UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO UC SAN DIEGO LIBRA 111111 IN June 1989 3 1822 04429 6705 ----- L SYSTEMS GROUP Offsite ICAL NOTE NO. 212 (Annex-Joi rnals) QC 974.5 . T43 no. 212 WHOLE SKY IMAGER SOLID STATE SENSOR ELECTRONIC CALIBRATION Jack R. Varah UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO The material contained in this note is to be considered proprietary in nature and is not authorized for distribution without the prior consent of the Marine Physical Laboratory and the Air Force Geophysics Laboratory RSIT Contract Monitor, Dr. J. W. Snow Atmospheric Sciences Division > ithin Whitehtition w XT (18689 Prepared for Air Force Geophysics Laboratory, Air Force Systems Command United States Air Force, Hanscom AFB, Massachusetts 01731 under contract NO.F19628-K-0005. SCRIPPS INSTITUTION OF MARINE PHYSICAL LAB San Diego, CA 92152-6400 OCEANOGRAPHY Missing page ii UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO UT 11 III LUI UN IIIIII III MIII 11 - 3 1822 04429 6705 -- ...- -.-.- .- SUMMARY This note describes the solid state charge injection device (CID) electronic calibration procedure. The 2710 CID camera is the primary image acquisition device of the Whole Sky Imager. Basic issues covered are noise characteristics, array uniformity, dynamic range, sensi- tivity, set point balancing, and overall performance of interlaced RS-170 format (30 frames per second) video imaging. Appendices M and N offer a more in-depth review of CID structure and operation. -iii- Missing page iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Summary List of Illustrations ......... ........................... ......... 1 1.0 Introduction .......... 2.0 Presets ............ 3.0 Power Supply Check Out .................... 4.0 Clock Compensation .......... 5.0 Dynamic Range and Edge Correction.. 6.0 H/2 Offset ... 7.0 Pattern Noise Balance 8.0 Black Tracking ............ 9.0 Demultiplexer Gain 10.0 Set-up Adjust 11.0 Output Level Adjust .. 12.0 Horizontal Shading ............. 13.0 Equalization Adjust ........ 14.0 Contours Check ..... 15.0 CID Spatial Linearity ....... 16.0 Radiometric Linearity ......... 17.0 Temporal Stability .......... ......... .......... .......... ........ .......... Appendix A: 2710 CID Functional Block Diagram Appendix B: Input Video Waveform ......... Appendix C: Synchronizing Video Waveforms. Appendix D: 2710 CID Functional Block Diagram ... Appendix E: Mother Board Schematic ......... Appendix F: Imager Board Assembly .............. Appendix G: Scan Generator Board Assembly ............... Appendix H: Fixed Pattern Noise Board Assembly .... Appendix I: Video Processor Board Assembly ........... Appendix J: Power Supply Board Assembly ......... Appendix K: Input/Output Board Assembly ...... Appendix L: Input/Output Board Assembly ...... Appendix M: Review of CID Technology Appendix N: Recent Innovations in CID Cameras ......... ............ .......... LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Fig. # Figure Title Page 1.1a 1.1a 1.1a Statistical Display (Artist's Conception) ........ Digital Display (Artist's Conception), Analog Display (Artist's Conception) VPLIVIT) ............ 2.1 2.2 Camera Body Modification, Close-up ........ Scope Face, Close-up ....... 3.1 3.2 Analog, Analog, Switching Regulator Waveform .................. Primary Crystal Clock, TP#3 = 14.3 MHz ... TEL 4.1a 4.1b 4.1c Analog, Analog, Analog, Poor, Clock Compensation, Poor, Clock Compensation, Good, Clock Compensation, R6 AR6 A'R6 & R8 ........... & AR8 ........... & A'R8 .......... 5.1 Scope Face, Close-up ............ 5.2a 5.26 5.2c 5.2d Analog, Analog, Analog, Analog, Poor, Dynamic Range Adjustments, Poor, Dynamic Range Adjustments, Poor, Dynamic Range Adjustments, Good, Dynamic Range & Edge Check, R1 .......... AR1 A'R1 A'R1 .... R29 ... R29 6.1a 6.16 6.2a 6.2b 6.3 Analog, Analog, Analog, Analog, Analog, Poor, H/2 Offset, Alternate Lines, Good, H/2 Offset, Alternate Lines, Good, Alternate Field Rate Verification Good, Alternate Field Rate Verification Good, H/2 Offset, Alternate Fields, R20.. OO OO OO OO OO ~ vvvv aa aaaauu uuuAA AAAA w Www NN NN ........ .......... 7.1a 7.1a 7.26 7.2b 7.2c 7.2c Analog, Digital, Analog, Digital, Analog, Digital, Poor, Pattern Noise Cancellation Adjustments, R4. Poor Pattern Noise Cancellation Adjustments, R4. Poor, Pattern Noise Cancellation Adjustments, AR4 Poor, Pattern Noise Cancellation Adjustments, A R4 .... Better, Pattern Noise Cancellation Adjustments, A'R4 Better, Pattern Noise Cancellation Adjustments, A'R4 ............ .......... ....... 8.1a 8.16 Analog, Analog, Norm., Black Tracking during gain Switches. X4, Black Tracking during gain Switches ......... 9.1a 9.1a 9.16 9.16 Analog, Poor, Pattern Noise & Active Video DeMux Gains ....................... Statistical, Poor, Pattern Noise & Active Video DeMux Gains ........... Analog, Better, Pattern Noise & Active Video DeMux Gains ......... Statistical, Good, Pattern Noise & Active Video DeMux Gains .................. 10.1a Analog, Poor, DC Offset Adjustments, 10.1a Digital, Poor, DC Offset Adjustments, 10.1a Statistical, Poor, DC Offset Adjustments, 10.16 Analog, Good, DC Offset Adjustments, 10.1b Digital, Good, DC Offset Adjustments, 10.1b Statistical, Good, DC Offset Adjustments, R32. R32. R32 AR32 AR32 AR32 ........ 12.1a Analog, Poor, Horizontal Shading Adjustments, 12.1a Digital, Poor, Horizontal Shading Adjustments, 12.1a Statistical, Poor, Horizontal Shading Adjustments, R22 ... R22 R22 .... -vi- List of Illustrations Cont. 12.1b Analog, Poor, Horizontal Shading Adjustments, A R22 .... 12.1b Digital, Poor, Horizontal Shading Adjustments, AR22 .. 12.1c Analog, Better, Horizontal Shading Adjustments, A'R22 12.1c Digital, Better, Horizontal Shading Adjustments, A'R22 12.1c Statistical, Good, Horizontal Shading Adjustments, A'R22 12.2a Analog, Good, Horizontal Shading Adjustments, 300 cm 12.2a Digital, Good, Horizontal Shading Adjustments, 300 cm 12.2a Statistical, Good, Horizontal Shading Adjustments, 300 cm ............. 12.2b Analog, Good, Horizontal Shading Adjustments, 210 cm ... 12.2b Digital, Good, Horizontal Shading Adjustments, 210 cm .... 12.2b Statistical, Good, Horizontal Shading Adjustments, 210 cm .... 12.2c Analog, Good, Horizontal Shading Adjustments, 160 cm ........ 12.2c Statistical, Good, Horizontal Shading Adjustments, 160 cm .............. ....... 13.1a Camera Stand, Close-up .......... 13.1b Resolution Chart ..... 13.1b Analog of Resolution Chart ........... 13.2a System Setup ..... 13.2b Scope Close-up ............ 13.3a Analog, Poor, Resolution Chart Scope Display 13.3a Resolution Chart, Poor, Chart Image 13.3b Analog, Better, Resolution Chart Scope Display 13.3b Resolution Chart, Better, Chart Image 13.4a Analog, Poor, Line 291 .. 13.4b Analog, Good, Line 291 ............ 13.4b Resolution Chart, Good, Chart Image .......... 13.5 Analog, Line 290 Reference 14.1a Analog, Poor, X4, R23 14.1a Digital, Poor, X4, R23 14.1a Statistical, Poor, X4, R23 14.1b Analog, Good, X4, AR23 14.1b Digital, Good, X4, A R23 14.16 Statistical, Good, X4, AR23 15.1a Linearity Target, Bars. 15.1b Lincarity Target, Dots ............ .......... 16.1a Analog, Grey Scale Steps .. 16.1b Resolution Chart, Graphic Image ..................... ......... -vii- 1.0 INTRODUCTION - . DIE . NO . AD . 00 . ORADO.. .. 0 00000000 0000 . 0000000 000 .000 . . . 000.00 DO . OSBEE8E8888 .. O 1 . O tttt .. ... . ... ... 00OOOO 000D 00. 