01' fl (,OI I I‘C'IION OI' Plan'syef (hues, Revolutldnary Battle, blelds, 85C, ’ v LIBRARY UNIVERSITY?" PENNSYLVANIA fl‘flmhuusr (/Jm-{y GIFT 0? CHARLES C. NORRIS The following Books are from GENERAL GEORGE WASHINGTON’S LIBRARY. ' I 2 a O M055 of i/zem com‘am fiz’s Azaz‘ogmf/z. TURES OF DON QUIXOTE. illus. 4 vols. 16mo, calf. London, I786 Each volume has Autograph. CERVANTES’ HISTORY AND ADVEN- STEPHENS, Philadelphia Directory for I796, with map in fine condition, 16mo, morocco. Rare. Phila, I 796 W Presentation copy, with Autograph. Federalist. The—A Collection of Essays written in Favor of the New Constitution as agreed upon by the Federal Convention, September 17th, 1787, 2 vols. I6mo, calf. New York, I 788 3&- Fine copy, in excellent condition. Each volume has Coat_ of—Arms and Autograph. 4 BUTLER. SAMUEL—Hudibras, adorned with cuts designed and engraved by Mr. Hogarth,- 16mo, calf. London, 1775» 1%“ Fine copy. Has Autograph. UNIVERSlTY ~ OF PENNSYLVANIA ' UBRARIES 2 5 LOUIS, XV.—The Private Life of, translated by J. O. Justamond, 4 vols. 16mo, calf. Dublin, 1781 1%“ Each volume has Autograph. 6 LE SAGE’s Adventures of Gil Blas of Santillane, illus. 4 vols. 16mo, calf. London, 1785 W Each volume has Autograph. 1 7 CHESTERFIELD’S Letters to his Son, 4 vols. 16mo, calf. New York, 1775 @h Vols. 2, 3 and 4 have Autographs. 8 SWIFT—The Beauties of, 16mo, calf. - London, I 782 3%“ Has Autograph and Coat-of-Arms. ‘ . 9 SMITH. ADAM—An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, 3 vols. 12mo, calf. Phila., 1789 36 Each volume contains Autograph and Coat-of-Arms. IO CONSTANTIA—The Gleaner, a Miscellaneous Pro— duction, 3 vols. Iomo, calf. Boston, 1 798 1%“ Each volume has Autograph. I I SULLY. Duke of—Memoirs of, 2 portraits, 6 vols. 16mo, calf, London, 1778 3%“ Each volume has Autograph and Coat—of-Arms. 1 2 HARDIE. JAMES—The American Remembrancer ‘ and Tablet of Memory, 16mo, calf. Ph'l @Has Autograph. la I795 13 LEE. CHAS.—Memoirs of the Life of, (Second in command in the service of the United States of America during the Revolution,) .with his Political and Military Essays, I6mo, calf. New York, I 792 3% Rare. Has Autograph. I4 DAGGE. HENRY— Considerations on Criminal Law, 3 vols. 8V0, calf. London, 1774 3Q“- Each volume has Autograph. 3 I5 ANDERSON. JAs.—The Bee, or Literary Weekly ‘ Intelligencer, Vols. 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, I0, I I, I4, 15, 1.6, 17 and 18, in all 13 vols., I2m0, calf. Edinburgh, 1791 13$ Vols. 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14 and 15 have Autograph. 16 BACKUS. ISAAC—Church History of New Eng- land, from 1690 to 1784, including a Concise View of the American War and of the Conduct of the Baptists therein, Vol. 2, 8vo, calf. Providence, 1784 W Has Autograph. 17 HIGGINS. BENJ.——Experiments and Observations on Cements, 8V0, calf. London, 1780 3&3“ Has Autograph. 18 Volume of French Pamphlets, 8V0, calf. London, I 792, &c. 3%“ Has Autograph. 19 VOLUME OF PAMPHLETS, containing a Treatise on Bugs, by John Southall, London, 1730; Re- commendation of Inoculation, by John Mor- gan, Boston, 1776; Directions for the Use of the Mineral Water and Cold Bath at Har- rogate, near Philadelphia, Phila., 1786, &c., 8V0, sheep. 5%“ Has Autograph. 20 Acts Passed at the First Session of the Congress of the United States of America, Vols. I and 2, 8vo, sheep. Phila., 1791 W Each volume has Autograph. 21 MISCELLANIES—4 Pamphlets, bound in 1 vol, 8vo, sheep. 3%“ Has Autograph. 22 Report of the Cases decided in the Supreme Court of the United States, February, 1793; Arguments and Judgment of the Mayor’s Court of the City of New York in a Cause between Elizabeth Rutgers and Joshua Wad- dington, New York, 1784, &c., 8vo, sheep. 1%“ Has Autograph. ' , 2;) 4 GILLIES. JOHN —-View of the Reign of Frederick ll, of Prussia, 8v0, calf. Dublin, I789 3%“ Has Autograph. ‘ ‘ .24 TURENNE. MARSHAL—The History of, (Marshal 25 26 27 28 General of France) 2 vols. 8V0, calf. London, I 7 3 5 W Each volume has Autograph and Coat-of-Arms HORACE—The Lyric Works of, translated into English Verse, to which are added a number of Original Poems by Mr. Parke, frontispiece, 8V0, morocco. Phila., I786 W Has Autograph. MORSE. JEDEDIAH—The American Geography, or a View of the United States, with 2 maps, 8v0, calf. Elizabethtown, 1789 1%“ Has Autograph. SIMES. THos.——The Military Guide for Young ,Officers, 8v0, boards. WPresented to Gen. Washington by the publisher, Robert Aitken. The work is not complete, on account of a por- tion of it being in press at the time of presentation. It was ordered to be captured as a contraband of war by Brig-General J. W. Geary during the late rebellion, and afterwards returned by Capt. Peter Stagg, of Company E., First Michigan Cavalry, to the present owner. Has Autographs of \Vashington and Robert Aitken. Acts Passed at a Congress of the United States of America, Vol. I, 8V0, sheep. New York, 1789 W Has Autograph. .29 VIRGINIA LAws.——An Abridgment of all the Public Acts of Assembly of Virginia in force and use, January 1, 1758, by john Mercer, 8V0, calf. Glasgow, 1 759 36" Has Autograph. ‘30 PRIESTLEY. Jos—Discourses relating to the Evidences 0f Revealed Religion, 8V0, calf. Phila., I 796 W Has Autograph. 32 33 34 35 37 39 5 ,POLITICAL PAMPHLETS, containing—Dissertation on the Political Union of the Thirteen United States, Phila., 1783; Sketches of American Policy, by Noah Webster, Hartford, 1785; Observations on the American Revolution, Phila., 1789; Rights of Man, by Tom Paine, Phila., 1791, and several other pamphlets, 2 vols. 8vo, calf. W Each volume has Autograph. BORDLEY. J. B. -— On Husbandry and Rural Affairs, 8V0, calf. Phila, 1799 [CPHas Autograph. BUFFON’s Natural History, abridged, numerous illustrations, 2 vols. 8vo, calf. London, I 792 3%“ Each volume has Autograph. BELKNAP. JEREMY—4History of New-Hampshire, with Map, 3 vols. 8vo, sheep. Phila., I784 8@ Each volume has Autograph. Contrast. The—A Comedy in Five Acts, frontis— piece, 8vo, morocco. Phila., 1790 W Has Autograph. MOORE. JOHN—View of Society and Manners in Italy, 2 'vols. 8vo, sheep. London, 1783 W Each volume has Autograph and Coat-of-Arms. MOORE. JOHN—View of Society and Manners in France, Switzerland and Germany, 2 vols. 8vo, sheep. London, 1783 [CF Each volume has Autograph and Coat-Of-Arms. SWIFT. ZEFHANIAH—System of the Laws of the State of Connecticut, 2 vols. 8vo, sheep. Windham, I 795 I]? Each volume has Autograph. JEFFERSON. THos.—Note_s on the State of Vir- ginia, second edition, 8vo, shp. Phila., 1794 [1? Has Autograph. ' ‘ 4o 41 42 44 45 47 6 Political and Military Rhapsody on the Invasion and Defence of Greathritain and Ireland, with Map, 8V0, sheep. London, 1792 DC? Has Autograph. History of the Inland Navigations, particularly : that of the Duke of Bridgewater, with Maps, 8vo, calf. London, 1779 0:? Has Autograph. ' System of Camp-Discipline, 8vo, calf. London, I 7 5 7 UL? Has Autograph. DAVIE. W. R.——Instructions for the Formations and Movements of the Cavalry, 8V0, calf. Halifax, I 799 Bi? Presentation copy. Has Autograph. _ Apocalyptic Gnomon points outEternity’s Divisi- bility rated with Time, pointed at by Gno— mon’s Sidereals, 8vo, roan. Phila., 1795 [C7 Has Autograph. - WILSON. Jos.-—An Introductory Lecture to a Course of Law Lectures, 8v0, roan. Phila., 1791 [CF Presentation copy, with Autographs of Washington and Wilson. WINCHESTER. ELHANAN—Course of' Lectures on- the Prophecies, 4 vols. 8V0, calf. - London, 1789 WPresentation copy. Has Autograph in each volume. LOCKE. JOHN—An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, portrait, 2 vols. 8V0, calf. _ London, I 77 5 [CPHas Autograph in each volume. - HARTE. REV. W._History of the Life of Gus- tavus Adolphus, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, I 767 [[7 Each volume has Autograph and Coat~of~Arms. '49 50 ,5! 52. 53 54 55 7 History of Spain, from the Establishment of the Colony of Gades to the Death of Ferdinand, 2 vols. 8V0, calf. Dublin, 1793 0:? Each volume has Autograph. Transactions of the Royal Humane Society, from I 774 to I 784, illus. 8V0, roan, gilt edge. London. [1? Has Autograph. PRUSSIA, KING OF, (FREDERICK II.)—The Works of, translated by Thomas Holcroft, portrait, I3 vols. 8vo, calf. London, 1789 '01? Each Volume has Autograph. JENKINSON. CHARLES—Collection of all the Trea— ties of Peace, Alliance and Commerce, be— tween Great Britain and other Powers, 3 vols. 8V0, calf. London, 1785 [13? Each volume has Autograph and Coat-of-Arms. ANDERSON. JOHN—Institutes of Physics, 8V0, calf. Glasgow, 1786 DC? Has Autograph. Political State of Europe, for 1792 to 1794, inclusive, 8 vols. 8V0, calf. London. [C7’Each volume has Autograph. DE CHASTELLUX. MARQUIS—Travels in North . America in 1780, ’81 and 1782, with map ‘ and plates, 2 VOlS. 8vo, calf. London, I787 91? Each volume has Autograph and Coat- of-Arms. SHIPLEY. REV. JONATHAN—The Works of, por— trait, 2 vols. 8vo, calf. London, 1792 D1? Presentation copy. Each volume contains Autograph. ADAMS. REV. J.———The History of Rome, 2 vols. . 