guide, being three leagues on this side of Maestricht was sent for back again to the Duke and carried bound. The Bishop of Luke, showing friendship to the Duke has so kindled his subjects against him as forsaking the town of Luke, he has placed himself in the castle at Huy. Postscr-ipt.-——Orange is reported to have entered the land of Luxemborg, where Count Mansfeld (whose .son IS fled for a murder) hath the government under the King. This report is confirmed on the Bourse. 2 pp. (II. 65.) Sir HENRY NORREYS to [the EARL or LEICESTER]. 1568, Sept. 6. Paris.——The Court stands in great perplexity, and I believe the Queen “ forthinketh herself to have glven so ”I..." ..._. .bv 132 attentive ear to the Cardinal of Lorraine.” She told me that the King her son, was minded to have peace. These differences may only be appeased by a “ Plein Interim,” Condé not minding to trust the third time to the Edict. The. gensdarmes not being paid are unwilling to return to these troubles, which greatly avails 30ndé, whose soldiers are men of action and fight resolutely for liberty of conscience. Men of judgment 011 this side perceive that these motions are only to content three or four Guizards, and declare how dangerous it is to follow Spanish humours, who are in hope by the common misery of this realm to make profit thereof, a thing as proper to the house of Austria as heat to fire Cami/10.11615 has declared this to the Queen, which she took 111 good part. They now begin to fear a northern storm. Their own consciences accuse them of the injury offered to us, and by their mistrust show us what ought to be done. There has been talk of sending Duke Longueville to treat with Condé, who has taken in their return from here two Presidents of Toulouse, both admitted to the secrecy of the afiairs here. He may draw from them bv extremity what may not be obtained by fair means. They had instructions to proceed against the Protestants in the Parliament Court at Toulouse. Monsr. Grandmont and others in Gascony have declared for the Religion, and it is feared the Queen of Navarre will support the Prince. The King being still sick, the Queen was not willing I should present her Majesty’s letters on behalf of the prisoners at Marseilles, but took them of me promising answer next day. The Physicians bled the King, but from fear or want of blood, none issued forth, and his arm began to swell. The next day the Queen with the Cardinals and Lords came from St. Maur to Paris and went in procession for his recovery. ' Yesterday one du Court, valet of the Kings chamber, said that ac c ording to his promise to you he had drawn her Majestv’s picture one of his master, and two of your Honour. He sends them by Piene Roulet,secreta1§ to the Queen of Scots, a crafty fellow and, greatly of Lorraine’s counsel. The bearer’s business considered has caused me to write more liberally, nothing doubting that he will unrip my letter. I understand no more of Chatelhérault’s determination ; he is already departed. PostscriptmThe King’s recovery is much doubted of at this instant. 3% pp. Partly cipher undec-iphered; the cipher words are printed- in italics. (II. 67.) [Sir HENRY NORRErs] to the EARL or LEICESTER [t]. 1568, Sept. 9. Paris.~The message from her Majesty was of them whom it most touched very ill accepted, though then 133 they made no answer. “ The young Prince never understood afore so much of the Estate of his country as he did by her Majesty’s good means.” 1 shall have much to do to have my letters come safely to your hands. They have already imprisoned one taking away his letter which I sent to her Majesty which as yet I cannot recover. Your servant Barnaby is still prisoner only for sending a letter to Mr. Steward. The letter they have of mine is of importance; the taking of the man was strange in time of peace. I wish they may find the like there [in England]. § 1). partly cipher, deciphered ; the cipher words are printed in. italics. Part of this letter is in. that 0/ Norrcys to Cecil of same date. [See Cal. SP. Forcigm Elia] (II. 71.) WILLIAM [LORD] COBHAM to [the EARL or LEICESTER]. [1568,*] Sept. 10. Cobham Hall.—-—I wrote to Mr. Secretary on the 8th inst. of the arrival of Cardinal Chatillon with 27 of his company. and none of estimation but one that is a Dean. He came yesternight to Canterbury, and tarries there all this day, until one return whom he has sent to the Court. I know not the Queen’s pleasure, but have willed that as he passes, he may be well used. He has a matter to break to her Majesty touching this realm. He has very hardly escaped his enemies. I sent you a copy of a French letter translated of the true news of Orange and his Confederates. The Prince has sent de Lionne and Vom Berghen to Lucke [Liege], and the estate of that country is at the Prince’s devotion. The Bishop and Vitelli are at Huy. 1i p. Seal. Enclosing The translation abovement-ioned.——The horsemen are in the field and increase. The Prince is in person. The world marvels at his credit and the help he has out of Almain. He is now at Breissiche [Breisach] between Linz and Andernaeh, with the Count of Hooustraeton, and Vander Bergh one of the Landgraves with 1113 two bastard brethren the Earl of Barbe.. [torn] and the Signor de Vaulx. There is good store of ordinance, and they mean to march into the Low Countries. Alva fortifies Maestricht that the Prince may not pass the Meuse. g p. (H. 73 and 75.) Sir HENRY NORREYS to [the EARL OF LEICESTER ?]. 1568, Sept. 14. Paris.~—The' adversaries of God’s word of late procured under seal an ordinance to revoke all the Edicts of Pacification and the last protection of the 2nd 1nst., but the negociation which her Majesty gave me in charge to them? . The yéJliéiéig'ii—isd ty";‘.:;';.¢;;sof Cardinal Chatillon’s arrival. 134 has been a bar therein, but they have secret devices to invade throughout France all ministers. I hope “ the mine may light in their- 0an laps.” Only six persons w1re slain at Orleans—not 4, 000 The congregation being at sermon, guarded bv soldiers, the inhabitants mutinied and intended to have slain them all The captain of the VVELI‘dBI‘S fled, but those VVithin defended the place while he raised force and rescued it. Postscript. “What V011 willed me in vour last to do I have made the pa1tV priVV thereof, who thinks the time not con- venient 2 pp. Part of the postscript 1'3 1'71 (,1 letter 0/ Norreys to the Queen, 1568, Sept. 15. [See Cal. 0/ S.P. Foreign, Eli/2.] (II. 79.) Sir HENRY NORREYS to [the EARL or LEICESTER t]. 1568, Sept. 18. Paris. ——I praise God that, “ when many pluck head out of collar,” you manifest yourself one of his. You seem to lament that her Majesty should be driven to show herself more doubtful than heretofore.” The Government here grows to better terms, and that is more perilous to your estate if it were not declared by Lorraine more of cruel spite than otherwise ; very lately he said that some of the noblesse [in England] should aid his enterprises, .. for though there be of his religion too many, yet not so ill-minded, I trust, as not to care for their country. But since the bruit thereof is so great, you will, my trust is, consider thereof accordingly. “ Montmorency is very affectionate to her ilIajesty which I pray may not be forgotten, being one may stand her llrlajesty in great stead.” There is bruit of a battle between Orange and Alva at Maestricht, and that Casimir joined with the Duke of Lunibrook [Luniberg] has 6 ,000 horse, but vet much doubted whether he will join Orange or come into France to Condé. Whe1cof these stand in great doubt and have sent- the Duke d’Aumale to Metz to impeach their coming. § 71. Partly cipher, deciphered the cipher words are printed in italics. (II. 81.) Sir HENRY NORREYS to [the EARL or Lureusrnnt]. [11568,] Sept. 25. Paris—«T0 the same effect as letter to Cecil of this date. [See C'al. SP. Foreign, Elia] There has been a skirmish between Dandelot andl Martigues near Chateaubriant The formei has since passed the Loire. As he passed N 011011 a house of Monsieur Le Grande Escuire” [EcuVer] he rested and dined, and “ had him likewise to the like courtes -'.” 115 p. (I . 753.) Sir HENRY N ORREYS to [the EARL 0F 1.1EICESTER t]. [1568,] Sept. 30. PariswPa'rdy to the same effect- as his letter of this date to the Queen. [See Cal. S.P. Foreign, Elia] 135 The King as the bruit is departeth towards Orleans in a week or ten days, leaving Alencon and Montmorencv to govern here. The King has heard that Martigues and manv of his men have been slain near Ohatillon by some companies of the Admiral’s whom he had outraged. The Queen of Navarre is at Rochelle. 1 3). (II. 597.) THOMAS [EARL or] NORTMUMBERLAND to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1568, Oct. 19. Ieokinfeld.~Requesting an answer by the bearer, his cousin Vavasour, to his suit for license to travel abroad, and for the matter of the mines, in which the judg— ment was on the Queen’s side, his counsel had not seen the records, which moved most of. the best learned to think his title good. 1; p. (11. 85.) Sir R[ALPH] BAGENALL to the Loans [OF THE 00133011.]. 1568, Oct. 29. Warwick Lane.~»~«Advertisements from Antwerp of Oct. 23rd and 24th. The 16th the Duke’s son arrived with 1,500 Spaniards. The 17th he left for his father’s camp, but stayed at Louvain, the passage being dangerous, and returned to Meohlin, but sent two gentlemen to see if he might pass, for that he had letters of importance. They had not gone two leagues before they were taken, and, some report, executed. The Spaniards say that on 20th the Prince lost 3,000 men and the Duke three and ten hurt. The 21st de Reux left with his whole regiment for Brussels, so is neither watch nor ward here now. From Picardy 1,500 horses and 3,000 feet are come to the Prince’s camp. 3,000 more foot and 600 horse are expected. The Prince has taken St. Truyen [St Trond] and Leew, and may come to Tienen [Tirlemont] three leagues from Louvain, which is shut up ; the Duke means to come there soon. At St. Truyen the burgesses set open the gate, contrary to the mind of the clergy. The goods of the Spirituality were commanded to the Place and the abbot ransomed at 100,000 dollars. The Prince has also taken Leew, and is said to have asked 23,000 guilders, but the town is too poor to pay. Meaning to besiege Tienen he sent 3,000 arquebusiers to keep a bridge, to keep off the Duke, who slew 1,500 or 2,000 of the Prince’s men, and entered Tienen, so say the Papists, and came to Louvain that night. . It was also said that the Prince had taken Tienen, and slam the Duke’s men there and that their general Berlamont’s son was fled, also that 1,600 horse and 6,000 arquebus1ers were near Brussels on Wednesday under de Lorges and de Mouy. 136 All the VValloons and 400 Spaniards left, these for Vilvorde, those for Brussels where two gates are rammed up by fear of siege. Some report the Princes’ camp at Hocgarden, others at V'Vaxv'eren, a. mile from Ticnen. rl‘he Guilds keep ward at the gates and watch at the Town house at night. The Duke writes to the Lords of the Town that none is to be burnt unless he has been hoseled. The Prince is reported to have marched towards Nivelles. The Duke is at Lovayne. The former means to assault Brussels. The Electors will assist him because of the injustice done to Egmont and Horn. The Emperor dissuade-s them, saying the Earls were rebels. The Electors reply desiring the Emperor to desist from loans to the Kings of France and Spain and to consent to the Confession of Augsburg. He replies that he has sent for proof to Alva. De Reux left last Thursday for Brussels. i beg you to move Mr. Secretary and Mr. Mildmay in a debt of 1.000l. owed to me by the late Andrew Wyse, Treasurer of Ireland. I can then pay her Highness 500 or (5005. due by me. Where I pay her Majesty but 20 nobles yearly till the sum be answered, this way she shall be presently answered of the whole. 4 pp. The last gmragraph lwlogmph. (II. 91.) ROBERT [HORNE BISHOP or] WINCHESTER, to [the EARL or ' LEICESTER ?]. 1568, Oct. 29. Bishop’s Waltham.—Has been delayed in coming to Court by the foul weather and sickness in his house~ hold. Promises an advowson to one of his Lordship’s chaplains. l p. (11. 95.) H. FRANCHIOTTO to the EARL or LEICESTER. [15_J68, Nov. 4. London—Recommending his compatriot Acerbo Villutelli. He was bringing from France at the writer’s request a barrel of wine which was seized at sea; prays that he may be favourably and speedily heard. 1 p. Italian. (II. 97.) GUERAU d’Eers to the EARL 0F LEICESTER. 1568, Nov. 23. London—Sends his servant, James Burgues, to impart certain matters of moment on his behalf and prays that his Lordship will give credence to what he shall say. :3, p. Spanish. (11. 103.) .- HENRY CHAMPERNOWNE to the EARL or [LEICESTER i]. [1568}, Nov. 28. Abbey of Lancastre near Poitiers.—-—0n the 10th inst. Anjou arrived at "Poitiers with 15,000 foot, 6,000 horse and 20 guns, with the Duke of Guise, Brisac, 137 Martigo [Martigues] and Montpensicr, having promised the King to defeat Condé and take Rochelle. On the 12th Montgomery oifered battle before Chattellcroy, whither they retired. The 15th the Admiral meaning to lodge at Gasenne, [? Jazencuili heard of the arrival there of the King’s army, and dislodged them. Early on the 16th they fled, and taking spoil to the value of 100,000 crowns, we pursued them to a castle called Lusignan. The 25th Guise, Brisac and Martigo advanced to attack Monsr. de Subbyso, and lost two men. On the 26th the Admiral marched to Pont (1‘ San [Dissains], more than a league from Poitiers, and found Brisac with a river to back him, and a castle on the other side which he was forced to take for his defence; he lost 200 men, and all his horse fled to Poitiers. [Cf. his letter to Cecil 0/ this date in. Cal. S.P. Foreign, Elia] 2 pp. (II. 107.) Articles of Agreement between DENMARK and SWED‘EN. 1568, (Nov. 2-0.~—Articles for the Peace [of Stettili}. [See Cal. S’.P. Foreign, Elia, under [late] (II. 233.) GEORGE GILPIN to [the EARL or LEICESTER '3}. 1568, Dec. 5. Antwerp.~~The Duke is at Cambarse [Z Cateau Cambrésis] and less talk there is of the breaking up his army, for Orange is still on the frontier, not far from Ham, attending Deux—Ponts, or to stay certain Allmains from going to serve the King in France. Aumale at Metz secretly went to sureprehend Deux-Ponts but he had gone ; and Aumale is said to have burnt the castle and villages. The nobles of Germany are still in Council at Cologne. The Archduke Charles is embarked at Genoa for Spain to marry the Princess of Portugal, the Spanish King’s sister, after Which he may come to govern these countries, or remain in Spain, and the King himself come hither. 1g pp. (II. 113.) ODET, CARDINAL DE CHATILLON to the EARL 0F LEICESTER. 1568, Dec. 6. Schin [Shene]. In view of the success of the enemy with their foreign forces, urges the importance of a despatch to be made to Strasburg by Cecil and Sir Grassen [Gresham]. l p. Fran/ch. (II. 115.) The SAME to 1568, Dec. 7. Shene.—-Expressing annoyance that Chastelier has not performed his promise as to the goods of Acerbo Velutelli, bearer hereof; has written to the Prince and the Admiral at Rochelle on the subject. 138 The matter touches him so closely that he will not be easy till recipient is satisfied. 1%- pp. French. Last paragraph holograph. (II. 123.) Sir HENRY NORREYS to the EARL 0F LEICESTER. 1568 [endorsement], Dec. 8. ParisfiFrom the Loire Condé drew down again to Chatelhérault, d’Anjou being near Poitiers. Joyeuse, the King’s lieutenant in Languedoc, has joined Monsieur with young Sarlabois’ regiment, and 28 ensigns of Gascony under Monlue. The King will not return to Orleans, but stay at Melun, and expects de Nemours to bring from the Lionois 4,000 Swiss, 3,000 provincials, some Italians and 1,000 horse. D’Aulnale has at Arnés 800 French, 3000 foot and some Reiters, the rest being ready to come from Germany under the Rhincgrave and the Count of Westerburg. De Barbicieux has levied in Champagne 400 horse and 4,000 foot. In Picardy de Cosse has at La Fere on Oise, five leagues from St. Quentin, 1,500 horse and 2,000 foot. Paris has to furnish 6,000 feet. The Ben and Arere~Ban are summoned, besides the force before Sanscerre: and divers horse from Beaux. The conditions that have passed between Franeourt, Agent for Condé, and the Duke of Deux-Ponts are very beneficial for the Religion. The Religion here has had to find sureties for their behaviour. 2% pp. Seal. Partly to the same efiect as his letter to the Queen of the same date [001. S.P. Foreign, Elia]. (II. 125.) ESTIENNE FERRET to the EARL 0F LEICESTER. 1568, Dec. 14. L0ndon.~—~Requesting payment of money on account of a lottery. % 10. Italian. (II. 129.) Sir HENRY NORR-EYS to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1568 [endorsement], Dec. 14. Paris.—-Sends a more full account of the skirmish at Lussignan, knowing that his last letter left an appetite to understand the truth of the last skirmish, and that accounts are exaggerated to appal such as pretend interest in the quarrel and to cause others to desist in their intention. ' On Nov. 26, d’Anjou with Martigues, Brisac and others going to Lussignan, three leagues from Poitiers, to force Condé back to Rochelle, being met by Montgomery thought them- selves the weaker party. Not to have the dishonour to retire upon sight of the enemy, Martigues placed a number of corslets on a hill with twelve drums, and two ranks of pikemen for show, and behind these a number of varlets, with vine stacks on their shoulders and matches in their hands, as though they had been arquebusiers. ()n the other side were all the horse ranged to make a- fair show afar off, and d’Anjou in the midst of the way with 14 or 15 horsemen. Martigues thus thinking 139 to face out the enemy, desired d’Anjou to stand where he was, while he and Brisac charged. But Montgomery, knowing such ruses of wars, perceiving Martigues, charged on the foot with his infantry so furiously that Martigues and Brisac had to retire with loss 100 or 120 of their best soldiers, Monsieur and the rest being driven to the suburbs of Poitiers. and this done, had they followed their fortune, they had obtained the victory. On Dec. 4 the Prince’s people took a castle called Bigare, two leagues from Chatelhérault, and spoil worth 200,000 crowns, and the 5th besieged L‘Ile Bouchard and Clermont. He is now at Mirebeau, and is expected to besiege Saumur. D’Anjou has garrisoned all towns on the Loire from Amboise downwards. On the 7th the King sent Schomberg, an Allemain, to the Prince of Orange, then near Rheims, to persuade him to retire, promising him 300,000 francs to pay his soldiers, and 50,000 francs for the year until the King had made means with the King of Spain to restore Orange to his former state. On Saturday last Schomberg returned with small comfort, but was sent again next morning. On the 11th Orange was near Chateau Thierry, and Sehomberg reports his forces to be 11,000 horse~Reiters, Walloons and Flemings, 8,000 foot, 12,000 lansquenets, 1,500 French horse. 2,500 French foot with Genlis, Mouy, Morvillier, 16 pieces of artillery, and many chariots laden with munition. 31» pp. (II. 133.) GILLES DE VILLE to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1568, Dec. 18. London—«Refers to some chamber furniture which he wishes to sell for 800l. Her Majesty had ordered Sir Nicholas Throckmorton to bargain with the late Post- master * for some pieces, and therefore he had. induced Madame d’Egmont to write to the Earl to brmg them before her Majesty. In consequence of troubles he will accept 4501. If the price is accepted, he will send for the money being too ill to leave the house. 1 7). French». (II. 137.) GIROLAMO FERLITO, minister of the Italian Church in London to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1568, Dec. 18. London—Thanks the Earl for assistance, His Lordship shows a truly Christian nature. Has been i11 with fever, and the Earl’s goodness has been as the rain of heaven upon a burning city. 1;). Italian. (II. 41.) EDWARD HORSEY to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1568, Dec. 20. [Southampton—In Coming down I saw the Bishop and some talk I had with him. I do not make relation thereof, for I have hurt my finger in such sort that I cannot write myself. “ Concerning the matter Iwas “employed for HibehEthn Mason, who had been in Brussels 1553 to 1556; he died in April, 1566. 140 hither, I have according to your Order and direction used all speedy means I might to get into my hands all such treasure as was aboard a Spanish ship that I found within the River of Hampton. And after I had delivered her Majesty’s letters, the Mayor having well perused them, we then devised what might be the best . . . way to come by the said treasure, and in this sort . . . we proceeded thereunto. There is one Iacomoe, an Italian, continually remaining in Hampton, who, as I am credibly informed hath authority to deal for the same ship, who at the first confessed that there was aboard fifty and nine coffers, and in each coffer 20,000 Spanish Royals. I also caused the Captain of the ship to be sent for and the very confession that Iacomoe made he did the like verbatim. Then I declared unto them that the Queen’s Majesty was credibly informed how certain Frenchmen and others did mean to . . . bereft them of the foresaid treasure, wherefore her Majesty had sent me express to see the same in safety. Divers courtesies and Spanish phrases were used unto me then, and great thanks unto her Majesty. But when they heard me say that I would have the treasure brought into the town, that saying was nothing pleasant to them, and answered me that being assured of the favour of Caushot [Calshot ?] and of this town they could and would keep the treasure aboard, whereunto I did reply and said that if there should now come any mishap unto the said treasure, her Majesty might impute great negligence and fault in me ; Wherefore for my own discharge 1 would have it brought into the said town where I durst be bold to answer the same; so could I not do being aboard; and when they heard my speke (sic) so earnestly, they yielded thereunto which was a good way for them, for I had so prepared as easily I would have had it, whether they would or not: and if it please your Honour to talk with my man he can declare unto you the means I had devised for the same. And in the end on Sunday in the evening the 59 coffers were delivered unto the custody of the Mayor, where they now remain and shall do until I have other direction from your Honour. The Captain of the ship after he saw that the treasure was taken out of his hands and Iacomoe also, he began to fall out with God and with himself alleging great folly in himself to confess all, saying that he was indebted in this town for cloth victuals and divers other things that he had taken here, so in lamentable and humble sort he requested that he might have one of the coffers towards the payment of his said debts, and for his better relief here, for that he knew not how long he should remain within the said town, whereunto I answered my com- mission did not extend so far, but that I would leave Iacomoe one cotter until such time as I knew your pleasure farther therein which if your Ilonour do not like well the said Iacomoe standeth bound unto me for the redelivery thereof immediately upon your pleasure signified unto me.” 1,1, pp. (II. 143.) 141 (JOHN, LORD] HERRvs to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1568, Dec. 22. London—«A servant of the Bishop of Rosse has shewn me your Lordship desireth me to come to the Court this day, upon “ some inopportune suit of the Earl of M urra y‘s. My Lord, .l am ready at the Queen Majesty of this realm’s commandment or upon your Lordship’s desire to come where she will command me. . . . For the Earl of Murray so long as he misknows his duty to his native Sovereign I will neither for his import-uneness nor pleasure travel. But for my own truth and duty if it be to answer to such writings as first I read before your Honours at Westminster, the Queen h‘lajesty’s Commissioners, and after presented unto her I'Iighness, I advow them 1. . . . I have sent your Lordship herewith a copy as also a letter I received this day of the Lord Lindsay’s with my answer to it. If need shall require my own prescnmr to advow the same, it will please your Lordship to advertizv this my servant, and I shall not fail to be there.” 1} 7). Seal. Enclosinm (1) PATRICK, LORD LYNDSAY. to [LORD HERRYs'}. “ I am informit that ye have spokin and afi‘ermit that my Lord Regent’s Iraee and his companio heir present wer giltie of the abhominahle murther oi umquahile the Kyng our Soverane Lordis father. Gif ye have swa spokin, ye have said untreulie and tharin leyit in your throte, guilk I will mantene (God willing) aganis yow as becamis me of honour and dewtie and heirupon I desyre your answer. Subserivit with my hand at 1,! k. Kyngston the 21 day of December, 1568 (2) LORD HERRYS to [LORD LYXDSAYJ. “ I have sene ane writting of yours ye 22 of December and thairby understand ye. ar informit that I have said and afiermed the Erle Murray quhome ye call your Regent- and his eumpa-nie ar gyltie of the Quenis husbands slauchter father to cure prince, and gif I said it, that I have leit in my throte, guilk ye will mantene aganis me as becummis yow of honour and dewtie. In respett thay have accusit the Quenis Majestie myne and your native souvereigne of that foull cryme fer by the dewtie that goode subjectes aut or evir hes bene sene to have done to thare native soverane, I have said their is of that companye present with the Erle Murray gilt ie. of that abhominable tressun in the foirknowlege and consent thairto, that ye wer privie to it, Lord Lindsay. I know noeht and gif ye will say that I have specialie spoken of you ye leid in your throte and that I will defend as of my honor and dewtie beeumis me. Bot let aucht of the principallis that is of there subscryve ye like writtmg ye have send to me and I shall poynt thame furtht and 142 fecht with some of the travellers tharin fer metest it is that travellers sould pay for there awin tressune. OH London this 22 Decembris, 1568.” 1 39. (II. 145,149.) Sir HENRY NORREYS to the EARL OF LEICESTER. 1568 [endorsement], Dec. 26. Me.lun.————The news of the evacuation of Mirebeau came the day after the procession which followed the fire in the Queen’s lodging. Fighting is expected at London, there being such penury in the King’s camp that desertions are likely. Orange is at Bar-sur~0ise. A message has been sent to him from the King, who was going to MontereausunYonne, but. now stays here. De N emours has orders to besiege Sancerre. He has the old Piedmont garrison. He sent to the Prince’s camp one Standen who desires by his service now to the Queen to make recompense at hazard of his life for his former follies. The passages are so straitly kept. that many have lost their lives of late. on like enterprise. Is sorry for the trouble the Queen and the Earl have with Scotch affairs. 2% pp. Seal. Part in. cipher, undeciphered ,‘ the Cipher words printed in italics. Partly to the same effect as his letters to the Queen and Cecil 0/ same date [Ca]. S.P. Foreign, Elie] (II. 119.) Sir THOMAS GRESHAM to the EARL 0F LEICESTER. 1568, Dec. 29. Londonr-Desires the Earl to remember the matter of Asserbo Velutelie from whom Monsieur Chattillon took 69 tune of wine, which cost him the first penny 500l. sterling. The Cardinal promised to pay at Rochelle, and the Earl offered to send some of his own men there to receive the money. In View of dangers by land and see his suit is that the Earl will see him paid here at four or six months’ end, the Cardinétl to be bound to the Earl or Sir Thomas for payment. On Thursday Mr. Stringer will wait on the Earl for the writer’s own matter. 1 p. (11. 153.) JOHN [Lnsmn BISHOP or] Rossn, to the EARL 0F LEICESTER. 1568, Dec. [endorsement]. “ Sondayat morrow, Kingstonne.~— I have conferrit at lenth with Lord 1?] quha. hes Shawn me of ye purposeis had yesternyt be your L. and my L. Duik with ye Erll of Murray, be ye qlk. I onderstand ye appointtment to be laid alredy to him, and ye maner yairof that he suld governe in my Ina-istres’ nayme during hir absens, bot he wald one He wayis content yairwith and yat it atppeirit ye nairest he wald be brocht unto to governe in ye King and Quenis nayme joint togidder quhilk appeiris to me to be verray strange for sie ane mailer of governement was never yit uset, yet tuo suld regne in one troune, les nor it war alterius armis as did Romulus and Remus quhilk had me. gude ishew, and yerfore it semis sumpart monstruous, and safer as I onderstand my maistres will newir "r'mm‘ V- "A », ' W “rm" 143 content With ony kynd of dres les nor sho rcyne hir allone in tytill, and as to ye usage of ye governemcnt and all uyeris particulariteis I beleifl hur mate. will use ye consell of ye quenis matie. heir before all uyeris, quhilk I declarit of my opinion to ye quenis matie. one Fryday, quharwith it seemit to me hir matie. stude content. Referring alwayis to ye consell of your 1. and uderis nobill mcnn quhom hir matic. wald caus trawell yarintill. Heirfore .l bescch your 1. to informe ye quenis matie. apone yis pointt that her Hienes may be ye better resolvit to talk with ye uyer party, quha cann hafe noder dishonour nor skaith in condiscending heirto, hot be ye contrar my maistrcs will suffer mony inconveI‘Iientis yairthrow to lose ye half of hir troune besyid ye dishonour in yis case. This far I was homelie to wreitt to your 1. to forvarne in tyme of ye purpose at leist of my sempill opinions.” I p. Seal. (II. 157.) LOUIS DE BOURBON [PRINCE DE Connie] to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1568, Dec. 30. Touars in Poytou.»~~—Thanks the Earl for what he has heard by Mr. Steward of his good will to the cause and for his influence with the Queen, and hOpes to repay him for this. He requests him to assure the Queen of the gratitude of his party. He will send in five or six days a despatch to her relating their successes, the enemy having retreated with loss of men and baggage. The Cardinal Chatillon will communicate news thereof. Expressions of gratitude. 1.}, 727). French. The last five lines holograph. Seal. (11. 161.) CHRISTOPHER HODDESDON to the EARL 0F LEICESTER and Sir WILLIAM CECIL. [l568.]——~Being apprentice with Sir George Barne[s], late Alderman of London, was put to the service of the RusSIan Company, in England from 1553 to 1555, afterwards at Novorogod, then had so’le charge at Moscow. then was Chief Agent in Russia for 2 years. He returned to England a poor man after 8 years’ service, and in 1566 was sent by the Company to the N erva, and again in “ this last year,”.gaInmg 50 per cent. for them. He has now been charged In open Court, and abashed with the presence of their Honors With incontinence, which he denies, with giving evil counsel, and with occupying privately for himself when last at the Nerva. As to the second, when he wrote to Glover, the Agentuwho owed him money, he knew that the Company tolerated private traffic of William Aborough, in great sums compared With the trifle of furs he wrote to Glover for: as to the third a Frenchman Maturine Ellys shipped in Hoddesdon's name a parcel of wax. On his return to London he told the Governor Alderman Haywarde. He trusts the Company Will Withdraw the penalty of 1001., and prays their honours to move them to pardon him for all that is passed. 2; pp. (II. 745.) 144 Sir H mm Nonnurs to the EARL or LEICESTER [1568—9 , endorsement,] Jan. 1. Paris. “Partly to same eflect as his letter to the Queen of this date [S.P.F01‘e1-gn, Elm. ] Orange is now between Vitry and Chaumont, having passed his ELI'tIIIOIV over the Marne on Dec. 22. At Meulx are 4,000 Swiss, 5 comets of horse and 7 ensigns of foot. De Neniours forces at Nevers are esteemed. to be 6,000 foot and 1,000 horse. D’Auméle and dc Cossé are ordered to be ready. [1111 another band] According as you advised me I have sent to the Admiral. I wish the messenger a. good ret111‘11.I beseech 370m Honour to have 111 good remembrance Mr Francis Parlandes who very friendly travailed for a license for Nicholas youi cook to tiansport wine for your provision as also the pains to seaich out the mullcts I sent you. 2113 pp. Parity 111 C1 pher «(eczp7l1e-recl;the cipher 1.1201713 are printed in. italics. (II. 161).) GEORGE [EARL or] SHREWSBURY to [the EARL OF LEICESTER]. 15684.) [endorsement]. J an. 7. Tutbur3n—I received adver— tisement from Mr. Secretary at Nunenton 20 miles from Tutbur3‘ I111. 1113‘ stn3 at home till I hear further of the Queen’s lI-1J1stv s pleasure The Queen of Scots coming to 11131 charge 3311! make me soon s‘rra3—hea1ded. M113 it please her Majest-3 to give me 111113-11 to come up to speak with her though I tarr3 notb past a1 611.13 It I might know the certain day of the Queen of Scots coming here. I could leave such directions 331th my officeis as the3 should be as well done as though I were there present; and I think if I come from the Court but a d113 or two before her coming it will be best. I p. Holograph. (II. 173.) Sir “711.111.1131 Donnen to the EARL OF LEICESTER. 15684) [endorsement], Jan. 7 .- lVest-n‘iinster.~«-Nothing doubting but that the allegations against his daughter [Anna Lady] 1111111101 tord* 33 ill prove untruly practised and persuaded b3 his ceimsel that little advantage is to be had [or these do fammations he put poses to have such expedition used as ma3 stand 33ith the orde1s of that Court, and, she once cleared, to bring the whole matter into the Star Chamber to have order of redress for such slanders. From the Earlis favourable inclination she has conceived just cause of comfort. Her sister, the Duchess of Foria, will have like consideration thereof. I 73. Seal. (II. 175. Sir HENRY Nonnnvs to [the EARL or LEICESTER]. 1568[9], Jan. 10. I’eris.~——To the same effect as his letter tn the Queen of this date [8 P Foreign E112. The answer of Orange to Schomberc IS given 1110.11.19 P F0161g11 131112.,1568, ll? cc. 2211. * She was charged with an attempt to poison her husband. 145 Condé has released the Grand Escuyer, who has given assurance to present himself within three months, or forfeit 20,000 pistolets for ransom. This has bred some bruit of peace. Postscript [in another hand, partly in cipher deciphered, cipher words printed in italics]. On receipt of the Earl’s letter he sent a messenger forthwith to the Admiral who as yet is not returned. God be his speed, his enterprise is great. 2 pp. (11. 179.) DON GUERAU d’Eers to “ ALL AND smoULAR.” 1568[—9, Jan. 10].——Paper endorsed “ Spanish Ambassador’s Declaration upon treasure detained by Queen Elizabeth.” [See Cal. S.P. Foreign, Elie, under above date] 6 pp. Seal three feathers. (II. 245.) EDMUND [GRINDAL, BISHOP OF] LONDON, to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1568~9, Jan. 12. Fulham.——Concerning one Smythe, who in Queen Mary’s time had affirmed the Arian heresy, and now cloaks it, but confesses that he has not eaten flesh from last Easter to the day of his examination before the Bishop and Commissioners, who required him to make a declaration in Westminster Church for purging himself. On his refusal he was committed, but set at liberty for a time to deliberate. It is not enough if he renounce the heresy before the Earl or the Bishop, for the Arians of the time recant openly, and secretly maintain their religion. 1% pp. (II. 181.) [IIENRY BARON] HUESDON to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1568—9 [endorsement], Jan. 15. Cold Berwick.—“ There was ever incident to this office [Governorship of Berwick] divers tithes for the provision of their house and horses, which was by my Lord Gray for a piece of money, and by my Lord of Bedford not caring for the rest, suffered to be taken by lease.” Begs that her Majesty will bestow on him the Captainey of Norham, vacant by the death of Mr. Norton. Sir Harry Percy never comes there. Though the entertain- ment is only 501. it will stand the writer in great stead. The Earls of Huntley and Argyle are come to Glasgow to keep a parliament or council there, and have made pro- clamation in their Queen’s name for all men from 16 to 60 to be in readiness upon an hour’s warning, with 20 days victual, to withstand the Earl of Murray and the English. The Hamiltons and the Hepburnes have besieged a house of the Earl of Murton’s called Wawhton, and Lord Hume is gone to rescue it. Would hear how the Earl’s hawks do, but thinks he is so busied that he has small pleasure of them. 11). Holograph. (II. 187.) 1210 146 Sir HENRY NORREYS to the EARL OF LEICESTER. 1569, Jan. 15. Paris—To the same effect as his letter to Cecil of this date [S.P. Foreign, Elie] “ This day as I under- stand from the Court the King is removed from Monceaulx to Chateau Thierry not being yet known whether he will take from thence to Troyes or Chalons. He maketh his great speed to have his army in the field before the Prince doth join with the Duke of Deux-Ponts. What shall fall out of these great preparations your honour shall understand as good truth by my next, for I intend out of hand to go from hence and follow the King.” Wishes to be advertised of the continuation of quiet in England which is otherwise reported in Paris. “ Yet because the Regent continue-3 there I cannot till her departure thence but live in fear of Queen of England’s good estate, wherefore of God I wish her well rid thence. To convey safely that I received with your letters of 22 December I will use what diligence may be though divers of my wanted friends be now straightly imlprisoned for the Religion whom I was wont to use in this be alf.” . 3 pp. Seal. Partly in cipher deciphered ; the cipher words are printed in italics. lndorsed: “ 15th January 1568, Sir Henry Norryce.” (II. 193.) HENRY [EARL 0F] ARUNDEL to DON GUERAU d’Eers. 1568[——9], Jan. 16. Nonsuch.—~[Copy: for the original see Cal. S.P. Foreign, Elie, under date] (II. 195.) DE LA MOTHE FENELON [French Ambassador] to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1569, Jan. 16. London.-~Requesting exemption from duty on account of 35 “ tonneaux ” of wine. g 1). French. Sea-l. Misplaced in Pepys-tan collection, (II. 359.) [Compare Cal. S.P. Foreign, Eliz. ; Jan. 11 and 15.] MATTHEW [I’ARKER, ARCHBISHOP 0E] CANTERBURY, to the EARL OF LEICESTER. 1568~9 [endorsement], Jan. 17. Lambeth.——-Referring to the Queen’s wish that Dr. Newton should be preferred to the Prebend at Canterbury late Mr. Newton’s. Being there last week, he had appointed a poor man, yet Master of Arts, and doing good service in the office of the Ecclesiastical Judge there, and he is already possessed therein. 4% p. Seal. (II. 199.) E[LIZABETH COUNTESS 0F] SHREWSBURY to the EARL OF LEICESTER. 1568~9 [endorsement], Jan. 21. Tutbury.«———“ Your Lord- ship’s letters direct-ed unto my lord my husband and to me H7 in his absence bearing date the 14 of this instant month of January was not delivered unto me before the 20 day of the same at six of the clock in the evening. Surely my L. I was much grieved because there was no more haste with delivery of the said letters considering the weighty and great causes depending thereupon, and my humble duty and service to be shewed in the despatch of such things as the Queen’s Majesty requireth to have in readiness within Tutbury Castle, the house being unready in many respects for the receiving of the Scottish Queen coming at sudden. I have caused work— men to make forthwith in readiness all such things as is most needful to be done before her coming and God willing I shall cause forthwith three or four lodgings to be furnished with hangings and other necessaries and rather than I should not with true and faithful heart answer the trust reposed by the Queen’s Majesty I will lack furniture of lodging for myself.” 1 p. Holograph. At back in pencil apparently contemporaneous, in another hand, “ I shall by twelve goo to diener. If not I will stay heare but to prevent it I will still stay heare.” Also alphabets in ink. (II. 203.) F[RAN(}OIS] DUC DE MONTMORENOY to [the EARL OF LEICESTER ?]. 1569, Jan. 22. Chantilly—Thanking him for a letter and for enquiries about his health. Has been ill four months but better for a fortnight. Is most grateful for kindness shown to him. 1 p. French. (II. 185.) Sir HENRY NORBEYS to [the EARL 0E LEICESTER]. 1569, Jan. 22.—~The ports being so strictly kept, I doubt whether my letter will reach you. I desire to advertize you “ that Spain, Alva, the Queen Mother and Lorraine are resolved to give the Allemains Metz so that they will take no part with the Protestants of France, nor with the Queen’s mam, which you must prevent in time, and let the Allemains . . . have speedy word of this their purpose, who as your Honour well knoweth are men mercenary and to be won with gifts.” According to your orders I have sent to the Condé as also Orange, but in despair of their return, so many having perished in these mzserable times. f 21. Partly in cipher decipher-ed ; the cipher words are printed in italics. Unsigned and without address. (I. 413.) Sir HENRY NORREYS to the EARL OF LEICESTER. [1568—9 endorsement], Jan. 25. Paris—To the same effect as his letter to Cecil of this date. [See Cal. S.P. Forergn, Elm] 3 pp. Endorsed: SirHenry Norryce 25 Jan, 1568. (TI. 20?.) 148 EDM[UND GRINDAL, BISHOP OF] LONDON to [the EARL or LEICESTER ’4]. 1568—9, Jan. 27. London.-«In favour of Mr. Douglas being received into the number of the Earl’s chaplains. He had preached at Paul’s Cross in King Edward’s time with good commendation. % p. Wrongly endorsed p“ Edwin Sandys.” (II. 211.) HENRY CHAMPERNOVVNE to the EARL OF LEICESTER. 1568—9, Feb. 9. “ New Yorke ” [Niort].——To the like eflect as one to Cecil of Feb. 6. [See Cal. SP. Foreign, Elia] (II. 109.) DOCTOR J our: PEERS to the EARL 0F LEICESTER. 1568—4), Feb. 24. Chester.~0n his journey hither he had knowledge of a I’opish Spanish practise, spread abroad by the lieges of Spain secretly conveyed to divers fit for that purpose, after the form of a proclamation, the copy whereof he sends, and will declare the circumstances more plainly at his coming to Court in Passion Week next. 1 p. (II. 219.) ADVICES out of HOLLAND, DENMARK AND SWEDEN. [1568—9, February ?* Hamburg.]~—~Alva has changed his garrison at Groningen, sending there six Ensigns of W alloons and removing the old garrison to Luxemburg. He hath not as yet any ships about Groningen to let the traflic of Emden, nor any ships in Holland ready for sea. This is reported by a merchant who came here from Antwerp through Holland. About six weeks past a ship and all the company thereof was lost upon the coast of Holland ; whereof some men were cast ashore wearing gold chains ; with them were found letters to Alva; they were perhaps an Embassy from the Scotch Papists. Alva levies here 3,000 horse, whereof Eric, Der of Bruns— wick, is general. He has already sent two barrels with dollars to Breame for payment of their prest money. He also looks for 10,000 Italians. Our merchants are extremely dealt with at Amsterdam. N 0 merchandise may be sent to this town, or elsewhere, out of the Low Countries unless the owners give bond that they shall not be employed upon the English. Of the horse named above Duke Eric leads 2,000, and Francis the younger Duke of Saxony 1,000. He dwells here beside Hamburg. They had their prest money in January, and stand bound till the end of April and further if the Duke shall then have need of them. The Dukes John and Charles with the nobles of Sweden, understanding that the King had * Before Condé’s death ativllarnac, on March 13. 149 conspired their deaths for misliking his marriage and ill government, besieged him at Stockholm. Contrary to his will the town was yielded to them, and he, his wife and children were committed to the Castle. In the late wars he had to coin his plate. The Swedish navy consists of 70 great ships, is very strong and always ready. Duke John is reported to have been crowned on New Year’s Day. He has lately vietualled Warburg, a town of his in the King of Denmark’s country, and made three new forts on his Danish frontier, and no good effect is expected from the peace, which was dissembled by the Swedes because the sea being frozen, the Danes could attack them on foot. Hamburg and the other free towns are not anxious for this peace, having been threatened by the Danes and the Duke of Holste. On the bruit that our merchants come here, and since the restraint of traffic between England and Flanders, some merchants of the Low Countries have become burgesses of this town. ‘ Hoseus, Cardinal of Poland, has lately placed Jesuits in all his diocese which frontiers upon Danzig, intending to do the like there. They of the town withstood them and have incurred the King’s anger. Casimir, son of the Count Palatine, levies 6,000 horse for Condé. Our merchants here learn from those who came from the Nerva that Mr. Randall and his companions were straightly used in Moscow through the information of the factors for the Company there, Glover and his complices. Her Majesty is so well beloved here that she could have men if she required. The Earl Bodwell [Bothwell] was within two months at Malmoze in Schonland [Sehonen], where he and his company have liberty, but they remain there upon the King of Den- mark’s command. 2§ pp. (II. 229.) Sir HENRY N ORREYS to [the EARL 0F LEICESTER]. [1569,] March 5. Metz.—-“I sent my servant Mitti to the camp With the letters of Sincerity* who returmng brought. no answer in writing as he will declare unto you. But the premises considered I being here at Metz find the passages so straztly kept by D’Aumale as it is not likely he hath been there whereof I pray your honour examine him straitly and found to be faulty let him return hither, for being privy hereunto he may do me displeasure and greatly hinder her M ajesty’s semee. ' Sincerit is shown to be either the Prince of Orange or Condé, by Norreys’ letter to Com] of this same date (see Cal. S.P. Forezgn). and as Orange has another symbol, this must be Condé. 150 “ The Feb. 27 one Peter Clare of great credit with the Allemans declared unto me that he did earnestly wish that no other matter might be moved to them than the cause of religion at your first entry with the Allemans. This man seemeth very afiectionate to the Queen though he receive Spain’s pension. And I think his service that way might stand Her M ajesty in stead. Truly Sir here it is usual one man to take sundry fees.” I am very sorry to understand by your last that the Papists begin there so greatly to afiect the Queen of Scots, because being an enemy to our religion and I much doubt a scant friend to our country if she may pleasure Spain by seeking our hindrance. God send you to have good regard to the Papists. The Queen of Scots hath written hither forasmuch that her troublesome aflairs hath fallen out greatly to her honor and to the shame of her enemies, whereof I heard nothing from thence, but these was sent to Madame Carniuallet her great friend; having forgotten myself, and troubled you herewith, it may please you to understand that yesterday the Marshal of D’Aumale’s camp came hither and reported that Orange and Deux—Ponts are on this side of the Rhine with 15,000 horse and 30,000 foot. There are 18 [sic] galleys ready for sea, 12 from the Pope and King Philip and 16 from this King, to trouble Scotland whereby you shall be leisureless to give aid hither, your neighbour’s house being set on fire. If you rid the Queen of Scots out of your country and isle delivering her to the Regent, it shall be safety to her Majesty and quietness to our country. 1% pp. Partly cipher deciphered; the cipher words are printed in italics. (II. 571.) The REGENT JAMES STEWART [endorsement] to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1568-9, March [11 endorsement]. Stirling.--—On his home- coming he found the noblemen at Stirling so irritated with the depredations and libels of their adversaries that it behoved them either to prepare a force, or yield the whole action without show of resistance. Since then Chatelhérault has proclaimed a commission whereof he sends copy enclosed. Certain articles, COpy enclosed, have also been dispersed among their faction that the matter is already composed. They have set at liberty, on strict conditions, Lord St. John and others. Lenity has wrought harm; he will therefore proceed without conformity be offered by them. He reminds the Earl of what was bargained between Mr. Pellem and himself before his departure. The stay of the same may do harm. Certain of her Majesty’s own should be there to inform the truth of the affairs of that State and to resolve things which being but lies may be esteemed as verity. l 1). Signature torn 05. Seal. (II. 223.) 151 HENRY KYLLIGREW to the EARL 0F LEICESTER. 15684), March 11. Hamburg.—-Was stayed at Harwich by lack of wind till 20th Feb. and by the ports being frozen till the 6th inst, and so was nearly a month coming from London, and trusts his goodwill to use speed on his urgent errand may be considered. Proceeds the next day by Frank- fort to Heidelburg almost 15 days dangerous journey, and sends enclosed such news as he has learnt. [Postscript in his own hand.]—Since sending his packet the day before has recovered the copy of the articles drawn between Denmark and Sweden, which are not concluded nor like to take effect this year. The Prince of Orange is by report at Strasburg, and hath cassed his army, so that the country is full of thieves, so that the worst of the writer’s journey is not past. 1 p. (II. 227.) Sir HENRY NORREYS to [CEOiL?]. [1569,] March 15. Metz.~«The messenger Mitty whom I despatched by your Honour’s command to the camp with letters from “ Sineerity ” to Mowy has betrayed the secret to the Cardinal of Lorraine, and received 300 crowns reward. I have lately received letters to the Prime of Orange from the Prince [of Condé] earnestly requiring him to hasten to the Loire and give no ear to peace for, thereby they would make traps to take them. Orange marches towards the French. Condé is at Niort. M own letters have been intercepted for the third time since I have been at Metz ; it were better to have no Ambassador. I pray to be revoked. Montmorency has displaced the soldiers of Soissons, Compiegne and Senlis and placed such as he thought good. Where/ore it is hoped that he will be an aid to the Prince and thereby keep his own house in safety which otherwise will be ruined. 1% 17. Partly in cipher undeciphered ; this is abridged and primed in italics. (II. 573.) Sir R[ALPH] SADLER to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1568—9, March 21. The Duchy House at the Savoy.— Now going into the country is grieved to see her Majesty pretermitting the opportunity given her of God to prevent imminent dangers. Whether it be best for her to Sit still in hope of peace, or to enter. into war is a principal question to be soluted. An uncertain peace and with such feigned friends is to breed a mortal war. The Kings of Spain and France will be 10th to break or fall out with the Queen because the time does not serve them. If they establish the Ronnsh religion in their dominions, if Condé and Orange for lack of aid in time be overthrown, these feigned friends will seek to annoy this realm ; the Reformation of Religion in England is the next mark they have to shoot at ; they will try to set up 152 in the Queen’s place a Papist, a wicked Jezebel which is here in England. If the lending of a little money may help to prevent it, the Queen should not stick nor stay at it. If she gave twice so much to that end, it would be well bestowed, for she may otherwise be enforced to spend ten times so much for her own safety. It would be good policy to nourish this faction beyond the seas. She should follow the steps of her father, who when the Duke of Bourbon moved rebellion against Francis, King of France, sent- Lord Bedford’s father with money to nourish that faction, and sent the writer into Scotland to entertain a party for him, which cost 10,000l. bestowed by Sadler. But now her Majesty shall maintain no rebels, but such as be afflicted for God’s cause, being true subjects to their Prince. She should declare herself to be an enemy to the persecutors of God’s Gospel, she should put her realm in order for defence and offence, should have an eye to Scotland, should confederate with the Princes of Germany, should aid with money Condé and Orange, should arm a few ships. Her enemies’ own people shall spend their lives and goods in her peril, and where she gives or lends a pound, they shall spend ten of their own. And if in God’s cause she does this with a pure conscience, He will give her strength and power. The Earl and the other lords of the council have laid these things, and more, before her. I “show my grief that your good counsel is not embraced.” 4 pp. (11. 239.) A letter from Strasburg to the PALSGRAVE [endorsement]. [1569,] March 23. Strasburg.-——Account of the movements of Condé, Deux-Ponts and others, and of the prsopects of peace. Copy. Latin. 1; pp. [I n pencil on back} Elizabeth Evelyn. (II. 587.) Sir HENRY NORREYS to the EARL OF LEICESTER. 1569, March 24. Metz.~—To the same effect as the Ambassador’s letter to Cecil of the same date [S.P. Foreign, Elia]. Finally requests the Earl’s influence for his recall, or at least for a letter from the Queen for his wife’s return with her children and family, and that her Highness’ packets both going and coming may have free passage. These injuries have been done since the arrest of the Spanish Ambassador. 2.1, pp. partly in cipher dec-iphered. Year date given in endorsement. [The letter to Cecil shows that it was 15684), not 1569—70.] (II. 365.) MATTHEW PARKER, AROHBISHOP or CANTERBURY [endorse— ment] to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1569 [endorsement], March 31. Lambeth.-—Having deferred my answer, now having received certificate from Merton 153 College, I can more particularly determine with your favour. Divers requests have been made unto me for this oflice,* amongst whom my Lord of Bedford by word and letters signified his desire. He moveth me to have consideration for the benefit of the College and Whole University. Having letters from Dr. Cooper I have condescendcd upon such a one as I trust shall Work the advancement of the University, and so finally to your honour and more quiet to yourself. And specially to the finishing of all controversy in that house whereby they shall grow the sooner to riper knowledge, and I be delivered from intolerable trouble which I have sustained from them this whole ten years from time to time. The party whom I do like is comparable in every rCSpect with the best named unto me yet, and being such a one as hath served the Queen’s Majesty as oft as any other of them. And I know what service he hath done otherwise in the state of religion and being one of m chaplains. And moreover named to me before I heard t e names of such as be new hot suitors. I pray your Lordship to give me liberty to sup ress that long faction in the house, which respect aforesaid, as will answer before God, and to my Prince, hath moved me thus to consider, though that I am sorry I do not at this time gratify the desires of such whom I would be glad to pleasure. I p. Signature torn ofl. Impression of seal. (II. 253.) HENRY KILLIGREW. [1569, April.]-——-Aceount of Henry Killigrew’s journey from Hamburg to Heidelberg. [Identical with his letter to Cecil of 1569, April 6.] He adds that the Duke of Wurtemberg is long dead, leaving a son of 15 as ward of Deux-Ponts, the Marquis of Brandenberg, and one of the Marquises of Baden. Deux-Ponts entering France by Montbeliard goes towards the Loire to join Condé. Our Ambassador in France has had a packet intercepted wherein were letters to the Cardinal of Chatillon, and since that time is straitly looked to. Orange has entered France with Deux-Ponts. De Muoy is Chieftain of the French since the death of Genlis of pleurisy beside Strausburg. Monsrrde Cormallon deceased of the like disease. While the King was at Metz the Protestant Church there was razed, and a bruit spread that Condé and Montgomery were slain, the Admiral hurt and their power overthrown. Bells were rung. Yet messengers are gone to hasten the Flemings under Mansfield and the Marquis of Baden, whereby some collect that the Prince won. Vielleville conveyed six ministers out of the town at night by a postern. The Elector of Sax has revoked his subjects who were serving the Kings of Spain and France. The Elector wills me to say that the Marseilles galleys are sent for to the ocean seas, and a pirate " The Deanery of Gloucester was then vacant. See p. 16! below. 154 hired from Barbary to burn our ships. The Cardinal of Lorraine said that if the Queen of England meddled in these troubles, the Papist lords there had promised to rebel and elect a Catholic King. The Elector Palatine is to marry Brederode’s widow, and his son, Casimir the Elector of Saxon’s daughter. Many nobles of Hungary are revolted to the Vaivodewa PI'otestant-——from the Emperor, who having lost a castle to the Turks is expecting an attack from the Vaivode. The French King has pledged in Venice a jewel worth 200,000 crowns for 50,000. Alva sent for the chief ship-master in Holland to know in what time 20 good ships could be armed to the seas. The reply was that it would require six months. Condé’s agent de Lambrés is much vexed that I have no orders for the money he hath expected for 3 months. This sum I guess to be the money paid to Chatillon. If so, it is great fault to the ministers who have dealt therein. 5% pp. (II. 257.) HENRY KILLIGREW to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1569, April 6. Heidelberg—«A letter almost identical with that to Cecil in SP. Foreign, Elia, of same date; enclosing postscript in which he says that he has had speech with this good and virtuous Prince [Frederic the Pious, Elector Palatine] about his Lordship. 1% pp. Holograph. Traces of seal. (II. 263.) JAMES [PILKINGTON, BIsHor or] DURHAM to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1569 [endorsement], April 14.—-—In reply to a request to grant to Marmaduke Blacston a new advowson of the Hospital at Greatam, the old to be surrendered by Mr. Tempest, who had the advowson to the use of one man only. This priest is unwilling to accept Mr. Tempest’s terms, and the latter would not bestow it on Blacston. Tempest has a lease for 7 years, and kept a good house for gentlemen, but not so many poor, nor so well used, as the foundation requires. The Bish0p had tried to get this lease redeemed. If it were at his free dis- posing, and he could find another Lever (to whom‘ he had given such another [Sherburn] hospital) he would give it to him. The place was ever furnished with a learned man. The county needs both learned men and zealous in religion. 1% pp. (II. 265.) FREDEnIc, ELEC’I‘OR PALATINE to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1569, April 17. Heidelberg—John ‘Junius, my Councillor, whom I sent to England lately, has reported your kindness to him and the talk you had with him about the troubles of the times, from which I have learned your prudence, piety 155 and religion. And from your position I rejoice the more that you have these virtues, by which many not very secure, but otherwise not bad men, will be helped to promote the Kingdom of Christ and to overthrow the bloody designs of the Pope. Wherefore I hope that you may show yourself zealous and ready to help these endeavours, and I likewise will help you. { 1). Latin. Seal. (II. 269.) Sir HENRY NORREYs to the EARL 0F LEICESTER. [1569,] April 18. Meta—The morning that Mytty should be returned as requested by the Earl, he wrote that he would go serve the Cardinal of Lorraine and departed. I f Throgmorton would write to him that nothing was meant to his hurt, he might return. The man that discovered this treason [of Cardinal Lorraine] would like a good gelding. Sends a letter from Liddell which he cannot read, not having the like letters in his cipher. There is rumour Of a defeat given by the Admiral to Monsieur D’Anjou, but no one is allowed speech with couriers who come in. [0]. letter to Cecil of same date in Cal. S.P. Foreign, Elia] 1;- pp. Trace 0/ seal. (II. 575.) Sir HENRY NORREYS to [the EARL or LEICESTER 2]. [1669,] April 28. Verdun—{The matter hereof is contained in his letter to Cecil Of this date, see Cal. S.P. Foreign, Elia] 4} 13. Partly in cipher undeciphered. (II. 579.) ADVERTISEMENTS from STURMIUS [endorsement]. [Undated, 1569, April 28.]——Had heard in France that an Englishman had offered to render England to the devotion of the King of France, on being furnished with ships. . They would come at intervals, would find the Queen With a small suite, seize her and declare her illegitimate. Their chief speaks French and Italian, is tall with long fair beard. 3; pp. French. (II. 513.) DR. THOMAS COOPER [VICE-CHANCELLOR] to the EARL or LEICESTER, CHANCELLOR OF OXFORD. 1569, May 5. [Oxford.]——In view of your intended visit to Oxford on the 15th inst, these exercises are proposed, but you will alter them as you think best. Two sermons, one Latin by myself, one English by Dr. Westfahng, DIS- utations in Divinity wherein Dr. Humfrey, Dr. Cooper, 1'. Westphaling, Dr. Calfehill and Dr. Cradoek take part. If Dr. Pierse comes with you, he may well take a place. The questions are the two pillars of Papistry, the authority of the Church and the supremacy of Rome. The questions 111 natural philosophy are not yet appointed. There is also ready 3. play or show of the Destructwn of Thebes, and the contention between Eteocles and Polynices for the governance 156 thereof. But we desire your help for some apparaiti [sic] and things needful. We trust you may be here at least two days, and that you and the Cardinal will lodge in Christchurch. 1% pp. (II. 273.) Sir HENRY NORREYS to [the EARL or LEICESTER]. 1569, May 9. Paris.————I have your letters of April 27. Whereas you say that I should prevent the search that may be used to dissuade the Duke {Dear—Pants] from his enterprise, I will obey, but I find him earnestly bent to follow that he hath taken in hand, as you shall perceive by his letters that were lately intercepted the caput whereof I Send herewith. [The rest 0/ the letter is identical with that to Cecil of same date, see O’al. S.P. Foreign, Elia] 1%; pp. Partly cipher deciphered ; the cipher words are printed in italics. (II. 277.) HENRY KILLIGREW to [the EARL or LEICESTER]. 1569, May 16. Hamburg.——The Palsgrave desires money of the Queen’s Majesty to furnish Casimir, his son, With an army which he will lead into France with all speed to constrain the King to grant liberty of, conscience to his subjects, and to yield Metz to the Emperor and Calais to England, and that the Protestant. army shall not be cassed while Alva is in the Low Countries. Casimir has 6,000 of the best horsemen in Germany ready to march if he had money. It might be done with 100,000 crowns. I have written often of this to Mr. Secretary. Casimir in the meantime is gone to the Elector of Saxon his father-in-law to persuade him to join the League. If he agrees, the other Protestants Will follow. - I abide here for the answer about the money. Be means for my excuse if I have not observed the literal sense of my commission. If I had not stretched my credit, there had neither been life in this new supply nor hope of a League. I send here inclosed the Count Palatine’s letter. The fault in the directing thereof is due to one of his suite. 1 p. (11. 279.) HENRY KILLIGREW to the EARL OF LEICESTER. 1569, May 16. Hamburg.~—~Sincc finishing my packet I received yours of April 6, the first and the last that I had from England since my departure thence. It was conveyed with others enclosed from our Ambassador in France to the Palsgrave who sent it to me by express to this town. I heard nothing of Deux-Ponts since leaving Heidelberg on April 18, when the Elector Palatine heard that he had passed the mountains and taken a passage upon the Saéne, Where he did abide his footmen. When they have joined him, he will have 10,000 horse, 12,000 foot, 26 pieces of artillery. In his 157 passage he is said to have overthrovm Baron des Adrcsscs, and 5,000 men with the loss of 2,000 of his own. I fear this is not true, and unless he or the Prince of Navarre give some reat overthrow, it shall be hard for them to join. The ' nch King took occasion upon the news of Condé’s death (Whom we say here is alive) to send ambassadors to dissuade Bi-ponts, but they returned in vain. The Duke is of great courage, but the want of the Cardinal’s money hath been a let unto his forwardness ; if it had come, the armies had been joined; some fault there was, whencesoever it came. I send the enclosed that you may perceive the last news had in writing by the Count Palatine from Bi-ponts, who after entering the mountains could neither send nor hear from Germany but by stealth or force. The King will leave not-hing undone to agree with Bi-ponts. Unless you persuade the Queen to help Casimir with money, I fear all will not turn out well. Of the sincere meaning of the Palsgrave and his son I have warrant. If money come, he will be ready to march at Midsummer. A little thing will encourage him forward. I beseech you to procure some good and speedy answer, for the matter requires haste. If the Queen gives no aid to Casimir, there will be no League. Touching the money sent from Rochelle to the Cardinal of Chatillon, I shall do as you will, and have stayed de Lambrés here who was going over to the Cardinal with this passage for the money promised to Bi-ponts. I have this day written to Casimir to keep him in hope of good answer out of England. The Papists travel night and day to bring their matters to pass. Here are advertisements of conspiracies in England. I trust the Queen will keep a vigilant eye upon the Catholics. The enclosed packet is from de Lambrés, a gentleman of the Admiral’s ; please send it to the Cardinal. 3 pp. Holograpk. (II. 281.) GILBERT [BERKELEY, BISHOP 0E] BATH AND WELLS to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1569, May 18. “Tells—Stating that the Archbishop of Canterbury has by way of lapse collated the Prebend of Yatton to Mr. Welles, chaplain to Sir W. Cecil. Prays the Earl to be favourable to Mr. Welles, who is a very worthy man. i 12. (II. 285.) THE DEAN AND PREBENDS 0F ELY to the EARL OF LEICESTER. 1569, May 21. Cambridge—Referring to a lease in reversion of 26 years yet to come, by the Bishop of Ely to Lord St. John of Bletso of a pasture in Haddenham, which the Dean and Prebends cannot confirm without- great danger to towns and persons in the Isle of Ely. The use of the ground hath ever been in the hands of 60 inhabitants of this populous town, who have little other relief for the maintenance of theu‘ ploughs or milch bullocks. The taking of this lease would 158 thus ruin them and other villages belonging to the Bishop and Church of Ely. This fen is subject to great waters, and the occupiers are bound to keep a great bank for the safe- guard of a great part of the Isle, which can only be defended in time of storms, wind and waters, by the labour of many people, and if the waters broke in, the whole Isle would be surrounded, and cannot be drained in small time. The lease was therefore hitherto only granted to the inhabitants of Haddenham in consideration of the maintenance of this bank. Reasonable recompense should be made by the inhabitants to a child for whom Lord St. John labours in this matter, the father of the child having been charged for the procuring of the lease from the Bishop. 1 p. Impression of Seal. See introduction. (11. 289.) HENRY KILLIGREW to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1569, May 26. Hamburgswl have now received two of yours by Monsr. de Vezymes the first of the 21 of April, the second in cipher of the 1st inst, so that in all I have received three since my coming over. “I look daily to hear from Duke Casimir who parted not so soon from Heidelberg as he determined, and that will cause me to be the longer without answer. I am of opinion that they will hear somewhat of her Majesty’s mind touching the aid of money before they will show themselves our servant to consent to the League. “Her Majesty may have of these Princes What her please so her Highness will go to work roundly and substantially. If this occasion be lost I doubt how it will be recovered here- after. England was never more famous among both papists and protestants than it is at this present. I mean no less doubted and feared of the one than honoured and loved of , the other. Her Majesty’s credit is such by this occasion that I think with good handling she may bring anything to pass, but alas I fear it will not hold, for the proclamation made by the French in France upon the return of their messenger sent to declare the Prince of Condé’s death together with the proclamation set forth by the Duke of Alva and her Majesty’s lenity that way is so bruitcd abroad and carried to the Princes’ Courts that I fear me it will cause them to stay their deliberations. “ I wonder what should be the cause for in France the Protestants were never stronger and the Princes never more inclined to aid them in Flanders, the Duke of Alva nothing strong nor having any ships at all in readiness, or towards, to annoy you any manner of way unless it be With countenance which your Honour knoweth is peculiar to the Spaniard though he were ready to yield the ghost, and if that amaze you, what shall all they think that did depend chiefly upon your proceedings and would gladly join with you to send both him and his into Spain again. 159 “ I would I were able to salve these sores and gricfs. I beseech your Honour to think I have done what I can and that hitherto God hath blessed my journey. I must confess your Honour’s first letters did not a little consort me to write to the Count Palatine and others what hope I was in of your good answer by my man’s return, but when Monsr. de Vezimes arrived in the ships and brought neither money nor credit from the Cardinal I was struck dead. God knoweth how much more it may hinder the common cause than it hath done already. These Almayne princes can not abide to be so mocked withal nor their soldiers bear with it. It is sufficient to make them rebel against Duke Deux-ponts and revolt to the King. There be among them men likely enough to do no less. God amend it, the sooner the better. Monsr. Dc Vezimcs taketh the best way to help the matter touchin which we have conferred at length, but I dare say he h rather go to a battle. “ I am glad to understand by your Lordships’ of the first of this present of her Majesty’s good inclination to follow this action, and do trust that her Highness will upon mine advertisements be the more willing which God grant. I doubt nothing of your good Lordship’s helping hand, for I know on, so the good may come thereof by taking time, and the arm contrary. May it please your honour therefore to solicit her Majesty to send money to furnish Duke Casimir roundly and commissioners with ample instructions to prosecute that design for restoring of Calais and the removing of the Duke of Alva. This doth require an Ambassador of honour and credit which I doubt not your Honour doth consider and that it doth ask speed and not wonted delays.” I understand by a gentleman from Italy how the Italians be not yet in France, nor cannot be so soon because he left them the 21 of April, some at Padua and in those parts. Alva has withdrawn his forces to the French frontiers, “ whereby your Honour may assure yourself the papists will do what they can to keep the French King on feet, which done look to yourselves when they have leisure. Within these 12 days the Duke of Alva hath renewed his prest money fer the levying of 3,000 Bitters in these parts. I let your Honour judge whether it be time to look about and to hasten Casimir.” “ Well it may be said the Protestants in France be strong enough by a victory or two they have had of late and therefore they need no aid. I am sure, though others peradventure will say so, yet your Lordship is not of that opinion but rather that now it is a fit time to follow that design which I men- tioned before touching Calais.” There is a truce for three months between Denmark and Sweden. If you see occasion to further a peace .between them, I trust you will do it. I think verily it will bring them both into the League. 160 I am the bolder to write without cipher because Mr. Thomas Mildmay is the bearer hereof. He is of good judgment and hath the French tongue as well and as natural as if he were born in France. The gentleman from Italy heard before he left Padua that Lord Windsor returning from Malta to Sicily was stayed there by the inquisition. I think it cost him both in purse and credit before he was quit of them. Now he should be about Rome. 5 pp. Holograph. (II. 293.) Sir HENRY NORREYS to [the EARL OF LEICESTER?) 1569, May 27. Paris—Identical with his letter to Cecil of this date [See Cal. S.P. Foreign, Elia] except “ I send you here enclosed the copies of letters sent from M uoy. Mark the last line.’ [This in cipher decipheredj 11} pp. (II. 299.) Enclosing, Copy of letters from de M ouy received at Paris, May 22: (1) To de la Chapelle.