SCRIPPS INSTITUTION OF OCEANOGRAPHY LIBRARY OPTICAL SYSTEMS GROWT H UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO OPTICAL SYSTEMS GROUP TECHNICAL NOTE NO. 234 May 1993 3 1822 03387 3324 AUTOMATED WHOLE SKY IMAGERS FOR DAY AND NIGHT CLOUD FIELD ASSESSMENT UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO J. E. Shields R. W. Johnson T. L. Koehler M. E. Karr CRSI НЕ RNIA TERE (1868 ESPERO The material contained in this note is to be considered proprietary in nature and is not authorized for distribution without the prior consent of the Marine Physical Laboratory SCRIPPS INSTITUTION MARINE PHYSICAL LAB San Diego, CA 92152-6400 OF OCEANOGRAPHY """""" " " 蒙蒙 ​, TECHNICAL NOTE NO. 234 AUTOMATED WHOLE SKY IMAGERS FOR DAY AND NIGHT CLOUD FIELD ASSESSMENT J. E. Shields, R. W. Johnson, T. L. Koehler, and M. E. Karr SUMMARY A new 24-hour automated Whole Sky Imager (WSI) has been developed at the Marine Physical Laboratory at Scripps Institution of Oceanography. This system is used for assessment and documentation of cloud fields and cloud field dynamics. The WSI is a ground-based system which monitors the upper hemisphere under lighting conditions of daylight, moonlight, and starlight. It is a visible range, passive, electronic imager acquiring multi-spectral images under fully automated control. From these images, the presence of clouds is assessed using automated cloud decisions algorithms for daylight imagery; night algorithms are in development. This technical note describes the system, designated the Day/Night WSI, including sample imagery and a discussion of the algorithms. TABLE OF CONTENTS Summary : - List of Illustrations .. ........ E: WINRANXVMA 1.0 Introduction - ULIVII ............... 2.0 .................................................................. Overview of the Day/Night WSI System .. 2.1 The WSI Sensor .. 2.2 The WSI Controller... 3.0 WSI Data and Acquisition ..... 3.1 Sample Imagery ......... 3.2 WSI Data Acquisition ... Automated Cloud Assessment. 4.0 000 va Aww W 5.0 Conclusion 6.0 Acknowledgements ....... 7.0 References.. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Fig. # Figure Title 1 WSI Day/Night Sensor Assembly ........... ... 1 2 WSI Day/Night Sensor with Environmental Housing.... Day/Night WSI Hardware Block Diagram ... WSI Raw Data Image Acquired with Daylight at 650 nm ... Processed Cloud No Cloud Decision Image. WSI Raw Data Image Acquired with Moonlight at 650 nm..... 6 WSI Raw Data Image Acquired with Starlight in Open-hole Configuration ...... Clear Starlight Image Enhanced to Emphasize Star Constellation Patterns ........ Natural Illumination Levels .......... 10 Field Data Acquisition Conceptual Flow Chart... 11 12 Cloud Data Processing Conceptual Flow Chart Cloud Decision Image Series from a 28-Minute Data Acquisition Interval. ............... 1. INTRODUCTION Over a period of nearly ten years, the Marine Physical Lab (MPL) at Scripps Institution of Oceanography has developed a series of imaging systems for assessment of the atmosphere (Johnson, et al, 1986; Johnson, et al, 1989; Shields, et al, 1990; and Shields, et al, 1992). The Whole Sky Imagers (WSI) are automated imagers used for assessment and documentation of cloud fields and cloud field dynamics. The WSI is a ground-based elec- tronic imaging system, which monitors the upper hemi- sphere. It is a passive, i.e. non-emissive system, which acquires multi-spectral images of the sky dome. From these images, the presence of clouds is assessed using automated cloud decision algorithms. Clouds are such pervasive features of the atmospheric environment that they have a very significant impact on applications ranging from military test support to global warming research. Requirements can range from a simple need to know the cloud cover fraction at a given point in time and space, to a need to know the locations of clouds within the scene or more complex parameters such as the persistence of cloud free line of sight as a function of look angle. Whole Sky Imagers provide a determination, at ap- proximately 200,000 points in the upper hemisphere, of the presence of opaque clouds and thin clouds in the line of sight. WSI's may also be adapted to provide calibrated radiance at each of these points. Under