2000 000 e This note summarizes the electronic calibration proce- dures performed by the Marine Physical Laboratory to customize the performance of the CIDTEC 2710 CID (Charge Injection Device) solid state camera. This cali- bration is done with a 1000W F-serics radiometric stan- dard lamp. A 3.0 log neutral density (N.D.) filter is placed on the camera boss as a flux reducer and partial diffuser. LY wwwwwwwwwww 1 . 01. . 1 n .TOOL O ILU . Un 000 2O XOXO 00000000 KO OO 00000D. . . 0000000000000000 33322 ........... . LOWER LETT Solo 2 10. 000.000 . . . O... 0001 .000.000 .. . 00000 .... . ..... . .. 1000R0000000OOOOO .... .. 000 ....... ... .... .. ..... ..... OOO ..... '000 .. . .. O 00: SO.. 1.000 . OOO ... . OOO. ***** .. 00 II . Boss PDV . P . IN .. CID imager chip array statistics are done with the ‘cal' program. This program calculates standard deviations on five separate 40 x 40 pixel sectors of the total array. Standard deviation is defined as: . . U . PLO . # Fig. 1.1a. Digital Display 1/2 . 1 . . . ALL O TTTTT TATT TAITEIT TAD 1 . O sa dev = (* Èx?-«?) std dev = -IZ L ZWT DAU RA . PU OTOK UDOT . 2 17 LUJO LLL IS V LA 000 11 . LLULL. WDIO CITI where N = 40 x 40 = 1600 Soccorso fondossarfsoooo TO, 2 . and _ _ O ILULL. _ ULDU _ O _ U X=* Š x and TE TI * Sa NOX 1 . . . ILL 1. . *** Li 0 .. W O * OPO. OOO . 0 . 000 ONA . . O .. . . 20 . . 6 . . Fig. 1.1a. Analog Display is the average pixel bit value in the 40 x 40 sector. Establishing a uniform radiometric field at the camera faceplate is essential for these numbers to have meaning. These five areas of the array include the upper and lower left and right quadrants as well as the center of the array. Absolute calibration values are taken from array center data (AVRCT), although all ſive scctors are utilized to achieve array uniformity. Horizontal and vertical line grab digitized values can be displayed to verify array response on these axes. Fig. 1.1 a shows the analog video, as well as the digital plots and array statistics. Analog lo digital converter Icvels of ()-714 mV corre- spond 10 0-255 bils. Video line and ſicld responses are monitored with a 100 mHz scope triggered at line rates. Cursor designated voltage, time and frequency measure- ments are convenient scope features. Appendix A is the 2710 camera block diagram which can be used as a general function reſerence. Appendix B & Cillustrate the RS-170 video signal which the camera outputs. Appendix D & E are the 'mother board' layout and interconnections. Appendix Fthru K are the remain- ing board layouts showing where test points (TP) and potentiometer adjustments (R _) are located. ARVCT 19.645000 THE STDEV FOR CENTER DATA IS 1.751495 AVRUL 18.716880 THE STDEV FOR UPPER LEFT IS 1.883252 AVRUR 19.833120 THE STDEV FOR UPPER RIGHT IS 1.766076 AVRLL 19.229380 THE STDEV FOR LOWER LEFT IS 1.754069 AVRLR 20.516250 THE STDEV FOR LOWER RIGHT IS 1.719295 2.0 PRESETS Remove camera housing and install camera boss. Attach N.D. plate and 3.0 log N.D. filter as in Fig. 2.1. Camera control and I/O switches should be; gain in 'normal', AGC in 'normal'as in Appendix L. This set up procedure docs not optimize AGC performance as it is not used during data collection. REDO THE LINE GRAB? Y = 1 Fig. 1.1a. Statistical Display's Set potentiometer R28 on the video processor bd (Appendix I) max. CW. The vidco processor outputs linear and logarithmic video. Full clockwise on R28 sets Gamma = 1.0 for linear video. When Gamma is not lincar, there is more video gain in the blacks' and compression in the 'whites'. Although this matches the non-linear CRT, it boosts dark noise considerably and is undesirable. Leave equalization capacitors as factory set (C34& C38, Appendix H). Set all other pots mid-range. Check P. C. boards for any shorts, bent or broken components. Connect camera, scope and monitor (75 ohm termination on RGB). Set controls on scope as in Fig. 2.2. the switching regulator waveform at TP#2 (Appendix J). Adjust R7 (Appendix J) as necessary to obtain 100 KHz +/- 10 KHz. Now change ch.2 to 1V/cm and 20 ns sweep. Verify (Fig. 3.2) that TP #3 (Appendix K) is 14.3 MHz +/- .1 MHz. This frequency is the primary crystal clock from which all subsequent imager drive and signal processing (28.636, 7.16 & 3.58 MHz) frequencies are derived. Check the “D” I/O connector signals (Appendix L): - Pin 1 Pin 3 . vidco O volls, gain switch = "norin" 5 volts, gain switch = "x2". 10 volts, gain switch = "x4" V drive (+5V/-5V, 60 Hz field rate) H drive (+5V/-5V, 15.7 kHz line rate) +15 VDC continuity to camera gnd with power off 14.3 MHz clock Pin 5 Pin 13 Pin 7 Pin 8, 9,14,15 Pin 6 . potem 1SEC 100K . . . . . . . . . . . . Fig. 2.1. Camera Body Modification, Close-up . ... . . . ** OOON 02 *** **** ** * 100- . . . 9 TO * .... * * . . Fig. 3.1. Analog, Switching Regulator Waveform 20 . . . .. .. .. * . WY . . * PAA Hon 1 SECO 14.3M4 . ... Fig. 2.2. Scope Face, Close-up 3.0 POWER SUPPLY CHECK OUT Using a DVM, check that TP #1 (Appendix G or H) is +10.0 V +/-0.1V - adjust R3 (Appendix J) as neces- sary. ССС me mu 201 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Select the scope frequency option from menu (Fig. 2.2). Select ch. 2, auto trigger and 10 V/cm, 2uls swecp. Move the scope cursors (Fig. 3.1) to select one cycle of Fig. 3.2. Analog, Primary Crystal Clock, TP#3 = 14.3 MHz 4.0 CLOCK COMPENSATION Connect ch.2 on scope (.2 V/cm and 20 us sweep) to J3 #14 and then #15 (Appendix D). Adjust R6 and R8 (Appendix F) for minimum clock envelope superim- posed on ‘Vl' and 'V2' (Fig. 4.1 a, b, c). V1 and V2 are alterate video and pattern noise signature (Appendix A). They reverse roles every horizontal line scan and must be demultiplexed for pattern noise cancellation and CCD (clock and inverse clock delay) line inversion with the help of the superimposed clock waveform. 5.0 DYNAMIC RANGE AND EDGE CORRECTION The remaining adjustments should be done with the scope TV line triggered with .2V/cm & 10us sweep (Fig. 5.1). Variable sweep should be used (when not making timing measurements) to display two full video line sweeps. : . . UYA PO . . ***.:: . *: . . X 4 . . * tkk - 484 4 4 0 2,500 ES ** .. 21 . *** .. * in .. ".. . M . . YEYE .X J . ston . . * 1:32 .X S 0 . - .X . . itt Y . . . . . . . ce 3:2 * ESCO . . . ." . XR04. . S sit . . . ' . * : . 2. 33 ... . PSC 00 * .. w v . . . .. Y * . : . Fig. 4.1a. Analog, Poor, Clock Compensation, R6 & R8 * **** . . ... . . . . . .. . 2 - . 21 WW . ...*** " . . . 20 ! .. . *. * SWS .. . . . . . ... . *** PORS ** **** ... WOS More . . . **** ........... Fig. 4.1b. Analog, Poor, Clock Compensation, A R6 & A R8 Fig. 5.1. Scope Face, Close-up Dynamic range and edge correction are adjusted by R14 & R1 (Appendix F). To make this adjustment, the imager nceds to be near saturation. Mount the camera on the barphotometer and irradiate the sensor with the 1000 W lamp at a distance of 150cm (using proper baffling for scattered light). R1 adjusts the DC voltage applied to the imager chip cpitaxial substrate. This voltage ranges from + 10.0 10 +13.5 VDC. Increasing this voltage increases the potential across the silicone structure. This results in a higher capture rate of emitted electrons per incident photon. Turn R1 (Appendix F) until video reaches a maxi- mum and then decreases = 40 mV (Fig. 5.2 a, b, c, d). Note that the waveform passes through a region of instability at the maximum. Decreasing the maximum insures that any temperature or temporal related drift doesn't offset the EPI signal (a DC voltage with AC clock compensation superimposed) and uncouple the imager outputs El & E2 (Appendix A). Effective cou- pling cancels clock components from four 7.16 MHz clock imager inputs. Adjust R14 (Appendix. F) to square up the leading edge of the active video line and also level the wavcſorm (Fig. 5.2 d). . .. . : ... 