——-Has received his letter. The lords of whom he writes have such devotion to the cause that they do not mean to budge till they have ruined Antichrist. They had to wait for the lans- quenets who could not come without money. In a charge he made with his company and a company of reiters they took more than 100 prisoners with quite 1.000 crowns on them. (2) 1569, May 2. Between Beaulme [Beaume] and Chalons [sur Sacne].-~Thanks for his treatment of his wife, children and mother—in-law. As for the succession he begs him warn his friends to make sure of the furniture and will. (3) To his wife.-Assures her of his welfare and that the enemy flee before them. Repeats the exploit named to de la Chapelle, and that they had lost only one reiter’s horse. 1} 39. French. Wrongly bound after the letter next succeeding. (II. 303.) WILLIAM [LORD] COBIIAM to the EARL or LEICESTER. [1569,] May 29. Cobham.-—Giving an account similar to that given in Norreys’ letter of May 27. “ Memoranzi is charged that he was too well accompanied” by horsemen, “whose answer was that those he had was at his Highness’ devotion and for his own defence against the Cardinal of Lorraine, his mortal enemy, whom he would forbear in his Highness’ presence, but otherwise in all places . . . he would be revenged. There was also counterfeit letters brought to him . . . for which they seek redress at the King’s hands.” The Duke of DcuX—Ponts is at La Charité, which cannot lhold out 24 hours; the bridge is broken which may be some et. 16] Monsieur was at Bruges [Girondc], looked for to reinforce D’Aumale with 2,000 horses and 4,000 arquebusiers; either Martigues or Saynsace [Sansac] has charge of those that remain. The men of war of Picardy are gone towards Paris, and muster at St. Denis; their small companies left at Calais, by recovery whereof we might say nos sumus Trees, and not fuimus. Montinego has burnt Chatellion except the castle. The King is forced to sell abbey-lands, but only the Spaniards are paid. As he passed Montreuil and Boulogne he was asked whether he had heard of the Admiral’s death at Paris. God who guides all good men’s steps will not permit such a violent death to happen to so godly a man, but if it be so, it is for our sins. 2 pp. (II. 301.) MATTHEW [PARKER, ARCHBISHOP or] CANTERBURY, AND EDMUND [GRINDAL, BISHOP OF] LONDON to the EARL 0F LEICESTER. 1569, June 2. Lambeth.~Reeommending Dr. Cowper [Cooper] Vice-Chancellor of Oxford, and Dean of Christ- church, for the Deanery of Gloucester. It “is not so far distant from Oxford, so as he may very well have due regard to both the charges. We have heard also of some that have made importunate suit in their own persons for the said Deanery, of whom we have no good Opinion : besides that the example so to sue is not commendable.” 1 p. (II. 307.) See p. 153 above. Sir HENRY NORREYs to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1569, June 3. Paris—To the same efi‘ect as his letter to the Queen 0/ this date [see Cal. SP. Foreign, Eliz.] with addition in cipher deciphered ; the cipher words are printed in italics. “ The trust that these repose in your quietness having clean disturnisshed [sic] as I can learn, they fortify in Picardy and Normandy and withdraw their soldiers from thence to make a new army.” And as you have . . . . aided and assisted the com/ortless and afflicted, continue the same unto the end and your reward shall be great. And now that God’s harvest is in hand, I wish that the worktolte [sic] may want no towles till their work be ended. 11} pp. (II. 311.) Sir HENRY NORREYS to [the EARL 0F LEICESTER ?]. 1569, June 19. Orleans.——Deux~Ponts died of fever three days after he joined the Prince of Navarre, “ his disease growing by press of wine which he took the first night at supper in the Queen of Navarre’s ten .” Ernest, Count Mansfeld, succeeds him. The two young Palsgraves of Hesse are likewise dead of the same sickness. Mentgomery has since surprised Perigeux. p 11 162 Postscript.-——era'u.ncz‘s Parland hath declared to the Admiral that Queen Elizabeth hath sent many manic-ion and also her ships to Rochelle, and to bring the certainty hereof as also of other your moceectings he is like a spy returned to your Honor. I thank your Honor for warning me of my Enemy who, when the King was at Metz, sought to persuade the Marquis of Baden (who complains of discourtesies used to him and his Wife in England) to assail me on the way and to take away my letters and ciphers. He sent his brother to Metz for that purpose, from Whom I escaped by departing the day before he came. If he follow the enterprise by treason, or poisoning, I commend my children to you. 1.}? pp. Partly cipher, now deciphered and printed tnipitalics. (H. 313.) ‘ ROBERT [HORNE] BISHOP or WINCHESTER to the EARL 0E LEICESTER. 1569, June 28. Bishop’s Waltham.——-—If the Earl must find a house for the Spanish Ambassador, the Bishop is content that no rent be paid for his house, which he meant to have occupied all this next Winter. If the Ambassador must find himself a house at his own charge, then shall he pay 300 crowns until St. George’s Day next, for much Spoil will be made about the house in that small time. As to the Queen’s proposed progress into Hampshire, 50 persons have been sick, and five died, in the Bishop’s house at Waltham since March 25th last and 13 in the town. Last Saturday one died at the Constable’s house there, and all the neighbours fear it was of the plague. If the spring had been hot, as it hath been very cold “it would have been a kindly plague” ; at the least it is febm's pestilenttalis. And there is no part along the coast free from it. Some think the Bishop makes more of the matter than needeth to save his own charges. 1% pp. (II. 315.) Sir HENRY NORREYS to the QUEEN. 1569, June 30. Orleans—[To same effect as letter to Cecil“ of this date, see Cal. 8.)”. Foreign, Elie, with additions] The Cardinal of Guise is returned from Spain with hope of aid and knowledge that the King of Spain shall marry the Emperor’s eldest daughter, with proffer of the second to the King, the King of Portugal to marry this King’s sister, Margaret. 1% pp. Holograph. Seal. (II. 319.) Sir HENRY NORREYS to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1569, July 9. Orleans.~——A displeasure has chanced at Paris to me and the place I represent. The judges, civil and criminal of Paris with sergeants and soldiers, came to my 163 house there. At the gate one of my servants asked what they demanded; they said they would enter; he declaring that my house was privileged, the made semblance as though they would break up the gate, hut were stayed by the judges. My servant complained the same night to Alencon’s Council, who dissemblcd as though ignorant of the matter, which would not have been enterprised upon an Ambassador’s house with- out their consent. Their pretence was to apprehend certain which had exercise of the Religion therein. The King’s Ambassador in England has license to use his Roman religion. I remit this injury to your discretion. The Admiral is drawn to Confolans, Anjou is at Breue 1a Galiarde—three leagues away. The former’s intention was to levy the siege of Niort where Count dc Lude had made breaches, his brother having been killed in an assault. July 8 (sic). Orleans.—-It is certain that the Army of the Prince is by famine and sickness so scattered as now it can neither assail the enemy nor defend itself. Here is great reward ofiered and men hired to poison the Admiral, which done they account these aflairs ended. A'dvertize as you may, and I will do the like. [The rest 0/ this letter is identical with that to Cecil of same date, see Cal. S.P. Foreign, Elie.) 2% pp. Partly in cipher deciphered ,- the cipher words are printed in italics. Seal. (II. 323.) Sin HENRY NORREYS to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1569, July 18. Orleans.———-They “ have offered me so many discourtesies, I ma call them injuries, as the number of the one far exceedeth t e other, which I account not offered to me but to her Majesty, both intercepting her Highness’ letters sundry times, seeking to have unawares given an onset on me in Lorraine, and to have taken away my ciphers and letters, having imprisoned my steward if not rescued by Malvoysier. Lastly seeking to break up my house at Paris, I being absent attending on the King, which injuries I think hath seldom time been offered to any Ambassador specrally servant to her Majesty that in this their misery hath so well deserved of them, having so good occasion now to requite their courtesies if it so liked her Highness, instead whereof she hath not only given them most profitable counseltbut also declared to them the practices of their enemies, which went about to cause them to destroy their nobility, whereof now they have good proof.” “ The King is put daily in great fear of troops of horsemen which are seen not far from hence so that he hath a good Will to pass to Paris, if it were known how lie-might safely do it, being at this instant weakly accompanied, his ordinary forces attending upon his person being sent to 1118 brother Monsr. D’Anjou so that it is likely to cometo pass-that one of his guard did lately say hearing the Siege lev1ed from 164 La Charité, that the King his master should be fain to depart without a Trumpet, minding his departure should be so secret as no trumpet should give warning thereof . . . and surely I think no less but if that the King doth not shortly depart hence, he will be environed and find it hard to reach Paris” Anjou’ 8 camp is dispersed till the end of August at which time the King of Spain hath promised the King 2,000 foot and 1,200 horse, the Pope and other Italians 4 000 foot more The King is levying 8 000 Swiss, the great part of those he had being dead. De Cossé sends word that there are in England ready to be shipped 4,000 French and Walloons and 3,000 English, banished men, that should attempt to land in Picardy or Normandy. The Cardinal of Lorraine answered that this advertisement was as vain as others he made thereof afore whereof nothing ensued, and that her Majesty meant nothing less than to invade France. Postscript.——“ There is such search for C’hapelle as I am forced for his safety to convey him into England with these.” 2 pp. Seal. [Part of this letter is to the same. efiect as that to Cecil of same date, see Cal. S.P. Foreign, Elie. Part is in cipher deciphered ; the cipher words are printed in italics] (II. 327.) HENRY KILLIGBEW to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1569, Aug. 11 Leipsic.——I have now received Casimir’s answer, dated Aug 7th I send copy to Mr Secretary by this bearer, with other writings specified in a schedule enclosed. I hie me to the Landgrave, from whom I hop e good news Postscript. Holograph.-Casimir “wishedP you this hunting time when he was at the death of 80 stags in one day, where— of one weighed 700lb3.” De Vezines also desires to be commended to you. 1 p. Enclosing, The Schedule above mentioned. I. A copy of Casimir’s letter to her Majesty. 2. The names of the Princes that will send Ambassadors to the convention of Nurenburg the 5th Sept, wherein are shewed the causes of Casimir’s stay before he came to the Duke of Saxony. 3. Copy of letter from George Frederic, Marquis of Brandenberg to the Elector of Saxony. 4. The articles onec determined by the three Electors but now deferred to the said diet of Nuienburg touching the intelligence between her Majesty and the Princes of. Germany. 5. Copy of the Elector of Saxony’s answer to De Vezines. 6. Letter and articles written to me from Hambourg by Gaspar Gamahul, a man at present unknown to me. These six parcels are enclosed with her Majesty’s packet. A i 165 1. A book of such advertisements as from sundry places have come to me since my departure from Hambourg. 2. A brief of the proceedings of the last Diet at Frankfort translated from Dutch to Latin with Dr. Ehemius’ commission to the Electors of Saxony and Branden- burg, and copy of a memorial from him to. Casimir how he should deal with the Elector of Saxony. These two are in one packet which you shall receive from this bearer. 1p. Holograph. (II. 331.) JOHN BROWNE to SIR WILLIAM WYNTER and MR. J ONSON. 1569, Aug. 27. Chatham.———Thc Marosse [? Merhorse) was brought aground yesterday and trimmed and the Victory will be trimmed on Monday. Mr. Greye and Mr. Smythe are come down this day, but men slowly appear. Mr. Greye says that if the wind serve he means to “ vale” from Gillingham where the ships now ride as low down as the North Head. Only 200 of the pressed men have as yet appeared. Hereunder I give account of how the ships are furnished and what they want of their appointed numbers. Statement as to the Bonaventure and the Antelope follow. 1 p. On back is another note of stuffs supplied by divers persons. (II. 337.) SIR HENRY NORREYS to [the EARL OF LEICESTER '2]. 1569, Aug. 28. Amboise.~——-I have an idle head by reason of fever. A messenger sent to the Admiral returned to me who gave me to understand by his letters of the good affection that both the Prince and the Strangers hath to prosecute God’s cause who of his mercy hath graciously prospered their proceedings. Being now entrenched within the valleys of Pot-tiers, he requests you to move the Queen to aid them with money, being deeply indebted to these strangers. If for want they be forced to gwe up this enterprise, the loss shall be universal throughout Ohnstendom, but chiefly to the Queen on whom they we'll first seek revenge. It is better to make war abroad than in our own country. . i p. Partly cipher, deciphered ; the cipher words are prznted tn italics. (II. 339.) [RICHARD Cox, BISHOP or ELY to the EARL or LEICESTER] 1569, Aug. 31. Cambridge.~Refcrs to controversies between the Master of St. John’s College and Mr. flulke, late Fellow, to settle which the Bishop visited the College. In the meantime a charge of felony had been made by Mr. Mead, a. Fellow, unto the Mayor of Cambridge who declared It to the Vice-Chancellor. The Visitor has no authority to deal with felony, and WiShOfi the foul matter referred to some of the discmet and wise of the University. . _ l p. Unaddressed and signature cut ofl, but names gwen m pencil endorsement. See introduction. (II. 341.) 166 SIR HENRY NORREYS to [the EARL or LEICESTER] [1569.] Sept. 1 [11?]. Tours—The Admiral on the 8th of the present levied the siege of Poitiers and advanced towards Chatelhéraut, and caused Monsieur to levy the siege and draw to La Porte de Pille. The admiral passed the river and came to La Hay. N 0 battle is yet stricken, though sought earnestly of the admiral. who has reerossed the river. “ I send you this bearer lately come thence from the Admiral who after his humble commendations to your Honor doth likewise desire the same to have them in your remembrance to the Queen for her aid with the money, and if that will not be granted that her Majesty will recover Calais thereby to cause her enemies the sooner to demand peace. “I send you the Admiral’s letter unto me by this bearer, whom it may please you to credit having taken both a painful and dangerous journey on him for her Majesty’s service in so much that . . . it is a diflicult thing to get one to do the lilce. I beseech your Honor he may receive such comfort at your hands as that he may continue his good service.” Requests the Earl to obtain his own recall on grounds of ill health. 1% pp. Partly in cipher, now deciphered. This is printed in italics. (II. 569.) SIEGE or POITIERS. 1569, Sept. 11.~—In raising the siege of Poitiers on the approach of the enemy they had only done the duty of war. Requests him again to solicit the damoiselle Whom he knows. French. Six lines on narrow slip, without signature or address. (II. 343.) DR. LAURENCE HUMFREY AND FOUR OTHERS to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1569, Oct. 7. Oxford—Concerning the Queen’s commission for the search for heretical books, vagrant persons and master- less men in the Town and University. 2 pp. With five signatures. (II. 345.) [Endorsed] SIR W. MYLD[1~mY.] 1569, Oct. 26. Windsor Castle.--“ The question to be considered on is Whether it be lesse perillous to the Queue Majestic and the realm to retayne the Quene of Scotts in Englande, or to retorne her home into Scotlande. In which question these things are to be considered. 0n the one syde What daungers are lyke to followe if she be reteyned here, and theropon if for avoyding of them it shalbe thought good to rctorne her, then What caucions and provisions are necessarye to be hadd. 0n the other syde are to be weighed the daungers lyke to follows if she be retomed home, and theropon if for 167 eschueing of them it shalbe thought good to reteyne her here. then what caucions and provisions are in that case neeessarye. M argin. Daungers in retcyning the Quene of Scotts. Her unquiet and aspiring mynde never cessing to practise with the Quene’s subjects. ‘ Her late practise of a mariage betwene the Duke of Northfolke and her withoute the Quene’s knowledge. The faction of the papists and other ambitious folke being readie and fit instruments for her to worke upon. The comiseracion that ever followeth soeh as be in miseryc though their deserts be never so greate. Her conning and sugred enterteignment of all men that come to her wherbie she getteth both ereadite and intelligence. Her practise with the Frenche and Spanishe Ambassadors being more near to her in England then if she were in Scotland and their continuall sollicitacions of the Quene for her delivereye the deniall whereof may brede warre. The daunger in her escaping cute of garde whereof it is lyke enough she will give the attempt. So as remayning here, she hath tyme and oportunity to practise and norrishe factions by which she may worke con- federacye, and thereof may follow sedjeion and tumulte, which may bring perill to the Quene’s Majestic and the State. Finallie it is sayde that the Quene’s Majestie of her owne disposicion hath no mynde to retayne here but is much unquieted therwith which is a thing greatlie to be weighed. Margin. Cautions if she be retorned. To deliver her into the hande of the Regent and the Lords newe governin in Scotland to be saffelye kepte. That she 111 die not with the estate nor make anye alteracions in the government or in religion. That by sufficient hostagis it may be provided that nether anye violence be used to her person nor that she be sufired to govern againe but lyve privatlye with such honorable enterteignment as is mete for the King of Scotts mother. That the league offensive and defensive betwene firance and Scotland be never renewed. That a newe and perpetuall league be made betwene Englond and Scotland wherbie the Quene’s majestic may showe an open mayntenannee and allowaunee of the Kings authoritye and estate and of the present government so as the Seotts may hollye depend upon her. . That the Regent and the lords of Scotland doe make no composicion with the Scottishe Queue, nether suffer her to marrye withoute the consent of the Quene’s Majestic. That the faults whereof she hath bene accused and her declining and delayeng to aunswere that accusaeion may be published to the worlde the better to discorage her factious partie both here and in Scotland. 168 M argén. Daungers in retorning her. The manner howe to deliver her home with the Quene’s Majestie’s honor and saffetie is vearie doubtfull, fior if she be delivered in garde that came hether ffree and at libertie, howe will that stand with the Quene’s honour and with the requests of the {french and Spanishe kings, that have continuallye sollicited her firee deliverye ether into Scotland or firaunce, or if she die in garde ether violentlye or naturallie, her Majestie shall hardly escape slaunder. If againe she be delivered home at libertie, or if being in garde she shoulde escape, then these perills may follow : The suppressing of the present government in Scotland nowe depending upon the Quene’s Majestic and advaunsing of the contrarye faction depending upon the ffrench. The alteracion of religion in Scotland. The renewing of the league offensive and defensive betwene ffraunce and Scotland that hath so motch trobled Englond. The renewing of her pretended clayme to the crowne of this realme. The likelyhode of warre to ensue betwene firaunce, Scotland and us and the bringing in of straungers into that Realme to our anoyaunce and greate charge, as late experience hath showed. The supportacion that she is lyke to have of the french and Spanishe kings. And though peace shoulde continue betwene Englond and Scotland, yet infinite injuryes wilbe ofi‘erid by the Scottishe Quene’s ministers opon the borders, which will torne to the greate hurte of the Quene’s Majestie’s subjects or els to her greater charges to redresse them, ffor the chaunge of the government in Scotland Will chaunge the justice which news is hadde into all injurye and injustice. The lykelyhode that she will revoke the erle Bodwell nowe her husband though unlaufull, as it is sayde ; a man of most evill and cruell affection to this realme and to his owne countrymen, or if she shoulde marrye another that were a lyke enemye, the perill must needs be greate on ether syde. And albeit to these daungers may be generallie sayde that such provision shalbe made by capitulacons with her and by hostage from the Regent and the lords of Scotland, as all these perills shalbe prevented. To that may be aunswered : That no fact which she shall doe here in Englond will houlde, for she will alleage the same to be done in a forrein contrye being restreyned of libertie. That there is greate lyklyhode of escape wheresoever she be kepte in Scotland, fior her late escape there showeth howe she will leave no way unsought to atchive it, and the contrie being as it is greatlie divided and of nature merveillouslye factious, she is the more lyke to bring it to passe. 169 Or if the Regent by any practise shoulde yelde to a com- posieion, or finding his partie weake shoulde give over his regiment, Then what assurannee have we, ether of amitye or religion. That the Regent may be induced to doe this appereth by his late secret treatic with the Duke of N orflolk for her mariage withoute the Quene’s Majestie’s knowleage. And though the Regent shoulde persever constant, yet if he shoulde be taken away directlie or indirectlie (the lyke whereof is sayde hath bene attempted against him) then is all at large and the Quene of Seotts most lyke to be restored to her state, the factions being so greate in Scotland as they are. So as the case is vearie tickle and daungerous to hang open so small a thredde as the lyfie of one man, by whome it appereth the Whole at this present is conteyned. And touching the hostages though that assurannee might be good to preserve her from violence in Scotland, yet it may be doubted how the same wilbe sufficient to kepe her from escaping or governing againe, seing for her parte she will make little conseiens of the hostage if she may prevaill, and the punisshing of the hostages will be a small satisfaction to the Quene’s majestic for the trobles that may ensue. And for the doubt of her escape or of Rebellion within this realme, it may be sayde that if she shoulde not be well garded but shoulde be lefte open to practise, then her escape and the other perills might be doubted of. But if the Quene’s Majestie houlde a streighter hand over her and put her under the cure of a fast and circumspect man, all practise shalbe eutte from her and the Quene’s Majestic free from that perill. And more safle it is for the Quene to kepe the bridle in her owne hand to restraine the Scottish Queue, then in retorning her home to commit that trust to others, which by death, composicion or abusing of one person may be disapointed. And if she shoulde by anye meanes recover her estate, the doubt 0f rebellion here is not taken away but rather to be feared, if she have habilitye to her Will. And if she finde strength by her owne and forreyn frends, she is not farre of to gyve ayde open a mayne land to soch as will stirre for her, which so long as she is here they will forbeare lest it might bring most perill to her selfe being in the Quene’s hands. The lyke respect, no doubte, will move forrein princes to become requesters and no threateners for her deliverye. And Where it is sayde that the Quene’s Majestie cannot be quiett so long as she is here, but it may brede daunger to her maiesies health. That is a matter greatlie to be weighed, fior it were better to adventure all then her majestic shoulde inwardlie conceave anye thing to the daunger of her. health. But as that is onlye knowen to soch as have more inwarde acquaintaunee with her majestie’s disposicion then is fitte for some other to have, so againe it is to be thought that her majestic being wise if the perilles lyke to followe in reatornmg her home were layed before her and if she finde them greater 170 then the other, she wilbe induced easelie to chaung her opinion and therbie may followe to her majestic greate satisfaction and quietnes. Margin. Caucions if she be reteyned. To remove her somewhat nerer the Court, at the least, within one dayes jorney of London, wherbie it shalbe the more easie to understand of her doings. To deliver her in custodie to sotch as be thought most sound in religion and most voyde of practise. To diminishe her nombre, being nowe aboute xl. persons to the one halfe, to make therbie the Quene’s charges the lesse, and to give her the fewer meanes of intelligens. To cutte from her all accesse letters and measages other then soch as he that shall have the charge shall thinke fitte. To signifie to all princes the occasion of this streight garde open her to be her late practise with the Duke of Norfiolk which hath given the Quene cause to doubt farther, assuring them that she shalbe used honorablie but kept saffelie from trobling the Quene’s Majestie or this state. That she be reteyned here untill the estate of Scotland be more settled, and the estate of other contries now in garboille, be quieted, the issue whereof is lyke to be sene within a yere or twoe. 6% pp. (II. 349.) JOHN [LESLIE, BISHOP or] Ross, to the EARL 0F LEICESTER. [1569,} Dec. 21. Kingston—Complaining of the high injury done to his mistress [the Queen of Scots} by the taking away of a boy called Willie Douglas, who was a special instrument in conveying the Queen from Lochleven. Last Sunday he was in Kingston, ready to depart with other of his fellows to Paris, and had obtained his passport from her Majesty, but since Sunday nothing has been heard of him, which touches her Majesty’s honour as he was here in the court and had her safe conduct, and was therefore under her protection. If such attempts are permitted, none (if his mistress’ servants may resort here for doing her service. Requests the Earl’s furtherance for the suit of one John Hog of Leith before the Privy Council. 1 p. Yea/r data given in endorsement. (H. 357.) The EARL or LEICESTER to [THOMAS,] EARL or SUSSEX. [l569*.]——-Is glad that he has prospered in his journey and answered in all points the good opinion conceived of him. Touching her Majesty’s resolution he knows not what to write ; she is desirous to work her own surety and the quietness of her state. Among themselves there be sundry minds. The place the Earl of Sussex holds requires all the under- WW—ww .. ...”..‘.. W”..._<.........._...~_......~.... * The Earl of Sussex was created Lord President of the North in 1569. 171 standing that may be; wherefore he will let him know all that he knows. Her Majesty has two persons to deal with, the Queen of Scots lately by her subjects deprived, and the young King, her son, avowed and set up in her place. The most in number [in London] are for the son, that her Majesty may have the like authority and amity in Scotland as in the time of the late Regent. The reasons against the other are the title that Queen claims to this crown, the overthrow of Religion there, and the impossibility of any assurance for the observance of any pact between our Sovereign and her. And upon indifferent looking into the matter on both sides it is disputable, some think, and of these he confesses himself one, that if she takes the King into her protection, she may enter into a war in which France or Spain may set foot. Nor can he see that she has troops to continue any time in war. If they enter into war, and be driven for lack or any way to shrink, they must be sorry for what they have done. The realm is already universally burdened in many ways. The state does not require further cause of imposition. In worldly causes men may be guided by worldly policies, and yet so to frame them as God, author of all, be rightly regarded. Though in some points he shall deal like a worldly man for his Prince, yet he will not forget that he is a Christian. The question is whether it be meter for our Sovereign to maintain the youn King, or upon composition to restore the Queen of Scots. fif there be any assurances to be given, or any provision by wordly policies to be had, he thinks ways and means may be used with the Queen of Scots whereby her Majesty may be at quiet and yet delivered of her present great charges. The cause of trouble and danger to her Majesty is the title pretended by the Queen of Scots to the crown of England. She may be aided for her religion, by the colour of her title, by the other great Princes of Christendom. The settin up her son does not take away her title in their opinion thong she remain prisoner. And having any advantage these Princes will proceed far. The best means to avoid this danger is to obtain her consent to renounce all such interest and title as she now claims either presently or hereafter during the life of her Majesty and the heirs of her body. Here two questions may be made, first, whether she will so renounce ; secondly, if she will do So, what assurance can she give for the performance thereof? For the first, she hath, and doth presently ofier to renounce all claims during the life of her Majesty and her heirs, and for the second doth offer all manner of surety that her Majesty can devise and is in her power to do. She excepts none. It is objected that Princes never .hold promises longer than for their own commodity. Yet Princes do treat with one another, and are forced to trust to such bonds as they contract by, and as in wordly matters all surety ls 172 subject to many casualties, yet such devices are made even among princes as tie them to perform that which if they might choose they would not. Such means may be devised to tie her as though she would break, yet may she get no advantage. Her own simple renunciation should be made by the most substantial instrument, and confirmed by the assent of others. Her own parliaments should do the like with the full authority of the whole estate. She should deliver her son, and such other principal noblemen as her Majesty names, as hostages, and put into her Majesty’s hand some one peer or two of that realm. Her Majesty might also by ratifying this by a parliament in England make a forfeiture, if the Queen of Scots should go about to infringe the agreement, of all such titles and claims as remain in the Queen of Scots after her Majesty and her issue, never to be capable of any authority in this realm. And she must be equally bound to suffer the received and established Religion in Scotland to be confirmed. Thus the amity between the two realms will be so strongly united as no foreign Prince should send a force to break it. The confirmation of the Religion will hold her Majesty a strong and continual party in Scotland. The trial of this already is sufficient. Though the Scotch Queen shall now be settled in her kingdom again, yet is she not like to be greater or better esteemed than heretofore, when she could not alter this] Religion. Lastly as the oppres— sion of strangers heretofore had wearied them of the yoke, this peaceable time between us and them has made them know the liberty of their own, and the commodity of us their neighbours. Thus he thinks will there be more surety for the present Without the intolerable charges which her Majesty cannot long sustain. _ 7 pp. [Endorsed .'] The copy of a letter to the Earl of Sussex from the Earl of Leicester. A further endorsement has been so much obliterated as to be unintelligible. (II. 651.) GRANTZ DE POMMAR to [the EARL or LEICESTER ?]. [1569 ?]—Is a stranger in England, born in Pomerania; had served the Emperor Charles V, and King Philip of Spain sixteen years in the wars ; was in Flanders in [l5]68, in Count de Lodron’s regiment, when Alva arrested all the English merchants at Antwerp ; was ordered by Alva and de Lodron to keep 133 such prisoners in their own houses for three months; some having been allowed, upon parole, to go into the town, Alva, informed of this by an Italian, sent orders through de Lodron that none of them must be allowed out of doors. The two chief merchants imprisoned, Rochart Kloch, debtor, and William Algar, secretary to Jan Mavan, Margrave of Antwerp, came and begged the liberty they had had, 173 promising that none would depart without license. He then consulted his Colonel, who said that if any of them escaped, he [de Pommar] would answer for it with his life, This reply being reported to them, Kloch promised, for the rest, that they would not escape. Within a week all but 28 had escaped, including the two spokesmen. De Pommar then surrendered himself to the Count who ordered him to be stabbed. It was however then after 4 o’clock on the Sabbath, and the sentence could not be carried out. Meantime friends petitioned the Count on his behalf. When the Duke heard of the escape of the merchants, and that de Pommar was in prison, he ordered the latter to be executed. Many friends at Nancy, with the Duke’s two sons, Don Frederico and the Grand Prior of Malta. intervened; he was reprieved, but condemned to the galleys for life, with confiscation of goods, the loss of 450 crowns pay at 25 crowns a month, and of his pension from the King, 150 crowns a year. He was in prison seven months. The merchants give him 101. a year during life, but he cannot live on this. He has therefore come to England and prays his Lordship to solicit the Queen for a place of pensionary in Barwick. 3 pp. Spanish. (II. 697.) OWEN O’CONOR to QUEEN ELIZABETH. [1569. Oxford.*]——The Queen has shewn great kindness to him and his brother, having presented the latter with a gold brooch. Being now attacked in war by many wicked men, his brother has requested him to join him in Ireland and bring a letter from the Queen to the Lord Deputy there. The writer does not wish to leave Oxford entirely. l p. Latin. (II. 675.) WILLIAM MAITLAND [or LETHINGTON] to the EARL 0F LEICESTER. 1570, March 2[9]. Lethingtoné—[See Cal. S.P. Scotland, Elia, under this data] (II. 367.) JOHN HAWKYNS to [the EARL or LEICESTER]. 1570, June 4.——The Indies fleet comes to the Azores in the midst of August, with gold, silver and jewels to the value of 20,000,000 ducats or 6,000,0001. English. “ This whole fleet (with God’s grace) shall be intercepted and taken within these three months, for the extreme injuries offered unto this Realm : which wrongs being satisfied with the costs, the great mass shall be at the courtesye of the Queen’s Highness to restore or keep.” * In the summer ’3; 1e69, Cir—Bone h O’Connor Sligo. had returned to Ireland, while his brother Owen was st' at Oxford. 174 [Marginal note] “ The third part that is taken shall satisfy the losses. . . “ To which enterprise John Hawkyns shall furnish ten ships in warlike manner at his own proper costs and charges. “ To which enterprise also it is required that the Right Honorable the Earl of Leicester (with his friends) shall obtain and borrow of her Highness two ships furnished with ordnance, powder and munition, to say, the Bonadventure and the Bull. “ Also toward the furniture of the ten ships of John Hawkyns, it is needful to have two last of powder and 200 calyvers complete= for which powder and calyvers there shall be good payment satisfied into the tower. “There is nothing more needed toward this enterprise but Her Highness’s free consent.” Endorsed by Hawkins himself : “ The Spanyards, 1570.” [1 39. 0n the back and from have been scribbled alphabets and writing of a child] (II. 371.) THOMAS, EARL or SUSSEX to the QUEEN. 1570, Sept. 10. Warkwortli.—-Copy. [For the original see 8.1). Foreign, Elia, of date] (II. 373.) Sir HENRY Nonnnys to the EARL OF LEICESTER. 1570, Sept. 23. Paris—Partly to the same effect as letter to Cecil [see Gal. S.P. Foreign,Eliz.,] of same date. They of the religion come in such tr00ps that this day a proclamation was made that no one should come accompanied to the Court but with his ordinary train, and if any quarrel arise for particular affairs the magistrates to reform the same and if it pass their power, to repair to Monsieur the King’s brother, “ whose credit increases so fast as the King may repent it.” Having no money has been unable to buy mullets for the Queen. By a letter from Spires of the 7th he understands that only two of six articles were agreed upon; that an army might be formed at the common expense for the safety of the country, and that Lazarus Swendy should command. That no soldier should be levied for the service of a foreign prince without the consent of the Emperor was refused. The Princes then departed. Some of the German ArchbishOps and Bishops would gladly shake off the Pepe’s yoke, as he hath demanded a new oath of them, without which they cannot be confirmed at the Pope’s hands. Among them is the Bishop of Cologne. 1 p. (H. 375.) . The EARL OF LEICESTER to the Ancnsisnor or i CANTERBURY [Matthew Parker]. [1570,] Oct. 10. Windsor.—-—Your Lordship’s letter, being delivered me in her Majesty’s presence, it was her pleasure, ,4 ‘,,W7wm,4rm.» («r V 175 learning it was from your Lordship, to open and read it herself. “Which having well perused and remembering full well the information heretofore given touching those persons your Grace writes for, she was in some offence to find that the matter was so far excused by you, and you so 10th to have them better understand their faults. She willed me in any Wise to signify it even so to your Grace and to put you in remembrance what her Majesty was wont to say to you touching your over much sufferance and lenity towards disordered persons whereupon she thinketh they have taken greater boldness and encouragement to proceed as they do, much otherwise than if you had done your office accordingly, they would dare to do. I cannot tell what else, but much more (my Lord) to this effect her Majesty willed me to say from her which knowing this to be enough do omit for this time. But in conclusion her Majesty’s pleasure, I see, is that your Grace should have due regard to the office she hath called you to, and that above all other things you care- fully look to the good observation of the ecclesiastical orders appointed in this Church within her government, whereof she hath placed you a principal minister, that the true Religion may quietly go forward and not to be impeached disorderly by every man’s private or absolute Will, that the form of the service in this Church established . . . be not changed . . . in any place contrary to law and order, that the breakers and disobeyers of the same, be by your Lordship and the rest joined to assist you, duly corrected and punished, seeing so many tolerations and so oft- mild warnings will not serve, And doth admonish you to consider not only the sundry speeches heretofore she hath had with you, . . . but to weigh with yourself whose ofi‘icer you are, and not seek so much to please the number as to discharge the trust com— mitted you by her. And for the particular matter you have written on, her Majesty . . . is not ignorant of the great labours the parties have [torn] to have their doings wrapt up, . . . wherefore her Majesty commandeth you that this matter be thoroughly examined, the rather to understand the truth of the Dean of N orwich’s doings, Whom they say did give his consent to this they have done, for that he not only informed her Majesty of the disorderly com[mitted ’2] but utterly seemed to mislike of their whole doings, the which her Majesty willeth to be tried for so is their fault [tom] or greater. But where- soever the fault truly [tor-n] she meaneth that she would have the world [torn] that manifest contempt and disobedience [torn] past over at the magistrates’ hands. It is [not pyx] and copes her Majesty saith that she makes matter [tom] against pyx or cope in so public a place [but] to glve cause that her zeal to religion should be [torn] of, or that others like shall be so bold elsewhere likewise to enterprise their own reformation to the open contempt of her Majesty. She thinketh it more than convenient that severe regard thereof 176 be had in time, and looks that this respect alone should suficiently move your Grace to be more earnest to have due redress for such, adding also that this is not the first like attempt in her time, that it should ask so easy a discharge, the information being proved. And therefore she trusts she shall have no cause hereafter to think you so remiss by so over slight passing this.” It must seem to those who know this to be done without authority either that her "Majesty will not reform evil, ‘or that she is careless in matters of Religion. To be thought so in Religion you may consider what opinion it must bgreed surely not such as should be to a well deserving prince 11 hose deeds, thanks be to Almighty God gi1eth no such cause hitherto so to be thought of . God grant us we may long enjoy this godly and good reformation wh1ch 1t hath pleased Him b1r th1s our prince to send us. It cannot be that all things can be so perfect but there will be found some want, . . . for them is no such perfection at no time in our doings . . not that each private person, having received so much the more plenty of God’s grace by understanding or knowledge, shall take upon himself to step into the prince s place or magistrates’. I think that cometh not of perfection for I am assured it is merely against the express words of God. . . We have a good prince by whom under God we enjoy much good; . .let us not bring in question to have her thought ill, because we will be counted good. If them be anything that IS not so perfect as we would have it, what cause is there of any suchp despair that godly adt ertisement should not better prevail than unlawful control- ment 9 . . . Let us not by seeking to put away Popish ce1emonies bring in Popish customs. It was wont to be his part and his clergy s to deal with princes and magistrates thus. I have I know troubled your Grace too long; my message from her Ma Jesty had been sufficient and not to have said so much of myself, but surely beside the place I hold, my conscience moveth me to it.” Postscript «“ It is informed that after the disorder com- mitted in Norwich Church, and that sundry found fault therewith even of the best protestants. and feared them like to answer to it. They sent for one Slaughter (or such a name he ha h) of Cambridge who preached at the green yard there and in his sermon, as it is reported here to us, should marvellously commend the fact done in the Church ” confilming their doings, and demanding that they should not be punished or ill handled for their doings, for they were the very saints of God. It were well and reason your Grace enquired hereof likewise. 5 pp. Endorsed: The COpy of my [tom] the Archbishop of Ca[nterbury] by the Queen’s Majesty’s comman[d]. (II. 633). THE ANSWER TO BE GIVEN TO THE ABBO’I‘ or DUMFERLINE. 1570, Dec. 4.———-[See Cal SHP Scotland, Eliza under data] (II. 379.) 177 MARY QUEEN or Seems to the EARL or LEICESTER. 1570. Dec. 29. Sheffield—Has written to the Queen, her sister, desiring her to proceed with the treaty, since the Bishop of Galloway and Lord Levington are passed toward her, to be associate with the writer’s ambassador. Hopes there shall be no further delay, and prays the Earl to further the same, seeing it tends to the honourable contentment and surety of the said Queen, to the comfort of both and to the quietness of the whole isle. She hopes thereby to recover perfectly her health and to be relieved of the infirmity wherewith she has been so long and dangerously troubled, and will refuse nothing within her power for the Queen’s reasonable satisfaction, as her ambas- sador will declare. Signed “ Your richt good frind and consignes Marie R.” gp. Seal. (II. 383.) E[DWARD EARL 0F] RUTLAND to MR. CONIsTON of the Admiralty. 1571, June 15. Rama—Refers to injury done by Coniston’s nephew to the Earl’s tenants at Fritwel]. He had shewn him the more favour for the sake of Coniston and his brother- in-law, Mr Hussey. 1 1). Seal. (II. 385.) The EARL or LEICESTER to the BISHOP or PETERBOROUGH [EDMUND SCAMBLERJ. [1571—2 ?] Jan. ‘28.~—In favour of Mr. W'yborne, preacher at Northampton. They have there a “ weekly exercise by the assembly of the ministers and preachers of all the county about, who are examined of their doctrine and life.” He wishes the Bishop would do the same. The poor men of Northampton, which is a great town, have been reformed by VVyborne, and if he be defaced, they will be discouraged. The Bishop should go there and see for himself. “Try it yourself, be your own judge . . . be not afraid to do that you ought.” The Queen will be offended if such a town is not duly served. Wyborne is “ neither accused nor quitt.” The Bishop’s Chancellor is no favourer of the godliest; he “ seeketh too much the gain of his purse.” 1} pp. Copy. (II. 647.) The EARL OF LEICESTER to the BISHOP or PETERBOBOUGH [EDMUND SCAMBLER]. l571[-2,] Feb. 19. The Court.——-Although he has no liking to keep Mr. Wibome at Northampton, the Bishop was the chief cause of his leaving his book at the University. to go there two or three years ago. Wiborne made no innovations; he was not minister, only Preacher and Reader, and has diligently discharged that office; he was called before the p 12 178 Commissioners, and by them told to go home and do as he had done. From the Bishop, who knew him, he might expect more toleration than from them. He should not be misliked for his variance with the townsmen, as his cause is more like to get enemies than friends. He may differ about ceremonies, (though the Earl knows it not) but if the Bishop knew this. he should have warned him. The Bishop’s consideration of his case is requested. 2 pp. Copy ; torn, and endorsement almost eflaeed. (II. 389.) PLAN or THE BATTLE or LEFANTO by G. R. 1572.——Printed by the heirs of Antonio Baldo, with the crest and triple crown of Pope Gregory III. Large sheet. (II. 539.) HENRY KILLIGREW to the EARL or LEICESTER. [1575. About May.*]~—‘“ The man that desired me to present this enclosed unto your Lordship would gladly know your pleasure therein for it will ask two months’ work. If therefore you like his device, it may please you to take order with Mr. Dudley or some other for the furnishing of him with money. By his account the charges will draw to 50L, which sum he desires not to have in his own hands, but that he may receive it by All. or 5l. at a time, and would gladly also that some by your Lordship’s appointment may see how he doth employ the same. The man is honest and I think will serve your turn very well and far better in deed than in words. The 7l. which he had of me is employed about a fountain which he mindeth to present unto the Queen’s Majesty—~21- singular piece of work, whereof the like was never seen in these parts. I beseech your Lordship to let him know your pleasure by my brother or some other, for that I think to go over myself this journey with my Lord of Honsden, if he obtain leave for me as 1' think he will.” 1 p. Holograpk. Endorsed: Fireworks. (II. 607.) Enclosing, The Paper alluded to. The first evening in the meadow :wSerpents of. fire. Eight or ten pots of wonderful and pleasing things. Also birds to fly about in the air scattering fire. Two dogs and cats which will fight in the fireworks. The second evening in the courtyard of. the Palace :HA fountain throwing wine, water and fire seven or eight hours continuously. This will be worth seeing for its marvellous fireworks. Three wheels of wonderful scented fire and of different colours. The third evenin in the river :~—A dragon as big as an ex, which will y twice or thrice as high as the tower of St. Paul’s, and at that height, will burn away. and ‘ The Queen arrived at Kenilworth on July 7. 179 suddenly will issue from its Whole body dogs, cats and birds Which will scatter fire on all sides. There will be many other things in these fireworks im- possible to describe in writing. I will do it all at my best according to the money sent me for expenses. 1 1). Italian. (II. 609.) Progress of QUEEN ELIZABETH to Kenilworth. [1575.*]‘—“ Remembrance for the Progress.” Three routes are given from Windsor to Killingworth [Kenilworth] with mileage. (l) Chenies, Rycott, Oxford, Woodstock, Banbury, Coventry, Warwick, (2) Bisham, Ewelme, Byssitor [Bicester], or Buck, Banbury and as above, (3) Misselden [Missenden], Aylesbury, Buck, Dantry, [Daventry,] Coventry and as (1). Carriage to be appointed for all nobility and all office for the Queen and her house. No herdward, shoemaker or artificer to have carts but their carriage with horses. Letters to be sent to the Sheriffs of Oxford and Warwick to levy 300 quarters of wheat in each shire, besides the privy bakehouse, or to say whether they can serve baked bread. Letters to be sent to the Commissioners of the Peace of both Shires or other gentlemen to know how the Queen may be served of beeves, muttons, veales and lambs, herons, shovelards, bittors or any kind of fowl or fresh-water fish, rabbits &c, and what may be served by the day at Woodstock, Coventry, Warwick and Killingworth and price set for the same for the time of her abode there. Oxford and Coventry brewing may serve for Woodstock, Warwick and Killingworth, and also bought bread if need be. A staple to be made for the p[o]ulters for the month at Oxford and Coventry for the standing houses. Salt store to be laid at [blank]. Wood of sorts to be had of the Queen’s own about her Grace standing houses to be laid in and also rushes of the country. Coals to be made out of such wood, and laid in aforehand. Order to be given by the Sheriffs of the shire at the said standing house by letters for laying in of hay, litter, oats, horsebread and such like. Wines of all sorts to come from London and laid in the place appointed for the journey by the jestes. . If the ale of the country will not please the Queen, then it must come from London, or else a brewer to brew the same in the towns near. That ale and beer be brewed at Oxford and to serve Within 20 miles of the same town. 1 p. (11. 517.) ‘ This is shown to be the celebrated visit to Kenilworth in 1575 by the date of Easter given in a marginal note. ‘33:. L \\, 180 CHRISTOPHER ASSHLEY to MR. LEAVER, ARCIIDEACON OF COVENTRY. [Not later than 157 7.*]———A long letter upon religious subjects. 4 pp. (II. 563.) [GEORGE N EDHAM] to [the EARL or LEICESTER”. [Not later than 1582.T]~-Has become unp0pular for doing his duty in redress of matters of custom paying, and is odious with all merchants both English and strangers at London and Antwerp, and has spent all his means. Has been warned by his wife’s friends not to go to Antwerp, where he is com~ plained of to be the discloser of Emden. Desires to be recommended to the Lord Treasurer to have in farm the cranes and the new wharves, which he has devised to his great charge and trouble. It is said by many that he has beat the bush and others shall have the birds. Without signature or address, but see ante, p. 22. I} pp. (II. 613.) The EARL or LEICESTER to CHRISTOPHER BLOUNT, LIEUTENANT or ins HORSE. [1587,] June 7.——“.l‘ am sorry Mr. Kytt for your hurt, and yet glad you have ’scaped so well, considering at whose direction you were, and whereof I was greatly afraid when I heard he had taken you with him. “Tell I trust now to be with {you} very speedily, and l pray you let me find a fair band at my coming. I bring 200 fair liveries with me for them. Let all my friends understand of my coming, within 15 days I trust to be in Flushing. My Lord W yllowby will be there by Tuesday next or Wednesday at furthest, so will the Lord Marshal also. There doth come with me 4,000 men which is the cause of my longer stay, but they are almost ready to come hither. “My 1. of Buckhurst hath almost marred all if it be true is advertised that he hath gone far with the States in the matter of peace, and in other sort doth it seem than over her Majesty gave him authority, for I know his uttermost warrant is to let some of the wiser sort understand what offers and means is made unto her from the King of Spain and whether they could ‘likc to hearken to it if they could, then to advertise— if not that she intends not to deal without them. How far farther my Lord is gone and to how many places published you may better learn there or this but if he have gone further than 1 set down, he hath abused her Majesty. Repair to the Hague or send for Wood to you and give him order to dress up all my muskets and calivers and armours, as also my * Thomas Leaver was Archdeacon of Coventry from 1559 to 157 7. f In 1582, Sept. 6, George Nedham petitions as Farmer of the Custom House Quay in London, showing that at that date he had obtained the post he was seeking. See Cal. Cecil MSS., Vol. II, p. 520. 181 tents and bales. And if he want wherewith, speak to my cousin Shirley to prest him some 20L or 301. to do these and other things withal which he shall receive order for. “ Commend me to my old servant. Mrs. Madleyn and bid her see all things handsome for me at the Ha ue against I come and if she be in any want I pray you let (lier have 20 nobles or 10!. till I come. Fare well, Kytt. (Postscript.)-“ l have given I’cttye a company of iootmen.’ 2m). (11. 725.) IRELAND. 1588.~A particular book of the wages grown due to the Lord Deputy, chief officers, and others of her Majesty’s army in pay within that realm for one half, containing (with the odd days included. and allowed for the leap—year) 183 days beginning prime Octob-r-is, 1587. and ending ulto. Marchii, 1588, scilicct in annis [sic] 1588. Eliz. R. XXX. {Another copy is in 8.1’. Ireland calendared under date 1588, March 3lv-also calendared in (Jarew MS. 1588, p. 161, No. 652.] (II. 421.) SPANISH ARMADA. 1588, May 9. Lisb011.-~Aceount of the ships, armament and personel of the Armada. 2 pp. Spanish, bearing John Evelyn’s signature on title page. (II. 445.) ARCHBISHOI’ Marrnnw PARKER to {the EARL 0F LEICESTER“. [No year.] Dec. :25. "Iiambeth.~—Recomrnellding the bearer [unnamed] for a prebend at Canterbury resigned to him by William Darell. § p. (II. 665.) LADY KA'I‘HARYNE BARKELEY to lthe Emu. or LEICESTER]. [Before 1590,] Feb. 21. Strensham.-—- . . . My going out of Warwickshire was not a little to my discontentment being new divided from your worthy sister. YOur coming into those parts was to me no less comfortable than to the residue of the country beneficial. I am a suitor to you in the behalf of this bearer; being somewhat akin to my Lord, I am desirous to advance him, that he may be preferred to the Queen’s service. “ I would not be any means to procure his abode in a. place of so great charge knowing his own living not to be suflieient to maintain him about the court without his great- hindrance.” My Lord intendeth to furnish him with apparel or give him money against his coming to the court. My cousin George reported to me at his late being here how beneficial he had found you. I render thanks to your Lordship. Upon his well deserving I trust you will continue his good Lord. I am sorry to hear my Lord of Warwick is so grievously pained with his old disease. [He died 1590.] 2 pp. Holey-mph. (II. 681.) 182 COPY of the WILL of the EARL OF LEICESTER. 1588, Sept. 11.——Date of certified copy; the will itself being dated. Aug. 1, 1587. (II. 406.) Sir WILLIAM RUSSELL to WILLIAM, LORD BURGI—ILEY. 1599, May 13. Dublin.~~Has cut off by the sword Feagh McHugh, and recommends the specially good deserving of Sir John Chichestcr, Sergeant Major, and Captain Lea. 1 1). (II. 449.) QUEEN ELIZABETH to [HENRY,] EARL OF PEMBROKE. 1599, [July 2 on back]. G-reenwich.——In commendation of his son.* Ends .' “ Neither is there any thing, for which we estleeml him more than in that we see how long he thinketh it, in . . . of his natural duty, to be separated from you, without record . . . his appearance ; though he be full of duty and devotion to do [us] service. Cherish him therefore, for our sake the rather, and [be] assured that we shall be partakers of all eontentments in that worth [2] which his good beginnings promiseth you: to whom when he hath made his principal. account of attendance, he shall be right welcome back to us again : but how much the more for her sake that bare him leave rather to herself to judge than tO our pen to describe. And for this we end with our best wishes to you both [for your"! happiness.” 1 7). Tom- at side. Sign manual above which the Queen has written in her own hand, “Your most loving Sovereign.” Endorsed .' “ Queen Elizabeth to the Earl Of Pembroke touching his son.” (I. 9.) GLEORGE, BARON] H UNSDON to Sir FRANCIS KNOLLYS. 1599, July 20. Greenwich.~“ I understand by my servant the pains you have taken, and your good and discreet carriage in the search of Parkin’s houseq‘ but it seemeth that the darkness of the night gave Opportunity for the escape of the Jesuit and seminary, whose apprehension might have sorted to important effects, who though escaped may by better examination be discovered. . . The place where you found the plate and the 1,300l. in gold Was five months since stuffed with better than 20,000l. of the chief Papists in England, gathered against the day of an invasion. But these birds being flown, I fear there will prove no cause Of just detaining what you hold. Yet, I pray you, let it be in safe keeping, and for her Majesty’s use, until upon my further examination and conference with Parkyns, you shall receive further order . . . from me. My servant having left with you a warrant for the apprehension of him, leaving direction to be subscribed to such a one as * Thefirst part of the letter is too much torn to be set out. 1' At Ufton, Berks, to which also the three next papers refer. See introduction. 183 you should think fit, 1 pray you let some man of yours of trust carry it to his house in Wiltshire, and in his company bring him up hither to me. Or else if he shall come to you to arrest him thereupon, and by some one of your servants send ' him up.” 1 19. (II. 453.) [Sir] EDW[ARD] Cox s to Sir FRANCIS KNOLLYS. 1599, Aug. 24. Hatton House.~—~I understand that there are certain sums of money in your hands, taken from certain rceusants in a late search made by you in the county of " Bark.” I pray you that whenever any commission shall come down to enquire of the goods and chattels of the same recusants, you will be ready to give in evidence for the finding of the said money belonging to Her Highness. t 1). (II. 457.) T[HOMAS, BARON] BUCKHURST to Sir FRANCIS KNOLLYS. 1599, Oct. 24. The Starchamber.-0n Sunday last I made my Lords of the Council acquainted with the cause of Mr. V achell ; the money is to be restored to him, but no order to be given for the same until they speak with you and for that purpose have appointed Sunday next 28th instant. % p. (II. 461.) [Sir] J ohm j POPHAM, CHIEF JUSTICE, to Sir FRANCIS KNOLLYS, at Reading. 1599, Dec. 26. White Friars.-—Threatening to send a Sergeant at Arms for Sir Francis, if he does not comply with an order of the Court of Exchequer with respect to money, jewels, &.c, taken out of the house of Francis Perkins of Ufton, part being due to the Queen for the recusancy of Thomas Vachell, the overplus to be delivered to V achell, who had petitioned the Council. 1 p. (II. 465.) EAR-L 0F ESSEX. 1600[-l‘], Feb. 25.-—-—“ The manner of the death of Robert, Earl of Essex, who was beheaded within the Tower of London upon Ash Wednesday, 1600.” 3 pp. [In print.) (II. 469.) UNDATED PAPERS, TEMP. ELIZABETH. Claims made by the Countess of Friesland and her sons. Apparently com- 2 pp. French. (II. 479.) [Undated.]—-—A remembrance to the Govemors and Commons of the four head towns of Brabant.—~Remonstrating against the breach of the ancient privileges thereof, especially the “ Blythe Entring ” and the “ Golden Bull.” 4 pp. (11. 481.) y 184 ALESSANDO RIOCARDY to “ Gentlemen.” [Undated]~——Knowing the importance of good air, and having great affection for London, he Wishes to put forward an easy plan for keeping that city free from the filth which aflects its air. The Romans took great care in this matter, as do the V enetians now. The situation of London, especially in the part of the royal palace, makes this easy, but a stop should be put to the washing of clothes and of flesh, and of other businesses of the kitchen. As is shewn by his model all the aqueducts of the houses, those of the wells and those of the kitchens, terminate in a receptacle in the most convenient part of the courtyard. Rain water may be allowed to go uncovered to the said receptacle, or through the streets, as is usual, but the water of the wells and that of the kitchen, in order to avoid constant damp and smell in the house, must disappear in the same spot ; that is to say in the kitchen and at the foot of the wells there will be made a hole into which the water will pour; from this hole a little underground channel will carry the water, by it's own weight, to the receptacle : that this channel may never be blocked, the aperture must be the breadth of four fingers, with a small iron grating at the top, having holes the size of a finger and no more, so that the channel cannot fail to carry anything which passes. Doing the same for the well, the water both of this and of the kitchen will be carried to the receptacle, which will be a stone cistern, one foot underground, more or less, a square of 1% or 2 feet according to the house. It will incline towards the street, . with a mouth six inches square, to which mouth will be joined a channel of the same size which will go to the street, carrying the water by its weight. The exit of the cistern to the channel will have an iron grating, as above, and the cistern will be covered by a stone pierced in the centre with a hole large enough to take a ball of shoemaker’s wax, with five or six smaller holes round it at discretion, to carry the rain water from the house, which will be directed to that place. If the channel, as it leaves the house, is near a neighbour’s channel, they may be joined, to save the expense, from the wall of the house to the stream in the street. All streets will have an underground sewer into which the channels of the houses will go, the said sewers being 18 inches wide, and the same height, more or less. If the channel of one street discharges into that of another, the latter must be larger. Thus will be carried underground the foul water, instead of being in the streets, and it will pass into the river. Whether the water of the springs ought to go underground or be allowed to take their ordinary course is a matter for the physicians. The water running through the streets will be clear, not mixing with the kitchen water, but this also might go under- ground at small expense. I85 In Italy and elsewhere beasts are not slaughtered near the places of sale, but the butchers have fixed slaughter places, generally on the river and somewhat above it. At Antwerp house~refuse has to be put at street—corners or crossways whence it is removed by carts. It would be better to put it in a corner of the house to await. the cart. The cost of the channels is estimated at 10d. per rod for the house channels, and 28¢. per rod for the public channel, taking the cost of bricks to be two ducats per 1,000. Existing lead channels can be used for other purposes ; existing stone channels will serve the puI‘)OSG. The expense of the street work should be found by the master of houses contributing to the Chamber of the Commonalty of London, or the latter should borrow at 15 per cent, and assess the total cost propor- tionately among the householders. Every summer on a fixed day these channels should be flushed. Arrangements should also be made to secure enough water in mill ditches ; a sluice should control the flow of water into the ditch below the mill which should be cleansed every five years, and kept in repair by the millers. Common ditches also must be repaired every five years. In Tuscany such work is the duty of specially-appointed resident men. As to the ditch which is situated almost in the middle of London, above the Cathedral Church, towards the Court, [the Fleet] this comes from outside London and has three bridges. If the houses which are upon the ditch have foundations so deep that the water cannot harm them, the ditch may be deep enough for the water of the river to come up to the third bridge. Nothing but water should be thrown into the ditch, and at its mouth should be a. lock, without prejudice to the boats, so that the ditch may be flushed. This scheme assumes the houses on the ditch to have deep foundations. Alternatively, the ditch should be deepened and the dirt thrown aside ; then a. frame should be made to the ditch, going down deep, the earth being thrown at the side mostly where the houses are, raising a wall of three or four feet as at Venice. Thus the adjoining houses might turn their sewers into it, subject to orders, given by the City, forbidding any filth to be thrown there and requiring that it should be put in order every five ears. y If called upon, for the benefit of the city, he will gladly do in her service whatever he can. 4 pp. Italian. (II. 521.) MATTERS ALLEGED ON BEHALF or Loan MOUNTJOYE. [Undeted.]——That he is able to make copperas and alum in suficient quantity to profit her Majesty, himself and his partners, and has made proof of it in practice. And he had~ satisfied herein Sir Hugh Pawlett and Sir Morris Barkley 186 That he has suffered so many years of his patent to expire is due to his want of ability to bear the charges, to his troubles about his mortgaged lands, and to the workhouses, erected for the purpose, being mortgaged; he wished to get them into his own possession before disclosing the secret; he had hoped to have aid from her Majesty in this. Also he had been unable to make composition with merchants for the “ vente ” and feared to have no sale. He petitions the Queen for 2,0001. to recover the works and set up new ones, or that she will cause the mortgagees to take their debts in the commodities. He offers his bond for the money, which may be left in sure hands appointed by the Queen, and prays that his patent may be extended. 2 pp. Signed, JAMES MOUNTJOYE. (II. 527.) PRLNCES 0F GERMANY. Paper headed “ Copie de l’alliance des princes, ducq et contes Dallemaygne et leur adherentes.” [Undated] fi p. French. (11. 535.) PRINCE OF ORANGE. List of “ names of such as have charge under the Prince of Orange in this his enterprise.” [Undated] ; 7). (II. 537.) AMBROSE, EARL 0F WARWICK. Between 1553 and 1564.-~A paper headed " Certayne notes of divers matters gathered out of the Recordes in the Towre that toucheth the Auncestors of the Right Honorable the Lord W a[rwicl(] sonne of the right noble and valiaunt prynce John Late Duke of Northulnberlande.” On the title page coat of 16 quarterings surrounded by garter and surmounted by coronet in colours. Extracts from Patent Rolls and Charter Rolls from the time of Hen. III to Edw. IV. At the end pedigree of descent from Richard Beau— champ Earl of Warwick married to Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Earl Berkeley. 14 pp. (11. 543.) THE ITALIAN MERCHANTS in London. [Undated]~Information on behalf of the Italian merchants in response to “ his Lordship’s ” orders, of the quantity of cloth and other commodities now in their possession, which they pray to be allowed to export as they have done heretofore. " i 29. Italian. (II. 591.) 187 CEOILIA, MARCHIONESS or BADEN, to QUEEN ELIZABETH. [Undated.]—-—After compliments begs her Majesty to accept a little ring, not measuring her affection by this mean offering. If the ring holds together and does not break, so will also her poor service never break. “ Cecilia, by her own hand, born Princess of the Kingdom of Sweden.” Addressed. “ To the mighty, noble and high born Queen, the Queen of England, France and ‘Erlantt’ [Ireland] and our gracious Queen.” 1 1). German. (II. 593.) FOR THE VISITATION or OXFORD [endorsement]. Things to be enquired by visitation :~—~ I. By what statutes the University of Oxford is ruled ; 2. Whether these are agreeable to God’s Word and the laws of the realm ; 3. Whether the oath to the Queen’s superiority have been, and is ministered to all who bear oflice and take degrees ; 4. Whether such as have received the oath have done it with this condition or under this protestation, Salve jurisdiction uniuscujwsque Episcopi in sun diocesi or this Quatenus oonsentit verbo Domini, alioquz'n deteator ; 5. Whether the oath is taken publicly with an audible voice and verbatim as the Statutes require ; 6. Whether the exercises in Divinity are duly kept. I. Also in private Colleges to know whether the students who by the statutes of their several houses are bound within a certain space to be priests delude the statutes and not entering the ministry say they be bound to be priests not Ministers ; 2. Whether in the Colleges the [Holy Communion is received of all the scholars as often in the year as the Church prescribes ; 3. Whether in the Colleges do lurk any priests or beneficed men who have not taken the oath to the Queen, nor conform to the Religion now established but rather manifest contempt. 1 p. (II. 615.) JEAN CALVIN. Extract from Calvin touching Bishops, Pastors and Ministers. 2} pp. (II. 619.) WINDSOR CASTLE. A declaration of the fees and annuities, pensions Rents resolute and the expenses general and necessary at the Honor and Castle of VVindesor. ' ' Temp. Eliz. R. [endorsement]. In fees in County Berek : Fees in = Countvi B110 k.: 188 ,‘The Constable’s fee 201. lThe Lieutenants . lOl. The keeper of Est- : hampsted Pk. . «M. 118. E The keeper of Finch— ampsted Bevly— wick 91. 2s. The keeper of the Great Park . 1.2L 3s. The Knoeke pvn fee ' there 30.9. The keeper of the Castle keys. til. 3The keeper of the The steward of Cook— ham and Bray . 4L ‘The keeper of the new Lodge in Cramburme 5L :The woodward and warrens fee . 60s The keeper of Folly 1 John . 61. The keeper of Son- nyng hill . 6L The keeper of the Mote park. 6L The Riding Foster (m ) 1063. The fee of the new 4 receipts . 10L The fee of the re eeipts for aSSerte rent and pur- presture . 41. 118. The keeper of the , Little Park 6L The keeper of the garden . 41. [The steward’ 13 fee of Langeley Manes and Wymrdis- IThe steward of Up ton and Teplow 208. *The steward of L Burneham and Holmer . . 408. leads 603. The Controller’s fee 9l. 2s. The porter’s fee . 4L 113. The Clerk 5 fee . BL 28. 3d. 6d. 4d. 5d. 20d. 10d. 6d. 20d, 10d. 3d. 20d. ‘ 20d. 20d. ‘ 5111 611.; 30in 20d}; bury 268. 8dr ‘ 141. 150l. 138. 2:}d. 28. [31:6 | (id 189 "The steward of Da— chet The keeper of Lang [9 ey Pk. . . The keeper of Dytton Pk . . 'Robert N orres clerk Annuities. The V1( er of Burne— and ’_ ham . pensions: IThe Vicar of Dorney The Vicar of Upton The Vicar of Old l Windesor . lThe Bishop of Serum {The Heirs of John . Syflem'est. 'The Heirs of Alex~ ‘ ander Newton The making and oar[riage] of the "onstable’s wood The making and carriage of the Wardrobe woods The preservation of ‘ the mead in the little park till it he mowed The hay making 1n Dytton Park Hay bought ‘ Langley Park . The ()le1k’s riding . days. 141.123 IThe Auditors allow F 893 in County BUG k.: \ Rents resolute: 118. 18.9 528. 7 13. Expenses 148. general and Marie‘s-sari: for lOl. ance . 71. 6s. i1The Barons allow- ; anee . . 2L The expenses of the 1 audit uncertain I but this year . 141. The expenses of the l swanmote uncer- 1 tain but this year 9L 98. 2- pp. (II. 629.) GEORGE CORYATE. 138. 4!. 11.9. 4L 113. 1063. 403. 538. 268. 208. 268, 12.9. 4d. 3d. I41. 28. 6111 3d .‘ 8d . Ill. 65. 8d. 4d. 8d. C198. 8d,, (55L 4s. 4d 6d.: 8d . 2d. ' Petition of Georg e Coryate for the parsonage of W arham in Norfolk, rated at the value of 111 concluding with 10 Latin verses 1 P Signed. Endorsed: “a. scolers sute for a. parsonage.” (11 643 ) 190 BERWICK. [Undated.]—~Articles or conditions required for the victualling of Berwick for 1,500 men for one year with prices of commo- dities. 3 pp. (II. 659.) [PETRUOCHIO] UBALDINO [endorsement] to the QUEEN. [Undated.]-l{aving recently promised Claudio Cavallerizzo and Alfonso Ferrabosco to act an Italian comedy to please the Queen, is unable to find more than 3 or 4 others Willing to act. ill Italian. (II. 663.) IMPORT 0F WINES IN THE SEVERAL PORTS [endorsement]. [Undated] m- 1. London, Ipswich, Yarmouth, Chichester, Southampton may be let yearly over and above all allowances granted by her Majesty to the honourable and worshipful of the realm for . . . . . . 5,100l. 2. Poole for . . _ . . . 400i. 3. Bristol for . , . 