fully automated control, the WSI's provide this information with minimal human intervention. The data may be used for statistical analysis of relations between cloud free line of sight and cloud cover, evaluation of persistence and recurrence, and other high resolution spatial and temporal character- istics of the cloud field. The systems are used in military test site support, providing documentation of field condi- tions during tests such as missile tracking tests. For Global Warming applications, the WSI's will provide cloud cover and cloud distribution information at test sites. These data will be used for studies of cloud radiative forcing and feedback mechanisms, and in un- derstanding relationships between the cloud field and incoming solar radiation at the surface. Over the last decade, the Optical Systems Group (OSG) at MPL, and formerly at the Visibility Lab, has developed a family of WSI systems, beginning with the fielding of the first two generations, EO System 1 and EO System 2, in 1984. During the late 80's, OSG developed and fielded Day-only WSI's (EO System 5), fully auto- mated systems which acquire image sets every minute for 12 hours per day. These images undergo a series of calibrations and processing by automated algorithms to yield a cloud decision image with 1/3 degree spatial resolution. Several of these daytime WSI's operated in the field over a period of 2 to 3 years per site (Shields, et al, 1991; Johnson, et al, 1991; and Koehler, et al, 1991). Building on the experience gained with the Day WSI systems, OSG has more recently developed a Day/Night WSI (EO System 6) capable of image acquisition under daylight, moonlight, and starlight conditions (Shields. et al, 1993). This note discusses the Day/Night WSI sys- tems, including control of data acquisition and interpre- tation of the data. 2. OVERVIEW OF THE DAY NIGHT WSI SYSTEM The Day/Night WSI is a ground-based electronic imaging system. The sensor package consists of a solid state CCD (Charge Coupled Device) camera, solar/lunar occultor, filter changer, and environmental protection. The control package consists of an IBM PC-compatible computer for communications and system control, a backup archival unit, and an Accessory Control Panel to enable a manual interactive link with the sensor assem- bly. 2.1 The WSI Sensor The WSI sensor is illustrated in Fig. 1. The primary components in this figure are discussed below. The . ...... ... .. ..... ..__..._.................._.._ __.__ . ... . .......... ... .. ....... ..................... . ..................... . .......... ..... FIG. 1 WSI DAY/NIGHT SENSOR ASSEMBLY (NOT TO SCALE) SOLAR/LUNAR ATTENUATOR ASSY PROTECTIVE ACRYLIC DOME VOTO . 610mm FISHEYE LENS, 4.8* DIA. NIKKOR, 8mm, 1 2.8 MODIFIED W/AUX, FILTERS (A to B: EBFL = 47.7mm) 1 AUDIO 2010 L01 MPL OCCULTOR DRIVE MPL CUSTOM DUAL INTERFACE WI AUX. FILTERS OLTASZOI ....... .. . .... . . ......... . . ..... WWW ELECTRO-MECH. SHUTTER ASSY * w ww . . . . DIXO * * * Utta # . COOLED CAMERA CHAMBER A MODIFIED 25mm FIBER OPTIC TAPER ASSY. . . # m . > MODIAED CH250 LIQUID COOLED CAMERA HEAD & HOUSING 100mm CAMERA ELECTRONICS UNIT FOR PM 512 ARRAY .. 1000000 ... The fisheye lens is a Nikkor 8mm f/2.8 lens. It has a full 180 degree field of view for viewing the complete sky dome simultaneously. The lens has equi-distant projec- tion, i.e. the zenith angle in object space is nearly linear with respect to the position of the corresponding pixel in image space. Like the Day-only WSI, the Day/Night WSI uses an optical filter changer designed by the OSG. There is a significant difference between the optical system in the two WSI's however. The optical system in the Day-only WSI uses an optical relay to convert the fisheye image size and location to the appropriate camera chip format. The lenses which form this optical relay are part of the filter changer in the Day-only WSI. The Day/Night WSI uses a different concept for converting the fisheye image format. The filter wheels are placed directly between the exit aperture and the back focal plane of the fisheye. The back focal plane is coincident with the surface of a fiber optic taper, which then de-magnifies and transfers the image to the chip. The fiber optic taper is bonded to