"REHOBETH." Lewis Ulalker of Chester Valley AND HIS DESCENDANTS: WITH SOME OF THE FAMILIES WITH WHOM THEY ARE CONNECTED BY MARRIAGE, 1686221896. “The present contains all the past.” ANDRE CHEVRILLON. COLLECTED, COMPILED AND PUBLISHED BY PRISCILLA WALKER STREETS, REGS Ty eae oS Pbiladelpbia ; ALFRED J. FERRIS, PRINTER, 29 NORTH SEVENTH STREET, MDCCCXCVI. as 4 \. AS COPYRIGHTED, 1896, BY PRISCILLA WALKER STREETS. Introductory.. THE WALKERS. ERRY says: ‘The name of Walker, as appears by certain records, was so called from their anciently holding various employments in the Royal Forests, as Verderers, King’s Forest- ers, or Walkers, having the custody of certain walks, boundaries, or allotments ; but at what remote period the surname of Walker, simply, was adopted by any branch of the family as a distinguish- ing appellation remains a matter of doubt.”’ There are many families of this name in Great Britain, descendants of which have settled all over the world, and there seems to be no connection between them, pointing to one fountain head, as in some other patronymics. It is well repre- sented in Burke; every Biographical Dictionary has several Walkers in its lists, and it has been said to have the longest list of eminent men in biographical history. It was called ‘one of the mighty Sixty,” in the rolls of Great Britain, occupying seventeenth place, that is, there were sixteen families more numerous than it. The name also signifies “‘ fuller,’ or weaver, in old English. We have a Ralph Ganger, or Walker, who came in with William of Normandy, too; and if any of us wish to set up a coat-of- arms, we may choose our crest and motto from the Peerage, and flaunt it with the best of them. Plenty of American families have tacked themselves on to an ancestor, with no better claim than a similarity of name; it may be that we descend from a long line, with its root in the Norman Conquest, or earlier, but 2 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. we have nothing to prove it, or even to point that way. Our first ancestor whom we can call by name Lewis Walker left no mention of his father’s name or people. There was nothing extraordinary in this at that time. He was starting a new life in a new world, and ‘‘ Lewis Walker, yeoman,” sufficed. I have tried to connect him with the older branch, but unsuccessfully. What I did succeed in finding, I have put in the following pages. My imagination has constructed, out of the little I had, a man strong, brave, and true, who founded a family not unworthy of him, the members of which are scattered over a great part of our country, and have been known for nearly two hundred years as the Walkers of Chester Valley. Chapter Hirst. “LEWIS WALKER, YEOMAN.” HAT “the history of a family is a history of the land,” is a recognized truth of Genealogy. Without the homestead, the members are separated ; with nothing to bind them together they are scattered and lost, like beads when the string is broken. There is no place where the tribe can meet, and where each one can feel the interest of heredity in the trees that shelter it, and in the streams that water the ancestral acres. What one sows a stranger reaps, is too true in the present condition of our bustling, restless life in America, and it is spoken of with pride when a man can say, ‘“‘I live in the house where my father and grand- father have dwelt before me.’”’ We have some such homes in Penn- sylvania, as all can testify, and one of the oldest, where for seven generations one family has lived, for nearly two hundred years, Walker following Walker, can be seen in Chester Valley, and is the subject of my story. It lies between the North and South Valley Hills, and extends to the border line of Montgomery County. The creeks that drain its fertile pastures empty themselves, after a mile or more of pleasant loitering among green willowy nooks, into the cheerful, calm bosom of the Schuylkill River. Here dwell the farmer folk, the peaceful Quakers, descendants, for the most part, of those men and women who, for the sake of a quiet en- joyment of their religion, threw in their lot with those who came to make a home for themselves and their children in the New World. Here are the old homesteads where the scattered chil- 4 . GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. dren gather from far and near on days of family reunion, and up on the hill-top, close to where the new Quaker meeting-house looks proudly over the country side, is the old graveyard, where they are, one by one, brought to sleep with their fathers, when life is done. Let us pause a moment at this spot; it is the peacefulest resting-place, and before we have done our story all these small green hillocks will seem like dear old friends. Stand- ing here, let us look about us. What a wide sweep of pretty country! Green pastures where the cattle graze, where yellow grain ripens on the upland, and old farm-houses nestle among the sycamores and apple orchards, their many chimneys smoking with the incense of hospitality, and through it all green country roads leading out beyond the sight to Port Kennedy, Paoli, King of Prussia, and Wayne. On our left is the long woody range of the South Valley Hill. Beyond that are the homes of wealth and luxury, that have not yet succeeded in getting a foothold in this simple, pastoral community. To the northwest Valley Forge is hidden from view by the wooded eminence of Camp Hill and Mt. Joy. The rising ground prevents, also, a sight of the Schuylkill River to the north, not far away. But before us and behind us, as far as we can see, the land, with few exceptions, belongs to the Walkers, or to their kinsmen. If they are not of the family, they have married into it. At one time, less than fifty years ago, there was scarcely an exception ; but several families have been obliged to leave their paternal acres for other homes, and their land has passed to strangers. Directly in front of us, between the four roads, and still the property of the family, is the original Walker land, where our earliest Penn- sylvania ancestor lived and died. The first settled part of this section of the country was where Joseph Walker now lives, whose house and barns lie nearest us, the walls of which are partly ae a ee A ee ae LEWIS WALKER'S SNUFF BOX. ‘LEWIS WALKER, YEOMAN.’’ 5 the same that were erected nearly two hundred years ago. Here, before 1708, came Lewis Walker and his wife, with their family of little children, to make a home for themselves on virgin soil, He had left Wales in 1686, arriving in Pennsylvania in 1687, after ‘‘a tedious passage of thirteen months,” it is said. Sinah,* Abel,? Abel,’ Lewis *), born at Salem, Ohio, married Lydia M. Townsend. He is deceased and his widow lives in New Brighton, Penna., with her daughter : No. 1188. I. Elizabeth ’ Stanton. SIXTH GENERATION. 237 -_ No. 515. Witiiam Stanton ® (Martha,’ Sinah,* Abel,? Abel,” Lewis'), born at Salem, Ohio, married Ellen K. Irish. They are at present residing at Pasadena, California. I am indebted to William Stanton for much information and assistance regard- ing his branch of the family. He had one child: No. 1184. _ I. Emily Irish” Stanton. No. 538. Joun J. Townsenp® (Francis J.,° Sinah,* Abel,® Abel,’ Lewis*), born at Salem, Ohio, married , and lives in Albion, Boone County, Nebraska He had five children : No. 1185. I. Eveline May’ Townsend. No. 1186. II. Edward Francis J.” Townsend. No. 1187. III. Sarah Elizabeth’ Townsend. No. 1188. IV. Eugene Washington’ Townsend. No. 1189. V. Hazel Louisa’ Townsend. No. 540. Aset Bye ° (Martha,® Abel,* Abel,* Abel,? Lewis’), resides in Ohio, and there married Lydia Jane Branson. They had one child: No. 1190. I. Amy E.’ Bye, married Osburn Smith. No. 541. Epwarp Byr® ( Martha,’ Abel,* Abel,*® Abel,’ Lewis"), resides in Ohio, married Mary Smith. They had five children : No. 1191. =I. Addison’? Bye, married Aseneth Raby. No. 1192. II. William S.7 Bye, married Mary R. Holloway | (No. 1208). No. 1198. III. Walter’ Bye, died No. 1194. IV. Emma? Bye, died , No. 1195. V. Eliza’ Bye, married Lewis Eliott. 238 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. No. 542. SamueL ByE*® ( Martha,’ Abel,* Abel,? Abel,” Lewis'), married Emily Todd. ‘They had one child: No. 1196. I. Samuel’ Bye, died in manhood, unmarried. No. 544. ExizapetH Bye® (Martha,? Abel,* Abel,? Abel,’ Lewis’), married Joseph Pidgeon. They had four children : No. 1197. I. John’ Pidgeon. No. 1198. II. Amos’ Pidgeon. No. 1199. HI. William’ Pidgeon. No. 1200. IV. Charles’ Pidgeon. No. 545. Lewis W. ByE® (Martha,’ Abel,* Abel,* Abel,’ Lewis’ ), married Phcebe Williams, and had four children : No. 1201. _‘I. Louisa? Bye, married Milton Shaw. No. 1202. II. Elisha J.’ Bye, married Eva Doudna. No. 1208. III. Anna’ Bye, married Mott. No. 1204. IV. Martha? Bye, married Daniel Mott. No. 546. Mary Bye §(Martha,® Abel,* Abel,® Abel,’ Lewis ’), married Joseph Fawcett. They had three children: No. 1205. _ I. Stella’ Fawcett, died. No. 1206. IJ. Martha’ Fawcett. No. 1207. III. Carlos’ Fawcett. 548. MarTHA WALKER® (Joseph,’? Abel,* Abel,’ Abel,” Lewis *), married Lindley M. Holloway. They had two children : No. 1208. I. Mary R.”? Holloway, married William S. Bye (No. 1192.) No. 1209. II. Chalkley Clinton’ Holloway, married Nellie T. Warren. SIXTH GENERATION. 239 No. 551. Lewis TownsenD WALKER °® (Joseph,* Abel,* Abel,? Abel,” Lewis *), married Mary O. Norton. They had two children : No. 1210. I. Ann Eliza? Walker. No. 1211. II. Edward’? Walker. No. 554. ABEL WALKER ® (Joseph,’ Abel,* Abel,? Abel,’ Lewis’), married Hannah L. French. They had five children : No. 1212. =I. Bertha M.7 Walker. No. 1213. II. Luella L.7 Walker. No. 1214. III. Joseph’ Walker, died. No. 1215. IV. Julia? Walker, died. No. 1216. V. James F.’ Walker. No. 555. Ext J. WaLker® (Lewis,? Abel,* Abel,*? Abel,’ Lewis"), born in Ohio, 12th month 3d, 1829, married 1854, Maria Beck. They live in Van Buren County, Michigan, and had four children: No. 1217. I. Anna Mary’ Walker, married James Righter. No. 1218. II. Emma Thamzin’ Walker, married Joseph Martin. They have four children. No. 1219. III. Lewis Preston’ Walker. No. 1220. IV. Ruth Ellen’ Walker, married William Mabee. 556. Mary H. Watrker® (Lewis,® Abel,* Abel,® Abel,’ Lewis*), born in Ohio, 8th mo. 8th, 1831, married Enoch S. Brown. They reside in Winona, Columbiana County, Ohio. Iam indebted to them for information concerning their branch of the family. They had six children: No. 1221. I. Charles L.’ Brown, married Mary Bennett. No. 1222. II. William W.7 Brown, married Jessie Mercer. No. 1223. III. Edwin J.? Brown, married Flora J. Lovejoy. 240 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. No. 1224. IV. Thamzin W.7 Brown, died . No. 1225. V. Deborah E.’ Brown, married William Mercer. No. 1226. VI. Oliver R.? Brown, married Olly Taylor. No. 560. ABet WaLker® ( Lewis,* Abel,* Abel,? Abel, Lewis'), born in Ohio, 9th mo. 3d, 1839, married Martha Johnson. They live in Logan County, Kansas. Had one son: No. 1227. I. Willis J.?7 Walker, died , No. 563. Mary FouLke® (Eliza,®> Abel,* Abel,’ Abel,’ Lewis’), born in Ohio, married David Smith. She is deceased. They had two children : No. 1228. =I. William? Smith, married Blanche Pond. No. 1229. II. Eliza’ Smith, died , No. 565. Jesse Fou.xe ° (Eliza,® Abel,* Abel,® Abel,? Lewis’), born in Ohio, married Anna Brownell. They had two children: No. 12380. I. Ethel’? Foulke. No. 1231. II. Mabel’ Foulke. No. 566. Witiiam FouLke® (Eliza,> Abel,* Abel,? Abel,” Lewis*), born in Ohio, married Margaret J. Dewees. They had two children: No. 1232. I. Edith’ Foulke. No. 1233. II. Elsa’ Foulke. No. 568. Witiiam H. Waker § (Isaac,® Abel,* Abel,’ Abel,” Lewis"), resides in Ohio, married Anna Wilson. They had three children : No. 1234. I. Anna’ Walker. No. 1235. II. Lydia Elma’ Walker. No. 1286. III. Abel Townsend’ Walker. SIXTH GENERATION. 241 No. 569. Marian WALKER® (Isaac,® Abel,* Abel,? Abel,? Lewis’), born in Ohio, married John Leech, of Westbranch, lowa. They had children: No. 12387. I. Lewis’ Leech, married Lucinda B. ~ . No. 1238. II. Thomas?’ Leech, died . No. 1289. III. Martha’ Leech, married James W. Hawley. No. 1240. IV. Alva’ Leech, married Bessie J. . No. 1241. V. Lydia’ Leech. No. 1242¢@. VII. Adna Israel. No. 1242. VI. Mary’ Leech. No. 12426. VIII. Elma. No. 573. Sarah WALKER® (Isaac,® Abel,* Abel,*? Abel,? Lewis *), born in Ohio, married Pearson Thomas. They had six children : No. 1248. ‘I. Sarah’ Thomas. No. 1244. II. Walter’ Thomas. No. 1245. III. Lydia Bell’ Thomas. No. 1246. IV. Melissa’ Thomas. No. 1247. V. Marian’ Thomas. No. 1248. VI. Tacy’ Thomas. No. 582. Estuer L. Watker® (Abel,? Edward,‘ Abel,’ Abel,’ Lewis"), born 3d mo. oth, 1835, at South Charleston, Ohio, married Edward E. Harrison, of Green Plain, Clark County, Ohio. (See Sharpless Genealogy.) They had three children: No. 1249. I. Cornelia J.’ Harrison, born 9th mo. gth, 1859. No. 1250. II. Mary Hannah’ Harrison, born 1oth mo. 16th, 1861. No. 1251. III. Elizabeth’ Harrison, born 4th mo. 2d, 1864. No. 594. Lewis WALKER ® (Nathan U.,° Lewis,* Abel,*® Abel,’ Lewis*), born at Wellsville, Ohio, 6th mo. 4th, 1855, married 242 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. 1oth mo. 4th, 1877, Susan Adelaide Delamater. He is one of the firm of “N. U. Walker Clay Manufacturing Co.” at Walkers, Columbiana County, Ohio. They have three children: No, 1252. ‘I. Lewis’ Walker, born 6th mo. 25th, 1881. No. 1258. II. Wallace D.’ Walker, born 3d mo. 25th, 1887. No. 1254. III. Alice Adelaide’ Walker, born 11th mo. sth, 1889. No. 596. CHaRLes P. JANNEY® (Rebecca,’ Isaac,* Abel,’ Abel,’ Lewis"), born in Virginia, married Nannie Lee Pollock. He is an attorney-at-law. He has seven children: No. 1255. I. Thomas Gordon” Janney, born 2d mo. Ist, 1870. No. 1256. II. Rebecca’ Janney, born 2d mo. 29th, 1874. No. 1257. III. Lilias Gordon’ Janney, born 4th mo. 26th, 1874. No. 1258. IV. Charles Philip’ Janney. No. 1259. V. John’ Janney. No. 1260. VI. Abraham David Pollock?’ Janney. No. 1261. VII. Anna Lee? Janney. No. 597. NATHANIEL E. JANNEY® (Rebecca,°® Isaac,* Abel,’ Abel,? Lewis’), born in Virginia, moved to Philadelphia, where he married Anna Canby, daughter of William C. Smyth, of that city. Heis a conveyancer, and resides in West Philadelphia. He is a member of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, as well as the Union League Club, and an active member of Race Street Meeting. He has three children: No. 1262. I. William Canby ’ Janney, born 8th mo. 7th, 1880. No. 1263. II. Emily’ Janney, born 6th mo. 17th, 1882. No. 1264. HI. Mary Talbot? Janney, born 11th mo. 25th, 1885. No. 599. James W. JANNeEY ¢ (Rebecca,° Isaac,* Abel,’ Abel,’ SIXTH GENERATION. 243 Lewis '), born in Virginia, moved to Chicago, where he is general agent of the Provident Life and Trust Company for the State of Illinois. He married Lucy Nichols, and has two children : No. 1265. I. Helen McPherson’ Janney. No. 1266. II. Mildred’ Janney. No. 602. Rosert M. Janney * (Rebecca,’ Isaac,* Abel,* Abel,’ Lewis |), born in Virginia, came to Philadelphia, where he entered into the business of banker and broker. Like his brother, he is an active member of Race Street Meeting, and President of the First-day School. He married Emily B., daughter of William C. Smyth, who died 2d mo. 1889, leaving an infant son: No. 1267. I. James Craik’? Janney, born 2d mo. 22d, 1889. No. 603. Anna M. Janney ® (Rebecca,’ Isaac,* Abel,? Abel,” Lewis'), born in Virginia, removed to Philadelphia with her widowed mother and sisters, where she married Howard Lippin- cott. They have two children : No. 1268. =I. James Janney’ Lippincott. No. 1269. II. Elizabeth White’ Lippincott. No. 605. ExisHa Hunt WaLker® (James,’ Isaac,* Abel,’ Abel,’ Lewis"), born in Virginia, married Lucy Cooper, of Phila- delphia, and resides in Baltimore, Md. They have four children : No. 1270. I. Elizabeth Cooper’ Walker, born 1881. No. 1271. II. Robert Hunt’ Walker, born 1882. No. 1272. III. James M.’ Walker, born 1884. No. 1273. IV. William Cooper’ Walker, born 1886. No. 606. SusAN WALKER® (James,® Isaac,* Abel,® Abel,’ Lewis *), born in Virginia, married Perry B, Pierce, of Washing- ton, D.C., where they reside. They have two children: 244 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. No. 1274. ‘I. Talbot Eugene’ Pierce. No. 1275. II. Mary Walker’ Pierce. No. 608. Ropert R. WALKER & (James,”* Isaac,* Abel,® Abel,’ Lewis"), of Waterford, Virginia, married Eliza J. Needles, of Philadelphia. They have one child: No. 1276. I. Cornelia Needles’ Walker, born 1892. No. 615. James W. Wittiams ° (Mary,® Isaac,* Abel,® Abel,’ Lewis‘), born in Virginia, married Hannah Conrow. He died August, 1895. They had three children: No. 1277. I. Isaac Walker’ Williams. No. 1278. II. Bessie S.’ Williams. No. 1279. III. Hannah C.’ Williams. No. 616. Susan TaLsot WIt.iamMs¢ (Mary,° Isaac,* Abel,” Abel,’ Lewis"), born in Virginia, married Lewis Pidgeon. They had one child: No. 1280. I. Mary E.’ Pidgeon. No. 623. Isaac WALKER® (William, Isaac,* Lewis,* Abel,’ Lewis'), born in East Bethlehem, Washington County, Penna., 7th mo. 25th, 1847, married Matilda Singclair. They reside in Eldorado, Kansas. They have one child: No. 1281. I. Charles’? Walker. No. 624. Extza JANE WaALKER® (William,® Isaac,‘ Lewis,* Abel,? Lewis’), born in East Bethlehem, Washington County, Penna., 2d mo. 15th, 1851, married John A. Crawford, of Twelve Mile, Cass County, Indiana. They have seven children: No. 1282. I. Harry W.’ Crawford, born roth mo. 13th, 1874. SIXTH GENERATION. 245 No. 1283. II. Mary A.’ Crawford, born 12th mo. 13th, 1875. No. 1284. III. Charles H.’ Crawford, born roth mo. 24th, 1877. No. 1285. IV. William M.’ Crawford, born gth mo. 11th, 1879. No. 1286. V. Emma N.’ Crawford, born 7th mo. 15th, 1882. No. 1287. VI. Jessie A.’ Crawford, born 2d mo. 16th, 1886. No. 1288. VII. Benjamin H.’ Crawford, born 8th mo. 11th, 1888. No. 625. SamuEL G. WALKER® (William,°® Isaac,‘ Lewis,’ Abel,? Lewis"), born in East Bethlehem, Washington County, Penna., 11th mo. Ist, 1852, married, Ist mo. 16th, 1879, Emma J. Crouch, who died after giving birth to two sons. His second wife, Minnie L. Griffith, whom he married 1oth mo. 5th, 1892, has one son. He lives at the homestead with his mother. His children are: No. 1289. I. James W.’ Walker, born Ist mo. 31st, 1882. No. 1290. II. Llewellyn G.’ Walker, born Ist mo. 31st, 1882. No. 1291. III. Bertram Keener’ Walker, born 8th mo. 8th, 1894. No. 626. JosepH L. Warker® (William,’ Isaac,* Lewis,’ Abel,” Lewis"), born in East Bethlehem, Washington County, Penna., 9th mo. Igth, 1854, married, 4th mo. 7th, 1880, Hannah J. Pepper. They live in East Bethlehem, and have seven children : No. 1292. I. Paul A.’ Walker, born Ist mo. 11th, 1881. No. 1298. II. Jennetta B.’ Walker, born 3d mo. 22d, 1882. No. 1294. III. William P.’ Walker, born 8th mo. 24th, 1884. No. 1295. IV. Mary Ann’ Walker, born 3d mo, 12th, 1886. No. 1296. V. Naomi E.’ Walker, born 2d mo. 26th, 1889. No. 1297. VI. Leah Jane’ Walker, born 2d mo. 16th, 1891. No. 1298. VII. Joseph D.’ Walker, born 12th mo. 30th, 1893. 246 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. No. 636. Lewis W. STEER® (Samuel,’ Leah,* Lewis,’ Abel,’ Lewis*), born in Virginia, removed to Philadelphia, Penna. Married, Ist, Elizabeth Hough ; 2d, Virginia Holland. He has five children. No. 1299. =I. Samuel? Steer. No. 1300. II. Leah’ Steer, married William Osler. No. 1801. III. Harriette 7 Steer. No. 1802. IV. Caroline’? Steer, married Simon Gratz. No. 18038. V. Edgar? Steer, died May, 1896, married Louisa Slaughter. Graduate M.D., of University of Pennsylvania. No. 638. Mary STEER ® (Samuel,’? Leah,* Lewis,’ Abel,’ Lewis’), born in Virginia, married William Bond, of Montgom- ery County, Md. They have three children: No. 1304. I. Charles? Bond. No. 1805. II. Samuel? Bond. No. 1306. III. Joseph’ Bond. No. 640. Isaac E. STEER ® (Samuel,® Leah,* Lewis,’ Abel,” Lewis'), born in Virginia, removed to New York City, where he is engaged in business. He married Ida Sigman, and has three children : No. 1307. I. Grace’ Steer. No. 1308. II. Walter’ Steer. No. 1309. III. Harold’ Steer. No. 648. JosHua Ruoaps 6 (Naomi, Zillah,* Joseph,* Isaac,” Lewis‘), born at Haddington, Penna., 9th mo. 14th, 1806, died in Jacksonville, Illinois, 2d mo. Ist, 1876. He married, 3d mo. 14th, 1833, at Friends’ Meeting-house, Pennsbury, Bucks SIXTH GENERATION. 247 County, Penna., Rosanna, danghter of Barclay and Mary Ivins. She died 4th mo. roth, 1883. Joshua Rhoads graduated in medicine, and practiced his profession for several years in Fallsington, Bucks County, Penna., but the greater part of his life was devoted to the education of the blind. Hewas for atime Principal of the Institute for the Blind in Philadelphia. In 1850, he removed with his family to Jacksonville, Ill, where he was for twenty years Principal of the State Institute for the Blind. Joshua and Rosanna (Ivins) Rhoads had eight children : No. 1810. =I. Jane Elizabeth’? Rhoads, born 2d mo. toth, 1834, died Ist mo. 14th, 1836. No. 1811. I. Anna J.’ Rhoads, born goth mo. tgth, 1837, died 7th mo. 22d, 1838. No. 1312. III. Julius F.7 Rhoads, born 7th mo, toth, 1839, died 2d mo. Ist, 1840. No. 1818. IV. Mary J.’ Rhoads, born 3d mo. 27th, 1841. No. 13814. V. Alice S.7 Rhoads, born 6th mo. 17th, 1844. No. 1315. VI. Naomi’ Rhoads, born 6th mo. 2oth, 1848, died 3d mo. 21st, 1888, married John A. Bellatti. No. 1816. VII. Martha C.’ Rhoads, born 2d mo. 25th, 1852, died 1oth mo. 17th, 1862. No. 1317. VIII. T. Walter’ Rhoads, born 11th mo. 15th, 1855, died 1st mo. 5th, 1358. No. 650. James Ruoaps° (Naomi,” Zillah,* Joseph,’ Isaac,” Lewis *), born in Philadelphia, 4th mo. Ist, 1811, died 5th mo. 13th, 1886. He married at ‘‘ Sellers Hall,’ Delaware County, Penna., 9th mo. 17th, 1840, Alice, daughter of George and Ann E. Sellers, who was born 5th mo. Ist, 1818, died Ist mo. Igth, 1842. James Rhoads was for nearly thirty years professor of belles lettres at the Boys’ High School, Philadelphia. He had one son: 248 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. No. 1318. I. Joseph R.? Rhoads, born 8th mo. 6th, 1841, married Amanda Seal. No. 652. SARAH WALKER Ruoaps § ( Naomi,’ Zillah,‘ Joseph, Isaac,? Lewis’), born in Philadelphia, 2d mo. 16th, 1815, at 1709 Market street, died 4th mo. 26th, 1891, at her home, 10g North 16th street, Philadelphia. She was married at Haverford Meeting-house, Delaware County, Penna., 9th mo. 26th, 1839, to William P. Walter, son of Thomas and Sarah Walter, of Montgomery County, Penna. He was born 8th mo. Ist, 1810, and died at Philadelphia, 8th mo. 28th, 1872. William P. Walter was engaged in the hardware business on Market street for many years, which is continued in the same place by his sons. William P. and Sarah W. (Rhoads) Walter had seven children : No. 1319. I. Emma? Walter, born 6th mo. 2oth, 1840. No. 13820. IJ. Thomas’ Walter, born 7th mo. Igth, 1843. No. 13821. III. Naomi‘ Walter, born 1st mo. roth, 1846. No. 1822. IV. Warner’ Walter, born 6th mo. 2oth, 1848. No. 1323. V. William Penn? Walter, born gth mo. roth, 1850, died 4th mo. 26th, 1854. No. 1324. VI. Mary Jeanes’ Walter, born 6th mo. 28th, 1853, married George F. White. No, 1325. VII. Sarah’ Walter, born 3d mo. 11th, 1856, died 3d mo. 24th, 1865. No. 655. Danie, Ruoapsé (Naomi,° Zillah,* Joseph, Isaac,” Lewis *), born in Philadelphia, 9th mo. 25th, 1821, died 3d mo. 1ith, 1893. He married, 4th mo. 25th, 1861, Maria Dick Smith. She was born 11th mo, 23d, 1838, and was daughter of Edward and Rebecca Sinnicksen Smith, of Columbia, Penna., formerly of Salem, New Jersey. SIXTH GENERATION. 249 Daniel and Maria D. (Smith) Rhoads settled at Bellefonte, Centre County, Penna., and had five children : No. 13826. I. Samuel Jeanes’ Rhoads, born 3d mo. 31st, 1862, died 1oth mo. 11th, 1862. No. 1327. II. Edward Keasby Smith’ Rhoads, born 7th mo. - 16th, 1867. No. 1828. III. Joseph James‘ Rhoads, born 8th mo. 23d, 1868. No. 1329. IV. Francis Sinnicksen’ Rhoads, born 8th mo. roth, 1871. No.. 1830. V. Rebecca Naomi’ Rhoads, born 11th mo. 30th, 1872. No. 656. Naomi Ruoaps® (Naomi,’ Zillah,* Joseph,* Isaac,’ Lewis’), born in Philadelphia, Penna., 8th mo. 16th, 1824, married Thomas Walter, 2d mo. 23d, 1848. He was born 2d mo. Ist, 1802, died, 6th mo. 25th, 1878, and was son of Enos and Elizabeth Walter of Wilmington, Delaware. Thomas and Naomi (Rhoads) Walter had two children : No. 1331. I. Joseph R.” Walter, born gth mo. 27th, 1849, died 3d mo. 30th, 1890. No. 13832. II. Mary R.’ Walter, born 2d mo. Igth, 1857, married Charles William Cooper. No. 657. ELLEN Roperts® (Sarah,° Isaac,* Joseph,* Isaac,’ Lewis *), born at the Roberts homestead, near Manayunk, Penna., in 1797, died 1855, married, 1825, William D. Haines. They had two children : No. 1333. I. Caroline’ Haines, born 1829, died 1836. No. 1884. II. Emily’ Haines, married Phineas Pratt. No. 660. Mary Ann Roserts® (Sarah,> Isaac,* Joseph,° Isaac,” Lewis*), born at the Roberts homestead, near Manayunk, 250 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. Penna., 1802, married, 1834, her cousin Walker Moore, son of Leah and Abner Moore. Walker Moore died in his eighty-ninth year. They had one child : No. 1835. I. Ellen R.? Moore, married Jesse Cheney. No. 661. Jane W. Roserts 6 (Sarah,” Isaac,* Joseph,* Isaac,’ Lewis *), born at the Roberts homestead, near Manayunk, Penna., 1804, married Samuel Hoopes. They had three children: No. 1836. I. Thomas’ Hoopes, married, 1st, Susan Bernard ; 2d, Lydia Jobson. No. 1887. II. Elwood” Hoopes, married Susanna Huey. No. 1838. III. David’ Hoopes, married Susan Maris. No. 662. Saran Roperts® (Sarah,° Isaac,* Joseph,’ Isaac,’ Lewis *), born at the Roberts homestead, near Manayunk, Penna., 1806, married Caleb Hoopes. She died at her home in Balti- more, Md. Caleb Hoopes married for his second wife, Mary W. Roberts (No. 686). He is also deceased. Caleb and Sarah (Roberts) Hoopes had five children : No. 13839. I. Emma’ Hoopes, married Charles Hoopes. No. 1340. II. William’ Hoopes, married Georgia Wilhelm. No. 13841. III. Edward’ Hoopes, married Lucy Tyler. No. 1342. IV. Sallie’ Hoopes, married Charles Tyler. No. 1848. V. Frank’ Hoopes, died 1861. No. 663. Matruew Ropserts °(Sarah,° Isaac,* Joseph,’ Isaac,” Lewis’), born at the Roberts homestead, near Manayunk, Penna., 1809, married Ellen Moore, daughter of Isaac, and granddaughter of Leah and Abner Moore (No. 56). They had one child: No. 1344. I. Emily’ Roberts, married F. Wilson Eastburn. SIXTH GENERATION. 251 No. 664. ExizABETH Roperts® (Sarah,° Isaac,‘ Joseph,’ Isaac,” Lewis’), born at the Roberts homestead near Mana- yunk, Penna., 1814, died at her home in Lower Merion Town- ship, Montgomery County, Penna., 1875, married Phineas Paiste. He was born in 1811, and died in 1883. They had eleven children: No. 13845. ‘I. Mercy’ Paiste, married James Pyott. No. 1346. II. Robert J.’ Paiste, married, Ist, Sallie Rhoads, 2d, Jane Rhoads. No. 1847. III. George’ Paiste, married Margaret Dempsery. No. 1848. IV. William Henry’ Paiste, died 1863, from wounds received at the Battle of Antietam, in the Civil War. No. 1349. V. Edward’ Paiste, married, 1st, Emma Mackey ; 2d, Anna Brook; 3d, Kate Harris ; 4th, Sallie Parrottet. No. 13850. VI. Caroline’ Paiste. No. 1351. VII. Elwood’ Paiste, died in infancy. No. 1352. VIII. Phineas’ Paiste, born 1850, died 1856. No. 18538. IX. B. Franklin’ Paiste. No. 1854. X. Charles’ Paiste, married Emma Davis. No. 1855. XI. James L.’ Paiste, married Louetta Weaver. No. 665. ReBecca Roberts ® (Sarah,° Isaac,* Joseph,* Isaac,’ Lewis"), born at the Roberts homestead, near Manayunk, Penna., 1811, married James Paiste, the brother of Phineas Paiste above mentioned, of Eastown Township, Chester County, Penna. They had three children : No. 1856. I. David’ Paiste, married Rebecca Thomas. No. 13857. II. Eliza’ Paiste, married John Wetherill. No. 1858. III. Dillwyn? Paiste, married , 252 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. No. 666. RACHEL RoseErts ® (Sarah,* Isaac,* Joseph,? Isaac,? Lewis'), born at the Roberts homestead, near Manayunk, Penna., 3d mo. 2d, 1817, died in Chester, Penna., roth mo. 20th, 1890. She married, 4th mo. 20th, 1843, Isaac Wetherill, son of Richard and Ann Wetherill. Isaac and Rachel (Roberts) Wetherill resided at Kennett Square, Chester County, Penna. They had four children : No. 1859. ‘I. Annie J.’ Wetherill, married Sharpless Walter. No. 13860. II. Roberts’ Wetherill, married Annie Webb. No. 1361. III. Sallie? Wetherill, married Dr. Milner, of Chester County, Penna. They had one child, who died a few years after the death of both her parents. No. 1862 IV. Emily’ Wetherill, married Benjamin Blakley. No. 669. THomas Rozinson WALKER ® (Joseph,’ Isaac,’ Joseph,* Isaac,” Lewis"), born in Radnor Township, Delaware County, Penna., 8th mo. 2d, 1816, died at his home in Tredyf- frin Township, Chester County, Penna., 7th mo. 29th, 1875. He married, 4th mo. 14th, 1841, Mary, daughter of James and Elizabeth (Priestman) Baynes. She was born at “ Shellcote,” in “‘ Wood Hall Park,’’ Wensleydale, Yorkshire, England, 7th mo. 11th, 1813, died 4th mo. 14th, 1880, at Philadelphia, Penna., at the house of her son, Dr. James Baynes Walker, and is buried beside her husband in the Valley Graveyard. The Baynes family, according to Granger in his “ History of Nidderdale,’’ was in earlier times one of the most influential in Yorkshire. Tradition says it is descended from Donald Bane, son of the murdered Duncan, who, on the death of his brother Malcolm, claimed the throne of Scotland, as was his right according to the, then, Scotch law. Malcolm’s son, with the assistance of the English, dethroned him after a short reign, and SIXTH GENERATION. 253 Donald was obliged to seek the shelter of the highlands, along with his Gaelic chieftains. After some years of desultory fight- ing they were driven from Scotland, and, it 1s said by some authorities, came to northern Yorkshire, where the sons of Donald founded the family that bears their name. However true this may be, the Bayneses are of distinguished and ancient lineage, and there are to be found on their family tree many names that testify to their worth. In an old pedigree that goes back eight hundred years, are warriors, crusaders, nuns, and one bishop, while in the later centuries are poets, painters, clergymen, and dissenters, both of Church and State. One of Cromwell’s most trusted officers, Captain Adam Baynes, was of this York- shire family and a near relation to the forebears of Mary Baynes Walker. This branch lived at ‘‘ Heigh-holm’’ Hall, near Kil- lington, Westmoreland, which property was owned by them for many generations. They have been associated with Yorkshire since 1182, when, according to Burke, one of them came there from the north and established the family. (See the ‘‘ Deucator Leodientis,” “‘ Reitstap,’ and ‘ Burke’s Peerage.’’) The arms are: ‘‘Arms sa. A shin bone in fesse surmounted by another in pale arg. The crest a cubit arm, vested, az., cuffed, erminois, the hand holding the jaw bone, arg.’ Motto: ‘‘ Furor arma ministrat.’’ When George Fox appeared in Yorkshire preaching the new doctrine, William and Joseph Baynes of “Stangerthwait’’ were among the earliest converts to Quakerism, and they suffered much in fines and imprisonments for conscience’ sake. (See ‘‘ Piety Pro- moted,” and ‘ Besse’s Sufferings ”’ ). In the troubled times of the Commonwealth and for some years afterwards the records of church and meeting-house were not kept with the care necessary for their preservation, and, aithough we know that James Baynes’ grandfather was of this 254 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. stock, we cannot find any record of his birth. We simply con- jecture that he was a son, born.of a second marriage of Joseph Baynes of ‘ Stangerthwait,” with Barbara Askew, 1691. Joseph was born in 1633, and James Baynes in 1700, when his sup- posed father was sixty-seven years old. Joseph was son of James Baynes, ‘“‘ Yeoman,” died 1671, and his wife, Agnes, died 166s, of ‘Killington,’ Westmoreland. (There are other records of the family now extant, and in course of preparation by other members of the family in England, which it is not necessary to insert in this work.) James Baynes, born 1700, died 1772, married, 2d mo. 7th, 1736, Mary, daughter of Thomas Lambert, of ‘‘ Blean,” a farm- house so-called, in Wensleydale overlooking Semerwater. She was born 1711, died 1797, and both are buried at Bainbridge, in Wensleydale. They had ten children: Mabel, born 1736, mar- ried, 1757, Adam Harker; Thomas, born 1737; James born 1739, died 1785 ; Mary, born 1741, married, 1765, Christopher Mires ; Margaret, born 1743, married, 1778, John Rickaby ; John, born 1744, died 1817, married, 1770, Frances Beezon ; William, born 1746; Oswald, born 1748, married, 1777, Mary Lambert ; Ann, born 1750; Joseph, born 1765, died 1778. Frances Beezon, the wife of John Baynes, was daughter of John Beezon, of ‘‘ Wood Hall Park,” a farm in Wensleydale, long in possession of the Beezon family. John Beezon, in his will dated 1773, leaves a ‘‘ property called Shellcote, on the Scarr, north of the Turnpike road leading from Woodhall to Askrig,” to his daughter Frances Baynes, along with ‘“ Wood Hall Park,” and all the plate and furniture. Frances was born at ‘‘ Wood Hall Park,” 1751, and died there, 7th mo. 4th, 1781. She is buried in the Quaker graveyard at Aysgarth, not far distant. John and Frances (Beezon) Baynes had five children: John Beezon, born 1771, at ‘‘ Wood Hall Park,” died 1847, at Wil- GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. 255 mington, Delaware, married Miriam Priestman ; Hannah, born 1772, at “ Wood Hall Park,’’ married, 1795, Richard Thomson, of Leyburn; James, born 1775, at ‘‘Wood Hall Park,” died at Plymouth, Montgomery County, Penna., 1856, married Eliza- beth Priestman; Frances, born 1776, at ‘‘ Wood Hall Park,” married Redman; Mary, born 1779, at “ Wood Hall Park,” died 1843, in Pennsylvania, married Yates. John Beezon Baynes, the eldest son, inherited ‘‘Wood Hall Park,’ on the death of his mother, and on his marriage with Miriam, daughter of Thomas Priestman, ‘“‘ yeoman,” of ‘ Dur- ruddun,”’ Cumberland, England (in some family papers it is written “ Dearrudding, in the Parish of Greystock, in the county of Cumberland’), he took her there to live. He sold the property in 1818 to Christopher Alderson Alderson, and moved with his family to America. They at first settled in Wilmington, Del., but his sons afterward removed to Baltimore, Md., where they engaged successfully in business, and were prominent mem- bers of the Society of Friends in that city. They had: Beezon, born 1802, died ; Thomas, born 1803, died , married Sarah Wetherald ; Frances, born 1804, died 1827, married, 1826, William West; John, born 1805; James, born 1806, died married Martha De Burgh; Joséph P., born 18009, died married Sarah Paiste. James Baynes, the brother of John, married, 3d mo. 24th, 1803, Elizabeth Priestman, the sister of John’s wife, and daughter of Thomas and Hannah Priestman before mentioned. (In 1713 Joseph and Thomas Priestman sign a certificate for Joseph Parker from Coldbeck, Cumberland, to Chester, Penna., Monthly Meeting.) James Baynes took his wife to that part of the Beezon estate inherited by him, which was and is still called ‘‘Shellcote,” a small farm with house and farm buildings in the near vicinity of ‘‘ Wood Hall Park.’’ Here he was occupied in ) ’ 256 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. sheep-raising and cheese-making, the moorlands being especially adapted for the pasture of sheep, while the Stilton cheese is still one of the products of the diaries as it was a hundred years ago and more. In 1822 James Baynes, following the example of his elder brother, sold the place that had been so long in the posses- sion of his mother’s family, and came to Pennsylvania. He brought with him his wife and their nine children, and after various removals they at last arrived in Tredyffrin Township. They rented a farm belonging to Charles Greaves, and here his daughter Mary became acquainted with their neighbor, Thomas R. Walker, whom she afterwards married. This farm was origin- ally owned by Lewis Walker, who gave it to his eldest son Daniel, on his marriage in 1715. It is now owned by David Abraham. James Baynes’ children were : Hannah, born 1804, died 1839, married John Brookes; John, born 1805, died 1827, buried at Chester, Penna.; Frances, born 1807, died 1830, buried at the same place; Thomas Priestman, born 1809, died 18809, at Plymouth, Montgomery County, Penna., married Mary Holt, 2d, Mary (Caley) Lukens, s. p.; Elizabeth, born 1811, died 1893, buried at Plymouth, Penna.; Mary, born 1813, died 1880, married Thomas R. Walker; Miriam, born 1815, died 1855, buried at Plymouth, Penna.; Beezon, born 1818, married Lowry Humphrey, removed to Washington County, Ind.; Alice, born 1821, died 1862, buried at Plymouth, Penna. James Baynes and his wife died at Plymouth, Penna, and both are buried in the Friends’ Graveyard at that place. Thomas R.and Mary Baynes Walker were married at a public meeting at the Valley meeting-house, and this was the last wedding that ever took place there. After that it became fashionable to marry at the home of the bride. They went first to live at ‘Bellwood Farm,’’ farming for a cousin, Jane W. SIXTH GENERATION. 257 Cleaver, and living in part of the house, but before the year ended a farm was bought for them at Whitpain, Montgomery County, Penna., to which place they moved and where they remained for several years, until about the year 1853, when Joseph Walker, the father of Thomas R. Walker, purchased the Greaves property, before mentioned as being the home of James Baynes, and here the family removed, and here they resided until, on the death of Mary B. Walker, the property was sold to settle up the estate. On the marriage of their eldest son, Isaac, in the year 1873, a new house was built for him on the top of the hill, a hill which gave the name of ‘‘ Prospect Farm,”’ to the place, in which house he lived, managing affairs for his father, who was a helpless invalid for years before his death, being afflicted with rheumatic gout. Thomas R. Walker was esteemed by all who knew him. He had the strong, independent character that corresponded with his commanding height. He was over six feet tall, of an obliging dis- position, hospitably inclined, and with a mind that might have achieved distinction had he entered one of the professions. He valued education above all things, and gave his children the advantage of good schools. He had had a good education himself, having been a pupil of Joseph Foulke, and was gifted with an excellent memory. He was a good mathematician, and assisted his children in this branch of their studies particularly, being able to work outa difficult problem in his mind during the nights when he could not sleep for pain, and have it ready to explain to them in the morning. For many years a literary society was held every alternate week at his house and that of his neighbor and kinsman, Havard Walker, which gave a taste for reading and study to the whole neighborhood, and raised the tone of society generally. In all his enterprises he was assisted by his wife, they being singularly congenial in their tastes. 258 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. They were both Elders of Radnor Monthly Meeting. Though they were consistent Friends, they were not bounded by any creed. The house in which they lived for so many years of their married life was the oldest and plainest in the Valley, yet there was none that contained a happier, more united family, and the children that grew and thrived therein look upon it, even now, with a reverence hard to understand for the present gen- eration. They feel that the blessing of a father and mother such as theirs cannot be overestimated. Thomas R. and Mary Baynes Walker had nine children : No. 138638. I. Priscilla? Walker, died in infancy. No. 1864. II. Elizabeth Baynes’ Walker, born May 8th, 1843, married Joseph Heacock. No. 1865. III. Isaac Priestman’ Walker, born April 2oth, 1845, married Ella M. Eckman. No. 13866. IV. James Baynes? Walker, born December 16th, 1846, married Martha M. Abraham. No. 1867. VV. Priscilla? Walker, born August 27th, 1848, mar- ried, September 7th, 1875, Dr. Thomas Hale Streets, U. S. N., son of Edward and Mary E. (Griffin) Streets, of Delaware. s. p. No. 13868. VI. Fannie Baynes? Walker, born June 25th, 1850, now residing with her sister Elizabeth, at Wyncote, Penna. She was for several years a teacher at Friends’ Central School, Philadelphia, Penna., but rheumatic gout compelled her to give up her position. No. 1869. VII. Joseph’ Walker, died in infancy. No. 1370. VIII. Thomas’ Walker, died in infancy. No. 1371. IX. Mary Alice’ Walker, died in infancy. No. 670. Moses Waker ® (Joseph,°® Isaac,* Joseph,’ Isaac,” SIXTH GENERATION. 