Los Angeles Today ———*i 923■^— LOS ANGELES COUNTY Leading County in the United States in Value of all Crops. Unparalleled in growth and energy. Not only a summer and winter resort, but one of the most enterprising business communities of the world. Los Angeles County ranks among the 58 counties of California as follows: First in value of farm property ....................$396,596,914 First in value of all Crops .................,....... 57,577,964 Second in value of fruit and nuts ................... 37,060,951 First in value of dairy products, U. S. Census ...... *4,912,896 First in bearing lemon acreage .......................... 11,352 First in value of sugar beet production, tons........ 261,375 Second in value of poultry production, U. S. Census 4,624,789 First in bearing orange acreage.......................... 39,987 First in cost of irrigation enterprises, U. S. Census 23,271,909 First in rvalnut production, lbs..................... 12,650,000 First in fruit and vegetable shipments, carloads..... 20,845 CLIMATIC CONDITIONS The following meteorological data compiled from the records of the U. S. Weather Bureau station, which was established in Los Angeles, Nov. 1, 1877. In the following facts, average figures are quoted: There are eleven days in the year without sunshine. There are fifteen days when more than a quarter of an inch of rain falls. There are thirty-nine days during which any rain falls. There are twenty-eight days in the year with one hour or more of fog. The average wind velocity is five miles an hour. The average rainfall is 15.64 inches, with no rain in summer, and the heaviest rain in March, with three inches. Tornadoes and other violent storms are unknown. Thunderstorms average three per year. Snow has never fallen in measureable quantities. There are few extremes; the records show an average of twelve days in the year when the thermometer goes above 90 and thirteen days in the year when it goes below 40. The highest relative humidity is 89 in July. I.ess than 1% of the days have reached the 100 mark in temperature, and during less than 1% has the temperature gone below 30 degrees above zero.LOS ANGELES TODAY APRIL, 1923 Compliments of the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce LOS ANGELES — NATURE’S WORKSHOP Copyright by NEUNER CORPORATION Los Angeles, Z923Portion of Los Angeles Inner Harbor *z* OS ANGELES, the “City of Angels,”—or to give the sonorous ^Jj Spanish title, “Nuestra Señora la Reina de Los Angeles,”—has ׳***' been called the “wonder city” of the United States. Indeed, its fame has spread to all parts of the world; a city that increases its population within the short period of thirty-five years from 50,000 to 850,000, certainly is not in the ordinary class territory. There are various outstanding features that have contributed to this extraordinary growth—climate, soil, location, and raw products. Any one of these advantages would be sufficient to insure a large city, but taken together they guarantee the future of Los Angeles as the metropolis of the southwest. Los Angeles was founded September 4, 1781, by a small band of colonists, who had been recruited from the Mexican states of Sinaloa and Sonora and brought here under command of a government officer, to found an agricultural colony for the purpose of raising produce for County Court House and Hall of Records 2One of the Inner Channels of the Harbor the soldiers at the presidios. Among the colonists were one European 72 Spanish-Americans. 7 Indians. 22 Mulattoes and 39 Mestizos—or half-blood Spanish. Fifty years after the founding of the pueblo, the population was only 770. In January. 1847. the population was 1.500. From this modest beginning. Los Angeles has developed into the largest city on the Pacific Coast and fifth city in population in the United States. Transportation has been an important factor in the city’s growth Los Angeles has the advantage of three of the most important transcontinental lines and is the central point in the greatest interurban electric system in the world, having an aggregate of 1.150 miles of single track. In some sections there are four parallel tracks. The street railway system of Los Angeles is very complete. The total mileage of single track is 591 miles, all electric. Federal Building and Main Postoffice 3West Adams Street Los Angeles has made remarkable progress in street improvements, now having 1,355 miles of improved streets. The city has a complete sewer system and has an outfall sewer to the ocean. The banks of Los Angeles are noted throughout the country for their solid and prosperous condition, with deposits aggregating $660,664,193, January 1, 1923. The bank clearings in 1922 totaled $5,152,311,839.82. The assessed valuation of property in the city in 1922, including personal property, was $783,718,707. The