SPECIAL COLLECTIONS THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELESForeword In these pages the best effort possible has been made to give the outside world an idea of what Glendale, the most luring of Southern California cities, is like. —But, printer’s type and picture - engraving, eloquent though they be, are wholly futile to express the beauty and the wonder of Glendale — the city which has outstripped all other communities of America in rapidity of growth. —Snuggled between the famous green Verdugo Hills and the great lomas back of Los Angeles, the town of Glendale was chosen by nature, itself, to become a prosperous and beautiful city. —Also, it was inevitable that Glendale would attract to itself an uncommon citizenship—the best types of American manhood and womanhood. And that the spot where these people dwell, and to which others come in a never ending stream, would be beloved. —I commend to the world this bright little story of a happy city. JOHN STEVEN McGROARTY.Brand Boulevard, one of the Main Business Streets NESTLING in the foothills, at the very threshold of Los Angeles, Glendale is justly proud of her slogan, “The Fastest Growing City in America.” She earned this slogan when she grew, according to the United States census figures, from a population of 2,742 in 1910, to 13,356 in 1920; and then to more than 40,000 in 1923. Building permits for the year 1923 will average one million dollars per month. Broad, paved, well lighted streets, lined with well organized mercantile establishments, banks, theatres, hotels, restaurants, etc.; municipally owned electricity and water with the cheapest average domestic rate for these utilities of any city in Southern California; all modern conveniences together with glowing optimism, make Glendale a city of unbounded opportunities. Last year Glendale paved seventy-six miles of streets—this year an equal number; laid thirty-nine miles of cast iron water mains and installed twenty-two hundred and six light meters, and thirteen hundred and two water meters. A stranger has occasionally asked, referring to the present enormous growth of Glendale, “When will it stop?” Others, however, ask, “What can stop it?” One thing is certain, and that is that this wonderful growth cannot stop as long as the eyes of the world are fastened upon Glendale, and the steady influx of population continues.Elks' Club and Tuesday *Afternoon Club THE various clubs and fraternal bodies find splendid material for their membership ready at hand in Glendale. The roster of clubs and fraternities is a long one. The Elks have a splendid building of their own, the Masons likewise, but the latter are now planning a new five story structure. The Tuesday Afternoon Club has just moved into its new, costly and beautiful home pictured above. Among the various civic clubs may be mentioned the Rotary, Kiwanis, Realty Board Assn., and Credit Men’s Assn. Another notable advance in civic development, is the newly organized Community Service, which is to provide social recreation for the young people of Glendale, under supervision. In making a survey of the cultured life of Glendale, one is favorably impressed with the club activities of women, of the community. The four largest are theTuesday Afternoon Club, Glendale Music Club, Business and Professional Women’s Club, and Thursday Afternoon Club, all organized under splendid leadership and doing a wide variety of useful work.RELAXATION for the retired business man, for those active in profession or trade, as well as for all members of the family is provided through many avenues. The picturesque Oakmont Country Club, now in process of construction, embracing an area of 109 acres, will be equipped with a mammoth swimming pool, and a splendid 18-hole golf course, tennis court, a beautiful clubhouse and all that goes to make an ideal country club. At Glendale’s front door is Griffith Park, Los Angeles’ great playground. People living in Glendale have the same privileges of its marvelous scenic beauty and recreation spots as those living in Los Angeles. Griffith Park is a great natural woodland containing 3,000 acres, with municipal golf links of 18-holes, club houses, bridle paths, beautiful driveways, picnic grounds and large zoological garden. Nature itself is Glendale’s most powerful ally in bringing to its v environs the people who love and appreciate the beauties that are scattered so lavishly before them. 'r Few cities in the United States can vie with Glendale for natural surroundings. Its climatic advantages afford practically all year open air recreation and work. Situated in the San Fernando Valley, Glendale is sheltered on the west and north by high mountain ranges that shut off the damp ocean breezes and the cold blasts from the north, while to the south and east the land slopes gently down, offering a vista across a wide sweep of magnificent valley that stands unrivalled anywhere. IGlendale's City Hall The Magnificent New Swimming Pool at Patterson Park GLENDALE is flourishing under the City Manager Form of Government, the most progressive and up-to-date form that has so far been worked out for American cities. The city is run upon the same principle as a great railroad corporation. A board of directors selects a manager or superintendent, who is given full power as an executive to select his subordinates and to conduct the business of the corporation. The efficiency of the Police Department, the splendid record of the Fire Department, the constructive ability of the Building Inspection Department and Engineering Force to keep pace with the growth of Glendale; the development of the Street and Park Departments— all