- /r.^* ESSA TR ERL 175- ITS 112 A UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE PUBLICATION / v\ ESSA Technical Report ERL 175-ITS 112 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Environmental Science Services Administration Research Laboratories On the Role of Vertical Neutral-Gas in Producing Ion Convergence at E-Region Heights WILLIAM H. HOOKE BOULDER, COLO. JULY 1970 ESSA RESEARCH LABORATORIES The mission of the Research Laboratories is to study the oceans, inland waters, the lower and upper atmosphere, the space environment, and the earth, in search of the under- standing needed to provide more useful services in improving man's prospects for survival ' as influenced by the physical environment. Laboratories contributing to these studies are: Earth Sciences Laboratories: Geomagnetism, seismology, geodesy, and related earth sciences; earthquake processes, internal structure and accurate figure of the Earth, and distribution of the Earth's mass. Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratories: Oceanography, with emphasis on the geology and geophysics of ocean basins, oceanic processes, sea-air interactions, hurricane research, and weather modification (Miami, Florida). Pacific Oceanographic Laboratories: Oceanography; geology and geophysics of the Pacific Basin and margins; oceanic processes and dynamics; tsunami generation, propaga- tion, modification, detection, and monitoring (Seattle, Washington). Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry Laboratory: Cloud physics and precipitation; chem- ical composition and nucleating substances in the lower atmosphere; and laboratory and field experiments toward developing feasible methods of weather modification. Air Resources Laboratories: Diffusion, transport, and dissipation of atmospheric con- taminants; development of methods for prediction and control of atmospheric pollution (SUver Spring, Maryland). Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory: Dynamics and physics of geophysical fluid systems; development of a theoretical basis, through mathematical modeling and computer simulation, for the behavior and properties of the atmosphere and the oceans (Princeton, New Jersey). National Severe Storms Laboratory: Tornadoes, squall lines, thunderstorms, and other severe local convective phenomena toward achieving improved methods of forecasting, detecting, and providing advance warnings (Norman, Oklahoma). Space Disturbances Laboratory: Nature, behavior, and mechanisms of space disturb- ances; development and use of techniques for continuous monitoring and eaurly detection and reporting of important disturbances. Aeronomy Laboratory: Theoretical, laboratory, rocket, and satellite studies of the physical and chemical processes controlling the ionosphere and exosphere of the earth and other planets. Wave Propagation Laboratory: Development of new methods for remote sensing of the geophysical environment; special emphasis on propagation of sound waves, and electro- magnetic waves at millimeter, infrared, and optical frequencies. Institute for Telecommunication Sciences: Central federal agency for research and services in propagation of radio waves, radio properties of the earth and its atmosphere, nature of radio noise and interference, information transmission and antennas, and meth- ods for the more effective use of the radio spectrum for telecommunications. Research Flight Facility: Outfits and operates aircraft specially instrumented for re- search; and meets needs of ESSA and other groups for environmental measurements for aircraft (Miami, Florida). ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE SERVICES ADMINISTRATION BOULDER, COLORADO 80302 ,^^ENTo^ ^'^'fHCl %it'i\^^'^ U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Maurice H. Stans, Secretary ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE SERVICES ADMINISTRATION Robert M. White, Administrator RESEARCH LABORATORIES Wilmot N. Hess, Director ESSA TECHNICAL REPORT ERL 175-ITS 112 On the Role of Vertical Neutral-Gas Motions in Producing Ion Convergence at E-Region Heights WILLIAM H. HOOKE INSTITUTE FOR TELECOMMUNICATION SCIENCES BOULDER, COLORADO July 1970 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. 20402 Price 30 cents TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ABSTRACT 1 1. INTRODUCTION 1 2. VERTICAL MOTIONS OF THE NEUTRAL GAS AT E -REGION HEIGHTS 3 3. VERTICAL NEUTRAL-GAS MOTIONS IN THE MAGNETOSHEAR THEORY 8 4. VERTICAL NEUTRAL -GAS MOTIONS AUGMENTING AND OPPOSING CORRESPONDING HORIZONTAL MOTIONS 1 5 5. VERTICAL NEUTRAL -GAS MOTIONS AND THE CORKSCREW EFFECT 17 6. E3 LAYERS PRODUCED BY TRANSVERSE WAVES 21 7. CONCLUDING REMARKS 23 8. REFERENCES 25 111 ON THE ROLE OF VERTICAL NEUTRAL-GAS MOTIONS IN PRODUCING ION CONVERGENCE AT E -REGION HEIGHTS William H. Hooke Theoretical and observational results are used to suggest that vertical neutral-gas motions are generally- important in applications of the magnetoshear theory of sporadic E, as has been recently demonstrated in a parti- cular instance by M, A. MacLeod. It is argued that much of the vertical neutral-gas motion present at these heights must be of gravity -wave origin and shown that gravity- wave -associated vertical motions of the neutral gas should support (oppose) the action of wave-associated horizontal motions in producing ion convergence when the wave is propagating toward the east (toward the west). It is also argued that the full vector ion velocity, rather than only its vertical component, must be used in applications of the magnetoshear theory. 