UC SAN DIEGO LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO 3 1822 04429 0781 APRIL 1988 ATMOSPHERIC OPTICAL SYSTEMS TECHNICAL NOTE NO. 209 Offsite (Annex-jo rinals) QC 974.5 . T43 no. 209 THE DETERMINATION OF ATMOSPHERIC VISIBILITY WITH A DIGITAL, IMAGE-ACQUISITION SYSTEM Wayne S. Hering Richard W. Johnson UNIVERSITY CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO The material contained in this note is to be considered proprietary in nature and is not authorized for distribution without the prior consent of the Marine Physical Laboratory and the Air Force Geophysics Laboratory IVERSI TUNN SAIN No WITHIN Contract Monitor, Dr. H.A. Brown Atmospheric Sciences Division wwwwww VINNO 1868 Prepared for Air Force Geophysics Laboratory, Air Force Systems Command SCRIPPS INSTITUTION OF OCEANOGRAPHY MARINE PHYSICAL LAB San Diego, CA 92152-6400 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO II 11 11 11 3 1822 04429 0781 TECHNICAL NOTE NO. 209 THE DETERMINATION OF ATMOSPHERIC VISIBILITY WITH A DIGITAL, IMAGE-ACQUISITION SYSTEM Wayne S. Hering Richard W. Johnson Marine Physical Laboratory, UCSD 1. Introduction The potential for fully automated measurements of the visibility of distant objects has improved substantially with the recent advances in the development of digital, image-acquisition systems. Dedicated systems which combine solid-state image sensing capability with microcomputer control and processing functions can handle the imagery data transfer, processing and storage requirements for real time measurements. Thus, we are challenged to exploit this capability through the development of operationally efficient algorithms, which extract the useful information from the imagery and provide continuously-updated, numerical representations of the visibility. The purpose of this Technical Note is to review briefly the factors that are important for the determination of daytime visibility, both instrumentally and by the human observer, and set forth techniques for objective measurements of prevailing visibility with the digital imagery system. 2. Basic Concepts: An Overview The solid-state video camera in combination with a digitizer-processor board (frame grabber) provides an output of relative image brightness to the microcomputer for further processing. Each picture element (pixel) in the resultant 2-dimensional array defines the relative brightness of the corresponding element of the actual image. With careful radiometric and geometric calibration of the system, each pixel in the fixed array is transformed to the calibrated apparent radiance of the elemental fraction of the target or background area in the scene that corresponds with the pixel location at the instant of recording. 2.1. Expression for Contrast Transmittance Let us review the procedures involved in the determination of visibility from the measured radiance distribution through reference to the basic expressions for contrast transmission in the atmosphere as given by Duntley, Boileau and Preisendorfer (1957). Reference to these basic concepts is of particular interest for understanding the effects of simplifying assumptions and for identifying the factors important for the selection of the best available visibility targets. The expression for the (monochromatic) apparent spectral radiance L, of a target t at range r along the path of sight specified by zenith angle 0 and azimuthal angle 0 is Ly(0,0) = 41.(0,0)T,(0+pL,(0,0) (1) where I, is the inherent target radiance and el, is the path radiance generated by the - 2 - (3) scattering of direct sunlight and diffuse light from the surrounding sky, clouds and terrain into the path of sight. The radiance transmittance of the path, T,(0) is given by T (0) = expãr, (2) where ā is the average attenuation coefficient. Similarly, the expression for the apparent spectral radiance of the adjacent background I, is Ly(0,0) = 6L.(,0)T,(0) + PL,(1,6), where el, is the inherent radiance of the background. Thus the measured pixel radiance is the sum of the residual, image-forming light from the target (or background) and the path radiance due to aerosol and molecular scattering throughout the path. Strictly speaking, Eqs. (1) and (3) apply only to monochromatic radiance and ignore the effects of small scale turbulence on atmospheric transmission. Subtracting Eq. (1) from Eq. (3) we have Lr(0,0) - ,(0,0) = 1,(01,L,(0,6) - 01.(0,)]. (4) Note that radiance differences are transmitted along atmospheric paths with the same attenuation as the individual target and background radiances. The apparent spectral contrast C, of a target with respect to the background is defined by C = (L.-L.)/L, (5) For convenience the notation with respect to viewing angle has not been continued in this and following expressions. However, it is important to remember that the apparent and inherent contrast as well as the spectral radiance have strong directional dependence. The corresponding definition of the inherent spectral contrast is given by Co = (L.