THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELESGood Cookery —takes into consideration the selection of COFFEE The Good Housekeeper —will do well to select Thousands of Satisfied Customers FOR SALE AT YOUR GROCERS A LOS ANGELES PRODUCT Children need phosphates to build bones, teeth and hair FULL O’HELTH Bread abounds in phosphates, ’cause it’s 100% Whole Wheat Does your system need iron and mineral salts? FULL O’ HELTH Bread contains large quantities of these ingredients ’Cause its 100% Whole Wheat ASK YOUR GROCER or phone 821-281Groceries Vegetables Meats Confectionery Your Faith in Us is the Backbone of Our Business It is Our policy to make every transaction wholly satisfactory to the customer. 70 STORES FROM THE MOUNTAINS TO THE SEAMrs. Vaughn Uses the Detroit Jewel Gas Range in all Her Baking The superiority of the Detroit Jewel is recognized by baking experts all over America. The success of its baking is the natural result of scientific principles of construction. The patented control of heat currents found only in the Detroit Jewel assures an even and intense temperature in all parts of the oven all the time so that quick, uniform, thorough baking is always assured. There is a Detroit Jewel for every requirement. Prices range from $54.50 to $135. They are also sold on Our Easy-Pay Plan. ! Mrs. Vaughns entire kitchen | is furnished with i Parmelee-Dohrmann EquipmentUP-TO-THE-MINUTE COOK BOOK A Collection of Tested Recipes KATE BREW VAUGHN Author “Culinary Echoes from Dixie,” “Child of PreSchool Age,” “Art of Preserving and Canning,” “Table Treats for War Time.” Etc. Post Printing and Binding Company PublishersCopyright, 1923 By Kate Brew VaughnDedication To the thousands of housekeepers with whom I have come in delightful contact in my work throughout the United States and especially in my work as director of the Home Economics Department of the LOS ANGELES EVENING EXPRESS, and to the manufacturers of household appliances and food products it has been my privilege to serve, I dedicate this volume of recipes—the best of all those that I have personally tested in my workshop. Los Angeles, CaliforniaPreface I have enjoyed an experience possible to only a few women— the opportunity of teaching Home Economics in such a manner that, every day of the year, new recipes should be worked out before an audience of critical housewives. I have been the happy recipient of “the best recipe” of many of the good housekeepers throughout the United States. All of these recipes have been so frequently repeated and changed in my work-shop, that it is safe to say that every one here given will work out uniformly good in the hands of the housewife who uses the book. Where it has been possible, without sacrificing too much quality, the recipes have been changed to meet the modern need of economy, and they are based on the family of six. I have found many excellent cook books, giving so many new methods for one dish, that it becomes confusing to the woman in search of the one method—the best. I have therefore avoided, as much as possible, repetition and directions, but endeavored to give everything pertaining to each subject necessary to an intelligent understanding of same. The desire to give all possible, and at the same time to simplify the book has made my task of compiling no small one. No book of mine would be complete without mention of those household gods which have meant much to me, and so I have ' asked merchants and manufacturers whose products have been tried out and found indispensable in my own house-keeping, to advertise in this volume. I can vouch for the excellence of each advertised product and attest the fairness of the advertiser. I gratefully acknowledge assistance of Misses Esther Hoeg and Josephine Sweigert in compiling this data. I sincerely trust that the recipes in this collection tried, will give perfect results, and repeated frequently will form a rosary of encouragement and pleasure to my readers. If I can leave one iota of the joy of house-keeping which has been mine, to those younger women struggling to understand the problems and appreciate the worth and beauty of commonplace things, I shall not have lived in vain. The Author. Los, Angeles, September, 1923.Contents CHAPTER PAG, I. Food ............................................ 1 II. Budget........................................... 5 ' III. Kitchen Conveniences............................ 10 IV. Table-Setting .................................. 14 V. Hors D’oeuvres—Cocktails, Fruit Cup............. 17 VI. Soups .......................................... 25 VII. Fish............................................ 38 VIII. Entrees ........................................ 48 IX. Poultry ........................................ 62 X. Meats .......................................... 72 XI. Vegetables ..................................... 85 XII. Salads, Salad Dressings....:................... 101 XIII. Quick Breads .................................. 124 XIV. Yeast Breads .................................. 136 XV. Desserts ...................................... 146 XVI. Sauces ...................................... 162 XVII. Frozen Desserts................................ 170 XVIII. Cookies, Small Cakes.......................... 184 XIX. Pastry, Pies .................................. 193 XX. Cakes ......................................... 193 XXI. Cake Fillings, Icings.......................... 226 XXII. Rice........................................... 234 XXIII. -Cheese.......................................... 236 XXIV. Eggs ........................................ 245 XXV. Frying......................................... 250 XXVI. Canning ....................................... 258 XXVII. Jelly, Preserves, Marmalade................... 265 XXVIII. Pickling, Relishes, Condiments................ 280 XXIX. Candy ......................................... 291 XXX. Sandwiches, Rarebits........................... 304 XXXI. Beverages ..................................... 322CHAPTER I. FOOD . Anything taken into the body to repair waste, build muscle and tissue or give heat and energy for work or regulate the body substances, may be called food. It is so important in human welfare that it MUST NOT be selected or prepared in haphazard manner. Cooking of foods is undertaken to improve flavors, render it more digestible and kill bacteria. The body is composed of from 16 to 20 elements, oxygen 62i/2%, hydrogen 10%, carbon 211/2%, nitrogen 3%, surphur, silicon, iron, sodium, calcium , phosphorus, potassium, magnesia, flourine, chlorine, iodine, etc., making.up the remaining 3%. These are combined in an aggregation of cells, tissues, organs, muscles, blood and bone. These tissues are constantly being worn out and new ones are being built up to repair that waste. Food is taken into the body and made over to form bones, tissue, etc. The process of converting food taken into the system into substances which become part of the body is called digestion and assimilation. It is not the intention of this book to go into this subject deeply, but to divide into several general classifications the big subject of food for the woman who selects and prepares food for her family or others. The daily meal should supply three things: 1. Fuel.—Food is the source of energy, so that the greater the activity of the body the greater its need for energy producing material. If the body is inactive, or the intake of fuel producing foods too generous, the body will take on fat and oftentimes the digestion is imparied. 2. Sugars, Starches.—The starches eaten are changed by the chemicals of the body into a form of sugar and transferred to the blood stream. They are cereals and all foods which are derived from grains, bread, pastes, starch, tapioca, potatoes, and other vegetables containing cellulose. 3. I ats.—Fats are especially desirable because they regulate the rate at which the foods pass through the digestive tract and they are also the carriers of certain body-regulating substances (vitimins) necessary to growth. Children need this form of fuel food. In adults, fats are oftentimes taken in too great abundance 1Food and form adipose tissue. This important food we get in cream, butter, eggs, nuts, fat meats, cooking fats, salad oils. Building-Protein is the name under which a number of substances are catalogued. Their special aim is to build, while all proteins have not the same value, each has some special building ability. There is tissue, bone, blood and if a different form of protein is eaten at each meal, or a combination of two at each meal the body need will be taken care of. The casein in milk, albumin in eggs, milk and meat and gluten in wheat are types of protein. The foods which are selected for the special function of building and repairing may be given as follows: Milk (most important), cheese (cottage and pressed), eggs, meat, fish and the plant proteins, breakfast foods, breads, pastes, legumes, such as peanuts, beans, peas and lentils. Along with this in the building of tissue and bone we must keep in mind the foods rich in lime, and here again we find milk, cheese and eggs, important in the order named. Leaves and stems of plants such as spinach, chard, lettuce, celery and cabbage and onions are bulky forms of getting the desired quantity. Iron is very important and a poverty of iron in a dietary means ill health and no resistance to disease. The most valuable of iron foods are green vegetables, fruits, cereals from whole grains, eggs, and meat. There will be no question of a lack of phosphorus if sufficient animal foods, whole grains and legumes are used in the diet for other needs. Regulating Foods.—The body not only needs energy and building material but requires a regulating substance for the various activities of the body. These aid in the elimination of waste, enable the body to grow, keep the machinery in good con dition and promote happiness in the work. Since there is ai over-lapping of the three needs in the body, a single food ma) supply the wants of all. Food containing laxative qualities sucl as fruits, vegetables and coarse cereals; foods containing much, acid or flavors such as fruits and vegetables, and food containin'' | the vitimins necessary for growth. These growth promoting, health determining factors in food are given the names of vitimim i A, B, C, and recently a D has appeared on the horizon. They are j spoken of as water soluble and fat soluble, because this substance, in food is sometimes soluble in fat, as that property found in egg, butter, meat, cod liver oil, etc.; water soluble, such as that found in spinach, orange, cabbage, milk and egg. Complete food must contain in right proportion all of the j elements of which the body is composed. Every element is necei- 2sary and a deficiency of one will cause impairment. Properly balanced meals will maintain a person in perfect health, provided plenty of air, sunshine, water, rest and exercise accompany same and waste is proptly eliminated from the system. Meals should not only supply the body needs and satisfy hunger, but they should be attractive, appetizing, planned to consume minimum time and money in keeping with the standards of the family. The meal consisting of a few well selected and prepared foods, well served, is worth more than a meal of badly prepared and slovenly served courses no matter what their cost may be nor the length of time taken in the preparation. The well balanced menu contains foods which contain the proper elements in the proper proportions, but takes into consideration the age, activity, sex, season of year, foods available, cost and racial tendencies. It is futile to make out menus for whom, the banker, the baker or the farmer? For the nervous, or the sluggish? The sincerest assistance can only be suggestive, so the following are only given as an outline which must be filled by the housewife. Breakfast Fruit (fresh, canned or evaporated). Cereal (cooked or ready prepared). Milk for children. Eggs, bacon or milk for adults. Bread, butter and a beverage. The eggs and bacon may be omitted if the mid-day meal will take care of the protein requirements or if milk is taken. Lunch • Soup (creamed or vegetable), or a creamed dish such as creamed fish or creamed beef. Green salad (lettuce, cabbage, etc.) Baked potato or boiled rice. Bread. Beverage (if desired). Milk may take the place of beverage and the creamed dish at the same time. Simple Dinner Clear soup. Meat or fish (fish served in large portion when main course). Two vegetables (potatoes or rice and one other vegetable). Green salad or fruit salad. Bread and butter.Food Dessert, when meat course is served, dessert should be light, or gelatine or plain fruit. Beverage if liked. Where cheese is served for lunch instead of other protein food, it should be eliminated from dinner and likewise with meat, fish or eggs. When the main course is light, pie, chocolate puddings, fruits, tarts, with whipped cream or plain, may be served to make up for deficiency. Elaborate Dinner Radishes or celery, olives and salted nuts. Appetizer, relishes of fish, cheese, combined with toast; or cocktail of shell fish, fruit or vegetables. Clear soup. Small portion of fish with a bit of potato in some form. Entree, made up of dish of cheese or meat, such as cheese souffle or chicken patties. Main course of roast beef, chicken, turkey, goose, duck, lamb, etc., with one starchy and one succulent vegetable, as sweet potatoes and cauliflower. Hard rolls. Salad of lettuce with Erench dressing. Dessert—ice cream, cake, or more elaborate combination. Bonbons. Nut and raisins, a compote of fresh fruits, cheese and water crackers. Black coffee, served at the table or in the living room.CHAPTER IL BUDGET Spending without a plan will bring nothing of satisfaction to a home or business. For this reason the heads of departments discuss plans of development with the manager of any concern, and after much talking and investigating, wherein the department manager tries to convince the general manager of his wisdom in spending in order to earn more for his company, the board of directors decide to adopt or reject the budget which the manager has arranged. This plan is the thing which the American family needs today more than more money, or shorter hours. Most of the people who apply for county or state aid, have at some time been in good circumstances, and many of them reveal in their conversations that they lived up to all they made or inherited, without a plan for the future. No one plan will suit every family or individual, but each must plan according to his standards of decent living, his income and spécial needs. To make a plan in which every member of the family is involved should take into consideration every member of the family in its making. It is rather to be expected that we may criticize and resent the plan drawn for us without our consent, and that we will work with more enthusiasm to accomplish that goal which we have aided in setting as desirable and take those methods which we have elected as being good to accomplish its achievement. The following will be of assistance in making a plan for YOUR SPENDING, which will improve the standard of living and make easy the systematic saving of a definite sum each year. Secure a book, the leaves of which may be divided into different heads, one of which will be given over to Total Income. This will take into consideration money of all sorts, rents, interest, salary, inheritance. From this itemized income, subtract taxes and amount left will be Total Income. Where the income is unstable, as in the case of lawyer, doctor or realist, the income is arrived at after the expense of operating the business office has been deducted. One month the income may be large, the next month it may be small. It is necessary to compile the income for several months and take the 5Budget average. Use the minimum as a safe guide for the income. It is well to subtract from the income the amount one must save or set aside for certain definite obligations, premium on life insurance, taxes, etc., and the result is the WORKING INCOME. This working income is divided into five parts, which we may designate as “food,” “shelter,” “clothing,” “operating” and “higher life,” in the order of their importance in human life. Food is the most important of these separate heads and it is necessary to study the needs of the family in arriving at the minimum amount allowable. The federal government through the thrift campaign has given some very definite rules for the disposal of the amount allotted to Food. Of every dollar spent for Meat, eggs and fish..........................20 cents, or less Milk (1 pint to each child, V3 quart to each adult) ................................20 cents, or more Cereals and bread............................20 cents, or more Vegetables and fruit.........................20 cents, more or less Fats, sugar and other groceries..............20 cents, or less 1.00 Another plan for spending a minimum allowance is to use milk as the basis: one-third of a quart to each adult; one pint for each child (2 pints for each best.) No meat, eggs and fish until the full amount of milk has been purchased, and then not more than one-fifth of the total food allowance. Fruit and vegetables for each person, as much as has been spent for meat. Fats, two ounces for each adult; one and one-half to two ounces for each child. Cereals and bread, from one-fifth to two-fifths of the total food allowance. Sugar and other sweets, two and one-half ounces for each person. The tendency is to increase expenditures for food too rapidly as the income increases. When planning a food budget consider health, food value, simplicity in preparation and serving, individual tastes, variety, material on hand and costs. 6Budget Plan the meals for three or four days or a week in advance and the result will be better food with a greater variety at less cost than when the planning is from day to day. The individual who boards must expect to pay more for food than if a member of a family group, as overhead charges for rent, fuel and service must be added to the cost of the raw materials. It is the birthright of every child to live in as excellent a community as the income of family will honestly permit. To live where schools and churches and decent places of amusement are accessible; where the ideals of the community are inspiring and the standards of- neighbors are at least as good as one’s own; where sanitation has been worked out to insure health, and conveniences are possible in conduct of home. These are considerations necessary to properly selecting a home for a family. These make the problem which we consider under the heading Shelter. If, in the beginning, these divisions are equal and the “budget-maker” begins to study her needs she will find that a certain definite sum must be given over for food to keep the family in good health and spirits, a definite sum will be required for shelter. A good deal depends on the selection of the home in the forming of character, and above all things children should live in a neighborhood where the standards of living and ideals are good. This will oftentimes increase the amount of shelter to a point which seems prohibitive and reduces the amount for clothing and operating. Here it might be pointed out that, if possible, the amount paid for shelter should be in payment of a home rather than in paying rent. By the former method “shelter” and “savings” become merged in an excellent manner. It is safe to allow one-eighth of a small income and one-fifth of a comfortable one for shelter (rent). The annual expense of owning a home is about one-tenth of the cost of the house, and for this reason it is unwise to buy a house costing more than twice its annual income. (California rents greater.) When the amount for rent can be reduced, most of the other expenses can be reduced and planning the budget is less difficult. Cost of shelter includes rent (or its equivalent) repair, as well as interest. Operating varies in different parts of the world, but usually what is lopped off in one way is added in another. It includes 7Budget heat, light, water, furnishings, laundry, telephone. This budget may be based on the bills of the previous year, and modified to suit conditions. Clothing takes in the shoes and clothing for the entire family and is controlled by standard of living. Buying good material and conservative models will be productive of greater economy in the long run. Underclothing, handkerchiefs, street shoes and many standard articles can be bought to best advantage between the seasons. Eighteen per cent of income is to be devoted to clothing. Higher Life—The individual even more than the family budget, fails to take into consideration professional equipment, education, health and saving. Church, health, education, entertainment, household equipment (higher type), personal gifts, personal expenses, automobile and travel come under this head. The amount possible to spend upon these things depends upon the management which has been expended upon those other and necessary things. The amount of education and pleasure does not always depend upon the management of income when that income is large, but it does very much depend upon the management of the income when that income is small. Newspaper, magazines, books, concerts, theatres all contribute much to human happiness, but they are oftentimes over-estimated and money which should be saved for a rainy day is spent because of a mistaken idea of refinement and culture. Nothing is cultural which we cannot afford—nothing refining for which we do not pay. SUGGESTED BUDGETS For Two Adults and Three Children Food ................................ 45% $700 Shelter ............................ 15% Annual J Operating ............................. 10% Income Clothes .................................. 15% Higher Life ............................. 15% 100% 8Budget EXPLANATION OF HEADINGS Food Groceries Meat Man’s Lunches Operating Servant Telephone Fuel Laundry Furniture Incidentals Carfare Shelter Rent Taxes Interest Repairs Clothes Anything to wear Higher Life Charity Tuition Vacations Medical Attention Books The following prosperity laws by Engle can be used to adjust this proportionment of $1000 to any income, whether it be $800 or $8000: 1. As the income of a family increases, a smaller percentage will be expended for food. 2. As the income of a family increases, the percentage of expenditure for clothing remains approximately the same. 3. As the income of a family increases, the percentage for shelter remains the same. 4. As the income increases, a constantly increasing percentage will be spent for education, health and recreation (higher life). 9 rFood........................................ 35% $1000 Shelter .................................... 18% Annual J Operating.........,.......................... 12% Income Clothes .................................... 17% Higher Life ................................ 18% 100% fFood...................................... 30% $2000 Shelter ................................ 20% Annual ■< Operating ................................. 15% Income Clothes .................................. 15% Higher Life................................— 20% 100%CHAPTER III. KITCHEN CONVENIENCES The successful business man has the proper equipment for factory, store and office; the successful farmer has up-to-date machinery and implements for accomplishing results with a view to saving time and labor; the efficient workman has his shop arranged with a view of saving steps, and as important to the woman, is a study of kitchen arrangement, relative position of kitchen machinery, viz., stove, sink, work table, cupboard and cabinet, and selecting these so that as little walking as possible will be necessary in preparation of meals or cleaning up afterward. The dissatisfied housekeeper is usually the one who needs must spend most of her time in accomplishing her kitchen duties, leaving no time for equally important and more interesting tasks. The illogical training of girls makes the furnishing of the kitchen the last consideration in equipping a home. With the introduction of Home Economics in our schools, has come a change, and today the houswife may have the necessary equipment in the best manner her means afford and gets satisfaction out of a systematized household. Ideal kitchens differ with architecture of the house. The floor covering is of importance and should be easily cleaned, the corners should be rounded and fit the base board, tile is beautiful, plastone which is more resilent, cement floors are hard to stand on constantly; or inlaid linoleum cemented on the floor. The floor covering should be the darkest spot in the kitchen, a foundation for the room. If the walls are to be white, a yellow, blue or light gray floor covering is good; too dark a floor shows foot prints, and is to be avoided. The walls are equally important and should be made of smooth plaster painted and enameled. A cheaper wall covering is one of Sanitas paper which may be washed. The ceiling of the room should be cream color. A good lamp in the center which reflects light into the oven and into all corners is a necessity. When the center light cannot do this, an extra one should be placed over the sink. The alcove or breakfast nook is highly recommended for those who do their own work—they are both convenient and decorative. 10Kitchen Conveniences The best kitchens have cupboards, etc., built in so that much floor space is saved. Where this was not thought of ahead, the kitchen will require to be about 10x12. A one-piece enameled sink, with high back and double drain board should be large enough for dish-pan. The Sanitary Manufacturing Company have what is probably the latest type. A spray attached to a hose and screwed on faucet washes or rinses dishes with slight effort. In this there should be at all times a large strainer to prevent bits of peeling, etc., from lodging in the pipes. A weekly flushing of the drain with strong solution of sal-soda and boiling water will save the plumber’s bills. Sufficient shelving is a matter of importance and where this is limited manufactured kitchen cabinets are advocated. These may be built into walls, saving more floor space, or a niche may be left in the walls for the cabinet. This allows full floor space and affords an opportunity to draw this into the room and thoroughly clean the niche. When well-planned cupboards are lacking, the kitchen cabinets will be found indispensable. Here there is a place for everything and a few minutes taken to replace utensils in their respective places, assures the cook an easy task in preparing the next meal. The work table may be built in, as a continuation of the sink drain board with a cupboard above and a closet for utensils, flour, meal and other materials in constant use. If the table is to occupy the center of the room, it should be strong, of right height for the operator and covered with some material easily cleaned. The porcelain top tables are always preferable, but wooden tops may be covered with zinc or heavy inlaid linoleum. This table should be on castors to allow movement from place to place. The tea cart for removing dishes, etc. is a real joy to the woman who does all of the work. The stove is probably the most important part of kitchen. There is no economy in buying a cheap stove; facility of heating and regulating and ease with which it is cleaned, and the convenience of ovens are the things to consider. Nickel trimmings and gingerbread work on stoves add to their cost, count for nothing in general utility and demand much care to keep them in good appearance. The ovens should be a height reached without stooping. The electric range has been perfected to a degree that makes it a stable medium of cookery. Where the cost of electricity 11■■ * ' Kitchen Conveniences compares favorably with gas, the electric range, ovenettes, fireless cookers are advocated. They are clean, require little attention, produce well-flavored foods and the evaporation and shrinkage is so slight in this form of cookery that it is really economical. The thermostatic control of the oven gives many free hours to the housewife who otherwise must watch foods cooking. Fireless cookers are economical when the operation is simple. They are made in the electrically-heated and soapstone-heated type; the former is controlled by a three-way switch and the latter by two soapstone radiators, heated on gas or oil stove. Soups, cereals, steamed puddings, some vegetables and cheap cuts of meat are suited to fireless cookers. Pies, bread, cakes and tender cuts of meat are unsuited. A good refrigerator is indispensable to good health and economical living. This kept thoroughly clean and well-filled with ice preserves for future use the left-overs. In building a house it may be so arranged that the icing of the refrigerator may be done from the outside, eliminating the confusion and messing up which attends the visit of the ice-man. Refrigerators are now electrically operated, and while the initial cost seems prohibitive, the efficiency, cleanliness and economy of operating compensates. The initial cost is practically the only cost, since the cost of operating is negligible and the cost of up-keep is nil. Electric washing machines and irons simplify the laundry problems and where space permits, the electric ironing machine assures plenty of clean clothing, table and bed linen with minimum effort. A sufficient supply of utensils should be on hand; aluminum, so far as is consistent with the sum available, is best, giving careful attention to shape—the saucepans rather flat at the bottom, may be used for gas and electric ranges, those that flare are wasteful of fuel and unfit for use on electric hot plates. Mixing bowls of porcelain, enamel or glass can be purchased in sets and should have no sharp corners to hold batters, etc., which will make more complicated cleaning. Use measuring cups, marked in quarters, thirds and halves, made of aluminum or glass. Graduated cups or pitchers for liquids and strong mixing spoons are essentials. Tin and aluminum pans for baking puddings, cakes and pies and double roasting and self-basting pans; glass and earthenware casseroles for souffles, egg beaters, egg whips, double boilers, percolators—anything which is necessary to easily and 12Kitchen Conveniences pleasantly perform the work in hand. Quite as important, is that there shall not be too many; useless utensils take up room, demand time and labor to keep clean. Several dishwashing machines offer the housekeeper freedom from drudgery. Steel wool and mild soap are best agencies for cleansing. Beware of cleansers which remove paint with the dirt, and color with the stain. Well-defined menus, built to supply nourishment required by the family; 1st, taking into consideration each individual’s particular needs; 2nd, giving variety to produce pleasure in participation and consumption; 3rd, to conform with budget for food; 4th, to impose no undue burden on the cook; and 5th, to give as much pleasure by daintiness of preparation and serving as possible. When entering the kitchen the housewife should have a definite knowledge of the process involved and order of procedure. The first step should be regarding fire, and while the range is heating, supplies can be taken out and placed in order. Cook according to schedule for each dish, so that there will be no confusion or waiting on a dish for any course. After a meal is served, dishes should be removed, bits of food and articles of grease removed with soft paper. If the dishes are washed immediately, the dining room and kitchen put to rights, much less time will be consumed in this work. As far as possible work by schedule, but don’t worry when something unexpected interferes with the schedule. Some too conscientious housekeepers keep busy all the time, doing many unnecessary things. Decide just what must be done to make the family comfortable, and pro-rate the duties to the members, and duties that may be eliminated mean just that much time for rest, recreation and study for the housewife. This is most important and on it depends the successful administration of the home. To carry out without confusion or unnecessary expense the menus, staple supplies should be ordered once a week and perishables each morning. There should be in addition to the regular supplies in the pantry, an emergency shelf—containing a supply of foods which may be put to use in a hurry. Bought canned fish, meats, vegetables, fruits, pastes, mushrooms, pickles, salad dressings, crackers, grated cheese, bread crumbs and anything which one can afford and likes to serve. This is a safeguard against embarrassment in time of unexpected guests. 13CHAPTER IV. TABLE SETTING The room should be in perfect order, the air fresh, and the temperature comfortable. General Directions. Cover the table with an undercloth of felting or Canton flannel, or a clean cotton blanket may be used. Over this spread a spotless table cloth evenly, the middle fold upward dividing the table exactly in half. Have center of table decorated with fresh flowers or growing plant. Be sure flowers have no strong odor. Position of Host and Hostess. Host sits at head of the table near entrance door. Hostess at the foot of the table opposite. Place tray cloth in front of hostess; carving cloth in front of host, on which arrange the knife rest if used. Placing Plates. Place a plate for each person one inch from edge of table. If bread and butter plates are used, place the plate a little to the left, with butter spreader on edge of plate, a little to the right of the plate. If individual butter plates are used, place over tip of fork. Placing Knives, Forks and Spoons. Place the knife or knives at the right of each plate, the sharp edge toward the plate; the fork or forks at the left, tines up, one inch from the edge, be careful to have the spacing the same at every plate. Spoons at right of knife, bowls up, handles an inch from the edge of the table. Place silver in the order in which it is to be used counting from the outside toward the plate. Place Water Glass top up at right of plate, at end of knife blade. Place Napkins at left of plate. Pepper and salt near corners, or one of each between the places for two people. Arrange Chairs so they need not be drawn out when people are seated. Sideboard and Side-Table. Object: To hold all extras that may be needed during a meal. Sideboard may or may not 14Table Setting be covered. Side-table should always be covered. Extras on sideboard: Plates, tumblers, forks knives, spoons, cups, saucers, sugar bowl and creamer, water pitcher, milk pitcher, crushed ice, finger bowls, oil and condiments. Side-Table: Serving plates, silver, carving knives and forks, trays (small), table scraper and tray. Space for vegetable dishes, gravy boats, etc. Have at hand a soft napkin and a heavy cloth in case of accident. Especially nice is the modern teawagon, which is placed to the right of the hostess, holds extras needed in serving. Can afterwards be used to hold dishes for transfer to kitchen. General Directions for Serving Meal is served from the table by host and hostess, or from side-table by the waitress. Warm plates for hot food. Cold plates for cold food. Dishes are held in the palm of the left hand on a folded napkin, or placed on a tray covered with a doily. Everything is placed at the right and passed at the left. In passing, hold left hand or tray low enough that each person may serve himself easily. Serving silver should be placed in dish of food before passing. If possible, serve hostess first and host last; serving those at right of hostess, then those at left. Serve one course around the table to the right, the second to the left, then all may be sure of equal attention. Keep glasses properly filled. To fill glasses, draw to edge of table (do not remove from table) then replace. Clearing Table Between Courses First, remove food, platters, serving dishes. Second, soiled china, silver, glass, cutlery. Do not remove silver and cutlery from dishes in which they have been used. Third, clean china, glass and cutlery. Remove everything relating to one course before serving another. Plates should be removed with the right hand at left of person, one at a time. If two are removed at once, take one in each hand; never pile. Dinner A simple dinner may consist of two courses, meat or fish with vegetables, and a dessert. 15Table Setting A dinner may consist of three courses, soup, meat or fish with vegetables, and a dessert. A dinner may have more courses, as cocktail, soup with rolls or bread, croutons or baked crackers, fish, meat with vegetables, salad, dessert, coffee. 16CHAPTER V. Hors D’oeuvres—Cocktails, Fruit Cup Cocktails or fruit cup, usually served at beginning of dinner or luncheon. May be made of shell fish, fruits or vegetables, the important points being that the course shall be served cold, look good and be very appetizing in taste. Oyster, crab, shrimp, lobster, mussels and clams give variety in shell fish. These are dressed with cocktail sauce, horseradish, lime or lemon and served in cocktail glasses. The glass should be embedded in a larger one partly filled with cracked ice. Fruit Cup Made with one or more fruits combined with the juice of fruit, grapefruit, orange and pineapple all cut very small pieces and put together with orange juice, served in cocktail glasses. Garnish with cherry or strawberry. The canned fruit which comes under the name of fruit salad, may be used for fruit cup or cocktail. Fruit Cocktail Cocktail may be made of two or more fruits, cut rather larger than for fruit cup. Half of a small cantaloupe thoroughly chilled and filled with strawberries, raspberries or grapefruit. Orange basket filled with melon balls, using French scoop, cut the watermelon and cantaloupe in balls, cover with powdered sugar and little lemon juice. Color some of the cantaloupe green and garnish with sprig of mint if desired. Strawberry Cocktail Two baskets of berries capped and sprinkled lightly with powdered sugar. Mash, put one tablespoon in cocktail glass, one spoon lemon sherbet and spoon of pineapple chunks. Pears frozen in can—by placing the can in pack of ice and salt for two hours. Cut the can top off, slice the block pears and serve the individual portion with a tablespoon of mashed raspberries. 17Hors D'oeuvres—Cocktails, Fruit Cup Oriental Cocktail 1 cup sliced pineapple cut in small cubes % cup sliced preserved kumquats 6 maraschino cherries 2 tablespoons of ginger syrup (from preserved ginger) 2 tablespoons maraschino juice 1 tablespoon grapefruit or 1 tea spoon lemon juice Cube the pineapple by laying the slices on the board, cutting them in narrow strips, then giving the board a quarter turn, cutting across the strips making cubes (about 5 slices make 1 cup.) Drain all the syrup away from the kumquats, and cut them into thin slices, removing the seeds. Cut the cherries into 4 or 6 pieces. Mix the fruit together and pour the fruit juices over it. Keep on ice 1 hour at least until well blended in flavor and thoroughly chilled. Serve small portions in cocktail or sherbet glasses or orange basket cups. Only enough lemon or grapefruit juice to balance the sweetness of the other ingredients should be used, too much will mask the delicious kumquat flavor. Orange Rounds . Peel a well-flavored orange and cut into round, medium slices. Remove seeds and marinate for 10 minutes in cool, heavy French dressing. Drain and dust slices of orange lightly with crushed mint, then lay them on crisp toast rounds with a spray of fresh cress on top, and serve at once. Banana Cocktail Peel fully ripe bananas, and scrape off the coarse threads. Cut out balls from these with a small potato scoop and roll each ball in lemon or grapefruit juice to keep it from discoloring. Add small pieces of grapefruit pulp or canned pineapple with some of the juice or syrup. Set into cocktail glasses and finish with a cherry at the top. Serve as a first course at a luncheon or dinner. Pine Aigrettes Chop 6 slices of pineapple and drain. Add 2 tablespoons of grated American cheese, a half saltspoon each of salt and pepper,Hors D’oeuvres—Cocktails, Fruit Cup teaspoon of sugar, 2 teaspoons of toasted crumbs, and the tiffly beaten white of an egg. Mix lightly then heap on bread rounds and brown in the wen, but do not dry out or burn. Serve at once. Cocktail Sauce To 1 pint of good mayonnaise add 4 tablespoons double cream, 4 tablespoons essence of anchovy, 1 tablespoon paprika. Mix all thoroughly and let stand 1 hour. By letting it stand it absorbs color from the paprika. It should be a nice pink. Horseradish Sauce for Sea Food on the Half Shell 1 tablespoon horseradish, 1 dash paprika, % teaspoon salt, 3 tablespoons cream. Mix horseradish with a little cream, 15 minutes before serving. When ready to serve add the remainder of the cream. Cocktail Sauce for Crab, Lobster, etc. One-half cup mayonnaise, on To CUP French dressing, % CUP chili sauce, 2 tablespoons finely minced pickles, 1 tablespoon minced pimento. Mix well. To this may be added anchovy essence, and teaspoon tarragon vinegar. Chopped chives or suspicion of garlic is well liked by some. Cocktail Sauce for Lobster, Shrimp Cut fish in good-sized cubes and serve with tomato catsup, to which lemon juice has been added. Lobster Canapes Cut bread in %-in. slices and shape with doughnut cutter. Cream 2 tablespoons butter, add 1 cup finely chopped lobster meat, 1 teaspoon mustard, a few drops Worcestershire sauce, cayenne, and 6 olives finely chopped. Saute bread in butter and spread with the above mixture. Lobster Cocktail Allow ^4 cup lobster meat, cut in pieces, for each cocktail; 19Hors D’oeuvres—Cocktails, Fruit Cup season with 1 tablespoon each tomato catsup, lemon juice; 6 drops tobasco sauce, % teaspoon finely chopped chives and salt to taste. Chill thoroughly and serve. Crab or Lobster a la Louis Rub bowl with garlic, add 1 teaspoon mustard, % teaspoon salt, y2 teaspoon sugar. Work this into 2/3 cup salad oil. Add 4 tablespoons chili sauce, 1 teaspoon grated horseradish, 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce, 1 tablespoon vinegar. Place meat of 1 crab or lobster on bed of shredded lettuce. Pour sauce over this and garnish with hard boiled eggs. Should be consistency of soft jelly. Oysters in Ice Allow 6 oysters to each person. Take a block of ice 4 inches square, and hollow out center by means of a hot iron spoon. Season the oysters with salt, pepper, lemon juice and horseradish, place in the block of ice, this in turn should be set on a plate covered with a napkin in several folds. About the block place radishes and pickles cut in fancy fashion, interspersed with parsley. Oyster Cocktails Allow 6 oysters for each cocktail and have them and the cocktail glasses thoroughly chilled. Place in the bottom of each glass a tablespoon of finely minced crisp celery, lay the oysters on top and add the following dressing. Oyster Cocktail Dressing % tablespoon lemon juice 3 drops tabasco sauce % tablespoon tomato catsup 1 teaspoon grated horse-radish % teaspoon finely chopped shallot % teaspoon salt Garnish with tiny strips of green pepper and canned pimentos. Salmonettes Drain, free from skin and bone and flake 1 can of salmon. Add the juice of a small onion and half a lemon, pepper, salt, a teaspoon of chopped salted almonds, a teaspoon of chopped 20Hors D’oeuvres—Cocktails, Fruit Cup chives and enough Russian mayonnaise to bind the mixture. Heap on toast diamonds and place a stuffed olive on top. Serve cold. Deviled Roe Drain 7 to 8 pieces of fish roe, (fresh or canned), roll in mixture made of 2 tablespoons of melted butter, 2/3 teaspoon mustard, 2y2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce and a few drops of anchovy sauce (if convenient), or salt to taste. Mash the roe well, spread on toast and place in a hot oven for about 5 minutes. Garnish with thin slices of lemon. Appetizers Serve thin slices of liverwurst, salami and blood pudding and platter, garnish with garlic flavored olives and stuffed celery. Anchovy Baskets One hard cooked egg for each portion, cut away sides to form oval shaped basket, take yolk out and mash with anchovy paste, season with lemon juice and cayenne pepper, color lightly with carmine; use bag and tube to fill baskets and serve with water cress or spread on rounds of toast. Sardines au Parmesan Heat a box of sardines in their oil, adding pinch of cayenne and y2 tablespoon of lemon juice. When the sardines are quite hot, take out and keep them hot. To the oil add 1 teaspoon flour and a small egg yolk. Cook slowly until the sauce is thick, stirring continually. Arrange the sardines on pieces of toast, sprinkle with par-mesan cheese, pour over the sauce and serve very hot. Crab Meat Appetizer Have ready 1 pound of flaked crab meat, add 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 teaspoon of made mustard, 1 tablespoon of salad oil, teaspoon paprika, a few grains of cayenne, 1 teaspoon of chopped parsley, 1 finely chopped hard-cooked egg, 3 tablespoons of lemon juice and 14 cup of shredded lettuce. Chill, serve in cocktail glasses or scallop shells with green 21Hors D’oeuvres—Cocktails, Fruit Cup mayonnaise and garnish with fillets of anchovies, arranged lattice across the tops. A Cocktail Relish Toast small rounds of bread, butter thickly, spread with a layer of anchovy paste (or caviar), a layer of finely chopped onion, a very thin slice of tomato, the exact size of the toast; and on top of all a chopped egg (hard-cooked) with a dash of paprika. Tomato Hors D’oeuvre Carefully skin and hollow out tiny tomatoes. Sprinkle inside with salt and drain. At serving time fill with crab or lobster meat in small pieces, which has been mixed with Thousand Island dressing. A tiny bit of mayonnaise on top, ornamented with any contrasting color. Serve on a small lettuce leaf with small pieces of thin toast. Tomato Hors D’oeuvre (Open Sandwich) Spread slices of toast with puree of pate de foies gras; in this place a thin slice of tomato, cover with cream cheese, sprinkle with French mustard; then an artichoke heart. Cover with mayonnaise diluted with whipped cream; sprinkle thickly with paprika and decorate with tiny strips of green pepper. Tuna in Cucumber Jelly Flake 1 can of tuna fish in small particles. To prepare the jelly—pare 2 cucumbers, slice and place in a saucepan. Add 1 tablespoon nasturtium seeds, 1 slice onion, 1 teaspoon celery seed, a slice of minced green pepper, % teaspoon powdered sweet herbs and cold water to cover. Season to taste with salt and simmer until the cucumber is very tender. Press through a sieve, add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, 14 teaspoon paprika, and for each cup of liquid use % tablespoon gelatine softened in 3 tablespoons cold water. When the gelatine is dissolved, color with a few drops green coloring matter, cool and with the assistance of the jelly mould the tuna fish in layers with slices of hard-cooked eggs, bits ofHors D’oeuvres—Cocktails, Fruit Cup feathery parsley and sliced stuffed olives. Chill on the ice and serve unmoulded with spicy mayonnaise. Avocado Relish Avocado cut in half; loosen the meat nicely with a teaspoon and fill with a salad of anchovies, herrings, diced tomatoes, green peppers, a little celery and apples; mix with highly seasoned French dressing to which a little chili sauce has been added. Avocado Cocktail Skin the ripe avocado (soft under the skin) take off the seed with teaspoon, serving for each person about three teaspoonfuls— marinate in lemon or lime juice and combine with tablespoon of diced tomato, half teaspoon green pepper, anchovy to suit taste— mask with tomato catsup. Artichoke Bottoms for Canapes Cook the artichokes, spreading over the bottoms anchovy butter, and decorate with pickled cucumbers, capers or gherkins, anchovies and the whites and yolks of hard-cooked eggs. Pour over them a salad dressing and garnish with water cress. Vegetable Cocktails Artichoke bottoms and celery, or avocados and celery, or a mixture of chilled fresh tomato served with a cocktail sauce as for shell fish. Vegetable Appetizer Mix 1 cup of finely shredded cabbage, % cup of finely cut celery, 1 finely minced green pepper (from which the seeds have been removed) % tablespoon brown sugar, % teaspoon salt and 14 teaspoon mustard seed. Moisten with French dressing, chill and serve in small glasses lined with a crisp lettuce leaf. Garnish with fillets of anchovies or serve with anchovy toast. Cucumber Cocktails Peel, chill and dice 1 cucumber and add 6 peeled and dicedPoached Egg Garnish—A poached egg may be served on top of a cream soup as a garnish. Whipped Cream—A spoonful of whipped cream dropped on either a clear or a cream soup is an attractive garnish. Hard Cooked Egg—Riced, hard cooked egg yolk may be sprinkled over soup just before serving. Cheese Garnish—Grated Parmesan cheese adds flavor and attractiveness to bland cream soups such as celery or potato. Chopped Parsley—Sprinkled over soups is an attractive garnish. Paprika—Can be sprinkled over soup just before serving. Bread Crisps—Cut sandwich bread as thin as paper and dry out in a slow oven. Custard Blocks—Beat the yolks of 2 eggs slightly, then into them stir a whole egg; add % cup of beef stock or milk; season with salt, pepper, and cayenne. Pour mixture into a shallow pan, about % inch thick; place pan in another one containing water and bake in the oven until “set,” (300 degrees F.) When cold, cut in fancy shapes or cubes. When needed for serving, heat in the soup or in boiling salted water. Souffle Crackers—Soak hard, thick crackers in ice water, drain, spread with melted butter and bake in a hot oven, (450 degrees F.) until they are brown and puffy. Serve hot. Cheese Sticks—Cut stale bread into sticks the length of a slice of bread and % inch thick. Spread with butter and grated cheese. Sprinkle with paprika and brown in the oven until the cheese is melted. Saute stale bread cut into % inch squares, in butter is much better than toasting. Egg Balls for Soup Yolks 2 hard cooked eggs; saltspoon paprika; saltspoon salt, saltspoon black pepper; 1 teaspoon onion juice or chopped chives. Mix well, then add 1 raw egg, thicken with cracker crumbs. Roll into balls. Put in soup 5 minutes before serving.Soups Stock for Bouillon - 2 lbs. lean beef (shinn bone) 2 cups vegetables cut in dice, 2% qts. cold water turnips, onions, celery, carrot 6 cloves in equal portions 1 bay leaf Salt to taste Few sprigs of thyme Cut meat in cubes, break bones. Brown 1/3 meat cubes in frying pan with marrow and fat. Place cubes of meat in soup kettle with cold water and let stand % hour, at which time add browned cubes and bring gradually to boiling point. Skim often, for short time. Cover and cook slowly for 4 hours, simmering. Add vegetables the last hour; strain and cool. White Stock 2 lbs. knuckle veal 3 qts. cold water 1 lb. lean beef (shin will do) Cut meat in cubes and break bone, cover with water, allow to stand 1 hour, simmer gently for 4 hours. Cut 2 stalks celery, 1 medium sized onion, blade of mace, teaspoon salt, few grains allspice and let cook slowly for % hour, add to the stock and boil for 1 hour, add several egg shells, (to clear). Strain through double thickness cheese cloth and cool. Consomme 2 lbs. beef from the round 1 red pepper 1 carrot 1 tablespoon whole cloves 1 turnip 1 tablespoon chopped parsley 1 onion Celery (tough outside stalks 1 parsnip may be used) Cover the meat with 3 quarts cold water and let simmer for 4 hours. Add the other ingredients (scrape the carrot) and cook 1 hour. Strain and let stand over night. Skim off the grease; clear, strain and serve. To Clear Soup Remove fat from stock and put amount to be cleared in a saucepan, allowing the white and shell of 1 egg to each quart. Mix egg and shell with the cool soup stock, adding more seasoning if needed; beat well and set on the stove over a medium flame. Stir until hot, to keep the egg from settling. Let it boil 27Soups 20 minutes. Remove, skim and strain through a double thickness of cheese cloth over a fine wire strainer. The albumin in egg draws to itself the juices extracted from the meat and which have coagulated. Clear Chicken Soup 1 hen 1 cup peas 1 tablespoon chives (chopped) Salt, pepper, cayenne, to taste 1 carrot (sliced) 1 tablespoon chopped parsley Put chicken on to cook in enough water to cover well, after it has cooked add the vegetables and allow to simmer until the chicken is very tender and the water is cooked down about half. Set aside and remove the chicken. Remove the vegetables and allow the stock to cool. Skim off fat and if properly cooked there will remain a mass of jelly. Reheat this and strain. Float on top of each dish of soup a few slices of cooked carrot and little finely minced parsley. A spoonful of whipped cream may also be added if preferred. Oxtail Soup Wash oxtail and cut in pieces. Roll in flour and brown in hot fat. Brown 1 large onion and add 1 can tomatoes, 1 bunch carrots, 1 turnip, 1 bay leaf, 1 slice of lemon, 21/2 quarts of water. Cook all slowly for 2 hours and when almost done add % cup rolled oats. Serve with thin strips of toast. Pot en Feu The true way to cook this is in an earthenware pot or pipkin, which has a close fitting lid, is strong and excellent for the long, slow cooking which the success of the dish demands. 4 carrots Small white onions 4 or 5 stalks of celery 3 potatoes 2 turnips 2 tablespoons shredded parsley 2% pounds good soup meat Slice of beef liver cut in pieces Small cracked bone 2 quarts water Salt, pepper - Place in pot, meat and bone; add water. Skim when it boils, add salt and pepper to taste, sliced carrots, beef liver, onions, celery, potatoes, turnips (diced) and shredded parsley or any vegetable obtainable. Let simmer for 6 hours, and cover the pot. When cooked, take out the bones and meat, trim off most of the fat, cut the meat into small pieces and return the latter to the 28Soups soup. Let stand uncovered in a cold place until the fat forms in a cake on top. Remove it, reheat and serve with squares of crisp toast. The soup with the meat and vegetables should be cooked to the consistency of a thick puree, and it provides a most nourishing meal at small cost. Add water if necessary. Philadelphia Pepper Pot % pound fresh tripe Vt cup rice 2 quarts cold water 1% pounds veal knuckle 1 cup canned tomatoes 2 green peppers 2 onions 2 beets 1 tablespoon butter Salt, celery salt Chop finely the peppers, onions and beets. Melt the butter in a saucepan, add the chopped vegetables and stir over a moderate fire until the butter is absorbed. Add the following: the fresh tripe, cut in small cubes, rice, cold water and the veal. Season to taste with salt and celery salt, cover the kettle closely and simmer for 2 hours. Then add 1 cup of canned tomatoes and let simmer for 20 minutes longer. Remove the veal bone, cool, skim and reheat before serving. Tomato Soup 5 quarts cold water 3 pounds soup meat (beef) 2 small onions 2 cups lima beans 2 small sprigs parsley 2 medium potatoes % cup barley (pearl) Pepper and salt 1 can tomatoes Soak the lima beans over night. In the morning scald in hot water. Wash the meat, season with salt and pepper and cover with cold water. Bring to a boil slowly; boil 20 minutes, skimming occasionally. After 20 minutes add the tomatoes, beans, potatoes, cut in quarters, onion minced fine and boil for 2 hours or until the beans and potatoes are soft. Mash the vegetables in the broth. Then add the barley and cook very slowly for another hour. Serve very hot. Peas, carrots, or corn may be added if desired. Bean Soup 1 pint dried beans 3 quarts cold water % lb. salt pork cut in strips % onion cut fine Soak beans over night in lukewarm water. In the morning drain and put in kettle with cold water, salt pork, and onion. 29Soups Cook over a low flame, 4 hours, stirring often. Boiling water may be added if necessary. Season with salt and pepper. Pea Soup 1 cup dried split peas 6 cups water % teaspoon sugar 1 tablespoon butter 1 tablespoon flour Salt and pepper Soak the pease over night. Drain, and put them on to boil in the cold water over a low flame. Cook until soft, adding water if necessary to keep about 3 pints liquid. Rub through a strainer and put on to boil again. Bind with butter and flour rubbed together. Season. Corn Chowder 2 tablespoons dried onion (or 4 to 6 of fresh chopped onion) 1 cup boiling water 1 ounce salt pork 1 can corn 2 cups boiling water 4 cups milk % cup mashed potatoes Salt and pepper Boil the onion in one cup of boiling water for 5 minutes. Fry the salt pork, skim out the meat and in the fat fry the onions. Simmer the corn in the two cups of boiling water for about 10 minutes. Add the milk and mashed potato, the pork, onions, salt and pepper. When well blended serve with crackers (added to the chowder at the end if desired.) This amount makes about 6 portions. Genuine Yankee Clam Chowder Two tablespoons dripping put in kettle; add 1 large onion, chopped, saute 5 minutes; 1 quart boiling water; 2 medium sized potatoes cut in cubes; cook until potatoes are done; add 12 clams chopped fine and juice; boil 5 minutes, slowly; add 2 tablespoons salt; 1 saltspoon pepper; thicken with 3 tablespoons flour—moisten with water to smooth paste. Serve with oysterettes, cube of bread or croutons if preferred. If a more delicate chowder is wanted, take out 1 cup water, using 1 cup milk instead; if preferred thickening can be omitted. Virginia Brunswick Stew One chicken, or 2 squirrels, cut in small pieces in % gallon 30Soups cold water, add inch length of cinnamon bark, % lemon, cut in thin strips (no seeds) and cook until the bones may be removed from the fowl. Broil 2 slices of ham, cut in small pieces, and add to the chicken with 6 large fresh tomatoes, 2 cups of lima beans, corn from 6 ears and 4 medium sized potatoes. Add 1 quart of water % cup of butter, pepper, salt and cayenne to taste, cook slowly, until the vegetables and meat are cooked like puree. 