the chip, for a proximity focus system. The losses and distortions in the taper are minimal, in comparison with relay systems we consid- ered, so that optical quality and sensitivity are preserved. The optical filter changer contains two independently controlled filter wheels, each containing up to four fil- ters. One wheel is intended for spectral control, the other for flux level control. The standard set-up is currently as follows: This selection of filters is somewhat different from that used in the Day WSI. In particular, the Day WSI used two pairs of red and blue filters. This was due to the limited dynamic range of the CID (Charge Injection Device) camera which is used in the Day Only WSI. Since the CID had a useful dynamic range of approxi- mately 1.2logs, it was necessary to use a second filter pair offset by.5 log to yield a dynamic range of approximately 1.7logs. The Day/Night WSI uses a CCD with a dynamic range of approximately 3 logs or more, and the use of a second filter pair is unnecessary. The Day/Night WSI's electronic camera is a Photometrics Slow Scan CCD. In our early development of nighttime capability, we tested a number of options, including on-chip integration with a CID camera, and use of an image intensifier. We found on-chip integration to be very non-linear, particularly as the sensor chip aged. Our image intensifiers proved to be noisy and unstable in our test applications; they also may be damaged by exposure to excess flux, which made their use in unat- tended field situations problematic. Following tests of several CCD cameras, we chose to go with a Photometrics slow scan camera. This camera has outstanding noise and sensitivity characteristics as well as high image quality. Its very low noise and high sensitivity allow acquisition of night imagery, even un- der starlight conditions. Its 16 bit digitization, in combi- nation with the low readout noise, allow for an outstand- ing combination of large dynamic range with fine radio- metric resolution. However, in slow scan camera opera- tions, data readout is far slower than in the earlier RS-170 class video systems such as used in the Day WSI. What you trade for of course is nighttime capability with high image quality. The camera housing shown in Fig. 1 is temperature stabilized. It is sealed and purged with dry nitrogen at a slight positive pressure for protection of the sensor ele- ments from moisture. The tracking solar/lunar occultor is a dual drive occultor, with separate control of the azimuth drive and zenith drive. The computer logic supplies the appropri- ate occultor gear angle as a function of date and time, and the occultor is driven (automatically) to the proper posi- tion. Most of the occultor is opaque, however the central portion consists of a 4 log neutral density filter, so that the sun or moon position may be detected. This aids in validation of computer clock time, WSI leveling, and lens geometric calibration. As shown in Fig. 2, the WSI sensor and camera chamber are further protected by an environmental en- Filter Position Spectral Wheel ND Wheel AWN opaque (blocked) open open 2 log ND 650 nm 3 log ND 450 nm optional Most of the above filter positions also include opti- cally transparent trim filters, to enable pixel registration (i.e. same size image for all possible filter combinations). Spectral position 1 is used for acquiring a dark image, used to correct the raw field image for dark offset and pixel nonuniformity. Spectral 2 is open-hole, and may be used for calibration or for acquisition under rural star- light conditions. Spectral positions 3 and 4 are for acquiring the red and blue images. The use of this filter pair has enabled development of cloud algorithms based on the spectral character of the sky scene. Neutral Density position 1 is used for night acquisition, 2 is for twilight, and 3 is for daytime. Filter position 4 on the ND wheel may be used for optional test configurations. Fig. 3 closure. The system includes a chiller assembly, which cools the camera chamber. In addition, the chilled liquid is provided to the hot side of the TE (thermo-electric) cooler which cools the sensor chip, thus further enhanc- ing the low noise characteristics of the CCD. (Nitrogen cooling is not