259 Lewis’), born in Radnor Township, Delaware County, Penna., 12th mo. oth, 1817, died at his home in Upper Merion, Mont- gomery County, Penna., 2d mo. 24th, 1870. He married, 1849, Sarah S., daughter of Joseph and Eleanor (Stephens) Davis. Joseph Davis was descended from the Radnor family of that name that came originally from Wales and settled there. According to ‘ Notes and Queries” in the Pennsylvania Maga- gine, I find there were three brothers of this name among the early settlers, William, of Radnor, Thomas, of Tredyffrin, and Llewellin Davis.* Sarah S. (Davis) Walker thinks she is descended from William, of Radnor, because that is a family name and she knows that her grandparents are buried in the Radnor Meeting Graveyard. The Davis family, though numerous and very respectable, can only go back to Joseph, of Willistown Township, Chester County, the great-grandfather of Sarah, whose son Mordecai lived at the Waterloo Mills, in Eastown Township, Chester County. This property belonged to the wife of Mordecai, who, with her sister, owned it. Mordecai bought the sister’s share, and it remained in the family until recently, when at the death of John Davis, the son of Mordecai, it was sold. Mordecai Davis and his wife are buried at Radnor. In 1821 they bought a farm in Tredyffrin for their other son, Joseph, who came there to live. This property was originally owned by Thomas Waters, who gave it to his daughter on her marriage with Colonel! Dewees. On the death of Mrs. Dewees, her son Waters Dewees inherited it, who sold it to Mordecai Davis. When the Hessian troops passed through the Valley, Colonel Dewees hid his valuables in various places, thinking in this * Llewellin Davis had two sons, Isaac and Llewellin. Isaac was the father of General John Davis, of Howellville, Chester County, Penna., who has a son, Major Charles L, Davis, U.S. Army. 260 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. manner to save his gold and silver, though he could not keep his cattle from the marauders. A bag of gold coin was hurriedly hidden under the smoke house, and would have escaped detec- tion had not a hen, fleeing before a pursuing soldier, taken refuge there also, and the man, following, found the precious treasure, which he carried off exultingly, blessing the happy accident that procured him so much riches. The Dewees house was well built and in a good situation, much the same as it is at the present day. During the occupa- tion of Valley Forge by Washington’s troops, this house was the headquarters of General Mifflin. Mrs. Dewees resided here after her husband’s death and died here. Joseph Davis, the new owner, married Eleanor, daughter of Stephen and Sarah (MacVeagh) Stephens (see No. 267), and here they lived the rest of their lives, and on the death of Joseph Davis, a few years ago, the property went to their only son, Mordecai, who with his family now occupy it. The three chil- dren of Joseph Davis married descendants of Lewis Walker. Sarah, as before stated, marrying Moses Walker; Susan, the second daughter, married Lewis Walker (No. 676), and Mordecai married Hannah Mary Beidler (No. 1580). Joseph Davis was a preacher in the Valley Meeting, and was much beloved and respected. His second wife, Elizabeth Peart, a widow, was also a preacher, and a gifted one. He is buried in the Valley Graveyard with both his wives. Moses Walker and his wife went to live on a farm which he had purchased from the estate of James Barry, which land lies near and overlooks the Schuylkill River near Merion Station on the Reading Railrod. Here they resided until the death of Moses Walker. The property is now owned by his widow, who lives here with her only remaining child, whose husband William Ramsey farms the place. Moses and Sarah S. (Davis) Walker had three children : SIXTH GENERATION. 261 No. 1872. I. Ellen Davis’ Walker, married William Ramsey. No. 1373. II. Lewis’ Walker, born 1856, died 1868. No. 1374. III. Sarah? Walker, born 1863, died 1874. No. 673. HANANIAH WALKER® (Joseph,> Isaac,* Joseph,’ Isaac,” Lewis’), born at “ Rehobeth,” Tredyffrin Township, Chester County, Penna., 1823, died at his home in Philadel- phia, 4th mo. 16th, 1872. He married, 1852, Susan, daughter of William Katon, of Philadelphia. He learned the trade of brick-layer, and after working at it for some time in Philadelphia he joined it to the occupation of builder. He died suddenly of pneumonia, and was buried at the Valley Graveyard, with all the honors of the Society of Odd Fellows, of which he was a promi- nent member. His widow and two sons still reside in Philadel- phia. Thay had four children : No. 1875. =I. William Katon’ Walker, married Kate Garby, had one son William, who died in infancy. No. 1876. II. Joseph? Walker, died of consumption. No. 1877. III. Lewis Katon’?’ Walker, married Sarah Jane Wright. No. 1878. IV. Mary? Walker, died of consumption. No. 674. Jos EPH WALKER ® (Joseph,” Isaac,* Joseph,* Isaac,’ Lewis"), born at ‘“ Rehobeth,” Tredyffrin Township, Chester County, Penna., 4th mo. 30th, 1826, married, 6th mo. 11th, 1863, Ellen Louisa, daughter of Charles and Mary (Dilworth) Wells, at her father’s house in Tredyffrin. From Sharpless’s Genealogy: Mary T. Dilworth’? (Sarah °) married Charles Wells (died Ist mo. 3d, 1872), son of Levi Wells* (born 1st mo. 3d, 1772), and Eleanor Meredith (born Ist mo. 28th, 1776), daughter of John and Hannah (Harrison) Meredith. 262 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. Levi Wells * was son of Edward? (born roth mo. 14th, 1726) and Mary Wells, and grandson of Peter and Mary Wells. Sarah Pennell, grandmother of Ellen L. (Wells) Walker, born 1780, married, 1800, Richard Dilworth, of Philadelphia, born 1779, son of Charles and Mary (Taylor) Dilworth, of West Chester, Penna. Richard Dilworth went West early in this century, and was never heard of again. Charles and Mary (Dilworth) Wells sold their farm in Tredyffrin to Mr. Fisher about twenty years ago, and went to Downingtown, Penna., where their two surviving sons still live. | Joseph Walker, the youngest son of Joseph and Priscilla Walker, lived at the homestead with his father and sister Mary until the death of Joseph Walker, when he inherited the property according to the conditions of his father’s will. After his mar- riage he made some slight improvements at ‘“‘ Rehobeth,” and assisted by his wife he has there dispensed generous hospitality to their many friends and acquaintances. During the time of the Quarterly Meeting in August they have frequently entertained as many as fifty. Heis an enthusiast on the subject of the old house in which he first saw the light, and delights in tales of “auld lang syne.” Ellen L. Walker died very suddenly of pneumonia, December 31st, 1889. She was generous and warm hearted, always ready to assist her neighbors in distress and to join them in their pleasures. It may truly be said of her, that her place in the neighborhood has never been refilled. They had two sons: No. 1879. I. Charles Wells‘ Walker, born December 27th, 1867, married, November 12, 1895, at the Church of the Advent, Philadelphia, Marian Graves Coppuck, daughter of Malcolm M. Coppuck. They reside in Downingtown. SIXTH GENERATION. 263 No. 1880. II. Joseph Jeanes’ Walker, born Nov. 4th, 1871. Graduated at Swarthmore. At present in the employ of Jesse Wager Walker, in the Shifflee Bridge Co., Pittsburgh, Penna. No. 675. Havarp WALKER® (Hananiah,°’ Isaac,‘ Joseph,’ Isaac,” Lewis’), born at ‘“‘The Meadows,” Tredyffrin Township, Chester County, Penna, July 3d, 1815, married Martha, daughter of William and Ann (Wager) Potts, of Plymouth, Montgomery County, Penna. Martha (Potts) Walker died” January 2d, 1894. William Potts was descended from David and Alice Potts, early settlers of Pennsylvania, whose son Nathan, the youngest of ten children, born probably 1710, married Hester , and had a son Zebulon, born 1746, who married Martha, daughter of Joseph and Ann Trotter, and died March 17th, 1801. Zebulon Potts was a notable man of Plymouth Township. In 1774 he was appointed constable. He was an ardent Whig, and the British, receiving information, through the medium of spies, of his active opposition to their cause, sent out parties on several occasions to capture him. Once they were almost suc- cessful. In 1777 he was appointed one of the Justices of the Court of Quarter Sessions and Common Pleas. In the Assessors’ list of 1780 he is represented as having 100 acres of land, five horses, three cows, and ‘‘an aged mother to support.” In Octo- ber, 1784, he was elected the first sheriff in Montgomery County. He died at Harrisburg, Penna., while he was State Senator. (See History of Montgomery County.) His son William was with him in his last sickness and brought his body home. Among other children Zebulon Potts had William, born 1787, died 1881, who married Ann, daughter of Jesse Wager or Wicherline, who lived on a small, well-kept, and valuable farm “~ 264 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. on the banks of the Schuylkill River, near Conshohocken, Penna. This farm became his by inheritance when he was two years old, at which time he went there to live, and was never farther away from it than to Philadelphia in his long life time. His sister, Elizabeth, was grandmother to the American novelist, James Fenimore Cooper. Havard and Martha P. Walker lived on the farm and in the house where Havard was born, and here they celebrated their Golden Wedding, in the winter of 1890. He, with his two daughters, still live there and farm the place, assisted by his only grandson. Although he is past four-score, he is still compara- tively hale and hearty, and is interested in all public affairs relat- ing to his native county. For years he has been a director of the public schools, and there is no man so well known by the younger generation of Chester County. The eldest daughter is a woman of remarkable intelligence, and has wielded an immense amount of influence for good in the locality. In her own little circle she is an authority on all things mental and moral. Had she devoted herself to literature, instead of doing the duty that lay nearest to her, she might have achieved a national reputation. Havard and Martha (Potts) Walker had four children: No. 1381. I. Mary Jane’ Walker. No. 1882. II. Jesse Wager’ Walker, married Isabella Meeker. No. 13838. III. Annie Potts’ Walker. No. 1384. IV. William Potts’ Walker, married Fanny Baynes. No. 677. Davip Watrker® (Hananiah,® Isaac,* Joseph,’ Isaac,” Lewis*), born at “The Meadows,’ Tredyffrin Township, Chester County, Penna., oth mo. 8th, 1818, died at his home in Tredyffrin, 5th mo., 1889, married, 1oth mo. 27th, 184], Hannah, daughter of William and Eliza (Coates) Cowgill. Eliza Coates, born 5th mo. igth, 1797, was daughter of SIXTH GENERATION. 265 Moses Coates, who married, 12th mo. roth, 1795, Hannah, daughter of Mordecai and Elizabeth (Davis) Moore. Mordecai Moore was a resident of Montgomery County. He lived in what is known as the Zook homestead, late the residence of that family. Beside the farm attached to it he owned the land now occupied by the village of Port Kennedy, as well as the farm of the late Edwin Moore. He was married at Haverford Meeting 12th mo. 12th, 1758. Hannah Moore was born 12th mo. 24th, 1759. Moses Coates, son of Moses Coates, of Phoenixville, Pa. (see No. 249), and his wife, Hannah Moore, went very soon after their marriage to Frederick County, Va., and there their daughter Eliza was born. She married, oth mo. 18th, 1814, William Cowgill, born 3d mo. 5th, 1788, died Ist mo. 27th, 1834, and is buried at Hopewell Meeting Graveyard in Virginia. The Cowgill family, consisting of Ellen, her daughter Jane and three sons, Thomas, Ezekiel and John, came to Pennsylvania with William Penn, on the ship ‘‘ Welcome,” in 1682. They settled in Kent County, Del. From ‘ Pennsylvania Archives,” 2d Series, Vol. XIX. : “1715. John Cowgill desires the grant of about 100 acres of land joining on his other tract, near the branches of Duck Creek, in the County of New Castle, where he had planted a tan yard, at Id. an acre rent.”’ Henry Cowgill, ‘‘son of John,” of Kent County, Del., is supposed to be the son of John, the tanner and emigrant. In the Record Book of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting it is recorded that Henry Cowgill married Alice, daughter of Josiah Pain, of Nottingham, Chester County, Penna,, on the 4th day of Ist mo., 1742. My correspondent, Ella V. (Walker) Conard, has a copy of the marriage certificate. John, a son of Henry and Alice, born 4th mo, 25th, 1750, removed to York County, Penna., 266 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. when he was twenty-one years old, and resided there for a time. He married, 11th mo. 12th, 1772, Catherine (born 3d mo. 26th, 1754), daughter of William and Hannah Shephard, of Notting- ham, Chester County. John and Catherine Cowgill went to Virginia, taking with them their certificate from Deer Creek Monthly Meeting, dated 7th mo. 3d, 1775, to Hopewell Monthly Meeting in Virginia. Among the children born to them was William, who married Eliza Coates, aforementioned. The Cowgill family is supposed to have come from the north of England. The Virginia Cowgills were people of means and lived in good style. A member of the family writing from Dela- ware says she remembers hearing her father tell of a visit his great-aunt Cowgill paid them when he was a boy. She came from Virginia to their Delaware home in her handsome chaise drawn by a pair of fine horses with a dignified negro man as driver, a mode of travel which much impressed the boy. Eze- kiel Cowgill, the emigrant, went to Virginia, and has descendants still living there. The editor of Zhe Kansas Farmer is a descendant of Ellen Cowgill. On the death of William Cowgill his wife came to live in Pennsylvania, among her mother’s relations, and here David Walker made the acquintance of her daughter Hannah, who is said to have been very beautiful. They were married, 1oth mo. 27th, 1841, and went to live on a farm purchased by David Walker from Dewalt Beaver, in Tredyffrin, not far from his old home. This land was originally a part of John Kinsey’s pur- chase, and was sold by him to John Beaver, which family retained possession of it until it was sold to David Walker. Some years ago the old Beaver house was partly torn down and remodeled as itis now. Hannah, the wife of David Walker, died some years before her husband, and both are buried in the Valley Graveyard. They had four children: SIXTH GENERATION. 2067 No. 1885. I. Eliza Cowgill’ Walker, born August 15th, 1842. No. 1886. II. Ella Virginia’ Walker, born Feb. 20th, 1850, married Edward Bright Conard. No. 1387. III. Winfield Hananiah’ Walker, born April 29th, 1852, died November 24th, 1876, of typhoid fever. No. 1388. IV. Lewis’ Walker, born August 14th, 1860. No. 678. Mary Ann WALKER 6 (Hananiah,’ Isaac,* Joseph,* Isaac,” Lewis), born at ‘‘The Meadows,” in Tredyffrin Town- ship, Chester County, Penna., October 12th, 1820, died at her home in Tredyffrin, 1880, married William W. Richards, who died in 1892, son of John and Martha (Wood) Richards. For some years after their marriage they resided in Philadelphia, where William W. Richards was engaged in the manufacture of shovels, spades and hoes. Later they lived on a farm in Tredyffrin adjoining ‘‘The Meadows,” which is now owned by some of their children. They had ten children: No. 1889. I. Martha W.’ Richards, married Isaac Walker Richards (No. 1430). No. 1890. ‘II. Jane’ Richards, died. No. 1891. III. Anna J.’ Richards, twin with Jane. No. 1892. IV. John James’ Richards. No. 1898. -V. Louisa’ Richards. No. 1394. VI. Mary T.’ Richards. No. 1895. VII. Chalkley Wood’ Richards, married Ida Mullin. No. 1396. VIII. William Wood?’ Richards, twin with Chalkley. No. 1397. IX. Susan Walker’ Richards, born 1860, died 1876, of consumption. No. 13898. X. Lewis Walker’ Richards. 268 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. No. 679. Saraw Roserts® (Mary,° Isaac,* Joseph,’ Isaac,? Lewis'*), born in Schuylkill Township, Chester County, Penna., died 1895, married, April 12th, 1833, John Williams, of Schuylkill Township, Chester County, Penna. He was a descendant of Lewis Williams, who, it is said, came to America on the same ship with Lewis Walker, in 1686-7. Tradition is that they were cousins, but all proofs of relationship were destroyed by a fire that occurred in the Williams family about the year 1820. He married Lettice, daughter of James Parry of Tredyffrin, who came over on the same ship with her future husband. Lewis Williams was one of the original members of the Great Valley Baptist Church, joined ‘“ by letter from Wales.”’ His wife’s father was a Presbyterian, and her brother John gave the ground where the Great Valley Presbyterian Church now stands. Elizabeth Parry, her sister, married James David or Davis, who gave the land for the erection of the Baptist Church in the great Valley. Lewis and Lettice (Parry) Williams had three sons, Joseph, John, and James, who lived in Whiteland, Chester County, until after their father’s death in 1735, when they went to Charlestown Township, and settled there in 1744. Joseph Williams was part owner of the old Valley Forge in 1751, being in partnership with Stephen Evans and Daniel Walker. (See No. 2.) John Williams, his brother, a weaver, was a member of the Great Valley Baptist Church “by baptism.” In 1726, Lewis Williams with his family and some other members of this church with- drew from it and founded the Seventh Day Baptist Church at French Creek. In 1770, John Williams was a deacon at Vincent Baptist Church. He was living in 1793. His son David also lived to be over ninety. John married Mary , about 1720, John and Sarah (Roberts) Williams resided all their married life at the old Williams homestead, where, besides farming, they SIXTH GENERATION. 269 were engaged in the manufacturing of paper. They had eight children : No. 1399. I. Joseph Roberts ’ Williams, married Jane Kunkle. No. 1400. ‘II. Mary Jane’ Williams, married William John. No. 1401. III. David‘ Williams, married Sallie Pennypacker. No. 1402. IV. Sarah’ Williams, married Everett Anderson. No. 1403. V. B. Franklin’ Williams, married Josephine Stephens. No. 1404. VI. Walker’ Williams, married Susan Stephens. No. 1405. VII. William K.’ Williams, married Millie Wright. No. 1406. VIII. Henrietta’ Williams, married John Kinsey. No. 680. Wirtt1am Roserts ° (Mary,° Isaac,* Joseph,’ Isaac,” Lewis‘), born in Schuylkill Township, Chester County, Penna., died suddenly, October 21st, 1889, at his home in Tredyffrin Township, having enjoyed a long life, spent in almost perfect health. He married Susanna, daughter of Benjamin and Mary (Jones) Havard. (See No. 250.) William and Susanna (Havard) Roberts built a home on a part of the Havard tract which came to her by inheritance, and here they lived for almost fifty years together. He was a public-spirited man, and frequently held positions of trust in the County. Both he and his wife were valuable members of society. His wife survives him, and with some of her children occupies the homestead. Their three eldest sons died before their father, and all are buried in the Valley Graveyard. They had ten children: No, 1407. I. Benjamin Havard’ Roberts, enlisted in the Union Army at the commencement of the Civil War, and died of camp fever in Virginia in 1860, before he was twenty. No. 1408. II. Isaac Walker’ Roberts, died 1875, married Annie Daniels. No. 1409. No. 1410. No. 1411. No. 1412. No. 14138. No. 1414 No. 1415. No. 1416. GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. IV. V. VI. VII. . VOL. IX. X. III. Mary Emily’ Roberts, married Isaac Walker (No. 737.) David Havard’ Roberts, died, married Margaret Rodney. William H.’ Roberts, married Kate Errett. Annie’ Roberts, died young of scarlet fever. George’ Roberts, married Jannet MaclInnes. Charles Joseph’ Roberts, married Mary Rickabaugh. Clarence’ Roberts. Susan Havard’ Roberts, married Elliott Thomas. No. 681. Lewis Roserts® (Mary, Isaac,* Joseph,* Isaac,’ Lewis *), born in Schuylkill Township, Chester County, Penna., married Sarah Maris. They had seven children: No. 1417. No. 1418. No. 1419. No. 1420. No. 1421. No. 1422. No. 1423. I. IT. II. V. VI. VIL. Cornelia’ Roberts, married Uriah Ulman. Mary’ Roberts. Rachel’ Roberts, married Preston Rhoades. IV. John W. Roberts, died. Joseph’ Roberts. David’ Roberts, married Martha , Kate’ Roberts, married James Shillach. No. 683. STEPHEN RoseErts ° (Mary,° Isaac,* Joseph,® Isaac,” Lewis*), born in Schuylkill Township, Chester County, Penna., married Cordelia No. 1424 No. 1425 , I, . IL. They had twa children: Isaac Walker’ Roberts. Albert’ Roberts. No. 690. Mary Conran ® (Priscilla,® Isaac,* Joseph,* Isaac,’ Lewis*), married Elijah Lewis, and had four children: SIXTH GENERATION. 271 No. 1426. I. Sarah’ Lewis. No. 1427. II. Cornelius’ Lewis. No. 1428. III. Martha’ Lewis. No. 1429. IV. Ann’ Lewis. Ne. 694. Isaac WALKER RicHarps°® (Jane,” Isaac,* Joseph,? Isaac,” Lewis’), married Susanna W. Sands, of Bucks County, near Quakertown, Penna., and had nine children : No. 1430. I. Isaac Walker’ Richards, married Martha W. Richards (No. 1389.) No. 1481. II. Elizabeth’ Richards, died, aged 18, of con- sumption. No. 1432. III. Adelaide’ Richards, married Ransom G. W. Denison. No. 1483. IV. Emma’ Richards, married John Sherman. No. 1484. V. Jane’ Richards, died. No. 1435. VI. William’ Richards, married Annie Springman. No. 1486. VII. Benjamin’ Richards, married Edith Chace. No. 1437. VIII. John’ Richards, died. No. 1438. IX. Mary’ Richards, died in her gth year, of scarlet fever. No. 695. SamMuEL S. RicHarps ° (Jane,” Isaac,* Joseph,’ Isaac,” Lewis*), married Elizabeth Justice. They live in Plymouth Township, Montgomery County, Penna. They had two children: No. 1439. I. William” Richards, married Jane Cleaver. No. 1440. II. Carroll’ Richards, married Esther, daughter of Austin Taggart, of Upper Merion Township, Montgomery County, Penna., February 21st, 1894. No. 696. Kate HALLowE Lt ® (Jane,® Isaac,* Joseph,® Isaac,” 272 . GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. Lewis‘), born in Plymouth Township, Montgomery County, Penna., married William Jenkins of the same place. They had two children : No. 1441. I. Walter? Jenkins, married Hettie Lukens. No. 1442. II. Mary? Jenkins, married Evan Ambler. . No. 697. CALEB HALLOWELL® (Jane,” Isaac,* Joseph,’ Isaac,’ Lewis"), born in Plymouth Township, Montgomery County, Penna., married Hettie Yerkes. They live on part of the land that comprised the Hallowell homestead, which he inherited from his father. They had four children : No. 1448. I. Eugene’ Hallowell, married Josephine Marlin. No. 1444. II. Laura’ Hallowell, married John C. Martin. No. 1445. III. Annie’ Hallowell. No. 1446. IV. Elizabeth? Hallowell, married Joseph R. Taggart. No. 699. PriscILLaA W. PENNELL ° (Sarah,° Priscilla,* Joseph, Isaac,” Lewis*), born 8th mo. 5th, 1809, married John Wells, born 1806, died 1841, son of Levi and Eleanor (Meredith) Wells. (See Sharpless Genealogy.) She resides with her son Joseph, at Concordville, Delaware County, Penna. She had five children : No. 1447. I. Joseph M.’ Wells, born 2d mo. 23d, 1830, married, 12th mo. 25th, 1856, Mary (Ridley) Bonsall. No. 1448. II. Sarah’ Wells, died 1864, unmarried. No. 1449. III. Walker Yarnell’ Wells, born 1832, married Amy Darlington. s.p. No. 1450. IV. Alice’ Wells, married John Keen, of Lancaster County, Penna. s.p. No. 1451. V. John’ Wells, married Miss Israel, of Wilming- ton, Del. s.p. SIXTH GENERATION. 273 No. 700. THamzin R. PENNELL® (Sarah,° Priscilla,* Joseph,® Isaac,? Lewis’), born 3d mo. 22d, 1811, died 5th mo. 5th, 1868, married at 12th Street Meeting, Philadelphia, Penna., 11th mo. 5th, 1834, Paschall Morris, born in Philadelphia, 3d mo. rgth, 1813, died at Media, Penna., 4th mo. 11th, 1875, son of Isaac W. and Sarah (Paschall) Morris. They had eight children. (See Sharpless Genealogy.) No. 1482. I. Sarah’ Morris, born 5th mo. oth, 1836.* No. 1453. II. Isaac Wistar’ Morris, born Ist mo. 15, 1838, died 1841. No. 1454. III. Morton’ Morris, born 1839. No. 1455. IV. Paschall’ Morris, born 5th mo. 16th, 1841, died 1870. No. 1456. -V. Elizabeth’ Morris, born 3d mo. 7th, 1843, died 1843. No. 1457. VI. Francis’ Morris, born roth mo. 21st, 1844. No. 1458. VII. Granville’ Morris, born 1847, died 1847. No. 1459. VIII. Caroline’ Morris, born 3d mo. 1ith, 1849. No. 704. Isaac WALKER Moore ® (Sarah,® Thomas,‘ Joseph,’ Isaac,” Lewis *), married Margaret Harvey, and had four children: No. 1460. I. Gilbert’ Moore. No. 1461. ‘II. Sarah’ Moore. No. 1462. III. Fanny’ Moore. ' No. 1463. IV. Josephine’ Moore. No. 705. JONATHAN WALKER ® (Richard,® Thomas,‘ Joseph, Isaac,? Joseph,” Lewis*), born in Tredyffrin Township, Chester County, Penna., July 25th, 1818, married Caroline Blanchard, and had three children : * A Sarah Morris married, 1st mo, 7th, 1857, William L. Sharp, son of Joseph, of Philadelphia. Their children were : Hannah, born roth mo. 24th, 1859; Joseph, born roth mo. 3d, 1861 ; Caroline, born 1oth mo. 11th, 1862. 274 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. No. 1464. I. Charles? Walker. No. 1465. II. Mary Isabelle ’ Walker. No. 1466. III. Caroline’ Walker. No. 706. Tuomas Ivins WALKER® (Richard,? Thomas,’ Joseph,* Isaac,” Lewis"), born in Tredyffrin Township, Chester County, Penna., married Isabelle, daughter of William Henry, of the same locality, a man much esteemed for the integrity of his character, and at one time member of the Pennsylvania Legisla- ture. Isabelle (Henry) Walker died July Ist, 1892, and is buried beside her husband, whom she survived many years, in the Presbyterian Graveyard, at Port Kennedy. T. Ivins Walker bought the Wayne Headquarters farm, where he was born, from his father, and in his time the house was en- larged and modernized. A few years ago a monument com- memorating it as General Wayne’s headquarters, was erected on the place by the Sons of the Revolution. The sons of Thomas Ivins Walker are members of this society through both their father and mother, whose grandparents took part in the war with Great Britain. They had two children: No. 1467. I. William Henry?’ Walker, married Charlotte Weber. (No. 1581.) No. 1468. II. Ivins C.? Walker, married Mary R. Thomas. No. 707. RicHARD WALKER §é (Richard,’ Thomas,* Joseph,’ Isaac,” Lewis*), born in Tredyffrin Township, Chester County, Penna., married Martha Wood, of Conshohocken, Penna., and had two children : No. 1469. I. Rebecca Ann Jones’? Walker, married. No. 1470. II. Richard Linwood’ Walker. SIXTH GENERATION. 275 No. 708. Mary WaLker® (Richard,® Thomas,‘ Joseph,’ Isaac,” Lewis"), born in Tredyffrin Township, Chester County, Penna., married William Vogdes, son of William Vogdes, who for many years held the position of Professor of Mathematics in the Boys’ High School of Philadelphia. William Vogdes, Jr., was a lawyer, practising in Philadelphia. He was also a lieu- tenant of a volunteer regiment in the Civil War. His widow survives him. They had four children : No. 1471. I. Altamonta’ Vogdes, married Mr. Packer. No. 1472. II. Margaret’ Vogdes, married Frederick Myers. No. 1478. III. Reynolds’? Vogdes, died 1893, married. No. 1474. IV. Richard? Vogdes. No. 710. JoHN WaLKER ° (Richard,*® Thomas,’ Joseph,? Isaac,” Lewis’), born in Tredyffrin Township, Chester County, Penna., married Emma, daughter of William and Susan (Davis) Stephens, (See No. 267.) Emma (Stephens) Walker died August, 1895. They had four children: No. 1475. I. Isabella’ Walker, married William Jacobs. No. 1476. II. Susan’ Walker, married William Lapp. They have two children. No. 1477. III. Ida’ Walker, married James Jacobs. They have two children: No. 1478. IV. Richard’ Walker. No. 712. THomas Umstat WALKER? (William,> Thomas,‘ Joseph,® Isaac,” Lewis’), born at “ Rehobeth Spring,” in Tredyf- frin Township, Chester County, Penna., November 6th, 1817, died . at his home in the Valley, September goth, 1895. He married, January 26th, 1841, Eleanor, daughter of Jacob and Rebecca (Richardson) Massey, of Tredyffrin. (See No. 267.) She was born March gth, 1818. 276 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. Thomas U. Walker took his wife to the farm adjoining his father’s, and owned by him, called ‘‘ Willow Grove,’ which he afterwards purchased. He lived here all his married life, and made of it one of the most valuable pieces of property in the neighborhood. He was a good business man and his wife was a noted housekeeper. Some years ago they enlarged and improved the old farm house, which in their time has been the scene of many pleasant social gatherings. He died very suddenly, and was buried in the Valley Graveyard. His widow, who survives him, lives at ‘‘ Willow Grove.” They had seven children : No. 1479. I. Rebecca’ Walker, born May toth, 1842, died December 23d, 1844. No. 1480. II. Sallie P.?’ Walker, born April 17th, 1844, died December 20th, 1844. No. 1481. III. Charles M.’? Walker, born December 7th, 1845, died July 17th, 1846. No. 1482. IV. Colket’ Walker, born October 15th, 1847, married Mary Jones. No. 1488. V. Clara Vogdes’ Walker, born October 3 Ist, 1849, married Nathan Rambo. No. 1484. VI. Harry Stearns’ Walker, born January 23d, 1853, married Ada B, Stewart. No. 1485. VII. Eleanor Massey’ Walker, born August 11th, 1858, married Comley Williams. No. 713. Mary PENNYPACKER WaALKER® (William,® Thomas,* Joseph,* Isaac,? Lewis'), born at ‘‘Rehobeth Spring,” in Tredyffrin Township, Chester County, Penna., Sept. 3d, 18109, died at her home in Philadelphia, Nov. 15th, 1889, married, March 21st, 1839, Tristram Coffin Colket, who was born at Epping, New Hampshire, October 15th, 1809, died in Phila- delphia, April 5th, 1883. SIXTH GENERATION. 277 Tristram Coffin Colket was the son of Peter and Phcebe (Hamilton) Colcord. At an early age he left his New England home and came to Pennsylvania, where he changed the spelling of his name to Colket. The reason he gave for this change was because it was pronounced by his associates as if it were written Colket. In the old New England records, we find the name has been written ina variety of ways : Colcord, Colcorde, Collcord, Colcot, Colcote, Colcott, Colker, Colcutt, Colkit, Col- ket, Colkett, Calcott, etc. The earliest New England ancestor of this family was Edward Colcord, who was born in England 1616-17, died in 1685, (probably) came to America 1631-33, settling in New Hamp- shire. Another ancestor is Tristram Coffin, born 1609, died 1681, who came to New England in 1642. From ‘‘New England Genealogical Register,’ Vol. 2, p. 336: “Peter and Joanna Coffin had a son Tristram (which signifies sorrowful), born in Plymouth, England, who married Dionis Stevens, and came to New England 1642, with his mother, two sisters, Eunice and Mary Coffin, and five children of their own: I. Tristram, Jr., II. Peter, III. Elizabeth, IV. James, V. John. He, with Thomas Macy, Christopher Hussey, and others bought Nantucket Island and settled there.”’ The Coffins of New England claim descent from Sir Richard Coffyn, who came to England with William the Conqueror. Tristram Coffin Colket came to Philadelphia poor and unknown, and: by his own exertions and foresight succeeded in amassing a large fortune. He was interested in no less than thirty-eight corporations at different times and in various capa- cities, some of which are as follows : Director of the Central R. R. of New Jersey; the Morris Canal Co.; Tioga Improve- ment Co.; North Penn. R. R.; Penn Township Bank; Citizens’ Pass. Railway Co.; City Bank; Northern Saving Fund; Presi- 278 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. dent of Phila. City Pass. Railway Co. ; Chestnut Hill R. R. Co.; Philadelphia, Germantown, and Norristown R. R. Co. ; Tremont Coal Co.; Long Island R. R., etc. He and his wife are buried at Laurel Hill Cemetery. They had nine children: No. 1486. =I. Sarah Marcia’ Colket, born November 17th, 1840, died July 24th, 1841. No. 1487. II. William Walker’ Colket, married Jane Hoxsie. No. 1488. III. George Hamilton’ Colket, married Rebecca B. Thomas (No. 1625). No. 1489. IV. Mary Jane’ Colket, married Colonel Joseph C. Audenried, U.S. A. No. 1490. V.Annah Bush’ Colket, married, 1st, Edward C. Gallup, 2d, Holstein De Haven (No. 1630). No. 1491. VI. Harry Coffin’ Colket, died March 14th, 1889. No. 1492. VII. Ida’ Colket, married Howard B. French. No. 1498. VIII. Emma? Colket, died in infancy. No. 1494. IX. Charles Howard’ Colket, married Almira Little Peterson. No. 714. MArGarRET CurRIE WALKER ® (William,5 Thomas,‘ Joseph,’ Isaac,’ Lewis *), born at ‘‘ Rehobeth Spring,” in Tredyf- frin Township, Chester County, Penna., October oth, 1821, married, April 5th, 1842, John Owen Stearns, of New Hamp- shire. He was born August 3d, 1805, and died November Ist, 1862, at his residence in Elizabeth, New Jersey. He came to Pennsylvania in company with Mr. T. Coffin Colket, and while superintending the Chester Valley Railroad he became acquainted with Margaret C. Walker, whom he afterwards married. He was interested in various railroads, and occupied important posi- tions in their management. John O. and Margaret C. (Walker) Stearns had eight children : SIXTH GENERATION. 279 No. 1495. I. Mary Athalia’ Stearns, married William Nisbet Olmstead. No. 1496. II. Anna Augusta’ Stearns, married E. J. Florence. No. 1497. III. William Walker? Stearns, married Evelyn Brodie. No. 1498. IV. Emma Hoyt? Stearns. No. 1499. V. John Owen? Stearns. No. 1500. VI. George Herbert Pegram? Stearns, married Mary Campbell Neilson. No. 1501. VII. Matilda Stevens’ Stearns, married George B. Edwards. No. 1502. VIII. Onslow? Stearns, died in infancy. No. 715. AnnrE Ross WatLker® (William,> Thomas,‘ Joseph,® Isaac,” Lewis*), born at “ Rehobeth Spring,” Tredyf- frin Township, Chester County, Penna., October 11th, 1823, died at her home in Charlestown Township, July 18th, 1868. She married, April 27th, 1848, Dr. Mathias Jackson Penny- packer, born September 1oth, 1819, son of Mathias and Sarah (Anderson) Pennypacker, of Charlestown Township, Chester County, Penna. (See No. 226.) They had nine children: No. 1508. I, William Henry’ Pennypacker, married Mary Anna Wetherill. No. 1504. II. Mathias Anderson’ Pennypacker, born January Igth, 1851, died May 1oth, 1879. No. 1505. III. Sarah Walker’ Pennypacker. No. 1506. IV. Mary Athalia’ Pennypacker. No. 1507. -‘V. Coffin Colket ’ Pennypacker, died in infancy. No. 1508. VI. Isaac Anderson’ Pennypacker. No. 1509. VII. John Stearns’ Pennypacker, died in infancy. No. 1510. VIII. Annie Walker? Pennypacker. No. 1511. IX. Emma Rebecca’ Pennypacker, died in infancy. 280 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. No. 716. Emma JANE Wacker ° (William,® Thomas,‘ Joseph, Isaac,” Lewis *), born at ‘‘ Rehobeth Spring,” in Tredyffrin Town- ship, Chester County, Penna., August 31st, 1825, married, Janu- ary 8th, 1855, Winfield Siter Wilson, son of David and Eliza (Siter) Wilson, of Tredyffrin Township. Winfield S. Wilson is President of the Norristown and Germantown Railroads. He lives in Chester Valley, having inherited the homestead on the death of his father. They had six children: No. 1512. I. Sarah Pennypacker’ Wilson, married Joseph C. Crawford. No. 15138. II. Eliza Siter’ Wilson, born September 7th, 1857, died September 4th, 1868. No. 1514. III. David’ Wilson, married Ruth Anna West. No. 1515. IV. Coffin Colket’ Wilson, married Emily R. Anderson. No. 1516. V. Athalia L. T.? Wilson, died December 2d, 1884, aged 18, of consumption. No. 1517. VI. William Corson’? Wilson, lawyer, practising in Philadelphia. No. 717. Matuias PENNYPACKER WALKER® (William,° Thomas,‘ Joseph,* Isaac,” Lewis '), born at ‘“‘ Rehobeth Spring,” in Tredyffrin Township, Chester County, Penna., Sept. 8th, 1827, married, January 8th, 1857, Eliza, daughter of Nathan and Ann (Broadess) Rambo, of Swedeland, Penna. She was born Janu- ary 13th, 1841, and died at “‘Rehobeth Spring,’ March 18th, 1883. The Rambo family to which she belonged is descended from one of the early Swedish settlers, who arrived in Pennsyl- vania about 1638, and took up a large tract of land on the Schuylkill River, near the present site of Norristown. Some bearing the name are still in possession of portions of the original tract. SIXTH GENERATION. 281 Mathias P. Walker inherited the homestead, ‘‘ Rehobeth Spring,” where he now resides, on the death of his father, in 1878. Previously he had lived, first at Swedeland, and later in the valley, on a farm which he had bought of the heirs of his uncle, the late Richard C. Walker. This farm is now occupied by his eldest son. Mathias P. and Eliza (Rambo) Walker had nine children : No. 1518. I. Anna Broadess’ Walker, married James Arthur McFarland. No. 1519. II. Nathan Rambo’ Walker, married Sarah Ella Stephens. (No. 1543.) No. 1520. III. John O. Stearns’ Walker. No. 1521. IV. William Colket’ Walker. No. 1522. V. Athalia L. Tiernan? Walker, married Samuel Eugene Kendall. (No. 748). No, 1528. VI. Winfield Wilson’ Walker. No. 1524. VII. Mary Schall’ Walker, married George A. Mer- kel, 1895. No. 1525. VIII. Mathias Pennypacker’ Walker. No. 1526. IX. Sarah Pennypacker’ Walker, died in infancy. No. 718. ReBecca A. J. WALKER® (William,® Thomas,* Joseph,* Isaac,” Lewis"), born at ‘ Rehobeth Spring,” in Tredyf- frin Township, Chester County, Penna., September 5th, 1830, married, January gth, 1851, Charles Davis Massey, of Tredyffrin, son of Jacob and Rebecca (Richardson) Massey. (See No. 267.) They now reside at Frazer, Chester County, Penna., with their son. They had three children: No. 1527. I. William Walker’ Massey, born February 16th, 1852, died January 2oth, 1862. No. 1528, II. Jacob Pennypacker’? Walker, married Emma M. Mullin. 282 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. No. 1529. III. Charles Miller’ Walker, born October 16th, 1854, died March 18th, 1855. No. 722. SARAH WALKER STEPHENS ® (Hannah,° Thomas,’ Joseph,? Isaac,’ Lewis '), married, 1841, Abraham Beidler, son of Jacob Beidler. They lived on a farm in Montgomery County, bordering on Chester County, which originally was part of the tract of land taken up by Evan ap Evan, the ancestor of Sarah W. Stephens. The house on this place was built by Abraham Beider. Sarah W. Beidler died some years before her husband, and both are buried in the Valley Graveyard, along with several of their minor children. They had twelve: No. 1580. I. Hannah Mary’ Beidler, married Mordecai Davis. No. 15381. II. Annie Landes? Beidler, married Cyrus Caley. No. 1532. III. Margaret Currie’ Beidler, married Abraham Metz. No. 1533. IV. Stephen Leslie’ Beidler, married Emma Yarnell. No. 15384. V. William 5.7 Beidler, died young. No. 1535. VI. Ellen Priscilla’ Beidler, married Jonathan D. Elliott. No. 1536. VII. Fannie Elizabeth?’ Beidler, married Marine Thomas. No. 1537. VIII. Harry P. Beidler, born 1856, died 1856. No. 1538. IX. Sarah Louisa’ Beidler, married Jonathan Roberts. No. 1539. X. Jacob Howard? Beidler, married R. Jane Shain- line. No. 1540. XI. Abraham Lincoln’ Beidler, born 1861, died in infancy. No. 1541, XII. Laura May’ Beidler, born 1863, died in infancy. No. 723. WiLtr1amM WALKER STEPHENS © (Hannah,' Thomas,‘ SIXTH GENERATION. 28 3 Joseph,® Isaac,? Lewis"), born in Eastown Township, Chester County, Penna., August 29th, 1824, married, Ist, January 28th, 1851, Joanna J. Davis, who was born September 6th, 1828. She died soon after marriage, leaving one daughter : No. 1542. I. Joanna Davis’ Stephens, born March roth, 1852, married Winfield Stephens. William W. Stephens married, 2d, at West Virginia, January 7th, 1856, Rebecca S. Taylor, his second cousin, who was a granddaughter of Samuel and Mary (Stephens) Rossiter. (See No. 267.) She was born April 5th, 1832. She died at her home in Corning, New York, leaving two children : No. 1548. II. Sarah Ella’ Stephens, born October goth, 1856, married Nathan Rambo Walker (No. 1519). No. 1544. III. William May’? Stephens, born May gth, 1859, died October 24th, 1866. William W. Stephens married, 3d, Annie Rhods, at Williams- port, February 4th, 1886. She was born in Delaware Counry, Penna., May 18th, 1839. They reside in Philadelphia. No. 724, MARGARET CURRIE STEPHENS ¢(Hannah,’ Thomas,* Joseph,’ Isaac,’ Lewis’), born December 8th, 1827, married, Feb- ruary 20th, 1849, Isaac Richardson Massey, son of Jacob and Rebecca (Richardson) Massey, of Tredyffrin Township, Chester County, Penna. (See No. 267) Isaac R. Massey was born Nov- ember 19th, 1814, near Valley Forge, died December 2d, 1884, in Tredyffrin. They lived for a number of years on a farm near Valley Forge, which was owned by Isaac R. Massey, and which was, I think, part of the Richardson estate. They had four children : No. 1548. I. Sallie B.? Massey, married Roberts Buckwalter. No. 1546. ‘II. Laura S.7 Massey, married William H. Roberts. 