8V0, calf. Dublin, 1792 II? Each volume has Autograph. . VOLNEY. C. F.——Travels Through Syria and Egypt, illustrated with copper plates, 2 vols. 8V0, calf. London, 1788 0:? Each volume has Autograph. . 8 59 VOLNEY. M.———The Ruins, or a Survey of the Revolutions of Empires, frontispiece, 8V0, calf. London, 1795 EC? Has Autograph. 6o GOLDSMITH. OLIVER—History of the Earth and Animated Nature, 8 vols. 8vo, calf. London, I 779 {If}: Each volume has Autograph and Coat-of-Arms. . 61 G1BBON.EDWARD—History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, portrait, 6 vols. 8vo, calf. .London, I 783 DC? Vols. 2 to 6 have Autographs, and each volume has Coat- ‘ of—Arms. 62 W’ASHINGTON. GENERAL—Official Letters to the American Congress during the War between the United Colonies and Great Britain, 2 vols. 8vo, calf. ‘ _ London, 1795 0:? Each volume has Autograph. 63 MARTEN’S Summary of the Law of Nations, 8vo, sheep. Phila., I795 0:? Has Autograph of General Washington and Bushrod Washington. 64 The Sentimental and Masonic Magazine, from July, 1792, to December, 1794, illus. 5 vols. 8vo, calf. . ~ Dublin. 0:?" Each volume has Autograph. 65 WINTHROP. JOHN—Journal of the Transactions and Occurrences in the Settlement of Massa- chusetts and the other New England Colo- nies, from 1630 to 1644, 8vo, calf. Hartford, I 790 Bi? Has Autograph. 66 TOWNSEND. SHrPPIE—Gospel News, divided into Seven Sections, Peace and Joy, 8vo, calf. Boston 1, US? Has Autograph. ’ 794 9 67 Proceedings Of the Society of Friends of the People, 8vo, roan. London, 1793 3:? Presented to General Washington by Norman Macleod M. P. Has Autograph of Washington and‘MacleOd. ’ 68 SHULTZ. BENJ.———An Inaugural Botanico—Medical Dissertation on the Phytolacca Decandra of Linnaeus, frontispiece, 8vo, calf. Phila., 1795 DC? Has Autograph. 69 MACPHERSON. JAMES—The Poems of Ossian, 8vo, calf. Phila., 1790.. ll? Has Autograph. 7O ROBERTSON. \VM.——The History of the‘ Reign of Charles V, portraits, 4 vols. 8V0, calf. London, 1 782 US? Each volume has Autograph and Coat-of-Arms. 71 STANYAN. TEMPLE——Grecian History, 2 vols. 8vo, calf. London, I 774 If? Each volume has Autograph and Coat-of-Arms. 72 SIMEs. THOS.——Military Course for the Govern— ment and Conduct of a Battalion, 8vo, calf. London, I 777. US? Has Autograph. 73 FLOWER. BENJ.——Th€ French Constitution, 8vo, calf. ‘ London, I 792 [1? Presentation copy, with Autograph. I 74 ROWLEY. WM.——Works of, 4 vols. 8vo, calf. London, I 79 3 I]? Presentation copy. Each volume has Autograph. 75 ROBERTSON. WM.———The History of America, por— trait, 2 vols. 8vo, calf. Dublin, I777 B? Each volume has Autograph. 76 View of the- History of Great Britain during'the Administration of Lord North, 8vo, calf. London, I 782 II? Has Autograph. 77 79 80 81 IO MOORE. JOHN H.—-New Practical Navigator, illus. 8vo, calf. London, 1793 US?” Has Autograph. Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, comprehend- ing all the branches of Useful Knowledge, numerous illustrations, 4 vols. 8V0, calf. London, 1763 [13? Each volume_has Autograph and Coat-of—Arms. VERTOT. ABBOT DE—History of the Revolutions that happened in the Government of the Roman Republic, 2 vols. 8vo, calf. _ London, 1770 DC? Each volume has Autograph and Coat-of—Arms. ) MILES TRACTS, containing—The Conduct of France towards Great Britain examined; Complete Exculpation of M. De La Fayette from Charges urged against him by Mr. Burke, &c., 8vo, full crushed morocco gilt. London, 1793—’94 DC? Presentation copy, with Autograph. PAMPHLETs.—-]ournal of the Proceedings of the Convention held at Richmond, Va., 20th March, 1775, Williamsburg, I775; Proceed- ings of the Convention of Delegates held at Richmond, Va., December I, I 775, Williams- burg, 1775; Ordinances Passed at a Con- vention held at V’Villiamsburg, Va., December I, 1775, Williamsburg, 1775; Journal of the Convention of Virginia, held at Richmond, June I, 1788; Pinckney’s Observations on the Plan of Government, submitted to the Federal Convention in Philadelphia, 1787; An Address to the People of’the State of New York on the Subject of the Constitution, New York, I 787; Constitution of the State of South Carolina, Charleston, I 790, &c.; 4to, clf. 0:? Has Autograph. 3::le , , 1. . may“ . II 82 BELKNAP.JEREMY—An1€rican Biography, or an Historical Account of those persons who have been Distinguished 1n America, Vol. I, 8vo, boards, uncut. Boston, 1794 [13? Has Autograph. 83 Lady’s Magazine, for I 793, 8vo, half bound, uncut. Phila., I 793 0:? Has Autograph. 84 PAMPHLETS——An Oration delivered at Water- town, March 5, I776, to Commemorate the Bloody Massacre at Boston, March 5, 1770, by Peter Thacher, Watertown, 1776; An Oration delivered March 6, 1780, to Com- memorate the Bloody Tragedy of March 5, 1770, by Jonathan Mason, Boston, 1780; An Oration delivered July 4, I 786, at the request of the Inhabitants of Boston, in Celebration of the Anniversary of American Independ- ence, by Jonathan L. Austin, Boston, 1786; An Eulogium-of the Brave Men who have Fallen in the Contest with Great Britain, by Hugh M. Brackenridge, Philadelphia, I779, and other rare Pamphlets, 4to, calf. [13? Has Autograph. 85 LANGLEY. BATTY—New Principles of Gardening, illus. 4to, Calf. London, 1728 DC? Has Autograph, dated 1760. 86 PAMPHLETs—The Proceedings of the House of Burgesses ofVirginia, June I, I775,Williams— burg, 1775; Proceedings of the House of ‘ Assembly of Jamaica on the Sugar and Slave Trade, St. Jago, I792, and other Pamphlets, 2 vols. 4to, calf. 0:? Each volume has Autograph. 87 DU MONCEAU. M. D.—Practica1 Treatise on Husbandry, folding plates, 4to, calf. London, I 762 ll? Has Autograph, dated 17 64. . 88 90 91 92 93 94 95 97 12 Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, folding plates, Vol. I, 4to, calf. Boston, I 785 [1? Has Autograph. MILLER. PHILIP—Abridgment of the Gardener’s Dictionary, illustrated with folding plates, 4to, calf. , London, I 763 0:? Has Autograph and Coat-of-Arms. MAIVE AND ABERCROMBIE’S Universal Gardener and Botanist, 4to, calf. London, 1778 [[7 Has Autograph. ' GUTHRIE. WM.—System of Modern Geography, 2 vols. 4to, calf, with folio Atlas. Phila., I 794 0:? Each volume has Autograph. Elements and Practice of Rigging and Seaman- ship, numerous folding plates, 2 vols. 4to, calf. London, I794. DC? Each volume has Autograph. HAMILTON. ANDREW—Enquiry into the Principles of Taxation, 4to, calf. London, 1790 [CFPresentation copy. Has Autographs of Washington and the author. CHAMBAUD’s Dictionnaire Francois-Anglois and Anglois—Francois, 4to, calf. Londres, 1778 II? Has Coat-of-Arms. RENNELL. JAs.—Memoir ofa Map ofI-Iindoostan, or the Mogul Empire, with maps, 4to, full crushed morocco gilt extra. London, 1793- UCF‘ Presentation copy, Has Autograph. FEunsou. ADAM—History of the Progress and "lermmation of the Roman Republic, 3 vols. 4to, calf. . London, 1783 DC? Each volume has Autograph and Coat—of—Arms. GIBSON. Wit—Treatise on the Diseases of Horses, Illustrated with 32 copper plates, 4to, calf. . London, I 7 5I I]? Has Autograph, dated 1760. 99' 100 101 I3 WATSON. ROBERT —- History of the Reign of Philip 111, King of Spain, 4to, calf. . London, I783 ll? Has Autograph and Coat-of-Arms. FULTON. ROBERT—Treatise on Canal Navigation, illustrated with 17 plates, 4to, calf. London, I 796 USPPresentation copy, with Autograph of Washington and Autograph Letter of Robert Fulton. ‘ Acts passed at 3. Congress of the United States 'of America, held at New York, March 4th, I789, folio, calf. Philadelphia. 0:?" Has Autograph. JEFFREY’S. THos.—General Topography of North America and the West Indies, being a collec— tion of all the Maps, Charts, Plans and Par- ticular Surveys that have been published of that part of the World, either in Europe or America, folio, half bound. London, 1768 USPContains Plan of Quebec and Montreal, Map of the most inhabited part of New England, Map of New Hampshire, Map of theMiddle British Colonies in America, Map of the Province of New York, Plan of the City of New York, A Prospective Map of the Battle fought near Lake George on September 8th, 1755, exhibiting the American Method of Bush Fighting, Map of Pennsyl- vania, East Prospect of the City of Philadelphia, taken by George Heap, with a Plan of the City; Views of the State House and Battery, Plan of Fort Le Quesne, now called Pittsburgh, Six Plans of the different dispositions of the English Army under General Braddock, Map of the Country of the Ohio and the Muskingum Rivers, showing the situation of the Indian Towns, with respect to the Army under Col. Bouquet; Plan of the Battle near Bushy run, gained by Col. Bouquet; Map of Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia and Florida; Draught of the Cherokee Country, and other valuable Maps, Plans and Charts relating to America and the West Indies ; 93 in number. In excellent condition, and now very rare, I4 102 , Complete Farmer, or a General Dictionary of Husbandry, illus. folio, calf. London.- 33?. Has Autograph. 