-L.)/L.. (6) Finally, the expression for contrast transmittance in its most general form is obtained by combining Eqs. (4), (5) and (6) to yield Cr/C= T, LoloL. Duntley, et al., (1957) state that the above equations height ang hindi ako "apply rigorously to any path of sight regardless of the extent to which the scattering and absorbing properties of the atmosphere or the distributions of lighting exhibit non-uniformities from point to point", and "the equations can be used in treating all real atmospheres and all real lighting conditions." bi - 3 - 2.2. Visibility and equilibrium radiance Under computer scan control, the digital image-acquisition system continuously maps the apparent radiance distribution and the relative apparent contrast of objects within the view of the observation point. The measurements are immediately applicable to the determination of the optical and meteorological properties of the ambient atmosphere. In the case of meteorological visibility, the objective is to extract numerical estimates which are commensurate with the human perception of visibility. In this regard, guidance given by the World Meteorological Organization (1971) to help ensure observation compatibility and representativeness prescribes: "Meteorological visibility by day is defined as the greatest distance at which a black object of suitable dimensions, situated near the ground, can be seen and recognized, when observed against a background of fog or sky." For both practical and theoretical reasons, the technique for the instrumental determination of visibility should conform with all elements of the definition. As discussed in the following paragraphs, strict adherence to these criteria for target/background selection results in a simple direct relationship between the numerical representation of visibility, V, contrast transmittance, Cr/Co, and radiance transmittance, T., greatly enhancing the interpretation of measurements made in different places at different times. The basic relationships can be shown by substituting for the path radiance ,L, such that Eq. (3) may be written oL= 6L, T, + L,(1-Tr). where L, is defined as the equilibrium radiance (Duntley, et al., 1957) and is the same as the incremental source function as given by Chandrasekhar (1960). As the radiance transmittance decreases with increasing range r between the target (and/or background) and observer the apparent radiance L, approaches the source function (8) Lq: 2.3. Special Case: Objects viewed against horizon background In the case of a cloudless sky background, the apparent horizon radiance tends to remain unchanged as the observer backs away from the target. Assuming horizontal uniformity, the apparent horizon radiance L, at that azimuth is equal to the equilibrium radiance (source function) for the path of sight as follows, mL (90,0) = 1,(90,0) = 6L,(90,0) = 5L. (90,0). (9) Under these special conditions, Eq. 7 for the contrast transmittance becomes Cr/Co=T, (10) Early on in the development of visual range concepts, Koschmieder (1924) determined through consideration of the process of light scattering in a uniform atmosphere that the apparent radiance of a black object at range r viewed against the horizon sky is given by Ir = h I(1-exp-or). (11) . - 4 - In addition, Koschmieder extended the development to the more general case where the inherent target radiance is not zero, deriving the expression Le = L,exp-or + y L, (1-exp-or), (12) where o is the average scattering coefficient. With respect to objects viewed against a cloudless or overcast horizon sky, Eq. (12) as determined by Koschmieder is equivalent to Eq. (8) except that the attenuation due to atmospheric absorption is neglected. In most instances when reference is made to "Koschmieder's Law" the reference is to the special case of Eq. (10) for a black object, (C. = -1), viewed against the horizon sky where Co = E = T, = exp-OV (13) and E is the threshold of apparent contrast needed for the detection of the distant object, and V is the visual range. 2.4. General expression for visibility determination Finally in this brief review of the general principles for the determination of visibility, let us return to the complete expressions for contrast transmittance and visibility that apply to objects viewed against any background. Solving for the radiance transmittance in Eq. (7), the expression may be written T = Cr bus = exp-ār. (14) COL. Consistent with the basic definition of visibility, as the distance to the target increases there is a distance V where the apparent contrast C, becomes numerically equal to the prescribed threshold contrast E. The corresponding equation for the radiance transmittance at this range is 1. = Esto exp-āv, (15) 64, where L, is the apparent background radiance at distance V. Dividing Eq. (15) by Eq. (14), we have the general expression for the determination of visibility from digitally acquired imagery, V - Cookies (16) Thus, the ratio of the apparent to the inherent background radiance is an important factor in the determination of visibility from the apparent contrast of objects in the scene that are viewed against backgrounds other than the clear horizon sky. For further analysis of this aspect, let us consider yet another form of Eq. (7) obtained by substituting from Eq.