UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO 3 1822 04429 7166 ATMOSPHERIC VISIBILITY TECHNICAL NOTE NO. 200 MAY 1986 IMAGERY ASSESSMENT FOR THE DETERMINATION OF CLOUD FREE INTERVALS Offsite (Annex-Jo rnals) QC 974.5 .T45 no. 200 R.W. Johnson W.S. Hering J.E. Shields UNIVERSITY The material contained in this note is to be considered proprietary in nature and is not authorized for distribution without the prior written consent of the Visibility Laboratory and Air force Cambridge Research Laboratories. OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO Contract Monitor, Donald D. Grantham Atmospheric Physics Division SITY VERSI 00 sino ORNT CHE ONY @ee Prepared for Air Force Geophysics Laboratory, Air Force Systems Command United States Air Force, Hanscom AFB, Massachusetts 01731 SCRIPPS INSTITUTION OF OCEANOGRAPHY VISIBILITY LABORATORY La Jolla, California 92093 UC SAN DIEGO LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO . 3 1822 04429 7166 TECHNICAL NOTE NO.200 IMAGERY ASSESSMENT FOR THE DETERMINATION OF CLOUD FREE INTERVALS by R.W. Johnson W.S. Hering J.E. Shields COPY__ OF_ COPIES TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION .... .....1 2.0 INSTRUMENTATION 2.1 Electro-optic Camera Systems 2.1 Photographic Cameras .............. 2.3 Hardware Organization .................. 2.4 Summary ............ ............. 3.0 EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES 3.1 Data Collection 3.2 Data Base Summary 0000 irin AA Awin www ..... 4.0 ANALYSIS OF ACQUIRED IMAGES .............. 4.1 Description of Sample EO Camera Images . 4.2 Comparison of Camera System Images ...... 4.3 Development of Cloud Identification Techniques ................ 5.0 CLOUD STATISTICS: EXTRACTION AND RESULTS ........ 5.1 Automated Extraction of Cloud Statistics from Images 5.2 Evaluation of Automated Extraction Accuracy .......... 5.3 Evaluation of Extracted Statistics ... ......... 8 10 ..... ..... 11 6.0 SUMMARY AND ONGOING DEVELOPMENTS 7.0 REFERENCES . 8.0 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ..... APPENDIX A .............. Ñ APPENDIX B LIST OF TABLES AND ILLUSTRATIONS Table No. 2.1 Filter assembly assignments ......... Data base summary 3.1 ........ ......... 17 0.000 Fig. No. 2-1 2-2 ........14 2-3 EO Camera optical layout Equipment organization schematic External equipment layout ........ Instrumentation hut on van ........... Interior equipment layout .......... ...... 15 3-1 3-2 Experimental procedure - whole sky camera system ......... Field data log .... . 4-2 .......... 4-3 4-4 4-5 4-6 4-7 SO Imagery from EO Camera II for a variety of sky conditions ......... Imagery from EO Camera I and Automax I for comparison with EO Camera II images Line plot of cumulus cloud image for EO Camera II, EO Camera I and Automax I ..... Measured signal (from radiance at 650nm) as measured by the EO system ................ Test of radiance thresholding for cloud detection ...... Gradient information in cloud detection test image ...... Test of cloud discrimination using ratio of test image to clear image data ... ................... Ratio of images taken with 0.7 log filter and 1.39 log filter .... Difference image, shows / signal (x) - signal (x+1) | .......... Cloud discrimination for 1 row with hybrid algorithm ....................... DO 4-8 4-9 4-10 5-1 5-2 10 Conceptualized chart of EO Camera data processing program ................ Sample imagery utilized for geometric calibration. Cloud free line of signt, frequency of occurrence vs zenith angle Cloud free arc length, cumulative frequency of occurrence vs arc length ................ Relative frequency of cloud cover at C Station, White Sands Missile Range ............. 5-5 : . . . . . . . . . . IMAGERY ASSESSMENT FOR THE DETERMINATION OF CLOUD FREE INTERVALS R.W. Johnson, W.S. Hering, & J. E. Shields 1.0 INTRODUCTION This report describes the activities of the Visibility Laboratory in support of a multi-team system performance and site characterization exercise which occurred at the White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico, during the months of August and September, 1984. The goal of this demonstration was to illustrate the functional utility of an electro-optic camera system as a reliable data acquisition device for operations and research requiring automatic specification of cloud cover: its amount and distribution, both temporal and spatial. Samples of the acquired imagery are given in Section 4. The quality of the digital images is compared with that of the photographic images. This is followed by a discussion of preliminary techniques for the interpretation of these images using a mainframe computer with an image processing system. For this prototype system, in- house processing followed the field deployment, however the eventual goal is the derivation of algorithms which could be applied in real time. The techniques developed on the image processing system were applied to the full New Mexico data base of one of the electro-optical cameras, to yield initial statistical descriptions of the cloud cover. These results are given in Section 5. Finally, in Section 6, the current directions in hardware, algorithm, and software development are briefly discussed. More specifically the initial goal, for the Visibility Laboratory effort, was to deploy a prototype hardware system for the timely assessment of local cloud cover. This system was designed to acquire visible spectrum, whole-sky images in specific wavelength bands, in a digital format suitable for automated cloud analysis. A related and in the long term a more demanding task, was the initial development of the algorithms necessary to use this class of data for the real-time specification of cloud-free interval statistics and their related probabilities. 2.0 INSTRUMENTATION Since the test exercise schedule was relatively firm, and hardware deliveries were somewhat uncertain, several combinations of on-hand and on- loan composite instrument systems were prepared for deployment to New Mexico. Two electro- optical cameras and two 35mm photographic cameras with their associated control and recording electronics were provided. These systems are discussed in Section 2. A number of systems were deployed to New Mexico by the Visibility Laboratory, in order both to obtain the desired sky images and to fully evaluate the character of these images in relation to the cloud characteristics. The most important of the systems were two EO (electro-optic) camera systems in somewhat different stages of development. In addition, two photographic cameras were deployed, one color and one black and white. These two cameras provided a more traditional data source for comparison with the digital imagery acquired by the EO systems. 2.1 Electro-optic Camera Systems A two-person field team and the equipment were initially on-site Monday 27 August 1984, and began data collection on Wednesday, 29 August. Imagery was collected daily through Friday, 21 September, for a total of 24 days. A discussion of the collection procedures and a summary of the acquired data is given in Section 3. Both EO camera systems consisted primarily of a standard GE solid state camera, with Visibility Laboratory optical and filter assemblies attached. In each case, the camera contained a CID (charge injection device) sensor. The external optics were designed to allow the use of a fisheye lens, for nearly full hemisphere coverage, as well as smaller field of view lenses. The filter assembly, which physically contained part of the optics mentioned above, allowed the spectral filtering of the light, as well as the control of light levels through use of neutral density filters. Finally, each system included control electronics as well as data archival electronics and systems. The components of these cameras are listed in Appendix A. d) Since the range of the CID cameras was rather limited in comparison with observed sky and cloud radiances (just over 1 log of radiometric sen- sitivity), a number of neutral density filters were included in the filter changer in order to allow the input flux level to be changed in a controlled way. The use of the f-stops on the fisheye lens offered additional ranging capability. There were several important design consid- erations affecting the development of these instruments. Some of these are given below. Figure 2.1(a) illustrates the optical layout of the EO Camera I. The filters mounted in the filter assembly are listed in Table 2.1. EO Camera I could be run with either the 425nm filter or the 605 nm filter, either with or without a .3 log neutral density filter. Additional control of flux level was obtained through the use of the various f-stops on the fisheye lens. Also, a 555nm filter was included in this system for acquiring pseudo-photopic test