284 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. No. 1547. III. George W.’ Massey, born February 23d, 1854, died March 29th, 1856. No. 1548. IV. Rebecca R.? Massey, born July 2d, 1855, died October 29th, 1857. No. 725. RicHARD CURRIE STEPHENS § (Hannah,’ Thomas,‘ Joseph,’ Isaac,? Lewis’), of Wayne, Penna., married, January 18th, 1859, Frances Brower Pennypacker (No. 742), daughter of Jane W. and Joseph Pennypacker, of Charlestown Township, Chester County, Penna. They had eight children: No. 1549, I, Hannah Jane’ Stephens, born October 24th, 1859, died April 2d, 1892. No. 1550. II. Frank P.’ Stephens, born July 31st, 1864, married Lydia Smurthwaite, 1892. No. 1551. III. Richard C.’ Stephens, born December 15th, 1865. No. 1552. IV. Ada May’ Stephens, born May 3ist, 1868. No. 1553. V. T. Barclay’ Stephens, born April 2d, 1870. No. 1554. VI. Sara Frances’ Stephens, born January 31st, 1874, died February Ist, 1874. No. 1555. VII. Frances L.’ Stephens, born May Ist, 1876. No. 1556. VIII. Mary Emma’ Stephens, born October 18th, 1878, died December 29th, 1880. No. 726. CHARLES WALKERS (Joseph, B.° Thomas,’ Joseph,’ Isaac,” Lewis"), born in Tredyffrin Township, Chester County, Penna., married Sarah A., daughter of Charles and Mary (Dilworth) Wells, of Tredyffrin. (See No. 674.) Charles Walker went to New Orleans, with his brother-in-law, Charles Wells. They were engaged in business in that city and were doing well, when the yellow fever became epidemic, of which disease they both died. Charles and Sarah A. (Wells) Walker had two children: SIXTH GENERATION. 285 No. 1557. I. Athalia? Walker, married Thomas Dobson. No. 1558. II. Mary’ Walker, married, Ist, Samuel Altick, died ; 2d, No. 727. THEODORE W. WALKER® (Joseph B.,° Thomas,‘ Joseph,* Isaac,? Lewis"), born in Tredyffrin Township, Chester County, Penna., married Sallie Stephens. They reside in Phila- delphia, and have had three children: No. 1559. I. Joseph B.’ Walker, born January 16th, 1878, died March 6th, 1878. No. 1560. ‘IT. Elsie? Walker. No. 1561. III. Athalia’ Walker, born April 6th, 1881. No. 730. Jacop B. WaALKeER® (Isaac,> Thomas,* Joseph,’ Isaac,” Lewis"), born November 13th, 1829, in Montgomery County, Penna., married Hannah, daughter of William M. and Susan (Davis) Stephens. (See No. 267.) Jacob Walker lived in Maryland, where he died. His widow, with her children, then came to New Centreville, Chester County, Penna., to the farm. late the property of her father-in-law, Isaac Walker, now owned by his daughter, Mrs. William H. Kemble. Jacob and Hannah (Stephens) Walker had eight children : No. 1562. = I. William 7 Walker, married Mary E. Stephens. No. 1563. II. Elizabeth B.’ Walker, married J. Thomas Stevens, No. 1564. III. Ella? Walker. No. 1565. IV. Andrew’ Walker. No. 1566. V. Isaac’ Walker. No. 1567. VI. Winfield? Walker. No. 1568. VII. Jacob’? Walker. No. 1569. VIII. Mary’ Walker. 286 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. 731. Mary Frances WaLkeré (Isaac,? Thomas,‘ Joseph,’ Isaac,” Lewis '),born in Montgomery County, Penna., April 6th, 1831, married William H. Kemble, of Philadelphia, Penna. He died Sept. 26th, 1891. He was at one time State Treasurer, and was largely instrumental in the organization and success of the street railways of Philadelphia. He was a public-spirited man, and died possessed of a large fortune, which it was his pleasure to share with those of his family less favored than himself. His widow hasa home in Philadelphia, which is considered one of the most beautiful residences in the city, and a very pretty country place near Jenkintown, Penna. William H. and Mary F. (Walker) Kemble had three children: No. 1570. =I. Henry Clay? Kemble, married Jane Chambers. No. 1571. II. Elizabeth’ Kemble, married George Yarrow. No. 1572. III. Isaac Walker’ Kemble, married Jane Supplee. No. 732. THomas P. WaLKER® (Isaac,° Thomas,‘ Joseph,’ Isaac,” Lewis’), born in Montgomery County, Penna., April 8th, 1834, married Emma Weber. They had six children: No. 1573. I. Charlotte’ Walker, married Dr. Wilmer Batt. No. 1574. II. Charles’ Walker, married Mary Harley. No. 1575. III. Howard’? Walker, married Laura Dallman. No. 1576. IV I Newton’ Walker, married Martha Sunderland. No. 1577. V. William’ Walker. No. 1578. VI. Marian’ Walker, married Frederick Drake. No. 734. JosepH B. WaLKER® (Isaac,> Thomas,’ Joseph,’ Isaac,” Lewis *), born in Montgomery County, Penna., married, Ist, Mary Colehower, by whom he had one son. He married, 2d, Mary McCann, of Norristown, Penna. He resides in Philadelphia : SIXTH GENERATION. 287 No. 1579. ‘I. Harry Walker, married Ida, daughter of Samuel Hart. No. 735. HannaAH WatckER® (Isaac,” Thomas,‘ Joseph,? Isaac,? Lewis’), born in Montgomery County, Penna., October 18th, 1835, married William Weber, of the same County. They had eleven children: No. 1580. _‘-I. Harry” Weber, married Mary Clover. No. 1581. II. Charlotte’ Weber, married William Henry Walker (No. 1467). No. 1582. III. John C.7 Weber. No. 1583. IV. Winfield S.7 Weber, married Lizzie Cuthbertson. No. 1584. V. Mina’ Weber, married Clayton Lamb. No. 1585. VI. Mary’ Weber. No. 1586. VII. Ella’ Weber. No. 1587.VIII. Charles ’ Weber. No. 1588. IX. Norwood’ Weber. No. 1589. XX. Emma?’ Weber. No. 1590. XI. James’ Wells Weber. No 786. ExizapetTH B. WALKER ® (Isaac,° Thomas,* Joseph,’ Isaac,” Lewis"), born in Montgomery County, Penna., married James G. Wells, of Philadelphia. He is descended on _ his mother’s side from Charles Norris, one of the early settlers of Pennsylvania, in honor of whom Norristown received its name. They had two children : No. 1591. =I. Hepsey’ Wells. No. 1592. II. Harry’ Wells, died in his boyhood. No. 737. Isaac WALKER ® (Isaac,° Thomas,‘ Joseph,’ Isaac,’ Lewis’), born in Montgomery County, Penna., married Mary Emily, daughter of William and Susanna (Havard) Roberts 288 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. (No. 1409). He was a volunteer in the 42d Regiment of Militia, with Captain John Davis, in the summer of 1863, and in the 192d Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, Col. Thomas com- manding. (See No. 764.) After his marriage he lived at the homestead at New Centreville, Chester County, Penna. He died of Addison’s disease, 1872, aged about twenty-six. They had one son: No. 1598. =I. Benjamin Havard’? Walker. No. 738. HANNAH MARGARET PENNYPACKER ° (Jane, Thomas,* Joseph,’ Isaac,? Lewis’), born in Charlestown Township, Chester County, Penna., married Oliver P. Ludwig, and had two children : No. 1594. =‘. Jane’ Ludwig. No, 1595. ‘IT. Chester’ Ludwig. No. 739, ELIZABETH BROWER PENNYPACKER? (Jane,5 Thomas,* Joseph,’ Isaac,? Lewis * ), born in Charlestown Township, Chester County, Penna., March oth, 1832, married Edwin M. Supplee, and had two children : No. 1596. ‘I. Frank” Supplee, born Dec. 6th, 1863, died at the age of ten months. No. 1597. II. J. Wayne’ Supplee, twin with Frank, married Annie Adams. No. 740. Ann PENNYPACKER® (Jane,> Thomas,* Joseph, ° Isaac,” Lewis’), born in Charlestown Township, Chester County, Penna., Dec. 6th, 1834, married Robert A. Grover, and had two children : No. 1598. I. Emma A.’ Grover. No. 1599. II. Frank’ Grover, died aged five. SIXTH GENERATION. 289 No. 741. THomas WALKER PENNYPACKER® (Jane, Thomas,’ Joseph,? Isaac,’ Lewis’), born in Charlestown Township, Chester County, Penna., Dec. 6th, 1836, married Margaret Wildey, of Philadelphia, where they reside. They had four children : No. 1600. ‘I. Brower’ Pennypacker, died in infancy. No. 1601. II. Thomas Walker’ Pennypacker. No. 1602. III. Brook Wildey7 Pennypacker. No. 16038. IV. Frank? Pennypacker. No. 742. FRANCES BROWER PENNYPACKER ® (Jane,’ Thomas,‘ Joseph,* Isaac,? Lewis *), born in Charlestown Township, Chester County, Penna., ‘May 4th, 1838, married January 18th, 18509, Richard Currie Stevens (No. 725). No. 747. THomas WALKER KENDALL® (Zillah, Thomas,‘ Joseph,*? Isaac,? Lewis‘), born at New Centreville, Chester County, Penna., married Florence, daughter of William Henry. (See No. 706.) They had two children: No. 1604. ‘I. Lillian? Kendall. No. 1605. II. Harry’ Kendall, died. No, 749. Wiriiam W. KENDALL ° (Zillah,® Thomas,‘ Joseph,? Isaac,” Lewis *), born at New Centreville, Chester County, Penna., married, 1st, Martha Sloan, 2d, Estelle Simpson. He resides in Philadelphia, having been for some years in the employ of the White Dental Co., at 12th and Chestnut Streets. He has had two children : No. 1606. I. Elizabeth Sloan’ Kendall, married, Oct. 4th, 1893, Charles Hatfield Miller. No. 1607. II. William W.’ Kendall, died 1893. 290 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. No. 750. GrorcE W. KENDALL ° (Zillah,? Thomas,‘ Joseph,? Isaac,” Lewis '), born at New Centreville, Chester County, Penna., where he now resides, having succeeded his father as owner and manager of the tavern there; married Sallie Bittle, and has one child: No. 1608. I. Zillah’ Kendall. No. 752. Marcia G. Rowianpé (Mary,’ Thomas,‘ Joseph,’ Isaac,” Lewis"), born in Charlestown Township, Chester County, Penna., died at her home in West Chester, Feb. 6th, 1895. She married Brinton Darlington, of West Chester, whom she survived several years. They had two children: No. 1609. I. Caroline’ Darlington, died in infancy. No. 1610. II. Bertha’ Darlington, married, May 22d, 1894, Frank Heston Lovett. No. 754. B. FRANKLIN Row anp * (Mary,”’ Thomas,* Joseph,’ Isaac,’ Lewis *), born in Charlestown Township, Chester County, Penna., married Anna Wagner, and had one child: No. 1611. I. Joseph Wagner’ Rowland. No. 757. SaMuEL J. RowLanp® (Mary,’ Thomas,* Joseph,’ Isaac,” Lewis’), born in Charlestown Township, Chester County, Penna., married Ida V. Hampton, and had two children : No. 1612. I. Ross? Rowland, died in infancy. No. 1618. II. Mary’? Rowland. No. 758. CAROLINE RowxLanp®é (Mary,*° Thomas,* Joseph,’ Isaac,” Lewis *), born in Charlestown Township, Chester County, Penna., married Roger M. Little. They had four children ; residence, Pickering, Chester County, Penna. SIXTH GENERATION. 2QI No. 1614. I. Mabel? Little. No. 1615. II. Howard? Little. No. 1616. III. Winfield’ Little, died. No. 1617. IV. Darlington’ Little, died. No. 760. ELranora S. Rowianp °(Mary,’ Thomas,’ Joseph,? Isaac,? Lewis *), born in Charlestown Township, Chester County, Penna., married, Jan. 22d, 1879, Frank Beaver, and has two children. Residence, Kimberton, Penna. No. 1618. I. Mary E.’ Beaver, born Aug. 30th, 1881. No. 1619. II. Jacob Lynford’ Beaver, born Aug. 25th, 1882. No. 762. Naomr McCrenacuan® (Mary,® Naomi,‘ Joseph, Isaac,” Lewis *), of Lower Merion, Montgomery County, Penna., married Levi Morris, of Bryn Mawr, Penna. She had three children : No. 1620. I. Sarah H.7 Morris, died, Vaux, of Philadelphia. No. 1620a. II. Catherine Wistar? Morris, residence, Bryn Mawr, Penna. No. 16204. III. Emma? Morris, married James T. Shinn, married George: No. 763. Owen Jones® (Mary,® Naomi,’ Joseph,’ Isaac,? Lewis"), of Lower Merion, Montgomery County, Penna., married Mary, daughter of Isaac and Emily (Thomas) Roberts (No. 784). They had three children : No. 1621. I. Emily’ Jones, died, unmarried. No. 1622. II. Aubrey’ Jones, died, unmarried. No. 1623. III. Glenny’ Jones, died, unmarried. No. 764. Witt1am B. THomas® (Rees,® Naomi,‘ Joseph,? 292 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. Isaac,” Lewis"), of Philadelphia, married Emily Hayman, daughter of Colonel Holstien, of Upper Merion, Montgomery County, Penna. William B. Thomas was engaged in the manufacture of flour, owning and operating large mills in Philadelphia and the Gulph. He was Colonel of Volunteers during the Civil War, recruiting and commanding the 192d Penna. Regt. This regi- ment was organized July, 1864, at the time General Lee made his raid into Pennsylvania. Among the soldiers composing it were many youths, out of school, several of them being descend- ants of Lewis Walker. They marched to meet the invader, but happily the southern troops were checked before their arrival, much to the disappointment of many of the young soldiers, who were burning with patriotism and anxious to undergo their baptism of fire. They were in no engagements, but were used principally for guard duty at Fort McHenry, Johnson’s Island, and Gallipolis, Ohio. At the end of their four months’ enlist- ment, they returned to their homes, in time, for those who had a vote, to cast it for Abraham Lincoln. Colonel Thomas also commanded a regiment of militia in the invasion of the State the previous year. William B. and Emily H. (Holstien) Thomas had four children : No. 1624. I. Anna’ Thomas, married Nathan Brooke. No. 1625. II. Rebecca’? Thomas, married George Hamilton Colket (No. 1488). No. 1626. III. Benjamin 7 Thomas, died in infancy. No. 1627. IV. Mary’ Thomas, married Hunter Brooke. No. 786. ReBecca Toomas ° (William Penn, Naomi,‘ Joseph,’ Isaac,” Lewis *), married Charles J. Elliott, of King of Prussia, Montgomery County, Penna. He died some years ago. His widow and only remaining child, who is Principal of the Friends’ SIXTH GENERATION. 293 School in West Philadelphia, reside in the city. Rebecca T. Elliott has given valuable assistance in compiling this work. She has in her possession many interesting family records. Her only son, a young man of great promise, died of typhoid fever, just as he had reached manhood. She had two children: No. 1628. _‘I. Charles John’ Elliott, died. No. 1629. II. Mary Jones’ Elliott. No. 788. Mary CLEAVER ® (Jane,” Naomi,* Joseph,? Isaac,’ Lewis’), born at ‘“ Bellwood,” Montgomery County, Penna., married Hugh De Haven, of Philadelphia. He is descended from Evert De Haven, who came from Holland to Pennsylvania, settling in Whitpain Township, Montgomery County. The name was formerly written, ‘‘In Hoff,” then, ‘Ten Heuven,” and “In de Hoff,” until it finally merged into De Haven. Peter, the son of Evert and Elizabeth (Schiphower) De Haven, married Sarah Hughes, of Philadelphia, and during the Revolutionary War had charge of the gunlock factory at French Creek in Chester County. The son of Peter and Sarah (Hughes) De Haven married Sarah, daughter of Mathias and Magdaline Holstien, and had. eleven children. The fourth child, Holstien De Haven, married Sophia Elliott, of Philadelphia, and had children, Hugh, married Mary Cleaver; Charles, married Anna Carman ; Emma, married William Hampton. (For further information consult “The Holstien Genealogy,” by Mrs. Holstien.) Hugh and Mary (Cleaver) De Haven returned to “ Bellwood,” some years after their marriage, bought the property and resided there. Their children are the fourth generation of the Cleaver family who have owned the estate. They had four children: No. 16380. I. Holstien’ De Haven, married Annah B. (Colket) Gallup (No. 1490). 294 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. No. 1631. II. Jane’ De Haven. No. 1632. III. Sophia’ De Haven. No. 1683. IV. Emma? De Haven, married Frank D. Bright. No. 789. JONATHAN CLEAVER °(Jane,” Naomi,* Joseph,? Isaac,” Lewis‘), born at “Bellwood,” Montgomery, County, Penna., married Anna J. Wood, of Conshohocken, Penna., at which place his widow and children now reside. They had six children: No. 1634. I. Anna’ Cleaver, married Jonas Eberhardt. No. 1635. II. William? Cleaver, married Anna De Haven. No. 1636. III. Jonathan’ Cleaver, married Kate Shephard. No. 1637. IV. Mary’ Cleaver, married John De Haven. No. 1638. V. Jane’ Cleaver, married J. Elwood Lee. No. 1639. VI. Harry’ Cleaver, died. No. 796. Mary HreLen WALKER ® (Lewis,’ Lewis,* Joseph,° Isaac,” Lewis *), born in Philadelphia, married Robert Parvin, of Bridgeton, New Jersey. She died in the vear 1893. They had seven children : No. 1640. I. Helen Roberts? Parvin. No. 1641. II. Emily Pancoast’ Parvin. No. 1642. III. Robert Howard’ Parvin. No. 1648. IV. Lily Wicks? Parvin. No. 1644. | V. Barron Potter’ Parvin, married Mary Taylor: No. 1645. VI. Cornelia Watkins’ Parvin. No. 1646. VII. Lewis Albert ’ Parvin. No. 798. Emma W. Kersey ° (Sarah,’ Lewis,* Joseph,? Isaac,” Lewis"), born in Philadelphia, married Clayton L. Hagey. She died 1877. They had two children : No. 1647. I. John J. Kersey’ Hagey. No. 1648. II. Clayton’ Hagey. SIXTH GENERATION. 295 No. 813. Benjamin F. Wacker ® (John,*® John,* Benjamin, Isaac,” Lewis’), born July 3d, 1840, married Oct. 18th, 1888, Ida M. Jaqua, of Union City, Ind., daughter of Allen Jaqua, attorney-at-law (died July, 1895), and niece of Isaac P. Gray, Ex-Governor of Indiana, and late Minister to Mexico. Benjamin F. Walker is Special Agent of the Fire Association of Philadel- phia. He resides in York, and has one child: No. 1649. I. Pierre Jaqua’ Walker, born July 17th, 1894, at Washington, D. C. No. 823. GEorGE B. WaLkeEerR® (John,® John,* Benjamin, Isaac,” Lewis’), born in York County, Penna., Feb. 3d, 1863, married Jan. 24th, 1884, Jane-E. Porter, of Carlisle, Pa. They reside at Wormleysburg, Penna. Had two children: No. 1649a. I. Brinton Eugene’ Walker, born Jan. 31st, 1885, died Jan. 31st, 1886. Buried at Friends’ Meeting Graveyard, Wellsville, York County, Penna. No. 16494. II. Annie M.’ Walker, born July 18th, 1886. No. 824. ABNER WALKER ® (Benjamin H.,° Abner,‘ Benja- min,® Isaac,” Lewis’), born 1830, married 1853, 1st, Margaret Hancock, 2d, 1859, Lucinda Riseling, 3d, He resides in South Dakota. Abner and Lucinda (Riseling) Walker had four children: No. 1650. I. Edward? Walker, married. No. 1651. II. William? Walker. No. 1652. III. Benjamin? Walker. No. 1658. IV. Mary’ Walker, married several children. Bardswell. Has 296 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. No. 825. THomas GRIFFITH WALKER? (Benjamin H.,> Abner,* Benjamin,’ Isaac,” Lewis’), born 1832, married, 1853, Margaret Miller. He was a soldier in the Civil War, enlisting for nine months in the gist Pennsylvania Volunteers, and afterwards, for the war, in the 171st Pennsylvania Volunteers. He had seven children, who with their parents are residents of Bedford and Cambria Counties, Penna. He was one of the eleven first cousins who were in the Union Army. No. 1654. I. Sorana? Walker, married Daniel Barefoot. Has three girls. No. 1655. II. Eli? Walker, married Lavinia Edwards. Has son eight years old. No. 1656. III. Mary? Walker, married John E. Hammer, Sheriff of Bedford County, Penna. Has one son. No. 1657. IV. Lincoln? Walker, married Jane Davis. Has three children. No. 1658. V. Anna? Walker. No. 1659. VI. No. 1660. VII. No. 826. BEnyAMIN Harris WALKER 6 (Benjamin H.,° Abner,’ Benjamin,® Isaac,” Lewis’), born 1834, married, 1865, Susan Highlands. He was a soldier in the Civil War, in the 84th Pennsylvania Volunteers, Company A. He lives in Pittsburg, Penna., along with his children: No. 1661. =I. Charles’ Walker, married, and has two children. No. 1662. II. Harvey’ Walker. No. 1668. III. Ory 7 Walker. No. 1664. IV. Zephyr’ Walker. No. 827. Morris WALKER® (Benjamin H.,> Abner,‘ Benja- SIXTH GENERATION. 297 min,® Isaac,? Lewis '), born Feb. 18th, 1836, married, 1868, Ann Catherine Peterson, who lost her life in the Johnstown flood. Morris Walker was a soldier in the Civil War, 84th Pennsylvania Volunteers. He resides at Alum Bank, Bedford County, Penna. I am indebted to him for all the information I have obtained con- cerning the descendants of his grandfather, Abner Walker. He has seven children : No. 1665. =I. Galusha Grow? Walker, born 1870. No. 1666. II. Mary Virginia’? Walker, born 1871. No. 1667. III. William Woster’ Walker, born 1872. No. 1668. IV. Annie Robison’ Walker, born 1873. No. 1669. V. Thomas Wisegawer’ Walker, born 1875. No. 1670. VI. Benjamin Harris’? Walker, born 1877. No. 1671. VII. Sarah Rosamond’ Walker, born 1879. No. 829. AsAHEL WALKER ® (Benjamin H.,° Abner,* Benja- min,° Isaac,” Lewis *), born 1840, married, 1866, Amanda Wilsor He was a soldier in the Civil War, 84th Pennsylvania Volunteers, Company A. Resides at Alum Bank, Bedford County, Penna. Of three daughters, but one is living: No. 1672. I. Minnie’ Walker, married Calvin McGregor. No. 830. IsAac WALKER ® (Benjamin H.,5 Abner,* Benjamin,’ Isaac,” Lewis’), born 1844, married, 1867, Minerva Scroggy ; had six children, and was divorced. Married, 2d, , in Iowa, again divorced ; 3d, Minnie Harbaugh, in Pennsylvania, 1892, by whom he has an infant daughter. Resides in Black Hawk County, Iowa. No. 1678. I. Charles? Walker. No. 1674. II. Nettie’ Walker. No. 1675. III. Malvin’ Walker, married. 298 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. No. 1676. IV. Mollie’ Walker. No. 1677. V. Maud? Walker. No. 832. ELizEL ALLEN WALKER® (Benjamin H.,° Abner,' Benjamin,’ Isaac,” Lewis), born 1849, married, 1874, Barbara Carter. They had nine children, two of whom died. Reside in Altoona, Blair County, Penna. No. 1678. I. Margaret’ Walker. No. 1679. II. Thomas’ Walker. No. 1680. III. Olive’ Walker. No. 1681. IV. Bertha’ Walker. No. 1682. V. William’ Walker. No. 1683. VI. Frank’ Walker. No. 1684. VII. Edward’ Walker. No. 835. SARAH SLEEK ® (Rebecca,® Abner,‘ Benjamin,’ Isaac,” Lewis*), born 1830, died 1864, married,'1850, John Emrick, and had eight children : No. 1685. I. Samuel’ Emrick, married Catherine Sellers ; three children. No. 1686. II. Rebecca? Emrick, married Daniel Miller ; three children. No. 1687. III. Sarah? Emrick, died. No. 1688. IV. Jacob’ Emrick, married Della Moore; three children. No. 1689. V. John’ Emrick, married Laura Wade; four children. No. 1690. VI. Magdaline’ Emrick, married Samuel Calp ; two children. No. 1691. VII. Annie? Emrick, married Rev. J. S. Caton ; two children. SIXTH GENERATION. 299 No. 1692. VIII. Hannah’? Emrick, married John Wonders ; two children. No. 836. MarGAaReET SLEEK ® (Rebecca,’ Abner,* Benjamin,’ Isaac,” Lewis"), married, 1866, David Darr, and had two chil- dren. Reside at Schellsburg, Bedford County, Penna. No. 1698. I. Hannah’ Darr, married. No. 1694. ‘II. Margaret’ Darr. No. 837. ABNER WALKER SLEEK ® (Rebecca,’ Abner,* Ben- jamin,°® Isaac,’ Lewis*), married, 1857, Rachel Sparks, and had six children, one of whom died: No. 1695. I. Sarah’ Sleek, married No. 1696. -II. Ida’ Sleek, married No. 1697. III. Samuel’ Sleek, married children. No. 1698. IV. William’ Sleek, married children. No. 1699. V. Rebecca’ Sleek. Way; one child. Suters ; two children. Snowberger ; two Latchaw ; two No. 838. BENJAMIN WALKER SLEEK ® (Rebecca,’ Abner,* Benjamin,* Isaac,? Lewis"), married, 1859, Delilah Hite, and had six children. Reside in Blair County, Penna. No. 1700. I. Daniel’? Sleek, married. Residence, Altoona, Penna. No. 1701. ‘II. Harlin’ Sleek, married five children. No. 1702. III. Myrtle’ Sleek, married. No. 1708. IV. Annie’ Sleek. No. 1704. = V. Sarah’ Sleek. No. 1705. IV. Franklin’ Sleek. Walter, and has 300 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. No. 839. THomas WISEGAWER SLEEK ° (Rebecca,> Abner, Benjamin,? Isaac,” Lewis’), married, 1867, Mary Smith, and had five children. He was a soldier in the Civil War, 55th Pennsyl- vania Volunteers. No. 1706. I. William 7 Sleek, married. No. 1707. II. Grant7 Sleek. No. 1708. III. Samuel’ Sleek. No. 1709. IV. John? Sleek. No. 1710. V. Thomas’ Sleek. No. 844. Mary Ann ALien® (Barbara, Abner,* Benjamin, Isaac,” Lewis’), born 1835, married, 1863, Robert W. Allison, and had eight children. They live in Bedford County, Penna. No. 1711. ‘I. John’ Allison, married Lillian Dishong ; has two children. No. 1712. II. James’ Allison, married Rada Carrell; two children. No. 1713. III. Mandilla? Allison, married John McDonald; four girls. No. 1714. IV. Ella? Allison, married Gilbert McDonald ; two girls, No. 1715. V. Annie? Allison. No. 1716. VI. Ditmer? Allison. No. 1717. VII. Alvin? Allison. No. 1718. VIII. Rachel’ Allison. No. 846. ReBecca ELLEN ALLEN ® (Barbara,® Abner,’ Benja- min,* Isaac,” Lewis‘), married, 1877, John Black, and has three children. Reside in Schellsburg, Bedford County, Penna. No. 1719. I. Adam I.’ Black. No. 1720. II. Alice? Black. No. 1721. III. Mary’ Black. SIXTH GENERATION. 301 No. 848. James ALLEN ° (Barbara,® Abner,* Benjamin,° Isaac,” Lewis’), married, 1877, Annie Kirk. Had seven children, among whom are: No. 1722. I. William 7 Allen. No. 1723. II. Samuel’? Allen. No. 849. RutH Anna ALLEN ® (Barbara,® Abner,* Benjamin,? Isaac,” Lewis’) born 1854, married, 1890, Samuel Cox, and had two children : No. 1724. I. Glen Allen? Cox. No. 1725. II. Clewell Stanford? Cox. No. 854. WALKER Furacason ° ( Beulah,® Abner,* Benjamin,’ Isaac,” Lewis *), married Margaret Boyer, and had seven children. The eldest No. 1726. I. Henry’? Furgason, married. No. 855. EvizaBETH Furcason ® (Beulah,’ Abner,* Benjamin,° Isaac,? Lewis"), married Cyrus Blackburn, and had seven children : No. 1727. I. Carrie’ Blackburn, married Jacob C. Bowser, May, 1896. No. 1728. II. Harry? Blackburn. No. 1729. III. Odessa? Blackburn. No. 1780. IV. Beulah’? Blackburn. No. 1731. V. Myrtle? Blackburn. No. 1782. VI. Nettie? Blackburn. No. 1733. VII. Charles 7 Blackburn. No. 886. AsAHEL WALKER Cook® (Elizabeth,’ Asahel,* Benjamin,® Isaac,” Lewis"), born Oct. 26th, 1832, married 302 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. Hannah C., daughter of Daniel and Anne (Cook) Garretson, born Dec. 17th, 1833. They had seven children : No. 1734. I. Theresa? Cook, born Aug. 12th, 1855. No. 1735. II. Anne E.”? Cook, born June 24th, 1857, died May 18th, 1895, married Jones ; eight children. No. 1736. III. George W.’ Cook, born Oct. 20th, 1859. No. 1737. IV. Sarah Jane’ Cook, born Dec. 31st, 1861, died in infancy. No. 1788. V. Mary Ellen” Cook, twin with Sarah Jane. No. 1739. VI. Ida J.’ Cook, born Dec. 27th, 1864, married Hileman. No. 1740. VII. Melissa G.? Cook, born Dec. 13th, 1866. No. 956. Susanna Sioxom® (Mary,” Isaac,* Asahel,? Isaac,? Lewis’), born at Christiana, Lancaster County, Penna., 1839, married Thomas Houston. They had two children : No. 1741. I. Mary’ Houston, died. No. 1742. II. Laura V.’ Houston, died. No. 957. IsAAc WALKER StLoxom ® (Mary,® Isaac,* Asahel,® Isaac,” Lewis"), born 1841, married Laura Shryock. He is President of the Christiana National Bank. They had _ two children : No. 1748. I. Samuel? Slokom. No. 1744. II. Charles’ Slokom. No. 958. DEBoRAH SLoKkom ° (Mary,° Isaac,* Asahel,? Isaac,” Lewis'), born at Christiana, Penna., 1843, married William H. Sproul, of Chester, Penna. They had two children: No. 1748. I. Everett S.’ Sproul, born 1862, married Caroline Sporley. SIXTH GENERATION. 303 No. 1746. II. William C.7 Sproul, married Emma Roach. No. 959. Mary Stoxom® (Mary,°’ Isaac,* Asahel,? Isaac,” Lewis’), born at Christiana, Penna., 1845, married James Sproul, of Chester, Penna. They had three children: No. 1747. I. Dora’ Sproul. No. 1748. ‘II. Annie’ Sproul. No. 1749. III. Mary’ Sproul. No. 962. Mary Louisa WALKER ® (Isaac,5 Isaac,* Asahel,? Isaac,” Lewis’), born in Sadsbury Township, Lancaster County, Penna., June 2d, 1835. During most of the Civil War she was a matron in the Confederate hospitals, returned to Pennsylvania in 1865, was married in 1869, at her father’s house, to John Coleman Roberts, of Texas. He was a native of Virginia, and is now Captain of Camp Townsend, Hood’s Texas Brigade. They reside at Bremond, Robertson County, Texas. They had two children : No. 1750. I. Edward Walker’ Roberts, born Nov. 22d, 1872, Attorney-at-Law. No. 1751. II. Mary Elizabeth Moore’ Roberts, born Nov. 3d, 1875, died in her seventh year at White Sulphur Springs, Va. No. 963. Exiza JoSEPHINE WALKER ’°® (Isaac,° Isaac,* Asahel,? Isaac,” Lewis’), born in Sadsbury Township, Lancaster County, Penna., married Isaac Diller, now deceased. They had three children : No. 1752. ‘I. Isaac Walker’ Diller, married Mary Elizabeth Skiles. No. 17538. II. Anna Louisa? Diller. No. 1754. TI. John Coleman’ Diller, married Miss Carpenter. 304 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. No. 964. EstHER JANE WALKER® (Isaac,° Isaac,* Asahel,° Isaac,” Lewis'), born in Sadsbury Township, Lancaster County, Penna., married Isaac Diller Worst, of Unionville, Penna. They had seven children ; No. 1755. ‘I. Jacob Rutter’ Worst, postmaster of Berwyn, Chester County, Penna. No. 1756. II. Mary Pauline’ Worst, married Henry B. Long- enecker. No. 1757. III. George Walker’ Worst, married Annie Hick- man, of Chester County, Penna. No. 1758. IV. Newton Kelso’? Worst, died , No. 1759. V. Annie Virginia? Worst, married Roland Pusey Nichols, of Chester County, Penna. No. 1760. VI. Maria Louise Antoinette? Worst. No. 1761. VII. Esther Cora? Worst. No. 965. SaLiiz Frances WALKER ‘® (Isaac,° Isaac,* Asahel,° Isaac,” Lewis*), born in Sadsbury Township, Lancaster County, Penna., married Henry B. Hershey, of Philadelphia. They had five children: No. 1762. I. John Coleman’ Hershey. No. 1768. II. Sallie Cecile’ Hershey. No. 1764. III. Jacob Frantz’ Hershey, died No. 1765. IV. Henry Eugene’ Hershey. No. 1766. V. Maud Marie’ Hershey. No. 967. James M. WaLkER°® (Isaac,° Isaac,* Asahel,* Isaac,’ Lewis '), born at the Gap, in Sadsbury Township, Lancaster County, Penna., married, 1868, Lida A., daughter of Samuel and Phoebe (Hood) Fawkes. She died 1886. Joseph Fawkes, of Los Angeles, Cal., inventor of the steam plow, Joseph Hood, of the Pennsylvania Legislature, and James SIXTH GENERATION. 305 Hood, late proprietor of the Pennhurst Hotel, Atlantic City, are uncles of Lida A. (Fawkes) Walker. James M. Walker was educated at the Millersville Normal School. He isa practising attorney at the Lancaster bar. (Office, 34. North Duke Street.) He resides at the old “ Henderson Place,” Gap, where he also has an office. He served five years as Justice of the Peace of Coloraine Township, at the expiration of which time he removed to his former home at the Gap. Since the death of his father he has come into possession of the home- stead, where his two sons, William Edmond and Joseph Lewis Walker are engaged in farming. His other two sons are in the employ of the firm of Walker & Kepler, Electricians, 315 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. He had four children: No. 1767. I. Isaac Hampton’? Walker, a student at Drexel Institute. No. 1768. ‘II. Joseph Lewis? Walker. No. 1769. III. William Edmond? Walker. No. 1770. IV. James Marshall 7 Walker. No. 969. DEBoRAH WaALKER® (Asahel,® Isaac,‘ Asahel,? Isaac,” Lewis*), born, 1844, in Sadsbury Township, Lancaster County, Penna., married William Marshall, of Philadelphia. They had five children : No. 1771. I. Patience’ Marshall, married William Richeter. No. 1772. JI. Mary’ Marshall. | No. 1773. III. William’ Marshall. No. 1774. IV. Stanley’ Marshall. No. 1775. V. Laura’ Marshall. No. 972. Isaac C. WALKER ® (Asahel,5 Isaac,* Asahel,* Isaac,” Lewis *), born, 1848, in Sadsbury Township, Lancaster County, Penna., married Emma Johnson. He isa member of the firm of 306 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. “Walker & Kepler,” Electricians and Electrical Supplies, 531 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Penna. Residence, 2432 North Broad Street. They have two children: No. 1776. I. Mabel’? Walker. No. 1777. II. Florence’ Walker. No. 978. HEnry Powna zt ° (Deborah,’ Isaac,* Asahel,? Isaac,’ Lewis’), born in Lancaster County, Penna., married Louisa Smedley, and has six children : No. 1778. I. Norman” Pownall. No. 1779. II. Mary’ Pownall. No. 1780. III. Bertha’ Pownall. No. 1781. IV. Clifton? Pownall. No. 1782. V. Chester’? Pownall. No. 1788. VI. Alta? Pownall. No. 980. Saran Cooper® (Asahel W.,° Sarah,* Asahel,’ Isaac,” Lewis*), married Alden McClellan, and had five children: No. 1784. I. Asahel? McClellan. No. 1785. II. Annie? McClellan. No. 1786. III. William’ McClellan. No. 1787. IV. Leonora? McClellan. No. 1788. V. Charles’ McClellan. No. 981. Marcaret Cooper ® (Asahel W.,° Sarah,* Asahel,? Isaac,” Lewis’), married Thomas Truman, and had two children. They reside in New Orleans, La. No. 1789. =I. Margaret? Truman. No. 1790. II. Beatrice’ Truman. No. 983. GEorGE W. Cooper® (Hiram,’ Sarah,* Asahel,’ Isaac,” Lewis’), married, and had one son: SIXTH GENERATION. 307 No. 1791. I. Hiram Lewis’ Cooper. No. 984. Hiram Lewis Cooper® (Hiram,°® Sarah,* Asahel,? Isaac,? Lewis! ), married Clara Brown, and had two children. They reside in Philadelphia, Penna. No. 1792. I. William 7 Cooper. No. 1798. II. Walter’ Cooper. No. 985. CaLeB CoopEer® (George W.,° Sarah,* Asahel,’ Isaac,” Lewis *), married Harriett Townsley, and had two children. Residence, Chester County, Penna. No. 1794. I, Frank ’ Cooper. No. 1795. II. Emma’ Cooper. No. 987. HANNAH CooPeR® (George W.,° Sarah,’ Asahel,’ Isaac,” Lewis"), married Henry C. Cope, and had two children. Residence, Lincoln, Chester County, Penna. No. 1796. I, Frederick 7 Cope. No. 1797. II. Alice’ Cope. No. 990. Maria F. Cooper § (Sarah,® Sarah,* Asahel,’ Isaac,” Lewis"), married Dr. John Partenheimer, and had two children. They reside in Philadelphia, Penna. No. 1798. I. Corinne’ Partenheimer. No. 1799. II. Gertrude’ Partenheimer. No. 994. JosEPHINE Cooper ° (Sarah,° Sarah,* Asahel,® Isaac,” Lewis *), married Wistar Newbold, and had two children. Reside in Philadelphia, Penna. No. 1800. I. Charles’ Newbold. No. 1801. ‘IT. Bertha? Newbold. 308 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. No. 995. GEORGE Cooper® (Susan,’ Sarah,* Asahel,’ Isaac,’ Lewis '), married Sarah Miller, and had four children. Residence, Chester County, Penna. No. 1802. I, Amy’ Cooper. No. 1803. II. Wilmer’ Cooper. No. 1804. III. Marion” Cooper. No. 1805. IV. Annie’ Cooper. No. 997. Lucy Cooper ® (Joseph P.,° Sarah,* Asahel,’ Isaac? Lewis *), married Charles Thissell, and had one child. Residence, 605 N. 18th Street, Philadelphia, Penna. No. 1806. I. Mary Stuart’ Thissell. No. 999. Henry B. Cooper® (Joseph P.,° Sarah,* Asahel,’ Isaac,” Lewis*), married Bellmina McGill, and had four children. Reside at “Woodside,” Ford Road, West Philadelphia, and at 605 N. 18th Street, Philadelphia. No. 1807. I. Joseph’ Cooper, died. No. 1808. II. John McGill’ Cooper. No. 1809. III. Henry B.’ Cooper. No. 1810. IV. Charles’ Cooper. No. 1001. Saran CoopEer® (Joseph P.,° Sarah,* Asahel,’ Isaac,” Lewis'), married Rev. William Ledwith, and had two children : No. 1811. I. Jean Brice ® Ledwith. No. 1812. II. William Laurence’ Ledwith. No. 1004. SamueL Wuitson® (Pheebe,® Sarah,‘ Asahel,’ Isaac,” Lewis’), married Fanny Simton, and had one child: No. 1818. I. Ethel’? Whitson. SIXTH GENERATION. 309 No. 1011. Sarau Cooper * (Anna,’ Asahel,* Asahel,? Isaac,” Lewis'), married Frank Trout, and had children: No. 1814. I. Frank? Trout. No. 1815. II. Mazie’ Trout. No. 1816. III. Jeremiah’ Trout. No. 1013. JosEpH D. C. Pownatt ° (Susan,’ Asahel,* Asahel,’ Isaac,” Lewis*) married Mary Stubbs, and had four children. Residence, Christiana, Penna. No. 1817. I. Willmer? Pownall, married Mary Thompson. No. 1818. II. Vincent’ Pownall. No. 1819. III. Lily? Pownall. No. 1820. IV. Edna? Pownall. No. 1016. Mary Cooper ® (Pheebe,’® Asahel,* Asahel,® Isaac,’ Lewis’), married Frederick Eppleimer, and had one child : No. 1821. I. Frederick ’ Eppleimer. No. 1017. Asanet Linvitte® (Sarah,’ Asahel,* Asahel,° Isaac,” Lewis’), born Feb. 2d, 1822, married, 1877, Lydia R. Moore. They reside at Leesburg, Florida. They have three children : No. 1823. _‘I. Lucy? Linville, born Jan. roth, 1879. No. 1824. II. Alice R.? Linville, born Oct. 27th, 1881. No. 1825. III. Arthur’ Linville. No. 1019. Aguitia J. Linvitve® (Sarah,® Asahel,* Asahel,’ Isaac,” Lewis') married, Sarah, daughter of Virgil and Jane Eachus, of Radnor Township, Delaware County, Penna. Aquilla Linville is in business in Philadelphia, where his family reside. They have four children: 310 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. No. 1826. I. Jane’? Linville. No. 1827. II. Sylvia’? Linville. No. 1828. JII. Walker? Linville. No. 1829. IV. Marion? Linville. No. 1022. Saran LinvitLteE® (Sarah,’? Asahel,* Asahel,’ Isaac,” Lewis! ), married Frank Walter, and has three children: No. 1830. I. Laura’ Walter. No. 1831. II. Maurice’ Walter. No. 1832. III. Margaret’ Walter. No. 1024. Marcaret LinviLte® (Sarah,’ Asahel,* Asahel,’ Isaac,* Lewis*), married Edwin Moore, and had one child. Res- idence, Germantown, Penna. No. 1888. I. E. Lawton’ Moore. No. 1026. JosepH WaALKER® (Samuel,’ Asahel,* Asahel,’ Isaac,” Lewis * ), married Emma Alexander, and had two children. Residence, Christiana, Penna. No. 1834. I. J. Blaine? Walker. No. 1835. II. Erle’ Walker. No. 10380. AsaHEL WALKER® (Samuel,® Asahel,* Asahel,’ Isaac,? Lewis! ), married Helen Bruner, and had one child. Reside in Philadelphia, Penna. No. 1836. I. John E.” Walker. No. 1038. E. Benjamin ELLMAKER ° (Mary,® Asahel,‘ Asahel,° Isaac,” Lewis’), married Mary Oberholtzer, and had three children : No. 1837. I. Lucy W.7 Ellmaker. SIXTH GENERATION. 311 No. 1838. I]. Leonard’ Ellmaker. No. 1889. Ill. Edgar Benjamin’ Ellmaker. No. 1040. Frora ELbMAKER® (Mary,°® Asahel,‘ Asahel,3 Isaac,” Lewis"), married Edward D. Wallace, and had three children. Residence, Blue Ball, Lancaster County, Penna. No. 1840. I. Margaret’ Wallace. No. 1841. II. John Watson’ Wallace. No. 1842. III. Elizabeth’ Wallace. No. 1041. NATHANIEL ELLMAKER 6 (Mary,° Asahel,* Asahel,? Isaac,’ Lewis *), married Mary Williams, and had two children. Reside at The Gap, Lancaster County, Penna. No. 1848. I. Celia’ Ellmaker. No. 1844. II. Alice’ Ellmaker, No. 1042. SaraH ELiMaKER® (Mary, Asahel,* Asahel,? Isaac,” Lewis *), married Evan Ambler, and had one child. Re- side at Quarryville, Lancaster County, Penna. No. 1845. I. Caroline’ Ambler, No. 1069. Joun C. Garretson 6 (Anne,® Hannah,* Abel,’ Isaac,” Lewis"), born 3d mo. 7th, 1830, married, 12th mo. 2oth, 1861, Mary Ditmer, and had nine children: No. 1846. ‘I. Jacob Vale’ Garretson, born 3d mo. 16th, 1863, married No. 1847. II. Mary Ann? Garretson, born 11th mo. 23d, 1864. No. 1848. III. Hannah Cook’ Garretson, born 2d mo. 1gth, 1867, died 3d mo. 14th, 1894. No. 1849. IV. Henry Howard’ Garretson, born 8th mo 14th, 1868. 312 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. No. 1850. V. Daniel’ Garretson. No. 1851. VI. Ira’ Garretson. No. 1852. VII. Rex’ Garretson. No. 1853. VIII. Lydia 7 Garretson. No. 1854. IX. Melinda’ Garretson. No. 1071. Hannan C. GARRETSON 6 (Anne,’ Hannah,‘ Abel,’ Isaac,” Lewis"), born 12th mo. 17th, 1833, married Asahel Walker Cook, son of George W. and Elizabeth (Walker) Cook. (See No. 886.) No. 1070. Mary E. Garretson® (Anne,’ Hannah,* Abel,’ Isaac,” Lewis *), born 11th mo. 23d, 1831, married, 1858, Joshua Vale, born gth mo. 17th, 1827, and had four children : No. 1855. I. Oliver’ Vale, born 12th mo. 25th, 1859, married No. 1856. II. Sarah Emma?’ Vale, born Ist mo. 17th, 1864, married Mendenhall. No. 1857. III. Portia Irene’ Vale, born 3d mo. 18th, 1865. No. 1858. IV. Hugh Mortland! Vale, born 4th mo. 12th, 1872. No. 1075. ABEL W. Garretson 6 (Anne,’ Hannah,* Abel,’ Isaac,” Lewis '), born 6th mo. 19th, 1843, married, 12th mo. 25th, 1868, Catherine Hull, and had three children : No. 1859. I. Bertha’ Garretson, born 2d mo. 23d, 1870, died 8th mo. 31st, 1891. No. 1860. II. Anne’ Garretson, born 8th. mo. 16th, 1872, married, 1895, Emory Harbold. No. 1861. III. Jacob L.’ Garretson, born gth mo. 23d, 1875. No. 1078. MezissA GarretTson® (Anne,® Hannah,* Abel,’ SIXTH GENERATION. 313 Isaac,? Lewis '), born 8th mo, 22d, 1850, married, 1880, William Anthony, and had three children : No 1862. I. Earl’ Anthony. No. 1863. II. Lloyd’ Anthony. No. 1864. III. Belle’ Anthony. No. 1079. AnniE Cook ® (Walker,? Hannah,* Abel,* Isaac,’ Lewis '), married William Anderson, and had six children : No. 1865. I. James’ Anderson, married Emma Bearinger. No. 1866. II. Martha’ Anderson, married W. Deardorff. No. 1867. III. Annie’ Anderson, married D. Lehmer. No. 1868. IV. John’ Anderson, married No. 1869. V. Emma’ Anderson, married No. 1870. VI. Robert’ Anderson. Myers. Myers. No. 1080. HEzEK1aAH Cook® (Walker,? Hannah,‘ Abel,® Isaac,” Lewis '), married Eve Wiley, and had eight childzen : No. 1871. I. Catherine“ Cook, married A. Berkheimer. No. 1872. II. George W.’ Cook, married Nannie Beitzel. No. 1873. III. Matilda’ Cook. No. 1874. IV. Oliver’ Cook, married Kate Wolf. No. 1875. V. John’ Cook, married Louisa Spahr. No. 1876. VI. Margaret’ Cook, married Stewart Bitinger. No. 1877. VII. Emma? Cook, married Benjamin Hoffman. No. 1878. VIII. Hannah’ Cook, married Salmon Sheffer. No. 1081. Hannay Coox ° (Walker,® Hannah,’ Abel,® Isaac,’ Lewis *), married Samuel Arnold, and had five children : No. 1879. _ I. Elizabeth’? Arnold. No. 1880. II. Lewis? Arnold. No. 1881. III. Susan’ Arnold. 