value of building permits issued in Los Angeles in 1922 was $121,206,782. There are 40 public parks within the city limits, aggregating 4,740 acres. Six of these parks are of considerable size. Westlake, 32 acres in area, is one of the most popular open air resorts; Lincoln, in the eastern part of the city, covers 45 acres and has been made attractive alike to recreation seeker and student. H ere also is a lake, and the park nurseries, and alligator and ostrich farms adjoin¡ n g are educational attractions. The oldest and best improved of the city parks, between Fifth and Sixth streets near the business center, is Pershing Square. Looking North on Broadway 4Westlake Park West Seventh Street, Looking East Hollenbeck Park, 20 acres, is on the east side of the river in Boyle Heights. Echo Park, a beautifully improved tract in the northwestern part of the city, contains the largest body of water in Los Angeles. Elysian Park, 800 acres in area, is the remainder of thousands of acres of such land formerly owned by the city. Griffith Park, a tract of 3,751 acres donated to the city, is located in the north end and embraces a varied assortment of mountain, foothill and valley scenery. It is the second largest municipal park in the United States. One of the most appeal-i n g breathing spaces is Exposition Park, containing 120 acres. Tt is a short ride from the heart of the city, reached by ten car lines and surrounded by paved boulevards. The chief feature of this institution consists of three buildings, one of which contains a permanent exhibit of the state’s resources and is known as the Exposition Building: the others, a M useum of History, Science and Art, and the State Armory, In this 5Harvesting Scene park is located also the new Coliseum, erected at a cost of $1,000,000 and having a seating capacity of 78,000. This is said to contain the best features of famous stadiums of the world. An athletic field graces this park, comprising forty acres, equipped for baseball, tennis roque, polo, football, hockey and bowling. It is large enough for open air pageants and exercises of all sorts. There is a race course utilized for pleasure matinees, etc. There are numer ous formal gardens and a unique feature is a Grove of State Trees in the southeast corner of the park, which contains a native or typical tree of almost every state in the Union. Ad- joining this grove is a memorial poppy field dedicated to the men who died on the bloody fields of France during the world war. Los Angeles has ten public playgrounds and thirty-five vacation centers. The Public Library At Sixth and Spring Sts., Looking West 6Picking Grapes maintains a branch at all of the playgrounds and free lectures and entertainment are features of this community life. After all is said, the chief attraction of Los Angeles to new arrivals lies in its beautiful homes. The rare beauty of the grounds surrounding the attractive homes of Los Angeles is a constant theme of admiration on the part of eastern visitors. The mildness of the climate permits the most delicate plants and trees to flourish in the open all through the winter. A majority of the residences stand in spacious grounds, a lot of 50 x 150 feet being the smallest occupied by a house of any pretension. A great variety of architecture is found among the residences of Los Angeles. The bungalow style is very popular and for more pretentious residences Spanish and colonial architecture is typified. One of the most attractive features about a home in this section is the wonderful rapidity with which vegetation of all kinds grows, so that, instead of having to wait years for a new residence to assume a settled and homelike appearance, Main and Sixth Street 7Section of Oil District the owner has to wait only a few months until his house is surrounded with thrifty plants and climbing vines. The population of Los Angeles is cosmopolitan. During the past twenty-five years it has received accessions to its population from every state in the Union and from almost every country in the world. On a winter's day the Angeleno may breakfast by the seashore: after a dip in the ocean, have his luncheon amid the orange groves and dine in the snow fields of the Sierras. There is a climate here to suit everyone. There is no winter and no summer in Los Angeles. They are represented by a wet and dry season. The former is far from a steady downpour as some suppose. The rainy season is the pleasantest time of the year. The average rainfall is 15^4 inches. This is an “all-year-round” climate, pleasing in summer as well as in winter. There is no depressing heat, no insect pests. It is not an enervating climate, but bracing and full of electricity: a climate that in a k c s the sick w ell and the strong more vigorous. ׳Die nights are cool, blankets being always needed. The