data. a) In the analysis of the images, it may be necessary to know the absolute radiance of each point in the image, in order to compare this radiance with a model or standard value. Even if knowledge of absolute radiance is not required, many of the potential techniques for cloud identification require knowledge of relative radiance within the image. In either case, this implies the use of a fixed gain system, that is one which does not change the electronic amplification as a function of the image itself. This was a major reason for choice of a CID imager with fixed gain. The system block diagram for EO Camera I is illustrated in Fig. 2.2(a). The camera was a GE solid state CID camera, Model 2200. Camera control and data logging were accomplished through an HP mini-computer in conjunction with a Chieftan frame grabber. The data were recorded digitally on magnetic tape, and viewed simul- taneously on a monitor Digital tapes were returned to the laboratory for analysis. In this system, the iris assembly was manually controlled, as was the occultor assembly. The occultor assembly consisted of a shading device placed external to the fisheye lens to shade it from sunlight, thus reducing stray light within the system. b) It is convenient to obtain data for the whole sky in one image. In this particular application, it was deemed adequate to obtain all but near-horizon look angles. Consequently an upward looking fish eye lens was used. A related consideration, however, is that optical resolution must be adequate to image sufficiently small clouds. Whereas the backup system, EO Camera I, has a 128 x 128 picture element (pixel) array, with a resulting resolution of approximately 1.5° (zenith angle) per pixel, the prototype system, EO Camera II, has approx- imately 256 x 256 pixels, with a resolution of approximately 0.7° per pixel. The optical layout for EO Camera II is illustrated in Figure 2.1(b), with the filters listed in Table 2.1. This system is similar to EO Camera I, with a somewhat more compact optical assembly and a higher resolution sensor array. The sensor was a GE Model 2505 CID Camera. Data could be obtained either with a 650nm filter or spectrally unfiltered, and with any of four neutral density filters (or none) superimposed in the path. c) In order to obtain maximum radiometric resc olution between clouds and sky, a filter changer was utilized which would allow data to be collected through a red filter. In this wavelength regime, the sky is relatively dark in comparison with the clouds. In addition, as backup, it is desirable to obtain data through a blue filter, so that clouds may be potentially identified through analysis of the measured spectral radiance ratios. For this deployment, the backup EO Camera I was fitted with a blue filter in addition to the red, whereas the prototype EO Camera II had only a red filter. Figure 2.2(b) illustrates the system block diagram for EO Camera II. Figure 2.2(c), showing the "Proposed" system, illustrates the Zenith-driven system which was originally intended for this deployment, but not deployed. Third party delivery delays resulted in the deployment of the "As-built" system in Fig. 2.2(b). In this system, the video signal was routed - through a time/date generator to a video recorder Table 2-1. Filter assembly assignments camera support electronics, as well as the elevated platform for the instrumentation hut containing the actual cameras. Camera Ident Filter Position Filter EO CAMI 2-450 nm 6-605 nm 3-555 nm open hole open hole 0.6 log ND The cameras are shown on the instrumentation hut in Fig. 2.4. In this illustration, the fisheye lenses are partially visible, as are the occultor assemblies shading each of the four cameras. The filter-control and camera assemblies are inside the hut, and thus not visible in this illustration. NM to como EO CAM II 1.3 log ND 0.9 log ND 0.7 log ND 0.4 log ND open hole 5-650 nm The support eletronics are shown in Fig. 2.5. The taller rack to the left contains the computer and control panels for the EO Camera I, while the darker blue rack to the right, and the shorter middle rack contain the equivalent controls for the prototype EO Camera II. The tape drive beneath the table and the plotter to the left of the scene support the archieval and real-time display of the EO Camera I system. . . . 2.4 Summary and a monitor. The primary disadvantage of the prototype system was the variable gain inherent in the VCR. The video tapes of data from this system were transported to the laboratory where they could be digitized and read into the mainframe computer for analysis. With this system, the iris assembly and occultor assembly were controlled remotely. In summary, there were four data acquisition cameras deployed to the test site. I. The back-up system, EO Cam I, 128 x 128 array II. The prototype system, EO Cam II, 256 x 256 array III. The primary 35mm camera, black & white film IV. The secondary 35mm camera, color film 2.2 Photographic Cameras In addition to the two electo-optic camera systems, two 35mm photographic camera systems were deployed. Each of these systems utilized a fisheye lens, as well as an occultor assembly similar to that utilized with the EO cameras. Both were Automax Model G1, 35mm systems. The back-up system, EO Camera I, included all the peripherals required to obtain fixed-gain digital data. The prototype EO Camera II, with its higher pixel resolution, yielded potentially superior data to that of EO Camera I, but was for this deployment limited to recorded VCR data. The two 35mm cameras were included for site documentation and to provide data quality standards. 3.0 EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES The primary photographic camera system utilized black and white film, with a red filter in the optical path. The data from this camera may be used for comparison with the EO camera data. The back-up photographic camera system utilized color film. The primary purpose of this camera was to generally document the scene. These photographs are also useful as visual back-up by the analyst working with the EO camera images. The components of these photographic cameras are listed in Appendix A. 3.1 Data Collection 2.3 Hardware Organization The data collection plan involved the capture of a pre-selected sequence of images from each of the four camera systems in close temporal proximity. The data collection procedure was designed to support the experimental procedure illustrated in Fig. 3.1. This figure shows the proposed application of the data, as briefly discussed in the previous section. In order to support this scenario, the minimum data required were as follows: The four camera systems were mounted, for this deployment, on an expandable van as illustrated in Figure 2.3. The van was provided as GFE by the ASL host organization through their DELAS-AT-O group as coordinated by Mr. R. W. Endlich. The van provided both the protective enclosure for the A. On an hourly basis, during daylight, coordin- ated with Met observations: 3.2 Data Base Summary 1. One 128x128 image in each of two spectral bands, 450nm, and 605nm. 2. One 256x256 image at 650nm. 3. One black and white photograph. 4. One color photograph. A summary of the data base obtained during the twenty-four day deployment interval is listed in Table 1. On a typical ten hour data day, one would complete events 5 through 15 on the data log (Fig 3.2) 10 times, and events 1 through 4 somewhat less often. B. During periods of dynamic cloud changes. (Optional) 1. Sequence A above, at 5-minute intervals for 30-minute period. 2. Special sequences at the discretion of the scientist in the field, for example shorter intervals for a shorter period, substitute small FOV for short samples, etc. Appendix B contains a listing of those data from EO Camera II which were subsequently digitized and extracted for analysis. This digitization and the subsequent analysis are discussed in the next sections. 