103 LAWS OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, comprising the Constitution and the Acts of the Leg1s- lature since the Revolution, 2 vols. folio, calf gilt. New York, 1789 [EFFine copy. Has Autograph and Coat-of—Arms in each volume. ‘ 104 Volume of Rare Old Maps, relating to Early American History, folio, half bound. [13> Contains General Map of North America, Map of Canada, Environs of Quebec, Siege of Quebec, Plan of Quebec, River St. Lawrence, Gulf of St. Lawrence, Shenekto Bay, Bay of Halifax, Charter of the Coast of New York to Cape Breton, Theatre of War in New England, Envi- rons of Boston, The Middle British Colonies, New York, Plan of New York, Fort Carellon, Pennsylvania, Vir- ginia and Maryland, North and South Carolina, Georgia, Cape Lookout, Cape Fear River, View of Savannah, Amelia Island, Coast of Florida, River Mississippi, Plan of New Orleans, Plan of the Battle of Bunker Hill, and other Maps and Plans; 44 in number. The above work is in excellent condition and is now very rare. Published in London about 1775 105 CLARK. MATTHEW—Charts for Navigating from Newfoundland to New York, folio, half bd. ' Matthew Clark, Boston, 1789 DC? Contains 14 Charts ; slightly stained, but in good condition. I 06 Ditto, ditto. 107 The Senator’s Remembrancer, folio, boards. London, 177I 108 JEFFREYS. THOMAS—The _West-India Atlas, or a Compendious Description of theWest Indies, illustrated with 41 correct Charts and Maps, together with an Historical Account of the Several Countries and Island, folio, Russia. London, I 783 109 110 III 112 113 A 114 I5 An Accurate Map of North and South Carolina, with their Indian Frontiers; showing in a distinct manner all the Mountains, Rivers, Swamps, Marshes, Bays, Creeks, Harbors, Sandbanks and Soundings on the Coast, with the Roads and the Indian Paths, as well 'as the Boundary or Province Lines—the several Townships and other divisions of the Land in both the Provinces; from Actual Surveys by Henry Mousen—size 4 feet 9 inches by 3 feet 5 inches. London, 1775 DC? In fine condition. MAP OF THE MOST INHABITED PART OF NEW ENG- LAND, containing the Provinces of Massachu- setts Bay and New Hampshire, with the Colonies of Connecticut and Rhode Island, divided into Counties and Townships, the whole composed from Actual Surveys and its situation adjusted by Astronomical Obser- . vations, with engraving representing the Land of the Pilgrims in 1620, published No- vember 29, 1775, by Thos. Jeffreys, size 3 feet 5 inches by 3 feet 2 inches. 0:? In fine condition. MIDDLETON. CHAs.—-Designs for Cottage Farm Houses and Country Villas, folio, boards. London, 1793 Acts Of the General Assembly, 10 George III, with an Index, folio, boards. Wm. Rind, Williamsburg, 1770 Di? 2 copies. \ Acts of the General Assembly, 11 George III, with an Index, folio, boards. Wm. Rind, Williamsburg, I771 [13? 2 copies. . Acts passed at a Congress of the United States of America held at New York, March 4th, 1789, folio, calf. New York, 1789 3:? Has Autograph and Coat-of-Arms. 115 116 117 118 119 [20 I21 I22 123 16 Acts of the General Assembly began and held at the' Capitol in the City of Williamsburg, October 7th, 1776, May 5th, 1777, October 20th, .1777, and October 5th, 1778, folio, bds. Alex. Purdie, Williamsburg, I776—’78 BZPAutograph of Bushrod \Vashington on cover, and John Augt. Washington on title page. . Acts passed at a General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Virginia held at Rich— mond, October 18th, 1790, folio, boards. John Dixon, Richmond, 1790 WAutograph of Bushrod Washington. PUFENDORF. BARON—T he Laws of Nature and Nations, translated by B. Kennet, folio, calf. LOndon, 1749 Laws of the United States, Vol. I, folio, calf. Phila., 1 789 FREEMAN’S Reports of Cases in the Courts of King’s Bench and Common Pleas, 1670 to 1683, folio, calf. Savoy, 1742 Di? Autograph of Bushrod Washington. Ordonnance du Roi pour Régler L’Exercice de L’lnfanterie, folding plates, folio, calf. Paris, 1766 DICTIONARY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES, wanting title page, illus. folio, calf. LEYBouRN. WM.-—The Compleat Surveyor, por- trait, folio, calf. London, 1679 COLDEN. C. D.——Memoir prepared at the Request of a Committee of the Common Council of the City of New York and presented to the Mayor of the City, at the Celebration of the Completion of the New York Canals, nume- rous views, portraits, maps, &c., 4to, roan embossed gilt. New York, 1825 0? Presented by the City of New York to the Family of Gen. George \Vashington. I7 124 FOWLER. ].—History of the Troubles of Sweth- land and Poland, portraits, folio, calf. London, 1656 125 Doctrina Placitandi ou L’Art & Science De Bon Pleading, 4to, calf. ‘ London, 1677 I26 Ordinances passed at a Convention held at Richmond, Va., July I 7th, and December Ist, 1775, and the Proceeding of the Convention of Delegates held at Richmond, Va., Decem- ber Ist, 1775, 4to, boards, uncut. Williamsburg. 1]? Has 2 Autographs of John Augustine Washington. 127 Epistles for the Ladies, Vol. 2, 8V0, calf. London, 1 7 50 HI? Has Autograph. . I 28 DE GRANDMAISON. GENERAL—Military Service of, Light Horse and Light Infantry, translated , by Lewis Nicola, 8vo. calf. Phila., 1777 129 DE LA VALIERE. CHEVALIERLThe Art of War, 8v0, calf. Phila., 1776 130 DE CHASTELLUX. MARQUIS—Voyages de Dans L Amérique Septentrionale dans les Années, 1780,1781 and 1782, illustrated with plates and maps, 2 vols. 8vo, calf. Paris, I 786 [117” Has Autograph; wanting title page and portion of map to Vol. 1. I31 ZIMMERMANN. E. A. W. —Political Survey of the Present State of Europe, 8vo, calf. Dublin, 1 788 0:? Has Coat-of-Arms. 1324 SMITH. WM. —Ahiman Rezon, Abridged and Digested, frontispiece, 8v0, morocco gilt. Hall & Sellers, Phila., 1 783 133 HALE. SIR MATTHEW—Contemplations, lVIoral and Divine, 8V0, calf. . London, 1685 DC? Formerly belonged to Mary Washington, the Mather of General Washington. 18 134 GORDON. MR. Another Cordial for Low Spirits, Vol. 2, 16mo, calf. London, 1751 [[7 Has Autograph. I 35 Jilts. The, or Female Fortune—Hunters, Vol. 3, I 61110, calf. ‘ London. [CF Has 2 Autographs of Mrs. Martha Washington, dated 1774. I 36 FRENEAU. PHILIP—The Poems of, written chiefly during the late War, 16mo, morocco gilt. E. Bailey, Phila., 1786 II? Presented to Gen’l \Vashington, with Autograph of Philip Freneau. 137 MUIR. JAMES—An Examination of the Principles contained in the Age of Reason, 16mo, calf. Baltimore, 1795 DC? Presentation copy. 138 BURNET. GILBERT—Some Passages of the Life and Death of John, Earl of Rochester, 16mo, calf. ' 1 741 Bi? Has Coat-of—Arms. FOR OTHER ACCOUNTS. 139 ALDEN. REV. TIMOTHY—Collection’of American Epitaphs and Inscriptions, with Occasional Notes, 5 vols. 16mo, calf. New York, 1814 140 Human Life—The Economy of, by an Ancient Bramin, 16mo, half bound. Phila., 1800 141 ARSCOT. ALEX—801116: Considerations relating to the Present State of the Christian Reli-. gion, 2 parts in 1, 161110, calf. B. Franklin, Phila., 1732 142 RAMSAY. MARTHA LAURENs—Memoirs of the Life of, by David Ramsay, 16mo, half bound. ' Phila., 181 I 143 COOKlE. GEORGE FREDERICK—Memoirs. of the Life of, by Wm. Dunlap, portrait, '2 vols. 16mo, boards. New York, 1813 19" I44. FRENEAU. PHILIP—Collection of Poems by, on American Affairs, 2 vols. in I, 16mo, sheep. New York, I8I5 I45 JOHNSON. C. B.——Letters from the British Settle— . ment in Pennsylvania, with map, 16mo, bds. Phila., 1819 I46 BARCLAY. ROBERT—A Catechism and Confession of Faith, 16mo, sheep. James Franklin, Newport, 1752 I47 STEVENSON. ROGER—Military Instructions for Officers detachedand in the Field, with plans, 16mo, half morocco. R. Aitken, Phila., I775 I48 Secretary’s Guide, The, or Young Man’s Com- panion, 16mo, sheep. W. Bradford, New York, 1728 I49 OGDEN. JOHN C.—An Excursion into Bethlehem and Nazareth, in Pennsylvania, in the years 1799, with a Succinct History of the Society of United Brethren called Moravians, 16mo, calf. Phila., 1800 I50 COLE’s Musical Mason, a Select Collection of Songs set to Music, 16mo, half calf. London. 151 - FRENMU. PHILIP—The Poems of, written chiefly * - during the Late War, 16mo, sheep. F. Bailey, Phila., I786 152 TRUMBULL. JOHN—McFingal, an Epic Poem, ' 16mo, calf. Phila., I79I 153 BRYAN. DANIEL—The Mountain Muse, compris— ' ing the Adventures of Daniel Boone, 16mo, sheep. Harrisonbu rg, I 8 I 3 I54 HITCHCOCK. ENos—Memoirs 'of the Blooms— grove Family, in a Series of Letters, 2 vols. 16mo, sheep. Boston, 1790 155 Christian, The, a Poem, with an Address to the People of America, 16mo, calf. Joseph Cruikshank, Phila., 1783 156 I57 158 159 160 161 162 163 20 Columbian Muse, The, a Selection of American Poetry, 16mo, calf. New York, 1794 . CROSS. R. W. J. L.——The Masonic Chart, or Hieroglyphic Monitor, portrait and illustra- tions, 121110, sheep. New Haven, 1826 BRITAIN, a Poem, frontispiece, I6mo, calf. Edinburgh, 1 757 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS, Prose and Poetical, by a Gentleman of New York, 16mo, sheep. New York, 1795 HAYES. JOHN—mRural Poems, I6mo, sheep. Carlisle, 1807 STILES. EZRAy—History of the Three Judges of King Charles I; Major-Gen. Whalley, Major- Gen. Goffe and Col. Dixwell, portrait of E. Stiles, 16mo,. sheep. Hartford, 1794 GALLITZIN. D. A.