records show that during forty-five years the thermometer went down to thirty- Looking South from Third and Broadway 8Busy Scene in the Wholesale Terminal two degrees or below, only seventeen times. The lowest temperature observed at the station was twenty-eight degrees above zero, or four degrees below freezing, which happened in January, 1913. During the same period above referred to, the records of the United States Weather Bureau in Los Angeles showed that the number of days on which the temperature rose to one hundred degrees or above was twenty-nine, that is to say, less than once a year on an average. Thunder storms occasionally occur in the mountains, at a distance of from fifteen to fifty miles, but very rarely visit the plains. Los Angeles harbor is absolutely safe for the largest sea-going vessels and can be entered safely in any kind of weather and is the logical harbor for the trade of all eastern Pacific shores. The city of Los Angeles has spent $14,000,000 and is spending $2,000,000 more on the further improvements of this great world port. New Home of the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce 9Echo Park The expenditure of $3,100,000 by the federal government on the breakwater, and the dredging of the inner channels still under way, gives this city one of the finest harbors in the world. Ocean-going vessels of the deepest draft are now able to come to the wharves, enabling Los Angeles to compete for its share of the growing transpacific trade. The possible water frontage at the harbor is 21 miles, giving it rank among the great ports of the world. Today Los Angeles has nearly sixty foreign and coast-to-coast steamship lines utilizing its port. These lines connect with all important ports of the world. Los Angeles has direct connection with every important Atlantic and gulf port from Portland, Maine, to Galveston, Texas, as well as every Pacific coast port from British Columbia to the Panama Canal. The rapidity with which commerce of the port is growing is shown by the Corner at Seventh and Mill 10Art Museum, Exposition Park fact that the total tonnage passing through the port in the first month of 1923 was five times the average monthly tonnage three years previous. That Los Angeles is, and will always remain, the commercial metropolis of the great southwest, admits of no doubt. The city possesses the great natural advantage of being located on the shortest route, by the easiest grades, between the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. The principal articles of export are fruits, fresh and dried vegetables of great variety, beans, wool, canned goods, sugar, olives, .petroleum, cotton, borax and other chemicals, iron and steel products and dry goods. Land has been purchased by the United States government on the bluff above Los Angeles harbor, where an ex- New Business District—Sixth and Olive Sts. 11One of our many Beautiful Drives On the harbor are immense lumber yards, where vessels discharge their cargoes direct. Los Angeles imports more lumber than any other port in the world. The harbor is surrounded by mammoth warehouses, factories, ship repair plants and fish canneries. By annexation, the former harbor cities of San Pedro and Wilmington are within the city limits. Strangers are agreeably surprised to find that from a social standpoint, Los Angeles compares most favorably with cities of similar population in the east. The cultural life is a dominant feature but this is not surprising when it is considered that this city has been settled chiefly by persons of culture from east of the Rocky Mountains. Most of the leading religious denominations are represented. Lectures and other entertainments by home and foreign talent are of daily occurrence. The educational and social facilities afforded are Oranges and Snow 11ill the widest sense of the word, unsurpassed. The Los Angeles Public Library ranks in the forefront of those in the United States in number of volumes and other standards, in proportion to population. Every fraternal order of importance is represented in Los Angeles. In amusements, Los Angeles is well favored. There are many handsome and capacious theaters open the year ’round. In addition to these are concert halls and open air amusement centers that art-unique and attractive. Reports for 1922 indicate that Los Angeles paid more per capita for entertainment taxes than any other district in the country. A magnificent Symphony Orchestra is maintained and there are schools of opera, esthetic dancing, choral societies, industrial music, community choruses and various organizations of players and performers. Los Angeles attracts the best dramatic talent that visits the west. There are frequent concerts, lectures. fairs, fruit and flower shows, that may be enjoyed at any season of the vear. Pasadena has