PREFATORY NOTE THE first edition of this Guide was prepared and pub— lished fir; the meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Cambridge, in August, 1898. It was edited by Mr. Byron Satterlee Hurlbut, A.M. (H. U. ’87), Recording Secretary of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. The present edition, enlarged and with additional illus- trations, is issued, by permission of the President and Fellows of Harvard College, by the Harvard Memorial Society. The object of this Society, which was founded in 1895, is “to foster among students interest in the historical associations of Harvard and to perpetuate the traditions of her past.” The editor of the Guide and compiler of the larger part of it is Mr. William Garrott Brown, A.M. (H. U. ’91). The account of the Student Organizations is due partly to Mr. Harold Williams, Jr., of the Class of ’99 ; that of the Student Publications is partly due to Mr. Henry | ,- James, 2d, of the same class. The new illustrations are mainly taken from photo- ; graphs made for the purpose by Mr. Walter Babcock Swift, of the Class of 1901, President of the Harvard iv “ Camera Club, and Mr. Wilfred G. G. Cole (H. U. ’97), of the Graduate School. The Memorial Society is under obligations to many persons for assistance rendered in the preparation of the Guide, —espeoially to Professor William R. Ware (H. U. ’52), to Professor Morris H. Morgan (H. U. ’81)‘, and to the officers of the University who have written or revised the accounts of their several departments. CHARLES ELIOT NORTON, President of the Harvard Memorial Society. CAMBRIDGE, June, 1899. A new edition of the Guide being called for, the infor- mation contained in it has been brought up to the present time by Mr. Brown. He has been assisted by Mr. Albert V. de Roode, of the Class of 1904, and by Mr. Charles Greely Loring, of the Class of 1903. Several new illus- "d trations from recent photographs have been added. C. E. N. CAMBRIDGE, May, 1903. \\‘\ INTRODUCTION THE UNIVERSITY ARvARD UNIVERSITY is an institution of learn- ing established under the laws of Massachusetts. It is made up of sixteen departments and a large number of museums, laboratories, and other establishments not usually reckoned as separate departments. It occupies a total area of more than 500 acres. Most of the buildings are in Cambridge and Boston. The quick capital of the University July 31, 1902, was $14,114,541.85. The value of the lands and buildings devoted to education and the advancement of learning was estimated at about five million dollars. The enrolment of students in all departments in 1902—03., including the Summer School of 1902, was 5,206. The officers of instruction and admin- istration numbered 592. FOUNDATION The title of University dates only from the year 1780, when the Massachusetts Constitution of that year referred to “the University at Cambridge.” Until 1783, when medical lectures were first given, the institution was properly called Harvard College. Harvard College was founded' m 1636. Oct. 2, 1636 (Old Style), the General Court, as the legislature of 2 Massachusetts Bay was called, passed the following vote: “The Court agree to give four Hundred Pounds towards a School or College, whereof two Hundred Pounds shall be paid the next year, and Two Hundred Pounds when the work is finished, and the next Court to appoint where and what building.” The governor who approved this vote was Henry Vane, afterwards, as Sir Henry Vane, much distinguished in English history. The next year the Court voted that the College should be at Newtowne,and committed the work to twelve eminent men of the colony, among them John Winthrop, who preceded and succeeded Vane as governor, and John Cotton. The same year, the name of the town was changed to Cambridge, in honor of the English university where a number of the Colonists had been educated. In 1638, John Harvard, a non-conformist clergyman who had been in the colony about a year, dying at Charlestown, left his library of 260 volumes, and half his fortune, to the infant college. In his honor it was called Harvard College. In the year 1640, the first President, Henry Dunster, entered upon his duties. Two years later, the first class, numbering‘nine, was graduated. CONSTITUTION The institution was thus founded, placed, and named. Its constitution has been changed several times, but two acts of the colonial legislature, each establishing a gov- erning board, have determined the general character of its government throughout its subsequent history. The first of these was passed in 1642, and, established the Board of Overseers; the second in 1650, and estab- 6’ bar. 3 lished a board officially styled the President and Fellows ‘of Harvard College, but always more commonly known ’) as “The Corporation. entire University. The Board of Overseers was at first made up of the Governor, the Deputy Governor, and the Magistrates of the Colony, “ together with the teaching elders of the six next adjoining towns,—viz., Cambridge, W'atertown, Charlesiown, Boston, Roxbury, and Dorchester,” and the President of the College. It necessarily included all the most prominent and powerful men of the Puritan com- monwealth, and the College government was therefore very like the government of Massachusetts Bay. But this body was soon found too large for the immediate direction of the school, and in 1650 the General Court drew up an instrument of great interest which now hangs in the Librarian’s room in Gore Hall. This document is the Charter of Harvard College. It is “the veritable source of collegiate authority” to-day, and the corpora- tion it established is the oldest in the country. The charter committed the property and the govern- ment of the College to seven persons, a President, a Treasurer, and five Fellows, who were empowered to fill vacancies in their number. They were to elect the teach- ing and other officers, and to make all laws and orders, subject only to confirmation by the Overseers. The records of the President and Fellows, preserved in the archives of the University, are fairly continuous and com— plete. They reveal with what patience and wisdom, for two centuries and a half, the property of the institution has been guarded, its activities expanded, and its high aims adhered to. The responsibility of the Corporation These two boards govern the 4 to the Overseers was somewhat lessened in 1657 by an appendix to the charter, to the effect that the acts of the smaller body should always have “immediate force,” although they should still be “ alterable” by the Over- seers. In the year 1684, the colonial charter of Massachusetts ’ Bay was revoked, and it was generally held at the time that the College charter was vacated by this act of the crown. In consequence, the government of the College was for years unsettled. In 1691, a province charter was given to Massachusetts Bay, and the next year the General Court passed a new College charter, but it was disallowed by the home government because it did not give the King the right to appoint visitors. No less than three other charters passed the General Court, the last in 1700, but none of them ever was confirmed in England. Finally, in 17 07, the Court simply voted that the original charter of 1650 was still in force, and on that theory the College is still governed, and “the seven” are still in power. But the other governing body, the Board of Overseers, is very different now from the original board. In early times there was serious difficulty in getting the members together, and this led first to the establishment of the Corporation and then to a provision of the act of 1657 to the effect that, if notice of a meeting should be given to members dwelling in the “ six next adjoining towns,” votes passed at the meeting should be valid, whether those dwelling in remoter towns received notices or not. The constitution of the State of Massachusetts, adopted in 1780, changed the Overseers by substituting the Gov- ernor, Lieutenant Governor, Council, and Senate of the 5 State for the Governor, Deputy Governor, and Council of the Colony; and defined the “teaching elders” of the “six towns” as “ministers of the Congregational Churches ” in those towns. The next important change came in the year 1810. The Council and Senate were eliminated from the Board, the official membership being reduced to the Governor, the Lieutenant Governor, and the presiding officers of the two houses of the Legislature. The body of the member- ship was to consist of fifteen Congregational clergymen and fifteen laymen, to be elected by the Board itself. This law was repealed two years later, but reenacted in 1814. Twenty years later, the Court voted that the clerical members might be chosen from any denomina- tion, the change to take effect whenever the Corporation and Overseers should agree to accept it. This they did in 1843, and the institution was thus freed from the control of a particular denomination. An act of 1851 struck out entirely the requirement that a portion of the membership should be chosen from the clergy; made the Governor, the Lieutenant Governor, the presiding officers of the two houses, the Secretary of the Board of Education, and the President and the Treasurer of the College, members ea: ofiicio; and entrusted the election of the remaining members to the two houses in joint convention assembled, a certain number to be chosen every year and to go out of office at the end of a term of years. In 1865, the Board was divorced from the State govern- ment by an act which, with some amendments, is still in force. The bachelors of arts of five years’ standing were empowered to elect every Commencement Day five members of the Board, who should hold office for six years, the President and the Treasurer for the time being remaining members ea; ofi‘icz’o. Candidates for member- ship need not even reside in Massachusetts. The elec- tions are held in Massachusetts Hall, and are conducted according to the “Australian” system. In 1902, the General Court empowered the Corporation and Board of Overseers, by concurrent vote, to extend the suffrage for Overseers to the holders of other degrees than that of B. A. But no extension was to be made within three years of the acceptance of this amendment by the two governing bodies. Thus, after many changes, the government of the University is no longer connected with either church or state, except that the General Court of Massachusetts necessarily retains the power to alter it,'— a power, how- ever, which the Court does not seek to exercise without the consent of the University itself. It is therefore true that neither state nor church exercises any control over Harvard, though it was founded by the state and long dominated by the church. THE DEPARTMENTS Turning now to the immediate government of the Uni- versity, we may consider its departments as divided into two general classes, according as they promote chiefly the one or the other of the two general objects for which the whole exists. These two objects are instruction and the advancement of learning. Nine of the depart- ments are schools, and their main work is teaching. Seven departments, and numerous minor establishments, 7 cannot be called schools; they serve to increase and pre- serve knowledge, rather than to instruct and train young men, though they are all accessory to the work of teaching. FACULTY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES The administration of . Harvard College and of two other departments, The Lawrence Scientific School and The Graduate School, is committed to a body called the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, whose meetings are held in University Hall, the central building in the College Yard. This Faculty numbers (in 1902—03) 132. The schools under its control, including the Summer School, offer courses of instruction to more than thirty-five hundred students (3,954 in 1902—03), and use in common most of the lecture halls, laboratories, museums, libraries, etc., in and about the College Yard in Cambridge. V The College, the largest of all the departments, has over two thousand students (2,109 in 1902—03). Six degrees are awarded on recommendation of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. The courses offered in the College lead, ordinarily after a residence of four years, to the degree of Bachelor of Arts. Similarly, the courses in the Scientific School lead to the degree of Bachelor of Science. To properly qualified students in the Graduate School who fulfil the requirements of work and residence” the degrees of Master of Science, Master of Arts, Doctor of Science, and Doctor of Philosophy are offered. The Summer School is directed by a committee of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences; but the Medical School Faculty has control of the courses in medicine, which are given in Boston, and the Divinity School Faculty of those in theology. The total enrolment of Summer School 8 students in 1902 was 945. Women are admitted to all the summer courses except those in medicine. THE PROFESSIONAL SCHOOLS The five professional schools are administered by facul- ties separate from the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Only two professional schools, those of Divinity and Law, are in Cambridge. The Divinity School has its buildings on Divinity Avenue, Cambridge. It offers about forty courses of instruction, covering the subjects studied in denomina- tional schools, but is not controlled by any denomination. The ordinary term of residence for the degree of Bachelor of Divinity is three years. The students have many privileges of instruction in other departments of the University. The Law School occupies Austin Hall, on Holmes field, Cambridge, near the site of the house formerly occupied by the Holmes family, to Whose estate the land belonged. The term of residence ordinarily necessary to obtain the degree of Bachelor of Laws is three years, and none but graduates of colleges of good standingare regularly admitted as candidates for the degree. About‘ thirty separate courses of instruction are offered. The enrolment of students in 1902—03 was 640. The Medical School occupies a building at the corner of Boylston and Exeter Streets, Boston, adjacent to the Boston Public Library. The term of residence for the degree of Doctor of Medicine is four years. The courses offered, including the advanced courses ofiered to graduates, cover about forty-five principal subjects. The enrolment of students in 1902-03, exclusive of sum- mer students, was 445. 9 The Dental School occupies a building on North Grove Street, Boston. The term of residence leading to the degree of Doctor of Dental Medicine is three years. The courses of instruction, some of which are given in the Medical School, cover about twenty principal subjects. The enrolment in 1902—03 was 111. The Bussey Institution, a school of agriculture and horticulture, is situated in Jamaica Plain, a suburb of Boston. A three years’ course of study and the passing of required examinations lead to the degree of Bachelor of Agricultural Science. Thirty-six students attended the school in 1901-02. Systematic instruction is given in agriculture, in useful and ornamental gardening, and in chemistry and natural history as applied to these arts. OTHER DEPARTMENTS The remaining departments of the University do not offer regular courses of instruction leading to degrees; but they are all intimately associated with the work of teaching and are of incalculable value to the various schools which have been enumerated. The Unirersity‘ Library is justly described as the very centre of the working life of the whole University. Its principal strength is in Gore Hall, the College Library, but the Librarian and the Library Council control more than thirty department and special reference libraries in Cambridge and Boston. The University Museum, with which The Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology and The Mtseum of Comparative Zoology are connected, is of daily use to students in various scientific courses, many of Which could not be given adequately without its 10 collections. The Botanic Garden and Gray Herbarium are also in Cambridge. The Astronomical Observatory has its principal'station in Cambridge, where the bulk of its work is done; but it maintains another station at Arequipa, Peru, and the Blue Hill Meteorological Observatory cooperates with it. The Arnold Arboretum, with its Herbarium and Museum, is in Jamaica Plain, a suburb of Boston. MINOR ESTABLISHMENTS The museums, laboratories, etc., not reckoned as sep- arate departments, though some of them have separate buildings, need not be enumerated here. They are all described in the pages which follow. “afryflag/wg/ngmwafiw 6W From the oldest known print of Harvard College, engraved in x726, and representing the college as it appeared when ninety years old. The building on the right. Massachusetts Hall, is still in use. THE COLLEGE YARD AN HISTORICAL SKETCH There is, perhaps, nothing better to say to a stranger entering the Yard of Harvard College than what Lowell said in his oration on the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the College. Having first praised the architectural beauties of Oxford and Cambridge, and acknowledged the fitness of their quadrangles and clois- ters to stand before our eyes for all the past glories of English scholarship and all the venerable associations of those aged universities, he frankly confessed of the New England college that its past is “ well-nigh desolate of aesthetic stimulus. We have none,” he said, “or next to none,A of these coigns of vantage for the tendrils of memory or affection. Not one of our older buildingsis venerable, or will ever become so. Time refuses to con- sole them. TheyA look as if they meant business, and nothing more.” The interest of these buildings is very great; but it is entirely historical and practical, not artistic. For beauty, one must look to the grass and to the noble elms; for inspiration, to the story of the hard beginnings of the College and its fidelity to high ideals, and to the lives and characters of the men who have studied and taught here, and from here have passed into the service of their country, and of just causes, and of mankind. Nevertheless, it seems quite clear that the founders of Harvard, poor men though they were, and in a wilderness, off; had in mind the English universities, and Cambridge especially, when they set about their task. Many of them were Cambridge men; and the first building, rude and ill-built as it was, had much that was suggestive of a “Hall” in an English university. We do not certainly know where it stood, though it is thought to have stood near the site of Grays Hall, but the early records show that it was a home as well as a place of study. There were in it chambers, “ studies,” a kitchen, and a buttery; and on top there was a “turret.” We even know the cost of the various items purchased in fitting up the several “studies.” Here, for example, is the account, taken from the first College Book, for the study occupied by George Downing of the Class of 1642. In the entry he is callec “ Sir” Downing because he was a graduate when the account was made; later, he went into the English diplomatic service, was knighted, and won for himself an eminence not very admirable, for he was reputed a miser and a turn-coat. SIR DOWNINGS STUDY lb s d Impr. For boards 272 foote ......... 