in? \ ... («$1 :3. 1‘, ..9. (lap: XX: 1. . 4 4. .31.. A. a :K 1...}..ré. 1.19.. A I. y _ . .. . . I \J. J ‘ , . _ ._ _ . _ I . , . . x . 4 w). u. 1. Jr; .i . \ , ,1 eultwpkf (K 5...; . u 4 {f Auszi‘fpztxifi‘ T \ n 1' I r . 4 ; 7&3 gm @1136 ggg’tamw of than that mm @tgzatmwh warmth EIIID’ 3&er in tlgc ‘g‘f‘jamshc of $311M é‘fitam gimbalm Qfimtttrhm'g. 15594800. EDITED BY JOSEPH M EADOWS COWPER. @anterbmg' : O CROSS & JACKMAN, “THE CANTERBURY PRESSf"'_6,VH-IGH STREET p 1890,‘; Mnuonms IN Tm: TOWER :. \ n. .. .. _ xm .‘l w _ deWSTENINGS . . . . . . . . . . 1 MARRIAGES _‘ D o I o I c a ' u u n o 97 /‘ CORRECTIONS: ' (1 P. 16 April 16, 1651. F0? of ,Jannes read of John Janrigs; ,, 85 Oct, 27, 1737. Fo‘rSusani read Susan; 119 Marg13, 1693. For Wiilis’réad Willis.'~ 3n :efigtemnrg of éfihmarh 33mm, fiwfi galghmmn n13 @autzrhmg 1869-1890, £i51gugg nf 5.3m 1870-1890. gum, 1830—flfli2h, 1890, mm at fit. mattin’s, @anterhnm. fist in them 231's, tiII Igmring him, Q9112 szt slum B211 mill swam in 1011 851,12 gaming 0f flge smeetzst $13111 fibIgat the: Innk’b with human mes. INTRODUCTION. In the compilation of this volume I have been more indebted to the Transcripts than in either of the volumes hitherto issued by me. The parish ofS. Mary Magdalene is not the only parish in Canterbury which has lost its earliest volume of Registers, and this, I hope, is not the last time that I shall avail myself of the Archdeacon’s copies to complete, as far as may be, these records of past generations. What became of these lost volumes it is difficult to say; but it is easy, and not uncommon, to attribute their disappearance to the neglect of the clergy. Of course it is easy: but if we tax the clergy with being careless custodians, we should, to be just, tax the churchwardens also, for they, equally with the parson, were responsible for the safe keeping of the parish registers. They were to be kept in a “sure coffer with three locks,” the minister and churchwardens each keeping one key. For my own part I am not inclined to exonerate either the clergyman or the churchwardens from blame on many points ; but in this matter of the disapperance of early volumes, we must, I think. look elsewhere for an explanation. Cromwell’s interference with the old law relating to registers, his introduction of the registration of births instead of baptisms, and his abolition of religious marriages upset a good deal. But his appointment of civil Registrars was most disastrous, as it took the parish books out of the hands of the clergy, and not only out of their hands, but out of their churches also. Thus the books went astray, and as often as a new Registrar was appointed they were {or were not) passed on to him. Sometimes, but I am afraid rarely, the “Minister of the Word” was Registrar, as was Stephen Mick- holson of S. Alphage, in 1653. In the following year the S. Alphage register was in the hands of the Clerk of the Peace, and in 1656 it was in the possession of George May, who styled himself f‘clark and Regesster of St. allphets.”* Against the appointment of the parson and the clerk, I have nothing to say; but I do think i there was danger to the books from the appointment of the Clerk of the Peace (supposing him to have been appointed), and more danger still when, as was the case at S. Peter’s, Canterbury, John Berry, “ victuler,” was chosen “to bee Register ‘of the said parish.”1' It is to such appointments, and to these frequent changes, that I attribute the loss of many a pre-restoration parish' register. When the parish priest came back in 1660, he would probably find his parish chest half empty, and, unless a man of more than ordinary energy, would never trace the lost books, even if they were in existence. If there are any archives of Clerks of the Peace, reach- ing back to the Commonwealth, in existence, and they could be examined, it is just possible some missing parish registers might. be found. All the baptismal entries in this volume before April 3, 1634, all the marriage entries before September 29, 1639, and all the burial entries before July 26, 1634, ‘I have copied from the Archdeacon’s Transcripts, which commence in 1559, and are * See St. Alphage Register, lntrod. vi. 1‘ See St. Peter’s Register, p. 89. i I II ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. more than usually perfect. Besides these Transcripts, I have used five register books 1n the compilation of this volume, a brief description of each of which I give below. 1.—A thin volume measuring 16in. by 6%in. It has at some time been rebound in a thin parchment cover, but the first “lid” of the old cover has been retained, and has written upon it “ N0. 1” in a modern hand. On the inner side of this old cover, the first (P) leaf of the book has been pasted. This leaf was probably pasted to the cover before the memoranda, which date from 1661 to 1703, were written as they now appear. Omitting the two fly-leaves inserted by the new binder, the book consists of 52 paper leaves, very much discoloured by damp in parts, and very much “frayed” at the edges by wear. The first leaf (stuck to the old cover) contains certain memorandaon the second page ; the first page of the last leaf is filled with entries relating to local events ; the second page of this leaf is blank. But besides these 52 leaves, there are three additions to the book. Between leaves 14 and 15 there is what may be part of one of the original leaves. The paper is 6% in. deep, and contains the baptisms of Laurance Stephens in 1636, and of Leonard Short in 1639. Between leaves 38 and 39 a sheet about 9in. by 7am. has been inserted. It contains the burials from September 16, 1711, to July 25, 1714, and the baptism-of William Hues, August 16,1711. Between leaves 47 and 48 a strip of paper 3—21 in. wide has been pasted 1n , it contains the marriage of John Towll and Elizabeth Downing. All the blank spaces in the book have been referred to in the footnotes. But this first volume, late as it commences, is not all original. The christenings up to February 27, 1649-50, the marriages to May 25, 1647, and the burials to October “the last,” 1649, are all copied from an earlier register. This is evident from the numerous omissions of parts of entries, spaces being left, because the transcriber could not read, from some cause or other, his original. On the last leaf but one of this volume, six .marriage entries appear without any date.- They all belong to the time of the Commonwealth, and most, if not all, were made by the registrar who had charge of the book in 1653—5. As I have no certain guide as to the year to which the entries belong, I insert them here :— July 31 Weare maryed William Larance and Martha Ledes Aug. 31 Weare maryed Robard Larance of this parish and Isabell Smith of Tellemstone Nov. 30 Weare maryed Abell Allin of Wye and Frances Simons [of] Christ Church Dec. 14 Weare mary ed Thomas Chambers and Jane Baker Jan. 14 Weare maryed Nickles Champne and Elles Hanly, widow n. d. John Hambrook, sonn of John and Jane St. Luke* The next page of this leaf is filled with the following records of births: October the 4th,1653. The 24 (P) wase borne the d. of Allexander Stead [and] Marget his wife December the 8th was borne the d. of Frances Inwood. December the 20th was borne the d. the d. (sic) of Josef Colfe. December the 25th was borne the d. of Thomas Kenet. * The remainder of the page is blank. INTRODUCTION. III Jannuary the 16th wase borne the d. of Walter Figge. . March the 7th wase borne the s. of Richard Hornbe. 1624* April] the 23th was borne the s. of Giles Wattmor, gentelman May the 19th wase borne the d. of Thomase Beste. July the 21 wase borne the s. of Richard Bullock. The 23th wase borne the d.‘[ of John Pillkinton. September the 8th wase borne the s. of John Tucker. September the 15th Wase borne the s. of Thomas Burges. Nouember the 24th wase borne the s. of Thomas Knott. January the first was borne a d. of James Lyleard. Jannuary the 19th wase borne the s. of Henry Wigmor. \ January the 26th the s. of Ed[ward Justis]. 1‘ Turning now to the inside of the first cover, I proceed to give the various memoranda referring to local matters which are written there. “ September 18, 16[8]2 (P) Then r ...... & Steaven Hobson, a turner . ..... Hugh Aprise in the White Hart yarde.” “ August 21 in 1682 Then Haruie & John Sanders a seruant to Edward . . . . . . foutt (P) in the White Hart yard.” Opposite to the above is a fragment of an entry, relating apparently to an agree- ment to pay half a crown “ beeginning Nouember the‘28 and to continue to the day 1696.” And below these :— “John Munns was made choys of to be parish Clarke in the sted of Will’ Baker in the yeare 1661, June the 12.” “ George Robinson chosen parish clark in the room of John Munns November 10, 1673.” “Henry Eastman was choas Clarke in the roome . ..... . . rokesonn one good friday beeing . .. . .. aprill in the yeare of our lorde . . . . . . Loulace, rector [church] wardens Thomas Baker, Paul N orwood.” “Memoraddumz—That one February: ye: 6: 1702: Then John Bosher liue- ing at the Faulken killed Robert Amsden and was hanged at Oaten Hill for that factt May folowing, beeing the 5.” “Memoraddam:—That in ye yeare 1703 there hapened in ye month of Nouember one ye 26 day a mightey dreadfull tempetious wind which there has not bin ye like in oure age.” Then, at the bottom of this leaf, is the following queer entry :— “ Nouember the 18: 1692 then John Wingate and Thomas Smith hatter agreed by the yeare that Thomas Smith is to find him in hatts for twenty shillings the )eare during life. ”ll Turning to the last (old) leaf of the book, I find the following entries relating either to local or national afi‘airs: -— “ Of Burials in London those of the plague. From the 15 of August to the 26, 1665 then of the plague died—4237. * I6 54 is intended. ‘ 771' Son first written. 1 Worn away. [I “ bothe ” seems to have been written before “ life ” and crossed out. I IV ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. Next weeke as follows the plaague were 6102 in all that weeke 7496.” “October: ye: 1697 the Peace beetwixt England and France was proclaimed with [drjums and trumpet Esq Beuerton Mayor.” . “ Memorandom: That one the 12 : of Nouember in the yeare 1684 : the charter of this Sity of canterbury was Brough in by Coronal Rooke and the same yeare he Suckseded the place for the yeare ensuing Mayor. “ Regester: Henry Eastman.” “Memorandum. That one the: 4: of Janewary in 1687 then Mr. John King- ford was sworen Mayor.” \ For a full account of how the City was deprived of its Charters, the reader may consult Brent’s Canterbury in the Olden Time, pp. 90—91, Ed. 1879. “ Nouember: ye: 1 : beeing All Saints in ye: yeare 1694 then a soldier in, the Reagement of one Coronal Coote and in his Company was shott to death in the farther DeaneJoh[n] the day aboue written and buried in the Chappel ‘ yard in Burgat ground.”’[ “July ye 9: 1696 Then a soulger in Coronal Tittcomb Reagment was shott for deserrter and in ye heither Deane John and buried at ye same place whea[r] he was shott.” “John Tenesonn Lord Archbishop of Canterbury came in to this City one Thursday the 16 of May in: 1695 and preached the Sonnday following beeing the 19.” “March: ye: 8: 1696. . “Then Mr. Fich Rooke and a Ensigne his name was Antho Buckeredg the fough a duell in the North Hombes and boath dyed in the feild : Colonell name he be : longue to was Marques Depusaw.”i Brent (page 229) says they “ fought with swords,” but he gives no authority for . the statement. “Anthony Buckeridge, an Ensigne,” was buried in S. Alphage churchyard, March 9, 1696-7, and Finch Rooke was buried at St. Paul’s. In neither entry is any reference made to the cause of death. and the sole memorial that remains is a small stone in the wall by the North Holmes. This stone, much defaced, is near the eastern jamb of a bricked-up gateway, by which egress was obtainable from the orchard—now Major Plummer’s—to the foot-path leading from St. Martin’s Church to St. Gregory’s. The inscription on the \stone, as I read it, is as under : July“ Rook Died 1696. Bucker[idge] So far I have failed to find any record, contemporary or otherwise, of this duel. I have been referred to “Tales of a Cabin,” but the story, as therein related. is absurdly wrong and utterly valueless, unless we may accept as tra-ditionary the state- * The Treaty of Ryswick was signed September II, 1697. See Macaulay, iv. 202. Ed. 1864. 1‘ There IS no entry of this burial in the “ Burgate ” Register. 1 “ Was Marques Depusaw ” written by another hand. A baptismal entry followed, but it has been crossed out. [I If “July" I cannot say why : the duel was undoubtedly fought in March. > «3.3g .9, ‘.,..,,.._... ,. N' INTRODUCTION. , V ment that the two men fought in the night and without seconds, and that nothing was known of the encounter until their dead bodies were discovered in the early morning. The following entry has been crossed out: “ The great shake of ye Earth was September ye 8, 1692.” After it comes— “Ye Masonns that was condemed in 1698 was then pardoned his name was Richard‘Kingnorth he was afterwards taken for stealeing a hors from John Toker and condemned at Maidston and hanged at St. Thomases Hill on Satherday beeing the : 16: of August in 170].” Then follows— ‘f The greate shake of the earth was September the 8 : 1692.” I am afraid that our/chronicler has given the wrong date for this earthquake. It will be seen that the event was recorded twice, and I may add, by two different persons. It is impossible to say why the first entry was crossed out. Evelyn refers to this earthquake (I take it to be the same) as having occurred a week later :—15 Sept. 1692. “There happened an earthquake, which, though not so great as to do any harm in England, was universal in all these parts of Europe. It shook the house at Wotton.” See also Dr. Tenison’s letter to Evelyn, in which he says, “In the fens nigh Ely, some turf diggers were much surprised by it.”——Diary and Cor. iii. 323, Ed. 1854. . “ Memorandum :—That in ye yeare : 1698 in August ye 9 ye Lord Chef Justices Hoult & Justices Scrogg Hoult sat on Isapris* and Scrogg one life & death, and then was condemed 6 men : 3 deare stelers: 2 seamem and :1: mason.’ Perhaps the “ mason” was Richard Kingnorth, who was hanged in 1701 for horse-stealing. “December the: 6: 1687 Then the lion was baited to death in the White Hart yarde by dogges.” Brent (p. 226) gives a similar entry, taken, he says, from the register of St. George’s parish. A mistake of his. “ [John Kinjgeford was turned out of his Mayors [ofiice] . . . .25 and Mr. Gibbs suxseeded in: 1688.”1' These glimpses of the inner life of Canterbury two hundred years ago are not of any great importance, perhaps, but they tend to raise a kindly feeling towards the old parish clerks, who, when anything did happen to disturb the dreary dulness of this “ Sleepy Hollow," did not fail “to make a note of it.” And to have to. chronicle a few murders, a few civil and military executions, and the occurrence of an earthquake or a tempest, added a piquancy to the city life, and made it worth living.~ Even the baiting of a lion was not to be despised, nor was that amusing , agreement between John Wingate and Thomas Smith, hatter, whereby the latter undertook to supply the former With hats for the rest of his life at twenty shillings a year! The bargain was most likely made at the ale-house, and the parish clerk, being present, cheerfully undertook to register the agreement. The loud laugh went * Nz'u' Prim. 1‘ For more about “ this royal cipher of a Mayor,” See Brent, p. 92. Mr. Brent’s dates should be received with caution : twice on this page he gives I668 for I688. ‘ VI ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. round, and John Wingate and Thomas Smith, hatter, are thereby handed down to posterity. Canterbury was well supplied with gibbets. By whichever road a stranger entered the city, the ghastly spectacle of the gallows, with the bodies of one or more felons dangling therefrom, would be almost sure to meet his gaze. But it will, I think, be new to some to know that the Dane John, now as pretty a place as can be found in any small city, was once used as a place of execution, and that, at times, the bodies of criminals were buried there after they were “ shott to death.” II.—The second volume is bound in parchment, and contains eleven parchment leaves. The book measures 15in. by 8in. It contains no memoranda of any kind. III.-—This also is a parchment volume, and. measures 11in. by 8in. It contains fifty-four parchment leaves, with six paper fly-leaves, two at the beginning and four at the end. On the inside of the first cover the following entry appears: “ Mem : Elizabeth Daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Oldfield was born Feb: 27th 1768. in the House next to Burgate Church westward, as her Grand- father John Philpot an Anabaptist assured me this 11th Day of April 1768 l “Fran: Gregory Rector.” ‘ On the first page of the second fly-leaf John Head wrote, “The Parish Register Book belonging to St. Mary Magdalen Anno Dom 1731 Canterbury John Head Rector.” There are no other memoranda. IV.—A parchment book bound in rough calf. It measures 11in. by 8?};in. At present it contains twenty-six leaves of parchment and two fly-leaves of paper, one at each end. The volume contains the Baptismal entries from February 9, 1795, to December 30th, 1812. The last entry records the baptism of Edward, s. of John and Mary Hacker. Turning the book round the Burial entries will be found frOm January 10th, 1795, to December 25th, 1811.’ The last burial recorded being that of George Razel. Below a line is drawn, and under this line 1812 no Burial written. The middle of the book, perhaps consisting of 25 or 30 leaves, has been torn out! ' The only “ Mem” is the following: “ This Register Book was ordered at a Vestry Meeting April 7th 1795.———James Ford Rector. Marsh Piddock Stephen Philpot Churchwardens.”as V.—This is the common .“Act of Parliament” Register-Book for Marriages. It commences March 25th, 1754, and contains the entries of marriages until November 26th, 1812. The last marriage entered is that of Abraham Truebridge, of St. James’s, Westminster, with “ Sophia Westover of this parish.” The church of St. Mary Magdalene, from all I can learn, never had a burial ground attached to it. This will account for the frequent references to “The Chapel Churchyard,” and it may be necessary to say a few words respecting this ancient Cemetery, which lies between Castle Street and the Dane John, being * Vols. III. and IV. have two brass Clasps each. 1;. INTRODUCTION. VII bounded on three sides by Castle Street, St. Mary’s Street, and Castle Row, and separated from the Dane John by a row of houses and their gardens, A footpath crosses it diagonally, forming a “ short cut” to the station of the London, Chatham and Dover Railway. Unlike our other closed burial grounds, the Chapel Church- yard is under the care of the Mayor and Corporation of the City; but like some other Canterbury burial grounds its condition reflects no credit upon those who have charge of it. In ancient times the church of St. Mary de Castro stood, I believe, on or near to this ground; St. John’s church stood at the upper end of St. John’s Lane, and the Chapel Churchyard served as a cemetery for both. Before the Reformation the parishes of St. Andrew and St. Mary Magdalene buried at St. Augustine’s; but when the Abbey was dissolved the two parishes, and St. Mary Bredman, received or obtained permission to bury their dead in what is now known as the Chapel Churchyard. All, or part of, the benefits arising from burials went to the poor of “ Maynard’s Spittle,” who anciently kept, or were supposed to keep, it in repair. In 1560 they were “ presented ” for default, and afterwards each parish kept its own part of the ground."“ This division is only hinted at once in this burial register, namely, in 1694, when the soldier who was shot in the Dane John was “ buried in the Chappel yard in Burgat ground.” I believe, however, that the ‘division existed down to the time when the cemetery was closed, and a careful examination of the few memorials now legible has led me to conclude that the ground was divided into three stripsrunning parallel with Castle Street, that the St. Mary Bredman strip was next to the street, that the St. Mary Magdalene strip was in the centre, and that the St. Andrew’s strip adjoined the gardens on the eastern side of the ground. _ But if the aspect of the burial ground is so unsatisfactory, what must be said of the church P All that remains now is the towerflf In the year 1871 the body of the sacred edifice was pulled down ; the pillars and arches were used in the enlargement of_St. George’s church; its ancient Norman font was sold, no one seems to know to whom; its memorial brasses were stolen; one bell went to St. George’s, two were shipped 011‘ to Madagascar! Such was the end. The beginning I trace back as far as the year 1560, when a presentment was made stating that “They have had no sermons thes xij monethes ” (see note, p. 97) a condition of things on which perhaps'the parishioners might be congratulated, but it reveals at the same time an utter neglect on the part of the Rector, Thomas Fysher, in the fulfilment of his duties as parish priest. As a further proof of the “zeal” of two later Rectors, George Marson and John Marson, it is only necessary to consult the burial entries from 1620 to 1642. In sixteen out of these twenty-two years unbaptised children . were buried! And, judging by the Register Books which have come down to~ us, 1 had they depended upon the Rectors, no entries would have been made before the 18th century. In 1713 John Cooke, who had then held the Rectory for twenty-one years, called attention to the fact that the book was “ not kept by the Minister but by the clerk, as may appear both from the writing and the spelling.” {See note, p. 80.) On the whole I have often had to congratulate myself that the book was kept by the ‘ *See Somner, pp. 335, 347 : ed. 1640. 1* Built in 1503. VIII ' ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. parish clerk, for his entries were conscientiously made and contained information infinitely more valuable than the Rectors themselves would have deigned to give. To the parish clerks, unlearned though they were, we owe much; to the Rectors, little. The next step in the downward movement was the joining of this parish to that of St. George the Martyr in 1681 ; but it took nearly two hundred years to get rid of the incumbrance altogether: the church would not‘ fall down, so they pulled it down, as before stated, in 1871. I never knew the church of S. Mary Magdalene while standing, so I must accept Hasted’s description as “being rather a small building, consisting of two isles and a chancel, having a square tower at the north-west corner.” This is meagre enough; but immediately after the Restoration the registrar began, to jot down the spots where bodies were interred within the church; and from these jottings and certain verbal information given by friends, I can form a fairly distinct idea of what the building was like inside. The church was in the form of a regular parallelogram, divided in the centre by an arcade of four arches. The Register makes mention of four chancels, or speaks of the two under four different names. Thus: in 1669 and 1671 interments were made “in the church chancell”; in 1670 and 1672 “in the parish chansell”; in 1672 and 1675 “in the Minnesters chansell”; and in 1691 john Whitfeild was buried “in the church wardens chancill.” These four are reducible to two; the church chancel, the parish chancel and the church- warden’s chancel refer to the eastern part of the aisle on the south side of the church, and the minister’s chancel to the eastern end of the north side of the church where the Holy Table stood. I am led to the conclusion that the south side is referred to by the three names by the undoubted fact that the Whitfeild monument stood near the eastern end of the the south side of the church; the family vault was so near to the south wall of the church that, two hundred years after the vault was made, it was alleged that the south wall was giving way in consequence of its foundations having been weakened by the proximity of the vault. It will be noted that from 1670 to 1691, the Whitfeilds were buried in the “parish ” chancel, the “church” chancel, and the “churchwardens’” chancel. A passage ran up the centre of each division of the church, with pews to the right and left, and the phrase used in 1685 "under the first pews, as you come up, on the right hand side,” probably means no more than that Rebecca Whitfeild was buried on the right, going eastward, under the first or easternmost pews; for there were, after the monument was erected, not more than two pews between it and the east wall. The entrance to the church was under the tower; those who wished to go into the pews on the north side turned to the left, and went under the eastern arch ; those who went into the southern part, passed under the southern arch, just beyond which stood the font. The pulpit, reading desk, and clerk’s desk (“3 three- decker ’l) stood against the north wall, bounded on the east by the space in front of the rail which marked off the minister’s chancel. The gallery occupied the western end of the church, and extended over the font from the south side of the tower to the south wall. With these explanations we can understand pretty well where in 1683 the burial “in the space turning by the font,” and in 1691 the burial “ in the / l‘ . E is INTRODUCTION. ‘ IX space by the font,” took place. In 1685 Richard Tuck was interred “just bee hind my (the clerk’s) deske;” and in 1701, William Flattman’s body was laid “in the ministers chancill, just bee fore ye clarkes deske :” both referring to the space in front of the rail. From 1710 “the tomb stone” is referred to. The Whitfeild memorial was a sufficiently striking object to be dignified with this appellation, and I think, when we read of interments at the further end of the tomb stone, at this end of the tomb stone (1710), by the tomb stone, and under the tomb stone (1713), reference is made to this memorial ; and the near, or hither, space and the further space will refer to the open spaces near to it. The further space next the chancel, where Ann Plumer L was buried in 1691, must, I think, mean the space east of the Whitfeild vault. We can now understand where the hatchment on the south side of the minister’s chancel hung in 1696, but we do not know whose it was. The gallery door (1704) was near the font. In connection with these burial places within the church, I must not omit a term which occurs only twice, and is quite new to me. In 1709 John Paris was buried “ hard by the meeting table,” and in 1713 a body was buried “ by the meet— ing table.” I suppose the Communion Table is meant. The iconoclasts of 1871 spared twelve of the memorials of the dead. One, the Whitfeild monument, stands under the tower; ten have been placed on the inner west wall of the tower, and the twelfth, broken, forms a part of the floor.* The inscriptions on these I have copied, and they will be found at the end of this Intro- duction. ‘ Somner (pp. 331,332) gives copies of three memorials which he found in this _ church. They are— (1) Hic jacet Iohanna filia Iohannis Hache quondam uxoris Henrici Lynde de Cant. quae obiit 21. die Novemb. Anno Domini 1417. (2) Hic jacet Christoferus Alcock Draper qui obiit 3. die mens. Septemb. ‘ Anno Domini 1492. (3) Here lyeth buried the body of Sybell Orchard Widow, late the wife of Mr. Libby Orchard late of Mounckton Court, in the Isle of Thanet deceased, which Sybell dyed the 12. day of March. Anno Domini 1586. Sybell Orchard, according to the Register, was buried March 13, 1586 (O. 8.). In the Register of Baptisms will be found under the years 1763, 1764, and 1772 mention of three children who were “born in the fore part of the house.” The . families referred to most likely lived on the north side of Burgate street. These houses, I am told, stand on the boundary dividing the parish of St. Mary Magdalene, on the south, from the Ville of Christ Church (the Precincts of the Cathedral) on the north. A child born in the fore part of the house would be born within the City liberties, and would become a “ Freeman ;” but if born in the back part of the house, or over the border, it would not be “ free.” Hence the importance (then) of (distinguishing in which part of the house a child was born. ‘ It will be observed that in this Register there is nomention of any civil marriages during the time of the Commonwealth, nor are there any entries of * I believe some memorials were removed to St. George’s church. II X ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. “intentions of marriage.” On the whole I am inclined to believe that Cromwell’s Act was disregarded in many parishes; but I should like to know where civil mar- riages were usually registered. I know some civil marriages were duly entered in the parish register; but, from my experience, very few were recorded there. Only a few entries in this volume call for any further special note. There'is in 1675 an entry recording the baptism of “ one left in ye parish,” and she was baptised by the name of Mary. Two godfathers and two godmothers “ stood” for the child, but as her parents were unknown, she appears without a surname. In after years she seems to have acquired one, for in 1698 I find one “ Marie, Magdaline” was buried. As was not very uncommon, she assumed the name of the parish in which she was found. In 1655 “ Routh Rider ” was married, and in due course a child was born, and brought to be baptised. In the baptismal entry the child was originally described as the daughter of “ a Rought Ryder,” but the “a” has been crossed out. Was the father “ a rough rider P” It looks very much like it. In a note on p. 97 “sol. iiijd” will be found. This entry refers to the Poor Laws of Edward VI. and 3rd Eliz., on which I hope to say more in my Introduction to the Register of S. George the Martyr. Of “socking in woollen" (p. 114), denoting compliance with the Acts of Charles the Second, I need say nothing. The following list of Rectors of St. Mary Magdaleneis as complete as I can “ make it: Name' Inlddfiidhf. N am' 1111333151: James ..... . . . . . . . . . 1298 John Comysh . . P William Confort . . P Richard Wall . . 1492 Robert de Honyngton . . 1320 Henry Wright . . P William Arnold . . P Robert Woodward . . 1 1504 Robert Hayou . . 1361 Thomas Haisham . . 1505 Richard Stormyn . . P Edmund Cony . . 1507 John Osborn . . 1371 John Goodchewgh . . ' 1526 John Langham . . P John Francheleyne . . P John Langnoth . . 1388 Thomas Smyth . . 1535 Richard Mayor . . P Thomas Fysher . . 1553 , John Haye . . 1410 Thomas Panton . . 1580 Simon Dawe . . 1412 Thomas Warrener . . 1585 John Payntour . . 1413 George Marson . . 1606 John Woghope . . 1414 John Marsth 1631 Thomas Tholbe . . 1425 Mr. Forbras, buried Oct. 8" 1657 John May . . P William Lovelace . . 1660 John Smyth . . 1449 John Sargenson‘r . . 1681 John Westmore . . P Francis Master 1684 Robert Wynmore . . 1456 John Maximilian Delanglei 1686 Robert Eelde . . 1458 John Cooke . . 1692 John Kelsey ' . . 1462 William Ayerst , . . 1726 John Ingelard . . 1471 John Head . . 730 John Warde . . 1471 Thomas Forster . . 1761 William Chaloner . . 1482 Francis Gregory . . 1764 * My only authority 15 the Burial Register. T Parish united with S. George’ s in this year. + He signed Jo: Max: LAng’le. See note, p. 117. : r F» n LL“ 3 V s.» 5, i INTRODUCTION. XI Name' Irgiliiiigh. Name‘ Inldfiiftigrfi. James Ford . . 1777 William Stone . . 1858 William Bennett .. 1824 Robert Hake . . 1867 George Pellew ' . . 1826 Nicolas Howard McGachen 1869 Frederick Rouch‘ . . 1828 Thomas Featherston Dixon 1881 William Spencer Harris Braham 1840 Henry Day French . . 1886 Robert Godolphin Peter .. 1851 Among the unusual Christian names I have noted these :—A6z'e ‘Kingford. Aderon Rowse, Az'llz'cm Woodland, Az'nglz'ce Russhee, Angle Stopple, Audrz'a Moore- cock, Farl/zz'ng Andove, Floraday Rogers, Gar/12 Paramore, Inggle" Whiting, femzy- lrut/z Lovell, jemze/rm‘lz Betts, Kenberz’lz Kenwoode, Kenbrol/z Harte, MedmerGoodwin, Mordaz'n Denn, Nephew Harrald, and sz'm'or Knuckle. Aud to these I may add, as not unsuccessful efforts to combine two Christian names, Annan’a Brown, Annarz'a Whatson, and Rosara Foot; the full names being Ann Maria and Rose Sarah. Logwood is, to me, an uncommon surname, and so is Cokernutt. The Baptist Burial Ground is mentioned four times in this Register, that is in 1770, 1779, and 1790. This burial place belongs now to the “ Unitarian Baptists,” and lies close by their place of worship, in the Black Friars, on the right bank of that branch of the river Stour which flows under the Eastbridge Hospital. I have visited the place,,and find a goodly number of grave stones still standing, but the inscriptions are rapidly becoming illegible. There is one only which I need refer to, ‘ and that is a memorial to “ Mrs. Experience Brown,” who was buried in 1755. Not far from this ground, but lying behind a bakery on the north side of Orange Street, is the old burying place of the “Congregational Presbyterians.” In this ground, now a small flower garden, there is a stone to the memory of the Revd. William Charles Loveless, who died in 1851 (I think it is, for it is not clear), aged 73 years. There is also a large stone, probably covering a vault, which bears the name of John Parnell, who died in 1834. There are other names on this stone, but they do not fall within the scope of this book. I cannot leave this almost forgotten spot, though, without mentioning two small foot—stones, probably, on one of which I read Z. P. 1812 ; E. P. 1853 ; and on the other the solitary letter P. For Z. P. read Zachariah Prentiée. The others are very brief memorials of members of the same family. Having wandered so far from the parish of St. Mary Magdalene, I must crave permission to go a little farther. Three or four years ago the Bishop of Dover kindly allowed me to go through the MSS. still in existence relating to St. John’s Hospital in this City. Among many entries I found a few relating to burials, and the notes I then made are, I think, worth preserving, and may not be much out of place here. In 1514 mention is made of Sir William’s mortuary tapers, and of lights for the burying of a child. In 1534 Mrs. Lincoln’s husband was buried in the church. In 1618, Sister Smythe, Henry Sellvester, and Mrs. Wood were buried in the church; Mrs. Mode’s daughter was buried in the chancel, and Sister Danell was also buried. 1“ Inggle or Juggle, it is impossible to say, from the handwriting, which. I have given Inggle, thinking it may be a variant of Angle. See Angle Stopple. XII ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. In 1631 Sir Peter Hayman’s daughter was buried in the church. In 1632 Mr. Old- feild’s uncle and Sir Peter Hayrnan’s child were buried in the church, and in the‘ same year Mr. Oldfield was buried. In 1633 Widow Denn was buried in the church. In 1635-6 Mr. Groves’ father and child, and in 1636—7 Sister Ladd were buried. In 1638 a French woman was buried in the church. In 1639 Sister Parker was buried in the church, and a French man in the churchyard. In 1640 a stranger was buried in the churchyard. In 1642 Mr./Robenson was buried, and in the same year John Bowtell, a stranger, was buried in the church, where, in 1646, Mr. Groves’ child was also buried. It is probable that none of these interments within the quiet and beautiful precincts of the old Hospital have been registered elsewhere. If they have been no harm will have been done by recording them here. This is the fourth of the Canterbury Parish Registers which I have copied, and I have to express my gratitude to the Rector, the Rev. H. D. French, for his ' kindness in allowing me to do this ; to the Bishop of Dover and Mr. Allen Fielding, for giving me free access to the Transcripts, which have proved so valuable ; and to Mr. Robert Hovenden for his unvarying and unwearying readiness to assist me when difficulties arose. J. M. COWPER. St. Mildred’s, Canterbury, July 4, 1889. i ‘2. ’7‘. 3 a; 1‘ 3‘, MEMORIALS IN THE TOWER. 1. CREST over the Inscription :—Out of pallisado crown arg. a stag’s head or. ARMS on the North side of the Tomb 1—1. Argent, a plain bend cottised engrailed, sa. Whitfield. 2. Arg. on a fess engrailed, sa. three escallops of the first. Jaques 0/ Middlescac. 3. Arg. on a chevron az. between three greyhounds’ heads erased gules, collared or, three plates. Tuck or Toke. 4. Arg., two bars gules. South of Fermby, 00. Lincoln. Over all a shield of pretence. Quarterly per fess indented sa. and or, in the chief dexter quarter a pelican vulning her’breast of the second. Johnson of Thanet. On the NE. corner of the Tomb, the Arms of Whitfield (sec 1, above.) ’ On the SE. corner, Whitfield impaling Jaques. On the N.W. corner, 1 and 4, Whitfield; 2, Jaques; 3, Tuck, impaling Whitfield. On the S.W. corner, 1 and 4, Whitfield; 2, Jaques; 3, Tuck; over all a shield of pretence, Arg. two bars gules. South of Ferraby. J OHANNES WHITFEILD Gen: Inter Nostrates nominis apprime celebris: Una. cum Avis J OHANNE et KATHERINA \ Necnon Parentibus HENRICO et ANNA; Sub hoc sepnltus jacet Marmore. Vir ingenio, ut qui maximé, liberali, Artium plurimarfi, et rerfi fere 5ium peritus: Largus Pauperum Patronus: Veri Nuininis Cultor verus et assiduus: Patriw proesertim Cantio inter primos cofilodus. onrem habuit REBECCAM jufi: 1:0an JAQUES Dignissimi quondam Cantii Vicecomitis Filiam. Dni 1685 b t Qua? ° 1‘ Am“) { zstatis 36. Hosce vero Liberos Conjugi peperit superstites. ANNAM, REBECCAM, ROBERTAM, J OHANN EM, ROBERTVM, HENRIETTAM, Patti charissimos. Qui ad extinguenda hujus Urbis inoendia, Quoties infeliciter opus fuerit, Duas magnee molis Machines et largitus est. Et unde reficerentur abunde satis legavit. Ac Ne pauperies laudandee dominaretur industries, Centum et Quinquaginta nufilorum libras donavit, Et Comitiorum Cantuariensium fidei colilisit: Ut, a Quinquennio in Quinquennium, In sex pauperfi Artificum hujusce Civitatis usum, Vicibus successivis, Per omnin sine foenore commodentur secula. ‘ ‘ Desideratissimus ILLE Occupante tandem Apoplexia dormivit alturn: Seu potius migravit hinc expergiscendus in Coelis, JEtatis laudabiliter neractae LVI. ANNO { S. instauratae M. DC . KC . I: XIV ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. 2. ARMS :—Az. a fesse embattled, counter embattled between three estoiles or. CREST 2—Two arms embowed vested az. holding in the hands ppr. an estoile or. NERE TO THIS PLACE LIE INTERRED THE BODIES OF MICHAEL & THOMAS PARRAM GENT SONNES OF THOMAS PARRAMORE ESQ SOMETIMES MAIOR OF THIS CITTIE OF CANTERBURIE WQH MICHAELL DIED ABOUTE THE AGE OF IX YEARES AND AND [sic] THOMAS WHO MARRIED ANN THE DAUGHTER OF HENRY FRANK- LYN OF THROUGHLY GENT . DECEASED WITHOUT ISSUE 13 DAY OF SEPTEMB. A.D. 1615. 3. ARMS t—Vert, on a chevron between three roebucks trippant or, as many quatrefoils gules. Im paling Argent three saltires vert [Greenland of Lovelace, Kent j. NEAR THIS PLACE LIETH THE BODY OF CHARLES ROBINSON ESQR. SON OF MATTHEW ROBINsoN OF WEST LAYTON IN THE COUNTY OF YORK ESQR (BY ELIZABETH HEIRESS OF THOMAS MORRIS 0F MOUNT MORRIS, IN THE PARISH OF MONK’S-HORTON IN THE COUNTY OF KENT ESQR) AND BROTHER TO THE RIGHT HON. MATTHEW BARON ROKEBY AND BARONET. HE WAS A BENCHER OF THE HON. SOCIETY OF LINCOLN’S INN; ONE OF THE REPRESENTATIVES OF THIS ANCIENT CITY, IN TWO SUCCESSIVE PARLIAMENTS ; RECORDER OF THE SAME AND OF THE CINQUE PORTS FORTY THREE YEARS. HE DIED THE 31ST OF MARCH 1807, AGED 75 YEARS.* HIS ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE WAS DISTINGUISHED BY MERCY; HIS PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT, BY WISDOM AND INTEGRITY; IN DOMESTIC LIFE HE WAS AN AFFECTIONATE HUSBAND, A MOST KIND AND TENDER PARENT, A CONSIDERATE AND BENEVOLENT MASTER, AND A SINCERE FRIEND. A NUMEROUS AND RESPECTABLE ACQUAINTANCE EXPERIENCED HIS HOSPITALITY, URBANITY. AND LIBERALITY. HE LIVED RESPECTED FOR HIS MANY VIRTUES AND DIED SINCERELY LAMENTED. SARAH, HIS ONLY CHILD, WIFE OF WM. HOUGHAM OF BARTON-COURT, Esqr. FROM GRATITUDE, AFFECTION AND VENERATION, INSCRIBES THIS MONUMENT. * 1807 April 8th Charles Robinson Esqr. was buried in the Church—Reg. S. M. Magd. MEMORIALS 4. ARMS :-—Or, on a. saltire $22., a crescent for difference. CREST :-—On a Ducal Coronet or. a horse passant sable. UNDERNEATH ARE DEPOSITED THE REMAINS 0F MR. EDWARD DERING, LATE 0F DODDINGTON, WHO DIED OCTOBER 31ST, 1786, AGED 69 YEARS. ALSO OF MRS. MARGARET DERING, WIDOW OF THE ABOVE, WHO DEPARTED THIS LIEE SEPTEMBER * 1810 IN THE 77TH YEAR ’OF HER AGE. 5. IN A VAULT NEAR THIS PLACE ARE DEPOSITED THE REMAINS 0F RICHARD BARHAM, Esqr. WHO DIED DEOR. 11TH 1784 AGED 82 YEARS. OF ‘ ELIZABETH HIS WIFE WHO DIED OCTO’R 2D 1781 AGED 81 YEARS. - OF ELIZABETH THEIR DAUGHTER WHO DIED SEPTR. 26TH 1782 AGED 46 YEARS OF SARAH THEIR DAUGHTER WHO DIED DEOR. 16TH 1784 AGED 44 X EARS. 6. Vim) m'vo resurgam. POSITVM EST Hoo MONVMENTVM IN PIAM MEMORIAM HENRICI SAVNDERS IVRISCONSVLTVS NVPER DVM VIXIT DE HAG PAROCHIA QVI VXOREM DVOEBAT * No day given. She‘was buried Oct. 2nd. XV ARMS :—Ar., on a fesse gules between three bears passant 81)., muzzled or, a fleur de lie between two martlets of the fourth. Impaling gules, an inescocheon Within an orle of martlets . . .. XVI ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. IANE FILIAM PRIMOGENITAM THOME PARAMOR DE FORDWICH ARMIGERI QVZE ILLE VNICAM ENIXA FILIAM/ H are deposited .‘ »- ‘ the retinitis of ' . _ ‘ ELIZABETH BOLAINE “ ” who died June 1 1805 aged 82.- " 3111M POPPELTON died May 11th 1771 £139 4th Year of his Age. The flames at them: that were 61392811311311 in the fl’yshe nf Sagnt Wary: magflalene in Eanterhnrgf 1559. Nov. 19 Mary Pyers, d. of Henry Pyers Dec. 13 Thom’s Bynge. s. of Thom’s Bynge " 1560. Mar. 29 Nycholas Pyers, filius Georgij Pyers May 15 John Brownynge, filius Johis Brownynge' June 10 Adam Robinson, filius Robtij Robinson John Bartropp, filius Thome Bartropp Aug. 16 Alicia Wade, filia Willim Wade June 19 Sept. 27 [~G]eorge Smyth, filius Patriake Smythe Nov. 1 Johanna Blande, filia Gilberti Bland Feb. 2 Will’m Coke, filius Augustun ‘ Coke Mar. 1 Wyll’m Cop’, filius Nich’i Coper Mar. 20 Elizabeth Buttler and Agnes Butler, filii (sic) Joh’s 1561. , April 18 [JJOhanna Kenwood, filia Hamonis [Kenjwood \ July 12 . . . . More, filia Georgij More Sept. . . [Stejphen Pyers, fil»|:i:|us Georgij Pyers Sept. 16 . . . . Sympson, filia Ambrosij [SanJpson . Oct. .. . . . Broke, filius Thome Broke Oct. 1 [PeJter Pyers, fili[u]s Henrij ‘ Pyers Nov. 4 Robyston, filius Rob’ti [Roinnson ’ * This title is taken from the earliest Transcript. Jan. 16 Jan. 19 Mar. 19 May 16 Oct. 10 Feb. 4 Feb. 26 Mar. 15 Mar. 27 April 8 April 27 May 5 May 10 Oct. 6 Oct. 22 Dec. 25 1562. [N0 Transcript] 1563. Elizabet Bank’s, d. of Charles Bank’s Elizabeth Peers, (1. of George Pee[r]s Joyce Wydeard, d. of John Wydeard 1564. Mary StarkqL d. of Rabbyge Stark Mary Cok, d. of Augustyne Cok ' 1565. Patryck Howbene, s. of Rychard Howbene Alyce Leuy, d. of John Leuy Margaret More, (1. of Georg Moore 1566. Jone Brownyng, d. of John Brownyng Joseph‘ Cowell, s. of John Cowell Daniell Bartrope, s. of Thomas Bartrope Elysabeth Hoben, d. of Rycharde Hoben Elysabeth Gorden,‘ d. of Thomas Gorden Anne Kynwodde, d. of Hamon Kynwodde Jhon Ward, s. of Jhon Warde Rachell Robynson, d. of ‘ Robert Robynson 1‘ A pen drawn through the surname. A 2 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, 1567. April 6 RichardePyrs,s.ofGeorgePyrs May 25 Mary Moore, d. of George Moore June 30 Wyllyam Cooke, s. of Awsten Cooke Nov. 28 Stephyn Lons Jan. 13 Jhon Hobene, s. of Wyllyam Hobene Feb. 23 Wyllyam Cowell. s. of Jhon Cowell 1568—1569. [No Transcripts] 1570. [Man] 27 Mathew West April 2 Amose Jacob May 17 Jhon Wysse June 12 Alys Raynold July 30 Samson Baker Oct. 2 Myldrede Browne 1571. Sept. 8 John Warde. s. of John Warde Sept. 12 Will’m Graues, s. of Christo— ~ pher Graues Oct. 4 Robert Robinso’, s. of Robert Robinso’ Oct. 14 Wylli’m Moore, 3. of George Moore Nov. 25 Thomas Lansdall, s. of John Lansdall Dec. 8 Marye Dawnton, d. of John Dawnton Jan. 1 John Cowell, s. of John Cowell 1572. June 27 Wyll’m West, 3. of John West Sept. 22 Austen Cooke, s. of Austen Cooke Oct. 17 An Amyes. d. of Wyll’m Amyes Jan. 8 Wyll’m Browne, 5. of Wyll’m Browne Jan. 18 Wyll’m Wyse, d. (sic) of John Wyse Mar. 28 Katherin Eskridge, d. of John Eskridge" Feb. 11 MargeryeLee,d.ofRobertLee 1573. Mar. 28 Kathyrin Essgrige, d. of Thomas Essgrige July 21 Jam[‘e]s Thacher, s. of Wyllam Thacher 9* See March 28, I 573. CANTERBURY. Dec. 9 Wyllam Selbey, s. of Wyllam Selbey 1574. April 2 Ana Linseye, d.‘of Robert Linsey April 29 Marye Dawnton, d. of John . Dawnto’_ ~ May 20 Helenor Moore, d. of George Moore Aug. 15 Katherin West, d. of Thom’s‘ West . Aug. 25 Jeames Nycolson, s. of John Nycolso’ Sept. 21 Mychaell Cotten, s. of Vm- pherye Cotten Jan. 27 John Blackborne, s. of Johne Blackborne A Mar. 5 Margaret Whyte, (1. of Bell Whyte . 1575. June 12 Joyce Gascoine, d. of Cleme't Gascoine Aug. 7 Margerye Browne, d.of Wyll’m Browne Aug. 26 John Lee, s. of Robert Lee Sept. 4 Wyll’m Whetley, s. of John Wheatley Nov. 17 Wyll’m Reynoldes,s.ofJeames Reynoldes Dec. 25 Edwarde Wyse, s. of John Wyse 1576. April 30 John Thatcher, s. of Wyll’m , Thatcher]L July 8 KatherinSwayne,d.ofSteauene Aug. 6 Edwarde Cowell, s. of John Sept. 9 Elysabeth Jones, (1. of John Sept. 9 John Hoodles, s. of Alexa’der Sept. 12 Marye Gascoine, s. of Cleme’t Sept. 26 Arnold Churche [P], s. of John Oct. 7 An’a Nycoles, d. of John Oct. 17 Wyll’m Stimton, s. of Gylbert Dec. 2 Marye Kennarde,d.ofEdwarde Dec. 23 Margaret West, (1. of Thom’s Mar. 1 Ane Storrer, a bastarde Mar. 16 John Bucke, s. of Rychard 1577. May 5 Margaret Bryan, s. of John Bryan Sept. 1 Katherin Lorde Dec. 22 An’a Hylles 1‘ Entered again under the same date in the next Transcript. CHRISTENINGS. ' 1578. June 27 Alyce Went April 1 Zephora Reynaldes JUIY 11 Gylberd Newchyrche April 20 Reginalde Gascoine JUIY 29 Nathanyell ROPCI April 20 Edeth Cowell Sept. 16 Thomas Nayler May 11 Mychaell Jones Nov. 25 Edward Jonnes and May 18 Gylbert Elvey Alyce Kennard May 13 Joan Allen Dec. 16 Margaret Gaskyn June 29 Katherin Wyse Jan. 1 James Raynolds Aug. 24 Katherin Storrer Feb. 19 Kateryn Allyn Sept. 20 Anna Henleye Oct. 19 John Smythe 1583- Nov. 9 An’a Kenwoode April 29 Mathew Warener Dec. 21 Elysabeth Hermon May 1 An’e Lorde Dec. 26 Clement Bucke Sept. 29 John Moyse Jan. 18 Mychaell Weste Oct. 27 Elzabeth Nevchvrche Feb. 12 Joan Collens Nov. 26 John Thattcher and Mar. 18 Susanna Lorde Catrin Johnes Dec. 8 John Fockes [and] 1579. John Ashenden Mar. 28 Katherin Bryan Dec. 15 Robart LVdd April 5 Elysabeth Phelpes Dec. 22 John Henrye April 27 Mychaell Whyte 1584. June 21 Erasm’s Gascome , 13 b St t ’ Mar. 19* Kateryn Stoxe Oil: 11 Jrergmrgssiopyer; 0 April 21 Thomas Martyn Nov. 1 .Thom’s Hughe May 24 Robert BOOCke . , M June 21 John Corner Dec 26 An es oyse July 5 Wyll’m Nayler 1530. Nov. 1 Elyzabeth Gaskyn . Dec. 6 Cr sto her Al 11 April 24 Joane Jones, d. of John Jones Dec. 13 Kafiervli: Robyhson May 29 Kateryn Reynold’s, d. of James Jan. 24 Susan. Dwkesole Reynold’s Feb 15 Susan Thacher "June 3 Isbell Blye b. 28 July 4 Elyzabethe Kennerd Fe ' An Chapman Sept. 7 Alyce Thacher 1585. OCt- 2 Margeret Barron April 1 Arthure Newchurche Jan. 29 John Whyte April 2 John Whyte Feb. 20 A“ Gaskyn , May 2 John Kennard June 4 Mary Murton ‘ M 7 \S L 15dSl. JAune g thristophef‘r ...... Jr “ ay ara or e ug. argerye ox A May 16 Wyll’ Dwkesell Aug. 7 Thom’s Baker Aug. 18 Judyth Gassun Sept. 8 Wyll’m Lorde Sept. 3 Thomas Bocke Oct. 9 John Jones Sept. 10 Wyll’m Stokes and Jan. 16 Elysabeth Ludd Jane Jonnes Feb. 11 Wyll’m Turner Oct. 29 Mare Egelston Nov. 26 Kateryn Dawys 1585- Feb. 11 John Lowdfia and April 17 Marye Asheden Jone Cowe May 29 Dorytye Nayler Mar. 18 James Asschenden July 24 Elysabeth Dussin i Aug. 31' Marye Martin . 1582. Sept. 11 Margaret Orchard April 22 Robert West - Dec. 11 Elemelech Moyse and May 6 Susan Phelp’s ” An’a Mason * Altered apparently from 29. 1‘ No surname. April 9 April 23 April 30 May 21 Oct. 12 Nov. 19 Nov. 26 Dec. 24 Dec. 27 Feb. 4 April 11 April 21 May 19 July 7 Aug. 24 Oct. 5 Oct. 26 Feb. 22 Mar. 25 April 25 April 29 June 23 June 26 Aug. 23 Nov. 15 Dec. 13 Dec. 20 Jan. 10 Jan. 10 Jan. 31 Mar. 7 April 25 July 4 Aug. 1 Aug. 8 Sept. 5 Nov. 28 Dec. 5 Dec. 29 Jan. 6 Feb. 13 Feb. 20 April 2 T In another Transcript “Joan Halles.” ST. MARY 1587. Thom’s Whyte John Walter John Cowell and Elysabeth Fox Ana Lewes Edward Ockle Marye Whyte Thom’s Lightfoote Thom’s Jones Anne Sayer (P) MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. April 6 June 4 Aug. 20 Sept. 3 Sept. 24 Oct. 1 Edward Kennard Jan. 1 Sybbill Orchard 11‘2“- 1: Alce Buck Mar. 6 Thom’s Turner Mar. 11 Joan Jones ar. Joan Murton 1588. May 27 An’e Bond’“ Aug. 26 Marye Dussin Sept. 23 An’e Maxsted (or Mapsted) Nov. 4 Gylbert Louewell Nov. 11 Marye Reynold’s Jan. 6 1589. John Bayley John Nayler George Martin 1590. N 14 Henrye Lightfoote pv. Ane Whyte Feb. 14 Ka’therin, a bastard Joa[n:| Hales]L 11:42.1? 2:: Elysabeth Arthure ° Marye West Bartholomew Dalto’ Thom’s Amyes JUL" 3 Richard Allen Aug- 28 John Smethe OCt- 2 Peter Cooper OCt- 9 Thom’s Lampherd 113:1: 22 John Jordelne Feb. 12 1591. John Knight Elisabeth Murton Richard Kennard May 8 Katherine Braine July 2 Thom’s Shingleton Aug. 6 An’e Man Aug. 13 George Fox Oct. 30 Will’m Myl’es Mar. 17 Elisabeth Varnam Ralfe Terrey John Ashenden April l5 . April 25 1592. May 6 John Smith Gylles Dale Austen Tyrry Edward Moyce Marye Tyrrye Thom’s Ospringe James Dale _ 1593. Joan Murton John Varnam Clement Kennard Marye Cooper Thom’s Combe Thom’s Foxe and Alce Wallys 1594—1595. [ No Transcripts] 1596.. Mathew Lucas ' Frances Cooper and Mary Knight Thom’s Byssey Mychaell Hooper 1597. Thomas Ospring Susan Clare Jhon Murton Elimeleche Moyse George Cowell John Vornam Thom’s Kennet and Thom’s Lovell 1598. Allexa’der Smith Margaret Woodborne Anna Jones Frances West Jhon Binge Agnes Howlini 1599. Cisselye Plum’er Sara Harrys Sara Cooper and An’e P[ar]kinson * In another Transcript this entry appears under the date Feb. II, 1587. _ i Entered in the margin of the Transcript. May 13 May 20 May 27 May 29 July 1 July 15 Dec. 9 Feb. 10 April 20 May 12 June 15 July 13 Oct. 5 Oct. 19 Oct. 26 Nov. 12 Nov. 18 Nov. 23 Dec. 17 Feb. 1 ' April 3 April 19 May 10 June 24 July 13 Aug. 16 Oct. 11 Nov. 29 Dec. 13 Jan. 24 Jan. 28 Feb. 14 April 25 June 6 Sept. 5 Sept. 26 Nov. 28 Dec. 21 Dec. 28 Jan. 2 Jan. 9 Feb. 2 Feb. 27 .Mar. 28 April 17 April 24 May 22 Marye Woodland Elisabeth Ward Rob’t Lucas John Dawll and Rob’t Jordan Grace Smyth Elisabeth La’pherd Avery Reade Alice Claye 1600. Anna Patson Susanna Parkinson Joane Tucker Joane Cowell Thomas Weste Anthony Hickes Thomas Kinge and Brigett Lamperd Thomas Lucas Elizabeth Francklin Mary Warde Mary Foorde Elizabeth Stevens 1601. Elizabeth Lovell Stephen Parker Weldon Pretie Robart Claye Francis Plomer Mary Clerke Hellen Fouler Beniamin Joanes Thomas Fillmer Mary Wilkinson John West Dorithie White 1602. Margret Linger Elizabethe Cooper Edward Cowell Elizabethe Kinge Mathew West John Wilkinson Margret Stevens Mary Pateson Margret Perman Mary Tucker Henry Ansell 1603. Ann Cole Mary Weste John Parkinson Thomas Kadnell CHRISTENINGS. June June June July July Aug. Sept Nev. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Mar. hflay June July Aug. Sept Sept Sept Sept Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Dec. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Mar. May May Aug. Aug. Sept. Sept. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. April June July . Aug. 2 5 11 3 3 10 25 25 1 6 6 23 5 11 20 17 8 30 16 16 23 30 14 18 18 25 3 5 13 3 10 3 23 15 22 15 1 12 18 29 6 13 6 25 Susanna Fillmer Mary Warryner Jeames Clay Henry Francklin Mary Cossen Elizabeth Plomer Cornelyus Cowell Ann Hauk's (P) Edmounde Warde Susanna Clerk Sara Pilkinton Amye Haule James Lucas Mildred Warde 1604. Joane Warriner Elizabeth Bonam Henry Whitfild Jane Elfrithe Thomas Wilkinson Anne Claye Margrett Jones Jeames Howlen and Judyth P[erJrnan Thom’s Rede An’e Coossen Jhon Ward Mark Clarise Faith Stevenson Elisabeth Beste Jhon West An’e Donsart Katherin Sowller (P) Marye West and Silvester P’kington 1605. Thom’s Streeter Jhon Tucker Marye Poulter Isaac Sedart Jeames Bing Jhon Plum’ar Rob’rt Olphricke Simon Pereman and Mary Warde Margarett Wariner, d. of Ma- thew Wariner 1606. Alce Brough Henrye Forrest, s. of John Forrest Jeames Ponte (or Ponte) Susan Wilkinsone John Bonam Nov. 8 Nov. 22 Nov. 29 Dec. 13 Dec. 20 Mar. 13 Mar. 27 April 10 May 22 May 29 Aug. 14 Sept. 11 Sept. 11 Sept. 18 Sept. 25 Nov. 13 Nov. 20 Mar. 12 Mar. 13 April 16 April 17 April 23 May 14 May 21 Sept. 3 Oct. 22 Nov. 10 Feb. 4 Feb. 25 Feb. 25 Feb. 25 Mar. 4 Mar. 18 April 1 July 8 Aug. 12 Sept. 9 Oct. 28 Nov. 11 Nov. 11 Nov. 18 Dec. 9 Jan. 13 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. 1607. Susan Farill John Whitinge and Anne Forest Rebecca Wilkinson John Cowell John Jones Sibell Tucker 1608. Amy Barnard Anne Barton, (1. of William Clement Pilkinton and Anne Rowell Anne Warriner, d. of Mathew Elyzabeth Bridge, d. ofWilliam Alce Gibson, (1. of Moyses Margarett Bonam, d.ofThomas James Roufloote, s. of James Elyzabeth Plumer, d. of William Mary Younge, d. of Thomas William Clarke, 8. of William Susan Parkinson, d. of Robert Katheren Whitinge, d. of William 1609. Anne Best, d. of Nighcollas Helener Cooke, d. of Robert Thomas Crispe, s. of Thomas Marye Stevenson, d. of Robert HelenerChandler,d.ofThomas Marye Wilkinson, (:1. of William Thomas Fells, s. of John Abraham Paule Anne Wigmor, d. of Henrye Prissilla Tucker, (1. of John William Mathew, s. of Thomas Margaret Fidge, d. of Henrye Thomas Bridge, 5. of William Elsabeth Blackbourne, d. of John 1610. Elyzabeth Rowell, d. of Gulbert John Feryer, s. of Samuell Thomas West, 3. of Mathew Barbara Bonnam, d. ofThomas . Martha Whittinge, d. of William Tomsonn Plumer, s. (sic) of William Anna Shepard, d. of John Dorathye Barton, d. of William Fraunces Quayfe, d. of John William Bonnare, s. of Peeter Jan. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. May May June Aug. Oct. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Mar. Mar. 26 10 17 1 3 12 26 26 4 13 29 17 15 5 6 12 26 9 15 15 .11 .31 7 14 MathewWarriner, s. of Mathew Marye Cowell, d. of Josephe Ann Ruffoote, d. of James Robert Parkinson, s. of Robert John Best, s. of Nicholas 16]]. Anne Jones, (1. of Ralfe Robert Cooke, s. of Robert Helener Perman, d. of William Margarete Pilkinton, d. of Thomas Jane Streater, d. of William John Gibson and Moses G’ib- son, sonnes of Moses Ann Bridge, d. of William William Steavenson, s. of Robert John Stanesbye, s. of Mathew Thomas Mathew, s. of Thomas Elyzabeth Fells, d. of John William Blackbourne, s. of John Robert Parkinson, s. of Robert Rebecca Wygmoore, d. of Henrye James Tucker, s. of John 1612. Daniell Thomas, s. of John Marye Sheperd and Martha, ds. of John Susan Permane, d. of William Thomas West, 5. of Mathew Abymelecke Gouldsted, s. of Thomas 1613. Ann Duncoat, d. of James Thomas Tucke, s. of Richard Elyzabeth Younge, d. of Thomas Moses Best, s. of Nicholas Mabella Smyth, d. of Jeremie Elyzabeth Fige, d. of Thomas Elyzabeth Barton, d. of William Thomas Pilkinton, s. ofThomas Susan Bridge, (1. of William Thomson Wygmoore, d. of Henrye Isabell Bonnar, d. of Peeter Richard Mathew, s. of Thomas Richard Harris, 5. of Nichollas Henrye Warrine, s. of William 1614. Liddia Chandler, d. of Thomas l l i l l g .-..._A_-..2:.I.M1. .. ‘ . . . . , «(7...»“7‘. « 1' CHRISTENINGS. April 17 John Lambert, s. of Giles June July Sept. Nov. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. 14 31 18 13 8 15 22 5 12 19 12 April 2 June Aug. Aug. Sept. Oct. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. 22 13 20 17 8 12 19 28 28 11 10 10 17 April 7 April 21 July Aug. Sept. Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Mar. '31 18 22 10 1 8 8 26 4 2 16 April 22 April 27 April 27 June Aug. Aug. 22 10 24 Joanna Parkinson. d. of Robert Williame Jones, 3. of Ralfe Henrye Cooke, s. of Robert John Drought, 8. of John Fraunces Reeve, d. of William Martha Tucker and Anne Tucker, ds. of John Samuell Feryare, s. of Samuell Thomas Rowell, s. of Gulbert Katheren Jones, (1. of John Adame Stocden, s. of John Nicholas Langfeild, s. of George 1615. William Whitinge, s.0f William Katheren West, d. of Mathew Vrsula Crouche and Tomasine, ds. of Arnold Anne Tucke, d. of Thomas Elyzabethe Younge, d. of Thomas John Perman, s. of William Thomas Smyth, s. of Jeremye Abigall Bartlume, d. of Henrye John \Vygmore, s. of Henrye Vrsula Best, d. of Nicholas Marye Warrine, d. of Williame Thomas Bridge, 5. of Williame Marye Meryam, d. of Edward Williame Price 1616. Richard Dose, s. of Christopher Elyzabeth Aldrie, d. of Thomas Sara Pilkinton, d. of Thomas Ann Hawkins, (1. of John JamesWhitinge, s. of Williame John Stanesbie, s. of Mathew Hope Lambart, d. of Giles Ann Moyce, d. of Edward Judeth Philcocks, d. of John Samuell Archlye, s. of John Christopher Does, s. of Chris- topher , Ann Cowell, d. of Josephe John Read, 3. of William 1617. Jone Cooke. d. of Robert John Pell, 8. of John Margaret Rowell, d. of Gylbert Hope Stockden, d. of John Jone Bedwell, d. of Henrye Katherine Jones, (1. of Ralfe Sept. 28 John Dan, s. of Hope Oct. 19 Thomas Lee, s. of Robert Oct. Nov. Dec. Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Mar. Blah hiay Blay hlay June June J uly 26 30 14 28 18 18 23 2 22 22 28 l 17 24 7 28 5 Judeth Best, d. of Nicholas Elyzabeth Blackbourne, d. of John Vrsula Tucke, d. of Richard Henrye Tucker, 5. of John Martha Whiting, d. of William Joanna Bridge, d. of William Henrye Harvye, s. of Peeter Edward Lewsley, s. of Thomas Jeremye Smythe, s. of Jeremye William Gulliame, s. ofWilliam 1618. Marye Aldrie, d. of Thomas Richard Alfrie, s. of Martine Richard Bellinger, s. ofRoberte Marye Shepard, d. of John Matha (sic) Perman, d. of William James Hawkins, 3. of John James Drought, 5. of John July 26 Marye Hales. d. of Thomas Sept. 6 Marye Cooke, d. of Robert Sept. Oct. Oct. Dec. Jan. Jan. Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. April May May May June June SepL Sept. Oct. Dec. Jan. Jan. April 9 Mildred 13 18 25 20 1 10 7 7 7 7 21 18 2 23 23 13 20 19 26 31 26 13 23 Ann West, d. of Mathew Robert Archly, s. of John Alce Best, d. of Steven Susan Pell, (1. of John Fraunces Dann, s. of Hope Martha Philcocks, d. of John Abigall Feryare, d. of Samuell Ann Lee, (1. of Roberte Thomas Jones, 3. of Thomas Thomas Briant, s. of John Barbara Rowell, d. of Gilbert 1619. Marye Lewslye, d. of Thomas Sara Does. d. of Christopher Constance Bonnar, d. of Peeter James Wygmore, s. of Henrye Elyzabeth and Liddia Stock- den, ds. of John Marye Perman, d. of William Katherine Whitinge, d. of Williame James Walker, 3. of Williame Will’ Adams, 5. of Williame Henrye Lightfoote, s. of Henrye Anna Saunder, d. of Henrye John Hawkins, S. of John 1620. Meryame, d. of of (sic) Edward 8‘ ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. April 30 Henry Smythe, s. of Jermye June 4 John Pilkinton, s. of Thomas June 18 Henry Jones, 3. of Thomas July 9 Anne Reade, d. of Williame Read, carpenter Aug. 6 Susan Kingsnode, d.of Daniell Aug. 13 John Hamulton, s. of Williame Aug. 20 Jane Shepard, d. of John Sept. 24 Jane Jones, d. of Ralphe’“ Oct. 8 Olyver Sallye,s.ofOlyver Saley Oct. 15 Thomas, s. of John Philcocks Oct. 19 Margaret Peere, d. of Edmund Pere Oct. 19 John Allfrye, s. of Martein \ Allfrey Oct. 29 Ann Lewsley, d. of Thomas Nov. 30 Marcie Pell, d. of John Dec. 21 Alvred Denne, s. of John Jan. 7 Williame Cooke, s. of Robert Jan. 14 Thomas Best, 5. of Nicholas Jan. 21 Elisabethe Adames, d. of William’e Feb. 4 Sara Does, d. of Christopher Feb. 18 Edward Johnson, s. of Edward Feb. 22 Inggle Whitinge, d. of William Mar. 18 Amye Danne, d. of Hope Dann 1621. April 21 John Nortun, s. of John Nortvn May 27 John Walker, 5. of William Wallker Aug. 5 Hendery Rowell, s. of Gillbord Rowell Oct. 7 John Jones, s. .of Thomas Jones Nov. 11 James Jacamyne Nov. 25 Mary Vandepeare,d.ofEdward Vandeper Dec. 9 Martha ' Hambletun, d. of Willeam Hambletun Jan. 6 James Wigmoare, s. of Henry Wigmoare Jan. 31 Vallantine Astin, s. of George Astin Feb. 10 John Stocdenn, s. of John April 21 William Lee, s. of Robert Lee June 9 Thomas Sakary,s.ofChristofor Sakary, gent. June 16 Sara Baritt, d. of Edward Baritt July 11 Edmvnd Jones, Barbvry Jones and Jaene Jones, the sonne and davghters of Thomas Jones. J Aug. 25 Thomas Meryvm,s.of Edward Merivm Sept. 24 Thomas Denn, s. of Thomas Deen, gent. Sept. 30 John Cavsew, s. of John Cavsew, a stranger Dec. 3 Martha and Mary Johnsonn, ds. of Lavrance Johnsonn Mar. 20 Marke Clearis, s. of Phillvp Clearis, a stranger 1623. Mar. 27 Thomas Cowell, s. of Georg Cowell July 1 Margrett Lewsly, d.ofThomas Lewsly Aug. 3 Elysabeth Dooes, d. of Christofor‘ Dooes Aug. 31 William Jones, s. of Thomas Jones Aug. 31 Moses Dann, s. of Hope Dann Oct. 5 John Vandepeare,s.ofEdward Vandepear Oct. 5 Sibbell Beste, d. of Nicholas Beste, Nov. 23 John Pizing. s. of John Pizing Jan. 1 William Phillcock, s. of John Phillcock Jan. 1 WilliamCarltun,s.ofChristofor Carltun Jan. 15 Marye Denne, d. of Thomas Denne, gentt. Jan. 21 William Ansill, s. of William Ansill ‘Mar. 9 HoppeHaman,d.ofHumphery Haman, gent. Mar. 11 Ralef Woottun, s. of Ralefe Feb. 10 Mary Colfffr d. of Josef Colfi‘f, Woottvn gent. Mar. 14 Daniell Smith, s. of Jeremy Feb. 24 John Smith, s. of Jerimy Smith Smith Mar. 10 Ann Pell, d. of John Pell . 1624. 1622- Mar. 27 Jone Clarke, d. of vapherey Mar. 31 Thomas Looke, s. of Georg Clarke Looke;r May 2 John Cooke, s. of Robert [April]14 ......Bridg, s........|l Cooke * Several entries on this p. are made up from two Transcripts. 1‘ ‘First written Colef; altered by another band to Colff or Colph. i The whole entry runs thus : “Also the last Daye was bap- tized thomas looke The sonn daye was of thomas looke," the second “thomas” has had a pen drawn through it, “ georg ” written above. 1} A piece torn out of the Transcript here. 4; .. .r 1;.~_-:.~. - July 18 July 28 Aug. 1 Sept. 5 Nov. 5 Feb. 8 Feb. 13 Mar. 6 Mar. 17 Feb. ‘2 April 9 April 10 April 10 July 30 Aug. 6 Oct. 1 ' In the other Transcript this name is Antton or Autton. CHRISTENINGS. Thomas Barritt, s. of Edward Barritt Ann Hambletun, d. of William Hambletun John Leeds, 3. of Noah Leeds Katheren Auutonn, d. of Francis Autonn" Henry Cowell, s. of George Cowell Francis Haman,s.of vaphree Haman, gentt. Thomas Gibbon, s. of Mathew Gibbon John Hvkins, s. Hvkins Francis and Martha Lee, s. and d. of Robert Lee 1625. Henry Wigmore, s. of Henry Wigmore Ann: Clarke, d. of Thomas Clarke Thomas Hildersonn, s. of Thomas Hilldersonn of John Thomas Rooffe, s. of Thomas Roofle Elizabeth Dann, d. of Hope Dann Elizabeth Baker, d. of Thomas Baker Roberte Best, s. of Nicholas Beste Martha Leedes, d, of Noa Leeds vaphrey Haman, s. of vaphrey Haman, gentt. Samvell Smith, s. of Jeremy Smith Noa Barrin, s. of Petter Barrin, astranger David Clarke, 8. of John Clarke, a stranger 1626. Francis Lewesley, s. of Thomas Lewesley Robert Dooes, s. of Christofor Dooes Dannill Lee, s. of Roberte Lee Silvister Colph, d. of Joseph Colph Svsana Bachck, d. of James Badcock Vssillai Cowell, d. of George Cowell 9 Dec. 4 Margeritt Woodbridg, d. of Dec. 25 Dec. 26 Jan. 21 Mar. 18 Mar. 22 Apfil 1 June 17 June 17 July 22 July 29 Aug. 5 Aug.16 Aug.31 Sept. 2 Dec. 26 Jan. 6 Feb. 17 Feb. 18 April 27 Blay 7 June 8 June 22 June 22 June 30 Aug. 7 Aug. 29 ‘l' So in the Transcript. William Woodbridg Darrathias Ancill, d. ofWilliam Ancill Ann Hambletvn, d. of William Hambletun Jane Effell, d. of Ralph Efl’ell Thomas Finn, s. of Richeard Finn Mary Lvnn, d. of John Lvnn 1627. Mary Goeba, d. of Avgvstin Goeba, a stranger Francis Creane, s. of John Creane Deabora Dooes, d.ofChristofor Dooes ‘ John Barritt, s. of Edwarde Barritt Beniamin Smith, s. of Jeremy Smith Thomas Best, 3. of Nicholas Best John Bromley, s. of Richard Bromley Jane Browne, d. of John Browne Sara Lamperd, d. of William Lamperd Ann Ville, cl. of Thomas Ville Ralph Rovshe, s. of Lothwick Rovshe Milldered Warin, d. of Richard Warin Ralphee Stevens, 5. of Lav- rance Stevens 1628. Peter Baren, s. of Peter Baren, a str[a:|nger Margerit Ancill, d. of William Ancill Elizabeth Wigmore, d. ofl' (sic) -, Henry Wigmore Gaberill Richersone, s. of John ‘ Richersone ‘ Marie Battermee, d. of Giles Battermee, a stranger Avgvstin Gobba, s. of Avgvstin Gobba, a stranger Marye Leeds, (1. of Noah Leeds Edward Bvcley, s. of William Bvcley 1 Between the two 5’s and above the line the letter r has been written: “ Vssilla ” in the other Transcript. B 10 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, Sept. 23 Joseph Harrisone,s.of Richerd Harrisone Sept. 29 Jone Laa, d. of Thomas Laa Oct. 1 John Lewesley, s. of Thomas Lewesley Oct. 16 John Palmar, s. of John Palmar Oct. 20 John Lampeard, s. of William Lampard Oct. 20 Mary Cowell, d. of George Cowell Oct. 28 Allecsander Staples, s. of Samewell Staples Nov. 7 Ann Brovne,d.ofJohn Brovne Nov. 14 Jvdeth Hambletvn, d. of William Hambletvn Nov.14 Jane Willcock, d. of John Willcock Nov. 16 Mary Warrin, d. of William \Varrin Dec. 11 Mary Lvnn, d. of John Lvnn Dec. 14 John Badcock, s. of James Badcock Dec. 21 Margeritt Sedger,d.ofWi11iam Sedger 1629. ‘ Mar. 25 Francis New, (1. of Lavrance New Mar. 29 Ann Warrin, d. of Richard Warrin April 8 Margeritt Beane, d. of John Beane May 17 William Allin, s. of William Allin July 7 Lavrance Stevens, s. of Lav- rance Stevens July 14 John Battermee, s. of Geiles Batternnee; stranger Sept. 3 Mickell Harrisonn, s. of Richard Harrisonn" 1630. Oct. 11 Richard Colfe, s. of Joseph Colfe Oct. 17 William Bixe, s. of William Bixe Oct. 17 Elizabeth Philcocxe, d. of John Philcocx Oct. 17 Aphara Brete, d. of Nicholas Brete Oct. 17 Mary Damaren, d. of James Dameren Oct. 24 Deabora Lee, d. of Robert Lee Oct. 31 Ann Lithall, d. of William Lithall CANTERBURY. Nov. 6 Richard Lewtner, s. of James Lewtner Nov. 21 Frances Jones, s. of Thomas Jones Dec. 12 William, s. of William Sedger Dec. 12 Leonard Boziar, s. of Richard Boziar Dec. 12 Susan Badcocke, d. of James Badcocke Jan. 2 William Harrisonne, s. of Richard Harisonne Mar. 6 Margreet Moyle, d. of Robert Moyle Mar. 6 Aderon Rowse, s. of Thomas Rowse 1631. April 11 Abraham Waren, s. of Richard Waren April 12 Thomas Webbe, s. of John Webe May 30 Elizabeth Hildersonn, d. of Thomas Hildersonn July 25 Elizabeth Birde, d. of Mathew Bird Aug. 18 Edward, s. of Susan Paumer; base borne Aug. 28 Edward Steuens, s.of Laurance Steuens Aug. 28 Elizabeth Browne, d. of John Browne Nov. 16 GeorgeVandepere,s.ofGeorge Vandepere Dec. 18 Rachell Battermeu, d. of Giles Battermev Dec. 18 John Pizing, s. ofJonas Pizimg Dec. 22 Henry Bromley, s. of Richard Bromley Jan. 8 John Kenarde, s. of John Kenarde, Jan. 15 Affara Lamperde, d. of William Lamperde Jan. 22 Margeritt Glouer, d.of William Glouer Jan. 29 Jone Allen, (1. of William Allen - Feb. 5 John Blacke, s. of Peter Blacke Feb. 5 Jone Lithall, d. of William Lithall 1632. April 1 Elizabeth Reeve, d. of William Reeue April 25 Thomas Lunn, s. of John Lunn May 1 John and Elizabeth Haulden, s. and d. of John Haulden * The next Transcript is missing. May May June July Sept. Sept. Sept. Oct. Dec. Dec. Dec. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. * In the Transcript “the daughter the daughter of James.” 10 2O 17 10 18 21 29 14 17 CHRISTENINGS. 1 l Edmund Lewttner, s. of Anthonie Lewttner Marie Leeds, (1. of Noah Leeds John Euins, s. of Mathias Evins Danell Sauery, s. of Thomas Sauery John LeWsley, s. of Thomas Lewsley . Roberd Frende, s. of Danell Frende Elizabeth Scotte, d. of Stephen Scotte Henry Richardson, s. of John Richardson Elizab. Lewckner, d.*of James James Badcock, s. of James Badcock Nicholas Broome, s.of Thomas Broome Damaris Williams, d. of Henry Williams Martha Harison, d. of Richard Harison Edward Barret, s. of Edward Barret Abraham Hilderson, s. of Thomas Hilderson Mary Broune, d. of John Broune 1633. James Wilford, s. of James Wilford, Esq. Mar. 27 May 5 Margaret Honis, d. of John Honis May 19 WilliamJones,s.ofJothones June 9 Elinor Spice, d. of Clement Spice June . . ...... Lanslot, .. of George Lanslotf Aug. 18 Ann Cowell, d. of Georg Cowelli Sept. 15 Katherine Crafte, d. of John Crafte Sept. 29 Ann Terry, d. of William Terry Oct. 8 Richard, s. of Susan— Palmer, base borne Oct. 27 Ann Lamperd, d. of William Lamperd ye younger Dec. 25 MarieMunns,d.ofJohnMunns Dec. 27 Thomas Lawe, s. of Thomas Lawe Dec. 27 Elizabeth Lythall,d.ofWi11iam Lythall Feb. 9 William Reiue, s. of Will: Reiue Feb. 9 John Lunn, s. of John Lunn Feb. 9 William Pysinge, s. of Jonas Pysinge 1‘ This entry is imperfect. 1 In this entry the word “ baptized ” has been crossed out, “ buried ”‘ written above the line. There is no corresponding entry in the Burials. Norm—All the preceding entries have been copied from the Transcripts, the earliest volume, or volumes, of the Registers having been lost.—J.M.C. The Elit’arislt at St. Mara Wagalene In this Kitty. at Eleni-ethnic}; tram April 3 May 2 June 1 July 6 Aug. 7 Aug. 8 Aug. 17 Aug. 19 Sept. 7 Oct. 23 Nov. 2 Nov. 30 Mar. 15 April 2 April 7§ the geare 11f 163M 1% aptizings. 1634:. William Bromley, s. of Richard Bromdy and ...... Elizabeth Glouer, d. of William and Jarie—jone— Glouer Thomas Allen, s. of William Allen and Elizabethf George Harison, s. of Pee/er Harrison and Ann John Denne, s. of Thomas Dam and Jane Jane Stephens, d. of Laurence Sleep/2672s and Jone Ann Willmonte, d. of Richard Wz'lmoz‘l and Ann Mary Barrite, d. of Edward Barrel! and Alice John Shingletun, s. of Culbert Shingleton and Rebecka Lancelott Davise, s. of Fulke (P): Davise and Sara Elizabeth Eglestone, d. of Peter and ...... Thomas Broune, s. of John and Margarit James Cowell, s. of Georg Cowell and Ann 1635. Elisabeth Knight, d. of John and Susan“ Lancelott Louelas, s. of Leonarde'and lngle April 23§ Thomas Clarke, s. of Edward and Elisabeth May 25 Blay 30 June 12 June 28 Sept. 11 Oct. 23 Dec. 26 Jan. 22 Feb. 5 * This is the title of the first volume of these Registers as they now remain to us. and the Transcript add the words “his w1fe”——e g. “ Elizabeth his wife " unnecessary to repeat them here. iOriginal indistinct through damp. 1636. Laurance Stephens“ _ William Glouer, s. of William and Joane Martha Clarke, d. of John and Margerite Joane Law, (1. of Thomas and Mary William Fussell, s. of'William and Rebecka Martha Dealle, d. of Stephen and Ann Elizabeth Allen, Cl. of. William and Elizabeth Sibbilla Munze, d. of Iohn and Prissilla Margerite Broune, d. of John Broune and Margerite _ 'l' The original I have thought it Between 1633-4 and 1661-2, only one Transcript remains—that from “St. mickell tharke Angeli, I637, vnto the saide feaste,” 1638. This Transcript really commences Aug. 31, 1637. § Between July, 1634, and May, 1636, several dates seem to have been tampered with. ** From a cut leaf between Aug. 28 and Sept. 9, 1677. ll Interlined. W’lfirww s ii" ' . , ‘Vr _; .1 Mar. 29 April April April April May J uly J W Aug. Aug. Sept. Dec. Jan. Jan. April April May May July Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Sept Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Feb. Feb. Mar. May June June Aug. Sept ()ct. NOV. Feb. 1&I)ril ()cL Plov. Feb. April 23 23 23 30 25 9 9 27 30 24 24 13 16 15 29 24 29 16 5 14 26 26 3O 14 18 28 28 28 3 27 25 6 [MJay 12 9 13 29 10 18 17 16 12 18 17 16 12 CHRISTENINGS. r 1637. Barbara Short, d. of Thom[as] and Mary Short Susana Cluitte, d. of Robert and Barbara Martha Tredtraft, {sz'c/ d. of Andrew and Mary Jane Leds. d. of Noy Led9‘ Thomas Pilckintun, s. of Clement and Winifright Mathew Benitt, s. of William and Mary Martha Louelas, d. of Leonard and Martha Jonn Harisone, s. of Peter and Ann Hellenar Marable, [d] of Thomas and Ann Philadelphia Eglestone, d. of Peter Eglestone and 122's wzfef Margeritt Lunn, d. of John Lumz and Jeane Susana Fouler, d. of Nicholas Foul/ar and Susan—Susana Vesspazion Glouer, s.—a’aug/zter—of William Glouer and Joane Elisabeth Barritt, d. of Edward Barz'lt and Alice—Ealce 1638. Ann Vandepeare. d. of George Vandepere and Thomison John Munze, s. of John Mmze and Prissilla Liddia Reeue, d. of William Reeue and Elizabeth Jeane Mearsh, d. of John Mean/z and Ann John Cowell, s. of GeOI‘ge—fosep/z—Cowell and Ann—Elz'zaéet/z Thomas Parckinson, s. of John Parckz'nson and Doratthy Elizabeth Stephens, d. of LarranCe Sleaume and Joane Mildred Hildersone, d. of Thomas Hz’lderson and Elizabeth leomsm Fussell, d. of William Fume]! and Rebecka Thomas Lamperd, s. of William Lampem’ and Avisse Martha Tucker, d. of Iohn and Margerit Leonard Baker, s. of William and Parnell Francis Willsonn, d. of Trusterum and Margerit Affara Richarsone, d. of John and his wife Elizabeth Beatchham, d. of Richard and Alice Thomas Farm, s. of Edward and Sara Martha Bromly, d. of Richard 1639. Elizabeth Best, d. of Moses and Liddia Leonard Short, 5. of Thomas and Mary}: Elizabeth Lunn, d. of LJohn] Lun and Jane, being Triniti Sunday Mary Louelas, d. of Leonard and Martha Ann Whiting, d. of Willia[m] and Susan Warham Jemitt, s. of John and Margerit Alice Huinz, d. of Edward and Margerit Edward Stookes, s. of Edward and Ann Sibbella Tredcraft, d. of Andrew and Mary Jeane and Mary Eglestone, daughter (sic) of Peter and Elizabeth Mary Willsone, d. of Trustrum and Margerit Edward Stookes, s. of Edward and Ann” Sibbell Tredcraft, d. of Andrew and Mary” Jeane and Mary Eglestone, ds. of Peter and Elizabeth” Mary Willson, d. of Trustrum 1640.§ ' and Margeritt“ April 19 Edward Barritt, s. of Edward and Alice * Interlined by another band. Aug. 28, and Sept. 9. 1677. them. I 1‘ Original worn away: damp. [I These four entries are a re § Sometimes the year is not given. 13 _ . I See a cut leaf between petition of the four which precede 14 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. April 26 Mary Honise, d. of John and Ratchell June 18 Ann White, d. of Timothy and Mary July 2 Finch Colbrand, s. of John and Bennit July 12 Mary Lamperd, d. of William and Mary July 19 Thomas Fouler, s. of Nicholas and Susan Sept. 6 Alice Hildersonn, d. of Thomas and Elizabeth Sept. 6 Mary Eveuins, d. of Dauid and Mary Sept. 10 Marye Stephens, d. of Larrance and Joane Oct. 25 Katheren errtun, d. of John errtun and his wife Oct. 25 Millison Allen, d. of William Allen and [Elizabeth] Nov. 15 Susan Tucker, (1. of John and Susan « Nov. 22 Elizabeth Freeland, d. of William Freeland and Elizabeth Nov. 29 John Glouer, s. of William and Joane Dec. 17 Susan Whiting, d. of William and Susan Jan. 21 Susan Beatcham, d. of Richard and Alice Jan. 22 Jeane Wright, d. of Samson Wright and Jeane Feb. 5 Mary Baker, d. of William and Parnell Feb. 14 Jeane Stookes, d. of Edward and Ann Feb. 28 Margerite Beste, d. of Moses Best and Lidia 1641. April 22 Mary White, d. of Timothye White and Mary April 26 Johana Lithall, d. of Thomas and Ann June 8 John Craft, s. of John and Jeane Aug. 1 John Reeue, s. of William and Elizabeth Aug. 8 Ann Forstall, d. of Richard Forstall and Mary. Aug. 29 Ann Eueins, d. of David and Mary Oct. 17 Richard Steavens, s. of Laurance and Joane Nov. 14 John Graunte, s of *John and Ann his wife is deed Dec. 7 Nicholas Fussell, s. of William and Rebecka Dec. 25 Catheren Jeanes, d. of John and Elizabeth Jan. 23f Mary Brumly, d. of Richard and Sarah \ Jan. 23 Francis Lamperd, d. of John and Mary Mar.(?)9 Thomas Willford, s. of James Willford and [ElizabethJI 1642. May 28 Dorathy Buck, d. of George and Elizabeth Aug. 1 Ann Short, d. of Thomas and Mary Aug. 14 Susana Tredcraft, d. of Andrew and Mary Aug. 28 Henary Tucker, 5. of John and Margeritt Oct. 6 Ann Witthered, d. of Abraham and Mary Oct. 9 James Munxe, s. of John and Pr[iscilla] Oct. 13 Martha Whiting, d. of William and Susan Oct. 13 Martha Brabson, d. of Thomas and Mary Nov. 27 Mary Croft, d. of John and Jeane Jan. 16“ Francis Reeve, d. of William and Elizabeth Feb 16 William Graunt, s. of John and Ann his wife is deed§ Mar. 12 ...... 9““ Bullocke, d. of Richard and Hope 1643. Mar. 31 William White, s. of Timothy and Mary April 9 ...... *‘l‘ Hett, s. of Alexander Hett and Mary‘nL April 27 Elizabeth Jeanes, d. of John and Elizabeth *‘ “was baptized John Graunte sonn of ” crossed out ; “is deed ” added by another hand ; the same hand added “is deed ” to the entry Feb. 16, 1642. "l” The year, 1642. placed in the margin. 1 Worn away. I] 1643 in the margin. § “ The 16 was bap ” and “ Graunt sonn of” crossed out. ** Name omitted, but space left. “H' In the space not filled by this entry “ henry Cosson (?) gg gentleman ” written by another hand, and crossed out. CHRISTENINGS. May 7 Jane Argles, d. of Thomas Argles May 9 Elizabeth Baker, (1. of William and Parnell May 11 Mary Beatcham, d. of Richard and Alias May 21 James Harnitt, s. of James and Elizabeth June 21 Charles Willford, s. of Jam[es], Esquire, and Elizabeth June 25 Elizabeth Hornsby, d. of Richard (P) and Ann Aug. 23 Mary Freeland, d. of William and Elizabeth Sept. 2 Mary Forstall, d. of Richard and Mary Oct. 9 Elizabeth Finn, d. of Richard and Susan Nov. 21 Katheren Cowlman, d. of Edward and Ratchell Dec. 11 Robard Numan, s. of Richard and Ann Dec. 14 Christo’fer CeLrltun], s. of George . Jan. 30 Debora, d. of Richard Warllington and Martha eb. 6 John Vflerton, s. of John 1"Feb.l2 Ann Graunte, d. of John and Annfi‘ Ann Grant is deed . Mar. 17 Mary Bowman, d. of Walter and Elizabeth Mar. 19 Jane Croft, d. of Richard and Jeane 1644. Mar. 31 Edward Glouer, s. of William and Joane April 9 John Parkhurst, s. of John and Ann April 28 William Whiting, s. of William and Susan June 19 Mary Tredcraft, d. of Andrew and Mary Aug. 16 Martha Baker, d. of William and Parnell Aug. 29 Edward Marable, s. of George and Elizabeth Oct. 19 Edward Cowlman, s. of Edward and Ratchell Nov. 26 Joyse Bale, d. of John and Isabell Jan. 2 Elizabeth Jeanes, d. of John and Elizabeth Jan. 28 John Graunt, s. of John and Ann [Jam] 29 Susan Bullocke, d. of [RichJard [and] Hope ‘ Feb. 12 Redman Baston, s. of Re[dman] and Dorathy ' Feb. 16 Hester Cooke, d. of Henry Mar. 23 Susan Haris, d. of Robert and Elizabeth 1645. April 4 Samuel] Parkhust, s. of John and Ann April 11 Beniamin Brabson, s. of Thomas and Mary April 14 Aphara Willson, d. of [Tru]strum and Margeritt April 15 Francis Forstall, d. of Richard Forstall June 15 William Barritte, s. of John and Susan July 10 John Reeue, s. of William and Elizabeth Sept. 10 Mary Rumfild, d. of John and Mary Sept. 26 Martha Bridge, (1. of Thomas Oct. 29 Martha Baker, 6. of William and Parnell Nov. 5 Dorathy Foule, d. of Alexander and Ann Nov. 12 ...... Band, 3. of Samuel] Nov. 13 William Freeland, s. of William and Elizabeth Nov. 23 William Whiting, s. of William and Susan Nov. 28 Peter Graunte, s. of John Graunt and Ann . Dec. 22 James Whitfeild, s. of Thomasf and Sara Jan. 1 John Lamperd, s. of John and Mary Feb. 23 Richard Fenne, s. of Richard and Susan Mar. 2 Ann Sauckins, d. of John and Susan 1646. Mar. 29 John Bale, s. of John Bale and Isabell * This entry between * and * is crossed out. “ Ann Grant is deed ” added by another hand. 1' James first written ; Thomas written above. 16 April 2 April 25 April 25 May 28 Aug. 23 Aug. 23 Sept. 10 Oct. 4 Oct. 17 Oct. 19 Nov. 30 Dec. 15 Jan. 24 Feb. 28 Mar. 7 Mar. 28 May 16 June 3 June 6 July 22 Oct. 7 Nov. 1 Nov. 17 Mar. 24 May 26 Feb. 18~ Feb. 20 Oct. 21 Oct. 25 June 5 Feb. 27 Mar. 9 April 12 April 16 April 16 July 8 Sept. 7 Sept. 24 Oct. 4 * Originally sonn ; daughter written above by another hand. S‘T. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. Y Marth (sz'c) Croft, d. of John and Jeane Moses Best, 5. of Moses and Lidia Richard Harnitt, s. of ...... Harnit and his wife Elizabeth Cerltun, d. of George Thomas Smith, s. of Younge Smith and Katheren Richard Marable, s. of George and Elizabeth Ann Best, (1. of Thomas and Mary John Jeanes, s. of John Elizabeth Hamtun, d. of John and Joana Beniamin Jones, s. of William ' Elizabeth Munze, d. of John and Prissilla Dauide Euerins, s. of Dauid and Mary Sarah Knot, d. of Thomas and Mary Richard Marable, s. of George Charle (sic) Vflertun, s. of John Vfi‘ertun 1647. Barbara Pansford, d. of Mr. Pansford Elizabeth Bullocke, d. of Richard and Hope Afara Whiting, d.* of William Whiting1_L Moses Best, 5. of Moses and Lidia Thomas Bridge, 3. of Thomas Bridge. gentt. Mary Baker, d. of William and Parnell Martha Todde, d. of John Todde Elyas Kingstone, 5.1 of Elyas Kingstone and Margerit , Thomas Whitfeild, s. of Thomas Whitfeild 1648. John Pilkinton, s. of John Pilkintonll Elizabeth Bullocke, d. of Richard Bullocke John Williams, s. of Nichulas Williams the elder 1649. Aron Best, s. of Moses Best and Liddia Mary Hornsby, d. of Richard Hornsby§ 1650. Isacke Pottoe, s. of Andrew Pottoe John Pilkinton, s. of John Pilkinton Ann Chantree, d. of John Chantree and his wifeW 1651. Thomas Marable, s. of Georgefi Ann Wigmore, d. of Henry Wigmore and Dorryty Thomas Janes, s. of Jannes and Elyabeth ‘ Thomas Best, 8. of Moses Best and Leddya Ann Little, (1. [of] Jarman, Desember the 21, 16501“; Ester Lilyard, d. of James Lylyard Tho’s Best, 5. of Thomasllll Mary Justice, d. of Nicholas Justice and Joane interlined by another hand :—Aug. 17 Ane best, d. of Thomas best. Dec. 25 Charles best, 5. of Tho’s. ll Interlined here:—-Jan. 17 William Jones. 5. of William Jones. J § Interlined. ** This entry is written over that of Ann Wigmore, the latter having been crossed out. In the margin below “Mar.” is 162, and beneath the Wigmore-Chantree entry, Ane lyt.... d. of John litell Thomson his wife, also crossed out. “if Entered in the margin. 11 Interlined. It had been entered before as “Anne, d. of Jarman and Thomasin Little,” and then crossed out. , [Ill Interlined. 1' Between this entry and the next, I Interlined here :— CHRISTENINGS. 17 Dec. .28 Svsanna Whitfeilld, d. of Thomas Whitfeild and Sara ’ Jan. 1 Martha Hornsby, d. of Richard Hornsby Jan. 1 Henery Kingston, s. of John Kingston . Feb. 13 William Lydall, s. of William Lydall* . May 21‘ William Lydall, s. of William , Feb. 10f Wase the son [baptiSJed samuell Jones of sara Jones: Feb. 13 James Tucker, s. ‘of John Tucker 1652. Oct. 14 John Jones, 3. of William Jones Oct. 14 The son of William Jones was bapll Nov. 7 John Wickmor, s. of Henry Wickmore Nov. 29 Josefe Colfe (P) s. [of] Jossefe§ Dec. 12 Mary Littell, d. of Jaramy Littell Jan. 1 An Rauce, d. of William Rauce and Mary his wife the second Jannuary the seentcont Janury ceucont was paptised mary the*" Jan. 2 An the (sz'c/ Rauce the d. of William Rauce and Mary Jan. 23 Mary Knot, d. of Thomas Knot and Mary Feb. 27 Susan Justeis, d. of Edward Justeis and Susan 1653. April 2 Ann Chantere, d. of John Chantere and Ann§ April 6 Elizabeth Shrubsole, d. of Christopher Shrubsole [and] Mary April 8 Franc[i]s Burges, s. of Thomas Burges Sept. 22 Susan Whiting. d. of William Whiting and Susanfl May 8 Rose Janes, d. of John Janes [and] Elyabeath May 19 Mary ‘Larrance, d. of John Larrance and Thomsen Aug. 28 the sone wase baptised of James Jamer lyliardi Oct. 4 Mary, (1. of Allexander Stead [and] Margret Dec. 13 Frances Inwood, d. of Frances Jan. 15 Sara, d. of Thomas Kennet Jan. 16 Lenard Fige, s. of Watter Fige Mar. 7 Richard Hornsbe, s. of Richard Hornsbe Jan. 28 1644 John Grant, 3. of John Grant and Ann his wife ‘ Nov. 22 1648 Am (sz'c) Grant, d. of John Grant [and] Ann his wife Mar. 8 . 1652 Sari: G Grant (sz'c), d. of John Grant and An: his wife May 18 1654 Petter Grant, 3. of John Grant and Ann his wife rite by mee John Grant C——-—- 1654: Church warden at this pressentii. 1654. May 20 Martha Best, d. of Thomas Best Aug. 1 Katheran Pillkinton, d. of John Pillkinton Sept. 8 Henary Tucker, s. of John Tucker Sept. 15 Edward Burgis, s. of Thomas Burgise * This whole entry has been crossed out : see the next entry, after which there are two whole pages blank. 1' Dates run thus in the original. I Entered in the margin. || Crossed out. § Interlined. *‘ A part of this precious entry has been crossed out. 1'1" Inserted at the bottom of the page, with the year 1652. it John Grant evidently examined the reglster himself, and, finding it faulty, boldly drew a line across the page, put in the baptisms of his children, signed his entries, drew another line, and put the book backinto its place. C “a <_‘ 2.; as.“ m 1m 18 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. i Nov. 24 Thomas Knot, s. of Thomas Knot . Jan. 19 James Wigmor, s. of Henry Wigmor Jan. 28 Edward Justis, s. of Edward Justis Mar. 5 Suseanea Colfe, d. of Joseph Colfe was Bornnd and Babtised*‘ 1655. April 19 Mary, (1. of Thomas Besonne and Mary April 22 Jenne Truth, d. of Edward Beats and Ane June 4 James Best, the dayghter (sic) of Mosses Best June 22 Frances Giles, d. of John Gilles ‘ June 24 Elyabeath Gilbard, d. of William Gilbard and Marget Aug. 22 Petranell Chambers, (1. of Tom: Chambers and Jane Aug. 29 Wase bornd and baptised Richard Steadman, s. of Thomas Steadman and Mary Sept. 23 Ann Janes, d. of John Janes and Elyabeath Nov. 11 Mary, C]. of Nickles Chamne and ell]L his wife Dec. 8 Peter, s. of Elyas Back Dec. 8 Jane, d. of John Cotherle Dec. 23 Martha, d. of Edward Doblle Dec. 27 John Fagge, s. of Anthony Fagge and Mary 1656. Mar. 30 Mary, d. of a Rought Ryder and Mary his wife;L May 22 William Jones, 8. of William Jones and Susan June 5 Laranc Fenn, s. of Richard Fenn and Susan June 22 James Whit, s. of James Whit and Kattaran June 24 John Churcher, s. of Isake Churcher and Mary June 27 William Burges, s. of Thomas Burges and Ellen July 11 Thomas Hornsbe, s. of Richard Hornsbe and Martha July 21 Ann Tucker, d. of John Tucker and Denes Aug. 17 John Warin, s. of Richard Warin and Mary Aug. 26 John Walle, s. of Edward“ Walle and Mildred Sept. 4 Mary Ancker, d. of Martin Ancker [and] Mary Oct. 5 Elyabeath Lyliard, d. of James Lyliard and Mary Oct. 9(?)Hary May sonit Oct. 12 John Bullock, s. of Richard Bullock and Hop Nov. 5 Bennet Waker, d. of Henary Waker [and] Afiarv Nov. 14 Isack Colfe, s. of Joseph Colfe and Mary ' Nov. 24 Thomas Denne, s. of Vincent Denne, Esqr., was borne on Mounday the fower and twentieth day of November in the yeere of our Lord one thowsand sixe hundred fifty and sixe April P Ann Chantere, d. of John Chantere and Ann§ Nov. 24 Thomas Denne, s. of Vincent Denne, Esqr., and Mary his wife, was borne in this p’ishe on Mounday the fower and twentieth day of November in the yeere of our Lord one thowsand sixe hundred fifty and sixe these beeing present Anna Monins The m’ke of Susan Denne Mary Knott Anne Couchman The m’ke of . Prissilla Marablew Jan. 14 William Wigmor, s. of Henry Wigmor and Doryty Feb. 4 Nickles Justis, s. of Edward Justis . Feb. 11 Simon Oldfield, s. of Simon Oldfield9‘ July 3 Ane Knot, d. of Thomas Knot [and] An at In‘terlined. “l“ ? Ellen. . 3: This entry has been crossed out ; the article a is uncertain. || John first written ; Edward written above. ' § This entry has been crossed out. a“ The two entries recording the birth of this Thomas Denne were made by the same hand. CHRISTENINGS. 19 1657. July 5 An Pilkinton, d. of John Pilkinton and Liddia July 14 Liddia, d. of Moyses Best and Liddia Sept. 11 Elyabeath Dooble, d. of Edward Dooble and Martha Oct. 13 Thomas Gilbard, s. of William Gilbard and Margeret Oct. 16 Wase borne a son of Isack Churcher at fower of the clock in [the] morn- ing the same day wase baptised William Churcher the sone of Isack Churcher and Mary his wife Dec. 3 Thomas Alldridg, s. of John Alldridg [and] Mary Dec. 15 Tho: Lee, s. of Thomas Lee [and] Francis* Dec. 21 Jane Chambers, d. ofTho: Chambers and Jane Jan. 3 Josias Wodland, s. of 'Jonase and Elesebith 1658. June 8 Jorge Carlton, s. of George‘r June 10 Mary Fagge, the d. of Anthony Fagge and Mary his wife, was borne in this p’ishe on Thusday the tenth day of June in the yeare of our Lord one thousand siz hundred fiffty and eyght July 17 Nathaneli Bullengeere, s. of Elias Bullengeere Dec! 6 Henary Wigmore, s. of Henary Jan. 18 Henary Wills, s. of James Wills Mar. 6 Susanna Grant, (1. of Walter Grant and Mary 1659. April 20 Agnes Justes, d. of Edward Justes and Susann May 4 John Jones, s. of William Jones by Jane Jones June 23 Elyabeath Dobell, d. of Edward Doble and Martha“ July 16 Wos Jeme turth the daghoftar of Richad Lovell and an his wife baptised Aug. 21 Mary Shrubsole, d. of Christopher Shrubsole and Mary Nov. 4 James Lee, s. of Thomas Lee and Frances Nov. 6 Susan Colfe, d. of Joseph Colfe and Marey Jan. 25 William, s. of William Pollard Mar. 7 William Gilbar[d], s. of William Gilbard 1660. Oct. 22 John Skillet, s. of John Skillet May 7§ Mary, (1. of John Flatman and Margret Mar. 7 1659. William, s. of William Gilbert“ Dec. 28 Elizabeth. (1. of Thomas’nL Nash and Elizabeth Nov. 4 Thomas Pillington, s. of John and Ledia Nov. 5 Jane, d. of Philipp Le Keux and of Jane his wife. Shee was borne ye 4th day of ye said Novembre, 1660 Oct. 7 ...... d. of ...... fl erold hatch, borne in' St. Mildreds 1660 ' ...... the son of ...... Wall, baptized ii Aug. 2 Mary Churcher, d. of Isacce Churcher and Elizabethllll Jan. 6 Hannah, (:1. of Thomas and Isabell Kennet Feb. 26 Thomas, s. of Joseph and Mary Colph Mar. 10 Robert, s. of Henrie and Dorothie Wigmer 1661. April 10 Elizabeth, (1. of Hamond Effeild and Anne Fagg April 23 Mary, (1. of Edward and Susan Justice John Muns, Clarke, June 9, 1661 June 21 Elizabeth and Sara, ds. of Robart Ayesty and by Jonne his wife " In the margin Desed written. 1' Interlined above the year 1658. I Peter first written ; N athanel written above by another hand. {I Elyabeath first written. § The dates run as given. ** See March 7, above. 11‘ John first written. 15,: Blank spaces in the original. llll The remainder of this page is blank. 20 July 24 Aug. 15 Aug. 19 Sept. 22 Nov. 10 Jan. 1 Mar. 14 Mar. 20 Mar. 30 April 27 May 11 Aug. 24 Sept. 7 Sept. 7 Oct. 26 Nov. 23 Feb: 1 Mar. 13 May 10 July 12 Sept. 27 Sept. 29 Nov. 8 Dec. 2 Jan. 28 Jan. 30 Feb. 19:: Mar. 16 Mar. 28 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. Richard Harrison, 8. of William Harrison and Rodia James Cary, s. of James Cary and Ann John Hornsby, s. of Richard Hornsby and Martha William Wall, 5. of Edward Wall and Mildred Margret Flatman, d. of John Flatman and Margretefi Frances Lee, d. of Thomas Lee and Frances Thomas Chandler, s. of William Chandler and Elizebeth George Jenkens—fmkm—, s. of Mr. Thomas Jenkens—fmkm—and Elizabeth 1662. Mary Chambers, (1. of Thomas Chambers and Janne Isack Colfe, s. of Joseph Colfe and Mary William Batten, s. of John Barten and Margrery—Margerei John Parsons, s. of John Parsons and Afary Elizabeth Gilbart, d. of William Gilbart and Margrett Elizabeth Carlton, d. of George Carlton and Elizabeth John Harrisson. s. of William Harrisson and Roda Edward Wigmore, s. of Henry Wigmore and Doryiti Margret Solley, d. of William Solley and Sary—Sarali Hunniwood Fagge, s. of Anthony Fagge and Mary Margrett Studham, d. of John Studham and of Elizabeth 1663. Barbery Justes, d. of Edward Justis and Susan William, s. of Richard Hornsby and Martha, was borne June . . in this parsh also hee was baptzied July the 12 day Thomas, s. of Mr. Thomas Jenkins and Elizabeth]L Ann, (I. of John Flatman and Margaret ‘ Mary, (1. of John Wibbow and Hester, a Wallon, was baplizea’ in the Wal- lons church Kennel, s. of Cristefor Shrubsall and Mary William Nickallson, s. of Thomas Nickallson and Jaene Katren, d. of Isack Chercher and Elizabeth Thomas, allso—and—Abraham, twens, sonns of Edward Wall and Mildred Thomas, allso—and—Edward, fwinns, sonns of Edward Barrett, juner, and Margrett 1664. William, s. of William Solly and Sary—Sara/z April 17 Elizabeth, d. of John Barten and Margrery June 9 John, s. of John Herne and Mary June 27 Thomas, s. of Henry Wigmore and Dorritie July 22 'Ann, d. of Vallenten Bradnicks—Broaa’nax—and Sara Sept. 15 Mary, d. of Thomas Nash and Elizabeth Sept. 18 Mary, d. of Thomas Lee and Frances Sept. 26 Elizabeth, d. of John Studham and Elizabeth Nov. 27 Tamson, also Ann, ds. of Josep/z Jefles and Ann ' Dec. 1” Willam, s. of John Millerd and Anne Feb. 16 Nicholas, 8. of Richard Hornsby and Martha Feb. 26 John, s. of Cristefor Denn and Martha Mar. 1 Frances, s. of Frances Collens and Susan 1665. Mar. 27 Anthony, s. of Anthony Fagge and Mary * The Transcripts were resumed at this date, this being the first entry. 1‘ The next page is wholly blank. 1 Date taken from the Transcript. I] In the original " Desem’ the fast day ” ; in the Transcript “ December the furst." ~"-.’,¢F‘?¥:7,f”f‘ a; 1'" , 7/ wart-5v: 1mm?!“ CHRISTENINGS. June 20 Mary Solly, d. of Willam Solly and Sara Sept. 2 Barbary, d. of Edward Justis and Susan Sept. 3 Marie, d. of Robart Norton and Ann Oct. 29 Elizabeth, d. of John Flattman and Margrett Nov. 8 Thomas, s. of Thomas Claringboule and Mary Nov. 8 Mathew, s. of Willam Chanler and Elizabeth Nov. 19* Edward, s. of John Westbury and Grase Feb. 18 Mathew, s. of John Barton and Margrey Mar. 12 Edward, s. of Henry Wigmore and Dority Mar. 18 Susan Bradnecks, d. of Vallentene Bradnecks and Sara 1666. April 15 Richard, s. of Goarg Carlton and Elizabeth ' July 30 ElizabethT—Mary—d. of Willam Sally and Sarah Aug. 20 Elizabeth, d. of Mr. Robart Boys, gent, and Ann Sept. 14- Ann, d. of Richard Hornsby and Martha Oct. 1 Willam, s. of Willam Atwood and Mary Oct. 14 Thomas, s. of Joseph Jefis and Ann Nov. 1 John, s. of John Studham and Elizabeth Nov. 15 Joseph, s. of Arter Norwood and Johanasi—fllaly Dec. 27 Cordelia, d. of Edward Crayford, gent, and Susan an. 15 Samawell, s. of Thomas Nickalas—Nz‘ckalZs—and Jane Jan. 27 Cristiper, s. of Cristoper Denn and Martha Feb. 10 Mary, d. of John Hearne—H/zeme—and Mary Mar. 16 Anthony, s. of Henry Wigmore and Doritie Mar. 24 Will’, s. of Edward Wall and Mildred ‘ 1667. ‘April 24 Margret, d. of Edward Barret and Margrett July 14 Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Jenkens, gent., and Elizabeth Aug. 22 Sarah, d. of Edward Justis and Susan Sept. 8 Katrene, d. of Anthony Fagg and Mary Dec. 27 Ann, (1. of John Flatman and Margrett 1668. April 4 Sarah, (1. of Vallenten Bradnexe and Sarah May 30 Mary, d. of Thomas Claringboul and Mary ‘ June 5 Margratt, d. of John Studham and Elizabeth ' Aug. 25 Susan, (1. of Richard Hornsby and Martha Sept. 5 Mathyas, s. of Arter Norwood and Johanas Sept. 19 Elizabeth, d. of Henry Wigmor and Doritie Nov. 2 Michell, s. of Cristopher Denn and Martha Nov. 13 Will’, s. of Joshua Coppen, gent., and Elizabeth Dec. 6 Edward, s. of Will’ Solly and Sarah“ Dec. 1 Andwrw, s. of John Barton and Margrery Dec. 20 John, s. of Henry Rogers and Elizabeth Feb. 4 John, s. of Edward Barret and Margret Feb. 4 Henry, s. of John Herne and Mary Feb. 15 Elizabeth, (1. of Mickell Terry and Elizabeth Mar. 6 Johana, d. of Joseph Woodlan and Elizabeth Mar. 21 Charles, s. of Anthony Fagg and Mary - . .1669. April 6 Goarg, s. of Willam Look and Ann April 29 Elizabeth, (1. of Goarg Carlton and Mary * NOV- 29 in the Transcript. . 1' Mary first written ; Elizabeth written above. written; Johanas written above; II Interlined in the original ; omitted fi‘om the T 21 I Mary first ranscript. _ 22 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. May 24 Rebaco, d. of John Studham and Elizabeth Aug. 29 Goarg, s. of Richard Kitham and Tamazen Nov. 2 Mary, d. of John Flatman and Margreat Jan. 29 Isaiah, 5. of Cristepher Peeke and Mary Feb. 2 Feb. 18 Isack, s. of Isack Marhew and Mary Mar. 9 Elizabeth, d. of Henry Wigmore and Doritie Mar. 14 Deborah, d. of Cristopher Denn and Martha Mar. 16 Ann, d. of Thomas Little and Martha" 1670. Mar. 28 Susan, d. of Thomas Jenkens and Elizabeth April 18f. Edward, s. of Willam Solly and Sarah May 8 Mary, (1. of Goargs Carlton and Mary June 24 Goarg, s. of Willam Looke and Ann Sept. 25 John, s. of Thomas Claringboule and Mary Oct. 13 Frances, d. of Arter Norwood and Johanas Oct. 30 John, s. of John Barton and Margery Nov. 18 Abigirl, d. of Mickell Terry and Elizabeth Dec. 11 Anthony, s. of Valenten Bradnex and Sarah Dec. 20 John. s. of Richard Branker and Judeth Mar. 2 Thomas, s. of John Hearne and Mary 1671. June 23 Willam, s. of John Flatman and Margreat July 11 John, s. of Willam Looke and Ann July 25 Thomas, s. of Thomas Harres and Elizebeth Sept. 5 John, s. of Will’ Griges, a straingeri Dec. 12 Mary, (1. of Thomas Jenkens and Elizabeth Feb. 28 Darkas, d. of Israell Mone and Katrene Mar. 7 Richard, s. of John Finne and Mary . 1672. April 10 Mickhell, s. of Christopher Denn and Martha June 11 John, s. of Henry Estman and Ann June 29 Sarah, C]. of John Studham and Elizabeth July 3 Elizabeth, (1. of Elias Young and Elizabeth Aug. 8 John, s. of John Sakens and Ann Dec. 1 Goarg, s. of John Herne and Mary Mar. ”10 Mary, d. of Willam Solly and Sarah Jan. 27 Thomas, s. of Edward Beets—Befz‘s—and Mary Jan. 27 Susan, (1. of Thomas Claringbowle and Mary / 1673. April 13 Ann, (1. of Henry Rogers, Juner, and Elizabeth April 27 Johana, d. of Richard Richason and Elizabeth May 9 John, s. "of John Cheesman and Jane Aug. 8 Christophor, s.-—a’aug/zler—of Cristepher Peeke and Mary Aug. 28 Robart, s. of Israell Mone and Kat/zren Oct. 20 Elias Young, s. of Elias Young and Elizabeth Oct. 20 Willam Peette, s. of William Peette and Susand Nov. 3 John, s. of Thomas Nichollson and Janne Nov. 16 Thomas Looke, s. of William Look and Ann Mary, (1. of John Finne and Mary Jan. 30 Edward, s. of Edward Francke and Mary ’* In the original this entry follows the entry of March 28. I No Transcript between this date and April IO following. to Jan: in the Transcript. 'l‘ “ Aprell : 13 z” in the Transcript. [I So in the original, but altered . gr 1‘: t Feb. 25 Mar. 15 Mar. 22 Aug. 2 Aug. 18 Aug. 23 Sept. 27 Oct. 19 Oct. 27 Nov. 22 Feb. 19 Feb. 22 Mar. 3 Mar. 8 May 9 May 11 May 17 June 2 July 11 Aug. 10 Aug. 22 Oct. 20 Nov. 3 Nov. *5 Jan. 3 . Mar. 22 - April 8 April 9 April 16 May 1 June 11 Aug. 10 Oct. 11 Oct. 25 Nov. 15 Dec. 27 Jan. 28 Mar. 12 Mar. 24 Mar.‘25 April 13 April 20 July 1 July 24 CHRISTENINGS. 23 Mary, d. of John Finn and Mary Robart, s. of John Sawkines and Ann Richard. s. of Thomas Harris and Elizabeth 1674. Margaret, (1. of Thomas Jenkens. gent., and Elizabeth William Barret, s. of Edward and Margaret Robart Maxsted, s. of Robart and Sara Sara Richarson, d. of John and Sara Mary Denn, d. of Christopher and Elizabeth Martha Claringbold, d. of Thomas Clarz'ngbola’ and Mary Mary, (1. of John Richarson and Elizabeth Henery Hearne, s. of John Heame and Mary Margaret Broadnax, d. of Vallentine Broadnax and Hester Thomas Moone, s. of Israell Mone and Ktren Henery Estman, s. of Henery Estman and Ann 1675. Mary, one left in ye parish, a bastarde child, ye god fathers and god- mothers, the gossips names weare George Robinson, Elias Younge, Ester Francke and Elizabeth Marrable’“ Ann Studham, d. of John Sized/2am and Elizabeth Valentine Mockket, s. of Richard Market! and Sara Thomas Burbridge, s. of Thomas Burbage and Frances Elizabeth Knellson, d. of Josepth Knellson and Mary John Newman, 3. of John Newman and Sibbila William Griges of Ash, this—tile—s. of William Griges, aged aéouz‘ 3 years Ann, (1. of Edward Beets—Belts—and Mary Sarath—Sara/z—d; of John Richason and Saratthara/z Elizabeth, d. of John Finn—Fonn—and Mary Annot, d. of John Warwell and Mary Ann. C]. of William Looke and Ann \ 1676. Israell Mone, s. of Israell Moone and Ktren Elizabeth Rogers, d. of Henery Rogers and Elizabeth Susana thon, d. of John thon and Susana John Richason, s. of Richard Rz'e/zara’son and Elizabeth Thomas fenkz'n, s. of Mr. Thomas Jenkens and Elyzabeth Phillip Griges, s. of William Griges of Ash and Sara Stephen Knellson, s. of Joseph Nelson and Mary Thomas Tarry, s. of Isaac Terry and Elizabeth, but borne on the 16 Mary Broadnex, d. of Vallentine Broadnox and Hester John Estman, s. of Henry Eastman and Ann Jeane Tillbe, d. of George Tz'lby and Jeane William Beele, s. of William Bea! and Hanna Thomas Norwood,.s. of Paule Norwooa’ and Jeane 1677. Henery Browne, 8. of George Browne and Mary Margaret Looke, d. of William Look and Ann John Richason, s. of John Richardson and Sara William Clarringbould, s. of Thomas Clarenbola’ and Mary Meric Casabo’e, s. of John and Margaret Casaubon, gent. * In the Transcript: “Mary, a strange child left in the p’ish of St. Mary Magdalen, was baptized 9 May: 1675.” 24 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. Aug. 26 Thomas Lampard of the parish of St. Pauls, s. of‘Thomas Lampara’ and Ruth Aug. 28 John Newman 3. of John Newman and Sibbi lla‘t Sept. 9 Grace Warwell, d. of John Warwel and Mary Sept. 24 Oct. 5 Nov. 11 Dec. 2 Dec. 27 Mar. 4 April 23 June 9 June 18 June 21 July 14 Aug. 19 Sept. 2 Sept. 11 Sept. 28 Oct. 20 Oct. 26 Oct. 27 Nov. 8 Nov. 12 Dec. 15 Dec. 30 May 20 June 12 Aug. 27 Aug. 31 Sept. 1 Sept. 11 Sept. 16 Dec. 13 Jan. 13 Jan. 27 Feb. 18 Mar. 8 Mar. 15 Mar. 20 April 4 April 15 May 20 July 1 Aug. 12 Oct. 19 Thomas Finn, s. of John Finn and Mary Elizabeth Hearne, d. of John Hearne and Mary William Sollee, s. of William Sollee and Sarah George Richason, s. of Richard Rz'e/zara’son and Elizabeth William Studham, s. of John Studham and Elizabeth Ann Beele, d. of William Beale and Hanna 1678. Luke Baker, 5. of Thomas Baker and Ann William Francke, s. of Edward Francke and Mary Susanna Pierce, (1. of John Pearce and Susanna Paul Norwood, s. of Paul Nora/00d and Jeane Mary Justis, d. of Edward Justis the younger—fan’, and Sarah Henery Gray, 8. of Henery Gray and Genetruth—jennyz‘ruelh Thomas Feinn, s. of John Finn— Fenn—and Mary Richard Looke, s. of William Looke and Ann Abraham and Sarah Richardson, s. and d. ofJohn Richardson and Sarah Ann Jenken, d. of Thomas Jenken and Elizabeth Hester Broadnex, d. of Valentine Broadnex and Hester; but borne in Thanet Jonathan Hawker, s. of Jonathan Hawker and Margaret Ann Stookes, d. of Thomas Stookes and Dorrathy Thomas Estman, s. of Henery Estman and Ann . Sarah Choppenfr d. of Thomas Choppen’r and Sarah Ann Jenkinson, d.‘ of Richard Jenkinson and Jeane—foam 1679. Sarah, the (base borne) d. of Sarah Cox, a bastard Edward Grz'ggs, s. of Willian— Wzle'am—Griges of Ash 1n the (sic) Chourch William Beele, s. of William Beele and Hanna Sarah CasaubonJ’r d. of John Casaubon+ and Margaret John Tilbe, 3. off George Tilbe and Jeane Mary Knellson, d. of Joseph Knellson and Mary John Feinn, s of John Feein and Mary Elizabeth and Mary Stooks, ds. of Thomas Stooks and Dorathy Luke Baker, 5. of Thomas Baker and Ann John Pearce, s. of John Pearce and Susanna George Looke, s. of William Looke and Ann Martha Claringbould, d. of Thomas Claringbould and Mary Sarah Browninog, d. of James Browning and Mary Henery Rogers, 3. of Henery Rogers, fun, and Elizabeth 7/ 1680. Martha Hawker, d. of Jonathan Hawker and Margaret Thomas Richason, s. of John Richason and Sarah John Parker, 8. of John Parker and Susanna Mary Beetts. d. of Edward Beetts and Mary Margaret Broadnex, d. of Vallentine Broadnex and Hester Jeane Jenkenson, d. of Richard Jenkenson and Jeane * More than half of the next leaf has been cut out. On the back of the remainder the baptisms of Laurance Stephens, 1636,- and Leonard Short, I639, have been registered. They will be found in their proper places. 1' Coppin 1n the Transcript. + Causabone 1n the Transcript. 1« Again” 2.1.91 A CHRISTENINGS. 25 Oct. 23 Sarah Mockett, d. of Alaxsander Mockett and Mary" Dec. 13 Liddia Jenings, d. of Thomas'Jenings and Sarah an. 23 Vmphry Nickoll. s. of Vmphry Nickcoll and Elizabeth an. 24 Frances Bicx, d. of James Bix, Jun’fir and Mary Feb. 24 Sarah and Rebacka Jenken, ds. of Mr. Thomas Jenken and Elizabeth Mar. 8 Marye Eastman, d. of Henery Estman and Ann 1681. April 3 'Nickcolas Tuck, s. of John Tuck, Jun’, and Sarah, being Ester day April 17 Ann Gray, (1. of Henery Gray and Genetruth—fmnyz‘ru/fi July 11 Francis Hearne, s. of John Hearne and Mary Aug. 22 John Richason, s. of John Richason and Sarah Aug. 28 Sarah Read, d. of Thomas Reade and Elizabeth Sept. 15 Ann Baker, (1. of Thomas Baker and Ann Oct. 6 George Peerce. s. of John Pearce and Susannai Oct. 20 John Iverson, s. of Thomas Iverson and Susanna Oct. 31 Thomas Stookes, s. of Thomas Stooks and Dorathy Nov. 5 Thomas Parsons, s. of Thomas Parsons and Jeane Nov. 25 Frances Justes, d. of Edward Justes, iuner, and Sarah Jan. 1 John Hawker. s. of Jonathan Hawker and Margeret Feb. 6 Thomas Jenings, s. of Thomas Jenings and Sarah Mar. 9 John, s. of Captaine James Bix the Juner and Mary 1682. April 9 Michaell Claringbold, s. of Thomas Claringbold and Mary April 23 Anna Parker, (1. of John Parker and Susanna May 14 Richard Tuck, s. of John Tuck and Sarah June 16 Margaret Feinn, d. of John Feinn and Mary Aug. 14 Sarah, d. of‘ Thomas Choppen and Sarah Aug. 14 Edward Bett, s. of Edward Bett and Mary Aug. 27 Sarah Gibbs, d. of Mr. Henery Gibbs and Margeret “ Sept. 9 Nicolas Frainke, s. of Edward Frainke and Mary Oct.‘ 9 Elizabeth Jenkenson, d. of Richard Jenkeson and Jeane Dec. 14 Elizabeth Amber, (1. of Sr. Antonie Aucher|| and Elizabeth Dec. 13 Susanna Harrison, wife {sic} of Anna Harrison§ Jan. 2 Thomas Chopper—Caper—s. of Jeremyah Choopper—Coper——and Susana Jan. 5 John thon, s. of John thon and Susanna—Susan Jan. 28 Elizabeth Baker, d. of Thomas Baker and Ann Feb. 3 Richard and Elizabeth Drinker, twines, s. and d.—clzz'la’erm—.-of Richard Drinker and Kateren —Elz'zabel/z _ Mar. 13 Edward Justis, s. of Edward Justis, Juner, and Sarah Mar. 14 Mary Reade, d. of Thomas Reade and Elizabeth 1683. Mar. 25 Robart Esteman, s. of Henery Estman and Ann Mar. 29 Silas Hawker, s. of Jonathan Hawker and Margaret April 12 Francis Smith, (1. of Thomas Smith and Francis April 15 Thomas Jenkins, 5. of Thomas Jenking and Elizabeth, was born and babtised April 22 Elizabeth Finis, d. of Perce Finis and Kathrin June 10 Elizabeth Gray, (1. of Henry Gray and Jeney—Elz'zabel/z July 13 James Bix, s. of James Bix and Mary * This entry 15 omitted from the Transcript. '5' Two attempts to write Junior seem to have been made in the original. I No Transcript of the entries between Sept. I 5, 1681, and Oct. 9. 1682. I] Originally written Oucher, but altered by another hand to Aucher. § An entry has been efi‘ectgually blotted out here and this interlined by another band Nothing in the Transcript to correspond either with the blotted entry or that which has been interlined. D 26 Aug. 7 Aug. 22 Oct. 23 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. Ann Cox, d. of Samewel Cox and Mary Ann Rolenge, d. of William Roling and Mary Ann Hearne, d. of John Hearne and Mary Nov. 8 Thomas Jeuesonn, s. of Thomas Jeuesonn and Susan - Nov. 18 Mary Norwood, d. of Paule Norwood and Elizabeth Nov. 17* Dorethey Stoakes, d. of Thomas Stoakes and Dorethey Jan. 1 Walther Bake’r, s. of Thomas Baker and Ann. 1684. April 12 Joseph and Mary Cooper, twines, s. and d. of Jeremiah Cooper and Susan May 10 ElizabethTRichardsonn, d. of John Richarson and Sarah June 29 Richard Reade, s. of Thomas Reade and Elizabeth July 11 Richard Mounte, s. of Peeter Mounte and Mary July 27 Mary fenkmson, d. of Richard Jenkneson and Jane Aug. 4 Jonathan Hauker, s. of Jonathan Hauker and Margrett, and the first that was babtised by Mr. Mastersi . Aug. 17 Thomas Gilbert, 5. of Thomas Gilbert and Elizabeth Oct. 17 Edward Betts, s. of Edward Betts and Mary Oct. 18 Henry Harisonn, s. of Henry Harisonn and Anna Nov. 23 William Roockes, s. of Annthoni Rookes and Susan ll Dec. 11 Mary Baker, d. of Thomas Baker and Ann Dec. 28 Anthoni Aucher, s. of Sr. Anthoni and Elizabeth Dec. 28 Sara Justis, d. of Edward Justis and Sara Feb. 8 Ann Eastman, d. of Henry Eastman and Ann, was born the : 3 : of febre- wary in the reigne of King Charles the: 2d : and was babtised febre- wary the 8 : in the reigne of King James the : 2d : 1684 Feb. 8_ Samuel Franke, s. of John Franke and Mary Feb. 20 Elizabeth Norwood, d. of Paule Norwood and Elizabeth Mar. 10 Katheren Bix, d. of Mr. James and Mary 1685. April 17 Thomas Smith, s. of Thomas Smith a[an Elizabeth April 19 Jane Mocket, d. of Alexsander Mockett and Mary. May 31 John Nuten, s. of James Nuten and Ann June 2 Ann Plomer, d. of John Plomer and Sarah June 23 Elizabeth Drinker, d. of Richard Drinker and Elin July 2 Mary Mounte, d. of Peter Mount and Mary July 23 William Gilbert, 3. of Thomas Gilbert and Elizabeth Aug. 13 Mathew Smith, s. of Mathew Smith and Charyty§ Oct. 3 Martha Fines, d. of Pearce Fines and Katheirn Oct. 6 Thomas Franke, s. of Edward Franke and Mary“ Dec. 20 Henry Stoakes, s. of Thomas Stoakes and Dorethey 1686. April 14 Mary Bix, d. of James Bix and Mary April 18 Edward Winter, 5. of John Winter and Sarah April 18 Sarah Justis, d. of Edward Justis and Sarah May 30 Sarah Richardsonn, d. of John Richardsonn and Sarah June 13 Elizab[e]th Horne, d. of Nathanell Horne and Ann June 20 Mary Drinker, d. of Richard Drinker and Eline June 24 Ann Nuten, d. of James Nuten and Ann Sept. 14 Mary Eluen, d. of Samuell Eluen and Sarah * So in the original and Transcript. 1‘ This entry is entered under 1683 : in the Transcript under 1684. i The new Rector. I] This was entered twice in the original : the second entry has been crossed out. § Interlined in the original ; entered in the Transcript under Sept. I 3. *9" The next Transcript, extendin to Michaelmas, 1686 is missin . . g 1 g ,r) 3‘ 7r i; r 3‘: 5: "ée § : a 3 Oct. 3 Oct. 12 Nov. 4 Dec. 5 Dec. 12 Dec. 23 Dec. 30 Jan. 16 Jan. 25 Feb. 7 Feb. 13 Mar. 8 Mar. 20 June 30 July 24 Sept. 21 Oct. 16 Jan. 16 Feb. 3 Feb. 14 Mar. 6 Mar. 18 Mar. 30 April 17 May 1 May 9 May 9 May 24 July 24 July 30 Nov. 1 Nov. 12 Jan. 6 Feb. 7 Feb. 15 Feb. 17 Feb. 20 Mar. 19 April 14 May 14 Sept. 27 Oct. 4 Oct. 8 Nov.\20 Nov. 30 Jan. 14 CHRISTENINGS. William Harisonn, s. of Henry Harisonn and Anna Martha Beacon, d. of Basel Beacon and Mary Mary Pout, d. of James Pout and Elizabeth John Franke, s. of John Franke and Mary Thomas Nicholesonn, s. of Thomas Nicholeson and Jude Hughett Aucher, s. of Sr. Anthoni Aucher and Elizabeth Thomas Norwood, s. of Pauli Norwood and Elizabeth* John Finex, s. of Pearce Finex and Katherin Mary Jenkenson, d. of Richard Jenkensonn and Jane Elizabeth‘r Rookes, d. of Anthoni and Susan Mary Eastman, d. of Henry Eastman and Ann Thomas Gilbert, s. of Thomas Gilbert and Elizabeth Edward Wale, s. of Tho : Wal and Elizabe[th:|i 1687. Ann Elsted, d. of Thomas Elsted and Ann Thomas Chapen—Chopm—s. of Thomas Chapen and Sara Dorethey Bix, d. of Mr. James Bix and Mary James Young, s. of Robert Young and Elizabeth Henry Betts, s. of Edward Betts and Mary 27 Thomas Roose and Elizabeth, twins, s. and d. of Ambros Roose and Mary Mary Booth, d. of Thomas Booth and Mary Mary Eluen, d. of John Eluen and Jude Elizabeth thonn, d. of John thonn and Susana 1688. Ann Heiorn—Heiron—d. of Francis Heiorn and Ann Katherin Wall, d. of Edward Wale and Katherin John Justis, s. of Edward Justis and Sarah Joseph Colfe, s. of Thomas Colfe and Mary Danell Stoakes, s. of Thomas Stoakes and Dorethe _ Elizabeth Buckely, d. of Thomas Buckely and Mary - Katheren Nuten, d. of James Nuten and Ann John Clarke, 3. of John Clarke, gentillman. and Sarah Elizabeth Wall,“ d. of Thomas Wallll and Elizabeth Thomas Pout, s. of James Pout and Elizabeth Thomas Cliford, s. of Thomas Cliford and [Elizabeth] Mary Franke, d. of John Frank and Mary Richard Pembrocke, s. of John Pembrocke and Elizabeth Edward Eastman, s. of Henry Eastman and Ann Thomas Younge, s. of Robert Younge and Elizabeth Mary Rooks, d. of Anthoni Rooks and Susana 1689. James Hutt, s. of James Hutt and Susan§ Elen Drinker, d. of Richard Drinker and Elenr9656 Charels Roase, s. of Ambros Roase and Mary Mary Bayly, d. of William Bayly and Prisila Mary Heiorn, d. of Francis Heiorn and Ann Hester Aucher, ‘d. of Sr. Anthoni Aucher and Elizabeth William Finex, s. of Peirce F inex and Katheirn Thomas N orwood, s. of Paule Norwood and Elizabeth * Between this entry and the next the marriage of Thomas Grigg and Afre Baohell was recorded and then crossed out. 1' Mary first written ; Elizabth written above the line. preceded that of Thomas Gilbert; it was then crossed out and entered in the margin; the alteration was also made in the Transcript. Wale. I This entry [I Altered in the original from Wale: Transcript § Martha first written ; Susan written above the line. ** The burial of Margaret Barett was entered next and crossed out. 28 J sr. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. Feb. 12 Mary Franke, d. of Edward Franke and Mary Feb. 25 Thomas Cliford, s. of Thomas Cliford and Elizabeth 1690. ' April 1 Elizabeth Younge, d. of Robert Younge and Elizabeth June 1 John Harisonn,~ s. of Henry Harisonn and Anna June 29 Vincent Denne. s. of John Denne, gent., and Mary July 10 Anna Herring, d. of Nathaniel Herring and Hannah Aug. 16 Hester Choppen, d. of Thomas Choppen and Sarah Aug. 17 John Newton, s. of James Newton and Ann" Oct. 14 Elizabeth Gillbert, d. of Thomas Gillbert and Elizabeth , Nov. 20 Mildred Wale, d. of Thomas Wale and Elizabeth Nov. 27 Ann Colfe, d. of Thomas Colfe and Mary“ Jan. 14 James Pout, s. of James Pout and Elizabeth Feb. 8 Margrett Mace, d. of Samuell Mace and Margrett Mar. 20 William Justice, 3. of Edward Justice and Sara 1691. April 26 Ambros Roase, s. of Ambrose and Mary May 18 John Pembricke, s. of John’r Pembrocke and Elizabeth May 28 William Heiorn, s. of Fra[n]cis Heiorn and Ann June 2 John Franke, s. of Edward Franke and Mary June 28 Mary Hering, d. of Nathanell Hering and Hana July 6 Ann Nicholas, d. of Thomas Nicholas and Mary Aug. 15 John Eastman, s. of Henry Eastman and Ann Aug. 28 Susan Rookes, d. of Susan Rookes, widow Aug. 30 Mary Cliford, ,d. of Thomas Cliford and Mary Sept. 27 Thomas Turnly, s. of John Turnly and Sara Oct. 16 Edward Norwood, s. of Paule Norwood and Elizabeth Jan. 7 Elizabeth Barett, d. of Edward Barett and Elizabeth Feb. 9 Elizabeth Drayten, d. of Christofer Drayten and Sara n. d. Marie Drinker, d. of Richard Drinker and Eleni Mar. 11 Marie Younge, d. of Robert Younge and Elizabeth 1692. April 8 Thomas Drinker, s. of Richard Drinker and Elenarll April 16 Marie Pout, d. of James Pout and Elizabeth ‘ May 6 Isaac Depeire, s. of Isaac Depeir and Elizabeth July 17 Margrett Beecham, d. of Francis Beecham and Mary July 19 Edward Nuten, s. of James Nuten and Ann,§ baptised by Mr. Hues Hacher at the Friers Aug. 26 Robert Lauericke, s. of Edward Lauericke and Elizabeth Sept. 7 Sarah Justice, (1. of Edward Justice and Sarah Sept. 11 Elizabeth Mace. d. of Samuell Mace and Margrett Jan. 4 Sara Hutt, d. of James Hutt and Susan Jan. 15 Mary Stoakes, d. of Thomas Stoakes and Dorothey Jan. 19 William Lipyard, s. of Charles Lipyard and Elin Feb. 13 Thomas Colfe, s. of Thomas Colfe and Mary Feb. 14 Mary Denn, d. of John Denne and Marie Feb. 16 Thomas Walle, s. of Thomas Wall and Marie Mar. 23 Ebenazer Horn, 5. of Nathanell Horn and Ann 1693. June 3 John Franke, s. of Edward Franke and Mary * The Transcript from this date to Michaelmas, I69I, is missing. 1‘ Richard first written ; John is correct. 3: This entry was made by mistake : it has been crossed out. 11 Originally entered “Marie Drinker, d. of.” § Katheren crossed out, and Ann written below. Katheren in the Transcript. 3 l r ‘1 . '5. x i i 3 '. » ll )5 3 .4“, . \ CHRISTENINGS. \ June 20 Mary Norwood, d. of Paule Norwood and Elizabeth June 21 Margret Goldfinch, d. of Nicholas Goldfinch and Hanna June 24 John Hering, s. of Nathanell Hering and Hana [um 25 Thomas Franke, s. offofin and Mary Aug. 9 Sampsonn Heiorn, s. of Francis Heiorn and Ann Aug. 26 William Readardford, s. of Will Readardford and Elizabeth. Oct. 1 William Hadman, s. of Richard Hadman and Susan Dec. 15 Mary Draiten, d. of Christofer Drayten and Sara Jan. 2 Danell Beecham, s. of Danell and Siblow fan. 14 Robert Harisonn, s. of Henry and Ann Jan. 27 Robert Bell, 3. of Rober[t] Bell and Elizabeth Jan. 28 William Cliford, s. of Thomas Cliford and Mary Feb. 5 John Mace, s. of Samuell Mace and Margrett 29 Stranger Feb. 25 Jane Young, (1. of Robert Young and Elizabeth, was born Shroue-Tues- day beeing the: 20 baptized febrewary the: 25 Jan. 14 Robert Harrisonn, s. of Henry Harisonn and Ann* Mar. 13 William Choppen, s. of Thomas Choppen and and (sic) Sarah 1694. April 8 John Horn, 3. of Nathanel Horn and Ann April 22 James Newton, s. of James Newton and Ann’r May 23 Hester Depere, d. of~IsacCe and Elizabeth July 2 Danell Stoakes,,s. of Thomas Stoakes and Doarethey July 28 John Glenne, s. of Peter Glenne and Jane Sept. 23 James Man, 5. of Peter Man and Mary Oct. 2 Charles Pout, s. of James Pout and Elizabeth Oct. 22 Elizabeth Taddy, d. of Nicholas Taddy and Ann Nov. 11 Elizabeth Paige, d. of John Paige and Elizabeth Nov. 23 John Luken, s. of Robert Luken and Mary Dec. 17 Sara Hutt, d. of James Hutt and Susan—Susanna Dec. 21 Prissilla Goldfinch. d. of Nicholas and Hana Mar. 24 Thomas Hambroke, s. of John and Martha 1695. Mar. 25 Jeremiah Clifford, s. of Thomas and Mary April 25 Marie Hendman, d. of Alan: Hendman, gent., and Mari June 2 Elizabeth Crippen, d. of Paule Crippen and Rebackah June 16 Sara Gilbert, (:1. of Edward Gilbert and Sara, was born: Aprill: June 27 Margret Young, d. of Robert Young and Elizabeth’r Aug. 25 Elizabeth Hadman, d. of Richard Hadman and Susana—Susan Sept. 1 Sara Harisonn, d. of Henry Harisonn and Ann Sept. 17 Horton Drayten, s. of Christopher Draytten and Sara Sept. 22 Gilbert Wale, s. of Thomas Wale and Marie Sept. 23 Peter Glenne, s. of Peter Glenne, gent., and Jane Oct. 24 Ambros Roas, s. of Ambros and Mary Feb. 16 Sara Franke, d. of John Franke and Mary Mar. 22 George Cope, s. of John Cope and Martha Mar. 24 Alen Hendman, s. of Alen, gent., and Mary 1696. Mar. 26 Ann Horn, d. of Nathanell Horn and Annll April 21 John Norwood, s. of Paule Norwood and Elizabeth June 11 Elizabeth Cliford, d. of Thomas and Mary " See Jan. 14 above. The entry was not made 111 its proper place 1n the original. 1‘ The marriage of Thomas Bing and Marie Smith followed: it has been crossed out. I The next entry crossed out: it was “ Elizabeth Harisonn, d. ” &c. instead of Elizabeth Hadman. from the Transcript. ll Omitted . 30 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. July 7 Ann Lukin, d. of Robert Lukin, gent., and Mary July 19 Samuell Christian. s. of George Christian and Katherin Aug. 29 Mary Studham, d. of John Studham and Mary Sept. 13 Richard Hadman, s. of Richard Hadman and Susan Nov. 7 Francis (P) Heiorn, d. of Francis Heiorn and Ann* 1697. Mar. 30 Richard and John Came, sonns of Richard Caine, a solger, and Susan June 20 Nathanell Horn, 3 of Nathanell and Ann Aug. 4 Charles Roas, s. of Ambros Roas and Mary Sept. 4 Elizabeth Noble, d. of Thomas Noble and Elizabeth Sept. 16 Ann Pembrock, d. of John Pembrock and Elizabeth , Sept. 24 Wallbrow Casse, d. of Thomas Oasse and Ann ‘ \ “ Oct. 30 Charles Justice, s. of Edward Justice and Susan—Sam Dec. 12 Elizbeth, d. of Elizabeth: Tille, Bas born and layed to Robert Howard, a troperT Jan. 24: John Christian, s. of George and Kat/zerm Dec. 25 John Bell, 5. of Robert Bell and Elizabeth Feb. 4 John Luken, s. of Robert Luken, gent., and Maryll Mar. 11 Moris Hiron, s. of Francis Hiron and Ann 1698. April 30 Abraham Wall, 5. of Thomas Wall and Mary May 5 Sarah Young g, d. of Robert Young and Elizabeth July 12 Elizabeth Studham, d. of John Studham and Mary v Aug. 21 Thomas Noble, 3. of Thomas Noble and Elizabeth Sept. 8 Margrett Gill, d. of Thomas Gill and Mary ' Sept. 13 Ann Tery, d. of Nicholas Tery and Mary Oct. 2 William Harisonn, s. of Henry Harisonn and Elizabeth Oct. 18 John Hambrock, s. of John Hambrock and Jane: from Ospring Dec. 5 Ann Norwood, d. of Paul Norwood and Elizabeth Dec. 20 Hanna thonn, d. of Thomas thonn and Susana—Susan Jan. 8 Thomas Harisonn, s. of Henry Harisonn and Ann]l Feb. 6 John Clifford, s. of Thomas Clifford and Mary Feb. 19 Susan Hadman, d. of Richard Hadman and-Susan 1699. April 3 Marie Joanes, d. of Walter Joanes and Grace§ April 4 Dorothy Roas, d. of Ambros Roas and Mary June 18 Nathanell Caine, s. of Richard Caine and Susan Aug. 27 Elizabeth Luken, d. of Robert Luken and Mary Sept. 27 Thomas Horne, s. of Nathanell Horne and Elizabeth Nov. 5 Jane Allen, (1. of William Allen and Susan Jan. 21 Mary Pioynting, d. of Isacce Pioynting and Hana 1700. May 26 Jane Studham, d. of John Studham and Mary 'May 30 Elizabeth Clifford, d. of Thomas Clifford and Mary July 23 Susan thonn, d. of Thomas I/Jbz‘omz and Susan Oct. 9 Michall Claring Ball, 8. of Michall Clan'ngéall and Mary Jan. 14 William Norwood, s.‘of Paule Norwood and Elizabeth Jan. 26 William Choppen, s. of Thomas Choppen and Hester 9* This whole entry has been crossed out : there is nothing in the Transcript. 1' Omitted from the Transcript. 1 December 12 in the Transcript. [I First entered between Elizabeth Tille, Dec. 12, and John Christian, but crossed .out. § Interlined 1n the original, omitted from the Transcript. ,fflnWEvWYw'fix‘ wnmgy .0 vnaaev w 1" I.“ July 30 Sept. 21 Nov. 30 Mar. 16 May 31 June 15 Aug. 10 Nov. 24 Feb. 8 Feb. 28 May 18 Sept. 19 Oct. 17 Oct. 24 Jan. 2 Feb. 15 Mar. 19 Sept. 4 Sept. 12 Nov. 14 Nov. 20 Dec. 7 June 1 June 13 J uly 8 . Sept. 2 1 Feb. 1 May 17 June 9 Aug. 3 Sept. 19 Oct. 15 Dec. 5 Dec. 22 Mar. 7 May 11 Sept. 14 Oct. 2 Oct. 8 CHRISTENINGS. 1701. Susana Slowman, d. of Charles Slowman and Susana John Vplomz, s. of Thomas thonn and Susana Esther, d. of Walter Jones" Sarah Hadman, d. of Richard Hadman and Susan 1702. Thomas, s. of Thomas Noble and Elizabeth Robert, s. of Robert Luken and Mary Isacce, s. of Isacce Pioynting aud Hanna Thomas Auslen, s. of John Austen and Rebacke Marie Carlz'le, d. of Hugh Carlile and Elizabeth Sara Ker/w, d. of John ‘Kirke and Elizabeth 1703. Thomas thonn.'s. of Thomas and Susan—Susana William Coppm, s. of Thomas Choppen and Hester’r Charles, s. of Charles Slowman and Susan Robert, s. of Thomas Noble and Elizabeth Ann, d. of Richard Hadman and Susana William, s. of Thomas Clifford and Mary Francis, 5. of Thomas Hearne and Elizabeth 1704. Mary, C]. of Thomas Gill and Mary Sara, (1. of Charles Blogg and Hester Thomas, s. of Robert Luken, gefn]t., and Mary Susana, d. of Thomas thonn and Susana Ann, d. of Edward Justice and Ann 1705. Deborah, d. of Mr. John Bridges and Jane William, s. of Thomas Hearne and Elizabeth Danell, s. of Danell Lucas and Mildred Thomas, s. of Richard Hadman and Susana: Thomas, s. of Thomas thonn and Susan 1706. George, s. of Thomas Choppen and Hester Beniamin, s. of Thomas Browning and Rebacka Ann, C]. of Thomas Noble and Ann Dorothy, d. of Thomas Hearne and Elizabeth Andrew, s. of Danell Lucas and Mildred Isabela, d. of William thon and Susana—Susan George,'s. of Charles Slowman and Susana—Susan Elizabeth, d. of Thomas thon and Susana—Susan 1707. Mary, d. of William Pout and Debrough John, s. of William Miles and Martha"‘ Charles, s. of Richard Pickard and Jane John, s. of Mr. John Bridges and Jane 31 Oct. 30 John, s. of Thomas Browning and Reback, was boren October the : 27: * The Transcript omits this: . _ I The next Transcript lS missmg. and baptized Nouember“ Nov. 22 01' Nov. 24, to Oct. 30 as it stands in the Transcript. \ , “if The next Transcript, extending to Michaelmas, I704, is missing. [I The date of baptism seems to have been altered from 32 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. Nov. 24 John, s. of Thomas Franke and Isabela Feb. 22 Elazabei/z, d. of Phelip Powel and Susan Mar. 18 Elizabeth, (1. of Edward Bridges and Ann 1708. April 29 Thomas, s. of Thomas Noble and Ann May 19 John, s. of Thomas Beare and Mary May 28 James, s. of William Pout and Debrough July 25 Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Choppen and Hester Aug. 8 Mary, (1. of Edward Franke and Mary Aug. 23 Jenkenson, s. of Richard Pickard and Jane Aug. 29 Mary, (1. of Danell Lucas and Mildred f; Sept. 5 John, s. of Robert Worwell and Mary ,1 Sept. 19 Thomas, s. of Thomas thonn and Susan ‘ 1' Dec. 15 Martha, (1. of William Miles and Martha’“ Jan. 14 Elizabeth, d. of Henry Rogers and Elizabeth 1709. April 24 Thomas, s. of Thomas Frank and Isabela .3 May 3 John, s. of John Bridges, gent., and Anne 1 May 6 John, s. of John Mott and Mary '3 May I5 Mary, (1. of Samuell Eluen and Mary Aug. 7 John, s. of Thomas Gill and Mary Aug. 14 Mary Ann, d. of Thomas Beare and Mary Aug. 19 Mary, (:1. of Richard Picard and Jane f Sept. 11 Pease, d. of William thonn and Susan , ‘ Sept. 11 Samuell, s. of Phelip Powell and Susan ‘ Sept. 18 Elizabeth, (1. of Thomas thonn and Susan’r Oct. 26 Thomas. s. of Robert Worwel and Mary 5 Nov. 23 Elizabeth, d. of Grifien Chantry and Mary Feb. 5 Mary, (1. of Henry Rogers and Elizabeth Feb. 5 Elizabeth, d. of William Botting and Elizabeth Feb. 10 Mary, (1. of Charles Slowman and Susan Feb. 19 Elizabeth, C]. of John thonn and Mary 1710. April 6 Ann, d. of Thomas Noble and Ann May 28 Mary, d. of Thomas Knowler, gent, and Ann , ,1: July 13 John, s. of Mr. John Bridges, gent., and Ann ’ fi‘f July 16 Elizabeth, d. of William Harisonn and Margret Dec. 3 Elizabeth, d. of Thomas thonn and Susan’“ / 3; Dec. 10 Browning, s. of Robert Wood and Ann95 Dec. 21 William, s. of John Justice and Sarah" ‘ . 3 May 26 Elizabeth, (1. of Nathaniel Walker and Mary his wife, born May 26, 17101 Feb. 23 Thomas, s. of Edward Bridges and Ann Mar. 21 Dorothey, d. of Enoch Hawker and Elizabeth Mar. 21 John, s. of John Poxen and Mary 1711. Mar. 25 Jane, d. of Thomas Choppen and Hester July 27 Mary Ann, d. of Mr. John Goatly and Dorothy July 31 Ann, d. of Richard Picard and Jane Aug. 16 William, s. of William Stephen and Ann Aug. 26 Francis, 3. of Mathew Peirce and Mary” Aug. 27 Elizabeth, d. of William Mioyles and Martha * Omitted from the Transcript. 1' The next Transcript is missing. I Inserted by another hand. I] Mary written over Elizabeth ; Elizabeth in the Transcript. r , MW‘fiLva‘K‘fithivBZA—u': CHRISTENINGS. 33 Sept. 2 William, s. of William thonn and Susan Sept. 30 Jonas, 5. of William Botting—Rot/m—and Elizabeth Oct. 16 Will., 5. of Morgan Hues and Susan" Nov. 5 William, s. of Grif’fen Chantry and Mary Jan. 15 Edward, s. of Mr. John Bridges and Ann E, 1712. ’ , Mar. 30 John, s. of John Reade and Sarah 1 July 8 Susanna, d. of John thon and Mary July 14 Charles, s. of Thomas Noble and Ann any”, ,7 . . gr July 14 Francis, (1. of Samuel Eluen and Mary 3 Aug. 24 Charles, s. of Edward Franke and Mary 5' Nov 23 Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Arnol and Susan § Dec. 17 Thomas, s. of Thomas Knowler, gent., and Ann Dec. 21 Thomas, s. of Mathew Peirce and Mary Dec. 21 Thomas, s. of John Franke and Mary Mar. 3 Mary, d. of Thomas Dauis and Margret 1713. Mar. 29 Thomas, s. of Thomas thon and Susan July 10 Ann, d. of Mr. Edward Bridges and Ann Sept. 20 William, s. of William Harison and Margret Oct. 4 Mary, d. of Morgan Hues and Mary Oct. 11 Thomas, 3. of William Step/2m and Anne E Oct. 18 John. s. of Henry Rogers and, Elizabeth té' Oct. 18 Elizabeth, d. of John Goatly, get., and Dorothy g: . Oct. 29 William, s. of William Renals and Elizabeth * Oct. 29 Debrough, d. of William French and Susan ‘1‘ Jan. 3 Charles, s. of Mathew Peirce and Mary L Jan. 3 John, s. of William Jaxson and Hana , J Jan. 8 Debrough, d. of Samuel] Eluen and Mary is» Jan. 12 Nephew, s. of Andrew Harrald and'Mary § , Jan. 27 William, s. of John Moore and Elizabeth 9 Feb. 2 William, s. of William thon and Susan E: Mar. 12 Thomas, s. of Thomas Arnol and Susan 1714. May 3 Samuel], s. of John thon and Mary May 3 Mary, d. of Thomas Bachelder and Mary May 13 Phebe, d. of James Hutt and Ann June 15 Sara, (1. of John Reade and Sara Aug. 29 John, s. of John Frank and Mary Sept. 26 John, s. of Thomas Dauis and Margret‘r - * Entered in the margin of 'the original : omitted from the Transcript. 1' This was the last baptism entered in this volume, being the fourth entry on this page. The remainder » of the page and the whole of the next page were left blank, but below the record of John Dauis's baptism the following entries were made by John Cooke. Rector. Elizabeth, (1. of Patrick Ore, baptised June 14, 1713. Mary, d. of Patrick Ore; baptised F ebr. 6, I714. 34 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. Christenings in the Parish of St. Mary, Magdalene from Miehaelmass A.D. 1714* Nov. 26 Charity, d. of William Miell and Martha ‘ Dec. 2 George, s. of Mr. Thomas Knowler and Anne Dec. 23 Elizabeth, (1. of Thomas thon and Susannah 1715. May 18 Walter, s. of James Hutt and Anne May 27 Matilda, d. of Mr. John Goatly and Dorothy Sept. 4 Charles, s. of John Hugart and Mary Oct. 19 Hester, d. of Mr. Edward Bridges and Anne Dec. 19 Anne, d. of Nathan’l Horn and Elizabet/z]L Jan. 12 Margaret, (1. of Wz'll’m French and Susan Mar. 1 Thomas, s. of Matthew Peers and Mary 1716. April 5 Mary, (1. of Wz'll’m Pout and Deborah April 8 Elizabeth, (1. of Wz‘Zl’m Miles and Martha April 8 Elizaéel/z, d. of Wz'll’m Stephens and Anne April 16 Jacob, s. of Jacob Van-Monteany and Mary June 20 Jane, d. of Samuel Elven and Mary July 19 James, s. of James Hutt and Anne July 22 Paul, s. of Thomas Stokes and Rebeccah Sept. 18 Charles, s. of Mr. Joim Goatly and Dorothy Oct. 21 Susannah, d. of Edward Philpot and Dorothyi Nov. 3 James, s. of Griffin and Mary Chantry Nov. 9 Edward, s. of Mr. Edward Bridges and Anne Nov. 13 Elizabeth, (1. of John Cooper and Thomasin [I)ec. 25] Elizabeth, d. of William and Susan thon, was baptised Christmass Day Dec. 30 Edward, s. of William and Margaret Harrison 1717. April 7 John s. of Ralph Clarenbold and Rebecah April 14 Elizabeth, C]. of Tho. and Susan Up ton June 2 Margaret, d. of John and Mary Hapwker , June 26 Anne, d. of Mr. Thomas Knowler and Anne .1 April 7 Patrick Ore brought me a note to certifie that James his son by his wife ‘ Mary was baptised the 7th day of April, 1717“ Aug. 13 Katharine, d. of William and Deborah Pout Sept. 22 Frances, d. of Sam’l and Mary Elven Oct. 6 John, s. of Matthew and Mary Peers Nov.1 Valentine, s. of William Cooke, a trooper, and Mary Nov. 10 John Sherwood, s. of John Goatley and Dorothy his wife Dec. 24 Elizabeth, a twin (1. of James Hutt and Anne ., Jan. 19 Hester, d. of Jacob Van- Monteany and Mary ' ‘ Feb. 6 Richard, s. of 'Ihomas Davis and Margaret Mar. 6 Rebecah, d. of Thomas Stokes and Rebecah * The Second Volume begins with this heading 1' Interlined 1n the original. I Omitted from the Transcript. I] This entry duly appears in the Transcript. . u "ax-.v- saw _ b CHRISTENINGS. 35 1718.95 April 6 Anne, a d. of George Simpson and Eliz: his wife, as pretended, way- going persons May 4 ohn. s. of William Miel and Martha June 15 [largaret, d. of Edward Philpot and Dorothy July 9 Stephen, s. of George and Elizabeth Baker July 31 Elizabeth, d. of John Reade and Sarah Aug. 3 Mary. d. of William Reynolds and Elizabeth Aug. 31 Mary, C]. of John and Mary Frank Sept. 3 Mary, d. of John Cooper and Thomasin Sept. 30 John, s. of John and Mary Upton Oct. 12 Eliz., d. of Richard and Frances Newman]L Oct. 17 Grace, d. of Will’m and Margaret Neate Jan. 4 Mathew, s. of Mat/zew Peers 1 Susanah, a d. of Thomas and Susannah Upton . 