an annual carnival on New Year’s Day. known as the Hotel Huntington—Pasadena 13California Bungalows Tournament of Roses, when may be seen a floral parade and battle of flowers, participated in by citizens in vehicles of every description and in beautiful floats, all decorated in fragrant, natural blossoms. The Los Angeles Auto Speedway, opened in 1920, is said to be the most modern amphitheater for cyclonic motor events in the country. It is shaped like an elliptical saucer, one and one-fourth miles in circumference. One hundred thousand persons can be accommodated within the enclosure. Southern California, of which Los Angeles is the metropolis, has justly been termed the “Artists’ Paradise.” This applies to artists of every kind. The architect finds here conditions such as his fancy might have pictured as necessary to the full expansion of his talent, but hardly hoped to see. Owing to favorable climate conditions. One of our large Manufacturing Plants 14Rustic Bungalow Court embellishments of great delicacy and color schemes and forms of structure impossible in more rigorous climates are here altogether practicable. As might be expected in this section, where the sun shines over three hundred days in the year, the country club idea is exceedingly popular. There are a number of these clubs scattered through Southern California. The buildings are not so pretentious as many of those found in the east, but they are comfortable and homelike and the golf links and tennis courts are in almost daily use, summer and winter. There are a dozen or more of these country club-houses within easy reach of Los Angeles. The largest of these is the Los Angeles Country Club with a membership of 1500. It is located a few miles west of the city, where it has capacious grounds. The Pasadena Golf Club, the San Gabriel Country Club, the Hollywood Country Club, the Wilshire Country Club, and the Annandale Country Club are all within a few miles of the business center of Los Angeles on the suburban electric lines. Street of Homes ISPortion of Business Cei Inner Harbor of L 16Center of Los Angeles of Los Angeles 17Lincoln Park Los Angeles in 1923 has the greatest school building program in its history. Owing to the rapid increase in numbers of pupils, it has been necessary to build by wholesale. To accommodate the increase alone of the past year, it will be necessary to build at least forty new schools of ten rooms each. The private schools in Los Angeles are many and of high standing. There are numerous large business colleges and schools that teach singing, music, drawing, elocution, etc., exclusively, in addition to military academies for boys and collegiate schools for girls. Los Angeles is credited with paying the largest per capita tax for public education in the country. The Los Angeles County coast line contains a varied succession of scenery. In addition, it has this great advantage—that the beauties of the beach and ocean may be enjoyed to perfection every month Private Residence 18Private Gardens in the year. Even at midwinter, when the beaches on the Atlantic Coast are deserted, numerous visitors may be seen at the beach resorts on a Sunday or holiday enjoying a dip in the surf, or gathering ocean treasures. Not only is the winter climate beyond all comparison with that of the eastern coast at the same time of year, but the summer is also far more pleasant. On the coast line there is never an oppressively warm day. The leading seaside resorts of Los Angeles are Santa Monica. Ocean Park, Venice, Redondo, Long Beach and Catalina Island. Santa Monica, which is reached in less than an hour by two electric roads, is a well improved, progressive seaside city, with beautiful homes, fine beach and many attractions for summer visitors. Ocean Park, adjoining Santa Monica on the south, is built up with neat cottages for a couple of miles along the beach, with a cement walk Palatial ResidenceHarvesting Ripe Olives four miles long and thirty feet wide. Still farther south, Venice, reached in about thirty minutes from Los Angeles, is a most unique and attractive resort. Seal Beach is among the new resorts. Redondo has a wharf from which fishing may be had, the largest salt water plunge in the world and a beach where moonstones are found. North of Redondo are the resorts, Hermosa and Manhattan, with fine beaches. San Pedro, now a part of the city of Los Angeles, is more of a shipping port than a seaside resort. The view from the high bluffs is beautiful. Long Beach, a few miles east of Los Angeles harbor, reached by steam and electric railroad, is a thriving city of 90,000 people, with one of the finest stretches of hard, level beach on the coast, and a pleasure wharf 1800 feet in length with a large sun parlor at the outer end. During the past few years the growth has been very rapid, and Country Auto Road 20Mount Lowe Railway a protected harbor has been dredged within the city limits. Alamitos Bay, adjoining Long Beach, has a high, breezy location on a bluff. Santa Catalina is a picturesque, mountainous island about thirty miles in length and twenty-five miles from the mainland. The water here is remarkably calm and clear, so that marine growths may be seen at a depth of SO feet or more. There is fine, still-water bathing, big fish in great quantity, which attract amateur fishermen from all over the world, stage riding, goat hunting and other attractions. Hotels and cottages, together with a “tent city” furnish accommodations to visitors and a fine band plays during the summer season. The island is conducted as an “up-to-date” winter as well as summer resort, steamships making daily trips from Los Angeles harbor. Thousands of people from Southern California, Arizona and more distant points Beautiful Home in the Hills 21Surf Bathing visit Catalina each year, many of them “camping out” for several months in the “Canvas City.” The Sierra Madre, or Mother Range, the foothills of which are about ten miles from Los Angeles City, is a romantic and interesting range of mountains, which no tourist should fail to visit. Along this range are a number of interesting canyons. The two most popular peaks in the Sierra Madre are Mount Wilson and Mount Lowe. The former is reached by a comfortable trail, either foot or on horseback. Near the summit is a picturesque camp where good accommodations are furnished to visitors. The crest of the mountain is a parklike tract shaded by giant pines, from which the visitor looks across a tremendous gorge into the heart of the range. Here is a world-renowned astronomical observatory with a large telescope. Mount Lowe is reached by electric cars and cable, the whole forming an interesting and ingenious system of mountain railway, which extends Colorado Street Bridge, Pasadena 22Bathing Scene at Ocean Park to Alpine Tavern, at a height of about 5,000 feet. Half way up is Echo Mountain, where there is a small observatory. In the metropolitan manufacturing district of Los Angeles, there are 4100 establishments, with an annual output in excess of $900,000,000. The openings for manufacturing enterprises in the City are many and varied. Not only do local manufacturers enjoy the advantages of cheap fuel, but they have cheap power and an equable climate that adds to the efficiency of the workers, in addition to lessening the cost of construction of factory buildings. The market for Los Angeles manufactured goods is large and is constantly being extended. The Industrial Department of the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce Famous Busch Gardens, PasadenaModern Methods of Harvesting serves to bring capital and manufacturing opportunity together. Inquiries addressed to the Chamber on this subject will receive prompt attention. Los Angeles is the center of a number of large mineral fields in Southern California. The chief products, exclusive of petroleum and asphaltum are gold, borax, clay, cement, granite, lime, salt and chemical ores. California produces annually some $300,000,000 worth of mineral products. There are some 51 varieties mined commercially and some 25 that have not yet been developed. The larger part of the state’s mineral wealth is produced in the southern part. Los Angeles is the natural headquarters for not only the mining activities of Southern California, but also the vast mining sections of lower California. Sonora, Mexico and Arizona, and the rich territor All-Year Sport in Southern Utah and Nevada. The manufacture of mining machinery and supplies gives employment to a large number of persons in 1 .os Angeles. 24One oi our many Bungalow Courts One of the most remarkable features of development in and around Los Angeles in the past few years has been the greatly increased production of petroleum. In 1912 four oil fields within twenty-five miles of Los Angeles harbor produced 10.993.206 barrels of oil. In 1921 the number of fields within this area had increased to nine and the production was 35.587,492 barrels. In 1922 this production was practically doubled, and the first month of 1923 saw a production in the Los Angeles area at a rate of 133.448.000 barrels a year, with more than 540 wells in active drilling and 2152 producing. This oil is used very largely for fuel as well as for refining. Railroad experience shows that four barrels of oil at $1.00 per barrel is equivalent to one ton of coal, costing $14.00. Los Angeles has become the largest oil port in the world, its product going to many lands. There are several large refineries here and at least five new ones are projected during 1923. One of the most stupendous enterprises ever undertaken by an American municipality is the Los Angeles aqueduct, started in l(>08. Avalon, Catalina Island 25Chrysanthemums and completed in 1913, bringing an abundant fresh water supply to the city, a distance of over 250 miles, from the snow-clad slopes of Mt. Whitney, the highest mountain in the United States outside of Alaska. From reservoirs, in the San Fernando Valley, the water is delivered into the present distribution system by pipe lines. The aqueduct has a capacity of 258.000.000 gallons delivered at the outlet. The water flows through 52 miles of tunnel. 