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V £38. xvfxb: ,, .t a; :3. u\>b.otrct,v ,3. .I . . 3: , . its TY. rmig l 4 L ., .6 y . t.3t.,a$91&.‘x{n.6a2. it; n‘l‘. ~.¢ .!,f} I.» ,: 0.. .. f. . 331x :- . n . 9.... . ‘23-. ,\.- .. ‘ L k \ » . {0.1!}. of? b .1 -:\i,..«cl. $1:‘o,x.$)..s. in»... 4 .1013: .. o..9f§. . ‘1 I . : a .. . O .. .iL. A.. ,7 v.93) 5n. .. . . L ‘ c ‘ ~ : L. alt l1| 1.. hints . ~ ._ ‘ . opt... PIA O... I . C\ L . A .1 ‘ C 'x . .v... 3,211.... 1:, ‘ UNIVERSITYf PENNSYLVANIA LIBRARIES LIBRARY UNIVERSITY?" PENNSYLV/W IA 33, APART w v. T m D m m m w m m o R U 0 Y ~ SELECTIONS FROM-THE REGISTERS ‘ _ . _ 2‘ 1,, ; '1‘, O "5,1?BINTED FOR THE AB§OTSF0RD CLUB. ’ ‘I M.Dccc.xxx1x. 3 ~ EDINBERGH: m T N E S E R P ABBOTSFORD CLUB, M.DCCC.XXXIX. imminent. JOHN HOPE, ESQUIRE. Right Hun. The EARL OF ABERDEEN. ' A591; ANDERSdN, Esquire. BINDON BLOOD, Esquire. : Bnnun BOTFIELD, Esquire. Jams BURN, Esquire. W Bows STEUART CAMPBELL, Esquire. JOHN BLACK GRACIE, Esquire. . DAVID IRVING, Esq. LL.D. 1 JAMES IVORY, Esquire, Solicitor General. 20 Hon. FRANCIS JEFFREY, Lord Jeffrey, JAMES KINNEAR, Esquire. GEORGE RITCHIE KINLOCH, Esquire. DAVID LAING, Esquire. , r . Rev. JOHN LEE, D.D. . _ " '25 WILLIAM HUGHLOGAN, Esquire. 5 "V- ‘ JAMES LUCAS, Esquire. WILLIAM MACDOWALL, Esquire. JOHN WHITEFOORD MACKENZIE, Esquire, Treasurer. JAMES MACKNIGHT, Esquire. 30 JAMES MAIDMENT,,,'Esquire. THEODORE MARTIN, Esquire. . ., JOHN MILLER, Esquire, M.D. , . q fl WILLIAM HENRY MILLER, Esquire, M.P. fi 13 Q, \‘ Rev. JAMES MORTON, B.D. ' 35 ROBERT NASMYTH, Esquire. Q ROBERT PITCAIRN, Esquire. 1 EDWARD PIPER, Esquire. _ q 1%; ' ., JOHN ROBERTSON, Esquire. ' j . ,. _ ,_ A * Right Hon. ANDREW RUTHERFURD, Lord Advocate. 40 ANDREW SHORTREDE, Esquire. , JOHN SMITH,.Y0ungest, Esquire. f q ‘ . ,~‘ g - " ~;- WILLIAM B D. D. T URNBULL, Esquire, Secretary. *3“ J L 3'» ‘ EDWARD VERNON UTTERSON, Esquire, A Right_ Hon. ‘Sir GEORGE WARRENDER, Barr? PREFATORY OBSERVATIONS. HAVING, through the kindness of Mr KINLooH, obtained a Se- lection of Extracts made by him from the’Records of the Pres- bytery of Lanark, I have found it so curious, and so illustrative of that much lauded period When the Solemn League and Covenant was in the zenith of its power, that I conceive I may throw additional light on a very interesting portion of Scotish “History, and perhaps moderate the zeal of such as have ex- pressed a wish to see the discipline of those days re-established, by presenting it to the ABBOTSFORD CLUB. These Extracts commence on 10th July 1623, and terminate on 7th September 1709. From the period of the‘overthrow of Episcopacy, in the year 1638, to the defeat of the Scotish army at Dunbar, the'meetings seem to have been frequent and well attended. The formidable and anomalous autho- rity assumed by this Presbytery, in common with the other Church Courts, often in open and direct opposition to the law of the land, and the inquisitorial power exercised over indivi— duals, is a remarkable feature of those times, and shows how t x PREFATORY OBSERVATIONS. little the principles of civil and religious liberty were understood or recognised, even by those who professed to array themselves under its banner. No one at all acquainted with the history of this country, during the period in question, requires to have instances of the former pointed out to him, and these Records furnish one very striking example, amongst others, of the latter. The treatment of the Marquess and Marchioness of Douglas, by the Presbytery of Lanark, exhibits a system of ecclesiastical oppression almost without parallel. They were compelled to profess their belief in the doctrines of a church of which they had never been members,——to join in its ordinances under pain of excommuni- cation, (then drawing with it the most serious civil conse- quences,) and of being denounced to the ruling powers as malignants and enemies of their country. They were deprived of all control over the education of their children,—latterly even of their society,——-and denied access to them without authority from their ecclesiastical tyrants; and they were forced to receive into their family a nominee of the Presbytery, ostensibly as a chaplain, but truly as a spy on their proceedings. They were under the necessity of dismissing their confidential servants at the bidding of the Presbytery; and for a series of years were fain to cultivate its forbearance by the most abject and hu- miliating submissions. It may be observed, too, that at the time when the Presbytery was most rigorous in its measures against the Marquess, to compel his family’s adherence to the ‘ D '5'. . 5., fl»' '*" " ‘ A PREFATORY OBSERVATIONS. xi church, it was making repeated complaints against his inter- _ ference with the consciences of his tenantry ! ! ! Most readers of Wodrow, particularly those of the Western Shires, have been impressed with a just detestation of the con— duct of the Episcopal Clergy, during the reigns of Charles II. and James VII., in becoming spies and informers upon the Non- Conformists in their several parishes ;—and however well founded this charge against them may be, and how justly soever they may be condemned for conduct so little consonant to Christian charity, it will be seen from these Extracts, that they were not the inventors of the practice, but merely followed the example set them by their Presbyterian Brethren. During the whole period over which these Extracts extend, the members of the Presbytery appear to have been employed less in attending to their proper ministerial duties, and to the education of the youth in their parishes, than in anxious searches after, and in bringing to trial, old women accused of witchcraft, and in ferreting out, and investigating, cases of scandal. Such matters seem to have been prosecuted with zeal and persever- ance; and it is impossible, from the light thrown on the pro- ceedings of the Scotish Church by the Minutes of this Presby- tery, as well as by those of the Synod of Fife, and of the Pres- byteries. of St Andrews and Cupar, already printed for the Club, to avoid arriving at the conclusion, that the services of the Clergy, in former times, have been less important than has been usually represented or believed. clination to exalt the past at the expense of the presgfi but the publication of Records such as these must go fa1; 00 dispel.~ this false, or at least exaggerated, estimate of the religién‘ and morality of What have been designated “ the good old times,’ ’and ought to satisfy every one, that these qualities were at no former period more abounding than now. EDINBURGH, ’ 30th November 1839. EXTRACTS FROM THE REGlSTER or THE PRESBYTERY OF LANARK. 1623—1709. 10 Julh'e 1623. COMPERIS BESSE SMYTHE in Lefmahego, and confefi‘es hir charming of the heart feawers, and that by knielling they focht thair healthe for Godes faik, and that file appoyntit thame the wayburne leaf to be eattin nyne morningis; the words of the charme are, for Godes faik, for Sanét Spirit, for S. Aikit, for the nyne maidens that died into the buirtrie into the Ledywell Bank, this charme to be buik and beil to me; God that fua be. Ordainit to be heir the nixt day. Compeirit HeW Weir of Clowburne, and being reaplie advyfit, purgit himfelf be his grit aithe, that fince his mariage he had no carnal deal with Margaret Lindefay. 25 September . Ordanes Mr Thomas Bannatyne to try who prefented the crucifix to my ledy Angufe. 22“ Januar 1624. George Weir of Blaikwod, and John Chancler of Schillhill, for burying within the Kirks, to be fummoned againfi the nixt day. A 2 THE PRESBYTERY 17 June 1624. The qlk day ane letter direét from the Bithop, for ane fupport to be colleétit in euerie Kirk, for the fupport of the towne of Dumfermling brunt with fire. The Laird of Sheilhill hes promifed to gif fatiffaétioun to the Selfioun of Quodquene, and to find cawtione to abfiein frome Kirk burial in all tyme coming. 2301 September . Ordaines M“ Thomas Bannatyne to tak more diligent tryell anent the turning of the Ridle be Dennis Ingles and Jon Gilkerfone. CENSURE OF THE BREITHREIN. Mr Johne Lindefay, Carluk, Mr Jon Wilfone, approvit. Mr Wm Levingf’toun, Mr Rot Lindefay, approvit. Mr Wm Somervell, Mr Jon Lindefay, M1r Mathew Wilfone, approvit. Mr James Hamiltoun, Mr Jon Cheiflie, Mr Jon Veitche, approvit. Mr Wm Lawrie, Mr R0t Somervell, Georg Ogfioun, approvit. Mr Thomas Bannatyne, Mr Thomas Lindefay, Mr Andrew Gudlad, approvit ; ordaines Mr Andrew to build his manfe in a more better and fure forme. Mr Andrew Somervell, Mr Thomas Cambel, Mr James Baillie, ap- provit. 1 Mr R0t Bannatyne, James Heith, approvit. The qlk day the Brethrein hes brought thair colleétiounes for the towne of Dumfermling, amounting to the fowme of qlks colleétiounes everie brother is ordained to carie to Glafgow with thame, and to delyver to Mr R0t Scott, collector appoyntit be the com- miflionares of Dumfermling, qlk is done, and hes receaved ane difcharg of the famyn, conteining the particular foume of everie kirk fubfcryved _ be the foirfaid Mr Robert Scott, and heir prined into the book to remaine ad perpetuam rez' memoriam. Out of the parochin of Lanark 6 Ster. libs. Out of the par. of Carluk 98 libs. Out of the par. of Carinwath 55 libs. 12s. 6d“ Out of the par. of Big- ' gar 20 libs. . f‘ OF LANARK. . 3 Out of the par. of Lefmahego 4O libs. Out of the par. of Pittinane 24 libs. , .5 Out of the par. of Carftares 2O libs. Out of the par. of Quodquene and Liberton 26 libs. 73. Out of the par. Of Crafurd Jo“ 93 libs. 133. Out of the par. of Rober- ton 9 libs. Out of the par. of Crafurd Douglas 17 libs. Out of the par. of Cul- ter 8 libs. Out of the par. of Dolphingtoun l7 libs. Out of the par. of Wowf’coun 9 libs. (is. 8d. Out of the par. of Douglas 40 merks. Out of the par. of Dunfyre 14 libs. 7s. , Out of the par. of Carmichell l2 libs. Out of the par. of Cowing— toun 6 libs. Out of the par. of Lamyngtoun 10 libs. 13s. 4d. Out of the par. of Walftoun 8 libs. Out of the par. of Symingtoun l2 libs. 13 Januar 1625. Ordaines the minifler of Douglas to requyre the commifiioun for apprehending Beatrix Crichton, fufpeét of witchcraft, fra _Ard Stewart at his homecoming. 