SPECIAL COLLECTIONS THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES2 FEBRUARY, 1923 COPYRIGHTED, COMPILED AND ARRANGED FOR UNITED SASH & DOOR DEALERS OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BY J. A. FARNSWORTH. Jr.Catalog No. 23 FEBRUARY 1, 1923 The California Door Company MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN DOORS, SASH, BLINDS Plate, Window and Ornamental Glass LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 237-239-241 CENTRAL AVENUE PRICE $1.004 TO THE TRADE In compiling this catalog of designs we have endeavored as far as possible to meet the requirements of the prospective house builder, the architect, contractor and dealer and in so doing have shown designs of the “made to order” as well as the “carried in stock” material. We show old and new designs under each class of stock as suggestions to be used in the planning of the new home and they are practical for use in the modest or the pretentious home. The arrangement is by classes, each class carrying its serial number and each design carrying its designating number for convenience in ordering. It is susceptible to changes and additions from time to time as new designs are originated without changing the number by which each article is designated. We take pleasure in herewith presenting to you the result of our labors and feel confident it will prove of help and assistance to the building industry. Our Factory has an extent and capacity as great as that of any similar establishment in this country, consequently our facilities for supplying the trade with goods in our line cannot be excelled. The widely acknowledged superiority of our goods is due to the use of well-seasoned lumber, to the perfect equipment of our Mill, and to careful supervision in the process of manufacture. We not only maintain the high standard of quality in our product but seek always to raise it by increased skill in workmanship and by the accession from time to time of the latest improved machinery and appliances. Estimates, price lists, or any information in our line will be furnished promptly on application. Trusting to be favored with your orders, for which we assure you careful and prompt attention, we are, Yours respectfully, THE CALIFORNIA DOOR COMPANY.5 DIRECTIONS FOR ORDERING Time, annoyance and expense can be saved by noting and following closely the suggestions below: We will understand all orders and inquiries are for Regular Pacific Coast style and sizes as described in this catalog, unless specifically ordered otherwise. Be explicit in ordering. Do not assume that we know what you want. Always give width first, length or height second, then thickness. Always use inches to designate glass size, and feet and inches for opening or outside measurements. SASH & WINDOW The term “Sash” indicates only one piece to fill opening. The term “Window” indicates two pieces (upper and lower sash) to fill opening and to slide vertically. State size of opening, thickness and number of lights. State whether glazed with single or double strength glass, plate—plain or beveled, or other glass that may be required. Where a transom window other than stock is ordered with top and bottom sash of different heights give opening size and specify height of bottom sash. If segment or circle head give number of style desired (see page 196) and radius of circle or segment if not regular. When an odd sash or window is ordered always give total number of lights and outside opening, and, if possible, send sketch.6 DOORS In the absence of other instructions we will consider all orders for the Standard Five Cross Panel or Colonial Door, cuts Number 201 and 202. State width, height and thickness, number of panels and arrangement of same and quality. State style of sticking unless standard stock sticking is desired. If molded, state whether flush or raised mold, one or two sides. If odd send sketch or detail. Odd doors will be made with regular stock widths of stiles, rails, muntins and panels unless specifically ordered otherwise. OUTSIDE BLINDS We will understand all orders for blinds to call for Regular Pacific Coast Styles and Sizes, 1-1/16 inch thick, rolling slats unless specifically ordered otherwise. State size of window for which blinds are ordered, also thickness of blind, and whether all rolling slats (R. S.) stationary slats (S. S.), or half rolling and half stationary (1/2 R. S. 1/2 S. SJ. If odd give outside opening, thickness, arrangement of slats and send sketch. If regular, stock blind is the width of the window to be covered and one inch longer. Blinds for brick building must be so specified, and will in the absence of additional instructions be made two inches longer than regular window opening. A blind indicates a single piece to fill opening. A pair of blinds indicates two pieces to fold together to fill opening and rabbeted at center. A set of blinds indicates more than two pieces and should always be accompanied by sketch.7 INDEX Pages ASTRAGALS Cuts of ............................. 230 BLINDS Outside Rolling Slats ............219-220 “ Stationary Slats .........218-222 “ Half Stationary and Half Rolling ................219-220 “ Special Designs ...........221-222 CASEMENTS In Pairs—Two Light .................. 202 Special cut-up designs .202-204 DIRECTIONS FOR ORDERING............................... 5- 6 CARE AND PROTECTION OF VENEERED FRONT DOORS ................................... 34 DOORS China Closet—Single ..............171-174 “ “ Pairs ...............175-178 French Single ............... 97-104 “ Pairs ................105-110 Front Solid ................. 9- 32 ■ Veneered ............. 33- 68 Garage Single and Pairs ..........163-170 Interior ......................... 69- 88 Medicine Case .................. 141-142 Mirror ......................... 137-140 Sash ............................. 89- 96 Sash and Screen—Combination ......133-136 Screen—Single ....................119-128 “ Pairs ................... 129-132 Screen and Sash Combination ......133-136 Slat .............................143-146 Store—Single—Solid ...............147-150 Pairs “ ...............151-154 Single—Veneered ...........155-158 “ Pairs “ ............159-162 Toilet—Slat and Paneled ......... 143-146 GLASS Art Leaded Art i Leaded Beveled Plate L ...........237-255 “ Sheet i “ Colored ’ Partition ....................... 235-236 Prism ............................233-235 Wire ................................ 235 ; GLOSSARY OF TRADE TERMS ....................256-259 IRONING BOARDS—With and Without Table .....228-229 MEDICINE CASE CABINETS—Cuts of set in and set on wall ........................................ 142 Forward—8 INDEX CONTINUED Pages MOLDS Styles of Flush and Raised ....... 