4.0 ANALYSIS OF ACQUIRED IMAGES . A sample data log is shown in Figure 3.2. Items A 1 through 4 in the above list are included as events 5 through 9 in this data log. In addition, the data log includes space for several optional events: measurements of downwelling irradiance; measurements both before and after the EO Camera II with the other systems, and measurements with more than one neutral density filter setting if desired. Following the field deployment, the camera data were shipped back to the Visibility Laboratory for analysis. The EO Camera I data consisted of tapes of computer compatible 128 x 128 images. The EO Camera II data were stored on video tape, in 15 second blocks of images recorded at roughly thirty 256 x 256 images per second. After these analog video data arrived in-house, one image for each 15 second block of fisheye data was digitized, yielding a computer compatible image which was then stored on tape. Thus the normal procedure was the collection of the following data: 1. EO Camera I, Downwelling Irradiance: 450nm, 605nm, 555nm. 2. EO Camera II, Downwelling Irradiance: 650nm. 3. Automax 1, black and white (Pre EO II) 4. Automax 2, color (Pre EO II) 5. EO Camera I, fisheye: 450nm, 605nm (Pre EO II) 6. EO Camera II, fisheye: 650nm 7. EO Camera I, fisheye: 450nm, 605nm (Post EO II) 8. Automax 1, black and white (Post EO II) 9. Automax 2, color (Post EO II) In this section, sample images from EO Camera II are illustrated and described. They are then compared with images from EO Camera I and from the photographic camera, Automax I. Finally, the work done with the image processing system on these images to develop a preliminary cloud detection algorithm is described. 4.1 Description of Sample EO Camera Images Sample images for EO Camera II are shown in Fig's. 4.1 a-d. These figures illustrate a clear sky, scattered cumulus, broken altocumulus, and high broken cirrus conditions respectively. In the above sequence, an Automax mea- surement consists of generally 2-3 photographic frames. A measurement by the EO Camera I consists of one data file, which contains four images taken one second apart. These four images are essentially duplicates, giving a means to check system noise. An EO Camera II measurement consists of 15 seconds of data collection on the VCR, and thus approximately 450 images. Only one image for each of these measurements would generally be extracted from each camera during post-deployment processing. Although the sensor array was rectangular, the image placed on this array by the optics was round. In these fisheye images, the center of the image is the zenith, and the edges represent the horizon. (The actual field of view extends to about 7 degrees above the horizon.) Various structures may be seen near the horizon, such as the small line near the top of the image, which is a telephone pole to the south of the van. The black rectangular object is the sun occultor, used to shade the lens. The occultor was an opaque frame supporting a 3-log neutral density filter. The attenuated solar radiance appears as a bright spot. A small grey scale attached to the underside of the occultor may also be seen. The time and date inserted by a time-date generator on the recorded image appears near the bottom of the scene significantly inferior to the other images. The clouds may be seen, however cloud edges are not clearly defined, and cloud identification is difficult, even for subjective viewer analysis. The EO Camera II images are sufficiently superior to offset the disadvantage of video recording, and for this reason the remaining analysis in this report is based on the EO Camera II data. Although EO Camera II is referred to as having 256 x 256 resolution, the actual situation was somewhat more complicated. The original CID array had a 388 x 248 array, which was partially filled by the circular image. The image was recorded in video format, at which point the signal was analog. When the signal was redigitized, it was digitized into a 512 x 512 array. Thus the actual images manipulated on the computer were 512 x 512, however the original resolution was close to 256 x 256. The Automax images shown in Fig. 4.2 are slightly superior to those of the EO Camera II. This is primarily due to the limited dynamic range of the electro-optic camera. Use of the Automax for the accumulation of real time results or extended data bases is not practical, for two reasons. One is the difficulty associated with converting the photographic images to digital images which could be utilized with a computer. The second is the difficulty in maintaining radiometric control with the photographic images, thus making absolute calibration and comparison with model clear day skies very difficult. The use of the electro-optic camera overcomes these shortcomings. From comparison with the Automax I it is apparent that it does so with only limited loss of digitized image clarity. Figure 4.3 illustrates a line grab from the images shown in Fig's. 4.1b, 4.2a and 4.2b. The signal level for a row just below the center of the image is shown for all three systems. In this figure, one can see that the cloud edges are reasonably sharp for both EO Camera II and the Automax I, and somewhat more diffuse for EO Camera I. The images in Fig. 4.1 qualitatively look quite reasonable for our purposes. In the clear image, one can see the higher radiance near the horizon and in the upsun direction, especially near the aureole. The cumulus cloud case shown in Fig. 4.1b shows a number of clouds of various sizes and brightnesses. Both the angular resolution and radiometric resolution are adequate for these clouds to be quite obvious. The somewhat more difficult cases of smaller clouds and thinner clouds are shown in Fig. 4.1 c&d. In each of these scenes the clouds are apparent to the eye. It should be noted that the quality of the images as stored in the computer and viewed on the image processing display is somewhat higher than viewed in these reproductions due to the degradations inherent in converting the images to hard copy. 43. Development of Cloud Identification Techniques 4.2 Comparison of Camera System Images For the images illustrated in the beginning of this section, it is apparent that the information necessary for cloud discrimination is inherent in the image. That is, a subjective viewer of the image can readily identify which sky sections are clear, and which are obscured by clouds. At this point then, the problem is to determine a quick and reliable procedure by which a computer may make objective identification of the cloud cover. An image from EO Camera II is compared with the images from EO Camera I and from the black and white Automax I in Fig. 4.2. The EO Camera I image is 128 x 128. The Automax image which was originally recorded through a red filter, was created by digitizing the film image. The digitizing was done with a 100 um spot size, in order to duplicate the pixel size of the EO Camera II as closely as possible. With the spot size, the resulting image was 256 x 256 pixels. In Fig. 4.2, one can see that for reasons discussed in Section II the EO Camera I image is An immediately obvious feature of these measured images is that the clouds tend to be brighter than the background sky. An illustration of this is shown in Fig. 4.4, which is a composite plot of relative radiance values extracted along identical sky arcs from electro-optical images recorded on two successive days at approximately identified are the overhead sky between the two bright clouds, which is shown in grey and thus erroneously identified as cloud, and a small patch of cloud near the west horizon (the left edge of the image) which is identified as sky. Thus one trouble spot is near the sun between clouds, where the sky becomes quite bright. Another is in clouds near the horizon, where the radiance may become less than the sky radiance over most of the image. Measured Gradient the same local time on each day. The first day, 3 September, was cloudy and the second day, 4 September, was clear. The surface weather obser- vation for 3 September at 1258 LST shows 6/10 cumulus clouds with bases of 6500 ft. and a prevailing surface visibility of 55 miles. For the corresponding time on the following day, the sky was clear except for a few isolated cumulus clouds on the NE horizon, and the estimated visibility was 50 miles. The prescribed arc is a straight-line path on the recorded image, extending from west to east and passing near the zenith. In this case, a simple instantaneous comparison of the relative signal profile at 650nm on the cloudy day versus the expected clear sky radiance profile at 650nm yields good discrimination of the 3 September cloud field along the designated arc segment. In the future we plan to have images which are radiometrically calibrated, and make a direct comparison with modeled partly cloudy skies and spectral radiance ratios. An algorithm could then be based on the comparison of measured data to model calculations derived from inherent image information. Another source of information is the positional rate of change of the radiance. In general, the cloud edges in these images represent large abrupt changes in radiance. Figure 4.6 shows an application of this information. Figure 4.6a shows a pseudo gradient derived from the cloud field image. This image is the difference between adjacent x pixel values, rectified and added to the rectified difference between adjacenty pixel values. Cloud edges may be clearly seen, even on the small clouds in the lower half of the image. Near the horizon the edges may be seen, however definition of cloud vs hole