3 Feb. .The comiflion for apprehending the Witches of Douglas yet to be fought from Ard Stewart, chamberlane to the erle of Angufe. . 31 Marche .The qlk day compeirit the laird of Analtoun, and confeflit his fault both 1n taking the key of the Kirk doore of Symington frame the minifler thereof, as alfo in burying his father within the famyn; for the qlk faults he oblifl'es himfelf under the paine of XI. libs. to fatiffie the 'Iniunétiounes of the prefbeterie, and to abflzein from all Kirk buriall in all tyme coming, under the foirfaid penaltie, toties quoties, be this his ‘ aé't, fubfcryved with his hand, at Lanerk, the 23d of Junie 1625. (Subfcribit. ) JOHNNE MURE. ‘ 9 Jam: ' .Beatrith Chrichtoune being accufit that fche fould have bewitched Denis Inglis, went herfelf about him to the caf’cing up of her kow, and Denis aflirmes he came and the kow fchortlie after dyed, and fra . that tyme hegemvered. K “2* ‘ 4 THE PRESBYTERY 23 Jum'z' 1625. J on Baillie, VV‘n Baillie, J on Hirfchaw, Jon and Thomas Prentifl'es, Rot Wat, pyper, prophaners of the Sabbothe in fetching hame a maypole, and dancing about the fame upone pafche fonday, to be fummoned with a lybelit fummonds. 21 Jullie . The qlk day ane letter relTavit from the Bifchope, togither with the kinges maiefiies awin letter for the obferving and keipingof ane foleme fat’t during his maieflies will, the cauflis being the grit and vehement plague in Ingland, efpecialy into the citie of London, the grit delug and invndatioun of Raine, and alfo to pray for the gud fuccefl'e of his maief’ties nauie, whairfor ordaines the brethrein to mak intimatioun thereof vnto the parochiners, and to be preciflie keiped befoir and afternoon, and into Borrowfiounes ewerie weik day. The qlk day James Lawrie in Corfick compleins upone James Car— michell in Burne, that his daughter Helein Lawrie being proclamit upon Jon Mackwat in Culter, he hes fclanderit hir in faying he behovit to have twentie hogges for the Vpbreking of hir. Ordaines him to be fum- moned againf’t the nixt day. 27 06%. . The qlk day ane letter refl'avit fra the Bifchope for ane contributioun to be colleétit for the releaff of fome folks of Queinf- farie and Kingorne, deteinit under flaverie by the Turks at Salie, Whair- for ordaines the brethrein to ufe diligence, and mak intimatioun thairof to thair parochiners the firf’t fabbothe day. 2 Merche 1626. The qlk day compeirit James Lindefay of Belflane for burying his chyld within the kirk of Carluk, and having acknawledgit his offence, hes promifit with all diligence to build ane yle for his awin buryall. 16 Merche . Wm Weir, pyper to the gyfarts of Lefmahego, be- ing inquyrit who moved him to come thair at that tyme, affirmes Denis Inglis moved him; ordaines the faid Denis be fummoned againt’t the nixt day. 17 Augtg/i . Wm Hamiltoun in Culter, for his‘incef’tuous marriag with his guddames brothers wyff, to be fummoned againfl; the nixt day.‘ 28 Sept. . The qlk day ane letter direét from the Bifchope, or- daining fome of the Breither to go and falut the erle of Angufe fufpeét ‘ . 24 Amk.———, Jon Wmfonei in Overhall,,and Jon Wmfone in Glen; OF DANARK. 5 ‘ of iipapiltrie having laitlie returnit home, whairfor the Breither hes maid choife of the moderator, M” Wm Levingfioun, Mr Jon Lindefay, gt Carluk, to that efieét, and to defyre to refort to his paroche kirk. 4 Januar 1627. Ordaines Mr Thomas Bannatyne to fummond the gyfartes of Douglas, and to try out thofe who wer clothed in womens habit. 25 Januar . . The qlk day the Laird of Ley being perfonallie prefent, ordaines him the nixt fabbothe day to come out of his awen feat within the Leuch kirk of Lanerk, befoir his awin minifler, Mr Wm Lewingftoun, and there to humble himfelf Vpon his knees, crave God and the congregatioun forgivenefs for mifregaird of God and his fabboth in drawing ane quhinger within his houl‘e, and to find cawtioun to that effedt, vthervys his minifter to proceed againfi him with the cenfures of the kirk. Feb. . Ordaines Wm Weir, pyper, for playing at Yuile at the gyfing in Douglas, to be fummoned' with a lybellit fummonds. 20 Sept. . In refpeél: the Breither hes direét commiflioners at diverfe tymes to Wm erle of Angufe, in all lenitie exhorting and admo- nifching his 10. to frequent the kirk on the Lordes day and heir the word of God preached, qlk his lo. has not obeyed, whairby his 10. gifes ‘vehement fufpitioun of his falling away from the treuthe and the confef- fioun of faithe fubfcrivit be his 10., ordaines thairfoir Jo“ Wilfon, beddell of the prefbetrie, to go and fummond my lo. to compeir perfonalie befoir ' the‘ moderator and breither of the prefbetrie of Lanerk, to gif fatiffaé’cioun for his offence. , _ _ 17» Januar‘ 1628. The qlk day the prefbetrie retTavit ane miflive frome the ordinar the Bifchope of Glafgow, defyring thame to defifl; from anie farther proceiding againf’t the erle of Angufe for his papiftrie, in refpea: his Maieflie hes writtin to the two archbifchopes to this effect, and is'to. go to cOurt; Ordaines ane letter to be direét to the Bifchope concerning his two feruants, Rot Douglas and Patrick Dickfone, gif the proces fould be continewed, feing they had refl'avit 3 publiét admoni- tiounes. . O o 6 THE PRESBYTERY geithe, tulgeours upone the fabbothe day, to be fummond to compeir the nixt day of prefbetrie be a lybellit fummonds. 12 June 1628. The moderator and Brethrein having fund M1r Ritchart Inglis qualified, ordaines him to the kirk of Wowfloun to teach to the parochiners, and ferve his edict. 21 Augzg/i . The qlk day Mr Jon Lindefay, minifter at Carflares, having regratit the break of the fabbothe by the infolent behaviour of men and women in foot baling, dancing, and Barla Breks, ordaines everie Brother to labour to refiraine the forfaid infolencie and brek of fabbothe, and to that effect to mak intimatioun 'thairof into thair feve- rall kirkes nixt fabbothe day. Decemb. 10, 1629. Ordaines M” James Bayllie to tak furetie of Tho. Bayllie (of Lamington,) to be prefent the nixt prefbetrie day to receyve his iniunétiounes for his offence in breking Vp the kirk door of Laming- ton and burying his chyld, qlk if he refufe to give, ordeynes Mr James to proceede againfl; him with admonitions publiét, feing he hes bene twyfe fummond to that effeét. i 31 Dec. . Thomas Baillie compeirs to receyve his iniunctions, and is ordeyned to make his publiét repentance in fack claith one fab- both day, and to pay iiij. lib. in penalty. Janet Broun compeirs, confefl'es that now being of the age xxiiij. yeris, the never communicated; that {he was brought up in papiflrie vnder her father and mother, andthat flie flill profeiTes papii’trie; and being de- mand, whether or no my Lord of Angus knew her to be a papif’t, anfuer’ed, to her knowledge he did. Lykewyfe the promefTes to remove her felff from the company of the erle of Angus dochters, and out of his houfe, betwixt this and fonday cum aucht dayis, and that the fall be a bearer of the word and admitter of conference quhairfoever it fall happen her to duel], and fayleing herein, ordeyns Mr Thomas Bannatyne to procede againfl her. 24 June 1630. Qlk day compeirit Robert Chancelar, elder of Sheil- hill, quha being convick of contempt of the word, of railing againfl; his paflor, wes ordanit to find catioun to obeye, ‘qu thing he promifet to do, whairfor he. wes injoyned to make his publiét repentance in his awin OF LANARK. 7 claithes only one day if he maid a gud confeflioun, and to to be ab- fol’ved. Qlk daye comperit Sufanna Chancelar, and wes conviét of medling with charmers, and burying a bairnes claithes for to procure healthe, whairfor is ordanit to find cautioune to obeye, and abl’teine the lyk fault in all tyme coming. 23 Sept. 1630. Qlk daye it is alfo reportit be the Brether abovemen- tionat, That the Lady Sheilhill for her fact of medling with charmers and burying the claithes of a chyld betwiX lairds lands, etc. fuld in all humilitie confefs hir fault befoir the Brether of the prefbetrie, and give fignes of her vnfayned repentance, quairintill fcho prefentlie gave obe- dience. 14 062‘. . Qlk day compeirit Sufanna Chancelar, dochter to the Laird of Sheilhill elder, and in pretence of the Brether vpon hir knees confeflit hir grit offence in having any medling with charmers, and pro- mifed amendement in tyme coming. 26 JVov. . Mr James Hamiltoun, minifter at Lefmahego, Re- portis, That Johne Weir, younger of Clenochtdyke, hes fiand thofe fix fabb‘othes in fack clothe at the kirk dore of Lefmahego. That he hes con- feflit the vyle faél: of inceft with Ifl’obell Tweddell, his gudthers deceafed,. wyf, and hes protet’tat his vnfayned Repentance to the fatiffaétioun of the congregatioun in fome meafour; and reports alfo, That he hes abfolvit him in the name of Jefus Chrifi from the fearful fentence of excommuni- catione. 10 Merche 1631. Compeirit Marie Somervell, and confeflit hir ofl’ence in flandering Anna Tennent with adulterie with hir awin hufband, and that without any jufi. occafion, protefiing that fcho is greavit for giving any ofl‘ence thairby, and falbe—mott willing to mak fatiffaétioun, whair- for the'Brether hes ordanit the faid Marie Somervell to go to the pub- lick place of Repentance in the kirk of Carinwath, and thair vpon hir kneis confefs‘ the \vnjufl; flandering of Anna Tennent with hir awin hulband in adulterie ; atk God mercie, the Whole congregatioun and the gentlewoman forgivenefs, quhome in a fpeciall meafour fcho greivit and ofl‘endit. . 