UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO UC SAN DIEGO LIBRARY 3 1822 04429 7471 OPTICAL SYSTEMS GROUP TECHNICAL NOTE NO. 221 August 1990 Offsite (Annex-Jo rinals) QC 974.5 ..143 no. 221 THE WHOLE SKY IMAGER/LIDAR INTERCOMPARISON EXPERIMENT Janet E. Shields Richard W. Johnson Thomas L. Koehler UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO The material contained in this note is to be considered proprietary in nature and is not authorized for distribution without the prior consent of the Marine Physical Laboratory and the Air Force Geophysics Laboratory CiTV ) VNS Contract Monitor, Dr. J. W. Snow Atmospheric Sciences Division ce : FORN IGHT *1868 NUVOLOUR Prepared for The Geophysics Laboratory, Air Force Systems Command United States Air Force, Hanscom AFB, Massachusetts 01731 under contract NO. F19628-88-K-0005 SCRIPPS INSTITUTION OF OCEANOGRAPHY MARINE PHYSICAL LAB San Diego, CA 92152-6400 mersin w ww............ www UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO 3 1822 04429 7471 Sale KOHA TABLE OF CONTENTS A Introduction.. 1.1 The Whole Sky Imager ...... 1.2 Impetus for the WSI/Lidar Experiment ........ .. 2. Data Acquisition ..... 2.1 Hardware Overview.. 2.2 System Calibration. 2.3 Field Data Acquired. 0 1 3. PIE Preliminary Analysis and Processing.... 3.1 Sample Field Imagery...... 3.2 Data Quality ......... 3.2.1 Tape QC.... 3.2.2 Special Calibrations ...... 3.2.3 Standard Camera Calibrations . 3.2.4 Final LAN Image Analysis.... 3.3 Ratio Processing......... ooouuuA AWNN 4. Evaluation of WSI and LIDAR Data Intercomparison....... 4.1 Preliminary Evaluation. 4.2 Application of Data to Beta Algorithm Development. 4.3 Evaluation of Beta Cloud Data... 5. Summary.. 6. References ...... .............. Appendix 1: Appendix 2: Appendix 3: Tape QC Summary for WSI/Lidar Experiment. Sample TAPRAT Diagnostic File: Tape POR001................. Illustrative Charts: .... Phase 1: Preliminary Data Processing...... Phase II: Analysis of WSI Data.... Red/Blue Ratio as a function of Solar Scattering Angle, Beta.......... Samples from Geometric Calibration Images.................... LIST OF FIGURES Fig. # Figure Title 2.1 Whole Sky Imager Camera Assembly.... 2.2 Whole Sky Imager Hardware Block Diagram 2.3 Portable Whole Sky Imager at Madison........ VladISOI............................................. 3.1 WSI Imagery from 1 December 1989 Sample red images are shown at 10 minute intervals .... 3.2 WSI Imagery from 5 December 1989 Sample red images are shown at 10 minute intervals ....... 3.3 WSI Imagery from 1 December 1989 Sample red images, reproduced to retain high brightness detail...... 3.4 WSI Basic Image Processing Flow Chart... 3.5 Sample Cloud/No Cloud Decision Images from 1 December 1989 Image processed using fixed ratio threshold....... 3.6 Sample Cloud/No Cloud Decision Images from 5 December 1989 Image processed using fixed ratio threshold.......... 1. INTRODUCTION This document describes the use of the Whole Sky Imager(WSI) in a joint experimental program involving the WSI and two lidar systems at the University of Wisconsin. The Whole Sky Imager has acquired an extensive data base of ground based digital imagery which is being used to provide cloud field assessment. The joint WSI/idar experiment was designed to pro- vide information pertaining to the optical depth of the clouds, for use in our cloud algorithm development and assessment. magnitude of the calibrated red/blue radiance ratio. The assessment identifies the sky dome (in the direc- tion corresponding to that pixel location) as clear, optically thin cloud or optically thick cloud. At the present time, this distinction is based on a ratio threshold; that is, the calibrated red/blue ratio is computed from the raw imagery, and thresholded to yield a cloud discrimination. The intent of this dis- crimination is that transparent clouds should be iden- tified as thin, and opaque as thick; in general most of a cirrus cloud field will be identified as thin, and a cumulus field will be identified as thick. The WSI system was developed and installed by the Marine Physical Laboratory at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California San Diego. The lidar systems, the Volume Imaging Lidar (VIL) and the High Spectral Resolution Lidar (HSRL), were developed and operated by Edwin Eloranta and Christian Grund, of the University of Wisconsin at Madison. 1.1 The Whole Sky Imager The Whole Sky Imager is an automated digital imaging system designed for use in high spatial and temporal resolution cloud assessment studies (ref. Johnson, 1989). This ground-based electronic imag- ing system monitors the upper hemisphere every minute. It is a passive, i.e., non-emissive system, which acquires calibrated multi-spectral images of the sky dome. The system is an automated unit operating under micro- computer control, gathering digital imagery suitable for automated processing and analysis of cloud fields. The resulting cloud discrimination is in general quite good. The results compare well with standard observers (ref. Shields, 1990), yet they are in general much more consistent overtime than could be obtained with standard observers. The further advantages of high temporal frequency and spatial resolution as well as data base size make this an outstanding and unique data set, for several applications. There is considerable interest however in more specific discrimination of the thin clouds. In particular, we would like to determine the approximate range of optical depth values corresponding to the thin cloud category and the thick cloud category. This was the initial impetus forthe lidar tests. By taking simultaneous data with the WSI and the HSRL, which yields optical depth as well as other related parameters, we could begin to test and improve our techniques, and finally quantify the relation between ourcloud discriminations and the optical depth. These data are archived and subsequently converted to cloud/no cloud decision images. Data are acquired in 512 x 480 format, which yields 1/3 degree spatial resolution. Four digital images are acquired every minute, saved at full resolution every 10 minutes, and saved at reduced resolution every minute, for a total of 1.2 gigabytes of data archived per week. The WSI systems have been operating at several locations during the last two years, acquiring data 12 hours a day. These units are collecting a cloud database which can be utilized for a variety of applications including extraction of predictive cloud free line of sight (CFLOS) and cloud free arc (CFARC) statistics, and cloud model evaluation and development. 