314 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. No. 1882. IV. Annie’ Arnold. No. 1883. V. Romaine’ Arnold, married John Heikes. No. 1082. ExizaBetH Cook® (Walker,> Hannah,* Abel,’ Isaac,? Lewis'), married Daniel Bentz, and had ten children : No. 1884. I. Harry’ Bentz. No. 1884a. II. Ida’ Bentz. No. 1885. III. David’ Bentz. No. 1886. IV. Walker’ Bentz. No. 1887. V. Cordelia’ Bentz. No. 1888. VI. Lawrence’ Bentz. No. 1889. VII. Millard’ Bentz. No. 1890.VIII. Amer’ Bentz. No. 1891. IX. Charles’ Bentz. No. 1892. X. Russell’ Bentz. No. 1083. Joun W. Cook ° (Walker,® Hannah,* Abel,’ Isaac,’ Lewis *), married Catherine Bentz, and had seven children : No. 1893. I. Jacob’ Cook, married Sadie Martin. No. 1894. II. Ellen’ Cook, married George Dutery. No. 1895. III. Flora’ Cook, married Samuel Dutery. No. 1896. IV. Raymond? Cook, married Slothower. No. 1897. V. Alvin” Cook. No. 1898. VI. Lewis’ Cook. No. 1899. VII. May ’ Cook. No. 1084. Saran Cook ® (Walker,®’ Hannah,’ Abel,’ Isaac,” Lewis *), married Jacob Harbold, had several children : No. 1900. =I. Martha’ Harbold, married Fink. No. 1901. II. Mary’ Harbold. No. 1902. III. Emma’ Harbold. SIXTH GENERATION. 315 No. 1086. WaLKER Cook ° (Walker,’ Hannah,* Abel,’ Isaac,” Lewis '), married Mary Klinedienst, had eight children : No. 1908. I. Araminta‘’ Cook, married Philip Myers. No. 1904. II. Clara’ Cook, married John Bentz. No. 1905. III. Calvin’ Cook, married Susan Hershey. No. 1906. IV. Nora’ Cook, married Monroe Bentz. No. 1907. V. Charles’ Cook. No. 1908. VI. Rosa’ Cook. No. 1909. VII. Bertha’? Cook. No. 1910.VIII. Gertrude ’ Cook. No. 1087. JosepH Coox® (Walker,® Hannah,* Abel,’ Isaac,? Lewis’), married Elizabeth Evans, and had five children : No. 1911. I. William’ Cook, married Minty Blauser. No. 1912. II. James’ Cook, married Emma Blauser. No. 1913. III. Curtis 7 Cook. No. 1914. IV. Miles? Cook. No. 1915. V. Lillie’ Cook. No. 1088. Exiza A. Coox® (John,® Hannah,* Abel, Isaac,’ Lewis’), married Andrew B. Shearer, and had eight children: No. 1916. I. Charles C.’ Shearer. No. 1917. II. Ira S.? Shearer. No. 1918. III. Willis L:’ Shearer. No. 1919. IV. Willetta G.’ Shearer. No. 1920. V. Myrtle I.7 Shearer. No. 1921. VI. Estella V.? Shearer. No. 1922. VII. Ethel’ Shearer. No. 1923. VIII. Frederick W.’ Shearer. No. 1089. Wittiam R. Coox® (John,®? Hannah,* Abel,° Isaac,” Lewis*), born 12th mo. 22d, 1852, married, 12th mo. 22d, 316 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. 1871, Mary Heikes. They reside at Dillsburg, Penna. I am indebted to him for valuable assistance in collecting material for this work. He is descended from Lewis Walker through both his father and mother, and is, as he says, very partial to the name. He has nine children: No. 1924. I. Gleason J.’ Cook, born 5th mo. 5th, 1872. No. 1925. II. Morris Gilpin’ Cook, born 7th mo, 14th, 1874. No. 1926. III. Caroline A.’ Cook, born 7th mo. 18th, 1875. No. 1927. IV. Frances Willard’ Cook, born 11th mo. 23d, 1876. No. 1928. V. Abigail L.’ Cook, born 6th mo. 2d, 1879. No. 1929. VI. Thomas G.? Cook, born 8th mo. 11th, 1881. No. 1930. VII. Celia’ Cook, born 12th mo. 29th, 1882. No. 1931. VIII. Ruth Emma? Cook, born 4th mo. gth, 1883. No. 1982. IX. Robert Lee’ Cook, born 11th mo. 7th, 1884. No. 1091. Rura E. Coox ® (John,® Hannah,* Abel,® Isaac,’ Lewis '), married Amos Hartman and has: No. 1933. I. Ernest’ Hartman. No. 1092. MarGarET JANE WALKER ° (Arnold,’ Abel,* Abel,’ Isaac,” Lewis \, married Isaac Mconley, and had one child: No. 1984. I. Tillie? Mconley. No. 1093. ELtis WaLker & (Arnold,> Abel,* Abel,’ Isaac,’ Lewis"), married Sarah Miller, and had four children: No. 1935. I. Elizabeth ’ Walker. No. 19386. II. Arnold’ Walker. No. 1937. III. Kate’ Walker. No. 1988. IV. Russell’ Walker. No. 1094. Gorpon Kent Wacker ® (Arnold,’ Abel,* Abel,° SIXTH GENERATION. 317 Isaac,? Lewis '), married Belle Weigle, and had three children : No. 1939. I. Frances’ Walker, married Robert Thomson. No. 1940. II. Ochie’? Walker, married William Brown. No. 1941. III. Edward’ Walker. No. 1095. Ocu1zE WaLker® (Arnold,> Abel,* Abel,? Isaac,? Lewis '), married Noah Beck, and had one child: No. 1942. I. Harry? Beck. No. 1096. ABEL W. Watrker® (William,> Abel,‘ Abel,? Isaac,” Lewis‘), married Emma Kerr, and had one child: No. 1943. I. Beulah? Walker. No. 1097. LoursA WALKER ® (William,> Abel, Abel,? Isaac,” Lewis '), married Thomas M. Mauk, of Carlisle, Penna., and had three children : No. 1944. I. George? Mauk. No. 1945. II. Helen? Mauk. No. 1946. III. Edward? Mauk. No. 1098. RacHEL ALICE Carson ® (Hannah,® Abel,* Abel,’ Isaac,? Lewis’), married Jacob Fehl, and had one child: No. 1947. I. Morris’ Fehl. No. 1100. WILBEeRT Carson 6 (Hannah,° Abel,* Abel,° Isaac,’ Lewis), of Cumberland County, Penna., married Sadie Anthony, and had five children : No. 1948. I. Harry? Carson. No. 1949. II. Charles? Carson. No. 1950. III. Ellen’ Carson. 318 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. No. 1951. IV. Clyde? Carson. No. 1952. ~~ ‘V. Jessie’ Carson. No. 1102. Emma E. Carson 6 (Hannah,’ Abel,* Abel,® Isaac,’ Lewis '), married Pemberton Myers, of York Springs, Penna., and had three children : No. 1953. I. Norval? Myers. No. 1954. ‘II. Harry’ Myers. No. 1955. III. Francis 7 Myers. No. 1108. Ciara E. Carson 6 (Hannah, Abel,* Abel,’ Isaac,’ Lewis"), married John McNew, and had three children : No. 1956. =I. George Edward’ McNew. No. 1957. II. Rachel Alice’ McNew. No. 1958. III. Clyde’ McNew. No. 1104. Jozt M. Warxker® (Lewis Morris,’ Joel,* Abel,’ Isaac,” Lewis '), born 1849, married Maria Gifford. They reside in Iowa, and had three children: No. 1959. I. Margaret’ Walker. No. 1960. II. Glen Gifford’ Walker, born 1885. No. 1961. III. Vera Alien’ Walker, twin with Glen Gifford. No. 1105. Pinkney L. WaLkeEr § (Lewis Morris,’ Joel,* Abel,’ Isaac,” Lewis *), born in 1852, a resident of West Liberty, Iowa ; married Julia Mosice, and had two children : No. 1962. I. Eugene’ Walker. No. 1968. II. Lewis’ Walker. No. 1106. Jonny C. Warker® (Isaac John,* Joel,* Abel,” Isaac,” Lewis '), born in Ohio, 1853, married Anna Bethel. They reside at Burr Oak, Kansas, and had three children : SIXTH GENERATION. 319 No. 1964. I. Mary Grace’ Walker, died No. 1965. II. Martha Carmon’ Walker. No. 1966. III. Harold’ Walker. No. 1108. Mary L. Watker® (Isaac John,* Joel, Abel,? Isaac,” Lewis’), born in Ohio, 1863, married, 1883, Joseph Barriclon, of Ohio, and had three children: No. 1967. ‘I. Paul’ Barriclon, born 1884. No. 1968. II. Henry’ Barriclon, born 1886. No. 1969. III. Donald’ Barriclon. No. 1110. Emma J. WALKER ® (Elias Hicks,° Joel,* Abel,? Isaac,? Lewis’), born in Ohio, 1867, married, 1890, Harford Odbert, of Pennsylvania. They have one child: No. 1970. ‘I. Ivan? Odbert, born 1892. No. 1111. Gzorce W. Wacker ° (Elias Hicks,’ Joel,* Abel,’ Isaac,” Lewis *), born in Ohio, married, 1891, Eleanor McMillan. They have one child: No. 1971. I. Charming Iden? Walker, born 1893. « No. 1114. Mary H. Wacker ® (Abel,® Joel,* Abel,® Isaac,” Lewis *), born in Ohio, 1857, married, 1879, John Carpenter. Residence, Colorado Springs, Colorado. They have two chil- dren: No. 1972. I. Howard H.’ Carpenter, born 1881. No. 1973. II. Amy Lee’ Carpenter, born 1886. No. 1117. Manton M. Wacker ® (Jeremiah C.,° Joel,* Abel,’ Isaac,” Lewis*), born in Ohio, 1852, married Frances Duell. They reside at Hawkeye, Kansas, and have one child: 320 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. No. 1974. I. Elwood’ Walker, born 1883. No. 1118. T. ELwoop Wa ker? (Jeremiah C.,° Joel, Abel,? Isaac,? Lewis *), born in Ohio, 1855, married Alice Clark, and has two children : No. 1975. =I. Ernest’ Walker, born 1883. No. 1976. II. Irene’ Walker, born 1888. No. 1119. Watson WaLkER® (Jeremiah C.,° Joel,* Abel,’ Isaac,” Lewis"), born in Ohio, 1857, married Jane Kithcart, and has two children : No. 1977. I. Luella? Walker, born 1883. No. 1978. II. Robert Earl’ Walker, born 1885. No. 1122. Mary Apa Farquuar® (Hannah Ann,’ Joel,* Abel,’ Isaac,” Lewis *), born 1854, died 1893, married, 1881, Newton Hawkins, of Washington County, Penna. They had five children : No. 1979. I. Leona? Hawkins, born 1882. No. 1980. II. Lewis F.7 Hawkins, born 1884. No. 1981. III. Mary Estella’ Hawkins, born 1885. No. 1982. IV. James Clinton’ Hawkins, born 1887. No. 1983. V. Hannah Ann? Hawkins, born 1891. No. 1125. JouN Wittarp WaLkER® (Joel Aaron,’ Joel,’ Abel,® Isaac,” Lewis '), born in Ohio, 1867, married, 1890, Caro- line Farquhar, and has two children: No. 1984. I. Mary Alma’ Walker, born 1892. No. 1985. II. Edith’ Walker, born 1893. No. 1183. Mary Jane Wacxker® (George,® Benjamin,‘ Abel,” SIXTH GENERATION. 321 Isaac,” Lewis') married Winfield Meek, of Mt. Pleasant, Ohio and has four children : No. 1986. I. Walker’ Meek. No. 1987. II. Grace’ Meek. No. 1988. III. Love’ Meek. No. 1989. IV. John’ Meek. 3 Chapter Tenth. SEVENTH GENERATION. No. 1175. Darwin WEAaAvER’ (Rebecca,® Martha, Sinah,' Abel,? Abel,” Lewis’), married Lucy Snode. They reside in Washington, D.C., and have three children : No. 1990. I. Robert E.? Weaver. No. 1991. JI. Frederick ® Weaver. No. 1992. III. Charles D.2 Weaver. No. 1176. Wittis WEAVER’ ( Rebecca,® Martha,’ Sinah,* Abel,*? Abel,? Lewis’), married Anna Kuhn. They reside in Iowa, and have two children : No. 1998. ‘I. Marguerite ® Weaver. No. 1994. II. Anna® Weaver. No. 1179. Ipa Barnasy? (Laura,° Martha,* Sinah,* Abel,’ Abel,’ Lewis*) married Brinton Cooper. He is deceased and his widow resides at Salem, Ohio. They had four children: No. 1995. ‘I. George ® Cooper. No. 1996. II. Laura® Cooper. No. 1997. III. Edith ® Cooper. No. 1998. IV. Carl® Cooper. No. 1180. CHarLes W. Barnasy? (Laura,°® Martha, Sinah,’ Abel,? Abel,? Lewis’), married Jane Christy. They reside at Meadsville, Penna., and have: 322 SEVENTH GENERATION. 323 No. 1999. ‘I. Fay ® Barnaby. No. 2000. II. James® Barnaby. No. 1209. CHaLKLEY CLinton HoLitoway? (Martha,® Joseph,’ Abel,* Abel,? Abel,” Lewis *), married Nellie T. Warren, and has two children : No. 2001. ‘I. Virginia ® Holloway. No. 2002. II. Warren ® Holloway. No. 1217. Anna Mary WALKER? (Eli,® Lewis,5 Abel,* Abel,? Abel,? Lewis*), married James Righter, and has children: No. 2008. ‘I. Leonard ® Righter. No. 2004. II. Eunice® Righter. No. 1221. Cuartes L. Brown’ (Mary H.,® Lewis,’ Abel,’ Abel,® Abel,” Lewis *), of Adair County, Ky., born in Ohio, mar- ried Mary Bennett, of Kentucky. They have two children : No. 2005. =I. Enoch Arden® Brown. No. 2006. II. Mary Elizabeth ® Brown. No. 1222. Witit1am W. Brown’ (Mary H.,® Lewis,®> Abel,‘ Abel,® Abel,” Lewis *), of Alliance, Stark County, Ohio, married Jessie Mercer, of Ohio. They have one child: No. 2007. I. Le Roy ® Brown. No. 1228. Epwin J. Brown’ (Mary H.,®° Lewis,®> Abel,* Abel,’ Abel,” Lewis"), of Winona, Columbiana County, Ohio, married Flora J. Lovejoy. They have two children: No. 2008. ‘I. Pearl® Brown. No. 2009. II. Warren W.® Brown. 324 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. No. 1225. DEBoraH E. Brown’ (Mary H.,® Lewis,® Abel,’ Abel,® Abel,? Lewis *), born in Ohio, married, 7th mo. 23d, 1874, William Mercer, of North Georgetown, Columbiana County, Ohio, and has six children: No. 2010. ‘I. Charles® Mercer, born 2d mo. Ist, 1876. No. 2011. II. Albert E.2 Mercer, born 12th mo. 14th, 1878. No. 2012. III. Alberta M.? Mercer, born 12th mo. 14th, 1878. No. 2013. IV. Ida L.8 Mercer, born 7th mo. Ist, 1881. No. 2014. VV. Jessie Blaine ® Mercer, born gth mo. 16th, 1884. No. 2015. VI. Vernon D.? Mercer, born 3d mo. 2d, 1893. No. 1226. OxttverR R. Brown? (Mary H.,° Lewis,> Abel,* Abel,®? Abel,” Lewis *), of Winona, Columbiana County, Ohio, married Olly Taylor, and has one child: No. 2016. I. Lewis ® Brown. No. 13800. Lean STEER’ (Lewis,® Samuel,’ Leah,‘ Lewis,’ Abel,? Lewis'), born in Virginia, removed with her family to Philadelphia, where she married Wilmer Osler. They had two children : No. 2017. JI. Wilmer® Osler. No. 2018. II. Frederick Bruce ® Osler. No. 1315. Naomr Ruoaps’ (Joshua,® Naomi,’ Zillah,’ Joseph,® Isaac,” Lewis"), born in Philadelphia, Penna., 6th mo. 2oth, 1848, went with the family to Jacksonville, Ill., died 3d mo. 21st, 1888. She married John A. Bellatti, and had three children : No. 2019. I. Rose Anna® Bellatti, born 4th mo. 23d, 1884. No. 2020. II. Walter ® Bellatti, born 8th mo. 26th, 1885. No. 2021. III. Ruth® Bellatti, born 11th mo. 21st, 1887. SEVENTH GENERATION. 325 No. 1318. JosepH R. Ruoaps’ (James,®’ Naomi,> Zillah,‘ Joseph,° Isaac,” Lewis*), born in Philadelphia, Penna., August 6th, 1841, married, Nov. 22d, 1866, Amanda, daughter of Joseph and Esther L. (Mort) Seal, of 455 Marshall St., Phila- delphia. Reside at Overbrook, Penna. They had three chil- dren : No. 2022. I. Alice Sellers ® Rhoads, born March 23d, 1868, married Henry Ward Marston. No. 2023. II. J. Howard ® Rhoads, born June 3d, 1870. No. 2024. III. Alfred S.° Rhoads, born May 16th, 1875, died July toth, 1875. No. 1824. Mary JEANES WALTER” (Sarah,*® Naomi,° Zillah,‘ Joseph,’ Isaac,” Lewis '), born in Philadelphia, Penna., June 28th, 1853, married, Oct. 19th, 1876, at her mother’s residence, 109 North Sixteenth St., George F. White, born Nov. 13th, 1847, son of Barclay and Rebecca M. (Lamb) White, of “ Ury,” Bur- lington County, N. J. They reside near Philadelphia, and have two children : | No. 2025. I. Rebecca L.2 White, born Jan. 21st, 1878. No. 2026. II. Walter Rhoads *® White, born Jan. 7th, 1877. No. 1882. Mary R. Wa ter’ (Naomi,® Naomi,°’ Zillah,* Joseph,* Isaac,? Lewis"), born Feb. 19th, 1857, married, Dec. 1gth, 1883, Charles William Cooper. They have one child: No. 2027. I. Julia® Cooper, born Jan. 3d, 1885. No. 1834. Emiry Haines’ (Ellen,® Sarah,® Isaac,* Joseph,’ Isaac,” Lewis '), married Phineas Pratt, of Chester County, Penna. They had one child: No. 2628. I. Mary E. ® Pratt, married, 1891, Enos B. Hoopes. 326 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. No. 1835. Erten R. Moore’ (Mary Ann,°® Sarah,® Isaac,‘ Joseph,® Isaac,” Lewis *), married Jesse Cheney, son of Joseph and Edith Cheney, of Thornbury, Delaware County, Penna., at Haverford Meeting, in 1858. They had six children: No. 2029. I. Joseph ® Cheney, married. No. 2030. II. Marianna*® Cheney. No. 2081. III. Jesse S25 Cheney. No. 2082. IV. Edith® Cheney. No. 2088. V. Algernon ® Cheney. No. 2084. VI. Phoebe® Cheney. No. 1886. THomas Hoopes? (Jane W.,° Sarah, Isaac,‘ Joseph,’ Isaac,” Lewis*), married, Ist, Susan Bernard, 2d, Lydia Jobson. They reside in Downingtown, Penna., and have one daughter : No. 2035. I. 8 Hoopes. No. 1887. Etwoop Hoopes? (Jane W.,®° Sarah,’ Isaac,‘ Joseph,’ Isaac,” Lewis *), of West Chester, Penna., married Susanna Huey, and has four children : No. 2086. I. Abraham ® Hoopes. No. 2087. II. Frank ® Hoopes. No. 2038. III. William ® Hoopes. Vo. 2039. IV. Margaret ® Hoopes. No. 1339. Emma Hoopes! (Sarah,° Sarah,° Isaac,* Joseph, Isaac,” Lewis*), of Baltimore, Md., married Charles Hoopes, and had three children: No. 2040. I. Howard® Hoopes, married Jessie No. 2041. II. Charles ® Hoopes, died. No. 2042. III. Florence ® Hoopes. SEVENTH GENERATION. 327 No. 1840. Witiram Hoops? (Sarah,® Sarah,’ Isaac,‘ Joseph,? Isaac,” Lewis’), of Baltimore, Md., married. Georgia Wilhelm. He died in Baltimore in 1895, some years after the death of his wife. They had eight children : No. 2048. I. Fannie ® Hoopes. No. 2044. II. Ella® Hoopes. No. 2045. III. Emma* Hoopes, died 1879. No. 2046. IV. Samuel ® Hoopes. No. 2047. V. Georgia® Hoopes, married Dixon Walker, of Baltimore, Md. No. 2048. VI. Blanche ® Hoopes. No. 2049. VII. Arthur *® Hoopes. No. 2050. VIII. Gertrude ® Hoopes. No. 1841. Epwarp Hoopss’ (Sarah,® Sarah, Isaac,* Joseph, Isaac,” Lewis‘), of Baltimore, Md., married Lucy Tyler, and has four children: No. 2051. I. Frank G.? Hoopes, married Willie L. Kennon. No. 2052. II. Susan® Hoopes. No. 2053. III. Edward * Hoopes. No. 2054. IV. Lucy ® Hoopes. No. 1842. Satire Hoorgs? (Sarah,® Sarah,’ Isaac,* Joseph,’ Isaac,” Lewis’), of Baltimore, Md., married Charles Tyler, and has three children : No. 2055. I. Clara ® Tyler. No. 2056. II. Estelle ® Tyler. No. 2057. III. Walter Bancroft ® Tyler, married Ida Etheridge Fergusson. No. 13844. Emity Rosrrts? (Mathew, ® Sarah,’ Isaac,* Joseph,* 328 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. Isaac,” Lewis'), married F. Wilson Eastburn, of Philadelphia, Penna. They had three children: No. 2058. I. Horace Wilson ® Eastburn. No. 2059. ‘II. Walter Roberts ® Eastburn, married Clara No. 2060. III. Elmer Moore ® Eastburn. No. 1345. Mercy Paiste’ (Elizabeth,® Sarah,® Isaac,* Joseph,’ Isaac,” Lewis"), of Lower Merion, Montgomery County, Penna., married James Pyott, and had five children: No. 2061. I, Eliza ® Pyott, married David West, of Chigago, Tl. No. 2062. II. George® Pyott, married Anna Maris, of Dela- ware. They have one child. No. 20638. III. William * Pyott. No. 2064. IV. Laura® Pyott, married Henry Lawrence. They have two children. 3 Se No. 2065. V. Phineas® Pyott, married Emma Lewis, of Berwyn, Chester County, Penna. No. 1346. Ropert J. Paiste? (Elizabeth,é Sarah,> Isaac,’ Joseph,* Isaac,” Lewis'), of Paoli, Chester County, Penna., married, Ist, Sallie Rhoads; 2d, her sister, Jane Rhoads. He had eight children : No. 2066. J. Phineas ® Paiste, died March, 1895. No. 2067. II. Howard ® Paiste, died while a student at Swarth- more College. No. 2068. III. Sallie ® Paiste, married Henry Steward. No. 2069. IV. Edwin ® Paiste. No. 2070. V. Holland ® Paiste. No. 2071. VI. Robert ® Paiste. No. 2072. VII. Mary Emma® Paiste. No. 2078. VIII. Caroline® Paiste. SEVENTH GENERATION. 329 No. 1847. GrorGE PaisTE’ ( Elizabeth,® Sarah,® Isaac,* Joseph,°® Isaac,? Lewis’), married Margaret Dempsery, of Frank- lin, Penna., and has two children : No. 2074. I. Walter ® Paiste. No. 2075. II. Phineas ® Paiste. No. 1849. Epwarp Paiste’ (Elizabeth,® Sarah,5 Isaac,* Jo- seph, Isaac,” Lewis’), of Lower Merion, Montgomery County, Penna., has been married four times. First, to Emma Mackey, by whom he had six children. His second wife was Anna Brook, who had two children. His third wife was Kate Harris, and his fourth wife was Mrs. Sallie Parrottet, of Columbia, Penna, by whom he has one child: No. 2076. I. Horace® Paiste. No. 2077. II. Frederick ® Paiste. No. 2078. III. Florence ® Paiste. No. 2079. IV. Frank ® Paiste. No. 2080. V. Edward ® Paiste, twin with Frank, died. No. 2081. VI. Emma ® Paiste. No. 2082. VII. Gertrude ® Paiste. No. 2083. VIII. Brook § Paiste. No. 2084. IX. Edna ® Paiste. No. 1854. CHaries Paiste’ (Elizabeth,® Sarah,' Isaac,* Joseph,’ Isaac,” Lewis '), of Lower Merion, Montgomery County, Penna., married Emma, daughter of John and Margaret Davis, of Delaware County. (See No. 670.) They reside in Norris- town, Penna., and have two children: No. 2085. I. John Davis ® Paiste. No. 2086. II. Charles ® Paiste. 330 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. No. 1855. James L. Paiste’ (Elizabeth,® Sarah,” Isaac,‘ Joseph,°® Isaac,? Lewis *), married Louetta Weaver, and has two children : No. 2087. I. Caroline E.® Paiste. No. 2088. II. David W.® Paiste. No. 1356. Davip ParstE’ (Rebecca,® Sarah,® Isaac,* Joseph,’ Isaac,” Lewis'), of West Chester, Penna., married Rebecca Thomas, and has three children : No. 2089. I. Sallie 8 Paiste. No. 2090. ‘II. Henry ® Paiste. No. 2091. III. James ® Paiste. No. 13857. Exrza Paiste’ (Rebecca,® Sarah,® Isaac,* Joseph,° Isaac,” Lewis '), married John Wetherill, of Chester, Penna. They had five children : No. 2092. I. Rebecca ® Wetherill, died. No. 2098. II. Richard ® Wetherill, died. No. 2094. III. James P.2 Wetherill. No. 2095. IV. Sarah® Wetherill. No. 2096. ‘VV. Isaac ® Wetherill, twin with Sarah. No. 1358. Dittwyn PaisTE’ (Rebecca,® Sarah,’ Isaac,’ Joseph,’ Isaac,” Lewis‘), married, and had nine children: No. 2097. I. Helen G.® Paiste. No. 2098. II. Rebecca R.® Paiste. No. 2099. III. James L.® Paiste, died. No. 2100. IV. Howard ® Paiste, died. No. 2101. V. Charles® Paiste, died. No. 2102. VI. Elizabeth® Paiste. No. 2108. VII. Dillwyn ® Paiste. SEVENTH GENERATION. 331 No. 2104. VIII. Homer ® Paiste. No. 2105. IX. Eliza W.® Paiste. No. 1859. AnniE J. WETHERILL? (Rachel,® Sarah,® Isaac,* Joseph,’ Isaac,” Lewis '), of Kennett Square, married Sharpless Walter, son of Townsend and Abigail (Mercer) Walter, of Chester County, Penna. They reside at Thornbury, Chester County, Penna., and had four children : - No. 2106. I. Mary ® Walter. No. 2107. II. Emily ® Walter. No. 2108. III. Abigail® Walter. No. 2109. IV. Bertha ® Walter. No. 1860. Roperts WETHERILL’ (Rachel,® Sarah,° Isaac,‘ Joseph,® Isaac,” Lewis*), of Kennett Square, Chester County, Penna., married Annie (died), daughter of William Webb, of Parkerville, Penna. They had two children: No. 2110. I. Antoinette ® Wetherill. No. 2111. II. Rachel ® Wetherill. No. 1862. Emiry WETHERILL’ (Rachel,® Sarah,’ Isaac,* Joseph,’ Isaac,? Lewis’), of Kennett Square, Chester County, Penna., married Benjamin Blakley, of Chester, Penna. They had four children : No. 2112. I. Lillie ® Blakley, married Gardener Haws Richard- son, of New York. No. 2113. II. Rachel ® Blakley. No. 2114. III. Abram ® Blakley, died. No. 2115. IV. William ® Blakley, died. No. 1864. ExvizABETH Baynes WALKER’ (Thomas R.,é 332 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. Joseph,’ Isaac,* Joseph,? Isaac,? Lewis’), born in Whitpain Township, Montgomery County, Penna., May 8th, 1844, mar- ried at her father’s residence in Tredyffrin Township, Chester County, July 5th, 1877, Joseph Heacock, son of Joseph and Esther (Hallowell) Heacock, of Chelten Hills, Montgomery County. Joseph Heacock is descended from Jonathan Heacock, who came from Staffordshire, England, to Chester, Penna., in 1710. He married Ann, daughter of John Till, of Staffordshire, who was one of the early Quakers liberated from prison by Charles II., in 1676, where he, with many others, had languished for several years, their only offence being non-attendance at church. Jonathan and Ann (Till) Heacock had several children, one of whom, William, born 1716, married Ann Roberts, of Bucks County, Penna. Their son, Jessie Heacock, born 1763, died 1841, married, 1785, Tacy Thompson, and among other children had Joseph, born 1800, the father of Joseph Heacock. This Joseph married, 1824, Esther, daughter of John and Elizabeth (Johnson) Hallowell, of Abington. She was descended from John and Mary Hallowell (daughter of John Sharp), who emigrated from Hucknow, Parish of Sutton, Nottinghamshire, England. They went first to Darby, their certificate of mem- bership to that meeting being dated 12th mo. roth, 1682. Later they went to Abington, Montgomery County, Penna., where some of their descendants of the same name are still living. They had several children, of whom Thomas, of Darby, born 1679, died 1731, married at Darby, Ist mo. 12th, 1701-2, Rosa- mond Till, of Philadelphia. They settled at Abington. Their son, William Hallowell, born 6th mo. Ist, 1707, married, and had a son William, “ yeoman,’ who married Margaret Tyson, ‘seamstress,’ daughter of Mathias Tyson, 8th mo. 29th, 1729. William and Margaret had Matthew, born 2d mo. 8th, 1733, SEVENTH GENERATION. 333 who married, 11th mo. 22d, 1753, at Horsham Meeting, Mary, daughter of John Cadwalader. Matthew and Mary (Cadwalader) Hallowell had a son John, born 6th mo. 11th, 1772, who mar- ried Elizabeth Johnson, and had Esther, who married Joseph Heacock, of Chelten Hills, Montgomery County, Penna. Elizabeth W., the wife of Joseph Heacock, has been a teacher since she was eighteen years old. She was Principal of the “ Girls’ Intermediate’’ at the Friends’ School, at Fifteenth and Race Sts., some years before her marriage, since which time she, with the assistance of her sister-in-law, Annie Heacock, has established the ‘“‘ Chelten Hills School,” a successful educational establishment in close proximity to their home. Joseph Heacock is a florist, who has achieved success in the cultivation of roses and other choice flowers. They have had six children : No. 2116. ‘I. Fannie Walker * Heacock, born 1878, died 1879. No. 2117. II. James Walker® Heacock, born July 3d, 1879, height, 6 ft. 4 in. on his 17th birthday. No. 2118. III. Esther® Heacock, born Dec. 3d, 1880. No. 2119. IV. Mary Baynes ® Heacock, born 1882, died 1883. No. 2120. V. Priscilla Walker ® Heacock, born July 16th, 1885. No. 2121. VI. Edward Rockhill® Heacock, born Aug. roth, 1886. No. 1865. Isaac PRrESTMAN WALKER’ (Thomas R..,° Joseph,° Isaac,* Joseph,* Isaac,” Lewis‘), born in Whitpain Township, Montgomery County, Penna., took his middle name of Priest- man from his mother’s family, to prevent confusion of names, as there were three Isaac Walkers at one time in the Valley. He married, Feb. 12th, 1873, Ella M., daughter of Joseph and Mary Ann Eckman, of Columbia, Penna. Joseph Eckman, who some years before his death was Super- intendent of the St. Charles Furnace at Columbia, was descended 334 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. from Joseph Eckman, who came to Lancaster County, and set- tled there before 1718. He had five sons, John Martin, Mel- choir, Jacob, Henry, and Hieronymus. The latter married Barbara Slaymaker, and had: John, born 1750, died 1804; Barbara, Esther, Eva, Jacob, Hieronymus, and Magdalena. John, the eldest, married Catherine Fautz, who was born 1756, died 1831. John was a captain in the American Army in 1776, and a member of the House of Representatives, Penna., in 1794. He had: Daniel, born 1776, died 1832, married Nancy Wood, who died aged 74; Elizabeth, John Martin, Jacob, Henry, and Catherine. Daniel and Nancy (Wood) Eckman had John Slay- maker, died 1832; David, died 1883; Catherine, died 1893 ; Joseph, born Feb. 2oth, 1814, died March 14th, 1890; Daniel Washington, died 1878; Sarah, died 1890; May, died 1881 ; Martin Fautz ; James. Joseph, son of Daniel and Nancy Eckman, married Mary Ann Emereck, of Lancaster County, born Feb. 11th, 1819, died March 27th, 1896. He was at one time a member of the Penn- sylvania Legislature, and always took an active part in politics. For years previous to his removal to Columbia, he had had charge of the iron furnace at Port Kennedy, Penna. He was an estimable citizen. Isaac P. and Ella M. (Eckman) Walker lived at ‘ Prospect Farm” until after his mother’s death, when the place was sold. He then bought a farm at Merlin, Chester County, which he still owns. He has occupied a position at Girard College, Philadel- phia for several years. He was a volunteer in the 192 Regt. of Penna. Volunteers (see No. 764), also in the 42d Regt. of Militia, under Captain John Davis, in 1863, leaving school to enlist on both occasions. Isaac P. and Ella M. Walker had four children : No. 2122. ‘I. Percy Eckman ® Walker, born 1874. SEVENTH GENERATION. 335 No. 2123. II. Emily Eckman® Walker, born 1876, died March 7th, 1879, of scarlet fever. No. 2124. III. Fanny Baynes® Walker, born Dec. 5th, 1882. No. 2125. IV. Thomas Robinson® Walker, born 1883, died 1883. No. 1366. James Baynes WaLkER’ (Thomas R.,° Joseph,? Isaac,* Joseph,® Isaac,” Lewis *), of Tredyffrin Township, Chester County, Penna., born 1846, married, Oct. 3d, 1873, Martha M., daughter of James and Susan (Eastburn) Abraham, of Mont- gomery County, Penna. The Abraham family of Upper Merion Township, Montgomery County, Penna., are descended from James and Margaret (Davis) Abraham, who were among the early settlers of Pennsylvania. They took up a large tract of land on the Schuylkill River, which is still owned by their descendants. They had a son Isaac, born April 28th, 1717, who married Dinah Havard (born 1722, circa). She died March 15th, 1782. (From Radnor Records: ‘‘ Dinah Abraham, for marrying out, 1oth mo, roth, 1752.) Their son James, born Jan. 6th, 1751, married Han- nah, daughter of George and Catherine George. She was born Feb. 17th, 1752. James and Hannah (George) Abraham had a son Joseph, born Dec. 3d, 1788, who married Ann, born May 15th, 1799, daughter of Benjamin Davis, of Providence. Joseph and Ann (Davis) Abraham had a son James, who married Susan Eastburn, and resides at the homestead at Upper Merion. Susan Eastburn’s family came among the early settlers from Montgomeryshire,Wales. John and Susan, the first of the name in this country, had a son Benjamin, who had a son Samuel, whose son John married Miriam, and had a son Benjamin, who married Mary, daughter of John and Susan (Supplee) Richards. Their daughter Susan married James Abraham. 336 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. The Abraham family were Baptists, Isaac Abraham being a ruling elder of the Great Valley Baptist Church in 1803. James Baynes Walker, after graduating at Friends’ Central School in Philadelphia, was graduated in medicine at the Univer- sity of Pennsylvania, 1872, in philosophy in University of Penn- sylvania, 1874. He was resident physician of Philadelphia Hos- pital, 1872-3, visiting physician from 1876 to 1893, professor of practice of medicine in the Women’s Medical College, Penna., 1879 to 1890, President of American Climatological Associa- tion, 1896, etc. He practises his profession in Philadelphia and its vicinity. Residence, 1617 Green St., Philadelphia. James B. and Martha M. Walker had four children: No. 2126. I. Alice Mary ® Walker, born Oct. 29th, 1876, died April ist, 1878. No, 2127. II. Helen Duer® Walker, born Sept. 12th, 1879. No. 2128. III. Mary Baynes *® Walker, born Jan. 8th, 1881. No. 2129. IV. James Abraham ® Walker, born Dec. 4th, 1885. No. 1372. ELtten Davis WALKER” (Moses,® Joseph,” Isaac,‘ Joseph,’ Isaac,? Lewis*), born in Upper Merion, Montgomery County, Penna., married, 1877, at her mother’s residence, William Ramsey, of the same place. William Ramsey is descended, on his mother’s, side from John Street, who came from England, on a visit, and, arriving at Philadelphia, was so much pleased with the country that he decided to remain. He married Lydia Howe. His daughter Jane married, Feb. 16th, 1789, at the 3d Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, George Tyrrel, who came to Philadelphia from Boston, and engaged in the business of nail making. He finally bought a large tract of land, in Pennsylvania, near the Delaware and Maryland lines, where he resided until his death. George and Jane (Street) Tyrrel, or Terrell, had a son John, who SEVENTH GENERATION. 337 married Myra Gilbert, of Roxborough, Penna. They had nine children, one of whom, Sarah, married Samuel Ramsey. Their son William Ramsey married Ellen D. Walker. William and Ellen D. (Walker) Ramsey live at the homestead with the widow of Moses Walker. They had four children : No. 2180. I. Joseph Davis ® Ramsey, born 1878. No. 2131. II. Sarah® Ramsey, born 1880, died 1881. No. 218%. III. Harold® Ramsey, born 1882. No. 2133. IV. Charles Dana*® Ramsey, born 1885. No. 1382. Jess E WaGER WALKER?’ (Havard,® Hananiah,° Isaac,* Joseph,® Isaac,* Lewis'), born at ‘The Meadows,” in Tredyffrin Township, Chester County, Penna., after graduating at Friends’ Central School, and the Polytechnic School of Phila- delphia, went to Pittsburg, Penna., where he was given a position in the Keystone Bridge Building Co. In course of time he inaugurated the Shifflee Bridge Building Co., of which he is the head. He resides at Pittsburg, where, in 1872, he married Isabella Meeker. They had four children: No. 2134. I. Annie ® Walker. No. 2185. II. Alberta ® Walker, twin with Annie, died. No. 2136. III. Roland’ Walker, died. No. 2137. IV. Havard*® Walker, died. No. 13884. Witiram Potts WALKER? (Havard,’ Hananiah,° Isaac,* Joseph,’ Isaac,” Lewis*), born at “The Meadows,” it Tredyffrin ‘Township, Chester County, Penna., married, October 18th, 1870, Fanny, daughter of Thomas and Sarah (Wetherald) Baynes, of Baltimore, Md. (See No. 669.) They lived at “ The Meadows,” where he died, 1880, of consumption, leaving two children : 338 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. No. 2138. I. Miriam Kempster? Walker, born Feb. 29th, 1872, died March 30th, 1889, of typhoid fever, at Philadelphia. No. 2189. I. Walter Havard® Walker, born 1878. No. 1386. Extra VircintiA WaLkER? (David,§ Hananiah,’ Isaac,* Joseph,’ Isaac,” Lewis’), born in Tredyffrin Township, Chester County, Penna., married, at her father’s house, Oct. 1oth, 1875, Edward Bright Conard, son of Joseph and Eliza (Bright) Conard, of Port Kennedy, Montgomery County. Edward B. Conard is grandson of Dennis Conard, who was descended from Tennis Konnard, one of the early settlers oi Germantown, Penna., who came to America with Daniel Pastorius. The first religious meeting of the Germantown Quakers was held at the house of Tennis Konnard, 1683. From The Friend: “ Dennis Conard, or Cunard, as the name was often spelled in early times, was born at Cresheim, in Ger- many, where he was convinced of the principles of truth by William Ames, in or about the year 1657. Hecame among the first Germans to Pennsylvania, and settled at Germantown, where the first meetings for worship of Friends were held at his house. He was esteemed in religious society and often employed in its affairs. ‘He was,’ says T. Chalkley, ‘a man of an inoffensive life, much given to hospitality, and left a good report behind him. He lived to a great age, dying about the close of the gth mo., 1729. The meeting held at the time of his death was large, many of the early settlers of that part of Pennsylvania attending it.” In the ‘‘ Pennsylvania Archives,” 2d series, Volume XIX, we read that ‘“ Dennis Konders, of Germantown, Dyer, having in a petition to the Proprietor, dated, 15 of 8br, 1701, exhibited that he, having purchased 500 Acres, had taken up but 225, and begs SEVENTH GENERATION. 339 that the remainder be granted out of the over-plus adjoining Germantown, or of the Manor of Springfield.” It was granted out of the Germantown property. (See also Gordon’s “ History of Pennsylvania.’’) Edward B. Conard inherited the farm, called ‘‘ Green Bank,” near Port Kennedy, Penna., from his father, where he resides. He enlisted as a private, in Co. I, 129th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, early in the Civil War, fought in many battles, and came home, honorably discharged, without a scratch. Edward B. and Ella V. (Walker) Conard had three children : No, 2140. I. Winfield Walker® Conard, born Nov. 11th, 1876. Graduated, with honors, at F. C. School, Philadelphia. At- present a student in University of Pennsylvania. No. 2141. II. Eliza Cowgill § Conrad, born Dec. gth, 1879. No. 2142. III. Juanita® Conrad, born Nov. 23d, 1881, died Nov. 23d, 1892. No. 1889. MartuHa Woop RicHarps’ (Mary Ann,° Hanan- iah,® Isaac,* Joseph,* Isaac,” Lewis *), born in Philadelphia, Penna., married, 1875, Isaac Walker Richards, son of Isaac W. Richards. (See No. 1430.) | No. 1895. CHatkLtey Woop RicHarps’ (Mary Ann,® Han- naniah,’ Isaac,* Joseph,’ Isaac,” Lewis’), born in Philadelphia, Penna., married Ida Mullin, of Montgomery County, Penna. Resides at Norristown, Penna. They have three children : No. 2148. I. Eleanor A.® Richards. No. 2144. II. C. Havard ® Richards. No. 2145. III. Marian® Richards. No. 13899. JosepH Roberts WILLIAMS’ (Sarah,® Mary,® Isaac,‘ 340 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. Joseph,’ Isaac,” Lewis"), of Chester County, Penna., married Jane, daughter of Lewis Kunkle. They both died early in life, leaving three daughters : No. 2146. I. Mary® Williams. No. 2147. II. Caroline ® Williams. No. 2148. III. Sarah*® Williams, married Maurice Kulp. One child, Retta Kulp.? No. 1400. Mary Jane Witiiams’ (Sarah,°® Mary,’ Isaac,* Joseph,’® Isaac,” Lewis*), of Chester County, Penna., married William John. They reside near the Yellow Springs, Chester County, Penna., and have six children: No. 2149. I. Preston ® John. No. 2150. II. Harvey ® John. No. 2151. III. Davis *® John. No. 2152. IV. Vining ® John. No. 2158. V. Frank ® John. No. 2154. VI. Lillian * John. No. 1401. Davip Wixtiams‘ (Sarah,° Mary,5 Isaac,* Joseph,’ Isaac,” Lewis"), of Chester County, Penna., married Sallie, the daughter of Harmon Pennypacker, and has two children: No. 2155. I. Millie ® Williams. No. 2156. II. Emma® Williams, married Frank Showalter. No. 1402. Saran WittiAms’ (Sarah,® Mary,° Isaac,* Joseph,’ Isaac,” Lewis’), of Chester County, Penna., married Everett Anderson, a descendant of Captain Patrick Anderson, of Charles- town Township. (See ‘‘Anderson and Pennypacker Pedigrec,”’ also Cope and Futhey’s “ History of Chester County.”) They reside in Charlestown Township, and have one daughter : No. 2157. I. Mary ® Anderson. SEVENTH GENERATION. 341 No. 1403. Benjamin FRANKLIN WILLIAMS’ (Sarah,® Mary,° Isaac,* Joseph,’ Isaac,? Lewis *), of Chester County, Penna., mar- ried Josephine, daughter of William M. and Hannah (Hall) Stephens. (See No. 267.) B. F. Williams was a volunteer in a Pennsylvania Regiment during the Civil War, serving until its close. He has a farm, and is engaged in other occupations in Schuylkill Township, where he resides not far from his birth- place. They have one son: No. 2158. I. Howard ® Williams. No. 1404. Waker Wittiams’ (Sarah,® Mary,° Isaac,‘ Joseph,? Isaac,? Lewis*), of Schuylkill Township, Chester County, Penna., married Susan, daughter of William M. and Hannah (Hall) Stephens. (See No. 267.) They reside at the Williams homestead, and have two children : No. 2159. ‘I. Lila ® Williams. No. 2160. II. John ® Williams. No. 1405. Wiitram K. Wiziiams’ (Sarah,® Mary,° Isaac,* Joseph,° Isaac,” Lewis *), born in Schuylkill Township, Chester County, Penna., married Millie, daughter of Dr. Wright, of Philadelphia. He was graduated at the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia, and practises his profession in that city. They have one daughter : No. 2161. I. Millie May ® Williams. No. 1406. Henrietta Witiiams’ (Sarah,® Mary,’ Isaac,* Joseph,’ Isaac,? Lewis"), born in Schuylkill Township, Chester County, Penna., married John Kinsey, of Bridgeport, Penna. They have one child: No. 2162. I. William Howard ® Kinsey. 342 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. No. 1408. Isaac WaLKER Roberts? (William,® Mary,® Isaac,* Joseph,’ Isaac,’ Lewis"), born in Tredyffrin Township, Chester County, Penna., married Annie Daniels, of Delaware County, Penna. Isaac W. Roberts was in the 42d Regt. of Militia, in the summer of 1863, with Captain John Davis, and in the 192d Regt., Penna. Volunteers, in the following year. (See No. 764.) He died of consumption, Sept. 30th, 1875. His wife survived him a few years. They had two sons: No. 2168. I. Allen ® Roberts, died 1888. No. 2164. II. Isaac Burton ® Roberts, married, June 4th, 1895, Bessie, daughter of Malicha W. and Eliza- beth M. Sloan, of Delaware County, Penna. No. 1409. Mary Emrty Roserts’ (William,°® Mary,’ Isaac,’ Joseph,’ Isaac,” Lewis '), born in Tredyffrin Township, Chester County, Penna., married Isaac Walker, son of Isaac and Eliza- beth (Beidler) Walker. (See No. 737.) No. 1410. Davip Havarp Roperts’ (William,® Mary,’ Isaac,* Joseph,* Isaac,” Lewis"), born in Tredyffrin Township, Chester County, Penna., married Margaret Rodney, of Philadel- phia. He died Feb. Ist, 1885, at his home in Norristown, Penna. His widow is a teacher at the Girls’ Normal School, at Philadelphia. They had one son, at present a student at the University of Pennsylvania: No. 2165. I. Norman® Roberts. No. 1411. Witriam H. Roxserts’ (William,® Mary,5 Isaac,* Joseph,® Isaac,” Lewis"), born in Tredyffrin Township, Chester County, Penna., married Kate, daughter of Russell Errett, of SEVENTH GENERATION. 343 Alleghany County, Penna. They reside near Pittsburg, Penna., and have three children: No. 2166. I. Emily May ® Roberts, born 3d mo. oth, 1882. No. 2167. II. Annie ® Roberts, born 5th mo. 6th, 1885. No. 2168. III. Havard ® Roberts, born oth mo. 4th, 1892. No. 1418. GzorGE Roserts’ (William,® Mary,’ Isaac, Joseph,? Isaac,” Lewis*), born in Tredyffrin Township, Chester County, Penna., married Jannet, daughter of Hugh and Rebecca MacInnes, of Bridgeport, Penna. They have one child: No. 2169. I. Rebecca® Roberts. No. 1414. CHARLES JosEPH Roperts? (William,® Mary,°® Isaac,* Joseph,® Isaac,? Lewis"), born in Tredyffrin Township, Chester County, Penna., married Mary, daughter of Dr. Ricka- baugh, of Chester County. Charles J. Roberts was graduated in medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, and practises his profession in Chester County, Penna. They had two children: No. 2170. I. Allen® Roberts, born 1887, died 18809. No. 2171. II. Charles ® Roberts. No. 1416. Susan Havarp Roserts? (William,® Mary,5 Isaac,* Joseph,*® Isaac,” Lewis), born in Tredyffrin Township, Chester County, Penna., married, 1887, Elliott Thomas, son of Elwood and Annie (Lightfoot) Thomas, of Montgomery County, Penna. They reside in Philadelphia, and have five children: No. 2172. I. Pauline Lewis® Thomas, born 3d mo. rith, 1888. No. 2178. II. Clarence Elwood*® Thomas, born 8th mo. 8th, 1889. No. 2174. III. William Roberts Thomas, born 2d mo. 23d, 18Ql. 344 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. No. 2175. IV. Herbert8 Thomas, born 11th mo. Ist, 1892. No. 2176. =V. Frank ® Thomas, born 5th mo. 6th, 1894. No. 1417. Cornetia Roserts’ (Lewis,é Mary,5 Isaac,‘ Joseph,°® Isaac,” Lewis"), married Uriah Ulman, and had three children : No. 2177. I. Lewis ® Ulman. No. 2178. IT. Clayton ® Ulman. No. 2179. III. Joseph ® Ulman. No. 1419. RacHEt Roserts‘ (Lewis,® Mary,3 Isaac,* Joseph, Isaac,” Lewis’), married Preston Rhoades, and had four children : No. 2180. I, Frank ® Rhoades. No. 2181. _ ‘II. Burt ® Rhoades. No, 2182. III. Warren® Rhoades. No. 2183. IV. Kate® Rhoades. No. 1422. Davip Roserts’ (Lewis,é Mary, Isaac,* Joseph,” Isaac,? Lewis '), married Martha , and had two children : No. 2184. I. Mary Emily § Roberts. No. 2185. II. George ® Roberts. No. 1480. Isaac WarkER RicHarps’ (Isaac W.,® Jane,5 Isaac,* Joseph,® Isaac,” Lewis '), married, 1875, Martha Wood, daughter of William W. and Mary Ann (Walker) Richards, of Tredyffrin Township, Chester County, Penna. (No. 1389.) They reside in Norristown, Penna., and have one child: No. 2186. I, Helen ® Richards, born June Ist, 1880. No. 1432. ADELAIDE RicHarps’ (Isaac W.,® Jane,° Isaac,* Joseph,’ Isaac,? Lewis"), married Ransom G. W. Denison, of New York. They had five children: SEVENTH GENERATION. 