required.) The environmental enclosure also houses the camera electronics unit, and coolant flow monitor. DAY/NIGHT WSI HARDWARE BLOCK DIAGRAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENCLOSURE HIGH RESOLUTION VGA MONITOR 10 PHOTOMETRICS ATX 200L SOLID STATE SLOW SCAN CAMERA & ELECTRONICS UNIT TMI COMPUTER (IBM PC CLONE) with TMI 80486 CPU 254 mm . DIGITAL DOCTO . t Fig. 2 WSI DAY/NIGHT SENSOR WITH ENVIRONMENTAL HOUSING (NOT TO SCALE) : AT 200 CONTROLLER CARD - - 24* 610 mm AUTOMATIC SOLARLUNAR OCCULTOR ASSY. OPTIONAL COMMUNICATIONS MODULE - - VII. EXABYTE EXB - 8200 2.2 Gbyte 8 mm Cartridge Tape System REMOTE CONTROLLED OPTICAL FILTER ASSY. .itakin www wowWWWWWWWWW * ANALOG www w w wwwww.......... . ..... ..www.w ww. ACCESSORY CONTROL PANEL . COOLING COILS - STOWED KEYBOARD TEMPERATURE AND STATUS SENSE COOLED CAMERA CHAMBER ttö EXTERIOR SENSOR INSTALLATION INTERIOR CONTROLLER INSTALLATION CAMERA ELECTRONICS UNIT COOLANT FLOW MONITOR & NC CUT-OFF 6.5 - . 14.5 COOLANT RESERVE & PUMP ASSY CHILLER ASSY 2.2 The WSI Controller The WSI exterior sensor system is connected to a controller, consisting primarily of electronics and the computer package. This controller must be in an office environment or equivalent protected environment. These units are normally connected by 100-foot cable. Fig. 3 illustrates the primary components of both the exterior sensor and the interior controller, and their connection. In addition to the PC computer and monitor, the controller includes an Accessory Control Panel (ACP). This ACP enables control of the filter changer and occultor either manually or through computer control. The controller also includes an Exabyte tape backup system with a data storage capacity of 2.3 Gbytes. 3. WSI DATA AND ACQUISITION 3.1 Sample Imagery A sample Day/Night WSI image is shown in Fig. 4. In this illustration, the zenith is in the center, with the horizon on the edge of the round image. The south is at the top, and east is to the right. The black square near the right is the solar/lunar occultor. When not obscured by clouds, the sun is imaged through the 4 log neutral density filter in the occultor. The red, blue, and dark imagery may be processed to yield a cloud decision image, as shown in Fig. 5. Regions of this image which have been identified by the automated algorithm as clear sky are false colored blue. Opaque and thin clouds are identified with white and yellow respectively. A cloud decision is made independently at each pixel location. A moonlight image acquired by the WSI on-site at Kirtland AFB, NM, is shown in Fig. 6. In this image, the occultoris nearly overhead, with the moon imaged through the 4 log neutral density filter. Nearby buildings and terrain may be seen on much of the image edge, with clouds to the north (bottom) of the image. A few stars appear in the image to the east (right). Under moonlight, the path radiance or moonlight scattered into the path of site masks most stars. Image Type: Raw red Location: WSMR, Helst Date: 18 Sept. 92 Time: 15172 An image acquired by the WSI on-site at White Sands Missile Range, NM, is shown in Fig. 7. This image was acquired under no-moon conditions. A cloud field en- croaching from the north-east covers approximately half the sky dome. The lights to the south (near the top of the image) are from the sky light over El Paso, approximately 40 miles from the site. Note that in the clear regions, many more stars are visible due to the reduced path radiance under no-moon conditions. Spectral 2 (Open), 24 Feb. 1992, 0900 local time Acquired in New Mexico, no moon 60 sec. exposure, 500-1300 display, Dark corrected MPIT Orion's Belt Fig. 4. WSI Raw Data Image Acquired with Daylight at 650 nm Image Type: Cloud Decision Location: WSMR, Helst Date: 18 Sept. 92 Time: 1517Z IMPU Fig. 7. WSI Raw Data Image Acquired with Starlight in Open-hole Configuration MPD Fiore 36 Fig. 5. Processed Cloud/No Cloud Decision Image Red Image, 14 Oct. 92, 08162 Kirtland AFB NM, Moonlight 40 sec. exposure, 0 - 10000 display, Dark corrected An interesting feature of the camera performance may be seen in this figure. With 16 bit digitization, the system has approximately 65,000 gray levels. This gives the system a useful radiometric range of over three