1. INTRODUCTION Recent experimental work, for example that by MacLeod (1966) and Wright et al. (1967), shows that the magnetoshear theory of spor- adic E, as developed by a number of researchers (Dxingey, 1959; Whitehead, I960, 1961, 1966; Axford, 1961, 1963; Axf ord and Cunnold, 1966; MacLeod, 1966; Chimonas and Axford, 1968), can make use of rocket -trail measurements of the neutral-gas motion at E -region heights to predict the altitudes of the relatively thin layers of enhanced electron density commonly known as sporadic -E layers or E layers. There are exceptions to this rule, however. In 5 of the 28 cases he studied, MacLeod (1968) found E layers where theory predicted a region of depleted free electron number density. Since it is assumed in the usual application of the theory that the neutral-gas motions are perfectly horizontal, he reasoned that vertical neutral-gas motions, if present, might account for the occasional discrepancies. By programming a rocket to release puffs rather than a continuous trail of TMA (trim- ethylaluminum) , he was able to determine vertical as well as horizontal neutral-gas velocities. In the single case he reported, these vertical motions (as great as 24 m/ s) were found to be the dominant contribution to ion convergence. The present paper deals, in a general way, with the role of vertical neutral-gas motions in producing ion convergence at E -region heights. Section 2 briefly reviews the observations of such motions and the theory of their origin, both of which suggest that the motions are of turbulent or internal -gravity -wave origin. The next three sections assume, corresponding to the usToal practice in applications of the magnetoshear theory, that only the vertical ion velocity u. is rele- iz vant, and explore the implications of including non-zero vertical neutral - gas motions in the standard equations for u. . Section 3 shows that ° iz because the ratio of ion -neutral collision frequency to ion gyrofrequency is large in the lower E region, vertical neutral-gas motions, even if small compared with the horizontal neutral -gas motions, contribute significantly to u. . Section 4 shows that vertical neutral-gas motions of internal gravity-wave origin affect u. in such a way as to favor E production by waves propagating in certain azimuthal directions. Such vertical motions similarly affect the wave transport of ionization (the so-called corkscrew mechanism discussed by Axford (1961, 1963) and Chimonas and Axford (1968). In particular, they change the height at which a layer is dumped by a wave (sec. 5). Section 6 suggests, however, that in applications where the vertical neutral-gas velocities are significant, their effects on u. and hence on ion convergence may be cancelled by accompanying effects of the wave on the horizontal ion motion. As a resiilt, the theory developed -2- in sections 3 through 5 may be of merely academic interest. By the same token, however, section 6 suggests that sporadic -E experiments in which only the vertical wind variation is measured and wind variations in the horizontal are ignored, do not provide a definitive test of the theory. Section 7 contains concluding remarks. 2. VERTICAL MOTIONS OF THE NEUTRAL GAS AT E -REGION HEIGHTS Few observations of neutral-gas vertical motions at E -region heights have been reported. Manning et al. (1950) found the mean winds to be horizontal to within a few degrees. They later found that while the vertical component of these mean motions was very nearly zero, it could possibly be as large as 3 m/ s (Manning et al. , 1954). On the other hand, they found the rms irregular vertical winds to lie between and 20 m/ s for the various times they attempted the relevant data reduction. They attributed these vertical motions to turbulence, but it is now believed (Hines, I960, 1963) that a significant component of the motions considered turbulent at that time is, in fact, properly a portion of the internal -gravity -wave spectrum. Elford and Robertson (1953) found vertical motions of relatively great horizontal extent ( > 50 km) and persistence ( > 1 hr) that varied between + 6 m/ s. The average angle of tilt of the wind vector from the horizontal was less than 5* . They pointed out, however, that more irregular motions of the neutral gas, even if present, would not be detected by their observational method. Because early observations revealed the dominance of the hori- zontal motions of the neutral gas at E -region heights, many of the data obtained on neutral gas motions since then have been reduced routinely on the assumption that the observed motions are strictly horizontal. There are, fortunately, several exceptions: -3- (a) By studying the motion of filaments of rocket releases that had been blown nearly horizontal by a large wind shear, Manring et al. (1961) measured vertical neutral-gas velocities in two separate cases, finding in the first case a mean downward motion of 3. 