345 No. 2187. I. Ellen ® Denison. No. 2188. IJ. Lester ® Denison. No. 2189. III. Edith® Denison. No. 2190. IV. Ethel ® Denison, twin with Edith. No. 2191. V. Frederick ® Denison. No. 1433. Emma Ricuarps’ (Isaac W..,° Jane,’ Isaac,* Joseph,° Isaac,” Lewis*), married John Sherman, of Burlington, Vermont, and had one child: No. 2192. I. John Sherman. No. 1485. Wititram RicHarps’ (Isaac W.,® Jane,5 Isaac,‘ Joseph,’ Isaac,” Lewis'), married Annie Springman, of Philadel- phia, and had one child : No. 2198. I. Herbert 8 Richards. No. 1436. Benjamin RicHarps’ (Isaac W.,® Jane,> Isaac,‘ Joseph,® Isaac,? Lewis’), married Edith Chace, of Newport, Rhode Island, and had one child: No. 2194. I. Edith® Richards. No. 1439. Wiritiam Ricuarps’? (Samuel,® Jane,> Isaac,‘ Joseph,* Isaac,” Lewis), of Plymouth Township, Montgomery County, Penna., married, Nov. 23d, 1876, Jane Cleaver, and had six children : No. 2195. I. John R.® Richards. No. 2196. II. J. Cleaver ® Richards. No, 2197. III. Samuel S32 Richards. No. 2198. IV. Elizabeth J.§ Richards. No. 2199. -V. Jane ® Richards. No. 2200. VI. Helen ® Richards, died. 346 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY No. 1441. Water Jenkins’ (Kate,® Jane,5 Isaac,* Joseph,’ Isaac,” Lewis"), of Gwynedd, Montgomery County, Penna., married Hettie Lukens, and had three children: No. 2201. I. Sarah 8 Jenkins. No. 2202. II. William J.° Jenkins. No. 2203. III. Horace ® Jenkins. No. 1444. Laura HaLLowE Lt’ (Caleb,® Jane,* Isaac,* Joseph,’ Isaac,” Lewis), of Plymouth Township, Montgomery County, Penna., married John C. Martin, and had three children: No. 2204. I. Ella E2 Martin. No. 2205. Il. Esther Hallowell § Martin. No. 2206. III. Anna Y.® Martin. No. 1446. ExrizaseTH HALLowELL’™ (Caleb,® Jane,’ Isaac,* Joseph,® Isaac,? Lewis '), of Plymouth Township, Montgomery County, Penna., married Joseph R. Taggart, of Upper Merion, Montgomery County, Penna., and had one child: No. 2207. I. Esther E.® Taggart. No. 1447. JoszrpH M. WELLs? (Priscilla W.,° Sarah,’ Priscilla,* ‘Joseph,’ Isaac,’ Lewis’), born Feb. 23d, 1830, married, Dec. 25th, 1856, Mary (Ridley) Bonsall. Residence, Concordville, Delaware County, Penna. They had seven children: No. 2208. I. William B.? Wells. No. 2209. ‘II. Emily ® Wells, died. No. 2210. III. Mark P.’ Wells. No. 2211. IV. Caleb B.? Wells. No. 2212. V. Joseph M. Sherman ® Wells. No, 2213. VI. John® Wells. No. 2214. VII. Charles P.® Wells. SEVENTH GENERATION. 347 No. 1467. Wiit1am Henry WaLKER’(T. Ivins,® Richard C.,5 Thomas,* Joseph,® Isaac,” Lewis’), of Tredyffrin Township, Chester County, Penna., married Charlotte, daughter of William and Hannah (Walker) Weber, of Montgomery County, Penna. (No. 1581). William H. Walker was a teacher at Friends’ Cen- tral School, at Philadelphia, for a number of years. He with his family occupy the homestead, known as the ‘“‘ Wayne Head- quarters”? farm, which he inherited, he being the fifth genera- tion of his name to possess it. The house in which his children were born was built by their great-great-great-grand-father, on both their father’s and mother’s side. ‘There are two children: No. 2215. I. Isabelle ® Walker. No. 2216. II. William ® Walker. No. 1468. Ivins C. Watker? (T. Ivins,® Richard C.,° Thomas,* Joseph,® Isaac? Lewis’), of Tredyffrin Township, Chester County, Penna., married Mary R., daughter of Elwood and Annie (Lightfoot) Thomas, of Montgomery County, Penna. They reside in Norristown, Penna., and have two children : No. 2217. I. Annabelle ® Walker. No. 2218. II. Harry Thomas ® Walker, born August, 1895. No. 1471. Attamonta VocpeEs? (Mary,® Richard,® Thomas,* Joseph,® Isaac,” Lewis'), born in Philadelphia, married Mr. Packer, and had one son: No, 2219. I. William Vogdes 8 Packer. No. 1472. Marcaret Vocpes? (Mary,® Richard C.,” Thomas,* Joseph,* Isaac,” Lewis '), born in Philadelphia, married Frederick Myers, and has three children : No. 2220. I. Frederick A.®? Myers. 348 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. No. 2221. IT. Elsie § Myers. No. 2222. III. Reynolds® Myers. No. 1482. Corker Watker’ (Thomas. U.,° William,’ Thomas,* Joseph,° Isaac,” Lewis’), born in Tredyffrin Township, Chester County, Penna., Oct. 15th, 1847, married, April 22d, 1874, Mary, daughter of Mary (Wilson) Jones, and grand- daughter of David and Eliza (Siter) Wilson, of Tredyffrin. They reside at the homestead, ‘‘ Willow Grove Spring,’ and have two children : No. 2228. I. Frank Jones ® Walker, born Dec. 16th, 1875. No. 2224. ‘II. Mary Jones 8 Walker. No. 1483. Ciara Vocpes WALKER? (Thomas U.,° William,’ Thomas,* Joseph,’ Isaac,” Lewis’), born at ‘Willow Grove Spring,” Tredyffrin Township, Chester County, Penna., Oct. 31st, 1849, married, Dec. 30th, 1873, at her father’s residence, Nathan Rambo, of Swedeland, Montgomery County, Penna., a descendant of the Swedish family of that name, which settled near Norristown, Penna., before the arrival of William Penn. They reside at Bridgeport, Penna., and had two children : No. 2225. I. Harry Walker ® Rambo, born Feb. toth, 1875. No. 2226. II. Merrit? Rambo, born April 11th, 1879, died Aug. 14th, 1879. No. 1484. Harry STEARNS WALKER’ (Thomas U.,° William,’ Thomas,* Joseph,* Isaac,’ Lewis'), born at ‘Willow Grove Spring,” Tredyffrin Township, Chester County, Penna., Jan. 23d, 1853, married, Jan. 13th, 1880, Ada B. Stewart, of Norristown, Penna., and had two children: | No. 2227. I. Eleanor Edwards ® Walker, born July 14th, 1881. No. 2228. II. Aubry ® Walker, died in infancy. SEVENTH GENERATION. 349 No. 1485. Erzanork Massey Waker’ (Thomas U.,® William,® Thomas,* Joseph,® Isaac,” Lewis"), born at ‘ Willow Grove Spring,” Tredyffrin Township, Chester County, Penna., Aug. 11th, 1858, married, Feb. 2d, 1882, at her father’s resi- dence, Comley Williams, son of Thomas Williams, of Abington, Montgomery County, Penna. They reside near the King ot Prussia, Montgomery County, and have six children : No. 2229. I. Elizabeth ® Williams. No. 2230. II. Clara ® Williams. No. 2231. III. Thomas *® Williams. No. 2232. IV. Frank ® Williams. No. 2233. V. Eleanor® Williams. No. 2234. VI. Arthur McFarland ° Williams. No. 1487. Wittiam WaLker CoLker’ (Mary,® William,’ Thomas,* Joseph,’ Isaac,” Lewis +), born in Philadelphia, married, Nov. 19th, 1863, Jane, daughter of Solomon Hoxsie, of Phila- delphia. They reside at Strafford, Chester County, and at Phila- delphia. They had eight children: No. 2235. _ I. Hoxsie® Colket, born 1864, died Feb. 17th, 1881. No. 2286. II. Mary Eunice ® Colket, born 1865, died 1867. No. 2237. III. William C.° Colket, born 1866, died 1882. No. 2238. IV. Herbert ® Colket, born 1867, died 1868. No. 2239. V. Edward Burton ® Colket, born Jan. roth, 1873. No. 2240. VI. James Hamilton ® Colket, born Sept. 27th, 1874. No. 2241. VII. Meredith Bright ® Colket, born Nov. 19th, 1878. No. 2242.VIII. Percival Currie ® Colket, born June 20th, 1882. No. 1488. GEorGE Hamitton CoLket’ (Mary,® William,’ Thomas,* Joseph,’ Isaac,? Lewis '), born in Philadelphia, married, Nov. 20th, 1867, Rebecca Brooke, daughter of William B. and 350 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. Emily H. (Holstien) Thomas, of Philadelphia (No. 1625). They reside in Philadelphia, and have four children : No. 2243. I. Emily T.8 Colket, married Harrison Koons Caner. No. 2244. II. Mary P.® Colket. No. 2245. III. Tristram Coffin ® Colket. No. 2246. IV. George Hamilton ® Colket. No. 1489. Mary JANE Cotxker’ (Mary, ® William,®° Thomas,* Joseph,’ Isaac,” Lewis*), born in Philadelphia, married, March 2Ist, 1863, Col. Joseph Crain Audenried, U. S. Army. Col. Audenried was one of General Sherman’s Staff Officers, and saw much service during the Civil War. After the war, he accom- panied the General on his voyage to Egypt. He was much in- terested in genealogy, and I am indebted to him for some of the material inserted in these pages. He and his wife occupied a prominent position in Washington society. He died June 3d, 1880, and was buried at West Point. His widow resides in Washington, D. C. They had one child: No. 2247. I. Florence ® Audenried, married the Count de la Forest Divonne, of France. No. 1490. Annan Busy Coker’ (Mary,® William,’ Thomas,* Joseph,* Isaac,” Lewis'), born in Philadelphia, married, Ist, Edward Crosswell Gallup, who died May 11th, 1883. She mar- ried, 2d, Holstien De Haven, son of Hugh and Mary (Cleaver) De Haven (No. 1630). They reside in Philadelphia and at ‘“Alderbrook,” near the King of Prussia, Montgomery County, Penna. Edward C. and Annah B. (Colket) Gallup had two children : No. 2248. I. Mary 8 Gallup, married Charles Fox. No. 2249. II. Edwina ® Gallup, died in infancy. SEVENTH GENERATION. 351 No. 1492. Ipa Corker’ (Mary,® William,’ Thomas,‘ Joseph,? Isaac,” Lewis‘), born in Philadelphia, married, Nov. gth, 1882, Howard Barclay French, of Philadelphia. They had two chil- dren : No. 2250. I. Coffin Colket ® French, died in infancy. No. 2251. II. Annah Colket® French, born May 31st, 1886. No. 1494. CHarLEs Howarp Corker’ (Mary,® William,® Thomas,* Joseph,* Isaac,” Lewis *), born in Philadelphia, July 2d, 1859, married, April 12th, 1887, Almira Little, daughter of Richard Peterson, of Philadelphia. Charles Howard Colket is much interested in genealogy, and has supplied me with valuable data for this work. He is also an experienced traveler, having been twice around the world, during which time he visited Aus- tralia, South America, Asia, and Europe. He resides at Phila- delphia. They have one child: No, 2252. =I. Tristram Coffin § Colket, born May 21st, 1896. No. 1495. Mary AtTHALIA STEARNS’ (Margaret,° William,° Thomas,* Joseph,° Isaac,” Lewis '), born at Elizabeth, New Jersey, married, Feb. 8th, 1871, William Nisbet Olmstead, of New York. They had three children : No. 2253. 1. Edward ® Olmstead, born Jan. 5th, 1872. No, 2254. II. Margaret Stearns® Olmstead, born April 15th, 1874. No. 2255. III. Katherine Nisbet ® Olmstead, born July Ist, 1877. No. 1496. Anna Avucusta STEARNS’ (Margaret,® William,° Thomas,* Joseph,’ Isaac,” Lewis’), born at Elizabeth, New Jersey, married, June 5th, 1872, Edwin Jacob Florence. They had seven children : 352 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. No. 2256. I. Edwin Percival® Florence, born March 18th, 1872, died March, 1873. No. 2257. II. Margaret Stearns ® Florence, twin with Edwin P., died March, 1873. No. 2258. III. Edith® Florence, born April 15th, 1874, died. No. 2259. IV. Edwin® Florence, born July 2d, 1875, died July 2d, 1875. No. 2260. V. Emma Stearns® Florence, born March 2oth, 1877. No. 2261. VI. Margaret Currie ° Florence, born July 19th,1878. No. 2262. VII. Edwin® Florence, born Sept. 21st, 1879, died July 5th, 1880. No. 1500. GEorGE HERBERT PEGRAM STEARNS’ (Margaret,° William,’ Thomas,* Joseph,® Isaac,” Lewis"), born at Elizabeth, New Jersey, married, June 8th, 1876, Mary Campbell Neilson, who died Nov. roth, 1893. They had one child: No. 2268. I. Sarah Neilson® Stearns, born July 17th, 1880. No. 1501. Matitpa STEVENS STEARNS’ (Margaret,® William,’ Thomas,* Joseph,’ Isaac,’ Lewis *), born in Elizabeth, New Jersey, married, June 12th, 1878, George Barber Edwards, and had six children : No. 2264. I. Fannie’ Edwards, born Jan. 15th, 1880, died Sept. roth, 1881. No. 2265. II. George Clinton § Edwards. No. 2266. III. Margaret Stearns ® Edwards, born April 2oth, 1888. No. 2267. IV. John Owen ® Edwards. No. 2268. V. Matilda Boudinot ® Edwards. No. 2269. VI. Renee® Edwards. SEVENTH GENERATION. 353 No. 1503. Wittr1am Henry PENNYPACKER’ (Annie,® William,® Thomas,‘ Joseph,’ Isaac,? Lewis"), born in Charlestown Town- ship, Chester County, Penna., married, Dec. 28th, 1871, Mary Anna Wetherill, and has one child: No. 2270. I. Evelyn ® Pennypacker, born Oct. 25th, 1872. No. 1504. Matuias ANDERSON PENNYPACKER’ (Annie,® William,® Thomas,‘ Joseph,’ Isaac,” Lewis *), born in Charlestown Township, Chester County, Penna., Jan. 19th, 1851, died: May 19th, 1879, married, June 14th, 1876, Ella Jean Garrison. They had one child: No. 2271. I. Mathias Anderson ® Pennypacker, born Feb. 21st, 1878. No. 1512. Saran PENNYPACKER WILSON‘ (Emma,° William,’ Thomas,* Joseph,* Isaac,” Lewis"), of Tredyffrin Township, Chester County, Penna., married, Jan. 29th, 1880, Joseph C. Crawford, of Conshohocken, Penna. They have four children : No. 2272. I. Emma Walker ® Crawford, born Nov. 29th,1881. No, 2273. II. Athalia L. T.? Crawford. No, 2274. III. Winfield Wilson ® Crawford. No. 2275. IV. Elizabeth Long § Crawford. No. 1514. Davin Whitson’? (Emma,® William,’? Thomas,’ Joseph,’ Isaac,” Lewis’), of Tredyffrin Township, Chester County, Penna., married, 1883, Ruth Anna, daughter of William and Rebecca (Thomas) West, of the King of Prussia, Montgomery County, Penna. They reside at Bridgeport, Penna., and have five children : No. 2276. I. William West ® Wilson, born March 17th, 1884. No. 2277. II. Emma Jane ® Wilson, born Feb. 18th, 1886. 354 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. No. 2278. III. Winfield Siter ® Wilson, born July 22d, 1889. No. 2279. IV. Rebecca Thomas ® Wilson, born May 7th, 1891. No. 2280. V. Elizabeth West ® Wilson, born March 6th, 1895. No. 1515. CorFin Corker Witson’ (Emma,° William,° Thomas,‘ Joseph,’ Isaac,” Lewis"), of Tredyffrin Township, Chester County, Penna., married Emily R., daughter of Jackson Anderson, of Bridgeport, Penna. They reside in Bridgeport, and have four children : No. 2281. I. Helen Anderson ® Wilson. No. 2282. II. Coffin Colket® Wilson. No. 2283. III. Winfield ® Wilson. No, 2284. IV. Jackson Anderson * Wilson. No. 1518. Anna BroaDEss WALKER? (Mathias P.,° William,” Thomas,* Joseph,*® Isaac,? Lewis*), of Tredyffrin Township, Chester County, Penna., married, April 22d, 1880, James Arthur McFarland, of the Gulph, Montgomery County, Penna., and had three children: No. 2285. I. Mary® McFarland, born May 23d, 1881. No. 2286. II. Eliza Walker ® McFarland. No. 2287. III. Emma ® McFarland. No. 1528. Jacop PENNYPACKER Massey’ (Rebecca,° William,” Thomas,’ Joseph,’ Isaac,? Lewis"), born in Tredyffrin Township, Chester County, Penna., married, 1886, Emma Mullin. They re- side at Frazer, Chester County, and have one child : No. 2288. I. Rebecca ® Massey. No. 15380. HannaH Mary BeEIpLer’ (Sarah,® Hannah,° Thomas,‘ Joseph,’ Isaac,” Lewis *), born in Montgomery County, SEVENTH GENERATION. 355 Penna., 4th mo. 30th, 1842, married, 1871, Mordecai Davis, son of Joseph and Eleanor (Stephens) Davis. (See No. 267 and No. 670.) They reside at the Davis homestead in Tredyffrin Town- ship, Chester County, and have one daughter : No. 2289. ‘I. Ellen Stephens ® Davis, born Aug. 28th, 1872. No. 1531. AnnreE Lanpres BEIDLER’ (Sarah,° Hannah,° Thomas,‘ Joseph,? Isaac,” Lewis *), born in Montgomery County, Penna., 3d mo. 5th, 1844, married Cyrus Caley They reside in Upper Merion, Montgomery County, and had eight children : No. 2290. I. Harry Thomas® Caley, born 12th mo. rith, 1867, died 1868. No. 2291. II. Sarah Lucy ® Caley, born 5th mo. rith, 1868. No. 2292. III. Ella Beidler® Caley, born 12th mo. 14th, 1869, married William Z. Frederick. No. 2298. IV. Laura Massey ® Caley, born 12th mo. 6th, 1873 No. 2294. V. J. Oswald ® Caley, born 4th mo. 4th, 1876. No. 2295. VI. Jonathan Richards® Caley, born 3d mo. 8th, 1878. No. 2296. VII. David Ashmore® Caley, born 8th mo. 2ist, 1880. No. 2297.VIII. Hannah Mary ® Caley, born 5th mo. 4th, 1883. No. 1532. MarcareT Currie BEIpLeR’ (Sarah,® Hannah,° Thomas,* Joseph,* Isaac,” Lewis '), born in Montgomery County, Penna., Ist mo. 4th, 1846, married Abraham Metz, and had three children : No, 2298. I. Sarah Eliza ® Metz, born 5th mo. 13th, 1870. No. 2299. II. Thomas Overton ® Metz, born 8th mo. 1oth,1874. No, 2300. III. Frank Beidler § Metz, born 6th mo. 21st, 1876, died 1877. 356 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. No. 15383. STEPHEN LeEsLIE BEIDLER’ (Sarah,° Hannah,° Thomas,* Joseph,’ Isaac,? Lewis"), born in Montgomery County, Penna., 12th mo. 2d, 1848, married Emma Yarnell, and had three children: No. 2301. I. Elizabeth Yarnell ® Beidler. No. 2302. II. Stephen Leslie § Beidler. No. 2303. III. William M.® Beidler. No. 15385. ELLen PrisciLLaA BEIDLER’ (Sarah,® Hannah,° Thomas,* Joseph,’ Isaac,” Lewis’), born in Montgomery County, Penna., 5th mo. 5th, 1853, married Jonathan D. Elliott, of Ches- ter County, and had seven children : No. 2304. I. Alva Wayne 8 Elliott, born 10th mo. 23d, 1879. No. 2805. II. Roland Arthur® Elliott, born toth mo. 23d, 1882. No. 2306. III. Fannie Louisa® Elliott, born 11th mo. 2oth, 1884. No. 2307. IV. Edna Bell® Elliott, born 12th mo. 29th, 1886, died 1886. No. 2308. V. Norman Walker® Elliott, born 7th mo. gth, 1888. No. 2309. VI. Mary Ella® Elliott, born 1st mo. 8th, 18go. No. 2310. VII. Paul Duer?® Elliott, born 12th mo. 8th, 1892, died 1893. No. 1586. Fannie EvizaBETH BrEIDLER’ (Sarah,° Hannah, Thomas,* Joseph,* Isaac,” Lewis '), born in Montgomery County, Penna., 11th mo. 6th, 1854, married Marine Thomas, and had one child: No. 2311. I. Joseph Davis ® Thomas, born Oct. 27th, 1877. SEVENTH GENERATION. 357 No. 15388. Saran Louisa BEIDLER’ (Sarah,® Hannah,’ Thomas,* Joseph,* Isaac,” Lewis '), born in Montgomery County, Penna., 6th mo. 25th, 1857, married Jonathan Roberts, son of William B. and grand-son of Jonathan and Eliza Roberts, of “Red Hill,” Montgomary County, Penna. (See No. 1085.) They had five children : No. 2312. I. Mary Davis® Roberts, born 2d mo. 12th, 1883. No. 2318. II. Edith May ® Roberts, born Ist mo. 28th, 1886. No. 2314. III. Walter Jonathan® Roberts, born Ist mo. 24th, 1890. No. 2315. IV. William B.® Roberts, born gth mo. 24th, 1893. No. 2316. V. Edward Holstien® Roberts, born 11th mo. 24th, 1894. No. 1539. Jacop Howarp BeIpier,’ (Sarah,° Hannah,° Thomas,‘ Joseph,® Isaac,” Lewis *), born in Montgomery County, Penna., 3d mo. 20th, 1859, married R. Jane Shainline. They reside in Upper Merion, and have four children: No. 2317. I. Helen Anderson 8 Beidler, born 4th mo. 2d,1888. No. 2318. II. Jonathan Warren® Beidler, born 5th mo. 2oth, 1890. No. 2319. III. Ethel Jean Beidler, born Ist mo. 22d, 1893. No. 2320. IV. Anna Landes ® Beidler, born 12th mo. 12th, 1894. No. 1542. Joanna Davis STEPHENS! (William W.,® Hannah,° Thomas,* Joseph,* Isaac,? Lewis *), born in Tredyffrin Township, Chester County, Penna., March i1oth, 1852, married, at her father’s house in Philadelphia, 1875, Winfield Stephens, son ot William M. and Hannah (Hall) Stephens. (See No. 267.) They resided in Norristown, Penna., where Winfield Stephens died Nov. 15th, 1890. They had one son: No. 2321. I. William W.® Stephens, born Dec. 23d, 1876. 358 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. No. 1545. Saviiz B. Massry’ (Margaret,® Hannah,* Thomas,‘ Joseph,* Isaac,? Lewis '), born near Valley Forge, Penna., Sept. 27th, 1849, married Roberts Buckwalter, of Phoenixville, Ches- ter County, Penna. They had three children : No. 2322. I. Laura Massey ® Buckwalter. No. 2823. II. Mary ® Buckwalter. No. 2824. III. Lela® Buckwalter. No. 1546. Laura S. Massgy‘ (Margaret,° Hannah,’ Thomas,* Joseph,? Isaac,? Lewis *), born near Valley Forge, Penna., Aug. 26th, 1851, married, at her father’s residence, in Tredyffrin Township, Chester County, Dec. 20th, 1876, William H. Roberts (born July 3d, 1848), son of William B. and grand-son of Jona- than and Eliza Roberts, of ‘“‘Red Hill,’ Montgomery County, Penna. (See No. 105.) Residence, Bryn Mawr, Penna. They had four children : | No. 2325. I. Emma Dunwoodie® Roberts, born Sept. 27th, 1877. No. 2826. II. Greta M.§ Roberts, born Jan. 2d, 1879. No. 2327. III. Susan H.® Roberts, born June Ist, 1881. No. 2328. IV. Anna E.8 Roberts, born Dec. 12th, 1887. No. 1557. ATHALIA WALKER? (Charles,® Joseph B.,° Thomas,* Joseph,’ Isaac,” Lewis*), born in Tredyffrin Township, Chester County, Penna., married Thomas Dobson, and has one child: No. 2329. I. Athalia® Dobson. No. 1562. Wittram WALKER” (Jacob B.,® Isaac,° Thomas,’ Joseph,’ Isaac,” Lewis *), married Mary E., daughter of James C. Stephens, and has two children : No. 2330. ‘I. J. Clayland 8 Walker. No. 2331. II. Thomas K.® Walker. SEVENTH GENERATION. 359 No. 1563. ExvizaseTH B. WALKER’ (Jacob B.,®° Isaac,° Thomas,* Joseph,® Isaac,” Lewis"), married, Dec. 28th, 1881, J. Thomas Stevens, son of James C. and Frances E, Stevens, and has six children : No. 2332. I. John Frederick 8 Stevens. No. 2333. II. Hannah Elsie 8 Stevens. No. 2834. III. Frances Lillian ® Stevens. No. 2335. IV. James Clayland ® Stevens. No. 2336. V. Mary Kemble 8 Stevens. No. 2887. VI. Elizabeth Molony 8 Stevens. No. 1570. Henry Cray Kemsie’ (Mary,® Isaac,> Thomas,‘ Joseph,*? Isaac,” Lewis'), born in Philadelphia, married Jane Chambers, of Philadelphia. Residence, Glenside, Montgomery County, Penna. They have two children : No. 2338. I. William ® Kemble. No. 2339. II. Florence ® Kemble. No. 1571. ExvizaBetH KemsLe’ (Mary,® Isaac,’ Thomas,‘ Joseph,® Isaac,” Lewis‘), born in Philadelphia, married George Yarrow, and resides in Philadelphia, and at Glenside, Penna. They had four children : No. 2340. I. Mary Kemble® Yarrow, born 1877, died. No. 2341. II. Harry® Yarrow. No. 2842. III. Kemble 8 Yarrow. No. 2848. IV. William Kemble ® Yarrow. No. 1572. Isaac WALKER KEmMBLE’ (Mary,° Isaac,® Thomas, Joseph,* Isaac,” Lewis"), born in Philadelphia, married Jane Sup- plee, of Philadelphia. They have three children : No. 2344. ‘I. Elizabeth 8 Kemble. 360 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. No. 2345. II. Frances8 Kemble. No. 2346. III. Virginia § Kemble. No. 1574. CHARLES WALKER?’ (Thomas P.,é Isaac,? Thomas,‘ Joseph,’ Isaac,? Lewis1), married Mary, daughter of James Har- ley, and has one child : No. 2847. I. Imogene® Walker. No. 1575. Howarp WALKER’ (Thomas P.,6 Isaac,’ Thomas,* Joseph,’ Isaac,” Lewis,'), married Laura Dallman, and has three children : No. 23848. I. Emma® Walker. No. 2349. II. Thomas ® Walker. No. 2350. III. Harold® Walker. No. 1580. Harry WesBER’ (Hannah,° Isaac,° Thomas,’ Joseph,’ Isaac,” Lewis"), born in Montgomery County, Penna., married Mary Clover, and had five children: No. 2851. _‘I. Charlotte ® Weber. No. 2352. II. Mary ® Weber. No. 2353. III. Helen ® Weber. No. 2354. IV. Harrison ® Weber. No. 2855. V. Marguerite ® Weber. No. 1581. CHARLOTTE WEBER?’ (Hannah,° Isaac,° Thomas,* Joseph,’ Isaac,” Lewis *), born in Montgomery County, Penna., married William Henry Walker. (No. 1467.) No. 1583. WINFIELD S. WEBER’ (Hannah,° Isaac,’ Thomas,* Joseph,’ Isaac,” Lewis *), married Lizzie, daughter of William E. Cuthbertson. He resides in Norristown, and has one child: No. 2356. I. William C.® Weber. SEVENTH GENERATION. 361 No. 1584. Mina WEBER’ (Hannah,° Isaac,> Thomas,‘ Joseph,’ Isaac,? Lewis"), born in Montgomery County, Penna., married Clayton Lamb. They had three children : No. 2357. ‘I. Elizabeth W.° Lamb. No. 2358. II. Winfield S.8 Lamb. No. 2359. III. Hannah W.® Lamb. No. 1620. Saran H. Morris’ (Naomi,’ Mary,> Naomi,‘ Joseph,? Isaac,” Lewis'), married George Vaux, of Philadelphia, and had three children : No. 2359a@. ‘I. Mary Morris ® Vaux. No. 23594. II. George ® Vaux. No. 2359c. III. William S.° Vaux. No. 16202. Emma Morris’ (Naomi,® Mary,® Naomi,‘ Joseph,’ Isaac,” Lewis*), married James T. Shinn, and has one child: No. 2359d. I. Anna Morris § Shinn. No. 1624. Anna Tuomas’ (William B.,° Rees,> Naomi,* Joseph,’ Isaac,” Lewis *), of Philadelphia, married Nathan Brooke, and has four children: No. 2860. =I. William 8 Brooke. No. 2361. II. Ida® Brooke. No. 2362. III. H. Jones ® Brooke. No. 2363. IV. Hunter® Brooke. No. 1625. ReBEccA Brooke Tuomas’ (William B.,° Rees, Naomi,* Joseph,° Isaac,’ Lewis’), of Philadelphia, married, Nov. 20th, 1867, George Hamilton Colket (No. 1488.) 362 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. No. 1627. Mary Tuomas’ (William B.,6 Rees,> Naomi,‘ Joseph,’ Isaac,’ Lewis '), of Philadelphia, married Hunter Brooke, and has two children: No. 2364. I. Helen® Brooke. No. 2365. II. Marie® Brooke. No. 1633. Emma DEHAVEN? (Mary,® Jane,® Naomi,* Joseph,° Isaac,’ Lewis'), of “ Bellwood,” Montgomery County, Penna., married at her father’s residence, Dec. 8th, 1875, Frank D. Bright, of Pottstown. They reside in Philadelphia, and have two children : No. 2366. I. Mary DeHaven ® Bright, a student at Bryn Mawr College. No. 2867. II. Holstien DeHaven ® Bright. No. 1672. Minnrz WaLKEr ’ (Asahel,® Benjamin H.,° Abner,* Benjamin,’ Isaac,” Lewis"), married Calvin McGregor. Resides at Alum Bank, Bedford County, Penna. No. 2368. I. Mildred ® McGregor, born 1889. No. 1745. Everett S. Sprout’ (Deborah,® Mary,” Isaac,* Asahel,® Isaac,” Lewis '), born 1862, married Caroline Sporley, and has : No. 2369. =I. Thomas Jay ® Sproul. No. 1746. Witiiam C. Sprout’ (Deborah,® Mary,’ Isaac,* Asahel,? Isaac,? Lewis"), married Emma Roach, and has two children: No. 2370. ‘I. Dorothy ® Sproul. No. 2871. II. John ® Sproul. SEVENTH GENERATION. 363 No. 1872. GrorGE W. Cook’ (Hezekiah,® Walker,> Hannah,' Abel, Isaac,” Lewis"), married Nannie Beitzel, and has: No. 2372. I. May 8 Cook. No. 2373. II. Ralph® Cook. No. 2874. III. Scott § Cook. No. 1874. Oxtver Cook’ (Hezekiah,®’ Walker,> Hannah,‘ Abel, Isaac,” Lewis *), married Kate Wolf, and has: No. 2875. I. Roy 8 Cook. No. 2376. II. Walter ® Cook. No. 2377. III. Raymond ® Cook. No. 1875. Joun Cook’ (Hezekiah,® Walker,® Hannah,‘ Abel,’ Isaac,” Lewis *), married Louisa Spahr, and has: No. 2378. I. Ruth ’ Cook. No. 1876. MarGaret Cook’ (Hezekiah,® Walker,> Hannah,‘ Abel,’ Isaac,” Lewis *), married Stewart Bitinger, and has: No. 2379. I. Edith ® Bitinger. No. 2380. II. Roy ® Bitinger. No. 1877. Emma Cook’ (Hezekiah,® Walker,® Hannah,‘ Abel,® Isaac,” Lewis *), married Benjamin Hoffman, and has: No. 2881. I. Norman Ray ® Hoffman. No. 1893. Jacos Cook” (John W.,® Walker,® Hannah,‘ Abel,? Isaac,” Lewis *), married Sadie Martin, and has: No. 2382. I. Theresa ® Cook. No. 1896. Raymonp Cook’ (John W.,° Walker,’ Hannah,‘ Abel,’ Isaac,? Lewis‘), married Slothower, and has: No. 2388. I. Vina® Cook. 304 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. No. 1903. ArAminta Cook!’ (Walker,® Walker,’ Hannah,‘ Abel,* Isaac,” Lewis’), married Philip Myers, and has: No. 2384. I. Edna® Myers. No. 2885. II. Mary ? Myers. No. 2386. III. Elsie ®’ Myers. No. 1904. Ciara Cook’ (Walker,® Walker,’ Hannah,* Abel,° Isaac,” Lewis *), married John Bentz, and has: No. 2387. I. Milton ® Bentz. No. 2388. II. Theresa® Bentz. No. 1906. Nora Coox’ (Walker,® Walker,’ Hannah,* Abel,® Isaac,” Lewis *), married Monroe Bentz, and has : No. 2389. I. Earl ® Bentz. Chapter Llebenth. EIGHTH GENERATION. No. 2022. ALicE SELLERS Ruoaps® (Joseph R.,’ James,° Naomi,° Zillah,* Joseph,’ Isaac,” Lewis"), born March 23d, 1868, married, June I9gth, 1890, Henry Ward Marston, and has two children : No. 2390. I. Mathew Randall’ Marston, born Feb. 7th, 1892. No. 2391. II. Joseph Rhoads? Marston, born Jan. 28th, 1893, died July 14th, 1894. No. 2051. Frank G. Hooprs® (Edward,’ Sarah,® Sarah,’ Isaac,* Joseph,’ Isaac,” Lewis*), of Baltimore, Md., married Willie L., daughter of William and Arabella L. Kennon, of Vir- ginia. They have one child : No. 2392. I. Gordon K.? Hoopes. No. 2057. Watter Bancrorr TyLer?® (Sallie,’ Sarah,® Sarah, Isaac,* Joseph,’ Isaac,” Lewis *), of Baltimore, Md., mar- ried Ida Etheredge, daughter of Charles and Ellen (Etheredge) Fergusson, of Baltimore. Ellen (Etheredge) Fergusson was born in Mobile, Alabama. Walter B. and Ida Etheredge (Fer- gusson) Tyler have two children : No. 2398. I. Helen Marquis’ Tyler. No. 2394. II. Virginia Etheredge’ Tyler. No. 2059. WaLTER Roserts Eastsurn® (Emily,’ Matthew,® 365 366 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. Sarah,’ Isaac,* Joseph,* Isaac,” Lewis"), of Philadelphia, married Clara , and has one child: No. 2895. _I. Eleanor® Eastburn. No. 2243. Emity T. Cotxert * (George H.,’ Mary,® William,° Thomas,* Joseph,’ Isaac,? Lewis"), born in Philadelphia, married, Oct 30th, 1890, Harrison Koons Caner. They reside in Phila- delphia, and have three children : No. 2396. I. Harrison Koons ® Caner. No. 2897. II. George Colket® Caner. No. 2398. III. William ® Caner, born Dec., 1895. No. 2247, FLORENCE AUDENRIED® (Mary,’ Mary,° William,’ Thomas,* Joseph,* Isaac,” Lewis *), of Washington, D. C., mar- ried, Jan. 14th, 1891, the Count de la Forest Divonne, of France. They reside in Paris, France, and have three children : No. 2399. I. Marguerite® de la Forest Divonne. No. 2400. II. André ® de la Forest Divonne. No. 2401. III. René?® de la Forest Divonne. No. 2248. Mary Gatiure® (Annah,’ Mary,° William,’ Thomas,’ Joseph,*® Isaac,? Lewis"), of Philadelphia, married Charles Fox. They reside in Philadelphia, and have two chil- dren : No. 2402. ‘I. Charles? Fox. No. 2403. II. Holstien De Haven *® Fox, born Aug., 1895. No. 2292. Etta BEIDLER Cacey ® (Annie,’ Sarah,° Hannah,” Thomas,‘ Joseph,? Isaac,” Lewis'), of Montgomery County, Penna., married William Z. Frederick, of Norristown, Penna., and has one child: No. 2404. I. Anna S.° Frederick, born July 21st, 1892. Appendices. APPENDIX A. LAND PATENT. Wm. Penn, true and absolute Proprietary and Governor in chief of the Provence of Pennsylvania and Territories thereunto belonging, To all to whom these Presents shall come sendeth Greeting Whereas my late Commissioners of Property by their warrent granted on the 4th day of August 1684, granted 300 acres of land to be laid out in this Provence to John Kinsey and whereas two hundred (200) being on right of the like quantity which the said Kinsey purchased of me at and under the yearly Quitrent of one penny sterling Money of old England for every acre scituate within the reputed bounds of tract of land commonly known by the name of the Welsh Tract, supposed to contain 300 acres, but upon a resurvey thereof made by virtue of a warrent from my commissioners bearing date the 11th day of the rath month last past was returned to be scituate as aforesaid. Beginning at a stake set at a corner of the land of David Powell thence extending by the said land E. N. E. 526 Perches to a second stake thence N. N. W. 164 Perches to a 3rd stake from thence by vacant land W.S. W. 526 Perches to a 4th stake from thence 8. S. E. 164 Perches to the place of beginning containing 539 Acres. In pursuance of which said warrent there was surveyed to the said John Kinsey a certain parcel of land scituated within top. Know ye that in consideration of the sum of £54 sh. 10, current silver money of the Provence for the overplus in measure found in the said 300 A. of land by the resurvey from one penny per Acre to one silver English shilling per hundred the receipt of which said sums of £54 sh. 10, and £22 sh. to, amounting together to £67, I hereby acknowledge I have given, granted, released and confirmed unto John Kinsey the 539 acres of land with all mines, minerals, quarries, woods, underwoods, timber, trees, meadows, marshes, swamps, cripples, savannahs, ways, water- courses, liberties, profits, commodities &c. (3 full and clear fifth parts 369 370 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. of all Royal mines free from all deductions for digging and refining only excepted) and hereby reserved and also for liberty and right to hawk hunt fish and fowl on and upon the hereby granted land for to have and to hold the said 539 Acres of land to the only purpose use and behoof of the said John Kinsey his heirs and assigns forever. To be holden of me my heirs and successors Proprietaries of Pennsylvania as of our Manor of Springetsbury in the said County in free and com- mon socage by fealty only yearly at Philadelphia from the date of first survey to me my heirs and successors at or upon the first day of the first month in every year forever one English shilling (silver) for every hundred acres and so proportionably or value thereof in coyn current to such persons as from time to time shall be appointed to receive the same. In witness whereof I have by virtue of my commission to my Pro- prietary Deputies for the said Province and Territories the 8th and zoth day of October 1701 caused my great seal of the Province to be hereunto affixed. Witness Edward Shippen, Griffeth Owen, Thomas Story, James Logan my said deputies or any three of them at Phila- delphia the 6th and zoth day of October in the first year of the reign of our Sovereign Lady Queen Ann over England &c. and the 2 & 2oth of my Government 1702. Recd. 11th, 9th mo. 1702. Rolls Office in Patent Book A, vol. 2, Page 394. APPENDIX. 371 APPENDIX B. SARAH WALKER’S RELEASE OF THE ESTATE OF HER HUSBAND, IsAAC WALKER. Sarah Walker, widow of Isaac Walker, releases her rights, dower &c, to Joseph Walker for £50, of all that Messuage or Tenement, Plantation and two tracts of land whereon her late husband, Isaac Walker, died seized and intestate, lying in Tredyffrin Township, one, beginning at a corner Post dividing it from land late of James Davis and in a line of land, late of John Kinsey thence by a line of marked trees and the same land E. N. E., 28814 Perches to a stake hard by a White Oak marked, thence S. S. E. by a line of trees marked 112 Perches to a stake being a corner dividing it from the reputed land of the Widow Potts, thence by the said land W. S. W. 288% P. to another stake set in the ground being another corner of the land late of the said James Davis, thence by a line of marked trees N. N. W. 112 P. to the place of beginning, containing 202 Acres. Another of the said pieces of land beginning at a stake at a corner of the first described place S. S. W. 112 P. to astake, thence W. S. W. by land late of Griffith Jones, now of David John, 94% Perches, to another stake in the line of the land of the late John Kinsey, now of William Correy [sic] and thence by the said Corry’s land and partly by Daniel Walker’s land E. N. E. 94% Perches to the place of begin- ning containing 66 Acres, be the same more or less, with the buildings, Rights, Apertenances &c., whatsoever, unto Joseph Walker, his heirs &c., forever. The eight of December, 1758. Witnesses. her JosEPpH TUCKER. SARAH + WALKER JONATHAN ROBERTS. mark (A head.) Before Isaac Davis, Justice of Peace, 6th Jan. 1759. 372 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. RELEASE OF BENJAMIN WALKER. To all People to whom these Presents shall come, I, Benjamin Walker, of Willistown, in the County of Chester, Provence of Penn- sylvania, Cooper, Son of Isaac Walker, Dec’d., late of Tredyffrin &c. &c. for the sum of £100, lawful money paid me by Joseph Walker, of Tredyffrin, Yeoman, &c. &c. all Rights &c. &c. to that Plantation and Parcel of Land whereof my said father, Isaac Walker, died seized and Intestate, being in Tredyffrin, beginning at a stake in the line of William Currie, being a corner of other lands of said Joseph Walker, thence by said Currie’s, Daniel Walker’s and William Godfrey’s lane E. N. E. 383 P. to a stake hard by a White Oak, marked, thence S. E. by a line of trees marked, 112 P. to a stake being a corner dividing it from the land of Thomas Waters, thence by said Waters, Levy and Wm. Jones’ land, W. S. W. 383 P. to a stake being another corner of Joseph Walker’s land, thence N. N. W. 112 P. by a line of marked trees dividing it from said land to the place of beginning, containing 268 Acres, with the buildings, improvements é&c. &c. to Joseph Walker, his Heirs &c., forever, &c. &c. In wit- ness whereof I, the said Benjamin Walker, set my hand and seal, the 24th day of December, 1764. Sealed & delivered in the BENJAMIN WALKER. presence of us, JERMAN WALKER. Mary WALKER. (A head of Queen Ann.) Isaac Davis, Justice of Peace, 6th Oct. 1765. APPENDIX. 373 RELEASE OF ASAHEL WALKER. [A xtract. | I, Asahel Walker, of Tredyffrin, in the County of Chester, Prov- ence of Pennsylvania, Millwright, son of Isaac Walker, of the same place, &c. (Then follow words similar to the preceding Release, except that the ‘‘ Wm. Currie ’’ land is called ‘‘ the Wm. Currie land, now John Bieber.’’ ) Witnesses, ASAHEL WALKER. SaMSON DavIs. BENJAMIN WALKER. (sear) (A lion rampant. ) Isaac Davis, Esq., 12th March, 1768. RELEASE OF RACHEL AND LEwis MorRrISs. To all People to whom these Presents shail come, &c. &c. whereas Isaac Walker died Intestate, Rachel, one of the daughters of the said Isaac Walker, hath intermarried with Lewis Morris of Eastown, in the County of Chester, Provence of Pennsylvania, Yeoman, she, the said Rachel, being now of full age Know ye that the said Lewis Morris and Rachel, his wife, in consideration of the sum of £100, paid in hand by Joseph Walker of Tredyffrin aforesaid, Yeoman, have sold &c. all rights &c. to the Plantation &c. of the said Isaac Walker, bounded by lands of John Bieber, said Joseph Walker, Daniel Walker, Wm. Godfreys, Thomas Waters, thence by lands of Levy, Wm. Jones and Jos. Walker. We, Lewis Morris and Rachel, his wife, have here- unto set our hands and seals the 5th February, 1770. Witnesses, Lewis Morris, PRISCILLA STEPHENS. RACHEL MorrIS. ABIJAH STEPHENS. [Both seal; illegible. | Isaac Davis, Justice of Peace, 8th March, 1770. SEAL (A head, with ‘‘ George & Char- lotte’’ around it.) 374 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. RELEASE OF LEAH WALKER. To all People to whom these Presents shall come, I, Leah Walker, of Tredyffrin, in Chester County, daughter of Isaac Walker, of the same place, Yeoman, have sold &c. unto Joseph Walker all right and title to the Plantation whereof my father, Isaac Walker, died pos- sessed . . . That land bounded by John Beaber, thence by said Beaber’s, Jacob Walker and Wm. Dewes’s land E. N. E. 383 P. to the Oak, 5S. S. W. 112 P. to a stake being a corner dividing it from land of Thomas Waters, thence by Waters, Levy and Griffith Jones’ land W. S. W. 383 P. to a stake being another corner of Joseph Walker’s land, thence by a line of marked trees N. N. W. 112 P. to the place of beginning containing 268 Acres, with the buildings, &c. &c. (She releases all claim to this property on payment of £100.) The 13th May, 1776. Witnessed by LEAH WALKER. Lewis Morris. " RACHEL Morris. (sear) [Looks like a ship. ] Isaac Davis, Esq., roth June, 1776. Recorded in the office of Recording of Deeds, in the County of Ches- ter, r2th May, 1776. Pers FRAZER, Recorder. APPENDIX. 375 1754. OLD MAp oF JOSEPH WALKER’'S LAND. (and late of John Kinsey, now Wm. Curry.) E.N.E. 143 P. ’ ’ é , é ‘ / ' = o ¢ ™ ° 0 ¢ ~ 3 7 on 5 ° ‘o| a 100 ACRES. ~-* ae s|9 - ro] 8 tt 77 hom] § = | ° rahe me 2 o” sy ) . y a 5 | 2 iy S, S S st) Y + 2 § Be, ” va e JS, S A ‘¢ , , ; W.S. W. 143 P. f PROVINCIAL ROAD. z=paenmrewwFwrwregeeuvweeeeeaeaewewweuwwewenreooeweae@qeeee#®Fseeseereeqnweesenr wes (Land late of Griffith John.) Joseph Walker’s land, which he had of his father, Isaac Walker, situate in Tredyffrin, in the County of Chester, in the Provence of Pennsylvania, begins at corner dividing it from land late of Griffith John, thence by a land of marked trees N. N. W. 112 P. to a corner dividing it from land late of J. Kinsey, later, Daniel Walker, now Wm. Curry, thence E. N. E. 143 P. to a corner post, thence by land of the said Isaac Walker S. S. E. 112 P. to another corner post, thence W. S. W. 143 P. to the place of beginning, containing 100 A., being the same that Lewis Walker bequeathed to his son, the said Isaac Walker. Surveyed, Dec. rgth, 1754. FRANCIS WAYNE. 376 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. APPENDIX C. JOURNAL KEPT BY ISAAC RICHARDS FROM VALLEY FORGE, CHESTER COUNTY, PENNA., TO BUFFALO, N. Y. Chester Co. Penn., 11th Mo., 2nd, 1824. Began our journey from the Valley Forge, Chester Co., Penn., to Buffalo, in the State of New York. Crossed the Schuvlkill at Long Ford, passed the Trappe, and crossed Perkiomen at Mill and lodged at Gerhart’s Tavern, where we were well entertained. Distance, 24 miles. 3rd. Began our journey early this morning and crossed a branch of the Perkiomen, passed through Charlestown and Quakertown and crossed the Lehigh. Thence through Bethlehem, and lodged at Dris- hack’s Tavern, five miles from Bethlehem ; poor entertainment, with a greasy landlady. Distance, 28 miles. 4th. Proceeded on our journey early this morning, passed through New Town and Nazareth. Thence through Shawney Town and Jacobsburgh and crossed the Blue Mountains at Hellers. Jesse Roberts, Jacob W. Richards and myself climbed to the top where we had a fine prospect of the surrounding country and fired our pieces to the surrounding hills, but we were none the better for that as we had a walk of nine miles before we overtook the rest of our company. So much for our fun. We lodged at John Stom’s tavern where we were a little Yankeed. Distance, 26 miles. 