8 THE PRESBYTERY 25 Augvfi 1631. Johne Hamiltoune of Gilkerfcleuche is delate to have buryed his bairne within the kirk of Craufurd Johne, whairfor he is ordanit to be fummondit to compeir befoir the brether of the Prefbe- trie the nixt day. 22 Sept. . Qlk daye M“ R0t Hamiltoun, fone lawfull of vmquhyle Mr James Hamiltoun, (who was prefent the lafl: day,) hes defyrit of the Brether ane teftimoniall of his qualificatiouns to labour in the wark of the miniflrie, and that they wold appoynt commifiionars to fpeik my Lady Marquefs, now in the abfence of my Lord Marquefs, That he mycht be preferred to the kirk of Lefmahego, quhair his father ferved befoir. To this purpoifs the Brether hes appoyntit Mr Wm Lewingi’toun and M‘r Johne Lindefay commifiionars. 3 Nov. . Mr Tho. Bannatyne ordainit to fummond the Erie of Angufs to compeir the nixt day of prefbetrie, Viz. vpon the xvij. day of November inftant, for his obfiinacie in papiltrie, and difobedience to the kirk, in reteining of Patricke Dickfone, excommunicat apoftate and rebell to the king his majeftie, fo long in his fervice, to the grit offence of God’s people. 22 Mar. 1632. The Brether thinkes it meet that the delay of the building the brigg over Clyd at Robertone fould be regrated to the erle of Angus at fome convenient occafion. 10 May . The Brethern being informed that Mr Thomas Ballen- tyne had ahfolved Patrick Dickfone from his excommunication without advyce of the prefbyterie, or any due fatiifaétion for his apoftafie, or- danes Mr Johne Lindefay to goe to Glafgow and informe the Bithpe of this diforder and contempt, and deall with him that he wald concure with the Prefbeterie to cenfure the faid Mr Thomas according to his demerit. ‘ 24 May . Mr J ohne Lindefay reportes that the Bifhop‘e is verie offendit with the maner of Patrick Dickfones abfolution, and ordanes Mr Thomas Ballentyne to be cited to Glafgow for the tryall of that matter. ' 14 June . M’RWm Lewingfione, etc. reportes from Glafgow, that Mr Thomas Ballentyne compeering upon his fummondes befoir the OF LANARK. 9 Bifhope, did at the firit decline both Bifliope and prefbeterie, and appell to the Highe Comiflion ; bot efterward fubmitting him felff, he is ordanit onlie for the prefent, upon his next fabboth efter fermone, to acknowledge ‘ befoir the people at Douglas his error and overfyght in to rafhlie abfolve- ~ing‘ of Patrick Dickfone without iadvyfe of Bifhope or prefloyterie, and Mr Rot Wilkine ordaned to preach that day at Douglas for that effect; and it is ordaned by the Bifhope and the brethern of the foirfaid meetting at Glafgow, that the preibyterie fould fchortlie appoynt a vifitatioun of the kirk of Douglas, and the parochiners to be folemnelie and feverallie charged concerning the faid Mr Thomas fufficiencie and behaviour, that , his accufation myght be more formallie deduced theirfrae, againfl the nixt fynod. CENSURE OF THE BRETHERN. ' 5 Sept. 1633. Mr Wm Somervaill, Mr Wm Lewingflone, Mr Jon Vetch, approvit. Mr Jon Lindefay, M1r Rot Somervaill, MIr Thomas Ballentyne, ap- proved. Mr Rot Somervaill cenfured and fcharplie reprovit for leaving his flocke, and goeing to a buriall vpon a Sabboth day. Mr Thomas Ballentyne cenfured for travailling and goeing abroad vpone the Saturdayes, and is exhorted to mend that fault, and to be faithfull and diligent in his minif’trie. James Highe, Mr Rot Lindfay, M1r Andrew Gudlet, approved. 'Mr Andrew Gudlet ordaned to build his manfe and quire. 17‘ 062. . James Young and Kathareen Jackfone, in the parifhe of Lanerke, confefl’es carnell dealling, being incefi, the being his wyffes filter daughter, and ar ordeened to find caution to fatiffie the kirke, and abfteen m tyme to come. 0&.23,1634. Quhilk day refl’eaved a letter from the Bilhope anent the planting of the kirks with faitis, and ordaine everie minifler to in- timat that it is a privilege oi" the kirk to place faitis in kirkis, and that nane prefum to chaunge faitis without their libertie. And in efpeciall, the Minifler of Carnwathe is ordainet to inti'niat to his parochiners that name B 1 10 THE PRESBYTERY of thame attempt the removeing or plaiceing of any fait in the kirk, unto the famyn be done orderlie be the ordenance of the kirk, as thai will anfwer, and intimatioune hereof to be maid the nixt Lords day. Jum’j 16, 1636. Johne Cuningame, brother to the laird of Bonny- toune, confefl'eth his adulterie with Barbara Ralf’toune, daughter to the laird of Rali’toune, and is ordained to find cautione. 06%. 20, . Mr R0t Hamiltoune and Mr Johne Vetch relait, that the Marquees of Douglas is content to admitt conference for himfelf, bot will not be anfwerable for his Lady, nor caufe his dochter to goe to the church againf’t her Will, bot for his pairt will not hinder hir; as for his fervants, he is Willing that theas of them who doe not goe to churche that the cenfure of the church proceed againfl them, bot he will caufe none to goe, nor yet Will he appoynt ane day for conference particularlie. Aprile 20, 1637. Mr Robert Hamiltone reportes, That the Marques of Douglaffe, his Lady and daughter, hes promefed to admitt conference upon the contraverted pointes of religion once everie fourteene dayes, vpon anie day appointed by the prefbyterie or afl'emblie, and that their fervandes hes promifed to keepe churche in tyme comeing. Mr John Curie is ordained to fummond Alexr. Meinyeis of Coulter- allers, and William Lyndefay of Birthwood, for not communicating in their owne paroch church. Mag 10, . The Bretheren, with mutuall confent, Ordaines that whofoever {hall be abfent from the Preibyterie without ane lawfull excufe, accepted and approven by the refs, {hall pay for everie dayes abfence fix Ihillings. At Coulter, Mag 25,1637.Mr John Currie, the patter of the church, by all the gentlemen and elders of the paroch was approven in his life, in his doctrine, and difcipline. The Bretheren of the prelbyterie finding the church of Coulter to want ane bell, the church yard dyke not built, hes appointed, With the confent of the parochiners, the 15 day of Junij, for their paftor and Heritors to condifcend Vpon ane taxation for the buying of ane bell, and building of the church yard dyke. OF LANARK. 11 It is likewile ordained that from hencefoorth there {hall be no buriall in the church vnder the paine ordained in the act of Parliament, and cen- furs of the church. Alexr. Meinyeis of Coulterallers and William Lyndefay of Birthwood compearing, confefl‘ed there not communicating, alledging malice and variance the caufe thairof. The Bretheren hes ordained them to con- fefl'e their fault publicklie out of their owne feates, and then gentlie to deale with them. The Brethrene refolved, becaufe they have both pro- mifed faithfullie, vnder the paine of double penaltie, at the nixt occafione to communicate. Jum'j 8, 1637. Mr John Currie reportes, that his parochiners of Coulter hes promifed to have ane bell for the church bought, the queir of the church, andthe church yard dyke, built bettwixt and Mertimefe nixt. Augufi 3, . Lykwayes another letter fent from the Archbifhope was red, wherein they were defired, immediatlie after the fight thereof, to condifcend vPon the bell; and molt fummar way for furnifhing them- felves with two fervice bookes for everie ane of their churches, contain- ing the common form of prayers, and fervice to be red publié’tlie in all churches throughout the whole kingdome. The Brethren hes promifed to give ane anfwer to this defire the nixt day, and the Moderator hes pro- mifed to advertife the Archbifhope hereof. Feb. 8, 1638. This day Mr John Wilfone handled the common head of the poHibilitie of fulfilling the law, and is approven. At this tyme their is great truble and divifion throughout the whole kingdome by reafon of a new fervice book, and book of canones, ob- truded on the kirk by the bilhopesugithout all order or advyfe of the church obteened theirunto, The'faid éilhopes haveing procured an aét of Counfell for proclameing and imfldling the faids bookes vpon evere Minifler of the land, under the_ pain of horneing, So that the bifhope of Glafgow had latelie writtin» a letter" to our prefbyterie for this effect, and fent with it a Mefl'engerfhf artfies to give a charge of horneing to everie brother who was not Willing‘an’d "readie to buy prefentlie two of the fervice bookes. .3 12 ' THE PRESBYTERY For this caufe their was frequent fupplicationes from all quarters of the kingdome prefented to the Lordes of Counfell, fubfcryved with the hands of all well affected Minifters in everie prefbyterie, and of people of all degrees, to reprefent the greevances of the Land. As alfo, for holding hand to thir fupplicationes their was dailie waiting on at Edinburgh, the place quhair the Counfell did fitt, of all fortes of people ; fpeciallie, their was commiflioners deputed from prefbyteries for this effect. In the meane tyme, our prefbyterie was hitherto inferiour to many others in this diligence, and that through default of Mr John Lindefay, prefent moderator, (for both the faid Mr J ohne refuifed to fupplicat againf’t the bookes himfelff, being diverfe tymes requyred theirto by the brether: As alfo,.becaufe of the faid Mr Johne his diforderlie fteping into that office of moderation, for the bifhope, by a miflive letter, had not long befor extruded Mr Thomas Campbell, chofen by the prefbyterie, and al- lowed alfo for many yeirs by the bifhope, without the pretending of anie fault, and ordaned Mr Johne Lindfay, Moderator, quhairupon our meet- inges wer verie rare and unfrequent, the wonted union amongf’t us broken off, and our prefbyterie in a maner feemed to be deferted. Upon the confideration of thefe thinges, the brether this day did meit more frequently to take fome courfe how thinges might be redrefl'ed, the prefent exigence being f0 great that we could no longer be deficient. Quherupon,-fir(t in a molt calme and loveing maner, the brether re- quyres of the faid Mr J ohne Lindfay that he wald7concure and run courfe with his brether in Vfubfcryveing thofe fuppliciationes, and in election of Commiflioners to wait on at Edinburgh, in name of our prefbyterie, which the faid Mr Johne did altogether 1efuife. Nixt, the brether requyres that fince he wald be pleafed no way to concure with us in f0 weightie a matter, he wald be content willinglie to lay doune his office for a tyme at leafl, that the brether might take an orderlie courfe for choyfing commiflioners ; which the faid M“ Johne did alfo refuife. Quherupon the brether telles him, that in regaird of his untraé’table obl’tinacie, they will make choyfe of their awin Moderator without him, and acknowledge him no more. Efter this the faid Mr OF LANARK. 