5 Mary, d. of Tho. Oakshot and Mary Feb. 8 Deborah, (1. of Sam’l and Deborah Elven 8 William, s. of William and Mary Drayson 8 Rebecah, d. of Rebecahi and Ralph}; Clarenbold 1719. April 13 John, s. of Elizabeth Talbot, a way-going woman July 12 Mary, C]. of William Miel and Mary July 26 James, a child of Richard Fukes and Susan Aug. 13 Susannah, d. of William French and Susannah Sept. 9 John, s. of John Loyd and Ellen his wife, as pretended Dec. 6 Thomas, s. of Thomas and Reb. Stokes Jan. 1 Thomas, s. of Thomas and Mary Drayson » Feb. \ 7 John, s. of John and Thomasin Cooper “ Feb. 22 Edward. s. of Edward Philpot and Dorothy ' Feb. 24- Anne, d. of Pat: Ore and Mary, asserted (sic) as baptised 1720. May 8 Henry, s. of William Sladden and Anne ’Apr.” 27 James, s. of James Knot! and Maudlin May 29 Rachel. d. of Matthew Peers and Mary June 5 Elizabeth, d. of George and Mary Hammond . , June 7 Edward, s. of Isaac and Margaret Dadd§ " Oct. 22 Anne. d. of Sam’l and'Hannah Holbrook f Oct. 23 Margaret, d. of George Baker and Elizabeth 3 Dec. 4 Rebecah, d. of Ralph Claringbold and Rebecah Jan. 1 John, a base-born child of Catharine Anslow Feb. 5 Mary, a d. of Abraham and Sarah Herne Mar. 9 Jacob. s. of John Cooper and Thomasin Mar. 12. Whitehead, s. of Noah Bolaine and Elizabeth Mar. 16 Thomas, s. of William Reynolds and Elizabeth 1721. ' Mar. 26 William, s. of William French and Susannah ’ , - April 16 James, s. of Thomas Oakshot and Mary June 4 Joseph and Benjamin, twins of Matthew Peers and Mary June 11 Sarah, d. of Edward Philpot and Dorothy July 5 Edward, s. of Edward Hughye and Elizabe/lz * The Transcript “from Lady Day to Michaelmas, I718,” deliberately omits the next eight entries. Of course it is “ A true Coppy," and the Rector signed it ! 1‘ Interlined in the original. I The same order is preserved in the Transcript. ‘ II So in the Transcript also. § The next Transcript commences March 26, 172x. 36 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. Aug. 8 Mary, d. of Thomas Pittren and Margaret Oct. 15 William,s .of Isaac Dadde and Margaret Nov. 26 Robert, s. of Richard Buds and Elizabel/z Dec. 17 Mary, (1. of Elisha Cole and Mary Jan. 7 Elizabeth, d. of Philip Bond and Lydea 1722. May 27 Daniel, s. of Thomas Stokes and Rebecah June 3 Dorothy, d. of Edward Philpot and Dorothy July 8 Mary, d. of George Hammond and Mary Sept. 9 Charles, s. of Charles Dixson and Sara Sepz‘. 19 John, s. of George Baker and Hanna Oct. 7 Martha, (1. of Samuel Holbrook and Hanna?“ Oct. 14 Mary, d. of Andrew Jethery and Mary" P 24 TThomas (are, s. of Patrick Ore, was born ye 19 of May and baptised the 24 Dec. 16 Mary, (1. of James Ralings and Mary Dec. 17 Sara, d. of Thomas Oakshot and Mary Dec. 26 William, s. of Joseph Monrow and Ann 1723.+ + June 6 William, s. of Edward Philpot and Dorothey his wife was Papiesed (32%) May 2 Jane, d. of Samiel Elven and Mary April 10 John, s [of] Benjamen Brown and Judeth July 14 John. s. of Samuel Lucas and Elizabeth Sept. 22 William, s. of William Bell and Su[s]an Oct. 23 Sara, (1. of George Hammond and Mary Dec. 29 Thomas, s. of Thomas Palmer and Elizabeth Ostin, both strangers: the child was born in St Marys Parish at Dover, and baptis’ d here Dec. 17 Mary, C]. of Richard Hadman and Prisila Dec. 25 Elizabeth, d. of Noah Bolain and Elizabeth Feb. 3 Mary, d. of Martha” (sic) Perce and Mary his wife 1724. Mar. 27§ Mary, d. of Andrew Jadgary—fel/zery—and Mary April 5 Elizabeth—Mrry—d. of Thomas Stoks and Elizabeth May 26 William, s. of Phillip Bond and Liddia Aug. 2 Theodore P/zz'Lolz‘, s. of Edward Philpot and Dorathy Aug._16 John Green, s. of Thomas Green and Susan Sept. 19 Ann Hammond, d. of George Hammond and Mary Sept. 4*“Elizabeth, d. of Isacce Dadd and Mary Oct. 29 Elizabeth Rippen, d. of Richard Rz'ppz'n and Mary Oct. 29 Wz'll’m, s. of Wz'll’m Gray and Hannah Nov. 13 James Oakeshott, s. of Tho: Oakslzo/ and Mary Dec. 20 Mary, d. of Wz'll’m Renolds and Eliza: Jan. 1 Mary, (1. of John Friend and Eliza: Jan. 6 Wz’ll’m Elvey, s. of Wz'lZ’m Elvey and Susan Feb. 14 Robert, s. of Robert Bartholomew and Eliz: 1725. Mar. 28 Mary, (1. of Phillip Cheesman and Rose Mar. 31 Samiel, s. of Samiel Veluen—Eluen—and Mary Mar. 5 1724. Mathew Pearse, s. [of] Joseph and Mary’nL * Omitted from the Transcript. 1‘ This entry was made by another hand. 3: I722 in the ' Transcript. The dates run as given. All the entries from May 2 to Feb. 3, seem to have been omitted from the Transcript. [I Matthew :—See above, June 4, I72I. §March 25 in the Transcript. 9'“ So 1n the original and in the Transcript. 1‘1" In the Transcript: “ April 5, I 725, Joseph, s. of Mathew Pierce and Mary.” i: E . l r t ‘34... .t. "4 { April April A pril Aug. Aug. Oct. Nov. N ov. Dec. Jan. Feb. April 13 15 25 1 20 24 17 28 25 15 6 10 April 12 Ilprfl June June June June June July Sept Sept. 110v. Nov. Nev. Dec Jan. Blah Dian April May Mar. May 15 1 2 26 26 26 10 1 19 27 25H 25 22 29 5 9 14 15 20 25 27 .11 3 :10 .17 1 28 . 11 . 17 . 20 . 24. . '24 31 31 ' CHRISTENINGS. Elizabeth, (1. of John Cooper and Thomasin Paul. s. of Thomas Stocks—Sloa/es— and ,Rebecka Robert, s. of John Anslow and Mary Elizabeth, d. of Tho’ Collins and Elizabeth Elizabeth, (1. of Mary Judgery, widdow Elizabeth, d. of Samiell Lucust and Eliza[beth]*‘ James, s. [of] Wm. Gray and Hannah]L Jane, d. of Edward Phillpot and Dorithy Elizabeth, d. of Michall Ladd and Elizabeth Chrisipher Hadman and Priscilla their son: Simon, s. of George Baker and Mary 1726. John, s. of Wz'll’m Bell and Susan Wm., s. of Thomas Hadmon and Elizabeth Elizabeth, (I. of Wz'ZZ’m French and Eliz: James, s. of Mark Dodson and Sara Elizabeth, (1. of George Hammon and Mary Peeter, s. of Thomas Green and Susan—Sara Wz'll’m Barber—Izarber—base born Wz'll’m and Margaret, s. and d. of Mathew Perce Noah Bolane, s. of Noah and Elizabeth John Safiery, s. of Vince and Ann Frances Roylings, s. of James and Mary" Ann, d. of Edward and Dorothy Philpott. p. Elizabeth and Mary Peen, twins. ds. of Robart and Ann Will: Drayson, s. of Will: and Mary. p. Mary Coopper, d. of John and Thomazin. p. Sarah Gale—Gule—(l. of John and Hannah. p. Mary, d. of Michael and Elizabel/z Lade. p. Richard, s. of William and Elizabet/z Reynolds. pd. 1727 Elizabeth, C]. of James and Elizabe/h Flint. pd. Mary, d. of William and Elizabeth Anderson William, s. of Thomas and Mary Oakshott. pd. Susannah, d. of Thomas and Rebeccah Hadman. pd. Thomas, s. of John and Mary Lawson. pd. Ann, d. of Richard and Mary Nash. pd. Ann, d. of Tho’s and Susan Green John, s. of Tho’s and Susan Atwood. pd. Susanna, d. of Samuel and Mary Elven. pd. Ann, (1. of Tho’s and Rebeccha Stokes. pd. Thomas, s. of Edward and Dorothy Philpot. pd. Richard, s. of Richard and Mary Rippon. pd. Elizabeth, d. of Richard and Ann Cornwell. pd. Martha, d. of Wm. Gray and Hanah. pd. William, s. of Thomas and Sarah Pauli. pd. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas and Ann Ashburn. pd. 1728. Ann, (1. of Mark and Ann Lamb. pd. James, s. of James and Ann Avery. p. June ’2 Elizabeth, d. of James and Martha Forman. pd. * Omitted from the Transcript. I In the Transcript : “ Christofer Hadman, s. of Rich: and Prisella.” ‘ and Transcript. - , 37 1' In the Transcript : “ Wm. Gray, 5. of Will’m and Hannah.” ll So in the original the 3rd Volume. 38 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. Sept. 6 William, s. of William and Margaret Williams. p. Oct. 11 Elizabeth, d. of Wm. and Susan Bell. p. Oct. 22 George, s. of George and Mary Hammond. p. Dec. 11 Christopher, s. of Christopher and Mary Packe. p. Dec. 15 Thomas, s. of Thomas and Rebeccah Admanns. p. Wm. Ayerst, Rectr. Mar. 2 William, s. of William Cornelius and Mary. p. Mar. 9 Robert, s. of Robert and Ann Peen. p. 1729. May 15 Margaret, (1. of Edward and Mary Howland. p. June 9 Thomas, s. of Thomas and Mary Paul. p. Aug. 11 Sarah, (1. of Matthew and Mary Pierce* Aug. 27 Phillip, s. of Richard and Priscilla Admans. pfi‘ Aug. 31 Martha Gray, d. of William and Hannah Gray. pi‘ Sept. 7 Thomas, s. of Edward and Dorothy Philpot. p.55 Oct. 19 Elizabeth, (1. of Thomas and Mary Oakshoot. p. Wm. Ayerst, Rectr. Dec. 27 Thomas, s. of Charles Freind and Joan . Feb. 3 Ann Avery, d. of James and Ann Feb. 8 Ann Ney, d. of Robert and Mary Mar. 11 Catharine, d. of John and Sarah Wash 1730. April 8 Thomas, s. of Thomas and Susan Atwood Sept. 4 William, s. of John and Mary Fist Sept. 27 William, s. of Samuel and Elizabeth Lucas Feb. 24 Ann. d. of Ann Minter, base born" Mar. 24 Sarah, d. of Richard and Priscilla Admans" 1731. April 20f Ann Mary, d. of Robert and Mary Nye April 25 Lydda, d. of Edward and Dorothy Philpott April 25 Margaret, d. of Charles and Johanah Frend July 4 Thomas, s. of William and Hannah Gray Aug. 13 William, s. of Thomas and Sarah Paul Sept. 81; Charles, s. of Daniel Carroll, Esq., of Aghnamedle in The County of Tipperary and Kingdom of Ireland, and Mary his wife, was born the first day of September in this Parish, An. Do: 1731, and Christn’d the eighth day of the same month Sept, 29 Thomas, s. of Edward and Mary Randall Oct. 26 Elizabeth, d. of Michael and Elizabeth Laddi‘ Dec. 12 Mary, d. of Thomas and Mary Powsoni“ Dec. 19 John, s. of Patience Miles‘h Dec. 31 Susannah Knowlen (?)|| Mar. 5 Sarah, (1. of Richard and Ann Fugatt§ 1732. Mar. 29 Sarah, d. of Henry and Mary Savage Mar. 29 Elizabeth, d. of John and Susan Upton May 21 Mary, d. of William and Susan Bell , June 4 Sarah Collens, an adult person * Omitted from the Transcript. 1' April 25 in the Transcript. 1 Sept. I in the Transcript. || Apparently an unfinished entry, partially eraSed. It is Omitted from the Transcript and is the last baptism registered in Vol. 2. The next page is wholly blank. § This is the fiist entry in sionally. From this date the omissions from the Transcript will only be noted occa- i. CHRISTENINGS. 39 June 8 Mary. d. of Martha Taylor. base born 5. June 11 Sarah. d. of Edward and Mary Howland 2 June 18 Lyddy, d. of Thomas and Frances Millisent July 28 Elizabeth, d. of William and Hannah Gray Aug. 29 George, John and William, sons of Elizabeth Johnson, base born—was boren ‘ r, ‘ Oct. 29 John, s. of Edward and Dorothy Philpott 7 Nov. 26 William, s. of William and Ann Peene Dec. 24 Mary, d. of Robert and Mary Nye Feb. 4 Thomas, s. of John and Sarah Gadsby 1733. May 27 Mary, d. of Susan* and Thomas" Young May 30 Mary, d. of Henry and Mary Savage Sept. 9 William, s. of Henry and Mary Crayford Dec. 2 William, s. of Thomas and Frances Millisent Jan. 3 Jane, d. of Nicholas, and Elizabeth Baker 1734. April 7 John, s. of Thomas and Dorothy Harris April 14 Mary Paul, d. of Thomas and Sarah Paul April 18 John Lad, s. of Michael and Elizabeth Lad June 6 Henry Palmer, 8. of Henry and Liddeate Whitfeild June 23 Thomas, s. of Charles and Johanna Freind Aug. 4 Robert. s. of Robert and Mary Nye Aug. 24 Mary, (1. of John and Elizabeth Pilcher J: Head, Rec’r Nov. 19 Henry, s. of Richard and Elizabeth Somes . Jan. 5 Samuel. s. of Henry and Margaret Deing ’ Jan. 12 Harison, s. of Edward and Dorothy Philpott Jan. 13 Mary, d. of Morgan and Elizabeth Jones Feb: 9 Elizabeth, (1. of Thomas and Elizabeth Powsell Feb. 26 Mary Admans, d. of Thomas and Rebeccah Mar. 3 Elizabeth, d. of Ri’r Mar. 3 Elizabeth, (1. of Richard and Priscilla Admans 1735. May 31 Ann, d. of John and Mary Mead June 25 Mary, d. of William and Mary Drayson July 6 Daniel, s. of Henry and Mary Savage ' Oct. 5 William, s. of John and Sarah—Mary—Gadsby Nov. 16 William, s. of Charles and Johannah Freind Nov. 27 Elizabeth, d. of John and Elizabeth Pilcher Dec. 7 Elizabeth, d. of Lewis—Law's—and Elizabeth Devine Dec. 25 Ann, (1. of Hugh and Ann Thomson Feb. 18 Elizabeth, (1. of Thomas and Mary Keen 1736. April ,4 Ann, (1. of John and Susan Upton April ‘25 Thomas, s. of Edward and Dorothy Philpott April 26 Susannah Smith, d. of Thomas and Susan May 2 Elizabeth, (1. of Robert and Mary Nye 5 May 9 Deborah, (1. of Richard and Elizabeth Somes ‘ June 18 Elizabeth, (1. of Richard and Elizabeth Barham July 9 Mary, (1. of William and Elizabeth Tuckwell * The same order is preserved in the Transcript. ' 1‘ This unfinished entry has been crossed out. l 40 July 11 Sept. 15 Oct. 24 Dec. 5 Dec. 29 Dec. 29 Feb. 13 Feb. 13 Mar. 11 April 16 May 21 May 28 July 18 Oct. 8 Oct. 8 Dec. 11 Dec. 29 Jan. 14 Jan. 21 Jan. 22 Jan. 28 Feb. 26 Mar. 13 Apfil27 hday 20 June 1 June 26 Jub/ 2 Aug.12 Aug.19 Aug.27 Sept. 2 Feb. 10 Feb. 14 Blah 11 hdan 17 April 17 * First written “ d. of Francis and Mar." when the error was discovered and corrected. marriage of George Philpott and Sarah Squires was entered next, and then crossed out. ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. Sebastian, s. of Sebastian and‘Hannah Buffett J. Head, Rec’r Thomas, s. of Thomas and Frances Millisent John Grumbole Culling, s. of Arthur and Susannah Sarah, d. of John and Sarah Gadsby Elizabeth, d. of Haton and Elizabeth Drayton James, s. of Thomas and Rebeccah Admans Sarah, d. of John and Sarah Waller William, s. of William and Margaret Stevens Mary, (1. of Robert and Frances Burges" 1737. Mary, d. of Henry and Mary Savage James Young, s. of Thomas and Susannah Young Ann, d. of Richard and Elizabeth Barham Robert, s. of Robert and Mary Nye Mary, d. of Elizabeth Wilkinson William, s. of William and Elizabeth Tuckwell John, s. of Richard and Elizabeth Somes Ann, d. of Charles and Mary Noble 1738. Elizabeth, d. of Richard and Mary Porter Mary, (1. of William and Susan Bell Sarah, d. of Richard and Elizabeth Hall Thomas, s. of Sacheverel and Ann Hales’r Thomas, s. of Isaac and Sarah Clarke Elizabeth, d. of Elizabeth Wilkinson Elizabeth, d. of John and Ann Jeken J: Head, Rec’r Elizabeth, d. of Mathew and Mary Pierce Mary, (1. of Thomas and Susan Young Thomas, s. of Arthur and Susannah Culling James, s. of James and Mary Weden Elizabeth, d. of John and Sarah Waller Mary, d. of Richard and Elizabeth Barham Frances, d. of William and Mary Cokernutt 1739. Henry, s. of William and Mary Drayson Mary, d. of Henry and Elizabeth Forrest Susannah, d. of John and Susannah Upton Sarah, d. of Thomas and Frances Millisent William, s. of John and Sarah Leek—Lark Edward, s. of John and Sarah Gadsby Charles, s. of Thomas and Susannah Admans Frances, s. of Robert and Mary Nye Sarah, d. of Hannahi &John1 Stillman Sarah, d. of John and Catharine Scot Elizabeth, d. of John and Elizabeth Pilcher Mary, d. of Richard and Elizabeth Somes Ann, d. of Edward and Dorothy Philpot \ 1740. John, s. of John and Margaret Jagger same order preserved in the Transcript. 'l‘ The I The ,ffa r qufls" «3". ’"asvsqmmyws 713', =rf-"'~1,”.Tr‘,:- ,. r, CHRISTENINGS. May 9 Sarah, d. of Richard and Eliz’l/z Barham julj/ 20 Aug. 17 Nov. 2 Dec. 28 Jan. 18 Mar. 8 Sept. 16f Sept. 27 Oct. 7 Oct. 11 Oct. 11 Jan. 17 Feb. 25 Mar. 4 Mar. 7 Mar. 28 Mar. 31 April 18 May 2 May 25 June *2 Aug. 20 Sept. 26 Nov. 21 April 11 June 19 Aug. 5 Aug. 21 ' Sept. 6 Jan. 1 Jan. 8 Jan. 15 Jan. 20 Jan. 22 Jan. 22 Jan. 22 Jan. 27 Jan. 29 April 3 April 8 . April 15 April 17 June 10 * Omitted from the Transcript. T Izomas, s. (3)" Susan Upz‘on William Upton" Anna Maria, d. of Benjamin and Ann Chandler J: Head, Rec’r Richard Derpper, s. of George and Martha Derpper Elizabeth, (1. of Walter and Elizabeth Pratt Mary, d. of John and Elizabeth Rogers 1741. Sarah, (1. of Thomas and Sarah Bishop Henry Jagger, s. of John and Margaret fagger Sarah, d. of Thomas and Sarah Chandler Martha, d. of Ralph and Jane Roberson Thomas, s. of Thomas and Sarah Stokes Daniel, s. of Thomas and Susan Hugison—Hogz'smz Ann, (1. of William and Susannah Bell Dauling, s. of Benjamin and Ann Chandler Susan, d. of William and Mary Basketfield 1742. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas and Sarah Millisent John, s. of James and Mary Weden William, s. of John and Sarah Gadsby Thomas, s. of Richard and Elizabeth Somes Mary, d.'of Charles and Magdaline Hogwood Margarett, d. of John and Elizabeth Pilcher Rebecca, d. of Carter and Mary Waters Mary, (1. of Walter and Elizabeth Prett George, s. of Arthur and Susannah Cullen 1743. Jane, d. of William and Mary Basketfield Ann, d. of Richard and Elizabeth Barham William, s. of Benjamin and Ann Chandler Daniel, s. of William and Jane Harris Mary, d. of William and Mary King Anne, d. of Iohn and Mary Pullee Iohn, s. of Walter and Elizabeth Pratt Elizabeth, d. of Iames and Elizabeth White Alexander, s. of Phillip and Elizabeth Dulley J. Allett, Curate William and James, twin sons of Henry and Mary Eastman‘ Anne, (1. of Richard and Elizabeth Somes ' Grace, d. of James and Mary Weeden ‘ Hunt, 3. of Thomas and Mary Chandler Sarah, (1. of Charles and Magdalen—Maudlz'n—Hugwood 1744. Robert, s. of Iohn and Margaret Jagger Mary, d. of Mary}? and Tho’si Dillnot Mary-Ann, d. of Thomas and Sarah Stokes 41 Thomas, s. of William andrMary Bumby of Gen’l Churchill’s Dragroons (sz'c) Elizabeth, (1. of John and Ann Frend I So in the original and in the Transcript. 1' Sept. 27 in the Transcript : interlined in the original. F 42 June 24 June 28 Sept.27 Oct. Oct. Feb. Feb. 11 18 24 24 May 29 July J uly Tuly 14 21 31 Sept- 15 Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Dec. Jan. Jan. Feb 17 20 24 27 29 1 21 14 Mar: 20 Mar .23 April 27 July Aug Aug Nov. 27 . 6 .14 5 Feb. 1 Mar .12 April 26 June 14 July J uly 12 21 Sept. 13 Oct. Nov Nov Jan. 14 . 8 . 29 31 Feb. 9 Mar . 6 April 3 April 17 April 21 June 5 Oct. 30 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. Sarah, (1. of Edward and Frances Bromhead Charlott, d. of Richard and Ann Barham John, s. of John and Elizabeth Rogers James, s. of James and Jane Daniell Amelia, d. of Benjamin and Ann Chandler Annaria, d. of Henry and Mary Whatson Valintine, s. of, Michel and Margarett Cowly 1745. George, s. of George and Ann Pearch John, s. of Joseph and Jane Watters Dinah, d. of Samuel and Martha Baker Ann, d. of John and Margaret Jagger . Alice, d. of Joseph and Catharine Campell Mary, C]. of William and Mary Lewen—ZLewon Thomas and Samuel, sons of Thomas and Mary Dilner”“‘—Dz’[nul Henrietta, d. of Philip and Mary Hudson Mary, d. of John and Ann Friend ' J. Allett, Curate Elizabeth, d. of Henry and Mary Eastman Ann, (1. of Thomas and Ann Fox Edward, s. of Joseph and Elizabeth Brown , Isaac Causabon, s. of Benjamin and Ann Chandler John, s. of John and Mary Johnson John, s. of John and Mary Pulley 1746. Elizabeth, d. of Charles and Magdaline Hugwood George, s. of John and Martha French William, s. of Thomas and Sarah Millisent William, s. of Benjamin and Sarah Robinson William, s. of William and Elizabeth Rogers Elizabeth, d. of Henry and Mary—Margaret—Eastman Edward, s. of Philip and Margaret Lemon 1747. William, s. of John and Elizabeth Glover John, s. of Samuel and Martha Baker John, s. of John and Mary Watson Catharine, d. of Benjamin and Ann Chandler James, s. of George and Anstis—A”ifs—WatsonjL Mary Ann. (1. of John and Ann Headaway Frances, d. of Thomas and Mary Dilnutt Willoughby, s. of John and Elizabeth Smith Richard Harris Bar/2mm: s. of Richard and Eliz : Barham Charlton. s. of Peter Parr and Mary Parr John, S. of Charles and Magdalen Hogwood 1748. Wm., s. of Wm. and Mary Holman Wm., s. of Benjamin and Mary Pidock Ann, d. of John and Ann Friend Ann, d. of Sam’l and Martha Baker John, s. of James and Martha Barham 9* In the original this surname is not clear. 1‘ Not clear in the original. I Barham crossed out in the original, but left in the Transcript. April 16 April 29 May Oct. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. 16 3 6 6 3 13 April 24 July Oct. Nov. Nov. Nov. Feb. May July Aug. Oct. Oct. Oct. ‘ Dec. Dec. Jan. May May June J lily ‘ 7 27 7 10 115. 16 31 19 16 15 22 23 24 29 21 4 28 23 l CHRISTENINGS. Philip, s. of Philip and Margaret Leman Walter, s. of Thomas and Sarah Prat Esther, d. of Henry and Mary Eastman Elizabeth, d. of John and Lucretia Denham 1749. Sarah, d. of John and Ann Frend—Friend Mary, (1. of Johnand Mary Hillman Mary, (1. of Christopher and Sarah—flIaIy—Hadman John, s. of John and Anne Upton Thomas, s. of Samuel and Martha Baker George, s. of John and Hannah Pierce Fran: Gregory, Curate" John, s. of John and Mary Drew Paul, s. of Thomas and Sarah Stokes Anne, d. of Henry and Mary Watson Mary, d. of William and Elizabeth Upton 1750. Margaret, (1. of Philip and Margaret Leman James, s. of Henry and Mary Eastman Mary, (1. of James and Mary Allen Charles, s. of Charles and Magdalen Hogivood Mary, d. of John and Mary Obryon Samuel, s. of Samuel and Sarah Smither Jan. 31‘[ Ann, d. of Samuel and Martha Baker William, s. of John and Hannah Pierce Annaria, d. of Elizabeth Brown, base born. 1751. William, s. of William and Ann Goold Ann, d. of John and Ann Frend Dorothy, d. of William and Mary Beverton Joseph, s. of William and Jane Davies Margaret, (1. of Thomas and Mary Dilnutt Paul, s. of James and Mary Page 1752. William, s. of William and Deborah Goldsmith James, s. of Philip and Margaret Leman Ann, d. of William and Elizabeth Upton Lucy, d. of Samuel and Martha Baker Elizabeth, (1. of GeOrge and Mary Parsons Elizabeth, (1. of William and Jane Purkins—Perkz'ngs John, s. of John and Jane Gosper Elizabeth Sussex, d. of George and Sarah Downing Elizabeth, (1. of Paul and Ann Stokes 1753. Elizabeth, (1. of John and Hannah Pierce Robert, s. of Charles and Magdalen Hogwood Alfred, s. of Alfred and Lydia Sabine 43 Mary, d. of James and Margaret Hart, was privately baptized, and brought to Church July 1 Hannah, d. of Thomas and Sarah Pratt * He signed thus until Dec. 9, I759. 1' Ian. 13 in the Transcript. 44 July 29 Aug. Sept. Sept. Oct. Dec. 15 3 27 17 3 Dec. 23 Jan. April May J uly Sept. Sept. Nov. Jan. Feb. Feb. Mar. May May May July Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Dec. Jan. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. 27 21 19 21 6 8 20 10 12 22 26 21 21 25 28 23 25 13 8 29 21 28 April 18 J uly Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. 17 23 3 16 20 .30 1 11 10 4 6 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. John, s. of Edward and Elizabeth Nash Mary, base born d. of Magdalen Whitfield Elizabeth Ann, d. of James and Ann Teale George, base born s. of Lucretia Denham Philadelphia, d. of William and Philadelphia Balderston William, s. of William and Eliz : Upton William, s. of John and Ann Watson 1754. John, s. of John and Ann Frend Richard, s. of John and Hannah Peirce Elizabeth, d. of Peter and Mary Loate Samuel, s. of Samuel and Martha Baker Sarah, d. of William and Ann Arnway Sarah, (1. of Alfred and Lydia Sabine Jane, (1. of James and Margaret Hart 1755. William, s. of John and Martha Moone Tho’s, base born s. of Elizabeth Brown James, s. of William and Africa Turner Anne, (1. of John and Anne Watson Henrietta, d. of Philip and Mary Hudson Mary, (1. of Nicholas and Sarah Everad Ralf, s. of Wiltshire and Mary Wilson Thomas, s. of Paul and Ann Stokes Mary, d. of Edward and Elizabeth Nash Samuel, s. of Charles and Magdalen Hogwood Margaret, d. of Samuel and Martha Baker Hannah,.d. of John and Anne Frend Henry, s. of John and Judith Gosportporn Anne, d. of Thomas and Mary Seed 1756. Anne, d. of Peter and Jennet Wyer William, s. of Richard and Mary Fairman Sarah, d. of Robert and Elizabeth Mortimore John, s. of John and Joanna Jackson Frances, d. of Tho’s and Mary Murrall Robert, s. of William and Isabella Stoney Henry, s. of William and Elizabeth Briggs Elizabeth, d. of Edward and Elizabeth Nash Benjamin, s. of Benjamin and Sarah Bennett John, s. of John and Ann Watson Martha, d. of John and Martha Moone Martha, d. of Samuel and Martha Baker Mary Anna, d. of John and Hannah Pierce 1757. Hester, base born d. of Mary Austen Thomas, s. of Paul and Ann Stokes Elizabeth, d. of William and Ann Stokes John, s. of John and Eliz’t/z Pilcher Stephen, s. of John and Mary Hawkins Isaac, s. of Thomas and Mary Dilnutt Hester, d. of John and Ann Frend Thomas, s. of Thomas and Alice White Jan. 8 Jan.,29 Feb. 1 Mar. 19 April 23 April 23 May 21 July 2 July 21 Sept. 17 Sept. 24 Dec. 24 Feb. 11 April 24 April 29 May 27 June 3 June 10 Dec. 2 Dec. 9 Dec. 26 Feb. 17 April 4 April 27 June 3 July 8 Aug. 3 Aug. 20 Sept. 14 Oct. 30 Nov. 23* Dec. 14 Mar. 29 April 5 April 13 April 25 June 1 June 10 July 12 Aug. 2 Aug. 6 ‘ Ang. 23 Dec. 3 Dec. 3 Dec. 28 1' Thomas Forster, Rector, also signed the next five pages, that is, to Aug. 12,1763. CHRISTENINGS. 1758. John, s. of Alfred and Lydia Sabine John, s. of Thomas and Elizabeth Redofif Thomas, s. of Thomas and Eleanor Collins Elizabeth, (1. of Michael and Lucretia Markham Thomas, s. of John and Mary Fox Jkohn, s. of William and Sarah Baker illiam, s. of Charles and Magdalen Hogwood Mary Ann, d. of William and Ann Stokes Marmaduke. s. of Benjamin and Mary Dove John, s. of John and Margaret Chalklin Francis James, s. of James and Elizabeth Knight Hester, d. of Samuel and Martha Baker 1759. Ann, d. of William and Ann Lane Jane Kingsford, d. of Walter and Elizabeth Prett William, s. of John and Eliz’l/z Basketfield Charles, s. of John and Ann Frend Mary Elizabeth, d. of John and Elizabeth Seath Ann, d. of John and Ann Fenner Mary, d. of John and Margaret Chalklin Michael, s. of Michael and Lucretia Markham Ann, d. of John and Elizabeth Bates 1760. Robert, s. of George and Ann Jobson Job, s. of Job and Elizabeth Gambier Edward, s. of Alfred and Lydia Sabine Margaret, d. of William and Hester Loftie John Hollingberry, s. of George and Mary Stringer Ann, (1. of William and Ann Stokes Bennett, (1. of John and Elizabeth Robinson James, s. of Philip and Mary Flagdagen Elisabeth, d. of John and Elisabeth Betts Richard, s. of Richard and Elisabeth Mead Tho. Forster, Rector]L Mary, d. of Job and Anne Laurence 1761. John, s. of John and Elisabeth Seath Sophia, (1. of John and Anne Frend John, base born 3. of Mary Ellis Mary, (1. of William and Anne Lanes « William, s. of William and Esther Loftie Henry, s. of Ezekiel and Mary Eastman Angela, d. of Edward and Elisabeth Maxted Henry, s. of John and Margaret Chalklen Thomas, s. of George and Mary Stringer Joseph, s. of Michael and Lucrece Markham Martha, (1. of James and Margaret Le Cerf, otherwise Hart Harriot, d. of John and Elisabeth Betts Thomas, s. of William and‘Mary Matson - *5 In the margin, below this date, “Exd MM.” 45 46 Feb. Feb. Mar. May Aug. Aug. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. N 0v. Dec. Jan. Feb. Feb. Mar. May May May May June July Aug. Aug. Aug. Feb. Mar. Mar. May June July July Aug. Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Mar. 26 26 11 25 22 29 26 27 18 27 31 16 25 12 24 3 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. 1762. John, s. of John and Elisabeth Basketfield Kezia, d. of Job and Elisabeth Gambier Anne, d. of Noah and Anne Bolaine Edward, s. of Charles and Mary Justice Mary, (1. of John and Elisabeth Robinson George, s. of George and Mary Stringer Smith, s. of Richard and Elisabeth Mead Anne, d. of John and Elisabeth Betts Philip, s. of Richard and Margaret James Margaret, d. of Michael and Lucrece Markham Mary, d. of Thomas and Elisabeth Scammel Joseph, s. of Joseph and Elisabeth Dainty, a soldier’s child 1763. William-Hanson, s. of William and Mary Long, being then 28 days old William, s. of Job and Elisabeth Gambier Charles, s. of John and Mary Friend Hannah-Shanks, d. of Walter and Elisabeth Prat Mary, d. of John and Sarah Longbridge John, s. of John and Elisabeth Dawson John-Skeere, s. of William and Esther Loftie Edward, s. of Noah and Anne Bolaine. The child was born in the fore part of the house Robert, s. of John and Elisabeth Seath Joel, s. of Charles and Magdalene Hogwood Henry, s. of Job and Anne Lawrence William, s. of John and Anne Frend Tho. Forster, Rector Mary, (1. of John and Mary Tilly 1764. Mary, (1. of John and Elisabeth Smith John, s. of John and Jane Ellis Mary, (1. of John and Elisabeth Baskerville Mary Ann, base born (1. of Elisabeth Swan ‘ Easter, d. of Noah and Anne Bolaine. The child was born in the fore part of the house Susanna, d. of James and Susanna Macdougall Sarah, d. of George and Mary Stringer Grace, (1. of John and Mary Frend William, s. of John and Anne Frend Fran: Gregory, .Rector7“ John, s. of John and Eliz: Betts Anne, (1. of Thomas and Susanna Batt John, s. of John and Eliz: Seath Dorothy, d. of Captain John Riou and Dorothy 1765. Thomas, base: born 3. of Eliz. Hubbard Charles, s. of Job and Eliz’lz Gambeer Frances, d. of John and Eliz’b Robinson Thomas Simeon, s. of Richard and Margaret James John, s. of William and Mary Matson * Fran: Gregory signs thus until Oct. 23, I776. He signed the Transcript ending Oct. 23, r764, “Fran: Gregory, Curate.” CHRISTENINGS. Mar. 28 John, s. of Thomas and Mary Pepper . , May 9 Herbert, s. of Christopher and Thomasin Pack 5 May 12 Benjamin, s. of Benjamin and Mary Dove June 10 Elizabeth, (1. of Stephen and Mary Fuggles Aug. 6 Thomas, s. of John and Sarah Longbridge Sept. 8 Richard, s. of John and Mary Fuller ; Sept. 15 Anne Dorcas, d. of Philip and Susanna Penn 7i Oct. 20 Thomas, s. of William and Mary Scott . Nov. 3 Celia, d. of John and Celia Stokes Dec. 8 Mary, (1. of Thomas and Susanna Batt Dec. 22 Elizabeth, d. of John and Elizabeth Baker 1766. Feb. 9 Thomas Vincen, s. of John and Elizabel/z Bissaker April 4 Thomas, s. of Thomas and Mary Pepper May 18 Elizabeth, d. of John and Elizabeth Baskerville June 22 Edward, s. of George and Mary Parsons Aug. 15 Penelope, d. of Richard and Mary Bowden Aug. 24 John, s. of Richard and Helena Griffiths Oct. 5 Anne, (1. of Richard and Elizabeth Mead Nov. 2 Stephen, s. of John and Anne Frend Nov. 9 Hester, d. of Job and Elizabel/z Gambeer Dec. 14 Mary, d. of Thomas and Martha Earl 1767. Jan. 6 Anne, (1. of Thomas and Anne Hopkins Jan. 14 Anne, d. of Wz'll’m and Anne Pyson Feb. 8 Margaret, d. of Thomas and Anne Castle 1 Feb. 22 Betty, d. of Jonathan and Catharine Branscomb - Mar. 11 Rosara, d. of Solomon and Mary Foot Mar. 22 Sarah, d. of Richard and Margaret James Mar. 29 Susanna Gregory, (1. of John and Elizabel/z Baker April 5 William, s. of Benjamin and Mary Dove June 14 William, s. of Philip and Susanna Penn July ‘5 Maria, (1. of Thomas and Hester Woodman July 26 William, s. of John and Elizabeth Seath . Nov. 22 John, s. of Thomas and Mary Pepper 1768. Jan. 6 William, s. of John and Sarah Longbridge Jan. 26 John, s. of John and Elizabellz Baker Feb. 13 John, s. of George and Mary Hills Feb. 14 Alexander, s. ofJohn and Hester Hart 7 Feb. 27 Ann, d. of William and Martha Bell ,‘ ' May 29 Richard. s. of John and Elizabeth Howard June 19 Richard, s. of George and Mary Parsons July 17 John, s. of William and Mary Oliver :1 Sept. 13 Barbara, d. of the Revd. Mr. John Loftie and Charlotte his Wife Aug. 21 William, s. of Edward and Rebecca Burles‘“ Nov. 27 Susanna, d. of Philip and Susanna Penn > J Nov. 27 Sarah Barbit, d. of Thomas and Sarah Dean Dec. 12 Lucrece, d. of Michael and Lucrece Markham 1769. Jan. 8 John Hale Edarb, s. of Jacob and Mary F edarb * 1n the margin : “ This shd. have been inserted between July I7 and Sepr. I 3.” 47 48 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. Jan. 25 Mary, C]. of Joseph and Margaret Basset Feb. 12 Kitty Mary, d. of John and Elizabeth Baskerville Feb. 15 George, s. of Christopher and Showasine* Pack Aug. 28 Horatio, s. of Job and Elizabeth Gambier 1770. Jan. 7 Mary, (1. of Benjamin and Catharine Hooper Jan. 22 Eliz’lz Ann, (1. of John and Elizaéet/z Jagger Feb. 21 Mary, d. of Thomas and Mary Pepper Feb. 25 Mary, d. of Stephen and Mary Philpot April 6 Ann and Hannah, ds. of John and Sarah Ray April 29 Thomas, s. of John and Celia Stokes May 2 Daniel, s. of John and ElizaéeZ/z White May 6 John, s. of William and Ann Pysing July 1 Edward, s. of George and Mary Parsons Aug. 31 George, s. of John and Alice Lepine Sept. 9 John, s. of George and Eleanor Ashman ' 1771. Jan. 6 Elizabeth, (1. of William and Susanna Felton Jan. 20 Anne, d. of John and Elizabeth Baskerville Mar. 3 Esther, d. of Edward and Anne Young Mar. 24 Harriot, d. of Philip and Susanna Penn Mar. 24 Elizabeth, (1. of Stephen and Mary Philpot April 24 Jane, d. of Thomas and Jane Freud July 21 Thomas, s. of Thomas and Hannah Wheeler July 28 John, s. of John and Sarah Goldfinch Sept. 11 Mary, (1. of John and Martha Southee Oct. 6 FranCes, d. of John and Eliz: White Oct. 13 Richard, s. of John and Margaret Crow Nov. 17 Harriot, d. of Daniel and Susanna Hayward Nov. 27 Elizabeth, (1. of John and Alice Lepine 1772. Jan. 12 Mary, d. of John and Mary Matthewson, privately baptized at Richmond in May last, was admitted into the congregation at this church. Jan. 15 Mary, (1. of Mary Huxstep (base born) Feb. 6 Edward, s. of Edward and Anne Bushel April 5 Robert, s. of John and Sarah Longbridge April 11 William, s. of John and Mary Denne: born in ye fore part of ye house May 31 Amelia, d. of Edward and Thomasin Philpott June 14 Sarah, (1. of Edward and Anne Batchilder Aug. 23 Mary, (1. of John and Levine Oliver Sept. 20 Anne, (1. of John and Anne Gibson Oct. 18 Robert, s. of John and Mary Vincent Nov. 22 Charlotte, d. of John and Eliz’lz White Nov. 29 Celia, d. of John and Celia Stokes 1773. Jan. 3 Thomas, s. of Stephen and Mary Philpot Feb. 19 George Alexander, s. of Thomas and Anne Saunders Mar. 21 Mary, (1. of Thomas and Sarah Dean April 11 Sarah, (1. of Philip and Susanna Penn May 16 John, s. of John and Margaret Crow June 13 John, s. of John and Elizabeth Baskerville 9* This name is equally clear in the Transcript. See above, May 9, I765. , ”“911! ,. «:qu '4r 3' ‘ "TEN-'7?" ) aura-mam ”'2‘"? v 1, «ui'ma‘vwr‘tfi-A , ‘ . July 4 July 25 Aug. 11 Aug. 15 Sept. 1 Sept. 5 Nov. 5 Feb. 16 Feb. 27 Mar. 13 Mar. 18 May 11 May 12 July 12 July 17 Nov. 20 Jan. 10 Mar. 5 Mar. 25 April 7 April l6 April 19 May 14 May 14 May 21 May 28 July 26 Aug. 13 CHRISTENINGS. 49 Anne, d. of John and Elizabeth Jagger Elizabeth, d. of Edward and Anne Bushel Diana, d. of John and Martha Southee Edward, s. of Edward and Thomasin Philpot Thomas, s. of Thomas and Margaret Harnett Thomas Francis, 5. of Daniel and Susanna Hayward Judith, d. of Henry and Mary Parkinson 1774. Elizabeth, (1. of John and Levinia Oliver Elizabeth Bissaker, d. of Thomas and Elizabet/z Dowsett James, s. of John and Ann Gibson—Gz'pson William, s. of William and Ann Beal Eleanor, d. of George and Anne Greenwood Susanna, d. of John and Elizabeth Lugard Elizabeth Frances Charlotte, (1. of John and Elizabeth White Samuel, s. of John and Alice Lepine, was baptized—was buried" Stephen, s. of Stephen and Mary Philpott 1775. Elizabeth, (1. of John and Martha Southee Sarah, C]. of John and Margaret Hugwood John, s. of William and Anne Beal Charles, s. of John and Mary Vincent George, s. of Philip and Susanna Penn John, s. of Daniel and Susanna Hayward James, s. of John and Anne Covey William, s. of Nathaniel and Elizabeth Hulks Elizabeth, (1. of Thomas and Sarah Dean ~ Mary, (1. of Jacob and Mary Walter Sarah, d. of George and Sarah Kirkby Penelope, baseborn d. of Elizabeth Pierce Henry, s. of Henry and Mary Buckton John, s. of Henry and Mary Buckton 1776. John, s. of Adam and Sarah Fowle Charles, s. of Stephen and Mary Philpott John Osborn, s. of John and Anne Gibson Hetty Betty, d. of John and Elizabeth Baskerville Anne, d. of John and Anne Hemer Sarah Anne, d. of William and Anne Beal Harriot, d. of Frank and Catharine Vincent Charlotte, baseborn d. of Isabella Vincent 1777. Elizabeth, d. of Joseph and Anne Carter , Thomas, s. of Thomas and Elizabeth Southee Catharine, d. of Abraham and Esther Taylor John, s. of John and Martha Southee Esthepd. of Mr. William Loftie, Alderman of this City, and Esther his W1 e 'John, s. of John and Mary Vincent Richard, s. of Daniel and Susannah Hayward Elizabeth Ismay, d. of John and Elizabeth Cumming—Cummings Thomas, s. of Thomas and Sarah Dean * This appears among the baptismal entries in the Transcript. 50 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. Nov. 5 William Lawrance, s. of Jacob and Mary Walter Dec. 14 Charlotte, d. of Edward and Ann Clark Dec. 21 William, s. of Stephen and Mary Philpot 1778. Jan. 15 Mary, d. of Wm. and Ann Beal J. Ford, Rectofi‘ Feb. 15 Joseph, s. of John and Elizabeth Illenden Feb. 22 Sarah, d. of Abraham and Hester Taylor May 10 William, s. of Thomas and 'Eliz’h Southee Aug. 19 Isabella Hannahfir d. of Christopher and Ann Creed Sept. 6 Sarah, d. of Alfred and Mary Sabine Nov. 22 John, s. of John and Ann Gipson Dec. 5 William, s. of George and Sarah Kirkby 1779. Feb. 7 John, s. of John and Hester Baker Feb. 14 Thomas, s. of William and Susannah Knatchbull Mar. 14 Frances, d. of William and Ann Beal Mar. 21 John, s. ‘of Philip and Susannah Penn Mar. 27 Samuel, s. of Jacob and Mary Walter April 13 William Bowrn, s. of Charles and Ann Corbyn May 2 John, s. of William and Anna Fletcher June 17 Susannah, d. of Daniel and Susannah Hayward July 25 Jemima, d. of Frank and Catharine Vincent Oct. 17 ‘Mary, d. of Abraham and Hester Taylor Oct. 17 Charles, s. of Tho’s and Eliz’h Southee Nov. 7 George, s. of Stephen and Mary Philpott 1780. Jan. 23 Sarah, d. of George and Catherine Parsons April 4 William, s. of John and Elizabeth Cumming April 16 James, s. of Eliz’h Roalf, base born July 9 Alfred, s. of Alfred and Mary Sabine July 19 Ann, d. of Tho’s and Eliz’h Lade Aug. 21 Matthew Morris, s. of George and Sarah Kirkby Oct. 1 Ann, (1. of Wm. and Ann—Anna—Fletcher 1781. Jan. 5 James, s. of John and Mary Vincent _ Jan. 5 Susannah, d. of Abraham and Hester—Helier—Taylor Feb. 20 Sarah, d. of Stephen and Mary Philpott May 241 Wm. Henry, s. of Wm. and Hester Loftie, was publickly and April 13th, 1781, was privately baptized—Bap’d prim/e. Publick May 24 April 15 Edw’d, s. of Daniel and Susana Hayward June 13, William, s. of Richard and Eliz’h Rouse July 8 William, s. of Eliza’th Pierce, base born July 22 George Augustus, s. of John and Hester Baker Aug. 5 Michael, s. of Tho’s and Mary Lade Sept. 15 John, s. of George and Mary Leathe Nov. 4 Jane, (1. of Wm. and Anna Fletcher Nov. 11 John, s. of Tho’s and Elizabeth Southee. 1782. Jan. 6 Wm. Barton, 5. of Wm. and Ann Bates ‘ * James Ford signed the book certainly up to 1812. 1‘ The Transcript omits Hannah. 1 April I3 in the Transcript. . CHRISTENINGS. 5 1 Feb. 21 Wm., s. of John and Eliz'h Phillips April 28 ' James, s. of James and Mary Cook June 16 William. s. of Abraham and Hester Taylor May 19 William. s. of Wm. and Sarah Chandler, baptized, prz'vale. Publz'ck fuly ye’ 10. Aug. 4 William, s. of Stephen and Mary Philpott Aug. 16 Frank, s. of Frank and Catharine Vincent Sept. 28 Joseph, s. of John and Hannah Smith Oct. 13 John, s. of Rich’d and Elizabeth Mackett Oct. 27 Daniel, s. of Daniel and Susannah HayWard Nov. 17 Hester Elizabeth, d. of John and Mary Fisher Dec. 8 William Mercurius, s. of Wm. and Jane Baskerville Dec. 22 Thomas, s. of Tho’s and Mary Marsh 1783. Jan. 27 John, s. of John and Sarah Carden Feb. 4 Mary Ann, d. of Tho’s and Eliz’fz Southee May 25 John, s. of George and Sarah Kirkby July 6 James, s. of Richard and Elizabeth Stone July 30 Sarah, d. of John and Elizabeth Phillips Oct. 1 Sarah, d. of Thomas and Sarah Jarvis Nov. 9 Hester, d. of Wm. and Anna Fletcher’“ 1784. Jan. 18 Mary Ann, (1. of John and Mary Fisher - Mar. 12 Osborne, s. of John and Hester Baker April 5 Sophia, (1. of Tho’s and Elizabeth Southee April 18 Richard, s. of Richard and Christian Head April 25 Maria, (1. of John and Sarah Fox Jan. 251 Mary Amelia, d. of William and Sarah Chandler, was baptized Prz'vale. Publz'ck Illay ye 4, 1784. May 16 Michael, s. of Michael and Elizabeth Wood July 11 John, s. of John and Sarah Mears July 16 ’I‘homasin, d. of Stephen and Mary Philpot Aug. 1 Elizabeth, d. of John and Hannah Daniels Aug. 2 Catharine, d. of Robert and Catharine Carden Aug. 8 Richard and John, sons of Richard and Elizabeth Mackett Sept. 26 Abraham, 8. of Abraham and Hester Taylor Dec. 26 Ann, (1. of Henry and Sarah Bushel 1785. Jan. 23 Edward, s. of John and Elizabeth Carlton Feb. 13 Henry, s. of Daniel and Susannah Hayward Feb. 13 Mary Ann, d. of James and Mary Miller Mar. 22 Robert,.s. of John and Sarah Carden April 6 Ann, (1. of John and Elizabeth Phillips Aug. 1 Ann, d. of Robert and Catharine Carden Sept. 4 William, s. of Jane Lade, Bass Boma’ 1786. Jan. 8 William, s. of Michael and Elizabeth Wood Jan. 15 John Wootton, s. of Thomas and Mary Lade Jan. 22 John, s. of Isaac and Sarah Newton Feb. '6 Thomas, s. of Thomas and Elizabeth Southee 'Feb. 9 Charles, s. of George and Sarah Kirkby " In the margin: “The Act commences." (The reference is to the Stamp Act. See Introd. to St. Peter’s Reg., p. xi. , 1‘ So in the original and Transcript. 52 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. Feb. 12 Mary, d. of John and Sarah Fox Mar. 5 Elizabeth, d. of Henry and Sarah Bushell Mar. 12 William, s. of William and Mary Fletcher Mar. 26 William, s. of Sarah Powell, Bass Bornd April 2 Mary, C]. of Richard and Elizabeth Mackett April 9 Amelia, d. of Stephen and Mary Philpott April 23 Sarah, d. of Richard and Elizabeth Stone May 21 Charles, s. of Charles and Sarah Smith June 11 William, s. of John and Sarah Mears Aug. 6 Hester Elizabeth, d. of Henry and Margaret Stephens Sept. 3 Stephen, s. of Stephen and Frances Hollowday Sept. 26 Mary Ann, d. of John and Elizabeth Cumming Nov. 8 Harriot, d. of Tho’s and Elizabeth Laker Nov. 15 George, s. of John and Sarah Carden 1787. April 1 Daniel, s. of Daniel and Susanna Hayward April 8 Thomas, s. of John and Margaret Stifi‘ April 25 Mary Ann, (1. of Philip and Elizabeth Blogg May 2 Francis. 5. of Francis and Ann Cobb May 13 Charlotte, d. of John and Elizabeth Carlton July 29 Mary, d. of Thomas and Catharine Green Aug. 26 Caroline Mary}: (1. of Isaac and Sarah Hoone Sept. 23 John, s. of Charles and Sarah Smith Sept. 30 Ann, (1. of Henry and Sarah Bushell Sept. 30 John, s. of John and Sarah Fox Oct. 24 Sarah, d. of John and Sarah Holladay Nov. 18 Edmund Smith, s. of Abraham and Hester Taylor Dec. 26 Hester Ann, d. of John and Sarah Mears 1788. Jan. 28 Edward, s. of Thomas and Elizabeth Southee Jan. 30 Sarah, d. of John and Sarah Carden Feb. 6 Sophia, (1. of Peter and Sarah Bell Feb. 6 Frederick, s. of John and Sarah Horne May 4 Mary Ann, d. of Philip and Elizabeth Blogg May 4 Mary Ann, d. of Daniel and Susannah Hayward May 19 Charlotte, (1. of Stephen and Mary Philpot, was born April 29th, 1788, baptized May 19tth May 29 Mary Fellows, daughter of Mary Lawrence Aug. 24 Edward, s. of Edward and Sarah Clark Oct. 9 Charles, s. of James and Lucy Maria Tiblaine Oct. 19 William Henry, s. of Wm. and Mary Fletcher Dec. 23 Richard Harris Barham, s. of Elizabeth Fox, was baptized: Dec. 25 James, s. of James and Sarah Pierce Dec. 26 John, s. of John and Elizabeth Hammond Dec. 28 Thomas, s. of John and Frances Potvine 1789. April 10 William Edward Lakerll Mar. 29 George, s. of John and Elizabeth Carlton" Mar. 27 Frederick, s. of William and Ann Bates ll April 26 Henry, s. of Daniel and Susanna Makenzie * The Transcript omits Mary. 1” Interlined, with a reference mark, immediately under the date 1788. iThe Transcript corresponds exactly with the original. I need hardly mention The [ngoldséy Legends. I] These three entries stand in the original in the order here given, but “ Ist " is placed before March 29, and “2nd ” before April IO. The third (March 27) has no figure before it. ' v.8. it i r i r E r .. i 3 €« :5. April May 27 10 May 31 Dday Sept Sept ()ct Nev. Nov. I)ec. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. July July Aug. Sept. Sept Sept Sept ()cL 110v. I)ec. IDec Feb. Blah June June Aug. Aug. Sept ()cL Oct. Plov. Iqov. 110v. I)ec. I)ec. , Feb. Feb. Mar. April May 31 14 27 11 25 13 .31 17 28 21 25 27 10 19 19 22 29 10 24 15 CHRISTENINGS. 53 Thomas, s. of Michael‘and Elizabeth Wood Thomas, s. of Charles and Sarah Smith Frances, d. of Thomas and Elizabeth Southee Sarah, d. of Daniel and Susanna Swalfer Stephen, s. of Stephen and Frances Halladay John Fletcher, s. of John and Mary Wraight Sarah, (1. of Henry and Sarah Bushell Elizabeth, d. of Daniel and Susanna Hayward Sophia, d. of John and Sarah Horne Richard, s. of John and Mary Vidgen 1790. Sarah, (1. of John and Sarah Mears Sarah, d. of John and Sarah Fox Edward, s. of Stephen and Mary Philpo’tt Hester, d. of Abraham and Hester Taylor Charlotte Matilda, d. of Henry and Mary Collison Thomas, s. of John and Susanna Abbott Ann, d. of William and Mary Fletcher, was publickly baptized, and pri— vately June 28th Charles, s. of Robert and Rebecca Linfield George, s. of David and Ann Falkener Mary Sarah, (1. of Henry and Mary Gillman Robert, s. of John and Elizabeth Carlton Mary Ann, d. of Charles and Sarah Smith Samuel, s. of Mary Rye Elizabeth, (1. of Robert and Elizabeth Parker Mary, (1. of John and Ann Halliday Charles Gillhamfi‘ s. of Green and Sarah Job Mary Loftie, d. of Matthias and Margaret Rutton, was privately baptized: born Decr. 22d and received into the church Jany. 21, 1791 1791. Charlotte, (1. of William and Ann Bates 27]L John Taylor, s. of Abraham and Hester Taylor. P. 3 29 14 28 22 13 20 16 2O 28 18 25 15 19 18 21 2 Mary, d. of Robert and Mary—Marget—Foord Stephen, s. of Tho’s and Elizabeth Southee Isaac, s. of Edward and Sarah ClarkeJ; P. Thomas, s. of Thomas and Mary Shindler Elizabeth, d. of Daniel and Susannah Swaffer. P. George, s. of George and Mary Stockwell fifary, d. of Edw’a’ and [Mary Austen William, s. of John and Mary Stringer Amelia, d. of IPhebe Chapel Mary Ann, d. of Thomas and Mary Cayn Mary, d. of Elizabeth Rye William, s. of William and Sarah Johnson 1792. William, s. of John and Mary Wraight Ann, d. of John and Ann Holloday Edmund, s. of William and Mary Fletcher Thomas, s. of Thomas and Elizabeth Southee Cecilia Alice,“ d. of John and Susanna Abbot July 6 Ann, (1. of John and Sarah Mears _ . * The Transcript omits Gillham. TJune 27 in the Transcript. i The Transcript only gives “ Isaac Son of ” of this entry. II The Transcript omits Alice. 54 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. Sept. 16 Maria, d. of John and Phillis Gilbert Oct. 22 Sarah, d. of Robert and Margaret Foord Oct. 29 Thomasin, d. of Herbert and Elizabeth Packe: born Septr. 12th Nov. 11 Robert, s. of Robert and Ann Titus. P. 1793. Jan. 27 Elizabeth, d. of John and Elizabeth Carlton Mar. 14 ‘William, s. of James and Sarah Burgess Mar. 29 Mary,‘d. of Thomas and Mary Shindler May 16 William, s. of John and Frances Potvine May 21* Ann, d. of John and Hannah Jager July 10 Caroline, (1. of Thomas and Ann Clowes Aug. 25 George, s. of Michael and Elizabeth Wood Sept. 8 Elizabeth, d. of Abraham and Hester Taylor Sept. 25 Stephen, s. of John and Elizabeth Plummer Nov. 30 Charles, s. of William and Sarah Johnson Dec. 1 Jane, (1. of Daniel and Susannah Swaffer Dec. 15 Edward, s. of John and Amelia Spenser Dec. 15 Augustus—Augustz'n—s. of William and Elizabeth Spain Dec. 25 Sarah, d. of Green and Sarah Job 1794. Jan. 16 Alice Bunce, d. of John and Susannah Abbot Jan. 28 Thomas, s. of William and Mary Fletcher Mar. 2 Margaret, d. of Joseph and Jane Harnett Mar. 16 Elizabeth, d. of John and Mary Wraight April 13 Edward, s. of John and Elizabeth Parker April 20 George, s. of John and Ann Holyday Aug. 14 John, s. of Thomas and Mary Shindler Oct. 5 Maria, d. of Edward and Mary Wilson Oct. 26 Dennis, s. of William and Margaret Janes Dec. 3 Mary Ann, d. of William and Sarah Johnson Dec. 25 Sarah Wright Flood ‘ Vide New Register BookqL 1795. Feb. 9 George, s. of John and Amelia Spencer Feb. 20 Elizabeth Ann, d. of John and Mary Stiff Feb. 24 Catharine, d. of John and Sarah Gipson Feb. 221 William, s. of William and Elizabeth Spain April 12 John, s. of John and Frances Potvine ‘ April 23 Grace, d. of John and Elizabeth Plummer June 10 Julia, d. of Thomas and Ann Clowes July 5 John, s. of John and Mary Minter Aug. 23 John, s. of Henry and Sarah Arcock Oct. 4 Jane, d. of Michael and Elizabeth Wood Oct. 26 Elizabeth Jane, d. of Capt’n Robert Graves (of the Somerset Regiment of Militia) and Elizabeth Jane his wife Nov. 4 Thomas, s. of Southee and Sarah Wear Nov. 7 John, s. of John and Lucy Field Dec. 6 Ann, (1. of Abraham and Hester Taylor 1796. Mar. 19 William, s. of Thomas and Arabella Walsh as The Transcript says May 10th. 1“ The baptismal entries in Vol. 3 end thus. The remainder of the page is blank, except that “Decem 3 1794” has been written and crossed out. Marriages commence on the next page. ll SO in the original, but 24 in the Transcript. April 5 ( May 1 .. May 22 A May 28 June 19 Aug. 19 i, Oct. 16 2 Nov. 15 Nov. 20 Nov. 30 Dec. 11 Dec. 30 Feb. 1 Feb. 9 Dian 12 April 23 June 6 June 21 Sept. 24 Oct. 19 Oct. 22 Nov. 23 Nov. 26 Nov. 26 Dec. 22 . .6 . 13 26 CHRISTENINGS. Ann, d. of William and Ann Horribin Mary Ann, C]. of John and Elizabeth Munday George, s. of James and Sarah Burgess Richard, s. of John ,and Mary Stiff Thomas Fletcher, s. of John and Mary Wraight Mary, d. of Thomas and Ann Philpot George, s. of Charles and Lydia Blackman George Polglaze, s. of William and Elizabeth Tubb William, s. of Ann Jackson George, s. of Thomas and Elizabeth Back Ann, d. of John and Ann Evance Thomas, s. of Green and Sarah Job 1797. Maria, (1. of Henry and Sarah Bushell Maria, (1. of John Hollingberry and Anna Maria Elizabetha Stringer"F Matilda, d. of George and Priscilla Lemar Elizabeth, (1. of John and Philippia Johns Charlotte, d. of Southee and Sarah Wear John Zechariah, s. of John and Elizabeth Plummer Margaret, (1. of John and Mary Stifi" Mary Ann,]L d. of Thomas and Mathia Burgess Anna Elizabeth, d. of Valentine and Mary Chandler Hannah, d. of William and Margaret Janes Mary, d. of William and Charlotte Jones John, s. of William and Elizabeth Spain Thomas, s. of William and Mary Grisbrook Joseph, s. of Charles and Elizabeth Austin Elizabeth, (1. of Charles and Elizabeth Austin Elizabeth and Joannah, ds. of John and Mary Monday Sarah, d. of Henry and Sarah Haycock 1798. 55 Mary Frances. rd. of John and Susanna Abbot—and born Octr. 1st, 1797 John, s. of Mary Allen Maria, (1. of Thomas and Elizabeth Buck—Back Mary Ann, (1. of George and Priscilla Lemar Thomas, s. of William and Ann Finch Thomas, s. of Richard and Sarah Elliott John, s. of John and Sarah Mould Carolina, d. of Edward and Sarah Clark Alice, (1. of James and Sarah Bur ess Martha, d. of James and Sarah all James, s. of Charlotte Savage John Lawrence, s. of John and Mary Stiff Maria Charlotte, d. of Daniel and Susanna Swaffer Abraham, s. of Abraham and Hester Taylor Mary, d. of Valentine and Mary Chandler Sarah, d. of Thomas and Mary Kendal Elizabeth Read, d. of Elizabeth Lawrence Hannah, d. of John and Mary Wraight 1799. Samuel, s. of Joseph and Ann Pitt, privately baptized at Birmingham, April 24th, 1795, and publickly in this church, May 26th, 1799 * The Transcript omits Hollingberry and Elizabetha. 1“ Transcript omits Ann. 56 May 26 July 4 July 14 July 17 July 19 ‘ July 21 Aug. 6 Oct. 4 Oct. 13 Nov. 6 Dec. 8 ‘Dec. 8 Dec. 29 Jan. 24 Feb. 2 Feb. 20 May 4 May 18 July 13 July 13 July 20 July 20 fuly 20 July 27 July 27 Oct. 12 Nov. 9 Dec. 6 Dec. 28 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. Joseph, s. of Joseph and Ann Pit John, s. of John and Susanna Abbot Halrriot, d. of Nicholas and Ann Farr John Southee, s. of Southee and Sarah Wear Thomas, s. of Thomas and Sarah Swaine Charlotte, (1. of Thomas and Elizabeth Back Edward, s. of John and Mary Royne William Tassel, s. of John and Sarah Tyrell John, s. of Thomas and Mary Saxby Joseph, s. of George and Priscilla Lemar Jane, d. of Thomas and Martha Burges Mary, d. of John and Mary Stiff Martha, d. of Thomas and Elizabeth Demling—Demllmes 1800. Charles Henry, s. of Henry and Mary Ann Hutton (Major in the Royal Artillery) William, s. of John and Elizabeth Plummer John, s. of John and Bennet Scripts Mary, (1. of Captain Pattison Tinling and Mary Ann his Wife Robert, s. of John and Mary Monday Emily, d. of Henry and Sarah Bushell Margaret, d. of James and Isabella Downey William Pitt, 3. of Valentine and Mary Chandler Frances, d. of William and Frances Fowler William, s. of Green and Sarah Job Elisabet/z, d. of William and Francis (sic) Fowler James, s. of Samuel and Margaret Small Charlotte, (1. of James and Mary Ponton William, s. of William and Margaret Janes William, s. of Philip and Mary Blogg John, s. of Henry and Mary Andrews—Andors John, s. of William and Alice Welman Dec. 25* Mary Ann, (1. of George and Priscilla Lemar * So in the original, but Dec. 29 in the Transcript. rSlt’he flames at them: that were mamyefl th the itf’gshe at Saght Mary; Wagflalehe ht @ahterhurg. 1559. Jan. 19 John Haccher of Sturmothe to Jone Naylor 1560. May ‘ 1 John Cawell to Eme Tastred Sept. 19 Walter Grenlefi‘ of the p’yshe of Eythorne vnto Elizabeth Gamon of the same p’yshe, by a letter of testimonyall 15 61. [No Marriages] 1562. [No Transcript] 1563. June 13 Charles Banck’s of the p’ysh of St. Andrewes to Elizabeth Joye of thys p’yshe 1564. May 7 Rob't Eyne to Agnes Albryght Nov. 7 Thomas Bodyman to Franc’s Lod, wydo 1565. Jan. 25 Wyll’m Nethersole of the p’ysh of Hawkyng to Jone Stephens of the p’ys[h] of Mary Magdale’s Feb. 8 Wyll’m Bennet of Faversham to Margery Walton of the p’yshe of Mary Magdalens ,May*24 Georg Jackessos of St. Dunsmne to Marryon Flveccher of the p’ysh of Mary Magdalens 1566. 7 April 22 Lawrance Dellys and Margaret Yourke July 14 Barthelmewe Stocke and Elysabeth Waller Oct. 13 Jhon Bucke and Margerye Cock’s Nov. 11 Jhon Herrode and Alys Brooke 4 1567. May 28 Wyllyam Elys and Elysabeth Baker * The months and days are as given in the Transcript, but May is, clearly, misplaced. H \ 58 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. Oct. 28 Edmonde Clarkson and Alys Selbye Jan. 15 Nycholas Pyrs and Crysten Burrell 1568, 1569. [No Transcripts] 1570. Aug. 14 Wyllyam Ryggysbye and Joyce Dyrrycke 1571. Nov. 20 John Winter [and] Jane Rolfe Dec. 1 John Blackborne and Elysabeth Streter Jan. 20 Robert Collins and Mildred Adye 1572. June 19 Tho. Eskridge and Tomsin Coolverhouse Oct. 8 Robert Pecknam and Margreat Clerke 1573. July 8 Robert Bach and Joanne Grave Oct. 24 Rychard Wodsell and Elyzabeath Thacker Nov. 29 Leonard Ashenden and Anes Thacker 1574. Aug. 22 Cleme’t Gascoyne and Annes Pierce 1575. Nov. 13 John Jones and Margaret Blande Jan. 16 Edwarde Kennarde and Kenbroth Harte 1576. Jan. 23 Symo[n] Cole and Elysabeth Warde, wydowe Feb. 4 John Hylles and Vrsula Perce 1577. [No Marriages.] 1578. July 15 Segmon Yeawell and Elisabeth Wylding, wydowe Aug. 10 Elymelecke Moyse and Alce Baker Oct. 19 John Fyrye and Elysabeth Luddall Feb. 12 Thom’s Blunte and Joan Coppin 1579. June 14 Randolph Ducksell (P) and Vrsula Baker June 15 John Martyne and Anes Yonge Sept. 27 John Stokes and Emlen Boyse ‘ Jan. 24 Thom’s Barrowe and Dorytye Browne 1580. Jan. 12 Peter Browne and Maryon Nycolsonn 1581. May 21 Edward Newchyrche and Alyce Blande ' <1 “AJ‘ZYADJML‘AJ’ ,. _ MARRIAGES. .2 ‘ June. 26. Robert Pers and Elyzabeth Gardner f Aug. 287 John Walle and Jone Gotam - Sept. 12 ClemenIuyson and Mare Bayle \ ‘ Nov. 5 Symon Flette and Agnes Thacher 1582. April 23 S mon Allyn and Mavell Brode guly 12 any Wente and Elyzabeth Torner ept. 23 Ste hen Trymn'ell and Alyce Wylkins’n Jan. 20 Wy l’m Bradfylde and Jone Wyese 3‘; i _ 1583. ~ ' ' June 10 Edward Herlock and Allse‘Pero me 30 ‘_ Bengeman Eaveanes’FEand] Ellyzbethe Gordayn ’Oct. 28 Jeames Shriue and Amy Brysenden, in the after noone 1584. Jan. ‘17 Wyll’m Adams and Alyce Robyns 1585. July 12 John Rickma’ and Joan Hebbard - ept. l4 aule Hedge and Charity Stinton, wydow Oct. 4 Edm[u]'nd Lovell and Joan Bland Oct. ‘25 George Allin and Judyth‘Routchin (P) ‘Nov. 1 Richard Stokes and Emlen Stokes, wydow Nov. 8 Sa’pson Kennard and Elysabeth Bouchier * A . 1586. June 20 Ed. F ester and Adya Dearing 1587. x. ‘ April 27 Wyll’m P’ker'and Joa’ Drayton _~ e , I May 1 Rob’t Bone and Sibbill Prior 3 ,_ .5 ' £1), 2 Richard Wysend’ and Marye Flamsted (P) ‘1‘ - uly 3 (George Nedeh’m and Mary Thorauld ~ . ‘ pt. 25 Rob’t Bingsland‘and Elysabeth Wessenden : 3 _"‘ » Nov. 5' eamesReynold’s and Katherin Labris ‘ ~ . an. 27 01111 Maxsted and Elysabeth Haule i 1' , , v.11 ‘Thom’s Bridge and Margaret Jones, wydow \ 7 ‘ 1588p 7 .Thom’s Amyes and Joan Hurst 'Steue’ Sawer and Ane Moore , .Wyll’m Thor[n]ton and Mary Myles of Brambland "‘i \ _ ‘ ’_ _ 1589. Tho. West and Susan Richmond,- * , ;_f . _ , ' _ 1590.‘ VThom’s West and Susan Gorh’m I “ 4951131 Mercye‘and Martha Frenche ‘ ‘ Om’STBayleye and Elisabeth Matrice «31$: Stippingiarr'd AlceBlase . _ ' \ e ,any‘lmaL’ and Elisabeth Rachell ‘ y . (endeaaand Elisabeth . Hopkin f. , g ‘ z i [hale-é "‘8' .‘m 15km m A‘f‘Ems’.’ Was his aim. I 59 60 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. 1591. April 15 Brian Raylson’ and Rebecca Ferma’ [or Freema’] May 6 Henrye Vaugh’m and [I]ssabele Sawoete (P) Nov. 8 John Brooke and Alce Erwood (9) Feb. 7 Thom’s Wilcock’s and Wenefred Phelps 1592. May 21 Steven Shingston and Angle Stopple Oct. 16 Richard Virgin and Mildred Boyse Jan. 11 Thom’s Jefferys and Christ’n Nuttale Jan. 28 Josephe Cowell and Elisabeth Conyre, and John Wyll’ms and Alce Price 1593. June 14 John Pollin and An’e Truelove ' Oct. 1 Richard Pennye and Agnes Kingsfoorth Nov. 5 John Nuinge and Elisabeth Bennet Nov. 19 Wyll’m Hewes and Christyan Bishop Nov. 25 Rob’t Hedland and Margerye Spratling Dec. 4 John Cock and Marye Edmund’s 1594-5. [No Transcripts] 1596. April 19 Jhon Terrey and Martha Boyez June 23 Ad’m Virgin and Eleanor Euans (P) Jan. 3 Thom’s Hob’s and Margaret Man’ 1597. April 6 Perce Vaughh’m and Selvester Nethersolle April 13 Rob’t Bennet and Joan Marten May 22 Thom’s Nyler and Joan Martin June 6 Ralfe Jones and Anne Horton June 21 Daniel Midleton and Isabele Robinson July 25 Thom’s Longe and Marye Martin Nov. 19 Thomas Goppe and Martha Cort. Li'“ Nov. 28‘ Thomas Bing and Elizabeth Waker. L. Jan. 8 Jhon Hallin and Vrsula Seborn Jan. 15 Wyll’m Basse and Elysabeth Windser Feb. 2 Thom’s Bennet and Joan Cock Feb. 25 Roger Horton and Amye Osban 1598. April 30 Jhon Ward and Elisabeth Bing May 4 Henry Blacke and Margaret Eglestone July 6 Jeames Boorman and Elizabeth ...... Aug. 7 Edward Bowar and Mary Woodcock Oct. 5 Rob’t P’kington and Margaret Whyt Oct. 12 Jho’ Wager and Marcye Kingsnoth 1599. ' 9 May 7 Gylbert Patson and Joan Osmer ‘ Nov. 8 Henry Davy and Margret Penny Feb. 4 John Merryam and Joane Joanes * L. throughout indicates that the parties were married by licence. Mar. 31 April 14 July 13 Aug. 17 Nov. 24 Nov. 27 Feb. 25 April 19 April 23 May 11 Aug. 17 Oct. 5. Feb. 15 Oct. 25 Nov. . 8 Oct. 20 Nov. 8 Nov. 17 Feb. 2 Feb. 2 May ‘ 6. June 17 June 24 June 25 July 1 Jan. 13 June 18 July 14, Oct. 6 Oct. 27. Feb. 13 April 28 Oct. 14 Dec. 15. June 12 7, April 10 g Oct. 27 MARRIAGES. 1600. Richard Spicer and Elizabeth Panton John Davis and Rose Harrison Thomas Wallis and Mary Crowder , Alexander Alchin and Elizabeth Skelton Thomas Martin and Betteris Godfrey Josias Elfrith and Anna Prowde Mathew West and Mary Terry 1601. Israell Morley and Agnes Amys Henry Selbeie and Mary Murton Thomas Lingerd and Katherin Robinson Raynall Knatchbull and Mary Godwine John Forrest and Katherin Walker Robert Fox and Ann Head 1602. George Weryer and Frithwith Brigett John Atkinson and Emlin Cowell 1603. Robert Stevens and Hellen Wallis Richard Allin and Mary Yeomans Willi’ Haule and Mary Dale Henry Gilvin and Susan Cole’s John Fisher and Judithe Allin 1604. Thomas Amis and Alice Stevens John Ward and Hellen Clement’s William Bate and Katherin Triple* Rob’t Greete and Joan}L Sanders Nicholas Beste and Joan White Jeames Paige and An’e Crip’s 1605. Thomas Wylliard and Priscilla Bengham Jhon Potter and Elisabeth Callous Thomas Chandler and Margaret Browne John Crippin and Margarett West Reinold Allen and Margery Jaggar 1606. Samuell Crofte and Elizabeth Marshe, widow 1607. James Rofioote and Anne Edge Henrye Saunders and Jane Paramor. L. Nycholas Spenser and Jone Bokine. L. 1608. Ambrose Kinge and Denis Kensheme Richard Powell and Elyzabeth Dourne * Torpple in the duplicate Transcript. - 'l' Jhon in the other copy. 61 62 Jan. 19 Jan. 22 June 25 July 3 Jan. 22 Sept. 19 June 16 Aug. 5 Nov. 18 April 21 May 27 Aug. 26 Oct. 7 Oct. 7 Oct. 28 Feb. 5 May 29 July 12 Jan. 8 Jan. 19 Feb. 15 April 30 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. Richard Marable and Sara Sayer Thomas Courtvp and Tomsen Howland 1609. Henrye Wygmor and Ann White Thomas Gouldsteed and Helener Moyse John and Katheren Wellerd. L. 1610. Thomas Ballard and Marye Luson 1611. Thomas Saunders and Katherine White John Hyde and Ann Carter John Jones and Marye Barrington 1612. Ambrose Treatton and Alce Woode 1613. Giles Lambert and Marye Lamperd Abrahame Chester and Ann Kingsmell 1614. Charles Cooke and Marierye Lucase Thomas Rogers and Margarett Sharpe Lawrence Hills and Debora Titterden - Thomas Outtredge and Elyzabeth Hills Edward Wilkins and Doratha Panton George Steed and Katheren Betts. L. James Clayland and Fraunces Wintter. L. John Browne and Alce Browne, widow. L. 1615. John Archley and Jone Lovell Peeter Gooddie and Ann Lightfoote Mathew Freind and Marye Newlege’t 1616. John Masterson and Elyzabeth Plover John Halsnode and Katherine Bowle Renold Shorte and Jone Gibbon John Barnes and Marye Cheesman John Berrye and Marye Duffine John Welche and Ann Bowle 1617. Thomas Lewsley and Fraunces West Edward Bourne and Ann Bourne. L. John Briante and Elyzabeth Pettitt. L. Thomas Lammin and Mary Richards[on] Richard Stocke and Ann Proude. L. 1618. Peeter Levinge and Jone Gregorye. L. * Some alterations have been made in this entry 4"." ’7‘ «a, ...ns»-gw % :— ' u 9 rev as: «It 411* May 30 Dec. 30 Mar. 30 April 6 April 11 April 26 May 5 June 24 ‘July 11 Oct. 4 Nov. 25 Nov. 27 Jan. 3 June 29 June 29 ()ct. 5 Jan. 15 Feb. 8 Aug. 6 Aug. 15 \ MARRIAGES. Thomas Jones and Ann Gilman James West and Ann Lethered. L. 1619. Thomas Foche and Benet OvelI. L. John Smelt and Ann Rophe John Osbourne and Marye Newton Edwarde Stockden and Marye Coolner [or Cooluer] Robert Vyton and Marye Raynolds. L. Edward Warton and Alce Beale. L. Daniell Kingsnod and Thomasine Rowledge William Hamulton and Marye Whit Laurance Johnson and Ann Bellinger, wydowe Edmund Peere and Ann Pryce, wydowe Arnoll Pennye and Elyzabethe Woodden. L. 1620. Thomas Bullock and Marye Baker Giles Danford and Elyzabethe Heaste. L. Leonard Rowndtree and Jane Coomer. L35 Williame Glover and Margarett Pollye. L. John Scott and Sara Hollands. L. 1621. Christofor Carter and Joan Allin. LT Rogere Momery and Agnis Staines. LT 1622. Jan. 29 William Angill and Elisabeth Godfree Feb. 20 Daniell Cooke and Elysabeth Trotter July 30 Sept. 41 Oct. 6 Oct. 27 Jan. 19 Mar. 28 Agril 1 April 6 April 13 . May 27 June 22 Aug. 1 Oct. 26 Nov. 11 .Nov. 29 Dec. 18 1623. Mathew Grove and Mary Havkes Thomas Sanders and Marye Weeb Erefe (P) Oxenbridg and Thomas (sic) Binge William Addams and Alias Taieler Stephen Tvrner and Marie Mathewes 1624. Serlles Fullcvm and Elizabeth Jones John Brown and Margreit Steuensonn Roberte Ceave and Margerit Reade . Henary Harrisoun and Marye Levkner Thomas Norrod and Plesant Gooar Thomas N eame and Rebecka Joade Thomas Flvdd and Svsann Lvnn Edward Lomas and Swsan Moore Edward Smith and Ellenr Miller Thomas Tanner and Margerit Fayerman Jeremy Patty and Dorritye Younge Feb. 6 Henrye Perkes and Margeritt Trappvm Feb. 21 George Kingsnoad and Jone Dominick Mar. 7 Mathew Allen and Katheren Nethersole * In another Transcript “ Leoneard Roundetere and Jeane Comar.” 1 Sept. 7 in another Transcript. 63 'l' L. from another Transcript. 64 Mar. 31 April 2 May 11 May 21 June 24 June 28 Aug. 15 Oct. 1 Oct. 13 Oct. 16 Oct. 31 Jan. 23 Feb. 3 Feb. 9 May 8 May 29 July 8 July 11 Aug. 31 Oct. 6 Oct. 15 Oct. 16 Dec. 26 Dec. 29 Jan. 9 Jan. 15 Jan. 18 Mar. 27 April 2 April 17 April 26 May 29 June 9 June 30 July 16 July 25 July 30 Sept. 9 Oct. 19 Oct. 28 Nov. 5 Dec. 5 April 9 Dflay 4 hiay 11 June 2 June 3 June 8 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. 