5th. Started early this morning on our journey, but we had not proceeded above three miles when we were forced to put up on account of the rain. Stopped at Eddinger’s Tavern, about eight o'clock. The rain having subsided we started about two o’clock, although we had several showers in the afternoon. We crossed the Pocano Moun- tains and barrens and lodged at Thomas’ Tavern, in the edge of the Beech woods where we were well entertained. Distance, 12 miles. 6th. Started early this morning, having to pass through the Beech woods, a distance of 12 miles, with but one house the whole distance, APPENDIX. 377 and a wild looking place it is for a person to pass through that has never travelled any before. Wecrossed the Lackawaxen and one of its branches and lodged at Swingle’s Tavern, where we were well enter- tained. Distance, 27 miles. 8th. We proceeded on our journey early this morning, eager to arrive at Uncle D. Richards (No. 65). We passed through the moun- tains, the County town of Susquehanna County, and arrived in the evening about seven o'clock, at Uncle D. Richards. Glad to get a little rest. Distance, 27 miles. gth. We stayed there and hunted, viewed the hills of the Susque- hanna County, but found nothing very enticing. The 11th, after refreshing ourselves with two days rest and replenishing our provisions, we pursued our journey over the hills of the Susquehanna County, about 12 miles when we crossed the line into the State of New York. Crossed the North Branch of the Susquehanna at Oswego, a flourishing village, where we lodged at Manning’s Inn. Well entertained. Dis- tance to-day, 20 miles. 12th. Took an early start this morning overa middling level road, though the late rains had made it very heavy travelling. The land appears to be better than any we have seen since we crossed the Blue Mountains. White oak and chestnut oak begin to make their appear- ance in considerable quantities to-day, though we saw some few of them yesterday. Hemlock is beginning to disappear very fast, although it has been our constant companion for upwards of one hun- dred miles. The streams are clear on this side of the river, but on the other side they are dyed by the hemlock, through which they pass. Lodged at Smith’s Inn, where we were well entertained. Distance, 25 miles. 13th. Started this morning, having a very rough road, it having froze very hard last night and being soft the day before, has made the road extremely rough. We passed through Ithaca, a flourishing village, at the head of Cayuga Lake. The land appears very fine in this place. The wood is principally sugar maple, beech, pine, the different kinds of oak, with some hickory. We had a fine sight of the lake after we had passed the town a mile or so. J. Roberts, J. Richards and I went 378 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. down within a few miles of it when we discovered an immense number of wild ducks; a fine shot, but we had no guns with us, and were forced to leave them behind, and march back, not well pleased that we had not an opportunity of discharging our pieces at them, at least once. We passed through Trumansville, and lodged at Thomas’s Tavern. A Pennsylvanian from Philadelphia, good entertainment. Distance, 20 miles. 14th. Started early this morning on our journey over a very rough road. Passed through a very fine, level country, apple and peach orchards appear to be numerous. A great deal of the former fruit is not yet gathered in. We passed through Farmersville and Ovid village but were forced to put up about three o’clock in the afternoon. We stopped at Depue’s Inn, where we were well entertained. Distance, 20 miles. 15th. We took anearly start this morning though it still continued to rain a little. The country is about the same character as that we passed through yesterday. We were forced to lay by from about 11 o’clock this morning until 3 in the afternoon. We stopped at Hen- gan’s Inn, a Dutch Yankee, for he Yankeed us. The rain having abated, we went on and lodged at Teel’s Inn, on the shore of Seneca Lake, where we were well entertained. Distance, 13 miles. 16th. We started this morning through the mud. Passed through Geneva, situated on the North-west side of Seneca Lake, near the out- let of the same. Then we passed Canandaigua Lake and thence along the shores of the same for about 34 of amile. We passed through the town of the same name, a very flourishing place, two miles beyond that we lodged at Wilder’s Inn. Good entertainment. Distance, 20 miles. 17th. We took an early start this morning, and passed through East and West Bloomfield. The land is now becoming more hilly the farther we advance. Plenty of mud to-day. Fruit is still plenty. We lodged at Osburn’s Inn, in the village of Owen. Distance 20 miles. 18th. Left our lodging early this morning, the mud having frozen last night made the roads very rough. We crossed the Genesee River, APPENDIX. 379 passed through Caledonia. The land is becoming more hilly with several veins of limestone running through it. We passed through La Roy, and lodged at Reynolds’ Inn, where we were well entertained. Distance 19 miles. tgth. Took a middling early start this morning. The road is still getting worse the farther we proceed. We passed through Batavia, a very flourishing place. The country is not so fertile as it has been. We lodged at Goff’s tavern. Distance 17 miles. 2oth. Left lodgings early this morning and proceeded over a rough road. The mud still continues very deep. We arrived late in the evening at Williamsville, where we lodged. Distance 19 miles. 21st. Started this morning at sunrise, the road still about the same. Passed through Buffalo, a very flourishing village, situated on Buffalo Creek and Lake Erie. Crossed the Creek and lodged at the beach of Lake Erie, at Salisbury’s Inn. Poor accommodations. Distance 14 miles. 22nd. Proceeded this morning along the shore of Lake Erie the distance of 4 miles. Travelling on the beach is both difficult and tedious. The sand is so deep and loose that it fatigues our horses more than the mud. We lodged at Tubs Hollow at Hunt’s Tavern. Distance, 14 miles. 23rd. Started early this morning eager to arrive at our journey’s end. The road is extremely bad in some places. We were up to the wagon bed in mud, with rain. We arrived at J. Taylor’s about 3 o’clock, P. M. on the 23rd of the 11th Mo., 1824. Distance to-day, 12 miles. After staying here five days and viewing the country, which we did not find so good as represented to us, we therefore resolved after travel- ling 400 miles to steer to some other point. We left Taylor’s on the 28th, for the State of Ohio. We crossed Clear Creek, thence through the Indian settlement. The land appears to be very fertile, great numbers of horses and cattle are feeding on the prairies. But few of the Indians attend to much farming. We crossed Cattaraugus Creek, and lodged at Howar’s Tavern, where we were well entertained. Dis- tance, 14 miles. 380 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. 29th. This morning we proceeded on our journey through some fine country and some middling poor. We passed through Fredonia, lodged at Fox’s Inn, where we were well entertained. Distance, 14 miles. 30th. Started early this morning, passed through Westfield, crossed Chautauqua and lodged at Stetson’s Inn. Distance, 14 miles. 12th Mo., rst. Took a middling early start this morning. The road getting better, it not having rained since we left Taylor’s. We lodged at Lyon’s Tavern. Good fare. Distance 17 miles. 2nd. Left our lodgings early this morning and passed through the town of Erie. Not avery populous place considering the time since it was laid out. We lodged at Huston’s, a house of entertainment on the turnpike leading from Erie to Pittsburg. Well entertained. Dis- tance 14 miles. 3rd. It being a rainy morning, we did not start until late. The road very muddy. We arrived in the evening at Waterford, where we put up at King’s ‘Tavern, and were well enteatained. Distance, 14 miles. Ath, Started this morning early, crossed French Creek at the outlet of Labceuf Lake. Lodged at Keepler’s place, nothing to brag of. Distance 14 miles. 5th. Started this morning early. ‘The snow fell last night to the depth of about 2 inches. The road very bad, the day very cold, we traveled 8 miles, when we arrived at Meadville and put up at Hurst’s Inn. In this place we tho’t of putting up for the winter at least, but were not all agreed. We stayed here until the 7th, when we again turned out on the road. We arrived at Georgetown, put up at Dunn’s tavern, good fare. Distance 15 miles. 8th. Took an early start this morning, the day cold and the road very rough. We arrived at Mercer, the county town of Mercer County, where we put up at Herrington’s Tavern. Not very good fare. Distance 15 miles. gth. Took an early start this morning, very cold; we passed through some very poor looking country, for about ten miles and then it began to grow better. We lodged at Hunter’s, a private house, APPENDIX. 381 where we had to do the best we could, as he and his wife were rather ‘‘ before the wind.’’ Distance, 13 miles. roth. It being rainy this morning, we did not start until late. We arrived at New Castle, situated between the waters of the Neshanock and Chenango. Here we put up at Chenworth’s Tavern. Distance, 5 miles. t1th. We stayed at New Castle until late in the afternoon, and got our horses shod. We then proceeded, crossing the Chenango and Mahoning. We arrived in the evening at Jacksonville and lodged at Schockey’s ‘Tavern. Distance, 5 miles. 12th. Started early this morning, passed through Greensburg, situated in a poor, hilly country, and lodged at Robert Johnson’s, a house of private entertainment ; middling fare. Distance, 15 miles. 13th. Took an early start this morning, crossed the line between Pennsylvania and the State of Ohio. We crossed Little Beaver Creek and lodged in Fancette Town, at Fayette Tavern on the banks of the Ohio River. Distance, 15 miles. 14th. Started early this morning and crossed Big Yellow Creek. Passed through Knoxville, and lodged at Jones’s Tavern. Distance, 17 miles. rsth. Started early this morning, passing through Steubenville, a flourishing village situated on the banks of the Ohio. Here area steam grist-mill, woolen and cotton factories, all of which do a great deal of business. We put up at the Widow Shaw’s Ferry house, poor fare. Distance, 9 miles. 16th. Proceeded on down the Ohio River, passed through Warren and lodged at Jacob Zeel’s, a private house, where we stayed until the 18th, it being rainy, and then started and arrived at Mt. Pleasant, in Jefferson County, State of Ohio, about 12 o’clock on the same day. Distance, 21 miles. 635 miles, whole distance from Valley Forge. From Valley Forge to D. Richards, . . . 169 miles. «¢ D. Richards to I. Taylors,.....226 “ ‘¢ I. Taylors to Meadville, . . .. ..t110 “ ‘¢ Meadville to Mt. Pleasant,. . . . .130 * 655 6c 382 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. The parties referred to in this journal consisted of Samuel Richards and his wife Ann W. Richards, and their seven children, with their nephew, Jesse Roberts, of Lower Merion Township, Montgomery County, Penna. ‘Their names and ages at the time of the journey as follows, viz.: Samuel Richards, age 46. Ann Richards, age 46. Isaac Richards, age 21. Jesse Roberts, age 21. Jacob W. Richards, age 1g. Beulah W. Richards, age 17. Mary P. Richards, age 15. Sarah Richards, age 13. Samuel Richards, age 1o. Ann Walker Richards, age 4. They traveled with a four horse team loaded with their household goods, consisting of beds, bedding and personal clothing in trunks, chests, &c., and such cooking utensils as were necessary to cook the provisions on the journey, together with three shot guns, or smooth bore rifles. Our mother and Ann rode in the wagon on a seat fixed for them. The rest of the children had seats when they wanted to ride, but made most of the journey on foot. When the roads were good and walking could be dispensed with, the four boys would mount the horses and the rest take seats in the wagon and we could make time faster, but this was seldom the case. The writer was the youngest of the boys, and he has a very distinct recollection of the journey. Many times he felt tired and foot sore from the walking he had to do during the trip. It was fifty-five years, last December, when the jour- ney was closed, and all the parties comprising the company have gone to their long home except the two last mentioned in the above list. (Written by Samuel Richards, of Ironton, Ohio, with a copy of his brother’s journal, and sent to his niece, Jennie Evans, of Mt. Pleasant, Ohio, February, 1880.) APPENDIX. 383 APPENDIX D. LETTER OF RESIGNATION OF REV. WILLIAM CURRIE, FROM THE RECORDS OF ST. DAVID’S CHURCH, RADNOR. May 16th, 1776. The Wardens and Vestrymen of St. David’s Church. GENTLEMEN : Age and infirmity having rendered me unable to officiate any longer, I take this method to let you know that I shall decline attend- ing your church any more, but though Providence has so ordered that I can serve you no more in public, yet God forbid that I should cease to pray for you in private. No, as | have taken the best care I was able under an infirm state of health to shew you a good and right way, so while I breathe I will not cease to pray that God may give you his Grace to enable you to walk in it. AndasI shall not cease to pray for you, I beseech you, neglect not to pray for yourselves. Prayer is at all times your duty, but more especially in troublesome times. When deprived of the church, make use of the closet, and then pour out your complaints to him who seeth in secret and will in his own good time reward you openly. A devout man, though he has but his chamber to retire to, and his doors be shut upon him, yet he lives as it were in Goshen. When flashes of judgment burst upon other persons, ’tis calm in the prayer room ; when the destroying Angel had overrun every house in Egypt with death, when there was nothing but carcasses and crying in each dwelling, there was not one Shriek inall the Land of Goshen. When a thick darkness dwelt upon the nation, the praying Israelites had light in all their dwellings, and when sad, dark clouds sit, as it were, on God’s countenance, and pours down Inundations of Tempests upon a carhless, lukewarm and backsliding people, yet even then his face shines in the Closets of Devotion there he breaks in and reveals his comforts as is so there as his Angel was at that time a Pillar of light to 384 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. the one and of a Cloud to the other; let the Devotion Chamber be your Sanctuary till these troublesome times be overpassed: flee for refuge to the horns of the Altar, the throne of Grace, there offer up the Incense of your prayers and let the lifting up of your hands be as the even Sacrifice. Thus, my dear little flock, I bid you heartily fare- well and am with great love and affection; your faithful pastor till death. WILLIAM CURRIE. May 26th, 1776. GENTLEMEN : Age and infirmity having render’d me unable to officiate in publick at this time, you are not to expect me at church any more till circum- stances are altered, and when it shall please God to restore me to a better state and I can again with safety return to ve exercise of my function, I will confine myself to your church if ye congregation will make ye Glebe house fit for me to live in. From your loving Pastor. WILLIAM CURRIE. P. S. Let this be pinn’d in ye Vestry Book. APPENDIX. 385 APPENDIX E. REES THOMAS AND MARTHA AWBREY, EARLY SETTLERS IN MERION. BY GEORGE VAUX. Rees Thomas and Martha Awbrey seem to have arrived in America late in the year 1691, both being passengers in the same vessel with a large number of other persons, members of the Society of Friends. They were engaged to be married prior to their departure from Eng- land. Rees Thomas appears to have been a native of Monmouthshire, a district closely bordering on Wales. The certificate furnished him by the Friends of Chepstow (a town not far from Bristol, from which emigrant vessels frequently sailed) testifies that he ‘‘had been very serviceable upon the account of truth in all honest designs,’’ and ‘‘ one that walked according to the order of truth from his first convince- ment.’’ And also that he was ‘‘ of a meek and quiet disposition and well beloved of all sort, [and] descended of a good family.’’ Martha Awbrey was descended from an ancient Welsh family, which, for many generations, had been seated in Brecknockshire. The pedigree of the family is preserved in an ancient roll or chart, dated 1633, in the hands of an English descendant. The chart also contains pedigrees of various families allied by marriage to the Awbreys, together with designs of coats of arms, about sixtyinall. The Awbrey pedigree traces descent from Saunders de St. Awbrey, brother of Lord St. Awbrey, Lord Marshal of France and Earl of Boulogne, who came into England in 1066. ‘The name seems to have been Teutonic, and formerly Alberic or The White King. Sir Reginald Awbrey, knight, son of the former, ‘‘ came to the conquest of Brecknockshire with Bernard Newmarke in 1092, by whom he was granted the manors of Aberkynfrig and Slwch’’ (Slough). From Sir Reginald the descent of the family property is traced through twelve names, most of which represent generations, to Richard Awbrey, of Aberkynfrig, who died in 1580, having previously sold 386 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. the ancient seat of the family at that place. Hisson, Richard Awbrey, married Anne, daughter of William Vaughan, and in right of his wife became Lord of the Manor of Llanelyw. He died in 1646, and was buried under the floor of the chancel of the church of Llanelyw. His grave is covered with a flat tombstone, forming part of the pavement, which has upon it the following inscription : ‘‘ Here lyeth the body of Richard Awbrey of Llanelyw Gent, who married Anne Vaughan daughter to William Vaughan of Llanelyw, who had issue William, Richard, Thomas, John, Theophilus and Elizabeth. Died the 23 day of September 1646.’’ The combined arms of the Awbrey and Vaughan families are also carved on the stone, and the inscription, as far as it precedes the state- ment of issue, runs around the four sides of the tablet, beginning at the top, and terminating at the upper end of the left-hand side. Richard Awbrey (the second) had several children, as above stated, of whom William, the eldest, and Thomas, the third son, as well as their father, were Puritans and Parliamentarians. The second son, Richard (the third) was an adherent of the king, and a clergyman, being vicar of Boughrod in Radnorshire. William had no son, and the Llanelyw estate being entailed the heir to it was the second brother, Richard. In order to keep the property in the hands of the descend- ants of Puritan stock, William, finding his death likely to be near, hastily married his only daughter, Elizabeth, to her first cousin, William, the eldest son of his brother Thomas, both of them being under age. This was in 1646, about a year before his decease, and by his will he sought to place his son-in-law in the position of a son of his own. Richard, the clerical brother and heir in tail, instituted legal proceedings to recover the property, but the matter was finally settled by arbitration, apparently in such a way that the youthful couple, William and Elizabeth Awbrey, were able to retain the Llane- lyw estate. It is probable that William Awbrey was a member of the Society of Friends. It is certain that his sons, Richard and William (the latter of whom married Letitia Penn for his second wife), and his daughter Martha, belonged to that religious denomination. He had APPENDIX. 387 ten children by his wife Elizabeth. He died in 1716, aged ninety, and was buried in Llanelyw churchyard, where is still to be seen an altar-tomb erected over his remains, with the following inscription : ‘‘Here lyeth the body of William Awbrey of Llanelyw, Son of Thomas Awbrey Gent. Married Elizabeth daughter of William Awbrey. Had issue Ten. Richard, William, 2 Thomas, Theophilus, Anne, Mary, 2 Martha and Elizabeth. Departed this life in Hope of a Joyful Resurrection, the 16 of December 1716, aged go.’’ The figures 2 before the names Thomas and Martha indicate that there were two children of these names. ‘There are tombstone inscrip- tions at Llanelyw, showing that the first Martha died in 1662, and the first Thomas in 1669. | Rees Thomas settled in Merion, where he acquired a considerable body of land, upon part of which the present villages of Bryn Mawr and Rosemont stand. He was married to Martha Awbrey at Haver- ford, on the 18th of the Fourth Month, 1692. The phraseology of the marriage certificate evidently presents the very words used by the parties when taking each other in marriage. The following extract is given : ‘‘The said Rees Thomas solemnly declared, friends I am standing here in the presence of God and before you I do take Martha Awbrey to be my wedded wife and by God’s assistance do promise to be true and loving and faithful unto her and to behave myself unto her as becomes a man to behave himself towards his wife so as to continue till death part us. In lke manner the said Martha said, I am here in the presence of God and before you I also take Rees Thomas to be my husband and I do promise to love him and make much of him till death part us.’’ A few years after their marriage, Rees and Martha Thomas wrote jointly to her aged father. The original of this letter is still preserved in the hand of a descendant. It is dated, ‘‘ Ye 29th day of ye 2d Mo 1695,’ and is addressed, ‘‘ Most dear & tender Father.’’ The follow- ing extracts will be found interesting, the original spelling being preserved : ‘‘Our dutyfull and harty Respects salute the hopeing these few 388 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. lines will find thee in good health as I & my wife & two children are all this present time my son Aubrey was borne ye 3oth day of ye 11th month and ye fourth day of ye weeke 1694 his mother and he now very harty praysed be to ye Lord for ye same I doe understand yt thou were not well pleased yt my oldest son [Rees] was not caled an Aubrey. I will assure thee that I was not against it, but my neibors wood have him to be caled my name, being I bought ye Land and I So beloved amongst them. I doe admite to what thee sayes in thy Letter yt an Aubrey was better known than I: though I am hear very well aquanted with most in those parts, he is the first Aubrey in Pen- silvania and a stout boy he is of his age, being now a quarter. My unkle John Bevan came over very well and a good voyage he had, he tould me he had seen thee twise, which we were very glad of thy well keeping in years and also hopeing noe vexation nor trouble will come upon thee upon either hand which will be a great exercise to us to hear of nothing but what will atend to thy goodness: hopeing my brother Richard and his wife will make much of thee in thy ould age, thy dater & I would wish to see thee hear and I hope wood be a nurse to thee in thy ould age I was now very sorry to hear of ye death our brother William his wife, where in ther was great commendation of her integrity in ye truth by severall hear yt knows her and I will writ to him. ‘‘] have been very weake in body ye Last winter having a great fite of sickness, but ye Lord pleased to recover me & bring me up agen blessed be ye Lord for his goodness & tender delings to me both out- wordly & inwordly: my wife had her health very well all a Longe since shee came to ye country. ‘‘T lost much time in going to faires and markets. William Fisheir of Rose formerly [is] now Living in Philadelphia. ‘¢' Thy dater desires thee to acquaint her of her age in ye next letter. My son Rees Remembers his Love to his Granfather and also to his nanty Anne, he doth speake very Liberally but unkle isa hard word for [him], his Love is to Richard, a brave bould boy he is now without a mayd servant for they are very scarce hear, upon noe terms an ordinary man of seven or eight pounds att Lest and cannot have them upon no account. APPENDIX. 389 ‘‘T had about 16 score bushels of wheat this year. I have 15 heds of cattle, six horses what dyed this winter, for it was a hard winter, they say they never saw ye like of.”’ In addition to the two children named in the foregoing letter, Rees and Martha Thomas had a third son, William. Of these, Rees and William left descendants. Awbrey visited England and married Gulielma, the only daughter of William Penn, Jr., and granddaughter of the Founder. Hedid not long survive his marriage, and died with- out issue, probably in England. Rees Thomas survived his wife a number of years. Martha died in 1726. After her death a small book was published by S. Keimer, entitled, ‘‘A collection of Elegiac Poems devoted to the Memory of the late virtuous and excellent Matron and worthy Elder in the Church of Christ of the Society of Friends Martha Thomas, late wife of Rees Thomas of Merion of the County of Philadelphia in the Province of Pennsylvania and Daughter of William Awbrey of Llanelieu in the County of Brecknock in Great Britain who departed this life the 7th of r2th Mo. 1726 7.”’ A modern edition of the same, bearing the above title, was printed by Lydia R. Bailey, Philadelphia, 1837. 390 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. APPENDIX F. LETTER TO LEWIS WALKER FROM BENJAMIN HOLME, WRITTEN 4TH MO. 20TH, 1719. FOUND AMONG THE PAPERS OF REBECCA JANNEY (No. 227) BY HER DAUGHTER, SUSAN W. JANNEY, 1713 GREEN STREET, PHILADELPHIA. ANTIGO, 20th of the 4th month 1719. Respected friend Lewis Walker in that pure love which reaches over sea and land Do I kindly salute thee & thy wife and friends in your parts with desires that the power of truth may prevail in the hearts of all them that the lord has Graciously visited with a visitation from on high that so there may be a holy subjection yealded to his mind and will in all things that he may rule and reighn whose right it is and where as friends dwells under his holy and Peacable government there will be great peace and Concord amongst them and by their good order they will shew forth the wisdem of Spiritual Solomon and as it so they will speak convincingly for they truth as I respect thee and thy wife I can say I desire you may live near the truth in your selves that so you may be of good savor while you live and that you may leave a sweet name and Savour behind you as many of our good friends have done who are now at rest with the lord and while you are spared with your children I desire that you may watch carefully over them and endeavour to keep them within they bounds and limits of truth as much as in you lies and if they are dutifull and Obedient to you in all good things as they aught to be they may hope for a blessing to attend them for to be shure it is good for Children to obey their parents in the lord as the holy apostles advised and many that have rejected their good parents and friends council has braught grate ruin upon themselves as well as grief to their parents and in that escequence (?) of Marriage I desire that they may have an eye to the Lord and to the council of honest friends that is concerned for their groth in the truth and Preservation I APPENDIX. 391 do desire their welfare in all respects and that they may live in the fear of the lord and in love and peace one with another and speak lovingly and tenderly to one another so that they may be a comfort to you. and one another. | I landed in Barbades on the 8th 8th Month there is some on that island that truth is valuable to May the lord daily add to their number I came from thence on the gth of this instant and on the 12th I arrived here I think I shall go from hence to some of the lower Islands So with True love to thee and, thy wife and friends in general I remain thy Loving friend BENJAMIN HOLME. At the time of your yearly meeting in the 7th month if thou please to take a letter with thee to Christopher Blackbush and give it to him to send to England to me. The letter was addressed To Lewis Walker Near Radnor These (A true copy wrote by Joseph Dickenson, a great-grandson-in-law of Lewis Walker, by the request of hisaunt Leah W. Moore.) Index. INDEX. The italic figures refer to the pages, the others to the individual numbers. Aandrewson, Thomas, ..... . jE Abraham, Ann (Davis), 1366 David, ; 2, 669 Elizabeth, ; 4 Hannah ( Seorge), 1366 Isaac, ; . . 1366 James,... . . 4, 8, 1366 Joseph, ....... 1366 Margaret ( Davis), 1366 Martha M., 1366 Susan ( Eastburn), 1366 Adams, Annie, 1597 Rachel ( Davis), 106 Addams, George S., 1182 George W., 513 Aker, John, .... . . . 1085 Alderson, Christopher Alderson, . . 669 Alexander, Emma, ..... 1026 Allen, Eliel, . ..... 324 Elizabeth Jane, . . . 847 Hannah,........ 8 James,.... . 848 Mary Ann,......... 844 Milton, 771 Priscilla, . . . 332 Rebecca, . Lo. 8 Rebecca Ellen, . . . 846 Ruthanna, ... . . 849 Samuel,. ......... 1723 Sarah Margaret, . . 845 William, Doe ee 1722 Allison, Alvin,. . .. . 1717 Annie, ........ 1715 Ditmer, . . 1716 Allison, Ella, .... 1714 James, ........ 1712 John,........ 1711 Mandilla,....... 1713 Mary, ..... ..... 321 Rachel, 1718 Robert W., ty ee 844 Altemus, Abijah, re 198 Almira, .......... 490 Anna Maria, ........ 489 Eliza, ... . 1. ee 196 Frances Swayne, ...... 488 Hannah,. ....... 195, 492 Hiram, .......... 491 Isaac, . . .. . 194 Jarman, ........ 193 Leonard, ....... » 73 Lydia, ......... 192 Rhoda, .......... 197 Altick, Samuel, . ....... 1558 Ambler, Caroline, . 1845 Evan,..... 1042, 1442 Ames, William, 1386 Anderson, Annie, ....... 1867 EBlizabeth, ......... .6 Emma, ...... 1869 Emily R.,. 2... 2. . 1515 Everett,. . ....-... 1402 Harriet, . .... 105 Henry, ........ . 780 Isaac,. ..... 249, 774 Jackson, ......4.-., I515 James, .. 1... ee ee 1865 Dr. James, 276 396 Anderson, John, ........ 1688 Joseph, 777 Kuriah, ...... 776 Martha,. ......... 1866 Mary, ........ 773, 2157 Naomi, .......... 775 Patrick, 6, 779, 1402 Priscilla,n . ........ 778 Robert,. ........--, 1870 Rush, ........4... 781 Sarah,......... 715 William, ......... 1079 Anthony, Belle, ...... 1864 Earl,. . .. 1862 Lloyd, ......-.. 1863 Sadie, 2... ....24. 1100 William, ...... 1078 Arnold, Annie, 1882 Benedict. ......... 249 Elizabeth,. . ....... 1879 Lewis, .......... 1880 Romaine, ........ 1883 Samuel, ......... 1081 Susan, ...... 1881 Askew, Barbara, . 669 Atkinson, Hannah, ....... 250 James,......... 250, 27 Aubrey, Anne, . . 387 Elizabeth, . 387 John, .. .-.. ; . 386 ‘1, Martha, . 6 24 112, 985 “ru? é 7 od Mary, .. » j87 Richard, . F860 VA (es -Theophilus, . 387 “Thomas, . 386, 387 ‘; William, . . . 112, 786 " Audenried, Joseph Crain, 1489 Florence, ......... 2247 Austin, Samuel, . . 8 Awbrey, see Aubrey. Ayers, Rev., . . 203 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. Babb, Henry, Bachiler, Stephen, Theodate, Bailey, Dillyn, Dr. Jesse, Lydia R., Rachel, Rebecca,. . ....... Sydenham, . Thomas,........., Baldwin, Abner, . . Hannum, Morris, .........., Ballinger, Cassandra, Bane, Annie, . Donald, ......... Isaac Walker, James, John, .........., Mary (Robinson), . Ballard, Col., . Bannister, Dr., Barber, Isaac, . ....... Bardswell, Mary (Walker), . . . Barefoot, Daniel,. . ...... Barkhurst, Naomi,. ...... Barnaby, Charles W., . Edwin, Fay, .. Ida, James, . . Lauretta, Barnard, Josephine, Lydia, . . Richard, . Barrett, Rachel, Barriclon, Donald, Henry, . . Joseph, . . Paul, Barry, James, , oe ee ee Bartholemew, Catherine ( Davis), - 533 1066 Bartholemew, Edward, . . Emily, John, . . Lydia, . Sarah, . Le Batt, Dr Wilmer, Baynes, Capt. Adam, Agnes, Alice, Ann, Beezon, . . Elizabeth, . Elizabeth ( Priestman ) Fanny, . . Frances, . . . Frances (Beezon), Hannah,. . . James, John, John Beezon,. . Joseph, . Joseph P., . Mabel, Margaret, Mary, Miriam, Oswald, . Thomas, .... Thomas Priestman, William, . Bearinger, Emma, Beasley, Hannah,. . Beaver, De Walt, . Frank, Loe Jacob Lynford, John, ..... Mary E., . . Beck, Harry, Maria, . . Noah, Beeson, Mary, . Beezon, Frances, . . 669, 1384 INDEX. , 282 , 282 , 282 . . 282 . . 105 . 1573 . . 669 . 669 . . 669 . . 669 . 669 . 669 ». . . . 669 . 1384 . . 669 . 669 . 669 . 669 . . 669 . 669 . . 669 . 669 . . 669 . . 669 . 669 . 669 669 . . 669 . . 669 . 1865 . . 748 . 677 . . 760 . 1619 . . 677 . 1618 . 1942 » + 555 Beezon, John, Beidler, Abraham, Abraham Lincoln, Anna Landes, Annie Landes, Elizabeth, . .... Elizabeth Yarnell, Ellen Priscilla, Ethel Jean, Fannie Elizabeth, Israel, Jacob. . .... Jacob Howard, Jonathan Warren, Laura May, Margaret Currie, Mary, Sarah Louisa, . . . . Sarah W. (Stephens), Stephen Leslie,. . . . William M.,..... William S., Beitzel, Nannie, Bellatti, John A., Rose Anna, Ruth, Walter... ..... Bennett, Mary, Bentz, Amer, Catherine, Charles, Cordelia, Daniel, David, John, 398 Bentz, Millard, Milton, Monroe, Russell, Theresa, Walker, Berkheimer, A, . Bernard, Susan, Bethel, Anna, . . Betz, Eliza, Bevans, Evan ap, . . Eveniah, . Stephen, . Bible, Sarah Ann ( Townsend), Biddle, Clement, . . Bieber, John, . . Bitinger, Edith, Roy, Stewart, Bittle, Sallie, . Black, Adam I., Alice, John, Mary, , Blackburn, Beulah, Carrie, Charles, Cyrus, . Harry, . Myrtle, Nettie, . Odessa, . . Blackbush, Christopher, Blakley, Abram, . Benjamin, Lillie, Rachel, . William, , Blanchard, Caroline, Blauser, Emma, Minty, . Bloom, Lydia Lucinda, GENEALOGY OF . 1889 . 2387 . 1906 . . 1892 . 2388 . 1886 . 1871 . 1336 . 1106 . 203 . 267 . 267 . 267, 20 - §39 . 46 - 373 - 2379 . . 2380 . 1876 . . 750 . 1719 . 1720 . 846 _ 1721 . 1730 . 1727 - 1733 . . 855 . 1728 . 1731 1732 . 1729 SOL . 2114 . 1362 . 2112 . 2113 . 2115 . 705 . Igi2 . IQII . 930 THE WALKER FAMILY. Bloom, Sarah Jane, ... . Thomas, . Blunston, John, Bond, Charles, John, ........ Joseph, Samuel, William, . . Bonsall, Edward, Mary (Ridley), Bowen, Evan, . Bowser, Jacob C., Boyer, Margaret, Bradford, Andrew, Bradshaw, Samuel, . Branson, Lydia Jane, Mary, Thomas, . . Bridgeman, Richard, Bright, Frank D., Holstien DeHaven, Mary DeHaven, . . Brinton, Eleanor (Waters), . . Broadess, Ann, . William, . Brodie, Evelyn, Brook, Anna, Brooke, Abner. . Fliza Ann, . Helen, H. Jones, . Hunter, . Ida, Marie, Nathan, Rebecca, William, Brookes, John, Ruth, Brooks, Elizabeth, Broomell, Seneca P., Brower, Archer, . 77, 1306 . 1305 . 638 . 2711 - 1447 ; . 16 . 1727 . 854 . 46 - . . IQ . . 540 . 84 . . 217 . . 266 . 1633 . . 2367 . 2366 . . 282 . 108, 717 . 108 - . 1497 - 1349 . . 363 . . 363 . 2364 . 2362 1627, 2363 . , 2361 . 2365 , 1624 . 275 , 2360 . 669 _ 106 . . 23 . . 580 , §12p INDEX. Brower, Charles, . . . . 812p Clyde, , 812p Colley, ........2.. 812p Jacob, .......... 812p Sherman, ......... 8112p Brown, Asahel W., . 928 Charles L., . , 1221 Clara, ..... . 984 David Walter, ....... 929 Deborah E., _ 1225 Edwin J.,. . . 1223 Eliza, . . re . 641 Enoch Arden, . . . . 2005 Enoch S., . 556 Harriet, . . . . . 516 Joel, . . . 926 John, ...... . 46, 282 JohnG.,. ..... . . 342 Joseph B., . ... » «925 Joshua, . . . . 15 Le Roy, . 2007 Lewis, .... . , 2016 Mary Ellen, . 924 Mary Elizabeth, . 2006 Melissa, . . . 224 Millie K., Lone . 224 Millin Thomas,. . . . 927 Oliver R.,. 2... ...20202. 1226 Pearl, Lo . 2008 Priscilla W., . . 922 Susanna, . . . 923 Thamzin W., . 1224 Warren W., . . 2009 William, ...... . 1940 William W., . 1222 Brownell, Anna, . 565 Bruce, Mary, . 45 Sarah, . . 42 Bruner, Helen, . 1030 Buckman, John, . 773 Buckwalter, Laura Massey, . 2322 Lela, . . 2324 108 f° Buckwalter, Mary, Roberts, .... Buffington, Ruth, Burket ( Birckhead), Mary, Burkson, John, Bushby, Eliza, Bye, Abel, Addison, Any E., _Anna, Edward, Elisha, Elisha J., Eliza, ....., Elizabeth, Louisa, Martha, Mary, Samuel, Walter, William, William S., Cadwalader, John, Mary, Thomas, Caley, Cyrus, .... David Ashmore, . Ella Beidler, Hannah Mary, . Harry Thomas, . Jonathan Richards, . J. Oswald, .. . Laura Massey, Sarah Lucy, Calp, Samuel, Campbell,. . . . Caner, George Colket, Harrison Koons, toe eee 546 1193 547 2397 . 2243, 2396 400 GENEALOGY Caner, William, ........ 2398 Carman, Anna, ......... 788 Carmon, Angelina, ....... 434 Carmichael, Mary,. ....... 185 Carpenter, Amy Lee, ...... 1973 Howard, ......... 1972 John,. .......228~2% 1114 Carrel, Rada, . . 1712 Carson, Arnold. ........ 1099 Charles, . . 2... . 1949 ClaraE., ..... 1103 Clyde, 1951 Ellen, .......... 1950 EmmaE., ........ 1102 George Edward, ...... IIOI Harry, .......... 1948 Henry, 1 ee « 432 Jesse, 2... . 2... ee. 1952 Rachel Alice, ....... 1098 Wilbert, II0o Carter, Barbara, . . .. . . 832 Cassevallaunus, . . 5 Casswallon, ........ 5 Caton, Rev. J. S., 1691 Cerndal, Eliza, . . ...8 Chace, Edith, . . 1436 Chalfant, Caleb,. . . 2... . 135 Chalkley, T., . 1386 Chambers, Jane, . . . 1570 Joshua, ........ 135, 364 Rebecca, . 364 Sarah,. .... 41, 135, 220, 364 Chandler, Elizabeth, . 46 Jacob, | . 46 Chatwin, James, , . 267 Cheeseborough, Edward C . .e. . 803 Cheney, Algernon, . ; . 2033 Edith, . . . 1335, 2032 Jesse, . 1335 Jesse S., . 2031 Joseph, . 1335, 2029 Marianna, . 2030 OF THE WALKER FAMILY. Cheney, Phcebe, Christy, Jane, Church, Rebecca, . Clare, Esther, Clark, Alice, Clarke, Mary, Clay, Parson, Cleaver, Anna, . . Charles, . .. Charlotte, . . Elizabeth, . . Emily, ... Harry, Jane, Jonathan, . Kesiah, Lydia,. ... Mary, Moses, Naomi, Rebecca, . . Rebecca (Ivins ) ; Sarah, . Theodosia, William, . . Clendenon, Isaac,. . . Clover, Mary, Coates, Aaron, Ann, .. Benjamin, Eliza, Elizabeth, Grace, . ; Hannah,. . Isaac, . James, Jane, Jonathan, Kesiah, Moses, Phoebe, Priscilla (Hutchinson), 1639 1439, 1638 . 265, 282, 789, 1636 Coe ee ee 282 . 282, 788, 1637 . 282 792 Loe ees 282, 791 . 265, 282 . . 265, 282, 794 Doe 282 168 249 . 249, 677 . . 249 . 249 . 249 . 249 _ . + 249 . 249, 677 . . 249 . 249 INDEX. AdI Coates, Richard, ..... . . .137 | Conard, Dennis, ... . . 1386 Samuel, ........ . . 249 Edward Bright, . 1386 Sarah, ........ . . 249 ElizaC., . 2... .. . 2141 Sarah (Thatcher),. . . . 138,397 Eliza (Bright), ......, 1386 Susanna,. ....... . .249 Ella V. ( Walker), . . 677, 1386 Tacy, 2... ee eee ee 249 Hananiah, ........., 691 Coats, Beula,. . ... 2... 1. 8 Isaac Walker,. . . .. 2. 687 Cocks, John L,. ....... . 439 Joseph,. ....., 253, 689, 1386 Coffin, Elizabeth, . . 2... . . . 713 Juanita,. . 2... 2142 Eunice, Lee ee ee 713 Martha, ...... 253, 688 James, ......... . 713 Mary,........ 690 John, ... 2... 2... . 713 Paul . .......204,4 106 Mary, .......... .713 Sarah, . . . . 106 Peter, .......828. 713 Winfield W., ....... 2140 Tristram, Loa 189, 713 | Conrad, see Conard. Coffyn, Sir Richard, ....... 713 | Conrow, Hannah, ........ 615 Colcord, Edward, ........ 713 | Cook, Abigail L., 2... 0... 1928 Peter, ..... woe ee 6 FIZ Alvin, 2... 0... 248% 1897 Phoebe (Hamilton), . . ... 713 Anne, ........ 416 Colehower, Mary, ........ 734 Anne E., ......... 1735 Colket, Annah Bush, . . . . . . 1490 Annie, .......... 1079 Charles Howard,. . .... 1494 Araminta,. .... . 1903 Edward Burton, ...... 2239 Asahel Walker, &86, IO71 Emily T.,. 2. ....202. 2243 Bertha, . .......2.2. 1909 5 Emma, .......... 1493 Calvin,. 2... ...4.% 1905 George Hamilton, . . . 1488, 2246 Caroline A... ......., 1926 Harry Coffin, ....... 1491 Catherine,. . ......., 1871. Herbert, . ......2.. 2238 Celian 2... .....408. 1930 Hoxsie,. .......4.. 2235 Charles, ........., 1907 Ida, Loe ee ee 1492 Clara, 2... .....2.2. 1904 James Hamilton,. ..... 2240 Curtis, . 2... Igl3 Mary Eunice, ....... 2236 Eliza A., ..... 1088 Mary Jane, 1489 Elizabeth,. ........ 1082 Mary P., ......... 2244 Ellen, ........2. 1894 Meredith Bright,. .... . 2241 Emma, .......... 1877 Percival Currie, . ..... 2242 Flora, Doe ee ee 1895 Sarah Marcia, ....... 1486 Frances Willard,. ..... 1927 Tristram Coffin, . 713, 2245, 2252 George W., . 336, 1071, 1736, 1872 William Coffin, . . . 2237 Georgiana, . ........ 890 William Walker, . ..... 1487 Gertrude, ......... 1910 Conard, Ann,. ......... 692 GleasonJ., ........ 1924 Cornelius, . 2... ..... 253 Hannah, . 421, 1081, 1878 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. 402 Cook, Hannah (Walker), . 153, 320 Hezekiah, ...... 417, 1080 IdaJ.,........024. 1739 Jacob, .......... 1893 James, ........4.. I9gI2 Jesse, 2... eee 153 Jessie,. . 2... 893 John, 153, 320, 420, 1875 John W., 2. .....2.. 1083 Joseph, ......... 1087 Leah Walker, . ...... 422 Lewis, .......... 1898 Lillie, 2. 2... 2... 24. Igt5 Margaret,. ........ 1876 Maria Jane, ........ 887 Martha Jane, ....... 1085 Mary,......... 419, 889 MaryA., ......... 1090 Mary Ellen... .. 2... 1738 Mary (Walker), . ..... 583 Mary (Weuman),...... 153 Matilda, ......... 1873 May, ........ 