13 Johne clofing his dyet, removes himfeltf 'out of the prefbyterie feat, all the prefent brether remaining behind except Mr Robert Hamiltone, and Mr Robert Nairne, with ane or two more who followed him. The brether then confidering Mr Johnes diforderlie entrie to the m0- deration, that his ordinar cariage fince his entrie hes given no fatiffaétion to the myndes of the brether, and now his unbrotherlie wilfulnes in f0 grave and weightie an occafion, findes it both expedient and necefl’arie to ufe their libertie in making a free choyfe of a Moderator, and for the prefent Mr Alexr. Somervaill is made choyfe of to moderat that day: {for the tyme to come, it is ordaned that Mr Wm Levingflone, Mr Alex. Somervaill, etc. go to Mr Thomas Campbell, our old moderator, as Commiflioners from the prefbyterie, to defyre him to returne to his office, promifing that the brether, except a few, fall all adhere to him; and in cafe of his refuifall, that Mr Alex. Somervaill continue for a tyme mode- rator. March 15, 1638. This day the brether fendes for the Baillies of Lanerk, and defyres them to take fome courfe for punithing fuch perfons as had latelie injured fome of our brether in that tumult which fell out in thair toune, or otherwayes that we wald no more feem to countenance that wrong in keeping prefbyteries within thair toune, which the Baillies promifes to performe with all diligence. March 29, . Forfameekle as the frequent fupplicationes againfl; the fervice booke, and booke of canones, prefented befoir the Counfell, ' had gottin no anfwer nor fatiffaétion, bot by the contrare, proclamation made difcharging‘all the meetings of the fubjeétes for that earand, under the paine of treafone, and f0 encreafing the feares of the well affected of all degrees of people, that the truthe of religion and puritie of the gofpell wer now in extream hafert of a fearfull decay, It is thought good by the nobilitie, and all degrees of fupplicantes, that the old Confefiione of Faith fubfcryved dyverfe tymes befoir in this kirke, by prince and peo- ple, together with an application of it to the prefent tymes, preveening thofe many encroaching corruptiones, be drawen upe in forme of a cove- nant, and prefented to everie parochin, and all degrees of people through- out'the land, to be fubfcryved and fworne to by all who loves the truth 14 THE PRESBYTERY of the gofpell; which was performed with great expedition and admirable readines and alacritie of all degrees of people. For this caufe it was recommended by the commiflioners of fchyres to everie prefbyterie, that they fould take notice if their was any kirkes within their boundes quher- unto the couenant had not yet been prefented. Heirfoir the brether, efter tryall taken, finds that thir wer 3 kirkes within ‘ our prefbyterie quher the covenant had not yet been red, viz. Douglas, Carmichall, and Carf’taires. July 12, 1638. Mr Rot Lindfay, and Mlr Johne Wilfone, compears, and ar fcharplie rebuiked for their long abfence in fuch a tyme, and ar charged to be cairfull in keeping the prefbyterie in tyme to come, other- wayes that they fall not efcape a fcharper cenfure. Mr George Bennet, and Mr George [John] Currie, compeering, fub- mittes themfelffes to the cenfure of the brether for that fcandell they have given by their abfence or otherwayes. Quheirfoir being both removed, the brether confidering the maner of . their entrie, that they did not onlie fweer and‘fubfcryve to the bifhope for conformitie, bot alfo being enjoyned by him, without a precedent of the lyke praétife, did, for their tryall befoir their admifiion, preach and give thefes for defence, the one, of kneelling, the other, of holy dayes, for which caufe the moft part of the brether had hitherto refuifed to give them the ryght hand of fellowfchip : Ordanes them firft to declare them- felffes to the fatiffaétion of the brether from the pulpet of Lanerke, con- cerning Godes worke with them in the change of their judgment fince they had now fubfcryved the Covenant. Which ordinance. Mr John Currie willinglie undertakes to obey, and for effect, is ordained to add the nixt day, being the 2 of Augufi. Mr George Bennet cannot conde- fcend to obey for the prefent, bot takes it to his advyfe till the nixt day. - Sept. 13, —. The qlk day the brether confidering that it hath pleafed God, by many late pafi‘ages of his mercifull providence, to give great hopes and appearance to the whole’kirk of Scotland of the refor- mation and redrefi'e of former corruptiones and greevances, thinkes it molt expedient, for the furtherance of the commone caufe, to renew the OF LANARK. 15 old praé’tife of our kirke, in ufeing the concurrence of Laicke Elders to keep the Prefbyterie, with their minifters, for giveing advyfe and afiift- ance, and theirfoir ordanes everie minitter, with advyfe of his feflion, to make choyfe of an elder for that purpofe, and bring him with them to the prelbyterie the nixt day. Sept. 25, 1638. The qlk day the hrether haveing duelie confidered all the premifi'es, and examined the whole procefTe deduced againfl; Mr John Lindfay, minifter at Carlowke, by this prefent act, declares the faid Mr J ohne to be juftlie deprived from the exerceefe of the Minil’terie Within the kirk of Scotland, and confequentlie the kirk of Carlowke to be now vacant and voyd. Nov. 1, . The qlk day compeers befoir the prefbyterie, dyverfe Barones and Gentlemen, the Baillies of Lanerk, and other burgefTes their, and gives in a complaint, containing many particulars, againfl; M" Patrick Lindfay, prefent Archbifliop of Glafgow : The hrether confidering the foirfaid complaint, findes the matter to important, and confidering alfo that the generall afl'emblie is to near approaching, thinkes it meet to referr the tryall of the fame to the afl'emhlie; and theirfoir ordanes the ofliciar of the prefbyterie to goe to the faid bilhop his dwelling place, and fummond him to compeer befoir the general afl‘emblie at Glafgow, the 21 of N ovr. inftant, with continuation of dayes, and delyver to him a coppie of this complaint, and alfo of this our aét of reference, or if he can not be had perfonallie, to affixe the fame at his dwelling houfe, be- foir witnefl'es, and alfo ordane the compleenars citeing them, apud (163a, to be prefent at the faid afl'emblie for aflif’ting and verifieing the faid complaint. The qlk day the Brether, for the better tryall of the foirfaid complaint, findes it expedient that it be publiflled in all the parochines of the pref- byterie, together with the prefbyteries aét of reference, that no perfone haveing interefl; may pretend ignorance, bot be readie to attend at the faid afi'emblie, and theirfoir ordanes them to be read by the minif’ters efter fermon on the Lordes day, at leafl; in all the eminent parochines of the prefbyterie, fpeciallie in the ‘kirk of Lanerk. Novemb. l5, - . Mr Andrew Gudlett his excufe .for his frequent 16 ‘ THE PRESBYTERY abfence is accepted for once, upon condition to keep better in tyme comeing; and becaufe it furmifes that fundrie of the brether pretendes infirmitie for their abfence, without jufl; reafone, It is ordaned that the pretext of infirmitie fall not be accepted as an excufe for any, if it be fund that he walk abroad at home. Jan. 31, 1639. The qlk day their is a letter prefented from Mr Robert Hamiltone, direct to the prefbyterie, quherin molt infolentlie he profefi'es his contempt of the aiTemblie, and that he myndes to continew in preach- ing, notwithf’tanding of his depofition, quherfoir he is ordaned to be fum- moned to compeer befoir the prefbyterie, to hear the cenfure of the kirk proceed againf’t him unto excommunication. . March 7, . Gideon Weer, compeering in name of the parochine of Carmichall, prefented befoir the prefbyterie a dimifiion of the cure and benefice of that kirk, fubfcryved by Mr R0t Name, late minifter, befoir witnefles : Theirfoir the Brether, by this prefent act, declares the faid kirk of Carmichall to be vacant and void, as if the {aid Mr Rot had been naturallie dead. . March 28, . The Laird of Scheelhill compeering, confefi‘es his fault in burieing his wyffe in the kirk, and is ordaned to acknowledge his fault publiétlie in the kirk of Quothquen, and find cautione to renunce kirk buriall in tyme comeing, under the paine of X1. lib. And as for thes whom he employed in breaking Vpe the kirke doore, the prefbyterie referves their cenfure to the kirk feflion of Quothquen. ' Mr William Lawrie prefentes two old volumes of the prefbyterie bookes, one beginning in the year of God and ending , Another beginning in the year and ending . Aprile 25, . The qlk day Mr Richard Inglis haveing now of a long tyme had the charge to be Clerk, defyres to be difburdened, and that other brether may take the paines vicgfflz‘m. The judgment of the Brether being requyred in this matter, they ordane the faid Mr Richard to con- tinew in that office, with this condition, that everie brether within the prefbyterie fall pay to him yeerlie for his paines threttie fchillinges, be- gining the firt’t termes payment at the nixt Synod afi'emblie. OF LANARK. 