11 Fig. 4.1c. Analog, Good, Clock Compensation, A'R6 & SR8 CH1 M VOLTS 0.638V 1. ! "-W........... .. M . XM A YAM AYANAYOYA. Yarra... .. . ..(::: Na „zu >104 Fig. 5.2a. Analog, Poor, Dynamic Range Adjustments, A1 Fig. 5.2b. Analog, Poor, Dynamic Range Adjustments, a R1 CHI Hate VOLTS 0.638U - chi. "To 0.6300 . ... . . V . 9.9 13 PYA .. . ........ .zu- >104 Fig. 5.2c. Analog, Poor, Dynamic Range Adjustments, A'R1 Fig. 5.2d. Analog, Good, Dynamic Range & Edge Check, s' R1 ILI 6.0 H/2 OFFSET Set scope ch. 1 10 .1 V/cm & 10 us variable swecp. With the imager in the dark, veriſy that = 40 mV of set- up exists on the active video. Adjust R38 (Appendix I) to achieve this set-up. R29 (Appendix H) adjusts H/2 (oſfsct to alternate lines within a field) by supplying a DC offset to V2 which balances its amplitude to V1. V1 and V2 are the FPN demultiplexer inputs and the amplified imager outputs El & E2. Amplification, improper clock coupling or demultiplexer input filtering can contribute to this V1 and V2 offset. Turn R29 to compensate for this oſſset (Fig. 6.1 a, b). . ww www w ... . .. . >10 Fig. 6.1a. Analog, Poor, H/2 Oliset, Alternate Lines, R29 Fig. 6.1b. Analog, Good, H/2 Offset, Alternate Lines, R29 7.0 PATTERN NOISE BALANCE R20 (Appendix H) applies a field to field offset and equally affects El & E2 demultiplexer inputs. Verify field rates (Fig. 6.2 a, b) with 2ms sweep at TV field trigger, then use variable sweep to view two field sweeps (Fig. 6.3). Adjust R20 to minimize alternate field ſlicker. Little offset is noticeable. Set scope ch. 1 @.2 V/cm and 10us variable sweep. Again, verify = 40m V of set-up on the active video with the imager in the dark. R4 (Appendix I) varies the input summing resistance to the final video pre-amp. This adjustment optimizes the final low-pass filter for clock noise rejection. Adjust for optimum flatness of the active video. This corresponds to the best pattern noise cancel- lation (Fig. 7.1 a, b, c). Flatness can be verified with the scopes 'cursor'as well as the ‘cal' program line grab and resultant statistics. NEC CHL VOLTO 0.066U Fig. 6.2a. Analog, Good, Alternate Field Rate Verification SEC >103 .. . Fig. 7.1a. Analog, Poor, Pattern Noise Cancellation Adjustments, R4 ... .: - e Fig. 6.2b. Analog, Good, Alternate Field Rate Verification os CH1 leto VOLTS 100.ONU , . A . . www. ---.--_. **** **** ........ . ... W **** MMOA.*14** ******* asian..*** Fig. 7.1a. Digital, Poor, Pattern Noise Cancellation Adjustments, R4 R32 (Appendix H) on the FPN board is the high frequency pattern noise cancellation. Most high fre- quency noise is clock noise which can affect the CCD delay characteristics. This circuit delays the active video so its corresponding pattern noise catches up. The active video is then inverted and summed with the pattern noise. Adjust R32 to minimize vertical lines on the monitor (monitor brightness may need to be turned up). 500 > 21 . . . . . Fig. 6.3. Analog, Good, H/2 Offset, Alternate Fields, R20 CNI VOLTS 6.000U : : : : : Fig. 7.26. Analog, Poor, Pattern Noise Cancellation Adjustments, A R4 .. : ** Fig. 8.1a. Analog, Norm., Black Tracking during gain Switches CHI WOLTS madd . . . . Fig. 7.2b. Digital, Poor, Pattern Noise Cancellation Adjustments, ARA . . . . . . . + Fig. 7.2c. Analog, Better, Pattern Noise Cancellation Adjustments, s' R4 Fig. 8.1b. Analog, X4, Black Tracking during gain Switches 9.0 DEMULTIPLEXER GAIN This circuit demultiplexes pattern noise and active video into two separate outputs. It also provides gain control for these two output channels. High frequencies are boosted to equalize pre-amp response and the video is vertical rate clamped to remove DC offsets and dark currents. These dark current('VC1' and 'VC2'- Appen- dix A) signals are timed to be read out under the optical black reference of the imager. This is the electronic dark reference and has no adjustment. Demultiplexer inputs ‘Vl' and 'V2' are alternate video and pattern noise and reverse their roles each horizontal scan line - hence, the need for demultiplexing. The channel gain controls (R9 & R11) provide the greatest degree of sensitivity adjustment - subsequently they also amplify dark and white noise. This is where the sensors arc balanced with an absolute response corre- sponding to arbitrarily chosen ſlux level set points. These flux level decisions are based on assessment of the sensitivity/dynamic range requirements of the system. Fig. 7.2c. Digital, Better, Pattern Noise Cancellation Adjustments, SRA 8.0 BLACK TRACKING R38 (Appendix I) causes the pre-ampoſſsets to remain constant while switching from ‘norm' to 'X2' to‘x4'. With the imager in the dark, adjust R38 for constant active video offset while switching gain settings (50m V when in ‘norm' is generally adequate - see Fig. 8.1 a, b). The following criteria should be maintained throughout the dynamic range of the 2710 camera: I) array uniformity of 5 bits between sectors II) less than 3 bits standard deviation amongst pixels within the five sectors III) maintaining a 'live zero' (less than 1/2 bit dark signal) in all sectors IV) maximum 'roll over' saturation flatness (1.0 to 1.5 logs of radiometric intensity returns 240 or greater bit values in all sectors V) response matching between cameras (within £ 5 bits of set point values) Fig. 9.1b. Analog, Better, Pattern Noise & Active Video DeMux Gains Arbitrary set point values are: lamp distance digitized response 160 cm 220 bits AVRCT 210 cm 140 bits AVRCT 300 cm 70 bits AVRCT Adjust R9 & R11 (Appendix H) to obtain 220 bits AVRCT values with the lamp @ 160 cm (Fig. 9.1 a, b) Repeat steps 6.0 & 7.0 with sensor in the dark. ARVCT 225.339000 THE STDEV FOR CENTER DATA IS 3.618701 AVRUL 226.413000 THE STDEV FOR UPPER LEFT IS 3.718199 AVRUR. 226.706900 THE STDEV FOR UPPER RIGHT IS 5.466717 CHI VOLTS AVRLL 229.398100 THE STDEV FOR LOWER LEFT IS ,0.7200 4.037945 AVRLR 228.114000 THE STDEV FOR LOWER RIGHT IS 3.988734 REDO THE LINE GRAB? Y = 1 ... w . ...w į Fig. 9.1b. Statistical, Good, Pattern Noise & Active Video DeMux Gains 10.0 SET-UP ADJUST R32 (Appendix I) video proc. board, applies a DC offset to the active video line. With the sensor in the dark, adjust R32 for < 1/2 bit AVRCT. All five sectors should indicatc non-zero values (Fig. 10.1 a, b). Fig. 9.1a. Analog, Poor, Pattern Noise & Active Video De Mux Gains ARVCT 191.090600 THE STDEV FOR CENTER DATA IS CHI A MOLTS 0. MOU 27.089710 AVRUL 188.628100 THE STDEV FOR UPPER LEFT IS 26.847500 AVRUR 188.177500 THE STDEV FOR UPPER RIGHT IS 27.043710 AVRLL 195.693800 THE STDEV FOR LOWER LEFT IS 27.522450 AVRLA 194.030000 THE STDEV FOR LOWER RIGHT IS 27.833250 REDO THE LINE GRAB? Y = 1 Fig. 9.1a. Statistical, Poor, Pattern Noise & Active Video DeMux Gains Fig. 10.1a. Analog, Poor, DC Offset Adjustments, R32 Repeat steps 6.0, 7.0 & 9.0 while satisfying the set point values and maintaining criteria I thru VI. carmth u | Fig. 10.16. Digital, Good, DC Oſiset Adjustments, a R32 Fig. 10.1a. Digital, Poor, DC Offset Adjustments, R32 ARVCT 1.2500001-03 THE STDEV FOR CENTER DATA IS 3.5333231-02 AVRUL 1.8750001-03 THE STDEV FOR UPPER LEFT IS 5.5870251-02 AVRUR 4.3750001-03 THE STDEV FOR UPPER RIGHT IS 8.2000121-02 ARVCT 7.372500 THE STDEV FOR CENTER DATA IS 2.088169 AVRLL 1.2500001-03 THE STDEV FOR LOWER LEFT IS 4.9904371-02 AVRUL 6.529375 THE STDEV FOR UPPER LEFT IS 1.997908 AVRLR 3.1250001-03 THE STDEV FOR LOWER RIGHT