becomes more difficult. A mask based on the gradient image is superimposed on the threshold image in Fig. 4.6b. Here one can see that where the threshold detection fails, overhead, the gradient provides the additional needed information. Development of a simple algorithm to make use of the gradient information is not trivial however, due to the complexity of the gradient field. For this deployment, the lack of absolute calibration precluded the use of algorithms based on model vs measured radiances. It should also be noted that algorithms based on the use of the blue/red radiance ratio could not be applied, since EO Camera II data were acquired only with a red filter. However, for purposes of preliminary analysis, the development of alternate algorithms has been approached. This development helps give the analyst experience with the quality of the images, and the results may be useful in the later development of algorithms for application to calibrated imagery. Identification using Image Ratios Identification by Threshold One problem with the radiance threshold detection scheme is that the radiance of a clear sky varies with look angle. Thus a threshold low enough to correctly identify downsun clouds near the horizon will incorrectly identify the upsun clear sky, particularly near the aureole. One way around this problem is to ratio the image with a clear day image with comparable sun elevation and turbidity conditions, thus normalizing out the clear sky radiance changes. The application of several test algorithms to one image is illustrated in the next several figures. Figure 4.5a illustrates the sample test image. The simplest test was the definition of any point with a radiance over a given threshold as cloud. Figure 4.5b illustrates this test. In this case, the threshold chosen was 50 (where the recorded digitized signal may vary from 0 to 255, and is monotonically related to radiance). For this illustration, all points with signal less than 50 are coded blue, and those with signal greater than 50 retain their original black and white color from the display screen. This threshold worked reasonably well, as a first approximation. Most of the clouds are correctly identified. The two main areas not correctly Figure 4.7 illustrates the ratio of the test image signal with the clear sky image signal taken the following day near the same time. In this image, any ratio less than or equal to 1 has been color coded blue, while any ratio between 1 and 1.4 has been coded pink. Ratios higher that 1.4 have been left black and white. In this image, the holes between clouds have ratios very close to 1 for most of the sky, as expected. The cloud edges themselves have higher ratios, as does the region directly overhead where there is a hole between two bright clouds close to the solar aureole. These pink-coded regions most probably represent the enhanced path radiance which is expected near cloud edges. differed by 0.69 logs. Thus the radiance reaching the sensor changed by a factor of 4.9 (or 10.69). These cameras are reasonably linear with radiance (not with log of radiance), so the signal should have changed by an approximately constant factor of about 4.9. Taking the ratio of the actual images, it was found that the signal ratio varied from about 1.1 over much of the downsun sky to about 2.4 in the upsun clouds. Figure 4.8 illustrates the ratio of the two images. Checking other similar cases revealed that the signal level change caused by changing f-stops or neutral density filters was in general not close to the expected value, nor similar from one case to the next, and as illustrated in Fig. 4.8, not even constant within one image. From Fig. 4.7a, it is apparent that for this test case, identification of the clouds based on a signal ratio threshold of 1.4 would be quite accurate. That is, if the ratio of test image to the clear image taken at the same time is greater than or equal to 1.4, that point would be characterized as cloud. This procedure was applied to the image, with the binary result given in Fig. 4.7b. In this figure, points identified as clear or cloud are assigned values of 0 or 1 respectively. Comparison with the original image indicates that this result is reasonably accurate. One problem with applying this particular identification algorithm to the general case would be that the clear sky radiance itself depends on the aerosol load in the atmosphere. One advantage of comparison with a model rather than a measured clear day image is that this variation could potentially be allowed for. The result of this unfortunate variance caused presumably by the variable gain, is that two images recorded with different set-ups cannot be compared accurately, for this deployment. Even if one image were normalized to the other at some point, the within-image variance caused by this problem is too large. Thus, for this data set it is not possible to use the ratio of "test" to "clear" image algorithm except in those limited cases where the cloudy image is taken with the same setup as the clear image. Difference Image Variable Gain Effects For the example given in the previous paragraphs, the cloudy and clear day images were taken with the same f-stop and neutral density on the camera system, and comparison of the uncalibrated radiances yielded reasonable results. For most of this deployment however, the images were recorded with a variety of f-stop settings and neutral density filters interposed in the path. Unfortunately, although a change of neutral density filter or f-stop causes a fixed ratio change of input radiance, it does not cause a fixed change in signal level, partly because the VCR which was used to record the data had a variable gain which could not be controlled. Since comparison of signal levels between images was a problem for this data set, it was decided to try to develop a technique which would identify the clouds within an image based on the signals in that image alone. For this reason, another look at the gradient field seemed in order. There are various techniques for looking at closed contours, however we needed an algorithm which could be applied to one line from an image after it had been extracted. For this reason, the difference between the signal in adjacent x pixels was investigated. Figure 4.9 shows this difference image, color coded by magnitude. Points which appear blue show little change between adjacent x pixels. Points which are yellow, red, and black show correspondingly greater differences between x pixels. To analyze the magnitude of the problem caused by the variable gain in conjunction with the chang- ing f-stops and neutral density filters, two images were extracted from 11 September. These two images were recorded approximately one minute apart, first with a 0.7 log neutral density filter in place, and then with the 1.3 log neutral density. These values differ by 0.6 logs. At the actual wave- length of 650nm, the measured filter responses Several features may be noted in this illustration. First, not all of the clouds have particularly large differences at the edges. In fact, some of the within-cloud edges show more difference than the cloud edges. The line to the left of point "a" in the illustration is one such within- cloud variance. Point "b" points out one of the 5.0 CLOUD STATISTICS: EXTRACTION AND RESULTS actual cloud edges which shows less difference than observed at point "a". Thus the simple technique of looking for a large positive change followed eventually by a large negative change, and identifying the points between as cloud, would be ineffective. Second, the clouds in general are characterized by higher x differences than seen in the clear sky sections of the image. However, the centers of large clouds in several cases (such as point "a") show low differences; thus identifying a cloud by a threshold in the x-difference would be ineffective. One of the goals of this deployment was the demonstration of a system which could be used to automatically determine a variety of cloud statistics for a given region. As discussed in previous sections, the EO Camera system was successfully deployed, yielding sky images in which the clouds could be readily seen. This prototype system was limited in that data were acquired using a video recorder with variable gain. As shown in the previous section, this limits the type of cloud identification algorithms which can be applied. Hybrid Difference and Threshold Algorithm Although neither clouds nor cloud edges are characterized by a given gradient in Fig. 4.9 (not all cloud pixels have high gradient), it is noticeable that all pixels with high gradient are cloud. This was utilized in the following test. The data were however adequate to generate a reasonably accurate algorithm, which may be applied to the data