17 . July 18, 1639. The qlk day, fiorfameekle as this day was appoynted for choyfing Commiflioners to the approaching Generall Afl'emblie, the Brether are requyred to give upe names of fuch ruleing Elders as they have brought with them, authorifed from their fefliones for that elfeét, who are given Vpe as followes: Par. Min. Eld. Lanerk, M" Wm Levingf’ton. Gideon Jack. Carlowk, Carflares, Carnwath, Dunfyre, Mr Wm Somervail. Alex. Baillie of Hills. Walftone, Mr Thomas Lindfay. James Somervaill. Dolphinfton, Mr Alexr Somervaill. James Cuningame. Liberton and Q. Mr George Bennett. Biggar, John Lord Fleeming. Coulter, Mr Johne Currie. Laminton, Mr James Baillie. Sr Wm Baillie of Laminton. Criagfoord L1nd-} Mr John Wilfon. George Broun. Crawfoord John, MP Rot Lindfay. John Hamilton of Bagra. Roberton, Mr J hon Veitch. Alexr Baillie of Bagbie. Wiflone, Mr Richard Inglis. James Wynrame of Wilton. Symontone, Mr Andrew Gudlad. Jhon Moor of Aniflone. Coventone, Georg ng’tone. James Sandilands. Carmichall, Al. Levingfioune. Pettinane, Mr Wm Lawrie. William Moor. Douglas, Mr James Douglas. William Inglis. Lefmahago, The qlk day it is ordaned, according to the ordinar cuftome, that when the three brether who are chofen Commiffioners by Godes mercie fall re- turne from the afl'emblie, the whole remanent brether, by common contri- bution, fall defray their charges, which they have deburfed in their ne- cefl‘ar attendance of the afl'emblie. Ange/l 1: . It is thought expedient, and ordaned that everie bre- c 18 THE PRESBYTERY ther make intimation in their feverall churches, that in cafe the excom- municat. Prelates come in their parochines, that no man receive them under the pain of cenfures of the kirk. The qlk day Thomas VVeer of Newton haveing been long excommu- nicat for the flaughter of William Carmichall, brother to Sir Jhon Car- michall of Meadowflat, gives in a fupplication to the prefbyterie, hum- blie defyreing that, in regard he hes now made fatiffaétion to the partie, and is alfo relaxed from the kinges home, that the prefbyterie wald alfo ordane him upon his repentance to be relaxed from the fentence of ex- communication: Which defyre the brether condefcendes unto, and or- danes him to find caution to give tefiimonie of his repentance, and make due fatiffaé’rion at the church of Crawfoord Lindfay, and efterwardes to . be relaxed by M" J hone Wilfon, Minifier thair. ' Sept. 19, 1639. The qlk day, the prefbyterie being informed that the late Generall Afl'emblie hes ordaned all men to fubfcryve the Covenant with the AiTe1nblies determination, ordanes everie Minifter to take dili- gent notice within his awin parochin of all fuch as did refuife befoir, and giveing them due information, defyre them to fubfcryve, bringing fuch at leaf’t as ar men of nott to fubfcryve at the prefbyterie table. The qlk day compeers Mr Jhon Lindfay, late Minii’ter at Carfiares, and prefented the extract of the act of the Generall Afl'emblie concerning himfelfi", requyring the prefbyterie according theirto to prepare the way, as they fould think meett, for his reentrie to his Minifierie: quhill the Brether ar advyfing heeranent, they receive information that the faid M" Jhon fould have uttered a fpeech befoir he came from Edinburgh, which may jui’tlie mak the fincerity of his repentance, and the foundries of his judgment, to be doubted off, viz. That if the King and Parliament aggreed, it was well, bot if not, he wald keepe his awin thoughtes to himfelf. Thairfoir the brether delayes their anfwer till the nixt day, that they may have tyme to take tryall of the truth of this report Item, the Baron of Carflares, patron of the faid kirk, produces a pre- fentation, quherin he prefents M1r Jhon de novo to the faid kirk. The qlk day compeers Mr Gawin Hamilton, expectant, and produces a prefentation from the Lord Dalyell for himfelf, to the kirk of Carnwath. OF LANARK. 19 The Brether caufing read his prefentation, and calling to mynd, that it is provyded by the Generall Afi'emblie, that no expectant fall deal with the patron for a prefentation, or receive it befoir the prefbyterie be ac- quented, and that M” Gawin was a man unknown to us, and that he had been latelie in England, and kythed himfelff oppofit to the prefent work of reformation, haveing yet given no fufficient prooffe of the change of his judgment, and gude affection and behaviour, thairfoir that the pref- byterie could not accept his prefentatioun. The qlk day compeered Alexr Lawrie, Clerk to the Marques of Dou- glas, and informed the Prefbyterie, that the Marquefs had prefented Mr Wm Hamilton to the kirk of Carmichall. The Prefbyterie anferes that they can give no anfere befoir they fee the man. Bot in the meantime, at his defyre, the prefbyterie undertakes that nothing fall be done in prejudice of my Lordes ryght till the nixt-day. ‘ Jan. 9, 1640. As for the Plantatioun of our vacant kirkes, the pref- byterie confidering and feriouflie taking to hart, that the tymes ar lyke to be verie dangerous, the peace of our kirk not lyk to be con- cluded, as was expected at thelate Generall Affemblie, and that their is within the boundes of our prefbyterie a great number of men of nott, who befoir hes proven difafl'eéted to the caufe of reformatioun in hand, and hes great need of a found and zealous miniftrie for their informatioun, Theirfoir ordanes an aét to be draWn wpe, that no preacher who hes bot latelie joyned himfelf to our covenant, and hes not given full evidence of his finceer affeétion theirto, fall gett entrie in thir tymes to any of our vacant kirkes ; and heerfoir the brether defyres Mr Alex’ Forbefs, who had been permitted to preach fome dayes in the kirk of Carlowk, at the ‘ defyre of the people, being deftitut, that he wald be pleafed to withdraw himfelff, and abfteen from further preaching their : That the prefbyterie will take fome other courfe for their fupplie till the kirk be planted. March 26, . Item, it is ordaned concerning abfentes from the prefbyterie, a fault too common among us, that everie brother who is ab- fent fall produce 24 {billings for each dayes abfence, and theirefter let their excufe be hard, and they being removed, let the prefbyterie judge whither theyr excufe be to be accepted, or the money configned to be lofed. 20 THE PRESBYTERY Wpon this day in the morning, it pleafed the Lord to call out of this lyfe to himfelff, M" Wm Lawrie, Minifter at Pettinane, a reverend old brother, who had lived with approbation in this prefbyterie many dayes. And the Brether getting a common letter for his buriall upon Saturday nixt, ar ordaned to keep that day for doeing the left duetie to him. May 14, 1640. The qlk day, evry minif’ter is ordained to mak intima- tione to all the able men within their miniflrie, to be ready to exercife ther armes whenfoever my Lord Collonell {hall fend officers to that effect. The qlk day, Mr Jo“ Currie, minifter at Culter, gave in ane accufa- tione againfi; Marion Maquate, in Nifbite, of charming and other pointes of witchcraft, confefl‘ed of her befoir Sir David Murray of Stenhope, knight, the laird of Haddine, and diverfe of the brethren of the prefbe-- trie of Pebles, into ane meiting apointed to that effeét at the kirke of Glenwhome, qlk Mr John has promefed to caufe produce the nixt pref- betrie day, and alfo to give in diverfe vthers fclanders of witchcraft; and fhee being perfonallie prefent, hes found John MCQuat in Cagill, and Wm McQuat in Baitlaw, cautioners for hir to compeir and byde hir tryall at that [tyme], under the paine of ane hundreth lib. in caice of ab- fence. May ‘28, . Compeired Mali MCQuat, and would have denyed that quhilk fhee had already confefi'ed before at the kirk of Glennhome, as the proces in itfelfe will mak cleir, yet confefi'ed farder hir charming of the brooke with ane axe crofling the fame in the name of the Father, the Sone, and of the Holy Ghof’t, with knocking thryfe Wpon the doore threlh- old: Lykewayes confefl'es that thee was fent for to John Black his cow, and caufd her to talk the calfe, and efterward prayed to God that fhee might give milk, quhilk efterward fhee did: Lykwayes that thee was fent for to Alexr Ram his meere, and prayed as before. Ordains Marion Shaw, fufpeét of charming, to be fited to be prefent at the vifitatioune of the kirk of Carnwathe on Wednefday nixt, thee being a parochiner their. ' Junij ll, . The tryall of Malie MCQuat being referred to the vi- fitatione of the kirke of Culter, ordains thevifitores to be carfull and OF LANARK. 