1625. John Blackboren and Jane Swetting William Woodbridg and Elizabeth Lovell William Powell and Marie Sharpe Isack Brooke and Barbra Goble Richard Havke and Prissilla Watter Stephen Miller and Aillian Woodland William Turner and Agnes Sainct Thomas Whitton and Avdria Moorecock Edward Dickson and Marie Collen William Hodges and Susan Norman Richard Dancy and Jane Winter Joseph Harttop and Anna Dvnnye Mickell Whitfieilld and BennittBrowne Thomas Ovtteredgg and Marie Lovell 1626. Noa Wood and Elizabeth Kennett Charlles Horne and Svsana Dvnkin John Bishopp and Mari: Allenn John Kidder and Mari: Barker John Freeman and Svsana Norton Christofor Backer and Jane Waddell Bartholomew Jancock and Jane Varter Stephen Govldefinch and Marie Godwinn Richard Bromley and Sara Allenn Rowland Williams and Ann Rook Richard Allen and Elyzabeth Cvrling Gregorye Bonnitt and Elizabeth Biggs David Browne and Margeritt Cleark 1627. William Steene and Agnis Baran Christofor Favne and Fillies Chapman William Sedger and Ann Beste Roger Gilles and Amey Jones Richard Chvrch and Jone Dewell William Peele and Sara Jones Henry Milles and Jane White Roberte Stringer and Anna Fostall Roger Ellson and Alice Jones Henry Cassey and Mary Gore John Beaen Aand (sic) Mary Cowkow Henry Frier and Marie Tvrner. L. John Palmer and Svsan Parckinson. L. Pavle Whitte and Margeritt Barnes. L. Nehemia Coocke and Mercie Fiste. L. 1628. Mathew Weste and Amie Sikes. L. Thomas Kennet and Marie Hogben. L. William Clason and Marie Knovlden. L. John angey Aand (sic) Marie Phillips, widow. L. Barnard Lambe and Anne Dewley. L. Thomas vagins and Martha Wager «I. . hand—v . v . MARRIAGES. June 8 Thomas Dolbie and Elizabeth Tovgey Sept. 2 John Man and Clare Hvbbert. L. Sept. 18 Thomas Johnson and Jane Mills. L. Oct. 7 Thomas Tvcker and Ann Fagg. L. Oct. 12 William Allin and Ellizabeth Woodbridg Oct. 14 'William Backer and Parnell Trvlove. L. Oct. 20 George Slater and Katherin Bradshear Oct. 20 Henry Garland and szan Nvtton Oct. 20 Thomas Beste and Jone Stvrges. L. Dec. 22 John Hadly and Alice Hadlo. L. 1629. fi/Ipril 16 Andrew Neale and Jone Chvrch. L. ay 5 Henry Whitfild and Ann Peers. L. July 16 Richard Mersh and Elyzabeth Francklin. L. Sept. 17 James Barman and Thomeson Choppen. L. 1630. Oct. 11 Thomas Andrew and Jane Paine. L. Oct. 13 Henery Hogben and Dina Giles. L. Oct. 20 George Giles and Catherin Terre. L. Oct. 24 Thomas Abbe and Mary Cooper Nov. 27 John Jeruis and Joane Wood. L. 1631. * July 6 Henery Cussin and Anna Oldfield. L. July 11 Henry Carter and Mary Whittum. L. Aug. 1 Thomas Cobbe and Susan Kitchen. L. Aug. 1 Daniell Corke and Jane Saire. L. Oct. 18 Stephen Woodland and Elizabeth Huffam. L. Jan. 19 William Tolston and Mary Shillingforde. L. Feb. 28 Thomas Chopper and Margaret Sturges. L. Mar. 19 James Brett and Mildred Huise. L. 1632. June 28 George Pittocke and Elizabeth Glouer. L. July 10 Thomas Tailer [and] Abigail Ge'dney. L. , July 16 Grigory Camper and Alce Homan. L. July 26 Henry Harwood and Margeret Courte. L. July 29 John Milner and Deabora Doose. Bf‘ Sept. 18 Edward Scotte and Alce Hevgill. B. Sept. 26 Leonarde Louelas and Martha‘[ Whiting. L. Sept. 27 Moses Gibson and Susan Mathewes. L. Nov. 1 Robert Philpot and Anne Beane. L. Dec. 6 Stephen Buckman and Mary Race. L: Mar. 11 John Williams and Floraday Rogers. L. 1633. July 1 John Collice and Joan Fagg. L. July 11 Richard Formell and Ann Bennett. L. July 11 Henry Tiddman and Agnis Giles. L. Aug. 1 John Homewood and Katherine Sayre. L. Oct. 3 John Farance and Marg rett Jones Oct. 15 Henry Stimpson and Elizabeth Wilde. L. Jan. 22 Steephen Sally and Elizabeth Swaflord. L. . ‘ * B=Banns, or per Banns. 1' Martha written above the line with the necessary A. ,1 , I 65 66 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. 1634. May 12 William Glouer and Allice Ely. L. June 30 Phillip Bearden and Ann Pollard. L. July 5 Augustine Knight and Eue Joy. L. Aug. 4 James Owell and Ellinor Austen. L. Aug. 16 Thomas Mayne and Margrett Stacie. L. Sept. 29 John Withenbury and Elizabeth Beale. L. Sept. 29 Stephen Heneker and' Katherine Slater Oct. 6 Winter Gillow and Dyonisia Golder. L. 1635-6. [No Marriages]as 1637. Nov. 30 John Barnerd and Joane Cooke. B. 3 times asked Jan. 2 Edwa[r]d Finne and Sara Pilckintun. B. . Jan. 13 John Parcker and Elzabeth Broune. L. Jan. 16 Thomas Stowe and Em Hauckins. B. Feb. 1 Richard Barber and Elizabeth Bartlet. L. Feb. 12 John Carley and Martha Sumeres 1638.’ Mar. 26 Abraham Bvxon and Hester Wickers. L. April 30 William Peet and Hellener Chandlor. B. May 1 Henry Boutell and Alce Wyman. L. Aug. 14 John Horne and Mary Willowes. L. A true Bill of Mariages from the yeere of 16.4 [1639.] Sept. 29 Dauid Euevins and Mary Cooke. B. 3 times asked Oct. 3 John Snatt and Elizabeth Webe. L. Nov. 4 Grace and Elizabeth Bright. B3: Nov. 18 William and Elizabeth Best. LI Nov. 21 Edward Lewes and Mary Jueit. L. Feb. 5 Elias Brumfild and Elener Viner. L. 1640. April 27 Roberte Mumford and Jeane Ayler. L. ‘ May 5 Paine and Susan Pinckei L. June 6 William Allen and Joane Spicket. L. July 16 John Sturges and Mary Allen. L. Aug. 6 Maximilian Foster and Sara Cocke. L. 1641. Oct. 7” Thomas Arnole and Elizabeth Fisher. L. Oct. 10 Simon Pidgion and Sara Critneden. B. thrice asked 1642—45. [No Marriages] 5“ The Transcripts are missing. 1' The Marriages in Vol. I are headed thus. I So in the original. || Originally “Aprill 27.” ‘ MARRIAGES. 67 1646. Jan. '11 Symoh Tapsell and Elizabeth Wiles 1647. May 24 Henry Oxenbridge May 25 George Ford and Elias Cooke /‘ 1648——50. [No Marriages._| 1651. 9‘ Dec. 14 Augustine Knight and Alice Symon in St. Mary Magdalens curch in Canterbury we: area, “.14- .,‘r {A f 1 . p ‘1652. i p . [No Marriages] 1653. Sept. 8 Thomas Heyward and Anne ‘Bellson Sept. 12 John Breat and Anne Lockett Sept. 26 Steuen Sayer and Elyabeath Somes ‘ Sept. 28 William Oliure and Faith Sacket 1 Sept. 29 Richard Jaruis and Marget Epes Jan. 12 Nickiles Champney and Eller Hanly, widdow 141., 1654. [N o Marriages] 1655. 3 L "i 3 { _ g. '3‘, Mar. 29 Routh Rider and Mary Asea . June 24 George Bechham and Margret Marthers . 1656. g y ‘ [No Marriages] iv ' i , 1657. ' I uly 16 Thomas Bust and Margaret Parks were married together‘f 9 uly 16 Samuell Hawke and Elizabeth Wy marke ‘ Sept. 1 Peter Vnderwood and Margaret Norton . - . , Oct. ‘1 ‘ .Briges and Katrine Maxstead [of] Ceshlet . 4 2 Oct. 1 Thomas Miller and Elyabeath Welles of Ashford Oct. 5 John Borne and Elisabeth Sebell Oct. 7 Grace F agg and Margery Frend ‘ .Oct. 29 Richard Lowell and Anne Betts 1658. '7 ‘ July 26 John Gooddin and Elisabeth Ruck . ‘ n. (1. Thomas Balldock and Ane MarlooI _' Oct. 528 John Bax and Mary May Nov. 18 Samuel] Stringer and Susanna Estland Dec. 23 Thomas Baldock and Ann Marloe ‘7 * This date is more like 1681. The whole entry seems to have been interlined.1‘ The phrase . ‘ “ were married together” is generagy used till July 5, 1660. I omit it. ISee Dec 23, below. . \ 68 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. 1-659. Sept. 28 William Bex and Margaret May Dec. 1 William Solly and Elisabeth Garret Mar. 22 Symon Hall and Marcy Bullock 1660. May 5 Richard Crambrooke and Elisabeth Solly - July 5 Edward Harnet and Elisabeth Morris William Gilbard, Anthony Fagg, chirch wardens Feb. 14 Thomas Wiles and Catherine Fisher* 1661. Oct. 10 Michell Smith and Mary Kelly Oct. 10 Steuen Solly and Mary Welles Oct. 15 John Parsons and Afrey Waker Oct. 15 Thomas Hunt and Margery Sawkins [of] Limage Dec. 16 Edward Goodinge and Ann Hart Dec. 18 Abraham Chambers and Christen Trapes Jan. 16 John Barten and Margre Anker 1662. Mar. 30 Mr. Samawell Hall and Judeth Tailer April 3 JamesFinch and Ann Larance April 6 Israell Jarman and Elizabeth Reaue May 1 Thomas Eleman of Reculuer and Joane— ewe—Ewell of Hearne . May 18 John Denn and Margrett Hasnett—Halsnole June 16 John Nutting and Marthe Luckett [of] Chistlet June 22 John Pachn of Boughton and Margret Chirchman of St. Martens Hille Oct. 14 William Traps and Joane Pett both of Wickum Feb. 2 Edward Cobbe and Martha Dobell Mar. 1 Nicolas Baker of Patricksborne and Mary Barbett of Crichchirch Richard Hornsby, Thomas Chambers, Chirchwardens, 1663 1663. 24 Mathew Slater and Mary Roofe. B. \ ’ July 2 Samauell Clemente and Elizabeth Bing both of the Preston Parish. L. 6 John Payton and Elizabeth Terry both of Minster in the Ile of Tennett. L. 7 William Munns of Wingham and Mary Paramoore of Birchington 2'72 Me , Isle of Tennett. L. July 19 John Hearne of Alsaints, Cam‘., and Marie Marrable of this parish—of Sz’. Mary Magdalen. B. ‘ Aug. 24 Thomas Banester and Bennett Goffe both of tile towne andporl ofDeale. L. Oct. 20 John Waren and Joane Miles both of Wye. L. ‘ Oct. 26 Vallentaine Bradnicks and Sara Croch 60172 of this parish. B. Dec. 22 Steuen Gillow and Elenor Giles of Mounton in Tennett. L. Jan. 21 Richard Scott and Ann Morres both of Woodnesborowe. L. Jan. 26 Thomas Glouer and Joanna Hawkens both of Bobbing. L. Feb. 2 Goarge Gunn and Martha Brabston of this parish. B.—Zl.1L Mar. 3 John Solle and Susan Marsh 1664. April 13 John Belton and Sarah Duninton—Dam'ngton—both of Bobbing 3* BetWeen this entry and the next “Mr. Jenkens and Mr. Lunn churchwardens, I661,” crossed out. 1" The next page is wholly blank, except that the next two entries were partially made in it and then ‘ crossed out. . "m .- ; A” . June 9 June 28 June 29 June 30 (Jet 5 Nov. 10 Nov.22 Nov. 29 April 3 April 4 May 2 May 28 May 30 May 30 Oct. 23 Nov. 7 Feb. 20 June 7 June 7 June 10 Jub' 14 Aug. 27 Sept. 2 Sept.14 Oct. 25 Nov..2 I)ec.2 Jan. 1 , Jan. 27 Jan. 29‘ Feb. 7 Feb. 18 July 4 ' July 15 July 18 July 25 . Oct. 10 Oct. 30 Dec. 19 Feb. 27 \April 14 MARRIAGES. 69 John Winfield and Ann Bechinge, strainggers. L. William Hatecher of Estre and Susan Allen of Shoulden. L. Ingram Sparpoint of Nunington and Joane Besbidge of Womanswold. L. Henry Suckling of Tenham and Ann Doue of Buckland. L. William Sanders of Storry and Margrett Tretten of Wickham. L. John, Whithead and Marie Becke. L. Richard Coke—Cooke—and Margrett White both of Hearne. L. Nicholas Rigden and Elizabeth Bax—Bz'x—both of Staple. L. 1665. Steuen Tomlen and Sarah Staninough ball; of Newington nere Satting- borne. L. Edward Marable and Ann Medurst 60th of this parish. B. Stepuen Hacher and Marie EmtigsmEmlidg—al’as Philpott. L. of Stapple John Fine and Mary Binge bot/2 of this parish. B. ' Thomas Steuens and Elizabeth Momerv of Herne. L. Richard Hart and Mary Deuison, widd.: of St. Clement, Sandwizic/z. L. Joseph Bullen and Ann Sakinge. B. Thomas Turner and Bennett Clark both of Oulcum—Oulczm -L. William Hills of Darfort and Elizabeth Finne of this parish. L. _1666. Goarge Hills and Ann Brigs. L. Thomas Morres and Joys Chambers. L. Richard Kidham and Tamsene Vandepere. L. ' Richard Hayward and Sarah Bechingfeill of Feuersham. L. Richard Jenkens and Mary Wood. L. of Elham Robart Norton and Elizabeth Esex. B. James Morres and Susan Corll—Carle, widd.—of Deale. L. James Hammerden and Anne Sole both of Estry. L. Robart Pashly and Ellen Tayler of Ringwold. L. Nicolas Knowlden and Elizabeth Weeb of Asford. L. Samawell Budds and Margret Gracknall both of Tennam. L. John Felder and Elizabeth Betts qf this paris/z. B. John Parker and Elizabeth Kite—Kzit—botlz of St. Johns in the Eile of Tennett, L. John Fislier of Baughton Malehub—Malerd—and Mary Milles of West— well. . Joseph Vanhere and Ann Allebee of St. Maries Sandwich. L. 1667. Arter Maior of Fuersham, wodoer, and Kthrene Burden of the sam, widd. L. John Faireman and Martha Nuttinge. L. Anthony Hambrook of Huflam and Mary Pilcher of Foulston. L. Thomas Ralphe and Sarah Troward. L. Both of Woodensborow Joshua Coppen, gent., of Deale and Elizabeth Thompson of St. Mary Magdalens. L. ‘ Samawell Sheppard of Hernehill and Susan Church of Ash. L. Danell Sharpe of Swenfell and Elizabeth Smith of the same. L35 John Smith and Ann Knowler of Feuersham. L" 1668. ‘Daniel Vnderdowne and Elizabeth Hacher. bot}; of Ash. L. * In the Transcript these two entries appear as one. Thus: Feb- 27, Danell Sharp and Elizabeth Smith of Feuersham. L. \ 70 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. April 16 Steuen Beane and Mary Baker. L. 802% of Wingham May 23 Robart Bennet and Isabel Emtigs both of St. Laranc in Tennett. L. ‘ June 10 Edward Stublefeile and Elizabeth Howler both of Ash. L. June 11 Goarg Carlton and Marv Attwood both of this parish. B. Oct. 12 Goarg Fantinge and Ann Arnall both of Hearne. L. Oct. 30 George Lawes of Folkeston and Margery Hogbin of Limings. L. Feb. 2 Thomas Tittiman and Deborah Bell of Great t,Hardres. L. Feb. 13 John Crisp of Wickham Breax and Jane Sithers of Stadmarsh. L. 1669. April 25 Isack Mahew~Matlzew~of St. Peters in Cant. and Mary Warry of this parish. B. May 31 Thomas Cox of St. Maris, Douer, and Elizabeth Clarke of Herne. L. June 8 Thomas Littel and Martha—Mathew—Clarke. B. Of this parish June 28 Robart Metherwether—Merz'wez‘her—and Isabell Sheffell both of Deale. L. Jan. 11 John Blamdax and Sarah Ansell bothe of Eastry. L. Feb. 14 John Mount and Sarah Larken. L. 1670. June 13 John Hoskins of St. Larrance, Tennet, and Sarah Phines, widd., of Si. Laram, Tennelt. L. June 23 Samuell Dell and Joana Church, both of Sandwich. L. Oct. 11 Phines Burton and Joane Traysley 60!}; of fire fauna of Sandwich. L. Dec. 1 Ambravs Dadd of Icham and Ann Chidwick—boz‘iz 0f Ichan—LF‘ Dec. 22 William Pet of Westbere and Marie Ewell of Wickhambrix. L. Jan. 26 John Hoocker and Susan]L Hoocker, both of Deale. L. Jan. 30 Thomas Diackbene-Dz'c/ebz’ne—of Burmarch and Elizabeth Holman of Eastbrig. L. Feb. 9 John Sakins and Ann Wigmore both of this parish. B. 1671. June 27 Henry Estman and Ann Little. B. Both of this parish July 13 John Hickes of Riuer and Mary Drew of the same. L. July 13 Elias Younge and Elizabeth Munns both of this parish were married by L. in St. Mary Breden July 17 William Jeffery of Northbone and Jane Kingsford‘L of the same. L. Aug. 30 Thomas Peper and Sarah Tyler both of Chislett. L. Aug. 31 William Winteringham and Elizabeth Leram—Greme—both of Wether- sham. L. [I Nov. 2 Thomas Rose of Milton, widdower, and Elizabeth Bowell of Sittingborn, maiden. L. Jan. 13 John Carter of Ash and Jane Dawson of Woodensborow. L. 1672. July 22 Dauie—DaneZZ—Miller and Ann Jode both of Minster in Tennett. L. Aug. 3 William Ouell of Ash and Margret Jonson of St. Nicolas, Tennett. L. Nov. 14§ Gearg Huchinson—Hucfiz’n—and Dorriti Kendall. L. Dec. 28 John Danell and Ann Richason. L. Feb. 21 Goarg Flemmege-—F/emz'nge——and Elizabeth Orbett of Deale. L. Mar. 13 Will’ Solly and Ann Whitinge both of New Rum[n]y. L. 1673. April 8 Lennord Greene and Hanah Reade both of this parish. B. * Between this entry and the next the baptism of John Branker, Dec. 20, was made, and then crossed out. 1' Sarah first written: Susan in the Transcript. i The name has been altered in the original and in the Transcript. || The next Transcript,“ a true copie,’ ’signed by the Rector, but not by the churchwardens, gives only lwo marriages between Michaelmas, I671, and ' Michaelmas, 1672. § The date has been altered 1n the original. June 19 June 30 ()ct. 30 Dec.18 May 21 July 22 {ply 25 ec. 10 Dec. 16 Dec. 21 Jan. 7 Jan- 21 Feb. 9 Feb. 18 April 6 April 22 April 22 July 22 Aug. 5 Aug. 5 Oct. 7 Oct. 7 Oct. 12 Dec. 2 Dec. 21 Jan. 13 Jan. 20 MARRIAGES. 7 1 William Fuller—Fowler—and Sarah Reede both of Minster. L. John Cleuerly of Boughton Malherbe and Mary Simpson ofPlucklie. L. Richard Adkings of Ashford and Margrett Raysell of Westwell. L.. Thomas Sladen qf Foulstone and Jane Toes of Swinfield. L. 1674. Robart Henman and Mary Breet boll; ofye parish of Allstone. L. Robart Lad and Sara Sandell boil/2 of St. Johnes in ye Ile of T/zmzell. L. Joseph Baker and Elizabeth Holyday both of Chistlet. L. Thomas Pickenden and Mary Knowler both of St. Larance of ye Ile of Tennet. L. Philip Martin of Deale and Mary Smith of this parish. L. William Judge and Margere—Mary—Hatton both of Douer. L. John Durrant of St. John’s and Mary Turner of Burchinton. L. Thomas Burre and Jane Smithson both of Ashe. L. William Sisley of Linton and Martha Owlet of Boughton Malherbe—- Boughton Malsgy. L. Robart Smith and Elizabeth Watson of Maidston. , L. 1675. Clement Lee and Jane Chrisp—Crzfps—both of Maidstone. L. John Austen and Amie—fane—Lad bouth of Adsum. L. . Michael Austen of Sheppardswould and Ann Fagg of Tillmeston. L. John Allen and Mary Wilkes both of Northborn. L. Henry Stokes of Ash and Eue Neame of Staple. L. Brian Goodwin and Elizabeth Hatcher both of Birtchington. L. Thomas Larrance of Ash and Mary Haruey of Riuerf‘ L. Hennery Larrance of Ash and Martey—Man‘lza—Pilcher of Riuer, widdow. L. ' Robart Martine and Catheren Pike both of Braborne. L. Thomas Brandford—Banford—and Martha Beere both of Ash. L. Thomas Rasell of Westwell and Constante—Consiame—Furby of Tenter- den—Tankera’m. L. Thomas Sladden and Mary Taddy, widdow, both of St. Johns in the Ile of Thannet. L. Henery Baughton—Bougfiton—of Ickham and Grace Sanders of Ash. L. 1676. George Browne, 3. bacheller, and Mary Grante, a virgen. both of this parish. B. Stephen Goodson of Shoulden and Hannah Fassam—Fas/zam—of Deale. L. ’ John Raisdowne and Mary Perkines both of Frensted. L. John Larrance of Wingham and Jane Dale of Ickham—[lkfiam L. John Betts of Owre and Jane Gates of Ash. L. Richard Russell of Smarden and Mary Ewell of Hearne. L. Roberth Chrismas and Dorathy Parker both of Lenam. L. William Oldfeild and Elizabeth Southey both of Wingham. L. Osman Readman of Ash and Martha Brandford, widdow, of the same. L. Daniell Safrey—Savoury—and Jane Hollons—Holland—both of Sted- marsh. L. James Eluy of Birtchington and Mercy Ridgren—Rzgden—of Ash. L. 1677. William Buckett of St. Johns in Thannet and Amy Dauedge of the same. L. i * This Transcript has the phrase “married together.” See note, p. 67. 72 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. April 17 Thomas Kingsford of Shoulden and Martha Busher of Elham. L. April 21 Laurence Cullen of Wingham and Anne Knot of the same. L. Oct. 10 Jeremiah Gravat to Susann AnselP‘ both of Westwell. L. Oct. 11 Leonard Smith of Tilmanston to Mildred Austen of Wingham. L. Oct. 14 Henry Gray and Genetruth—fennyz’ruel/z—Louell both of this parish. B. Nov. 5 Joseph Beare and Jeane—jane—Sanders both of Ash. L. Dec. 27 James Packenham of Chilham and Anne Tayler of Hearnhill. L. 1678. April 4 Christopher Stonehouse and Anne Ansell both of Westwell. L. April 14 Thomas Choppen and Sara Pichley—Peaclrly—both of this parish. B. June 2 Thomas Freinde and Margaret Pott both of this parish. B. July 18 William Hopgood of Mongeham—Mum’ome—and Elizabeth Drow of Riuer. L. Aug. 20 Christopher Vann of Deale and Sarah Hull of the same. L. Nov. 11 Nicholfs Wells of Hearne, widower, and Sarah Bing of Birchinton. L. 1679. June 23 John Bret of Eythorne, widower, and Ann Chambers of Minster' 1n Thanet, widdow. L. Oct. 2 Thomas Pretley—Petflgz—of Ash, bacheler, and Elizabeliz Carr of the same. L. Oct. 2 John Willson of Sandwich and Catheren Wilkes of the same. L. Oct. 28 William Adman and Anna—Ann—Parker bouth of Petham. L. Nov. 6 Caleb Bonner of RamsgatefiRomam-gaz‘e—and Hannah Essex of of (sic) Ash. L. Nov. 25 John Neale of Sandwich and Jane Spencer of the same. L. Jan. 2 Thomas Througood—Tborowgood and Ann Wells bouth of Deale. L. 1680. Mar. 26 Samuel thon of Wadhurst in Sussex and Amy Cullen of St. Mary Mag- dalen. L. April 12 James Widdet and Ann Marden both of Sholden. L.’ June 10 John Looke and Mary Staines both of Hearne. L. June 24 Robert May of Chislett and Elizabeth Lucket of Hoth. L. Sept. 30 Henery Briydges of Shoulden and Mary Home of Neuington. L. Feb. 3 Edmand Neame and Elizabeth Pilcher bot/1 of Woodnesborow. L. 1681. May 3 Silvester Seath and Mary Reader both of Ash. L. ~ July 21 William Bell and Mary Brabson both of St. Johns 1n 1726 [la ofThannet. L. Aug. 15 James Dunn of Shoulden, wid., and Margery Costacker of Sandwich, wid. L. Oct. 5 John Wagstafe—waa’g s/afi—and Mary Hart both of Woodnesborow. L. Oct. 20 Richard Barret of Borthen Malard and Ann Hambrock of Swenfeld. L. 1682. May 1 Marke Turner and JanePoole both of Deale. L. June 25 John Allen of Sandwich and Sarah Sole. L. June 29 Jeremy Cooper—feremz'afi Coper—- -and SusannamSusan—Grant qf l/zz's _ sz'z‘lg/ July 31 William Tayler and Eve Boy ken both of Stourmouth. L. Nov. 9 John Silkewood—Sz'lcewood—of Northborne and Ann Somes of Eythorneq‘ L. 4“ “ Married together ” in this and the three following Transcripts. See note, p. 67. T The Transcripts omits Eythorne MARRIAGES. 73 1683. April 16 Thomas Lampard of St. ‘Paulesit and Margre Garleng of this parish—of t/zis silqy April 24 Samuel Gatheredg of Deale, widower, and Mary Palmer of Sandwich June 1 Robert White and Sarah Wheare boath from Ashford July 31 Edward White of Minster in ioyle of thenott and Elizabeth Larance of Oct. 10 ays—qf [Minster John Mockett and Elizabeth Chambers from Sar in the onle of Thenot Oct. 18 Walter Willkes and Emblin Stepens of Hearne Oct. 31 Henry Hurt, Minster St. Maryes in the Marsh, and Ainglice Russhee, St. Martins, London’r Nov. 12 Edmund Andreues of Staple and Jane Beard of Ickham Dec. 31 Dday 15 May 27 June 1 June 5 June 24 July 15 Aug.19 Sept. 1 Oct. 5 Oct. 6 Dec. 24 Jan. 15 June 22 Aug. 6 Sept. 1 Nov. 24 June 15 July 1 Oct. 7 Oct. 7 Oct. 21 Dec. 2 Dec. 14 Jan. 6 Jan. 6 Jan. 10 Jan. 17 Mar. 9 May 30 Sept. 19 Larance Tucker of Deale and Mary Simons of the same 1684. Abraham Prior and Susana Waker—Susan Walker—boath from Cholocke Thomas Smith and Elizabeth Fisher, widow, boath of this parish Thomas Reade and Alce Cox boath of this parish Darrel Brag and Susan Wathen— W/zz'thm—boath from Deale Ambros Thomsonn and Sara Horne boath from Ayes—ayes}; Thomas Walker and Mary Amis from Westbere James Steed of Chatham and Ann Acton of this parish Cornelious Warner and Elizabeth Houland of the parish of West gast—-of this parish Thomas Briggs and Lidiah Beeste—Besl—hee frome Deale and shee of this parish ’ Thomas Manser and Mary Tatenden from Wingham George Larance and Jane Stredwicke from Ayes Thomas Brisenden and Elizabeth Westonn boath of this toun 1685. John Webbe and Mary Hilles—Hiles—from Aysh James Bunckley and Mary Cleuerly from Warhorne John Hamon and Ales Abbet, he of St. Georges and she of this parish: Samuell Eluin and Sarah Nash“ . 1686. George Sharpe and Ealzabeth Strong of Kinge stone William Austen of Wickham and Martha Moate of Ash Edward Draysonn of N orborn and Elizabeth Forest of the same Charles Home of Ash and Ales Johnsonn of the same William Brown of Stouer mouth and Mary Soley of Wingham Vincent Vnderdoun and Susanah Russel of the onl of Thennott John Mantell and Susan—Susana/z—Nash boath of Munkes Horten Richard Castel and Elizabeth Bing of St. Johns in Thenot Willinam— Will—Tucker and Sibbella Knot from Whitfeild Danell Hunt and Marlin Holladay frome Riuer John Grigg and Afre—Auerqy—Bachell boath from Wingham George Goodwin and Mary Martin boath from Ealham 1687. Francis Heiorn and Ann Pison—szfironn William Knott and Jane Drayson boath from Wingham * The Transcript omits St. Paul’s. They (the Transcripts) about this time frequently omit the name of one place. The Register, though badly written, seems to be more trustworthy. 'l‘ The Transcript or’nits Minster and “ St. Martins, London.” || Interlined in the original. I The next Transcript is missing. I 74 Sept. 29 Oct. 9 Oct. 11 Oct. 11 Oct. 13 Jan. 29 Feb. 6 Feb. 26 Mar. 7 June 23 Oct. 2 Oct. 15 Nov. 18 Jan. 3 April 28 May 5 June 30 July 7 Aug. 6 Aug. 29 Oct. 3 Oct. 9 Nov. 17 Dec. 3 Dec. 5 Dec. 11 Dec. 19 Dec. 31 Jan. 27 Jan. 31 Feb. 1 May 1 Sept. 11 Oct. 14 Nov. 26 Dec. 2 Jan. 13 Jan. 29 Feb. 12 Mar. 18 April 14 June 2 June 10 Oct. 8 Oct. 11 Oct, 13 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. Israel Claringboul and Ann.Wittett boath from Deale William Sharpe and Mary Bris wheare both of this Sittey Stephen Lagett of Elmsted and Mary Walker of this Cittey John Duntonn and Elizabeth Ansell boath from Eastre Edward Bilting and Mary Curling boath from Margett John Pembruck of St. Paules and Elizabeth Bolocke of this parish William Price and Saree Knott boath from Aysh Thomas Color and Elis Blewett, hee of St. Georges, shee of this parish Christopher Lanes and Susana Bryant boath from Deale 1688. Edward Coalman and Mary Ph'illpott boath from Dimchurch Stepen Marbrooke and Margrett Price boath from Ash , Thomas Morris of Wingham and and (sz‘c) Mary Larkin of VVickham William Bayly and Prisila Hill, strainges boath John Gray and Susana Sponge from Chart 1689. Thomas Tuck of St. Georges and Mary Rogers of this parish . John Eluen and Elizabeth Smith boath of this parish John Sandcrafte and Elizabeth Beste boath of this parish John Verew of St. Paules and Elizabeth Rann of this parish Nathanell Hering and Johana Bartlett boath of this parish Leonard Minter of Folkstone and Susan Huggett of Douer Henry Morris and Anna Strong boath from Wingham John Cooke and Sara Sampson boath from Eastere Richard Jull of Douer and Ann Wreight of this parish Phiness Kite and Mary Costen boath from Deale Thomas Clarke from Foulstone and Rachel Rye from Nunington William Horne and Anna—Ann—Sawyer boath from Gunstone William Smith of Wickham and Elizabeth Belsey of Shephardswell John Draysonn and Anna Goulder boath from Eastry Robert Bell of Chatham and Elizabeth Barton of this parish Humphry Finch and Martha May [of] St. Johnes in Thenott John Spinner and Elizabeth Stace from Chillenden 1690. Nicholas Edwards and Ann Abett, hee a strainger and shee from the Palace Phillipp Smith of Bilsingtonn and Mary Wilds of Wye Edward Austin of St. Margrets at Clifie and Mary Soley of Beauxfeild, alis Whitfeild William Eatonn and Anna Hodges boath from Deale Thomas Copping and Jane Eastrey boath from Sutton Edward Eastman and Elizabeth Spicer boath from St. Georges Samuell Hopkins and Elizabeth Scott, he a Liuetenant in the Maren Reagment Thomas Marchal and Ann Smith boath from Sandwich Thomas Ladd and Mary Spratt boath from Wingham 1691. Thomas Sanders and Sara Wood William Smith from Woodnesbrow and Debrowe Reade from St. Bartholo- mewe Hospitall, Sandwich John Bedo and Elizabeth Stringer boath from Mungeham John Whittlocke and Elizabeth Cocke from Littleborne William Goldhattch and Mary Younge: St. Mildred John Paramore and Elizabeth Wraith— Wrengl—; Sarre Oct. 20 Oct. 22 Nov. 1 Dec. 10 Dec. 29 Jan. 14 Feb. 14 Feb. 19 April 10 May 16 May 25 June 8 Oct. 6 Oct. 6 Jan. 5 Feb. 13 April 6 May 1 May 16 Aug. 1 Aug. 3 Oct. 4 Oct. 17 hiay 11 Blay 17 June 4 June 22 June 26 ’June 30 Aug.30 ()ct. 2 Oct. 15 Jan. 22 Jan. 28 Mar. 26 Mar. 28 Mar. 31 April 15 May 7 July 18 Aug. 11. MARRIAGES. 75 John Chillenden and Susanna—Susan—Sympsonn: Eastrey John Glouer and Catherine Homerden : Westerd neere Feuersham Edward Lauericke, soulger under the command of Captain Alis Cooper ' in the Reagement of the Earle of Danbuer, and Elizabeth Young of this parish John Richardsonn and Marie Collins frome Ash John Younge and Elizabeth Causten from Deale Roger Streuens of Hearne and Mary Hearne of this parish by askeing William Cookko and Elizabeth Treuers from Sr. Anthoni Aucher James Sanders and Marie Vewers— Veuers—from Deale. Li'“ 1692. Thomas Mansan—Jllamomz—and Marie Paramore boath from Wingham Richard Sacket and Sara Faulkner from Eastrey Jaruis Roas and Anna—Amz—Patteson from Chislett John Holnis and Elizabeth Spiner boath from Ickham Thomas Spaine and Heaster Jetford from Woodnesborow John Castel and Hanna Neame from Woodnesborow John Hamond and Mary Bellamy from Woodnesboorougt Thomas Parker and Anne Belsey from Minster in Thenott i693. John Nerne—ZVeame—and Elizabeth Neame, he from Wingham, shee from Nonington John Bottle and Mary Bell boath from Feuersham John Richardsonn and Marie Venus from Hearne Isacce Worsly and Katherene Solley boath from Ash Nicholas Collins and Mary Safrey boath from Ash Joseph Bignell and Marie Reuill from Chattham . Richard Baker and Elizabeth Rose boath from Chistlet 1694. William Cocke and Elizabeth Hardres from Bonington Thomas Biggs and Mary Adames boath from Eastrey Thomas Bing and Marie Smith boath from St. Johns Thomas Price and Ann White boath from Ash John Allen and Marie Ovenden boath from Sittingborne John Cuthbert and Susan Stace from Healeing, Minersik]L John Parker and Susana Stephens from Minster John Reeue and Susanae Slaughter from Northborn John Burton and Susane Chapman from Ash William Pettet and Marie Neame from Northborn : f: Henry Harisom—Harz'sonn—and Ann Rogers ; he a soldeir in the Reag- ment of Coronal] Coote, and quartred at the Half-moone in St. Alfedg parish 1695. Thomas Hearne and Equillmote from the Ladey Auchers- George Drake and Margret Best, hee from Douer Israel Claringbould and Margret Wood from Deale John Claringbould and Elizabeth‘Pack John Horne and Elizabeth Wood boath frome Ash John Moys and Susana Treuwell boath from Sandwich. James Couch and Sara Nayler, he a seaman and she from Deale * Below this the baptism of Marie Young, March II, was entered, and crossed out. ‘ 1' Ealing, Middlesex. (?) 76 Sept. 29 Oct. 1 Oct. 6 Nov. 28 Jan. 11 Feb. 4 Feb. 24 July 8 Aug. 30 Sept. 18 Oct. 8 Oct. 9 Oct. 13 Oct. 15 Nov 5 Dec: 3 Dec. 21 Dec. 22 Jan. 19 Jan. 25 Feb. 6 April 22 June 8 June 15 Sept. 5 Oct. 3 Oct. 13 Oct. 18 Nov. 1 Nov. 18 Nov. 25 Dec. 7 Mar. 24 May 29 June 12 July 12 July 21 Aug. l5 Aug. 15 Aug. 18 Sept. 27 Oct. 13 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. John Pysing and Elizabeth Sutten, hee from St. Paules and she of this p. Richard Silkewood and Martha Fagg from Nunington John Reade and Ann Hogben from Littleborne John Penny of Minster and Sarah Twyman of the same John Cooke and Jane Buinill—BmeZZ—boath from Eastrey John Champeion of Iwade and Elizabeth Goldfinch of Miltonn Joseph Horn of Ash and Mary Hogben of Wingham 1696. John Brown*‘ of Douer and Ann Noy of ye same Thomas Casey of Allholos and Ann Parker of this parish Roger Medhurst and Hana Stoake boath from Ash Danell Wreighz‘ and Elizabeth Moris boath from Woodnesborogh’r John Harlow and Mary Word boath from Stowermouth William Catlett and Catheren Price from Ash Beniaim—Bengabz’n—Norwood and Sara Dadd from St. Nicholas, Thenot‘ William Forman and Elizabeth Grant from St. Johns in Thenot Danell Smith and Anne Lilly boath from Ash Peter Jaruis and sara Wreight, he from Elmstone Edward Liognes and Elizabeth Dauis, hee from Eastling, shee from New- ington Edward Kelsee and Ann Fagg from Ringwould Richard Tucker and Martha Chapman from Waltham William Pittock—Pz'z’c/ttuk—and Bennette Coale from Noningtone 1697. John Moulden—Mala’m—and Ann Bonner from Sandwich Edward Birch and Mary Magget from Mungham Abraham Barrows and Margret Brown from Ash Edward Hambeltonn and Hester Barnett, he a soulger John Ramsey and Catheren Bean, he a soulger Stephen Carter and Ann Harlo, Stowermouth John Bridges—Brzgges—and Sara Pett from St. Nicholas, Thenot Richard Mackney and Mary Paine from Ringwold Edward Wastall and Elizabeth Golder from Estrey Andrew Cragg and Christian Kelcey from Ringgoldi Timothey Wreight— Wraith—and and (sic) Elizabeth Godfry fro[m] Elham Charles Smith and Susana Earle from Douer 1698. Thomas thonn of St. Martin and Susana thonn of this parish Robert May and Sara Parker Thomas White and Margret Marbrooke from Ash Thomas Cosbuiel] and Ann Paine from Ringwold John Adams and Elizabeth Harlo from Deale Galfrido Miller and Mary Pickenden from Thenott Thomas Culmer and Marie Goodben from Thenott William Wraith and Elizabeth Turner from Gunston Jeremia Hambrook and Marie Kenet from Ash Nov. 25 John Wellard and Sare Errige—Sara/z Cragg—from Ringwold Jan. 15 William Walter of St. Mildred and Patience Low of this parish Jan. 17 Andrew Wildbore of St. Mary Northgate and Eliner Drinker of this parish *In the original this "name seems to have been altered to “Brownell” In the Transcript it is Brown. T This entry will be found in the original two leaves further on than the preceding one. The two intervening leaves contain Marriage entries from Feb. I, 1701, to June I7, 1714. iRinggold appears to have been purposely “smudged.” ll See Marriages, July 15, I699. MARRIAGES. 77 Jan. 18 Isacce Poynten—Pozgnlz'ng— of St. Mary Breadman and Hanna Franke of this parish 1699. May 30 Henry Haynes of Foldstone and Sarah Mitchell of Ash June 22 Samuell Law and Sara Waller from Northborn July 15 Thomas Collins and Elizabeth Cozbuieii from Charing July 18 Stephen Sandwell and Catherin Fearman from St. Peters, Thenot Aug. 3 Valentine Jewell and Annie Prince from St. Johns in Thenottfr Jan. 12 Samuell Knowler and Sara Hyron from Chilham 1700. June 20 Marke Jorden, yeoman, and Mary Peircwall from Bonnington June 24 James Fletcher of St. Paules and Elizabeth Knell of this parish July 14 Dauid Barr of Braborn and Susan Justice of this parish July 25 Nicholas Wild and Hanna Tomlin from St. Peters in Thenott Aug. 12 John Kitcherell and Susana—Susan—Kelly from St. Clemens, Sandwich Sept. 5 Samuell Mittell and Dorothy Jorden from Lydd, and Feb. 3 Richard Craft—Crofl—and Sara Hills from Deale 1701. April 22 Henry Kennett and Marie Bax boath from Douer May 1 Thomas Gardner and Ann Brently from Ringwold May 21 John Morris and Marie Elger from Woodnesborow June 4 William Martin and Marie Denn: Ash July 14 John Lang-1y and Marie Bushell—Bos/zelZ—from St. Laurance in Thenott July 16 Henry Grant and Rachell Gibson from Sandwich Aug. 5 Tho. Penbuckl and Abie Kingford, he from Hasting and she St. Lauarnce (sic): Sept. 27 Jacob Philpott and Marie Wreake—Rea/ce— from Ash Oct. 14 William Flint and Elizabeth Skeer from Pluckley ‘ Nov. 30 John Williames and Marie Whitfeild, he from St. Paules Jan. 13 Anthoni Archer and Susanna Haynes boath from Deale Jan. 14 William Read from Chatham and Hanna Neame from Northbornll Feb. 1 Thomas Caister from Ashford and Hanna Parker of this parish 1702. April 12 Hugh Carlile of St. Georges and Elizabeth Beale of this parish April 16 Marke Jorden of Bunington and Sara Howling of Newchurch Dec. 20 Paule Norwood and Mary Franke boath of this parish 1703. June 14 Henry Smith and Francis Holt boath from Ashford Aug. 17 John Bramstune from Gillingham and Hanna Haddock from Rainham Dec. 6’ Noa Sampsonn and Elizabeth Longe from Dale Jan. 17 Jacobe Young of Wingham and Anne Turner of Kingstonn Feb. 12 William Copping and Anne Goodson from St. Peters in the onle of Thenot 1704. April 11 Thomas Vnderdown from St. Paules and Elizabeth Thomas of this parish June 25 Antoni Bradford and Sara Boykett, he from St. Martins, she of this [parish] *See July at, I698—Marriages. 1' The baptism of Thomas Horn, Sept. 27, was partially entered below this, and then crossed out.- I Interlined in the original ; omitted from the Transcript. [I The entries are'continued three leaves further back. See note to Oct. 8, 1696—Marriages._ 78 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. Sept. 18 Samuell Jennings and Jane Blowen from Bunnington Oct. 16 Thomas Peich of St. Maries Oueris and Marie Clement from Deale Nov. 12 John Lucas and Ann Hearne of this parish Nov. 29 Thomas Thorpe and Joyce VVoottne— Woolen—from Whittstable Jan. 25 Robert Ansley—Asfily—and Elizabeth Eason, hefrom Ash Mar. 17 Laurance Tucker and Elizabeth Andrewsonn boath from Deale 1705. April 9 George Freind and Marie Powers, hee from Adisham and she of this parish April 22 John Jenings and Margret Wooding, he from Rochester and she from Deale May 27 James Word and Elizabeth Norton, he from St. Mildred and she of this - parish May 28 John Pordadge and Ann Benbridge, he from Preston and she from St. Peters June 28 Thomas Hutson and Jane Kingsford, hee and she boath from Deale July 19 John Goefinch and Ann Marsh, hee from Word Aug. 26 Thomas Eastman and Margret Wellard of this parish Aug. 27 William Blaxland of Sholden and Elizabeth Maget of Woodnesborow Oct. 15 Andrew Grant of Northborne and Joanna Ward Nov. 6 William thonn and Susana Peas boath of this parish Nov. 6 Henry Bayley of Woodnesborow and Susana Lylly of Sandwich Jan. 7 Moses Richards of Nurson in Stafordshere and Ann Twigg of this parish, a seruant / Feb. 6 Jacob Port of Stourmouth and Sara Johnson of Ash 1706. ...... George Wellard of St. Maries, D96 April 2 Thomas Pilcher of Hyth and Marie Turney April 9 George Wellard of St. Maries, Douer, and Mary Lawe of this parish May 21 Thomas Gillham of Beathersden and Marie Grewell July 11 John Laming of Deale and Mary Laming of Deale Aug. 8 John Hall of Folkestone and Annes Wellard of this parish Sept. 26 John Wilson of Deale and Mary Aman of Deale‘r Sept. 30 James Ransle—Ransell—and Anne—Ame—Austen from Boughton Male- herbe Jan. 13 Thomas Kitching of Deale and Margret Paramore of Eastry Jan. 19 Thomas Franke and Isabela Jefrey boath of this parish 1707. June 3 Mathew Grant and Mary Penny boath from St. Johns in Thanet June 23 Edward Hutchins and Sare—Sam—Fuller from Deale Dec. 11 Richard Keeble from Eastrey and Marie Bunce Dec. 11 Jacob Keeble from Eastrey and Susana—Susan—Neame Dec. 23 William Shoosmith, a seaman, and Hanna thonn wheare},L 1708. May 8 Jeremiah Vincent and Elizabeth Pope from Kingsnorth May 12 Thomas Wraight and Ellianor Smith from Littleborne May 31 Nicholas Cooke and Anne Culsens——C’ulsme—he from Nackington July 13 William Boulton and Martha Stoakes from Deale July 18 Abraham Holdback and Elizabeth Tille Oct. 28 John Bradly of St. George and Elizabeth Reue * Crossed out : see below, April 9, I706. 1‘ The Transcript from S. Michael, I705, to the same . Feast, 1706, is missing. In the next Transcript this marriage was inserted, but crossed out, probably because it belonged to the preceding Transcript. i “Wheare maried ” is the usual form : in this case “ maried ” is omitted. l 3" R}: ‘ . .3” .3;- J? t i . l' . \ April 26 July 6 July 13 Aug. 20 Oct. 2 Oct. 3 Nov. 20 Jan. 3 Jan. 15 Feb. 13 May 10 June 10 July 2 July 6 Aug. 21 Dec. 27 Jan. 14 April 16 June 30 July 30 Aug. 30 Sept. 3 Oct. 1 Nov. ,10 Jan. 8 Feb. 1 July 11 July 11 Oct. 4 Oct. 17 Nov. 20 Dec. 21 Jan. 12 Jan. 12 Jan. 25 Jan. 29 Feb. 12 May 14 May 28 July I 1 July 20 MARRIAGES. 7 9 1709. George Pyne of Waldersheire and Marie Woolton James Masters and Margret Kitchen from Patrixborn William Norwood and Sara Hockaday from Deale Thomas Osborne and Marie Adman from Douer Francis Paige of Waltham and Sara Moone of this parish IsaCce Walker of Ash and Mary Moate of the samié William Julian and Hester Hancock forom (sz'c) Deale ' Richard Martin and Elizabeth Martin from Ramsgate George Daniel of Lower Hardres and Jane thon of this parish Henry Strood from Woodnesborough and Marie Minter of Ash. 1710. , Thomas Sindry and Martha Solly from Chislet Beniam[i]n Fox and Jane Archer from Deale John Rutting and Francis Christian from Pettham John Knowlden and Ann Betts from Ludnam John Hoult and Mary Grauet from Westwell Edward Coale and Elizabeth Shewbridg from Deale William Dunings and Mary Chantrie from Westgate 1711. John Groue and Judeth Stockwell from Willsburough John Towll of Hampton in Middlesex and Elizabeth Downing of Beaks- ‘ born in Kent were joined in marriage by a London—Licence]L Samuell Mercer and Debrow Brett from Deale Thomas Price and Alce Mason from St. Johns in Thenot Theofilus VVhatson and Mary Marsh from Deale Edward Carter and Sara Hamond from Douer Edward Lawrance and Elizabeth Godfry from Ickham Thomas Young and Martha Jancock from Minster in Thenot Andrew Reatte, a sargant, and Martha Keues—Kz‘ues 1712. Jonathan Smithsom and Elizabeth Clement from Deale Thomas Clement and Margret Walton from Deale John Hawkens and Ann Parker Nicholas Shepard and Mary Mandly [or Manly] from Chelsey in Midlesex John Reade of Sandwz'c/z and Mary Cotten from Sandwich Thomas Siborn—Sz'bon—and Hester Choppen from Ower Stephen Brownlow of Deale and Susana—Susan—Brickenden from Deale Robert Oakly and Mary Cotten, he a solder James Collins and Jane Harris, he a solder and she a strainger John Pickel qf Deale and Elener 'Willford from Deale William Carter of Deale and Joan—foamze—Mumbray from Deale 1713. Danell Wyborne of Nari/250m and Elizabeth Bunce from Northborn Beniame—Bemam'n—Bedoe of Mung/2am and Alce Lile from Mungham Samuell Knott of 5120206er and Margret Oldfeild from South Showber William Mumbray of Deale and Susana Plauten from Deale * A space left between this entry and the next : the Transcript is missing. 1' This entry stands alone on a slip of paper carefully pasted in the volume before it was rebound. It Is in the handwriting of John Cooke, who was Rector at this date, and signed the Transcripts: ‘ Sec note‘ p. 80. The entry was not made in the Transcript. I 80 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. July 20 Mathew Cary of Deale and Mary Durrick from Deale’v‘ Jan. 2 Henry File and Elizabeth Skurge. B. n. (1. Christopher Richards and Anne Burrell 'f 1714. Mar. 30 Richard Baker and Anne Burrell from Graueny Mar. 30 Henry Lilly and Cathrin Poplett from Owre June 13 William Smithen of Ashford and Ann Randolfe of this parish. Bi June 17 Henry Young and Peircy Fagg from Brabone H Marriages beginning from Michaelmass AD. 1714. St. Mary Magdalene. ' [1714 continued] Jan. 26 Thomas Stokes and Rebecca Crippen. B. 1715. April 24 John Makan and Elizabetfi Haymer, both strangers, but having lodged in the parish - ‘ May 22 Charles Horn and Hannah Chester June 23 John Stone and Martha Joade Aug. 31 Andrew Gullen and Sarah Revett Sept. 16 John Hogben, widr., and Mary Hogben, wid. Oct. 1 Edward Dale and Mary Gammon Oct. 13 Richard Chilton and Mary Cutborne Jan. 9 Thomas Hogben and Elizabel/z Small 1716. July 4 James Beach and Martha Wood July 15 John Stone and Hannah Jackson July 17 John Cornish and Margaret Hogben July 23 Richard Bird and Alice Strood Sept. 20 Stephen Packer and Mary Seath Sept. 28 John Lever and Anne Sellinge Oct. 5 John Thelwell and Jane Brown Mar. 5 Francis Pilcher and Sarah Taylor 1717. Mar. 31 John Roberts and Mary Mocket June 4 John More and Susan Bicker June 23 John Parker? and Anne Poole Aug. 14 Benjamin Snoswell and Mordin Denn Oct. 1 James Burr and Elizabeflz Smith Oct. 9 Edward Maxted and Elizabeth Oliver Nov. 29 William Hodson and Sarah Snossle Dec. 4 Benjamin Bristow and Elizabeth Snelling June 3 William Piles and Mary Barwick§ * Between this entry and the next John Cooke, the Rector, wrote the following— “ Memd. that This Book of Registry is not kept by the Minister but by the Clark of the Parish as may Appear both from the writing and the spelling.” After making this brutal entry, the least the Rev. John Cooke could have done would have been to make the entries himself; but he didn’t. 1' Crossed out. See the next entry. 1 Only the letter B in the original. II This is the last marriage entry in the first volume. The rest of the page is blank. § This entry probably belongs to 1718, although the year is given as I717 both in the original and in the Transcript. it Q i; . if MARRIAGES. 81 1718. July 8 John Brett and Mary Horne Sept. 14 Peter Grinio and Eliz: Reynolds Jan. 29 John Slaughter and Catharine Finnis Feb. 3 Leonard Urin and Mary Norman 1719. May 17 William Rassal and Eliz: Shaw Nov. 5 Samuel Holbrook and Hannah Upton Nov. 12 Daniel Collins from Stepney and Mary Basden from Deal Jan. 10 John Doute and Eliz: Busbridge 1720. June 6 John Reynolds and Elizabeth Pain* Sept. 27 Thomas Hopkins and Elizabeth Painii‘ Jan. 19 Thomas Foreman and Susan Moor 1721. Mar. 30 Thomas Pascall and Sarah Smith April 11 Roger Hutton and Martha Wyborrow Aug. 8 John Viney and Rachael Barber Sept. 18 John Pain and Elizabel/z Gosby Oct. 5 William Joade and Margaret Dawson Oct. 31]L John Robus and Ann Baker Nov. 11 John Devine and Judeth Tayler Mar.” 6 John Genmani—German—and Susan Rigsby from Feversham 1722. Mar.H27 William Finnis and Mary—Mz'ldred—Mockett Oct. 16 Nathanell Nurbull—NewbulZ—and Margaret Woollett from Deal Jan. 1 Henary Browne and Sara Hughes both of Ash Jan. 2 Abraham Hunt and Margaret c’Manger-—Zl[onzgrer--of Faversham Dec.*16 William Bell and Susanna Hadman both of St. Mary Megdilen Feb. 6 Wz'll’m Middleton—Ridle/on—of Maidenhead and Mary Sayler of Deal 1723. April 14 Mathew Lampard of Northgate and Elizabeth Ansill of this parish April 15 William Williams of Chartham and Ann Hill of this parish July 8 Thomas Scarsbrow and Sarah Smith both strangers Dec. 21 Gillman Eastman and Margaret Cook Dec. 125 Michell Lad and Elizabeth Evell 1724. April 6 John Friend and Elizabeth Starks April 7 Francis Marsh and Mary Cuckett May 17 Richard Martin of St. Laurance in Thennit and Mary Duke of May Field ‘ in Sussix June 30 Robert Rainer of Pluckly and Anna Tisdell of St. Mary Magdalen July 14 Joseph Jenings of Dover Cassle and Sara Barton of Wingham . 1725. April 27 John Hurst and Martha Young both of Minster * So in the original and Transcript. 1' Oct. I 3 in the Transcript. I Genman seems to have been originally written German. I] May in the Transcript, which is clearly wrong. § So in the original ; Transcript missing. ‘ K 82 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. Aug. 7 Thomas Young of Hearn and Susan Prati‘ of this parish Sept. 18 Wz'ZZ’m Finn—Fz’m’es—and Jane Lewis both strangers Oct. 7 Vincent Saffery of Wingham and Ann Allon, Stourmouth Dec. 2 John Baxly of Borton and Mary Clayton of this parish Mar. 14 John Baecham—«mean-and Diana Seers 1726. June 4 Robert Beacon and Mary Heyden from Lenham Oct. 18f James Graves of Sellinge and Jane Shirwood of Stouting. L. Nov. 13 Samuell Kisser and Ann Raye Jan. 9 Thomas Osburn and Ann Gooden 1727. May 22 John Petley of Ash, batch’r, and Ann Reader of Staple, spinster. L. May 23 William Harlow, batch’r, and Ann Chambers, spinster, both of St. Nicholas in the Isle of Thanet. L. May 24 John Sutton, batch’r, and Mary Wildbore, spinster, both of Ashford. L. Aug. 23 Thomas Roots, widower, and Elizabeth Head, spinster, both of Queen— borough. L. , Aug. 26 Henry Watson, batch’r, and Emblem Owen, spinster, both of Dover. L. Aug. 30 Thomas Jones, batch’r, and Mary Hurst, spinster, of St. John’s in the Isle of Thanet. L. J Wm. Ayerst, Rect’r. Sept. 10 Daniel Plomer and Elizabeth Barnes both of this parish. B. Sept. 12 Richard Maxted, batchelor, and Ann Ticknor, spinster, both of St. Law- rence in the Isle of Thanet. L. Oct. 5 George Friend, batcheZor, of St. Lawrence in Thanet and Ann Wildbore of this parish, spinster. B. Nov. 2 Petley Wanstall, batch’r, and Mary Neame, spinster, both of Word. L. Nov. 17 Robert Futcher of Monkton, batch’r, and Susanna Mockett of Sar in Thanet Jan. 14 Thomas Richey and Susanna Upton of this parish. B. Jan. 21 John Wood of Dover, batch’r, and Jane Smith of Eastry, spinster. L. Feb. 18 Thomas Rye, batch’r, and Susanna Andrews, spinster, both of Nonning— ton. L. Mar. 1 John Burton of Wingham, batch’r, and Elizaae/lz Hole of Nonnington, spinster. L. Mar. 2 William Pilcher of St. Margarets Ateliff, batch’r, and Edith Chitty of the same, spinster. L. Mar. 5 Randolph Dilnutt, batch’r, and Mary Rye, spinster, both of Nonnington. L. 1728. April 22 John Woolley, batch’r, and Hannah Day, spinster, both of Egerton. L. May ‘ 2 John Sackett, batch’r, and Elizabe/lz Mockett, spinster, both of St. Johns in the Isle of Thanet. L. May 30 Matthew Harrison, batch’r, and Margaret Trice, both of Ashford. L. June 14 John Jones, batch’r, and Ann Kenton, spinster, both of Northborne. L. July 9 William Logwood, a sojourner, and Sarah Perrey of this parish. B. July 14 William Lewis of Westgate, widower, and Mary Gardiner of this parish, . spinster. L. < ‘ . Sept. 12 John Mumrey, batch’r, and Jane Boykin, spinster, both of St. Johns in the Isle of Thanet. L. . . Sept. 17 Thomas Acton and Elizabeth Perrey of this parish. B. Oct. 13 Samuel Spratt and Mary Abbott both of this parish. B. * Sara Prétt in a second Transcript. 1" Oct. 16 in the Transcript. In the original the entry - may have been interlined. E .m-,«., f, ,2, '70?! . w w MARRIAGES. 83 Dec. 4 Culbert Smith, a soldier, and Margaret Mitchel of this parish Feb. 6 Feb. 9 April 3 April 15 May 16 June 2 Sept. ,5 Sept. 28 Nov. 4 ' Nov. 13 Feb. 1 April 5 May 16 June 1 July 28 I Aug. 18 Aug. 30 Sept. 21 Oct. 22 Nov. 16 Dec. 22 Jan. 23 April 19 May 20 June 29 July 11 Wm. Ayerst, Rect’r. Valentine Andrews, batch’r, and Elizabeth Reynolds, widz, both of Molash. L. ' Thomas Reader of Seasalter and Elizabel/z Taylor of this parish. B. 1729. Michael Allen of Hougham, batch’r, to Mary Browne of St. Marys in Dover, spinster. L. John Dane, batch’r, and Elizabeth Bassett, spinster, both of Linxted. L. John Samson of Shelwich. widower, and Jane Robus of Selling, widow. L. Thomas Balden, batch’r, and Ann Buggins, spinster, both of Milton by Sittingbourn. L. Humphry Spencer of Hartford, batch’r, and Elizabeth Gorham of Faver- sham. spinster. L. Samuel Goldsmith, batch’r, and Mary Frank, spinster, both of this parish. L. \ John Simmons, batch’r, and Abigail Mockett, spinster, both of St. Johns in the Isle of Thanet. L. Edward Stanner of St. Peters in Thanet, batch’r, and Mary Hills of St. ' Laurence in the same Isle, widow. L. Wm. Ayerst, Rect’r."“ Alexander Parks, \vid’r, and Elizabeth Fergeson both of this parish. B. 1730. John Palmer, batch'r, of St. Peters in ye Isle of Thanet and Mary Patter- son, spinster, of St. Mary’s, Dover. L. John Jarvis. bat’r, and Ann Covill, spinster, both of Birchington. L. John Field, batc’r, of Milton and Frances Spaks, spinster, of St. James in the Isle of Grane. L. John Smith, batc’r, and Sarah Buckett, spinster, both of St. Laurence in the Isle of Thanet. L. , Amos Sanders, batc’r, and Mary Barber both of St. Marys, Dover. L. Jo: Head, Rec’rqL William Wilkinson, batc’r, of St. Pauls parish and Elizabeth Piletier of St. Martins, spinster. L. Clement Beningfield, batc/z’r, and Elizabeth Morris, spinster, both of Birchington. L. , William Peeni and Ann Hunter of this parish. B. James Hedgcock and Dennis Shilling, spinster, of Faversham. L. George Muster, batc’r, and Elizabeth Keble, widow, both of Woodnes- borough. L. Richard Franke, of Folkstone, bat’r, and Sarah Phillpott of Crundal, spinster. L. 1731. John Lanes of Fishstreet, London, bat’r, and Ann Minter of this parish. L. William Hambrook, batc’r, and Thomasine Cobb, widow, both of Smeeth. L. John Loud of Borden, batc’r, and Catharine Richardson of ,Bredgar, spinster. L. William Hinds, bat’r, and Elizabeth Elbery, spinster, both of St. Laurence in the Isle of Thanet. L. * Below the Rector’s signature a line is drawn across the page, and there is a space about an inch in width between this'line and the next entry. 1” He signed this Transcript “John Head, Minister.” 1 More like Pun in the original. This entry and others are omitted from the Transcript. 84 Oct. 12 Dec. 18 Feb. 14 Oct. 16 Oct. 17 Nov. 16 Jan. 12 Jan. 31 May 19 June 12 Nov. 4 Nov. 10 Dec. 6 Jan. 6 Jan. 19 Mar. 4 July 10 Aug. 7 Sept. 11 Sept. 14 Sept. 22 Sept. 29 Oct. 10 Oct. 20 Nov. 4 Feb. 20 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. Richard Ashby, widower, and Sarah Nower, widow, both of Pluckley. L. John Gibbon Of Swinfeild, batc’r, and Elizabeth Pettit of W60tton, spinster. Li“ John Simmons, bat’r, and Sarah Landwell, spinster, both of St. John Baptist in the Isle of Thanet. L. sz'm'orl Knuckle, bat’r, and Frances Fairbrace both of St. John Baptist in the Isle of Thanet. L. Thomas Lilly, bat’r, and Susan Roberts, spinster, both of Hastingleigh. L. 1732. Thomas Miles, bat’r, and Elizabeth Marsh, spinster, both of Kingston. L. John Pilcher, bat’r, and Elizabeth Pingle, spinster, both of Womenswould. L. John Gibbon, bat’r, and Elizabeth Nelson, spinster, both of the parish of St. Marys in Dover. L. ' Richard Fox, bat’r, and Mary Blackbourn, spinster, both of St. John Bap- tist in the Isle of Thanet. L. . Thomas Nichols, widower, and Sarah Parker, widow, both of Cosmus upon Blean. L. , John Lesser, bat’r, of Sittingbourn and Ann Heton of Tunstell, spinster. L. 1733. William Pingle of Womanswould—Lomaswold—widower, and Elizabeth Keeler of Waltham, widow. L. William Steede of Ewell, bat’r, and Mary Neeves of Ash, spinster. L. Richard Somes and Elizabeth Eastman both of this parish. L. Giles Lawrence, bat’r, and Sarah Morris, spinster, both of Goodnestone. L. William Austin and Sarah Ashdown. B. John Sutton of Padlesworth, bat’r, and Jane Beer—BeZe—of Bridge, spin- ster. L. John Hyld, bat’r, and Mary Mercer, spinster, both of Northborn. L. John Yenden of Westbeer, bat’r, and Ann Dunn of St. Peter in Sand- wich, spinster. L. 1734. Jonathan Buckmaster of Chatham, bat’r, and Ann. Booze of Deal, spin— ster. L. Joseph Mockett, bat’r, of Ive Church and Elizabeth Goldfinch, widow, of Dimchurch. L. Randall Bell, bat’r, and Judith Brown, spinster, both of Deal. L. Richard Turner, bat’r, and Sarah Ulett, spinster, both of Minster in the Isle of Thanet. L. John Warner, bat’r, and Sarah Stone, spinster, both of this parish. L. William Clifton and Martha Taylor both of this parish. B. William Baker of Whitfeild, bat’r,‘and Elizabeth Bushell, spinster, of Thanet. L. Edward Gosby of Thanington and Ann Lynch of this parish. B. William Eager, bat’r, and Mary Cleaverly, spinster, both of Goodnestone. L. Thomas Surge, bat’r, and Mary Mount, widow, both of Elmested. L. * This is the last marriage registered in the second volume. The remainder of this page, a space about four inches in width, is blank. This page is not signed, but John Head signed the next volume (3) Up to J uly. I746- 1‘ I have taken this name from the Transcript, which, though badly written, is clear. In the original the name looks like “Ninior Knuckle.” In the Transcript Thomas Lilly’s marriage is entered under Jan. 14, and “Spinior ” Knuckle’s under Feb. I 5. ._ ,, ,. fl 7, l 5: ~ 1 C V.‘ i. t E t E 1735. Aug. 27 Isaac Row, bat’r, and Rachael Cramp, spins/er, both of St. John Baptist in Thanet. L. Oct. 14 Thomas Fagg of St. Johns in Thanet and Susan Burton of the same place.” Oct. 27 JohnLake, bat’r, and Jane Web, spins/er, both of Maidstone. L. Nov. 23 Samuel Browmly—Bowmly—and Mary Blackman both of ys parish. B. Dec. 24 John March of Doddington and Margarett Worster of this parrish. B. 1736. . June 21 William Appleby, bat’r, and Sarah Hutchins, spz'rzsler, both of Deal. L. July 10 Thomas Baily, bat’r, and Mary Taylor, spz'mler, both of Lyminge. L. Aug. 10 William Hills, bat’r, and Grace Kirby, widow, both of Milton by Sitting- borne. 1.. Feb. 10 John Norton, bat’r, and Sarah Davison, sz'nsz’er, both of St. Lawrence in Thanet. L. Mar. 23 Thomas Fuller of Bridge, bat’r, and Catharine Banks of Patricksborne, sp’r. L. 1737. April 18 Henry Lusher, bat’r, and Mary Peirce, sp’r, both of this parish. L. May 6 John Read of Staple, bat’r, and Elizabeth Rye of Kingston. L. Sept. 4 John South of Milton, wid’r, and Mary Soanes—Soane—of Halstow, wid. L. Sept. 19 John Leek and Susan—Sara/z—Pine both of this parish. B. Oct. 27 George Stannard, bat’r, and Susam Emptage. wid., both of Folkstone. L. Feb. 21 Leonard Minter, bat‘r, and Ann Wraight, sp’r, both of Folkstone. L. Mar. 4 John Curling, bat’r, and Margaret Petley, sp’r, both of Ash. L. ‘ 1738. May 23 Thomas Cooper, bat’r, and Elizabeth Waters, sp’r, both of the same parishfi‘ L. Aug. 13 James Olliver and Catharine Pope both of this parish. Li Aug. 18 George Philpott, bat’r, and Sarah Squire, sp’r, both of St. Peter in Thanet. L. Nov. 27 Thomas White of Chartham, bat’r, and Mary Wells of Lower Hardres, maiden. L. 7 Mar. 4:: William Gray, wid’r, and Susannah Elvye, wid’w, both of this parish. L. Mar. 1: Charles Twyman, wid’r, and Elizabeth Pay, wid’w, both of St. Lawrence in Tenet. L. , 1739. _ Oct. 2 William Grig, bat’r, and Susan Wood, maid’n, both of Denton. L. Nov. 15 Robert Manvil—fifaflweZl—bat’r, and Susan Mace, maid’n, both of Wing- ham. L. Jan. 21 Edward Gilbert—Gz'lberd—bat’r, and Sarah Kittam—Susaiz Kz'dz‘am— maid’n, both of St. Johns in Thanet. L. . . 1740. Sept. 23 John Roberts of Feversham, widower, and Susan Bear of Canterbury, ~ widow. L.- . , Oct. 23 Thomas Beake, bat’r, and Elizabeth Fuller, maiden—xp’r—both of Ash. L. Nov. 15 Thomas Gorely of Molash, widower, and Elizabeth Mellow of St. Mary , Magdalen, Canterbury, maiden. L. , . * The name of the parish is omitted from the Transcript also. 1' This entry has been crossed MARRIAGES. 85 out : it was not entered in the Transcript. 1 Dates are thus in the Transcript also. 86 ST. MARY ‘MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. 1741. Oct. 3 Richard Bret— Ifz'ei—bat’r, and’Mary Hatcher, sp’r, both of Smeeth. L. Oct. 30 Thomas Pierce of this parish and Hannah Griggs of ye Precincts of X1:— C/zrz'sf—Church. B. 1742. Oct. 13 James Kemp of Whitstable, bat’r, and Elizabeth Savage of Hearn, sp’r. L}. 1743. April 5 John Goldfinch, bat’r, and Sarah Marsh, sp’r, both of St. Mary in Sandwich. L. June 14 Tho’s Southee of Canter’y, bat’r, and Elizab: Spratbrow of St. this (sic) parish. L. 1744. July 12 Obadiah Bing of St. Alphage, widower, and Mary Dolley of this parish. L. Sept. 17 John Jell of St. Margarets at Cliife, batc/zelor, and Elizabeth Pett of East Langdon, spinster. L. James Allett, Curate 1745. Oct. 2 John Kelter of Shoulden, bat’r, and Mary Baley—Baz'Zy—of Ham, sp’r. L. Jan. 9 John Bradley of Ower and Elizabeth Ward of Faversham. L. Mar. 12 -Thomas Hinch, batch’r, and Sarah Fenner—Feem—widow, both of St. Peter’s in Thanet. L. 1746. April 1 Edward Marshall, widower, and Susanna Hanson, widow, both of St. John’s in Thanet. L. April 12 Thomas Pilcher of Hastingleigh, bat’r,l and Elizabeth Norton of Brook, spinsz‘er. L. Oct. 23 Henry Burchet of the parish of St. Peter’s in this city, and Margaret Duley of this parish. B. Jan. 11 Thomas Trinder, Marine, and Frances Turtledove both of the parish of St. George in this city—60f}; of 152's fan's/z. B. Feb. 24 John Quince of Ramsgate, batchelor, and Anne Moses—Masses—of St. Lawrence, widow. L. 1747. June 8 Thomas Redman, bat’r, and Elizabeth Bayly, sp’r, both of Deal. L. June 9 Caleb Tucker of Dover, bat’r, and Elizabeth Jell of St. Marys, Dover, sp’r. L. July 18 Edward Erridge, widower, and Sarah Wanstall, sp’r, both of Ringwould. L. J: Head, Rec’r May 315‘ William Homan of Ickharn and Mary Frend of this parish. L. Oct. 2 John Baldock of Lympne, bat’r, and Mary Fenn of Westhythe, sp’r. L. Oct. 6 George Down of Saltwood, bat’r, and Mary Newman of Lympne, sp’r. L. Oct. 23 John Brown, bat’r, and Hester Pittington, widow, both of Dovor. L. Nov. 7 Richard Hayward, bat’r, and Elizabeth Wyborne, wid’w, both of St. Peter in the Isle of Thanet. L. ‘ ' Dec. 7 Samuel Elliott, bat’r, and Sarah Lavender, wid :, both of Dovor. L. 1748. Oct. 28 William Bailey and Eliz’z’lz Hubbard both of Dovor Castle. L. Oct. 31 Peter Labdom, widower, and Agnes White, spinster, both of St. Paul’s parish. L. . , .. l '1 l i l 9* So in the original and in the Transcript. i! MARRIAGES. 87 Dec. 15 John Wilkinson of Stockton in the County of Durham and Sarah Hooper L of St. Lawrence in Thanet, spinster. L. ‘ Jan. 30 Richard Jennings, batchelor, and Anne Rachel, spinster, both of Pluck— ly. L. Feb. 6 Henry Crown, batchelor, and Mary Simons, spinster, both of St. Law- rence in Thanet. L. 1749. Mar. 26 William Upton and Elizabeth Bell both of this parish. B. Fran: Gregory, Curate 1750. July 12 Stephen Trice, batchelor, and Elizabeth Bradley, widow, both of Patrix- bourn. L. Nov. 25 William Huttson of St. Stephen’s and Elizabel/z Day of this parish. B. Feb. 15 William Hall, batchelor, and Elizabeth Ladd, spinster, both of Folkstone. L. \ . 1751. April 8 William Dumee and Margaret Weeb both of this parish. B. April 15 Matthew Warman, batchelor, and Catharine Stringer, spinster, both of Ri 1e. R. May 4 Stephgrli Horton of Lyminge, batchelor, and Elizabeth Hopper of Ash, spinster. L. May 6 William Smith, batchelor, and Margaret Tams. spinster. both ofAlkham. L. Nov. 59“ James Page of St. George’s, batchelor, and Mary White of this parish, spinster. L. Oct. 13* William Goldsmith and Deborah Foster both of this parish. B. ‘ 1752. Mar. 29 John Fiefi” and Elizaéetlz Fiel’t~ both of this parish. B. April 15 Daniel Kerby, batchelor, and Elizaéetlz Neeves, both of St. Peters in . Thanet. L. ,, Fran: Gregory, Curate 4 June 8 Vincent Philpot, batchelor, and Catherine Bartlett, spinster, both of St. Mary’s in Dovor. L. ' Isaac Terry and EstherFibins both of this parish. B. July 2 William Durban, batchelor, and Susanna Warman, spinster, both of Ring- would. L. Aug. 1 Medmer Goodwin of Saint Peter in Thanet, batchelor, and Ann Gilbert of St. John’s in Thanet, spinster. L. Aug. 25 Francis Wicks and Susannah Hunt both of this parish. B. Oct. 10 Paul Stokes and Ann Bounds both of this parish. B. . Dec. 18 William Nash of St. Peter’s in Thanet, batchelor, and Ann Ovenden of St. John’s in Thanet, spinster. L. Dec. 25 William Winford and Ann Foster both of this parish. B. 1753. June 25 Peter Loate—Losie—batchelor, and Mary Taylor, spinster, both of this parish. L. July 9 John Claringbull and Elizabeth Swafier both of this parish. B. . July ‘24 John Kelley, batchelor, and Sarah Silke, widow, both of Ramsgate. L. Dec. 20 Rogers Colttroup of St. John’s in Thanet and Sarah Sturges of Ash. L.’[ * The entries stand in this order in the original with an * to direct attention thereto. In the Transcript the order is Oct. I 3, March 29 (1752) and Nov. 15, the first and third also having an asterisk. 1‘ The marriage entries were continued in this third volume until Nov. I I, I7 59. They were also entered, beginning in 1754. in the new “Act of Parliament ” book, which forms Vol. 5 of these Parish Registers, and this volume I use, comparing the entries with those in Vol. 3. I do not find any Banns Book. -..—-4 E. k< Orr-i=- 88 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. 1754. Mar. 25 Walter Vincent of the parish of St. Mary Northgate in this city and Eliza- beth Reynolds of this parish. B. William Vincent, Henry Savage,96 witnesses Sept. 26 Nathaniel Marsh of the parish of Boughton under the Blean, widower, and Mary Farewell of this parish, widow. L. John Potter, witness 1755. April 5 Edward Tuck of this parish and Elizabeth Stokes of this parish. B. John Peirce, witness April 12 John Stokes and Celia Maxted [both] of this parish. B. Wm. Brice, witness June 12 Richard Mount of the parish of St. Andrew, widower, and Mary Terry of this parish, widow. L. Jn. Airson, Minister Step’n Mathews, witness Oct. 12 Richard Field of the parish of Patrixbourne, batchelor, and Elizabeth Clarke of this parish, spinster. L. John Watson, witness - Oct. 20 Thomas Godfery, batchelor, and Elizabeth Clemment, widow, [both] of this parish. B. Tho. Cooper, witness _ Oct. 30 Francis Gregory, Clerk, of the Precincts of the Cathedral Church of Christ, and Elizabeth Sawkins of this parish. L. J. Head, Rector Wm. Sawkins, Jas. Sawkins, witnesses Dec. 4 Edward Engeham, batchelor, and Tamasint Austen, widow, [both] of this parish. B. James Poitevin, witness 1756. Jan. 7 Thomas Holmes and Mary Wiles [both] of this parish. B. John Peirce, witness Jan. 22 Thomas Himes and Jane Forster [both] of this parish. B. William Roberts, witness Feb. 23 William Leversuch and Mary Knott [both] of this parish. B. John Ralph, witness May 10 William Wiltshere and Mercy Tritton [both] of this parish. B. Rd. Binfield, witness . , Sept. 7 John Hills of St. Peter’s in Thanet and Ann Pawlyn of this parish. L. Richard Fullor, Tho. Fullor, witnesses Nov. 15 ‘ George Le Grand of the parish of Saint Andrew and Margaret Loftie of this parish, spinster. L. Wm. Loftie, Wm. Le Grand, witnesses 1757. Jan. 17 John Hawkins of this parish and Mary Coleman of the parish of St. George. B. Wm. Burbidge, witness Sept. 4 John Ellis and Sarah Wildish [both] of this parish. B. Francis Wicks, witness Sept. 4 Benjamin Kettely, batchelor, and Elizabeth Mills, spinster, [both] of this parish. B. Abraham Grishow, witness ale’Henry Savage was probably parish clerk. Where I only give the name of one witness it may be understood that he‘was the other. 1“ T homasin in Vol. 3. ‘ ‘ MARRIAGES. 89 Oct. 2 John Halsey, batchelor, and Frances Roaf, spinster, [both] of this parish. B. Edward Minter, Humphry Vale, witnesses 1758. Jan. 8 Michael Markham, batchelor, and Lucrese Denham, widow, [both] of this parish. L. John Peirce, witness June 29 John Seath and Elizabeth Jarvis [both] of this parish. B. Thos. Lamprey, Minister Elijah Gosby, Jno. Denney, witnesses 1759. Feb. 25 John Sperring. a soldier, and Elizabeth Marsh, widow, [both] of this parish. B. John Peirce, witness Nov. 11 Richard Engeham of this parish and Susannah Crawley of the same. B John Engeham, witness 1760. [No Marriages] 1761. Mar. 7 John Mullit, a soldier of the Sixty first Regiment, now quartered in the City of Canterbury (commanded by Colonel George Gray) 21 batchelor, and Margaret Minter of this parish, a spinster. L. Tho. Forster, Rector John Figgett, witness Sept. 6 John Jagger of this parish, a bachelor, and Elisabeth Jagger of the same, ‘ a spinster. L. John Potuine, witness Sept. 27 Richard James of this parish and Margaret Mitchell of the same. B. I. Johnson, Vicar of St. Dunstan Ed. Bushell, Catharine Baumford, witnesses Sept. 29 Simeon 8) mon and Ann Moverly [both] of this parish. B. Thomas Freeman. Minister James Mead, Elisabeth Curling, witnesses Oct. 22 William Long of this parish, bachelor, and Mary Sharp of the parish of St. George’s, spinster. L. T. Freeman, Minister Jno. Sharp, E. Sharp, witnesses 1762. Jan. 18 John Marshall of this parish and Anne Lake of the same. B. Fran: Gregory, Vicar of Milton Tho’ s Wyman, witness May 10 John Tilly y, a soldier of the 2lst Regiment, and Mary Purslow both of this parish. B. John Fox, witness May 11 James Newman of the parish of Samt Mary Cray and Phebe Gould of this parish. B. Wm. Adams, John Peirce. witnesses Nov. 22 James Browning, bachelor, of the parish of Boughton under the Blean and Dinah Baker of this parish, spinster, and a minor, with the consent of Martha Baker, natural and lawfull mother of the said minor. L. Walter Prett, John Frend, witnesses, 90 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. 1763. Jan. 24 John Allen of the parish of Adisham and Mary Fread of this parish. B. John Tadhunter, William Allen, witnesses. 1764. April 15* William Spratt of this parish, widower, and Charity Holmes of the same. widow. B. John FrendqL Catherine Fisher, witnesses Oct. 281 John Little of the parish of St. Paul in the City of Canterbury and Ann Shiptharp of this parish. B. Fran: Gregory, Sequestrator James Shrubsole, witness Dec. 30 Charles Hearndin of this parish and Catherine Fisher of the same. B. Fran: Gregory, Rector / Hannah Flohow, witness 1765. Mar. 18 Samuel Vanson of this parish and Joanna Claringbould of the same. B. . J. Peirce, witness June 29 William Scott of this parish and Mary Somes of the same. B. William Fulks, witness July 29 Stephen Pilcher of this parish and Ann Bligh of the same. B. - William Johncock, witness ‘ ’ Sept. 9 John Vincent of this parish, batchelor, and Mary Sisley of the same. B. Wm. Vincent, witness 1766. Jan. 9 Edward Smith of the parish of Ash and Mary Page of this parish. B. Thomas Goodban, witness. Mar. 17 William Spooner of this parish and Hannah Jennings of the same. B. Eliz: Swan, witness July 3 John Taddy of this parish, batchelor, and Ursula Quested of the same, spinster. L. Henry Waddell, Stephen Richards, witnesses 1767. April 27 John Carr of this parish and Esther Waller of the same. B. Robert Philpott, Tho’s Davis, witnesses June 1 Thomas Oldfield of the parish Of Ospringe, batchelor, and Elizabeth Philpot of this parish, spinster. L. John Philpot, Wm. Gadesby, witnesses Oct. 19 Thomas Field of the parish of St. Mildred and Mary Nash of this parish. B. John Seath, Elizabeth Rigden, witnesses Nov. 24 John Orford of this parish and Mary Johnson of the same. B. Walter Prett, witness 1768. Feb. 10 Thomas Dein of this parish and Sarah Wellby of the same. B. John Guerard, witness 1769. Mar. 18 William Box, a soldier, of the parish of All Saints in Canterbury and Frances Atwell of this parish, spinster. L. John Lawrence, witness * April 5 in the Transcript. 