for demonstration purposes. Accordingly, a computer program was developed which could extract the desired data and apply the prototype cloud algorithm, and extract illustrative statistical data. First, all points with a difference in x of more than 3 were identified as cloud. Next, all those points which passed this test (and were within a center section of the row) were averaged, to yield an approximate value for cloud radiance within this image. Last, any additional points on that row which had signals greater than or equal to .85 times this average were identified as cloud also. Thus an average cloud signal was determined based on those points with a large x difference; then, any points with a signal close to or higher than this average were also identified as clouds. In addition, cloud/no-cloud results were manually extracted from the acquired imagery, and resulting statistics were determined. This section includes a brief description of the automated extraction. This is followed by an analysis of the resulting statistics, and a comparison with the manually extracted data. 5.1 Automated Extraction of Cloud Statistics from Images This hybrid difference and threshold algorithm worked very well for the test images. Two sample images are shown in Fig. 4.10, in which the row to be extracted is color coded blue if the algorithm identifies the point as clear, and red if it is identified as cloud. The technique was tested on one row extracted for each image in the data base (as discussed in the next section), and found to be reasonably accurate except in a few cases. The algorithm has the advantage that it is not highly affected by radiance level or signal gain and thus can be easily extended from a test case to all the images. The main source of error is in the case when the extracted row covers a range from upsun to downsun (near dawn or sunset), as will be discussed in the next section. The automated extraction procedure makes use of EO Camera II data extracted from the video tapes and converted to digital format. These data are processed using a mainframe computer. A conceptualized flowchart of the processing program is illustrated in Fig. 5.1. The program extracts one row or column from each desired image, and associates it with the appropriate time/date information. A system such as illustrated in Fig. 2.2c could automatically record time, date, and filter information. With this prototype system utilizing the video recorder, the time and date were extracted from the manual field logs for input to the program, and verified using the time/date superimposed on each image by the time/date generator. The procedures for extracting one row for the entire data base and applying the algorithm are discussed in the next section, along with the results of this processing An algorithm is then applied to the line of data extracted for each image, to convert it to a line of O or 1 values, corresponding to a no cloud or cloud decision respectively at each pixel along the line. the longest cloud-free interval along the line is determined for each image (here longest is defined as the largest zenith angle change, not necessarily the largest pixel count along the line). These values are then combined to yield the cumulative frequency of cloud free arc length. These results will be discussed later in this section. This decision algorithm takes the form described in Section 4. That is, those points with high variance along the line are assigned a value of 1, or identified as cloud. An average of the signal values for certain of these points is computed. Then other points with signal greater than .85 times this average are also assigned 1 values. The program allows one to determine one average based on the central portion of the line, or determine separate averages for several segments of the line. Test runs have been made which determine the sensitivity of the results to the various constants used in the algorithm. The constants derived on the basis of the figures shown in Section 4 also yield the best cumulative results in comparison with the manual data. 5.2 Evaluation of Automated Extraction Accuracy Next, the zenith angle associated with each pixel is computed. This computation takes the form [(x-xo)2 + (y-y.)2] * [a2(x-x.)2 + b2(y-y.)2] 1/2 Sample output from the cloud extraction program are shown in Fig's. 5.3 and 5.4. Fig. 5.3 gives the frequency of cloud free line of sight as a function of zenith angle for the extracted row. That is, at each angle, which in turn corresponds to a pixel location in the image, the percentage of cases in the data base which were cloud free at that angle is given. Figure 5.4 gives the cumulative frequency for cloud free arc length. For each image, the longest segment which is cloud free is identified, and these results for all of the images were combined to yield the cumulative frequency. The statistical summary includes data extracted from 233 images at 1-hour intervals for the hours of 0700-1600 LST inclusive for the 23-day period ending 20 September 1984. The prescribed arc extends west-east and passes near the zenith. where Omax = max 0 at edge of lens Xo, Yo = center of elliptical image a,b = axes of elliptical image The geometric calibration was derived using images such as illustrated in Fig. 5.2. This image was acquired in a large hemispherical room, with the camera lens mounted level with the base of the hemisphere. The angles associated with the edges of the various lit panels are known. The pixel positions of these panel edges were extracted and used to derive the above geometric calibration equation. The results were found to be linear within 2 degrees in zenith angle, and within less than one pixel uncertaintly in azimuth angle. In each plot two curves are given: the program output, created using the program discussed in Section 5.1, and the manual output, created from the data pulled manually from the video images. The third curve in Fig. 5.3 will be discussed in the next section. Given the expected uncertainties inherent in the current algorithm, (resulting from the use of the uncalibrated data), the computed and manual results are surprisingly close. In Fig. 5.3, both curves indicate clear skies overhead in 80- 90% of the cases, with a lesser probability of cloud free sky at the horizon. This drop near the horizon is to be expected partly because a layer of clouds overhead with even linear spacing in the horizontal direction will have decreasing angular spacing as the path of sight becomes more slanted away from After the program applies the geometric calibration to the data, the line for each image is printed, yielding a listing of O's and i's as a function of zenith angle along the line. When the azimuthal angle exceeds 180 degrees (left half of image), the value of -O is printed as a code in place of 0. The program then combines the results from all images to yield certain statistics. The first extracted statistic is the percentage of cases which were cloudy at each angle, as a function of angle. Next, In Fig. 5.3, although the computed and manual results compare quite well for zenith angles near -80 through +50 (west horizon through overhead partway to east horizon), the computed results drop lower than manual for zenith angles near +80. Thus near the east horizon the algorithm tends to identify too many cases as cloud. 9 Although the cumulative statistics in Fig's. 5.3 and 5.4 look quite good, this interim algorithm is subject to uncertainty. The algorithm essentially identifies cloud signal on the basis of edges and any other points with considerable variance, and then finds the rest of the clouds by comparison with this signal. It is to be expected that problems will occur if the cloud signal itself varies in certain ways, or if the sky signal is too close to the cloud signal. frequency of cloud cover by category as recorded at Ĉ Station for (1) the specific time period of EO system operation which included the daylight hours from 0700 LST to 1600 LST from 29 August to 20 September 1984, and (2) the long term average for all hours in September for the period 1951 to 1973. Making some allowance for an expected enhanced frequency of small scale convective clouds during the daylight hours (1/10-5/10 category), the cloud conditions during the experimental period appear to be about normal for late August and September at White Sands, New Mexico. Several individual cases were examined to determine the extent of these problems. In most cases, the identification of the cloud locations for the extracted line compared quite well with the manual identification. Probably the most common inaccuracy occured near sunrise or sunset, when the extracted line represents look angles quite near the sun. In these cases, the upsun sky signals were sometimes identified