(8) to obtain L. (1-T.)]- = 1 + (17) 6L, T - 5 - Here we note that the contrast transmittance is related to the radiance transmittance by the ratio Lelo L, which is termed the "sky-ground ratio", S, by Duntley (1948), so that S(0,0) = L9(0,0)/6L. (0,0). (18) Sky refers to the fact that the clear-sky horizon radiance for the horizon path having the same scattering angle with respect to the sun as the path to the target is to a good approximation equal to the equilibrium radiance or source function for that path of sight. Ground refers to the inherent radiance of the background adjacent to the target, and the term therefore is dependent upon the reflectance and orientation of the surface as well as the downwelling irradiance. The directional notation is retained for this expression to emphasize the importance of the directional dependence, particularly with respect to the variations with sun angle as a function of time of day. Now substituting Eq. (18) in Eq. (16), we have - in { SE MI - 1-s} , und 1 - - sy} (19) U which is the general equation expressed in terms of sky-ground ratio. Fig. 1 is a graphical representation of Eq. 19, and shows the dependence of the visibility/target-range ratio on the measured apparent contrast for the normal range of sky-ground ratio that is observed in clear-sky conditions. Low values of S near 0.25 are associated with a surface covered with freshly fallen snow, whereas values near 4.0 correspond, for example, with forest canopy backgrounds. Large fractional changes in the calculated visibility ratio result as the inherent terrestrial background radiance departs from the horizon radiance, particularly when the measured apparent contrast is rather high (i.e. nearby targets in good visibility conditions). The disparity becomes significantly less when the apparent target contrast is near the limit of detectability. It is important to note that in overcast sky conditions, the range of values for the sky-ground ratio increases substantially to near 20 for forest cover backgrounds and about 1 for fresh snow surface backgrounds. It is evident from Fig. 1 and Eq. (19) that one must be careful in the interpretation of visibility observations where the human observer finds it necessary to depart from the guidelines as given in Section 2.2, and selects non-standard targets with backgrounds other than the adjacent horizon. Although digital imagery offers added opportunity to extract information with respect to the optical properties of the ambient atmosphere, considerable sophistication must be built into algorithms that diagnose effectively the detection range of many non-standard targets against variable backgrounds. On the other hand, the wealth of information generated by repetitive horizon scans with a digital imagery system enables straightforward determinations of prevailing visibility and visual range from a hierarchy of targets. The resultant measurements can be designed to conform in accuracy and representativeness with the highest standards of current practice." 3. Determination of prevailing visibility The preferred approach for instrumental determinations of visibility from radiometrically calibrated imagery follows directly from the discussion of the factors that govern image transmission in the atmosphere. First and foremost it is important, - 6 - insofar as possible, to direct attention to the measured apparent contrast between the horizon sky and objects in the scene. It is desirable but not strictly necessary that the objects stand above the horizon as viewed from the ground observation point. The major consideration is that the extinction and directional scattering properties along the paths of sight to the object and horizon correspond closely. As discussed in the previous section, with the horizon sky as the background, the sky ground ratio is 1 and Eq. (19) simplifies to V11 = ln V/c = In / in San (20) With careful selection of visibility targets on or near the horizon, Eq. (20) becomes the basic expression for the determination of visibility from the horizon scan imagery. Criteria for target selection and the specification of inherent contrast C, and threshold contrast E as input variables to Eq. (20) are reviewed in the following sections. 