231 RABBETS Cuts of........................... 230 SASH Casement Sash Pairs ...........201-204 China Closet—Single ..........179-182 “ “ Pairs .............-..183-186 Designs of Cut-up ............206-212 Hot House ....................215-216 Single Light .................... 206 Skylight .....................215-216 Transom ......................197-200 SCREENS Half and Full Window ..........225-226 SHUTTERS Styles of .....................223-224 SIDE LIGHTS Cuts of Solid ...................111-114 “ “ Veneered ................115-118 STICKING Styles of ........................ 232 TIME AND SATISFACTION .......................... 262 TABLE OF SQUARE FEET ........................... 261 TRANSOMS Cut-up designs ................213-214 One and Two Light................ 214 Weights of Doors and Windows..... 260 WINDOWS Bent or Circle Face .................195-196 Circle Face or Bent ..........195-196 Circle Top Inside and Outside ... 189 Eight Light—Plain and Lip Rail .. 188 Four Light—Lip Rail ............. 188 Gothic Top—Inside and Outside ... 189 Segment Top Inside and Outside .. 189 Transom—Lip Rail .............197-200 Twelve Light—Plain and Lip Rail . 188 Two Light—Lip Rail .............. 188 Window Cut-up Designs ........190-194 Window Screens—Half and Full .225-226FRONT DOORS The selection of the Front Door for the modern home whether modest or pretentious should be given careful thought and care. It should conform in general with the architecture of the house and be of attractive appearance. As the Front Entrance gives the first and lasting impression it should bespeak dignity, cordiality, and pride, and is worthy of a well designed Front Door. We offer the following designs for your consideration and selection. Front Doors of any design will be manufactured to order from sketch or detail.10 FRONT DOOR Made to order of California Pine or Fir Veneered with Hard- woods as desired. 2811 FRONT DOOR Made to order of California Pine or Fir. Veneered with Hard- woods as desired. 2912 FRONT DOOR Made to order of California Pine or Fir. Veneered with Hardwoods as desired. 30 Raised Mold on Front 13 FRONT DOOR Made to order of California Pine or Fir. Veneered with Hard- woods as desired. 31 Flush Mold on Front14 FRONT DOOR Made to order of California Pine or Fir. Veneered with Hard- woods as desired. 32 Raised Mold on Front.15 FRONT DOOR 33- Raised Mold on Front. Made to order of California Tine or Fir. Veneered with Hardwoods as desired.16 FRONT DOOR Made to order of California Pine or Fir. Veneered with Hard- woods as desired. 34 Raised Mold on Front17 FRONT DOOR Made to order of California Pine or Fir. Veneered with Hard- woods as desired. 35 Flush Mold on Front18 FRONT DOOR Made to order of California Pine or Fir. Veneered with Hard- woods as desired. 3619 FRONT DOOR Made to order of California Pine or Fir. Veneered with Hard- woods as desired. 3720 FRONT DOOR Made to order of California Pine or Fir. Veneered with Hard- woods as desired. 3821 FRONT DOOR Made to order of California Pine or Fir. Veneered with Hard- woods as desired. 3922 FRONT DOOR Made to order of California Pine or Fir. Veneered with Hard- woods as desired. 4023 FRONT DOOR Made to order of California Pine or Fir. Veneered with Hard- woods as desired. 4124 FRONT DOOR Made to order of California Pine or Fir. Veneered with Hard- woods as desired. 42FRONT DOOR Made to order of California Pine or Fir. Veneered with Hard- woods as desired. 44FRONT DOOR Carried in Stock. Made of California Pine or Fir 4827 FRONT DOOR Carried in stock. Made of California Pine or Fir. 49FRONT DOOR Made to order of California Pine or Fir. Veneered with Hard- woods as desired.29 FRONT DOOR Made to order of California Pine or Fir. Veneered with Hardwoods as desired. 5230 FRONT DOOR Made to order of California Pine or Fir. Veneered with Hard- woods as desired. 5331 FRONT DOOR Made to order of California Pine or Fir. Veneered with Hard- woods as desired.32 FRONT DOOR Made to order of California Pine or Fir. Veneered with Hard- woods as desired. 6233 VENEERED FRONT DOORS Hardwood veneered Front Doors are becoming more and more popular and represent the best efforts of the Sash and Door artisan. When properly protected and finished, veneered doors will give entire satisfaction. The following designs offer a varied selection and the doors can be veneered of woods as desired. Any design can be manufactured to order from sketch or detail.34 CARE AND PROTECTION OF VENEERED FRONT DOORS The finer the exterior door the more susceptible it is to climatic and atmospheric changes before finishing. As soon as the door is taken from the depot or received at the job, have the finisher give it at least one coat of filler. Two are better but one will protect it. Because doors are shipped as soon as run through the sander, with all the pores of the wood open they are ready to receive moisture unless protected—they are safe in our warehouse and the packing protects them during shipment—but after this is removed the filler must be quickly applied. Don’t hang your doors in a damp, freshly plastered building or the Manufacturer of a product upon which every care that scientific knowledge is bestowed from start to finish, cannot be held responsible for the result of improper handling. After the doors are hung and no more fitting is to be done, cover the ends of the stiles, top and bottom, as well as the top of top rail and the bottom of bottom rail, with at least one coat of paint. This will prevent moisture from entering the pores of the wood and is absolutely essential to the permanence of outside doors.35 FRONT DOOR Veneered as desired. 100 Quartered Oak on Front.36 101 Walnut on Front. FRONT DOOR Veneered . as desired.FRONT DOOR .37 Veneered as desired. 102 Figured Gum on Front.38 FRONT DOOR Veneered as desired. 103 Philippine Mahogany on Front.39 FRONT DOOR Veneered as desired. 105 Ribbon Grained Juana Costa on Front.40 FRONT DOOR V eneered as desired. 106 Juana Costa on Front.41 FRONT DOOR Veneered as desired. 107 Fir on Front.42 FRONT DOOR Veneered as desired. 108 Fir on Front.43 FRONT DOOR Veneered as desired. 109 Tobasco Mahogany on Front.44 FRONT DOOR Veneered as desired. 110 Figured Gum on Front.45 FRONT DOOR Veneered as desired. Ill Fir on Front.46 FRONT DOOR 112 Fir on Front.47 FRONT DOOR Veneered as desired. 113 Fir on Front.48 115 Juana Costa on Front.FRONT DOOR Veneered as desired. 116 Quartered Oak on Front.50 117 Birch on Front.FRONT DOOR 118 Fir on Front.52 119 Juana Costa on Front.53 FRONT DOOR Veneered as desired. 120 Fir on Front.FRONT DOOR Veneered as desired. 121 Fir on Front.5556 FRONT DOOR Veneered as desired. 123 Quartered Oak on Front.57 FRONT DOOR Veneered as desired. 124 Quartered Oak on Front With Raised Mold set on.FRONT DOOR 125 Quartered Oak on Front With Raised Mold set on. Veneered as desired. 