as cloud. Systematic extraction of cloud/no-cloud data from the digital EO camera imagery along prescribed arcs yields the information required for the objective determination of the observed frequency of cloud-free intervals of varying lengths along the track over selected periods of time. An example is the observed cumulative frequency of arc length for a pre-selected arc over the period of EO observations at White Sands Missile Range, as shown in Fig. 5.4. Note, for example, that the frequency of cloud-free arc length greater than or equal to 90 degrees was 75 percent for the White Sands location for the specified period of time. Another example of a case in which the algorithm did less well was a case in which the cloud edges were very bright relative to the rest of the cloud. In this case the center of the cloud was identified as sky, and only the proverbial silver lining was identified as cloud. The current algorithm is good enough to identify many cases correctly, and can be used to demonstrate the types of computations which may be made with a system of this type. However, the statistical results must be taken as approximate, and the results for individual images cannot be trusted in every case. The future availability of EO Camera data with fixed gain and radiometric calibration will give us the ability to apply potentially much more accurate algorithms based on comparison with clear day images and models, and comparison of blue/red ratios with model ratios. The cumulative frequency of the longest arc length should, of course, reflect the observed frequency of clear skies for this period, which as calculated from Station C surface weather observations was 37.8 percent. The manually extracted results fall close to this value, however, the automatically extracted results are somewhat lower. The 38% cumulative frequency occurs at an arc length of 139 degrees, rather than at the maximum, 148 degrees. Thus, the current algorithm yields clear day cloud free arcs which are often too short, indicating incorrect identification of near-horizon pixels. 5.3 Evaluation of Extracted Statistics The field site for the electro-optical (EO) system experiments was established adjacent to C Station, White Sands Missile Range, where a complete program of surface weather observations is maintained in accordance with prescribed standard procedures. Sky condition observations from C Station provide a basis for general assessment of cloud cover during the course of the experiments relative to climatological expectancy. Shown in Fig. 5.5, is a comparison between the relative Another stochastic feature of the observed sky conditions easily derived from the archived digital imagery is frequency distribution of cloud-free-line- of-sight, CFLOS, as shown previously in Fig. 5.3. For the prescribed arc, the observed frequency of CFLOS for all zenith viewing angles less than 40 degrees ranged between 85 and 92 %. Proceeding with the knowledge that observed average sky conditions during the experimental program did not differ markedly from normal, it is of interest to compare the observed CFLOS frequency along the single designated path with model calculations. With the assumption that the average cloud amount for all sky condition -10- observations designated clear on the Surface Observation Form MFI-10 is 0.25, the calculated average percent sky cover over the specific period of 233 observations was 0.248. The probability of CFLOS corresponding to this average cloud cover as calculated by the geometric model of Allen and Malic (1983) is given by the dashed line in Fig. 5.3. Their model, which fits the Lund and Shanklin (1973) cloud data base reasonably well, represents the probability of CFLOS by the relationship Data were acquired hourly for 24 days, and subsequently digitized in-house. The resulting images show the clouds clearly, in a variety of meteorological conditions. The primary system evaluated in this report, designated EO Camera II, is superior to the prototype EO Camera I, which has lower resolution. Comparison with photographic camera images demonstrates the excellent resolution and enhanced utility of the EO Camera II images. PCFLOS = P, (1 + btano ) where 0 is zenith viewing angle, As a result of delivery problems, the primary system was deployed uncalibrated. This limits the types of cloud decision algorithms which may be applied to this preliminary data base. However, an algorithm has been developed which gives reasonable representation for most images. Using this algorithm as a demonstration, sample statistics characterizing the observed cloud fields have been extracted. Po=1-n ( 1+3n )/4, and b = 0.55 - n/2 where n is sky cover in tenths. The close correspondence in the simplified model calculations and the observed CFLOS frequency for this very limited example is undoubtedly fortuitous. Furthermore, application of the modeling approximation to the "average" cloud cover is not necessarily commensurate with the approach used in its development. However, the important point is that the EO camera system can be used to help establish a reliable and comprehensive cloud data base in a form that can be used readily to validate existing models and to modify, adapt and extend these techniques. A radiometrically calibrated EO system offers the advantages of economical and reliable performance for systematic field use and, with appropriate algorithm development, the resultant data can be tailored to provide specific and objective determinations of sky condition and its statistical behavior as required for a variety of applications. Following the deployment of the camera system in the field, a number of modifications have taken place or are being developed at this time. These may be briefly summarized here. Perhaps the most important modification from the analyst's point of view is the change from video recording to straight digital output, with the frame grab performed electronically and controlled by computer in the field. This allows the recording of fixed gain, well controlled data. As a result radiometric calibration of the instrument becomes feasible. This in turn makes comparison with radiative transfer model calculations more practical. In the realm of recent advances, the electronics control function has been considerably enhanced with the addition of computer control of the filter mechanism. This filter mechanism includes both a spectral wheel and a neutral density wheel, allowing independent variation of the two filter types. As a result, both blue filtered and red filtered images may be acquired routinely at a variety of neutral density settings. Additional microcomputer control functions include writing of identifying header information to tape preceeding the image data, and writing of embedded time, date, and filter information in each image. 6.0 SUMMARY AND ONGOING DEVELOPMENTS A preliminary data base has been obtained, which demonstrates the feasibility of acquiring sky images suitable for evaluation of cloud field characteristics. The imaging system consists of a solid state camera with various optics for control of radiance levels and spectral content, with associated electronics for controlling data acquisition and storage. Simultaneously with these mechanical developments, software and analysis developments have occurred. A version of the FASCAT atmospheric model (Hering 1985) has been implemented on the microcomputer. As a result of parametric studies using this model, it has been determined that, given fixed gain and calibrated pow erment imagery from the EO camera system, the blue-red spectral ratio technique is potentially the most promising candidate method of cloud discrim- ination. Radiative model calculations clearly indicate that a ratio of simultaneous images made with narrow-band red and blue filters will provide good cloud recognition over a broad range of meteorological conditions. . Problems center primarily on cloud analysis in the upsun direction, near the horizon at sunrise and sunset, and of course the identification of thin cirrus. For the latter problem, analysis of the spatial variations in the measured radiance field in the solar aureole region appears to be the most promising approach. 