——A Defence of Catholic Prin- ciples, I6mo, boards, Winchester, 1818 LEE. CHAS—Memoirs of the Life of, with his _ Political and Military Essays, Second Edition, I6mo, sheep. New York, 1793 , 164 OLIVER. ISABELLA—Poems by, I6mo, sheep. 165 Carlisle, 1 805 WILSON. CHAS. H.—-The Beauties of Tom Brown, I 6mo, sheep. London, 1808 166 STODDARD. SOLOMON—The Safety of appearing at the Day of Judgment in the Righteous— ness of Christ, opened and applied, I6mo, calf. D. Henchman, Boston, 1742 1674 The SecondoJournal of the Stated Preacher to the Hospital and Almshouse of New York, for 1813,, 16mo, sheep. Phila., 1815 168 Ditto, 16mo, uncut. do 1815 169 LUDWICK. CHRs.—An Account of the Life and Character of, by Benj. Rush. I 6mo, half roan. - Phila., 18 31 21 170 Federal, The, or New Ready Reckoner, 161110, sheep. S. Sower, Chestnut Hill, 1793 I 71 POEMS, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect, 16mo, calf. Washington, 1801 172 FESSENDEN, THos. G.—Original Poems, 16mo, half calf. Phila,, 1806 173 GAss. PATRICK—Journal of the Voyages and Travels of a Corps of Discovery under the command of Capt. Lewis and Capt. Clarke, from the Mouth of the Missouri through the interior parts of North America, Iémo, half . morocco, uncut Pittsburg, 1807 I 74 MEMOIRS of a Life chiefly passed in Pennsylvania within the last Sixty Years, 16mo, sheep. 2 copies. Harrisburg, 181 I I 75 Introduction to the Latin Tongue, 1 6mo, boards. Jos. Parker, Woodbridge, N. J., 1760 176 ALLEN. MRS. —Pastorals, Elegies, Odes and other Poems, 16mo, calf Abingdon,1806 177 FREEMASON’S Vocal Assistant and Register of the Lodges of Masons in South Carolina and Georgia, 16mo, sheep. Charleston, 1807 '1 78 N EWCOMER. REV. CHRISTIAN—The Life and Jour— nal of, by John Hildt, Iomo, sheep. Hagerstown, 1834 179 HARDIE. JAMES—The History of the Tread—Mill, frontispiece, 16mo, bds. New York, 1824 180 NACNEILL. HECTOR—The Poetical Works of, ‘ 16mo, sheep. Phila,, 1815 181 Catalogue of Books belonging to the Library of the Four Monthly Meetings of Friends, I 6mo, sheep. Phila,1831 ROGERS. T. Jr—American Biographical Diction- ary, 16mo, sheep. Easton, I823 183‘ COOKE. I.——The American Orator, portrait of Washington, 16mo, shp. New Haven, 1818 22 184 SHERBURNE. ANDREW—Memoirs of, a Pensioner of the Navy of the Revolution, 16mo, shp. '- , Utica, 1828 185 FRENEAU. PHILIP—Poems written and published during the American Revolution, 2 vols. 1'6mo, sheep. Phila., 1809 186 BARLOW. JOEL—The Political Works of, portrait, 16mo, calf. New York, 1792 187 CAMBRAY. ARCHBISHOPOF—Dissertation on Pure Love, 8vo, cal-f. Chrs. Sour, Germantown, I750 189 Constitutions of the Several Independent States of America, the Declaration of Independence, &c., Original Edition, only 200 copies printed, 16mo, boards, uncut. Very rare. F. Bailey, Phila., 1781 190 BIRKBECK. M.—Letters from Illinois, with a Map - of the United States, 16mo, boards, uncut. . Phila., 1818' 191 MOTT. A.—Biographical Sketches and Interest— ing Anecdotes of Persons of Color, 161110, boards, uncut. ’ York, 1826 192 Catalogus Bibliothecm Loganianm, being a Cata- logue of a Collection of Books given by James Logan for the Use of the Public, 1 6mo, half calf. P. Miller & Co., Phila., 1760 193 JOHONNOT. JACKSON—The Remarkable Adven— tures of, who served as a Soldier in the Western Army, 16mo, boards. Greenfield, 1816. . 194 Regulations for the Army of the Confederate States, 16mo, boards. Richmond, 1864 195 An Impartial History of the Occasional Con— formity and Schism Bills, 8vo, calf. London, I 718 \ 23 196 PAMPHLETs—The Way to the Sabbath of Rest, by Thomas Bromley, Chrs. Sower, German— town, 1759; Discourse on Mistakes concern— ing Religion, Enthusiasm, Experiences, 850., by Thos. Hartley, Chr. Sower, Germantown, 1759; Observations on the Enslaving, Im- porting and Purchasing of Negroes, Chr. Sower, Germantown, 1760; 3 Pamphlets, 8V0. cloth. Rare. 197 BRADMAN. ARTHUR—Narrative of the Extra— ordinary Sufferings of Robert Forbes, his Wife and Five Children through the Wilder- ness, from Canada to Kennebeck River, 8V0, half morocco. Phila., 1794 198 DE RIEDESEL. MADAME—Letters and Memoirs relating to the War of Independence, I6m0, boards, uncut. New York, 1827 199 PAMPHLETs—Containing many Rare Tracts on English History, Art of Printing, &c., 3 vols. 8v0, half calf. 200 GIBSON. MRS. E. B.——Biographical Sketches of the Bordley Family of Maryland, 8V0, cloth. Phila., 1865 202 Publii Rapinii Statii Opera, from the Library of Wm. Byrd, of Virginia, 8vo, calf. Lugd, 1671 203 BARCLAY. ROBERT—An Apology for the True Christian Divinity, as the same is held forth and preached by the people called in scorn, Quakers, 8v0, calf. Rare. James Franklin, Newport, 1729 204 LYRIC WORKS OF HORACE, with a number of Original Poems, by a Native American, frontispiece, 8v0, calf. Phila., 1786 205 ADAMS. JOHN—The Suppressed History of the Administration of, by John Wood, portrait, 12mo, cloth. Phila., 1846 24 206 PAMPHLETS—An Extract from aTreatise, bme. Law, called the Spirit of Prayer, Franklin - & Hall, Phila., 1760; Discourse on Mis- takes concerning Religion, &c., by Thomas Hartley, Chr. Sower, Germantown, 1759; The Doctrine of Baptisms, by Wm. Dell, Franklin & Hall, Phila., 1760; The Liberty of the Spirit and of the Flesh, by John ’ Rutty, Franklin & Hall, Phila., 1759; Ob- servations on the Inslaving, Importing and Purchasing of Negroes, Chr. Sower, Ger— mantown, 1760, 6 pamphlets bound in 1 vol., ’ 8vo, calf. 207 HARRIS. THADDEUS M.—Masonic Discourses, frontispiece, 8vo, sheep. Charlestown, 5801 208 BARCLAY. R0131.——An Apology for the True Christian Religion, in German, 8V0, calf. ' Chr. Sower, Germantown, I776 209 CONDUCTOR GENERALIS, or the Office, Duty and Authority of Justices of the Peace, small 4to, calf. Andrew Bradford, Phila., 1722 211 EVANS. NATHANIEL—Poems on Several Occa- sions, 8V_o, calf. 2 copies, John Dunlap, Phila., 1772 2 1 2 GRIFFITH. JOHN—Journal of the Life, Travels and Labors of, J. Cruikshank, Phila., 1780; Some Remarks upon sundry Important Subjects, J. Cruikshank, 8vo, calf. Phila., 1871 21 3 ALLEN. ETHAN—Reason the only Oracle of Man, or a Compendious System of Natural Reli gion, 8vo, calf. Bennington, Vt., 1784 214 VARLo. C.——New System of Husbandry, 2 vols. . 8vo, calf. Phila., 1785 216 BURR. AARON—The Trial of, for Treason, Vol. 2, . 8vo, sheep. Washington, 1808 217 PENNvavANIA, an Historical Review of the Con- StltuthI’l and Government of, 8vo, calf. London, 1 759 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 25 Controversy between Great Britain and her Colonies RevieWed, London, 1769; Edmund Burke’s Speech on moving his Resolutions for Conciliation with the Colonies, and on American Taxation, 8vo, half sheep. London, 1775 Religious and Political Pamphlets, 2 vols. 8vo, half sheep. CAREY. M.——Autobiographical Sketches, presen- tation copy, Vol. I, 16mo, boards, uncut. ‘ Philadelphia. Journals of Congress, from 1774 to I781, 7 vols. 8vo, half calf. Rare. Phila. and New York, I 777—’8 I [1? Contains Autographs of John Hancock and Thos. Bradford. Journals of Congress, January I, 1777, to Janu- ary I, 1778, 8V0, half. sheep. Phila., 1778 ROBINSON. JOHN—Proofs of a Conspiracy against all the Religions and Governments ofEurope, 8V0, calf. New York, 1798 Town and Country Magazine, for I 773, portraits, 8vo, half bound. London. PRIESTLEY. Jos.—Memoir of, by his son, Jos.. Priestley, 2 vols. 8vo, sheep. Northumberland, 1806 FLINT. TIMOTHY—Recollections of the last Ten Years passed in Occasional Residences and Journeyings in the Valley of the Mississippi, 8vo, sheep. Boston, 1826 Addresses on the Presentation of the Sword of General Andrew Jackson to the Congress of the United States, 8vo, cloth. ' Washington, 1855 WEBSTER. NOAH— History of Epidemic and Pestilential Diseases, 2 vols. 8vo, sheep. ‘ Hartford, I799 26 229 TIIOMSON’S BIBLE, translated from the Greek by 231 232 233 Charles Thomson, Secretary of Congress, 4 vols. 8vo, calf. Phila., 1808 PAMPHLETs—Letter from Alexander Hamilton concerning the Public Conduct of John Adams, and the Answer, New York, 1800; Letters from General Washington to several of his Friends, &c., 8vo, boards, uncut. Phila., 179 5 THOMAS. ISAIAH—History of Printing in America, with a Biography of Printers, Vol. 2, 8vo, boards, uncut. Worcester, 1810 RITTER. ABRAHAM—History of the Moravian Church in Philadelphia, illus. 8vo, cloth. Phila., 1857 2 34 PROBST. ANTON—Trial of, for the Murder of the 235 Dearing Family, 8vo, half roan. .,Phila., 1867 COZZENS. ISSACHAR—Geological History of Man- hattan or New York Island, (containing a Poem written by the Author on the American Flag,) illus. 