0 - 16 - 3 ob. (1.] It. Ten dayes 85$ worke at 22“ a day . . . 0 - 19 - 3 It. For ye Smithe’s worke ........ O - 6 - 11 It. For glasse ............. 0 - 2 - 1 It. For nayles, locke & key ....... 0 - 3 - lb Suma totalis .......... 2 a 7 - 6 0b. (1.] There is no picture of this first “ college,” but the high ideal of the builders and their scanty means resulted in a structure of which one writer tells us that it was “ thought by some to be too gorgeous for a Wilderness, and yet too mean in others’ apprehension for a college.” Itwas soon war-"v. ~ . 13 in need of repairs, and proved inadequate to the wants even of the scanty College population of those days. Within ten years of its completion, the “governors ” of the institution had begun to “purchase the neighbors’ houses ” to accommodate students. One of the houses bought for this purpose was Mr. Edward Goffe’s, and it came to be known as Goffe’s College. The term “college” was at first applied to each of the separate buildings, and this usage survived for many years. In 1653—54, the commissioners of the Association for the Propagation of the Gospel among the Indians were per- suaded to erect a small brick building for Indian youth, and this was known as the Indian College. But the experiment was not successful, and only one Indian ever received a Harvard degree. The Indian College was poorly built, and was a ruin before the end of the century. So was the “Old ’ College,” which was suc- ceeded in 1672 by the first Harvard Hall, or Harvard “College.” This seems to have been well built, for it lasted nearly a century. We have a good picture of this first Harvard Hall, and we know that it stood in the Yard, just to the left of the main entrance. It stood alone until the year 1700, when a new “ college,” called Stoughton, in honor of Lieutenant Governor William Stoughton, who gave it, was built in front of the main entrance, making a right angle with the eastern end of Harvard. A few years later, under the guidance of President John Leverett, the institution entered on a new and more prosperous period in its career, and in the year 1718 the General Court of Massachusetts made a grant for still another hall, the oldest of all the buildings now standing. ‘14 This is Massachusetts Hall, on the right as one enters the Yard through the Johnston Gate, and facing the site of the first Harvard. It made, with Harvard and Stoughton, a very small quadrangle, and of these three buildings we have an engraving, made near the middle of the eighteenth century. Behind Stoughton, as it ap- pears in that engraving, there was an old field, crossed by a brook; probably no one dreamed of a time when it would be covered with other College buildings. In 1720, when Massachusetts was finished, the graduating class numbered thirty-seven, and it was many years before any great increase came. Cambridge was but a village, lying chiefly between the College and the river. Boston itself was but a small town, though thriving, and no bridge con- nected the two places. One source of the income of the College was the tolls of the Charlestown Ferry, which Cambridge people crossed when they went to Boston, unless they went by “ Roxbury Neck.” The teaching in the College was chiefly the work of tutors. The first professorship, the Hollis Professorship of Divinity, was established the year after Massachusetts was built. It is pleasant to know that the outside of Massachusetts has not been changed at all. Every class since 1720 has seen the same square walls of red brick, the small win- dows, the narrow doorways. But the inside has been much altered. At first, it was given over entirely to small chambers and still smaller “studies.” After the fight at Lexington, in the Revolutionary War, the chambers were for a time occupied by American troops, the students being sent away to Concord. Early in the present century, in President Kirkland’s time, a part of the lower floor was devoted to lectures and society meetings, and 15 in 1870 the remaining chambers and studies made way for lecture halls and examination rooms. Several of the larger lecture courses, chiefly in history, are now given here. While the building was used as a dormitory, many of the most eminent sons of Harvard lived in it. During the eighteenth century, no progress whatever was _made towards the development of the quadrangle into which one now looks on entering the Johnston Gate. Six years after the completion of Massachusetts, the Pro- vince legislature appropriated money to build the President a house; but the site chosen seems to show that it was not meant to bear any special relation to the buildings already standing. Wadsworth House, as it is now called, in honor of the first President who occupied it, was the home of every one of the Presidents who succeeded him until President Edward Everett went out of office. It shares with the Craigie House the distinction of having sheltered Washington, but it was found inadequate for a headquarters. In recent years, it has been put to many different uses. It has been altered from time to time, but except for the paint the outside is still suggestive of the sober days and sober lives with which we naturally associate it in our thought. When the College was a century old, and had trained hundreds of clergymen, it was still without a place of worship of its own, although it had an interest in the parish meeting house which stood near the site of Dane Hall. The wife and daughter of Samuel Holden, M.P., who himself had been a liberal benefactor of Harvard, gave £400 to build a chapel, and a site immediately in the rear of the first Harvard was chosen. Holden Chapel was the first of the buildings to take its name 16 from an English benefactor, and it is rather curious that the others so named are very close to it. About twenty years later, there being need of a new dormitory, the Legislature voted the necessary sums, a site to the northeast of Harvard was chosen, and the building was named for Thomas Hollis, an English merchant, who died in 1 7 31, and whose benefactions were the most remarkable feature in the cherishing of the College up to that time. He was a Baptist, and yet he gave sums which in those days were considered vast to help a school which had dismissed itsfirst President because he objected to the baptism of infants. The Hollis Professorship of Divinity, established more than a hundred and fifty years ago, was never until the present time \filled by a man in sympathy with the creed of its founder. Hollis Hall was scarcely built when the worst disaster the College ever met again reduced the number of buildings to five : Harvard Hall was burned in 1764, and it was only with the greatest difficulty that Hollis, Stoughton, and Massachusetts were saved from the flames. The library and the apparatus were lost, but the Province, feeling an especial responsibility because the Legislature was holding its sessions in the hall at the time, promptly voted the money to replace it, and a liberal stream of private bene- factions poured into the College treasury, so that there was soon a new library and new apparatus. The new Harvard was devoted to many uses. It had a kitchen and buttery, a dining room, a chapel, a library, several lecture halls, and the belfry. To tell how, from time to time, it lost its various uses, until in our day it has only lecture rooms and departmental libraries, would be to trace the J expansion of the Colonial College into the American University. 17 The building of Harvard Hall was, in fact, the comple- tion of the Colonial College. The five halls standing in 1766, with the old President’s House, stood unchanged and without increase when the Revolution came. From them the students migrated to Concord while the British troops held Boston, and into them American troops entered while Washington commanded in Cambridge. We know that the College was very patriotic. Indeed, it can claim no small share in the Revolution. True, some of its officers and graduates had written verses in Latin, Greek, and English, and printed them in a volume called “ Pietas et Gratulatio Collegii Cantabrigiensis apud Novanglos,” and sent them to George III on his accession to the throne, following in this the example of the English universities; and the classes were still graded according to the social position of the students. But, for all that, Harvard was thoroughly American. It had drifted entirely away from the Cambridge traditions of its founders. It had bred Quincy and Otis and two Adamses. President Langdon was ready to fight or to pray for independence, and John Hancock had been chosen Treasurer because he was a patriot, and not because he was a good man for the place —he was, in fact, the worst Treasurer the College ever had. When the war ended, the College, with little or no change in its constitution or character, entered easily on its course as an American institution, thoroughly in sympathy.with the ideas for which the Republic stands and commended to popular favor by the eminence of its graduates in the public service. As if to open the way into a larger future, the first Stonghton Hall, being 111 a ruinous state, was taken down in 1780, the year in which Harvard took the title “ Uni- 18 versity.” Its destruction certainly opened the way into the present Yard. It was not rebuilt until 1804, and then on a new site, north of Hollis, and it stood a year or more under the name “ New Hall” ; but in the end the old name was revived for it. The money to build it came from a lottery, and this method of raising funds, approved by the public opinion of those days, was again employed in 1812, when Holworthy was built. This was the last hall to be named for an English benefactor. The man so honored was Sir Matthew Holworthy, who died in 1678, and left the College £1,000. Holworthy Hall is the youngest of the buildings commonly called old, and its site is important because with Stoughton it formed the first corner in the main quadrangle of the Yard. From that time there was sure to be a quadrangle very much larger than the old one defined by Massachusetts, Har- vard, and the first Stoughton, or the other defined by Harvard, Holden, and Hollis. In November, 1812, the President and Fellows appointed a committee “ to devise the form and site of a building in the College grounds to include a Commons Hall”; and it was voted that in choosing a site the committee “ have reference to other buildings which may in future be erected.” The com- mittee chose a site directly opposite the main entrance. Charles Bulfinch was the architect, and the Hall when completed was called University. University was well named, whether we consider the uses to which it has been put or the time at which it was built. President Kirkland was in office, and his administration is usually taken as marking the entrance of Harvard into the life of a true university; and of this university life the new hall has been the centre. For m05~ HHmmDEUz “£57.13: 9353 19 years, the religious exercises and the students’ commons made the building important to all members of the Uni- versity community ; and the administrative machinery has always been operated from this point. In President Kirkland’s day, five new professorships were established, - . and the departments of Divinity, Law, and Medicine were organized in university fashion. The Massachusetts Medical College, in Boston, and Divinity Hall, in Cam- bridge, gave evidence that the Yard was not to be the limit of physical expansion. They were forerunners of ' so many buildings for scientific and other purposes, built outside of the Yard, that it was soon only a question of time when the Yard itself would become of less practical importance than the departments outside. It was the beginning of a process which is still going on, and as a result of which we see Harvard admission examinations offered in Tokio and a Harvard Observatory on top of a Peruvian mountain. But the Yard was not yet finished. President Quincy, who succeeded Kirkland, saw two very important changes in it. On the site of the old meeting-house, south of Massachusetts, Dane Hall was built in 1832, through the liberality of Nathan Dane, and for fifty years it was the University School of Law; here Greenleaf and Story and Parsons lectured. It did not, however, look much like the present Dane, or stand in the same spot, but farther north. _In 1845, important changes were made in the building. Until it was moved in 1871 to make room for Matthews Hall, it helped to define the main quadrangle. '- But Gore Hall, begun in 1837, does not belong to the ‘ main quadrangle at all. It was, in fact, the beginning of a second quadrangle; but evidently not by design. ‘20, The original Gore Hall was nothing more than the western wing of the present building, but it was then sufficient in size to harbor the largest library in the country more commodiously than, with its several additions and re- arrangements, it now harbors the third largest. Except- ing University, it was the only stone building in the Yard, and it shares with University the distinction of touching the interests of more men, within and without the Uni- versity, than any other of the Harvard buildings. The main quadrangle as we now see it was not com- pletely outlined until the building of Grays Hall in 1863. Meantime, however, in 1857—58, Boylston Hall and Appleton Chapel had risen on opposite sides of Gore, Appleton serving to define the northern limit of the new quadrangle. Both had their origin in the benefactions of wealthy Bostonians, from whom they took their re- spective names. Appleton Chapel supplanted University Hall as the centre of the religious life of the University, as University Hall had supplanted Holden and Harvard. Boylston, the first of the buildings distinctly dedicated to the physical sciences, may be regarded as a humble beginning of an extremely potent development in the later history of the University. Grays, an unpretentious dormi— tory, taking its name from a family eminent in the law and eminent in generosity to the University, was the last building erected in the Yard before the present era of unprecedented expansion began with the inauguration of President Eliot in 1869. In the Yard, three new dormitories, with Sever Hall, the Fogg Museum of Art, Robinson Hall, and Phillips Brooks House, indicate the eagerness with which the new vigor presses into the spaces still left for the builder. mum— :HAOEQJOQ QZ<>Zflm MASH :0 >5:> IBDOw: ix 5:51 a. :E:< .32: ,L 527.: 21 They may serve also to indicate the chief source of energy ; for they are all examples of a munificence unexampled until our own times in the history of benefactions to American universities. They are, indeed, cheering proofs that in our Republic generous and wealthy citizens are willing to play the part of those royal and noble patrons to Whom, in the Old \Vorld, learning is indebted for its stateliest temples. The three dormitories, Weld, Mat- thews, and Thayer, have completely filled out the line of the main quadrangle. Sever fixes the eastern limit of the second quadiangle. It has been said that University Hall is still the centle of University life. That is true enough , but in another sense Memorial Hall, though it stands outside the yard, is also the centre. The aim of the University has always been to train men for high services, and Memorial com- memorates the military service which the sons of the Uni- versity rendered in the Civil War. First conceived in the' enthusiasm with which Harvard welcomed those of her graduates who came back alive from the war, it was built at last by the contributions of hundreds of alumni and friends who wished to put into enduring form their reverence for those who never returned. Its tower, is the first object to catch the eye of one who approaches the University ;_ its lesson outlasts all others in the minds of those who go away. Without it, and that for which it stands, Harvard might still be a great University, but not what it aims to be, — an adornment and a support to the Republic. THE FENCE AND GATES The fence and gates surrounding the Yard, with the exception of the Johnston, Meyer, Class of 1890, and McKean gates, were given by various alumni classes. That all the sections might harmonize, the task of design- ing the newer sections was given to a single firm, Messrs. McKim, Mead and White. Nevertheless, an attempt has been made to give to each section an individual character. There is space on all the gates for suitable inscriptions, but in some cases these have not- yet been made. The Retaining Wall and Terrace 0f the Class of 1880, built in 1901, round off the corner of" the Yard defined by Quincy Street and Quincy Square, and extend westward from Quincy Street a little way beyond Plymp- ton Street. The Gate and Fence of the Class of 1890, built in 1901, continuing the line westward from the retaining wall, were given by Mrs. Wirt Dexter, in memory of her son, Samuel Dexter, of the Class of 1890. On a tablet, under the shield, is the following inscriptionz— ' IN MEMORY OF SAMUEL DEXTER OF THE CLASS OF 1890 b. CHICAGO NOV 30 1867 d. BOSTON MAY 4 1894 THE CLASS OF 1877 GATE THE CLASS OF 1890 GATE 23 Over the gateway, as one enters, are inscribed the following words:— ENTER TO GROW 1N WISDOM On the other side is this inscription : —— DEPART TO SERVE BETTER THY COUNTRY AND THY KIND The Gate and Fence of the Class of 1877, built in 1901, continue the line from the fence of the Class of 1890. The gate opens upon the driveway leading to Gore Hall. Connected with this gate is a porter’s lodge, to be occupied by a bureau of information. The Gate and Fence of the Class of 1889, built in 1901, are at the entrance to the path east of Boylston Hall. The fence extends to a point even with the western corner of Boylston Hall. This section balances the sec- tion occupied by the gate and fence of the Class of 1890. The McKean Gate section, built in 1901, occupies the space between Boylston Hall and Wadsworth House. "It was given by the members of the Porcellian Club. In the left wing of the gateway is a stone tablet inscribed as follows : — THIS GATE IS ERECTED TO THE MEMORY OF JOSEPH McKEAN BY THE MEMBERS OF THE PORCELLIAN CLUB OF WHICH HE WAS THE HONORED FOUNDER In the right wing is a similar tablet, with this inscrip- tion:— 24 THE McKEAN GATE THE REVEREND JOSEPH McKEAN STD LLD BORN AT IPSWICH MASSACHUSETTS 19 APRIL 1776 DIED AT HAVANA CUBA 17 MARCH 18I8 A GRADUATE OF THIS COLLEGE I794 