1“ John Frend frequently signed now, as he seems to have'succeeded Henry Savage as churchwarden and (or) parish clerk. Where only one witness is given John Freud was the other. I Oct. Sin one Transcript ; 28 in another. ’ wrwmw ,w’ s .. , MARRIAGES. 91 June 27 Edward Batchilder of this parish and Ann Longbridge of the same. B. Ja’ s Collins, witness 1770. Jan. 16 Henry Waddell of the parish of Si. Paul, batchelor, and Elizabeth Hunter, spinster, with consent of her guardian. L. John Taddy, Ursula Taddy, witnesses Feb. 11 Thomas Maddy of the parish of St. Andrew, widower, and Eleanor Ham- brook of this parish, spinster. L. Wm. Pout, witness April 15 Edward Young of this parish, widower, and Ann Knight of the same. B. Richard Abbott, Michael Connor, witnesses Sept. 11 John Luckett of this parish and Mary Sutton of the same. B. William Upton, witness Nov. 11 Richard Kemp of the parish of St. Marys Northgate and Elizabeth Adams of this parish B William Adams, witness 1771. Jan. 8 Samuel Flint of this parish and Susanna Wellby of the same. B. John Welby, Simo[n] (P) Welby, witnesses Jan. 15 John Oliver of this parish and Levina Blaxland of the same. B. Stephen Blax[l]and, witness April 28 John Hall of this parish, widower, and Mary Thomas of the parish of St. Mildred, spinster. B. Thomas Vincent, witness May 16 Slodden Rouse of the parish of New Romney, batchelor, and Margaret Batcheler of this parish, spinster. L. Wm. Loftie, Hester Loftie, witnesses 1772. [No Marriages] 1773. Jan. 7 Thomas Dowsett of the parish of Littlebourne and Elizabeth Bissaker of this parish, spinster. L. Richard Lampert, Sarah Gorlland, witnesses April 19 James Porter of the parish of St. Paul and Margaret Bushell of this parish. B. Tho’ s Shindler, Tho’ s Fagg, witnesses Juiy 12 William Stanley of the parish of St. Paul and Elizabeth Swan of this parish. B. . Rich’d Gosbey, Mary Brames (P), witnesses Oct. 7* Thomas Green of the parish of Eythorn and Mary Rigden of this parish. B. Rich’d Harris—j—Barham (sic), Tho’s Cannon, witnesses 1774. Jan. 6 Thomas Hudson of the parish of St. Paul in this city and Jane Dournall of this parish. B. Tho’ s Cannon, witness Mar. 22 Robert Bagley of the parish of St. Margaret 1n this city and Mary Smith of this parish, Spinster. L. Rich’d Daniels, Eliz’ th Mead, witnesses June 20 William Epps of this parish and Ann Cole of the same panic/z. B. George F ordered witness * Oct. 17 in the Transcript. 92 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. Nov. 18 Thomas Quested of the parish of Folkstone, batchelor, and Elizabeth March of this parish, spinster. L. John Quested, Elizabeth Mount, witnesses 1775. Feb. 26 James Johnston of this parish and Elizabeth Read of the same parish. B. John Haslet, Mary Haslet, witnesses . 1776. [No Marriages] 1777. July 169‘ Henry Springget of the parish of Thannington, batchelor, and Mary Hambrooke, of St. Mary Magdalene, spinster. L. Philip Brandon, Sequestrator George Kirkby, Ann Friend, witnesses Sept. 14 Thomas Beal of this parish, batchelor, and Mary Brothers of this parish, a spinster. L. James Ford, Rector John Brothers, William Beal, witnessesl Oct. 12 William Page of the parish of St. Dunstans, batchelor, and Sarah Sheaf of this parish, spinster. L. Hen’ y Gipps, Edward Heard, witnesses Dec. 26 Gabriel Dixon of this parish and Elizabeth Atwood of the parish of St. Alphage. B. George Bacon, witness 1778. June 14 William Fletcher and Anna Frend [both] of this parish. L. Mary Crosoer, witness July 12 John Hatcher and Elizabeth Ruck [both] of this parish. B. William Plummer, William Salmon, witnesses Aug. 17 Richard Ardley of this parish and Susanna Elvey of the parish of Hoath. B. An Carnol (P), witness Dec. 23 Charles Corbyn, batchelor, of the lst Battalion Royal Regiment of Artillery now in this parish and Anne Butler, spinster, of this parish. B. John Gostling. Rector of Milton Ale[x]ander Findlay, James Irwin, witnesses 1779. Jan. 5 Marsh Piddock of St. Mildred, a batchelor, and Elizabeth Millicent of this parish. L. James Radford, Richa1d Piddock, Rucke M. Villers (P), witnesses Feb 16 George Greig of St. Catherines Cray, Leadenhall Street, London, and Elizabeth Neame of this parish. L. William Gadesby, Mary Finch, witnesses Dec. 16 'lhomas Lade and Mary White [both] of this parish. L. John White, witness 1780. ,Jan. 15 Thomas Stokes and Mary Gill [both] of this parish. B. William Gill, Henry Stokes, witnesses 1781. May 9 James Cook and Mary Parsons [both] of this parish. B George Parsons, Catharine Parsons, witnesses * July 15 in the Transcript. '1“ This entry is No. 70 in the original ; the next two spaces are blank, but the following entry is numbered 71. MARRIAGES. 93 Sept. 23 John Cook of the parish of Lydd and Seirah Smith of this parish. L. Godfrey Vincei (P Vincent). witness Oct. 9 Thomas Parfit of the parish of Lenham and Ann Hogbin of this parish. B. Rich’d Mead, Elizabeth Hogbin, witnesses Nov. 6 JobGambier of the parish ofSt. Alphage and Sarah Hudson of this parish. L. W. Mulling, Rob’t Steed, witnesses Dec. 1:; James Stranack of St. John in Thanet and Mary Elizabeth Seath of this parish. L. Eliz. Stranack, Mary Gilham, Eliz. Lanes, witnesses 1782. June 20 John Brames of Chatham and Sarah Ann Rye of this parish. L. John Cook, Eaijz (P Eliz.) Hepburn, witnesses 1783. May 4 Richard Stone and Elizabeth Markham [both] of this parish. B. Charles Heaninton, witness Dec. 23 Charles Hodgman of St. Dunstan, Canterbury, andSarah Watson of this parish. L. George Pilcher, Eliz’th Ferrand, witnesses 1784. Feb. 19 John Austen of the parish of St. Martin and Hester Sawkins of this parish. L. Catherine Benger, Charles Austen, witnesses Mar. 30 Stephen Tunbridge of St. Andrews parish and Sarah Abigail Fowler of this parish. L. John Mears, Sarah Mears, witnesses June 21 Matthias Rutton of the parish of Selling, Clerk, and Margaret Loftie of this parish. L. Catharine Rutton, Wm. Loftie, witnesses July 8 ‘ William Fletcher and Mary Downe [both] of this parish. B. Sarah Foster, Wm. Gregory, W. Evernden, witnesses Aug. 9 William Mathers, bachelor, and Sarah Elsey, spinster, [both] of this parish. B. John Gostling, Rector of Milton Philip Castlefi‘ Eliza Baskerville, witnesses 1785. [N o Marriages] . 1786. Mar. 19 William Bulli‘nger and Maria Abbott [both] of this parish. L. Henry Mathews, witness Aug. 7 Thomas Jarrnan of Deal and Mary Walter of this parish. L. Abraham Taylor, witness \ Oct. 5 William Gradidge of the parish of St. Alphage and Elizabeth Baker of this parish. L. Marsh Piddock, Jno. Baker, Mary Lawrence, Tho’s Eland, Eliz. Lanes, witnesses 1787. Jan. 1 William Pollard of this parish and Elizabeth Bakerf of the parish of St. Mary Northgate. B. John Cooper, William Philpott, James Pollard, witnesses ‘ In a line with this name, but at some distance from it, are the letters D. P. 1' She signed the Register “ Elizabeth Pollard formerly Baker." 94 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. Jan. 29 Thomas Watson of the parish of St. Mary Breadman and Sarah Mount of this parish. B. Step’n Watson, Alec’rd Watson, Mary Stephens, witnesses May 6 Thomas Wells and Ann Watkins [both] of this parish. L. Mary Fleetwood, witness Sept. 11 John Frend and Ann Young [both] of this parish. L. ‘ John Jager, James Ford, Junr., witnesses Oct. 22 Samuel Meres of the parish of Chilham and Elizabeth Philpott of this parish. L. Amelia Philpot, Wm. Cullen, witnesses Oct. 30 William Chapman of this parish and Elizabeth Hargrave of the parish of St. James, Westminster. L. John Hargrave, John Holdstock, Mary Chapman, John Chapman, witnesses 1788. [No Marriages] 1789. ~ July 5 John Betts and Mary Blog g[both] of this parish. B. Georg e Blackman, witness Dec. 29 John Patteson*—Paterson—of the parish of Walmer and Ann Smith of this parish. B. Tho’s Davis, witness 1790. Oct. 12 Charles Dobbs of the parish of Waltham and Sarah Coddom of this parish. B. Thomas Rigden, witness 1791. Oct. 30 John Jordan and Sarah Burwash [both] of this parish. B. Wm Burwash, Mary Savage, witnesses 1792. Jan. 31 Stephen Burch of the parish of Wingham and Mary Farley of this parish. B. John Mears, Cariner Dodd witnesses June 10 John Jager of this parish and Hannah Hudson of the Precincts of Christ Church. L. John Frend ,‘r witness Nov. 4 Edward Culver of the parish of St. Mildred and Deborah Lookey of this parish. B. Daniel Welby, witness Nov. 8 Thomas Young of the parish of St. Mary Bredin and Elizabeth Savage of this parish. L. Mary Elizabeth Kenarix (P Kendrik‘), Barth’w Elvey, witnesses 1793. Feb. 12 Timothy Wraith and Hannah Taylor [both] of this parish. L. John Kebble, Mary Bradley, witnesses Feb. 12 John Carter of this parish and Alice Widgsill of St. Paul. B. Philip Penn, George Parsons, witnesses April 14 John Penfold and Ann Nye [both] of this parish. L. Stephen Philpot, Philip Penn, witnesses Oct. 12 Step hen Steady and Mary Warman [both] of this parish. B. Thomas Steady, Mary Hayward, witnesses . * He signed the Register “ Patteson.” 1‘ John Freud alone witnessed this marriage. MARRIAGES. 95 '1794. Feb. '6 John Bule and Mary Clarke [both] of this parish. B. Edward Clarke, Sarah Clarke, witnesses Feb. 18 Dennis Cronan and Elizabeth Feekings [both] of this parish. B. William Janes, Stephen Philpot, witnesses April 27 John Still” and Mary Lawrence [both] of this parish. L. . Rich. Stifl‘, Stephen Halladay. witnesses June 8 John WoodBof the parish of St. Mary Breadman and Lydia White of this arish. . 'Thomas Wanston. Stephen Philpoti“ witnesses June 9 Peter Lamberton of this parish and Elizabeth Meredith of the parish of St. Peter. B. James Tevelein, Elisabeth Keeler, witnesses Oct. 27 Solomon Chappell of the White Friars (an extraparochial place) and Mary Williams of the same extraparochial place. B. William Williams, Mary Burgess, witnesses 1795. May 5 Charles Drayson—Draper—and Sarah Taylor [both] of this parish. B. Tho’s Taylor, Ann H‘ards, witnesses Sept. 24 John Dunn of the parish of Barham and Elizabeth Baldock of this parish. L. John Sier, witness Oct. 19 John Field of the parish of Northgate and Lucy Bennett of this parish. L. Rob’t Lemar, witness Oct. 28 John Harvey of the parish of Chartham and Mary Matcham of this parish. L. John Dane, witness Nov. 8 Edward Philpot and Mary Blackman [both] of this parish. L. ' Stephen Halladay, witness 1796. Jan. 14 Charles Blackman and Lydia Lemon [both] of this parish. B. Robert Lemon, witness Mar. 21 William Fish and Sarah Gooden [both] of this parish. B. ‘ John Baker, witness May 15 Robert Hayward of the parish of St. Mary Bredin and Elizabeth Southee of this parish. B. Tho’s Southee, James Southee, witnesses May 17 Robert IIliaygward of the parish of St. Mildred and Mary Smith of this pans . . Thos. Hayward, witness Sept. 4 William Fowler and Frances Kidder, a minor, [both] of this parish. L. Ed. Kingsford, Eliz. Fowler, witnesses Dec. 14 Thomas Underwood and Elizabeth Jackson [both] of this parish. B. William Harris, Frances Easton (P), witnesses I»; Dec. 15 John Allen of the parish of Westbeer and Susanna Mead of this parish. L. Rich’d Mead, Ann Mead, witnesses , -§V1»m - r a 1797. Feb. 15 George Tamblyn of the parish of All Saints in this city, bachelor, and Jane Brittenden of this parish, spinster. B. Jno. Francis, Minist’r Thomas Southee, witness * He became churchwarden this year, and. like John Freud, often witnessed a marriage. Afterwards he probably became parish clerk. 96 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. May 16 William Reynolds and Mary Lenoy [both] of this parish. B. William Fox, witness 1798. April 10 William Read, bachelor of the parish of All Saints in this city and Ann Kirkby of this parish. B. John Gostling, Rector of St. Peters Geo: Clark, 7“ witness Aug. 20 Edward Elsted of the parish of Chilham and Rebecca Whitfeild of this parish. L. W. H. Stringer, Frances Whitfeild, witnesses Oct. 15 John Delo and Sophia Friend [both] of this parish. B. John Crouch, Ann Delo, witnesses 1799. Aug. 12 David Godson and Elizabeth Mackcollisser [both] of this parish. B. Richard Elliott, witness ’ 1800. June 6 John Ingram and Mary Kepton [both] of this parish. L. David Milne, Rob’t Read, witnesses June 29 George Scofield and Susanna Collings [both] of this parish. B. Robert Holtham, witness Aug. 3 Edward Chapman and Mary Brown [both] of this parish. B. Joseph Harrison, witness Oct. 20 Richard Razell and Catherine Hayward [both] of this parish. L. Stephen Philpot, George Parsons, witnesses. *6 The only witness to this entry. The flamas at them: that were burned in: the 3938119 of Sagnt Hilary .magdalene in: Waterbury. 1559. April 15 Isabell Lytherlande Dec. 28 Chrystyan Bland, filia Gilbertj April 24 Wyllyam Dabs Feb. 2 April 7 May 20 Nov. 12 Mar. 6 April 13 B] d May 3 Susan Stockbrydge an Nov. .. John Warde‘r 1560. Nycholas Pyers, filius Georgij 1567- Pyers ' April 14 Harry Kyrbyei‘ Alyce Lowe, filia Joh’is Lowe July 30 Jhon Streter de London Dec. 10 Nycholas Hunter E . b 1551- 1' h” 1568-9. hzfiufig Butler, fi ta Jo Is [No Transcripts] Agnes Butler, filia Joh’is Butler 1570, Clement Russell , , Katheryne Russell, vx. Cle- Apr1116 Thomas D)rrecke mentis Russell April 29 Helyn Vawa’, wyffe of Jhon Vawa’ Mychaell Dyrycke Bartyllmewe Elgar, the s’uant May 24 Wyllyam Warde of Mr. John Polley 1571. 1562. April 10 Willi’m Kennet - April 21 Thomas Foorde [No Transcnpt.J - April 29 Katherin Basse 1563. June 23 John Shipton June 28 Edward Baker Aug. 4 Robert Pigeon 1564 Nov. 2 Robert Robinson Nycholas Cope'r . 1572. Wyllyam Cok, s. of Austen Cok Nov. 17 Austen Cooke Feb, 8 Joan Clinton, wyfe of John John Wydeard, bucher A 1565. Clinto’ Alyce Sympson, d. of Ambrosse 1573 Sympson . Israel Raynolds, s. of James June 28 Marye Danton, d. of Wylam R ld’ s:- , Danton ayno 5 Nov. 23 Thomas Lansdown, s. of Jhon 1566. Lansdown Mary Streter Dec. 30 Thomas Wryght *At the foot of this Transcript “sol iiijd.” 1‘ Below this is written, “ They have had no sermons thes xij monethes.” INycholas Hunter’s burial was entered next, and then crossed out. 98 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. Jan. 9 Lauranc’ Baker. 5. of ...... June 20 John Nycols’n Baker of Lede in Romney July 17 Harry Perce Marsh July 27 James Roper Aug. 20 Mychaell WhytehL 1574. April 27 Joseph Canstret 1581' May 20 Isbell Creuche, wyfe of Johne June 23 . . . . . .ii Wyse Creuche Aug. 2 Margery Nayler Aug. 10 Tomsin Bicks Aug. 10 Mychaell a pan pawle {sic} Mar. 22 Alis Bishope, wyef of Bastian Aug. 26 Gylberd Stynt’n Bishope Aug. 27 Judyth Gossney Aug. 28 Sybyll Barkelett 1575. ‘ Dec. 18 Elyzabeth Alyn July 10 Marye Blande, d. of Gylbert Feb- 25 John Holtellll Blande . July 19 Gylbert Blande . 1582' Aug. 12 Anna Hyet May 23 Mare Baker Sept. 28 John Shawe July 17 JarrardGoss’n Oct. 30 Joyce Gascoine, d. of Cleme’t Aug. 2 Sara Thorne Sept. 8 Robert Lynsey 1576. Sept. 23 Jone Blasche April 31* Wyll’m Browne, s. of Wyll’m Get 1 Natanyell Roper May 5 Elzabeth Browne, wyfe of NOV' 20 Peter Doodston Wyll’m Dec. 25 Jane Jones May 6 Wyll’m Browne‘r ’ Feb. 17 John Harte§§ July 15 Thom’s Yeamans r Sept. 16 Elysabeth Jones, (1. of John 1083' Oct. 24 Andrewe Massis, a Fleminge April 28 Jeames Raynovls Dec. 18 An’a Nychols, d. of Johni May 27 Elyse Beche, Walonw" . July 8 Mare Boovere 1577. July 29 Edward Wise Mar. 26 Marger e Robson Aug. 6 Andrew Frestell May 4 Wyll’myReynoldes NOV-fits} Mare Hess? June 28 Davyd Robson. Minister OCt' 27 Ambrose Stinton Oct. 28 Willyam Stinton Nov. 2 Mare Thorne 1573. Nov. 25 Tomsyn Myller D . ‘ April 10 Elysabeth Kingesdowne,wyd- DEE. 2g ghyesrirtghglglifmden dowe Dec. 30 John Craye May 29 John Bushe, wyddower Jan. 3 Alce Jeames May 29 BartholemewFelpes,abastarde Jan. 5 Alyce Bvcke May 9” Reynolde Gascoine +++ May 27” Marye Baker§ Jan. 11 Thomas Sandershur June 30 Symon Cusse 1579. ‘ 1584. N B , I H- May 9 Jane Ranold l: 0 urra 3'] June 17 Wyll’m Selbe . July 6 Gylberde Newchyrche 1580‘ Aug. 9 Elyzabeth Newchyrche April 29 Agnes Moyse Sept. 26 Thomas Boocke ‘ May 13 Margery Asche’den Dec. 22 John Swenford * ‘Ye last of Apryll " in another copy. “l” T. S. W'yll‘m Rygbey. I T. S. Henry Perce. ll So in the Transcript. ‘ § T. S. Thomas Warner, Minister, Robert Lee, Thomas Weste, ** T. S. Thomas Warner, Thomas West. Christophor Ashend’. ‘H‘ T. S. Thomas Panton‘, Pars[o]n, Chrystofer Ashe'nden, Edward Kenard. I: No space left in the Transcript. llll .T. S. Edward Kenard, John Bicke. M T. S.John Bicke, Clement Gaskyn. 9"“ “ Walon” written In the margin. TH“ So in the Transcript. in“ T S. Clement Gasky-n, Myhell Bland. BURIALS. 99 ' Dec. 30 ohn Tryttyn . Mar. 23 Elisabeth Shingleton“ Jan. 2 ycolas Woode Jan. 31 John Stoxe 1592- Feb. 1 Wyll’m Stoxe . April 16 Agnes Perse Feb. 9 Wyll’m Lorde June 6 Samuell Mercer Feb. 18 An Lordee“ June 21 Edward Man Aug. 30 John Robinson 1585. Sept. 2 Rachell Hovenden May 25 Ambrose Cowell DeC- 9 John West June 8 Steuen Stredwick Jan. 15 Jth Hoorne July 11 Vrsula Ducksell Feb. 18 Richard Turner July 20 Tho P’son Panthon P’son (sic) Mar. 10 Thom’s HovendenH Aug. 1 Joyce Hermon Sept. 1 Richard ..... . 1593- Sept. 23 Joan Ovenden Oct. 5 Margaret Panton Oct. 18 George Moyse Oct. 17 Marye West Mar. 13 Sybyll Orchard, widow’r Nov. 19 Joan Tyrrey Nov. 27 Marye Tyrrey 1586. Jan. 24 Clement Gascoine July 10 John Gawood Mar. 2 Thom s Turner Dec. 8 Maryan Leverake Dec. 23 Wyll’m Potter: 1594'5'. Jan. 24 Edward Newchurche [N0 Transcripts] 1537, 1596. A til 8 Alc ones Jan. 9 Mathew Lucas . NEW. 1 Kenherth Kenwoode J an- 22 Jho Mum“ ' - Jan. 24 Edward Newchurch Mar. 7 Anne Nay lar Mar. 13 Brigett Lamperd A .1 7 A1 1588' 1597. ‘ J55; 17 A5: Jlgcrelrfrsrard May 15 Marélgagoolye, wyf of Jhon 2’ July 12 Elymelech Mo se . - Aug. 18 'I‘hom’s Bellingam, sayler May 27 Ehsabeth Crouche Aug. 24 Richard Buck June 6 Thom s'Osprlnge June 22 Anne Vincent : t 1589. fiug. 4’; %\£/Ila.1rgalretitl Il-VIIob’s , , u . 1me ec 0 se Nov. 24 Katherin Stokesll‘ 00%: 21 Thom’s HarryZonfl Oct. 25 T hom’s Naylerijfr ' _ 1590' Nov. 21 Susan Selbyeii Oct. 1 Motley Eliot Nov. 30 Rebecka Cooperii Oct. 3 Joan Barker Nov. 22 Nicholden Pelh’m 1598. Dec. 4 Michaell Bland§ May 4 Elizabeth Dawntonii Aug. 19 Joan Moreii ’ 1591' Aug. 24 Mary LovelllHl May 3 Doritye Goosson Oct. 21 Thom’s Harison ~ Dec. 8 Wydow Potter Oct. 25 Thom’s Nylr [Nayler] « Jan. '8 Bartholemew Dale Nov. 21 Susa’ Selbye 1 Jan. 26 Elisabeth Varnam Nov. 30 Rebecka Cooper 1 * T. S. Mychaell Blande, George More. 1' T. S. Thoma' Warnern, Rectorem ibid. (who continued " to sign until 1606) George Meoore, Peter Browne. J I T. S. Peter Browne, Thomas Eton. g [I T. S. Edmond Lovell, Thomas Brydge. 6 '1‘. S. Thomas Brydge, William Myles. ? \ i“ T. S. Will’m Kennett, John Blackborn. ”H" T. S. John Blackborn, Arnoull Te[rry]. They also signed the next. it These names appear also in the next Transcript. See below, I 598. II] T. S. Thomas Lyghtfoote, Bell Whyte. \ 100 May 4 Aug. 19 Aug. 24 Oct. 14 Oct. 14 Mar. 27 Nov. 18 Nov. 25 Mar. 31 April 18 Nov. 11 Mar. 1 Mar. 24 Nov. Dec. Jan. 26 10 24 May 7 May 25 June 8 Aug. 20 Sept. 8 Sept. 20 Sept. 28 Oct. 11 Oct. 11 Oct. 12 Oct. 13 Nov. 3 Nov. 20 Nov. 21 Dec. 12 Mar. 31 June 8 June 12 July 2 Sept. 1 Nov. 1 Jan. 4 Sept. 17 * T. S. Henry Francklen, Jhon Dawnton. Jaspar Wreake. ST. MARY MAGDALENE, Elisabeth Dawnton Joan Moore Marye Lowell Jo’n Kennard Anna Francklin 1599. Mychael Paramore“‘ , Joane Blande Christian Castret 1600. Katherin Miles Thomas Oxenden Brigett Lamperd Ye wyf of Symon Allen Thomas WalliS]L 1601. Stephen Houenden Joane Cowell Jullyan Danton 1602. Thomas F illmer Susanna White John Weste Agnes Hilles Edward Cowell Susanna Parkinson Thomas Osspringei Robert Clay Joell Smithe Elizabeth Ovenden John Dunston Elizabeth Ovenden mother of the foresayd Elizabeth Margret Cooper Joan Longe Abraham Longe 1603. Allice Downe Humfry Newton James Claye Ann Wilkinson William Morfildell Francis Williams 1604. John Whyte Elizabeth Plomer§ Forreste, Jeames Newton, Henry Selby.- Thomas West, Tho. Lightfoot. Will’m Wilkinson, William Whiting. CANTERBURY. Feb. 3 Steue’ Gobye Feb. 4 Clement Kenard 1605. May 27 Erasmus Salmon June 7 Wyll’m Spyce Aug. 8 Wyll’m Thatcher Sept. 2 Thom’s Wylkinson Sept. 6 Henrye Proud Sept. 24 Hellen HarmanW Oct. 10 Will’m Danton Nov. 8 Edmund Lovell Nov. 10 John Wilkinson Nov. 30 VVill’m Rigbey Dec. 7 Thomas Kinge Dec. 16 John Clerke Dec. 25 Thomas Millyarde Jan. 1 Jeame‘s Howlen 1606. April 28 JaneLeneue May 12 Simon Pereman Sept. 23 Esdras Courtney 1607. Nov. 23 John Chandler Dec. 8 . . . . . . Cole, widowe Mar. 13 Christopher Cosen . 1608. April 15 John Whitinge April 21 Frances Marson April 27 Anthonye Masters June 24 Marye Deponte, a stranger Aug. 28 Marye Sentine, wyfe of Tobye, a strangerfi Nov. 4 Anne Forest, (1. of John Dec. 24 Thomas Bentlye Jan. 17 Williame Andrewii Mar. 16 Osman Poole Mar. 16 William Clark. 5. of William 1609. June 22 Marye Lockly, wiffe of Richard Aug. 13 Thomas West Aug. 18 Ye Wydow Thacher Sept. 7 Elyzabeth Coop’, wyffe of Thomas Sept. 12 Peeter Deponte, a stranger Sept. 13 Rebecca Wilkinson, (1. . of William Sept. 16 Ann Warriner, d. of Mathew They also signed the next. I T. S. Jaspar Wreake, James Newton. 6 ’1‘. S. Henry Selby, John Ansell. ‘H‘ T. S. George Marson, Parson (who signed up to 1629), ‘l' T. S. John Dawnton, II T. S. John Clay, John ** T. S. 11; John first written. BURIALS. 101 Sept. 29 Thomas Coop’ Feb. 16 Thomas Pilkinton, s. of Oct. 1 Silvester Parkinson, d. of Thomas Robert - Oct. 5 George Alline9‘ 1613. 00'5- 26 Steaven COOP, May 13 The wydow Atkinson NOV- 4 Marye Valter. d- of Thomas June 3 Thomas Bridge, 8. of William Nov. 6 Av1s Mathew, d. of Thomas Julv 12 Ann Dracoate, d. of James NOV' 6 Elyzabeth Hamon ' Aug. 31 Daniell Kingsnod Dec. 14 I‘he Wydow Brooke Sept. 18 Thomas Rowell, s. of Gulbert Sept. 27 James Smyth, s. of JeremiehL 1610' Oct. 27 Katheren Forest, wyffe of April 12 Katherine Whitinge, d. of John William Jan. 5 Richard Greenock Aug. 19 Maudlen Pouter, a stranger’r Mar. ‘3 Susan Clarke, (1. of William Nov. 28 MarthaWhitinge, d. of William Jan. 17 William Sharpe 1614. Mar. 16 Robert Parkinson, 3. Of Robert April 19 B611 Whit Mar. 18 George Moore July 19 Elyzabeth Clarkfl 1611 Nov. 1 Peeter Browne ‘ Jan. 3 John Dobarman, a stranger April 16 Robert Elfi'erye Jan. 21 John Stanesbye, s. of Mathew May 4 Hester Claris, a stranger“; Feb. 3 Helen Cocke April 6 ChristOpher Lockly. s. of Mar. 10 Elyzabeth Younge, d. of Richard Thomas May 13 Henrye West Mar. 14 John Austen May 20 John Norton Mar. 17 William Barton Sept. 19 Steaven TUCk Mar. 19 The wydow Lightfoote Oct. 1 Edmund Harper” Oct. 22 Clement Streater, wyff of 1615. Nov. 11 Mygiigilértgmblen Mar. 29 Ann Rufioote, wyfe of James Dec. 7 Margarett Pilkinton, d. of Aprll 19 A198 Browne, wyffe 0f 10h“ Thomas June 2 Mistres Haymon Dec. 7 Ann Baseden, d. of William§ gm: fig $3.11.... W12“, d- or Mathewf Jan. 3 Thonigas Italightfoote ep ' gfriiismasllllaramor, 3‘ 0 an. 15 Ann las enden l’eb. 5 Elizabeth Blackbourne, d. of N0“ 10 Mar-V9 Shepard, €11“ Wm John Jan. 3 $118 wydow Clans Mar. 2 Ann Sayer, wyife of Steaven Jan. i: TLSUIa Oreuchce, d.I(])fAr(11101d f Mar. 15 John Juiam, s. of Edward Jan. (21:32:56 reuc e’ ' 0 Jan. 25 Nicholas Porto 1612. Jan. 30 Isabell Bonnar, d. of Peeter May 11 Henrye Richardson Feb. 9 John Wllmotte June 15 Helen Phacknor Feb. 15 Eleabeth ElfiCke June 19 Thomas Valter Feb. 28 Ablgall Bartlame, d. of Henrye June 25 Jane Claris, a stranger ' July 28 Steaven Ormne, s. of John 1616- Aug. 12 Thomas W,est s. of Mathew April 13 Richard, Dose, s. of Christo- Aug. Thomas Pycle” pher Oct. 12 Thomas Ospringe May 9 Susan Bridge, (1. of Williame Nov. 6 Daniell Thomas, s. of John June 21 Ann Tucker, d. of John Dec. 5 Elyzabeth Davison, d. of John Aug. 23 Elyzabeth Barton,d.of William ‘ T. S. William Whitinge, John Tucker. another Transcript the entry was duly made, and the next dated May 6, not April+ 6. John Goby, Robart Parkinson. § Made up from two '1‘ ranscripts.:z 'l' T. S. John Tucker, John Goby e. 1' Interlined. In H T. S. H T. S. Robert Parkinson,y Wm. Bridg. William Lampard. 'H‘T. S. Wm Bridg, pThomas Yong e. 1T. S. Thomas Yong, llll William Lampard, Mathew West . Aug. 2-6 Sept. 20 Sept. 26 Mar. 26 June 13 July 6 July 20 Sept. 24 Oct. 1 Nov. 29 Dec. 18 Feb. 2 Mar. 10 Mar. 17 Mar. 17 May 31 July 30 Sept. 24 Oct. 3 Oct. 4 Oct. 24 Dec. 24 Jan. 6 Feb. 7 Mar. 19 4'9 T. S. Mathew West, Henry Lightfoot. John Hawkins. Smyth. 'They signed the next also. ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. Jone Ingrame, d. of Richard Thomas Huntter James Whittinge, s. of William Whitingeié Vrsula Best, (1. of Nicholas Alce Bellinger, widowe Marye Tucke, wyffe of George Richard Ingrame 1617. Ann Moyce, d. of Edwarde]L Alce Rowell, d. of Gilbert Allicksaunder Peneman Thomas Pilkinton, s. of Thomas Vrsula Tucke, wyffe of Richard Samuell Archley, s. of John Wydowe White Fraunces Burton Elyzabeth Philcocks, d. of John John, a stranger Edward Lewsley, s. of Thomas Morgan, a Welche man Thomas Lamin 1618. Jone Hall Martha Perman, d. of William James Drought, 5. of John Edward Paramor Mistres Chapman, a wydowi Dorathie Cossen, d. of Thomas Judeth Peecor, d. of Paule, a stranger Goodwyfi‘e Lightfote, wyffe of Henrye Henrye Spicer Fraunces Pell, (1. of John Susan Pell, (1. of John Robert Bellinger 1619. Thomas Shawe James Newton Marye Lewsley, d. of Thomas” Judeth Best, d. of Nicholas Marye Meryame, d. of Edward James Wygmore, s. of Henrye Williame Adames, s. of Wil— liame Susane West, wyfl'e of Thomas Williame Pipkine Sara Does, d. of Christopher 'l‘ T. S. Henry Lightfoot, Richard Tuck. II T. S. Ralfe Jones, James Ruffoot. . ** Richard inserted by another hand. See Nov. 20, below. 1620. June 9 'Robert P’kinson 'July 6 The wydowe Peeron, a stranger July 7 Marye Wanderton July 13 Sara Windebancke, d. of John Sept. 30 Judeth Philcocks, d. of John§ Oct. 20 Margaret Peere, d. of Edmond Nov. 3 Elyzabethe Best, wyffe of Steven Nov. 15 Thomas Philcocks, s. of John Nov. 27 Ann Wanderton Jan. 1 John Wager, s. of John Wager Jan. 21 William Read, brewer Feb. 28 Constance Bonnar, d. of Peeter '1621. April 19 John Hambletvn, s. of William April 26 Jaen Jones, (1. of Rallef April 30 Robart West May 2 Peter Tangitt May 3 Mathew Stainsbee May 21 Cristofor Dann, s. of Hope Dann May 30 Sarah Windebanke, wyfe of John Windebanke July 23 Alleis Best, (1. of Steven Aug. 8 Hendery. Lihtfott, s. of Hen- dary Aug. 31 Allvered Denn, s. of Thomas Denne Sept. 1 Agnis Gooddew, woyfe of Peter Oct. 25 John Jones, s. of Thomas Jones Oct. 26 The s. of Richard9596 Baker, not christened Nov. 2 John Halkins, s. of John Halkins Nov. 20 Ann Baker, woyfe of Edward Baker, gent. Dec. 3 Margerit Havll, woyfe of Robert Havll Jan. 29 John Halkins Feb. 21 Christian ,Feriyor, d. of Sami- well F eariyor ' 1622. April 11 Catterin Halkins, d. of John Halkins May 31 Richard Bridg, s. of William Bridg June 1 Amy Dann, d. of Hope Dann i T. S. <5 T. S. John Whitfeilde, Jeremy June 2 18 [Ju1y113 Aug. 1 Sept. 20 Sept. 24 BURIALS. 103 Amy Reade, woyfe of William Reade . . . . Kingsnorth, d. ........ * Edmvnd Jons, Jeane Jons and]L Barbvry Jons, the s. and ds. of Thomas Jones ' William Lovell, s. of Edmvnd Loveill MrisI Rayltvn . . . . widdow The s. of Thomas Denn, gent :, not christened“ Sept. 4§ Henary Stredvck Sept. 22§ Mildred Huflvm, d. of Thomas ~Dec. 11 Dec. 18 Dec. 29 Jan. 26 Jan. 6§ . 21§ an Feb. 2 .May 5 July 5 July 13 Sept. 1 Nov. 10 Nov. 12 Jan. 11 Jan. 21 Mar. 29 April 3 April 9 June 27 Ang.26 * The Transcript is torn here. tween “ and ” and “ Barbvry.” a space is left after Rayltvn. given. Huifvm, gent. MaryJohnsonn, d. of Lawranc Johnsonn Edmvnd Lovell The s. of Richard Baker, not christened William Jhnsvnn, s. of Edward Jhonsvnn Thomas Kenaby, s. of Richard Kenaby . Benjamin Brooke Josef Cowell 1623. Richard Jones William Adames, and Francis Apleyard Widdow Nvtvnn, wife of James N vtvnn Widow Provd,W wife of Henary Provd, gentfi Edward Moyes, s. of Edward Moyes The d. of Gillbord Rowell, not christened ' Susan Clarke, (1. of John Clarke, a stranger Widow Richersonn 1624. Ann Jones, wife of Thomas Jones . The s. of Joseph Colef, not christened The s. of John Ashley, not christened Gillbord Rowell Sibbell Beste, d. of Nicholas Beste “ eight ” in the Transcript. Oct. 1 Lvtion Blackboren, wife of John Blackboren Oct. 1 Phillvp Claris, a stranger Oct. 16 Henry Bonde Nov. 9 Lidea Stockden, d. of John Stockden Nov. 10 Elisabeth Kearye,d.of Thomas Kery Nov. 13 Elizabeth Bonde, wife ofHenry Bonde Nov. 15 Martha Kary, d. of Thomas Kary Nov. 18 Ales Lamperd, wife of Thomas Lamperd Mar. 7 Thomas Gibbon, s. of Mathew Gibbon Mar. 12 Thomas Woodrvff, a servant to Mr. Pizing Mar. 19 Martha Lee s. and d. of Mar. 20 Francis Lee Robert Lee Mar. 24 Moses Dann, s. of Hope Dann 1625. April 12 Ann Jones,wife of Ralph Jones June 8 Martha Johnsonn, wife of Lawrance Johnsonn July 3 Judeth Terre, wif of Abell Terre, a stranger July 9 Jean Tith, a servant to Mr. Lightfote July 19' Amie Banerd, d. of Prissilla Vanerd July 29 Ann Hambletvn, d. of William Hambletvnn Aug. 1 Widow Banerd Aug. 17 Vssella Efi’ell, d. of Ralph Efiell Aug. 23 Roberte Beste, s. of Nicholas Best Nov. 7 Edward Smith Nov. 7‘ Adam Stockden, s. of John Stockden Feb. 11 David Clarke.s.of John Clarke, a stranger 4 Mar. 81”.; Ralph Hugins, servant of John Tompson 1626. April 16 Danniell Dooes, s. of Chris- tofor Dooes Jone Mathew, wife of Thomas _Mathew ' May 9 'l‘ A date “the 16th ” has been written over with the mark A be- : Mris in the margin by another hand. In the Transcript I] T. S. Joseph Colfe, George Austen. ** In another Transcript, “ Mris. Prowd, widow, the late wife of—” Edward Barrett, Nycklas vastvs. They also signed the next. § The dates run as “H‘ T. S. 11 “ Tenth ” written above July 1 16 17 31 19 29 11 .21 Nov. 4 9 14 Feb . 18 Mar. 19 June July 12 July Aug. 13 29 Sept. 22 Feb. 19 April 5 June 8 July 5 Sept. 21 Nov. 7 Feb. 27 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. Thomas Mathew The s. of Richard Ockshott, not christened Roberto Stephensonn, and his wife Elizabeth Stephensonn Widow Harrisonn Jone Phillcock, wife of John Phillcock Avsten Grooves"‘ Jane Petter, d. of John Petter, a stranger The s. of John Veill, not , christened Jone Wyes Jone Moyes, and also her 3. not christened, being the wife and childe of Edward Bloyes Abaraham Terree, s. of Abell Terree, a stranger Jacklayen. a stranger William Woodbridg Mary Lvnn, d. of John Lvnn 1627. Richard Simson William Ancill, s. of William Ancill Ann Hambletvn,d. of William Hambletvn Alce Groove, wife of Avgvsten ' Groove William Simons, s. of Peter Simons John Wavg|:er:|]L Ralphe Stevens and his bro- ther which was not chris- ened, being the sonnes of Lavrance Stevens 1628. Svsan angey, wife of John angey " Martha Badcock, d. of James Badcock Henry Rowell, s. of Gilbord Rowell Phebee Merson, d. of George Marsonj; John Lewsley, s. [of] Thomas Lewsley John Lee, s. of Roberte Lee I May .18 .18 .18 17 22 .11 .23 Dec . 30 Feb. 11 hiay 25 June 2 June June Aug. Sept. 9 Sept. Oct. 1 Oct. Oct. Dec. Dec. Feb. 20 21 25 April 6 May 2 June 10 1629. Margeritt Beane, d. of John Beane Ann Veill, d. of John Viell Mary Halsnod, wiffe of Same- well Hals-nod John Lamperd, s. of William Lampeard Richard Wallter Beetteras Stevens, wife of Lav- lance (sic) Stevens Joseph Harrison, 3. of Richard Harrison Henry Lightfoot Samewell Halsnod John Batterme, s. of Geiles Batterme, a stranger Mickaell Harrison, 5. Richard Harrison Elizabeth Dann, d. of Hope Dannl] ‘ Christofor Dooes The d. of John Lunn,, not bap- tized Richard Lockley Susan, wife of Petter Lenoy of 1630. A d. of Noath (sic) Leedes, not baptized William Sedger Thomas, s. of John Stockeden Widow Johnes John Pell . Christopher Ansell, s. of Wil- liam Ansell Henery Wigmor Adrian Rouse, s. of Thomas Rouse§ Edward, s. of Susan Pavmer, widow Margerit Beane, d. of John Beane George Slater Thomas Weste William Snowe 1631. Sara Lamperd, wife of William Lamperd Christofor Cerltun, s. of Chris- tofor Cerltun John Huxe * T. S. Richard Harrison, Christofvr Dooes. 1‘ John Wager, in another Transcript.—T. S. Christofor Dooes, John Archele. Philcox. James Badcock. § Made up from two Transcripts, 1 Made up from two Transcripts—T. S. J ohn‘ Archele. signed by John Marston, Rector, John Lunn, u T. s. John ,_ I',» lip A, is BURIALS. June 13 Garth Paramore, s. of Henry April 10 April 18 May 13 May 26 May 29 June 21 n. d. Sept. 25 Paramore, gcntt 29“ 1632. Ann Badcock. d. of James Badcock ' Matthias Evans, 5. of Matthias Evans Mathias Evans The s. of William Hambleton, not baptized Elizabeth Browne, d. of John Browne 1633. Ye d. of Laurence Stephens, not baptized’f John Tallis Joan Litheall. d. of William Litheall The s. of William Reinolds, not baptized Reinolds widdow Margret Finch, widdow John Jones Elizabeth Wood, d. of J0h[n] Wood 105 Sept. 27 Edward Barret, s. of Edward Dec. 21 Dec. 31 Jan. 23 Jan. 25 Mar. 10 Mar. 10 April 5 April 30 May 17 May 22 May 26 June 29 June 29 Barrett Martha Hilderson, d. of Thomas Hilderson Marie Barrett, d. of Edward Barrett Elizabeth Haulden, d. of John Haulden George Vandepeere, s. of George Vandepeere William Pysinge, s. of Jonas Pysinge John Haulden, s. Haulden of John 1634. Roger Linsford, a stranger Jone Parkinson, d. of Robert Parkinson Christopher Carlton Widdow Amis Marie Stanley, wife of William Stanley William Jones, 3. Jones Elizabeth Wigmore. d. of Henry Wigmore of John A true note of Buryalls that haue binn in the parish of St. Mary Magdalene in this Citye of Carterbury fiz‘cj from the yeere of 1684.“ July '26 Aug. 12 Sept. 7 Sept. 23 Oct. 31 Nov. 1 Jan. 6 Jan. 12 Mar.’ 20 [1634 continued] Ann Lamperd, d. of William Lamperd ye younger William Forde, a servant of John Archley John Palmer, 5. Palmer, widdow Stephen Allen§ . Martha Harison, d. of Richard Harison A d. of William ,Benitt, not baptized of Susan Dauid Richards, servant to, Goodman Barritt Susan Andrews Elizabeth Lithall, d. of William Lithall April 22 Sept. 15 Nov. 2 Dec. 17 Feb. 25 Mar. Mar. 1 2 Mar. 4 Mar. 5 April 22 f T.S. Mat : Wariner, Curat, James Badcock, Noah Leeds. Marston, P’son, Noah Leeds, William Reeue. thus. 1635. Lancelott Louelas, s. of Leo- nard Loulas James Cowell, s. of George Cowell Nicholas Brett, 5. of Nicholas Brett Amy Lewckner, widow Margerit Glover Edward Clarke A s. of William Lithall, not baptized Hester Hoven, a stranger William Lithall, s. of William Lithall 1636. Prissilla Stookes 'l‘ Interlined. I T.S. John [I The Burial Register, Vol. I, commences §T.S. Johan’es Marston, Rect.; William Reeue, James Draycott, ch : wardens; William Lythall, Thomas Denne, Assistant. usual, there are none until 1661. The next Transcript bears date 1637-8, and then, as N 106 May- 5 June 6 Aug. 11 Aug. 29 Sept. 18 Oct. 12 Dec. 3 Jan. 11 Jan. 29 Feb. 20 Mar. 9 April 9 April 24 May 25 July 20 Aug. 29 Aug. 30 Sept. 25 Sept. 27 Oct. 6 Oct. Nov. NCO Nov. 3 Nov. 13 Dec. 15 Dec. 17 Dec. 23 Feb. 9 Feb. 18 Feb. 27 Mar. 22 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. Francis Shingleton, s. of Cut- berd Shingleton Widow Cowell John Tucker Elizabeth Coult Henry Tucker, 8. Tucker Martha Clarke, d. of John Clarke Abraham Edmans, s. of Abra- ham Edmans Elizabeth Edmans, wife of Abraham Edmans John Knight Sibbella Munze, d. of John Munzz Robard Hilderson, s. of Thomas William Bromley, s. of Richard of John 1637. Liddia Reeue, d. of William Reeue F ulke Deavice A man child of William Benitts, not baptized William Hambleton James Leuckner Christofor Masday Katheren Masday, d. of Cris- tofer Masday Arm Measdaye, d. of Christofor Measa’aye John Haryson, s. Haryson Henry Sanders, gentt. Thomas Baker, s. of William Baker Joane Gibbon, wife of William Gibbon Henry Stevens, s. of Laurance Stevens Izahacke Casslle, s. of Giles Cassell, a stranger—a Wa- [02mg Francis Jenings, s. of Thomas Jenings Thomas Jenings Ralph Jones Margerit Broune, d. of John Browne Edward Stevens, s. of Laurance Stevens Elizabeth Teate, d. of John Teate of Peter Sept. 18 Sept. 20 Sept. 26 Oct. 4 Oct. 9 Nov. 16 Dec. 15 Feb. 12 Feb. 20 Mar. 13 April 22 June 24 July 4 July 7 Aug. 28 Oct. 14 Oct. 22 Jan. 9 Mar. 17 April 10 April 26 May 14 June 6 June 9 June 11 June 19 July 7 Sept. 17 Oct. 2 Nov. 6 1638. Mary Croft, wife of John Croft A s. of John Broune, not bap- tized , Margerit Broune, wife of John Broune’“ William Lamperd Henry Haythorne Martha, wife of Thomas Tat- nall Joane Phillups, widowe The s. of John Forist, not baptized Thomas, s. of Edward Fenne Thomas Chandler 1639. James Badcocke, s. of James Badcocke Francis Willson, d. of Trustrum Willson Ann Whiting, d. of William Whiting Tucker, wife of John Tucker ' Thomas Marable Susan Fouler, d. of Nicholas Fouler Ye s. of William Freeland, not baptized Joane Huson, widow Mildred Longe, wife of Thomas Longe 1640. Martha Tredcraft, d. ofAndrew Tredcraft Marth[a] Louelas, wife of Leonard Loulas, gentt. William Nethersole, gentt. Ann Pidgion, wife of Simon Pidgion. Izahack Marchall, s. of Henry Marchall Anne Cooke, wife of Henry Cooke Ann White, d. of Timothy White ' Martha Tucker, d. of John Tucker Peter Eglestone Mary Stephens, d. of Laurance Stephens Millisen Allen, d. of William Allen * T.S. John Marston, Leo ; Louelace, Will' Allen. BURIALS. _Nov. 8 Anthony Woorger July 2 Feb. 2 Susan Whiting, d. of William Whiting. July 12 Feb. 21 Mary Louelas, d. of Leonard Louelas Oct. 16 Oct. 26 1641. April 23 Mary White, (1. of Timothy NOV' 15 White Dec. 14 April 26 Perre Short, 3. of Thomas Feb~ 10 Short June 1 Edward Stookes June 22 Jeane Badcocke, d. of James April 9 Badcocke May 9 July 11 {ghn Archly Aug. 22 ary Lamperd, d. of John June 14 Lamperd Sept. 25 ElizabethAmsbie—widow whit July 31 ' . her servante* Oct. 7 Alias Sacry, d. of John Sacry Aug. 2 Nov. 29 A s. of Mr. Lunn, not bap- tiz[ed] Sept. 13 Dec. 7 John Croft, s. of John Croft Jan. , 9 Hollen Marable, d. of Thomas Nov. 19 Marable Feb. 24 Sarles Proud, gentt. Feb.‘ 16 1642. April 20 Richard Stephens, s. of Lau- rance Stephens Mar. 27 Aug. 17 Thomasen Fussell, d. of William Fussell May 3 Sept. 5 John Wigmor, s. of Henry Wigmor June 2 Sept. 22 Thomas Short June 3 Oct. 16 James Munze,s.of John Munze Jan. 29 A s. ofMoses Best, not bap- Aug. 12 tized Feb. 11 James Spencer, 3 seruant to Mov. 14 Goodman Curtis ~_ Mar. 22 Vesspazion Glouer, s. of Wil- Nov. 17 liam Glouer Dec. 27 1643. Jan. '7 April 27 ..... T Henly, wife of Leonard Jan. 9 Henly Feb. 1 April 30 ..... T Beatcham May 4 Joane Stephens, ye wife of Laurance Stephens May 7 ..... T Tucker, . . . .T of John ’ Mar. 29 Tucker May 21 May 19 . . . . .T Edmans, wife of . . . .T May 22 Edmans June 4 June 6 t....TTucker. wife ofJohn, ....... Tucker June 9 Martha Popioy, wife of Popioy Jone Best, wife of Nicholas Best Widow Hambletun Jane Argles, d. of Thomas Argles Stephen Seare John Pell, 3. of John Pell Mary Chandlor 1644. James Badcocke William Whiting, s. of William Whiting Ann Forstall, d. of Richard Forstall Elizabeth Jeanes, d. of John Jeanes Joane Nethersole, wife of William Nethersole, gentt. Martha Baker, d. of William Baker Martha Justis, wife of Nicholas Justis ..... T Lamperd, s. of William Lamperd 1645. ..... T Lamperd, d. of John Lamperd Elizabeth Scare, wife of Ste- phen Seare ..... T Bright, widow Grace Tucker, wife of John Tucker Joane Clarke, wife of Henry Clarke ..... T Band, 3 of Samuell Band MaryHonis, d.ofRichard Honis . . . . .T Cowlman, d. of Edward Cowlman ..... T Lamperd William Whiting, gentt. Jeane Stephens, d. of Laurance Stephens 1646. Ann Jones, (1. of William Jones ‘Thomas Pillckinton, eldr: Richard Wisdome ‘ Samuell Band ...... T buried ..........T Moses Best, 5. of Moses Best * The entry stands thus in the original : perhaps we should read “ [and] Widow Whit,” etc. 1‘ Space left in the original. 108 ‘ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. June 17 John Fouler, s. of Nicholas Fouler Sept. 9 Mary Proude, d. of Sarls Proude, gentt. Sept. 24 Mary Baker, (1. of William Baker Oct. 10 Elizabeth Hornsby, d. of Gil- borde Hornesby ~ Nov. 2 William Proude, s. of Sarles Proude, gentt. Dec. 15 Katheren and Ann Pilckenton, ds. of John Pilckenton Jan. 10 Catherne Tates child 1647. July 5 John Haulden Oct. 31 John Whitfeild, gentt. [1648. No entries] 1649. Sept. 15 John Sanders Jan. 22 Ye widow Austen’V‘ [1650—51. No entries] 1652. June 9 Anne Whiting, d. of William Whiting, Mayer June 13 William Lydole 1653. Sept. 25 Pronell [P Parnell] Baker, wife ‘ of William Baker. 1654.]L Sept. 13 The wife of Symon Raylton Sept. 19 munday the the 19 wase buried the wife of John whitfeld Sept. 23 ane the wife of myell bush Sept. 25 the sonn of william haryson Sept. 29 backe, the wife of myell bush Dec. 5 allexander stead, the sonn of allexander Dec. 17 bengamine young, the sonne of Thomas young 1653. Oct. 10 William Glouer the ellder Dec. 3 Allexander Stead, s. of Allex- ander Stead IDec. 7 Jan. 17 Jan. 15 Jan.‘16 Feb. 18 Feb. 21 May 29 June 17 June 23 Oct. 30 Feb. 13 July 31 Aug. 1 Aug. 31 Sept. 8 Sept. 16 Sept. 19 Sept. 21 Oct. 11 Nov. 17 Nov. 18 _ Henary Tucke, s. Bencamye Yonge, s. of Th0- ‘ mase Yong Thomas Janes, s. of John Janes The wife of Allexander Stead The sone of Allexander Stead George Locke, s. of George Locke Michell Bushe 1654. James, s. of Crestofor Henly The sam day, James, s. of Crestofor Aygar (P) Ester Jones, d. ofWilliam Jones The weddowe Chanler » of John Tucker (sic) John Shrubsole, s. of Crestofor Shrubsole Mr. George Knott, Allderman Rose JaEnes P]: ‘ Selluester, thei. . . . of Nickles Champne“ 1655. Elyabeath Justis, d. of Nickles ‘ Justise Noy Leades Ruth Nethersoll, d. of William Nethersoule, gentellman Ann Janes, d. of John Janes William Whiting, gentellman 1656. Elyabeath Janes, wife of John Janes Mr. "Thomas Denn, of lat Recorder of this Citte John Hills Mrs.§ An’ Laget. wife of. . . .9” Lagatt The d. of Nickles Beang 'Henary Willes, s. of James Willes Petter Bullingeare, s. of Elyas Bullingear Ann Balden William Bullocke, s. of Richard Bullock , Elyabeath Ashle, d. of Robard Ashle ' * Between this entry and the burial of Anne Whiting in 1652, two baptisms were entered and afterwards crossed out. Martha Hornsby, Jan. I. The first recorded the baptism of 1‘ In the original this date has been altered from 1653. Little in October; the second that of The confusion is terrible, and all I think it necessary to do is faithfully to follow my original. I Original worn away. _ . H [I The next'page is wholly blank. to be Mister; probably “ IS was omitted owmg to want of space. § In the original it seems ** Space left in the original. Mar. 17 Jenne Betts, d. of Edward April 15 The wwddow Wilson Nov. 30 April 29 Thomas Denne, s. of Vencent June 24 Crestofar Henly, s. of Cresto- June 25 Achild of Bullingear July 22 Mr. Nickles Justis Oct. 8 Mr. Forbras, Minester F b. 5 h T k . Oct. 9 The d. of John Skillet 6 J0 “ “C 6“” Chappellcfiurc/z Oct. 16 Thomasin, the wif [of] Wil- Feb. 13 July 8 The wife of Isack Churcher Decq‘. 16 Thomas, s. of John Pilkinton May 13 , Dec. 18 The d. of John Flatman of Mr. Mr. (“-6) Thomas BURIALS. 1 09 Nov. 23 Joane Ashle, the daughter" Jan. 19 ........ *9“ the d. of . . . . . .9” Nov. 24 Rychard Marabel, s. of Georg ‘ Jones, Ch. Marabell William Gilbard Ch' h d Dec. 6 Crestor Srubsole, s. of Cresto- Anthony Fagge ”c war ens pher Srubsole John Mans, Clarke, June 21, 1661 Dec. 6 Jenne Egleston Feb. 13 Jane Violet, at Northgate Dec. 9 The the wif of the wif of (sz'c) Church yard Thomas Burges _ Feb. 27 James, s. of Thomas Lee, at Dec. 25 Elyabeath Gilbard, d. of Wll- Chapel yd. liam Gilbard Mar. 7 Maria Brabson, in the Chappel Dec. 26 Richard Haryson, [s] of yard Richard’r Mar. 18 Goodwife Lampert, in the Dec. 27 Martha Brumle Chappel yard 1661. Babs: May 21 Michael Bush, s. of Michael 1657 Bush, at C: yard ' 9 W'll' B k .th " Mar. 27 Jennetruth, d. of Edward Betts June 1 311:3: :an e p 13h clerke, April 6 William Bullock, s. of Richard June 9 Rich. Tharp, Chappell yard, Bullock a strainger H Moses Best, in Chappell (hurt/z yard William Coper of Feuersham, 2'72 Chappel c/zurcb yard Thomas Burges, alsoe the same day his wif, z‘n Chappell church yard Denn, Esquire Dec. 3 far Henly Jan. 16 yard William Larrance in Chappell liam Chandler mun/z yard Oct.29 Elyabeath Doble, d.0f Edward Mar. 16 Mr. Henry VVhitfeeld, in the Doblle . chirch of St. Marie Mag- 1658. (1319:1262 [N0 Burials recorded] April 12 Henry Wigmor, 2'72 Chappell 1659 - (burr/z yard May 18 Elizabeth Price. d. of John Prise and Ales his wifefl George Jenkens—jenkm—s. Jenkens and Elizabeth his 1660- wife att St. Marten Cant.— 1660“ Widow Glover,§ at Chapple Si. Marlins Hill Church yard June 22 Isacke Colf, s. of Joseph Colf 1660 Widow Lee, at Chapple Church and Mary his wife, Chappell yard ‘ c/zurcfi yard 1660 The s. of Goodman Wall, at St. Aug. 12 Elizabeth Carlton, d. of George Georges - ’ Carlton and Elizabeth his 1660 ‘ Thomas Taylour, at St. Georges wife. Chappellclzurclz yard“ I] * ?Of Rohard. There was no room in the line to complete the entry. 1' Interlined in the original. 1 January first written, and below “ 16060,” intended perhaps for 1660. The handwriting changes now, and the next eleven entries were probably made from verbal information. [I N 0 day given : the year is prefixed to each entry. § I omit the word “buried.” ** Blank spaces in the original. 1'1‘ Between this entry and the next “June 21, 1661,” written and crossed out. From this point the Transcripts come into use again. ' fl Interlined in the original, but the the same order is preserved in the Transcript. [HI T.S. Will. Lovelace, Rector, Tho : Jenken, John Lunn, Richard Homsby, Walter Grant. 110 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. Oct. 7 Marie Little, d. of Jarman Little and Tamson hise wife, Chappel yard Oct. 10 Edward Dobell—Dohle—in Chappell yard Nov. 2 Mathew Hurt, a strainger, in Chappell yard Nov. 13 Ann, wife of Oliuer Joanesié 1663. Mar. 31 Margrett Studham, d. of John Studham, att S. Martens Hill May 17 Elizabeth Ashly, d. of Robert Ashly and by Joane his wife, Chappell yard June 24 Elizabeth Philcoke, widdowe, 2'72 Chappell yard Aug. 10 Rebaca Tipe, 2'72 Chappell yard‘r . Nov. 2 William, s. of Jarman Little, 7'72 Chappell yard Jan. 21 Oleuer Jonns, in Chappell yard Feb. 9 John Whitingan— thflz'ngham—at Stourry Feb. 15 Vinsent, s. of Henry Denn, in the chirch Feb. 16 John, s. of John Whittinggam, at Sturry 1664. April 3 William Wall, s. of Edward Wall and Mildred his wife, in St. Georges, Cant. April 10 William Solly, s. of William Solly, in Chappell yard April 29 Trustrum Douner, 2'72 Chappel yard May 4 Mr. Steuen Seres—Seery—gent” in the chirch ‘May 4 Bennett Sackston, d. of Richard Sackston and Sara his wife, a saruant, 2'72 Chappell yard May 15 Thomas Nash, a poor man, 272 Chappell yard May 17 William, s. of Richard Hornsbe, 7'72 Chappell yard ' July 17 Elizabeth, C]. of Frances Collen—Collins—and Susan his wife, in the Chirch of St. George Aug. 17 Edward, s. of Henry Wigmore, 2'72 Chappell yard Aug. 23 John Shipton, gent., in St. Marie Northgatt chirch yard: Oct. 28 Susan Hampton, widd., in Chappell yard Nov. 3 Will’, s. of Thomas Nickallson, in St. Mildreds yardll Nov. 3 William, 3. of Thomas [Vic/calls, a chill, 2'72 Chappell yard I] Dec. 8 Thomazene, alsoe Ann, ds. of Joseph Jeffes, 2'72 Chappell yard, being twenes . Jan. 5 William, s. of John Milyer, in Chappell yard, a chille Jan. 12 John, s. of John Milyer, a chill, in Chappell yard Mar. 1 Frances Collens, houshowlder, in the chirche of ‘St. Goarges, Cant. 1665. Mar. 26 Is'ack Chircher, how[s]h0wlder, 2'72 Chappell yard Mar. 27 Mrs. Elizabeth Annett, widd., in St. Goarges church yard Mar. 28 Thomas Churchman, a chill, in St. Goarges church yard April 2 Petrenell Chambers, d. to—qf—Thomas Chambers, a chill, in Chappell yard April 2 Elizabeth Carlton, d. of Goarg Carlton, in Chappell yard, a chill May 3 Anne Bigge, widd., in St. Mary Bredin churchyard , June 4 Barbery Justis, d. of Edward Justes and Susan his wife, a chile, in Chappell yard , July 4 Ann. C]. of John Flatman and Margetl his wife, a chile, in Chappell yard July 11 Henry, s. of Henry Denn and Elizabeth his wif, a chille, in the church July 14 John Tucker, Juner, s. of John Tucker, a bachcheler, in Chappell yard July 22 Hanna, d. of Thomas Kennett,a chill, in Chappell yard Aug. 7 Mary, d. of Will. Solly, in Chappell yard, a chile * Interlined in the original ; Nov. 31 in the Transcript. “l” T.S. Richard Hornsby, Thomas ‘ Chambers. 1 T.S. James Halsnot. || These two entries refer to the same burial. 54...“) ‘ hf" " ‘ ‘ . ‘44.... .4. BURIALS. 1 1 1 Sept. 5 Ann, wife of Robart Norton, also the sam day Marie, d. of the said ~ Robart, a 6/227], in Chappell yard Oct. 3 Nicolas, s. of Richard Horsby and Martha his wife, a chill, in St. Palls chirch* Jan. 30 Cristepher Nethersall, gent, in Womonswold church 1666. April 7 Mary, d. of Arter Norwood and Mary his wife, in Chappell yard April 12 Richard Marable, a poore man. in Chappell yard April 22 Richard, s. of Goarg Carlton and his wife Elizabeth, Chappellyara’ May 2 Edward, s. of Henry Wigmore and Dorrity his wzfe, a chile July 19 Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Whitfeel of St. Falls, in Chappell yard July 29 Lea, d. of James Lilyer—Lellyere—and Mary his wife, in Chappell yard Sept. 13 Thomas Whitfeele, lzous/zoulder, of St. Falls, in Chappel yardf Oct. 20 Robart Boys, gent, in St. Goarges church Nov. 6 Susan, d. of Thomas Jenkens, gent., and Elizabeth his wife, in St. Martens, Cant. Feb. 2 Willam Beuerstocke, bacheler, in Chappell yard 1667. Mar. 31: Edward Baker, gent, in Holy Cras, Westgat church April 5 Cordelia, d. of Edward Crayford, gent, and Susan his wife, in Great Mongham—Mong/zum lite Great May 5 Thomas, s. of Thomas Jenkens, gent, and Elizabeth his wife, in St. Martens church, Cant. May 30 Thomas Chambers, in Chappel yard June 27 Thomas, s. of Joseph Jeifs and Ann his wife, in Chappell yard June 28 Mary, d. of James Lilyer and Mary his wife, in Chappel yard ‘July 2 Elizabeth, wife of Goarge Carlton, in Chappell yard Oct. 10 Kthren—Kat/zm'ne—d. of Anthony Fagg and Mary Izz's wzfe.“ 2'72 Chappell yard . Feb. 26 William, s. of Henry Wigmore and Dorritie his wife. in Chappell yard Feb. 28 Mrs. Sarah Lutener—Mrs. Leulner, widd., 2'72 [/16 chum/z 1668. April 2 Ann—Hanna—Picke, wife of Cristepher Pick—Packe— May 22 Ann, wife of Cristepher Henly, al’es Brise, of the parish of St. Mary Bredman, in the—lizz's—church June 12 Margreat, d. of John Studham and Elizabeth his [wife] in St. Martens Hill—alt St. [Martens ' July 27 Anthony, s. of Henry Wigmore and Doritie his wife, in Chappell yard§ Oct. 11 Elizabeth Allen, widd., in Chappell yard Nov. 1 Richard F inne, Holy Cras, Westgat Dec. 8 Elizabeth, wife of Anthony Coll, in Chappell yard Dec. 28 John, s. of John Whitfeel, gent., and Rebecka his wife, in the church Jan. 26 John, s. of Will. Solly and Sarah his wife, in Chappell yard 1669. April 9 Goarge, s. of Will. Looke, in Chappell yard April 16 Will., 2 of Edward Wall and Mildred his wife, in St. Goarges—z’n Chappell . yar April 20 Mary Pepper, in Chappell yard April 21 Mickhell, s. of Cristopher Denn, in Chappell yard April 22 Mathias, s. of Arter Norwood, in Chappell yard * T.S. erman Little. 1‘ TS. Walter Grant, William Br . + ' ' [I Iiiterlined in the original; Sept. 12 in the first Transcrigi1 Igein the seboMnSrOlcfi4Ilg.the Tranésc’i‘IFS: Christopher Deane, Thomas Nickallson. 112 May Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Jan. Jan. Mar. Mar. , May May Sept. Nov. Jan. Feb. Mar. Mar. 18 8 20 9 14 7 29 2 28 1 31 13 27 28 h 1 27 15 5 6‘ April 7 April 28 May Oct. 16 2 Oct. 22 Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Feb. Mar. May June Oct. Dec. Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Mar. 13 19 24 '27 19 31 30 2 16, 11 17 1 6 10 4 17 3 May 13 May 19 * T.S. Henry Wigmor, churchwarden. Transcript. I] T.S. Edward Barett, churchwarden. ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. Ann, d. of John Flatman, in Chappell yard9‘ Willam, s. of Will. Grigs, in Chappell yard - Mrs. Ann Proud, wide of Sarls Proud, in the church chancell Elizabeth, d. of Henry Wigmore, in the Chappell yard Mary, (1. of Anthony Fagg, in 1126 Chappell yard James Lilyer, in Chappell yard Thomas Denne, gent., in the church chansell Goarg, s. of Richard Kitham, in Chappell yard Mary, wife of Will. Laraman, in St. Goarges, Cant. Isack, s. of Isack Mahew,i in Chappell yard 1670. Ann, d. of Thomas Little, in Chappell yard Elizabeth, d. of Henry Wigmore, in Chappell yard Mathew Burly, in 1123 Chappell yard Goarg, s. of Willam Looke, in the Chappel yard ll Liddia, d. of Robart Harmon, a strainger, in Chappell yard Edward Barrett, the elder, in the Chappell yard Mrs. Ann Whitfele of Si. Margez’ls, widd., in the parish chansell Anthony, s. of Vallentaine Bradnex, in Chappell yard Mrs. Mary Knott, widd., in the church 1671. Mary, d. of John Munns, in the Chappell yard John Miller, a stranger, in Chappell yard Sarah, wife of Vallentaine Bradnex, in the Chappell yard§ Mary, d. of John Finne, in Chappell yard Thomas Lee, in Chappel yard Edward Betts, the elder, in the Chappell yard A chile of Danell Woods, not baptized, in Chappell yard Elizabeth, wife of Edward Kenesbe, in the Chappell yard , John, s. of John Barton, in Chappell yard . Jaquest, s. of John Whitfeele, gent., in the church chancell 1672. Ann Tucker, (1. of John Tucker, in Chappell yard Mary, wife of John Grase, in St. Goarges Prissilla, wife of John Munns, in Chappell yard” Mrs. Simons, widd., in the Minnesters chansell Henry, s. of John Herne. in Chappell yard Christepher Hall, a solger vnder Captaine Sackfell, in Chappell yardhL James Hastnot, in St. Alphens Thomas Henderson, in Chappell yard Johana, d. of Mr. John Whitfell, gem‘., in the parish chancel Elizabeth, d. of Willam Hills, in Chappel yard Ann, wife of John Bredfort—-Bmdford—in St.'Mildredsfl Mary Richason, widd., in Chappell yard 1673. Susan Finne, widd., in Chappell yard Edward Kenabe, in Chappell yard “5 Jerman Little and Richard Marable, signed the Transcript. 1‘1” The next original is wholly blank. it is in the Transcript. “l" Originally entered “ Widd., a strainger,” as it is in the 1 Originally written “ Marshw,” but altered to Mahew, as it is in the Transcript. § T.S. John Flattman ; the next Transcript is missing. + _ ‘ page of the +1 In Chappell yard first written, then altered to St. Mildreds as .4 ‘l l -! j 3 i «i 1 >3 BURIALS. 113 June 15 John, s. of Henry Estman, in Chappell yard July 2 Martha, wife of Cristopher Denn, in Chappele yard" Oct. 3 Lenerd Greene, in ye Chappell yard Nov. 9 John Muns, in ye Chappel yard Jan. 30 Robert May, in the Chappell yard 1674. Mar. 31 William Bellowes, in the Chappell yard June 9 Jane Morhew—Marhew—in the Chappel yard June 17 William Lampard the ellder, in ye Chappell yard Aug. 30 William Barrett, s. of Edward, in ye Chapel yard‘r Oct. 4- Sara, d. of John Richardson, at St. Petters Oct. 27 Mary Denn, d. of Christopher Denn, in ye Chapple yard Nov. 15 Mary, wife of Christopher Peeke, in the Chappell yard Dec. 23 William White, the Quarter Masters man of ye troope, in ye Chapple yard Jan. 28 George Vandepeere, in the church yarde of St. Allfert in this Cittie Jan. 261 Christopher Peeke, in ye Chapple yard, 3. of Christopher Peeke Mar. 4 Jone Allen, in ye Chappel yard ‘ Mar. 23 Thomas, s. of Israell Mone, in ye Chappel yard 1675. April 9 Mary, wife of Peeter Dollman, a strainger, in Chappell yard May 10 John, s. of Christopher Denn, in Chappele y July 26 Mis. Jackson, widow, in the Minesters chansell” Aug. 19 Elizabeth, d. of Sir James Oxenden, in Wingam Aug. 20 John, s. of John Newman, in St. Georges Aug. 22, Henery, s. of Mr. John Whitfeld and Rebacka his wife, in the Parish chancel Sept. 1 Ann Millward, d. of John Millward of Holy Cros, Wesgat, in Chappell yard ‘ Sept. 19 Elizabeth Staples, widdow, in Chappel yard Oct. 11 A d. of Mr. Isaac Tearyes,§ not baptized, in the Chappell yard Dec. 10 Amie Dan, a poore maide, in ye Chappell yard Dec. 12 Daniell Wakelen, one of the Brothers of Mainerd Spittle, in the Chapple yarde . Dec. 20 Ann Bellowes, widdow, in the Chapple yarde ' Feb. 1 Elizabeth Rasstone, a poore maide of this parish, in the Chappele yard Feb 25 Thamsen—Tbomas—Little, wife of Jeremie Little. in the Chapple yarde Mar: 24 Israell Mone, in the Chappele yarde 1676. May 10 Isaraell Mone, s. of Katren Mone, widdow, in the Chapple yarde June 9 Katren Whitfeld, d. of Mr. John Whitfeld of SI. Margarels, in the parish chansell r June 27 Martha, d. of Thomas Claringbould, in the Chapple yarde” Oct. 31 Thomas Lee, prentes—Apprenlz’ce—to John thon, in the Chappell yarde Dec. 24, Elizabeth Glouer of St. Pales, in the Chapell yarde Feb. 11 Michaell Huffam, Goodman Tuks prentices—Hougfiam, Apprenlz’ce 2‘0 [01272 T ark—in the Chappell yarde. , 1677. June 28 William Whiting, gent., in the Minesters chansell July 13 James Lilyer, s. of the widdow Lilyer, in the Chappel yard’r’r ‘5 T.S. Robert Mundy and John Studham. 1‘ T. S. John Pilkenton and Thomas Carley, who also signed the next. I So in the original and Transcript. II The entry of John Newman’s ' burial (Aug. 20) was next made in the Transcript, but crossed out. § Originally entered “a Childe of Mr. Richard Tearyes :” it is not in the Transcript. ** T.S. Tho. Harris. T'l‘ T.S. Tho. Clifford. O 114 Sept. Oct. Oct. Oct. Mar. Mar. May May Aug. Sept Sept Sept Sept ()cL IJov. PJov. IDeC. I)ec. Jan. Jan. Mar. May May July July Aug. Aug. Aug. Sept Sept ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. 30 Edward Marable of the parish of N orthgat, in the Chappel church yard 6 Mistres Ann Proud,.d. of Sarls—rf Series Proud, gen’-——in the Minnesters chanseH 10 Thomas Finn, s. of John Finn—Fenn—and Mary his wife, in the Chap— p'ell church yarde 24 Widdow Egleston, in ye Chappell church yarde 20 Margaret Looke, d. of William Looke and Ann his wife, in the Chappell church yarde 1678. 31 John Richason, s. of Richard Richardson and Elizabeth his wife, belong- ing to the parish of St. Pauls, in the Chapple church yarde 5 Mary Justes, d. of Edward Justes, sen’, in the Chapple church yarde 30 John Pilkenton, seneiner, in the Chapple church yarde, sence the Inter- ment—Since the Act for burying in Woollen 14 Ann Gyles, aprentics to Mis. Kittums—Apprentice to Mrs. Kittham—in the Chapple church yarde, being sockt in woollon 5 Katherine Galen—Gallz’n—a strainger, in the Chapple church yarde, being sockt in woollen ‘ 8 Thomas Firm, 3. of John Finn—Fenn-and Mary his wife, in the Chapple , church yarde, sockt in woollen 16 Jeane—fane—Tilbe, cl. of George Tilbe and Jeane his wife, in the Chap— ple churchyard, sockte in woolen* 22 William Studham, s. of John Studham, in St. Martines Hill church yard 2 Mis. Jackman, widdow, in the Minnesters chancel], according to the Act 7 Mary, wife of Daniell Haskines—Hoshz’ns—of St. Andrewes, in the Chap— ple yarde, according to ye Act 7 John Flourrd—fohn Lloyd-one of Captaine Horners soulders, in the Chapple yarde ,. . 91‘ Henery Whitfeld, s. of John Whitefeld, gent., in the parish chansell, according to the Act . 19 Henery Wagmor—Wzgmore—housband of Doroty, in the Chapell yarde, according to the Act . 8 Ann, wife of Henery Cary, according to the Act, in the Chappell yarde 2O Mis. Margaret Jenkine, d. of Mr. Thomas Jenkin, in St. Martains Hill church 31 Sarah Choppen, d. of Thomas Choppen, in the Chapple yarde, according to the Act 1679. 21 Margaret Broadnex, d. of Valentine Broadnex, according to the Act, in the Chapple yarde 24 Mis. Burly—BnrnZy—widdow, according to the Act, in the Chapple yard 2 Martha Haskines, d. of Daniell Haskines—Hoshzns—according to the Act, in the Chapple yarde ’\ 10 Richard Look, s. of William Look, in the Chapple yarde, according to the Act 6 John Browne, 5. of Stephen Browne of the parish of St. Pales, in the ‘ Chapple yarde, according to the Act 26 Ann, (1. of William Beele, in the Chapple yarde, according to the Act 29 Christopher Henly, late of the parish of St. Mary Bredman, according to' the Act, in the chourch 1 William Jones, Sinyer, according to the Act, in the Chappel yarde 4 Hester Broadnex, d. of Valentine Broadnex, according to the Act, in the Chapple yarde ‘ Sept. 21 Elizabeth Hearne, d. of John Hearne,according to the Act, in the Chapple yarde * T.S. John Tucke. 1‘ Dec. 19 in the Transcript. t 20 March in the Transcript. .77 BURIALS. 7 1 15 Sept. 26 Richard Marable—Maréle—accom’z’ng 10 Me Act, in the chourch" Oct. 15 Amy Palmar, widdow, an Almes woman of Harrabledowne, in ye Chapple yarde Oct. 21 Henery Gray, s. of Henery Gray, 1n the Chapple yarde Oct. 24 Jonathan Hawker, s. of Jonathan Hawker, 1n the Chapple yarde Oct. 27 The widdow Merriam, 1n ye Chapple yard . Nov. 7 John Tilbe, s. of George Tilbe, 1n ye Chapple yarde Dec. 5 Jeane—fane—Norwood, wife of Mr. Paule Norwood, in the chourch Dec. 16 _ Jone Hammon, wife of Mr. William Hammon of Petham, 1n the Chapple yard Dec. 24 Richard Longly (a sz‘ranger) Mr. Petter Dolman man, in the Chapple yard Dec. 25 Ann Biltinge, in the Chapple yard Dec. 27 Nickolas Brisenden, a strainger, in the Chapple yard Dec. 27 Edward Beets, s. of Edward Beets—Betts—in the Chapple yard Jan. 14 William Bele, s. of William Beele, in the Chapple yard Jan. 14 Mary Lagett—Leggat—a saru[a]nt of Mr. Bakers, in the Chapple yard Feb. 6 Mary Johncoke, a saruant of Mr. Paul Norwood, in the Chapple yard Feb. 10 William Beele. in the Chapple yard Feb. 12 Sara Ashly, d. of Jame—foane—Ashly, widdow, in the Chapple yard Mar. 2 Sarah Hart, saruant to Thomas Chandler, in the Chapple yard 1680. Mar. 28 Elizabeth Mocket, d. of Allexsander Mocket, in the Chapple yard April 27 Elizabeth, wife of George Ladd of Northgate, in the Chapple yard July 9 William Solle, s. of William Solley, in the Chapple yard July 18 Elizabeth Nickols, d. of Humphry Nickcols—Nz’coZ—in the Chapple yard . Sept. 23 John Parker, s. of John Parker, in the chourch]L Dec. 12 Thomas Barret, s. of Edward Barret, in the Chapple yard Dec. 19 Christopher Pike, the cryer, in the Chapple yard Jan. 30 John Morres, a strainger, in the Chapple yard Mar. 13 Mary, wife of Thomas Carlele, in the Chapple yard 1681. May 28 Nickcolas Tuck, s. of John Tuck, Juner, in the Minestrs chancell May 29 Ann Elles, in the Minestrs chancell Aug. 9 Martha Claringbold, d. of Thomas Claringbold, in the Chapple yard Sept. 7 Francis Hearne, s. of John Hearne, in the Chapple yard \ Sept. 11 Susana, wife of Mr. Will Davise, 1n the Chapple yard William Peetei Sept. 25 Elizabeth Mocket, d. of Allexsander Mocket, in the Chapple yard” Nov. 7 Thomas Parsons, s. of Thomas Parsons, in the Chapple yard Nov. 23 John Ledger, in the Chapple yard Jan. 12 Thomas Fisher, in the Chapp le yard Feb. 21 George Looke, s. of William Looke of the parish of St. Andrewes, in the Chapple yard§ Mar. 3 Sarah Choppen, d. of Thomas Choppen in the Chapple yard” Burialls according to the Actt. TT 1682. April 20 Thomas Norwood, s. of Paule Norwood, in ‘the chourch Sept._ 7 Frances Justes, d. of Edward Justes, Juner, in the Chapple yard * T. S. John Fenn and Will’ Look. . 'l' T. S. Will. Lovelace, Minister. + The Transcript has “ Susanna, the wife of William Peete,” “ daughter ” having been crossed out. and “wife” written above. II T. S. John Paiker, Richard Jenkinson. § A space left below this entry, I? ~,‘ which is the last on the page. * “E Entered here by mistake, and partially obliterated. See .— “March 3, 1678.1'1‘ This should have been entered about the beginning of 1678: two leaves were turned over instead of one. \ 116 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. Jan. 18 The widdow Barret, in the Chapple yarde Feb. 4 Kateren, wife [of] Richard Drinker—Drz’n/ee—in the Chapple yard—2'72 the Clzapl Feb. 19 Stephen, s. of William Looke of ye parish of St. Andrews, in the Chapple yard 1683. April 8 George Robonson, cloarke, 2'72 #26 Chaple yardié July 1 Ann Wakeley, 277- the C/zaple yard J April 12 Francis Smith, wife of Thomas Smith May 22 Alexsander Mocket, s. of Alexsander Mocket, 272 file C/zapl yard July 16 Susanna Carly, wif of Thomas Carley, 272 [he Chaple yard July 25 Elizabeth Drinker, d. of Richard Drinker, 2'72 z‘lze Chaple yard Sept. 11 Silas Hauker, s. of Jonathan Hauker, 2'72 the Clzafle yard , Sept. 26 Christofer Hendly, s. of Christofer Hendly of the parish of All Saints, in Burgate church, in the space turning by the funtei Oct. 3 Mary Winter, and was buried by the parish , Oct. 6 Thomas Carli was buried october: 6: in a baker (326) Oct. 29 Ann Segger, in the Chaple yarde Nov. 13 Thomas Jeuesonn—feason, s. of Thomas Jeuesonn—feason Jan. 13 Edward Bets, 5. of Edward Bets, in the Chaple yarde 1684. Aug. 31 Thomas Foaster, s. of Nicholas F oaster and Catheren his wife of llze onle of 2726722!” Nov. 10 James Clunis, a soulgeir in the ScotJCJh redgment, in the Chaple ground Nov. 22 John Corpare—Corpez'r—a Sargant and in the reagement of the earle of downbare§ and under the command of Captaine Lauder kilde at the dolfen doore Nov. 30 Thomas Parsonns, in the Chapel ground Jan. 18 Denis Looke, widow, in the Chaple [ground] Feb. 26 Ann Looke, d. of Willi[a]m Looke, in the Chapel ground 1685. Mar. 31 Sara Justis was buried“ April 19 Edward Justis, Senier May 1 Richard Tuck, s. of John Tucke, in the Minsters chancel], just bee hind my deske \ . June 4 MS. Reback Whitfeild, whife of Mr. John Whitfeild, in the church chancil under the first pues as you com up one the wrigh hand June 9 John Nuten, s. of James Nuten, in the Chapel yarde June 17 Mary Betts, d. of Edward Betts July 12 Arter Norwood in th[eJ Chapel ground Aug. 24 Widow—-EZz'zabet/z—Marabl of the parish of St. Mary Northgate Aug. 30 Elizabeth Drinker, d. of Richard Drinker‘nL Oct. 14 Mary Eastman, d. of Henry Eastman Feb. 5 Ms. Lee, widow Feb. 24 Mary Norwood, d. of Paul Norwood Feb. Bliifienry Stoakes, s. of Thomas Stoakes Mar. 14 Mary Dauis 1686. May 25 Thomas Chapman, s. of Thomas Chapman * April] the 8, 1682, in the Transcript. 