8vo, cloth. Presentation copy. ‘ New York, 1843 236 MCCLELLAN’S Report on the Army of the 237 238 Potomac, 8vo, cloth. Washington, I864. PEALE. REMBRANDT—Notes on Italy, 8vo, half bound, uncut. ' Phila., 1831' Biographia Americana, or a Historical Account of the Lives, Actions and Writings of the most Distinguished Persons in North America, portrait, 8vo, boards, uncut. New York, 1825 239 Catalogue of the Library of the American Philosophical Society, 8vo, boards. Phflaa1824 27 240 SANDERSON. JOHN—Biography of the Signers to the Declaration of Independence, portraits, 9 vols. 8vo, boards, uncut. Fine copy. Phila., 1823 241 PENN. SIR WM.——Memorials of the Professional Life and Times of, by Granville Penn, por— trait, 2 vols. 8V0, cloth. London, 1833 242 SMITH. VVM.—Some Account of the Charitable Corporation lately erected for the Relief of the Widows and Children of Clergymen, small 4to, half morocco. Hall & Sellers, Phila., 1769 243 KNAPP. S. L.—Biographical Sketches of Emi- nent Lawyers, Statesmen, &c., 8vo, boards, uncut. Boston, 1821 244 ROSE. R. H.—Sketches in Verse, illus. 8vo, bds. uncut. Phila., 1810 245 Strictures on the Love of Power, 16mo, paper. Charlestown, 1795 246 Village Merchant, a Poem, 16mo, paper. Phila., 1 794 247 Shorter Catechism, presented by the Assembly of Divines at Westminster, 16mo, paper, . uncut. W. Bradford, Phila., 1760 248 ‘ BELGROVE. WM.—Treatise upon Husbandry, or Planting, 16mo, paper. D. Fowle, Boston, .1755 .249 CHAPLIN.JOSEPH—TheTrader’sBestCompanion, ' 1 6mo, paper. Newburyport, I 795 250 City Intelligencer, or Stranger’s Guide, by V. and C., 16mo, paper. Richmond, 1862 251 The Hive, by Will Honeycomb, for May 26th, 1810, 16mo, paper. ‘ 252 FRENCH. REV. JONATHAN —— Memoirs of, by Timothy Alden, I6mo, paper. New York, 1810 28 253 Philadelphia Malignants Typographed, 16mo, paper. 3 copies. Phila., 1863 254 CHANNING. W. E.—Sermon on War, 16mo, paper. Boston, 1816 255 SMITH. WM.—Discourses on Several Public Occasions during the War in America, 16mo, paper. London, 1759 256 PAMPHLETs—Sermon Preached at Lexington, 1781, by H. Cummings, Boston, 1781; '_ Funeral Oration occasioned by the Death of John W. Wells, by Wm. Baylies, Providence, 1 794; Oration Delivered at Commencement of Harvard University, by L.Woods, Leomin— ster, 1796; An Oration, July 4th, 1798, by Josiah Quincy, Boston, 1798; in 1 vol. 16mo, papen \ 257 CUSHING. JOHN—Discourse Delivered at Ash- burnham, July 4th, 1796, 16mo, paper. Leominster, 1796 258 CAREY. M.——Autobiographical Sketches, Vol. 1, 1 6mo, paper, uncut. ~ Phila. 259 An Address to the Inhabitants of Pennsylvania by those Freemen of the City of Philadelphia who are now confined in the Mason’s Lodge, 16mo, paper. 2 copies. Phila., 1777 260 Answer to Mr. Franklin’s Remarks on a-Late Protest, 16mo, paper. Wm. Bradford, Phila., 1764" 261 CLINTON. DE WITT—Discourse on the Life and Character of, by Saul L. Knapp, I 6mo, paper. Washington, 1828 262 ALDEN.I'1:IMOTHY—An Account of the Several Religious Societies in Portsmouth, N. H., 16mo, paper. Boston, 1808 29 " 263 Extracts from the Votes and Proceedings of the American Continental Congress, held at Philadelphia, Sept. 5, I774, I6mo, paper. Very rare. Wm. & Thos. Bradford, Phila., 1774. 264 PAMPHLETs—Discourse preached at the Com- mencement of the Nineteenth Century, by John Lathrop, Boston, 1801; The Baptism of Infants, a Reasonable Service, Boston, 1765, and other Pamphlets, Izmo. 265 PIERSON. JOHN—Funeral Sermon on Rev. Jona- than Dickinson, small 4to, paper. james Parker, New York, 1748 266 PAMPHLETs—Sermon preached to the Society in Brattle Street, Boston, .on the Death of Rebecca Gill, by Peter Thacher, Boston, 1798, and other Pamphlets, small 4to. 2‘67 MAYHEW. REV. JONATHAN—Discourse on the Death of, by Charles Chauncy, small 4to, uncut. Boston, 1766 268 PAMPHLETs—The Nativity of Christ, by james Dana, New Haven, 1789; Discourse Oc- casioned by the Tragical Exit of William Beadle, his Wife and Four Children, by his own hands, by Jas. Dana, New Haven, and other Pamphlets, small 4to. 269 RUMSEY. JAMES—Treatise on Steam, 8vo, paper, ‘ uncut. 2 copies. Phila., I788 270 WYETH. JAMES—Answer to a Letter from Dr. Bray on Propagating Christian Knowledge in the Plantations, small 4to. London, 1706 271 PAUL JONES ou Prophéties sur L’Amérique L’Angleterre, La France, &c., par Paul jones, yjoint Le Réve d’un suisse sur la Revolu- tion de L’Amérique, 8vo, paper, uncut. Curious. ' 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 '280 281 282 283 284 285 30 Authentic Account of the Fatal Duel between Charles G. Hunter and William Miller, 8V0, paper. Washington, 1830 Reflections on the Observations on the Import— ance of the American Revolution, 8vo, paper, uncut. Phila., 1786 PORCUPINE. PETER—Prospect from the Congress Gallery during the Session of 1795, 8vo, paper, uncut. Phila., 1796 British Honor and Humanity, or the Wonders of American Patience, 8vo, paper, uncut. Phila., 1796 RETORT. DICK—Tit—for-Tat, or a Purge for a Pill, 8vo, paper, uncut. Phila. Catalogue of the Library of Thomas W. Field, 8vo, paper, uncut. New York, 1875 SEARSON. JOHN—Poems on Various Subjects, 8vo, paper, uncut. Phila., 1797 Julian, a Tragedy, 8vo, paper, uncut. Phila., 1831 GRIDER. R. A.—Historical Notes on Music in Bethlehem, Pa., from 1741 to 1871, 8vo, paper. Phila., 1873 Excursion of the Putnam Phalanx to Boston, Charlestown and Providence, frontispiece, 8vo, paper. Hartford, I859 WILSON. AMOS—The Pennsylvania Hermit, 8vo, paper, uncut. Phila., 1839 HENDREE. JOHN—Proofs against the many False- hoods propagated by one A. P. Upshur, 8vo, paper, uncut. Richmond, 1822 8 Masonic Pamphlets, some rare. 23 Pamphlets, Historical, &c. Wm.z:z.iwwmnm r; 4, _... 286 287 288 289 29 I 292 293 294 31 AMERICAN HISTORY. SNOWDEN’s AMERICAN REVOLUTION, 2 vols. 16mo, sheep Phila., 1793 HENRYIJOHN, JR.——An account of the Hardships and Sufferings of that Band of Heroes who traversed the Wilderness in the Campaign against Quebec in 1775, 161110, sheep. Lancaster, 181 2 ATWATER. CALEB—Remarks made on a Tour to Prairie du Chien, 16mo, sheep. 2 cop1es. Columbus, 1831 Rochester/in 1827, with a Map of the Village, 161110, paper. Rochester, 1828 CAMPBELL. J. W.—History of Virginia, from its Discovery till the year 1781, 16mo, sheep. Phila., 1813 YORK COUNTY, History of, from its Erection to the Present Time, by W. C. Carter and A. J. Glossbrenner, frohtispiece, 16m0, sheep. York, 1834 Observations on the Wisconsin Territory, with ' Map, 16nio, paper Phila., 1838 HENNEPIN. L.——New Discovery of a Vast Coun— try in America, extending above 4,000 miles between New France and New Mexico, with a description of the Great Lakes, Cataracts, Rivers, Plants and Animals; also the Man- ners, Customs and Languages of the Native Indians, with a continuation giving an account of the attempts of the Sieur de la Sal le upon the Mines of St. Barbe, the Taking of Que- bec by the English, .&c., illustrated with maps and engravings, 8vo, calf. Fine copy, very rare. London, I 698 SUTCLIFF. ROBERT—Travels in some parts of North/America in 1804, ’05 and 1806, frontis- piece, 12mo, boards, uncut. Phila., 1812 32 295 FILSON. JOHN—Histoire de Kentucke, Nouvelle Colonie a L’Ouest de la Virginie, translated from the English by M. Parrand, with map, 8V0, calf. Paris, 1785 296' Sketches of History, Life and Manners in the United States by a Traveler, 12m0, boards, uncut. New Haven, 1826 297 BRACKENRIDGE. H. M.——Views of Louisiana, together with a Journal of a Voyage up the Missouri River in 1811, 8v0, boards. Pittsburg, 1814 298 JEFFERSON. THOMAS—Notes on the State of Virginia, with an Appendix, Portrait and Map, 8vo, sheep. New York, 1801 299 HARRIS. THADDEUS M.—The Journal of a Tour ‘ into the Territory Northwest of the Alleg- heny Mountains, with an Account of the State of Ohio, 8vo, half bound. Boston, 1805 300 BACKUS. ISAAC—History of New England, with Particular Reference to the Denomination of Christians called Baptists, 2 vols. 8v0, half calf. Rare. Edward Draper, Boston, 1777 301 HUTCHINS. CAPTAIN THOMAS — Topographical Description of Virginia, Pennsylvania, Mary- land and North Carolina, comprehending the Rivers Ohio, Kenhawa, Sioto, Cherokee, Wabash, Illinois and Mississippi, 8v0, paper, uncut. ' London, I 778 302 CLInTON. DE WITT—A Memoir on the Antiqui— ties of the Western Parts of New York, 8V0, paper. Albany, 1818 303 RUPP. I. D.—Hist0ry of Lancaster County, to which is prefixed a Brief Sketch of the Early History of Pennsylvania, illus. 8V0, sheep. Lancaster, 1844 33 304 RUPP. I. D.—_History of Northampton, Lehigh, ' Monroe, Carbon and Schuylkill Counties, containing a Brief History of the First Settlers, illus. 8V0, boards, uncut. Harrisburg, 1845 305 SMITH. CHARLES—The American War, from 1775 to 1783, with portrait and plans, 8vo, sheep, uncut. Fz'm‘ copy, rare. New York, 1797 306 FINDLEY. WM.—History of the Insurrection in the Four Western Counties of Pennsylvania, in 1794, 8vo, calf. Rare. Phila., 1796 307 American Annual Register, or‘ Historical Me— moirs of the United States for 1796, 8vo, boards, uncut. Phila., 1797 308 GARRARD. L. H.