3.1. Target selection The prime requirement for reliable determination of prevailing visibility is an ample supply of suitable targets, well distributed in range and azimuth. On the one hand it is important to make use of all objects in the horizon scan imagery that may serve as visibility targets. On the other hand, because of their intrinsic properties, potential targets are not equal in a given situation as effective determinants of the prevailing visibility. The basic properties of individual targets must be predefined by the input variables to Eq. (20). In addition to the target distance from the observation point, the input variables are the inherent contrast of the target and the contrast threshold for detection. Stability in the input variables over the full range of atmospheric conditions is the major consideration in the selection of specific objects to be included in the accepted group of visibility targets. 3.2. Inherent contrast For visibility determination using Eq. ( , we must prescribe the relative contrast between the inherent radiance of the selected object and the adjacent horizon sky radiance. In the case of the ideal, non-reflecting, black target the relative contrast is always -1. (Note that the measured apparent contrast of a given target-background does not change sign with increasing path length so that the absolute value of contrast can be used for calculation purposes). However, the reflectivity of even natural dark targets is seldom zero so that careful attention must be given to the estimates of inherent contrast and the vulnerability of the target to fluctuations in C, due to changes in the directional distribution of lighting reaching the target from the sun, sky and surrounding terrain. The sensitivity of visibility determinations to the uncertainties in the estimates of the inherent contrast as an input variable is illustrated in Fig. 2. Trial calculations were made of the visual-range/target-range ratio as a function of measured apparent contrast for selected values of assumed inherent contrast. Shown here are the disparities in V/r associated with departures from an assumed inherent contrast of 0.8 for natural dark targets in the acquired imagery. The range of assumed values, -0.6 to -1.0, is representative of this class of targets. Note in particular that the visibility determinations are not sensitive to errors in the input values of C, when the object is - . 7 near the maximum distance at which it can be seen so that the apparent contrast is close to the threshold detection contrast. However, the error sensitivity increases substantially for nearby targets in good visibility conditions when the measured apparent contrast is relatively large. Thus, the relative accuracy of visibility as determined from a given non-standard target is in part a function of the visibility itself. Most weight in a given situation should be applied to the fraction of preselected targets where the measured contrast transmittance of the intervening path is relatively low. 3.3. Threshold contrast Experiments by Taylor (1964) have shown that the visual contrast threshold does not vary significantly with background luminance over the normal range of daylight conditions. However, the contrast threshold does vary markedly with the angular subtense of the target at the point of observation. With dwell times commensurate with normal visual search (1/3 sec), the minimum contrast for confident detection by the human eye is about .025 for objects with an angular size greater than 0.5 deg, as determined from the laboratory experiments. Based upon general field experience, Douglas and Booker (1977) recommend ".--a recognition contrast threshold value of about 0.05 when measurements of transmittance are used for determining the visual range equivalent to that reported by meteorologists and the use of a value of E in the region of 0.035 to 0.04 for the detection contrast threshold under field conditions". The sensitivity of the visibility determinations to the assumed value of threshold contrast is illustrated in Fig. 3. 3.4. Overcast sky conditions As in the case of a cloudless horizon sky, the apparent horizon radiance of an overcast sky tends to remain unchanged as the observer backs away from the target. Thus, Eq. (9) also holds for the overcast horizon case, and the resultant determinations of visibility using Eq. (20) are commensurate with the fundamental definition of meteorological visibility given in Section 2.2 above. However, the inherent contrast of dark objects with the overcast horizon is normally greater than the corresponding inherent contrast with the cloudless horizon, yielding an overestimate of the visibility to the extent indicated in Section 2.2, unless proper adjustment is made in the input values of inherent contrast. 