21 diligent to try what they can find againfl; hir, and report ther diligence to the Prefbetrie the nixt day. Jum'j 25, 1640. The qlk day my Lord Collonell Fleemyng defyres evry minifter to make intimatioune out of pulpit, that the levie accord— ing to' their number be in readines, againfl; Thurfday nixt, to make their Randewoues in Biggar. The qlk day alfo, ane electione to be made for ane minifler to goe out with Collonell Flemyng, to preach vnto his Regement, two being vpon the leit, Mr George Bennet, Mr Alex‘. Levingf’tone; choyfe is made of Mr Alexr Levingftone to goe firl’t, and Mr George, efter a twentie dayes, or moneth, to releive him. Julg'j 9, . Ordaines Mr George Bennet to concurre with Mr John Currie, and if they cane have Mr R0t Eliot, miniflzer of Kilbucho, to draw Vp the proces againf’t Mali McQuat, and give it in againfl; the nixt da . grdaines evry minif’ter to make intimatione upon Sonday nixt to all the Gentlemen troupers horfmen to be in readines to mak thair randevous in Lanark Moore, vpon Tuefday nixt. Julq'j 16, . The qlk day Mr George Bennet and Mr John Currie gave in the proces againf’t Mali McQuat, qlk is given to the Commifl'ar to revife. The permit of July . Alfo ordaines M1r George Bennet, as was agreed vpon before, to goe furth to the camp, to Collonell Flemyng his regement, to fupplie Mr Alexi Livingfione his place, that he may re- turne home to his charge at Carmichall ; and if the faid Mr George get not fatiffaé’tione off the common charges, he {hall have at his returne, off the Brethren of the prefbetrie, XXX. Ihillings evry day, and efter twentie' dayes or a moneth, on to releive him. The qlk day compeered James Bredan, in the paroche of Culter, and aéted himfelfe cautione for his mother, Mali MCQuat, that thee {hall be {till lyable to the cenfure of the prefbetrie till Whitfonday nixt, and that under the penultie of ane hundreth lib. Ordaines Mr John Wilfone to proceed againf’t David Moffet, in refpeét 22 THE PRESBYTERY of not abftening the company of Ifobell Kirkup, his adulterace and vn-- lawfull wyfe, and having given a firf’t admonitione, ordains him to proceed with a fecond. Augufl 13, 1640. Ordains Mr John Currie to come to the Commifl'ar of Lanark, and bring with him the fubfcryvit aét, quhilk was written at Glennhome by the Clerk of the pretbetrie of Pebles, againfi; Maly MOQuat, fufpeél: of witchcraft. Sept. 17, . Mr Wm Somervell reportes, that he went to the kirk of Carluk, and admitted Mr John Weer, as he was ordained. V The qlk day ane letter receaved frae the committie at Edinburgh, for inbringing of moneyes, filver plate, upon fecuritie, and printed copies given to evry minifter to that effect. 062‘. l, . Ordains to fummond James Braidane, cautioner for Maly McQuat, fufpeél: of witchcraft, againfi the nixt day. As alfo, or- dains Mr John Currie to goe to the prefbetrie of Pebles, and to concurre with the Brethren there, and to report his diligence, what he can lairne, againfl; the foirfaid Maly MCQuat. , Ordains evry brother to wairne thair troupers to meet George Lockart on Lanark Moore, on Tuefday nixt; as alfo to make intimatione to thair runawayes to be in Lanark or Saterday come eight dayes. M1" James Douglas hardlie cenfured for his imprudencie in fpeaking in the defence of Runawayes; ordaines him to produce his pepers the nixt day, and alfo Mr Richard Inglis to give in, in write, his allegations againtt him. Ordains Mr Alex. Somervell to goe to the kirke of Douglas, and preach the nixt Sabboth day, and thair to receavie his pepers. 01520667“ 22, . The qlk day the moderator, remanent Brethren, and rewling elders, having feene Mr James Douglas his demifiione of the kirke of Douglas, by acknowledginghis imprudencie, and fubmitting himfelfe abfolutlie into my Lord Angus his will and reverence, ordains this act to pas thairupone, and the kirke now to be declared vacant, be vertew of his demiflione, and Mr Wm Somervell, moderator, to goe to the faid kirke the nixt Saboth day, and make publicatione thereof to the OF LANARK. 23 whole parochiners, and Mr John Vetche to preach at the kirke of Douglas the Saboth therefter. Nov. 5, 1640. The qlk day Mr James Douglas being to be tryed be the Brethren of the preibetrie, (notwitht’tanding his voluntarie demiflione of the kirke of Douglas,) anent his imprudent, unfeafonable, and unfound fpeech in defence of Runawayes fra the campe, the brethren defyres my Lord Angus, for thair more cleare proceeding, to give in a narrative, in write, of thefe things, whereof he is to be cenfured; and my lord not having his pepers prefent, recollecting his memorie, gave up as followes : Imprimz's, Mr James thanked God that we were delyvered fra the tiranny of hierarchie and fuperfiitious ceremonies; moreover, he acknawledged that our armes wer defenfive, becaufe they war of the offcourings of the people; alfo, that he was mifconflruét in bearing with the Runawayes, qlk wer of two forts, from the covenant, and from the armie; for the runawayes fra the armie, they Wer horfmen, or footmen; the runaway. horfmen to be exemplarie punithed ; for the footmen, they wer not f0 to be condemned, till four objeé’ciones wer anfwered, feiknes, feare, famine, pafiing of the former limites; bot he was far fra their opinion who wold double or triple perjuries, although he did acknowledge it was ane offenfe, yet he wald have them Well advyfe, that now tooke the authoritie, for they held up their handes till heaven, qlk if they did dip in innocent blood, they did crave the lyk fra heaven, to be avenged on thaim and theirs. As for Runawayes fra the covenant, he did not deny bot there wer too many among us, and too great a backflyding amongf’t us all ; bot to de- fcend into particulars, heir or their, the perfones, is not found divinitie to be fpoken in private conference, let be to be preached in publié’c pul- pits. Morover, he was mifconfiruéted, becaufe he wold not afcribe the begining of this reformatione to wodmane, meaning thairby the perfecu- tione of Lanark or Edinburgh, affirming that now the Emperour might as weill be commended for perfecuting the primative kirke, becaufe efter- wards the number of Chrifiians encreafed ; or Shimei for curfing David, although he confeffed he was guilty; or Judas for betraying Chriflz, although goodcame of it; or the Devill for deceaving Eve, our 'firtt t i 24 THE PRESBYTERY' ‘ 0' parents, So the heathen poet judges us that we fllould not judge of the aé’cione by the fucceiTe, careat successibus Opto, Quisquis ab eventu facta notanda putat ; l and that we thould doe evill that good may come of it. Ther accufationes being publié’clie read in Mr James Douglas his audience, [he] acknowledged them all to be trulie related and given up, and to be fpeaches very;hard, weightie, and worthie of cenfure, quhair- upon he fubmits himfelfe, in all the former points, to the cenfure of the Brethren ; and being removed, the moderator fiating the quef’tion, whether he {hould be fufpended, depofed, or make recantatione, all agrees that he {hall make a recantatione, firf’t into the kirke of Douglas the nixt Saboth day, and upon Tuefday theirefter, in the laiche kirke of Lanarke, before the committie and whole people conveined for the tyme, only Mr Wm Levingfione, and M" Alexr Somervell, thinks him worthy of depo- fitione; Mr Wm Somervell, James Winrame, and David Weer, worthy of fufpenfion till the nixt Synod. 26 November 1640. Ordaines Mr John Currie to have in readines Mallie McWatt hir proces, that it may be given in to the committie of eftat, and ane commiflione to be obtained for hir apprehenfion. 31 Dec. . Mr John and Mr Thomas Lindefayes reportes, that according to the ordinance of the preibetrie, they went, and ordained Mr James Douglas, minifler at Carnwathe, according to the laudable cuf- tome of the kirke. 21 Januar 1641. The qlk day ordaines ane committie to be keiped at Culter, for \fetling of the proces againft Mallie McQuat, fufpeélt of witchcraft be Mr Richard Inglis, Mr James Douglas, Mr George Ben- nett, and fome of the Brethrein of the prefbyterie of Pebles, and to pro- duce the fame the nixt day of prefbiterie. 11 Feb. . Mr Andrew Gudlad, Mr John Weer being removed, approvin : Mr Andrew ordained to build his manfe, vnder the paine of x1. lib., betwix and the nixt term day. May 6, . The qlk day, Mr John Lindfay reports, he went to; OF LANARK. 25 14‘ Douglafs kirk, and their received Mr Richard Inglis, thair minifler, 1quherupon the church of Wifton is declared vacant. May 20, 1641. Mr Alexr. Craig ordained to Pettinaine. The Commifi'arie reports, that he hes leged Malie Mackwat her pro- cefl'e, and finds her guiltie of charming, and that this cannot be followed to death. Quherupon the moderator and the forfaid Brethrein are named and ordained again to revife the fame, and report the nixt day. June 3, . The fame day the Brether ordaines the former procefl’e againft Mallie Mackwat, qlk was not fubfcrived, to be revifed, and, if poflible, may be fubfcrived be the prefbeterie of Peibles, and that Mr George Bennet report what anfwer to us heirin, and, in the meantyme, that her cautioner, James Braidwood, be fummoned the nixt dyet of meiting. June 17, . Mr James Bailzie ordained to caufe fummond Mallie Mackwat and her cautioner, againfl the nixt day. July 1, . Compeirs Mallie Mackwat, and in regaird can not have a cautioner, committed to prifone. The vifitors in the north fyd of Clyd reports, that in thre churches they have vifited, they find one thing onlie confiderabill, in Quodquen, (viz.) the want of a fcoole there; and underftanding that there was the fowme 'of ane thoufand merks money mortified ad pios tgfus, as alfo that the fame is not difponned upon as yitt, quherfor they defyre a way may be found out how it may be imployed, for the foundation of a fcoole in the faid paroch. Quherupon the prefbetrie ordains Mr Richard Inglis and Mr Alex”. Levingi’tone to deall with my Lord Carmichall therein, and report his anfwer. . Sept. 9, . Mr Jhon Hume relaits, that ane Malie Lithgow, one of our prefbyterie, is feene charming in Skirling parochine, thairfor or- dains M“ Will. Somervail to‘make fearch for her where thee refortis, and fend her to the forfaid feflion, thair to be tryed. Mr John Currie requyrs that Malie Mackwat may either be declared guiltie of Witchcraft, or elfe cleired. Quherupon the prefbyterie ordains Mr George Bennet and the faid Mr Jhon to goe to the prefbyterie of Peehles the nixt day of Inciting, and labour for information heirin; and D 26 THE PRE SBYTERY withall to apoint a meiting of fome of thair number to meit with fome of ours, who are apointed to meet for that effect at Biggar, the 21 of this inflant, viz. M‘" Alexr. Somervail, Geo. Bennet, Jo. Currie, And. Gud- lad, and Jo. Weich; and all parties having intrefl: to be fummoned to that efl'eét; and that they report their diligence the nixt day of meiting. Sept. 30, 1641. Mr Will. Somervaill and Mr Jo. Weich ordained to difcharge anie folemne keiping of Michaellmefs Day. » 06?. 