7.0 REFERENCES Allen H. and J.D. Malick (1983). "The Frequency of Cloud-Free Viewing Intervals", AIAA 21st Aerospace Sciences Meeting Paper, AIAA-83-0441, 5, Reno, Nevada. Hering, W.S. and R.W. Johnson (1985), "The FASCAT Model Performance Under Fractional Cloud Conditions and Related Studies", Univer- sity of California, San Diego, Scripps Institu- tion of Oceanography, Visibility Laboratory, SIO Ref. 85-7, AFGL-TR-84-0168. Lund, I.A. and M.D. Shanklin (1973), "Universal Methods for Estimating Probabilites of Cloud- Free Lines-of-Sight Through the Atmosphere", J. Appl.Met., 12, pp 28-35. In summary, as the continuing mechanical improvements proceed, evaluation of images and development of algorithms is continuing, utilizing both the mainframe computer (primarily for evaluation), and the minicomputer. The goal is, as before, the development of accurate techniques which may be implemented on a minicomputer and deployed in the field for real time assessment of the cloud information inherent in the acquired imagery. Using the results of the White Sands field demonstration of the prototype system, and utilizing the improved capabilities of the current hardware and software systems, we feel this goal to be fully realizeable. 8.0 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work is performed under contract to Air Force Geophysics Laboratory, Contract No. F19628-84-K-0047. The authors are grateful to Mr. D. Grantham of AFGL for his valuable suggestions and guidance. We wish to thank Mr. R.W. Endlich and the host for the field test, Atmospheric Sciences Laboratory, for their coordination and assistance. Finally we wish to thank Mr. J.C. Brown, Mr. J. Rodriquez and Mr. J.S. Fox of the Visibility Laboratory for their support. -12- 19" mum 3.25" 3.25? 5.21" -- - M - 6.50" M illi willantolatum 1 . " . , 128 x 128 ARRAY .NEWS .A m. RELAYED IMAGE LOCATION In Www L21h 13 . . . www. . with WIB SOLIGOR FISHEYE ADAPTER Mill : GE TN2200 SOLID STATE CAMERA (Front Housing Removed) 310-107-2 PRESSURE WINDOW HOUSING 310-107-6 SIX FLAG FILTER ASSEMBLY 310-106-55 TE TEMP CONT HOUSING (Main Housing Only) (a) Multi-spectral imaging fisheye scanner (EO Camera I) common 11.03" - 3.25" - 3.25" - seventeensandalen 3.75" ----- Www ........... 242 X 377 ARRAY L2 L3 L LS Nu III||||| SOLIGOR FISITEYE ADAPTER GE 2505 SOLID STATE CAMERA 310-107-2 PRESSURE WINDOW HOUSING 310-107-6 SIX FLAG FILTER ASSEMBLY ADAPTER PLATE AND LENS CELL (b) Multi-spectral whole sky imager (EO Camera II) FIG. 2-1. EO Camera optical layout. -13- E/O CAMI IN 2200 CAMERA ASS'Y PN 2110A CAMERA CONTROLLER CHIEFTAN 6809uP FRAME GRABBER PANASONIC SOLID STATE CCTV MONITOR TR-920M IRIS ASSY OCCULTOR ASS'Y MANUAL CONTROL HEWLETT/PACKARD 9825B SYSTEM CONTROL COMPUTER DYLON 1015B TAPE DRIVE CONTROLLER (a) Back-up system as-built for AUG'84 deployment. (EO Camera I) CIPHER F 880 640 TAPE DRIVE (b) Prototype system as-built for AUG '84 deployment. (EO Camera II) PANASONIC SOLID STATE CCTV MONITOR TR-920M .. .. E/O CAMII TN 2505 CAMERA ASSY FOR. 9 VTG-22 TIME/DATE GENERATOR . . IRIS OCCULTOR ASSY ASSY SONY VO 5600 3/4" VCR REMOTE PANEL IRIS OCCULTOR CONTROL CONTROL (c) Composite system proposed for CFLOS algorithm development. .. ....... .... .... ...... MONITOR VIDEO E/O CAMII TN 2505 CAMERA ASSY VIDEO TIME/DATE GENERATOR VIDEO IRIS ASSY OCCULTOR ASSY VCR REMOTE VIDEO DIGITAL POYNTING 505 FRAME GRAB ITS-100 CONTROLLER CIPHER 9 TRACK DIGITAL RECORDER IRIS | OCCULTOR ASSY ASSY DIGITAL ZENITH Z-100 COMPUTER FIG. 2-2. Equipment organization schematic. -14- Fig. 2.-3. External Equipment Layout Fig. 2-4. Instrumentation Hut on Van -15- SER 00 III OOO 333333333333333333333 o 0 0 @CO 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 • TIMU II Fig. 2-5. Internal Equipment Layout - 16- Table 3.1. Data Base Summary EJO CAMERA I Number of 4-Image Files Fisheye Filter 2 Filter 3 Irrad. www . E/O CAMERA II .. Number of 15-sec Cassette Image Sets | Number Fisheye irrad. AUTOMAX 1 & 2 Number of Film Sets B&W Color Data . Total . www . ....... . . . .. ... .... ........ 29 AUG 30 AUG 31 AUG 1 SEP 2 SEP 3 SEP 4 SEP 5 SEP 6 SEP 7 SEP 8 SEP 9 SEP 10 SEP 11 SEP 12 SEP 13 SEP 14 SEP 15 SEP 16 SEP 17 SEP . ..... W .... on ooo oo w nan Bütöv Et ñ ñ ã no WWV W WW Wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww .. .. SEP Tape Ident Number 8/9 10 11/12 vvvvoooo on orů AAWw wWNNNNN- OOOOOOOOOOONNO W W OOO OO .... ... ... 19 SEP 20 SEP 21 SEP -17- mm BACK-UP SYS E/O CAMI TN 2200 PROTOTYPE SYS EO CAM II TN 2505 35 mm AUTOMAX BLACK & WHITE 35 mm AUTOMAX COLOR WHOLE SKY IMAGE 128 X 128 ARRAY DIGITAL DATA 9 TRACK TAPE WHOLE SKY IMAGE 242 X 377 ARRAY COMPOSITE VIDEO 3/4" VCR WHOLE SKY IMAGE KODAK PLUS-X PHOTOGRAPHIC RECORD 100 FT. REEL WHOLE SKY IMAGE KODAK VPS-3 PHOTOGRAPHIC RECORD 100 FT. REEL . ... ... .. ....... . . CHEMICAL PROCESSING CHEMICAL PROCESSING .................... .. . www. COMPUTERIZED DIGITIZATION E/O SCANNER DIGITIZATION RADIOMETRIC RADIOMETRIC GEOMETRIC GEOMETRIC RESOLUTION COMPARISONS RESOLUTION COMPARISONS VISUAL RESOLUTION ASSESSMENT WWW . SELECTED ARC EXTRACTION PROCEDURE .... APPLICATION OF CLOUD DISCERNMENT ALGORITHMS WN CALCULATION OF CLOUD DISTRIBUTION STATISTICS FIG. 3-1. Experimental procedure - whole sky camera system. -18- E/O CAM FIELD DATA LOG Standard Hourly Set START DATA WCMR An 15 sep 84 DATA SITE DATE CHANGES SINCE LOG #1 OF THIS DATE (SET-UP): LOG# FOR THIS DATE TIME 1141 . .. ........ .. ....." CLOUD CONDITIONS: TONS: 60% cirrus- looks like a , موه/ ورک W - Event No. Filter Flag DIN Comments . IDENT: System Frame, File, (Hdr.) Time | or Count: | f/stop E/O CAM-100_1141 file 371 ll E/O CAM-1 (0) 11142 | file 38 E/O CAM-1 (1) 11142 file 39,40 1 Beg. 114245 E/O CAM-2 End 114300 Irrad. Irrad. 4 1o Irrad. sun came out w ww . 4 in Irrad ht mm Sky onscale .. 16 Automax 1 11145 11957-8 6 Automax 2 1145 11959-10 | - | - | - E/O CAM-1 (G) 11148 file 41 8 E/O CAM-1 (G) 11148 | file 42 | ll 3 lo Beg. 11475 9 I E/O CAM-2 Endivyo 10 E/O CAM-1 (G) 11149 file 4] E/O CAM-1 (G) 11149 file 44 E/O CAM-1 (G) 1151 file 45 13 |E/O CAM-1 (G) 1751 | file 46 14 Automax 1 1or52 1961 15 Automax 2 1 1/521 1962 Clds onscale . NUM w ww . ...... . . FIG. 3-2. Field Data Log. -19- mg-HALASAN a) Clear sky b) Cumulus clouds 09- L il:54: IL c) Alto cumulus d) Cirrus clouds Fig. 4-1. Imagery from EO Camera Il for a variety of sky conditions. Images were digitized from video, piped through image processing, displayed into matrix camera. -20- a) EO camera I expanded to 256 x 256 b) Automax I digitized at approximately 256 x 256 Fig. 4-2. Imagery from EO Camera I and Automax I for comparison with EO Camera II images. Images acquired on 3 SEP 84 near 1401 hrs. . . . . . .. ... . . .... ....... . . ...... ............. .. . .. ........ .. . . ... . . .. .. ... .... (a) EO Camera II. (see Fig. 4-1b) (b) EO Camera I. (see Fig. 4-2a) 150 f . .... .. m, .. .....w. . 7. ... . .... ...... ......... .. . ... . ........ . . . ..... so se escon ........ . . . . . . . . .. 256 ........ . .... ... ... . . .. .. ::... . v I'" we' * . ;. X w., wir ,, . ....... ...... ...... ........ .. . .. . SIGNAL SIGNAL . : .............. ... ... . ..... .. ..: 0... 512 64 128 256 PICTURE ELEMENT (Pixel) NUMBER PICTURE ELEMENT (Pixel) NUMBER (c) Automax I. (see Fig. 4-2b) 1001 SIGNAL ............... ..... 256 128 PICTURE ELEMENT (Pixel) NUMBER Fig. 4-3. Line plot of cumulus cloud image for EO Camera II, EO Camera I and Automax I. The data were acquired 3 SEP 84 near 1401 hrs. Row 282 from EO Camera II and corresponding rows of EO Camera I and Automax | were extracted. . .. ... .. . .... .. ......w.w Y ..... . ...... . .... .... .. .. .. .. . ...... 150 - .. . .. . .... ... wwwwwah . .. 8..w... . .. .......... . . . ... . . ... .. . ..22. .. . .. . . . w 3 SEP ww. CAMERA SIGNAL .. .. . . . .... studimas permanent Marwah Marturma 256 512 PICTURE ELEMENT (PIXEL) NUMBER Fig. 4-4. Measured signal (from radiance at 650nm) as measured by the EO system on 3 SEP and 4 SEP 1984 at 1400 LST along an east-west arc passing near zenith. 3 SEP had broken cumulus, 4 SEP was clear. Fig. 4-5. TEST OF RADIANCE THRESHOLDING FOR CLOUD DETECTION. 3 SEP 84 1401 ORIGINAL IMAGE 09/0385 1401 DETECTION BY RADIANCE THRESHOL K50 = SKY > 50 CLD (a) Original image. (b) Image with all signal levels less than 50 color-coded blue. Fig. 4-6. GRADIENT INFORMATION IN CLOUD DETECTION TEST IMAGE. 