logs, while retaining very good radiometric resolution. In this particular image, in order to show the features such as the stars, the gray level range from 500 counts to 1300 counts has been displayed. Anything above 1300 is shown in Fig. 7 as white, and anything below 500 appears black. The white areas near the top of the image which appear to be offscale bright in this reproduction are actually onscale in the digital image, just as the black areas near the bottom are onscale in the digital image. It is this large digital range, in combination with the low noise, which allows the system to acquire features at a large range of brightnesses, while retaining the digital information which allows the user to enhance the image and view brightness features which occupy a narrow portion of this brightness range. Fig. 8 shows a similar clear sky, enhanced in such a way as to emphasize the constellations. 3.2 WSI Data Acquisition One of the important design criteria for the Day/Night WSI is the large range of flux levels the system must be able to deal with. Figure 9 shows the naturally occurring MP3 Fig. 6. WSI Raw Data Image Acquired with Moonlight at 650 nm illuminance levels under a variety of lighting conditions. These data are from the work of Brown 1952, and are consistent with irradiance measurements acquired by our group at the Visibility Lab over a period of many years. In Fig. 9, the daytime illuminance conditions the Day WSI has had to deal with are shown in the top two curves on the right side of the plot. These represent clear to dark storm conditions for sun zenith angles 0 to 90 degrees. The Day/Night WSI is operational through quarter moon conditions shown on the bottom right curve, and down to the starlight conditions shown on the left side of the plot. This represents approximately a 9 log range of lighting conditions. The sensor is designed to obtain the neces- sary sensitivity range by using the approximately 3 to 3.5 log sensitivity of the camera chip, approximately 3 logs range from exposure control, and approximately 3 logs range through neutral density filter control. The normal data acquisition sequence is shown in Fig. 10 (specific details of the program vary with the user application). In order to apply the daylight cloud algo- rithm, it is necessary to acquire a red image at 650 nm, and a blue image at 450 nm. In addition, a “dark image" is acquired at the same exposure level, with the light blocked. This dark image provides a measure of the dark current and electronic bias applied to the chip, and is subtracted from each of the images to provide the dark correction. Start Initialize camera, computer, tape drive Read clock, determine start time Spectral 2 (Open), 24 Feb. 1992, 0754 local time Acquired in New Mexico, no moon 60 sec. exposure, 500-1500 display, Dark corrected Determine flux control parameters, set ND and exposure Orion's Belt Determine desired occultor position, move occ Grab red, blue, (dark) image Big Dipper Embed ident headers Save images to Exabyte tape Fig. 8. Clear Starlight Image Enhanced to Emphasize Star Constellation Patterns i no yes Change Таре yes/End of \ no V Week Next grab time? 5.00 4.00- Unobscured Sun 3.00 - Black Storm 2.00 Fig. 10. Field Data Acquisition Conceptual Flow Chart 1.00 Illumination in Footcandles (logs) 0.00 Full Moon -1.00 -2.00 Quarter Moon -3.00 Starlight -4.00 -5.00 -40.00- -30.00- -20.00- - 10.00 0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00 90.00 Normal daylight exposures are 100 msec, with a 3 log neutral density filter in the optical path. As light levels decrease, a 2 log filter and slightly longer exposure times are used. At night, the open-hole position in the neutral density wheel is used, and exposure times are increased as necessary to provide the added flux. Under urban conditions in San Diego, exposures of 30 seconds pro- vide quality red and blue images. Under rural conditions encountered to date, these exposures are reasonable for full moon conditions. Under the darkest rural no-moon Solar and Lunar Elevation Angles Fig. 9. Natural Illumination Levels. These measurements, from Brown 1952, illustrate flux conditions the Day/Night WSI should Encouner. conditions, it is necessary currently to use the open hole