are splendid examples of Glendale’s practical form of administration. Important too, is the work of the Public Service Department which keeps the city supplied with pure mountain water. A municipal and school playground is rapidly taking form under the guidance of Community service. Three playgrounds are opeiated during the summer on public school grounds. Patterson Avenue Park, the new tract of land acquired by the city, is rapidly becoming a thing of beauty. Opportunity is given the children and young people of the city to swim in the city pool at rates far below those usually charged.Glendale's New Main High School THE school system of Glendale takes rank with the highest in the State, and the city is dotted in all sections with modern schools. Glendale has a magnificent new main High School, two intermediate or Junior High Schools, enrolling the seventh and eighth grades, and ten elementary schools enrolling the grades from the kindergarten to the sixth. These schools which are governed by the City Board of Education enroll 4106 students and employ 131 teachers, principals and supervisors. In her elementary schools, Glendale has had to face the problem of very rapid growth, and her progressive citizens have 'met the issue as they do all issues involving the city’s welfare, fairly and squarely, by voting bonds in the sum of $500,000 to enlarge and improve the elementary schools. The location of these schools have been carefully selected so that every part of the city may be well served in this particular. Except in a very few districts recently built up no child has to go any great distance to school, and in these newer sections, sites have been purchased and the next few years will undoubtedly see a school system built up that will serve the city educationally as well as any other city in Southern California is now served. '• The elementary schools, like the High School, are absolutely up-to-date in every respect in the curriculum offered, and the teaching force is a progressive one. To homeseekers this fact should appeal with especial force since they may settle anywhere in Glendale with the assurance that adequate school facilities will be at hand for children of all ages.A Modern Church Edifice THE Church, the Home, and the School, are the very foundation of civic and national life. Neithei־ can long endure without the other. And so we find that the beautiful city of Glendale, a modern city in every sense, and one of the most progressive cities in America, is dotted in all sections with churches and schools. Here are found churches of many different denominations occupying more than twenty buildings and proclaiming to the world this is indeed a Christian Community. In the rapid strides that Glendale has made from village-hood to full grown city-hood, it has naturally outgrown its clothing of every kind, and to this rule the churches are no exception. Hence we find on all hands new church buildings, either just completed or under way, or perhaps so far only contemplated. The First Christian Church, the Holy Family Catholic Church, the First Congregational Church, all have occupied magnificent new church buildings for the first time during the past year. The Presbyterian Church and the Christian and Missionary Alliance have new churches now under construction. The First Baptist Church and St. Mark’s Episcopal Church are even now conducting campaigns looking toward enlargement, while the Christian Science, Lutheran and other churches also have planned to expand on a scale commensurate with the growth of the city.Type of Beautiful Home at Glendale a One of the world's ver spots holds out a lure to Glendale. A city in which every artistic realization of the high ideals, has been considered. Life in Glendale is all that the most cultured family could desire in a city of homes. Here kindred spirits are brought together, with whom friendships are formed which last throughout the years. Here your children are surrounded with the proper influences, with a home environment which is the fulfillment of a mother’s fondest dreams and the culmination of a father’s enthusiastic desire. The area of Glendale is approximately 16 square miles. It comprises thousands of acres of level land, gently undulating hills, picturesque canyons and steep mountainsides, all verdure clad. Nestling in an incomparable setting in the far-famed San Fernando Valley, Glendale is rimmed around about with majestic hills, with snow-capped mountains looking down in startling contrast to the sun-kissed orange groves standing clad in yellow gold and vivid green. It is linked with adjoining cities and the ocean, by beautiful boulevards, paved and adorned with ornamental lights, making a panoramic vista of startling beauty from the purple mountains to the sea.,.ale and Rustic Scenes Nearby very choicest home re to you at this time — ery factor, looking toward ighest home community Glendale is a distinctive all-American home community tor a person of great or moderate means seeking an ideal home environment. It is safeguarded by wisely drawn restrictions, offering conveniences, permenance, high investment value and great natural beauty. Its climate is incomparable. The summer’s heat is tempered by the cool sea breezes that blow steadily during most of the daylight hours, and the nights are delightfully cool. The winter is so mild that fires are more of a luxury than a need. Even in the hottest summer day there is no fear of sun strokes, which are absolutely unknown in this mild and equable climate. Nearly every state in the Union has contributed to Glendale’s marvelous growth, and not one of these transplanted residents, dear as are