UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO 3 1822 04429 7182 ATMOSPHERIC VISIBILITY TECHNICAL NOTE NO. 203 SEPT 1986 Offsite (Annex-Jo rnals) 974.5 . 145 no. 203 AUTOMATED VISIBILITY & CLOUD COVER MEASUREMENTS WITH A SOLID-STATE IMAGING SYSTEM R.W. Johnson W.S. Hering UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO The material contained in this note is to be considered proprietary in nature and is not authorized for distribution without the prior written consent of the Visibility Laboratory and Air Force Geophysics Laboratory TERSI Contract Monitor, Dr. H.A. Brown Atmospheric Sciences Division LIGHT RNIA 21868 Prepared for Air Force Geophysics Laboratory, Air Force Systems Command United States Air Force, Hanscom AFB, Massachusetts 01731 SCRIPPS INSTITUTION OF OCEANOGRAPHY VISIBILITY LABORATORY La Jolla, California 92093 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO III 11 1111 IT 11 III III 3 1822 04429 7182 TECHNICAL NOTE NO. 203 AUTOMATED VISIBILITY & CLOUD COVER MEASUREMENTS WITH A SOLID-STATE IMAGING SYSTEM This Technical Note contains the extended summary and vu-graph representations that were submitted for the Preprint Volume associated with the Sixth Symposium on Meteorological Observations and Instrumentation scheduled for 12-16 January 1987, in New Orleans, LA. The paper has been accepted for oral presentation during the afternoon session on Tues., 13 January 1987. COPY_5_OF_10_COPIES AUTOMATED VISIBILITY AND CLOUD COVER MEASUREMENTS WITH A SOLID-STATE IMAGING SYSTEM Richard W. Johnson and Wayne S. Hering Visibility Laboratory University of California, San Diego Scripps Institution of Oceanography La Jolla, CA 92093 1. INTRODUCTION corrections applied. The sensor responses tend to be highly linear and discrete pixel corrections once applied tend to be valid for extended time periods. The development and testing of a family of compact, solid-state imaging systems for the automatic measurement of atmospheric optical and meteorological properties is underway at the Visibility Laboratory. In its most basic form, each of these devices consists of a computer controlled solid-state video system that provides calibrated multi- spectral imagery suitable for the automatic extraction of local image transmission and cloud cover information. Imbedded within the control computer are prototype and proprietary extraction algorithms necessary to provide these numerical products. In addition to radiometrically calibrated imagery, advanced algorithm development is currently underway to provide near real-time products of the data acquisition, processing, and display system in the form of continuously updated digital presentations of selected operational quantities. The quantities most desired for describing the optical state-of-the-atmosphere in which this sensor system operates are of course task dependent, but current algorithm development is slanted toward cloud detection, cloud-free arc determinations, sector visibilities and total cloud cover. The multi- spectral imagery is equally applicable in more generalized search, detect and identify scenarios. Whereas many useful algorithms for the determination of atmospheric properties can be devised to require only the input of the relative values of radiant flux fields, it is generally true that far more redundant and reliable methodologies are available when absolute values of radiance are available. Thus, to enable an optimum selection of techniques for analytic applications, the camera systems described in this note are all calibrated against standards of radiant intensity traceable to N.B.S. using standard radiometric procedures in association with optical calibration facilities established by the Visibility Laboratory. In practice, each measurement system is subjected to a systematic series of calibration procedures consisting of: a) Radiometric linearity - radiative flux vs byte value output. b) Absolute radiative response--absolute spectral flux input vs byte value output. Relative radiance shifts -- systematic changes in flux/byte relationships as a function of f-stop and neutral density changes. d) Geometric mapping - pixel element vs object space geometry as diagnosed with Hemispheric Dome facility. 