5859 FRONT DOOR 126 Quartered Oak on Front With Raised Mold set on.127 Figured Gum on Front.61 FRONT DOOR Veneered as desired. 128 Philippine Mahagony on Front.62 FRONT DOOR Veneered as desired. 129 Tobasco Mahogany on Front.6364 FRONT DOOR 131 Plain Oak and Raised Mold on Front.65 FRONT DOOR Veneered as desired. 132 Quartered Oak and Raised Mold on Front.66 FRONT DOOR Veneered as desired. 133 Quartered Oak on Front.67 FRONT DOOR Veneered as desired. 134 Quartered Oak and Raised Mold on Front.INTERIOR DOORS Interior doors are carried in stock in popular patterns made of California Pine and Fir. They may be made of any combination of Veneered woods, stile of one kind and panels of another or different veneer on each side. The individual taste has a large field for a combination of woods and designs. If properly finished the door enhances the interior attractiveness and offers unusual opportunity for artistic and decorative values.INTERIOR DOOR Stock Four Panel Ogee Door. Macle of California Pine. 20071 INTERIOR DOOR Stock Five Cross Panel or Colonial Door. Macle of California Pine. 20172 INTERIOR DOOR Stock Five Cross Panel or Colonial Door. Made of Fir. Veneered with Hard- woods as desired. 20273 INTERIOR DOOR Six Cross Panel Door. Made to order of California Pine or Fir. Veneered with Hard- woods as desired. 20374 INTERIOR DOOR Stock One Panel Door. Made of California Pine. Veneered with Hard- woods as desired. 204INTERIOR DOOR Stock One Panel Door. Made of Fir. Veneered with Hard- woods as desired. 20576 INTERIOR DOOR One Panel Door. Made to order of Vertical Grained Fir. 3-ply Vertical Grained Fir Panels. 20677 INTERIOR DOOR One Panel Circle Head Door. Made to order of California Pine or Fir. Veneered with Hard- woods as desired. 20778 INTERIOR DOOR One Panel Segment Head Door, Made to order of California Pine or Fir. Veneered with Hard- woods as desired. 208INTERIOR DOOR One Panel Square Head Segment Inside Door. Made to order of California Pine or Fir. Veneered with Hard- woods as desired. 20980 INTERIOR DOOR Two Panel Door. Made to order of California Pine or Fir. Veneered with Hard- woods as desired. 21081 INTERIOR DOOR 211 Made to order of California Pine or Fir. Veneered with Hard- woods as desired.82 INTERIOR DOOR Made to order of California Pine or Fir. Veneered with Hardwoods as desired. 21283 INTERIOR DOOR Made to order of California Pine or Fir. Veneered with Hardwoods as desired. 21384 INTERIOR DOOR Made to order of California Pine or Fir. Veneered with Hardwoods as desired. 21485 INTERIOR DOOR Made to order of California Pine or Fir. 215 Flush Mold on two sides. V eneered with Hard- woods as desired.86 INTERIOR DOOR Made to order of California Pine or Fir. Veneered with Hard- woods as desired. 21687 INTERIOR DOOR 217 Made to order of California Pine or Fir. Veneered with Hard- woods as desired.88 INTERIOR DOOR Made to order of California Pine or Fir. 218 Flush Mold on two sides. Veneered with Hard- woods as desired.89 SASH DOORS Used for outside, side and rear entrances and inter-room connections, especially for Bathroom and Dining Room to Kitchen. They may be glazed with sheet, partition or colored glass according to use and taste of user.90 SASH DOOR Stock O. G. Sash Door. Made of California Pine. 30091 SASH DOOR Stock Colonial Sash Door. Made of California Pine or Fir. Veneered with Hard- woods as desired. 30192 SASH DOOR Stock Colonial Sash Door. Made of California Pine or Fir. Veneered with Hard- woods as desired. 30293 SASH DOOR Stock Sash Door. Made of Fir. Veneered with Hard- woods as desired. 30394 SASH DOOR Stock Sash Door. Made of Fir. Veneered with Hard- woods as desired. 30495 SASH DOOR Made to order of California Pine or Fir. Veneered with Hard- woods as desired. 30596 SASH DOOR Made to order of Fir. Veneered with Hard- woods as desired. 306FRENCH DOORS—Single French Doors while intended primarily for outside use—porches, sun rooms etc., are now used to good advantage for inter-room use where lighting or heating is a reason for separating two rooms. As all inside French Doors should be glazed with stops, it is necessary in ordering to specify same, otherwise it will be assumed they are for outside work and they will be glazed with putty accordingly. Any of the designs may be made to order and veneered with such woods as may be desired. Stock widths of stiles are 3%, 4%, and 5% inch, bottom rails 11J4 inch.98 FRENCH DOOR Made to order of California Pine or Fir. Veneered with Hard- woods as desired. 40099 FRENCH DOOR Made to order of California Pine or Fir. Veneered with Hard- woods as desired. 401100 FRENCH DOOR Made to order of California Pine or Fir. Veneered with Hard- woods as desired. 402FRENCH DOOR Made to order of California Pine or Fir. Veneered with Hardwoods as desired.102 FRENCH DOORS 404 Made to Order of California Pine or Fir. 405 V eneered with Hardwoods as desired. 406 407103 408 FRENCH DOORS Made to Order of California Pine or Fir. 409 410 Veneered with Hardwoods as desired. 411104 412 FRENCH DOORS Made to Order of California Pine or Fir. 414 Veneered with Hardwoods as desired. 413 415105 FRENCH DOORS—In Pairs French Doors in pairs like French Doors single can be used to good advantage for inter-room use. They help to give the impression of roominess and allow the furnishings of adjacent rooms to be shown to good advantage. If for interior work, specify stops in ordering, otherwise putty will be used in the glazing. Stiles and rails can be three and one quarter, four and one quarter or five and one half inches, bottom rails eleven and one quarter inches. Standard bar work, one half inch between glass is used in all stock unless ordered otherwise.106 FRENCH DOORS—Tn Pairs Rabbeted 450 Made to order of California Pine or Fir. Veneered with Hardwood as desired.FRENCH DOORS—Tn Pairs Rabbeted Veneered with Hardwood as desired. Made to order of California Pine or Fir.108 FRENCH DOORS—In Pairs Rabbeted 452 Veneered with Hardwood as desired. Made to order of California Pine or Eir109 FRENCH DOORS—In Pairs Rabbeted 453 Veneered with Hardwood as desired. Made to order of California Pine or Fir.110 FRENCH DOORS For other designs or suggestions for French Doors in pairs see single French Doors pages 102 to 104. Any design required can be made to order from sketch or detail. French Doors made with 3% or 4% inch stiles will be glazed with putty unless stops are specified. French Doors when used as Front Entrance Doors should be made with 5^4 inch stiles, to permit the use of heavy hardware, and will be glazed with stops. In ordering specify California Pine or Fir, 3j4> 4%, or 5T/2 inch stiles, glazed with putty or stops and the order can be manufactured without delay. Any of the designs can be made to order and veneered with such woods as may be specified and offer the opportunity for beautiful effects for interior