1“ Interlined in the original, and copied in the same order into the Transcript. I, T.S. Jo. Sargenson [? Minister] and Paull Norwood and Jonathan Hawker. ll T.S. Francis Master, Rector, and John Flatman. § Earl of Dunbar ** Interlined in the original. “l‘l‘ T.S. James Bix. II So in the original. June 27 July 6 Aug. 3 Aug. 1] Sept. 18 Sept. 22 Sept. 24 Sept. 24 Dec. 20 Feb. 7 Mar. 27 July 3 Aug. 18 Feb. 12 Feb. 12 Feb. 19 April 17 June 6 June 15 Aug. 6 Sept. 27 Oct. 7 Oct. 11 Nov. 23 Jan. 10 Feb. 19 Feb. 27 Feb. 28 May 19 July 7 Aug. 1 Sept. 9 Oct. 13 Oct. 22 Feb. 23 Mar. 9 Mar.‘ 9 April 7 April 16 April 16 ‘ May 4 BURIALS. 1 17 Sarah Browning, d. of James Browning Mary Drinker, d. of Richard Drinker Joan Ashley, in the Chaple yard Thomas Smith, in the Chapel yarde Sarah Eluen, wife of Samuel] Eluen Ms. Dalililer John Tuck, Seiner Mary Eluen, d. of Samuell Eluen Jane Parsonns, widow, in the Chapel ground Thomas Norwood, s. of Paul Norwood 1687. Sarah Justis, d. of Edward Justis and Sarah his wifeit Elizabeth Horner, d. of Nathanell Homer and Ann his wife John Quaile, s. of John Quaile . . Susan ...... J The widow Joanes—rfane foams, widow Thomas Roas, s. of Ambros Roas Mary Eastman. d. of Hemfy Eastman 1688. Ann Hering, wife ofNathanell Hering Judey Eluen, wife of John Eluen Mary Eluen, d. of John Eluen Elizabeth Pilkentonn, d. of Mr. John Pilkenton Mildred Marabell, widow, in the further spease in the church}; Jane Norwood, d. of Paul Norwood and Elizab[e]th his wife, in the neere space in the church 'Cornilious Rusell, bat/2610767”, in the heither space of the church William Soley, in the Chaple yard Jane Mehue, in the Chapell yard“ John Eastman, s. of Henry Eastman Alce Cooke, widow ~ John MeKinan, a souldeir 1689. Thomas Cliford, s. of Thomas, in the Chapel yard Margrett Barett, wife of Edward, in the Chapple yard Ann Brown, d. of Steppen Browne and Katheren his wife, in the Chapell William Hering, s. of Nathanell Hering, in the Chap. yarde§ Charles Roase, s. of Ambros Roase and Mary his wife, in the Chappell yarde Goodwife Horwood, widow and strainger, in the Chappell yarde Elizabeth Roase, d. of Ambros Roase and Mary his wife Sara Tucke, widow, wife of John Tucke ' John Denn, s. of John Denn and Mary his wife, in the Minster chancill: ent. g 1690. Ann Stepens, wife of William Steppens, in the Chappell yarde William Tucke, s. of John Tucke and Sarah his wife, in the Minster chancel Henry Carey, wood dower—wodower—in the Chappel Sarah Horwood, a strainger, in the Chappel * Between this entry and the next: “Elizabeth Horne, d. of Nathanell Horne and Ann, &c., in the Chapel, July 10th,” crossed out. 1‘ T.S. Jo: Max: LAngle, Rector, and Hen. Gibbs and Tho. Reade. I T.S. John de Bray, Curate, and Will’ Browne. ll Above “was buried ” is a word which may be I[s]acce. é T.S. John de Bray, Curate, and James Newton. 118 Aug. 24 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. Dorcos Moone, d. of the widow Moone"F Nov. 3 Goodwife Soley, widow Nov. 6 Edward Newbold, a Leiuetenant under the command of Captaine Finch Nov. 13 Mathew Taylor, a Liuetenant under the command of Captaine Finch boat [P both] in the Mareane Redgment, boath in the Chapell yarde]L Nov. 13 Thomas Browne, 8. of Stepen Browne and Katheren his wife Nov. 16 John Bartonn Nov. 27 John Looke, s. of William Looke and Ann his wife Dec. 7 Francis Smith of Abintonn, comme heere a strainger, at the Shipp Feb. 15 Anthoin Rookes, bucher, in the Chapl‘ Feb. 18 Lew wee Eme, a Frenchman, in Chap. 1691. April 14 John Tucke, 1n the Minsters chancil ‘ May 21 Goodwife Nash, out [of] the Vper Hospetall: Chapell June 25 John Whitfeild, gent. and Seneir, 1n this parish church, in the church wardens chancill, ag’d 56 Aug. 20 Mary: Taylor, d. of John Taylor: get: and Kathern his wife, in the space by the funte Nov. 3 Elizabeth Gaskin, may/den, in the Chappell yarde, from James Pouts Dec. 8 Ann Plumer, gent.—mayden—in the further space nexte the chancil, from Mr. Knowlers Dec. 25 William Looke, Seanier, of St. Andrewes parish, in the Chappele yarde Jan. 12 Danell Stoakes, s. of Thomas Stoakes and Dorethey his wife, in the Chaple yr. Jan. 12 Marlin Mehue—Mehugfi—wife of Isacce Mehue in the Chapel yard Feb. 24 William Norwood. s. of Paule Norwood and Elizabeth his wife, in the church Mar. 11 Richard Fuller, a souldeir under the command of Captaine Alis Copper— Cooper—from the Dolfinn 1692. May 20 Isaace Depeire, s. of Isaace Depeire and Elizabeth his wife, in the Chapell July 1 Heaster Dalilelyer, a maiden from the Frzers, in the Chapell July 27 Elizabeth Sandcrafte, wife of John Sandcrafte. Chap. Aug. 26 John Readwards, s. of John and Katheren. Chapel Sept. 4 Elizabeth Lauericke, wife of Edward” Sept. 22 Jane Chambers, widow. Chapel Sept. 22 Robert Lauerick, s. of Edward Lauerick, in the Chapell§ Oct. 13 John Barett, s. of Edward Barett. Cha. Oct. 25 Mary Mocket, d. of Alexsander and filmy. Ch. Dec. 11 Mary Cliford, d. of Thomas Cliford and Mary his wife, in the Chapple Jan. 8 Sara Hutt, d. of James Hutt and Susan his wife, in th[e] Chapple Jan. 2!) Thomas Drinker, s. of Richard Drinker and Elen his wife, in the ChapelM Jan. 31 Elizabeth Moe/eel, d. of Alicksander Mocket and Marie his wife, in Chapple Feb. 12 Marie Stoakes, d. of Thomas and Dorithey his wife. Chapple Mar. 12 John Eluen, s. of John Eluen, 1693. Mar. 26 John Quaile, s. of John Quaile and Elzzabez‘lz his wife April 16 Ebanezar Hornci s. of Nathanell Horn and Ann his wife July 9 Mary Denne,d . of Mr. John Denne and Mary his wife, in the Minster chancel * T.S. Nathanel Hering. ”l“ The Transcript Mich. 1690 to Mich. 1691 is missing. I Originally written Ann : John Taylor has also been re-written. |l Interlined in the original and in the Transcript. § T.S. Jas. Crowther [P Minister], Thos. Gilbert and John Wingate. John Wingate Signed the next T. also. ** The burial of Marie Stoakes, Feb. 12, was entered next and then crossed out. BURIALS. 119 July 23 Elizabeth Drayten, d. of Christofer Drayten and Sarah his wife, in church July 28 Jane Mocket, d. of Alicksander Mocket and Marie his wife, in the Chaple Sept. 3 Elizabeth Readaerdford, wife of William Readardford, Draggone Sept. 5 William Readardford, s. of William* Oct. 22 Good wife— Wz'a’ow—Moone. C. Nov. 15 Edward Eastman, s. of Henry and Ann Nov. 17 Sampsonn Heiorn, s. of Francis Heiorn and Ann his wife. C. Nov. 19 Elizabeth Mace, d. of Samuell Mace and Margret his wife Jan. 16 Danell Beecham, s. of Danell Beecham and Siblow his wife. C. eb. 7 William Clifford, s. of Thomas Cliffor[d] and Mary his wife Feb. 8 John Mace. s. of Samuell Mace and Margrett his wife Mar. 13 JohnWilles, s. of John Willis and [Mary his wife, in the Minster chancil 1694. April 1 Mary Hering, d. of Nathanell Hering and Hana his wife April 26 John Hamtonn, wodowor May 6 Elizabeth Hamtonn, mayden, d. of John Sept. 21 Mr. Tobit Taylor. C.T Sept. 30 Mary Man, wife of Peter Man. C. Nov. 20 James Man, 5. of Peter Man. C. Nov. 20 William Chopen, s. of Thomas and Sarara Dec. 2 Richard Drinker. C. Jan. 1 James Nuten, s. of James and Ann his wife. C. 1695. June 7 George Palmer, s. of Richard Palmer and Ann his wife. C.;t Nov. 3 Elizabeth Hadman, d. of Richard and Susan, in ye Chapell Nov. 10 Robert Bell, 3. of Robert and Elizabeth his wife. C. Nov. 19 Susan Parker, wife of John Parker, in ye church Nov. 21 Henry Naylor, a soulger Nov. 23 Elizabeth Tapwell Mar. 1 John Eluen 1696. May 3 Edward Nuten, s. of James and Ann June 12 John Hincksonn, s. of John Hincksonn and Ann his wife June 17 Ann Horn, d. of Nathanell Horn and Ann his wife Aug. 19 Jeremia Clifford, s. of Thomas Cliford and Mary his wife“ Nov. 12 Elizabeth, wife qf Thomas Powell, in ye C. _ Nov. 17 William Hieron, s. of Francis Hieron and Anne his wife. Chapple§ Nov. 23 The widow—Ms—Luken, gent, in ye Minister chancil, at ye South side ye hatchment beeing ouer it ’ Jan. 11 Elizabeth Crump—a semant—seruant to Allderman Gibbs. C. Feb. 19 Samuell, s. of George Christian and Katherin his wife. C. 1697. April 9 Richard and John, sonns of Richard Kaine, a soulger in Titcombe Redg- ment, and Susan they wheare buried ‘ May 7 Mary Boolock May 11 James Best, 3. of ye widow Best - June 20 John Horne, s. of Nathanell Horn and Ann his wife. C. uly 4 Nathanell Horn, s. of Nathanell Horn and Ann his wife. C. i"T.S. ohn‘Cook Rector and Thomas Colfe. ohn Cooke ‘ ‘ Coire, Tho: I-llarris. ] 3: T.S. Tho : Halrris and Johsligrigvfigrio 1725' u T.s.+J:fi§‘K11i]:vrvri:: and Richard Jenkinson, §The next entry recorded the burial of Frances (?) Heiron, d. of Francis Heiorn and Ann, but it has been wiped out. The same ent was ' Widow Luken with date Dec. 8 and C. added. This time it was crossedrdlut. again made below 120 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. Aug. 26 Elizabeth Clifford, d. of Thomas Clifford and Mary his wife. Cf‘f Oct. 7 Henry Harrison, in ye church’r Nov. 26 Sara Choppen, whife of Thomas . Dec. 3 William Hadman, s. of Richard and Susana—Susan—his wife Jan. 25 Edward Betts Feb. 27 Ambros Roas, s. of Ambros and Mary his wife 1698. May 13 Robert Forman, a strainger June 1 Charles Roas, s. of Ambros and Mary his wife July 4 John Wingate, in the'church, by the funti Oct. 20 Ann Horn, wife of Nathanell Nov. 25 Susana— Susan—Greenland, a seruant to James Nuten. C. Nov. 29 Widow Marable—EZz’zabet/z Marable, widow Dec. 5 Sara Marable, in the church Dec. 20 William Brown, s. of Stephen Browne and Katheren his wife Jan. 3 Marie Madgdaline—Mary Magdalz'mll [PA foundling.] 1699. Sept. 15 Ann Wz'nfer, wife of Jacob—Isacre—Winter Oct. 26 Elizabeth, wife of Mr. Robert Whitfeild, in the valte Nov. 20 James Nuten Jan. 15 John Nuten, s. of Ann Nuten§ , 1700. Nov. 20 Elizabeth Stoakes, d. of Thomas and Dorothy his wife Dec. 13 Dorothey, wife of Thomas Stoakes Dec. 24 Thomas Stoakes, Seaneir Jan. 8 Ann Stoakes Mar. 21 Ann Jeff, widow Mar. 24 Joseph Milman—Mfleman—a strainger 1701. April 1 John Bell, 3. of Robert and EZz'zabd/z Bell May 6 Elizabeth, wife of Robert Bell June 13 William Flattman, s. of John Flattman and Margret his wife, in the Minis- ters chancill, just beefore ye Clarkes deske ~ Aug. 13 Susana thonn, d. of Thomas thonn and Susana his wife Aug. 21 Hana, wife of Nathanell HeringM Dec. 24 Elizabeth Norwood, wife of Paull Norwoodfi 1702. April 5 Edward Barett, Juiner April 10 William Norwood, s. of Paull Norwooa’ April 17 Lidia Best, widow June 14 Jane, (1. of William Allen and Susana—Susan—his wif June 28 Mildred Hilderson July 10 Ann Whitfeild, d. of Mr. John Whitfeild and Am: July 17 Sara, (1. of Richard Hadman and Susan his wifei]: Jan. 22 Edward Barett, seanier 1703. May 24 Jerman Little * T.S. John Packer. 1‘ Between this entry and the next a burial was interlined and then crossed out. It seems to have been Sara. Choppen’s. I give it from the Transcript. i T.S. John Pembrook, John Studham. I] T.S. John Studham. § T.S. Wm. J ell, Edward Justice. H T.S. Edward Justice, .Richard Harris. The next entry in the original recorded the marriage of John Williames and Mane Whitfelld : it is crossed out. H" The next page of this volume is wholly blank. I: T.S. Rich’d Harris, Tho: Noble. . . BURIALS. 121 May 25 Thomas thonn, s. of Thomas and Susan his wife July 18 Edward Justice, senir Aug. 11 William, s. of‘Thomas Choppen’“ Aug. 28 John Pillkentun, s. of John and Hanna his wife Nov. 26 Sara, (1. of Thomas Choppen 1704. July 13 John Pilkentonn, from Horssom July 17 Samuel], s. of Thomas Caister and Hana his wife Sept. 10 Ann, (1. of Richard Hadman and Susana his wife Sept. 24 Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Noble, in the church by the gallery door, at the left sid [of] her father Oct. 12 Thomas Rice, a Blacke a moore Jan. 16 Thomas, s. of the widow Grubb Feb. 2 Edward Justice Feb. 15 Francis, s. of Thomas Hearne and Elizabeth his wife Feb. 23 Thomas Boules, a single man Feb. .25 Widow Betts Feb. 25 Widow Mace Mar. 4 Susan—Susana—d. of Thomas thonn and Susan—Susana—his wife Mar. 9 Christopher Drayten, a father and motherles child . 1705. April 2 Fra[n]cis Hiron May 30 John Tille June 21 Mr. John Whittfeild Aug. 5 Thomas, s. of Mr. Robert Whitfeild and Ann his wife’r Feb. 6 Alce Beard, a strainger Feb. 10 Isaace Piognter, s. of the widow Pioynter ‘ Feb. 13 Marget, d. of William Easte and Marget his wif 1706. Sept. 22 Robert, s. of Thomas Noble Oct. 7 John Peirce Oct. 7 Katheren, wife of Peter Man Jan. 12 Ann, wife of Henry Eastman, was buried a twelfe day and dyed : ye : 9 , 1707. June 17 Elizabeth, d. of Thomas thonn and Susan his wife Aug. 20 John Flatman, in the Minster chancil just before the deskei; Dec. 16 Ann Robinsonn, widow Feb. 2 Mary Russel, a strainger Mar. 14 Thomas, s. of Thomas thonn and SuSan his wife Mar. 21 Hana, wife of Thomas Caister, in the church 1708. May 9 Margrey Barton, widow Aug. 15 William, s. of Thomas Choppen and Hester his wife 7 Aug. 22 Humphry Nicholas , Sept. 15 Alicksander, s. of Alicksander Mocket and Mary his wife“ Oct. 3 Elizabeth, d. of Phelip Powell and Susan his wife Nov. 3 Margret F lattman, widow Nov. 12 Jenkenson, s. of Richard Picard and Jane his wife Jan. 27‘ William Ellis, a seruant to Danell Attwick *5 Interlined in the original ; omitted from the Transcript. 'l' T.S. Th’s Colfe. . ‘ I T.S. Tho : Harris, Richard Jenkinson. I] T.S. John Knowler, Thomas Gilbert. P 122 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. 1709. April 18 Thomas, s. of Thomas thonn and Susana—Susan—his wife Aug. 3 Danell Rouland, a soulger in the Regment of Colonal Churchel Aug. 4 Flattman, s. of Willian— Wz'llz'am—Easte and Margret his wife, in ye Minz'sters chancel Sept. 8 Edward Tuck, seanier" Dec. 25 Elizabeth, d. of Edward Bridges and Ann his wife, in the church Jan. 10 Elizabeth, (1. of Thomas thonn and Susan his wife Jan. 19 John Paris was buried in the church hard by the meeting table Feb. 12 Samuel], s. of Phelip Powell and Susan his wife 1710. April 16 John, s. [of] Thomas Gill and Mary his wife, at the farther end of the tombe stoon in the heither speace April 20 Margret Mace of St. Andrews May 16 Benett Paris, widow, was buried by heir husband in the church June 2 Lidiah Pilkenton; widow July 11 William, s. of William Bayley and Elizabeth his wife, by the parish July 28 Georg, s. of Thomas Choppen and Hester his wife Sept. 17 Mary, d. of Mr. Thomas Knowler and Ann his wife, in the heither space at this end of the tombe stone in the church Sept. 24 Elizabeth, (1. of William Harrison and Marie his wife Oct. 11 Dorothey, d. of Thomas Hearne and Elizabeth his wife Dec. 10 Hana Wood, seruant to Thomas Colfe Jan. 11 Nathanell Hering, senier Feb. 6 Browning, s. of Robert Wood and Ann his wife Feb. 7 Elizabeth, wife of Isacce Depeare Feb. 19 Mary, d. of Isacce Depeare Feb. 22 Mary, d. of Thomas Eastman and Margret Mar. 8 Sara, (1. of William Harison and Margret 1711. June 15 Mary Peirce, widow, of St. Georges parish June 17 John Hearn of Kingsbridg Hospital July 13 Thomas, s. of Edward Bridges and Ann his wife, in the church Sept. 12 Henry Back, a solger . Sept. 16 Thomas, s. of Thomas Franke and Isabela his wifef Sept. 19 Ann, (1. of Thomas Eastman and Margret his wife ' Sept. 20 Richard Steed, a solger: Nov. 25 \ Grifien, s. of Grifl'en Chantrey and Mary his wife Dec. 4 Elizabeth, (1. of Thomas thon and Elizabeth his wife Feb. 20 Elizabeth Young, widow 1712. Mar. 20 John thonn, senier, of the parish of St. Martin April 22 Jane, (1. of Thomas Choppen and Hester his wife Aug. 28 Charles, s. of Edward Franke and Mary his wife Sept. 30 Thomas Tarin, a solger in Capt. Mahones Company Nov. 4 Elizabeth, (1. of Thomas Noble, in the church by the funt Nov. 9 John Hering, in the Chapple yard ' Nov. 9 William Maxfeild, a Skott soldier Nov. 26 Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Richardson Dec. 3 Mary Freeman, widow *t T.S. Thomas Gill, John Paris. 1‘ This entry and all that follow down to and including July 25, I7I4, are made on half a sheet of letter paper, folded and bound in the volume. I T.S. Richd. Picard, Kenn Shrubsole. Kenn Shrubsole signed the next also. ' r .4" ‘ “a Mar. 29 June 3 July 20 Sept. 20 Oct. 15 Oct. 15 Oct. 26 Nov. 15 Nov. 15 Jan. 3 Mar. 12 April 28 6 June 20 July 13 July 25 BURIALS. 123 1713. Thomas, s. of Mathew Peirce and Mary his wife Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Arnol and Susan his wife, in the church by the meeting table Mary, d. of John Madox and Mary his wife Thomas Hearne" Rhoad Harrison, widow, in the church Robert Oakly, a soulder John Clarke, Doct., in the heither space in the church by the toombuie— tomb-stone John Clarke, 3. of Johnn Clarke, in the same graue upon his father Ann Sanders, widow, in the Church Nicholas Franke John Goodwin, ana pothecary, in the church in theither space under : ye: stone 1714. Elizabeth, (1. of John Goatly, gent., and Dorathy his wife, in the Ministers chancfl John, s. of Henry Rogers and Elizabeth his wife William Jexson, that was a Maren, by the parish .. Ann, d. of Mr. Edward Bridges and Ann his wife, in the churchf St. Mary Magdalene. Burials from Michaelmass, A.D. 1714.: Nov. 10 Elizabeth, wife of Tho. Stoaks Dec. 25 Anne, wife of John Sandcraft 1715. May 15 Edward Russell, a stranger Aug. 18 John, s. of Hannah Jackson, wid. Aug. 18 Elizabeth, d. of Nicholas and Elizabeth Barret Aug. 28 John Marsh Sept. 16 Abraham Holbackll Sept. 30 Samuel, s. of John Upton and Mary his wife Oct. 16 Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Upton and Susan his wife Nov. 6 Matilda, d. of Mr. John Goatly and Dorathy his wife Jan. 15 Mary, wife of Alexander Mocket Feb. 26 George, s. of Griffin Chantry Mar. 9 William Sandcraft 1716. April 15 Hannah Childs, a stranger May 20 William Bradborn, a stranger July 15 William, s. of Thomas Luck and Jane his wife Aug. 23 Susan, wife of Morgan Hughs Jan. 13 Edward, s. of William and Margaret Harrison 3‘ T. S. Will Young, Wm. Hatcher, both of whom signed the next also. 1‘ In the margin, and partly oppositge this, the last entry on this inserted half leaf (See note 1' p 122) 15 written, “ Debrouh Debrough William Morgan Hues Willian sonn Morgain Hues and Susan hxs wife was baptized August: the: 16. I711. ” See Christenings, Oct. 16. 1711. + The Burials 1n Vol. 2 phave this heading. The parish clerk did not, unfortunately, make any more entries. [I T. S Michael Wood. 124 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. Feb. 10 Sarah Winter, wid. Feb. 11 Mr. James Colby, s. of the Kings Agent in Dover, in ye chancel 1717. April 7 Eliz: Elven, wid. June 2 James Morris* 'Dec. 3 John Brown, from St. Andrews Dec. 31 Elizabeth, d. of James Hutt and Anne his wife Jan. 7 Peter, s. of Humphry Bull, a souldier, and Anne his wife Feb. 14 Jehosophate, a traveling beggar’r 1718. May 2 Elizabeth, wife of Hen. Rogers Sept. 24 William Upton Oct. 15 Thomas Clarinbold Nov. 18 Mary Lilley, widd. Mar. 10 John, s. of John and Katherine Church, way-going people Mar. 19 Susannah Stone, a stranger 1719. April 26 Susan, (1. of Tho. and Susan Upton June 18 John Parker July 8 Anne, wife of Henry Eastman Aug. 11 John, s. of Eliz. Talbot, the way-going woman Sept. 10 John Hornsby Sept. 11 Joel Depere Sept. 18 Susan, wife of John Upton Sept. 25 Anne, wife of Rob. Casion, a stranger Oct. 4 Mary, C]. of Farthing and Kath. Andove Oct. 14 Elizabeth, a d. of Tho. Choppen Oct. 21 A stranger, a poor man found dead in the Faulcon stable, that came the night before Oct. 22 One Nouldon, a child from St. Pauls Nov. 22 Anne Noulden, wid. Jan. 2 William Richardson, a stranger Feb. 11 William Upton 1720. April 15 James Hutt July 19 James Roper, a way- faring man July 31 Rachel, a child of Mat. and Mary Peers Sept. 21 Anne Hutt, wid., in the church Sept. 21 Samuel Robinson, a stranger, the same clay;r Oct. 2 Jane, wife of Richd. Jenkenson Nov. 10 Sarah, wife of J:o Turnley ' Jan. 3 Anne, a d. of Richard Page Feb. 17 Eliz., a way- going woman, wife of John Lawson Mar. 6 John Turnley Mar. 16 Mary, (1. of Abraham and Sarah Hern 1721. June 2 Mary, pretended wife of Robert HObbs, (strangers)—a slmnger June 28 Margaret, d. of George Baker and Elizabeth his wife‘ Aug. 2 Elizabeth, (1. of Widd. Herne Aug. 4 Sarah, d. of Edward and Dorothy Philpot * T.S. Wm. Reynolds. 1‘ T.S. Th0. Pierce, Will. French. I T.S. Elisha. Coles. BURIALS. 125 Aug. 15 Joseph and Benjamin, twins of Mat. and Mary Peers Aug. 23 A child from Mother Pease Sept. 26 Anne, wife of John Brian, strangers—a sz‘rangvzr"é Nov. 5 Alderman Brown—Slep/zen Brown, Alla’erman—Chap. ch. yard Dec. 6 Margaret, d. of Edward and Dorothy Philpot Dec. 12 John Otley, a coach-man Dec. 22 Mr. Richard Jenkenson Dec. 29 Whitehead, s. of Noah Bolaine and Elizabeth his wife Jan. 4 Peter Parson—Parsons—servant to Warner Lee, Esqr. Feb. 22 Stephen Baker Mar. 6 A woman that went by the name of Catharine Henden‘r 1722. April 22 Elizabeth, (1. of George and Mary Hammond—George Eamon and Mary 1213‘ wzfe Nov. 7 Susan, wife of Robart‘ Bartholomew 1723. April 21 Nicholas Swetman July 221 John, s. of Samuell Lucas and Elizabeth his wife July 151 Susan, wife of Richard Hadman Nov. 25 Sarah, (1. of George Ham’ ond and Mary his wife Dec. 3 Susan Browning Jan. 3 Ann Nichols Jan. 13 John Upton Mar. 17 Mary, d. of Andrew Judgury and Mary his wife 1724. Mar. 25 Mary, d. of Edward Herytage and Mary his wife Jane 23 Ann Robison ' , ‘ Nov. 23 Paul Norwood. in the church Jan. 19 Susan Newson, widdow May 4 Elizabeth, d. of Isaac Daddll 1725. May 23 The wife of Mr. Robert Whitfeild— Wz'tfina’ May 23 The wife of John Anslow Aug. 25 Elizabeth, (1. of the widow Judgery§ ‘ Oct. 21 Ann'Ham’ond, d. of Georg and Ann his wife Feb. 6 Robert, s. of Robert Bartholimé 1726. April 29 Mrs. Jane Hardres' May 18 Jane, (1. of Edward Phillpot and Dorithy his wife i June 2 Elizabeth Pz'cara’, d. of Richard Picard and Jane his wife - ~ June 26 Mary Freeman . Aug. 4 Griffen Chantery, from ye work/muse ; Aug. 10 Susan Allen, wz'a’ow Aug. 11 Simon Baker, 8. of George Baker and Elizabeth his wife Aug. 20 Jacob Freeman Aug. 28 Will: Barber, an unlawful] sorm Sept. 1 John Fergeson’“ *T. S. Ed. Philp 0t, who also signed the next. 1' The T1anscript says “ Katheren Henden was buried ”—nothing more 1" So 1n the original. 'lranscript missing. II In the original and m the Transcript this 15 entered under 1624. It probably belongs to 1625. 6 T. S Wm. Gray. ** Transcript signed by G. Downing, Minister, and Wm. Reynolds, who signed the next two also. 126 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. Nov. 3 Margaret Pierce, d. of Mathew Pierce and Mary Nov. 14 John, s. of Mr. John Whitfield, gent. Dec. 1 Elizabel/z Pine, d. of Robart and Ann Jan. 15 William Pierce, an infant Feb. . . Was buried Esther Agar, widow" Feb. 14 William Calvart. p. . Feb. 22 Henry Eastman, clerk of the parish 1727. April 271 Thomas Holland, a stranger. p. July 2 Susannah Hadman, d. of Thomas Hadman. p. Sept. 19 Henry Boovett, an infant, a stranger. p. Sept. 20 Elizabeth Williams, a stranger. pi Nov. 27 Rawlinge Moat. pd. Dec. 10 Mark Dodson. pd. Dec. 28 Rebecca Taylor. pd. Jan. 23 Mary, wife of Sam. Elven. pd. Feb. 22 Ann Philpot, an infant, in the church. pd. Feb. 22 Sarah Railstone. pd. 1728. Mar. 26 Thomas Lawson, a child. pd. April 28 Margaret Knight. pd. May 5 Magaret Pierce, an infant. pd. May 17 Charles Pittman, being“ a stranger. p. July 16 Archer Cambele, a soldier. pd. Aug. 8 Thomas Philpott, an infant. p. Aug. 28 Elizabeth Walker. p. Aug. 28 Elizabeth Osborn, alias Osmand. p.§ Oct. 14 Ann Wharton, a stranger. p. Oct. 25 Jane Wharton, a stranger. p. Nov. 2 Elizabeth Mills. p. Jan. 16 Elizabeth, d. of George Hammond. p. Feb. 1 John Macquafey, a soldier. p.“ Mar. 2 Edward, s. of Edward Bridge. p. 1729. Mar. 26 Elizabeth Peene. p. April 9 John Potting, a stranger. p. May 8 Thomas Cantis. p. June 5 George Hammond. p. June 20 Edward Raylston. p. June 26 Rachel Raylston, an infant. pd. July 16 Margaret Howland. p. Aug. 311 Elizabeth Lucas. p. July 18 Thomas Hutt, from ye work house July 20 Elizabellz Collins, from ye work house July 28 Katharine Dillner, from ye work house Wm. Ayerst, Rect’r. Aug. 7 John, s. of Mr. John Whitfield. p. Sept. 20 Eliz. Harris, from the work house Sept. 26 Horton Trevitt. p. Oct. 9 Thomas Looke, p. * A pen drawn through this in the original : omitted from the Transcript. “l“ April 22 in the Transcript. I T.S. Philip Lernoult, Curate. II A pen drawn through the word being. §William Ayerst, Rector, and Tho: Pierce signed the Transcript. They signed the next also. ** Interlined in the original. 1‘1‘, So in the original and in the Transcript. BURIALS. , 127 Nov. 11* Charles, s. of John Goatly, in the chancell Wm. Ayerst, Rect.f Jan. 28 Nathaniel Homer, from ye workhouse Feb. 1 Thomas Freind, s. of Charles and Joan his wife Feb. 4 Thomas Chappen 1730. July 15 George Phillpot, s. of Edward and Dorothy Sept. 8 Ann Noble, widowi Jan. 24 Martha Baker Jan. 25 . . . . . . Caine,” from the workhouse Feb. 8 John Baker, from the workhouse Mar. 7 Ann Newton Mar. 8 Jane Margaret Parker Mar. 10 Edward Frank 1731. Mar. 25 Thomas, s. of Rachel Blunt, a stranger June 25 Margaret Freind, d. of Charles and Johanna§ Dec. 3 . . . . . E” Ramsay, from ye workhouse Dec. 7 Richard Caine, from ye workhouse Dec. 19 George Frank, from ye workhouse Dec. 31 Susanna Knowler’r’r Jan. 14 Emblen Nichols Jan. 28 Richard Picard Feb. 28 .Susan Clifton Mar. 9 Richard Underhill, a stranger - Mar. 17 Benjamin Miller 1732. Mar. 31 Mr. Robert Lukyn Aug. 9 Lyddy Millisent Aug. 13 Susan Barham Sept. 2 John and William Johnsonii Oct. 14 George Johnson Dec. 7 Mary Howland Dec. 10 Mary Smith, a stranger Feb. 27 Mr. Henry Shrubsole Mar. 2 Mrs. Mary Whitfeild . 1733. May 4 Elizabeth Young June 9 William Worster June 14 Dorothy Goatley July 29 William Philpot Sept. 28 Mary Whitfeild : ‘ Oct. 16 Stephen Baker 3, Mar. 24 Richard Hadman ; x 1734. f ' ‘ Oct. 28 William Clifton if ‘ Oct. 28 Ellenor Bicham, from the workhousellll ‘9. * Date altered ; it may have been 19. 'l‘ A line drawn here, and the Register passed into another Mich: Lade : they signed the next also. In the original a space is left for the Christian hand. i T.S. John Head, Minister, Kenn Shrubsole, II “ Came from the workhouse ” in the Transcript. name. § T.S. John Head Rector. ** A space left for the Ch ' t' * i; last entry in Vol. 2. The remainder of this .the last page. is blank. rlsiiaITflSaimG: PackeT'iFrd‘ge l‘ Charlton, and the next also. C. Packe continued to sign up to Michaelmas, 1737- ll" Bhtween i » this entry and the next “ William Clifton buried ” has been crossed out. 128 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. Nov. 24 Sarah Agar Nov. 28 Susan Agar Dec. 27 Richard Sothers, from the workhouse Feb. 20 Elizabeth Shrubsole 1735. " April 12 Elizabeth Hern, from ye workhouse J. Head, Rec’r. May 7 Susan Upton, from ye workhouse June 26 Philip Driver July 11 Catharine Brown Aug. 14 ................. 7“ from the workhouse Aug. 23 Ann Brigers Oct. 14 Samuel Frank, from the workhouse Jan. 4 Ann Thomson Jan. 18 Thomas Young Jan. 28 Sarah Cocks—Cox—from the workhouse Jan. 29 Thomas Baker ' 1736. ' June 3 Thomas Upton June 17 Jeremiah— army—Ramsay June 20 A stranger buried July 6 Henry Whitfeild Aug. 24 William Austin]L Oct. 21 Deborah Somes Nov. 30 Sarah Rogers Dec. 10 Thomas Upton Mar. 10 Harrison Philpot Mar. 22 Catharine Swain 1737. May 17 Samuel Marsh May 21 Mary Young . July 12 Mary Bell July 15 Lewis St. Paul Aug. 24 Elizabeth Cantis Oct. 7 Susan Young 0 . J: Head, Rec’r. Oct. 9 Wllliam Frend Jan. 1 George Rancher Jan. 15 Mary Linn Jan 16 Mary Lusher Mar. 13 Ann Noble 1738. April 3 Thomas Philpott May 25 .Kenn Shrubsole June 11 John Bradley June 15 William Gadsby . July 24 Thomas Pout): Sept. 29 John Smith Oct. 4 William Bell Dec. 29 Elizabeth Wilkinson are space left in the original and in the Transcript. 1‘ T. S. Peter Vallavaine, curate, and Michael Lade: the latter signed the next also. + T S. Wm. Gray. he also signed the next two BURIALS. 129 1739. June 12 Mary Forrest Sept. 20 Thomas Bear" Oct. 30 Mary Flint 1740. une 20 Mary Sprat uly 9 Elizabeth Dixon July 14 Robert Whitfield, an infant Aug. 24 Ann Philpot Sept. 7 Mary Young Sept. 15 John Pamphlet Sept. 15 Sarah Jephson Sept. 24 Mary Bell J. Allett, curate Sept. 25 Elizabeth Jephson]L Oct. 21 Richard Chandler Nov. 6 Sarah Chandler Nov. 7 Ann Chandler Nov. 24 George Pettitt Feb. 26 Elizabeth Webb Mar. 13 Catharine Gausby 1741. April 5 Daullin Chandler April 24 Charles Crayfort—Crayfird Sept. 28 v Elizabeth Rice Sew. 28 Sara}; Bis/10]) Oct. 22 Sarah Chandler Oct. 27 Ann Bowles Mar. 16 William Madcalf Mar. 23 Ann Moyen 1742. May 6 Mary Pierce June 10 Mary Noblei Feb. 20 Dauling Chandler Feb. 20 Anne Bell Mar. 6 Elizabeth Thomas . Mar. 8 Mary Chapman Mar. 23 Timothy Lyn 1743. May 5 Elizabeth Clement Aug. 21 Ann Eastman James Allett, Curate Sept. 11 Robert Upton, from the work- house 3 Nov. 3 John Pout '~ $11.25 Mary Hugwood, infant ' ar.18 Elizabeth Pout i _ 1744 . ' April 29 Thomas, infant-son of Wil' m and Mary Bumby . May 3 Margaret Smith .May . 6 Iohn Dean of Colonel F lemings Regim’t of Foot ‘5 T.S. Wm. Allen : also the next two. 1‘ T.S. James Allett, curate: also the next two. iT.S. James Avery, Thomas Millicent : they also signed the next four. 2. s i i if E. Q \ 130 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. May 11 Mary Strood Feb. 14 Mary Rooker Mar. 18 John Rugg 1745. April 1 Ann Ouldfield April 26 Elizabeth F1232! and Mary Flint June 9 Ann Justice ‘ Sept. 1 John Chamberlainif‘ Dec. 31 Ann Freesby Jan. 8 Onisiphorus Flint Jan. 8 James Marsh Feb. 2 Jane Barns 1746. June 21 Elizabeth Flint Aug. 8 Stephen Noble Nov. 18 Robert Cocks Feb. 4 Stephen Noble 1747. July 14 Thomas Coppen Aug. 22 Ann Chandler Aug. 26 John Baker’r ' J: Head, Rec’r. Feb. 28 Margaret, wife of Wm. Reynolds Mar. 20 Margaret Choppin, widow 1748. April 29 Anne, (1. of Jno. and Anne Friend May 11 Wm., s. of Jn. and Eliz: Glover Sept. 23 Ann, (1. of Samuel and Martha Baker Sept. 29 Isaac Causabone Chandler;L Oct. 24 Thomas Gadesby . Nov. 16 Mary Chantery, widow Nov. 23 John Hogwood Jan. 1 Jane, wife of John Marles Mar. 12 Charles, s. of Charles and Mary Noble 1749. April 16 Anne Jestis June 1 Richard Atkinson July 9 Sarah Meeting Aug. 14 Mary Baxleyl] Nov. 21 Dr. Christopher Packe, in ye church Dec. 1 Susan Kennet Jan. 24 John Watson, an infant Jan. 25 Rachel Railston Feb. 8 John Drew, an‘infant Mar. 24 Elizabeth Claringbull _ 1750. April 12 Samuel Maycock April 13 Thomas Lynn * T.S. James Allett, curate : he also signed the next. 1- TS. John Gadeshy, Anth. Culling. I IS. Fran : Gregory, Curate, John Gadesby, Robert Sanders. ll T.S. Robert Sanders, William Reynolds : also the next two. "warn-cam "w‘wu—w ’rrwr v,» “r ‘ "awe” erwg-..wwq «an... .111?“ r . w July ' 1 Mary, wife of Charles Noble, from St. Andrew’s parish Fran: Gregory, Curate BURIALS. Nov. 2 Jane Pickard, in the church Dec. 6 Annamaria, d. of Henry and Mary Whatson Dec. 6 Mary Whatson Dec. 18 Margaret Cowley Feb. 12 John Walle, an infant April 18 May 7 Aug. 16 Sept. 22 Sept. 24 Dec. 20 Jan. 12 Feb. 23 Mar. 5 Aug. 10 Nov. 6 Nov. 21 Dec. 3 IJan. 10 ' Feb. 28 Mar. 4 Mar. 8 April 15 Aug. 6 Oct. 23 Nov. 7 Dec. 30 Feb. 26 Mar. 19 -Mar. 21 Mar. 22 Mar. 26 April 7 May 6 May 22 June 30 July 11 Oct. 16 Nov. 14 Nov. 20 Dec. 4 Dec. 16 g * T.S. Robert Sanders, John Jagger. I 1751. Ann, d. of Henry Watson Jane Young Ann Lz'lley, a Child of Ann Lilley Mary Upton Noah Bolaine, in the church Thomas, s. of Thomas Leeke 1752. The widow Woster A stranger, from ye workhouse Sarah Hogwood Alice Purdue, at N orthgate ch : yard" The wife of Edward Pain, in the church Abigail Cheesman The widow Culling—Cullen 1753. John, s. ,of John and Jane Gosper John, s. 'of Edward Nash Fran: Gregory, curate A d. of John Burges James Powel James Wall, a child The wife of John Claringbull‘r Mary Collins, from the w. house Matthew Pierce, from the w. house Elizabeth Upton 1754. John Stone, from the w. house Martha Miller The widow Lucas John Sabine Rachel Kemp, an infant from ye w. h. Peter Loate ' Timothy Hudson, an infant Frances Pysing Stephen, s. of Henry Church Jemima, d. of John Williamsi Robert Wyatt George Lewis, a Dragoon Richard Hadman Mary Hogwood Jane Glover Fran: Gregory, Curate 1' T.S. John Jagger, Wm. Reynolds. ‘ .Gregory, Wm. Seath. 131 2: Tzs. William 132 . ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. 1755. Mar. 9 Elizabeth Austen Mar. 11 Thomas Brown April 4 John Denham April 6 William Moone April 10 George Denham* April 29 Elizabeth Lemon May 6 Mary Thomas, an infant May 18 John Gadesby June 25 Henry Watson July 9 Elizabeth Denham Sept. 8 Mary Nash Dec. 7 Catharine Moor 1756. Feb. 6 Thomas Harris, at St. Margaret’s Mar. 16 James Knott [Crossed out: not in T.] April 4 John Wade April 13 Sarah Dodson, from the w. house May 5 Eliz’z‘lz Smith, a child, from ye w. house May 8 Joseph Omme, a child, from ye w. house May 30 Sarah Catchpole, from ye w. house Aug. 31 John Omme, from ye w. housei Oct. 31 Abraham Wall, from ye w. house Dec. 22 Sarah Cowel Fran : Gregory, Curate 1757. Jan. 25 William Claringbull, from the w. house Feb. 8 William Kendrick, a soldier Mar. 12 William Colebrook, a Dragoon June 10 William Bell July 19 John, Steed, from ye w. housell Nov. 18 John Whitfeild, Esq., from Street End Dec. 16 Elizabeth Green, from ye w. house 1758. Feb. 17 Onesiphorus Flint May 7 John Bell, from St. Paul’s parish Aug. 4 Edward Paine, in ye church, from St. Andrew’s parish Aug. 23 Johnson Streater Aug. 27 Elizabeth Watson, from ye w. house§ Oct. 8 Francis James Knight, an infant Oct. 18 Nathaniel Caine, from the w. house Oct. 24 Mrs.lAnne Whitfeild, in the church 1759. April 6 Susanna Fuller June 13 John Redofl” July 28 Anne Aucher Aug. 14 William Rutledge ~ Fran: Gregory, Curate Sept. 23 Anne Wade“ Nov. 29 John Gadesby ' Omitted from the Transcript. 'l‘ T.S.’ Wm. Seath, John Upton. I T.S. John Upton, Edw. Engeham. II T.S. Edw. Engeham, John Freud. . é T.S. John Frend, Thos. Parker. W Thos. Parker, James Avery, who also signed the next two. ., 4, was?! '"i ‘wpfl-fl“ -r{‘—'M ;, 3 i. E: Jan. 15 Jan. 31 Mar. 19 July 14 \ Sarah Tuck, a child BURIALS. 1760. Daniel Marsh, a child from the w. house Richard Dawes, a soldier95 Terry Mathews, a stranger, from the workhouse‘r 1761. Thomas Spring of Cap’n Hall’s Troop’r William Heursay of Cap’n Hall’s Troop‘r Daniel Wade, an infant‘r Mary Hadman John Ellis, an infant Sarah Simonds Judith Doda’ Hannah Mantel Thomas Hetherington Matthew Gambier William Blackney John Evans, a soldier Tho. Forster, Rect. Anne, the wife, and Anne the d. of William Stokes William, s. of William and Esther Loftie Mr. John Upton Samuel Baker Elisabeth Ellis 1762. Elisabeth, wife of Thomas Ellis Thomas Ellis; Anne Betts, an infant Tho. Forster, Rector 1763. . 4 Joseph Markham, an infant . 27 Charles Friend, an infant Mar. 18 William Gambier, an infant May 4‘ Thomas Ayger Aug. 25 Edward Bolaine, an infant Aug. 26 William Frend, an infant Sept. 11 Dec: 15 Sept. 6 Oct. 23 Nov. 25 Nov. 30 Jan. 1 Jan. 14 - April 29 l * T.S. Tho. Forster, Rector, who also signed the next three. 1 James Avery, John Seath. Wm. M Charles Hogwoodll Anne Stone, an infant Martha Baker 1764. Mrs. Elisabeth Bolaine, in the church Mr. Noah Boloaine, in ye church§ Margaret Markham, a child Susanna Macdougall, a child. Catharine Silleyfand, a child 1765. ’ Fran: Gregory, Rector Susanna Bell, from ye w. house John Pepper,a an infant atson. l 133 ‘l‘ Omitted from the Transcript. ll T.S. James Avery, Benj. Parsons. §T.S. Benj. Parsons, 134 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. May 17 Thomas Purdew, from ye w. house June 24 The widow Weare Sept. 22 John Ellis" Nov. 10 Elizabeth Ellis, a child Nov. 24 Mary Longbridge, a child Dec. 5 Thomas Scott, an infant Dec. 20 Rachel Detheredge Dec. 22 Widow Blackley, from St. Paul’s 1766. Feb. 21 Mrs. Mary Stringer, in ye church Feb. 25 Charles Justice, from ye w. house April 29 Joseph Ellis, from ye w. house May 14 Anne Engeham May 20 Mary Frank, from ye w. house 1767. Jan. 13 Mary Paterson, from ye w. house Feb. 15 Mrs. Hannah Knowler, in ye church Fran. Gregory, Rector May 22 Anne Marshall, an infant May 31 Mary Pierce Sept. 20 John Claringbull’r Dec. 19 Mary Lucas, from ye work house 1768. Feb. 8 Easter—Hester—Bolaine, a child, in ye church Mar. 10 Mary Williams, from ye work houseI 1769. Feb. 18 George Packe, an infant, in ye church Mar. 20 John Oliver, an infant Mar. 21 William Cockling, from ye w. house April 19 Mary Batchelor April 20 Mary Tuck June 8 Susanna—Susan—Tunbridgell Oct. 1 Catharine Whitfield, an infant—a child—from St. Margaret’s parish Nov. 8 John Glover, from ye work-house 1770. Jan. 17 Vincent Philpot was buried in ye Baptist burial Ground§ Jan. 26 John Pepper, a child Fran: Gregory, Rector April 12 Ann and Hannah Ray, infants June 24 Susanna Upton Aug. 26 Michael and Lucretia Markham, children“ Nov. 8 Elizabeth Shrubsole, from the workhouse Dec. 22 Elizabeth Marsh 1771. Feb. 17 Thomas Pepper, a child April 10 Grace Windsor May 13 Richard Popp elton, a child June 24 Susanna Williams, from the workhouse * T S. Wm. Matson, Geo: Stringe1, both of whom signed the next also. 1‘ PS Geo : Stringer, Richd. Mead. + T. S. Geo. String er. II T. S. Lanc’ t Lade. § Omitted from the Transcript. ~ 9” T. S. Rich’ d Mead, g’Lanc tLade. 4‘. y. y,;,_ wag/5:7”, was 29 ‘F une Oct. Oct. Jan. Mar. May Aug. Sept. Oct. Oct. Nov. Jan. Mar. July July Oct. Oct. Feb. Feb. Mar.‘ Mar. .* TS .19 .25 § T.S. Jno. Baker, Wm. Lanes. BURIALS. 135 . 5 William Page, from the work-house 8 William Longbridge, a child 24 Elizabeth Bayley" Fran: Gregory, Rector 1772. 31 William Gelfs, a soldier 12 Maria, relict of the late Dr. Christopher Packe, in ye church 24 Richard Crow, a child 14 Mary Pepper 21 Samuel N icholson’r 10 Richard Parsons, a child . 1773. 7 John Collins, from ye w. house 1 Susanna Flint 29 Thomasin Eastman 27 Mary Oliver, a child: 12 Elizabeth Glover, from ye work house 17 74. Thomasin Philpott John Crow, a child 1 Anne Philpott 27 David Halley 13 John Longbridge, a child , Fran: Gregory, Rector 10 Levina, wife of John Oliver 20 Samuel Flint, a child 1775. 8 John "Pierce 20 Susanna Young 16 Magdalen Hugwood 14 Anne Williams, from ye w. house 1 Samuel Upton, a child” 20 {\th Grimshaw 24 ary Gadsby 5 Sarah Sabine 1776. 28 Hannah Pierce . 31 Anne Cowley, a child, at St. George’s 24 Susanna, wife of Mr. Alderman Gray, in the church 29 William Pattenden§ 6 Milton Upton, from ye woor/e/zouse. 2'72 ye Clzaple 13 William Upton, from the w. house, in ye Clzaple Fran: Gregory, Rector 1777. 3 John Osborn Gibson, a child, in ye Clzafle 6 Edward Welch, a child, in ye Clzapie 9 Elizabeth Headaway, from ye woork/zouse, 2’72 ye C/zaple 30 Elizabeth Hulks, a- child, in ye Chaple Rich'd Mead. 1‘ '1‘.S. Lanc’t Lade. I T.S. Rich’d Mead. ll T.S. Wm. Lanes. 136 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. April 13 Mrs. Gadsby, from Canterbury Lane, in ye Ckaplfi May 11 Catharine Taylor, at St. Paul’s Nov. 12 Michael Eastman, a child, in ye Chaple Nov. 16 Wm. Lawrence Walter, a child, at St. George’s Nov. 29 Widow Philpot, from ye workhouse 1778. , Feb. 4 Tho’s Southee, a child, at St. George’s Feb. 18 Elizabeth Paris, in the church Mar. 25 Mr. Chandler, in the church April 7 Mrs. Hall, in ye Clzaple April 15 Ann Greatharn, at St. Mary Northgate July 29 Eliz’th Pierce, in ye Chaple Sept. 6 Peter Flint, a child, in ye C/zaplef Oct. 3 Wm. Loftie, at Doddington;r Oct. 6 Wm. Southee, at St. Georges Oct. 11 Sarah Webb, from ye woorklzouse, in ye Cfiaple Nov. 8 Ann Chambers, at St. Pauls 1779. Mar. 5 William Hall, in ye C/zaple Mar. 12 Martha Foreman, from ye woorklzouse, in ye Clzaple April 16 William Bourn Corbyn, an infant, in ye Clzaple July 1 Widow Illenden, in the Baptist Burial Ground Aug. 8 Elizaéeth Webber, a c/zild, from ye woorklzouse Aug. 22 Mary Flint, an infam‘ Aug. 27 Catharine—Kzlbz—Chandler, in ye church Aug. 31 Sarah Bennet, from the workhouse“ , James Foord, Rector Oct. 12 Rich’d Helling, an infant, in the Chapel Dec. 7 James Howard, a soldier, in the Chapel 1780. Jan. 13 Charles Southee, at St. Georges Mar. 26 Mary Wilson, in the Chapel Mar. 31 Susannah Philpott, in the Chapel, from ye woorklzouse July 17 Frances Bridgett Littlewood, in ye church§ . Oct. 20 John—fames—Roalf, an infant, in ye Chapel Oct. 24 Sarah Suttley, from ye woorkliouse, in the Chapel Oct. 25 George Philpott, a elzild, in the Chapel Nov. 19 'Will’m Philpott, a child, in the Chapel Dec. 2 Edward Lavaree, a soldier, in ye Chapel 1781. April 12 Elizabeth Piddock, at St. Georges July 18 John Philpott, in the Chapel July 22 Widow Banking, in the Chapel Aug. 3 Abraham Goldsmith, in ye Chapel Oct. 7‘ George Bacon. in the Chapel Oct. 8 Eliza’th Barham, in the church” Oct. 20 Matthew Kirkby, at St. Petersfl *9 T.S. J. Ford, Rector, Jno. Baker, Edwd. Bushell. 1‘ T.S. Edw. Bushell, John Frend. iThe Doddington Transcrlpt says “William Loftie, gentleman, from the parish of St. Mary Bredman in Canterbury.” ll T.S. John Frend, Job Lawrence. 3‘ T.S. John Frend. ** TEN {ohnTFrenm John Jagger. 'H‘ In S. Peter’s Reg.-—“ Oct. 21. Wm. Kirkby,” etc. o in . BURIALS. 137 1782. Mar. 24 Mrs. Longbridge. from ye woork/zouse, in the Chapel June 3 Tho's and Sarah Row, in the Chapel June 3 Dame—Mrs.—Stevens, by ye woorklzouse, in the Chapel June 30 James Cook, a child, by ye woork/zouse, in the Chapel’V‘ Oct. 2 Eliz’h Barham, in the church Oct. 9 Tho’s Upton, in the Chapel Oct. 24 Wm. Phillips, at St. Mary NorthGate Nov. 23 Rebeckah Stone, a child from ye woork/zouse, in ye Chapel Nov. 26 John Frank, from ye wooe/e/zouse, in ye Chapel Dec. 10 Ann Frend, in the Chapel J. Ford, Rector 1783. Jan. 12 Thomas Marsh, an z'nfazzl, in ye Chapel Mar. 23 John Highboume, 6y ye woor/e/zouse, in ye Chapel April 3 Widow Powel, from ye woor/e/zouse. in ye Chapel June 15 John Mackett, an jnfant, in ye Chapel Sept. 9 Sarah Parfoot, an z‘nfam‘, in ye Chapelf Oct. 31 Sarah Jarvis, in ye Chapel Dec. 25 Anna Fletcher and Hester Fletcher, in Do.i 1784. Feb. 22 James Stone, an z'nfanl, in the Chapel April 15 Widow Goldsmith, in the Chapel, by the parish July 4 Ann Nisbett, an infant, in the Chapel July 14 Michael Wood, an ire/a711, in the Chapel July 28 William Gray, in the church Aug. 5 J Joseph Smith, an jnfanl, in the Chapel Aug. 22 Ann Fletcher, a child, in the Chapel Sept. 8 John Mackett, an jizfrml, in the Chapel Oct. 10 Charles Oliver, an infant, in the ChapelT Oct. 14 Richard Mackett, an jnfant, in the Chapel ground Dec“ 17 Richard Barham, in the church J Dec. 22 Sarah Barham, in the church Dec. 26 Sarah Read, an jnfam‘, in the Chapel 9 Dec. 26 Thomas Williams, an jnfam‘, in the Chapel 1785. Jan. 7 Thomasine Philpott, an jnfam‘, 2'72 ye Chap/e Jan. 13 William Bottle, by the Woor/c/zouse, z'n ye Chaple J. Ford, R. Mar. 29 Robert“ Carden, cm jnfant, z'n ye C/zaple ‘ May 26 Hannah Smith, 2'72 ye C/zaple June 28 Elizabeth Pierce, m ye Chaple§ Sept. 25 John Whitfeild, in ye church“? Oct. 25 ; ..... F rend was burieda‘$ Oct. 25 Tbo’s Maison, an jnfant from ye woork/zouse, z'n ye Chaple ; 1786. April 6 Elizabeth Blushell, an jnfanl,'z'n ye C/zaple April 7 William Bates, a child, in the church April 9 William Powell, an jnfcml, in ye Clzaple i l; E - * T.S. John Frend, John Jagger. 'l‘ T.S. John Frend, Wm. Bates. I. The Transcript says “Anna Fletcher and her Infant, in ye Chaple.” [I William first written ; Robert written above. § T.S. John F rend. ** Omitted from the Transcript. . . R 138 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. April 30 Sarah Stone, an jnfanz‘, 2'22 ye C/zaple, May 17 Benjamin Chandler, in the church June 7 Mary Mackett, an jnfanl, 2'n ye Chaple Sept. 3 Peter Flint, 2'22 ye (Maple Sept. 21 William Wood, an jnfanz‘, 2'22 ye C/zaple’" Oct. 21 Mrs. Cosins—Cussons—in the church Nov. 7 Mr. Edward’r Dering, in the church 1787. Jan. 27 James Farmer, an jnfanl, 2'22 llze Clzezple Jan. 30 Henry Leek, a soldier, 2'22 ye C/mp/e April 30 John Stone, an jnfanl, 2'22 ye Gimp/e May 16 Thomas Stone, an jnfanz‘, 2'22 ye Chap/e May 30 Elizabeth Frend, 2'22 ye Clzaple June 3 John Stiff, a child, 2'22 ye (Maple J. Ford, Rector Sept. 20 Hester Hogben, 2'22 ye Chaplei . Oct. 17 Wm. Fletcher, an 2'22/22222‘, 222 ye Chaple 1788. Jan. 6‘ Wm. Freud, 2'22 ye C/zaple Jan. 8 Stephen Holloday, an 222 ant, 2'22yerC/zaple Jan. 27 George Carden, an 2'22fa222’, 2'22 ye Chap/e Feb. 19 Thomas Chittenden, a Light Draggoon, 2n ye Chaple Feb. 26 Martha Castle—-CasseZ——in ye church Mar. 16 Mary Amelia Chandler, a child. in ye church Mar. 20 Tho’s Martin, P.,|[ 6y ye woork/zouse, 222 ye Chap/e Sept. 2 Mary Potvine, a e/zz'la’, 2'2zye Chaple Sept. 7 John Potvine, a e/zz'ld, 2'22 ye C/zaple Sept. 30 Mary Collison Dec. 25 John Fox, at St. Georges 1789. Mar. 1 Elizabeth Shindler, in ye church Mar. 1 John Sutton, P., from the wow-Mouse, 2'22 ye C/zaple April 9 Mary Holloday, an infant, in ye C/zapple April 23 Mrs.—Sara/2—Holloday, 222 the C/zapZe May 29 William Reynolds, in ye church June 23 John Gardinger, in ye Chapel 1790. Jan. 1 William Palmer, an 2’22fa222’, z'n [lze Chaple Feb. 11 Sarah Mears, an infant, in ye C/mple Fee. 23 Daniel Hayward, buried 2'22 ye Baphkfl] Burial Ground April 9 Thomas Davis, R, from ye war/rename July 10 Henry Linfield, a Child, 222 ye Clzaple July 30 Margaret Stevens, R, from ye woork/zouse Aug. 27 James Faulkener, a child, in ye Chapel Sept. 12 Magdalen Lefever, buried 2'22ye Baplz'ee Burial Grouna7 Nov. 19 Charlotte Collingson', a child, 2'22 [/22 Cnaple 1791. Jan. 16 Mary Fletcher, a child, in ye Clzaple Jan. 20 John Williams, 222 ye Chaple, from the woor/e/zouse * T.S. John Frend. '1‘ Edward written above the line by John Gostlin , 'ud in b the wr't'n . it T.S. John Freud, Stephen Philpot. They signed the next three as welgl.J g g IJ’Poor ?I I g . “Rwy 'Wkt-mixr' , BURIALS. 139 Jan. 28 Edward Philpot, 22 elzz'ld, 2'72 ye (Maple .7: . Feb. 13 Sarah Bushel, a child, 2'72 ye Chaple ‘7 Feb. 18 John Brotherson, a child, 2'72 ye Chaple \ Mar. 8 Hester Mears, a #2sz Mar. 18 Thomas Groves, 2'22 ye C/zaple May 13 Sarah Brotherson, 2'72 ye C/zaple June 30 Widow Richman, R. 2'72 ye Clzafld‘ Dec. 2 Cecil, a Child, 272 ye Clzajde]L 1792. E‘ ~ Feb. 5 George Stockwell, R, 2'72 ye Chaple, poor E‘ . Feb. 26 Margaret Stifl’, 2'22 ye Clzaple . l . Mar. 22 Ann Flint 2'72 ye ClzapZe - April 15 Mrs. Jagger, at St. Mildreds ‘3; May 10 Mary Stringer, in the churchi 5 Dec. 18 Mary Dove, P., f20722 [he work/muse, 2'22 the C/zapple J. Ford, Rector 1793. fan. 8 Ceez'la Await, (222 2'22fa722‘, bmz'ed 2'22 lize Clayslers Burial Ground” May 2 John Frend, 2'22 t/ze Clzapple May 4 George Hall, a child, 2'22 2’/2e Gizapple June 7 Ann Palmer, 2'22 2726 Olzapple, from SI. Georges June 13 Nicholas Walters, 2'72 2/2e C/zapple?‘ Dec. 4 Charles Johnson, 2272 2'22fa222’, 222 2122 Chaple 1794. Feb. 12 John Hester, a child—an 2'72fa72/, 2'72 llze (Maple April 21' William Pctvine, P., a e/zz'eld, 2'22 the (Maple April 24 Illaragate Hamel, a c/zz'eld, at S]. Pelles, 02272222622232 July 12 John Marsden, a soldger, 272 Me Chapp/e July 16 Thomas Fletcher, a 22222222, 2'22 lfie C/zaple july 25 folm Taylor. a elzz'eld [at] 32227223 Pal/s, C'an/erémy July 31 Edward Spencer, a clzz'eld, 2'22 2‘12e Clzaple Aug. [5 George Barker, 22 soldger. 272 the Chaple Aug. 24 [am Gooelz, 222‘ St. Georges ‘ Aug. 28 fofin Sizz'ndler, a clzz'eld, at San/s filaragale Aug. 31 Sarah Smith, 272 Me Gimp/e Sept. 20 Joseph Hicks, 272 2'72 (sic) 2122 Clmple Oct. 5 George Wood, a e/zz'eld, 2'72 2/2e C/2[a]ple§ Oct. 3“”‘Elizabeth Whitfeild. in the church from St. Paul’s Vide New Register Bookfl 1795. Jan. 10 Daniel Clarringbull, 2'72 l/ze Clzaple Burial ground April 17 William Thomas, 2'22 llze Clzaple Burial Groundfl 1796. Oct. 25 George Holliday. ' Nov. 29 William Jackson, an 2'72fa722 1797. Jan. 10 Robert Titus ’1‘ TS. Marsh'Piddock. 1‘ Interlined 1n the original. + T. S. John Fiend, Marsh Piddock. _ II In the Cath. Reg., “ Celia Abbott, from St. Mary Magdalen,' 1n woollen.’ § T. S. Marsh Piddock, Stephen Philpot. ** So in the original. This entry is not found in the Transcript. ‘H’ The next page is blank, as are the remaining three parchment leaves, and four paper fly- leaves. The Burials are continued' in Vol. 4.11'1‘.S Stephen Philpot. 140 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. Sept. 10 Elizabeth Keller Oct. 8 George Back, a ohz’eld Oct. 22 Mary Janes, a cbz'eld 1798. May 17 Mary Thomas June 14 Mary Robinson—Rooerson—wife of Cha’s Robinson, Esq’r June 27 Phebe Turmaine July 2 Margaret Stiff, a onz'eld July 3 William Bennet, an infant Aug. 12 John Janes, a c/zz'eld Oct. 7 John Potvine’" Oct. 14 William Swaine, a (sic) z'nfanl 1799. Jan. 15 Samuel Flint Jan. 24 Sarah Kendal, an infant Feb. 15 Elizabeth Wood Mar. 17 Mary Chandler, an z'nfanz‘ April 25 William Henry Anderson June 171L Ann Elizabeth Chandler, a c/zz'eld Aug. 181- Thomas Fortune Aug. 27 Mary Ann Lemar, a c/zz‘old Oct. 11 William Tassel] Tyrelli Dec. 8 Sarah Bazely Beasley—in lee clzurc/z 1800. Mar. 26 John Script, an z'nfanl, in the 01mph Ground Mar. 30 George Parsons, in Me Couple Ground April 4 Elizabeth Spearing, in [/26 (Maple Ground Aug. 31 John Potivine, a clzz’old, in Me Couple Ground Sept. 2 ‘William Job, 0 z'nfanz‘, in 1125 Couple Ground Oct. 12 Mary Stiff, a c/zz'eld, in [/26 Couple Burial Ground Oct. 13 Elizabeth Oldwright, a could, in tile Chaple Bu. Ground Oct. 27 Christopher Packe, Batchelor of Physic, in the church J. Ford, Rector Nov. 12 Richard Stiff, a clu'e/d, z'n flu Chop/e Bu. Ground Nov. 26 John Stiff, a clzz‘eld, in [/26 Couple Bu. Ground Dec. 5 Elizabeth Stiff, a c/zz'eld, in [he Clmple Bu. Ground Dec. 6 William Alken, in Me (Maple Burial Ground Dec. 31 Thomas Swain, a c/zz'eZd. in [/26 Couple Burial Ground] * T.S. Tho’s Southee, Cha’s Friend, who also signed the next two. 7' 27 in the Transcript. , i Omitted from the Transcript. ll T.S. James Ford, Rector, Cha’s Friend , Henry Andrews, Church Wardens. This Transcript continues the burials to August [6, 1801. ”is. “(id‘xa‘y «glam; “em "2' INDEX OF PERSONS. NOTE—In this Volume, as in those previously issued by me, the same name often occurs Anna. Abbet, Abbet t: Abbot, Abbot ‘1 ’9 S, )9 3, 9) )l ,9 t. A ctoii, 9’ Adams, Adames, more than once on the same page. reader to search for others. Thomas, 65. Alice, 73. Ann, 74. Alice Bunce, 54. Cecilia, 139. Cecilia Alice, 13922. Celia, 13922. John, 53 to 56. Maria, 93. Mary, 82. Mary Francis, 55. Richard, 91. Susanna, 53 to 56. Thomas, 53. Ann, 73. Thomas, 82. }Elizabeth, 8, 91. John, 76. Mary 7,5 , William, 7, 8, 59, 63, 89, 91, 102, 103. Adking s, Richard, 71. Adamagn, Mary 7,9. Admans, H H H 3! M 9, 9, 3, 7’ William, 72 Charles, 40. Elizabeth, 39. James, 40. Mary, 39. Philip, 38. Priscilla, 38, 39. Rebecca, 38 to 40. Richard, 38, 39. Sarah, 38. Susan, 40. Thomas, 38 to 40. !) Adye, Mildred, 58. Agar, Esther, 126. ,, Sarah, 128. ,, Susan, 128. See Aygar. Airson, John, 88. Alchin, Alexander, 61. Aleock, Christopher, xi. Aldrie, Elizabeth, 7. u Mary, 7- ,, Thomas, 7. Alken, William, 40. Allebee, Ann, 69. A1ldridg,g,.11‘)hn, 19. n ary, 19 ,, Thomas, 19. Alfrie, Martin, 7. ‘ ,, Richard, 7. Allfrey, Martin, 8. Allfrye, John, 8. Allen, Abel, ii. Allin, Catherine, 3. u a) n 2: Elizabeth, 12, 14, 98, 111. George, 59,101. James, 43. Jane, 30 120. Allen, 3’ H ,9 ,V H 7’ H H H )9 H 7’ 3, 7’ Allett, Allon, Alyn ,“ Aman, Amshie, , Amsderi, Amys, Amy es, Amis, M 9, Ancker, Anderson, 3’ Andé’rs. Andove, ’7 Andrew, Andrews, 9, ’7 ,7 7! I give only one reference, leaving the Joan, 3, 10, 63, 113. John, 55, 71, 72, 75, 90, 95. Judith, 61. Mary, 43, 55. 64, 66. Matthew, 63. Michael, 83. Millicent, 14, 106. Reinold, 61. Richard, 4, 61, 64. Sara, 64. Simon, 59, 100. Stephen, 105. Susan-11a, 30, 69, 120, 125. Thomas, 12. William, 10, 12, 14, 30, 65, 66, 90, 106, 10622, 120, 12922. J. James, 41, 42, 129, 12972, 13022. Ann, 82. Christopher, 3. Mary, 78. Elizabeth, 107. Robert, iii. Agnes, 61. Ann, 2. Mary 7,3 Thomas, 4, 59, 61 Widow, 105. William, 2. Martin, 18. Mary, 18. See Anker. Elizabeth, 37. Mary, 37. William, 37 William Henry, 140. See Andrews. Catherine, 124. Farthing, 124. Mary 124. Thomas, 65. William, 100. Edmund, 73. Henry, 56, 14022. John, 56. Mary 56. Susan-na, 82,105. Valentine, 83. Andrewsonn, Elizabeth, 78. Angill, Anker, Annett, Ansell, Ancill, } a, 9’ ,9 H ’7 3’ 7) William, 63. Margaret, 68. See Ancker. Elizabeth, 110. Anne, 72. Christo p,her 104. Dar-rathlias, 9. Elizabeth, 74, 81. Henry, 5. John, 10022. Margaret, 9. Sarah, 70. Susan, 72. 142 ' sr. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. Ansell, William, 8, 9, 104. Ansley, Robert, 78. Anslow, Catherine, 35. ,, John, 35, 37, 125. ,, Mary, 37. ,, Robert, 37. Antonn, Catherine, 9. Francis, 9 Ap ley ard, Francis, 103. Appleby, William, 85. Ap1ise, Hugh, iii. Archele, John, 10422. See Archley. Archer, Anthony, 77. Jane, 79. Arch’i’ey ,lJohn, 7, 62 102,105,107. Archly, jRobert, 7. Samuel, 7, 102. Arcock, John, 54. ,, Henry, 54. ,, Sarah, 54. Ardley, Richard, 92. Argles, Jane, 15, 107. ,, Thomaso, 15,107. Arnall, Ann, Arnol-e, Elizabeth, 33, 123. ,, Susan, 33, 123. ,, Thomas, 33, 66, 123. Arnold, William, X. Amway, Ann, 44. ,, Sarah, 44. ,, William 44. Arthure, Elizabeth, 4, Asea, Mary, 67. Ashburn, Ann, 37. ,, Elizabeth, 37. ,, Thomas, 37. Ashby, Richard. 84. Ashdown, Sarah, 84. Asheden, Mary, 3. Ashenden, Charity, 98. ,, Christopher, 9822.’ ,, James, 3. ,, John, 3, 4. ,, Leonard, 58. ,, Mary, 98. Ashly, Elizabeth, 108, 110. Ashle, Joan, 109, 110, 115, 117. ,, John, 103. Robert, 78, 108, 110. ,, Sara, 115. Ashman, Eleanor, 48. ,, George, 48. ,, J elm, 48. Astin, Georg e, 8. ,, Valentine, 8. Atkinson, John, 61. Richard, 130. ,, Widow, 101. Attwick, Daniel, 121. Atwell, Fiances, 90. Atwood, Elizabeth, 92. ,, John, 37. ,, Mary, 21, 70. ,, Susan, 37, 38. ,, Thomas, 37, 38. ,, William, 21. Aucher, Anne, 132. ,, Anthony, 26. ,, Sir Anthony, 25 to 27, 75. ,, Elizabeth, 25, 27. ,, Hester, 27. ,, Hughett, 27. ,, Lady ,75. Austen, } Anne, 78. Austin, Charles, 55, 93. ,, Edward, 53, 74. ,, Eleanor, 66. ,, Elizabeth, 55, 132. ” Austen, George, 10322. ,, Hester, 44. ,, John, 31, 71, 93, 101. ,, J oseph, 55. ,, Mary, 44, 53. ,, Michael, 71. ,, Mildred, 72. ,, Rebecca, 31. ,, Thomas, 31. ,, Thomasine, 88. ,, Widow, 108. ,, William, 73, 84, 128. Autonn, Catherine, 9. ,, Francis, 9. Avery, Ann, 37, 38. ,, James, 37, 38,129,13222, 13322. Ayerst, William, X, 38, 82, 83, 126, 12622, 127. Ayesty, Elizabeth, 19. ,,‘ Joan, 19. ,, Sarah, 19. Aygar, Christopher, 108. ,, James, 108. ,, Thomas, 133. See Agar. A yler, Jeane, 66. BACHELL, Aphra, 2722, 73. ,, Avery, 73. Bachelder, [Ann, 48. Batchelder, J Edward, 48. ,, Mary, 33. ,, Sarah, 48. ,, Thomas, 33. Back, Charlotte, 56. ,, Elias, 18. ,, Elizabeth, 55, 56. ,, George, 55, 140. ,, ,Henrv, 122. ,, Peter, 18. ,, Thomas, 55, 56. See Buck. Backer, Christopher, 64. ,, William, 65. Bacon, Georg e, 92, 136. \ Badoock, Ann, 105. ,, James, 9 to 11,104 to 107, 10422, 10522. ,, Jeane, 107. ,, John, 10. ,, Martha, 104. ,, Susan-11a, 9,10. Baecham, John, 82. Ba g,1ey Robert, 91. Bailey }Elizabeth, 86, 122, 135. Bayleyy, John 4 ,, Mary y, 27, 59, 86. ,, Priscilla, 27. ,, Thomas, 59,85. ,, William, 27, 74, 78, 86, 122. Baker, Alice, 58. ,, Ann, 24 to 26, 42, 43, 81, 102, 130. ,, Dinah, 42, 89. ,, Edward, 97,102,111. ,, Elizabeth 9,15,25,35, 39,47, 57,93, 124, 125 ,, George, 35, 36, 37, 124, 125 ,, George Augustus, 50. ,, Hannah, 36. ,, Hester, 45, 50, 51. ,, Jane, ii, 39. ,, John, 36, 42,45, 47, 50,51, 93,95, 127, 130,13522,,,.13622 ,, Joseph, 7. ,, Lawrence, 98. ,, Leonard, 13. ,, Lucy, 43. ,, Luke, 24. ,, Margaret 35,44,124. ,, Mafia, 15,42 to 45, 89, 107, 127, 130, ,, Mary, 14, 16, 26 37 63 70 98 108. ,, Mr., 115. ’ ’ , , ’, ’1 ‘ w ,. .l '1 i ' i H .. INDEX OF PERSONS. Baker, Nicholas, 39, 68. ,, Osborne, 51. ,, Parnell, 13 to 16. ,, Pronell, 108. 1 ,, Richard, 75, 80, 102, 103. ,, Samson, 2. ,, Samuel, 42 to 45, 130, 133. ,, Sarah, 45. ,, Simon, 37, 125. ,, Stephen, 35, 125, 127. ,, Susanna Gregory, 47. ,, Thomas, iii, 3, 9, 24 to 26, 43, 106, 128. ,, Ursula, 58. Walter. 26. ,, William, iii, 13 to 16,45, 84, 106 to 109. Balden, Ann, 108. Thomas, 83. Balderston, Phildelp 111a, 44. William, 44. Baldook, Elizabeth, 95. John, 86. ,, Thomas, 67. Ball, Isabel, 15. ,, John, 15. ‘ Joyce, 15. Ballard, John, 62. Band, ......,15, 107. Samuel, 15,107. Banerd, Amy 103. ,, Widow, 103. See Vanerd. Banester, Thomas, 68. Banford, Thomas, 71. Banking, Widow, 136. Banks, Catherine, 85. ' ‘,, Charles, 1, 57. Elizabeth, 1, 7’ ,l , Baran, Agnes, 64. Barber, Mary, 83. Rachel, 81. Richard, 66. ,, William, 37, 125. Barbett, Mary, 68. Baren, Peter, 9. Barham, Ann, 40 to 42. Charlotte, 42. Elizabeth, _,xv 39 to 42, 136, 137. 1) ’9 H ,1 ,, James, 42. ,, John 42. ,, Martha, 42. ”1 Mary, 40 ,, Richard, xv, 39 to 42, 137. ,, Richard Harris, 42, [52], 91. Sarah, xv, 41, 137. Susan, 127. Barkelett, Sy by 11, 98. Barker, George, 139. ,, Joan, 99. ,, Mari, 64. Barman, James, 65. Barnard, Amy, 6. Barnerd, James, 66. Barnes, Elizabeth, 82. ,, John, 62. Margaret, 64. Barnett, Hester, 76. Barns, Jane, 130. Barr, David, 77. Barret, Alice, 12,13. Barritt,}Edward,8,9,11 to 13,20, 21, 23, 28, 13315105, 112,112”, 113,115, 117, 118, \ 1 0 ,, Elizabeth, 13, 28, 123. ,, Goodman, 105. John, 9, 15, 21, 118. ,, , Margaret, 20, 21, 23, 27a, 117. -,,’ Mary, 12, 105. ,, Nicholas, 123. , Richard, 72. i, "” Barret, Sarah, 8. ,, Susan, 15. ,, Thomas, 9, 20, 115. Widow, 116. ,, William, 15, 23, 113. Barrin, Noah, 9. ,, Peter, 9. Barrington, Mary, 62. Barron, Margaret, 3. Barrowe, Thomas, 58. Barrows, Abraham, 76. Bartlame, Abigail, 7, 101. ,, Henry, 101. Bartholimé, Robert, 125. Bartholomew, Elizabeth, 36. ,, Robert, 36, 125. ,, Susan, 125. Bartlet, Elizabeth, 66. Bartlett, Catharine, 87. ,, Johanna, 74. Barton, 1 Andrew, 21. Batten, 5 Anne, 6. ,, Dorothy ,.6 ,, Elizabeth, 6, 20, 74, 101. ,, John, 20 to 22, 68, 112, 118. ,, Margaret, 20 to 22,121. ,, Matthew, 21. ,, Sara, 81. William, 6, 20, 101. Bartrope, Daniel, Bartropp,John,1 Thomas, 1. Barwick, Mary, 80. Basden, Mary 81. Baseden, Ann?101. ,, William, 101. Baskefield, Jane, 41, ,, Mary, 41. ,, William, 41. Baskerville, Ann, 48. ,, Eliza, 93. ,, Elizabeth, 46 to 49. ,, Hetty Betty, 49. ,, Jane, 51 ,, John, 46 to 49. ,, Kitty Mary, 48. ,, Mary, 46. William, 51. 9’ William Mercurius, 51. See next. Basketfield, Elizabeth, 45, 46. John, 45,46. Mary, 41. Susan, 41. 9, 3’ J? William, 41. 45. See Baskerville. ’7 Basse, Catherine. 97. ,, William, 60. Bassett, } Elizabeth, 83. Basset, Joseph, 48. ,,~ Margaret, 48. ,, Mary, 48. Baston, Dorothy, 15. Redman,15. Batcheler, Margaret, 91. ,, ,éMary 134. Batchilder, Edward, 91. Bate, William, 61. Bates, Ann, 45, 50, 52, 53. ,, Charlotte, 53. ,, Elizabeth, 45. ,, Frederick, 52. ,, John, 45. ,, William, 50, 52, 53, 137, 13712. ,, William Barton, 50. Batt, Ann, 46. ,, rMary 47 ‘ ,, Susanna, 46, 47. Thomas, 46,47. Batterme,Giles, 104. 143 144 - ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. Batterme, John, 104. Beets, Thomas, 22. See Beats, Betts. Battermee, Giles, 9, 10. Bele, William, 115. ,, John, 10. Bell, Ann,41, 4,7 129. Mary, 9. ,, Deborah, 70. H Battermeu, Rachel, 10. Battermev, Giles, 10. Bang hton, Henry 71. Baumford, Catherlne, 89 Bax, Elizabeth, 69. ,, John, 67. 1; Mary, 77- Baxley, Mary, 130. Baxly, John, 8. Bazely, Sa1‘,ah 140. Beach, James, 80 Beacham. See Beecham. Beacon, Basil, 27. ,, Martha, 27. ,, Elizabeth, 29, 30, 38, 87, 119, 120. ,, John, 30, 37, ,1120 132. ,, Martha, 47. ,, Mary, 18, 40, 75, 128, 129. ,, Peter, 52. ,, Randall, 84. ,, Robe1t,29,30,74, 119,120. ,, Sarah, 52. ,, Sophia, 52. ,, Susan- -,na 36 to 38,40, 41,133. ,, William 36 to 38, 40,41, 47, 72 81,115, 128,132. Bellamy Mary y, 75. Bellinger, Alice, 102. ,, Mary 27 ,, Ann, 63. ,, Robert, 82. ,, Richar,"d Beake, Thomas, 85. ,, Robert, ’37 Beal- -e, ,}Alice, 63. Belling gam, Thomas, 99. Beele, Ann, 24, 49, 50, 114. Bellowes, Ann, 113. ,, Elizabeth. 66, 77. ,, William 113. ,, Frances, 50. Bellson, Anne, 67. ' ,, Hannah, 23, 24. Belsey, Anne, 75. ,, Jane, 84. ,, Elizabeth, 74. ,, John, 49. \ Belton, John, 68. ,, Mary, 50. Benbridge, Ann, 78. ,, Sarah Ann, 19. Benell, Jane, 76. ,, Thomas, 92. Bengei, Catherine, 93. ,, William, 23, 24, 49, 50, 92 ,114, 115. Bean-e, Anne, 65. ,, Catherine, 76. ,, John, 10, 64, 104. ,, Margaret, 10, 104. ,, Stephen, 70. Beang, Nicholas. 108. Bear-e, John, 32. ,, Joseph, 72. ,, Mary, 32. ,, Mary Ann, 32. ,, Susan, 85. ,, W1111am,x113,57,105, ]06,140 ,, Thomas, 32,129. Bentlye, Thomas, 100. Beard, Alice, 121. Berry, John, 1,62. Jane, 73. Besbidge, Joan 69. Bearden, Philip, 66. Besonne, Mary, 18. Beasly, Sarah, 140. ,, Thomas, 18. Beats, Ann, 18. Best-e, Aaron, 16. ,, Edward, 18. ,, Alice, 7, 102. ,, Jenny Truth, 18. See Beets, Bott. ,, Ann, 6, 16, 1672, 64. Beche, Elyse, 98. ,, Charles, 16%. Bechinge, Ann, 69. ,, Elizabeth, 5, 13, 66, 74, 102. Bechingfeill, Sarah, 69. ,, James, 18,119. Beng ham, Priscilla, 61. Beningfield, Clement, 83. Bennett, Ann 65. Bennitt, iBenjamin, 44. ,, Elizabeth, 60. ,, Lucy, 95. ‘ ,, Mary ,, Matthew, 13. ,, Robert, 60, 70. ,, Sarah, 44,136. _,, Thomas, 60. Becke, Mary, 69. ,, Joan, 107. Bedo-e, Benjamin, 79. ,, John, 6. ,, John, 74. ,, Judith, 7, 102. Bedwell, Henry, 7. ,, Lydia, I3, 14, 16, 19, 73, 120. ,, Joan, 7. ,, Margaret, 14, 75. Beecham, } ......, 107. ,, Mary, 16. Beatcham, Alice, 13 to 15. ,, Moses, 6,13, 14,16,18, 19,107,109. ,, Daniel, 29, 119. ,, Nicholas, 61:09, 61, 102, 103, 107. ,, Elizabeth, 13. ,, Robert, 9, 103. ,, Francis, 28. ,,, Sybil, 8, 103. ,, George, 67. ,, Stephen, 7, 102. ,, John, 82. ,, Thomas, iii 8,9,16,16n, 65. ,, Mary, 15, 28. ,, Ursula, 7,102. ,, Margaret, 28. ,, Widow, 119. ,, Richard, 13 to 15. ,, William, 66. ,, Siblow, 119. Betts, }Ann, 46, 67, 79,133 ,, Susan, 14. Bett. Catherine, 62. ,, Sybil, 29. ,, Edward, 22, 23, 25 to27,lO9,112, 115, Beechan. See Beecham. 116,120. Beer, Jane, 84. ,, Elizabeth, 45, 46, 69. Beere, Martha, 71. ,, Harriet, 45. Beets, Ann, 23. ,, Henry, 27. ,, Edward, 22 to 24. ,, J enne, 109. H Mary, 22 to 24. H J ennetruth 109. M W 2“ m4...« 4» ; INDEX OF PERSONS. 145 Betts, John, 45, 46, 71, 94. ,, Mary, 25 to 27, 116. ,, Widow. 121. See Beats, Beets. Beverstocke, William, 111. Beverton, Dorothy, 43. ,, Esquire, 1v. ,, Mary, 43. ,, William, 43. Box, William, 68. See Bix. Bicham, Eleanor, 127. Bicke, John, 9711. Bicker, Susan, 80. Bigge, Anne, 110. Biggs, Elizabeth, 64. ,, Thomas, 75. Bignell, Joseph, 75. Bilting-e, Ann, 115. Edward, 74. Binfield, Richard, 88. Bing- e, } Elizabeth, 60, 68, 73. Bynge, James, 5. ,, John, 4. ,, Mary, 69. ,, Nicholas, 108. ,, Obadiah. 86. ,, Sarah, 72. ,, Thomas, 1 29, 60, 75. ,, Thomas[in], 63. Bing sland, Robert, 59. Birch, Edward, 76. See Burch. . Bird-e, Elizabeth, 10. Matthew, 10. ,, Richard, 80. Bishop, Alice, 98. ,, Bastian, 98. ,, Christian, 60. ,, John, 64. ,, Sarah, 41, 129. ,, Thomas, 41. Bissaker, Elizabeth, 47, 91. ',, John, 47. ,, Thomas Vincent, 47. Bix-e, l Cathe1ine, 26. Bicks, 9 Dorothy, 27. ,, Frances, 25. 1 ,, James, 25 to 27, 116”. ,, John, 25. ,, Mary, 25 to 27. ' ,, Tomsin, 98. ,,‘ William, 10, 68. Black, Henry, 60 ,, John, 10. Peter, 10. Blackbourn, Elizabeth, 6, 7, 101. ,, John, 2, 6. 7,58, 64, 99”, 101, 103. ,, Lution, 103. ,, Mary, 84. ,. William, 6. Blackley, Widow, 134. Blackmah, Charles, 55, 95. ,, george,5_55, 94. , dia, 5 ,: Miry, 85, 95. ,, William, 133 Blamdax, John, 70. Bland-e; Alice, 58. ,, Christian, 97 ,, Gilbert, 1, 97, 98. ,, Joan, 59, 100. ,,, Johanna, l. ,, Margaret, 58. ,, Mary, 98. Michael, 9822, 99, 99M. Blas'che, J,oan 98. . IBlase, Alice 59. Blashenden,Ann,101. ‘ Blaxland, Lavina, 91. ,, Stephen, 91. Blaxland, William, 78. Blewett, Elis [abeth], 74. Bligh, Ann, 90. ,, Isbell, 3. Blogg, Charles, 31. ,, Elizabeth, 52. ,, Hester, 31. ,, Mary, 56, 94. ,, Mary Ann, 52. ,, Philip, 52, 56. ,, Sarah, 31. ,, William, 56. Blowen, Jane, 78. Blunt- ~e, Rachel, 127. ,, Thomas, 58,127. Blye, Isbell, 3. Booke, Thomas, 3. See Buck. Bokme, Joan, 61. Bolain~e, Ann, 46. ,, Edward, 46, 133. ‘ ,, Elizabeth. xvii, 35 to 37, 125, 133. ,, Hester (Easter), 46, 134. ,, Noah, 36,37,46,55,125, 131,133. ,, Whitehead, 35, 125. Bolocke, Elizabeth, 74. See Bullock. Bonam, Barba1a, 6. Bonnam, Elizabeth, 5. ,, John, 5. ,, Margaret, 6. ,, Thomas, 6. Bond-e, Anne, 4. ,, Elizabeth, 36. ,, Henry, 103. ,, Lydia, 36. ,, Philip, 36. ,, William, 36. Bone, Robert, 59. Bonnar, } Ann, 76. Bonner, Caleb, 72. ,, Constance, 7, 102. ,, Isabel, 6, 101. ,, Peter,6,7,101,102. William, 6. ,9 Bonnitt, Greg ory y, 64. Boocke, Robert, 3. See Buck. Booke, Thomas, 98. See Buck. Boolock, Mary, 119. See Bullock. Boorman, James, 60. Booth, Mary, 27. ,, , Thomas, 27. Boovere. Mary, 98. Boovett, Henry, 126. Booze, Ann, 84. Bosher, John, iii. See Busher. Botten. See Betting. ' Betting, Elizabeth, 32, 33. ,, Jonas, 33. ,, William, 32,33. Bottle, John, 75 ,, William, 137. Bouchier, Elizabeth, 59. Boughton,Henry ,.71 Bonlton, William, 78. Bounds, Ann, 87. Bourne, Ann, 62. ,, Edward, 62. ,, John, 67. Boutell, Henry ,.66 Bowar, Elizabeth, 60. Bowden, Mary, 47. ,, Penelope, 47. ,, Richard, 47. Bowell, Elizabeth, 70. Bowle, Ann, 62. ,, Catherine, 62. Bowles, } Ann, 129. Boules, Thomas, 121. Bowman, Elizabeth, 15. 