67 m/ s and in the second an average upward velocity of 10 m/ s. (b) By photographic observations of chemical releases, Moseley and Justus (1967) found an rms turbulent vertical velocity at E -region heights the order of 1 5 m/ s. The turbulence appeared to be isotropic, (c) Murphy et al, (1967) found that the motion of a cesium cloud at 100 km, observed optically, had a 35 m/ s upward component for a period of several minutes. Later motion of the cloud was deduced in- directly from iono sonde data; it apparently moved upward at 3 m/ s for at least 10 min. The authors also reported optical observations of the apax of a TMA rocket trail that indicated a mean upward velocity of some 30 m/ s throughout a 4-min observing period. (d) MacLeod (1968) measured the vertical motion height profile at Arecibo in the manner described briefly in section 1. He found a rather oscillatory vertical velocity profile with an amplitude of the order of 10 to 20 m/ s. He gave no information about the persistence of this profile. (e) Wright and Fedor (1969) describe an extension of the radio drift measurement technique that permits measurements of the vertical drift of small-scale ionospheric irregularities. They tentatively equate the vertical drifts they observe with the vertical neutral -gas velocity at the irregularity height, and find E -region vertical velocities up to 15 ral s by this means. Accoi-ding to theory, vertical neutral-gas motions of the order of a few centimeters per second if constant for periods of several days and if of wide spatial extent, should have profound, easily detectable atmospheric effects on temperatures (Kellogg, 1961), on airglow ■4- (Tohmatsu and Nagata, 1963; Gadsden and Marovich, 1969), and on noctilucent cloud forniation (Chapman and Kendall, 1965). The prevail- ing vertical motions indeed appear to be limited to this small magnitude. Liindzen (1967) has calculated the vertical motions resulting from the thermally driven diurnal tide in an equinoctial, isothermal model atmosphere. His results show that at the equator, where the amplitude of the vertical velocity fluctuations is largest, both in absolute terms and relative to the horizontal motions, it is of the order of 1 m/ s at E -region heights. Internal atmospheric gravity w3.ves are similar in many respects to atmospheric tides. They are characterized by smaller temporal and spatial scales, however, so that the earth' s rotation and spheri- city can be ignored in their description, Hines (i960) finds that for a single plane internal gravity wave of angular frequency uo, horizontal wave number k^ , and vertical wave number k satisfying 4k^ >> 1/H^ , where H is the neutral-gas z z scale height, ^ • ^ . (2.1) The gravity-wave dispersion equation in this case reduces to Hines, 1960) k^ X? T^-T^ ^ ^=-T^^ . (2.2) X2 t2 z g where thZtt/oj is the wave period and t - 2n C/ [(y -l)^g] is the Brunt period. At E -region heights, t^^| nain and H ~ 6 km. Figure 1 shows the dependence of the ratio iu^/uj on the ratio t/t g -5- Hines (I960) foiond that waves of 12 -km vertical wavelength and a period of the order of 1 to 2 hours were dominant in the meteor trail observations. Kochanski (1964) found from analysis of rocket release trails an average amplitude for the wave -associated horizontal velo- cities of '^ 50 m/ s. From the above equations one finds an average amplitude for the vertical motions associated with these dominant waves of ^ 2. 5 to 5 m/ s. Hines (1963) noted that smaller-scale waves (with vertical wavelengths of the order of 1 km) seemed to contribute the same amount to the total wind shear as did the larger -scale, domi- nant waves. Thus the horizontal motions associated with the smaller - scale wave components must be ~ 5 m/ s. He also pointed out that such small-scale waves must have very short periods or else they would be subject to severe viscous dissipation at these heights. He con- cluded that their horizontal and vertical wavelengths must be compar- able. The equations above tell us that in this event the smaller -scale wave components must also cause vertical motions of '-^ 5 m/ s. Thus the smaller-scale wave components may well be the important contri- butors to the vertical neutral-gas motions at E -region heights. The above numbers represent average values. Some fraction of the broad spectrum of waves present at any one time may well be creat- ing vertical motions > 10 m/ s. For example, Rosenberg (1966) states that while the mean maximum wind shear at E -region heights is 0. 02 s" , the maximum wind shear at these heights is on occasion as great as 0. 