3 SEP 84 1401 PSEUDO GRADIENT DERIVED FI CLOUD FIELD IMAGE PSEUDO SRADIENT BERAGE FRA THRESHOLDED SKY (<903 BLUE - SKY WITH SUPER IMPOSED GRADIEN AS DELL 21 (a) Pseudo gradient derived from image. (b) Pseudo gradient color-coded red, superimposed on threshold color- coded image. -24- Fig. 4-7. TEST OF CLOUD DISCRIMINATION USING RATIO OF TEST IMAGE TO CLEAR IMAGE DATA. RATIO OF CLD IMACE TO CLEAR SK RATIO 1.8 RAT10<1.4 BINARY CLOUD DISCRIMINATION BASED ON RATIO OF CLOUD TO CLEA IMAGES, THRESHOLD USE no (a) Ratio image. Ratios <1 coded blue, ratios <1.4 coded pink, ratios >1.4 coded grey. (b) Cloud discrimination result using a ratio threshold of 1.4. RATIO OF 2 IMAGES, BOTH AT 1055 ON 09/11/8 ONE WITH ND FILTER 9.7 LOGS, OTHER 1.39 LOG DIFFERENCE IMAGE IN XORIG IMAGE 09/03/84 AT 14015 EACH PIXEL CONTAINS SIGNAL AT X MINUS SIONAL AT PIXEL X FILTER RATIO IS 4.90 ABSOLUTE OBSERVED RATIO COLOR SCALE DIFFERENCE SCALE Fig. 4-8. Ratio of images taken with 0.7 log filter and 1.39 log filter, both acquired 11 SEP 84 1055. Fig. 4-9. Difference image, shows signal (x) - signal (x+1) 3 SEP 84 1401. -25- Fig. 4-10. CLOUD DISCRIMINATION FOR 1 ROW WITH HYBRID ALGORITHM, UTILIZING DIFFERENCE INFORMATION AS WELL AS SIGNAL LEVEL CLOUD IMAGE FROM @903/84 AT 1401 WITH ROW 282 PROCESSED USING DIFF AND THRESH ALGOR. LATE AFTERNOON CLOUD IMAGE FROM 09/03/84 AT 1657 WITH ROW 282 PROCESSED USING DIFF AND THRESH ALGOR BLUE = NO CLOUD RED = CLOUD BLUE = NO CLOUD RED. CLOUD VISIBILITY LAB visiBILITE LAB (a) Cross-sun case. 3 SEP 84 1401 (b) Upsun case. 3 SEP 84 1657. -26- START TESTCLD Tapes of EO images 512x512 Read image, extract 1 row, associate with time/date file CLOUD. X file of ident info; ie time, etc file CLDARC 1 row from each image, with ident info END TESTCLD Read CLDARC, apply cloud algorithm, cid=1, no cld = 0 START CLDSTATS CLDBIN apply computed e for each x o carpente tereta binary file, 0 & 1, cld results as a function of o - Accumulate results for each row, compute freq. CFLOS vs 0 file CLDSTAT Detect longest cld free arc, each image, accumulate results of cum freq of cld free arc length CFLOS VS 0; cumfreq, cld free arc length vs arc length END CLDSTATS Fig. 5-1. Conceptualized chart of EO Camera data processing program. -27- 0021-84 b Fig. 5-2. Sample imagery utilized for geometric calibration. -28- FREQUENCY CLD FREE LINE OF SIGHT ter FREQUENCY (%) AUTOMATIC - como MANUAL -- MODEL tot OL -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 OBSERVATION ZENITH ANGLE Fig. 5-3. Cloud free line of sight, frequency of occurrence vs zenith angle. E CUM FREQ CLD FREE ARC LENGTH --- CUMULATIVE FREQ (%) -30 AUTOMATIC MANUAL - 0 20 40 120 140 160 60 80 100 ARC LENGTH (DEGREES) . Fig. 5-4. Cloud free arc length, cumulative frequency of occurrence vs arc length. 29 AUG - 20 SEP 0700 - 1600 LST 1951 - 1973 All Hours RELATIVE FREQUENCY % CLEAR ABOVE 9/10 1/10-5/10 6/10-9/10 SKY COVER Fig. 5-5. Relative frequency of cloud cover at C Station, White Sands Missile Range. -31- APPENDIX A TABLE A: WSMR DEMONSTRATION EQUIPMENT LIST L. BACK-UP SYSTEM, E/O CAM I A. Detector Assembly 1. GE TN2200, 128X128 Solid State Camera, w/Controller. 2. C-130 Filter Assy. #8, (450nm, 605nm) - see AV84-063t (23 AUG 84). 3. Bicar Fisheye Lens Assembly, manual IRIS control. 4. Manual Solar Disc Occultor. 5. Prototype Irradiometer attachment (Cosmicor 19° FOV Back-up). B. Monitor and Control Assemblies 1. C-130 Filter Control Panel. 2. Panasonic, model TR-920M Solid State T.V. 3. Dylon, model 1015B, Magnetic Tape Controller. 4. Cipher, model F880640-90-10250, Magnetic Tape Drive. 5. Hewlett-Packard 9825 Computer. 6. Computerware 5809-based Computer/Controller. C. Inter-connecting Cabling I. PROTOTYPE SYSTEM, E/O CAM II A. Detector Assembly 1. GE TN2505, 242x370 Solid State Camera, w/power supply. 2. C-130 Filter Assy. #12, (650nm) - see AV84-0631 (23 AUG 84). 3. Bicar Fisheye Lens Assembly, prototype remote control Iris. 4. Prototype remote control Solar Disc Occultor. B. Monitor and Control Assemblies 1. CRM Filter Control Panel. 2. Panasonic, model TR-920M Solid State T.V. 3. Sony, model V05600, 3/4" VCR. 4. Inter-connecting Cabling. III. PHOTOGRAPHIC CAMERA SYSTEMS (See AV84-052118 July 84) A. Primary Camera, Automax, Model G1 1. Traid model 735, 180° Lens. 2. 100 ft. magazine. 3. Black and White Film, Kodak Plus-X. B. Secondary Camera, Automax, Model G1 1. Traid model 735, 180° Lens. 2. 100 ft. magazine. 3. Color Film, Kodak VPS-3. C. Back-up Camera, 35mm SLR Hand-held 1. Bicar Fisheye Adapter. 2. 36 exposure individual toll film 3. Black and White - Color. D. Support Equipment 1. Automax Remote Control Panel.: 2. Time/Date Bracket for Automax. 3. Automax Control Cables. IV. PERIPHERAL SUPPLIES A. Wratten N.D. Filters B. Filter Cutters C. Clear Cover Plates D. Minor Repair Tool Kit E. Optical Cleaning Kit F. Magnetic Tape, 2400 ft. reels, 30 G. Tape Mailer Case H. Data Logs L Procedural Check List .32- APPENDIX B This section lists those EO Camera II images which have been extracted for data analysis. Whereas all of the fisheye images have been digitized and may be computer accessed, some of the fisheye images were special purpose images, such as extra data taken under certain cloud conditions. For the statistical analysis, one image for each hour has been extracted and included in the computations. The following table lists these images. In addition, on certain days when the sky was clear for several hours continuously, data were acquired every second hour. In these cases, the statistics program has treated the times with no data as having a clear sky. Those cases with clear sky but no data are listed in the second table. In the first table, the date, time, F-stop, and neutral density filter were extracted from manual data logs. The tape file refers to the location on tape of the digitized image. The last column indicates the clear data image number which is closest in time, where 1 represents the image near 0800, 2 is 0900, and so on through clear image number 12 near 1900 hours. eo Camera II Images Extracted for Analysis __ CLOUD IMAGE# DATE TIME F-STOP N.D. FILTER TAPE FILE CLEAR COMP# 16 18 co van A WNA 16 16 1 N 16 16 11 A 11 11 19 11 20 21 22 082984 082984 082984 082984 082984 082984 082984 082984 082984 082984 083084 083084 083084 083084 083084 083084 083184 083184 083184 083184 083184 083184 083184 083184 083184 083184 083184 083184 083184 090184 090184 090184 090184 090184 090184 090184 090184 090184 090184 090184 090284 090284 090284 090284 0902 1010 1100 1201 1300 1401 1500 1607 1702 1802 0804 0901 1001 1105 1203 1302 0808 0904 1000 1112 1202 1259 1411 1507 1607 1701 1753 1902 1927 0816 0901 0952 1054 1156 1301 1358 1512 1602 1656 1754 0753 0900 1002 1115 Awwa uwwawAAAAAAaaAAAAAAAnauwwa tuua AAAuuuaaa AWNOOoo van AWNDROoooaan AWNman AWN-FOOoo van AWN 23 11 11 24 25 26. 27 11 28 OvauAWN vo ... CLOUD IMAGE# DATE TIME F-STOP N.D. 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CLOUD IMAGE# DATE TIME F-STOP N.D. FILTER TAPE FILE CLEAR COMP# 105 106 107 108 109 111 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 oo u au AWNAN 127 128 129 130 ovau AWNAN 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 090884 090884 090884 090884 090984 090984 091084 091084 091084 091084 091084 091084 091084 091084 091084 091084 091084 091084 091184 091184 091184 091184 091184 091184 091184 091184 091184 091184 091184 091284 091284 091284 091284 091284 091284 091284 091284 091284 091384 091384 091384 091384 091384 091384 091384 091384 091384 091384 091484 091484 091484 091484 091484 091484 091484 091584 091584 091584 091584 1356 1429 1551 1701 0857 1054 0820 0849 0951 1052 1155 1257 1404 1453 1607 1702 1758 1850 0754 0854 1000 1055 1154 1300 1355 1457 1551 1654 1752 0801 0855 0951 1058 1155 1252 1353 1450 1555 0754 0851 0952 1054 1153 1306 1354 1548 1700 1759 0806 0852 0953 1043 1150 1248 1346 0758 0850 0948 1050 WA A A A AWAA ANUNN wwwwwAAN N N N A WA AuW NN NNA NA wwwuA AWAAAAAANA A A WNN ܝܚ ܝܕ ܢܨ ܚ 142 ܬ ܟ ܗ ܢ 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 ܣ ܩ ܝܚܕ ܢ ܚ U 151 152 153 ܬ ܟ ܘܙ ܘ 154 155 11 11 156 157 158 11 159 11 11 11 160 161 162 163 A WNnau AWN- 11 5.6 164 16 165 166 167 CLOUD IMAGE# DATE TIME F-STOP N.D. FILTER TAPE FILE CLEAR COMP# .................. .... .... .. 16 ا ب 16 ب ب ب ب 1148 1300 1346 1454 1547 1647 1747 0754 0851 0955 1154 1351 1450 1552 11 11 ب ب ب 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 179 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 189 16 ب ب ب 16 ب ب ب 1649 16 ب ب ب ب lo ب 191 ب 192 ب 193 ب 194 195 ب ب ب ه 091584 091584 091584 091584 091584 091584 091584 091684 091684 091684 091684 091684 091684 091684 091684 091684 091784 091784 091784 091784 091784 091784 091784 091784 091784 091884 091884 091884 091884 091884 091884 091884 091884 091884 091984 091984 091984 091984 091984 091984 091984 091984 091984 092084 092084 092084 092084 092084 092084 092184 092184 092184 092184 092184 092184 092184 092184 092184 bbbbbb 196 197 199 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 211 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 16 1747 0755 0852 1049 1251 1353 1449 1554 1652 1754 0750 0953 1156 1254 1350 1456 1550 1653 1746 0753 0849 1053 1248 1351 1449 1552 1658 1757 1252 1355 1452 1551 1651 1754 0752 0854 0954 1049 1144 1248 1350 1450 1552 ه با یا بیا بیا بیا بیا بیا با ه 5.6 5.6 5.6 ه ه ب ه ه ه یا بیا بیا با 221 bbbn4 هم به در بره ه OOoo van . o van AWNA Ovao Ooo vaan se oooo vanrw Ooo va ANO ooo vuWN 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 lo ه ه ه ه el 16 ا » Clear Sky Incidents without recorded data CLOUD IMAGE# DATE TIME 103 110 112 113 114 178 180 090884 090984 090984 090984 090984 091684 091684 091784 091784 091884 091884 091984 091984 1200 1000 1200 1300 1400 1100 1300 1000 1200 0900 1100 1000 1200 188 190 198 200 210 212 -37.