1.2 Impetus for the WSI/Lidar Experiment With our preliminary fixed threshold algorithm, we do not expect a one for one relation between optical depth and identified thin cloud at all points within the sky dome. This is because there is a small directional dependence inherent in the clear sky red/blue ratio, caused by the directional properties of Mie scattering, which causes some directional bias to the cloud dis- crimination. Whereas the fixed threshold algorithm is quite adequate for discrimination of two classes of clouds, creating an accurate map of optical density is a much more demanding task, which may require a correction for the directional dependencies. We are currently developing a second generation cloud algorithm, which predicts the small variations in clear day ratio as a function of scattering angle from the sun (beta), and look angle. The "beta-algorithm”, based on the Hering FASCAT radiance model, will be tested in a number of ways including evaluation of In generating the cloud decision image, an automated assessment is made at each pixel location, based on the sun occultor may be seen slightly to its right. The occultor shades the unit from direct sunlight, thus providing a large measure of stray light control. clear day ratio images. The lidar data should be an invaluable aid in the testing, allowing us to evaluate known thin clouds in addition to clear skies. In particular, we would like to develop our algorithm to the point that we can, from a specific lidar return(i.e., a measured value of optical depth at the zenith) accu- rately determine the optical depth distribution over the sky dome. Applying these potential results to the full WSI data base, processed with the beta model, should allow us to make our cloud discriminations correspond to specific values of optical density. The extent to which we can do this obviously depends both on the algorithm development and on the subsequent WSI lidar intercomparison. The next section of this report documents the ac- quisition of the WSI/lidar test data. This is followed by an overview of the analysis and processing which has occurred to date. The last section discusses the future application of the data to the issues addressed above. 2. DATA ACQUISITION This section gives an overview of the WSI system hardware which was fielded, the calibrations acquired for the unit, and the extent of the field data acquisition. 2.1 Hardware Overview Fig. 2.1 Whole Sky Imager Camera Assembly GE 2710 SOLID STATE VIDEO CAMERA SONY PVM 1271 0 MONITOR TMI COMPUTER (IBMAT CLONE) The WSI hardware is described in more detail in Johnson, 1989, and Shields, 1990. The WSI is an automated system designed for archival of cloud field imagery at one-minute intervals. The sky is viewed through a series of spectral and neutral density filters using a fisheye lens to acquire most of the upper hemisphere. The sensor is a fixed-gain solid state CID (charge injection device) camera. The sensor is shown in Fig. 2.1. The WSI is controlled by an IBM AT-class micro- computer. This fully automated system acquires four digital images every minute, at 512 x 480 resolution. Images are grabbed using a 1024 x 1024 imaging board, and archived using a 2 gigabyte capacity tape drive. The hardware components are shown sche- matically in Fig. 2.2. For the WSI/lidar experiment, the normal environ- mental housing was redesigned to provide a fully portable sensor unit, which included environmental temperature control. This portable housing, shown in Fig. 2.3, was designed so that the unit could be shipped with the sensor in place, and the legs added and the unit leveled on arrival. In this figure, the dome which protects the lens may be seen at the top, and the black AUTOMATIC EQUATORIAL SOLAR OCCULTOR ASSY. VIDEO IMAGE PROCESSING SUB - SYSTEM (ITI FG 100) ARCHIVAL 1/0 SUB - SYSTEM (SEAGATE 65 Mbyte H.D.) REMOTE CONTROLLED IRIS ANALOG ASSY. EXABYTE EXB - 8200 2.2 Gbyte 8 mm CATRIDGE TAPE SYSTEM REMOTE CONTROLLED OPTICAL FILTER ASSY. ACCESSORY CONTROL PANEL STOWED KEYBOARD EXTERIOR SENSOR INSTALLATION INTERIOR CONTROLLER INSTALLATION Fig. 2.2 Whole Sky Imager Hardware Block Diagram . ........... ................. Fig. 2.3 Portable Whole Sky Imager at Madison 2.2 System Calibration The WSI camera systems are calibrated against standards of radiant intensity traceable to N.B.S. using standard radiometric procedures in association with optical calibration facilities established at the Marine Physical Laboratory. A three-meter bench, in con- junction with a selection of standard lamps and cali- bration targets, is used to characterize both the radio- metric performance and geometric image characteristics of the WSI. These calibrations, which normally require portions of several days to complete, are outlined below. Electronic Calibration The solid state sensor electronic calibration is documented in Varah, 1989. Unlike the remainder of the calibrations, which characterize the unit, this cali- bration is an interactive procedure in which data are acquired and the sensor is adjusted to optimize per- formance. The characteristics which are evaluated and optimized in this calibration are: noise characteristics, array uniformity, dynamic range, sensitivity, set point balancing, and overall performance of the interlaced RS-170 video images. Linearity Calibration In the ideal CID sensor, the system output or signal would be linearly related to the input radiance. Because this ideal linear performance is not precisely obtained in the sensors, it is necessary to measure and charac- terize this relative system response. The linearity calibration is a relative (not absolute) radiance cali- bration which measures the relation between changes in input radiance and changes in output signal. Non- uniformity of the array may also be extracted from the measurements obtained during this calibration. Absolute Calibration at selected neutral density and aperture settings Three sets of these calibrations are normally ob- tained; the primary calibration in neutral density 1, a back-up neutral density 1 calibration at another aperture, and the primary calibration in neutral density 2. Each of these three sets of calibrations consists of 8-10 measurements taken in each of 4 spectral filters. These are the measurements that give us the absolute radiance corresponding to given signals in each spectral filter. From these absolute measurements, one can also de- termine the relative response of the system in the different spectral bands, caused primarily by the variations in spectral filter bandwidth and the spectral response characteristics of the sensor chip. Absolute Calibration vs Neutral Density In this calibration, the density of each neutral den- sity (ND) filter is measured in each of the spectral filter bands. It is important for us to know both the actual density of each ND filter, and the spectral variation in that density. Absolute Calibration vs Aperture In this calibration the effects of variations in the aperture settings are quantized. Although this does not affect the calibrated ratio computation, it is required for the generation of absolute radiance. Edge Calibration This calibration determines the physical location of the image edges. The use of interference filters means that there are slight differences in the image size and placement for the various filters. These differences are quantized in this calibration, so that the ratio compu- tation can utilize the appropriately corrected pixel location in each filter. Flux Calibration This calibration determines the necessary constants for use by the flux control portion of the field program. The flux control is designed to choose the optimal neutral density/aperture combination for obtaining on- scale data in the field. Geometric Calibration This calibration supplies the required imagery to generate the equations relating pixel location in image 3 space to direction (azimuth and zenith angle) in object space. The above calibrations are the primary calibrations, acquired both before and after the deployment. They are processed and analyzed and then applied to the ratio processing. Special calibration tests may also be acquired as necessary. For the Wisconsin test, the Pre deployment cali- brations were acquired during November 7 - 11, 1989. The Post deployment calibrations were acquired dur- ing January 31 - February 9, 1990. 2.3 Field Data Acquired During this period, the HSRL was operated during the following intervals. Date Operation Times 20 Nov 12:43 - 15:15 21 Nov 07:23 - 13:32 28 Nov 17:01 - 23:59 29 Nov 00:00 - 03:00 01 Dec 07:47 - 19:10 05 Dec 07:39 - 09:48, 12:07 - 18:04 06 Dec 07:05 - 07:48, 07:54 - 08:14, 08:17 - 14:07 Thus only tapes POR001-004 are directly applicable for lidar intercomparison studies. The U.W. personnel have indicated that both 1 and 5 December had par- ticularly favorable cirrus cloud conditions. The WSI unit was installed on November 14, 1989. Installation of the portable unit proved to be straight- forward. The unit was installed on the roof of the Van Hise building at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, by the Marine Physical Laboratory personnel, with the very helpful support of U. W. personnel. The unit was left in an automated operation mode; in this configu- ration, it ran without supervision 12 hours a day, requiring weekly change out of the archival tape. This changeout and routine inspection were provided courtesy of the U.W. personnel. 3. PRELIMINARY ANALYSIS AND PRO- CESSING Eleven data tapes were acquired, containing the dates listed below. Funding was available to build and field the WSI unit at the lidar site. This has been accomplished successfully. Although only marginal funds were available for subsequent analysis and interpretation, the experimental potential of the joint exercise was recognized by both parties concerned. Therefore preliminary analysis of the WSI data has proceeded, and evaluation of the data intercomparison is anticipated once the lidar data are available. Tape Ident POR001 POR002 POR003 POR004 POR005 POR006 POR007 POR008 POR009 POR010 POR011 Operation Dates 14 Nov - 20 Nov 28 Nov - 02 Dec 21 Nov - 27 Nov 04 Dec - 10 Dec 11 Dec - 17 Dec 18 Dec - 24 Dec 26 Dec - 01 Jan 02 Jan - 08 Jan 09 Jan - 15 Jan 17 Jan - 23 Jan 25 Jan - 26 Jan Just as the lidar data, with its accurate determinations of optical depth, should be quite useful in the analysis of the WSI data base, there is interest in applying the WSI data at U.W. That is, the WSI data base, with its full sky representation and high temporal resolution, may help U.W.evaluate certain aspects of the lidar data collection. With this in mind, there has already been some transfer of WSI data. MPL has sent a 9-track tape to U.W. (since they had not yet acquired Exabyte capa- bility), with sample images from two days. The images sent were raw data only, appropriate for qualitative evaluation of the general cloud field during data ac- quisition. Being unprocessed data, they were not appropriate for direct comparison with optical density, however they give the user a general feel for the character of the sky and the degree of variability in the scene. It should be emphasized however that these data have not had calibrations applied, and should not be On each day, data are normally acquired for the 12 hours surrounding local apparent noon. The 68 days on which data were acquired represent approximately 215,000 images, or 11.6 gigabytes of data. At the end of each 7 day data period, the system remains in standby until the tape is changed. On a few occasions, it was not possible for the U.W. personnel to change the tape immediately. As a consequence, the following data days were not acquired: 03 Dec, 25 Dec, 16 Jan, and 24 Jan. Both image sets illustrate that the cloud structure can change quickly, and have highly variable cloud thicknesses over the sky dome. Thus, it will be extremely important to obtain careful time and space registration in the data intercomparisons with the lidar. An accu- rate geometric calibration will be essential for this registration. 3.2 Data Quality 19 used in any quantitative analysis. Similarly, U.W. personnel have indicated a willing- ness to send lidardata to MPL, once they have completed their calibration and quality analysis. Until this data is transferred, it is not possible to proceed with the evaluations. In the mean time, however, progress has been made with the processing and quality analysis of the WSI data. The processing which has occurred to date (August 90) is discussed in this section. 3.1 Sample Field Imagery Since U.W. personnel indicated that there were particularly interesting cloud fields on 1 and 5 De- cember, sample images were extracted from these days. A series of 4 images acquired at 10 minute intervals on 1 December is shown in Fig. 3.1. These images were acquired at 1910 through 1940 Greenwich (Z) time. Fig. 3.2 shows a similar series, acquired from 1720 through 1750 Z on 5 December. In each case, a 650 nm red image is shown. The images in Fig. 3.1 show that cirrus clouds were present and obvious in the imagery. During this 30 minute period, the cloud densities and amounts are quite variable over the sky, and they appear to change significantly with time. The first image shows cirrus over much of the sky. In the next image shown, the cirrus covers less of the sky, and also appears to be less dense. The contrail of an aircraft proceeding to the west in the image was visible in the original imagery. In the following image, this contrail appears to have been advected south (toward the top of the image), and has expanded considerably. The final image shows even less cirrus than in the initial images. The WSI data go through a series of quality evalu- ations as they are received and processed. This section discusses the results of the various checks that have been made. 3.2.1 Tape QC The Tape QC process is an automated program that checks each WSI tape as soon as it arrives in-house. The QC procedure is documented in detail in Karr, 1989. In general, the QC program evaluates the tape with respect to the following criteria: a) Proper spectral filter sequence occurred. b) Filters did not time-out in the field (i.e., a flag is put in the header in the field if the spectral or neutral density filter do not have time to go to the selected position). c) Occultor did not time-out. d) Occultor reading was correct for given time and longitude. e) Flux control operation was reasonable; i.e., iris may be open in and only if no 1 may be open if and only if no neutral density is used. f) Flux control did not time-out; i.e., there was adequate time for flux control. adequate tim g) Signals within the image are on-scale, i.e., brighter than 15 in the brighter two filters, darker than 240 in the darker two filters. The images in Fig. 3.2 also show great variability, both in cloud distribution and amount. The second image in particular shows clearly the multiple layers, with a much thinner layer appearing in the east above the somewhat thicker layer to the south. It should be noted that the above comments are based on visual assessment of the red images. We find that in these evaluations, the human is an excellent (but unfortunately not automated or consistent) image processor. Also note that much of the detail apparent in the original imagery is lost in the conversion to photographs for the report. Fig. 3.3 illustrates the same images as Fig. 3.1, photographed at a different brightness setting. In this rendition, the low brightness details are lost, but the high brightness details, such as the contrail near the sun at 1910, are retained. h) Sensor dark response outside the image was normal; i.e., dark signal is less than 15, and vertical and horizontal ramping are less than 10. i) All indicated days are present on tape. j) Time record is continuous, with no missing minutes. Both ten and one minute images appear in the proper sequence. k) WWV time was used, rather than BIOS. YTYTY 1) Camera temperature readings stay below 40 Centigrade (below 30 Centigrade with the new chiller unit). em aan Time: 1910 Z | Time: 1920 Z te•12 Time: 1930 Z Time: 1940 Z Figure 3.1 WSI Imagery from 1 December 1989. Sample red images are shown at 10 minute intervals. to 11 tt .12 sce Time: 1720 Z Time: 1730 Z TENE +12 fe *12 Wall Konto DE Time: 1740 z Time: 1750 Z Figure 3.2 WSI Imagery from 5 December 1989. Sample red images are shown at 10 minute intervals. tt = =12 www Time: 1910 z Time: 1920 Z 爹爹舞臺旁囊囊 WWW BARD N 2000 Dm Time: 1930 Z Time: 1940 Z Figure 3.3 WSI Imagery from 1 December 1989. Sample red images, reproduced to retain high brightness detail. m) LAN (local apparent noon) images appear nor- mal visually n) Histogram on LAN image has a reasonable signal distribution. o) On LAN image, iris, occultor, and filter read- ings are reasonable and properly recorded on the header. compared with histograms for sample field images from before and after the abnormality occurred. The histograms compared very closely, indicating that the double termination was probably the source of the problem. The TapeQC program gives several pages of diag- nostic information per tape. The information is evaluated, and a summary of tape conditions put to- gether. The summary for the tapes from the Madison deployment is given in Appendix 1. As a result, post deployment calibrations were ob- tained both with and without the double termination. The termination was found to affect both the linearity (i.e., the relative response curve) and the absolute calibration constants. Since it was possible to determine the source of the problem and take appropriate cali- brations, the processed data should be fairly reasonable. There should be more offscale bright data than normal, however, due to the reduced sensitivity range of the camera in the truncated mode. 3.2.3 Standard Camera Calibrations As mentioned earlier, the significant tapes, for the lidarintercomparison, are POR001-POR004. The data were good in most respects up until the fourth tape. On this tape, the signal was truncated around a signal of 176, rather than the normal 255. We later determined that this problem started on 2 December, and that cloud identification from the truncated imagery is possible. This data truncation is discussed in more detail in Section 3.2.2. The next step in the data evaluation and preparation for processing is the reduction and evaluation of the radiometric calibration data. Presentation of the full data set and its reduction is beyond the scope of this report, however an overview of the results is appropriate. For convenience, will use the terms “Pre” and “Post" for Pre-deployment calibrations and Post-deployment calibrations in the following section. In addition, there were occasional images or inter- vals that were indicated as missing on some of the days, particularly on the first tape. Through judicious use of more sophisticated tape read procedures, the data were retrieved. The data were successfully processed dur- ing the later data processing stages, so there is appar- ently little actual data loss. 3.2.2 Special Calibrations As noted above, the WSI recorded signal became truncated starting 2 December. On return from Madison, it was found that one of the switches on the back of the monitor had apparently been bumped. The 75 ohm termination switch forincoming video on Data Line A is normally switched off, since the video is terminated on the FG100 board. When the switch is on, the data are doubly terminated, and the signal is compressed. On return, the switch was halfway between the on and off settings, and the termination would change modes with a slight bump of the monitor. The computer rack was physically moved at the end of the day on 1 December, so it is reasonable to guess that the bumping may have caused the termination to become enabled. In order to verify whether this Line A termination switch was the source of the abnormally truncated data, images of the sky were acquired at MPL both with and without double termination under a variety of lighting conditions. Histograms for these images were then Both the Pre and Post calibrations appear to be reasonably self consistent. The full dark value, which should be close to 0, was 0.2 (on a 0 to 255 scale) on the Pre calibration, and 0.5 on the Post calibration. Full bright values, which need not be at 255 but should be near 255, were 245.7, and 246.2 on Pre and Post calibrations respectively. Thus the camera output was well matched to the image board A/D input. The noise was reasonably low, with typical signal standard de- viations of 2 to 3 counts, for a 20 x 20 pixel block. The system was slightly noisier at the high end, with STD's near 4. System response was quite stable during both linearities and absolutes. During the linearities the full measurement cycle is repeated, and the repeat values differed from the initial values by 1 or less in most cases. Similarly, duplicate measurements during ab- solute calibrations generally differed by 1 or less. During absolute calibrations, measurements are taken redundantly at a variety of lamp positions. Each of the redundant measurements, though at different signal levels and lamp settings, should yield the same calibration constants. Variance may be caused by stray light, instabilities in the camera relative response curve, and measurement noise. For the portable WSI cali- brations, the redundant measurements were very con- sistent. For example, in the absolute calibration at The Date File ND=1, Aper=160, which is the primary absolute cali- bration, 10 measurements were taken in each spectral filter. For spectral filters 1,2,3, and 4, the STDs for the 10 measurements were 0.6%, 0.8%, 0.7%, and 1.4%, all of which indicate very good stability and consistency. For processing field data to yield ratio images, two very significant numbers computed from the calibra- tions are the SPR value and the NDR value. Both of these numbers have to do with the relative spectral response of the system, and both are used in the ratio computation. For the SPR value, there are two redundant measurements. The two measurements differed by between 1% and 2% on both Pre and Post calibrations, and the Post differed from the Pre by 2%. With the NDR value, there is only one measurement; the Post differed from the Pre by less than 2%. Thus the Pre and Post calibrations yield very consistent estimates of these parameters. This file lists the starting date and number of days on each tape, for verification by the ratio program. This file also lists a date correction, if required. That is, sometimes the computer in the field will either skip or jump a date, due to improper handling of the WWV vs BIOS correction near midnight. The analyst must find the occasional occurrences of these abnormalities by looking for missing or duplicate dates, checking the tape date on known field site visit dates, and by com- parison of the cloud cover at LAN with the standard weather reports. Any input date offsets are corrected in the ratio processing. The Time File There were significant differences between the Pre and Post aperture calibrations. In general, the aperture calibration is approximate, because the camera iris is not a precision device. This is why the 4 images used to create a composite ratio are always acquired at one aperture setting; in this way, the effects of the aperture inconsistencies are ratioed out in the red/blue ratio. Thus, this difference between the Pre and Post cali- brations is not ideal in terms of absolute radiance, but it has no impact on the computed ratio images. There are still some aspects of the calibration pro- cess that are under development. For example, the spectral response curves for the filters are being mea- sured, and the spectral emittance curves of the lamps are being updated. As a result, the current calibration procedure includes the verification and possible ad- justment of the computed calibration constants, using the field data. For this data set, adjustments of less that 5% to the computed values were required. In summary, the Pre and Post calibrations show no unexpected instrumental problems. The results are very consistent within each set, and the Pre and the Post results compare very well. The Pre calibration was chosen for generation of the calibrations forinput to the ratio processing, since most of the field data were acquired closer in time to the Pre calibration set. 3.2.4 Final LAN Image Analysis Once the calibrations are prepared, it is necessary to create four more files for use by the ratio program; these four files in general involve further evaluation of the data quality. The four files are discussed below. When the computer is unable to access WWV time, the time is based on BIOS, which can drift several minutes over a period of weeks. This drift is determined by comparison of the actual sun spot in the image with the predicted position based on clock time. This yields a good measure ofclock drift, which is listed in the time file, and then used to correct the image time in the ratio program. The Occultor File Since the field personnel at some sites are not always able to change the occultor arm on the normal dates, it is necessary to determine when they were actually changed. These dates are contained in this file, so that the appropriate occultor mask may be drawn in the ratio program. Also, the occultor is sometimes misaligned by a few degrees; that is, the readout may be offset from the physical position ifthe occultoris not aligned properly. The amount of offset is determined from the LAN image, and input using this file. The Version File This file lists which version of the hardware was in the field on any given date, and therefore which version of the calibrations to use. In addition, missing data days are indicated in this file. Finally, this file has a quality indicator, which indicates the following visu- ally determined faults, if present: 1. No occultor present. y 2. Stray light present, due to the wrong occultor arm, a large time offset in the clock, or other factors. 3. Split images (can be caused by faulty image board). 4. Bad input look up table on image board. 5. Range truncation at the top of the range. 6. Range truncation at the bottom of the range. 7. Obstruction to vision on dome, due to condensa- tion or other obstruction. For the Portable data set at Madison, the data were quite good in the above respects. There were few missing dates, and no date slips. Time corrections were not required, since the system ran on WWV. The proper occultor arm was used, and the alignment was quite close (a 3 degree correction was required). There were no data quality abnormalities indicated from the above list. Range truncation did occur starting 2 December, as mentioned above, however it was pos- sible to calibrate the truncated system, so the ratios should be essentially normal. 3.3 Ratio Processing Once the myriad of quality control and calibration evaluations are completed as described in Section 3.2, the next step is the processing of the raw data to yield ratio data, using Program TAPRAT. In anticipation of receivinglidardata at some point in time, this processing has been completed. The ratio processing is part of the full processing illustrated conceptually in Fig. 3.4. The TAPRAT program starts with the raw data on the left of Fig. 3.4; the right-hand-most green circle, the composite ratio image, is the final product (we now generate red/blue ratio, rather than the blue/red shown in the illustration). The ratios have not been processed to the cloud stage, since the ratios, rather than the cloud decision images, are the appropriate parameter for lidar com- parison. However, a preliminary look at the ratio data may be obtained by using the fixed threshold cloud algorithm to color the ratio, as shown in Figs. 3.5 and 3.6. As an illustration, the cloud cases illustrated in Figs. 3.1 and 3.2 have been processed using the fixed threshold cloud algorithm, to yield preliminary cloud images shown in Figs. 3.5 and 3.6, respectively. In these images, grey to white represents areas identified as relatively thick cloud, and yellow represents areas identified as thin cloud One may see in these figures that many of the thin clouds are properly identified, however the thin clouds which are downsun are generally missed. Although the distinction between the downsun clouds and immedi- ately adjacent sky may be readily seen in ratio images (not shown here), the fixed threshold algorithm does not always make this distinction. Like the Tape QC program, the TAPRAT program checks a number of diagnostics, and creates diagnostic output files. The