1,400l. 4. Bridgwater for , . , . 100l. 5. Exeter for . . . . 700i. 6. Plymouth for . , _ . . 550l. 7. Berwick for . , . . 501. 8. Chester for . _ . . . . 2001. 9. Newcastle for . . 2001. 10. Hull for , . . . . 1,0001. 11. Boston for . . . . , . l50l. 12. Lynn for . . . . . . 450l. 13. Wales for . . . . 300l. Total . . . . . 10,600l. So is there improved above the yearly rent now answered to her Majesty . . . . 1,5505. There will be given for a fine . . . . . 3,000l. So the lease shall stand to yr. L. in . . 1,450l. Which said sum is to be answered back again with the improvement of the first year and one hundred pounds gained besides. I can name farmers to the ports according to these rates. 2 mo. (II. 683.) THE INHABITANTS on THE TOWN OF LYNN [endorsement]. [Undated.]-~They request to have the customs of the port in farm before Mr. Sidney, now customer there, or that the same may remain in the Queen’s hands as heretofore. They have also a license to export corn but only in English bottoms. For three years none has been shipped. At the last storm they lost ten or twelve ships, and want ships. They 191 request that they may use the same license in strangers’ bottoms as in English, without which they cannot pay charges for the necessary works done and to be done in and about the town. 1 7). (II. 687.) TRANSPORTATION OF CLOTH. [U ndatecl.]-«First that a like license for transporting of cloth undressed &c. be granted from the Queen, her heirs and successors for ever unto the fellowship of Merchant Adventurers and to their successors, ”mint-is mulandis with like words as the other license be granted to Lord Robert Dudley &.e. for certain years with authority to substitute searchers from time to time to try and find oflcnders. Item, that all woollen commodities to be transported into the Low Countries of Zealand, Brabant, Flanders and Holland bershipped but at four times in the year, yearly at the most. And that at such time and to such places as the Merchant Adventurers trade unto in the said Low Countries and at no other time nor to any other place. [Marginal natal “ The navy shall he the better main- tained, coulourers cut Off and custom better paid.” ~§ p. (II. 691.) A DISCOURSE How THE QUEEN’S CUSTOMS AND SUBSIDY MAY BE BETTER ASSURED. [Undated.]~—A statute of 27 Henry VIII forbad white cloth above the value of 41. and colored cloth above the value of five marks to be transported, and since this statute such cloth has only been transported by license. A survey should be made how many such licenses remain in force. The Queen should make a restraint that no more pass but that the statute 'made for a common wealth may be put ‘in execution. If she grant to any person power to suffer these cloths to pass, yea although she take a ferm of 12d. a cloth, such person so appointed will be as good a watch and overseer what cloths pass as all other her officers, and will not suffer things to pass as is supposed now to do, for every man is more careful for his own private profit than for any other person’s. She will thus be a double gainer viz. in her ferm which after 12d. a cloth and 40,000 cloths a year will amount to 2,000l. a year rent increase, and her custom much better answered. It may be alleged that drapery shall thus be decayed, which is not true, for since 27 Henry VIII no cloths have passed without licence, and yet drapery is much increased, but II drapery should decrease, two commodities would ensue, (1) to the Queen because more wool shall be shipped and the custom of that is more profitable value for value than of 192 cloth, (2) to the Realm because the inordinate cloth making damages it in many ways, and upon some increase may be dangerous to the whole state. 1% p. Endorsed 3 J. M. (II. 741.) FOR THE FARMING OF THE CUSTOM or BRISTOL BY THE MAYOR [endorsement]. [Undated.]~~~-If the farm be granted to any private person these discommodities will ensue :——— By the credit thereof they will attempt adventures to the sea, being without control of any officer, which adventures will hinder the trade of young occupiers. They will engross all merchandise brought in by strangers, they first having notice thereof, and will utter the same at What price they will. If they may not so have the merchandise, or mislike to deal with it, they will oppress the merchant strangers by immediate payment of customs before the goods are sold, or by refusal of accustomed allowances. They will force the strangers to buy of them, or will permit them to feign employment, and convey away the money. Prohibited wares, as hides, calvesskins, down, butter, cheese, tallow will be permitted. They will deal with other the Queen’s subjects (being merchants) with like extremity. If the farm be granted to the Mayor and commonalty the aforesaid will be avoided, and these commodities will follow The Mayor and commonalty will be no adventurers. They will not engross stranger’s goods. They will courteously entreat strangers and allure them thither. They will see the employment made in lawful wares bought of the inhabitants. They will not convey prohibited wares, nor suffer others to do so. ' They will give strangers and merchants of the city reasonable time for payment of customs. They will employ the profit for the relief of the poor, and the common state of the city, and although the Chamber of the city be some deal at loss thereby, if the common wealth be advanced, they count it well bestowed. l 19. (II. 759.) UNIVERSITY or OXFORD. [Undated.]——Orders or decrees of the University concerning Registration of students and payments of fees. Subsequent to 1611. the date of the institution of the order of Ba-ronets. 6% pp. Latin. (II. 599.) 193 CHARLES I to the VIZIER on THE SULTAN. l626[~7], March 20. Westminster.——Recalling Sir Thos. Roe and appointing Sir Peter Wichc as ambassador. ép. Copy. (III. 3.) CHARLES I to the SULTAN MORAT HAN. Of same date and to same effect as above. 1 p. Copy. (III 5). Also second copies of the two preceding papers. (III. 7 and 11.) “ ACTE ” concerning the ships JAMES and BENEDICTION. 1631, Sept. 15. Admiralty at Dieppe.——Before Jean Aveline, counsellor of the King, Lieut.-General for his Majesty in the Admiralty of France at Dieppe. ' Order to proceed to the sale and award of the ships James and Benediction of London, taken and brought into this port by Jacob Bontemps, captain in the navy, in 1629, with their rigging, powder (to. (as mentioned in the inventories thereof made), according to the ordinance of Cardinal Richelieu, grand master of the navigation and commerce of France. Roger de Lannoy, serjeant of the town, having made public proclamation to the people in certain places in the town [enumerated] that any persons wishing to bid for or prize the said ships could View them at certain times and places specified, did yesterda , the 14th inst., present his “ proces-verbal,” containing t 1e request of the said Bontemps and those interested with him in his last voyage, for the sale of the said ships &c. in virtue of the ordinance of the Cardinal, and of the sentence by us given on the 11th inst. And the said Lannoy has also summoned Thomas Blissart, English merchant, for himself and other owners of the said ships to appear by Mr. Daniel Hellard, their solicitor, on the day appointed for the sale, to look after the interests of the said owners. Upon which summons Hellard personally appeared and declared that Brissart [sic] died eight- mbnths ago, but that as solicitor for the other owners he protested against the validity of what had been done. And there also appeared Sir Isaac Wat-ta [Wake] Ambassador for the King of Great Britain, by his solicitor Jean Griel, merchant dwelling in Dieppe (appointed by deed dated on the 6th inst. at Paris) who put in a. protest from the said Ambassador, declaring that the said sale was matter of state, bearing relation to the two crowns, the King his mast-er having reserved to himself and his Council to decide differences concerning prizes; and yet, without any decree of the said Council, they had proceeded to the proclamation of the sale. Wherefore he demanded to have given him the ordinance of the Cardinal, and protested against the validity of the sale, 231-? 194 Bontemps alleged that at the time of the sale of the goods in the said ships, the English merchants tried to hinder the sale, and to that end obtained “ lettres de cachet "’ from the French King by surprise, but which letters the King in his Council had annulled and ordered the sale to proceed, which was done. And now again, they try to hinder the sale of the ships, but Bontemps prays that notwithstanding the delays demanded by the ambassador, the sale may be proceeded with according to the Cardinal’s ordinance. And the aforesaid Hellard has now declared that Christopher Croop, domiciled with Pierre Rasse in Dieppe is interested in the Benediction and that Francois Blissart, also domiciled in Dieppe is interested in the J ames. .Upon all which matters we have ordered that the sale of the said ships shall he proceeded with according to the ordinance of the Cardinal and without regard to the opposition of the Ambassador; notice to be given to the said Hellard that the owners of the ships or their solicitors may be present at the sale if they so desire. [H are follow particulars of the terms of sale] And Lannoy is to make proclamation of the said sale at the accustomed places on Sunday next. Signed. Aveline Le Moync. 11 pp. French. (I. 17.) Sir SAGKVILLE CROWE’S patent as envoy to the Sultan. 1634, April 9. Westminster. 1&1). Lat-in. (III. 29.) CHARLES I. 1634[—5], March 15. VVestminster.——Letters patent, placing the office of Lord Treasurer in commission, on the death of Richard, Earl of Portland. 8 pp. Copy. (III. 35.) REMONSTRANCES OF THE KING OF GREAT BRITAIN on the rigour of the ordonnanoes of the Marine of the kingdom of France. [1635 ?]-—Since the present breach between France and Spain more than 200 English ships have been seized and taken to France, of which more than half have been held lawful prizes, the rest released Without compensation. Ordonnances of Charles VI, year 1400. 1. Article 1. The Admiral and his Lieutenants are to enquire carefully abOut robberies committed against the allies and punish them severely immediately. But the French“ sailors have never been punished for searching and pillaging English ships before they have been condemned. 195 II. Article 2. The Admiral shall make the chief officers of a man of war take oath before going out viz. the master and his four fellow officers. This is never done, although, it is very right. III. _Article 6. Orders that if there is a doubt whether the prize belonged to the allies, it should be deposited, till this is cleared up, at the expense of the “ thing,” or of the captors, if it is judged no prize. But the English have always had to pay the expenses, often equivalent to the value of the ship and goods. IV. Article 8. If the French make a capture from the allies without due cause, the admiral shall make restitution. The facts being proved, it seems just that the captor should be condemned in all charges, damages and interest, without the judge having power to liquidate them, as they have done at one per cent of the sum due. Ordonnances of King Francis I, 1517. V. Article 19 requires every French ship to carry the admiral’s flag. For this see Article 13. VI. Article 22 requires the officers of the Admiralty to obligate all ships going to sea not to injure the allies. This is not done, whence it most frequently results that the captains being usually persons of little or no substance, when the prize is released, the English do not know to whom to turn for compensation. It is insufficient to obligate simply; the captains should give security as is done everywhere else, both for themselves, and their setters out (“ bourgeois, armateurs et avitailleurs ”) or that the setters out should give security. It is provided by Article 4 of the treaty of 29 Man, 1632, that captains 850. should give good security in 10,000 livres, and under pain of corporal punishment, confiscation of ships, &c. they were forbidden to injure English ships. It is frequently the case that governors of towns, magistrates, provincial advocates and even the receivers of the High Admiral are partners in the privateers, so that English shipmen arriving in French ports find no one bold enough to help them. It therefore seems reasonable that persons of the aforesaid quality should be forbidden to be directly or indirectly interested in the privateers, on pain of forfeiting all claims they may have in the prizes taken. Ordonnances of Francis I of 1543. VII. Article 42 hereof—~repeated in Article 69 of Henry III, 1584—-provides that if an enemy or any merchandize belonging to an enemy is in a. ship that ship shall be 196 lawful prize, so that even if there is (so to speak) a dirty cloth or a nightcap belonging to the enemy, or a monk or passenger whom an Englishman has from charity taken on board, the whole may be lawful prize—a law unheard of even with the Turks, who would only confiscate the enemy’s goods, returning to their allies all that belonged to them. This would be unbearable for merchants j. for example a merchant in England orders goods from his factor in a neutral place ; can the latter discover whether the ship which brings them carries anything belonging to the enemies of France? Since the declaration of war, Spain only seizes the goods of the enemy if found in an English ship ; she releases the ship. It was not intended that this article should be thus rigorously applied, it being only meant to prevent fraud upon the French. VIII, Article 43 allowing the confiscation of the ship and cargo of the ally Who has thrown his charter party into the sea is just. But [French] captains have often seized and suppressed charter parties, pretending that the masters [of the seized vessel] had thrown them overboard, in order to obtain adjudication. The captain’s report and that of his crew must therefore be compared with that of the master and crew of the prize. In some cases there is no charter party. [Various cases are given in which this might occur.] IX. Article 44, confirmed by Article 71 of the Ords. of Hen. III, 1584, enacts that setters out of the ships should not be held liable for prizes illegally made unless they have profited thereby, but for the English this would always mean the loss of their goods because the capturing soldiers are men of straw and incapable of paying compensation; yet the ally should be indemnified by someone; saving to the setters out redress against the captains, officers and men of their ships, as may be agreed between them. Ordonnances of Hen. III, 1584. X. Article 47 hereof requires the captain before sailing to deposit with the registrar all the names of his crew, and on their return to declare if they have brought them all back under pain of fine. This article is often neglected, whence arise many inconveniences. Being so important, it should be enforced on both setters out and crews, on pain of forfeiture of any prize they may have made. XI. Article 61 provides that if a “rescue ” has been 24 hours in the hands of the enemies of France, it is 197 lawful prize. But if recovered within 24 hours, the person who recovers it shall only have the third. In the matter of rescues there is another difficulty. For example, an English ship is taken by those who are not at war with England, under pretext that the capturing ship asserts that the goods on board belong to one of its enemies. With this view the said man of war wishes to take the prize into its country to have it adjudged good prize. Meanwhile the prize is rescued by a French vessel. Is it right that such rescue should be judged in France, when it should have been declared good, or bad, prize in the place to which it had been taken? This has happened too often, yet it seems in no way whatever just or reasonable. XII. Article 64 enacts that. if the ship of an ally is met at sea by a French ship and if the French ship takes anything out of it, the French crew shall be punished with death and torture on the wheel Without appeal provided that six advocates or ecunsellors of repute have signed the sentence after examination of the prisoners. ' This article is very reasonable. piracy being more easy to commit and more difficult to prove than robbery by land. The article accordingly accepts the state— ment of the prisoners who have been robbed as proof. Yet English ships, surrendering without resist- ance, have been often pillaged by French ships of war, neither ship or prisoners being brought in, and have only received the value of what was taken, and that after payin costs of the proceedings, often equal to the value 0 the ship and goods put together. XIII. Article 65 is the most severe, ordaining that every allied ship which being summoned by a Frenchman shall have refused to obey and made resistance, is good prize. This was not so before 1584, and defence at sea was permitted by natural right. No prince has a right to impose such a law save on his own subjects. Moreover, in spite of the orders for bearing the flag of France 850. mentioned above, many French ships sail under a plain white flag, without the three lilies, which is merely a flag of peace. When an ally sees such a ship bear down upon her and prepare to board her, it certainly justifies the Englishman’s resistance. English ships have also been judged good prize for firing a single shot merely to salute a man of war, and before it knew the ship to be French. The Frenchman may send his boat to satisfy himself of the nationality of the other ship, but may not search it, as is expressly laid down in the treaty of 1632. And if the merchant ship is delayed, the setters out of the other are liable 198 for charges. On the two points (1) if the French ship carried its proper flags, ( 2) whether the English ship knew that the other was French, the two parties frequently give different versions of what occurred. On the first point the French ship should be believed, but on the second most weight should attach to the statements of the English crew, or in either case light may be gained by confronting the two parties; and the decision must be loyally given according to the probabilities and appearances. The rigour of the ordonnances above examined remains also to be proved by the manner in which the English are treated when in the hands of the men—of-war. Some English have been beaten, ill-treated and abused, by the French ; others robbed without their ship being brought in; other [ships] burnt without any reason given. For the future this must cease, and for the past reparation must be made. The Englishman brought into a French port is immediately kept so close that he can get no assistance by way of advice or money. He should have 24 hours liberty to interest some one in his behalf, according to Article 6 of the treaty of 1632. The interpreter is a matter of importance. The owners" interpreter represent these poor foreigners as saying what they never dreamt of. There should be an interpreter for each side. Before the establishment of the Conseil de Marine, within the last 14 or 15 years, the local judges of the Admiralty used to decide on the validity of the capture, after full hearing of both parties. From their verdict there was an appeal to the Lieutenant General at the Marble Table of the Palais at Paris where once more the parties could defend themselves. From this there was appeal to Parliament where all was once fully heard, and also what might have been omitted before the Lieutenant, and so nothing on either side was left unheard. But now this is all changed. The parties no longer argue before the local officers of the Admiralty, and so the English are not fairly heard in their defence ; these officers merely draw up the report of the captain who has made the capture; the verification of this report by his crew; the examination of the master of the captured ship, and of his sailors; these they send to the ” Conseil de Marine ” at Paris, in a sealed bag, of which the contents are not communicated to the English, so that the next day an English ship may be confiscated without the poor English being heard or called. The parties should argue before the officers of the “ Admiraultée particuliére,” as formerly; the latter 199 should have all the facts before them, before they report to the “ Conseil dc Marine,” for the investigation can be far better made before the Court of the place to which the prize has been brought than at Paris where the parties rarely go. It will be said perhaps that the Interrogatories are secret and ought not to be communicated to the parties ; that they are charges and informations and not simple enquiries and verbal proofs; but this is what they deny, and for proof it is added that the Interrogatories are not in any way subject. to re-examination and confrontation; a sure testimony that they are only simple enquiries and verbal proofs, besides the fact that the English are condemned to nothing beyond loss of their ships and goods. Also Article 5 of the treaty of 1632 signifies that the captors are bound within 24 hours to place all the papers before the registrar that those interested may have a copy of them. And whereas the process may be sent so hurriedly to Paris that judgment may be given before the English can be there if they wish to appear themselves; it is only reasonable that in giving their decision to remit the ease to Paris the Court of “ Admiraultée particuliere” should inform the English in time for them to appear here, in this city of Paris by themselves or by their agents. The English should also have the statements made before the local court in order to know whether anything ought to be brought before the judges, and the several advocates or attorneys should make their appearance before the Clerks of the “ Conseil de Marine ” which they must signify t0 the advocate of the opposite party. Article 7 of the treaty of 1632 requires that the crew of the captured merchantmen shall not be turned out of the ship, and none of the cargo be unloaded without the order of those principally interested. This is not observed. And thus it seems that all things under the above heads might be put back into their rightful state, and that the English would no longer have grounds of complaint, which is the true and only way to main- tain the good union, friendship and correspondence which there should be between the two crowns and Princes. 24 pp. (III. 751.) JOHN [EARL 0F] ROTHES, to the Lord Chamberlain. [PIIILIP, EARL OF PEMBROKE]. 1639[-40],* Jan. 27. Edinburgh.~—Another copy of this letter and of the Lord Chamberlain’s reply is among the 8.1). [See Cal. S.P. Dom. 1639, i640, p. 397.] (III. 31, 33.”) * The English copyiEi“'iiS‘rISMdEEBt altered the year date assesses to English style. 200 Sir EDWARD LITTLETON to HUMPHREY LEIGH, Sergt. at Arms. 1641, June 18. Cranford.~—Warrant for arrest of John Boosey. % p. (111. 43.) CHARLES I to [J 01m] HEENVLIET [VAN DER KERCKHOVE]. 1642, April 27. York.——Informs him. of the completion of the marriage-treaty between the Princess Mary and the Prince of Orange. Nothing more can be desired on either side, nor can future questions arise. 4; 7). French. Copy. (III. 49.) See p. 203 below. Sir GILBERT TALBOT to [SIR RICHARD BROWN ‘3]. 1644, Feb. [3-]13. Venice.-—“This is the 4th packet (as I remember) which I have directed to you (under the Venetians’ Resident’s cover) at the instance of my Ld. of Banbury’s Governor who is at a great fault in his correspondence out of France, if you will be pleased to lay the man upon the sent [sic] you will do a deed of charity to the young gentleman (who hath suffered quarantaine and all the inconveniences of a blind guide).” I; 39. (III. 69.) WILLIAM CROFTS to [SIR RICHARD BROWN 1?]. 1644, [endorsement], April 18. Rouen.—-Thanks him for a cipher, and desires him to see all his letters delivered. Is leaving for England next day, and will represent him to their Majesties as a faithful Servant. Any answers to the letters are to be sent to him. 1. 1). (III. 53.) JACQUES VANDER WALLE to KING CHARLES I. 1644, May [4-]14. Dunkirk—Has received the King’s letter, and is writing to the Secretary of State. i 1). French. Copy. (III. 55.) The SAME to [GEORGE, LORD DIGBY, Secretary of State]. 1644, May [4-]14. Dunkirk—Has received the letters of the King and himself of May 1, and has answered by way of France. He has commenced preparations for the building of 12 small frigates. But he had applied to the “ Sieur Sandys,” who had arrived at Dunkirk, to furnish the money, 201 and to appoint, if he pleased, certain persons to receive and distribute it. He communicated with the Due d‘Amalfi who encoura ed him to proceed, and had conferred several times at lengt with Sandys whom he found. unwilling to provide the money, telling him that the King’s intention was only to spend about 30,000 florins, or about 2,4001%. for each ship. Vanderwalle replied that he had sent two models of 50 and 60 feet respectively, that Sergeant Major Bertram had taken away the latter, and that the King’s intention was to use that proportion, and to have two frigates of 60 feet and 32 cars each carrying four or live guns ; eight frigates of 50 feet with 24 cars and two guns each 3 two others of 40 feet and 8 oars, carry-ring one gun. On the average they would cost 4,000fl. each. He suggested that instead of twelve, it would be better to make eight worth 4,0001%. each. If the King did not wish to spend so much, he would return the money furnished and keep the fabric of the frigates for himself. The wood for eac frigate and the labour would cost 2,000fl. or 16,000/l. in all, which he could pay in three terms~~5,000fl. at once and the others as the work advanced, and as for the rigging, sails and anchors the Sieur Sandys could buy them where be leased, provided he could be assured of the 16,000fl. Not ing being concluded, he thinks the King had given no absolute order. He therefore writes for more precise orders, and if an order is intended, the money should be paid promptly to the person indicated by himself. If he had had any suspicion of the difficulties made by Sandy's, he would not have com— mitted himself to the preparations. 2% pp. French. Copy. (III. 55.) [Framers VISCOUNT] MONTAGUE to [Sir RICHARD BROWN ‘3]. 1644, May [20-]30. Rouen.*———Requests licence for his wife and eight women and for himself and ten men to go to England. [Noted in shorthand] : To be returned to Mr. Evel“. } p. (III. 59.) FERDINAND, Baron FAIRFAX, to EDMUND ANDERSON of Hull. 1644, June 8. Foulforth.——Demanding 400l. for the supply of the army, within six days. [Endorsed by Pepys]: . . . communicated to Mr. Pepys bySr. Edmond Anderson, directed to his Father . . . 1} 1). (III. 60.) “ This let-tor is probably, but not- certainly, dated new style; without internal evidence the point cannot be definitely settled. As a rule the royalist party abroad, during the Civil War and the Exile, used the style of the countries they were in, therefore it has been presumed to be peed unless the contents of the letter, or the known custom of the writer, Lndioato the contrary. 202 Sir THOMAS LUNsronn to the PRINCE [OF WALES]. [1644 ?] * June 29.--Has not been idle since he had his liberty. Requests a commission as he has interest in Sussex. 1 p. H ologmpk.T (III. 805.) Sm FRANCIS WINDEBANK to [Sir RICHARD BROWN ?]. 1644, Dec. [16—]261‘ EVI‘BUXrW” I have with difficulty through very ill weather and ways made passage to my former solitude, and have more leisure to comfort myself with the remembrance of your favours and of the contentment I had in the free and domestic entertainment you lately vouchsafed me than abilities to acknowledge the least of them. . . . I find . . . my own daughters in the state for matter of health wherein I left them, Mrs. Frances being still haunted with her too oflicious and importunate servant and so little dejected with it that I fear it will be as opiniatre as she and not quit her so soon as we desire. All the service we can do you and your lady at this distance is to wish you timely supplies as well for his His M. honour as for your own subsisting, the one being very highly concerned in the Honor [sic]. For myself I am likely to languish d petit fe-u, but I shall do it with less noise and more incognito than you, which is all the difference I find in our fortunes. Besides I am somewhat more remote from the envy di quel gofio dottore§ and less exposed to his jealousy of knowing that which all the town shall take notice of, than you, which in the midst of my disasters I do account no contemptible advantage. A Privy Counsellor he may be, but a secret (for all his reservedness to some) the publishing of His M. aflfairs demonstrateth he cannot be. I wish him more wit and less malice and if he have an ambition to be Archbp. of Cant: I would he were even now in his place. I have nothing but humble and hearty thanks and true English, not French, complimental, services to present to yourself, and your worthy Lady from myself and the poor family here for the real Honours you both have VOuchsafed us all. This with my- self which I beseech you to accept is as good as a mere nothing * Comparison with the Worcester papers, catalogued below, makes it more probable that this letter belongs to the summer of 1648. fr This and other subsequent papers so indicated are named in a schedule of papers endorsed “ the lesser bundle,” and in, another hand “delivered by Mr. [Denis?] Bond in to the Council 22 March 165l[——2”]. On page 901 (Vol. III) is a. note apparently in John Evelyn’s hand “authentic memoirs serving to the History of the late Rebellion from anno 1648 &c. “Ex. MSS. : Evelyni. “ This seems to have been an abstract of such letters and other papers as were in the custody of Sir Robert Long or whoever was Secretary of State to his Majesty at the fight at Worcester where they were taken.” The above is N o. 311 of these. papers. The schedule is given below, pp. 27kg. Many of the papers are not in the Pepys collection, and some are. wrongly numbered. 1 Style not certain. Windebank usually put the double date. 3; That stupid Doctor, (2) Dr. Stephen Gofio, or Gough. 203 unless it be in regard that you have by many titles made it and meerou will be pleased to present my most affectionate remembrance to your pretty company Mrs. Anne Windebank and her brother.” 2 pp. Holograph. (III. 61.) CHARLES I to COMMANDERS, OFFICERS, GOVERNORS, &c. l644[-5], Jan. 10. Oxford.#Pass for Robert Long, the King’s Receiver General in Glo'ucestershire, Wilts, South- ampton, Somerset and Dorset, with writ of assistance. if 2). Sign Manual; cou-ntersigned Edw. Nicholas. No. 103 of the papers taken. at Worcester. (III. 65.) CHARLES I to [JOHN] HEENVLIET VAN DE KEBCHOVE. 1644[-5], Feb. 19. Oxford—Expresses satisfaction with his services as Superintendent in the Court and affairs of the Princess Mary [at the Hague]. 1p. Copy. (111.49.) Sir EDWARD NICHOLAS to the ATTORNEY GENERAL [Sir Eow. HERBERT]. 1645, March 25. Oxford.———-Instructions to prepare a bill containing the grant and creation of a Barony for John Heenvliet by the name of Baron de Kerchove. ép. Copy. (III. 51.) [HENRY] LORD J ERMYN to [GEORGE] LORD DIGBY. [Undated.]»~~Asks if the above is an English Barony and to descend upon Heenvliet’s son by [Catherine] Lady Stanhope. If not, he is to move the King for the Barony of Wotton for that son. “ This is a business in which the Queen was ingaged in Holland upon the important services shee received from Monsieur Heenvliet.” Lady Stanhope desires that her son by him may be created a Baron of England by the name and title of Charles Henry de Kerchove Lord Kerchove Baron of Wotton Marley. “ Advise with counsayl whether being home in Holland he must not first be made a denison.” 1% 13. Copy. (III. 51.) County Committee for Kent to Sir EDWARD SCOTT, K.B., Sir JOHN HONYWOOD, Kt, CAPTAIN ROBERT SCOTT and COLONEL JOHN BROWNE. 1645, March 31. Aylesford.—-Have partly obtained their desire of the Committee of Both Kingdoms for liberty to recruit Colonel Weldon’s Regiment only, and judge about 600 men to be sufficient. The proportion for Sir Edward’s lath falls out to be 70, which he is to impress on Monday next at night, the time set for the general press in the county, and to bring to the rendezvous at Sevenoake. 2-04 Signed by Antho. Weldon Thomas West,roue Lambarde Godfrc3 7, and John Dixw ell At foot Shep“ M (111.3 73.) JOHN WEBSTER to Sir WILLIAM BOSWELL. 1645, Oct [4- ]14. * Amsterdam. ~~Has not received an inventory of the goods at Helvetsluys, but several are inc lined to enter into conference especially one young man who is inte1ested in a ship ladiiig of sugar, and others who have goods in that ship; otheIS have taken advice at the Hague how to attach their goods in Goree, and finding no convoy are content to compound So he advises them Some doubt to pa3 111011613 to his Highness before they have their goods, but it is not safe for his Highness to deliver the goods Without money. To- morrow he intebnds to send money for his Highness He has enquired here for ships to be bought or hired for warlike affairs Most are freighted for Italy with corn and hope there to find employment either by the French or at Naples, 01 by the Seigneurie of Venice. But his Highness may be supplied with four or six ships of small price such as four ships and two frigates, fit for sea and victualled for thiee months for about 20,000l. sterling, some with 36 pieces, some with 30 and the least with 24. He would prefer someone else to do the business. ‘ For 20 ,OOOZ. might be obtained guns, carriages and three months victual for 100 men in each ship. He hopes to have the next day information of ships at Enchuysen to sell or hire, and of frigates at Rotterdam or in Zealand. It is better to buy than hire. For corn for Ireland he hopes to procure a 300 ton ship, in which case his own ketch shall not go. He wishes to be at Montfoort the next week, but can go to the Hague first. Note of contents endorsed on back. No. 35 0/ the papers taken at Worcester. (III. 77.) LADY KATHARINE AUBIGNY to [RICHARD BROWN ‘1]. 1645[-6], Jan. 15. Bristol.~—Begs “ a speedy answer what my Lord J ermyn say of my coming into France, what letter you send f01 me if they be left with the governor of Bridgew ater (by w hich place all person must pass to court, that land within our quarters) and directed for me to Bristoll, I doubt not but he will send them to me In shorthand at top, “ This letter to be returned to Mr. Ev.” é p. Holograph. Year date given in endorsement. (III. 81.) THE PRINCESS ROYAL. 1646, [Nov. 23 ]Dec. 8‘.-~Docu1nent endorsed “ Paper of \Ions1eur Henvhett about the p1ccedence between the Prlncess * Probably new style. 205 Royal and the Electress of Brandenburg.”* Noted as ” given to Her Highness on” the above date. 21 pp. French. (III. 109.) CORNIFIX VVLLFELD to CHARLES, PRINCE OF WALES. 1646, Dec. 27.‘r The Hague.—~Your Royal Highness’ letter by Mr. Poully [Pooley] reached me here; and being so far from Denmark I have been unable to fulfil your commands in the negotiation. In everything 1 will show my obligations to your Royal Highness, and as I have served the King of Great Britain, so will I serve you. 1 1». French. (III. 113.) DOCTOR RICHARD HART to the PRINCE or WALES. 1647, [April 26-]May 6.—Relation of the ship Pelican taken by Captain Errington by virtue of his Royal Highness’ commission and brought into Boulogne. She was sailing from Amsterdam to London. The owners were English. She was laden with iron bars and rods, hemp, oil, flax &c., consigned to merchants in London. Neither ship nor goods have been claimed at Boulogne. The goods have been sold but most of the money detained from Errington pending adjudication. The ship and goods are lawful prize. 1 p. (111. 127.) DOCTOR RICHARD HART to the PRINCE OF WALES. 1647, [April 27-]May 7.—Relation of the capture near Dungeness of a dogger boat by Captain William Sadlington by virtue of his Highness’ commission. The owner was Jervis Massey of London. The boat went from there to St. Valery en Caux, and was there laden by one de la Fosse with corn and cloth consigned to Massey. She was brought into Boulogne where the goods were sold, and the tenths and fifteenths were paid. De la Fosse then arrests money of Sadlington’s, deposited with merchants of Boulogne on pretence that the goods were his. Against this Hart decides on the fact. Even if de la Fosse, being an ally, laded his own goods on an enemy’s ship, the goods would be lawful prize, but they belonged to Massey. Further, corn is vivres and the cloth is coarse canvas used for making cartridges, and being sent to our enemies is fair prize. If the Prince declare this by a word in writing to the Lieutenant Of the Admiralty at Boulogne, and to the merchants " The Elector of Brandenburg in Dec., 1646, married Louisa, daughter of the Prince of Orange, and the Electress claimed precedency over Mary, Princess Royal of England, wife of William, son of the Prince of Oran . Mary refused to‘be present at the festivities. See the newspaper on led- “ the Moderate Intelligencer ” for Dec. 10, 17, 24, 31, 1646. ‘ 1 Style doubtful as Denmark used the old, Holland the new, at this date. 206 who hold Sadlington’s money arrested, it may have effect Without further trouble. [Endorsed in French] : To Monsieur de Villi[tor72.], Governor of Boulogne or his deputy. 13.3 '1). (III. 123.) THOMAS, 7ISCOUNT DILLON, to the PRINCE OF WALES. 1647, May 4. Kilkenny.—Commending the bearer, the Earl of Crawford and assuring the Prince of his own loyalty. 1 p. Holograph. (III. 121.) WILLI HIM PRINCE OF ORANGE, to the PRINCE OF WALES. 1647, May [10-120. The Hague. ~—Lctte1 of thanks for condolence on the death of his father. Endorsed. “ By Sir John Berkeley.” 3g p. French. 3LS’z'gned. (III. 131.) AMALIE, PRINCESS or ORANGE, to the PRINCE OF WALES. 1647, May [12-]22. The Hague.——Letter of thanks for condolence on the death of her husband. Endorsed .' “ By Sir John Berkeley.” 95 1). French. Signed. (III. 135.) CONDE DE FUENSALDAIGNO to -—-——. 1647, June [4~]14. Brussels.»Hearing that the enemy were in force 011 the frontier his Highness“ had to go there at once, and I go today, regretting to be thus deprived of the pleasure of waiting and seeing the Queen of England at Treveure [‘Ter Vere in Walcheren] as arranged. His Highness desires that his excuses may be made to her. He still hopes to see her. 1 p. French (III. 139.) COLONEL RUBATTI to the PRINCE or WALES. 1647, Aug. [9—]19. The Camp at Ferling.——Fearing that his former letter from Landrécy may not have been delivered, renews the offer of his services vowed to his Majesty, the Prince’s father, whom he has been obliged to leave owing to these sad times. In the interval has taken service With the King of Spain in this country in order to be at hand to serve the Prince if occasion should offer, with many other officers whom he encourages in their devotion to the cause. i p. Holograph. French. (III. 145.) [HENRY FREDERICK EARL or] ARUNDEL AND SURREY to the PRINCE or WALES. 1647, Sept. 13. London ——Thanking him for favou1s bestowed on his son Henry and the memory which his Highness retains of himself. 1 p. Signed. (III 149) * Either the Archduke or the Duke of Lorraine, probably the former 207 [CARLO IL] DUKE OF MANTUA to the PRINCE or WALES. 1647, [Oct 24—]Nov. 3. h’Iantua.——Credentials for his Ambassador, the Count Francesco Nerli, sent to assure the Prince of his devotion. gp. Italian. Signed. Trace of seal. (III. 151.) The PRINCE OF WALES. 1647, [Oct. 28—]Nov. 7. St. g‘rermain-en—Laye.—Recom- mendation of, and Pass for James Long [nephew to Sir Robert]. Signed by the Prince. Endorsed: “ My neveu Long’s passeport.” 1 1). Latin. Parchment. (III. 155.) The PRINCE OF WALES and the SCOTS. 1647, Dec. 26.-Copy of part of the agreement known as the “ Engagement.” [Printed in Gardiner’s Constitutional Documents, 259.] (III. 739.) [CHARLES LORD] HOWARD [OF CHARLTON AND ANDOVER] to the PRINCE OF WALES. l647[—8], Jan. 18. London.——“ Your H. former letter I never dursse praesume to answer till now, because this is a. conjuncture of tyme sutable to the comand of the style which admitted me to give your H. this accompte of your humblest vassal; that I now entend to wayte uppon you speedilye, where ever you shall be; to venter all can be imagined dearest to me with your fortunes, ill, or goode: therefore according to your Highnesses owne gracious offer: I beseech you Sir be pleased to lett me receive the signification of your pleasure therein, Since tis for noe endc nor distresse here I seeke the adventer, as your H. will shortly be published: could men of honnor submitt either to their government or kindeness, but meerly the naturall devotion, and affection I have perpetualey carried abowte me to live and die, Sir, Your Royall Highnesses obedient fayethfull slave and servaunt. [Endorsed] : “ My Lord Andover’s letter to the Prince answered Feb. 10, 1648.” l p. Holograph. Seal with device. (III. 157.) The PRINCE OF WALES to JAMES, MARQUIS OF MONTROSE. 1647[—8], March 5.———A book dedicated to the Prince contains a. relation of the Marquis’ proceedings in the late war in Scotland. The author has charged several persons of quality with crimes of a. high nature, and the Prince cannot afford “ patronage to accusations which render persons Of honour infamous before they be heard.” He therefore desires the Marquis to suppress the book, the author being a. person unknown to the Prince. 208 [The book was Wtsha-rt’s History of Montrose’s campaigns, called Res Gestae, in which. he criticised the con-duet 0/ Lord Huntly. It was printed in Holland, Sept. 1647.] l p. draft. N0. 120 o/ the papers taken at Worcester. (III. 115.) ELIZABETH [QUEEN or BOHEMIA] to [the PRINCE or WALES. [1648? Feb. 29~lelarch 10. The Hague—«By Lord Jarret [Charles, Baron Gerard] now going into France, she assures her nephew of her love and affection. As the bearer can tell him all the news, she will not give him “the trouble of reading her ill-hand; no more for this time.” % p. Holographr. Trace of seal. No. 318 of papers taken at Worcester. (III. 725.) QUEEN HENRIETTA MARIA or the PRINCE or WALES to the LORDS or THEIR COUNCIL. 1648, [May 22A—lJune 1. “Our cOurt at the Louvre.”~—~ Summoning them to attend at St. Germain’s to give their advice concerning the Prince’s remove into some part of his father’s dominions ; the present revolutions there giving occasion to judge that it is no longer fit for him to sit idle, when action may much contribute to his Majesty’s reestab-~ lishment. [The draft has been originally written as by the Queen, speaking of “ our dear son ” in the third person ; but “ him ” and “his” have been altered in Long’s hand to “ us ” and “ our ” throughout] Undevrwrz’tten .' Directions for the style by which each of the five lords is to be addressed, and their names, viz. z—Hyde, Bristol, Nicholas, Sir R. Lane and Cottington.* 1 p. (111. 161.) The PRINCE or WALEs’ Instructions to COLONEL FOXE. 1648, [May 25-]June 4. Paris.T-He is to go to Havre, enquire there for Captain Green, deliver the letter which he bears, and to embark himself with the arms and ammunition. He is to sail to Pembroke or Tenby, or to the first. port he can get in South Wales under the King’s obedience. He is to make his arrival known to Colonel-General Laughorn, to get to him and deliver a letter, and assure him of the esteem in which the Queen and Prince hold him. Colonels Powel and Poyer are to understand the same. * There were however 22 summoned. See Oat. Clar. S.P., Vol. 1., 425. t The Prince‘s instructions to the officers of the fleet, &c. (the style of which might be doubtful) are shown to be new style by the dates of those issued at Calais and Helvoetsluys. 209 They are all to be informed of the Prince’s resolution to go to Holland and thence to the most proper place in the King’s dominions. In this he will have particular regard to the good of the Welsh. ] p. Copy. No. 154 0/ the papers taken at Worcester. (III. 163.) The PRINCE or WALEs’ Instructions to CAPTAIN RICHARD GREENE. 1648, [May 27~]June 6. [Pai'is.l-He is not to put his commission in execution at once, and when he does so, he is not to take prizes nor commit acts of hostility until the publication of the Prince’s manifest, or until he receive further orders from Lord Jermyn, whose orders he is to obey. l p. Draft. John Andrews and other words scribbled on back. No. 150 of the papers taken at Worcester. (III. 167.) The PRINCE or WALEs’ Instructions to CAPTAIN ALLEN. 1648, June [5*]15 [endorsement].—~~He is to go forthwith to East Kent with Colonel Jas. Apsley to those gentlemen to whom the Prince’s letters by him are directed. With their advice he shall deliver to the captains of the King’s ships in the Downs the several letters directed to them, and assure them of the Prince’s intention to continue them in their commands,‘ to reward their loyalty, to pay the wages due to them, their marines and soldiers, and supply them with victuals and necessaries. They and all that join them shall receive a general pardon. 11). Draft. (III. 173.) CORNELLIs YVANS to the PRINCE OF WALES. 1648, June 7.—-Monseigneur, apres vostre exellante Majeste s’est au vous faire assavvoir comme an pouvre yantillomme fransé estan au servisse de vostre perre 1e Roy dangletere et quan an avvoir antandeu dirre Mon prinse que vous devviés vous anvennir a douvre deus ou trois your apres que eun quorronel ranberri [Rainborowe] estan eun serviteur deu parlemman croian que leuy an mesdissan que yé dississe que y’etest 1e prince charle que vous méllé recompensérest' pour se que yé férést an croian que leui eusse laise ses afierre yssi pour vous est vostre bon pen-e pour voir ques que la contrée l’etest quan vous viendrest annagletterre est voir sy la. .contrée sé voullést lévé annarme pour vostre Majesté pour vous servir est asteurre mon prinse croian vous avvoir faitte den bien ny pour vous poin prandre la. plasse de vostre Maiesté séstést- pleus pour vous avoir servie est asteure mon prinse pour avoir faite ses afére ysi y mon mist dans la prison de neugest [Newgate], est asteure mon prinse ye seuis pour perdre ma vie comme ye pause sy vous ne m’anvoie mersy, est mon prinse sy ye meurre, y’escroy que ye ne peu pas p14 210 mourrir pour melleur omme au monde que pour dieu est le roy sy no vous, an mestan antre 1e main de dieu que dieu vous veulle bennir. Vostre tres obeisan serviteur Cornellis Yuans. Addressed: “ A monseigneur, monseigneur le prinse de galle demeuran a la court dc sainte Yarmain a pary.” Endorsed: “The mock Princes letter.”* 1 p. (III. 169.) Drawing of Crown and Coat of Arms at head. The PRINCE OF WALES’ Instructions to [FRANCIS] LORD WILLOUGHBY or PARHAM. 1648, June [1-3 ]23. -~1. He is to signify to the officers and men of the Fleet that the Prince is very sensible of their merit in his service, and is to cause letters sent to that effect to be published on board the particular ships to which they are directed, and to offer officers and men of the Fleet a general pardon in such form as they shall desire at the rendezvous. 2. He will receive twelve blank commissions for captains, and the Prince will be ready at the rendezvous to grant as many more as may be needful. The blank commissions are to be filled up by the advice of the Committee of Kent then aboard, and care is to be taken to choose men of good affection to the King and the present undertaking, and most acceptable to the seamen. 3. He shall keep the ancient discipline in the King’s ships and preserve their dignity in the respects usually paid by other ships in striking sail to them or otherwise. 4. He shall put in execution immediately that part of his commission which concerns the bringing of all ships of war under his obedience, and shall consider Scotch ships as friends and protect them .As occasion shall require he shall put in execution the commission for martial law. 6. He shall cause the Fleet to repair to the Downs, or Calais road, or to St. John’s road to meet the Prince there. The latter will set out on June 29. 7. Merchant vessels are only to be seized to supply the Fleet with necessaries, so that the Prince on his arrival at ‘alais can take such course with them as may be advised by Lord Willoughby and the Kentish committee Cargo must not be embezzled, but must remain on the ships until the Prince comes, and the officers of eveiy ship are to make a state in writing of the arrears due, and of the ammunition, victuals, 850., now on the ships. 3% pp. Copy. (III. 177.) _W-W*W—W,rm. ___.__. * For notices of the arrival and arrest of this pretended Prince of Wales, and description of his person and parentage, see Cal. S.P. Dom, 1648— 9, pp. 72-375. and 349. 211 The PRINCE’S Instructions to CAPTAIN [THOMAS] ALLEN. 1648, June [l4~]24. St. Germain’s [endorseme-nt].~—He is to repair to the ship, Constant Reformation and the rest of the Fleet who have lately returned to the obedience of the King, and is to deliver to the Lord Willoughby of Parham the duplicates of the commissions &c. directed to him and sent herewith, and the duplicates of blank commissions for captains and of the Prince’s former letter to the Kentish committee, and to the particular ships the letters directed to them, and if Colonel Mayart be not arrived nor the despatch sent by him. he is to acquaint them all of its effect. 2. [To the same effect. as para. 3 of previous instructions] 3. He is to conceal the instrument now delivered to him under seal and not to break the seal unless all or the greater part of the Fleet refuse to accept Lord Willoughby as vice- admiral. 4. If Lord Willoughby be not arrived, he is to deliver to the Kentish committee the open warrant now sent requiring them to bring the Fleet to the Downs or Calais or St. John’s road; if Lord W'illoughby be arrived and received by the Fleet he is to conceal it. I; 1). Copy. No. 148 o/ the. papers taken at Worcester. (III. 181.) The PRINCE or WALEs’ Instructions to HUMFREY BOSWELL. 1648, [June 22-]July 2.———1. He is to repair to Calais, and if the fleet under the command of Lord VVilloughby of Parham be arrived, to deliver the letters herein sent to him and the Kentish Committee, and by word of mouth to assure the ofiicers, marines and soldiers of the fleet of the Prince’s intention to be with them immediately, and of his care to provide for them, and to deliver the other letter to the Lord Keeper, Sir Richard Lane, and to leave with him the letter for Lord W illoughby if the fleet be not arrived. 2. \Vhen he comes to London he is to repair immediately to Mr. Denham and to acquaint him with his employment, [MS. torn] and shall acquaint him with the several blanks delivered to him [Boswell] and proceed in all things by his advice to the end that he may give no impediment to that which he hath direction to do in this land for the Prince. 3. He shall proceed with great caution and have good information of the persons whom .he moves for the Prince’s supply, but above all things be careful that nothing be done to the Prince’s dishonour or to make his name cheap or bring an undervalue upon his hand and seal. 4. He is to pay any money he receives to Mr. Denham taking his acquittance, and to return to the Prince’s secretary all such blanks as he may not use, and upon which he shall receive no money. 2 pp. Draft. (111.191.) 212. The PRINCE OF WALES’ Instructions to JAMES, MARQUTs 0F ORMOND, Lieutenant General of Ireland. 1648, [June 27~]July 7.———1. He is to endeavour the settle- ment of a general peace in Ireland, whether it be by such concessions as may consist with his Majesty’s honour and interest, or by forcing such as shall not submit, for which he has full authority to grant unto the confederate Roman Catholics of Ireland all such conditions as were granted to them by the late peace, and to make such further concessions in all things (matters of religion excepted) as he shall judge necessary . 2. “In matters of religion you are to grant unto the said confederate Roman Catholics Whatever hath been at any time offered unto them by you upon any former treaty.” 3. If he find that peace with them cannot othefivise be affected, and that thereby it may, he is to grant that they shall not be molested in their present possession of the churches in their quarters or of the exercise of their religion and respective functions in them until his Majesty in a free parliament shall declare his further pleasure. 4. In making use of this power he is to use all industry that they may be contented if possible with private assurances of this part, and if not, to take especial care that in the manner of giving them the said assurance there may be nothing to imply a consent in his Majesty of giving away the churches from the Protestants to them or the settling of them in the same for a perpetuity but only a sufierance of their present possession till his Majesty’s pleasure be known. 2 pp. Draft. (III. 193.) Also an earlier draft of the above, except that para. 2 originally ran as follows :~- “ In matters of religion we do likewise further authorise you, in case the settlement desired cannot be otherwise efiected, to grant unto the said Confederate Catholics an assurance of an abolition of all laws concerning the professors of the Catholic religion so far forth as they lay any penalty or restraint upon them for the free exercise of their religion.” This is erased, and in the margin is substituted what appears in the copy above given. (III. 195.) The LIEUT.—G0VERN0R and JUBATS or JERSEY to the PRINCE OF WALES. 1648, June 28. Jersey.——'—A letter written by John Gally of St. Hillyers to John Herault, a fugitive of the island and active in the late rebellion, was brought to them in court, about three months since, by the King’s Procuror. They enclose a copy which proves the seditious disposition of Gally who lives among them pretending good affections to the King. They committed Gally to prison, he being not able to deny the writing and making no excuse but that the Devil had 213 seduced him. At frequent examinations he will not discover his conicderates in the island. They have no power to proceed in the case of high Treason without special commission from the King under the Great Seal. They therefore beseech the Prince’s direction. Signed by Sir George C'arteret and eight y'umts. 1 p. (111. 183.) The PRINCE OF WALES’ Instructions for Sir THOMAS HOOPER. 1648, July [_2*]12.——~l. He is to deliver the letter to Lord Willoughby of Parham if he be with the fleet, but not the other letter to the officers of the fleet and to the Kentish gentlemen. 2. If Lord Willoughby, or the officers and Kentish gentlemen in his absence, send ships to the relief of chmar [Walmer] Castle, he shall accompany them, and desire them if they relieve it, to “ sleight ” all the works made by the enemy about it, and to put into it all ammunition and victuals as it shall need, informing them before hand what is needed. 3. He shall entreat Lord Willoughby to use the little vessel with four guns now in Kent for this service, giving the captain such commission as may be necessary. 1% p. [The last half-page bound after the next paper] (III. 201.) The PRINCE OF WALES’ Instructions to Sir RICHARD LANE and [J 01m] LORD CULI’EPPER. 1648, July [3~]13. Abbeville. [Endorsed]wl. The army in Colchester under the command of [George] Earl of Norwich, [Arthur] Lord Capel and others, requiring ammunition, they are to apply to such Englishmen now at Calais as they know to be well affected, for the providing of 50 barrels of powder and a proportionable quantity of match and ball, and for such a sum of money as will be sufficient to pay for the same, assuring them that when the Prince comes to Calais he will make satisfaction for what they disburse or furnish, and will be very sensible of their kindness. 2. He is also to provide a vessel to transport the ammunition to Colchester upon such terms as he may think fit. 3. If the fleet is at Calais he shall acquaint Lord W’illoughby of Parham, the Kentish gentlemen and the other officers that the Prince is on his way to them, and inform himself of the true condition of the fleet.- in all particulars. ‘ 4. He shall speak with Mr. Somerset Foxe and Mr. Garrett and take information from them of the condition of the ammu— nition at Havre and dispose them against the Prince’s coming in a readiness to execute such orders concerning the same as he shall receive from the Prince. 1; 12. Draft. (III. 203.) 214 The PRINCE or WALEs’ Instructions to [CHARLES] LORD JARRETT [GERARD]. 1648, July [6-]16.-—-]. He is to repair to Dunkirk or else- where to the Marshal de Ransau and move him to lend two frigates for a month or such other time as he can procure, and 60 barrels of powder or any other quantity with a propor- tionablc quantity of match and ball. 2. If he be pressed to declare when and how the above will be restored and find that he cannot otherwise procure them, he is to acquaint Ransau that the Prince will repay at Havre where he has the same ready. But he is not to engage the Prince to this, if he can procure them by any general promise. 3. He is to desire the same to be sent to Calais immediately. 4. If he has to stay at Dunkirk or with Ransau, he is to inform the Prince what he can obtain. 5. He has power to add to, or vary from these instructions. Lastly he is to acquaint Ransau that Mr. Wm. Sandes lately sent with a despatch from Lord Goring to the Prince is a servant of the Queen, his mother, and request free pass for him. A summary at the side. 1% p. Draft. (III. 207.) The PRINCE or WALES to the MARSHAL DE RANSAU. 1648, Jilly [6418* Calais [endorsement].wlritroducing the bearer Lord Jarrett, gentleman of his bedehamber, for an affair of great importance. % 3). French. Draft. (III. 209.) The PRINCE’S Instructions to COLONEL JAMES APSLEY. 1648, July [74117. Calais [endorsement].——l. He is to repair to the relief of VValmer Castle with the ships and soldiers under his command. 2. In case of failure, if a further attempt seem feasible, he may repair to Deal or Sandowne Castle, and wait another opportunity, provided that he again attempt. it with all possible speed, and inform those in Walmer that he is expecting to relieve them. 3. In case of success he is immediately to advise the Prince, and to await further order, residing with his men at either of the said castles, drawing together all the force he may of horse and foot and getting provisions into the several castles. 4. In case of failure he is to advise the Prince thereof together with what shall be further desired by thr captains of Deal and Sandowne that he may receive further orders. I; p [No.129 of the papers talc-en at Worms-ten] (III 213) ’I‘ he PI‘IHLB leit Calais on July 9, English style. 215 The PRINCE’S Instructions to CAPTAIN ROBERT STANTON, Captain of the ship or frigate [blank] of Dover. 1648, July [7—]17. Calais [endorsement].»«l. He is to take his ship to W almer Castle and lie before it as near as he can, and with cannon or otherwise annoy the enemy in their trenches. 2. He is to continue before the said castle until ships be sent b the Prince for its relief, and then join with them in the refi’ef. 3. He is to advise those in the castle that Colonel Apsley will be with him at 12 o’clock on Saturday July 8, and he is to obey the Colonel’s orders. 1 3). No. 127 0/ the papers taken at Worcester. (III. 215.) [CHARLES] DUKE or LORRAINE to the PRINCE OF VVALES. 1648, July [8—]18. Brussels—The unexpected arrival of the Prince on this frontier, and the reported haste of his journey, leaves the Duke no time to meet him. He therefore sends de la Boulay, captain of his Guards, to express his regret [that he does not meet him] and his affection. } 1). French. (III. 221.) [CHARLES] DUKE 0F LORRAINE to the PRINCE OF WALES. 1648, July [8418. Brussels.——Was 0n the point of sending the captain of his Guards to the Prince, when 1e Sieur dc Vic [Sir Harry de Vic,] the King of England’s Resident in these provinces, being about to go [to the Prince], he has requested him to assure his Highness of his friendship. g 19. French. (III. 217.) The PRINCE OF WALES to the MERCHANTS ADVENTURERS or ROTTERD’AM [endorsement]. 1648, July [13—]23. [Helvoetsluys.]—~Letter of commenda- tion for Doctor Stephen Cough. Date only in endorsement. gp. Draft. (III. 241.) Letter of [blank] for DR. STEPHEN GOUGH. 1648, July [13—]23. HelvoetsluyS.——~Promising to repay with interest any money advanced to Gough. f p. Impression 0/ seal. (III. 243.) The PRINCE ’5 Instructions to DB. STEPHEN Cones. 1648, July [14—]24. Helvoetsluys [endorsement].—-—-l. He shall presently repair to the Deputy of the Company of Merchants Adventurers at Rotterdam that the company be immediately assembled, and the Prince’s letters to the Deputy and them be publicly read. 2. He shall acquaint them that as many of his Majesty’s royal navy and other ships are already returned to Obedience, and many more are daily expected, the Prince has to make 216 provision for their pay and subsistence, and being informed that the Company has supplied the Parliament with very great sums and is already reimbursed the greater part thereof, and that his Majesty has for some years been deprived of the customs and other revenue formerly-allotted for the navy, he therefore demands 50,000l. by way of loan, the payment whereof Gough is to promise as soon as the Prince be enabled thereunto, and to promise that the Company shall be indem- nified for the past, and that their trade shall be secured by the fleet. 3. After bringing this treaty to good forwardness, he shall move the Company to make immediately a present of a considerable sum for the support of the Prince’s person and family. 4. He shall endeavour to procure the loan of the several sums from the persons to whom the Prince’s letters are directed, using the blank letters for other persons, and shall treat with other persons at Hamburg also and elsewhere for money. 5. He shall advertise the Prince of his proceedings and assure all lenders of the Prince’s intention to repay them with interest. 6. He has power to alter his instructions, or add to them. 7. He shall issue money received for the Prince’s use only by warrant under his hand. The “ proposals” which Dr. Stephen Gough took from the Prince to Rotterdam. are in the Clarendon State Papers, see Cal. I, 435 ; see also letter 3). 2-19 below, which however is evidently not the “ proposals,” though probably given at the same time. 2% pp. Draft. (III. 237.) Instructions to Sir WILLIAM BOSWELL. 1648, July [lB~]26.~1. He is to repair to the States General and in the Prince’s name represent to them the state of his present condition having been for some years since deprived of his ancient patrimony and of those supplies which he might have drawn from the bounty of the King, whereby he is enforced to have recourse to them as to the ancient allies of the Crown of England and of the King, for the loan of a considerable sum as well for the discharge of present engagements as for personal expenses and the support of his family. He shall desire of them the present loan of any sums that he shall think fit above 100,000 francs, and shall make use of such arguments and motives thereunto as the Prince has already by word of mouth acquainted him with. together with such others as he shall think most effectual. 2. He shall advise the Prince of his success in the matter, who will be careful to send him such other authorities and instruments as shall be necessary and as he shall desire. 11). Draft. Also :-»—-Other drafts of Instructions &c., apparently all meant for Boswell. 217 “Trusty and well beloved . . . Whereas in the present tr- conjuncture and pressure of our ailairs we shall have occasion to make frequent addresses for his Majesty’s service to the States General, or provincial as the case shall require and because we repose especial truth and confidence in you as well in regard of your public quality as of your particular and personal abilities and known good affection to his Majesty and to us, we have thought fit therefore to require and authorize you to treat and negotiate in our name and for his Majesty’s service, with the said States general or provincial as the case shall require, concerning all such particulars as we either have already or shall hereafter give you instructions.” (III. 7038q.) (1) He shall address in the Prince’s name the States General and such provincial States and towns as he shall think fit, and propose the lean of some considerable quantity of arms and ammunition, as powder, match, muskets, carabines, pistols, backs and breasts for horse in such manner and by such means as may be of least incon- venience to them. And he shall advertise the Prince of his proceedings. (2) He shall in the Prince’s name desire from the States General and others whom it may concern per- mission for those employed by the Prince to raise and levy such men as can be got here of the English nation either upon the reducing of companies or otherwise, with the like permission to embark and transport the men so raised for his service to such place as he shall appoint, which he desires to obtain without prejudice to the States or other places or persons concerned, that his Majesty’s service and the con— veniency of the States here may stand together. (3) The hearts of the seamen of England being moved to return to his Majesty’s obedience and divers ships of the Royal Navy and others being already under the Prince’s command, and more being daily expected, he shall move the States General in the Prince’s name to afford him the liberty of their ports not only to make provisions for the fleet, on paying for the same according to the rates of the country, but also to lie at anchor and winter in them, and to do all other things within the said ports necessary for fitting the ships for further service, leaving Sir William to enlarge this desire in such further particulars as he has already been acquainted with or shall hereafter receive instructions for. 2} 19.; [wrongly bound]. (III. 705.) 218 The PRINCE to JOHN WEBSTER, of Amsterdam, Merchant. [1648, July ?]———“Trusty and well beloved . . . We have been informed by our trusty and well beloved Sir William Boswell, his Majesty’s resident with the States General, and by others, of your great zeal for his Majesty’s service upon all occasions; and how ready you have been to execute all things that have been desired of you, either for the King or Queen’s service. We think fit to return you our acknowledgment and kind acceptation thereof, and to entreat you to continue the same good affection and endeavours for such things as we may have occasion to use your assistance in, as we shall be ever mindful of those services that you have already performed, and be ready upon all occasions to let you see how sensible we are thereof.” 1 p. Draft. 0n the same sheet. as the instructions to Boswell, dated July 26, above. (III. 709.) The PRINCE [OF WALES] to M. HANNIBAL SCHESTEDT, ‘ VICEROY OF NORWAY. 1648, July [17—]27. Helford Sluce. Commendjng the Sieur de Cookeran whom he is sending to the King of Denmark, and asking the Viceroy’s aid and counsel in the matters which are to be proposed to the said King on the Prince’s behalf. i» p. French. Signed. (III. 248.) The PRINCE OF WALES IN COUNCIL. 1648, July [17—]27.——0rders in Council for a Declaration setting forth the reasons Of the Prince’s appearing upon the Fleet in action. Three drafts, two rough, much corrected in Long’s hand ; the other clean, signed by the Prince. A copy in Clarendon State Papers ,' see Cal. I, 431. (III. 249, 253, 257.) [The PRINCE or WALES] to [CHARLES] DUKE 0F LORRAINE. 1648, July [19—]29 [endorsement].-Having given the rendezvous at the Dunes for the 1,500 men raised by the Duke for the service of the King his father, and going there in person as soon as possibly he can, he informs the Duke thereof (having written also to Lord Goring) in order that his Highness’ orders may be conformable to his own designs. Will always keep the most affectionate recollection of his generosity. i 12. Copy. French. (III. 26].) CHARLES [DUKE OE] LORRAINE to the PRINCE OF WALES. 1648, July [21—]31. Brussels—Has received the Prince’s two letters from Sieur de Vic, to whom he has expressed the necessity of having a small vessel to give free communication with Ostend to his army. g 12. French. Seal. (III. 263.) 219 [JAMES, EARL or] CALANDER to the PRINCE or WALES. 1648, July 2]. Kirkbythure.—-“‘ W hatsoevcr power is or shall be in my hands, next to the glory of God As in duty I am bound to implore; my utmost endeavours for his Majesty’s rescue And re-establishing him upon his throne ; In the pursuance whereof Neither life, nor fortune shall be wanting by all occasions to make appear That I am 850.” g p. (111. 225.) LIEUT.-GENERAL JOHN MIDDLETON to the PRINCE or WALES. 1648, July 22. Kirkbye Then—Has received by Sir Wm. Fleeming the Prince’s letter noticing his “ meine ” endeavours in his Majesty’s service ; though as yet he has not been so happy as to make known his loyalty by actions, yet his constant resolution is to pass by no occasion whereby he may evidence his afiection to his Majesty. i p. Seal. (III. 229.) HIS HIGHNESS [JAMES DUKE 0F YORK] to the [ENGLISHI MERCHANTS or ROTTERDAM [endorsement]. 1648, {July 26-]Aug. 5 [endorsement].—As his condition is not unknown to them, he presumes they are not ignorant “how much it imports the honour not only of the Crown of England, but of the English nation itself,” that he should be supported in some measure according to that dignity wherein he was born. In confidence therefore of their loyalty to his royal father and love to their native country, he desires them to consent to a loan of 1,0001. monthly for his use to-be delivered from time to time to his Governor, Sir John Berkeley, to be continued till his present circumstance be altered, which he has reason to expect will be very speedily. He engages himself to use his utmost endeavours to procure an allowance out of their own Customs for sums advanced. He will look upon it not only as a debt which he will discharge before all others but as a service which will oblige him for ever to intend their good and interest. 1 p. Copy. (III. 275.) [The PRINCE or WALES] to Sir WILLIAM BOSWELL at the HAGUE. [1648,] July 28 old style. The Downs—Being now at anchor here the Prince has thought fit for the present to stay all ships belonging to Englishmen, and among others has made stay of one ship called the Daamsel of London and two little vessels, laden with cloth and other commodities, bound for Middleborough, belonging to English merchants, without any intention to break bulk or dispose of any of the lading of the said ships. He requests Sir William to acquaint the Prince of Orange and the States General of this, and to assure them that any goods belonging to subjects of the States shall not be damnified in the least degree, but restored. l 1). Draft. (III. 259.) 220 The Prince’s Instructions for Captain JOHN YERBURY. 1648, July 28 old style. [The Downs.]——1. He shall imme- diately repair to the Brill in Holland, and enquire out Captain Batten and deliver a letter to him. 2. He shall desire him and the rest of the captains of frigates now at the Brill to bring their frigates out of command of any fort, castle or harbour of the States, whether victualled or not, and if Batten be not there to speak with the other captains to hasten to the Downs. The names of the frigates are The Constant Warwick, The Satisfaction, The Crescent, The Roebuck. The Pelican», The Hind. 3. He shall cause the letter to Sir W. Boswell to be delivered with speed. 1 7). Copy. (III. 260.) The PRINCE OF WALES to WILLIAM, PRINCE OF ORANGE. [1648, July?]~Requesting the loan of four ships of war, ready for service, for two months, that he may be less inferior to W'arwick’s fleet, the greatest hopes for the restoration of his Majesty and the Prince to their just rights depending on this fleet now under his Highness’s command. The charges to be repaid when the Prince can do so. He also requests that the States General may be induced that Warwick’s fleet may he stayed 24 hours after the Prince’s fleet is under sail over the bar at Goree, and that the Prince of Orange will give his brotherly advice what he may desire of the States General and particularly that the desire already made by Sir William Boswell for a loan of money may be rendered effectual. l 39. Draft, by Hyde. No. 375 of the papers taken at. Worcester. (III. 855.) The PRINCE or ORANGE to the PRINCE OF WALES. [1648, July?]~—Replying to the Prince’s letter considers the loan and armament of the four vessels, for which he is asked, would clash with the resolution of the States to be neutral, and would prejudice and render suspect his own advice on English affairs without any gain to Prince Charles’ cause. The States are also unable to meet their own obliga- tions. The Prince will, however, order his Vice—Admiral to see Prince Charles’ fleet protected in Dutch waters. He concludes with protestations of friendship. Endorsed : The Prince of Orange his answer to the Prince his proposition. 2% pp. Copy. French. (III. 735.) The PRINCE OF WALES to [COLONEL MATTHEW BOYNTON ‘!].* [1648, July ?]