however. This technique essentially allows one to base (no spectral filter) acquisition with approximately 1 the cloud decision on the color, or spectral signature as minute exposures. defined by this ratio. The red/blue ratio is the basis of the The flux control algorithm is designed to allow the current daytime cloud decision algorithm. system to automatically determine the appropriate in- The cloud decision algorithm is illustrated conceptu- strument settings to enable acquisition of on-scale data. ally in Fig. 11. In order to compute the ratio images, one In the Day-only WSI, this flux control was based on must first acquire radiometric calibrations to character- minute-by-minute assessment of the prevailing lightize sensor performance. Calibrations of the dark image levels. The Day/Night WSI uses a different scheme, characteristics, temporal and spatial signal variances, which is essentially predictive, in order to handle the very linearity as a function of exposure, linearity as a function quickly changing flux levels during the hours near sun of flux level, and relative response as a function of rise and sunset. spectral and neutral density selection have been acquired The data illustrated in Fig. 9 were used as the first and evaluated for an existing Day/Night WSI. These results are used in the ratio computation algorithm. This estimate of relative changes in downwelling irradiance. ratio computation procedure is simpler than with the For flux control, we are more interested in the average sky radiance than in the downwelling irradiance of the older Day-only WSI, due to the improved linearity and pixel registration of the current WSI's. sky. For this reason, the diffuse irradiance, which is more closely related to the average sky radiance, was estimated from the downwelling irradiance curves in Fig. 9, using Kondrat’yev (1965). For characterizing the flux levels Raw Images under moonlit conditions, the algorithm also makes cor- rections for earth-lunar distance and for moon phase Apply dark correction angle (Haphe, 1963). Combining the expected radiant field information Apply calib (function of with the operating characteristics of the camera, a deter- exposure, SP filter, ND filter, mination was made of the approximate desired minimum pixel position) signal for various conditions. From this, tables of neutral density filter and exposure setting as a function of solar Ratio red/blue zenith angle, lunar zenith angle, lunar phase and lunar distance were generated for use by the system. The selected exposure/ND filter is changed whenever the flux Mask occultor is expected to change by approximately .2 logs. 4. AUTOMATED CLOUD ASSESSMENT Compute Clear Sky background Once quality imagery is acquired, it is desirable to make an automated, pixel-by-pixel determination of the Determine haze correction presence of clouds in the images. This might appear to be an easy task, since the clouds are so obvious to a human viewing the properly displayed images. However, to Compute Hazy Sky background generate an algorithm which identifies clouds consis- tently over many months of data, at a variety of sites, is not trivial. Identify opaque clouds (fixed threshold) In our early work with the cloud algorithms (1984), we determined that radiance thresholding is generally not Identify thin clouds adequate, because clouds can often be darker than the (perturbation wrt Hazy Sky) adjacent sky. Edge detection provided additional infor- mation, however many of the clouds have quite diffuse Save images edges which are not easily identified with the techniques used in the early tests. Similarly, texture analysis pro- vided useful but inadequate information. Detection Fig. 11. Cloud Data Processing based on the red/blue ratio, proved to be quite effective Conceptual Flow Chart Once the calibration-corrected ratio is computed, the opaque clouds are identified on the basis of this ratio alone. A simple threshold technique is used in which pixels that exceed a specified ratio are identified as opaque cloud. In other words, the opaque cloud discrimi- nation is based on spectral signature, as defined by the red/blue ratio. Thin clouds are not defined with a specific spectral signature, but rather as a given deviation from