1 s"^ . A wave of 1 -km horizontal and 1 -km vertical wavelength, the smallest -scale wave that can survive viscous dissipation at these heights, would generate 8 m/ s vertical motions in creatiag this shear. A wave of 10 -km vertical wavelength and 100 -km horizontal wavelength would generate 20 m/ s vertical motions in creating this shear. -6- T/Tr Fig. 1. The ratio of internal-gravity-wave -produced horizontal to vertical velocities as a function of the ratio of the wave period T to the Brunt period T . The solid curve is calc\ilated from (2. 1) and (2. 2). The dashed curve shows the approximate result ju, /u \ = t/t g Neutral -gas turbulence at low E -region heights is maintained by- processes not yet fully \inder stood, but it seems likely that the energy for its maintenance is supplied by dissipation of internal atmospheric gravity waves and the atmospheric tides (Hines, 1963, 1965). Hines (1965) estimates the rate of wave energy loss per unit mass e to be of the order of 10 ^ watt/ kg. This estimate is a factor of 10 larger than the estimate he had used previously (Hines, 1963) to determine the order of magnitude of the turbulent velocity v associated with the large-scale eddies, and gives v < 10 m/ s, which agrees in order of magnitude with the findings by Moseley and Justus (1967). -7- In conclusion, then, the largest vertical neutral -gas motions at E -region heights are probably produced by motions of small temporal and spatial scales, caused by internal gravity waves and turbulence. The gravity-wave -associated vertical neutral-gas motions should typically be '-^ 5 to 10 m/ s, some 10 percent of the dominajit horizontal motions, though they may be larger on occasion. Turbulence -associated vertical motions of the neutral gas may be typically '--IS m/ s. The vertical motions of the neutral gas are probably only rarely comparable to the horizontal. If the two types of motion are to be of roughly eqaal importance in producing ion convergence, the reason must lie in other factors, discussed in the next section, 3. VERTICAL NEUTRAL-GAS MOTIONS IN THE MAGNETOSHEAR THEORY According to the raagnetoshear theory, the mean ion velocity u. at any point is related to the mean neutral-gas velocity u at that point by (MacLeod, 19 66) u i 1+ p' 1 p^ u+ p. (u X r) + (u . r)r 1 , o.i) where p. = v./uo. is the ratio of the ion -neutral momentum transfer 1 11 collision frequency V. to the ion gyrofrequency uo. , and T is a unit 1 1 '^ vector directed parallel to the earth' s magnetic field. Here inertial effects, electric field effects, and diffusion effects are ignored. I This equation has rarely been applied in its general form. In the usual applications it is assumed first tbat only the vertical ion velocity is of interest: -8- u. = T^-2 r{p^ + r^) u + p.r u +r r u 1 , (32) iz 1 + pi L 1 z z 1 y X y z y J w» '^Z where x, y, and z are the axes of a Cartesian coordinate system -with X-axis directed toward geomagnetic east, y-axis directed toward geo- magnetic north, and z-axis directed vertically upward. It is then assumed that u = 0, so that z u. = Y^TS- [P-^ u + r r u ] . (3.3) izl + plLiyxyzyJ A number of authors have pointed out that at E -region heights at low magnetic latitudes (where tenaperate -latitude E occurs most fre- quently) , p. > > F , so that if u and u are comparable, or if u greatly exceeds u , P. r u 1 y X -i.-^r^ ■ (3.4) 1 In part this sinnplification results from the fact that p. > 1 throughout the E region and that p. > > 1 in the lower part of the E region. Note, however, that if p >>1, then u , when unequal to i ^ zero, may be relatively the more important contributor to u^^ , even if u < < u , u , since the u coefficient in (3.2) is of the order of z X y z p^ . Thus, for example, if u - 0. 1 u , as suggested in section 2, the contributions for u. from the two velocities should be roughly iz equal when p.'- 10, and the contribution to u. from u maybe 1 dominant when p. > 10. 1 -9- At the moment, p. is not well known as a function of height. Figure 2 shows several estimates of this quantity. MacLeod' s (1966) estimate is taken from Axford (1963, fig. 2) which is in turn based on Ratcliffe (1959, fig. 6). These estimates were apparently obtained by dividing by 50 the theoretical estimates for the electon -neutral colli- sion frequency as a f\inction of height calculated by Nicolet (1953). Be- cause theoretical and observational estimates of the electron -neutral collision frequency at E -region heights still disagree (Thrane and Piggott, 1966), the validity of this profile may be somewhat question- able. Wand and Perkins (1968) calculated a v. height profile usiag the CIRA (1965) model atmosphere and formulas for the ion -neutral momentum transfer cross section obtained by Banks (1966). In this paper this V. height profile has been converted into a p. height pro- file by dividing by uo. = 1. 62 X ICP sec"""" (the value of uo. appropriate to the E region at Boulder) and multiplying by 0. 