TEACHER OF YOUTH MINISTER OF THE GOSPEL BOYLSTON PROFESSOR OF RHETORIC AND ORATORY 1809—1818 The Gate and Fence of the Class of 1857, built in 1901, occupy the space from Wadsworth House to Dane Hall, the gate being almost in the centre. The Gate and Fence of the Class of 1875, built in 1900, extend from Dane Hall northward a distance of about fifty feet. On the entablature of the gate are these inscriptions : — OPEN YE THE GATES THAT THE RIGHTEOUS NATION WHICH KEEPETH THE TRUTH MAY ENTER IN and AEDIFICATA - ANN - DOM - CDDCCCC - COLL - HARV . CC¢XIIII The Fence of the Glass of 1873, built in 1900, extends from the section of the Class of 1875 to the Johnston Gate. As there is no occasion for a gate, there is merely an ornamental brick and stone panel, imbedded in which is a smaller tablet of greenish slate inscribed with the class numeral. The Johnston Gate, at the main entrance to the Yard, was built in 1890, and was the gift of Samuel Johnston, of Chicago. It was designed by Charles Follen McKim. The ironwork was given by Mrs. George von THE CLASS OF 1857 GATE w i ,,x\ 72 “a? 25 L. Meyer, of Boston. On a tablet in the right wall is the following inscription : —— AFTER GOD HAD CARRIED VS SAFE TO NEW ENGLAND AND WEE HAD BVILDED OVR HOVSES PROVIDED NECESSARIES FOR OVR LIVELI HOOD REARD CONVENIENT PLACES FOR GODS WORSHIP AND SETTLED THE CIVILL GOVERNMENT ONE OF THE NEXT THINGS WE LONGED FOR AND LOOKED AFTER WAS TO ADVANCE LEARNING AND PERPETVATE IT TO POSTERITY DREADING TO LEAVE AN ILLITERATE MINISTARY EA TO THE CHVRCHES WHEN OVR PRESENT MINISTERS SHALL LIE IN THE DVST. NEW ENGLANDS FIRST FRUITS. A tablet in the left wall bears this inscription :— BY THE GENERAL COURT OF MASSACHUSETTS BAY 28 OCTOBER 1636, AGREED TO GIVE 400,5 TOWARDS A SCHOALE OR COLLEDGE WHEAREOE 200,5 AA To BEE PAID THE NEXT YEARE & 200,5 WHEN THE WORKA Is FINISHED & THE NEXT COVR’I‘ I;A To APPOINT WHEARE & WT BVILDING 15 NOVEMBER 1637 THE OOLLEDG IS ORDERED TO BEE AT NEWETOWNE 2 MAY I638 IT IS ORDERED THAT NEWETOWNE SHALL HENCEEORWARD BE CALLED CAMBRIGE IX MARCH 1638—9 IT IS ORDERED THAT THE COLLEDGE 3/ AGREED VPON FORMERLY T0 BEE BVILT AT CAMBRIDG SHALBEE CALLED HARVARD COLLEDGE. The Gate and Fence of the Class of 1874, built in 1900, extend from the Johnston Gate to the pathway ‘south of Holden Chapel, the gate being the entrance to this path. 26 The Gate and Fence of the Class of 1870, built in 1901, extend from this point to the pathway senth~of Holden Chapel. The gate is in the centre of the section, and opens on a sun dial, also given by the Class of 1870. This dial is surrounded by hedges. The base is inscribed : CLASS OF 1870. Around the upper part of the pedestal the following sentence is engraved : ON THIs MOMENT HANGS ETERNITY. On each side of the gate is a post with a tablet, and the two tablets are inscribed as follows : — The tablet on the left: The tablet on the right: GIVEN ERECTED To THE COLLEGE BY THE CLASS OF BY 1870 THE CLASS OF IN THE YEAR 1870 190! The Gate and Fence of the Class of 1886, built in 1901, extend from the section of the Class of 1870 to Phillips Brooks House, the gate opening upon the path- way north of Holden Chapel. As yet, there are no inscriptions. The Gate and Fence of the Class of 1876, built in 1900, extend from the pathway west of Holworthy, to which the gate is the entrance, about fifty feet along the Cambridge Street side of the Yard. On an iron shield surmounting the gate are the following inscriptions : — ‘ GIVEN HOLWORTHY BY THE CLASS GATE OF 1876 ON ‘ IN MEMORY OF COMMENCEMENT DAY DEAR OLD TIMES 1901 my; m ’§?¢.’3‘V*‘X&?&§m§§ 4. ¢ ”9:” THE CLASS OF 1886 GATE THE MEYER GATE 27 The Meyer Gate, at the Cambridge Street entrance to the Yard, opposite the delta on which stands Memorial Hall, was the gift of George von Lengerke Meyer, of Boston, of the Class of 1879. It was designed by Charles Follen McKim, and was erected in 1891. BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS University Hall, built in 1813—15, of white Chelmsford granite, after a design by Bulfinch, cost about $64,000. Soon after its completion, there was added to the western facade a portico, which was, how- ever, removed in 1842. For a while, University contained the library, the philosophical apparatus, and the ‘hall for ordinary chapel assembly. There were in this hall galleries, pews for members of the Faculty and their families, and in the east end a pulpit. The building became the centre of University life. For some time, the students’ commons were here; and here were entertained Presidents Monroe, Jackson, and Van Buren, and the Marquis de Lafayette. Of late years, the hall has undergone much alteration. In 1849, the lower floor, and in 1867, the chapel, were cut up into recitation rooms; and other changes have given the building over to lectures and administrative work. In 1896, however, the original chapel was restored with- out the galleries and pews, and it is now used for the meetings of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Hanging on its walls are portraits of former officers and of bene- factors of the University. Near this site, but somewhat to the westward, stood the first Stoughton Hall, built in 1700; and here, also, was the spring at which Professor Wigglesworth used to water his cow. Massachusetts Hall was built from a grant of £3,500 made in 1718 by the Province of Massachusetts. Via»: >H~wvfia>~ZD 29 It was finished in 1720, and was at first used as a dormitory. After the Battle of Lexington, it was used as a barracks by the Continental soldiers, and somewhat damaged. About one hundred years after the erection of the building, the lower part was given over to rooms for lectures and societies ; and in 1870 the whole building was devoted to the public uses of the University. In the lower hall,'the Phi Beta Kappa dinners were given up to 1902; and here, on Commencement morning, the Presi- dent and other officers of the University welcome the Governor of the Commonwealth, his staff, and the invited guests of the day. ' ,Harvard Hall, built in 17 65—66 by the Province of Massachusetts, at a cost of $23,000, replaced the first Harvard Hall, which was destroyed by fire in 1764. As the older building was occupied at the time by the Province Legislature, which had been driven from Boston by the small-pox, the Province of Massachusetts Bay con- sidered itself responsible for the loss, and therefore built the present Harvard Hall. This at first contained the chapel, the library, the philosophical apparatus, and the dining hall of the College. Like Massachusetts Hall, it was used and somewhat damaged by the troops in Revolu- tionary times. Here Washington was received in 1789. Except Holden Chapel, it is the only one of the early College buildings which has never been used as ‘a dormitory. It is now used for lectures and recitations, and contains the libraries of the Departments of the Classics, History and Government, and Economics. The Library of the Department of the Classics (Room 3) contains dictionaries, general treatises on grammar, 30 history, antiquities, literature, philosophy, etc., together with all the most recent and many of the more valuable older editions of Greek and Latin authors; in all, about 3000 volumes. The books recommended by the several instructors of the Department for collateral reading in their courses are all included. On the walls hang like- nesses of professors in the Department from the beginning of the nineteenth century. The Principal Lecture Room of the Classical Depart- ment (Room 1) is equipped/with an excellent (electric light) stereopticon and about 3600 slides illustrating Greek and Roman life, art, archaeology, etc., etc. The Department has also in its various lecture rooms about 4000 mounted photographs and a considerable collection of casts of Greek and Roman sculpture. A set of fac- similes of ancient coins is at present deposited in the Fogg Museum of Art. The History Reading Room (Room 2) contains two department libraries : ~— The Library of the Department of History and Govern- ment is made up of books on English and continental history and government—nearly 2,000 volumes—and half as many on American history. The collection on American history is frequently called the Evans Library. The Library of the Economics Department is made up of a collection on Political Economy and one on Social Questions -—in all, about 2000 volumes. These four collections are especially designed to provide copies of the books most commonly used in connection with the courses of study in the subjects to which they relate. HARVARD H ALL 31 Hollis Hall, built by the Province of Massachusetts Bay in 1763, at a cost of nearly £5,000, and named for the first Thomas Hollis, contains 32 rooms. Hollis, who established two chairs, the Hollis Professorship of Divinity and the Hollis Professorship of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, was the greatest benefactor of the University during the first century of its existence; and his example was followed by other members of his family for several generations. The building was from the first used as a dormitory, but some of its rooms have been occupied by societies, such as the Harvard Washington Corps, the Engine Company, and the Pi Eta Society. Like the other older buildings, it was given over to the Revolutionary soldiers for a time, and was somewhat damaged. Stoug‘hton Hall, built in 1805 at a cost of about $23,000, of which three-fourths was secured by a public lottery authorized by the State, was named for Lieutenant Governor William Stoughton, who, as Chief Justice of Massachusetts Bay, presided at the Witchcraft Trials. It was he who gave the funds for the first Stoughton Hall, built in 1700. The present Stoughton, at first called 'New Hall, was used from the beginning as a dormitory. The Hasty Pudding Club formerly met and had reading rooms here. Like Hollis Hall, the building has 32 rooms. Holden Chapel. —Madam Holden, wife of Samuel Holden, M.P., Governor of the Bank of England, ——who was regarded as the head of the English Dissenters,—— together with her daughters, gave to the College £400. With this money the first building designed solely for religious uses by the University, Holden Chapel, was built in 1744. On its west front the Holden Arms are 32 carved in wood. When the present Harvard Hall 'Was built, Holden ceased to be used for religious services. For a While, it contained four rooms, being divided into two stories, each of which consisted of two apartments. Those on the lower floor were used as chemical laboratory and lecture room; those on the upper floor as anatomical museum and lecture room. But after the building of Boylston Hall each story was converted into one large recitation room, and later these were thrown together into a single room. In recent years, Holden has been used chiefly for society meetings, rehearsals and trials of the musical clubs, and by the Department of Music. Phillips Brooks House.——This building, situated at the northwest corner of the Yard, was erected as a memorial to Phillips Brooks, of the Class of 1855, Preacher to the University, Overseer, and Protestant Episcopal Bishop of Massachusetts. The building, com— pleted in 1899, was designed by Alexander Wadsworth Longfellow, of the Class of 1876. Nearly six hundred persons contributed to the fund, which amounted to $71,046.54, with $4,790.19 interest. Of this total, $10,000 was given in trust to the University as an endowment to carry on the various activities to which the House is devoted. On the first floor, the west end is occupied by Brooks Parlor, a large reception room for social uses. Here, on Friday afternoons, students are welcomed at informal teas given by the wives of University officers. Across the hallway are the Randall Rooms, named in memory of Belinda Lull Randall and John Witt Randall, and a study. In the Randall Rooms are the offices of the Stu- dent Volunteer Association; and the exhibitions of the 7,. — r .qu ~ .. HOLIJS HALL STOUGHTON HALL 33 Harvard Camera Club have also been given here. In the study are facilities for writing, and a place is provided where students who do not live near the Yard may read between lectures. On the second floor, in the west end, are the Noble Rooms, named in memory of William Belden Noble, ’85, and occupied by the St. Paul‘s Society. One is‘a general meeting room, the other is fitted up as a small chapel. In the east end of this story are the Shepard Rooms, named in memory of Ralph Hamilton Shepard, ’92, a member of thew Christian Association, who died in 1894, and left five thousand dollars to pro- mote Christian work at Harvard. The rooms are occupied by the Harvard Christian Association. There is a read- ing room where the leading daily, weekly, and monthly papers are kept on file, a library on religious subjects, the ,. .offiq‘ef'off-the‘Secretary, and a committee room. Between the Shepard Rooms and the Noble Rooms is a small Committee Room. 011 thethird floor is Peabody Hall, named in memory of the Reverend Andrew Preston Peabody, formerly Preacher to the University. The hall, arranged for meetings and lectures, has a seating capacity of 220. In this story are also the rooms of the Catholic Club and the Religious Union. In the hallway, there is a bronze bust of Phillips Brooks, the gift of Mr. Lorin F. Deland; and on the walls are the following inscriptions : —— .On the east wall, above the bust of Phillips Brooks :— THIS HOUSE IS DEDICATED TO PIETY CHARITY HOSPITALITY IN GRATEFUL MEMORY OF PHILLIPS RRO OKS 34 To the right of the bust : — BORN IN BOSTON DECEMBER 13 1835 AB HARVARD 1853 VIRGINIA THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 1859 RECTOR CHURCH OF THE ADVENT PHILADELPHIA 1859—1861 CHURCH OF THE HOLY TRINITY PHILADELPHIA 1862—1869 TRINITY CHURCH BOSTON 1869—1891 BISHOP OF THE PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN MASSACHUSETTS 1891—1893 OVERSEER OF HARVARD COLLEGE 1870—1882 1883—1889 PREACHER T0 HARVARD UNIVERSITY 1886—1891 DD UNION 187C HARVARD 1877 OXFORD 1885 COLUMBIA I887 DIED 1N BOSTON JANUARY 23 1893 On the left of the. bust : — A PREACHER OF RIGHTEOUSNESS AND HOPE MAJESTIC IN STATURE IMPETUOUS IN UTTERANCE REJOICING IN THE TRUTH UNHAMPERED BY BONDS OF CHURCH OR STATION HE BROUGHT BY HIS LIFE AND DOCTRINE FRESH FAITH TO A PEOPLE FRESH MEANING TO ANCIENT CREEDS TO THIS UNIVERSITY HE GAVE CONSTANT LOVE LARGE SERVICE HIGH EXAMPLE On the north wall between the front door and the entrance to Brooks Parlor: — PHILIP STANLEY ABBOT BORN 1867 DIED 1896 HARVARD A.B. 1890 A.M. LL.B. 1893 ALWAYS A LEADER HE ON JANUARY 23 1893 STIRRED HIS FELLOW STUDENTS TO UNDERTAKE THIS MEMORIAL BUILDING BUT BEFORE ITS COMPLETION WAs KILLED IN CLIMBING MOUNT LEFROY RICH IN NATURE FRIENDS FORTUNE ' HE ADDED WHATEVER TOIL AND CHARACTER CAN GIVE TO MAKE SHORT LIFE COMPLETE HOLDEN CHAPEL BROOKS HOUSE PHILLIPS 35 On the north wall, at the entrance to Randall Room :— RALPH HAMILTON SHEPARD BORN 1867 HARVARD A.B. 1892 ONE OF HARVARD’S YOUNGEST BENEFACTORS STUDIOUS EARNEST DEVOUT MEMBER OF THE CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION , THE RELIGIOUS UNION THE SAINT PAUL’S SOCIETY DYING IN 1894 HE GAVE FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS TO PROMOTE CHRISTIAN WORK AT HARVARD COLLEGE 011 the east wall, at the entrance to Randall Room : — BELINDA LULL RANDALL BORN 1816 DIED 1897 WHO THROUGH THE TRUSTEES OF HER ESTATE MADE PROVISION WITHIN THE PHILLIPS BROOKS HOUSE FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF CHARITY BY THE STUDENTS OF THIS UNIVERSITY JOHN WITT RANDALL BROTHER OF BELINDA BORN 1813 DIED 1892 A.B. HARVARD 1834 M.D. 1839 WHOSE NAME SHE WISHED TO BE ASSOCIATED WITH HERS IN HER MANY AND GREAT BENEFACTIONS LOVELY AND PLEASANT IN THEIR LIVES AND IN THEIR DEATH THEY WERE NOT DIVIDED ,36 On the south wall, at the left side of the rear entrance: WILLIAM BELDEN NOBLE BORN 1860 DIED 1896 HARVARD AB 1885 ARDENT JOYOUS GENEROUS YEARNING FOR KNOWLEDGE IMPASSIONED FOR HOLINESS HE SOUGHT TO BE A MINISTER AFTER THE PATTERN OF PHILLIPS BROOKS BUT DIED BEFORE ORDINATION MINDFUL OF HIS UNFINISHED AIMS HIS WIFE ESTABLISHED THE NOBLE LECTURES IN 1898 Holworthy Hall was built in 1812, at a cost of nearly $25,000, from the proceeds of a lottery authorized by the State of Massachusetts. It was named for Sir Mat- thew Holworthy, an English merchant, who at his death in 1678 left to the College £1,000, the largest Single gift received in the seventeenth century. Used always as a dormitory, this hall has for many years been considered, on account of its large rooms, the most desirable in the Yard, and was for a while used exclusively by Seniors. Room 12, which was visited in 1860 by the Prince of Wales and in 1871 by the Grand Duke Alexis of Russia, contains pictures of these personages presented by them- selves. Holworthy has 24 suites of rooms, each consist- ing of a study and two single bedrooms. Thayer Hall was erected in 1869—70 at a cost of about $100,000. It was the gift of Nathaniel Thayer, a ORTHY HALL HOLVV THAYER HALL 37 merchant of Boston, a member of the Board of Overseers from 1866 until 1868, and a Fellow of the College from 1868 until 1875. He gave it in memory of his father, Nathaniel Thayer, of the Class of 1789, a tutor in the College in 1792—93, and of his brother, John Eliot Thayer, the founder of the Thayer Scholarships. This dormitory, which contains 68 suites of rooms, was designed to accommodate 116 students and three officers. Weld Hall, containing 54 suites of rooms, of which 22 aresingle and the rest double, was built in 1871—72, at a cost of about $87,000. It was given by William Fletcher Weld in memory of his brother, Stephen Minot Weld, of the Class of 1826, a benefactor of the College, a member of the Board of Overseers from 1858 until his death in 1867, and one of the first to conceive the idea of Memorial Hall. Grays Hall, built in 1863 by the College, at a cost of nearly $40,000, is named for Francis Calley Gray, of the Class of 1809, a Fellow of the College from 1826 until ' 1836, John Chipman Gray, of the Class of 1811, a mem- ber of the Board of Overseers from 1847 until 1854, and William Gray, of the Class of 1829, a member of the Board of Overseers from 1866 until 1872, all three bene- factors of the University. It has always been used as a dormitory, and has 52 suites of rooms, each consisting of a study and an alcove. Antiquarian research has made it seem probable that the first of all the College buildings stood on or near the site of this hall. 38 Holyoke House, on Massachusetts Avenue, oppo— site Grays Hall, waserected by the President and Fellows in 1870—71, at a cost of over $121,000, and contains 50 suites of rooms. The ground floor is occupied by stores. Matthews Hall, completed in 1872, at a cost of about $113,000, was the gift of Nathan Matthews, of Boston, who stipulated that half the net income from the dormi- tory should be used to aid needy and deserving scholars; students for the ministry