IS 6.6069921-02 AVRUR 7.363750 THE STDEV FOR UPPER RIGHT IS 2.111915 REDO THE LINE GRAB? Y = 1 AVRLL 6.70000 THE STDEV FOR LOWER LEFT IS 2.043282 Fig. 10.1b. Statistical, Good, DC Offset Adjustments, a R32 AVRLR 7.607500 THE STDEV FOR LOWER RIGHT IS 2.125369 REDO THE LINE GRAB? Y = 1 Fig. 10.1a. Statistical, Poor, DC Offset Adjustments, R32 CH. VLIS. 0.7GOU 11.0 OUTPUT LEVEL ADJUST R31 (Appendix I) adjusts the white level of the active video and is the AGC (auto gain control) reference for the video processor. Our system does not utilize AGC as it would greatly complicate the calibration procedure. The resolution, reproducibility, and noise characteristics of the AGC concept make it inadequate for precision radiometry. With AGC disabled, R31 can be used as a secondary gain control and does not amplify noise as much as the demultiplexed gains (R9 & R11). R31 should be adjusted to trim the overall gain of the system to obtain the desired set point values while maintaining criteria I through VI. The R9 & R11 pair used with R31 can slide the dynamic range window of the sensor since their effective gains are not equal. Repeat steps 9.0 and 10.0. 12.0 HORIZONTAL SHADING At this point, video ramping often persists and array uniformity is not adequate. With the lamp at the 210 cm set pt., adjust R22 (Fig. 12.1 a, b,c& 12.2 a,b)(Appendix .22 Fig. 10.1b. Analog, Good, DC Offset Adjustments, a R32 As we have seen, there are four primary adjustments to obtain the set point values while maintaining criteria I through VI: I) for flat active video at this flux level. R22 controls the amplitude of a horizontal rate ‘sawtooth' waveform and the video processor multiplies the active video by this sawtooth waveform. This corrects for the typical CID's horizontal white shading. Repeat steps 9.0, 10.0 and 11.0. • demultiplexed gains (R9 & R11) set-up or dark offset (R32) output adjust or white offset (R31) horizontal shading (R22) CH1 H VOLTS 0.7200 Since R 14 (step 5.0 - edge correction/dynamic range adjust) can also slightly slide the dynamic range win- dow, it can be used sparingly to reach the set point values. Although fixed pattern noise (R4) is a dark video level adjustment, its effect on white level video noise is profound. If white level noise persists, try moving R4 slightly to reduce standard deviations at this level. However, all subsequent steps must then be repeated. An example of adequate set point statistics and waveforms for dark, 300cm, 210cm and 160cm set points can be seen in Figs. 10.1 b, 12.2 a, 12.2 b, and 12.2 c respec- tively. . 20 >104 .......................... Fig. 12.1a. Analog, Poor, Horizontal Shading Adjustments, R22 299 MUUT ACT CHI 0.7200 VOLTS . . .. ***** . .... OP TO . ... . .. ... VOIP * SCOPUS &.** * *. * * * * * * * *... .lt . 2. . . ** *. ... . *** .* ***14** . **... ***. H v * . ... . .. . . . . ****** **. ... ..... . . . 1:1... TEID * OP ** ... .. .... ** **** * BUSSOS ...... .. ** **** tid... * ********* ** * * * ** * ********* ** ** ** * . ... . 22 US .. . men . W . . . ..EJO ** SS . . * 20 * WUM >10% . . . . . . : tre * . stwo. ****** * * ****** ** *** * . . *** ******* . . . .... t * S . ir VIVIAI Fig. 12.1a. Digital, Poor, Horizontal Shading Adjustments, R22 Fig. 12.1b. Analog, Poor, Horizontal Shading Adjustments, a R22 . ARVCT 126.853800 THE STDEV FOR CENTER DATA IS 4.294328 22 TYP 32 AVRUL 121.711900 THE STDEV FOR UPPER LEFT IS 3.478146 AVRUR 134.534400 THE STDEV FOR UPPER RIGHT IS 2.523886 . : :: 22 OV AVRLL 121.634400 THE STDEV FOR LOWER LEFT IS 2.929804 . .. sie . AVRLR 133.381900 THE STDEV FOR LOWER RIGHT IS ***** 2.883569 REDO THE LINE GRAB? Y = 1 * ch 4 + . . + + + + Fig. 12.1a. Statistical, Poor, Horizontal Shading Adjustments, R22 Fig. 12.1b. Digital, Poor, Horizontal Shading Adjustments, A R22 -9- CHI ME VOLTS 0.720V CH1 H VOLTS 0.2160 Nisan .' . . ..... . 20 >10% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . - .. Fig. 12.1c. Analog, Better, Horizontal Shading Adjustments, A' R22 Fig. 12.2a. Analog, Good, Horizontal Shading Adjustments, 300 cm WENN TIL. سيمينمهیمنیسیمیاممبييننننننننننننننننننننننن Fig. 12.1c. Digital, Better, Horizontal Shading Adjustments, a' R22 Fig. 12.2a. Digital, Good, Horizontal Shading Adjustments, 300 cm ARVCT 122.850600 THE STDEV FOR CENTER DATA IS ARVCT 69.942500 THE STDEV FOR CENTER DATA IS 4.409790 1.894152 AVRUL 123.248700 THE STDEV FOR UPPER LEFT IS 3.632148 AVRUL 70.970000 THE STDEV FOR UPPER LEFT IS 1.978083 AVRUR 124.073100 THE STDEV FOR UPPER RIGHT IS AVRUR 70.613130 THE STDEV FOR UPPER RIGHT IS 2.750000 3.380967 AVRLL 123.411900 THE STDEV FOR LOWER LEFT IS AVRLL 70.115000 THE STDEV FOR LOWER LEFT IS 3.307378 2.481305 AVRLR 123.367500 THE STDEV FOR LOWER RIGHT IS 3.172932 AVRLR 71.082500 THE STDEV FOR LOWER RIGHT IS 2.208365 REDO THE LINE GRAB? Y = 1 REDO THE LINE GRAB? Y = 1 Fig. 12.1c. Statistical, Good, Horizontal Shading Adjustments, A' R22 Fig. 12.2a. Statistical, Good, Horizontal Shading Adjustments, 300 cm 13.0 EQUALIZATION ADJUST Notice the higher than normal standard deviations (STDEV) in the upper right sector of Figs. 12.2 a, b, & c. This is due to dust on the array where that sector is drawn (Fig. 12.2 b). Beſore final sensor encapsulation, this dust and/or lint must all be carefully removed. The ſinal adjustments are done with the factory camera boss (with lens 'C' - mount) mounted on the 2710 camera. A resolution target is illuminated at 45° and 200cm from the lamp. The camera is mounted orthogo- -10- CH1 # VOLTS V .1 ..- . .. - .. . 2 Von Fig. 12.2b. Analog, Good, Horizontal Shading Adjustments, 210 cm Fig. 12.2c. Analog, Good, Horizontal Shading Adjustments, 160 cm ARVCT 217.268100 THE STDEV FOR CENTER DATA IS 2.871046 AVRUL 219.933100 THE STDEV FOR UPPER LEFT IS 2.837317 . AVRUR 221.564000 THE STDEV FOR UPPER RIGHT IS 3.453048 2 : 27 AVRLL 221.105000 THE STDEV FOR LOWER LEFT IS 3.153312 AVRLR 221.930000 THE STDEV FOR LOWER RIGHT IS 3.198214 non REDO THE LINE GRAB? Y = 1 Fig. 12.2b. Digital, Good, Horizontal Shading Adjustments, 210 cm ARVCT 134.643800 THE STDEV FOR CENTER DATA IS 2.696757 AVRUL 137.088100 THE STDEV FOR UPPER LEFT IS 2.630352 Fig. 12.2c. Statistical, Good, Horizontal Shading Adjustments, 160 cm finder. Black photographic tape should be wrapped around the exterior of the imager board to minimize stray array light. Fig. 13.2 a shows the system configuration and Fig. 13.2 b indicates the required scope settings. The TV line finder - bar/dot mixer can select individ- ual CID array lines in each vertical field, every other vertical field, every third field, etc., with line selections of 1 to 248, 249 10 496, and 497 to 744, etc., respectively. The chart figures indicate the selected lines (highlighted on display) used in our frequency adjustment applica- tion. AVRUR 138.388100 THE STDEV FOR UPPER RIGHT IS 3.517604 AVRLL 137.031300 THE STDEV FOR LOWER LEFT IS 3.150992 AVRLR 138.008700 THE STDEV FOR LOWER RIGHT IS 2.971111 REDO THE LINE GRAB? Y = 1 Fig. 12.2b. Statistical, Good, Horizontal Shading Adjustments, 210 cm nal to the target at a distance of approximately 18 inches. A Nikon 55mm macro lens with 'C'-mount adapter is installed on the camera (Fig. 13.1 a). The lens is focused on the 200 to 600 line wedge of the chart (see full resolution chart and corresponding scope trace, (Figs. 13.1 b)). This adjustment requires the use of a TV line The objective is to equalize the two adjacent lines (290 & 291). The adjustments must be made on line 291 to equalize it to line 290. The scopes cursors should be used 10 ‘record' the line 290 waveform amplitude so that line 291 can be more easily equalized to it. Capacitor C38 (Appendix H), the low frequency equalization, is used to adjust the tilt of the white level (Fig. 13.3 a, b). C34 (Appendix H), the high frequency equalization, is used 10 adjust the amplitude (Fig. 13.4 a, b). Note the line 290 reference waveform (Fig. 13.5). -11- ...'