146 Bowman, Bowmly Box, Boyez, ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. Mary, 15. Walter, 15. . See Browmly. William, 90. Martha, 60. Boyken, Eve, 72. Boykiu, Jan e, 82. Boykett, Sara, 77. Boys-e, Ann, 21. H 77 3, H 77 Bomar, Elizabeth, 21. Emlen, 58. Martha, 60. Mildred, 60. Robert, 21, 111. Leonard, 10. Robert, 10. Brabson, Benjamin, 15. Bridg-e, Ann, 6. ,9 9, ’3 7, ’7 7’ 77 U Brldges, 9, 7’ ’7 3’ )3 77 9’ Edward, 126. Elizabeth, 6. Joanna, 7. Martha, 15. Richard, 102. Susan, 6, 101. Thomas, 6 7, 15, 16, 59, 99”, 101. William, 6, 7, 101,101n,102. Ann, 32 to 34,1221,23. Deborah, 31. Edward, 32 to 34, 122, 123. Elizabeth, 32, 122. Henry, 72. Hester, 34. Jane, 31. John, 31 to 33, 76. ,, Maria, 109. ,, Thomas, 32, 122. ,, Martha, 14. Brigers, Ann, 128. ,, Mary y, 14,15, 72 Briges, ..... ., 67. Thomas, 1,4 15. Brigett, Frithwith, 61. Brabston, Martha, 68. Briggs, Ann, 69. Bradborn, William, 123. ,, Elizabeth, 44. Braddon, Charles, xvii. ,, Henry, 44. ,, Henry, xvii. ,, John, 76. Mary, xvii. ,, Thomas, 73. Bradford, Ann 112. ,, William, 44. ,, Anthony, 77. Bright, Elizabeth, 66. ,, John, 112. Grace, 66. Biadfy lde, William, 59. Brisenden, Amy. 59. Bradley, Elizabeth, 87. ,, Nicholas, 115. ,, John, 78, 86,128. ,, Thomas,73. ,, Mary Bristow, Benjamin, 80. Bradnex-nicksl: 9414m), 20. Brittenden, Jane, 95 Broadnex-necks, Anthony, 22, 112. Bromhead, Edward, 42. ,, Hester, 23, 24, 114. ,, Frances, 42. ,, Margaret, 23, 24, 114. ,, Sarah, 42. ,, Mary, 23. Bromley, 1 Henry. 6. ,, Sarah, 20, 22, 112. Brumley, )John, 9 - ,, Susan, 21. ,, Martha, 13,109 ,, Valentine, 20 to 24,68,112,114. ,, Mary y, 14. Bradshear, Catheriiie, 65. ,, Richard, 9, 10,1210 14,64,106. Brag, Daniel, 73. ,, Samuel, ’85, Sarah, 14. Braham, Williain, S. H. ,Xi. ” Braine, Catherine, 4. . Brames, John, 93. Mary, 91. ,, William. 12, 106. Brooke, } Alice, 57. Broke, Benjamin, 103. Brariistune, John, 77. ,, Isaac, 64. Brandford, Martha, 71. ,, John,60.. 1 Thomas, 7.1 ,, Thomas, 1. " )9 Brandon, Philip, Branker,Joh11p22270n. ,, Widow, 101. Broome, Nicholas, 11. ,, Judith, 22. ,, Thomas, 11. Richard, 22. Brothers, John, 92. Brariscomb, Betty, 4.7 ,, Mary, 92. ,, Catherine, 47. Brotherson, John, 139. ‘ Jonathan, 47. Sarah, 139. l Bredfort. See Bradford. Brou,gh, Alice, 5. Brent, [Tohn], iv,v . Brown- -e, Alice, 62, 101. Brentiy, Ann, 77 ,, Ann, 10, 117. Biett, Aphra, 10. ,, Annaria, 43. Breat, Deborah, 79. ,, Benjamin, 36. Brete, lJames, 65. ,, Bennitt, 64. ,, John, 67, 72, 81. ,, Catherine, 117,118,120. . ,, Nicholas, 10, 105. ,, David, 64. : ,, Richard, H86. ,, Dorothy 58. .3 Brian, Anne, 125. ,, Edward, 42. Bryan, lCatherine, 3 ,, Elizabeth, 10, 42 to 44, 66, 98, 105. ,, John, 2,125. ,, Experience, xi. ~ ‘ 4 ,, Margaret, 2. ,, George, 23,71. . ' -. Briant, [John, ‘,7 62, ,, Henry y. 23,81. ‘i Bryant, fSusanna, 74. ,, Jane, 9. 80. ' ” Thomas 7. ,, John, 9to 12,36, 62, 63, 76, 86, 101, 105, ' Brice, Christopher, 111. See Henly. 106,114,124. ; Bris-e, lMary, 74. ,, Joseph, 42. . 37; ,, Wllliam, 88. ,, Judith, 36, 84. Brickenden, Susan-1111,79. . ,, Margaret, 2, 12, 61, 76, 106 Bridg-e, ......, 8. “ . ,, Mary, 11,23, 83, 96 my INDEX OF PERSONS. Brown-e, Mildred, 2. ,9 H ,7 Peter, 58, 9971, 101. Stephen, 114, 117, 118, 120, 125. Thomas, 12, 44, 118, 132. William 2, 73, 98, 11121, 11772, 120. Brow’nell, John, 7671. Browning, Benjamin, 31. 9, 1’ H H 3’ ’1 9! James, 24, 89, 117. Joan, 1. John, 1, 31. Mary, 24. Rebecca, 31. Sarah, 24, 117. Susan, 125. Thomas, 31. Brow’nlow, Step hen, 79. Brumfild, Eliasp 66. Bryan, Bryant, Buck-e, H n ’7 , n n n n n See Brian. See Briant. Alice, 4, 98. Clement, 3. DOrothy, 14. Elizabeth, 14, 55. George, 14. John, 2, 57. Maria, 55. Richard, 2, 99. Robert, 3. Thomas, 3,55, 98. See Bocke,Boocke. Buckeredge, Anthony, 1v. Buckely, Bucley, ’I 9) Bucl’tett, } Edward, 9. Elizabeth, 27. Mary, 27. Thomas, 27. William, 9 Sarah, 83. William, 71. Buckman ,Stephen, 65. Buckmaster, Jonathan, 84. Buckton, Henry, 49. 9, Budes, Buds, ,9 99 Buffett, John, 49. Mary, 49. Elizabeth, 36. Richard, 36. Robert, 36. Samuel, 69. Hannah, 40. Sebastian, 40. Buggins, Ann, 83. Buinill, Jane, 76. Bule, John, 95. Bull, Anne, 124. ,, Humphry, 124. ,, Peter, 124. Bullen, Joseph, 69. Bullinger, . .. ... , 109. H H Elias, 19, 108. Nathaniel, 19. Peter, l9n,108. William, 93. Bullock-e. . . . . . ., 14. 9’ 9! 3’ M i H L 9’ N u. 9'! Bumby, 9’ i n Bunce, Bunckley, James, 73. Elizabeth, 16,74. Hope, 14 to 16, 18. John, 18. Mary, 119. Mercy, 68. Richard. iii, 14 to 16,18,108,109. — Susan, 15. Thomas, 63. William, 108,109. Mary, 41, 129. Thomas, 41, 129. William, 41, 129. Elizabeth, 79. ary, ary78. Bungey, John, 64, 104. Susan, 104. “ Burgess, ; Burbage, Frances, 23. Thomas, 23. I Burbidge, Thomas, 23. ,, William, 88. Burch, Step hen, 94. Sec Birch. , Burchet, Henry, 86. Burdden, Catherine, 69. Burges, Alice, 55. }Ellen, 18. ,, Frances, 40. ,, Francis, 15. ,, George, 55. ,, James, 54, 55. ,, Jane, 56. ,, John, 131. ,, Martha, 56. ,, Mary, 40, 95. ,, Mary Ann, 55. ,, Mathia, 55. ,, ‘ Robert, 40. ,, Sarah, 54, 55. ,, Thomas, iii, 17, 18, 55,56, 109. ,, William, 18, 54. Burles, Edward, 47. ,, Rebecca, 47. ,, William, 47. Burly, Matthew, 112. ,, Mrs., 114. Burnly, Mrs., 114. Burr, James, 80. Burre, Thomas, 71. Burrell, Anne, 80. ,, Christian, 58. Burton, Frances, 102. ,, J ohu 75, 82. ,, Phineas, 70. Susan, 85. Burwash, Sarah 94. ,, William, 94. Busbridge, Elizabeth, 81. Bush-e, John, 98. ,, Michael, 108, 109. Bushel, } Ann, 48, 49, 51, 52. Bushell, Edward, 48, 49, 89, 136”. ,, Elizabeth, 49, 52, 84, 137. ,, Emily, 56. ,, Henry, 51 to 53, 55, 56. ,, Margaret, 91. ,, Maria, 55. ,, Mary 77. ,, Sarah, 51 to 53,55,56, 139. Busher, Martha, 72. See Bosher. Bust, Thomas, 67. Butler, Agnes, 1, 97. ,, Anne, 92. ,, Elizabeth, 1, 97. ,, John, 1, 97 . Buxon, Abraham, 66. Byssey, Thomas, 4. CAINE, ..... ., 127. Cayn, John, 30, 119. ,, Mary ,53. ,, Mary Ann, 53. ,, Nathaniel, 30, 132. ,. Richard, 30,119,127. ,, Susan, 30,119. ,,V Thomas, 53. ,, William, 119. Caister, Hana, 121. ,, Samuel, 121. ,, Thomas, 77, 121. Callous, Elizabeth, 61. Calvart, William, 126. Cambele, Archer, 126. Campéll, Alice, 42, ,, Catherine, 42. ,, Joseph, 42. Camper, Gregory, 65. 147 148 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. Cannon, Thomas, 91. Canstret, Joseph, 98. Cantis, Elizabeth, 128. Thomas, 126. Garden, Ann, 51. ,, Catherine, 51. ,, George, 52, 138. ,, John, 51, 52. ,, Robert, 51, 137. ,, Sarah, 51, 52. Carle, Susan, 69. Carley, [John, 66. Carly, j Susanna, 116. ,, Thomas, 113¢z,116. Carlile, }Elizabeth, 31. Carlele, Hugh, 31, 77. ,, Mary, 31, 115. ,, Thomas, 115. Carlton, }Charlotte, 52. Carltun, Christopher, 8, 105. ,, Edward, 51. ,, Elizabeth, 20, 21, 51 to 54, 109 to 111. George, 19 to 22, 52, 70, 109 to 111. ,5 ,, John, 51 to 54. ,, Mary, 21, 22. ,, Richard, 21, 111. ,, Robert, 53. William, 8. See Cerlton. 7’ Carnol, Ann, 92. Carr, Elizabeth, 72. ,, John, 90. Carroll, Charles, 38. ,, Daniel, 38. ,, Mary, 38. Carter, Ann, 49, 62. ,, Christopher, 63. ,, Edward, 79. ,, Elizabeth, 49. ,, John, 70, 94. Joseph, 49. Stephen, 76. ,, William, 65, 79. Cary, ‘ Ann, 20, 114. Carey, iHenry, 114, 117. James, 20. ,, Matthew, 80. See Kary. Casaubon, John, 23, 24. Margaret, 23, 24. ,, Merigc, 23. ,, Sarah, 24. Casey, Thomas, 76. Casion, Anne, 124. ,, Robert, 124. Casse, Ann, 30. Thomas, 30. ,, Wallbrnw, 30. Cassey, Henry, 64. Cassel, Martha, 138. Cassell, Giles, 106. Casslle, Isaac, 106. Castle, (Ann, 47. Caste], ) John, 75. ' Margaret, 47. Martha, 138. Philip, 93. Richard, 73. ,, Thomas, 47. Castret, Christian, 100. ' Catchpole, Sarah, 132. Catherine, a bastard, 4. Causew, John, 8. Causten, Elizabeth, 75. Cawell, John, 57. Ceave, Robert, 63. Cecil, a child, 139. Cerlton, Christopher, 15, 104. Cerltun, }Elizabeth, 16. H 7, 7’ H ,, J, ,7 ’7 ,9 George, 15, 16. See Carlton. Chalklen, lHenry, Chalklin, )John, 45. ,, Margaret, 45. Mary ,.45 Chaloner, Willyiam,x X. Chamberlain, John, 130. Chambers, Abraham, 68. ,, Ann, 72, 82, 136. ,, Elizabeth, 73. ,, Jane, 18 to 20, 118. ,, Joys, 69. ,, Mary, 20. ,, Petronell,18, 110. Thomas, 11,18 to 20, 68, 110, 11072, 111. Chamne, E11, 18. ,, Mary, 18. ,, Nicholas, 18. See Champne- y. Champeion, John, 76. Champne- y, Nicholas, ii, 67, 108. ,, Silvester, 108. See Chamne. Chandler, Amelia, 42. Chanler, lAnn,41,42,129, 130. ,, Anna Elizabeth 55, 140. ,, Anna Maria 41. ,, Benjamin, 41, 42, 138. ,, Catherine, 42, 136. ,, Dauling, 41, 129. ,, Eleanor, 6, 66. ,, Elizabeth, 20, 21. ,, Hunt, 41. ,, Isaac Casaubon, 42,130. ,, John, 100. ,, Lydia, 6. ,, Mary, 41 55, 56, 107, 140. ,, Mary Amelia,51138. ,, Mr., y.136 ,, Matthew, 21. ,, ‘ Richard, 129. ,, Sarah, 41, 51, 129. ,, Thomas,6, 20, 41, 61, 106, 115. ,, Thomasine,109. ,, Valentine, 55,56. ,, Widow, 108. ,, William, 20, 21, 41, 51, 109. ,, William Pitt, 56. Chantrey,}Ann, 16,17, 18. Chantere, Elizabeth, 32. ,, Georg e, 123. ,, Grif'fegn, 32 to 34, 122 ,123, 125. ,, James, 34. ,, John, 16, 17, 18. ,, Mary, 32 to 34, 79,122,130. ,, William, 33 Chapel, Amelia, 53. Phoebe, 53. Chap ell, Solomon, 95. Chap en, :Sarah, 27. Chappen, Thomas, 27, 127 See Choppen. Chapman, Ann, 3. ,, Edward, 96. ,, John, 94. ,, Martha, 76. ,, Mary, 94, 129. ,, Mrs., 102. ,, Phillis, 64. ,, Susan, 75. ,, Thomas, 116. William, 294. Charles II, King, Charlton. Edward, 2162772. Cheesman, Abigail, 131. ,, Jane, 22. ,, John, 22. ,, Mary y, 36, 62. ,, Philip ,36. Rose, 36. Chercher, Chircher, See Churcher. Chester, Abraham, 62. :2an "Nf‘ Smog}. t, cf ,. rt"; ,6. . ‘ Chercher, 'Wwvfl .. .- INDEX Chester, Hannah, 80. Chidwick, Ann, 70. Chlldl, Hannah, 123. Chillenden, John, 75. Chilton, Richard, 80. Chittenden, Thomas, 138. Chitty, Edith, 82. Cho pen, Elizabeth, 32, 124. Cho en, LGeorge,31, 122. ,, ester, 28, 30 to 32, 79, 121, 122. ,, Jaue,32, 122. ,, Margaret, 130. ,, Sarah, 24’, 25,28, 29 114,115, 119, 120, 12022.121. ,,' Thomas, 24. 25, 28 to 32, 72, 114,115, 119 to 122, 124. ,, Thomasiu, 65. ,, William, 29, 30, 119, 121. Chopper, Jeremiah, 25. Choopper. Susanna, 25. ,, Thomas, 25, 65. Chrisp, Jane, 71. Christian, Catherine. 30, 119. ,, Frances, 79. ,, George, 30, 119. ,, John, 30. ,, Samuel, 30,119. Christmas, Robert, 71. Church-e, Arnold, 2. ,, Catherine, 124. ,, Henry y, 131. ,, Joan, 65, 70. ,, John, 2,124. ,, Richard, 64. ,, Stephen, 131. ,, Susan, 69. Churcher, }Ca_therine, 20. Elizabeth 19, 20. ,, Isaac, 18to20,109, 110. ,, John, 18. ,, Mary 18,19. William, 19. Churchill, Colonel, 122. ,, General, 41. Churchman, Margaret, 68. » Thomas, 110. Claringbull, Daniel, 139. 7 ,, Elizabeth, 130. ~ ,, Joanna, 90. ,. John, 22 34, 75, 87, 131,134. ,, Israel, 74, 75. ,. Martha, 23, 24, 113, 115. ,, Mary ,21 to 25, 30. ,, Michael, 25,30. ,, Ralph, 34, 35. ,, Rebecca, 34,35. ,,- Susan, 22. ,, Thomas.2lto25113, 115,124. - ,, W1111a1n, 23 132. Clare, Susan, 4. Claris, Hester, 101. ,, Jane, 101. ,, Mark, 5, ‘8 ,, Philip 8. 103. W1dow,101' ” Cluk-e, Ann, 9,50. Clarke, Bennett, 69. . ,, Charlotte, 50. ., David, 9, ’103. ,,~ Edward, 12, 50, 52, 53, 95. .‘ ,101, 105. . ,, Elizabeth, 12, 70,88 , ,, George, 96 « ,, Henry, 107. , ,, Humphrey,8 . ,,- Isaae,40 53. l a). Joan,’8,107. ’ ,, John’,9’,12,27,100103, 106,123. ,,. Muguet, 12, 58,64 OF PERSONS. Clark-e, ,’ 9) ,1 H Martha, 12, 70, 106. Mary, 5, 95. Sarah, 27, 40, 52, 53, 95. Susan-11a, 5,101,103. Thomas, 9, 12. 40, 74. William,6,100,101. Clarirson, Edmund, 58. Clason, Clay-e, H 2’ ,7 2) 2’ ~ Cliford, 97 2) H ,3 Clifton, , :9 Clinton, 7’ Clowes, H 9, 9 ’ Cluitte, , 7 ,, Clunls, Cobb-e, 9! H ,9 0001119, Cok-e, ,5 1) I, 3, )9 9) '9 William, 6.4 Alice, 5. ‘ Anne, 5. James, 5, 100. John, 10022. Robert, 5, 100. ‘Clay land, James, 62. Clay yton, Mary y, 82. Clement, Elizabeth, 79, 88, 129. Mary 78. Samuel, 68. Thomas, 79. Clements, Hellen, 61. Cleverly, 2’ Clifiord, John, 71. Mary y, 73,84. Jeremiah, 29, 119. } Elizabeth, 27 to 30,120. Cockling, Cocks, 3, John, 30. Mary ,28 to 31,118 to 120. Thomas, 27 to 31, 11322, 117 to 120. William, 29, 31, 119. Susan, 127. William, 84, 127,12722. Joan, 97. John, 97. Ann, 54. Caroline, 54. Julia, 54. Thomas, 54. Barbara, 13. Robert, 13. Susanna, 13. James, 116. Ann, 52. Edward, 68. Francis, 52. Thomas, 65. Thomasine, 83. Augustine, 1, 97. Elizabeth, 74. Helen, 101. Joan, 60. John, 60, 74. Mary, 1. Richard, 69. Sarah, 66. William, 1, 75,97. 'See Cooke. William, 134. Margaret, 57. Robert, 130. Sarah, 128. See Cox. Coddhm, Sarah, 94. Cokernutt, Frarices, 40. n 1! Mary y, 40. William, 40. . Colbrand, Bennit, 14. ‘ I 9 9 Colby, Cole, Coale, n n n ‘ :1 } Finch, 14. John, 14. James, 124. Ann, 5, 91. Bennett, 76. Edward, 79. Elisha, 36. Mary ,36. Simon, 58. Widow, 160. Colebrook, William, 132. Coleman, Edward, 74. ” Coles, n Mary 8,8. See Cowlman. Elisha, 12422. Susan, 61. 149 150 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. Colf-e, Ann, 28. Colph, lIsaac, 18, 20, 109. ,, Josleégn ii, 8, 9, 10, 17 to 20, 27, 103,10322, ,, Mary, 8, 18 to 20, 27, 28, 109. ,, Richard, 10. ,, Susan-na, 18,19. ,, Sylvester, 9. ,, Thomas, 19, 27, 28, 11912, 12122, 122. Col], Anthony, 111. , ,, Elizabeth, 111. Collice, John, 65. Collingson, Charlotte, 138. Colleu, Elizabeth, 110. ,, Frances, 110. ,, Mary, 64. , Susan, 110. 1800 Cullen. Collings, Susanna, 96. Collins, Daniel, 81. Collens, l Eleanor. 45. ,, Elizabeth, 37, 110, 126. ,, Frances, 20, 110. ,, Francis, 20. ,, James, 79, 91. ,, Joan, 3. ,, John, 135. ,, Mary, 75, 131. ,, Nicholas, 75. ,, Robert, 58. ,, Sarah, 38. Susan, 20, 110. Thomas, 37,45, 77 Collison, Charlotte Matilda, 53. Henry ,53. Mary, 53, 138. Color, Thomas, 74. Colttroup, Rogers, 87. Combe, Thomas, 4. Comar, Jeane, 6322. Coomer, Jane, 63. Comysh, John, x. Confort, Wllliam, X. Conner, Michael, 91. Cony, Edmund, x. Cony re, Elizabeth, 60. COOk- -e, Alice, 117 Anne, 106. Austen, 2, 97. Charles, 62. Daniel, 63. Eleanor, 6. Elias, 67. Henry, 7, 15, 106. ,, Hester, 15. - ,, James, 15, 01, 92, 137. ,, Joan, 7 66. ,, John, vii, x, 8,3322, 76 7922, 8022, 93, 11922. Margaret, 81. Mary y, 7, 34, 51, 66. Nehemiah, 64. Nicholas, 78. Robert, 6 to 8. Valentine, 34. Wllliam, 2, 8,34. See Cock. Coolner, Mary, 63. Coolverhouse, Thomasine, 58. Cooper, (Cap ptain Alis, 75 118. Coper, Elizabeth, 5, 34,37,100. Coppe1,1 Frances, 4. Jacob, 35. Jeremiah, 25, 26, 72. John, 34, 35, 37, 93. Joseph, 26. Margaret, 100. Mary, 4, 26, 35, 37, 65. Nicholas, 1, 97. Rebecca, 99. Sara, 4. H 7, n 39 n n *2 n 77 3! )7 ,, 1, 77 5, n ' n n n n n n n n Cooper, Stephen, 101. ,, Susan, 26. ,, Thomas, 25, 85, 88, 101. ,, Thomasina, 34, 35, 37. ,, William. 1, 109. Coote, Colonel, iv, 75. Cope, George, 29. ,, John, 29. Martha, 29. . Coppin- g, [Elizabeth, 21. Coppen, IJoan, 58. ,, Joshua, 21, 69. ,, Thomas, 74, 130. ,, William, 21, 31, 77. Corbyn, Ann, 50. ,, Charles, 50, 92. ,, William Bourn, 50,136. Corke, Daniel, 65. Corli, Susan, 69. Cornelius, Mary, 38. ,, William, 38. Corner, John, 3 Cornish John, 80. Cornwall, Ann, 37. ,, Elizabeth, 737. ,, Richard. Corp am: John, 116.0! Cotpeir, John, 116. Cort, Martha, 60. Cosbuie, Elizabeth, 77. ,, Thomas, 76. Coossen, Ann, 5. Cosen, Christopher, 100. Cossen, Dorothy, 102. :2 Mary, 51 ,, Thomas, 102 Cosson, Henry, 1422. Cussin, Henry, 65. Cosins, MIS. ., 138. Cussons, -Mrs., 138. Cosnahan, Georgiana, xvi. ,, Hugh, xvi. ,, John George Herbert, xvi. Costacker, Margaret, 72. Costen, Mary 7,4 Cotherle, Jane, 18. ,, John, 18. Cotten, Mary, 79. ,, Michael, 2 ,, Umphrev, 2 Coach, James, 75. Couchman, Ann, 18. Coult, Elizabeth, 106. Courte, (Margaret, 65. Cort, } Martha, 60. Courtney,Esdras, 100. Courtup, Thomas, 62. Covey, Ann, 49. ,, James, 49. ,, John, 49. Covill, Ann, 83. COWell, Ambrose, 99. ,, Ann, 7, 11 to 13. ,, Cornelius, 5. ,, Edith, 3. ,, Edward, 2, 5, 100. ,, Elizabeth, 13. ,, Emlen, ' ,, George, 4,8 to 13,105. ,, Henry, 9. ,, James, 12, 105. ,, Joan, 3, 5, 100. ,, John, 1, 2, 4, 6, 13. ,, Joseph, 1, 6 7,13, 60, 103. ,,‘ Mary 6, 10. ,, Sarah, 132‘. ,, Thomas, 8. ,, Ursula, 9. .‘ f <, . . flpfiwvaagsw .’ . — ..;-, 2:333!“ Cowall, Widow, 106. , William, 2. Cowlkow, Mary, 64. ’ Cookko, William, 75. Cowley, Anne, 135. . ,, Margaret, 42, 131. ,, Michael, 42.’ , Valentine, 42. Cowlman, ......, 107. Catherine, 15. ,, Edward, 15,107. ,, Rachel, 15. See Coleman. Cox, Alice, 73. ,, Ann, 26. ,, Mary, 26. ,,~ Samuel, 26. Sarah, 24. 128. ,, Thomas, 70. See Cooks. Craft-e, Catherine, 11. H H ,, Jean, 14. ,, John, 11,14. C ,, Richard, ’72. ragg Andrew, . ’ Sarah, 76. Crambrooko, Richard, 68. Cramp, Rachel, 85. Crawley, Susanna, 89. Craye, John, 98. Crayford, Charles, 129. ,, Cordelia. 21,111. ,, Edward. 21, 111. ,, Henry,3 39. .. Mary3 ,, Susan, 291, 111. ,, William, 39. Creane, Francis, 9. John, 9. Creed. Ann, 60. Christopher. 50. Isabella Hannah, 50. Creuch-e,Arnold, 101. ,, Isbe11,98. ,, John, 98. ,, Thomasine,101. Ursula, 101. See Crouch. Crippen, Elizabeth, 29. Crippin, John, 61. ,, Paul, 29. ' ,, Rebecca, 29, 80. CripeI, Anne. 61. Cripps, Jane, 71. Crisp, - John, 70. Crisps, Thomas, 6. Critneden, Sara, 66. Croch, Sara, 68 Croftve, Jane, 15. , ,, Jean, 14 to 16. . ,,., John, 14,16, 106, 107 ,, Martha. 16. 7,, Mary, 14,106. ,, Richard, 15, 77. ,, Samuel, H61. ‘ Cronan, Dennis?) 295. Crosoer, Mary CmuchwfiAruold? 27 l ,3, Eliubeth, 99. . ,‘, John, 96. ,, Thomasine, 7 . ' Ursula. 7. See Crouch. ’ Gum’r', John,48135.~ .:3 Richard, 48,135. ’ ' Grow’licr, Mary,61. Grown, Henrys 87. Omvther. James, 1189:. cramp, :Elilabeth, 119. INDEX OF .PERSONS. Cullen, 1 Amy, 72. Culling, I Anthony, 13072. Arthur, 40, 41. 3, ,, George, 41. ,, John Grumbole, 40. ,, , Laurance, 72. ,, Susan-na, 40, 41. ,, ,Thomas, 40. ,, Widow, 131. ,, William, 94. Culmer, Thomas, 76. Culsene, Anne, 78. Culsens, Anne, 78. Culver, 1 Edward, 94. Coolver, 5 Mary Culverhouse, Thomasine, 58. Cumming-s, Elizabeth 49, 50,5 ,, Elizabeth Ismay, 49. ,, John, 49, 50, 52. ,, Mary Ann, 52. ,, William. 50; Curling, Elizabeth, 64, 89. ,, John, 85. ,, Mary, 74. Curtis, Goodman, 107. Cusse, Simon,8 98. Cutborne, Mary, Cuthbert, John, 785. DABS William, 97. Dadd-e, Ambrose, 70. ,, Edward, 35. ,, Elizabeth, 36, 125. ,, Isaac, 35, 36, 125. ,, \ Margaret, 35, 36. ,, Mary, 36, Sara, 76. ,, William, 36. Dainty, Elizabeth, 46. ,, Joseph, 46. Dale, Bartholomew, 99. Edward, 80. ” ’7 ,, Giles, 4. ,, James. 4. ,, Jane, 71. Mary, 61. Dalilely er ,Hester, 118. Dalilileyr, Mrs. ., 117. Dalton, Bartholomew, 4. Damaren, Mary, 10. Dameren, James, 10. Danbuer, Earl of, 75. Daney, Richard, 64. Dane, John, 83, 95. Danford, Giles, 63. Daniel, } George, 79. Danell, James, 42. ~,, Jane, 42. ,, John, 70, 101. ,, Sister, xi. ,, Thomas, 101. Daniels, Elizabeth, 51. Hannah 51. John, 51‘. ,, Richard, 91. Dann-e, Amy, 8, 102, 113. Dan, Christopher, 102. Elizabeth. 9, 104. Frances, 7. ,9 ’n n 7! 9, ,, John, 7. ,, Moses; 8, 103. Danton, Julian, 100. Mary, 97. ,, William,.97, 100. Dfivedge, Amy, 71. Davies, J one, 43. -, Joseph, 43. 7, .n n- Hope, 7 to 9, 102 to 104. ‘ William. 43. See Davis. 151 152 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. Davington, Sarah, 68. Davis-e, Elizabeth, 76. ,, Fulke, 12, 106. ,, John, 33, 61. ,, Lancelot, 12. ,, Margaret, 33, 34. ,, Mary, 33.116. ,, Richhrd, 34. ,, Sara, 12. ,, Susanna, 115. ,, Thomas, 33, 34, 90, 94, 138. ,, William, 115. See Davies. Davison, Elizabeth, 101. ,, John, 101. ,, Mary, 69. ,, Sarah, 85. Davy, Henry, 60. Dawe, Simon, X. Dawes, Richard, 133. Dawll, John, 5. Dawnton, Elizabeth, 99, 100. ,, John, 2, 10077.. ,. Mary, 2. Dawson, Elizabeth, 46. ,, Jane, 70. ,, John, 46. ,, Margaret, 81. Dawys, Catherine, 3. Day, Elizabeth, 87. ,, Hannah, 82. Dealle, Ann, 12. ,, Martha, 12. ,, Stephen, 12. Dean, Elizabeth, 49. ,, John, 129. ,, Mary, 48. ,. Sarah, 47 to 49. Sarah Barbit, 47. ,, Thomas, 47 to 49. Dein, Thomas, 90. . Deing, Henry, 39. ,, Margaret. 39. ,, Samuel, 39. Dearing, Adya, 59. See Dering. De Bray, John, 117. De Honyngt011,Robe1',t x. Delang 1e, John Maximilian, 2:, x72, 11712. Dell, Samuel, 70. Dellys, Law1ence, 57. Delo, Ann, 96. John, 96. Demling, Elizabeth, 56. ,, Martha, 56. ,, Thomas, 56. Demllmes. See Demling. Denham, Elizabeth, 43, 132. ,, Georg e, 43, 132. ,, John, 43, 132. ,, Lucretia, Lucrese, 43, 44, 89. Denn-e, Alured, Allvered,8. 102 ’7 ,, Christopher, 20 to 2,3 111,111”, 113. ,, Deborah, 22. Elizabeth, 23, 110. Henry, 110. Jane, 12. 3! 2’ ’7 3’ ,) Maltha, 20 to 22,113. John, 8,12,20.28,48, 68,113,117, 118. ,, Mary, 8’, 18, 23, 28 48,77,113,117,118. ,, Michael, 2], 22, 111. . ,, Mordin,,,80. Susan, 18. i, ,, Thomas, 8, 12, 18, 102, 103, 10577, 108, 109, 112. Vincent, 18, 28, 109, 110. Widow, xii. William, 48. Denney, John, 89. !! ,9 Depeir-e,lElizabeth,28,29, 118,122 Depere, j Hester, 29. ,, Isaac, 28, 29, 118, 122. ,, Joel, 124. Deponte, Mary, 100. ,. Peter, 100. Depusaw, Marquis, iv. Dering, Adya, 59. ,, Edward, xv, 138. ,, Margaret. xv. Derpper, George, 41. ,, Martha, 41. Richard, 41. Dethcredg e, Rachel, 134. Devine, gElizabeth, 39. ,, John, 81. ,, Lewis, Lovis, 39. ‘Devison, Mary, 69. Dewell, Joan, 64. Dewley, Ann, 64. Diackbene, Thomas. 70. Dickbine, Thomas, 70. Dickson. See Dixon. Dillner, (Catherine, 126. Dilner, 5 Mary, 42. ,, Samuel, 42. ,, Thomas, 42. Dilnut, Frances, 42. Dillnot, Isaac, 44. ,, Margaret, 43. ,, Mary, 41 to 44. ,, Randolph, 82. ,, Thomas, 41 to 44. Dixon, Charles, 36. ,, Edward, 64. ,, Elizabeth, 129. ,, Gabriel, 92. ,, Sarah, 36. Thomas Featherston, xi. Doba1man, John, 101. Dobbs, Charles, 94. Doble, lEdward, 18, 19, 109, 110. Dobell, 3 Elizabeth, 19, 1977, 109. ,, Martha, 18, 19, 68. Dodd, Carner, 94. ,, Judith, 113. Dodson, James, 37. ,, Mark, 37, 126. ,, Sarah, 37, 132. See Dilnutt. See Dillner, Does, } Christopher, 7 to 9, 101 to 104, 10473. Dooes, Daniel, 103. ' ,, Deborah, 9, 65. ,, Elizabeth, 8. ,, Richard, 7, 101. ,, Robert, 9. ,, Sarah, 7, 8, 102. Dolbie, Thomas, 65. Dolley, Mary, 86. Dollman, Mary, 113. ,, Peter, 113, 115. Dose. See Does. Dominick, Joan, 63. Donsart, Anne, 5. Doodston, Peter, 98. Douner, Trustrum,‘110. Dournall, Jane, 91. Dourne, Elizabeth, 61. Doute, John, 81. Dove, Ann, 69. ,, Benjamin, 45, 47. ,, Marmaduke, 45. ,, Mary, 45, 47, 139. ,, William, 47. Dover, Bishop of, xi, xii. Down-e, Alice, 100. ,, Geor ge, 86. Mary y, 93. Downbare, Earl 01,1161 r17 *ry INDEX OF PERsofis. 153 70, . Downey, Isabella, 56. Earle, Susannna, 76. ” James, 56. ., Thomas, 47. _ ‘ ,, Margaret, 56. Eason. See Easton. I; Downing, Elizabeth, ii, 79. Easte, Flattman,122. 1‘ ,, Elizabeth Sussex, 43. ,, Margaret, 121, 122. ‘ ,, Georg e, 43, 125%. ,, William, 121, 122. ‘4; Sarah, 43. Eastland, Susanna, 67. " Dowaett, Elizabeth, 49. Eastman, } Ann, 22 to 28,119, 121,122,124,129. ,, Elizabeth Bissaker, 49 Estman, Edward, 27, 74, 119. i. . ,, Thomas, 49, 91. ,, Elizabeth 42, 84. 1‘ Dracoate, Ann, 101 ,, Esther, 43. 5‘ ,, James, 101, 105%. ,, Ezekiel, 45. Drake, George, 75. ,, Gillman, 81. Draper, Charles, 95. ,, Henry, iii, iv, 22 to 28, 41 to 43, 45, Drayeott, James, 105m. See Dracoate. 113, 116, 117, 119, 121, 124, 126. ,9 Drayson, Charles, 95. ,, James, 41, 43. g ,, Edward, 73. ,, John, 22, 23, 28, 113, 1.17. ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ,, Henry. 40. ,, Margaret, 42, 122. , ,, Jane, 73. ,, Mary, 25, 27, 41 to 43, 45, 116, 122. «g. ,, John, 74. ,, Michael, 136. ,, , Mary, 35, 37, 39, 40. ,, Robert, 25. ’ ,, Thomas, 35. ',, Thomas, 24, 78, 122. , ,, William, 35, 37, 39, 40. ,, Thomasine, 135. ‘, , Drayten, Christopher, 28, 29, 119, 121. ,, William, 41. 1 « Drayton, iElizabeth, 28, 40, 119. Easton, Elizabeth, 78. f ,, Haton, 40. Eason, Frances, 95. g ,, Horton, 29. Eastrey, Jane, 74. i ,, Jean, 59. Eatonn, William, 74. See Eton. a, ‘ ,, Mary. 29. Edge, Anne, 61. - ,, Sarah, 28, 29, 119. Edmans; . .. . . ., 107. {f 1 Drew, John, 43, 130. ,, Abraham, 106. : ,, Mary, 43, 70. ,, Elizabeth, 106. 1; Drinke. See Drinker. Edmunds, Mary, 60. Q" Drinker, Catherine. 25, 116. Edwards, Nicholas. 74. i ,, Eleanor, 27. 28, 76. Efieild, Elizabeth, 19. ,‘, Elizabeth, 25, 26, 116. ,, Hamond, 19. 3'. ,, Ellen, 26 to 28, 118. Effell, Jane, 9. ,1" . ,, 1 Mary, 26, 28, 117. ,, Ralph, 9. i ,, Richard, 25 to 28, 116 to 119. ,, Robert, 103. 11,, Thomas, 28, 118. ,, Vssella, 103. Driver, Philip, 128 Eglestone, } Elizabeth, 12.13. E? Drought, James, 7, 102. Egelstone, Jean, Jenne, 13,109. 3. John, 7,10.2 ,, Margaret, 60. ,' Drow, Elizabeth, 72. ,, Mary, 3, 13. 51' Duoksell, Randolph, 58. ,, Peter, 12, 13, 106. : Ursula.p 90. See Dwkesole. ,, Philadelphia, 13. :17 - Duifine, Mary, 62. , ,, Widow, 114. § - Duke, Mary, 81. Eland, Thomas, 93. {’ Daley, Margaret, 86. Elbery, Elizabeth, 83. Dulley, Alexander, 41. Eleman, Thomas, 68. ,1 ,, Elizabeth, 41. Elfierye. Robert, 101. " ,, Philip, 41. Elficke, Elizabeth, 101. Dumee, William, 87. Elfrith-e, Jane, 5. Dunbar, Earl of, 11612. ,, J osias, 61. Duncoat, Ann, 6. Elgar, Bartholomew, 97. ,, James, 6. Elger,‘ Mary, 77. . Duninton, Sarah, 68. Eliot, Motley, 99. Dunkin, Susanna, 641. Elliott, Richard, 55, 96. Dunn, Ann, 84. ,, Sarah, 55. ,, James, 72. ,, Thomas, 55. ,. John, 95. ,, Samuel, 86. Dunnings, William, "'9. Ellis, lAnn, 115. Dunnye, Anna, 64. Elles, Elizabeth, 133, 134. _: Dunston, John, 100. Elys, lJane, 46. i , Duntonn, John, 74. ,, John. 45, 46, 88,133,134. ’ ' Durban, William, 87. ,, Joseph, 134. \ Durrant, John, 71. ,, Mary y, 45. .. . ' Darrick, Mary 4 . ,, Thomas, 133. Dussin, Elizabeth, 3. - ,, William, 57, 121. ‘ , Mary, 4. 1 Ellson, Roger, 64. Dwkasole, Susan, 3. Elsey, Sarah, 93. Dwkesell, William, 3. See Ducksell. Elsted, Ann, 27. ‘ Dyrrecke, Thomas?)8 97. ,, Edward, 96. Dyrrycke, Joyce, 58. ,, Thomas, 27. 7 Dyrycke, Michael, 97. Elven, Deborah, 33, 35. ; - EDGE, William, 84. . Eluen, Elizabeth, 124. . , > ' Earle, Martha, 47. ,, Frances, 34. Mary, 47. 9, Francis, 33. ' 154 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. Elven, Jane, 34, 36. ,, John, 27. 74, 117 to 119. ,, Judith, Judy, 27, 117. ,, Mary, 26,27, 32 to 34,36, 37, 117, 126. ,, Samuel, 26, 32 to 37, 73, 126. ,, Sarah, 26, 117. ,, Susanna, 37. Elvey, } Bartholomew, 94. Elvy, Gilbert, 3. ,, James, 71. ,, Susan-11a, 36, 85, 92. ,, William, 36. Ely, Alice, 66. Eme, Lewee, 118. Emptage, Susan, 85. Emtidg, Mary, 69. Emtigs,Isabe1_ 70. ,. Mary y, 69. Engeham, Ann, 134. ,, Edward, 88, 13272. ,, John, 89. ,, Richard, 89. Epes, Margaret, 67. Epps, William, 91. Erridge, Edward, 86. Errige, Sare, 76. Erwood, Alice, 60. Essex, 1 Elizabeth, 69. Esex, ) Hannah, 72. Essgrige, Catherine, 2. Eskridge, ; John, 2. ,, Thomas, 58. Eton, Thomas, 99);. See Eaton. Evans, Ann, 14, 55. Evins, Benjamin, 59. Evance, David, 14, 66. ,, Eleanor, 60. ,, John, 11, 55, 133. ,, Mary, 14. ,, Matthias, 11, 105. Evell, Elizabeth, 81. See Ewell. Evelyn, [John], v. Everad, Mary, 44. ,, Nicholas, 44. ,, Sarah, 44. Everins, David, 116. Mary, Eveliiden, W, 93. Evevins, Euevins. See Evans. Ewell, Jane, Joan, 68. ,, Mary, 70, 71. See Evell. FAGG-E, Ann, 18, 65, 71, 76. Anthony, 18 to 21, 68, 109, 111, 112. Catherine, 21, 111. Charles. 21. Grace, 67. Hunniwood, 20. Joan, 65. John, 18. Martha, 76. Mary, 18 to 21,111,112. Peircy, 80. Thomyas, 85, 91. Fairbrace, Frances, 84. Fairman, John, 69. Margaret, 63. Mary, 44. Richard, 44. William, 44. See Fearman. Falkener, Ann, 53. ,, David, 53 ,, George, 53. See Faulkenei. Faun, Edward, 13. Sarah, 13. Thomas, 13. Fantlnge, George, 70. Farance, John, 65. Farewell, Mary, 88. 3’ ’3 ,7 7’ H 9) ” 9, 97 I, 3) i) i, 7’ Farill, Susan, 6. Farley, Mary, 94. Farmer, James. 138. Farr, Ann, 56. ,, Harriot, 56. ,, Nicholas, 56. Fasham, Hannah, 7.1 Fassam, Hannah, 71. Faulkener, James, 138. Faulkner, Sara, 75. See Falkener. Feariyor. See Feryare. Fearman, Catherine, 77. Ferman, Richard. 60. See Fairman. Fedarb, Jacob, 47. ,, John Hale, 47. ,, Mary, 47. Feein, Feinn. See Finn. Feekings, Elizabeth, 95. ' Feens. See Feuner. Felde, Robert, X. Felder, John, 69. Fells, Elizabeth, 6. ,, John, 6. ,, Thomas, 6. Felpes, Bartholomew, 98. Felton, Elizabeth, 48. ,, Susanna, 48. ,, William, 48. - Fenn. See Finn. Fenner, Ann, 45. ,, ‘ John, 45. Sarah, 86. Fergeson, Elizabeth, 83. John, 125. 9’ Ferrand, Elizabeth, 93. Feryare, Abigail, 7. Feriyor, Christian, 102. Feryer, John, 6. Feryer, Feryare, Samuel, 6, 7, 102. Fibins, Esther, 87. Fidge, Elizabeth, 6. Fige, Henry, 6. Figge, Leonard, 17. ,, Margaret, 6. ,, Thomas, 6. ,, Walter, iii, 17. Fiefi, Elizabeth, 87. ,, John, 87. Field, John, 54-, 83, 95. ,, Lucy, 54. ,, Richard, 88. ,, Thomas. 90. Fielding, Allen, xii. Figge, . See Fidge. Figgett, John, 89. File, Henry, 80. F1llmer, Susanna, 5. ,, Thomas, 5, 100. Finch, Ann, 55. ,, Captain, 118. ,, Humphry, 74. ,, James, 68. ,, Margaret, 105. ,, Mary, 92. ,, Thomas, 55. William, 55. Find”,1ay Alexander, 92. Fines, }Catherine, 25, 26,81. Finis, Elizabeth, 25. ,, Martha, 26. , ,, Percy, 25, 26. Finex, Catherine, 27. ,, John, 27. ,, Percy, 27. William, 27. See Fines. Finnis, William, 81. See Fines, Finex. Finies, William, 82. ~INDEx OF PERSONS. 155 ‘V , Finn-e, Edward, 66, 106. Forbras, Mr., x, 109. ‘. ' Fenu, Elizabeth, 15, 23, 69. Fordered, George, 91. A “4 ‘ ' Feiun, John, 22 to 25, 69, 112, 114, 11514. Foreman: Elizib’eth. 37. , - ‘ _ ,, Larance, 18 Forman, lJames, 37. g‘ ' , ,, Margaret, 25 ,, Martha, 37, 136. ,, Mary,22102586, 112,114. ,, Robert, 120. ,, Richard, 9, 15, 18, 22, 111. ,, Thomas," 81. ,, Susan, 15, 18, 112. ,, William, 76. ,, Thomas, 9, 24, 106, 114. Formell, Richard, 65. ,, William, 82. Forrest, Anne, 6, 100. Fish, William, 25. Forest, Catherine, 101. ' Fisher, Catherine, 68, 90. - ’ ,, Elizabeth, 40, 73. 3, » ,, Elizabeth, 66, 73. ,, Henry y, 5, 40. , ‘ ,, ' Hester Elizabeth, 51. ,, John, 5, 61. 100, 10077, 101,106. '. ,, (101111.51, 61, 69. . ,, Mary, 40, 129. ,, Mary, 51 Forstall, }Ann, 14,107. ‘ , . ,, Mary Ann. 51. Fostall, Anna, 64. . ,, Thomas, vii, x, 115. ,, Francis, 15. "- ~ Fist-e, John, 38. ,, Mary, 14, 15. ,, Mary, 38. . ,, Richard, 14, 15, 107. ,, Mercy, 64. Forster, lAnn, 87. William, 38. Foster, )Catherine, 116. Flngtlagen, James, 45. ,, Deborah, 87. ,, Mary,4 45. . ,, Edward, 59. ‘ ’ Philip, 45. ,, Jane, 88. '-‘ . Flamsted, Mary y, 59. ,, Maximilian, 66. Flatman, lAnn,20,21,110, 112. ,, Nicholas, 116. Flattmau, lElizabeth, 21. ,, Sarah, 93. ,, John, 19 to 22, 109, 110, 112, 11217, 116%, Thomas, x, 45 46, 89, 116,133,133”. 120,121. Fortune, Thomas, 140. ,, Margaret, 19 to 22, 110, 120, 121. Fowle, Adam, 49. ,, Mary, 19, 22. ‘ Foule, l Alexander, 121 : \ ‘ ,, Wilham,9 22, 120. ,, Ann, 15. 11 , Fleetwood Mary ‘ ,, Dorothy, 15. . ‘ Fleming, Coloneyl, 129. ,, John, 49. Fleminge, Gremge, 70. ,, Sarah, 49. Flemmege, George, 70. - Fowler, Elizabeth, 56, 95. Fletcher, Ann,50 ,5',$ 137 , Fouler, Frances, 56. - ,, , Anna, 50, 51, 137, 13771. ,, Helen, 5. .. r . » ,,. Edmund, 53 ,, John. 1.08 ,. Hester, 51, 137. . ,,l N10h01as,l314,106,108. ‘s . ‘ ,, James, 77 ,, Sarah Abigail, 93. ,, Jane, 50. ' ,, Susan-n11, g,13 14,106. ‘ ,, John, 50. ,, ~Thomas,14. .= 5 ,, Mary, 52 to 54,57,138. . , ,, William, 56,71, 95. ,, ' Thumae,54,139. Fox, Ann, 42. 1 / . ,, William, 50120 54, 9‘2, .93, 138.‘ ,, Benjamin, 79. ff 1. ‘ ,, William Henry, 52. ,, Elizabeth, 4, 52. Flette, 81111011, 59. . 1 ,, George, 4. > _. ~, 1111.11, Ann, 139. ,, John, 3, 45, 51 to 53, 89, 138. j" , ' .. Elizabeth, 37, 130. ,, Margery, 3 fl ,,_ James, 37. ,, Maria, 51. 7 ,, .Mary,129,130,136. ~ , ‘ ,, Mary, 45, 52. ‘ 1 ‘ .~ ,, Oneeiphorus, 130,132. - ,, Richard, 84. 1 ,, Peter, 136, 138. ,, Richard Harris Barham, 52. z ,, » Samuel, 91, 135, 140. ,, Robert, 61. ‘i . . , ,, Susanne, 135. _ ,, Sarah. 51 to 53. .1. William. 77. ,, Thomas, 4, 42, 4o \ ‘Flohow, Hannah, 90. William, 96. ' ' Flood, Slrth W right, 54 -. Francheleyne, John, x. . ' . Fluid, Thomis, 63. , Francis, John, 95. Flnuu'i, John, 114. ' , - Frank-e, Charles, 33,122. “ , ‘ Foehe, Thomas, 63. Franck-e, Edward, 22,24 to 26, 28, 32, 33, 122, _ g Fania, 301111.13. _ , 7 . 127. . I Mann, , John,23. ,, Esther, 23. . ' Ford-o, George, 67. ’ ,, George, 127. 1"} JMJames vi, xi, 5?, 92, 94, 13614, 137, ,,- Hanna, 77. .7 ,- 139. 140 140». - ‘,, Isabella, 32, 122. . » . ‘ ,', John, 26 to 29,32, 33, 35,137. ,, , Malrsv, 22, 24t029, 32,33, 35,77, 83, 122, . < . 7 g ,, Nicholas, 25 123. ‘ . _ ,, Richard, 83. ‘ - ,, Samuel, ',26 128.1 ~ ‘ ‘ ,, Sarah, 229.’ ' ,, Thomas, 26 29, 32, 33, 78, 122. William, 24 4. 731: ‘ 7‘ Frankhn,Ann,xiv. 156 Franklin, 1, 77 Fread, Freeland, 7’ ,9 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. Anna, 100. Elizabeth, 5, 65. Henry, Xiv, 5, 10072. Mary, 90. Elizabeth, 14, 15. Mary, 15. William, 14, 15, 106. Freeman, Jacob, 1‘25. ,’ ,, 3, U Freesby, French, H i, 3, 3, ,3 3, )7 7 7 Frend , Freind, ) Friend , ’1 ’) H 3) 3, 77 3) 3, H ’3 ), 77 7! 7, S, 3, 3, ,3 9! Frestbll, Frier, Fugatt, H Fuggles, ’7 ,’ Fukes, ” , I Fulks, Fulleum, Fuller, H M H ) I ’7 ), Furliy, ,y Fussell, H ,’ Futc’iier, Fyrve, Fysher. John, 64. Mary, 122, 125. Rebecca, 60. Thomas, 89. Ann, 130. Deborah, 33. Elizabeth, 37. George, 42. Henry Day, Xi, xii. John. 42. Margaret, 34. Martha, 42, 59. 1 Susan, 33 to 35. William, 33 to 35, 37, 12472. ...... . 137. Ann, 41 to 47, 130, 137. Anna, 44, 92. Charles, 38, 39, 45, 46, 127, 133, 14072. Daniel, 11. Eliza, 36. Elizabeth, 41, 138. George, 78, 82. Grace, 46. Hannah, 44, 92. Hester, 44. Jane, Joan, 38, 48, 127. Joanna, 38, 39, 127. John, 36, 41 to 47, 81, 89, 90, 94, 9572, 130, 13272, 13672, 13772, 13872, 139, 13972. Margaret, 38, 67, 127. Mary, 36, 42, 46, 86. Matthew, 62 Robert, 11. Sarah, 43. Sophia, 45, 96. Stephen, 47. Thomas, 38, 39, 48, 72, 127, William, 39, 46, 128, 133, 138’, Andrew, 98. Henry, 64. Ann, 38. Richard, 38. Sarah, 38. Elizabeth, 47. Mary, 47. Stephen, 47. James, 35. Richard, 35. Susan, 35. William, 90. Serlles, 63. Elizabeth, 85. John, 47. Mary, 47. Richard, 47. 88, 118. Sara, 78- Susanna, 132. Thomas, 85, 88. William, 71. Constance, 71. Constant, 71. Nicholas, 14. Rebecca, 12 to 14. Thomasine-a, 13, 107. William, 12 to 14, 107. Robert, 82. John, 58. Thomas, vii, x. See Fisher. GADSBY Edward, 40. eadesby’, } John, 39 to 41, 13072, 132. Gadsby, Mary, 39, 135. ,, Mrs, 136. ,, Sarah, 39 to 41. ,, Thomas, 39, 130. ,, William, 39,41, 90, 92, 128. Gale, Hannah, 37. ,, John, 37. ,, Sarah, 37. Galen, Catherine, 114. Gallin, Catherine, 114. Gambier, ( Charles, 46. Gambeer, ) Elizabeth, 46 to 48. ,, Hester, 4']. ,, Horatio, 48. ,, Job, 45 to 48, 93. ,, Kezia, 46. ,, Matthew, 133. , ,, William, 46, 133. Gammon, Elizabeth, 57. Gamon, Mary, 80. Gardinger, John, 138. Gardiner, Mary, 82. Gardner, Elizabeth. 59. ,, Thomas, 77. Garland, Henry, 65. Garleng, Margaret, 73. Garret, Elizabeth, 68. Gasooine, ‘ Ann, 3. Gaskin, i Clement, 2, 58, 98, 9872, 99. ,, Elizabeth, 3, 118. ,, Erasmus, 3. ,, Joyce, 2, 98. ,, Margaret, 3. ,, Mary, 2. ,, Reginald, 3. ,, Reynold, 98. Gassell, Giles, 106. GaSSun, John, 3. Gates, Jane, 71. Gatheredg, Samuel, 73. Gausby, Catherine, 129. Gawood, John, 99. Gedney, Abigail, 65. Gelfs, \Villiam, 135. Genman, John, 81. \ German, John, 81. Gibbon, Joan, 62, 106. ,, John, 84. ,, Matthew, 9, 103. ,, Thomas, 9, 103. ,, William, 106. Gibbs, Alderman, 119. ,, Henry, 25, 11772. ,, Mr., v. ,, Margaret, 25. Sarah, 25. U Gibson, (Alice, 6. Gipson, j Ann, 48, 49, 50. ,, Catherine, 54. ,, James, 49. ,, John, 6, 48, 49, 50, 54. ,, John Osborn, 49, 135. ,, Moses, 6, 65. ,, Rachel, 77. ,, Sarah, 54. Gilbert, } Ann, 87. Gilbard, ~Edward, 29, 85. , _ Gilbart, 1 Elizabeth, 18, 20, 26 to 28, 109. ,, John, 54, 11872. ,, Margaret, 18 to 20. , ,, Maria, 54. . ,, Phillis, 54. ,, Sarah, 29. ,, Thomas, 19, 26 to 28, 12172. ,, William, 18 to 20, 26, 68, 109i Giles, Agnes, 65. ‘ ,, Ann, 114. ,, Dina, 65. .H'W’ M ""1””,v .. Giles, Eleanor, 68. ,, Frances, 18. ,, George, 65. Gilles, John, 18. Roger, 64. Gilham, Mary y, 93. Gillbam, Thomas, 78. Gilman, Ann, 63. Gillman, Henry, 53. 1 ,, Mary, 53. ,, Mary Sarah, 53. ,, William, 59. Gill, John, 32, 122. ,, Margaret, 30. ,, Mary, 30 to 32, 92, 122. ,, Thomas, 30 to 32, 122,12222. ,, William, 92. Gillow, Stephen, 68 ,, Wlnter, 66. Gilvin, Henry, 61. Gipps, Henry, 92. Gleune, Jane, 29. ,, John, 29. ,, Peter, 29. Glover, Edward, 15. ,, Elizabeth, 12 42,65,113,130,.135. Gosby, ,, Jane, 12,131. ,, Joan, 12 to 15. ,, John, 14, 42, 75, 130, 134. ,, Margaret, 10, 105. ,, Thomas, 68. ,, Ves asian, 13, 107. ,, Wi ow, 109. William, 10, 12 t015, 42, 63, 66, 107, 108, 130. Goatley, Dorothy, 32 t034,123, 127. GoatlyM10harles 34,127. ,, Elizabeth, 33, 123. ,, John, 321’034, 123, 127. ,, John Sherwood, 34. ,, Mary Ann, 32 Matilda, 34, 123. Gobha, 1Augustine, 9. Goeba, )Mary, 9. Goble, Barbara, 64. Goby e, John, 10122. Step hen, 100. Godfrey, Beatrice, 61. ,, Elizabeth, 63, 76, 79. ,. Thomas. 88. Godsou, David, 96. See Goodson. Godwin, Mary, 61, 64. See Goodwin. Gofle, Bennett, 63. Golder, Dyonisia, 66. ,. Elizabeth, 76. Goldfinch, Elizabeth, 76,84. Golfinch, Hannah, 29. ,, John, 48 78, 86. ,, Margaret, 29. ,, Nicholas, 29. ,, Priscilla, 29. ,, Sarah, 48. Stephen, 64. Goldhattch, William, 74. 2 Goldsmith. “Abraham 136. ,, Deborah, 43. ,, Samuel, 83. ,, ’Widow, 137. ,, William, 43, 87. Gore, Mary,64 . Gooar, Pleasant, 63. Gooch Jane, 139. Goodban, Thomas, 90. Goddben, Mary ary, 76. Goedchewgh, John, 1:. Gooddew, Agnes, 1‘02. ,, Peter, 102. Gooddie, Peter, 62. INDEX OF PERSONS. Gooden. See Goodwin. Goodson, Ann, 77. ,, Stephen, 7 . Goodwin, }Ann, 82. Goodin-g, Brian, 71. ,, Edward, 68. ,, George, 73. ,, John, 67, 123. ,, Medmer, 87. ,, Sarah, 95. Goold, Ann, 43 Gould, Phebe, 89. ,, William, 43. Goolye, John, 99. ,, Martha. 99. Goosson, Dorothy, 99. Gossou, Gerard, 98. Goppe, Thomas, 60. Gordayn, Elizabeth, 59. Gorden, Elizabeth, 1. Thomas, 1. Gorham, Elizabeth, 83. ,, Susan, 59. Gorely, Thomas, 85. Gorlland, Sarah, 91. Edward, 84. ,, Elijah, 89. ,, Elizabeth, 81. ,, Richard, 91. Gosper, Jane, 43, 131 ,, John, 43,131. Gosport’porn, Henry, 44. ,, Joh 11,11 44. ,, Judith, 44. Gossuey, Judith, 98 Gostling, John, 92, 93, 96,13822. Gotam, Joan, 59. Goulder, Anna, 74. Gouldsted, Abiinelech, 6. ,, Thomas, 6. Gouldsteed, Thomas, 62. See Godson. Grace, . . . . , 66. Grase, J ohu, 112. Maly 112. 9! Gracknall, Margaret, 69. Gradidg e, W1lliam, 93. Grant, [Amy, 17. Graunt- -e, 1 Andrew, 78. ,, Ann, 14,15,17. ,, Elizabeth, 76. ,, Henry 77. ,, John, 14, 15, 17. ,, Mary, 19,71. ,, Matthew, 78. ,, Peter, 15, 17. ,, Sarah, 17. ,, Susan- -,na 19,72. ,, Walter, 19,10922, 11122. ,, William, 14. Gravat, Jeremiah, 72. Grave, Joanne, 58. Gravet, Mary, 79. Graves, Christopher, 2. ,, Elizabeth Jane, 54. ,, James, 82. ,, Captain Robert, 54. ,, William, 2. Gray, Alderman, 135. ,, Ann, 25. ,, Elizabeth, 25, 39. ,, Genetruth, 24, 25. ,, Colonel George, 89. ,, Hannah, 36 to 39. ,, Henry, 24,25, 72,115. ,, James, 37. ,, Jenny, 25. ,, Jenny ytruth, 24, 25. ,, , John, 74. 157 158 Gray, Martha, 37, 38. ,, Susanna, 135. ,, Thomas, 38. William, 36 to 39, 85, 12577, 12877, 137 Greatharn, Ann, 136. Green- e-, Ann, 37. ,, Catharine, 52. ,, Elizabeth 70, 132. ,, Leonard, 70, 113. ,, John, 36. ,, Mary, 52. ,, Peter, 37 ,, Sarah, 37. ,, Susan, 36, 37. Thomas, 36, 37,0 Greenland, Susau- -na, 120. Greenock, Richard, 101. Greenwood, Ann, 49. ,, Eleanor, 49. ,, George, 49. Greete, Robert, 61. 291. Gregory, Francis, vi, x, 43,46, 87 to 90, 130 to 136. ,, Joan, 62. William, 93, 13177. Grenleff, Walter, 57 Grewell, Mary, 78. Griffiths, Helena, 47. ,, John, 47. ,, Richard, 47. Greig, George, 92. Grigg, John, 73. ,, Thomas, 2772. ,, William, 85. Griggs, } Edward, 24. Griges, Hannah, 86. ,, John, 22. ,, Philip, 23, ,, Sarah, 23. William, 22 to 24,112. Grimshaw, John, 135. Grinio, Peter, 81. Grisbrook, Mary, 55. ,, Thomas, 55. William, 55. Grishow, Abraham 88. Groove- -s ,Alice, 104. ,, Augustine, 104. Grove-s, John. 79. ,, Matthew, 63. ,, ML, xii. ,, Thomas, 139. Grubb, Thomas, 121. Widow, 121. Guerard, John, 90. Gule, Sarah, 37 Gullen, Andrew, 80. Gulliame,William, 7. Gunn, George, 68. HACKER, Edward, vi. ,, John, vii. Mary Haddock, Hanna, 177. Hadlo, Alice, 65. Hadly, John, 66. Hadman, Ann, 31, 121. ,, Christopher, 37, 43. ,, Elizabeth, 29, 37, 119. ,, Mary, 36, 43, 133. ,, Priscilla, 36, 37. ,, Rebecca, 37. ,, Riclhard, 29 to 31, 2.3, 127,131. ,, Sara, 31, 43, 120. 36,3777,119 to 121, ,, Susan na, 29 to 31,37, 81,119tol21 125,126. ,, Thomas, 31, 37, 126. William, 29, 37, 120. Haisham, Thomas, x. Hake, Hales, 9’ 9! H Halkins, 7’ Hal], Haule, 3! 91 H ’7 H 2’ ,7 ’7 3’ ,2 9, ,7 7, ,7 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. Robert, Xi. Ann, 40. Joan, 4, 477. Mary, 7. Sacheverel, 40. Thomas, 7, 40. ' Catherine, 102. John, 102. Amy, 5. Captain, 133. Christopher, 112. Elizabeth, 40, 59. George, 139. James, 55. Joan, 102. John, 78, 91. Margaret, 102. Martha, 55. Mrs., 136. Richard, 40. ' Robert, 102. Samuel, 68. Sarah, 40, 55. Simon, 68. William, 61, 87, 136. Halladay,Frances, 53. Step hen, 53, 95. Halliday, Ann, 53. ,, John, 53. ,, Mary, 53. Halley, David, 135. Hallin, John, 60. Halsey, John, 89. Halsnod-e, James, 11077. Halsnat, iJohn, 62. ,, Margaret, 68. Mary, 104. 7, Haman, 99 Hamhleton, Hambletnn, n u n 97 Samuel, 104. Francis, 9. Hope, 8. Hump hrey y, 8, 9. Apnn,9, 103,104. Edward, 76. John, 102. Judith, 10. Martha, 8. W1dow, 107 William, 8, 9, 10, 102 to 106. Hambrook, Ann, 72. 3) 97 H )7 3’ H 5, ,9 Anthony, 69. Eleanor, 91. Jane, 30. Jeremiah, 76. John, ii, 29, 30. Martha, 29. 1 Mary, 92 Thomas, '29. William, 83. Hammerden, James, 69. Hammon d. Ann, 36, 125. 9) H 7’ ,3 ’7 9, H Hamton, Hamtun, H Elizabeth. 35, 37, 52, 101, 125,12 George, 35 to 38, 125, 126. Joan:gr 115. John, 52 73, 75. Mary, 35 to 38, 125. Sarah, 36, 79, 125. William, 115. }Elizabeth, 16, 119. Joanna, 16. John, 16, 119. Susan, 110. ' Hamulton, John, 8. Hancock, Hanley, H William, 8, 63. Hester, ,279 Eller, 67. Elles, ii. Hanson, Susanna, 86. Harbor, William, 37, INDEX or PERSONS. 159 Hardres, [Ann, 95. Harwood, Henry, 65. Hards, ) Elizabeth 75. Haskins. See Hoskins. ,, Jane, 125. Haslet, John, 92. Har grave, Elizabeth, 94. Mary, ,, John, 94. Hasnett, Margaret, 68. Harlow, Ann, 76. Hasted, . . . . . .. viii. Harlo, Elizabeth, 76. Hastnot, James, 112. John, 76. Hatch, l Johanna, 1x. ,, William, 82. Hache, I John, 1x. Harman, Helen, 100. ,, Harold, l8. Harmon, Lydia, 112. Hatcher,}Elizabeth, 69, 71. ,, Robert, 112. Hacher, Hues 28 Harriett, .. .. .., 16. ,, John, 57, 92. Haruitt, Edward, 68, ,, Mary, 86. ,, Elizabeth, 15. ,, Step hen, 69. ,, James, 15. ,, William, 69, 12322. ,, Jane, 54. Hatton, Margaret, 71. ,, Joseph, 54. ,, Mary, 71. ,, Margpt,a1et 49,54,139. Haukes, Ann, 563 ,, Richgard,16. Mary Thomas, 49. Haulden, Elizabthh, 10, 105. Harper, Edmund, 101. ,, John, 10,105,108. Harrald, Andrew, 33. Haule. See Hall. ,, Mary, 33. , Hawke, }Richard, 64. ,, Nephew, 33. Hauke, Samuel 67. Harris, Daniel, 41. Hawker, Dorothy, 32, ,, Dorothy, 39. Hauker, Elizabeth, 32. ,, Elizabeth, 15, 22, ‘23, 126. ,, Enoch, 32. ,, Jane, 41,79. ,, John, 2,5 34. ,, John, 39. ,, Jonathan, 24 to 26, 115, 116, 11621. ,, Nicholas, 6. - ,, Margaret, 24 to 26,34. ,, Richard, 6, 23, 12071. ,, Martha3,4 24. ,, Robert, 15. ,, Mary y, ,, Sara, 4. Silas, 25,1.16 ,, Susan, 15. Hawkins, A1111, 7. ,, Thomas, 22, 23, 39, 11312, 11921, 12191, 132 ,, Em, 66. William, 41,95. ,, James, 7. Harrisson,Ann,12,13,29. 30. ,, Joanna, 68. ,, Anna, 25 to 28. ,, John, 7, 44, 79, 88, 102/1. ,, Edward, 34, 123. ,, Mary 4,4 ,, Elizabeth, 29, 30, 32, 122. Step hen. 44. ,, George, 12. Haycock, Henry ,.55 ,, Henry ,26 to 30, 63, 75, 120. ,, Sarah, 55. ,, John, y13, 20. 28, 106. Haye, John, x. ,, Joseph, 10, 96, 104. Hay man, Sir Peter, xii. ,, Margaret, 32 to 34,122,123. ' Haymer, Elizabeth, 80. ‘ ,, Martha, 11,105. Haymon,Mrs., 101. ,, Mary, 122. Haynes, Henry, 77. ,, Matthew, 82. ,, Susanna, 71 ,, Michael, 10, 104. Hayou, Robert, x. ,, Peter, 12, 13, 106. Hay thorne, Henry, 106. ,, Rhoda, 20, 123. Hayward, Catherine, 96. ,, Richard, 10, 11, 20,104, 10411, 105, 109. ,, Daniel, 48 to 53, 138. ,, Robert, 29. . ,, Edward, 50. ,, Rose, 61. ,. Elizabeth, 53. , ,, Sarah, 29, 122. ,, Harriet, 48. f. ,, Susanna, 25. ,, Henry, 51. ,, Thomas, 30, 99. ,, John, 49. ,, Widow, 104. ,, Mary, 94. ,, William, 10, 20, 27, 30, 32 to 34,108. ,, Mary Ann, 52. 122,123. ,, Richard, 49, 69, 86. Hart-e, Alexander, 47. ,, Robert, 95. ' ,, Ann, 68. ,, Susanna, 48 to 53. " ,, Hester, 47. ,, Thomas, 67, 95. . ,, James, 43, 44. ,, Thomas Francis, 49. ,, Jane, 44. Head, Ann, 61. , ,, John, 47, 98. ,, Elizabeth, 82. i ,. Kenbroth, 58. ,, Christian, 51. , ,, Margaret, 43, 44. ,, John, vi, 1:, 39 to 41, 83, 8412, 86 88, 127M, ,, Mary, 43, 72. 128. ,, Richard, 69. Richard, 51. Sarah, 115. SeeLe Cerf. Headaway, Ann, 42. Harttop, Joseph, 64. ,, Elizabeth, 135. Harvey, John, 95. ,, John, 42. ,, Mary, 71. ' ,, Mary Ann, 42. Harvie, .. .. .., iii. Heaninton, Charles, 93. Harvey, Henry, 7. . Heard, Edward, 9. ,, Pet ter, 7. 160 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. Hearn-e, } Abraham, 35, 124. Horn-e, Ann, 26, 78. ,, Dorothy, 31, 122. ,, Elizabeth, 24, 31, 114, 121, 122, 124, 128. ,, Francis, 25, 31, 115,121. ,, George, 22. . ,, Henry, 21, 23, 112. ,, John, 20 to 26, 68 112, 114, 115, 122. ,, Mary. 20 to 26,35,75, 124. ,, Sarah, 35, 124. ,, Thomas, 22, 31, ,, Widow, 124. William, 31. Hearndin ,Charles, 90 Heaste, Elizabeth, 63 Hebbard, Joan, 59. Hedgcock, James, 83. 75, 121 to 123. , Hedge, Paul, 59. Hedland, Robert, 60. Hegge, Mary, 98. Hemer, Ann, 49. ,, John, 49. Heiorn, Ann, 27 to 30, 119, 11972. Heiron, Frances, 119, 11922. Hiron, Francis, 27 to 30, 73, 11912, 121. ,, Mary, 27. ,, Morris, 30. ,, Samson, 29, 119. Sara, 77. William, 28, 119. Helling Richard, 136 Henden, Cathe1irie, 125,12512. Henderson, Thomas, 112. Hendman, Alan, 29. ,, Mary, 29. See Henman. Heneker, Stephen, 66. Hengill, Alice, 65. Henly, ...... , 107. ,, Ann, 111. ,, Anna, 3. ,, Christopher, 108, 109, 111, 114, 116. ,, James, 108. Leonaid, 107. Henman, Robert, 71. Hennon, Joyce, 99. Henrye, John, 3. Hepburn, Elizabeth, (‘3), 93. Hermon, John, 3. Herring, 1 Ann, 117. Hering, 5 Anna, Hannah, 28, 29, 119, 120. ,, John, 29, 122. ,, Mary, 28, 119. See Hendman. ,, Nathaniel, 2s, 29, 74,117, 11812, 119, 120, 122. William 117. Herrode, John, 57. Herytage, Edward 125. ,, Mary, 125. Hester, John, 139. Hetherington, Thomas, 133. Heton, Ann, 84.- Hett, ......,14. Alexander, 14. I, ,, Mary, Heursay, William, 133. Hewes, William, 60. 8612 Hughes. He yden, Mary, 82 Hicks, 1 Anthony, 5. Hickes, | John, 70. ,, Joseph 139. Hiet, Richard, 86. Hi ghbourne, John 137. Hilderson, Abraham, 11. ,, Alice, 14. ,, Elizabeth, 10,13, 14. ,, Martha, 105. ,, M11dred,13, 120. ,, Robert, 106. 1 See Hyet. Hilderson, Thomas, 9 to 11,13,14,105, 106. Hiles, Mary y, 73. Hill, Ann, 81. ,, Priscilla, 74. Hillman, John, 43. Mary, 43. Hills, Agnes, 100. ,, Anna, 2. ,, Elizabeth, 62, 112. ,, George, 47, 69. ,, John, 47, 58, 88, 108. ,, Laurence, 62. ,, Mary, 47, 73, 83. ,, Sara, 77. ,, William, 69,85, 112. Himes, Thomas, 88. Hinch, Thomas, 86. Hinckson, Ann, 119. ,, John, 119. Hinds, William, 83. Hoben-e, Elizabeth, 1. ,, John, 2. ,, Richard, 1. ,, William, 2. See Hogben, Howbene. Hobbs, Margaret, 99. ,, Mary, 124. ,, Robert, 124. Thomas, 60. Hobson, Stephen, iii. Hockaday, Sarah, 79. Hodges, Anna, 74. William, 64. Hodg man, Charles, 93. Hodson, William, 80. Hog beu, }Ann, 76, 93. Hogbin, Elizabeth, 93. ,, Henry, 65. ,, Hester, 138. ,, John, 80. ,, Margaret, 70, 80. ,, Mary, 64, 76, 80. Thomas, 80. See Hoben, Howbene. Hog ison. Sec Hugison. Hog wood, } Cha1les, 41 to 46, 133. Hugwood, Elizabeth, 42. ,, Joel, 46. ,, John, 42, 49, 130. ,, Magdalen, 41 to 46, 135. ,, Margaret, 49. ,, Mary, 41, 129, 131. ,, Robert, 43. ,, Samuel, 44. ,, Sarah, 41, 49, 131. William, 45. Holdback, Abraham, 78, 123. Holbrook, Ann, 35. ,, Hannah, 35, 36. ,, Martha, 36. Samuel, 35, 36, 81. Holdstock, John, 94. Hole, Elizabeth, 82. Holladay, John, 52. ,, Marlin, 73. ,, Sarah, 52. Holliday, George, 139. . Holloday, Q Ann, 53. ’ i ’ Hollowday, J Frances, 52. ,, John, 53. ,, Mary, 138. ,, Sarah, 138. ,, Stephen, 52, 138. Holyday, Ann, 54. ,, Elizabeth, 71. ,, Georg e, 54. ,, John, g54. Holland, Jane, 71. ,, Thomas, 126. Hollands, Sara, 63. am ;,-. INDEX OF Hollons, Jane, 71. Holman, Elizabeth, 70. n Mary,4 William2 42. See Homan. Holmes, Charity 90. ,, Thomays, 88. Holnis. See Honis, Holt, lFrancis, 77. Hoult, )John, 79, 98. Lord Chief J ust1ce, Holtham, Robert 96. Homan, Alice, 65. ,, William, 86. Homerden. Catherine, 75. Homewood, John, 65. Honis-e, John, 11, 14, 75. ., Margaret, 11. ,, Mary. 14,107. ,. Rachel, 14. Richard 107. Hoocker, John, 70. ,, Susan, 70. Hoodles, Alexander. 2. ,, John, 2. Hoone, Caroline Mary, 52. ,, Isaac, 52. ,, Sarah, 52. Hooper, Benjamin, 48. ,, Catherine, 48. ,, Mary, 48. ,, Michael, 4. Sarah, 87 Hopgood, William, 72. Hopkin, Elizabeth, 59. Hopkins, Ann, 47. ,, Samuel, 74. Thomas 47, 81. Hopper, Elizabeth, 87. Hornbe, Richard, iii. Horn-e, Ann, 26, .28 to 30, 34, 11712, 118 to 120. Charles, 64, 73, 80. - Ebenezer, 28, 118. ,, Elizabeth, 26, 30, 34, 11711,. ,, Frederick, 52. ,, John, 29, 652, 53, 66, 75, 99, 119. ,, Joseph," ,, Mary, 72, 681. ,, Nathaniel, 26, 28to30, 34, 11711, 118 to 120. ,, Sarah, 52, 53, 73. ,, Sophia, 53. ” Thomas, 30, 77”. ,, William, 74. Hornet, Ann, 117. ,, Captain, 114. ,, Elizabeth, 117 Nathaniel, 117, 127. Hornsby,Ann 15,21. ,, Elizabeth, 15,108. ,, Gilbert, 108. ,, John, 20, 124. ,, Martinis 17 to 21, 111, 11811.. ,, Mary, ,, Nicholas6,.20,111. ,, Richard, 15 to 18,20, 21, 68, 10911, 110, 11012, 111. ,, Susan, 21. Thomas, 18, 20, 110. Horribiu, Ann, 55. H ,9 William, 55. Horton, Ann, 60. ,, Roger, 60. Step hen, 87. Horwcod,Sarah,117. Hoskins, Daniel, 114. ,, John, 70. . ,, Martin, 114. Mary, 114. 1101131111111, Sarah, xiv. PERSONS. Hougham, William, xiv. See Huffam. Hoven, Hester, 105. Hovenden, Rachel, 99. ,, Robert, xii. ,, Step hen, 100. ,, Thomas, 99. Howard, Elizabeth 47. ‘, James, 136. ,, John, 47. ,, Richard, 47. ,, Robert, 30. Howbene, Patrick, 1. ,, Richard, 1. Howland, Edward. 38 39. ,, Elizabeth, 73. ,, Margaret, 38, 126. ,, Mary, 38, 39, 127. ,, Sarah, 39. Thomasin, 62. Howlen, James, 5.100. Howler, Elizabeth, 70. Howlin, Agnes, 4. Howling, Sara, 7 7. Hubbard, Elizabeth, 46, 86. ,, Thomas, 46. Hubbert, Clare, 65. Huchin, George, 70. Huchinson, George, 70. Hudson, Hannah, 94. ,, Henrietta, 42, 44. ,, Mary, 42, 44. ,, Philip, 42, 44. ,, Sarah, 93. ,, Thomas, 91. ,, Timothy, 131. Hufiam, Elizabeth, 65. Huifum, Michael, 113. ,, Mildred, 103. ,, Thomas, 103. See Hougham. Hugart, Charles, 34. ,, John, 34. ,, Mary, 34. Hughe, Thomas, 3. Hughes, Deborah, 123M. Hues, §Morgam 33, 123. Hewes, Sara, 81. ,. Susan, 33, 123. ,, William, ii, 33, 60, 12312. Hughye, Edward, 35. ,, Elizabeth, 35. Hugins, Ralph, 103. Huggins, Thomas, 64. Huggett, Susan, 74. Hugison, Daniel, 41. ,. Susan, 41. z ,, Thomas, 41. Huinz, Alice, 13. ,, Edward, 13. ‘ ,, Margaret, 13. Huise, Mildred, 65. Hukins, John, 9. Hulks, , Elizabeth, 49, 135. ,, Nathaniel, 49. ,, Willlam, 49. Hull, Sarah, 72. Hunt, Abraham, 81. ,, Daniel, 73. ,, Susanna, 87. ,, Thomas, 68. Hunter, Ann, 83. ,, Elizabeth, 91. ,, Nicholas, 97, 9771. ,, Thomas, 102. Hurst, J can, 59. ,, fihn, 81. n 317: 82- Hurt, Henry, 73. ,, Matthew, 110. 161 162 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. Huson, Joan, 106. J anes, . Mary, 140. Hutchins, Edward, 78. ,, Rose, 17, 108. ,, Sarah, 85. ,, Thomas, 16. 108. Hutson, Thomas, 78. ,, William, 54 to 56, 95. Huttson, William, 87. J aques, Robert, xiii. Hutt, Ann, 33, 34, 124. ' Jarman, Israel, 68. ,, Elizabeth, 34, 124. ,, Thomas, 93. ,, James, 27 to 29, 33, 34, 118, 124. Jarvis, Elizabeth, 89. ,, Phoebe, 33. 1 Jervis, John, 65, 83. ,, Sarah, 28, 29, 118. ,, Peter, 76. ,, Susan, 27 to 29, 118. ,, Richard, 67. ,, Thomas, 126. ,, Sarah, 51, 137. ,, Walter, 34. ,, Thomas, 51. Hutt6n, Charles Henry, 56. J eames, Alice, 98. See James ,, Major Henry, 56. J eanes. See J anes. ,, Mary, 56. Jeff, Ann, 120. ,, Roger, 81. Jeffery, William, 70. Huxe, John, 104. Jefrey, Isabella, 78. Huxstep, Mary, 48. J efferys, Thomas, 60. Hyde, John, 62. J efiord, Hester, 75. Hyet, Anna, 98. Sec Hiet. Jefis, } Ann, 20, 21, 110, 111. Hyld, John, 84. Jeifes, Joseph, 20, 21, 110, 111. Hylles. See Hills. ,, Thomas, 21, 111. Hyron, Sara, 77. See Heiorn. ,, Thomasine, 20,110. ILLENDEN, Elizabeth, 50. J ehosophate, a travelling begga1, 124. ,, John, 50. Jeken, Ann, 40. ,, Jose h, 50. ,, Elizabeth, 40. ,, Widow, 136. ,, John, 40. Ingeland, John, K. Jell, Elizabeth, 86. Ingram- 6, Joan, 102. ,, John, 86. ,, John, 96. ,, William, 120%. ,, Richard, 102. Jemitt, John, 13. Inwood, Frances, ii, 17. _ ,, Margaret, 13. Irwin, James, 92. ,, Warham, l3. Iverson, John, 25. J enken, Ann, 24. ,, Susanna, 25. J enkin-g, Elizabeth, 24, 25. Thomas, 25. ,, Georg e, 20. Ivyson, Clement, 59. ,, Margaret, 114, JACAMYNE, James, 8. ,, Rebecca, 25. Jackessos, George, 57. ,, Sarah, 25. Jacklayen, a stranger, 104. ,, Thomas, 23 to 25,109,114. See Jenkens. Jackman,Mrs., 114. Jenkens, Elizabeth, 20 to 23,109,111. Jackson, Ann, 55. Jenkins, George, 20,109. . Jaxson, Elizabeth, 95. ,, Margaret, 23. ,, Hannah, 33, 80, 123. ,, Mary, 22. ,, Joanna, 44. ,, Mr., 6872. ,, John, 33, 44, 123. ,, Richard, 69. ,, Mrs., 113. ,, Susan, 22.111. ,, William, 33, 55, 123, 139. Thomas, 20 to 23,25, 109,111. Jacob, Amos, 2. Jenkenson, Ann, 24. J adgary, Andrew, 36. J enkinson Elizabeth, 25. ,, Mary, 36. See Jethery, Judgery. ,, Jane, 26, 27, 124. Jagger, [ Ann, y42, 49, 54. ,, Jean, 24, 25. Jager, jElizaheth, 48,49, 89. ,, Jean, 24. ,, Elizabeth Ann, 48. ,, Mary, 27. ,, Hannah, 54. ,, Richard, 24 to 27, 11571, 119”, 12172, 124, ,, Henry, 41. 125. ,, John. 40 to 42, 48, 49, 54, 89, 94, 13172, Jennings, }Francis, 106. / 13671, 137%. Jenings, Hannah, 90. ,, Margaret, 40 to 42, 61. ,, John, 78. ,, Mrs.,139.,, Joseph, 81. Robert, 41. ,, Lydia, 25. James II, King g. 26. ,, Richar,d 87. James, Alice, 98. ,, Samuel, 78. ,, Margaret, 46, 47. ,, Sarah, 25. ,, Philip, 46, 47. Thomas, 25, 106. ,, Richard, 46, 47, 89. J ephson Elizabeth, 129. ,, Sarah, 47. ,, Sarah, 129. ,, Thomas Simeon, 46. J ether-y Andrew, 36. Jancock, Bartholomew, 64. ,, Mary, 36. See Jadgary, J udgery ,, Martha, 79. Jeveson, Susan, 26. Janes, Ann, 18, 108. ., Thomas, 26, 116. Jeanes, Catherine, 14.'_ Jewell, Valentine, 77. ,, Dennis, 54. Jexson, William, 123. See Jackson. ,, Elizabeth, 14 to 18.107, 108. J oade, Ann, 70. ,, Hannah, 55. Jode, Martha, 80. ,, John, 14 to 18, 107, 108, 140. ,, Rebecca, 63. ,, Margaret, 54 to 56. ,, William, 81. . fans“. Y . INDEX OF PERSONS. 163 * Job, Charles Gillham, 53. J ull, Richard, 74. , ,, Green, 53 to 56. Justice, Agnes, 19. ,, Sarah, 53 to 56. Justis, Ann, 31, 130. ,, Thomas, 55. J estis. Barbara, 20, 21, 110. ,, William, 56, 140. ,, Charles, 30, 46, 134. Jobson, Ann, 45. ,, Edward, iii, 17 to 21, 21 to 28, 30, 31, 46, ,, George, 45. 110, 114 to 117, 12012, 121. ,, Robert, 45. ,, William, 90. Johns. See Jones. Johnson, Alice, 73. ,, Charles, 54, 139. ,, Edward, 8, 103. ,, Elizabeth, 39. ,. George, 39,127. ,, Elizabeth, 108. ,, Frances, 25, 115. ,, Joan, 16. ,, John, 27, 32. ,, Martha, 107. ,, Mary, 16, 19, 24, 46, 114. ,, Nicholas, 16, 18, 103”, 107 to 109. ,, Sarah, 21, 24 to 28, 30, 32, 116, 117. ,, I, 89. ,, Susan, 17, 19 to 21, 30, 77, 11(1 , ,, James, 92. William, 28, 32. ', ,, John, 39, 42, 127. KADNELL, Thomas, 5. ' ,. Laurence, 8, 63, 103. Kaine. See Caine. ,, Martha, 8, 103. Kary, Elizabeth, 103. ,, Mary, 8, 42, 90, 103. Kearye, Martha, 103. ,, Mary Ann, 54. ,, Thomas, 103. ,, Sarah, 53, 54, 78. Kebble, John, 94. ,, Thomas, 65. Keble, Elizabeth, 83. ,, William, 39, 53, 54, 103, 127. Keeble, Jacob, 78. . Jonson, Margaret, 70. ,, Richard, 78. Jones, . . . . . ,109. Keeler, Elizabeth, 84, 95. Jonnes, Alice, 64 99. Keen, Elizabeth, 39. Johns, Amy, 64. ,, Mary, 39. L ,, Anna, 4. ,, Thomas, 39. 1‘ ,, Ann, 6, 103, 107, 110. Keller, Elizabeth, 140. , ,, Barbara, 8, 103. Kelley, John, 87. 1 ,, Benjamin, 5, 16. Kelly, }Mary, 68. i ,, Catherine, 3, 7, 55. ,, Susan-na, 77. E ,, Edmund, 8. 103. Kelcey, Christian, 76. L ,, Edward, 3. Kelsee, Edward, 76. ,, Elizabeth, 2, 39, 55, 63, 98. Kelsey, John, x. ,, Esther, 31, 108. Kelter, John, 86. ,, Francis, 10. Kemp, John, 86. ,, Grace, 30. ,, Rachel, 131. ,, Henry, 8. ,, Richard, 91. ,, Jane, 3, 8, 19, 98, 102, 117. Kenabe, Edward 112. l ,, Jean, 103. Kenaby, Richard, 103. ,, Joan, 3, 4, 60. ,, Thomas, 103. ,, John, 2, 3, 6, 8, ll, 17, 19,55, 58, 62, 82 Renal, Sarah, 55. 98,102,105. Kenarix, Mary Elizabeth, 94. ,, Margaret, 5, 59, 65. Kendall ,Dorothy, 70. ,, Mary, 30, 39, 55. Kendal, } Mary, 55. ,, Michael, 3. ,, Thomas, 55. ,, Morgan, 39. ,, Sarah, 140. ,, Oliver, 110. Kendrik, Mary Elizabeth, 94. ,, Philippia, 55. ,, William, 132. ,, Ralph, 6, 7, 8, 60, 102, 10212, 103, 106. Kenesbe, Edward, 112. ,, Richard, 103. _ ,, Elizabeth, 112. ,, Samuel, 17. Kenard,1 Alice, 3. ,, Sarah, 17. Kennard, ) Anne, 99. ,, Susan, 18. ,, Clement, 4, 100. ,, Thomas, 4, 7, 8, 10, 63, 32, 102, 103. Walbe 30,31.” Edward.2,4. 58.9812. n ‘ 1', ,, Elizabeth, 3. .1 ,, Widow, 104. ,, John, 3, 10, 100. , - ,, William, 7, 8, 11, 16 to 19,55,105,107, ,, Mary, 2. 108,114. ,, Richard, 4. 3 Jordan, John, 94. Samson, 59. 4‘ Robert, 5. Kennett, Elizabeth, 64. ; Jordeine, John, 4. ,, Hannah, 19, 110. 3 ~ Jordan, Dorothy, 77. ,, Henry, 77. 3 Mark, 77. ' ,, Isabel. 19. , Joy,” Eve, 66. ,, Mary, 76. Joye, Elizabeth, 57. ,, Sarah, 17. Judge, William, 71. ' ,, Susan, 130. J udgery, Andrew, 125. ,, Thomas, ii, 4, 17. 19, 64, 110. Judgury, Elizabeth, 37, 125. _ William, 97, 99a. ,, Mary, 37, 125. Kensheme, Denis, 61. ,, Widow, 125. See Jadgary, Jethery. Kenton, Ann, 82. Jueit, Mary Kenwood,Anna, 3. Juiam,~ Edward, 101. ' ,, Anne, 1. 4,, John, 101. ,, Hamon, 1. Julian, William, 79. ' ,, Johanna, l. 164 s1. ‘VIARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. Kenwood, Kenberth, 99. Kepton, Mary, 96. Kettely, Benjamin, 88. Keves, Martha, 79. Kerby, See Kirby. Kerke, See Kirke. Kidder, Francis, 95. K d ,, Jonh, 64, i ham Richard, 69. - Kidtam: Susan, 85. {SW Kitham. King-e, Ambrose, 61. ,, Elizabeth, 5. ,, Mary, 41. ,, Thomas, 5,100. William. 41. KinngId, Abie, 77 John, iv, v. Kin gsdown, Elizabeth, 98. King sfoorth, Agnes, 60. Kingsford, Edward, 95. ,, Jane, 70,78. Thomas, 72 King smell, Ann, 62. King snoad, Georg e, 63. Kingsnod- e, Daniel, 8, 63, 101. . Susan, 8. Kingsnorth, . . . . . . 103. ,, Meicy, 60 Richard, v. Kingston- e, Elias, 16 ,, Henry, 17. ,, John, 17. ,, Margaret, 16. Kirby, Daniel, 87. ,, Grace, 85. ,, Henry, 97. Kirkby, Ann, 96. ,, Charles, 51. ,, George, 49 to 51, 92. ,, John, 51. ,, Matthew, 136. ,, Matthew Morris, 50. ,, Sarah, 49 to 51. ,, William, 50, 13672. Kirke, Elizabeth, 31. ,, John, 31. ,, Sarah, 31. Kisser, Samuel, 82. Kitchen, Margaret, 79. ,, Sarah, 65. Kitching, Thomas, 78. Kitcherell, John, 77. Kite, Elizabeth, 69. ,, Phineas, 74. Kitham, George, 22.112. ,, Richard, 22, 112. Thomasine, 22. See Kidham, Kittam. Kitt, See Kite. Kittam,Sa1ah,85. Kittums, Mrs, 114. Kives, Martha, 79. Knatchbull, Raynall, 61. ,, Susanna, 50. ,, Thomas, 50. ,, William, 50. Knell, Elizabeth, 77. Knellson, Elizabeth, 23. ,, Joseph, 23, 24. ,, Mary, 23, 24. ,, Stephen, 23. See Nelson. Knight, Ann, 91. Augustine, 66, 67. Elizabeth, 12, 45. Francis James, 45, 132. James, 45. ,, John, 4, 12, 106. ,, Margaret, 126. ,, Mary, 4 H 7, ,3 ,9 Knight, Susan, 12. Knott, Ann, 18, 72. ,, George, 108. ,, James, 35, 132. ,, Magdalen, 35. ,, Mary, 16 to 18, 88. 112. ,, Samuel, 79. ,, Sarah, 16. 74. ,, Sibbella, 73. Thomas, iii, 16 to 18. 9’ William, 73. Knowlden, John,6 79. ,, Mar}, ,, Nicholfs, 69. ,, One, 124. Knowlen, Susanna, 38. Knowler, Ann, 32 to 34, 69, 122. George, 34. Hannah, 134. ,, John, 11977, 12177. ,, Mary, 32, 71, 122. ,, Mr.,118. Sam,uel 77. Susanna, 127. 'lhomas, 32 to 34 122 Knuckle, Ninior, 8477. ,, Spinior, 84. LAA, Joan, 10 ' ThomaS, 10. See Law. Labdom, Peter, 86 Labris, Catherine 59 Lad, }Amy, 71 H )’ 77 9, Ladd, Elizabeth, 37 to 39,87, 115. ,, George, 115. ,, Jane, 71. ,, John, 39. ,, Michael, 37 to 39, 81. ,, Sister, xii. ,, Thomas, 74. See Lade. Lade, Ann, 50. ,, Elizabeth, 37, 50. ,, Jane, 51, ,, John Wootton, 51. . ,, Launcelot, 13477, 13572. ,, Mary, 37, 50, 51. ,, Michael 37. 50, 12772, 12877. ,, Thomas, 50, 51, 92. ,, Wilham, 51. See Ladd. Lagat, 1,108. Lagett, j Ann, 108. ,, Mary, 115. ., Stephen, 74. Lake, Anne, 89. ,, John, 85. Laker, Elizabeth, 52. ,, Harriot, 52. ,, Thomas, 52. ,, William Edward, 52. Lamb-e, Ann, 37. ,, Barnard, 64. Mark, 37. Lambert, aGiles, 7, 62. Lambart, i Hope, 7. ,, John, 7 Lamberton, Peter, 95. Laming, John, 78. ,, Mary y, 78. Lammin, Thomas, 62,102. Lamper, . . . . . ,107. Lamperd, } Alice, 103. Lampard, Ann, 11, 105. ,, Aphra, 10. ,, Avice, 13. ,, Bridget, 5, 99,100. ,, Elizabeth, 5. ,, Francis, 14. ,, John, 10, 14, 15, 104, 107. ,, Mary, 14, 15, 62, 107. Lamperd, ,9 3’ Lampert, Lamprey, Landwell, Lane, ’9 Lanes, H H 9) H Langfield, Lang ham, L’Angle. Lang 1y, Langnoth, Lansdale, Matthew, 81. Ruth, 24. Sarah, 9, 104. Thomas, 4, 13, 24, 73, 103. William, 9 to 11, 13, 14, 10177, 104 to 107, 113. Goodwife,109. Richa1d, 91. Thomas, 89. Sarah, 84. Ann, 45. William, 45. Ann, 45. Christopher, 74. Elizabeth, 93. John 835. Mary, William? 45, 13577. George, 7. Nicholas, 7. John, X. See Delang 1e. John, 77 John. K. John, 2. Thomas, 2. Lansdowu, John, 97. Lanslot, H Laram an , ’I Larance. 7 H i l, ' )9 l 1 n in l‘ _ . n r J, 7! ” S! 7 Larken, Sarah, 70. ,5 1 Larkin, Mary, 74. " ~ Lauder, Captain, 116. ' , Lavaree, Edward, 136. . : ‘ Lavender, Sarah, 86. i Laverick-e, Edward, 28, 75. 118. -«_ ,, Elizabeth, 28, 118. 1,- ,, Robert, 28, 118. 2,. Law-e, Joan, 12. g ,, Mary. 12, 78. ,, Samuel, 77. ,, Thomas, 11, 12. See Laa. . Lawes, George, 70. ' 5 Lawrence, Ann, 45, 46. Laurence, Edward, 79. ,, Elizabeth, 55. ,, Elizabeth Read, 55. ,, Giles, 84. ,, Henry, 46. ,, Job, 45, 46, 13677. ,, Johb, 90. ,, Mary, 45, 52, 93, 95. ,, Mary Fellows, 52. Lawson, Elizabeth, 124. ,, John, 37. 124. ,, Mary, 37. ,, Thomas, 37, 126. Leathe, George, 50. :1 $11“: 550- ;, “y, 0' LeCerf, James, 45. . S) 3’ H Thomas, 97. . . . . . . , 11. George, 11. Mary, 112. William, 112. Ann, 68. Elizabeth, 73. George, 73. Henry, 71. John, 17, 71. Mary, 17. Robert, ii. Thomas, 71. Thomasina, 17. William, ii, 109. Margaret, 45. .Martha, 45. See Hart. J ohn, 40. Sarah, 40. William, 40. INDEX OF PERSONS. Ledger, John, 115. Lee, Ann, 7. ,, Clement, 71. ,, Daniel, 9. ,, Deborah, 10. ,, Frances, 19, 20, 103. ,, Francis, 9. ,, James, 19, 109. ,, John, 2, 104. ,, Margery, 2. Martha, 9, 103. Mary, 20. ,7 3’ H H ,, Warner, 125. H ,, William, 8. Leeds, (John, 9, l3. Leedes, j Martha, 1i 9. ,, Mary, 9, 11. 7’ Leek-e, Henry, 138. ,, John, 85. ,, Thomas, 131. Lefever, Magdalen, 138. Le Grand, George, 88. ., William, 88. Le Keux, Jane, 19. Philip, l9. Lellyere. See Lilyer. Leman, James, 43. ,, ' Margaret, 43. ,, Philip, 43. Lemar, George, 55, 56. ,, Joseph, 56. ’9 ,, Matilda, 55. ,, Priscilla, 55, 56. ,, Robert, 95. Lemon, Edward, 42. ,, Elizabeth, 132. ,, Lvdia, 95. ,, Margaret, 42. Philip, 42. ,, Robert, 95. Leneve, Jane, 100. Lenoy, Mary, 96. ,, Peter, 104. ,, Susan, 104. Lepine, Alice, 48, 49. Elizabeth, 48. ,, George, 48. ,, John, 48, 49. ,, Samuel, 49. Leram, Elizabeth, 70. Lerk. See Leck. Lernoult, Philip, 12677. Lesser, John, 84 Lethered, Ann, 63. Leuckner, (Amy, 105. Lewckner, 7 Elizabeth, 11. ,, James, 11, 106. ,, Mary, 63. N ,7 Leutner, Mrs.,111. SeeLewtner. Lever, John 80. Leverake, Maryan, 99. Leversuch, William. 88. Levinge, Peter, 62. Levy, Alice, 1. ,, John, 1. Lewen, Mary, 42. Lewon, William, 42. Lewes, Anna, 4. ,, Edward, 66. Lewis, George, 131. ,, Jane, 82. ,, William, 82. Robert, 2, 7 to 10, 9877, 103. 104. Thomas, 7, 19, 20, 109, 112, 113. Widow, 109, 116. Noah, 9.11, 13, 104, 10577, 108. Mary Ann, 55, 56, 140. 165 166 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. Lewsley, ‘ Ann, 8. Lewesley, 1Edward, 7, 102. ,, Francis, 9. ,, John, 10,11, 104. ,, Margaret, 8. ,, Mary, 7, 102. ,, Thomas, 7 t011,62, 102,104. Lewtner, James, 10. Richard, 10. Lewttner, Anthony, 11. ’YEdmund 11. See Leutner, Lutener. Lightfoot, Ann, 62. Goodwife, 102. Henry, 4, 7, 102,10277, 104. Mr.,103. ,, Thomas, 4, 9977, 10077, 101 ,, Widow, 101. Lile, Alice, 79. Lilley, } Ann, 76, 131. Lylly, Henry, 80. ,, Mary, 124. ,, Susanna, 78. Thomas, 84. Lily ard, 1Elizabeth. 18. Lylyard, 1 Esther, 16. James, 16. Lilyer, James, iii, 18, 111 to 113. James Jamer, 17. Lea, 111. Mary, 18, 111. ,, Widow, 113. Lincoln, Mrs., x1. Linfield, Charles, 53. Henry, 138. ,, Rebecca, 53. ,, Robert, 53. Linger, Margaret, 5. Lingerd, Thomas, 61. Linn, 7 Mary. 128. Lynn, [Thomas, 130. ,, Timothy, 129. Linsey- e, :Anna,20 2. Lynsey, Robert,2 1.7, 98. Linsford, Roger, 105. Liognes, Edward, 76. Lipyaid, Charles. 28. Ellen, 28. William, 28. Litha11,1Ann, 10,14. Lytha11,} Elizabeth, 11, 105. Joan, 10, 105. Johanna, 14. Thomas, 14. William, 10, 11, 105, 10577. Little, ......, 10877. Litte11,}Ann, 16, 22, 70, 112. ,, Jeremy, 17, 113. ,, Jerman, 16, 110, 11177, 11277, 120. ,, John, 1677, 90. Martha, 22. Mary, 17, 110. Thomas, 22,70,112. Thomasina, 1677, 110,113. William, 110. Littlewood, Frances Bridget, 136. Loate, Elizabeth, 44. Mary, Peter, 44, 87,131. Locke, George. 108. Lockett, Anne, 67. Lockly, }Christopher, 101. Lockley Mar 100 ,, Richard, 100,101, 104. Loftie, Barbara, 47 f) H ,7 ,7 1! 