of the Protestant Episcopal Church and sons of ministers of that church to be pre- ferred. The fifteen Matthews Scholarships were thus established. This dormitory, containing 60 suites of rooms, is thought to stand on the site of the old Indian College, built in 1654. Dane Hall, built with $7,000, given by Nathan Dane, of Beverly, of the Class of 1778, a delegate to the Con- tinental Congress, was completed in 1832 ; but when Mat- thews Hall was built Dane was moved a short distance south of its original site. With the addition of 1844—45, the hall has cost somewhat more than $23,000 (including the Dane gift). The Law School occupied the building until 1883, when Austin Hall was built. In 1882, certain parts of Dane were given over to the Harvard Cooperative Society, which occupies the entire basement and half of the first story. The upper story of eleven rooms is now used as a Psychological Laboratory. The Bursar’s Office occupies the rear half of the first floor. In 1845, and again in 1891, Dane Hall was enlarged. ‘ The Psychological Laboratory, founded in 1891, con- sists of ten working rooms and one large lecture room. WELD HALL GRAYS HALL 39 It is devoted chiefly to original research work in all fields of experimental psychology, and secondarily to courses for beginners in psychology. The apparatus may be classified in six groups. The first group contains the collection of instruments for the study of seeing, hearing, and touching. In the service of the optical investigations two rooms are fitted up as dark rooms, equipped with the heliostats and with instruments for the study of color-sensations. The second group contains the means for studying the centrifugal processes, such as emotion, volition, action; among them the instruments for the time measurement of psychical processes and for the registration of expression. The apparatus of the third group is employed in the study of the ideas and their associations, of memory and apper- ception, of space and time, and of attention and feeling. The fourth group contains models of brain and sense organs, mostly with detachable parts; microscopes, with histological nerve preparations ; apparatus demonstrating the functions of eye and ear. The fifth group includes a regular workshop, with carpenter’s bench, electrical outfit with batteries, motors, induction coils, galvano- meters, etc.; chemical and mechanical, anatomical and physiological outfits; and a full line of all material for preparing the apparatus for the varying purposes of new investigations. The sixth group contains apparatus for the study of the mental life of animals; it includes also aquariums, vivariums, etc. The reference library contains full sets of the leading psychological and philosophical magazines and a collec- tion of philosophical, psychological, and physiological handbooks and monographs. Large charts of the nervous 40 system, pictures of psychologists, and diagrams showing optical illusions, etc., cover the walls of the rooms. College House, on Massachusetts Avenue, opposite Dane Hall, was originally called Graduates’ Hall. It was erected at the expense of the College in 1832, and, with additions, has cost $559,000. In 1845, when it was oc- cupied largely by law students, an addition was made in order to give room for a store and for the office of the Omnibus Company. The addition was made at the expense of a building occupied by students and called College House, or, more familiarly, “ the old den.” Undergraduates were first allowed to room in Graduates’ Hall in 1846—47, but it was not until 1860 that the name was changed to College House. The upper floors contain 7 0 rooms; the ground floor is occupied by stores. Wadsworth House was built partly with a grant of £1,000 made by the General Court of Massachusetts Bay in 1726, the year after President \Vadsworth was inaugurated; partly with other funds, as the Court would not grant enough to, complete it. It was finished in 1727, and cost altogether about £1,800. It is the oldest building now standing except Massachusetts Hall. At first called the President’s House, it was occupied by successive presidents until 1849. It was the head- quarters of Washington and Lee for a short time in 1775, until more spacious quarters were obtained in the heuse on Brattle Street, now known. as Craigie House, which was later the residence of Longfellow. Undoubt- edly, some of the first despatches sent by Washington to Congress, to Richard Henry Lee, and to General Schuyler, KE HOUSE HOLYO MATTH EWS HALL 41 were written in Wadsworth. Towards the close of the 2 century, the building was enlarged, and after 1849 it was used as a dormitory and boarding house for students. It is at present used as a dormitory, but one room is given over to the Preacher to the University for the time being. Boylston Hall was erected in 1857 with a fund bequeathed by Ward Nicholas Boylston, which was sub- sequently much increased by subscriptions. The building was enlarged by the addition of a third story in 1871, and the accommodations were still further extended in 1891, 1895, and 1902. It is occupied by the Department of Chemistry of Harvard College, of the Lawrence Scien- tific School, and of the Graduate School. On the entrance floor are four laboratories. The Lab- oratory for Quantitative Analysis (Room 2) is provided with hoods, apparatus for electrolysis, and water-baths of novel construction. In the weighing-room adjoining this laboratory is acollection of 203 new compounds and 50 other substances illustrating the original work of the department before the year 1893. The Laboratory for Inorganic Research (atomic weights) is entered through the laboratory for quantitative analysis. The Laboratory for Physical Chemistry is in Room 4; the Laboratory for Elementary Chemistry is in Room 5. In the basement is a Laboratory for Descriptive Inor- ganic Chemistry. .On the second floor are the lecture rooms and the rooms . for chemical apparatus and specimens (Rooms 7, 9, 10). A selected collection of specimens is exhibited in two cases in the entry for the use of the class in inorganic 42 chemistry. The library (Room 8) is also on this floor. It contains the more important chemical text-books and periodicals (1600 volumes and over 5000 dissertations), to be used for consultation only. It is supplementary to the larger collection of books on chemistry in Gore Hall. On the third floor is The Laboratory for Organic Chem- istry (Room 11), with places for men studying elementary chemistry, and for students of research. On the same floor is The Laboratory for Qualitative Analysis, and a Laboratory for Advanced Quantitative Analysis, with places for from twenty-five to thirty students. The store-rooms for apparatus and chemicals are in the garret. Appleton Chapel, the second building devoted solely to religious worship, was the gift of Samuel Apple- ton, of Boston, who left $200,000 to the College with the direction that one-fourth of it should be spent for a chapel. It was built at a cost of nearly $68,000, and was completed in 1858. In the interior, a good many changes have been made: the roof proved defective and had to be altered; the galleries are of recent date. The later improvements are due to the liberality of the chil- dren of Nathan Appleton, of Boston. Here are held the daily religious services of the University. On the wall to the right of the pulpit is a greenish bronze tablet erected to the memory of the Reverend Andrew Preston Peabody, and inscribed as follows: — DANE HALL we COLLEGE HOUSE 43 ANDREW PRESTON PEABODY, D.D., LL.D. PLUMMER PROFESSOR OF CHRISTIAN MORALS AND PREACHER TO THE UNIVERSITY BORN AT BEVERLY, MARCH 19, 1811 DIED AT CAMBRIDGE, MARCH 10, 1893 AUTHOR, EDITOR, TEACHER, PREACHER, HELPER OF MEN THREE GENERATIONS LOOKED To HIM As To A BENEFACTOR, A FRIEND, A FATHER HIS PRECEP’I‘ WAS GLORIFIED BY HIS EXAMPLE WHILE FOR THIRTY-THREE YEARS HE MOVED AMONG THE TEACHERS AND STUDENTS 0F HARVARD COLLEGE AND WIST NOT THAT HIS FACE SHONE The management Of the religious services of the Uni- versity is entrusted to a Board of Preachers, which was established by the following Vote of the President and Fellows, of date May 10, 1886 : — “That five preachers to the University be annually appointed by the President and Fellows, with the con- currence of the Board of Overseers, who, in conjunction with the Plummer Professor of Christian Morals, shall arrange and conduct the religious services of the Univer- sity.” The Board of Overseers at once concurred in this vote, and in 1892 it was incorporated in the Statutes of the University. In June, 1886, on the unanimous recom- mendatiOn of the Preachers and the Plummer Professor, the President and Fellows voted : “ That the statute num- bered 15, concerning religious exercises, be amended by striking out the clause, ‘ at which the attendance of the students is required ’ ” ; and the Board of Overseers con- curred in this vote also. _Attendance at the religious services of the University was thus, by the advice of those who conduct the services, made wholly voluntary. 44 Each member of the Board of Preachers conducts daily morning prayers, which are held at quarter before nine o’clock, for about three weeks in each half-year, and each preaches on four Sunday evenings. The preacher conduct- ing morning prayers is in attendance every morning during his term of duty at Wadsworth House 1, and is at the immediate service of any student who may desire to con- sult him. On Thursday afternoons from November to May vesper services are held in the University Chapel. These services are brief, largely musical, with an address by one of the Preachers. Occasionally, the Board invites other preachers, of various communions, to conduct the Sunday evening services. The music at all services is by the College choir, a full male chorus of 25 sopranos and altos and 16 tenors and basses. The Board of Preachers for the year 1902—03 is : — FRANCIS GREENWOOD PEABODY, D.D., Plummer Professor of Christian Morals. FRANCIS BROWN, D.D., LL.D. GEORGE FOOT MOORE, A.M., D.D. WASHINGTON GLADDEN, D.D. FLOYD WILLIAMS TOMKINS, D.D. WILLIAM WALLACE FENN, S.T.B. There have also served on the Board of Preachers since its foundation in 1886 : — EDWARD EVERETT HALE, D.D. ALEXANDER MCKENZIE, D.D. THEODORE C. WILLIAMS, D.B. GEORGE A. GORDON, D.D. PHILLIPS BROOKS, D.D. WILLIAM LAWRENCE, S.T.D. BROOKE HERFORD, D.D. HENRY VAN DYKE, D.D. WADSWORTH HOUSE BOYLSTON HALL 45 LYMAN ABBOTT, D.D. CHARLES CARROLL EVERETT, D.D. WASHINGTON GLADDEN, D.D. LEIGHTON PARKS, D.D. J. ESTLIN CARPENTER, A.M. E. WINCHESTER DONALD, D.D. SAMUEL MCCHORD CROTHERS, D.D. SIMON J. MoPHERSON, D.D. ' JOHN H. VINCENT, D.D. SAMUEL D. MCCONNELL, D.D. PHILIP S. MOXOM, D.D. GEORGE HARRIS, D.D. GEORGE HODGES, D.D. WILLIAM DEWITT HYDE, D.D., LL.D. WILLIAM H. P. FAUNCE, A.M., D.D. WILLIAM WALLACE FENN, S.T.B. WILLIAM J. TUCKER, D.D. CHARLES CUTHBERT HALL, D.D. ROBERT MACDONALD, S.T.B. ENDICOTT PEABODY, LL.M., S.T.B. P. R. FROTHINGHAM, A.M., S.T.B. THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY History. —The nucleus of the College Library was the little collection of 260 volumes bequeathed by John Harvard in 1638. The Puritan scholar’s library was naturally strongest in the theological and polemical works of the day, but it had a good number of classics, Aesop, Cicero, Epictetus, J uvenal, Horace, Isocrates, Lucan, Pliny, Plutarch, Plautus, Terence, and others, and some modern works of literature and history, such as Bacon’s “Advancement” Essays, Chapman’s Homer, Quarles’s Poems, Camden’s Remains. Of all these, however, there now remains but one volume, Downame’s Christian War- fare , the rest were destroyed in the fire of 17 64. 46 The history of the library from that day to this is a record of generous gifts, great and small, from lovers of learning in this country and in England. Harvard’s bequest stirred the magistrates of the Colony to con- tribute books to the value of £200. Peter Bulkley, the minister settled in Concord, early gave 37 volumes; Grov- ernor “Vinthrop gave 40 volumes; Sir Kenelm Digby, in 1658, Catholic and Royalist though he was, sent over 29 volumes, probably out of friendship for Winthrop. The bequests of the Rev. Ezekiel Rogers, of Rowley, in 1661, of Dr. John Lightfoot, an eminent English divine, in 1675, and of Theophilus Gale, philosopher, philologist, and historian, in 1678, rapidly added to the value of the collection. Beginning in 1719, Thomas Hollis, his two brothers, John and Nathaniel, the son and the grand- son of Nathaniel, both named Thomas, and Thomas Brand Hollis, whom the last Thomas Hollis made his heir, in succession devoted to the College an unremitting interest and generosity, which showed itself in the establishment of professorships and scholarships, in constant gifts of . books for the library and of philosophical apparatus for scientific work, and ended only with the death of the last named in 1804. The elder Hollis, a strict Baptist, but liberal-minded, was pleased with the “free and catholic , spirit of the Seminary,” and during the last ten years of his life was constant in its service and constantly stirring the interest and appealing to the generosity of others. The last Thomas Hollis showed his interest in the College by donations of books before the fire of 17 64, and after the fire immediately subscribed £200 for the purchase of books; furthermore, in the course of the next six years, he sent hither 41 cases of books, and at his death, in 1774, left a bequest of £500. 3v,» w“ ‘r‘vfimvuw 4 am!” ' 4; ‘. $33 rm A>MHHmMH>HZD ”YEAH. “Irv ""WP‘" i . . ‘93 In general, the Museums are open as follows: — The Museum of Comparative Zoology and the Botanical Museum are open every week-day from 9 A.M. till 5 P.M., and on Sunday from 1 P.M. till 5 P.M. The exhibition room of the Mineralogical Museum is” open \Vednesdays and Sundays from 1 P.M. till 5 P.M., and Saturdays from 9 A.M. till 5 P.M. The Museum of Comparative Zoology. — Louis Agassiz, when he was first appointed to a profes- sorship in the University in 1847, began a collection of zoological specimens and soon made clear the need of a building for housing it. In 1858, Francis Calley Gray, of Boston, of the Class of 1809, left $50,000 for a “Museum of Comparative Zoology,” giving his nephew, William Gray, the option of bestowing the fund upon Harvard University. He gave it to the University, and it was supplemented by $100,000 voted by the Legislature, . and by $71,000 subscribed by private citizens of Boston. Mr. Henry Greenough, of Cambridge, and Mr. George Snell, of Boston, volunteered to make a plan for the museum building, and produced a design large enough to meet all demands for space for a long time. There was to be a main building parallel to Oxford Street with two wings extending towards Divinity Avenue. At first, only about two-fifths of one of the wings was erected; this was completed in 1860. Professor Agassiz himself dug the first spadeful of earth. In 1868, the Massachu- setts Legislature voted $25,000 a year for three years, on condition that as much more should be raised from pri- vate sources. This was done, and in 1871-72 the capa- city of the building was more than doubled. In 1876 94 the property in the hands of the Trustees was transferred to the President and Fellows of Harvard College. In 1877, the north Wing was completed; in 1880—82, the northwest corner of the main building, which now con- tains the library and the laboratories of zoology, was erected by Alexander Agassiz, of the Class of 1855, in memory of his father. A slate tablet in the hall bears this inscription:— LVDOVICI - AGASSIZ - PATRI - FILIUS ~ ALEXANDER . MD - CCC ' LXXX ' Louis Agassiz was Curator of the Museum from 1862 until his death in 1873. Alexander Agassiz entered the service of the Museum in 1860, and was Curator from 1874 until he resigned in 1898, never accepting any salary while he held that office. Besides his devoted service, he has given great sums of money to the institution. The Museum benefits largely from the Memorial Fund, part of which was raised by school children throughout the country whose interest in natural history had been awakened by the labors of Agassiz. The Museum is under the management of a Faculty, who nominate the Curator and the Sturgis-Hooper Professor, and appoint the Assistants. The Curator is charged with the direction of the scientific and educational in- terests of the Museum, as well as of its relations to the public. .. The Exhibition Rooms open to the public are the Synop- ’ tic Room, the rooms containing the various systematic wwdlasmafib om eon—3325 NomHomw. mw>4|wo$=5 Egoufiomw. abbofilmoogomw. whamlwamcomw 3535 o» >~ou82om< 85 wagfiomw. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ Proposed Extension of Peabody Museum. 95 collections, those devoted to the various faunal collec- tions (Europe, North and South America, Indo-Asia, Africa, Australia, and the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans), and also the rooms devoted to special collections and to the Quaternary, Tertiary, and Mesozoic fossils. The collections are open, Christmas and Fourth of July excepted, every week-day from 9 A.M. till 5 P.M., and on Sunday from 1 P.M. till 5 P.M. The entrance is on the south side of the North wing. \ The publications of the Museum consist of an annual Report (1861-1902), of an octavo Bulletin (vols. i.—XLI) , and of Memoirs in quarto (vols. i.