SSHL CA DOCS Pamphlets f Geisel CAL | FORN IA ENERGY CONANT ISS|ON Floorz E - 2015 - - . S823262: s C T E F F | C | E N CY A N D R E N E VVA B L E E N E R GY D | V |S| O N JANUARY 20 1 0. PERNAITTING that SPANS AN UPDATE OF THE ENERGY STANDARDS Subdivision Build-Outs |||||||||| 3 1822 O3934 2308 If an application for a master plan community is submitted before January 1, 2010, can all of the homes under that plan be built under the 2005 Building Energy Efficiency Standards, even though the build- out of the subdivision may take several years? No, each building in the master plan must comply with the current Standards and codes at the time each building permit application is submitted. The effective date of the 2008 Building Energy Efficiency Standards for Residential and Nonresidential Buildings is January 1, 2010. Builders often build 20 or so buildings at a time and submit applications for permits, pay fees, etc. at the time each phase of construction is set to begin. An application for a building permit for each building must be submitted prior to January 1, 2010, to show compliance under the 2005 Building Energy Efficiency Standards. Applications received January 1, 2010, or after must show compliance with the 2008 Building Energy Efficiency Standards. Separate Permits for Siting and Building Construction If a permit for site work and grading is issued before January 1, 2010, but the permit for the building construction is issued on or after January 1, 2010, which Energy Standards must be complied with for the building construction? The building construction permit application must show compliance with the 2008 Energy Standards because it is submitted on or after January 1, 2010. Expired Building Permits `If a building permit issued under a previous set of Energy Standards has expired, can the new application show compliance under the Energy Standards that were in effect when the expired permit was applied for, or does the new application need to show compliance with the current Energy Standards? - The new application needs to show compliance with the Energy Standards that are in effect when it is submitted. If the application is submitted after January 1, 2010, it needs to show compliance with the 2008 Energy Standards. Continued on next page... Permit Extensions If a builder wishes to extend a permit that was approved under a previous set of Energy Standards, will the permit need to comply with the current Energy Standards in order to be extended? No, extending a 2005 compliant building permit would not require compliance with the 2008 Energy Standards. Per Section 10-103(d) of the Administrative Regulations (Title 24, Part I), the enforcement agency may issue a building permit when the construction is designed to meet the requirements of Title 24, Part 6 that are in effect on the date of the building permit application. This means that building permit applications submitted before January 1, 2010, shall demonstrate compliance with the 2005 Energy Standards. For these applications, once compliance with the 2005 Energy Standards has been determined by the enforcement agency, a building permit may be issued for construction. If the applicant applies for an extension of this building permit, the applicant does not need to demonstrate compliance with the 2008 Energy Standards because they are extending a valid (non-expired) building permit that was approved and already demonstrated compliance with the Energy Standards in effect (2005) when the building permit application was submitted. On the other hand, if a building permit has been issued under the 2005 Energy Standards, there has been no construction under the permit, and the permit expires on or after January 1, 2010, the applicant will have to submit a new building permit Standards. What the Law Says TITLE24, PART1, SECTION 10-103(d).] An enforcement agency shall not issue a building permit for any construction unless the enforcement agency determines in writing that the construction is designed to comply with the requirements of Part 6 that are in effect on the date the building permit was applied for. If a building permit has been previously issued, there has been no construction under the permit, and the permit has expired, the enforcement agency shall not issue a new permit unless the enforcement agency determines in writing that the construction is designed to comply with the requirements in Part 6 in effect on the date the new permit is applied for. UNIVERSITY A ſ "Determines in writing" includes, but is not limited to, approval of a building permit with a stamp normally used by the enforcement | RNIA, SAN DIEGO 3 ~ ||||||| 3 | | 2308 |||||| 2 4 II tº ID-III) application for construction, which would require compliance with the 2008 Energy Arnold Schwarzenegger Governor ºf ºil. &- º Tºº CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION Karen Douglas Chairman James D. Boyd Vice Chair Jeffrey D. Byron Commissioner Anthony Eggert Commissioner Robert B. Weisenmiller Commissioner Melissa Jones Executive Director Claudia Chandler Chief Deputy Director Building Standards implementation Office 1516 Ninth Street, MS-26 Sacramento, CA 958||4-5512 (916) 654-4064 Vanessa Byrd Supervisor, Outreach and Education Unit Need Help? Energy Standards Hotline (800) 772-3300 or (916) 654-5106 DOC F S F. : C – ED F-3 15 2012 DOC GE SEL L. UCS R → R \, s