-Trusty and well beloved. . . . We have received your proposution by your brother Colonel Cornelius * In July, 1648, Col. Matthew Boynton carried over Scarborough Castle to the King. 221 Bointcn and find the same so full of loyalty and affection to the King and so modest concerning your own particular that we are extremely troubled that our present condition disables us to comply with it as we desire to do [especially in that particular of the two months’ pay for the officers and men *1. We shall notwithstanding, as we have ex— pressed in our answer to your propositions, concur with much [unfinished]. % 1). (III. 704.) WILLIAM LAMBERT. [1648, J uly.]—~William Lambert of the boy called the Hopeful Mary to have a signification of the Prince that he belongs to the fleet and is employed in his Highness’ service, and therefore to pass without molestation. 5 lines on the same sheet- as the preceding. Fragment of Instructions to [Con M. BOYNTON] with regard to Scarborough [endorsement]. [1648, J uly ?]——ATo provide for the garrison he may authorize discreet persons to set forth ships to sea, and to seize and bear in to him such vessels as they shall meet upon the sea, out of which he is authorized to take provisions for the use of the garrison, or to use the vessels as he sees occasion for the service of the garrison. § p. Draft. (III. 711.) The DUKE or HAMILTON, and the EARLS or CALANDEB, CRAWFORD AND LINDSAY, and LANERICK. 1648, Aug. 4. Edinburgh—The Earl of Lauderdale will return to the Prince their humble sense upon all the particulars entrusted to them through Sir William Fleming. 1 1). Four signatures. (III. 267.) [The PRINCE OF WALES] to the SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE or Parts. 1648, Aug. 5 [0.3.]. The Downs—Printed in the Lords’ Journals, 1647—8 under date Aug. 8, correctly, excepting that in line 17 for “ in manner ” read “in such manner.” line 20 for “ the face ” read “ any face ” line 33 [or “ this treaty ” read “ the treaty.” I); 7). Copy. (III. 271.) SIB JOHN BERKELEY to the PRINCE OF WALES. 1648, Aug. [5—]15. The Hague.—~Your Highness “having no leisure before your departure to take your brotherfs condition into consideration, and his Highness upon hIS * This sentence erased. 222 coming hither finding that several debts had been contracted and no visible means to satisfy them or to discharge the necessary expense of himself and his family,” was forced to write to the Deputy and company of English merchants (copy enclosed to Mr. Secretary) whereupon they being called together immediately voted 12,000 “guildens” to be levied for his supply, and have this day presented it by their Deputy and four of the chief merchants, and give no reason to despair of continuing the like sum monthly during his abode in these parts, but I perceive by Dr. Goffe that far greater matters are expected from them. I sought the Doctor to acquaint him with my master’s intention, but could not meet him until the day before the company had appointed to return their answer. He then desired me to “defer to solicit it till he had put in his proposition, which was accordingly done.” I wish it may take effect, and that your Highness would be pleased out. of his receipts to settle an allowance for my master. I have troubled some of your Highness’s Council with the matter Of my master’s condition at Helversluce, with my opinion that good might be done, both in levies of moneys and men, upon the reduction, if it were put in a right way, and am. confirmed in both, great numbers of men being to be transported at very easy rates, as your Highness will understand by Dr. Goi‘fe, to which service my master has furnished him with 3,000 guildens. At his taking leave the Deputy desired my master would recommend their petition for the release of their ship. I conceive your Highness cannot well excuse the doing them that favour. 2} pp. Holograph. (III. 291.) Commission to DB. RICHARD HART as Judge of the Admiralty. 1648. Aug. [8~]18.———1 1). Copy. No. 177 of the papers taken at Worcester. (III. 307.) [COLONEL] ROBERT HAMMOND to COLONEL NATHANIEL RICH. 1648, Aug. 8.-~“ Dear Natt, Thine I have received by thy captain, his troop will I hope be over to-morrow, it comes very seasonably to me, I had hoped he had brought money with him, the condition of this place being not like others, for since the beginning of the war till this day, here hath not been one night’s free quarters. If it be possible, I pray thee therefore send a fortnight’s pay to be here within ten days, by which times’ end, I doubt not but to have a settled provision for them while they stay in this island, thy captain tells me that you promised to send a month pay after them. If money come not timely, this troop will be so far from being advantage to the security of this place, that it will be much the contrary. If you send money, you may cause it to be 223 paid to my solicitor in London, and he will return it hither, his name John Crych, his lodging in Brick Court in the inner. Temple, he is'to be heard of at the Goldsmith’s shop between the two Temples, but thy letters to me speak other language, which before I return to, because thou mayest expect news from hence, I shall tell thee the Commissioners from Parliament are now here, have delivered their message, which the King approves beyond expectation, and intends a very fair answer. What our God is doing in the world as to particulars is only known to himself, only this I am sure dearNatt that our father’s work goes on while the world thinks ’tis theirs, and they shall be deceived in their vain expectations, for all this is according to his eternal purpose which is grace. mercy and love to those whom he hath loved in the Son of his love, therefore be strong in the Lord, and the power of his might, not to resist after the manner of the world, but with faith and patience to abide the good will of our father, whose pleasure it is to give us 8. Kingdom, though not of this world, for his is not so, he would then command Legions to help his poor innocent, oppressed, injured ones ; his Kingdom the world cannot comprehend as thou well observest. My heart is as thy heart, and in the same frame as I understand thee. I. expect as much ill from men as may be, and have cause to expect as much good from God, oh that we could believe. My God hath carried me through strong temptations, I have been also impatient of my load and have sought ease but found none from without. I now apprehend God is about to set me free from the world, that which my soul hath long thirsted after, but I fear in a carnal way, the Lord lay it not to my charge. I could rather live in a cottage with such a friend as thyself than in the palace of the ungodly: only I wait the good hour, my service to thy Wife.” [Postsc~ript.]r-w“ I am now in haste, cannot therefore say more to thee, the next opportunity I shall be more large.” 14} -p. Copy. (III. 277.) From the Captain of one of the two troops in his regiment to COLONEL NATHANIEL RICH. [1648, about Aug. 9.]——“ I am now safe arrived with my troop at the Isle of “Tight. The King is very pleasant and. inclines to a personal treaty and told the Com. if the parliament would but walk towards peace and the kingdom’ssettlement he would run, it is thought he will desire Commissioners from the navy and from the Scots, to wit, that all parties may be engaged in the treaty. Col. Hammond at the reading of your letter professed he was very much of your mind, he 15. very full of employment- day and night, he desires me to write to you that if possible you could, you would be pleased. to let me have another week’s pay or two and hereafter he W111 take care for the pay of my troop. I entreat you to send me word 224 in a letter, directed to Mr. Maude, by the first despatch Whither [sic] you can do it, and where I may send for it, I shall be in a great strait for want of it because the Islanders will not bear free quarters and to disoblige there at this present will be of sad consequent. I desire you would take notice in my future letters that I put 1 2 3 4 5 for a, e, i, o, u, and you shall not fail of a weekly account. The King riseth early, walks about the Castle from 7 to 9 o’clock then retires to a 11, and stays two hours at dinner, then retires to 4 and then to bowls with. the Governor with whom he is very familiar. This morning the King clipt his hair of his beard and asked the Governor if. he saw not a new reformation in him, much discourse passeth between the King and him, he reveals much of his intention about the treaty to him.” 1 12. Copy. (III. 281.) Apparently incomplete. The PRINCE OF WALES to [LOUIS] PRINCE DE CONDi’c. 1648, Aug. [14—-]24 [endorsement].~Congratulating him upon his success at the battle of Lens* and requesting the release of English subjects taken prisoners there on condition of their not. bearing arms against the Crown of France. {37). French. Draft. (III. 309.) The PRINCE OF WALES to the COMMITTEE OF ESTATES IN SCOTLAND. 1648, Aug, 16 [o.s.].—-—Having received a letter from the Scotch Parliament presented by the Earl of LauderdaleT desiring his presence, announces his intention to go to their army in England. Signature. By his Highness’ command in council, ROB. LONG. % 11. Of. similar letter, dated Aug. 22., Cal. Olar. S.P. I, 434. (111. 295.) DU[DLEY], LORD NORTH, Speaker pro. tem. of the House of Lords to the PRINCE OF WALES. 1648, Aug. 17. \Vestminster.—~[Printed in Lords’ Journals under date, correctly, except that in line 13 for “ yOur hearty affection ” read “ that hearty affection”) 1 3). Signature and seal. No. 338 of the papers taken at Worcester. (III. 303.) SIR JOHN BERKELEY to ROBERT LONG. 1648, [Aug 30—]Sept. 9. Briel.mThe bearer, Mr. Mason, will inform him of the long journey taken by the Prince of Orange and what stay the Princes and his master [the Duke of York] * Fought on Au . 20, new style. 1 Presented on tie 16th. See Cal. Olar. SP. 1., 433. 225 have made here to meet his Highness, and how at last they are too well assured of the necessity of his stay. The resolutions of the States to receive his Highness with honour are much abated by the ill success in the north. It is better to send money for victuals to be bought here, which can be done in three days, than for the fleet to be brought into the harbours, upon which prices will be enhanced. He hopes that Mr. Hartfelt has told his Highness of the refusal of the Rotterdam merchants to accept the bills until the cloth ships come into harbour, and then possibly they may make some other cavil. The ships should not come until the Prince is satisfied. In this change of resolution in Holland he begs the Prince and Council may be reminded of the need for considering his master and his family. 1% p. Seal. (III. 323.) COURTEBOURNE, Governor of Calais, to the PRINCE OF WALES. 1648, [Aug 31—]Sept. 10. Calais.———-Informs the Prince of an act of hostility done on the previous Wednesday afternoon by Captain Brown, to Whom had been delivered four guns by the burgesses of Calais during the Prince’s stay there. He had taken a shallop of Dover entering the harbour laden by merchants of Calais. He therefore prays for restitution of the goods at the expense of Brown. I; p. French. Two seals. See pp. 228, 232 below. (III. 327.) [The PRINCE or WALES] to DUKE HAMILTON. 1648, [August*].-—-Is sensible of the late misfortune that has befallen the army under the Duke, yet has so much confidence in the affection of Scotland and in the Duke’s kindness that he will make all haste to be with him. 4&1). Copy. (111.731.) [The PRINCE or WALES] to [ARTHUR] LORD CAPEL. [1648.] c. August.T——Looks “upon that business of Colchester as the most gallant action of the whole war, and the greatest service that can be performed” to the King, and has had no greater desire than to be able to relieve him and no greater ‘ trouble than that he has not hitherto been able to do it. Nothing is to be expected from the Prince, as being unprovided of allmeans to do it. He writes this as to a. person whose honour, courage and affection are well known to him, but charges his Lordship not to publish or make use of the letter until in his judgment he finds it seasonable and necessary for him to take care of the preservation of themselves. “ Your constant and affectionate friend.” 1 12. Copy. (III. 831.) " Written after the receipt of the news of the battle of Preston (fought Aug. 17) but before that of the capture of Hamilton (on Aug. 26). 1' Colohester surrendered on September 12. p16 226 The Pamela’s Instructions to JOHN DENHAM. 1648, Sept. 13.~—1. He shall repair to Edinburgh and deliver the Prince 8 letter to the Committee of Estates, repre- senting his sense of the late misfortune to their army in England, and 2, the other letters with like expressions 3. lle shall inform them of the despateh of the remainder of the arms promised hV the Queen, and of the commission given to Lauderdale to treat with the States General in the Prince s name and that of the kingdom of Scotland for arms, men, money and ships. 4. He shall move them to assist those who now prosecute war in England. 5. He shall on occasion confer with any of quality among; the dissenting party and learn why they are against the proceedings of the Committee of Estates and of the late army in England, and whether they intend to be active against them or only sit still, assming them that. the Prince desires to unite all interests of that kincrdoni 6. He shall inform himself of the true state of affairs, parti- eularly of the inclinations of any dissenting party, and whether the kingdom 1s unanimous in the prosecution of the 11 ar: what force they have, or intend to raise, and who is to command, advertising the Prince. 7. He shall remain in Scotland till recalled. I 'p. Signed at the top and end. No. 202 of the papers taken at Worcester. (III. 355). Also .‘ A copy of the above. (III. 358.) The PRINCE or WALES to the Loans and COMMITTEE of the STATES or SCOTLAND [endorsement]. 1648, Sept. [7—131‘7. The HagueeeBeing in Holland, on his way to Bciwick, in order to his engagement to the Kingdom of Scotland he will endeavour to obtain arms and other necessa r1 assistance for them. Notwithstanding the mis~ fortune received in England [at Preston] he adheres to his resolution to come to them, to free the English nation from the tyranny that they now suficr. g1). Signature. No. 1 of the papers taken at Worcester. (1‘11. 311.) NOTES by SECRETARY Lone. 164.8, Sept. [11~—]21.~——A letter to the Committee of the Estates [of Scotland] to take notice of the misfortune of the army in England—to profess the Princes good inclination to their affairs and desire to assist them, but he is not acquainted with the state of afiairs there and desires information, and desires them to take not-ice of Mr. Denham and give him credit. A letter to the. Duke Hamilton of civility, and to Lord Calender-«to the Lord Traquair. macaw» .. . .2, ;w' 227 A letter to Lord Lindsay, and the Earl of Lanerick-to the Earl of Roxburgh. That the Prince intends to send Commissioners to reside with them. To intimate to private persons that if they find Lord Bramford [Brentford] may be useful to them, to offer his address. To speak with Lord Lauderdale about Lord Bramford and to be in the instructions if the former consent. Instructions for Mr. DENIIAM :—~To deliver the letters and express the Prince’s sense according to the letters. To remain there and give an account of the state of things there, and to sta till recalled but to have liberty by word of. mouth. “ T ie remainder of the arms and ammunition gone. Ready to join with their Commissioners in any treaty for their advantage. The Prince has commanded him to enquire of them from time to time how useful he may be to them.” (III. 331.) Attached to the preceding :~ To COLONEL WILLIAM LEGGE [?].-l. The King’s satisfaction of the peace; to inform all persons. 2. To acquaint Prince Rupert and Lord [Ormond] of the King’s resolve to go to Ireland and the way. 3. To inform Prince Rupert and L. Or. of the King’s necessity and press earnestly supply from Prince Rupert according to the King’s letter. 4. To acquaint them with the King’s endeavours to supply them with corn, one ship gone and others to go, and to desire the observation of what is directed for Ford. 5. To thank Lord Ormond for his care of Scilly, that Sir J. Glgrenville] Governor is there with command to apply himself to him. To continue his care of that place, to give such supplies of men and victual as he shall understand from Sir John G. to be wanting there and to confer with Dick Fanshaw and take his assistance. _ To Prince Rupert to send a frigate there and to give command to all vessels under him that pass that way to give all assistance the can to that Island. To speak with Lor Biron about arms to be sent. In all 3 pp. (III. 335.) The PRINCE OF WALES to the Committee of the Estates of the Parliament of Scotland. 1648, Sept. [13—]23. The Ha ue.——Expressing his sorrow for their defeat in England, whic shall increase his desire to assist them to repair the loss, and requesting information as It“? 228 to the state of things in Scotland. They may yet prove the happy means of restoring his Majesty. Commends the bearer, John Denham. l 1p. I‘Vz'tk signature and seal. (III. 345.) WILLIAM, [MARQUIS or] NEWCASTLE to ROBERT LONG. 1648, Sept. [13—]23. Rotterdam.-—The Prince having promised that as soon as the gold was coined I should have 1,000l. that I may not starve, I request that the bearer, Mr. Lovinge. may be put in a way to effect it. . [Endorseds] Lord of Newcastle’s letter to me. e- p. Holograpk. (III. 353.) The PRINCE or WALES to [ALEXANDER] EARL or LEVEN. 1648, Sept. [’14—]‘24. The Hague.«-—Thanking him for his affection to the King’s service in the late engagement of the Kingdom of Scotland, and hopin for a continuance thereof. 1 29. Signature and seals. (II . 347.) Petition of ALEXANDER RAU, late Mayor of Calais, NICHOLAS PIGAULT, MICHEL HEUSCH, CLAUDE HAYS, LOUIS DELEBECQ the younger, MADELELIN DERIENNE widow, all of Calais to PRINCE CHARLES of Great Britain. [1648, Sept. [l5-]25].~—Their factors in England freighted an English shallop, Stephen Rogers master, with cloth from Dover to Calais, in which shallop their factors unknown to them put on heard several bags of money amounting to 2,800l. for their several accounts. One Browne, commander of a smack under the Prince, being often employed to Calais in his Highness" service. has been there from time to time well treated by the inhabitants and the petitioners, and fitted with guns, other ammunition and victuals for the Prince and his other ships. This Browne seeing the shallop near the French shore and under the King of France’s command, spoiled the goods to the value of 300l. and took away all the said money saving some 2501. which the master saved some small sum now attached at Rotterdam by the petitioners. The said Browne has delivered only 700l. to the Prince’s use. The Petitioners applied to the Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England under the King (being at Calais) and to the Governor of Calais who have written several letters to the Prince on their behalf. Inasmuch as they were ignorant of transporting the money ; that the same was taken under the command of the King of France ; that the Petitioners and all the inhabitants of Calais have been, are, and will be ready to supply the Prince and navy with all necessaries and that the said Browne has concealed most of the money ;—-—they beg the Prince will 229 not only allow them to implead Brown, arrest his vessel to recover their money attached at Rotterdam, but will repay the 7001. to them. Noted: Copy of the first petition. 4} p. French. (III. 839.) See p. 225 above. The PRINCE OF WALES to [WILLIAM] EARL or LANERICK. 1648, Sept. 20—30. [The Hague.]—~—Looking upon the Earl as a person that of all others has been most zealous for the King’s service, acknowledging past kindness and engaging to assist him in all things, hoping that he may yet be able to prosecute the war with good success. Requesting that this letter may be delivered to the Governor of Berwick. Q 19. Draft. (III. 351.) Compare No. 49 0/ the papers taken at Worcester. The SAME to COLONEL LUDOVICK LESLEY, Governor of Berwick. To like effect. t 30. Draft. (III. 351.) The PRINCE or WALEs’ Instructions for MR. [STEPHEN] GOUGH, sent to the DUKE or LORRAINE. [1648, Sept. [21—]Oct. l.]—To represent the Prince’s regrets that since his arrival [in Holland} he has not been able to send a man of credit to the Duke with his last intentions concerning the employment of his levies, with an answer to the instructions sent by the Duke to Colonel de Romecourt by Lt.-Colonel Cathcart, his business into England having been puzzled by so many changes that he could take no kind of resolution. He thanks the Duke for persisting in raising a third regiment in which business he will employ Lt.-Colonel Cascart [sic]. During the treaty between the King and the Parliament in the Isle of Wight it will be impossible to go on in the first design nor attempt anything afore one see which side it will incline. Nevertheless being resolved to make some enterprise with the men under Lord Goring, in case this treaty ends in war (which will be known soon) he has sent Colonel de Romecourt to the forces, to give order for the subsistence of Colonel la Motte’s regiment, of which the Duke was in charges himself, as the Prince of Orange Will do for his own. In the interim he sends Mr. Gough to the Duke, and thence to the Queen his mother to know her intention concerning the first design or some other. Mr. Gough has full power. [Endorsed :] The translation of Doctor Gough’s instructions to the Duke of Lorraine. l 19. No. 72 of papers taken at Worcester, l-whence the date. (III. 363.) 230 Also .- 1. Another copy of the same, but with verbal dz’fierences as if both translated from the same French original, which follows. (III. 377.) 2. Original of the above in French. (III. 381.) On the back of the second translation is .' [The PRINCE or WALES] to FRANCIS LORD VVILLOUGHBY or PARHAM, VICE-ADMIRAL on THE FLEET. 1648, Oct. l6.-—It is our pleasure that Lt. Lendall receive his pay and allowances during his imprisonment and that his place of Lt. of the C”- R”"-* be not disposed to any other but reserved for him with the pay and allowances belonging to the same until means may be found to procure his liberty. } p. Copy. (III. 380.) The PRINCE OF WALES to (JAMES) DUKE or COURLAND. 1648, [Sept 30~]Oct. 10. The Hague.——Thanking him for his affection, introducing the Sieur de Cockram [Sir John Cochrane] and requesting a loan of ships. 1 p. French. Three drafts—two unfinished. (III. 371.) [J OHN, EARL or] LAUDERDALE to [the PRINCE OF WALES]. 1648 [Sept ?].——~Has just now seen two letters from Stirling of Sept. 15 o.s., one of them from an officer of the army, whom he knows, to Sir George Sterlin. Argyll was possessed of Stirling when [Sir George] Monro came, and made a short despatch of him. Argyll hardly escaped, and all his foot were either taken or killed. Would have waited on the Prince himself, but was commanded by the Prince of Orange. 1} p. No. 51 of the papers taken at Worcester. (III. 719.) Instructions for SIR JOHN GREENULL, Governor of the Scilly Islands. 1648, Oct. [7~]17.~—1. He shall repair to Scilly, and 2. Make his commission known to Captains .Noy and Arthur and other officers, thanking them for their loyalty in reducing the islands to obedience, and assuring the garrison of his care for them as of honest men who have returned to the Kin . 3.g He shall advise with the above officers as to the disposal of Colonel Anthony Buller and Captain Augustine Nicoll, all fitting kindness being shown to them as gallant soldiers. 4. He shall send orders to the captain of the Crescent frigate, and shall endeavour by the aid of Sir George Carteret, Baronet, Governor of Jersey, to have her victualled upon a third part of the proceeds of the prizes that shall be taken by her; the 10th and 15th being first deducted and paid to the Prince ; * Constant Reformation. 231 the other two parts to be for the pay of the men Of the frigate, and the support of the garrison. The same shall be done in the case of all vessels bringing prizes to Scilly. 5. He shall fill the blank commission for an Admiralty judge and a Register [sic] and have speedy adjudication of prizes, and to see that all such are brought to Scilly and bulk not broken without order, to which end all persons are to give security to the Jud e and Register before Oing to sea. 6. He shall carefully (510086 honest men to he (1 commissions at sea, and to see that no goods brought in be wasted, using them if necessary for the pay Of the garrison, and getting best value for the others. The men are to be upon pay only, or upon half-pay and half-shares, that is one half Of a third Of the prizes, the 10th and 15th being first deducted. 2% pp. Draft. (III. 367.) Captain ELIAS JORDAN to SECRETARY LONG. 1648, Oct. [11—]21. Hellort Sluce.-In the absence Of Sir William Batten last night came to his hands a warrant signed by the Prince Of Great Britain to discharge the goods Out of the New England ship into other ships that the New England ship might be the fitter for his Highness’ further commands. He had neither ship, boat nor any man under his command and could not respond to the warrant. This morning came the shrive Of the Island of Brille and the commissary of this place with a letter from the States Of Holland (he encloses copy) to prohibit any discharging of goods. He requests further orders, hoping that Batten may return. 11). Holograph. (III. 373.) JOHN RICH to DOCTOR [ISAAC] DORISLAUS, Agent for the Parliament at the Hague. [l648,*] Oct. 20. Scebaling [Schevening ?].———Being just now landed and having authority from the Parliament to list all such persons as he shall find or as should be recom- mended to him, he commends the bearer James Fife, and will himself wait on the Doctor on the next day. ‘ 1p. Holograpk. (HI. 853.) WIIJJAM CUR[TIUS] to ROBERT LONG [‘2]. 1648, Oct. 22.1 Aschafienberg.——Was with the Elector [Palatine] on the arrival Of the news of the peace between the Empire and France and Sweden. The joy of this Court was the greater because the peace was due to the Elector’s ‘ Dorislaus was sent Over by the Parliament in June, 1648, and was still there in October. ' . 1' Gui-tins was now in the parts of Germany where the old style was still employed. 232 efiorts. The next day, Thursday last, came the young Count of Nassau, son of the plenipctentiary of the Emperor at Munster confirming the news. He left. the same day for Vienna, hoping to be the first bearer of the news. The soldiery, thinking that they had checked the fortune of the allies, will not regard him as an evangelist. Presumably the signing will protect the city of Prague and the reputation of the Prince Palatine. It might have been refused, seeing the strength of the garrison, supported by cavalry and fortifications. Moreover, the Duke of Amalfi, putting his army over the Danube, might have got between . the Swedish force in Bohemia and Suabia, and the strength of Austria, joined to that of Bavaria, was well able to resist the siege. In fact the news has just arrived of a vain assault, the besieged having exploded a mine, and repelled the assaillants from a lodgment they had made in the wall. 1% p. French. Sealed with his monogram. (III. 385.) The PRINCE OF WALES to CHRISTINA, QUEEN OF SWEDEN. 1648, [Oct. 30—]Nov. 9 [endorsement].-Commending Sir William Ballantine who wished for military service under the Queen. gp. Draft. French. (III. 409.) PASSES FOR SHIPS. 1648, Oct. The Hague.——Four blank passes for ships signed by the Prince, and one for the Charles of Amsterdam. 1 17. (III. 387—403.) Memorial of OTTO DE LA FORTE, junior. [1648, c. Oct.]——-The memorialist, merchant at Flushing and holder of letters of attorney, having already represented the loss suiiered by the merchants of Calais of 28 sacks of money, taken in Calais road by Captain Browne, who sailed at the same time from that harbour with munition for the fleet in the Downs in his Highness’ service (as Monsr. Courtebourne, Lieutenant for the King, and “ Millor Quiperlin ” [Lord Keeper Lane] wrote by letters delivered on Sept. 25, here at the Hague). The said Browne tried to force Steven Rogers the master to declare that he had been taken at sea. The said merchants deserve his Highness’s protection, seeing that they have always tried to do him service, and that, on this ground, Sir William Batten had given Rogers a passport to trade with his said challop in all freedom and security. Prays for an order against Browne. 1 p. French. (111. 841.) Noted : Copy of the second petition. [07. petition ofSept. 25, above] Another memorial, stating that Mr. Boswell, resident at the Hague, has obtained from the States General 250l., 233 belonging to the petitioners. Prays that Boswell may have orders to hand it over. 1} p. Noted: Copy of the 3rd petition. (III. 835.) Notarial attestation by Lambert Rietraet, of the Hague, of statements made before him by Otto de la Porte on the above matter. Nov. 5, 1648. 3191). French. (III. 843.) The PRINCE’S Instructions for DR. STEPHEN GOUGH, employed to WILLIAM, PRINCE or ORANGE. 1648, Nov. [1-—]11. The Hague [endorsement].——1. That the men in the Isle of Burcom be disposed of by agreement with the Duke of Lorraine [erased]. 2. He shall explain to Orange why the directions of the Queen, his mother, concerning the said men cannot be pursued. 3. He shall desire him to discharge the ship provided f01 their transport and to pay the money due for the nourishment of that regiment. He is to thank the Prince for maintaining one of the regiments in the Isle of Burcomme [Burkom], and providing shi s for their transport. Being unable to resolve of any emp oyment for them, and wishing to free him from their charge, Prince Charles wishes him to allow the regiment to remain in the island, upon his endeavour to persuade the Duke of Lorraine to undertake their charge. 2§ pp. Draft. (III. 443.) The PRINCE or WALES to WILLIAM, PRINCE OF ORANGE. Same date—Announcing the despatch of Dr. Gough who will explain matters. i p. Draft. French. 0n the same sheet as the instruction. WILLIAM CURTIUS to [ROBERT LONG]. [16]48, Nov. 5. Frankfort [on Main].-—The death of Prince Rakozzi has given the Emperor five counties out of seven which there are in Transylvania, and gives room to speculate on the replacement of the losses suffered by Austria in the Treaty of Munster. Letters from the Imperial Court say their armament is in such a state that they need no longer bargain for e at too heavy a price, and that Italian affairs go we for Spain, and are closely allied with theirs. The journey to Spain had been again postponed till the 5—15th instant. The Queen’s betrothal takes place on Sunday. The Swedish plenipotentiaries were in no haste to inform their generals of the armistice (Wrangel disavowing that he had heard of it when all Suabia was full of it). The Generaljssimo chewed so much determination to attack Prague even after the suspension of hostilities in the High Palatinate that some ineertitude about the Peace was evidently inferred. Indeed even to-day we know not but that we are still fightmg 234 in Bohemia. The Prince [Palatine] having planted his guns in the breach, the inhabitants defend themselves by new barricades, and having received opportune reinforcements, are not thinking of surrender. But on the part of the allied armies suspension of hostilities has been proclaimed, Wrangel being about to enter Nuremburg with his ordinary train and the Senate making ready to welcome him. Turenne’s forces are com— ing down, and will winter across the Rhine, the Marquis of Baden trying to get rid of them by fair words and money. The head— quarters will be at Spires. We do not hear that the Spaniards of Francedal [Frankenthal] accept this truce of the Empire, the governor there having made arrangements as if to go to the Netherlands. Those interested fear that this garrison may be shifted to Lorraine and that the war may assume a new cloak. The diet of Franconia commences to-day at Bamberg to settle the winter quarters and to assess their States for the Swedish indemnity. 2 pp. French. (III. 407.) CARDINAL TRIVULZIO, Spanish Governor of Sicily, to the CONDE DE LEMOS. 1648, Nov. [11—]21. Palermo—«The condition of affairs in this kingdom making it necessary to give an account to his Majesty, he has chosen P. Don Francisco Marquese, President of the Convent of St. Joseph in this town, both for the confidence he has in him, and for his knowledge of things; and has desired him to kiss his Excellency’s hands and assure him of his desire to serve him. Prays his Excellency to assist the Padre in what he has to do at that Jourt, relying on the kindness which he has always received from him, and refers him for all news to the said Padre. 1 p. Spanish. (III. 417.) The SAME to the CONSTABLE OF CASTILLE. Same date—«To the same efiect as the preceding. 12). Spanish. (III. 419.) WILLIAM CURTIUS to [SECRETARY LONG]. 1648, Nov. 12. Frankfort [on Main].~—Prague has been re— lieved by force and not by the treaty of Munster. The Prince Palatine, finding that the Imperialists were only six hours from his camp, decided to \Vltl'ldl‘aW’ at noon on the 24th ult., and the next night relief entered. So persistent an attack is attributed to the prospect of success within two days, according to the statement of the besieged who had lost 2,000 men including many scholars and priests. The bulk of the Imperialists, after reinforcing the place, retired towards Budweis and the Prince Palatine, leaving General Koni smark there, took post on the Elbe—wins line extending from Ielnik to Leutmeriz [Leitmeritz] whence he is likely to descend into Misrria, having declared suspension of hostilities. 235 On the 4th inst. Wrangel left Nuremberg for Aurbach in the High Palatinate; on the way he met a courier from Picolomini with confirmation of the armistice, on which he returned towards Forcheim, and is now spread out in Franconia. That country to—day both is spreading the table-cloth and putting its hand in its pockets at the same time, the passion for peace causin them to do things otherwise incompatible and impossible. .t remains to be seen how the people can furnish money when their goods are all swallowed up by free quartering. For, although France does not ask extraordinary sums like Sweden, the Circles there are so burdened by their garrisons and army that very little is left. Turenne has not yet quitted the Tauber valley, though he is expected on the Rhine, or rather at Halbron [Heilbron], where the solemnities of the Peace are to be celebrated. This State will make some demonstration next week in the churches, as have the other States, which, however, have not waited for the ratification. 2-pp. French. (III. 4-11.) Sir WILLIAM BATTEN and CAPTAIN J OURDAN. 1648, Nov. [18428. The Hague.—~Testimonial in favour of Sir William Batten and Captain Elias Jourdan on their resigning their commands in his Majesty’s fleet. .1: p. each. Drafts. (III. 427 and 431.) Worcester papers, N o. 2239. WILLIAM CURTIUS to SECRETARY LONG. 1648, Nov. 19. Frankfort [on Maine].-—A1though hos- tilities are at an end, the countries see no peace. The soldiers still swallow the wherewithal to brew the golden beverage (l’or potable) required for the Swedes. VVrangel left Bamberg the 13—23 of this month for Eger, intending to return on the 24 inst. to lodge his troops in Franconia. They maintain that the period of two months granted at Munster only begins from the day when the troops have their “ assiette farms.” The Prince Palatine has had his quarters hitherto at Kuttenberg in Bohemia. Turenne’s head- uarters are atTubingen, his troops between the Danube and B ack Forest and on the Rhine, Maine and N eekar. Some are even come into this State, which cannot yet make up its mind to give at once bread and money. Others have helped themselves to both at the point of the poignard, which they have drawn against their own comrades. The German cavalry begins to murmur as if unwilling to cross the Rhine to fight another war. At least they want to See their arrears in good French money. The Papal N uncio [Chigij detests the treaty, and his protest will oblige the Protestants to demand the Papal ratification with equal solemnity, at the risk of once more shufiling the cards. The Duke of Bavaria has held the Estates of his Circle at Weissenburg and proposes that on 236 finding the sum necessary for the soldiers he should dismiss them, it being reported that he has treated with the Republic of Venice for the transfer of some regiments. But he has so well protected his frontiers and especially the river Lec that there is no risk for his State. The Elector of Mayence eager for peace at any price has sent to Cologne for money, and has obtained it on the security of the Rhinegau. This loan is to provide his quota due to the Swedes. The Pope will find the 100,000 crowns for the “ reluition ” of the Bergstrasse, on the security of their Cathedral treasure. On the 3—13 of this month the Queen of Spain and the King of Hungary left for Milan with Cardinal de Harach. 2 pp. French. Seal. (III. 413.) WILLIAM CURTIUS to Sir ROBERT LONG. 1648, Nov. 26. Frankfort [on Maine].——All goes full speed for the Peace. Though dearly bought by the States of the Empire, they all seek money to pay their quota. This Republic, having weathered the storm as well as any, is now courted by several borrowers. Worms, Halbrun [Heilbron] and others have tried with no success. The Elector of Mayence has got some, on the strength of his good husbandry, and sends here wine, corn, wood, charcoal and even ashes, to be turned into money. Some French regiments are dropping down already to cross the Rhine, having apparently settled with their hosts for two months winter quarters. Some have extracted a promise of 10,000 rix-dollars per regiment. Turenne himself is expected from Tubingen, and perhaps may visit Cassel. The Duke of Wurtemberg has gone towards Augsburg as Colonel of the Swabian circle to commence the carrying out of the peace. Evasions are feared, the Catholics of the town being unwilling to release so good a prize. The Duke of Bavaria has informed the envoy of the Prince Palatine of Sulzbach that he must consult his archives, to know what to restore. He is filling up his regiments. Last Monday a courier of the Emperor passed this place laden with a whole valise of Ratifications, Restitutions and the like. The young Count of Nassau [John Lewis, Count of Nassau-Hademar] who brought news of the treaty, has received 5,000fl., a gold chain, and an estate worth 2,000fl. a. ear. The Emperor means to go to Hungary for the Election of another Palatine, and to take possession of what has fallen to him by the death of Rakozzi. 2,} pp. French. Seal. (III. 423.) 237 CARDINAL TBIVULZIO to DON FERDINANDO RUIZ DE CONTRERAS. 1648, Nov. [19-—]29. Palermo-«To the same effect as those dated on Nov. 21 (p. 234 above). 1 19. Spanish. (111. 435 and 437.) The SAME to the CONSTABLE or CASTILE. 1648, Nov. [19—]29. Palermowl have received at. the same time the two letters with which your Excellency has been pleased to favour me, dated the 2nd and 18th of August ; informing me of the safe arrival at that Court and marriage of your daughter, Donna Juana. I thank your Excellency for the kindness which you express for me in both letters and assure you of my affectionate gratitude. Don Melchior Pacheco has made a very good choice. 11). Spanish. (III. 437.) The PRINCE or WALES to [.IAMEs, MARQUIS or ORMOND]. 1648 [N 0v]. The Hague.- —VVarning him against Sir Robert Walsh, reported to have gone to Ireland, after an “ insolcnt attempt ” upon Lord Culpeper, and publishing a scandalous pamphlet entitled “ The Declaration of Sir R. Walsh in relation to the business between him and Lord Culpeper,” in which he accused the latter of corresponding With the Parliament. When Walsh was summoned before the Prince to justify some reports he had scattered in “ cabarets and ordinaryes ” to that purpose, he absented himself. The gentleman from Whom he pretended to have received his advertisement, being examined, declared that coming lately from England he had met with 8. Norfolk gentleman, a recusant, who told him to tell \Valsh that some one about the Prince discovered his counsels to those in London and that he believed it was Culpeper. To this the Prince gave no credit, and in spite of Lord Culpeper’s wishes, being in a place where he had no power to punish W'alsh properly, did not proceed with the matter. But if Walsh be in Ireland, he should be imprisoned, and his pamphlet burnt by the hangman. Copy. 1% 32. See p. 239. (III. 447.) 1648, Nov. [12—]22, [endorsement]. The Hague.——Order to Abraham Oyers, advocate at the Provincial Court of Holland, to take proceedings against Sir R. \Valsh for the above—named matter. Endorsed: “ Passed not. entered.” 1 1). French. (111.451.) The PRINCE or WALES to FREDERICK, Kme or DENMARK. [1648. [N 0V. 24—]Dec. 4, endorsement] ‘ The Hague—- Recommending to the King “ Le Chevalh'er de Hinderson ” [Sir 238 William Henderson], who had served well in the late Civil War in England. 95]). Draft. French. (III. 459.) The SAME to CORNIFICIUS VULLFELD, MAITRE D’HOTEL and VICEROY or DENMARK. [The same date] To the like effect. ,1. 77. Draft. French. (III. 459.) The SAME to HANNIBAL SCHESTEDT, VICEROY OF NORWAY. [The same date] To. the like effect. 2, 1). Draft. French. (III. 460.) EDWARD] PEOGER to SECRETARY LONG. 1648, [Nov. 28—]Dec. 8. Oste‘nd.«—“ Parting in some haste with you and forced to go without the principal verb in my sentence which by your favour I have since received, the which had I known must have been directed to so forgetful a. Person I should have humbly desired a. better address, but now its too late to repent though not to receive more obligations from you, which shall ever be acknowleged if not in my power to be returned you, I shall desire you, lest this should fail and I money bounde [sic], you will procure me e more certain essignation to which I am confident my Lord Cottington will. join his power, however, no industry of mine shall be wanting to give you a. good account of the first. I shall beg of you 2 or 3 lines which you may send me by Dick Hardinge of the proceedings you make in the business only known to you and myself as likewise where I may meet you end when you remove from the Low Countries and in the time I em absent I can give myself in nothing so much content as by serving you therefore your commends will be most welcome. I have waited on the letters from Rotterdam, and the gmstest inconveniences I have met with in my journey hath been some friends at Antwerp and trotting horses which leave as ill a remembrance as a. waiting gentlewoman. I hope this night the weather will be fairer than the last night was and then we shell to sea in most damnable company, the which 1 hope will make me so perfect a dissembler that I shall happily despatch my business.” % p. Holograph. Seal. (III. 105.) Petition of GEORGE ROSEWELL, seamen of the Love,* under command of the traitor, Capt. Miller, to CHARLES, PRINCE OF WALES. [1648, November.]———Has “ lost his Wherry and chest and all that he had in the ship and also at home in England, which *Arnerchant ship, captured by the revolted’fleot in the Downs and carried into Holland to the Prince. The captain, Gregory Miller or Milner, was detained there a prisoner. See Cal. S.P. Dom, 1648—9, p. 376. 239 was plundered by the unmerciful Parliament, he being ashore that night that his captain went away with the ship, and he cut away the Tenth Whelp’s hawsers, or else your Highness’ great ships should not have come into the Sluce which Sir Henry Mannering can witness.” He requests present order for a month’s pay for himself and his son; for the rest which is behind he will not move the Prince until hereafter. He prays the Prince “to call to mind of 6 barrels of powder he carried aboard of Captain Miller’s ship in the King’s Channel.” [Endorsed .‘] To be referred to Prince Ruper[t]. 1 p. (III. 847.) ABRAHAM OYERS to the Cover or HOLLAND. [1684, November.]~—An advocate of the Court has order from the Prince of Wales to request the correction and punish~ ment of Sir Robert Welch for striking Lord Culpeper in the face with his fist, on Nov. 2 last. 1 p. [Of. the Prince’s judgment on Nov. 7. Cal. Clar. S.P. I., 444.] (III. 807.) See. p. 237. Articles of Agreement between CHARLES, PRINCE OF GREAT BRITAIN, and MARTINE DE REUZ* of Rotterdam, merchant. I. [1648, Nov. 01‘ Dec] The Prince will deliver to de Reuz so many brass cannon as will amount to the weight of 70,0001b. at Helvoetsluys before the [blank] day of this instant November (sic). II. In consideration whereof de Reuz will deliver to such persons as Prince Rupert shall appoint at Helvoetsluys for the use of his Highness’ fleet before the 12th day of this instant December (sic) 56,000);lb.] weight of. good wholesome and serviceable bread or biscuits at the rate of 12 uilders the hundred (amounting to 6,7 20 guilders), and be al owed 1809. for the vessels or vats to ut the said bread in, 1,428 barrels of beer making 238 English ones at 4 guilders and 16 stivers the barrel, that is to say for the beer barrels, customs and all duties and charges amounting to 6,854 guildcrs and 8 stivcrs, 6,888”). of good butter or 22 barrels containing that quantity at 1109. the barrel, 8,236lb. of the best cheese at 209. the 100 weight, 1,4001. weight of Holland beef, good, sweet and serviceable, at 2% stivers the 1b., and so much money as will furnish 3 longboats, 1 pinnace, one great ensign and 8 lesser ensigns at l,200g., and shall furnish 1,4009. to buy 8,000 ells of cloth to make clothes for 1,000 men, and 4009. to buy 1,000 pairs of shoes. III. De Reuz shall be allowed 300g. for boat hire and portage of the provisions to Helvoetsluys, and out of the value of the proceed of the 70,000 weight of brass guns 3,2379. ' 01- Russ, as spelt in the endorsement. 240 due and allowed to him upon two accounts of disbursements for the Prince’s service. IV. De Reuz also covenants to presently furnish the sum of 8,919l. 12s., to make up 28,000 guilders in the whole, to be paid to whom Prince Rupert shall appoint, being at the rate of 40 guilders per cent. upon the 70,000[lb.] weight of cannon. V. He will further not sell or dispose of any part of the said 70,000 weight of cannon for two months after delivery of the same to him, during which time the Prince shall have liberty to sell the same, or part thereof, to any person that will give more than 409. per cent., provided that out of the said sum de Reuz receive first the 28,0009. above mentioned, failing which de Reuz shall sell the same at the best rate he can, and account for the money so raised above the value of 409. per cent, and above the said sum of 28,000 guilders. VI. If there shall be more than 70,000lb. weight of brass canon, de Reuz will account for the overplus. VII. The Prince will allow de Reuz interest at the rate of 5 per cent. for a year for all money disbursed by him during the two months for which he keeps the cannon unsold, unless the Prince can procure a Chapman sooner, in which case he will allow interest in proportion, but no interest shall be allowed for the 3,237[g.] above mentioned as due upon former accounts. Further the Prince agrees that in case the cannon cannot be sold at 409. per cent, he will either deliver so much more cannon as will make up the 28,000g., or will abate out of the 28,0009. so much as shall fall short in the price of 40 per cent. upon the said proportion of 70,000 weight. 3% pp. Draft. The last paragraph, in a dt'fierent hand, added subsequently to endorsement. N o. 241 of the papers taken at Worcester. (III. 817.) The PRINCE or WALES to nRCHnUKE LEOPOLD [Governor of the Spanish Netherlands]. 1648, Dec. 12 us. The Hague.-~Thanking him for the assurances of affection he has received through Sir Henry de Vic, King Charles’ Resident, regretting that at present he can do little to reciprocate them, and commending De Vic to the Archduke’s protection. It would be a great loss to the service of both Crowns and would also touch his Majesty’s honour if so faithful a servant should succumb under the weight of the expense to which he has been put. 1% 70. Draft. French. (III. 463.) . WILLIAM CURTrUs to ROBERT LONG. 1648, Dec. 3—13. Frankfort.—These peoples hardly see yet any difference between a suspension of arms and open war. To some the latter would be more tolerable. This republic is highly indignant at being ordered to entertain troops 241 assigned to the neighbouring country, a thing never done by Imperialists or Spaniards. In the Low Palatinate, the people suffer more from the commissaries than they ever did from the war, for in addition to what the garrisons (both of friend and foe) devour, the regiments from Bavaria demand almost more than all the goods of the country can supply. The end, however, we hope is near. The Duke of Saxe and General Konigsmark have quarrelled; the former having seized several boat-loads of booty from Prague, on the ground that things had been taken from the very walls, even marble pillars. Levies are still being raised in Glattaw and Silesia. The excuse is that the die was cast before the settlement at Munster, and also that the flood of Tartars into Poland forces them to be on their guard. It is said at Vienna that the Princes Casimir and Charles rivals for the Crown [of Polandj had come to blows, with some slaughter, to the disadvantage of the younger; but from Dantzig we hear that he has given way voluntarily to his senior, and that the election was to be on the 15th ultimo. The Bavarian army is spread over the Hi h Palatinate, and especially in the lands of the Prince of ulzbach, thus relieving him of the Swedes, who weigh all the more heavily on Franconia. The people there loudly declare that they cannot satisfy their demands, and the Elector of Mayence has had to come himself to Wfirzburg, “ pour étre plus proche du malade.” The French commander will give up the town of Hochst and will get 1,000 rix-dollars for doing so, at Turenne’s request. Your few words of Nov. 30 on his Royal Highness, and especially on his health, have much enlightened me. 2% pp. French. (III. 455.) Last para. in O'urtius’ own hand. The PRINOE’S INSTRUCTIONS to CAPTAIN JAMES APSLEY. 1648, Dec. [4—]14. [The Hague.]~—l. He shall sail to one of the ports of Munster and deliver letters to the Lord Lieutenant [Ormond], to Lord Inchiquin, President of Munster, and to Mr. Richard Fanshaw. 2. He shall not take any prizes till he is assured that the treaty in England is absolutely broken off. 3. When so assured, he shall, before putting his commission in execution, inform Ormond, Inchiquin, and the Admiralty Judge of the province. The Prince acknowledges himself bound to [blank] for 2,3001. furnished to his use. 1 p. Draft. No. 224 of the papers taken at Worcester. (III. 467.) 1216. 242 The PRINCE OF WALES to the CHAMBERLAIN of his HOUSEHOLD [LORD BRENTFORD]. 1648, Dec. [10~]20. The Hague.———Certifying that he has promised to Mr. Charles Berkley, son of Sir Charles Berkly, kt, Controller of his Household, the first vacancy in the posts of carver, cupbearer or server in ordinary. 1 1). Draft. (III. 469.) The SAME to JAMES, MARQUIS 0F ORMOND. 1648, Dec. [18—J28, [Endorsement “The Hague.”]—-‘Com- mending the bearer, Major~General [Sir George] Monroe, who had served in the late unfortunate engagement of Scotland. % p. Draft. (III. 475.) Another of same date and like efiect to [MURROUGH] LORD INCHIQUIN. % p. Draft. [Endorsed :] A pass by sea the same day, in English, for Wm. Walsh to Ireland. Another pass in Latin for Captain-Lieut. Thomas. Thway‘tes. (III. 475.) The PRINCE OF WALES to [JACQUES] DUKE 0F COURLAND. 1648, Dec. [19—]29. [Endorsement, “ The 'Hague.”]——~Having seen a letter of the Duchess to the Queen of Bohemia containing proof of affection for himself and the Duke of York, he thanks the Duke for the same. t 39. Draft. French. (111.473.) [The PRINCE OF WALES] to [LORD CHANCELLOR LOUDOUN]. [1648.] December [23].-—Received on 5th inst. the letterofithe Committee of Estates,* dated Oct. 17, and assures him that he should be exceeding glad to see a perfect union between all those in his Majesty’s kingdom who are well afiected to peace and the vindication of his Majesty’s right, and to the release of his person from the i-mpious imprisonment he endures. 'Whosoever shall heartily join in that pious work will lay the greatest obligation on the Prince. He desires the Committee to be assured of this. 1 33. Copy. [Printed in Ola/r. S.P. IL, 461.] 0verleaf.—Same date, to the Commissioners of the General Assembly, to the like effect. 1 p Copy, in the same hand. [Printed ut supra, 11., 462.] (III. 733.) . DR. RICHARD HART to SECRETARY LONG. [1648, Dec. ‘25—]1649, Jan. 4. us. Rotterdam.— Replies to a letter concerning his going to sea with the fleet, written by command of the Prince. He had not yet had " ‘4'“‘q’5hs letteris sass}. '03er 5.12. 11pm 243 any order to go to sea, but had causes of conjecture that the execution of his place as Judge of the Admiralty would be disposed of to‘other men’s hands. Thus he had no reason of his own head to undertake a miserable journey at sea in winter without some assurance that he might not only have an employment by his voyage, but also means of subsistence by it. All which in his last undertaking he had wanted. The first time he heard of such motion was when Prince Rupert spoke to him about it “this last week.” He told him that no one was more willing to venture life and fortune for the Prince than himself, but only if things were brought into some order before he went, and he allowed to fulfil the duties of his office, not to “ stand by like a cypher and as a useless man.” More- over, as he can get nothing out of England, if he is to go, he must have 401. or 50L to pay his debts at Rotterdam. I; p. No. 307 of the papers taken at Worcester. (III. 569.) Colonel JOHN PHILIP HIR’I‘TER to SECRETARY LONG. [1648, Dec. 29—]1649, Jan. 8. Brussels.-Renewal of war in England being certain he ofiers his poor services. Is persuaded that his suggestion about a certain rich and experienced general, much esteemed by the Duke of Lorraine, will not be forgotten. Requests instructions and that a letter may be directed to Mrs. Baker’s in Troisbruke, Bruxelles. It will be for the advantage of the Prince, and he himself Will enter upon the risk manibus pedibusque. 2 pp. Latin. [See notice of his death, while gathering troops for Charles II. in 1652 Cal. Clar. S.P. II., 131.] (III. 573.) The PRINCE or WALES to [ARCHIBALD] MARQUIS or ARGYLE. [1648, Dec. 30-~]1649, Jan. 9. n.s.——Thanking the Marquis for his desire to preserve the Monarchy in Scotland, and entreating him to employ his power for the King and for his deliverance from his present sad condition. 1% 1). Copy. (III. 571.) No. 218 of the Worcester papers. The SAME to JOHN, EARL or LOUDOUN. Of the same date and to like efiect. § 32. Copy. (III. 571.) Mas. ELIZABETH FITZJAMES" to the PRINCE OF WALES. [1648, December.]——For his hines the Prins of Wals. “ Will et ples your hines to rede this complants hou much i sofer for you brothr the Duke of yourk my goode is aresed for his due an i myself an is in arest this ten days an parth' for him your hines veri well knows that my husband has don veri much sarvis for the king your fath in the wors and ”“77 Probably thelwife‘uof Congh-IIFltz J ames, who went over to the service of the Commonwealth as a. spy. 244 will your hines be so much displesed for with my husba that i must sofcr in suhe a bi Ineshur as i do at this tiem pray disingag my husband for if i goo to the port for him you will imbue your bans in my blud the pepl is ploting agans me hon i may be dcvord, your hiness ples to send me on hundred pund if you pies to ask the Duke of York i beliefe his hiness will say my husband has laid so much for him wen his hines had veri inch need of muni if your hines was ritli informed by my husband frens you must neds know that my husband has don the best sarvis for the Duke of ani engilish man wot sumever that he was in this lands i h0p our enemi shall not make it a krim for us to do the beest sarvis we kold for the King of inglands son mani says that Mr. Fitzjaems is torned rebill bekos he is gen into ingland his fathar is ded ther ther is mani that has related soeh falseis to your hines that wen they com to be quisened thay will not daer justifi et houever werever we ar we shall all ways apruves to be your mos obedent subjets ontel ded. 2 pp. Signature. [Endorsedj Received Jan. 2, 1649. (III. 567.) The Pruner: or WALES to [William] EARL OF LANERICK, principal Secretary for Scotland. [1648.]vw-Has sent the Earl of Brentford, his Chamberlain, to Scotland, hoping that a person of his experience and good affections to his country may be of use. Entreats their favour that Brentford may be restored to his est-ate in land and money. «519. Draft. (III. 815.) The SAME to the COMMITTEE OF ESTATES. [1648.]—-T0 the like effect as the previous letter. Praising lLord 1gBrentford’s affection to the King his father, and to mnse . 12). Draft. (III. 816.) INSTRUCTIONS for lVIA[JOR] SCOT [name erased]. [1648 ‘3]~He shall conceal from all persons the trust com- mitted to him, and only make necessary acquaintances in England, and making use of discreet rsons only, that the Prince receive no dishonour. He shallcadvertise the Prince what money he receives, and only disburse it by warrant under the Prince’s hand, attested by his secretary. He shall within [blank] months return and deliver all unused blanks. At top—~Credential letters and instructions for Venice; letters for two Consuls; letters to the Duchess and Duke of Savoy; letters to Florence. 1 19. (III. 799.) 245 Petition of Lieut.-Colonel HENRY MANATON to CHARLES, PRINCE OF GREAT BRITAIN. [1648, end of ?]—~He served under Lord 1810th011 and Prince Maurice, in whose service he was twice wounded, the second time being at the taking of Exeter. For this the King, when last in Exeter, ordered the Sheriff and Commissioners of Delinquents’ Estates to pay him 400l. per annum. He did not receive in a year and a half more than 60L He therefore appealed to the Prince at Barnstaple, who by his lines ordered the Sherifi and Commissioners to pay in full. Petitioner, however, received nothing. N 0t long after, the Prince intending to deliver battle to Sir Thomas Fairfax in Devon, in the dead of winter, etitioner rode to Devonshire, when his horse slid and fel on his hurt leg, and broke it in four places. He then petitioned the Prince for the reversion of Carrabullocke Park in the parish of Stokeclymsland “ for 21 years in reversion of an estate of 10 or 12 years then in being, the same being assigned to the Petitioner in 201. per annum,” out of which there is payable to the Prince for rent 6!. odd yearly. On this the Prince ordered Secretary Fanshaw to write to Secretary Long for particular information. But Fairfax coming into Cornwall nothing was done. Petitioner has only received 60l. in all, in the four years and a half“ since his Majesty signified his pleasure; and has paid surgeons and other charges about 500l. Returning to the Netherlands he found his place disposed of. He therefore prays for the said reversion of Carrabullocke, “he having a wife and child and not able to leave them anything.” 5 1). (III. 791.) The SAME to [SECRETARY LONG]. [1648, end of ?]—~Giving a similar account of himself, and adding that he had formerly been for 20 years a lieutenant in the service of the States, but now returning “here” [to Holland], finds his place disposed of. He came to Prince Charles and Prince Maurice at Helvoetsluyes; where they both spoke to the Prince of Orange of his service and requested him to give him a company. He asks Long to write to the Prince of Orange to remember him. 1 p. Signed. (III. 795.) INSTRUCTIONS. [1648 ?]—-1. To “ take a course ” for arms: to send com- missions: to keep intelligence and correspondence with the Prince, and to have a character [1}.e. cipher] to write to him by, and to receive letters from him: to consider what intelligence and correspondence they shall have with the Scots and Irish and other parts of England and North Wales, ‘Pfing~ Charles was atfirEiteter in July, 1644. 246 and by what persons they shall make addresses in each of them: how they may have intelligence from London and the parliament and army, to know their designs and pro- ceedings, and to whom they shall address themselves herein : to have ships sent into these parts : to find men of experience to advise with them and to assist them: to consider what Officers shall be sent hither, wherein care is to be taken and not to send any that may give offence to the soldiers or country here: to raise men and money, and that those that receive the money be men of trust, and that they may give good security or an oath, or both, to employ it as directed, and that if it be mis-employed he shall give notice to the Prince or such as he shall appoint : that there be some of the country and of the army and some from the Prince that they may join in the raising of money and quartering of soldiers in such way as may least offend the country: to provide for proclamations of pardon for their adherents. 1 p. Endorsed by Long, as “sent by Captain Morgan.” N 0. 14-5 of the papers taken at Worcester. (III. 783.) NOTES by ROBERT LONG. [1648 ‘3] “Poland. Mr. Crofts to have information of the negotiation of Sir John Cocheran: to take notice of the King of Poland’s letter to the Queen and to negotiate. If Sir John Cochc[ran] there, to join with and assist him, if not to pursue. To mediate with the Queen [of Sweden] to permit such Scots officers to go into Scotland that are known to be well affected with such care and caution as the Queen may take no offence at it. To have leave for one of them to repair to the King if there shall be occasion without command. Instructions for sending of corn: to correspond with the Queen [Henrietta Maria] and Lord Goring: to keep corres- pondence with the Marquis of Montrose and to desire informa- tion from him of affairs in his manage. To order Sir John Cochran and Sir Patrick Drummond to keep correspondence with the Ambassador. To correspond with Lord Ormond and the rest of his Majesty’s ministers abroad. To press the Queen [of Sweden} to declare and engage herself avowedlv for the King if they shall cause [sic] to hope for any such thing. f the parliament attempt to send a public minister there to oppose his reception and admittance by all means they may. To incline the Queen to interpose with other princes par- ticularly France, Denmark and the States to declare for the King in a case where all are concerned. 247 To the Queen to countenance all the King’s subjects in her dominion that are known to be well affected and to discountenance others.” (III. 338.) Sir JOHN BERK[ELY] to ROBERT LONG. 1648[-—9], Jan. [8—]18.* Cambray.—l{e wishes the Prince to be told that his master [James Duke of York] after a very stormy night landed on the 10th inst. at Steenbergen, and went that day to Antwerp with all his company, where he stayed all the next day and went with a few of his followers with the night- boat to Brussels, sending the rest with his baggage to Dermont [Dendermond]. He would not pass without seeing Brussels, which proved chargeable, but otherwise not inconvenient, for by the assistance of Sir Henry de Vic he passed unnoticed, but in that quality had all the offers of respect from the Arch- duke that could be expected, but “neither gave nor received any visit, only the Duke of Larroyne” met him at his going out and coming in to Brussels and expressed his desire to serve his father, his whole family and himself. He saw an opera at the Court where there was an assembly of the Archduke and all persons of quality of both sexes. . The met Lord Goring at Antwerp. He made great instance that t e Duke should lie at his house at Brussels, and was not well satisfied at his refusal. They arrived at Cambray on the 17th, when the Duke received orders by letters of the 8th that he should stay wherever those letters found him. Berkely sent his nephew to the Queen and impatiently awaits orders, for they are “ at 30 livres per diem and not well provided for such an expense.” Mr. Crofts and, he thinks, the Duke grow already weary of their stay, and will probably leave the next day. 2 pp. Holograph. (III. 481.) The PRINCE OF WALES to Loan GENERAL FAIRFAX and the COUNCIL OF WAR. 1649, Jan. 22. [ms] The Hague.-———Urging them to restore the King. Calendared in Cal. Clar. S.P. I ., 465, but under date Jan. 23. See Clarendon’s Hist. of Rebellion, II, 193 (ed. 1704). s p. Copy. No. 277 of the papers taken at Worcester. (HT. 579.) The PRINCE or WALES to [WLLLLAM] EARL OF LANERICK. 1649, Jan. [19—]29. n.s. The Hague—Understanding by Lt. Colonel Oglevye the affection of the King’s friends in Scotland, desires a. full account of the state of things there. _......_..‘._. ‘ The contents show that the year date of this letter is old style, whiie the month "date is new.- . 248 . Signed. Seal, three feathers. Apparently not Sent. (111 £81 1 [JAMES, MARQUIS or] ORMOND to Norm, LORD] BYRON with letters to the QUEEN and PRINCE OF WALES. 1648[~9'|, Jan. 26. Kilkenny Castle—«1. To represent to them the state of Ireland on conclusion of the peace on 17th inst. 2. To urge the Prince to come to Ireland both to confirm the three parts devoted to him and to win over or reduce the fourth consisting of Jones’ and Owen Roe’s parties. 3. If the Independents hold forth a Treaty, their end may be to divert the Prince from laying hold of this advantage, and he cannot be more safe than at the head of armies, and in a country where if dangerous persons approach him, his father’s own people and laws are ready to lay hold of them, which cannot so well be done in countries free for all men. 4. To encounter any objections on his part by showing the condition of Lord Inchiquin’s quarters, Where there is the best army in Ireland, wholly Protestant. 5, To advise him to go first to Cork in the first place, Kinsale, Youghall or Dungarvan, if his ships draw not too much water for the last two ports. But if pressed by weather he may come safely to any ports of the late Confederate Catholics’ quarters, such as Waterford, Limerick, or even to VVeXford, taking care of the barred haven and movable sands there. 6. To desire him to write to all foreign Princes and States, graciously mentioning those in Ireland who have expressed their zeal to him in his lowest condition, and to request such Princes to favour them in commerce; and to write to his agents abroad to procure protection for them. 7. To desire him to write to the Prince of Orange to furnish Ireland, upon security of the Customs, with corn, arms, ammunition, backs and breasts, money and frigates; also to send engineers and two or three regiments of good old foot, with their pay for three months. If these are deficient in oflicers, there are a confluence of gallant ones in Ireland. 8. To encourage merchants in France, Flanders and Holland to come to Ireland. 9. If he cannot bring money, he should still come, but leave unnecessary charge behind him. 10. If the Queen likes it, the Duke of York should also come. 11. In case none of the Prince’s frigates can bring Lady Ormond from Caen to Ireland, to obtain from the States Captain Yambolt’s man-of-war, which brought Ormond over. 12. To recommend to the Queen and the Prince the importance of Scilly, that com be sent there, and in case Sir John Grenville is not going there, that Ormond should send a Governor with such a recruit of men as they solicit. 249 13. To deliver two letters from Ormond and Inchiquin to the Earl of Warwick inviting him to Ireland if Byron on arrival find him in a posture to entertain such overture. 14. To communicate the contents hereof and his knowledge of the state of Ireland to Lords J crmyn, Digby and Hatton. 15. To put Lord Digby in mind of the refiners mentioned by Dr. Lambert, to be employed by Sir George Hamilton. 16. To acquaint the Queen that Ormond is treating with the Spanish agent in Ireland (who pretends to have money) for the transporting of men, for which he expects 3,0001. or 4,000Z., which matter he desires may be rightly understood in France. This money will be useful, considering the forwardness of Jones and Owen Roe to agree, if they have not already done so, and the possibility of supplies coming from England to Jones, also the activity of the Nuncio and Roe to alienate the Irish from the peace, as happened before. The men to be transported are such as come from Roe to the Irish quarters, or being disbanded by the Confederates will serve the enemy or plunder their friends. Before treating with the Spanish agent he had found that the French a ent had no money, yet had offered him the like number 0% men in the future for the like sum. 17. To propose a great seal of Ireland with sword, purse and two maces, and Commissioners for the seal. 18. To desire an authority be sent to swear some of the Council, particularly Inchiquin, who, by his office of Lord President of Munster and by his service to the Crown, hath a double title thereto. 19. That Ormond should have authority to provide out of the public revenue a decent support for the King’s agents abroad, and to address foreign Princes and States. 20. To request the Queen that Captain Darcy, on whose frigate Byron sails, being forbidden to amuse himself with prizes on the way, may be satisfied any damages of victuals, according to Byron’s certificate, his frigate having been already stayed above three weeks by Ormond. 5% pp. No. 359 of the papers taken at Worcester. Signed by Ormond only. (III. 485.) [This document is alluded to in Omwnd’s letter to Jermyn of Jan. 24. See Carte’s Life of Ormoml, III, 602.] CHARLES II. to [the KING OF DENMARK, FREDERICK III]. [1649, February.]———-Before this come to your hands, you will be informed of the infamous parricide committed upon the person of the late King, our royal father, by his rebellious subjects, the authors of an example extremely prejudicial to the dignity, and of dangerous consequence to the safety, of all sovereign princes, and abhorrent to the feelings of all Christian people. We therefore conceive ourselves bound 250 by the laws of nature, as a son ; by the reasons and interests of state as a Prince, and by the rule; of piety as a Christian, not only to be afflicted with extreme grief for so sad acalamity, but also to express our indignation and detestation of it to your Majesty and the whole world, being confident that your Majesty in your great piety and wisdom will likewise have a just resentment and detestation of so barbarous and impious a fact, as well in regard of the ancient amity and alliance between your Majesty’s dominions and the crown Of Great Britain as of the particular friendship and affection of the King our said late royal father to your Majesty’s person. And as we are the indubitable heir of his crown and dominions so we will succeed to the same measure of affection and friendship to your Majesty, and will endeavour by all ways and means in our power to maintain the ancient alliance and corres- pondence between the two crowns, not doubting but that your Majesty will be pleased to contribute such advice and assistance to us as may give us some consolation in the great occasion of sorrow wherewith we are now oppressed. 1 p. Endorsed: “The Latin letter Englished.” (III. 829;) [JOHN, EARL or] LOUDOUN to the SCOTCH COMMISSIONERS at London. 1649, Feb. 6. Edinburgh—Having used all means to prevent the King’s death, they are to take special care that nothing be done to the prejudice of the King that now is, and that there be no change in the fundamental government. Having entered their protestation in the name of Scotland, they are to return home. 1 p. Copy. No. 64 of the papers taken at Worcester. (III. 583.) [J OHN, EARL or] LOUDOUN and [ARCHIBALD, MARQUIS or} ARGYLL to CHARLES II. 1649, March 2. Edinburgh.-—Hoping that he will embrace the faithful counsel of the Commissioners Of the Scotch Parliament, in which case they will esteem no hazard too hard which may establish his Government in all his kingdoms. But if any man dissuade his Majesty from hearkening to the honest advice of his most loyal subjects, or move him by delay to lose seasonable Opportunities, he has just reason to ponder such counsels. as most ready means to strengthen his enemies, and render Scotland incapable of doing him service “ whereto we shall be more greevous then any private Interest or losse can befall us.” 1% p. Signed, 0.12." thrice on back. (III. 585.) ADRIEN PAUW to [SECRETARY LONG ?]. 1649, March [5—]15. The Hague—«His Majesty having received - favourably the writer’s prayer for his eldest son, 251 appointed to the Baillage de Goylant, both before and after Pauw’s journey to England, he requests his correspondent to refresh his Majesty’s memory. 