12 miles of siphon. 100 miles of lined and covered conduit. 40 miles of open lined canal, 21 miles of open unlined canal and 8% miles of reservoirs. The total cost of the work was about $25.000.000. Much preparatory work had to be done, including the construction of 225 miles of mountain roads and trails, many cut in solid rock, a 26 ■M.... --- ---------------------------.—״ Private Hilltop Gardens, Hollywoodtelephone system 350 miles long, and many structures. In addition, the City caused to be built the Nevada and California Railroad, a broad gauge system from Mojave to Owenyo, a distance of 142 miles across the Mojave Desert. The City also built three hydro-electric power plants to generate power, and for the lighting of camps and tunnels. The generation of power from a fall of 1500 feet in the aqueduct has been provided for by a bond issue of $10,000,000. The total power possibilities approximate 120.000 horsepower, the major portion of which can be developed within 47 miles of the city. A municipal electric light and power system for the whole city is being built. There is probably no important city in the United States where most of the necessities of life are more reasonable than in Los Angeles. Following are normal retail prices: Pears, 10 cents per lb.; peaches 5 cents per lb.; apples. 5 cents per lb.; figs. 15 cents per lb.; watermelons. 11/2 cents Modern High School Buildings per lb.; lemons. 10 to 15 cents per dozen:oranges 25 to 30 cents per dozen; strawberries, 10 to 25 cents per basket. Potatoes, $2.50 per 100 lbs.; string beans, 5 to 7 cents per lb.; peas, 10 cents per lb.; tomatoes. 5 cents 27A Street of Modern Homes per lb.; carrots and turnips, 5 cents per bunch; celery, 10 cents per bunch; cucumbers, 50 cents per dozen; egg plant, 10 cents per lb.; flour, $2.45 for 50 lbs. Round steak. 25 cents per lb.; sirloin, 28 cents per lb.; leg of mutton, 25 cents per lb.; chops, 35 cents per lb.; lamb, 34 cents per lb.; veal, 30 cents per lb.; roast pork, 17% to 45 cents per lb.; fish, 12% cents per lb. Butter, 45 cents per lb.; eggs, 35 cents per dozen; milk, 15 cents per quart; turkeys, 34 to 58 cents per lb.; rabbits, 40 to 58 cents per lb.; hens. 25 to 55 cents per lb. Eucalyptus, oak or mesquite, $24.00 per cord; coal, $16 to $17 per ton; fuel oil, $1.00 per bbl. Oregon Pine. Common. $45.00 per thousand ft.; Rough Common Redwood, $50.00 per thousand ft.; Clear Rough Pine. $95.00 per thousand ft.; Clear Rough Redwood. $105.00 per Some of our Los Angeles City Churches 28Three to five-room cottages in the industrial district, with bath, can be obtained at from $40 to $75 per month. Five and six-room comfortable bungalows, with bath and electric lights, in good location, within thirty minutes of the business center, from $50 to $100 per month. Five and six-room cottages and bungalows, in good neighborhood, handy to schools, car lines, etc., with modern conveniences, from $50 to $85 per month. Seven or eight-room houses with bath and electric lights, $50 to $100 per month. Five and six-room flats, usually four or more flats to the building, accessible to car line and within twenty minutes of the business center, from $60 to $100 per month. Flats and apartments, with all modern conveniences, from five to seven rooms, well located, $75 to $150 per month. The highways of Southern California are admitted to comprise the highest developed good roads Ot’Rce Buildinn׳s, Hotels and Department Stores system of any country in the United States. This is not an extravagant claim, but the reiteration of expressions that have come from visitors from every part of the world. Millions have been spent in boulevards that radiate like the spokes of a wheel from Los 39One of our many Country Clubs Angeles to all parts of the Southland. There are more than four hundred miles of roads representing the highest development in construction. From ocean to foothills, through orange groves and rose hedges, these asphalt lanes invite utility or pleasure alike. Within easy motoring distance are scores of pretty suburban cities, each having its distinctive charm. Visitors in Los Angeles have little difficulty in selecting a different motor trip for each day of a month, while all are over smoothly surfaced highways, lined with nature’s most gorgeous handiwork. Summer Camp, Mount