—Chambersburg in the Colony and the Revolution, 8vo, cloth. Phila., 1856 309 LONG’s EXPEDITION—An Account of an Expedi- ' tion from Pittsburg to the Rocky Mountains in 1819 and 1820, under the Command of Major S. H. Long, 2 vols. 8vo, sheep. . Phila., 1823 310 TOWNSEND, JOSEPH — Account of the British Army under General Howe, and of the Battle of Brandywine, on September 11th, 1777, with supplement, 2 pamphlets, 8vo, paper. Phila., 1846 311 Memoirs of the Historical Society of Pennsyl‘ . vania, Vol. 4, part I, and Vol. 3, part 2, 8vo, boards. Phila., 1836—’4o .312 Ditto, 1 odd part. 513 IMLAY. GEORGE—Topographical Description of the western Territory of North America, with maps, 8vo, boards, uncut. Lon.. I793 314 PIKE. Z. M.——-Account of Expeditions to the Sources of the Mississippi and through the Western Part of Louisiana, 8vo, bds. uncut. Phila., I 8 IO 319 ,3 20 321 3.22 34 MORTON. NATHANIEL—New England’s Memo— rial, with additions by John Davis, With map, 8vo, boards, uncut. Boston, 1826 MCMAHON. JOHN V. L.—An Historical View of the Government of Maryland, 8vo, half mor. uncut. Baltimore, 1831 O’CALLAGHAN. E. B.—Documentary History of New York, Vol. I, 8vo, cloth. Albany, 1849 THACHER. JAs. — Military Journal during the American Revolutionary War, from 1775 to 1783, 8vo, boards, uncut. Boston, 1823 INDIANS. MORSE. REV. JEDEDIAH—Report of the Secre- tary of War on Indian Affairs, with map and portrait, 8V0, boards, uncut. . New Haven, 1822 ST. CLAIR. GENERAL—Narrative of the manner in which the Campaign against the Indians in 1791 was conducted, under the command of, 8vo, boards, uncut. Phila., 1812 BOUQUET. HENRY—Relation Historique de L’Ex- pédition contre Les Indiens de L’Ohio en 1764, traduit de L’Anglois, par C. G. F. Dumas, with maps, 8vo, paper, uncut. ,Fz‘ne cofy. Amsterdam, I 769 TRUMBULL. HENRY—History of the Discovery ofAmerica, ofthe Landing of our Forefathers at Plymouth, and of their Engagements with the Indians in New England, illus. 8vo, bds. Raw/e. . Boston, 1831 BRAINERD. DAVID—Rise and Progress of a Re- amarkable Work of Grace among a number of Indians in the Provinces of New Jersey and Pennsylvania, 8vo. Imperfect. W. Bradford, Phila., about 1746 35 324 FLINT. TIMOTHY—Indian \Vars of the West, containing Biographical Sketches of the Pioneers who headed the Western Settlers in Repelling the Attacks of the Savages, 12mo, half morocco, uncut. Cincinnati, 1833 325 MAYHEW. E.—Indian Narratives of Pious Indian Chiefs of Martha’s Vineyard, 161110, boards. Boston, 1829 WASHINGTONIANA. 326 Will of General George Washington, to which is annexeda Schedule of his Property, 16mo, paper. Rare. Alexandria, I800 327 WASHINGTON’S Political Legacies, with a Bio— graphical Outline of his Life and Character, 8vo, sheep. Boston, 1800 328 SEARSON. JOHN—Mount Vernon, a Poem, 8V0, paper. Phila., * ‘3‘ ’i‘ 329 BUCHANAN. JOHN—An Oration on the Fourth of ' WW: 1815, 8V0, paper. Lancaster, =2= >14 3: 3 3o MORSE. JEDEDIAH—Prayer and Sermon delivered at Charlestown, December 31, 1799, on the Death of George Washington, 8vo, paper. London, 1800 331 Ditto, 8V0, paper, uncut. do 1800 332 Authentic Copy of the Last Will and Testament of George Washington, 8V0, paper. Washington, 1868 i 333 LOVE. CHARLES—Poem on the Death of Gen. George Washington, 16mo, paper. ’ Alexandria, 1800 334 OGDEN. REV. UZAL—Two Discourses occasioned by the Death of Gen. George Washington, 8vo, paper. Newark, 1800 36. 3 3 5 \VASHINGTON. GEORGE—Letters from, to Arthur Young and Sir John Sinclair, 8V0, paper. Alexandria, 1803 336 PAINE. THOMAS—Letter to George Washington, 8V0, paper. Phila., 1796 337 WASHINGTON. GEORGE—Circular Letter from, to Wm. Greene, Governor of Rhode Island, 8V0, paper, uncut. London, 1783 338 WASHINGTON. GEN. —An Oration upon the Death of, by Gouveneur Morris, 8VO, paper. New York, 1800 339 SMITH. REV. SAMUEL S.——An Oration upon the Death of General George Washington, 8V0, paper. Trenton, I800 340 AMES. FISHER—Oration on the Sublime Virtures of General George Washington, 8V0, paper. Phila, 1800 341 CHAUDRON. LE F. SIMON—Oraison Funébre du Frére George Washington, 8V0, paper. - Philadelphié, 1800 342 CHAUDRON. LE F. SIMON—Oraison Funébre du Frére Geo. Washington, 8V0, paper. , Philadelphie, I801 343 BIGELOW. TIMOTHY—An Eulogy on the Life, Character and Services of Geo. Washington, ‘8vo, paper. Boston, 1800 344 LINN. War—Funeral Eulogy occasioned by the Death of General Washington, 8V0, paper. 2 copies. New York, 1800 345 JACKSON. MAJOR W.——Eulogium on the Charac- ter of General Washington, 8V0, paper. 2 copies. Phila., 1800 346 MINOT. GEO. R.—An Eulogy on Geo. Washing- ton, 8V0, paper, uncut. Boston, 1800 347 Biographical Memoirs of the IllustrioUs General George Washington, 16mo, boards. Baltimore, 181 2 37 ' 348 TRUMBULL. JAs.——Life of George Washington, illus. Iomo. boards. New York, 1829 349 WASHINGTON’S Political Legacies, with an Appen— dix containing an account of his Illness, Death, &c., Izmo, sheep. New York, 1800 3 50 NORTHMORE. THos.——Washington, or . Liberty Restored, 12mo, sheep. Baltimore, 1809 35I SEARsoN. JOHN—Mount Vernon, a Poem, with portrait of Washington, 8V0, sheep. Phila. 352 WASHINGTONIANA, containing a Sketch of the Life and Death of Gen. George Washington, with a collection of Elegant Eulogies, Ora- tions, Poems, &c., portrait, 8vo, sheep. Lancaster, I802 353 ORATIONs ON THE DEATH OF WASHINGTON, by Magaw, Phila., 1800; by John Croes, Phila., 1800; by Chandron, Phila., 1800; by Wm. Jackson, Phila., 1800; by John Vining, Phila., 1800, and others, 2 vols. 8vo, half bound. 354 WASHINGTON. GEN—Epistles, Domestic, Confi- dential and Official of, 8vo, sheep. New York, 1796 355 WASHINGTON.——Messages from, to Congress, relative to the French Republic, January 19, I797, 8vo, half morocco. Phila. 356 RAMSAY. DAVID—Life of George Washington, "portrait, 8vo, boards, uncut. New York, 1807 , :o: 357 WEBSTER. NOAH—Brief History of Epidemic and Pestilential Diseases, 2 vols. 8v0, sheep. Hartford, I 799 - 3 58 ELLICOTT. ANDREW—The Journal of Late Com- missioner on behalf of the United States, for “Determining the Boundary between the United States and the Possessions of His Catholic Majesty in America, 4to, boards, uncut. , . Phila., 1803 38 359 GRISWOLD. R. W.—The Republican Court, or ‘ American Society in the Days of VVashing— ton, with 25 steel portraits of Distinguished \Vomen, 3 vols. 4to, cloth. New York, I856 360 GODFREY. THOMAS—Juvenile Poems on Various Subjects, 4to, calf. Rare. H. Miller, Phila., 1765 361 SEWEL. WM.—The History of the Rise, Increase and Progress of the Christian People called Quakers, intermixed with Remarkable Oc- curences, folio, calf. Rare. Samuel Keimer, Phila., 1728 362 DELAPLAINE’S Repository of the Lives and Por— traits of Distinguished American Characters, portraits, 4to, calf. Phila., 1815 363 Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, Vols. 1 and 2 and part 2 to Vol. 6, 3 vols. 4to, boards. - 364 6 Reprints of Andrew Bradford’s Publications, folio, paper. 365 Metrical Description of a Fancy Ball given at Washington, 9th April, 1858, dedicated to Mrs. Senator Givin, 4to, cloth. Washington, 1858 366 Journal of the House of Representatives of the ' United States, for I789, folio, boards, uncut. New York. ’ 367 HAMILTON’S Statement of the Accounts of the Un1ted States during the Administration of the Superintendant of Finance, folio, boards. Phila., I 78 5 368 WILSON’S Acts of the Council and General - Assembly of the State of New Jersey, folio, boards. . ' Trenton, I784 369 Journal of the Votes and Proceedings of the General Assembly of the Colony of New York, began April 9th, 169I, ended Septem- ber 27th, 1743, 2 vols. folio, calf. ~ H. Gaine, New York, 1764 7 39 370 Votes and Proceedings of the House of Repre- sentatives of the Province of Pennsylvania, Vols. I and 3, folio, half bound. Franklin & Hall, Phila., I752 371 Ditto, Vol. I, folio. do do do I752 372 Journals of the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, with the Proceedings of the Committees before and at the Time of the Revolution, Vol. I, folio, boards. John Dunlap, Phila.. 1782 373 American Military Pocket Atlas of the British Colonies, especially those which are the Theatre of War, folio, half sheep. Rare. ' London, about 1776 374 BROWN. WM.—Three Rondos for the Pianoforte, or Harpsechord, composed and humbly dedi- cated to Hon. Francis Hopkinson, folio, bds. Very rare. Phila. DC? This is the first volume of Music published in Philadelphia. Among the names of the subscribers may be found those of Miss Anne Allen, Miss Ann Cadwalader, Miss Mary Dickinson, Miss Mary Hamilton, Miss Hopkinson, Miss Margaret Markos, and others. 375 VOLUME OF PAMPHLETS, containing—Colonising, or a Plain Investigation of that Subject, with a Legislative, Political and Commercial View of our Colonies, London, I774; Authentic Papers relative to the Expedition against the Charibbs, London, 1773; Ways and Means, ora Saleof theL****s S*******l and T swam 1, by R a a: *1 p awwamaa n, London, 1782; Miniature Pictures, written originally by Mr. Gay, London, 1781; Ame- ‘ rica Poised in the Balance of Justice, by P-oplicola H-istoricus, frontispiece and tail piece, London; and other Pamphlets, 4to, boards, uncut. 40. 