1 can of tomatoes and 1 can of corn may be used instead of the fresh vegetables if desired. Okra is added by some. Gumbo Soup (South) 2 quarts chicken broth 1 cup diced chicken and ham Okra pods Salt % green pepper Cayenne pepper 1 cup tomato juice or pulp To the chicken broth add 4 or 5 okra pods cut in pieces, half a green pepper and the tomato juice or pulp. Let this boil until the okra breaks into small pieces and then strain. Add the diced chicken and ham, okra sliced into rings and strips of green pepper. Boil again until okra is tender. Season with salt and a dash of cayenne pepper. Serve with rice. Chicken Gumbo Soup (New Orleans) 1 tender chicken cut in small pieces 2 slices of ham cut small 4 tablespoons butter 1 onion 1 bay leaf 2 dozen nods okra 1 stick cinnamon 3 whole cloves % can tomatoes 2 quarts water 1 quart oyster liquor 12 oysters Melt butter in soup kettle and when hot put in chicken and ham, sprinkled over with flour. When chicken is brown, add onion and spice and cover and cook until onions are done. Add the water, oyster liquor and okra, cut in thin slices; season with salt, pepper and celery salt and simmer for l;1/2 hours. Just before serving add tomatoes and oysters, stir well and serve with steamed rice. The rice should be prepared separately, placing in each plate large spoonful of rice before serving the soup. Shrimp Gumbo 1 can shrimp 1 3-lb. can okra 1 onion 1 2-lb. can tomatoes 1 slice ham 1 tablespoon butter 1 pod garlic 25 drops tabasco sauce 2 tablespoons salt 1 sprig thyme Chop very fine; add the shrimp, okra, onion, ham and garlic; 31Soups mix thoroughly, get pot very hot, fry the mixture in the butter 6 minutes and add the tomatoes and 1 gallon of water; boil slowly, about 2 hours; serve with boiled rice. An Iron Rich Soup for Children 2 heads lettuce 4 cups meat stock or water 1 thin slice onion 4 eggs, yolks and whites (beaten 3 slices (or 3 ounces) graham separately) bread 2 teaspoons salt Juice of half a lemon Put lettuce and onion through a meat chopper with the bread. Cook 20 minutes in stock. Thicken with egg yolks well beaten. Cook for about 2 minutes after adding the eggs. Just before serving add stiffly beaten egg whites. This is very good for anaemic children. The outer leaves of the lettuce may be used. Mock Turtle Soup Clean and wash 1 calf’s head; soak 1 hour in cold water to cover. Cook until tender in 3 quarts boiling water to which 4 cloves, % teaspoon pepper corns, 4 allspice, sprig thyme, *4 cup sliced onions, 1/3 cup diced carrots, have been added. - Remove head; boil stock until reduced to 1 quart. Strain and cool. Brown % CUP butter, and % CUP flour, then pour in 2 cups brown stock, slowly; add the stock from the head, 1 cup cooked and strained tomatoes, 1 cup force meat in dice, and the juice of % lemon. Simmer 5 minutes, add custard cut in dice, egg balls, or force meat balls. Add salt and pepper to taste. Mushroom Soup (without stock) One-half cup dried mushrooms, broken into bits. Soak in hot water to clean. Boil 2 hours in 2 quarts of water. Make a thickening of y2 tablespoon of butter, melted and mixed with flour. Put in pan and let brown. Chop 1 onion very fine and brown with flour and butter. Then pour % cup cold water on this and allow to boil up. Add to mushrooms with salt and pepper to taste. Take 1 cup flour and 2 eggs, enough to form a dough; chop fine or grate and as soon as it has dried, put half into the soup and add the rest just before serving. Italian Soup Fry 1 onion and bit of garlic in butter. Remove when brown, taking out onion; 1 can of tomatoes which have been run through 32Soups a colander, 1 lemon, 1 cup of water; put in the butter in which the onions were fried and boil 15 minutes; thicken with a paste of brown flour and water; add salt, pepper and enough sugar to take off the acid. Mushrooms or croutons may be put in this soup. Cream Soup Cream soups are made with a foundation of thin white sauce prepared as follows: 4 tablespoons butter 1 teaspoon salt 4 tablespoons flour Pepper to taste 1 quart milk Melt the butter in the upper part of the double boiler, stirring constantly until clear and thickened to a creamy consistency. Strain into the white sauce the desired hot vegetables which have been cooked over the flame for about 10 minutes. Serve at once. Following are the proportions of Vegetables for different Cream Soups: Tomato Soup 1 can tomatoes 1 small teaspoon sugar *4 teaspoon soda Slice of onion Before straining tomatoes into the white sauce add soda which prevents the acid in the tomatoes from curdling the milk. Com Soup 1 can corn (or equivalent of fresh 1 tablespoon onion, chopped (add corn) to the cream soup mixture) Serve Asparagus Soup 1 can asparagus 1 cup asparagus liquor 1% teaspoons Worcestershire ’ •• sauce Substitute 1 cup of the liquor for 1 cup of milk in above recipe. Garnish with a few asparagus tips. 33Soups Young Onion Soup 18 tiny onions 2 tablespoons grated cheese Peel onions, then remove several outside layers leaving only the onion hearts. Put on to boil and cook until very tender and liquid is nearly evaporated. Rub outside layers through a sieve into the white sauce, add the hearts whole. Season well and melt in the soup the grated cheese. Serve very hot with buttered croutons or crackers. Potato Soup 3 potatoes 1 tablespoon chopped onion 1 tablespoon finely chopped parsley When cooked rub through a sieve into cream soup mixture. Pea Soup 1 can peas 1 small onion (chopped) 1 scant teaspoon sugar Rub through a sieve into cream soup mixture. Crab Soup 1 dozen crabs (minced) 1 teaspoon minced parsley 1 tablespoon grated onion Force through a sieve and add to cream soup mixture Puree of Jackson Soup 4 good sized potatoes 1 quart milk 1 bay leaf 1 tablespoon grated onion 3 tablespoons diced celery 3 tablespoons chopped, cooked carrots 1 tablespoon butter 1 tablespoon flour Salt and paprika Boil the potatoes in salted water until tender. In the meantime scald together the milk, bayleaf, grated onion, celery and carrots. Simmer for 10 minutes, then turn into the upper part of a double boiler, and add a white roux made from the butter blended with the flour. Stir until well thickened, cook for 5 minutes, and remove the bay leaf. Season to taste with salt and paprika and add the potatoes, mashed and pressed through a sieve. Thin with a little milk if too thick and reheat. 34Soups Cream of Mushroom Soup Vi cup butter 4 cups milk ]4 cup flour x/2 cup cream Salt and pepper 1 slice of onion % pound mushrooms Wash the mushrooms and peel them. Simmer 25 minutes in 1/3 cup of boiling water with *4 teaspoon of salt. Melt the butter in a smooth saucepan, add the flour and gradually the milk, heated in a double boiler. Stir until smooth and boil 2 minutes. Strain into this the water in which the mushrooms were boiled, and the mushroom caps chopped very fine. Just before serving add the cream and season to taste. Dried mushrooms may be used. Soak 1 hour in cold water. Cream of Chicken Soup 2 cups chicken stock % cup cold milk *4 cup chopped celery and onion 6 tablespoons butter 2 cups milk 1 teaspoon salt 4 teaspoons flour Cook chicken with celery and onion for 15 minutes. Heat in double boiler, the milk. Blend throughly the butter and flour and stir in % CUP cold milk. Pour the heated milk gradually on blended butter and flour; return to the double boiler; add stock, and cook 15 minutes. Season with salt and dash of white pepper. Strain and serve. Cream of Spinach 1 quart spinach *4 teaspoon salt Vs bay leaf 1 tablespoon butter Vs cup cream 1 scant tablespoon flour 2 cups milk % teaspoon salt VI teaspoon paprika 1 egg yolk- Few grains parsley Cook washed spinach in 1 cup of water, adding salt and seasoning. When very soft, rub through a sieve; add to white sauce and add cream and a beaten egg yolk. Simmer, stirring well to set the egg and serve without reboiling. 35Soups Cream of Cheese Soup % onion (sliced) 3 stalks celery (chopped) 1 quart water 2 tablespoons shredded parsley 2 chicken bouillon cubes 1 pint thin cream sauce % cup grated cheese Salt, paprika, celery salt 1 cup cooked macaroni or spaghetti Cook together until tender, the onion, celery, water and shredded parsley. Strain and stir in chicken bouillon cubes. Have ready thin cream sauce, stir in the grated cheese, when melted, combine with the strained stock. Season highly and add cooked macaroni or spaghetti. Oyster Stew 3 pints rich milk 3 whole allspice 2 tablespoons butter 1 quart oysters 1 teaspoon flour 1 cup cream Pepper and salt Heat milk to the boiling point, add butter, rubbed with the flour, and pepper and salt to taste, also the allspice. Drain liquor from the oysters into the milk, let simmer 5 minutes; add the whole oysters and when they curl pour soup into tureen in which 1 cup hot rich cream is added. Toasted crackers may be served with stew. Bisque of Oyster, Clams, Shrimp or Lobster 1 quart shell fish 1 tablespoon butter 1 teaspoon flour Dash white pepper 1 quart milk 1 tablespoon flour % teaspoon salt Dash paprika 1 teaspoon chopped parsley Drain, rinse and chop the fish; put into saucepan and bring to boiling point, skim. Put the milk in top of double boiler; add the salt, pepper, paprika and butter and flour rubbed together; boil 3 minutes, add parsley and oysters and serve at once. Do not add oysters until ready to serve. Jellied Tomato Bouillon 3 cups sliced or lightly drained 1 teaspoon sugar canned tomatoes 1 envelope gelatin 2 slices onion green pepper (free from seeds) 2 stalks celery 1 tablespoon chopped parsley 4 whole cloves 1 bay leaf % teaspoon salt 1 cup water Place in sauce pan, tomatoes, onion, parsley, cloves, salt, 36Soups sugar, green pepper, celery, and bay leaf-. Add water and simmer 20 minutes (covered.) Strain and add gelatin softened in % cup cold water. Stir until the gelatin is dissolved and pour into a pan. Chill on ice and arrange by spoonfuls, irregularly in bouillon cups. Four cups of water in which 4 bouillon cubes are dissolved may be substituted for the tomatoes to give a jellied consomme. Omit salt if cubes are used. Any cooked vegetable desired may be stirred in when jelly is partly set. Jellied Chicken and Oyster Consomme Finely chop the coarse half of 20 oysters, add the soft portion and scald in a pint of their own liquor. Remove the soft portions, add % cup of cold water and simmer for 20 minutes. Strain the oyster liquor through 2 thicknesses of cheese-cloth, and add 1 quart of clear chicken stock (this may be made from hot water cooked with celery tops and enriched with 5 chicken bouillon cubes.) Season to taste with salt and paprika and for each quart of liquid add 2 level tablespoons of gelatin softened in a little cold water. Set aside in a cold place and when the mixture begins to thicken, add the soft portion of the oyster.CHAPTER VII. FISH Fish, with the exception of salmon, mackerel and eels, will be found very easily digested, giving to brain workers and those of sedentary habits proteins in easily digested forms, and in many parts of our country it is more economical than meat. Fish has often been called brain food, not because it contains large portions of phosphorus, an element found abundantly in nerve tissue, but because of the ease with which it is digested. Boiling and baking are the best methods to employ in cooking fish. Fish if lacking in fat may be fried or boiled. Before purchasing examine the fish. The eyes and gills should be bright and the flesh firm. Fish should never be put in a refrigerator, as the strong odor contaminates delicate foods. When it is necessary to store in a generel refrigerator, place in a covered pail. How to Bake Fish Have a good sized fish well cleaned, stuff and sew up the opening; brush over with butter and dredge with flour, sprinkle with salt and pepper, place around the fish slices of pork and lay in a baking pan with a little water. Allow 15 minutes to the pound and baste frequently. Serve with sauce and garnish with lemon and parsley. How to Broil Fish Always have a tin sheet for lifting and turning broiled fish. Before broiling rub with salt and pepper, and then grease. Lay the fish on the gridiron, well greased and lay the tin sheet over it. When you wish to turn take the gridiron from the fire, holding the tin sheet on the fish. Hold them together, lay them on the table with the tin sheet down and the gridiron uppermost. Carefully raise the gridiron, leaving the fish lying unbroken on the tin sheet. It is easy now to slide the fish back on the gridiron. Put it again on the fire and brown the other side, putting the tin sheet back on top of it. When done lay it on a dish and pour over it the melted butter, in which have been stirred pepper, salt and minced parsley. 38Fish Fried Brook Trout Clean the fish, leaving on the heads and tails. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, then dip in flour, egg and crumbs. Fry in deep, hot fat for about 4 minutes. Arrange on a platter and garnish with lemon. Fry as many slices of bacon as there are persons to serve, add sufficient fat and fry the fish completely on one side and turn. Corn meal is very desirable in place of flour for crumb. Fillet of Trout Wipe each piece of fish with a damp cloth, then coat with beaten eggs (diluted with water) and seasoned bread crumbs. Place in frying basket and cook in deep fat. Slices of other fish may be cooked this way to perfection. Serve with Tartar sauce. Fried Halibut For frying, the fish should be a little over l/j inch thick. Wash, dry well, dip first in flour which has been seasoned, then in egg, and then in bread crumbs or cracker dust, which must also be salted. Fry in deep hot fat. This kind of fish can be served hot or cold. Planked Spanish Mackerel Two-pound Spanish mackerel (have it split down the back). Dust with salt and paprika and rub with salad oil; lay on a well greased plank, fasten securely and bake in a hot oven. (450 degrees F.) about 25 minutes. Baste frequently with melted butter and a few drops of lemon juice. Remove from the oven, pipe around the edge a border of creamy-mashed potatoes. Have ready the meat from impound can of lobster, dip each piece in melted butter and lay around the fish, just inside the potato border. Run the plank under the broiler and brown quickly. Garnish with lemon slices, parsley and stuffed green peppers. Baked Haddock About 4 pounds is a good size to bake. Clean fish, sprinkle with salt, stuff and sew. Cut 4 or 5 slits each side of the back 39Fish bone and insert narrow strips of fat salt pork. Place in pan, sprinkle with a few grains of pepper, brush over with melted butter, dredge with flour and place around fish small bits of pork. Bake one hour in a medium oven, basting every 10 minutes. In case fish seems to bake too fast, lower temperature. Serve with drawn butter or Hollandaise sauce. Baked Bluefish or Mackerel Bake as haddock, omitting to insert pork in back. Baste with % CUP butter melted in 2/3 cup water. Scallops Drain and dry medium sized scallops, dip in melted butter to which the juice of an onion has been added, dash of pepper. Slip the scallops on a buttered skewer with a small piece of bacon between them. Broil under a flame, basting with buttered mixture. When done slip the scallops from the skewers onto slices of hot buttered toast and turn over them the remaining butter sauce. Baked Fish with Stuffing Fresh fish, rock bass or rock cod—size 3 pounds. Wash fish, wipe with a dry cloth and put in the stuffing. Sew up the opening. Place in a baking pan, dredge with salt, pepper and flour. Pour 1 cup of tomato into the bottom of the pan, and bake in a moderate oven; baste frequently. Allow 20 minutes to each pound of fish. Garnish with lemon and parsley. Serve with a sauce made from the tomato, adding more juice if necessary. Stuffing: 1 cup bread crumbs; 2 tablespoons melted butler; 1 tablespoon minced pickle; 1 tablespoon minced onion; 1 tablespoon minced parsley; % teaspoon salt; % teaspoon pepper; mix well together. Baked Fish with Shrimps Grease baking pan with butter. Stir in 1 tablespoon flour, also add small onion; put in fish (flounder or sole), add chopped paisley, *4 glass cider, 1 cup soup, salt and pepper to taste; bake % of an hour, basting well. 10 minutes before serving add shrimps and mushrooms. 40Fish Baked Halibut with Tomato Sauce 2 lbs. halibut 2 tablespoons salt 1 can tomatoes % teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons butter % teaspoon pepper Clean fish, season with salt and pepper, dredge with flour, place in pan, pour over tomatoes, dot with butter. Bake in a moderate oven, basting often. Halibut Steaks With Apple Sauce Pan-broil halibut steak in clear bacon fat, seasoned with a pinch of ground cloves, the juice of l/2 lemon and 1 tablespoon fine-chopped parsley. Mix equal parts of apple sauce—slightly sweetened—with fine sifted crumbs, and to each pint of the mixture allow % teaspoon of white pepper, 2 tablespoons of butter, I/O cup of any tart jelly, melted, and 6 drops of tabasco sauce. Let heat through and serve a portion with each helping of the halibut steaks. Instead of tabasco, one or two tablespoons of fine-scraped horseradish may be added to the sauce. Creamed Baked Fish 3 lbs fish boiled and shredded 1 tablespoon grated onion 1 small can mushrooms Salt and pepper to taste 2 cups milk 2 tablespoons flour 1 tablespoon minced parsley 2 tablespoons sherry Make a white sauce, add onions, parsley and seasoning, and wine, and pour over fish in baking dish, cover it with bread crumbs and brown in oven. Cold baked fish left over will do. Baked Shad with Grape Juice Shad 1 tablespoon chopped parsley 2 cups grated crumbs % cup mushrooms 2 tablespoons melted bacon fat Salt and paprika to taste % teaspoon poultry seasoning Juice % lemon Wash and wipe fish and fill with stuffing made from the grated crumbs, bacon fat, parsley, mushrooms, chopped and sauted, salt and paprika, lemon juice and poultry seasoning. Sew up the fish, lay in a buttered baking pan. Bake about 1 hour at moderate heat, basting with a little bacon fat dripping mixed with boiling water. For the sauce strain the liquor from the pan, reheat with 2 tablespoons mushroom catsup and add 1 tablespoon Worcester 41Fish shire sauce, 1 cup of grape juice, 1 teaspoon lemon juice and a little browned flour mixed with cold water. Stir constantly until the sauce boils and is smooth. Louisiana Shrimps With Rice Cook small minced onions in 4 tablespoons of hot drippings for 5 minutes. Blend in 6 tablespoons flour and add gradually 1 cup stewed and strained tomatoes, 3 small cups chicken stock or bouillon cubes and water, and stir until smooth. Season to taste with salt, paprika and a tiny pinch of ground sweet herbs and add 2 cups cooked shrimps cut in pieces and enough steamed rice to make a thick consistency. Serve from a casserole or chafing-dish. Shrimp Timbales To 2 cups shrimps add 1 tablespoon butter, 2 tablespoons flour, 2 of chopped parsley, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 saltspoon of pepper, a dash of cayenne, 2 cups milk or cream, 3 hard-boiled eggs. Melt the butter, add the flour and stir until smooth; add the cream and stir constantly until the mixture thickens. Add the eggs after having passed them through a sieve, shrimps chopped fine and seasoning. Fill timbale cases, cover top with bread crumbs, bits of butter and brown in hot oven. Bluefish, Havanaise Bake bluefish on baking sheet for 10 minutes. Prepare 6 minced shallots, or 1 Spanish onion, 12 minced fresh mushrooms, fry all in butter 2 minutes, then moisten with orange juice, add 4 peeled fresh tomatoes in quarters, a few drops of tobasco sauce. Cook 10 minutes, pour over bluefish, and let all bake 10 minutes, and serve. Any kind of fish may be prepared in the same way. Halibut a la Poulette Take 2 pounds of halibut, arrange in fillets, freeing from skin and bones, then cut into narrow strips, seasoning with salt, pepper and lemon juice; cut 2 onions in slices and lay on the fillets, then set away for % hour. At the end of this time have ready 1/3 cup melted butter. Dip the fillets in this, roll, skewer 42Fish into shape and dredge with flour. Arrange in a greased casserole or baking dish and bake 20 minutes in a moderate oven. Serve with white sauce and 2 hard-cooked eggs sliced for a garnish. Sole Bonne Femme Butter the bottom of a dish intended for the sole and sprinkle it with 2 chopped shallots, a piece of butter, 2 oz. raw minced mushrooms. Lay the sole upon this garnish, season with salt and pepper, moisten with % cup cider and pint fish stock; simmer; baste from time to time. When the sole is cooked, drain off the cooking liquor into a vegetable pan, add 2 tablespoons of cream and reduce % and finish with 2 oz. of butter. Season with salt, pepper and a few drops of lemon juice. Coat the sole with this sauce and set it to brown in hot oven. Sand Dabs in Paper Cases Wash fish, cut off heads and tails and fins, dry. Cut a paper case of rather light weight brown paper, having it large enough to enclose the fish and make a double fold on three sides. Butter paper well, place a thin slice of boiled ham on the paper, the sand dab on the ham, white side up. Season fish with a little salt and generously with paprika. Fold the paper over and turn in the edges once, then the second time to keep the moisture in. Place cases, containing the fish and ham in hot oven and cook 10 minutes, until papers are a dark brown. Remove, take off paper, pour over melted butter, garnish with parsley and lemon. Frog Legs Wash the frog legs, cover with boiling water and let stand 5 minutes, drain and dry. Dust with salt and pepper, dip in egg, roll in cracker crumbs and fry in deep fat. Serve with tomato sauce. Broiled Oysters Allow 6 or 8 oysters to each person Tiny bits of bacon Slices of toast Pepper, salt and chopped parsley Drain oysters, arrange on slices of bread which have been 43Fish toasted only on 1 side. Place oysters on toasted side of bread, season with salt and pepper, sprinkle with parsley. Dot over with the uncooked bacon. Have oven hot, (450 degrees F.) If the bacon is not cooked by the time the under side of the bread is toasted, run the tray containing the slices of toast, etc., under the flame of the oven broiler for a few minutes. Serve immediately with hot catsup. Oysters a la New Orleans (6 Services) 1 dozen medium sized oysters ]4 pound cooked fresh mushrooms % cup oyster-crabs or flaked lobster *4 teaspoon each of salt, paprika, white pepper 1 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce 2 tablespoons orange juice 154 cups thin cream 2 egg yolks 1 tablespoon butter Mix beaten egg yolks with cream and seasoning; allow to thicken in double boiler, add oysters, mushrooms and oystercrabs and let them get hot through, adding the orange juice, when ready to serve add dash of paprika to take off the pale-faced look. This .will serve 4 people. Fried Deviled Oysters Drain 28 oysters, dry and marinate in a dressing composed of % cup of salad oil, teaspoon each of salt and paprika, *4 CUP vinegar, 1 teaspoon grated horseradish and 1 tablespoon Worcestershire. When they have stood for an hour, drain, dip in beaten egg, roll in crumb again and fry in deep, hot fat to a rich brown. Drain on a brown paper before serving. Oysters En Brochette (Galveston) 3 dozen oysters 1 tablespoon minced parsley Thin slices bacon Sliced lemon 1 tablespoon butter . Chopped olives Cut bacon in 1-inch squares. Have 6 steel skewers and on these string first a strip of bacon, and next an oyster, which has been dipped in butter, and minced parsley and continue until skewer is filled. These may be served on skewers or placed on hot buttered toast. 44Fish Broiled Oysters (Wilmington) Drain and wipe oysters in the desired quantity, about 8 or 12 to each person. Melt (for 8 persons) % pound butter, season with salt, pepper and a pinch of cayenne. Have in a second bowl strained tomato sauce. Dip the oysters in the first mixture, then in the second; place them on wire broiler and cook in the oven, using a drip pan to hold the liquor, which will otherwise be lost. When the oysters begin to “curl” increase the heat for about 2 minutes, turning the broiler so that both sides are uniform. Have a well-heated bowl to serve these in, and pour over the oysters what liquor has been accumulated in the drip pan. Creole Fried Oysters Allow 6 to 8 oysters to each person to be served. 1 cup milk % teaspoon pepper 1 egg Cracker crumbs % teaspoon salt Mix the egg and milk, add the seasoning. Drain and dry the oysters, and dip in the milk and egg, and then roll in cracker crumbs; fry in deep fat. The fat should be hot enough to turn a cube of bread a golden brown in 20 counts. Drain the oysters on soft paper, and serve on a bed of fried parsley; garnish with lemon slices. Some Southerners prefer corn meal to cracker crumbs for fried oysters. Baked Oysters Allow 6 oysters for each person. Drain the oysters and dip each one in melted butter and cracker crumbs, seasoned with salt and pepper and a tiny bit of mace; place the oysters so treated in a glass baking dish, or ramekin; cover with tomato sauce and cracker crumbs, dot with butter and bake in hot oven for 15 minutes and serve hot. Oysters Six oysters to a person. Take medium size oysters on the half shell; lay on each oyster 2 thin pieces of bacon 2 inches long, broiled medium. Cover with chili sauce into which has been mixed some finely chopped green peppers; then cover all with grated Parmesan cheese. Lay on a bed of rock salt in a pie tin, 45Fish and put into a hot oven until the cheese is brown. Garnish with parsley and half lemons, and serve on oyster plates on a bed of hot table salt. Little-neck or soft-shell clams may be cooked in the same way. Panned Soft-Shell Clams Cut off the tough portion from a dozen soft-shell clams, wash in their own liquor several times, with a very little water added; drain, and lay them on a plate just before serving. Put into a chafing dish blazer 2 tablespoons butter and when very hot, lay in the clams, one by one, so as not to cool the fat. Cook for about 2 minutes and with a spatula turn each carefully; fry the other side and place on hot buttered toast, with the following sauce poured over the clams. Sauce: Heat 2 tablespoons butter, add 1 tablespoon flour, stir in % cup of the clam juice, add cayenne pepper, and boil up, then add 1 cup cream and when hot serve. Lobster in Half Shell (delicious) Cut up 2 lobsters in cubes not too large. Marinate well with orange juice. Combine with cream sauce, 1 cup, seasoned with salt, pepper, paprika, little onion juice and 1 can tomato soup. Place this mixture back in the lobster shells. Cover with bread crumbs. Dot over with butter. Bake in hot oven 20 minutes. Serve on shell. Four to eight servings, as desired. Lobster a la Creole Simmer 3 sliced tomatoes, % a green pepper and a clove of garlic. Melt 2 tablespoons butter, add 2 tablespoons flour and the strained vegetables. Add 1 cup cream, and one lobster, which has been cut into dice, and let it cook a little. If preferable add the yolks of eggs. Serve on toast and very hot. Crabs or shrimps are also cooked in this way. Fresh Salmon With Sauce Piquante Prepare a mixture of oil, salt, lemon juice, ground cloves and thyme as for a salad dressing and marinate 2-inch-thick slices of salmon in it for about 2 hours. Remove the slices and broil over a moderate fire. Serve with a sauce piquante made as follows: Into a sauce pan put 1 tablespoon of finely chopped shallots, butter the size of a walnut, a dash of grated nutmeg and 3 table- 46Fish spoons of vinegar. Stir until clear over the fire and add % pint of hot water or fish stock, some chopped gherkins and more pepper and salt, if needed. Boil up and pour over the fish. Panned Roe with Bacon and Mushrooms Parboil the roes for 5 minutes, drain and plunge in cold water. Fry quickly 8 slices of bacon, then remove and in the hot fat saute the roes and ^4 pound of peeled mushroom caps cut in halves. When well browned transfer the roes to the hot platter containing the bacon and add to the mushrooms 1 small cup water, % tablespoon Worcestershire sauce, salt, paprika to taste, % teaspoon kitchen boquet and a scant tablespoon flour blended with a little cold water. Stir constantly until the sauce boils and is very smooth, season with a few drops of lemon juice and pour the mushroom gravy over the panned roes. Lay the strips of bacon over the top and garnish with cress. Sauce Tartare Mayonnaise, with double the usual quantity of mustard; add well drained and chopped capers, pickles and olives, grated onion, parsley and a few drops tarragon vinegar. Mix well and chill. Sauce Mornay Reduce a pint of thick cream sauce %, add 2 oz. of grated Parmesan and 2 oz. of Swiss cheese. Put the sauce on the stove to melt the cheese, stirring. Finish the sauce away from the fire with 2 oz. of butter added by degrees, season to taste. Cheese and Tomato Canapes Blend together one package of cream cheese and about half as much Roquefort cheese, pepper, salt and enough cream to soften. Spread on toast rounds and cover with a slice of tomato dipped in sharp mayonnaise. Add a spray of cress and serve. Lobster in Aspic Make an aspic. Cut the lobster in pieces and marinate with French dressing, substituting lemon juice for vinegar. Place individual molds in a pan of ice water, cover the bottoms of the molds with aspic and when firm, fill with the lobster meat mixed with some of the aspic—just as it is ready to set. Chill thoroughly; unmold and serve. 47CHAPTER VIII. ENTREES An entree is a dish served at dinner or luncheon, between the regular courses; some are served hot and others cold. An entree is served from the side and usually in individual portions, or they may be served molded and passed. Meat, fish, chicken, eggs, cheese and rice and oftentimes left-overs can be used to a good advantage. Entrees may be served on toast, in ramekins, as croquettes, timbales, fritters or in butter molds. Noodles, macaroni and spaghetti with cheese, souffles and aspics in which meat, poultry or vegetables are combined, may be used. Yorkshire Fish Wash and bone 2 medium cod steaks. Lay the fish in a buttered baking dish and dust with pepper and salt. Sprinkle with a teaspoon of chopped parsley and the juice of a large onion. Make a batter of 2 eggs beaten in 1 cup of milk with 2 level tablespoons flour rubbed smooth, pepper and salt. Turn the batter over the fish, dust with grated cheese and bake in a medium oven hour. Deviled Herrings 2 cups smoked herring 3 tablespoons butter % cup chopped celery 1 tablespoon minced onion 2 tablespoons chopped green pepper 14 teaspoon dry mustard 14 teaspoon curry powder 14 teaspoon Worchestershire sauce 2 cups strained tomato juice 3 tablespoons flour Cracker crumbs Dice the herring and scald. Melt butter and fry the celery, onion, green pepper and when yellow, add to the fish (drained) and stir in mustard, curry powder, Worcestershire sauce and tomato juice. Let all come to a boil and stir in flour mixed with a little cold water; Stir constantly until well thickened and pour into a greased baking dish. Dust the top with buttered crumbs and brown in a moderate oven. 48Entrees Finnan Haddie a la King 2 cups finnan haddie % cup sliced mushroom caps 2 tablespoons minced green 2 tablespoons flour peppers 2 cups rich milk 1 tablespoon chopped canned 3 hard boiled eggs pimentoes Salt and pepper 4 tablespoons butter Soak the fish in warm water 20 minutes. Cook the peppers and pimentoes in butter with mushroom caps for 5 minutes. Blend in flour and add very gradually the milk. Stir constantly until the mixture thickens and boils, add fish and lastly the minced yolks of the eggs. Season to taste with salt and pepper and serve very hot, with the chopped egg whites over the top. Hawaiian Lobster Curry 1V2 tablespoons butter 1% tablespoons curry powder % onion 1 pint milk 1 clove garlic 1 cup cocoanut Small piece of grated ginger Meat of 2 pounds lobster root Salt and pepper to taste 1% tablespoons cornstarch Set cocoanut aside in milk to soak 1 hour. Saute the finely chopped onion and garlic in the butter, add the cornstarch and seasonings and cook until frothy; add the milk strained from the cocoanut, gradually, and when sauce boils up once, add the lobster, salt and pepper to taste. Lobster a la Bechamel Meat of 2 lobsters Yolks 3 eggs 4 tablespoons butter 1 cup white stock 4 tablespoons flour , Season with mace, bay leaf, etc. Salt and pepper 1 teaspoon lemon juice Grating of nutmeg Dried and sifted coral 1 cup of cream Cut the lobster in dice. Make a bechamel sauce of the butter, flour, seasonings, cream and stock, add lobster, when heated thoroughly, add beaten yolks mixed with a few spoonfuls of the sauce, and lemon juice, and sprinkle the dried and sifted coral or some chopped parsley over the top of the mixture as it is served. Fill the lobster shells and run into the broiling oven 15 minutes, garnish with sliced orange and lemon. 49Entrees Lobster a la Newburg Salt slightly a pint of lobster, cut in dice, pour over it some orange juice and let stand for 15 minutes. Rub a teaspoon of flour into a tablespoon of butter, put in pan and add the lobster. Add the well beaten yolks of 2 eggs, and 1 cup of cream; stir occasionally while it simmers, about 8 minutes. Serve on squares of toast. Lobster in Rice Mold Heat 2 cups cubes lobster in a white sauce. Serve in a border of rice, pilaf style made as follows: Set cups stock with 1 cup of stewed, strained tomato over the fire. When boiling add 1 cup of rice and 1 teaspoon salt. Stir occasionally with a fork until the liquid is absorbed. Then add % CUP hutter and cook over hot water until tender. Mold this. When ready to serve place inside the lobster, which has been marinated in French dressing. Lobster Cutlets 2 cups chopped lobster meat % teaspoon salt Few grains cayenne Few gratings nutmeg 1 teaspoon lemon juice Yolk 1 egg 1 teaspoon finely chopped parsley 1 cup thick white sauce Mix ingredients in order given, and cool. Shape in form of cutlets, crumb, and fry same as croquettes. Make a cut at small end of each cutlet and insert in each the tip end of a small claw. Stack around a mound of parsley. Serve with Sauce Tartare. Salmon Pudding 2 cans firm salmon (drained and 1% teaspoons salt , flaked) ^4 teaspoon pepper 1% tablespoons butter ‘ % teaspoon onion % tablespoon flour 2 eggs % cup sweet milk Season the fish with salt, pepper and onion juice. Melt the butter, add the flour, cook a few minutes, then stir in slowly the milk; when well thickened, add the flaked fish; take from fire, add beaten eggs and mix well; press into well oiled ring molds, cover with oiled paper, set mold in water and bake % hour. 50Entrees Salmon Klops 2 cups canned minced salmon % teaspoon celery salt 1 teaspoon minced parsley *4 teaspoon lemon juice 14 teaspoon paprika 14 teaspoon onion juice 2 eggs Milk Toast Egg sauce Add to the finely minced salmon, the celery salt, parsley, lemon juice, paprika, onion juice and the eggs, unbeaten. Mix well, chill on the ice and form into small balls about the size of walnuts. Poach in milk kept just at the simmering point and serve on toast with an egg sauce poured over each portion. Salmon en Belle-Vue Skin and bone either fresh cooked or canned salmon, and break it into neat pieces. Sprinkle them with salt, red pepper and a few drops of vinegar, soak for 2 hours. Melt a little red, well flavored gelatine. Decorate the bottom of a mold with slices of hard-cooked eggs, run the jelly on them to the depth of about % an inch and let it set. Put in a layer of pieces of salmon, run in enough jelly to fix these pieces and again set. Continue until the mold is full. It is an economical plan to pack the fish rather tight, so that there is not much jelly. Let it set over night in a cold place. Turn it out. Trim with hard-cooked eggs in slices and little mounds of small lettuce sprinkled with chopped jelly. Tripe with Soft Clams Cut some well cooked tripe in 1-inch squares. Mince 4 onions, fry them slowly in butter, add the tripe and some fresh clams, season with salt and simmer together for 10 minutes, then add sufficient thick cream sauce and blend. Finish with small pieces of butter and chopped parsley. Cream Fish Pudding Boil 2 pounds fish in clear water till done. Shred or break in small pieces, free from skin and bone. Make cream sauce of 1 cup sweet milk, 1 tablespoon butter, 1 tablespoon flour, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon onion juice, 1 tablespoon lemon. When thick, add the flaked fish. Stir well and when taken from the fire, add 2 well beaten eggs, mix thoroughly. Press in a greased mold, cover with greased paper, set mold in warm water. Bake in oven % hour. Serve with cream sauce, potato balls and chopped parsley. 51Entrees Shrimp Timbales To 2 cups shrimps, add 1 tablespoon butter, 2 tablespoons flour, 2 of chopped parsley, 1 teaspoon ,salt, 1 saltspoon of pepper, a dash of cayenne, 2 cups milk or cream, 3 hard boiled eggs. Melt the butter, add the flour and stir until smooth; add the cream and stir constantly until the mixture thickens. Add the eggs after having passed them through a sieve, then the shrimps chopped fine; then the seasoning. Fill timbale cases, cover top with bread crumbs and bits of butter and brown in hot oven. Louisiana Shrimps with Rice Cook 2 small minced onions in 4 tablespoons of hot beef drippings. Blend in 4 tablespoons flour and add gradually 1 cup stewed and strained tomato, 3 small cups chicken stock, stir until smooth. Season to taste with salt, paprika and a tiny pinch of ground sweet herbs and add 2 cups shrimps, cut in pieces, and enough steamed rice to make of a thick consistency. Serve from a casserole or chafing dish. Kedgeree 1 cupful dry boiled rice 1 hardboiled egg 1 cupful cold flaked fish Tear the white of the egg into small bits and mix lightly with the fish and rice; salt and pepper to taste. Melt 2 tablespoonfuls of butter in a saucepan and in it toss the mixture until hot, then pile lightly in a hot dish and rice the egg yolk over it. Deviled Crab Remove meat from body and claws of 1 large crab; add salt, pepper, a dash of mace, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, 1 grated onion, 1 large green pepper (minced), 1 tablespoon cornstarch, mixed in 14 CUP milk, and 2 slightly beaten eggs. Mix these ingredients, fill crab shell and bake in a moderate oven 40 minutes. Cram Meat a la Maryland 4 tablespoons .butter Yolks 2 eggs 4 tablespoons flour 114 cups flaked crab meait % teaspoon salt % cup grated American cheese- 2 cups rich milk 14 teaspoon paprika Melt butter, add flour, salt and milk. Stir constantly until 52Entrees the sauce is very smooth and bubbles in the pan, then remove from fire and add the beaten yolks. Butter a casserole, cover the bottom with the crab meat, pour over the sauce and sprinkle with cheese mixed with paprika. Set in a hot oven on the top shelf to brown. (Also an excellent dish for the electric grill.) Epicurean Bouches yá pound mushroom caps ]4 teaspoon paprika 4 tablespoons butter % cup white grape juice 1 dozen frog legs lj/j cups cream % pound flaked, cooked crab 1 tablespoon cornstarch meat 1 egg yolk 1 teaspoon salt Peel mushroom caps, cut in strips and saute in 2 tablespoons butter for 3 minutes. Clean and steam 1 dozen frog legs until tender and remove the meat. Add crab meat, salt, 2 tablespoons butter, paprika and white grape juice. Cover and let stand for 30 minutes, then cook over a moderate heat for 5 minutes and add the mushrooms. Scald cream, add conrstarch, blended with 1 tablespoon cold water. Stir until the mixture thickens and cook over hot water for 10 minutes. Combine the 2 mixtures, add the beaten yolk of egg with extra salt and paprika to suit taste. Cook for a couple of minutes and serve in hot patty cases. If frog legs are impracticable, white chicken or all crab meat may be used. Rissoles Rissoles are made by enclosing a croquette mixture in pastry and, after brushing the surface with beaten egg, frying in deep fat. Occasionally rissoles are baked instead of fried. The paste is preferably puff-paste; the trimmings of a vol-au-vent or patties are often so used. The pastry is rolled very thin, about % of an inch thick to insure thorough cooking. The croquette mixture needs be cold and the pastry chilled. Put a teaspoon of the chilled mixture on the crust in several places in a line, near the edge, and fold the pastry over mixture. Cut out half circles of paste with the mixture in the center of each, using a fluted patty cutter for the purpose; lift the part of the paste folded over the mixture, brush the edge with water and press carefully in place again. Brush the entire surface with , beaten egg and let cook until delicately colored. Serve on a folded napkin. 53Entrees Aspic Jelly with Beef Extract % cup chopped onion Vi cun chopped carrot 2 taLlespoons butter 2 stalks celery % cup mushroom trimmings 1 bay leaf 6 peppercorns or a piece of red pepper 3 cloves 3 tablespoons tarragon vinegar 1 quart water 3 teaspoons beef extract 2 cups boiling water 2 ounces gelatine Yellow rind of 1 lemon 1 cup cold water The white and shell of 1 egg 1 tablespoon pickle spice Cook the onion, carrot, celery, mushroom trimmings and bay leaf, in butter; add the spices, vinegar, lemon rind, and quart of water;' let simmer very gently an hour and strain over the beef extract dissolved in the hot water. When cooled, add the white of egg slightly beaten and the crushed shell. Bring the liquid slowly to the boiling point, stirring constantly meanwhile; let boil three minutes, then remove to a cooler part of the range to simmer 15 minutes, then add gelatine softened in the cold water; skim carefully, strain through double folds of cheese cloth laid inside a colander. The tarragon vinegar is optional. Tomato Jelly 2% cups cooked tomatoes Slice of onion Stalk of celery Bit of bay leaf 2 cloves teaspoon salt Few drops tabasco sauce % cup or more of mushroom parings 2 tablespoons gelatine % cup cold water Cook the tomatoes (canned tomatoes) with all the ingredients, except the last two, 15 minutes; add the gelatine, softened in the cold water and stir until the gelatine is dissolved, then strain and mold. If bright-colored jelly be desired, strain through a sieve just fine enough to hold back the seeds. A less dense and lightercolored jelly results when the mixture is strained slowly through a cheese cloth. Cold Souffle of Chicken and Tongue 1 cup liquid aspic % cup chopped (cooked) chicken Vs cup tomato puree % cup chopped (cooked) pickled 1 tablespoon tarragon vinegar tongue Salt and pepper 3 or 4 chopped truffles 1 cup whipped cream To make the tomato puree, cook the tomatoes, then pass through a puree sieve and chill. Beat the cold aspic with the tomato puree and the vinegar until very foamy; add gradually to 54Entrees the chopped meat, then add the whipped cream, also a part of the truffles, salt and pepper to taste; turn into a souffle case, with a band of paper fastened about and extending above the dish about 1 inch. Let stand 1 hour in crushed ice and salt. Remove the paper band before serving. Pass at the same time a green vegetable salad. Tongue in Jelly Make a ring mold of tomato jelly by the rule of your preferred brand of gelatine. When required, tip it out on a large, round serving dish on which is arranged white lettuce. Fill the inside of the mold with curls of thinly sliced tongue, each slice rolled and skewered with a wooden toothpick, pinning in a tiny sprig of parsley. Stand these rolls closely together on end, surround the jelly ring with a wreath of thinly sliced cucumbers or tomatoes, or with cucumbers and tomatoes arranged alternately, and with it pass mayonnaise dressing. Asparagus, Hollandaise Asparagus to be perfectly cooked, scrape, grade the stalks and tie them in 2 bunches. Cook the large ones 5 minutes longer than the small ones and they will all be tender at the same time. Simmer asparagus gently in boiling, salted water. Sauce 4 tablespoons butter 4 tablespoons flour % teaspoon salt , 2 cups chicken stock (hot water and chicken bouillon cubes) 2 egg yolks 2 tablespoons butter cut in bits 1 tablespoon lemon juice Melt butter, add flour and salt and cook until smooth, then add gradually the chicken stock and stir constantly until boiling. Beat egg yolks slightly, combine slowly with the sauce, stir for a moment longer, then remove from the fire. Add butter cut in bits and very gradually, a few drops at a time, the lemon juice. Asparagus Loaf de Luxe 3 tablespoons butter 3 tablespoons flour 1 cup milk 1 can asparagus tips % teaspoon salt % teaspoon pepper % cup chopped, cooked chicken or sweetbreads 4 eggs Blend butter and flour, add milk gradually, salt and pepper. When it boils, add cooked chicken or sweetbreads, chopped fine, 55Entrees asparagus tips and well beaten eggs. Turn into a buttered baking dish which has been lined with asparagus tips, set in a dish of hot water in the oven and bake until the center is firm (300 degrees F.) for 30 minutes. Let it stand a few minutes and invert on a shallow dish. Serve with melted butter. Sweetbreads must be boiled in acidulated salted water for 15 minutes, then chilled and chopped before using, when used in place of the chicken. Chicken and Asparagus Timbales 1 cup cooked minced chicken Few drops lemon juice 1 cup asparagus tips 2 tablespoons flour 2 tablespoons butter 2 eggs 1% cups milk Dash of mace Salt and pepper to taste 4 tablespoons grated cheese Melt the butter, add flour, milk and seasonings, as for white sauce, add slightly beaten egg yolks and cook for 1 minute longer. Remove and fold in chicken and stiffly beaten egg whites. Turn into timbale molds, well oiled and lined with bread crumbs. Place in a pan of water, bake 15 minutes under greased paper in a moderate oven (350 degree F.) Turn out of mold, garnish with asparagus tips and serve with seasoned cream sauce. Chicken Mousse Cut very fine, 1 chicken, % pound of mushrooms, peeled and salted. Soften 1 tablespoon gelatine in *4 CUP °f chicken broth and dissolve in 1 cup of hot broth, highly seasoned. Let cool. Add meat and mushrooms. Set in ice-watei’ until mixture begins to set, then fold in 1 cup of whipped cream. Serve as salad with mayonnaise dressing. Country Club Sandwiches For each sandwich cut 3 slices of fresh, close-grained bread, using a very sharp knife, saw-fashion, to cut them evenly. Trim off the crusts and spread the first slice with a mixture of 6 chopped olives mixed with twice the volume of cottage cheese. Press sliced chicken into this, cover with lettuce and place the second slice over it. Spread the second slice with chopped sweet pickles, blended with the hard-cooked yolk of 1 egg, press slices of chicken into it, cover with lettuce and place the third slice on top. Place the sandwiches after making on a marble slab or other 56Entrees flat surface, lay waxed paper over, and cover with a weighted board for an hour or more. Before serving, trim each one, place on a breakfast plate, cut into quarters and pour over each % cup of the following dressing: Add to 1 pint of thick, sour cream, the juice of 1 small lemon, 1 tablespoon vinegar, 2 teaspoons sugar and either a little cayenne or a generous sprinkle of paprika. Beat all together, vigorously, and after pouring 14 CUP over each sandwich, add a garnish of cress or sliced tomatoes, one or both. Chicken Rolls From raised dough, shape tiny biscuits and bake. Mince enough cold boiled chicken to fill a cup. Season with pepper, salt and a tablespoon each of whipped cream and well seasoned mayonnaise, a tablespoon of very finely minced celery and a teaspoon chopped capers. Open each hot biscuit and fill with 1 teaspoon of the mixture. Serve hot, 2 to the portion, with 2 or 3 sprays of fresh cress and a red radish. Fried Rice Pick over and wash % cup rice. Cook in double boiler with % cup boiling water, until rice has absorbed water. Add 1 cup scalded milk or boiling water, % teaspoon salt and continue cooking until the rice is soft, adding more liquid if necessary. Turn into a dish and let stand until cold. Take up in pieces on tip of spoon and plunge into deep fat; fry until delicately browned and drain on brown paper. Serve as a substitute for potatoes. Rice and Tomato Croquettes % cup rice V/i cups cheese 1 cup tomatoes 1 tablespoon butter 1 tablespoon onion 1 tablespoon flour 1 tablespoon green pepper Salt, pepper, etc., to taste 1 egg 1 cup chicken or beef stock Steam the rice in the stock. Cook the tomatoes, pepper and onion together. Rub through sieve and add to the steamed rice. Remove from the fire and add egg and cheese and seasoning. Allow to cool. Form into balls, dip in egg, roll in bread crumbs and fry in deep fat—test 40 counts. 57Entrees Macaroni 2 cups noodles 1 teaspoon salt 3 well beaten eggs 1 cup cream or top milk mixed Boil noodles in salt water, pour cold water over and drain. Mix well beaten eggs, salt and cream together. Add to noodles and place in ring mold. Place mold in pan of water and bake for t/o hour. Fill center with cream sauce containing shrimp, hard boiled egg, lobster, etc. Creamed Spaghetti % cup spaghetti 1 tablespoon salt 2 quarts boiling water % cup cream or white sauce Break spaghetti into ^-inch pieces and cook in boiling, salted water 20 minutes or until soft. Drain in strainer, pour over it cold water to prevent pieces from adhering. Add cream or white sauce, reheat and season with salt. Spaghetti Entre Cook spaghetti in the usual manner, line mold with same and fill center with creamed lobster, shrimp, etc. Italian Spaghetti Take % pound of spaghetti in hand and dip ends in boiling salted water. As spaghetti softens it will bend easily, when it may be coiled under the boiling water. Let it boil 20 minutes or until soft. Drain in a colander and pour over 1 quart cold water. Arrange on a hot platter over which have been poured 2 tablespoons olive oil, and pour over the following sauce: Remove fat and meat from 3 pork chops and cut in pieces. Put in saucepan with 1 small onion, peeled and sliced, and cook, stirring frequently until well browned; then add 1 quart can tomatoes, % teaspoon salt and % teaspoon paprika. Bring to the boiling point and let simmer very slowly 2% hours. Force through a strainer. Marion Bent Spaghetti One-half pound sphagetti, % dozen lamb kidneys, 1 cup canned tomatoes, p2 CUP grated cheese, 2 tablespoons oil, garlic, salt, pepper and cayenne. Cook the spaghetti in boiling salted 58Entrees water for 20 minutes, drain and blanch. Cut the kidneys in small pieces and brown in a frying pan in 2 tablespoons of oil, cover and let simmer until tender, then add 1 tablespoon of flour, salt and pepper and when the flour is browned add % cup hot water and cook 5 minutes. In another pan cook 1 cup tomatoes with a small piece of garlic and season to taste with salt, pepper and cayenne. Serve spaghetti first, cover with kidney stew, followed by tomato sauce, then sprinkle with grated cheese. •' Noodle Ring Cook y2 pound noodles in boiling water. Drain and blanch. Beat well 3 eggs, and % pint cream, 1 tablespoon butter, teaspoon salt^i/^ teaspoon white pepper. Add the noodles and pour into a baking dish or a ring mold and bake by placing in a larger vessel containing boiling water in oven for % hour. Serve with shrimp or lobster which is combined with a cream sauce made of 1 tablespoon flour, 1 tablespoon butter and 1 cup milk, and to this add 1 cup tomato soup seasoned as desired. Stuffed Noodles Mix 2 cups flour and % teaspoon salt, add 3 eggs and enough milk to make a very stiff dough. Roll thin, cut in 2-inch squares. Wet edges with milk and fold corner-wise with a tablespoon of the following: 2 cups ground cooked beef 1 chopped onion 1 egg Salt and pepper Press edges together and drop into boiling beef broth. Cook 10 minutes. Com Oysters 1 can corn 2 tablespoons milk 1% teaspoons salt % cup cracker crumbs % teaspoon pepper 1 egg (well beaten) Put corn in saucepan, let stand y2 hour, bring to boiling point and let simmer 15 minutes. Add remaining ingredients and drop by spoonfuls on a hot frying pan, which contains a small quantity of bacon fat. Brown on one side, turn and brown other side. 59Entrees Corn Souffle 3 tablespoons butter 3 tablespoons flour Salt and pepper to taste 2 cups milk 2 cups corn pulp (grated or cut)' 1 teaspoon sugar 3 eggs Make a white sauce of the butter, flour, salt, pepper and milk. Mix corn pulp and yolk of eggs, beaten light, and add to the cream sauce. Fold in the stiffly beaten whites of the eggs and turn into a greased baking dish. Bake in a pan of hot water in a moderate oven (350 degree F.) until firm in the center. 1/% cup of grated cheese may be added. Asparagus Souffle 1 cup cooked asparagus 3 eggs 1 cup white sauce Salt, white pepper, paprika Make a thick white sauce of butter, flour, milk, mix with cooked asparagus and put through a sieve. Beat the yolks of the eggs until thick, add salt, pepper and paprika and combine with the first mixture. Fold into this the stiffly beaten whites of eggs and bake in a well greased baking dish for 30 minutes in a very slow oven (300 degrees F.) then turn off the heat and leave it for an additional 10 minutes. Bananas with Grape Juice Peel 6 bananas, cut them in two, lengthwise and lay them in a shallow pudding dish. Sprinkle over with % CUP °f sugar and pour upon them 2 cups of grape juice, to which has been added % teaspoon of lemon juice. Set the dish closely covered, in a moderate oven and cook slowly for % hour. By this time there should be a syrup around the bananas. The bananas can be uncovered and browned slightly and then served in the dish in which they were baked. They are delicious served with whipped cream as a dessert, or may be served as a vegetable with meat. Sauted Bananas Peel the bananas and scrape to remove coarse threads. Cut each pulp in. halves crosswise, then lengthwise to make 4 pieces of each banana. Pat both sides of each piece in flour and then set to cook in 1 or 2 tablespoons of hot fat. When browned delicately on one side, turn and brown on the other side. Keep the slices light in color and do not cook too long. 60Entrees Baked Bananas Remove the pulp from banana skin, take off all the coarse threads, then replace the pulp back in the skin. Bake in an agate pan in a quick oven until soft and remove from skins. Serve at once. Baked Bananas (With Raisin Sauce) % cup raisins 1 teaspoon butter 1 cup or more boiling water 8 bananas % cup sugar 2 teaspoons cornstarch 1 teaspoon butter Pull down a section of a banana skin, loosen pulp from rest of skin and remove all coarse threads and replace the fruit in its original position in the skin. Set the bananas in an agate pan in the oven to cook until the skin is blackened and the pulp is soft. The length of time needed will depend upon the heat of the oven, but will probably take about 20 minutes. Set the raisins to cook in the boiling water about an hour before serving. Apple Fritters 2 medium sized sour apples Powdered sugar Pare, core and cut apples in eighths, then cut eighths in slices and stir into batter. Drop by spoonfuls and fry in deep fat. Drain on brown paper and sprinkle with powdered sugar. Serve hot on a folded napkin; Batter 1J4 cups flour 2/3 cup milk 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 egg % teaspoon salt Mix and sift dry ingredients, add milk gradually, and egg well beaten. 61CHAPTER IX. POULTRY To determine the age of poultry, examine the feet and cartilage at the end of the breastbone. If both are soft, it is a young chicken; if hard, a fowl of more than a year’s age. Difference between poultry and game. Poultry is the flesh of domestic birds. Game includes the flesh of wild birds and some animals. The light meat in poultry is found on the breast and wings, where the muscles are little used. In the case of game, since the wing and breast muscles are much used, the darker and juicier meat is found there. Selection of chicken and fowl: A chicken is distinguished from a fowl, first, by the presence of pin feathers instead of hairs, by soft scales on feet instead of hard, horny ones, by the pliability of the breast bone, and by the absence of layers of fat. Digestibility: Owing to the shortness of the fibres and the lack of fat through the flesh, chicken, turkey and game are easily digested. Chicken should be killed 24 hours before being used. To prepare a bird for cooking, singe it by holding over a flame and turning it until the hairs are removed. Remove pin feathers. Cut the skin around the leg an inch and a half below the leg joint, taking care not to cut the tendons, then place leg at that point over the edge of a board or table and snap the bone. Then pull off foot and tendons. In a fowl tendons have to be pulled one at a time. Make a cut below the breast bone and remove the entrails, heart, gizzard and liver. Remove gall bladder from the liver. Remove the lungs from either side of backbone and the kindneys, which lie near the hollow. Remove windpipe from neck and crop. Cut off the neck close to the body leaving skin. Remove oil bag. Wash outside carefully and run water through the inside to cleanse it. The heart, liver and gizzard are called giblets. Remove veins and blood from the heart and fat membrane from gizzard. Cut through the thick part of the gizzard and remove the part inside. Wash giblets and neck and cook together with a little water. Roast Chicken Wash the fowl, but do not let is soak in cold water. Stuff and 62Poultry sew up incisions. Rub all over with salt and flour. Tie into shape. Place in a dripping pan, add a little hot water. Cook in a hot oven, and when the flour begins to brown, baste with boiling water. Reduce the heat of the oven and baste every 10 minutes. Cook until the breast meat is tender. Stuffing 2 cups bread crumbs Salt, pepper, to taste 2 tablespoons butter Onion, if liked % cup boiling water Roast Turkey Dress the turkey carefully and rub thoroughly inside and out with salt and pepper. Stuff with dressing prepared as follows: Take a loaf of stale bread, cut off crust and soften by placing in a pan—pouring on warm water (never boiling) squeezing out with the hand all the water, add % pound of melted butter and a teaspoon of salt and % teaspoon of pepper; drain off liquor from a quart of oysters, bring to a boil, skim and pour over the bread crumbs; mix all thoroughly and, if dry, moisten with a little sweet milk; lastly add the oysters, being careful not to break them. Sew up the openings, spread the turkey over with butter, salt and pepper, place in a dripping pan in a well heated oven and roast in a double roasting pan. Turn until nicely browned on all sides, and about % hour before it is done, baste with butter and dredge with a little flour. When making the gravy, if there is much fat in the pan pour off most of it and add the chopped giblets, previously boiled until tender, and the liquor in which they were cooked; place one heaping tablespoon of flour in a pint cup, mix smooth with a little cream, fill up cup with rich milk, and add to the gravy in the pan. Boil several minutes, stirring constantly, and pour into sauce bowl. Serve with cranberry sauce. Chestnut Stuffing for the Thanksgiving Turkey Shell 50 chestnuts, blanch them and boil in salted water until tender; chop fine and mix with half the amount of bread crumbs, season highly with salt and pepper, and moisten with melted butter. 63Poultry Duck—Canvas-Back, Red-Head and Mallard Should be carefully picked, singed, drawn and wiped with a wet cloth, trussed with the neck twisted around to close the opening in the breast, and the rump turned down to close the opening through which it was drawn. Season with salt and roast rare from 18 to 25 minutes. Place them on a hot dish and put a tablespoonful of cold water inside to prevent the coagulation of the juice. Send a glass of currant jelly or wild plum jelly to table with it. Painted Ladies Whole (pared) apples cooked in thick colored syrup, under cover in the oven; when done, each side is colored with red jelly. Can be served with meat or game, either hot or cold. Roast Goose with Sage Dressing In purchasing fowl be sure that it is a young one. Wash out the bird first with a weak solution of baking soda and water, then with hot water and then with clear cold water. Wipe off the outside with a damp cloth. For the dressing: 3 cups stale bread crumbs Pepper and salt to taste 2 tablespoons finely minced celery 1 tablespoon chopped onion 1 tablespoon melted butter % tablespoon powdered sage 1 tablespoon minced salt pork 1 well beaten egg Mix well; fill the goose and also lightly fill the incision in the breast with stuffing. Sew up the vents and truss the bird as a turkey. Turn breast-side down in a large dripping pan; sprinkle with salt and dredge lightly with flour. Place in a hot oven (450 degrees F.) and when the flour begins to brown pour in 2 cups of boiling water. Baste frequently with the gravy in the pan. After it has cooked for 1 hour, reverse its position and finish with the breast uppermost. Roast the bird, if a good size, about 2y2 hours, and serve on a large platter, surrounded with a border of small spiced apples and garnish with celery tops. Or use a stuffing of 2 pounds of tart apples (peeled and quartered) and 1 pound of stoned prunes. Serve with wild rice and currant jelly or baked orange. 64Poultry Chicken Stewed with Dumplings Cut up and lay in water, enough to cover, and two slices of bacon. Cook slowly for 1 hour. When the chicken is thoroughly tender, put in dumplings, made like biscuit but rolled thinner. Lay them over the top of the stew and cover tightly, boil until done—about 15 minutes. Mix a tablespoonful of butter in a tablespoonful of flour, or less, if not liked very thick; add salt and pepper to taste, a little parsley and celery seed. Put this in the gravy and when it has thickened pour in a teacupful of cream or milk and let it boil up once. Take off the fire and serve hot. Broiled Chicken Singe, wipe, and with a sharp-pointed knife, beginning at back of neck, make a cut through backbone the entire length of bird. Lay open the bird and remove contents from inside. Cut out rib bones on either side of backbone, remove from breastbone, then cut through tendons at joints. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, and place in a well-greased broiler. Broil twenty minutes over a clear flame, watching carefully and turning broiler so that all parts may be equally browned. The flesh side must be exposed to the flame the greater part of the time, as the skin side will brown quickly. Remove to a hot platter, spread with soft butter and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Chickens are so apt to burn while broiling that many prefer to partially cook in oven. Place chicken in dripping pan, skin side down, sprinkle with salt and pepper, dot over with butter and bake fifteen minutes in hot oven; then broil to finish cooking. Blanketed Chicken Split and clean two broilers. Place in dripping pan and sprinkle with salt, pepper, 2 tablespoons green pepper, finely chopped, and one tablespoon chives, finely cut. Cover with strips of bacon, thinly cut, and bake in a hot oven until chicken is tender. Remove to serving dish and pour around the following sauce: To 3 tablespoons fat, taken from dripping pan, add 4 tablespoons flour and 1% CUPS thin cream, or % chicken stock and % cream may be used. Season with salt and pepper. 65Poultry Panned Squabs If squabs are of jumbo variety, allow % for each service, otherwise allow 1 small bird. Have prepared as young broiling chickens. Wipe with a damp cloth, lay in a shallow dripping-pan and brush over with melted pork. Pour a little boiling water into pan, add 1 tablespoon of hot fat and 2 tablespoons of tart fruit jelly- Roast in a very hot oven (450 degrees F. to 500 degrees F.), basting frequently, and dust with salt, after they have roasted 10 minutes. See that they are well browned; do not over cook— 20 to 25 minutes should be ample. Have ready hot toast slices, dip in the gravy in the pan, spread with a paste made from chopped cooked giblets mixed with mushrooms or walnut catsup and arrange cooked squabs on them. Garnish with cress. Squabs en Casserole Use the smaller birds, allowing for each person 1 bird stuffed with cooked rice that has been highly seasoned with onion juice, poultry seasoning, celery salt, salt and paprika. Truss the pigeons, rub over with oil, salt and brown in a quick oven. Transfer to a large casserole, add brown seasoned stock to .half fill casserole. Simmer in a moderate oven (350 degrees F.) until the birds are nearly tender and add a small cup each of tiny peeled onions and halved mushroom caps that have been sauted in a little butter. Thicken the gravy with browned flour, add a tablespoon of chopped parsley and garnish with toast points. Fricassee of Chicken Disjoint a good-sized chicken, season with salt and pepper and saute in hot fat, frying to a delicate brown. Remove to a saucepan in which 1 tablespoon of flour and 1 tablespoon fat have been blended and to which add 1 tablespoon finely minced onion, 1 tablespoon parsley, % button garlic and cook for a few minutes, stirring well and adding gradually 1 quart of water. Simmer one hour or until chicken is tender. One tomato chopped fine, or a can of mushrooms may be added to the above with good results.Poultry Chicken en Casserole Take the meat stripped from the bone of the cooked chicken and remove the skin and fat from same. Place in the casserole in layers the following mixture. 3 cups minced chicken 1 medium onion (chopped) 1 cup celery (chopped) 1 cup pecan meats 1 tablespoon minced green pepper Pepper, salt, cayenne to taste 1 cup cracker Arrange so the cracker crumbs will be the last layer. If there is any clear soup, pour it over the mixture until it can be seen. If no juice is available, use milk. Dot with butter. Bake in a medium oven until nicely browned. Old Fashioned Chicken Pie Cook chicken and remove bones. 3 tablespoons each of butter and 3 cups of stock flour stirred together until it Salt and pepper to taste bubbles Put chicken and sauce in baking dish and leave on top of the stove while preparing the following crust. 1 cup flour % teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 egg % cup milk 2 tablespoons butter Add baking powder and salt to flour and rub in butter; put beaten egg in milk and stir into flour mixture quickly. Drop the batter over the chicken while it is boiling, then put in the oven and bake 30 minutes, or until the crust is brown. Chicken Mousse, Hot 1% cups chopped white meat of % teaspoon salt chicken % teaspoon paprika Whipped 2 egg whites 1 cup of cream 14 teaspoon white pepper Have meat chopped very fine. Add egg whites slightly beaten, cream beaten until stiff, and seasonings. Turn into a buttered mold, cover, place in hot waler and bake slowly until firm. One cup thick white sauce may be used instead of the whipped cream. Cold chopped veal may be substituted for the chicken. 67Poultry Chicken Pie Use young chickens or a tender young hen. Disjoint and stew until tender in a small amount of water, to which salt, white pepper, celery seed and a sprig of parsley have been added after chicken is half cooked. Line a baking dish with pie crust or puff paste and arrange pieces of chicken in dish. Reduce the stock to about 3 cups, strain and thicken with flour, and if chickens are not fat, add 1 tablespoon of butter. Pour stock over the chicken and place pieces of pie crust about. Cover the dish with pie crust, in which make many small or several large incisions and bake in a moderate oven until pie crush is well browned. Chicken Jambalya 2 slices raw ham 1 tomato 1 chicken 1 onion 1 cup rice Cut into pieces chicken and 2 slices raw ham. Fry the whole in hot fat and set aside. In same fat fry onion and tomato, when nearly done add 1 cup rice, chicken and ham and let fry together, stirring constantly; add enough water to cover whole; let boil slowly until done. Season with pepper, bay leaves, chopped parsley and thyme. When cooked, let dry a little and serve hot. Fried Chicken Disjoint broilers and let stand in salt water for a few minutes before cooking. Make batter as follows: 1% cups flour, y2 teaspoon salt, *4 teaspoon baking powder, sweet milk enough to make a thin batter. Have frying pan % full of fat. Dip chicken in batter and then immerse in boiling fat, using, if possible, frying basket. When well done lay on blotting paper and serve at once. Have fat about 300 degrees. Fried Chicken (Virginia style) Clean a fat young chicken and disjoint it as for fricassee. Wipe, dredge with salt, pepper and flour, and spread on a platter. In a deep frying pan fry out y2 pound of fat bacon; add 1 cup of vegetable fat. When hot (350 degrees) put in the pieces of chicken, cooking only enough at one time to allow 68Poultry room for turning over. As fast as nicely colored lift from the pan to a platter, set where chicken will keep hot. When all of the chicken is cooked pour off the greater part of the fat, leaving about 2 tablespoons in the pan. Dredge in sufficient flour to absorb the grease, stir until browned, then add gradually 1 pint of milk and cook until thick and smooth. Season to taste and carefully lay in the fried chicken and simmer for three minutes; dish and serve. Chicken (Southern style) Disjoint “frying size” chicken night before using. When ready to use, wipe off with cloth. Sprinkle with salt, pepper and flour. Dip in well-beaten egg, roll in cracker or toast crumbs, fry in deep fat. Place in dripping pan and cover, then place in oven for 15 minutes, after which remove the cover and allow to become crisp and brown. If desired pour the cream gravy over the chicken on chop dish or serve separately in gravy boat. Creamed Chicken 2 tablespoons flour 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce 2 tablespoons butter 2 cups tender chicken (chopped 2 cups hot sweet milk fine) 1% teaspoons onion juice Rub butter and flour together. Add to hot milk and stir in double boiler until thick. Season with salt, white pepper, a dash of paprika, the onion juice and Worcestershire sauce. Add chicken and remove to back of range. Allow chicken to stand 20 minutes to ripen, and serve in rice border or on toast, in thimble molds, or fill a hollow loaf of bread. Chicken a la King Steam tender young chicken with water to cover, 1 onion, salt and pepper, few cloves and alspice and bay leaf. When cold cut chicken in small pieces. Pour % cup orange juice over chicken and steam in double boiler 1 hour; 1 cup button mushrooms, sliced; % cup blanched almonds, sliced; sauce, 1 tablespoon butter, 1 tablespoon flour, 1 cup rich milk, 1 egg yolk well beaten, blend together. Season with celery salt and salt-spoon of kitchen bouquet. Pour over chicken in double boiler and steam. Add 2 pimentoes cut fine before serving. 69Scalloped Chicken Cut, not chop, 2 cups of chicken into small pieces. Make 1 cup white sauce, adding to it 1 cup of oyster liquid. Butter pudding dish and put in the bottom of it a layer of cut-up chicken, well seasoned, and scatter over this a layer of fine crumbs, then cover with the white sauce. Put in another layer of chicken, more crumbs and more sauce. Proceed in this way until all ingredients are used. Sprinkle the surface of the scallop with fine crumbs, dot with bits of butter, and set in the oven. Cook until well browned. Poultry Chicken a la King Cut up 2 green peppers in medium sized slices, 1 can pi-mentoes, 1 small can mushrooms. Place butter in pan, add peppers, cook until tender, then add mushrooms and pimentoes. Add 2 cups chicken chopped, cooked; season with salt, pepper and paprika. Add enough cream to cover and let come to a boil. Add 2 well-beaten eggs. Cook 3 minutes. Chicken and Nut Croquettes Cook 1 4-pound fowl in water to well cover and add a bay leaf, 1 sliced onion, 1 cup of chopped celery and sprig of parsley. Season with salt and paprika after it has simmered 1 hour. When the fowl is tender chop the meat fine and for 3 cups add a sauce made from 1/3 of a cup of butter, % CUP flour, 1 teaspoon each of salt and paprika, 2/3 cup strained liquor in which the chicken was cooled and 2/3 of a cup of thin cream. Cook the sauce, stirring constantly until thick and smooth and mix in 2 slightly beaten eggs. Cook for a moment or two to set the eggs and add with the chicken 2 tablespoons of chopped parsley and % cup of chopped nut meats. Turn out on a large platter, chill and form into croquettes. Egg and bread crumb and fry in deep hot fat to a brown. Drain on brown paper. This recipe will serve 12 people. Rabbit Rabbit may be prepared in any manner which will answer for chicken. It may be treated in much the same manner. 70Poultry Stewed with dumplings, or with a creole sauce, fried, baked or roasted. Perhaps the most appetizing manner for occasional use is barbecued rabbit. Disjoint the hare, season with salt and pepper, place in dripping-pan and brown in very hot oven and sear as quickly as possible, place in the pan a mixture of drippings, vinegar, red pepper and salt to taste slightly sharp, baste the rabbit with this, allowing the meat to cook in oven about 400 degrees F. Use cup to baste and when nearly evaporated, rabbit should be served. Rabbit (hunter’s style) 2 young rabbits 1 tablespoon butter 1 onion 1 thin slice of ham 1 tablespoon flour 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 cup dry mushrooms Disjoint the rabbit, rub with salt, pepper and brown in the kettle in the melted butter. When meat is tender, add the onion chopped fine, the ham broiled and chopped fine, lemon juice and water to cover. Cook for one hour either in casserole or in kettle on top of stove. Cover the mushrooms with cold water, drain, add to the rabbit, cook for fifteen minutes and thicken with flour, season to taste and serve. 71CHAPTER X. MEATS—Roast Beef For roasting the best cuts are the top or middle of sirloin, back of rump or first three ribs. Wipe meat, put on a rack in dripping pan, skin side down, in a very hot oven without salt or water; let it remain until seared, then reduce heat. Season meat with salt and pepper and return it to oven. Reduce heat, baste every 10 minutes (unless self-basting roaster is used). When about cooked turn meat over, and dredge with flour for final browning. There should be enough fat left for gravy. This method applies to mutton, lamb and pork, except while beef requires 15 minutes to pound, pork will require 20 minutes, lamb 20 minutes per pound. Roast Beef Gravy Remove all but 3 tablespoons of fat from the pan. Place over the flame and add 3 tablespoons flour, stirring until well browned. Add gradually 2 cups of water, cook 5 minutes, season with salt and pepper and strain. Broiled Steak and Chops Sirloin, porterhouse, cross-cut or rump and top of the round are all good cuts of steak. The steak should be cut at least 1 inch thick. Wipe with a cloth wrung out of cold water and remove superfluous fat. Place steak or chops on grill of broiler. Use highest flame. Have broiler oven well heated, turn meat often. Season after cooked. Remove to hot platter, spread with butter. Start lamb or mutton chops the same way; then lower the flame and finish cooking. Season chops with salt and pepper after searing. The time required for broiling steaks, chops, etc., varies from 17 to 25 minutes, according to the thickness of the meat. Broiled Steak Select thick, fat steak, trim edges and remove bone, if large. Skewer into shape, have broiler very hot and sear the surface of the meat quickly. Finish broiling more slowly, allowing about 10 minutes for steak an inch thick. Place on hot buttered platter, 72Meats season, garnish and serve. A mushroom sauce may be served with the steak. Water cress, parsley or decorated slices of lemon may be used for garnish. The platter may be enhanced by rosettes of rich light mashed potatoes. Swiss Steak Round steak is used for this dish and should be cut 1% inches thick. For a slice weighing 2 pounds use % CUP °f Hour mixed well with salt and pepper and pound the flour well into the meat with a wooden potato masher or the edge of a saucer. Heat cup of meat drippings in fry pan and brown the meat on each side; add a cup of sliced onions, simmer for 10 minutes and then add about 3 cups of boiling water. Cook 60 minutes slowly. Serve with potatoes cut into quarters lengthwise, boiled, rolled in melted butter and covered with minced parsley. Beef Tongue Wash a fresh tongue, cover with water and simmer about 1% hours. Remove all skin and unsightly portions and place in covered vessel with a cupful of sliced carrots, also minced onions, celery and parsley. Add stock enough to cover the vegetables, season well and place in a moderate oven. Remove cover after an hour’s cooking and allow % hour to brown slightly. Make a brown sauce to serve with the tongue, to which add 2 tablespoons of vinegar and 1 tablespoon chopped pickle. Veal Cutlets Use slices of veal % inch thick. Boil slowly until tender. Toward end of boiling add small amount of salt to season. Cut veal in pieces, dredge in flour, season with salt and pepper. Dip in egg, then roll in crumbs. Fry in deep fat hot enough to turn a crumb of bread a golden brown in 40 seconds. Drain on paper. Serve hot with sauce. Veal Birds A slice of veal from the loin, cut very thin. Remove bones, skin and fat, then pound until ^4 ]nch thick. Cut into pieces 2^ inches by 4 inches. Chop the trimmings fine, with an inch cube of fat salt pork to each bird; add half as much fine cracker 73Meats crumbs as there is meat. Season highly with salt, pepper, cayenne, lemon and onion; moisten with 1 egg and a little hot water. Spread the mixture on each piece of veal, nearly to the edge; roll up and tie, or fasten with skewers. Fry slowly in butter until a golden brown; then half cover with cream and simmer 15 or 20 minutes. Remove strings or skewers and serve on toast with lemon and the gravy poured over them. Calf’s Brains Fritters Clean brains and cook 20 minutes in boiling water, to which is added % teaspoon salt, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, 3 cloves, 2 slices onion and % bay leaf. Remove from range, let stand in water until cold; drain, dry between towels and separate into pieces. Make a batter of % CUP flour, 1 teaspoon baking powder, 14 teaspoon salt, a few grains pepper, 1 egg, well beaten, and *4 cup of milk. Add brains, and drop mixture by spoonfuls into greased muffin rings, placed in a frying pan in which there is a generous supply of hot lard. Cook on one side until well browned, turn, and cook other side. Arrange on serving dish and pour around Sauce Finiste. Homs-of-Plenty Carve boiled ham thinly— it should not be breakably tender. Roll each slice into a cornucopia, fastening with a wooden toothpick. Arrange on a platter or chop plate, with the open ends extending towards the edge and slightly raised and fill each “horn” with any nice vegetable salad, highly seasoned and combined with mayonnaise. Between the lower ends of the horns arrange slices of hard-boiled eggs in a ring. Garnish with parsley and white lettuce and pass more mayonnaise for the eggs. Pot Roast Wipe the meat with a damp cloth and put into an iron pot, with a little hot fat. Place over a moderate heat and brown slowly, turning it frequently; this will take about 20 minutes. When the roast is well browned, season with salt and pepper; put in 1 cup of boiling water, cover closely and cook slowly. As the water evaporates add a little more, % cupful at a time. Allow 74Meats 25 minutes to each pound. Take up the meat and add a small quantity of water to the juices in the pot. Thicken the gravy with a little flour stirred to a thin paste with water and serve in a gravy boat. Beef En Casserole 1% lbs. beef 1 tablespoon finely cut onion % tablespoon white pepper 1 tablespoon finely chopped parsley 1 teaspoon salt 1 small carrot (cut fine) 1 tablespoon cut celery 1 tablespoon flour Dash paprika Purchase chuck or any other cheap piece of meat. Wipe with a wet cloth and cut into small pieces, or if preferred, let remain whole. Put the meat into a casserole with the onion, celery, carrot, salt, pepper and paprika; add 2 cups of boiling water and bake in a hot oven 2 hours, adding water if necessary. Put the meat in the center of platter. Mix the 2 tablespoons of flour with a little cold water and add to the gravy. Boil 5 minutes. If it is not brown enough add 1 tablespoon of caramel. Pour the gravy over the meat and vegetables and sprinkle with the chopped parsley. Garnish with sprigs of parsley. Hamburger Steak with Tomato Sauce and Rice Border 1 lb. round steak (chopped) % teaspoon pepper 1 teaspoon salt % cup bread crumbs 1 tablespoon chopped parsley Mix all well together, then form into flat cakes. Brush pan with drippings and bake in hot oven. Serve on platter, with tomato sauce and the boiled rice border. Round Steak with Yorkshire Pudding Put a (round or rump) steak cut quite thick into your roaster about 40 minutes before serving dinner, and when in the oven about 15 minutes, pour in the following Yorkshire pudding: 2 eggs (beat well) 1 cup milk, beat again, then add % teaspoon salt 2 cups'of flour sifted with 2 teaspoons baking powder. Mix all together, not too thin. When the steak has been in the oven 15 minutes pour the batter all over it. Cook 20 minutes and you will have a very tender and tasty steak and a pudding that will melt in your mouth. 75Meats Hamburg Steak with Onion Rings Pass 2 pounds of round steak through the meat cutter and mix thoroughly with 1 teaspoon of salt, 14 teaspoon of pepper and 1 cup of cold water. Pat into shape, having edges of same thickness as the center and let broil 2 minutes; place in a hot oven for 10 minutes. Cut % inch slices from onions, separate into rings and fry in deep fat to delicate brown, sprinkle with salt. Russian Pork Chops Have very thick pork chops in which a slit to allow bread dressing has been cut. Make a dressing of bread crumbs, eggs, butter, salt and pepper and fill the chops. Place them in a roasting pan and proceed as for any other kind of roast, placing the dressing left over in the middle of the pan. After chops are baked, add the following mixture to gravy in pan and cook about 5 minutes. Thicken with brown flour: Sauce 1 small onion 1 clove garlic Add grating of nutmeg, same amount of alspice 1/16 teaspoon celery salt and paprika 1 bay leaf 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce 1 tablespoon tomato catsup 1 tablespoon caramel extract 1 sour pickle 1 small can of mushrooms, cut into small pieces and the liquid. Save 1 mushroom and 1 teaspoon of liquid for each chop Salt and pepper to taste Let marinate for six hours. After chops are stuffed and baked, add mixture to gravy in pan. Cook about 5 minutes and thicken with brown flour. Home Barbecued Porterhouse Have the butcher cut a slice from the porterhouse, about 3% inches thick, and containing a good piece of tenderloin. Trim into shape, removing most of the fat and skewering it firmly into position. Mix % tablespoon of dry mustard with 2 teaspoons of paprika, 1 teaspoon of salt and % teaspoon of white pepper. Add these to 4 tablespoons of creamed butter and rub the mixture well into the meat, rubbing on both sides and edges. Place on a grate over a pan and set under the gas flame. Have 2 tablespoons 76Meats of olive oil mixed with 1 tablespoon of Worcestershire sauce and keep brushing the surface of the steak every 5 minutes with this mixture—the heat should be reduced after the outside is seared— turning it every 5 minutes and dipping the brush in any drip from the steak on the pan. Cook 45 minutes and rub in more mustard with the moistened brush before placing the meat on the platter. Sausage Use Farmer Jones pork sausage or link sausages. Place in oven and bake until slightly brown. Use as a garnish for roast turkey or serve with fried or baked apples and buckwheat cakes. Stanley Steaks Chop fine 1 pound of lean round of beef. Season with a teaspoonful of salt and a dash of pepper. Peel 4 bananas, put them in a porcelain or glass dish, pour over 2 tablespoonfuls of butter, bake in a quick oven % hour, until brown. Form the meat into 4 or 5 flat cakes, with thick edges. Broil or bake them in a quick oven. Rub together 2 tablespoonfuls of butter and 2 of flour; add a cupful of cold milk; stir until boiling; add a saltspoonful of salt and 1 tablespoonful of evaporated or fresh horseradish. Pour this sauce in the meat platter, stand in the steaks, put a banana on each, and serve. Mock Venison One leg of lamb—boned and lightly corded—season with pepper, salt and ginger. Take a crock or jar, make a bed of onion juice, bayleaf, few cloves pour enough vinegar scalded to cover lamb in crock, turning every day for a week or ten days to keep all sides in the vinegar. Take lamb from the pickle and roast (as you would any. other meat) % hour before serving time. Make gravy of sour cream and flour. Veal Loaf 2 lbs. veal (ground in meat chop- % teaspoon ground cloves per) Pinch sage 2 oz. pork % cup drippings 1 teaspoon minced onion 2 eggs 1 teaspoon salt 1 cup bread crumbs A.dd drippings to chopped meat; season with spices; add 77Meats bread crumbs and put together with well-beaten eggs. Place into well-greased pan; steam for 2 hours. If open oven is used, place the pan containing the veal loaf in larger vessel containing 1 cupful of water, to prevent crust being formed. Bake 1 hour. Serve on platter garnished with water-cress and tomato sauce. Or use to slice cold. Broiled Kidney Split kidneys in half, remove all fat and tissue. Cover with cold water and heat to the scalding point. Do not boil. Drain and cut into quarters. Again cover with cold water and scald. Drain. Broil in pan as ham. Melt 2 tablespoons butter, add 2 tablespoons flour and cook until brown. Add 1 cup of water in which the kidneys were scalded or 1 cup of stock. Cook until somewhat thickened, then season with pepper and salt. Stir until heated and pour over slices of toast cut in triangles. If kidneys are cooked rapidly they become very tough. Cooked a very short time they will be tender. They first become tough but the long slow cooking makes them tender again. Corned Beef or Boiled Dinner Have corned beef cut in 2-inch pieces, wipe and put meat in kettle. Cover with cold water and bring to boiling point. Remove all scum and reduce to simmering. Cook until tender; it usually takes about 1 hour for each pound of corned beef. Prepare cabbage, turnips, carrots and potatoes for boiling, cut cabbags into eighths, removing all tough outer leaves. Cut carrots in halves, and the turnips and potatoes in sizes to correspond with the carrots. Remove the cooked corn beef to a casserole or covered kettle to keep hot. Skim off the top of the water the beef was cooked in. Bring to the boiling point, add vegetables and cook until tender, allowing about 25 minutes. Place meat on a hot platter, surround with potatoes, turnips, carrots and cabbage in dish. Corn Beef Hash a la Mark Hanna 2 lbs. corn beef (Turkey brand) 4 tablespoons flour 6 medium-sized potatoes Salt, pepper 2 cups cream 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce 4 tablespoons butter Steam the corn beef 2 hours, run through meat chopper. 78Meats Bake the potatoes. Allow to cool. Cut in small dice. Mix the corn beef and potatoes and pour over a cream sauce made by melting butter, blend in the flour to make a smooth paste and stirring in the milk. Season with salt, pepper and paprika. Add the Worcestershire sauce. Combine all ingredients and bake in an oven about 350 degrees for three-fourths hour. Serve with poached eggs. Creamed Corned Beef au Gratin Scald 2 cups of milk with 2 slices of onion and 1 cup of coarse celery stalks, cut in pieces; strain over *4 cup of butter, ^4 cup of flour and % teaspoonful of paprika creamed together. Stir and cook until smooth and boiling; then let cook over hot water 10 minutes and strain over the corned beef. Turn into a buttered baking dish. Stir % CUP °f cracker crumbs into 1 tablespoonful of melted butter, spread over the top of the mixture and set the dish in the oven long enough to brown the crumbs. Boston Brown Hash Chop any remains of steak, roast or stews very fine. Grease a deep pie dish. Put a layer of mashed potatoes (cold, left over) in the bottom of the dish, then a layer of meat, then a layer of stale breadcrumbs; sprinkle with salt and pepper, a bit of butter; moisten with y2 CUP beef gravy, then another layer of potatoes. Dip a knife into milk and smooth the top. Bake in a moderate oven until brown. Serve hot. Sweetbreads Delicious in many ways if carefully prepared. As soon as received from butcher, drop in cold water and change several times. Clean by removing pipes and membranes. Put on in cold water to cover and juice of lemon. Cook slowly about 20 minutes. Plunge them in ice water to make firm. This is the preliminary step to be taken, however the sweetbreads are to be used. When brittle again remove any membrane overlooked at first. Fried Sweetbreads Cut cleaned sweetbreads in strips, dust them with flour, salt 79Meats and pepper and fry golden brown in hot butter. Make cream gravy of 14 cup cream and a tablespoon flour to drippings in pan and stir until smooth. Cream Sweetbreads in Timbales Blanch sweetbreads and dice. Make 1 pint white sauce. Mix sweetbreads and mushrooms and cover with the sauce and let stand over hot water. Add blanched almonds and serve in timbale molds. Creamed Sweetbreads Boil sweetbreads, cut them in small dice and stew in small amount of water until tender, *4 can of mushrooms and boil in liquor 14 hourj drain both sweetbreads and mushrooms, put together with cream sauce. Serve on toast or in timbale molds. Broiled Sweetbreads Split the sweetbreads, sprinkle with seasoned flour and dip in melted butter, broil 10 minutes over hot fire or in gas oven, turning constantly. Serve with cream gravy. Sweetbread Croquettes Two pounds of calves’ sweetbreads, parboiled, cleaned, chilled and chopped fine and pour over them pint of white sauce. Add 1 cup bread crumbs, tablespoonful parsley, 1 egg. Mold in pear shape, dip in egg, roll in cracker crumbs and fry in deep fat. Garnish with parsley. Creole Brains Scald brains for a few minutes in salted boiling water, when cool cut in 1/2-inch slices and roll in meal or cracker crumbs; fry a light brown in deep fat and serve with Creole sauce. Tripe (Mexican style) Take tripe after it has been well cleaned and put to boil in 1 quart of hot water until tender; add 1 or 2 buttons of garlic chopped fine; 1 or 2 tablespoonfuls of chili powder, 1 can of hominy; stir well and let boil until done. Serve hot. 80Meats Tamale Pie (delicious) 1 lb. ground round of beef 14 lb. ground pork 1 pip of garlic 1 medium-sized onion 1 green pepper (seeded) 3 chili peppers 1 can of tomatoes % cup salad oil 2 teaspoons chili powder last % cup grated cheese % cup ripe olives (cut from seed) % cup dried mushrooms (soaked) % cup seedless raisins Salt, pepper, cayenne to taste 1 tablespoon yellow cornmeal Vi teaspoon tabasco sauce Heat the oil in frying-pan, cook the onions and garlic until beginning to slightly curl, add the' peppers, mushrooms and when slightly cooked add the meat, stir constantly until curdled and slightly brown. Add the tomatoes, olives, raisins, chili peppers*, seasoning except the chili powder, stir the meal and cook for about one hour very slowly; add water if it appears to become thick. Season with chili powder. While the meat has been cooking the mush should have been made. Add 2 cups of yellow cornmeal to 3 cups of water and cook in double boiler until clear and thick. Cool slightly and line the bottom and sides of deep pie dish with mush. When the meat mixture is poured in cover with mush. Sprinkle the cheese over this and cook in slow oven 250 degrees until the cheese is melted. To make the cover for this pie spread mush on bottom of pan the size of pie; this can be transferred to the top of pie. Philadelphia Scrapple 2 lbs. shin of beef 1 medium-size onion 2 quarts cold water 1 teaspoon salt % teaspoon pepper 1 cup corn meal Method: Fry onion, thinly sliced, in beef marrow or suet. Add to water with meat and bone and cook until meat is tender. Let cool, skim off fat and remove bone. To remaining liquid add enough water to make 1 quart. Add corn meal, salt and cook 1 hour. Turn into mold to cool, cut in slices, and fry in pork fat until brown. Serve with or without gravy. Ham The cheapest way to buy ham is to buy it whole. The butt of the ham is best baked, and when this is done properly no meat is more delicious. And after the first good dinner is over at least one real dinner with it sliced cold and 81Meats served temptingly on cool lettuce leaves with potato salad and sliced tomatoes. The shank cooked either in the oven, fireless cooker or the pressure cooker with vegetables. Either way is good for summer. Baked Ham Soak ham in water to which soda has been added, tablespoon to gallon, allowing it to remain if country ham, over night. If covered in canvas bag, hour will be sufficient. Place in large vessel with water to cover, add 4 tablespoons of vinegar to water and several cloves, stick of cinnamon. When the water reaches the boiling point, let simmer for five minutes for each pound (10-pound ham will simmer for 50 minutes). Remove ham from water, skin and score with sharp knife across to make diamonds inch in size, cover the ham as far as possible with the following paste: One cup of cracker crumbs, 1 cup of brown sugar, 1 tablespoon spices moistened with orange juice. Dot the ham over with whole cloves stuck into the fat at regular intervals. Pour 1 cup of cider in the bottom of roaster and bake with the shutter of the roaster closed for an hour and the oven about 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Open the shutter of the roaster and reduce the heat to 300 degrees % hour. Serve with jellied apples. Jellied Apples Peel and core as many apples as persons to serve, cook in syrup of 1 cup of water, 2 cups of sugar, juice and pith of 2 lemons. Cook the apples by turning over and over to prevent breaking; when tender, remove from syrup and when all apples are cooked add enough more water to syrup to thin to prevent burning, also add red color to make bright red. Return apples to syrup and bake in oven until the syrup begins to jell. Pour the jell over the apples. To Bake Ham in Electric Oven Place the ham in boiling water to remove the skin—about 25 minutes. Have the oven 400 degrees, and place 1 cup of good apple cider with few spices in roaster. Cook the ham covered to secure best flavor. Use only the lower element. When half 82Meats done place the blanket of crumbs and sugar over the ham and continue to bake with the current turned off. Time in electric oven 35 minutes per pound. Baked Ham and Tomato Sauce Have slice of ham 1 inch in thickness or more. Slightly broil on both sides to secure the proper flavor, place in casserole, cover with 1 can of tomato soup, cover and cook for hour in oven 300 degrees. Serve with southern sweet potatoes. Blanketed Ham Have the butcher bone and skin the ham for you. Place this in a roasting pan and with a skewer or ice pick make incisions at irregular intervals over the ham. Stuff these incisions with a paste of French mustard, sugar, cinnamon and black pepper, using equal amounts of each—about 2 tablespoons in all. Bake with y2 CUP spiced cider in roaster covered for 1 hour, oven 400 degrees. Remove the ham and cover with 1 cup brown sugar, 2 tablespoons cinnamon and 1 cup crumbs, 1 teaspoon mustard, y2 teaspoon pepper. Broiled Ham and Sweet Potatoes It is not necessary to parboil ham before broiling or frying it. Boil sweet potatoes until tender. Skin them and slice them lengthwise into a greased baking dish. Moisten with sugar syrup (1 cup sugar and % cup water boiled till thick). Place on a medium thick slice of broiled ham. Broil it on the top side. Turn the ham over when done and broil on the other side. Serve at once. Place the ham surrounded by potatoes in oven covered for half hour before serving. Force Meat 2 cups meat 1 cup crumbs Grind or chop finely veal, chicken, pork or mixture of all, add to meat cup of crumbs and a little chopped parsley, season with salt, thyme, pepper and a little onion juice. Bits of tongue or ham are very nice to add. Moisten with stock or cream. 83Meats Mint Jelly to Serve with Spring Lamb % package gelatine, dissolved in 1 cup vinegar boiled 5 or 6 cold water minutes, add gelatine 1 cup granulated sugar and % teaspoon salt and paprika Stir until dissolved. Add 3 cups chopped mint and enough green vegetable color to tint. Stir occasionally till it begins to thicken; turn into moulds; set on ice; garnish with mint tops. Serve with roast spring lamb. Vinegar Apple Sauce Melt 3 tablespoons of ham fat in frying-pan, then 3 tablespoons flour to make a paste; at the same time heat l1/^ cups water, % cup vinegar, 1 cup grated apple pulp and % teaspoon whole alspice. Combine this with the paste and cook until creamy consistency. Finely chopped peppers or gherkins may be added. Raisin Sauce for Ham 2 tablespoons of browned flour % cup brown sugar % cup vinegar Teaspoon seasoning (pepper, cinnamon, etc.) % teaspoon French mustard % cup drippings from baked ham 2 cups water % cup raisins Cook the flour, sugar and other ingredients blended together until smooth, stirring to prevent burning. Cook down until a rich flavor and color. 84CHAPTER XI. VEGETABLES The fruits and vegetables are quite as important in their way as meat and are today so plentiful and, comparatively speaking, so economical that every meal should find one or more in evidence. Vegetables and fruits are not only good in themselves but add to chemicals in the body a substance which makes for health. Fresh, leafy and mild flavored vegeetables are best steamed or cooked in a very small amount of water. Strong flavored vegetables, however, should be boiled, first in a large amount of water, then the water poured off and the vegetables recooked. The onion is an example. Different parts of plants used for foods: Seeds, roots, shoots, stalks, leaves, flowers, fruits, bulbs, fungi, tubers. Most vegetables are valued more for their mineral salts than for the nutriment that they contain. Many are served uncooked, and in this case there is no loss of this valuable food principle. With a few exceptions, when cooked in water only a small amount should be used. If possible, at least two vegetables should be found in every dinner, and one of them should be uncooked. Tender, succulent young vegetables, such as green peas and corn, should be steamed or simmered gently for 10 to 20 minutes in just enough water to prevent burning. Cooking vegetables with the cover partly or entirely off helps to preserve the color. Solid vegetables, like cabbage, beets and onions, may be boiled rapidly for 30 to 50 minutes. Orthodox methods put the succulent vegetables on in boiling water and keep it boiling, although never violently. Usually the water is salted in the beginning—one teaspoon to the quart. Tender vegetables are perhaps better if salted when half done. When the water is hard-water salt should be added after cooking. If vegetables are wilted, soak in cold water until crisp. String beans should be freed of every string and if not very tender should be cut in thin strips. Potatoes are made up of many cells, within which are starch 85Vegetables granules. The cell walls are composed of a woody fiber called cellulose. Potatoes are about three-fourths water, the solid part being largely starch, with a small amount of protein and mineral salts. They contain a bitter juice, which is drawn out in cooking. Cooking swells and softens the starch, and thereby' causes the breaking of the cell walls. When this is done the digestive juice can act upon the starch much more easily. Potatoes are valued chiefly for the starch which they contain, but are too bulky to give sufficient nourishment unless served with some protein food. Boiled Potatoes Scrub, pare potatoes and put in cold water few minutes. Drop in boiling water and cook until tender (about 20 minutes). Drain off water and put uncovered back on the stove, shaking gently to make them mealy and allow steam to escape. Mashed Potatoes Cook as above. Mash the potatoes in the kettle in which they were boiled, using a wire masher. To 1 pint potatoes add 1 tablespoon butter, % teaspoon of salt, a little pepper and hot milk or cream to moisten. Beat until light, creamy and free from lumps. Pile lightly in a hot dish and serve. Potatoes with Cheese Put a layer of mashed potatoes into a buttered baking dish; sprinkle with grated cheese. Repeat, having top layer of cheese. Bake until cheese is melted and well browned. Baked Potatoes Select potatoes of uniform size; scrub; slightly oil surface, bake in a clean hot oven 45 minutes, or until soft; serve at once, uncover. Split in center, insert block of butter, paprika. Potato Nests Boil 6 medium sized potatoes. When thoroughly cooked run through ricer and add l1/^ tablespoons melted butter and yolk of 86Vegetables 1 egg. Salt and pepper to taste. Put in pastry bag, press through on chop dish and put in oven to brown. Fill with green peas when ready to serve. Use for fish, chops or steak. Stuffed Potatoes Select medium sized, smooth-skinned, oval potatoes. Bake in a hot oven until tender, being careful not to over-brown the skin. Cut the potatoes in two, lengthwise, remove the potato pulp, being careful to leave shells unbroken. Mash the hot potato; add either milk or cream as for mashed potatoes. Season with butter, salt and a pinch of pepper. Fill the shells with this mixture, rounding the surface so that it is the shape of the original potato. Bake for 10 minutes in a hot oven. Variations: Fold into the 2 cups of seasoned potatoes the beaten white of 1 egg; pile lightly in the potato shell and bake. Grated cheese, % CUP to 2 cups of potato pulp should be used. Potato O’Brien 1 tablespoon butter 2 cups diced cooked potatoes 1 tablespoon flour 1 green pepper, cooked and % cup milk chopped 1 teaspoon salt % cup grated cheese % teaspoon pepper Make the sauce, using the butter, flour, milk and seasoning. Mix the potato and the green pepper with the white sauce and cheese. Put in a baking dish and brown. Note: Canned pimentoes may be used in the place of green peppers. Potatoes with Mint (to serve with roast Iamb) Cook new potatoes in boiling water, to which one or two branches of mint have been added, until done. Drain, sprinkle with salt and shake over fire. Marinate in hot melted butter, turn into a hot dish and set a mint leaf upon each potato. Florenzo Potatoes Shred potatoes in thin strips. Oil muffin rings and dust with crumbs of flour. Half fill the ring with potatoes, season with salt, pepper and grated cheese. Pack in as tightly as possible. Add enough more potato to fill each ring. Sprinkle with salt, 87Vegetables pepper, cheese and melted butter. Bake in oven, turn out and serve with steak. Creamed Sweet Potatoes 2 cups riced potatoes (sweets) 2 tablespoons butter 4 tablespoons sugar (brown) 2 eggs (beaten separately) % cup hot milk % teaspoon nutmeg % teaspoon cinnamon Wash and cook potatoes 30 minutes in boiling water. Remove the skins, run through potato ricer, add butter, sugar, milk, well-beaten yolks and flavoring; beat well, then fold in stiffly beaten whites. Put in buttered baking dish, cover the top with buttered crumbs and bake until brown. Escalloped Sweet Potatoes and Apples Boil and slice 6 sweet potatoes. Peel, core and slice 6 tart apples, arrange in alternate layers in a buttered baking dish with 4 tablespoons of maple sugar sprinkled over the apples, and about 3 tablespoons of butter dotted over the potatoes. Bake in a moderate oven with a cover for 20 minutes and remove cover for 15 minutes to brown. French Fried Sweet Potatoes Pare sweet potatoes and slice in quarters, lengthwise. Fry in a wire basket, a few at a time, in fat of a temperature to brown a small cube of bread in forty seconds. When potatoes are soft, turn onto tissue paper to absorb fat. Keep hot in an open oven until all are cooked. Sprinkle with salt. Baked Stuffed Sweet Potatoes with Nuts and Bacon Bake four large sweet potatoes and when tender cut in halves lengthwise and scoop out the pulp. Mash fine, add salt, paprika and butter to taste and sufficient rich milk, so that the mixture may be whipped up. Fold in % cup chopped walnut meats, heap into the potato skins and lay a thin slice of bacon across the top of each. Set in a hot oven and serve as soon as the bacon is crisp. Candied Sweet Potatoes (Southern style) Boil potatoes, peel and slice. Pour over slices, 2 cups of 88Vegetables brown sugar, 1 cup of water, % pound of butter, boiled for 5 minutes, and bake 1^ hours. Creole Sweet Potatoes Boil 6 sweet potatoes, peel and slice them. Add 2 tablespoons butter, 14 cup cream, 1 tablespoon sugar, 1 teaspoon spices, and place in layers with pineapple between. Place marshmallows on top and bake 20 minutes. (Cover for 15 minutes.) Maple Sweet Potatoes Boil or steam long, narrow sweet potatoes in their jackets, until almost tender. Remove the skins, cut in lengthwise slices and brown them quickly in deep, hot fat. Drain on brown paper, transfer to a shallow baking dish, dust sparingly with a little salt and granulated sugar and pour over 1 tablespoon of maple syrup and 1 teaspoon butter for each slice of potato. Bake in a hot oven for fifteen minutes. Tomatoes with Green Peppers and Cheese Use small can of tomatoes, chop the solid portions and mix with the juice; season with salt, paprika and sugar to taste, and place a layer in the bottom of a greased baking dish. Dot with bits of butter and sprinkle with minced green pepper, bread crumbs and grated cheese. Continue with alternate layers of the ingredients until all are used and have the cheese and crumbs on top. Bake in a moderate oven for % hour. A bit of grated onion or garlic may be added to the tomatoes, if the flavor is liked. Stuffed Tomatoes 6 medium sized tomatoes 1 cup stale bread crumbs 3 tablespoons minced onion 3 drops tabasco sauce 2 tablespoons butter Salt and pepper to taste Wipe tomatoes and remove slice from the stem end. Scoop out seeds and pulp; sprinkle inside with salt. Invert and let stand a few minutes. Cook onions in the butter until it looks slightly yellow, add tomato pulp and seasonings. Cook 5 minutes then add crumbs. Fill tomatoes with this mixture. Cover the top with buttered crumbs, place in a buttered pan and bake 20 minutes in hot oven. 89Vegetables Deviled Tomatoes Chill tomatoes thoroughly, cut in rather thick slices and rub well on both sides, a mixture made from 1 tablespoon of French mustard, % tablespoon of Worcestershire sauce, 1 teaspoon of sugar, % teaspoon of salt, % teaspoon of paprika, a few grains of cayenne. Dip the slices when prepared in corn meal and sauté in bacon fat. Serve hot. Okra and Tomatoes Fried okra with tomatoes is a delightful accompaniment for roast lamb or lamb chops. Fry the sliced okra in a small amount of olive oil for 5 minutes, then add 1 cup of tomato pulp or raw tomatoes. Season with salt and pepper. Serve hot with the meat. Broiled Tomatoes Cut tomatoes in halves without removing the skins, dip in oil or melted butter, season with salt, pepper and dip in fine cracker crumbs. Put between broiler and cook until the crumbs are browned; turn often so as to avoid burning the crumbs. Baked Squash Five small and 1 large squash. Cut up small squash in water, season with butter, pepper and salt and when stewed almost dry, put into the large squash shell; top with bits of butter and bake in oven for about 15 minutes. Baked Squash in Casserole Cook squash until tender, season with 1 tablespoon sugar, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 1 tablespoon butter, % teaspoon salt. Bake % hour. Fried Summer Squash Wash and then cut squash in % inch slices. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, dip in crumbs, egg and crumbs again and fry in hot fat and drain. 90Vegetables Stuffed Summer Squash Parboil the squash that has had the center removed. Mix the cooked center, 2 tablespoons onion, salt, pepper, breadcrumbs and butter together. Stuff the outside of the squash with same, dot with butter and bake until stuffing is brown on top. Steamed Squash Au Gratin Steam the squash until tender and mash. Add 2 tablespoons of butter, 1. tablespoon of cream, salt and pepper to season. Mix thoroughly and turn into a buttered dish and bake. Creole Beans Cook 1/2 onion in 2 tablespoons of melted butter, add % pound cheese (cut in small pieces) and stir until melted and smooth. Add 1 pint or more of baked beans and 2 shredded green sweet peppers, which have been freed from seeds and scalded. Combine lightly, add salt and cayenne to taste and serve immediately on hot buttered toast. Hot Bean Cutlets Press cooked beans through a potato ricer and for each pint of pulp add 1 tablespoon of chopped pimentoes, salt to taste, 3 slices of bacon fried and finely chopped or crushed, 1 teaspoon of grated onion and 2 tablespoons of thick chili sauce. Let the mixture become very cold, form with floured hands into small cutlets and fry crisp and brown in hot bacon fat. Stuffed Green Peppers Clean 4 green peppers; parboil. Make stuffing of the following: 2 cups cooked rice, CUP chopped celery, I cup chopped pecans, % cup cooked tomato, % pimento cut fine, and salt and pepper to taste. Fill shells with mixture and place small pieces of butter on top of each. Bake until brown and serve with white sauce. Green Peppers Stuffed with Rice 6 green peppers 2 tablespoons butter 2 cups thin cream sauce 2 Bermuda onions 1 cup rice Cracker crumbs Cut a slice from the stem end of the peppers and remove 91Vegetables seeds, cover with boiling salted water 5 minutes. Cook until rice is soft. Boil the onions till tender and chop into the rice. Moisten with sauce and fill the peppers. A bit of chopped parsley adds to the taste. Dot the top of each pepper with butter and cover with cracker crumbs. Bake until brown and serve with remaining cream sauce. Stuffed Green Peppers Mix 1 can shrimp, % pint cream, % CUP bread crumbs. Heat together thoroughly, add 1 egg. Stuff the green peppers with same and cook for % hour. These may also be stuffed with sweetbreads and mushrooms. Green Peppers Stuffed with Beef Parboil 4 to 6 green peppers for 5 minutes. Prepare a mixture of cooked rice and rare roast beef or steak, seasoned and chopped fine. Moisten with a little brown sauce made from soup stock. Stuff the peppers with this mixture and put buttered bread crumbs on top. Place in a baking pan and bake about 20 minutes in a moderate oven, basting with water and butter—1 tablespoon of butter to % CUP °f hot water—as they cook. Serve on small pieces of toast and pour the remaining brown sauce around. Baked Egg Plant 1 large egg plant 2 tablespoons butter 1 egg 1 teaspoon salt 1 thin slice bread % teaspoon pepper 1 large onion % cup bread crumbs Wash and parboil egg plant. Cut in half, remove carefully the inner part. Heat butter in frying pan, add the onion, cut fine, and cook until soft. Add the egg plant and fry well, cutting and crushing it with a spoon while frying. Add the bread, dipped in water and squeezed nearly dry, mix well, add the seasoning and stir in the egg. Remove from fire and fill the shells of the egg plant with the mixture, sprinkle with the breadcrumbs, mixed with a little butter and salt, place in a baking pan, greased with butter, add % CUP °f water and bake 15 or 20 minutes in a moderate oven. 92Vegetables Stuffed Egg Plant Cook egg plant 15 minutes in boiling salted water to cover. Cut a slice from top and with a spoon remove pulp, taking care not to work too closely to skin. Chop pulp and add 1 cup soft stale bread crumbs. Melt 2 tablespoons shortening, add % tablespoon finely chopped onion and cook 5 minutes, or fry out 3 slices of bacon using bacon fat in place of butter. Add to chopped pulp and bread, season with salt and pepper, and if necessary moisten with a little stock or water; cook 5 minutes, cool slightly and add one beaten egg. Refill egg plant, coVer with buttered bread crumbs and bake 25 minutes in a hot oven. Deviled Egg Plant Peel the plant, cut it in % inch slices, brush with melted butter and sprinkle with salt, pepper and paprika, and spread with a thin layer of mustard. Sprinkle with bread crumbs and broil on a hot greased broiler from 8 to 10 minutes. Melt 3 tablespoons of butter and pour over just before serving. Baked Onions Twelve good-sized onions, peeled. Place the onions in an uncovered vessel and allow them to boil until nearly tender. Drain and remove the centers. Make a forcemeat of 1 cup each of bread crumbs and chopped raw veal, 2 tablespoons of butter, 1 egg and the chopped onion centers, to which add salt and pepper to taste. Mix thoroughly and fill cavities of onions. Place in buttered baking dish and add 1 cup of white sauce. Bake about 30 minutes. Baked Stuffed Onions with Nuts and Apples Boil 4 white onions for hour in salted water. Drain, cool and scoop out the centers. Mix together 2 tablespoons of chopped walnuts, 14 large cup of chopped apple, 4 tablespoons of grated bread crumbs and 2 tablespoons of melted butter. Fill into the onion cups, set in a baking pan and baste while cooking with a little pork fat mixed with a cup of hot water. Boiled Onions Peel the onions under the water; cover with boiling water, add 93Vegetables a pinch of soda and allow onions to stand 5 minutes. Drain off the water, cover with boiling salted water and boil for 45 minutes or until tender; drain off the water, put in a warm dish and serve. Stuffed Onions Parboil onions, remove centers. Mix the removed part of the onion, bread crumbs, salt and pepper together. Stuff the outside part of the onion with this mixture, dot with butter and bake until the filling is brown on top. Cauliflower Pudding Boil or steam a small cauliflower and when nearly tender cut in small pieces, drain and sauté lightly in hot butter. Make a thin cream sauce of 2 tablespoons of butter, 1% tablespoons of flour, salt, celery salt and paprika, to taste, and 1% cups of milk. Cook until well thickened, stir in 2 beaten eggs and add cooked cauliflower. Turn all into a buttered baking dish, dust the top with grated cheese and set the dish in a pan of hot water. Bake in a moderate oven (350 degrees F.) until set like custard. Slices of broiled bacon may be laid across the top if desired. Fried Cauliflower Boil cauliflower in salted water for about 10 minutes and separate the flowerettes. Beat together 3 eggs, 1 cup of milk and 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Add salt, pepper and enough sifted flour to make a thick batter. Dip each piece of cauliflower into this batter and fry in batter. Curried Cauliflower Trim the green from cauliflower, soak in salted water, to which teaspoon of vinegar has been added, for % hour; then drain and cook in salted water until tender. Break into small flowerettes and cover with the following sauce: Chop a young onion and cook in 1% tablespoons of bacon dripping for 5 minutes. Add 1% tablespoons of browned flour and cook for 2 minutes longer. Add slowly a large cup of strained stock, % teaspoon of curry powder, salt and paprika to taste and a few drops of kitchen bouquet. Cook over hot water until well thickened. 94V egetables Cauliflower Snow 3 or 4 tablespoons butter 6 poached eggs (melted) Salt and paprika to taste 2 medium-sized cauliflowers Boil cauliflowers in salted water until tender, then drain and set near fire until quite dry. Separate and press flower through a potato ricer upon a hot dish on which they are to be served. Do not crush or mash as it falls from the ricer. Sprinkle with the melted butter. Surround dish with poached eggs, each laid upon square of toasted buttered bread. Dust each egg with salt and a little paprika. Serve while hot. A few sprigs of parsley add to the attractiveness of this dish. Brussels Sprouts Trim and wash Brussels sprouts and lay in cold water for an hour. Drain and put into boiling water: Boil 20 to 30 minutes without a cover, adding salt to the water after boiling 15 minutes. Drain and cover with cream sauce or Hollandaise sauce. Bean Sprouts Soak beans in water in a shallow dish, having only one layer of beans in the dish. Cover with a piece of wet muslin, and add water every morning. The sprouts will appear in 36 to 48 hours. They are ready to be picked and prepared for food when 2 inches long. Asparagus with Mock Hollandaise Sauce Place stem ends of stalks in cold water as soon as the asparagus is received from the market and let them stand for several hours, wash, remove the tiny spurs on the stalks and grade the bundle, separating the larger stalks from the smaller. Cook, putting in the larger stalks 5 minutes before the small ones. Stand stalks up if possible, water almost covering tips. After the water reboils, cook gently for about 30 minutes. Drain, lay on toast and pour over the following: Melt 1 tablespoon of butter, blend in 1 tablespoon of flour and add gradually CUP °f rich milk. Cook, stirring constantly, until thick and smooth, and add ^4 teaspoon each of salt and paprika and a few drops of lemon juice. Cream 4 tablespoons of 95Vegetables butter, add the lightly beaten yolks of 2 eggs, and combine with the cooked sauce. Cook for a moment over hot water (do not boil), flavor with the juice of % lemon and serve. Crown of Egg Spinach Wash leaves of spinach carefully through several waters. Steam spinach in small amount of hot water. Chop fine and melt 2 tablespoons of butter with 2 tablespoons of flour, adding it to the spinach. Add enough of liquid from spinach to form mold. Garnish with slices of hard cooked eggs, grating some of the yolk on the top of the mound. Italian Spinach Cook spinach. Add 4 tablespoons of grated cheese to 1 quart spinach. Season with salt and paprika and moisten with 1 egg slightly beaten. Make it into small fat cakes, roll in fine crumbs, then in egg, again in crumbs and fry quickly. Serve with cream sauce over which rice the yolk of a boiled egg. Boiled Cucumber (with parsley caper sauce) Pare cucumbers, cut in strips about the size of short asparagus stalks and boil in salted water until tender (about 15 minutes). Drain and pour over the following sauce: Cream 2 tablespoons of butter, blend in 2 tablespoons of flour, and add gradually 1 cup of.stock. Cook, stirring constantly, until the mixture boils; beat smooth and add teaspoon of paprika and 1 tablespoon each of capers and chopped parsley. Stuffed Red Pimentoes Stuff the pimentoes with mashed potatoes and sprinkle grated cheese on top. Heat. Oyster Plant 1 bunch oyster plant Juice of one lemon 3 tablespoons lard 1 teaspoon chopped parsley % teaspoon chopped chives Salt and pepper to taste Wash and scrape oyster plant, put at once into cold water with lemon juice and let stand for 10 minutes. Cut crosswise in 96Vegetables 1 inch pieces and cook in boiling salted water until soft. Drain add the shortening, salt and pepper and re-heat. Sprinkle with parsley and chives and serve. Creamed Turnips 2 bunches of young turnips 1 cup bread crumbs 2 cups white sauce 1 teaspoon sugar 4 tablespoons melted butter % cup grated cheese 1 teaspoon salt % teaspoon black pepper Dash of cayenne Peel the turnips and cut into cubes; cook them until tender. Drain and have ready a baking dish. Put layers of the turnips, white sauce, flavorings and cheese until the dish is full. Dot over with butter and run into a moderate oven, bake % hour. Stuffed Celery Mix cream cheese, mayonnaise, nut meats together and fill the groove of well cleaned celery, sprinkle paprika over top. Glazed Carrots and Peas (mint flavored) Scrape and cut into cubes of 1/% inch, three large carrots, cook 15 minutes in boiling water, counting from the time the water recommences boiling after the cubes have been added. Drain and while hot add 1/3 cup of butter, shake the carrot cubes so that all will be coated, then add 1/3 cup of fine granulated sugar, mixed with a tablespoon of fresh mint leaves chopped fine. Cook slowly until the carrots are tender and well glazed. Have ready a pint can of French peas, drained and heated; pile the carrots in the center of a hot platter and arrange the peas around them as a border. Cabbage Pudding Shred fine 1 medium size cabbage and boil in salted water for 25 minutes. Make a white sauce of 1 tablespoon butter, 1 tablespoon flour and 2 cups milk, cooked until smooth. Add % pound cheese, beaten yolks of 2 eggs, 1 teaspoon salt, 1/3 teaspoon paprika, 1 teaspoon mustard. Drain cabbage and place in baking dish. Add stiffly beaten whites of 2 eggs to sauce and pour over cabbage. Bake 25 minutes in medium oven. 97V egetables Stuffed Cabbage Steam a small cabbage or place one in boiling water for 15 minutes. Remove leaves and take out part of center stem so that leaves will roll easily. Mix 1 cup bread crumbs, 1 cup ground raw cabbage leaves, ham or sausage, 1 egg, salt, parsley, red pepper together. Shape like croquettes and roll in leaf, and if necessary, pin with a toothpick. Place a little boiling water in pan and pour over them a little tomato sauce. Cook in slow oven for 40 minutes. Creamed Cabbage Drop cabbage into boiling water, cook until tender, then drain first water. Add a medium thick white sauce and a sprinkle of grated cheese (if desired). Bake until hot. Serve in a vegetable dish. Cabbage should not be cooked over 25 minutes in an uncovered kettle. Parmesan Cabbage Cook chopped cabbage until tender, salt, drain, add 1 tablespoon or 2 of butter and place in a buttered baking dish, sprinkle grated Parmesan cheese over each layer and on the top. Brown in a hot oven. CORN The only time corn is good on the cob is when it is very fresh and tender. It is then put into the boiling water, covered and cooked from 12 to 18 minutes, according to size of cob and condition of grains. Fried corn is delicious. This means the corn is cut from the cob in 3 layers and then, with the blunt edge of the knife, the cob is scraped to get all the milk possible. It is well to fry out a few pieces of bacon in a frying pan, take out bacon and put the corn into hot fat. The corn is allowed to cook until it is jelly-like. Then, with a spatula or pancake turner, turn over. This will give a delightful crusty and well-cooked vegetable, which can be seasoned with salt, pepper and butter immediately before serving. To that may be added green peppers and pimentoes as desired, or some people use onions. In this case the onions are partly cooked in fat before the corn is added. 