use.SIDE LIGHTS Side lights offer a large field for beautifying the entrance, the main feature of every well built cottage, bungalow, or dwelling. As an expression of bigness they offer opportunity to give the effect and may be stationary or movable depending largely on the kind of Front Door used. In ordering, attention should be given to top and bottom rails and muntins in the cut up sash so as to harmonize with the design of Front Door used.112 SIDE LIGHTS 500 501 502 Made to order of California Pine or Fir.113 SIDE LIGHTS 503 504 505 Made to order of California Pine or Fir.114 SIDE LIGHTS 506 507 508 Made to order of California Pine or Fir.115 SIDE LIGHTS: VENEERED A few designs are shown as suggestions and can be adapted to any style of Front Door. Design No. 525 is shown in Quartered Oak, No. 526 in Curly Birch, No. 527 in Tobasco Mahogany, No. 528 in Figured Gum, No. 529 in Philippine Mahogany, No. 530 in Juana Costa, No. 531 in Genizero, No. 532 in Unselected Birch, and No. 533 in Plain Oak. Any woods can be veneered to suit the individual requirements and care should be given to keep the material, when veneered, in a dry place and the surfaces protected by finishing at once. See page 34 for protection of veneered Front Doors.116 SIDE LIGHTS Veneered 525 526 527 Made to order and Veneered with Hardwoods as desired.117 SIDE LIGHTS Veneered 528 529 530 Made to order and Veneered with Hardwoods as desired.118 SIDE LIGHTS Veneered Made to order and Veneered with Hardwoods as desired.119 SCREEN DOORS An absolute necessity for the modern sanitary house, whether built on the ocean sands, in the mountain forests, or the busy city. A few designs shown which can be furnished from stock and any special design can be manufactured to order. Screen doors may also be veneered with any wood, as may be selected.120 SCREEN DOOR Stock Screen Door. Made of California Pine. 550121 SCREEN DOOR Made to order of California Pine. V eneered with Hard- woods as desired. 551SCREEN DOOR Stock Screen Door. Made of California Pine. Veneered with Hard- woods as desired. 552123 SCREEN DOOR Made to order of California Pine. Veneered with Hardwoods as desired 553124 SCREEN DOOR Made to order of California Pine. Veneered with Hard- woods as desired. 554125 SCREEN DOOR 555 Made to order of California Pine. Veneered with Hard- woods as desired.126 SCREEN DOOR Made to order of California Pine. Veneered with Hard- woods as desired. 556127 SCREEN DOOR Made to order of California Pine. Veneered with Hardwoods as desired. 557128 SCREEN DOOR Made to order of California Pine. Veneered with Hard- woods as desired. 558129 SCREEN DOORS—In Pairs For use over pairs of French and Store Doors and offer a large screened opening for use during the warm weather for the free passage of the cooling ocean breezes to give comfort and freedom from the annoyance of insects and a feeling of security when the house is opened for a good airing.130 SCREEN DOORS—In Pairs 570 Made to order of California Pine. Veneered with Hardwoods as desired.131 SCREEN DOORS—In Pairs 571 Made to order of California Pine or Fir. Veneered with Hardwoods as desired.132 SCREEN DOORS—In Pairs Made to order of California Pine or Fir. Veneered with Hardwoods as desired. 572COMBINATION SCREEN AND SASH DOORS A very convenient and handy arrangement of detachable sash for winter and screen for summer for use in bungalows or dwellings. Especially adapted for the beach house. A few designs shown but any combination of Door and Sash cut up to suit the particular requirements or ideas of the builder can be made to order134 Combination Screen and Sash Door 580 Detachable Sash. Made to order of California Pine. Veneered with Hardwoods as desired.135 Combination Screen and Sash Door 581 Made to order of California Pine or Fir. Veneered with Hardwoods as desired.136 Combination Screen and Sash Door Detachable Sash. Detachable Screen. 582 Made to order of California Pine. Veneered with Hardwoods as desired.137 MIRROR DOORS We offer a few designs of Mirror Doors now considered a necessity in every well appointed house. As convenient for the men as Milady for first aid in correct dressing. At least one closet in every bedroom should have a mirror door and one should be installed in some convenient room where it can be used daily by all who leave the house. A last glance in a full length mirror on leaving a house gives one that comfortable feeling and assurance that all is correct as regards one’s appearance.138 MIRROR DOORS Made to order of California Pine or Fir. Veneered with Hardwoods as desired. Plain Plate Mirror 600 Bevel Plate Mirror 601139 MIRROR DOORS Plain Plate Mirror set in. 602 Bevel Plate Mirror set in. 603 Made to order of California Pine or Fir. Veneered with Hardwoods as desired.140 MIRROR DOORS Plain Plate Mirror set on. Bevel Plate Mirror set on. Made to order of California Pine or Fir. Veneered with Hardwoods as desired.141 MEDICINE CASE DOORS AND CABINETS Indispensable in any modern bathroom, which may also use to good advantage, Mirror Doors, Linen Closets, Dressing Cabinets, Clothes Chute and many other conveniences for Milady’s use in these days of the servantless home. “A place for everything, and everything in its place” applies with aesthetic force when the Bath Room is planned.142 MEDICINE CASE DOORS AND CABINETS Made of California Pine or Fir. Veneered as desired. Bevel Mirror. 617 Set on Cabinet. 618 Set in Cabinet with Casing. 619 Set in Cabinet. 620 Cabinets shown open.143 SLAT AND PANELED TOILET DOORS Used in Rest Rooms, Sleeping Rooms, for ventilation between rooms and halls, and any place where privacy and ventilation are required. Veneered Hardwoods may be used to good advantage when elegance is demanded: or to match the general trim.144 SLAT AND PANELED TOILET DOORS 630 631 Made to order of California Pine or Fir. Veneered with Hardwoods as desired.145 SLAT AND PANELED TOILET DOORS 632 633 Made to order of California Pine or Fir. Veneered with Hardwoods as desired.146 SLAT AND PANELED TOILET DOORS 634 635 Made to order of California Pine or Fir. Veneered with Hardwoods as desired.147 STORE DOORS—SINGLE For Store or apartment house entrances and may be made up to suit any individual requirements. A few of the popular designs are shown on the following pages. Glazed in Double Strength, Plain or Beveled Plate or Partition Glass as required.148 STORE DOORS—Single Made to order of California Pine or Fir.149 STORE DOORS—Single Made to order of California Pine or Fir.150 STORE DOORS—Single 654 655 Made to order of California Pine or Fir.151 STORE DOORS—IN PAIRS Used the same as single Store Doors but in pairs as a larger entrance way is afforded. Any design made to order from sketch or detail and glazed in sheet, Plain or Beveled Plate, Partition glass, leaded or hard metal, sheet, or art glass. They may be flush, rabbeted, or a T Astragal can be used. They are sent flush unless ordered otherwise.152 STORE DOORS—In Pairs Made to Order of California Pine or Fir. 675 Veneered with Hardwoods as desired. 676153 STORE DOORS—In Pairs Made to Order of California Pine or Fir. 678 Veneered with Hardwoods as desired. 677154 STORE DOORS—IN PAIRS Made to Order of California Pine or Fir. 679 Veneered with Hardwoods as desired. 680155 STORE DOORS SINGLE VENEERED Store doors made of veneered woods as shown on the following pages. No. 700 Quartered White Oak, No. 701 Selected Birch, No. 702 Tobasco Mahogany, No. 703 Figured Gum, No. 704 Philippine Mahogany, and No. 705 Plain Oak. Any style and veneered of any wood will be made to order from sketch or detail.STORE DOORS—Single Veneered 700 701 Made to order. Veneered with Hardwoods as desired.157 STORE DOORS—Single Veneered 702 Made to order. Veneered with Hardwoods as desired. 703158 STORE DOORS—Single Veneered Made to order. Veneered with Hardwoods as desired.159 STORE DOORS—IN PAIRS—VENEERED The same as singles used in pairs, either rabbeted or with a T astragal or flush joint to give a large entrance opening. Any design and veneered with any woods to order from sketch or detail and glazed as desired will be manufactured.160 STORE DOORS—In Pairs Veneered Macle to Order 725 Veneered with Hardwoods as desired. 726161 STORE DOORS—In Pairs Veneered Made to Order 727 728 Veneered with Hardwoods as desired.STORE DOORS—In Pairs Veneered 162 Made to order 729 Veneered with Hardwoods as desired. 730163 GARAGE DOORS Garage doors should be well and substantially-made as they are in constant use and will soon go to pieces if made on the job in the flimsy manner so often observed. Made in singles or pairs, and we offer a few suggestions for a neat and attractive entrance to your garage.164 GARAGE DOORS—Single Made to Order. 750 751 California Pine, Fir or Redwood.165 GARAGE DOORS—Single Made to Order. 752 California Pine, Fir or Redwood. 753166 GARAGE DOORS Made to Order. California Pine, Fir or Redwood. 755167 GARAGE DOORS—In Pairs Made to Order. California Pine, Fir or Redwood.168 GARAGE DOORS—In Pairs Made to Ord< r. 777 California Pine, Fir or Redwood. 778169 GARAGE DOORS—In Pairs Made to Order. California Pine, Fir or Redwood.170 GARAGE DOORS—In Pairs Made to Order California Pine, Fir or Redwood.171 CHINA CLOSET DOORS—SINGLE These doors are made to do service for coverings for Clothes Chutes, Ironing Boards, Cupboards, Cases of all kinds, Broom closets, under sinks, and a thousand and one places where it is desirable to have a handy and accessible place to put away articles, and yet have them hidden from view. We offer popular designs which may also be made of veneered hardwoods to suit any requirement.172 CHINA CLOSET DOORS—Single 800 Made to order of California Pine or Fir. 801 802 Veneered with Hardwoods as desired. 803173 CHINA CLOSET DOORS—Single Made to order of California Pine or • Fir. Veneered with Hardwoods as desired.174 CHINA CLOSET DOORS—Single Made to order of California Pine or Fir. Veneered with Hardwoods as desired.175 CHINA CLOSET DOORS—IN PAIRS RABBETED The same as single used in pairs for wider openings and not so clumsy as a wide single door. Any style made to order from detail or sketch, of solid soft woods or veneered hardwoods. Also veneered hardwood and made flush or slab style.176 CHINA CLOSET DOORS—In Pairs Rabbeted Made to order of California Pine or Fir. 850 Veneered with Hardwoods as desired. 851177 CHINA CLOSET DOORS—In Pairs Rabbeted Made to order of California Pine or Fir. 852 Veneered with Hardwoods as desired. 853178 CHINA CLOSET DOORS—Tn Pairs Rabbeted Made to order of California Tine or Fir. Veneered with Hardwoods as desired. 854 855179 CHINA CLOSET SASH—Single We offer a large number of cut-up designs for a selection. Any individual design made to order from sketch or detail. Glazed in sheet, partition, plain or beveled plate, leaded, or hard metal sheet, beveled plate or colored glass. Veneered with any hardwood desired to match the finish.180 CHINA CLOSET SASH—Single 900 Made to order of California Pine or Fir. 902 Veneered with Hardwoods as desired. 903 901181 CHINA CLOSET SASH—Single Made to order of California Pine or Fir. Veneered with Hardwoods as desired.182 CHINA CLOSET SASH—Single Made lo order of California Pine or Fir. Veneered with Hardwoods as desired. 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923183 CHINA CLOSET SASH—In Pairs Same as singles and any design shown may be used for pairs. These sash are veneered of any hardwoods specified and glazed as desired. Pairs are always rabbeted unless specified to the contrary. All China Closed Sash are glazed with stops unless specified putty.184 CHINA CLOSET SASH—In Pairs Rabbeted Made to order of California Pine or Fir. 950 Veneered with Hardwoods as desired. 951185 CHINA CLOSET SASH—In Pairs Rabbeted Veneered with Hardwoods as desired Made to order of California Pine or Fir.186 CHINA CLOSET SASH—Tn Pairs Rabbeted Made to order of California Pine or Fir. Veneered with Hardwoods as desired.187 WINDOWS We show the standard two, four, eight and twelve light stock window design. We also show a large variety of cut-up patterns which are the most popular in modern building. Any design can be made from sketch or detail and veneered of hardwoods specified. Glazed in sheet glass, single or double strength, plate or partition glass.188 STOCK WINDOWS W-3 Eight Light Window W=1 Two Light Window W-2 Four Light Window W=4 Twelve Light Window Stock M ade of California Pine.189 WINDOW DESIGNS Made to order of California Pine. Circle Top Gothic Top Segment Top190 WINDOW DESIGNS Cut-up Tops—Wood Muntins—Made to order.191 WINDOW DESIGNS Cut-up lops—Wood Muntins—Made to order.192 WINDOW DESIGNS Cut-up Tops—Wood Muntins—Made to order.WINDOW DESIGNS Cut-up lops—Wood Muntins—Made to order.194 WINDOW DESIGNS Cut-up Tops—Wood Muntins—Made to order.195 CIRCLE FACE OR BENT WINDOWS Bent Glass in double strength or Plate glass offers an opportunity for very beautiful effects. Especially desirable for Buffet work in veneered hardwood sash, corner windows or sash, and the cost, considering the effects gained, is reasonable.196 CIRCLE FACE OR BENT WINDOW'S Made to Order In ordering Circle Face or Bent Windows, the radius must be given to the outside line of window as shown—also be sure to state whether Style W-98 or W-99 is desired.197 TRANSOM WINDOWS AND TRANSOM SASH For use in fronts of dwellings and offer a contrast to the regular two light window or one light sash. Glazed with plate they give an effect which is pleasing and adds quality to any style of building.198 TRANSOM WINDOW AND SASH DESIGNS Transom Bar 2-inch (between glass) Cut-up tops—Wood Muntins199 TRANSOM WINDOW AND SASH DESIGNS Transom Bar 2-inch (between glass) Cut-up tops—Wood Muntins W=104 W=105 W-106 W=107200 TRANSOM WINDOW AND SASH DESIGNS Transom Bar 2-inch (between glass) Cut-up tops—Wood Muntins W=108 W=109 W=110 W=lll201 CASEMENT SASH—IN PAIRS—RABBETED Casement sash in pairs are very extensively used in present day construction and we offer a large variety of popular designs. They may be glazed with single or double strength, plain or beveled plate glass or any other glass desired.202 CASEMENT SASH—In Pairs Rabbeted203 CASEMENT SASH—In Pairs Rabbeted C=255 C=256204 CASEMENT SASH—In Pairs Rabbeted C-259 C=260 C=261 C=262 C=263 C=264205 SASH The following designs offer a large field for selection. Other designs made to order from sketch or detail. Glazed as designed in single strength, double strength, plain or beveled plate or other glass as specified. Veneered of any hardwood to match interior finish.206 Stock S=300 SASH Cut-up—Wood Muntins S-302 S=303 S=306 S-307 Made to Order.207 SASH Cut-up—Wood Muntins S=311 S=312 S=313 S=314 S=316 S=317 Macle to Order.208 SASH Cut-up—Wood Muntins S=318 S=321 S=325 S=329 Made to Order. S-328209 SASH Cut-up—Wood Muntins S-337 S-334 S=339 Made to Order.210 SASH Cut-up—Wood Muntins S=342 S=341 S-344 Made to Order. S=345 S=348211 SASH Cut-up—Wood Muntins S=349 S=350 S=352 S=354 S=355 S=357 Made to Order.212 SASH Cut-up—Wood Muntins S=358 S=359 S=360 S-361 S=362 S=363 S-364 S-365 S-366 Made to Order.213 TRANSOMS For use over Doors, Windows, Casement Sash, Sash and over Store Fronts. May be gdazed with single or double strength, Plain or Beveled Plate, Partition, Leaded or Art Glass. Many good effects are obtained by their use.214 TRANSOM Cut-up—Wood Muntins. T-400 T-401 T-406 T-407 T=408 T=409 T=410SKYLIGHTS AND HOTHOUSE SASH For use in letting light into interior rooms, warehouses, garrets, and any place where roofing inlet serves better than side walls. Hothouse sash are extensively used for the roofs of hothouses where the propagating of flowers, shrubs and fruit trees is followed.216 SKYLIGHTS AND HOTHOUSE SASH S=450 Made with Single Lights or with Lights lapped. Made to order of California Pine or Redwood. S=451217 OUTSIDE BLINDS Outside Blinds are used very extensively and are ideal for use in a warm climate. They lend themselves to the Colonial style of dwelling and add to the beauty of this type. They add privacy where the building is near the street and they will keep the hot summer sun out of the room but will let the cool breezes in.218 OUTSIDE BLINDS—Tn Pairs Made to Order of California Pine. B=500 Stationary Slats. B=501219 OUTSIDE BLINDS—In Pairs Made to order of California Pine. Rolling Slats, Top and Bottom. B=502 Half Stationary Tops and Rolling Slats in Bottom. B-503220 OUTSIDE BLINDS—In Pairs Made to order of California Pine. Stationary Tops. Rolling Slats in Bottom. Short Top. Stationary Slats Top and Bottom. Short Top.221 OUTSIDE BLINDS—Special—Made to Order Stationary Slats.222 OUTSIDE BLINDS—Special—Made to Order Stationary Slats223 SHUTTERS Shutters are in demand these days and their use is growing. They answer many of the uses of blinds and add attractiveness when properly placed.224 SHUTTERS—Paneled—Made to order. B=550 B=551 B=552 B=553 B=554 B=555225 WINDOW SCREENS No house is properly clothed unless fully screened. Sanitary reasons and comfort demand them in warm climates. They are made half sliding and full to fill window, sash, and casement openings. They are wired with 14 or 16 mesh, galvanized or copper screen cloth and are an asset that cannot be overlooked.226 WINDOW SCREENS Made to order of California Pine. S=600 Half Sliding. S=601 Full Screen.227 IRONING BOARDS AND CASE The built-in ironing board is now considered a necessity in the well appointed kitchen or laundry. Made to set in the wall and always handy and accessible when the maid or lady of the house needs its use. When the case is closed the doors hide what would otherwise be a constant eyesore.IRONING BOARDS AND CASE Open. 1=610 Closed.229 IRONING BOARDS AND CASE Closed. Open. 1=611 With Table.230 RABBETS AND ASTRAGALS R=622 Astragal Joint. For Sliding Doors. R=624 R-623 Clover Leaf Joint. For Folding Doors. R=625 “T” Astragal. For Folding Doors. Stock “T” Astragal. For Folding Doors. R=626 R=627 Stock “M and F” Astragal. For Sliding Doors. “M and F” Astragal. For Sliding Doors.231 SECTIONS OF MOLDED DOORS Flush and Raised Moldings M=640 M=641 Showing Styles of Flush Moldings. M=642 M=643 Showing Styles of Flush Moldings. M=644 M=645 Showing Styles of Raised Moldings. M=646 M=647 Showing Styles of Raised Moldings.232 SECTIONS OF STICKING For Solid Molded Doors233 PRISM, PARTITION GLASS AND WIRE GLASS Prism glass is a practical modern article of utility for enhancing refraction. It does not make light, but diffuses it, spreading divergent rays from the exterior to light the otherwise dark interiors without the expense of artificial lighting. Considering the results, this glass is not expensive. On the following page we show sheet prism in 6 inch squares, but any geometric straight line design can be made at a small additional expense. We also show a 4 inch prism tile which is the more popular way of using the glass. Transom lights in store fronts and basement windows may be glazed with prism glass to good advantage. We will be pleased to furnish information and prices on application. A few of the popular kinds of partition glass carried in stock are shown and may be used to good advantage in numerous places in the modern building. Wire Glass in two popular kinds is shown and is extensively used in skylight, air shaft and elevator work.234 PRISM GLASS G=700 Sheet Prism in 6-inch Squares G=701 4-inch Prism Tile235 PRISM, PARTITION AND WIRE GLASS G=702 Prism G=703 fibbed G=704 Polished Wire Plate G=705 Ribbed Wire236 PRISM, PARTITION AND WIRE GLASS G=707 Florentine. G=708 Chipped. G=709 Moss or Syenite. Ci=706 Maze.237 LEADED AND ART GLASS 1 he designs shown on the following pages are principally plain and simple, but very neat and attractive and at moderate prices. The patterns are shown in white but can be made in colors if desired. It is impossible to show the beauty and brilliancy of glass colors on paper and we have not attempted to do so. The most beautiful and durable work for fine residences is clear beveled plate glass set in metal, which may be plated as desired. Many handsome designs in this work are shown. Our prices will always be as low as is consistent with good work and high-class material.238 LEADED GLASS DESIGNS239 LEADED GLASS DESIGNS240 LEADED GLASS DESIGNS241 LEADED GLASS DESIGNS L=325 L=326 L=327 L=324242 LEADED GLASS DESIGNSLEADED GLASS DESIGNS244 LEADED GLASS DESIGNS245 LEADED GLASS DESIGNS246 LEADED GLASS DESIGNS247 LEADED GLASS DESIGNS248 LEADED GLASS DESIGNS249 SIDE LIGHT Designs in Leaded Glass250 CHINA CLOSET AND BOOK CASE SASH In Leaded Glass251 CHINA CLOSET AND BOOK CASE SASH In Leaded Glass252 LEADED BEVEL PLATE DESIGNS L-450 L=451 L=453 L=452 L=454 L=455 L=456253 LEADED BEVEL PLATE DESIGNS254 LEADED BEVEL PLATE DESIGNS255 LEADED BEVEL PLATE DESIGNS L=471 L=472 L=473 L=474 L=475256 Glossary of TradeTerms The definitions below give the meaning of various terms used in this book or in quotations affecting articles described as established by general usage. IN GENERAL Measurements Outside Opening.—The measurement of any given article from outside to outside, the frame opening, always should be given in feet and inches. Face Measure.—The measurement of any part of an article exclusive of any solid mold or rabbet. Finished Size.—The measurement of any given part of an article over all or including the solid mold or rabbet. Ripping Size.—The sizes of stock necessary to produce any given finished size. Usually % inch over finished size up to 4 inch cuts and inch over above. Molding Solid Mold or Solid Stuck.—A mold which is worked on the article itself. Applied Mold.—A separate mold applied or attached to any part of an article. Flush Mold.—An applied molding which finishes flush with or below the face or surface of the stiles or rails of the article. Raised Mold.—An applied molding which partly covers or which extends above the face or surface of the stiles or rails of the article. Mullion An upright or vertical bar, usually wider than the ordinary bar, dividing the glass in a sash, or a wide upright bar dividing two sash in a frame. Muntin Applies to any short or light bars—either vertical or horizontal—in a sash or in a door between panels not extending the full width or length of the article. Odd Work This term applies to any article which is not listed under listed sizes, or for which a list must be formed by the application of any of the foot notes or rules for extras—unless these specifically state to the contrary.257 Rail The cross or horizontal pieces of the framework of a sash or door. Stiles The upright or vertical outside pieces of a sash or door. Stock Quantity Ten or more of any given article of one kind, size or quality. Sticking (See Solid Mold) O. G.—A solid mold which is a combination of a cove and a quarter round with no fillet between. Cove and Bead.—A solid mold which is a combination of a cove and quarter round with a small fillet between. Bead and Cove.—A solid mold which is a combination of a quarter round and cove with a small fillet between and on each side. Ovolo.—A solid mold which is a quarter round with a small fillet on each side. P. G.—A solid mold which is a long bevel with a small fillet on each side. Square Stuck—Making a right angle at the joining of a panel with a stile or rail. APPLYING TO SASH OR WINDOWS Sash A sash indicates a single piece to fill a given opening, with wide bottom rail. Window A window indicates two pieces—one upper, one lower—to fill an opening arranged to slide vertically. Casement Applies to a pair of sash made to be hung on hinges to swing and rabbeted at the center. Transom Windows and Sash Transom Window.—A window in which the meeting rails are placed above the center of the opening. Transom Sash.—A sash made to correspond to a transom window. French Door Single and Pairs A single or pair of sash made to be hung on hinges like a pair of doors—a long pair of casement sash with wide stiles and bottom rail. Factory Sash or Windows Sash or windows divided into small lights for factory use. The term implies an inferior quality of material for paint finish, permitting the use of reasonable defects of any nature not weakening the sash.258 Full Bound This term indicates that the sash so described shall have a similar amount of wood in stiles and top and bottom rails, usually described as “same rail all around.” Meeting Rails The rails of a window which meet when the window is hung and closed. Plain Rail.—Meeting rails of the same thickness as the rest of the window. Check Rails.—Meeting rails sufficiently thicker than the window to fill the opening between the top and bottom sash made by the check strip or parting strip in the frame. They are usually beveled. Lugs or Horns An extension of the stiles of a window beyond the meeting rails. They are usually molded on the inside of the stile with an O. G. Mold (O. G. Lugs). APPLYING TO DOORS Astragal Mold—for Folding Doors.—A strip of molding the length of the door of any desired pattern to be applied to one of a pair of folding doors so as to form a rabbet. Single—for Folding Doors.—A strip the length of the doors with a cross-section usually similar to a letter “T”—used to form a rabbet. Double—for Sliding Doors.—A pair of strips the length of the doors—rabbeted to receive the doors on the back and molded or grooved reciprocally on the face to make a tight joint. Chaffing Strips Doors with a thin band or strip—usually molded—on the outside edge of the face of each stile and top and bottom rail —also called friction strips. Chamfered Doors Doors with the corner of the stiles or rails beveled at an angle of about 45 degrees. Stop Chamfer.—A chamfer stopped or ended short of the length of the piece chamfered. Doweled Doors Doors put together with dowels instead of tenons. Dutch Door A door made to be cut horizontally through the lock rail so that the upper part can be opened independently of the lower part.259 Four-Panel Door Unless specifically otherwise stated, is understood to mean the standard listed four-panel door, cut No. 200. Five-Panel Door Unless specifically otherwise stated, is understood to mean the standard listed five-cross panel door, cut No. 201-202. Graduated Panels Doors with cross panels of a different width, usually graduated from a wide lower panel to a narrow top panel. Lock Rail The center rail of a standard four-panel door. Tenons Through Tenoned.—A door made with tenons on the end of the rails mortised or tenoned through and showing on the outside of the stile. Blind Tenoned or Mortised.—A door made with the tenons on the ends of the rails mortised into but extending only part way through the stile. APPLYING TO BLINDS Blind Single—A single blind is one piece to fill a given opening. Pair—A pair of blinds is two pieces to fill a given opening, made and rabbeted to fold. Set—A set of blinds is more than two pieces for a given opening. Stationary Slat Blinds Blinds with slats mortised into or so attached to the stiles as to be fixed. Half Stationary Blinds—Blinds with panels or with movable or rolling slats and / with stationary or fixed slats. Shutters Blind with solid panels instead of slat panels. Bead and Butt Shutters Shutters with panels flush with the stiles and rails on one side and with beads lengthwise of the panels, at or near the stiles on one side only.260 WEIGHTS of all Common Size Doors and Windows— Calif. Pine DOORS SLIDING DOORS Glazed Windows Glazed Windows Wh. | Len. I Th. IWt Wh. | Len. | Th. IWt Wh. Len. Th. Wt 13 4-Light ft. in. [ft. in. | in. [lba. ft. in. |ft. in. | in. |lbs. ft. in. |ft. in. in. lbs. Size Wt 2 0 1 6 0| 1 1 19 4 0 1 6 8| It | 65 1 6 3 0 11 10 lbs. 2 0 1 o 6| 1 | 20 5 0 1 6 8| It | 88 1 6 4 0 It 12 12x24 1 It 18 2 6 I 6 6| 1 | 24 4 0 1 7 0| It | 72 1 6 5 1 It 14 12x28 r it 22 2 0 1 6 0| 11 | 27 5 0 1 7 0| It | 80 1 6 5 9 It 16 12x30 i it 24 2 0 1 6 6| 11 | 28 3 6 1 7 6| It | 65 1 6 6 5 It 18 12x32 i it 24 2 6 1 6 6| 11 1 34 3 3 1 8 0| It | 72 1 6. 