—xxviii.) . The Bulletin and Memoirs are devoted to the publication of original work by the officers of the Museum, of investigations carried on by professors, students, and others in the different laboratories of Natural History, and of work by specialists based on the Museum collections and explorations . The Library of the Museum is on the second floor of the north end of the central section of the University Museum. It contains over 34,000 volumes, exclusive of a part of the Whitney Library, and of about 28,000 pamphlets. The Library is open, daily except Sunday, from 9 A.M. till 5 P.M. The Laboratories and Lecture Rooms of Zoology and Palaeontology are in the northwest section of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, and may be reached from the steps in the northwest corner of the , Museum quadrangle, off Divinity Avenue, or from the north entrance to the Museum on Oxford street. The present quarters, which were first occupied in 1885, 96 include rooms in the basement and on the first, fourth, and fifth floors of the Museum. In the basement is a Vivarium used for breeding ani— mals, two dark rooms for photographic work and light experiments, an aquarium room containing a number of large stationary fresh-water and marine aquaria, floor- tanks, and other necessary appliances for the study of aquatic animals, and a work room for the construction and repair of apparatus. On the first floor is the Laboratory of Palaeontology, containing collections, diagrams, and a few of the more important reference books required by students. The collection used in teaching general palaeontology is ar- ranged systematically, and the collection used in teach- ing historical geology is arranged stratigraphically. They are contained in trays in tables or wall-cases. The whole is freely accessible to students. Besides collections in the laboratory, students can consult the fossils on exhibi- tion in the Museum, where they are arranged either in the systematic series or in rooms especially devoted to palaeontology. The first floor also contains a large lecturer room seat- ing about three hundred, and a large laboratory for the elementary courses in zoology. For the present, one of the rooms on this floor is used for advanced zoological work. . On the fourth floor are laboratories for comparative anatomy, histology, embryology, and experimental work. These laboratories are provided with appliances for the injection and preservation of anatomical materials, with paraffin baths heated by electricity, microtomes, micro- scopes, and other apparatus necessary for zoological work. 97 The lectures in the more advanced zoological work are given on this floor in a lecture room which is also the usual meeting place for the Zoological Club. Here, too, are the private rooms of the Director of the Laboratory and three of the instructors. On the fifth floor is a large, well-lighted laboratory for research students. Each research student is usually ’ assigned a place here, though the nature of his work may require him to do much of it in other parts of the labora- tories. The walls of this room are decorated with busts and portraits of distinguished zoologists. A special laboratory for Radclifie students is also on this floor. The Zoological Laboratories enjoy the unusual advantage of being in the same building with the exceptionally rich library and collections of the Museum of Comparative Zoology. Botanical Museum and Laboratories of Cryp- togamic, Phanerogamic, and Economic Botany. ——The Botanical Museum includes: The Gray Herba- rium, at the Botanic Garden; and at the University Museum, the Cryptogamic Herbarium, the Collection of Fossil Plants, the Economic Collection, and the Exhibi- tion Collections. The collections on the first floor comprise representa- tives of the principal edible and poisonous fungi, fungi causing disease, and illustrations of the principal types of seaweeds, lichens, and mosses. The third floor of the central section is devoted to an exhibition of (1) Types of Fossil plants, ranging from the earliest to the latest forms, (2) Specimens illustrating the useful pro- ducts of plants, such as the principal Foods, Woods and 98 Fibres, Gums, Resins, and Rubbers, and the Medicinal Species, (3) Galls and other malformations of plants, (4) Fruits, seeds, and the modes of dissemination, (5) Models to display the morphological characters and affinities of the higher plants. The latter collection is known as the Ware Collection of Blaschka Glass Models of Plants and Flowers. For this collection the University is indebted to Mrs. Charles Eliot Ware, and her daughter, Miss Mary Lee Ware, in memory of Charles Eliot Ware, of the Class of 1834. These models are the artistic handiwork of Messrs. Leopold and Rudolph Blaschka of Germany. With the exception of certain of the axial supports constructed of wire, each model consists of some sort of glass. In some instances, the color of the glass has been intensified or otherwise modified by the external application of mineral pigments which are unaffected by light. In cases in the gallery are displayed descriptions of the chief features of the method of construction, and, also, a few boxes which show how the fragile specimens are packed for transportation from the studio in Germany to this University. The total number of models received up to June, 1902, is over 700, and the number of details, such as the magnified parts, and the sections, exceeds 3,000. The entire collection is based on the study of living specimens. Most of these have been raised from seed in a garden attached to the studio, but many also have been obtained from botanical and other gardens in Europe. A large number of the studies are based on the results obtained by the son, Rudolph, during two journeys to North America. 99 In the hall at the head of the stairway, a few of these models exhibit some of the relations of plants to their surroundings: in the larger exhibition-room, others are arranged according to Warming’s modification of Engler and Prantl’s System; in the long room at the left-hand side, are models of some of the more important economic plants. The Department of Botany of the University occupies the rooms in the basement, the central part, and the adjoining southwest wing of the Museum, except the rooms devoted to mineralogy and petrography. In the basement are store-rooms and rooms for photography. The Nash Botanical Lecture Room, built with the gift of Nathaniel Cushing Nash, of the Class of 1884, in memory of his father, is on the first floor. On the same floor are the exhibition cases of cryptogams and the laboratory of economic botany. On the second floor, Room 10 con- tains the departmental library; Rooms 11 and 11A are the laboratories of vegetable physiology and histology; Rooms 12 and 13 are laboratories for elementary work. In addition to these there is a special room assigned to advanced students of physiological botany. 011 the fourth floor, Room 19 is the private room of the Fisher Professor of Natural History; in Room 20 is a working collection of native and exotic phanerogams; Rooms 20A and 21A are used by students of systematic and economic botany. The rooms on the fifth floor are devoted to cryptogamic botany: Room 25 is used by the assistants; Rooms :26 and 26A contain the; (/1)— )t—ggamlc Herbarium of the Laiverp1ty ‘W‘h‘ici’i includes eollnections of algae, fungi, and lichen-is}: ‘RJoorn _27 is devoted to the. use of special we titers; :Remn’99 and 49acaelanoraror1es 100 for students of cryptogamic botany, the latter for advanced students; Room 2915 is the laboratory of the assistants in cryptogamic botany ; Room 290 and Room 30 are the pri- vate laboratories of the Professors of Cryptogamic Botany. Mineralogical Museum and Laboratories of Mineralogy and Petrography. — The Minera- logical section of the University Museum, built in 1891 with a fund of $50,000 raised by subscription, occupies the central portion of the Oxford Street section of the Museum. The exhibition rooms, which are open VVednes- day and Sunday, 1 to 5 P.M., and Saturday, 9 A.M. to 5 P.M., occupy the whole of the third and fourth floors; the laboratories occupy the first floor and the west half of the basement and second floors. History of the Alina-(Magical Collection. — Dr. Benjamin VVaterhouse began the mineral collection (the oldest in the United States) in 1784, but in 1793 the real founda- tion of the present collection was laid by the gift from Dr. Lettsom, a London physician, of “ a very valuable and extensive collection of minerals,” to which he sub- sequently made additions. The Corporation provided a cabinet and appointed Dr. W'aterhouse keeper of the collection. In 1795, M. Mozard, consul in Boston of the French Republic, acting under a resolution of the committee of public safety of the National Convention of France, presented two hundred specimens “ as samples of the riches of the French soil,” and solicited an interchange of specimens between the Uni\ 9:1 sity_ and the “ agency of the mines of the Republic“N _ g -No impoitant additions were made until 1820, when Dr:., Andrew" Richie puxehased and pIesented the collec- v 101 tion of C. A. Blode, a mineralogist and chemist of Dresden, to which were added some thousand specimens purchased in 1824 by a subscription from several Boston gentlemen, and the collection was then arranged by Dr. J. W. Webster and exhibited in the second story of Harvard Hall, where it remained for thirty-three years. It increased slowly, and about 1840 contained 26,000 specimens, including rocks and other miscellaneous material. It owes its present value, both in quality and size, chiefly to the late Josiah P. Cooke, Erving Professor of Chemistry and Mineralogy from 1850 to 1894, a marble medallion of whom is placed in the Museum. Professor Cooke for nearly half a century gave his affectionate care to the collection. Starting with what was worth preserving of the old collection, he gradually acquired new or better material by purchase, donations, or exchange, while several large single additions were made from time to time. On the completion of Boylston Hall in 1858 the mineral cabinet was placed there and it remained there until the erection of the present miner- alogical museum. ' The'collections open to the public are situated on the main floor and gallery. Here in the flat cases the syste- matic collection of minerals is arranged in the numerical order of the cases according to Dana’s System of Miner- alogy (6th ed.), while large plans, hung on both floors, giVe the contents of each case. The larger specimens are placed in the wall-cases. Only a few features of the systematic collection can be mentioned, such as the gold and silver case, the crystal- lized orpiment and other sulphides», and in the adjacent ’ wall—cases the superb colored fluorites, stibnites, sulphur, 102 etc. Many fine specimens of Alpine minerals (from the Liebener collection) will be found among the silicates and elsewhere, such as adularia, epidotes, titanite, apatite. The crystallized calcites from Lake Superior are note- worthy, and the great crystals and groups of quartz and its varieties in the wall—cases ; as is also the framed collec- tion of microphotographs of snow crystals, hung on the walls. Along the west wall there is a case containing a collection of natural crystals to illustrate crystallography. In the gallery the first rows of flat cases seen on entering contain a synoptic collection illustrating the general prop- erties of minerals, including optical properties, cleavage, genesis, etc. The adjacent wall-cases contain large specimens of the systematic collection, including the sul- phates and hydrous silicates. The remaining flat cases contain the Bigelow Collection of Agates (about 450 speci- mens, mostly cut and polished, including thirty large thin sections) collected by Dr. Henry J. Bigelow and Dr. W. S. Bigelow, and illustrating the internal structure and process of growth ; and the meteorites, which are arranged as far as possible in chronological order by date of fall and represent 291 separate falls. The cases against the south wall contain large specimens of the carbonates and sulphates, especially calcite and gypsum. Along the west edge of the gallery two cases contain the Hamlin collection of tourmalines, the largest in existence, from the famous locality at Mt. Mica, Paris, Maine, and a collection of gem minerals, including the well-known yel- low diamond octahedron (833 carats), precious opals, a large aquamarine and yellow beryl, tourmalines (many cut and mounted), a large hiddenite crystal, topaz, apatites, etc. The total number of mineral specimens in the exhibi- 103 tion rooms, exclusive of the meteorites, is about ten thousand, while those worth enumerating in the teaching and other collections bring the total up to twenty-three thousand. The Laboratories of Mineralogy and Petrography in- clude, in the basement, a chemical laboratory for mineral analysis and a workshop for preparing thin sections of rocks and minerals. The first floor contains the lecture room; the laboratory for determinative mineralogy; one smaller room used as the department library, with the principal periodicals, and another used for Radcliffe students in mineralogy. Many thousand specimens of rocks with thin sections are kept on this floor. The next floor has the advanced laboratory, equipped with geni- ometers and optical apparatus. The Geological Museum and the Laboratories of Geology and Geography.—The Geological Mu- seum contains at present only one exhibit, the Model of the Metropolitan District of Boston, deposited here by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. This model shows on a very large scale all the details of the landscape _ within 12 miles of the State House in Boston. The Laboratory of Advanced Geology, on the upper floor of the Geological Museum, is arranged for students taking field work. These men are making areal surveys in the region about Boston, and their records are pre- served permanently in this Laboratory. Each man has a separate desk, and ample space is provided for draught- ing, and for the accommodation of rock collections, notes, and manuscripts. The work will eventually be published as the Boston City Folio of the Geologic Atlas of the United States Geological Survey. 104 The Laboratory of Experimental Geology occupies rooms on the upper floor of the Geological Museum. Apparatus is provided to imitate the deformation of the stratified rocks, the action of springs and geysers, the deposition of deltas, the formation of ripplemark, intrusion of volcanic lavas, etc., and erosion of the structures result- ing from deformation or intrusion. A large compression chest of oak, with opposed thrust pistons, indices, and a movable bottom, is used for deforming under pressure wax models cast to imitate various possible conditions of stratification. Projection lanterns, with devices for ver- tical as well as horizontal projection, are used in com- bination with glass tanks of different shapes, to show the action of currents in transporting and depositing sediment. The Laboratory of Geography, on the fourth floor of the geological section of the University Museum, is devoted to the needs of the various classes in physical geography and meteorology, with special reference to laboratory exercises. The equipment of the laboratory has been planned with a View to furnishing material for individual study in geography, comparable to that afforded in zoology and botany in the other laboratories of the Museum. It includes a variety of maps, charts, models, diagrams, photographs, and lantern slides. Special mention may be made of the collection of large-scale grouped map- sheets, illustrating districts of peculiar interest in this country and abroad. These are supplemented by a collection of the t0p0graphical maps of the United States governmental surveys and of nearly all the European surveys, in the College Library. The collection of models includes four of type forms by Heim, Pomba’s 105 Italy on a true curved surface, the Upper Moselle by the Geographical Service of the French Army, Southern New England by Howell, the Gulf of Mexico by the United States Hydrographic Office, as well as a series known as the “Harvard Geographical Models,” designed with special reference to systematic instruction in secondary schools. The material for instruction in meteorology and clima- tology includes the ordinary meteorological instruments; a full set of weather maps from the United States Signal Service and Weather Bureau; pilot charts of the North Atlantic and North Pacific Oceans from the United States Hydrographic Office; as well as a large number of meteorological charts and diagrams from different sources, and a number of official British, German, and French publications. The Laboratory Library contains about 500 volumes. There is also an extensive collection of climatological reports from all parts of the world in the library of the Astronomical Observatory. The Geological Laboratory, on the second floor of the Museum, is devoted to instruction in general geology and is. provided with collections of rocks, models, and maps for the use of both elementary and advanced classes. For the elementary class, sixty-four sets of specimens are arranged systematically in trays in the laboratory tables. A labelled collection of rocks and models occupies several cases, which are freely accessible to students. Adjoining the laboratory is the work-room of the professor in charge; in this room materials relat- ing to his geological investigations and reserved teaching collections are temporarily stored in suitable cases. 106 , The Peabody Museum was founded by George Peabody, a native of Massachusetts, who, in 1866, gave $150,000 for the foundation of a museum and a professor- ship of American archaeology and ethnology in connection with Harvard University. Mr. Peabody placed the fund in the charge of a board of trustees of which Robert Charles Winthrop, of the Class of 1828, was chairman until his death in 1894. The first Curator of the Museum was Jeffries Wyman, of the Class of 1833. After his death in 187 4, Frederic \Vard Putnam was appointed his successor, and in 1886 Mr. Putnam was made Peabody Professor of American Archaeology and Ethnology. On January 1, 1897, the Trustees of the Museum transferred the property to the President and Fellows of Harvard College. Mr. Peabody, by this gift, made the first foundation in this country for special research relating to the early or pre-Columbian history of America. Since then, how- ever, the Museum has been enriched from time to time by contributions of money and of specimens, and four permanent endowments have been made; also, two other endowments for a fellowship and a scholarship. The arrangement of the collections is intended to facilitate research in general anthropology, with special reference to American and comparative archaeology and ethnology. Here are kept material secured by explora- tions carried on by the Curator, or under" his direction, in various parts of America, and collections from nearly all parts of the world obtained by gift, purchase, and exchange. The building, 100 feet long and 5 stories high, is' one half of the contemplated structure which will form the “EDWmDE >Q0mM<2N=bZH Z<2AAHHW HER. 111 funds having dwindled so that it was no longer possible to assign the income to a full professorship. About 1842, the income of a newly established professorship, " endowed by Joshua Fisher, of the Class of 1766, became available, and to this new chair Dr. Asa Gray V was invited. The amount at Dr. Gray’s disposal for the maintenance of the garden was inadequate, but it was supplemented by the expenditure of untiring energy. The garden was soon enriched by large numbers of native and foreign plants, and shortly became the recipient of the newer treasures coming from the West and the Southwest. Dr. Gray was wont to place in nooks not easily accessible to the public the rarer plants which have since become the common property of horticulture, and in this way he introduced some of the choicest novelties. In 1872, the garden was placed under the charge -of Professor Charles Sprague Sargent, of the Class of 1862, now Director of the Arnold Arboretum. The distribution of species was changed, and many improvements which the poverty of the garden had hitherto forbidden were successfully introduced. The garden has been under the charge of the present Director, Professor George Lincoln - Goodale, of the Class of 1863, Medical School, since 1886. Mr. Cakes Ames, of the Class of 1898, was made Assistant Director in 1898. The garden is conveniently divided into the area below the terrace and that on the upper level. Below the terrace the natural orders of flowering plants and the genera of ferns and their allies are arranged in formal 'beds, which are so disposed as to exhibit many of the affinities of the families. In various places below the terrace are special beds devoted to groups of plants of 112 particular interest. Among these are plants mentioned by Shakspere and by Virgil. One long bed contains a large number of the species described by Parkinson as cultivated for decorative purposes at the beginning of the seventeenth century ; these may fairly be said to represent the old-fashioned plants grown in “pleasure gardens ” at the time the University was founded. Two groups which possess more than ordinary attractions for the casual visitor, the Australasian species and the desert plants, are near the Linnaean Street border. On the upper level are the large plots assigned to select North American species. Near these are the cultivated forms of the rarer vegetables grown for the study of variation. The greenhouses arevof the common composite type. Beginning on the left and passing towards the east are successively the succulents, the Australian, and the Mexican houses, the fern house, the palm house and its attached hot-house filled with exotics demanding great heat. Behind this range is a long range largely devoted to economic plants and to plants under the hands of experimenters. This range has laboratories at its ex- treme western end. The Botanical Laboratories of the University are dis- tributed as follows : At the Botanic Garden are the Gray Herbarium and the Botanical Library, and the Labora- tories of Vegetable Physiology. In the University Mu- seum are the Laboratories of Cryptogamic, Phanerogamic, and Economic Botany. The Gray Herbarium is situated in the Botanic Garden. The collection, founded and largely developed by wi % . 