. ....... ..............warnermbi.....m m mm. CEO YV.2.1.1 SA . 2 WINDOW SU . . . . . Vox . . te . 00 in . ԶԱՐՄոոոր . ..w . . . . . . men . . ai WBT . 5.11 dos . OS YAVY2 DIN TI . T . . W222 10 COM . . $ I ! 2009 Y : . ..: . . . 20 - . .... : . . .... OUTDOO AO! 20% :: ......... . . Fig. 13.1a. Camera Stand, Close-up Fig. 13.2b. Scope Close-up CHI VOLTS 0.7200 . **** YA * A .) R As part was minimumisaeutin pustima i co warunnisa Awaac wie sal AY .- { } . . . . . . . . A V wwwuue massivers aucurema.consulescudunutmanocaminanuwhitecturelos, Business>>>s. 2003 A 2 51 EIA FORMAT .: ..... ... Fig. 13.1b. Resolution Chart Fig. 13.3a. Analog, Poor, Resolution Chart Scope Display . CH1 og VOLTS medias 0.7140 W A YY : .. ......... . <4 > - 500 NUO *** i . DICTVO . . . . w 11 AN . > 2* . TO 1.. T O t .... . . . 1 02 Fig. 13.1b. Analog of Resolution Chart Fig. 13.3a. Resolution Chart, Poor, Chart Image _ CH1 . VOLTS W 0.7200 '*** 7 .... - WWW. 56 www. Fig. 13.2a. System Setup Fig. 13.3b. Analog, Better, Resolution Chart Scope Display 12 CHI # VOLTS 0.7200 1-500 20- . . - 200 - 600 Fig. 13.3b. Resolution Chart, Better, Chart Image Fig. 13.4b. Analog, Good, Line 291 CH1 Home VOLTS 0.6780 COPY DAN 500 .24. . . . Fig. 13.4a. Analog, Poor, Line 291 Fig. 13.4b. Resolution Chart, Good, Chart Image CHI * VOLTS 0.720V . TAN 2 . . . in new w mense innowwin«<< -.40Lel...'N LL . ...... LIV ...- .20. Fig. 13.5. Analog, Line 290 Reference 14.0 CONTOURS CHECK CHI de VOLTS * 0.7140 The purpose of this circuit is to provide a 'boosting' of the apparent horizontal MTF and resolution. This minimizes the addition of high frequency noise while increasing the active video edge information. Sharpen- ing the edges increases contrast and therefore, resolution and MTF. With the sensor in the dark and at 4x gain (Appendix L), turn R23 (Appendix I) fully clockwise. Now adjust R23 counter-clock-wise until the active video amplitude just reaches a minimum (Fig. 14.1 a, b). Fig. 14.1a. Analog, Poor, X4, R23 -13- W CSSSSSS OS . > ' C. ? . ' ... wa . . .. ) . > 1 ini . Sri . . . - .AM .! . .. . 1 A . :: :.... ARVCT 36.397500 THE STDEV FOR CENTER DATA IS . .. . . 7.978457 . . ... . .. AVRUL 35.385000 THE STDEV FOR UPPER LEFT IS 7.683215 . AVRUR 36.583750 THE STDEV FOR UPPER RIGHT IS 7.810840 ..:.::.: . AVRLL 36.720000 THE STDEV FOR LOWER LEFT IS 8.098697 . AVRLR 37.895000 THE STDEV FOR LOWER RIGHT IS 7.879176 . REDO THE LINE GRAB? Y = 1 Fig. 14.1a. Digital, Poor, X4, R23 ARVCT 34.568750 THE STDEV FOR CENTER DATA IS 24.026290 AVRUL 34.221870 THE STDEV FOR UPPER LEFT IS 24.174060 AVRUR 32.920000 THE STDEV FOR UPPER RIGHT IS 23.022460 Fig. 14.1b. Statistical, Good, X4, A R23 15.0 CID SPATIAL LINEARITY The spatial linearity (or gcometric distortion) veriſi- cation of the CID chip is done with the lincarity chart (scan rate 525/60 with 4 x 3 aspect ratio) in conjunction with the TV line ſinder as a bar/dot mixer. Tedious alignment of the sensor with the chart is necessary for the bars or dots to be cospatial with the linearity circles. The horizontal and vertical spacing and position adjustments are used to obtain this cospatial superposition. The ‘bars' or 'dots' button is selected on the line finder. Fig. 15.1 a & b show the bars and dots superimposed on the video line and intersecting the center of the target circles. This verifies that the CID chip itself has no geometric distor- tion. AVALL 34.191250 THE STDEV FOR LOWER LEFT IS 23.560850 AVRLR 32.365000 THE STDEV FOR LOWER RIGHT IS 23.443430 REDO THE LINE GRAB? Y = 1 Fig. 14.1a. Statistical , Poor, X4, R23 OOOOOOOOOOOOOO ooooo Occ 000000 OOOOO OoOoOOO OOOOOOOOO 00:00: 00 Ooo..0.0 OOOO 1 ........ ..... -..-- -.-.-.................... . ..m...... ... ... . .. ... ... ... . .. . ... . ... .... - - - --- Fig. 14.1b. Analog, Good, X4, A R23 Fig. 15.1a. Linearity Target, Bars KY ... . . ...... . . . . D DT O O O O O O O O O O O O O C OOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOO . 2 . . m ai marenierende 0000000000 0000OOOOOO 0:0 0 0 0 0 O@00:00 O Oro ooo @ @ Qüo. 0.0.OGO OOO OOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOO o o o o o o o o o ó ò ó ô OOOOOOOOOOOOO COOOOOOOOOOOOO Fig. 14.1b. Digital, Good, X4, A R23 Fig. 15.1b. Linearity Target, Dots -14- 16.0 RADIOMETRIC LINEARITY - RADIOMETRIC LINEARITY C.I.D. Serial #649-86216 Comparison Span 6/88–5/89 500 hrs Operation Timo - 6/88 DATA - 5/89 DATA- - 9 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - An approximation of linearity can be obtained from the linear gray scale portion of the resolution chart and corresponding scope trace (Fig. 16.1). The chart must be normal to the direction of incident ſlux (to avoid 1/r2 law biasing) and greater than 2 meters from the source to disperse a uniform field. The sensor should be aligned at about 10° off the barphotometer axis at a distance re- quired to fill the array with gray scale. Use the line finder to select a single field within the scale. The scope trace should indicate an even amplitude increment staircase waveform. As you can see in the scope trace, the last three steps begin to depart from the straight sloped line which can be drawn through the previous steps. This non-linear portion is characteristic of the CID response and is registered with more accuracy on the barphotome- ter radiometric linearity calibration. See Fig. 16.2 a&b. RELATIVE INTENSITY (Log Units) C CH1 Helene VOLTS 0.7140 50 100 150 200 250 300 OUTPUT BIT VALUE Fig. 16.2a. Radiometric linearity calibration, 500 hrs operation time. > 2 < -...... ..... . 20 Fig. 16.1a. Analog, Grey Scale Steps RADIOMETRIC LINEARITY C.I.D. Serial #730-87351 Comparison Span 4/88-5/89 6000 hrs Operation Time 4/88 DATA * 5/89 DATA- * mo *** my * 7 8 9 ** . V TULOS 29 SOVO . 25UIS 190DN YOYORY wa oc Y . RELATIVE INTENSITY (Log Units) .." . EIA FORMAT Test Chart trocowisior conmemo. Fig. 16.10. Resolution Chart, Graphic Image 17.0 TEMPORAL STABILITY 0.1 50 250 300 Sensor stability over extended periods is critical to obtain high quality radiometric video data. Section 9.0 lists parameters I through V that should be re-examined for long term performance evaluation of the 2710 C.I.D. camera. 100 150 200 OUTPUT BIT VALUE Fig. 16.26. Radiometric linearity calibration, 6000 hrs operation time. -15- C.I.D. serial #'s 649-86216 & 730-87351 were evalu- ated over 11 months - 500 hours operation and 13 months - 6,000 hours operation respectively. Radiometric lin- earity comparisons are shown in the following pages of tables and graphs. Absolute set point values were also noted at the beginning and end of these operational periods. This data indicates that C.I.D. serial #730-87351 has just failed to meet parameters I, II & V. This sensor required recalibration after 6,000 hrs. of operation. A recalibration and performance evaluation schedule might be at 4,000 hr. (8 month) field operation intervals. Parameter evaluation (ref. Section 9.0) #649-86216 (500 hrs) #730-87351 (6000 hrs.) unifomity S3E5- uniformity std. dev. dark signal 'roll over' flatness set pt. matching satisfied satisfied satisfied satisfied satisfied std. dev. dark signal 'roll over' ſlatness set pt. matching 7 to 8 bits at high video levels between 3.0 & 4.0 satisfied satisfied 7 to 8 bits lamp distance digital response lamp distance 160 cm 210 cm 300 cm 226 145 73 bits AVRCT bits AVRCT bits AVRCT 160 cm 210 cm 300 cm 212 133 digital response bits AVRCT bits AVRCT bits AVRCT EO CAM: LIN CAL DATA SHEET Camera Serial No. 649-86216 Lamp Vots: 17.5V Lamp Current: 3.990 Date: 6/28/88 Camera Serial No. 649-86216 Lamp Volts: 17.5V Lamp Current: 3.989A Date: 5/16/89 MUN ONE RUN TWO RUN ONE RUN TWO Lamp Position (Log Units) Lamp Poskion Log Units) AVG STD AVG STD AVO STO AVG STD 0.0 255 0.0 255 255 0.1 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 241.1 198.5 159.6 128.5 102.3 81.2 0.7 2A 2.9 255 255 255 255 255 240.3 195.7 159.2 128.0 101.8 81.3 64.4 50.6 40.1 31.5 26.3 19.4 15.2 12.3 255 239.6 195.4 158.8 127.7 101.7 81.1 64.2 51.0 40.0 31.5 25.0 19.8 15.6 12.1 10. 