diagnostic checks include verifica- tion of time, occultor, and filter consistencies. A sample of the summary output file for the first tape, ...... . . ....... ... BASIC IMAGERY CORRECTED IMAGERY COMPOSITE RATIO DELIVERABLE DATABASE CALIBRATION FUNCTIONS RADIANCE CONVERSIONS CALIB BLUE IMAGE CONVERSIONS E BLUE IMAGE 512 X 512 x B CLOUD NO-CLOUD DECISION ALGORITHMS RADIOMETRIC LINEARITY BLUEIRED RATIOS RADIOMETRIC SENSITIVITY CALIB. UP-SUN RED IMAGE 512 X 512 x 8 DERIVED PRODUCTS IMAGE T- DOWN-SUN OPTICAL DISTORTIONS IMAGE RATIO COMPUTATIONS NEAR HORIZON SPATIAL DISTRIBUTIONS - COMPOSITE BLUEIRED RATIO MAGE OPTIMUM CLOUD NO-CLOUD IMAGE FIELD OF VIEW DEFINITION TWILIGHT - TEMPORAL DISTRIBUTIONS BLUE+N.D. IMAGE 512x512 x 8 CALIB. (BLUE) IMAGE DAWN SENSOR CHIP UNIFORMITY STATISTICAL PARAMETERS PIXEL SELECTIONS FOR OPTIMUM IZED COMPOSITE AS REQD (BLUEY(RED) RATIOS REGISTRATION ADJUSTMENTS RED + N.D. IMAGE 512 X 512 x 8 CALIB. (RED) IMAGE FLUX CONTROL THRESHOLDS L L- Fig. 3.4 Whole Sky Imager Basic Image Processing Flow Chart 11 Time: 1910 Z Time: 1920 Z 12 Time: 1930 Z Time: 1940 Z Figure 3.5 Sample Cloud/No Cloud Decision Images from 1 December 1989. Image processed using fixed ratio threshold. Time: 1720Z Time: 1730 Z Time: 1740 Z Time: 1750 Z Figure 3.6 Sample Cloud/No Cloud Decision Images from 5 December 1989. Image processed using fixed ratio threshold. 13 POR001, is included in Appendix 2. The more detailed diagnostic file is too large to include here. At this point, all of the bulk processing of the data has been completed. The next section outlines the general direction of the further analysis that we intend to pursue. 4. EVALUATION OF WSI AND LIDAR DATA INTERCOMPARISON As noted above, the previous sections detail what has been accomplished to date. This section gives further detail on analysis approaches that seem rea- sonable at this point in time. Some of this analysis is pending transfer of sample lidar data; other parts of the analysis can proceed without access to lidar data. 4.1 Preliminary Evaluation 4.2 Application of Data to Beta Algorithm Devel- opment As noted earlier, the fixed threshold algorithm works quite well for a two-class cloud discrimination. The precise mapping of optical density is a much more demanding task, however, which should require tightening of both the calibrations and the cloud al- gorithm. The development of a directionally-dependent beta algorithm is an important aspect of the WSI/HSRL intercomparison. The application of the algorithm should then allow a more specific determination of the directional impacts on the two-class cloud determina- tion. The development of the beta cloud algorithm is currently proceeding. Sample calculations have been made with the Hering FASCAT model. These results are being parameterized, to enable a simple and computationally fast correction to the ratio. This correction currently takes the form of a correction for solar scattering angle and a correction for look angle, i.e. for zenith angle. The next step in the algorithm development will probably be a comparison with measured ratios from clear day cases, perhaps with variable aerosol haze loads. Once the results are reasonably satisfactory, the next step is evaluation of thin clouds. In terms of ratio, thin clouds appear as a small perturbation on the clear sky ratio. Even without the lidar data, cirrus data such as found in this data set can be extremely valuable. Contrail cases such as found in Fig. 3.1 can give good insight into the nature of the perturbation to the ratio field caused by a thin cloud. Studies of the azimuthal dependence ofthe cloud covercan yield furtherinsights. Even though the fixed threshold cloud algorithm tends to underestimate the down-sun thin clouds, it is able to detect most of the thin cloud, and it detects thick clouds quite well. Therefore, it may be useful to make a first rough evaluation using the HSRL, to determine the approximate value of optical depth for cases which are identified as clear, thin cloud, and thick cloud. Fortunately, the WSI and HSRL were co-located. It will still be necessary to be very careful with directional and time coordination. As noted earlier, this will require careful interpretation of the geometric cali- bration. It will also be useful to determine the relative sensitivity ranges of the two instruments; for example, can the thickest clouds detected by the WSI be accu- rately measured by the HSRL, and can the thinnest clouds measured by the HSRL be detected by the WSI. The VIL lidar unit may also provide useful com- parisons. This unit was located several miles from the WSI and HSRL, so the comparison will perhaps be somewhat limited. We are not certain of the scanning time required by the VIL; this will be important to know. Even though the VIL is a relative device, the fact that it provides a "slice" through the upperhemisphere, rather than a single point, makes it well worth evalu- ating the possibilities. Another potentially useful data point is the sun point in the WSI image. The sun occultor utilizes a 4 log 14108 neutral density filter, allowing the apparent solar ra- diance to be detected. For those cases with this radi- ance on-scale, this yields an additional indication of optical depth. At this point the lidar data would then be an addi- tional ground truth. By looking at cases with similar HSRL results, which are at different times of day and therefore different sun angles, it may be possible to further test the efficacy of the algorithm. The VIL data, if it turns out to be applicable, would be especially useful. That is if the scan time and site separation do not cause too much of a problem, a measurement of the relative optical density over a slice of the image would be most useful in checking for directional bias in the algorithm. 4.3 Evaluation of the Beta Cloud Data Once the beta algorithm development is satisfactorily completed, it would be appropriate to determine, using the lidar data, the range of optical depths which are identified as clear, thin cloud, and thick cloud. It may 1A i 14 be possible to determine the thinnest cloud the WSI can detect. If the ratio vs density relation is tight enough, this would enable the WSI image to be converted, in a sense, to an optical density map. It might be reasonable to chose thresholds based on optical density, with the selected optical density depending on the application. Since this November 89 through January 90 deploy- ment, the WSI data have undergone extensive quality analysis. The data quality appears to be quite good. Sample data have been sent to U.W. In addition, the processing of the WSI data has been completed. 1 Once lidardata are received, preliminary evaluation of the data comparison can proceed. In the mean time, it is our feeling that the most productive comparison should proceed in conjunction with the development of a second generation beta cloud algorithm. This algo- rithm development is proceeding independently. As further progress is made on the algorithm develop- ment, lidar data comparisons will become increasingly important. 6. REFERENCES How much of this will be possible is difficult to estimate at this point. The WSI was designed to sort the clouds into only two categories. In spite of some directional bias, this two-category sorting in general yields results that are quite reasonable and compare well with the standard obseryer. Through the lidar intercomparison, it should at least be possible to relate these two categories to optical depth. Whether finer discriminations can be made is something we are eager to know. In order to apply these results to the full WSI data base, some further work with the calibrations will also be advised. Specifically, calibration of the spectral response of the filters and lamp must be completed and applied to the calibrations. Further analysis of the calibration accuracy, in the form of system inter- comparisons, may also be required. 5. SUMMARY Johnson, R. W., W.S. Hering, and J.E.Shields, (1989). Automated Visibility and Cloud Cover Measure- ments with a Solid-State Imaging System, Univer- sity of California, San Diego, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Marine Physical Laboratory, SIO 89-7, GL-TR-89-0061. Karr, M. E. and J. E. Shields, (1989). Whole Sky Im- ager Management of Raw Database, University of California, San Diego, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Marine Physical Laboratory, Technical Note No. 211 A network of Whole Sky Imagers has been operating over the past two years at a number of sites. The extensive data base which has resulted is being suc- cessfully processed to yield assessments of thin and opaque cloud cover. Although these results compare well with standard observers, it would be very useful to quantitatively relate the results to optical depth values. Shields, J. E., T. L. Koehler, M. E. Karr, and R. W. Johnson(1990). Automated Cloud Cover and Vis- ibility Systems for Real Time Applications, Uni- versity of California, San Diego, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Marine Physical Laboratory, Technical Note No. 217 In order to provide data toward this end, a portable WSI unit was built, and was fielded for just over two months at the lidar facility at U.W. Simultaneous data were acquired by the two instruments during times when cirrus clouds were prevalent. The instrument fielding and data acquisition were successfully com- pleted. Varah, J. R. (1989). Whole Sky Imager Solid State Sensor Electronic Calibration, University of Cali- fornia, San Diego, Scripps Institution of Oceanog- raphy, Marine Physical Laboratory, Technical Note No. 212 APPENDIX 1 Tape QC Summary for WSI/Lidar Experiment Portable system - Madison, Wisc. immary WSI ir POR001 - (14 - 20 Nov), Rec'd 29 Nov.. Nov. 16 & 20 had halo of speckles (over saturation). Nov. 14 started at 20:10 and had tape errors at: 20:50, 21:10, 22:10, 22:20 & 23:30. Nov. 15 had tape errors at 11:40, 13:10 & 13:20. Nov. 17 had tape errors at 12:30 & 23:00. Nov. 18 had tape errors at 14:30, 15:30, 15:40, 16:20, 16:30, 16:46, 18:10, 18:50 & 19:10. Nov. 19 had tape errors at 19:50. Nov. 20 had tape errors at: 11:40, 13:10, 15:10, 15:20, 15:30, 15:50, 21:20 & 23:39. LAN's and histograms looked o.k.. System used WWV time. Highest LAN temperature was 12 degrees and the lowest was 3 degrees. POR002 - (28 Nov. - 2 Dec.), Rec'd 11 Dec. Tapeqc was rerun on another machine and two more days were extracted. Nov. 28 starts at 21:00 and has no LAN. Dec. 2 had a data gap between 19:40 and 23:41 and ended at 23:47. LAN images, histogram and diagnostic files look ok. System used WWV time. Lowest LAN temperature was 2 degrees. POR003 - (21 - 27 Nov.), Rec'd 11 Dec. Nov. 21 had 19 tape errors throughout the day. Nov. 22 had 4 tape errors throughout the day. Nov. 23 was missing the 11:40 ten minute image. Nov. 25 only had 1 tape error. Otherwise, LAN images, histogram and diagnostic files look o.k. System used WWV time. Highest LAN temperature was 13 degrees and lowest was 3 degrees. POR004 - (4 - 10 Dec.), Rec'd 2 Jan. The signal is cutting off at around 176. Otherwise, LAN images, histogram and diagnostic files look 0.K. System used WWV time. Dec. 4 started at 18:30 and has no LAN. Highest LAN temperature was 12 degrees and lowest was 2 degrees. POR005 - (11 - 17 Dec.), Rec'd 2 Jan. Signal compression occurs at 178 now at this station. Dec. 11 started at 19:30 and had no LAN image. Dec. 12 had spectral errors at 11:55, 12:13, 12:48, 14:41, 14:53, 20:48, 21:53, 22:43 and the ten minute image at 12:50 is missing. Dec. 13 had spectral errors at 14:27, 16:03, 18:04 & 19:03. Dec. 14 had spectral errors at 16:33, 16:55, 17:07, 17:17, 17:22, 17:26, 17:29, 17:40, 18:10, 18:51, 19:05, 19:42, 22:09, 22:19, 22:37 & 22:48. Dec. 15 had a tape error at 16:10. Dec. 16 had spectral errors at 11:50, 12:03, 17:44, 17:50, 18:06, 18:12, 18:28, 18:49, 22:26, 22:42, 23:05, 23:10 & 23:24. Dec. 17 had spectral errors at 14:59, 15:07 and a halo of speckles on LAN image. System used WWV time. Lowest LAN temperature was -01 degrees. POR006 - (18 - 24 Dec.), Rec'd 8 Jan. Signal compression occurs at 178. Dec. 18 starts at 19:00 (no LAN image) and has spectral errors at 19:04, 19:11, 20:57 & 21:11. Dec. 19 has spectral errors at 14:36, 14:45, 15:30, 15:34, 16:16, 18:00 & 18:20. Dec. 20 has spectral errors at 20:54 & 21:01. On Dec. 21 data is unrecoverable from 12:00 to 19:40 - looks like FG100 board was not working properly, then the problem cleared up. Otherwise, the rest of the LAN images are ok. System used WWV time. Lowest LAN temperature was -01 degrees. 16 APPENDIX í POR007 - (26 Dec. - 1 Jan.), Rec'd 9 Jan. Signal compression occurs at 164. Dec. 26 starts at 22:00 and has no LAN image. Dec. 29 had a tape error at 16:02 and two image signal errors at 14:00; QD1 = 5.56 and QD2 = 10.86. Dec. 31 had a tape error at 16:50. Dec. 30 & 31 LAN images had snow on the dome. Otherwise, LAN images and diagnostic files look ok. System used WWV time. Lowest LAN temperature was 3 degrees. POR008 - 12 - 8 Jan.), Rec'd 23 Jan. Signal compression at 173 now. Jan. 3 had a halo of speckles. Jan. 4 had snow over 2/3 of the dome. Jan. 3 had spectral errors at 21:52 & 22:11. Jan. 4 had two image signal errors at 14:00; QD1 = 7.86 & QD2 = 5.11. Jan. 5 had a spectral error at 21.44. Jan. 7 had spectral errors at: 16:13, 16:53, 19:00, 19:17, 20:06, 20:17, 20:58, 21:01, 21:18, 21:27 & 21:37. Jan. 8 had spectral errors at 22:13, 22:15 & 22:22. System used WWV time. Lowest LAN temperature was 5 degrees. POR009 - (9 - 15 Jan.), Rec'd 23 Jan. Signal compression at 174. Jan. 9 started at 20:10 and has no LAN image. The 9th has seventeen occurances of tape errors starting at 20:40 and ending at 23:00. It also had a spectral error at 22:07. On Jan. 10 at 13:10 Occultor movement of -140 degrees was flagged. Jan. 11 had one image signal error at 22:10. Diagnostics for Jan. 12, 13 & 14 look ok. System used WWV time. Lowest LAN temperature was 4 degrees. POR010 - (17 - 23 Jan.), Rec'd 31 Jan. Signal compression to 174. Occultor looks slightly off-center. All of the days except Jan. 23 are missing the midnight ten minute images. Jan. 17 starts at 18:20 and misses LAN by 10 minutes. It has two image signal errors at 22:20; QD1 = 8.39 and QD2 = 12.53. Jan. 23 has one image signal error at 22:10; QD1 = 10.97. System used WWV time. Lowest LAN temp. was 6 degrees. POR011 - 125 - 26 Jan.), Rec'd 31 Jan. Jan. 25 starts at 20:30 and has no LAN. Jan. 26 ended at 14:19 when stopped by Dick and Gene to prepare system for removal. Diagnostic files looked ok. 34 17 APPENDIX 2 Sample TAPRAT Diagnostic File: Tape POR001 Starting Mo/Da/Yr on tape is 11 14 89 Field Sequence Number = 001 Confirmed * Results of the Calibration File Selection * Data Qual. 1 Day Seg. Day Day-MO-Yr 684 14/NOV/89 685 15/NOV/89 686 16/NOV/89 687 17/NOV/89 688 18/NOV/ 89 689 19/NOV/89 7 690 20/NOV/89 1 vous as WN Quality Hard. Soft. Calibration Indicators Vers. Vers. File Selected 0000000000 1A 2.90 CAL9V01A.RAT 0000000000 1A 2.90 CAL9V01A.RAT 0000000000 2.90 CAL9V01A . RAT 0000000000 2.90 CAL9V01A.RAT 0000000000 2.90 CAL9V01A.RAT 0000000000 2.90 CAL9V01A.RAT 0000000000 2.90 CAL9V01A.RAT 1 Initial header found: Dale = 14/NOV/89 Initial date confirmed. FIELD tape format confirmed: FLDTYP = 3 Initial image type = 1 Log file 19001.LOG opened successfully New calibration file CALIVO1A.RAT opened successfully. Calibration file date is :02/ JUL/90 Basic Time Information for 14/NOV/89 : Estimated Start Time : 1143 GMT Computed Sunrise = 1245 GM'T Computed Sunset = 2239 GMT Time correction = 0 min Occultor Arm 1 selected: Offset - 3 Tape read error in GETI MG - Line 8 Return to MAIN Summary for 14/NOV/89 Number of 10 min images processed to ratio = 14 FREQUENCY PROBLEM Tine skips ahead : Time skips back : Occultor out of range : Occultor disagrees with time : Neutral density inconsistencies : Spectral filter inconsistencies : Quadrant inconsistencies : .... . APPENDIX 2 Basic Time Information for 15/NOV/89 ; Estimated start Time = 1143 GMT Computed Sunrise = 1247 GMT Computed Sunset = 2238 GMT Time Correction = 0 min Occultor Arm 1 selected: Offset = 3 Sumnary for 15/NOV/89 Number of 10 min images processed to ratio = 59 FREQUENCY PROBLEM Time skips ahead : Time skips back : Occultor out of range : Occultor disagrees with time : Neutral density inconsistencies : Spectral filter inconsistencies : Quadrant inconsistencies : Basic Time Information for 16/NOV/89 : Estimated Start Time = 1143 GMT Computed Sunrise = 1248 GMT Computed Sunset = 2237 GMT Time Correction = 0 min Occultor Arm 1 selected: Offset = 3 Summary for 16/NOV/89 Number of 10 min images processed to ratio : 59 FREQUENCY PROBLEM Time skips ahead : Time skips back : Occultor out of range : Occultor disagrees with time : Neutral density inconsistencies : Spectral filter inconsistencies : Quadrant inconsistencies : Basic Time Information for 17/NOV/89 : Estimated Start Time = 1143 GMT Computed Sunrise = 1249 GMT Computed Sunset = 2236 GMT Time Correction = 0 min Occultor Arm 1 selected: Offset - 3 APPENDIX 2 Summary for 17/NOV/89 Number of 10 min images processed to ratio = 59 FREQUENCY PROBLEM Time skips ahead : Time skips back : Occultor out of range : Occultor disagrees with time : Neutral density inconsistencies : Spectral filter inconsistencies : Quadrant inconsistencies : Basic Time Information for 18/NOV/89 : Estimated start Time = 1143 GMT Computed Sunrise = 1250 GMT Computed Sunset = 2235 GMT Time Correction = 0 min Occultor Arm 1 selected: Offset = 3 Summary for 18/NOV/89 Number of 10 min images processed to ratio = 59 FREQUENCY www PROBLEM Time skips ahead : Time skips back : Occultor out of range : Occultor disagrees with time : Neutral density inconsistencies : Spectral filter inconsistencies : Quadrant inconsistencies : Basic Time Information for 19/NOV/89 : Estimated Start Time = 1144 GMT Computed Sunrise = 1252 GMT Computed Sunset = 2235 GMT Time Correction = 0 min Occultor Arm 1 selected: Offset - 3 20 APPENDIX 2 Summary for 19/NOV/89 Number of 10 min images processed to ratio = 58 FREQUENCY PROBLEM Time skips ahead : Time skips back : Occultor out of range : Occultor disagrees with time : Neutral density inconsistencies : Spectral filter inconsistencies : Quadrant inconsistencies : Basic Time Information for 20/NOV/89 : Estimated Start Time = 1144 GMT Computed Sunrise = 1253 GMT Computed Sunset = 2234 GMT Time Correction : 0 min Occultor Arm 1 selected: Offset = 3 Tape read error encountered - processing stopped. Summary for 20/NOV/89 Number of 10 min images processed to ratio : 58 FREQUENCY PROBLEM Time skips ahead : Time skips back : Occultor out of range : Occultor disagrees witli time : Neutral density inconsistencies : Spectral filter inconsistencies : Quadrant inconsistencies : 21 APPENDIX 3 Illustrative Charts This appendix contains charts illustrating some of the concepts discussed in this note. These charts were prepared for a meeting concerning the WSI/Lidar experiment. The first chart illustrates the preliminary WSI data processing, as discussed in Section 3. The second chart illustrates the analysis of WSI data using the joint experimental data, as discussed in Section 4. The plot illustrates the variance in background sky ratio, as discussed in Section 4.2. The illustration shows samples from a geometric calibration image. Both the original image with moderate lens misalignment, and the image with a corrected geometric calibration are shown. 22 PHASE I: WSI DATA PROCESSING FOR WSI / HSRL EXPERIMENT 09900.00 jensia Process Field Data Tape QC Run Assessment Verify Time, Occultor Accuracy ocultor ol sepewj 10 Ratio Images SO 999 00 POPCESSSSSSSSS ерпрәЯ Data CS Pre-deployment calibrations @jenjeng josues aquewioped CONCEN444 100 9999999049..400000 Prepare Calibration Files 99999999 Reduce Data Evaluate Post-deployment calibrations Josues APPENDIX 3 Performance 10.000. 000 23 ejea ISM JO SISÁLLUY leseyd juewuədxa TUSH/ISM Buisn. 090 1. Preliminary Evaluation Geometric Calibrations Preliminary Ratio Images Relative Variance. WSI vs HSRL 7USH ejed 24 II. Ratio vs Optical Depth Evaluation 28 ty S32 CoMATYI Enhanced Beta Algorithm 2020 Geometric Calibrations 39 SASSAR D SEN NA Preliminary Ratio Images Beta - corrected Ratio vs Optical Depth 2222 28 AO APPENDIX 3 26 33033 Enhanced Calibration Studies HSRL Data FASCAT RESULTS Zenith Angle = 45 Deg. NI - Opaque Cloud - V = 12 km, Solar Zen. = 66 deg. - V = 12 km, Solar Zen. = 37 deg. 0 V = 100 km, Solar Zen. = 66 deg. mm V = 100 km, Solar Zen. = 37 deg. RED / BLUE RATIO . . . . . . www . NI . HI . NANT w WE indemningen AN SINH w www MUNAUNGANA ww S S ww. SU www ch IN w DIDELIFE www www . . ben 10 MPE 090 0.0 20.0 0°08 0 001 1 20.0 40.0 60.0 SOLAR SCATTERING ANGLE B (Degrees) APPENDIX 3 25 pərbənog leuibuo Vio WA MA DAHA FACES Lahore 26 SEO iniz S ESERLE A MERICA Casa ANG NE TE RESTRELAS R ESCEUTA TELL MEDERE ANTALASEVA TASCA DETSERT SERIALITETAS ca BASINUTEN RADIONIRA T IE ARRIBA LINH REPERERERE REN TE TATTACI RAREASCA DALAR BE RSS ANA JENS FHHHHHHH4+44** 1899 5 SER st Salut ONLINE WINE S882 SE2 1601 TOMOS TIL TOTA 2 MARTIN THE . OM NieR SZOWWI NOLIVhaltvo bul3w035 Wo: 537dWVS