the spec- tral signature of the background sky. In simpler terms, sky. In simpler terms, thin clouds are not necessarily white, however they are whiter than the sky background in a given direction. The sky ratio varies both directionally (i.e. as a function of both look angle and solar zenith angle) and as a function of visibility. The thin cloud decision algorithm selects the appropriate table, which characterizes the directional variance in background ratio for the given site and given solar zenith angle (interpolating to the actual solar zenith angle). Determination of the appropriate normalization factor, to adjust for variations in visibility, is based on an estimated normalization factor computed for each image using the clear portions of the sky. Thus a sky back- ground ratio is generated for the given site, solar zenith angle, and haze condition, as a function of azimuth and zenith angle. The thin clouds are then identified at each pixel on the basis of their fractional deviation from the sky ratio. The day cloud algorithm has been applied to much of the Day WSI data base A data base of approximately 900 Gigabytes of raw image data (approximately 4600 data days) has been generated with Day WSI's. Of this data, 14 months at each of 4 stations have been processed to the cloud decision image (Johnson, 1991). The results compare quite well to the standard observer (Shields, 1990, and Koehler, 1991). The Day/Night WSI systems have not yet been used to acquire an extensive data base from which the cloud algorithm accuracy may be assessed. However sample imagery results are quite encouraging. The sample shown earlier in Fig. 5 is an example of the current cloud decision algorithm. Figure 12 shows a series of four Image Type: Cloud Decision Location: WSMR, Helst Date: 5 Feb. 93 Time: 1622Z Image Type: Cloud Decision Location: WSMR, Helsti Date: 5 Feb. 93 Time: 1631Z Image Type: Cloud Decision Location: WSMR, Helst Date: 5 Feb. 93 Time: 164OZ Image Type: Cloud Decision Location: WSMR, Helst Date: 5 Feb. 93 Time: 1650Z IMPE Fig. 12. Cloud Decision Image Series from a 28-minute Data Acquisition Interval evaluation of persistence and recurrence, as well as cloud development vs. translation studies become feasible. Finally, if full absolute radiometric calibrations are ob- tained prior to fielding the system, the upper hemisphere absolute radiance distribution may be extracted from the data. As these systems continue to develop in capability, flexibility, and convenience, they should continue to have important applications including military test sup- port and global warming research support. 6. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was sponsored by Air Force Phillips Lab, Army Atmospheric Sciences Lab, and Navy SPAWARS, through the Office of Naval Research. Our sincere thanks to Maj. Tom Dorsey of Phillips Lab, Robert W. Endlich of ASL, and Fred Diemer of ONR for their encouragement and advice. We would also like to recognize the outstanding efforts of our colleagues at Marine Physical Laboratory: Harry Sprink and Jack Varah for hardware development and support; Bill Davy, George Trekas, and Tim Stoesz for precision machining shop work; Carole Robb for publications support; and Pat Jordan and staff for administrative support. cloud decision images from a set of data acquired during a 28 minute interval as a stratocumulus band passed overhead. There are several features of this cloud identification technique which should be noted. First, unlike schemes involving human evaluation of images, the technique is both fast and consistent. Secondly, through application of the calibration corrections, most of the bias due to camera characteristics such as non-linearity is removed. Third, through use of the ratio technique, as opposed to an identification based on radiative brightness, one cor- rectly identifies even clouds which are darker than the sky background. Finally, through correction of the background sky ratio for aerosol load and directional variance, the system avoids much of the directional bias inherent in human assessment; for example, a cirrus streak from an aircraft is correctly identified both upsun and downsun. For moonlit images, it should be possible to use a cloud decision