the thoughts of the old home, with its appealing memories of happy days and loved associations, would consent to desert this sunny Southland to go back to the old haunts.One of Glendale's New Hotels IN keeping with all other features of Glendale’s onward march toward national recognition as the “fastest growing city in America,” is its building of modern hotels. Three-up to-date hotels, the last minute in hotel construction are to be erected at important traffic points in the city. The fame of Glendale has spread to such an extent that it has become imperative that additional accommodations be provided for the tourist and the newcomer. Heretofore, Glendale has been known the country over as the city of beautiful homes, and in no sense of the word has this fame dimmed. It continues to dominate its section as a wonderful home center, but it is also becoming known as a business and manufacturing district of growing importance. With this growth as both a city of ideal homes and a commercial center, and its natural advantages as a perfect vacation spot, Glendale is attracting to its gates an eager throng of new visitors and potential residents daily. The beautiful, modern hotel structure, shown above is the first of the splendid hostelries that will rise to offer welcome to Glendale’s future visitors. To and from Glendale in every direction are boulevards that lure the motorist still further along their marvelous surfaces, leading him from one beauty spot to another. The visitor who finds his stay so pleasant at Glendale’s hospitable hands, with its pleasing hotel life to furnish him every need, will likewise revel in the scenery afforded by mountain and valley at the city’s very door.Heroplane View of Tropica Potteries MORE than sixty concerns in Glendale are actively engaged in manufacturing commodities for which there is a constantly increasing demand, many of which have no duplicate on the Pacific Coast. With all the rapid growth of its industries, care has been taken to so place the industrial district that it will in no way disturb the residential section of the city. In addition to its wonderfully pure, soft, mountain water, another advantage Glendale offers the manufacturer is cheap natural gas, In electric power, Glendale is likewise well and cheaply served. Owning its own electric system, it is able to make astonishingly low rates for electric power to manufacturers. Not only is every requisite for the factory to be found in Glendale but no fairer spot in all the world could be found in which to establish a home. Many new subdivisions adjacent to the industrial district have been opened and lots disposed of at very moderate prices. The most of them admit of the building of very modest homes, and thousands of these have been or are being so constructed. Then the main trunk of the Southern Pacific R. R. system, borders the industrial district along its entire extent, while the great Pacific Electric railway system, a subsidiary of the Southern Pacific, is close by. The San Fernando Highway and other great arteries radiate from Glendale to all important markets and shipping points. This gives unrivaled shipping facilities to every possible market. Additional freight and passengei' transportation is to be provided by the Union Pacific & Glendale & Montrose Electric line, which is being fully electrified, thus affording modern transit facilities to the heart of Glendale.Security Trust & Savings Bank Building ONE of the finest business edifices to be built in Glendale is the six story home of the Security Trust and Savings Bank at the corner of Brand Boulevard and Broadway, at a cost of $500,000. Glendale’s financial progress has gone ahead, step by step, with the advance shown by every other phase of the city’s life. A very few years ago one bank was sufficient to meet the financial and commercial needs of the city’s population. Today, Glendale with a population of more than 40,000 takes pride in its seven banking institutions that showed, in answer to the call made as of April 3, 1923, total deposits of $9,785,985. Three of these banks are branches of the leading banks of Los Angeles and four of them are independent institutions. Another department of the financial life of Glendale—one that calls for special institutions devoted entirely to its conduct—is that of building and loan companies, which are an integral part of the life of Glendale. They are soundly managed and have an important share in helping Glendale to carry on its phenomenal building campaign, which has won for this city the proud distinction, as shown by Federal records, of being the fastest growing city in America.Type of Three-Car Rapid Transit Service Between Glendale and Los Angeles GLENDALE is easy to reach from all points of the compass. The main trunk line of the Southern Pacific Railroad Coast System, which operates between Los Angeles and San Francisco, passes through Glendale. This railroad, recognizing the need of an adequate depot to accommodate the enormous expansion in its passenger travel to Glendale, and to keep pace with the commercial advancement of the city, is soon to build a fine new passenger station. The great Pacific Electric Railway System, connects the city with Los Angeles, Hollywood and adjoining cities in the San Fernando Valley. It operates feeder motor stages which radiate from its main station at Broadway and Brand Boulevards, to all outlying points within the environs of Glendale not reached by any other means of transportation. Residents in remote parts of the city are thus assured easy access to the main station. In addition, a motor stage line operates from Los Angeles through Glendale, while a convenient auto stage system operates comfortable busses from the ocean at Santa Monica, to Glendale and on to Pasadena, and return. For the motorist, five broad and well paved boulevards provide excellent avenues of transit to and from Glendale and Los Angeles, as well as to all points nearby. The Union Pacific R. R. is to electrify the U. P. & Glendale & Montrose line, which will provide additional modern, cheap passenger and freight transportation into the heart of Glendale. Because of its proximity to Los Angeles, Glendale affords the opportunity of a real home under ideal conditions. Within easy commuting distance from the business district of Los Angeles, or a short drive over any of the several fine boulevards, Glendale gives those engaged in business in Los Angeles, the choice of unexcelled home conditions within a few minutes’ ride from the office or place of business.View at Glendale's Airport GLENDALE has a privately owned airport comprising 33 acres which is designed to accommodate many related industries. Probably the most important feature of this strategically laid out landing field, is that it has been selected by the United States Government as the most ideal spot from all angles, for the Post Office Department’s Air-Mail planes to land. A careful study by the Government air experts, has revealed that air currents, and atmospheric conditions prevailing overhead at the Glendale Airport, make it the most logical and the safest place in Southern California for the fast Government planes to land and depart. The placing of the surrounding mountains by Nature, has so formed a barrier that they still the eddies and whirls of the upper air that cause ‘Air Pockets’, that most fatal of all spots in the path of the flying aeronaut. This feature, fortunately is totally absent at the Glendale airport, and the Airman finds ‘Solid’ air at all times. Another advantage which the Glendale flying field location offers, is that the atmosphere is generally remarkably clear. Clouds if any, fly at a very high altitude, which gives clear vision for the planes as they circle for a landing. The illustration shows a Curtiss biplane owned by Chief A. H. Lankford and Thomas Philip, of the Glendale Fire Department. The new type of “Fire Wagon” owned and manned by the commander and his subordinate, while not officially a part of the Glendale department equipment, is nevertheless available for use in scouting whenever needed.Glendale's New Hospital and Sanitarium IN its rapid growth towards metropolitanism, Glendale has provided itself with modern hospital facilities to take care of any emergency, and to insure the most constructive and helpful medical advice and surgery in the country. The Glendale Research Hospital, recently completed, is a wonderful institution of its kind, and the Glendale Sanitarium, known all over the world, is soon to be housed in its new Million dollar home. As a health resort, Glendale, occupies a high rank. Its freedom from fogs and chill is due to its six hundred feet elevation above sea level. The climate of Glendale is ideal, and its curative and healthgiving properties are widely recognized by members of the medical profession, not only in this state but in all other parts of the country. The energizing effect of the clear, sparkling atmosphere is evidenced clearly in the eagerness and vitality oi its citizens, and the courage with which they face life and its problems. Cool sea breezes blow steadily in summer during most of the daylight hours, tempering the heat, while the nights are delightfully cool. The water and milk supply are both carefully watched and checked so that all intestinal diseases due to contamination or other causes of either water or air, are conspicuous by their absence in Glendale. One of the greatest advantages of Glendale is its pure, sparkling mountain water. The wonderful natural beauty of Glendale, with its unsurpassed climate, makes a contented mind, which is the greatest of all aids in keeping perfect health.—Glendale is situated at the lower end of one of the largest and most fertile valleys of Southern California—San Fernando Valley. —Seven miles from the heart of Los Angeles. —Four miles to Pasadena, with its beautiful drives. —Fifteen miles to the beach at Santa Monica. —The main automobile route to San Fernando Valley and Northern California, lies through Glendale. —Average summer temperature 68 degrees, of winter 60 degrees. The light rainfall, sunny skies and mild temperature make outdoor life pleasant throughout the whole year.Glendale Facts — —“THE FASTEST GROWING CITY IN AMERICA” with a gain of 394 per cent in population in a decade. Present population approximately 42,000. —Municipally owned water and light systems. —Glendale is a health resort. Building permits this year, over $1,000,000 per month. —Seven flourishing banks. —A city with low taxation. —Seventy manufacturing concerns. —Two beautiful hotels in process of construction. —Several magnificent theatres. —A beautiful city park and playground. —Civic organizations and clubs meeting the needs of any citizen. A superior school system. —Seven miles from the center of Los Angeles, connected by five broad and well paved boulevards. —Glendale has 295 trains, interurban and steam, carrying passengers in and out of the city daily. —Has excellent mercantile establishments, dainty restaurants, and shops of all kinds, in fact everything that goes to make up a modern American city. —Altitude is 600 to 1100 feet above sea level. —Adjacent to Los Angeles, and Hollywood and the great motion picture studios, with but a short scenic ride to the dazzling Pacific and its famous beaches.