98V egetables Com Pudding 3 cups corn (cut fine and scraped % teaspoon pepper from cob) 2 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons flour 3 eggs 1 tablespoon salt 1% tablespoons sugar 2 cups milk Beat yolks of eggs, salt, pepper, butter and milk. Add corn and flour. Fold in whites of eggs. Bake in a glass baking dish in hot oven about % hour. If the baking dish is deep a little longer time will be required. Serve in dish used for baking. Com Tasties Roll very rich biscuit dough as thin as possible, cut in rounds and place in the center of each, 2 tablespoons of the following mixture: Blend together 1 cup of seasoned cooked corn pulp with sufficient cream or butter to moisten slightly (y2 teaspoon of chopped pimentoes and 1 teaspoon of shredded parsley gives good flavor.) Turn the dough over in the shape of a turnover, brush with melted butter and bake until crisp and brown in a quick oven. Serve with a thick tomato sauce. These are also delicious with chicken fricassee. Very young corn put into boiling water and left to steam for 10 to 12 minutes is not boiled, but “coddled” like an egg and is delicious. New potatoes should be washed, a thin ring of skin cut from the middle, and then cooked in boiling water. When nearly tender, drain, cover with a folded napkin and let steam for 5 minutes, on the back of the stove or in warming oven. This gives a dry, mealy potato. Com and Tomatoes 2 cups corn 1 cup coarse bread crumbs 2 tablespoons onions Salt, pepper and butter to taste 6 tomatoes Peel tomatoes and cut in small pieces. Cook onions in 1 tablespoon butter until tender. Add tomatoes and when well cooked set aside. Meanwhile, 1 tablespoon of drippings is added to the corn in a frying pan, seasoned with salt, pepper and butter. The whole is covered over, stirring occasionally until corn is clear and transparent. The combination, with tomatoes, is poured into 99Vegetables a baking dish, sprinkled generously over the top with bread crumbs and baked for 10 minutes before serving. This is delicious with beef steak, and when it is served, only potatoes need to be provided to make a balanced menu. Fresh Com Fritters 1% cups corn % cup milk 1 cup flour 1 tablespoon salt 1 egg 1 teaspoon sugar White pepper 1% teaspoons baking powder Make a batter of the milk, flour, egg and baking powder. Add corn and drop by spoonful into fat, hot enough to brown a crust of bread a golden brown in 60 counts. Drain on soft brown paper and serve with chicken or fish. Com Fritters 1% cups corn (cut fine) 1 cup cracker meal 1 tablespoon butter 1 teaspoon salt Vi teaspoon black pepper 1 egg This should be mixed to a consistency of drop batter and if necessary, add 1 tablespoon of flour. Drop it in hot fat as above recipe.' 100CHAPTER XII. SALADS, SALAD DRESSINGS Serving Salads Salads are usually served on individual salad plates. The plate as well as the materials which go into the salad should be cold. The lettuce leaf should be crisp and made in the shape of a cup. It should never be crowded with the salad foundation. Small servings are much more attractive. A teaspoon of dressing or whipped cream added to the top of the salad just before serving. Combine ingredients just before serving. Salads may be served in family sizes or may be made the main dish. Salads may be served on individual leaves on a large platter. This method of serving salads makes an attractive dish. The secret of making good salads is in keeping the materials cold and separate until just before serving. The lettuce sprinkled with cold water and kept in a cool place until they are ready to be served. FRESH FRUITS—Fresh fruits form an excellent foundation for salads. They help to regulate the blood and promote gbod digestion. Fruit Salad A standard fruit salad is made of crisp lettuce leaves—an acid fruit like grapefruit or orange, and some solid fruit like pineapple, a bland one like banana and any others that one likes. Any of these may be substituted for something else, for instance instead of pineapple use apples and in place of bananas use grapes, dates or figs. Salad Combinations CABBAGE—Cabbage and eggs; cabbage and pimentoes, or peppers; cabbage and tomatoes; cabbage and cheese (finely shredded as garnish.) PEAS—Carrots and peas; peas and beets; peas and pimentoes; peas and asparagus; peas and cheese; peas and tomatoes; peas and celery. 101Salads, Salad Dressings BEANS—Beans and beets; beans, onions chopped cabbage; beans and peppers or pimentoes. POTATO—Chopped eggs; v chopped onions, or chopped onions and beets. TOMATO—Tomatoes and cucumbers; tomatoes and celery; tomatoes and peas; tomatoes sliced and onions sliced; tomatoes and asparagus; tomatoes and cheeese; tomatoes and nuts. Californians Like Salads Served as an Appetizer Ideal combinations: Small slices alligator pear, tiny pieshaped pieces of red tomatoes, (small ones are best) and 1 green vegetable, tiny string beans, peas or cucumber. Cantaloupe may .be substituted for the alligator pear in season. Marinate these cold vegetables in a French dressing in which a little chopped onion has been allowed to stand and then drained out. Arrange in individual lettuce nests on a large platter, sprinkle with tiny balls (pin head size) made of snappy cheese and pass with it a well seasoned mayonnaise. When tomatoes are in best condition, peel and remove seeds and pulp, chill, fill when ready to serve with mixture of green peas, small string beans and asparagus tips, put together with French dressing. Cucumber Salad Pare large cucumbers and cut them into thin slices; cut each slice round and round so as to form a long, narrow curling strip. Let these strips stand an hour in ice water, drain and dry in a soft cloth. Serve with French dressing. Toss first in the oil, then add the condiments and lastly the vinegar. Potato Salad Cold boiled potatoes 1 small onion 2 cooked eggs Chopped parsley Pinch of white pepper 2 tablespoons salt 6 tablespoons each, oil and vinegar % teaspoon powdered sugar Cut potatoes into dice, chop the eggs and onion fine. Sprinkle the potatoes, eggs and onions with the salt and pepper and mix thoroughly. Pour the oil gradually over this mixture, stirring 102Salads, Salad Dressings continually; lastly mix with the other ingredients the vinegar, in which the sugar has been dissolved. Sprinkle chopped parsley over the top. Pickle Salad 1 envelope gelatine 1 cup sugar 1 cup cold water 1 cup mild vinegar, or 1 cup chopped sweet pickle 1% cups pickle syrup 1 cup chopped walnuts Soak gelatine in cold water. Boil sugar and vinegar. Pour over gelatine and cool. Add pickle and nuts. Pour into small molds which have been rinsed in cold water. Chill until firm. Remove from molds by dipping them into warm water quickly. Arrange on lettuce leaves and serve with mayonnaise. Candle-Light Salad Place a slice of pinapple on a lettuce leaf. Stand % banana vertically in hole of pineapple. Put a spoonful of dressing on top of banana to represent melting candle, with half a cherry or bit of red jelly for light. Half a sliced green pepper or curl of orange peel may be placed on edge of pineapple for handle. Serve dressing separately. New England Salad Dress the flowerets of cold cooked cauliflower with oil, salt, pepper and vinegar. From cold, cooked beets remove the top and scoop out the center. Arrange the prepared cauliflower to fill the cups, pour over boiled salad dressing and arrange a heart of celery in each filled beet. Anchovy Salad 8 salted anchovies or 1 head of lettuce 12 bottled anchovies Juice of % lemon 4 hard boiled eggs French dressing If salt anchovies are to be used, soak them in cold water 2 hours, then drain, dry and remove skin and bones; divide the flesh into small pieces and squeeze the lemon juice over them. When ready to serve, arrange the lettuce leaves upon a serving dish, stalks at the center, cut the eggs in slices, mix with bits of anchovies and arrange on the lettuce. Pour a dressing over the salad. 103Salads, Salad Dressings Tomatoes Stuffed with Nuts and Celery Peel the tomatoes; cut out a circular piece at the stem end of each and scoop out the flesh so as to form cups. Chill thoroughly, then fill with walnut meats, broken into pieces, and celery, cut into small pieces and mix with mayonnaise. Serve on lettuce leaves. Tomato Jelly 1 envelope of gelatine 1 can of tomatoes % onion Stalk of celery Bay leaf 2 cloves 1 teaspoon salt Dash of paprika 2 tablespoons tarragon vinegar Cabbage Pimentoes Nuts Soak the gelatine in half a cup of cold water. Cook tomatoes, onions, celery, bay leaf, cloves, salt and paprika 10 minutes. Add tarragon vinegar and the gelatine, stir till dissolved, strain and pour in a ring mold. When cold turn from the mould and fill the center with shredded cabbage, pimentoes and nuts mixed with boiled dressing, or when ready to make the salad, cut into cubes with a knife dipped in hot water and arrange on a bed of crisp lettuce leaves. Place between the cubes of jelly spoons of diced, cooked vegetables blended with mayonnaise dressing, and garnish with hard cooked egg; or turn into small individual molds that have been rinsed with cold water and chill. Unmold on lettuce leaves and garnish with thick mayonnaise that has been pressed through a pastry tube. This jelly may also be molded in a shallow pan and used for garnishing. Artichoke Salad Sufficient number of artichokes to serve one to each person. Cook for 30 minutes in water to cover, begin the cooking *in cold water, add 2 tablespoons vinegar and 1 tablespoon oil and tiny pip of garlic to gallon of water. Cover vessel and cook slowly. Serve with mayonnaise. Hot or cold. Valentine Salad One can tomato soup, 1 package gelatine. Soften the gelatine in 1 cup cold water, let stand for a few minutes, then pour over the tomato soup which has been heated and sea 104Salads, Salad Dressings soned to taste with celery salt, salt and pepper. Stir until gelatine is all dissolved. Pour into heart-shaped moulds. Over the top put a layer o£ cream cheese. Across the heart place an arrow cut out of green peppers. Serve on lettuce leaf with the mayonnaise served separately or around the edge. Tomato and Artichoke Salad 6 slices of tomato 6 teaspoons of snappy cheese 6 Artichoke hearts Romaine Thousand Island dressing Slice the tomatoes and remove the tough outer leaves of the California artichoke and marinate in French dressing for half hour. When ready to serve, arrange Romaine on plate, place slice of tomato spread with cheese and topped with artichoke, serve with Thousand Island dressing. Tomatoes Stuffed with Cucumber Peel 6 small tomatoes, cut off the stem ends and scoop out the pulp, thus forming cups; set, turned upside down, in a cool place. Chop fine the solid pulp from the tomatoes and one cucumber, chilled before chopping; stir into a cup of cream dressing and fill the tomatoes with the mixture. Serve on lettuce. Stuffed Tomato Salad 6 small tomatoes 3 olives (chopped fine) 6 tablespoons of chicken, veal, etc. 1 tablespoon of capers cut fine, or shrimp or crab Salt and pepper 6 tablespoons of peas Mayonnaise dressing Remove a round piece from stem end of tomatoes and scoop out seeds and center. Chill thoroughly. When ready to serve, mix together the solid part removed from the tomatoes, cut fine, add the other ingredients; season to taste with salt and pepper, adding also mayonnaise to hold the mixture together. With this fill the tomatoes, put them in nests of lettuce and add mayonnaise. Macaroni Salad 2 cups cooked, blanched macaroni 1 cup shredded cabbage % cup of celery % cup medium sized green pepper in season % onion Mayonnaise or boiled dressing Put this combination together an hour before serving and if 105Salads, Salad Dressings for adults, % cup of grated cheese may be sprinkled over the salad before serving. The macaroni left from a previous meal may be used, but it is wise to cook sufficient macaroni at one time for at least three meals. May be garnished with pimentoes. Crab Meat Salad 1 envelope of gelatine % cup cold water % cup boiling water Vi cup lemon juice % teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons sugar 1 teaspoon celery seed % teaspoon paprika y± teaspoon mustard Soften the gelatine in cold water, dissolve in boiling water. Remove from the stove. Add the sugar, salt, pepper, etc. And when cold the lemon juice. Allow to stand for y2 hour in cold vessel and beat in % cup mayonnaise. Add 2 cups crab meat, 2 tablespoons green pepper, y2 CUP ripe olives and if desired, a tiny bit of pimento, and l/2 cup celery. Pack this in individual molds and thoroughly chill. When ready to serve place on lettuce leaves. Fish Salad in Shells Any cooked fish may be used. Separate the fish into cubes and marinate it with equal measures of lemon juice and oil. Scrape in a little onion juice, and sprinkle each pint of fish with l/2 teaspoon of salt and % teaspoon of paprika. Mix without breaking the fish and let stand in a cool place an hour or longer. To serve, drain fish, mix with it 2 tablespoons thin sliced cucumber pickles, 2 tablespoons capers, % cup thin sliced olives and enough mayonnaise to hold all together. Set the salad in scallop shells, smooth over top and mask completely with mayonnaise dressing. Garnish with shreds cut from green pepper, a bit of Japanese parsley, figures cut from pickled beets and hard cooked egg white. Let chill thoroughly before serving. Chicken Salad Cook the chicken at a simmering point with 1 teaspoon celery salt, bay leaf, 1 whole clove for flavor. When ready to fall from the bone, cut in small pieces with a pair of scissors and combine with the following: For each cup of chicken use y2 cup of celery, crisp and cut in pieces, 4 tablespoons almonds, blanched and cut 106Salads, Salad Dressings in thin strips and a few delicately flavored pieces of pickle; marinate the whole with mayonnaise or boiled dressing. May be garnished with ripe olives, hard cooked egg or capers. Shrimp Salad in Cucumbers Pare the cucumbers which should be rather short and cut them in halves lengthwise. Remove the seeds and steam until tender. Chill and arrange on lettuce leaves or on a bed of watercress. Clean and marinate the shrimps. If large, divide into two or three pieces. Mix with mayonnaise and place in the cucumbers. Decorate with mayonnaise and whole shrimps. Sardine Salad Lay the sardines on soft paper that they may be freed form the oil. Scrape off the skin and remove the bones; squeeze over them a little lemon juice. Arrange upon a bed of crisp lettuce leaves or upon a bed of shredded lettuce and dress with either French or mayonnaise dressing. Garnish with hard boiled eggs cut in slices. Moulded Salmon Salad 1 pound salmon 1 tablespoon granulated gelatine % teaspoon salt % cup cold water 1 teaspoon sugar % cup hot milk 1 teaspoon flour % cup hot vinegar % teaspoon mustard and a dash of 2 tablespoons of butter paprika 2 egg yolks Remove the skin and bone from the salmon and pick the flesh fine with a silver fork. Mix salt, sugar, flour, mustard and paprika together. Over these pour very gradually the hot milk and cook over hot water 10 minutes. Then add hot vinegar and butter creamed and mixed with the beaten yolks of the eggs. Stir until the egg is set, then add 1 level tablespoon of granulated gelatine, softened in y± cup of cold water and strain over the salmon, cool. Mix thoroughly with fish, turn into a mold. When chilled serve with dressing. Lobster Salad Cut lobster meat in dice and marinate with orange juice and bit of garlic. Keep on ice until ready to serve, then drain carefully. Make cups of the inside leaves of lettuce, put a spoonful 107Salads, Salad Dressings of the lobster meat in the center of each cup and spoonful celery and press mayonnaise dressing through a pastry bag with star tube attached to the top of the lobster in each nest. Or: Lobster Salad Arrange equal portions lobster and celery in a mound on a bed of lettuce and mask the mound with mayonnaise. Finish the center with a little bouquet of the heart leaves of the lettuce. Garnish with mayonnaise and capers. Artichoke Salad Peel three oranges, remove the pith and white skin and slice lengthwise; use an equal amount of tender blanched celery stalks, cut in inch lengths. Mix together lightly with 2 tablespoons salad oil, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, % teaspoon salt and *4 teaspoon paprika. Heap together lightly on a serving dish and surround with cooked hearts of artichokes, cut into quarters; wreathe with blanched celery leaves. Hawaiian Salad Thoroughly chill and drain large slices of canned pineapple. Place in the center of each slice a tiny ball of Roquefort cheese and sprinkle with chopped dates and nuts. Lay on bed of crisp lettuce leaves and cover with a cream mayonnaise made as follows: Beat until stiff, 1 cup of heavy cream, season to taste with salt, and paprika and blend in 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise. Ginger Fruit Salad % cup diced tart apples % cup grapefruit pulp % cup white cherries, pitted 1/3 cup chopped preserved ginger Dice the apples, pit the cherries and cut in half. The simplest way to prepare the grapefruit is to peel it, separate each section and remove the skin and seed, then break the solid piece of pulp into smaller sizes. For a salad serve on crisp lettuce or endive with mayonnaise dressing. For a fruit cup or as a dessert add a syrup made of equal 108'Salads, Salad Dressings quantities of ginger syrup, grapefruit juice and cherry juice, and garnish with whipped cream and maraschino cherries. Timbales of Cold Asparagus 1 can asparagus, strain liquor Pepper Salt • Paprika To 2 cups of the hot liquor add tablespoons gelatine dissolved in cold water. Season. Cool jelly, add a few pieces of asparagus, pimentoes, dash of mace and fold in one cup whipped cream. Have asparagus tips and pimento strips arranged in charlotte russe cups or paper drinking cups. Pour in mold into center of the asparagus tips. When ready, unmold; serve on lettuce leaves with mayonnaise and salted nuts. This makes enough for four large and six small timbales, and may be used as a salad or as an entree. Grapefruit Salad 1 cup lemon juice 1 envelope gelatine 1 cup cold water 3 grapefruit, cut in cubes 1 cup sugar 1 cup boiled dressing 1 cup boiling water % cup whipped cream Soften gelatine in cold water, and add to boiling water and sugar; stir thoroughly and when cool add lemon juice. Allow to slightly congeal before adding fruit and the boiled dressing combined with the whipped cream. Pour into oiled mold and pack in ice and salt (1 part rock salt, 4 parts crushed ice) for three hours. Slice and serve on lettuce hearts. Ginger Ale Salad 2 tablespoons gelatine 1 pint bottle ginger ale % cup cold water 2 tablespoons lemon juice % cup boiling water 2 cups of fruit % cup sugar Soften the gelatine in the cold water and when softened add to the boiling water,, stir and watch until mixture come to boiling point, remove from stove, add the sugar and allow to cool; add the ginger ale and lemon juice and when about to congeal pour a part of same in pan or mold which has previously been rinsed in cold water. When this first gelatine has congealed place a layer of fruit (pineapple, oranges, apples, grapes, grapefruit, nuts, 109Salads, Salad Dressings raisins, celery, cabbage or any combination of two or more of these) cover fruit with gelatine which is allowed to stand until congealed before adding more fruit and gelatine. When all is set and ready to use, dip the mold containing salad in warm water, shake gently from side to side and turn out on a platter. It may be garnished and served by the hostess at the table, or sliced in the pantry; served with a light mayonnaise, boiled dressing or sour whipped cream and lettuce. This salad may be made the previous day, as afso, the dressing, other than the whipped sour cream. Cider or grape juice may be used, instead of the ginger ale, if desired. Cheese Salad % pint whipped cream % cup cold water 1% cups grated cheese 1% tablespoons lemon juice 1 tablespoon gelatine 1 cup boiling water Soften gelatine in the cold water, dissolve in boiling water; cool. Add the whipped cream, and then the grated cheese. Put in molds, preferably ring molds. Fill the center of the ring mold with large cherries and dot with mayonnaise dressing. If this salad is made in a large mold, for a family portion, around the edge of it place the halves of canned pears, fill the center with cherries and mayonnaise. If the salad is to be served in indi-vidul portions place the ring of cheese gelatine on lettuce, on this place half a pear, fill the center with cherries and serve with mayonnaise. Cream Cheese Salad 1 cream cheese % teaspoon paprika % cup chopped raisins Lettuce 3 tablespoons cream Salad dressing 1 teaspoon salt Mix cheese, raisins and cream to a paste. Season with salt and paprika. Form into small balls, press a whole large raisin on each side. Serve three balls on crisp lettuce leaves. Serve with either mayonnaise or French dressing or combine with fruit. Celery Root Salad 4 large celery roots Salt % tablespoon salt Sugar Pepper % cup stewed raisins Ripe olives 6 tablespoons vinegar Boil celery roots in water to cover and % tablespoon salt. 110Salads, Salad Dressings \ until tender. Drain and chill. When thoroughly chilled, slice in thin slices, season with pepper, salt and sugar to taste. Add % cup stewed raisins and 6 tablespoons of vinegar. Mix well and serve on chilled lettuce leaves. Garnish with ripe olives. Cranberry Salad 1 pound cranberries 1 tablespoon lemon juice 2 tablespoons gelatine 1 cup nut meats 2 cups sugar 1 cup celery V2 cup water 1 cup mayonnaise Boil sugar and water, add cranberries and boil until they pop. Add gelatine, softened in 2 tablespoons water; cool and add lemon juice, nut meats and celery and either mold or serve in spoonfuls on lettuce leaf with sweet mayonnaise. Black Walnut Salad Remove the edibile sections from oranges without breaking them. Lay in a shallow dish and marinate for an hour in French dressing, made with lemon juice instead of vinegar. When ready to make the salad place four of the orange sections in individual nests of crisp lettuce. Sprinkle in between chopped dates and garnish with mayonnaise blended with chopped black walnuts. Heap the mayonnaise in the center and top with a Maraschino cherry. Frozen Salad 1 small cabbage (shredded) % pound walnuts cut in small 1 can pineapple (sliced) pieces % pound marshmallows Mix all of these together with cooked dressing. Pack in ice and salt for 3 hours. Frozen Salad Puree of one can tomatoes Celery salt 6 slices onion Salt, pepper, paprika to taste Bay leaf Boil for few minutes. Carrot, radishes and 1 cucumber, sliced thin. Soften 2 tablespoons of gelatine in % cup cold water and add to hot puree and when cool add the vegetables. Freeze by packing in ice and salt 2 hours. Serve with a boiled dressing. IllSalads, Salad Dressings Butterfly Salad No. 1 Arrange two small crisp hearts of lettuce leaves, representing wings. Where the leaves meet put 1 tablespoon thin slices celery, cut crosswise and moistened with mayonnaise. On each side of the celery put % tablespoon sardines, separated into flakes. Sprinkle sardines with chopped whites of egg. Sprinkle celery with yolk forced through and put % inch band of mayonnaise through center. Place olives for head and chives for antennae. Butterfly Salad No. 2 Cut slices of canned pineapple in half and place the halves on lettuce leaves so that the two rounded portions come together in the center, forming the wings of a butterfly. Make the butterfly’s body from cream salad dressing, shaping it in between the wings. To make the spots on the wings use tiny pieces of red and green pepper, candied cherries and any dried fruits that may be at hand. The feelers are made from shredded celery.' Astor Salad 6 slices of pineapple 1 cup double whipping cream 2 bananas (whipped) 2 apples 6 marshmallows 12 walnuts 6 cherries Chill pineapple, and when ready to serve peel and shred 1/3 of the apples. Chill all ingredients. When ready to serve place on salad plates, white leaf of lettuce, 1 slice pineapple, on top of this few cubes of marshmallow, a layer of bananas and top with shredded apple. (Use the potato shredder used for shoe string potatoes for this) garnish with cherry and press through the large pastry star tube. One cup whipped cream, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, sugar, salt and pepper to taste. Serve with crisp, hard crackers. Hungarian Salad Mix equal parts shredded fresh pineapple, bananas, cut in pieces, and sections of tangerines, and marinate with French dressing. Fill banana skins with the mixture and spread generously with paprika and arrange on lettuce leaves. Garnish with plumped seedless raisins. 112Salads, Salad Dressings Kent Salad Marinate separately, cold cauliflower, peas, carrots cut in cubes and outer stalks celery, finely cut. Arrange peas and carrots in alternate piles in the center of a salad dish. Place cauliflower on top and arrange celery in four piles at equal distances. At the top of each pile place a small pickle cut lengthwise in very thin slices. Place between the piles of celery a slice of tomato. Ganser Salad Soak a 1-pound salt herring in warm water to cover, drain and cook in boiling water 15 minutes. Cool and separate into flakes. Add an equal quantity of cooked potato cubes and 14 the amount of chopped hard boiled eggs. Marinate with a French dressing, cover and let stand in a cold place until serving time. Beat y± cup of heavy cream until stiff and add 2 tablespoons of canned pimento, blend with an equal quantity of mayonnaise dressing. Mound the salad, surrounding with a border of crisp lettuce leaves and mayonnaise. Apricot and Cottage Cheese Salad 1 can apricots 1 pound cottage cheese 1 envelope gelatine 2 lemons % cup sugar % cup water Soften gelatine in water, cut apricots and lightly mix with cheese. Dissolve sugar in syrup of apricots and add gelatine while hot; add lemon juice. When cool mix with fruit and cheese. Put in a mold to congeal. Tomato and Cheese Salad 1 can tomato soup 1 envelope gelatine Soften the gelatine in 1 cup cold water, let stand for a few minutes, then pour over the tomato soup, which has been heated and seasoned to taste with celery salt, salt and pepper. Stir until gelatine is all dissolved. Pour into individual molds. Over the top put a layer of cream cheese. Across the top place a garnish of green pepper. Serve on lettuce leaf with mayonnaise; served separately or around the edge. This may be poured into ring mold with the cheese placed between two layers of tomato. 113Salads, Salad Dressings Aligátor Pear Salad Cut pears in halves, discard seeds and remove pulp from skin with a teaspoon; dispose on a bed of heart of lettuce. Mix a dressing in the proportion of 2 tablespoonfuls of lemon juice to 2 of oil and ^4 teaspoonful each of salt and paprika. Pour over the pulp and serve at once. The fruit discolors very quickly and should not be made ready until needed. The lemon juice may be poured over the fruit and then the oil is added with the salt and paprika. The pulp is often served with tomatoes, when a little onion juice is mixed with the dressing. The fruit contains a large proportion of fat. On this account mayonnaise is not often served with it and in making French dressing for it equal amounts of oil and acid are desirable. Beau-Claire Salad 1 cantaloupe (sliced and mari- 1 avocado (sliced and marinated nated in French dressing) in lemon juice) Raisins Chill for % hour Drain and arrange alternately on a bed of lettuce or Romaine salad. Garnish with raisins. Serve with Thousand Island dressing. Avocado Salad Slice the avocadoes in thin strips and marinate with French dressing. Alternate the strips of avocado with asparagus tips and place on white lettuce leaves. Serve Thousand Island dressing. Tomato and Avocado Salad Pare and mash ripe avacadoes, scoop out ripe tomatoes, fill with avocado pulp mixed with mayonnaise and shredded lettuce. Persimmon Salad Cut a ripe persimmon in strips and place on shredded lettuce leaves to resemble the petals of a flower, placing in the center a ball made of Neufchatel cheese. Sprinkle with paprika. Serve with French dressing. Prune and Nut Salad Let 6 prunes soak in cold water. Cook few minutes, cut pieces lengthwise, making 6 or 8 pieces from each prune. Slice *4 114Salads, Salad Dressings pound nut meats, mix with whipped cream dressing and serve in hearts of lettuce. Cheese Ball, Fruit Center Form cream cheese highly seasoned into balls, make an indentation in one side and push in a whole preserved strawberry or a bit of other preserve. Round out and you will have, a surprise cheese ball. Thanksgiving Salad Sliced pineapple, nut meats, cranberry jelly and salad dressing. Place lettuce leaves on individual plates and on each plate place a slice of pineapple. Mix with a thick cranberry jelly some chopped nut meats' using about % cup of nut meats to 1 cup of jelly. Heap this up in the hole in the pineapple. Serve with mayonnaise or whipped cream dressing, placing it around the edge of the pineapple slices or rounds. Serve with cheese balls. Harvest Salad Peel 6 sound apples and take out large core, rub over with lemon juice. Have a syrup of 1 cup sugar, 1 cup water, juice 1 lemon boiling before putting apples to cook. Turn apples from time to time until tender, remove and set aside to cool. Stick salted almonds into the side of the apples, fill the core with pineapple, cherries and marshmallows. Serve as a salad with boiled dressing or as a dessert with foamy sauce. Fruit Salad Take the pulp out of 1 grapefruit and 4 oranges and refill the half oranges with % cup of cubes of grapefruit freed from skins, % cup of white grapes, seeded; 1 cup of pineapple cubes, % cup of white cherries stoned, and an almond inserted in the cavity, 14 cup of marshmallows quartered and % cup nut meats. Mix with boiled dressing 20 minutes before serving. Fill the halves, or serve on lettuce leaves. Top off with a maraschino cherry. Serves 8. Grapefruit may be omitted. Hawaiian Salad 1 medium head of firm white 14 pound of marshmallows cabbage % pound blanched almonds 1 No. 3 can of sliced pineapple % cup shredded cocoanut Shave the cabbage very fine. Cut the pineapple into cubes 115Salads, Salad Dressings and cut up the marshmallows and almonds. Keep them separated until ready to serve. Combine and moisten with the dressing. Serve on a crisp lettuce leaf. Hawaiian Dressing 1 cup pineapple juice 4 tablespoons flour % cup water Juice of three lemons 16 cup sugar 2. cups cream, whipped stiff 2 stiffly beaten egg whites Make a sauce of the water, sugar, flour and fruit juice and cool. At serving time beat in the whipped cream and stiffly beaten egg whites. Fruit Macedoine Salad 1 cubed pineapple (canned) 1 cup shredded tart apple 1 cup grapes (2 kinds and colors) Serve on lettuce leaf. Garnish with pomegranate seeds. Chiffon dressing for this fruit: % CUP °f lemon juice, % cup pineapple juice, % CUP °f sugar. Add to this 1 whole egg, 1 tablespoon flour. Stir well and cook in double boiler. When cold add 1 cup whipped cream. Orange Cress and Nut Salad Remove the peel from oranges, cut the pulp in slices of uniform thickness and set one slice overlapping another in a wreath on a bed of cress; fill the center with shredded endive and set half a pecan nut meat on each slice of orange. Serve with French dressing made with lemon juice. Plaza Salad Two cups minced celery, 1 cup of diced apples, grated rind of 1 orange, 6 red apples, scoop out the inside, making little cups for the salad. Fill the hollows with the celery, apples and orange rind mixed with mayonnaise. Serve with cheese balls. Pepper Salad To cottage cheese add mashed pimento and a few chopped olives. Pack hard into green pepper cases which have been carefully washed and have had the seeds removed. Chill, cut in thin slices. Serve on lettuce with a dressing. 116Salads, Salad Dressings SALAD DRESSINGS Delicious fruit salads are often spoiled by being served with a sour dressing which is appropriate for vegetable and meat salads only. If one wishes to keep the dainty, sweet flavor of the fruit in prominence it is very desirable to have a special dressing for fruit salads. Mayonnaise Dressing 1 cup vegetable oil % teaspoon mustard 1 whole egg 1 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons lemon juice or Few grains cayenne pepper vinegar 1 teaspoon sugar Beat the egg until stiff, add oil very gradually, until mixture is thick, then finish with the lemon juice and oil, mixing them alternately. The mixture should continue to thicken until all the acids and oil are used. Seasonings may be added at any time during the process of mixture. A Dover egg beater is used in making mayonnaise. If curds appear beat well. If the dressing is thin, add it slowly to a fresh egg yolk. Adding oil too rapidly to the egg or not having the ingredients cold may be the cause of the dressing curdling—too much acid causes the dressing to be thin. Less acid can be used when the white of the egg is added to the dressing. Curdled Mayonnaise Occasionally a mayonnaise will assume a curdled appearance; under the circumstances, often the addition of a very little of white of egg or a few drops of lemon juice, with thorough beating, will cause the sauce to resume its former smoothness. In case it does not become smooth, put the yolk of an egg into a cold bowl, beat well, and add to it the curdled mixture, slowly. A French Dressing To make a French dressing use good oil, and pure vinegar. 1 teaspoon salt % teaspoon dry mustard % to % teaspoon paprika % teaspoon celery salt 2 slices onion (or clove of garlic) 6 tablespoons oil 2 tablespoons vinegar 2 whole cloves 4 whole peppers Mix the dry seasonings and add the vinegar and oil, beating. Add the onion and keep in a cold place one hour or more. Remove the onion. Beat well before serving. This dressing can be 117Salads, Salad Dressings made in large quantities and kept in a bottle ready to use. For fruit salads, substitute lemon juice for vinegar and cut the mustard and celery salt in half. The onion may be omitted with fruits, although a tiny bit of it always improves the flavor. French Dressing 1 slice onion 1 teaspoon sugar % teaspoon salt Dash of mustard 1 teaspoon pepper 6 tablespoons salad oil Vi teaspoon paprika 6 tablespoons spiced salad vinegar % teaspoon celery salt or lemon juice Chili sauce Rub the salad bowl with a slice of onion. Mix and blend salt, pepper, paprika, celery salt, sugar and mustard. Add oil very slowly and when four tablespoons have been added, alternate with vinegar or lemon juice. Add at last ,1 tablespoon chili sauce and beat well. Mayonnaise Without Egg or Vinegar Use Carnation milk. Put can on stove in cold water and bring to the boiling point and allow to cook for a few seconds. Cool and put can in refrigerator or submerge it in ice. When thoroughly chilled, beat and add to 1 medium sized can, 2 teaspoons lemon juice and 1 pound sugar. Mustard Sauce (for cold meat) 1 tablespoon dry mustard 3 tablespoons boiling water 1 teaspoon sugar 1 tablespoon oil 1 tablespoon mild vinegar Stir well and cook over boiling water for a few minutes, keeping same smooth. Buttermilk Dressing 1 cup buttermilk 2 teaspoons sugar 1 teaspoon mustard % cup vinegar % teaspoon salt % cup water 2 teaspoons flour 1 teaspoon butter 2 eggs Cook vinegar, water and butter in double boiler. Stir dry ingredients into slightly beaten egg. Combine mixtures. Add 118Salads, Salad Dressings buttermilk, stirring constantly. Cook till mixture coats the spoon. Strain if necessary. Cucumber Dressing 1 large cucumber % teaspoon white pepper % teaspoon salt % teaspoon mustard % cup sour cream Slice the cucumber, place in ice water for ten or fifteen minutes, drain and chop fine. Whip the cream, add the dry ingredients blended together, fold in the chopped cucumber, chill and serve with fish or vegetable salad. Thousand Island Salad Dressing To a cup of mayonnaise add 1 tablespoon each of finely chopped chives, pimentoes and green pepper, sifted hard-cooked egg, 1 teaspoon each paprika, walnut sauce and tarragon vinegar and 3 or 4 tablespoons of chili sauce. Thousand Island Dressing 1 cup mayonnaise dressing 1 tablespoon very finely minced 2 tablespoons chili sauce green pepper. (strained) 1 pimento rubbed through a sieve 1 tablespoon very finely minced 1 hard boiled egg rubbed through onion a sieve or chopped fine 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce Stir these ingredients and thin down with oil. If desired, season with salt, pepper, cayenne and a teaspoon of sugar. Capers, chopped chives, garlic, chopped parsley or India relish may be used in addition to the first mixture or any of these may be used in lieu of the ingredients of the first mixture. Fold in 3 tablespoons whipped cream when serving. Roquefort Dressing Cream 2 ounces (4 tablespoons) of soft, ripe Roquefort cheese into 6 tablespoons of olive oil. Mix 2 tablespoons of vinegar or lemon juice with 1/3 teaspoon of salt and white pepper and paprika to taste, add slowly to the oil and cheese, blending carefully. Put a clove of garlic in a crust of bread and marinate withSalads, Salad Dressings the lettuce and dressing for half an hour in the ice box. Remove crust before serving. This is excellent for a savory lettuce salad to serve with cold meats or as a separate course with Graham bread and butter sandwiches. Roquefort Cheese Salad Dressing 2 oz. or % cl. cheese 2 to 3 tablespoons vinegar 4 to 6 tablespoons olive oil % teaspoon salt and paprika Beat the cheese to a cream; then gradually beat in the oil, vinegar, etc. The uncooked yolk of an egg is sometimes beaten into the cheese, before the oil, and thick cream may replace part of the oil. Chiffonade Dressing To 1 pint of mayonnaise, add a scant half cup of mixed chopped green peppers and canned pimentoes, half a tablespoon of horseradish and % cup of mixed chopped olives and cucumber pickle. Swiss Salad Dressing % cup boiled honey Paprika 3 egg yolks 1 tablespoon lemon juice % teaspoon salt pint cream (whipped) Add all ingredients to egg yolks, then stir into boiled honey. Cook 1 minute. Beat at intervals until cold. Fold in whipped cream. Russian Dressing Russian dressing is a variation of mayonnaise. A delightful touch is.sometimes given by the addition of a little anchovy paste, olives, capers, chopped sweet pickles and whipped cream. In case these are used, omit the peppers, pimentoes, chives and egg from the following recipe: 2/3 cup mayonnaise Yolk of hard boiled egg sifted 2 teaspoons chopped green pepper % teaspoon paprika 2 teaspoons pimentoes 3 tablespoons chili sauce 2 teaspoons chopped chives This seems at its best when served over crisp, cold hearts of lettuce, which have not been separated, the heads being cut in quarters. Russian Dressing One cup of mayonnaise, with 1 tablespoon tarragon vinegar. Add 1 teaspoon French mustard, 2 teaspoons chopped capers, 2 120Salads, Salad Dressings tablespoons chili sauce, 1 tablespoon chopped green peppers, 1 teaspoon chopped onion. Mix in a bowl that has been rubbed with garlic. Cuban Salad Dressing 1 tablespoon butter Pinch of salt 14 cup of milk 1/16 teaspoon white pepper 2 tablespoons sugar 1 teaspoon lemon juice 1 egg yolk 1 banana rubbed through a sieve Cook butter and milk until smooth and clear. Add sugar and yolk of egg and cook until thick. Season with salt, pepper, lemon juice and when cool, banana pulp. When ready to serve on a salad, fold in % CUP of heavy cream whipped stiff. Fruit Salad Dressing % cup olive oil 2 tablespoons lemon juice 3 tablespoons honey Pinch of salt Beat until frothy and use at once. Fruit Salad Dressing % cup grapefruit juice and pulp % teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons salad oil % teaspoon paprika % tablespoon vinegar (or lemon juice) Beat together the oil, vinegar and seasonings, then stir them into the grapefruit juice. Fruit Salad Dressing 14 cup flour 14 cup lemon juice 14 cup sugar 1 teaspoon celery salt 1 cup water 2 egg yolks 1 tablespoon butter 14 cup whipped cream Cook flour, sugar and water until thick, then add lemon juice, butter, celery salt and the beaten yolks of two eggs. (When eggs are expensive, add one yolk.) When cold and ready to serve fold in whipped cream. Good fruit combinations for use with this dressing are pineapple, bananas, marshmallows and nuts or apples, celery and English walnuts. 121Salads, Salad Dressings Pasadena Fruit Salad Dressing 1 orange % cup sugar % lemon t 2 egg yolks 1 tablespoon butter % pint cream Put the orange and lemon juice together with the butter in double boiler and melt over hot water. Add sugar and beaten egg yolks. Cook until thick, stirring constantly. Whip cream and fold into the mixture. Boiled Dressing with Sweet Cream For those to whom oil is taboo the boiled dressings are welcome substitutes. They are delicious with many fruit salads, potato salads, etc. 1 tablespoon sugar 3 tablespoons butter % teaspoon salt Sweet cream or milk 4 tablespoons vinegar Dash of paprika 2 eggs Sift together the eggs and dry materials to blend. Cook in double boiler, stirring until thick. Remove from the stove, add the melted butter and thin with sweet cream. Boiled Dressing (excellent) Yolks 5 eggs 1 tablespoon flour % teaspoon prepared mustard Yi cup sugar % teaspoon salt Yi cup oil % teaspoon celery seed Dash of cayenne Yi teaspoon white pepper % cup white vinegar Beat yolks light, add sugar and other dry ingredients, beat well. Have vinegar and oil boiling. Pour egg mixture into boiling vinegar and stir until thick. This keeps indefinitely if kept in a glass jar. When ready to use add % cup of whipped cream or % CUP °f sweet cream to % cup of dressing. Salad Dressing % teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon powdered sugar Yi teaspoon pepper 16 tablespoons oil Yi teaspoon mustard 6 tablespoons vinegar or lemon Yi teaspoon paprika juice Mix well the dry ingredients, add slowly, stirring well, the oil. When well mixed, add the vinegar or lemon juice. Beat until an emulsion is formed. Use only as much oil each time as the dressing will absorb. 122Salads, Salad Dressings Sour Cream Dressing % pint sour cream 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 tablespoon sugar 1 teaspoon salt 14 teaspoon paprika 1 teaspoon French mustard Beat cream with an egg beater until it is as stiff as for charlotte russe. Mix together, lemon juice, sugar, salt, paprika and mustard. Gradually add this mixture to the cream and beat well as you pour it in. Cheese Salad Dressing 2 Neufchatel cheeses 1 tablespoon lemon juice Cup sour cream (whipped) Salt, pepper and paprika to taste Whip the cream until stiff, adding a little at a time, the lemon juice and seasonings and when ready to serve, add to cheese (crumbled up.) Excellent with salads in which pineapple predominates. Cottage cheese may be substituted. Louis Sauce for Crab, etc. To a bowl of stiff mayonnaise add the following ingredients: Chop fine 1 heart of crisp lettuce, 1 small bell pepper, 1 small onion. Then add 2 tablespoons chili sauce, and paprika. Pour over crab or lobster, or anything preferred. Garnish with crisp lettuce leaves, hard boiled egg, sliced beets, etc., or serve as desired. 123CHAPTER XIII. QUICK BREADS Standardized Oven Temperatures, Farenheit Slow oven—250 degrees—Custards and Meringues. 300 degrees—Sponge Cake and Angel Food. Moderate oven—'350 degrees, with increasing temperature—plain Cake and Gingerbread. 400 degrees—Bread with decreasing temperature. Cookies with decreasing temperature. Muffins with increasing temperature. Hot and quick oven—400 degrees—Rolls and Popovers. 450 degrees—Baking Powder Biscuits. Very hot oven—550 degrees—Plain and puff pastry with decreasing temperature. Tests for temperature—Tissue paper browns at 460 degrees. Manila paper browns at 380 degrees. Bag paper browns at 360 degrees. Flour Mixtures Mixtures of Flour or Meal and Liquid are called batters or doughs, according to the quantity of liquid used. Batter is a mixture of flour and liquid thin enough to be beaten. Pour Batter is a thin batter—one measure of liquid to one measure of flour. Example: Griddle Cakes. Drop Batter is a thick batter—one measure of liquid to two measures of flour. Example: Muffins. Dough is a mixture of flour and liquid stiff enough to be handled on a board. Soft Dough—One measure of liquid to three measures of flour. Example: Baking Powder Biscuits. Stiff Dough—One measure of liquid to four measures of flour. Example: Pastry. The liquid ingredients include water, milk, molasses, egg, etc. The dry ingredients include flour, meal, sugar, salt, spices, baking powder, etc. 124Quick Breads The fats called “shortening” added to make the mixture tender, include butter, vegetable fats, lard drippings, suet, chicken fat, etc. A mixtures of flour and liquid alone when cooked would be hard and indigestible. Batters and doughs are made “light” or porous by the introduction of a gas which is expanded by the heat applied during the cooking. The gasses that aid in making dough “light” or porous are air, steam and carbon dioxide. ' Air may be introduced into the mixture directly, or may be first beaten into eggs and then added to the mixture. General Directions for Batters and Doughs Sift flour before measuring. Put flour by spoonfuls into the cup, do not press or shake down. Mix and sift dry ingredients. Measure dry and then liquid ingredients. Add the liquid to the dry ingredients. Shortening may be rubbed or chopped in while cold, or creamed; or it may be melted and then added to dry ingredients, or added after the liquid. Use two level teaspoons of baking powder to one cup of flour. If eggs are used, less baking powder will be required. Baking powder mixtures should be handled as little as possible. Baking powder mixtures require a hot oven. In baking batters and doughs, the larger the quantity the lower the temperature must be that the heat may penetrate the interior, expand the gas and harden the albumen and gluten. Leavening Agents 1. AIR. Angel, sponge and many other cakes depend entirely or in part for their lightness upon air beaten into the mixture or introduced with the beaten whites of eggs. 2. STEAM. Pop-overs and many other preparations depend wholly or in part for their lightness upon steam. The moisture in the batter changes to steam and expands in the baking process. 3. CARBON DIOXIDE—The gas obtained from soda or from the growth of the yeast plant. The gas generated in baking powders comes from the soda 125Quick Breads and is liberated by the action of the acid ingredients, which are classified as follows, and give their names to the different types of baking powders: (a) Cream of tartar—Obtained from grapes. Hence a pure cream of tartar baking powder adds to food the same healtful qualities that exist in ripe grapes. (b) Phosphate— (c) Alum— The acid in baking powder acts readily upon the soda and gas forms rapidly, filling the batter with small bubbles. Heat causes the bubbles to become larger, the moisture is partially changed to steam and this lifts up the dough or batter, then the heat hardens the walls of the bubbles and keeps them from breaking. Sour milk and molasses will also liberate carbonic acid gas from soda. Sour milk is not a standardized product, and with its use the housewife finds the quality of her foods constantly varying as it is impossible to specify the exact amount of soda required because of lack of knowledge as to the acid quality of the sour milk. When the sour milk is not sufficiently acid, there is left in the mixture soda. Yeast is a microscopic plant, which grows under suitable conditions of heat and moisture in the dough, changing some of the starch of the flour to alcohol and carbon dioxide, the latter acting as a leavening agent. Popovers 1 cup flour 1 cup milk 1 egg 1 saltspoon salt Using a Dover egg-beater, beat the unseparated egg until very light. Add alternately (a little at a time) the sifted flour and milk. Continue to beat vigorously with the egg-beater for 2 minutes. Put % teaspoon of melted butter in each hot cup of gem pan, pour each two-thirds full and bake about forty minutes in a hot oven (450 degrees F., reducing to 350 degrees F.) Crisp-brown hollow popovers which will not collapse, will be the result. Essential points to success are iron gem pans, if possible (these insure a more crisp popover and less dough in the interior), a very hot oven and a very thin batter. If the popovers are left in the oven for thirty-five or forty minutes, there is not much danger of their falling, no matter how long they stand. 126 Quick Breads Cornmeal and Rice Griddle Cakes % cup fine white cornmeal, 2 eggs scalded 2 teaspoons baking powder % cup flour 1 teaspoon salt 1 cup cold boiled rice 1 cup sweet milk Sift together the dry materials—flour, baking powder and salt. Stir in the beaten egg yolk, which has been mixed with the milk. Add the rice. Lastly fold in the stiffly beaten egg whites and bake at once on a hot griddle. Flannel Cakes (For breakfast or luncheon) 2% cups flour 1 tablespoon corn meal 1 teaspoon salt 2 eggs 4 teaspoons baking powder 2 cups milk 2 tablespoons oil Sift dry ingredients together. Beat well yolks and whites of eggs, separately. To the yolks add sweet milk, add to dry ingredients. Add oil, fold in the beaten whites of eggs. Do not bake at too high temperature or cakes will be tough. Cornmeal Griddle Cakes 1 cup cornmeal 1 egg 1 cup boiling water 2 tablespoons white flour % teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 tablespoon shortening Milk to make thin batter Scald cornmeal with the boiling water; add baking powder and salt, then flour and beaten egg and milk. Beat well and bake in a well-oiled griddle pan. Crisp Waffles 2 eggs 1 teaspoon sugar 2 cups sweet milk 4 teaspoons baking powder 2 tablespoons cornmeal 2 tablespoons melted butter % teaspoon salt 2 cups flour Mix sugar and butter; add eggs and beat thoroughly. Sift meal, baking powder, salt and 2 cups flour together into butter and sugar, add milk as needed. It will require a little more than 2 cups. Bake on hot, greased iron and serve with maple syrup. 127Quick Breads Waffles 3 cups flour 2 teaspoons sugar 5 teaspoons baking powder 3 cups milk 2 eggs 3 tablespoons melted fat 1 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons cornmeal Sift together the dry ingredients. To the well-beaten egg yolks add the shortening and part of the milk and mix this with the dry materials. Add remainder of milk and fold in the beaten whites. Beat well. The batter should be smooth and about the consistency of thick cream. Place a tablespoon of batter in each compartment, near the center, and close the iron. Bake one side until the edges begin to color; then turn the irons and remove waffle when both sides are delicately brown. More shortening is used in the waffles cooked on the electric iron, because none is used in greasing it. From I to 1% cups of cold cooked rice added to the recipe will make a pleasing variation, giving the waffles a softer texture. In using electric waf-ffle iron, the baking is done at the table; both sides bake at same time. Waffles (very delicate) 1% cups flour 1 cup rich milk 2 teaspoons baking powder 2 beaten eggs 1 tablespoon melted butter or fat % teaspoon salt Vi cup corn starch Sift dry ingredients together. Beat eggs, add milk and stir in flour. Add butter. Cook in hot greased irons and serve. Electric waffle iron requires no greasing or turning. Cream Muffins (For breakfast, luncheon or supper.) 2 cups flour 2 eggs 3 teaspoons baking powder 1 cup milk 1 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons oil Sift dry ingredients. Beat yolks and whites of eggs separately. To the well-beaten yolks add milk. Pour this into dry ingredients and beat until batter is smooth and light. Add oil and fold in egg whites. Pour into well-heated greased muffin pans and place on lower rack of oven until well risen. Turn on more heat and place on top rack to brown. Bake about 20 minutes at 400 degrees F. 128Quick Breads Potato Muffins ¥2 cup creamy mashed potatoes % teaspoon salt 1 well beaten yolk of egg 3 tablespoons shortening ¥2 cup milk 1 teaspoon sugar 1% cups flour 3. teaspoons baking powder 1 beaten egg white Add the yolk of egg,, sugar and salt to the mashed potatoes. Sift together the flour and baking powder. Gradually combine the two mixtures, alternating with the milk. Beat well and fold in melted shortening and egg whites. Bake in a greased muffin-pan for 25 minutes (450 degrees F.). Graham Muffins 1 cup graham flour 3 teaspoons baking powder 1 cup white flour 1 egg 2 tablespoons sugar or molasses 1% cups milk ¥2 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons of oil Mix and sift the dry ingredients, add milk gradually, egg well beaten and melted fat. Bake in hot gem pans (preferably iron) for 25 minutes (450 degrees F.). For variety add to the above 14 pound of dates or % CUP chopped prunes and % cup raisins, chopped and seeded. Bran Muffins (and raisins) 2 cups flour ¥± cup shortening 1 cup bran 1 egg 4 teaspoons baking powder 1 cup milk ¥2 cup sugar ¥2 cup chopped raisins Mix all dry materials. Combine the milk and well beaten egg yolks. Stir the latter into the dry materials, add the raisins and melted shortening, and lastly fold in the well beaten whites. Bake 20 to 30 minutes in hot buttered gem pans. Cornmeal Muffins 2 cups cornmeal 1 teaspoon salt 3 teaspoons baking powder 1 cup sweet milk 1 egg 2 tablespoons shortening Boiling water Pour the boiling water over to scald the cornmeal, stirring well to prevent its cooking. Add salt, baking powder, shortening, milk and beaten egg, in the order given. Pour into a well- 129Quick Breads greased muffin-pan and bake in hot oven until nicely browned on top. (N. B.—Corncob pans in the cast-iron or aluminum, sold in all hardware and department stores, make nice, crispy, brown muffins in the shape of corncobs). Twin Mountain Muffins 14 cup butter 3A cup milk 14 cup sugar 2 cups flour 1 egg 4 teaspoons baking powder Cream the butter; add sugar and egg well beaten; sift baking powder with flour and add to the first mixture, alternating with milk. Bake in tin gem pans 25 minutes. 350 degrees F. Raisin Muffins cup shortening 2 cups flour 14 cup sugar 4 teaspoons baking powder 1 egg • % teaspoon salt 1 cup raisins 1 cup milk Cream shortening with the sugar, add egg (slightly beaten) and stir in the milk. Mix and sift dry ingredients and combine mixtures. Stir in raisins and pour in greased muffin-tins. Bake about 25 minutes (350 degrees F.). Sally Lunn 3 tablespoons butter 2 cups pastry flour % cup milk 2 eggs % teaspoon salt 4 tablespoons sugar 3 teaspoons baking powder Sift dry ingredients, add two eggs, well beaten; y2 CUP °f milk and stir into the dry ingredients, and melted butter; turn into a buttered, shallow pan and bake 25 minutes (400 degrees F.) Serve hot. Bran Muffins (health muffins) 1 cup flour 1 tablespoon oil 1 teaspoon baking powder 2 cups bran % teaspoon soda 114 cups milk 1 teaspoon salt % cup molasses Sift together flour, soda and salt. Add bran, milk, molasses and oil. Bake in well greased muffin tins in oven, 350 degrees. Will make one dozen large or sixteen small muffins. Three-fourths cup dates, stoned and cut, may be added to this batter. 130Quick Breads Nut Loaf (for luncheon) 2 cups flour 4 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon salt % cup sugar % cup walnut meats 2 teaspoons mixed spice 1 cup milk 1 egg 4 tablespoons oil % cup pitted dates if desired Sift dry ingredients; add the fruit and nuts. Beat the egg well and to it add the milk and oil; combine the mixtures and beat well. Pour into oiled pan. Put into moderate oven until well risen; add heat and bake slowly. Forty-five minutes required (300-350 degrees F.) California Fruit Bread 1 cup flour % teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon salt 1% teaspoons baking powder 2 cups milk % cup brown sugar 2 cups graham flour 1 cup raisins % cup chopped nuts % cup molasses 1 tablespoon shortening Mix and sift flower, soda, salt, baking powder and brown sugar. Add graham flour, raisins and nuts. Then stir in the molasses and milk, mixed together. Beat, add melted shortening and pour into a well-greased loafpan. Bake about one hour (350 degrees F.), decreasing after thirty minutes. Raisin Bread 2 cups milk 2 tablespoons lard 1 well beaten egg 4 to 5 cups flour 1 teaspoon salt 1 cake yeast 1 tablespoon sugar % cup sugar 1 cup seeded raisins Scald and cool the milk, and when it is luke-warm, add the yeast softened in a little luke-warm water, 1 teaspoon salt and 1 tablespoon sugar. Then add 2 cups of flour and the lard, creamed with the % CUP °f sugar, and beat until smooth. Cover and set to rise in a warm place, for about 2 hours. When well risen, add the raisins well floured, the beaten egg and salt and as much of the remaining flour as it takes to make a smooth dough, not too stiff. Knead well, cover and put to rise until it has doubled its bulk. Mold into 2 loaves, place in well greased pans and let rise again. Bake in a moderate oven for 45 minutes. 131Quick Breads Baking Powder Biscuits 2 cups flour 2 tablespoons shortening 4 teaspoons baking powder % cup milk 1 teaspoon salt Mix and sift twice the dry ingredients. Work in shortening with tips of fingers; add milk gradually, mixing with a knife to a soft dough. Toss on a floured board, pat and roll to one-half inch in thickness. Shape with a biscuit cutter. Place on a tin and bake (450 degrees F.) 12 or 15 minutes. Pully Biscuits 2 cups flour 2/3 cup milk 4 teaspoons baking powder 4 tablespoons melted butter 1 teaspoon salt Sift together dry ingredients and add milk. Knead until smooth and roll *4 inch thick. Cut with biscuit cutter and put into a small baking-pan in which the melted butter has been melted. Place biscuits some distance apart and be sure that the top and sides of the biscuits have been slightly greased with the fat in the pan. Bake in moderately hot oven (350 degrees F.) so that the dough will rise and the biscuits will be tender. These biscuits are not greasy and the center will be found slightly tough, which is a characteristic of French breads. Apple Jelly Coffee Cake 2 cups flour 1 cup milk 2 eggs 4 tablespoons melted butter % teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons sugar 4 medium sized apples 1 cup melted apple jelly Mix and sift dry ingredients. Add well-beaten eggs and liquid. Lastly mix in melted shortening. Put this batter in an oiled, deep baking-pan. Place over the top sliced apples. Place in moderate oven until mixture is risen, which will be about 20 minutes. Take out of oven, pour over the top melted apple jelly. The apples will not cook unless there is moisture added. Replace in oven and leave until the fruit is glazed. (Oven temperature, 350 to 400 degrees F.) Dixie Biscuits 2 cups flour 1 teaspoon sugar 4 teaspoons baking powder 1 egg 1 teaspoon salt % cup milk Sift together the dry ingredients. Rub in shortening lightly; 132Quick Breads beat egg and add to milk; combine. Roll out % inch in thickness and cut with biscuit cutter. Brush over with milk and bake in hot oven (450 degrees F.). Pin Wheel Biscuits 2 cups flour 3 tablespoons shortening 4 teaspoons baking powder 2/3 cup milk */% teaspoon salt 1 /3 cup raisins cut fine or currants 2 tablespoons sugar Mix dry ingredients and sift. Work in shortening with tips of fingers, add gradually the liquid, mixing with a knife to a soft dough. Roll to % inch thickness, brush over with melted shortening and sprinkle with fruit, 2 tablespoons 'sugar and cinnamon mixed. Roll like a jelly roll; cut off pieces % inch thick. Place in greased pan and bake for 15 minutes in oven 450 degrees F. Bran Biscuits % cup bran 3 tablespoons sugar 1% cups flour % cup water 5 teaspoons baking powder 2 tablespoons melted shortening % teaspoon salt Mix bran, flour, baking powder, salt, sugar; add sufficient water to make soft dough; add shortening; roll on floured board to about inch thick; cut with biscuit cutter. Bake in oven 12 to 15 minutes (400 degrees F.). Southern Spoon Bread 2 cups cornmeal 2 cups sweet milk 2 cups boiling water 4 eggs, yolks and whites 1 teaspoon salt 4 tablespoons shortening 2 teaspoons baking powder Pour the boiling water over cornmeal. Add salt, baking powder and sweet milk. Stir in well beaten egg yolks. Last of all, fold in whipped whites of eggs. Pour this mixture in well heated pan on the melted shortening. Bake as a souffle in slow oven not over 300 degrees for y± hour. Serve with a spoon. Whole Wheat Biscuits 3 cups whole-wheat flour 3 tablespoons shortening 1 teaspoon salt 1 cup milk 4 teaspoons baking powder 2 tablespoons sugar Sift dry ingredients; with tips of fingers blend shortening. 