7 1 It 20 12x36 1 13 26 2 0 1 6 8| 11 | 29 3 6 1 8 0| It 1 81 2 0 3 0 It 14 12x40 1 it 28 2 6 1 6 8| 11 1 34 3 0 1 8 6| It | 76 2 0 4 0 It 16 13x28 1 It 22 2 8 1 6 8| 11 | 37 3 6 1 8 6| It | 87 2 0 5 1 It 20 13x32 1 it 24 2 0 1 6 0| It | 29 3 0 1 9 0| It | 82 2 0 5 9 1 It 22 13x36 1 It 26 2 0 1 6 6| It | 30 3 3 1 9 0| it | 86 2 0 | 6 5 It 24 13x40 1 It 28 2 6 1 6 6| It | 37 3 6 1 9 0| It | 95 2 0 7 1 It 26 15x28 1 It 24 2 0 1 6 8| It 1 31 2 4 3 0 It J 16 15x30 1 It 26 2 6 1 6 8| It | 37 Single Sash Doors 2 4 4 0 It 20 15x32 1 13 26 2 8 1 6 8| It | 40 2 4 5 1 It 22 15x36 1 it 28 2 0 1 6 10| If | 32 2 6 1 b 6| 11 | 33 2 4 5 9 It 24 15x40 1 13 32 2 6 1 6 10| If | 38 2 8 1 6 8| 11 | 36 2 4 6’5' It 26 11 12-Light 2 10 1 6 101 11 | 42 2 6 1 b 6| It | 3b 9 4 7 1 It 28 8 1 6 8| It | 39 7x 9 1 13 13 2 0 1 7 0| it | 33 2 9 6 3 0 It 16 6 | 38 8x10 1 11 16 2 6 1 7 0| it | 39 2 I it 9 6 4 0 It 20 10 1 6 10| it | 40 8x12 1 13 18 3 0 1 7 0| It j 46 2 2 6 5 1 It 24 2 6 1 7 6| It | 44 2 6 1 7 0| 11 | 39 6 5 9 U 26 9x12 1 13 20 0 0| It | 44 9x13 1 13 20 3 0 1 7 6| It | 52 3 1 7 6 It 28 10 1 6 101 It 1 47 9x14 1 13 22 2 6 1 8 0| It | 45 2 2 6 7 1 It It 30 3 0 1 8 Oi 11 | 55 3 0 1 7 0| 11 1 51 2 9# 3 0 18 9x15 1 13 24 2 6 1 6 8| It | 44 2 911 4 0 It 22 9x16 1 13 25 10x12 1 13 22 2 8 1 6 8| It | 46 2 9t| 5 1 It 24 10x14 1 13 24 | 6 101 it 1 47 2 9S|59 It 26 10x15 1 13 25 2 10 | 6 10| It | 50 5 0 1 7 0| it | 78 2 911 6 5 It 28 10x16 1 13 27 0| It 1 47 5 0 1 7 6| It 1 81 2 93 1 7 1 It 32 3 0 1 7 0| It | 55 5 0 1 8 0| it | 84 3 0 3 0 It 18 1 3 12-Light 2 6 1 7 6| It | 50 5 0 1 7 0| it | 86 3 0 4 0 It 22 9x12 1 13 20 3 0 1 7 6| It | 58 5 0 1 7 6| 11 | 90 3 0 5 1 It 28 9x13 1 13 22 2 6 1 8 0| it | 53 0 0 1 8 0| 11 | 94 3 0 5 9 It 30 10x12 1 it 22 3 0 1 8 0| It | 60 5 0 1 8 6| It | 98 3 0 6 5 It 32 10x14 1 13 24 3 0 1 7 1 It 34 10x15 1 13 26 SCREEN DOORS 3 6 | 3 0 It 22 10x16 1 13 28 EKUN1 DOORS 3 6 | 4 0 It 26 10x18 1 13 29 2 8 1 6 8| ob 1 21 3 6 i 5 1 H 30 10x20 1 13 32 2 8 1 6 8| It | 50 2 8 1 6 8| pb | 25 3 6 I 5 9 U 34 12x16 1 13 32 2 10 1 6 10| If | 53 2 10 1 6 101 ob | 23 3 6 | 6 5 U 38 12x18 1 13 34 3 0 1 7 0| It | 55 2 10 | 6 101 pb | 27 3 6 1 7 1 H 40 12x20 1 13 36 2 10 1 6 10| It | 62 3 0 1 7 0| ob | 25 4 0 | 4 0 U 28 12x22 1 13 38 3 -0 1 7 0| It 1 71 3 0 1 7 0| pb | 30 4 0 1 5 1 13 34 12x24 1 13 40261 Table for Ascertaining Square Feet in Lights of Leaded (Ornamental or Plate) Glass XJ to xj o 1 89 1 99 64 | Ch to 1 09 1 8S 1 9S 44 to 1 0£ 1 8r 44 Ch 44 44 1 ZV 1 Ofr Gj CO Lu Ch Gj 44 1 Z£ Gj a 1 8Z to Ch 1 vz. to to to o Ch 44 to Lenoth Ch Y1 Ln CO Y* Y1 Y1 Y1 44 44 44 44 44 44 GJ Gj Gj GJ Gj to to to to to h $ □ X o o Ch ■u to o O CO Ch 44 to O o 00 Ch 44 to a O oo 6s 44 to o CO 6s 44 to O to XJ Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Ln Ln in Ln Ln •u 44 44 44 44 Gj <•> Gj Gj Gj to to to o o co Ln to o a CO Ch Gj o o CO Ch Gj co Ch 44 72 vb 6s 44 to vb Ch 44 44 00 XJ XJ XJ XJ Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Ln tn Ln in 44 44 44 44 44 Gj Gj GJ Gj to to o KO XJ - Co Ui GJ O vb XJ 44 CO Ch Gj O vb 6s 44 72 co Gj o VO Ch •o co CO 00 00 XJ XJ XJ xj Ch Ch Ch Ch Ln Ln Ln tn 44 44 44 44 Gj Gj Gj Gj — o KO 6s GJ o VO Ch GJ O VO Ch LU O vb Ov Gj o vb Ch GJ o vb Ch Gj o vb O' Gj CT o VO vO VO 00 oo oo 00 xj xj XJ Os Ch Ch Ch Ln tn tn tn 44 44 44 fil 6? ft* to o vb CH to 77 XJ k a vb Ch Gj CO Ln - a XI GJ O vb tn to 77 XJ 44 o KO to O c a a a vo VO VO oo Oo co xj XJ XI xj Ch Ch Ov Ln Ln tn 44 44 44 44 GJ co to to o 00 <_n vb Ch to o xj GJ s Co 44 O vb in O Ch to c XJ Gj O 00 -k to — 7- o o O vo vo vO 00 00 CO XI XI XJ OS Os Ch tn tn Ln 44 44 44 o co 44 o oo 44 O co k o co 44 O 00 44 o 00 44 o CO 44 O oo 44 O to 4- Gj to to 77 77 72 O o O VO VO VO CO oo XI XJ XI Ch Ch Ch Cn Ln tn 44 O CO GJ c XJ to O Ch *“* vb in O CO 44 c XI GJ O Qv to vb in - CO to Ch -U GJ ? to to to CO c O o o VO VO co co 0° XI XI XJ Ch Ch tn Ln o XJ GJ o 44 o Ch vb 44 c XI to vb Ln O XJ Gj a Ln CO £ -u -u GJ GJ to to to 72 c o o O VO vo 00 co xj xj XI Ch Ch Gj o XJ to vb 44 77 Ch co GJ o in O XI to vo 44 72 6s - CO Gj O Ch Y1 -7 44 44 GJ w to to to 77 72 O O vo VO CO 00 00 XI XI o xj 00 GJ vb k £ o XI - CO Gj vb 44 Ln O xj tu XJ Ch Ch Ln ? 4- 44 Gj £ to to to 77 O o VO VO VO 0° 0° GJ o Ch X] CO to CO Gj vb Gj o 44 o 6s o 44 O CO xj XJ Os Ch £ £ 44 44 £ GJ to to O O VO SO Gj o Ch O Ch o Ch o 6s O Ch O 6s O Ch o Ch O Ch O Ch VO CO XJ xi Ch Ch Ln ? 44 44 Gj GJ to to £ O o Gj O Ch k Gj VO Gj vb to 00 xj XJ o CO o O to o VO 00 Ob xj xj Ch Ch w £ 44 GJ Gj to to L 44 O cn 72 ■k vo GJ oo XJ o in 77 44 VO Gj co O to to o VO VO 00 CO VJ Ch Ch £ £ 44 44 GJ to to -G O t—. GJ oo Ch u-1 44 vb to XI O tn Gj to o t—‘ o to to to to o to o vo 00 00 XJ XI Ch £ £ 44 44 GJ 44 o in vb to xj 77 k vb - Ch Gj CO Ln 44 to to to to to u_ u-l Gj to o VO VO 00 XJ xj Ch Ch Ln 44 44 O -u VO Ln to Ch GJ XI o 44 CO Ch o 262 ALLOW TIME AND GET SATISFACTION Don’t expect your material the day you send the order to your dealer. It takes time and care to get out an order of sash and doors. Anticipate your requirements, give the dealer fair treatment and you will be more than satisfied with the results. Don’t expect veneered work in a hurry or there will be regrets and loss for customer, dealer and manufacturer alike. It takes time, patience and the most skilled and experienced artisan to be obtained to turn out first class veneered work that will stand up, and ample time should be given for its manufacture. This will result in a good article and a satisfied customer. Rush work is usually faulty, costly and unsatisfactory and causes more trouble and takes up more time than had the order been properly placed and due allowance for time for its manufacture been given. Don’t use local abbreviations in your orders as your dealer may not prove to be a mind reader and delays and misunderstandings will ensue. Factories require a constant supply of orders ahead of them to insure economical manufacture and this work takes a regular route. You cannot expect your “Rush Order” to displace other orders or there will be waste, cost, dissatisfaction and general chaos. Allow the Manufacturer time to give you in return quality and satisfaction.