1 p. French. (III. 589.) [LUDOVIC, EARL or] CRA[W]FURD* to SECRETARY LONG. 1649, March [13—]23. Madrid—Has written divers times, but received no answer. The horrid action done against “ our righteous King ” has made him write to his son “ our natural and undoubted just prince” ; he encloses copy to Long. If things are well looked after at Madrid, the King will receive a very considerable assistance in money, notwith- standing all the troubles Spain is now in. Nothing was ever taken more to heart by the King of Spain and his nobles than the horrid action of those treacherous rebels at London. He will be glad to assist his Majesty if aid be desired from Spain. The King should give assurance that if restored to his right, he will restore back all such aids in the same nature in which he receives them now, and that he will assist the Kin of Spain in all occasions lawful in time of his necessities. 1 p. No. 292 of the papers taken at Worcester. (III. 595.) [LUDOVIC, EARL or] CRA[\V]FURD, to CHARLES II. 1649, March [13-]23. Madrid—Though he might gain all the wealth of the East and West Indies, he would rather choose with bread and water to serve his Majesty than any Prince alive. Born a Peer of Scotland he stands obliged to represent to his Majesty what concerns the recovery of his crowns. He will serve wherever appointed, and advises the King to ask aid from the King of Spain, from whose own mouth he has heard that assistance will be given to punish the traitors. 2 pp. (III. 599.) Also, another copy of the previous letters under the same date. 14;» p. N o. 288 of the papers taken at Worcester. (III. 603.) CHARLES II to [ARCHIBALD, MARQUIS 0F] ARGYLE. 1649, March 18. The Hague.——Has received both the Marquis’ letters by William Murray, and promises himself much good from Argyle’s advice, knowing that a right under- standing between himself and his subjects will be a sure foundation of mutual happiness. He hopes when the Com- missioners come so to clear all mistakes that it shall be evident to the Marquis and them that he is willing to do all things for their good. ip. Copy. (111.591.) * Ludovic, Karlflof Crawiurd, was banished a; treason by the ficots Estates, thé Eel-Idem being given to his younger brother John, Lord Lindsay. 252 [JOHN, EARL 0F] LOUDOUN, to CHARLES II. 1649, March 24. Edinburgh.~——Rendering his humble suit that his Majesty may listen to faithful counsels and grant the desires of Scotland tendered by their Commissioners. He has referred the reasons which convince him to be of this judgment to the noble and trusty bearer. It is the most eminent title of his Majesty’s dignity to be called “ Defender of the Faith,” and if he follow those ways which are really for Reformation and defence of Religion and enter in the Covenant, it will be the surest foundation to establish his throne by a pious and honourable peace, or by a just and necessary war. 1 p. Holograph. N0. 96 of the papers taken. at Worcester. (III. 607.) KING CHAR-LES II to [JOHN,] EARL OF LOUDOUN. 1649, March 25 [endorsement].-Requesting his lordship to employ himself to preserve the life of Marquis Huntley. % 3). Copy. Endorsed “ delivered by my Lord Jarrett, Mr. Ayton. Copy of his Majestv’ s letter to my lord Loudoun for M: Huntley.” Addressed: “for Mr. Doctor Wisheart. ” (III. 493.) CHARLES II. Instructions for HENRY, LORD PERCY. 1649, April [17w]27.—1. He shall congratulate Louis XIV on the Treaty [of Rueil]. 2. Also the Duke of Orleans, the Prince of Condé and the Cardinal [Mazarin]. 3. He shall thank the King and Queen-Regent for their safe-conduct through France, from the S.W. part of which King Charles means to sail to Ireland. 4. He shall thank them for previous kindness, and solicit more money, persuading also Orleans, Condé and Mazarin. 5. He shall show these instructions to Queen Henrietta Maria and shall follow her directions. 6. He shall acquaint Lord J ermyn with these instructions. 1% p. Sign Manual of the King, and also initialed by him at the end. (III. 503 ; III. 499 is the draft thereof.) KING CHARLES II. Instructions'to JOHN [BRAMHALL], BISHOP 0F DERRY. 1649, April [lO-]20. ——1. He shall deliver the King’s letter to Ormond 2 He shall acquaint him that the King of Portugal gives the liberty of the port of Lisbon and others in Portugal to King Charles’ ships 3 He shall also acquaint Prince Rupert of this. 4.. He shall acquaint them both that the King of Portugal will send to Ireland an Irishman called Domingo de Rosario, mrwhtvw . , 253 with addresses to the King (though not with any avowed public quality) and if he come before the King is there in person, he is to be received with all civility, and Ormond and Rupert are to treat with him. 5. King Charles is about to send an Ambassador to the King of Spain, from whom he expects more aid for Ireland than from Portugal. Caution and secrecy must therefore be observed in transactions with Rosario. 6. The Bishop shall follow any directions given to him by Ormond in the King’s name. 1% p. Draft. (III. 507.) Kma CHARLES II to [JAMES,] MARQUIS OF ORMOND. 1649, [April 25-]May 4 [endorsement].——1s now hoping to start for Ireland in a few days, passing, without any great stay, through Flanders and France. Meanwhile he has ordered the Earl of Bramford [Brentford], whom he has employed into Sweden, to send Ormond 1,000 horsemen’s arms, 900 pistols and a quantity of powder and match, the freight to be paid on arrival, as agreed in Sweden. Brentford has prevailed with several merchants there to send to Ireland ships laden with corn, one of which will convey the arms. All kindness is requested for the Swedish merchants’ factors and servants. [Noted.]~—-For the Marquis of Ormond, Lord Hopton’s cipher. Endorsed as sent by Colonel Hamond. 1 p. Copy. (111.511.) [ARNOUL] DE LISLE to KING CHARLES II. 1649, May [2~]l2. Lisbon.--By his Majesty’s orders Prince Rupert sent de Lisle to the King of Portugal with King Charles’s letter. Three days after his arrival he had audience of the King, who received him with expressions of zeal for the King of England’s interests, and promised to send orders to all his ports. His Ministers have since promised to do the same in the ports of Africa and the Azores. The Queen was equally zealous,l as also was the Count de Mira, the King’s favourite and dmira . ' 2 pp. French. A duplicate of the above precedes it in the Pepys’ collection, dated 4 days later. (111. 527.) [JAMES, MARQUIS 0F] MONTROSE* to SECRETARY LONG. 1649, May [endorsed].——“ I hope you have the other letters for the BishOps of Mayanee and Collogne and the Town of " In April, 1649, Mantrose, who had previously been named Limit.- G0vernor of Scotland, received a c0mn1issi0n from Charles II to treat with the Northern Kings and States. There was a M. de Carpe who was employed by the King in 1652 (see Cal. Clar. S.P. II, 136) who may have been sent to announce Montrose’s coming, but it is quite possible that Montrose means himself. He was anxicvus to get off in May, thOugh he did not actually leave the Netherlands till July. 254 Franckfurt (which Monsieur Carp should have) in readiness. He likeways desires letters for Mme. la Lansgravine, and he who is Chamberlain to the Marquis Brandeburgh, whose name if you know not, I shall send it you ; also a letter to the Duke of N iberg [Neuburg] and another to Curtius the King’s Resident at Francfurt desiring him to be assisting to Mr. Carp, and if [it] be needful, to go with him to any of the next adjacent places. I know you have much to do and I am sorry we should trouble so often in this kind but these things are necessary and you’ll be pleased to despatch with all possible diligence.” Postscriptw“ We must have all gainst to-morrow night for he will needs be gone.” 1 p. Holograph. Endorsed: “ May the 7th. Lord Mont- rose his letter about the letters to Cologne, Newbur[gh], Landg[ravine] of Hesse 8w.” (III. 713.) [JAMES, MARQUIS or] MONTROSE to [SECRETARY LONG 5’]. [1649, May ?]——Requesting him to draw a pass for Lt. Colonel Montgomery, who is to repair to Sweden, and, if the Marquis is not at Court while his correspondent is there, that he will get his Majesty’s signature. The Marquis forgot this “ yesternight.” It must be ready “once this foornoun.” The other who desires the commission is Halliburton. Endorsed .' “From the Marquis of Montrose that Hero perfidiously hanged by Argyle.” 1?. p. Holograph. (III. 717.) WILLIAM CURTIUS to ROBERT LONG (‘2). 1649, May 11. Nuremburg.-~He will be glad to have the letters of credit and instructions from King [Charles] spoken of in Long’s letter of the 9th, to give to the generalissimo [Turenne], VVrangel, the Duke d’Amalfi and the Elector of Mayence. The first says that the Peace about to be "made will help the King, and that in his View 10,000 foot and 4,000 horse will suffice to rally the “ debris ” of brave men dispersed in England by the tyranny of villains. But a port on the East coast is wanted, and Prince Rupert should ’strike from the West. Curtius replied that above all a bridge was wanted which would be a fleet in which other Potentates should join. The Duke d’Amalfi enquired specially about Ireland and that fleet; Curtius could give no answer, and asks for news thereof which he could impart to such personages. He hopes for a “Declaration,” and will s eak of it to the Elector of Mayence when peace is definite y settled. Meantime there is much mutual distrust. The Im rialists profess to have no power over Francodal, but will do t eir best for its restitution in 6 months, assigning some other place to the Swedes as guarantee. The latter insist on their first proposal, and as the States of the Empire complain of their troops they threaten to send them into Austria itself for a change of air. 255 Postscript:——Wrangel told me yesterday of the killing of Dorisla, which is so loudly applauded here that he would have run the same risk in this country. 3 pp. French. (III. 519.) CHARLES II to the SCOTS COMMISSIONERS. [1649, May 19—29.]«His answer to their demands. 1% p. Draft. [Printed in Clar. S.P. III, Appendix xciii. Also in Acts of the Parliament of Scotland, VI, 457.] (III. 743.) Another copy of the King’s Answer to the Estates of Scot- land. Identical with that previously given. (III. 811.) The KING’S HOUSEHOLD. 1649, May 24 [style doubtful]. —A list of his Math his servants belonging to the Chamber according to the last reduction in Feb, 1648[—9]. The Earl of Bramford [Brentford] . . .. Lord Chamberlain. The Lord Wentworth The Lord Wilmott . . The Lord Gerard .. l The Lord Andover “ " ‘lGentlemen of the Bedchamber. .. ' 1 Mr. Secretary Long . . Mr. Seymor .. .. .. 1 E: figr‘lling $Grooms of the Bedchamber. Mr. Progers . . .. .J ThOS- Chlfleanch - ‘ l Pages Of the Bedchamber. John Hewson .. Privy Chamber. Mr. Poleyn . . . . . . Gentleman Usher. Mr. Laine .. . Mr Penriddocke Chamber of Presence. Mr. Ayton . . . . . . . . Gentleman Usher. ' ‘ } Gentlemen. Mr. Smyth . . . . . . Cupbearer. Mr. Amias . . . . . . Carver. Mr. Freeman . . . . . . Quarterwaiter. Mr. Lisle . . . . . . Barber. Mr. Lightfoote: .. . . Groom of the Robes. John Andrewes . . . . Groom of the Chamber. James Jacks . . . . . . Yeomen [sic] of the bows. Mr. Masonett . . . . Clerk to Mr. Secretary. Chapel. Dean Steward. Doctr. Clare. Doctr. Earles. 256 Dr. Fraser. . .. .. .. Physicion. Mr. Chase .. .. .. Apothecary. Mr. Vlfyseman .. .. .. Chirugien. In all 30 persons. A list of others that are come since, and of some that were dismissed and remain here. ill; glhogtue. :& Grooms of the Bedchamber. Mr. Rogers .. .. .. Page of the Bedchamber. Mr. Cooke .. .. .. l Grooms of the Privy Cham- Mr. Burges . i ber. Dr. Stamps . . . . . . ‘1 a _ . ‘ Mr. Floyde .. .. .. bhaplams. Mr. Pyle . . . . . . . . Chirurgien. Mrs. Chifl'eanch . . . . Seamstress. Mrs. Freeman . . . . . . Laundress. Mr. Ides . . . . . . . . Falconer. Mr. Bacon . . . . . . . . Huntsman. Mr. Samford Mr. Henricke f Trumpet-erg, Richard Easter ‘. .. Porter at Backstairs. Alexander Hill .. .. Chamber keeper to the Waiters. In all 16 persons. Endorsed : A list of his Matie his servants belonging to the Chamber, 24 May, 1649. (III. 529.) FRANCESCO DE SOUSA CONTINHO [Portuguese Ambassador at the Hague], to — 1649, [May 27—-]June 6. The Hague.v—As the King of England is writing to the King of Portugal, he prays him to mention the following points. After his master hasread the letter in his presence, he will keep it before himself. to serve for consolation to himself and his successors. First, how he has been bold enough to exhort the King of England to give liberty of conscience in his States. Second, how he has suggested to the latter to send to Rome, and assured him that the King his master would take [the charge of] the journey upon himself, and how he [de Sousa] has offered to do this service in person. He requests a “chifre” which he thinks necessary if he is to serve his Majesty. - 1 p. French. (III. 533.) [The DUKE OF LORRAINE ?] to KING CHARLES II. 1649, [May 29*]June 8. BrusselsmHas received his Majesty’s letters of the 25th inst. by Cottington and Hyde his Ambassadors extraordinary [to Spain], and heard their account 257 of affairs and of his Majesty’s continued good will. towards himself. He will show his gratitude Whenever opportunity offers, as he has said to these lords. § p. French. Signature tom of. (III. 535.) “Instructions from Mr. Chancellor concerning commissions, for SIR ROBERT ST[EWA.RD].”* [1649, May.]—~“ A commission to Viscount Mongomery of Ards to command in chief all the horse and foot in Ulster. A commission for Sir Robert Steward to command immediately under Lord Ards. A commission to the same to command in chief the five regiments in Ulster formerly under his command, VlZ., his own regiment, that formerly under Sir William Steward, the Derry regiment, lately under Lord Foliot, Sir William Coles’ regiment and Colonel Audley Mervin’s regiment, but if the Lord of Ards engage, this commission to be burnt. A commission to Sir Robert Steward to levy and command a regiment of horse and to make inferior officers. A commission to James Erskin to command the regiment of foot and troop of horse lately under the command of Sir William Stewart deceased, this commission to be kept by Sir R. Steward to be delivered at discretion. A warrant to apprehend Sir Alexander Steward, Capt. Robert Hamleton, Mr. Robert Cunningham, clerk, and Mr. Hugh Cunningham, clerk, and detain them till further order from his Majesty or the Lord Lieutenant. This warrant to be directed to Sir Robert Steward.” l 7). Draft by Long. (III. 801.) Memorandum of Despatches for the MARQUIS or MONTROSE. [1649, May ?]——I. A general commission to be drawn with power to treat for foreign levies and supplies of all natures, and to transport and conduct them accordingly. II. A commission with letters and trusts for the King of Denmark, letters for the Duke of Holstein, Marquis of Brandeburgh, Duke Lunenburgh, Duke Brunswick, Grave Oldenburgh, Grave East Friesland, Landgrave Hessen. III. Letters for some Imperial towns as Hamburg and others whereof there ma be made much use, as also those who com- mand the Swedis forces in Low Germany and Holstein, and the crown of Swede to be powerfully dealt withal at this conjuncture.” l p. In writing of Montrose. Endorsed : Despatches desired by the Marquis of Montrose. (III. 825.) Also, another memorandum for therabove commission and letters, with the following additions :~—~ * Endorsement. See instructions concerning these commissions—Cd. Olar. S.P. II, 11. p17 258 Letters to the Emperor, Duke of Saxony, Count of Embden (first), General Coningsmark, General Major Douglas, and “the Swedish Council in Stetin and that Governor there.” Bremen, Lu beck, : deen. “ A letter to Prince Tahnont to assist my Lord Montres.” “ Letter to Landgravine [of Hesse]. To learn of Col. Heurter her name, Ste.” A letter to Sir H. de Vie to procure quarters for some Dutch troops of horse for a. month. 1 p. (III. 821.) ARNOUL DE LISLE to KING CHARLES II. 1649, June [2—]12. Lisbon—Sends the King of Portugal’s reply, with cepy of the commission and of the articles given to him by Prince Rupert to propose to that King. The reply is by the side of the articles, signed by the Secretary of State, after being passed by the Council. He retains the original for fear of loss on the way. é» 1). French. (III. 537.) LA CIIAPELLE [French Secretary to the Portuguese Ambas- sador], to SECRETARY LONG. 1649, June [114121. The Hague-Jl‘hough almost a stranger he sends a book, written by himself, for King Charles, as a mark of the desire he has for his restoration and for vengeance on the horrible parricide [sic] of the late King. He begs that a copy may also be given to the incomparable Marquis of Montrose, who is about to strike terror into the heart of these infidels. At the end of the book is an epigram which he wrote after receiving the news of the King’s death. 2 pp. French. (III. 539.) MONSIEUR PORR'EE to [RALPH,'] Baron HOPTON, with a book. 1649, [June 24—]July 4. Reiien.«Eiicloses his translation of the incomparable work of the royal Martyr. Its production is due to Lord I'Iopton’s exhortations in the letters of Monsieur de Sangle. He hoped that Lord Hopton would present it on his behalf to the King, but hearing that his Lordship has gone as Ambassador to the King of Denmark, he has asked the Resident [Sir Richard] Brown and the Chevalier [Sir George] Ratclifl' to do him the same favour. 2 pp. French. (III. 543.) [ancnss] ELIZABETH [daughter of Charles I], to KILVERT. [1649 ?]* June 29.———“ Dear Kilvert, I am very sory that so ill an oeation should brings J ackeson to you but sence he is gen I can now only wish he may have good fortune in the world * Or perhaps 1650. The Princess died on Sept. 8,1650 259 for yor sake as well as his ownc and could I say any more to expres my kindnes to you then this poore assurance I would not omit the doing of it for I am very much yo' friend and on all ocations will not fail to proove my being Y0r most affectionate friend and mistris to doe you good, ELIZABETH. i» p. Holograph. [Only one other autograph letter of Princess Elizabeth is known to exist .- a short note to her sister M (try, 1645. Harley MS, 6988, f. 188.] (III. 729.) The CONSTABLES or BRUSSELS (20) to the KING or ENGLAND. [1649, June?*]~—Had discharged canons at his “Joyous Entry ” on the previous day, as is the ancient custom, to do honour to a monarch, and request the usual gratuity. 1 1). French. (III. 849.) SIR JOHN GRENVILLE to [SECRETARY LONG]. 1649, July 14. Scilly.—-The letter he intended to send by Mr. Morton was left behind by the carelessness of his servant. He begs continuance of favour for Mr. Morton. The bearer, Captain Smyth, commands a little frigate which would be of great use to Scilly, if so ordered by the King. The want of frigates would have put the place in great distress had not the Dutch prize beyond expectation supplied their necessities. In his last letter he acquainted his correspondent that there was not one frigate belonging to the island. The commissions have hitherto had very ill luck. 1 p. Holograph. Sea-l. Addressed: For your selfe. (III. 547.) Notes by SECRETARY LONG. 1649, July [18-]28.~-—“ A warrant to signify commissions to be revoked if the Captains do not obey his Majesty‘s orders. To speak with Lord Jermyn on the particulars of W hitting- ton’s letter, and concernng a perfect neutrality. A letter to the Governor of Jersey concerning the ship taken by the Sieur de Rudunel, if dismissed as not prize, yet to remain under an arrest till the ship of Jersey taken by a marq of B. [sic] be restored. To Sir John Cockeran to press for public audience to signify to the States that he cannot stay if Jones be received. Curtius to procure the Emperor’s letter that none be received at Hamb[urg] from the rebels. Will Sands to be sent into Sweden. And to attend the Lords to-morrow at 2 o’clock at my Lord Keeper’s [Sir Rich. Lane] chamber. Lord Jermyn about getting 200 barrels of powder. * Charles’ first visit to Brussels after his father’s death was in J une. 1649, when great preparations were made for his reception; he was lodged in the Palace, an "' royally entertained.”—Cal. Ctar. S.P. II, 16; Hist. of Rebellion, III, 243 (book 12). 260 To advertise Sir John Grenville of the intention to invade Scilly by the rebels: to send this by way of Molens to Sambourne. To advise Lord Ormond of Cromwell’s intention to land in Munster at a castle near Cork: to send by Lord Ormond [sic]. Instructions for sending one half of the arms to Lord Mont- rose and the other to Lord Ormond: to examine the state and if it be possible to procure money to defray the charge either from the Queen or otherwise, and to send them [‘2 money] to Ireland: to examine the accounts and charges: to send ahship for the arms, and money to defray the charge upon t em. A letter from Lord Bramford [Brentford] for the delivery of the half of the arms to such as Lord Ormond may appoint, and to send a note of the nature of the arms. A warrant from the King and letter for Lord Bramford for the delivery of the arms to he sent to Lord Ormond and another letter to be sent overland to John Madock[?], lpaying charges. To give an account of the state of the rebe ‘on in England, of the circumstances of the King’s death and of the change of government. Scotland and Ireland, 00pies of the papers of the treaty with the Scots delivered to them, to give an account of his Majesty’s proceedings with them. A power to borrow six ships and to insist upon it as they shall see cause upon the place. To desire assistance, men, money, arms, shipping. Contract for satisfaction. To forbear the pressing of any one particular till they receive from them order after advertisements as they shall see cause upon the place. For the order to Sir Wm. Boswell to proceed to demand reparation and to prosecute it with effect. To see the letter of the King of Poland. Strickland’s papers to be recommended to the lords. Letters to several persons in Sweden. A letter in Latin to the Queen of S ain. A letter to Don Louis de Hare and ot or letters to the ministers. My Lord J ermyn to have notice of this meeting.” (III. 551.) SIR JOHN BERKELEY’S Petition to KING CHARLES II. 1649, [Aug 23—]Sept- 2.—Having been heretofore appointed Governor to the Duke of York, he received several sums of money, and has as yet given no account, and so received no discharge for the same. He requests that his account may be referred to such persons as may certify the state thereof to the King, and may take his account of what money he formerly issued for the service of Princess Henrietta since her coming out of Exeter. 261 At St. Germain, 1649, Sept. 2.~-Consideration of the petition is referred to the Lord Treasurer [Cottington] and Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer [Hyde]. [Signed] Robert Long. The report follows and is identical with the draft by Hyde in Olar. S.P. [See Cal. Clar. SP. 11. 21. It was found that Sir John had disbursed in all 1,748l. 58.] (III. 56].) The Examination of CAPTAIN MATTHEW PENNIALL. 1649, Aug. 24. Dunkirk.~—He sailed from Calais in the after— noon of Sunday 22nd inst.* with four or five men all strangers to him. Anchoring in the roads he was joined by nine more. In the morning they made for England within half a league of Dover, having intelligence that English money was to be sent over in a fisher boat. About 4 in the afternoon the boat came out from Dover which was a French bottom, of Calais. They pursued him, and about two leagues from Calais, at night, got between him and Calais. He downe with his sails not far from us and lay as if he had been at anchor. Perceiving of me to be a man-of-war he put all his money into a pair of canvas breeches and tied a rope about it about four or five fathoms long, and at the end of the rope a long piece of a fir pole, and . . . threw it all overboard.” He then came to Penniall who boarded him and asked what money he had. He swore he had not a pelmy in the boat, which they searched and finding none, let him go. Half-an—hour after, driving with the tide towards Boulogne Penniall struck a buoy, which he pulled up and found the money. Being loose bound some of it fell into the sea but they saved about 700l. or SOOl. in gold and about 700 half- erowns. He then sailed to Dunkirk and made a declaration. Certified to be a true copy by Thomas N orgate, Deputy Registrar, Sept. 2, 1649. 1 p. (III. 555.) THOMAS NORGATE to SECRETARY LONG, at St. Germain’s. 1649, Sept. 2 “new style ” [sic]. Dunkirk.—~Repeats Captain Penniall’s story and sends a copy of his examination, adding that he had been of Sir Thomas Rokeby’s regiment, but then held a commission given him by Mr. Whittington. The Calais merchants claim the money as taken out of their bottom, on their shore. Norgate answers that the trans- portation of gold and silver is unlawful, nor can the King of England’s coin in so great a quantity be merchants’ goods; again, throwing it overboard, they threw away their property to it ; the finder is the best owner ; What is taken out of the sea is indisputable prize; and how can they swear that ' numerical gold and silver and canvas breeches was theirs ? It was the captain’s luck to find it, but ill luck that he could not * This shows that therrdocument is dated English style. Norgate’s letter (enclosing this examination) is dated Sept. 2 11.3., but this must be an error. 262 keep it, for coming under Mardyke fort on his way to N orgate, Monsieur de Strade, through the incentment of the French merchants, sent out two sleeps to take him, and weighing anchor that night he was chased into Calais, and used like a dog. The Governor here secures N orgate, for examining him, taking no notice of his commission, because not recommended to him by the Court of France or Lord Jermyn. Norgate therefore desires Lord Jermyn’s letters, and a judge to whom to report prizes for adjudication. But every week coin is transported either by the packet-- boat or in such bottoms 20,000l. or 30,000l. sterling. Again there was more than an ordinary mystery about it for on Aug. 22, when Capt. Penniall was ready to sail, the Governor kept him until he had passed his word, and Sir Thomas Rokeby’s, that he would not meddle with any Fr‘ench boat coming from England that bout. Norgate requests that this may be represented to the honble. Board, and that some one may solicit to the Admiralty for the captain. Norgate is too poor to do so, and requests some allowance, and stricter order for the Registrar’s fees to be paid, and that some boisterous ones may be forced to conform to the King’s orders. Captain Bing flatly before the Agent denies to give any account of three prizes brought in. O’Doran and Glowd Collett flatly deny the King’s commission. They never intended for Ireland, which some 60 of their men perceiving, left them and bought a vessel, and intend for Ireland by Jersey, with whom goes Dr. Whittaker. Postscript.——He desires to be acquainted whether the Agent or he should take the account, which the former is too willing to do. Monsr. Docquerele, judge here, is now gone to Paris, to move for an order that the business may depend on their judicature : if so Norgate desires to be admitted with them. 22.,- pp. Holog'raph. (III. 557.) Heads of a letter to RICHARD KEMP, Secretary to his Majesty, for the Colony of VIRGINIA. [1649 ?]~—-His Majesty being informed by the bearer, Major Moryson, of the loyalty of the colony to his father and now to himself, looks upon it with a gracious eye, and will use what means he may to protect them from the rebels’ ships. He looks upon the fort of Point Comfort as a place of consequence ; the works must be mended or extended if it seems good to the Governor himself and to the Governor of the fort, the cost to fall on his revenue in that country. Twenty men and two guns must be kept in the fort, and the passages of any men brought over for it paid to the master that shall bring them, and others be put in when their time is out at the King’s charge. 263 All ships, strangers and others, shall pay their duties to his fort. All care to be taken to increase the store of ammunition; all ordnance to be mounted. That the pay be better paid to this Governor than to the former that he may be able to do his Majesty’s serVIce. ' 1 p. Also, on slip in same hand : Heads of a letter to the Governor if he approves these propositions : ------ - If the Governor approve these propositions, he shall have power to contract with the country for the Customs. All ships having his and the Governor of the Fort’s certificate that they have paid them, shall be free from his Majesty’s fleet and in all orts under obedience from custom. That his 1 ajesty’s Agent or some merchant be in the letter named to whom the Customs may be assigned for his Majesty’s use here. No. 301 of the papers taken at Worcester. (III. 787, 789.) THEODORE DOMMER to CHARLES II. 1649 [Amsterdam ill-Being a merchant of Amsterdam he has resolved to place himself at his Majesty’s orders with six ships of war of 36 guns each, for six months, for such sum as may be agreed, half of which is to be paid at once, that is in three months, and the balance three months after the expiration of the said six months, receiving security for the last three months. Should he succeed in bringing 10,000 men from Ireland on his other ships, either for the service of the King of Spain or the Republic of Venice, his Majesty shall abate from the last three months service ten rix dollars per man. s 1). French. (III. 611.) Memorandum by THOS. KILLIGREW. [1649?1—Commission, letters of credence, instructions: my pass from his Majesty: four letters to confirm the Consuls at Venice, Naples, Genoa, Leghorn, “or to make new ones as I find them affected.” His Majesty’s letters of thanks to these gentlemen “ that obliged me in Italy and furnished money upon his credit when I was last there, ” viz. :w—Mr. John Abdey, Mr. James Man, Mr. Samuel Bonnealls, Mr. Williams, Mr. Francis Crumton, Mr. Martin Lister. The King’s letters to the Duke of Florence, the Duke of Savoy and the Duchess.” Endorsed: Mr. Thos. Killigrew’s ' instructions for the making (9 up of several letters. I p. No. 254 0/ papers taken at Worcester. (III. 785.) 264 CHARLES II to [.IAMEs, LORD ORMOND] the COUNCIL or IRELAND and the MAYOR, &o. of Wusrronr[anroan?1.* 1649[~50], Jan. 20. The Hague—Complaining that the ship Fortune had been seized and carried into “Westfort” on her voyage from Holland to Cabo de Gio [Cabo di Yof, tie, the Cape Verde by Yof ?] both being neutral ports. 1 p. Unsigned Copy. French. (III. 575.) THOMAS ALLEEN to Loan CHIEF JUSTICE [OLIVER] ST. JOHN, Ambassador from the Parliament to Holland. 1651, June 23. Sluse.~—-This is to give thanks for the money your Lordship sent for my expenses, and likewise to let you understand that I should have come to know your Lordship’s commands before I went from the Hague, but the same evening I was resolved to have come, “there fell some dispute between a friend of mine and myself, that saw me when I came to your Lordship’s house, and so I was engaged to go presently with him towards Rotterdam. . . . For the little time I stayed in the Hague, which was but three days after I saw your Lordship, I was in company with divers gentlemen, eavaliers, and I do verily believe there were some of the party I have told you of amongst them, for they were the most invective men that I have heard, but according to their discourse they were to go most of them suddenly out of the Hague, for the Lord Delamont [Bellamont] and divers others were gone some little time before towards Scotland. Now to let your Lordship understand that I will, not fail to use my best endeavour to serve you wherein I can ; upon Monday night last there came divers passengers by the packet boat out of England to one Coutt’s house at Bruges, where I was lodged, and amongst the rest I lighted upon my friend Mr. Grenfild’s his servant, who had been sent for England, so, after I came to know it, I desired him to come into my chamber and drink a glass of wine with me, for I would write to his master that I should come and see him it might be shortly. So when I had made it appear to him the good acquaintance his master and I had, I asked him if Mr. I’urfraye [Purefoy] was in England, for I had heard so at Bruges. He said no, for he was sick at Brussels when he went for England. Then I asked where Mr. Glieene and Mr. Turvill was; he told me he went with them for England about three weeks ago, and they were now in London. I asked him if they were to return shortly, he said no, for they had put off all their servants to others, and none but him to wait upon them for England.” He further told me that his business in England was to fetch 60l. for his master, and to stay with them till they sent him away; that he "' The Fortune of Flushing was driven into Dingle Bay in J 8.11., l649[~-50]. See Irish Calendar 1647—60, pp. 376, 377. The petition in the S.P. says that she was bound for Cape Verde in Barbary. “M4,-.. _.i_,_.u.__‘. _ _ I 265 believed they were going towards Scotland; and that he had brought divers letters over, sewed between the soles of a pair of old boots in his portmantle. Also that their trunks were searched at Dover, but as soon as their trunks came into their lodging and they had put on clean linen, they went both up to the Castle where they dined, and stayed there till three o’clock, before they took horse, but. he stayed in the tavern to look to their goods. I asked when his master and the rest were to go for England ; he said he did not know, but he heard a servant of the Lord Lowbere’s l? Loughborough] say the day before he went for England that Sir John Willet' and Mr. Thinne and the Duke of Lorraine’s secretary and one of his gentlemen were gone for Holland to buy some good ships and that there should be a great many foot and horse sent for Scotland, and that the ships were to come into France to take them in there, but he did not think his master was to go with them. “ He did not know to whom the letters which he brought were directed only seeing them sewn up as he was to deliver them to his master. In London, the first four nights they lay at the Angel behind Clement’s church out of Temple Bar, and then behind the old Exchange (where he left them)= but they dined for the most part at the Ship tavern with merchants. Upon Thursday before this man’s coming over there was a Dutch gentleman at Bruges, a friend of mine, who had invited me that day to dine at the best ordinary in the town, where were divers gentlemen, but all Dutch and VValloons ; and amongst the rest there was a cousin of the Baron de Donard [?Dohna] that said at the table that his cousin was raising 2,000 horse to be delivered to the Duke of Lorraine for the King of England’s service, as he was pleased to call him . . . and that his cousin and the Grave of Luxemburg had paid all the money already.” If they were not ready by the time the Duke had provided the ships, the Duke was to make them up out of his own troops. He likewise said the Prince of Linnye [? Ligny], the Marquis of Ranne, the Grave of Henaute [Hainault] and divers others, Dutch and Walloon Earls and Lords, who had contributed to the raising. of these forces, were most of them now at Brussels. “ Of late I have seen so many malicious people that I protest, by the faith of a soldier, that if my power were as able as'my heart is to do you service, I would go to Brussels and Antwerp both, and give you a better account of this business than I can at present.” Postscript.——-—“ I am now in Sluse, and shall have no occasion to go to Bruges this six weeks, by reason it is vacation there now. The French army upon Thursday last quartered at Doway in Artois, and is marching into Flanders; it is strong, 26,000 foot and 10,000 horse. The army of Leopoldus is nothing near the number, for he is not above 8,000 foot and about 7,000 horse, for there be but few of the Loraine troops in the army, for their corps lie upon another quarter, but the 266 speech goes very hot here they are like to make an agreement this summer, and this is all I can advertise your lordships at present.” 2% pp. (III. 615.) Deposition of JOHN CHRISTIAN, son of John Christian, Deemster of the Isle of Man. 1651, Nov. 8. VVhitehalL—About 12 months since Major [Walter] Whitford, son of Bishop Whitford, of Scotland, confessed in the Isle of Man to deponent that he killed Dr. Dorislaw, showing the dagger used, which he afterwards gave to the late Earl of Derby, who had approved the act in deponent’s hearing, and had given entertainment and means to the major, who admitted that he and his assistants’ had wounded some of the Doctor’s people. The assistants were not named. Whitford and his family were said by some prisoners at Hull to be still in the Island, three months since. He is a man of 34, tall, corpulent, full—faced, with long brownish black hair, very little curling. Sworn before the Council,* Walter Frost [clerk] signed. 1 p. (111. 619.) Statement of RICHARD ALLEY and THOMAS WITTON. 1651[—2], Jan. 31.——~A warrant being granted on Nov. 2 for the seizing of goods supposed to belong to the “King of Scots,” they seized in a house a Dutchman who admitted that he was bound for Holland, and being boatswain of the London Brigg had been left in London by his captain to convey a box after the ship to Gravesend where she lay. They asked him if he could convey them safely to Holland (being in the garb of soldiers); he replied that he had conveyed a greater person not long since. They then seized him, but were called to the door by Mr Tyton to consider how they could best convey the box to Whitehall, and the Dutchman escaped out of the window of an upper room. He had said that it had been delivered to him by one Major Wright in Broad Street, and that he did not know the King of Scots. l p. Two signatures. (III. 623.) OLIVER CROMWELL. 1652, April 14.~—Certifying that William Guttridge master gunner to the train of artillery was slain in the Parliament’s service in Scotland, and desiring the treasurers at Ely House to allow Elizabeth his widow a full pension for the main- tenance of herself and children. 95 p. Signed. Seal with the Cromwell arms and. crest. (III. 902.) * The Council ordered Whitford‘s arrest on the same daym See Cal. 8. P Dom, 1651—2, p. 11. were?» 4e 267 Col. THOMAS HARRISON to [Co]. EDw. WHALLEY, 830.]. 1653, July 27 .«—Rowland Day, the bearer having been his trumpet for divers years, has money due to him in right of his wife Christian Day, daughter and administratrix of Elizabeth Great, widow and administratrix of Malcombc Groat, a servant to the late King. Requests that Day may be regarded as a faithful servant to the Commonwealth, being left much in debt by the said deceased. Signed. Below in another hand.—-“ Mr. Faulkinbridge, the bearer hereof, being in the State’s service and being commanded away upon his duty and his wife in a necessitous condition we desire you will pay him.” 17). Signed : Edw. Whalley, G. Downing.* Endorsed: 1653, July 28, Rowland Day’s acquittancc for 1003. (III. 647.) [1655, April 4?]——~PLAN REPRESENTING THE BURNING 0F SHIPS IN HARBOUR, Ponro FARINA [?]. (III 762.) SOVEREIGNTY or THE SEA. 1673-4, Ja.11uary.-—'1‘wo papers by John Evelyn on the above subject, the rights of fishing, &e. The contents of the first paper are mostly incorporated in Evelyn’s tract, “' Navigation and. Commerce,” which was suppressed by the King, August 12th, 1674 (see Cal. S.P. Dom., 1673—5, 10. 332), but was reprinted in 1859. The second paper chiefly consists of instances in which other nations have acknowledged the sovereignty of the English flag. These cases and many of Evelyn’s arguments will be found in a volume of documents on the above subjects collected by Williamson, probably for use in the negotiations at Cologne (Cal. S.P. Dom, 1673—5, pp. 85490). Paper No. l is headed “ A succinct but full deduction of his Majesties indubitable Title to the Dominion and Sovereignty of the British Seas, and consequently the Fishery and Duties appendant thereunto.” 14 pp, incomplete. It is preceded by the following memorandum ;_..“ I was commanded by his Majestic to draw up this Deduction, to have been published a little before the peace made betweene us and the Dutch, Febr., 1673—4; but having spoken a little too warmly (I know not whether truely) concerning the Flagg, we durst not exasperate the French in that conjunction of affaires, and so it was stopped, just as it was carrying to the presse. J .E. First part.” \ Paper No. 2 is entitled “ A letter written to a Friend con— cerning the Interest of his Majestye and the nation in the Fishery and Duties, appendant to it, &.c.” It begins “ Sir, yOu were pleased to acquaint me the other day of your being lately in company with some gentlemen ’* Col. I’l’haluley was Commissary General, and Downing Scout-Master General of the army. Thos. Falconbridge was Receiver-General. 268 of quality, members of Parliament and others, who, amongst several] things, happn’d to fall into discourse about the Ii‘isher}r of this Nation, and that ’twas whisper’d as if the Treaty at Cologne would in all appearance soon come to a com— posure if that one Article were fairer or rather tamely yielded to them. . . . Since, I heare that ’tis all the talkc of the Towne, and some it seemes of note, who think a peace were very cheaply bought that might be purchased with a few Herrings. I am neither statesman nor statesman’s sonne, but a plaine country gentleman, whose idle moments having afforded him so much leasure as now and then to dip into books, can onely undertake to tell you that - . . all the sober persons I can discourse with upon this subject have sentiments of it so far different from those who slight it or think it not worthy the insisting on, that I should be sorry to see the day when so inherent a Right, and such a Flower of the Imperial Crowne should be resign’d to any Nation under heaven, much more to the Hollander but upon con- ditions of equal value, which I question whether they can give us without departing from a Jewell which has made them what the)r are, and which would render us what we easily might and desire to be : The most flourishing and happy People upon Earth.” 21 pp. The paper has the following upon the title page :~—~ “ Fishery. Mr. Evelyn’s second paper concerning the Fishery, 1673. Drawne up alittle before the conclusion of. the peace with Holland, by the desire of my Lord Arlington, Principal Secretary of State. A Copy of this is in the Paper Office at Whitehall.” (III. 673 and 649.) EDWARD BILLINGS to friends and people of all sorts whatsoever. 1673[4], “ The first month called March” 22.-~Debts having been run into by him and his late wife, “in the presence of the mercy of Lord God ” he repents his part of it, and hopes that “no reasonable nor tender-hearted man or woman will not too far oppress with their tongues him that’s already overwhelmed in sorrow neither any wise charge this my miscarriage upon the principal peOpIe of God called Quakers, for their principal is holy just and true and they are clear of these things.” :} p. (111. 902 D.) ROBERT BOYLE’S appointment of gamekeepers. i677[~—8"l, Feb. 25.A~As lord of the manor of Stalbridge, Dorset, appoints Robt. Pepe of Marnhull, Dorset, and Geo. Buck of Stalbridge, gamekeepers of that manor, to do all legal acts according to a late Act of Parliament. Signed in the presence of Richard Newman. 1 p. Hologo‘aph. (III. 689.) i_._.._...c_i.__...xwm...fl..h _ ,u m m; 269 JOHN RAY to [his publisher]. [16186, Oct. 27. B[lack] N [otley].‘—In relation to his work [Historia Plantar-um] then in the press, and asking that any money due on the foot of his account may be sent to him from London by Mr. Dale [his eo-adjutor in that work]. g- 7). (III. 691.) [FRANCTS, BARON] HOLLEs to [Grease] MARQUIS or HALIFAX. 1688l~9]. Feb. 18. Aldenhamwahanks the Marquis for being the means of his absence from Westminster on the 1st inst. being excused. 572. Signed. (III. 693.) JOHN FLAMSTEED to the REV. STEEVEN THORNTON, rector of Luddesdon, in Kent. l702~3, ['l‘hursday*], Feb. 18. The Observatory.-“ When you were last here I took occasion to show you some papers whereby it was evident that the Theory of the Variations published by Mr. Halley now near 20 years agone, on which he pretend[s] to ground his maps of them was the invention of Mr. Perkins, whose papers he bought at a small rate, which, because I would not disingenuously or dishonestly conceal he has made it his business to ridicule me behind my back both in the Remains of the R[oyal] S[ociety] and in all com- pany where he comes. Living in London, where I am but seldom, and frequenting the company of lewd young gentlemen he has had an opportunity to repeat his calumnies and spread them even into your neighbourhood and to represent me as a spiteful, envious person. I saw by your smiles when here on several occasions that you were possessed with his representations and therefore to undeeeive you desired your company at Garraways by a letter that has occasioned yours, wherewith 1 am very well satisfied, and hope that hereafter when you hear me misrepresented you will do me justice, especially amongst our brethren of the clergy, and particularly with Mr. Petit, who I hear has made bolder with me than became him. I have excused him for it, and am not the less a friend of one who I am persuaded has rat-her erred thro’ ignorance than malice. “ I thought you would soon have enough of Dr. Gregory’si book. Mr. Halley says he is a Churchman too. They are confederates, but I believe have no confidence in one another. Mr. Halley saw his book before ’twas printed. I was not vouchsafed the sight of it; the reason is plain to you, but I fear the letter I wrote to Mr. Caswell, of which I showed you a COPY, makes you have a less opinion of it than you would otherways; you thought to have found Mr. Newton’s prlnelples made easier by him, but except you read Mr Newton’s preliminaries you will not understand Dr. Gregory and when ¢ Dies 53%;, espressed by the Sign for ital... ism-rum] Professor. 270 you have got him he misleads you into a perplext theory of the I). l moon] cumbered with menstrual inequalities which Mr. Newton justly makes annual, as they are in the I-Iorrocsian theory; to which, by the help of what has been imparted to him from the Observatory, he has given some few cor— rections and additions which will make it agree better with the heavens than my old tables did. If you compare Dr. Gregory’s Moon with Mr. Newton’s you will find but little resemblance though they ought to be the same, as Kepler’s theory published in the Rudolphins Tables is with that derived from him by Mr. Horrox, which much resembles the old one of Hipparchus published by Ptolemy, employed by Alfonsus* and Copernicus, improved by Tycho and Kepler and which is therefore now almost 2,000 years old. “You tell me you have taken some propositions on trust from the Doctor. I believe you need not suspect his sincerity or abilities in anything of Geometry, though his Astronomy be poor : he is fitter for the other chair. . . . {P.S.]—-—“I am very busy in fitting up my large catalogue of fixed stars. God has blest my labours. I praise Him for it.” 2 pp. Holograph, with postmark ‘35 on back. (III. 903.) 15 [Undated] Expenses in the FIRST PLANTATION of NEW ENGLAND. l. “ For the passage of persons thither.. .. .. 95,000 For the tramportation of neat, horses, sheep, swine, goats, besides the price they cost .. .. .. 12,000 For provision of food before they could bring the woods to tillage . . . . . . . . . . 45,000 For nails, glass and other iron-works before they had iron-mills . . . . . . .. . . . . 18,000 Their great artillery, arms and ammunition.. .. 22,000 192,000 “ Besides what the adventurers laid out in England. Most of those who did cast into this Bank were those who were in this transmigration; and their charges amounted to much more than double the above mentioned sums. About 20 years ago ’twas calculated to above 400,0005. Many of the military saints at his Maties Restoration (flying thither richly laden with the plunder of old England) carried over great riches; so as now N. England is become a Bank of money, and a magazine of men and arms, and can effectually arm and maintain 60,000 stout men well disciplined, and resolute, &e. “Twas asked, why (being thus strong) they would permit the Dutch and French to encroach? ’Twas replied that N. Engd. had good trading with N. Amsterdam ; but as soon as it became N. York, they must obey custom, &c. When * Alphonso X of Leon and Uastile, an astronomer. 271 all is said to deter us from attempting anything of force upon them (which yet were not impossible) if New Engd. finds that his Matie takes care of their Ministers and will confirm them a better subsistence (for which many of them extremely begin to complain) you disarm them of their zeal, which is their chief Artillery and Ammunition. In sum, N. England is to be gained by either policy or force, so the means he prudently carried on.” 1 p. Noted as “Written to Mr. Evelyn.” (III. 697.) [Undated] “ Upon the flying DUTCH.” Let us extoll the Belgick fleet, how well They ours in sailing, not in fight, excell: W’ith such bold wings did Daedalus ne’er flye, Fear the bold Dutch new plumes provoke to trye : A people skild’ in creekes, by which they mock Th’ enraged sea, and scape the cragged rock. 0 what brave seamen doe their country breed, By none in cowardice excell’d, nor speed. § 7). (III. 699.) CATALOGUE OF LETTERS TAKEN AT WORCESTER. (l) 1648, Sept. 7~17. The Hague.-The KING OF SCOTS to the Lords and COMMITTEE OF STATES OF SCOTLAND. Promising to send arms and ammunition notwithstanding their misfortune in England, and to come with force to assist them. (2) 1648, July 23. Helf‘ord[sluys].——The SAME to RICHARD FOORD, merchant, Rotterdam. Has heard of his affection and desires him to lend him 4001. to be sent by Dr. Gough, who is enjoined to keep it secret. See Nos. 46 and 55 below. (3) The SAME to ME. DIGGS, merchant, Rotterdam. The same date and to like effect. (4) 1648, Sept. 13-23.——To same effect as No. 1. Sent by John Denham. , (5) 1648, Aug. 5.~—From [name in cipher] to DUKE 0F YORK, written mostly in cipher. (6) 1648, [Sept ?].* The Hague.—PRINCE CHARLES to the KING. Concerning the Cormilam [sic] Frigate, belonging to the Guinea Company and the Love, belonging to Tho. Marsham, and his application to the City of London to borrow 20,000l., which was refused, whereupon they let out their ships for the king’s service: declaring his permission to the Guinea merchants to take their goods out of the Frigate, except victual and ammu- nition, for which he had promised satisfaction as also for the hire of that ship, but Marshall’s [sic] goods was not taken out. * The date hidden by binding. The application to the city of London was made on July 26, from the fleet. The Prince. was not back at The Hague until September. 272 (7) 1649, Aug. 31. The Hague—JOHN SIMPSON to HUMFBY BOSWELL. Concerning transactions of the States of Holland, and mentioning Montrose’s going from Amsterdam to Hamburg, where he hopes to find men enough, the Swedes in the garrisons thereabouts being willing to serve the King. (8) 164.9, 25 May. Kilkenny. The MARQUIS 0F OBMOND to the KING. Declaring thankfulness for his care of his servants that struggled for his interest in that kingdom, and his readiness to obey his commands about Lady Broghill. His Majesty’s army {was} brought into the field with much difficulty and kept there with greater, till all be reduced in this province that was held by Owen O’Neil. O’Neil, Monck and Jones in a sort joined, who serve the English rebels. Two places of importance within 16 miles of Dublin surrendered to his Majesty. Those that kept them come in with 5 full companies. See Jersey Papers No. 17, below. Letters from Prince Rupert intimating that a fleet of 10 ships of the rebels was anchored at Kinsale. Nothing wanting in his Majesty’s fleet to encounter them but seamen. Rupert and Ormond going to Waterford. (9) [1648,] Jan. 16.——RIC}IARD HARPER to Me. TIVELL. Mentioning the Speaker’s preamble to the motion concerning the King and Of going to him with halters about their neck to implore his mercy. (10) [1648,] Oct. 10.~>—~Fr0m 647. 800 to the PRINCE, mentioning Sir Peter Killegrew carrying two/hills to the House about the Church and Militia, and the small differences betwixt the King and Parliament. (11) 1648, Aug. 26.—~LUKE WHITTINGTON to ROBT. YOUNG [LONG], secretary to the Prince. Mentioning a request of the Governor Of Scarborough for two frigates to convey provisions to the garrison, and for commissions to fit out men- Of—war. The Prince to write to Col. Overton, Governor of Hull, Col. Bethell, Col. Hagard, Col. Thornton, that he will procure an act of indemnity if they would declare for the King. (12) 1648, Sept. 13—23. The Hague.———PR.INOE CHARLES to [JOHN, EARL 0F LINDSAY] LORD TREASURER OF SCOTLAND. To encourage him to continue his endeavours notwithstanding the late misfortune of the Scotch army in England. (13) Same date.~—The SAME to [ROBERT] EAR-L 0F ROXBUReH. To the like effect. (14) Same datereThe SAME to [WILLIAM] EARL or LANERICK. By Mr. Denham, who is to communicate all things. (15) 1649, Jan. 6.—--A pass to MR. FRANCIS ROGERS from- Holland to England. (16) 1649, J an. 4.-—-A pass to MAJOR THos. COOK from Holland to England. (17) 1648, Dec. 22. The Hague—A pass to MAJOR COOK to Paris. French. [Unnumbered Undated.]--From LADY CARLISLE that she had rather serve the Prince than live. 273 (18) 1648, July 14.-A letter from [JAMES], LORD NEWBEY [Newburgh] or LADY AUBIGNY [his wife] to the PRINCE, declaring much affection. (19) [1648.] July 23 n.s. Cstend.——LORD COTTINGTON and EDWARD HYDE to PRINCE CHARLES. Declaring their being taken, and their uncivil usage by some Ostend men~of—wa.r. (20) 1648, July 30. London—«RICHARD THORNIIILL and eight others to PRINCE CHARLES. Concerning the relief of Colchester, and promise of an army. (21) 1648, July 12. London.——Some KENTISII GENTLEMEN to PRINCE CHARLES. Declaring their preparing Of horse and money, desiring him to name Commissioners till the arrival of the Earl of Norwich, appointed Commander-in-Chief. (22) [No year.) July 8.~~From LADY AUBIGNY to PRINCE CHARLES. (23) [Undated.]-From JAMES BOLLENS to SECRETARY LONG for an order from his Majesty for himself and such vessels as he should at any time bring out of England. (24) [1648,] July 12.*~LADY CARLISLE to PRINCE CHARLES. Desiring a favourable reception of the Lord of Scarborough :* the company neglect their own business to serve his Highness in the afiair of Colchester. though with sad success. (25) [Undatecl.j——-Petition of THOMAS SKINNER, Secretary to M the Fellowship of Merchant Adventurers of England, touching some ships detained by the Prince. (26) 1648, Aug. 9.—-Fr0m MR. POLEY and MR. L0 to the PRINCE’S COMMANDER AT SEA. Mentioning the Prince’s letters to the Lords of the Parliament, hinting what Lords they are who are the Prince’s friends. (27) 1648, Sept. 7.——-Contra.et between PRINCE CHARLES and CAPT. ROBERT DARE, of Lyme. Concerning the hire of the Constant Warwick of London. (28) 1648, Sept. 3. Scilly.-JOHN Nor and JOHN ARTHUR to PRINCE CHARLES. Declaring their securing of the Castle of St. Mary and the Isles with the persons of Col. Anthony Buller and Capt. Augustine N icoll. (29) 1648, Aug. 22. LondOIlr—«PIERCE BULLER to COL. ANTHO. BULLER, Governor of Scilly. Advising him that care was taken to supply him with money. (30) 1648, Sept. l4.—-—MATTHEW BOYNTON, Governor of Scarborough, to PRINCE CHARLES.——~Declaring the loss of the town and his resolution to keep the Castle. (31) [Undated.]——A particular of Sir W. Boswell’s loan of 1,000 guilders. (32) [Undated.]~——The DUKE OF LORRAINE’S letters in French. (33) [Undated.]——A COpy of the States General’s order con- cerning the English revolted ships. ‘ (34) [Undated.]—Petition of HENRY ROBINSON to PRINCE CHARLES. He had brought to the Prince a vessel called the Smack. *A oopyist’s error for Petal-borough. See Jersey papers, p. 295 below. 9 18 274 (35) See. p. 204 above. ' (36) 1648, Sept. 19—29. The Constant Reformationr—SIR W. BATTEN‘ to PRINCE CHARLES. Lord Warwick with his fleet was within two miles of them. The Prince’s presence desired, and some money to be given to the men for their encouragement. (37) 1648, Aug. 27. Scilly.~—OFEICERS AND SOLDIERS of Scilly to PRINCE CHARLES. On Aug. 6 they secured the Castle of St. Mary’s with the persons of C01. Anthony Buller and 'Iapt. Augustine Nicoll—ngentlemen of honour and gallantry and well meriting their command but tainted with a. [blank] from the wrong spring George Tawbin and Alexander Cousens are employed to represent their present condition to the Prince (38) A cOpy of the same to the DUKE 0F YORK (39) 1648, June 2. London. «[jROBERT] EARL OF WARWICK to COL. [ANTHONY] BULLER. Ordering him to secure the revolted ships if they come under his command. (40) 1648, Aug. 6.~-—-Copy of. a letter to COL. BULLER. Warning him against being surprised by those under him at Scilly. (41) 1648, Sept. 13.-~The GOVERNOR or SCARBOROUGH [MATTHEW BOY NTON] to CAPT. WHITTINGTON. Instructing him to procure men and necessaries for that garrison. (42) 1647, June 29.-A copy of COLONEL BULLER’s Commission to be Governor of Scilly. (43) [Undatcd.]——SIR JOHN WIMES’ [Wemys] instructions to procure ships for the King’s service. (44) 1648,Sept.14. Castle Cornet [Guernsey].~«SIR BALDWIN WAKE to PRINCE CHARLES. Mentioning Sir George Carteret’s design to surprise Guernsey. (45-) 1648, Nov. 28.—~The MARQUIS OF ORMOND to SECRETARY LONG desiring a return of some letters formerly sent to the Prince. (46) 1648, Sept. 18— 28. Rotterdam.~—RICHARD FOORD to SECRETARY LONG. Mentioning two bags [of gold] and dust that weighed just lOlb having profiered so much to his Highness’ s service he will make it good to give as much as any man, and if he get not by it, it shall content him to have served so royal a master. See No 2 above (47) 1648, Sept 19 29. On board the Admiral -—ANTHONY HAMMOND to PRINCE CHARLES Mentioning a letter sent him from the Earl of Warwick by a trumpet, to whom no answer was made, first to gain time, they planting ordnance on shore, and second to know his Highness’ pleasure (48) [1648, J ulyIl-mA petition from CAPT. WALTER BRAEMES to PRINCE CHARLES. He went with 001. Apsley for the relief of \Valmer and was driven into Deal Castle, where he endeavoured to raise a troop of horse, and going on board with his men went to Calais on hearing of the levies of Prince Rupert. (49) 1648, Sept. 20—30.-~—-From a CONCEALED PER-SON to the EARL OF LANARK. To encourage him with promised 275 assistance. Declaring the kingdom’s loss in the person of his brother [Duke Hamilton], and army under his command. (50) 1648, July 19. Appleby.~——SIR MARMADUKE LANGDALE to PRINCE CHARLES. HOping that he has heard of his making way for the Scots, who are now coming 15,000. The want of arms and money deadens the hearts Of those with him, and renders them apprehensive of being neglected. (51) Undatcd [1648].-—-[JOHN] EARL OF LAUDERDALE to PRINCE CHARLES. Mentioning the routing of the Earl of Argile in Starling. (52) [1648,] Oct. 1. HelfOI‘dSluyS.-———CHARLES [LORD] GERRARD to PRINCE CHARLES. Intimating some passages about the fleet. (53) 1648, Sept. 20—30. The Hague—SIR W. BOSWELL to SECRETARY LONG. Declaring the intention of the States of Holland to send to their Admiralties of Middleburg, Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Horn for such m(-n-of-war as they could suddenly provide into Goree. (55) 1648. Oct. 1. Rotterdani.—-—RICHARD FOORD to SECRETARY LONG. Has sent him 8,337 guilders. See No. 2 above. (56) 1648, Oct. 8. Jersey-«SIR GEORGE CARTERET to PRINCE CHARLES. Declaring his preparation for surprising Guernsey. (57) 1648, Oct. 8. St. Malo.~—SIR PETER OSBURNE to PRINCE CHARLES. Inviting him to attempt the surprise of Guernsey. (58) 1648. Rvotterdam.-JOHN ROWLA.[N]D, Rector of Cray, Kent, to LORD HOPTON. Setting forth the esteem he was in, about 20 years ago, with great and wise men. (59) 1648. Rotterdam.*A letter from the same hand to PRINCE CHARLES. (60) 1648, Oct. 20. Amsterdam.-JOHN WEBSTER to SECRETARY LONG. Referring to the composition for goods at Goree. Abraham Ferrara will contribute for 14% chests of 311 ar. %61) 1648, Oct. 15. Brill—A pass from the PRINCE for the shallop Charles of Dover, Stephen Rogers and Edw. Jallett, partners, from Dover to France. See p. 228 above. (62) Same date—A pass for the Saris of London, Thos. Treem, master, to pass from London or Weymouth to St. Male or Morlaix. (63) 1648[,—9], March 2—12. St. Germain’s.—~G[EORGE] LORD DIGBY to CHARLES II. Condoling the death of his father, and promising service. (64) 1649[-50], Feb. 6.—Instructions to the SCOTS COM- MISSIONERS then in London. (65) 1648, Sept. 28. Newhaven.——-[JAMES] MARQUIS 0F ORMOND to PRINCE CHARLES. Intimating his desire to come to advance the king’s service and that his stay was only to get the remainder of his money from the Parliament : adv1ses 276 the Prince to keep a correspondency with Inchiquin and to encourage him, by which means he hopes to balance the king’s losses in England. (66) 1648—9, Jan. 22. Kilkenny.m-[JAMES] MARQUIS or ORMOND to PRINCE CHARLES by Lord Byron. Commending the constancy of the Lord President of Munster [Inchiquin] and the loyalty of the Assembly there. (67) 1648, Nov. 2. The Hague.—-Pass for CAPTAIN BAXTER from Rotterdam to London and back. (68) ['Undated.]—-A paper wherein it is mentioned that the Prince of Orange would, out of every company, furnish the King with ten good men. (69) Keys of ciphers and letters. (70) 1648, July 19.——Commission for [GEORGE] DUKE 0F BUCKINGIIAM to be General of Horse in several counties. (71) [U ndated.]-A triplicate in cipher from MR. HANSHAW. (72) 1648, Oct. 1.-DR. GOUGH’S instructions, going to the Duke of Lorraine. (73) 1648, April 25.———Copy of a commission from PRINCE CHARLES to raise 1,000 horse for his Majesty’s service and for Mr. [blank] to be Governor of the Castle [blank] in South Wales. (74) 1648, April 4. Hague. Pass for WM. RUMBALL, JOHN GERRARD and EDW. BERKELEY to France. (75) [1648, summer.]~«Petition of some soldiers sent to Sandown Castle with commission from SIR J. BOYS, desiring to have their old commander, Capt. Clark, restored to them, or to be under the Governor, and to be supplied with clothes and other provisions out of the said castle. (76) [1648, November.]-~PRINOE CHARLES to [the MARQUIS 0F ORMOND ?] in Ireland against Sir R0. Welsh on behalf of Lord Culpepper whom Welsh had scandalized notoriously, for which he was to be imprisoned if found in the kingdom. See p. 237 above. (77) 164849, March 16. Castle Cornett.—-Sm BALDWIN WAKE to CHARLES II. Has proclaimed his Majesty in the hearing of the town. They still proceed in their villainy. His bark and some provisions were lost. See Jersey papers No. 68, below. (78) [l649.]—CAPTAIN ISAAC CORNELIUS. Desiring continu— ance of his commissions from the new king. (79) 1649, March 31. Scilly.——SIR JOHN GRENVILLE to [JOHN] LORD CULPEPPER. Ilas tried Captain Diamond by a Council of War for misdemeanour and disobedience: is banishing him from the island, and disposed of his frigate to another. (80) Undated.———JOHN CORNELIUS to SECRETARY LONG. Concerning a prize of 300 t[ons] that lately brought in herself, laden with cottOn wool, raw silk and [hopes] good store money ; hath been out 5 years . . a Dutch vessel . . . with- out charter-party or other papers, “it shall scape him hard 5m L. 4.» :-".“"Q1‘ ’~‘\‘«\ < A ~ 277 let her prove Jew or Gentile but he will gett a paire of silk stockens and a wast coat for Mr. Secretary.” (81) [Undated.]~—PATRICK LINDSY [sic], SON or J OiiN LINDSAY or BALFOUR to KiNG CHARLES I]. Having killed a soldier of General Lesley’s who had abused him, his father and his sister, desires pardon. (82) [Undated.]—JOHN KINGSTON to KING CHARLES. On behalf of his father George Kingston, who served under Sir Edmund Fortescue till Charles Fort at Salcombe was surrendered, desires protection for his father’s barque the Maidenhead of Salcombc to carry slate and horn to the value of 40!. or 50l. to any port in Holland. (83) 1649, April 27. London.——-The LORD OF MUSSELBURH to SECRETARY LONG.«-A vessel of his corning from the West Indies having been taken by an Irish man~of—war, he craves his Majesty’s protection for another ship. (84) [1649,] May 26.——HENRY, LORD PERCY, to SECRETARY LON(;.~-Has not stirred out of doors since the second day of his arrival [at Paris], but will not be idle in what he has in charge nor slow in his return to wait upon the King: he converses with none but doctors and apothecaries till he be able to meddle with other subjects. (85) 1649, April' 949. Klnsale.—~—COLONEL LEG[GE] to SECRETARY LONG. Arrived yesterday and found Prince Rupert ready to despatch some ships with men and provisions for Scilly : his Majesty will have an express this day despatched for Holland with bills of exchange for a considerable sum; his Majesty’s presence there would make him master of that kingdom. Ormond will be at Cork that night. See Jersey pipers No. 30 below. (86) [Unclat.ed.]—-A speech made by the RECORDER or LIMERICK to the Lord Lieutenant on his entry to that city. (87) 1648[—9], Feb. 21.—Some in the PROVINCE OF ULSTER to KING CHARLES II. Their disconsolate condition occasioned by the parrieide committed upon his father is comforted by his presence [see next entry]. (88) 1648[~—9], Feb. 26.—From SOME IN INNIsKrLLEN to KING CHARLES II. They to whom they were formerly prisoners are now their captives. Their hopes were eclipsed by a horrid fact, but now revived by the report of the King’s arrival in Ireland. (89) 1649, April 6. Kinsale.—A letter of intelligence from MR. HANSHAW. (90) [1649, August ?]—~.Petition from MRS. MARGERY MARRIS [Morris] to the KING on behalf of her husband, 001. J o. Marris, late Governor of Pontefract Castle, now close prisoner.* (91) 1648, July 31.——-Petition of STEPHEN EVANS, with the Prince’s bill to him for payment of 1261. 113. 7d. for ordnance and necessaries delivered out of the Arthur of Plymouth. * Col. Morris escaped‘aligrwthemsurre” rider. or 56215536? Eli-Ca; in "each, 1649, but was afterwards captured, and was executed at the end of August. 278 (92.) [1649, May ?]——The MARQUIS 0F MONTROSE to SECRETARY LONG. Captain Swan is to go to the Emperor as well as to Saxony; the despatches are to be drawn up accordingly. See p. 258 above. (94) [Undated.]~—~HENRY, LORD JERMYN to SECRETARY LONG. Two gentlemen in England will lend the Prince money ; he desires blank bills or letters with the Prince’s seal for this. (95) [1648,] Sept. 26.——The same to the same. Desiring that satisfaction may be made to Dr. Gough for money disbursed for the Prince. (96) 1649, March 24.~The EARL or LOUDOUN to the KING See p. 252 above. (97) [1.649 ?]——-[Sirj ANDREW LOGAN* to the KING. Desires commission to take ships and goods of rebellious subjects south of the equator. if discovered the design destroys him, who is a great adventurer in the East India Company. (98) MR. MORTON’S desires for Seilly for commissions, &c. (99) [Undatedj—Jfist of commissions desired by SIR JOHN GRENVILLE, “whereof one for Major Grove, dated about Feb., 1648, signed Charles, Prince, warranting him for what he attempted. in Cornwall, as if it had been undertaken by his Majesty’s order.” (100) 1648[—9,] Feb. 23. [Seilly].~—-SIR JOHN GRENVILLE to SECRETARY LONG. Desires audience for Mr. Morton who will relate his condition to the King. (101) 1644[_5], Jan. 8. 0xford.——KING CHARLES I to CHARLES, PRINCE or VVALES. Empowering him to sign letters, &c., which are to be attested by Richard Fanshaw, Clerk to the Council attending the Prince. (102) [1646,] March 1. Pendennis.» CHARLES, PRINCE or VVALES to SECRETARY LONG. A pass to go beyond the seas. Dated 1st March, 21 Car. (103) 1644145], Jan. 10. ()Xford.—-Pass from the KING to ROBERT LONG, Esquire, receiver of revenues in counties Gloucester, Wilts, Southampton, Somerset, Dorset, 850. See p. 203 above. (104) [Undated.]—-List of Commissions granted by Prince Charles in France. (105) 1645, June 23. Barnstaple.-Agreenient. between the Commissioners of the Prince’s revenues of the Duchy of Cornwall and Peter St. Hill and Geo. 'l.’otter, of Exeter, merchants, about the tin business in Devon and Cornwall. P (106) 1648, July 19.~—LORD HOLLAND’S commission from the :rmce. (107) 1648, July 2.——~Three letters from the Prince to the GOVERNORS or W AYMOR [VValmer], SANDOWN AND DEAL CASTLES, to defend the same. * IS said to have joined in Goring’s Kentish insurrection in 1648, and then to have gone beyond seas to the enemies of Parliament. His name was included in the 3rd Act of Sale. See Cal. Committee for Compounding, p. 2378. Baa/12W ‘a- , WWWJNI .- ' 279 (108) 1648,Ju1y 16.~~CHARLES, PRINCE or WALES to EDWARD CARTERET. Instruction to go to Dunkirk to get frigates and ammunition. (109) 1648, July 18.-Commission to the DUKE 0F BUCKINGHAM to raise forces. (110) 1648, March 28.———-CIIARLES, PRINCE OF VVALES to TOM BLAGUE. Having been informed by him of gentlemen in Suffolk and Norfolk loyal to the King, thanks and encourages them. Original was in cipher. Copy. (111) 1648, July 17.—The SAME to [FRANCIS] BARON WILLOU‘OIIBY OF PARHAM. About the relief of Walmer. Another to the officers of the fleet. (112) 1648, July 30.»-~The SAME to MR. BOSWELL. About carrying letters to Lord Willoughby at Calais, and “for his demeanour when he comes to London, and above all things not to make the Prince’s name cheap.” To return unused blanks. Copy. See p. 211 above. (114) 1648, July 30. St. Germain’s.——Auth0rity from the SAME to the Kentish gentlemen to command the fleet in Lord Willoughby’s absence. (115) 1648, June 8.—~—The SAME to [JACOB] LORD ASTLEY by Col. Rogers “wherein a design is mentioned, and that the Prince is extremely sensible of the kindness of some gentlemen.” Desires that Col. Rogers may have a commission. Copy. (116) 1648, July 23.-~—-Three letters from the SAME to LORD ASTLEY, [WILLIAM] MARQUIS 0F HERTFORD and SIR MARMADUKE LANGDALE. (117) 1648, April 23.—»Instructions from the SAME to Col. MORGAN and to Capt. MORGAN, concerning their message to Col. Powell and Col. Poyer in South Wales. (118) 1648. May l3.——Commissions from the SAME to LORD ASTLEY for Norfolk and COLONEL BLAGUE for Suffolk. Copy. (119) 1648, March 17.——The SAME to SIR ISAAC ARSTON, Bart. [sic ? Astley]. Has heard of his afiection from Thomas Killigrew. Copy. (120) 16-47, March 5.—The SAME to the MARQUIS OF MONTROSE. See p. 207 above. (121) 1648, March 26.—The SAME to the MARQUIS OF HERTFORD. Expressing thanks for kindness. Copy. (122) 16-18, July 18.—The SAME to the OFFICERS AND CREW of H.M.S. the Constant Warwick. Thanking them for bringing the ship into the King’s obedience. Copy. (123) 1648, July 28. Helvoetsluys.——-The SAME to THOMAS HARFLUETT [HARFLEET] and DR. [STEPHEN] GOUGH. Author» Sing them to treat with merchants for terms. Copy. (124) [1648,] July. 20. Calais—The SAME to LORD TREASURER COTTINGTON. Regrets that he is compelled to leave the place before he and the Council arrive, and cannot give them a ship for their journey to Helvoetsluys. Copy. (125) 1648, May 23.-—The SAME to the MARQUIS OF HERTFORD. Denham will relate proceedings in England. 280 Desires the Marquis’ advice, and [to know] where he desires to place himself. (126) 1648, July 17 .mCommissions t0 CAPT. ROBT. STANTON to command the [blank] of Dover and to CAPTAIN THOMAS BROWNE for the Loyal Susan, of Milton in Kent. (127) CAPTAIN ROBERT STA[N]roN’s instructions. See p. 215 above. (128) 1648, July 17. Calais. COLONEL JAMES APSLEY to command in chief all the ships sent for the relief of Walmer Castle. CAPT. WALTER BREAMES to be captain of a troop of horse. This not sealed then nor three months after. Copy. (129) COLONEL APSLEY’S commission and instructions. See p. 214 above. (130) 1648, July 22. Helvoetsluys.--~~The PRINCE to CAPT. ALEXANDER KEYNES. Commission to command 80 men levied there and put on board the Thomas with power to raise 20 more. (.131) [No year.) May 1. St. German’s-“Copy of a com- mission to SIR ANTHO. ARCHER and MR. ARNOLD BREAMS to raise forces. (132) 1648, J uly.~——The PRINCE to the SAME. That what they do by virtue of their commission shall not be prejudicial to them. (133) 1648, Feb. 8.—~The SAME to LORD STRATTON [‘3 Hatton]. Declaring affection. Copy. (134) 1648, Feb. 19.——The SAME to WILLIAM, PRINCE OF ORANGE. On behalf of Mr. O’Neal then in Holland; who had near relation to his Father, and carried himself well in the late troubles. Copy. (135) 1648, March 18.——~The SAME to the SAME. On behalf of Mr. Barkeley. Copy. (136) 1648, Feb. 29.——The fl’RI‘NC-E’s order about Captain King’s vessel taken by Captain Johnson. (137) 1648, April 10. The SAME to SiR THOMAS WARNER, Governor of St. Christopher. For Mr. Devereux to be Governor of Monserat. Copy. (138) 1648, May lam-The SAME to THEOBALD, VISOOUNT TAAEE and GENERAL PRESTON. In answer to their joint letter; declaring his sense of their affection to his Majesty’s service, and to his person. Copy. (139) [1648, May ?]—~The SAME to [FRANCIS] LORD WIL- LOUCHBY OF PAREAM. Mentioning commissions, &c., sent him for sea and land, and encouraging him to proceed. (140) 1648, May 11.-—-—The SAME to DOCTOR [STEPHEN] GOUCH. A commission to negotiate the King’s affairs in Brussels, Antwerp and Holland, and particularly with the Prince of Orange. (141) 1648, May 31.