113 the late Professor Asa Gray, was given by him to the Uni- versity in 1864. At that time, the fire-proof brick building which it now occupies was built for the Herbarium through the liberality of Nathaniel Thayer. The collection, being the result of more than sixty years of continuous and carefully directed growth, contains about 350,000 sheets of mounted specimens, including all groups of flowering plants, ferns, and férn-allies, and representing the floras of all countries. The fungi, lichens, algae, mosses, and hepatics have now been wholly transferred to the Cryp- togamic Herbarium in the Botanical Division of the Uni- versity Museum. Among the many additions which have been made to the original collection of Professor Gray since it was given to the University, the following have been the most important: the herbaria of Jacques Gay, G. Curling Joad, and John Ball, all rich in Old \Vorld types; the herbarium of Dr. George Thurber, especially rich in critically identified grasses; the general herbarium of \Villiam Boott, notable for its excellent represen- tation of the difficult genus Oarem; the Compositae from the herbarium of Dr. F. \V. Klatt, specialist in that order. The Herbarium is rich in standard and rare phanerogamic ewsz'cattae, in type specimens of new species and varieties, and in the possession of the greater part of the plants which have been critically examined in the preparation of the “ Synoptical Flora of North America.” It also contains the largest set of the valuable collections secured by Cyrus G. Pringle during more than fifteen seasons of field work in Mexico. The excellent local collection of the New England Bo- tanical Club is kept in one of the rooms of the Gray Herbarium. 114 ' ' The Library of the Herbarium.—Together with his herbarium, Professor Gray gave to Harvard University in 1864 his extensive collection of botanical books. This nucleus of the library was soon increased by some rare and valuable floras, contributed by John A. Lowell. Augmented also by lesser gifts and by purchases, the library now contains more than 14,500 carefully selected volumes and pamphlets. By the gift of Mrs. Gray it has recently received Dr. Gray’s large collection of autograph letters of noted botanists. These manuscripts number more than 1100, and many are accompanied by portrait engravings. In the rooms of the Herbarium and its library are many other portraits of illustrious botanists, including the bronze relief of Dr. Gray by Augustus St. Gaudens. One of the Laboratories of Vegetable Physiology occu- pies the brick building extending eastward from the Herbarium. The building also contains a lecture room with a seating capacity of 100. This laboratory has recently been supplemented by a larger laboratory for research on the plateau in the rear. IHE ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATORY The Astronomical Observatory, situated between Con- cord Avenue and Garden Street, Bond Street and Madison Street, Cambridge, opposite the Botanic Garden, was established in 1843. The annual income, used exclusively for research, is about $50,000, and is mainly derived from a permanent endowment of $909,000. Twenty-one men and nineteen women are employed. The investigations so far completed fill nearly 50 quarto volumes of annals. >MOH<>MmeO 44%: 2020383» H ER. r ¢ ‘ r r w 1 115 Discoveries made here are promptly announced by means of circulars which are issued, on an average, once a month. This Observatory, and that at Kiel, Germany, have been selected by international agreement as centres for the prompt distribution of astronomical discoveries. Discoveries are telegraphed to one of these centres, cabled from there to the other centre, and at once trans- mitted to the principal observatories and newspapers of Europe and America. The library of the Observatory contains about 11,000 astronomical and meteorological volumes, and about 18,000 pamphlets. The principal objects of interest in the main building of the Observatory are the 15-inch equatorial telescope and attached photometers, the 8-inch meridian circle, the meridian photometer, the astronomical and meteoro- logical libraries, and the clock vaults. On the grounds are the buildings containing the 11-inch Draper telescope, with apparatus for removing and replacing the large objective prisms, the apparatus for photographing variable stars and eclipses of Jupiter’s satellites, and the pole star recorder for, measuring the cloudiness at night; the 15- inch Draper reflector for determining the exact position of the pole, and constants of precession, aberration, and nutation; the 8-inch Draper doublet; the 6-inch doublet for photographing large portions of the sky; the 12-inch horizontal telescope with photometer for measuring stars as faint as the thirteenth magnitude; the transit photo- meter for photographing, every clear night, all stars . brighter than the sixth magnitude between the north pole and declination—30°, crossing the meridian after dark. The laboratory contains various electrical and mechanical devices, a commutator for controlling various telescopes, 116 time signals for occultations, apparatus for enlargements, for standard lights, and for converting prismatic into normal spectra. The brick building contains more than 110,000 photographs, part of which were taken in Cam- bridge, and part at the southern station of the Observa- tory in Peru. Charts and spectra of all the stars from the north to the south pole are represented on these photographs for many different nights, thus furnishing a complete history of the sky during the last thirteen years. Besides the station at Cambridge, the Observatory, maintains an important station near Arequipa, Peru, where the southern stars are studied in the same way . that the northern stars are studied in Cambridge. Every important investigation is thus rendered complete from pole to pole. The elevation of the Arequipa Station is 8,060 feet, and it was selected on account of its excep- tionally favorable atmospheric conditions. A series of meteorological stations, crossing the Andes,-has also been maintained, the most important being that on El Misti at an elevation of 19,200 feet. The other stations were Mejia (elevation 100), La Joya (4,150), Arequipa (8,060), Alto de la Huesos (13,300), Mt. Blane Station on El Misti (15,600), Cuzco (11,000), and Eeharati (3000). In 1885, a meteorological observatory was established on Blue Hill, 12 miles south of Cambridge, by Abbott Lawrence Rotch, and is maintained there at his expense. To avoid duplication of work, a plan of cobperation pro- vides for the ultimate union of the two institutions, and the observations made on Blue Hill are published in the Annals of the Harvard Observatory. Later, Blue Hill 117 was taken by the Metropolitan Park Commissioners for a public park, but the land on which the Observatory is built has been leased for 99 years to the President and Fellows of Harvard College. This will enable the work of the Observatory to continue under invariable conditions of exposure. The first detailed measures of cloud heights and velocities made'in this country were obtained at Blue Hill in 1890. For the exploration of the upper air, kites of various designs have been employed since 1894; in I this way self-recording instruments have been carried to a height of three miles. THE LA‘V SCHOOL Austin Hall.—Dane Hall, in the southwest corner of the College Yard, erected in 1832 and enlarged in 1845, was occupied by the Law School until 1883, when Austin Hall, in Holmes Place, the present home of the School, was finished. For this building the University is indebted to the liberality of Edward Austin and the architectural skill of Henry Hobson Richardson. On the first floor are three lecture rooms, a reading room, and three professors’ rooms. The mezzanine story contains three more professors’ rooms. On the second floor are the administrative offices, the library stack, with a capacity of 60,000 volumes, and the large reading room or workshop of the students. The library contains upwards of 70,000 volumes. 'The Law School possesses a unique collection of por- traits of eminent judges and lawyers. The portraits of the Lord Chancellors, Vice-Chancellors, and Masters of the Rolls are to be seen in the north lecture rooin, and Eng- 118 lish Common Law judges in the west lecture room. The portraits of American lawyers and judges are in the reading hall and in the east lecture room. In one of the upper rooms there is another collection made up of portraits of eminent lawyers and pictures of famous trial scenes. Owing to the rapid growth of the Law School an addition must soon be made. It is proposed that it shall contain additional lecture rooms, private rooms for pro- fessors, and a new stack, with a capacity of 250,000 volumes. THE MEDICAL SCHOOL In the year 1782, Dr. John Warren, a brother of Joseph Warren who fell at Bunker Hill, drew up a scheme for a medical school in connection with the University. The Corporation approved it, and in 1783 lectures were given in Cambridge by Dr. Warren, Dr. Aaron Dexter, and Dr. Benjamin Waterhouse. In 1810, the lectures were trans- ferred to Boston; in 1816, a small building on Mason Street, erected by means of a grant from the General Court, was completed, and was called the Massachusetts Medical College. In 1846, that building was sold and the one now occupied by the Dental School was erected for the medical faculty. The present Medical School Building is situated at the corner of Boylston and Exeter Streets, Boston. It is a fire-proof structure of brick and terra cotta, built in 1883 by the generous subscriptions of “ friends of medical education.” The building is four stories high, with two half-stories between the second and third, and the third and fourth. AUSTIN HALL (THE LAW SCHOOL) 119 floors. The entrance, from Boylston Street, is to a large, central hall, lighted from the roof. From this hall rises an iron stairway to the galleries leading to the lecture rooms and the laboratories. On the right of the entrance are the faculty room and the office of the Dean and the Secre- tary; on the left are the rooms of the janitor. In the rear of the faculty room, extending along the Exeter Street side of the building, are the laboratories for bacteri- ology, for materia medica, pharmacology, and experi- mental therapeutics, and also for hygiene. In a large ball on the left, and also in the rear of the entrance hall are arranged lockers for the students’ use. A smaller iron stairway and the elevator shaft are placed in a fire- proof structure behind the central hall and the galleries. The second story is devoted to the Departments of Physi- ology and Chemistry. On the right are the main chemical laboratory and the private work rooms of the Professors of Chemistry and their assistants. On the left are the physiological laboratory and the large lecture room used by the two departments. In the mezzanine story above the second floor are the private laboratories of the Pro- fessor of Physiology, appliances for special research, and smaller laboratories for clinical microscopy and hema— tology. The Warren Anatomical Museum is placed in a room occupying two thirds of the front of the third story. It contains about 10,000 specimens, fully illustrating nor- mal and pathological anatomy and materia medica. Numerous dissections, corrosive preparations, frozen sec- tions, and large models of the bones, made under Pro- fessor Dwight’s direction, are found in the normal division. In addition, Professor Dwight has prepared a collection of 120 bones illustrating the variation in individuals. Diseased bones and organs which show changes in shape, size, or structure are preserved in alcohol or dried; those in which the color is of special importance are prepared by the new method of Kaiserling. There are also many skulls of different races, and rare and unique specimens. Among the latter is the celebrated “crow-bar skull.” This came from a man who, while tamping a blast, received the accidental discharge of an iron, which passed completely through his head, destroying a portion of the left frontal lobe of the brain. He recovered, and lived for 13 years with no impairment of his faculties. The room is open during the day to students and'visitors, and every facility is offered to the visitor for the study of the specimens both in and out of the cases. The Exeter Street side of the third story is occupied by two large lecture rooms; on the opposite side is the amphitheatre used for the lectures in anatomy and sur- gery. Beneath the raised tiers of seats are the private rooms of the Professor of Surgery and the Assistant Professor of Anatomy; in the rear of this floor are the rooms of the Demonstrator of Anatomy and his assist- ‘ ants. The mezzanine story above the third floor contains only the private room of the Professor of Anatomy; the re- maining space is devoted to the large lecture rooms of the third story. The front of the fourth story is devoted to the Depart- ment of Histology and Embryology; the remaining room is used by the Professors of Anatomy and of Clinical Surgery. The dissecting room occupies the Exeter Street side. In the rear of the dissecting room is a small amphi- AOCEUm JI< AN ATHLETE STURDY ALERT AND BRAVE A LOVER OF BEAUTY AND TRUTH A SIMPLE UNSELFISH WHOLESOME FAITHFUL MAN “SOME PEOPLE ARE LIKE SPRINGS ALWAYS BUBBLING OVER WITH FRESHNESS AND LIFE” Within the gateway is the Keeper’s lodge. 130 Early in the spring of 1903, the Class of 1879 announced that it would commemorate the twenty-fifth anniversary of its graduation by giving $100,000 toward the building of a stadium, or permanent grandstand, around the foot- ball field and running track, and it was arranged that to this sum the Committee on Athletics should add 87 5,000 from funds in its control. The plans for the stadium contemplate a steel structure, 585 feet long by 440 feet wide, with seats of concrete. It will accommodate ordi- narily 27,000 persons, and on occasion 13,000 additional seats can be provided. There will be an outer wall of brick, with arched entrances at frequent intervals, a covered promenade behind the topmost row of seats, and, in the interior of the structure, locker and dressing rooms ' for contestants. It is proposed to build a separate stand for base-ball. ROWING Doubtless the oldest of the athletic sports now flourish- ing at Cambridge is rowing. As early as 1844, the Class of 1846 bought an eight—oared boat and named it the Oneida. Several clubs were formed, each "taking the name of its boat. The clubs raced with each other and with out- side clubs. In 1852, the long series of Yale-Harvard races began on a two-mile course on Lake Quinsigamond, the Oneida of Harvard winning by four lengths from the Shawmut of Yale. A second race was won from Yale in 1855, and the building of a boat. house the next year was one of the signs of the growing popularity of the sport. In 1859 and 1860, Harvard beat Yale and Brown on Lake Quinsigamond; the shell used by the Harvard crews in those two races is in the Harvard Union. Dur- 131 ing‘ the Civil War, rowing languished until 1864, when the races with Yale were resumed. In 1870, Harvard had a record against her chief rival of seven victories out of nine contests ; in 1869, a four-oar Harvard crew rowed a very creditable race on the Thames against Oxford, the Englishmen winning by six seconds. From 1871 to 1876, Harvard rowed in college regattas, first at Springfield and then at Saratoga. But in 1876 a dual league with Yale was formed, and this arrangement lasted until 1895. From 1879 until 1895, all the races were rowed at New London. Owing to a rupture of athletic relations with Yale, Harvard rowed in 1896 at Poughkeepsie, and was beaten by Cornell. In 1897 and ’ 1898, Cornell beat both Yale and Harvard. The dual league with Yale has been revived within recent years. Yale at present leads Harvard in the number of vic- tories. The crew or “ eight” is housed in the ’Varsity boat house. A captain is elected at the end of each season by the men who have rowed in the principal race, —— usually the race with Yale. The captain, after consultation with graduates interested in rowing, selects a coach, who is ordinarily a Harvard graduate; but the crews of 1897 and 1898 were coached by Mr. R. C. Lehmann, a gradu- ate of Cambridge, England, and a famous amateur expert in rowing. Besides the University, there are a number of other crews at Harvard. In 1879, class crews were formed, and the class races, rowed every spring on the Charles, have Served to develop oarsmen for the “ ’Varsity.” In 1890, Mr. George Walker Weld, of the Class of 1860, built and equipped a boat house for the especial benefit 132 of students not rowing on the University or class crews. The Weld Boat Club has possession of this building, situated on the east bank of the Charles River, at Boylston Street, Cambridge. In 1898—99, another club was formed and named the Newell, in honor of the late Marshall Newell, of the Class of 1894, famous in his day as a foot-ball player and oarsman. Until 1901, the N ewell Boat Club had quarters in the old boathouse, a'short distance below the 'Weld. In the spring of 1901, the Newell moved into the new University boat house given. by the Harvard Club of New York City. In 1899, a new house, costing $27,500, and given by the New York Club, was completed, but this was destroyed by fire in December of the same year. The loss was covered by insurance, but more money was given by the New York Harvard Club and work was soon begun on the present building, which was formally turned over to the Univer- sity on November 16, 1901. It cost $42,500, and is situ- ated on the west bank of the Charles, north of North Harvard Street, Brighton. It is used by the University crews and the N ewell Boat Club. There is a rowing tank in the north end of the building. The present system of selecting the University crew is as follows :— Class crews are formed at both the Weld and Newell clubs early in the season, and race for the class cham- pionship just before the spring recess. From these crews the most promising men are selected by the captain and coaches for further training and trials. Shortly after the class races, three graded crews, senior, intermediate, and junior, are formed at each of the clubs, and these race for the club championship in the middle of May. WmDOE H9Hmm<>. 