2. INSTRUMENTATION 4. CLOUD SPECIFICATION AND ANALYSIS The system design is modular so that components may be added or exchanged and the configuration modified to satisfy specific operational requirements. The system block diagram shown in Fig. 1b serves to illustrate features common to systems now being tested and refined and is not necessarily intended as an as-built representation. Both the video and digital data are routed through the system simultaneously and independently. The parallelism is an operator convenience, not a necessity. Most of the operational characteristics illustrated in Fig. 1 are included in each of the currently evolving hardware configurations. A variety of techniques for objective cloud/clear-sky discrimination with the solid-state imagery system are being investigated. Single image (monochromatic) analysis with simple brightness contrast and/or edge depiction techniques often provides excellent results. The cloud radiances are in general larger than the background clear-sky radiances, especially in the red portion of the visible spectrum. Although the qualitative brightness contrast is readily apparent in most images, obvious difficulties are involved in the development of objective depiction criteria using single wavelength image analysis. As summarized in the list of caveats in Fig. 2, the cloud and clear-sky radiances vary over broad limits, requiring complex analytic adjustments to the appropriate cloud/clear-sky threshold radiance values. Furthermore, dense and/or shadowed cloud radiances are comparable and sometimes become less than the corresponding background sky radiances. The schematic drawing of the multi-spectral imager shown in Fig. la illustrates two important features of the camera system that contribute to its general utility. First, the Filter Changer Assembly is shown to contain two independently controlled filter locations on the optical axis. In actuality, this assembly contains two filter wheels, each holding four separate filters in addition to the five lens optical relay. Each wheel can position any one of its four filters into the optical path under either manual or computer control. In one existing research configuration, the forward wheel contains four glass absorption neutral density filters, while the rear wheel contains four spectrally different interference filters. Thus, both spectral band and flux level can be controlled either manually or by pre-determined computer program. On the other hand, experimental results clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of color contrast, as derived from multi-spectral imagery, for objective sky-cover analysis. Dedicated systems with the dual filter wheel option can easily be configured to acquire, sequentially, narrow- passband blue and red imagery with variable neutral density control. Objective cloud depiction algorithms based upon the ratio of the all- sky blue and red radiance fields provide good specification accuracy over a broad range of sky and visibility conditions. The blue/red spectral radiance ratios are characteristically near 1 for the white or grey cloud elements in contrast with significantly larger values for the background clear sky. Second, the multi-lens Turret Assembly (shown pictorially, not as built), provides an efficient method of modifying the overall optical path to meet task specific requirements. In the prototype systems currently in use, the two lens assemblies require manual substitution into a fixed adapter. The remotely controlled Turret Assembly is still under development, as are the remote control of the Iris and Occultor sub-assemblies. However, it is important to note that the system lends itself well to task specific changes in Turret design. 1 Illustrated in Fig. 3 is a typical set of cloud depiction imagery. Shown for comparison, are the observed brightness field acquired with the red passband filter, and the red/blue radiance ratio field. Preliminary results indicate that the cloud analysis based upon the radiance ratio imagery might be extended effectively beyond a simple yes-no representation. For example, studies are underway to explore the correspondence between the measured radiance ratios and the opacity of thin, semi-transparent cloud elements. 3. SYSTEM CALIBRATION AND PERFORMANCE These dedicated video systems offer the combined capabilities of solid-state imaging technology and fast and efficient micro-computer processing. Measurement accuracy is achieved through excellent control over both spatial resolution and relative brightness accuracy. The solid-state sensor array has exact pixel element placement. Thus, any individual element imperfections can be recognized and specific Remaining problem areas that are associated with the independent use of the blue-red ratio algorithm for cloud discrimination center primarily on paths of sight near the horizon, especially the upsun direction near sunrise and sunset, where the blue-red spectral ratio of the background clear-sky typically becomes less than one in hazy atmospheres. The problem also extends to the solar aureole region at higher solar elevation angles in dense haze conditions where little color contrast exists between the white aureole region and the existing clouds. The information content