21, . It is further ordained, that evrie prefbeterie fend ane {tudent of divinitie to Glafgow againfl; Mairtimes nixt, and his maintin- ence to be 60 lib. Quherupon the pretbetrie makes choife of one, Mr John Somervaill, fonne to James of Amporlaw, and ordains evrie brother to’bring half a croune, the nixt day, for his maintinence, and alfe much to be given to him at the nixt tearme. It being regrated, that it is moft ordinarie to fie fervants on the Lords day, and make fuch civill bargans, wherfor this, and all fuch civill bar- ganing, is declared to be a breach of the Saboth, and the fame to be publithed at evrie church, and obferved as ane act in all tyme coming; and the contraveiners heirof to be punifhed as ane ordinar breach. The fame day my Lord of Angus produces ane prefentation, fubfcribed by the kingis maiefiie, in favours of Mr Alex‘. Somerv'ail, minifter at Dolphingltone, to the kirk of Lennark. The qlk being tain to thair con- fideration, heaving hard Mr Alexr. his reafons to the contrarie, at length the Brether, in one voyce, declairs the expediencie of his tranfportation to the, faid kirk, for anie thing they know as yitt, referving always place for all parties to be hard, who {hall pretend any interef’t; and in the mean tyme, ordains the faid Mr Alexr. to preach there on Sonday come 8 dayis. Nov. 5, . Compeers Meyld Lithgow, and confeITes {hoe went to the wall [well] of Skirling, and is therfor ordaind to goe to the feffion, there to be tryed. The commiflionars that conveind at Biggar, for the examination and revifing of Malie Mackwat her procefi'e, reportis, that they having pon- dered alfe manie of the accufations as they fund fuflicientlie proven, declairs the fame to be jufl; caufe of tryall; quherupon the prefbyterie OF LANARK.’ 27 thinkis themfelves bound not to fuffer a witch to live, and for the better efi'eétuating heirof, ordains our brother, Mr John Currie, to recommend the fame to the Richt Noble Lord the Earle of Angus, and the Right Hon- norable the Laird of Lamingtone, Sir William Carmichell, and Sir John Dallell, now at Edinburgh, requyring their afliitance for procuring ane commifiion to apprehend the faid Malie, and to proceid to her further tryall in what elfe the law of God and our nation lhall provyd. Nov. 25, 1641. The Pretbeterie finding the Lords day much prophaned by the pafling of the boattes on the water, in tyme of exercife, ordains that in tyme coming, no pafling at all be from 9 a cloak in the morning till 3 afternoone; and this to be intimate in every kirk the nixt day. Dec. 16, . Mr John Hume admitted to the miniltry of Lefma- hagoe. Mr Wm Mortown admitted to the church of Witton. . Jan. 27, 1642. The qlk day Mr John Currie reports his diligence for obtaining a commiflion to apprehend Maly Macquatt, according to the a8; Nov. 5, 1641, that the fame is delayed, becaus of _fome pretended informalitie in it, that {he is not direétlie challenged of witchcraft, and that {he is not as yet apprehended, till which tyme, no commiflion can be obtained. March 3, quainted by their commiflioner, Mr John Currie, whom they fent to Edinburgh for obtaining a commifiion for the tryall of Maly ,Macquats proces, that this was a point of informalitie, that {he {hould be at libertie, and as we are informet, {till continues in her charmes and cures, willing to remove this, unanimufly defires the Laird of Lammington, or in his ab— fence, Alexr. Menzies of Coulterallars his Bailgie, to apprehend the faid Maly, with all expedition, and either keip her in clofl'e prifon, or fend her to the Bail5ies of Lanerk, till a commiflion be obteined. ' Ordaines Mr Alexr. Livingt’con and Mr Alex. Craig to pafs to the kirk of Douglas, meafure and defigne to Mr Richard Ingles, minif’cer thereat, his full gleib, and to give him inf’titution thairin, whenfoever they fould be requyred be the faid Mr Richard. March 24, . The qlk day, the prefbetrie being defyrous‘ to clofe . The qlk day the Brethren of the pretbytrie being ac-' 28 THE PRESBYTERY what was incumbent to them in the matter of Maly Macquat, ordains Mr Alex. Somervell, Mr George Bennet, and Mr John Currie, to revife her proces, and to put all things in form, that commiflion myght be obtained for the tryall of the faid Maly,~ (who was this day broght and delivert to the bailgies of Lanerk,) with all expedition. Ap. 21, 1642. The qlk day, Mr Robert Browne did exercife, and was approven. No additione, thrugh deceife of our. beloved brother, Mr Alex. Craig, rninifter at Pittienane. \ Ordanes Mr A1. Simervaill, Mr Wm Simervaill, Mr Geo. Benett, and Mr Jhon Currie, to meet at Dolphingtoune on Moonday nixt for revifing of Malie MCWats proces, and to drawe up a fupplicatione to the Lords of the Secret Council] for a commiflion, that {he may be putt to her trial]; and the clerk to fubfcrive the fupplicatione in name of the Prefbyterie, and Mr John Currie to go to the councill with the fuppli- catione. ' Thur/day, 12th of May, . Mr Jhon Weire reportes from the fynode of Drumfreis, (being employed from our fynode for correfpondence,) that they ar to apprehend ane witch, commonly called Megg of Scienie, who dwells in Gilpatrick, in Mofi'etfitt. Ordanes evry brother to trie in their feverall feflions if {he hes ufed anie cures amongft them, and to report their diligence againft the nixt prefbyterie day, that if anie thing be fund againf’t her, they may tymoufly advertife the brethren of Drumfreis. Mr J hon Currie reports, that he went to Edinburgh, and that ther was no councill day to fitt untill the 1 of June. Ordanes Mr Jhon Carmichell, commifl‘are of Lenrick, with others, whom he fhall choofe, to meet for drawing vp a mappe of the lhire. Mr Jhon Hume reports, that Thomas Stoth‘art, in his parifhe, hes confefi'ed incefluous adulterie with Nans Ballenden, in Waird. That the man fears to com ather to feffion or prefbetrie, for feare and danger of his lyf. The prefbyterie declares, that they are not competent judges nor purfewers for his lyf, and therfor ordanes him to keep the nixt pref- beterie day. May 26, . Ordanes Mr Jhon Currie to goe and fupplicat the councill for a commiflion againft Malie M°Watt, and two dolowrs to be OF LANARK. 29 given him for his chairges out of the penalties payed be the abfents; and what remains to be given to Robert Littlejhone. The Brethren reports that they find no thing againfl; that Witche called Megg of Scienie. Only Mr Jhon Currie reports, that he hard of fom charms ufed in his parifhe. Compeared Thomas Stothart and Nans Ballanden, and confefl'ed their incefiuous adulterie in fackcloathe. They wer ordaned to returne to their own feflion, and to fiand according to the injunctions of the feflion at the kirke doore, bare foot and bare legged, from the fecond bell to the laft, and thereafter in the publick place of repentance, and at direc- . tion of the feflion, thereafter to goe thrugh the whole kirkes of the pref- beterie, and to fatiffie in lyk maner. Mr Wm Somervaill of Dinfire gave in a grievous complaint againfl, James Baillie of Todholes, younger, a braine crakked man, that ,he was interupted be him, and forced be him to leave off his calling in tyme of divine Worfhip, that he cannot have peace to exerce the dewties of his calling for him. The prefbyterie ordanes him to give in a fupplicatioune to the Lordes of his Maiei’cies Secret Councill againfl; him, that he may by them be fecured in his minif’trie; and Mr Richard Inglifh to concurr with him to the effect forfaid. ’ Mr J hon Lindfay reports, that thrugh occafion of a tumultuous brithell, and promifcuous dancing at Carflars, there mutt have fallen out (except the Lord in mercie had prevented it) great mifcheife and blood. The prefbeterie taking it to their confideratioune, ratifies thar former aé’ces anent number and price at penie brithels; and for praevining the lyk danger in tyme coming, ordains farder, that there be no promifcuous dancing, nor exceflive drinking, under the loiTe of the configned money In the meantime, ordains George Auften to fumond Jhone Lithgoe in his parifhe, authore of the faid tumult, to compeare before the fefiion of Carftars, vnder paine of the cenfures of the kirk. June 9, 1642. Mr Wm Sumervaill reports, that my Lord Angus hes undertaken to tak order with James Baillie, younger, and to fecure him in his miniftrie. June 23, . David Weire of Auchtifardill did regrate that Mar- 30 THE PRESBYTERY garet Weire his daughter, in tyme of the trubbles, had through moyane, fiolne out a decreit againfl; him in abfence of his advocat, to his great prejudice, and therefor humbly fupplicats that the preibyterie will informe the Lordes of her ungodly and unchriflian converfatioune. Ordains a tei’timoniall to be drawen up by the clerk in his favoure, and to be fub— fcryvit by the wholl prefbyterie. Mr Wm Somervaill, elder, complains that James Baillie, elder, had called him a fooll in the houfe of God: Ordains cite him to the prefby- terie againft the nixt day. Ordains the aé’ces of the vifitatione to be drawen up by the Clerk, and to be kept in regiflzer in the prefbyterie book. , July 7, 1642. The qlk day, Sir Wm Carmichel did produce the right of praefentatioune for the kirk of Pittinane, conferd by the Kings Ma- ieftie on his fathere and his aires, and confirmed by the Lords of EX- checker, togither with a praefentatione fubfcryvit by his father in favoure of Mr Wm Simervaill, qlk the prefbyterie did accept. Compeired James Baillie, elder, and confefl‘ed that he faid that two fooles mett togither, when the Minifter and his fone mett togither. Con- tinues the cenfure to the vifitation of that kirk. July 20, -—-—. Mr Jhon Currie reports, that he hes fupplicat the con-i cill for a commiflione againf’c Malie Mc Watt. That the councill thinks, that the pointes contained in her procefs can no wayes demerit deathe. Aug. 11, . The qlk day the preibyterie mett at Pittinane. Mr W111 Simervaill was admitted by Mr Al. Simervaill, according to the laudable praétife of this reformed kirk, and the Brethren gave him the right hand of fellowfhip. , Mr J hon Hume compleanes that Margaret Tamfone, reliél: of umquhill Robert McCafkine, fomtyms kirk officer at Lefmahagoe, doth ufurpe that office, as exequatrix to her hufband, (ane other being chofen,) contrare to the aétes of the fefiion, and Will no wayes defifl; therefrom, except the be compelled. Ordains fumond her to the prefbyterie againfl; the nixt day. Aug. 26, —. Compeirs Margaret Tamfone, was ordered to returne horn, and to‘give fatiffaétione to the feflion for her former praefumptione, g r t is: If «#3342: ~ ”A :5 .,; OF LANARK. 