5 to convert the coUi- sional frequency into a "frictional" frequency (see, for example, Stubbe, 1968). Wand and Perkins also measured v. height profiles (similarly converted into p. profiles in this paper) using the incoherent scatter technique. Their results suggest significant temporal variations in this quantity (see also Wand, 1969). The Wright and Fe dor (1970) p. pro- file shown is based on Banks' (1966) results and a model atmosphere developed by Shimazaki (1967). Variations of p. with ionic species, latitude, and time complicate the picture further. Figure 2 shows that the various estimates for p. differ by as much as a factor of four. Thus, according to MacLeod (1966), p. > 10 only at heights below 100 km, while according to Wright and Fedor (1970), p. > 10 at all heights below 104 km. The profile computed from the CIRA (1965) model atmosphere suggests that p. > 10 at all heights below 107 km. -10- 10- 102 p. 10 MacLeod Axford Ratcliffe (1966) (1963) (1959) Wand and Perkins (1968) calculaled Wright and Fedor (1970) = 10- Wand and Perkins (1968) measured Sept.5, 1967 0818-0951 AST 0951-1122 AST _L 90 100 110 120 130 Height (km) 140 150 Fig. 2. Various estimates of tibe dimensionless parameter p.=V./iu. as a function of height. Which p. profile one uses, then, may determine the impor- tance to be attached to vertical motions of the neutral gas in producing ion convergence. In -what follows the Wright and Fedor (1970) profile is taken to be representative. Vertical neutral-gas velocities, if typically some 10 percent of the horizontal velocities, as suggested in section 2, should then be important contributors to the vertical ion velocity at heights below about 110 km, where they may affect the latter velocity by as much as 30 percent, while they should be dominant contributors to the ion vertical velocity at heights below 104 km. In a few instances, when -11- the vertical velocities may be an even larger fraction of the total neutral-gas velocities, they may contribute significantly to the ion velocities even at the greater heights. Note that p. '--50 in the height range of 90 to 100 km. Values of p. of this magnitude imply that even small vertical neutral-gas motions of tidal origin might be as important as horizontal neutral- gas motions in producing ion convergence at these heights. Ion convergence depends, of course, not only upon the ion velocity but also upon the variation of that velocity. The physical quantity of interest in the magnetoshear theory is the divergence of the ion fltix, Z' (N. ^i)=u. . VN.+N. V. u. , ^ (3.5) where N. is the ion number density (equal to N , the free electron nuniber density). It is known from observations that vertical gradients of ionization density in E layers are much greater than the corre- spending horizontal gradients. Observations of neutral-gas motions also show that the dominant motions exhibit vertical variations much greater than the corresponding horizontal variations. Asa result, (3. 5) is usually written as (although see sec. 6) SN. du. V • (N u. ) i u. — - + N. -^ . (3.6) ^ 1 '^1 IZOZ lOZ Ionization may accumulate near levels where the negative of this expression (the convergence) achieves maximum values, to an extent limited by ion diffusion and chemical loss. The ion velocity u thus iz contributes to ion convergence in two we It- known ways. First, it may act on a large gradient of N. to produce convergence. Vertical and -12- horizontal neutral-gas velocities contribute to ion convergence through this term in the same proportion as they contribute to the ion velocity itself. Thus, when vertical neutral-gas motions are an important con- tributor to u. itself, they are an important contributor to this term iz of the ion convergence. The ion velocity may also exhibit large, rapid spatial varia- tions, thus contributing significantly to the ion convergence through the rightmost term of (3. 6). The relative contribution of vertical and horizontal neutral-gas velocities to this term depends not only on their relative magnitudes, but also on their spatial variation. If the spatial variations of u and u are related, as when for example both z X motions are associated with the passage of a single atmospheric wave, then their relative contribution to the rightmost term of (3. 6) is again the same as their relative contribution to u. itself. iz The situation is more complicated when all the neutral-gas motion present is of wave origin and several waves are present. Models could obviously be chosen that would lead to almost any con- clusion concerning the relative importance of wave -associated vertical and horizontal neutral-gas motions in producing sporadic-E layers, and in the light of our present poor knowledge concerning details of the upper atmospheric motions, any such discussion must be speculative. Nevertheless, one simple case is instructive. Suppose there are two internal gravity waves present, both satisfying (2,1). Suppose, further, that the first of these waves has a 10 -km vertical wavelength and a 60-min period, while the second has a 1 -km vertical wavelength and a 10-min period. It follows from (2. 2) (remembering that T ~ 5 min) that the vertical neutral-gas motions associated with the g first wave are --^ 0, 1 of the corresponding horizontal motions, while the vertical neutral -gas motions associated with the second wave are -13- comparable to the corresponding horizontal motions. Suppose in addi- tion that the neutral -gas wind shear resulting from each of the two waves is comparable, as Hines (1963) has suggested would typically be the case (see sec. 2). Then K^ ^T,i ^^.9 ^1,9 ' (3.7) z 1 hi z2 h2 where the subscripts 1 and 2 refer to the first and second waves respectively. Since k .'