algorithm which is conceptually similar to that used in the Day WSI. A study of night radiance distributions acquired by our group in 1968 and 1969 has been made to evaluate the red/blue ratios under a variety of conditions, (Gordon, 1989). This study indicates that for full moon to quarter moon lighting conditions, the red/blue ratio should be a reasonably good indicator of clouds, but for starlight conditions the spectral character of the sky is quite different, and a different algorithm will be required. Development of the moonlight algorithm, along with characterization of the contamination of the light field due to terrestrial sources (such as urban lights) is currently under development. 5. CONCLUSION Both the Day/Night Whole Sky Imagers and the Day WSI's, developed by the Marine Physical Lab, acquire imagery appropriate for automated identification of cloud fields. Depending on sponsor requirements, these WSI's may either yield a data archive for post processing, or yield near-real time results. The latest version of the WSI units acquires imagery not only during the daytime, but under moonlight and starlight conditions, for full 24- hour automated data acquisition. In use by the military for several years, these systems yield data for determination of cloud cover, as well as cloud field spatial characteristics such as angular distri- butions of cloud free line of site. Statistical information such as the frequency of cloud obscuration of direct solar flux as a function of cloud cover and solar zenith angle are readily extracted (limited only by the mechanics of dealing with a large data base). Temporal studies such as 7. REFERENCES Gordon, J. I., 1989: “Assessment of Night Sky Radiance Data from Project Shedlight", Viz. Ability, Inc., 2941 Ashwood Dr., Corvallis, Oregon, 97330. Hapke, B. W., 1963: "A theoretical Function for the Lunar Surface”, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 68, No. 15, 4571-4585. Johnson, R. W., W. S. Hering, and J. E. Shields, 1986: "Imagery Assessment for the Determination of Cloud Free Intervals”, University of California, San Diego, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Visibility Labo- ratory, Atmospheric Visibility Technical Note No. 200. Johnson, R. W., W. S. Hering, and J. E. Shields, 1989: "Automated Visibility and Cloud Cover Measure- ments with a Solid-State Imaging System”, Univer- sity of California, San Diego, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Marine Physical Laboratory, SIO 89- 7, GL-TR-89-0061, NTIS No. ADA 216906. Johnson, R. W., J. E: Shields, and T. L. Koehler, 1991: “Analysis and Interpretation of Simultaneous Multi- Station Whole Sky Imagery”, University of Califor- nia, San Diego, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Marine Physical Laboratory, SIO 91-33, PL-TR-91- : 2214. whose . . . Koehler, T. L., R. W. Johnson, and J. E. Shields, 1991: “Status of the Whole Sky Imager Database", Proceed- ings of the Cloud Impacts on DOD Operations and Systems - 1991 Conference. Kondrat’yev, K. YA., 1965: “Actinometry", NASA TT F-9712, Translation of "Aktinometriya", Gidrometeorologicheskoye Izdatel' stvo, Leningrad, 1965. Shields, J. E., T. L. Koehler, M. E. Karr, and R. W. Johnson, 1990: "Automated Cloud Cover and Vis- ibility Systems for Real Time Applications” Optical Systems Group Technical Note No. 217, University of California, San Diego, Scripps Institution of Ocean- ography, Marine Physical Laboratory. Shields, J. E., R. W. Johnson, and T. L. Koehler, 1991: "Imaging Systems for Automated 24-Hour Whole Sky Cloud Assessment and Visibility Determina- tion”, Proceedings of the Cloud Impacts on DOD Operations and Systems - 1991 Conference. Shields, J. E., R. W. Johnson, and M. E. Karr, 1992: “An Automated Observing System for Passive Evaluation of Cloud Cover and Visibility”, University of Califor- nia, San Diego, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Marine Physical Laboratory, SIO 92-22, PL-TR-92- 2202. Shields, J. E., R. W. Johnson, and T. L. Koehler, 1993: “Automated Whole Sky Imaging Systems for Cloud Field Assessment”, Fourth Symposium on Global Change Studies, 17 - 22 January 1993, Anaheim, CA. Published by the American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA.