UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO 3 1822 04429 7190 MAY 1986 ATMOSPHERIC VISIBILITY TECHNICAL NOTE NO. 204 Offsite (Annex-Jo rnals) QC 974.5 . T45 no. 204 MODELING OF OCEAN OPTICAL PROPERTIES CZCS DATA EXTRACTION PROCEDURES Janet E. Shields UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO The material contained in this note is to be considered proprietary in nature and is not authorized for distribution without the prior written consent of the Visibility Laboratory. IVERS UNIV LIGHT HE ORNIA SCRIPPS INSTITUTION OF OCEANOGRAPHY VISIBILITY LABORATORY La Jolla, California 92093 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO IT IT 1 3 1822 04429 7190 TECHNICAL NOTE NO. 204 MODELING OF OCEAN OPTICAL PROPERTIES CZCS DATA EXTRACTION PROCEDURES Janet E. Shields This Technical Note documents the procedures utilized in processing Coastal Zone Color Scanner (CZCS) satellite images for the extraction of ocean optical properties for the Submarine Laser Communication (SLC) program. COPY_4_OF_10_COPIES TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Section 1 - Extraction Procedures, Memorandums, and Flowcharts a) Memo of MOOP Procedures - Summary of Major Steps b) Memos documenting each block of summary (total of 7 of these memos) Section 11 - Image Processing System Documentation a) Hardware Flowchart b) List of IP Operations c) List of Hardware and Software Section III - Database Il Procedures a) Summary Flowchart b) Flowcharts for each block in Summary INTRODUCTION This technical note documents the procedures utilized in processing Coastal Zone Color Scanner (CZCS) satellite images for the extraction of ocean optical properties for the Submarine Laser Communication (SLC) program. These procedures were used during 1985 and 1986 to generate charts of ocean properties under the "MOOP" (Modeling of Ocean Optical Properties) program. The note contains three sections. The first section consists of procedure memorandums. A summary memo gives an overview of the major steps in the processing. The steps include the archival of the tapes and transparencies of satellite scenes, the extraction of sample scene radiances, the computation of diffuse attenuation coefficient (K) for the water, and the sorting and plotting of the K values. The summary memo and flowchart are followed by memos which document each block in the summary more specifically. These were written by a variety of authors, as noted on each memo. 1 The second section includes documenting information on the image processing (IP) system used for much of the processing. A flowchart of the system hardware is included, along with lists of the IP operations and the available hardware and software. The third section contains historical flowcharts showing procedures used during 1984. The main differences between these early procedures and the more current ones shown in Section I are discussed briefly in Section III. The results of the data processing are given in Technical Note No. 205. SECTION 1 Extraction Procedures, Memorandums, and Flowcharts a) Summary memorandum with updated flowcharts. MP85-022t - MOOP Procedures Documents major steps of processing. b) Memos documenting specific blocks in Summary MP85-009t - Transparency Check-in Covering Archival of Satellite Scene Transparencies MP85-006t - Tape Check-in Procedure Covering Archival of Satellite Scene Data Tapes and Generation of Scene Library Computer File MP85-0181- MOOP Scene and Area Selection Procedures Selection of Satellite Scenes and Subsets of these Scenes (Areas) for Processing MP85-019 - MOOP Area Processing Extraction of Radiances for Selected Areas MP85-0211 - Cell Processing Selection of Sample Cells from Area for Storing in Files of Data "Packets" MP85-020t - Packet Processing with FINALCEL Processing of Data Packets to Yield Water Properties (K) MP85-0051 - Procedures for Packet Processing and the Sorting and Plotting of K Data Sorting of K Value by Season, and Plotting on Charts TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM MP85-022t 13 August 1985 MP85-0234 1985 TO: R.W. Johnson FROM: J.E. Shields SUBJ: MOOP Procedures At this point we have documented the procedures used in MOOP standard processing. The major steps are summarized below, and illustrated on the attached flowchart. The memos documenting each of these steps are also listed below; the flowchart has been extracted from each memo and is duplicated here. 1) Transparency check-in; MP85-009t. As NASA processes CZCS satellite data, they send a transparency for each scene. This transparency is a photographic image of the scene as recorded in each of 6 spectral bands. Transparencies are checked-in and stored in notebooks in orbit order. • 2) Tape check-in; MP85-006t. NASA sends tapes containing data for up to 3 scenes each, along with supporting documentation. Informa- tion such as scene date and location are extracted from the documentation and entered in our computer file which constitutes a scene library. Tapes are labeled and stored. These tapes are called CRT tapes, or calibrated radiance and temperature tapes. 3) Scene and Area Selection; MP85-018t. When we wish to extract data for a given part of the ocean, the scene library file is used to generate a list of scenes which are in the area of interest. MP85-022t 13 August 1985 Page 2 Scenes are selected from this list based on specific criteria. Next, specific portions of the scene, known as areas, are chosen for processing. Whereas a scene consists of 1968x970 picture elements, an area is a 512x512 portion of the scene which will be further reduced to 256x256 during processing. 4) Area Processing; MP85-019t. Once a specific area of a scene is chosen, the CRT tape containing that scene is found. The computer then reads the tape, extracting the data for the area of interest. As part of the program, the data are calibrated and navigated, each 2 rows and columns are averaged, and the resulting 256x256 image for each band is stored on disk. The results are then trans- ferred to tape until they can be cell processed. 5) Cell Processing; MP85-021t. In cell processing, the files on the tape containing the area processing results are read back onto disk. An operator views the visible band images (bands 1-4). For MOOP processing, the global data base is too large to permit processing all of the full images to obtain water type. Therefore, at this point, repre- sentative small samples called cells are chosen for each area; only these sample cells will be processed to yield water type. The darkest water, and up to 9 random sample cells are chosen. When an operator interactively selects a cell, a packet is created which contains the pertinent information for that cell. Packets are stored in a file for further processing. MP85-022t 13 August 1985 Page 3 6) Packet Processing; MP85-020t, and MP85-005t. After cell processing is completed, the resulting packet files are combined and run through FINAL CEL. This program reads the radiance in the four visible bands from the packet file, along with such infor- mation as solar zenith angle. On the basis of Hering's atmospheric model in combination with water radiance models developed by Austin, Petzold, and others, computations of water radiance are made. From water radiance, the diffuse attenuation coefficient K (which is related to water type) is derived. A "Klist" is generated containing the resulting K, location, and related values for each packet. WAYNECEL is a program similar to FINALCEL which yields more parameters for Wayne's analysis. Sorting and Plotting; MP85-005t. Once the K list is generated, values may be sorted by season, using program KSORT. They are then plotted on maps of the appropriate ocean or portion of the ocean, using program KPLOT. The resulting plots are the primary deliverable items for MOOP, along with supporting documentation and analysis. Janet thields Janet E. Shields Cc: R.W. Johnson A.G. Hill K. Doan M.E. Karr R.W. Austin W.S. Hering J.S. Johnson DATA BASE IV: Moop Summary Reference Sheet 1 1 Transparency check-in Transparency notebooks Scene and area selection MP85-009T Ref Sheet 2 MP85-0187 Ref Sheet 4 Scene library file Tape check-in Area processing MP85-006 Ref Sheet 3 MP85-0190 Ref Sheet 5 Labeled tapes Cell processing MP85-0210 Ref Sheet 6 Packet processing MP85-020,0051 Ref Sheet 7 Sorting and plotting MP85-0050 Ref Sheet 8 & 9 K plots NIMBUS 7 CZCS DATA BASE IV: Transparency Check-in (all steps are manual) Reference Sheet 2 : UN TRANSPARENCIES FROM NASA RETURN RECEIPT PUT TRANSPARENCIES IN ASCENDING ORDER BY ORBIT & TIME COUNT # OF TRANS, RECEIVED 1000000000000OOOOUUU . ..100 0 . . FILE IN NOTEBOOKS DATA BASE IV: Tape Check-in Reference Sheet 3 ( 1 L UL . . . 212_ D . 66% . . . . . . 6 6 Tape from NASA . CRTT Documentation Tape Make CRTT worksheet manually Put "sticker" labels on tapes Hang tapes in library PRIMOS Create INSERT file Run ORBIT LZO PRIMOS STICKR file FINAL PRIMOS PRIMOS previous files file PRIMOS sort by orbit merge and sort files PRIMOS UPDATE.DATE xfer UPDATE.DATE to SATELLITE UFO DATA BASE IV: Scene & Area Selection Reference Sheet 4 Select TA'S (Target Areas) PRIMOS FILE files TRGTS. Create listing of scenes for these TA'S Scenes log Accept or Reject Scenes Enter acc. or reject codes in TARGTS.files Transparencies from NASA Choose areas in accepted scenes, note area corner on transparency DATA BASE IV: Area Processing Reference Sheet 5 Start phantom P_CPL177CRD phantom starts CPL file C_177CRD.CPL * edit DATA.IN CPL file starts OP-177 & COMO file CRT Tape OP-177: read tape OP-177: Calibrate, navigate pixels OP-177: output 6 images, 1 per band check como file to verify success * steps requiring operator interaction DATA BASE IV: Cell Processing Reference Sheet 6 Load Area-processed Data onto Disk Start FASTP to Bring Area onto Screen . Enhance Images for this Area Check Ident | Select Minimum Radiance Select Cell for Each Zone Annotate Image, Take a Slide of Image Exit IP. All Areas on Disk Processed no yes End DATA BASE IV: FINALCEL Summary Reference Sheet 7 Inputs are Selected with Interactive Menu Normalized norm Or Normalize radiances without decay correction Output normalized radiance Atmos Alg - Loop for each packet - atmos Apply Decay to Radiances Loop for each packet Compute Water-leaving Radiances Computek Output k list DATA BASE IV: K Sort Summary Flow Chart Reference Sheet 8 Enter input, output filename Sort by beg. & end date yes Enter beg. & end date Sort by season yes Enter season Sort by yes Enter K code k code Enter sun angle threshold Read input file Perform sort Write sorted results to output file DATA BASE IV: K Plot Summary Flow Chart Reference Sheet 9 Set anchor points on plotter Read and convert * lat & lon for anchor points Test data ves yes Read and convert * test lat & lon Plot "X" at lat & lon Read & convert * input file Plot are Choose plotting symbol yet Write File & # plotted to MOOP.MAP K's * See detailed flow chart; latitudes and longitudes are converted to linearly increasing numbers which may be handled by the plotter. TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM MP85-0090 28 February 1985 TO: J.E. Shields FROM: J.S. Johnson SUBJ: Transparency Check-In The transparency check-in steps are listed below and illus- trated on the attached flowchart. 4) 1) Check the mail every day for new transparencies. 2) If there are transparencies, initial the shipment receipt and also date it. When there are enough receipts to fill an envelope, send them to the address listed on the shipment receipt. Arrange the transparencies in order by orbit and then start time. Both are to be put in ascending order. Count the number of transparencies received. Each orbit has a shipping letter which tells how many transparencies are in that orbit. Record the total received and date on the appropriate list in the processing room. 5) Place transparencies in plastic sacks and then file the transparencies in the correct folder. The folders are in order by orbit. If there is a duplicate transparency, remove the one with the earliest version number. The version number is located in the lower right hand corner of the transparency. 6) Gaaquelyn Jehrer J.S. Johnson cc: R.W. Johnson M.E. Karr J.S. Fox TRANSPARENCY CHECK-IN (all steps are manual) NIMBUS 7 CZCS . m 100 . 1 : 000 innes in XX0Y 07 TRANSPARENCIES FROM NASA RETURN RECEIPT PUT TRANSPARENCIES IN ASCENDING ORDER BY ORBIT & TIME COUNT * OF TRANS. pri n FILE IN NOTEBOOKS FIG. I TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM MP85-0067 12 February 1985 TO: J.E. Shields FROM: J.S. Johnson SUBJ: Tape Check-in Procedure I. TAPE CHECK-IN INITIAL PROCEDURES UNPACKING TAPES 1) NASA CRTT tapes are delivered to drafting building. 2) Unbox tapes and documentation (1 page per tape). a. The documentation contains: tape #, target area, time, orbit, etc. # # # # 3) Match the tapes with documentation. This is done by control number (LL# ###L) located on tape label and written on upper right hand corner of documen- tation. If no control number exists, this can be done using run number. (Fig. 1). If no control or run number exists, set aside for special handling. (See Appendix A). Make sure the number of tapes received matches the number of tapes noted on the invoice. Date and initial the invoice. 11 a. One copy of the invoice is kept for our records in the lower left drawer of the processing desk. The other is returned in the envelope provided. 5) Tape a number on the stack of tapes and write this number on the corresponding stack of documentation. 6) Continue steps 1-5 until all boxes are unpacked. Make sure to increment the number attached to each stack of tapes. MP85-006t 12 February 1985 Page 2 ASSIGNING TAPE # OR VLN'S 1) Get the next VLN to be assigned from the in-box on the processing desk. 2) Number each sheet of documentation starting with the number obtained in Step 1, and incrementing by one. These are assigned sequentially. 3) The smallest number should be at the bottom of the stack, the largest at the top. 4) Record the next VLN to be assigned. RECORDING DOCUMENTATION (ENCODING) Record the information from the documentation sheets to worksheets. a. Fig. 2 has all the information to be transferred to worksheets highlighted. Fig. 3 is an example worksheet taken from Fig. 2. 2) The control number is only recorded on the line with file pair one. 3) The version # (from Fig. 2) is the same for all docu- mentation. 4) Starting with file pair one: a. When recording orbit, supply leading zeroes to orbit if under 5 digits. Case 1 (1 target area in file pair) a. Record orbit, date, year, hr/min/sec (time), number of lines and control number if this is the first file pair. Case 2 (2 target areas in file pair) a. Repeat above steps for one target area. b. On the next line record a 99, as shown in Fig. 3. c. On the next line record the orbit number and record the second target area in the space provided for DAY. MP85-0060 12 February 1985 Page 3 ce Case 3 (3 target areas in file pair) a. Repeat steps for Case 2. b. Repeat Case 2b and 2c using the third target area. 5) Do these steps for each file pair. 6) File the documentation in the appropriate notebook located in processing room. Note: Only follow this procedure for distinct target areas, not for repeated targets in the same file pair. MAKING STICKERS AND LISTINGS 1) Key data into computer from worksheets, using the editor. Name the file 'INSERT'. An example of INSERT is located in Fig. 4. Note the number of lines in this file. This is needed for next step. Spool and check for errors before proceeding. 2) Create the stickers and a listing of the tapes. a. After the OK prompt, type: SEG STILLMAN>ORBITLZO This creates two files. STICKR which contains the labels for the tapes. (Fig. 5). FINAL which is a listing of the tapes. (Fig. 6). 3) Spool STICKR. Put stickers on Tapes. 4) Rename FINAL to 5) Use the SORT command on columns 1-5, putting the file in orbit order. SORT is a PRIMOS command. 6) Several FINAL's can be sort merged together and called 7) Use the FUTIL command to transfer these files to SATELLITE. 8) Quarterly, these files can be merged with ORBIT.MASTER or TARGET.XXXXX, as noted in Quarterly Procedure, "Merging w/Master Files". MP85-006t 12 February 1985 Page 4 II. QUARTERLY PROCEDURES QUARTERLY PROCEDURE FOR SPECIAL REQUESTS 1) Using the files named, merge all files with this name type. These should be sorted according to orbit, date, and target. Use the PRIMOS command SORT-MERGE. These files should be error free, so if you haven't been checking for errors all along, do so now (the things you should check for are listed in the next step). Call this file date. WORKFILE. 2) Check the files for these kinds of errors: a. the orbit numbers should increase as the date increases. b. impossible times (only 24 hrs/day, 59 min/hr); these errors can be corrected using the original documentation found in the documen- tation files. 3) Using the special request notebooks located in the processing room, start going through the computer printout of the files mentioned above looking for matching orbit numbers and times. 4) If a match is found, place a plus sicn (+) in front of the target number for that orbit and time on the computer printout. Example in Fig. 7. On the Special Request sheet, write the VIN number in the appropriate column. If this is a new plus (there are no previous VLN's) add a one to the count of special requests received. This paper is located in the processing desk. 6) After going through the whole list of requests, use the editor to add the plus' to the files. 5) Use MP85-0060 12 February 1985 Page 5 MERGING WITH MASTER FILES 1) Use the SORT-MERGE command to merge the with the date.WORKFILE. This should be sorted by orbit, date, and target. The final file should be called 2) Now, use the editor to make a copy of the ORBIT.MASTER or use the copy command in FUTIL. call this file TEMP. 3) Sort the TEMP file by target, then orbit, then date. This means you will have 3 sort keys. 4) Now, use the editor and unload several target areas into a file. Call these files TRGTS.THRUXXX, where xxx is the last target number in that file. TO CREATE FILES WITH HEADERS 1) You will need to be in directory STILLMAN. Edit the file called CZ.RUNOFF so that the date is today's. 2) Edit the file called ENDING, so that the number of Special Requests received is the new total. Don't include duplicates. 3) Now prepare TEMP for RUNOFF. You type everything that's in capital letters: 1111 ED TEMP LOAD CZ.HDR LOAD CZ.RUNOFF MODE NU T, P03 /* optional, just a check */ LOAD ENDING FILE The OK prompt should appear. Now type: RUNOFF TEMP output file date.ORBIT.RUN MP85-0060 12 February 1985 Page 6 This file is very long, so make sure that people are warned and that a new or farely new ribbon is on the printer and there is plenty of paper. 4) Spool date.ORBIT.RUN three times. Send a copy to: a. Gail at SSOF #A030 b. Charleen Epstein X-2350 at #A014 Retain one copy for us. 5) Delete TEMP. 6) All the target files and the orbit files should be FUTIL-ed to SATELLITE. Keep a copy of the orbit master on tape or in your file where no one will use it. This is done just in case someone accidentally messes up the files in SATELLITE. Now, there is always a back-up. 7) Delete all old files in SATELLITE. J. A. Joiner J.S. Johnson cc: R.W. Johnson M.E. Karr J.S. Fox APPENDIX A NASA CRTT SATELLITE TAPES WITHOUT PAPERWORK The following is a procedure to read leading documentation from CRTT tapes into a file. The file should then be spooled and the information needed for the worksheets extracted. a. Assign Tape Unit 0, 1, or 2. AS MTX b. Assign a disk AS D XXXXXXX Also creates a como file. Type: COMO TYPE This creates a file called TAPE in your directory which is a copy of everything that goes to the screen. c. Enter Image Processing System. d. Use op 177 e. For the first file pair type in: O to read header 1 to read leading documentation 7 to skip one file f. After this, do a C (Control C). Which gets you back to the OK prompt. g. Repeat steps (e) and (f) for file pair two. h. For file pair three repeat step (e), except do not use option 7. You are already at the end of the tape. i. Select op 64, to rewind the tape. j. Select op 45, to exit the Image Processing System. k. Type: COMO -E This ends your como file. 1. Spool the file called TAPE. If you do not wish to use the como procedure, at op 45 when it asks you if you want to delete the printer file, answer NO (or 0). Then spool PRINTER. APPENDIX B SUMMARY OF DATA FILES FILES USED IN TAPE CHECK-IN INSERT: Worksheet contents. Listing of tapes generated by ORBITLZO program. STICKR: Labels for tapes generated by ORBITLZO program. Collection of FINALS merged and sorted by orbit number. FILES USED QUARTERLY date.WORKFILE: All updates combined. Master file of all tapes sorted by orbit. Updated quarterly. TRGTS. THRUxxx.: Tapes sorted by target area. date.ORBIT.RUN: New tapes received this quarter. This file has headers. .. . ti... ou moj nogom . -- ----- - -- - ------ . .. - -- - ----- -.. .--- ------ ---- ---- -- --- - 1 KTEUS-7 COASTAL ZONE COLOR SCANNER (CZCS) DECOM - RUN NUMBER 20503 -------- DATE 122684 ------PAGE -------- cm... . .. .-..- .- .. . NIMBUL6 _ PERIMENTER.NO..! ---- .. ........ .....-... -------------.. .- - --------------- ----- - -: MR. ROSWELL AUSTIN -------- VISIBILITY LABORATORY P0003 SCRIPPS INSTITUTE OF OCEANOGRAPHY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO LA JOLLA, CA 92093 ------ -- ---- CZCS CRTICRCST_TAPE COPY-TAPE 10: 220503-1._ INVENTORY NO.: 20503-1, _. INVENTORY NO.: -XB47.971 ---... ----- - sie FILE PAIR 1 *** -------..-.--. .-. . . HDP: SAT - ID SOURCE INFORMATION SEQUENCE NO.-C SUB FAC TO FAC FROM YEAR DDD HHMMSS TO YEAR DDD HHMMSS GEN YEAR DDD M COP: NIMBUS-7 NOPS SPEC NO 1 744041 SQ NO Z E4133013 CZCS IPD TO 12 STARI 1981 340 002 821 TO 1981 340 003021 GEN 1984 361 1 ORI: NIMBUS-7 NOPS SPEC NO T 74 4041 SQ NO LE4133012 CZCS IPD TO IPD START 1981 340 002 821 TO 1981 340 003021 GEN 1984 333 C CREATED BY MODCOMP IV CIPS VERSION 830501 USING ILT TP NUM 01621 INV NUM TL81816. O - -- - - - - - .- - . -..-- -. -..- .. ... .. - --- -- - - --- - . . - - - - - - - -- ---- ----- -..- --- --- - ... - - -- - - - TARGET AREAS COVERED BY THIS FILE: 222_225 O, ORBIT NO.(15738j FILM FRAME NUMBER: 413301 *. FILE STARTS: YEAR=1989 DAY OF YEAR 340 HOURS=0MINS=28 SEES=2.1 MSEC=168" TIME SPAN IN MINUTES = 1. 972 RECORDS IN ORIGINAL DATA FILE, TE RECORDS IN COPY DATA FILE. T RECORO(S) WITH ID=1; n RECORO(S) VITA 10 = 2, 970 RECORD(S) WITH ID 37, .. . . -. --.-.--. ---------- --- -- - - - -- -. - -.-.- .- .-.-.-. -.- . . . . . - - - .. .. .-.-.- -.- --- ---- - ---- -- -- -- : .. - . * • FILE PAIR 2 *** HD: SAT - ID SOURCE INFORMATION SEQUENCE NO.-0 SUB FAC TO FAC FROM YEAR DDD HHMMSS TO YEAR DDD HHMM SS GEN YEAR ODD COP: NIMBUS-7 NOPS SPEC NO. 1744049 SQ NO ZE4133013 CZCS IPD TO 12 START 1989 340 003021 TO 1989 340 003221 GEN 1984 3619 ORI: NIMEUS-7 NOPS SPEC NO 1744041 SQ NO ZE4133012 CzCS IPD TO“ IPD START 1981 340 003029 TO 19813409003229“ GEN 1984 333 0 CREATED BY MODCOMP IV CIPS VERSION 830501 USING ILT TP NUM 01621 INV NUM TL81816. - - - ...- - . - . .. ----- ------------- - - II. TARGET AREAS COVERED BY THIS FILE: 226-0 0i ORBIT NO. 475238 . FILM FRAME NUMBER: 413302 ** FILE STARTS: YEAR=1981 DAY OF YEA*=340 HOURS = D MINS=30 SECS=29 MSEC=209 TIME SPAN IN MINUTES = 1. 972" RECORDS IN ORIGINAL DATAFITE, RECORÒS IN COPY DATAFILE. ---- 1 RECORD(S) WITH ID : 1, 1 RECORD(S) WITH ID = 2, 970 RECORD(S) WITH ID = 7. ..- .. - .- .. · . · -- - - - ------ -- - - - - - - - -- - -- - .. - -- - -- - -- ----... - - - - - - ... - ---- -- - - - - - - -- - --- ·- . -- -- - - ------ - - -- - -- - --- - - - -- - .. ***FILE FAIR 3 *** HDP: SAT - ID SOURCE INFORMATION SEQUENCE NO.-C SUB FAC TO FAC FROM YEAR DDD HHMMSS TO YEAR ODD HHMM SS GEN YEAR ODOK -COPO NIMBUS -7 NOPS-SPEC-NO-7744071-50-NOZ E4133013 CZC5 IPDTOTT START-1981–340-003221 TO 1981-340-0034 21 GEN 1984-361-91 ORI: NIMBUS-7 NOPS SPEC NO 1744041 SQ NO ZE 4133 012 CZCS IPD TO IPD START 1981 340 003221 TO 1981 340 0034 21 GEN 1984 333 0 -O CREATED BY MODCOMP IV CIPS VERSION 830501" USING IT TP NUM01021 INV-NUM TL81816.. --- -- --- co. - - . . . . - - - -- - - ------ - TARGET AREAS COVERED BY THIS FILE: 226 215 0 ORBIT NO. 15738) * FILM FRAME NUMBER: 413303 ** FILE STARTS: YEAR21957“DATOF YER=310 HOURSE OM MIN 53325EC5=21-MSEC=209-TIME SPAN IN MINUTES=-18 972 RECORDS IN ORIGINAL DATA FILE, 977 RECORDS IN COPY DATA FILE. TRECORDOSY-WITHID-=-1,-- RECOROTST WITH 10:27_970RECORD(S) WITH "ID=-7 --... .. - - - - - - - - Fig. 1. - -- ------------------- ca rais NIMBUS - G EXPERIMENTER _NO:_12_--................Venk . 26 DER ,o& no .---..-..-. ---.. ---_133673........3: --- - - --- ...--.- mm .1- ..-.... MR. ROSWELL AUSTIN VISIEILITY LABORATORY P000 3 .-... ------------...-...-------...... SCRIPPS INSTITUTE OF OCEANOGRAPHY -...-- UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO ... ..... .....--- . .. .-........---...--------LA_JOLLA_CA...92093 . .................. .. .. .--.-.--. ....... . . ..contramber control number ..-... ------ ------ -----...- --- - - --..--- .. -.. ----... ----..- 12CS CRU/CRCST_TAPE COPY- TAPE 10: 220503-1, INVENTORY NO. ORY NO.: X899 7A sris erre -a --..... ........... ---- - - ---.--.--.-.--- TF: SAT - ID SOURCE INFORMATION SEQUENCE NO.-C sue FAC TO FAC FROM YEAR DDD HHMMISS TO YEAR DDD HHMMSS GEN YEAR DDD HHMHS: P: MIMBUS-7 NOPS SPEC MO 1744041 SO NO TE4133013 cics IPD TO 12 STARI 1981 340 002821 TO 1981 340 003029 GEN 1984 361 144337 T: NIMBUS-7 NOPS SPEC NO 1744041 SQ NO CE4133012 CZCS IPD TO IPD START 1981 340 002821 TO 1981 343 003021 GEN 1984 333 03185; CREATED BY MODCOMP IV CIPS VERSION 830501 USING ILTIP NU, 01621 INV NUM TL81816. TARGET AREAS COVERED BY THIS FILE: 227_224 0, ORBIT NO.(15738 j . FILM FPAME NUMBER: 413301 .. FILE STARTS: YEAR=1991 DAY OF YEAR=340 HOURS=C MINS=28 St+5=2.1 MSEC=168 TIME SPAN IN MINUTES = 1.999 972 DECORDS IN ORIGINAL DA JA FILE, LITT RECORDS I li COPY DATA FILE.. 9 RECORD(S) WITH ID=";- RECORO(S) WITH 10": 2, 970 RECORD(S) WITH ID : 7. .... . . .. .. of ... ... ... ... . . . - .- -..---------- ...- ----... -.. lines • FILE PAIP 2 .. Q: Sar - ID SOURCE INFORMATION SEQUENCE NO.-( SUS FAC TO FAC FROM YEAR DDD HHMMSS TO YEAR DDD HHMMSS GEN YEAR DDD HHMS 5: :!MEUS-7 YOPS SPEC NO 1744041 SQ NO ZE4133013 CZCS IPD TO 12 START 1981 340 003021 TO 1981 340 003221 GEN 1984 361 1446 Di 1: VIMOUS-7 NOPS' SPEC HO 1744041 SC NOTE4133012°CZ CS IPD 10' IPD STARI 1981 343 003021 TO 1981 340 003221 GEN 1984 333 033108 • CREATED BY MODCO:1P IV CIPS VERSION 830501 USING ILT TP NU, 01621 INV NUK TL81816. . • - - ... - - - - --:- TARGET AREAS COVERED BY THIS FILET220* ORBIT NO. 475.23.8 . FILM FRAME NUMBER: 413302 .. FILE STAFIS: YEAR=1991 DAY OF YEAX=340 HOURS: O FINS=30 SECS=21 MSEC=209 TIME SPAN IN MINUTES = 1.998 *****972. RECORDS IN ORIGINAL' 0& TAFITE, RECORD'S LA COPY DATA FILE. I RECORD(S) WITH 10 = 1, 1 RECORD(S) WITH ID : 2, 970 RECORD(S) WITH ID = 7. . -------- •- -- - - .. - ..- ... ----- -- ----- ---- - -- --- - -.-.- - ---.-- . --.. .. .. .- - .- -.- - - - ... FILE PAIR3** 12: SAT - ID SOURCE INFORMATION SEQUENCE NO.-C SUB FAC TO FAC FROM YEAR DDD HAMMSS TO YEAR DDO HAMMSS GEN YEAR DDD HHMAS: 7: NIMBUS-T NOPS-SPEC NOT 744049'50NOZ E41330130ZCS IPD ~19~12~*"START 1989 340.003221 TO 1981. 340 0034 21 GEN 1984:361 -1448'; 1: NIMSUS-7 NOPS SPEC No 1744041 SG NO I E4133012 CZCS IPD 10 IPO START 1981 340 003221 TO 1981 340 0034 21 GEN 1984 333 034157. CREATED BY MODCOMP IV CIPS VERSION 830501" USING“ILT TP-NUM 01029 INV-NUM TL81816. --- - ---- - ..... . ..-.. - -.--- - -- --. TARGET AREAS COVERED BY THIS FILE: 226_215 0, ORBIT NO. 1573€ ) .. FILM FRAME NUMBER: 413303 .. FILE STARTS: YE2K21967202 TOFYEAH30 HOURS*0 MINS=32-SEC5371 MSEC=209--TIME-SPAN IN MINUTES=-1.999 -- 972 RECORDS IN ORIGINAL DATAFILE, 977 RECORDS IN COPY DATA FILE. 110.rņun! S UIT.... ......... IATTOR (STUTTH. 10:57 . 970.RECORD(S) N COPY DATAFILESYUH! .:.:.:.:.:. :.:::::::::::::: :: :: :..:::::::::::::::::::::: :::: ::::::::::::::::::::: : : Fig. 2 WORKSHEET PAGE YEMIKH RAHIN SECTARGET_TAPĘ NO AP ORBLI DAY VERSION LINES, CONTROL Nee NEERIXTEEEDचत्र - । --- प्रहD । |YES EST राजन कार . - घ eणवतला ਦਾ ਦਹਨ R ਇਸ । - ।। क LS - - । - । -- - . । । - ____Fig! 3. - - SAMPLE INSERT 12687 119 81 063306 202 118531 830501 970 xN593OH 687 119 81 063308 202 118531 830501 970 XN593OH. 687 119 81 0350ტ 202 1 18532 83001 970 2004 -94 } 12087 2088 12887 119 81 0370 88 118533 830591 970 15751 340 81 231051 118 132871 830501 970 x055288 751 116 15751 117 15751 340 81 231251 11 132672 830501 979 99 13751 117 99 15751 119 15751 340 81 231451 213 132673 30501 970 99 E 15751 091 99 15751 119 15781 343 83 03032 132681 830501 970 x 390E 15781 31 030521 222 132082 830501 970 15781 81 030721 222 132683 B30501 817 წწ 13781 237 27511 84 171650 101 132691 830501 480 x02134E 27513 096 84 171750 101 132092 83501 520 27814 118 54 1 54906 036 13263 830501 970 ++ ოოო 99 ყვი 043 84 160819 034 132701 830501 964 x01071H 8. 153020 030 132702 830501 842 27413 153204 132 830501 849 1 55106 043 83051 XQ21 156 222820 108 830501 970 84 108 830501 835 84 203817 000 830501 607 1087628 21 1452 21 4 13272 830501 923 ქუო დო+დიო ოოო =mNო ოო ბიტ ბობ Q 00 NN and more Doon hi to me to pod 413 № დდდდდდდ ლი 84 21 14 006 132723 830501 850 ც07 82 155031 034 132731 830501 842 x482856 16189 199 18189 035 233 84 - 175316 012 132741 830501 966 x0B274F 29405 0160 2 405 233 84 17551 016 132742 830501 970 2 405 233 34 175716 020 132743 830501 968 2 405 05 27405 018 . . . . . 29528 242 84 133017 209 132751 830501 969 xd9412B 29528 17? _ _ _ 28328 212 B4 153217 19 132752 B30501 96% 99 ) 29528 036 22 34 133417 0ვტ 132753 830501 607 339 81 032834 175 132761 830501 976 x09517F = 17 ვ.მ 81 033030 175 132762 830501 485 99 15726 17 15728 339 81 |o33130 175 132783 830501 850 1 5729 222 29518 241 84 221702 214 132771 830501 970 x095198 29518 004 Fig. -4 · SAMPLE STICKR XN3930H VLN 11833(1) ORBIT 12687 ,04/29181 202-NEAR INDIA ---- -- -- - - -------- VLN 1185312) ORBIT 12687 . 04/29/81 202-NEAR INDIA 088-INDIAN OW C VLN 11853(3). ORBIT 12687 , 04/29781 088-INDIAN OW XU5528B VLN 13267(1) ORBIT 19751 . , 12/06781 118-EQU. MID PAC 116-MID PAC 117-EQU. MID PAC . . ... . -.-- .-. . -.-.---...---... VLN 13267(2) ORBIT 15751 12/06/81 116-MID PAC 117-EQU. MID PAC 119-MID PAC .. . - . . .. . . . . . . . . VLN 13267(3) ORBIT 15751 12/06/81 213-MID PAC. 091-LAYSAN HAWAII 119-MID PAC XU3905E VLN 13268(1) ORBIT 15781 , 12/09/81 222-50 COAST AUSTRALIA ------------- VLN 1320812) ORBIT 15781 , 12/09/81 222-50 COAST AUSTRALIA VLN 1326813} ORBIT 15781 , 12/09/81 222-50 COAST AUSTRALIA 237-INDIAN OCEAN .. .. .... XQ2134E VLN 13269(1) ORBIT 27911 ,04703/84 101-WEDDELL SEA E. VLN 13269(2) ORBIT 27511 . 04/05/84 101-WEDDELL SEA E. VLN 13269(3) ORBIT 27814 04/27/84 036-ATL. EN Y 043-REG I IND. WASTE .... ----- -- . . .-.. .-- .-. . - .-. .... Fig. 5 SAMPLE FINAL All date lines must be deleted before MERGE! . . .... . .. 29393 08/19/84 21:14: 52 006-PAC H. P WALES I 29393 08/19/84 . 21:16: 46 ..... 006-PAC W. P WALESI 16189 01/07/82 · 13:50:31 034-ATL. E JACKSNVILE 16189 01/07/82 15:30:31 199-BERMUDA 16189 01/07/82 13:30:31 033-ATL. E NORFOLK 29405 08/20/84 17:53:16 012-PAC W ACAPULCO 29405 08/20/84 17:33: 16 016-CULF TEHUANIEPEC 29405 08/20/84. 17:35:16 016-CULF TEHUANIEPEC 29405 08/20/84 17:55:16 020-MISS RIVER DELTA 29405 08/20/84 17:57:16 020-MISS RIVER DELTA 29405 08/20/84 17:57:16 018-LK CHARS. LA 29528 08/29/84 15:30:17 209-MID ATL. 29528 08/29/84 15:30: 17 199-BERMUDA 29528 07/30/84 13:32: 17 199-BERMUDA 29528 07/30/84 13:32: 17 036-ATL. EN Y 29528 08/29784 15:34:17 036-ATL. EN Y 15726 12/05/81 03:28:36 175-INDIAN OS AUSTRL 15726 12/05/81 03:28:36 176-PAC S TASMANIA 15726 12/05/81 03:30: 36 173-INDIAN OS AUSTRL - - - - . .vv. . -- -- -- ".. .". - 13272121 83/03/01 923 --13272131 83/05/01 . 850 13273(1) 83/05/01 842 13273(1) 83/05/01 842 .13273(1) 83/03/01 842 13274 (1) 83/05/01 966 13274 (1) 83/05/01 966 13274(2) 83/05/01 .. 970 13274(2) 83/05/01 970 13274 (3) 83/05/01 968 13274(3) 83/05/01 968 13275(1) 83/05/01 969 13275(1) 83/05/01 969 13275(2) 83/05/01 969 ------- - - ---. .. 13273(2) 83/05/01 969 13275(3) 83/03/01 607 13276(1) 83/05/01 970 ---------... ------------- 13276(1) 83/05/01 970 . 13276(2) 83/05/01 485 TIME - 16:34:49. ..... DATE - FRI.. JAN 18 1985 13276(283/05/01 485 13276131 83/05/01 850 1327613) 83/05/01 850 13277(1) 83/05/01 970 13277 (1) 83/03/01 970 13277(2) 83/05/01 970 13277 (2) 83/05/01 970 13277(3) 83/05/01 968 13278(1) 83/05/01 890 13278(2) 83/05/01 970 13278(3) 83/05/01 970 13279(1) 83/05/01 970 · -. ..... ... .. --.. 13280 (1) 83/05/01 551 1328012) 83/05/01 947 TIME - 16:34:49 DATE - FRI... JAN 18 1985 13280(3) 83/05/01 969 13280(3) 83/05/01 969 13281(1) 83/05/01 405 13282 (1) 83/05/01 867 13282(1) 83/05/01 867 13282(1) 83/05/01 867 1328212) 83/05/01 607 H . - - - - - 15726 12/05/81 15726 12/05/81 1 3726 12/05/81 29518 08/28/84 29518 08/28/84 29518 08/28/84 29518 08/28/84 29518 08/28/84 15726 12/05/81 1 5836 12/13/81 1 5836 12/13/81 29787 09/17/84 29447 08/23/84 29676 09/09/84 - 03:30: 36 03:31:36 03:31:36 22: 17:02 22: 17:02 22: 19:02 22: 19:02 22:21:02 03:33: 46 02:31:51 02:33: 51 09:16:16 18:49:46 08:24:05 176-PAC S TASMANIA 175-INDIAN OS AUSTRL 222-50 COAST AUSTRALIA 214-NO PAC. 004-NORTON SOUND 004-NORTON SOUND 001-ARTIC OCEAN NW 001-ARTIC OCEAN NW . 222-SO COAST AUSTRALIA 176-PAC S TASMANIA 176-PAC S TASMANIA 210-BLACK SEA 012-PAC W ACAPULCO 084-G ADEN N GUARDAFUI . .- - - . --- - -----.. - - - . - - - - - - - 29676 09/09/84 29676 09109784 OS244 11/07/79 15593 11/25/81 13593 11/25/81 15593 11/25/81 IS593 11/25/81 08:28:02 08:28:02 16:07:00 12:55:03 12:55:03 12: 55:03 12:57: 50 084-G ADEN N CUARDAFUI 210-BLACK SEA 096-ATL E CULF MATIAS 068-CAPE VERTE 067-ATL S MADEIRA IS 207-MID ATL 208-NO. ATL. .. .. ..... Fig. 6 EXAMPLE OF SPECIAL REQUESTS FILE PAGE : 1 * • - • - - - - - - - - EXAMPLE SPECIAL Qcz55 1 1 1 1/7817: 52:2Q 092-PAC W LIMA PERU 131 55( 1 ) B3/05/21 31 Fz3 Oo2 Qp2 លោ ក ស ១ OOoods font paris fondo ៖ ខ្ញុំ · · · · · . ហូ O 1 1 1 173 1 171 1778 Qq255 1 171 178 Qq255 1 171 17 QQ26Q 11 12/7g QQ26Q 1 1712778 QQz5Q 1 1/12/7E qqz84 1 1/13/7a Qp284 1 1/13/7B QQ284 1 12 13/ិង QQ337 11/17/78 QQ668 12/11/7g QQ668 171 178 QQ756 12/17/78 QQ74 /2017 QQ74 /zQ/7 /2Q778 QQ833 /z3/78 QQ833 / 17/ ២ CQ817 2/23/7g QQ837 2/23/78 QQB7Q | 1/25/18 cp7Q 172778 7: 5 : 1 5 25: Q1 27: QQ 2?: QQ z: 7: QQ zg: 27: QQ zQ: 2: QQ 16: 26: QQ 4 : 37:46 4: 38: 16 3: 26: 4Q 17: 14: 3. 7: 15: 31 : 1ង: 13: Q: 4 13: : 4 Q: 21: 46 zQ: 3:45 Q4: 44 : z4 24 : 44 : 24 072-PAC W LIMA PERU ។ 4-FAC W S MARCOS CHILE Qz-PAC W LIMA PERU QE-PAC W LIMA PERU 17b-PAC S TASMANIA 175~FAC TASMANIA 17~FAC S TASMANIA 008-PAG W ASTORIA, WA 009-FAC W MONT, CA 008-PAC W ASTORIA, WA 111-EQU MID PAC 031-ATL N IOCANTINS R. 031-ATL N IOCANTINS R. +091-LAYSAN HAWAII 1 12-H PAC 112-MID PAC 1 1 2- 1 12 PAC +067-ATL S MADEIRA IS +qង់ធ-~CAPE VERTE 012-PAC W ACAPULCO 012-PAC W ACAPULCO 178-BALLENY IS 178-BALLENY IS . 7. 13155 1} 33/25/01 31 13155 ( 1 ) B3/25/21 13 128។ 1 ) B3/05/21 486 12ទង៖ (2) ឧ3/25/21 527 1z756( 1 ) 83/25/21 ឧ63 175528/05/21 7Q 12753 ) B3/25/21 315 1282) B3/05/o1 485 1zaz) B3/p/o1 485 128 (3) B3/25/21 535 1ដងទង (1) B3/05/21 7Q 172។ (3) B3/25/21 485 12730 (1) ង3/05/21 413 12855(1) B3/25/21 4pQ 12582 183/25/21 46ៗ 1g55 ) B3/05/21 7Q 1z5E1 ( 1 ) B3/05/21 6Q7 12541 (1) E37Q5/21 793 12:41 (1) 3/05/21 793 1273s (1) B3/05/21 7Q 12721 (2) ខ3/25/01 - 478 12357( 1 ) B3/05/21 | 162 125b7(1) B3/05/21 362 - លល ស ប ប មក - · · · · •· · · · · · - - F I ... ----- - - YU Tape Check-in Wim AY Tape from NASA CRTT Documentation Tape Make CRTT worksheet manually Make CRTT worksheet manually Make CRTT worksheet manually ! PRIMOS Creste INSERT file Run ORBIT LZO PRIMOS STICKR file PRIMOS FINAL file PRIMOS previous files PRIMOS sort by orbit merge and sort files PRIMOS _ xfer to SAT ELLITE UFO FIG. 8 Quarterly Procedure For Tapes 183 UPDATE. este 1 PRI- MOS UPDATE. date 1 Ⓡ PRI- MOS 83 UPDATE..ten UPDATE. daten PRI- MOS merge into date. WORKFILE special request noteadook find and mark new special requests PRI-1 MOS old ORBIT. combi ne old with new date. WORKFILE PRI- MOS new copy file, sort by target PRI- MOS TEMP PRI- MOS unload to make newfiles TRGTS. THRU XXXXX CZ.RUNOFF PRI- MOS MOS (PRI-I ENDING run RUNOFF FUN RUNOFF (PRI- SOW date.ORBIT.RUN print 3 copies FIG. 9 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM MP85-0187 8 July 1985 TO: Distribution FROM: M.E. Karr and J.E. Shields SUBJ: MOOP Scene and Area Selection Procedures This memo documents the steps required to select CZCS scenes and areas for processing for MOOP. The following definitions may be useful: Target Area: The ocean has been divided into over 200 target areas by NASA. The target areas of data on tape are given on the tape documentation received from NASA. Scene: A two minute sample of satellite data in all channels. For each channel, a scene consists of 1968 x 970 pixels Area: A portion of a scene processed using 2x2 averaging to yield a 256x256 area. red In order to generate data for some region of the ocean, the target areas for that region are extracted from a target area map. The next steps are then to make a listing of possible scenes, view these scenes for acceptance or rejection, and then choose areas from the accepted scenes. The procedures used to carry out these three steps are given below. The steps are illus- trated in the attached flowchart. MP85-0187 8 July 1985 Page 2 I. Create a Listing of Scenes 1. Attach to the Satellite directory 2. EDIT Trgts. Thru020. or Trgts. Thru040. or Trgts. Thru090. or Trgts. Thru190. or Trgts. Toend. Comment: The above listed files contain target areas 0 to 20, 21 to 40, 41 to 90, 91 to 190, 191 to end, respectively. Memo MP85-006t documents the generation of these files. 3. The target area is located in column 32 in the above listings. So to find your target area of interest type: F(32) XXX where xxx is the target area (TA). Use leading zeroes for TA's less than 100. 4. To get a listing of that TA alone or several successive TA's, you need to unload that section of the file. To do this, note the line number of the first entry in your TA of interest. (Use MODE NU). Then note the line number of the first entry in the TA immediately following your TA or TA's of interest. Take the difference of these two numbers. This tells you how many lines there are in your TA or TA's of interest. Point back to the line of the first entry in your first TA of interest. Then, UNLOAD filename # of lines to unload. 5. If several non-successive TA's are desired, steps 3-4 are repeated as necessary. Then sort and merge the listings you have just created. Use: SORT -MERGE This Prime utility program will ask you the following questions: a) Enter input filename, output filename and # of sorts you wish to perform. The input filename is the first file you wish to sort, merge. The output filename is the name you wish to give to the sorted, merged file. You will always perform 2 sorts in this case. A sort is done by TA and then by orbit. On separate lines enter the start and ending column numbers of the items you wish to sort. Enter: 32 34 1 5 Comment: Sort first by TA located in columns 32-34. Then sort in order by orbit located in columns 1-5. MP85-018t 8 July 1985 Page 3 c) Enter the number of other files you wish to merge. (maximum = 10). d) On separate lines type the remaining files you wish to merge. Hit the RETURN key. The program will tell you when the sort, merge is completed. Note: If you wish to create a listing of a single TA or several successive TA'S, a sort, merge is not necessary. You only need to sort, merge if you wish to create a listing of non-sequential TA's, for example a listing of TA'S 109, 111, 113 would need a sort, merge. 5. After you have created a listing, enter the date you created this listing and the name you have given it into the PACKET notebook, listed under Scenes Log. II. Select or Reject Scenes Once the listing of possible scenes is created, the trans- parency for each scene is viewed and the scene accepted or rejected. If for some special purpose only certain seasons are desired, the seasons are defined as given on the "Seasons" list. Following this page are a list of criteria for selecting a scene and a list of status codes. The status code indicates that the scene has been analyzed and gives the result of that analysis. The code you have given the scene is noted on the scene log. All rejection codes are to be entered at the furthest right of the entry. If the scene was accepted, enter a check mark next to the orbit corresponding to the scene. If a scene is selected, a sticker indicating the TA and VLN number (tape number) is placed in the upper right hand corner of the transparency. All accepted trans- parencies now go in the READY FOR AREA SELECTION bin. MP85-018t 8 July 1985 Page 4 SCENE SELECTION CRITERIA MOOP CZCS PROCESSING A scene may be accepted if it has at least one 512x512 area which meets the following criteria: 1. There must be 512 data lines. 2. There must be at least one 50x50 pixel cloud-free region. If band 6 is available check it for regions that are questionable. 3. If it is too hazy to distinguish cloud holes, reject the scene. Within the cloud-free regions in the area there must be at least 3 points where cells can be pulled which are: a. free of overshoot in all bands b. free of sun glint c. free of data dropouts Note that the full cloud hole need not be free of overshoot, but some portion of it must be definitely free of overshoot. The object here is to choose scenes which will yield an area with at least 3 cells; cells are approximately 150 pixels apart. In target areas with very little data, scenes yielding fewer cells may be accepted. MP85-018t 8 July 1985 Page 5 MOOP STATUS CODES Status codes are assigned to a scene to indicate scene image quality. The codes are added to the tape catalog list to indicate that the transparency for that scene has been examined and the outcome of that examination. The status codes that have been assigned here were with 'MOOP! processing in mind. For this project we are looking for cloud-free atmosphere areas so that the water radiances can be extracted. Minimum useful cloud hole is on the order of 50x50 pixels. There is a degree of subjectivity in assigning these codes. Therefore, when in doubt, look up the transparency and take a look for yourself. All of the codes except 'p' indicate that the scene was rejected for MOOP processing. If it was processed, an ID# will also be entered which will allow the processed output to be located. In some cases an ID# will also be found with a rejection code. For ID#'s before 1600, no processing was done on the scene data. If the ID# is greater than 1600 then it means that the scene was rejected after processing and analysis. LO O B = Bad Data C = Cloudy. Open areas are not sufficiently large. (less than 50x50) G = Sun glint (due to wrong tilt) H = Hazy. Open areas are badly contaminated by haze, fog, or thin cirrus clouds. This judgement is usually made from band 4. D = Data dropouts. Useful areas are too small due to satellite data dropouts. L = Fewer than 512 lines. 0 = Overshoot. Open areas are contaminated by overshoot in any of the first four bands due to clouds on the left. N = No transparency. The transparency associated with the orbit and start time could not be found. T = Tape not found in library. U = Unreadable tape. P = Processed. The area selected within the scene was processed to either calibrated radiances, Kor chlorophyll. S = Sun too low (less than 10° sun elevation). F = Fewer than 3 regions for cell extraction; could be processed to extract 1-2 cells. I = Not in area of interest. MP85-018t 8 July 1985 Page 6 - III. Select Areas - - - The scene selection isolated scenes which should have a good area. This step is to merely confirm that selection and select the exact area coordinates. The criteria for selection are as listed before. In order that the 512x512 pixels used to generate an area not extend beyond the edge of the scene, the following rules are used. 1. X coordinates may range from 1 to 1450. There are a total of 1968 pixels in the x direction. In computing the calibrated radiance, rows x through x+511 are used. Ideally the area selected should be in the middle of the scene. This reduces the distortion that occurs at the edge of the scene. Similarly y coordinates may range from 1 to about 450 or be zero. Line numbers start with l at the top, and lines y through y+511 are extracted. However, y=0 is a code which instructs the computer to use the bottom 512 lines in the scene. 3. Some scenes contain a black block. Do not choose an area where processing will run into that block. Note: Because of the subjective nature of scene and area selection, the area from a scene should be chosen only after several other scenes (approximately 10) have been chosen. Upon re-analysis of the scene, you may find that you would reject it after all. More than 1 area may be selected per scene; select as many good areas as possible. MP85-0187 8 July 1985 Page 7 IV. Follow-up Documentation After each area is chosen, write the corner coordinates and tape number on the corner of the transparency and put the transparency in the area processing bin. Rejected transparencies are put back in the books. The status codes are then entered in the TRGTS. files. This completes scene and area selection. V. Previous Criteria The selection criteria given in this memo include some changes. Smaller cloud holes are acceptable, and more haze is acceptable. These changes are due to our increased confidence in the improved atmospheric removal algorithm. Also, more data dropouts and overshoot are acceptable as long as the cells can be chosen in some portion of the area which are clearly free of overshoot and data drop. For example, a cloud hole which has overshoot in the bottom half of the hole would previously have been rejected but now may be accepted as long as cells are only pulled in the top half of the hole. For reference, the scene selection criteria used as of July '84 is attached, along with the codes used at that time. Janet Janet E. Shields CC: M.E. Karr J.S. Johnson R.W. Johnson W.S. Hering A.G. Hill SCENE AND AREA SELECTION Select TA's (Target Areas) PRIMOS FILE files TRGTS. Create listing of scenes for these TA's Scenes log Accept or Reject Scenes Enter acc, or reject codes in TARGTS.files Transparencies from NASA Choose area corners in accepted scenes, note area corner on transparency Attach Previous criteria As of July 84 SCENE SELECTION CRITERIA FOR MOOP CZCS PROCESSING These criteria should be followed when selecting areas to be processed from transparencies. 1. Avoid any scattered clouds or structure appearing in all bands that may be a low lying cloud. 2. If band 6 is available check it for areas that are questionable. Look for a 200 pixels x 200 pixels area free of solid clouds and free of overshoot in all bands. 4. If possible, choose an area closest to the center of the scene. 5. Use a maximum value of 1450 for the x coordinate. 6. Reject if there are less than 512 lines in the scene and label transparency with code L. ver es Or 7. If over 10 missing lines or other data drop outs, reject and label accordingly. 8. Check for sun glint effects due to an incorrect tilt. . . Wittenberg 7/12/84 sed: 9/5/84 Stillman Previous Codes Prior to this memo . MOOP STATUS CODES. رکوع می STATUS CODES ARE. ASSIGNED TO A SCENE TO INDICATE SCENE IMAGE QUALITY. THE CODES ARE ADDED TO THE TAPE CATALOG LIST TO INDICATE THAT THE TRANSPARENCY FOR THAT SCENE HAS BEEN EXAMINED AND THE OUTCOME OF THAT EXAMINATION. THE STATUS CODES THAT HAVE BEEN ASSIGNED HERE WERE WITH 'MOOP' PROC- CESSING IN MIND. FOR THIS PROJECT WE ARE LOOKING FOR CLEAR ATMOSPHERE AREAS SO THAT THE WATER RADIANCES CAN BE EXTRACTED. MINIMUM USEFUL AREA IS ON THE ORDER OF 100*100 PIXELS. OTHER FACTORS WILL INFLUENCE WHETHER SUCH A SMALL AREA IS USEFUL. IN MUST CASES LARGER AREAS ARE NEEDED. THERE IS A DEGREE OF SUBJECTIVITY IN ASSIGNING THESE CODES. IN ADDITION, WHAT IS USEFUL FOR ONE APPLICATION IS NOT FOR ANOTHER, AND VICE: VERSA. THEREFORE WHEN IN DOUBT LOOK UP THE TRANSPARENCY AND TAKE A LOOK FOR YOURSELF. . ALL OF THE CODES EXCEPT 'p' INDICATE THAT THE SCENE WAS REJECTED FOR MOOP PROCESSING. THE CODE IS ENTERED INTO THE TAPE CATALOG SO THAT IT WON'T BE CONSIDERED AGAIN. IF IT WAS PROCESSED. AN ID# WILL ALSO BE ENTERED WHICH WILL ALLOW THE PROCESSED OUTPUT TO BE LOCATED IN SOME CASES AN ID# WILL ALSO BE BE FCK'NO WITH A REJECTION CODE. FOR IDH'S BEFORE 1600 NO PROCESSING WiiS DONE ON THE SCENE DATA. IF THE ID# IS GREATER THAN 1600 THEN IT MEANS THAT THE SCENE WAS REJECTED W.FTER PROCESSING AND ANALYSIS. B - Bad Data Ć - CLOUDY. OPEN AREAS ARE NOT SUFFICIENTLY LARGE. G - SUN GLINT (due to wrong tilt) H- HAZY. OPEN AREAS ARE CONTAMINATED BY HAZE. FOG, OR THIN CIRRUS CLOUDS. THIS JUDGEMENT IS USUALLY MADE FROM BAND 4. D - DATA DROPOUTS. USEFUL AREAS ARE TOO SMALL DUE_TO SATELLITE DATA DROPOUTS. L - Fewer than 512 LINES O - OVERSHOOT. OPEN AREAS ARE CONTAMINATED BY OVER SHOOT IN ANY OF THE FIRST FOUR DANOS DUE TO CLOUDS ON THE LEFT. N - NO TRANSPARENCY. THE TRANSPARENCY ASSOCIATED WITH START TIME COULD NOT BE FOUND. THE ORBIT AND T - TAPE NOT FOUND IN LIBRARY. U - UNREADABLE TAPE. PROCESSED. THE AREA SELECTED WITHIN THE SCENE WAS PROCESSED TO P - EITHER CALIBRATED RADIANCES. K OR CHLOROPHYL. 5-SUN-TOO LOH ttess than tol sunetevationt A- Area Too Small Not areas of interest 7 annon 11:29:20 065-ATL N CORIEGAL SPAIN 0241 (2) 80/07/10 969 H 10 Time Code PAGE Attach a scenes and put #lines 970 970 460 60 970 970 460 C:0 со Log CIL 48 -. --. ....... mm-..-.-. --.--rocs !Ring 68 C,L Co Ciu mku pre po poti fond and the phone pod pond hand to hand fand bond that pada panda fasta 460 ... -------- 14 1967 &a / 82/ formed Bond fond P. 1968 ....... -- ------- 923 N 671 956 CID HO 2051 P... 970 С, Н 970 p 1966 C:L C:D ... ............. 000 phone w nad Www ULN te version & 4927 (3) 02/09/21 4927 (3) 8270 4938 (1) 6270 4938 (1) 22/09/21 4927 (3) 82/09/21 4927 131 52709721 4938 (1) 82/09/21 4938 (11 82709721 5544 (3) 6076 (3) 6107 (1) 6107 (2) 82/ 5037 (2) 37 (3) (2) 22/0 2409 (3) 6210 1676 8170 (3) 8170 (1) 81/05/28 (3) 8270 (1) 8270 (3) 8270 (2) 8210 4.057.(3) 8210 ili 82103/22 8270 (3) 8270 8270 3722 83/05/01 83/05/01 83/05/01 2370 5701 8270 1/25 (2) 82/01/25 (3) 8210 8210 8370 o . . . . . grand the u and hand tat ... - - - ... 970 C Ć -ě N- 7-85-85 - tit at the 00182 11/06/78 1 Date 057 2/15/79 05768 12/15/75 05768 12/15/79 -12/15/-7. 12/15177 05768 12/15/75) 05768 12115/79 0576E-12415779 05781 12/16/79 05781 12/16/79 057817 12/16/79 271617 05809 ,12/12/79 ✓ 12,118! 77 05824 12/19/79 1 0565 er21,779 OSE64 12/22/79 05864 12/22/77 05864 122779 05865 /22/79 05865 12/22/79 05879, 12/23/79 OV 12/26179 1./12/26179 12/26/12 12/26179 12/27/179 12/27/79. 12/28/79 V, 12120179 2/28/79 28/79 12/25/79 05961 12/29/79 09901 12:29/79 --01101160 0111gi80 01/10/80 01.10/30 011G C1,13 20 01/16/20 01/16/80 01/16/803 OL:19:20 91199/80 01:24:60 06335r oli 25,90 0113 06404 06904 01/30/89 06,773 06472 02/04/00 02:05,80 02/05/20 darosi 60 021080 02/061770 Qa! 07/ 80 2107/50 02107/80 02/10/80 02/10180 Ci&o 06569 021111 02/11/80 02/11/80 .-Qo638 - 02/16/80 02/16/80 02:17180 ſ $691 02/18/80 93.02/20/80 10693 02/20/80 1106694 02/20/BO the pod hud puud tund had had found MOON numunoon00monorogo o modant pas Oavo norumunoamaaaammmmron - - non ruang may mmt mimrumaaruruNANIMOOTO - rum moi mat mrad rv rim od morum ru * momomonet moontummor onmotorot ovan)Donnonvrinning of om mamma901 narium rumm ruru MOOO0Ottostogod muy arrurummo mrururumoooOOO my pad more and mode oru nad road mt OOMUMMOOO mau MoMM MOUSOT nurunrururururu OOOOmrumO0Oruro Turunnmrunun MMM000 Omniuri Ort coin minorrindoonruiloOMMTIMMMM Mrut runo Nururururururunuwarum ruru ru ru ru rummoned and manurururummmortat rad pod rururunun Qiu ruj me rade na unanimmmmmmmmmrmrommrimm en pod had TA Location 207-MID ATL 207-MID ATL 207-MID ATL 207-MID ATL... 209-MID ATL. 209-MID ATL. 209-MID ATL. 209-MID ATL.--- 207-MID ATL 207-MID ATL 207-MID ATL 207-MID-ATL-a. --MID ATL 207-MID ATL 209-MID ATL. .. . 104-GULF STREAM ........ 207-MID ATL 207-MID ATL 207-MID ATL 209-MID ATL. 209-MID ATL. -MID) ATL 207-MID ATL 207-MID ATL monar 209-MID ATL. 207-MID ATL -207-MID ATL 207-MID ATL 207-MID ATL 207 MID ATL -MID 207 -MID ATL 207-MID ATL 207-MID ATL 104-GULF STREAM 104-GULF STREAM 202-14]. 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MUNUNJONUNUNUNUNNNNNNNINUN and he had had found and that he had had youd tod pod to 83/05/01 7315 (3) 23/0 3074 (3) €2/01/25 6698 (3) 83/05/01 6698 (2) 83/05 6698 (3) 23/05/01 (2 8270 4204 (1! 62/03 2397 (1) 8270 4294 (1) &210 10758 (21 4306 (2) 22/03/ 1075811! 83/05/ 12?178(3) 83/05/ 12179 (1) 93/05/01 7554 (1) 53! 05/0 308s (1) 52/01/25 3086 (2) E270 1/25 50 (1) 81/12/18 24 (1) 82/03/ 4025 (2) 821031 4025 (3) e2/03 4554 (1) 8270 (2) 8270 (3) 8210 22/0 3266 (3) 8210 (3) 8270 8270 2452 (2) 82/01/2 2452 (3) 82/01/2 10824(1) 83/05 4219 (1) 82/03/ 6445 (2) 82/09/21 6424 (1) 8270 2327 131 81/12/18 ( ( dond do II NO.C put here HX CH cit pet 3267 / ✓ put and had pupil pou peo fond land med end and find for a w # G they . -. ..... -- --- H OH 1980 p ..... ................ tot het kind and had to put fut pada I UL! Il OI vuudüz ----------------...---- 407 N 7-29-85 .. - ................. -------- --------- ---. ..---- . . . 00YWOO ier " : ... . .... ., Attachment 4 SEASONS Spring: 22 March to 20 June Summer: 21 June to 22 September Fall: 23 September to 22 December Winter: 23 December to 21 March TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM MP85-0190 8 July 1985 TO: Distribution FROM: M.E. Karr, J.J. Johnson, J.E. Shields SUBJ: MOOP Area Processing The following pages document the area processing procedure. The general procedure is to edit the file DATA.IN, which contains the information which varies from one run to the next. The phantom file P CPL177CRD is then run. This phantom file starts the CPL file C_177CRD.CPL. This CPL file in turn does the following: a) start a como file CHECK.CPL; b) read in the file DATA.IN, and c) direct the use of 0P177 in IP to read the tape and extract the radiance images. The resulting como file may be used to verify the success of the run. Area processing is illustrated in the attached flowchart. The procedures are listed on the following pages. Janet Chields Janet E. Shields Cc: A.G. Hill ROW. Johnson MP85-0190 8 July 1985 Page 2 AREA PROCESSING Fill in the table in the MOOP log book. (see attached page). You will need to enter the information listed below. Item a is the next number in the log book; items b-f and j are on the transparency, and g-h are written on the transparency during area selection; item i is filled in after area processing is completed. sovou o a. ID# (each area processed is assigned a sequential ID#) b. orbit number date, in the form MMDDYY scene center (the latitude and longitude) number of scan lines tilt the x and y corner from which to start processing. A 512x512 area will be processed. h. Vislab number (VLN), each tape upon arrival at the Vislab is assigned a VLN. This number includes a file pair number. The file pair number indicates the scene location on the tape. i. status code, either a P for a processed image or U for an unreadable tape. comments, the start time should be entered in this column. 2. Mount the input CRT tape (Calibrated Radiance Transmittance) on drive 2. Do not assign drive 2, and make sure no one has assigned drive 25 If someone is using drive 2 and you only need to read the tape you may use either drive 1 or 0. See step 11 for procedures. 3. Attach to sub UFD ATLAS>$CPL>AREA A ATLAS>$CPL>AREA 4. Edit the file DATA.IN, using the replace command (R). This file is one line of numbers, separated by spaces. The numbers are the appropriate values for the following variables: DISK INSKIP FILE XSTRT YSTRI ID# VLN# # where DISK = 5. All area processing is done on IP disk 5. INSKIP = number of files to skip on tape. Each scene requires 2 files to be described. There are 3 scenes on a tape so for the 1st file pair, inskip = 0 2nd file pair, inskip = 2 3rd file pair, inskip = 4 O O ♡ MP85-0196 8 July 1985 Page 3 FILE = what area number this will be on the tape. 19 areas may be processed on each tape. So the file number will be a number from 1 to 19. XSTRT = the starting x coordinate YSTRT = the starting y coordinate ID# = a sequential number assigned to each area processed VLN# = VisLab assigned tape number, includes file pair number. so the format is NNNN.n, where NNNN is the VLN# and n is the file pair #. Save DATA.IN using the FILE command. 5. Make sure CZSAVEINPUT exists, if not dummy it, i.e. create an empty file with this name. 6. Execute the phantom file P CPL177CRD: PHP_CPL177CRD The phantom run will take from approximately 15-20 minutes. If the phantom is still running after 20 minutes there may be a problem. See step 12. 7. Edit CHECK.CPL to see if run was successful. a. Go to the bottom (B) b. Go back up 60 lines (N-60) c. Print 10 lines to see ID#, IP file, and VLN#. Make sure the ID# and VLN# correspond to what you have entered in DATA.IN. An incorrect ID# and file pair number are errors that can occur. Also check that approximately 500 lines have been scanned. Occasionally it is desired to see the amount of money that was required to run this program. Go back to the bottom and then come back up 10 lines and then print 10 lines. You will then see the amount of money used. This may be entered in the comment column for the MOOP area processing notebook. 15 8. Update the log book by entering a P or U in the status code column. If there were problems see step 12. Write p and the ID# on the sticker located in the upper right hand corner of the transparency. Place processed transparencies in the CELL PROCESSING bin. 10. If 19 areas have been processed, they are ready to be written to tape. It takes 6 files to describe the six individual band representations of a scene, therefore 114 files can be written to tape (19x6 = 114). Use Operation 40 in the IP system to write from disk to tape. MP85-0190 8 July 1985 Page 4 a. AS D nnnnn, where nnnnn is the physical device number you will most likely be using D 460 AS MTn, where n is the tape drive number. Either 2 or 1. oo 4ois Type IPSHARE to get into the IP system. Enter what room you are in e. Enter what disk you are using, you will most likely be using disk 5. For number of columns and rows, enter 256 256 For operation, enter 40 (to write to tape). Enter the file number at which you wish to begin writing, then the last file number you wish to write to tape. In response to the prompt RCKFHB, enter zero (0) for real data. Then enter the number of files you wish to skip. This number depends on the number of files already on tape. For this reason it is important to keep track of how many files are currently on tape. If this is the first file on the tape, skip = zero (0). The drive number will either be 1 or 2 since you can only write to tape on either of these 2 drives. To get out of IPSHARE, type 45 in response to Select Operation, After the files are on tape, rewind the tape and record the new files written to tape. These tapes are stored on the wall adjacent to the printer. i. 11. What to do if drive 2 or physical device 460 is being used: a. Edit P CPL177CRD Change MT2 to MTn, where n is the new drive number Change D 460 to D nnn, where n is the new disk number b. Edit C 177CRD.CRL Point to line 31 and change %INSKIP% 2 to %INSKIP% n, where n is the new drive number. Do the same at lines 34 and 54. c. See attached listing for more information. 12. Problems a. If the y coordinate is greater than 450 and the program has ended with an error, adjust the y coordinate so that it is less than 450. b. If in CHECK.CPL where the program reads the scan lines, the scan line number does not change i. Stop the phantom as in step 13 ii. Give the transparency code U (unreadable) iii. Reassign ID# to next area and use same file number for next area to be processed Place transparency in bin labeled REJECTED-READY FOR PROCESSING CODE ENTRY. MP85-0191 8 July 1985 Page 5 c. If program ends with error, try cleaning the heads of the tape drive. The tape drive heads should be cleaned before and after area processing. After about 10 tapes have been run the heads should again be cleaned. 13. To stop a phantom: a. Type STATUS to find phantom user number b. Type LO -USER#, where # is the phantom user number. Attach i AREA PROCESSING Start phantom P_CPL177CRD phantom starts CPL file C_177 CRD.CPL edit DATAIN CPL file starts OP-177 & COMO file CRT Tape OP-177: read tape OP-177: Calibrate, navigate pixels OP-177: output 6 images, I per band check como file to verify success * steps requiring operator interaction Attach z HMR DAVE, ATITIBO file P/ CPL 177CRD (IMP DAVE, A1111B) COMO O_CPL 177CRT DATE AS MTE see step 1: drive AS D 460 La disk COMO O CPL 177CRT -PAUSE RC 177CRD. CPL COMO CONTINUE LOGOUT file DATA. IN 5 4 1 570 1 1 107.3 a > IO# My Disk InSkip FILE XSTART YSTA RT- # Non COMO CHECK. EPL ATTACH 3 file c-177 CRD.CPL COMO CHECK. CPL 2АТЕ /* CPL FILE TO RUN OP 177 TO GET CALIBRATED RADIANCES FROM TAPE OPEN 'ATLAS>$CPL>$AREA>DATA. IN' 7 1 &SET VAR SPACE := &SET VAR 10 : = 0 &DO DISK ITEMS [READ FILE 7 10) T VAR DISK : = (TRIM DISK%) &SET VAR INSKIP : = [AFTER %DISK% %SPACE%] &SET VAR INSKIP := [TRIM ZINSKIP%) &SET VAR DISK : = [BEFORE %DISK% %SPACE%] BIGFILE : = [AFTER WINSKIP% %SPACE%) VAR GFILE : = (TRIM ZBIGFILE%3 &SET VAR INSKIP : = (BEFORE ZINSKIP% %SPACE%) XSET VAR XSTRT : = [AFTER ZBIGFILE% %SPACE%] &SET VAR XSTRT : = (TRIM ZXSTRT%) BIGFILE : = (BEFORE ZBIGFILE% %SPACE%) YSTRT : = [AFTER %XSTRT% %SPACE%] T : = [TRIM WYSTRT%) TRT : = [BEFORE %XSTRT% %SPACE%3 ID : = [AFTER ZYSTRT% %SPACE%] SET VAR ID : = [TRIM ZID%] ESET VAR YSTRT : = [BEFORE %YSTRT% %SPACE%] & SET VAR VLN := CAFTER %ID% ZSPACE%] XSET VAR ID : = [BEFORE %9D% %SPACE%] &.DATA SEG VISLAB>$IP. RUNFILES>#IPROOT. SHARE VAR YS -drive # line 32 37 ; see step" %DISK% 256 256 SKIPE ZINSKIP% 0 /* EOF TO SKIP, DRIVE I 177 /* FOR TAPE INPUT /* DRIVE O FOR INPUT E line 34 o /*RD HEADER 11 2 2 %XSTRT% %YSTFT% ni fond н\\Jні BE /*CAL. TABLES /* CZSAVE INPUT 1 /*OK TO OW 1 109 2 110 3 111 4 112 5 113 6 114! %ID% 109 %VLN% 44 256 1536 v 19 O %B ICFILE% /*REHIND TAPE DRIVE O K line DELETE T#0000 SEND WEND LO RETURN Attach 3-1 عميهمهمهوهههلملهمههت file CHECK.CPL Monday, June 24, 1985 11:01 AM 各式各长多长长长长长长长长长长长长长长长长长长长长长长长长长长长长长长长长长长 ​IMAGE PROCESSING PROGRAM *** * * * * * ** VISIBILITY LABORATORY SCRIPPS INSTITUTION OF OCEANOGRAPHY UCSD * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 女​·* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TIME - 11:01:32 DATE - MON, JUN 24 1985 Where are you?: Refresh room (R)/STC room (S)/Other (0) - - - - PHYS DEV - 050660 060660 070660 100660 000460 000462 010462 010460 020061 020063 DISK NAME - OWNER IPDT01 KAFR IPDTO2 - MCGLAMERY IPDTO3 SHIELDS IPDTO4 SCRATCH1 IPDT05 MOOP-IP IPDTO6 SCRATCH2 IPDTo7 FOX IPDT08 CELL-IP IPDT09 SCRATCH3 IPDT10 BARALE IIIIIIII!!! Enter Data Disk #: (1 -10) H. hat NCOLS= NROWSE 256 256 User Matrix Size: X-axis= 256 y-axis= 256i Memory Tables: 10 User data files are available on the selected disk (Disk # 5) as follows: 115 Real files (4-bytes per data valve). 231 Integer files (bytes per data value). 462 Byte files (d-byte per data value). Select Operation Center name or #; add * for HELP: SKIPE Operation is 65: SKIPEOF #EOFS. TO. SKIP= DRIVE#: W *** For HELP: SKIPEom ac Skip to proper file or tape al EOF DETECTED (1) OF DETECTED (2) EOF DETECTED (3) EOF DETECTED (4) ect Operationscenter name or # add * for HELP: Start OP 177 - 177 Operation is (177 CRTT. READ FEADFILE= TEDISK#= (THIS FOR DISK INPUT. FOR TAPE INPUT HIT RETURN) TAPE UNIT, TAPE ID ? (ENCLOSE TAPE ID IN CTAPEIDA', ENTER -1 TO SEE LIST OF OPTIONS : ELSE ENTER OPTION L read file head EOF DETECTED (i) CRTT STANDARD HEADER NIMBUS-7 NOPS SPEC NO 1744041 SQ NO ZE16001-3 CZCS IPD TO 12 START 1979 165 153752 TO 1979 165 153952 GEN 1980 240 135752 ENTER -1 TO SEE LIST OF OPTIONS : ELSE ENTER OPTION 11 read leading documentation 1 ILT INFORMATION and data ORBIT = 3226 YEAR = 1979 DAY = 165 TIME = 56220000 1537.00 S/C DAY = 16 SUN RT. ASCENSION DEG 82. 3618 82.3 0.000000 SUN DECLINATION - DEG 23. 2528 23. 2529 .000000 SUB SAT LONG - DEG 61.8979 -62.9 0.000000 SUB SAT LAT - DEG 30. 3175 33. 7271 .000000 ALTITUDE - KM 952. 385 753. 203 0.000000 NT = 128 ROLL PITCH YAW MEAN 1. 047 -0.002 1. 176. f Attach ²-2 Monday, June 24, 1985 11:01 AM CHECK.CPL cont - average 2x2 STD 0.074 O. 174 0.059 MIN O. 896 -0. 173 1. 004 MAX 1. 147 O. 369 1. 261 OTILT = 19.59 BLACKBODY CALIB TEMP = 291.81 GAIN = 0 THRESHOLD = SC, DN, TBC, ANC, AR, BR = 134. 2 54. 00 18. 74 1. 318 -4. 2693E-03 1.891 ENTER X AND Y INCREMENTS (DEFAULT=1.01 2 2 2. 000 2. 000 ENTER UPPER LEFT HAND COORDINATES OF EXTRACTED ARRAY CZCS IMAGE IS 1968 BY 970 WITH (1, 1) IN UPPER LEFT HAND CORNER FIRST SAMPLE - 1 = FIRST ON LEFT HAND SIDE 570 X START FIRST SCAN LINE - TOP LINE OF EXTRACTED ARRAY = O WILL START READING FROM BEGINNING OF TAPE WE ARE LOOKING FOR SCAN SEQUENCE NO # Y START ISCAN = 100 ISCAN = 150 ISCAN = 200 ISCAN = 250 ISCAN = 300 ISCAN = 350 ISCAN = 400 ISCAN 450 'ISCAN IS 459 459 ARE RESPONSES COMING FROM A COMMAND FILE?: -:-- - : : DO YOU WANT RAW DATA = 0 (BYTE MODE) CALIBRATED RADIANCES = 1 (REAL MODE) ATMOSPHERIC CORRECTED DATA = 2 (REAL MODE) RAYLEIGH SUBTRACTED RADIANCES = 3 OR SATELLITE CALCULATIONS = 4 "/" WILL RESULT IN 2 - yield calibrated ITYPE = 2 - radiances DO YOU WANT AVERAGING OF PIXELS BETWEEN INCREMENTS?: FOR THE FIRST 5 BANDS, DO YOU WANT TO USE WAYNE'S OF BALL BROTHERS CALIBRATION TABLES (BB= DEFAULT) ?(ENTER W OR BB) BE OK, WILL USE BALL BROTHERS CALIBRATION TABLES WAVE LEADING DOC SUBCOM COMPUTED 0.01500 0.04000 0.04452 0.03963 0.000 0.000 Q. 03100 O. 06400 0.03103 0.063 O. 000 0.000 O. 025000. OBOQO 0.02467 0.07992 0.000 0.000 0.01100 0. 01100 0. 01136 0.011 36 0.000 0.000 0.09400-2.02800 0.09416-0.02825 O. 000 0.000 -O. 00410 1. B1914 -0.00407 1. 79300 -0.004 1. 891 IGAIN USE NOMINAL CAL TABLES (5), SPECIFIC(0-3), OR SUBCOMMUTATED(4) (ONLY USED FOR TEMPERATURE SINCE A NEW GAIN IS READ EVERY SCAN LINE) I RESULTS IN TUUvi vivana knew rioodoo ALL INPUT INFO WILL BE WRITTEN OUT TO A FILE IN YOUR UFD. BY DEFAULT, THIS WILL BE CZSAVE INPUT' IF ANOTHER NAME WISHED, ENTER IT IN QUOTES (ELSE 1) WILL WRITE TO CZSAVEINPUT OUTFILE ALREADY EXISTS. OK TO OVERWRITE? WHICH CHANNELS DO YOU WANT STORED AND WHERE (CHAN, SF),... IF WANT (1, 1), (2, 2),...,16,6) - ENTER 991 Attach is 3 CHECK.CPL Monday, June 24, 1985 11:01 AM cont 1 109 2 110 3 111 4 112 5 113 6 1141 DYNAMIC BUFFER HOLDS 6 ARRAYS OF TOTAL BYTES USED FOR IMAGES = 61440 store total nodicale, bands 1-6 5 ROWS, EACH ROW CONTAINING 2048 BY UUS 512-row loop begins now ... ROW NUMBER SCAN ROW NUMBER SCAN ROW NUMBER SCAN ROW NUMBER SCAN ROW NUMBER SCAN ROW NUMBER SCAN ROW NUMBER SCAN ROW NUMBER SCAN ROW NUMBER SCAN # ROW NUMBER SCAN # = ROW NUMBER 502 SCAN # = Bononanono 11 !! llllllllllllllllll 460 510 560 610 660 710 760 810 860 910 960 Աւևևևմ ևմևևս և 461 511 561 611 661 711 761 811 861 911 961 REC # REC REC REC # TAPE VLN#?? Encountered Trailing Documentation record TOTAL TIME = Ohrsi 15 mins DO YOU WANT TO ENTER: ID#, IP FILE# FOR SAVE DATA, AND IF SO ENTER ID#, IP FILE#, AND VLN# IF NOT ENTER OOR 1. 1 109 107.3 + IPFILE ID# NSUPX NSUPY LATSAV 109 : 1.000 841.0 255 41. 131 LONGSAV 66. 594 - INCH INC X INCY MUSAV O. 909 MUOSAV 0.737 XCORN 570 YCORN TILT 20.000 NSUBX 136 NSUBY 129 COSGP 0.71051 COSGM -0.99347 AVGED? 1. 01572 FFF (1) 1. 00000 FFF (2) 1. 00000 FFF(3) 1. 00000 FFF (4) 1.00000 FFF (5) 1. 00000 FFESHOO FFF (6) 1. 00000 FEED 447 ORBIT ORBDATE TANSEC TANMSC VLN+ 3226 165. 79 56360.00 70.00 107. 30 GAINCO-3) ALT 0752 794 CLOSING UNITSAVE IN CZMAIN Select Operation enter name on # add FOTO HELP: Operation is 44: SIZE NCULSE ROWSE 6 1536 Select Operation center name or #, aŭd } for HELP: Operatioti is 2: DISKIO READFILE= RCKFHBI STOREFILE= 19 0 1 Select Operation Center name or #adri * for HELP: Operation is 54: REWIND DRIVE U tiga per farlo name or #i # * for 64 Select Operation center name or # Operation is 45: EXIT CX add * For HELP: 45 Elapsed Job Time = OH 21M 22. 5475 TIME - 11:22:55 DATE - MON, JUN 24 1985 Delete PRINTER file? 1 SHIELD (231 LOGGED OUT AT 11:22 062485 TIME USED= 0: 21 6:59 1:06 OTAL CONNECT TIME WAS TOTAL CPU TIME WAS TOTAL DISK 170 WAS 21.7 MINUTES. 419.3 SECONDS. 67. 7 SECONDS. SYSTEN CHARGES ARE $9.68 Mood Log! Attacha sample PIA POHL 7 ONTBenmorzaTTIHITTOmtu NHOS 31119 = N213 IUC TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM MP85-0210 13 August 1985 TO: Distribution FROM: J.S. Fox and J.E. Shields SUBJ: Cell Processing This memo documents the operator steps required for cell processing. This step follows area processing, which yields a set of 6 256x256 calibrated radiance images, all representing the same view of the ocean, but acquired in 6 different spectral bands. Supporting information such as orbit number is contained in the first image file. In cell processing, the operator brings the area processed images up on the monitor for viewing, and then chooses sample data, designated cells, from the image. A cell is typically 3x3 pixels. The computer averages the radiance for these 9 pixels, and stores this radiance and other supporting information as one line of an output file. This one line of data, called a packet, is then available for later processing steps. The cell processing procedure is documented on the following pages written primarily by J.S. Fox, and illustrated in the attached flowchart. Janet there's Janet E. Shields CC: R.W. Johnson M.E. Karr J.S. Johnson J.S. Fox MP85-0210 13 August 1985 Page 2 CELL PROCESSING PROCEDURES I. Loading an Area Processed Tape (in CRT format) on to Disk: 1. Tape Location a. the area processed tapes that are ready for Cell Processing are stored on the wall between the sliding glass door of the Refresh Room and the hall. 2. Selecting a Tape a. The Packet log should be looked at to see which is the current tape. 3. Reading the Tape a. Check to see if the write ring is in the tape, if so, remove it. b. Mount the tape on a drive. c. Log in to the Prime, assign the tape drive and a disk, usually D 10460; attach Atlas and Packet by the command: A Atlas > $Packet d. Into the IP system: Use Iphshare to get in the IP system. Answer the following prompts like this: where are you = S enter Data Disk # = 8 NCOLS NROWS = 256 256 Use OP 41 Tape Read to read the tape. Check the tape for the total number of files. Read in all the files you have room for on your assigned disk. Maximum number of files on tape is 114. When the tape read is over, use OP 45 to exit the IP system. You should be ready to start cell processing files you read in. MP85-021t 13 August 1985 Page 3 II. Bringing up the area for viewing. 1. You are now outside the IP system with an OK prompt: Type FASTP Disk # File # Target Area Date Disk # = the disk where your data is, usually disk #8. File # = starting file for processing. (See Packet log for last file processed). Target Area = the NASA ID for Target Area usually of the format i.e. TA69 Date = Today's date in the following format: 28NOV84 Having started FASTP, a CPL Program, you will not have to interact with your terminal until OP 337 is called by the FASTP program. FASTP will bring the images in the four visible bands up on the screen. 2. Image Enhancement by OP 337 a. If all is going well, you should be looking at four 256x256 images. Image Block 1 Image Block 2 Band 1 1 =440 Band 2 1=520 Band 3 1=550 Band 4 1 =670 Image Block 3 Image Block 4 Figure 1 You will use the trackball and the four buttons to enhance the 4 images one at a time. Button A Advances one Image Button B Backup one Image Button D to exit When enhancing, remember you want to find not only the minimum radiance but also see the different water types. MP85-0210 13 August 1985 Page 4 III. Checking the ident information. 1. . FASTP, when OP 337 is exited, will send you to OP 186 and answer the first few prompts, which allow the system to set up the packet file. 2. At this point check the Info data with the data on the transparency. Generally, it is only necessary to check orbit number and start time. If they are consistent, skip over the "Enter Start-Time Data" and the "Change Info Data" prompts. IV. The Cell Selection Loop. Once you get by the 'Enter Start-Time Data' and the 'Change Info Data' prompt, you are in the cell selection loop. The rules for choosing a cell are given in the next section; the procedures are given here. 1. The first prompt will be the ID. At this point we generally will not change the ID - (ID is the Area Ident.) OP 186 prompt: Present ID = ID# Change it?: D # 2. OP 186 prompt: Cell Select Key = Image Block #= For Cell Select key see Table #1. For Image Block #, see Figure 1. 3. The next prompt will be for the size of the cell. OP 186 prompt: Enter Cell Parameters: xsize=ysize= xpos=ypos= Before you answer the prompt, move the cursor to the location you want. Then answer the prompt. xsize and ysize are generally 3 3 ; xpos and ypos are left blank so that the computer uses the cursor position. 4. The program will next display the latitude and longitude of the cell center and prompt the user with: OP 186 Prompt: Inspect Cell Re-enter location? its size or If you like your pick, answer NO (0), if not, Yes (1). If Yes, you will loop back to the Enter Cell Parameters prompt. MP85-0210 13 August 1985 Page 5 5. If No, the next prompt displayed will be the list of Cell statistics. If the individual pixels within the cell are not adequately consistent, you will be notified. at this point. OP 186 prompt: Save This Data. If you get no error message for bands 1-4, and you still like the cell, answer Yes. 6. After Save This Data is answered, the next prompt encountered will be, OP 186 prompt: Repeat for New Cell? 7 Answer Yes and repeat the steps given in this section until all the cells required, as given in the next section, have been selected. When the last cell has been selected, answer No to this prompt, and proceed with Annotation. V. Rules for cell selection. 1. Using criteria a-e below, select CELL location represen- ting the minimum radiance in each band within the target AREA. (Use Key 2 or 4). (See Table 1 for cell selection ident nos.) 2. Next, extract cells for grid points, as follows. Use the Nine Zone Grid as a guide for each of nine additional CELL locations. (See Figure 2). 3. If the center of the Grid location meets the CELL selection criteria listed below, set the cursor and pick the grid point CELL. 4. If not, move the CELL location preferably within the solid square, otherwise within the grid zone (the dashed square) to a nearby position that does meet the criteria, and pick the relocated CELL. 5. If no suitable CELL location exists within the grid zone, then skip it and move to the next Grid location. 6. Use CELL selection Key 6.X, 7.x, or 8.X, to identify this procedure. Here X is grid zone number, and 6, 7, or 8 indicates quality as noted below. If a certain grid zone is skipped, skip the corresponding key. .. MP85-0210 13 August 1985 Page 6 CELL SELECTION CRITERIA a. CELL should be out of visible overshoot regions in all bands. b. 1) CELL should not include a cloud. If possible, stay at least 16 pixels from either cloud or land. If a distance less than 16 must be selected, use Key Code 8.X rather than 6.X. Haze in band 4 is 0.K., and uniform moderate haze in band 1 is 0.K. (Use normal Key 6.X). If the haze in band 1 is structured or dense near the CELL, use Key Code 7.X rather than 6.X. If it is very hazy in band 1 (normally Key 7) and less than 16 pixels from cloud or land (normally Key 8) skip the grid zone. C. 6.X = Normal Selection, Light, uniform haze near CELL. 7.X = Alternate Selection, Heavy or Structured haze near CELL. 8.X = Cloud/Land Proximity Alert, within 16 pixels. CELL should pass the flagged criteria AVG/STD > 50 and MIN > AVG-2 STD in bands 1-4. If it does not, first make the CELL smaller. If 2x2 still does not pass, move the CELL. Choose near the center point of the grid whenever possible. If another location must be chosen, it is best to choose a location with the predominant water type. VI. Annotation and exit. 1. So we can have a hard copy of the cell selection, a slide is shot of the four Image blocks we can see, plus annotation. The procedure is: a. After you have said No to Repeat for New Cell, next will be displayed, OP 186 prompt: Erase cell Graphics Phane(s)?: Answer No if you want to shoot a slide. MP85-0210 13 August 1985 Page 7 b. Next question will be: OP 186 prompt: Display Annotation?: Answer Yes if you want to shoot a slide. When the program is done displaying the annotation, shoot the slide. The last prompt of the program: OP 186 prompt: Erase Annotation?: Answer Yes. OP 186 is now over. 2. Exit the IP system, OP 45, or Ex At this point there should be a file named, with a packet for each cell you have pulled. The full procedure of Steps II through VI are now repeated in order to pull packets for the a on disk. You may use the same date on the FASTP prompt, and the new packets will be added to the end of the file. Table 1. CELL SELECTION KEYS - Format: NNN.NN Key Description Describes homogeneous cell of a distinct water type. (Corresponds to green cell graphics) 2.1 2.2. mto Select MINIMUM RADIANCE in band 1 band 2. band 3 band 4 band 5 band 6 (Corresponds to red cell graphics) 3.1 3.2. 3.3 Nm 3.4 3.5 Select MAXIMUM RADIANCE in band 1 band 2 band 3 band 4 band 5 band 6 4.1 Select MINIMUM RADIANCE same location in bands 1,2,3 same location in bands 3,4 same location in bands 2,3,4 same location in ALL BANDS same location in ALL BANDS except 4 due to overshoot same location in bands 1,2 same location in bands 2,3 (Corresponds to red cell graphics) 4.6 4.7 5.0 5.1 5 5.6 5.7. w NW - 6.1 6.2 Same K list location and MIN RADIANCE in ALL BANDS in bands 1,2,3 in bands 3,4 in bands 2,3,4 in bands 1,2 in bands 2,3 (Corresponds to blue cell graphics) Representative cell within grid zone 1 zone 2 zone 3 zone 4 zone 5 zone 6 zone 7 zone 8 zone 9 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 Representative 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 cell, grid zone 1, hazy zone 2, zone zone zone 5, zone 6, zone zone 8, zone 9, 7.8 7.9 Table 1. CELL SELECTION KEYS - Format: NN.NN (Continued) Description Кеу 8.1 = = = 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 covoir own Representative cell, grid zone l, 0-16 pixel from cloud or land zone 2, zone 3, zone 4, zone 5, zone 6, zone 7, zone 8, zone 9, = = = = 999 Junk NINE ZONE GRID i FIRST Amor For CELL LOCATION YONE BOUN Only - - - - - - Figure 2. Zone Grid Cell Processing Load Area-processed Data onto Disk Start FASTP to Bring Area onto Screen Enhance Images for this Área Check Ident Select Minimum Radiance Select Ceil for Each Zone Annotate Image, Take a Slide of image Exitie ON Tio Areas on Disk Processed yes End TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM MP85-0201 13 August 1985 TO: Distribution FROM: J.E. Shields SUBJ: Packet Processing with FINALCEL This memo documents certain aspects of packet processing, as done in MOOP. Tech memo MP85-020t, documents the generation of packets using cell processing. Memo MP85-005t shows how to run these packets through the next program, FINALCEL, and how to sort and plot the resulting K values. This memo more fully documents the input and output of FINALCEL as well as giving an overview of the logic of the program. A sample packet file is shown in Attachment 1, along with the names of the variables given in the packet. The listing in this format is created using the command SPLPKT filename. A brief definition of these variables is given in Attachment 2, extracted from memo AV84-054t. The basic function of FINALCEL is to input the average radiances listed in each packet, and compute the water properties, specifically K, the diffuse attenuation coefficient. The general physics behind this is given in B.M. McGlamery's note, Overview of MOOP Project Physics. The attached overview of FINALCEL subroutines lists the function performed by each subroutine. The attached flowchart gives a very general summary of the functions of the program. I will not attempt a documentation of the equations used in the atmospheric algorithm in this summary note. MP85-020t 13 August 1985 Page 2 A sample of the K list output is attached. This file is used as input to the sequential sorting and plotting steps. The details of the inputs used in FINALCEL, as well as the sorting and plotting steps, are given in MP85-005t. Janet thields Janet E. Shields Distribution: W.S. Hering M.E. Karr R.W. Johnson J.S. Johnson Packet Format רז רז - 74 onore packets | . ( ប ) . 33. TA1 C4 43. 756 O. 63, 1 1 ទ -- GCC. 1-1 go c_.០-៧ noon ad - 4. 416. 751 4. 272 1 1 3. 3541 . 2 376 247. 7 42Cទ. Q8 261, 32 54_6. 7 1 763 4. 25266 3. 3486។ 1 ៩. 7738-- 4-- 222 33 336- 64. 58161 , 02 2៩. 34 up os - - -C. 7 136, A g 8. 7 4ទី 62. ។ ៥. 47ទ ៥. 31 ០០០• យ ០៨ រោច អស ស ហ ហ , ពៅ ប ម : No 3 b , (បញ្ញ ១៦. - ភ ៨០០ ១០> DN ហbឋ -- -- -- - - •* ---- + .. . ~ - - - - - - - - - - -- . . . . - - - 33. TA1 04 7 } 17,352044 . +1 1 ៗ។ 04_4. 431 43. 5028 1. 32754 O. 8 G- - ---- --- 45 1 ) ៥. 1 3E 34--- 21E 71 - 43. 62 ៩. 265 467. 3 78_4. 4 1 557 3. 1 . 21 42 O. 8 30. 11 72 7.37 43Q_4. 44៩6Q 3. 51 521 . 33480_C. ។ 7. q4. 1 ទ. 3Q 54. G1 127 15 - --- ..…........…….. . TA 1 04 6. 31 7. 1 1831_4. 63822 3. 65C 11, 26QQ 1 Q, 8 43. 327 374 32, 6 1 54. 1 2Q4. 71 - 1 85 7 65, 631 28 7. Q605 4. 62175 3. 6 2623 1 . ជា | } 540 3CC. 11. Q 1672 7. 1 5173 - 4. ទុ484 3. 681 741 . 27232 0, 811 ។ - C837 85 64. 8 152. ។ 26. 5 4C. QC 136. 18 4 . Q3 DB. TA104 ៩. ង12ជ 4. 1 462 3. 227421, 252 Q, 8 35Q2 42. 81 1 -- - 78 - ៥. 7ង់- 38. Q1 - 246:33 144 103, 42 15. 7។ 20. ៩4, 57 6. 7554_412378 3. 2131 1 , z432 Q, 7q55 ~ 549248433. 11 . o 1672_6. 863 4. 1 557 3. 25០០ 11 , z48_c. E1 ទី 1។ QEq785 6៥, ៩៩ 1 56, 64 26. 26 44, 53 13. 84 យថ្មីៗ ) - . oយ > . . g d q , ហពលហុ ម 0 - $ @ 15 + p q * ០០០ * (no 1 . 2 4 / 72 p# REIT NAME GAIN KEY LABE (1) ACEN LSNR ci) YLEN LMINCI) za០៩1) LSNR (2) 14 (2) 2 4 6 ) 1 ប ៩ ៤ 1 ) LSNR(3) LSAR (4) LSNR(5) LSNR(6) OLAT OBOATE 17 OLONG L២ (2) 2 cs} 27 (1) L /us) n/a ) Persel ០៩r hd tnty :) VLN NELEM cn4x3) 1 Ax(s) 13xrn ) NOWOATE x / nax (1) GAMM Y, 26 Fe SUNTENG PIXANG SUNAM Attach. 2 AV84-054t 23 July 1984 Page 4 MENU 2 DETAILS OPTION 1 (1/0 FILE SELECTION) ITEM 1: (INPUT DISK FILE) (Continued) CELL PACKET DATABASE: WORD $ BYTES VARIABLE TYPE FORMAT DESCRIPTION F8.2 2-4 vacang hot F6.2 F7.3 F7.3 F7.3 F7.3 F7.3 F7. 16 ho o 11 12 ܝ Il ܝܚ ܝܝܙ ܝܙ ܝ ܝܙ IIIA NAME KEY LAVE(1) LAVE(?). LAVE (3) LAVE(4) LAVE(5) LAVE (5) ORBIT GAIN OLAT XCEN LSNR(1) LSNE (?) LSNR (3) LSNR (4) LSNR(S) LSNR(6) OBDATE TLT OLONG YCEN LMIN (1) LMIN(2) LMIN(3) LMIN(4) LMIN(S) LMIN(6) OBTSEC OBTMSC ''LN F*4 C*1? fi*.4 F*4 Fi4 ** F*4 R*4 R*4 I*4 I*4 F*4 I*4 F*4 *4 F*4 F* 4 F*4 F:*4 R*4 R*4 F*4 I*4 F*4 R*4 R*4 R*4 R*4 F: *4 I*4 Mp3 VN oc O my fit Motud noo ao Ciline U7 On ao at CiUMfum on cao 49.3 14 F7.2 F7.2 F7.2 F7.2 F7.2 F7.2 F6.2 F4,1 F8.3 14 F7.3 F7.3 F7.3 F7.3 F7.3 F7.3 15 13 F7.1 F7.5 F7.3 F7.3 F7.3 F7.3 F7.3 F7.3 16 I 4 16 MOOF DATA BASE III ASSOCIATED NAME CELL SELECTION KEY BAND 1 CAL.RAD.MEAN BANII ? CAL.Kirill. MEAN BAND 3 CAL.RAI. MEAN BANDI 4 CAL. FADI. MEAN BAND 5 CAL.RAD. MEAN BAND 6 CAL.RAI. MEAN ORBIT NUMBER SENSOR GAINCO-3 FANGE) LAT. UF CENTER OF CELL X CENTER OF CELL (CZCS) BANDI 1 SNR BAND ? SNR BANDI 3 SNA BAND 4 SNR BANDI 5 SNE BAND 6 SNR DATE OF ORBIT (DDD.YY) SENSOR TILT, DEGREES LONG OF CENTER CELL Y CENTER OF CELL CZCS) BAND 1 MIN. VALUE IN CELL PAND ? MIN VALUE IN CELL. BAND 3 MIN VALUE IN CELL BAND 4 MIN VALUE IN CELL BAND 5 MIN VALUE IN CELL BAND 6 MIN VALUE IN CELL SECS SINCE MIDNIGHT FRACT.MILSEC SINCE MIII. VIS LAB TAPE I SUN EARTH RADIUS VECTOR BAND 1 MAX VALUE IN CELL BAND ? MAX VALUE IN CELL PAND 3 MAX VALUE IN CELL BANII 4 Mr.X VALUE IN CELL BAND 5 MAX VALUE IN CELL BANII 6 MAX VALUE IN CELL DATE OF PROCESSING MMIDY Y X SIZE OF CELL # OF ELEMENTS IN CELL Y SIZE OF CELL CALL. ANGLE, DEGREES SCATT. ANGLE, DEGREES SOLAR ZENITH, DEGREES PIXEL NAII. ANGLE, DEG. www I*4 1 ت LMAX(1) LMAX (2) LRAY ( ) LMAX(4) LMAX(5) LMAX (6) NOWDATE XSIZE NELEM YSIZE GAMF GAMM SUNZENG PIXANG SUNAZM R*4 R*.4 F*4 fi*.4 F*4 F*4 *4 F*.4 I*4 I*4 I*4 I*4 R*4 R*4 R*4 R*4 R*4 14 F7.2 F7.2 F7.2 F7.2 F7.2 MP85-020t 13 August 1985 Page 4 OVERVIEW OF FINALCEL SUBROUTINES FINALCEL Sets up files such as Klist Call USERIN Call READCELL Writes data to output files, ends program USERIN controls menu for input Calls subroutines IODISK, SORTKEY, MODATA, REPORTIT, ERRMSG, DECAYSEN K IODISK SORTKEY MODATA REPORTIT ERRMSG DECAYSEN READCELL SUNPIX Opens packet disk file Controls input of sort values Controls input of algorithm choices Controls input of report options Handles fatal errors on user input Controls input of decay algorithm choices Reads in packet data Sorts packet file Calls SUNPIX, ATMOS, REPTDATA, and REPORTIT Calls to KAYIT and CHLORO are commented out, since these subroutines do not exist Normalizes ave, max, and min radiance in all bands for sun and pixel angle This subroutine applies the atmos algorithm Checks for saturation Calls TOZIT, FOIT, then DECAYIT Computes Rayleigh radiance Compute aerosol radiance, band 4 Compute beam transmittance, all bands Compute aerosol radiance, bands 1-3 Compute water leaving radiance, bands 1-3 Recompute aerosol radiance, band 4, and iterate through until water leaving radiance in band 1 converges ATMOS MP85-0201 13 August 1985 Page 5 REPTDATA Compute k from water leaving in bands 1 and 3 Call JULIAN Output Klist Creates "report" file, which is an output file of whichever parameters are requested in REPORTIT Computes ozone transmittance as fn of season and latitude Computes solar irradiance Applies decay algorithm to total radiances Converts JULIAN date TOZIT FOIT DECAYIT JULIAN FINALCEL Summary inputs are Selected with Interactive Menu norm Normalized or Atmos Alg Normalize radiances without decay correction Output normal radiance # End . Loop for each packet - atinos Apply Decay to Radiances Compute Water-leaving Radiances Compute k Output k list تحفهد ។ ៤ ០ YLEI he 100 5. Sample Klist 1 cso. 1137613QO. 3131734g. 171 25. 5771, oQ o ៖ Orbit VLN# .. DATE LAT LONG CODE 1 CO. 1 1376 13QO. 1 317 48. 487 25. 577 1. QO 1 ទQ.1 13QQ. 131 79 ច. 47 5. 577 ១០. 1 1376 13. 1317។ ៥. 137 577 1. QO 1 . Q. 1 1376 13:3. 4. 487 577.. . - 1. OO -1 CO. 1 1376 1309. 3 487 577 1 30. 1 1376 1 2.1 1 232. O 1300 3 1 QQ,Q 1 Qឧ០. O 1 76. 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G32 16. 232 169, 33 16. 232– 164. 788 162. 782 164,58 -164.-58 164, 58 163. 565 had the parts and has moo0000 fa fa fa fa fa fa fi 4 77777777 o០០លប ប ល dៅញ់ព័ត់ A } | - .. .. 