-'0.1k , u^ must be ^ 10 u- . The hori- zontal motions of the larger -scale wave are the dominant motions present. The wave -associated vertical motions in this case are some 10 percent of the horizontal motions, and they would probably not be noticed in the usual type of wind measurement now made. It follows from (2. 1) that V^^^^zl ^^^ ^2^^z2 ' ^^-^^ so that while k , u , , the variation of u . in the vertical direction, zl zl zi is only ~ 0. 1 k ^ u . , just as u -^ 0. 1 u.^^, it turns out that k ^ u ^ -^ k , XI, , , even though u ^ -- 0. 1 u, , . This suggests that in z2 z2 zl hi z2 nl the typical case, the contribution of the small-scale vertical motions of the neutral gas to the ion convergence may be much more important than the relative magnitudes of the horizontal and vertical neutral-gas motions might suggest. •14- 4. VERTICAL NEUTRAL -GAS MOTIONS AUGMENTING AND OPPOSING CORRESPONDING HORIZONTAL MOTIONS Obviously, if the amplitude and phase of the vertical and hori- zontal motions of the neutral gas are not physically related, these motions may in general act either in concert or in opposition in pro- ducing ion convergence, to the resulting benefit or detriment of the ionospheric irregularity so produced. Even when the two components of motion are related in amplitude and phase, however, as they are when associated with the passage of a single atmospheric wave, they may still act either in concert or in opposition. Consider, for example, a single, plane internal gravity wave propagating either due east or west in an otherwise stationary atmosphere. Then (3,2) reduces to ^- = TT~nS r (p^ + r^ ) u + p. r u 1 . (4. 1) iz 1+pLi zz lyxJ ^ Using (2.1), one fmds that Thus, whether the effects of u and u add to produce a relatively X large u. , and hence a larger convergence or divergence of ionization, or partially or completely cancel to produce a small u. , and hence a small convergence or divergence of ionization, depends only upon the sign of k /k , since p. > and T (which is directed northward) is X z 1 y of the same sign in both hemispheres. Most internal gravity waves are thought to be energized below the region of observation and thus to have vertically upward energy propagation and vertically downward phase propagation, i.e., a negative k (Hines, i960). Therefore, when z -15- k > (when the wave is propagating eastward), the effects of vertical and horizontal wave -associated motions of the neutral gas add con- structively, while when k < (when the wave is propagating westward), the effects cancel partly or completely. It follows that two waves, alike in all respects other than the sense of their east-west propagation, may have ionospheric effects of different magnitude (see also Hooke, 1968, 1969b). It also follows that, when k /k is negative, u. has the same X z iz sign it would have if only the horizontal component of the neutral-gas motions were present; only the magnitude of u. relative to u is changed. In this case, regions considered to be regions of ion conver- gence based only upon measurements of the horizontal motions will then still be regions of convergence when the measurements of the vertical motions present are included. Comparisons between theory and experi- ment on the positions of the E -layer height should then agree, even though it may be the vertical neutral gas motions, traditionally ignored, that are the raajor contributors to the ion convergence. When k /k is positive, however, u. may have either the X z iz same sign it would have had if only the horizontal component of the neutral-gas motions had been present, or, if the vertical neutral-gas motions are the dominant contributor to the ion convergence, the opposite sign. In the fornaer case, the magnitude of u. will be greatly reduced; in the latter, we may expect to find discrepancies between observed E -layer heights and E -layer heights calculated on the basis of assumed purely horizontal motions of the neutral gas. -16- 5. VERTICAL NEUTRAL-GAS MOTIONS AND THE CORKSCREW EFFECT Axford (1961, 1963) and Chimonas and Axf ord (1968) have deve- loped the subject of downward vertical ion transport by atmospheric waves. This effect, known as the corkscrew effect, may be simply described as follows: It is well known that the wind patterns observed at E -region heights are not stationary. Instead, they progress vertically downward with time, because much of the atmospheric motion at these heights is of wave origin, and because the waves, energized from below, exhibit a vertically downward phase propagation. E layers tend to form in convergent regions of the wind profile at heights where the downward velocity of the individual ions of the layer matches the vertical phase velocity v of the waves, i. e. , where u. = v , and follow the v/ave z iz z downward. In predicting E -layer heights, therefore, it is not enough to know the wind profile at a