~—The SAME to LORD JERMYN. A commission “ for the Admiralty.” (142) 1648, June 26. Paris—The SAME to SIR MARMADUKE LANCDALE, Colonel-General of the North. On behalf of Major Mortimer, Capt. Alexander Davison, Capt. Jas. Rosse, Capt, Wm. Gordon and Lieut. Wm. Gordon. Copy. 281 (143) 1648, June 29.-—The SAME to the EARL 0F NORWICH. Recommending Col. Heurtc[r] for a command. Copy. (144) [1648, April.'|——~COI.0NEL RICE POWELL to CIIARLEs, PRINCE OF WALES. Desiring him to own them for his army and to be their general. (145) The SAME to CAPTAIN MAGAN [Morgan] about the same design. See p. 245 above. (146) 1648, July7 and 8.—THE PRINCE to LORI) JERMYN. Commissions to be LieuteGeneral of the Channel Islands. (147) 1648, July 7. St. Gerinain’s.«»-MA commission from the Prince to be Captain General of his Highness’s horse and foot. (148) 1648, June 28.——~Instructions for CAPT. ALLEN. See p. 211 above. (149) 1648, June 9.-—The PRINCE to SIR MARMADUKE LANCDALE. On behalf of Col. Foster for employment under him. (150) 1648, June 6.~Jnstructions to CAPT. RICHARD GREENE. See p. 209 above. (151) 1648, J une 6.————Commission to the SAME to command a ship to transport arms from France to Wales. (152) 1648, June 6.—-Thc PRINCE to FRANCIS BACON, one of the Justices of the King’s Bench. On behalf of Sir JOHN Stowell to be tried before him for things acted in the war; to shew him favour. Copy. (153) [Undated.]#The SAME to FRANCIS, LORD WILLOUGIIBY 0F PARHAM. Commission to be Lieut-Gen. of Lincoln, Nottingham, Cambridge and Rutland. Copy. " (154) 1648, June 4,—Instructions to COL. Fox. See p. 208 above. (155) 1648, June 6.——A letter of credit from the PRINCE for JAMES MARCHAIES [sic], merchant of Paris, giving assurance that all such as are willing to intrust money or merchan— dise for the provision of arms may safely proceed with him. (156) 1648, June 24.—The SAME to SIR Hy. PALMER, KNT., ANTHONY HAMON [Hammond] and ROB. BARGRAVE. To bring the fleet to St. J ohn’s road. Copy. (157) 1648, June 27.-The SAME to the SAME. About the fleet. Copy. (158) 1648,June 1.——QUEEN [HENRIETTA MARIA] to SEVERAL LORDS. About the Prince’s remove to some part of the King’s dominions. COpy. See p. 208 above. (159) 1648, July 9. St. Germain’s.——The PRINCE to [JAMES] MARQUIS OF ORMOND. On behalf of Don O’Neale. (160) 1648, Feb. l.——-A commission from the SAME to be Colonel General of the North of England. (161) [Undated.]——-The SAME to MR. LOE. To pay lOOl. to Mr. Boswell. Capy. 282 (162) 1648, July 8. Calais—«The SAME to COL. LUNSFORD. To be General of Sussex. See p. 202 above. (163) 1648, July 28.-~The SAME to TIIOS. HARFLETT. To retain, out Of money received for the Prince’s use, so much as was due to him for provisions. Copy. (164) [Same date] Helvoetsluys. The SAME to [FRANCIS,] LORD COTTINGTON. Referring to their misfortune in their passage to him, he has written to the King’s Resident in Flanders to go to the Archduke for reparation for the frigate and arms and for their valuables. (165) 1648, July 29.~——The SAME to DOCTOR [STEPHEN] GOUGH. About 1,500 men to be transported to the Downs. (166) Same date. Helvoetsluys.——The SAME to [GEORGE] LORD GORING. Acquainting that the rendezvous of their men was at the Downs. (167) 1648, July 28.~—The SAME to [SIR HENRY] DE VIC, Resident at Brussels. The letter referred to in (164). Copy. (168) [1648, Aug.]—~’l‘he same to [JAMES] DUKE or HAMILTON. See. p. 225 above. (169, 170) 1648, April 23.~——The SAME to C01. POWELL and Col. POYER. Commissions and answers to their proposals. See (144) and pp. 208 and 279 above. Copies. (171) [1648.]m—Commissi0n for LAHARNE [001. Rowland Laugharne] to be general in South Wales. Copy. (172) Duplicate of (169). (173) [NO yearn] April 8. Antwerp—From DR. GOUGH t0 SECRETARY LONG. (174) 1648, July 17. Calais.~—The PRINCE to the Castles 01 Deal and Sandown. Two letters. Copies. (175) 1649350.] March 23 and 30. ------ ~MERCUR1US 'PRAGMA- TICUS to KING CHARLES. Two letters. See Jersey papers No. 76 below. (176, 177) 1648, Aug. 15 and 18.——Commissions to MR. LOVING and DR. [RICHARD] HART to be Register and Judge [respectively] of the High Court of Admiralty. Capies. See p. 222 above. (178) [Undated.]———Copy of a letter to the fleet. (179) 1648, Aug. 7.«—Pass for the Rose of London from the Downs to London with passengers. (180) [Undated.]——A letter to Hull. (181) 1648, June 21.—-Commission to WM. GREENWOOD, THOS. MEDOWES, ISRAEL INGRAM, THOS. JOHNSON, WALTER BULLARD and GEO. TILLIARD to keep Yarmouth for the King. (182) 1648, Aug. 11.—-Commissi0n for [WILLIAM] EARL [sic] OF'HERTFORD to be general of several counties. (183) 1648, Aug. 14.—-To SIR JOHN BERKELEY and DR. GOUGIL 'loncerning the monthly 1,0001. for the Duke of York to be had from the English merchants at Rotterdam. Copy. (184) [[Indated.]—~—-MR. BERKELEY’S order to treat with Londoners and others for a loan for the King’s service. 283 (185 )) 1648, Aug 14.—«Commission to [HENRY] LORD WILMOT, to be Licut. Genera] under the Marquis of Newcastle. Cory (186) 1648, Aug. 16.-~The PRINCE to [JOHN] LORD BYRON. Mentioning the Prince’s intent of going to Scotland. Copy. (187) [Undated.l———Instructions for HENRY LORD PERCY to the Prince of Orange. (188) 1648, Aug. 19.~—Comn1ission for PRINCE RUPERT and the DUKE or BUCKINGHAM. Copy. (189) 1648, Aug. 18.-~Ordcr about moneys to be received of English merchants. (190) 1648, Aug. 21.—--—From the PRINCE to the EARL OF NORWICH, about prisoners. Copy. (191) 1648, Aug. 20. From the SAME to the GOVERNOR 0F SCARBOROUGH CASTLE. Copy. (192) 1648, Aug. 23.—»A letter sent by SIR BALDWIN WAKE, concerning the inhabitants of GUERNSEY. (193) 1648, Aug.——A commission to COL. HAMON [Hammondl, &c. (194) 1648, Oct. 23.—-From SIR EDw. FOORD concerning Portsmouth and Southampton. (195) 1648, Aug. 24.-——-Instructions for FRANCIS LORD WILLOUGHBY. (196) 1648, Aug. 25.-Order for the GOVERNOR or SCARBOROUGH to receive 5001. of the master of the James of London before the barque of Rye be discharged. (197) 1648, Sept 3,—A commission to FRANCIS LORD WILLOUGIIBY OF PARHAM and other officers of the fleet for the victualling thereof. (198) 1648, Sept. 3.-—TIIE PRINCE to SIR W. BATTER about several bags of gold dust. (199) 1648, Sept. 5.—A letter to FRANCIS LORD COTTINGTON. (200) 1648, Sept. 6.—C0py of a letter to FRANCIS LORD WILLOUGHBY OF PARHAM concerning the Fleet. (201) [Undated.}——Copy of a commission from the DUKE or YORK to the SAME. (202) 1648, Sept.———Instruction to JOHN DENHAM, Esq., In his ambassage to Scotland. See p. 226 above. (203) [1648 '2] Nov. l3.—-—MR. MORTON’ s propositions about sending ships into the straits. (204) 1649, Aug. 17. ————A commission to MR. BOLLEN from the Scots’ King for sea service. See Jersey papers No. 38 below. (205) [[‘ndated. ]—A memorial from SIR WM. BOSWELL with the signification of some figures. (206) 1649, July. ——Warrant for sale of the Antelope for 8,000 guilders or more. (207) 1649, Sept. lQ—Report from SIR W. DAVENETT [Davenant] about arms delivered to Scarborough Castle. See Jersey papers N0 42 below. (208) [1649 ?l——CAPT. JOHN SMiTu" S petition to the “ Scotts King ” declaring that he was ‘one of the chief 284 adherents and assistants in the happily begun but unfortunate lost business of Capt Burleigh in the Isle of Wight. ”* (209) 1649 Sept ~—A copy of a patent granted by the King of Scots to SIR JOHN BERKELY and SIR WILLM DAVENETT [Davenant] for the office of Treasurer in Virginia. (210) 1649, Aug. 20.-—MR. COOKERAN’S letters from Hamburg to SECRETARY LONG. (211) 1649, July 14.—~A letter of intelligence from ME. PARRAMORE from Galloway in Scotland. (212) 1649, Aug. 13.-The same out of Ireland from W. TYLOR [DE LA FONTAGNE] to Monsr. CROCKER [COVENTRY] in Paris. (213) 1649, Aug. 11.-The same out of Dunkirk from MR. WHITTINGTON. (214) 1649, June 27.-~Warrant to PRINCE RUPERT to wear the standard in the main tOp of the Admiral. (215) 1649, Jan. 22.——~Instructions to SIR E. H[YDE] to go to London. See No. 277 below. (216) 1649, Jan. 21.——The copy of the PRINOE’S letter to LORD INCHIQUIN. ( 217) [The same date.]——The like to the MARQUIS 0F ORMOND. (218) 1649, Jan. 9.-The like to the MARQUIS 0F ARGILE of thanks for his resolution to preserve monarchy in the person of the King, &c., with another to the same effect to the LORD CHANCELLOR OF SCOTLAND. See p. 243 above. (219) 1649, Dec. 17.——The like to the LORDS ORMOND and INCHIQULN. (220) 1648,J an. l7.—-The like to SIR MARMADUKE LANGDALE praising him for his “ carriage ” notwithstanding the late misfortunes of the army. (221) 1649, Jan. 2.——The like to the LORD LANERICKE, referring him to Lord Lotherdale for the relation of his condition and intentions. (222) 1648—9, Jan. 18.——The like to LADY CARLISLE express- ing thanks for her affection. No. 5 of the J arscy papers. (223) 1648, Dec. 22.——SIR JNO. COCHERANE’S despateh from Denmark. (224) 1648, Dec. 14.~«~Instructions to CAPTAIN APSLEY. See 'p 241 above. (225) 1648, Dec. 23 .———The PRINCE to [JOHN HARRIS] WARDEN or WINCHESTER COLLEGE On behalf of Mr. Hall’s son for a scholar’s place there. Copy. (226) 1648, Dec. 23.——The SAME to the EARL or LOUDOUN and the Council of Scotland, and another to the ministers; To endeavour to unite the hearts of the people as one man to redeem and rescue their Sovereign. Copy. (227) 1648, Dec. 14.—~—The Prince’s promise to MR. BUNCKS and MR. DAY for payment of 2, 3001. for the preprietors of the sugar laden in the Elizabeth and Susan. Copy. * 9'. 6., his alt—tempted rescue of the King, in December, 1647 285 (228) 1648, Dec. 13.—~Warrant to SIR JOHN GRENVILLE for the making of a new sea] for the Judge of the High Court of Admiralty. (229) 1648, Dec. l3.~~«Copies of two letters to the MARQUIS 0F ORMOND and LORD INCHIQUIN. (230) [The same date.) Copy of the PRINCE’S letters to SIR H. DE VIC, agent for the King at the Court of Brussels. (231) 1648, Dec. 13.—~Copies of two letters to MARQUIS or ORMOND and LORD INCHIQUIN, that Sir John Grenvile Kt. was made Governor of Scilly. (232) 1649, Dec. l2.—Jl‘he PRINCE to SIR G. CARTERET. To assist Sir J. Grenville with 100 pistoles in his journey for Scilly (233) 1648, Dec. lO.-——0rder for CAPT. COWELL, CAPT. GOLDING and CAPT. STANTON to appear before the Prince at the Hague. (234) 1648, Dec. lO.——[C»rtifieate ?] VVILLIAM LAWSON of Scarborough, master of the Isabel, carried the Prince’s com- mission from Yarmouth to the Governor of Scarborough to declare for the King. (235) 1648. The Hague-*The PRINCE’S promise to repay 500l. lent him by ROWLAND WILSON and JOHN WOOD of the Guinea Company. (236) 1648, Dec. 1.-—The PRINCE’S warrant to PRINCE RUPERT to sell or pawn the ship Antelope to pay off the mariners. (237) 1648, Dec. 1.——The PRINCE to SIR H. DE V10. To assist Col. Herter in his addresses to the Duke of Lorraine, considering it may be of great concernment to the service. Copy. (238) 1648, N ov. 20.-~~I’rotection for the Ship the Proprietor’s Servant bound from the Caribe Islands, if she put in to Seilly. (239) 1648, Nov. 28.—~Passcs for SIR W. BATTEN and CAPT. JOURDAN from Holland to England. See p. 235 above. (240) 1648, Nov. 26.~—Instructions for DE. GOUGII to the Duke of Lorraine. (241) [1648, Nov. or Dec.]«-Agreement with MARTINE DE RUZE (sic). See p. 239 above. (242) 1648, Nov. 28.———The PRINOE’S promise to repay 1,5001. furnished by JOSHUA FOOT, ROBERT HARDING and THOS. BELL of London. (243) 1648, Nov. 23.——The PRINOE’S engagement for 7,000 guilders to THOS. BLOUDWORTII and RICHARD SPENCER, partners, being so much paid to free the Goodspeed of Hull— Thos. Coates, master—detained by the Prince’s fleet. (244) 1651, Nov. 22.—The PBINCE’S [sic] to the STATES OF JERSEY for their assistance to Sir G. Carteret in his under- taking upon Guernsey. ' (245) 1648, Nov. 25.—Letters to PRINCE RUPERT and [JAMES] MARQUIS OF ORMOND on behalf of Capt. Smith and Major Tamell, respectively. 286 (246) 1648, Nov. 26.—~Oommission for commissioner in Scilly to be receiver of the prize money. (247) 1648, Oct. 10.~—The PRINOE’s warrant to ROB. RICH of London to pay 300l., part of the composition for the Chap-man. of London. (248) 1648, Nov 22. wThe PRINCE to SIR GEO. CIRTERETT. Intimating his intent of returning to, and staying some time in Jersey - he is to relieve Castle Oornett if 111 distress before the Prince comes. (249) 1648, Nov. 20.~—~The SAME to PRINCE RUPERT. On behalf of Capt. Bing. (250) 1648. Nov. 22.-—The PRINCE’S order for 300 small pieces of lead on the Constant Reformation to be delivered to two merchants of Amsterdam being their goods taken coming from W’ ales. (251) 1649, Aug. 2.-~Letter from PETER FO'UNTAINE to one in Paris pretending some difference in account between them: between each line of which “is occultly written ” a lette1 of intelligence. (2. 52) [1649,] Juh 16—26. Antwerp—“RIC. BRAHAM t0 SIR WM BOSWELL. Learns by letter from England that [Marehamont] Needham, author of Pragmatieus, is appre- hended, but it was by his own consent : he is a very knave. See. Jersey papers N0 21 below (253) 1649 Sept. l.-——LORD IERMYN to [WILLI 1111-1] LORD VVHITTINGTON [2. e. Widdrington] for an Admir-alty to be settled at Dunkirk, [copy] and VVHITTINGTON to LONG about a ship he had bought to keep pliSOIlCIS in. (254) [C3 1649. [—«Instruetions for the drawing up of several letters by Thomas Killegre‘w. See p. 263 above. (255) 1649, Aug. 29. London.———THOS. T'HORYE to Lorie requesting a place as one of his Majesty’s guards. See Jersey papers N o. 45 below. (256) 1649, Sept. 30. St. MalO.—-FRANCIS N UGENT to SECRETARY LONG. The King must not believe anything against Owen O’Neil, who is wholly for his Majesty. (257) 1649, iAl’TAIN GRIFFITIIS’ letter to the KING for an allowance of the. money he disbursed in keeping of men for his Majesty s seivice. (258) [1650 April?*]—The PRINCE [sic] to the PRINCE OF ORANGE. Lord Culpepper is sent as an extraordinary ambassador to the Emperor of Russia. (259) [Undeted.']-R10HARD SQUARE’S [‘2 Squire’s] intelli- gence to Secretary Long from St. Maloes, “ being upon a. further journey.” (260) 1649, Aug. 11. An1sterdam.-~HENRY CRO'WE to SECRETARY LONG, mentioning a letter sent by him from the Emperor [of Russia] to the King, written in the Muscovia language. See Jersey papers N 0 39 below. ' w" Lord Culpopper made his entranoe into Moscow on May 5 (old style). 1650. 287 (261) [? 1648.1—A memorial to SECRETARY LONG concerning Scilly. (262) R. 1648.]~——MR. TARL’S [‘2] propositions about prizes to be brought into France. (263) 1648, Dec. 25.-—Pass for MR. JAMES CARMIOHALL to carry letters into Scotland. (265) 1648, Oct. 30. «Order for Wlnow PARKER for three cow’s grass in the new park at Richmond. (266) 1649, July 25c~-CAPTAIN GRIFFITH’S letter for several commissions. (267) [Undated'l»——l’etition of [THOMAS] N ORGATE, Admiralty Registrar in Dunkirk, Picardy and Normandy. (268) [Undat ed.]—~Order to lVlR.\VlIIT'1‘ING'1‘ON to pay N orgate. (269) [Undated.p]-~Letter to the QUEEN from several great persons in Ireland stating that the Nuncio had excommunicated such as did adhere to the cessation with Lord Inchiquin, for which they had appealed to Rome. (270) 1648, Oct. 1. Scilly.—JOIIN Nor informs the Prince of the taking of St. Mary’s Castle with the persons of Col. Buller and Capt. Augustin N icholl. See p. 230 above. (271) 1648, Sept. 30.———Lctter of Sir G. CARTERET that Sir Baldwin Wake had overthrown the design of Guernsey. (272) 1648, Sept. 12—22_~«Letter of some Kentish gentlemen about money laid out in the preservation of the castles and fleet. in the Downs. (273) 1648, Dec. 7 .«Letter from DR. GOUGH giving an account of his instructions from Paris. (274) 1648, Oct. 24.~Letter from ME. FANSHAW mentioning that he is upon his voyage for Ireland through France. (275) [Undatr-d.j-—PRINCE RUPERT’S letters. (276) 1648[ ~91, Jan. 23.——English translation of SIR WILLIAM BOSWELL’S French speech to the States at the Hague made before the Prince. (277) 1649, Jan. 22.—-’l‘he PRINCE to LORD GENERAL FAIRFAX and COUNCIL or VVAR. On behalf of the King. See No. 215 above. (278) 1649, Feb. 8.— ~Pass from the PRINCE for DANIEL LANGLAND with the Good Fortune from Holland to Scotland. (279) 1648, Oct. 22 Middelburg.»—JOI{N BOEUE to DB. GOUGH. Is keeping together soldiers levied for the Prince. (280) 1648, Oct. 23.—-Copy of bill wherein Sir W. Vavasor acknowledges to owe Jas. (sic) Boeue of Middelburg 1,833 Carolus guilders, money lent for the pay of levies. (281) 1649, July 7.——The KING or Score. Promise to pay Mr. Cullamore 10,6151. 193. 7d. due for arms furnished to the late King. Copy. Another copy in papers taken at Jersey, No. 46. (283) [Undeted.]—Lord Montrose’s desire for letters. (284) [Undated.]———Copy of propositiOns given to the Queen at Bourbon concerning jewels of the crown. “ Remarkable.” (285) 1646, Nov. 9.~~SIR PETER OSBUENE’S letter concerning Guernsey and Castle Cornett. 288 (286) [Undated.]—~The proceedings of Luke Whittington in his employment in Dunkirk. (287) [Undatcd.]~—The names of captains that will engage for his Majesty’s service and set out frigates from Dunquerke. (288) 1649, March 23. Madrid.—-—[LUDOVIC] LORD CRAFORD [Crauford] to the King, advising him to invite aid from the King of Spain and all other Christian princes. See p. 251 above. (289) [‘Undated.]—~EDWARD ASTON’S petition to the Scots’ King to go into Ireland with Captain Smith. (290) WILLIAM COVENTRY to SECRETARY LONG. With two enclosures, one subscribed P. de la Fontaine, the other subscribed Tyler, both interlincd with obscure inks, the first directing future letters to_ be sent to Field, stationcr, over against St. Dunstan’s, Fleet street, for dc la Fontaine. See Jersey papers No. 22 below. (291) 1649, April 10. Saragossa.-SIR CHARLES SOMERSET to the KING. Assuring him of his fidelity. (292) 1649, March 23. Madrid—The LORD CRAEORD to Secretary LONG. Assuring him the King may have aid from hence. See. p. 251 above. (293) [1649?]June 18~28. Rotterdam.-ROBERT KILVERT to~ SIR W. BOSWELL at Breda.-~Sir Edw. Roades of Yorks has bought the ruins of Pontefract Castle, of whom one Wm. Fisher, merchant, has bought the lead worth above 30,0001., “ which lead is to be cast into small pigs, and to be sent part to this town to his factor Geo. Crole, which he advises may be arrested when arrived there, wherein he promiseth assistance.” (294) 16411—50], Jan. 13. Copenhagen—SIR JOHN COCHERAN to SECRETARY LONc.——The King of Denmark is ready to contribute all assistance to the Scots’ King. (295) [Undatc-d] MAJOR ROYSTON’S bill of Disbursements for his Majesty’s service. (296) 1649, Jan. 30.-—LORD JERMYN’S letter to SECRETARY LONG mentioning his approbation of some letters written from the Prince, and wishing him the fruits of it. (297) [1647 ‘?]* Feb. 4.———-SIR HEN. DE VIC’s letter “ mention- ing that by the Queen’s command he had moved the Archduke to cause all Offices to be done in the King of Spain’s name in the behalf of the poor King.” (298) [1649—50.] Jan. 23.——Sm JOHN GEENVILL’S letter to his Majesty for supplies to Scilly. (299) [Undated 1649 ?]—Two letters of intelligence about the King’s trial. (300) 1648, Jan. 13. Amst[erdam].——SIR JOHN COCHERAN’S letter to SECRETARY LONG acquainting him that he had sent him the ciphers which he intends to use with him. (301) [Undated.]—-Heads of a letter to MR. RICHARD KING, secretary to his Majesty for Virginia. See p. 262 above. (302) 1649, June 19.———Sm PATRiCK DBUMMOND’S commission to be Treasurer under Montrose. * 15.; a. was 'reéaiiéd £30m”intfiéée'i;"fif'iié'ifi'éieé'i. 289 (303) [Undated.]~~Letters in ciphers from THE KING. (304) 1648, Aug. l3.-—-THE PRINCE’S commission for a consul for the English merchants at Venice. (305) [1648?] Dec. 12. London. A letter to THE PRINCE subscribed B, wherein is mentioned that he came from Ormond with letters for the Prince, but by the strictness of the guards at all passages he was forced to send them by Sir Thos. Howard; the answer should be sent to the author [23.e., writer) enclosed to be left with Sir Thos. Stafford at the Savoy. (306) [Undated.}~SIR ANTHONY BROWNE’S propositions about the disposing of Prize Goods. (307) 1649, Jan. 4. n.s. Rotterdan1.~—DR. HART’S letter to SECRETARY LONG in answer to a letter of his concerning his going to sea with the fleet. See p. 242 above. (308) 1648, Dec. 30.—SIR H. DE VIC’S letter about the Duke of York’s pass from the Archduke. (309) [Undated.]~A certificate on behalf of MAJ 0R BUNCKLY concerning his killing a man. (310) 1649, June 9.—-~From the OFFICER-S OF THE FLEET informing the PRINCE [sic] of the state of affairs in Kent after the fight there, desiring a speedy supply and warrant for what they had done, which the laws of the land would not bear them out in. (311) [1648?] June 29.—SIR THOS. LUNSFORD to the PRINCE. See p. 202 above. (312) 1648, July 3. Goree.—CAPT. TIIOS. ALLEN to LORD J ERMYN. Reporting the rout of Fairfax and revolt of some ships from the Parliament. (313) 1648, July 4.—A letter from the OFFICERS OF THE FLEET to the PRINCE from the Kentish Committee. (314) 1648, July 30. Middelburg.-—-LORD COTTINGTON and SIR EDW. HYDE. “ About their transportation to the Prince.” (315) [Undated.]-—~The DUKE OF YORK’S letter to the officers of the Navv. (316) [Undated.]~—-MR. HARELETT’S instructions to the DUKE OF YORK. (317) [1647, May]. The PRINCE OF ORANGE to the “ PRINCE OF WALES ” “ after the death of the old [sic] Prince of Orange.” See p. 206 above. (318) [ELIZABETH] QUEEN OF BOHEMIA to the PRINCE OF WALES, to assure him of her affection. See p. 208 above. (319) 1647, March 12.——THE MARQUIS or MONTROSE to the PRINCE. “ Only a compliment.” (320, 321) 1646, July 7. Pendennis Castle—From JOHN ARUNDEL, Governor, and the OFFICERS, asking for supplies. (322) 1646, July 13. Jersey.—~Let_t-er from LORD Horror: with enclosure from Pendennis Castle. (323) 1646, Oct. 20. Limerick.—-—[_EDWARD] LORD GLAMORGAN to the PRINCE declaring affection and zeal for the King’s service. p19 290 (324) 1647, July Irv-[THOMAS], EARL or CLEVELAND to the PRINCE, declaring great resolution notwithstanding his then imprisonment. (325) 1647, April 30. Castle Cornett.-SIR BALDWIN WAKE asks speedy supply for the soldiers there. (326) 1646, Oct. 26.mCopy of the PRINCE’S letter to the LORDS IN SCOTLAND with thanks for their loyalty. (327) 1646, July 4.9From LORDs CAPEL, HOPTON and HYDE concerning Mr. Fanshaw’s accounts and ” to mind the Prince to relieve the garrison ” of Pendennis and Scilly. (328) 1646, Oct. 16.—The PRINCE to the OFFICERS OF PENDENNIS then at Jersey wishing they had retired to their own homes in England. (329) 1649, Aug. 10. The Hague.-SIR _W. BOSWELL’s letter about the relief of the Isle of Man. (330) [Undated.]—-—Notes taken from COL. ROGERS con- cerning Yarmouth. (331) 1648, July 12. Near Appleby.—~——[JAMES] DUKE HAMILTON declares to the PRINCE the resolution of his army to hazard life and fortune to reestablish the King. (332) 164.8, J uly 9. Appleby.—§IR MARMADUKE LANGDALE mentions “ the way he had made for the Scots’ entrance who are now coming 15,000, and more expected,” &c. (333) [1648, June ?]~—Copy of a commission to ISRAEL INGRAM, Bailiff of Great Yarmouth, and others for suppressing all attempts for delivering the town to those in actual rebellion. (334) 1648, Aug. l3.~——EDWARD WALTEN’S letter of intelli~ gence to the PRINCE. (335) [No year] Aug. 18. Rotterdam.-DR. GOUGH’S letter to SECRETARY LONG about the soldiers levied. (336) [Undated]~—-Instructions about the Marquis of Newcastle. (337) 1648, Aug. 16.-———[THOMAS], LORD FAIRFAX to the PRINCE about Major—General Laugherne. (338) 1648, Aug. 17. VVestminster.——~The HOUSE OF PEERS to the PRINCE. See p. 224 above. (339) 1648, June 11.—COpy of LORD INCHIQUEEN’S letter of several passages. (340, 341) [Undated.]-——Copies of LORD ()RMOND’S letters. (342) [Undated.]-——Captain BOSTON’S commission. (343) 1648, NOV. 11.——A letter from LORD HOPTON and SIR EDWARD HYDE. (344) [~1648.]——SIR BERNARD GASCOIGNE to LORD CULPEPER. Desiring money to release him out of prison in Windsor Castle, where he is with Lord Capel. (345) [1648.]-MR. READE, secretary to the English commissioners in Scotland, discovers himself to the Prince “ that he held correspondency with the King’s party.” (346) [Undated.]———LORD GORING’S letter to the PRINCE mentioning a commission he had returned. 4r 291 (347) [Undated.]-—-The CATHOLIC BISHOPS to the several towns [in Ireland] recommending the peace. (348) [Undated]-—» Livingstone, James. Calvin, Jean. extract from, 187. Calvinists, 4. Cambarse ['2 Chateau Cambrésis, France], Alva at, 137. Cambray, Cameray [France], letter dated from, 247. Archbishop of, 85. Duke of York at, 247. Cambridge. University of, appoint— ment of Proctors at, 9. -———, to norninate chantry priest at Windsor, 1. , Vice-Chancellor of [Dr. John May], 165. -—-—~-, Wyborne, Mr., of. 177. Cambridge, University ofwcont. , Slaughter, ML, of, 176. , St. John’s College, Master of [Dr. Richard Longeworth], 165. —-——~—, , fellows of. See Fulke, William. See Mead [Mede, Elias]. ~-, ~—«, visitor of, Bishop of Ely, 165. Town, letters dated from, 157, 165. —-»—, Mayor of [Miles France], 165. County of, of Parham to be of, 281. , Isle of Ely in. See Ely. Camels presented to Elizabeth, 49. Campbell : Archibald, fourth Earl of Argyle, horses for, 12. M“, at Battle of Langside, 118. M“, more manageable than Harries, 119. ——~—, at- Parliament at Glasgow, 145. Archibald, Marquis of Argyle, 254. , letters to, 243, 251, 284. , loses Stirling, 230, 275. , alarmed at growth of King’s part-y, 299. John, Earl of Loudoun, letters from, 250, 252. , letters to, 242, 243, 252, 284. Candale M. de, his daughter of the Montmorency, 107. Candia, 37. Cannstat, Constat [W'urtemburg], 84. Canozza, Count Antonio. lanes to kill Pius IV, 42, 47, 48. Canterbury, Archbishops of. See Laud, William. Sce- Parker, Matthew. Canterbury [Kent], Cardinal Chatil- lon at, 133. Cathedral, Ecclesiastical Judge at, 146. ~——, Prebend at, 146, 181. Cantire [Scotland], 124. Capel,Arthur, Baron, letter from, 2290. letter to, 225. at Colehester, 213. imprisoned at Windsor, 290. Cardinals, appointment of, 21, 37, 40, 41, 45, 46, 52, 55. precedency of, 20—22, 26. Cardinal Infante. See Portugal, King Henry I of. Lord W'illoughby Lt.-Gen. son marries Constable Carew, Geo., Dean of Windsor, letter from, 89. Carey: Henry, first Baron Hunsdon, letter from, 145. , at Paris, 29. , about to go abroad, 178. George, second Baron Hunsdon, letter from, 182. Caribbee Islands, 285, 306. Lord Marlborough in, 296. Carinthia, threatened by Turks, 85. Carisbrooke Castle [Isle of Wight], Kin . Charles I at, 222—224. Carleton, udley, Viscount. Dor— cheater, cipher of, 308. Carlingford [co. Louth], 86. Carlisle, Lucy, Countess Hay, Lucy. Carlisle [Cumberland],66, 67, 123,124. letters dated from, 66. Carmichael, James, pass for, to carry letters to Scotland, 287. Carnyvallet, Carnivallet, M., 132. Madame, friend of Mary, Queen of Scots, 150. Carougis [Carouges], Governor of Roucn, deposed, 121. Carp, Mr., 254. See note 1). 253. Carpi, Cardinal Rodolfo, dies, 19. Carrabullocke Park, Stokeclymsland [Cornwall], 245. Carranza, Bartholornew, Archbishop of Toledo, 46, 47. Carrickfergus, Knockfergus [00. An- trim], 86, 87. Carton, Alexander, 86. Cartagena [Spain], 45, 100. Carteret : Edward, letter to, 279. Sir George, 230, 259, 274, 285. , letters from, 275, 287. , letters to, 285, 286, 292. Carus, Mr. Justice Thomas, 117, 118. letter from, 51. Casale of Montferrato mentioned, 53. Casimir, John. See John. Cassel [Germany]. 236. Cassillis, Casellis, Gilbert, Earl of. See Gilbert. Castaglione, M., 50. Castaldo, Italian General, 36. Castel Ariano [Italy, ‘3 Castellarano]. 41. Casti lione, Giovanni [Baptiste], 36. Gas ' 6, King of, 21. Commendator of, 49. Constable of, letters to, 234, 237. ——-——-, marriage of his daughter, Juana, 237. of. S ec [Italy], fourth Kennedy, 319 Castle Cornet [Guernsey], 286, 287, 292, 306.! letters dated from, 274, 276, 290, 306. Castle Fyne [? Castlefinn, co. Donegal], 86. Castle Lever [? Liffer, Lifford, co. Donegal], 86. Castlehaven, James, Earl of. Touehet. Castro, Rodrigo da, inquisitor, 46. Caswell, ML, 269. Cathayia, nearer route to, 6. Cat-heart, Lt.~Colonel, 229. Caub, Coue [Germany], 83. Caushot [‘3 Calshot, Hants], 140. Cavaillon [Provence], adventure of a party at, 31. Cavalcanti, Guido, letters from, 8, 33. may go to Genoa, is going to Florence, 9. mentioned in London, 21. Cavallerizzo, Claudio, 190. Cave, Sir Ambrose, Chancellor of Duchy of Lancaster, 118. Cavendish, William, Marquis Newcastle, 283, 290. letter from, 228. ——-—»~ to, 307. poverty of, 228. Cecil, Sir William, 4, 7, 12, 15, 32, 33, 41, 62, 67, 68, 79, 81, 117, 118, 120, 123, 128, 136, 137, 144, 152, 154, 156, 162. letters from, 28, 103, 119. —~~~ to, 22, 31, 70, 121, 143,182. on ratification of Treaty of Troyes, 29. questions of, to the Vintners’ Company, 94. a cure for his gout, 103. his chaplain, Mr. John W'elles, 157. Cerbellone, Gabrio, 40. Cases, Ceees, Coesi: Angelo de, 59. , his uncle Charles, 59. Cardinal, dies, 49. Cessford, Sir Walter Ker, Laird of, Warden of Middle Marches of Scotland, 70, 79, 101. Chaloner : Francis, 30. Sir Thomas, Ambassador at Madrid, letters from, 13, 24, 30, 35, 41, 49. -—~-—, anxious to be recalled, 24, 30, 35, 49. ~—-——, recommends player, 30. ~~—, his expenses, 35. . returns home, 54, 55. Sec of a lube- Chalons, France : sur Marne {‘2], 146. - sur Sadne, 160. Chamberlayne : Francis, letter from, 80. George, 80. . Champagne. Huguenot troops levied in, 138. Champernowne, Mr. Henry, letters from, 136. 148. Chancellorship of Duchy of Lan— caster, vacant, 117. Channel Islands, 281. See also Guernsey; Jersey. Chantilly [France], Montmorency at, 11, 102, 107. letter dated from, 147. Charles I of England, 193, 200, 202, 203, 205, 206, 208—210, 212, 213, 215—221, 223m225, 22"~ 230, 235, 240—251, 258, 260, 272, 275, 277, 280, 284, 285, 288, 290, 292, 293, 295298, 3303—306. letter from. 193, 194, 200, 203, 278. letters to, 200, 298. remonstrates against severity of Conseil de Marine of France, 194. ships loyal to, 209—21 1, 213~215, 217, 218. life at Carisbrooke, 223, 224. atton'ipted rescue there, 284. »»»»» gratitude to Mrs. 1VV]hor« wood, concerned therein, 300. Charles, Prince of Wales (later Charles 11), 221, 225—228, 239-248, 250—256, 258—260, 263, 266, 267, 272274, 2‘ 7, 278, 285, 288, 289, 293~297, 299—303, letters, commissimis and war— rants from, 207~221, 2 «1—230, 232, 233, 237, 238, 240—244, 247, 249, 251—253, 255, 262, 264, 271, 272, 276, 278—287, 289-298, 301, 302~~305, 307. letters to, 202, 205—209, 212, 215, 218—221, 224, 225, 228, 230, 232, 238, 243, 245, 248, 250 25:, 256, 258, 259, 260, 263. 271—278, 281, 286, 288~ 292, 294—298, 301, 3044307. holds goods of Amsterdam merchants, 204. tries to hire ships at Amsterdam, 204. the Pol-icon and a dagger boat taken by his Commission, 205. remivca Ambassador of Duke of Mantua. 207. 320 Charles, Prince of Wales (later Charles II)-cont. his “Engagement ” with the Scots, 207. requests sup )ression of Wis— hart’s Res estae, 207. question of his remove into some part of his father’s dominions, 208. intends to go to Holland, 209. and revolting Fleet, 209, sq. 220. orders of, as to Prizes, 210. appoints Lord Willoughby, 00nditionally, to command the Fleet, 210 sq. concessions of, to confederate Roman Catholics, 212. orders of, as to reliefof W’almer Castle, 213215. provides ammunition for army in Colchester, 213. at Abbevillo, 213 ; at Calais, 214. tries to obtain frigates and am- munition from de Ransau, 214. at Helvoetsluys, 215. sends Cough to merchants of Rotterdam, 215, 222, 225, 271. asks loan from States~GeneraL 216. sends Cochrane to the Kin of Denmark. 218, 246; an to Duke of. Com-land, 230 joins the Fleet, 218-220. stops ships bound for Holland, 219. instructions of, to the Fleet and particular Captains, 209~ 211, 213—215, 220, 281,. 283. tries to borrow ships from Prince of Orange, 220. treats with fictnmittee of Estates in Scotland, 224, 226, 227, 242, 244, 284. in relation to Ireland, 227, 241, 248, 253,257. at the Hague, 226, sq. upon Battle of Preston, 225- 227, 242, 272. takes a frigate of the Guinea Com any, 271. upon biege of Colchester, 213, 225, 296. intends to go to Ireland, 227. anxious about Scilly, 227, 230, 248. sends Cough to Duke of Lor~ raine, 229, 233, and to Prince of Orange. 233. arranges for the pay and via tualling of the Crescent, 230. expresses intention of returning to Jersey, 286. Charles, Prince of: Wales (later Charles II)—~co-nt. petitioned by owners of captured shallop, 232. gives orders as to Sir R. Walsh, 237, 239. sells or pawns the Antelope, 285. makes agreement with de Reuz of Rotterdam, 239. instructions given to Apsley by, on his going to Ireland, 241. proclaimed at Guernsey, 276. advised to take English Green- land and Muscovy fleets, 301. corresponds with Marquis of Argyle and Earl of Loudoun, 243, 250, 252. appeals to Italian princes and states, 244, 263. sends Lord Brentford to Scot land, 244. intercedes for Marquis of Hunt ley, 252. appeals to Queen Christina of weden, 246, 253, 254, 292; and to Roderick III of Don- mark, 249, 288. writes to Lord Fairfax to restore Charles I, 247. is urged by Ormond to go to Ireland, 248. advised to accept Scotch pro- posals, 250, 252, 292, 296, 300. ap eals to Court of France, 252, 77. secures use of Portuguese ports for his Fleet, 252, 253. sends Cottington and Hyde to the King of Spain, 253, 256, 306. orders Brentford to send arms from Sweden to Ireland, 253. intends to go to Ireland by Flanders and France, 253. pardons Lord Broghill, 297. issues commissions for Ire- land, and orders arrests there, 257. sends Montrose to German princes and others, 257 sq. ment of, with Dommer of Amsterdam, 263. at Brussels, 259. instructions of,as toVirgim‘a,262. appoints Consuls in Italy, 263. appeals to Russia, 286. list of his household in May, 1649, 255. Charles, Archduke of Styria, 19, 42, 79, 81, 109. Elizabeth’s stipulations as to his religion, 78. 321 Charles, Archduke of Styria—cnnt. embarks for Spain, 137. to marry Juana, Princess of Portugal, and become Regent of the Netherlands or of Spain, 137. Charles Lewis, Elector Palatine, 231. Charles, Cardinal of Bourbon, 4:3, 109, 110. Charles Fort, Salcombc [Devon], surrendered by Royalists, 277. Chartres [France], Vidame of [Jean de Farrier-es], at Geneva, 19. Chase, Mr. apothecary to Charles II, 256. Chastelier, Mr. and Velutelli’s goods, 137. [Chateau Cambrésis ?] Camber-so, France, 137. Chateaubriant [France], skirmish between Dandelot and Martigues, near, 134. Chateau—Thierry [France], 139. Charles IX at, 146. Chatelheraut, James, Duke of, Earl of Arran. See Hamilton, James. [France], 137—439, 166. Chatham [Kent], letter dated from, 165. Chatillon, Cardinal of. See Coligny, Odet dc. Chatillon, sur-Loing [France], burnt, 135. ~~~—~, fighting at, 135. sur-Seine, 113. Chaumont [France], William of Orange near, 144. Chelmsford [Essex], 90. Chenies [Bucks], 179. Chequers, Chekers [Bucks], letter dated from, 95. Cherbourg [France], letter dated from, 306. Chester, 299. letter dated from, 148. wins duties at, 190. Chichester [Sussex], wine duties at, 190. Chichester, Sir John, 50, 182. [Chiffinch] Chiffeanch, Thomas, Page of the Bedchamber to Charles II, 255. Mrs, seamstress to Charles II, 256. Chigi, Fabio, Cardinal Nuncio, 235. China. .See Cathayia. Christian, John, deposition of, 266. Christmas, Mn, 90. Church of England in Parliament, 272. government of, 175. 177. p21 \ C'humh, the Supremacy of, subject for disputation at Oxford, 155. Ciphers, keys to, 308. Civita Vecchia [Italy], 36, 38, 59. Corsairs near. 21. Clandeboye [00. Down], 86. Clanriearde, Ulick, Marquis of. See Burgh. Clare : Dr., Chaplain 255. Mr. Peter, 21 man of credit with the Allemans, 150. Clark, Captain, Commander of Sen- down Castle, 276. Claudio, Master of the Horse to Lord Robert Dudley, 24, 27, 28, 50. Claybnrne, Capt. William, super~ seded as Treasurer of Virginia, being for Parlia— ment, 302. Cleave, Cléves, William, Duke of, 85. promises good—will to Emden, to Charles II, 23. Cleborne, Mr., 80. Clermont [France], besieged by Condo, 139. Clery, Mr., 8. pensioner of Chas. IX of France, 99. (ills-vehmd, Earl of. Sue \Ventworth, Thomas. Clinton : Edward Fiennes do, Baron, High Admiral, 72, 105, 111. Lady, 95. Mr., son to the above, 105. Clonmel [00. Tipperary]. Com— missioners appointed at, 34. export of, restricted by Henry VIII, 191 license to export for Robert Dudley, 191. expogt of, by Italians in London. 18 . Clough, Richard [? Rochart Kloch], servant to Sir '1‘. Greshmn, 35. 172. Comes, Thomas, master of .x‘oode'peed. of Hull. 285. Cobham, W'illimn, Lm‘d, 116. letters from, 125, 126, 130, 133, 160. his wife, Frances, 130. Cobham [Kent], letters dated from, 125. 126, 160. Hall [Kent], letters dated from, 130, 1.33. Goblence, Coblentz, Confluence [Ger— many], 82. Cochrene, Sir John, 246. letters from, 284, 288. Cloth, Lord his I" 322 Cochrane, Sir John~—-com. sent to King of Denmark, 218. —-—--» Duke of Courland, 230, 259. Cockburn, Cobron, Captain, 31. Coiners, punished at Venice, 53. Coke, Sir Edward, letter from, 183. cipher of, 308. Colbourne, Captain, 108. , Colehester [Essex], siege of, 213, 225, 273, 295, 296. Cole : Thomas, a Protestant Divine, 2. —-—~--~, letter from, 90. ., his sermon blamed, 90. W'[i11iam], a. Protestant Divine, 2. Colepepper, Culpepper, John, Baron, 286. letters to, 276, 290. instructions to, 213. assaulted by Sir R. Welsh, 237, 239. Colorado. See Collerado. Coles, Sir William, commander of a. regiment in Ireland, 257. Coligny: Gaspard de, Admiral of France, 108, 144, 1.45, 157, 165. ~--—--—-, meets Condé at Essones. 11. ~———, at Geneva, 19. mom, to join English forces in Normandy, 48. a Scotch ~--. at Court, denies com- plicity in murder of Guise, 73-75. --~---—, not present at English demand for Calais, 102. ~—~---—--~, well received at Court, 107. ~~—-, attempt to seize, 111. ~~~-, crosses the Seine, 113. ~—«-~, bags sent. to, by Norreys, 110. --—»~, his safety important to England, 120. ~———, gives warning of plot against Elizabeth, 123, 126. ——’--~-, defeats Martigues, 135. ——— ------ , operations of, in Poiton, 137. ——-—~—, at Rochelle, 137. , reported to be wounded, 153. —~--~-, reported to have defeated .Anjou, 155. -~--, his death reported, 161. m--, at Confolens, design of poisoning him, 163. «a», relieves Poitiers, 166. Coligny»~—cont. Odet de, Cardinal of Chatillon, 74, 75, 126, 143, 157. -~——, letter from, 137. ~»~—, arrives in England; Canterbury, 133. --~'—, urges appeal to German Princes, 137. , his Wine un aid for, 142. —————-, letters to, rom Norreys, intercepted, 153. , receives money for German Princes, 154, 157. w—, to visit Oxford and stay in Christ Church, 156. at -~m——, money not forthcoming from, 159. Collerado, Coleredo, Federico, 37, 38. Collett, Glowd [Claud], denies the King’s Commission, 262. Cologne, 82, 85, 128, 131, 236. etter from, quoted, 129. Archbisho s of, 82, 174, 253. Council 0 German Princes at, 137. negotiations at (1673»1675), 267 sq. refuses to lend money to Emperor Ferdinand, 4. William of Orange buys arms at, 125. Colonies. See New England; New York; Virginia. Colonna: Fabrizio [?], son of Marco Antonio, his marriage, 20. Marco Antonio, Duke of Palis— cozza, 22, 37, 45. m-m, his Captain, 20. ——-—, leaves Rome, his errand doubtful, 20, 22. Pompeio, an Italian soldier, 61. “ Colum John,” 50. Combes, Jehan, of French bassador’s household, prisoned, 29. Commissioners, expected at Berwick, 70, 71, 76. 77. at Carisbrooke, 223. for Treaty of Troyes, 19. in Flanders, 15. Commonwealth of servant of, 267. Com anies: ast India, 278. Guinea, 271. Merchants, 44, 56, 191, 273. Russian. 143, 149. Vintners’, letter from, 95. , petition of, 93. Compiégne [France], 108, 151. am- im- England, a 323 Condé : Louis de Bourbon, Prince de [the elder]. 10, 19, 99, 102, 109—411, 116, 122, 138, 139, 145, 147, 149, 151, 154. -—~ ~, letter from, 143. ——~—, reconciled with Guises, 42, 74. ~—w~~, movements of, 11, 40, 123, 130, 131, 134, 138. , the Queen approaches, 96. ~~~~~~~ A, Huguenots meet at his house, 100. ——-~ «, at Court, 106, 107. —-~——_ negotiations for peace with, 113, 117, 120, 129, 132. ~—--———, distrusts Edicts, 132. ————~, Elizabeth advised support, 152. --~~ , death of, 158. Louis, Prince de [the younger], letter to, 224. WW, support of, sought by Prince Charles, 252. M ----- ~, receives letter frOm Louis XIV about death of Charles I, 303. Confolens [France], Coligny at. 163. Coniston, ML, of the Admiralty, letter to, 177. his brother—in~law, Mr. Massey, 177. his nephew, 177. Conors. See O’Connors. Constableship of France, 102, 107, 111. Constantinople, 45, 46, 51, 52, 60, 116. letter dated from, 298. advices from, 20, 21, 116, 298. plague at, 114. Seraglio at, 41. Continho, Francesco de Sousa [Portuguese Ambassador at the Hague], letter from, 256. Contreras, Ferdinando Ruiz de, letter to, 237. Conway, Sir Hugh, Treasurer of Calais, warrant to, 1. Cook, Major Thomas, passes for, to England and Paris, 272, 292. Cooke, Mr., Groom of Privy Chamber to Charles II, 256. Cookham [Berks], 188. Cooper, Dr. Thomas, Dean of Christ Church, Oxford, 153, 155. letter from, 119. , as Vice—Chancellor, 155. rOGOmmended for Deanery of Gloucester, 16]. Coote [Sir Charles], makes league with O’Neil, 299. the Mother to Copenhagen, letter dated from, 288. Copernicus [Nicholas], astronomer, 270. Copperas, made by Lord Mmmtjoye, 185. Coqueville, Captain, taken at St. Valery in CEmX, 121. beheaded at Abbevilio, 122. Cordeliors at Antwerp, spoiled by Protestants, 98. Cordove, Don Diego de, 54, 80. Corfu [Island of], 49. Cork, 00., 248, 277. Sheriff of, 62. O'rrnorid warned that Cromwell will land men. in, 260. Cormellon, M. do, 153. Cornelius : Captain Isaac, from. 276. Jasper, letter dated from, 303. John. letter dated from, com cern’ing a. prize, 276. Correll, Thomas, commission 291. Corseirs, gelleys of, 21. Spanish enter wise to Tripoli endangered )y, 27. in Corsica, 27. at Malta, 60, 61. Corse, a. fort in Corsica, :ll. Corsica. 37, 38, 41, 42, <14. 45, 47, 52. 55, 61. Pietro Corso in. See Corso. San Fironze in, attacked. 27. troops in, 26. Corso, San Pietro, 37, 42, 44, 47-49, 52, 61. in Corsica, 2'7, 29, «19. Cornwall : county of, 245. tin business in, 278. Royalists in, 293. war in, 278. Duchy of, Revenue Commie- sioners of, 278. letter dated for, Coryet, George, of N ew College, Oxford, 101. petition of, for parsonage of W'arham. Norfolk, 189. Cossé, Marshal Artus de Gonor de, 122, 125, 144. in Picerdy, 138. his warnings, 164. Cottington, Francis, Baron, one of Hemiette Maria’s Council at Paris. 208, 238, 261, 302. letters from, 273, 289. ~—-~-—- to, 279, 282, 283. sent with Hyde to Brussels and Spain. 256, 273, 306. Cotton. Sir Thomas, seamen, 22. 324 Council : Privy, 44, 80, 170, 183. ————— n, Lords of the, 5, 5'7, 64, 81, 152. ' -———, Clerk to, Rich. Fanshaw, 278. of Ireland, letter to, 264. of War, Parliamentary, letter to, 247. of State, deposition before, 266. , Clerk to, Walter Frost, 266. , “ Worcester papers ” delivered to, 294. Courland, James, Duke of, letters to, 230, 242. ‘ Duchess of, 242. Courtebourne, Governor of Calais, letters from, 225, 228, 232. Courthop, a. Protestant divine, 3. Courtrai, Cortrecht [Flanders], 131. Cousens, Alexander, sent from Scilly to Prince Charles, 274. Coutts, Mr., of Bruges, 264. Coventry, William, alias Crocker, letters from, 288, 298, 299. -————- to, 299. Coventry [Warwickshire], 179. Coverdal ['2 Coverdale, Miles], Protestant divine, 2. Cowdray [Sussex], 64. Cowell, Captain, ordered to appear before Prince Charles, at the Hague, 285. Cox, Richard, Bishop of Ely, 157, 158. letter from, 165. granted lease to Lord St. John of Bletso, 157. Cradock, Dr. [Edward ?] to dispute before the Earl of Leicester at Oxford, 155. Cradley [Herefordshire], the Rector of, 96. Cranbourne [Berks], 188. Cranford [Middlesex], letter dated from, 200. Craven [W’illiam], Earl of, 301. Crawford, Earls of. See Lindsay, Alexander and Ludovie. Cray [Kent], 275. Cressioner, Governor of Gravelines, 40. Crispe, Henry, a. messenger, 113. Croatia, threatened by Turks, 85. Crocciata [Crusade], the, 59. Crocker, Mr. See Coventry, William. Croft, Sir James, letter from, 79. services and grievances of, 80. Crofts, ‘William, 246, 247. letter from, 200. Croker, Thomas. See Seymore, John. 3 Crole, George, factor at Rotterdam, 288. Crombrack, Combake. See Culetn— burg. Crompton. See Crumton. Cromwell, Oliver, 299. certificate of, 266. Ormond warned of his intention to land in Munster, 260. will be crowned if he defeats Ormond, 300. Croop, Christopher, interested in the ship Benedict-ion, 194. Crow, Crowe: Hen ', letter from. 302. Sir ackville, Envoy to the Sultan, 298. ————-—, letters patent for, 194. ~—~——-, cipher of, 308. Crowley [? Robert]. a Protestant divine, 2. Grey, ll’hilip de, Duke of Aerschot. 4. Crurnton [‘1 Crompton], lends money to T. Killlgrew, 263. Crych, John, solicitor, of London, 223. Culemberg, Crombrack, Count of, 101, 103. Cullimore, Justice, note of money due to 303. Culpepper. See Colepepper. Cumberland, county of. troops for Ireland from, 86, 92. Cumnor [Oxon], letters dated from, 3. Cunningham: Alexander, Earl of Glencairn, at Lan idea, 118. Hugh an Robert, warrant to apprehend, 257. Curteys, Piers, Keeper of Great Wardrobe, warrant to, 1. Curtius, W'illiam, letters from, 231, 233-236, 240, 254. his assistance requested for “Mr. Carp,” 254. or es the importance of 8 eat to Charles II, 254. ur ed to obtain the Emperor’s etter against reception of “ rebel " envoys at Hamburg, 259. Cusack, Cusake, Sir Thomas, 14. letter from, 62. advice for orders in Ireland, 25. Customs, augmentation of English, 15. in Virginia, 263. King Charles I deprived of, 216. proposed increase of export duty on cloth, 191. ofiiccm in England dishonest, 6. of Antwerp, 325 Cyprus, Island of, 37, 4.1. D Daedalus, the flying Dutch fleet compared to, 271. Dale, Mr., co-adjutor to John Bay in his .H-istoria Planar-rum, 269. Dallny, Secretary, at Cavaillon, 31. Damascus, Bey of, 116. Damiano, Ridolfi, in London, 21. Dandelot, Francois de. See Andelot. Daniel, Terence, or O’Donnel, Thirlagh, Dean of Armagh, 63. 1,)anseus, Carolus, French sador in Denmark, 4. Dantzic [Germany], 149, 241. letter dated from, 56. Danube, River, 231, 235 Danvillc, Henri de Montmorency, Marshal of France, 11, 29, 49, 74. letter from, mentioned, 49. his wife, 29. his servant, Bateras, 33. quarrels with de Rais, 100. negotiates with Condé. 113. on his guard against Guises, 160. Darcy, captain of a Royalist frigate, 249. Dare, Capt. Robert of Lyme, con- tract of, with Prince Charles, for hire of Constant Wary-neck, 273. ‘William, prebendary Canterbury, 181. Darnley, Darling, Lord Henry. See Stewart, Henry. ambas- Darell, of ’Datchet [Bucks], 189. Dauncy, ML, 130. 7 Davenant, Davenett, Sir William, patent of, as joint Treasurer in Virginia, 284, 302. arms supplied by, in 1645, ac- count of, 302. Daventry, Dantry [Northants], 179. Davers, Mr. [or Danversj, of New College, Oxford, 89, 90. Davies, Richard, Bishop of St. Davids, 88. DavisOn, Captain Alexander, 280. Day : ‘ Christian, wife of Rowland Day, trumpet to C01. Harrison, petition for, 267. Day-conh Mr., to receive money for owners of sugar in captured ship, 284. Deal [Kent], 214. letter dated from, 293. Castle. 274. —~—-« -—. letters to Governor of, 278, 282. Deighton, Christopher, of W'orcester, proclaims Elizabeth, 44. Delinquents’ Estates, Commissioners of, 245. Della Coma: Ascanio, 47, 49, 52, 59. Fulvio, Cardinal of Perugia, 48. Della Croce, Marsilio, 100. letters from, 21, 36. Dc la. Quadra, Alvaro, Bishop of Aquila, Spanish ambassador to Elizabeth, 13, 35. De la Torre, Torrey, Jacques, 64. Del Guasto, Marquis, 22. Del Solero, Bonifaccio, letter to, 24. Delebecq, Louis, of Calais, com- plains of Seizure of a shallop, 228. Delgey, a Turkish commander, 60. Dcnby, Mr., 62. Dendermond, Dcrembnde, ders]. 247. Denhain,J0hn, 211, 226, 271, 272, 279. instructions to, 226, 227. Denmark, Kings of: Frederick H, 4, 5, 34, 149. ———, his proposed marriage to Mary, Queen of Scots, 4, 8. Frederick III, 257, 258. ~~~~, letters to. 237, 249. ~-~, appealed to, for Prince Charles, 246, 291. ~--~«~—, promises to help Prince Charles, 288. Fabricio and Luys, lute players, 30. Derby, Earl and Countess of. See Stanley. Derienne, Madelelin, of Calais, com— lains of seizure of a shallop, 28. Dereu, M. Sec Reux, de. Desmond, Earl of. Sec Fitzgerald, Gerald. Dettling [Kent], of, 2. Deux-Ponts, Duke of. briicken. Devereux : Robert, Earl of Essex, execution, 183. Mr., to be Governor of Mont— serrat, 280. [Flan- Denti, Chapel at, grant See Zwei— his 326 Devonshire, 245. Sheriff of, 245. tin business in, 278. Diamond, Captain, tried by a Council of W'ar at Scilly, 276. Dicks, Lt.~Colonel, to fetch arms from Earl of Brentford in Sweden, 302. Dieppe, Admiralty Court at, 193 sq. garrison doubled at, 126. Order of Conseil de la. Marine at, 193. Protestants at, 130. Dier, Mr., 102. Diest [Flanders], horse fair at, 50. Digby, George, Lord, afterwards Earl of Bristol, 249, letters to, 200, 203. letter from, 275. member of Queen Henrietta Maria’s Council at Paris, 208. Diggs, Mr., merchant, Rotterdam, asked to lend money to Prince Charles, 271. Dijon [France], Charles IX at, 26. Dillon, Thomas, Viscount, letter from, 206. Dissains, [‘2] Pent d’San [France], 137. Ditton, Dytton Park [Bucks], 189. Dixwell, John, si s for County Committee 0 Kent, 204. Dobeney. See Aubi y, d’. Docquerel, M., Ju ge of French Admiralty Court at Dunkirk, 262. D063, Mr., in London, 21. Dogs, as presents, 14, 19, 20, 102. Donard [Dohna], Baron de, raises horse for Charles II, 265. Dolheim, a. messenger, 129. .Dommer, Theodore, of Amsterdam, letter from, undertaking to supply ships to Charles II, 263. Doncaster, Dankster, Yorks, 123. Donoherche [? Dunkirk], 21. Donegal [Ireland], 86. Donnaneall [‘2 Dunally, 00. Down], 87. Dorchester, Dudley Carleton, Vis- count. Sec Carleton. Doria: John Andrew, 36, 38, 46, 4'7, 49, 54. -—~, at Bastia, 41. mm, lands at Istria, 42. »—-—-—, returns to Spain, 45. ——-—, takes Porto Vecchio, 42. Stefiano, 37, 41. Jqé:wwyy&;f-r «- ~ . 22:, Dorislaus, Dr. Isaac, letter to, 232. murder of, applauded in Bavaria, 255. “w, confessed by VVhitford, 266. Dormer, Sir William. letter from, ~ 144. Dorney [Bucks], vicar of, 189. Dorsetshire, 203, 268, 300. Receiver of Revenue in. See Long, Robert. Douai [Flanders], French army at. (1651), 265. Douglas : Francis, hurt by Lord Seton, 53. James, fourth Earl of Morton, at Langside, 118. -—~-—, his house at VVawhton besieged by the Hamiltons and Hepburns, 145. General Major [1 Robert], 258. William, aids Mary to escape from Lochleven, disappears at Kingston, 170. Mr., recommended as chaplain to Earl of Leicester, 148. 9. Scot, servant to Earl of Sussex, gives information about Ire» land, 124. Dourlens, Durlans, [France]. 125. Dover [Kent], 81, 97, 209, 261, 265, 280. a shallop of, taken by Royalist Captain, 225, 228, 232. Castle, 265. Down, Castle of [co. Down], 87. Downin , George, scout master of t 1e Parliament Army, letter from, 267. Downs, the, letters dated from, 219- 221. Roy alist ships in, 209—211, 218 220, 282, 287. Draffen [Draflam Fifeshire], 118. Dragut, Drogues, a Turkish Com— mander, 60, 61. killed, 65. Dress, bodices for Elizabeth, 46. anch tailor for her, 99. on Twelfth Night at Court of Mary, Queen of Scots, l2. Drogheda [1reland], letter dated from, 90. Drummoud, Sir Patrick, 246. to be Treasurer under Mont- rose, 288. Du Cree, French Aanassador in Scotland, 100, 104,106. returns without leave, 108. Du Court, Valet of the Chamber to Charles IX, draws portraits for Earl of Leicester, 132. 327 Dublin, 291). 300. letters dated from, 34, 182. towns near, surrender to Royalists, 272. Dudley Ambrose, Baron Lysle. 44, 51, 102. ~-~~~, copy of letters creating him Earl of W'arwick. S. President. of York. 12. , ~~ w, Burlace, his man, 55. ~w~~, marriage of, 68, 70. —---—- —, 111, 181. ‘—~ ,pediglce and com 01 186. Hean Lord, 35. Jane, I)uclnss of Northumbcr- land. postscript from, 2. John, Duke of Northui'nberlaud, 2, 24, 55. letter from, 1. John, son of the above, letter to, 1; his debts, 2. Mary, Lady, wife of Sir H. Sidney, 91. Lord Robert, Earl of Leicester, 27, 43, 50, 63, 65, 68, 77, 80, 81, 136, 145. ~~-~, letters from, 3, 46. 101, 170, 174, 177, 180. ~~~~~~ , letters to, 3«»—l78 pass-i171. pp. 3181. , Protestant divines reco1n~ mende to, by name, 2. w, a rider for, 17, 18, 24. ---——~, expected to be sent to Charles IX with Treaty of Troyes. 18. ———~. horses for, 14, 27, 35, 46, 50. — his Master of the Horse. See Blount,Chris. See Claudio. vvvvvv , receives Order of St. Michel, 31, 54 , expected to be made a. Duke, 32. , appealed to, on behalf of Protestant Ministms, 33, 42, 43, 87— 90. ”-5. an armourer for, 50. ————, sponsor to daughter of Signor Baroncolli. 47, 50. r-———, his “fellO1.1.-'—g()ssi[)s,” 44, 47: 51. ~———, urges Fiance to be friendly with Elizabeth 48. ~~—-~, his zeal fin “1t‘11g1011,” '53, 97. 117. 134, 139, 176. —-~—, 58.11 of his horse, 55, ~———~, possibility of his marriage to Elizabeth 57, (i7, 71; to Mary. Queen of Scots, 57. ~~~~ appealed to, by the Earl of Hartford, 72. Dudley, Lord Robert -—cont. -’~«, summoned to Windsor for installation of Charles IX, 73. ~- , Elizabeth will not Sign despatch about her marriage to Archduke Charles till she sees, 79. —m~~, negotiates with Dean, &.c., of \Vindsor for runners, &c., in Somerset, 89. WWW, acquires lease of Adder bury Parsonage. 89. ~—~-~, appealed to, by Lady Mary Grey. 95. ——-, Mary, Queen of Scots, writes of his encouraging amity between Elizabeth and herself, 96. w» -, writes to Paris for a. tailor for Elizabctl‘l. 99. w~-~~~, sends an adamant sepulchre to Tlu‘ogn'iorton, 102, 103. ~——, attempt to prove his complicity in death of Amy Robsart, 111, 119. ------- —, well disposed to Sir F. Englefield. 113. w-»-~-, obtains stewardship for his servant, Killigrew, 125. ~~~—~~-, two portraite of, 112. Wm, his cook Nicholas trans— ports wine and mullets [mules ‘1], to him, 144.. ,._.,_.’ delay in delivery of his letters at Tutbury Castle, 147. ~-——, warned of a 'Popish Spanish plot, 148: of con— spiracies, 157. — ----- -, his advice to the Queen on foreign policy not accepted, 152. «mm, arran oxnent-s for his visit- to Oxfor , 155. mam, urged to induce the Queen to help John Casiinir, 157— 159. ——-~—, recommended to appoint Dr. Cooper to Deanery of Gloucester, 161. ~~, Norreys Commends his family to him, 162. WM, his interest in hawking and hunting, 164. ------- ~. urged to suppress heretical books and vagrant persons at Oxford, 166. ~~-~«, his opinion on foreign policy, 170 sq. m“, requested to obtain two ships for John Hawkins, 174. 328 Dudley, Lord Robertrcom. ~~~~~~~~~ , admonishes Archbishop Parker on Church discipline, 175. ------------- , his support solicited by Mary, Queen of Scots, 177. ~w~»—, appeals to Bishop Scambler on behalf of Mr. W'yborne, 177. -~-v~—, arrangements for fire- works at Kenflworth, 178. mm", about to go to the Nether- lands, outfit, &c., 180. ~ ------------- . attested copy of his will, 182. ~w---, his brother—in-law, Sir Henry Sidney. See Sidney. —«~»--, his servant Pet. Sec Pet. ML, 178. Dumbarton, Dumbritton [Scotland], Chatelherault expected at, 125, 128, 130. Dumferlino, Abbot of. Sec Pitcairn, Robert. Dumfries [Seotland], 118. Dunally, 00. Down. SceDonnaneall. Dunbar [l‘laddingtonshire], Both- well and Queen Mary at, 101. Dundalk [00. Louth], 86. Dundrum [00. Down], 87. Dungarvan [co Waterford], 248. Dungeness [Kent], 205. Dunkirk [Flanders], 21, 200, 214, 288. letters dated from, 200, 261, 284. Admiralty Court of Charles II at, 261, 262, 286, 287. frigatcs to be obtained from, for Charles II, 279. Governor of, 262. VVhittington at, 288. Duren [Diirem Germany], Orange at, 131. Durham, Bishop of. See Pilkington, James. Dean of. Sec Whitingham, Win. letter dated from, 33. county of, needs religious men, 154. Durlans [France]. See Dourlens. Dutch, John, servant of the Count of Figueroa, 78. Dutch alarm at growth of Common- wealth of England, 304. Heat, the flying, verses on, 271. ships. not to be directly employed for Charles II, 301. vessel taken, 276. Dutchman, arrest of a, in London, 266. Dymock [? John], a prisoner, 7. E Earlcs, Dr. [John], chaplain to Charles II, 255. East India Com an , 278. Easter, Richer , gorter at Back- stairs to Charles II, 256. Easthampstead Park [Berks], 188. East F riesland. Sec Friesland. lcquan f? Econcn], France, 121. Edict [of Amboise 1?], the, 109, 129. distrusted by Condé, 132. Edicts, all, revoked, 133. Edinburgh, 77, 226. letters dated from, 11, 14, 56, 96, 101, 199, 221, 250, 252. Castle, Cessford imprisoned at, 101. ,-_._’ Prince James at, 101. Edenham, Edname [Lines], letter dated from, 71. Edward IV, extract from; his will, appointing two chantry priests at W'indsor, 1. reversal of Act declaring his children bastards, 1. Edward VI, 8, 23, 148. statute of,re Vintners, 93‘95. Edzart, Count of East F riesland, composition of, for merchants, 43, 73. Eger [Bohemia], W'ran el at, 235. Eglinton, Earl of. See ontgomerie, Hugh. - Egmont : Agamonte Lamoral, Count of Gavre, 14, 47, 50, 51, 55, 97. ——-, favours English merchants, 16, 17. ———, his death, 119, 127, 136. Madame, 139. Ehemius, Dr., 165. Elba [Italy], Corsairs at, 21. Elbe, River, 7. 0 Charles Gustavus on, 234. Elboeuf. Rene de, ‘Dalbeonf,’ 32. Elector Palatine. See Frederick, Sec Charles Lewis. Eliot, Min, Groom of Bedchamber to Charles II, 256. Elizabeth: Queen of England, 3, 6, 11, 14— 18, 20—27, 30, 32—36, 41~44, 50, 51, 55—59, 62, 64, 67—72, 75, 76, 79, 81, 86, 88, 90—92, 329 Elizabeth, Queen of England—«cont. /94«96, 98, 99, 102-407, 113-— 121, 123, 126, 128, 130, 132~ 135, 141-147, 149, 152—154, 164, 166, 170, 173—183, 185~ 187, 190—192. , letter from, 182. ~w-, —---, mentioned, 14, 17, 34, 67. —————, letters to, 10, 43, 65, 73, 86, 93, 107, 162, 173, 174, 187, 190. ---, M“, mentioned, 13, 24, 30, 33, 103, 132. -——-~, reported to convey armour into Russia, 5, 6; and to maintain pirates, 5. ——~~——, hazards her kingdom to preserve Scottish liberty, 5. aw, Otto, Duke of Luneberg worthy of pension from, 6. --~—, no Ambassador sent to, from Venice, 8, 34. , Lord Ryche requests interview with, 10. -~~~-, Heinrich, Duke of Bruns« wick—Luneburg offers troops to, 10. , Coligny mindful of her favour, 11. , Scotland faithful to, 12. m, advised as to recovery of Calais, 13. W, trade of, with Flanders, 15, 16. , too ready to make Treaty of Troyes, 17. , advised to encourage trade with Emden, 23. “w, advised as to economies in Ireland, 25, 26. , said to be unpOpular in England, 27. ~—-——, to sign Treaty of Troyes, 28. , to dispose of Collar of St. Michel, 32. , warned as to practises in Scotland, 32. , asked to check Desmond’s raids, 34. , ungracious to Chaloner at Madrid, 35. —-—, has no intelligence of death of Emperor Ferdinand, 36. ——~—, his obsequies kept by her, 38. —~—-, a rider from Madrid for, 41. ~-——-, proclaimed five times at Worcester, 44. Elizabeth, Queen of EiiglandWcont. , bodices for, 46. ~W. her support sought for the Huguenots. 48. ———W, her aInity to French King, 48. WWW, gift for, from the Lady Regent, 51. ~—----—~-, geldings and jerkins for, 51. WW, promises money to Count of East Friesland, 53. WWW, horses from Spain for, 54. reported to have sent Darnley to Scotland, 54. WW, anxiety as to her marriage, 54. WW, claims poundage on goods sent to Flanders, 55W58, 64. , said to favour Leicester’s marriage with Mary Queen of Scots, 57. WW», her administration of Ireland, 6264. ----«-W-—, a matter of the Emperor Maximilian promoted with. by Leicester, 65. Hawkins return to, 65. , reported to be sending Sussex to Scotland, 67. W ~, at Ankerwick. 67. reports his marriage of, 67. WW-, weakness of her policy, 70, 77. WW, clemency of, for Earl of Hcrtford begged by his mother, 73. -—W, her picture seen by Mary, Queen of Scots, 77. WW, her court said to be immoral, 77. WW, proposed marriage of, with Archduke Charles, 78, 79, 81. WWW, petition of Sir James Croft to, 79. WWW, advised as to Irish policy, 87. WW, charges of her visit to Oxford, 92. WW, petitioned by the Vintners’ Company, 93. W-W, appeal of Lady Mary Grey to, 95. ------ W, tailor for, from France, 99. WWW, perplexed about Ireland, 103. , inaction. of, affairs, 107. W, her marriage said to be hindered by Leicester, 112. Scotch in foreign 330 Elizabeth, Queen of EnglandWcont. WW, angry with Sir F. Engle. field, 113. , said to be Catholic, 115. ———W-, disposed to find money for Huguenots, 116. WW, her irresolution when approached by the Lords of Scotland, 119, 120. WW, 1..-“, the French, 121. W~W, Italian conSpiracy against, 123. W ~~~~~ ~, complains that Boltdn Castle was not ready for Mary, Queen of Scots, 123. , warned of the un— protected state of Kent, 126. ~~~~~~~~~~ , has an opportunity in French affairs, 130. W sends message to French Court, 132. W, Montmoreney’s affection for, 134. WWW, lawsuit of, with Earl of Northumberland about mines, 135. ------------- —, Sir R. Bagenall’s debt to, 136. W, in treaty for furniture, 139. WWW, seizes money on Spanish ship at Southampton, 140, 145. . sends Mary to Tutbury Castle, 147. WW, her popularity at Ham— burg, 149. WW, danger to, if she retain Mary, 150, 166—170. , irresolute and parci- monious in policy, 151, 152. 3 her letters to Norreys intercepted, 152, 163. WWW, plots against, 155, 157. W --------- -, asked to furnish money for Casimir, 156—159. WW, reported to have sent ships and money to Rochelle, 162. W-, proposed progress of, to Hampshire, 162. _. reported to be about to invade France, 164. WWW, her support desired by the Huguenots, danger of her inaction, 165. - ------ W, her difficulties in 1569, 170—172. WWW, requested to encourage Hawkins, 174. , her Church discipline, 17 4— 176. Roman 331 Elizabeth, Queen of England—«cont. , Mary, Queen of Scots, appeals to, 177. , arrangements for her visit to Kenilworth, 178, 179. , her commission to Lord 3 Buckhurst, 180. ——~--r~, expenses of her govern- ment in Ireland, 181. ~——-, writes to Earl of Pem- broke about his son, 182. v—w, fees, &c., at Windsor in her reign, 187. Princess, daughter of Charles I, 5 letter from, 258. daughter of Maximilian II, to marr Charles IX, 102, 162. Elliotts or lwoods, the, 66. Elles, Mr., '78. Ellys, Maturine, a French trader in Russia, 143. Elmy, Robert, a Suffolk Royalist, 304. ' Elwoods, the. See Elliotts, the. Ely, Bishop of. See Cox, Richard; Church of, owns villages, 158. Dean of. Sec Perne, Andrew. I Isle of [Cambs], mentioned, 157, 158. Ember, River [Ems], 22, 23. Emden, Count of. See Edzart. Sec Friesland, East. Emden [now in Germany], 54, 148, 180. letters dated from, 22, 53, 62. account of, 24—24. Burgomaster of, office of, 22: executed for treason, 127. compared with Antwerp as a market for English goods, 39 sq. fighting near, 124, 125. government of, 22. instructions for Commissioners concerning, 43. , Pastor of, informs against Burgomaster’s treachery, 127. proposal to grave river to, from Miinster, 23. support of , sought for Charles II, 258. trade with, 16. Valder, the new town at, 23. Emperors, Empress: Charles V, 4, 17 2. Ferdinand I, 6, 27, 107, 108. , practises with the Pope, 4. ————, tries to borrow money, 4. , complains of export of arms from England to Russia, 6. -————, health of, 19, 26. Emperors, Empress, Ferdinand I—-— cont. -~, question of his daughter Giovanna’s marriage, 27. , Mass for, at Rome, 29. «w», death of, not announced to Elizabeth, 38. , obsequies of, in England, 36, 38. Ferdinand III, 231. , acquires part of Transyl- vania by death of Rakéczy, 233, 236. , makes Peace of West— phalia, 234. , marries his daughter Maria to Philip IV of Spain, 236. ~-~, to go to Hungary, 236. MM, his troops at Prague, 234. ~-, will restore the Frankel» thal to Charles Lewis, 254. , appealed to, by Charles II, 258. , mged to prevent rece tion of “ rebel” envoys at am— burg, 259. Maria, Empress, Wife of Maxi- milian II, 85. Maximilian II, 33, 36—38, 42, 43, 45, 51, 60—62, 99, 108, 127,136,154,156. , letter from, 65. , receives condolence from the Pope, 29. -~—, to marry his eldest daughter to Don Carlos, 29. —-—, his Ambassador at Rome offended, 40. wwm, and Zapoyla, 41, 51. , receives grant from Diet, and hat and sword from Pope, 45. , requests license for marriage of priests, 46. ————-, description of, 85. -~—-, to marry his son to Margaret of Valois, 102. ——-—, ex ected to invade France with ’hilip II, 106. - , designs to make Empire hereditary, 107. , his relations with the Sultan, 103, 107, 108, 116. , angry with Alva, 119. .——, his matters at Spires, 119. , his attitude after execu- tion of Egmont and Horn, 136. Empire, the States of, 236, 254. army of, 241. Enfield [Middlesex], interview between Elizabeth and Haw- kins at, 66. England: Kings of. See Edward IV; Edward VI ; Henry VII; Henry VIII ; Philip ; Charles I; Charles II; Prince James, Duke of York. Queens of. See Mary ; Elizabeth; Henrietta Maria. trade of, with East Friesland, 43. ————— Emden, 16. —-~—- Flanders, 15, 16, 55m57. —— Russia, 143, 149. Venice, 8. Englefield, Inglefield, Sir Francis, letters from, 17. his suit to the Queen, 17, 113. at Madrid, 93. 113. English : man arrested and taken to Alva, 131. nobles, disposed to side with, Cardinal of Lorraine, 134. troops reported to be going to France, 164. Engraving on precious stones, 35. Enkhuisen, Encliuysen [Holland], ships for King Charles at. 204. Eric XIV of Sweden. See Sweden. Erlau, Agria [Hungary], Bishop of, Antonio Verantius, 108. Errington, Captain, captures the Pelican, 205. Erskine: John, Earl of Mar, 104. -~-—, at Langside, 118. Mr., brother of above, 104. James, commission for, 257. Espes, Guerau (1’, letters from, 136, 145. arrested, 152. question of a house for, London, 162. Robert, Earl Devereux, Robert. Archdeacon of. Thomas. Esslingen [Wurtemberg], 84. Essonnes [France], 11. Evans : Cornelius. See Yvins. Stephen, money due to, by Prince Charles, 277. in Essex, of . See, Essex, See Cole, Evel rn : Elizabeth [daughter of John], name pencilled on back of a letter, 152. John, 181, 201, 204. -—-——-, his two apers 0n the Sovereignty o the $935», 267. 332 Evelyn, J ohn———cont. ~———, paper on New England, written to, 271. Even [Monastevim co. Kildare 1’], garrison at, 25. Evreux [France], Morvilliers, Jean, Bishop of, Ambassador to Henry VIII, 1. letter dated from, 202. Ewelme [Oxon], 179. Exchange, bill of, 98. of English mOney in Paris, 105. Exchequer, Court of, 183. Executions in Flanders, victims to be houseled, 136. Exeter [Devon], 245, 260. letter dated from, 50. wine duties at, 190. Bishop of. See Alle , Wm. , revenues of ee of, 50. Exploration. purposed by Elizabeth, 6 Export of cloth, 186, 191. of corn, from England to Antwerp, 69. Exton [Rutland], letter dated from, 77. Eyemouth, Ayemouth [Berwick- shire], viewed by Mary, Queen of Scots, 68, 69. F Fairfax : Ferdinand, Baron, letter from, 201. Thomas, Baron, 299, 300, 307. , letter from, 290. , to, 247, 293. m-..) in Devon, 245, 289. , urged by Prince Charles to save Charles I, 247, 287. Fairweather, Captain, desires com- mission [from Prince Charles], 291. Falconbridge, Falkinbridge, [Thomas], petition in favour of, 267. Fano [Italy], Bishop of, sent to Maxunilian II, 52. Fanshaw, Richard, 227, 245, 278. letters from, 287, 291. in Ireland, 241. travelling to Ireland through France, 287. . his amounts, 290. Famese : Alexander, Prince of Parma, 55. Cardinal, 25, 26, 28, 40. Cardinal Ranucci, 59. Ottavio, Duke of Parma, 7, 48, 59. Farnham, Robert, Sir Thos. Chaloner’s servant, 25, 30. Fedan [00. Tyrone], 86, 87. letter dated from, 14. Federi [MS. tom] Salvestro Dipro., letter from, 21. Fénélon, de la Mothe, French Ambassador, letter from, 146. Ferdinand de Toledo, Prior of Malta, 173. Ferdinand II, Duke of Florence, 263. Feria, Count and Countess of. See Figueroa. Ferling [? Netherlands], letter dated from, 206. Ferlito, Girolamo, Minister of Italian Church in London, letter from, 139. Ferrabosco : a rider of Bologna, 24, 26, 28. Alfonzo, 190. Ferrara: Abraham, merchant of Amster- dam, 275. Duke [Alfonzo II] of, 27, 86. Duchess [Renee] of, 113. Field, Mr, astationer of Fleet Street, 288. Fife, James, 232. Figueroa, Figorhoa, Feria: Gomez, Count of, 54, 62, 77, 81, 92, 93, 115. , quarrels with Earl of Arundel, 97, 114. Jane, Countess of, 54, 77, 97, 144. Laurenzo, takes Argolie, 42. Finch, Heneage, Earl of Winchilsea, letter to, 297. Finchampstead [Berks], 188. Fisher : Mr., warrant to, to sell goods taken by the Royalist fleet, 291. William, buys lead at Pente— fract Castle, 288. Fishery, and Sovereignty of the Sea, Evelyn’s papers on, 267. Fitzalan, Henry, Earl of Arundel, 79, 103, 111. letter from, 146. journey of, to Augsburg. 82. threatened by de Feria, 97, 114. Fitzgerald: Gerald, Earl of Desmond, 26, 90, 92. 333 Fitzgerald, Gerald, Earl of Des- mondwont. , his violence, 34, 62. Gerald, Earl of Kildare, 87. Sir Maurice, Sheriff of co. Cork, 62. Fitzjames, Mrs. Elizabeth, letter from, 243. her husband [John], 244. Fitzwilliam, Sir William, 91. Flanders, 28, 30, 35, 39, 40, 48, 80, 92, 93, 96, 120, 121, 129, 253. attitude towards France, 13. Captains of, and Coqueville, 122. , levy troops in Spain, 115. English fugitives in, supported by Philip II, 114. French advance upon, 265. garrisons in, 130. horses from, 50, likely to be attacked by France, 115. money sent to, from Spain, 116. news from, not allowed in Paris, 122. Philip II expected in, 99, 100. Protestants in, 96. trade of, with England, 15, 16, 28, 40, 55—59, 86. with Venice, 8. Flamsteed, John, Astronomer, letter from, 269. Fleet. See also Ships. the Royalist, 209 sq., 230, 238 note, 242, 248, 273, 274, 283, 285, 287—289, 291. «mm, officers of, letters from, 274, 289. ~4— ~—— —~——— and instruc- tions to, 209«211, 213—215, 230, 279, 282. —~—~ at Calais, 213. at Kinsale in danger, 272, 299. —-—— at Goree, 220. Batten, Sir W., to be Vice Admiral of, 292. Constant Warwick, the, officers of, thanked, 279. Lord Willoughby of Par- ham, Vice Admiral of, 211. ~——- doubtful Whether Lord Willoughby will be accepted as Admiral by, 211. in the Downs, 210, 218, 282. , in touch with the Parlia- mentary fleet, 274. Kentish gentlemen to com~ mand, in Willoughby’s ab- sence, 279. liberty of Dutch ports requested for, 217. Fleet, the Royalist—cont. off Ireland, 272, 299. ——- Prince Charles goes to, 213, 219. Rupert to wear the Standard on “ the Admiral,” 284. provisions for, 239, 283. m»— question of command of, 291. —— summoned by Lord War— wick, 292. to relieve the Kentish Cas- tles, 214, 215, 274, 280, 287. Parliamentary revolt of ,289. the Spanish treasure, to be waylaid by Hawkins, 173. Fleming: Mary, Queen of the Bean, 11, 12. Sir William, messenger between Prince Charles and the Scots, 219, 221. Flemings, summoned to France, 153. Florence [Italy], Dukes of. See Medici, Cosmo. See Ferdi— nand II. Cavalcanti going to, 9. painter from, 44, 50. Prince Charles appeals to, 244. Florentines, in London, 21. Florida, 54, 55, 62. visited by Hawkins, 66. Floyde, [? Lloyd, Hugh] Mr., Chap- lain to Charles II, 256. Flushing [Vlissingem Zeeland], the Earl of Leicester expected at, 180. memorial of Otto de la Porte, merchant of, 232. Foix [Paul de], 99. Foliot, Thomas, Lord, commander of a Derry regiment, 257. Folly John [Berks], 188. Fontainebleau [France], 100. Foord, Sir Edward, letter from, concerning Portsmouth and Southampton, 283. Ford, Richard, merchant of Rotter- dam, 227. letters from, 274, 275, 291. letter to, 271. lends money to Prince Charles, 271, 274, 275. Foot, Joshua, lends money to Prince Charles, 285. Forcheim [Bavaria], Wrangel near, 235. Forster, Sir John, Warden of the Middle Marches, 66. Fortescue, Sir Edmund, holds Sal- combe for Charles I, 277. Fortini, Baptista, in London, 21. 334 ! Foster : Mr., of New College, Oxford, 89, 90. Colonel, a Royalist, 281. Fountagne, Peter. See La Fontaine, de. Fowler, Mr., 76, 77. Fourquevaulx, de, Raymond (:16 Beccarie, French Ambassador in Spain, 114, 115. Fox [? Foxe, John], a Protestant divine, 2. Foxe, Colonel, letter to, 208. Mr. Somerset, at Havre, 213. France, 48, 55, 62, 200, 204, 208, 224, 249, 252, 253, 303. Admiral of. See Coligny. Admiralty Court of, at Dieppe, 193 sq. advices from, 42. Agent from, in Ireland, 249. Ambassadors of. See Ambas- sadors. Chancellor of, Michel de l’Hopital, 31, 97, 109, 110. Constable of. See Bourbon, Charles, Duke of. See Mont— morency, Anne. Constableship of, 102, 107, 111. Court of. 252. cruelty of, towards Frenchmen, 117. dangers to Elizabeth, in rupture With, 13. divisions in, 75. Elizabeth’s relations with, 5, 12, 13, 29. exiles frOm, to return from England, 164. Grand Escuyer de, le Due de Rouanais [Claude Gouffier], 134. ~—~—-, released by Condé, 145. Kings of: Charles VI, ordonnances of, about prizes, 194. Charles IX, 17, 19—21, 26, 29, 31, 32, 52, 54, 62, 105—111, 113, 122, .123, 125, 126, 129, 133, 136— 139, 142, 155, 160. ~--~-——, letters from, 105, 106. —~—-. ~m to, 105. —«-——, makes Treaty of Troyes, 17, 18, 28, 29. , wishes Robert Dudley to be sent to ratify Treaty of Troyes, 18. , question of precedence of his Ambassador at Rome, 20—22. run '5'; m' ‘ France, Kings of. Charles lX-mcom. , receives Dukes of Ferrara and Savoy, 27. . advised not to break the Edict of Orleans, 31. , visit to Marseilles, 32; and Aix, 31, 32. —~~-—, Swiss agree to serve under, 40. -~—, requests the Pope to make new Cardinals, 45. , disposed to amity with Elizabeth, 48, 121. o-——~—~, sends Order of St. Michel to Earl of Leicester, 54. ~---, averse to an English marriage for Mary, Queen of Scots, 54. , restores Corsica to Genoa, 61. , desires to reconcile the Guises and Condé, 74, 75. —~-, dispute in his presence between Montpensier and l’Holiital, 97. —-———, to marry Elizabeth of Austria. 