1899, 2372 MelissaG., ........ 1740 Miles, .......... 1914 Morris Gilpin, . . . 2... 1925 Nora, ........ . . 1906 Oliver, ........ 2. . 1874 Ralph, ...... » . « « 2373 Raymond,...... 1896, 2377 Robert Lee,. ......., 1932 Rosa. ....... 2... 1908 Roy,. .......... 2375 Ruth, .......... 2378 Ruth E., ......., . . 1091 Ruth Emma, . 894, 1931 Samuel, ......... . 8g! Sarah, .........., 1084 SarahAnn,. ........, 888 Sarah Jane, .. ..... . 1737 Scott, 2... .,.....2.. 2374 Theodore, ........ . 892 Cook, Theresa, . ..... 1734, 2382 Thomas G.,. . ... » . . 1929 Vina, . 2... . eee, 2383 Walker, . ...... 418, 1086 Walter,. ......2.2.~, 2376 William, rn IQIr William R.,. 2... 2 1. 1089 Cooke, Richard, .......2.., 46 Cooks, Elizabeth], ......., 429 Cookson, Daniel, . . .. . . . . 319 Israel,. 2... 2. ee 319 John, .........0.. 319 Cooper, Aaron, ....... . . 392 Amy, ......... . 1802 Anna, .......... 1057 Anne, .......... 1050 Annie, . ... . . . . 992, 1805 Asahel,. . . toe ee 1009 Asahel Walker,. . ... 371, 982 Benjamin, ......... 373 Brinton, .. ...... 1179 Caleb,. . ... tee ee 2 985 Carl, .........4. 1998 Charles, . . 2. . 1047, 1810 Charles William,. . .... 1332 Edith, .......2.2.. 1997 Ellis,. . 2... 1 we ee . HOTS Emma,.......... 1795 Esther, .......2.-. 1000 Frank, ...... we 1794 George, . . . 136, 995, 1995 George Paschall, . . .... 993 George W., . . 374, 983 Hannah, . .... . . 987, 1049 Hiram, ... . . . . «372,988 Hiram Lewis, . . . . 984, 1791 Henry B., . . + 999, 1809 Israel,. 2... 2. we. 989 James, .. . . . . . . 376, 1046 James Fennimore,. . . . . - 675 JamesM.,........ +376 JamesP., ........ -377 INDEX. 403 Cooper, Jarman, ........ 380 | Cowgill, Catherine, . . ....., 677 Jeremiah,. ...... 143, IO1O Eliza (Coates), . ... 2... 677 John McGill, . . 1808 Ellen... ......00204,4 677 Joseph, . 1002, 1807 Ezekiel, . 2... . . 677 Joseph P., . . 378 Hannah,. ...... 677 Josephine, . . 994 Henry, .......... 677 Julia, . . . 2027 Jane, .........0.0. 677 Laura, . 1996 John, ........040. 677 Lewis, . . . . 395, 1014 Lydia (McClure), . . 500 Lizzie M., . 998 Thomas,.......... 677 Louisa, . 1055 William, . 2... . 00, 677 Lucy,. .... 0... 605, 997 | Cox, Clewell Stanford, ....., 1725 Margaret, . 981 Glen Allen, .. 2... .., 1724 Margaret E., . 1003 Samuel, . 2... 2... 849 MariaF, ......... 990 | Coxe, Newton, .......2.., 617 Marian,. . ... to . 1804 | Coxshall, Martha, . 2... ...2.~;, 8 Mary,. . . 398, 1016, 1048, 1056 | Crawford, Athalia L. T., 2273 Milton, ........2.. 396 Benjamin H., ....... 1288 Morris, .......... 393 Charles H., ......2.. 1284 Phebe, ........2.. 375 Elizabeth Long, ...... 2275 Phebe P., . 2: ... 2... 379 EmmaN.,. ......2.. 1286 Sarah, . . 376, 394, 980, 986, 991 Emma Walker, ...... 2272 IOOI, IOII, 1054 Harry W., ........ 1282 Susan, . . . . . ee 377 JessieA.,, . 2... 20, 1287 Truman, .......... 996 John A... ......4. 624 Walter, . ... 1793 JosephC., 2... 2... I512 William,........2.. 1792 Martha, .......... 774 Willianna, ........, IOI2 Mary A., ......... 1283 William P. ; . 382, 384, 397 William M.,. ....... 1285 Wilmer, .......2.. 1803 Winfield Wilson,. . ... . 2274 Cope, Alicey. . 2... 2... 1797 | Cresson, Martha, ........ 288 Frederick,. . 2. 2... 1796 | Cross, Ann, .. 1... 2 ee ee 8 HenryC., ......... 987 | Crosswhaite, Ann,. ........ 8 John,. .......022. 1049 William, .......0.2.. 8 Coppuck, Malcolm M., ..... 1379 | Crouch,Emma J... ......., 625 Marian Graves, ...... 1379 | Crygeryr, Llewelyn,. ...... 250 Cordrey, Deborah,. . . ... .8 | Currie, Alexander, ....... 108 Cornwallis, General, . 46 Amn, «6. 2 ee ee eee 108 Corson, Amos, ........., 765 Elizabeth, 108 Coudon, Annie,. ........ 769 Hannah (Potts), ...... 108 Coulson, Charles, . .. .. 572 James,. ....- 1... ee 108 Jane (Davis),. .... 106 John, .....2...... 108 (\ 45 404 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. Currie, Margaret, ........ 108 Richard,. . ....... .108 Ross, .....- . . « . 108 William, . 2, 108, 772, 375 Rev. William, .. .. . - 108 Curwen, George, ........ I12 Custer, Ealy,. 2... 2... ee. 858 Cuthbert, Ogden, ........ 772 Cuthbertson, Lizzie, ..... 1583 William E.,........ 1583 Dallman, Laura, ........ 1575 Daniels, Annie, ........ 1408 Darlington, Amy, ....... 1449 Bertha, . . 2... . 1. 2 ew 1610 Brinton, . ..... ee ee 752 Caroline, .°.. 2. 2... 1609 Darr, David, .. . ..... . . 836 Hannah, ........ . 1693 Margaret,. ....... 1694 David, Brigit. .......... 8 Edward, ........4.. I7 James,. ....... . . 8,679 Jemima, .......... 2i John, .........24.. 3 Lewis,. ... ++... . . 16,19 4, Llewellyn, ........ 2.28 Meredith, ......... 106 Thomas, .......... 8 Davids, James, ......-.. IQ, 30 John, .........2.. Ig Meredith, ...... ry | Morris... 2... 2... - 30 Davies, James, ....... .8 Richard, .......... I7 William, .......... I7 Davis, Ann, . . « . . 106, 1366 Benjamin, -....... 8, 1366 Catherine, . 2... 2. 106 CharlesL., . . 2... 259 David, ....... 2.86 106 Eleanor (Stephens),. . . . . 670 Davis, Elizabeth, ........, 106 Ellen, . .......2.28.402. 7 Ellen Stephens, ......, 2289 Emma,.......... 1354 Hugh,. . 2... .. 2... 8 Isaac, . . . 2, 972, 372, 3731 374 James, ....... 8, 679, 772 Janey ...... . 106, 1657 JoannaJ., ........ .723 John,. . . . . . 2, 670, 1354, 26 Capt. John, » « 737, 1365, 1408 General John, we ee + 259 Dr. John Havard,. . . . . 250 Joseph, . . . . 249, 267, 670, 1530 Llewellyn, ........, 259 Margaret,. ........ 1354 Mary,...... . . . 106, 267 Mary (Havard),. ...... 250 Meredith, ........ 106 Mordecai, . ..... 670, 1530 Morgan, .. ....... IO Rachel, . ... . 106, 203 Samson, .......... 373 Sarah,. .......... 106 SarahS.,.......... 670 Susan, | . . « « . 267, 670, 676 Thomas,........ 106, 670 William, . 249, 250, 267, 670 Day, Hannah ......... 250 John, ........ . . . 250 Deardorf. W., .......4.. 1866 Joseph, tee ee 421 DeBurgh. Martha, ...... . 669 DeHaven. Anna, ...... . 1635 Charles, ........-. 788 Elizabeth (Schiphower), . . . 788 Emma,..... . . . 788 1633 Evart, . 2... 0. ee eee 788 Holstien, . . 788, 1490. 1630 Hugh, . . 2. . . . 788, 1490 Jane, 2... we ee ee 1631 John, 2... 2... 2 2s 1637 INDEX. DeHaven, Mary (Cleaver), . 788, 1490 Sarah (Hughes), ...... 783 Sophia, .......-...-. 1632 Peter. . Lone . 788 DeKalb, Baron, ....... 46, 267 Delamater, Susan Adelaide, . 594 Delap, Sarah,. . 2... 2. eee 428 Demon. Dr., . . Loe 108 Dempsery, Margaret, . . 1347 Denison, Edith, ........ 2189 Ellen, .......4... 2187 Ethel, ... .....2.. 2190 Frederick,. . ....... 2191 Lester, ...... 2188 Ransom, G. W,,...... 1432 Dennis, Deborah, . . 158 Dewees, Colonel, . . ...... 670 Margaret J., ..... 566 Waters, .....-. 2.2.6. 670 William, .......... 374 Diax, Neely, . ..... 2... 812 Dickinson, Anna, ........ 135 Daniel, .......... 135 Deborah, . . 135 Elizabeth, . . ..... 135, 412 Esther, ........2.-. 135 Gaius,. . .. .. o: 135 363. 364 Hannah M., ........ 414 Henry, .......... 406 Isaac, . 2. 2. ee ee ee 135 James,. . . 2... ee eee 135 James Pusey, 410 John. . 2... . ee ee 135 John M.,. ......... 413 Joseph... .... 135, 147, 363 Joseph Gest, ........ 409 Lewis,. .......+ee. 415 Lewis D., .....-... 405 Mary, ........... 135 Mary (Newlin),..... 135, 364 Morris, .......... 408 Nathaniel, . ........ 135 | Eachus, Jane, 405 Dickinson, Phoebe, .... . 135, 411 Pheebe Ann, ........ 401 Rachel, ........, 148. 407 Rebecca. . 135 Diller, Anna Louisa, ...... 1753 Isaac, . 2 2. ee ee 963 Isaac Walker, . 1752 John Coleman,....... 1754 Dilworth, Charles, ......, 70, 674 Mary T.,. .......4.. 674 Mary (Taylor), ....... 674 Richard,.......... 674 Sarah, .........., 674 Dishong, Lillian,. . . .. . I7II Ditmer, Mary, . . .. 5... 1069 Divonne, André De la Forest, 2400 Count De la Forest, 2247 Marguerite De la Forest, 2399 René De la Forest,. . . .. 2401 Dobson. Athalia,. . 2... ... 2329 Thomas, ......... 1557 Doose, Sarah, ........., 8 Doudna, Eva, ......... 1202 Doughton, Frank C., ...... 296 Dubuison, Colonel, 267 Dudgeon, Ann, ...... 4... . 233 Duell, Frances, . ....... 1117 Duncan, ............ 669 Dunlevy. Eliza, .......2.. 466 Forrest Sloane,. ...... 1164 John, . 2... 2... 2., 466 Joseph Haskell, ...... 1164 Mary, ........4.. 1165 Mary Mabel, ....... 1164 William Bates,. ...... 1164 Du Ponceau, Captain, ...... 267 Dutery, George, . ...... 1894 Samuel, ........ 1895 Drake. Frederick, . ...... 1578 Sadie, 2... 2... 2... 1123 406 GENEALOGY Eachus, Sarah,. . ....... 1019 Virgil, 2. 2... 2 we eee 1019 Eastburn, Benjamin, ..... . 1366 Clara, ....... 2059 Eleanor, ......... 2395 Eliza, ..... 2... 2. 693 Elmer Moore, .. . 2060 F, Wilson, ........ 1344 Horace Wilson, ...... 2058 John,. .......... 1366 Miriam,. ......... 1366 Samuel,. . 2... 0... 1366 Susan, ...... 1366 Walter Roberts, ...... 2059 Fateon, Magdalen, ........ IO Eberhardt, Jonas, ....... 1634 Eby, Jacob, ...... 863 Eckley, John, ..... 112 Sarah,........ 112 Eckman, Barbara, ....... 1365 Catherine,. . ....... 1365 Daniel, . ......... 1365 Daniel Washington,. . ... 1365 David, .......... 1365 Elizabeth, ........, 1365 Ella M., 1365 Esther, .......... 1365 Eva, ....... 1365 Henry, .......... 1365 Hieronymus, ....... 1365 Jacob, .......... 1365 James, .......... 1365 John Martin, ....... 1365 John Slaymaker, ...... 1365 Joseph, .......... 1365 Magdelina, ........ 1365 Martin Fautz, ....... 1365 May,..-...-+..... 1365 Mary Ann, 1365 Melchoir,......... 1365 Edwards, Eleanor, ...... 267 Elizabeth, ......... 267 OF THE WALKER FAMILY Edwards, Fannie, ....... 2264 George Barber, 1501 George Clinton, . ..... 2265 Jobn Owen, ........ 2267 Lavinia, ......... 1655 Margaret Stearns, ..... 2266 Matilda Boudinot, ... . . . 2268 1 go @flaurice, . Pah Po... 267 ' Renée, .........-2, 2269 Eliott, Lewis, . ........ 1195 Elliot, Morris, . ........ 8 Elliott, Alva Wayne, ...... 2304 CharlesJ., ...... 786 Charles John, ....... 1628 Edna Bell, 2307 Fannie Louisa, ...... 2306 Jonathan D., ..... 1535 Mary Ella, ..... 2309 Mary Jones, .. . . 1629 Norman Walker,. .... . 2308 Paul Duer, ...... 2310 Roland Arthur, ...... 2305 Sophia, . . . . tate 788 Ellis, Hump., . .*.°. 8. . 8 Jeremiah, . . Ste 8 Rowland, . J AST g 16, 17 Thomas, .. ¥O*¥ ... 106 Ellmaker, Alfred, . . ... 389, 1043 Alice, . .. 2... ee ee 1844 Celia, . ....., . 1843 E.Benjamin, ....... 1038 Edgar B., woe ee ee 1839 Fsais, Enfield,. . ..... 388 Flora, ........ . . 1040 Leonard, ..... . 1838 Lucy, ....... 388 Lucy W.,......... 1837 Mary, ......... . 1039 Nathaniel, . LO4I Sarah, .......... 1042 Sarah (Watson), . . 388 Eminger, Virginia, ....... 860 INDEX. 407 /Emlen, Mary, ......... 8 Louisa (Thomas), ..... 280 -Emereck, Mary Ann, ...... 1365 Margaret, ........, 807 Emmerit, T., ......... 204 Mary, 2, 29, 169, 267, 50 Emrick, Annie, 1691 Nathan, ........ 62, 169 Hannah, 1692 Owen, ........ 5, 16, 249 /Y¥ af Jacob, Lone 1688 Peter... ...... 112, 22, 23 John,......... 835, 1689 Pheebe,.........., 7 Magdaline, . . 1690 Rowland,......... 2 Rebecca, ......... 1686 Samuel, ......... 5, 28 Samuel,. . 2... 2. ee. 1685 Sarah, 2... ... 0.2. 250 Sarah, ...... . 1687 Stephen, 2, 8,9, 267, 27, 28 Eppleimer, Frederick, 1016, 1821 Thomas;” ......... 5 Errett, Kate,» . 2... . 2.2... I4II William, .......2.., 112 Russell, I4II Zillah (Maule), ...... 169 | Essylt, ...... 5 | Evanson, Elizabeth, ......, 53 pe © Evan, Cadwaladerap,...... 5 | Ewen, Elizabeth,. . ...... 89 bog fDavid, ty est I7 Richard, ......... 89 474 \Evanap,./.2% 7 5, 267 cz? Owen ap, ..... 5, 252 | Famous, Jacob, ........ 256 Thomas ap, ........ 5 | Farquhar, Caroline... ....., 1125 William ap, ........ 5 J. Harvey, ........ 1123 Evans, Abraham,........ 112 Joseph,.......... 438 Cadwalader,. ....... £4J6 ‘Lewis, . 2... . 112 Catherine. .#° 7 2... 26 MaryAda, ........ 1122 David, . . . 112, 169, 267, 75 | Faulkner, .........2.. IOI Edith, .......... 112 | Fautz, Catherine, ....... 1365 Eleanor, ..... 267 | Fawcett, Carlos, ........ 1207 Elisha, . ....... . . II2 Joseph, .......... 546 Elizabeth, . 5, 16, 30, 1087 Martha,. ......... 1206 Emily Thomas, ...... 785 Stella, 2... 2... we, 1205 Emms, ........46-. 8 | Fawkes, Anna Maria,. ..... 403 George,. ...-.. 2... 187 Emma, ....... 427, 1060 fia > Hannah, . 2... 2 1. 27 John,. . 2... 2... u. 400 Aughh. we 5, 106 Joseph, ...... 155,425, 967 Jane, .. 2... 2... ... 252 Lewis, .......+.. 401 JaneH.. .... . 476 LidaA., ......... 967 John... ...., 5, 8, 27, 27 Phoebe, ..... 402 John Cadwalader, . .... 280 Phoebe (Hood), ...... 967 JohnE., 2... 2... 280 Rachel, ......... 399 Josiah, ....... 446 Samuel,. ..... 144, 423, 967 Leah, ..... 105 Sarah, . ... 2... 426, 1059 Letitia(Thomas), ..... 112 Sarah Ann, ........ 404 408 Fawkes, Walker,. ....... 424 Fehl, Jacob. ......... 1098 Morris, .........-. 1947 Feight, Henry,. ....... 851 Fergusson, Charles, ...... 2057 Ellen (Etheredge),. . .. . 2057 Ida Etheredge, ...... 2057 Farritt, Walter,. ........ 16 Fickes, Luther, ........ 873 Fink, Martha (Harbold), 1900 Fisher, William, . . . .. 267 Fishier, William, . . ...... 388 Fishor, William, ........ 2 Florence, Edwin, . .... 2259, 2262 Edwin Jacob, ....... 1496 Edwin Percival, ...... 2256 Edith, 2258 Emma Stearns, ...... 2260 Margaret Currie, ...... 2261 Margaret Stearns, 2257 Flower, Amn, ...... :°.. 8 Elizabeth, . ....... I6 Enoch, .......... 5D William, ........ ZO Flumer, William, 88 Fogle, John G., . 403 Joseph, . 1063 Rachel, ...... . 1062 Samuel,. ........ . 1061 Forrest, Joan, ......... 8 Foulke, Anna, . 567 Edith, . 1232 Elsa, . . . 1233 Ethel, . 1230 Hannah, 564 Jesse, 565 Joseph, . . 257 Lewis, 562 Mabel, , 1231 Mary, ; 563 William, . . 210, 566 Fowler, Charles, 458 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. Fowler, Elizabeth, . . . . . L159 Katherine, ........ 1160 Fox, Charles, ......, 2248, 2402 George,. . 2... 2... 669 Holstein DeHaven, - 2403 Frazier, Pers, . 74 Frederick, Anna S., . 2404 William Z., . . . 2292 French, Ann, - ee . 206 Annah Colket,. . . . . 2251 Coffin Colket, . .. . . 2250 Hannah L.,. . 554 Howard Barclay,. ..... 1492 Fry, Mary, 512 Dolly, . 8126 Furgason, Beulah, 857 Elizabeth, . 855 Emily, 852 Henry, ... . 1726 John, . . 853 Joseph, ..... . » 325, 326 Margaret, . . . . . . 858 Sarah Ann, 851 Scott, 856 Walker, 854 William, 850 Gallup, Annah B. (Colket), . . 1490 Edward Crosswell, . ... . 1490 Edwina, . 2249 Mary, Lot eee eae « 2248 Gam, Sir David, . . j4.i2. WK. . 250 Gantz, Celecia (Townsend), . . . 504 Garby, Kate, . 1375 Gardner, Benjamin, 307 James H., 866 James R., . . 330 Garretson, Abel W., . 1075 Amanda, goo Anne, ...... . 1860 Arnold,. . . . . 1076 Bertha, . . 1859 INDEX. 409 Garretson, Daniel, . . .. . 416, 1850 | Godfrey, Lucy Ann, ..... . 108 Eliza Ann, ..... . 1074 Thomas, ..... 2, 8, 108, 250 Hannah C.,...... 886, 1071 William, . . 250, 267, 972, 773 Hannah Cook,. ...... 1848 | Gouchenour, Annie, ...... 850 Henry Howard, ...... 1849 Gratz, Simon, ......... 1302 Ira, 2... we ee ee 1851 | Gray,IsaacP.,. .......~: 813 Isaac, . 2... ee eee 338 | Greaves, Charles, ....... 669 Israel,. . 2... 313, 1072, 207 | Griffith, Amy, ..... 436 Jacob, ........ 1073, 207 Benjamin,. ..... 1139 JacobL.,......... 1861 Daniel,. ......4..-. 46 Jacob Vale, ........ 1846 John, .......0.24.4. 444 JohnC., .......4. 1069 Joseph, ..... . 1140 Lydia, . . . . 126, 904, 1853, 207 MinnieL., ........ 625 Maria, ......+e+e.8. 203 William, ........ 7 Martha, ........ 901, 207 | Gross, Joseph,.,. ....... 815 Mary,.......6-: 903, 207 | Grover, Emma A.,....... 1598 Mary Ann, ........ 1847 Frank, ..........4 1599 Mary E., ......64.. 1070 Robert A.. ......-. 740 Melinda, ......... 1854 Melissa, . .. 1... 2.6. 1078 | Hacket, Esther, . ....... 8 Sarah, ....... 1077 | Hagey, Clayton, ........ 1648 Rachel,. ........-. 203 Clayton L., .... 0... 798 Rex, .. 1. ee ete we 1852 John J. Kersey, ...... 1647 Robert,. ......... 2037 | Haines, Caroline, ....... 1333 Ruth Anna, ........ 203 Emily, . 2... 2... 1334 Theodore, ..... go2 Mary, ...... 85 Garrison, Ella Jean, ...... 1504 RuthannaL., . .. . 1... 410 Gates, General, ........ 249 Samuel, .......... 6 Martha, ......... 418 Sarah, .. 386 George, Catherine, . . ..... 1366 Tamson, ......... 209 George, .....-.. 2, 1366 William D.,........ 657 Hannah, 1366 | Haley, Ann,. ......... 112 William, ....... 2,8 Samuel,. ......... 112 Gethin, Owen,. ........ zg | Hall, Hannah, . 267, 1403, 1404, 1542 Giles, Mary A., ........ 189 Wilson,. . 2. 2... eee, 508 Gilbert, Mira, . ........, 1372 | Hallowell, Annie, ....... 1445 Gifford, Maria, . . . 1104 Benjamin,. ........ 698 Gilkinson, Mary S., 574 Caleb, . ......02.2. 697 Gingerick, Amanda, ...... 203 Elizabeth,. . ......~. 1446 Girvin, Catherine, . ...... 1063 Elizabeth (Johnson), . . . . 1364 Glines, Pearl, .. 2... 2... 1169 Fsther,. ........., 1364 Glover, Kate, ......4... 477 Eugene, ........., 1443 410 Hallowell, John,. . .... 255, 1364 Kate, 2... ....0828- 696 Laura, .........4- 1444 Mary, ........ 255, 1364 Mary (Cadwalader), . . . . 1364 Matthew, ......... 1364 Thomas, ......... 1364 William, ....... 255, 1364 . Hamme, Lillie, . 2... . 867 Hammer, Abel, ........ 22 Adam, .......... 3 Deborah, ....... 3 Elizabeth, . ....... 8, 18 Hannah, ......... 19 James,......... 3, 8, 23 JohnE., .......2.2, 1656 Lewis, .......... 21 Margaret,. ........ 3, 20 Martha, ......... 23 Mary, ...... 3, 25 Samuel, ......... 24 Sarah, ........42. 3, 23 Sinah, .... 2... 46 Hammons, William, ..... . 8 Hamor, Eliza, ...... 54. Hampton, Ida V., 757 William, .......2.;, 788 Hancock, Margaret, ......, 824 Hany, Thomas, ........ 46 Harbaugh, Minnie,. . ..... 830 Harbold, Emma,........ 1902 Emory,. ......... 1860 Jacob, .......... 1084 Martha, .......2.. 1900 Mary, ....... 1901 Harker, Adam, ........ 669 Harley, James,. ........ 1574 Mary, .......+4.. 1574 Harmer, Maria, ........ 733 Harper, JacobW.,.... . 407 Joseph D., ........ 1064 Harris, Kate, ......... 1349 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. Harris, Sarah, . . 2... . 2, 122 Harrison, Cornelia J... . . ... 1249 Edward E.,. 2... 2... 582 Elizabeth,. . . 2... 2... 1251 Mary Hannah,. ...... 1250 Harry, Daniel,. . . 2... 2... I9 David, .......... II2 Elizabeth,. ........ 112 Evan, ........4. Ig Robert,. . .... 367 Samuel, .......2.. 112 Hart, Ida, .......... 1579 Samuel, ......... 1579 Hartman, Amos,........ IogI Ernest, . . .... 2... 1933 Harvey, Margaret, ....... 704 Haskell, Broderick, ...... 1165 Havard, Ann, ......... 250 Benjamin, .... .. . 250, 680 Charles, ......... 250 David, ......... 16, 250 Davydd, ...... 250 Dinah, .......... 1366 Elizabeth,. . 2... ... 250 Elizabeth (Roche), . . 250 Elsbeth, . ........ 250 Ellen, ........24. 250 Ffylib, 2... 2... 250 Frank, .......4.42. 250 Gwalter, .......2.. 250 Hannah, ..... 250 Harry, ...... 250 Hary, .......... 250 Hywel, 250 Jane, Ls 250 John, 46, 112, 250 Jonet, ...... 250 Larens,. ... 250 Lawrens, . . 250 Lewis, . . 250 Lydia, 250 Madog,....... 250 144% ° INDEX. Havard, Mari, . 3 250 Margaret, . ..... . . 250 Margaret (Lewis), . . . . . 250 Marged, . . ee . . 250 Mary, . a AB, . 112, 250 Mary (Jones),.... 680 Mary (Reinhart), 250 Meredyedd,........ 250 Miriam, ......... 250 Nixolas, ...... 250 Piers, 2. ...... 250 Sir Peter, . . ... 250 Samuel, ........ 46, 250 Sarah, .......... 250 Sarah (Evans), ...... 250 Susanna, ......... 680 Susanna (Malin), 250 Stephen, ......... 250 Thomas, ........ 250 Wade, ........ 250 Sir Walter, 250 Sir William,, . ...... 250 William, ......... 250 Hawkins, Hannah Ann,. .... 1983 James Clinton,. ...... 1982 Leona, .......... 1979 Lewis F... ........ 1980 Mary Estella, ....... 1981 Newton, ......... 1122 Hawley, James W., ...... 1239 LesterT.,. .. 2... °° , 1239 Hayes, Benjamin, 37 Hayle, Prudence, ....... 267 Ruth, .......... 267 Heacock, Ann (Till), . . 2... 1364 Edward Rockhill, ..... 2121 Esther, .......... 2118 Esther ( Hallowell), 1364 Fannie Walker, ...... 2116 James Walker,. ...... 2117 Jesse, 2... ... 2... 1364 Jonathan, ......... 1364 AII -Heacock, Joseph,. . ...... 1364 Mary Baynes, ....... 2119 Priscilla Walker,. ..... 2120 William, . . 1... . 1364 Head, John,. ......... 15 Heald, Mary, .....:... 587 Heck, Henry,. ...... 812”, 203 Charles, ....... 8122, 203 Hect, Henrietta, .......~., 787 Henderson, Samuel, 282 Wallace, 282 Heikes, John, ......... 1883 Mary, ........4.4. 1089 Henry, Florence, ....... 747 Isabelle, . ........ 706 Jane, ......., » 309 William, . ....:. 706, 747 Hershey, Henry Eugene, 1765 HenryB.,, ........ 965 Jacob Frantz, ....... 1764 John Coleman,. ...... 1762 Maud Marie, ......., 1766 Sallie Cecile. 2... ...., 1763 Susan, ..... 2... 4. 1905 Hess, Mary,. ... ..... 1043 Hibberd, John, . ....... 250 Margaret ( Havard), 250 Hickman, Annie,........ 1757 Hicks, Elias, 246 Higgins, John,. . ...-. 78 Highlands, Susan, ....... 826 Hilcher, Phoebe, . ....... 859 Hileman, Ida J. (Cook), 1739 Hill, Eliza, . 2... 2. ee. 8 Maria, .......... go Hillis, David, ........., 267 Lydia W. (Stephens), 267 Hines, Mary. .......-.. 8 Hirst, Rebecca, ........ 89 Hite, Delilah, ......-... 838 Hoffa, Margaret,. ......- 108 Hoffman, Benjamin, ..... . 1877 412 Hoffman, Norman Ray, .... . 2381 Hogsett, Rhetta,........ 474 Holcomb, Dr. L.S. ...... 567 Holland, Virginia, ....... 636 Holloway, Chalkley, 503 Chalkley Clinton, ..... 1209 LindleyM., . ....... 548 Maria ( Warfield), . . . 208 Mary R., 1192, 1208 Virginia, . 2... 1. 2001 Warren, .......2.. 2002 Holme, Benjamin, ....... 390 Holmes, Jerusha (Stratton), . . . 525 John,. 2... 2... 2... 519 Holstien, Colonel, "764 Emily H.,. .. . 764 Magdaline, 788 Mathias, 788 Sarah, ........ 788 Holt, Mary,-: - : 669 Hood, James, 967 Joseph, ........ 967 Hoods, Sarah,. . 8 Hoopes, Abraham, ...... 2036 Arthur, . 2... .. 2.4. 2049 Asahel, .......2.. 896 Blanche, . Soe . . 2048 Caleb, ...... 662, 686, 1048 Charles, . . . 1339, 2041 Cynthia, 494 David, . 1338 Edward,. .... . 1341, 2053 Elizabeth Ann,. ...... 899 Ella, . . 2044 Elwood, . 1337 Fmma, ....... 1339, 2045 Enos B., ......4... 2028 Fannie, . . . 2043 Florence, . .. . 2042 Frank, . 1343, 2037 Frank G.,. 2... 1... . . 2051 Georgia, . 2047 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. Gertrude. . 2... 2... 2... 2050 Gordon K., 2392 Howard, ..... 2040 Jane,........2.2., 897 Jessie, ...... 2040 John, .......... 898 Lucy, ........ 2054 Margaret, . ... 2039 Mary, ... 2.52... eee 895 Sallie, 2... 2... . . . 1342 Samuel, ...... 661, 2046 Sarah (Roberts),. ..... 662 Susan, ..... , 2052 Thomas, ....... 526, 1336 William,. . ... 337, 1340, 2038 Hoover, Mazie, . 819 Hough, Elizabeth, . . ..,. . . 636 Houston, Laura V.,. .... . . 1742 Mary, ...... . . . 1741 Thomas, eee eee 956 Howard, Mary Frances, 435. Howe, General, ...... 46 Lydia, 1372 Howel, Eliza, > *- ....... 8 Margaret, ..... 16 Howell, Francis, . 2... 1 2 N.S 76 Mary, ....... IO Thomas, ...... I6 William, ZO Hoxsie, Jane, ....... 1487 Solomon, ...... 1487 Hudson, Hannah, 8 Huey, Susanna, ........ 1337 Hugh, Ellisap, ........ 7 Roger, ......, 17 Hughes, Roger, ..... 46 Sarah, .... 788 William, . .... 264 Hughs, Charles, . . 16 Huling, Capt. John, 108 Hull, Catherine, . . 1075 Humphry, Onon,. ... . 46 INDEX. Humphry, Richard,,. ......, 17 Humphrey, Lowry,. ...... 669 Hunt, Elizay. .......02.~;,; 228 Hussey, Christopher, 189, 713 Ikeranhappuck, ......, 189 Nathan, ........., 157 Hutchinson, Priscilla, . . . . . . 249 Iddings, Elizabeth,. . . . +. . 46 Priscilla, . ......2.~2, 46 Richard, ......... 46 Sarah, .........., 46 In de Hoff, Evart; see DeHaven. In Hoff, Evart ; see DeHaven. Irish, Ellen K., . 2... 2... 515 William L.,........ 578 Ivins, Barclay,. ........ 648 Mary, .......8.. 648 Rebecca, ......... 282 Rosanna, ......... 648 Jacobs, Elizabeth (Havard),. . . 250 Hannah, ......... 105 James, ........284 1477 John,. .......... 250 William, . 2... .. 0... 1475 Jackson, Hannah, ..... 100 Josiah, .......... gl Joseph L., 2... 2... 237 James, Abel, . 2... 2.2... 15 Hannah, ......... 112 James, .......... 17 Margaret,. ........ 25 Dr. ThomasC., ...... 112 Janney, Abraham David Pollock, . 1260 Annalee, ........ 1261 AnnaM,......... 603 Charles, .......02.. 629 Charles P, ......0.. 596 Charles Philip,. ....... 1258 Edward E., ......~. 631 Emily, ........8. 1263 413 Janney, Eva, ......... 577 Helen McPherson, .... . 1265 JamesC.,. 2... 227 James Craik, . ...... 1267 JamesM., ......... 238 JamesW.,......... 599 John, ........ 600, 1259 Lewis W., ........ 633 Lilias Gordon,. ...... 1257 Louisa, ........... 635 Mary,......... 601, 634 Mary Talbot, ....... 1264 Mildred, ......... 1266 Nathaniel E., .. 2... 597 Rebecca, . 2... 2... 1256 Rebecca Talbot, .. 1... 604 RobertM., ........ 602 SamuelS., 2... ...0.., 632 Susan W.,. 2. .....4.4. 598 Thomas Gordon,. ..... 1255 William Canby, ...... 1262 William P., 2... 630 Jaqua, Allen, ......... 813 IdaM,.... 2... 813 Jarman, Elizabeth, ....... 46 Jeremiah, . ........, 46 John,. . . 6, 7, 8, 46, 112, 76, 50 Lewis, ........4.. 46 Margaret, ......... 46 Mary, ......... 46, 112 Priscilla, .......2;, 46, 112 Sarah, .......... 46 Jarmin, Mary, .......... 6 Jeanes, Amos,. ........ 246 Anna (Thomas),. ..... 244 Anna T., ......... 647 Esther (Brewer), ..... 244 Isaiah, . ....... 244, 646 Jacobhh..... 1... 244, 641 Joseph, .......... 644 Joshua T., ........ 642 Leah (Harmer), ...... 244 414 Jeanes, Mary, Samuel, .. William, Jenkins, Elizabeth, . . Horace, . Howard M., . Mary, Sarah, Walter, . . William, William J., Jérman, Edward, . Elizabeth, Eliza, Mary, . Sarah, Thomas, . Jobson, Lydia, . John David, . Davis, Frank, Griffith, . Harvey, John ap, Lillian, . Margaret, . Preston, Samuel, . Thomas, Vining, . William, Johnson, Elizabeth, . Emma, . Martha, . Robert, Johnston, John, Jolliffe, Amos, . Elizabeth, . Lydia, Mary, William, . Jones, Amos, . GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. 643 | Jones, Ann, Cone es 645 Ann E. (Cook), . 244 Aubrey, 16 Cadwalader,. .. . . 2203 Catherine, 72,5 David, . 1442 Fd, .... . 2201 Edd, . . .. . 1441 Edward, . . . 696, 76 Dr. Edward, 2202 Ellen, , 8 Ellis, . 6, 8 Emily, . 4 Evan, . 6, 8 Gerard, . 8 Glenny, . 6,8 Griffith, . . . . . 1336 Hannah, . 22, 3971 John, . . . 2151 Jonathan, . . 2153 Joseph, . . . 27,375 Katherine, . . 2150 Lemuel, . 7 Lucy Ann, . 2154 Margaret, 156 Mary, ..... . 2149 Mary ( Wilson., 2 Morgan, . 2 Owen, . 2152 Rebecca Ann, . . . 1400 Robert, . 1304 Samuel, 972 Sarah Ann, 560 Thomas, William, . 2 |, Jordan, Joseph, S80 | Justice, Elizabeth, 79 77 | Katon, Susan, . .. 78 William, . - 39, 43 | Keen, John, . 8 | Keeny, Abraham, . . 8, 114, 30 . . 112, 274 16 I6 221 108 . 14, 445 8, 46, 250, 1482 . . 1482 tee ew we ew « 46, 30 IVa 2, 763 265 . . 7, 106 » 3771 373 31 695 673 673 . . 1450 202 INDEX. 415 Keeny, Eliza M., 2o2 | Kirk, Annie, .......2.. 848 Jacob, .......... 2oz2 | Kithcart, Jane,. . ....... III9Q Margaret W., ....... 2oz2 | Klinedienst, Mary, ....... 1086 MaryJ., ......... 2o2 | Knight, Mary,......... 282 William H.,. 2... 2... 202 | Knowles, Sarah, ........ 8 Keimer,S., .......4... 389 | Knox, General, ....... 46, 250 Kellogg, Abby, ........ 520 | Konnard, Tennis ; see Dennis Conard. Kemble, Elizabeth, . 1571, 2344 | Kugler, John V.,. 2... 0.2.2. 756 Florence, ....... - . 2339 | Kuhn, Anna, ......... 1176 Frances, ......... 2345 | Kulp, Maurice, ..... 2... 2148 Henry Clay,. ..... - ..1570 Retta, ........40. 2148 Isaac Walker, . ...... 1752 | Kunkle, Jane, .......2.., 1399 Mary F. (Walker),. . . . 173 Lewis, ........4. 1399 William, ......... 2338 Samuel, ......... 203 William H.,. ..... . . 731 Virginia, ...... . . . 2346 | LaFayette General, ..... 46, 250 Kendall, Elizabeth Sloan, . . . . 1606 | Lamb, Clayton, ........ 1584 Evans, ...... 272 ElizabethW,....... 2357 George W., ........ 750 HannahW,........ 2359 Harry, .......... 1605 - Winfeld 5S... .....202, 2358 Lillian, ...... . . . 1604 | Lambert, Mary, ........ 669 Samuel Eugene, . . . . 748, 1522 Thomas, ......... 669 Thomas Walker, . ..... 747 | Langworthy, John, ....... 16 William W., ..... 749, 1607 | Lapp, William,. .......~, 1476 Zillah (Walker), . . 272 | Larew, Asahel W,....... 944 Zillah, . . 2 ee we 61608 Clara, .......... 047 Kennon, Arabella L.,. . . .. . 2051 Jame, 2.2... . 949 William, ......... 2051 Lewis, .......... 346 Willie L.,. 2... we. 2051 Lucy, .......... 948 Kelvey, John, ......... 189 Mary Angeline, ...... 946 Sarah Ann, ........ 189 WilliamG, ......2.., 945 Thomas, ....... 18g | Latch, Frank, .......2.~., -46 Kerr, Emma, ....... . . 1096 | Latty, Judge, ......2.., 523 Kersey, Emma W.,. ...... 798 | Lawrence, Elinor, ....... r6 John,. ..... 2.2.4. 292 Ellin, .......222. 8 Kinnemar, Annie, . 814 Henry,.......... 2064 Kinsey, David,. ........ I7 Rebecca, .. 2... 2... 225 John, ........ 677, 1406, Sarah, .......... 8 I91 3093 795 3715 375 Thomas, ...... 37 Mahlon, ......... 363 | Lease, David, ......... 314 Mercy, ......-.+-+.-. 363 | Ledwith, Jean Brice, . . . . . . I811 William Howard, 2162 Rev. William, ....... 1001 416 Ledwith, William Lawrence, . . . 1812 Lee, J. Elwood, ........ 1638 William, ......... 282 Leech, Adna Israel, .. .... 1242a Alva,. ........ 4. 1240 Flma, ...... 12426 Johny. 2... . 2. . 569 Lewis E.,. . 2... 2... 1237 Lydia Jane, ........ 1241 Martha,. .......4.. 1239 MaryB., ......... 1242 ThomasI., .. ..... 1238 TLehmer, D.,. .......2.2. 1867 Jacob, ........ . 422 Lewis, Ann, ........ 1429, 29 Catherine,. ....... 16 Cornelius, ........ 1427 Daniel, . ......... 46 David, ......... 267, 16 Elyah, . 2... 7... . . . 690 Elizabeth, . 250, 400, 16 Emma, ....... . . 2065 Fvan Robert, .... 2... 5 Henry, ........ 46 8, 16 James, ..... . . 112, 6, 8 John, ......, 105, 250, 7, 16 Lewis, ...... . gO Margaret,. ....... 250, 16 Martha,. ....... " 1428 Mary,......e+6.8. 7, 10, 29 Sarah, 105, 1426 Susannah,. ........ 16 Lincoln, Elizabeth (Davis), 106 y 3 Abraham,........., 764. ., .§ Mary, 267 Linville, Alice R., . . 1824 Annie, .......... 1018 AguillaJ.,. 2... ..... 10Ig Arthur, ....... 1023, 1825 Asahel, . 1017 Clement, ......... 1021 Jane, .........., 1826 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. Linville, Lucy, ...... 1020, 1823 Margaret, ......... 1024 Marion,. ...-+-+.+.e... 1829 Sarah, .......... 1022 Sylvester, . 2. 2... . 2s. 385 Sylvia... 2... 2... 1827 Thomas, ......... 412 Walker . .. 2... 2... 1828 Lippincott, Elizabeth White, . . . 1269 Howard, ........ 603 . James Janney, ....... 1268 Little, Darlington, ....... 1617 Howard, ......... 1615 Mabel, ...... 1614 Mary,’ ...... 8 RogerM.,. ........ 758 Winfeld, ......2.2.2. 1616 Llewellyn, Ann, ........ 10 David, .. 2... 1. 16 Eliza, ....... 112 Dr. John,. ........ 12 Morris, ....... 112, 16, 37 William, ...... IS Lloyd, E., Loe age 79 Estella, <4 Q ; ” re 801 David, .......-.--: 247 J... 2 ee ee ee ee 46, 17 Joseph, .......--. 250 Mary, .......... 250 Llud,. 2... 2. ee ee 5 Logan, James,. ....... 19) 375 Longaker, David, ....... 266 Mary, ......-... 266 Longenecker, Henry B.. 1756 Longstreth, Ann, . 249 Ann (Dawson), ...... 249 Bartholemew, ....... 249 Christopher, ....... 249 Jane, 2... 2. ewe 249 John,. 2... 785 Joseph, tee ees 105, 785 Sarah (Thomas), . . 785 INDEX. Lovejoy, Flora J., Lovett, Frank Heston, . 1610 Lowns, Susannah, ....... 8 Ludwig, Chester, . . . 1595 Jane, . . 1594 Oliver P.,. . 738 | Lukens, Hettie, . 1441 Mary (Caley), . ...... 669 Wood, ..... . . . . 842 Lupton, Ann, .. . . . 88, 576 David, 5381 Edward, 577 Hannah, 214 Hugh S.,. . . . . 40, 579 James, ......,... 88 Jonah, . . . . 40, 213 Mary, re 578 Rachel, ......... 488 Rebecca, 580 Samuel, . Coe ee ke 93 Sarah Ann,’. ....... 238 Mabee, William, . . 1220 Macey, Thomas, ........ 189 Macgilivrae, Alex.,. . . 2... 2, 189 MacInnes, Hugh, 1413 Jannet,. 2... ... 2... 1413 Rebecca, ...... 1413 MacKelvey, Thomas; see helvey. Mackey, Emma, ........ 1349 Martha,. . .... re 4 William, ......., 4 MacVeagh, Eleanor (Evans), 267 Jeremiah, ..... - 1. . 267 Sarah,. . . . .. . . . 267,670 Wayne,. ......... 267 Malin, Jane,. . 2... 2... 32 Randall, . ......, 35 Susanna, . 2... 0, 250 Maris, Anna, 2062 Sarah, 2... 681 Susan, ......., 1338 . 1223 | ary Marlin, Josephine, ......., 1443 Marsh, Lydia, , . 121, 420 Marshall (Altemus), Frances S., 488 Laura, ....... 1775 Mary, ........ 1772 Patience, ... 2... 0... 1771 Stanley, ......0.2.2, 1774 William, . 969, 1773 Marston, Henry Ward, ..... 2022 Joseph Rhoads, ...... 2391 Matthew Randall, 2390 Martin, Anna Y., ..... 2206 Ellak., 2... ...22, 2204 Esther Hallowell, . . .. . 2205 JohnC., 2... 1444 Joseph,. . . . 186, 1218 Sadie, ..... . 1893 Massey, Charles Davis, . . 267, 718 Charles Miller,. . 2... 1529 Eleanor,. ....... 267, 712 George W., . 2... 2... 1547 Isaac Richardson, . . 267, 724 Jacob, . . 267, 712, 718, 724 Jacob Pennypacker, . 1528 LauraS., ........ 1546 Rebecca, ..... 2288 Rebecca R.,. . . 2... .. 1548 Rebecca (Richardson), 712, 718, 724 Sallie B., 2... . » 1545 William Walker, ...... 1527 Mauk, Edward, . 1946 George,. . . . 1944 Helen, .......... 1945 Thomas M.,. ....... 1097 Maule, Ann, ........ 62, 170 Benjamin, ....... 62, 170 Beulah, ......... 165 Daniel, . ......... 58 Ebenezer, ........ 63 Hannah, ...... 170 Jacob, ........., 61, 166 418 Maule, Jane, ........ 61, 170 John,. .......... 60 Joshua, ...... 167 Lewis, . 2... 0... we 64 Mercy, .......... 168 Rachel, ......... 164 Sarah, ........4.4. 57 Thomas, . 8, 15, 59, 170, 171 Zillah, ......... 15, 169 McAlister, John, ........ “79 McCann, Mary, 734 McClellan, Alden, ....... 980 Annie, ....... 1785 Asahel, .......-.-. 1784 Charles, ........ 1788 Leonora, ......... 1787 William, ......... 1786 McClenachan, Charles, 274 Naomi, ........68. 752 Mary (Thomas),. .. . 274 McClure, Abel, ......-.. 493 George Endly,. ...... 497 Joseph, ......... 495 Louisa, .... 498 Lydia, ... 2... +... 500 Mary (Townsend), . . 199 Samuel,. . . 2... .., 494 Seth, ...... 199, 496 Sinah Ann, ........ 499 Susan, ........ 501 McCosh, Andrew, ..... 331 Benjamin, 867 Imma, .... 369 John, ........ 868 Morris, ....... 870 McCullock, Nancy,. .... 1033 McDonald, Gilbert, . . . 1714 John,. . we Cw. 2 17T3 McFarland, Eliza Walker, . . 2286 Emma,. . Le 2287 James Arthur, . . 1518 Mary, 2285 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. McGill, Bellmina, McGregor, Calvin, Mildred, McMillan, Eleanor, Jacob. ........ Ruth Hannah,. ... . McNew, Clyde, Lone George Edward, .. . John,. ...... Rachel Alice, Mconley, Isaac, Tillie, . 2... . Meares, John, . Marian (Walker), . . . . Sarah, Meek, Grace, John, . Love, Walker, .....2.2. Winfield, . . Meeker, Isabella, Mendenhall, Aaron, Ann (Pennell), Benjamin,. . . Elizabeth, Hannah, John,. ........ Lydia (Roberts), . Martha,. ...... Sarah Emma (Vale), . Mercer, Albert E., AlbertaM, . Charles, . Ida Ly... Jessie, Jesse Blaine, Vernon D., William, Meredith, David, . Eleanor, . . Yfannah ( Harrison), John,. .. INDEX. Meredith, Katherine, ...... 7 Mary, .......-... 7 Mereu, Margaret, ..... . . 374 Merkel, George A., . . . . . . 1524 Merry, Lizzie, ........-. 204 Metcalf, Ella, .....4.4.2.. SII Fstella, ..... J... 812 Gillson,. . ........ 810 Dr. Hiram, ........ 310 John Richard, ....... 809 Wooster, .........- 808 Metz, Abraham, ........ 1532 Frank Beidler,. . . .... 2300 Sarah Eliza,. . ... . 4 . 2298 Thomas Overton... . . . . . 2299 Mifflin, General,. . ..... 249, 670 Miles, Mary, ......... 16 Richard, ......... 16 Grifith, ......... 26 Miller, Catherine, . ...... 224 Charles Hatfield, . . . . . 1606 Daniel,. . ..... 2... 1686 Elizabeth,. ........ 135 Guion, .......-. 135, 363 Helen, .........., 250 James, ...-. 2... ee, 224 John,. ..... -. 1. . 250 Jonathan, ......... 250 Kate, .......2.4.. 870 Margaret, . . 2... .... 825 Mary,. ........ 378, 867 Phoebe, ........, II5 Salie, 2... ....2202. 224 Sarah, .. 2... ... 995, 1093 Sarah (Havard),. . 2... 250 Sarah Jane, ..... 2... 224 Milner, Dr... . . . 1... . . . 1361 Mires, Christopher... ..... 669 Mitchell, Joseph,. . . ..... 8 Moore, Abner, ... . 56, 660, 663 Abraham, ......... 358 Andrew, ..... 131, 363, 349 419 Moore, Ann, ........ 52, 106 Ann (Starr), ......., 52 Anna, .........., 350 Asahel, .......2.., 355 Benjamin, . . . . . 160, 264, 357 Della, ..... 0.0424, 1688 Edwin, . . . . 74, 677, 1024, 69 Eliza, 2... 2... 267 Elizabeth,. . 2... 267 Elizabeth (Davis), . . . . . 677 E. Lawton, ........, 1833 Ellen,. . 2... 2, 159, 663 EllenR. ......2020~; 1335 Fanny, .......... 1462 Gilbert,. 2. 2 2. 2, 1460 Hannah,. ....... 249,677 Isaac, . . 159, 267, 348, 359, 663 Isaac Walker, ....... 704 Jacobh ........0.. 360 James, ......... 52, 363 John, .......... 7, 134 Josephine, ........, 1463 Leah,. ...... 163, 660, 663 Leah W.,........., 60 Lydia R.,,. 2... 2... 2. 1017 Margaret, .......2.., 703 Mary, .......... 356 Miriam (Wells), . . 2... 267 Mordecal, ....... 249, 677 Moses, .......... 352 Phebe, ......... 162 Rees,. . 2... . 0.48. 105 Robert, ......2.2.2. 351 Samuel D., ......2.2. 353 Sarah, .. . 2... 161, 702, 1461 Walker, ........ 354, 660 William, .......2.. 8 William F., ... 2... 2... 834 Col. William, ....... 120 Willemina, ........ 8 Morgan, John,. ..... . . 30 Morlan, Albert, . ....... 455 420 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY Morlan, Donald,. ....... 1157 Mullin, Ida,. . 2... 1... . 2 1395 Harold,. ......... 1158 | Murphy, Moll,........., 8 Mabel, ........2.. 1156 | Myers, Barbara, ........ 344 Percy, .......... 1155 Edna, .......... 2384. Ralph, .......... 1154 Elsie, . . . . . . . . 2221, 2386 Morris, Ann, ........ 51, 145 Emma (Anderson) .... . 1869 Anthony, ......... 53 Francis, ......... 1955 Caroline, ......... 1459 Frederick,. . . 2... 1. . 1472 Catherine W., ... . . . 16202a Frederick A. . 2... 2... 2220 David, .......... 29 Harry, .......... 1954 Elizabeth, . . ... . . 1456, 29 Margaret, .......4.. 312 Emma, ...... . . . 16206 Mary. ........2.4. 2385 Evan, .......2..4. 20 Norval, . 2. ......42% 1953 Francis, ...... . . . 1457 Pemberton, ....... .I1102 Granville, .......2.. 1458 Philip, ........4.. 1903 Hannah, . ....... 142 Reynolds, ........ 2222 Isaac, .... 2... ee. 140 Wesley,. . 2... 2... 818 Isaac W., . . . . 2. we 700 Isaac Wistar, ....... 1453 | Needles, ElizaJ.,. .....2.. 608 Janey... .......4. 29 | Negus, Lydia, ......... 211 Jean, . 2... 53 | Neilson, Mary Campbell. . .. . 1500 John,. .... 6, 51, 53, 139, 157 | Nester, Jane, ......... 812a Joseph, ...... - . . 149 | Newbold, Bertha, ....... 1801 Leah, ...... tee 143 Charles, ....... .. . 1800 Lewis, .......46-4 53, 148 Wistar, . . . 2... . . 994 Levi,. . ........ . 762 |) Newlin, Mary, . . . ..... . 135, 363 Margaret, ..... . . «53s 29 Nathan, . .) 2 ro LO... 363 Mary,. ...... .1, 187, 391 Nicholas, .... . . . 135, 363 Morris, ........-.. 53 | Newmarch, Bernard, ...... 250 Morton, ......... 1454 | Nicholas, Mary, ........ 8 Paschall, . . ..... 700, 1455 Thomas, ........ .. 250 Phoebe ...... .. . 8,147 | Nichols, Lucy,. . ...... . 599 Priscilla, . ....... . 392 Roland Pusey, . . . . . . . 1759 Rachel,. . ...... .. 144 | Nimmons, Lunett F.,..... . 549 Ruth, - +... +. 52 | Noble, Abel, . ...... =. =. «+105 Sarah, . . .. . . 141, 146, 1452 Mary (Garrett), . . . . . . 105 Sarah H.,. . . ... =. . . 1620} Norrice, Isaac; see Norris. Sarah (Paschall) ...... 700 | Norris, Charles, . ...... . 736 Mortimer, James,. ....... 16 Isaac, ...... ee GB Mosice, Julia, . . . ... . . «4105 | Norton, MaryO., ....... 55! Mott, Daniel, . . . .. . . . . 1204 | Nova Mercata, Bernard; see Newmarch. Mullin, Emma M., .... . . . 1528 INDEX. A421 Oaly, Elizabeth, . ..... . . 433 | Paiste, Henry,. ... . . ss . 2090 Oberholtzer, Mary, . . . . . . 1038 Holland, .......0.. 2070 Odbert, Arthur, .......: 439 Homer, ......... 2104 Harford, ........ .I1IIO Horace, ......... 2076 Ivan, ...... +. . .1970 Howard,. ...... 2067, 2100 Olivar, Evan, ......... £440 James, ........ 665, 2091 Olmstead, Edward, . . . . . . . 2253 James L., . . . . . . 1355, 2099 Katherine Nisbet, .. . . 2255 John Davis,........ 2085 Margaret Stearns, . . . . . 2254 Mary Emma, ....... 2072 William Nisbet, . . . . . . 1495 Mercy, .......... 1345 Osler, Frederick Bruce, . . . . . 2018 Phineas, 664, 665, 1352, 2066, 2075 Wilmer, . . . . . . . 1300, 2017 Rebecca R.,° °° 2... 2098 Otmeyer, Henry,. ...... . 203 Robert, ......... 2071 (Yay Owen, Grifith,. . 2... . . 195370 Robert J,......... 1346 Robert, .......068+: 16 Sallie,. 2... 2... 2068, 2089 be Sarah, 2. 1 eee ee es 8 Sarah, .........4. 669 So NG Walter, ......2... 2074 Packer, William Vogdes, . . . . 2219 William Henry, ..... 1348 Pain, Alice, ....... .. . 677 | Pancoast, Mary, ........ 113 Josiah, ....... ... 677 Samuel,. . 2... ....4. 113 Paiste, Brook, . . . .. . a. « 2083 Sarah (Stevens), ..... 113 B. Franklin, . . . . . . 1353 | Pannebecker, Hendrich,. .... 266 Caroline, ... . . . 1350, 2073 ; Parker, Joseph, ........ 669 Caroline E., . .. .. . . . 2087 | Parks, Rachel,. .. 2... ... 249 Charles, . . . . 1354, 2086, 2101 | Parrottet, Sallie, . ....... 1349 David, .......... 1356 | Parry, Elizabeth,. ... ... 679 David W., ........ 2088 James, .... 2... 2... 679 Dillwyn,. . . . . . . 1358, 2103 John, .......... 8, 679 Edna, ........6-48 2084 Lettice,. 2. 2... 2. eee 679 Edward,. ...... 1349, 2080 Martha, ......... 8 Edwin, ...... . . « . 2069 | Parson, Hannah,. ....... 250 Kliza, 2... 