376 EVANS. LEWIS—Analysis of a General Map of the Middle British Colonies in America and ‘ of the County ofthe Confederate Indians, 4t0, paper, uncut. Franklin & Hall, Phila., 1775 377 HISTORIA DE NUEVA—ESPANA, escrita par su esclarecido conquistador Herman Cortes, aumentada con otros documentos, y notas, por el ilustrissimo Senor Don Francisco Antonio Lorenzano, Arzobispo de Mexico, 2 maps and numerous illustrations, folio, calf. Very 7&76‘. , I770 378 SAUR BIBLE, in fine condition, 4to, calf, 1,260 pages. Chr. Saur, Germantown, I763 379 SOME ACCOUNT OF THE PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL, from its First Rise to the beginning of the Fifth Month, called May, 1754, 4t0, paper. Franklin & Hall, Phila., 1754 380 CITY CHARTER granted by \Villiam Penn, Esq., Proprietory, Oct. 25, I701, 18 pages, 4to, paper. ' DI? An exact copy, taken from the original. 381 HUBBARD. W.—Narrative of the Troubles with the Indians in New England, from the first planting thereof, in the year 1607, to this present year, 1677, but chiefly of the late Troubles in the two last years, 1675 and 1676, to which is added a Discourse about the Warre with the Pequods in the year 1637, with fac-simile map, 4t0, full Turkey morocco, tooled back, sides and inside. Very rare. Printed by John Foster, Boston, 1677 382 PRO.UD. ROBERT——Tl1€ History of Pennsylvania In North America, from the Original Institu- tion and Settlement of that Province under the First PrOprietor and Governor, William . Penn, in 1681, till after the year 1742, por— trait, 2 vols. 8V0, boards, uncut. Phila., I 797 USPHas Autograph of Robert Proud, dated 1785, and scarce Map of Pennsylvania inserted. Very rare in this con- dition. 4t 383 WASHINGTON. MAJOR GEORGE—The Journal of, sent by the Hon. Robert Dinwiddie, Esq., His Majesty’s Lieutanant—Governor and Commander-in-Chief of Virginia to the Com— mandant of the French Forces on Ohio, to which is added the Governor’s Letter and a Translation of the French Officer’s Answer, with a New Map of the Country as far as the Mississippi, 8V0, paper. Williamsburg, 1754 CC? Has Autograph Letter of George Washington, dated Alex- andria, 1754, with Postscript signed by W. Fairfax, Letter signed by Governor Morris and E. Braddock, dated June 18th, 1755; and Letter signed by Governor Robert Dinwiddie and Governor Morris, dated Williams- burg, September 20th, 1755. 384 Memorial and Papers concerning the Expedition to the Ohio, containing General Braddock’s Register, journals of Major Washington, M. De Villiers, &c., 8vo, calf. James Chattin, Phila., 1757 [1? Contains washington’s Second Journal which fell into the hands of the Freneh. Should accompany No. 383. 385 WASHINGTON. GENERAL—Letters to Arthur Young, containing an account of his Hus- bandry—a Map of his Farm, engraved from a drawing transmitted by the General, &c., 8vo,papen I801 386 An Examination of the Connecticut Claim to Lands in Pennsylvania, with an Appendix containing Extracts and Copies of Original Papers, 8V0, paper, uncut. Phila., 1774 387 Annals of the Troubles in the Netherlands, a ProperandSeasonable Mirror for the Present Americans, by Bernard Romans, (Author of the Natural History of Florida,) Vol. I, 8vo, boards, uncut. Hartford, I787 42 388 GEORGIA SPECULATION Letters of Sicilius to the Citizens of the State of Georgia on the Constitutionality, the Policy and the Legality of the Late Sale of Western Lands in the State of Georgia, I795; Georgia Speculation Unveiled, by Abraham Bishop, Hartford, I797; The Contract for the Purchase of Western Territory made with the Legislature of Georgia, by John E. Anderson and Wm. J. Hobby, Augusta, I799; The Constitution of the State of Georgia, Augusta, 1799, and other pamphlets, 8V0, calf. 389 JEFFERSON. THOMAS—Notes on the State of Vir- ginia, written in the year 1781, enlarged in 1782, 8vo, calf. I782 390 PETERS. REV. RICHARD—Sermon on Education, wherein some account is given of the Academy Established in the City of Philadel— ‘ phia, 8vo, half calf. Franklin & Hall, Phila., I7 51 391 GAL/LATIN. ALBERT—~Speech of, (Representative from the County of Fayette) touching the Validity of the Elections held in the Four Western Counties of Pennsylvania, October 14th, 1794, Izmo, paper. Phila., 1795 392 Letter to the Inhabitants‘ of the Province of Quebec, 8vo, paper, uncut. Wm. & Thos. Bradford, Phila., 1774 393 Lettre Addressée aux Habitans Opprimés de la Province de Quebec de la part du Congrés General de L’Amérique Septentrionale Tenu a Philadelphie, 12mo, paper, uncut. [[7 All but- a few copies of this edition intentionally destroyed. Exceedingly rare. . 394 MORMON—The Book of, an Account written by the Hand of Mormon, upon plates taken from the plates of Nephi, by Joseph Smith, 8vo, calf. Palmyra, 1830 43 395 Review of the Military Operations in North America, from the Commencement of the French Hostilities on the Frontiers 'of Vir- ginia, in 1753, to the Surrender of Oswego, on August 4th, 1756, 8vo, paper. . Alex. & Jas. Robertson, New York, 1770 396 DICKENSON. JONATHAN — Ongelukkige Schip— breuk en Yslyke Reystogt van eltyke En- gelschen in den Jaare 1696, van Jamaika in West—lndien na Pensylvania, illustrated with 3 folding plates and map, Izmo, paper. Very rare. Leyden. 397 Free Masonry, a Poem in Three Cantos, 12mo, sheep. Leicester, 1830 398 TRUMBULL’s MCFINGAL, a Modern Epic Poem in Four Cantos, I 21110, sheep. Hudson & Goodwin, Hartford, I782 399 Ross. ALEX.———A View of all Religions in the World, also at Discovery of all known Heresies in all Ages and Places, I 7 portraits, 8vo, calf. London, 1683 USP Contains an account of the different religions of America, including that of the natives. 4oo ZERSBERGER. DAVID—Essay of a Delaware In- dian, and English Spelling Book for the use of the Schools of the Christian Indians on Muskingum River, Izmo, half mor., uncut. Very rare. H. Miller, Phila., 1776 401 FRANKLIN. Jos—Philosophical and Political His- tory of the Thirteen United States of Ame— . rica, 16mo, calf. London, 1784 402 GESANG-BUCH, a complete Song Book, wherein are contained as well as the Psalms of David according to Dr. Ambrosi Lobwasser’s trans- lation; also 700 selected Old and New Spiritual Songs, the Heidelberg Catechism, &c., Izmo, sheep. 'Chr. Saur, Germantown, I753 [DPThe type and paper for this book were made in German- town. 44 403 FOTHERG1LL. JOHN—An Account of the Life and Travels in the Work ofthe Ministry of, ‘ 12mo, sheep. Jas. Chattin, Phila.. 1754 404 BY-LAWS of the Right Worshipful West India and American Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons, held at the Queen’s Arm Tavern, 161110, paper. London. 405 Description of the Panorama representing the City and EnVirons of New York, 16m0, paper, uncut. New York. 406 ADDRESS of the Religious Society called Quakers, from their yearly meetings, for Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware and Virginia, to Gen. Washington, 1 6m0, half morocco. . , I 789 407 La Vraie Maconnerie D’Adoption, 16mo, half calf. Philadelphie, I 787 408 Die Ernsthasste Christen~Pflicht, 1 61110, clf. I 745 409 MARYLAND Almanack for 17 59, 16m0, boards. Annapolis. 410 TRAVIS’ Almanack for 1772, 16mo, paper. Boston, 1722 411 GODFREY’S Pennsylvania Almanack for 1733, 16m0, paper, uncut. A. Bradford, Phila. 41 2 Fox’s Wilmington Almanack for I 777 and 1786, 2 vols. 16m0, paper, uncut. Wilmington. 413 FATHER ABRAHAM’S Almanack for I760, 1783 and, 1799, 3 vols. I6m0, paper. Phila. 414 TAYLOR’s Pennsylvania Almanack for 1740 and 1745, 2 vols. 16m0, paper, uncut. A. & W. Bradford, Phila. 415 POULSON’S Town and Country Almanac for I 791, 1792 and 1800, 3 vols. I6mo, paper, uncut. Phila. 416 P00R WILL’s Almanack for I 785 and 1786, 2 vols. 16mo, paper, uncut. Phila. 45 417 SHERMAN’S Almanack for 1753 and 1755, 2 vols. 1 6mo, paper. Boston. 418 SHEPHERD’S Poor Job Almanack for 1755, 161110, paper. N ewport. 419 AMEs’ Almanack for 1764, I 767 and 1 769, 3 vols. 16mo, paper, uncut. Boston. 420 WARING’S New Jersey Almanack for 1787, 1788, 1790, 1793 and 1794, 5 vols. 161110, paper, uncut. . Trenton . 421 SHOEMAKER’S New Jersey Almanack for 1795 and 1796, 2 vols. 16mo, paper. Trenton. 422 SAUNDER’S Poor Richard’s Almanack for 1751, 1752,1753,1754,1755, 1756, 6 vols. 16mo, paper, uncut. Franklin & Hall, Phila. 423 SAUNDER’S Poor Richard’s Almanack for 1769, 1789, 1790, 1791, 1792 and 1793, 6 vols. 161110, paper, uncut. Phila. 424- LANCASTER Almanack for 1776; Poor Will’s Almanack for 1777, and Father Abraham’s 'Almanack for 1778, 16mo, paper, uncut. 425 POOR RICHARD’S Almanack‘ for 1755, I 6mo, paper, uncut. Franklin & Hall, Phila. 426 FATHER ABRAHAM’s Almanack for 1776, 161110,. paper, uncut. Phila. 427 7 Old Almanacs, 16mo, paper. 428 BAILEY’S Pocket Almanack for 1785, with Map of the United States, 48mo, paper. Phila. 429 McCULLOCH’s Pocket Almanack for 1796 and‘ - 43o SAUNDER’s Pocket Almanack for 1766 and 1769, 2 vols. 48mo, paper. Franklin & Hall, Phila. 431 DUNLAP’s Pocket Almanack for 1770, 48mo, . _ paper. Phila. 432 POOR WILL’s Pocket Almanack for 1789, 1790, 1795, 1798, 1799, 1821 and 1822, 7 vols. 48mo, paper. Phila. 