Esan Diego 1904 You 254 A Southern California Resort YOU WILL BE COMFORTABLE at San Diego where the weather is always just right © 365 days in each year that are neither cold nor hot De YOU WILL BE COMFORTABLE AT The Florence Hotel, San Diego, where you get plenty of fresh air and sunshine in your room, and all your re. quirements, and the expectations of a first- class hotel are met at reasonable rates 2 SAN DIEGO Press of BAKER BROS. NOTEL FLORENC HE HOTEL FLORENCE, Corner Third and Fir Streets REF W Y 3 HEN Gen. A. W. Greely, chief signal officer of the Army, was at the head of the United States Weather Bureau, he contrib- uted to Scribner's Magazine, (April 1, 1888), an elaborate ar- ticle on the climates of the United States, from which the following is quoted: “The American public is familiar on all sides with elaborate and detailed statements of the weather at a thousand and one resorts. If we may believe all we read in such reports, the temperature never reaches the eighties, the sky is flecked with just enough.of cloud to pertect the landscape, the breezes are always balmy, and the nights ever cool. “There is possibly one place in the United States where such conditions obtain--a bit of country about torty miles square at the extreme southwestern part of the United States in which San Diego, California, is situated." This was an official statement based upon the record made by positively accurate instruments and personal observation. It has been corroborated by the experience of every person who has sojourned in San Diego long enough to realize the truth. There is no place in the world, not excepting the Rivera, where the climáte is nearer perfect every month of every year. than that of the San Diego bay region. To enjoy the advantages of such a climate the traveler must be provided with other comforts; these comforts are supplied by the Hotel Florence. The HOTEL FLORENCE covers an entire city block. 300 feet square It contains 300 large, airy rooms, single and en suite. A glance at the picture shows the many bay windows are arranged to give each room, or suite, the maximum amount of sunshine and air. In the center is a great open court. The walks are lined with giant palms, and other trees and shrubs native 10 Southern California. The site of the HOTEL FLORENCE is on what is known as Florence Heights." the fashionable residence portion of the city; 185 feet above the sea. six blocks from the business center and one block from the car line. From the broad piazza in front, and from the glass-enclosed veranda, or the many bay windows, a grand view is had of the Pacific orean and the bay of San Diego. The house has just been thoroughly renovated, refitted and painted. The baths are in first class condition. The elevator service is prompt. The rooms are all provided with fireplaces and for steam heat, when required. The people you meet here are those whose acquaintance you might wish to cultivate; the balls given in the parlors are attended by San Diego's elite, including the officers of the Army and Navy from fort and post. The cuisine is kept up to the standard of first-class hotels, and every de- tail of the service is carefully looked after. The HOTEL FLORENCE is conducted on the American plan in winter, and $ on both American and European in the summer. It is open all the year. The rates are $2.00 per day and up. Special rates by the week or month. Sailing Yachts, Launches and Row-boats may be engaged at the hotel office for fishing or excursion parties. Also Tally-Hos for trips to Point Loma and the Light House, Old Mexico (eighteen miles), the Old Mission, Old Town, and other towns. THE LEADING THEATER is on same street as the Florence only a few blocks distant, and is one of the best on the Pacific Coast. The Golf Links are reached by the electric cars-a ride of fifteen minutes. To engage rooms, or for further information, address SAM'L MERRILL, Propr., HOTEL FLORENCE, SAN DIEGO CAL. U. S. Battleship "lowa" VVD Court CANTS LY Office Sun Parlor Parlor Point Loma, from the beach Scene at Coronado Ostrich Farm Southwestern Monument on the Mexican Border Ramona's Marriage Place 3:8 46 M The San Diego Mission SE RECRELSE HAHRI TEST A Panoramic View of the City and Water Front Si San Diego and The FLORENCE HOTEL SAMUEL MERRILL, Proprietor OPEN ALL THE Y E A R