given instant; one must also know the phase velocity of this pattern. According to the usual picture (modified below) in which u = 0, the amplitude of the fluctuations in the velocity u. decreases with decreasing height, primarily because the coefficients of u and u in (3,2) decrease with decreasing height roughly as pT^ and pT , respectively. Below some height, the amplitude of the fluctu- ations in u. falls below the value of v , and the E layer can no iz z s "^ longer follow the downward phase progression of the wave; the ionization is "dumped", (It does continue to exercise an oscillatory motion with a mean downward drift much less than the wave phase velocity, however; see Chimonas and Axford, 1968), The contribution of vertical neutral -gas motions to u. obviously plays an important role in determining the height at which an E layer s is dumped by the atmospheric wave responsible for its transport, especially since the relative importance of the vertical neutral-gas -17- motions is greatest at the lowest E -region heights, where the dumping occurs. While the contributions to u. (see (3.2)) from u and u '-1Z X y decrease roughly as p. and p~ with decreasing height, the contribu- tion to u. from u remains roughly constant throughout the lower iz z E region. Again, whether the vertical motions present tend to increase or decrease the amplitude of the u. variations - and hence to decrease iz or increase the dumping height - depends upon whether they act in con- cert with or opposition to the action of the horizontal neutral-gas motions in creating ion convergence. This in turn depends upon the direction of propagation of the waves responsible for the motion (see sec. 4). These features are illustrated in figures 3, 4, and 5. Figure 3 shows a plot of the maximum downward velocity u. within the shear iz layer as a function of height computed from (3. 2) under the assumption u = u =0, and u = -50 m/ s, and based on values for the u coef- z y X X ficient tabulated by Wright and Fedor (1970). Also shown are the dump- ing heights corresponding to v = -2. 5 m/ s and 0. 25 m/ s. The value z V = -2. 5 m/ s is the vertical phase velocity of a gravity wave of 9 -km vertical wavelength and 1 -hour period, while the value v = -0. 25 na/ s is taken to correspond roughly to the vertical phase velocity of the di- urnal tide; u = 50 m/ s is chosen as a moderate amplitude for the wave -associated winds. Figure 3 shows that this maximum downward velocity falls below v , that is, the wave dumps its associated E layers at a l05-km height in the gravity -wave case, and at 93 -km height in the tidal. It is assumed in the construction of figure 3, in disregard of fact, that u =0. We now examine the changes in figure 3 and the z conclusions drawn from it when u 7^ 0. In the construction of figure 4, z the ratio u. /u is calculated from (4.2); the remaining assumptions iz X remain unchanged. The value of |k /k | is taken to be 0. 01, that of -18- (uj>i) mbpH •H E o ^4 O m .5P to f^ B-8 CO ^ o o • H In CO t: CO jj rt „ I o CO 4j^ 2 CO „-. <1 bO 53 >^ ""^ •"-I rCj ^"^ CO 50 > jU *^ g j5 « in 3 S t^ f^ O ^ +J .. .. (Lu>|) iq5!9H -19 120 £ X 100 80 J L J L J L -12 -4 Uj2 (m/s) Fig. 5. The maximum downward ion velocity u. within the shear layer computed from (4, 2) on the assumption u = -50 m/ s, |k /k \ = 0. 1, and v = -2. 5 m/ s. Also shown is the dumping height (x) for the westward propagating wave. V is taken to be -0. 25 m/ s, and that of u is taken to be 50 m/ s. z X Note that for k /k =0.01 (westward -propagating wave) the dumping height increases to 100 km, while there exists no dumping height for k /k = -0. 01 (eastward-propagating wave). In fact, of course, con- servation of energy requires that at heights below 100 km \n \ de- creases with decreasing height (see Hines, I960) contrary to the assump- tion made here, so that ultimately even an eastward -propagating wave should dump its trapped ionization. Similar comments apply to the internal -gravity -wave example depicted in figure 5. Here jk /k | is ^ z taken to be 0. 1, v is taken to be -2. 5 m/ s, and u is again taken z ^ to be -50 m/s. The westward -propagating wave dumps its trapped ionization at a height of 113 km, while the eastward -propagating wave would carry its ionization downward through all altitudes, were it not for the decrease in wave amplitude with decreasing height not taken into accoiint here. -20- Thus it seems that the westward -propagating waves dump their trapped ionization because the efficiency of the magnetoshear process decreases with decreasing altitude and because wave -associated verti- cal motions oppose the action of the wave -associated horizontal motions in the convergence process. The wave -associated vertical motions can increase the dumping height by as much as a scale height. The eastward-propagating waves, on the other hand, dump their trapped ionization not for this reason but rather because of the decrease of wave amplitude with decreasing height. It should be mentioned, however, that when wave -associated vertical ion velocities are important to ion transport, wave -associated horizontal phase velocities are also important. It is not enough that the vertical ion velocity u. = v ; instead the ion motion must satisfy ±z z the condition k • u. = o) for effective transport to occur. This requires a three-dimensional treatment of the problem. 