133Quick Breads Make into soft dough with milk and roll 1/3 inch thick. Cut in small biscuits and bake in hot oven. Sour Milk Biscuits 2 cups flour 1 teaspoon salt % teaspoon soda 2 tablespoons shortening (rubbed in dry ingredients lightly) % cup sour milk 2 teaspoons baking powder Sift the dry ingredients. Knead lightly until smooth and roll to % inch thickness. Bake in a hot oven. Gluten Biscuits 2 cups gluten flour 2/3 teaspoon salt 3 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon shortening Enough sweet milk to make dough as soft as can be rolled, add melted fat. Mix dry ingredients and sift, add milk. Knead as little as possible. Roll thin, cut out with a biscuit cutter and bake at once in a hot oven (450 degrees F.) for about 10 minutes. Cheese Biscuits 2 cups bread flour 4 teaspoons baking powder % teaspoon salt few grains paprika 2 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons cheese % cup cold milk % cup chopped walnut meats Sift flour, baking powder, salt, paprika; rub in butter and grated cheese. Slowly add cold milk and stir in chopped walnut meats. Toss the dough on a floured board, handle as little as possible and roll out to % inch thickness. Cut in biscuits and bake for 15 minutes in a quick oven (450 degrees F.). Boston Brown Bread 1% cups graham flour 1% cups cornmeal 1 teaspoon salt 1% teaspoons soda % cup molasses 1% cups thick sour milk Sift the dry ingredients through a coarse sieve. Add the molasses and sour milk. Beat well and turn into a buttered mold, filling only 2/3 full. (A few raisins may be added while filling mold). Cover and steam for three hours. Baking powder cans will be found convenient molds. TwoQuick Breads hours’ steaming for these small molds will be sufficient, and they will cut into dainty sandwich shapes when baked. Use steam pressure cooker, fireless cooker or kettle on top of stove as desired for steaming. Oatmeal Scones 1 cup cooked oatmeal 1 tablespoon melted butter 1 cup sweet milk 1% cups flour, sifted % teaspoon salt 3 teaspoons baking powder Stir until thoroughly mixed, the oatmeal and milk. Sift dry ingredients, and combine with milk and oatmeal. Add a little more flour if necessary to make a soft dough and roll out an inch thick. Cut in rounds or squares and bake on a hot greased griddle. Serve with butter and orange marmalade. Oatmeal Biscuits 1 cup milk 1% cups flour 1 cup oatmeal % teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons shortening 3 teaspoons baking powder Sift dry ingredients and work in two tablespoons of shortening, add the milk and oatmeal. Allow to stand 10 minutes and toss on a floured board. Cover entire surface of dough with flour, roll and cut out as for baking biscuits. Brush tops with milk and bake 12 minutes in a quick oven (450 degrees F.). Cheese Drops (delicious for salad course) 1 cup flour cold milk to make batter % teaspoon salt % teaspoon baking powder 2 tablespoons finely grated 1 tablespoon shortening cheese Sift flour, salt, baking powder; cut in the shortening and wet to drop batter with cold milk. Beat in cheese and drop from the tip of spoon onto a greased baking sheet. Bake in a moderately hot oven (450 degrees F.) 135CHAPTER XIV. YEAST BREADS Bread should be baked in a fairly hot oven. Loaf should not continue to rise in the oven after ten minutes, and for that reason care is taken not to allow crust to form too soon before heat has reached the center of the loaf and killed the fermentation. Bread that continues to rise too long in the oven will be coarse grained. After bread completes rising in oven reduce heat. It will require from 50 to 60 minutes for a loaf weighing a pound. To determine that bread is baked thoroughly, you will find it is easily removed from pan as it shrinks and should give off hollow sounds on being tapped with finger. Rolls Need More Heat Rolls require more heat than loaves, and should be baked from 12 to 20 minutes, according to size. If very crusty bread is desired, brush over with milk or the white of an egg. If tender crust is desired, brush with cream or butter before removing from the oven. Much depends on manner of cooling bread as making and baking. Loaves should be immediately removed from pans and cooled on wire trivet, or, if one is not convenient, use rack out of refrigerator and elevate it from the table by placing at four corners cups or glasses. A free circulation of air is neccessary to prevent bread from sweating and cooling unevenly. A stone jar or tin cake or bread box with a few perforations in end of the box is the best receptacle for keeping bread fresh and moist. Yeast Bread 1 pint milk (scalded) 1 pint boiling water 2 tablespoons sugar 2 tablespoons shortening 3 teaspoons salt 1 cake yeast mixed with % cup lukewarm water Enough flour to make a dough (about 3 quarts) MIXING—'Scald milk and boil water. Put salt, sugar and shortening into mixing bowl and add hot liquids. While cooling dissolve yeast in lukewarm water and add to cooled liquids. Add flour to make a drop batter. Stir and keep the sides of the bowl clean. Add more flour to make dough.Yeast Breads FIRST KNEADING—The object is to work in air; to make gluten elastic; to blend ingredients. Time—about 15 minutes. FIRST RISING—Precautions when put to rise: Grease top to prevent formation of crust. Shield from draughts or air. Time dependent upon the amount of yeast used and the temperature. Note: Use about 1 yeast cake for every quart of liquid when bread is to rise over night. If set in a warm place and double the amount used, bread should be ready to knead in a few hours. Regardless of the time, allow bread to rise until dough is double in bulk. SECOND KNEADING—The object of the second kneading is to break up gas bubbles, so that the bread will be fine grained. SHAPING—Shape into rolls or loaves. Use as little flour as possible. SECOND RISING—Put to rise in the pans. Allow loaves to rise 45 minutes or until double in bulk. BAKING—Loaves should be baked from 45 to 60 minutes. Rolls from 15 minutes to 25 minutes. TEMPERATURE—400 degrees for rolls, 350 degrees for bread. Reduce heat after browning begins. • Rolls (4^2 hour process) 1 pint milk (scalded and cooled) % yeast cake, dissolved in % cup cup shortening warm water 1 teaspoon salt Flour (3 times the amount of Vi cup sugar (vary to taste) liquid) Pour milk over shortening, salt and sugar. Allow to cool. Add dissolved yeast, sift in enough flour to make a stiff batter and mix well. Do not stir too long. The last flour should be cut in. Allow to rise 2% hours. Knead well, adding as little flour as possible. Form into rolls, place in greased pans, brush with melted butter and allow to rise 25 to 35 minutes. Bake in oven about 400 degrees, falling to 300 degrees. Brush with melted butter when removing from the oven for a soft crust. Stirring causes gluten to become tough. Egg Rolls 1 cup mashed potato 1 cup tepid water 1 cake yeast 2 tablespoons melted shortening 2 eggs Enough flour to make a drop % cup sugar batter 1 cup sweet milk, scalded and cooled to tepid Boil potatoes until tender, put through ricer, while warm add 137Yeast Breads sugar, then the well beaten eggs—now the yeast which has been dissolved in the water, add milk and flour alternately. Set to rise in a warm place, when sponge has risen to twice its bulk, make into smooth dough, with about 1 quart of flour, which has been sifted with 1 tablespoonful of salt. Knead lightly; set aside to rise again, when light roll out, cut with biscuit cutter, place in well greased pans, and allow to rise again until double in size, which should take about 20 minutes, then bake in oven (400 degrees Farenheit.) Orange Tea Rolls 1 cake compressed yeast 1 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons sugar 1 tablespoon oil or melted butter % cup lukewarm water 1 orange, juice and rind 1 cup milk, scalded and cooled Flour 1 cup bread flour Soak yeast cake in the % cup lukewarm water. Make a sponge of the sugar, scalded and cooled milk and one cup bread flour. Add the soaked yeast cake. Set in a warm place until light, then beat all and add 1 teaspoon salt, 1 tablespoon oil or melted butter and grated rind and juice of one large orange and enough flour to make a dough stiff enough to knead (about two cups.) Knead well, roll out one-half inch thick, cut in rounds, brush with oil or melted butter. Press a bit of orange into the dough at one side, fold over the half, brush with oil. Let rise and bake in quick oven about ten minutes. Remove from oven and brush with thin icing made of powdered sugar and orange juice. Set in oven a minute to dry the icing. Tea Rolls 1 cake compressed yeast 3 cups sifted flour cup milk, scalded and cooled 2 tablespoons melted butter % cup lukewarm water % teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon sugar Dissolve the yeast and sugar in the lukewarm liquid. Add butter and half of the flour, beat until smooth, add rest of flour, or enough to make a moderately firm dough, and add the salt. Knead thoroughly; roll out and shape as Parker House rolls. Place in well greased, shallow baking pans, cover and set aside to rise in a warm place, free from draft, for about 2 hours. When light, bake in a hot oven 10 minutes. 138Yeast Breads Muffins (English) 1 cup scalded milk I1/? teaspoons salt 1 cup boiling water % yeast cake 2 tablespoons shortening 1 egg cup sugar 4 cups flour Add sugar and salt to milk and water; when lukewarm, add yeast, dissolved, egg well beaten, and flour. Beat thoroughly, cover and let rise until light. Put greased English muffin rings on a hot griddle. Fill half full with raised muffin mixture and cook slowly until well risen and brown underneath. Turn the muffin rings and brown the other side. When muffins are cold, cut through the center, toast and serve with marmalade. Waffles with Yeast 1 cake yeast 2 cups milk, scalded and cooled 1 tablespoon sugar 1 tablespoon melted butter 2 eggs 2% cups sifted flour 1 teaspoon salt Dissolve the yeast and sugar in lukewarm liquid, add shortening, flour, salt, and eggs well beaten. Beat thoroughly until the batter is smooth; cover and set aside to rise in a warm place, free from draft, for about 1 hour. When light, stir well. Fill wafflie iron, hot and well greased. If the batter is too thick, the waffle will be tough. Graham Bread 1 cake yeast 3 tablespoons shortening 6 cups graham flour % cup sugar 1 tablespoon sugar % cup dates or raisins 1 cup lukewarm water 1 teaspoon salt 1 cup milk, scalded and cooled Dissolve the yeast and 1 tablespoon sugar in lukewarm liquid, add 3 cups flour, the shortening and sugar and beat until smooth. Cover and set aside to rise in a warm place—about iy2 hours. Add raisins, remainder of flour to make a soft dough, and last the salt. Knead lightly, place in a well greased bowl, cover and let rise again until double in bulk, about l1/^ hours. Mold into loaves, fill well greased pans half full, cover and let rise until light (about 1 hour.) Glaze with egg diluted with water and bake 45 minutes in oven at about 350 degrees F. 139Yeast Breads Sally Lunn Tea Cakes 2 teaspoons shortening Yt cup warm water 1 yeast cake 1 cup scalded milk 3 teaspoons sugar 3 eggs 3% cups flour Put sugar and shortening into a bowl, pour over scalded milk and when lukewarm add yeast cake dissolved in lukewarm water, eggs well beaten and enough flour to make stiff batter (3% cups bread flour.) Cover and let rise until very light. Fill greased muffin tins half full, cover and let rise. Bake in oven, 400 degrees Fahrenheit. Whole Wheat Bread 1 yeast cake 3 tablespoons melted shortening 3 level tablespoons brown sugar 7% cups whole wheat flour 1% cups lukewarm water 1 teaspoon salt P/2 cups milk, scalded and cooled Dissolve the yeast and sugar in the lukewarm liquid; add butter; then flour gradually, being sure to keep the dough soft. Place in a well greased bowl, cover and set aside in a warm place to rise for about two hours. When double in bulk, turn on kneading board. Mold into loaves; place in well greased pans; cover and set to rise again for about 1 hour, or until light. Bake one hour in a slower oven than for white bread. Philadelphia Coffee Cake 1 cup mashed potato 1 cup sugar 4 cups flour % cup shortening % cup potato water % teaspoon salt 3 eggs % cup water 1 yeast cake Soften the yeast cake in lukewarm water and add it to the potato, potato water and sugar. Let the sponge stand in a warm place until it is foamy on top (thirty minutes to one hour) then add the salt, shortening melted, the eggs well beaten and the flour. Stir thoroughly until well mixed. Let the dough rise in a warm place—one to one and a half hours, or overnight in a cooler but protected place. Stir down lightly and pour into buttered pans, not more than one inch in depth. Let it rise to not quite double its bulk and bake in a moderate oven (350 degrees F.) thirty of forty minutes. 140Yeast Breads Frosting 4 teaspoons butter 1 cup sugar (powdered or con- 2 teaspoons cinnamon fectioner’s) Cream the butter, add sugar gradually. To the last quarter cup of sugar add the cinnamon before incorporating it in the mixture. When the cake is baked, make gashes in the crust and fill them with the frosting, spreading the entire top as well. Cinnamon Buns Yi cake compressed yeast 14 cup warm milk % cup sweet milk (scalded, then 14 cup sugar cooled) % cup white flour Dissolve the yeast cake in the tepid water; add the cooled milk, the sugar and the flour. Cover the bowl and leave this sponge in a warm place (85 degrees F.) to rise to double in bulk. Then beat it for 2 minutes and add lhe following: 2 cups flour 1 teaspoon salt % tablespoon butter 1 egg, well beaten Knead this until the dough is firm and elastic; cover and leave to rise until double. Remove to bread board; with rolling pin roll the dough out about % inch thick, brush with butter, sprinkle with sugar, currants, and cinnamon. Then roll up as a jelly roll. Carefully cut slices about 1 inch thick, brush with fat and place in a well greased pan and bake for about 20 minutes at 400 to 450 degrees F. Let rise 20 minutes in a warm place before baking. Oatmeal Bread 3 cups uncooked rolled oats Yt cup lukewarm water 1 cup raisins 3 tablespoons molasses 1 quart boiling water 1 tablespoon salt 1 yeast cake 2 quarts of flour Cut raisins and mix with the rolled oats, distributing thoroughly.* Pour the boiling water over them and add the salt and molasses. Mix well and allow to stand until lukewarm. Dissolve yeast in the lukewarm water, add to the mixture. Stir in flour to make a dough that can be kneaded. If a bread mixer is used, the dough should leave the side in a good firm ball. This is necessary, as it seems to grow less stiff on standing. 141Yeast Breads Let the dough rise until double in bulk (about 1^ hours in a warm place), form into loaves and let rise a second time. Bake in a moderate oven (350 degrees F.) for one hour. This bread is apt to burn more quickly than the usual white loaf. Bread Sticks Take a rusk or bread dough—rusk is better and when light cut pieces from the side and roll under the hands to the length of the pan and the thickness of a lead pencil. . Let rise until light, bake in a hot oven and when nearly done glaze with egg. Hot Cross Buns 1 cake yeast 1 cup milk, scalded and cooled 1 tablespoon sugar 1/3 cup sugar Vi cup shortening y. cup raisins or currants 114 cups sifted flour 1 egg 14 teaspoon salt Dissolve the yeast and 1 tablespoon o£ sugar in the lukewarm milk. Add iy2 cups of the flour, to make a sponge. Beat until smooth; cover and let rise until light, in a warm place, about 1 hour. Add shortening and 1/3 cup sugar creamed, egg well beaten, raisins or currants, and salt, balance of flour, or enough more to make a soft dough. Turn on board, knead it lightly, place in a greased bowl. Cover and set aside in a warm place, until double in bulk, which should be in about 2 hours. Shape with hand into medium sized round buns; place in well greased pans about 2 inches apart. Cover and let rise again— about 1 hour. Glaze with egg diluted with water; with sharp knife cut a cross on top of each; bake 20 minutes 375 degrees Fahrenheit. Just before removing from oven, brush with sugar moistened with water. While hot, fill cross with plain frosting. Gluten Bread 1 yeast cake % cup tepid water 2% - cups mixed milk and water that have been scalded with 1% tablespoons butter and then cooled 2 cups gluten flour 2 tablespoons dark molasses 1% teaspoons salt 4 cups gluten flour Dissolve the yeast cake in % CUP tepid water and add to 142Yeast Breads milk and water that have been scalded with the butter and cooled. Beat in first 2 cups gluten flour and set over night. In the morning add the molasses, salt and 4 additional cups gluten flour to make a dough that will knead. Knead until very elastic, let rise again until double in bulk, and form into loaves. Place in greased pans, let stand for half an hour and bake about 1 hour in a moderate oven (350 dedegrees Fahrenheit.) Gluten Bread 1 cake yeast 1 teaspoon sugar 2 cups lukewarm water 1 tablespoon shortening 1 tablespoon salt Dissolve the yeast and sugar in lukewarm liquid, add fat, then gluten flour gradually, and salt. Knead thoroughly until smooth and elastic, place in well greased bowl, cover and set aside in a warm place, to rise until light, which should be in about 2 hours. Mold into loaves, place in greased pans, filling them half full. Cover, let rise again and when double in bulk, which should be in about 1 hour, bake in oven 45 minutes at 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Apple Cake 1 cup scalded milk 1/3 cup butter 2/3 cup sugar 1 teaspoon salt 1 cake yeast 14 cup lukewarm water Flour 5 sour apples 14 cup sugar 14 teaspoon cinnamon 2 tablespoons currants 2 eggs Mix first four ingrdients. When lukewarm add yeast cake which has been dissolved in lukewarm water, eggs and flour to make a soft dough, cover, let rise, beat thoroughly and again let rise. Spread in a dripping pan greased, and brush over with melted butter. Pare and cut into slices, and remove cores from apples. Press sharp edges of apples in the dough in parallel rows, lengthwise of pans. Sprinkle with sugar, cinnamon and currants, cover, let rise and bake 30 minutes at 350 degrees Fahrenheit. 143Yeast Breads Bran Rolls 1 cake compressed yeast 1 cup bread flour 1 cup milk 2 cups health bran 1 tablespoon sugar 1 cup whole wheat flour 2 teaspoons salt 2 tablespoons shortening 2 tablespoons molasses 2 tablespoons water Break up the yeast, add the sugar and water and set aside to soften. Scald and cool the milk until lukewarm, then add the yeast and the cup of bread flour. Beat until the batter is smooth and set in a warm place until it is light, then beat well and add the salt, molasses, shortening, bran and whole wheat flour. If necessary add a little more whole wheat flour to make a dough stiff enough to knead. Knead about ten minutes, shape into rolls and let rise until double their size, then bake in a quick oven 12 to 15 minutes. Oatmeal Rolls 1 cake compressed yeast % cup steel cut oatmeal 1 cup milk % cup health bran % cup boiling water 2 cups whole wheat flour 3 tablespoons sugar 2 tablespoons shortening 2 teaspoons salt 2 tablespoons lukewarm water 1 cup bread flour Soften the yeast in the lukewarm water. Scald and cool the milk, then add the yeast, the sugar and the bread flour, beat until smooth and set in a warm place until light. Pour the % cup boiling water over the steel-cut oatmeal, cover and set aside to cool. When the sponge is light beat it well and add the salt, shortening, bran, scalded oatmeal and enough whole-wheat flour to make a moderately stiff dough. Knead well and shape into rolls. Let rise until double their bulk and bake in a quick oven about 15 minutes. German Coffee Cake 1 cake yeast 2 beaten eggs % cup tepid water % cup sugar 1% cups flour % cup butter Dissolve the yeast in the water, add flour, beat well and allow to rise to double in bulk, add the butter, sugar and eggs, beat well and add enough more flour to make a heavy drop batter. Pour into well greased pans—such as pie pans or biscuit pans— allow to rise to double in bulk. Before placing in oven sprinkle with a mixture of bread crumbs, butter, cinnamon and sugar—% 144Yeast Breads cup of crumbs, stirred in pan containing 1 tablespoon melted butter, 1 tablespoon of sugar and 1 teaspoon cinnamon may be used. When the cake is baked, it may be covered with a coating of confectioner’s paste—1 cup of confectioner’s sugar, 2 tablespoons boiling water, 1 teaspoon butter. Prune Coffee Cake 1 pint milk Flour to make medium stiff % cup shortening dough ¥2 cup sugar 1 pound prunes 5 egg yolks 1 stick cinnamon 1 yeast cake ¥2 cup sugar Mix milk, shortening, sugar, yolks and yeast cake, softened in warm water and flour to make medium stiff dough. Let rise in warm place for 3 hours; fold dough over and let rise again for 30 minutes. Soak prunes in cold water over night, add lemon, cinnamon and sugar and cook for 1 hour, drain. When cold remove pits, cut in two and mix in dough. Make into 2 loaves, leave for 10 minutes, roll out about % inch, place in a pie plate, brush top with melted butter, sprinkle with chopped nuts mixed with sugar and bake in a medium oven. 145CHAPTER XV. DESSERTS Banana Sponge 1 tablespoon granulated gelatine % cup sugar 1 cup banana pulp Whites 2 eggs Juice % lemon Whipped cream Soften the gelatine in 3 or 4 tablespoons cold water. Press enough banana through a ricer to fill a cup. Stir and cook lemon juice and sugar over the fire until boiling thoroughly, then add the gelatine. Allow to cool in ice and water; when beginning to set, fold in the whites of the eggs, beaten very light, and banana pulp. When cold enough to hold its shape, dispose in glass cups and decorate the glasses with a spoonful of whipped cream. Delmonico Pudding 2% cups milk 2 eggs % cup sugar % package gelatine 1 tablespoon vanilla 1 cup whipped cream Vs teaspoon salt Soften gelatine in y± cup cold milk. Bring 2 cups milk to boiling point in double boiler; beat yolks of eggs until light, add sugar gradually and add to scalded milk. Cook until it coats the spoon, remove from stove and stir in the gelatine. When about to congeal, fold in beaten egg whites, extract, and cream. Mold with alternate layers of broken macaroons and crystallized cherries. Marshmallow Cream 2 tablespoons gelatine % cup granulated sugar % cup cold water 1 teaspoon vanilla % cup boiling water 1 teaspoon lemon extract ¡3 oak gelatine in the cold water 5 minutes; add the boiling water and place over teakettle until thoroughly dissolved. Cool, but do not chill. Stir the sugar in the dissolved gelatine. Beat the whites of the eggs very light, and to the eggs, add the gelatine and sugar, a few spoonfuls at a time, beating constantly. Divide in two parts, and to one part add pink color and flavor with vanilla, about 1 teaspoonful. To the white part add 1 146Desserts teaspoonful lemon extract. Mold in layers, adding pecan nuts to the pink part and maraschino cherries to the white part. May be served with or without whipped cream. Cocoa Pudding 1 cup milk 1% teaspoons vanilla 2 tablespoons granulated gelatine 1 pint cream (whipped) % cup cold water 3 tablespoons cocoa % cup sugar Stir cocoa in cold milk, place over fire in double boiler, add sugar and scald. Soak' gelatine in cold water 5 minutes, add to scalded ingredients, stir until dissolved and remove from fire. Pour into a cold bowl, set in a pan of cold water, changing water as it becomes warm. When beginning to stiffen, add vanilla and the cream, whipped. Mix thoroughly, pour into a form, previously wet in cold water, and set on ice until firm. Unmold and serve plain or with vanilla flavored sauce. Apple Macaroni Macaroon Core six large apples and chop in pieces without paring. Cook until soft in water barely to cover, acidulated with 2 tablespoonfuls of lemon juice. Remove from fire, add 1 cup of sugar, 1 teaspoon of grated nutmeg and 1 tablespoon of candied lemon peel, chopped fine. Have ready 1 cup of macaroni cooked until soft. Add this to apples in baking dish and bake, covered, in hot oven until apples begin to redden. Remove cover and pile in meringue on top of the pudding, or cover with buttered crumbs, or with fine grated cheese. Let surface brown, and serve while hot. Macaroon Pudding Soak 1 dozen macaroons in cup of currant jelly and 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, dissolved over hot water. Make a soft custard of 1 pint of milk, % cup of sugar, the beaten yolks of 2 eggs and 1 whole beaten egg. Flavor with almond extract. Add to custard 4 more macaroons, heated in oven until crisp, then roll into crumbs. Pour this mixture into the serving dish, add the macaroons soaked in currant jelly; pile over them a meringue of the two left-over whites of eggs, beaten stiff with 2 tablespoons of powdered sugar, decorated with small cubes 147Desserts of any bright-colored jelly, and place in oven until meringue is slightly browned on top. Baked Apple Dumpling 1 cup flour 3 tablespoons shortening % teaspoon salt cup water Mix all together and roll very thin, cut in squares, place 1/2 apple in each square, sprinkle with 2 teaspoons sugar, bit of cinnamon and % teaspoon butter. Wet edges, fold together by corners, place in pan, pour sugar and water, cinnamon and butter over and bake. Serve with any good sauce. Strawberry Shortcake No. 1 114 cups sugar 14- cup shortening 3 egg whites 2% cups flour 3 teaspoons baking powder % teaspoon salt 1 cup milk 14 teaspoon extract Cream sugar and shortening. Separate eggs. Add yolks to creamed mixture. Sift and mix ingredients. Add alternately the liquids and dry ingredients. Flavor with any extract. Lastly, fold in stiffly beaten egg whites. Place in 2 layer cake tins that have been oiled and floured. Bake in oven 350 degrees, increase heat to 400 degrees. Strawberry Shortcake No. 2 J/j cup sugar % cup shortening 6 teaspoons baking powder 1 egg (well beaten) 3 cups flour 1 cup milk Mix and sift dry ingredients. Add the egg, well beaten, and cut in shortening. Mix the milk lightly into dry mixture. Divide into two cake tins. Let rise 10 minutes and bake in moderate oven. Plum Pudding 4 cups stale bread crumbs 114 teaspoons salt 14 teaspoon nutmeg 1 teaspoon cinnamon % teaspoon cloves 14 teaspoon mace 1 cup hot milk 14 cup sugar 1 tablespoon lemon juice 4 egg yolks 114 cups butter 114 cups seeded raisins 14 cup grape juice 4 egg whites 1 cup currants 2/3 cup figs (finely chopped) / cup citron (finely chopped) Break small the stale bread, mix salt and spices with crumbs and pour hot milk over them. Let stand until cool. Add sugar 148Desserts and butter to the beaten yolks; cream until light; add the bread-crumb mixture, plumped raisins, currants, figs, citron and grape juice. Mix well and fold in the stiffly beaten egg whites. Pour into a buttered mold. Cover and steam for 6 hours. French pie (Frozen) Line a layer cake pan with a rich pastry rolled as thin as possible, and allow the paste to come to the top of the sides of pan. Make a hot water sponge cake— 3 whole eggs 1 cup sugar 1 cup flour 1 teaspoon baking powder Vt cup boiling water 1 teaspoon lemon juice Pour into pastry lined pan and bake. The oven should be 500 degrees for the first five minutes and reduced to 275 degrees to bake the cakes. When the cakes are cool, place a layer of quality cream between the layers, cover the top and sides with a soft butter icing. Place this in a round tin (candy boxes will serve) and place box in a pack of ice and salt (4 measures of ice and 1 measure of salt) for 3 hours. Remove from the box to a platter, garnish with whipped cream, nuts and cherries. Quality Cream (for Cream Puffs, Washington Pie, etc.) 2% cups milk 2 egg yolks % cup flour 1 teaspoon vanilla % cup sugar 2 egg whites (beaten stiffly) Scald the milk, sift the dry ingredients, moisten sugar and flour with a little cold milk reserved for that purpose. Add to the scalded milk in double boiler, stir and cook until clear and thick. Cover and let simmer 10 minutes. Add to beaten yolks of eggs % cup of sugar and beat into hot mixture, stirring until the eggs are cooked. Remove from the fire and continue to stir until cool; add vanilla-and fold in beaten whites. Chocolate Pudding, Steamed Balls Y cup shortening 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 cup sugar % cup milk 1% cups flour 2 squares chocolate 2 teaspoons baking powder 3 eggs % teaspoon salt Beat eggs and add gradually sugar, beating well to dissolve the sugar; add in the order named, the melted shortening, meltedDesserts chocolate, milk and extract; beat until smooth and add the dry ingredients which have been sifted together. Bake in muffin tins previously oiled and floured, place the muffin tins in larger pan containing water and steam in hot oven 20 minutes. Serve hot with hard sauce or marshmallow sauce. Chocolate Pudding (No Egg) % cup shortening 14 cup milk 1 cup • sugar 2 squares chocolate 1% cups flour 1 teaspoon vanilla extract V2 teaspoon salt 1 cup walnuts 2 teaspoons baking powder Sift sugar, flour, salt and baking powder together. Melt chocolate. Add milk to dry ingredients and beat well, then add melted shortening and chocolate. Lastly add nuts and vanilla. Put in well greased molds and steam for 1 hour. Serve with hard sauce or marshmallow sauce. Christmas Pudding 1% pounds coarse bread crumbs 1 pound seeded raisins 1 cup chopped figs, prunes or 1 pound seedless raisins dates 1 cup brown sugar 1 cup chopped nuts 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 pound suet (chopped) 1 teaspoon nutmeg 1 teaspoon cloves 2 teaspoons baking powder 2 teaspoons salt Grated rind of 2 lemons 6 or 8 eggs 1 cup cider or fruit juice % cup milk Scald milk and pour over fresh bread crumbs. Add fruit juice, cover and let cool. Add sugar, spices, salt and baking powder mixed. Add well-beaten eggs and lemon rind. Add fruits, nuts and suet. Steam in buttered molds 2 hours.. This makes two or more puddings. Baked Apple Dumplings (a New Way) 1% cups sifted pastry flour % cup shortening % teaspoon salt 3 level teaspoons baking powder about % cup milk Apples Fill the cups of a buttered muffin-pan with pared and sliced apples, sprinkle with salt and pour 2 or 3 tablespoonfuls of water into each cup. Sift together three times the flour, salt and baking powder; work in the shortening and mix to a soft dough 150Desserts with the milk. Drop the dough from a spoon upon the apples in the cups, smoothing the tops. Bake about 25 minutes. Invert the pan on a large serving dish. Put a spoonful of hard sauce over the apples in each dumpling, and finish with a grating of nutmeg. Other fruit, as peaches or berries, may be used in the same way, serving with cream or hard sauce. Blackberry Roll Dough of 2 cups flour 2 teaspoons baking powder % teaspoon salt 6 tablespoons shortening Cold water Blackberry Mixture I cup mashed blackberries 3 tablespoons sugar Basting Mixture % cup water 2 tablespoons butter 4 tablespoons sugar Make a biscuit dough of the flour, baking powder, salt, shortening and cold water to bind. Divide in two parts. Roll out and over it spread mashed blackberries mixed with sugar. Dot generously with butter. Roll up like a jelly roll. Bake in a hot oven until nicely browned. The last 10 minutes of the baking, baste with a mixture of % CUP water, 2 tablespoons butter and 4 tablespoons sugar. This may be made with the whole berries. Chocolate Marshmallow Roll 4 egg whites and yolks (beaten 1% cups flour separately) *4 teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 2 tablespoons Wesson oil 4 tablespoons boiling water 1 cup sugar Beat yolks and whites separately. Add 1 cup sugar to the whites, combining with the yolks by pouring the beaten yolks into first mixture. Add boiling water, beat well, add oil, fold in lightly the dry ingredients. Pour batter into a prepared square baking-pan (paper oil and floured) and bake in moderate oven. When baked time required, 15 minutes, turn out on a damp towel spread with marshmallow cream and by pinching the edge nearest the body, one inch from the end, roll by lifting the towel from one side. Hold wrapped in the towel for a few seconds— until it holds its shape. 151Desserts Peach Cobbler 2 cups flour % teaspoon salt % teaspoon baking powder % cup milk or water % cup shortening Select for this purpose a clingstone peach beginning to be soft. Slice them an hour before the time the cobbler is to be made and sprinkle generously with sugar and a bit of cinnamon. Take a deep piepan or a pan in which biscuits are baked, and line it with a soft pie crust. Fill the cavity with peaches, dot over with butter and cover with a thin pie crust generously perforated. Bake in a hot oven. Sift dry ingredients, cut in shortening with two silver knives or pinch in with fingers as lightly as possible. Add the water or milk a little at a time and mix with a silver knife. Roll out on a lightly floured board, and on the under part of top crust put dabs of butter. Keep as cold as possible, until ready to go into the oven. Place in hot oven to bake until beginning to brown. Reduce temperature to cook thoroughly. This may be used for apples, blackberries, or raspberries, as well as peaches. Blanc Mange 1% cups milk 2 egg whites (beaten stiff) % cup sugar 4 tablespoons corn starch 1 teaspoon vanilla Heat milk, mix sugar and cornstarch thoroughly; then add the hot milk, stirring constantly until mixture thickens. Cook over hot water for 20 minutes, stirring constantly. When cooked pour hot mixture slowly over the beaten whites of eggs, add flavoring and pour into a mold which has been rinsed in cold water. Chill and serve with a custard made of the 2 egg yolks. Chocolate Blanc Mange Add 2/2 CUP °f ground chocolate to the plain cornstarch recipe. Or if unsweetened chocolate is preferred, melt 2 squares over hot water, then add to the pudding. Pineapple Blanc Mange 1 cup grated pineapple’ and juice 3 tablespoons corn starch 1 teaspoon lemon juice 2 egg whites % cup sugar Heat pineapple, mix sugar and cornstarch until well blended, 152Desserts then add to hot mixture. Stir until smooth, then cook over hot water about 20 minutes. Pour over stiffly beaten egg whites. Pour into a mold and set aside to become firm. Unmould and serve with a custard sauce. Orange Blanc Mange Substitute orange juice and grated rind following the recipe for the pineapple blanc mange. Christmas-Tree Gelatine 1 envelope gelatine 1 tablespoon sugar 1 cup cold water 1 tablespoon vanilla 2 cups boiling water Nuts, pineapple, orange, citron % cup sugar, Red cherries, grapes % cup lemon juice Whipped cream Green coloring Soak gelatine in cold water and dissolve in boiling water. Add sugar, then add lemon juice. Divide in 3 portions and color the first with green, the second with chocolate, and vanilla and sugar mixed. The third leave plain. Fill the bottom of the mold with red cherries and grapes and cover with the green gelatine. After it has congealed, add a row of nuts and fruits and cover with the uncolored gelatin. After this has congealed, add the chocolate. Serve with whipped cream. Charlotte Russe 1 pint double cream Vanilla Whites of 2 eggs Lady fingers % cup powdered sugar Nuts, crystallized fruits (if 1 teaspoon gelatine desired) Whip the cream and beat the eggs. Add the sugar to the eggs and add slowly drop by drop the gelatine which has been softened in cold water and dissolved by holding over the steam of the teakettle. Flavor with vanilla. Line a bowl with lady fingers or stale cake and pour the charlotte in. Cover the top with lady fingers and nuts. Crystallized fruits may be added. Raisin Pineapple Whip % tablespoon gelatine 4 tablespoons cold water 1 cup seedless raisins % cup water or pineapple juice 1 cup whipped cream Soften gelatine in cold water. 2 tablespoons sugar 2 tablespoons orange juice 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 cup pineapple (cut in pieces) Cook raisins in pineapple 153Desserts juice for 15 minutes. Add gelatine and stir until dissolved. Add sugar, fruit juice and pineapple. Cool and fold in % cup whipped cream. Put in fancy molds. Set in cold place until firm. Serve with remainder of cream on top. This is such a rich dessert that the servings should be small. Prune Whip 14 cup powdered sugar 1 cup cooked prunes 4 eggs- Whip whites of eggs to a stiff froth; add sugar slowly, beating continually, add prunes which have been stoned and chopped. Whip until very light. Bake in pudding dish in moderate oven about 10 minutes. Serve cold with soft custard, made from yolks of eggs. Surprise Apples 2 egg whites 2 cups sugar 1 orange or lemon 14 teaspoon nutmeg 1 cup whipped cream 1 quart sliced, tart apples 1 cup sweet cider 14 teaspoon cinnamon 2 tablespoons gelatine 14 cup cold water Cook the fruit in the cider until tender, then pass it through a sieve. Stir in the sugar, the juice, grated outer rind of the orange or lemon and the spices. Simmer slowly about 15 minutes, then stir in the gelatine, soften in the water. Allow the mixture to cool, but not harden; add the stiffly beaten egg whites, beat up until light and then gradually fold in the whipped cream. Scoop out the inside of large red apples; just before ready to fill, pour in them mixture until full, then replace the slice that has been cut off the stem end. Serve 1 to each person. These are a delicious accompaniment to roast pork or turkey, or any roast. If liked, the whipped cream or the egg whites may be omitted with good result. The apples should not be peeled. Grape Cream Cups 1 cup grape juice Vi cup boiling water 14 cup lemon juice % cup heavy cream 14 cup cold water 2 tablespoons gelatine 14 cup orange juice 1 egg white % cup sugar Soften the gelatine in a little cold water, then stir into the 154Desserts boiling water, add the grape juice, sugar and heat to the boiling point, then remove and add the other juices. Let stand until cold and the mixture begins to stiffen, then add the egg whites and beat up until light and fluffy. Carefully fold in the cream whipped until very light. Fill into sherbet glasses. Floating Island 2 cups milk % teaspoon salt 2 eggs 1 teaspoon almond or vanilla 14 cup currant jelly extract 2 tablespoons sugar Scald the milk, but do not boil. Beat the yolks of the eggs, stir in the sugar and salt and add to the hot milk, mixing well. Cook slowly in a saucepan until mixture begins to thicken, stirring constantly. Cool and flavor. Make meringue of the whites whipped until dry, and into which jelly has been beaten a teaspoon at a time. Drop the meringue from a spoon on top of the custard, chill and serve. Raisin Tapioca 1 pint scalded milk 14 cups sugar 1 egg 4 tablespoons granulated tapioca 14 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon grated lemon rind' 1 cup raisins Soak for % hour and cook tapioca in scalded milk for 15 minutes, stir until thick. Beat egg light; add salt, lemon rind and sugar. Add hot tapioca slowly, beating constantly. Cook for 5 minutes and cool slightly. Add raisins and chill before serving. Apricot Whip 1 cup apricot pulp Juice of % lemon 14 cup sugar Whites 4 or 5 eggs Press through a sieve enough cooked apricots to fill a cup. Add sugar and lemon juice and mix thoroughly. Fold in the whites of the eggs, beaten very light and turn into a buttered and sugared baking dish. Bake, set in a pan of hot water, until firm in the center. Serve hot, with cream. Ambrosia 1 dozen sweet oranges • 1 cup sugar 2 large cocoanuts (grated) Peel oranges and cut into bits. . Mix a layer of cocoanut, 155Desserts then orange, sprinkling each layer with sugar until the dish is full. Have the last layer of the grated cocoanut. Let set in the refrigerator 2 hours before serving. A variation of this dish may be made as follows: 2 cups grated cocoanut 4 oranges 2 rounds chopped pineapple 2 bananas 1 cup pecan meats (chopped) % cup sugar % cup candied cherries Chill for 2 hours in refrigerator and serve with whipped cream. Pineapple and Rice 2 cups cooked rice more if desired 1 small can shredded pineapple Sugar to taste 6 tablespoons whipped cream or Stir the ingredients together well and sweeten as desired. Chill before serving. Steamed Strawberry Shortcake 2% cups flour 3 teaspoons baking powder % cup sugar % teaspoon salt Yt cup butter 1 egg 1 cup milk Sift together the dry ingredients and mix in the butter with a knife or finger tips. Beat the egg and mix it with the milk and add to the mixture. Turn into a greased mold and steam 3 hours. Serve hot with whipped cream and strawberry jam. Shortcake For Six 2 cups flour 2 tablespoons sugar (sifted 1 teaspoon salt together) 2 teaspoons baking powder Pinch in gently 4 tablespoons of shortening (butter or substitute). Three-fourths cup milk. Toss and roll on floured board, and shape on making sheet. Bake in hot oven. When browned, brush over with melted butter and split crosswise. Spread the lower layer with mashed or sliced strawberries and powdered sugar. Cover the top with whole berries and garnish with whipped cream. This dough may be rolled out and cut as for individual shortcakes or biscuits, and with the pastry bag and tube the cream may be put on so as to be very decorative as well as good. 156Desserts Strawberry Filling 1 cup sugar 1 cup strawberries 1 egg white Beat the sugar and strawberries and egg white, until of the consistency of stiff meringue. Flavor as desired, or color with a red coloring matter. Spread this mixture between layers and on top of cake. Save the nicest berries for the top decoration. Snow Balls (Steamed) % cup shortening % cup milk 3 teaspoons baking powder 1 cup sugar 214 cups flour 1 teaspoon salt Sift flour four times. Whites of 4 eggs. Make same manner as cakes. Put in buttered cups and steam 40 minutes. Serve with sauce. Steamed Carrot Pudding 1 cup grated raw carrots 1 cup grated raw potatoes 1 cup brown sugar 1% cups flour 1 cup seeded raisins 1 cup nuts % cup shortening 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon soda (mixed with potato) % teaspoon cloves % teaspoon nutmeg Mix and sift the dry ingredients; then mix with other ingredients in order given. Steam for three hours. Serve with a hot pudding sauce. Carrots and potatoes may be cooked and mashed. Date Pudding 1 cup dates (chopped) 1% cups boiling water % cup shortening 3 whole eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 teaspoon salt % cup raisins (chopped) % teaspoon soda 1 2/3 cups brown sugar 3 cups flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 cup chopped nuts Run dates and raisins through small knife of food chopper and pour over them the boiling water, mix thoroughly. When cool add the soda dissolved in a tablespoon of water. Cream shortening and sugar, add the whole eggs slightly beaten, then the date mixture and the flour sifted with the salt and baking powder, and last the flavoring and nuts. Bake 20 minutes, 350 degrees F. 157Desserts Date Cake or Pudding 1 cup sugar % cup nuts 3 tablespoons shortening % teaspoon soda 1 egg 1 cup boiling water 1 cup dates 3A cup flour Vi teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons baking powder Put soda and the cup of boiling water over the dates and let stand until you have creamed the sugar and shortening, add the egg (need not be beaten), add flour, baking powder, salt, then dates and hot water and nuts the last thing. Bake slowly, 300 degrees. This may be served with whipped cream as a pudding. Food For the Gods 1 pound walnuts 2 cups brown sugar % pound dates (cut in small 6 eggs pieces) 7 tablespoons cracker crumbs Beat yolks of eggs, add sugar and cream together well. Add nuts, cracked and chopped dates and cracker crumbs. Lastly add beaten whites of eggs and bake in slow oven for 30 minutes. Cut in squares, and serve with whipped cream and nuts on top. Princess Pat 1% cups crumbs 2 cups milk 54 cup sugar 54 teaspoon salt 1 egg yolk 54 teaspoon vanilla Jelly 1 stiffly beaten egg white Mix crumbs, milk, sugar and salt, cook in a double boiler 5 minutes. Add egg yolk and vanilla. Pour into a greased baking dish and cool. Spread with jelly and dot with the meringue. Cook in a very moderate oven for fifteen minutes, a nice brown.. This mixture may be poured into cooked pie shell before placing the meringue. Ice-Box Cake 1 cake sweet chocolate (5£ lb.) 3 tablespoons powdered sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla Yolks of 4 eggs Cook in double boiler, and add 1 teaspoon of gelatine which has been dissolved in % cup of water. When cool, add whites of four eggs, well beaten. Have pan lined with lady fingers. 158Desserts Pour chocolate over and top with whipped cream, cherries and nuts. Plum Pudding % cup flour 3 eggs 1 cup raisins % cup butter % cup milk (or fruit juice) % teaspoon cinnamon % teaspoon soda % teaspoon orange extract ¥2 cup crystallized fruit 2 cups bread crumbs % cup citron 1 cup currants % cup sugar % cup jelly Vs teaspoon nutmeg % cup lemon juice 1 teaspoon wild cherry extract Cut up citron and mix all of the fruit with the crumbs. Beat the eggs, add the sugar, milk, jelly and seasonings. Combine the mixtures and pour in the butter, melted. Steam four hours in buttered tins. Serve with hard sauce. This will be found different from the ordinary plum pudding, it will not be so heavy because of the small amount of flour. Chocolate Squares ¥2 cup butter ¥2 cup granulated sugar 5 squares sweetened chocolate- ¥2 cup finely chopped but not 4 eggs blanched almonds Cream the butter. Add sugar and egg yolks, beat well together until light. Add the nuts and chocolates, and lastly the stiffly beaten whites. Pour out on a large flat pan, well buttered, and sprinkle flour to the thickness of paper. Bake in an oven 300 degrees. While warm remove carefully with a flat knife. Heavenly Hash 2 cups whipped cream 12 mashmallows (cut in quarters) 4 slices pineapple 12 cherries (cut small) Whip the cream and add the fruit and marshmallows a few minutes before serving in parfait glasses, with sponge cake or lady fingers. Strawberry Sponge 1 envelope gelatine 1 cup sugar 3 egg whites 1 tablespoon lemon juice ¥2 cup cold water 1 cup crushed strawberries ¥2 cup boiling water 1 cup whipped cream Soften gelatine in cold water, dissolve in boiling water, add 159Desserts sugar, lemon juice, cool and add strawberries. Chill in a pan of ice water, beat with a wire beater until frothy; then add the stiffly beaten whites of eggs, then fold in whipped cream and fill mold. Cherry Pudding 2 cups sifted flour 2 teaspoons baking powder % teaspoon salt 14 cup butter 2 eggs % cup milk Cherries 2 tablespoons butter Sift together three times flour, baking powder and salt and work in the butter; beat eggs, add milk to eggs and stir into the flour. Half fill a baking-pan with fruit, add bits of butter and pour batter over top of fruit, bake slowly for 15 minutes, increase heat and bake until pastry is done. Turn on a plate with cherries uppermost, serve with hard sauce or very sweet cherry juice. Other fruits, such as apples, peaches, berries or bananas may be used. Woodford Pudding 14 cup shortening 114 cups flour 1 cup sugar 1 cup blackberry jam 3 eggs (well beaten) 1 teaspoon nutmeg 14 cup buttermilk 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon soda Cream shortening and sugar well, add % teaspoonful salt. Add the eggs beaten together until light. Sift dry ingredients with flour. Alternate the flour and buttermilk, add the jam last. Bake in a moderate oven and serve with the following sauce: Woodford Sauce Two tablespoons butter creamed, into this beat as much pulverized sugar as it will take up. Add 14 teaspoonful of salt, place this over boiling water and stir until it becomes a liquid, season with vanilla or sherry wine and just before serving add 1 cupful of whipped cream. Serve hot. Frying-Pan Cake In the bottom of a deep frying-pan put 1 cup brown sugar and % CUP melted butter. Over this place sliced pineapples 160Desserts and cherries or strawberries, over which pour a sponge-cake mixture as follows: 3 egg yolks % cup boiling water 1 tablespoon lemon juice 2 cups flour % teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons baking powder 1% cups sugar 3 egg whites Beat the yolks of the egg until thick and lemon colored. Add the sugar and continue beating, then add the flavoring and boiling water. Beat the mixture well. Add the salt to the egg whites and beat until the whites are stiff. Sift the flour and baking powder several times. Add part of the dry ingredients through the sifter to the yolk mixture, then add some of the egg whites. Repeat until all the dry ingredients and the egg whites have been added. Mix by lifting the wire eggbeater straight up and down through the mixture. Cook slowly 1 hour. Turn out and the top will be covered with a caramelized mixture. Cool and serve with whipped cream. Cottage Pudding 1 cup flour % cup milk 2 tablespoons shortening 1 teaspoon baking powder 4 tablespoons sugar 1 teaspoon flavoring 1 egg Cream the shortening, stir in the yolk and when well mixed add sugar, stirring well. Sift the flour and baking powder together and add this to the mixture, a little at a time, alternating with milk till all is in. Put in flavoring and fold in beaten white. Bake in a cakepan. Serve it with lemon sauce. 161CHAPTER XVI. SAUCES Rule 1.—General Directions. Mix an equal amount flour and water until smooth, then add more cold water until thin enough to pour. Add the flour mixture gradually to the hot liquid, stirring until thickened, add the butter and seasonings for making sauces just before taking from stove. If cooked in a double boiler, allow 20 minutes for cooking. If boiled, cook 5 minutes. This method does not cook the butter. Cooking butter renders it less digestible. For a thin sauce, allow 1% tablespoons flour to 1 cup liquid. For a medium sauce, allow 2 tablespoons to 1 cup liquid. Rule 2.—Melt the butter, add flour mixed with seasonings and stir until thoroughly mixed. Pour on gradually the hot liquid, adding 1/3 at a time, stirring while cooking until perfectly smooth before adding more liquid. Rule 3.—Cream the butter, flour and seasonings; add cold liquid; cook, stirring all the time until perfectly smooth. White Sauce 1 cup scalded milk % teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons flour Few grains pepper 2 tablespoons water 2 tablespoons butter Follow directions as given above in Rule 1. Thick White Sauce Allow 1/3 cup flour to 1 cup milk. Bechamel Sauce % cup highly seasoned white stock 2 tablespoons butter % cup scalded milk 14 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons flour 1/16 teaspoon pepper Follow directions. 162Sauces Tomato Sauce 2 cloves % teaspoon pepper 1 slice onion % cup water % cup tomatoes 2 tablespoons butter % teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons flour Boil the first four chopped ingredients 5 minutes. Strain. Brown butter, add flour, brown the two. Add gradually the hot liquid. Boil. Season to taste. Tomato Cream Sauce Add ys teaspoon soda to Tomato Sauce. Heat, add gradually % cup scalded milk. Brown Sauce 2 cups brown stock 1 tablespoon butter 1 tablespoon Worcestershire 2 tablespoons flour sauce Salt and pepper to taste Brown the butter, add the flour. Brown the two, stirring until smooth; add the stock gradually; cook and stir until sauce is smooth. Mint Sauce 1 cup finely chopped mint leaves 2 tablespoons sugar % cup vinegar Use only the leaves and tender tips of the mint. Add the sugar to the vinegar. When dissolved, pour over the mint and let stand on the back of the range for thirty minutes. If the vinegar is very strong, add a little water. Egg Sauce 1 tablespoon butter */3 cup water Vi cup sugar 2 egg whites 1 egg yolk 1 teaspoon vanilla Beat the butter and sugar to a cream; add the yolk of egg and when smooth add the well-beaten whites of the eggs, and gradually the boiling water. Cook over boiling water for 2 or 3 minutes, flavor and serve. 163Sauces Tartar Sauce 1 cup mayonnaise dressing teaspoon onion juice 1 teaspoon chopped capers 1 teaspoon made mustard 1 teaspoon chopped parsley 1 teaspoon chopped pickles Add all ingredients to the mayonnaise, mix well and serve very cold. PUDDING SAUCES Sauces are of several different varieties and as a rule are used to add flavor to a food. Sauces are used for puddings and for this purpose there are two, the cooked sauce and the uncooked hard sauce. Of the former (cooked) sauce we have a plain sauce made of water, sugar and thickened with cornstarch or flour and flavored as desired and frequently enriched by butter. To this we may add chocolate or marshmallows for variety. An egg and cream gives another entirely different sauce, while brown sugar or caramel may please where the plain mixture fails. Pudding Sauce For the plain rice pudding, bread pudding and stale cake, the following sauce may be looked on as a guide. 1 cup granulated sugar 1 tablespoon butter 2 tablespoons cornstarch 1 tablespoon lemon juice or % teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 cup boiling water Sift together sugar, cornstarch and salt. Cook in boiling water until clear, care being taken to prevent burning; add butter and flavoring. Ginger Sauce 4 tablespoons butter 2 eggs % cup sugar % cup milk 1 tablespoon ginger syrup 3 tablespoons preserved ginger % teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon lemon juice Cream the butter in the top part of a double boiler. Add the sugar and cream well. Add salt, egg yolks, ginger or ginger syrup. When thoroughly mixed set the pan over boiling water in the double boiler. As the mixture becomes hot, add the milk 164Sauces and stir constantly as for soft custard until thick (about five minutes). Remove from the fire and add lemon juice. Before serving pour onto the whites of eggs which have been beaten until very stiff. Rice and bread puddings will be doubly appreciated with this sauce as an accompaniment. Hard Sauce Y cup butter 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 cup powdered sugar Flavoring 1 egg white Cream butter and sugar together with egg and juice and add flavoring. Flavor with cinnamon or nutmeg, vanilla or lemon—to serve with Brown Betty, apple dumpling. Finely chopped preserved ginger (about % cup) with 2 tablespoons, of the juice is very delicious and combines well. Cranberry Sauce 4 cups cranberries 2 cups sugar 1 cup water Pick over and wash the cranberries, add water and cover until it boils. Remove cover, add sugar and cook about 10 minutes or until berries have all burst. Pour into mold, chill and serve. For cranberry jelly, press the cooked berries through a coarse sieve, put into mold and chill. Add sugar. Caramel Sauce Melt 1 cup of granulated sugar until it becomes clear, amber syrup. Add 1 cup of boiling water and simmer 30 minutes. Just before removing, add % cup of marshmallows and beat thoroughly. Chopped nuts added to this sauce when cold gives a delicious flavor. Caramel Sauce 1 cup sugar (brown) 1 cup boiling water 1 tablespoon cornstarch 1 teaspoon vanilla % teaspoon salt % tablespoon butter Put sugar, cornstarch, salt and 4 tablespoons water in a saucepan and cook, stirring constantly until brown, then add 1 165Sauces cup boiling water and cook until clear, add vanilla and butter. Serve hot or cold. Creamy Sauce % pound butter % cup cream 2 cups confectioners’ sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 egg Flavoring Cream the butter and sugar, add the well-beaten egg, and beat all thoroughly, when very light add the cream a little at a time, place the bowl in hot water and stir until it is creamy. Add flavoring as desired. Serve on plum pudding or cottage pudding. Foamy Sauce 3 eggs Orange, bitter almond Pinch of salt Preserved ginger or cinnamon *4 cup powdered sugar Combine the egg yolks, well beaten with the powdered sugar and salt. Flavor to taste. Fold the mixture into the beaten whites of the eggs and serve at once. Foamy Sauce 1% tablespoons butter 1 egg 1 cup sugar % cup warm water Vi teaspoon salt Flavoring Cream butter, sugar and salt together. Beat yolk of egg well and add to mixture. Stir in warm water slowly and fold in the stiffly beaten whites. Put in double boiler and cook until thick. Flavor to taste. Fruit Sauce 1 cup currants 1 tablespoon cornstarch 1 cup boiling water 1 teaspoon butter 1 egg white 1 teaspoon lemon juice % cup brown or white sugar Cook together currants and boiling water until well plumped, slightly mash and add sugar and cornstarch mixed— butter and lemon juice. Add well-beaten egg white just before serving. 166Sauces Italian Sauce 2 tablespoons butter % cup candied cherries % cup powdered sugar 3 egg yolks 2 teaspoons cornstarch Juice and rind 1 lemon % cup boiling water Cream butter, add sugar and cornstarch, yolk of eggs well beaten, and boiling water; boil 3 minutes; add remaining ingredients and serve. Peach Sauce 1% cups peach puree % cup double cream Powdered sugar Sweet almond extract White 1 egg Press sufficient peaches through a puree sieve to make 1% cups. Sweeten to taste with powdered sugar and add the stiffly whipped white of egg, double cream whipped stiff and extract. Delicious with ice cream, blanc mange or cottage pudding. Jelly Sauce % cup sugar 1 glass jelly 1 tablespoon flour 1% cups cold water 1 tablespoon lemon juice Mix all together and cook until smooth. Jelly Sauce 1 cup water 2 tablespoons jelly 1 tablespoon sugar 1 teaspoon cornstarch Put water into saucepan, bring to a boil; add jelly and sugar; stir until dissolved; add cornstarch wet with a little cold water; boil three minutes. Coffee Marron Sauce % cup marron syrup Few grains salt % cup strong, strained coffee 3 tablespoons cream Yolks 2 eggs 1 teaspoon sugar Drain the syrup from a small bottle of preserved marrons (about % cup) and add coffee. Heat in the upper part of the double boiler and stir in the yolks of the eggs, beaten with the salt, cream and sugar. Cook, stirring constantly, until wellSauces thickened, remove from the fire, cool and add the coarsely chopped marrons. Chill on the ice before serving. Strawberry Hard Sauce 4 tablespoons butter Strawberry pulp 1 cup confectioner’s sugar Almond extract White 1 egg Make a hard saiice of butter and sugar, add carefully the stiffly beaten white of the egg and 3 or 4 tablespoons of strawberry pulp which has been finely mashed. Flavor with 3 or 4 drops of almond extract. Mix carefully and chill thoroughly. Serve on hot cottage pudding. As much of the crushed fruit as one likes can be added up to the point where the acid of the fruit begins to cause the fat to separate. A little sugar, may be added to the pulp if necessary. California Sauce (For Steamed Puddings) Juice and rind % lemon Y cup sugar % cup orange juice Whites and yolks 2 eggs Mix the fruit juice and egg yolks and sugar. Cook in double boiler, stirring continuously until thick. Add gradually the whites of the eggs stiffly beaten. Stir all the time. Cook and serve on any pudding. SAUCES FOR ICE CREAM Cherry Sauce for Ices 2 cups cherries % cup sugar Stem and stone the cherries. Add a few of the bruised kernels and chop the cherries quite fine. Allow to stand for % hour, then remove the kernels. Add sugar and stir until dissolved. Use to pour over vanilla ice cream, or lemon or pineapple sherbet. Hot Marshmallow Sauce 1 cup granulated sugar % pound marshmallows 1 cup boiling water % teaspoon vanilla Melt sugar in the boiling water; wash down the sides of 168Sauces the saucepan; cover and let boil for about 5 minutes. Remove from the fire and add marshmallows and vanilla and beat until the marshmallows are melted. Keep hot over warm water. Beat before serving. Two squares of chocolate may be added. Maple Sauce A hot maple sauce with chopped nuts to pour over pudding or vanilla ice cream: 2 cups maple syrup % cup hot water Vi cup milk Cream if desired (% cup) Boil syrup and milk and water mixture or cream together to together to the thread stage, and serve while still hot. This will serve about eight people. Hot Chocolate Sauce 1 cup sugar 1% cups boiling water 5 tablespoons cocoa 1 tablespoon butter 1 tablespoon cornstarch 1 teaspoon vanilla Vs teaspoon salt Sift sugar, starch, cocoa and salt together, add boiling water and cook until smooth and clear, add butter and vanilla, beat well. Serve hot over puddings or ice cream. Chocolate Sauce 1 cup sugar 1 cup water 1 teaspoon cornstarch % pound unsweetened chocolate 1 teaspoon vanilla Boil the sugar, cornstarch and water for 3 minutes, until clear. Add the melted chocolate. Beat in well. Add vanilla and pour hot over ice cream. Nuts may be sprinkled on top. 169CHAPTER XVII. FROZEN DESSERTS Have the freezer thoroughly scalded and cooled. Crush the ice into small pieces, and have ready coarse rock salt. Set the can into the tub, put in the beater, and see that it works easily. Pour the mixture in to be frozen, put the lid on, and adjust the crank. Fill the space between the tub and the can with a mixture of crushed ice and salt, 6 parts of ice and 1 part of salt. Turn the crank steadily until the mixture freezes, keeping the tub filled with ice and salt. See that the hole near the top of the tub is kept open, but do not drain off the water from the bottom. When the mixture is frozen, remove the beater and smooth on top, put on the cover, drain, stop the hole with a cork; pack more salt and ice in the tub; cover the can with several inches of chipped ice and sprinkle over the top. Cover the tub with a blanket and set away for 2 hours to ripen. Uncover, stir with a spoon and repack until wanted. Maraschino Punch (Frozen) 1 quart water Juice 4 lemons 1 cup sugar Medium size bottle maraschino 1 teaspoon gelatine softened in 1 cherry, juice and fruit tablespoon cold water White of 1 egg Soften gelatine in small amount of cold water and dissolve in the larger amount of water, bringing slowly to the boiling point. Add the juice of the lemons and the maraschino cherries and juice. When partly frozen add the well-beaten white of 1 egg and continue to freeze until solid. Frozen Currant-and-Raspberry Punch 2 cups very ripe currants 2 cups water 2 cups very ripe raspberries IV2 cups orange j'uice 2 cups sugar Crush the currants. Put them into saucepan with 1 cup of water. Boil for 3 minutes and mash through a fine strainer. Mash the raspberries, cover with 1 cup cold water for 10 minutes. Boil the sugar and water for 3 minutes and cool. Put all in the freezer and freeze.The Leaders of the Ice Cream Industry of Southern California mho make— Crescent Creamery Co. 241 W'inston Street Main 1444—879-521 Huches Ice Cream Co. 1711 Albion Street Capitol 0148 Globe Ice Cream Co. Jefferson and Hill Humbolt 7790 L. J. Christopher Co. 2101 South Los Angeles 287-131 Alfred’s Pure Ice Cream Co. 817 East 18tli Street Phone 288-185 Excelsior Creamery Co. Santa Ana San Pedro Creamery Co. San Pedro Imperial Ice Co. Santa Monica National Creamery and Produce Co. 548 Colyton Street 876-066 Family Brick Ice Cream is the perfect dessert; served instantly; no work or “failures”; no waste; everybody likes it. It is the highest quality; it’s pure. A quart serves eight; a pint four. At your neighborhood druggists or confectioners.Frozen Desserts Currant-and-Raspberry Punch (Frozen) 2 cups very ripe currants 2 cups water 2 cups very ripe raspberries % cup orange juice 2 cups sugar After crushing the currants put them into an agate sauce pan with 1 cup of water. Boil for 3 minutes and mash through a fine strainer. Mash the raspberries, cover with 1 cup of cold water for 10 minutes. Boil the sugar and water for 3 minutes and cool. Put all in the freezer and freeze. California Frozen Sunshine 1 cup sugar 1 pint of heavy cream Y cup water 2 whole oranges Juice and grated rind of 6 2 dozen marshmallows oranges Boil sugar and water until it spins a thread. Add the juice and grated rind of 2 oranges. Allow this to come to the boiling point and cool. Beat the cream until stiff and add slowly to the syrup; freeze. Cut the 2 oranges into small pieces and the marshmallows into quarters. Place in a mold a layer of orange and marshmallows, then the cream, and alternately add the two until the mold is filled. Pack in ice and salt for 3 hours. Frozen Rhubarb 1 quart stewed rhubarb 1 cup water 2 cups sugar Few grains salt The pink rhubarb is best (do not skin it). When thoroughly cooked, mash through a fine strainer. To the quart of strained rhubarb add the sugar, which has been boiled with 1 cup of water for 5 minutes. Add a few grains of salt to bring out the flavor. When cold, freeze same as sherbet. Serve in sherbet cups with whipped cream. Frozen Pineapple Cut top from pineapple. Pare off bottom so that it will stand straight. Scoop out the pulp; shred and mix with the juice of 3 oranges, sweeten the mixture and allow to stand for 1 hour. Put in glass fruit jar and pack in ice and salt for 2 hours. When ready to serve, turn the mixture into the pineapple shell and garnish the base as desired.Frozen Desserts Frozen Raspberries 1 pint of either red or black- 1% cups sugar berries 1 quart of chilled water and Juice of 2 lemons sugar Let the fruit and sugar stand on ice for 2 hours, then add 1 quart of water. Stir until the sugar is dissolved and freeze slowly with 6 parts of ice to 1 part of salt. Do not freeze too hard. Frozen Rice Pudding quart milk % teaspoon salt cup rice 1 teaspoon grated nutmeg cup sugar % cup seeded raisins Wash the rice carefully. Put it on in 1 quart boiling water and boil it rapidly for 10 minutes. Drain and cook in the double boiler with the milk for 1 hour; then add the sugar and salt, flavoring to taste, and the raisins, which have been put through a food chopper. When cool, freeze. salt. Let stand three hours. 172Frozen Desserts (beaten until stiff") and the pineapple and lemon juice. Freeze. Mint Fruit Sherbet Fresh mint leaves Pulp of 1 pineapple 1 quart boiling hot sugar syrup Whites of 2 eggs 2 cups sugar 1 tablespoon grated cocoanut 1 quart water 2 tablespoons chopped Mara- Juice of 2 lemons schino cherries Grated rind of 1 lemon Place in a large mixing bowl a bunch of fresh mint leaves. Bruise the leaves and pour’over them 1 quart of boiling hot sugar syrup. Then add the juice and rind of the lemons, pulp of half the pineapple and the cinnamon. Cover the contents of the bowl closely and let stand until cold. Have in readiness a chilled freezer into which is strained the mixture and freeze slowly to the consistency of soft snow. Remove the cover, add the stiffly whipped whites of the eggs, the other half of the flaked pineapple, grated cocoanut and cherries. Continue to freeze until firm and smooth. Ginger Milk Sherbet % cup sugar A little ginger syrup 2 cups rich milk 14 cup orange juice Scant % cup chopped preserved 2 tablespoons lemon juice ginger Candied orange peel Cook for 10 minutes the sugar, milk, preserved ginger, and ginger syrup. Cool, add orange juice and lemon juice. Freeze in 6 parts ice to 1 part of salt. Serve in sherbet cups, sprinkle with chopped candied orange peel. For a ginger bombe line mold with the ginger sherbet, fill center with the following mixture: % cup whipped cream, 1 beaten white of egg, 4 tablespoons sugar, y2 teaspoon lemon extract. Jam Water Ice 16 pound strawberry jam 14 cup granulated sugar 3 cups water Few drops red color 1 lemon Mix jam with water, grated rind and strained juice of lemon and sugar, allow to boil up, add color, strain and pour into freezer. Leave for 1 hour. Pear Ice 1% cup sugar 14 cup lemon juice 3 cups water 1 cup cream (whipped) 1 can pears Boil sugar and water 3 minutes, when cool add pears cut intoFrozen Desserts dice, juice and extract. Pour into freezer, placing whipped cream on top. Leave for 21^ hours. Raspberry Ice 1 pint red currant juice 1% cups red raspberry juice 1 pint water (strained) 2 cups sugar Boil together for 8 minutes the currant juice, water and sugar. Remove from fire, cool and beat with an egg beater. When cold add red raspberry juice, strained, and freeze slowly. Serve in sherbet cups with fresh red raspberries. This ice is also good with sweetened whipped cream. Orange Macaroon Bisque 1 cup thin cream 1 tablespoon grated orange rind Few grains of salt 1 cup double cream (whipped) Yolk of 1 egg % cup crushed macaroon crumbs 5 tablespoons sugar • Juice of 2 oranges and % lemon Heat the cream, add the yolk of the egg beaten with the sugar. Remove from the fire as soon as the cream has thickened slightly and add orange rind. Allow to cool, fold in the cream (whipped solid), macaroon crumbs and the orange and lemon juice. Freeze slowly (6 parts ice to 1 part salt). This cream is particularly delicious served in individual portions with a crushed and sweetened strawberry sauce. Dainty Pudding 1 quart very ripe berries 1 tablespoon lemon juice 2 cups water 54 cup granulated tapioca cups sugar 1 cup whipped cream Pinch of salt Cook and mash the berries through a very fine strainer. Add the sugar and salt. Boil the tapioca in 2 cups of water until clear. When cold add the berry and lemon juice and freeze. Serve in ice cream glasses. Frozen Cherry Pudding 3 cups milk % teaspoon salt % cup rice 3 cups of fresh cherries (or other 156 cups sugar fruit) Put the milk on in the top of double boiler, add the well 174Frozen Desserts washed rice, and steam for 1 hour, add sugar and juice of *4 lemon. Wash and pit the cherries, chop fine or put through a food chopper. When the rice is cold add the cherries and freeze at once. Frozen Fruit Pudding 1 quart milk Cherries 1 cup sugar % cup orange juice % cup seeded raisins 2 tablespoons almonds or pecans 3 eggs % cup candied pineapple Beat the sugar and eggs together, add to the heated milk and cool. Put the blanched almonds through a food chopper, cover with the orange juice; add to custard, put in freezer for five minutes, add fruits and freeze until stiff, remove dasher and pack. Fig Custard (Frozen) Soften % CUP butter sufficiently to blend into it % CUP flour, stir this into 1 quart of hot milk in saucepan over fire, and cook until the mixture is thick and smooth. Add 1 cup of granulated sugar, and 3 well beaten eggs, stir rapidly until mixture is creamy. Cool, and freeze until mushy, add % pound of figs, previously chopped and 2 tablespoons lemon juice. Continue freezing until hard. Serve in glasses, garnished with heavy cream, whipped stiff, with the addition of % its volume of rich strawberry preserves. 14 pint of cream, and % CUP °f preserves should be enough to garnish 12 glasses of the frozen custard. If it is desired that this frozen dish shall retain its stiffness for an extra long time, or if it is to be served in molds—% package of gelatine, % CUP °f c°ld water, dissolved over boiling water, added before the custard is put into the freezer, will ensure its retaining its stiffness and holding its shape reasonably well. Coffee Frappe % cup strong coffee 2 cups cream % cup cold water 2 egg whites 6 cups boiling water % cup powdered sugar 1 cup sugar Chopped nut meats 1 tablespoon gelatine softened in cold water 1 tablespoon gelatine softened in cold water. Mix coffee and cold water, add boiling water. Boil 6 minutes, let stand 10 minutes and strain through a cheese cloth. Add sugar and 175Frozen Desserts gelatine soaked in cold water and dissolved over hot water. Cool, add % cup cream (beaten stiff) and egg whites (beaten stiff) and mixed with 3 tablespoons powderer sugar. Freeze and serve in glasses, covered with remaining cream (beaten stiff) and mixed with remaining powdered sugar. Sprinkle generously with finely chopped nut meats. Apple Sauce Frappe Twelve large apples, cooked and run through sieve. Sweeten, add lemon juice. Beaten whites of 2 eggs, fold lightly into sauce. When partly frozen, add 1 cup whipped cream. Finish freezing. Apple Sauce Frappe 3 cups apple sauce 3 cups strong lemonade 1 teaspoon gelatine dissolved in 2 egg whites (whipped) cold water 1 teaspoon vanilla % teaspoon cinnamon Sweeten apple sauce, add gelatine to sauce while hot, add to lemonade and flavor; freeze until like frappe. Add egg whites (beaten stiff) and whipped cream and freeze until stiff. 1 cup nuts may be added with cream if desired. Philadelphia Ice Cream 1 cup sugar 1 quart thin cream 1 tablespoon vanilla extract Scald the cream and sugar. Let cool and freeze. The vanilla should be added just before freezing. Caramel Ice Cream 1 pint milk . '3 egg yolks P/i cups sugar 1 pint cream Cook 14 CUP °f sugar to the caramel stage, (345 degrees Fahrenheit). Remove at once from the fire and while it is a golden brown color, pour onto an oiled marble or platter to cool; then pound quite fine and add to the milk (scalded over hot water). Beat the yolks of the eggs with the balance of the sugar and a few grains of salt and when the caramel is dissolved cook these in the hot milk until the mixture coats the spoon. Add the cream and strain or reserve the cream until the custard is cold. A table 176Frozen Desserts spoon of vanilla may be added if desired. If preferred, boiling water may be poured into the caramel and the liquid then poured into the milk. Fresh Strawberry" Ice Cream 1 quart strawberries % teaspoon salt % cup sugar 2 beaten eggs 2 tablespoons lemon juice % cup sugar 1 pint rich milk 1 pint double cream 1 tablespoon cornstarch Mash the strawberries with the sugar and lemon juice. Let stand for an hour or two before using. Prepare a custard foundation from the milk, cornstarch, salt, beaten eggs and sugar. Cook in double boiler until well thickened, stirring constantly. Remove from the fire, cool and fold in 1 pint of chilled double cream (whipped stiff). Turn into a chilled freezer and turn slowly (6 parts ice to 1 part of salt). When the mixture begins to set, add the fruit puree. Continue to freeze until firm and smooth. This recipe will serve six persons. Be sure that the fruit puree is quite sweet, as frozen desserts require more sugar than cooked desserts made from the same materials. Javanese Frozen Cream 1 pint milk y8 teaspoon salt 2 eggs 1 pint cream / to % cup strong coffee % cup almonds % cup sugar cup raisins Make a custard of the milk, eggs, and coffee, by beating the eggs slightly, stirring them into the milk, coffee and salt. Cook this mixture in the double boiler until it thickens, remove from the stove, add the sugar and cool. Boil the raisins in a cup of water for about 5 minutes, then drain and cool. Blanch and grind the almonds and add both to the cream when half frozen. Ice Cream a la Mexicana 1 cup maple sugar 1 dozen macaroons 1 cup chopped walnut meats Melt maple sugar, add nut meats and pour into a shallow pan 177Frozen Desserts to harden. When perfectly cold grate or chop fine; also crumble macaroons. Make a boiled custard of— 1 cup milk ’ % cup maple sugar 2 egg yolks 1 egg white Pinch of salt Cook over hot water until well thickened, remove from the fire and beat in the stiffly beaten white of the egg. Allow the mixture to cool. To % pint of chilled double cream, add 1 tablespoon of crushed maple sugar and beat until solid. Blend this with the custard and flavor with 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract. Freeze slowly (3 parts of ice to 1 part of salt) and when the cream begins to freeze add the macaroon crumbs and half of the grated walnut mixture. Finish freezing and let ripen for 2 hours before serving. The Mousse When making a mousse or parfait the mixture must be very thick and thoroughly blended before it is turned into the mold, as otherwise the thin part will run through and freeze at the bottom in a layer. The foundation of a mousse is never cooked, as it consists chiefly of stiffly whipped cream, to which is added powdered sugar, flavoring and either a thick chocolate syrup or sufficient crushed and sweetened fruit puree to color and flavor it. Macaroon crumbs and chopped nut meats are also frequently added to give body to the mixture and gelatine is sometimes used. Mocha Chocolate Mousse 2 squares of unsweetened choco- % cup sugar late 1 tablespoon vanilla 14 cup strong coffee Salt •4 cup rich milk 2 cups chilled double cream Small bit of stick cinnamon Shave the chocolate and add coffee and milk with the cinnamon and sugar. Cook over hot water and when the chocolate is melted remove from the fire, cool and add vanilla, pinch of salt and cream, whipped stiff. Pour into molds with watertight covers and bury in ice and rock salt for 4 hours before serving. Cut in slices and garnish with stars of sweetened whipped cream, sprinkled with chopped nuts. This serves about 6 persons. 178Frozen Desserts Peach Mousse (Any fruit may be substituted) 2 cups peach pulp and juice 2 cups double cream 1 cup sugar 2 egg whites Use only well ripened peaches. Press them, after peeling and stoning, through a sieve. Stir the sugar into this pulp. Whip the eggs and cream until stiff and combine the two. Fold into the peaches. Pack in a water-tight container and surround it with 4 parts crushed ice to 1 part salt. The mold of mousse may be placed in the fireless cooker well and surrounded by ice and salt. Allow 3 hours for freezing. Strawberry Mousse 3 cups strawberry pulp (1 quart 2 cups cream (whipped) strawberries) Few drops lemon juice 1 tablespoon gelatine (dissolved) % cup sugar Put the sugar on the berries and let stand 1 hour or longer. Mash or put through a strainer. Add to the gelatine, the whipped cream and flavor. Turn into water tight molds and bury in cracked ice and salt, using 4 parts of ice to 1 part of salt, for 3 to 4 hours. Chantilly Mousse 2 cups cream (beaten until stiff) Pinch of salt % cup powdered sugar 2 cups macaroons (broken in 1% teaspoons vanilla pieces) Beat cream stiff, and add other ingredients in order named. Freeze 3 hours, packed in ice and salt. Raspberry Bombe Line a mold with raspberry ice, fill the center with chantilly mousse mixture, cover mousse with raspberry ice and with buttered paper. Adjust cover, pack in salt and ice. Remove from the mold and garnish with candy butterflies and spun sugar. Pineapple Mousse 1 can sliced pineapple 1 tablespoon granulated gelatine 2 tablespoons lemon juice 1 pint whipped cream ¥2 cup sugar Soften the gelatine in % cup cold water, bring 1 cup pine 179Frozen Desserts apple juice and sugar to boil, add gelatine and when cool, add lemon juice and 3 slices pineapple. When ready to set, fold in cream (whipped stiff). Arrange whole slices of pineapple about a well greased mold and pack in ice and salt for 4 hours. Dip mold in warm water to unmold. Individual Baked Alaska Cut slices of sponge cake into rounds 2 inches in diameter; arrange on a paper spread on a board. Place a ball of ice cream on each round cake and cover both cream and sides of cake with meringue, made of the whites of 4 eggs, beaten dry, with 4 tablespoons of granulated sugar, beaten in gradually. Put in a very hot oven for 2 or 3 minutes to brown the meringue. The board, paper, cake and meringue are poor conductors of heat, therefore the ice cream does not melt. Marshmallow Sauce % pound marshmallows % cup boiling water 1 cup confectioners’ sugar Cut marshmallows in pieces and melt in double boiler. Dissolve sugar in boiling water, add to marshmallows and stir until thoroughly blended. Turn into a bowl and cool before serving. A delicious accompaniment to chocolate or coffee ice cream. Honey and Milk Ice Cream 1 pint rich milk y3 cup strained honey 3 tablespoons cornstarch % pint double cream % teaspoon salt % teaspoon vanilla extract Boil milk and cornstarch. Cook over hot water, stirring constantly, when clear, add salt and honey. Remove from fire. Cool, fold in cream, whipped stiff and flavor. Freeze slowly, using 3 parts of ice to 1 part of salt. This dessert requires no eggs or sugar and very little cream, yet it gives a frozen product that is very rich and smooth and particularly good with a crushed fruit sauce. Fruit Ice Creams Ice cream may be made with what is known as a French or Philadelphia cream foundation. The former is a mixture of rich boiled custard and whipped cream, the sweetened fruit puree 180Frozen Desserts being added when half frozen. In the latter all cream is used. Scald 2 cups light cream with teaspoon salt and 1 cup granulated sugar. Cool, chill and fold in 1 tablespoon of vanilla extract and 1 pint of chilled double cream, whipped stiff. Add the fruit puree (usually about half as much as the cream) as when using the French cream. Henri Apricot Ice Cream % can apricots 2 tablespoons lemon juice Few grains salt V2 cup sugar % cup orange juice % pint double cream 2 tablespoons powdered sugar Drain the apricots and force the fruit through a strainer. To the fruit syrup add the lemon juice, salt, sugar, orange juice, apricot puree and chilled cream, whipped solid with the powdered sugar. Freeze slowly, using 3 parts ice to 1 part of salt. Frozen Apple-Sauce Cream 1 cup thick cooked apple sauce (well sweetened) Pinch ground cinnamon and nutmeg 1 teaspoon butter (cut in bits) Juice from 1 lemon 4 tablespoons orange juice 1 cup double cream (whipped solid) Season the apple sauce with cinnamon, nutmeg, butter, lemon and orange juice, ginger syrup. Cool, chill on ice and gradually combine with whipped cream. Freeze slowly, using 3 parts ice to 1 part of salt. A little chopped preserved ginger may be added if a more spicy flavor is desired. Peppermint-Candy Ice Cream 1 pound of old fashioned peppermint stick candy, crushed very fine and dissolved over the fire in 1 pint of milk. When cool, add to this 3 pints of cream. Beat egg white and freeze. The cream will be a delicate pink. Fig Ice Cream 2 egg whites 1 cup sugar Yi cup water 4 cups sliced fresh figs 1 pint double cream Almond extract Boil sugar and water to the thread stage, and pour over 181-Frozen Desserts beaten egg whites, then add sliced figs, which have been marinated in 1 cup of orange juice, cream whipped stiff and a few drops of almond extract. Freeze. A Parfait To make a parfait, the foundation is prepared from a syrup combined with either egg whites or yolks and frequently a little gelatine is added. When cooled about 1 pint of whipped cream is beaten in with the flavoring, minced fruit or other ingredients. The coffee and chocolate as well as the fruit varieties of this frozen dainty are especially recommended. In adding any kind of candied fruit to a frozen dessert it should be soaked for 5 or 6 hours, either in a sugar syrup or Maraschino cordial. If this is not done the fruit will freeze in solid, icy chunks. A few suggestions as to the handling may be helpful. If you wish the parfait to retain the shape of the mold have it ready in advance, chilled and partly buried in ice. Fill it solidly with the mixture, which should be heaped slightly above the rim. Cover with heavy waxed paper a little larger than the mold, then press down cover tightly. Bury in ice and salt. When ready to serve, remove cover and paper, invert on a dish and if the room is warm the mold should be slipped off easily in a minute or two. Do not dip the mold in warm water for this is likely to spoil the outline of the parfait. Coffee-Caramel Parfait 1 cup milk % teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons ground coffee 3 cups cream 1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla Yolks 3 eggs Scald milk with coffee and add % the sugar that has been caramelized; then add yolks of eggs mixed with remaining sugar and salt. Cook until the mixture thickens, stirring constantly, and add 1 cup thin cream. Cool, strain, add 2 cups whipped cream and vanilla. Freeze, using 3 parts finely crushed ice to 1 part rock salt. Pack in % pound baking powder cans. Adjust cover, pack in salt and ice, using equal parts, and let stand 2 hours. Remove from molds to cold platter and roll in almonds, which have been cut in thin slices and delicately browned in a moderate oven. 182Frozen Desserts Maple Parfait 4 eggs 1 pint thick cream 1 cup hot maple syrup Pour the hot maple syrup slowly over the slightly beaten egg yolks. Cook over hot water until the mixture thickens, cool, then fold in whites and the cream, which has been beaten until stiff. Mold, pack in salt and cracked ice (using 6 parts ice to 1 part of salt) and leave for 3 or 4 hours. Pistachio Parfait 1 cup sugar Green coloring % cup water Pistachio nuts Whites 3 eggs 1 pint heavy cream 1 teaspoon vanilla Boil sugar and water until syrup spins a thread. Pour slowly into the stiffly beaten whites of the eggs, beat until the mixture is cold, add vanilla and color a delicate green color, beat until stiff. Fold into the mixture pistachio nuts chopped fine and the cream whipped very stiff. Turn into oiled molds. Cover with greased paper. Pack and leave three hours. Mignonette Parfait 1 cup mint leaves 1 pint rose water Cold water 2 teaspoons orange juice 1 cup sugar 1 pint cream (whipped) Whites 2 eggs Mash the mint leaves and allow to stand in cold water for 2 hours. Slowly heat to the boiling point and steep as old fashioned tea. Strain and add sugar and cook to 238 degrees Fahrenheit. Pour this in a stream on the well beaten whites of the eggs and beat until cold. Add rosewater and orange water and fold into the above mixture the cream, whipped very stiff. Line a quart melon mold with part of the mixture tinted green, with color paste. Cover this with the untinted cream and if you desire, that which goes in the center may be colored pink. 183CHAPTER XVIII. COOKIES, SMALL CAKES Sugar Cookies % cup butter 2 cups flour 1 cup sugar 3 teaspoons baking powder 2 eggs beaten % teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons milk % teaspoon grated nutmeg Cream the butter, add the sugar gradually, add well beaten egg, milk, and the flour mixed and sifted with the baking powder and nutmeg. Add flour to make a stiff dough. Place small portion of dough on a well-floured board, pat and roll to %-inch thickness. Cut, place on a buttered baking tin, and bake in a moderate oven (300 degrees Fahrenheit) until light brown. Variations to Sugar Cookies Vanilla Cookies—Substitute 1 teaspoon vanilla for the nutmeg. Chocolate Cookies—Add 3 tablespoons grated chocolate or cocoa. Cocoanut Cookies—Add % cup shredded cocoanut to the dry ingredients. Roll % inch thick. Vanilla Wafers cup butter 2 cups flour 1 cup sugar 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 egg % teaspoon salt *4 cup milk 2 teaspoons vanilla Cream butter and sugar, add egg well beaten, milk and vanilla. Sift together dry ingredients and add to first mixture. Chill thoroughly. Toss % of mixture on a floured board and.roll as thin as possible; shape with a small round cutter, first dipped in flour. Place near together on a greased sheet and bake in a 350 degree Fahrenheit oven. Gather up the trimmings and roll with another portion of dough. During rolling the bowl containing the mixture should be kept in a cool place, or it will be necessary to add more flour to dough, which makes cookies rather hard than crisp and short. 184Cookies, Small Cakes Bran Cookies % cup butter 1 cup brown sugar 1 tablespoon cream or milk 2 eggs 2 teaspoons baking powder 2 cups bran 1% cups sifted flour Pinch of salt 1 teaspoon vanilla Cream butter and sugar, add eggs, well beaten, the cream, bran and flour, baking powder, salt, vanilla. Mix cup bran and % cup flour to use in rolling out. Roll only a small piece at a time. Roll about % inch thick and cut with a biscuit cutter. Bake in an oven, (375 degrees F.) Everyday Cookies % cup butter 2% cups flour 1 cup sugar 1% teaspoons baking powder 2 eggs, beaten light % teaspoon grated nutmeg 1 tablespoon cream Grated rind of 1 lemon Mix in same manner as butter cake. Roll part at a time into thin sheet and cut with a cooky cutter. Dredge with granulated sugar and bake in an oven (400 degrees F.) Reduce heat when set. Cocoanut Wreaths % lb. fresh grated cocoanut 6 oz. sugar and corn syrup, using Whites 1% eggs 1 mixing spoon corn syrup Cook cocoanut, sugar and syrup in double boiler until mixture clings to spoon, add whites of eggs, stir vigorously and cook until mixture feels sticky when tried between the fingers. Spread in a wet pan, cover with wet paper, and chill on ice. Shape into small balls, first dipping hands in cold water. Bake 20 minutes in oven (300 degrees F.) on a tin sheet slightly greased. Home-Made Crackers 2 cups flour 1 teaspoon sugar. 1 teaspoon salt Enough water to make a stiff 2 tablespoons shortening dough Sift together the dry ingredients and work in the shortening with the finger tips. Add enough cold water to make a very stiff dough and mix and knead well. Roll very thin, cut and place on oiled baking sheet. Prick with a fork and bake in (400 degrees F.) oven until a delicate brown. 185Cookies, Small Cakes Small Sonvaroff Cookies % cup shortening grated rind 2 lemons or oranges % cup sugar 2 cups flour. 2 egg yolks Cream the shortening, adding sugar gradually. Then add egg yolks beaten until thick, grated rind of lemons or oranges and flour. Knead until smooth and roll out in a thin sheet. Cut in small shapes and bake. Put together in pairs with jelly between. It is very attractive to cut the shapes into hearts, diamonds, clubs and spades and cover the hearts and diamonds with a very thin icing made of three tablespoons boiling water mixed with confectioner’s sugar and flavored with raspberry extract and colored red, and to cover the spades and clubs with melted sweet chocolate. Cocoanut Rings % cup shortening 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 cup sugar White 1 egg 1 egg - 1 tablespoon sugar, I'M cups flour Shredded cocoanut Cream the shortening, add sugar gradually, and egg well beaten; then add flour mixed and sifted with baking powder. Chill, toss % mixture on a floured board, and roll Vs inch thick. Shape with a doughnut cutter. Brush over with white of egg and sprinkle with sugar and cocoanut. Place on a buttered sheet and bake eight minutes in a slow oven. Kiddies’ Cakes Make a coffee cake, plain or with raisins, and sweet, or not. Just as -you wish. Let it rise very light. When baked, turn it upside down and pour the following mixture over it: 6 tablespoons powdered sugar 2 tablespoons water Let boil, then add a teaspoonful of the same flavoring you have used in the cake. When cool, this is delightful sticky, which is what makes it so popular. Filled Cookies % cup butter 21/a cups flour 1 cup granulated sugar 2 teaspoons baking powder 2 whole eggs teaspoon nutmeg. 2 tablespoons milk Cream together, butter, sugar, eggs, and milk in the order 186Cookies, Small Cakes given. Sift flour, baking powder and spice together and add to first mixture. Enough more flour to make a soft dough. Chill thoroughly and roll thin. Cut with doughnut cutter; one-half the cakes with the hole left in and the balance whole. Spread the whole cake with a lemon filling (given below) wet the edges of the cake with water and place the top half on, pressing about the edge to hold. Bake in fairly hot oven (375 degrees F.) until the cake sets, then reduce to brown. Filling One cup granulated sugar, 1 tablespoon cornstarch, sifted together; add to 2/3 cup boiling water and cook until clear and thick; add 1 tablespoon butter, juice and grated rind % lemon, cook, stirring constantly for few minutes. When cold, add 2 ^tablespoons shredded cocoanut. Rolled Oats Wafers 2 tablespoons butter 1 teaspoon vanilla 6 tablespoons sugar -14 teaspoon salt 1 egg 1 cup rolled oats Cream the shortening with sugar; add beaten egg, vanilla, salt and oats. Drop from a spoon on a baking tin that has been greased. Bake in (350 degrees F.) oven. Cocoanut Cookies 2 eggs 1 teaspoon salt 1 cup sugar 1% cups shredded cocoanut 1 cup cream 3 teaspoons baking powder 3 cups flour Beat eggs; add gradually sugar, cocoanut, cream and dry ingredients. Chill, toss on floured board, pat and roll % inch thick, cut round. Bake in oven (350 degrees F.) Chocolate Cookies % cup shortening 2% cups flour 1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon salt 2 eggs 2 teaspoons baking powder Yi cup milk % teaspoon vanilla 2 ounces chocolate (squares) Cream the shortening, add sugar gradually, egg well beaten, salt and melted chocolate. Beat well and add flour, mixed and 187Cookies, Small Cakes sifted with baking powder, alternately with milk. Roll very thin, shape with small cutter and bake in oven (350 degrees F.) Tea Cakes (very rich) 4 eggs Flour to make soft dough 1 cup heavy sour cream 1 cup butter 1 cup granulated sugar 1 cup fine chopped blanched al- Y& teaspoon baking soda, dissolved mond in 1 teaspoon water Sugar and cinnamon Beat the eggs just enough to mix with the sour cream and sugar. Add baking soda dissolved in water and stir until it froths. Add flour enough to make a soft dough. Roll thin, spread with butter, fold over and roll again as for pastry. Repeat until a cup of butter has been used. This should take about four rollings. Lastly, roll very thin and spread over with the almonds mixed with a little sugar and cinnamon. Cut into rounds, place on greased baking sheet and bake in a hot oven (450 degrees F.) until brown. Ammonia Tea Cakes 2 eggs 3 cups flour 1 cup sugar Y2 ounce carbonate of ammonia Yz cup butter 1 teaspoon vanilla Cream the butter, add the beaten eggs and stir in the sugar and vanilla. Dissolve the powdered ammonia in 2 tablespoons of water and add it with the flour quickly. Roll out, cut into cakes and bake immediately. Ginger Snaps 1 cup molasses % teaspoon soda % cup butter 1 tablespoon ginger 3% cups flour 1% teaspoons salt Heat molasses to the boiling point and pour over fat and dry ingredients mixed and sifted. Chill thoroughly. Toss % of the mixture on a floured board and roll as thin as possible; shape with a small, round cutter, first dipped in flour. Place close together on a greased sheet and bake in oven (350 degrees F.) Hermits 2 cups brown sugar 2 tablespoons hot water % cup butter 1 cup chopped raisins 3 eggs % teaspoon ginger 1 teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon each of cinnamon, 2 tablespoons hot water cloves and nutmeg Flour to mix a soft dough Combine brown sugar, butter and yolks of eggs well beaten; 188Cookies, Small Cakes add whites of eggs beaten until stiff, soda dissolved in hot water, 2 cups of flour sifted with spices; add raisins and enough more flour to mix a soft dough. Roll out, shape, and bake in oven (450 degrees F.); reduce when cakes are “set.” Ginger Puffs 1 cup butter 1 cup sugar 2 cups molasses (heat slightly) 6 cups flour Juice 1 orange and one lemon 2 eggs 1 cup sour cream 2 teaspoons soda (dissolve in 1 tablespoon boiling water) 2 tablespoons cinnamon 2 tablespoons ginger 1 teaspoon allspice % teaspoon nutmeg Cream the butter, sugar, and slightly heated thick molasses together; add spices and eggs. Juice of orange and lemon should be about 1 cup; add the flour and lastly the soda. Beat the mixture for at least five minutes after combined. Pour into greased and floured gem pans, bake at 350 degrees F. until light and firm to touch. May be iced if desired. Marcheta Gems ♦ % cup butter 1 teaspoon baking powder, 1 cup granulated sugar 1 teaspoon cinnamon, nutmeg 4 eggs (separated) and mace, combined 1 tablespoon milk 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1% cups flour Cream butter, sugar and well beaten yolks of egg. Sift flour and spice together and add to the first mixture, alternating with the milk, then the lemon and the whites of egg. Oil and slightly flour muffin tins, cover the bottom with chopped, blanched almonds, fill each gem 2/3 full. Bake in oven (350 to 400 degrees F.) When cold, spread the sides of cakes with jelly or preserves and roll in cocoanut. Orange Cakes Y cup butter cup milk 1 cup sugar 1 2/3 cups flour 2 eggs 2^ teaspoons baking powder Rind % orange Cream the butter; add sugar gradually, eggs well beeaten, and milk. Then add flour mixed and sifted with baking powder and orange rind. Bake in individual muffin tins and frost with 189Cookies, Small Cakes confectioner’s frosting. Decorate with nuts, angelica or candied cherries. Oatmeal Cookies 2 cups rolled oats 1 cup cocoanut 1 cup brown sugar % cup berry jam % cup shortening 1 tablespoon spices, mixed 2 cups flour 1 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon lemon juice 2 eggs % teaspoon baking powder Cream, sugar and shortening 1 cup raisins Stir in the beaten whole eggs, the spices, rolled oats and berry preserves. Allow to stand fifteen minutes. Add lemon juice and dry ingredients. Drop on buttered pan. Let stand fifteen minutes. Bake in slow oven (300 degrees F.) thirty minutes. Boston Cookies 2/3 cup butter , 2 cups flour 1 cup sugar 1/3 teaspoon salt 2 eggs 1 teaspoon cinnamon 2/3 teaspoon soda % to 1 cup chopped nuts 1 tablespoon hot water % cup raisins Cream the butter; add sugar gradually, and eggs well beaten. Add soda dissolved in water, % cup flour mixed and sifted with salt and cinnamon. Then add nut meat, fruit and remaining flour. Drop by spoonfuls onto a buttered tin, 1 inch apart, and bake in a moderate hot oven. Brownies 1 cup granulated sugar % teaspoon salt 6 tablespoons shortening % cup flour 2 eggs 1 cup walnuts, chopped fine 2 squares of chocolate, melted in 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 tablespoon of boiling water and stirred until smooth Spread very thin in square pans and bake in a slow oven about 25 minutes. Cut in strips and serve with ice cream. This is a cross between cookies and heavy cake. Brownies % cup butter 1 egg, well beaten % cup brown sugar 1% cups flour / cup molasses 1 cup nuts Cream butter and sugar; add molasses and the well-beaten 190Cookies, Small Cakes egg, then the flour and part of the nut meats, broken in pieces. Drop in small greased tins. Set half a nut meat on top of each cake and bake in an oven (300 degrees F.) Snowballs 6 egg whites 5 drops almond flavoring % cup confectioners’ sugar % teaspoon cream of tartar 1 cup pastry flour Sift the sugar and the flour before measuring. Beat eggs stiff and add the sugar, continue beating until thick, then fold in flour, sifted with the cream of tartar; add the flavoring. Drop large spoonfuls in small ungreased ring molds and bake in slow oven; cool before taking from rings. Cover with a cooked icing and roll all sides in shredded cocoanut. Or bake in gem pans. Honey Drop Cakes 1% cups honey 1 cup sugar % pound shredded citron % lb. finely chopped almonds 1 teaspoon lemon 1 teaspoon cinnamon % teaspoon salt Flour—enough for a soft dough (2 cups flour ) Mix ingredients in order given, adding flour last. Drop the batter on buttered tins; shape in smooth rounds. Bake to a light brown. Bake one tiny cake first, and then add more flour if the dough spreads too much. Oven (350 degrees F.) Peanut Macaroons White of 2 eggs 2/3 cup peanuts Pinch of cream of tartar 1/3 cup sugar 2 tablespoons flour Beat the whites with the cream of tartar until stiff. Beat in % the sugar. Add rest of the sugar, folding it in with the flour and pounded nut meats. Drop on paper on the bottom of pans and bake in oven (300 degrees F.) Peanut Cookies 2 tablespoons butter 14 cup sugar 1 egg well beaten % cup flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 14 teaspoon salt 214 tablespoons milk % cup chopped peanuts 14 teaspoon lemon juice Cream the butter; add sugar gradually; add well beaten egg. 191Cookies, Small Cakes Mix and sift baking powder, salt and flour; add to first mixture; then add milk, peanuts and lemon juice. Drop from the tip of a spoon on an unbuttered sheet, 1 inch apart, and place % peanut on top of each. Bake 12 to 15 minutes in oven (300 degrees F.) Marguerites 1 cup sugar Vi cup water 2 eggs Pinch cream tartar Boil sugar and water until it spins a thread. Have whites of 2 eggs beaten and pour syrup slowly over the eggs, beating constantly. When stiff, spread on round or shaped wafers or crackers. Sprinkle nuts or fruit on top and place in moderate oven until slightly browned. This may be used as sandwich spread between Nabisco crackers or lady fingers. Cocoanut Kisses Whites of 3 eggs, beaten stiff, 1 cup granulated sugar; add enough grated cocoanut to make stiff. Drop on waxed paper and bake about 15 minutes. (275 degrees F.) Date Bars 1 cup granulated sugar 1 teaspoon cornstarch Whites 3 eggs 1 cup granulated sugar Beat whites stiff, add sugar and cornstarch, place in double boiler and cook 7 minutes. Take from fire and add CUP dates, cut fine, and % cup chopped nuts. Drop on buttered tins and bake 15 or 20 minutes in a moderate oven. (300 degrees F.) 192CHAPTER XIX. PASTRY, PIES We have, for the last decade, been trying to exclude pies and substitute delicate puddings and fresh fruit in our dietaries, but there are some with whom nothing takes the place of pies. It is vastly important to know that the chief constitutents of pastry are entirely antagonistic in their mode of digestion, and, where used, shortening with a low melting point, free from odor and flavor and pastry flour of the soft winter wheat get best results. Use nothing but fresh, ripe fruit or delicate custards. In order to make good pie crust, everything must be ice-cold. The shortening, flour, water and utensils used in the preparation of the dough should all be chilled beforehand; cutting the shortening into the flour with two silver knives chilled in ice water gives an even distribution of the shortening and flour without melting the shortening. It is necessary to work rapidly and with a light touch. A heated kitchen is not productive of best pastry. Its lightness depends upon the amount of air enclosed and the expansion of that air in the baking. Its flakiness depends upon the kind and amount of shortening used. Lard will give a tenderer crust than butter. Where the flavor of butter is desired, 1 tablespoonful may be added. In rolling pastry use a light motion, rolling from you, as less force is expended on the outward stroke than on the one where the hands are drawn back towards the body. Utensils best adapted are a small enamel mixing bowl, aluminum measuring cup, 2 silver knives, 1 spatula, tablespoon, sifter, glass rolling pin, aluminum bread board and pastry wheel. Fine Points in Pastry Making 1. Ingredients and utensils well chilled. 2. Proper proportions of fat to flour—4 to 5 tablespoons fat to cup flour with % teaspoon of salt. 3. Thorough cutting-in. 4. Even addition of water—use a bottle with sprinkling cap designed for clothes. 5. Light touch in rolling (roll % inch thick and prick with a fork). 6. Bake by temperature: 193Pastry, Pies Double crust with fruit filling—450 degrees F. for 40 minutes, reducing the heat for the last ten minutes. Deep fruit pies, no bottom crust—450 degrees F. for 30 minutes. Meringue for pies—275 degrees F. for 15 minutes. Remove to a warm place at first to avoid the small blisters and toughening that quick cooling gives. For puff paste, have oven very hot and paste very cold, place pastry on low shelf at a temperature 500 degrees F. and turn sheet frequently so it will rise evenly. Bake about 30 minutes, then place on top shelf to brown. Butter recommended for puff paste. To make the pastry shell for lemon or custard pies observe these precautions: In lining the pan with the pastry, “ease” it in, do not stretch the dough, but roll it well up over the edge; prick the bottom with a fork. This will prevent puffing and dragging away from the sides of the pan. ' . For large pies invert the tin and bake shell on the bottom. Pick bottom with a fork. Plain Pie Crust 1% cups flour % cup shortening Enough ice water to make a dough % teaspoon salt Cut the shortening into the flour with silver knives and add ice water to make a dough. Roll the dough out. Dot over with shortening, fold several times and roll out again, line pans and cover with the same, or use the flake pastry for covering the pie. Crust for pie should be about % inch thick and rolled larger than pans to allow for shrinkage. Perforate top crusts to allow steam to escape. Banbury Tarts 1 cup raisins ■% cup currants 2 large soda crackers Juice and rind 1 lemon s/t cup sherry 1 cup brown sugar 1 egg Roll crackers, mix ingredients. Roll pastry very thin. Cut in rounds, place 2 teaspoonfuls of the mixture in center, wet edges, fold, press edges together with fork dipped in flour. Snip holes in top with scissors. Bake until brown in hot oven. 194Pastry, Pies Valentine Tarts Bake flake pastry in small, fancy patty pans. Fill with valentine cream, placing % blanched almond on each. Flaky Pastry 1 cup flour Just enough cold water to hold 6 tablespoons shortening dough together (about 2 % teaspoon salt tablespoons) Sift flour and the salt and cut half the shortening into the flour with a knife until it is finely divided. Add water, a few drops at a time, form into balls and combine into a dough and roll out on a slightly floured board to % inch in thickness. Spread 1/3 of the remaining shortening on the 2/3 of the dough nearest you, fold twice so as to make three layers, folding in first the part of which the fat has not been spread. Turn dough, putting folded edges to the sides; roll out, spread and fold as before. Repeat once more. Use a light motion in handling the rolling pin and roll from the center outward. Chill between rollings, and again before baking. Hot-Water Pie Crust 2% cups flour % teaspoon baking powder % cup boiling water % teaspoon salt % cup shortening Cream the shortening with the water by adding the latter only a bit at a time. Mix salt and baking powder with the sifted flour and stir this into the butter and water. Turn out upon a floured board and roll thin before lining tins. This amount will make upper and lower crust for one large pie. It is claimed that this recipe will never fail. It is more easily and quickly made than by the old method of rubbing the fat into the flour and keeping everything ice cold. Apple Pie 4-5 apples teaspoon salt 1 cup sugar % teaspoon cinnamon or nutmeg % teaspoon butter Line pie plate with crust and sprinkle with flour, then add half the sugar. Pare apples, slice them and place in ordinary manner. Add salt, sugar, cinnamon or nutmeg and butter. Cover with upper crust and bake in moderate oven 1 hour. Use plain 195Pastry, Pies pie crust. Apples sliced and cooked for few minutes in syrup— 1 cup water, 1 cup sugar and 1 teaspoon lemon juice—and arranged in pie shell, gives a delicious flavor. One-Crust Apple Pie Sift together 1 cup of flour and *4 teaspoon of salt. With a knife or tips of the fingers work in 4 tablespoons of shortening, then adding cold water, a few drops at a time, with a knife stir the mixture to a paste. Turn the paste onto a board lightly dredged with flour, then pat it lightly with the rolling pin and roll into a square sheet. With a knife dot over the paste with butter until a tablespoonful is used. Roll up paste like a jelly roll. Set upon one end. Pat and roll out to size of pie plate. Put no under crust in the plate, but fill with slices of apple. Add sugar, sprinkle with nutmeg, cover with paste. Bake 25 minutes in a moderate oven. When cooked invert on a serving plate. Pour whipped and sweetened cream above the apples. Pumpkin Pie IV2 cups pumpkin % cup sugar % cup cream % teaspoon salt 1 cup milk % teaspoon mace 2 eggs 14 teaspoon cloves ■*4 teaspoon ginger 1 tablespoon butter Line a pan with rich pastry and flute the edges. Pour in the above mixture and run into a hot oven until the crust begins to brown slightly. Lower the heat and cook slowly until done. Pumpkin Pie 1% cups pumpkin 1 cup sugar 3 eggs 1 cup milk 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon nutmeg 1 teaspoon ginger 1 tablespoon vinegar Beat eggs and add milk, pumpkin and spices and vinegar. Pour into pastry which lines a pie pan and bake until set. Ingredients To Be Added Ordinary pumpkin pie can be varied by adding cocoanut, by using mashed white potato or sweet potato in equal quantities with pumpkin. They are very nice made in individual shells. 196Pastry, Pies Mock Cherry Pie 1% cups cranberries 2 tablespoons flour 1 cup raisins % teaspoon salt % cup sugar almond extract Chop cranberries, add raisins, then add mixture of sugar, flour and salt; add extract. Bake between crusts. Raisin Pie 2 cups raisins % cup sugar Juice 1 lemon 1 cup water Boil raisins, lemon juice, sugar and water until raisins are tender. Line a pie-pan with pastry, put in raisins and dot over with butter and spice, cover with pastry and bake. Apple Dumplings 2 cups flour % teaspoon salt 4 tablespoons shortening sugar 3A cup milk cinnamon 2 teaspoons baking powder 4 apples Mix first 5 ingredients, the same as for baking powder biscuits. Roll % inch thick, cut into squares and lay in the center of each an apple, pared and cored. Fill place that was cored with sugar, cinnamon and take corners and pinch together. Place in a baking pan greased, dot over with sugar and butter and bake in a moderate oven until brown. These are best served hot. Princess Pat Make flake pastry. Cream % cup butter, 1 cup chopped nuts, 3/2 cup brown sugar; mix these and make as you would a pie. Cut in squares and serve with coffee or punch. Temperature, 500 degrees F., reducing when beginning to brown to 250 degrees for % hour. Krummel Torte Line a rectangular or square pan with uncooked flake pastry and fill with the following mixture and bake in a moderate oven: Mix 3 cups of cocoanut with y2 CUP °f flour. Beat stiff 3 egg whites and add 1 cup of sugar. Add to this mixture 2 teaspoons of any desired flavoring. Add the cocoanut mixture to this and put into the shell and bake until firm. 197Pastry, Pies Schaum Torte Whites 6 eggs beaten stiff 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 cup sugar 1 scant teaspoon cream of 1 teaspoon vinegar tartar Beat whites stiff, add sugar and beat, add vinegar, vanilla and cream of tartar. When well beaten put into an unbuttered pan and set in hot water and bake 40 minutes. Turn out on a large chop plate. When cold cover with sweetened berries, preferably raspberries or pineapple. Cover with whipped cream or custard sauce made from the yolks. Lemon Jelly for Tarts 2 tablespoons gelatine % cup cold water 2% cups boiling water % cup lemon juice Soak gelatin 20 minutes in cold water, then dissolve in boiling water. Strain and add sugar and lemon juice. Mold and chill. Half-Moon Pies Cut pastry in rounds, measuring with saucer. Fill with well seasoned dried or fresh fruit, preserves or jam. Fold together and press edges with silver fork. Fry in butter or fat or bake in oven. Brush with butter and sprinkle with sugar while warm. Strawberry Cocoanut Pie 2 tablespoons powdered sugar % cup strawberry jam 2 tabespoons shortening 2 egg whites beaten stiff 1 cup shredded cocoanut Cream sugar and shortening. Add rest of mixture, eggs last. Put in pastry lined tin and bake 15 minutes. Cover with a meringue. Mincemeat Boil 2 pounds tongue until When cold chop fine. 4 pounds raisins 4 pounds sugar (brown) 1 pound orange or lemon peel 1 ounce cinnamon juice and rind of 5 lemons 1 pint wine tender, 3 pounds round steak. % ounce cloves % ounce alspice 1 teaspoon mace 1 teaspoon white pepper 1 pint brandy 3 pints good cider Put fruit together and boil in liquor from beef for about Vj 198Pastry, Pies hour; drain, add spices, 1 pound suet, chopped fine; add liquids and the 5 pounds chopped apples. Put in quart jars and seal. Will keep for months. Note: This recipe formerly called for 1 pint of brandy. In lieu of this I have found the following mixture satisfactory: 1 tablespoon lemon extract 2 tablespoons wild cherry extract 2 tablespoons orange extract % cup lemon juice 6 tablespoons vanilla extract Green Tomato Mincemeat One peck green tomatoes, either cut up or chopped in meat chopper. Scald and let stand until cold. Press out water gently and scald again. Drain off this water, but do not squeeze. Add 5 pounds sugar, 2 pounds citron and 2 pounds raisins. Boil all until tender. Then add 1 cup grape juice and juice of 2 lemons, cloves, spices and nutmeg to taste. Put in jars and seal. This recipe makes most delicious pies. Date Torte 2 eggs 1 teaspoon baking powder % cup sugar % teaspoon salt % cup flour 1 cup dates and nuts Beat whites and yolks of eggs separately. To the yolks add sugar, flour, baking powder, salt and the dates and nuts cut up. Fold in the stiffly-beaten egg whites. Bake in a shallow pan about 40 minutes. Serve cold as cake or hot with either fruit or cream sauce. Standard Filling for Pies cup cornstarch 1 cup sugar 1% cups water 3 eggs Boil cornstarch, water and sugar until clear, stirring constantly. Add yolks of eggs. Variations : Orange and Lemon Pie—Add rind of 1 and juice of 2 lemons. Pineapple Custard Pie—Combine with 1 cup grated pineapple. Cocoanut Custard Pie—Add 1 cup cocoanut to the custard. Chocolate Cream Pie—Add 2 squares melted chocolate. It may be used for filling cream puffs and is delightful in the bottom of baked shells for peach Melbas and strawberry cream pies. 199Pastry, Pies Molasses Custard Pie 2 cups sorghum 9 egg yolks 4 tablespoons shortening 1 tablespoon flour 1 cup sugar Cream yolks and sugar, add shortening and sorghum, beaten whites of 4 eggs. Use balance of the whites for meringue. Lemon Pie % cup sugar 1 cup boiling water % teaspoon salt 3 eggs 3 tablespoons flour 1 lemon (juice and rind) 1 tablespoon cornstarch 2 tablespoons butter Sift together sugar, salt, flour and cornstarch. Add to boiling water and cook in double boiler until clear and smooth. Add yolks of 3 eggs and white of 1, juice and rind of lemon. Stir well until thick, add butter and remove. Fill pastry-lined pan and bake in moderate oven. Use two whites remaining for meringue. All pies, including custard and lemon, should be set into an oven at the bottom, that the crust may bake before it becomes soaked. If the oven is right the pastry will bake before the filling is heated enough to boil. Meringue Whites of 4 eggs 6 tablespoons sugar 14 teaspoon baking powder Beat eggs stiff and dry, then gradually beat in baking powder and sugar. Spread on pie. Let cook about 10 minutes without coloring, then increase heat so that meringue may color delicately in the next 6 or 8 minutes. Lemon Meringue Pie (Custard) 4 eggs 2 cups rich mik 2 cups sugar % teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons butter 3 large lemons (juice and rind). 2 tablespoons flour Mix flour, sugar and yolks of eggs, add salt, then melt butter and milk. Add lemon just before baking, in uncooked pie shell. Put meringue on when pie is set and reduce heat. 200Pastry, Pies Chiffon Lemon Pie 1 cup sugar Grated rind of 1 lemon 1 tablespoon flour Juice of 2 lemons % teaspoon salt Yolks of 3 eggs 3 tablespoons water Cook in double boiler till thick. Beat whites of 3 eggs, add % cup sugar, fold into first part. Pour into cooked pie shell. Bake in oven (350 degrees F.) Old-Fashioned Custard Pie 4 eggs 2% cups milk 1 teaspoon vanilla % teaspoon nutmeg % cup sugar Pinch salt Beat the eggs and sugar together until thick and lemon colored. Add the nutmeg and vanilla to milk. Make a plain pastry as follows: 1% cups flour cup shortening 1 teaspoon salt 5 tablespoons ice water Have the flour, shortening and water very cold. Cut the shortening into flour, using two knives. Do not cut it in too thoroughly, but have it mixed well. Add the ice water a little at a time, and mix a stiff dough, but do not stir or work it any more than is necessary. Handle as little as possible and roll lightly. Line a pie tin and cut the pastry sheet a little larger than the tin. Crimp around the edges with the finger and pour in the egg mixture. Run into a hot oven (500 degrees F.) and bake until the crust begins to “set.” Reduce heat and continue the cooking until the custard is firm. Boston Cream Pie (Really cake) 2 eggs 1 cup flour 1% teaspoons baking powder % cup sugar % teaspoon salt % cup boiling mik % teaspoon vanilla extract Add beaten egg yolks to stiffly beaten whites and gradually add flour, baking powder, sugar and salt which have been sifted together 3 or 4 times; add hot milk very slowly; add vanilla. Bake in deep layer cake tin in moderate oven about 35 minutes. When cool, split and put between layers the following cream filling. Sprinkle powdered sugar on top of cake. 201Pastry, Pies Cream Filling % cup sugar 2 tablespoons cornstarch % teaspoon salt 2 eggs 1 cup scalded milk 1 teaspoon butter % teaspoon vanilla extract Mix sugar, cornstarch, salt and beaten eggs; pour on gradually scalded milk; add butter; cook in double boiler until thick and smooth, stirring constantly; add flavoring; cool and spread between layers of cake. Cheese Cakes (Pie) 7 eggs 2 cups sugar % cup butter 2 tablespoons water Yi teaspoon salt 1 cup jelly (apple or grape) 2 tablespoons cornstarch Mix cornstarch and sugar and cream with butter, beat egg yolks and add to mixture, stirring in warm jelly. After throughly mixed, add beaten whites. If too stiff, 2 tablespoons water may be added. Line mold with plain pastry and fill with mixture. Cook 20 to 30 minutes. This is sufficient for 24 cakes, (pies). Chocolate Cream Pie 2 squares chocolate % cup cornstarch % cup sugar Yi teaspoon salt 2 cups milk 2 egg whites 3 egg yolks 1 tablespoon vanilla Melt chocolate, add sugar, cornstarch, egg yolks, salt and milk. Cook in double boiler until thick, stirring constantly; flavor with vanilla. Pour into a baked pie crust shell, cover with a meringue made by beating egg whites until stiff and add 2 tablespoons sugar; brown in oven and serve cold. Orange Souffle Pie 1 cup sugar 3 tablespoons flour Yt cup sugar 3 eggs 1 cup liquid, consisting of juice 1 lemon and grated rind, juice of 2 oranges and grated rind, fill cup with water Mix sugar, flour and yolks of eggs and put in double boiler, add cup of juice and cook until thick; cool. Whip whites of eggs; add % cup sugar, fold into custard; put into baked crust and cook in medium oven. 202Pastry, Pies Lemon and Orange Meringue Pie 4 cups boiling water 1% cups sugar 2 tablespoons butter 3 tablespoons flour 3 tablespoons cornstarch Juice and rind of 2 lemons Juice and rind of 1 orange 3 egg whites 2 tablespoons sugar 1 teaspoon lemon extract 3 egg yolks Add butter to boiling water and combine with sugar, cornstarch and flour mixed. Stir constantly and let it boil until clear and thick. Stir in juice of lemons and oranges. Remove from the stove and when cooled, add the grated rinds of the lemons and oranges and egg yolks. When the filling is almost cold, pour it into the shells previously baked. Set in oven for about five minutes, then spread with a meringue, made from the whites of the eggs, sugar and lemon extract, and bake until a golden brown. This amount of filling will make 2 pies. Grapefruit Pie 1 cup water % teaspoon salt 1 cup sugar 2 eggs, white of 1 Juice of 1 grapefruit 6 tablespoons granulated sugar 3 tablespoons cornstarch Line a deep pie plate with paste, prick sides and bottom in places and bake a delicate brown. Place the 1 cup of sugar, water, the cornstarch, salt and juice of grapefruit in a saucepan and cook. Beat the yolks of the eggs slightly and blend with a little of hot mixture, add very slowly to the contents of the saucepan which have boiled a few minutes. Remove from stove as soon as the egg is stirred in and set aside to cool and use as a filling for the pastry, which should be cold. Beat the whites of 3 eggs until almost stiff, add gradually 4 tablespoons of granulated sugar, then slowly beat in 2 teaspoons of grapefruit juice; pile above filling in the pie and let brown slightly in a moderate oven. Coffee Cream Pie 1 cup milk % cup cooked flaky rice % cup strong coffee 2 eggs % cup brown sugar Few drops vanilla Few grains salt 2 tablespoons powdered sugar Scald milk and coffee together with sugar and salt; add rice 203Pastry, Pies and cook for a few minutes in a double boiler. Beat yolks and pour a part of the cream filling into them, mix and cook until thickened. Add vanilla and when partly cooked, pour into a baked pastry shell and cover with meringue made of the whites of 2 eggs beaten very stiff with 2 tablespoons of sugar and drop of vanilla. Bake in oven (275 degrees F.) until browned. The rice acts as a thickening agent as well as adding nutriment and flavor to the pie, but can be omitted if desired. In this case three level tablespoons of flour would be used, mixed with milk mixture the same as any cream pie. If one desires a richer filling, cream used with 3 eggs and only 2 tablespoons of flour. Sour-Cream Pie 1 cup sour cream % teaspoon cinnamon % cup seeded raisins, chopped % teaspoon cloves fine Yolks 3 eggs % cup sugar Whip cream, add yolks beaten light with the sugar, add spices and raisins. Beat whites of egg stiff and fold in. Bake in uncooked crust in oven (450 degrees F.) until crust browns, reduce until it sets. Chocolate Sweet Potato Pie 1 cup mashed cooked sweet potatoes 2 eggs (yolks and whites separately) % cup sugar 1 cup milk 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 teaspoon spices 2 squares chocolate, melted Combine in order given. Add whites of egg last. Bake in pan lined with pastry and cover with meringue. Irish Potato Custard 1 cup boiled and mashed % cup sugar potatoes 1 tablespoon flour 1 cup cream or milk Juice and rind of 1 lemon 2 egg yolks Put in pastry and bake. Make meringue. This makes 1 large custard. Strawberry Pie Make a rich pastry, line a pie pan and bake. When baked fill 204Pastry, Pies with strawberries. Melt a glass of strawberry jelly and spread over strawberries and let set. Then garnish with whipped cream. Almond Layer Pie Pastry 1% cups flour 7 tablespoons butter % teaspoon salt Water Filling 6 tablespoons butter 1 cup sugar % cup blanched and powdered almonds Grated rind of 1 lemon Make a short crust of flour, butter, salt and water. Roll out thin and line bottom and sides of a pie-pan. Cream butter, add sugar and cream together; add yolks of eggs separately and well beaten; then rind of lemon, almonds and lastly, well beaten whites of eggs. Mix thoroughly and spread % °f the mixture onto the pastry. Then cover with a layer of pastry, the rest of mixture, and lastly, cover with pastry. If liked the pastry may be rolled out, brushed over with butter, then the mixture spread over it and rolled up to form a roly-poly. Bake in a moderate oven until brown. Rhubarb and Strawberry Pie 2 tablespoons sugar % cup sugar 1 tablespoon flour % cup fine sifted crumbs red rhubarb strawberries Line a deep pie plate with a good rich crust. Mix together 2 tablespoons sugar and 1 tablespoon flour and spread on the crust. Over this place a layer of red rhubarb cut into 1-inch pieces and scatter over it % CUP small strawberries. Mix 34 cup sugar with the crumbs and add of this mixture to the fruit. Place another layer of rhubarb and berries and then remainder of sugar and crumbs. Put on top crust, moistening the edges and pressing firm to under crust. Cut few holes in top and bake as usual. Strawberry Cream Pie Put a layer of quality cream over a baked pastry shell. Cover this well with large fine strawberries. Over this pour pectin jelly (see chapter on jelly) and set in icebox to cool. Decorate with whipped cream or same jelly. 205Pastry, Pies Quality Cream 2 cups milk 2 egg yolks % cup flour 1 teaspoon vanilla % cup sugar 2 egg whites Scald the milk. Sift the dry ingredients, moisten with a little cold milk reserved for that purpose. Add to the scalded milk in the double boiler, stir and cook until clear and thick. Cover and let simmer 10 minutes. Add to beaten yolks cup sugar and beat into the hot mixture, stirring until eggs are cooked. Remove from the fire and continue to stir until cool, add vanilla and fold in beaten whites. This may be kept for several days. Valentine Cream Y cup flour 1 cup finely ground almonds % teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon almond extract 2 tablespoons sugar 2 eggs 2 cups scalded milk Mix and sift the dry ingredients. Beat the eggs well and add to the dry mixture. Gradually pour over this the scalded milk, stirring constantly until it thickens. Cook 15 minutes in a double boiler. Stir in the almonds and add the extract. Ice Box Pie 1 envelope gelatine Juice 1 lemon % cup boiling water 1 cup banana pulp (or any 3 egg whites fruit) 2/3 cup suga- 1 cup whipped cream Put in a b.’ked pie crust and garnish with whipped cream. Butterscotch Pie 1 cup brown sugar 3 eggs 1 cup milk 2 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons cornstarch % teaspoon caramel flavor , 2 tablespoons flour Sift flour, cornstarch and sugar together into milk. Cook over the flame until clear and thick, stirring constantly. Remove from the fire, add the yolks of eggs, caramel and butter and allow to cool. Fill ready baked pie shells; make meringue of the whites of eggs and 2 tablespoons of sugar and bake in moderately hot oven about 8 minutes until meringue is brown. 206Form CAC-13 Try This Cake Recipe y ',. i /y DELICIOUS SWANS DOWN CAKE Vi cupful butter, or substitute 3 teaspoonfuls baking powder 1 cupful sugar X teaspoonful salt % cupful milk 1 teaspoonful vanilla 2 cupfuls SWANS DOWN CAKE FLOUR 3 egg whites Cream butter, gradually add sugar, creaming mixture well. Sift flour once, measure, add baking powder and salt and sift three times. Add the flour and milk alternately to the creamed butter and sugar, beating batter hard oetween each addition of flour and milk. Add vanilla extract. Fold in the stiffly-beaten egg-whites and bake in a loaf or two layers in a moderate oven. Ice as desired. Before attempting to make any cakes in this book, read this article. It may prevent a cake failure, thereby saving the waste of ingredients. These are the four most important steps in cake-making, and if followed carefully will help you to make really, good cake. SELECTING INGREDIENTS A good cake cannot be made with poor ingredients. For the best results choose only the purest materials obtainable. Cake is a food that contains the most nutritive elements, such as eggs, butter, milk, sugar, flour, etc. Cake is more delicate than bread and needs a more delicate flour. This flour is Swans Down Cake Flour, soft, white, and velvety, made especially for cake and pastry making. Swans Down costs but a few cents more per cake and yet it insures against disappointment and costly cake failures. Lighter, whiter, finer, better cakes if you use Swans Down. MEASURING All ingredients called for in any good recipe must be accurately mixed and all measurements should be level. This is necessary in order to obtain the same results in each baking. The standard one-half pint measuring cup should be used and the recipe followed exactly. CAREFUL MIXING It i s necessary in successful cake-making that all ingredients b5“perfectly measured and utensils and cake tins be ready before beginning to mix the cake. Always beat the shortening to a cream before adding any sugar. Add sugar gradually, creamin' the mixture meanwhile. Add a little sifted Swans Down Cake Flour, with baking powde. ,4r aed, then a little rr.ilk and so on alternately until all the flour and milk are used. Beat the batter, never stirring, after each addition of flour and milk. Add flavoring. The stiffly-beaten egg-whites should be next folded in very carefully if recipe calls for same. Work quickly, but carefully in mixing your cake. CORRECT OVEN HEAT The heat of oven for cake-making is of very great importance. There are some general guides for temperature which may be profitably observed. All thin layer, small cakes and cookies require a hot oven (350-400° F). Thick layer and cakes baked in a loaf require a moderate oven (325-375° F) while sponge cakes and angel cakes require a slow oven (250-300° F). Fruit cakes require even a slower oven (200-250° F). The helpful hints above are taken from “Cake Secrets,” an authoritative bookieton cakemaking by Janet McKenzie Hill, editor of American Cookery Magazine. You are welcome to a copy full of original recipes, directions, illustration®—for 10c sent to Igleheart Brothers, Evansville, Indiana, Department C. I. Best grocers everywhere have Swans Down Cake Flour. If you cannot getit, write us. Use it in your cake and pastry making. Always use Swans Down Cake Flour in all cake recipes given in this book and elsewhere. It insures lighter, whiter, finer cakes.When You Make Cake Nothing gives such wonderful results in home made cake as Swans Down Cake Flour! Try it in any good recipe. You can have lighter, whiter, -finer, better cake—pie crust—pastry, just as you long to have it. Swans Down costs only a few cents for each cake made and yet it saves all the costly waste of cake disappointments. Swans Down, has been the grocers’ choice for 25 years. IGLEHEART BROTHERS Evansville, Indiana Established 1856 Also manufacturers of Swans Down Wheat Bran, Nature’s Laxative Food. SWANS DOWN Prepared (Not Self-Rising) CAKE FLOUR Preferred by Housewives for 25 yearsEvery cooking-fat or shortening is fat. And any fat is ever so much better when it is fresh. Snowdrift is fresh—fresh, as you use the word to describe a new-laid egg. Snowdrift is sweet—what you mean when you say “sweet” cream. Open the air-tight can in your kitchen—the new blue-and-white air-tight can opens as easily as winding the clock—and you will find Snowdrift as sweet and fresh as the day it was made. Snowdrift a rich creamy cooking fat made by the Wesson Oil people for making cake, biscuit and pastry and for wholesome fryingIN all recipes calling for baking powder, insure successful results by using Royal Baking Powder (absolutely pure). It is conceded by domestic science teachers and baking experts the world over to be "the most healthful and dependable baking powder made.” Royal contains no alum.CHAPTER XX. CAKE There is no excuse for poor cake; though it must be confessed that some women will always be able to turn out a better product than others in this line. But even the woman who has no talent may follow directions and make an excellent cake. First—A standard recipe. It is much better to have one good recipe which may be changed to meet conditions (being thoroughly understood) than to have a different recipe for every kind of cake. Second—Standard measurements, using for same a measuring-cup of tin, glass or aluminum marked into one-fourths and one-thirds, and regulation teaspoon, the contents to be levelled off with knife, this to be cut in half lengthwise for the half teaspoon, and the half cut crosswise in two for the one-fourth, this in turn to be cut in two diagonally for the one-eighth, and so continued to the smallest fractional part. Third—Best material. Use only the best pastry flour sifted before being measured, cream of tartar baking powder, fresh eggs, butter, or vegetable shortening, very fine granulated sugar, extracts or fruit juices, spices, etc. Butter for cakes containing yolks of eggs, chocolate, cocoa or coffee is desirable, for delicate cake vegetable shortening is prof erred. Fruit juices, such as canned pineapple, strained orange juice or maraschino cherry juice, recommended for fruit and spice cakes. Fourth—Utensils. A porcelain or earthenware bowl of a cup shape with no sharp corners for holding batter or dough, Dover egg-beater for beating whites of eggs, or strong whip for beating whites and folding same into batter. Short-handle, strong metal spoon with large perforations in the bowl, or wooden spoon with slits in same. Nine-inch layer pans of tin or aluminum, if possible with removable bottom, square or round (square cakes cut to better advantage, corners are often dry, and round cakes productive of a more uniformly baked cake.) Nine-inch loaf pans of block tin or alumium, with stack in center, may be square or round. For individual cakes a 14x14 inch dripping pan. 207Cake Fifth—Preparation. Sugar, flour, salt, etc., sifted and measured separately; if chocolate is used, melt; if fruits and nuts are added, cut and measure. Pans oiled or lined with paper may be used. Sixth—Temperature. Oven should be in readiness when cake is mixed. Oven control is excellent or a dependable thermometer is indispensible. A chart for batters and the temperature for baking same should be conveniently near range. Seventh—Combining ingredients, consists of blending all in such manner that all are smooth and light without developing gluten in flour, or breaking air cells in whites eggs, or those formed by baking powder; once begun the mixing should be continuous until completed. Cream shortening, add gradually, sugar, mix by rotary stirring and lifting motion of the mixing spoon. After flour is added beating (not stirring) and by alternating liquid and dry ingredients, keep batter same consistency with as little manipulation as possible, and the whites beaten and added last with a folding cutting-in stroke. Pour batter into pans that have been previously prepared, settling batter well to side of layer pans leaving a slight depression in center, this will provide for the thinning of the batter and settling to the center later in oven. Eighth—Baking. Cakes leavened with baking powder require higher temperature than soda and sour-milk, or soda and lemon juice. Cakes made with yolks of eggs or containing chocolate bake at a lower temperature than white cakes. Cakes containing fruits or nuts go into a hotter oven than plain cakes; and temperature reduced after a short time. (250 degrees F. to 400 degrees F.) Time for baking should be divided into quarters; the first quarter given to rising, the second quarter continue to rise and begin to set (the most heat is required just at this point) and so the third quarter the cake begins to brown, the fourth quarter the temperature is reduced and cake finishes baking, shrinks slightly. Ninth—Cooling. Layer cakes should be removed from pans as soon as taken from stove; turn out on a wire trivet (can be bought at any household department store). The rack from the refrigerator elevated on four cups placed at corners may be used—this allows cake to cool with circulation of air about it, thus preventing any settling down or dampness. Loaf cakes may 208Cake remain in pan five or ten minutes if pan is allowed to rest on a wire—then inverted after spatula is run around to free it from the sides of pan and stack. Never cover a cake with cloth until COLD and do not frost until cold. Points to Remember in mixing cake: (1) by stirring, ingredients are mixed; (2) beating encloses air; (3) and by cutting and folding, air already incorporated is prevented from escaping. In baking, liquids are turned to steam, gas formed by leavening agent and air inclosed is expanded, and the walls of these air cells hardened to prevent breaking before the actual cooking of material is accomplished. Preparing pan; use pastry brush and oil, go over the sides of the pan completely but very lightly with the oil. Place a tablespoon of flour in pan, shake about, then either butter, or the surface may be covered by lining the pan with paper, the bottom layer cut to fit pan, the sides cut on bias, paper slit every inch to depth of half the pan. Oil the bottom of the pan and sides, oiling paper lightly, and sift on flour. This latter method only recommended for spice and fruit cakes. To remove cakes from pans; after allowing the baked cake to remain about two minutes, invert pans and if cake sticks to the pan, place a damp cloth on the bottom of pan for a few minutes. Note—If bread flour is used in place of pastry flour, take two tablespoons less for each cup. Sponge Cakes (Plain Sponge, Hot-Water Sponge, Sun-Shine and Angel Food) Sponge cakes are leavened by the expansion of the air inincorporated. It is important that as much air as possible be incorporated, therefore, the sifting of flour several times, beating of eggs until very light, and the care with which air is incorporated are all important points. In sponge cakes, beat whites until they are light, add sugar gradually beating lightly; beat yolks until very light and add, and fold in with as little exertion as possible the flour. (It is not desirable to beat the flour a sufficient length of time to soften the gluten, as that would make the cake tough.) Angle Food Cake Whites of 11 small or 10 large eggs (absolutely fresh and 209Cake cold), 1 cup pastry flour, sifted before measuring, and 5 or 6 times after measuring; 1% cups fine granulated sugar, 1 teaspoon cream of tartar, teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon extract. Method: Beat whites of eggs until light; add cream of tartar and beat until stiff and dry. Beat in gradually 1 cup sugar; add the remaining % cup sugar to the sifted flour. Sift together once or twice. Add extract and sift in at one time all the flour and the % cup sugar. Care must be taken not to beat in flour. Pour batter into large, ungreased, unfloured loaf cake pan, cover with heavy paper and bake in an oven of 275 degrees F. for 60 minutes; remove the cover at the end of 30 minutes. Leave cake in the pan inverted on table for 24 hours before removing. Ice with a light, delicate marshmallow or uncooked sugar icing. Chocolate Angel Cake Use recipe for Angel Cake, add to the flour 3 tablespoons cocoa and flavor with 1 teaspoon vanilla extract. Tutti-Fruitti Angel Cake One-half cup of blanched almonds, cut in thin slices and % cup of .candied pineapple, and cherries added to the batter by sprinkling in as batter is placed in the pan. Plain Sponge Cake 1 cup sugar % teaspoon salt 1 cup flour 5 eggs % teaspoon cream-of tartar 1 teaspoon lemon juice Beat yolks of eggs until thick and lemon colored. Add the sugar and continue beating; then add flavoring. Beat mixture well. Add salt and cream of tartar to egg whites and beat until whites are stiff. Sift flour several times. Add dry ingredients and egg mixture alternately to beaten yolks. Turn at once into an unoiled pan. Bake in oven 250 to 300 degrees F. for 50 minutes. Boiled Angel Food Cake 1% cups granulated sugar 1 cup pastry flour % cup boiling water 3 teaspoons cream of tartar 11 egg whites Stir sugar and water in sauce pan until sugar is dissolved. 210Cake Sift flour, add cream of tartar and sift four times. Then place syrup to boil. Beat egg whites until very stiff. When syrup has reached 250° (firm ball in cold water) pour over egg whites and continue beating until mixture is cold. Add vanilla; fold in gently the flour and cream of tartar mixture with long, even strokes. Drop in ungreased cake pan and bake 60 minutes in oven beginning at 200 degrees ending at 350 degrees F. Boiled Sponge Cake 1 cup sugar 1 cup flour % cup water 5 egg whites 5 egg yolks % teaspoon cream tartar Grated rind and juice of % lemon Boil sugar and water to the thread stage (238 degrees F.) and pour in a fine stream onto the yolks of the eggs, beaten until thick and lemon colored, set the dish into cold water and continue beating until the mixture is cool, adding while beating, the lemon juice and rind. When cold, fold in half the whites of egg beaten dry, the flour and the balance of the egg whites. Bake in tube pan about 50 minutes (300 degrees F.) and let cool in the inverted pan. Hot Water Sponge Cake 1% cups sifted pastry flour teaspoon baking powder % teaspoon cream tartar 1 teaspoon extract 4 eggs (whites and yolks beaten separately) 1 cup sugar (very fine granulated or powdered sugar) Vi cup boiling water Use a deep bowl and have it cold, separate eggs, place in large bowl the whites and in a smaller one the beaten yolks. Beat the egg whites until light, add cream of tartar, beat until stiff. Add 94 of the sugar gradually, beating well during the process; Add balance of sugar to the yolks before adding the *4 CUP °f boiling water. This latter should be light, creamy, and like a custard. Combine whites and yolks, fold in the flour and extract, adding flour at one time and cutting and folding until all has been incorporated. Pour into the pan (without paper or greasing) and if baking in the gas stove, cover the pan well with a heavy paper until the cake has risen. If baked in a deep pan this will require 50 minutes to cook. Invert the pan to cool. Do not remove for 10 to 18 hours. Ice very lightly. Temperature 350 degrees F. 211Cake Sunshine Cake 8 egg whites 1 cup pastry flour 6 egg yolks 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 cup sifted sugar 1 teaspoon cream tartar Add a pinch of salt to the whites of egg and beat until light, add cream of tartar. Beat until stiff, add the sugar and then the well-beaten yolks of eggs and vanilla. Sift in all of the flour at one time and fold over as gently as possible until the flour is mixed with the other ingredients. Make this part of the work as gentle and light as possible. Pour into a tube-loaf pan unfloured and ungreased, shake down slightly to settle and bake in oven (275 degrees F. increasing to 350 degrees F.) for 50 minutes. If the gas range is used, cover the pan with heavy paper until the batter has risen, which is about % °f the time for baking, uncover to bake the top crust,(invert the pan containing cake) let stand until the cake leaves the pan of its own weight, or if possible let stand until the next day, when it may be cut out with a spatula. Jelly Roll 1 cup sugar % teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon baking powder 3 eggs % cup boiling water 2 tablespoons oil 1% cups flour Beat eggs separately, and add to the whites 1 cup sifted sugar, flavor with vanilla, pour in % CUP boiling water. Fold in flour and baking powder, sifted together. Pour out on oiled pan (6 by 10 inches) covered with oiled paper, and bake in oven 300 degrees or less for 15 minutes. When done, turn on damp towel, spread with jell, pinch cake on both sides 1 inch from edge, lift towel forward and cake will forward. Sponge Cake (Using egg-yolks only) 6 egg yolks 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 cup sugar 1% cups flour % cup boiling water 1 teaspoon lemon juice Beat egg yolks until light; add sugar gradually, then hot water, beating meanwhile. Add flour, sifted with baking powder, and beat thoroughly. Bake in a 300 degree F. oven about 45 minutes. 212Cake One-Egg Cake % cup sugar 14 cup shortening 1 egg % cup milk 1% cups flour 2% teaspoons baking powder V-i teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon vanilla or lemon Cream shortening with sugar, and add egg well beaten. Sift dry ingredients, add alternately with milk to the first mixture. Bake in a shallow pan that has been greased. Add flavoring last. When baked, remove from tin, allow to cool and spread with frosting. Emily White Cake (Economical and dependable) 1% cups sugar 3 teaspoons baking powder % cup shortening 1 teaspoon salt 1 cup water 1 teaspoon vanilla 4 egg whites 1 teaspoon lemon juice 3 cups flour (sifted before measuring) Cream shortening, add gradually the sugar and stir and beat until very creamy, adding from time to time a teaspoon of the liquid. When % cup of liquid has been used, begin and add a little at time, the dry ingredients (flour, baking powder and salt) which have been sifted together several times. Care should be taken not to beat the cake too much while adding flour, to do so will frequently result in tough cake, keep the sides of the pan clean by frequently running the spatula about the sides. Stand aside while the whites are beaten, fold in the vanilla and whites as gently as possible. Pour into 2 or 3 layer cake pans—oiled and floured, (inch pans if two layers are to be made, 7)/>-inch pans if 3 layers are desired.) Settle the batter well to the sides, leaving a slight depression in the center. Place on the bottom rack in the gas stove (about 1 inch from the floor of the oven.) The heat should be about 300 degrees F. increasing during the baking until when the cake has risen 1/3 its height, the heat has increased to 400 degrees F.; hold for about 4 minutes, then reduce to 300 degrees F. again. If 2 layers are made the time required for baking should be 28 minutes, then the cake removed from oven and cooled on wire trivet. Do not ice until cold. This cake recipe is equally good for loaf. It is suggested for Lady Baltimore, wedding cakes and any one of the icings given in the chapter bearing that title are suitable. Important points.—Use only pastry flour, cream tartar bak 213Cake ing powder and sift the flour several times before measuring lightly. The following variations will afford variety: For Golden Cake. Use the yolks and whites of eggs, adding the yolks to the creamed shortening and sugar. Add the whites last in the usual way. The yolks of egg cake require a lower temperature until cake is risen. Beginning at 300 degree F. and slowly increasing to 350 degrees F., decreasing when beginning to brown. For Spanish Cake. Measure flour and take out 4 tablespoons, 4 tablespoons cocoa added to flour to replace and 1 teaspoon mixed spices. Cold coffee may be used instead of water. For Fruit Cake. Make as for golden cake and add 1 cup of fruit and 1 cup of nuts to the batter alternately with the flour. Oven to start should be not less than 350 degrees F., and reduced after cake begins to brown. This prevents solids from sinking to the bottom. Orange juice, pineapple juice, cider, coffee or left over cocoa may be used as the liquid. This recipe may be used for loaf cake, for individual cakes baked in muffin tins. If nuts are chopped too fine, it will cause the cake to be crumbly. California Cake 1% cups sugar 1 tablespoon grated orange rind % cup shortening 3 cups flour 4 eggs (separate) 3 teaspoons baking powder % cup strained orange juice 1 teaspoon salt Vi cup water 1 teaspoon orange extract Cream the shortening and sugar thoroughly, adding a little water. When very light, add the well beaten yolks of egg and as quickly as possible add the dry ingredients which have been sifted together, and the liquid. Beat the whites of eggs, and add with the rind of orange and extract. Bake in 2 or 3 layers as for Emily White and use either the Filling Supreme or orange icing. When the icing has set on cake press down into same sections of the orange in a rather stingy wreath about the edge and a star made of the sections in the center of cake. Ice Cream Cake 1% cups sugar 2% teaspoons baking powder % cup shortening % teaspoon salt 1 cup water 1% teaspoons mixed extract 4 eggs (whites only) (Vanilla and orange—1 drop 2^2 cups flour almond) Cream shortening and sugar; add *4 cup of water, and add 214Cake alternately liquid and dry ingredients. Fold in well whipped whites of eggs and vanilla. Divide in equal portions in 2 layer cake tins. Bake in oven of 300 degree F. about 25 minutes. Corn-Starch Cake % cup shortening 2 cups sugar 1 cup milk 1 cup corn starch 2 cups flour Follow recipe as above, family). 4% teaspoons baking powder Whites 5 eggs % teaspoon vanilla or % teaspoon almond extract 1 teaspoon salt Makes 2 layers, for small Bride’s Cake 2 cups sugar 2/3 cup shortening 1 cup water 8 egg whites % teaspoon cream tartar 3 cups flour (sifted 3 times) 3 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon orange extract 1 teaspoon vanilla extract Cream shortening, add sugar and cream together. Sift dry ingredients and add alternately with water. Add extract, beat mixture thoroughly and lastly fold in stiffly beaten whites of eggs to which cream of tartar is added. Bake 60 minutes, beginning at 250 degrees and increasing to 300. Snowdrift White Loaf Cake 5 whites of eggs 1 teaspoon salt 12/3 cups sugar 1% teaspoons extract (1 teaspoon 2/3 cup shortening vanilla, teaspoon orange 1 cup liquid (water preferred) or lemon juice, or any de- 2% cups flour sired flavor) 2% teaspoons baking powder Cream shortening and sugar thoroughly, adding from time to time liquid until 1/3 cup has been used. Sift the flour, baking powder and salt together several times. Alternately add balance of the liquid and flour, fold in whites of beaten eggs and extract and bake in loaf pan. Requires 50 minutes in oven 300 degree F., gradually increasing, and when cake is thoroughly risen increase the temperature to about 400 degrees F. for a few moments to harden walls of air cells. Remove the cover and reduce the temperature for balance of time. Variations.—'The yolks of eggs may be used for the golden 215Cake loaf cake. Cocoa and spices added in the same manner as for layer cake. Marble cake can be made by dividing the white cake batter in halves, adding to % the yolks of 3 eggs and 2 teaspoons of spices (mixed.) Pour the batter into the pan alternating the white and dark portions. If the dark portions are put in with a curling motion, the desirable marble effect is accomplished. Fruit Cake. The cake made as given with the addition of 3 cups of fruits and 1 cup of nuts, 2 teaspoons of mixed spices gives a very good fruit cake to be used at once. Any liquid may be used—coffee, cocoa, milk, orange or pineapple juice. The juice left from pickled peaches will be found to impart a desirable flavor. Housekeeper’s Cake 1 cup butter (or substitute) 2 cups sugar 5 eggs (or yolks of 10) 1 cup milk 4 cups flour 4 teaspoons baking powder % teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons flavoring Sift the dry ingredients together. Cream the shortening and 1 cup of sugar together, beat the yolks of eggs and the balance of sugar. The success of the cake largely depends upon the beating of these 3 ingredients after they are combined. Alternately add the liquid and dry ingredients to the batter, flavor and in case the whites of eggs are used fold in last. This may be baked as a loaf or layer cake. Requires a moderate oven—300 degrees F. increasing slowly to 400 degrees F. and reducing as soon as cake is set. Looks and tastes like old fashioned pound cake. Pound Cake 1 cup butter 2 cups sugar 3 teaspoons baking powder teaspoon mace 8 eggs 4 cups flour 3 tablespoons brandy Cream shortening and sugar thoroughly together, add yolks well beaten, fold in whites of eggs beaten to a stiff froth, add brandy, flour, salt and mace, and mix lightly and quickly. Pour into a papered cake pan and bake in oven 250 degrees F. for 1 hour and 20 minutes. Devil’s Food Cake 1 cup sugar % cup shortening 2 eggs 2 squares chocolate 1% cups flour (sifted) % cup milk 2% teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon vanilla Cream sugar and shortening together. Add eggs, choco 216Cake late, vanilla, milk alternately with mixed and sifted flour and baking powder. Devil’s Food Cake 1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon soda 1 cup sour milk (cream or % teaspoons salt buttermilk) 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 cups flour 3 eggs 2 squares chocolate % cup shortening Melt chocolate. Add three tablespoons water and cook until thick. Cool. Cream shortening and sugar, add well-beaten eggs. Dissolve soda in hot water. Add cold chocolate, liquid and dry ingredients. Bake in two layers in moderate oven 20 minutes. Devil’s Food Cake (N. S.) First Part— Custard of % cup ground chocolate % cup milk 2/3 cup brown sugar 1 egg yolk Second Part— 1 cup brown sugar % cup butter % cup milk 2 eggs 2 cups flour 1 teaspoon soda First Part—Custard: Scald milk. Beat egg yolk and sugar. Stir this into scalded milk and cook until mixture coats a silver spoon. Add melted chocolate. Set aside to cool. Second Part—Cream the sugar and butter. Stir in well-beaten eggs. Alternately incorporate milk and flour. Stir in the cooled custard. Add 1 teaspoon soda dissolved in small amount warm water. Bake in layers 300 degrees F. Mahogany Cake 4 squares bitter chocolate % cup milk 1 cup brown sugar 1 egg Cook in double boiler till thick and creamy. 1 cup brown sugar 1 teaspoon soda 2 cups prepared pastry flour 1 teaspoon vanilla (sifted 3 times before % cup milk or water . measuring) 2 eggs % cup fat 2 teaspoons baking powder Mix by cake method, adding first mixture when cool. Bake in two large or three medium layers. Put into very moderate oven 200 degrees F. to 250 degrees F., and increase 217Cake gradually to 300 degrees F. to 350 degrees F. until done. Use mocha filling or any other hilling and icing. Honey Cake 3 eggs 1 cup light brown sugar 1% cups honey % cup chocolate 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1% cups flour 3 teaspoons baking powder % cup chopped nuts Beat eggs and sugar together. Add honey, chocolate and spices, then flour and baking powder and lastly the nuts. Grease and flour a piece of heavy paper. Line bottoms of a pan about 9 inches by 13 inches by 2 inches deep. Pour in the cake batter. Brush cream over top and place on it walnut halves at intervals. Bake in a slow oven, 300 degrees F., till done, about 40 minutes. Honey mixtures burn easily, so the utmost care must be taken in baking. English Fruit Cake 12 eggs % cup lemon juice 1 pound sugar (2 cups) % cup orange juice 4 pounds raisins % cup vanilla extract 1 pound currants 1 pound wild cherry extract 1 glass grape jelly % teaspoon nutmeg 1 pound crystallized cherries 1 pound butter (2 cups) 1 lb. crystallized pineapple 4% cups flour % pound orange paste 1 pound home-made citron 1 pound blanched and sliced 1 tablespoon melted chocolate almonds % teaspoon alspice 1 pound pecans (broken) % cup cordial mixed with spices 1 tablespoon cinnamon 1 cup strawberry preserves General directions for mixing fruit cakes: Get fruit ready day before, pour over fruit juice. Have almonds blanched and sliced and pour over tablespoon rosewater. Measure spices, add to jelly and preserves; do not stir after jelly is added. Have flour browned in oven, cooled and measured. Cream butter and half sugar and beat yolks light with other half. Combine and add jelly and spices; alternately add whites stiffly beaten and half of the flour, then chocolate. Sift flour over top layer of fruit, add to batter, sift again and continue until fruit has been added. Put in nuts. Line pan with two layers heavy brown paper fitted. Brush with oil. Pour mixture in pans, smooth in place. When full, 218Cake decorate top with nuts and fruit. Place in oven 350 degrees, reducing after first half hour. Keep at 250 degrees for rest of period. Bake 30 minutes per pound. Test with a straw. When done, remove from stove and leave in pan until almost cold. Mikado Cake (Japanese Fruit Cake) 2 cups sugar (sifted) 1 cup butter 8 whole eggs 4 cups flour 4 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon mace 1 teaspoon nutmeg 1 teaspoon alspice 1 pound chopped nuts % cup rich cream % cup Tokav wine % cup apricot cordial 1 cup strawberry preserves 1 pound crystallized ginger % pound crystallized cherries % pound crystallized pineapple % pound crystallized apricots x/4 pound crystallized angelique % pound crystallized limes % pound crystallized kumquats 1 teaspoon each orange, vanilla, almond, pistachio extracts. Follow general directions for making fruit cake. Bake from 11 2 34 to 2 hours. Spread with golden icing flavored with wine and put on top marshmallow icing. Wonder Fruit Cake 1 pound butter 8 eggs 1 cup strawberry preserves 3 pounds seeded raisins 2 pounds currants 1 pound cherries 1 pound blanched almonds cut in strips 1 pound walnuts chopped in quarters or sixths 1 cup shredded cocoanut 1 cup liquid (coffee, orange juice, grape juice or a mixture of extracts) 6 cups browned flour 1 tablespoon baking powder 1% pounds brown sugar 1 cup orange marmalade 3 tablespoons mixed spices (cinnamon, cloves, alspice, nutmeg and very little mace) 1 pound pineapple (crystallized) 1 pound citron, lemon, orange and other peel 14 cup lemon juice 1% teaspoons salt 3 tablespoons cocoa Silft the flour, salt, baking powder and cocoa together. Cream the butter, add the sugar, yolks of eggs, marmalade, preserves and spices and the fruit and leave this mixture for % hour or more; add the liquid and dry ingredients alternately. Add the stiffly beaten whites of eggs last or, if necessary, alternate with the last half of the flour mixture, nuts and cocoanut. Place this batter in heavy pans which have been lined with 219Cake heavy paper, oiled and floured. Place in oven 300 degrees F. for 1 hour, covering the pan with heavy paper to prevent crust from forming on top. Bake % hour per pound and reduce the temperature as the baking progresses, that there may be no burning but that sufficient heat may be given to thoroughly cook. Brown the flour by placing in hot oven and stirring constantly until nicely browned. Use a flat pan for this operation. This changes the character of the flour. Scotch Fruit Cake % cup butter 1% cups brown sugar 2 cups crystallized fruits, including raisins % cup nut meats 2 cups flour 3 teaspoons baking powder Mix according to general directions given. Bake in one cake. Add beaten whites of egg last. It will require a rather moderate oven at first, 300 to 350 degrees F., and will call for 50 to 60 minutes. Cover the pan with heavy paper for 30 minutes in order not to allow a crust to form before the batter has risen. 1 teaspoon cloves, nutmeg and al-spice mixed 3 eggs % cup orange juice 1 tablespoon vanilla 4 tablespoons cocoa 1 teaspoon cinnamon White Fruit Cake 2 cups flour % teaspoon soda 6 egg whites 1 teaspoon baking powder % teaspoon rose flavoring 1% cups candied fruits 1 cup almonds 2 tablespoons milk 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 tablespoon lemon juice % cup apple jelly % cup shredded cocoanut Cream shortening and sugar. Add milk, flavoring and jelly. Add cocoanut and almonds. Add flour sifted with baking powder, and salt and soda. Add fruits to mixture. Fold in whites and lemon juice. Bake in loaf pan in an oven 300 degrees F., 1% hours (cover half of the time). Any combination of the following fruits may be added: Cherries, pineapple, citron, orange peel, lemon peel, apricot. The almonds should be blanched and shredded. Lemon Queens % cup butter 4 egg yolks and whites 1 cup sugar 1% cup flour Grated rind and juice of % % teaspoon salt lemon % teaspoon soda Cream sugar and butter. Add the lemon juice and egg 220Cake yolks. Sift together the flour and soda and add to the first mixture, alternating with the whites of 4 eggs, beaten dry. Bake in small muffin tins 20 minutes. When cold, remove from each cake a cone, made by cutting from the top to below the center. Discard all but the crust of this cone. After filling with lemon filling, replace crust and sprinkle the cake with powdered sugar. Lemon Filling Moisten 1% tablespoons cornstarch with small amount cold water and stir into % cup boiling water; let boil 1 minute, then cook over hot water 5 minutes; add 1 teaspoon butter, !/2 cup sugar, the juice of lemon and the yolk of 1 egg, well beaten; stir constantly; remove from fire when boiling begins. Mock Angel Cake 1 cup boiling milk 114 cup flour 1 cup granulated sugar 3 teaspoons baking powder 14 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon cooking oil 1 teaspoon lemon juice 3 eggs, whites only Sift the flour, sugar and salt together in large bowl. Pour the boiling milk over the dry ingredients, beat well until smooth, add 1 tablespoon oil and extract, add baking powder last. Fold in the whites of egg beaten until stiff. Do not beat the cake batter after adding the eggs, except to mix them evenly. Bake in oven about 350 degrees. Chocolate Marshmallow Roll 3 eggs 14 cup boiling water 1 cup granulated sugar 114 cups pastry flour 2 tablespoons melted butter 2 teaspoons baking powder 2 squares chocolate 14 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon vanilla Separate eggs and beat the whites stiff; add sugar gradually, then the well-beaten yolks, boiling water, melted butter and melted chocolate. Sift flour, baking powder and salt together several times before adding to the first mixture. Fold in as lightly as possible, adding all of the flour before beating at all, then add vanilla. Pour the batter into a baking-pan, oil and flour the paper which is used for lining the pan. The thinner the batter is spread in the pan the better. Bake in a 221Cake very moderate oven (275 degrees) for 15 minutes. Free the cake from the sides of the pan and invert on a cloth wrung out of hot water, remove the paper and spread the cake with marshmallow icing. Roll by pinching the cake on each side about 1 inch from the end and lifting the damp cloth from one end. The cake should roll nicely as a jelly roll. This may be iced with a marshmallow frosting or dusted with powdered sugar. Apple Sauce Cake 1 cup unsweetened apple sauce 1% cups sugar % cup shortening 2 eggs % cup nut meats 1 cup raisins 1 teaspoon lemon juice 1 teaspoon soda dissolved in 2 tablespoons lukewarm water. 2% cups flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon cloves % teaspoon salt Cream sugar and shortening together, add apple sauce, eggs and then other ingredients in the order named, sifted spices, nuts, raisins, salt and baking powder with the flour, adding soda last. Bake in a moderate oven 300 degrees F., increasing to 350 degrees F. When cold, ice with white marshmallow icing. Fay’s Cake % cup butter 2 cups sifted flour Yolk of 2 eggs 1 cup sugar Pinch of salt 3 tablespoons molasses 1 teaspoon each of cloves, nut- 3 teaspoons melted chocolate meg and cinnamon Lastly add 1 cup boiling water, in which 1 teaspoon soda has been dissolved. Add raisins and chopped nuts. Cream the butter and sugar, add the eggs, molasses and chocolate. Sift the dry ingredients, add alternately with raisins and nuts. Bake in 300-350-degree F. oven about 30 minutes. “Kiddie Cake” 2 cups flour % cup raisins 1 cup sugar y2 cup nuts % teaspoon salt 1 egg 2 teaspoons baking powder 4 tablespoons oil 1 cup milk Flavoring Sift together the 2 cups flour, 1 cup sugar, % teaspoon salt, 2 teaspoons baking powder. Chop and mix with the above % 222Cake cup raisins and % CUP nuts. Combine 1 egg, well beaten, 4 tablespoons oil and 1 cup milk and flavoring, combine the two mixtures. Mix well and bake in dripping-pan in quick oven. This may be varied by using chopped prunes, dates or figs instead of raisins. Also use grated orange rind for flavoring or mixed spices, 1 or 2 teaspoons sifted with dry ingredients. Canadian Cake 2/3 cup fat 2 cups brown sugar 2 cups water 1 cup seeded raisins 1 teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons powdered cinnamon 1 teaspoon powdered cloves % teaspoon nutmeg % teaspoon powdered mace 2 teaspoons baking soda 4 cups flour 1 teaspoon baking powder % cup chopped nut meats 3 tablespoons water (warm) Put the fat into saucepan, add sugar, water, raisins, salt and spice and boil for 3 minutes. Cool and add dry ingredients, soda dissolved in the warm water and the nut meats. Mix and turn into a floured caketin and bake in a slow oven for 1^ hours. Bakes well in a fireless cooker. Date Cake 1 cup sugar % cup nuts 3 tablespoons shortening % teaspoon soda 1 egg 1 cup boiling water 1 cup dates •% cup flour % teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons baking powder Put soda and the cup of boiling water over the dates and let stand until you have creamed the sugar and shortening, add the egg (need not be beaten). Then add flour, baking powder, salt, then dates and hot water and nuts the last thing. Bake slowly, 300 degrees F. for 25 minutes. This may be served with whipped cream or a soft meringue icing. Lazy Daisy Cake % cup shortening 12/3 cups flour lyi cup brown sugar 3 teaspoons baking powder 2 eggs % teaspoon cinnamon % cup milk % teaspoon nutmeg % pound dates or cup raisins Mix and sift. Put ingredients in bowl in order given and do not stir until all have been added. Beat for three minutes. 223Cake Bake in a greased pan from 35 to 45 minutes, 350 degrees F. May be baked in muffin tins. Honolulu Cake 2 cups white sugar 1 cup chopped walnuts 1 cup hot mashed potatoes 2 cups flour % cup sweet milk 4 eggs (well beaten) 4 ounces melted chocolate 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon cloves and nutmeg % cup creamed shortening 1 teaspoon salt Mix chocolate with (hot) potatoes and add to creamed butter, sugar and eggs. Alternate milk and dry ingredients. Add beaten whites last. Bake in layers and use marshmallow icing and fruit and nuts. Goldenrod Cake % cup shortening Grated rind % orange 21A cups flour 4 teaspoons baking powder 2% ounces unsweetened chocoate 1% cups sugar 2 eggs and 1 yolk % teaspoon salt 1 cup milk Cream shortening, add sugar and orange rind; add beaten egg yolks. Sift together flour, baking powder and salt, and add alternately with the milk; lastly fold in 1 beaten egg white. Divide batter into two parts. To one part add the chocolate. Put by tablespoon, alternating dark and light batter, into three greased layer cake pans. Bake in moderate oven 20 minutes. Gold Cake Yolks of 8 eggs I1/! cups granulated sugar % cup butter % cup water 2% cups pastry flour 4 teaspoons baking powder r/2 teaspoon lemon extract Sift flour 3 times, then measure. Add baking powder and sift three times. Cream butter and sugar thoroughly. Beat yolks to a stiff froth, add this to creamed butter and sugar and stir. Add flavoring, water, then flour and beat well. Put in slow oven at once. This will bake in 30 minutes. Invert immediately after it is taken from the oven. Let hang in pan until cold. 224Cake Hot Lemonade Cake 1% cups sugar (ground fine) 6 eggs % teaspoon cinnamon Rind 1 lemon 1% cups sifted bread crumbs M teaspoon baking powder % teaspoon bitter almond flavor- 1% cups almonds or walnuts ing. Beat yolks, add sugar gradually; bread crumbs, baking powder, grated lemon rind and flavoring. Fold whites in last. Bake in a square pan in an oven 350 degrees F., for 1 hour. When cake is removed from pan pour over it 1 cup of very strong boiling lemonade. Fancy Cakes 4 eggs y3 cup sugar % cup flour 1 teaspoon baking powder Yi cup melted butter 1 teaspoon vanilla Beat sugar and eggs together over boiling water until thick, then remove from hot water and beat until cold. Sift in flour and baking powder and add vanilla and butter. Mix gently and pour into a buttered and papered flat tin. Bake in oven 300 degrees F., for 20 minutes. Divide into squares; when cold, cover with boiled frosting and decorate with candied fruit. Turkish Delight 1 cup sugar 1% cups flour 2/3 cup butter % teaspoon nutmeg 1 teaspoon cinnamon % teaspoon salt 4 tablespoons sour cream 1 tablespoon soda 1 cup jam 4 eggs % teaspoon cloves 1 dozen dates % cup nut meats ' Cream shortening and sugar together; cream yolks of eggs and add the jam. Sift dry ingredients together and alternate with sour cream, adding beaten egg whites last. Bake in layers, 300 degrees 20 minutes. 225CHAPTER XXI. CAKE FILLINGS, ICINGS Boiled icing should be classed with candies, because the conditions which control one have to do with the other. A smooth granite or enamel saucepan which has no cracks on it should be used, boiling water and either cream of tartar, corn syrup, lemon juice, vinegar or glucose are used in connection with same. The acid inverts part of the sugar in boiling and turns some of it at least, into glucoses. This prevents the syrup from recrystallizing in large grains. The less the sugar boils the better the icing, therefore 1/3 cup of BOILING WATER to 1 cup sugar will be found always sufficient, in brown sugar ^4 CUP °f boiling water. Place the sugar and water in the sauce pan, stir thoroughly until well dissolved and wash the sides of sauce pan to the the edge of syrup. Cover the vessel in order that any syrup left on the sides will not dry out. When the mixture boils, remove the cover, add the acid or corn syrup and allow to boil rapidly until the desired temperature is reached. Do not test out too frequently. Putting spoon in the syrup often causes a settling of the sugar to the side. In making icing with egg whites it is well to beat the whites and add 1 tablespoon granulated sugar for each egg. This gives a meringue, and results in a very desirable soft icing. Where chocolate is called for in icing, it is well to boil the syrup and add the chocolate last. From 14 to % teaspoon baking powder added to white icing after made and while beating, will cause it to be light and prevent the running which annoys some. Ice Cream Filling 2 cups sugar % teaspoon cream tartar 4 eggs 2/3 cup boiling water Mix sugar, water and cream tartar. Let dissolve, cover and come slowly to boil. Beat whites of egg dry, and when syrup is heavy pour by spoonfuls into whites, letting syrup boil all the time. Let the last syrup string long hairs, beat and put the pan containing icing in large pan of hot water, see that pans fit so that no steam will escape and add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, beating with the egg beater; steam untilCake Fillings, Icings the icing holds its shape. Flavor with orange or vanilla and put on cake at once. If chocolate icing is desired, grate 4 squares chocolate into icing just before steaming. Add nuts and crystallized fruit. This icing, if steamed too much, add hot water to make smooth. Decorating Icing 2 cups granulated sugar 5 egg whites 2/3 cup boiling water 34 teaspoon icing powder 1/16 teaspoon cream tartar 1 teaspoon lemon juice 34 cup sugar Place 2 cups sugar in smooth sauce pan and add boiling water, stir until sugar is dissolved and wipe sides of sauce pan. Cover and allow syrup to come slowly to boiling, at which point remove cover, add the cream of tartar and allow to boil rapidly. In meantime, beat very stiff, whites of egg in large granite pan and gradually add the po CUP °f sugar. When the syrup is heavy, begin to add to the white of egg mixture, a tablespoon at a time, beating in well. During this time, the syrup is allowed to boil until 238 degrees is reached, or until it spins a thread, all that remains is poured into the egg mixture; take care not to drain the last in the sauce pan as it sometimes causes granulation. When all syrup is beaten in, place the pan containing same in a larger pan containing water and steam, beating all the while with wire whisk until it piles up and does not sink in the pan. If for spreading on the cake it is best not to steam very long. Add the icing powder or acid just before removing from stove. If for decoration, lift up and down with the wire whisk until cool. If not convenient to use at once cover with paraffine paper or with damp napkin until ready to use. White Mountain Cream 1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla or 34 cup boiling water 34 tablespoon lemon juice White 1 egg Put sugar and water in saucepan and stir to prevent sugar from adhering to saucepan. Heat gradually to boiling point, and boil without stirring until syrup will thread when dropped from tip of spoon or tines of silver fork. Pour syrup gradually on beaten white of egg, beating mixture constantly and continue beating until of right consistency to spread. Then add flavoring and pour over cake, spreading evenly with back of spoon. Grease 227Cake Fillings, Icings as soon as firm. If not beaten long enough frosting will run; if beaten too long, it will not be smooth. Frosting beaten too long may be improved by adding a few drops of lemon juice or boiling water. Boiled Icing 1 cup sugar 2 tablespoons cornstarch (sifted together) Add % cup of water and cook over the flame until thick, smooth and translucent. Add at this time 3 squares of melted chocolate, 1 tablespoon vanilla extract and 2 tablespoons of butter. Beat until slightly cool, pour over cake. Do not spread too generously. Seven Minute Icing 1 cup granulated sugar 3 tablespoons water White 1 egg 1 teaspoon flavoring Place all in double boiler. The water in the larger vessel should be deep enough to come up half way on the inset. Let water boil and beat ingredients with a dover egg-beater about 7 minutes, or until white and thick when dropped from the end of the spoon. Marshmallow Icing 1 dozen mashmallows White of 1 egg 1 cup granulated sugar % cup water Boil sugar - and water until it spins thread, pour over beaten white of egg, add marshmallows and beat until cool enough to .spread. Caramel Icing (Prize recipe) 2 cups granulated sugar 1 cup milk 1/16 pound butter 1 teaspoon vanilla Put 1 cup of sugar into the pan with milk and let it boil. While this is preparing, place the other cup of sugar in an iron skillet over a hot fire and allow to melt; stir constantly. When melted, add the other mixture while boiling, and keep stirring until all the ingredients are perfectly mixed, 240 degrees. Remove from fire until cool, then beat until it seems about to sugar. Add butter and vanilla and spread over cake. 228Cake Fillings, Icings Caramel Frosting % cup brown sugar 1 cup white sugar 1/16 teaspoon cream tartar ,16 cup milk 1 tablespoon butter Vanilla Boil sugar, milk and cream of tartar until it forms a soft ball in cold water, remove from stove, allow to stand for a few minutes, then beat well, add butter and vanilla. This should not become too fine. Maple Sugar Frosting Whites 2 eggs % cup boiling water 1 pound soft maple sugar Break sugar in small pieces, put in saucepan with boiling water and stir constantly until sugar is dissolved. Boil without stirring until syrup will thread when dropped from tip of spoon. Pour syrup gradually on beaten whites, beating mixture constantly, and continue beating until of right consistency to spread. Nut-Caramel Frosting 114 cups brown sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla / cup water 1 cup walnut meats (broken in % cup white sugar pieces) Whites 2 eggs Boil sugar and water to 238 degrees or soft ball. Pour gradually, while bearing constantly, on beaten whites of eggs, and continue the beating until mixture is nearly cool. Set pan containing mixture in pan of boiling water, and cook over range, stirring constantly, until mixture becomes granulated around edge of pan. Remove from pan of hot water and beat, using a spoon, until mixture will hold its shape. Add nuts and vanilla, pour on cake and spread with back of spoon, leaving a rough surface. Orange Icing 1 egg white 1 pound confectioner’s sugar 1 tablespoon orange rind Vi cup orange juice Beat egg and juice together slightly, add gradually confectioner’s sugar and orange rind, until stiff enough to drop from spoon. If too stiff, it may be thinned with a little orange juice or water. Spread on top of cake. 229Cake Fillings, Icings Praline Cream Place % CUP sugar in a small omelet-pan, stir constantly, until reduced to a syrup, and slightly caramelized. Add one cup of cream filling. When all is a liquid add 2/3 cup chopped nut meats and a grain salt. Turn into a slightly buttered pan, cool, pour and press through a strainer. Filling Supreme 2 cups sugar % pound marshmallows % cup orange juice (strained) 3 egg whites (beaten stiff) Put the orange juice and sugar in a saucepan and boil to the soft-ball stage, 238 degrees. Remove from the stove and add the marshmallows cut fine. Let stand until the marshmallows melt. Add to egg whites and beat until cold, and flavor to taste. Raisin Filling 1 cup raisins 1% cups sugar (white granulated) 1 cup sweet milk 2 tablespoons fig jam 1 cup chopped nuts 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 tablespoon butter 1 teaspoon flour Cream Filling (Used to cover cake) % cup sugar 2 cups scalded milk cup flour 1 teaspoon vanilla or % teaspoon salt % teaspoon lemon extract 2 eggs Mix dry ingredients, add eggs slightly beaten and pour on gradually scalded milk. Cook 15 minutes in double boiler, stirring constantly until thickened, afterward occasionally. Cool and flavor. Allegretti Frosting 2 egg whites % cup confectioner’s sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 teaspoon lemon juice 3 squares unsweetened chocolate Beat eggs until frothy, add sugar a little at a time, and beat until it will stand alone. Add lemon juice and let stand until stiff and shiny. Add vanilla and spread on cakes. When dry, spread with melted chocolate. 230Cake Fillings, Icings Sour Cream Frosting % cup sour cream % cup sugar Pour sour cream in a saucepan, add sugar, bring to the boiling point until mixture when tried in cold water forms a soft ball. Remove from range and beat until of right consistency to spread. Apple Jelly Icing 1 cup apple jelly 1 egg white Whip the egg white and jell very stiff. When thoroughly mixed, spread on cake. The jelly should be slightly broken up by spoon beforehand. A Dover egg-beater is best for combining these ingredients, and when properly made is stiff and solid. Orange Icing 2 cups sugar Yolks of 4 eggs Juice of 1 orange % cup water 1 teaspoon grated orange rind Boil sugar and water until it strings. Pour over the well-beaten egg yolks, and beat until smooth and thick. Add extract and spread rapidly on cake. Chocolate Icing 5 tablespoon black coffee 1 white of egg 1 tablespoon vanilla extract 1 cup granulated sugar 2 ounces (2 squares) chocolate (melted) 12 marshmallows Add granulated sugar to coffee, in a double boiler, add unbeaten white of 1 egg and continue to beat, while the water in the lower part of saucepan boils. Cook for about 7 minutes. Add melted chocolate, and when smooth add the dozen marshmallows cut in quarters. Beat well and when cold spread on the cake. Chocolate Cream Icing ¥3 cup cream 1 tablespoon butter 14 teaspoon salt White of 1 egg Beat these together in a double boiler, and add sifted sugar until about the consistency of very soft butter, allow this to stand in the double boiler, stirring and beating until very white. 231Cake Fillings, Icings Add 2 squares chocolate (melted) and flavor with a teaspoon vanilla extract and a few grains of nutmeg. Beat well before spreading on cake. Chocolate Icing Add to the yolks of 2 eggs % CUP °f scalded rich milk, 1 tablespoon vanilla extract, 2)4 cups of powdered sugar; beat well and add 2 squares of melted chocolate and 1 tablespoon butter. Spread. Boiled Chocolate Icing 4 cup boiling water 1 cup sugar 2 tablespoons corn syrup White of 1 egg Boil to 238 degrees F., or where syrup forms a small soft ball in water. Pour over the well-beaten white of 1 egg, beat well until nearly cold, then add 2 squares of melted chocolate and one tablespoon of butter well mixed. When well mixed, flavor and spread on cake. Frosting 2 squares chocolate Butter size walnut Melt together Add a little hot milk or hot water and confectioner’s sugar until of right consistency to spread; vanilla to taste. Cream Filling 1 cup milk 2 tablespoons cornstarch Y+ teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons sugar 1 egg 1 teaspoon vanilla extract Scald milk. Mix cornstarch, salt and sugar with a little cold milk; add to beaten egg; then add to hot milk. Cook about 3 minutes or until thick and smooth; add flavoring and spread between layers. Sea Foam Icing 1 cup brown sugar *4 cup water 1 cup granulated sugar % teaspoon baking powder White 1 egg Boil sugar and water without stirring until syrup spins a thread. Add hot syrup slowly to beaten egg white, beating continually with wire whip; add baking powder. When icing is cold and stiff put between layers and on top of cake. 232Cake Fillings, Icings Vanilla Butter Frosting Cream % CUP °f butter; beat in iy2 cups confectioner’s sugar add 1 teaspoonful of vanilla extract. Melt a little chocolate to add at last to the remaining frosting that is used to garnish. Marshmallow Frosting 1 cup brown sugar % cup butter % cup white sugar % pound marshmallows y± cup boiling water Cook all except marshmallows until it forms a soft ball, tested in cold water. Melt the marshmallows over boiling water and add to first mixture and beat until thick enough to spread. Orange Filling % cup sugar M cup orange juice 2% tablespoons flour % tablespoon lemon juice Grated rind % orange 1 egg (slightly beaten 1 teaspoon butter Cook 12 minutes in double boiler, stirring constantly. Cool before spreading. Lady Baltimore Cake Filling 1 cup sugar % cup chopped candied cherries % cup boiling water % cup chopped candied pineapple 2 whites of egg 1 teaspoon vanilla Pinch cream tartar Put sugar and water into saucepan, stir till boiling, add cream of tartar, then boil until it forms a soft ball when tried in cold water, or 240 degrees F.; pour on to the stiffly beaten whites of egg, pouring in a steady stream and very slowly, adding while beating vanilla, cherries and pineapple, beat till thick and divide between and on top of cake. 233CHAPTER XXII. RICE Rice should be bought in a package if possible and either white rice or brown rice may be used, but brown or unpolished rice contains more nourishment. Boiled rice should be cooked in a large vessel. One cup of rice should be put into 9 cups of boiling water and allowed to boil rapidly until the grains are soft enough to pinch with the fingers, then pour off the water and leave the rice in the colander. Boiling water should be poured through the rice to take away any sticky substances and the colander placed in the oven for a short time. This leaves every grain separate and distinct and it can be served with butter, pepper and salt as a vegetable, made up in puddings or used in any desirable way. Steamed Rice Steamed rice is cooked in a double boiler, 1 cup rice to 3 cups of water, or merely placed over the flame and stirred for about 5 minutes, then placed in the double boiler and allowed to steam until thick, that is, the rice has absorbed the liquid. Rice Fondue 1 cup boiled rice % teaspoon salt % cup milk 1 cup grated cheese 4 eggs Heat the rice in the milk, add the other ingredients; cook slowly until the cheese is melted. Serve on crackers or toast. Rice Loaf Line a brick mold with warm steamed rice, having walls from % to 1 inch thick. Fill the center with cold boiled salmon, flaked and moistened with egg sauce. Cover with rice, set in a pan of hot water, cover with buttered paper and bake an hour. Turn on a hot platter, pour around egg sauce, and garnish with slices of hard-boiled eggs and parsley. In order to prepare cold rice for croquettes and salads, spread well steamed rice on a large plate or platter. 