9! ,9 1’ 7, 1, H ’3 7’ ’7 97 7) Loftie, Maigaret, 45, 88, 93. ,, William, 45, 46,50,88,91, 93,133,136, 13677. ,, William Henry, 50. Logwood, William, 82. ' Loyd, } Ellen, 35. Lloyd, John, 35, 114. Lamas, Edward, 63. Long-e, Abraham, 100. ,, Elizabeth, 77, ,, Joan, 100. ,, Mary, 46. ,, Mildred, 106. ,, Thomas, 66, 106. ,, William, 46, 89. William Hanson, 46. Longbiidge, Ann, 91. ,, John, 46 to 48, 135. ,, Mary, 46, 134. ,, Mrs., 137. ,, Robert, 48. ,, Sarah, 46 to 48. ,, Thomas, 47. ,, William, 47, 135. Longly, Richard, 115. Lons, Stephen, 2. Look-e, Ann, 21 to 24, 114, 116, 118. ,, Denls, 116. ,, George,8,21,22,24, 111,112,115. ,, Jonn, 22, 72, ,2118 ,, Margaret, 23, 114. ,, Richard, 24, 114. ,, Step hen, 116. ,, Thomas, 8, 22, 126. ,, Willligm, 21 to 24, 111, 112, 114 to 116, Lookey, Deborah, 94. Lorde, Anne, 3, 99. ,, Catherine, 2. ,, Sara, 3. ,, Susanna, 3. ,, William, 3, 99. Loste, Peter, 87. Loud, John, 3, 83. Loveill. See Lovell. Lovelace, ...... , iii. ,, Ingle, 12. ,, Lancelot, 105. ,, Laurence, 12. ,, Leonard, 12, 13, 65, 105 to 107. ,, Martha, 13, 106. ,, Mary, 13, 107. ,, William, x, 10977, 11577. ,, William Charles, xi. Lovell, Ann, 19. ,, Edmund, 59, 9977, 100, 103. ,, Elizabeth, 5, 64. ,, Genetruth, 72. ,, Jenny Truth, 19, 72. ,, Joan, 62. ,,‘ Mary y, 64,99. ,, Richard, 19. ,, Thomas, 4. William, 103. See Lowell. Lovewell, Gilbert, 4. Lowde, John, 3, 83. Lowe, } Alice, 97. Low, John, 97. ,, Patience, 76. Lowell, Mary, 100. ,, Richard, 67. See Lovell. Lucas, Andrew, 31. ,, Daniel, 31, 32. ,, Elizabeth, 36, 38, 125, 126. ,7 ,2 9) 3’ Charlotte, 47. Esther, Hester, 45, 46, 49, 50, 91. John, 47, 49. J ohn-Skeere, 46, ,, James, 5. ,, John,36, 78,125. ,, Margery, 62. ,, Mary, 32,134, : "rrv‘m' INDEX OF PERSONS. Lucas, Matthew, 4, 99. ,, Mildred, 31, 32. ,, Robert 6. ,, Samuel 36,38,126. ,, Thomas, 6. ,, Widow, 131. ,, William, 38. See Lucust. Luck, Jane. 123. ,, Thomas, 123. ,, William, 123. Luckett, Elizabeth, 72. ,, John, 91. ,, Martha, 68. Luoust, Elizabeth, 37. ,, Samuel, 3']. See Lucas. Ludd, Elizabeth, 3. ,, Robert, 3. Luddall, Elizabeth, 68. See Lydall. _Lugard, Elizabeth, 49. ,, John, 49. ,. Susanna, 49. Lukin, 114111530. Luken, lElizabeth, 30. ,, John, 29, 30. ,, Mary, 29 to 31. ,, Robert, 29 to 31, 127. ,, Thomas, 31. ~ ,, Widow, 119, 11972. Lunn, Elizabeth, 13. ,, Jane, Jeane, 13. ,, John, 9 to 11, 13, 104, 10412, 109”. ,, Margaret, 13. ,, Mary, 9, 10. 104. ,, Mr., 689:, 107. Susan, 63. ,, Thomas, 10. Lusher, Henry, 86. ,, Mary, 6128. Luson, Mar, Lutener, Sarah, 62111. Lydall, William, 17. Lydole, William, 108. See Luddall. Lylly. See Lilley. Lynch, Ann, 84. Lynda, Henry, ix. nn. See Linn. Ly therland, Isabel, 97. MyscE, Elizabeth, 28, 119. ,, John, 29,119. ,, Margaret, 28, 29, 119, 122. ,, Samuel, 28, 29, 119. Susan, 86. Widow, 121. Macdougall, James, 46. ,, Susanna, 46, 133. McGachen, Nicolas Howard, xi. Mackcollisser, Elizabeth, 96. Mackett, Elizabeth, 51, 62. ,, John 61, ,:137 ,, Mary, 62, 138. )3 H ., Richard, 61, 52, 137. See Mockett. ‘Mackney, Richard, 76. Macquafey. John, 126. Madcalf, William, 129. Maddy, Thomas, 91. Madox, John, 123. ,, Mary, 123. M agdaline. Mary,x, 120. Maget, Elizabeth, 78. Maggot, Mary ,76. Mahew, Isaac, 70, 112. See Marhew. Mahone, Captain, 122. Maior‘, Arthur, 69. Makau, John, 80. Makenzie, Daniel, 62. 1: Henry, 52- Susanna, 62. Malden, John, 76. See Leutner, Lewtuer. Man, Anne, 4. ,, Catherine, 121. ,, Edward, 99. ,, James, 29, 119. ,, John, 65. ,, Margaret, 60. ,, Mary, 29,119. Peter, 29,119, 121. Mandly, Mary, 79. Manger, Margaret, 81. Manly, Mary, 79. Mans, John, 109. Mansan, Thomas, 76. Mauser, Thomas, 73. Mansenn, Thomas, 76. 'Mantel, Hannah, 133. ,, John, 73. Manvil, Robert, 86. Manwell, Robert, 86. Map sted, Anne, 4. Marable, 1 Edward, 15, 69, 114. Marrable, 1 Elizabeth, 16 16 23, 116, 120. ,, George, 15,16,109. ,, Hellen, 107. ,, Mary, 68. ,, Mildred, 117. ,, Priscilla, 18. ,, Richard, 16,02, 109, 111, 112.2, 115. ,, Sara. 120. Thomas, 16, 106, 107. Marbrook, Margaret, 76. ,, Step hen, 74.1 March, Elizabesth, 92. John, ,) Marchall, Henry, 8106. ,, Isaac, 10.6 ,, Thomas, 74. See Marsh, Marshall. Marden, Ann, 72. Mathew, Isaac, 22. ,, Jane, 113. ,, Mary 22 See Mahew. Markham, Elizabeth, 46, 93. . ,, Joseph, 46,133. ,, Lucretia, 46 to 47, 134. ,, Margaret, 46, 133. ,, Michael, 46 to 47, 89, 134. Marlee, Jane, 130. ,, John, 130. Marloo, Anne, 67. Marsden, John, 139. Marsh, Anna, xvi. ,, An_,n 78. ,, Daniel, 133. ,, Elizabeth, 61, 84, 89, 134. ,, Francis, 81. ,, James, 130. ,, John, xvi, 123. ,, Mary, 61, 79. ,, Nathanie1,88. ,, Samuel. 128. ’ ,, Sarah, 86. ,, Susan, 68. Thomas, xvi, 61,137. Marshall, Anne, 134. ,, Edward, xvi, 86. ,, John, 89. See March, Marshall. Marson, Frances, 100. ,, George, vii, x, 10071., 104. John, vii, x. Marston, John, 104%, 10671, 10613. Marten, Joan, 60. Marthers, Margaret, 67. Martin-6,1Ellzabeth, 79. Martyne, lGeorge, 4. ,, Joan, 60. ,, John, 68. ,, ‘Mary, 3, 60, 73. ,, Philip, 71. 167 168 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. Martin-e, Richard, 79, 81. 7’ H Magi, Masday, ’) Mason, 9 7 Massns, Master, Masters, ’9 7 Robert, 71. Thomas, 3, 61, 138 William, 77. a bastard child, 23. Catherine, 106. Christopher, 106. See Measday. Alice, 79. Anna, 3. Andrew, 98. Francis, X, 11671. Anthony, 100. James, 79. Mr , 26. Masterson, J 5hn, 62. Matcham, Mary, 95. Math ers, William, '93. Mathew, Avis, 101. 7, H ,9 )7 Isaac, 70. Joan, 103, 104. Richard, 6. Thomas, 6,101, 103. William, 6. Mathbws, Henry, 93. ,9 7’ H ’9 Mary 63. Stephen, 88. Susan, 65. Terry. 133. Matthewson, John, 48. 3) M atrice, Matson, 9’ 9’ Mary, 48. Elizabeth, 59. John, 46. Mary, 45, 46. Thomas, 45, 137 William, 45, 46, 13371, 13412. Maxfeild,William:1212 Maxted, Maxsted, 3? H 7, 3, ,9 ’7 U 9, May, ,9 ’7 ,’ 9, ” } Angela, 45. . Anne, 4. Catherine, 67. Celia, 88. Edward, 45, 80. Elizabeth, 45.’ John, 59. Richard, 82. Robert, 23. Sarah, 23. George,i . Harry, 18. John K. Margaret, 68. Martha, 74. Mary y, 67. Robert, 72, 76, 113. Maydock, Samuel, 130. Mayne, Mayor, Mead, ,1 09 H 9, 3’ ,’ 9, Mears, H ,9 H ,9 9’ Q ’ Mearsh, 1, Thomas, 66. Richard K. Ann, 39, 47, 95. Elizabeth, 45 to 47,91. James, 89. John, 39. Mary, 39. Richyard, 45 to 47, 93, 95, 134», 135m. Smith, 46. Susanna, 95. Ann, 53 Hester, 139. Hester Ann, 52. John, 51 to 53, 93, 94. Samuel, 94. Sarah, 51 to 53, 93, 138. William, 52. Ann, 13. Jean, 113.3 John, Measday ye, Ann, 106. See Masday. Medhurst Ann, 69. I9 Roger, 76. Meeting, Sarah, 130. Mehue, 1 Isaac, 118. Mehugh, ) Jane, 117. ,, Marlin, 118. MeKinan, John, 117. Mellow, Elizabeth, 85. Mercer, Mary, 84. ,, Samuel, 79. 99. Mercye, Thomas, 59. Meredith, Elizabeth, 95. Meryame, }Edward, 7, 8, 102. Merriam, John, 60. ,, Mary, 7, 102. ,, Mildred, 7. ,, Thomas, 8. ,, Widow, 115. Meriwether, Robert, 70. Mersh, Richard, 65. Merson, Phebe, 104. Metherwether, Robert, 70. Mickholson, Stephen, i. Middleton, Daniel, 60. ,, William, 81. Miell, Charity, 34. ,, John, 35. ,, Martha, 34, 35. Mary y, 35. ,, William, 34,35. Mileman ”Joseph 120. Miles, Catherine, 100. Myles, iElIzabeth, 34. ,, Jean, 68, ,, John, 31, 38. ,, Martha, 31, 32, 34. n 193137.59 - ,, Patience, 3S. ,, Thomas, 84. , ,, W1111a1n,3132, 34, 99”. Miller, Benjamin, 127. Myller, iDaniel, 70. ,, Davie, 70. ,, Eleanor, 63. ,, Galfrido. 76. ,, James, 51. ,, John, 112. ” Martha, 131. ,, Mary, 51. ',, Mary Ann, 51. ,, Step hen, 64. ,, Thomas 67. Thomasine, 98. Millerd, Ann, 20. ,, John, 20. ,, William. 20. Milles, Mary My lles, Willlam:J 4. Miylliseiit, Elizabeth 41, 92. ,, Frances, 39, 40. ,, Lydia, 39, 127. ,, Sa1ah, 40 to 42. ,, Thomas 39 to 42, 12972. ,, William, 39. 42. Mills, [Elizabeth,88, 126. Milles, } Jane, 65 ,, Mary, 69. ,, William, 4. Millward, Ann, 113. ,, ,,,John 113. Millyarde, Thomas, 100. Milman, Joseph, 120. Milne, David, 96. Milner, John, 65. Milyer, John, 110. ,, William, 110. Minter, Ann, 38, 83. ,, Edward, 89. ,, . John, 54. ,, Leonard, 74, 85. ,, Margaret, 89. Minter, ” Moate, ,9 9) H 9) 9) H H 9! ,9 H 3’ Mode, ’9 9, ’9 3! Mone. Mone, ’ ’1 n n n ,w n i n n n 9 ’ Moor-e, More, :9 a: n n n n , n :2. n ’3 )9 ’9 ’9 H 9’ Mott, Moone, Moses, Mosses, Anne, 86. INDEX OF PERSONS. Mary, 54, 79. Mioyles, Elizabeth, 32. Martha, 32. William, 32. Mitchell, Margaret, 83, 89. 111111311, Sarah, 77 Samuel, 77 Martha, 73. Mary, 79. Rawlmge, 126. Mocix'ett, Abigail, 33. Alexander, 25, 26, 115, 116, 118, 119, 121, 123. Elizabeth, 82 115, 118. Jane, 26, 119. John, 73. Joseph, 84 Mary, 25, 26, 80, 81, 118, 119,121, 123. Mild1ed, 81. Richard, 23. Sarah, 23, 25. Susanna, 82. Valentine, 23. See Mackett. Mrs., xi. Momery, Elizabeth, 69. John, 82. Roger, 63. Monday y, )Elizabeth, 55. Munday, (Johanna, 55. John, 55, 56. Mary 55, 56. Mary Ann, 55. Robert, 56, 11372. See Moone. Monger. See Manger. Monins, Monrow, Ann, 36. Anna, 18. Jose h, 36. William, 36. Catherine, 22, 23, 113. Dorcas, 22, 118. Israel, 22, 23, 113. John, 44. Martha, 44. Robert, 22. Sara, 79. Thomas, 23, 113. Widow, 118, 119 William, 44, 132. Anne, 59. Catherine, 132. Elizabeth, 33. George, 1, 2, 9919, 101. Helenor, 2. Joane, 99, 100. John, 33, 80. Margaret, 1.’ Mary, 2. Susan, 81. William, 2,33. Moorecock, Andria, 64. Morfilde, William, 100. Morhew, Jane, 113. Morley, Morris, 1A11n,68. Morres, jElizabeth, xiv, 68, 76, 83. Israel, 61. Henry 74. . James, 69, 124. John, 77,115. Sarah, 84. Thomas, xiv, 69, 74. Mortimore, Elizabeth, 44. Robert, 44. Sarah, 44. Anne, 86. John, 3’2. Mary’, 32. 169 Mould, John, 55. ,, Sarah, 55. Moulden, John, 76. Mount- e, Elizabeth, 92. ,, John, 70. ,, Mary, 26, 84. ,, Peter, 26. ,, Richard, 26, 88. , Sarah, 94. Moverly, Ann, 89. Moyen, Ann, 129. Moyle, Margaret, 10. ,, Robert, 10. Moys-e lAg gnes, 3 98. Moyes, Ann, '7, 102. Moyce, 1Edw’ard, 4 7, 102 to 104 ,, Elimelech. 3, 4, 58, 99. ,, George, 99. ,, Helener, 62. ,, Joan, 104. ,, John, 3, 75. Mulling, W., 93. Mullit, John, 89. Mumbray, Joan, 79. ,, William, 79. Mumforde, Robert, 66. Mumrey y, John 82. See Momery. Munday. See Monday. Munns,(Elizabeth,16, 70. Munze, James, 14, 107 Muuxe’, )Johu, iii, ’11 to 14,16,19,106,107,112, 113. ,, Mary, 11, 112. ,, Priscilla, 12 to 14, 16, 112. ,, Sibella, 12, 106. ,, William, 68. Murrall, Frances, 44. ,, Mary, 44. ,, Thomas, 44. Merton, Elizabeth, 4. ,, Joan, 4. ,, John, 4, 99. ,, Mary, 3, 61. Muster, George, 83. NASH, Ann, 37. ,, Edward, 44. 131. ,, Elizabeth, 19, 20,44. . ,, Goodwife, 118. ,, John, 19%, 44, 131. ,, Mary, 20, 37, 44, 90, 132. ,, Richard. 37. ,, Sarah, 73. ,, Susan-na, 73. ,, Thomas, 19, 20, 110. ,, , William, 87. ~, Nayler, } Anne, 99. Naylor, Dorothy, 3. ,, Henry, 119. ,, Joan, 57. ,, John, 4. ,, Margaret, 98. ,, Sarah, 75. ,, Thomas, 3, 60, 99. William, 3. 9, Neale, Andrew, 65. , John, 72. Neame, Edmund, 72. ,, Elizabeth, 73, 92. ,, Eve, 71. ,, Hanna, 75, 77. ,, Mary, 75, 82.. ,, Susan-na, 78. ,, Thomas, 63. Nearne, John, 75. Neate, Grace, 35. ,, Margaret, 35. William, 35. Nedeham, George, 59. 170 N eeves, ’9 Nelson, 3, ’9 Nerne, ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. Elizabeth, 87. Mary, 84. Elizabeth, 84. Joseph, 23. Mary, 23. See Knellson. John, 75. Nethersole, Catherine, 63. 9, H H H 3 9 New, Newbold, Newbull, Christopher, 111. Joan, 107. Ruth, 108. Sylvester, 60. William, 57, 106 to 108. Frances, 10. Laurence, 10. Lieutenant Edward, 118 Nathaniel, 81. Newchurch, Arthur, 3. 7’ ’7 71 Newlege, Newman, Numan, H H ” ,9 M 9) ,, Newson, Newton, 9’ H H 9) ,9 ,9 Nev. ,9 Nicholas, Ann, 28. ’3 9, 9! H ,7 Nichols, ’7 3’ 9, 7’ 3’ H Nichdlson, James, 2. 1, H ,9 3’ ’7 97 Nlckcoll, Nico’l’, Nisbett, Noble, 1’ n H 9) H ’9 Norman, Norrod, Norton, Edward, 58, 99. . Elizabeth, 3, 98. Gilbert, 3, 98. Mary, 62. }Ann, 15. Elizabeth, 35. Frances, 35. James, 89. John, 23, 24, 113, 113?». Marv, 86. Richard, 15, 35. Robert, 15. Sybilla, 23, 24. Susan, 125. Ann, 28, 29, 127. Humphry, 100. Isaac, 51. James, 28, 29, 10012, 102, 11771. John, 28, 51. Mary, 63. Sarah, 51. See N uten. Ann, 38. Maw, 38. Robert, 38. SeeNy e, Noy. Sec Nichol- -s,- son, Nickcoll. Humphry, 121. Jane, 21. Mary, 28. Samuel, 21. Thomas, 21, 28. Anna, 2, 98. Ann, 125. Elizabeth, 115. Emblen, 127. Hump hry 115. John, 2, y98. Thomas, 21, 84, 110. William, 110. See Nichol-as,-son. Jane, 20, 22. John, 2, 22, 98. Judith, 27. Ma1y on, 58. Samuel, 135. Thomas, 20,222,7,110,11112. William, 20, 110. See Nicholas, Nichols. Elizabeth, 25. Humphrey, 25. See Nichols. Ann, 137. Ann, 31 to 33, 40, 127, 128. Charles, 33, 40, 130, 131. Elizabeth, 30, 31, 121, 122. Mary, 40, 129 to 131. Robert, 31, 121. Step hen, 130. Thomas, 30 to 33, 12012130 122. Mary 81. Susan, 64. Thomas, 63. Ann, 21,111. See Nichol-as,-s,-son. See Norwood. Norton, ” U 1, H N orwood 7’ ,9 H H ,9 ,7 9’ 3) 9) )7 7’ )9 5, )9 H Noulden, Nower, Noy’ Nuinge, Nurbull, Nuten, )’ H 2’ 9’ Nuttale, N utting, 7, Nutton, Nye. ,9 ,9 S) ‘9 0.1111311, Oakshot, Oakshoot, )7 9, 7’ 97 ,7 Obryou, ockfé, Oldfield, 3, 9’ H 7’ 7’ Elizabeth, 78, 86. John, 8, 85, 101. Margaret, 67. Mary, 21, 111. Robert, 21, 69, 111. Susanna, 64. Ann, 30. Arthur, 21,22, 111, 116. Benjamin, 76. Edward, 28. Elizabeth, 26to30, 117, 118,120. Frances, 22. Jane, 115, 117. Jean. 23, 24, 115. Joanna, 21, 22. John, 29. Joseph, 21. Mary, 21, 26, 29, 111, 116. Matthias, 21, 111. Paul, iii, 23, 24, 26 to 30, 77, 115 to 118, 120, 125. Thomas, 23, 27, 63, 115,117. William, 30,79,118 120. One, 124. See Knowlden. Sarah, 84. Ann, 76. See Nye, Ney. John, 60. Nathaniel, 81. Ann, 26 to 28, 119, 120. Catherine, 27. Edward, 28, 119. James, 26 to 28, 103, 116, 119, 120. John, 26, 116, 120. Widow, 103. See Newton. Christian, 60. John, 68. Martha, 69. Susan, 65. Ann, 94. Ann Mary, 38. Elizabeth, 39. Frances, 40. Mary, 38 to 40. Robert, 38 to 40. See Ney, Robert, 79, 123. ‘See Ockle. Elizabeth, 38. :James, 35, 36. Mary 35 to 38. Richard, 104. Sarah, 36. Thomas, 35 to 38. William, 37. John, 43. Mary, 43. Edward, 4. Sec Oakly. Anna, 65, Ann, 130. Elizabeth, vi. Margaret, 79. Mr., xii. Simon, 18. Thomas, vi, 90. Wllliam, 71 Noy. Oldwrig ht, Elizabeth, 140. Oliver, 7’ )’ n ,9 Charles, 137 Elizabeth, 49, 80. James, 85. John, 47 to 49, 91. 134, 135. Lavinia, 48, 49, 135. Mary, 47, 48, 135. William, 47, 67. Olphricke, Robert, 5. Omme, Orbéét, Orchard, 9? 9’ John, 132. J ose h, 132. Elizabeth, 07. Libby, ix. Margaret, 3. Sybil, ix, 4, 99. , W . wp.$.‘.w~._...mmm 2, Ore, Ann, 35. ,, Elizabeth, 3322, 34. Mary, 3322, 34, 35. Patrick, 3322, 34 to 36. ,, Thomas, 36. Orford, John, 90. Ormne, John, 101. ,, Stephen, 101. Osborne, Amy, 60. ,, Elizabeth 126. ,, John, x, 63. ,, Thomas, 79, 82. Osmand, Elizabeth, 126. Osmer, Joan, 60. Ospringe, Thomas, 4, 99 to 101. Ostin, Elizabeth, 36. ,, Thomas, 36. Otley, John, 125. Outtyredg e, Thomas, 62, 64. Ovell, g] Benet, 63. Ouell, f William, 70. Ovenden, Ann, 87. ,, Elizabeth 100. ,, Joan, 99. Mary, 75. ., Stephen, 55. Owell, James, 66. Owen, Emblen, 82. Owlet, Martha, 71. Oxeuhridge, Erefe, 63. ,. Henry y, 67. Oxenden, Elizabeth, 113. Sir James, 113. ,, Thomas, 100. PAGE, Robert, 58. Pachn, John, 68. Pack-e, 0., 12722. ,9 9’ ,\ ,3 9’ ,, Elizabeth, 54, 75. ,, George, 48. 134. ,, Herbert, 47, 54. Maria, 135. Mary, 38. Showasine, 48. Tlmmasine- -,na 47,54. Paokenham, James, 72. Packer, John, 120n. ,, Step hen, 80. Page, 1 Ann, 124. Paige, iElizabeth, 29. Francis, 79. James, 43, 61, 87. John, 29. Mary, 43, 90 Paul, 43. ,, Richard, 124. ,, William, 92,135. Pain-e, ..... , 6. ,, Ann, 76. Edward, 131, 132. ,, Elizabeth, 81. ,, Jane, 65. ,, John, 81. ,, Mary, 76. Palmar, Amy, 115. Palmer, Ann, 119, 139. Paumer, Edward, 10, 104. ,, George, 119. ' ,, John, 10, 83, 100. , ,, Mary, 73. ' Richard, 11, 119. ,3 i, ’9 I) ” ’1 H H i, 3‘ )9 9, Thomas, 36. William, 138. Pam blot, John, 129. Pausford, Barbara, 16. ,, Mr.,16. Christopher, 38, 47, 48, 130, 135, 140. Susan, 10,11, 104, 105. INDEX OF PERSONS. 171 Panton, } Elizabeth, 61. Panthon, H H Paramore. 9) )9 n )7 3? ) ’ , 7 1 9 97 Parfi t, Parfeot, Paris, 3? 7’ Parker, ,1 )9 7) ,7 ,, 7! n n 7’ H ,1 Dr., 62. Margaret, 99. Thomas, x, 9822, 99. Anna, xvi. Edward, 102. Garth, 105. Henry, 105. Jane, xvi, 61. John, 74. Margaret, 78. Mary, 68, 75. Michael, xiv, 100. Thomas, xiv, xvi, 101. Thomas, 93. Sarah, 137. Benett, 122. Elizabeth, 136. John, 122,12222. Ann- -a, 25, 72, 76, 77, 79. Dorothy, 71. Edward, 54. Elizabeth, 53, 54. Jane Margaret, 127. John, 24, 25, 54, 66, 69, 75, 80, 115, 11522, 119 124. Robert, 53. Sarah, 76, 84. Sister, xii. Stephen, 5. Susan-ha. 24, 25, 119. Thomas, 75,13222. William, 59. Parkhurst, Ann, 15. n ,9 John, 15. Samuel, 15. Parkinson, Anne. 4. )9 H ’9 3) 9’ H 9’ H ’! Parké, Parn’éll , Parr, ’, 1’ Parson, Dorothy, 13. Henry, 49. Joan-11a, 7, 105. John, 5, l3. Judith, 49. Mary, 49. Robert, 6. 7, 101, 10122, 102,105. Silvester, 101. Susan-11a, 5, 6, 64, 100. Thomas, 13. Alexander, 83. Margaret, 67. John, Xi. Charlton, 42. Mary, 42 Peter, 42. Peter, 125. Parsons, Afary, 20. H S, ,9 ’7 ’7 ,7 Benjamin, 13322. Catherine, 50, 92. Edward, 47. 48. Elizabeth, 43. George. 43,47, 48 50, 92,94, 96,140. Jane, 117. ,, Jean, 25. ,, John, 20, 68. ,, Mary, 43, 47, 48, 92 ,, Peter, 125. ,, Richard, 47, 135. ,, Sarah, 50. ,, ‘Thomas, 25,115, 116. Pascal], Thomas, 81. Pashly, Robert, 6.9 Patson, Anna, 5. ,, Gilbert, 60. Pattenden, William, 135. Patteison, ,}John, 94. Paterson, Mary, 83, 134. Patteson, Pateson , 2’ }Ann-a, 75. John, 94. Mary, 5. 172 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. Patty, Jeremy, 63. Paul-e, Abraham, 6. Paull, } Mary, 38, 39. ,, Sarah, 37 to 39. ,. Thomas, 37 to 39. ,, William, 37, 38. Pawle, Michael, 98. See St. Paul. Pawly 11, Ann, 88. Pay, Elizabeth, 85. Payntour, John, x. Payton, John, 68. Peachly, Sara, 72. Pearce. See Pierce. Pearch, Ann, 42. ,, George, 42. Peas-e, Mother. 125. Susanna, 78. Pecknam, Robert, 58. Peecor, Judith, 102. ,, Paul, 102. Peek~e, A1111, 111. Christopher, 22, 111, 113. Hanna, 111. Isaiah, 22. H 9, 3, Mary, 22, 113. See Picke, Pike. ,9 Peele, William, 64. Peen-e, A1111, 37 to 39. Elizabeth, 37, 126. Mary, 37. ,, Robert, 37, 38. ,, Willlam, 39, 83. Peere, Edmund, 8, 63, 102. ,, Margaret, 8, 102. Peeron, Widow, 102. Peers. See Pierce. Peete, Susa11-na,22, 11522. Peette, William, 22, 66,115,11522. Peich, Thomas, 78. Pei1cwall, Mary, 7’7. Peirse.81ee Pierce. Pelham, Nicholden, 99. Pell, Ann, 8. Frances, 102. John, 7, 8, 102, 104, 107. Marcie, 8. ,, Susan, 7, 102. Pellew, George, xi. Pembrock, Ann, 30. Pembrook, Elizabeth, 27, 28, 30. John, 27 -8, 30, 74, 12022. ,, Richaid, 27 Penbuckl, Thomas, 77. Peneman, Alexander, 102. Peufold, John, 94 Penn, Ann Dorcas, 47. George, 49. Harriett, 48. John, 50. Philip, 47 to 50, 94. Sarah, 48. Susa.,nua 47 to 50. William, 47. Penny- e, Arnoll, 63. John, 76. Margaret, 60. Mary, 78. ,, Richard, 60. Pepper, John, 47,133,134. Mary 47 48,111,135. ,, Thomas, 47 48, 79, 134. Perkes, Henrv, 63. Perkins, Elizabeth, 43. Purkins, 1 Jane, 43. ,, Mary, 71. ,, William, 43. Perman-e, }Eleanor, 6. Pereman, Judith, 5. ., John, 7. .9! )7 H 7’ 7, 5, 3, 7’ ,7 7’ ,9 3) 1) 9, 7, )7 Pereman, Margaret, 5. H 77 ,7 3, ,1 Pero, Perrey, H Pers. Peter, Pett, H )1 Pettgr, Pettey, ’ ’ Pettitt, ,, Pettiéy, Martha, 7, 102. Mary, 7. Simon, 5, 100. Susan, 6. William, 6, 7, 102. Alice, 59. Elizabeth, 82. Sarah, 82. See Pierce. Robert Godolphin, xi. Elizabeth, 86. Joan, 68. Sarah, 76. William, 70. a John, 104. John, 82. Margaret, 85. Elizabeth, 62,84. Georg e, 129. William, 75. Thomas, 72. Pettman, Charles, 126. Pbacknor, Helen, 101. Phelpes, Phelps, 3) Ph1nes, Elizabeth, 3. Susan, 3. Wenefred, 60. ‘Sarah, 70. Philcock, Elizabeth, 110. 3’ Joan, 104. John, 8, 104. William, 8. Philébcks, }Elizabeth,10,102. Philcox- -e, )7 3, 5’ Phillips, 9’ ,2 1, ,7 , ’ Philpot, Philpott, H H 7, ’3 ,9 1’ 7, ,9 )2 )) 2) 3! 2’ 3) ,7 H 2, 2, H S) )1 3’ y ! Picard , Piekard, 7’ ,2 H n Pichley, John 7, 8 10,102,13422. Judith, 7, 102. Martha, 7. Thomas, 8, 102. Ann, 51. Elizabeth, 51. John, 51. Mary, 64. Sarah, 51. William, 51, 137. 1 } Amelia, 48, 52, 94. Ann, 37, 40, 55, 126, 129, 135. Chailotte, 52. . Charles, 49. ' 'Dorothy, 34 to 40,124,125, 127. Edward, 34 to 40. 48 49, 53, 95, 124, 125, 12522,1,27 139. Elizabeth 48,90, 94. George, 4022, 50, 85, 127, 136. Harrison, 39, 128. Jacob, 77. Jane, 37, 125. John, vi, 39, 90, 136. Lydia, 38. Margaret, 35, 125. Mary, 48 to 53, 55, 69, 74. Robert, 65, 90. Sarah, 35, 50, 83, 124. Stephen, vi, 48 to 53, 94 to 96, 13822, 13922. Susan-11a, 34, 136. Theodore P122 Lott, 36. Thomas, 37 to 39,48, 55, 126, 128. Thomasina, 48, 49, 51, 135, 137. Vincent, 87, 134. W1d0W,136. William, 36, 50, 51, 93, 127, 136. ‘ Ann, 32. } Charles, 31.. Elizabeth, 125. Jane, 31, 32 121. 125, 131. Jenkeuson, 32,121. Mary y, 32. Richard, 31, 32, 121, 12222, 125, 127. Sara, 72. .243 r... Y... , ., Pick-e, Pike, 7, Pick’el, INDEX OF PERSONS. Ann, 111. Catherine, 71. Christopher, 111, 115. Hanna, 111. b'ee Peeke. John, 79.6 Pickenden, Mary y, Thomas, 71. Piddcick, lBenj amin, 42. Pittock, jElizabeth, 136. ,9 S, 0’ )9 9’ Pidgion, Pigeon, ! ’ Pierce, Peers, Pearce, u n n n n n n n ‘ n n n n n H )7 H 7’ 9’ H H 3, ,7 9! 2) D M 3’ Pilcher, ” 33 H 3) 7, )9 9) 3, Piles: ’ Piletier, George, 65. Marsh, vi, 92, 93, 13922. Mary, 42. Richard, 92. William, 42, 76. } Ann, 106. 6 Robert, 97. Simon, 66, 106. Agnes, 58, 99. Ann, 65. Benjamin, 35. Charles, 33. Elizabeth, 1, 40, 43,49, 50,136,137. Francis, 32. George, 1, 2, 25,43, 97. Hannah, 43, 44, 135. Henry, 1, 98, 9822. J ., 90. James, 52 John, 24, 25, 34, 43, 44, 88, 89, 121,135. Joseph, 35, 36, $622,125. Margaret, 37,126. Martha, 36. Mary, 1, 32 to 36, 3622, 38, 40, 85, 122 to 124, 126, 129,134. Mary Anna, 44. Matthew, 32 to 38, 40, 123, 124, 126, 131. Nicholas,l, 58,97. Penelope, 49. Peter, 1. Rachel, 35, 124. Richard, 2, 44. Robert, 59. Sarah, 38, 52. Stephen, 1. Susanna, 24, 25. Thomas, 33, 34, 86, 123, 12422, 12622. Ursula, 58. William, 37,43, 50, 126. Elizabeth, 39 to 41, 44, 72. Francis, 80. Georg e, 93. John, g39 to 41, 44, 84. Margaret, 41. Martha, 71. Mary y, 39, 69. Ste p,hen 90. Thomas, 78, 86. William, 82. William, 80 Elizabeth. 83. Pilkinton, Ann, 19,108. ’9 i, H 9, ’I ,7 9) 3’ ,9 3’ 9’ Catherine, 108. Clement, 6, 13. Elizabeth, 117. Hanna, 121. John, iii, 8, 16,19, 108, 109,11322, 114 117,121. Lydia, 19, 122. Malgaret, 6,101. Robert, 60. Sarah, 5, 7,5 Silvester, 5. Thomas, 6, 7, 8, 13, 101, 102,107, 109. Wmifrig ht, 13. 3 Pillington, John, 19. H 9 7 Pincke, Lydia, 19. Thomas, 19. Paine, 66. Pincke, Susan, 66. Pine, Ann, 126. ,, Elizabeth, 126. ,, Robert, 126. ,, Sarah, 85. ,, Susan, 85. See Pyne. Pingle, Elizabeth, 84. William, 84. Piog nter, Isaac, 121. Pioynter, Widow, 121. Pioynting, Hannah, 30, 31. ,, Isaac, 30, 31, 77 ,, Mary, 30. Pioysonn, Ann, 73. Pi pkine, William, 102. Pison. See PysiiJg. Pitt, Ann, 55, 56. ,, Joseph, 55, 56. Samuel, 55. Pittiiigton, Hester, 86. Pittren, Margaret, 36. ,, Mary, 36. ,, Thomas, 36. Plauten, Susanna, 79. Plomer. See Plummer. Plover, Elizabeth, 62. Plumnier, }Ann, 26, 118. Plumer, Cicily, 4. ,, Daniel, 82. ,, Elizabeth, 5, 6, 54 to 56,100. ,, Francis, 5. ,, Grace, 54. ,, John, 5, 26, 54 to 56. ,, John Zechariah, 55. ,, Major [William], iv. ,, Sarah, 26, ,, Step hen, 54. ,, Thomasine, 6. William, iv, 6, 56, 92. Poignting, Isaac, 77. Pollard, Ann, 66. ,, Elizabeth, 9322. James, 93. ,, William, 19, 93. Polley, John, 97. See Pullee. Pollin, John, 60. Pollye, Margaret, 63. See Pullee. Ponte, James, 5. Ponton, Charlotte, 56. ,, James, 56. ,, Mary, 56. Poole, Ann, 80. ,, Jane, 72. ,, Osman, 100. Pope, Catherine, 85. ,, Elizabeth, 78. Popioy, 107. ,, Martha, 107. Poplett, Catherine, 80. P0 ppelton, Richard, xvii, 134. Pordage, John, 78. Port, Jacob, 78. Porte, Nicholas, 101. Porter, Elizabeth, 40. ,, , James, 91. ,, Mary ,, Richard, 040. Pott, Margaret, 72. Potter, John, 61, 88. ,, William, 99. Potting, John, 126. Pottoe, Andrew, 16. ,, Isaac, 16. Potvine, Frances, 52, 54. ,, James, 88. ,, John, 52, 54, 89, 138, 140. ,, Mary ,138. ,, Thomas, 52. 173 174 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. Petvine, William, 54, 139. Poulter, Mary, 5. Pout-e, Catherine, 34. ,, Charles, 29. Deborah, 31, 32, 34. Elizabeth, 27 to 29, 129. James, 5, 27 to 29, 32, 118. ‘ John, 129. Mary, 27, 28, 31, 34. Thomas, 27, 128. ,, William, 31, 32, 34, 91. Pouter, Maudlen, 101. Powell, Ellizabtetllib 32.15419, 121. Gi ber , , . ,3 Henry, 104' i . Rowell. James, 131. Philip, 32. 121, 122. Richard, 61. Samuel, 32, 122. Sarah, 52. Susan, 32, 121, 122. Thomas, 119. ,, Widow, 137. ,, William, 52, 64, 137. Powers, Mary, 78. Powsell, Elizabeth, 39. ,, Thomas, 39. Powson, Mary, 38. ,, Thomas, 38. Poxen, John, 32. ,, Mary, 32. Poynten, Isaac, 77. Pratt, Elizabeth, 41,46. Hannah, 43. Hannah-Shanks, 46. John, 41. Sarah, 43. Susan, 82. ,, Thomas, 43. ,, Walter, 41,43, 46. See Prett. Prentice, Zacharia, x1. Pretie, Weldon, 5. Pretley, Thomas, 72. Prett, Elizabeth, 41, 45. J aue Kingsford, 45. Mary, 41. Sarah, 82%. H n In a: n n 9, ,9 ’9 ,1 9, H H ,7 ’7 3, H 7, 5, H 3’ 7’ H 9’ Price, 1 Alice, 60, 109. Pryce, {Ann, 63. Catherine, 76. Elizabeth, 109. John, 109. Margaret, 74. Thomas, 75, 79. ,, William, 7, 74. Prince, Annie, 77. Prior, Abraham, 73. ,, Sibyl, 59. Proud-e, [Ann-a, 61, 62, 112, 114. Prowd-e, 9 Henry, 100, 103. Mary, 108. ,, Mrs., 10372. ,, Searles, 107, 108, 112, 114. ,, Widow, 103. William, 108. ), Pullee Ann 41. Pulley’, l J ohri, 41. 42. ,3 H ,9 9, ” 3, Purdt’aw, Thomas, 134. Purdue, Alice, 18391. low Mary . P3512, ’ Thomas, 101. _ Pyers, Peter, 1. See Pierce. Pyne, George, 79. See Pine. Pysing, lAnn, 47, 48, 73. Pizing, Frances, 131. Pyson, 1 John, 8, 10, 48,76. Walter, 41, 45, 89, 90. See Pratt. Mary, 41, 42. dee Polley,P011ye. Pysing, Jonas, 10, 11, 105. ,, Mr., 103. ,, William, 11, 47, 48, 105. QUAILE, Elizabeth, 118. ,, John, 117, 118. ,, Susan, 117. Quayfe, Frances, 6. ,, John, 6. Quested, John, 92. ,, Thomas, 92. ,, Ursula, 90. Quince, John, 86. RACE, Mary, 65. Rachel, Ann, 87. Rachel), Elizabeth, 59. Radford, James, 92. Railston. See Raylston. Rainer, Robert, 81. Raisdowne, John, 71. Ralings, James, 36. ,, Mary, 36. Ralph-e, John, 88. ,, Thomas, 69. Ramsay, ...... , 127. ,, Jeremiah, 128. ,, John, 76. Rancher, George, 128. Randall, Edward, 38. ,, Mary, 38. ,, Thomas, 38. Randolfe, Ann, 80. Rann, Elizabeth, 74. Ranold, Jane, 98. Ransell, James, 78. Ransle, James, 78. Rasell, Thomas, 71. Rassall, William, 81. See Raysell, Razel. Rasstone, Elizabeth, 113. Rauce, Ann, 17. ,, Mary, 17. ,, William, 17. Ray-e, Ann, 48, 82, 134. ,, Hannah, 48, 134. ,, J ohn, 48. ,, Sarah, 48. Raylson, Brian, 60. Raylston, 1 Edward, 126. Railston, ) Rachel, 126, 130. ., Sarah, 126. Raylton, Mrs., 103. ,, Simon, 108. Rayuold, Alice, 2. Raysell, Margaret, 71. Razel, George, vi. Razell, Richard, 96. See Rasell. Read-e, Amy, 103. ,, Ann, 8. ,, Avery, 5. ,, Deborah, 74. ,, Elizabeth, 25, 26, 35, 55, 92. ,, Hannah, 70. ,, John, 7, 33, 35, 76, 79, 85. ,, Margaret, 63. a: Mary, 25- ,, Richard, 26. ,, Robert, 96. ,, Sarah, 25,33, 35, 71, 137. ,, Thomas, 5, 25, 26, 73, 117”. ,, William, 7, 8, 77, 96, 102, 103. Readardford, Elizabeth, 29, 119. ,, ‘ William, 29, 119. Reader, Ann, 82. ,, Mary, 72. ,, Thomas, 83. Readman, Osmond, 71. Readwards, Chatherine, 118. ,, John, 118. Reake, Mary, 77. , . 1 . WWW-2""? INDEX OF PERSONS. Reatte, Andrew, 79. Redman, Thomas, 86. Redofi, Elizabeth, 45. ,, John, 45, I32. ,, Thomas, 45. Reeve, Elizabeth, 10, 13 to 15, 68, 78. ,, Frances, 7. ,, Francis, 14. ,, John, 14, 15, ,, Lydia, 13, 106“, ,, William, 7, 10, 11,13 to 15, 10571,106. Renals. See Reynolds. Revett, Sarah, y80. Revill, Mary, 75. Reynolds, Catherine, 3. Reynolds, Eliza, 36. Renals, Elizabeth, 33, 35, 37, 81, 83, 88. ,, Israel, 9. ,, James, 2, 3, 59, 97, 98. ,, 'John, 81. ,, Margaret, 130. ,, Mary, 4, 35, 36, 63. ,, Richard, 37. ,, Thomas, 35. ,, Widow, 105. ,, William, 2, 33, 35 to 37, 96, 98, 105, 12492, 12577, 130, 13072, 13172, 138. ,, Zephora, 3. Rice, Elizabeth 129. Thomas, 121. Richards, Christopher, 80. ,, David, 105 ,, Moses, 78. ,, Stephen, 90. Richardson, Abraham, 24. Richason, l Affara, 13. ,, Ann, 70. ,, Catherine, 83. ,, Elizabeth, 22 to 26, 114, 122. ,, Gaberill, 9. ,, George, 24. ,, Henry, 11, 101. ,, Joanna, 22. ,, John, 9, 11, 13, 23 to 26, 75, 113, 114. ,, Mary, 23, 62, 112. ,, Richard 22 to 24, 114. ,, Sarah, 23 to 26, 113. ,, Sarath, 23. ,, Thomas, 24, 122. ,, Widow, 103. ,, William, 124. Richey, Thomas, 82. Richman, John, 59. ,, Widow, 139. Richmond, Susan, 59. Rider, Routh- -Rough-, 67. Ridgren, Mercy 71. Ridleton, William, 81. Rigbey, William, 58, 9812, 100. Susan, 81. Rigden. Elizabeth, 90. ,, Mary 91. ,, Mercy ,71. ,, Nicholas, 69. Thomas, 94. Rigshy. See Rigbey y. Riou, Dorothy, 46. ,, Captain John, 46. Rippon, Elizabeth, 36. Rippen, Mary, 36,37. Rippin, Richard, 36, 37 - Boas-e, I Ambrose, 27 to 30,117, 120. Roose, Dorothy, 30. Rose, lCharles, 27, 30,117,120. ,, Elizabeth, 27, 75. ,, Jarvis, 75. ,, ary,27 to 30,117,120. ,, ‘ Thomas, 27, 70,117. 175 Roberson, Jane, 41. ,, Martha, 41. ,, Ralph, 41. See Robinson. Roberts, John, 80, 85. ,, Susan, 84. William, 88. Robinson, Adam, 1. ,, Ann,12l, 125. ,, Benjamin, 42. ,, Bennett, 45. ,, Catherine, 3, 61. ,, Charles, xiv, 140. ,, Elizabeth, 45, 46. ,, Frances, 46. ,, George, iii, 23, 116. ,, Isabel, 60. ,, John, 45, 46, 99. ,, Mary, 46, 140. ,, Matthew, xiv. ,, Mr., xii. ,, Rachel, 1. ,, Robert, 1, 2, 97. ,, Samuel, 124. ,, Sarah, xiv, 42. ,, William, 42. See Roberson. Robson, David, 98. x, ,, Margaret, 98. Robus, Jane, 83. ,, J ohn, 81. Robyus, Alice, 59. Robyston. See Robinson. Rogers, Ann, 22, 75. ,, Elizgieth, 21 to 24, 32, 33, 41, 42, 123, ,, Floraday, 65. ,, Henry, 21 to 24, 32, 33. 123, 124. ,, John, 2l, 33, 41, 42, 123. ,, Mary, ‘ 2, 41, 74. ,, Sarah, 128. Thomas, 62. ,‘ William, 42. Rokeby, Baron, xiv. Rolenge, Ann, 26.1960 Roliug. Rolfe, Ann, 63. Roaf, Elizabeth, 50. Roalf, Frances, 89. 1 ,, James, 50, 136. ,, J ane. 58. John, 136. Mary, 68. ,, Thomas, 9. Roliug, Mary, 26. ,, William, 26. See Rolenge. Rook-e, Ann, 64. Colonel, iv. ,, Finch, iv. Rooker, Mary, 130. Rookes, Anthoin, 118. Books, Anthony, 26, 27 . ,, Elizabeth, 27. ,, Mary, 27. Susan-na, 26 to 28. ,, William, 26. Roots, Thomas, 82. Roper, James, 3, 98, 124. ,, Nathaniel, 3, 98. Rophe. See Rolfe. Roucb, Frederick, xi. Rough Rider, Mary, d. of a, 18. Mary, will}: of a, 18. Rouland, Daniel, 122. Roundtere, Leonard, 6372. Rouse, Adrian, 10, 104. Rowse, lElizabeth, 50. ,, Richard, 50. ,, Slodden, 91. ,, Thomas, 10, 104. ,, William, 50. ’7 7’ H 7’ ,9 1 7 6 ST. MARY Roushe, Lothwick, 9. ,, Ralph, 9. Rontchin, Judith, 59. Row, Isaac, 85. ,, Sarah, 137. ,, Thomas, 137. Rowell, Alice, 102. ,, Anne, 6. ,, Barbara, 7 ,, Elizabeth, 6. ,, Gilbert, 6, 7, 8, 101, 102, 104. ,, Henry, 8,104. ,, Margaret, 7 Thomas, 7, 101. Rowledge,Thomas1n 63. Rowntree, Leonard, 63. Royliugs, Frances, 37. ,, James, 37. ,, Mary y, 37. Royne, Edward, 56. ,, John, 56. ,, Mary, 56. Ruck, Elizabeth, 67, 92. Rufloot-e, Ann, 6, 101. James, 6, 61, 101, 10212. ,9 Bug John, 130. Rumfild, John, 115. Mary Russell, Catherine, 97. ,, Clement, 97. ,, Cornelius, 117. ,, Edward, 123. ,, Mary, 121. ,, Richard, 71. Susanna, 73. Russhee, Ainglice, 73. Rutledge, William, 132. Rutting, John, 79. Button, Catherine, 93. ,, Margaret, 53. ,, Mary Loftie, 53. ,, Matthias, 53, 93. Rye, Elizabeth, 53, 85. ,, Mary, 53, 82. ,, Rachel, 74. ,, Samuel, 53. ,, Sarah Ann, 93. ,, Thomas, 82. SABINE, Alfred, 43 to 45, 50. ,, Edward, 45. ,, John, 45, 131. ,, Lydia, 43 to 45. a, Mary,4 Sarah, 44, 50, 135. Sackett, Faith, 67. ,, John, 82. Richard, 75. Sackfell, Captain, 112. Sackston, Bennett, 110. ,, Richard, 110. ,, Sara, 110. Sacry, Alice, 107. ,, John, 107. See Sakai-y. Saire, Jane, 65. Safiery, }Ann, 37.‘ Safrey, Daniel, 71. ,, John, 37 ,, Mary, 75. ,, Vincent, 37, 82. See Savery. Sainct, Agnes, 64. Sakens.15'ee Sawkins. St. Luke, Jane, ii. St. Paul, Lewis, 128. See Paul. Sakary, Christopher, 8. ,, Thomas, 8. See Sacry. Saking ge, Ann, 69. Saley, (Oliver, 8. Sally-e, 1 Stephen, 65. MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. Salmon, Erasmus, 100. William, 92. Samson, John, 83. Sampson,Noa, 7 . ,, Sara, 74. Sandcraft-e, Ann, 123. ,, Elizabeth, 118. John, 74, 118, 123. ,, William, 123. Sandell, Sara, 71. Sandwell, Stephen, 77. Sargenson‘, John, K, 116%. Saunder, Anna, 7. ,, Henry, 7. Saunders, } Amos, 83. Sanders, Ann, 48, 123. ,, George Alexander, 48. ,, Grace, 71. ,, Henry, xv, 61, 106. ,, James, 75. ,, Jane, Jeane, xvi, 72. ,, Joan, 61. ,, John, iii, 108. ,, Robert, 130%, 13172. ,, Thomas, 48, 62, 63, 74,98. ,, William, 69. Savage, Charlotte, 55. ,, Daniel, 39. ,, Elizabeth, 86, 94. ,, Henry, 38 to 40, 88, 9092. ,, James, 55. ,, Mary, 38 to 40, 94. ,, Sarah, 38. Savery, 1 Daniel, 11, 71. Savoury, ) Thomas, 11. See Saffery. Sawyer, }Ann-a, 74. Sawer, Stephen, 59. Sawoete, Isabel, 60 Sawkins, ' Ann, 15. 22, 23. Sauckins, § Elizabeth, 88. Sakens, Hester, 93. ,, James, 88, ,, John, 15, 22, 23, 70. ,, Margaret, 68. ,, Robert, 23. ,, Susan, 15. ,, William, 88. Saxby, John, 56. ,, Mary, 56. ,, Thomas. 56. Sayer, Ann, 101. ,, Catherine, 65. ,, Jane, 65. ,, Sara, 62. ,, Stephen, 67, 101. Sayler, Mary, 81. Scammel, Elizabeth, 46. ,, Mary, 46. ,, Thomas, 46. Scarsbrow, Thomas, 81. Scofield, George, 96. Scott, Catherine, 40. ,, Edward, 65. ,, Elizabeth, 11, 74. ,, John, 40, 63. ,, Mary, 47. ,, Richard, 68. ,, Sarah, 40. ,, Stephen, 11. ,, Thomas, 47, 134. ,, William, 47, 90. Script, John, 140. Scripts, Bennet, 56. ,, John, 56. Scrogg, Justice, v. Scare, Elizabeth, 107. Stephen, 107, 110. Seath, Elizabeth, 45 to 47. INDEX OF PERSONS. 177 Seath, John, 45 to 47, 89, 90, 13311. Sier, John, 95. Sec Seare, Seer. ,, Mary, 80. Sikes, Anne, 64. ,, Mary Elizabeth, 45, 93. Sikewood, J ohn, 72. ,, Robert, 46. Silke, Sarah, 87. ,, Silvester, 72. Silkewood, John, 72. ,, William, 47, 13172, 132». Richard, 76. Selby-e, Alice, 58. ,, Henry, 61, 10022. ,, Susan, 99. William 2, 98. Selliiige, Anne, 89. Sellvester, Henry, xi. Sentine, Mary, 100. ,, Toby, 100. Seres, Stephen, 110. Sharp-e, Daniel, 69. ,, E., 89. ,, George, 73. ,, John, 89. ,, Margaret, 62. ,, Mary, 64, 89. ,, William, 74, 101. Shaw-e, Elizabeth, 81. 37 Sisley, Skeer, Skillet, Skurge, Sladden, Sladen, , ’ Slater, ’! 7’ Sebell, Elizabeth, 07. Silleyfand, Catherine, 133. Seborn, Ursula, 60. See Sibon. Simmons, Frances, ii. Sedger, Margaret, 10. Simous, John. 83.84. ,, William, 10,64,104. Sec Segger. ,, Mary, 73, 87. Seed, Ann, 44. ,, Mrs., 112. ,, Mary, ,, Peter, 104. ,, Thomas, 444. ,, Sarah, 133. . Seer, Stephen. 107,110. See Seare, Sier. ,, William, 104. Seers, Diana, 82. Simpson, } Ann, 35. Segger, Ann, 116. See Sedger. Simeon, Elizabeth, 35. ,, George, 35. Mary, 71. Richard, 104. Siua’r’y, Thomas, 79. Mary, 90. William, 71. ’7 Sithers, Jane, 70. Elizabeth, 77. Skelton, Elizabeth, 61. John, 19, 109. Elizabeth, 80. Ann, 35. Henry, 35. Thomas, 71. William, 35. Catherine, 66. George, 65,104. ,, John, 98. Thomas, 102. ,, Matthew, 68. Slaughter, John, 81. Sheaif’, Sarah, 92. ,, Susaniia, 75. Shefiell, Isabel, 70. Slowman, Charles, 31, 32. Shepard, Anna, 6. ,, George, 31. Sheperd, Jane, 8. ,, Mary, 32. Sheppard, John, 6, 7, S, 101. ,, Susan, 31, 32. ,, Martha, 6. Small, Elizabeth, 80. ,, Mary, 6, 7, 101. ,, James, 56. ,, Nicholas, 79. ,, Margaret, 56. ,, Samuel, 69. ,, Samuel, 56. Shewbridg, Elizabeth, 79. Smelt, John, 63. Shilling, Dennis, 83. Shillingforde, Mary, 65. Smethe, John, 4. Smith-e, }A1exander, 4 Shindler, Elizabeth, 133. Smyth-e. Ann, 74, 94.’ ,, John, 54, 139. ,, Benjamin, 9. ,, Mary, 53, 54. ,, Catherine, 16. Thomas, 53, 54, 91. ,, Charity, 26. Shin gleton, Cnthbert, 12,106. ,, Charles, 52, 53, 76. ,, Elizabeth, 99. ,, Culbert, 83. / ,. Erancis, 106. ,, Daniel, 8, 76. ' ,, John, 12. ,, Edward, 90. .r ,, Rebecca, 12. ‘ ,, Eleanor, 78. ,, Thomas, 4. ,, Elizabeth, 26, 42, 46,69, 74,80,132. Shingston, Stephen, 60. ,, Frances, 116. Shiptharp, Ann, 90. ,, Francis, 25, 118. Shipton, John, 97, 110. ,, George, 1. Shirwood, Jane, 82. ,, Grace, 5. Shoosmith, William, 78. ,, Hannah, 51, 137. , Short-e, Ann, 14. ,, Henry, 8, 77. ‘ ,, Barbara, 13. ,, Isabel, ii. 1:? ,, Leonard, ii, 13, 2422. ,, James, 101. ,, Mary, 13, 14. ,, Jane, 82. l ,, Renold, 62. ,, Jeremy, 6 to 9, 101, 10211. ,1 Thomas, 13, 14, 107. ,, Joel, 100. 1, Shrive, James, 59. ,, Johii. x, 3, 4, 8, 42, 46, 51, 52 ,,69 83, “— Shrubsole, Christopher, 17, 19, 20, 108, 109. 128. i ,, ’Elizabeth, 17’,12’7, 1’34. . ,, Joseph, 51, 137. '- ,, Henry, 127. ,, Leonard, 72. ,, James, 90. ,, Mabella, 6. ,, John, 108. ,, Margaret, 129. ,, Kenn, Kennet, 20, 12272, 127,128. ,, Mary, 29, 46, 71, 75, 91, 95, 127, ,, ry,,l7 19,20. ,, Mary Ann, 53. Sibon, Thonias, 79. ,, Matthew, 26. Siborn, Thomas, 79. See Seborn. ,, Michael, 68. 178 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, Smith-e, Patrick, 1. ,, Philip, 74. ,, Robert, 71. ,, Samuel, 9. ,, Sarah, 52, 53, 81, 93, 139. ,, Sister, Xi. ,, Susanna, 39. ,, Thomas, iii, v, vi, X, 7, 16, 25, 26, 39, 53, 73, 116, 117. ,, William, 74, 87. ,, Willoughby, 42. ,, Younge, 16. Smithen, William, 80. Smither, Samuel, 43. Sarah, 43. Smithson, Jane, 71. ,, Jonathan, 79. Snatt, John, 66. Snelling, Elizabeth, 80. Snossle, Sarah, 80. Snoswell, Benjamin, 80. Snowe, William, 104. Soane-s, Mary, Sole, Anne, 69. ,, Sarah, 72. Solle, John, 68. Sollee, Sarah, 24. ,, William, 24. Solley, Catherine. 75. Soley, Edward, 21, 22. Solly, Elizabeth, 21, 68. ,, Goodwife, 118. John, 111. Margaret, 20. Martha, 79. Mary, 21, 22, 73, 74, 110. ,, May, 2172. ,, Sarah, 20 to 22, 111. ,, Stephen. 68. 9’ ,, ’7 S! ,, William, 20 to 22, 68, 70,110, 111, 115, 117. Somes, Ann, 41, 72. ,, Deborah, 128. ,, Elizabeth, 39 to 4.1, 67. ,, Henry, 39, 40. ,, Mary, 40, 90. ,, Richard, 39 to 41, 84. Thomas, 41. 80111;],81‘, vii, n. Sothers, Richard, 128. South, John, 85. Southee, Charles, 50, 136. Southey, } Diana, 49. ,, Edward, 52. ,, Elizabeth, 49 to 53, 71, 95. ,, Frances, 53. ,, James, 95. ,, John, 48 to 50. ,, Martha. 48, 49. ,, Mary, 48. ,, Mary Ann, 51 . ,, Sophia, 51. ,, Step hen, 53. Thomas, 49 to 53, 86, 95, 136,140”. ,, William, 50, 136. Sowller, Catherine, 5. Spain, August-in-us, 54. ,, Elizabeth, 54, 55. ,, John, 55. ,, Thomas, 75. William, 54, 55. Spaks, Frances, 83. Sparpoint, Ingram, 69. Spearing, Elizabeth, 140. Sperring, John, 89. Spencer, Amelia, 54. Spenser, iEdward, 54, 139. ,, George, 54. H CANTERBURY. Spencer, Humphry, 83. ,, James, 107. ,, Jane, 72. ,, John, 54. ,, Nicholas, 61. Spice, {Clement,11. Spyce, lEleanor,11. ,, William, 100. Spicer, Elizabeth, 74. ,, Henry, 102. ,, Richard, 61. Spicket, Joan, 66. Spiner, Elizabeth, 75 Spinner, John, 74. Sponge, Susanna, 74. Spooner, William, 90. Spratt, Mary, 74, 129. ,, Samuel, 82. ,, William, 90. Sp ratbrow, Elizabeth, 86. Sp pratling, Margaret, 60. Sp pring, Thomas, 133. Springget, Henry, 92. Squire, Sarah, 85. Squires, Sarah, 4072. Stace, Elizabeth, 74. ,, Susan, 75. Stacie, Margaret, 66. Staines, Agnes, 63. Ma1y,72. ,7 Stanesbye, John 6, 7,101. ,, Matthew, 6. 7, 101, 102. Staninough, Sarah, 69. Stanley, Mary, 105. ,, William, 91, 105. Stannard, George, 85. Stanner, Edward, 83. Staples, Alexander, 10. ,, Elizabeth, 113. ,, Samuel, 10. Stark, Mary, 1. ,, Rabbyge, 1. Starks, Elizabeth, 81. Stead, Alexander, ii, 17, 108. ,, Margaret, ii, 17. ,, Mary, 17. Steadman, Mary, 18. ,, Richard, 18. ,, Thomas, 18. Steady, Stephen, 94. ,, Thomas, 94. Steed, George, 62. ,, James, 73. ,, John, 132. Richard, 122. Robert, 93. ,, William, 84. Steene, William, 64. Stephen, Ann, 32, 33. ,, Thomas, 33. ,, William, 32, 33. Stephens, } Alice, 61. Stevens, Ann, 34. ,, Beatrice, 104. ,, Dame, 137. ,, Edward, 10, 106. ,, Elizabeth. 5. 13, 34. ,, Henry, 52, 106. ,, Hester Elizabeth, 52. ,, Jane, Jeane.12, 107. ,, Joan, 12 to 14, 57, 107. ,, Lawa‘ence, ii, 9,10,12t014,24n, 104 to 7 ,, Margaret, 5, 40, 52, 138. ,, Maiy,14,94,106. ,, Ralph, 9,104. ,, Richard, 14, 107. ,, Robert, 61. INDEX OF PERSONS. Stephens, Susanna 75. ,, Thomas, 69. ,, William, 34, 40. Step henson, ,}Elizabeth, 104. Stevenson, Faith, 5. ,, Margaret, 63. 19 Mary, 6 ,, Robert, 6. 104 ,, William. 6. Stepens, Ann, 117. ,, Emblin, 73. Steppens, William, 117. Stifi, Elizabeth, 140. ,, Elizabeth Ann, 54. ,, John, 52, 54 to 56, 95, 138, 140. ,. John Lawrence, 55. ,, Margaret, 52, 55. 139, 140. ,, Mary, 54 to 56, 140. ,, Richard, 55, 95, 140. Thomas, 52. Stillman, Hannah, 40. ,, John, 40. ,, Sarah, 40. Stimpson, Henry, 65. Stimton, Gilbert, 2 William, 2. Ambrose, 3, 98. Charity, 59. Gilbert, 98. ,, William, 98. Stipping, John, 59 Stoake, Hanna, 7.6 Stookbridg 6, Susan. 97. Stockden, 3Adam, 7, 103. ,, Edward, 63. ,. Elizabeth, 7. ,, Hop e, 7. ,, John. 7. 8,103,104. ,, Lydia, 7, 103. Thomas, 104. I! St1nton, ’) )’ Stock’e, Bartholomew, 57. ,, Richard. 62. Stocks, Paul, 37. ,, Rebecca, 37. Thomas, 37. See Stokes. Stockwell, George, 53,139. ,, J udlth 79. ,, Mary, 53. Stokes, (Ann, 13,14 24, 37, 43 to 45, 120, 133. Stookes, Catherine, 3, 99. Stoxe, l Celia, 47, H48 ,, Daniel, 27, 29, 36, 118. ,, Dorothy, 24 to 29, 118, 120. ,, Edward, 13, 14, 107. ,, Elizabeth, 24, 36, 43, 44, 88, 120, 123. ,, Emlen, 59. ,, Henry, 26, 71, 92-, 116. ,, Jean, 14. ,, John, 47, 48, 58, 88, 99. ,, Martha, 78. ,, Mary, 24, 28, 36, 118, 11812. ,, Mary Ann, 41, 45. ,, Paul, 34, 43, 44, 87. ,, Priscilla, 105. ,, Rebecca, 34 to 37. ,, Richard, 59. ,, Sarah, 41, 43. ,, Thomas, 24 to 29, 34 to 37, 41, 43, 44, 4s, 80, 92,116,118,l20, 123. ,, William, 3,44, 45, 99,133. See Stocks. Stone, Anne, 133. ,, Elizabeth, 51, 52. ,, James, 51,137. ,, John, 80, 131, 138. ,, Rebecca, 137. ,, Richard, 51,52, 93. ,, Sarah, 52, 84 138. ,, Susanna, 124. 179 Stone, Thomas, 138. ,, William, xi. Stonehonse. Christopher, 72. Stoney, Isabella, 44. ,, Robert, 44. William, 44. Stopple, Angle, 60. Stormy 11, Richard, x. Storrer, Anne, 2. ,, Catherine, 3. Stowe, Thomas, 66. Stranack, Elizabeth, 93. James, 93. Stranger, John, a, 102. Streater, Edmund, 101. Streeter, Elizabeth, 58. ,, Jane, 6. ,, John, 97. ,, Johnson, 132. ,, Mary, 97. ,, Thomas, 5. William, 6, 101. Stredwick, Henry, 103. Streduck, 1 Jane, 73. ,, Stephen, 99. Strevens, Roger, 75. Stringer, Anna Maria Elizabetha, 55. ,, Catherine, 87. ,, Elizabeth, 74. ,, George, 45, 46, 13472. ,, John, 53. ,, John Hollingberry, 45, 55 ,, Maria, 55. ,, Mary, 45, 46, 53, 134, 139. ,, Robert, 64. ,, Samuel, 67. ,, Sarah, 46. ,, Thomas, 45. ,, W. H., 96. William, 53. 9) Strong, Anna, 74. ,, Elizabeth, 73. Strood, Alice, 80. ,, Henry, 79. Mary, 130. Stublefeile, Edward, 70. Studham, Ann, 23. ,, Elizabeth, 20 to 24,30,111. ,, Jane, 30. ,, John, 20 to 24, 30, 110, 111,113n, 114, 120”. ,, Margaret, 20, 21, 110, 111. ,, Mary, 30. ,, Rebecca, 22. ,, Sarah, 22. ,, William, 24, 114. Sturges, Jean, 65. ,, John, 66. ,, Margaret, 65. ,, Sarah, 87. Suckling, Henry, 69. Sumeres, Martha, 66. Surge, Thomas. 84. Suttley, Sarah, 136. Sutten, Elizabeth, 76. Sutton, John, 82, 84, 138. ,, Mary, 91. Swafler, Daniel, 53 to 55. ,, Elizabeth, 53, 65, 87. ,, Jane, 54. ,, Maria. Charlotte, 55. ,, Sarah, 53. ,, Susanna, 53 to 55. Swafiord, Elizabeth, 65. Swan, Elizabeth, 46, 90, 91. ,, Mary Ann, 46. Swayne, Catherine, 2, 128. Swain-e, Sarah, 56. 180 ST. MARY Swayne, Step hen, 2. ,, Thomas, 56, 140. ,, William, 140. Swenford, John, 98. Swetman, Nicholes, 125. Swetting, Jane, 64. Symon, Alice, 67. Simeon, 89. Sympson, Alice, 97. Ambrose,1, 97. ., Susan- -11a, 75. TADDY, Ann, 29. ,, Elizabeth, 29. ,, John, 90, 91. ,, Mary, 71. Nicholas, 29. Ursula, 91. Tadhunter, John, 90. Taieler, Alias, 63. See Taylor. Talbot, Elizabeth, 35, 124. ,, John, 35, 124. Tallis, John, 105. Tamblyn, George, 95. Tams, Margaret, 87. Tangitt, Petegr, 102. Tanner, Thomas, 63. Tap sell, Simon, 67. Tapwell, Elizabeth, 119. Talin. Thomas, 122. Tastred, Eme, 57. 'l‘aswell, Anne, xvi. Charles, xvi. Morris, xvi. ,, William, xvi. Tate, Catherine, 108. Tatenden, Mary, 73. Tatnall, Martha, 106. ,7 7‘ 9, 77 ,, Thomas, 106. Tayler, Abraham, 49 to 55, 93. Taylor, Alice, 63. Anne, 54, 72. Catherine, 49, 118, 136. Edmund Smith, 52. Elizabeth, 54, 83. Ellen, 69. Hannah, 94. Hester, Esther, 49 to 55. John, 53, 118, 11872, 139. Judith, 68, 81. Martha, 39, 84. Mary, 39, 50, 85, 87, 118. 3, ,9 7’ 3, 31 H 7’ 1, 9’ ,, H H Rebecca, 126. Sarah, 50, 80, 95. Susanna, 50. Thomas, 65, 95, 109. Tobit, 119. ,, William, 51, 72. Teale, Ann, 44. ,, Elizabeth Ann, 44. ,, James, 44. Tearyes, Isaac, 113. ,, Richard, 11372. Teate, Elizabeth,‘106. John, 106. Tedart, Isaac, 5. Tenison, Archbishop, iv. Dr., v. Terry, Abel,103,104. Terre-e, Abigail, 22. Tyrrey, Abraham, 104. Tyrrye, Ann, 11, 30. Arnoull, 9972. Austen, 4. Catherine, 65. Elizabeth, 21 to 23, 68. Isaac, 23, 87. Jean, 99. ,9 ,, 77 )’ ’3 H 7, ,9 ,9 ,9 ,9 Lieutenant Matthew, 118. MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. Terry, John. 60. ,, Judith, 103. ,, Mary, 4, 30, 61, 88, 99. ,, Michael, 21, 22. ,, Nicholas, 30. ,, Ralph, 4. ,, Thomas, 23. William, 11. Tevelein, James, 95. See Tiblaine. Thacher, Agnes, 58,59. Thacker, Alice, 3. ,, Elizabeth, 58. ,, James, 2. ,, John, 2, 3. ,, Joyce, 98. ,, Susan, 3. ,, Thomas, 2. ,, Widow, 100. ,, William, 100. Tharp, Richard, 109. See Thorpe. Thelwell, John, 80. Tholbe, Thomas, X. Thomas, Daniel, 6. ,, Elizabeth, 77, 129. ,, John, 6. ,, Mary, 91,132,140. William, 139. Thompson, Elizabeth, 69. , John, 103. Thomson, Ambrose, 73. ,, Ann, 39, 128. ,, Hug h, 39. Thorauld, Mary, 59. Thorns, Mary, 98. ,, Sara, 98. Thornton, William, 59. Thorowgood, Thomas, 72. Thorpe, Thomas, 78. See Tharp. Througeod, Thomas, 72. Tiblaine, Charles, 52. ,, James, 52, 95. ,, Lucy Maria, 52. Ticknor, Ann, 82. Tiddman, Henry, 65. Tilby, }Greorge, 23,24, 114, 115. Tilbe, Jane, 114. ,, Jean, 23, 24, 114. ,, John, 24, 115. Tilly, } Elizabeth, 30, 78. T1119, John, 46, 89, 121. Mary, 46. Tinling, Mary y, 56. ,, Mary Ann, 56. ,, Cap tyaiu Pattison, 56. Tips, Rebecca, 110. Tisdell. Anna, 81. Titcomb, . . . . . ., 119. Colonel, iv. Tith? Jean, 103. Titterden, Deborah, 62. Tittiman, Thomas, 70. Titus, Ann, 54. ,, Robert, 54, 139. Todde, John, 16. ,, Martha, 16. Toes, Jane, 71. Toker, John, v. Tolston, William, 65. Tomblen, Mrs., 101. Tomlen, Stephen, 69. Tomlin, Hanna, 77. Tompson, John, 103. Tongey, Elizabeth, 65. Torpp 1e. See Triple. Towll, John, ii, 79. Trapes, Christian, 68. Traps, William, 68. Trappum, Margaret, 63. «Jerwwmvn» — ~ ., _ .1 WWW—w— awn-3w? rn : "‘ 3W .’ «9 n - . INDEX or PERSONS. 181 Tra y,sley Joan, 70. Treatton, Ambrose, 62. Tredcraft, Andrew, 13 to 15, 106. Tredtraft, Martha, 106. ,, Mary, 13 to 15. ,, Susanna, 14. ,, Sybilla, 13. Tretten, Margaret, 69. Trenwell, Susanna, 75. Travers, Elizabeth, 75. Trevitt, Horton, 126. Trice, Margaret, 82. ,, Stephen, 87. ,, Thomas, 86. Triple, Catherine, 61. Tritton, John, 99. Mercy, 88. Trotter, Elizabeth, 63. Troward, Sarah, 69. ‘ Truebridge, Abraham, vi. Truelove, Anne 60. ,, Parnell, 65. Trymnell, Stephen, 59. Tubb, Elizabeth 55. ,, Georg e Polglaze, 55. ,, William, 55. Tuck-e, Anne, 7. ,, Edward, 88, 122. ,, George, 102. ,, Henry, 108. ,, John, 25, 113 to 118. ,, Mary, 102, 134. ,, Nicholas, 25, 115. ,, Richard, 6, 7, 25, 102, 10272, 116. ,, Sarah, 25, 117, 133. ,, Stephen, 101. ,, Thomas, 6, 7, 74. ,, Ursula, 7, 102, 117. Tucker, . . . . .,106,107. ,, Ann,7,18,101,112. ,, Caleb, 86. ,, Denes, 18. ,, Grace, 107. ,, Henry, 7, 14, 106. ,, James, 6, 17. Joan, 5. John, iii, 5, 6, 7, 13, 14, 17,‘ 18, 101, 101”, 106 to 110, 112. ,, Laurence, 73, 78. ,, Margaret, 13, 14. ,, Martha, 7, 13, 106. ,, Mary, 5. ,, Priscilla, 6. ,, Richard, 76. ,, Susan, 14. ,, Sybil, 6. ,, Thomas, 65. H ” William, 73. Tuckwell, Elizabeth, 39,40. ,, Mary 39. William, 39, 40. Tunbridge, Stephen, 93. Susan-na, 134. Turmaine, Phebe, 140. Turner, Africa, 44. ,, Anne, 77. ,, Elizabeth, 59, 76. ,, James, 44. ,, Mark, 72. 1: Mary, 71' ,’, Richard, 84, 99. ,, Stephen, 63. ,, Thomas, 4, 69, 99. William, 3 44, 64. Tumey, Mary, 78. Turnley,1John,28, 124. Turnly, jsarah, 28, 124. ,, Thomas, 28. 'l‘urtledove, Frances, 36. Twigg g, Ann, 78. Twyman, Cha1les, 85 Sarah, 76. Tyler, Sarah, 70. Tyrell, John, 56. ,, Sarah, 56. ,, William Tassel, 56, 140. UFFERTON, Catherine, 14. Ufertun, Charles, 16. ,, John, 14 to 16. Ulett, Sarah, 84. Underdown, Daniel, 69. ,, Thomas, 77 Vincent, 73. Underhill, Richard, 127. Underwood, Peter, 67 Thomas, 95. Upton, Ann, 39, 43. ,, Elizabeth, 27, 31 to 34, 38, 43, 44, 121 to 123, 131. ,, Hannah, 30, 78, 81. ,, Isabella, 31. ,, Jane, 79. ,, John, 23, 25, 27, 31 to 33, 35, 38 to40, 43, 113,122 to 125,132n,133. ,, Mary. 32, 33, 35, 43, 123, 131. ,, Milton, 135. ,, Peace, 32. ,, Robert, 129. ,, Samuel, 33, 72, 123, 135. ,, Susan-ma, 23, 25, 27, 30 to 35, 38 to 41, 76, 82, 120 to 124, 128, 134. ,, Thomas, 30 to 35, 41, 76, 120 to 124, 128, 137. ,, William, 31 to 34, 41 to 44, 78, 87, 91, 124, 135. Urin, Leonard, 81. VALE, Humphrey, 89. Vallavaine, Peter, 1'28”. Valter, Mary, 101. ,, Thomas, 101. Vandepere, Ann. 13. ,, Edward, 8. ,, George, 10,13, 105, 113. ,, John, 8. Thomasin, 13,69. Vanerd, Priscilla, 103. See Banerd. Vanhere, Joseph, 69. Van-Monteany, Hester, 34. ,, Jacob, 34. ,, Mary, 34. Vann, Chrlstop her, 72. Vanson, Samuel, 90. Varnam, Elizabeth, 4, 99. ,, John, 4. Varter, Jane, 64. Vaugham, Henry, 60. ,, Perce, 60. Vawan, Helen, 97. ,, John, 97. Veill, Ann, 104. ,, John, 104. Viell, John, 104. Ville, Ann, 9. ,, Thomas, 9. Veluen, Samuel, 36. Venus, Mary, 75. Verew, John, 74. Vewers, Mary, 75. Vidgen, John, 53. ,, Mary, 53. ,, Richard, 53. Villers, Rucke M., 92. Vincei, Godfrey, 93. Vincent, Anne, 99. ,, Catherine, 49 to 51. ,, Charles, 49. 182 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. Vincent, Charlotte, 49. ,9 ’9 H 9, 9’ 3, 3, ,3 ’9 9’ 3, ,, Viner, Viney, Violet, Virgin, Frank, 49 to 51. Harriot, 49. Isabella, 49. James, 50. Jemima, 50. Jeremiah, 78. John, 48 to 50, 90. Mary, 48 to 50. Robert, 48. Thomas, 91. Walter, 88. William, 88, 90. Eleanor, 66. John, 81. Jane, 109. Adam, 60. Richard, 60. Vornam, John, 4. Vyton, Robert, 63. WADDELL, Henry, 90, 91. ,9 Wade, ” 9’ 9’ 3 , Wager, Jane, 64. Alice, 1. Anne, 132. Daniel, 133. John, 137. William, 1. John, 60, 102, 104, 10422. Martha, 64. Wag mor. See Wigmore. Wag stafe, John, 72. Wakelen, Daniel, 113. Wakeley, Waker, ” 9, 7, 9 Wallzer, ’3 9’ 9, 9’ ,3 I, 9’ 3? 3’ Wall- Wale, ’9 9, 9, ,9 3, ,7 H H 9, 9, ’9 ” Waller, ’1 ” Wallis Wallys, ’ ’ Walsh, 2 ’ S , Walter, M 9’ 3’ H 9’ 6’} ’ 1 Ann, 116. Aphra, 18, 68. Bennet, 18. Elizabeth, 60. Henry, 18. Susanna, 73. Catherine, 61. Elizabeth, 32, 126. Isaac, 79. James, 7. John, 8. Mary, 32, 74. Nathaniel, 32. Susan, 73. Thomas, 73. William, 7, 8. ..... ,.19 Abraham, 19, 20,30,132. Catherine, 27. Edwa1d, 18, 20,21,27, 110,111. Elizabeth, 27, 28. Gilbert, 29. Goodman, 109. James, 131. John, 18, 59, 131. Mary, 28 to 30. Mildred, 18, 20, 21, 28, 110, 111. Richard, K. Thomas, 20, 27 to 30. William, 20, 21, 110,111. Elizabeth, 40, 57. Esther, 90. John, 40. Sarah, 40, 77. Alice, 4. Hellen, 61. Thomas, 61, 100. Arabella, 54. Thomas, 54. William, 54. Jacob, 49, 50. John, 4. Mary y, 49, 50, 93. Priscilla, 64. Richard, 104. Samuel, 50. Walter, William, 76. William Lawrence, 50, 136. Walters, Nicholas, 139. Walton, Margaret, 57, 79. Wanderton, Ann 102. ,, Mary, 102. Wanstall, Petley, 82. ,, Sa1ah, 86. Wanston, Thomas, 95. Ward-e, Edmund,5 ,, Elizabeth, i)5, 58, 86. ,, Joanna, 78. ,, John, x,1, 2, 5, 60 61, 97 3’ Mary,5 ,, Mildred, 5. William, 97. VVarllington, Deborah, 15. ,, Martha,1 ,, Richard, 15. Warman, Mary, 94. ,, Matthew, 87. , Susanna, 87. Warner, Cornelius, 73. ,, John, 84. , Thomas, 9822. Warnern, Thomas, 9922. Warrin-e, Abraham, 10. Wariu, Ann, 10. Warin, Henry, 6. ,, John, 18, 68. ,, Mary, 7,10,18. ,, Mildr,ed 9 ,, Richard, 9 10,18. ,, Williamé 6, 7, 10. Warriner, Anne, 6,100. ,, Joan, 5. ,, Margaret, 5. ,, Mary ,, Matthew, 3, 5, 6, 10522. ,, Thomas,x x. Warry, Mary ,70. Warton. Edward, 63. Warwell, Annot, 23. Worwell, Grace, 24. ‘ ,, John, 23, 24, 32. ,, Mary ,23, 24, 32. ,, Robert, 32. ., Thomas, 32. Wash, Catherine, 38. ,, John, 38. ,, Sarah, 38 Wastall, Edward, 76. Waters, gCarter, 41. See Wharton. Watters, Elizabeth, 85. ,, Jane, 42. ,, John, 42. ,, Joseph, 142. 91 Mary.4 Rebecca, 41. Watlien, Susan, 73. Watkins, Ann, 94. Watson, [Alec’ rd, 94. Whatson,jAu11, 43,44,131. ,, Annaria, 42. ,, Annamaria, 131. ,, Anstis, Antis, 42. ,, Elizabeth 71,132. ,, George, 42. ,, Henry, 4.., 43, 82, 131, 132. ,, J ames, 42. ,, John, 42 44,88,130. ,, Mary, 42,43,131. ,, Sarah, 93. ,, Step hen, 94. ,, Theo philus, 79. ,, Thomas, 94. William, 44. Wattmor, Giles, 1ii. INDEX or PERSONS. 183 Wear-e, Charlotte, 55. ,, John Southee, 56. ,, Sarah, 54 to 56, 73. ,, Southee, 54 to 56. ,, Thomas, 54. Widow, 134. Webb- -6, Elizabeth. 66, 69, 129. Weeb, Jane, 85. Webe, 1John, 10,73. ,, Marg ar:et 87. ,, Mary, 63. ,, Sarah, 136. ,, Thomas, 10. Weeden, Grace, 41. Weden, James, 40, 41. ,, John, 41. ,, Mary, 40, 41. Welby. ”Daniel, 94. Wellby, 1 John, 91, ,, Sarah, 90. Simon, 91. Susanna, 91. Welch- 9, Edward, 135. ., John 62. Wellard, } Agnes,_78. Wellerd, Catherme, 62. ,, George, 78. ,, John, 62, 76. ,, Margaret, 78. Wells, Ann, 72. ,, Elizabeth, 67. ,, Mary, 68, 85. ,, Nicholas, 72. Thomas, 94. Welman, Alice, 56. ,, John, 56. ,, William, 56. Welshman, Morgan, a 102. Went, Alice, 3. Weryer, George, 61. Wessenden, Elizabeth, 59. West- e-, Aim, 7 ,, Catherine, 2, 7, 101. ,, Frances, 4, 62. ,, Henry, 101. ,, James, 63. ,, John, 2, 5, 99, 100. ,, Margaret, 2, 61. 1’ ,, Mary,4 45, 99. ,, Matthew, 2, 5, 6, 7, 61, 64, 101, 10171, 10212. ,, Michael, 3. ,, Robert, 3, 102. ,, Susan, 102. ,, Thomas, 2, 0, 6, 59, 9811, 100,10012, 101, 102,104. William, 2. Westbury, Edward, 21. ,, Grace, 21. ,, John, 21. Westmore, John, x. Weston, Elizabeth, 73. Westover, Sophia, vi. Wharton, Ann, 126. ,, Jane, 126. See Warton. Wheare, Sarah, 73. See Wear. Wheatley, John, 2. Whetley, William, 2. Wheeler, Hannah, 48. ,, Thomas, 48. White, } Agnes, 86. Whyte, Alice, 44. ,, Anne, 4, 62, 75, 106. ,, Bell, 2. 9971, 101. ,, Catherine, 18, 62. ,, Charlotte, 48. ,, Daniel, 48. ,,' Dorothy, 5. White, Edward, 73. ,, Elizabeth, 41, 48, 49. ,, Elizabeth Francis Charlotte, 49. ,, Frances, 48. ,, James, 18, 41. ,, Jane, 64. ,, Joan, 61. ,, John, 3, 48, 49, 92, 100. ,, Lydia, 95. ,, Margaret, 2, 60. 69. ,, Mary,4,14, 63, 87, 92 107. ,, Michael, 3, 98. ,, Paul, 64. ,, Robert, 73. ,, Susanna, 100. ,, Thomas, 4, 44, 76, 85. ,, Timothy, 14, 106, 107 ,, Widow, 102,107. ,, William, 14,113. Whitfeild, Anna, x1ii. Whitfield, 1An11,112,120, 121.132. ,, Catherine, xiii, 113, 134. ,, Elizabeth, 111, 120,139. ,, Frances, 96. ,, Henrietta, xiii. ,, Henry, xiii, 5, 39, 65, 109, 113, 114, 128. ,, Henry Palmer, 39. ,, Jaqueyst, 112. ,, James, 15. ,, Joan- -11a, xiii, 112. ,, John, 17111, 21111 102”, 108 lllto 114,116, 118, 120, 121,126, 132,137. ,, Liddeate, 39. ,, Magdalene, 44. :3 Mary. 44,77,12012, 127 ,, Machael, 64. ‘ ,, Rebecca, viii, xiii,96,111, 113,116. ,, Robert, xiii,12 0, 121,125,129. ,, Roberta, xiii. ,, Sarah, 15,17. ,, Susanna, 17 Thomas, 15t017, 111,121. Whiting, Afara, 16. ,, Ann, 13, 70, 106, 108, 10811. ,, Catherine, 6, 7, 101. ,, Ing gle, xi, 8. ,, James, 7,102. ,, John, 6, 100. ,, Martha,6,7, 14,65,101. ,, Susan, 13 to 15, 17, 107. ,, William, 6, 7, 8, 13 to 17, 10072, 161, 10172, 102, 1H06t0198, 113. Whithead, John, 69. Whithen, Susan, 73. Whittlocke, John, 74. Whitingan, John, 110. Whittingham, John, 110. Whittou, Thomas, 64. Whittun, Mary, 65. Wibber, Elizabeth, 136. Wibbow, Hester, 20. ,, John, 20. ,, Mary, 20. Wickers, Hester, 66. Wickmor-e, Henry ,.17 ,, John, 17?, See Wig mor. Wicks, Francis, 87,88. Widdet }Ann, 74. Wittett, James, 72. Widgsill, Alice, 94. Wigmor- -e, Anne, 6, 16, 70. ,, Anthony, 21,111. ,, Dorothy ,16, 18 to 22,111,114. ,, Edward, 20, 21, 110, 111. ,, Elizabeth, 9.21, 22,105,112. ,, Henry y, iii, 6to 9, 16 to 2,2 62,102, 104, 105, 107, 109 to 1121,1272,114. ,, James, 7, 8, 18, 102. 184 ST. MARY MAGDALENE, CANTERBURY. Wigmor-e, John, 7, 17, 107. ,, Rebecca, 6. ,, Robert, 19. ,, Thomas, 20. ,, Thomson, 6. ,, William, 18, 111. See Wickmor. Wild-e, Elizabeth, 65. Nicholas, 77 Wildbore, Andrew, 76. ,, Ann, 828.9 Mary, 82. Wildish, Sarah, 88. Wilds, Mary y, 7.4 Wiles, Elizabeth, 67. ,, Mary, 88. ,, Thomas, 68. Wilkes, Catherine, 72. ,, Mary, 71. Walter, 73. Wilkins, Edward, 62 Wilkinson, Alice, 59. A1111, 100. Elizabeth, 40, 128. John, 5, 87, 100. Mary y, 5, 6, 40. Rebecca,6, 100. Susan, 5. Thomas, 5. 100. William, 6, 83, 100, 100”. Willcock, Jane, 10. John, 10. Wilcocks, Thomas, 60. Willes, Henry, 19,108. Wills, James, 19, 108. John, 119. Willford, Charles, 15. Eleano1, 79. Elizabeth, 14,15. James, 11 14, 15. ,, Thomas, 14. Willis, John, 119. Ma1y,119. Willmonte, A1111, 12. Wlllmott, Ann, 12. ,, Eve, 75. ,. John, 101. ,, Richard, 1:3. Williams, Anne, 135. Damaris, 11. ,, Elizabeth, 126. ,, Francis, 100. ,, Henry, 11. Jemima, 131. 37 ,9 ,1 ,1 7, ,7 )7 ,9 ‘9 9’ 7’ 7, 9’ 3’ 3) ’7 H H 3, Margaret, 38. Mary, 95, 134. Nicholas, 16. Rowland, 64. Susanna, 134. Thomas, 137. William, 38, 81, 95. Willowas, Mary, 66. Willson, I Aphra, 15. Wilson, jEdward, 54. Francis, 13,106. John. 72, 78. Margaret, 13, 15. Maria, 54. Mary, 13,44, 54, 136. Ralph, 44. Trustrum,13,l5,106. Widow, 109. Wiltshire, 44. Wiltshere, William, 88. Windebancke, John, 102. Sara, 102. Windsor, Elizabeth 60. Windsor, Grace, 134. 9) 3’ ’7 9, 7) 7) 7, 77 John, 16, 60, 65, 77, 120», 131, 138. Winfield, John, 69. Winford, William, 87. Wing ate, John, iii, v, vi, 11812, 120. Winter, Ann, 120. ,, Edward, 26. ,, Frances, 62. ,, Isaac, 120. ,, Jacob, 120. ,, Jane, 64. ,, John, 26, 58. ,, Mary Sarah, 26, 124. Winteringham, William, 70. Wisdome, Richard, 107. Wise. See Wy se. Witfind, Robert, 125. Withenbury, John, 66. Wittett, Ann, 74. See Widdet. Witthered, Abraham, 14. Ann, 14. Wodsell, Richard, 58. Woghop e, John, X. Wood-e, Alice, 62. ,, Ann, 32, 122 ,, Brownirig, 32, 122. ,, Elizabeth, 51, 53, 54, 75, 105, 140. ,, George. 54, 139. ,, Hannah, 122. ,, Jane, 54. ,, J oan, 65. ,, John, 82, 95. ,, Margaret, 75. ,, Martha, 80. ,, Mary, 69. ,, Michael, 51, 53, 54, 12372, 137. ,, Mrs., xi. ,, Nicholas, 99. ,, Noah, 64. ,, Robert, 32, 122. ,, Sara, 74. ,, Susan, 85. ,, Thomas, 53. William, 51, 138. Woodborne, Margaret, 4. VVoodbridg, Elizabeth, 65. ,, Margaret, 9. ,, William, 9, 64, 104. Woodcock, Mary, 60. Woodden, Elizabeth, 63. Wooding, Margaret, 78. Woodlan-d, Aillian, 64. Wodland, iElizabeth, 19, 21. ,, Joanna, 21. ,, Jonas, 19. ,, Joseph, 21. ,, J os1as 19. ., Mary.’ 5 Step hen, 65. Woodman, Hestel, 47. ,, Maria, 47. ,, Thomas, 47. Woodrufi, Thomas, 103. Woods, Daniel, 112. Woodward, Robert, 1:. VVoollett, Margaret, 81. Woolley, John, 82. Woolton, Mary, 79 Woorger, Anthony, 107 Wooten, Woottne, Joy ce, g8 Woottun, Wooty n, Ralph,8 Word, John, 78. Worsly, Isaac, 75. Worster, Margaret, 85. ,, William, 127. Widow. 131. Wraig ht, 1Ann, 74, 85. Wreight, IDaniel, 76. ,, Elizabeth, 54,74. Wraight, Hannah 55. ,, John, 53 to 55. ,, John Fletcher, 53. ,, Mary, 53 to 55. ,, Sara, 76. ,, 'l‘ bomas, 78. ,, Thomas Fletcher, 55. ,, Timothy, William}: 53. Sec Wraith. Wrai’tb, Elizabeth, 74. ,, Timothy 7,6 94. William, 76. See Wraight. Wreake, Jaspar, 10071, n Mary, 77' Wright, Henry, x. ,, Jean, 14. ,, Samson, 14. Thomas, 97. Wyatt, Robert, 131. Wyborne, Daniel, 79. ,, Elizabeth, 86. W yborrow, Martha, 81. Wydea1d, John, 1, 97. ,, Joyce, 1. Wyer, Ann, 44. ,, J enet, 44. ,, Peter, 44. Wylding, Elizabeth, 58. Wylliard, Thomas, 61. Wyman, Alice, 66. ,, Thomas, 89. Wymarke, Elizabeth, 67. Wynmore, Robert, x. Wyse, .98. Wyes-e, Catherine. 3. Wise, Edward, 2, 98. ,, 7’ INDEX OF PERSONS. 185 Joan, 59, 104. J obn 2. William, 2. W ysenden, Richard, 59. Wysse, John, 2. YEAMANS, Thomas, 98. Yeawell, Segmon, 58. Yenden, John, 84. Yeomans, Mary, 61. Young- 9, (Agnes, 58 Youge, )9 H 9’ ,7 9’ 31 7’ ,c 7’ 7’ ,’ ,’ H ,i 9’ H H ,) jAnn, 48, 94. Benjamin, 108. Dorothy, 63. Edward, 48, 91. Elias, 22,23, 70. Elizabeth, 6, 7, 22, 27 to 30, 75, 101, 122, 127. Esther, 48. Henry, 80. Jacob, 77. James, 27, 40. Jane, 29, 131. John, 75. Margaret, 29. Martha, 81. Mary, 6, 28, 39, 40, 74, 7542, 128, 129. Robert, 27 to 30. Sarah, 30. Susan- -,na 39, 40, 128, 135 Tbomas,6, 7,27, 39,40, 79, 8294, 101, 101%,108,128. William, 12371. Yourke, Margaret, 57. INDEX OF PLACES. ABINTONN, 118. CANTERBURY-Continued. Adisham, 71, 78 90. St. Martin’s, 1v, 76,77 83 93, 109, 111, 122. Aghnamedle, Tipperary, 38. St. Martin’s Hill, 68, 109 to 1l1,114. Alkham, 87. St. Mary Bredin’s, 70, 94, 95. Allstone, 71 St. Ma1y Bredmaii’ s, vii, 77, 94, 95,111, 114, Ash, 23, 24, 69 to 79. 81, 82, 84, 85, 87,90.136n. Ashfo1d, 67, 69, 71, 73, 77, 80, 82. St. Mary de Castro, vii. BARHAM, 95. St. Mar North gate 76, 88, 91, 93, 109, 110, Barton Court, xiv. 116, 136g, 137. Beauxfield, 74. St. Mary St1eet, vii. Bekesbourne, 79. St. Mildred’s, 18, 74, 76, 78, 90 to 92, 94, 95, Bethersden,’l’8. 110,112,139. Bilsingtou, 74. St. Paul’s, 1v 24, 73, 74, 76, 77, 83, 86, 90, 91, Birchington, 71, 72,83. 94,111, ,’,113 114,124,132, 134,136, Birmingham, 55. 139. Bobbing, 68. St. Peters, i, 70, 78,86, 95,96, 113, 136, 136%, Boningto11,75, 77, 78. - 139. Borden, 83. St. Thomas’sHill, v. Boughton, 68, 82. “Ship, The,” 118. Boughton under Blean, 88, 89. Upper Hospital 118. Boughton Malherbe, 69, 71, 72, 78. Walloons’ Church, 20. Brabourne. 71,77, 80. Westgate, 73,79,82, 111,113. Brambland, 59. “White Hart, The,”111, v. Bredgar, 83. Challock, 73. Bridge, 84, 85. Charing, 77. Brook, 86. Chart, 74. Buckland,69. Cha1tham, 81,95. Burmarsh, 70. Chatham. 73 75, 77,84, 93. CANTERBURY: — Chelsea, 79. All Hallows, 76. Chilham, 72.77, 94, 96. All Saints’, 68, 90, 95, 96, 116. Chillenden, 74. Baptist Burlal Ground xi, 134, 136, 138. Chislet, 67, 68, 70 to 72,75, 79. Canterbury Lat-1e, 136. Cinque Ports, xiv. Castle Row, vii. Cosmus upon Blean, 84. Castle Street, vi, vii. Crundale, 83. Chapel Church ard, vi, vii. DARTFORD, 69. Christ Church, ii, 68, 86, 88, 94. Deal, 68 to 81, 84 to 86, 93. Cloisters Burial Giound, 139. Denton, xvi, 85. Dane John, iv, vi, vii. Doddington, v, 85, 136, 13621. “Dolphin, m’l‘he,” 118. Dover, 71, 74 to 77, 79, 82, 86, 124. Eastbridg e, 70. Dover Castle, 81, 86. Eastbridg geHosp'itali xi. Dover, St. Mary s, 36, 70, 78, 83,84, 86, 87. “Falcon, The,” 1ii, 124. Durham County, 87. Friars, The, 28,118. Dymchurch,74, 84. Friars, Black, xi. EALING, 7572. Friars, White, 95. East Lan gdon, 86. “Half Moon, The,” 75. Eastliug g. 76. Holy Cross, 111, 113. East1y, 69 70, 74 to76, 78,82. Kin y'sbiidge Hospital, 122. 'Egerton, 82. May g'pnaid’sS ital, vii. Elham. 69, 72, 73,76. Norythgate, 81, 131. Elmstead, 74,84. North Holmes, iv. Elmstoue, 76. Oaten Hill, iii. Ely, v. Orange Street, xi. Ewell, 84. Palace, The, 74.Eytho1ne, 57, 72,91. St. Alphage,1, 1v 75,86, 93, 112, 113. FAVERSHAM, 57,69, 75, 81,83, 85,109. St. Andrew’s, v11, 57, 88,91, 93, 114 to 116, Feiraby, xiii. 118, 122, 124, 1,31 H132. Folkestone, 69 to 71, 74, 78, 83, 85, 87, 92. St. Augustin’ s, vii. Fordwich xvi. St. Dunstan’ s, 57, 89, 92, 93. France, iv. St. George’ s. v, vii, viii, 73, 74, 77, 86 to 89, Frinstead, 71. 109 to 113, 122, 135, 136, 138,139. GILLINGHAM, 77. St. Gregory’s, iv. Goodnestone, 84. St. John’ s, vii. Grain, Isle of, 83. St. John’s Hospital, xi. Graveney, 80. St. John’ sLane, vii. Great Hardres, 70. St. Margaret’s, 91,112, 11212, 113, 132, 134, Great Mongeham, 111. 139. , Gunston, 74, 76. a , l t . . i l V f :3 HALs'row, 85. Ham, 86. Hampton, 79. I-Iarbledown, 115. Hastingleigh, 84. Hastings, 77. Hawkinge, 57. Healeing, 75. Herne, 68 to 73, 75, 82, 86. Hernehill, 69, 72. f, Hertford. 83. Heath, 72, 92. Horsham, 121. Hougham, 83. Hythe, 78. ICKHAM, 70, 71, 73, 75, 79, 86. Ireland, 38. Isle of Grain, St. James’s, 83. Ivychurch, 84. Iwade, 76. KINGSNOTE, 78. Kingstone, 73, 77, 84, 85. LENHAM, 71, 82. 93. Littlebourne. 74, 76, 78, 91. Lomaswold, 84. London, iii, 97. Fishstreet, 83. Leadenhall Street, 92. Lincoln’s Inn, xiv. St. Catherine Cree, 92. St. Martin’s, 73. St. Mary Overys, 78. Stepney, 81. Lower Han-dres, 79, 85. Luddenham, 79. Lydd, 77, 93, 98. Lyminge, 68, 70, 85, 87. Lympne, 86. Lynstead, 83. MADAGASCAR, vii. Maidenhead, 81. Maidstone, v, 71, 85. May Field, 81. Milton, 70, 76, 83, 85, 89, 92, 93. Milton 1]. Sittingbourue, 83, 85. Minersik, 75. Minster, 68, 71, 73, 75, 76, 81. See Thanet. Molash, 83, 85. Mongeham, 72, 74, 76, 79. Mongeham the Great, 111. Monk’s Horton, xiv, 73. Mount Morris, xiv. NAcxINGTON, 78. Newchurcb, 77. Newington, 72, 76. Newington n. Sittingbourne, 69. New Romney, 70, 91. Nonnington, 69, 74 to 76, 82. Northbourne, 70 to 73, 75, 77 to 79, 82, 84. Nurson, Staifs., 78. OABE, 79, 80, 86. Ospringe, 30, 90. PADDLEswonrH, 84. Patrixbourne, 68, 79, 85, 87, 88.. Petham, 72, 79, 115. Pluckley, 71, 77, 81, 84, 87. Preston, 68, 78. Qnmnononen, 82. RAINHAM, 77. Richmond, 48. Ringwould, 69, 76, 77, 86, 87. Ripple, 87. River, 70 to 73. Rochester, 78. Romans-gate, 72. Romney Marsh, 98. Ryswick, ivn. Sr. MAneAnm- AT CW, 74, 82, 86. INDEX OF PLACES. St. Mary Gray, 89. St. Mary’s in the Marsh, 73. St. Stephen’s, 87. Saltwood, 86. Sandwich, 70, 72 to 74, 76 to 79. St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, 74. St. Clement’s, 69, 77. St. Mary’s 69, 86. St. Peter’s, 84. Sarre, 74, 82. Seasalter. 83. Selling, 83, 93. Sellinge, 82. Sheldwich, 83. Shepherdswell, 71, 74. ; Shoulden, 69, 71, 72, 86. ‘ Showbery, 79. Sittingbourne, 70, 75, 84. Smarden, 71. Smeeth, 83, 86. South Showber, 7 9. Staple, 69, 71, 73, 82, 85. ‘ Stockton, 87. Stodmarsh, 70, 71. Stourmouth, 57, 72, 73, 76, 78, 82. Stouting, 82. Street End, 132. Sturry, 69, 110. Sussex, 72, 81. Sutton, 74. Swenfell, 69. Swinfield, 71, 72. TANKERDEN, 71. Taptun, xvi. Tenterden, 71. Teynham, 69. Thanet, Isle of, 24, 73, 76, 84, 116. Birchington, 68, 71, 72, 83. Margate, 74. Minster, 68, 70, 72, 73, 75, 79, 84. Monkton, 68, 82. Monkton Court, ix. Ramsgate, 72, 79, 86, 87. Romans-gate, 72. St. John’s, 69, 71 to 79, 82 to 87, 93. St. Lawrence, 70, 71, 77, 81 to 83, 85 to 87. St. Nicholas, 70, 76, 82. St. Peter’s, 77, 83, 85 to 88. Thanington, 84, 92. Throwley, xiv. Tilmanstone, ii, 71, 72. Tipperary County, 38. Tunstall, 84. ULCOMB, 69. WADEURST, 72. Waldershare, 79. Walmer, 94. Waltham, 76, 79, 84, 94. Warehorn, 73. Westbere, 70, 73, 84, 95. Westerd, 75. West Hythe, 86. West Layton, xiv. Westminster, St. James’s, vi, 94. Westwell, 69, 71, 72, 79. Wethersham, 70. Whitfield, 73, 74, 84. Whitstable, xvi, 78, 86. Wickham, 68, 69, 73, 74. Wickhambreux, 70. Willesborough, 79. Wingham, 68, 70 to 77, 81, 82, 85, 94, 113. Womenswould. 69, 84, 111. Woodnesborough, 68 to 70, 72, 74 to 79, 83. Wootton, v, 84. Word, 78, 82. Wye, ii, 68, 74. YORK COUNTY, xiv. 187 3 1198 05747 0671 HIIIIIWIHHIIHII WI! ill |l| HIHIIIHHIIIHWIII N/ll‘ifi/UE?H?/UE?1.X + ummummu"IliummmIflmmnmmmnmmummumu N/ll'fiB/USWH/UEJLX