81 8.1 2.7 2.6 255 255 243.6 198.8 161.0 130.1 103.2 82.2 50.2 50.2 39.0 30.2 22.7 17.1 12.6 2.6 25 64.1 49.6 38.6 29.9 1.4 1.5 22.6 16.9 12.4 1.8 6.4 2.0 4.0 Camera Serial No. 730-87351 Lamp Volts: 17.5V Lamp Current: 3.995A Date: 4/26/88 Camera Serial No. 730-87351 Lamp Volts: 17.5V Lamp Current: 4.000A Date: 5/22/89 RUN ONE RUN TWO AUN ONE AUN TWO Lamp Position (Log Unis) Lamp Position Rog Units) AVC STO AVO STO AVG AVG STO 0.0 255 0.0 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 ooo 255 255 255 255 3.6 3.6 2.3 07 234.0 190.5 153.3 12.1 96.7 2.5 2.4 3.7 255 255 226.2 183.0 149.2 118.2 90.1 73.0 54.4 0.8 2.4 0.9 1.0 255 255 225.5 183.4 147.7 117.5 91.9 71.5 54.8 41.2 30.6 22.1 15.0 255 234.3 190.3 153.0 121.8 196.4 76.4 59.7 46.7 36.2 28.6 22.2 17.0 12.8 76.6 25 60.1 1.2 3.5 42.0 31.0 21.6 3.7 3.4 47.4 37.3 29.0 22.4 17.0 13.1 9.5 15.1 3.3 6.0 2.5 1.9 1. 31 1.6 7.0 5.0 0.4 03 0.0 1 .16- APPENDIX A REVISIONS DESCRIPTION REV DESCRIPTION | DATE APPROVED DATE [APPROVED IMAGER_BOARD SCAN_GEN. BOARD H DRIVE H DRIVE OUT _POWER_SUPPLY BOARD EPI DRIVES H DRIVES HT DRIVEKTT BUFFERS H DRIVE LOGIC | EXT. SYNC/ H DR IN CLOCK DATA 28 MHZ VCD EXT. V DO IN GENLOCK T! H DRIVE V RESET SLOW DRIVERS IMAGER INJECT PULSE +25V +10VA I SWITCHING +5VA REGULATOR -SVf k 1+12VDC IN SCAN i i GENERATOR -10V E1 E2 +V REF >vci +1c2 > BLANK >H/2 WRG >H SAM Эн CL SYNC lol . - - - V DRIVE +3.5V REF PREAMP HIC H V DRIVE QUI 14MHZ CLOCK OUTS INJECT/INHIBIT GAIN SEL. AGC OUT AGC IN SYNC - - - L-at-H INJ./INH. -- - - - -L A - - L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ++ - - - - - - - - - - CLOCK DRIVEL VCI -BLANK -WRG SAM -BLANK 73 H- PRE BLK -H/2 ---VCI 201 VIDEO - - 'PREAMP' B! н CONTOUR CIRCUIT DELAYED IN OUT LSI IDED OUT + LOW *PASS FILTER CCD DELAY v2L LOW *PASSH FILTER IN CIRCUIT OUT! MMA CONTOURS- SAMMAL 1 MUXER CIRCUITI 1 Low vtPASS JMAKE-UP NOISE DELAY LOW PASS FILTER 1 FILTER GAMMA ADUL L- -- - ced Lee - -FPN BOARD VIDED PROCESSOR BOARD - - - ECO SYRACUSE NY. 2710 BLOCK DIAGRAM PO 196C3159 DATE LES OTHERVAE DI SIGNATURES OSIOS ARE IN ODOS DRAWN D merce TOLERANCE ON CHECKED 2 PL DECIMALS 3 PL DECIMALS ENGRG ANGLES : ISSUED FRACTIDNS: roro arslan SIZEIF C NO SCALE ATN2710 SHEET -17- APPENDIX B TYPICAL INPUT VIDEO WAVEFORM White Level — Black Level Blanking Level Sync Tips — H Front Porch – H Sync H Back Porch H Blanking Active H Line - - Total H Line - a. At Horizontal Scanning Line Rate White Level Video Information . S + 12 . . . VALS 1 + Black Level , Blanking Level Sync Tips — V Front Porch V Sync V Back Porch v Blanking - Active V Field - Total Field - b. At Vertical Field Rate Figure 3 - Typical Input Video Waveform The basic video signal is composed of video, blanking and sync as shown above to form the "composite video signal". Various significant parameters and common terminology applied to them (such as "front porch" and "back porch'') are outlined above. In some instances, a "non-composite" video signal may be used which is the same as that shown above less the sync portion, composed of only the video plus blanking. -18- APPENDIX C HDRIVE .. BLANKING SYNC Pr71 fth H FRONT PORCH IKH SYNC il Ke HBACK PORCH K HDRIVE KA HBLANKING ACTIVE H LINE TOTAL H LINE a. WAVEFORMS AT HORIZONTAL RATE V DRIVE BLANKING Vw SYNC |--** VERTICAL FIELD A VERTICAL FIELD B KA VERTICAL FRAME 6. WAVEFORMS AT VERTICAL RATE JI V DRIVE BLANKING עוד ח SYNC HRATE SYNC PULSES V FRONT PORCH V SYNC V BACK PORCH V DRIVE V BLANKING SERRATIONS EQUALIZING PULSES FIELD A FIELDB C. EXPANDED VIEW, DETAIL OF VERTICAL INTERVAL WAVEFORMS Figure 1-Synchronizing generator typical waveforms . -19- APPENDIX D See OUG NO 89179 S NEV APPROVED 3.275 REF REVISIONS REV DESCRIPTION DATE A NEW PATI-8, EN 4-020 A Marow IGNISSI M B NEWPATI-CREMOS wp REMOVED 8" HOLES Bec'o CNNG: Gwrig ianuari TTT76 WERE PIPE. ADDED Llws onR613188 ÉCNE 509! silt, O metang Loimale .. SER. NO. - SCAN - FPN VIDEO POWER 110 8 ASSY 180 HIGHWIRA ARROQQORRA оооооооооооооооооооо 00000000000 oooooooooooo 1000000000000 1000000000000 ооооооооо oooooooo جججججججججج FRONT ᎾᎾ ᎾᎾᎾᎾᎾ ; INSERTION DIRECTION 3m NOTES: T. GI - JUMPER EI TO ED USING WI. 2. G2- JUMPER EZ TO E3 USING W2. 3. FOR SCHEMATI-SEI- 4. FOR DWE SEE 89.7EF.. 14 3.730 REF. INSERTION DIRECTION Gooooooooooooo FRONT --- 100/20 T6 JI J2 J3 34 J5 PL ISSUED - UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED SIGNATURES | DATE DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES LONAWN B. Mercurl 3/18/86 TOLERANCES ON: 2 PL DECIMALS : CHECKED Sosnowi +22186 3 PL DECIMALS ENGAG! M ILY0/86 ANGLES : FRACTIONS seves Songs +122164] ACIDTEC PWE A55Y, MOTHER EL. - - -- + - - THIRD ANGLE PROJECTION FCFO SIZE FSCM NO OWENO LD 9186 CMNO DWG NO FMF B9179 SHEET | EINE- 2710 SCALE 2X EN 1142 F:O 1.84 . 20. APPENDIX E REVLON Queron IMAGER VLO PAOL E PN. SCAN.GEN IZ (40p) DWR SUPPLY TS (AP) (24p) (20p) (24P) GNI,1,red 1,12,1 1,2011 21.mal 13.240 10.18 19,20 10V 10U + 5 U -54 Y . •10U -10V +25V and DRIVE H DRIVE NANK VCI m2 (SEE NOTE 2) E2 EXT CLOLK OUT GEN LOG IN H/2 CLOCK FULD SELEC FIELO SELECT NY WI (SEE NOTE) EXT V DRIVE +12V IN 2 WAG LH SAMPLE LH CLAMP SYNC 27 INI INHIBIT INJ INHIBIT VORIVE OUT 19 LUORIVE OUT VRESET CLOCK NOTES: T. FOR GI, JUMPER EI TOEZ USING Wie 2.FOR G2, JUMPER EZ TO C3 USING Wz. 3. FOR LIST OF DARTS SEE PL 89179. 4.FOR PWB SEE 3 9178 P1. . VIDEO NOISE SPARE SPARE NJG INJ GAIN SEL AGC IN AGC OUT VIDEO OUT SPORE u o ňou . LUG TIPO CLO -O CLOCK comp SPARE SPARE ם cu SPARE A DATA 9 . FRO VIDEO OUT OZ RZ V REF LOATA SPAAE CLOCK 2 SPARE SPARE SPARE 1,1L GND un om ONED I BIONATURES QUEMCU O In our In : M : TONS : MACIDTEC SCHEMATIC. MOTHER BD. TrumO ANGLEMOCIO CNNO *** FEFDEL 8 9119 FMF 2710 09209 o e CALO _ APPENDIX F - REVISIONS WIRE SIDE COMPONENT SIDE REY DESCRIPTION DATE 1 APPROVED A ADDED RZI, MEW PATT. Merci beyt 173156 l Hy Linh B ADDED IT. 15, RECORD CUNG B.Mares thet 7116/86 SG C ADDED NOTE 3, RECORD CHIC. B.M. 7kg 71301BL 256 | ADDED 13-17, NEW MATT RECIO CANG. 3. Mere op/86 18/27 561 sty Fulda ADDED 28,29,6229624 MGENTILE | E 101:71 NEW PRETTO E RÉCDŁANG, 1011187 Al C MOVED 69,65; NEW PTT Tonnet TECNE487 M GENTILE Ć JADDED ITEMS 1819, NOTE 4 | M Bendtner,2114184 12/22/871 *S6 LEEN 491 TREMOVED ITEMG 18,9, NOTE 4 A IREC CHO Gentile /12188 ADDED ITEMS 18,19 Records localesa JIENOTE 4. MNĂ 2/10/88 1 ADD R22 R23, EGNE SOJA DI WAS Jl. RECORL DELETED PTS. 18€ 19 NOTE . CHUNGEL DELINEA Ticio con 077 NOTE 2. ECN-ESIC HNR circle QI 819 -: : .252 - -- - - Cib ooo oo ooo KI R3 Ջ Է Ջ 016 REF. 816 SER. NO. REF. 9 UT kooli lb 20 leieeeeeeeee Qa1 FARSIDE 1 p C2 FAR SIDE q' (SEE NOTES 14 2160 Ub g uz b CR61 o 2.50 REF. to .032 À L UG 8 16 de NOTES: 05 ää сooooo be us po R8 oo 1. MASK PADS FOR UZ PRIOR TO FLOW SOLDER. 2. 