1... 1357 John,. 2... .. 2. 2. ee. 250 Eliza W., .. 2... . . . 2105 | Partenheimer, Corinne, .... . 1798 Elizabeth, ......2.. 2102 Gertrude, ......... 1799 Elwood, ..... . + . . 1351 Dr.John, ......... 990 Emma, .........., 2081 | Parvin, Barron Potter, .... . 1644 Florence, ......... 2078 Cornelia Watkins, .... . 1645 Frank, .......2024. 2079 Emily Pancoast, ...... 1641 Frederick,. . . 2... 2077 Helen Roberts, ...... 1640 George,. ...... . . . 1347 Lewis Albert, ....... 1646 Gertrude, ......... 2082 Lilly Wicks,. . ...... 1643 HelenG.,. .... s+ , 2097 Robert, ......... 796 422 Parvin, Robert Howard, 1642 Paschal, Hannah, ....... 8 William, ......2... 8 Passmore, Thomas,....... 135 Pastorius Daniel,. . ...... 1386 Patterson, Joseph, ....... 63 Louisa (McClure), .. ... 498 Pearson, Elizabeth J... ..... 806 Hannah, ...... 803 Isaac, ...... 304 IsaacC., . . 2... ee ee Sol Lewis W., ........ 807 Pheebe,.......... 804 Ruth Emma, ....... 805 Sarah, .. 1... eee 802 Peart, Elizabeth, ........ 670 Penn, Gulielma Marie, 112, 789 Letitia, . ......6-. 2, 112 William, 2, 52, 82, 112, 677 Y/William, Jr... .. .. 112, 789 ‘Pennell, Alice,. . ....... 260 Joseph, 259 Meredith,. ..... 259 Priscilla W., ....... 699 Sarah, .... 2... eee 674 Thamzin R., 700 Pennock, Francis, . 390 J. Darlington, .. . 1044 Walker, Loe 1045 Pennypacker, Ann,... . 740 Annie Walker,. . ..... I510 Brook Wildey, . 1602 Brower, ..... 1600 Coffin Colket, . ...... 1507 Elizabeth Brower, .... . 739 Emma Rebecca, I511 Evelyn, 2270 Frank, ..... 1603 Frances Brower, . . . 742 Hannah Margaret, . 738 Harmon, 1401 Isaac Anderson, 1508 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. Pennypacker, Isaac Walker,. . . Jacob, John Stearns, Joseph, Joseph Brower, Marcia Cranston,. . . Margaret (Tyson), . . Mary Athalia, Mary Emma, Mary (Maris),. . . Mathias, Mathias Anderson, Dr. Mathias Jackson, . Sallie, Samuel W., Sarah, Sarah Jane, Sarah Walker, . . Thomas Walker. . William Henry, Perry, Margery, Peters, John, Ann Catherine, Richard, ..... Phillips, Griffith, . . Isaac, John,. .. Lydia, Margaret, Samuel, . Philpin. Daniell, . Pidgeon, Amos, Charles, Edward. . Tsaac, John,. .. Joseph, ... Lewis, Mary E., Samuel L., Pepper, Hannah J.,... . Peterson, Almira Little, . . . . 266, 715 . 1504, 2271 715 . . . 1401 . . 266, 126 266 . 1505 . 741, 1601 . « . 1503 . . . 626 ... 80 . . 53, 09 . . 2, 8, 282 . 2 +7, 29 . 1198 1200 218 86 . 1197 544 . 219, 619 . 1280 220 INDEX. Pidgeon, William, . 1199 Pierce, Mary Walker, . . 1275 Perry B.,.. . . 606 Talbot Eugene, . 1274 Piersol, Lewis, 267 Pilkinton, Hepzibah, 307 Levi, . 2... ee ee eee 308 Matilda, 311 Rebecca, 306 Richard, 119 Ruth, .......... 304. Sarah, 310 Vincent, 305 Walker, 309 Plummer, Anna, ........ 89 Plumstead, William, . ..... 35 Pollock, Nannie Lee, . ... . 596 Pond, Blanche, ..... 1228 Portails, Count du, . . . . . 46, 250 Porter, Jennie E., ..... 823 Potts, Alice, . Lk 675 Ann (Wager), . 675 David, .........-. 675 Hannah, ......... 108 Hester, . . . 675 Isaac, ..... 2... wee 46 Jonas, .........., 3 Martha, ........ 675 Nathan, ......... 675 William, ........ 675 Zebulon, ........-. 675 Powell, Ann (Havard),. .... 250 David,. ..... 6, 250, 19, 3769 Jonathan, ......... 112 John, 2... we 250 _ Mary (Havard), . . . 250 Powaall, Alta, ........4. 1783 Anne, .......... 979 Bertha, . 2... 2... 2... 1780 Chester, .......0.. 1782 Clifton, . 2... ...048. 1781 Deborah, ...- ..... 977 423 Pownall, Edna, ......, . 1820 Ffenry, ; - . 369, 978 Joseph D.C... 1. . 1013 Lilly,. 2... 2, . 1819 Mary, ........ 976, 1779 Moses, .. 2 0. www, 383 Norman, ........., 1778 .-Phoebe, ......, 975 Vincent, .......2.. 1818 Willmer, . 2... . 2... 1817 Pratt, Mary E., ......202. 2028 Phineas, . .... 1334 Preston, Margaret, ....... 8 Price, James, ........., I7 Joan, ....... Le 7 Thomas, ....... 311 William, .......2.2. 222 Prichard, Edward, ....... 112 Priestman, Elizabeth, . . . . . . 669 Hannah, ......... 669 Joseph,. .......0.0., 669 Miriam, ......... 669 Thomas, ........., 669 Prothera, Elizabeth, ...... 16 Protherah, Evan, ..... . &, 16, 26 Protherie, James, . ....... 6 Proud, Robert,. . ... “, . . . Il2 Pugh, Abraham, ........ 7 Ann, .... 2... eee 106 Azariah, 2... . 1... 106 Catherine,. . ....... 106 David, .......... 7 Ellis,. 2. 2... 7, 8, 53) 7) £7) LOL Eljah, . 2... . 2... 7 Elizabeth,. . 2... . 2... 7 Evan, .......... 16 Hananiah, ..... ; 106 James,. . . we txt ote] . . 7, 106 Jane, 2. Ee LL. . 106 Jane (Roger), . 2... 2... 106 Jesse,. 2. 2. ee 106 Job, ......... 7, 8, 106 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER 424 Pugh, Jonathan, ........, 7 ODT Uecker nee west 106 J OSEDDS Ds ace rahe 50 Mary aoa on piece, as 8, 106 Mary (Evans), pea tee d Mary (Davis, 106 Machaelss Sen Sean: 7 Mizpah, ie aa Ses 106 ‘ Roger, 106 Sinah, wes 7 Thomas,. ... . 7, 106 William seca testes 106 Pusey, James, 135 Sarah Ann, 194 Pyle, Jesse; . os). 183 Pyott, Eliza, isos % 3: 2061 George,. . . . 2062 James, 1345 HSAUIrA aed sans yids 2064. Phineas, 2065 Williams ew Stee 2063 RabyseAisenath,. sy se fuk a 1191 Radcliffe, CyrusG.,. . . 267 Rambow Hlizay tase: 717 Harry Walker,. . . 2225 Merrit, 2512220 Nathan, 717, 1483 Retersacmen hone ethene 282 Ramsey, Anna Lydia, 205 Charles Dana, . . .. . 2133 Elizabeth (Walker), . . . 36 Ellen D. (Walker), . . 1372 Tarol ds get sca wai a abit: 2132 james)? ins shel. 206 ODN Nee patie scan 205 John W., 205 Joseph Davis, . 2130 Mary M., een 200 Samuel,. . . 1372 Sarah, Berrie: . 2131 William, . . . 5 cn ay 1372 FAMILY. Ramsey, William W.,. . . . 205 Rankine ANN ,oc<.s2csgai ees he 46 Catherine,. . 46, 117 JAMES ee ssf ove ae ee ae 70 Jane, . Sot . 46, 90, 117 John, - Bese tess. Be 46 Jon rss ac seats AG Mary 502m . 46, 90 Rebecca, See 46 stephen; va. so ease 70 William, . . . 46, 90, II7 Rebort, John, 46 Redman, Frances (Baynes), 669 Reeds: Georgeyes was a. ts 108 Rees; Davidyat 2, Sep Oe 7 Jane, . 212 Lewis, 30 REGS AD ey a . 46 Thomas, . 2, 16 “ Widow,’’ 46 Reese, Anne, 372 Philip ses ke GS ese 267 Reinharts Mary; ae oS ok Sect 250 Rhoades, Burt, . . . 2181 Frank, . 2180 Matern se . 2183 Preston, . 1419 Warren, . 2182 Rhoads, Adam, . 246 Alfred S., . 2024 Alice S., . 1314 Alice Sellers, . 2022 Anna J., T3211 Daniel, Daniel J., . . en 24 Edward, .. : 6a. Edward Keasby, Smith, : . 1547 Francis Sinnicksen,. . . . 1329 James, Jane, . : ‘ . 1346 Jane Elizabeth, . 1310 J. Howard, 2023 INDEX. Rhoads, John,. . ... SMO Ra Josephs 0. a5 26 Joseph Ro, - sve a aa 1318 Joseph James,. ...... 1328 Joshua, ...-.. wyelren eee O48 Julius F., 2... 2... 212 Maria D. (Smith), . .. . . 655 Martha.C. 3 ees 1316 Mary Ann, ..... oo O51 Mary?Jin 2. ccs ce ee ae 1313 Naomi,........ 656, 1315 Naomi(Thomas), ..... 246 Rebecca Naomi, . . . . . . 1330 Sallies 1. so oka 1346 SamuelJeanes,. ...... 1326 Sarah (Jeanes), .... . . 246 Sarah W.,. 0... ee ee, 652 T. Walter, 2... ., Lge L3L7 Zillahy so. ole Li ae ae “e053 Rhods, Annie,. . 2... 2... 723 Rhys, Llewellyn ap., ...... 250 Richards, Abel, . 2... 2... 175 Abigail, fee eo alte See 484 Adelaide, 6. Fa Sse ee 1432 Albert,. 2. 2. 2. 2. 482, 1153 ALICE Nie ES ow 5 eee 1168 VAN esol oh die eee Igl PANNA?) Geo! is id late RS 1391 AnnaChristine, ...... 1172 Anna Willard (Steece), . . . 479 Benjamins... .... . 1436 Benjamin Sayre,. , . . 461, 1162 3eul II5, 172, 186 BROS Le L285 ja Louise, . . . . . . 1163 Daniel, gett. Set 65, 177, 449 Deborah Ann,. ...... 470 425 Richards; Edith): 7. j).) 427. 2194 Edn aang kau ita eri ae saad 1169 Bd win e021 a ele a ones 1146 BleanorAr, (ea eae ha BIZ nes ee nena 466 Elizabeth, . . . 16, 66, 452, 1431 Elizabeth (Evans), . . . . . 16 Elizabeth Jism ye janes 2198 Elizabeth ew ii ncss aun 173 Emeline Kirtland, ..... 463 mma 9 ie an ecn nail minal 1433 Enochian eye ania 267 Ettay 757 Sutil cman Mamas: 1152 Fannlesd ya Seq aac eee 458, 1149 Gainor! sia ie iu ica Gennes 16 Georg erry. s cr iiccur a 448, 483 GeorgerA yin ni ie wien eats 457 Hannah Eliaabeth,. . . . . 465 Elavard sive a seit ramen Ay 2144 Elelen ee ac ied te 2186, 2200 Herbert, ii eens megs 2193 Tsaaciie ay sh ee Aman a tar si 184 Asaac Wie, iia! nih enue aaa 467 Isaac Walker, . . 694, 1389, 1430 Jacobs Wis uucf ieeiawae aides 185 Janes ee eceaee 1390, 1434, 2199 JsCleaver, 0 ates aa sia een 2196 IS OSSES RSE ire Fa eae 1147 John, . . 269, 678, 693, 1366, 1437 John James; 20.95). n nai cis 1392 John Kelvey, ..... 479, 1171 Jonny, ue RO he aaa 468, 2195 Josephs 3 vies. sau cen 453 Josephy Des aus maveeren eens 178 Joseph Thomas, ...... 404 Joseph Walker, ...... 481 Je Walkerton sai se tieitenn 475 Toe wis ls eres sansy von Naeem connit 190 ews! Gaetan seein a Sana 2 Lewis Walker, . . . . 477, 1398 Millies Sey ate ears 456, 1148 Mousa, Secure sn aie 459, 1393 426 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. Richards, Lydia,. . ... 67,174,462 | Ridley, Samuel, ..... - + . Bg Margaret,. ........ 16 | Righter, Eunice, ..... . . 2004 Marian, ......... 2145 James, ... +... 2... 1217 Martha, ....... 455, 1144 Leonard, ......-... 2003 Martha W., ..... 1389, 1430 | Riseling, Lucinda, ....... 824 Martha(Wood), ...... 678 | Ritter, William, ........ 250 Mary, ..... 187, 1366, 1438 | Roach, Emma,......... 1746 Mary (Carmichael), 185 | Roads, Ad... ....... I9 Mary T., ,......-.. 1394 | Robert, John, ......... = «£6 Owen, r U sa -. .. «+. 16 | Roberts, Albert, . 2. 4... . . 1425 OtisY.,.......2808. A74 Alga,. . mia BML, 806 Rachel,. . ........ 1150 Allen,. 2... . . 2163, 2170 Robert, . . 454 Ann, ...... La ww . 1364 Rowland,. . . . 2, 16, 176, 1151 Anna, ........4.4. 105 Samuel, 2, 16, 69, 70, 174, 189, AnnaE., .......2.2. 2328 248, 451, 478, 375 Annie,. .... . 1412, 2167 SamuelS., ...... 695, 2197 Benjamin Havard, ..... 1407 Samuel W.,........ 469 Charles, ...... . . . 2171 Sarah,. . 2. 2... 16, 188, 473 Charles Joseph, ..... . 1414 Sarah (Kelvey), ...... 189 Clarence, ......... I415 Stephen, ......... 447 Cordelia, ....... 2... 683 Susan (Supplee),. . .... 1366 Cornelia, toe ee es 1417 Susan Walker,. ...... 1397 David, ........ 247, 1422 Theodore Wright, . . . . . 1161 David Havard, ...... 14Io Thomas Walker, ...... 729 Ebenezer, ....... . 105 Dr. T.J.........02. 460 Edith May, ........ 2313 Tracy, ........ . . 1166 Edward,. .... 2 2,7,8 Webb, ......... . 1167 Edward Holstien, ..... 2316 William, . 450, 471, 1435, 1439 Edward Walker, . . . . . . 1750 William W., ..... 678, 1430 Elizabeth, . ....... 664 ry af William Wood, ...... 1396 Eliza, . . . . . 268, 1538, 1546 ’ S, i, ~ Richardson, Barbara, ...... 8 Ellen, .. tee ww we 657 (, / - i Isaac, .......... 267 Ellin, .. [lay Uf. i. ... 247 +h \, Jacob, . 2. . eee eee 267 Ellis, ... te 106 Joseph,. ........ . 3, 27 Emily, .v,. 0 3... 4.1344 Margaret, . ...-.... 20 Emily May, ..... _ , . 2166 Mary, .....-..... FOS Emily (Thomas),. . . . 278, 763 Rebecca, ........ . 267 Emma Dunwoodie,. . . . . 2325 Richeter, William, . ..... .1771 Evan,. ... .. 2... «31, 98 Rickabaugh, Dr., ...... . 1414 Gainor, . t ee ee 783 Mary, ....... .. + 1414 George, . . oy . . . 1413, 2185 Rickaby, John, ...... . . 669 Greta M.,. . ..... . . 2326 INDEX. Roberts, Havard, . . 2168 - Hugh,. . 2... 2... 252, 8 + Asaac, . . 278, 658, 763, 784 j Isaac Burton, ......., 2164 “4saac Walker, . 1408, 1424 JaneW., ... 2... 2... 661 Jesse... . 659 John, . 105, 247, 77 John Coleman,. . 962 John W., . 1420 Jonathan, 2, 8, 10s, 1538, 1546, 977 Jonne, os 252 Joseph... ... 106, 252, 1421 “Katey 2... ee ee. 1423 Lewis, 681 Martha,. ......... 1422 Mary, . . 105, 216, 763, 784, 1418 ‘Mary Ann,. . . 660, 685 Mary Davis,. . . ; . 2312 Mary Elizabeth Moore, . 1751 Mary Emily, ..... 1409, 2184 “ MaryW., . 2.00. 662, 686 _7 Mary (Walker), . . . 2... 252 ' Matthew, . . . . 8, 105, 159, 663 Norman, . 2165 Rachel, . 666, 1419 Rebecca, . . . 252, 665, 782, 2169 Rebekah, . ........ 684 Robert, . 2... 2... 247 so Sarah, . .... 8, 10s, 662, 679 | Sarah (Shoemaker), 106 Susan Havard,. ...... 1416 Susan HS wee ee ee 2327 Stephen, . . 2... 683 ~j a4 Tacy, . 6. ew ee ee 281 | Walker, ......... 682 Walter Jonathan,. . .... 2314 William, . 7) 252, 680, 737 William B., . William H., Robinson, Adam, Anne, . 1538, 1546, 2315 . 1411, 1546 249 249 427 Robinson, Elizabeth, 249 Isaac,. 2... 2... 249 Joseph, 249 Mary, 249 Matthew, ......... 249 Moses, ........ 105, 249 Nicholas, . ..... 249 Priscilla, 249 Rachel,. . ......2.. 249 Rachel (Parks), . .... . 249 Rebekah, ......... 249 Samuel, . 2... 0, 249, 282 Sarah,. ........., 8, 249 Sarah (Coates), . ..... 249 Thomas, ...... 70, 249 William, ......... 249 Roblin, . 2... 2... 0... I2 Rockey. Pheebe, .... . 1058 Samuel,. . 2... 399 Rodney, Margaret, ....... 1410 Roger, Janey... ...... 7, 106 John,. .......... 106 Roberts, ...... 106 Rogers, Esther, ........ 267 Hannah, ......... 139 Jacob, ...... 267 Rebecca, ......... 8 Robert, . . ... 28 Ross, Catherine, ........ 108 Eneas, .......... 108 George,. ...-... 2... 108 George, Rev., ....... 108 Gertrude, ....... 108 John,. . 2... 2... ee, 108 Margaret, ......-.. 108 Mary, ........+. 108 Rossiter, Elizabeth (Robinson), . . 249 Mary (Stephens),. ..... 723 Samuel, ........ 267, 723 Rowland, Benjamin, ...... 273 B. Franklins. ......, 754 Caroline, ......... 758 OF THE WALKER FAMILY. 428 GENEALOGY Roland, EleanoraS.,...... 760 allay a Carpe se atc ee one 761 James, Senay: tae ret 243 Josephye x 2 S53 - 243 Joseph Wagner, . I61L Marcia G., 752 Margaretta, =a 756 Many; ees eran ies S 755, 1613 Rossen ere ie: . 1612 Ruthanna,. 324k... 751 Samuel J... Sate: 757 Thomas Walker, . . 753 Winfield W., 759 Rulison, Caroline, 206 Rummells, Richard, 315 Russell, Sarah,. . . . . 46 Rytherah, Philip, . . 46 Sass Minions. we. ss 250 Samuels, Margaret, . . 30 Sanders, Hannah;, 403-4. .7 8s « 166 Sands, Susanna W., 694. Satterthwait, David, . . 977 Sayre, Anna Maria,. . . 178 Scholl, Jane,. . . . 328 Scroggy, Minerva, . 830 Seal, Amanda,... . . 1318 Esther L. Ck y . 1318 Joseph, 1318 Secor, a ha: 189 Thomas, 189 _Sellers, Alice, 650 “Ann E., . . 650 Catherine, . . . 1685 George, . 650 Serrell, Emma, . 282 Martha wes aaee eteamcc acne case 282 Shainline, R. Jane, . . 1539 Sharp, Caroline, 273 Hannah, a e7S. John, . . 1364 Joseph, 273 Sharp, William L., Shaw, Milton, ... “« Widow,”’ Shearer, Andrew B., Charles C., Estella V., Ethel, Frederick W., Ira S., Willetta G., Willis L., Sheffer, Salmon, Shephard, Kate, Sheppard, Catherine, Hannah, William, Sherman, John, . . Shillach, James, James T., Shippen, Edward, Shoemaker, Mary, Sarah, Thomas, Showalter, Frank, Shryock, Laura, Shuben, Sarah,. . . . Sidwell, Cornelia, Sigman, Ida, Simcoe, John, Simons, Thomas, Simmons, Eliza, Leah, Ruth Ada, Samuel, . . Simpson, Estelle, Simton, Fannie, Singclair, Matilda, Siter, Adam, . Skiles, Mary Elizabeth, Slaughter, Louisa, Myrtle lei Scie O77 Shinn, Anna Morris, . . set OZ. . 1201 - + G8 . 1088 . 1916 . 1921 A eoae G22 . 1923 . 1917 . 1920 . 1919 . . 1918 . . 1878 . 1636 677 677 . 1433, 2192 . 1423 2359a . 16208 INDEX. 429 Slaymaker, Barbara, ...... 1365 | Smith, Etta Angeline,. ..... 954 Sleek, AbnerW.,. 2... 2.0. 837 Eve, ..- 1... eee 318 Annie, .......... 1703 Horace G., ........ 476 Benjamin W., ....... 838 Israel, 2 2. 2 2 ee ee 347 Daniel,. ..... 1700 John,. ... +... ... 2 Franklin, .......4.. 1705 Joseph,. .....4.. 99, 152 Grant, ........4.. 1707 Louisa, .......... 828 Hannah, ......... 842 Lydia Jane, ........ 951 Harlin, . 2... ... 2s. 1701 Maria Dick,. ......., 655 Ida, ...... . 1696 Mary,......... 541, 839 John, . 843, 1709 Osburn,. ..... . 1190 Josiah, ......... 841 Rebecca (Sinnicksen), 655 Margaret,......... 836 William, ........., 1228 Myrtle, .......2... 1702 | Smurthwaite, Lydia, . 1550 Rebecca, . . . . 1699 | Smyth, Anna Canby, ...... 597 Samuel, . . ... . 840, 1697, 1708 Emily B.,. ...... . 602 Samuel A., toe . 322 WilliamC, ......, 597, 602 Sarah, . 835, 1695, 1704 | Snode, Lucy, ........., 1175 Thomas, ......... 1710 Mary, .......... 1173 Thomas W.,. .... . . . 839 | Sooney, Eliza, ......... 371 William,. .... . 1698,1706 | Spahr, Louisa,. ........ 1875 Sloan, Bessie, . . 2164 | Spangler, Charles, 205 Elizabeth M., toe ke ee 2164 James, .......... 205 Malicha W.,. ....... 2164 Lydia, .........., 205 Martha,. ....... 749 Nathan, ......... 205 Sloane, Mabel,. ........ 1164 | Sparks, Rachel, . ...... 837 Slokom, Anna,. > ....... 955 | Speakman, Mary, ....... 579 Charles, ......2.2.. 1744 | Spears, Annie (Bane), ..... 485 Deborah, ...... 958 Stella, 2... 2... 0, 485 Isaac Walker, 957 | Sporley, Caroline, ....... 1745 Mary, .......... 959 | Springman, Annie, ....... 1435 Samuel . . 362, 960, 1743 | Sproul, Annie,. ........, 1748 Susanna, ....... » . 956 Dora, .........-. 1747 Smallshaw, Thomas, . . . . 8, 23 Dorothy, ......... 2370 Smecley,.George, ....... 8 Everett S., ......2.. 1745 Louisa, ....... 978 James, .......... 959 Smith, Anna Mary,. . . 953 John,. ........2.., 2371 Catherine Iva, .... - 952 Mary, .......... 1749 David, 563, 564 Thomas Jay,. ....... 2369 Edward, ...... 655 William C., . 2... 2... 1746 Eliza, .......... 1229 William H.,. . 2... , 958 Elwood W., . . 2... .. 950 | Stackhouse, Lydia,. ...... 989 OF THE WALKER FAMILY. 430 GENEALOGY Stalker, Hannah,. . . . . 249 Stamper, John, 8 Stanton, Dr. Benjamin, . 202 Benjamin L., 518 Byron oe 516 Caroline, 2 Fy: 513 Maltonyees cre. ees 517 Davidson sooo eee 514 Blizabethye ot See ens tes es "1183 Emily Irish, . 1184 Jhauratceln eee nes oe 510 Olivera peak Fe 511 JOSEP 5s rent re eres er 512 Rebecca, 509 William, 515 Star, Menick, , 78 mtarny PA Dieta ee ta ae. > . 52, 363 Jeremiah... 75.49. . 52, 363 , Rebecca, 363 St. Aubrey, Lord, 385 INeginaldipar..°. 5. anc: G85 Saunders de, ISS Stearns, Anna Augusta, . . 1496 Emma Hoyt, 1498 George Herbert Pesrame 1500 John Owen,. .. . . 714, 1499 Margaret C. (Walker), 714 Mary Athalia, F 1495 MatildaStevens, . .. . I501 Onslow, oe neers uk 5 O2, Sarah’ Neilson)... 3673 2263 William Walker,. . . .. 1497 Steece, Anna Willard, . . 479 Steen, Margaret, 443 Steer, Caroline, 1302 Bde ar perks va ty 1303 Playas cs 639 Grace, ene 1307 Harold, . 1309 Hlarniette; ts gy a-n, qe ais I301 Isaac, 93 Isaac E., 640 Steer, Leah,. 2... 2... 1300 Lewis W., ..... 2.58. 636 Mary sr coi Pd Pet 638 Rachely 3 oe Bets ee 240 Samuel,i <=) 6s Pees ae fo 1299 Samuel dongs ee eee OK ws 239 Sarah Ann, iy 6s ba 637 Walters. n5ss Se 1308 William, 2. /(9 049. ). . 241 Steits, Henry, ....... 46 Stemper, Hannah, ........ 8 Stephens, Abijah, 46, 250, 267, 973 Ada May,....... . 1552 Anna Moore, ....... 267 Benjamin,. . ...... . 267 Davidse ceo 2, 267 Bleanors = ees See. 267 Eliza (Moore), Soh Skea. 267 Elizabeth,. . . . . . 2... 267 Emma,..... Sr eenremey 1°) Hrances Wey et. cee ss . 1555 Frank P., tae f * 1550 Hannah, . 267, 268, 730 Hannah Jane, . . . . . . . 1549 Hannah (Walker), . . . . . 267 Isaac Moore, ... . 2... 267 Jacob Rogers, . / JLT. © 267 JamesG, 2% 75°. "1563 Jeremiahs ga et is 207 J eSSCN) Me hag Peter aete tg 2 207. Joanna Davis, . 1542 Josephine, 22.4.0. Qu. . © 1403 Lydia Wells, . ... . "7 Margaret Currie, . . jz Mary, Mary ( (Davis ; Mary E., Mary Emma, : Mary MacVeagh, . Maurice, . ae Priscilla, . 267, 373 Rachel MacVeagh, . . . . . 267 INDEX. 431 Stephens, Ruth, ........, 267 | Stratton, Joshua, ........ 201 Richard Currie, . . 725, 742, 1551 Louisa, .......... 526 Sallie, 2... 2... ee. 727 Lydia, .......... 524 Sarah Ella, ..... 2... 1543 Martha,. ......... 522 Sara Frances, wo. ee . 1554 Rachel, . ........ 521 Sarah (MacVeagh),. . . 267,670 Rebecca, ......... 523 Sarah Walker, . . . 722 Sinah,. . ... 2... 508, 527 Susan, .......... 1404 Whittier, ......2.2.. 528 Susan (Davis),. . ... 710, 730 | Street, Janes... 2... 2.0.2. 1372 Stephen,. .... 2... 267, 670 John, .......... 1372 T. Barclay, .... 2... ., 1553 | Streets, Edward, . ....... 1367 William, ......... 267 Mary Elizabeth (Griffin), 1367 William M., . 250, 267, 710, Priscilla (Walker), . . 1367 730, 1403, 1404, 1572 Thomas Hale,. ...... 1367 William May, . 1544 | Streiwig, William, ....... 816 William W., . . 2321 | Stretch, Margary, ....... 8 William Walker, . ..... 723 | Strickland, Mary,. ...... 8 Winfeld, ......... 1542 | Strong, Maria C. Garretson, 203 Stevens, Dionis, . . 713 | Stroud, Ann (Davis),. ..... 106 Elizabeth Molony, . 2337 Sarah (Davis),. ...... 106 Frances E., ........ 1563 | Stubbs, Mary, ....... 1013 Frances Lillian, . . . . 2334 | Stuccert, George,. .. 2... . 279 Hannah Elsie, . . . . . 2333 | Sturgeon, William, ....... 32 James C.,. . . . 1563 | Suitor, Emily (Furgason), . . . . 852 James Clayland, . . 2335 | Sullivan, Annie, ........ 371 John Frederick, . 2... , 2332 | Sunderland, Martha, ...... 1576 J. Thomas, ...... . 1563 | Supplee, EdwinM., ...... 739 Mary Kemble,....... 2336 Frank, . 2... . 2... 1596 Steward, Henry, ........ 2068 Janey... 2... Le, 1572 Stewart, AdaB.,......2.. 1484 J. Wayne,. . 2... 2... 1597 Stillé, Maria, ......... 257 | Suters, Ida (Sleek), . 2... . 1696 Stom, John, .........-. 376 | Sutton, Washington, ...... 203 Stone, Edward, 236 | Swayne, Hannah, ....... 194 Esther, .......2.2.. 25 | Swisher, John,. ........ 871 Kor. Jsaac,. 2... 590 Mary, .......... 236 | Taggart, Austin,. ..... 282, 1440 Story, Thomas, ....... IQ, 370 Esther, . 2 2... 1 1 1440 Stratton, Aaron, 204 EstherE.,. ......2.. 2207 Edward, 507 Joseph R., 2... ....., 1446 Emily, .......2.24. 519 | Talbot, Susan, ......... 89 Jerusha, 525 | Talbott, John, ......... 89 Joel, . 2... 520 Joseph, . ......... 89 +14 < 432 GENEALOGY Talbott, Rebecca (Hirst), 89 Richard, 89 Aare, MNS S355 oo Go ho 88 ‘Bermards Se .G cae sas 215 Daniela ees 587 Hdwardsinnm time eens 586 HLATTAC LCS sat ee ee ye es ee te 239 ISAAC Meets soe 363 SSG Scr ty. SAS 379 Dr. John E., 802 Mary, 1644 ManyeAmn,a oh ahaee 9 ts 588 Olly, .-. 1226 Rebecca, 723 bWalliarnise eine sku ey 589 shhamsing ty iaiit. coe tec Ron 590 Ten Heuven, Evart; see De Haven. pherrellMjanei(Street 47) ie 1372 Johny Wenersee 1372 Sarabtyy cicw ss ei he ee te ose 1372 Thissell, Charles,.. ..... 997 Mary Stuart, . . 1806 Thomas, Abel, 65, 105 Abraham Jowente ce crate aa 8 Anny rat - . 46, 112, 29 Anna, . . . . 105, 244, 249, 1624 Anna Louisa, ....... 765 Anna (Noble),. . . 105 Annie (Lightfoot), . 1416, 1468 Be Aubrey; iy wae 112 ENEMA, 5 5 6) 6 a Ratt peels 2 Benjaminyacsey eee 769, 1626 Charles, . 267° Clarence Biooey se2073 Be avidly sa rarns ahem ie 46, 105, 112 Edward, 105 u “Eleanor, 112 ’ Elizabeth, . . 46, 112 Elliott, . . . . 1416 * Elwood, . 1416, 1468 ~ Emily, 3 . 278, 770 Emily H. (Holstien), . 1488 OF THE WALKER FAMILY. Thomas, Esther, - 17, 46 Frank, 2176 Hannah, ; 112 Herbert, Ur.) eo; 787, 2175 Hezekiah, . 8, 46, 267 TGA AC eal ae > Ay © patos 2 Nl 2coD ere y sas. cm 2 Il, 46, 51 NACOD pn asset pee 8 James, es 2 ul2, 76 Jane Walker, 282 Johny =~. 12, 112, 28 34 )°Jonathan, . 112, 282 _af Joseph, 2050150277, 27. "Joseph Davis, Be 23 LT Joshua, ... 105 Letitia, . . I12 APOUISAy An, ore cee r gare Sir 280 Lydia ea II, 65, 112 Lydia Bell, . 1245 Margaret, .... . 16 Marian,. . . . 1247 Marine,. . . . . 1536 Marthasege area 112 Martha ee 112 Mary, B28 105, 112, ae 274, nae 79 MaryeAmnhacees <5 oe ene ee 767 Mary H., ae 267 Mary (Harard), . 112, 250 Mary M. (Stephens), 267 Mary R., . 1468 Melissa, Pye ane 240 Michaels ace) ise ee ee so LS, Miriam, . 250 Naomi, ; NENG) os 6 r12 Nathan, Ononah, Owen,. . Pauline Lewis, . . Pearson, Sos oo, ARE ee Peter, II, 12, 16 Be INDEX. 433 py Thomas, Philip, ....... 46, 267 | Townsend, Edward Francis J., . . 1186 ha, Priscillay: 7.55.20). ee 46 Emmoryey 4 ae eee 534 nal 112, 245, 267, 279, 772 Eugene Washington, 1188 AS Priscilla (Jarman),. .... 112 Eveline May, ~ ... as. 1185 nh Rebecca, 112, 771, 786, 1356, 1488 Franciss (406. ar ee ne 82 Rebecca::B:; 05... ea ee 1625 Erancis)\i-5). 00) epee eee 206 vf Rebekah, so). es eee 267 Efannah, a ea eee 204 ; HY y Rees, . . 8, 112, 275, 768, 785 Hazelilouisay eee eee 1189 HREES aT sy cen Pyke ey pee 54 Jas Wise Gh a teeny 506 {40 | SpeRichard). > ve: Sed eee 112 John] 5 N95 eae ean aS 538 vl MmeRobert; o. ico eS tree eee 1058 Josephs. 4: ast Gang 82 . dt? Ruth ek ee Ne ne 17 Joseph i ie ee 502 Samuel,. . . . 8, 112, 446 Wewiss isi. anne gaa me 203, 535 Garalse i ag cuscsatve oe eae 8 Toy dias, Si Ge © aia ee ee 205 eG \ < 46, 105, 243, 276, 1243 Lydia Mere wee genes 514 Sarah (Jarman), ...... 46 Marthay hye ener 202 AY @AeCSOIOMON, -. us ss sa nko 40) Mary ji cja seer emer 199, 537 : Susans Mes. 9 5 ie heme 446 Milo: As, uty eee 223 BM ACY, Oo 5h verar dee ae oe 1248 Mira. Ee, uke naar 503 / ¥y 7S ;Thomas . 2, 8, 17, 46, 267, 23, 37 Rachel; s(.s kee eee seers 82, 201 i, ewalter, 1244 Rebecca (Way), ...... 200 | f ) William, . . 8, 46, 112, 267, 16 Richards is eee 82 Williams Bs sprore togi es 764, 1488 SarahyAnn) 3.) 2) ene eee 539 a William Penn, ..... 112, 281 Sarah Elizabeth, .... . . 1187 F William Roberts,. . . . . . 2174 Sinahy ass 6) eee ee 536 4 achariah,: ip). oh Sask oo xe 4 Tazettat vote ty en ears 505 Thompson, Abel, ....... 96 | Townsley, Harriet, .. .... . 985 st Margarets ots eee he cane 97.) Lrego,,Jonathan,e) ary) ages 770 (| Many, neon ies: Gian ona rane 1817' (|: DrostleHarry,, “cee tee oe 865 Saralivea ad (ae ye emees 8 l\usErotters Ann; 2c. es 675 UN re a Aer a 43, 95 Joseph; ao ate ae oe 675 Re a Sr Es 1364 Martha. a jiu) enc 675 Be eras 3 hh 108 | Trout, Frank, . .. . . . IOI, 1814 ard eer tc. cae 669 Jeremiah) ee ee 1816 SEE ae 1939 Mazieys pie ee OLS Sehr: ees 108 | Truman, Beatrice, ..... . . 1790 i 1364 James; a5 te cater eee 135 ete MR arn es 1364 Margarets = 2S) iggesae) in £7.89 PO cheep ee ness Shee 1364 guhomas, a. eo eee 981 ‘Tod PLY Sierences ye caesar a2 pacbudkersijoseph,, aie eee O71 Townsend, Abel W.,...... 200 | Tunis, Abraham, . ....... 112 Gelecias; “oa fee ee 504 Abram, a qn. opio cach ne 112 434 GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. } 4d ‘Tunis, Anthony, ........ 112 | Underwood, JesseW.,. ..... 205 Aubrey,. . 2... 7. ee. 112 John M., ...... 2... 203 Charles, ......... 112 Lydia Ann, ........ 204 Hannah, .......,-. 112 Mabel, ...... - 1 + . 204 Jane,....... 2.286. 112 MargaretS.,. ....... 205 Priscilla, . ........ 112 Mary Jane, ........ 205 Rees, .... 2... 2%. 112 Norman, ......... 812d Richard, ......... 112 Russell,. . 2... 2... 204 William, . . 2... 1... 112 Wilbur,. ......... 204 Tyler, Charley ........ 342 | Updegraff, Ambrose, ...... 88 Clara, ..... 2055 Ann, .......... 88 Estelle, 2... 2... .. 2056 Ann (Lupton),. ...... 88 Helen Marquis, ...... 2393 David, 2... .......- 88 Ida Etheredge (Fergusson), . 2057 Hannah, .... ... 88 Lucy, ....... 1341 James, ....... 88 Virginia Etheredge,. . . .. 2394 Joseph, ......... 88 Walter Bancroft, . ..... 2057 Josiah, . 2... 2... 88 Tyndaethwg, Conan, 5 Mary, .......... 88 Tyrrell, George, . . . 1372 Nathan, ......... = 88 Tyson, Barbara, ........ 266 Rachel, ........2.. 88 Cornelius, . . 266 Susanna, ......... 88 Joshua, .........., 282 Thomas, ...... 88 Margaret, . . 266, 286, 1364 Mathias, . . 266, 1364 | Vale, Ann, .......... 54 Asahel Walker, ..... . 908 Ulman, Clayton, . . 2178 Edwin, .......... g12 Joseph,. ..... 2179 Eli... . ee 906 Lewis, .......... 2177 Elizabeth Ann, ..... . 907 Uriah, ...n 2... .. 1417 Hugh Mortland, ...... 1858 Umstat, Eve, 266 Isaac, . 339, OII Hans Peter, ........ 266 John, ......... . 905 Nicholas, ......... 266 Joshua,. ...... =... . 1070 Underwood, Ada, ...... 203 Mary, ..... . 126, 913 Anna, Do ee ee 204 Nathan C., oe ees GHD Arthur, .......0... 204 Oliver, .... 2... . . 1855 ‘Charles, . ....... 316, 204 Portia Irene,. . . . . . . . 1857 Charles Harrison, ..... 204 Robert Amos, . . .... . 909 Emeline, 207 SarahEmma, ..... . 1856 Enola, 203 | Valentine, Rebecca, . .... =. 249 Eugene, 204 Thomas, ........ . 249 Florence, .. . 204 | Yanderslice, Hannah,. .... . 4 Jesse, 205 John,..... Loe 4 INDEX. 435 Van Norden, Jno., . . . 7h gO WalkerAbel Mca ie a ee tan ea 436 Van Scoyoc, ( Vansiock), Annie $873 Abel Townsend, ..... ., 1236 Benjaminuws, 6 ee a 332 ASD lV cat idlitt ie ere He ge eet 1096 Charlesy. § voi. ee ee ES 07,0) IAD erin ene 118, 122, 824 Clintons ae ae S74 Allberta, ci itp ie Danaea 2135 /A IBNOCHS: «hae ae RLS haa A fred pl ahi MOM inate ee reais 880 Tray eA Rs ce ee ee SSO) Alice Adelaide Wis navn l254 Jessie Annah, «...0. .).). 865 ALICE iiiterrea ens neva 5 OS lOCIET pus i:s oc se aise wena A UAlice Marya bya any eens eee 2126 Wloyd. Gis ae. et an . 860 Atay, |(Grithith;) yes ieee aes 436 Meloy dell ys. yn ee ie ae ee S72 PANICLE Walia (eae FOr as aera 1565 IManalyec ar. eticiay sit eeerens 20 CASTIIN rhipat eee 70, 131, 248, 269 Mary Alice, 3 Oceans BOT. ATT ESLIZ a nO io Saas ere 1210 IMorriss). son oe 8 eS 76 PAIN. Aine) AU gene 326 IMIOSES ye eae ee, ee RE 3 2) 382, 397, 1025, 1234, 1658 Rebecca Janes. 20 ve S03) Ama Bn ihn ant aun ert 53, 1116 RUN eyes fe) Gl On ee RO Anna Broadess, .. . . .. 1518 Sarah: Estella, .* Gerais vee es OOn Anna)Maria,s Naege Gunn i OOT Susanna, ee RS OO 1 Annas Mary, i tue nea 1217 William Cooper i.) 2205 11362 ‘Annabelle win ve wm. nte ier 2217 pode? y Vaughan, Anny: colo eee sO PATINIes a Si nie 361, 584, 2134 MomiaGee, William, (5.0.52 8 86 Annicyvin noo) ewan GLOAGS ear George; ss. Fe ee O20 Anpie#Potts si. aye ee 1883) Georges Fe ieee 23500 Annie Robison, . . . . . . 1668 MarysMorris; 3) 258 6. Se i23boe Amnie! Ross 5): Sayteue ae irene 715 WWalliamySiy) sch tae cj tt 23506 Aquilla Spencer, . . . . . . $31 Mogdes Altamonta, . . .-. .... . 1471 Arnoldsok 2) iene AZSoalOgO Margaret, cht iis eee EATS Asahel, 52, 126, 133, 138, 251, 364, Reynolds. ts jaca, US eel 473 387, 397, 829, 877, 942, 1030 Richards. Sai. hte cn eN LAT AS Asahel Morris,. . . . . . . 934 Williamie 68525. = VERE EOS, Asahel Wie ie nc cee OLS Mrych, Mervyn, 5.05 20): 5 Athaliag cai sera sae 1557, 1561 Athalia L. T.,. . . 721, 748, 1522 Bases Never at Caan TORO Aubry; tenis hae eee neeians 2228 Bahilipjs tr oe esas Neos, Azael, see Asahel. Bie ete O76 Barbara tne ig 24) se 675 Benjamin, 51, 124, 158, 769, 1128, fering, 2 2s 3. 2 "200 1652 PIA er eT OA Benjamin F., ....<.. 51, 813 \ , Aaron, .. 368 Benjamin Harris, . 321, 826, 1670 Abel, . 7, 40, 54, ea 100, io 214, Benjamin Havard, ..... 1593 443, 554, 560, 1129 Berthaswyacay tees eet ane 1681 436 Walker, Bertha M., A. GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY wee ee, 1212 Bertram Keener, . . .. . 1291 Beulah, ...... 16, 325, 1943 Brinton Eugene, . 16494 Calving... .... 2... 821 Caroline, ....... 444, 1466 Catherines. ........ 293 Catherine (Rankin), . ... 46 Charles, . ........ 618 726, 941, 1127, 1130, 1143, 1281 1464, 1574, 1661, 1673 CharlesM., . ....... 1481 Charles P., . 2... 2... 914 Charles Wells,. . ..... 1379 Charlotte... .....2.. 1573 Charming Iden, ...... 1971 Clara Vogdes, . ...... 1483 Colket, . 2... .....4. 1482 Colonder,......... 291 Cornelia Needles, ..... 1276 Daniel,. . . 2, 14, 34, 72, 84, 216 Daniel H., . ......., 549 David, ....... . 677, 1135 Deborah, . 12, 369, 552, 969, 1134 Dixon, .......... 2047 Ebenezer, ........ 45 Eddie M.,. ........ I1I3 Edith, .......... 1985 Edith B.,........ . 609 Edward, woe ee eee 85 129, 430, I211, 1650, 1684, 1941 E. Enfeld, . ....... 1033 Eleanor Edwards, ..... 2227 Eleanor Massey, . . 1485 Eli, . 2... ee. 1655 Eli J., es 555 Elias Hicks,. . .. . ee 435 Eliel Allen, . ....... 832 Elisha Hunt, . 40, 605 Fliza,. ...... 155, 210, §53 Eliza Ann, ........ 571 Eliza Cowgill, . . . ... 1385 Walker, Eliza Jane,. ...... 624 Eliza Josephine, ...... 963 Eliza (Rambo), ...... 717 Elizabeth,. . ....... 3 4, 36, 39, 86, 98, 223, 319, 336, 820, 1144, 1935 Elizabeth B., . . 736, 1563 Elizabeth Baynes, ..... 1364 Elizabeth (Beidler). . 1409 Elizabeth Cooper, .... . 1270 Ella,... 2... ee, 1564 Ella Virginia, 1386 Ellen, ........2.. 202 Ellen Davis,. . ...... 1372 Ellen L. (Wells), . . ... 674 Ellis,. 2... ee. 1093 Elsie, 1560 Elwood, ......... 1974 Emily Eckman, ...... 2123 Emily Pancoast, ...... 997 Emma,... . . . 289, 917, 2348 Emma J.,..... . IIIO Emma Jane,. ....... 716 Emma Thamzin,...... 1218 Enoch, . . 6, 13, 115, 288, 300 Enos, ....... .. . 882 Erle... 2... 2.2... 1835 Emest, . 2... 0...” 1975 EstherEmma,...... . 933 Esther Jane,. . ...... 964 EstherL.,. 2... 2 0, 582 Eugene, 1962 Fannie Baynes, 1368 Fanny Baynes,. ...... 2124 Florence, apron owe 2 TIT Frances, If, oN ea. 2 1939 Frank,. ...., 8122, 1136, 1683 Frank Jones, 2223 Galusha Grow, ...... 1665 Garretson Cook, . ..... 345 George,. ... . . . 102 172, 297, 442, 920, 1141 INDEX. Walker, George B.,. . . . . .. 823 George W., ........ III! Glen Gifford, ....... 1960 Gordon Kent, ....... 1094 Haines, .....--.. 1031 Hannah, ......... 5 Hannah Ann, ....... 438 Hannah (Stephens), 268 Hananiah,. ...... 250, 673 Harold, ....... 1966, 2350 Harry, ....... 1138, 1579 Harry Stearms,. ...... 1484 Harry Thomas, ...... 2218 Harvey, . . II3ZI, 1662 Havard, . . 675, 2137 Hayes, ........4.. 812a Helen Duer, ....... 2127 Hepzibah,. ........ 125 Howard, ......... 1575 Hugh, ....-..... 620 Ida, ...... 1477 Imogene, ... . 2347 I. Newton, ........ 1576 TraB., 2... 2. - 938 Irene, ..... 1976 Isaac, 2... ee ee 8 37» 55, 70, 89, 90, 106, 127, 135 211, 257, 270, 335, 363, 619, 623 668, 737, 830, 1407, 1409, 1566 IsaacC., . .. 2 ee, 972 Isaac John, . 2... 1... 434 Isaac Hampton, - 1767 Isaac Lewis, ....... 966 Isaac M., 2 2 2 ee 932 Isaac P., 2... Uke 441 Isaac Priestman, . . . . 1365 Isaac S., 2 2... . 885 Isabella, .. 2... . » . « 1475 Isabelle, . 2... 2... :, 2215 Israel, 2 2. 132,570 IvinsC., 2... 0... 1468 337 Walker, Jacob, . . ....., 17, 1568 JacobB., .......40., 730 JacobR.,. 2... 2.2. 574 James, . . 128, 286, 365, 621, 822 James Abraham, ..... . 2129 James Baynes,. . . 1366 James F.,........., 1216 James M., . . 228, 593, 967, 1272 James Marshall, ...... 1770 JamesW., ........ 1289 Jane,* * . . 231, 255, 271, 915, 7 Jane (Havard), ...... 250 J. Clayland, . . . . . 2330 J. Blaine, . 2. 2... 2... 1834 Jarman, ........ 32, 120 JennettaB.,..... 1293 JeremiahC,. ....... 437 46, 109, 114, 154, 208, 234, 249 284, 366, 674, 1026, 1214, 1369 1376, 202 Joseph B., ...... 734, 1559 Joseph Burden,. . ... 263, 268 JosephC., ...... 561, 1036 Joseph Coates... .... - 388 Joseph D., ........ 1298 Jesse,. . . . 117, 312, 8126, 812¢ Jesse Wager, ....... 1382: Joel, 2... 2. ee. 157, 391 Joel Aaron, ........, 440 Jol H., 2. ........ 110g : JolM., .......2.. 1104 Joel P.,. 2... 1107 Jonathan, ......... 705 John, . . 121, 318, 420, 710, 8120 JohnC., 2... .. . 2... 1106 John E., ......... 1836 John Edward, ....... 230 JohnM., ......... 8125 John Owen Stearns, 1520 John S., Coe 819 John Willard, ....... 1125 Joseph,. ......... 4 438 Walker, Joseph Jeanes, ..... 1380 JosephL., ........ 626 Joseph Lewis, ....... 1768 JosephM., ........ 445 JoshuaV.,. ........ 51 Joshua Vale, ....... 341 Julia,. 2. 2... 1215 Julia Ann, ........, 879 J. Wallace, . 2... 2.2... 1121 Kate, .......... 1937 KerseyJ,. ........ 812a LaviniaM., ........ 812d Leah,. ..... 56, 93, 103, 152 Leah C., ........ -. 939 Leah Jane, ........ 1297 Levi Granville, . ..... 937 Llewellyn G., . 2... 2... 1290 Lewis, .......+2.-. I 4, 10, 42, 48, 88, 113, 232, 290 302, 594, 622, 667, 676, 795, 881 1252, 1373, 1388, 1963 Lewis B.,. ........ 209 Lewis J... ......2.. 1120 Lewis James, ....... 225 Lewis Katon, ....... 1377 Lewis Morris, ....... 433 LewisP.,......... 940 Lewis Pearson,. ...... 344 Lewis Preston,. ...... 1219 Lewis Townsend, .... . 551 Lincoln, ......... 1657 Louisa,. ....... 338, 1097 Loyal, .. 2... ee 1142 Luella, ... 1... ee, 1977 LuellaL.,. ........, 1213 Lyda A.(Fawkes),. . .. . 967 Lydia, ...... Lee 4 75, 87, 99, 213, 558, 916 Lydia E.,..... wee es 935 Lydia Elma,. ....... 1235 Lydia (Garretson),. .... 126 LydiaJ.. ......... 812¢ GENEALOGY OF THE WALKER FAMILY. Walker, Lydia Jane, ...... 346 Lydia Marsh, ..... 320, 420 Mabel, .......... 1776 Mahlon M.,........ I117 Malvin,. ...... . . . 1675 Margaret, ....-.-.. 31 316, 431, 709, 8122a, 1678, 1959 Margaret (Currie), . .... 108 Margaret Currie, ...... 714 Margaret Jane,. .... . 1092 Margaret (Jones), ..... 114 Margaretta, ...... 390, 1027 Maria, . 2... 5.2. - ee, 815 Marian, ....... 287, 1578 Martha, . . . . 81, 207, 548, 559 Martha B., ........ 572 Martha Carmon, ...... 1965 Martha (Potts), ...... 675 Mary, .......... I 9, 29, 33, 38, 47, 49, 76, 83, III 134, 236, 252, 273, 317, 362, 389 583, 591, 671, 708, 921, 973, 1378 1558, 1569, 1653, 1656 Mary Adeline, . ...... 833 Mary Alma, ........ 1984 MaryAnn, ........ 221 226, 339, 678, 968, 1295 Mary Alice, . 2... 1... 1371 Mary Baynes, ....... 2128 Mary (Baynes), ...... 669 Mary (Beeson), ...... 40 MaryD., ...... . . 1029 MaryE., ... 2... 229, 592 Mary Frances,. ...... 731 Mary Grace,. . .... por 1964 MaryH.,..... 556, 607, F114 Mary Helen, ....... - 796 Mary Isabelle... .... . 1405 Mary Jane... .... 1133, 1331 Mary Jones,. ....... 2224 MaryL., ..... . . . . 1108 Mary Louisa, ..... . 962 INDEX. 439 Walker, MaryM., ....... 627 Mary Pennypacker,. . . . , 713 Mary (Rankin), ...... 233 Mary. Ruth, sre 50 Sets 575 Mary Schall, . 2.2... . 1524 Mary Virginia,. ...... 1666 Mathias Pennypacker, . 717, 1525 Maud, jy ok eRe me ie 1677 Minnie;~ "sss 814, 1672 Miriam, ici Peed 569 Miriam -G.y0 22h. 4 818 Miriam Kempster, .... . 2138 Miriam: L.ye0.. 8.2 5, RR 817 Mollet oh... ss pee ichat aes 1676 Mordecai, ios ia es 44 Morrisy-° 08.1.5 ee tbs . 827, 883 Morris E., ..... A Sei 3 40. , ,Moses,.-. 2... ees 670 WUdete € Naomi, - >... ee cee 112 Mme ~=CtC<“‘;« 1360 Hannah C., . 1279 allichea th stay near ake ee 1361 Henrietta. . 1406 fn Sarah, . 2095 Howard, Saya . 2158 “ _ Wetherald, Sarah, 669, 1384 Isaac Walker,. . . . . 611, 1277 ~ Wharton, Robert, 27 JamesiW.,<- 42) ais 615 Wheeden, General,. . ..... 267 Joanna, Pega 108 Whitby, Thomas,. . . 19 John; eae. oe 60: 679, 2160 White’ Barclay, 1324 Josephine eats, oa 2, 679 George F., 1324 Joseph Roberts, . .. . . 1399 Harriet, 440 Lettice (Parry), 679 Rebecca L., hake 2025 Lewis, 679 Rebecca M. (amb), : 1324 Wile steers 2 . 2159 Walter Rhoads, 2026 Mary, 5 8, 250, 1041, 2146 Whitestone, Robert, . . F2s ZF Mary Jane, : . 1400 Whitson, Benjamin, 1008 Millie, . 2155 Ethel, 1813 Millie May, . 61 Joseph Paxton, 1006 Morris, . . . 250 Mary, 1007 Nancy;. 2". {12 Samuel, 1004 Phoebey oy 2 45 Sarah, 1005 Rebecca, 4 Thomas H., 379 Rachel eee 2 Whittier, John G., . 2... 189 Samuel, 12 Wickersham, Robert, . 591 Darah, se sew na ; Josiah, 203 Sarah (Roberts), . Wildey, Margaret, 741 Susan Talbot, Wiley, Eve, 1080 Thomas, . Wilhelm, Georgia, 1340 Walker, 4 William, Edward, 16 William, . . 9s 575 Ugh yee een se 30 William K., . 1405 Williams, Albert B., 604 | Willis, Samuel, 8 INDEX. Willits, Samuel, 804 Wills; Michael (304 5g ee 8 Wilsons-Amanda, sf per 829 Anna, pS A a eee 568 Athalia L. T., . Aiea TO) Coffin Colket, . 1515, 2282 David, . . . 250, 716, 1482, 1514 Eliza (Siter), . . 716, 1482 liza olter,c.s ca eens 1513 Elizabeth West, 2280 “Emma Jane, . 2277 Harry, : 46 Helen Anderson,. ..... 2281 Jackson Anderson, . 2284, Rebecca Thomas, 2279 Sarah Pennypacker, 1512 Thomas, 83 William Corson, . 1517 William West,. . .... 2276 Winfield, . 712283 Winfield Siter,. . . 716, 2278 Wisegawer, Thomas B.,. . 323 Witmer, H. C., 1065 Wolf, Kate, . . . 1874 Wonders, John, 1692 Wood, Anna J., 789 Martha sega) sci. paae etN. 707 Nancy, eee 1365 George, . /YPO ; 19 Wooden, Clara R., . 205 Vola ion Geer hd 60S 8 205 aE tae Soesja use Rlomn hac ghey 205 46 Pes oe esas 207 . . 46, 106, 250, 267 ginia, - 1759 ora, . . 1761 ‘ alker, - 1757 Meret iti: . . 964 ACMMEERUIUCCT, Ges es bes so L7H Maria Louise Antoinette, . 1760 443 Worst, Mary Pauline,. . . 1756 Newton Kelso, 1758 Worthington, David W., 719 Wirisht Anny. 4). aneeu anne o 3 07, Beulahien +) 200) eee LOL Charlesiiiec) ae seturioas 222 Elizabeth, eh 9) ane seen ee ee eae . 67, 183 Louisa Maria, . eeAor Lydia (Richards), 67 Marys cen ae 67 MaryAnn; 7%) 2c 180 Milliey ety yun 1405 Samuelsen, eee eee 67, 182 Sarah Jane, ... 1377 ~Yarnall, Alice, . 701 SAMOS feieesh Aires wenre ene 107 Peli Caer ars 107 Tee Weta ein 260 Elizabeth seine ae 182 Hannah (Mendenhall), . 107 Mordecai, . . 107 Nathan, 107 Priscillaaaei eae 107 Sarah, 259 M@homas, iiss 2 ee ees 262 Walker, 258 William, yore: ; I82 Zillah eens P21 VarnellsEmma; ce cee 1533 Yarrow, George, . . . 1571 Harry, 2341 Kemblesi: 3. are aero 2342 Mary Kemble,. .... . . 2340 William Kemble, . . 2343 Yates, Mary (Baynes), . ... . 669 Werkes iletticn ea umiiea ar. 697 Zeel, Jacob, . SST Date Due 19 NOV|2 ¢ 1985 AUG 1 RECD AUG 1 0 1096 Library Bureau Cat, no. 1137.3 t. ye. we game ee whee oe Se ecm eee eT Te Ve ‘ . Please refer to your cs Streets 7 Lewis Walker of Chester .W18 Valley and his descendants. 1896 SOUTHWEST TEXAS STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 23645 SAN MARCOS, TEXAS Library rules are necessary in order that the Library may be of the greatest use to the largest number of patrons. The rules will be posted in conspicuous places in the library and borrowers are asked to keep themselves informed as to the time for returning books, fines for overdue books, etc. BY? PRINTED IN U.S. PRET E nee PSU eh Ss Maaehs eae eee Dawes er t g Se