46 433 MILLS AND HICKS’ British and American Register, 48mo, paper. New York. 433a 4 Old Almanacks, 48mo, paper. IO: 434 77 Fine Engravings, from Boydell’s Shakspeare’ with a portion of the letter-press, folio. 435 HOGARTH RESTORED—The Whole W orks of the Celebrated Wm. Hogarth, as originally pub— lished, now re—engraved by Thomas Cook, .accompained with Anecdotes of Mr. Hogarth, and explanatory descriptions of his designs, I vol. of plates, folio; 1 vol. of letter—press, 8V0. London, 1801 EC? Fine early impressions. Several of the plates slightly damaged. 437 GEORGE WASHINGTON’S LIERZANG, 4to, boards, uncut. 3copies. 438 CAREY’s WAR ATLAS, folio, boards. 439 New Atlas of the British West Indies, 4to, bds. Phila., 1806 440 HOLCROFT. THOMAS—Travels from Harrisburg through \Vestphalia, Holland, and the Nether— lands to Paris, illus. 2 vols. 4to, bds., uncut. London, 1804 3:? Has Autograph in each volume of Bushrod Washington. 441 TAUNTON’S Reports of Cases in the Courtof Common Pleas, Vols. 6 and 7, 8vo, boards. ‘ Boston, 1823 442 WILLIS’ Pleading in Equity, 8vo, boards. London, 1820 - [117 Has Autograph of Bushrod Washington. . 443 SLATER. SAMUEL—Memoir of, with the History of theCotton Manufacture, by G. S. White, portrait, 8vo, cloth. Phila., 1836 444 ' WHITE. WM.——Lectures on the Catechism, 8vo, boards. , Phila., 1813 '47 445 LEE. GENERAL HENRY—Observations on the Writings of Thomas Jefferson, 8V0, cloth. Phila., 1839 _ 446 SMITH. CAPTAIN JOHN—The True Travels, Ad- ventures and Observations of, in Europe, Asia, Africa and America, portrait, folding plates, &c., 2 vols. 8V0, sheep. ' Richmond, 1819 UITHas Autograph of JohnA. Washington in each volume. 449 BURK. JOHN—The History of Virginia, from the First Settlement to the Present Day, Vols. I and 2, 8vo, sheep. Petersburg, 1804 DC? Has Autograph of John A. Washington in each volume. 450 BELKNAP. JEREMY—American Biography, or an Historical Account of those Persons who have been distinguished in America, 2 vols. 8vo, sheep. Boston, 1794 451 MACKINTosH. JAMES—Defence of the French Revolution, 8vo, sheep. London, 1791 452 MEASE. JAMES—Essay on the Bite of a Mad Dog, 8vo, calf. Phila., 1793 453 ROBISON. JOHN—Proofs of a Conspiracy against all the Religions and Governments of Europe, 8vo, calf. Phila._, 1798 454 MINOT. GEo. R.——Continuation of the History of the Province of Massachusetts Bay, Vol. I, 8vo, sheep. Boston, 1798 455 DE CHAMOUSSET. 'M.——CEuvres Completes de, 2 vols. 8vo, calf. ' Paris, 1787 456 ADAMS. GEORGE—Essays on the Globes, illus. 8V0, calf. London, 1789 457 CLARENDON’S History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars of England, portraits, 6 vols. 8vo, calf. Oxford, I 720 [ISF Has Autograih of Bushrod Washington in each volume. 48 458 FULLER. Tins—Pharmacopoeia Extemporana, or a Body of Medicine, 8vo, calf. . London, 1714 US? Has Autograph of Bushrod Washington. 459 SHARP. GRANVILLE—An Account of the Ancient Division of the English Nation‘ into Hun- dreds and Tithings, 8V0, half bound. London, I784 460 SHARP. GRANVILLE—+Remarks on Several Very Important Prophecies, 8v0, half bound. London, I775 461 SHARP. GRANVILLE—The Just Limitation of Slavery in the Laws of God, 8V0, calf. ‘ London, 1776 4 462 SHARP. GRANVILLE—Declaration of the People’s Natural Right to a Share in the Legislature, 8vo, half bound. London, 1774 463 SHARP. GRANVILLE—Remarks on Manslaughter and Murder, 8rvo, boards. London, 1773 464 D’AUXERRE. L. L.——The Solitary, or Carthusian Gardener, illus. 8vo, calf. London, 1706 U? Has Autograph of Martha. Washington and Patty Wash- ington. 465 Poems of Arouet, 12mo, calf. Charleston, I786 466 The Female Jockey Club, I6mo, calf. New York, 1794 467 NOY. \M—GroUnds and Maxims of the English Law, I 6mo. Savoy, I 757 9? Has Autograph of B. Washington. 468 LOCKE. JOHN—On Education, I6mo, calf. ‘ London, 1772 3:? H as‘Autograph of John A. Washington. 469 SENECA.———Th€ Morals of, translated by George Bennet, I6mo, calf. London, I745 470 GIRARD. L’ABBE—Les GEuvres de, 2 vols. I6mo, sheep. Leéde, I762 0:? Has Autograph of B. Washington in each volume. 49 471 MUIR. THos.—An account of the Trial of, for Sedition, portrait, 8vo, calf. New York, I 794 472 DE MIRABEAU. COUNT—Considerations on the ' Order of Cincinnatus,8vo,calf. London, 1785 473 Letter from Candor to the Public Advertiser, 8V0, half bound. London, 1770 474 Lot Books. 475 HERIOT. GEo. ——Travels through the Canadas, containing a description of the Picturesque Scenery on some of the Rivers and Lakes, illustrated with folding plates and maps, 4to, calf. - London, 1807 476 NATURAL AND CIVIL HISTORY OF THE FRENCH DOMINIONS in North and South America, giving a particular account of the Climate, Soil, Minerals, Animals, Vegetables, Manu— factures, Trade, Commerce and Languages, together with the Religion, Government, Genius, Character, Manners and Customs of the Indians and other Inhabitants, illustrated by maps and. plans of the principal places, collected and engraved by T. Jeffreys, folio, calf. Rare. London, 1760 477 American Archives, Fourth and Fifth Series, 1774 to 1776, 9 vols. folio, half Russia. Washington, I837 ‘ 478 Report on the Indian Tribes, by A. W. Whipple, " Thomas Ewbank and Wm. W. Turner, colored and plain illustrations, 4to, paper. Washington, 1855 479 MACKENZIE. ALEXANDER—Voyages from Mon- treal, on the River St. Lawrence, through the Continent of North America-with illus- trations and maps, 4to, calf. London, 1801 50 480 Letters of Veritas, republished from the Mon— treal Herald, containing a Succinct Narrative of the Military Administration of Sir George Prevost during his Command in the Canadas, 8V0, half roan. Montreal, 1815 481 Plated Sugar Bowl. 482 Plated Mug. 48 3 Plated Tray. 484 Plated Candlestick. ' 485 ‘ Large Platter. 0:? The above 5 lots were all used by General Washington at: his Head-quarters, at; Germantown, and were handed down through the Govett Family by \Vm. Govett, one of \Vashington’s aids. 486 Mahogany High—case Clock. I?” Believed to have been in the possession of General \Vashington. \ M. THOMAS & SONS, AUCTIONEERS, I 39 (ma! I41 Soul/z. Fourm Street“ RUSHWORTH JOHN—Historical C ' ' . ‘ ollections of P t Passages of State, Weighty Matters in Lanilvlg: markafble Proceedings in Five Parl' , ' nlng t e. Sixteenth Year of Kin ’ ending the Fifth Year of K g James’ 1615’ and trait, 8 vols. folio, calf. V67 , rare. CORRECTIONS. N o. 364 in the Catalogue should be original publications, as follows: 364a The Honest Man’s Interest as he Claims any Lands in the Coun- ties of New Castle, Kent or Sussex in Delaware, folio. 364b Advice and Information to the Freeholders and Freemen of the Province of Pensilvania, and particularly those of the County and City of Philadelphia, folio. Andrew Bradford. Phila., 1727 3640 The Case of Isaac Taylor and Elisha Catchel, two Officers of Pennsylvania made Prisoners by the Government of Maryland, folio. Phila., 1723 364d Letter from Hannah Penn to Sir Wm. Keith. folio. 364s A More Just Vindication of the Honourable Sir Wm. Keith against the Unparalleled Abuse put upon him, folio. 364f Remarks on the Late Proceedings of some Members of Assembly at Philadelphia, April, 1728, folio. 364g An Address to Sir Wm. Keith by the General Assembly, June 13, 1717, folio. No. 383 should be London, 1754, not Williamsburg. No. 404, The Oldest Book relating to this subject on record. Very rare. N0. 408, Printed at Ephrata, near Lancaster, Penna, 1745. Exceed- ingly rare. Nos. 450 to 474, inclusive, are also from the Library of General Wash- ington. No. 108, J efl‘rey’s West India Atlas, contains Washington’s Autograph. N0. 394, Now out of print. Exceedingly rare. . .7“ '-'7r.;I2‘w,, ' 7;? : 17:", {W "(PCTt;‘1‘,‘_""f»"Y\TPf:V;fi'"’jTIT‘yT’—KT WET fins». ITWJIWVTWIWIT 1 THOMAS s. ELLIS. ; N A JENNINGS g M© THOMAS & CNS}, AnetPTSQ Nos. 139 and 141 South Fourth Street, PHILADELPHIA. . SALES é s+ + J/ TS}? H: JEN 4 J lg '~ TE ' , Every Tuesday, Noon, at Philadelphia Exch:nge. ' T E FWWITWQ $32!@?ETSQ $6". ,7 3; Every Thursday Morning, at 9 o’clock, at the Auction Rooms, Nos. 139 and 141 South Fourth Street , ‘ WPersonal attention given to sales of Household Furniture at Private Residencee. 3 g , i 33 looks? Private Eibmriesg LEO?” In the Book Sales Room, Second Story, at 3 o’clock 1n the - if j ‘ Afternoon ' _ ‘ ’ ' sALEs OF MACHINERY AND ALL LusoLLLAN'EOUs oooLs RE GENE PROMPT ATTENTION. ‘ ‘“ - ' £AINTI£€GS OBJECTS OF ART 626., IN THE , mu- cammamm Second Story of the Auction Store, built expressly for Sales of this - character, the room being spacious and well lighted ‘ ’T‘ " —Qw D —‘-—)L_ _ Prompt attention will '06 given to every description of business confided to us; and an experience 0f filty years is the best guarantee we can ofi‘er, for insuring v; ‘ satisfaction ~ _ - 4 k";- M THOMAS 8: SONS University of Pennsylvania Library Circulation Department Please return this book as soon as you have finished with it. Irgrder to avoid a fine it must be returned by atest date stamped below. M-7l 9 u ‘93:”323‘54’5