17 - (SEE NOTE 2) 15 (SEE NOTE 3) Il R14 SNAP PT. 17 INTO 2 STRIPS OF 7 SOCKETS EACH AND 2 STRIPS OF 8 SOCKETS EACH DISCARD REMAINING 2 SOCKETS. AFTER FLOW SOLDERING PROCESS, HAND SOLDER STRIPS FLUSH TO SURFACE OF PWB. JU) 10 - - - .. 3. 14OOOOOOOOOOOOOO! - 150000000000000028 RAISE ITEM 15.032 +/-.005, REFERENCED FROM COMPONENT SIDE SURFACE OF PWB. - PI - 2.60 REF. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED D.MENSIONS ARE IN INCHES TOLERANCES ON: : PL DECIMALS : PL DECIMALS : SINGLES FRACTIONS : MCIDTEC PL ISSUED FOR SCHEMATIC SEE 09181 SIGNATURES | DATE DRAWN B. Merren 3/486 CHECKED Seda 4/22/06 ENGAG (m. JTX/78 wel. Ingyenest 4/22/86 HPWB ASY, IMEISER THIRD ANGLE PROJECTION SIZE | FSCM NO DWG NO FCFOLD 9186B her L. 99186 Bromo Dove me 39174 FME B9174 SHEET I FINAL 2710 SCALE 2X -22- APPENDIX G REVISIONS - 2.60 REF.- REV DESCRIPTION DATE APPROVED A REDESIGNED, NEW PATT.8. • B.mirar 7/17/16 8 CHNG'D CRI, NEW ANTIOC I Marken 23/ 7-23.36 l komme i sin ADDED JUMER WI; NEW PRITT-D. EAN- 186018 (86-020 s.meren 10/17/86 170761.-ix, CHNG'O CONFIGURATION OM ce AGC ehmata. 1 a.marw 5/1987 Sli3/87 SG ADOED 62,.EONE into NEW PAT-E MIRA ATILE 1o1187 TP = 1. . U6 SEE NOTE IC o > qu5 papaq. woocho chto femelelle Weee to vo Deceel ooooo Oy oro uos ܩܩܩܩܩܩ ܩܩܹ .ܝ ܀ 3 ں و ,مممم de Pilooooooö 500 2.50 REF. 19Topo VIO O CHÈ 20 Belece 00000000 to 8: ) Bordo lo 08 6 C13 =ں ooooooo huovo ca ASSY Assy W 9 56 ججججججججججججججججج NOTES: 1. USE BOTH REMOVAL SLOTS WHEN REMOVING V6 FROM XU6. 20 P2 P2 SER. NO. MCIDTEC PL ISSUED FOR SCHEMATIC SEE 09178 UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED SIGNATURES DATE D. MENSIONS ARE IN INCHES DRAWN 8. Morear 1217/86 TOLERANCES ON 2 PL DECIMALS : CHECKED. Brangsod 4122166 3 PL DECIMALS : ANGLES : ENGACMOsho 141786 PWB ASSY, STACTIONS seves fusardi1 4/22/86 45CAN GENERATOR FCFO | SIZE FSCM NO OWG NO no PL O 9186 B B9177 FME 2710 SCALE 2X SHEET THIRD ANGLE PROJECTION THIRD ANGLE PROJECTION LE 2X1 - - 2710 -23- APPENDIX H REVISIONS APPROVED 60 REF. - . REV DESCRITON DATE A DAETED C16227; Arouet u3;. MOVED CI2, 14, 16, 2t3z la Mercen 2/2/06) ADDED 59,613,021, L14; DELETED OLI; NEW PANT-C Smarco 3/ DELETED U3, C22 RT I SWITCHED RICH |R19; NEW PATTO D . 8. 3/26/06 D ADOED R30, 35,04 US; NON APREL resimlana couts c2040260. Eam biz o.m.Vy L ADDED RZO, 231; CM 634; NEW PATT- F1 / S A - ATTF | 10/20/86 lasit EAN-86-021. 3. Men ghina CHNGD PAD SP. FOR (34; ADDED R32; F MOVEO COMPONENTS; NEW PATT. Gi - Site RESSO CHIC. B. mimo 41907 ADDED R33-R38,631.638,cei,ce2 DELETED R 30.015: NEW DAT- ? - How to PEED CNN, MUGEILE JULI2 MONED R32,6ll, RIG ECN E490 NEW PATT ImJ GENTILE 10/15/87 RQ onR16 R29R20 CR33 oll cap o cisco 39 Gago DPT 24 LIP H. -16 0 88 93 a0694 U orio os orido Ne Based Go Q.Net G Coc3307 GOR508 GOK6 da mono -LEAN C2S OVER R35 2.50 REF 14 13 12 11 10 7 8 LEAN C26 OVER U4 ! oo Lotte SÜPELERATEDP: Bljes us ASSY O ASSY odoo 30 La C + 8101C - -- -. - - P3 ooooooo Gas GenSER. NO. oozy Woo - PL ISSUED UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES TOLERANCES ON 2 PL DECIMALS : 3 PL DECIMALS : ANGLES FRACTIONS : MCIDTEC FOR SCHEMATIC SEE D9179 SIGNATURES DATE DRAWW 8. Murar 12/17/85 CHECKER. Hrana 4/10/86 ENGAG (im. W t13-6- FWB A55Y, EN ssued beforehat glo AG THIRD ANGLE PROJECTION ... . DWG NO FCFO SIZE FSCM NO PLD 9185B IFMF 2700 SCALE 2X - B9161 SHEET . -24- APPENDIX I. .. 2.60 REF. - - _ _ . - -. LADA 233, |R22.1 -. .- & lionorar imoth REVISIONS REV DESCRIPTON DATE APPROVED A CHANGED POLARITY OF 671614 macar 1-22-86 REVERSED RI“R2,ISLI; DU was.7 8 MOVED C24; NEW PATT-C 8 Mercer 3-5-86 CADDED R39, R40,43 TE DELETED CR4 21silicon NEW PATTI DJEANSHOT ore 8.n. 2 1 ! !! EAN-86-02Z 'Baren 7/86 I 1925 WAS , 22 uf, Ne Pontebello t o 3El me mi, , ADDED R410621; DELDED R26; NEW PAT-F. ECV-6411 8.noncer 10/2006 ADO ED RUN FROM UltTO py-2; New AmrTue, 3. mare. 2/17/ = 24187) ISE ADDED Tem 17 & NOTE RECORD SHNG. . mero 6/1187 | RS6 TAEMOUE O C28 ADDED SHORT, NEW AIPATT- CN 499 nanatha ialvira 12721/ 256 DELETED C4, L3, 67, PT.17 & NOTE: SWR ADDED 28, 229, R42 & U6. 6/8/88 INTERCHANGED P414& P4-15. ADDED CONNECTION FROM R13 TO 14-17 FOR T/P MISC. LAYOUT CHANGES. PATTERY WAS ? ECN-E500, E501 & E508 & RECORD. .. --- occiz 9 - 16 XU5 T6122,8 in CATE 15X 2.50 REF. U FLE SEE NOTEVO SEE NOTEI PR2851 um ac NOTES: 1. USE BOTH REMOVAL SLOTS WHEN REMOVING V3 FROM XU3 AND US FROM XUS. R38 ORIG Case R37 tool ORS out 216 86 Od pu que 5 0 Odu R20 SER. NO. PL ISSUED UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES TOLERANCES ON 2 PL DECIMALS: 3 PL DECIMALS: ANGLES : FRACTIONS : сотки FOR SCHEMATIC SEE D 9177 SIGNATURES | DATE DRAW B. Mercur 1/2/86 CHECKER. Gousse de toleo ENGAG CMS 13-6.86 mugge forson 4/10106 PWB ASSY, VIDEO PROCI THIRD ANGLE PROJECTION . SIZE FSCM NO DWG NO = 3 | 2 FMF FCFO PL 29185 2700 SCALE 2X SHEET I FINAL - . ._ -25- APPENDIX J NE . TR . . . . * . . . AY . . 1+ 4 DI N . " . : CV ** DATE waar AI QI wis SRO, IN PART-D Haplon RC ADDED NOTE 4, EAN6.015. S. Mercer Aodeo CAS AVTT-E EN-E485 Imamo . - . ini im, . - . . . 8 200 meg, ne T "La . ** * * 19 2: moretakeyou strem i Southern ve Sos zlowe AS A 21 16 1. L o * * A .. . 7 1 . . i . XL .: - 15 X ** AT . 1 12 di 1 . an * ... . . . . . . P. R22 . * SEE NOTE I V * ) * OS 1. Us SEE NOTES 3,49. RET. . . . - * OOO Oi Como . T. SEE NOTE V REMOTE SCREW FROM TI ASSY AND REASSEMOU SY ATTACHING TO PCB. TORQUE MUT UNTIL THE SPRING WASHER 13 com REISED HALF WAY, THON LOCK NUT IN PLACE WITH PART 15. NOTES : 1. SOLDER. R22 AS SHOW, SLEEVING PT.MY REQUIRED. 2. INSERT JUMPER 'We AS SHOWT. 3. INSATT JUMPER ' W AS SHOW. 4. SLEEVE RI RIOT & UADS WITH PART 14, 5. INSTALL US with.20 DIM. BETWEEN BOTTOM OF CASE E SURFACE OF PW8. . ** - 00.000 sa. NO. - - -- -- - - - - -- ... . SEE MOTE 3 - SEE NOTE 3 . < 634 . .. .. - - - 917 - да заво PL ISSUED FOR SCHEMATIC SEE umans OTHER WORL SIGNATURD I DATE lowom MN NOSaren. Mural 4/2/86 Tawas OK hem DEAMUI Secret In ocawut want ясто, Срт 20 THIRD ANGLE PROJECTION FCFO NO ICM MO 3 OwG MO E DWG MO FMT B9183 sat i 2700 SCALE 2X -26- APPENDIX K REVISIONS REV DATE APPROVED DESCRIPTION DELETED (3. ADDED P7.2. PC WAS 56. 12 6113188 KEL RECORD RSG 2.40 REF. 54 (SEE NOTE 3) SER. NO. -J3 (SEF: NOTE 3) OOO OOO IR NOTES: 02000 -52 (SEE NOTE 4) I. CI THRU C5 LI TO LAY FLAT ON PCB. 2. P6 TO BE MOUNTED ON FAR SIDE. 3. SOLDER 13 J4 TO BOARD VIA PT 15 F SPACED USING PT 16. SNAP RINGS SUPPLIED WITH J3 $ 14. 4. JI,J2, Sid S2 TO BE MOUNTED FLUSH WITH BOARD. 8 ܘ ܘ ܘ ܘ ܘ ܘ ܘ ܘ . -14. 15 pea 24 SIP #3 R2 oco 2.40 REF OOOOOOOOOO li SEE NOTE GOD. WD] OMIT RSSR 9. OTHERWISE SOME SRC_>. 