133 From these graded crews men are taken on to the Uni— versity squad, and the victorious crews also row against outside crews, such as those of Annapolis, Cornell, and other colleges. Freshmen, as a rule, are not drawn upon for the class 01' University crews, although frequently Fresh- men who have been “ dropped ” in the weeding-out pro- cess for the selection of the final Freshman crew find places \on the graded crews. The Freshman crew which rows against the Yale Freshmen is selected through a system of races between the various Freshman crews at the two clubs. FOOT—BALL Foot-ball, as played nowadays, is a comparative new- comer among college sports; but foot-ball of a different sort was played at Harvard long before the Civil War. A rough-and-tumble match between the Freshmen and the Sophomores used to be played every year on the Delta. The Faculty put an end to the custom, but it is supposed that the “rushes ” on “Bloody Monday” night—the evening of the first Monday after term begins in the au- tumn—are a survival of the old encounters on the Delta. In 1873, a foot-ball association was formed, and rules limiting the number of players to fifteen on a side were adopted. The number was gradually reduced to eleven. In 1880, the Rugby rules were adopted. In 1885, the Faculty prohibited the game on account of its roughness, but the next year the ban was removed. The first regular game of foot-ball between Harvard . and Yale was played in the fall of 1875 and was won by sea: Harvard. From that time up to and including the con- 134 test in 1894, there were sixteen games, of which Yale won fourteen and Harvard one. The game in 1879 re- sulted in a draw. There were no contests in the years 1877, 1885, and 1888. A display of brutality in the foot- ball game in 1894 caused a cessation of all athletic relations with Yale, and it was not until 1897 that another foot- ball match was played. Since then, Harvard has won from Yale twice, in 1898 and 1901; tied twice, in 1897 and 1899; and 10st twice, in 1900 and 1902. Both tie games were remarkable in that neither side scored. Harvard now plays every year with Yale and Pennsyl- vania, besides many smaller colleges. With Princeton there have only been two matches since 1889. Jarvis was the foot-ball field until 1895, when the sport was transferred to Soldier’s Field. The annual match with Yale, played formerly at Springfield, is now played alternately at Cambridge and at New Haven. It attracts enormous crowds and is usually a most exciting spectacle. BASE—BALL Base—ball has flourished at Harvard ever since 1862, when the base-ball club. of the Class of 1866 was formed. It practised first on the Common, near the Washington Elm, and later on the Delta. Yale had no club at that time, but in June, 1863, a game was played with the Brown Sophomores at Providence, and the Harvard nine won. The first game with Yale was played in 1868. Jarvis became the playground when Memorial was built, and afterwards Holmes. In 1897, base-ball was trans- ferred to Soldier’s Field. Several Harvard nines have attained wide distinction. For three years, from 1868 to 1871, A. McC. Bush was 135 captain, and many famous victories were won over pro- fessional as well as amateur clubs. F. W. Thayer, ’78, the inventor of the catcher’s mask, was also a successful captain. Curve pitching began in his time. In 1896, athletic relations with Yale were resumed after a break of over a year. Of- the six series of base—ball games played since that date, Harvard has won five, with a total of eleven games out of sixteen. The game with Yale the day before Class Day at Cambridge is one of the great athletic events of every year. Harvard plays also with Princeton, Pennsylvania, and various other colleges. TRACK ATHLETTCS The Harvard Athletic Association, founded in 1874, has in charge the track and field teams which represent the University in the annual Mott Haven games, a meet- ing of various colleges, and in the dual games with Yale. Harvard has a Mott Haven cup, the trophy of eight victories, and in 1899 the first cup offered for the dual contests with Yale became Harvard’s property as the result of five victories over her dearest foe. Under the five-year agreement of 1896 with Yale, Harvard won three out of the five dual meets, but with a total of only 243% points to Yale’s 268%. In 1902, Harvard won the dual meet by a score of 61% to 421}. OTHER.SPORTS Lawn tennis is played chiefly on Jarvis Field, which was given over to the Lawn Tennis Association when the foot-ball team ceased to play there. There is a golf club, a lacrosse club, a cricket club, a fencers’ club, a shooting 136 club; and individual students indulge in various other forms of recreation. The Hemenway Gymnasium is used rather for general athletic exercise than for the develop- ment of teams. The student organizations devoted to other than athletic purposes are many and various. To most of them the term club may be applied; but some have not taken that form. Perhaps the greatest practical importance should be . attributed to the editorial boards of the student publica-X. tions. HARVARD JOURNALISM The undergraduate publications are now six in number. The Harvard Crimson appears daily, excepting Sundays. The Lampoon, the college illustrated comic paper, and The Advocate, the oldest of the six, whence its sobriquet, “ Mother Advocate,” are published fortnightly. The Monthly, as its name implies, and The Harvard Illustrated Magazine are published once a month. The Harvard Engineering Journal is issued four times during the year. The Harvard Lampoon, founded in 1876, had among its first editors Robert Grant, F. J. Stimson, J. T. Wheel- wright, and F. Gr. Attwood. In 1880, it ceased to appear, and some of the men who had founded it went to New York to write for Life, which was started at that time. In 1881, The Lampoon began to come out again as in its “ Second Series,” so that it is now able to boast that it is the oldest comic paper in the country and the parent of Life. The editors, about twenty in number, have a Sanc- tum in the hduse next the Hasty Pudding Club on Holyoke Street. The comical aspects of college life are set forth 137 in this paper, and a mildly satirical attitude is maintained towards the governing powers. The Harvard Crimson, the college daily, is a larger and more business-like concern than any of the other col- lege papers. The board of editérs, and the candidates, who serve a severe four months’ apprenticeship, are ’ expected to do a really considerable amount of work dur- ing the college year. The Crimson offices in the Harvard Union are large and give working accommodations to the graduate weekly, The Bulletin, and to the Harvard cor- respondents of various newspapers. The “Sanctum,” in the back of the office, is more or less sacred to the editors, and is used chiefly as a clubroom. The Harvard Advocate is more closely associated with the undergraduate publications of the past than any other Harvard periodical now issued. It is the immediate suc- cessor of the short-lived Collegian, which appeared in 1866 with the motto “Dulce est periculum.” The second of the three numbers of The Collegian contained a Socratic dialogue, in which Socrates asked what the compulsory chapel services really were, considering that the minister was the only person present who was intent on his devo- tions. After the Faculty had suppressed the paper and threatened expulsion to any who should allow themselves such freedom again, the Advocate appeared under the motto “ Veritas nihil veretur.” In time, it ventured to print the old motto “Dulce est periculum” also. The Monthly is much like The Advocate. Both publish stories and poems, but The Monthly is given also to rather serious studies in literature. For example, it published the first English translation from Ibsen, and the first bibliography of George Meredith. 138 The Advocate and The Monthly occupy adjacent offices and “ sanctums ” on the top floor of the Union. The Harvard Illustrated JIIagazlne was started in 1899. Its purpose is indicated by its title. The Harvard Engineering Journal first appeared in April, 1902. It is the journal of the Harvard Engineer— ing Society, and is edited under the guidance of professors in the Engineering Department of the University. Of the Harvard men who in their college days served on the editorial boards of student publications many became eminent in later life, and a few have been famous. Edward Everett and Samuel Gilman (the author of “ Fair Harvard ’r’) were on the board of The Harvard Lyceum, which appeared in 1810 and 1811. Later, in 1830, Oliver Wendell Holmes contributed to the first Collegian. James Russell Lowell was an editor of Harvardiana, 1835—1838. Phillips Brooks, F. B: Sanborn, and J. B. Greenough were among the originators of The Harvard Magazine. Roger Wolcott, ’70, and Theodore Roosevelt, ’80, were on The Advocate. THE CLUBS An enumeration made in 1902 shows a total of over a hundred student organizations, other than athletic, to each of which the term “club ” may be applied. Social intercourse is a feature of most of them, but in many this is subsidiary to other objects. PRACTICAL CLUBS There are clubs devoted to such practical work as the management of dining halls, like the Harvard Dining Association and the Randall Hall Association, or of a 139 store, like the Cooperative Society. But of these it is not necessary to speak. RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES The religious societies have been many. Those now flourishing are the Harvard Young Men’s Christian Asso- ciation (Protestant), which traces its origin to the Saturday Evening Society, founded in 1802 ; the Catholic Club, formed in 1892 ; the Religious Union, which admits any student interested in religious subjects without ques- tion as to his beliefs; the St. Paul’s Society (Protestant Episcopal) ; and the Oxford Club (Methodist Episcopal). Phillips Brooks House is available for the meetings of all these societies. A number of organizations devote them- selves to the various forms of charitable work, to the cause of temperance, and similar objects. POLITICAL CLUBS The interest of the student body in the affairs of the Republic, and in particular political movements, is fre- quently exhibited. In fact, none of the higher forces of University life are stronger than the simple impulse of patriotism. The presidential elections always bring into action clubs representing two great parties; frequently, the smaller parties, and factions of the greater, are also represented. Organizations like the Harvard Political Club aim at continuous agitation along certain lines. SECTIONAL CLUBS Sectional clubs, like the Southern, the Maine, the Cali- fornia, and the Western New York, bring together the men whose feeling for their home associations is strong, 140 especially those whose homes are remote from Cambridge. Of these, the Southern Club, which has a club house of its own at 48 Winthrop Street, is perhaps the best organized. Similarly, the larger preparatory schools are represented by such associations as the Exeter Club, the Andover Club, etc. EDUCATIONAL CLUBS There are associations of students —graduates, under- graduates, and professional-sc‘hools-men — based on serious interest in nearly every important branch of study. The Graduate Club brings together a large number of men pursuing advanced studies and doing original work in various departments, among them many representatives of other American and Canadian colleges. The law clubs are organized like courts; their members prepare briefs, argue cases, and render decisions, all in the most business-like way. Among the undergraduates, the clubs interested in modern languages are particularly strong. The Cercle Francais and the Deutscher Verein both give dramatic performances, and in recent years the Cercle has been enabled, through the generosity of Mr. James Hazen Hyde, ’98, to offer the University community courses of lectures on French literature by such eminent French men of letters as M. Brunetiere and M. Rod. Among the students of science, the Natural History Society—an old organization—the Chemical Club, the Botanical Club, and the like, attract many members. The debating clubs should also be placed in this cate- gory, and they have an eSpecial interest for the public because of the intercollegiate debates in which they engage. Debating was a feature of many of the older 141 societies which in the course of time have become purely social. A “Harvard Union,” devoted entirely to speak- ing, flourished in the thirties. It was revived in 1880, and in 1891—92 it started a series of annual debates with 7 Yale. In 1893, the Union broke in two, and this resulted in the formation of the New Union and the Wendell Phillips Club, which became the Forum. In 1898, how- ever, the two were united in the University Debating . Club. At present, each of the four classes has a debating club of its own. Every year, Harvard debates with Yale and with Princeton. Harvard has won ten of the debates with Yale and-lost three. Of the nine debates with Princeton, all but two have been Harvard victories. None of the debating clubs has a house of its own. MUSICAL CLUBS There are several organizations based on a love of music. One of them, the Pierian Sodality, founded in 1806, is probably the oldest musical society in the country. It is said that in 1832 its membership was reduced to one man, who “ elected himself to all the offices, attended his own rehearsals, and so carried the club through the year.” At present, the Pierian flourishes as a college orchestra and chorus, has a professional coach, and frequently performs in public. The Glee Club. dates from 1858; the Banjo and Mandolin clubs are of later origin. These three frequently give concerts together, and they have a pleasant custom of making music in the Yard on warm evenings towards the close of term time. They used to make extensive tours through the country during the Christmas holidays, but such expeditions are now prohibited. Dining recent years, it \i x, 142- has been the custom for all three to unite with the musi- ’ cal clubs of Yale in a joint concert the evening before the annual Yale-Harvard foot—ball game. Each of the three has its counterpart in the Freshman class. MISCELLANEOUS CLUBS A set of interests, not athletic or social or literary, find expression in such organizations as the Camera Club, the Chess Club, and the W'hist Club. The Camera Club has an annual exhibition, at which prizes are awarded. The Chess Club has a fine record in the intercollegiate con- tests, and the 'Whist Club has beaten Yale every year since 1894, when the club was formed. The Harvard Union. —— In March, 1880, was founded the Harvard Union,'a debating society which, it was hoped, would form the nucleus of a university club, like the Unions at Oxford and Cambridge.’ It stimulated interest in debating at Harvard, and indirectly at other colleges, and organized the intercollegiate con- tests which have become important events in student life; but on the social side it failed to expand. Meanwhile, with Harvard’s rapid growth, the need of a social centre became more apparent, and was set forth in the Harvard Graduates’ Magazine for June, 1895, in an article entitled “ Shall we have a University Club?” by William Roscoe Thayer, ’81, one of the founders and the first president of the Harvard Union of 1880. The suggestion was so favorably received that in the following autumn a call for a meeting to discuss it was issued by Charles Francis Adams, ’56, W. E. Russell, ’77, Charles C. Jackson, ’63, William Lawrence, ’71, W. A. Bancroft, ’78, 'nm../'- , ./.. THE HARVARD UNION 143 Augustus Hemenway, ’75, Henry L. Higginson, ’55, C. P. Curtis, Jr., ’83, and W. R. Thayer, ’81. A per- manent committee, of which Mr. Adams was chairman and Mr. Thayer was secretary, was appointed, and through circulars, correspondence, and personal addresses, it brought the question before Harvard alumni in all parts of the country. Opinion generally favored the plan, but the financial outlook was then so unpropitious for raising by popular subscription the $200,000 which would be needed, that in the spring of 1896 the committee post- poned action. What seemed at the time an injury proved a benefit: for in the following two years the undergrad- uates had the chance to take up the subject and grow zealous over it, while the alumni also became convinced that ‘the institution was needed. After the Spanish War of 1898, a committee of grad- uates and undergraduates was organized to raise a mem- orial to the Harvard volunteers who had died in that war. Through the suggestion of Professor I. N. Hollis, it was decided to combine this memorial with a building for social purposes, and then, in the autumn of 1899, Major Henry L. Higginson, ’55, who had been a member of the earlier and the later committee, offered to give $150,000 for a building. The old debating society had split up, and the new club took the name originally intended— Harvard Union. The Corporation assigned part of the Warren estate, at the corner of Quincy and Harvard Streets, as a site; J. H. Hyde, ’98, gave $20,000 to fit up a library; Augustus Hemenway, ’75, and F. L. Hig- ginson, ’63, gave each $10,000 towards furnishing; and various other graduates and friends contributed smaller sums or special decorations. The architects were Messrs. McKim, Mead, and White, of New York. 144 The building, the plans and construction of which were supervised by Professor Hollis, was formally dedicated October 15, 1901. It consists of a basement and three floors, and covers an area of quarter of an acre. In the basement are the kitchens, store rooms, lunch counters, engine room, billiard room, barber shop, and a suite of rooms used for offices and composing room by the Har- vard Crimson. On the ground floor are offices, coat room, restaurant, and small dining room, the great Common Room (nearly 100 feet long by 40 feet wide), and reading, card, and writing rooms. The second story has a beautiful library—divided into three rooms, with a capacity for 30,000 books,——a smaller billiard room, dining and reception rooms for ladies, a committee room, and an assembly hall. The upper story provides quarters for the Advocate and the Monthly, and ten bedrooms for transient guests. The Athletic Manager has an office under the pavilion. The Union is managed by a board of officers chosen annually from the active members in all departments of the University. A board of seven trustees, appointed in the first instance by the Corporation, holds the title to the property, and has general oversight of its vital in- - terests. The expense of running the Union will be not less than $30,000 a year, which includes about $2000 for ground rent. I Annual membership costs $10 for active, $5 for associate, and $3 for non-resident members; life membership for graduates is $50, and for students, $75. On May 1, 1902, after the Union had been running seven months, it had about 4100 members, of whom 2200 were graduates, and of these 700 were life members. The total cost of the Union has been nearly $250,000. 