102. —---»-, orders Provost of Paris to release Barnaby, 105. --~, anxious to release Mary, Queen of Scots and to secure Prince James of Scotland, 106, 120. -— , relations of, with Philip of Spain, 108. , interview of, with Zuleger, envoy of Elector Palatine. 109 sq. , recalls ambassador from Portugal, 114. —~—-, urged by King of Spain to persecute Hugue- nots, 115. , anxious to know whether Elizabeth will marry, 121. ———, advised by Mont- morency to be friendly with England, 121. , proclamation of [la courte paix ?], 129. , sends de Maude to Scotland, 130. , disposed for conces- sions to Huguenots, 132. , sends his portrait to Earl of Leicester, 132. , dangerously ill, 132. , annoyed at a message from Elizabeth, 133. 335 France, Kings of, Charles 1X~~ccnt , leaves Paris, 135. .2.“ tries to persuade Orange to retire, 139, 142. ————-, his movements, 146. , sends galleys to Scot- land, 150. , not disposed to quarrel with Elizabeth, 151. m— ----- , at Metz, 153. ~-— , pledges jewels at Venice, 154. “—w, threatened by the Palsgrave, 156. WW, tries to stop advance of Deux-Ponts, 157. , supported by Alva, 159. —, sells abbeydands, 161. -~—~, persuades Marquis of Baden to attack Norreys, 162. 1.--..- _. in personal danger, l 63. «ww, the rise of his brother Henry dangerous to him, 174. -~ , Treasurer to. See. Errandeville. —————————————— .Valet of the Chamber to. See Du Court. Francis I, rebellion of Duke of Bourbon against. en- couraged by Henry VIII, 152. ———~--, ordonnances about prizes, 195. Henry II, the I rite-rim due to, 110. Henry III, ordonnances of, about prizes, 195 sq. Henry IV, 157, 161. ‘ Louis XIV, Charles 11 seeks his support, 252, 277. m»—, Marine of, Conseil de la. rigour of, 193 sq. knight of, taken at Malta, 61. Queens of: Anne of Austria, 252. Catherine de MediciJB-QO, 27. 29, 32, 48, 100, 109, 111, 121, 1'22, 132. ——-~-, promises release of Killigrew, 10. ___..~, warns Coligny of danger, 11. . requests Pius IV to make new cardinals, 45. —~--—, at Bayonne, 49, 52. , anxious for peace, 74, 75, 96, 113, 131. W3 will not sit beside the saddle, 99. 336 France, Queens of, Catherine de Medici~—cont. -, her government mis- liked in Paris, 99, 122. , and the Constableship of France, 102, 107. , intrigues with Maxi— milian II, 102. —n-~, reconciled with Spain, 108. ——~—-, at the interview with , Zuleger, 109 sq. I ———--—-, opposed to Cardinal of Lorraine, 117, 131. ~——v—. fire at her lodging, 142. »»—, willing to cede Metz, 147. Franchiotto, Signor IL, letter from, 136. Frenconia, Diet of, 234, 235, 240. Swedes in, 241. Francourt, an Agent for Condé, treats with DeuX-Ponts, 138. Frankenthal, Francedal [Palatinate]. 234. its restoration to Charles Lewis, 254. Frankfort [011 Maine],- 85, 151. letters dated from, 233—236, 240. Diet at, 165. Montrose sent to, 254. pence. rejoicings at [1648], 235. Fraser, Dr. [Alexander], physician to Charles II, 256. Freeman : Mr., quarterwaiter to Charles II, 255. 1 Mrs, laundrcss to Charles II, 256. } Frederick 111, Elector Palatine, 1 5, 83—85, 109-111, 116, 156, 157, 159. 3 letter from, 154. ——-—‘, mentioned, 156. ——-~—’- to, 152. ; complains of the execution of ‘ Egmont, 119. 126, 136. l l l l desires money from Elizabeth 156. to marry Brederode‘s widow, 154-. Frederick, Don, of Toledo, Alva.’s son, 135, 173. Fregoso, Octavian, General of French galleys, 126. French: report at Madrid of their vic~ tory at Havre, 13. in Florida, 54, 55. in Thirty Years War and after, 231, 234—236. 7 French—«cont. take up Dutch ships, 204. threatened with war by Catholic powers, 106. French, Captain Oliver, Alderman of Galway, 291. M. de, quarrels with Bonavidiz, 55. Friars report in Paris that England is restored to the Roman Church, 97. Friesland. Duke of. Alva in, 125. Friesland, East: Anna, Countess Dowager of letters from, 53, 62. —————, John, her son, promised money by Elizabeth. 53, 62. —~~-~*. their grant to Merchants Adventurers, 73. English trade with, 43. Count [Ennon Louis] of, Count of Emden, 257. Frisian Sea, nearer Cathayia, 6. Fritwell [0x011], Earl of Rutland’s tenants at, 177. Frost, Walter, Clerk of the Council of State, 266. Frenz, de route to Fuensaldaigno [Alonzo Perez do Vivero], Conde de, letter from, 206. Fulford. Foulforth [Yorks]. letter dated from. 201. Fulham [MiddlesexL letter dated from, 145. ‘ Fnlke, William, Fellow of St. John’s College, Cambridge, 165. Furlimpoli in Romagna [Italy], 37. Furniture for sale, 139. Furs, trade, in, 143. G Gaeta. [Italy]. 40. Galese. G‘aelese [Italy ?], an estate, 36, 38. Galleys, improved Toledo, 61. movements of, 24, 26, 2?. 33, 40, 41, 42, 45, 4.7, 48, 59, 60, 61. 64, 99, 126. English prisoners on, at Mar- seilles, 99. to trouble Scotland. 150. Galloway [Kirkcudbrightshire]. letter dated from, 284. Bishop of, 177. by Garcia di Gally, Sjodm’ of Jersey, a traitor, L1H- Galway [Ireland], 291. Gamahul, Gaspar, correspondent of Henry Killigrew, 164. Gamekeepers, appointment of, 268. Garcia de Toledo { Viceroy of Sicily], :6, 27, 36, 40, 59, 61, 62, 64, 5. relieves Malta, 64. Gardener, Mr., taken for tampering Evith Portland and Plymouth, ‘ 00. Garendon [Leicestershire], dated from, 104. . Garrett, Mr., at Havre, 213. Garter, Order of the: for Charles IX of France, 73. for Francois, Due de Mont- morenci, 121. Knights of, at W’indsor, 89. Gascoigne. Sir Bernard, in prison at Windsor, 290. Gascony, 87, 99. for religion, 132. troops from, at Poitiers, 138. Gasenne [France, ?Jazeneui1], fight— ing at, 137. Gastoldo, John Baptista, a General, 37. Geislingen [VVurtemberg], 84. Geneva, 19, 126. threatened by France, the Pepe and Spain, 27. Genlis [Francois de Hangest], a Huguenot captain, 139. his death, 153. Genoa [Italy], 42, 44—48, 99, 100, 102, 103. Arfglduke Charles embarks at, 7.. advices from. 42. at war with Pietro Corso, 52. Consul of Charles II at, 263. Genoese, in Corsica, 29, 61. sumpicious of cession of Saresana and Saresanella, 20. Georgesson, Cornelius, of Amster- dam, 5. his son in London, 5. Gerard (Jarret) : Charles, Baron, 208. 252. , letter from, 275. --—-, Gentleman of Bed— chamber to Charles II, 255. John, pass for, 276. Gerbier, Sir Balthasar, cipher used with, 308. German: Bish0ps, 4, 174. Princes, 23, 159, 164, 165, 186. , deliberate at Cologne, 137. letter 337 German. Princes-«cont. m“, Elizabeth support, 152. MW, desire Maximilian not to lend money to France and Spain, 136. mm, offer to aid Maximilian against the Turk, 86, 99. horsemen, 156. troops after Peace of West- phalia, 235. Germany, 23, 62, 8285, 103,108, 157. state of religion in, 4, 101, 109. Low, Swedish forces in, 257. Ghent [Flanders], horse fair at, 50. Gilbie [TI Gilby, Anthony], a Protestant divine, 2. Gillingham [Kent], 165. Gilpin, George, letters from, 7, 69, 137. at Brussels, 14, 15. Giovanna or Joanna, daughter of Emperor Ferdinand I, 20, 48. refused to Duke of Ferrara, 27. proposed marriage of, to the Vaivode, 27. Giraldus Cambrensis quoted, 87. Glamor-gen, Earl of. See Somerset, Edward. Glasgow, letter dated from, 118. Parliament at, 145. Bishop of. Sec Beaten, James. Glattaw [? Poland], 241. Glencaim, Alexander, fifth Earl of. See Cunningham, Alexander. Glens, Glyns, the [00. Antrim], 87, 124. Glienne [? Green], a Royalist, 264. Gloucester, Deanery of, Dr. Cooper recommended for, 153, 161. Gloucester-shire, 203. receiver of revenues in [Robert Long], 278. Glover : George, suspected at Paris, 113. Agent for Russia Company, 143, 149. Gloves, perfumed, 25. Godfrey, Lambarde, signs for County Committee of Kent, 204. Godwyn, Thomas, Dean of Christ Church, Oxford, letter from, 92. Gogh ['3 John], a Protestant divine, 3. “ Golden Bull,” in Brabant, 183. Golding, Captain, ordered to appear before Prince Charles, 285. Goletta [‘2 Tunis], 61. Gold, for Prince Charles, 228, 274, 283. Gonor or Gonora, do, sent to England with Treaty of Troyes, 18, 75. p22 advised to Gonzago: Louis de, Prince of Mantua, 49. , marries Henrietta de Nevers, 18, 42. offers to join Maximilian against the Turk, 86. to take Treaty of Troyes to England, 18. Cardinal. 40. Goppingen [W'urtemberg], 84. Gordon : George, Earl of Huntley, 76, 77, 118. , at Glasgow for a Parlia- ment, 145. George. Marquis of Huntley, 252. John, Earl of released, 76. Captain W'illiam, 280. Lieut. William, 280. Goree [Holland], 204, 220, 275, 279. letter dated from, 289. goods seized at, 275. Goring : George, Earl of Norwich, letters to, 281, 283. --~, at Colehester, 213. m, Commander ~ in - Chief, 1648, 273. George, Baron, 214, 218, 229, 246, 293. »»»»» , letter from, 290. mm, -—-~ to, 282. mew, wishes to entertain Duke of York at Brussels, 247. Gotha [Germany], siege of, 101. Gouffier, Claude. See France, Grand Escuyer de. Gough, Goffe : Dr. Stephen, 278, 293. , letters frOm, 282, 287, 290. _, —~ and instructions to, 215, 276, 279, 280, 282, 285, 287. , sent to Rotterdam to raise money, 215, 216. , at the Hague, 202. , sent to Prince of Orange, 233. ———--, his failings, 202. John. See Gogh. Goulain. Rene de Laudonniere, Villa Gallion, a Frenchman at Terra Florida, 62. Goyland [West Friesland], Bailliage of, granted to son of Andrew Pauw, 251. Grace, Pic-rs, 92. Graham : J ames, Marquis of Montrose,- 246, 258, 287, 304. Sutherland, 338 Graham, James, Marquis of Mont- rose—~cont. -, letters from, 253, 254, 278, 289. ——--, to, 207, 279. «we, sent to Germany, &c., 253, 272. , memorandum for, in his own hand, 257. , to receive arms, 260. J ohn, later third Earl of Mont- rose, at Langside, 118. William, Earl of Menteith, at Langside, 118. Grammont, Grandemoun, Count of, a Huguenot, 100, 132. Grandeville, Treasurer to Charles IX, 75. Grantz de Pommar. See Pommar. Granvelle, Antoine Perrenot de, Cardinal, against England, 16. in Burgundy, 69. (fu‘rravelines [Flanders], the Governor of, 40. Gravesend [Kent], 23, 266. Gray, Graye, Grey, Greye: Lady Catherine, Wife of Lord Hertford, 72, 73. Lady Mary, letter from, asking forgiveness for her marriage, 95. William, Baron Grey de Wilton, Governor of Berwick, 80, 145. Mr., 8. seaman, 165. Great[h]am [co. Durham], hospital at, 154. Great Wardrobe. Greek: 9. Christian, flayed at Con- stantinople, 20. language studied at Con- stantinople, 20. Green, Captain Richard, 3. Royalist. 208. letter from, 306. to, 209. Greenland, passage between, and Norway and Lapland, 6. English “fleet” to, 301. Greenvill, or Grenewiche, Thomas, prebendary in Hereford Cathedral, 96 note, 98. Greenwich [Kent], 112. warrant dated from, 1. letter dated from, 182. observatory, 270. ~~-, letter dated frOm. 269. Greenwood, Wm., Commission for, to keep Yarmouth for the Kinv, 282. Gregory Ifi. Pope, his crest, 178. See Wardrobe. Gregory, Dr. [David], astronomer, 269. Grenfild, Mn, a Royalist, 264. Grenville, Sir John, Governor of Scilly, 227. 248, 260, 285, 303. instructions for, 230. letters from, 259, 276, 278. ' warrant to, for a seal Admiralty Court, 285. “ .rrenyll,” a messenger, 92. Gresham, Gressham, Sir Thomas, 98, 113, 137. letter from, 142. case of, 7. character of. 6. his servant, Richard Clough, 35, 172. Grey Friars, Council of, at Brussels, 8. Griel, Jean, appears for English Ambassador in French Prize Court at Dieppe, 193. Griffin, ML, 123. Griffith, Captain, letter from, 304. disburses money for Charles II, 286. letter of, for commissions, 287. Grindal, Edmund, Bishop of London, letters from, 145, 148, 161. Grisons, the [Switzerland], 48. Great, Elizabeth and Malcombe, 267. Groningen, garrison at, 148. Louis of Nassau at, 124. no ships at, 148. Grove, Major, warranted for what he attempted in Cornwall, 278. Gualterotti, Monsr. Phillippo, 51. Guernsey, 283, 285, 287. attacked by Royalists. 274, 275. Dean of, 80. factions in, 80. Jurats of, 80. See also Castle Cornett. Guidubaldo II, Duke of Urbino, 36, 38, 59, 61. at Rome, 19. Guienne, Gyan, 87. Guildford [Surrey]. 64. Guinea [Africa], Company, 285. owners of the Coranalin» frigate, 271. Guise : Anne, Duchess of, 42. Claude, Duke of Aumale. Aumale. Francis, Duke of, 11, 42, 75. Henry, Duke of, 74, 120, 136, 137. ' House of, 42, 74, .109, 110, 132. Louis, Cardinal of, 162. Gunpowder and ammunition, Antwerp, 44, 46, 51. for See at 339 }unpowder and ammunition—cont. at Calais, l. for Elizabeth, 44, 51. for Charles II, 213, 214, 217, 227, 248, 253, 259, 263, 271, 292. Guns, &c., 60, 204, 225, 228, 239, 240, 248, 253, 259, 260, 262, 263, 271. Gurone. See. Bertano. Guttridge, William, master—gunner, killed in Scotland, pension for his Widow Elizabeth, certified by Cromwell, 266. Guzman, Don Diego Guzman de Silva. See Silva. Gysland [Gilsland 1?], Northumber- land, 86. H Hachicourt, Sieur do. See Mont— morency, Philip. Hackett [Halkhead, Hawkhead, alias James, Lord Ross], taken at Langside, 118. Haddenham [Cambridgeshire], lease of pasture at, granted to Lord St. John of Bletso, 157. inhabitants of, bound by this lease to maintain a bank in the ions, 158. Haddington [Scotland], 80. Haddon, Walter. Commissioner at Brugos, 56. Hagard, Colonel, 272. Hague, the, 180, 18], 201, 233, 285, 287. letters dated from, 205, 208, 221, 2264230, 232, 235, 237, 240»242, 247, 251, 253, 256, 258, 264, 271, 272, 275, 276, 285, 290, 295. Halberstadt [Germany], Diet at, 7. Hale, Mr. [‘2 Sir Matthew], cipher of, 308. Haliday, Adam, divine, 2. Halifax, George, Marquis of. Savile, George. Hall, Min, scholarship at Winchester College sought for his son, 284. Halley [Edmund], astronomer, his Theory 0/ the Varmtiom, 269. Halliburton. Mr., desires a com- mission, 254. 264, 206, 233, 250, a Protestant Sea Ham [Picardy], Prince of Orange at, 137. Hamburg [Germany], letters dated from 3, 148, 151, I56, 158. news from, 164, 165. convention at, 164. English trade with, 149. llerrle at, 7. Killigrew’s journey Heidelberg, 153. merchants of Flanders become burgesses of, 149. Mont-rose at, 272. reception of rebel envoys at, the Emperor to be asked to prevent, 259. refuses to lend money Emperor Ferdinand, 4. ships detained by King of Denmark, 4. ship, perhaps carrying embassy from Scotch Papists, lost on coast of, 148. support of, sought for Charles 11, 216, 257. threatened by Danes and Duke of Holstein, 149. Hamilton : Sir George, to employ Irish refiners, 249. James, Duke of Chatelherault, 66, 70, 71, 104. ~~~—-, letter from, 68. ~~~~~~~~ , movements of, 125—130, from, to to , Elizabeth tries to in- fluence, 129. “—0, proclaims a commission, 150. James, first Duke of Hamilton, letter from. 221, 290. , letters to, mentioned, 225, 226. James, Earl of Arran, his son .taken by the Inquisition, 60. Sir James, taken at Langside. 118. John, Archbishop of St. Andrews, 118. “ Hamleton,” Capt. Robert, warrant to apprehend, 257. William, Earl of Lanerick, 227. . letter from, 221. ww. letters to, 229, 244, 247, 272, 274, 284. the “Hamiltons,” 118, 145. Hamilton Castle [Lanarkshire], 118. Hammond : ~ Anthony, letters ,from. written from the Royalist fleet, 274, 292. w“, letters to, 281, 293. 340 Hammond, Anthony—cont. , commission for, 283. Colonel Robert, Governor of Carisbrooke Castle, 224. ----~--, letter from, 222. —---~, in difficulties for pay for his men, 222, 223. -—-~, talks with Charles I, 224. Colonel, bearer of a letter from Charles II to Ormond, 253. Hampshire, Elizabeth’s proposed progress to, 162. sickness in, 162. Hampton [Hants]. Sec South— ampton. Hampton Court [Middlesex], Wm. Appleyard at, 111. Hancock, Mn, a Protestant divine, 3. Harach [Ernest Albert von], Cardinal, 236. Hardenberg, alias Albert, Dr., 4. Harding, Robert, Master of the Jonathan, 296. lends money to Prince Charles, 285. Hardinge : Dick, 238. Mr., Groom of the Chamber of Charles II, 255. Harfleet, Harfluett, Thomas. See also Hartfelt. letters to, 279, 282. instructions to Duke of York, 289. Harrington - [Henry-‘3'], nephew to Sir H. Sidney, his proposed mar- riage, 91. Sir James, father of above, 91. [William], 114. Harmand, Captain, corrupted by [Michael] Jones, 300. Harper, Richard, letter from, 272. Harris, John, Warden of Winchester College, letter to, 284. Harrison. Colonel Thomas, petitions in favour of his trumpet. Rowland Day, 267. Hart, Dr. Richard, letters from, 205, 242, 289. his commission as Admiralty Judge, 222, 243. in debt at Rotterdam, 243. question of his going to sea with the Fleet, 242. Hartfelt, Mr., 225. See next entry. Hartichsvelt, Myn Herr, advances money to Charles II, 303. Hartlebury [Worcester], letter dated from, 44. Harwich [Essex], 151. Hastings: Edward, Lord, letter from, 125. Henry, Baron Loughborough, buys ships in Holland, 265. Henry, Earl of Huntingdon, 80. Hatton, Christopher, first Baron, 249. Haulloy, M., de, 110. ‘ Have], Mn, a Protestant divine, 3. Havre de Grace, Newhaven [France], 11, 13, 208. letters dated from, 48, 275. loss of, reported in Spain, 13. Prince Charles enquires about ammunition at, 213, 214. Hawkins, John, letter from, 65, 173. {goposes an enterprise, 173. Haw ' , the Earl of Leicester’s, 145. Hay: Lucy, Countess of Carlisle, 306. mm, letters from, 272, 273, 294, 305. ———-—, to, 284, 295, 296. , a prisoner, 295. w, blanks for, as to Colchester, 296. , commends Sir V17. Batten to Prince Charles, 294. , . Lord Peterborough to Prince Charles, 295. ————-—, Mr. Low to Prince Charles, 305. , levies money for the Prince, 295. , money to be paid to, 296. William, Baron Yestcr, 118. Hays, Claude, of Calais, complains of seizure of a shallop, 228. Haywarde, Alderman. Governor of ‘the Russia Company, 143. Heenvliet, John, Baron de Kerchove, letters to, 200, 203. created Baron. 203. on precedency between Princess Royal and Electress of Brandenburg, 204. See also Henflit. Heidelberg [Germany], 151, 156, 158. letter dated from, 154. Heilbron, Halbron, Turenne going to, 235. tries to raise money in 1648, 236. Hellard, Mr. Daniel, appears at Dieppe for owners of ships seized by French, 193. Helmarten [?Hi11narton, W'ilts], Vicarage of, 101. Helvoetsluis, Helford Sluice [Hola land], 204, 239, 245, 279, 293. letters dated from, 215, 3218, 231, 271, 275, 279, 280, 282. Duke of York at, 222. 341 Henderson, Sir William, commended to King of. Denmark, 237. Henadge, Heneage: Mr., 79, 119. Thomas, intrigues Leicester, 112. Henilit, Monsieur, lends money to Charles II, 304. Hennyng, on borders of Lorraine, 131. Henrick, ML, trumpeter to Charles II. 256. Henrietta Maria, Queen of England, 206, 214, 218, 229, 233, 246, 248, 2-19, 287, 288. letter from, 208. letter to, 287. Henrie tta Anne [Duchess of Orleans], money issued for, 260. Henry VII, reverses Act of Bastardy against children of Edward IV, 1. Henry VIII, 23. warrants from, 1. law against the Commotha in against Wales and the Marches, 98. offers pension to a luteplayer, 30. supports Duke of Bourbon against Francis I, 152. statute of, limiting export of cloth, 191. Henshaw, Hanshaw [Major Time. 1’], letter from, 276, 277. Hepburn, James, Earl of Bothwell, 13, 14, 53, 66, 103, 168. refuses to go to Mass, 77. his marriage with Mary Queen of Scots, 101. Lords of the Congregation upon his case, 104, 119. flight of, 106. at Malmoze, 149. Hepburns, the, 145. Hera-alt, John, a fugitive from Jersey, 212. Herbert: Sir Edward, Attorney—General, letter to, 203. Mr. [Edward], at Augsburg, 85. Henry, second Earl of Perm broke, letter to, 182. , Lady Mary [Sidney], his wife, 182. w, W’illiam, his son, 182. Philip, Earl of Pembroke, Lord Chamberlain, letter to, 199. William, first Earl of Pembroke, 79, 81, 103, 111, 128. —~—~~, letter to, 121. Hercules. See. Trinchetta. Hereford, letter dated from, 51. Bishop of. Sec Scory, John. Dean and Chapter of, 98. Prebend in Cathedral of, 96. Rural Deans of Diouese of, letters to, 96, 98. Hernando. See Ferdinand, Arch- duke. Harries, Herrys, John, Lord. See Maxwell, John. Horrle, W'[illiam], letters from, 3, 40. journey of, from Antwerp to Hamburg, 3 sq. Hertford, Earls of. Sec Seymour, Edward; Seymour, William. Hertogenbosch or Bois le Due [Brabant], 101. Hesse : Landgravine [Hedwig Sophia] of, 254, 258. Landgrave [Philip] of, 83. - ~~~~~ , lends money to Orange, 125. —-—~-, Killigrew sent to, 164. Landgrave [William] of, premises goodwill to English traders at Emden, 23. Landgrave [William VI] of, appealed to, for Charles II, 257. Heuseh, Michel, of Calais, come plains of seizure of a shallop, 228. Hewson, John, Pa 6 of the Bed- chamber of harles II, 255. Hill, Alexander, a servant to Charles II, 256. Hirter, Herte, Heurter, Colonel John Philip, 258. letter from, 243. recommends a general, 243. recéommended for a command, 81. sent to Duke of Lorraine, 285. Hoby, Hobbie, Sir Philip, 67. his6 younger brother [Thomas], I. Hochst [Germany], given up by the French, 241. Hodclesdon, Christopher, letter from, appealing against a. fine im~ posed on him by the Russia Company, 143. Hog, John, of Leith, 170. Holdieh, ML, servant to Lord Sussex, 91. Holland, 148, 203, 220, 226, and passi-m. Alva tries to get ships in, 154. coast of, 22. conveyance of Royalists to, from London, 266. 347 Hollandmcont. courts of, 237, 239. horses frOm, ~14, 50.. no Spanish ships at, 148. peace with (1674), Evelyn’s paper written in View of, 267. Prince Charles going to, 209. at, 226. St-ates~General of, 217, 218, 231, 245. M~—, Sir W. Boswell sent to, 216, 287. - —-——~—, ----- —, his speech to, 287. ---~——-, Provincial of, 217. Holland, Henry, Earl of. See Rich. Holles, Francis, Baron, letter from, 269. Holiner [Bucks], 188. Holstein : Adolphus, Duke of, threatens Hamburg, 149. Frederick III, Duke of, 257. Swedish forces in, 257. Home, Hume: Alexander, Baron, 101. at Langside, 118. goes to rescue Wawhton House, 145. “out” with Francis, Earl of Bedford, 79. Castle [Berwickshire], 68. Hompfrey. S as Humphrey, Hougarde, Hoegarden, Flanders, 136. Honnyng, warrant countersigned by, Honywood, Sir John, letter to, 203. Hoogstraeten, Count of, “Austrode,” 97, 133. Hooper, Sir Thomas, instructions for, 213. Hoperus [Joachim], sent- to John Shers, 15, 69. Hopton: Sir Arthur, ambassador in Spain, his cipher, 308. Ralph, Baron, 245, 253, 258. ~«——, letters from, 289, 290. .——, ~—— to, 258, 275, 296, 303, 306. -——«-—, sent to King of Denmark, 258. Horn, Philip de M ontmorency, Count of,_97, 136. [Holland], Admiralty of, 275. Horne, Robert, Bishop of Win- chester, 88. letters from, 136, 162. his London house wanted for D‘Espes, 162. Horrocks, Mr. [Jeremiah]. astrono- mer, 270. Horse fairs, 50. Horses, as gifts, 12, 14, 18~20, 25, 44, 49, 51, 54, 82, 155. breeding of, 44. for Mary Queen of Scots at Bolton, 124. purchase of, ‘27, 35, 44, 46, 50. Horsey, Edward, 91. ‘ letter from, about seizure of Spanish money at South- am ton, 139. Horton, It r., a Protestant divine, 2. Horwood, Mrs. [? Jane W'horwood], 300, 304. Hoseus, Hosius, Cardinal, Poland, 149. Howard: Charles, Lord [of Charlton and Andover], letter from, 207. , gentleman of Bedchamber to Charles II, 255. Henry Frederick, Earl Arundel, letter from, 206. , his son Henry, 206. Thomas, fourth Duke of N or- folk, 80, 142, 167—170. , intrigues against Leicester, 112. Thomas, Viscount Howard of Bindon, fined for abusing a witness, 68. Sir Thomas, 289, 296. “Huggins, Robert, letters from, 54, 61, so. Huggon, Hu ons, Mr., brother-in- law to . A pleyard, 103, 111, 119. .1ch" Hugonis, a friar sent by Charles IX to Philip II, 107. Huguenots. See Protestants. Hull [Yorke], 201, 266, 282, 285. Col. Overton, Governor of, 272. wine duties at, 190. of of Humpfrey, Humfrey, Hompfrey [Laurence], a Protestant di— vine, 2. letters from, 87, 88, 166. complains of decay of reading at Corpus College, Oxford, 88. recommended for Vice~Chancel~ lorship of Oxford University, 101. refuses to wear apparel, 87—89. to dispute before Leicester at Oxford, 155. Hungary, 60, 69, 85, 98. Ferdinand III to o to, 236. nobles of, join the aivode, 154. Hungerford, Anna, Lady, letter from, 77. allegations against, 144. prescribed 343 Hunkes, Robert, Sheriff of VVorcestershii-e, 44. Hunstn, Barons. See Carey, Henry; Carey, George. Hunting, 108, I64. Huntin don, Earl of. See Hastings, enry. Huntley, Marquis and Earl of. See Gordon. Hussey, Mr., 177. Huy [Flanders], 131, 133. Hyde, Edward [Earl of Clarendon], letters from, 273. 289, 290. one of Henrietta Maria’s Council at Paris, 208, 302. sent with Cottington Brussels and Spain, 256. taken at sea, 273. Chancellor of Exchequer, 257, 302, sent to London, 284. to I Iacomoe, an Italian Southampton, 140. Ides, Mr., Falconer to Charles II, 256. If [Provence], 32. De Bouchard, L’ [France], besieged by Condé, 139. Import duty on wines, farming of, 190. Inch, the [00. Down], 87. living at Inchquin, Murrough, Lord. 866 O’Brien. Indies, King of the, ambassador from, at Constantinople, “ uno antropofago,” 21. West, 296. —————, vessel coming from, taken by Irish man-of—war, 277. NM. See St. Christopher; See Montserrat. Indies fleet arrives in Spain, 29. Inglefield, Sir Francis. See Engle- field. Ingram, Israel, Bailiff of Great Yarmouth, commission to, 282, 290. Injunction for caps and tippets, 33. Innerwick [Haddingtonshire], Land of, prisoner after Langside, 118. Inniskillen [Ireland], letter of some inhabitants of, 277. Innocent X, Pope, opposed to Treaty of Westphalia, 235. appeal to, against excommunica- tion, by Rinuccini, 287. provides money for the Berg- strasse, 236. Inquisition, in Naples, 42. in Sicily, 160. Intercourse, the, 14, 16, 56. Interim, the, 4, 110. Plat-n desired by Condé, 132. Ipswich [Suffolk], wine duties at, 190. Ireland, 97, 124, 254, 260, 262‘, 277, 287, 290, 291. administration of, 63, 86, 87, 90, 91. advice of Sir T. (hisack for government of, 25, 26, 62. Apsley’s instructions as to, 241. arms for, 253, 260. Cegholic Bishops of, letter from, 91. Cessation, the, of 1643, 287. Prince Charles, in relation to. See Charles, Prince. commissions for officers in, 257. cogfederate Roman Catholics in, 12. com from Holland for, 204, 294. Council in, 34. ~—~—~-~, letter to, 264. Deputy of. See Croft, Sir J as. ; Sec OrmOnd, Marquis of ; See Sidney, Sir Henry. foreign merchants to be attracted to, 248. French agent in, 164849, 249. Great Seal, &c., for, 249. Lord Justice of. See Plunket, Thos. Qrmond’s powers in, 212. Papal Nuncio’s action in, 287. pay due to officials in, 181. peace to be arranged for, by concessions to Catholics, 212. petition for Academy in,’ 43. Portuguese agent in, 252. Protestant churches in, 212. soldiers to be brought from, 263. ' Spanish agent in, 1648—9, 249. state of, 1648-9, 248, 291, 299, 300. ' sympathy of certain places in, with Charles II, 277. warrants to apprehend certain men in, 257. wiiiig4shipped from Scotland to, 344 Irish, the, 245. Ireton, Henry, in Ireland, 300. Iron “vessel,” to be sent by Sir H. Norreys to the Earl of Leicester, 117. ‘ Isabella [of France], Queen of Spain, 49, 52, 54, 55, 99, 100. Isles, the Out of Scotland, 124. Istria. [Corsica ?], 42. Italians, sent by Cardinal of Lor- raine with designs against Elizabeth, 123, 126. 7, 93. See also Bari; Florence; Genoa; Leghorn; Pisa; Rome ; Naples; Spezia; Venice. advices from, 19. 42. Consuls in, 244, 263, 389. corn for, on Dutch ships, 204. plague in. 8, 33. . troops fl'OIn, expected in France. 159, 164. Iveagh, Lord. See Magennis. Italy, I Jackeson, mentioned in letter of Princess Elizabeth, daughter of Charles I, 258. Jacks, J as., Yeoman of the Bows, to Charles II, 255. J allett, Edward. partner in the Charles, 275. James I, of England, VI of Scotland, 100, 141, 167, 171. Charles IX and, 106. placed in Edinburgh Castle by his mother, 101, 103, question of his custody, 104, 119, 120. James, Duke of York [afterwards James II], 224, 225, 242—244, 248, 291. letters from, 219, 289. to, 271, 274, 307. at Brille, 224. commission from, 283. in Flanders, 247. instructions from, Fleet, 291. money received by his governor, Berkeley, 260, 282. tries to borrow money Rotterdam, 219, 221. J anissaries, the, Pasha of, 60. about the at Jeanne d’Albert, Queen of Navarre, 100, 132, 161. at Rochelle, 135. Jenkinson, Mr. [Anthony], 72. J erkins, skin for, as present, 25. coletlc’, as presents, 51. Jenye, Genney [Thomas], at Paris, 113. Jermy, ML, 62. Jermyn, Henry, Lord, 204, 209, 249, 252, 259, 260, 262, 302. letter from, 203, 278, 286, 288. letters to, 280, 281, 289. Jersey, 262, 286, 290. letters dated from, 212, 275, 289. Breviat of letters brought from, 294—307. Estates of, letter to, 285. Governor of, Sir G. Carteret, 230. Jurats of, cannot deal with high treason, 213. King’s Procuror in, 212. St. Heliers in, 212. Jesuits at Ufton, 182, 183. in Poland, 149. Jewell, John, Bishop of Salisbury, letter from, 101. Jewels, English crown, 287. of Charles IX pledged at Venice, 154. Joanna, daughter of Emperor Ferdinand I. See Giovanna. John of Austria, Don, 115. his marriage with Mary, Queen of Scots favoured by Philip II. 54. John Casimir, Count Palatine, 109~ 111, 158, 164, 165. answers Killigrew, 164. forces of, 134, 149, 156, 157. money desired from Elizabeth for, 156—159. stag hunting, 164. to marry daughter of Elector of Saxony, 154. tries to persuade Elector to join the league, 156. John Casimir, 1648, competitor for Swedish Crown, 241. King of Poland, 246, 260. John Frgiierick I, Duke of Sax0ny, 1 . John Frederick II of Saxony, 108. besieged in Goths, 101, 102. taken prisoner, 103. John, Duke of Sweden, deposes his brother Eric XIV, 148. Johnson: Jeremy, letter from, 291. 345 Johnson—«mm. Thomas, commission for, to keep Yarmouth for Charles I, 282. Captain, took Captain King’s vessel, 280. Jones, Colonel Michael, 248, 249, 300. makes terms with Owen Roe O’Neill and Monek. 272, 299. Mr., Parliamentary Envoy to [‘P] Courland, 259. Jonson, Mr., letter to, 165. Jordan, Jourdan, Captain letter from, 231. pass for, to England, 285. Elias, resigns command in Royalist fleet, 235. Journeys, Cologne to Augsburg, 82 sq. Constantinople to Vienna, Sir Edward’s. 60. London to Heidelberg, Killi~ grew’s, I51. Ulm to Vienna by river in seven days, 109. . J oyeux [Joyeuse, Anne Duke of], joins Anjou, 138. Juana, sister of Philip 11, Princess of Portugal, to marry Archduke Charles, 137. J uicks, James, receives money from Blagg, 304. Julio III, Pope, 59. Junius, John, Councillor to Elector Palatine, sees Leicester in England, 154. J urats of Guernsey. See. Guernsey. of Jersey. Sec Jersey. ' K Kevanaghs (Cavemers), the, 87. Kelso [Roxburghshire], 68. Kemp, Richard, Secretary for Vir~ ginia, letter to, 262: Kenall, Dr. [John], chosen Como missary at Oxford, 46. Kenilworth, Kellengworth [War- wickshire], 81, 130. progress of Elizabeth arrangements for, 179. fireworks at, 178. Kennedy, Gilbert, fourth Earl of Cassillis, fought at Langside, 118. to, 346 Kent, county 289. Parliamentarian Committee for, letter from, 203. Royalist Committee in, 210, 211, 213. Royalists of, to command fleet in default of Lord W’illoughby, 279. letters from Royalists in, 273, 287. letter to same, 294. unprepared against 126. East, 209. Kepler, Johann, astronomer, 270. Ker: Robert, Earl of Roxburgh, letter sent to, 227. Sir Walter. See Cessford. Kerchove, Baron. See Heenvliet, John. Kew [Surrey], letter dated from, 3. Keynes, Captain Alexander, com- mission to, 280. Keys, Thomas, husband of Lady Mary Grey, 95. Kildare, Lord. See Fitzgerald. Kilkenny [Ireland], letters dated from, 206, 248, 272, 276, 291, 297. county, 90. ‘ Treaty of, 1649, 248. g of, 2, 213, 275, 280, invasion, Killigrew: Henry, letters from, 29, 151, 153, 154, 156. 158, 164, 178. ~———, servant to Lord Robert Dudley, 10, 125. H, 1brother of the above, 10, 1 . 1 Sir Peter. in Parliament, 272. ‘ Thomas, 263, 279. Kilmainharn [00. Dublin], dated from, 86. Kilultasgh. Kylloltough [00. Anti-I'm], 6. Kilvert : a servant to Princess Elizabeth, daughter of Charles 1, letter letter to, 258. . Robert, letter from, 288. Kilwinning [Gavin Hamilton], Abbot of, 70. King: M1172“ Paris, a dangerous man, t Captain, his vessel taken, 280. 2‘ King’s Channel, the, 239. Kingston : George, letter on behalf of, 277. , John, letter from, 277. x Kingston [Surrey], Kingstown, letters dated from, 141, 142, 170. Kinsale [00. Cork], 248. letters dated from, 277, 300. “ Rebels” fleet at, 272. Royalist fleet at, 299. Kirby, Robert, commission for, to seize “ Rebels ” ships, 301. Kirkaldy, W'illiam, of Grange, 101, 103, 104. letter from, 101. Kirkbythur [Westmorland], letters dated from, 219. Kloch, Rochart [Clough, Richard], arrested at Antwerp by Alva, 172. Knollys : Edward, second Earl of Ban- bury, and his governor, 200. Sir Francis, Vice-Chamberlain in Ireland, 91. , letter from, 123. Sir Francis. the younger, letters to, 182, 183. —~—, searches Perkins’ house at Ufton, is charged with retaining money, 182, 183. Konigsmarck, Johann Christoph, Count von, Swedish Field Marshal, 234, 258‘. quarrels with Duke of Saxony, 241. Kuttenburg [Bohemia], 235. Kylloloungh [Ulster], 87. Kylwaring [? Kilwarling, co. Down], 86. L L’Aubespine, the younger [Claude], 107. at interview between Charles IX and Zuleger, 110. La Boulay, de. Captain of Duke of Lorraine’s Guards, 215. La Chapelle : M., de, letter to, 160. W, search for, 164. M., French Secretary to Portu- guese Ambassador at the Hague, letter from, enclos- ing a book for Charles II, 258. La. Charité [France]. 164. Deux—Ponts at, 160. La Fero—on-Oise [France], do (Jesse A at, 138. La Fontaine, Peter de, Fountayne, an Agent for Prince Charles in England, 286, 288, 298. letter from, 299. La Forrest [Bochetel], de, French Ambassador in London, 97. has knowledge of letters sent to Earl of Leicester, 123. La Fosse, de, merchant of St. Valery en Caux, 205. La Garde, de, Baron, Captain of the galleys of France, 130. La Hay [France], 166. Le. Marche [France], 110. La Motte, Colonel, in service of Duke Charles of Lorraine, 229. La N ocle, Beauvoir, letter from, 48. La Planche, M., 113. La POI-3%, Otto de, memorial of, 232, 3. La Porte de Pille [France], 166. La Ramée, Pierre de, “ Remus,” 117. La Rochelle. La S eza. La orre: Diego de, Spanish Agent in Ireland, Ormond treats with, 249. Jacques de, bearer of letter from Queen Elizabeth to Philip II, 15. La Valle, Brittany [Laval], 123. Ladronlfléodron], Count Albero, 120, 7 . Laine, Mix, gentleman to Charles II, 255. Lambrés, de, an agent of Condé, 154, 157. Lambert, Lambert: [John], Parliamentary General, 299, 307. Dr., mentions Irish refiners, 249. William, Master of the hey Hopeful Mary, certificate that he belongs to the Royalist fleet, 221. Lambeth [Surrey], letters dated from, 146, 152, 161, 181. Lancaster, Duchy Court of, 117. Chfiigellorship of, vacant, 117, suitors in, 118. Lancaster, Thomas, Bishop of Ki1~ dare, letter from, 86. Lancastre [? Lencloitre], Abbe near Poitiers, letter from, 136. Lanciano [Italy], Archbishop of [Leonardo Marini], 20. Sec Rochelle. Sec Spezia. of, ated 347 Landréc ; [France], 206. Lane [i ir Richard], member of Henrietta Maria’s Council at Paris, 208. Lord Keeper, 211, 228, 232, 259. instructions to, 213. Lanerick [Lanark], \Villiarn, Earl of. See Hamilton, Vl’illiam. Langenhagen, letter dated frorn, 10. Langdale, Sir Marmaduke: letters from, 275, 290. —--~ to, 279~281, 284. 293. makes Way for the Scots in 1648, 290. praised for his carriage, 284. Langland, Daniel, pass for, with the Good Fortune, from Hol— land to Scotland, 287. Langley Marsh [Bucks], 188. Park, 189. Langside [Lanarkshire], battle of, 118. Languedoc [France]: D’Anville, Governor of, 11. Due de Joyeux, Lieutenant of, 138. Lannoy, Roger de, Serjeant of Dieppe, 193. Lansac, M., the younger, 109—111. Lapland and Greenland, passage between, 6. Laud, W’illiam, Archbishop, cipher of, 308. Lauderdale, John, Earl of. Sec Maitland, John. Laugharne [Laharne], Colonel Rowland, 208, 290, 293. commission for, 282. Lawson, William, of Scarborough, Master of the Isabel, 285. Lea, Captain, his service in Ireland, 182. Lead from Pontefract Castle, 288. League, the, of Protestant princes, 156, 157—159. Lee, River, 236. Leconfield, Leckinfeld [Yorke], letter dated from, 135. Lee, Sir Henry, letter from, 119. Leeuw [Flanders], taken by Orange, 135. Legge, Colonel W’illiam, instructions for, 227. letter from, 277. Leghorn [Italy], Consul of Charles 11 at, 263. Leicester, Earls of. Sec Dudley, Robert; Sydney, Robert. Leigh, Humphrey, sergeant—at-arms, warrant to, 200. Leighlin [00. Carlow], garrison in, 25. Leipsic [Saxony], 85. letter dated from, 164. marriage of W'illiam the Silent at, 4. Loith [00. Midlothian], 170. Leix [Ireland, now part of Queen’s .lounty], 25. Lemos, Pedro Fernandez de Castro, Conde de, letter to, 23-1. Le Moync. See Ave-line. Jean. Lendall, Lieutenant of the Constant Reformation, imprisoned, 230. Lennox : Countess of, 7 6, 77. Earl of. See Stewart, Matthew. Lens [France], battle of, 224. Lenthall, William, Speaker of House of Commons, 299. Leopold [William], Archduke, Governor of the Netherlands, 206 note, 247, 282, 288. letter to, 240. army of, 265. Lepanto [Greece], muster at, 51. plan of battle of, 178. Lesley, Leslie : Alexander, Earl letter to, 228. Andrew, fifth Earl of Rothes, at Langside, 118. General [David], 277. John, Bishop of Rosso, 141. , letters from, 142, 170. John, Earl of Rothes, letter from, 199. Colonel Ludovic, Governor of Berwick, letter to, 229. Lethington (Ledynton), Lord. ‘ Maitland, Sir William. Lothington [Haddingtonshire], letter dated from, 173. Letters : delayed, 123, 147. expedited, 76. intercepted, Norreys’, 133, 151. ' painfully carried, 166. Leutmeriz. Leitmeritz [Austria], 234. Leven, Alexander, Earl of. See Lesley. Lever, Leaver [Thomas], 2. letter to, 180. Maistir of [Sherbiu'n] Hospital, 0' . Archdeacon of Coventry, 180. Ley, James, Earl of Marlborough, letter from. 296. interested in Cariboo Islands, of Leven, Sec. 296. Leynogh, Turlogh, 124. L’Hopital, Michel, Chancellor of _ France, 31, 97, 109, 110. Liddell, ML, writes to Norreys, 155. 348 Liddesdale [Roxburghshire], 53. Liége,Lucke[Flanders], 129, 131, 133. Bishop of, 131, 133. Lightfoote, Mr., Groom of Robes to Charles II, 255. Lignerolles, M., 108. Lilgrave, Henry, servant to Francis Earl of Bedford, 72. Limerick [Ireland], 248. letter dated from, 289. speech of Recorder of, 27 7. Limoges, Bishop of, 32. Limousin, Limozin [France], Condé in, 130. Lincolnshire, Lord Willoughby of Parham to be Lieut.—General of, 281. Lindaverius, 9. Lindsay, Lyndsay : Alexander, Earl of Crawford, letter from, 221. John, Earl of Lindsay, Treasurer of Scotland, letters sent to, 227, 272. , of Balfour, 277. Ludovic, Earl of Crawford, 3 Royalist, 206. , letters from, 251. Patrick, Baron Lindsay, letter from, 141. , letter to, 141. , at Langside, 118. , quarrels with Lord Herrys, 141. Patrick, kills of Lesley’s, 277. Linnye [‘3 Ligny, Charles de Clermont a soldier Tonnerre], Prince of, con- tributes men for Charles II, 265. Linz [on the Rhine], 133. Lionne, M., de, sent to Liége by Orange, 133. Lisbon, paper dated from, 181. letters dated from, 253, 258. port of, opened to Royalist ships, 252. Lisle : Arnould de, sent to King of Portugal by Prince Rupert, 253. --——, letters from, 253, 258, 307. .Mr., barber to Charles II, 255. Lister, Martin, lends money to T. Killigrew, 263. Litter, 9.. presented to Queen Elizabeth, 49. Littleton, Sir Edward, warrant signed by, 200. Livingstone : James, Earl of Callander, 226. , letters from, 219, 221. Livingstone —— com. James, Earl of letter from, 273. Livonia, “1.yveland ” [Russia], 7. relief of, 4. Llewellyn, David ap, murdered, 36. Lloyde [Hugh]. See Floyde. Lochloven [Kinross-shire], the Lord of. See Douglas, James. Mary Queen of Scots escapes from, 118, 170. Lodron. See Ladron. Loftus. Adam, Archbishop of Armagh. petition from, 43. Logan, Sir Andrew, letter from, desiring to take ships of “rebellious subjects ” south of the Equator, 278. Loire, River [Ifi‘anoe], 134, 151. London, 64, 143. 151, 205, 251, 264— 266, 269, 271, 273, 275, 276, 279, 282, 283, 284, 286, 293, 296. letters dated from, 10, 20, 29, 40, 64, 78, 79, 135, 136, 138, 139, 141, 142, 146, 148, 151, 183, 206, 207, 273, 274, 277, 286, 289, 292, 296, 298, 301, 303, 306. Bishop of. See Grindal, Ed- mund. Churches, Buildings, Streets, &c.: Angel Inn, Strand, 265. Bayw1ard’s Castle, letter dated from, 78. Bislmpsgate Street, 293. Brick Court, Temple, 223. Broad Street, 266. Newburgh , Clement’s, St., Church, Strand, 265. Dunstan’s, St., Church, Fleet Street, 288. Ely House, Treasurers at, 266. Fleet Ditch, 185. Fleet Street, 288. Garraway’s Coffee House, 270. Hatton House, letter dated from, 183. Holborn, letter dated from, 306. Minories, the, letter dated from, 79. Ne *gate Prison, 209. Old Exchange, 265. Paul’s,St-,Churchof,178,185. Paul’s Cross, sermon at, 148. Savoy, the, 289. ~—— the Duchy House at the, letter dated from, 151. Sion College, 299. 349 London, Churches, Streets, &c.-cont. Ship Tavern, the, 265. Somerset House, 3. Spittle, the, 293. Star Chamber, the, letter dated from, 183. Temple, the, 223. Temple Bar, 265. Warwick Lane, letter dated from, 135. Westminster, 269. W“, letters dated from, 8, 46,101,102,144, 193, 194, 224, 303. --——, summons dated from, 73. ~—~, warrants dated from. 2, 3. ~w- Abbey, 145. , Commissioners for Scotland at, 141. White Friars, letter dated from, 183. ”Whitehall, 266. , Paper Office at, 268. Common Council of, 185. Customs at, farming of, 190. Italian merchants at, 186. Queen Mary, member assistant of City, 95. Sanitation of, paper upon, 184, 185. Tower of, Records at, 186. Londoners, loan from, sought for Charles II, 282. Londonderry [Ireland], Bishop of. See Bramhall. a regiment of, 257. bridge at, 300. Long, [Sir] James, nephew to Secretary Long, 207. [later Sir] Robert, 211, 222, 245, 255, 261, 277, 294, 302. _._-, letters. from, minutes, notes by, 216, 226, 227, 244—- 246, 259, 296, 304. , to, 224, 228, 231, 233-236, 238, 240, 242, 243, 245, 247, 250, 251, 253, 254, 258, 259, 261, 272-278. 282, 284, 2864.193, 298, 301L304, 306, 307 . —-——, Receiver-General for Charles I in five counties, 203.. , signs by order of Prince Charles, 224. Longueville, Leonora d’Orléans, Duke of, 113, 132. Loose [Kent], chapel at, grant of, 2. Lords of the Congregation, the, 66, 67,70, 76, 77, 103, 104, 150. Buildings, Lords of the Congregation—wont. petition Elizabeth in May, 1568, 119. Lords of the Council of Henrietta Maria and Prince of Wales, letter to, 208. Lorges, de. See Jacques. Lorraine, 131, 163, 234. Reiters in, 11. threatened by Spain and the Emperor, 106. Lorraine: Charles, Cardinal of, 42, 100, 110, 111, 121, 130, 132, 134, 154, 155, 160. , at Paris, 73. 75. —«~-, works for Henry, Duke of Anjou, 117. NM, orders the French Court, 123. ——~——, practises against Eliza— beth, 123. «mm, tries to raise money, 129. -—~~»~, practises against Condé, 130. w“, Catherine de Medici turns against, 132. , agrees to cession of Metz to the Allemans, 147. Charles III (IV), Duke of, 233, 243, 247, 265, 276, 285, 301. , letters from, 215, 218, 256, 273. ~m~~, to, 218. mm, leaves Brussels, 206. ~~——, Gough sent to, 229. , ships to be provided by, 265. --—, troops of, 229, 233, 265. Lottery in London, a, 138. London [Loudun], France, fighting expected at, 142. Montgomery, Loudoun, John, Earl of. See. Camp~ bell. Loughborough, [Leicestershire], _ letter dated from, 125. Louis or Ludovic, of Nassau, at Ant~ werp, 100. defeated [at Jemmingen], 124, 126. his position previous to Jem~ mingen, 125. seizes the treacherous Burgo~ master of Emden, 127. Louvain, Lovayn [Flanders], 93, 135. Lovealian [? Love alien] 67. Lovingo, Mn, commission to be Register of Admiralty Court, 282. sent by Marquis of Newcastle to Secretary Long, 228. 350 Lee, Lo, Low, Lowe: John, a Suffolk Royalist, 304. Lawrence, letters from, 273, 293. , letter to, 281. Timothy, 8. Suffolk Royalist, 304. ML, recommended to Prince Charles, 305. Lough borough, “ Lowbere,” Lord. See Hastings, Henry. Lubeck, Ambassador of Pope and Emperor at, 4. Diet at, 5. legato of Pius IV at, 4, 7. port of, 6. support of, sought for Charles II, 258. would recover its privilege in England, 5. Lucca, Senate of, 45. Lude, Count de, at Niort, 163. his brother killed there, 163. Liik. Sec Liege. Lumley, Lomeley, John, Baron, 70. Lunenburg [Luneburg, Germany], Assembly at, 4. Otto, Duke of, 6, 7, 134. , personal appearance of, 7. Duchy of. its situation, 7. Lunsford, Sir Thomas: letter from, 202. to, 282. . Lusignan [France], Castle of, 137. skirmish at, 138. Luther, Martin, 4, 5. Lutherans, 4, 27, 83, 84, 115. Liitzenbourg. See Luxemburg. Luxemburg, Liitzenbourg, Almayn army near. 106, 108. garrison at, 148. Count [Joachim Ernest] of, pays money for Charles II, 265. Prince of Orange reported in, 131. Lyme [Dorset], 273. Lyndsajy, Patrick, indsay. Lynn [Norfolk], petition of inhabi- tants of, 190. Governor of, 293. wine duties at, 190. Lyons [France], 8, 27, 99. attempted surprise of, 122. Charles IX going to, 17, 26, 27. Huguenots wound priests at, 19. m murdered at, 117. plague at, 32. ‘ troops from, in Poitiers, 138. Lysle, Baron. See Dudley, Ambrose. Lord. See M Macalervie [McAlester], goes to Ireland, 124. McCartan, MacArtan, 86. MacDonell : Alexander Oeg, to claim his property in Ireland, 124. James, risoner of O’Neil, 63. Sorley 0y, 63, 124. McGennis, 86. McGuire, of Ulster, 86. McHugh, Feagh, killed, 182. McNeil’s, McNeall Oges, 86. McMahon, of Ulster, 86. McPhelim, Hew, McPhelomye, 86. McShanes, the, 87. Madison, Ralph, letter from, 306. Madleyn. Mrs, an old servant of Leicester’s, 181. Madock ['3], John. 260. Madrid, 77. 251. letters dated from, 24, 30, 35, 49, 54, 61, 80, 92, 93, 97. 100. 113, 251, 288, 306. English Roman Catholics repre- sented at, 115. purchase of horses at, 14. Maestricht [Netherlands], 131, 134. garrison at, 130. Magdeburg [Gerrfiany], Bishop of, 5. Magan. See Morgan. Magellan, Straits of, Spain, 6. Magennis, Arthur. Lord Iveagh, letter from, 291. Maidstone [Kent], Parsonage of, 2. Maine, River, 235. Mainwaéring, Mannering, Sir Henry, 39. Mainz. hgense, Moguntia [Germany], 8 . Bishop of, 83, 85. Elector of [John Philip Schfinborn, 241, 253. , appealed to, by Charles II, 254. —-——, borrows money, 236. -——-—, plagued with mice, 83. Maitland : John, Earl of Lauderdale, Com- missioner treating with Prince Charles, 221, 224, 226, 227, 284, 293. , letters from, 230, 275. opened by V011 351 Maitlandwco'n-t. Sir William, Lord Lethington, 177. , letter from. 173. , at St. Germain’s, 10, 11, 106. Malaga, Malaca [Spain], 100. Malby, Nicholas, 62. his brother, 62. Malgrani, Signor, of Antwerp, 47. Malines or Mechlin [Flanders], 135. Protestants preach near, 98. Malmoh fis, Mal moze [Sweden], Bothwell at. 149. Malta, Island of, 41, 6'2, 116, 160. attacked by the Turks, 60, 61, 64, 65. galleys of, 29. 33. Knights of, 45, 53, 59, 65. , Grand Master of [Jean de la Valette, 60. Grand Prior of, 173. Malvoysier. See Mauvissiére. Man : Dr. John, Ambassador in Spain, letter from, 92, 93, 97, 100, 113. , forbidden to use English service at Madrid, 114. ——-», his estimation and house- hold, 81. James, lent money to T. Killigrew in Italy, 263. Man, Isle of, 266, 305. John Christian, Deemster of. See Christian. relief of, 290. Manaton, Lthol. Henry, petitions from, 245. Mandé, de, Protonotary to Cardinal of Lorraine, sent to help Mary Queen of Scots, 130. Mandesloo, sent to corrupt John Casimir’s Reiters, 111. Manfredo, Count Taddco, tries to kill Pius IV, 42. 47, 48. Manley, Mr. [‘3 Sir Roger], 298. Manners, Edward, Earl of Rutland, 80. letter from, 177. Manrico, Don Grazias, slain at Emden, 125. Mansfeld, Count [Peter Ernest], Governor of Luxemburg, 131, 153, 161. his son ['2 Charles], 131. Mantua, Duke of, Carlo II, letter from, 207. Prince of. See Gonzago,Louis de. [Italy], letter dated from, 207. Mar, John Erskine, Earl of. See Erskine, John. Marbeck, Roger, Provost of Oriel College, Oxford, letter from, as Senior Proctor, 47. Marchaies, James, merchant of Paris, letter of credit for, from Prince Charles, 281. Marchais [France]. See. La Marche. Mardykc Fort [near 1:)unkirk], 262. Margaret, Duchess of Parma, Regent of the Netherlands. 7, 28, 48, 50, 64, 86, 97, 98, 101, 108. angry at Antwerp ships being taken by English pirates. 69. John Shcrs in audience with, 14, 16, 17. offers terms to Protestants in Flanders, 96. Margaret of Valois. proposed marriage of. to Rudolf, son of Maximilian II, 102. and to Sebastian, Portugal, 162. Margate, Marghatta [Kent], 21. Maria Anna, of Austria, betrothed to Philip IV, 233, 236. her support sought by Charles II, 260. Mm‘ignano, John James Medicine, Marquis of, his son Camello,60. Marimonte [Italy], 40. Marine, Nicole, murders his Wife, 42, 44, 46, 48. Marlborough, Earl of. James. Marne, River [France], crossed by Condé, 110. crolssed by Orange’s artillery, 44. Marnhull, Dorset. 268. Marquese, P. Don Francisco, sent from Palermo to Madrid, 1648, 234. Marriage of riests of the Empire, 46. Marseilles, drespatch from [?], 31. letter dated from, 33. French Court officials ordered to leave, 31. mischance at, 31. prisoners in galleys at, 132. vessels prepared at, 126, 130. vessels sent to Atlantic, 153. Marris. 886 Morris. Marsham, Thomas, owner of the Love, 238, 271. Martigues, Sebastian, de Luxem- bourg, 125, 128, 161. King of See Ley, 99, his skirmish with Dandelot, 134. in Poitou, 137-«139. reported to he slain near Chatillon, 135. 352 Mart-igues—wont. stratagem of, 138. Mary, Queen of England, 95, 145. grants license to Vintners’ Company, 95. Mary, Queen of Scots, 11, 14, 32, 53, 57, 66, 72, 76, 104, 119, 120, 130, 141, 147, 150, 152, 177. letters from, 96, 177. marriage to King of Denmark proposed, 4, 8. Twelfth day at her Court, 1 l, 12. her marriage with Darnley, 57. sends Ambassador to Pope, 65 dissatisfied with Darnley, 70. warnings against, 68. ’ her remarks on Elizabeth’s portrait, 77. orders Bothwell and Huntley to go to Mass, 77. her marriage with Bothwell, 101, 103, 119. supposed to be with child by him. 104. confirms Act of Oblivion, 103. proposal to bring her to England, 104. her death reported in France, 107. escapes from Lochleven, 118. after Langside, 118. her letters pass to and from Paris, 121. arrangements Castle, 123. receives Scotch news there, 124. friends of, in England, 128. her Secretary, Pierre Roulet, 132. government of Scotland in her absence, 142. expected at Tutbury Castle, 144, 146. likely to please Spain, 150. paper on difficulties of dealing with, 166 sq. Earl of Leicester on same subject, 171. Mary, Princess, daughter of Charles I, at. the Hague, 203. marriage of, 200. precedency of, 204, 205. Maryns, Andrea. to be Cardinal, 40. Marza Scirocco [Malta], haven, 60. Masques forbidden by Pius IV, 46. Mason: Sir John, letter dated from his house, 72. , Postmaster, 76. , to obtain furniture for Elizabeth, 139. ML, 224, for, at Bolton Masonett, Mr. [Peter], Long's clerk, 255. Mass in England, 81, 90, 99. in Scotland, 32, 77. Massey : [‘2 Major :‘reneral enlists men, 307. Jervis, owner of boat taken by Royalist ship, 205. Maude, ML, 224. Maurice, Prince [son of King of Bohemia], 245. Mauvissiere [Michel] de Castelnau, Marquis of, 29, 31. letters from, 20, 29. protects Norreys’ steward, 163. returns to England, 49. sent to cengratulate the Treaty of Troyes, 18. to bring dogs and horses from England, 19. Maximilian 1, Duke of Bavaria, 231, 235. and Prince Palatine of Sulz- bach, 236. proposes to transfer some of his troops to the Republic of Secretary Edward], Venice. 236. Maximilian II. See Emperor. Maxwell, Sir John, later Baron Herries, 101, 118, 119. letter from, 141. ——~——~ to, 141. quarrels with Lord Lindsay, 141. Mayence [Germany]. Sec Mainz. Mayart, Colonel, 211. Mazarin [Jules], Cardinal, his sup— port sought for Charles II, 252. Mead, Mede, Mr. Elias, Fellow of St. John’s College, Cam— bridge, 165. Meath [Ireland], Bishop of. See Brady, Hugh. Meaux, Meulx [France], 110, 144. Mecca [Arabia], pilgrims taken by Knights of Malta, 46. Mechlenburg, Mechelburg, Duke [Ulrick] of, 85. Mechlin [Flanders]. See Malinee. Medici: Camello [Medicine], Son of Marquis of Marignano, 60. Catherine de. Sac France, Queen of. Cosimo dc, Duke of Florence, 55, 61. 2 , his Ambassador at Rome. 0 , his son to marry daughter 3; Ersnperor Ferdinand I, 20, 353 Medici, Cosimo de, Duke of Flor- once—cont. —--—~, his place near Piombino burnt, 21. , resigns in favour of his son, 19. -, his younger Cardinal, 55, 59. ——«-—, receives rights over Saresana and Saresanella, 20. , said to be a Cardinal, 55. Francisco de, successor of Cosimo, 28. Medina Coeli, Juan de la Gerda, Viceroy of Sicily, 52. Medewes, Thos., commission for, to hold Yarmouth for Charles I, 282. Meghern, [Charles de Brimeu,] Count of, at audience of Shers With Lady Regent, 14. besieges Bois-le~duc, 101. Meiningen [‘5‘ Bavaria], 85. Melancthon, Philip, birthplace of, 84 epistle of, 5. Melnik [Austria], 234. Melendes, Pedro, 62. Melun [France], letter dated from 142. Charles IX at, 138. Melville (Malvile, Melvin), Robert, 67, 76, 77, 79, 96, 104. at Langside, 118. practises with Papists, 79. Merchant Adventurers, 56, 191, 273. grant to, by Count and Countess of East Friesland, 7 3. their trade in wine. 94. c” their ships detained by Royalist fleet, 273. English, lend money to Prince Charles, 283., French, Flemish and Dutch, to be encouraged to go to Ireland, 248. , Italian in London, information on behalf of, 186. Mercurius ngnm-ticus. ham, Marcharnont. Mershe, John, letter from, 128 [:7], 131. Mervin, Colonel Audley, commander of regiment in Ireland, 257. Messina [Sicily], 60. Prior of, his altercation with Shelley, 114. Metz [Lorraine], 102, 156, 162. letters dated from, 149, 151, 152, 155. Amnale sent to, 134, 137. events at, during visit of Charles IX, 153. son, a See N eed— p23 Mctz [Lorraine]~c0nt. Norreys at, 151. oiierod to the Allemains, 147. Mouse, the, Alva tries to prevent Orange crossing, 133. Middelburg [Zeeland], 219. letters dated from, 287, 289. Admiralty of, 275. English merchants said to be banished from, 23. soldiers sent to Scotland from, 69. Middleton, John, Earl of, letter from, 219. Milan [Italy], 37, 41, 44, 46, 4s, 55, 100, 114. advices from, 20. del Guasto comes from, 22. likely to be attacked by French, 115. Spanish lieutenant and Council at, excommunicated, 97. Mildinay : Thomas, bearer of a letter, a good French Scholar, 160. Sir Walter, 136. , warrant to, 3. ~————«, paper endorsed “ Sir W. M.” on Mary, Queen of Scots, 166 sq. Militia Bill in Parliament, 272. Miller, or Milner, Captain [Gregory], a traitor, 238. Milton [Kent]. the LoyalSusan of ,280. Mines, case of, between Elizabeth and Thomas, Earl of North— umberland, 135. Ministers of London, the, 88. Mira, Count de, Admiral favourite of John IV Portugal, 253. Mirebeau [France], Condé at, 139. evacuated, 142. Misdach [Mesdaoh], J can, Secretary of;g the Bloody Commission, 1 1. Misnia [Meisscm Saxony], 234. Missenden, Misseldcn, Bucks, 179. Mitti, Mytty, servant to Norreys, 149. a traitor, 151, 155. Mockett, ML, his quarrel with a Frenchman, 105. Mollins [France]. See Moulins. Moluccas, the discovery beneficial to Portugal, 6. Monceaux [France], 110,-146. Monck [George, Duke of Albeznarle], makes terms with O’Neill, 272, 299. Money, seized on Spanish ship at Southampton by order of Elizabeth, 140. and of of, 354 Money—com. English, seized by Royalist boat in the Channel, 228. Monluc [Blaise de], attacks Mont— albon, 120. besieges Rochelle, 125. takes Gascon troops to Poitiers, 138. Monmouth, case at the summer assizes at, 1564, mentioned, 52. Monro, Sir George, takes Stirling from Marquis of Argyle, 230. serves in the Preston cam— paign, 242. Montague: Anthony, Viscount. See Browne, Anthony. Francis, Viscount. See Browne, Francis. Mr. in prison at Paris, 113. Montalbon [? Montauban], Gascony, attacked by Monluc, 120. Montargis [France], Duchess of Ferrara at, 113. Montbéliard [France], Deux~Ponts at, 153. Monteith, Menteith, William Earl of. Sec Graham, William. Montereau—sur-Yonne [France], Charles IX at, 142. Montferrato [Italy], 53. Montfoort [near Utrecht], 204. Montgomery : of Ardes, Hugh, Viscount, com- mission for, 257. Hugh, third Earl of Eglinton, at Langsicle, 118. Lt.~Colonel, pass for, to Sweden, 254. Gabriel de Lorges, Count of, 153, 161. , at Chatelherault Poitiers, 137-139. Jacques de Lorges, Count of, 135. and Montigny, Mountenye, Floris de Montmorency, Baron of, 59, 64. executed, 129. Montinego [Martinego], Count, bums Chatillon, 161. Montmorency : Anne de, Constable of France, 11, 31, 42, 49, 74, 102, 106, 107, 110. - W, his daughter’s marriage, 107. —-—~_. his death, 111. Floris de. See Montigny. Francis do, 11, 102, 107, 113, 129, 151, 160. , letter from, 147, Montmorency, Francis de-ncont. -—-«, opposed to Cardinal of Lorraine, 117. , fidelity to Elizabeth, 121, 123, 134. , interview with Norreys, 121. ———-~, Knight of the Garter, 121. -~—, in charge of Paris with Alengon, 135. , his illness, 147. Henri de. See Danville. Philip, Sieur de Hachicourt, 0r Assincourt, 14, 86. nsier: ouis, Due de, 97. 1 , with Anjou against Condé, 37. Francois de, Dauphin of France, at Orleans, 117. Montrenil [France], 161. Montrose, James, Marquis of. See Graham, James. Mont Montserrat [West Indies], Mr. Devereux to be Governor of, 280. Montzon [Arragon], 13. Moors of Arabia revolt against Selim II, 116. Moravia, Diet in, 45. Emperor Maximilian II in, 9. Moray, Earl of. See Stewart, James. Mordaunt. Henry, Earl of Peter- borough, commended to Prince Charles, 273, 295. Mores. See O’Mores. Morgan: Lewis, servant to Smith, at» St. Quentin, 35. , charged with murder at Brecknock, 36. Captain, 246. --——_. sent to South Wales, 279, 281. Colonel [1' clerical error for Foxe], 279. Morlaix [France], 275. Morret, M. de, 102. Morris, Marris : Colonel John, Governor of Pontefract, letter to, 293. , prisoner, 277. Ma2r7g76ry, his wife, petition of, Mortimer, Major, a Royalist, 280. Morton: James, fourth Earl of. See Douglas, James. Mr., 8 Royaliet, 259. 355 Morton, Mr., a Royalist—cont. —, at Scilly, 278. -——, his reposition as to sending s ips to the Straits, 283. Morvilliers : Jean de, French Ambassador to England for Treaty of Troyes, 28, 29. [Louis de Lannoy], a Huguenot officer, 139. Moryson, Major [of Virginia], 262. Moscow, 143. Englishmen ill-used at, 149. Moselle, River, 82. 83. Mote Park [‘1 Berks], 188. Mouans [? Paul], de, a Protestant Captain, 19. [Moulins], Mollins [France], 74. Mountgarret, Richard Butler, Vis- count. See Butler. Mountjoy, James Blount, Viscount. See Blount, James. Mouy, de [Artus de Vaudray], a Huguenot captain, 135, 139, 151. letter from, 160. succeeds de Genlis, 153. wife and family of, 160. Mullets [T Mules] for Queen Eliza- beth, 49, 174. for Lord Leicester, 144. Munster [Westphalia], 231, 235. Bishop of, encourages trade at Emden, 23. proposal to grave river from, to Emden, 23. treaty of, 231~-234, 241. Munster [Ireland], 241, 260. offenders in, fined, 62. Admiralty, Judge of, 241. Cusack’s advice as to, 63. President of, Lord Inchiquin, 241, 249, 276. Murad IV, “Morat Han,” Sultan of Turkey: letters to, 193, 194. Vizier of, letter to, 193. Murray: Earl of. See Stewart, James. William, a messenger, 251. Muscovy. See Russia. Musicians: lute players, 24, 30. a singer, 30. Musselburgh [Scotland], Laird of, his ship from West Indies taken, 277. Mustapha Pasha [Lali], commands at Malta, 60. Myddelmore, Henry, letter from. 10. N Namur [FlanderS], 131. Nancy [France], 173. Nantes [France], 128. letter dated from, 67. ships prepared for Chate1~ heraut at, 126, 129, 130. Naples, Kingdom of, religious per- secution in, 8. City, 47, 48, 52, 55. , advices from, 42. , commotion at, 22. , exiles from, 42, 45. -—————, Del Guasto at, 22. -—-~, Marquis of Pescara at, 21. ,pacification of,in 1648, 234. ~—~—-, Royalist consul at, 263. , scarcity at, 37. , sea trade of, with Hol— land, 204. ._ Viceroy of [Perafan de Ri’bera, Duo d’AJcala], 37, 46, 59. introduces inquisition at, 42. , excommunicated, 97._ Nassau—Hademar, John Lewis, Count of, announces Treaty of Westphalia, 232, 236. Nassau, Louis of. See Louis. Navarre, likely to be attacked by French, 115. Queen of. See Jeanne. Henry of. See Henry. Navagero, Cardinal Bernardo, 59. Navigation and Commerce, John Evelyn’s tract upon, 267. Neagh, Lough [Ulster], 86. Neckar, River [Germany], 84, 235. Nedhariié George, letters from, 22, 0. unpopular at Antwerp as the “ discloser of Emden,” 180. Needham, Marchamont, author of .Mercw'ius Pragmaticus, letters from, 282. apprehended by his own con- sent, 286, 298. Nemours, Jacques, Duke de, at Nevers, 144. raises troops for Charles IX, 138. to besiege Sancerre, 142. Francesco, Count, Ambas- sador of Duke of Mantua to Prince Charles, 207. Nerli, 3‘56 Nerve, the [Russia], 143, 149. Nervi [Italy], Bishop of, 52. Netherlands, 22, 156, 234, 238, 245. Neuberg [Wolfgang]. Duke of, 254. N avers [France], de N emours at, 144. Nevers, Francis 11, Duke of Cleves and, 18. , Henrietta, Duchess of, 18, 42. Neville, Charles, Earl of Westmor- land, 80. New Amsterdam, Dutch colony, 270. New England, first plantation of, expenses of, 270, 271. a ship of, 231. New York, North America, 270. New York [France], See Niort. Newburgh, James Livingstone, Earl of. See Livingstone. Newcastle, William Marquis of. See Cavendish, William. Newcastle [Northumberland], 69, 72. letters dated from, 68, 71. Wine duties at, 190. . Newhaven [France]. See Havre de Grace. NeWman, Richard Witnesses a document, 268. Newry, the [00. Down], 86. Newton : Alexander, 189. Dr. [? Francis], recommended too late for prebend at Canter— bury, 146. Sir Isaac, 269, 270. Mr. [Theodore], Prebendary of Canterbury, brother to Dr. Francis, 146. Nice [France], earthquakes near, 30. Nicholas, Sir Edward, letter from, 203. cowiterSigns ass, 203. _ , member of enrietta Maria’s Council at Paris, 208. Nicole, Ludovico, of Antwerp, his wife mentioned, 47. Nicolini, Cardinal, 59. Nicoll, Captain Augustine, taken at Scilly, 273, 274. Nimes [France], letter dated from, 40. Niort, New York, France, 11. letter dated from, 148. siege of, 163. Nivelles [Flanders]. 136. Nonsuclli1 [Surrey], letter dated from, 6. Norfolk: Duke of. See Howard, Thomas. County, a recusant of, speaks against Colepepper, 237. ~—-——, Reyalists in, 279, 304. 14, Norgate Thomas, Deputy Re istrar of Admiralty for Charos 11 at Dunkirk, letter from. 261. petition of, and order for pay- ment to, 287. Norham [Northumberland], taincy of, 145. ‘Normandy 87, 161, 164. Registrar of Admiralty Court in, 287. N orres, Robert, clerk, 189. Norreys, Sir Henry, Ambassador to France, 156. letters from, 96-100, 102, 104, 105 107, 113, 116, 120—122, 124 126, 127, 129‘134, 138, 142, 144, 146, 147, 149, 151, 152, 156, 156, 160—163, 165. 166, 174. ——- to, 105. coznplains to Charles IX of arrest of Barnaby, 105. Cap - v v his difficulty in procuring messengers to England, 113, 116, 166. his letters to the Queen inter- cepted, 133, 151-153,163. money due by him to the Queen, 136. to him from Wyse, 136. his house at Paris entered in his absence for arrest of Protestants, 163. trelatment of, by Charles IX, 162, 63. in danger at Metz, 163. wishes for his recall or that of his wife [Mar ery Williams], and children, 52, 162. his ciphers seized, 163. sick, 165. 166. North Head [Kent], 165. North, Dudley, third BarOn, Speaker of House of Lords: letter from, 224. to, 221. North Sea: ‘ Elizabeth desires to explore, 6. chart of, 22. Northampton [Northamptonshire], 1111;. Wyborne's preaching at, 7. Mar ' of. Northum land: See Parr, William. Duke and Duchess of. See Dudley. Earl of. Sec Percy, Algernon. Sec Percy, Thomas. Earldom of, 2. Norton, Mr.,'Captain of N orham, 145. Norway, passage between, and Greenland, 6. 357 Norwich: George, Earl of. George. [Norfolk], in, 176. Chancellor of, 177. Dean of. See Astlcy, Herbert. Nottingham, warrant dated from, 6. county of, Lord VVilloughby of Parham, to be Lieut.-General in, 281. Novorogod [Russia], 143. Noy, Captain, letter from, 273. thanked for services at Scilly, 230. Noyers [Burgundy], Condé at, 123, 130. See Goring, Cathedral, disorder , Nozon [Franee, ‘iNozay, Loire In- férieure], 134. Nugent, Francis, letter from, 286. Nuncio, Papal. See Chigi. See Rinuccini. N uneaton [Warwickshire], 144. Nuremburg [Bavaria], 45, 85. letter dated from, 254. Convention at, 4. Wrangel at, 234, 235. O O’Bymes, Berries, the, 87. O’Brien, Murrough, Lord Inchquin, 248, 249, 276. letters from, 290, 291. letters to, 242, 284, 285. Apsley sent to, 241. Lord President of Munster, 249. . makes Cessation with the Rebels, (1643), 287. Owen, letter from, 173. O’Connors, the, 26. O’Connor, Sir Donogh recalls his brother Owen, 173. O’Donell [Calvagh ‘2], 86. O’Doran, “ denies the King’s com- mission ” at Dunkirk, 262. O’Mores, 26. O’Neal : ML, in Holland, 280 Don Eugenio, 281. Shane, Earl of Tyrone, 124. , letter from, 14. —_—, accepts Elizabeth’s friend- ship, 63. O’Neal, Shane, Earl of Tyrone—cont. , attacks the Pale, 91. ~—-—-, his promises and forces, 86, 87. O’Neill, Owen Roe, 248, 249, 272. at Londonderry, 300. joins Monck and Jones, 272. receives money from Parlia~ ment, 299, 300. said to be Royalist, 286. O’Reilly, 91. O’Tooles, Towclles, 87. Ochiltree, Andrew, Stewart Andrew. Offaly [now King’s County, Ireland], 25. Oggersheim, Eggescheyn [Germany], Church service at, 84. Ogilvy, Oglevye, Lieut.—Colonel, 247. Oldenburg : Count Christopher of, 5. Count [Anton Guenther] of, 257. Onslow, Mr. Richard, Speaker of House of Commons, letter from, 117. Oppenheim, Oppenhaym [Germany], church and services at, 83. Orange: William “ the Silent,” Prince of, 44, 47, 50, 51, 97, 103, 119, 122, 134, 135, 147, 165. —-~, second marriage of, 4. ————, present at audience of Shers with Lady Regent, l4. , in interview with Shers liavours English merchants, 5. , declares for Protestantism, 100. , tries to reconcile Pr0« testants and Papists at Ant— werp, 100. W, declaration of, against tyrannies of Alva, 120. , forces and preparation of, 126, 128, 129, 163. , adherents, list of, 186. ~———-, advance of, against Alva, 125, 129431, 133436. -—~—-—, inaction of, in July, 1568, 125. ——~, advance of, into France, 137, 139, 142, 144, 146, l50~ 153. --——-, at Chateau Thierry, 139. m, receives offers from Charles 1X at Rheims, 139. Baron. See , his son. See dc Buren, Philip. Amalie, Princess of, letter from, 206. 358 Orange—~cont. William II, Prince of, 230, 245, 280. -————, letters from, 206, 220, 289. , to, 220, 233, 280, 283, 286, 292. ———~, Gough sent to, 233. , marries Princess Mary of England, 200, 219, 220. , troops of, 229, 233, 276. ~—--—, urged to furnish arms and troops for Ireland, 248. , Vice-Admiral of, 220. Frederick Henry, Prince of, dies, 206. Orleans [France], 29, 100, 106, 113, 117, 128, 130, 135, 138. letters dated from, 161—163. Edicts of, 31, 117, 125. Huguenots attacked at, 134. Duke of. See Anjou, Duke of. See Philippe. Duchess of. See Henrietta. Ormond, Marquis of. See Butler, James. Earl of. See Butler, Thomas. Osburne, Sir Peter, letters of, 275, 287. su ests the surprise of puernsey, 275. Osuaburg [Osnabriick, Prussia], Bishop of, premises to encourage trade at Emden, 23. Ostend [Flanders], letters dated from, 238, 273. men-of—war capture Cottington and Hyde, 273. vessel to keep communication with, 218. Outlaws from Papal States and Naples to be restored, 47. Overton, Colonel [Robert], Parlia- mentary Governor of Hull, 272. attendant on Earl of Arundel, 85. Oyers, Abraham, advocate of H01— land, letter from, 239. ordered to proceed against Sir R. W’alsh, 237. Oxford : letters dated from, 47, 87—89, 92, 155, 166, 173, 203, 278. mentioned, 179. University of, letters to, 46, 101. ~——, Chancellor of, letters to, 47, 87—89, 92, 101, 119, 155, 166. —-~, , -~--— from, 46. , choice of Proctors at, 9. Owen, Oxford, University of-cont. , Convocation of, 93. ~——~«-, Earl of Leicester’s visit to, arrangements for, 155. , reform of statutes at, 9, 47. , registratiou of students, and payments of fees at, 192. , religion at, 88, 89. ~—~, search for heretical books and persons at, 166. , to nominate Priest at Windsor, 1. , Vice-Chancellor of, 161. ~———-, , letter from, 155. ——-——~, Vice-Chancellorship of, 101. , visitation of, 187. 00116 es: hristchurch, Dean of. See. Cooper, Dr. Time. -~», Dean and Chapter of, letter from, 119. , Leicester and Cardinal Chatillon to lodge at, 156. , unable to pay ex- pense of Elizabeth’s visit, Chantry 92. ~—-—, vicar, a, deprived of his house, 119. Corpus Christi College, laxity at, 88. Merton College, mentioned, 152. - New College, 89, 101. -—-——-—, Fellows of, letter from, 89. Oriel College, Provost of. See Mal-beck, Roger. Oxfordshire, Sherifi of, to prepare for Elizabeth’s progress, 179. P Pacheco, Don Melchior, marriage of, 237. Pacceco, Paocieco, Cardinal, 20, 29, 36, 38, 52. Pacific Ocean, opening of, beneficial to Spain, 6. Padstow [Cornwall], letter dated from, 65. Hawkins arrives at, 65. Padua [Italy]. 159. 160. 359 Paget, Lord Henry, letters from, 65, 73. Painter, a Florentine, coming to England, 44. Paisley [ltenfrewshire], 118. Palatinate : the High, 235, 241. suspension of hostilities (1648), 233. the Low, sufierings of popula- tion after Thirty Years ‘War, 241. Palatine, Elector. Lewis. Pale, the English, in Ireland, 87, inhabitants of, attacked by Shane O’Neil, 91. Palermo, Sicily, letters dated from, 234, 237. Convent» of St. Joseph at, 234, Pallavicini [‘1 a Banker], 24. Palliano, fort of, [Italy], 45. Pallicone, a conspirator, 48. Palmer: Sir Henry, letter to, 281. Colonel, a Royalist, 301. Palsgrave. See Frederic Elector. Panbode [Hungary ‘2], 60. Papacy, supremacy of, subject for disputation at Oxford, 155. Papists: at Antwerp, 98, 100. in France, 106, 107. in Germany, 4. at Wurtemberg, 108. Lords in England, 154. Scotch, 148, 150. Spanish, plot of, 148. watch Bishop of Hereford, 98. Papistry, disputation on the two pillars of, at Oxford, 155. Paris, 132, 138, 161-164, 170, 277, in, See Charles III, 287. letters dated from, 29, 73, 96— 100, 102, 104, 105, 107, 113, 116, 120—122, 124, 126, 127, 129—134, 138, 146, 147, 156, 160, 161, 174; 208, 280, 303, 305. Louvre, the, letter dated from, 208. First President of, 109. gives money for siege of Havre. ll. “ Marble Table ” at Palais [de Justice] at, 198. Norreys’ house at, attacked, 163. Protestants at, 111, 117, I22, 146, 174. Provost of, ordered to release Barnaby, 105. Paris, Provost ofwwnt. , letter from, 106. Parker: Matthew, Archbishop of Canter— bury, 157. ———, letters from, 146, 152, 161. -————, to, 174. , blamed for laxity of discipline by Elizabeth, 175. W'idow, allowed grazing in Richmond Park, 287. Mr., bearer of letter, 41. W, at Madrid with Huggins, 55. Parking, Perkins, Francis, his house at Uiton searched for Jesuits, 182, 183. Parlandes, Mr. Francis, commended to Leicester, 144. mentioned, 162. Parliament : of England, 216, 232, 239, 251, 303w305. , Colepepper reported to correspond with, 237. , Commissioners Carisbrooke, 223. , likel to send Ambassador to Swe en, 246. , spy of, letter from, 264. House of Lords, 269. of Scotland, 70. of, at Parma: Bishop of, 37. Prince of. See Farnese, Alex- ander. Duchess Margaret of. See Margaret. Duke Ottavio Farnese of. See Farnese. Parr, William, Marquis of North- ampton, 111, 112. Parramore, Mn, of Galloway, letter from, 284. Paul II, Pope, began the Palazzo Venezia at Rome, 28. Paulet, Pawlett: Sir Hugh, 185. W illiar'n, Marquis of Winchester, warrant to, for Parsonage of Maidstone, 2. —--~. . for Johane West, 3. Pauw, Adrien, letter from, 250. Peers, Dr. John. See Piers. Pelham, Sir W. [‘3], “ Mr. Pellem,” his bargain with the Regent Moray. 150. Pembroke, Earls of. Pembroke [Wales], 299. Royalist army sent to, 208. John and See Herbert. 360 Pendennis Castle [Cornwall], letters dated from, 278, 289. in need of supplies, 289. officers of, letter to, 290. Prince Charles Wishes they had not gone to Jersey, 290. Penniall, Capt. Matthew, letter from, describing his capture of money m the Channel, 261. Penruddock, Penriddocke, John [1'], gentleman [in waiting] to Charles II, 255. Pepys, Samuel, 201. Percy : Algernon, Earl of Northumber- land, 295. Henry, Lord, letter from, 277. , instructions for, 252. ___., at Paris, 277. , sent to Prince of Orange, 283. Sir Harry, 145. Thomas, 80, 89. , restored to Earldom of Northumberland, copy of letters patent, 2. , letter from, 135. v———, men of, find a chest of, Spanish money, 72. Périgcux [France], surprised, 161. Perkins : Francis. See Perkins. ML, an astronomer, 269. Perne, Andrew, Dean of Ely, letter from, 157. Perret, Estienne, letter from, 138. Persia, Shah [Tahmaspl Sufi] of, makes peace wit Selim II, 116. Perugia [Italy, Fulvio della Coma], Cardinal of, 48. Pesaro [Italy], damaged by Turks, 53. Pescara, Francisco Ferdinand d’Avalos, Marquis of, 19, 21, 61. Commander-in-Chief in Corsica, 37, 42, 4:4, 55. Viceroy in Sicily, 115. Pet, servant to Earl of Leicester, 91. Peterborough : Henry, Earl of. See Mordaunt. Bishop of. See Scambler, Ed- mund. 1’ctit, the Revd. ——-, 269. Pettye, Mn, a captain, 181. Pfalz, Pfaltz [Germany], 83. Philip and Mary, King and Queen of England, warrant from, grant- ing Parsonage of Maidstone and Chapels of Dettling and Loose to Christopher Roper, 2. 