3.5. Partly cloudy horizon sky conditions Horizon sky backgrounds with variable cloud conditions introduce additional uncertainty into the visibility determinations. Shown in Figs. 4 and 5 are the results of trial calculations illustrating the errors in V associated with the presence of isolated clouds on the horizon when a cloudless horizon is assumed for the calculations. Key factors are the distance of the cloud background relative to the target and the brightness of the cloud relative to the corresponding clear sky horizon radiance. Again we see that the resultant disparities are small when the contrast transmittance of the path of sight is small, regardless of the cloud position or brightness. The errors increase substantially in the case of targets having a range much less than the existing visual range. - 8 - As shown in Fig. 4, without an appropriate change in C, the presence of a dark cloud results in progressively larger underestimates of visual range with increasing apparent contrast. The errors due to clouds much brighter than the corresponding clear sky horizon radiance are opposite in sign and more severe. The comparison in Fig. 4 gives results for horizon cloud radiances equal to twice and one-half the cloudless horizon radiance. The assumed inherent contrast with the clear-sky horizon is -.85 and the assumed cloud/target range ratio is 2. The sensitivity with respect to relative cloud distance is shown in Fig. 5. A cloud/clear-sky brightness ratio of 2.0 and C. equal to -0.85 was assumed. For this bright cloud example, the error increases well beyond 50% for a cloud positioned at a range less than 1.5 times the target range when the apparent contrast is greater than 0.3. The error diminishes significantly for cloud ranges more than twice the target range, and of course for cloud brightness closer to that of the clear sky horizon brightness. 4. References Douglas, C. A. and R. L. Booker (1977), "Visual Range: Concepts, Instrumental Determination and Aviation Applications," U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, Systems Research and Development Service, Report No. FAA-RD-77-8, Washington, D.C. 20590. Duntley, S. Q. (1948), "The Reduction of Apparent Contrast by the Atmosphere," J. Opt. Soc. Am. 38, 179-191. Duntley, S. Q., A. R. Boileau, and R. W. Preisendorfer (1957), "Image Transmission by the Troposphere I," J. Opt. Soc. Am. 47,499-506. Koschmieder, II. (1924), "Theorie der Horizontalen Sichtweit," Beitr. Phys. freien Atm. 12, 33-53, 171-181. World Meteorological Organization (1971), Guide to Meteorological Instrument and Observing Practices. Fourth Ed. Secretariat of the World Meteorological Organization, Geneva, Switzerland WMO-No 8. TP. 3. VISIBILITY / TARGET RANGE SENSITIVITY TO SKY-GROUND RATIO SKY-GROUND RATIO = 4 0.25 o o voo co A W VISIBILITY / TARGET RANGE DARK FOREST CLEAR HORIZON SKY _ FRESH SNOW ta 0.6 0.2 0.4 APPARENT CONTRAST Fig. 1 Calculated values of the visibility/target range ratio as a function of the observed apparent contrast. Relationships are illustrated for the typical range of sky-ground ratio. The sky-ground ratio is 1 for objects viewed against the cloudless horizon sky. Low values of sky-ground ratio are associated with bright backgrounds such as snow covered terrain, wheras high ratios are observed with dark backgrounds such as forest cover. For these calculations, the assumed values for the inherent contrast and the threshold contrast were 0.85 and 0.05, respectively. VISIBILITY / TARGET RANGE SENSITIVITY TO INHERENT CONTRAST OOONO Co=-0.6/ -0.8 + ~ VISIBILITY / TARGET RANGE ol 0.2 0.4 APPARENT CONTRAST Fig. 2. Calculations of visibility/target range ratio using Eq. 20, illustrating the sensi- tivity of the resultant values to the assumed inherent contrast. VISIBILITY / TARGET RANGE SENSITIVITY TO THRESHOLD CONTRAST OOO ГТ ТТТТ 0 20 ~ VISIBILITY / TARGET RANGE THRESHOLD CONTRAST 0.02 0.05 + 0.1. 0.6 0.2 0.4 APPARENT CONTRAST Fig. 3. Calculations of visibility/target range ratio using Eq. 20, illustrating the sensi- tivity of the resultant values to the assumed threshold contrast. VISIBILITY ERROR FROM HORIZON CLOUD VS APPARENT CONTRAST AND CLD BRIGHTNESS Co=-.85 CLD/TARGET RANGE = 2 BRIGHT CLOUD PERCENT ERROR IN VISIBILITY DARK CLOUD 0.2 0.4 MEASURED APPARENT CONTRAST Fig. 4. Sample calculations illustrating the percent error in the determination of visibility due to existing cloud obscuring the horizon sky. Results are shown for a dark cloud with a brightness of one-half the clear-sky horizon brightness, and for a bright cloud with a brightness equal to twice the clear-sky horizon bright- ness. The assumed range was twice the target range. VISIBILITY ERROR FROM HORIZON CLOUD VS APPARENT CONTRAST AND CLOUD RANGE Co= -.85 CLD / HORIZON SKY RADIANCE RATIO = 2 BRIGHT CLOUD RANGE TARGET RANGE 1.5% PERCENT ERROR IN VISIBILITY TTTTTTTTTO 2.07 0.6 0.2 0.4 MEASURED APPARENT CONTRAST Fig. 5. Sample calculations illustrating the percent error in the determination of visibility due to existing cloud obscuring the horizon sky. Results are shown for a ud with a range equal to 1.5 times the target range, and for more distant clouds with assumed ranges of 2.0 and 2.5 times the target range.