145 LITERARY AND SOCIAL CLUBS We come finally to a long list of clubs which, as a group, cannot be accurately described as either social or literary; nor can they be accurately divided into literary and social. Nearly all of them began by being literary. The majority have ended by going over entirely to good fellowship, but even these frequently give their convivi- ality a traditional literary or dramatic form. Perhaps the best way to describe them as a group is to say that they are all social clubs, some of which retain literary features. In one, however, the Phi Beta Kappa, the social side is presented chiefly to the alumni members who gather at Cambridge the day after Commencement for the annual address and poem, which are given in Sanders Theatre, and for the dinner, which was eaten in Massachusetts Hall until 1902, when it was served in the Union. To the undergraduate, membership is desirable chiefly as a formal reward for academic distinction. The chapter was founded in 1779, taking its charter from the William and Mary chapter in Virginia, and was a secret society until 1831. Its catalogue shows a long roll of eminent names, and many of the Phi Beta Kappa addresses and poems have become famous; examples are Emerson’s address in 1837, Wendell Phillips’s in 1881, and Oliver Wendell Holmes’s poem in 1836. The speeches at the dinner in Massachusetts are never reported. The imme- diate members are taken from the two higher classes; from each class twenty-five are taken entirely on the basis of scholarship, and a few others—usually five—because they have won distinction in other ways. 146 Other clubs which, though really social, maintain an intellectual tone, are the O. K., which dates from 1858; the Signet, which was founded in 1870 and in 1902 moved into its present quarters, the former A. D. Club House, on Mt. Auburn and Dunster Streets, and the Amphadon, a comparative newcomer. These three choose their members from the upper classes, and are not rivals ; membership in one of them does not debar a student from election to the others. Also of decidedly intellectual tone is the Harvard chapter of Delta Upsilon, a much larger club than any of the three just described. It was organized in 1881, and is the strongest chapter the fraternity has. The character of its membership is indi- cated by the fact that nearly one third of the names on its rolls are also on the rolls of Phi Beta Kappa. Every spring, it produces a play, usually selected from the works of the Elizabethan dramatists. There is also at Harvard 3. chapter of Theta Delta Chi, with a club house on Dunster and Winthrop Streets. The Kappa Gamma Chi Club was formerly the Harvard chap- ter of the fraternity by that name, but has now become local. Its club house is at 16 Prescott Street. There is also a Harvard chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon, and there are several clubs composed of men who have belonged to the same fraternities at other colleges previous to entering Harvard. But as a rule the Greek-letter societies at Harvard have no connection with other chapters through— out the country. For example, the Delta Kappa Epsilon at Harvard, better known as the Dickey, is the great Sophomore secret society from whose membership the more exclusive of the Junior and Senior societies are recruited; and the 147 Dickey is really the inner circle of a larger Sophomore society called the Institute of 1770. The Institute is the oldest of all the clubs now in existence, for its history extends back under different names to the year 1770, when the Speaking Club was founded. This was really a debating club, and we are told that its members were forbidden to speak in Latin. In 1801, the Speaking Club became the Patriotic Association, and later the Social Fraternity of 1770. In 1825, it united with two other clubs under the present name, and in 1848 the I. O. H. was also absorbed. Once a Senior society of literary pro- clivities holding its meetings in Massachusetts Hall, the Institute has gradually changed into a Sophomore society, has eliminated its literary features, and now maintains a club house of its own on Holyoke and Winthrop Streets. Its hundred members are chosen in groups of ten, and the first eight tens are members of the Dickey also. The custom is to “ take out” each ten by marching around to the tune of the “ Institute March” and hauling the men out of their rooms. The Dickey is held responsible for most of the comical initiations witnessed on the streets of Cambridge and Boston, on the playgrounds between the halves of important athletic contests, and in various other places where the performances of the novitiate are sure of adequate appreciation. The Dickey has also given a number of dramatic exhibitions, usually comic operas. Of all the larger social clubs, however, the Hasty Pud- ding is doubtless the best known. Indeed, it is probably the best known college club in the country. It was founded in 1795, and takes its name from the frugal fare on which its members still occasionally regale themselves. Its meetings were held for many years in the rooms of 148 members, but in 1849 it obtained permanent quarters in Stoughton Hall, where at length a whole floor was given over to it. Here was a stage on which the dramatic per- formances which have brought the club its wide reputation used to be presented. They began in 1844, and were possibly suggested by the usages of other clubs, long since defunct; for we know that in the middle of the eighteenth century there were clubs that gave plays. There is a well authenticated story that John Adams, H. U. 1755, later distinguished in other reles, once appeared as a female character in a Shakesperian play and was brought to grief by the accidental display of a thoroughly masculine pair of boots beneath the skirts with which he had thought to conceal them. In 1876, the Pudding moved into the wooden building on Holmes Field now used by the Astronomical Depart- ment. Its present club house, on Holyoke Street, was built in 1888. It has a theatre in the rear, and a con- siderable library. The plays are given first in the club house and afterwards in Boston. Nowadays, they usually take the comic opera form, the words and music being the work of members. Several of the Pudding “shows ” have recommended themselves to professionals. Besides the plays, there are various peculiar usages and customs which give a quality of distinction to the good fellowship which is the club’s main object and attraction. Its cata- logues almost vie with those of the Phi Beta Kappa in the matter of distinguished names. Its immediate mem- bers are all Seniors and Juniors. The Pi Eta Society was founded in 1865 by members of the Class of ’66 who felt that the increasing size of the College warranted the formation~ of a second large Senior 149 society. Its ' first quarters were on Brighton (now Boylston) Street. In 1873, it obtained rooms in Hollis, where it first began to give dramatic entertainments. Three years later, a fire caused a third removal, this time to Brattle Square. In 1894, the Society took possession of its present club house on Winthrop Square; in 1897, a theatre was added. Formerly, the Pi Eta drew its mem- bers from the Everett Athenaeum, a society no longer in existence, much as the Pudding draws its members chiefly from the Institute of 1770. At present, however, the Pi Eta takes in men from the three upper classes. Its plays are produced in Cambridge and Boston, and are usually the work of members. There remain a number of small social clubs, most of them with Greek-letter names, but without affiliation with chapters in other colleges. The oldest of these small clubs, and doubtless the best known, is the Porcellian, whose club house is on Massachusetts Avenue, nearly opposite Boylston Hall. It was founded in 1791 as the Pig Club, became the Gentlemen’s Society the next year, and in 17 94 took its present name. Its first rooms were in Stoughton; the club house was built in 1891. As a rule, the members are wealthy and socially prominent students. The club has a fine library. The A. D., whose club house is at the corner of Plympton Street and Massachusetts Avenue, and the Alpha Delta Phi, whose club house is at the corner of Mt. Auburn Street and Holyoke Place, both trace their origin to a society founded in 1836 and called the Alpha Delta Phi. At one time, owing to Faculty opposition to secret societies, it had to conceal its existence. It then took the name A. D. At present, however, the two clubs 150 are entirely separate. The Zeta Psi, which has held a place in the college social system not unlike that of the Alpha Delta Phi, dates from 1847. Its club house is on Church Street. Other small clubs which possess houses of their own are the Delta Phi, on Linden Street, the Sphinx, Calumet, and Phi Delta Psi, 011 Mt. Auburn Street, and the Digamma, on Winthrop Street. The number of these small and exclusive clubs, which take their members chiefly from the rolls of the Institute and the Pudding, seems to be increasing. Formerly, they attached much importance to secrecy; but the building of club houses seems to have worked a change in this respect. There is, however, -—at least there is sup- posed to be, and at one time there certainly was, ———a club at Harvard whose membership, whose proceedings, and whose very existence are shrouded in gloomy mystery. This is the “Med. Fac.,” or Medical Faculty, an organ- ization Whose earlier history is better known than its more recent. Many deeds of darkness are still attributed to it. It has conferred honorary degrees on various individuals, from the Czar of Russia to the proprietors of a patent blacking, and has given its distinguished con- sideration to many venerable objects in Cambridge, but its secrets remain unfathomed. The only inkling of its membership the community ever gets is the black rosette, with skull and cross-bones, worn by a few Seniors every Class Day. A general characteristic of all these social organizations at Harvard is the self-sufficing way in which, as a rule, they avoid mere noise and publicity. - In this respect, they have a strong resemblance to the better sort of clubs in cities. The number of students seems to necessitate 151 numerous clubs, and the tendency is to organize them on those lines of congeniality and common interests which determine social groupings in the great world. In the shaping of characters, and ultimately of careers, the social intercourse among students at Harvard plays a part scarcely less important than the instruction offered by the University. It breaks up the student body into various groups, which maintain a certain cohesion and consistency in after life. COMMENCEMENT AND CLASS DAY Of the student body as a whole there is little to be said. It represents all but a very few elements of American citi-V zenship, with a considerable foreign admixture. One never sees the whole of it at once; but at the great athletic exhibitions, and on a few occasions of special academic interest, one may get a fair idea of what the ‘ whole would be like. .The greatest occasions are Class Day and Commence- ment. Both have frequently been described in books, and in the main the descriptions hold good from year to year. Commencements have lasted from the beginning, with a single break of seven years, from 1774 to 1781, occasioned by the Revolutionary War. The chief features of the day are the ceremonies in Sanders Theatre, where speeches are made and degrees conferred, the great gathering of Alumni in the Yard and of particular (graduate) classes in various rooms in the older build- ings, the procession in order of classes to Memorial, and the dinner there. The beginnings of Class Day are un- known. It is celebrated a week before Commencement. 152 The Seniors, in caps and gowns, go to prayers together in Appleton Chapel, and later gather with their friends in Sanders, where an orator and an ivy orator speak, and a poet and an odist read verses. “Spreads” are given in many places. In the afternoon, until 1898, there was always “ The Tree,” the most peculiar of Harvard cus- toms, whose origin, like that of Class Day, is unexplained. The tree itself stands in the quadrangle partly enclosed by Harvard, Hollis, and Holden, and it stood there more than a hundred years ago, as an old engraving shows. On countless Class Day afternoons its trunk has been circled by a band of flowers, for which thousands of Seniors, attired in utterly disreputable raiment, have striven to the applause of fair spectators, whose gowns have exhibited, from year to year, the last refinements of countless fashions. But for various reasons “The Tree” was abandoned in 1898, and an entirely new set of ceremonies was performed around the statue of John. Harvard at the west end of Memorial Hall. ' The evening of Class Day, except for the increase of the crowds, remains as it was. ’There is dancing in various halls; the Yard is bedecked with Japanese lanterns and thronged with promenaders; and in the midst of all is the Glee Club’s stand, whence at last the strains of “Fair Harvard ” announce to the class whose name is gleaming on the front of Holworthy that its college days are numbered. “ THE TREE ” ‘v, 3 g INDEX Agassiz Museum (The Uni- versity Museum). . . . 92 Appleton Chapel . . . 20, 42 Arnold Arboretum . . . 10, 124 Architecture Building . . . 59 Archives, The University . 53 Astronomical Observatory 10, 114 Athletics . . ..... 128 Austin Hall (The Law School) . . . . . . . 8,117 Base- ball ..... . . 134 Boat House, University. . 132 Boat House, Weld . . . 132 Botanic Garden 10,110 Botany, Laboratories of . 97, 112, 114 Boylston Hall (The Chemi- cal Laboratory) . . . 20,41 Brooks House, Phillips . 20,32 Bursar’s Ofiice ...... 38 Bussey Institution (The School of Agriculture) 9, 123 Carey Building (Rotch Building) 84, 129 Chemical Laboratories (Boylston Hall) . . . 20, 41 Class Day. . . . . . . 151 Clubs . . . . . . . . 138 “ Educational . . . 140 “‘ Literary and Social . 145 “ Miscellaneous . . . 142 “ Musical . . . . . . 141 “ Political ...... 139 “ Practical. . . . . . 138 “ Religious ..... 139 “ Sectional. . . . . . 139 College House ...... 40 Commencement . . . . . 151 Conant Hall. . . . . 87 Corporation (The President and Fellows) . . . . . 3 Dane Hall . . . . . 19, 38 Dental School . . . 9, 121 Divinity School . . . . 8,80 “ Hall . . . . . 81 “ Library Building. 81 Dormitories . . . . . . . 126 Faculty of Arts and Sciences 7 Fence and Gates . . . 22 Fogg Art Museum, The William Hayes . . . 20, 56 Foot-ball . . . . . . . . 133 Foxcroft House . . . . . 84 Gannett House . . . . _. . 87 Gates to the Yard . . . . 22 Geography, Laboratories of 103 Geology, Laboratories of . 103 Glass Flowers . . . . 98 Gore Hall (The College Library) . . . 19, 47 Graduate School. . . 7 Gray Collection of Engrav- ings. . . . . . . . . 59 Gray Herbarium . . . 10, 112 Grays Hall . 20, 37 Gymnasium, The Hemen— . way . . . . . . . . . 83 Harvard College, History of 1, 7 “ Hall . 13, 29, 47 “ University,Founda- tion, Constitution, and Departments of . . . . . . 1 “ Statue . . . . . 79 “ Union. . . . . . 142 154 Hastings Hall Holden Chapel ....... Hollis Hall . . 16, 31 Holw orthy Hall 18, 36 Holyoke House . . . 38 Hygiene, Laboratory of. 82 Jefferson Physical Labora- tory 87 Journalism 136 Law School . . . . 8, 117 Lawrence Hall . . 81 Lawrence Scientific School 7 Libra1y . . . 9,16,45 Bussey Institutiondlg— riculturc) ..... 123 “ Child Memorial (Eng- ~lish) 54 “ Chemistry 42 “ Classics . . . 29 “ Dental School. . 122 “ Divinity School 81 “ Economics . 30 “ Education Department 83 “ Engineering 9 1 “ French . . . . . . 55 “ Germanic Languages and Literatures 54 “ Gray Herbarium (Bot- any) . 114 “ History and Govern- ment . . 30 “ Indo-IranianLanguages 55 “ Law School . . . . 117 “ Mathematics . . . . 56 “ Psychological . . . . 39 “ Romance Philology . . 54 “ Semitic ...... 108 “ Museum of Compara- tiveZoology. . . . 95 Locker Building Massachusetts Hall Matthews Hall . . Medical School . . . . . . .14,28 . 19,21,38 8, 118 Memorial Hall . . . . . 21,63 Metallography, Laboratory of 86 Mineralogy and Petrography, Laboratories of ..... 100 Museum, Botanical . 97 “ Comparative Zool- ogy ..... 9, 93 “ Geological . 103 “ Germanic . . . . 62 “ Mineralogical . . 100 “ Peabody . . . 9,106 “ Semitic ..... 108 “ University . . . 9, 92 “ Warren Anatomi- \ cal ...... 119 Newell Gate ....... 129 New Lecture Hall, The 83 Observatory, Astronomi— cal . 10, 114 Oxerseers, Board of . . . . 3 Palaeontology, Laboratory of 95 Peabody Museum of Ameri- can Archaeology and Eth- nology ........ 9, 106 Pierce Hall . . ...... 89 Perkins Hall ....... 87 Physical Laboratory, J effer- son .......... 87 Preachers to the University . 43 President and Fellows, The . 3 President’ s House, The . 53 Psychological Laboratory 38 Randall Collection of En- gravings ........ 59 Randall Hall ....... 79 Robinson Hall ..... 20, 59 Rogers Building ..... 62 Rotch Building (The Old Carey Building) . 84 Rowing ......... 130 Sanders Theatre . . . . . . 63 Sever Hall . . 20,56 8 047 1 5 2 453 1 9 8 53 .1 1 1 2 O O o f to..- 0 V. .1... . r a .0... e e 0 I I . m MD M noon: at u 0 11 r coco 3. can. flan“ Hm m0“ 1m Qantas. sons: to... 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