361 Phili and Mary, King and Queen of ngland—cont. letters patent from, appointing Thomas, Baron Percy, Earl of N orthumberland 2. Philip II of Spain, King of England, 13—16, 20-22, 27, 29, 30, 34, 35, 37, 38, 40, 45—48, 52—55, 1 59, 61, 62, 65, 69, 75, 80, 81, , 93, 97, 99, 100, 102, 106—108, ‘ 110, 113—116, 131, 136, 137, 153, I72, 173, 180. attitude of, towards the Inter- course, 15-17. . friendship with England, 17. ; preoedency of his Ambassador ’ at Rome, 20, 21, 26. Philpot, a Protestant Divine, 2. Piali Haga, Pasha, at Malta, 60. Picardy [France], 161, 164. Coqueville’s movements in, 122. de 00556 in, 138. garrisons in, 99. men of, go towards Paris, 161. Registrar of Admiralty Court in, 287. , sends forces to Orange, 135. ‘ Piedmont, old garrison of, vith de Nemours, 142. , Pierse, Peers, John, letter from, 88. may come to Oxford with Leicester, 155. Pigault, Nicholas, of Calais, com- plains of seizure of a shallop, codes territory to Duke of 228. Florence, 20. Pilkington [James 1’], a Protestant Colonna’s galleys, 20. divine, 3. ai ~Genoa with galleys and 1' Bishop of Durham, letters from, men, 29, 41, 43, 55. T 42, 154. confederacy against, begun by ‘ Piombino [Italy], burnt by Corsairs, Pius IV, 40. 21. sends troo to Naples, 48. Pirates hired to burn English ships, his son Car 03 to marry daughter ‘ 153. of Maximilian I, 29, 69. 1 in Sound, re orted to be main- and commerce ofNetherlands,58. ’ tained by ngland, 5, 38. reconciled to Pope and Duke ofolorence, 61, 62. going to Flanders, 92, 96, 99. encourages Sir F. Englefield, 93. movements of, 92, 96, 100, 137. and Queen Elizabeth, 102, 151. receives Venice and Avignon from the Pope, 106. his forces, 108, 111. punished by Elizabeth, 5. seizure of Antwerp ships by English, 69. Pisa [Italy], 40. Pisani, Pysani, Cardinal, 37, 38, 59. Pitcairn, Robert, Abbot of Dum- ferline, 176. Pius IV, Pope, 19-22, 27—29, 32, 36—38, 40—42, 45—49, 52, 59, attitude towards France, 108, 110. religion in France, 110, 115. refuses freedom of worship to English Ambassador, 114. borrows from Maximilian, 136. requested b Charles IX to restore illiam of Orange, 139. offers Metz to German Princes, 147. ships of, may be sent to Scotland, 50. 106, 60, 62. practises with Emperor Ferdin- and, 4. his legates at Lubeck, 4, 7. feared to practise with Russia, 7. grants audience in Curie to Duke of Urbino, 19. prints new Breviary, 19. settles precedence of Cardinals in favour of France, 20—22, 26. gives Palace at Rome Signo ry of Venice, 28. has Mass for Emperor Ferdin- to . pro (1 marriage of, 162. and I, 29. thfikl’ of Spain, 206, 234, 263. condoles with Maximilian II, 61y to help Charles II in 29. Ireland, 253. plot to murder, 42. second marriageof imposes taxation, 65. sympathy on eath of3 Charles I, Pins V, Pope, 92, 102, 106, 111, 115, 251, 253, 288, 306. Philip de Austria, 9. Moor, 30. 155. his galleys to trouble Scotland, Philippe, Duke of Orleans, his , 150. gggport sought by Charles II 5 promises troops to Charles IX, . i 164. Pius V, Popewco'nt. demands oath Bishops, 174. Plague at Constantinople, 114. in France, 32, 45. in Hampshire, 162. in Himgary, 38. in Italy, 8, 33. Plantations, the. 296, 297. Plate, :\:ich()las, 7. Plays : to be performed at Oxford, the Destruct-ion of Thebes and Etcoclcs and Polynices 155. Italian to be performed before Elizabeth, 190. Plot, a Spanish Popish, 148. against Alva, 127. of an Englishman to Elizabeth, 155. Plunket, Thomas, Lord Justice of Ireland, 34. Plymouth [Devon], 35. tampered with, by a Royalist, of German seize 300. _ wine duties at, 190. Pomt Comfort, Virginia, to be fortified, 262. Poissy [France], letter dated from, 106. Poitiers [France]. Coligny is near, 165.. fighting near, 137, 138. Henry, Duke of Anjou, at, 136. siege of, 166. Poitou [France], 143. Poland, 19. Ambassador of, 115. Crown of, 241. King of. Sec Sigismund. John Casimir. Queen of. See Bona. Tartars crowd into, 241. Pole, Reginald, Cardinal, 2. Pomerania, 172. Bogislas XI, Duke of, 85. Ponunar,Gri§mtz de, letter from, 172. m charge of prisaners at Antwerp who escape, his consequent sufferings, 173. Pent d’San [? Dissains, France], Coligny at, 137. Pontefract Castle [Yorks], Governor of, Colonel Morris, a prisoner, 277. , letter to, 293. ruins of, bought, 288. Poole [Dorsetshire], wine duties at, Sea 190. [Pooley]. Poully, Mn, 8. corres~ pendent of Prince Charles, 205. 362 [Pooley], Poully, Mr.——«cont. letter from, 273. gentleman usher to Charles II, 255. Robert, of Marnhull, appointed gamekeeper of Stalbridge manor, 268. See Gregory III. See In- nocent X. See Julio III. See Paul II. See Pius IV. See Pius V. Popham, Sir John, Chief Justice, letter from, 183. Popish apparel. See Vestments. Porrée, M., letter from, enclosing his translation for Charles II, 258. Portland [Dorset], tampered with by a Royalist, 300. Richard, Earl of. See Weston, Richard. Porto Farina [‘2], Africa, plan of battle of, 267. Porto Ferraro [Portoferrajo, Elba], 36. Porto Fino [Italy], 38. Porto Vecchio [Corsica], 41, 42. Portsmouth [Hants], 283, 293. Portugal, 38, 48, 62, 253. King of, Sebastian IV, 42, 81. , ———, to marry Margaret of Valois, 162. , Henry I, Cardinal Infants, later King, 36. , John IV, his support and use of his ports obtained by Charles II, 252, 253, 256, 258. , , to send enxroy to Ireland, 253. Queen of, Luiza de Guzman, supports Charles II, 253. trade of, advanced by discovery of Moluccas, 6. an Indian ‘ King ’ demands Sultan’s help against, 21. enforcement of decrees of Council of Trent postponed in, 36, 38. Secretary of State and Council of, 258. Portuguese, helped by Hawkins, 66. knight killed at Malta, 61. Post, between London and Berwick, slowness of, 77. Postmastership, 76. Potter, George, of Exeter, merchant, 278. Pourcain [Antoine (10 Grey], Prince of, 100. Powel : Rice, 3. Royalist colonel, 208. , letter from, 281. Pope, Popes. Powel, Rice—cont. , letter to, 282. , in South Wales, 279. Owen, letter from, 303. Poyer [John], a Royalist colonel, 208. letter to, 282. in South Wales, 279. Poyteis ['2 Poitiers], France, 4. Prague [Bohemia], 45. attacked, 232, 233. relieved, 234. spoils of, 241. Precedence, question of, in Papal chapel, 22, 26, 40. between Sir R. Shelley and Prior of Messina, .114. [Presburg], Presbroke [Hungary], Emperor Maximilian II at, 109. Presbyterians, letters from certain, 296. Charles II urged to agree with, 300. will not oppose Cromwell if he defeats Ormond, 300. Pressed seamen, 165. Preston [Lancashire], Battle of, 225« 227, 242. Preston, General [Thomas], a Royalist, letter to, 280. corrupted by Michael Jones, 300. Pretended Prince of Wales. See Yvins. Prince Palatine. tavus. Priests of the Empire, marriage of, 46. Prisoners in galleys released by Charles IX, 32. rescued from the Scotch, 70. Privy Council, 44, 80, 170, 183. Prizes taken at sea: a Dutch, supplies Scilly, 259. -—-—, 276. Admiralty Court for. See Hart, Dr. Richard. 866 Nor-gate, Thomas. bound for Holland, cargo of, to be restored, 219. capture of, authorized, 221. French Ordinances upon, 193— 866 Charles Gus- 199. not to be taken, 209, 241, 249. , except to supply the Fleet, 210. proceeds of sale of, 230. release recommended of ship belonging to the merchants of Rotterdam, 222. 363 Prizes taken at seawcont. questions of legality of, 193—- 199, 204, 205, 225, 228, 230- 233, 241, 259, 261, 262, 264, 273, 276-278, 283, 285-287, 289, 291, 306. warrant to sell merchandise taken by Royalist Fleet, 291. Progers, E[dward], letter from, 238. Groom of Bedchamber to Charles II, 255. Protestants. churches of, in Wurtem- berg crowded, 109. and Papists at Antwerp, 98. 100. in Flanders, 101, 158. in France, 106, 107, 110, 111, 115, 117, 126, 130, 131, 158, 159. in Naples, 8. in W'urtcmberg, 109. in household of Charles IX, dismissed, 120. assaults by, in France, 19. at Orleans, 117, 134. at Paris, 122, 146, 174. at Rochelle, 128. at Rouen, 131. at Toulouse, 132. Provence, climate of, 32. divisions about religion in, 31, 45. Provisions for Elizabeth’s progress to Kenilworth, 179. Ptolemy ' [Claudius Ptolemaeus], astronorner, 270. Purefoy, Purfraye, Mix, 264. Pyle, Mn, Chirugien to Charles II, 256. Q Quakers, the, 268. R Radcliffe : Sir [George], 258. Sir Thomas, third Earl of Sussex, Lord Deputy in Ire- land, 25, 34, 67, 91, I24. Radcliffe, Sir Thomas, third Earl of Sussex—”cont. , letters from, 109, 174. -——~#, letter to, 170. , instructed as to Eliza- beth’s proposed marriage with Archduke Charles, 102. ~~~~, intrigues against Leicester, 112. Rainborowe, Ranberri, Thomas, 209. Rais, Rays, Count de, 99, 100. Rakéczy, Rakozzi, George I, Prince of Transylvania, death of, 233, 236. Rambouillet, Jacques d’Angennes, 100. proxy for Charles IX when installed Knight of the Carter, 73. to go to Berwick, 76, 77. Raine [Cornwall], letter dated from, 177. Randall, Mn, ill—used in Moscow, 149. Randolph, Thomas, 11, 70, 71, 72, 76, 78, 79. , letter from, 11. Colonel Edward, takes soldiers to Ulster, 92. Rantzau, Ransau, Count Josias, Marshal of France, asked to help Royalists, 214. letter to, 214. Lord Gerard sent to borrow ammunition from, 214. Rasse, Pierre, of Dieppe, 194. Ratisbon, Regensburg [Bavaria], 45. Diet at, 99. Ban, Alexander, of Calais, com« plains of seizure of a shallop, 228. Ravenna, Archbishop of, 37. Ray, John, letter from, 269. Reade: Captain William, at Carlisle, 66. ML, Secretary to the English commissioners in Scotland, S(Sogl‘esponds with Royalists, 9 . Readeeboye, Castle of the [Ulster], 87. Records, at the Tower, 186. at Whitehall, 268. Red Cross, Order of, 61. Reiters or Roysters, ll, 48, 160. threaten France, 129. under Auméle, 138. under Orange, 139. levied by Alva, 159. Religion, Leicester’s zeal for, 53. in England, 90, 97. ' in, Flanders, 96.. 364 Religionwcont. in France, 96. in Wurtemberg, 109. Rennes [France], Bishop of [Bert- rand de Maraillac], 109. Reth, a Protestant Divine, 3. Reux, Dereu, de Roeulx, M. de, 126, 131, 135, 136. Reuz, Ruez, Martine de, of Rotter- darn, Prince Charles ex- changes cannons for provi- sions with, 239, 240. Rheims [France], Prince of Orange near, 139. Reiters at, 11. Rheinhausen [Germany], 84. Rhine, River, 128, 131, 150, 234, 236. description of, 82-84. Rhinegau, the, pledged by Elector of Mainz, 236. Rhingrave, the, 31, 32, 138. Rhodes, galleys of, 42. Riccardy, Alessandro, paper on the sanitation of London, 184. Rich : Henry, Earl of Holland, com- mission for, 278. John, letter from, 231. Colrgnel Nathaniel, letter from, 2 3. , , letters to, 222, 223. w, his troop at Carisbrooke unpaid, 223. Richard, Lord, letter from, 10. Robert, Earl of Warwick, com- mander of Parliamentary fleet, 220, 274. , letter from,mentioned, 274. , to be invited to go to Ireland as a Royalist, 249. Robert, warrant to, 286. Richelieu [Armand], Cardinal, naval ordinance of, 193. Richmond [Surrey], order for grazing in the new park at, 287. Rietraet, Lambert, notary at the Hague, 233. Rider, a noted Spanish, 41. [Rinuccini, Giovanni Battista], Papal nuneio in Ireland, 249. excommunicates adherents to the cessation of, 1643, 287. Rio, Rye, Juan de, at Antwerp, 131. Roades, Sir Edward, buys ruins of Pontefract Castle, 288. ‘ Roberts, Mor an, slanders Elizabeth . at M 'd, 77, Robinson, Henry, brings the Smack to Prince Charles, 273. Robsart, Amy, her death charged against Leicester, 112. Rochefoucauld, of, 100. Rochelle [Franco], 97,137,142. Queen of Navarre at, 135. re orted despatch of ships to, Elizabeth, 162. sends money to Duke of Deux- Ponts through the Cardinal of Chétillon, 157. siege of, 125, 126, 128430, 137, 138. Rochester [Kent], letter dated from, 82. Rodrigo, Don. Roe, Rochefo’rca, Count See da Castro. Sir Thomas, recalled from Constantinople, 193. Roeulx. See Rcux. Rogers: Colonel, notes by, concerning Yarmouth, 290. Francis, ass for, from Holland to Eng and, 272. Richard, 9. Royalist of Norfolk, 304.. Ste hen, Master of 3 Dover sp1allo taken for Prince Charles, 228, 232. ML, Page of Bcdchamber to Charles II, 256. Colonel, 279. Rokeby, Sir Themas, commands a regiment, 261, 262. Rome, 24, 28, 40, '46, 47—49, 52, 160. advices from, 19—22, 26, 38, 40, 42, 49, 59. letters dated from, ‘19, 24, 26, 27. Ambassadors at, 19—22, 26, 29. of Mary Queen of Scots expected at, 65. best route for letters from, 22. Church of the Santi Apostoli precedence of, at, 29. Garcia (16 Toledo expected at, 36. intelligence between Scotland, France, and, 32. palace of St. Mark [Pala'z'zo Venezia], at, 28. Popes of. See Gregory. See Pius IV. See Pius V. sanitation of [ancient], 184. theatre of Belvedere at, 59. Romccourt, Colonel de, 229. Remorstrf, near Tréves [Trier], letter dated from, 129. Roper, Christo her, receives par— sonage o Maidstone, 2. ”Rosario, Domingo.“ an Irishman ” to be sent to Ireland by JohnIVof Portugal, 252, 253 365 Roselle, an Italian captain, 36, 37. Rosewell, George, seamen, petition of, 238. Ross, James, Baron. See Hackett. Rossano [Italy], Bishop of, sent to Venice, 52. R0336, Bishop of. See Leslie, Rosse, Captain James, 280 Rothelin [Jacqueline de Rohan], lVIarquisc of, Condé 3 mother- in law, 129. John, Robhes : Andrew, fifth Earl of. See Lesley, Andrew. John, sixth Earl of. See Lesley, John. Rotterdam, 228. 229, 238, 243, 264, 271, 276, 305. letters dated from, 228, 242, 274, 275, 288-291, 303. Admiralty of, 275. Merchant Adventurers of, 215, 219, 222, 225, 282. ,letter to, 215. , Gough sent to borrow money from, 215. merchant. of, his contract with Prince Charles, 239. Rouen, 121. letters dated from, 200, 201. alum intended for, taken by Corsairs, 29. Governor of, 121. Protestants murdered at, 117, 131. Roulet, Pierre, Secretary to Mary Queen of Scots, goes to England, 132. Route, Roate, the [co. Antrim], 86, 87, 124. Rowland, John, Rector of Cray, Kent, letter from. 275. Rowlandson, Mr., his cipher, 308. Roxburgh, Robert, Earl of. See Ker, Robert. Royal Society, the, 269. Royston, Major, bill of disburse ments, 288. Rubatti, Colonel, letter from, 206. Rudolf II, Emperor, marriage proposed for, with Margaret of Valois, 102. Rudolphine Tables, the, 270. Rudunel, Sieur de, takes aship, Rueil [France], treaty of, 252. Ruez, Martino de. See Reuz. Rumball, William, pass to France for, 276. Ruleto, Min, 21. _ Rupert, Prince, 227, 239, 240, 243, 252, 274, 283. letter from, 272, 259. Rupert, Prince—wont. letters to, 285, 286. of, taken at Worcester, 287. informed that Prince Charles will go to Ireland, 227. directed to send frigate to Scilly, 227. sends do Lisle to King of Portugal, 253, 258. should “ strike from the W est,” 25/1. at Kinsale, 272, 277, 300. to wear the Standard in main— top of the Admiral, 284. warrant to, for sale or pledging of the Antelope. 285. bills sent to Holland for pay of his ships. 301. Russell : Anne, marries Ambrose, Earl of Warwick, 68, 70, 76. Francis, Earl of Redford, Governor of Berwick, 12, 103, 116, 119, 145, 153. M, letters from, 53, 66—70, 72, 75. 77—779, 104. -—-—-, n... to, 66, 101. , his house occupied by Margravine of Baden, 70. ~~~~~ ~, marriage of his daughter. See Russell, Anne. ~———~«, protests against super- session by Sussex, 67. MM, wishes to be released from Berwick. 104. John, Earl of Bedford, sent by Henry VIII to Duke of Bourbon, 152. Sir William, letter from. 182. Russia, Emperor of. See Alexis. export of arms to, 5, 6. mentioned, 19, 143. opposed by Poland, 19. trade with, 143, Russian Company, 143, 149. Ruthven : Patrick, larl of Brentford, 227. , letter from, 292. ~—- - to, 242. , sent to Scotland, 244. -—~—~, Sweden, 253. —-——~, and obtains arms there, 260, 292, 302. -——, sends news from Sweden, 292. \Villiarn, fourth Baron, at Lang~ side, 118. Rutland : Edward, Earl of. Edward. See Manners, 366 l ,.- .14. .. Rutland—cont. County of, commission to Lord VVilloughby of Parham as Lieut.—Gcneral in, 281. Buy Gomez (V-Vrygomes), 113. Rycche, Sir Richard. See Rich. Rycott, Ricott [Oxon], 179. letter dated from, 88. Rye [Sussex], a barque of, 283. Rygate, John, commission for, 301. S Sackville, Sakfeld: Mr. [? Sir Richard], 78, 79. Thomas, Baron Buckhurst, letter from, 183. , at Rome, 19 , in Netherlands, 180. Sacrament, uniformity of, sought by Swedes, 4. be administered in both kinds in the Em ire, 46. presented to ench am- bassador, 1. woman’s, for Mary, Queen of Scots, 124. Sadler, Sir Ralph, letter from, 151. sent to Scotland by Henry VIII, 152. Sadlington, Captain William takes a dogger boat of London, 205. St. Alban’s [Herts], 7S. to Saddle St. Andrews, Archbishop of. See Hamilton, John. St. Aubyn, St. Albyn [France], Protestants from Dieppe assemble at, 130. St. Catharine’s [Malta]. 60. St. Christopher’s, West Indies, Warner, Sir T., Governor of. See Warner. St. David’s, Bishop of. See Davies, Richard. St. Denis [near Paris], 161. St. Elmo [Malta], 64. St. Ermayes [Malta, ? St. Elmo], 60. St. Germain [—en—Laye, France], 107, 208, 210, 261. letters dated from, 10, 105, 106, 207, 211, 275, 279—281, 293, 302. council at, 106. St. Gear, St. Grower [Germany], 83. St. Helen of Britain, Church of, at Bonn, 82. St. Heller‘s in Jersey. See.- Jersey. St. Hill, Peter, of Exeter, merchant, 278. St. John, Commendators of Order of, 115. St. John, Lord [of Torpichen, Sir Jas. Sandilands], released, 150. St. John of Bletso : 1 Lord [Oliver], 157. Oliver, Lord Chief Justice, Am- bassador to Holland, letter to, 264. St. John’s Road, fleet at, 210, 211, 281. St. Leger, Sir VVarham, 90, 92. St. Leiger, Sir Anthony, 298. St. Malo [Fiance], letters dated from, 275, 286. intelligence from, 286. pass for the Sark to, 275. St. Mary’s Castle, Scilly, taken, 273, 274. St. Mauro des Fosses [France], 102, 107, 132. St. Michael [Malta], assaulted, 65. St. Michael, Order of, for the Earl of Leicester, 18, 31, 54. for the Earl of Moray, 106. St. Quintin [France], 138. assault on, 35. St. Rhémy [Provence], 31. St. Omer [‘3], St. Thomeres [France], 125. St. Trond, St. Truyen [Netherlands], taken by Orange, 135. St. Valery in Caux [France], 121, 122, 125, 205. St. Vyt [? St. Feit], Germany, 131. Salcombe [Devon], surrender of Charles Fort at, 277. protection desired for a barque of, 277. Stailisbury,l Wilts, letter dated from, 10 . Bishop of. See Jewell, John. Bishopric of, 189. Salle [Saul], Abbey of, co. Down, 87. Salvestro. See Federi. Salzbur , Archbishop of, 85. Samf , Mn, trumpeter to Charles II, 256. , Sampson [? Thomas], a Protestant divine, 2. San Firenze, Corsica, 27. San Segondo, Countess of, 44, 47, 51. Sande, Alvaro di, 52. Sandell’s Mote [Ulster], 87. Sandown Castle [Kent], 214. Governor of, letter to, 278. soldiers in, petition of, 276. ...._, letter to, 282‘. 367 i Sandwich [Kent], 126. Sand 5: ildwin, Bishop of Worcester, letter from, 44. \Villiam, at Dunkirk, 200, 201, 214. , to be sent to Sweden, 259. Sangle, M. do, 258. Sansac, Saynsace. Louis Prenst, Sieur de, 161. Sanscerre, Sanzarre-upon-Loire [France], 138, 142. Safine, the, Duke of Deux~Ponts On, 156. Saragossa [Spain], letters dated from, 288, 307. Saresana [‘1 Sarzana], ceded to Duke of Florence, 20. Saresanella, ceded to Duke of Florence, 20. Sarifi’a, the [of Algiers], 42. Sarlabois, young [? Corbcyran de Cardaillac], his regiment at Poitiers. 13S. Sarzana [Italy], garrisoned, 26. Satwar [? Transylvania], a castle taken by Swendy, 99. Saumur [France], to be besieged by Condé, 139. Saunders, Edward, Lord Chief Baron, letter from, 51. Savile, George, Marquis of Halifax, letter to, 269. Savorgnano, Tristano, 37, 38. Savoy, advices from, 19. bandit put to death in, 19. Savoy : Charles Emmanuel II, Duke of, 244, 263. Christian, Duchess of, 244, 263. Emmanuel Philibert, Duke of, advises Charles IX, 31. —————, at Lyons with Charles IX, 27. . makes terms with Bernates, 32. , receives Bernese towns, 42. ~———, agrees with the Swiss, 107. the , Wife of, 27. Sawle [’3 Saul, Arthur], a Protestant Divine, 3. Saxony : Augustus, Elector of, 101, 103, 108, 136, 153, 164. W, letter from, mentioned, 164. to, mentioned, 164. , recalls his subjects serving under Kings of France and Spain, 153. , proposed marriage of his daughter, 154. Saxony, Augustus, Elector of—co'nt. , attempt to persuade to join the League, 156. Francis of, 148. John ‘Willian’i, Duke of, 164. John George 1, Duke of, quarrels with Konigsmark, 241. ———-, appealed to, for Charles II, 258, 278. Saxony, “Nether,” princes of at Luneberg, 4. Scambler, Edmund, Bishop of Peterborough, letters to, 177. Scarborough [Yorks], capture of town, 273. arms delivered to, 283. Governor of, Matthew Boynton, letters from, 273, 274.‘ “a letter to, 283. , authorized to seize ships, 221. . orders for, 283, 285, 293. inhabitant of, 285. provisions for garrison of, 221. Scebaling [Schevening‘i’ Holland], letter dated from, 231. Scheppere. See Skepperus. Schestedt, Hannibal, Viceroy of Nor— way, letters to, 218, 238. Schomberg, Count Gaspar of, 34. sent byCharlesIX toOrange, 139. Schonen, Schonland [Sweden], 149. Sehout, Scout, the, at Amsterdam, 5. Schwartz. Swarttes, Frederick, with William of Orange, 119. Schwende, Lazarus. Sec Swendy. Scilly, Islands of, 227, 230, 231, 259, 277, 278, 285, 288, 290, 299« 301, 303. letters dated from, 259, 273, 274, 276, 278. Governor of Colonel Buller, 274. importance of victualling, 248. need of frigates for, supplied by Dutch prize, 259. officers and soldiers of, letter from, 274. secured by Royalists, 273, 274, 287. to be attacked by “the rebels,” 260. warning to Colonel Buller, Governor of, 274. Scory, John, Bishop of Hereford, letters from, 96, 98. Scotland, 108, 207, 221, 242, 243, 246, 247, 250, 251, 260, 266, 284, 287, 300. Army of, expected in England, 275, 290, 300. , defeated in England. See Preston, 368 Scotland—cont. Charles, Prince, Charles II, intends to go to, 225, 283. , negotiates with, 224, 226. —, prospect of in, 225, 284, 300. , urged to join, 250, 252, 292. Commissioners of General Assembly of, 242, 250, 252. —————, in London, 275. , letter to, 250. Committee of Estates in, 226, 242. , letters to, 224, 226, 227, 271, 290. Council of, 70. danger of ROme in, 32. Denham sent to, 226. “Engagement,” the, 207. faithful to Elizabeth, 12. liberty of, preserved by Elizabeth, 5. Middle marches of, Warden of. See Cessford. See Forster. news from, in Paris, 99. officers of, in Sweden, to return to, 246. Parliament of, 224. possibility of removal of Prince James from, 104. Regency of, 142. Sadler, Sir R., sent to, Henry VIII, 152. settlement of affairs in, 150. soldiers sent to, from Nether- lands, 69. likely to be sent to, from Brittany, 120, 125, 126, 129. war in, 1647, 1648, 207. Wines shipped to Ireland from, 124. Scottish Commissioners, desired by Charles I at Carisbrooke, 223. in London, letter to, 250. at the Hague, 227. Scot, Scott: Sir Edward, letter to, 203. Major, instructions for, 244. Captain Robert, letter to, 203. Scots in North Ireland, 63. Scrope, Seroop, Scroope, Henry de, Baron, his arrangements for Mary Queen of Scots, at Bolton Castle, 101, 123, 124. Scudamore, John, Viscount of Sligo, cipher of, 308. Seal for Admiralty Judge [at Scilly], warrant for, 285. Seaman, of King Charles, payment of, 231. Sebastian, King of Portugal. Portugal. by See Secretary of State, 1644. George. Seine, River, 113. Selim II, Sultan of Turkey, 51, 96, 98, 99, 102,107,108, 114—116. Sence, M. de [? Seneca, Baron de]. 29. Senlis [France], troops of, 151. Sepulchre, an adamant [? enamel See Di gby, ring], sent by Leicester to Throgmorton and lost, 102; found, 103. Sergeant, Robert, arrested at Amsterdam, 5. Sermons, at Oxford on Leicester’s visit to, 155. Sessa, Duke of, his niece murdered. 42. Seton : George, fifth Baron, 53. , taken prisoner, 118. [Haddingtonshire], Mary Queen of Scots reported to be married at, 101. Sevenoaks [Kent] rendezvous of Parliamentary troops at, 203. Seymour, Seyrnore: Anne. Duchess of Somerset, letter from, interceding for her son Edward, 73. Edward, Earl of Hertford. letter from, asking Leicester’s mediation with Elizabeth after his marrying Lady Catherine Grey, 72. John, alias Croker, letter from, 303. William, Marquis of Hertford, letter to, 279. —-—»—«, commission to command in several counties, 282. Mr. [Henry], Groom of Bed- chamber to Charles II, 255. Sforza, Bona. See Bona. Sheffield : [John], Baron, 80. ML, 80. Sheffield [Yorke], letter dated from, 17 . Shelly, Sir Richard, Prior of Knights of St. John in England, at Malta, 62. question of precedence between lliim and Prior of Messina, 14. Shene, Schin [Surrey], letters dated from, 137. Shepway, a lathe of Kent, 204. .Sherbum Hospital [00. Durham]. 154. Shel-s, Jolm, letters from, 14, 38 [?]. 56. letter to, 36. 369 l I i Ships. See also Fleet. a barque of Rye, 283. a Dutch prize useful at Scilly, 259. Alva tries to obtain, in Holland, 154. English, stayed by order of Prince Charles, 219. fishing boat of Calais taken, 261. Greenland, 301. of Captain King taken, 280. of Jersey taken, 259. of New England used by Prince Charles at Helfortsluce, 231. Ostend men-of—war take Cot- tington and Hyde, 273. Prince Charles tries to obtain, 200, 201, 204, 214, 292. Royalist, 209—211, 2134215, 217-~220, 232. , to have liberty of Portun guese ports, 252. Scotch, to be protected by Royalist Fleet, 210. shallop of Dover taken by Brown, a Royalist, 2254328, 232. sham fight of galleys at Mars seilles, 32. Spanish, treasure on board seized at Southampton by Elizabeth, 140. taken by de Rudenel, 259. to be sent into the Straits, 283. to Ireland, with corn and arms, 253. Venetian, ashore at Naples, 37. wanted at Scilly, 230, 259. Ships, names of: Antelope, the, 165, 283, 285. Arthur, the, 277. Benediction, the, of London. seized and sold at Dieppe, 193 sq. Blackamoor Lady, the, 306. Bonadventure, the, Elizabeth’s, 165. , ~————, to be lent to Hawkins, 174. Bull, the, to be lent to Hawkins, 174. Chapman, the, 286. Charles, the, of Arnsterdam, 232. Dover, shallop, 275. Constant Reformation, the, 211, 230, 274, 286. Constant Wanm'cic, 73, 279. Cormz'tam [2"], the, frigate of the Guinea Company, 271. Cresoznt, the, 220, 230. the, 220, 1724 Ships, names of—cont. Damosel, the, 219. Elizabeth and Susan, the, 284. Fortune, the, taken, 264. Good Fortune, the, 287. Goodspeed, the, 285. Henriette, the 301. Hinds, the, 220, 301. Hopeful diary, 3. hey, 221. Isabel, the, 285. James, the, of London, seized and sold at Dieppe, 193. Jesus, the, Elizabeth’s ship, commanded by Hawkins, 65. Jonathan, the, 296. La Caries-717m of Genoa, lost at sea, 4-7. London Brigg, the, 266. Love, the, 238, 271. Loyal Susan, the, 280. r’lfarosse, the [‘2 Merhorse], 165. .Mmfdcnhead, the, 277. diary Rose, the, 308. Pelican, the, 220. , taken on Charles I, 205. Propm’etor’s Servant, the, 285. Roebuck, the, 220. Rose, the, 282. SCI-He, the, 275. Satisfaction, the, 220. Smack, the, 273. Tenth Whelp, the, 239. Thomas, the, 280. Victory, the, 165. Shirley [Sir Thomas], 181. Shrewsbury, Earls of. See Talbot. Sicily, 42, 52, 61, 160, 234. Viceroy of, Don Garcia de Toledo, 38. , Marquis of Pescara, 115. See Trivulzio. behalf of Sidney : Sir Henry, 86, 87. , letter from, 90. -~~—, relations of, with Mary Fleming, 12. , Lord Deputy of Ireland, 173, 181. Robert, third Earl of Leicester, cipher of, 308. Mix, farmer of Customs at- Lynn, 190. Siena [Italy], 42. Sigetta [Sigeth, Szegedin, Hungary], . occupied by the Turks. 108. Sigismund II, of Poland, 4, 21, 52. in the field against Russia, 19. mediates bet-ween Maximilian and Zapoyla, 41. offers troops to Maximilian, 85. claims Bari from Philip II, 115. 370 Silesia, troops levied in, after Peace of Westphalia, 241. Silva, Don Diego or Didacus Guz~ man (16, succeeds Aquila as Ambassador in England, 13, 55, 69, 78. 113, 115. writes that Elizabeth and most English nobles are Roman Catholics 115. , expected to join the Bloody Council, 131. Simpsou, John, letter from, 272. Sirlande, Master of the Household of Catherine de Medici, 113. Skepperus [? Scheppere], 55. Skinner, Thomas, Secretary to Merchant Adventurers of England, petition of, touching ships detained by Prince Charles, 273. Skipwith, Ralph, commission to, to be Governor of Lynn, 293. Skypworth, Mn, to bring horses to Bolton Castle for Mary Queen of Scots, 123. Slaughter, Mn, 9. clergyman of Cambridge, 176. Slaughter houses recommended for London, 185. Slavonic, 49. Sligo, Viscount.See Scudamore, John. Slingsby [‘1], Arthur, letter endorsed by, 295. Sluys, Sluce [Flanders], 239, 265. letter dated from, 264. English merchants imprisoned at, 40. Smith or Smyth: Sir Thomas, 119. ~——, letters from, 31, 32, 40, 48, 67, 69. , anxious to return from France, 49, 67. ~—~~—, at Paris, 102. , returns, 103. Capt. John, assists in attempt to rescue Charles I in 1647, 283, 285. Captain of a small frigate, 259. ML, at Madrid, 35. . sent- to Naples, 55. Mr. {? Henry], charged with Arianism, 145. Mr., Cupbearer to Charles II, 255. NIL, a seamen, 165. Soissons [France]. troops of, 151. Solyman I, Sultan of Constantin- ople, 51, 85. advrsed to secure Algeria, 45. at peace with Emperor Ferdin- and, 4. ‘ Solyman I, Sultan of Constantin- ople—~—cont. beheads a pretender. 41. cannot live long, 51. his son Murad, 51. invades Italy, 53. offers to aid Poland against Russia, 19. preparations of, for war, 19, 41, 47, 51, 53, 69. rides through Constantinople, 46. sends Ambassador to Poland to demand Valacco, 19, 21. threatens Papal States, 52. Sommers, Somer [John], his present from Charles IX of France, 18. Somerset: Anne. Duchess of. mour, Anne. Edward, Earl of Glamorgan, and afterwards Marquis of Worcester, letters from, 289, 305. Sir Charles, 8. Royalist, letters from, 288, 307. Somersetshire, 203. manor and parsonages in, belonging to the Dean and Canons of Windsor, 89. receiver of revenues in [Robert See Sey- Long], 278. Soubise. See Subbyso. Sound, the, 4. Southampton: Earl of. See W'riothesley, Henry. [Hampshire], 283. ~———, letter dated from, 139. ~————, Mayor of, 140. —-——-, River of, 140. , treasure on Spanish ship seized at, 140. , Wine duties at, 190. County of [Hampshire], 203. , [Robert Long], Receiver of Revenue in, 278. Spain, 20, 37. 41, 45, 49, 51, 52, 78, 115, 233, 251. advices from, 42. Ambassador in. See Hopton. English relations with, 13. ships detained in, 17. Indies fleet arrives in, 29. letters from, intercepted France, 45. trade of, increased by discovery of Magellan’s Straits, 6. Prince of, Don Carlos, 4, 7, 35, 45, 62, 108. —, to marry Anne Austria, 29, 102. in of 371 Spain, Prince of, Don Carlos-wont. , his trial, 115. , his death, 129. Spaniard, 3, killed at Genoa, 45. Spaniards, angry at no Spanish Cardinal being made, 55. helped by Hawkins, 66. in Frankenthal, 234. paid by Charles IX, 161. Spanish Agent in Ireland, de la Torre, 249. Ambassador leaves Rome, 29. ~———, precedence of, at Rome, 2022, 45. Armada, list of ships, &c., 181. character, 158. Cortes asked for money by Philip II, 93. fleet, warning against, 21. gold found on Northumberland coast, 72, 76. money seized at Southampton, 140. Popish plot, 148. priests, grievances of, 48. Speyer, Spyrs, Spires [Germany], 84, 119. Diet of, 174. headquarters of Turenne after Peace of Westphalia, 234. Spencer, Richard, partner in the Goodepeed, detained by the Royalist fleet, 285. Spezia, La Speza [Italy], fortified, 26. Spinola: Benedetto, "letters to, 19, 24, 26, '27. Pasquale, 44 note. ——-~, letter from, 47. Spires [Germany]. See Speyer. Spoleto, Alt” Emps, Governor of, 45. Square [? Squire], Richard, intelli- genco from, 286. Stafford, Sir Thomas, 289. Stafford, Lady [‘2 Ursula, widow of Henry, Baron Stafford], 102. Stalbridge, Dorset, manor of, appointment of gamekeepers for, 268. Stamford [Lincolnshire and North— ants], a remedy for gout grows at, 103. Stampe, Dr. [VVilh'am], to Charles II, 256. Standen, a messenger, 142. Stanhope, Lady Catherine, wife of (1) Heenvliet, (2) Charles chaplain Henry, Baron W’otton, 203. Stanley: Henry, “Lord " Strange, in Paris, 29 Stanley-wont. Charlotte, Countess of Derby, 305. , letter to, 304. James, Earl of Derby, 266, 304. , letter from, 304. Stanton : Captain Robert, commission to, 280. mm», instructions to, 215. Mm, ordered to appear before Prince Charles, 285. ML, a Protestant divine, 3. Starkye, George, attached at Amsterdam upon suspicion of transporting arms into Russia, 5. Star Chamber, the, 144. Statutes of Elizabeth, fiscal, 16. Steenbergen [Netherlands], Duke of York lands at, 247. Sterlin [’1 Stirling], Sir George, 230. Stettin [Germany], peace of, 137. Swedish Council in, 258. Steward, Stewards: Sir Robert, commissions for, 257. Mr. Robert, 97, 126, 130, 133, 143. Stewart: Sir Alexander, warrant to apprehend, 257. Andrew, Baron Ochiltree, Langside, 118. Henry, Lord Darnley, sent by Elizabeth to Scotland, 54. —-, his marriage, 57, 62. ————, murder of, 98, 100, 101, 104, 119, 141. James, Earl of Moray, 53, 66, 68, 69, 71, 72, 76, 77, 106, 141, 142, 167—169, 171. -—~-, letters from, 11, 14, 66, 71, 150. ——~, summoned to Orleans by Charles IX, 106. , attempts to Win him there, 120. John, Earl of Traquair, 226. Lady Margaret, Countess of Lennox, 76, 77. Matthew, Earl of Lennox, 54, 101, 103. ——-—, stron 1 Pa ist, but Mar wary of £321, 7%. y Dr. [Richard], Dean of Chapel Royal to Charles II, 255. Sir William, commander at of 372 i l Royalist horse in Ireland, 257 .u l. Stirling [Scotland], dated from, 11, 150. Mary, Queen of Scots at, 101. letters Stirling [Scotland}———con&. Scotch Lords at, 150. taken from Marquis of Argyle by Monro, 230, 275. Stockholm [Sweden], letters dated from, 292. Eric )CIV besie ed at. 149. Stocqwardia. See ‘tudtgard. Stokeclymsland [Cornwall], 245. Stonarde, Mr, 90. Story, Dr. John, Roman Catholic fugitive in Flanders, pen- sioned by Philip II, 114. Stowell, Sir John, trial of, 281. Strade, M. de, chases an English vessel into Calais, 262. Strange: Lord. See Stanley, Henry. Robert, sent to Maximilian II, 54. Strangford [co. Down], 86. Strasburg [Germany], 153. letter dated from, 152. alliance with, recommended by Cardinal Chatillon, 137. Orange reported at, 151. ' owes money to Reiters, 11. Stratton, Lord, [?] oopyist’s error for HattOn, 280. Strensham [W’orcestershire], letter dated from, 181. Strickland [Walter], 260. Stringer, Mr., a messenger, 142. Strozzi, Philippe, and Rochelle, 129. Stuerdo, II [‘2], letter from, 24. Stunnius, Mr. John, 'ves warning of an Englis an’s plot against Elizabeth, 155. Stuttgart, Studtgard [Wurtemberg], 109. Styria : Charles, Charles. Turkish force in, 65. Archduke Charles in, 109. Suabia. [Swabia, Germany], 84, 231, 233, 236. Subb so, M. de [? Soubise], 137. Suffolk: Catherine, widow of Charles Brandon, Duke of. See Bertie, Catharine. County of, commission for Colonel Blagne for, 279. , Royalists in, 279, 304. Sultan of Turkey. See Solyman. See Selim. See Murad. Sulzbach [Bavaria], Charles Louis, Prince Palatine of, 236, 241. Sunninghill [Berks], 188. Sunyoa, Don Louis de, Lieutenant to Don John of Austria, 115. Archduke of. See Sur, sea of. See Pacific. Sussex: Thomas, third Earl of. See Radcliffe, Sir Thomas. County of, 202. -——-, Colonel Lunsford to com- mand in, 282. Sutherland, Earl of. ‘ John. Swan, Captain, sent to Ferdinand III and Saxony, on behalf of Charles II, 278. Swanmote at Windsor, cost of, 189. Swaysseyngborg, a commander imder Ludovic of Nassau, 127. Sweden. Kings of: Eric XIV. im risoned and de- posed with is Queen, Cathe- rine, 149. Charles X, Charles Gustavus. “ Prince Palatine.” 232. —, at Prague, 234. ———~—, at Kuttenberg, 235. , succession of, 241. Queen of, Christina, 246, 247. , letter to, 232. ~-——-, account of, 292. —-—-, her support sought for Charles II, 253, 254, 257, 259, 260, 272, 292. , supports Charles II, 292, 302. -——-———, action of, in Thirty Years’ War, 233~235, 241, 254. , Earl of Brentford sent to, 253. Duke’s Charles and John of, 148, 14 . may join the League, 159. Navy of, 4, 149. Scots officers in, 246. war of, with Denmark, 149. Swedes at Liineburg, try to secure uniformity in the Sacrament, 4 Swedish: Council in Stettin, 258. forces in Low Germany Holstein, 257. merchants, 253. threatened occupation of part of Austria, 254. Swendy, Suende, Schwende Lazaro, a general, 36, 37, 51, 69, 98, See Gordon, and 108, 174. SWiSS. the, and the Duke of Savoy, 107. demand arrears due from France, 32. in league with Pine IV, 60. serving Charles IX, 40, 99, 109—111, 164. 373 Syffcrwest, John, 189. Syracuse [Sicily], 52. Syria, 41. Szegedin [Hungary]. See Sigotta. T I Taaffe [Theobald], Viscount, letter from, 291. to, 280. Tailor, a French, Elizabeth, 99. Talbot : [Francis '2], bury, 80. George, Earl of Shrewsbury, 80. —-———, letters from, 81, 144. , Earl Marshal, 180. Elizabeth, Countess of, letter wanted by Earl of Shrews- from, 146. , preparations of, for Queen of Scots at Tutbury, 147. Sir Gilbert, letter from, 200. Taliocozza : Duchess of, 24. Duke of. See Colonna. Talmont, Prince, letter sent to, 258. Tainel [1'], Major, 285. Tangier, 42. Taplow [Bucks], 188. Tarascon [Provence], 31. letter dated from, 32. Tarl, Mr., proposition of, about prizes, 287. Tartars, flood into Poland, 241. Tartary, 19. Tauber, Valley [Bavaria], 235. Taules [France], 123. Tawbin, George, sent from Scilly to Prince Charles. 27 4. Taylor, Tailor, John, cipher of, 308. Teligny [Tylleney], Charles, 103. at Paris, 122. Tempest, Mr., tenant of advowson at Greatharn, 154. Tenby [Pembrokeshire], arms sent to, 208. Tenchfield, Captain, of the Alary Royalist Rose, 308. Terentschin [?], Terentsch [Hungary], 9. fort, 51. Terracina [Italy], 60. Terra Florida. See Florida. Ter Vere, Treveure [W'alcheren, Zeeland], 206. Thames, River, compared with Moselle. 82. Thebes, the Destruction of, play to be given at Oxford, 155. Theiss, river. See Tibisco. Thynne, Thinne, Mix, a Royalist agent, 265. Thessalonica, a Turkish depot, 64. Then [France]. .866 Toul. Thornhill, Richard, letter from, 273. Thornton : Revd. Steeven, letter to, 269. Colonel, Parliamentary officer, invited to declare for the King, 272. Thory[e], Thomas, letter from, requesting to be made one of the King’s guard, 286, 303. Throgmorton, Sir Nicholas, 28, 97, 116, 155. letters from, 17, 18, 56, 78, 101, 102. ~—> to, 9, 65. ordered by Elizabeth to bargain for furniture, 139. Ti‘iwaytes, Capt. Lieut. Thomas, pass for, 242. . Tibisco, river [Theiss], 36, 38. Tienen [Brabant]. See Tll‘leHIOIIt. Tilliard, George, commission to hold Great Yarmouth for the King, 282. Tin, in Devon and Cornwall, 278. Tipperary, County, 90. Tirlemont, Tienen [Brabant], taken by Orange, 135. _ Tisnack, Charles do, one of the Council in Flanders, 69. Titus, Captain [Silas], letter item [‘3], 296. TiVell, ML, letter to, 272. Toasts, Umbrian fashion of drinking. 50. Toccar [1? Tokay], Hungary, taken, a . Toledo [Spain], Archbishop of. Carranza, Bartholomew. Don Antonio de, 80, 81, 113. Dog?3 Hernando de, Alva’s son, Toll, charged upon Elizabeth’s goods at Bremen, 6. Torres, Hernando de, 36, 38. Torverson, Wm., draws a chart of Emden, Holland, and West Friesland, 22. “ Totnam ” French, 99. Touars in Poitou, letter dated from, 143. Touchet, James, Earl of Castle- haven, letter from, 291. Toul [France], 102. See 374 Toulon [Provence], Charles IX at, Toulouse [France], letter dated from, 48. Presidents of, 132. Protestants at, 132. Tours [France], letters dated from, 69, 166. Trade: between England and Flanders, 15, 22, 38, 39, 55-57, 149, 191. ~ Hamburg, 149. —- Holland, 191. ~— ———-— Russia, 143. ~w~ —~---— Venice, 8. -——— ——-«~ Flanders and Venice, 8. in East Friesland, 43. in wines, 93—95. outlets for English, elsewhere than in Flanders, 39. Transylvania, 107. part of, acquired by Ferdinand III on death of Rakoczy, 233, 236. V aivode of. See Zapoyla. Traquair, John, Earl of. See Stewart, John. Treasurer, Lord, oflice of, placed in commission, 194. Treern, Thomas, master of the Bark, 275. Tremayne [‘3 Richard], a Protestant divine, 3. recommended for Vice—Chan- cellorship of Oxford Uni— versity, 101. Trent [Austria], Cardinal of, [Madruzzi], 36, 38, 42. Council of, 38, 52. its edicts not accepted in France, 45. Trier, Triers or Treves [Germany], Bishop of, 82, 83, 85. Trincheta, Hercules, a rider, 17, 18. Tripoli, 27. Dragut, King of, killed, 65. Trivulzio, Cardinal, S anish Governor of Sicily, otters from, 234, 237. Tramp, Martin Har ertzo Van, Vice Admiral to range, protects Royalist Fleet in Dutch waters, 220. Troyes [France], 146. letters dated from, 17, 18. Treaty of, 17, 18, 28, 29. Tubingen [Wurtemberg], Turenne at, 235, 236. Tunis [Africa], loss. of Spanish gal~ leys sent to take, 100. Turenne, Henri de la Tour d’Au- vergnc, Vicomte de, Marshal of France, movements of, after Peace of Westphalia, 234-236, 241. his su port sought for Charles II, ~54. Turin [Italy], advices from, 19. ‘ Turkey, Sultans of. See Sultan. Turks, the, 52—55, 154. attack Malta, 61. defeated at Malta, 65. expected to help Corso, 61. take Corsica, 61. Tumor, Dr. [Turner, Richard], a Protestant divine, 2. Turvill, Mr., a Royalist agent, 264. Tuscany, sanitation in, 185. Tutbur [Staffordshire], letters dated rom, 144, 146. preparations for arrival of Queen of Scots at, 144, 147. Twelfthday. kept by Mary Queen of Scots, ll. Tycho Brahé, astronomer, 270. Tyler, a signature of Peter La Fontaine, 288, 299, 300. Tyler, Mr., letter out of Ireland from. 284. Tyton, Mr., 266. U Ubaldino [Petrucchio], letter from, 190. Ufton, Berks, search for Jesuits at, 182, 183. Ullfeld, VVllfeld, Cornifix, letter from, 205. letter, to, 238. Ulrn, Ulms [Bavaria], 84. letter dated from, 109. Ulster, 87. petition of some of, to Charles II, 277. Umbrian fashion [of dr‘ ' toasts], 50. mkmg Upton [Bucks]. 188. Vicar of, 189. UrbinoiIDuke of. See Guidubaldo Utenhovio, Carole [Utenhove, Charles], letter from, 64. Utrecht, Alva at, 129. 375 Ha”.-. ._..., V Vachcll, Thomas, a recusant, goods of, seized, 183. Vaihingen, Fayngcn [V’Vurtemberg], Church service at, 84. Valacco, Steffano, conquers VVal lachia, 19. demanded of King of Poland by the Sultan, ‘21. Valder, the, new town at Emden, 23. Valence [France], plague at, 32. BisllOp of, 29. Valencia [Spain], skins and gloves from, 25. Valenciennes [Hainault], siege of, 98 Valery [France], Condé at, 107. Vanderaa, Secretary, 16. Vane, Sir Henry, cipher of, 308. Vargas, Juan (is, at Antwerp, 131. Vaulx, Signor de, with Orange, 133. Vavasour : Mr., Cousin of Thomas, Earl of N orthumberland, 135. Sir William, 287, 301. Venaissin, the [France], 31. Vendome [France], Queen Navarre at, 100. Venice, 52, 53, 65. letters dated from, 21, 36, 37, 200. advices from, 29, 40—42, 4549, 51, 52. Ambassadors of, at Constantin- ople, 51. Co-adjut-or of, becomes Musal- man, 20. Consul of Charles II at, 263, 289. Doge of [Girolamo Priuli], 49. fear of plague at, 33. galleys of, 53. given by Pope to King of Spain, 106. has no ambassador in England, 8, 9, 33. Irish soldiers for Republic of, 263. jewels pledged by Charles IX at, 154. Prince Charles corresponds with, 244. sanitation at, 184. 185. ship of, aground, 37. Signoria of, 34. of Venice, Signoria of—com. , presented with palace at Home by Pius IV, 28. trade of. with Flanders, 8. - -, ~~~ Holland by sea, 204. treats for troops with Bavaria, 236. Ventimiglia, Viscount of, 42. 'erberie, M. de, Sir II. N orreys’ host in Paris, 105. Verdun [France], 102. letter dated from, 155. Verne-y, Captain Thomas, from, 292. Vesconte, Ortansio or Alphonso, an Italian captain, 36, 37. Vestments of clergy, 9, 33, 42, 87. 90, 175. Vazymes, Vezrnes, Vezines, M. de. 158, 159, 164. Vic, Sir Henry do, 215, 218, 240, 247, 258. letter from, 288, 289. letters to, 282, 285. Vickis, Henry, of Lendon, 293. Vienna [Austria], 65, 109, 232, 241. letter dated from, 65. advices from, 19, 36, 37, 60. ambassadors arrive at, to con— dole with son of Ferdinand I, 30. Polish ambassador at, 41. Viglius, van Attaya, 14. interviewed by Shers, 16. speaks for Regent, 17. about to resign, 69. Villeoonniers,Vyleconie,death of, 103. Villa ‘}allion [Goulaine], takes Florida, 62. Ville, Gilles de, letter from, 139. Villcville [Vielleville], Franoois do Stépeaux, Marquis de, 29, 32, 111, 153. besieges Rochelle, 125, 126. Villi. . . de, Monsr., Governor of Boulogno, 206. Villiers, George, second Duke of Buckingham, commissions for, 276, 279, 283. Villutelli, Vilutelli, Signor Acerbo. his Wine seized at sea, 136, 137, 142. Vilna [Russia], Sigismund II at, 19. Villevorde, Vilvorde [Flanders], 136. Provost of, 98. Vintners’ Company, letter from, 95. petition of, 93. Virgil, Cardinal Carpi’s 00py of, 19. Virginia. Colony of [N. America], Royalist, 262, 284, 302. Treasurer for. See Clayburne. See Davenant. letter 376 Vitelli, Cardinal, 37, 40. Vitello, Vitelli, Chapyne, Ciapin, Marquis of Cetona, an Italian soldier, 61. at Huy, 133. Viterbo [Italy], Bishop of, sent to Charles IX. of France, 52. Vitry [France], Prince of Orange near, 144. Vivoida, the. See Zapolya, John Sigismund. W Wake: Sir Baldwin, 287. ——-—«-—, letters from, 274, 276, 283, 290, 306. Sir Isaak, cipher of, 308. ~ -, protests against sale of lnglish ships, 193. Wales, goods from, taken, 286. law of Henry VIII against the Cornmotha in, 98. Wine duties in, 190. North, 245. South, Royalists in, 276, 279, 282. , arms sent to, 208, 281. See also Welsh. lVallachia, seized b Valacoo, 19. W'alle, Jacques an der, letters from, 200. on building shi s, 201. Walloon, a, spy in ’ent, 125. Walloons, 130, 131, 136, 139, 148, 164, 265. from England reported to be about to land in France, 164. W almer Castle [Kent], siege of, 213— 215, 274, 278, 280. Governor of, letter to, 278. Walsh, Welsh, Welsh: Sir R., assaults pepper, 237, 239. —~—, letter from, 301. William, pass for, to Ireland, 242. Walten, Edward, letter from, 290. VValwick, Arnold do, Agent of Countess of East Friesland, 54. Warburg [Denmark], 149. Wardalé, £01111, 9. Royalist, letter be, 0 . Lord Cole- Wardrobe : Great, warrant to keeper of, l. woods at \Vindsor, 189. W'arham [Norfolk], parsonage of, 189. Warkworth [N orthumberland], letter dated from, 174. Warner, Sir Thomas, Governor of St. Christopher’s [West Indies], 280. Warsaw [Poland], 19. Warwick, Warwickshire, 179, 181. Warwickshire, Sheriff of, to prepare for Elizabeth’s progress, 179. Warwick, Earldom of, 8. Earl of. See Dudley, Ambrose. See Beauchamp, Richard. See Rich, Robert. Warwyk, A., written several times on cover of letter, 20. Waterford [Ireland], 248, 272. Waveren, near Tirlemont [Brabant], 136. VVawhton House [Scotland], be- sie ed, 145. Wax, t e in, 143. Webster, John, of Amsterdam, letter from, 204, 275. letter to, requestin further assistance for Boys. ist cause, 218. [Weissenburg], VVassenburg [Bavaria], 235. Weldon, Colonel [Anthony], his regiment to be recruited, 203. signs for County Committee of ‘ Kent, 204. Welles, Mr. John, Chaplain to Cecil, Prebendary [‘2 of Wells], 157. Wells [Somersetshire], letter dated from. 157. Welsh: the Royalist, 209. Marches, 80. Wemys (Wimes), Sir John, instruc- tions for, 274. Wentworth, Thomas, Earl of Cleve- land, letter from, 290, 306. gentleman of Bedchamber to Charles II, 255. Wesel, Wesell [Germany]. 83. West, John and Joan, grant of lease to, 3. Westerbergh, Count of, 138. Westminster. Sec London. Westmorland, Earl of. See Neville, Charles. Westmorland, horseman for Ireland from, 86, 92. Weston, Richard, Earl of Portland, death of, 194. 377 Westphalia, peace of, 231, 233-236, 241, 254. W’estpha linge, Westfaling, Dr. [ erbert], to preach before Leicester at Oxford, 155. recommended for Vice~ChanceL lorship of Oxford University, 10]. Westrowe, Thomas, signs for County Committee of Kent, 204. Weymouth [Dorset], 275. Wexford [Ireland], barred haven and movable sands at, 248. mayor of, letter to, 264. VVhalley, Colonel Edward, letter from, 267. to, 267. VVhitbourne [Herefordshire 17], letter dated from, 96. White, Dr. Thomas, Warden of New College, Oxford, letter from, 89. Whitford: Bishop [of Breehin], 266. Major Walter, son of the above, confesses to the murder of Dorislaus, 266. \Vhitingham [? \Vhittingham, W il- liam], a Protestant divine, 2, 33. Whittaker, Dr. [Tobias ‘2], 262. W'hittington : Luke, 259, 261. -—, letters from, 272, 284. , instructions to, 274, 293. , order to, 287. m, proceedings of, at Dun- kirk, 288. Lord. See \Viddrington, Wm. \Vhyte : Nicholas, letter from, mentioned, 90. Roland, 87. VViddrington (VVhittington), Henry Lord, letter from, 286. to, 286. Wight, Isle of, 223, 224, 229. Wilcox, Richard, commission for, to seize Parliamentary ships, 301. V‘Villet, Sir John, a Royalist, 265. W'illiam [the Silent]. See Orange. William II of Orange. See Orange. Williams: ML, Canon of Hereford, 98. ML, lent money to T. Killigrew, 263. Williamson [Sir Joseph], 267. 'Willou hby de Eresby, Baron. See. rtie, Peregrine. Willo hby of Parham, aron, 210—213, 279. 3125 Francis VVilloughby of 1% &T()n—~-—(‘-Ofl t. letters and instructions to, 210, 230, 2’73, 279-281, 283, 292. Lieut.~(}eneral of counties Lin- coln. Nottingham, Cambridge and Rutland, 281. Vice-Admiral of Royalist fleet, Parham, Francis 211. at Calais, 279. ordered to relieve W almer Castle, 279. VVilmot, Henry, Earl of Rochester, commission for, 283. gentleman of Bedchamber to Charles II, 255. Wilson : Charles, a pirate, 68, 69, 72. Rowland, lends money to Prince Charles, 285. VViltshire, Sir John, Controller of Calais, warrant to, l. ‘Wiltshire, County of, 183, 203. Long, Robert, receiver revenues in, 278. Winchester : of Bishop of. See Horne, Robert. Marquis of. See Paulet, VVil~ liam. [Hunts], Warden of the College at [John Harris], letter to,- 284. W'inchilsea, Homage, Earl of. Finch. VVindebank : Sir Francis, letter from, 202. , cipher of, 308. Mrs. Anne, 203. Mrs. Frances, daughter law 1’], to Sir F., 202. Windsor [Berks], 56, 64, 73, 179, 290. letters dated from, 3, 89, 166, 174. Eastle, College priests at, 1. fees, annuities expenses of, 187 sq. garden, keeper of, 188. ~—- parks, 188. Dean [George Carew] and Canons of, letter from, 89. W'indsor, Old [Berks], vicar of, 189. Windsor : Edward, Baron, seized by the Inquisition, 160. a. lady whom Henry Herring- tou might marry, 92. See [in- of , Chantry and Wine, bought by Cardinal of Chatillon, 142. ~«— in Scotland, for Lord Deputy of Ireland, 124. 378 Wine~eonh exemption from duty requested, 146. for Earl of Leicester, 144. French, 94. import of, at English ports, 190. Rhenish, 83. sale of, by Vintners’ Company, 93—95. seized at see, 136. I-Vinter, Mr., 66. See also Wynter. VVishart, George, his Res Gestac to be suppressed by Montrose, 207. letter addressed for, 252. Witton, Thomas, statement of, 266. \Volsey, VVulcy, Thomas, warrant signed by, 1. Wood : Sir Henry, letter from, 307. John, lends money to Prince Charles, 285. WWW, letter from, 118. Mix, a servant of the Earl of Leicester’s, 180. Wood, English, to be saved by use of foreign casks, 95. W'oodstock [Oxon], 179. Woollen goods to be transported to Low Countries only four times in the year, 191. Worcester, Edward, Marquis See Somerset, Edward. W’orcester, a citizen of, 44. Battle of, schedule of Royalist papers taken at, 271a294. Bishop of. See Sandys, Edwin. proclamation of Elizabeth at, 44. County of, Sheriff of. Hunkes, Robt. Worden [Germany], from, 34. \Vorkington [Cumberland], 86. “forms [Germany], churches at, 83. synagogue at, 84. tries to borrow money, 236. Wortley, Sir Francis, letter from, 30.1. VVotton—Marley, Barony of, 203. Wotton, Nicholas, 59. letter from, 55. W'rangel, [Karl }usta.f], Swedish general, 255. movements of, 233~235. approached on behalf Charles II, 254. Wraysbury,or W yrardisbury [Bucks]. . 188. W ‘ght: Sir Benjamin, letter from, 306. Major, 266. on, of. See letter dated of Wriothesley, Henry, Earl of South- hampton, marriage of, 79. Wulcy, Thomas. See Wolsey. Wurtember : Duke Christopher of, his country and religion, 84, 85, 109. --—, his death, 153. r~-»-, Sussex visits him, 109. —-~, his son [‘3 Ludwig], 153. Duke [Eberhard III] of, 236. Wurzburg, Wersenterghe [Bavaria], 241. Bisho of, 101. Wyatt, ir Thomas, insurrection of, 2. Wyburne [? Wiburn, Perceval], a Protestant divine, 2. Preacher at Northampton, 177. Wyche, Wiohe, Sir Peter, sent to Constantino lo, 193. Wingfield, Wynfo d [Derbyshire], letter dated from, 81. Wynter, Sir William, letter to, 165. See also Winter. Wyse, Andrew, Treasurer of Ireland, owes money to Norreys, 136. Wyseman, LIL, Chirurgien to Charles II, 256. Y Yambolt, Captain of Dutch man-of- war which took ()rmond to Ireland, 248. Yarmouth, Great [Norfolk], 285, 290. to be kept for Charles I, 282. wine duties at, 190. 379 Yatton [Somerset], 157. Yaxley, Mr. Francis, may have brou ht gold from Spain, 72. Yerbury, aptain John, instruc- tions for, 220. Yester, W'illiam, Baron of. See Hay. York, City of, 57. letter dated from, 200. Lord President of, 12. Youghal [00. Cork], 248. taken by Ireton, 300. Yvans [Evans], Cornellis, pretended Prince of Wales, letter from, 209. Z Zapolya, John Sigismund, Vaivode of Transylvania, 27, 3648, 60, 65, 98, 107, 108, 154. attacked by Maximilian II, 41, 45, 51. Hungarian nobles join, 154. Zeeland [Denmark], ships for King Charles in, 204. Zuleger [Wenceslas], sent by the Elector Palatin to Charles IX, account of his interview with the King and Queen Mother, 109, 110. Zweibriieken, Bi- onts, Deux-Ponts, Duke W01 gang of, 137, 138, 146, 150, 152, 153, 156, 157. 159, 160. his death, 161. Zwinglians, the, 83. HISTORICAL MA NUSCRIPTS COMMISSION. PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE, CHANCERY LANE, LONDON, W.O. HIS MAJESTY THE KING has been pleased to ratify and confirm the terms of the Commission issued by Her lat-e Majesty, appointing certain Commissioners to ascertain what unpublished MSS. are extant in the collections of private persons and in institutions, which are calculated to throw light upon subjects connected with the Civil, Ecclesiastical, Literary, or Scientific History of this country; and to appoint certain additional Commissioners for the same purposes. The present Commissioners are :— Sir Herbert H. Cozens-Hardy, Master of the Rolls; the Earl of Dartmouth, the Earl of Crawford, K.T., the Earl of Rosebery, K.G., Lord Fitzmaurice, Lord Alverstone, G.C.M.G., Lord Lindley, Lord Stanmore, G.C.M.G., Lord Collins, Lord Morley of Blackburn, O.M., Sir Edward Fry, Sir H. C. Maxwell-Lyte, K.C.B., and Mr. C. H. Firth, M.A., LLD. The Commissioners think it probable that you may feel an interest in this object, and be willing to assist in the attainment of it; and with that view they desire to lay before you an outline of the course which they usually follow. If any nobleman or gentleman express his willingness to submit to the Commissioners any unprinted book, or collection of documents in his possession or custody, they will cause an inspection to be made by some competent person, and should the MSS. appear to come within the scope of their enquiry, the owner will be asked to consent to the publication of copies or abstracts of them in the reports of the Commission, which are presented to Parliament every Session. To avoid any possible apprehension that the examination of papers by the Commissioners may extend to title—deeds or other documents of present legal value, positive instructions are given to every person who inspects MSS. on their behalf that nothing relating to the titles of existing owners is to be divulged, and ii that if in the course of his work any modern title-deeds or papers of. a private character chance to come before him, they are to be instantly put aside, and not to be examined or calendared under any pretence whatever. The object of the Commission is the discovery of unpublished historical and literary materials, and in all their proceedings the Commissioners will direct their attention to that object exclusively. In practice it has been found more satisfactory, when the collection of manuscripts is a large one, for the inspector to make a selection therefrom at the place of deposit and to obtain the owner’s consent to remove the selected papers to the Public Record Office in London or in Dublin, or to the General Register House in Edinburgh, where they can be more fully dealt with, and where they will be preserved with the same care as if they formed part of the muniments of the realm, during the term of their examination. Among the numerous owners of MSS. who have allowed their papers of historical interest to be temporarily removed from their muniment rooms and lent to the Commissioners to facilitate the preparation of a report may be named :mHis Majesty the King, the Duke of Rutland, the Duke of Portland, the Marquess of Salisbury, the Marquess TOWns- bend, the Marquess of Ailesbury, the Marquess of Bath, the Earl of Dartmouth, the Earl of Carlisle, the Earl of Egmont, the Earl of Lindsey, the Earl of Ancaster, the Earl of Lonsdale, Lord Braye, Lord Hothfield, Lord Kenyon, Mr. Stopford Sackville, the Right Hon. F. J. Savile Foljambe, Sir George Wombwell, Mr. 1e Fleming, of Rydal, Mr. Leyborne Popham, of Littlecote, and Mr. Fortescue, of Dropmore. The costs of inspections, reports, and calendars, and the conveyance of documents, will be defrayed at the public expense, without any charge to the owners. The Commissioners will also, if so requested, give their advice as to the best means of repairing and preserving any interesting papers or MSS. which may be in a state of decay. The Commissioners will feel much obliged if you will communicate to them the names of any gentlemen who may be able and willing to assist in obtaining the objects for which this Commission has been issued. R. A. ROBERTS, Secretary. 417/ “J I L (1874) iii HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS COMMISSION. REPORTS OF THE ROYAL COMMISSIONERS APPOINTED T0 INQUIRE WHAT PAPERS AND MANUSCRIPTS BELONGING TO PRIVATE FAMILIES AND INSTITUTIONS ARE EXTANT WHICH WOULD BE 0F UTILITY IN THE ILLUSTRATION 0F HISTORY, CONSTITUTIONAL LAW, SCIENCE, AND GENERAL LITERATURE. Date. 5" Fl )(VISH ( ., (Size, PM}; to Ifinth Report, Per-rt II I., inclusive ; after that 8-110.) (Dates in parentheses show years of Reprints.) ‘ No. of ‘ . I s. d. ,1870 FIRST REPORT, WITH APPENDIX .. O. 55 1 6 ENGLAND. House of Lords; Cambridge Col- leges: Abingdon, and other Corporations, 550. SCOTLAND. Advocatea’ Library, Glas- gow Corporation, 6w. IRELAND. Dublin, Cork, and other Corporations, &c. SECOND REPORT, WITH APPENDIX, AND INDEX To THE FIRST AND SECOND REPORTS 0. $41 3 10 ENGLAND. House of Lords; Cambridge Col- leges; Oxford Colleges; Monastery of Dominican Friars at Woodohester, Duke of Badford, Earl Spencer, sac. SCOTLAND. Aberdeen and St. Andrew‘s Universities, 6w. IRELAND. Marquis of Ormonde; Dr. Lyons, 5:0. 1872 THIRD REPORT, WITH APPENDIX AND INDEX 0.673 6 0 (1395) o\ 873 DITTO. PART II. INDEX 1876 FIFTH REPORT, WITH APPENDIX. PART I 1876 Drum PART II. INDEX ENGLAND. House of Lords; Cambridge Col. logos; Stonyhurst College; Bridgwater and other Corporations; Duke of Northumber- land, Marquis of Lansdowne, Marquis of Bath, 6w. SCOTLAND. University of Glas- gow; Duke of Montroee, are. IRELAND. Marquis of Ormonde; Black Book of LimCriCk,&c. 1873 FOURTH REPORT, WITH APPENDIX. PART I. C. 857 6 8 ENGLAND. House of Lords; Westminster Abbey; Cambridge and Oxford Colleges; (anue Ports, Hythe, and other Corporations, Marquis of Bath, Earl of Denbigh, 8:0. SCOTLAND. Duke of Argyll, 6:0. IRELAND. Trinity College, Dublin; Marquis of Omonde. Q9 H Wt QM O 32 ENGLAND. House of Lords; Oxford and Cambridge Colleges; Dean and Chapter of Canterbury; Rye, Lydd, and other Corpora- tions, Duke of Sutherland, Marquis of Lane- downe, Reginald Cholmondeley, Esq, 32c. SCOTLAND. Earl of Aberdeen, are. m C. 14324 3 6 Wm(21289r—-9.) WL27963~15. 1550. 9111. Des. (8.) (:3 iv -A.WW.-.A.AW-M..MWWTM l g No. of . Date. -—-——-—- i Paper. f Price. 5 ' m Thaw—”M “WWW” ___._.._, ,,.._.,__W..,.__.A_,_..I..__._. “—4——_~W‘Em d_ L 1877 SIXTH REPORT, WITH APPENDIX. PART I. 0. 1745 8 6 f I ENGLAND. House of Lords; Oxford and " i Cambridge Colleges; Lombeth Palace; Black Book of the Archdeacon of Canter- . ; bury; Bridport, Wallingford, and other ; Corporations; Lord Leconfield, Sir Reginald E Graham, Sir Henry Ingilby, Sac. SCOTLAND. i Duke of Argyll, Earl of. Moray, &c.- IRELAND. Marquis of Ormonde. 1878 DITTO. PART II. INDEX C. 2102 1 10 "7(1893) ‘ 1879 SEVENTH REPORT, WITH APPENDIX. PART I. C. 2340 7 6 (1895) House of Lords; County of Somerset; Earl of Egmont, Sir Frederick Graham, Sir Harry Verney, 520. 1879 DITTO. PART 11. APPENDIX AND INDEX C. 23404 3 6 (1895). Duke of Atholl, Marquis of Ormonde, Sir S. F. » ‘ Livingstone, Ste. 1881 EIGHTH REPORT, WITH APPENDIX AND INDEX. “‘e l K». i; i” Ink _I PART I. C. 3040 Out of lee-issued as Stationery 0171109 publications~ print. Report and Appendix, Part 1., Section I. Price 68. Svo. Duke of Marlborough; Earl of Portsmouth; Earl of Jersey; House of Lords; Lord Emly; Ralph Bankee, Esq., Geo. Wingfleld Digby, Esq.; Royal College of Physicians; Corporation of Trinity House. Report and Appendix, Part 1., Section II. Price 68. 8vo. , ‘2 Magdalen College, Oxford; Corporation of 5 Pontefract; Lord Braybrooke; Viscount Arbuthnott; Earl of Glasgow ; Miss Hamil- ton of Burns and Cochno; Alex. C. Stuart, Esq., of Eaglescarnie; Dean and Chapter of ‘ Canterbury; Corporations of Chester and , E Leicester; The O’Conor Don, M.1’.; Lord I Talbot de Molahide ; Marquia of Ormonde. Report and Appendix, Part 1., Section III. Price 48. 6d. 8vo. Earl of Denbigh; Trinity College, Dublin; \ Ewelme Almehouse; Queen Anne’s Bounty; “I 1: II... A ~ E. Hailstone, Esq.; Church of St. Andrew, Worcester; Bishop Bubwith’s Almehouses ; Derry Diocesan Library ; G. H. Finch, Esq. DITTO. PART II. APPENDIX AND INDEX C. 30404 Out of Duke of Manchester. prim. [Roth‘s-Md, 1910, as a Stationery Oflice publica- tion. Price 33.6d. 8m] 1881 1881 DIT'I‘O. PART III. APPENDIX AND INDEX C. 3040-ii 0‘“th Earl of Ashburnhem. print. 1883 NINTH REPORT, WITH APPENDIX AND INDEX. (1895} PART I. 0.3773 5 2 ‘ St. Paul’s and Canterbury Cathedrals; Eton College; Carlisle, Yarmouth, Canterbury, ' and Barnstaple Corporations, Ste. 1884 i DI'I‘TO. PART 11. APPENDIX AND INDEX 0.3773—i 6 3 (1895;. ENGLAND. House of Lords, Earl of Leicester, 0. Pole Gell, Alfred Morrison, Esqs., 8m. SCOTLAND. Lord Elphinstone, H. C. Max. g , well Stuart, Esq., 8m. IRELAND. Duke of i Leinster, Marquis of Drogheda, 8w. 1 1884 I DITTo. PART III. APPENDIX AND INDEX I C. 3713-ii Out of , Mrs. Stopford Sackville. r print. [Re-issued, 1904, revised and owtended,ac 0d. \-.5\ l 1892. Price 13.1%] } V‘K‘ a»...- No. of Date. —-—- I Paper. 1 Price. A.“ ”WWW“--- . -_.,_-_..-._.._.1__._..LE ,/ 1883 CALENDAR or run MAEoscmrrs or THE MAR- .9. d. ‘ 0018 or SALISBURY, KG. (or CECIL M88). PART I. 1306—1571 1 C. 3777 3 5 PART II. 1572-1582 C. 5463 3 5 PART III. 15834589 1 C 5889-v 2 1 PART IV. 1590—1694 . C. 6823 2 11 PART V. 15944596 3 C 7574 2 6 PART VI. 1596 . C. 7884 2 8 PART V11. 1597 | C. 9246 2 8 PART VIII. 1598 l C. 9467 2 8 PunIX. w% .u [019% 2 3 PART X. 1600 , 011.2052 2 3 PART X1. 1601 4 011.3134 2 10 PART XII. 1602 . . ' Cd. 5291 3 3 TENTH REPORT (Be-W11, 1906, as a Stationery Ofiice publica- tion. Price 6d. ) This is introductory to the following APPENDICES AND INDEXES: Out a” print. 18851.) Earl of Eglinton, Sir J. S. Maxwell Bart, , C. 4575 3 7 .1 (1895) \\ and C. S. H. D. Moray ,.C F Weston Under- ' V! 1886' ~ (2.) The Family of Gawdy C. 4 ' 5}". 1885 3 .) Wells Cathedral C. {Sq (116- issued, 1906, revised and uextentded, as 041.2310. PrwerJldJ (4.) Earl of Westmorlsnd; Capt. Stewart; Lord Stafiord; Sir N. W. Throckmorton§ Sir P. T. Mainwaring, Lord Muncaster, M.P, Capt. J. F. Powis, and others, the Corporations of Kendal, Wenlook. Bridgnorth, Eye, Plymouth; the 1885 Bagot, Earl of Kilmorey, Earl of 3,~1 l 1 1 wood, G W D‘ gby,Esqs. i 1 l l 1 County of Essex; and Stonyhurst College (Re-issued, 1908,1111 a Station“ ry Oziz‘cepublica- tum. Price 6;.) g (5.) Marquis of Ormonde, Earl of Fingall, Corporations of a. wa nd Waterford, Sets {of Dublin and Cissory, the Jesuits 111 Ireland (6.) Marquis of Abergavenny Lord Brave, G. Faqu Luttrell, P. P. Bouverie, W. Bromley Davenport R. T. Balfour, Esqs. 1887 ELEVENTH REPORT 1885 (1895) 1887 \LF.\ C. 5060-171 ooo This is introductory to the following APPENDICES AND INDEXES: i 3 (1.) H. D. Skrine, Esq. Salvetti Correspondence ! C. 5060 1 1 2.) House of Lords, 1678—1688.. 1 0 6060-1 2 0 (3.) Corporations of Southalfipton and Lynn: 1 0 5060-11 1 8 3.. (4.) Marquess Townshend ... :0. 5060 iii 2 6 103)}?181'1 at Dartmouth ...v 1.. .. jc 50601v 2 8 V (6.) Duke of Hamilton 1 C. 5060 v 1 6 (7.) Duke of Leeds, Marchioness of Waterford, ! C. 5612 2 0 Lord Hothfield. 616.; Bridgw ater Trust Office, Beading Corporation, Inner Temple Library. ETH REPORT .. . This 13 introductory to the following ArPEwaEs AND INDEXES: ‘, f (1) Earl Cowper ,KHG (Coke 1188., at Mel- bourne Hall, Derby). Vol.1. (2.) Ditto Vol. 11. 15 TW C. 5889 O 3 C. 5472 ~ C. 5613 3.) Ditto Vol. 1.11. o:- 10 (4.) Duke of Rutlnnd,G.C.B. Vol. I... .../(5.) Ditto Vol. II. 5,“ (6.) House of Lords, 31‘ (7) s. H.1eF1eming,Esq.,ofodal 3.. out 1689—1690" .. n . . C. 5889-1 0. 5614 0. 588941 . 0. 5889-111 . go. 5889-iv 4576-111 1 457641 Out of print. C. 4576 Out of , prim. . C. 4576-1 2 10 C. 5242 1 7 Outof print. 2 0\‘£‘"“‘§ MM 2 1; l 11 vi No. of I . Date. .___._ Paper I Prlce. - ..-I ... .. m APPENDICES AND INDEXES—amt. 8- d- 1891 01(8. ) Duke of Athole, K. T., Earl of Home C. 6338 1 0 1891 (9) Duke of Beaufort, K..,G Earl of C. 6338—1 2 6 I Donoughmore; J. H Gurney W. W. B. . . , Hulton R. W. Ketton, e. A. Aitken, I’. V I I I if)": Smith, Eeqs; Bishon of Ely Cathedrals of 1 F Ely, Gloucester, Lincoln, and Peterborough ‘ I I Corporations of Gloucester, Higham Ferrets, ' \_ andp Newark; Southwell Minster; Lincoln I District Registry. ' 1891 I (10.) First Earl of Charlemont. Vol. I. 0.153334% 1 11 1892 1‘ mmnnru Enronru 0.6827 0 3 This is introductory to the following APPENDICES AND INDEXES: 1891 «.1.) Duke of Portland. V01. I. 0.6474. 3 0 1893 :1 E712.) Ditto. V01. II. .. . C. 6827—1 2 0 1892 .1 (.3) J. B Fortescue, Esq.. of Dmp more. Vol 1.0. 6660 . 2 7 1892 (4.) Corporations of Rye, Hastings, and Here- C. 6810 I 2 4 . y ford; Captain F. C. Loder-Sy monds, E. R. . L Wodehouse, M.,P. J. Dovaston, Esqs., Sir 19““ '1‘. B. Leonard, Bart, Rev. W. D. Macray, I ”K and Earl of Dartmouth (Supplementary I \Report). 5 1892 121(5.) House of Lords, 1690—1691... C. 6822 2 4 1893 r‘(6.‘) Sir W. Fitzherbert, Bart; the Delaval C. 7166 l 4 r“ 7 Family, of Seaton Delaval; Earl of Ancestor; I General Ly ttelton Annesley. i 1893 I (7.) Earl of Lonsdale .. C. 7241 1 3 1893 I ;1.(8) First Earl of Charlemont. Vol. II. C. 7424 1 11 1896 I ForRrEENTH REPORT... C. 7983 0 3 I This is introductory to the following . AIEPENDICES AND Ixnnxrms 1894 ' )Duke of Rutland G .C B. Vol. III. C. 7476 1 11 1894 IgfIa‘ )Duke of Portland Vol. III. . C. 7569 I 2 8 1894 (3) Duke of Roxburghe; Sir 11.1:1. Campbell, 0. 7570 I 1 2 I - Barth; Earl of Strathmore , Count-ms '7 Dowager of Seafield. 1894 I 511(4) Lordeenyon” C. 7571 I 2 10 1896 I 33(1).) J. B. Fortescue .Esqqof Drop more. ”Vol II. C. 7572 2 8 1895 I 1.0 (SJ House of Lords, 1692413 C. 7573 1 11 . . (Manuscripts of the flame of Lords.1693~1695, ”MI/W [(Aew Series). See ILL. No. (5) of f 19000 Fri-1:028. M. .I Ditto. 16954697. Vol. II. See EL. No (18) . of 1903. Price 2.1 9d. I Ditto.1697«1699.Vol. III. See 11L. 0.075) of 1905. Price 28. ,, I ”MDitto 1699—1702. m. IV. See 11.1: No. (7) t of 1908. Price 2.9.911 I ~Di£t0.1702~—1”.04 17.01 V. (Jew Series). See I, 11L. (6312111910. Price 23.851 I 1895 41:, 7.) Marquis 01%.. out... 0. 7678 I l 10 1895I . (3.) Lincoln, Bur Edmunds Hertford, and c. 7881 I 1 5 1.1 a, Great Grimsby Corporations , Dean and . I 13‘ 1. Che pier of Worcester, and of Liohfield; I \Bishop’s Registry of Worcester. 1895I (9.) Earl of Buokin ghamshire; Earl of C. 7882 I 2 6 xi», \ Lindsey Earl of Onslow; Lord Emly; 5 \11‘ J. HireE sq, J. Round ...MP I 1895 I a? {(10) Earl of Dartmouth. Vol. I. American . C. 7883 I 2 9 Papers. 1899 FIF rnnNTH REPORT I c._ 9295 o 4 This is introductory to the following _ 1 I APPENDICES AND INDEXES: , 1896 1 ,I . (31.) Earl of Dartmouth. VOLIII. C. 8156 I 1 5 Date. -—-———-- APPENDICES AND INDEXES—~mmt. 1897 16‘ (2.) J. Eliot Hodgkin Esq q. ... 1897' '\C\ (3.) Charles Holiday ,Esq., of Dublin; ”Acts of the Privy Council in Ireland, 15511—1571; Sir Willizm Usshers’s Table to the Council Book; Table to the Red Council Book. 1897 31,01.) Duke of Portland. Vo.l IV. ‘3 1897 (3.1) Rig ht Hon. F. J. Savile Foljambe... 1897 1 5 (6) E11ng of Carlisle. Castle Reward 1897 i (7 ) Duke of Somerset; Marquis of Ailosbury , “‘i Sir F. G. Puleston, Bart. (a 1, 1897 3(8.) Duke of Bucoleuch and Queensberry, at ~ ‘ ‘ Drumlanrig. Vol.1 Va 1897 (9 ..)J J. Hope Johnstone, Esq. of Annunciale 1 1899 (10.) Shrewsbuiy and Coventry Corporations , ‘f‘l, Sir 11.0. Corbet, Bart" Earl of Radnor, P. T. Tillard. J. R. CarpEHison, Andrew Kingsmill, Esqs. I MAri‘Uscmrrs 111 THE WELSH LANGUAGE: 1898 Vol. I. Lord Mostyn at Mosty 11 111111.. 189913 Vol.I.P11rt II. —-W. R. M. Wynne, Esq of Peninrth. 1905 | \ Vol.1. Part III. ——Peniarth. 811 T Williams; . John Jones, Robert Vsug 111111 Esqs. 1902 \5! Vol. II. Part I. Jesus Coglleg e, Oxford; Free Library, Cardifl; Havod; Wrexham; Llan— wrin; Merthy 1'; ’iAberdfir Vol. II. Part II. Plas Llan Stephsn' , Free Library ,Cardifi. Vol. II. yI’art III. Puritan; ertrnawr Vol. II. Part IV. The British Museum snuscripts. Duke of Buccleuch and Queens- geiryf K. G., K.T., at Montagu House, Whitehall. 0 Ditto. Ditto. Vol. II. (Part I.) Ditto. Ditto. Vol. IL (Part II.) Ditto. Ditto. at Drumlanrig Castle. Vol. [1. Ditto. Marq 1 Oernde, K. 11., at Kiwanis} Castle. Vol.u.e6181.§ Ditto. Ditto. Index to Vols. I. and II. Ditto. Ditto. New Series. Vol. I. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Vol. II. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Vol. III. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Vol. IV. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. VOL V. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Vol. VI. Ditto. Mrs. Stopford-Saokville. Vol. I. Ditto. Ditto. Vol. II. Ditto. Duke of Portland, KG. Vol. V. Ditto. Ditto. Vol VI., with Index to Vols. IIL—VI. Ditto. Ditto. Vol. VII. Ditto. Ditto. Vol. VIII. Ditto. J. M. Heatheote, Esq... .. Ditto. J. B. Fortescue, Esq. Vol. III... Ditto. Ditto. Vol. IV. Ditto. Ditto. Vol. V. Ditto. Ditto. Vol. VI. Ditto. Ditto. Vol. VII. Ditto. Ditto. Vol. VIII. Ditto. F. W. Loy home-Pop ham, Esq Ditto. Mrs. Frankland-Russell- Astley Ditto. Lord Montagn of Besulieu Ditto. Beverley Corporation co. .-ww ..- In. 1 ..o \ v a. .- 3:31 99 9 999p 0° 01 ..11 w Cd. 2443 Cd. 1100 Cd. 1692 Cd. 2444 06.5353 C. 9244 011. 930 Cd. 930-' 1 Cd. 1827 C. 9245 Cd. 4774 Cd. 929 Cd. 1691 0d. 1963 Cd. 3003 Cd. 4116 Cd. 5288 Cd. 1892 Cd. 5038' 0. 9466 Cd. 676 Cd. 783 Cd. 3475 C. 9469 C. 9470 Cd. 2233 Cd. 2811 Cd. 3670 Cd. 5290 C. 9471 Cd. 282 0d. 283 Cd. 284 [—1 to hit-‘6 «can on 10 HMHI—IMMWNJHI—O NH—H-‘H O H pumompwow wwm ”H h owoag 9"),1901 I Manuscripts of. the Earl of Mar and Kellie, at viii Date. --—~-- Various Collections. Vol.1. Corpo rations of Berwick-on-Tweed, Bur-ford and Lost- ‘ Withiel; Counties of Wilts and Worcester; Bishop of Chichester; Dean and Chapter of (‘ hichester, Canterbury ,and Salisbury. 1903 Ditto. Ditto.y Vol.II. Sir Geo. Wombwell, Duke of Norfolk, Lord Edmund Talbot (the Shrewsbury Papers), Miss Buxton, Mrs. Harford and Mrs. Wentworth of Woolley. 1904 Ditto. Ditto. Vol. III. T. B. Clarke-Thornhill, Fisq.. Sir T. Barrett- Lennard, Bart, l’elham R Pa pillon, W. Cleverly Alexander, Esq s. 1907 Ditto. Ditto Vol. IV. Bishop of Salisbury Bishop of Exeter; Dean and Chap tor of Excteyr: Earl of Leicester , Sir W. Clay top,n Bart; Major Money- -Kyr1e; F. H. T Jervoise, Esq; Glem- ham Hall: Corporations of Salisbury, Orford and Aldeburg h. Ditto. Ditto. Vol. V. Colonel Mordaunt Hay of Duns Castle: Sir Archibald Edmonstone of Duntreath; Sir John Graham of Fintry. Ditto. Ditto. Vol. VI. Miss M. Eyre Matcham; Captain H. V. Knox; C. Wy kcham- Martin, K. p.B Ti ghe, Esq 5., Lord Oranmore and Browne. Calendar of the qStuart Manuscripts at- Windsor Castle, belonging to His Majesty the King. Vol. I. Ditto. Vol.II Ditto. Vol. III.. Ditto. Vol. IV. lliannscripts of Colonel David Milne- Borne, of Wedderburn Castle, N. B. Ditto. IMarquess of Beth, at Longieat, Wiltshire. Vol. Ditto. Ditto. Vol. II. Ditto. Ditto. Vol. III. (Prior papers) American Manuscripts in the Royal Institution of Great Britain. "Vol I. Ditto. Vol. II. Ditto. Vol. III... Ditto. Vol. IV.. SIXTEENTH REPORT (containing a list "of the owners of Manuscripts upon whose collections Reports have been made to J 111 1-1904) 1901 l Manuscripts. l 1909 1909 A1108. House, N. B. Ditto. Lady Du Cane" Ditto. Marquess of Lothian, at Blickling Hall Ditto. Earl of Egmont. Vol 1. Ditto. Ditto. . Vol. I. Part II... Ditto. Ditto. Vol.II. Ditto. Duke of Rutland. Vol. IV. Ditto. Earl of Verulem .. Ditto. (Franciscan) at the Convent, Merchants’ Quay, Dublin. Ditto.y Dean and Chapter of Wells Ditto. Earl of Ancestor, Grimsthorpe Snvswnnmn REPORT (containing a list of the owners of Manuscripts upon whose collections Reports have been made to J une, 1907). Manuscripts of Lord Polwarth. Vol. I. Ditto. Earl of Denbi h, at Newnhem Paddox, Warwickshire. Part Ditto. Lord Middleton, at Wollston 111111.. .. Pit“); Pepys, Magdalene College. Cambridge .. m-~——._~_ Part 1g not out one to. 1'. ...—.....«NW ..W No. of . Paper. Price 8 (1 Cd 784 2 0 1 Cd. 932 f 2 4 Cd. 1964 1 6 06.32181 1 9 Cd 4600 l 4 011.4382 ii 2 3 Cd. 927 2 11 Cd. 2189 2 9 011.3430 2 10 011.5046 2‘- 9 Cd. 931 1 4 011.2048 1 9 011.3474 1 0 Cd. 3849 2 5 Cd. 2201 2 3 Cd. 2897 2 6 Cd. 3669 1 ll 011.4773 2 8 Cd. 2209 0 9 Cd. 2190 2 7 011.2367 2 6 011.2319 2 2 Cd. 2318 l 8 Cd. 2570 I 9 013.4599 1 3 Cd. 2606 2 9 Cd 2973 l 4 Cd. 2867 l 4 Cd. 2810 2 11 0d. 3429 2 7 011.3737 0 ll 011.5289 2 11 Cd. 5565 l 7 011.5567 3 0 Cd. 5721 l 7 K - .‘4 5 EFquflmx‘ug.’ _, This book is a preservation facsimile. It was printed and bound in compliance with copyright law and using archival techniques and materials. Wert Bookbinding, Inc. 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