Wilson 30Perhaps the most convincing tribute to the highway system is the enormous number of automobiles in the county. More than 288,000 have been registered this year, an average of one vehicle for every five persons. This is said to be the record of the world. The overland roads that reach Los Angeles using their own equipment, are the Southern Pacific, Santa Fe, Union Pacific and the Rock Island Lines. Applications at the consolidated offices for rates and transportation facilities to California will be given courteous and prompt attention. When in Los Angeles, visit the Chamber of Commerce, where you will find the largest exhibit of agricultural and horticultural products in the world. Here you may also profitably enjoy illustrated lectures and motion pictures descriptive of Southern California. For additional information, address the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce or any of these organizations. Southwest Museum Moving Picture Studios 31The following cities in Southern California maintain chambers of commerce, and if you will write them directly, they will be very glad to supply you with any descriptive literature which they may have available: LOS ANGELES CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. IMPERIAL COUNTY LOS ANGELES COUNTY Brawley (CONTINUED) Calexico Huntington Park Calipatria Inglewood El Centro Lancaster Holtville Lankershim Imperial City La Verne Niland Long Beach Seeley Los Angeles Westmoreland Monrovia KERN COUNTY Montebello Bakersfield Ocean Park Delano Owensmouth Kern Co. C. of C. , Pacoima Bakersfield Palmdale Maricopa Pasadena McFarland Pomona Taft Puente LOS ANGELES COUNTY Redondo Beach Alhambra Rivera Arcadia San Dimas Artesia San Fernando Azusa San Gabriel Baldwin Park San Pedro Bell Santa Monica Burbank Sawtelle Claremont Sierra Madre Covina South Pasadena Culver City Torrance Downey Van Nuys Duarte Venice Eagle Rock Watts El Monte Whittier El Segundo Wilmington Glendale ORANGE COUNTY Glendora Anaheim Harbor City Balboa Hermoia Beach Brea Hollywood Fullerton ORANGE COUNTY SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY (CONTINUED) (CONTINUED) Garden Grove Rialto Huntington Beach San Bernardino Laguna Beach Upland Newport Beach Victorville Orange Placentia Yucaipa Santa Ana SAN DIEGO COUNTY Seal Beach Coronado Sunset Beach Escondido Tustin Fallbrook RIVERSIDE COUNTY Arlington Banning La Jolla Oceanside San Diego Beaumont VENTURA COUNTY Blythe Coachella Corona Elsinore Hemet Fillmore Oxnard Santa Paula Ventura Highgrove SANTA BARBARA COUNTY Indio Perris Carpinteria Santa Barbara Ripley Riverside Santa Maria San Jacinto TULARE COUNTY Thermal Dinuba SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY Exeter Barstow Lindsay Big Bear Valley Porterville Chino Strathmore Colton Terra Bella Etiwanda Tulare Co. B. 0( 1 Fontana Visalia Highland Tulare Ontario Visalia Redlands Woodlake 32THE PROGRESS OF LOS ANGELES Shown By FIGURES Compiled by the LOS ANGELES CHAMBER OF COMMERCE POST OFFICE BUSINESS BANK CLEARINGS BUILDING PERMITS POPULATION NO. VALUATION YEAR L. A. CITY COUNTY 1900 $ 259,468.72 $ 122,692,555 1,922 $ 2,519,361 1860 3,700 4,000 1901 312,524.48 161,466,671 2,826 4,376.916 1870 5,728 6.200 1902 399,617.56 245,516,094 4,863 9,603,132 1880 11,093 20,000 1903 497,531.06 307,316,530 6,395 13,046,338 1890 50,395 101,454 1904 600.444.75 345,343,956 7,089 13,409,062 1897 93,786 150.000 1905 719,053.63 478,985,298 9,543 15,382,057 1899 100,000 165.000 1906 929,098.54 578,635,516 9,072 18,158,520 1900 102,479 170,298 1907 1,037,785.81 581,802,982 7,599 13,304,696 1901 117,000 195,000 1908 1,089,493.04 505,588,756 7,371 9,931,377 1902 125,000 210,000 1909 1,276,664.05 673,065.726 8,571 13,260,703 1903 136,000 230,000 1910 1,476,942.02 811,377,487 10,738 21,684.100 1904 175,000 275,000 1911 1,646,001.84 942,914,424 12,498 23.004,185 1905 201,000 305,000 1912 1,906,398.91 1.168,941.800 16,455 31,367,995 1906 240,000 350,000 1913 2,152,749.20 1,211.168.989 16,442 31,641.921 1907 263,782 400,000 1914 2,215,114.71 1,145,167.110 9,979 17.361.925 1908 295,687 425,000 1915 2.241.992.43 1,048.090.667 7,845 11.888.662 1909 307,322 460,000 1916 2,437,356.18 1.292.961.997 7,045 15.036,045 1910 319,198 504,131 1917 2,640,202.18 1,502,250,332 3,605 16,932.083 1920 576,673 936.438 1918 3,070,760.91 1.547,065,951 638 8,678,862 1921 *611,636 1,190,000 1919 3.271.849.96 2,339,401,197 13,344 28.253,619 1922 **722,000 1,300,000 1920 4,190,660.70 3,994,280.520 25,555 60,023,600 1923 **850.000 1,450.000 1921 4,919,348.58 4,211.196,797 37,206 82.761.386 *Estimated by Government. 1922 5,813.139.01 5,152,311,839 47,397 121,206,787 **Estimated by¡ Chamber of Commerce. HOW WE GROW Population. 1890. 50.395; 1900, 102,479; 1910, 319,198; 1922, 750.000. Post office business, 1910, $1,476,942.02; 1922, $5,813,139.01.