52 51 (SEE NOTE 4) (SEE NOTE ) PL ISSUED UN.ESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES TOLERANCES ON: 2 L DECIMALS: 3 L DECIMALS ANIGLES FRACTIONS : ACIDTEC FOR SCHEMATIC SEE [ 3157 SIGNATURES DATE DRAWN B. Merar 3/3/86 CHECKEDYosamest e l ENGAG (MW 0 86 movery Monspekt lulele PWBASSY, Ilo THIRD ANGLE PROJECTION SIZE | FSCM NO DWG NO FCFO PL 09185B FMF 2705 B9170 SHEET 1 - FINALI SCALE 2X APPENDIX L 1 GND(+12V RET) 2 +AFC IN 3 -AFC IN 4 +12V IN 5 N/C 6 N/C 7 GND 1 GND (+12V RET) 2 N/C 3 N/C 4 N/C 5 +12V OUT 6 VIDEO OUT 7 GND LENS POVO I/OKO NORM - VIDEO 9$ រៃធំជំរំ I VIDEO OUT 2 N/C 3 GAIN SWITCH 4 EXT SYNC IN 15 V DRIVE OUT 6 CLOCK OUT 7 +12V IN 8 GND 9 GND (VIDEO RET) 10 INJ/INH IN 11 EXT V DRIVE 12 GND (EXT SYNC RET) 13 H DRIVE OUT 14 GND (CLOCK RET) 15 GND Rear Connecto: Panel Pictorial Figure 6 -28- APPENDIX M SO OSO Opto Optoelectronic Systems Operation Notes GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY • ROOM 201. BLDG. 3. ELECTRONICS PARK • SYRACUSE. NEW YORK 13221 Review of Charge. Injection Device (CID) Technology Alan B. Gralinger General Electric Reentry Systems Division 3198 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19101 Gerald J. Michon General Electric Corporate Research & Development Schenectady, New York 12345 Abstract The Charge Injection Device (CID) is an x-y addressed solid state imager introduced by General Electric in 1973 as a television sensor. A family of sensors has evolved to exploit the singular CID characteristics and capabilities. This paper describes the structure and principle of operation of a typical CID. A TV compatible differential current sensing mode of operation is described. A multiple non-destructive readout mode is described with examples of application to transform code generation and centroid interpolation. The CID radiation hardening potential is briefly reviewed. The consequences of this organization are numerous. Since charge is sensed locally, there are no paths along which optical overloads or defects (white or black faults) can propagate. Charge transfer losses are not cumulative. Pixels can be contiguous, leading to high modulation transfer function and high quantum efficiency. The sensor has inherently low dark current; the depletion region of each pixel is smaller than the photosensitive region and inversion charge can be used to quench surface leakage current. Readout can be nondestructive allowing on-chip signal processing, and the X-Y addressable array can be random accessed Introduction The Charge Injection Device (CID) was introduced by General Electric in 1973 as a solid state television sensor.' Since that time, a family of CID sensors has evolved, including TV compatible sensors, line and 2D InSb arrays for infra-red imaging“, and special visible images for star sensing and other metrology applications. These features have been achieved at the cost of & relatively large capacitive load across which signal charge is sensed. However, & dynamic range of between 50 and 60 db can be achieved at television rates. A differential readout technique has been developed to control fixed pattern noise. Structure The Charge Injection Device is an X-Y addressable image sensor organized so that photon-generated charge can be read at each sensing site (pixel) through local charge transferº. Injection into the underlying substrate is used to clear each pixel of signal charge and start a new signal integration period (television frame time). These images are fabricated in an epitaxial layer; the epitaxial junction is reverse biased and used as a common collector to remove injected charge from the device. The CID is an X-Y addressable array of sensing sites, each site consisting of a pair of charge storage capacitors. Charge can transfer between the row and column connected capacitoſs at each site, but not from site-to-site. Scanning registers are normally used to select row and column conductors for readout and/or injection as Illustrated in Figure 1. The first CID sensors were fabricated using & standard silicon gate process and utilized diffused regions to conductively couple charge between the polysilicon storage capacitors. Later designs employ a two- -29- APPENDIX M level polysilicon structure'. The preferred sensing site layout is sketched in Figure 2. 보리보 ​ELEMENT SCAN Eltea eta A crossectional sketch of this structure is shown in Figure 3. Note that the thickness of the undepleted epitaxial layer is somewhat less than the site center-to-center spacing. This geometry results in good collection efficiency of the injected charge by the epitaxial collection junction and consequently little crosstalk of the injected charge between sites. The epitaxial layer also collects charge generated by long wavelength (near IR) radiation and eliminates optical crosstalk from this source. The depth of penetration of visible radiation into the silicon crystal ranges from 0.5 micros at 4500 A wavelength to 5 microns at 7000 A'. Visible radiation is absorbed in the upper part of the 15 micron undepleted epitaxial layer, the proper region for collection by the surface storage regions. ROW SCAN Figure 1. CID array organization COLUWM ima POLTI MOV ITMIN POLTI SIELD ORIOL THIN UPPER POLISILICON แบบtus STRAP 24 -LOVER POLTSILICON 1.CATTIAL LATER - - - I TMIN OXIDE REGION - SUISTRATE Figure 2. Sensing site layout Figure 3. Cross-section array row direction A thick/thin oxide isoplanar structure is used with the two storage capacitors at each sensing site defined by the rectangular thin oxide regions. A thick, lower level polysilicon conductor forms the column connected capacitor where it crosses the thin oxide region of each site. Thin (1000 A) upper level polysilicon conductors form the row- connected capacitors where they cross the thin oxide regions. Asymmetrical structure has been formed by centering the column conductor in the thin avide region and overlapping it with the row conductor. The resulting structure, which has a single column capacitor and split row capacitors, is insensitive to registration errors. The thin upper polysilicon row electrodes exhibit little photon absorption in the visible spectrum, but the thickness of this layer and other films in the structure must be controlled to minimize reflections. The thin polysilicon row conductor has been strapped with a narrow, 2 micron wide, aluminum conductor to minimize row resistivity and achieve low Johnson noise and fast response time. The thin oxide insulation between the electrodes and the epitaxial layer and between lower and upper polysilicon electrodes has been reinforced with a thin silicon nitride layer. This double layer of insulation greatly reduces the incidence of insulation failure. Silicon nitride is a barrier to hydrogen penetration, however, and this layer would prevent easy hydrogen annealing of interface states if left intact. In order to circumvent this problem, small holes (chimneys) are etched in the silicon nitride layer over the thick oxide region lo allow hydrogen penetration. A photomicrograph of the completed structure is shown in Figure 4. This structure is fabricated with a simple process with inherently high yield. Operation Signal charge stored in CID arrays can be detected by measuring either the charge that flows upon injection or the charge that nows during transfer between row and column connected electrodes. The first method is a destructive -30- APPENDIX M COU ROW READOUT readout procedure; il results in a high degree of fixed pattern noise cancellation“, but is relatively slow and generally restricted to low pixel rate applications ( . . . . . { "MOONSCAPE” WITH SLOW PASS : : Figure 4 -38- APPENDIX N S. i 4 . 14 :.:.. . . * 1 . * . RT 1 . . •NT. .. > .. . 1 . . ..: . NASTA TUN . . . 4. .. . OO 3 . . .1. ...!! AL AUT 44:52 :: 4 . . Vitil .. 1. . 1 ! !' . . .. M Y ? . , .. A 2 * . ig? Y mis 1 . . W Wiki LA . 2011 T i T ' . . . n XTRACT : . T . . Nike 7 . . .. MOONSCAPE" WITH HIGH PASS . ki - .. ... Figure 5 . YA . . 11 men kameleon x le When . i .. . .. V . . 1 3 .. . M : . LA V Vy . . AL $ SOMU .1 . . .' 1- 19: -O SC : .. . . .. . . . . h . ? . . * . . . wi TT.) KA . KE . TV PATTERN NOISE . TALL Figure 6 -39- APPENDIX N. _ . , or: - . ...::: PROCESSED BACKGROUND vi o len...',, Figure 7 PRE-AMP VIDEO 1 70 ns "A" DELAY CID CLOCKING IMAGEA 1 => LENS PRE-AMP VIDEO "A" 0- BEAMSPLITTER IMAGER "8" BLOCK DIAGRAM - OFFSET IMAGERS. Figure 8 -40- APPENDIX N R . P . ... i. si nimi :....: . LASIM.... . . w ww.stibebi ini! 1 VIDEOI CHAN Figure 9 . : :. Nr Flims . % 1::;-. .... . F wt . . . BE . fo THE creme . . VIDEO CHANNEL Figure 10 -41-