of the multi-spectral image pattems is being investigated in an effort to develop helpful supplementary techniques to extend the limits of cloud detection in these areas. It should be emphasized that the solid-state imaging system provides highly accurate and continuously updated measurements of the apparent contrast of all identifiable objects in the scene. Initial experience has verified the importance of using a wide selection of suitable targets in the array, as suggested by the illustrative scene shown in Fig. 4b. Whenever practicable, the actual selection of visibility targets should be adjusted for each scene in accordance with observed conditions. In the absence of ideal dark targets viewed against the background horizon sky, priority should be shifted as necessary to objects at distances close to the limit of detection, where the most consistent and representative calculations of visual range can be made. 5. DETERMINATION OF DAYTIME VISIBILITY The process of daytime visibility determination either instrumentally or by a human observer ultimately involves the resolution of the distance from pre-selected targets that the apparent contrast, Cr , reduces to some minimum (threshold) value needed for detection. The threshold contrast is dependent on a number of factors including the visual acuity of the observer as well as the angular subtense of the target, its shape and its location with respect to background features. The goal is to develop a completely automated system to provide objective quantitative estimates that are consistent regardless of time and location. The degree of modeling required to provide, for example, the visual range along specific pre-selected horizontal or slant paths is dependent upon the accuracy needed to satisfy the individual user requirements. For fixed base installations one has the important advantage of refining the basic algorithms for visibility determination on the basis of measurements and local experience acquired through continuous operational use of the system. Early experience indicates that consistent and reliable estimates of visual range can be obtained from target/background ensembles as well as with isolated targets. The important consideration is that the objects in a selected area ensemble be located at approximately the same range and as close in range as practicable to the limit of visibility. 6. SUMMARY The stepwise derivation of the fundamental equations for contrast transmittance as given by Duntley, et al. (1957) is shown schematically in Fig. 4a, along with the definition of the individual terms in the expressions. For purposes of discussion here, let us simply state the corresponding diagnostic equation for the calculation of visual range, V, as follows, The primary characteristics of several compact, solid state imaging systems for the automatic measurement of atmosphere optical and meteorological properties have been presented and discussed. The modular design of the systems allows for both manual and/or computer control of both spectral band and flux level selections as required by the measurement task. In addition, absolute radiometric calibration of the sensor array enables a variety of reliable methodologies for the assessment of atmosphere properties to be employed with objective confidence. In {s (*)/[1 . (1-3) ]} {$() / [.- (1 -»]} 1 Experimental results have clearly demonstrated the effectiveness of color contrast, as derived from multi-spectral imagery, for objective sky cover analysis over a broad range of sky and visibility conditions. The solid-state imaging system provides highly accurate and continuously updated measurements of the apparent contrast of all identifiable objects within its field of view. Early experience indicates that consistant and reliable estimates of visual range can be obtained from these target-background ensembles as well as with isolated targets. where ε = is the threshold contrast for detection and S = L / Lo is the so called "sky-ground ratio" (Duntley, 1948), and Lois point source function (equilibrium radiance) of the directional path radiance L,. The source function, Lg, may be estimated from the clear-sky horizon radiance for a path of sight having the same scattering angle with respect to the sun as the target line of sight. For the ideal case where a black target (C. =-1) is viewed against the clear horizon sky (S=1), Eq. (1) reduces to the simple form From our experience to date, it is clear that a small relatively automatic system for the assessment of these key atmospheric properties is now readily available to the experimental and modelling communities. Figure 6 illustrates our conception of an automatic system designed to accumulate the imagery required to address these and related optical phenomena. The application of this prototype system to the task of multi-purpose local area measurements should be the harbinger of a new standard of consistent and reliable weather related observations. V = r In € / In C = ln € 1ā Eq. (2) is often referred to as Kochmieder's Law and is used extensively to calculate visual range from measurements of attenuation coefficient, 7. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This research was funded by the Air Force Geophysics Laboratory under Contract F19628-84-K-0047. 8. REFERENCES The general solution to Eq. (1) is shown in Fig. 5 for the case where the threshold contrast is .05 and the inherent contrast is -1. Note in particular the changes in calculated visual range associated with departures of sky-ground ratio from the clear horizon-sky background value of 1. In general, S varies from about 0.2 for very bright backgrounds to 5 or more for low surface reflectance and upsun paths of sight. The error bars shown for the S=1 result, indicate the relative errors in the calculated visual range due to a +20 percent uncertainty in the estimated inherent contrast. Note that the errors in calculated visual range due to errors in estimated inherent contrast increase markedly with increasing apparent contrast of the designated target. In other words, reliable calculations of visual range are especially difficult using the apparent radiance contrast of close range targets in good visibility conditions. Duntley, S.Q. (1948), "The Reduction of Apparent Contrast by the Atmosphere", J. Opt. Soc. Am. 38, 179-191. Duntley, S.Q., A.R. Boileau, and R.W. Preisendorfer (1957), "Image Transmission by the Troposphere 1, J. Opl Soc. Am. 47, 499-506. Fisheye Lens Assembly (174° FOV) Image Location . 2 miimme VLULA ZUIA General Purpose Lens Assembly (30° FOV) Camera Assembly - Filter Changer Assembly Multi-Lens Turret Assembly a. Prototype mechanical configuration VIDEO SOLAR OCCULTER ASSY LIVE MONITOR GRABBED MONITOR VIS LAB OPTICAL FILTER GE 2710 SOLID STATE CAMERA EVEREX 10Kbpi CASETTE DIGITAL STREAMER ASSY Z-200 COMPUTER OPTION REMOTE IRIS ASSY IMAGE PROCESSING SUB-SYSTEM ARCHIVAL 10 SUB-SYSTEM B VIDEO-TRAX CASETTE VCR ANALOG STREAMER DIGITAL REMOTE CONTROL PANEL b. Image acquisition & analysis system block diagram Fig. 1. Multi-spectral whole sky imager. SINGLE WAVELENGTH DISCRIMINATORS: CAVEATS 1. RADIANCE THRESHOLD TECHNIQUES a. Sky & Cloud Radiances Vary over Large Excursions b. Threshold Radiances Require Continual Analytic Updates c. Dark or Shadowed Clouds mimic Background Sky Radiances 2. EDGE GRADIENT TECHNIQUES a. Cloud Imbedded in Cloud Background Yields Redundant Boundaries b. Fails as Scene Approaches Uniform Overcast Fig. 2. (a.) High Contrast Image using red spectral filter (650nm) (b.) Composite radiance ratio image from red/blue spectral bands (450 nm & 650 nm) Fig. 3. Typical cloud depiction imagery. SOLAR SPECTRAL IRRADIANCE ATMOSPHERIC OPTICAL EFFECTS DIRECT & DIFFUSE SURFACE IRRADIANCE SCATTERED SKYLIGHT (PATH RADIANCE) SOLAR VIEW ANGLE GEOMETRICS BACKGROUND REFLECTANCE OBJECT REFLECTANCE Lp = LoTR + L* blo blr INHERENT BACKGROUND RADIANCE INHERENT OBJECT RADIANCE ATMOSPHERIC RADIANCE TRANSMITTANCE APPARENT OBJECT RADIANCE APPARENT BACKGROUND RADIANCE INHERENT CONTRAST APPARENT CONTRAST Co= (ho-blo)/OLO CONTRAST TRANSMITTANCE CF = (-61)/OL T = c/c = (bLo/bLT, Fig. 4. Conceptual Procedure for the determination of contrast transmittance. 20.0 ADJUSTED TO THRESHOLD CONTRAST = .05 INHERENT CONTRAST = 1.0 SKY/GROUND RATIO VISUAL RANGE / TARGET RANGE (Log Scale) 22 II 1.0 ↑ és Áį į į į 05 To APPARENT CONTRAST (Log Log Scale) Fig. 5. Visual range versus apparent contrast relationships. - Occulter - Fisheye Lens Shutter Assembly Telephoto Lens Target Scene ** 20 MO Towns . 12 PARE UE402NAO IV. Heated Observation Windows XS **** BURAX VENE Witam D OLS WORKS ERORINOYNOW PIC. :3234 WEER We TOWOTNY VUKUWAIT 22XXX . WOW . V WT XOMY TODOS OK P IC TO *** . QUIZ YA WATOTO EN OOGSPOT.COM TWOTWEUSITASUUN TOLOS POLOTO MASSA an . A 200DKAMWRXXVWXX WEBS - Horizon XXX M45 A7 W TYPY WA 2 CI BOUWW OUTDOO SO onun SAYOSU c PUU OGORO NINIS MW *t****** pekee.... PORNO ACAU LOYA SVR OW VA * . . Curso UDA OSO Hot X ** *** * 10022 . Filter Assembly 50/50 Beam Splitter d, + d2 = 150 mm, efl. Telephoto de + dz = 30 mm, ell. Fisheye : : ... Camera Local Horizon Insulated Weather-Proof Housing . To Control Panel Fig. 6. Automatic observing system for whole sky and horizon imagery. ** سے دینی . . اه - - - - : ما ... ها ۷۰۰ لر - . - =- مم -- مس . / . - سر ---- - . 1 ه , : من اسے .ان کرے ۔ . ا .. . ۰ دنده سکس ... - .. را .. ** سے دینی . . اه - - - - : ما ... ها ۷۰۰ لر - . - =- مم -- مس . / . - سر ---- - . 1 ه , : من اسے .ان کرے ۔ . ا .. . ۰ دنده سکس ... - .. را ..