6. E LAYERS PRODUCED BY TRANSVERSE WAVES The preceding sections contained the implicit assumption, us\aally made in applications of the magnetoshear theory, that the rele- vant ion velocity is the vertical component, u. , and that the other components of u. may be ignored. It is easy to show this assumption is a poor one. Consider the formation of an E layer in an originally s homogeneous ionosphere. Then 7 • (N u.) = N V • u. . (6.1) If u varies rapidly (on spatial scales ~ one scale height or less), then variations in u. resulting from variations in p. (see MacLeod, (1966) are negligible compared with variations in u. caused by variations ■21- in u . If the neutral -gas motions are themselves of wave origin, then V • u =-ik • u , where k is the wave vector, and (3,1) can be used to give ^ • ^- - 1 1^3 r p^ k • u+ p. r . (kx u) + (u • r)(k • r)l . (6.2) Note that this expression contains all the components of u. , including u and u , the components that are usually neglected in calcula- ix ly tions of ion convergence. For internal gravity waves and the atmospheric tides, however, k • u = (see, e. g. , Hines, i960), so that /•sj r-^ V • u. = riWrp. r- (kxu) + (u- r)(k. r)l . (6.3) P' 1 The term p^ u of (3.2), the term usually neglected but emphasized by MacLeod (1968) as important has been cancelled b y other terms appearing in the other component equations of (3. 1) that are also usually ignored. This raeans that vertical neutral -gas motions of wave origin should in fact play only a minor role in creating E layers, although once the layer is created, they may play an important role in intensifying , maintaining , or destroying it. Even in this case, however, considering u. and neglecting u. and u. implies keeping terms of the order of [p^ / (1 + p^)]u dN./dz and neglecting 1 1 Z 1 o e> terms of the order of [p^/(l + p!)] u dN./3x. It is not obvious, a 11X1 priori, that this procedure is at all legitimate. In fact, it woxild appear -22- that the opposite is so, and that any assumption such as the above should be justified empirically on a case by case basis. J. D. Whitehead (pri- vate communication) has raised similar questions. Asa result, the development of sections 3 through 5 may be of only academic interest. Unfortunately, however, this Cctncellation also implies that to specify the neutral-gas wind field at E -region heights for comparison of magnetoshear theory with observed E -layer heights and intensities, puffs giving the height variations of all three wind components are insufficient. The horizontal variations of all three wind components are also required, 7. CONCLUDING REMARKS The work presented above prompts the following conclusions: (a) The limited observations and theory available suggest strongly that vertical neutral-gas motions at E -region heights are of amplitude sufficient to be important in the study of sporadic E. (b) These vertical motions may act either in concert with, or in opposition to, the action of horizontal motions of the neutral gas in pro- ducing ion convergence, not only when the state of E -region motion is chaotic but even in cases when the components of motion are associated with a single -wave system. They may therefore affect not only the magnitude but also the sense, or sign, of the ion convergence, changing the E -layer intensity, E -layer height, and the dumping height. It appears that eastward -propagating waves should be more successful than westward -propagating waves in producing E layers, (c) There is theoretical reason to expect that the full magneto - shear equation (3. 1) and not just the vertical component (3. 2) of that eq\iation, together with full knowledge of the state of E -region neutral- gas motion, are required to obtam a consistent agreement between the ■23- magnetoshear theory and observation. Such discrepancies as now exist appear to resiilt from an incomplete specification of neutral-gas motion rather than from any basic shortcomings of the miagnetoshear theory itself. Since eastward-propagating waves appear to be more successful than westward -propagating waves in creating E layers, one might conclude that most E layers should be observed traveling eastward. There is some evidence that the o pposite is the case (Egan and Peterson, 1962). This may pose a serious problem for E theory. The observations, however, reflect the outcome of an interplay among several competing factors. For instance, Hines (1963) and Hines and Reddy (1967) show that wind -shear filtering may cause con- siderable a-nisotropy in the directions of wave propagation at ionosphe- ric heights. Perhaps in some cases, only westward propagating waves, or only eastward -propagating waves, are permitted at these altitudes. Then any E "patches", or "clouds" observed must be propagating in that direction. 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