1771. Q - 1 T71, Q 4. ក៏ 478 : 476 ~~~~~ - . . -. .. - ~~~ -~ - - - = = = -- - --- - = == ~ ~ . - - - - - - - - - • - ••• ~- ~- -- .. ... .. - . ... ... . *~ ... .. * A rt' • . .. . - - -- - - -- -- TE TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM MP85-0050 5 February 1985 TO: Distribution 2 FROM: M.E. Karr SUBJ: Procedures for Packet Processing and the Sorting and Plotting of K Data The following are the procedures used for packet processing and the sorting of K data. This memo is an update of memo AV84-058t, dated 17 December 1984. Note: All user responses are underlined. 0) A ATLAS>$PACKET>$PROCESS All processing of packets is done in the $PROCESS sub-ufd. The data files should be moved from their own sub-ufd to the $PROCESS sub-ufd. For example, the data file DB3.PAC.ORB is located in ATLAS>SPACKET>$DB3.PAC, use the FUTIL command to copy this data file to $PROCESS. 1) SEG OLEINIK>$SEG>FINALCEL 2) User Input File: USERCELL The file USERCELL contains the last responses used in FINALCEL. At the end of USERCELL are 3 file names. They are the data input file, the output file, and the Klist output file. If any one of these files do not exist, you will get an error that reads: "Open Error for Input Cell Data File." There are 2 solutions to this problem: 1 U a) Create the file(s) that do not exist. Use an input cell data file that contains files that already exist. MP85-0050 5 February 1985 Page 2 3) Now you may choose from several options. (See attach- ment pg. 2 Menu #1). If there will be many changes to the cell input file, choose Option 1. Where Option 1 will change all parameters. Note: All the following questions will appear if you choose Option 1. 4) Enter Input Filename: INFIL Where INFIL is a group of packet files. The packet files were created during the cell processing routine. were crea Осе 5) Enter Output Filename: DB 3PACPKT The output filename should indicate the database, the ocean and the procedure used (i.e. Packet Processing). 6) Enter Option to Save Klist Data: 1 (YES) 7) Enter Output File for Klist Data: DB3PACKLT Use same naming convention as in Step 5. 8) Enter Total Sort Values to Process: 2 (See Attachment pg. 4). This section of the program is a weed-out section. Read on. 9) Enter Sort Word Number: 48 (SUNZENG) Enter Minimum and Maximum Sort Value: 065 Now the program will weed-out all entries with sun zenith angles less than 0 and greater than 65. 10) Enter Sort Word Number: 49 (PIXANG, PIXEL ANGLE) Enter Minimum and Maximum Value: 065 MP85-0050 5 February 1985 Page 3 11) Select Algorithm: 2 (See Attachment pg. 5) This is the atmospheric correction section of the program. The program will now: innen Correct for sensor decay, 2. Compute Raleigh radiances for bands 1-4, Compute water leaving radiances, Compute atmospheric transmittance (ground to space), 5. Compute K490. Enter Option for Iteration Processing: 1 Enter Option for Angstrom Exponent: 1 Enter Scaling Factor for Angstrom Exponent: 1 Enter Option for Sensor Decay Correction Algorithm: 1 (Use Ted Petzold's Exponential Model) Enter Option to Change Constants for G Function: 0 (No) SO are 12) Enter Total Data Words to Report: 8 For final runs report these 8, for test runs report none unless needed for analysis: 1 = ID#, 5 = KEY #, 12 = ORBIT, 6 = LAVE(1), 7 = LAVE (2), 8 = LAVE(3), 9 = LAVE (4), 201 = K490. 13) 1 (Yes) Enter Option to Write Report to Disk: Enter Output Filename: DB3PACPKT Use the same output filename you entered in Step 5. 14) Enter Option to Print Raw Data: 0 (No) This option prints the input packet data files. MP85-0050 5 February 1985 Page 4 15) Enter Option to Print Report: O (No) e rt: This option allows you to print the report to the screen. If you saved the report on disk, you may see the report in the output file. The program seems to run faster if the report is not printed on the screen. 16) It is a good idea to print the user table if you are not sure if you entered your options correctly. Use Option 4 in Menu #1 (See Attachment pg. 2 Menu #1). 17) Save the user table under a different name if this is a special case. Otherwise, the user table is automatically saved under the user cell name you entered in Step 2. Use Option 5 in Menu #1. 18) Now execute the program. Use Option 3 PROCEDURES FOR KSORT 1) SEG KSORT 2) Enter Input Filename: DB3PACKLT This is the Klist file that was created in FINALCEL. 3) Enter Output Filename: DB3PACSPRO The output filename should indicate the database, the ocean and what season and/or K code is used for sorting. 4) Enter Option to Choose Beginning and Ending Dates: 0 (No) MP 85-0050 5 February 1985 Page 5 5) Enter Option to Choose Season: 1 (Yes) Now choose a season: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter 6) Enter Option to Choose K Code: 1 (Yes) Now choose a K code: 0-5 or 9 7) Enter Sun Angle Threshold: I 8) Note the number of data groups read from the input file. If the input file is sorted by spring, summer, winter and fall, then the total number of data groups written to the output files should equal that of the input file. MP85-005t 5 February 1985 Page 6 PROCEDURES FOR KPLOT 1) AS AMLC 16 2) SEG KPLOT For the Pacific the Minimum and Maximum Latitude Are: -20 65 For the Atlantic the Minimum and Maximum Latitude Are: -20 65 For the Pacific the Left Longitude and Right Longitude Are: -120 100 For the Atlantic the Left Longitude and Right Longitude Are: 80 -100 5) Do not use test data. 6) Enter Input Filename: DB3PACSPRO This file was created in KSORT. Monette M.E. Karr Attachments: Distribution: J.S. Fox W.S. Hering J.S. Johnson R.W. Johnson B.L. McGlamery J.E. Shields Attachment TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM AV84-0546 23 July 1984 TO: B.L. McGlamery FROM: M.K. Oleinik Pachet Pacar SUBJ: Gelt Processing ********************************* ****** ** ****** *** PROGRAM CELPROCS PROGRAMMER: MIRIAM MAY OLEINLA tinal cel SYSTEM: PRIME FEIMOS COMMAND TO ACTIVATE: SEG CELEROES ****** ******************** ******** ************ * PURPOSE FROGRAM TO PROCESS CELL DATA EXTRACTED FROM IMAGE PROCESSING 3 I FILES REQUIRED USER INPUT FILE: LIST DIRECTED FORMAT RECORD 1 NSORT = TOTAL NUMBER OF SORT KEYS IWORDS (1 TO NSORT) = INDIVIDUAL SORT WORD NUMBERS NRANG = TOTAL SORT WORDS REQUIRING MIN/MAX SORTMIN, SORTMAX 1 TO NRANG) = MIN/HAX VALUES OF NEANG WORDS JSORT = TOTAL SOFT WORIS REQUIRING 1 VALUE SORTI TO JSORT) = INDIVIDUAL SORT WORD VALUES I ៧០ [1 = ALGORITHM INDICATOR NREPORT = TOTAL WORIS TO REPORT IWORDR(1 TO NREPORT) = INDIVIDUAL WORD NUMBERS TO REPORT IWRITE = OPTION TO WRITE REPORT TO DISK (O=NO, 1=YES) IKAW = OPTION TO PRINT RAW DATA (0=NO, 1=YES) IPEINT = OPTION TO PRINT REFORT (O=NO, 1=YES) KEYS = TOTAL KEY' SELECTIONS FOR SORT SKEYS1 TO NKEYS) = INDIVIDUAL KEY: SELECTIONS FOR SORT ITERATE = OFTION TO ITERATE ATMOSPHERIC CORRECTIONS =NO, 1 = YES) INGS TE = OFTION FOR ATMOSPHERIC TYPE SCALANGT = SCALE FOR ANGSTROM EXPONENT KLIST = OFTION TO PRINT KLIST DATA (OENO, 1 =YES) NDECAY = CHOICE FOR SENSOR DECAY ALGORITHM NCONST = TOTAL CONSTANTS ASSOCIATED WITH DECAY MODEL CONST(1 TO NCONST) = CONSTANTS ASSOCIATED WITH DECAY MODEL RECOR: [1 ? NAMEIN = RECORD # 3 ll NAME OF CELL DATA INPUT FILE = NAME OF OUTPUT FILE FOR REPORT DATA . RECORD $ 4 NAMKLIST = NAME OF OUTPUT FILE FOR KLIST DATA FLIST. TEडा AV84-0540 23 July 1984 Page 2 FILES REQUIRED (Continued) II CELL DIATA INPUT FILE (IN STANDARD FORMAT) III OUTFUT FILE FOR REPORT DATA IV OUTFUT FILE FOR KLIST DATA ********************************************** *********** METHOD FROM MULTISFECTFAL DATA PROGRAM OF177) ARRAYS ARE EXTRACTED, REDUCED IN RESOLUTION AND CONVERTED TO CALIBRATED RADIANCES. PROGRAM OFX THEN AVERAGES THE CALIBRATED FADIANCES OVER AN INTERACTIVELY SELECTED CELL AND OUTFUTS TO A NEW DISK FILE THE AVERAGES, STATS AND OTHER INFORMATION. PROGRAM CELPROCS IS AN INTERACTIVE FEOGRAY THAT FEADS THE ABOVE CELL DIATA BY USER SELECTED KEYS, APPLIES USER SELECTED ALGORITHMS AND THEN REPORTS OR WRITES NEW DISK IIATA ACCORDING TO USER OFTIONS. I U nT - - - هم زن USER SELECTIONS ARE: MENU 1 1 = CHANGE ALL PARAMETERS ? = CHANGE SELECTED PARAMETERS 3: EXECUTE THE PROGRAM 4 = PRINT THE USER TABLE 5 = FILE USER TABLE MENU $ ? 1 = 110 FILE SELECTIONS ? = DATA SORT SELECTIONS = SELECT ALGORITHM 4 = REPORT WORD SELECTION S = SAVE REPORT ON DISK = PRINT RAW DATA 7 = PRINT REPORT 3 = SAVE KLIST DATA ? = SELECT CONSTANTS FOR ATMOSPHESIC G-FUNCTION EACH SELECTION IN MENU I 2 WILL INVOKE A NEW MENU FOR SELECTIONS SPECIFIC TO THE SELECTED ITEM RETURN TO MENU # 1 FOLLOWS UNTIL ITEM # 3 IS SELECTED AND THE INTERACTIVE PART OF THE THE PROGRAM IS TERMINATED. THE PROGRAM THEN PROCEEDS TO PROCESS ACCORDING TO ALL USER SELECTIONS. ) د. م ي ل لنا AV84-0540 23 July 1984 Page 3 **************************** MENU $ 1 DETAILS *********************** MENU 1 1 = CHANGE ALL PARAMETERS ? = CHANGE SELECTED PARAMETERS 3 = EXECUTE THE PROGRAM A - FRINT THE USER TABLE 5 = FILE THE USER TABLE OFTION 1 (CHANGE ALL PARAMETERS) THIS OPTIN WILL STEP THE USER THROUGH ALL INPUT CHOICES RETURN IS TO MENU # 1 ür OPTION ? (CHANGE SELECTED PARAMETERS) THIS OPTION WILL DISPLAY MENU ? FOR SELECTIONS SPECIFIC TO THE SELECTED ITEM A MEW MENU PERTAINING TO SELECTION WILL BE DISPLAYED RETURN IS TO MENU $ 1 OPTION 3 (EXECUTE THE PROGRAM) THIS OPTION WILL EXIT THE INTERACTIVE PART OF THE PROGRAM CALCULATIONS AND REPORTS ARE PERFORMED AS REQUESTED. OPTION 4 (PRINT THE USER TABLE) THIS OPTION WILL DISPLAY USER INPUT TABLE AND RETURN TO MENU * 1 OFTION 5 (FILE USER TABLE) THE USER INPUT TABLE INFORMATION WILL BE STORED ON DISK *************************** MENU * ? DETAILS ************************** MENU # ? 1 = 110 FILE SELECTIONS ? = DATA SORT SELECTIONS 3 = SELECT ALGORITHM = REPORT WORD SELECTION SAVE REPORT ON DISK 6 = PRINT RAW DATA = PRINT REPORT 3 = SAVE HLIST DATA P = SELECT CONSTANTS FOR ATMOSFHERIC G-FUNCTION ہر ط ا و له نن 4 OPTION 1 (170 FILE SELECTION) 1 = INPUT DISK FILE 2 = OUTPUT DISK FILE 3 = EXIT THIS MENU ITEM 1 : (INFUT DISK FILE) "ENTER INPUT FILE NAME: THIS DATA FILE IS THE CELL DATA FILE (IN STANDARD FORMAT) AND MUST EXIST IN USER DIRECTORY. AN ERROR WILL OCCUR IF IT DOES NOT EXIST. AV84-0540 23 July 1984 Page 4 MENU #2 DETAILS OPTION 1 (I/O FILE SELECTION) ITEM 1: (INPUT DISK FILE) (Continued) CELL FACKET DATABASE: WORD $ $ BYTES VARIABLE TYPE FORMAT DESCRIPTION F8.2 I ?-$ O D is ü O mod Cima 12 vn ola Om ritm TUO VA O ao mod i in ILIA NAME KEY LAVE(1) LAVE(?) LAVE (3) LAVE(4) LAVE(5) LAVE(6) ORBIT GAIN .OLAT XCEN LSNR(1) LSNR (2) LSNE (3) LSNA (4) LSNR(5) LSNR (6) OBDATE TLT OLONG YCEN LMIN (1) LMIN(2) LMIN(3) LMIN(4) LMIN(S) LMIN(6) OBTSEC OBTMSC VLN F6.? F7.3 F7.3 57,3 F7.3 F7.3 F7.3 16 11 49.3 14 F7,2 F7.2 F7.2 F7.2 F7.2 F7.2 46.2 F4.1 F3.3 14 R*4 C*13 *4 f*4 R$ 4 *** R*4 f*4 R*4 I*4 I*4 R*.4 1*4 R*4 F*4 F*4 *4 F*4 F*4 R*4 *4 6*4 I*4 R*4 R*4 F*4 R*4 R*4 R*4 I*4 I*4 F*4 6*4 R*4 FX4 F*4 6*4 R*4 R*4 I*4 I*4 I*4 I*4 R*4 R*4 R*4 R*4 R*4 F7.3 F7.3 F7.3 F7.3 F7.3 F7.3 IS MOOP DATA BASE IDI ASSOCIATED NAME CELL SELECTION KEY BAND 1 CAL. FAD. MEAN BANDI 2* CAL. FADI, MEAN BAND 3 CALIFAI. MEAN BANDI 4 CAL. FAD. MEAN BAND 5 CAL. FAD. MEAN KANDIĆ CAL. FAD. MEAN ORBIT NUMBER SENSOF GAIN! 0-3 FANGE) LAT. UF CENTER OF CELL X CENTER OF CELL (CZCS, BAND 1 SNR BAND ? SNE BAND 3 SNA BANDI SNR BAND 5 SNR BAND 6 SNA DATE OF ORBIT (DDD.YY) SENSOR TILT, DEGREES LONG, OF CENTER CELL Y CENTER OF CELL (CICS) BAND 1 MIN. VALUE IN CELL BAND ? MIN VALUE IN CELL BAND 3 MIN VALUE IN CELL. BAND 4 MIN VALUE IN CELL BAND 5 MIN VALUE IN CELL BAND 6 MIN VALUE IN CELL SECS SINCE MIDNIGHT FRACT.MILSEC SINCE MII. VIS LAB TAPE SUN EARTH RADIUS VECTOR SAND 1 MAX VALUE IN CELL BAND ? MAX VALUE IN CELL SAND 3 MAX VALUE IN CELL BANDI 4 MIX VALUE IN CELL BAND 5 MAX VALUE IN CELL BANDI 6 MAX VALUE IN CELL DATE OF PROCESSING MMDDY Y X SIZE OF CELL # OF ELEMENTS IN CELL Y SIZE OF CELL CALL. ANGLE, DEGREES SCATT. ANGLE, DEGREES SOLAR ZENITH, DEGREES FIXEL NADI. ANGLE, DEG. 32 13 F7.1 F7.5 F7.3. F7.3 F7.3 F7.3 F7.3 F7.3 16 14 16 14 F7.2 F7.2 F7.2 F7.2 F7.2 LMAX(1) LMAX (2) LlisX13) LMAX (4) LMAX (5) LHAX! 6) NOWDATE XSIZE NELEM YSIZE GAMP GAMM SUNZENG PIXANG SUNAZM 43 44 omogus AV84-0540 23 July 1984 Page 5 MENU #2 DETAILS OPTION 1 (I/O FILE SELECTION) (Continued) ITEM 2: (OUTPUT DISK FILE) 'ENTER OUTPUT FILE NAME" THE REPORT DATA WILL BE WRITTEN IN THIS FILE (LATER MAY BE USED FOR PLOT, ETC.) ITEM 3: (EXIT MEHU) USER WILL EXIT THIS PROGRAM SECTION AND MENU # 1 WILL BE DISPLAYED + OPTION ? (DATA WORD SELECTIONS) DATA WORD ENTRIES ARE" 5 = KEY 1? - ORBIT 13 = LATITUDE = LSNR(1. i7 LSNE (?) = LSNE:31 ç = LSNE 4) 30 = LSNR(5) 1 = LSNE (6) 24 = LONGITUDE 9 8 = SUNZENG 4? = PIXANG "ENTER TOTAL SORT VALUES TO PROCESS' "ENTER SORT WORD NUMBER' (REPEATS TOTAL VALUES TIMES) APPROPRIATE MESSAGE THEN FOLLOWS: ENTER MINIMUM AND MAXIMUM SORT VALUE "ENTER MINIMUN ACCEPTABLE SNR VALUE" "ENTER SORT VALUE' 'ENTER SORT VALUE KEY NUMBER SVALUE ENTRIES REPEAT TOTAL SORT TIMES) RETURN IS TO MENU 1 OPTION 3 (SELECT ALGORITHM) 'ENTES ALGORITHM SELECTION NUMBER' 1 = CORRECTION FOR SUN AND PIXEL ANGLE ? = ATMOSFHERIC CORRECTIONS 3 = K ALGORITHM 4 = CHLOROPHYL ALGORITHM IF ITEM 2 IS SELECTED FURTHER INFUT IS REQUIRED: "ENTER OPTIONS FOR ITERATION PROCESSING (0=NO, 1=YES)" 'OPTION FOR ANGSTROM EXPONENT: 1 = MARITIME ATMOSPHERE 2 = CONTINENTAL ATMOSPHERE "ENTER SCALING FACTOR FOR ANGSTROM EXPONENT' RETURN IS TO MENU # 1 AV84-0540 23 July 1984 Page 6 MENU #2 DETAILS (Continued) 11 OFTION 4 (FiEFORT WORD SELECTION) "WORD CHOICES TO REPORT ARE 1 = ID 5 = KEY 6 = LAVE(1) 7 = LAVE (?) = LAVE (3) 9 = LAVE(4) 10 = LAVE(5) 11 = LAVE (5) = ORBIT 13 = GAIN 14 = OLAT 15 = XEN 16 =. LSNR(1) 17 = LSNE!?) 19 = LSNR (3) 19 = LSNE (4) 20 = LSNR(5) 1 = LSNE (6) 22 = OBITATE 33 = ItI 24 = OLONG 25 = YLEN 25 = LMIN(1) 27 = LMIN(2) 29 = LMIN(3) 29 = LMIN(4) 30 = LMINS) 31 = LHI 2 ( 6 ) 32 = OBTSEC 33 = OBTMSC 34 = VLN 35 = R = LMAX (1) 37 = LMAX!?) = LMAX (3) 39 = LMAX! 4) 40 = LMAX(5) 41 = LMAX (5) 4? = NOWDATE 43 = XSIZE = NELEM 45 = YSIZE 46 = GAMP 47 = GAMM 48 = SUNZEN 49 = FIXANG 50 = SUNAZM End Ave wrinkitei 101=LAVEN1) 10?=LAVEN(2) 103=LAVEN(3) 104.=LAVEN! 4) 105=LAVEN!5) 105=LAVENTS) 107=LMINN! 1) 103=LMINN??) 109=LMIHN(3). 110=LMINN(4) 111=LINN?5) 112=LMINN!5) 113=LMAXN(1) 114=LMAXN (2) 115=LMAXN (3) 115=LHAYNA) 117=LMAXNIS) 113=LMAXNTÓ) 201 =1490 20?