31 and to defifl; from that oflice in all tym coming, under the paine of the hiefl: cenfure of the kirk; and in cafe of faillie, ordains the Minifler to proceed‘prefently againfl her. Sept. 15, 1642. Ordains M” Jhon Currie to goe to Edinburgh to the Commifiioners of the Generall Affemblie, and to the agent of the kirk, with Malie McWats proces, and in name of the praeibyterie, to feek their concurrence for obtaining a commiflione befor the Lords of his Maief— ties fecret councill, betwixt and the nixt councill day. Mr J hon Currie reports, that J ohne Bertram, younger, his ruleing elder, did wyll the key of the kirk from his kirk officer, wnder pretence of feeking fomthing he had loft, and did quietlie make a grave in the kirk, jufl; foragainfl; the pulpitt, contrare to the aétes of the Generall Af- femblie, and wold no wayes be flopped, nor hindered by him to bury within the kirk: Whereupon he did fumond him befor the prefbyterie. The faid Jhone being lawfully cited, compeared not. Ordains fumond him with a libelled fumondes againfl; the nixt day. The prefbyterie being informed by diverfe Brethren and ruling elders, that incurfions is made on the borders to the great damnage of mony poore ones, and hazard of mens lyfes; Ordains Mr Ritchard Inglis, Mr Jhon Currie, and Sir Wm Lockart of Carflars, to reprefent the fame to the Lords of his Maieflzies fecret councill, that fom fpeedie courfe may be taken be their Lordfhips for keeping of the borders, and taking order ~ with thefe invafiones and robbiries, that mens perfones and goodes may be fecured. The frindes of Jhone Carmichell, laitlie murdered, fupplicats that the prelbyterie will goe on with proces againfl Jhone Kunninghame in War- randhill, and Jhon Carmichell in Pirriflats, murderers of the faid Jhone. Ordains George Auf’ten to precede and give them publicke admonitione to compeare, and give fatiffaétione vnder the paine of excommunicatione. Sept. 29, '. Mr Jhone Hume did report ane anfwer from Mr Sa- muel Rutherfoord, wherein he thankes the brethren for their affeétione and refpeét toWards him, and exhorts them to goe on in fetling the kirk of Lenrick, in refpeét- he cannot gait libertie to remove from the college of St Andros. ‘ C 32 THE PRESBYTERY Mr Jhone Currie excufes himfelf thrugh feeknefs, that he kept not the laft Councill day. Ordains him to keep the fynode, and to bring Malie MCWatts proces with him, that the advife of the fynode may be fowght therein. Compeared Jhon Bartram, and confefl'ed his burying in the kirk con- trare to the aétes of the AITemblie. Ordains him to make confeflione of his fault publickly out of his feat on the nixt Lord’s day, and to enact himfelf under paine of ane 100 pund not to bury again in the kirk in any time coming: And farder, Ordains evry minifier‘wher burying hes been in cufiome within his kirk to mak intimation of the aét of the AiTemblie, that none may pretend ignorance thereof in tym coming. Feb. 23, 1643. Mr James Douglas reportis, that, conforme to the ordi- nance of the prefbyterie, he gave admiflione to Mr Robert Birnie to the kirk of Lanark. May 25, . Ordains Mr Richard Ingles to require my lord Mar- quefl'e of? Douglas to be prefent the nixt day, and in cafe of my lord’s refufall, to advertife the officer, who fall give my lord a libelled fumonds for that effect. July 6, . The qlk day, Mr James Douglas reports, that my Lord Carnwath hes fitten in the pillar, and fatiffied the feflion for his fornica- tioun, and that he is willing to fubfcrive the covenant: as lykwyfe, that he promefes to fatiffie the prefbetrie in mOrtifieing that pairt of the fli- pend of Carnwath qlk is in his hand to fome pious ufe, if he fall happen fchortlie to return to Carnwath, and otherwyfe fall give a commiflione to his brother Sir John for that effect. The brethren being informed that my Lord Carnwath hes prefumed without any authoritie to read a private letter from his Maiefiie publicklie in the kirk of Carnwath before the clofure of divin fervice, to the great pree- judice of ecclefiaf’cicall order, and with the dangerous fcandall of that and other people, Doeth tharfor refolve to take order herewith at his firfl; return. Dec. 14, . The qlk day, Mr William Somervell, Clerk, produces fummonds for difl'me mbering of the pariflr of Douglas, reporting that the fummonds for divyding Libertoune and Quothquane is alreadie execute; qlk the brethren propofes to prefent with the firit opportunitie. OF LANARK. 33 The qlk day compeirs the hailgies of Lanerk, defyring the brethren feriouflie to contribute their heft endeavours for advancing their manu- faétories, and keeping of the fchoole, by dealing with their parifhioners for this effect, qlk the Brethren promifes faithfullie to doe. The qlk day the moderator produced a letter from the proffefl’ors of the Colledge of Glafgow, defyring the Brethren to enquyre vpon every mans confcience, if any of their number, minifter or expectant, hes any of their colledge books borrowed out of their Liberarie, and not re- fiored; the brethren ordains the letter to be obeyed, and report to be made. ‘ Jan. 4, 1644. The qlk day, Mr Alex. Somervell reports, that he, with Mr Wm Somervell, had attendit conference with my Lord Marquefi‘e of Douglas, and his Ladie, and that my Lord, as he hes beene at churche himfelfe, f0 undertakes for himfelfe, his ladie, and children, that they {hall he conflant and ordinar hearers of the worde; qlk report the Breth- ren having gladlie heard, ordains M1r Richard Inglis to tak diligente infpeétione of the performance heerof, and lykwayes of the cairful cate- cheefing of my Lords children be himfelfe immediatelie, ortheirpedagogue, in his fight, being readie to give his particular accompt of his diligence heerin when he {hall be requyred. The qlk day was receaved a prefentatione from my Lord Duke Ha- miltoun, of Mr Gawin Hamiltoun to the church of Lefmahago, to ferve the cure thereof with Mr J ohne Hoome, qlk prefentatione the brethren, although they doe not accept or reject it, doethe not fatiffie the agreed upon conditions betwixt my Lord and their commiflioners, qlk was four chaulders of viétual, and four hundrethe merks to the entrent, without di- minution to Mr J ohne Hoome; yett they retain it as a preparatione con- ducing to the planting of the church, and appoint Mr Gawin to handle the contraverted head, d8 perféc‘iionefcripturce, in Latin the nixt day, as a part of his tryall. The qlk day, the brethren all prefent being requyred, declares upon their confcience and knowledg that they have non of the colledg books of Glafgow, [except] the moderator, M" John Weir, who acknowledges fome of them. E 34 THE PRESBYTERY 25 Jan. 1644. Compeirs Wm Watt, in the pal‘ifll of Culter, in fack cloth, for a quadruple fornication with three feverall woemen, and enaé’cs himfelff, vnder the paine of 40 lb. to give obedience to the feflion of Culter. Feb. 22, . The qlk day, Mr Robert Birnie reports, anent my Lord Marquefl’e of Douglas, that the comifiioners of the Generall AH’em- blie gives him the 20 of March for fubfcryving the covenant, that againe that tyme he may have done it with due deliberatione, as a matter of fuch importance requyres, and the prefbetrie to make report heerof the foirfaid day. March 7, . The comiHioners appointit to attend my Lord Mar- quefle of Douglas and my Ladie give accompt of their diligence, re- porting that my Ladie is willing to goe to church, {'0 foon as her health fall permitt, and that my Lord is ufeing means of informatioun that he may be prepared for fubfcriveing of the covenant; qlk the Brethren having heard and confidered, ordains to mak report, anent my Lord, to the commiflioners of the Generall Afl'emblie their nixt meeting, and Mr James Douglas to advertife my Lady againe, that if {he gives prefent obedience, the prefbetrie will continue their procefie no longer; as lyk- wyfe to requefi; both of my Lord and Lady that familie exercife be fett up in their houfe. The qlk day compeirs James Cuningham of Cobillhauch, and in name of his brother, John Cuningham, produces a thoufand merks to the freinds of vmquhile James Sandilands, for the further evidencing of his brother his earnei’c defyre to be reconciled with them; qlk offer being really maid, the partie prefent refufes to accept in face of prefbetrie. Aprile 25, . The qlk day was receaved ane letter from the Ge- nerall Afi’emblie, requyring intimatione to be made in every parithe kirk of the excommunicatioune of the Marquette of Huntlie and his adherents: Reprefenting likewayes what fouldiers Colonell Airfl