THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES GIFTDISTINCTIVE BRICK HOMES A collection of 50 photographs of well-designed California brick houses together with floor plans of each. Offered in connection with a complete plan service. ISSUED BY THE California Common Brick Manufacturers Association 342 Douglas Building, Los Angeles 611 Sharon Building, San Francisco Affiliated with the Common Brick Manufacturers’ Association of AmericaPRICE FIFTY CENTS Copyright, 1923, Geo. S. SummerellForeword THAT community is most advanced which is best housed. The surest index to the status of any community is found by studying its homes. California homes are world-famous for their beauty and distinctive design. The most beautiful, the most substantial, the safest homes in California are the many fascinating brick homes to be found in increasing numbers in every California community. California has found that the brick house is by no means an expensive house. Attractive small homes can be built of brick at practically the same cost as when less permanent materials are used. The cost of the brick house is actually less by the end of the first five years when one takes into account the saving in upkeep, insurance, painting and fuel. The dollars-and-cents economy of brick becomes more and more pronounced as time goes on. The brick house only grows more beautiful with age. The brick house again proves its economy in higher loan, rental, resale and salvage values. Brick is ideally suited to California conditions. It requires the sturdiest kind of materials to survive the strong suns of our dry seasons, the heavy, penetrating rains of our winter and the marked differences in temperature between day and night. The one supreme virtue of brick is its absolute fireproofness. A study of the fire-swept zones in San Francisco, Berkeley, Santa Barbara and Eagle Rock gives conclusive evidence of the indestructibility of brick. Brick is made in the presence of intense fire and heat. It can never again be affected by flame. The California Common Brick Manufacturers Association has been persuaded to compile the material presented in this book to meet the increasing demand for ideas and designs in brick residence construction. The photographs reproduced herein are all of California homes actually constructed and lived in. The collection does not pretend to show the most attractive or the finest brick houses in California. The aim has been rather to present widely different examples to indicate the full range of costs and sizes in meeting, as far as possible, every variety of taste in exterior design and interior arrangement. The man who is contemplating building a brick home and who finds in this book a design that meets his taste and requirements, will be delighted to learn that detailed plans and specifications for each of the houses shown are available at modest cost at the offices of the Association. By special arrangement with a corps of competent architects, accurate working plans and blue prints for any of these houses may be secured at the nominal charge of 310 forMoney invested in a home is a permanent investment—when you build permanently. 4] one-story plans, $15 for two-story plans and $50 for apartments. These plans will be found complete in every detail, ready to put in the hands of your contractor for his estimate. It will be noted that in every case two different floor plans are given for one-story houses. This is to afford still wider range in meeting individual requirements. In ordering plans by name and number you will be certain of securing the particular floor plan you prefer. In a book that is to be given broadcast distribution throughout a wide territory it is impossible to give the prospective builder definite information regarding the cost of duplicating any particular house. Building costs vary so widely between city and country, north and south, inland and coast, that cost figures given here would be misleading and entirely without value. It is possible, however, to arrive at an approximate cost in advance of your contractor’s estimate, by learning what your local square foot brick building cost is. This figure should then be multiplied by the area of the proposed house, shown in square feet with each floor plan. Take for example some recently constructed brick house in your community of a type similar to the plan you like best in this book. If it has a frontage of 30 feet and a depth of 40 feet, its area is 1200 square feet. If its completed cost was $6,000, this divided by 1200 gives $5.00, its square foot cost. This figure multiplied by the area of your proposed house will give you its approximate cost. Any reputable brick manufacturer will be pleased to advise you in any matters regarding brick construction. We will be glad to put you in touch with a member of this association or a competent brick contractor in your community. This association maintains headquarters in both Los Angeles and San Francisco, where dependable information regarding brick is always at your disposal. We want the building public to feel free to write or call on us not only in connection with our plan service and for specific information on brick, but whenever our specialized knowledge of building conditions and costs can be of assistance.Build your home as you would your business—to last a lifetime. [5 The Mineola THIS home has excited much favorable comment in the California city in which it is built. Semi-colonial in design with a very pleasing exterior, it is one of the most popular small house designs in this collection. It is the interior arrangement that is especially noteworthy. It would be difficult indeed to conceive of modifications that would improve its convenient arrangement and economy of spacing. Floor Plan No. B511 Floor Plan No. B512There is a best way of doing everything. Build your home of brick and you choose the best way. 6] The Tuscarora IN this attractive home you will find many unusual features all carefully planned, fully detailed and created with a view of providing arrangements to care for the requirements of a small family. The driveway and walk, being constructed as one unit, not only effects a large saving, but permits of a lawn treatment that emphasizes width and gives the home a very pretentious appearance. In Plan B401 over one-third of the floor area is devoted to the living-room, providing ideal space for entertaining; at the same time by means of the bed closet this room is available for sleeping quarters. The balance of the home as shown is very compact, convenient and well arranged. In Plan B518 a second bedroom and a dining room are included, also a terrace at the rear covered with pergola beams for climbing roses or vines; this provides an ideal exposed sitting or living porch, and altogether a home of unusual distinction.[7 The cost of brick, when its many advantages are con- sidered, is less than that of any other building material. The Winona THE fireplace chimney, located in the front, together with the enclosed porch at the side, are features which add attractiveness and convenience to this design. The charm of this home lies in its simplicity. In the interior the arrangement and the installations have been carefully designed to provide the maximum home value at the smallest possible cost. Floor Plan No. B507 Floor Plan No. B608A pasteboard house is a pasteboard investment. A brick house is a Gibraltar investment. 8] The Catawba BOLD, pleasing lines give character to the exterior of this attractive brick home. The paneled stucco gables give it the appearance of a house twice its size. You cannot help being impressed with the substantial character of this design. This home gives maximum value for the money invested. Study carefully the arrangements and conveniences incorporated into the alternate floor plans. While the interiors have been created to care for exposures to fit a variety of lots, both are ideal for the lot that is sufficiently wide to give the house a proper setting. Floor Plan No. B601 Floor Plan No. B602[9 You never saw a wooden chimney. Brick was burned in the making—it never can burn again. THIS bungalow has always been a favorite with home builders. It is one of those plans of standard construction which grows more attractive with age, and because of its practical lines, requires little, if any, expenditure for up-keep. In plan B409 the living and dining rooms are separated by wide French doors, making these rooms available for entertaining. There is also a disappearing bed in the living room, giving the room double use. The alternate plan provides two additional sleeping rooms by reducing the size of the living room. In this design a hall is introduced which connects the bath with each of the bed rooms. Floor Plan Floor Plan No. B409 No. B610Be sure you get your brick in- formation from trustworthy sources. 10] The Chicora THERE is an atmosphere about this home that makes it extremely fascinating. Just enough distinct features to make it conspicuously attractive in any neighborhood. The design of the entry porch, window trim and overhanging eaves are details that reflect the very best taste. The interior shows a room arrangement that could not easily be improved upon and we are sure this number is destined to be a popular one. Floor Plan No. B802A home is marts greatest achievement— to be enduring it should be built of brick. [11 The Tecumseh ANOTHER good home plan for a narrow lot, and so compactly arranged as to assure the greatest possible amount of convenience and room space for a house of these proportions. The illustration, shaded as it is, does not do justice to this artistically detailed exterior. The entry on the side, leaving the porch railing one continuous span, gives width to the front of the house and produces a most pleasing effect. The natural charm of a home with this simple design can be greatly heightened by care in placing shrubbery, vines and flowers. Floor Plan No. B501 Floor Plan No. B504Build of brick and be sure that your home will endure. 12] The Missoula CN RACEFUL lines accentuated by carefully planned details, unique flower JT boxes and spacious porch, give the exterior of this home an unusually attractive appearance. Note the pergola drive-way with side entrance to the dining room, a special feature that adds convenience. The sun parlor is located in front of the living-room—its many windows affording maximum sunlight and complete ventilation. The remainder of the rooms are as conveniently arranged as it is possible for skilled designers to make them. You will make no mistake in choosing this home plan to build from. Floor Plan No. B505 Floor Plan No. B509Is the house you build a temporary lodging or a permanent residence? [13 The Skanneateles THIS skilfully planned home of modern brick construction calls for more than passing comment. In it are embodied the most advanced ideas in room arrangement, giving the interior an appearance of much greater size than is really the case. There is a distinctive air about its exterior that lends dignity. When a complete analysis is made of the interior division and convenience of the rooms, you will appreciate the careful study and effort that have been employed in creating these plans for your consideration and guidance. Plan B514 is exceptional in that four of the rooms may be utilized for sleeping apartments if desired. A sleeping porch is provided in the rear. The alternate plan suggests a house of considerably less depth and therefore decreased building cost, but without changing the design of the exterior. In this plan the dining room has been brought to the front of the house where many people prefer it. Floor Plan No. B514 Floor Plan No. B515Brick is as enduring as the ever- lasting hills, of which it is made. 14] The Hoquiam CHARMING? Yes, and just as liveable and convenient as it is attractive. The many special features have been designed with the utmost good taste. A very striking detail is reflected in the gracefully curved gables. The floor plans—it would be difficult indeed to create a more ideal arrangement; each room is spacious with a sufficient number of openings to assure perfect ventilation and sunlight. Convenient—every conceivable modern idea included; nothing has been overlooked to make this home one of the most pleasing ever offered for your consideration. Floor Plan No. B556 Floor Plan No. B603A brick house seldom requires repairs and is easily remodeled. [15 The Anoka THIS design has been widely copied in the East. It gives at low cost an unusual combination of exterior attractiveness and interior convenience. Its pleasing details and freedom from purely ornate effects give it a simplicity and sturdiness that are much admired. A careful inspection of the floor plans will show ideal room arrangements with an unusual amount of modern conveniences and installations throughout. The bedrooms are provided with spacious closets; the small inside hall gives the main rooms direct connection with bath; the side pergola porch will be one of the most used and appreciated rooms in the house. Floor Plan No. B616 Floor Plan No. B634The standing chimneys in burned Berkeley dem- onstrate the ability of brick to ivithstand fire. 16] The Katonah THIS combination brick, stucco and half-timbered English home embodies the very latest ideas in home building. In it are incorporated details that cannot help pleasing. In adopting one of these plans you will be making a selection you will never regret. The terrace porch or patio concealed by a wall of brick is a fitting addition to this charming exterior. In the interior your attention is particularly called SQ FT. 1656 to the cleverly designed vestibule and the spacious living room. Floor Plan Floor Plan No.B709 No.B715There is no greater satisfaction in life than the ownership of an attractive home. [17 The Waukesha Here is a gem of a suggestion for the home you are contemplating building. This design will lend itself equally well to a hillside or a level site. Next to the inviting exterior, the most interesting feature of this house is the large living room with den adjoining, in each of which is a cheery fireplace. Floor Plan No. B646 Floor Plan No. B718Build with brick for beauty, safety, economy and permanence. 18] The Minocqua FADS and fancies in house designing come and go, but the American Colonial continues in popularity year after year. Substantial, attractive, with bold pleasing lines. Note the general room arrangement. Each room spacious and conveniently located; the living room adequate for large entertaining. The sun parlor with its bed closet, a very special feature; kitchen equipped with modern convenience, and the three large bedrooms and a maid’s room with large airy closets. Floor Plan No. B701[19 The oldest houses standing today in America were built of brick. The Owatonna TO the man who is planning to build for investment and income this design of a four-family apartment building will be especially interesting. Because it is built of brick this structure will bring the maximum return in rents without costly depreciation and upkeep charges to reduce the income and with the investment always secure. All four apartments are identical in arrangement and are provided with carefully planned details and conveniences offering maximum floor space at minimum cost. Connected with the dining rooms are bed • closets; these modern conveniences represent real, worth-while savings in money and space; they are sanitary and out of the way when not in use. Floor Plan No. B160120] A brick house is cool in summer and warm in winter. The Canandaigua ITALIAN architecture has been employed throughout in this home. In its entirety you have a building suggestion so distinctive as to command the most favorable comment. The brick exterior is built of Ideal hollow wall construction over which stucco is applied. The roof, attractively done in tile, may be covered at somewhat less expense with slate, composition or shingles. In the floor plans the designer has exercised great care in the economy of spacing and arrangement. Floor Plan No. B523 Floor Plan No. B407A home is a good investment—the value of this investment is increased when you build with brick. [21 The Tonopah THIS home is certain to interest you, particularly if your lot is in town rather than in the suburbs or country. Where the limitations of your plot make a second floor advisable in securing the space you need, this plan will be very suggestive. The notable feature of this design is the very remarkable living room with light on three sides—a fine large room with a stairway in the corner leading to the sleeping rooms above. Floor Plan No. B643No home is too small to be built economically of brick. 22 ] The Okalona THIS beautiful home was designed by one of the leading residence architects in California. It embodies all that is best in modern California home designing. This house owes much of its exterior charm to the round entrances, the French windows opening on the terrace, the massive chimney and the interesting dormers. The floor plans show alternate ground floor designs. This has made it necessary to omit the plan for the second floor which can easily be designed to meet individual requirements. Floor Plan No. B735 Floor Plan No. B717IFe protect the lives of our chil- dren. by building schools of brick. [ 23 The Waupaca A BEAUTIFUL, practical design. Exposed brick is detailed for the first story with brick and stucco featured above. The library may be converted into a bedroom if so desired, with a door provided to connect with the toilet. Above there are two large bedrooms and a sleeping porch. Roomy closets, with provision for trunk storage and a linen room connected with the hall. A two-story home will meet the needs of those who prefer sleeping rooms on a separate floor. Floor Plan No. B814Brick costs and the cost of bricklaying now make it pos- sible to choose brick on a purely competitive basis. 24] The Cohasset THIS distinguished home of brick, stucco and tile gives a combination unusual yet beautiful, and a general home-building idea that cannot help appealing to those who are desirous of having their new home express individuality. The wall construction is of brick covered with stucco with exposed brick projections. The tile roof may be replaced with slat or shingles at slightly lower cost. The carefully executed entrance detail and front exposed fireplace chimney are features that harmonize perfectly with the general scheme. While the home is small the interior seems larger than it really is because of skillful designing. Floor Plan No. B530 Floor Plan No. B508Brick chimneys are the only construction left standing after fire has destroyed residences built of inflammable materials. [25 The Minneota THE exterior illustration and floor plan arrangement of this modern brick four-family flat is so self explanatory as to require little discussion. Every requirement in the designing of income property is here abundantly met—economy of space and materials, maximum attractiveness and rent-ability in every detail. Each flat has its own individual entrance. Floor Plan No. B1602// you, can afford, to build, you can afford to build with brick. 26] The Onalaska THIS home, with its pleasing gables, spacious porch and carefully located windows tells an interesting story of modern architecture that will help you materially in choosing a general arrangement for your new home. The pergola over the drive connecting with the patio terrace at the side, the fine fireplace in the living room, the interesting space arrangement in the kitchen—you’ll find many details in this house to incorporate in your new home. Floor Plan No. B619 Floor Plan No. B551A good automobile and a brick house require little upkeep. [27 The Crenshaw THIS little home combines to a most unusual degree the three essentials of attractiveness, convenience and stability. The exterior is most pleasing and shows conclusively the competent efforts employed in its development. The arrangement and convenience of the rooms tells an equally interesting story, for here not one inch of space has been sacrificed. ir Plan ;vo. B604 Floor Pi No. B72128] Save money by building a home requiring practically no repairs and earning the lowest possible insurance rate. The Chinook HERE is a house that has perhaps been as universally admired as any in this collection. A typical English cottage—a gem of small house designing. The enclosed porch with its wide brick arch entrance, the timbered halfstory above, attractive bay window off the living room—these features give the exterior unusual distinctiveness. The interior spaces have been skillfully and economically arranged. Floor Plan No. B605 Floor Plan No. B606[29 You win added regard from your friends when you build a home that is both beautiful and substantial. The Odanah IT would be difficult to imagine a more pleasing residence exterior than is presented in this carefully conceived plan. An examination of the floor plans will show an interior room arrangement that is at once compact, convenient and well balanced while offering a grouping that is quite unusual. One plan shows a bed closet in connection with the living room, while in the alternate plan the breakfast room has provision for a disappearing wall bed. Floor Plan No. B647 Floor Plan No. B64SYou can borrow more money in financ- ing your home if you build a brick home. 30] The Tonowanda IT’s the porch on this attractive plan that produces the cheerful atmosphere and gives the entire house that air of individuality so eagerly sought by home builders. Those of us who still long for the freedom and sentiment of the home with a porch are very apt to give this design our preference. While the exterior presents an imposing appearance, leading one to believe it to be a much larger home than it really is, the interior arrangement adequately meets the requirements of the average family. There is not an inch of waste space in either of the plans; both are most compact, convenient, modern and practical. Floor Plan No. B404 Floor Plan No. B503The man who builds a substantial home is regarded as a substantial citizen. [31 The Wetumpka HERE is an excellent design for a restricted plot with an exterior that is just as practical, substantial and attractive as competent designers can make it. One of the floor plans shows a pretentious living room with brick fire place connected with built-in bookcases. The bed closet will care for a disappearing bed or bed couch, making this room available for sleeping quarters. The sun porch is also an added feature. The kitchen and bath are equipped with many modern labor and time saving conveniences. Floor Plan Floor Plan No. B502 No. B641Brick is adaptable to any style of architecture. 32] The Kenosha GRACEFUL lines accentuated by the porch detail, the wide terrace and the battery of windows gives the exterior of this home an appearance of refinement and distinctiveness. The solid walls of brick gives those who build from these plans a home both cooler in summer and warmer in winter. Perfect ventilation is provided by the ideal spacing of windows flooding the rooms with maximum sunlight.A home built of cheap materials is a liability. A brick home is an asset. [33 The Muskog ee AN unusually attractive design embodying the use of timbers and stucco _ in addition to brick. The alternate floor plans call for five or six rooms —the additional sleeping room being provided for without reducing the size of any of the principal rooms. The feature of the interior is a spacious living room with a cheery fire place and a large bay window. Floor Plan No. B623 Floor Plan No. B704Your home is an investment and every item in its construction should be carefully selected. 34] The Lolita DOUBLE bungalows are becoming more popular in California every day. Two homes on one lot, at a big saving in construction cost over separate homes. Providing an exterior much more imposing than would be possible if separate houses were built at the same cost. Floor Plan No. B427 Floor Plan No. B410Your home represents too much of your life’s efforts not to be built of lasting materials. [35 The Mohawk THE unusual gables and the covered driveway give this house an unusual and distinctive facade. Another original touch is found in the terraced piazza without railing or enclosure at the sides. The high-pitched roof not only insures a cooler house but it gives an aspect of greater size to a house of really modest proportions and cost. Floor Plan No. B703 Floor Plan No. B510Building of brick insures a home that will last for more than a century. 36] The Winnebago AVERY substantial looking home with its heavy square piers and its spacious inviting porch. A home peculiarly suitable for California conditions—looks cool and is cool. The half story above not only enhances the appearance of the house and makes it appreciably cooler, but it provides space for storage or for an additional sleeping room which may be built later on. Floor Plan No. B553 Floor Plan No. B552It is your duty to build permanently. By building with brick you build both permanently and economically. [37 The Onondaga THE spacious sun and living-room porch is a dominating feature of this ideal home. The wall construction is of brick, excepting the front gable, which is of stucco with wood panels. The stability and durability of this charming home is reflected in its every detail; it is practical to build anywhere. The alternate floor plans tell of conveniences and arrangements of rooms which should make it easy for you to apply one of them to your own needs. Closets for disappearing beds have been provided in both floor plans; in fact, everv modern convenience has been carefully worked into the rooms, effecting maximum saving in time and labor for the housewife. It’s a home you will always be proud to call your own. The tile roof is, of course, optional. This home always gives the appearance of having cost considerably more than is the fact. • Plan B513 Floor No. BYour children are influenced by their surroundings. There is a genuine home atmosphere in a brick house. 38] The Kalama THIS model brick home will appeal strongly to anyone whose requirements can be met in a small house. The exterior shows harmonious details carefully executed, such as the entrance porch, window boxes, rose or vine trellises and dormer roof. Alternate plans have been developed for you to choose from and in the matter of compactness and conveniences it would be difficult indeed to suggest improvements. Floor Plan No. B654 Floor Plan No. B755[39 The use of brick construction in small homes has never been more widespread than it is today. THIS little home is proving one of the most popular ever created for brick construction, inexpensive to build, yet it presents details such as the pergola drive and spacious porch, giving it a most attractive exterior. In Plan No. B494 you will note that in connection with the living room, space has been provided for bed closet, making this room available for double usage, conserving space and cost. The two floor plans have been so skilfully designed that you may have difficulty in choosing between them. Floor Plan No. B494 Floor Plan No. B542The time for caution is before the building is erected. Brick gives absolute fire protection. 40] The Chico ISN’T this just the most charming exterior for a small home that you have ever had an opportunity to consider? The entry porch is most unique. Then there is the shingled roof, with the shadowed effect, produced by using a double row of shingles every 7th course. The front windows with their oval top give a pleasing touch to this home’s attractiveness. The floor plans spell compactness, with the combination living and dining room taking up nearly one-half of the floor space, ideally suited for entertaining. One of the plans contains a breakfast room, the other a noon and both are provided with bed closets in connection with living room. Floor Plan No. B303 Floor Plan No. B406Brick is as everlasting as the hills of iv hi ch it is made. [41 The Tacoma SELDOM have you had offered for your consideration a home plan containing so many unusual features. First, let us call your attention to the specially created porch, its unique columns, unusual entry, the twin rose trellis. Then note how gracefully the flower hox is constructed to form a base for the well-grouped windows. A careful study of the alternate floor plans will tell a story of compactness and convenience with general arrangements fully meeting requirements of the average family. Floor Plan No. B639 Floor Plan No. B540The day of makeshift construction is pass- ing—people are now building of brick. 42] The Corvallis THE spacious porch with its unique step railing, cement floor and gracefully hung roof, are pronounced features which place this home in a class by itself. While both the floor plans contain five rooms, bath, breakfast nook, screened-in porch and basement, still there is enough variety to make difficulty choosing between them. One plan shows the dining room back of the living room, the two separated by means of a colonnade opening. In the alternate plan the two rooms occupy the front part of the home with wall-bed space providing sleeping accommodations for the over-night guest. Floor Plan Floor Plan No. B544 No. 13545A permanent home can be built with brick in less time than with any other material. [43 The Wadena HALF brick—half paneled stucco makes this home of English design one that will win wide attention in any community. Note the graceful curve to the roof covering the entry porch, the pleasing effect secured from the carefully planned gables; the skilfull grouping of the windows to produce just the proper effect. While both the floor plans contain about the same square footage and will vary but little in construction cost, they present sufficient variety to enable you to meet your individual requirements. While the arrangement is not shown here, there is a suf-f i c i e n t amount of space on the second floor to provide three good sized rooms. Floor Pla No. B532 Floor Plan No. B631You can build with brick at the cost of wood if you use the Ideal Hollow IT all type of construction. 44] The Itasca THIS is probably the most photographed brick house in California. It has been reproduced all over the country in architectural and “house beautiful” publications. Aside from the beauty of its simple substantial lines, this house is notable because it is built of Ideal Hollow Brick Wall Construction—a new method of laying common brick which provides a hollow wall using one third less brick than a solid wall. Floor Plan No. B549 Floor Plan No. B650There is no sub- stitute for brick. [45 The Wasatch A HOME that is different—one that tells a story of individuality, distinctiveness, very attractive and most practical. It is the combination of details which appeals—the large landscape window—the special shingles used on the roof, the carefully planned shutters and the general lines. The living room is one of those late creations with high coved ceiling and the fire place is another feature that adds hominess. A careful study of the room arrangements will win you still more to the design. Floor Plan No. B536 Floor Plan No. B637The only way to stop loss by fire is to build against fire. Brick, homes are fireproof. 46] The Kewanee THIS ideal Spanish home represents the truest type of California bungalow designing. The wall construction is of brick over which is applied a stucco finish to give the true Spanish effect. The tile roof does its part also in giving the home that real mission appearance. The special detailed windows harmonize perfectly with the general exterior design. Study the floor plans carefully—aren’t they compact, convenient and well arranged ? Floor Plan No. B528 Floor Plan No. B529It is not necessary to sacrifice either beauty or comfort in a modest home. Build with brick. [47 The Yakima THIS house was created to fit a small lot, yet it gives the appearance, of unusual width, a feature greatly desired for narrow plots. Every detail of this home plan bespeaks durability and permanence. The alternate floor plans are self-explanatory, every detail and convenience being clearly shown. Floor Plan No. B524 Floor Plan No. B625A home well built never causes regret. 48] The Otego ANOTHER good plan for a narrow lot; an attractive home and a practical one. The floor plans—study them carefully, as they are deserving of your most serious consideration. One shows four rooms, bath, breakfast nook, screened-in porch and basement, while the alternate plan has five rooms with the same added features. The exceptional interior feature in both these floor plans is the fine large living rooms provided. In both cases the main living room has generous proportions which are most uncommon in homes of this limited size. The large porch, rose trellis and the other exterior details produce a general effect which is most pleasing. Floor Plan No. B405 Floor Plan No. B506A brick house built with Ideal hollow walls requires one-third less brick and is no more expensive than a similar house built of any other material. [49 The Chanute THIS English home of Ideal hollow wall construction, over which stucco has been applied, offers you the very latest in modern residence architecture. English bungalows modernized to include present-day conveniences are being widely adopted and proving very popular. Because of the simplicity of this architecture care must be exercised in harmonizing the details. The careful grouping, location and size of windows designed for this home, together with the well balanced dormer, creates its favorable impression and gives to it that pleasing air of refinement. Floor Plan No. B627 Floor Plan No. B526The time has come to own a home of your own. Do ■you know that you can just as ivell own a brick home? 50] The Osakis ri^HIS bungalow home presents many unique and distinctive features, all of JL which add to its attractiveness, making strong appeals for its adoption. The header course of brick running entirely around the home at the floor line breaks the plain wall and is very effective. A similar header course is also laid under windows, chimney and porch cappings. The interior arrangement is clearly shown in the alternate floor plans featured. This house contains many installa- tions not often found in homes of this size. sa.FT. nas Floor Plan No. B519 Floor Plan No. B620“—and some that built wooden houses are sorry for it: and now many brave brick houses are going up.”—Robert Turner to William Penn in 1685. [51 The Keuka MANY features are indicated here, that home builders will find helpful and suggestive. A continuous roof covers the porte-cochere over the drive. The porch on the opposite corner could be enclosed and transformed into a sun-parlor or conservatory. The exposed fireplace chimney gives a pleasing touch to the front elevation. The interior is unique in its arrangement and contains many modern and convenient features. Floor Plan No. B521 Floor Plan No. B622Homes so old that their creators have been for- gotten are almost invariably built of brick. 52] The Chicopee THIS model home in brick with its bold, pleasing lines and graceful, well-balanced details, makes it one of the most attractive, convenient and practical design ever submitted for your consideration, and you are going to find it difficult to resist its appeal for adoption. The spacious corner porch and vine trellis are interesting features. The compact, convenient room arrangements in both floor plans offer sufficient variety to insure a full meeting of your requirements. Modern conveniences and built-in features are included throughout. Floor Plan No. B517 Floor Plan No.B613 -There is no more beautiful home than the well-designed, brick home. [53 The Cattaragus HERE’S another one of those popular homes of English design with exposed brick forming a window case and with paneled stucco above. In this plan great care has been exercised in detailing just the proper size and location of windows to produce maximum attractiveness. With this exterior we are featuring a five-room, two-bedroom and a sevenroom, three-bedroom plan. Both are modern in every respect and contain just the conveniences you will want in the new home you are planning to build. Floor Plan No. B533 Floor Plan No. B607The choice of materials is just as important as the choice of design. Choose wisely and yoiC will select brick. 54] The Paia A BRICK bungalow home of exceedingly graceful lines, attractive, durable and practical. The porch floor and steps are of concrete, as is also the foundation up to the grade line; above this is dark red brick to floor line, balance of wall construction in light brick. With the moss green stained roof and white trimmings you have a combination that is very pleasing. The alternate floor plans offer arrangements o£ rooms that are not only compact, but embody modern labor and time-saving conveniences which you will want to include in the new home you are to build. One plan shows five rooms with breakfast nook, while the other floor plan introduces an additional sleeping room without materially reducing the size of the other rooms in the house. Complete detailed building plans on this design in the hands of your contractor will enable him to give you a figure on the cost of this house that will surprise you. Floor Plan No. B516 Floor Plan No. B612[55 You can enjoy the comfort of your home more completely when you know that it is substantial and fireproof. The Owasco WHILE this little modern brick bungalow has been designed to care for the requirements of a small family and to fit a narrow lot, no details have been overlooked that would add dignity, attractiveness and convenience. The roof is of thatch design, secured by steaming the shingles before they are laid. The exterior would present almost equal attractiveness if ordinary shingles were used. Note how conveniently the rooms are arranged. Each floor plan calls for many labor-and-time saving built-in features. Both have breakfast nooks, fireplaces with connecting bookcases, well lighted closets, ironing boards, cupboards and a window and door arrangement that insures maximum ventilation and light. Floor Plan No. B403 Floor Plan No. B402