=$13 203=LR(1) 204 =LR(2) 205=LF13) 205=LE 14) "ENTER TOTAL DATA WORDS TO REPORT' "ENTER REPORT WORD NUMBER: (REPEATS TOTAL DATA WORDS TIMES) rivo od ch OPTION 5 (SAVE REPORT ON DISK) "ENTER OPTION TO WRITE REPORT TO DISK (O=NO,1=YES)' OPTION 6 (PRINT RAW DATA) 'ENTER OPTION TO PRINT RAW DATA (OENO, 1=YES;' OPTION 7 (PRINT REPORT) 'ENTER OPTION TO PRINT REPORT (O=NO, 1=YES)' OPTION 3 (SAVE KLIST DATA) "ENTER OPTION TO SAVE KLIST DATA (O=NO, 1=YES)" IF OPTION IS YES: 'ENTER NAME OF STORAGE FILE FOR KLIST ITATA" OPTION 9 (SELECT CONSTANTS FOR ATMOSPHERIC G-FUNCTION) SENSOR DECAY CORRECTION ALGORITHMS ARE: 1 = EXPONENTIAL MODEL 1 (F) 2 = EXPONENTIAL MODEL ? (WH) 3 = MUELLER LINEAR MODEL 4 = GORDON INVERSE THIRD ORDER MODEL "ENTER NUMBER OF OPTION' (OPTION TO CHANGE CONSTANTS IS PRESENTED AND THE FINAL TABLE OF CONSTANTS IS DISPLAYED) ************************************************************************ Miriam K. Oleinik cc: R.W. Johnson K SORT SUMMARY FLOW CHART _ _ START Enter input, output filename /sort by deg. & end date yes Enter beg. & end date no Sort by yes Enter season Season no Sort by K code yes Enter K code no Enter sun angle threshold Read input file Perform sort Write sorted results to output file STOP K PLOT SUMMARY FLOW CHART START Set P1, P2 limits on plotter Read and convert* lat & ion for pl, P2 Test data yes Read and convert* test lat & lon Plot "X" at lat & long no Read & convert* input file Choose plotting symbol Plot K's Write File & *plotted to MOOP.MAP END) END * See detailed flow chart; latitudes and longitudes are converted to linearly increasing numbers which may be handled by the plotter. SECTION 11 Image Processing ystem Documentation This section contains documenting information on the image Processing (IP) System at the Visibility Laboratory. This system was initially developed during the 1960's and 1970's as a general multi-purpose image processing system. A flowchart illustrating the hardware components is given here, followed by a list of the IP operations and a list of the available hardware and software components. OG HOST COLOR DISPLAY Visibility Laboratory Image Processing System Hardware Components COMPUTER PRIME 550 STC/125 MODEL 70 COLOR MONITOR U-MATIC TAPE RECORDER COLOR HARD COPY Matrix model 4007 variety of formats includ. 8x10 Polaroid Conrac High Resolution FILM SCANNER Optronics Photoscan Model 1000 DIGITAL TV DEVICES EMR Opt. Data Dig., & Princeton Applied Res. Opt. Analyser HIGH RESOLUTION B&W HARD COPY Celco high res. CRT with Polaroid film MULTIPLEXER DATA BUS SWITCHES 2 banks of 32 switches for operator input THUMBWHEELS allows rapid manual input during inter- active processing HP COMPUTER PORT dus access by HP desk top computers REFRESH DISPLAY 2 B&W 128x128 6 bit or 1-128x128 10 bit images ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF IMAGE PROCESSING OPERATIONS. Po 309 MM-mm NNMANNMNO C WWW UWAONOWO 6 000 89 161 OK bene 39 98 OMNANDUOOWW WOWOW و مه ولا 70 3- PLOT ADAPTIVE FILTER applied to matrix ADD 108 ADD integer arrays 08 ADD floating point arrays ANALOG TO DIGITAL INPUT ANALYZE PIXELS ANNOTATE ANTILOGS of matrix ARRAY OPERATOR AVERAGE (col/row) BAR FIND PHASER2 BINARY MASK 149 BYTE CUC PICTURE BYTE TAPE READ BYTE TAPĒ WRITE CARD INPUT CARD MODE CAT TAPE read or write CAT FORMATTED TAPE 170 CELCO TEST PATTERN CENTER OF GRAVITY CHANGE CHARACTERISTIC CURVE applied to matrix 66 IRCULAR INTEGRATION CLIP. RECTIFY COLOR SCALE COMPLEX COEF'S from AMP 2. PHASE COMPLEX CONJUGATE FORMATION COMPUTE HISTOGRAM CONSTRUCT GRAY SCALES CONTOUR MAP CONTRAST REDUCTION CONVOLUTION CONVOLVE HANS COLOR COORDINATE PLOT CROSS CORRELATION COEF. C.R. T. PICTURE CURSOR GENERATE CURSOR XYZ CVC SCANNER PICTURE DEF INE SUBSET PARAMETERS DEHOLE DIFFERENCE IMAGE DIGITAL TV SCANNER ISK 170 DISK 170 detween disks 3-D EXTRACT DISK-TO-TAPE DISPLAY SET UP DIVIDE DIVIDE integer arrays DIVIDE fito. pt. arrays DRUM SCANNER EDGE MODIFICATION EQUALIZE HISTOGRAM EXIT TO MONI TOR EXPLODE EXPONENTIAL ATTENUATION EXTRACT MATRIX SUBSET FAST BLOWUP FEEDBACK FILM LABEL FLICKER FLIP MATRIX FOG FOREGROUND INTERRUPT 04 FOURIER ANALYSIS. of matrix ona NN ONN- لا مزيه لانها را 900 FUNCTION RECONSTRUCT 304 PSEUDO-COLOR CRAPH AXIS LABEL (Ed-System) PUNCH CRAPHICS CONTROL 43 RANDOM FILE GENERATE CRAPHICS TRANSFER 25 RANDOM NUMBERS with CRAPHS ON HP PLOTTER normal distr. CRAY SCALE GENERATE 123 - RANGER CRAY SCALE CONSTRUCT 177 READ CATT TAPES HANS COLOR READ CVC SCANNER HISTOCRAM (NEWER VER. ) 318 REGION OF INTEREST H & D CURVE FIT 88 REPOSITION MATRIX SUBSET HORIZON LOCATE 176 REMOVE LINES (vanishing pt.) RESET SIZE HMAP 79 RESTORE BACKGROUND JOB HUYCEN-FRESNEL RING FIND 99 ID CARD READ ROAM IMPLANT MATRIX SUBSET 1.1 ROBOT LOAD 301 INITIALIZE ROLL-OFF FUNCTION 316 INPUT FUNCTION MEMORY LOAD ROTATE MATRIX INTEGRATE (col/row) 112 ROTATE 90 DEG. a matrix ISOMETRIC CRAPH RUNWAY BUILD K COMPLEX TO C-COMPLEX Conv. SCANNER INPUT K-COMPLEX weighting functions 150 SENSE SW. FROM KEYBOARD KSUB SEQUENTIAL DISK READ FILES LEAST SQUARES FILTER SEQUENTIAL DISK STORE FILES LICHT PEN LOAD 005 SHIFTS: LIGHT PEN UNLOAD (1) Uppers to lowers LOGICAL ADD (2) lowers to uppers LOGICAL OPERATOR (3) reverse Uppers LOCS of matrix (4) (blank) LOOK-IN on matri element (8) horizontal LOOK-UP TABLE (9) vertical MAGNIFY MATRIX (12) flip MAP BUILD 105 SHR IN MEMORY EXECUTE from card mode SPATIAL FILTER 68 MEMORY TABLE BUILD BEGIN SP INH MEMORY TABLE BUILD END SP IN WINDOW 181 MERCATOR SPLIT SCREEN 47 MIN/MAX STATISTICAL ANALYSIS MODULO 2 PI STCIDISK TRANSFER 13 MODULUS & PHASE of matrix from complex array STORE CONSTANT in a matrix 77 MOVIE TAPE READ section MOVIE TAPE WRITE 143 STORE STAT PARAMETERS ON DISK 310 MULTIPLY 109 SUBTRACT integer arrays 110 MULTIPLY integer arrays SUBTRACT fito: pt. arrays 10 MULTIPLY floating point • Sun MATRIX arrays TABLE LOOK-UP NEW RUNWAY BUILD TAPE SPACE 113 NEW PAGE TAPE EOF SKIP NLFLTR 78 TAPE EOF WRITE NFL TR2 64 TAPE REWIND NORMALIZE AVERAGE TAPE-TO-DISK OCEAN COLOR SCANNER GRID ..... 179 TAPE REFORMATTING OCEAN COLOR SCANNER READ 86 THUMBWHEEL KOS TO MEMORY OMA SCANNER INPUT TABLE OPTICS LAB SCANNER (Moran) 4 THUMBWHEEL READ OUTPUT FUNCTION MEMORY LOAD 326 TRACK PROFILE •. •.. . . PACK REALS & IMAGINAR IES 308 TRACKBALL ENHANCE PAUSE TRANSFER FUNCTION PCFLTR TRUNCATE. PERSPECTIVE MAGNIFY TYPEWRITER MODE PHASE BUILD (Moran) PACK REELS & IMAGINARIES PHASE CONTINUATION UP DATE COUNTER PHASE SMOOTH 97 VERTICAL PLANE PLANE SUBTRACT 28 WAVE CORRECTION PLOT HISTOGRAM 145 WAVE FRONT PREDICTOR PLOH (col/row) WEICHTING FUNCTIONS POINT INTEGRATION 126 ZERNIKE POLYNOM I ALS POISSON NOISE 120.ZERO FILL 96 . POISSON PROBABILITIES " - 307 200M PRINT zoom W/INTERPOLATION 7 PAINT SWITCHES ži HISTOGRAM (OLDER..VERJU 166 76 W WW WW MW WW WW JW onannos ONO مره لوoم ممم ہمم مم مهم لما ممه . .O DUDUWWON - - www suvwuam ONOOM WONDO 320 ----- ---. VISIBILITY LABORATORY - IMAGE PROCESSING SYSTEM The Visibility Laboratory of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography general purpose Image processing system, provides interactive computer capability ing and displaying image arrays up to 512x512 8. This system is available on a recharge basis to all campus departments. A. Host Computer and Peripherals: 1. Prime 550 general purpose virtual memory computer, IM-Byte real memory. 2. Tape drives: 2–75 IPS, dual density, 1-45 IPS, dual density. 3. Disk storage: 1-300 MB drive, 2-80 MB drive. 4. Line printer: 300 lpm Printronix. 5. Plotter: HP-7720T, flat bed, auto paper feed. B. Image Processing Peripherals: l. Color display system Its model 70. Five 512x512 8 bit image planes, feedback ALU, histogram, look up tables. Color hard copy: Matrix model 4000. 8"x10" color multi format, 35 mm. Film scanner - Optronix model P2000. 35 mm to 9"x9" 8 bits; 50, 100, 200 micron. 4. B&W display system - 128x128, two image planes. B&W hard copy - Celco high resolution CRT with 16 mm movie, Polaroid cameras. 0. C. Prime Software: 1. Primos operating system, FORTRAN, FORTRAN '77, Editor, BASIC, Micro Assembler, PASCAL, D. Image Processing Software: Consists of several hundred independent operations. 2. Includes 2D FFT and extensive filter library. 3. Executes interactively, or by use of carmand files. User data disk space - 15 or 30 megabytes. 5. New application routines can be added, programmer service available. 4. E. Video Capability: 1. Video tape data can be digitized and processed in the system. Processed data can be recorded an video tape. 3/4" U-Matic tape format. Stereo viewing system for TV images. F. Access: 1. Four interactive terminals at the visibility Laboratory. 2. Dial up lines – three 300 baud, ane 1200 baud (Vadic). VISIBILITY LABORATORY IMAGE PROCESSING SYSTEM HARDWARE COMPONENTS STC/Is Refresh color display processor. 5 - 512x512 8 bit memories. Full and pseudo color. Has a variety of hardware processing capabilities. Color Monitor - Conrac high resolution monitor, 512x512. Color Hard Copy Matrix model 4007. Makes full color prints at variety of formats, including 8x10 Polaroid. Switches - 2 banks of 32 switches for operator input at image processing work stations. Film Scanner Optronics Photoscan, model 1000. Resolutions of 50,100. and 200 microns. Handles 35 mm up to "9x9" film. Thumbwheels Allows rapid manual input to the computer of a large number of variables during interactive processing. Black and White Display - Refresh display of 2 - 128x128 6 bit images or 1 - 128x128 10 bit images. Includes hardware processing capabilities. HP Computer Port - Allows access to bus by HP desk top computers. High Resolution Black and White Hard Copy Celco High Resolution CRT combined with a Polaroid film back. Digital TV Devices EMR Model 659F Optical Data Digitizer, and Princeton Applied Research Optical Multichannel Analyzer, model 1205A. (OMA interfaced via high speed data link). SECTION III Data Base II Procedures This section contains the flowcharts documenting the procedures used prior to 1983. For this processing, the K values were computed for each pixel in a full "area" and averages were plotted. This had two disadvantages. First, processing every pixel to K is slow and expensive. Second, if an improvement was made in the K algorithm, the processing had to be repeated. The procedures documented in Section 1 overcome these problems, because sample radiances are extracted from each area and later processed to K. The data generated with procedures illustrated in this section were labeled Data Base II. DATABASE II : MOOP PROCEDURES TAPE CHECK-IN TAPE RACKS SEE REF SHT 1 UNPROCESSED CREATE TAPE & ORBIT CATALOG DATA LIBRARY SEE REF SHT 3 TRANSPARANCY CHECK-IN LOOSE LEAF NOTEBOOKS SEE REF SHT 2 SELECT AREA FOR PROCESSING PREPARATIONS FOR "K" PROCESSING EXECUTE K-RUN EXECUTE POST K - RUN PROCEDURE SEE REF SHT 4 | SEE REF SHT 5 SEE REF SHT 6 SEE REF SHT 7 CREATE 35mm FILM RECORD PLOT K-DATA SEE REF SHT 8 SEE REF SHT 9 DATABASE II : TAPE Check In Reference Sheet 1 PRINT TAPE STICKERS TAPE APPLY STICKERS STRAP & HANG/ STORE IN TAPE RACK AN : 0000000 TAPE FROM NASA MANUALLY CRTT DOCUMEN- TATION MAKE CRTT WORKSHEET CRTT H WORKSHEET EDIT COMPUTER FILES PRIMOS INSERT (Tempfile) RUN ORBIT LZO ADD VL NUMBER HERE PRIMOS FILE LISTING FINAL MACHINE SORT BY ORBIT PRIMOS FILE FINAL DATE SPOOL CHECK FOR ERRORS EDIT ADD +'s PRIMOS FILE FINAL DATA RUN FUTIL + SATELLITE PRIMOS FILE FINAL DATA DATABASE II : Transparency Check In Reference Sheet 2 LI II IT . TUTTI . LILIT III MANUAL SORT MASTER TRANSPARENCY BAG CHECK IN NOTEBOOK FROM NASA FROM NASAH INVENTORY CARD SIGN & MAIL TO NASA DATA BASE 2 PROCESSING III UUDI III SELECTED SCENE MASTER TRANSPARENCY NOTEBOOK SCENE SELECTION PROCESS TEMPORARY MASTER SELECTED SCENE STORED IN TEMPORARY NOTEBOOK SELECTED SCENE RETURNED TO MASTER AFTER PROCEDURES & REVIEWS DATABASE II : Tape & Orbit Catalog Reference Sheet 3 LISTINGS OF CATALOG UPDATE ( MONTHLY COPIES TO: Austin Epstein RSF Computer Room SPOOL MERGE RAW DATA ID #'S ADDED DURING SELECTION PROCESS SORT/ MERGE PRIMOS FILE UPDATE DATA SORT/ MERGE PRIMOS FILE DATA WORKFILES PRINTOUT OF CATALOG BY ORBIT SPOOL MONTHLY COPY COPY KEPT IN MASTER PRIMOS FILE FINAL DATE 1 PRIMOS FILE OLD DATE WORKFILES PRIMOS FILE FINAL DATE 2 PRIMOS FILE FINAL DATE n D, C SPOOL LISTING OF SCRATCH FILE DESIRED TARGET AREA 0,0 D ORBIT #, DATE, VLN # PRIMOS FILE DATE TARGET WEDIT TO UNLOAD SPECIFIC TARGET AREAS PRIMOS FILE SCRATCH FILE SCENE CENTER...LAT, LONG, TILT DI FILL IN # SCAN LINES WORKSHEET SELECTION WORKSHEET I.D. # SELECT PICK AREA 06H D, SELECT ID,C Ć TRANSPARENCY DAC FOR PROCESSING X CORNER Y CORNER TRANSPARENCY 11.D. # ASSIGN ID* EDIT PRIMOS FILE DATE ūWORKFILES DATABASE II: Selection of Area For Processing PRIMOS FILE DATE WORKFILES Reference Sheet 4 i ! I T T T u w VATABASE II: PREPĀRATION FOR K PROCESSING Reference Sheet 5 Update file for Phantom Krun CZ File # CZ Disk # -C- EDIT to update file for phantom DATA.IN ATLAS >$FILES MOOP.DATA2 DATA.IN ATLAS>$CPL Enter New Data to MOOP.DATA2 All items on Selection Worksheet are entered D, C DC EDIT (create SCRATCH) SCRATCH RUN # MOOP FMT MOOP.DATA2 ATLAS>$FILES SELECTION WORKSHEET TAPE # no Load Images To Disk ou OP 175 Select & Mount Tape CRT EDIT cl Tape AP_DISKn Run PH CZ DSK H Update SELECTION NYORKSHEET SELECTION WORKSHEET More Images CP_DISKO IP yes CZ File #] CZ File # CZ Disk # n = blank or 2 P_DISKO ATLAS>$ATLAS1>P_DISK2 MASTEN>P_DISK DATABASE II: K-RUN Reference Sheet 6 DATA.IN CHECK.CPL COMO File of entire K RUN Execute PHP_CPL177 PRIMOS Loop until end of DATA.SN is encountered cz Disk # cz File # etc. P_CPL177 ATLAS>$CPL IP Eco CZ DSK OP177 IPDSK OP40 DB2 Tape DATABASE II: POST K RUN ATLAS >$FILES Reference Sheet 7 MOOP.DATA2 K LIST IK Statistics DB2 Tape OP41 Read in 10 images OP 149 LcLoad all images IP DISK OP 337 Enhance Quadrants ID# , RF#, Proc code Alg*, Annotate? OP 187 D.C 10.C Enhance Images - Annotation - Yes More Scenes STC DISPLAY SYSTEM Y No CHECK.CPL EDIT CRT DISPLAY fc PREPARATION WORKSHEET 35mm Film SPOOL D DB2 Tape Log DELETE MATRIX CAMERA MAKE A PICTURE (check MATRIX Settings) 10,0 35mm Camera Update DB2 tape log, label the tape CHECK.CPL LISTING Update PREPARATION WORKSHEET - PART OF POST K-RUN PROCESS LOAD CAMERA CHECK MATRIX SETTINGS PRIMOS FILE EXPOSE FILM UPDATE PREPARATION | WORKSHEET TO PHOTO LAB FOR PROCESSING D.C 35mm FILM FROM PHOTO LAB VIEW PREPARATION WORKSHEET PRIMOS FILE & POSSIBLY USE TRANSPARENCIES, CHECK CPL OUTPUT ANALYZE D,C REJECTS UPDATE PREPARATION WORKSHEET EDIT, ANNOTATE & FILE IWDA DATABASE II : 35mm FILM Reference Sheet 8 PLASTIC SLIDE HOLDER SLIDE FILE FILED BY ID* DATABASE II: PLOTTING OF K DATA Reference Sheet 9 Input Lat, Long Boundaries, time interval Manually Set P1, P2 Run # CRETEST HP PLOTTER Load blank Map A. --0030 KLIST C,DI C,D CD RUN # KCHART NOSC Grid maps of K Index, Tabulation KCHART.LIST SPOOL PLOT>$ PLOT.NOW