234Rice Rice Bread 1 cup rice flour 1 egg % cup milk 2 teaspoons cooked hominy Mix ingredients and add the white of 1 egg beaten separately last. Bake % hour. Rice Com Bread 2 cups boiled rice 2 cups sour milk 1 tablespoon fat 2 eggs (well beaten) 2 cups corn meal Mash the rice smooth; add the fat to it; stir in at the last a teaspoon of soda. Bake in oiled pan in oven (400 degrees F.) Rice Cake 4 eggs 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 cup boiled rice Salt 2 cups sweet milk Flour sufficient to make a batter 1 cup cold water Pour into a hot pan, and bake immediately in oven (400 degrees F.) 235 CHAPTER XXIII. CHEESE Cheese is the curd of milk separated and pressed. It may be separated by allowing the milk to stand until it is sour. It is then heated slightly and the curd strained from the whey. The curd is set aside and kept at a favorable temperature to ripen, during which time new flavors develop. The various brands of cheese take their names from the places where they are made. The favorite kinds of skim-milk cheese are Edam, Gruyers and Parmesan. Parmesan is very hard and used principally for grating. The favorite kinds of milk cheese are Gloucester, Cheshire, Cheddar and Gorgonzola; milk and cream cheese are the Stilton and Double Gloucester and the cream cheeses are Brie, Neufchatel and Camembert. Cheese is a very valuable food; being rich in protein, it may be a substitute for meat. A pound of cheese is equal in protein to two pounds of beef. Cheese in the raw state is difficult of digestion. Cottage cheese can be eaten and digested easily. Cheese is a highly concentrated protein food, and therefore should be eaten in small quantities with carbohydrates. Any kind of cheese is made more digestible by being finely divided or dissolved and mixed with other foods. It is sufficiently cooked when melted. Soda added to dishes prepared with cheese makes the cheese dissolve more readily, thereby making it more digestible. Melted Cheese 1 cup milk 1 tablespoon flour 1 tablespoon butter Salt and paprika to taste Make a thin white sauce. Add 1 cup of cheese, cut in small pieces and beat until smooth. Serve hot on biscuits or use as a sandwich spread. Cheese Straws 1 cup grated cheese Salt and cayenne to taste 1 cup flour 1 tablespoon shortening 1 egg yolk Mix flour, cheese, salt and cayenne together. Moisten with beaten yolks and melted shortening. Work into a paste. Chill 236Cheese on ice, roll out in a thin sheet; cut in strips 4 inches long and l/8 inch wide. Bake a light brown in hot oven. Little rings can be made of the strips. Bake them, then pass the other through them like straws. Strips may be plaited and baked. Cheese Straws Roll plain or puff paste into a rectangular sheet % inch thick. Sprinkle one-half with grated cheese, also add a few grains of cayenne and salt. Fold the other half over this and press the edges together closely. Fold again to make three layers, turn halfway round, pat and roll out to thickness of 14 inch. Sprinkle one-half with cheese and proceed as before. Continue rolling and adding the cheese until, to l1/^ cups of flour from l/2 t0 whole cup of cheese has been used. After the last rolling, cut in bands % inch wide, or into rings and straws % inch wide. Bake in a moderate oven until delicately browned. Cheese Souffle with Mexican Sauce 3 cups grated bread crumbs 1 tablespoon Worcestershire 2 tablespoons minced canned sauce pimento V/2 cups rich milk teaspoon salt 2 egg yolks % teaspoon mustard Place in bowl, bread crumbs, pimento, salt, mustard, Worcestershire, milk and the beaten yolks, cool for several hours, then fold in the stiffly whipped egg whites. Turn into a buttered souffle dish and bake in a moderate oven (300 degrees F.) until well risen and firm (30 to 40 minutes.) Roquefort Cheese Balls 14 pound Roquefort cheese a4 teaspoon paprika 3 tablespoons grated American 1 tablespoon butter or oleo cheese 2 teaspoons chili sauce 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce Cream all together. Put in a cold place to harden and make into balls. Serve with salad. Sauce Prepare a cup of brown sauce (2 tablespoons of fat, 21/4 tablespoons flour, browned, and 1 cup meat stock or water with 237Cheese bouillon cubes) and add % teaspoon kitchen bouquet, % cup tomato catsup, 1 tablespoon each of minced onion and green pepper that has been browned in a little bacon fat. Season to taste with salt, paprika and celery salt and rub over the hot sauce a cut clove of garlic. Cheese Savory 2 cream cheeses 1 clove garlic (juice) 1 teaspoon minced chives 1 tablespoon cream 1/3 teaspoon anchovy paste Salt Paprika Rub the inside of the bowl with the clove of garlic. Mash the cream cheese and add to it the chives, parsley, anchovy paste and salt, and paprika to taste. When smooth press into small mold, chill on ice and serve cut in thin slices. Sandwich Toasted Rolls Cut fresh bread in as thin slices as possible, using a very sharp knife, remove crusts. Work butter until creamy, add an equal measure of grated American cheese, and work until thoroughly blended; season, salt and paprika. Spread bread with mixture and roll each piece separately. Toast over a clear fire and serve hot with a salad course. Napoli Spaghetti 4 slices bacon 1 sliced onion 14 can tomatoes % box Italian tomato paste 14 teaspoon salt % teaspoon pepper % teaspoon alspice 14 teaspoon mace Few grains cayenne Bit of bay leaf Hot, boiled spaghetti Cut bacon in small pieces and try out. Add remaining ingredients, except spaghetti, bring gradually to the boiling point and let simmer 50 minutes. Pour over cooked spaghetti and let stand ten minutes. Serve very hot. Chilaly 1 tablespoon butter 1 egg 2 tablespoons chopped green % cup canned tomato pulp pepper 94 pound soft mild cheese 94 teaspoon salt 1% teaspoons chopped onion Few grains cayenne 2 tablespoons beer (near) Cook butter with pepper and onions 3 minutes, stirring con 238Cheese stantly, add tomatoes, from which liquor has been drained, cook 5 minutes, add cheese cut in small pieces, salt and cayenne. When the cheese is melted, add beer and egg slightly beaten. Serve on squares of bread, toasted on one side. Molded Cheese Mash cream cheese and press into a cone-shaped mold. Remove from the mold, cover with whipped cream sweetened with powdered sugar, and pour around strawberries. Serve with unsweetened wafer crackers. Cheese and Macaroni Loaf 14 cup macaroni 1 cup milk 1 cup soft bread crumbs 1 tablespoon butter 1 tablespoon chopped green 1 teaspoon each chopped onions and parsley 3 eggs 1 teaspoon salt 14 cup grated cheese pepper Cook the macaroni in boiling water until tender and rinse in cold water. Cook the parsley, onion and pepper in the butter. Beat the egg whites and yolks separately. Mix all the ingredients, cutting and folding in the stiffly beaten whites at the last. Turn the mixture into an oiled dish. Set the baking dish into a pan of hot water and bake in a moderate oven % of an hour. Serve with tomato sauce. Pimento and Cheese Roast 2 cups cooked lima beans 1 can pimentoes 14 pound cream cheese Bread crumbs Put the first 3 ingredients through a meat chopper. Mix thoroughly and season to taste. Add bread crumbs until it is stiff enough to form into soft roll. Brown in the oven, basting occasionally with melted butter and water. Serve with some creamed food or tomato sauce. Baked Rice and Cheese 1 cup uncooked rice and 2 tablespoons flour 4 cups milk; or 14 pound cheese 3 cups of cooked rice and 14 teaspoon salt 1 cup milk If uncooked rice is used it should be cooked in 3 cups of milk until soft. Make a sauce of 1 cup milk, add the flour, cheese and 239Cheese salt. Into a buttered baking dish, put alternately layers of the cooked rice and the sauce. Cover with butttered crumbs and bake until the crumbs are brown. Cheese Souffle with Pastry 2 eggs % cup Swiss cheese cut into % cup thin cream small pieces 1 cup grated cheese Salt, cayenne pepper and nutmeg Add the eggs to the cream and beat slightly, then add the cheese and seasoning. Bake 15 minutes in a hot oven, in patty tins lined with puff paste. Cheese with Potato Puffs 1 cup mashed potatoes % cup grated cheese % cup of milk 1 egg, well beaten % teaspoon salt Beat the potatoes and milk together until thoroughly mixed. Add the eggs, beaten thoroughly. Add cheese. Bake in muffin tins in a slow oven 10 or 15 minutes. ■ A similar dish may be made by scooping out the inside of a baked potato and mixing it with cheese as above. Fill the potato skin shell with the mixture, return to the oven and bake until light brown. Deviled Cheese 2 packages Neufchatel cheese 1/16 teaspoon paprika 2 tablespoons butter Pinch of cayenne % teaspoon onion salt Pinch of soda % teaspoon white pepper Chopped pecans Mash cheese with a fork and add the butter, onion salt, white pepper, paprika, cayenne and soda. If not soft enough to form into balls, add a bit of cream, form into balls and then roll in chopped pecans and shake over this a little paprika. Cheese Biscuit 1 cup flour 1/3 cup milk and water, equal 2% teaspoons baking powder parts % teaspoon salt % cup grated cheese 1 tablespoon shortening Mix dry ingredients and sift twice. Work in shortening and grated cheese with the tips of the fingers or with knives, add 240Cheese gradually the liquid, mixing with a knife, to a soft dough. Toss on a floured board, pat and roll quickly and lightly to % inch thickness. Shape with a biscuit cutter. Place on a buttered pan and bake in a hot oven 12 to 15 minutes. If baked too slow the gas will escape, before it has done its work. Gnochi a la Romaine 4 tablespoons butter 1 pint milk 4 tablespoons cornstarch Yolks 2 eggs % teaspoon salt 4 tablespoons grated cheese Melt butter and cook in it the cornstarch and salt and add gradually the milk. When thick and smooth stir in the beaten yolks of 2 eggs, add grated cheese and spread on a buttered pan to cool. Just before serving, cut, lay on a baking sheet and brown in the oven. Cheese Souffle 4 tablespoons butter Pinch of cayenne 2 tablespoons flour % cup milk 14 teaspoon each soda and 1 cup grated cheese mustard 3 eggs Cook together the butter and flour, into which have been sifted the soda, mustard and cayenne. Add gradually the milk and stir in the grated cheese and the yolks of the eggs beaten light. When well mixed fold in the stiffly beaten whites. Bake in buttered pudding-dish about 25 minutes, in a moderate oven. Serve at once. Cheese Fondue (for Chafing Dish) % pound cheese broken into bits 2 tablespoons butter 1 tablespoon flour 1 saltspoon each soda and mustard % cup milk Few grains cayenne % cup stale bread crumbs 3 eggs Sift the soda, mustard and cayenne into the flour and cook in the butter until frothy, then add the milk gradually; when the sauce boils, after all the milk has been added, add the crumbs and cheese and cook and stir until the cheese is melted and the mixture becomes smooth; add the eggs beaten until light and serve at once. 241Cheese Croquettes In making croquettes the object should be to have the inside as creamy as possible and the outside as crisp as possible. In order to do this, have mixture as soft as will hold its shape, after being molded. Whites of eggs may be used to dip the croquettes in before frying, as the yolk is not essential. See that the entire surface of the croquette is coated with egg. If not, the fat will penetrate the interior, causing it to crumble. The fat should be hot enough to brown a cube of bread in 40 seconds, if croquettes are made of cooked mixtures, and in 60 seconds if made of raw mixtures. Cheese Croquettes 3 tablespoons butter 14 cup of flour 2/3 cup of milk 1% cup grated cheese Salt and pepper to taste Pinch of mustard 1 cup of macaroni (left over) Make a thick white sauce, using butter, pepper, salt, flour and milk. When the sauce is well done add the egg without first beating, stir until well blended and then add the cheese. When the cheese has melted remove from stove and when beginning to be thick add the macaroni cut in small pieces. Allow this to cool, form into croquettes, dip in egg diluted with small amount of water, roll in cracker meal and fry in deep fat. Test for croquettes. Cube of bread inch square should brown in 40 seconds. English Monkey 1 cup rich milk % teaspoon paprika , % cup grated bread crumbs % teaspoon mustard 2 cups grated cheese 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce % teaspoon salt 2 eggs Put together in the inner pan of the chafing-dish or top part of double boiler milk, grated bread crumbs, grated cheese, salt, paprika, mustard and Worcestershire sauce. Cook over hot water, stirring constantly, and when the whole is a light, creamy mass, add 2 beaten eggs. Cook a moment to set the eggs and serve on toast slices or crisp crackers. 242Cheese Cheese Puff Balls % cup grated cheese A pinch of salt and cayenne 1 tablespoon flour or paprika Cracker crumbs 2 egg whites Mix the cheese, flour, salt and pepper. Fold into stiffly beaten egg whites. If too crumbly to mold add a few drops of milk, form into balls the size of nut and roll in cracker crumbs. Fry to a light brown (about 1 minute in deep fat), drain on paper and serve hot with a green salad or soup. Cheese Cutlets 4 tablespoons flour % teaspoon paprika 1 cup milk 1 teaspoon grated onion % cup grated cheese 2 tablespoons finely minced 1 teaspoon salt parsley Blend flour and milk in saucepan, bring to a boil and simmer 2 minutes. Add the remaining ingredients, mix thoroughly, pour on well-greased platter to cool. Mold cutlets. Dip in fine crumbs, then in beaten egg, then again in crumbs. Fry to a golden brown in deep hot fat. Nut and Cheese Loaf 2 cups fine bread crumbs teaspoon salt 1 cup ground walnut meats % teaspoon paprika 1 oup grated cheese Few grains cayenne 1 cup milk 1 tablespoon chopped parsley 1 tablespoon onion finely 1 egg slightly beaten chopped Mix ingredients in order given, shape in a bread pan, turn out on a baking pan and bake 25 minutes. Serve with tomato sauce. Cheese Batter Pudding 2 eggs 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 cup milk % teaspoon salt 1 cup flour 1 cup grated cheese, Old English Beat eggs lightly, add milk and gradually blend the liquid with flour,-which has been sifted twice with the baking powder . and salt. Beat first with a wooden spoon, then with an egg-beater and when the batter is very light fold in a cup of grated cheese. Pour into a shallow buttered pan, sprinkle a little more 243Cheese cheese over the top, add 1 teaspoon butter, cut in bits and bake for an hour in a hot oven (beginning with a temperature of 450 degrees and decreasing to 400 degrees after the first five minutes.) Serve at once. Cheese Balls Use a recipe for chou paste (see pastry) and drop on greased baking sheet in very small balls (teaspoon). When cooked and cool insert a pastry point (No. 2) and fill the cavity with a cheese cream. Make 1 cup of white sauce as usual, 2 tablespoons butter, 2 tablespoons flour, 1 cup milk, cook until clear and smooth, add % cup of cheese cut in small pieces, beat until melted, season with salt, cayenne and a few drops of lemon juice. Serve with salad. 244CHAPTER XXIV. EGGS Eggs have three roles in cookery. (1) To leven—as when well beaten and folded lightly into a cake or souffle. (2) To thicken—as in a custard. Beat them slightly, when a firm, solid consistency is wanted, not a porous texture. (3) To clarify—as in coffee and clear soup. Add the egg (the beaten white for soup) to the cold liquid. As it heats the egg will coagulate and take unto itself particles in suspension, thus clearing the soup. Eggs are toughened by too high a temperature, cooking best when the heat is low. When in doubt as to your cooking temperature—-if the dish is made up largely of eggs—low temperature is safe. For a soft egg (jelly-like consistency) coddle by letting stand 5 minutes in water at boiling point. Seven minutes to get a slightly firmer egg, and 15 to 30 minutes for the “hard-boiled” egg with a mealy yolk and firm white. For a fluffy, creamy, scrambled egg, cook the slightly beaten seasoned white and yolk with 1 tablespoon of milk or cream to each egg over low heat. When the egg begins to “set” lift from sides with a spatula and fold over. Continue this operation until egg is firm. Poached Eggs Butter lightly the shallow pan in which the egg is to be poached; add water sufficient to cover as many eggs as desired, teaspoon of lemon juice or vinegar causes white to more easily coagulate so it is desirable. Drop the eggs in one at a time and slightly shake the pan to prevent settling to bottom. The little perforated cups may be used for this and assure success. Place the perforated cup in the pan of water and drop the eggs in cup. Poached, may be served on toast or used for combinations. Fried Eggs Place two tablespoons of fat»—butter, bacon drippings, etc. in fry pan, heat and drop one egg at time until pan is fairly filled. Cover for few moments to film over and remove with pancake turner. 245Eggs Plain Omelet 4 eggs Few grains pepper 2 teaspoons oil % teaspoon salt 4 tablespoons boiling water Separate the yolks and whites. Beat the yolks until creamy and thick. Add water, salt, pepper; mix thoroughly. Beat the whites until stiff and dry, and fold in lightly. Put fat into the omelet pan, and when hot turn in mixture. Let cook for 8 minutes, moderate heat. When brown on the bottom and slightly firm on the top, fold and serve on a hot platter. French Omelet 4 eggs Salt and pepper % cup cold water Beat eggs lightly, add water and mix throughly. Pour into hot greased frying pan, run spatula around edges and lift lightly to allow the thin part to run underneath. Dish onto a hot platter and serve at once. Chicken Omelet Beat whites of 4 eggs; beat yolks until light; add to beaten yolks 4 tablespoons boiling water, *4 teaspoon salt, dash of pepper, beat well. Cut and fold whites into yolk mixture until thoroughly blended. Turn mixture into a hot buttered omelet pan, spread evenly over pan, and allow to stand to cook for about 5 minutes. Set in moderate oven to cook top slightly. When the center of the omelet is set, remove from the oven; spread hot creamed chicken over the top; cut a gash across the center of the top and fold top nearest the handle; turn on a hot platter. Garnish with cubes of currant jelly and croutons. Cheese Omelet Beat the yolks of 4 eggs, add 4 tablespoons of milk, salt and paprika to taste, 1 tablespoon of Worcestershire sauce and Li cup grated cheese. Mix well and fold in 2 tablespoons of chopped parsley and the beaten whites. Turn into a heated omelet pan containing 2 tablespoons of hot fat and cook over a moderate heat on top of stove until well risen, and firm. Turn over into a half circle, cook for a minute or two longer in oven, slightly tilting the pan, and serve inverted on a hot platter. 246 Normande Omelet Fry 1 tablespoon each of finely chopped onion and green pepper in 2 tablespoons of oil until delicately browned. Add 2 tomatoes (peeled and cut), y2 teaspoon each of salt and sugar, teaspoon paprika, 4 tablespoons boiling water, the vegetable mixture and fold in the stiffly whipped egg whites. Cook slowly as for plain omelet and serve inverted on a hot platter or bake in a casserole. Savory Scrambled Eggs Beat yolks and whites of 6 eggs separately, add to former, 2 tablespoons each of minced onion and green pepper, cooked in bacon fat until softened, but not browned, % cup of chopped mushrooms, 4 tablespoons of thick tomato catsup, salt and paprika to taste. Fold in the whipped whites and stir until the whole is a light creamy mass. Cook with moderate heat in an omelet pan, and when the mixture begins to thicken add 1 tablespoon chopped parsley. Escalloped Eggs Hard-cook 6 eggs, shell and chop them. Blend with iy2 cups highly seasoned sauce and add y2 teaspoon Worchestershire sauce. Heat over hot water and stir in y2 cup of chopped, stuffed olives. Turn into a baking dish, cover with buttered crumbs and brown. Flurried Eggs 1 cup cream 3 drops tabasco sauce % teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon butter 1 teaspoon chopped chives 5 eggs Heat the cream with the butter, salt and chopped chives. When very hot, but not boiling, break the eggs one at a time into the hot cream. Baste with cream, but do not stir until the whites are firm. Serve on slices of buttered toast and thin slices of ham. Baked Eggs Fry slowly 1 tablespoon of chopped onion with 1 tablespoon of minced green pepper for 3 or 4 minutes in 2 tablespoons of bacon drippings. Sprinkle over the bottom of a baking dish, using the fat in the pan. Over this break carefully as many eggs as the dish will accommodate, sprinkle with salt, minced parsley 247Eggs and crumbs that have been mixed with melted butter. Bake in oven (350 degrees F.) until the eggs are set. Creole Eggs Hard cook the eggs. Run through a ricer and arrange alternate layers of egg and Creole sauce in a buttered baking dish. Cover with crumbs and brown in the oven, Creole Sauce 1 can tomato soup 1 stalk celery (if desired) 1 green pepper 1 tablespoon flour % small onion 2 tablespoons butter Put butter in hot spider, add onion, when brown add flour and pepper, then soup. Cook until thick. Season highly with salt and pepper. It is best to let pepper stand in boiling water 10 minutes before cutting fine. Burgundy Eggs Poach 4 eggs and place them in a flat buttered baking dish, the bottom of which has been covered with bread crumbs, grated cheese, salt and paprika. Pour over these % CUP °f thick sauce (1% tablespoons each of flour and butter for 1 cup of liquid) and cover with crumbs and cheese. Place in a hot oven to melt the cheese. Stuffed Eggs Take hard cooked eggs cut in halves. Run yolks through a sieve, mix with a little butter, salt, dash of tabasco sauce and a dash of pepper. When well mixed stuff each half white. Egg in Nest (for invalid) Separate the white and yolk of egg—one to each person to serve. Beat the white and arrange in a buttered ramekin and drop the yolk intact in the center; dot over the yolk, butter, pepper and salt. Bake in oven (350 degrees F.) 5 minutes. Egg in Surprise Bake potatoes until dry and mealy. Cut gash long enough to scoop out the starchy potato. Mash and season highly and refill 24S the shell, leaving out sufficient to be replaced with a whole egg, broken and dropped in the cavity. Replace in oven and bake 5 minutes longer. Egg Pie Cover the bottom of ramekin with buttered bread crumbs; add the slightly beaten and seasoned egg; top with more crumbs and bake at 350 degrees for 5 minutes. Serve at once. Cup Custard 2 eggs Pinch salt 4 tablespoons sugar % teaspoon grated nutmeg or 2 cups hot milk other flavoring Beat the eggs slightly and add the sugar. Beat well and add the hot milk. Some housekeepers prefer to add a small lump of melted butter. Pour into well-oiled cups and set the cups in hot water and bake in a moderate oven until a knife if drawn through the custard will come out clean. Do not bake too long or the custards will whey up. Baked Custard 4 cups scalded milk 14 teaspoon salt 4 eggs (or if baked in individual* Few grains nutmeg or cinna-custard cups, 6 eggs) mon 14 cup sugar Beat eggs slightly; stir in the sugar and salt; add the scalded milk slowly to the egg mixture; strain into buttered custard cups and sprinkle a little nutmeg on top of each. Set cups in a pan containing hot water, and bake in a moderate oven until custard is firm. If a clean cut can be made with a knife, the custard is done. Egg Custard for Decorating Separate the yolks from the whites of 2 eggs. Beat yolks slightly, add 2 tablespoons milk and a few grains salt. Strain into a buttered cup, put in a saucepan, surround with boiling water to one-half depth of cup, cover, put on back of range, and steam until custard is firm. Beat whites slightly, add few grains salt, and cook as yolks. Cool, turn from cups, cut in thin slices, then in desired shapes. 249CHAPTER XXV. FRYING Sauteing is browning in a small quantity of fat, and frying is browning in deep fat. At best, foods coated with fat are somewhat difficult of digestion. Fat is not soluble in water and forms a seal about other materials, thus hindering their solution or digestion. It is well then to have the least possible quantity of fat soak into foods cooked in fats. It has been found that foods soak up more fat when sauted than when fried. The greatest care should be taken, however, to have the fat and the food to be fried in such condition that as little fat as possible will be absorbed. The fat should be sufficiently hot and the food as dry as possible, and the browned food drained on paper. Although hot fat must be used for frying, care should be taken not to overheat it. Fat is rendered unwholesome by overcooking. Deep Fat Frying Since the temperatures at which foods are fried vary from 365 to 390 degrees Fahrenheit, the vegetable fats (like Snowdrift, etc., from cotton seed and peanut oil) are all superior for deep-fat frying, because they can stand higher temperature than animal fats (lard and butter) before browning or breaking down. They may be used over again many times if care is taken not to let the food burn and if the fat is carefully strained through a cheesecloth after using and then stored in a cool place. Vegetable fats shorten the time needed for thorough cooking and so promote digestibility due to less soak-up of fat. For sauteing, the food is only partly submerged in hot fat, and when brown on one side, is turned to the other. There is seldom much fat remaining in the pan after this process. Butter is often preferred for flavor, especially for brownness. Lard and bacon fat are also good for shallow frying, as for fish, potatoes, etc. Croquettes are cooked vegetables, cereals, meat or fish mixtures dipped in crumbs and egg and browned in deep fat. These food mixtures are shaped in various ways. Rice and potato croquettes are usually cylindrical in shape, while chicken croquettes may be formed into cones. Croquettes may be dipped 250Frying in melted butter and browned in the oven instead of frying in deep fat. Meat and fish are usually mixed with a thick white sauce when used for croquettes, hence croquettes invariably contain a starchy substance. If croquette ingredients are heated while mixing it is necessary to cool them thoroughly before shaping, in order that the starch may be as stiff as possible. Where white sauce is used to bind the ingredients egg white is used on the outside for dipping; where egg is used as binder this may be omitted. Bread crumbs are preferable for all cooked croquettes, as chicken, because it browns quickly. Cracker crumbs are used for fish and oysters, because the same time it requires to brown crackers will be necessary to cook the food. The white of egg is necessary to coat the croquette— the albumen coagulating immediately in the hot fat forms a crust which prevents the fat being absorbed. It is well to dip the mixture, ready shaped, into whole egg beaten lightly with 2 tablespoons water, then roll in crumbs before placing in basket to fry. Tests made to determine the best temperature at which to fry in deep fat: Doughnuts fried at 390 degrees F. in a vegetable fat are cooked in the shortest time (1 minute, 20 seconds) and are most superior, being perfectly dry. Croquettes are fried 370 degrees F. in fat deep enough to cover them. Place them in a wire basket and lower them into the fat. In about 3 minutes, when a light brown, raise the basket, drain for a minute or two and remove to brown paper. Timbales % cup flour % teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon oil 1 egg yolk Cayenne y cup milk Mix ingredients in the order given until smooth, strain and let stand over night in a warm place. Heat timbale iron in hot fat, drain, dip in batter, place in hot fat, and fry until a delicate brown. Remove from the iron, invert and drain. These cups are used for all kinds of creamed mixtures and are used instead of patty shells. 251Frying Doughnuts 1 cup sugar 1% teaspoons salt 5 tablespoons shortening 1 cup. milk 3 eggs 1 teaspoon grated nutmeg 4 teaspoons baking powder Enough flour to make a soft dough (4% to 5 cups). Sift before measuring. Cream the shortening, add sugar gradually, and eggs well beaten. Sift dry ingredients and add alternately to egg mixture. Roll out as soft as can be handled. Cut with cutter and fry in hot fat. Heat fat until a crumb of bread becomes golden brown in 60 seconds. This recipe is sufficient for 60 doughnuts. Potato Doughnuts 3 tablespoons shortening 2% cups flour 1 cup sugar 3 teaspoons baking powder 3 eggs 1 teaspoon salt 1 cup mashed potatoes (warm) 1 teaspoon mace % cup sweet milk 1 teaspoon nutmeg Cream the shortening and sugar together, add well-beaten eggs, then potatoes. Sift together the dry ingredients and add the butter mixture alternately with the milk. Add enough flour to roll. Cut all doughnuts before beginning to fry. Have fat heated until a cube of bread becomes golden brown in 60 seconds. Corn Fritters 1 cup flour % teaspoon salt , 1 cup sweet milk 1 can crushed corn (or green 1 teaspoon baking powder corn) 1 tablespoon shortening 2 eggs 1 tablespoon sugar Sift baking powder, sugar and flour. Put corn in bowl and add salt, pepper and butter, add well-beaten yolk, then flour and milk. Cut in stiffly beaten whites. Drop by spoonfuls on a griddle. Fry brown on both sides. Apple Fritters 1% cups sifted flour About % cup milk (sufficient 1 tablespoon sugar to make a drop batter) 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 tablespoon melted butter *4 teaspoon salt 2 apples cut in ^-inch slices 1 well-beaten egg Sift dry ingredients into bowl, add milk to egg and stir liquid into the dry ingredients, beating thoroughly; add melted 252Frying butter last. Cover slices of apple with batter, dip out by tablespoons and drop in deep fat heated so that a crumb of bread will brown in 60 seconds. Cook 3 or 4 minutes. Drain and sprinkle with powdered sugar. Any other fruit can be substituted for apples. . 253Frying Walnut Croquettes 1 tablespoon butter % teaspoon lemon juice % small onion 1 tablespoon chopped onion 1 tablespoon flour 1 cup walnut meats % cup milk % cup bread crumbs 1 tablespoon green pepper, cut Salt, pepper and chopped Cool, shape as croquettes, roll in crumbs. Fry in deep fat. Drain on paper. Carrot Croquettes 1 cup cooked carrots 1 egg 1 cup cooked peas Salt, pepper 1 cup white sauce Grating of nutmeg Press the carrots and peas through a sieve (they go through more easily if warm). Add seasoning, unbeaten egg and white sauce and set away to chill. Form into croquettes, roll in crumbs and egg and fry in deep fat. Sweet Potato Croquettes Cold boiled sweet potatoes, put % tablespoon brown sugar through meat grinder to make Beaten yolk of 1 egg , 1% cups Salt, pepper, cinnamon and 1 tablespoon melted butter ’ mace to taste Mix well together, make into small croquettes, roll in fine crumbs, in egg and crumbs again. Fry in deep fat. Use shred-ed cocoanut instead of crumbs and watch carefully to prevent burning. Rice Croquettes 1 pint cooked rice 2 or 3 tablespoons milk 3 tablespoons butter % teaspoon salt White pepper Cayenne 1 egg 2 tablespoons grated cheese Heat the rice in the double boiler with enough milk to moisten it. Add the butter, seasoning and beaten egg and cook until the egg thickens. Spread the mixture on a plate. When cool, shape in cylinders. Dip in flour, then egg and dried crumbs again. Cook in deep fat, drain, garnish and serve. 254 ■Frying Rice Croquettes (to Serve with Game) 14 cup rice 2 tablespoons sugar 1 cup milk 1 tablespoon butter Pinch nutmeg 2 eggs Egg and crumbs Cook the rice in the milk, in double boiler, add the butter and sugar, well beaten eggs and set aside to cool; make into small balls, dip into egg and roll in bread crumbs, fry golden brown in deep fat, serve with a custard sauce or garnish with currant jelly. Cheese Aigrettes 14 cup water 2 eggs 2 tablespoons butter 14 teaspoon salt 4 tablespoons grated. cheese Pepper to taste 1 cup flour Use small saucepan. Bring to boil, add butter, stir in flour (add all at one time), cook and beat until mixture leaves the pan clean. Add the eggs one at a time, alternating with the cheese and seasoning, beating constantly. Cool and when ready to serve drop from the end of teaspoon into deep fat, cook until a golden brown, drain on paper and sprinkle with well flavored grated cheese. Accompany a salad, or with an egg luncheon dish. Cheese Croquettes 3 tablespoons butter % cup grated cheese 14 cup flour Salt and pepper 2/3 cup milk Yolk of 2 eggs 1 cup cheese cut in small pieces Make a white sauce using the butter, flour and the milk. Add the unbeaten yolks and stir until well mixed, then add the grated cheese. As soon as the cheese melts, remove from the fire, fold in the pieces of cheese and add the seasoning. Spread in a shallow pan to cool. Cut into squares or strips, cover with an egg-and-crumb mixture and fry in deep fat. Cheese Balls 14 cup dry bread crumbs 1 cup grated cheese 1 egg 14 teaspoon salt 14 teaspoon mustard Few grains cayenne pepper Mix the dry ingredients, add egg. Shape in small balls and fry in deep fat. Serve with salad. 255Frying Macaroni Croquettes 1 cup cooked macaroni Few drops onion juice 4 tablespoons butter Salt and pepper 4 tablespoons flour % cup cheese % cup milk or stock Melt butter, add flour and cheese; when well blended add milk, onion juice and seasonings. Cool, add macaroni; shape, dip in crumbs, egg and crumbs and fry in deep fat. Chicken Croquettes % lb. bread % lb. butter 1 teaspoon grated onion Salt and pepper to taste % cup celery 1 lb. meat of chicken 2 tablespoons flour Juice 1 lemon 14 lb. sliced blanched almonds Crumb bread and sift. Chop méat fine, add bread crumbs, butter, onion juice, salt and pepper, almonds and celery. Mold in pear shape, roll in bread crumbs, dip in egg, roll in crumbs again and fry in deep fat. Use frying basket. Garnish with parsley. Codfish Balls 2 cups mashed potatoes 1 tablespoon butter, melted 1% cups shredded codfish Vs tablespoon pepper 1 egg Put codfish in wire strainer, let cold water run through and squeeze dry. Mix the hot, unseasoned codfish with potatoes. To this add the melted butter, beaten egg and pepper. Beat well. Shape in balls and fry in deep fat until a golden brown color. Codfish Batter Cakes Vi cup shredded salt cod 2 eggs 1 cup flour 1 teaspoon melted shortening % teaspoon paprika Tomato sauce 2/3 cup milk and water mixed Soak fish in cold water and drain. Put flour in saucepan, add paprika, and very gradually, beating constantly, milk and water. Beat until light, add the fish, beaten egg yolks, and fold in lightly the stiffly beaten whites and shortening. Drop by spoonfuls into deep, hot fat and fry to a golden brown. Serve with tomato sauce. 256Frying Salmon Balls 1 cup flaked salmon 14 teaspoon pepper 1 cup hot mashed potatoes 1 teaspoon lemon juice 14 teaspoon salt 1 egg Beat together, form in balls. Fry in deep fat, hot enough to turn a crumb of bread a golden brown in 40 seconds. Norwegian Fish Cakes Cut a fresh salmon in two parts, long way of the fish. Lay one-half on the table, skin side down. Take out all bones. Take a knife and scrape off all the fish, leaving only the skin. Place in a pan and beat in sweet milk until it is like a stiff batter. Season with salt, pepper and nutmeg. Fry by the spoonful in hot fat. 257CHAPTER XXVI. CANNING Methods in Home Canning The principles and theory of canning are the same whatever the scale on which it is done. The differences are only in the mechanical details of the methods of applying these principles. . There are two general methods in use. In one, known as the “Hot-pack method,” the material is cooked in open pots and poured while hot into the cans, together with the hot brine or syrup. The cans are sealed immediately, and sterilized. In the other, the “Cold-pack method,” the freshly prepared material is placed cold in the cans and then covered with the hot syrup or brine, sealed and sterilized. The material is always .hot when the cans are sealed. Only the cold-pack method is described here, as it is generally the best, especially for home use. Recently the sterilizing has been accomplished in the oven, the necessary point being the complete control of the oven. Steps in Cold-Pack Canning Vegetables and fruits should be as fresh as possible. Can the same day they are purchased or picked, or as soon as possible. Grade vegetables or fruit according to ripeness and size. Prepare fruits and vegetables—string beans, shell peas, peel tomatoes, stone cherries, etc. Have the glass jars thoroughly sterilized by placing them in a large kettle of cold water and bring slowly to the boiling point. Keep this temperature until the jars are needed. Remove from the boiling water, with a sterile stick, invert on a sterile hot cloth spread on table or sink. When needed turn the jar up to receive the material. Have ready the vessel in which the sterilizing is to be done, also large pan of boiling water for the blanching, teakettle of boiling water for filling the jars when packing vegetables, and a kettle of boiling syrup when it is fruit. Test jars, rubbers and tops. Place the tops with jars and the rubber bands in a smaller pan of boiling water. Blanch such fruits and vegetables as tomatoes, carrots, beets, corn, beans, peas, apricots, peaches, pears and apples. 258Canning Place the material in a large square o£ cheesecloth, dip into boiling water for a sufficient length of time to shrink slightly, partly sterilize and thoroughly clean. It will make them more flexible and allow more to be packed in jar. It is well to remove from the boiling water and immediately dip into cold water, then pack in the sterilized jars, fill same with the boiling brine or syrup as the case may be, or for vegetables, fill with boiling water and add 1 teaspoon salt for each pint of material. Rubbers and tops adjusted, the jars are then placed in the sterilizer. Top should be loosely screwed on. A sterilizer is a covered vessel, in which the jars are heated to a degree and for the time necessary to sterilize their contents. This may be an ordinary wash boiler, with a false bottom which may be contrived at home with wire mesh and cut to fit the vessel (this being necessary to prevent the jars coming in direct contact with bottom of the boiler where too much heat would cause breakage). Many different sorts of canners are sold which are most convenient but practically no more efficient. The jars are placed in this in such a manner as not to have any two touch, and the water brought to % the height of the cans, the cover adjusted and the water allowed to boil. When processed remove from vessel, screw on top tight and invert the jars. Cool as rapidly as possible after the sterilization has been completed. For those who have the electric ovens or well-controlled gas oven, the following method offers possibilities. Cold dip. Remove fruit or vegetables immediately from cold water. Have sterilized jars ready. Let stand in hot water. Fill with fruit or vegetables, leaving % inch at top of jar. Pack jars carefully but firmly. Add syrup to fruit, boiling water and salt to vegetables, liquid to cover. Adjust tops, rubbers, screw tops on loosely. Put shelf on second runner of your oven. Place jars on shelf or in a dry dripping or shallow pan. They will be easier to handle in pan. Do not let jars touch. Pre-heat oven to 250 degrees F. Do not allow oven to exceed 300 degrees and if electric oven is used, never use upper element as this may crack the glass jars. When the liquid begins to boil, begin to count the time. Screw tops very tight the moment they are removed from the oven. 259Canning The storing of canned goods is very important. Light and heat will spoil food; freezing must be guarded against. Remove to a cooler room than kitchen to cool as rapidly as possible and store in a cool place. The process of canning in the oven accomplishes the same desired results as the hot water bath on the surface burner. The use of heated air takes the place of hot water, a very great convenience and saving in time, and boiling point of the liquid is maintained from 212 to 225 degrees F. Count time after the boiling point is reached. Syrups for canning have been selected with reference to securing good color, texture and flavor in the finished product. For instance, sour fruit requires a heavy syrup and syrups used for sour and mild fruit, range in density from 10 to 50 degrees as measured by a saccharometer. For instance, No. 1 is 10 degrees density, No. 2 is 20 degrees density, No. 3 is 30 degrees density, and so forth. To make these syrups in one’s own home, the following is a proportion table: Syrup No. 1, use 14 oz. sugar to 1 gallon of water. Syrup No. 2, use 1 lb. 14 oz. sugar to 1 gallon of water. Syrup No. 3, use 3 lb. 9 oz. sugar to 1 gallon of water. Syrup No. 4, use 5 lb. 8 oz. sugar to 1 gallon of water. Syrup No. 5, use 6 lb. 13 oz sugar to 1 gallon of water If you have no way of weighing, approximate your amounts, for instance, two cups of sugar makes one pound, and there are 16 tablespoons to a cup and two tablespoons to an ounce, so it is not as complicated as you think. No. 3, for instance, is three pounds and nine ounces of sugar. You may first take the three pounds which would give you six cups, and then the nine ounces would give one cup and two tablespoons, making in all seven cups and two tablespoons. Add the water to your sugar and bring to the boiling point, be sure it is at boiling temperature before pouring it on your fruit. Each type of fruit requires a different amount of sugar, No. 3 is the amount that I like for canning the Elberta peaches. 1. Fruits Raspberries Cherries Strawberries Blackberries Plums Gooseberries Look over carefully, cold dip, remove at once Pre-heat oven to 250 degrees. Quart jars, 20 minutes Pint jars, 16 minutes 260Canning Apples Pears Peaches Rhubarb, etc. Blanch 1% minutes, cold dip Quart jars, 24 minutes Pint jars, 20 minutes 2. Green Vegetables (Pre-heat Oven to 250 degrees) Green Peppers—Blanch 15 minutes and cold dip, quart jars 90 minutes, pints 70 minutes. Ripe Peppers—Blanch 3 minutes and cold dip, quart jars 90 minutes. Asparagus—Blanch 12 minutes and cold dip, quart jars 90 minutes. Cauliflower—Blanch 4 minutes and cold dip, quart jars 40 minutes. Peas—Blanch 6 minutes and cold dip, quart jars 60 minutes; Beans—Blanch 6 minutes and cold dip, quart jars 180 minutes. Beets—Blanch 6 minutes and cold dip, quart jars 90 minutes. Carrots—Blanch 2 minutes and cold dip, quart jars 90 minutes. Okra—Blanch 3 minutes and cold dip, quart jars 120 minutes. Tomatoes—Blanch 2 minutes and skin, quart jars 24 minutes. Corn—Blanch 5 minutes (on cob) and cut, quart jars 180 minutes. Pumpkin—Cut in cubes, cold dip, quart jars 120 minutes. Canned Rhubarb (without sugar or cooking) Select young, tender stalks of rhubarb, if possible with a pink skin. Wash them well. Cut the stalks to the height of the jar where the curve comes at the neck and fit in as many as the sterilized jar will hold; then fill the jar with pure cold water to overflowing and adjust the rubber and cover. This is the entire process and if the directions are followed exactly, every jar will keep perfectly. It is better to boil the water and cool it instead of adding directly from the spigot if water supply is uncertain. Store in a cool, dark place. Use self-sealing jars or those that are air-tight. 261Canning Canned Peppers (Pimentoes) Select sound, uniform peppers of medium size. To remove seeds, cut around the stem of each with a slender paring knife and remove the inside partitions. To peel, place the peppers in a hot oven from 6 to 10 minutes (until the skin blisters and cracks), being careful not to allow them to burn. Then remove the skin with a slender paring knife. Flatten the peppers and pack in horizontal layers. Place whole, uniform peppers in the cans. No liquid is used. Process in glass jars 40 minutes. Corn and Tomato Prepare each vegetable as for canning. Chop the tomatoes into medium-sized pieces or heat to the simmering point and put them through a sieve. Mix thoroughly 2 parts of tomatoes to 3 parts of corn. Pack into hot glass jars or enameled tin cans. Add 1 level teaspoonful salt. Process in water bath or water seal for 2 hours or under 10 pounds steam pressure for 60 minutes. Remove the jars from the canner and seal at once. Tin cans should be plunged immediately into cold water and cooled as quickly as possible. When cool, store in a dark, dry, cool place. Concentrated Vegetable Soup Mixture Any desired mixture of vegetables may be packed for home use. A good combination consists of 1 quart of concentrated tomato pulp, 1 pint of corn or tiny Lima beans, 1 pint of okra, 1 small onion chopped, % cup of chopped sweet red pepper, 1% teaspoonfuls of salt, and 3 teaspoonfuls of sugar. Cook the tomatoes, pepper, and onion; put through a sieve to remove seeds; and cook down to about the consistency of ketchup. Measure, add the corn or beans and okra, which have been prepared as for canning. Add the seasoning and cook all together for 10 minutes. Pack at once into hot jars, and process in water bath or water seal continuously for 2 hours or under 5 pounds for 60 minutes or under 10 pounds steam pressure for 40 minutes. Remove the jars from the canner and seal at once. Tin cans should be plunged immediately into cold water and cooled as quickly as possible. When cool, store in a dark, dry, cool place. Peaches Before preparing fruit make syrup No. 2 or No. 3 (or richer 262 Canning if desired), allowing 1 cup of water for each quart jar. Put in one cracked peach pit for every quart of syrup. Boil 5 minutes and strain. Sort the fruit, using firm, uniform peaches for canning. Put aside the soft, broken ones for jam or butter. Immerse the peaches in boiling water about 1 minute or until the skins will slip easily, plunge at once into cold water for a few seconds. Remove the skins, cut the peaches into halves, and discard the pits. Pack at once, placing the halves in overlapping layers, the concave surface of each half being downward and the blossom end facing the glass. Fill each jar with syrup and paddle or stir carefully with spatula to remove air bubbles. Process in water bath or water seal for 30 minutes if the fruit is quite firm and hard, or for 20 minutes if it is ripe and tender. Remove the jars from the canner and seal at once. Tin cans should be plunged immediately into cold water and cooled as quickly as possible. When cool, store in a dark, dry, cool place. These directions apply to apricots also. Pears Select firm, ripe pears. Peel, cook for 4 to 8 minutes (according to size) in boiling syrup (No. 3). This preliminary cook is given in order to make hard varieties of pears pack better. Pack the pears into jars or cans, and pour hot syrup over them to fill the container. When packed whole, leave stems on and place each layer, stems up, letting each succeeding layer fill the spaces between the stems of the previous layer. When the jars have been packed with fruit, fill with syrup No. 3 and process in water bath or water seal for 30 minutes for large pears, or 20 minutes for small ones. Remove the jars from the canner and seal at once. Tin cans should be plunged immediately into cold water and cooled as quickly as possible. When cool, store in a dark, dry, cool place. Pineapple Use sound, thoroughly ripened fruit. Peel and core it, remove all eyes carefully. Cut into convenient cross sections and pack into glass jars or enameled tin cans. Fill with No. 2 syrup (or richer, if desired; in any case boiling hot). Process in water bath or water seal for 30 minutes. Remove the jars from the 263Canning canner and seal at once. Tin cans should be plunged immediately into cold water and cooled as quickly as possible. When cool, store in a dark, dry, cool place. To shrink the fruit somewhat, it may be put into a kettle, covered with syrup, and brought slowly to the boiling point; then packed (boiling hot) into jars or cans and processed for 20 instead of 30 minutes. Cherries When cherries are canned without removing the pits, it is well to blanch them for 15 seconds to prevent splitting. For sour cherries use No. 4 syrup, and for sweeter ones No. 3. Use glass jars or enamel-lined cans. Process in water bath or water seal for 25 minutes. Remove the jars from the canner and seal at once. Tin cans should be plunged immediately into cold water and cooled as quickly as possible. When cool, store in a dark, dry, cool place. Figs Figs for canning should be sound and firm. Sprinkle 1 cup of soda over 6 quarts of figs and add 1 gallon of boiling water. Allow the figs to stand in this soda bath for 5 minutes. Drain and rinse thoroughly. Bring 2 quarts of No. 3 syrup to the boiling point and add the well-drained figs. Allow the fruit to boil in this syrup for 1 hour. Place the fruit carefully in the hot jars and then fill them with the syrup. Process in water bath or water seal for 30 minutes. Remove the jars from the canner and seal at once. Tin cans should be plunged immediately into cold water and cooled as quickly as possible. When cool, store in a dark, dry, cool place. 264CHAPTER XXVII. JELLY, PRESERVES, MARMALADE A good jelly should be bright, good color and clear. When removed from the glass it should retain the shape of the mold. The jelly should cut with a clear, distinct cleavage, retaining the angles where cut. It should sparkle and it should be tender enough to quiver without breaking. Select the Right Fruit The juice from certain fruits such as grapes (in the East) apple, crabapple, orange, loquat, cumquat, currant, raspberry, loganberry and blackberry is much better suited for making a natural jelly than other fruit juices. Juices for making jelly contain acid and pectin. This pectin, the foundation of jellymaking substance, does not exist in some fruits in sufficient amount to make jelly unless pectin from some other source is added. The cherry and peach are examples of fruit containing acid but lacking pectin. Guavas and quince contain pectin, but insufficient acid. If the missing property be added to these fruits, an excellent jelly with the coveted flavor will be obtained. Loganberry and strawberry juice can be mixed; peach and orange pectin; currant and peach. Wash the fruit in running water-, and for each pound berries, grapes and currants 1 cup of water may be allowed, or less will answer if juices are extracted by mashing. The less water added the less cooking will be necessary. The fruit should be cooked until the juices flow readily; cooking develops the pectin. When the fruit is tender, the juices are strained through a cheese cloth bag and allowed to drip through a jelly bag made of flannel, without pressure. Over-cooking will give a very cloudy jelly and destroys pectin; straining and squeezing the juice until some of the pulp is extracted will prevent the jelly being clear. Pectin After cooling the juice to ordinary temperature, it is well to test for pectin, and to do this use a 95% alcohol, if procurable. If not, denatured alcohol can be used with fair results. Use 1 tablespoon of the alcohol in a glass, add 1 tablespoon juice (cooled), and shake glass gently. The effect of the alcohol is to bring together all of the pectin in a jelly-like mass. If the per 265Jelly, Preserves, Marmalades centage of pectin to juice is high, it will form one large clot when poured from the glass, or it may be taken up on the end of the spoon. This test will indicate that a measure of sugar and a measure of juice will in a few minutes boiling produce a firm and tender jelly. If the test shows a soft mass, or a broken one, less sugar and more cooking will be required. One cup of juice and % cup of sugar should result in good jelly. If the pectin is soft and much broken the juice should be cooked down or much less sugar added. % cup °f sugar will be sufficient. The same results, though arrived at more slowly, will be achieved by using 1 tablespoon of the hot juice, add 1 teaspoon of sugar and % tablespoon Epsom salts; stir until the salts and sugar are dissolved and stand aside for 15 minutes. The consistency of the jelly—like mass which is the result will indicate whether 1 cup of sugar to 1 cup of fruit juice or 2/3 cup of sugar to 1 cup be used in the making of the jell. Needless to say when this test has been made the mixture of salts, sugar and juice is to be thrown away. Quantity of Juice The amount to cook at one time will depend upon the size of the vessel, and methods of heating. The vessel should be 4 times as great in size as the volume of the juice to be cooked. If one attempts to cook a large quantity of juice at one time over a slow fire the color will be lost and the pectin destroyed. Short time cooking and rapid boiling will give the best quality of jelly and more uniformly good results. When to Add Sugar Place in a moderately hot oven a large pan of sugar to heat and when the juice has been strained, measured and brought back to the boiling point, add the sugar immediately and stir until the sugar is dissolved. Thus there is given time for the inversion of the sugar by the acids in the juices and less danger of crystallizing. After the sugar has been dissolved, boil rapidly. Boiling slowly or too long will cause the jelly to be tough and prevent clearness. It is of great advantage to use a thermometer to show the approximate jellying point. This is not an exact test, because the jellying of fruits differ, with the different seasons. The jellying point of crabapples is usually about 220 degrees Fahrenheit, 266Jelly, Preserves, Marmalades never more than 223 degrees. Guava jelly often runs to 226 degrees, grapes and currants jell often at 220. Since no definite rule can be given because of the many complications encountered at home, the most convenient means of determining the finish is to use a spoon or paddle. Dip in the boiling mass, remove and cool by moving back and forth through the air for a few minutes, then allow the jelly to drip from the spoon. If there is syrup present it will run from the end of the spoon. When the jelly point is reached it will break in flakes or sheets or sometimes the jell breaks in two drips and these combine and run off. When this point is reached remove from the stove, pour into glasses and when set the scum will rise to the top where it may be lifted off. Do not skim the jell as it boils. Cool as rapidly as possible to avoid dust, and when set and skimmed, pour melted paraffin over the top surface to cover. By running a pointed stick around the edge of the glass while the paraffin is still hot a better seal can be obtained. Place the jelly in a window and allow the sunshine to play upon it. This ripens any pectin unmatured and clears the jelly in doing so. Often this will cause the jelly to become much firmer. Store the jelly in a cool, dark place. If jelly is stored for a long period of time it will deteriorate in texture, color and flavor. How to Avoid Mistakes Soft, syrupy jelly is caused by adding too much sugar, or cooking too long after the sugar is added, hence the necessity for the pectin test, heating the sugar and cooking rapidly. Tough jelly is caused by adding too little sugar for the amount of juice, and the boiling consequently continued too long for the amount of pectin contained in the juice. Crystals appear through the jelly because too much sugar is used. This appears in grape jelly more frequently than other sorts. When sugar is boiled with an acid for sufficient time, it is changed into a form which does not crystallize, and when crystals form in jelly it is safe to suppose that the juice was boiled to too great a concentration before the sugar was added. Then again, the boiling may be faulty. If for any reason the cooking is interrupted the syrup will dry on the sides of the pan, or if in boiling the syrup spatters the side of the sauce pan and dries, then in pouring the jelly into the glasses, the crystals are carried with the liquid and in this way the jelly becomes crystalline. The rapid 267Jelly, Preserves, Marmalades boiling and keeping the sides of the saucepan clean will do much to prevent this fault. Cloudy Jelly may be due to cooking the fruit too long before straining, or it may be caused by using partly green and partly ripe fruit. For those fruit juices so desirable in flavor, that we would like to make delicate jellies of them, there is a way of using the juice and adding that which is lacking to make a perfect jell. It requires pectin, acid and sugar together with heat to make jelly and the fruits which have pectin in excess are orange, lemon, apple, crabapple and quince and the pectin from these may be added to the juice of the desired fruit. Apple pectin is possible in any part of the country because of the availability and cost. One pound of tart apples (skins and cores) ^4 cup lemon juice and 8 cups of water. Cook slowly % hour or until the fruit is tender. Press the juice through a cheese cloth, then allow the juice to drip without any pressure through a flannel bag. This when cool should be tested for pectin and it may be used for jelly, or to combine with strawberry, cherry or peach juice for jelly. Orange or Lemon Pectin Cut, scrape or grate off the yellow rind of orange or lemon from the peel. The white portion which remains should be run through a food chopper. It is better to use the large knife and run the peel through several times. Measure same and for each cup of peel add 4 cups of water. Let stand over night; next morning simmer hour. Put in a jelly bag to drip. For every 8 cups of the mixture add 1 cup of lemon juice. For every 2 cups of fruit juice add 1 cup pectin. Equal parts liquid and sugar. Crabapple Jelly Wash, quarter and core the crabapples; do not pare them. To each 4 pounds allow 1 quart of water. Put them in the preserving kettle, add the water, cover the kettle, and cook slowly until the apples are tender. Drain in a jelly bag, but do not squeeze. To each pint allow 1 pound of granulated sugar. Put the juice in the preserving kettle, bring to boiling point, boil 10 minutes, add the sugar, stir until the sugar is dissolved, and boil rapidly and continuously until it jellies. It is wise to commence testing after 15 minutes. Dip the cleanJelly, Preserves, Marmalades tumblers in boiling water, remove and fill them with the boiling jelly, and stand aside until cold and firm. Take a clean piece of cheesecloth, moisten it in boiling water and wipe quickly the top of the jelly and the inside of the glass at the top, cover at once with melted paraffin, put on the lids or fasten with paper, and stand in a light, cool place to keep. Apple jelly may be made by this recipe. Berry Jelly Put the berries into a saucepan and add a large sliced lemon to every 3 quarts of fruit. Crush the fruit slightly and bring slowly to a boil and strain through a jelly bag when the fruit is quite soft. Return the strained juice to the stove, let boil 6 or 7 minutes and add 1 cup of heated sugar for each cup of the juice. Boil 2 or 3 minutes longer and pour into glasses. Use thermometer and 220 degrees should give perfect jell. Roselle Jelly Break the burr from the seed pod into small sections, measure and for each measure of fruit, allow 2 measures of water. Boil 10 minutes. Cover vessel and set aside until cool. Pour into jelly bag and press until no more juice can be obtained. Determine amount of sugar to be used by the pectin test. Boil until the jellying point has been reached which is indicated by the flaking or sheeting from the spoon. Extreme care must be exercised or it will syrup. Guava Jelly Wash the guavas, remove blossom end and slice into small pieces with a sharp knife. For each pound of guavas add 1/2 pint of water and boil until soft. Allow to stand until cool. Pour into a bag and allow to drain. This juice is then drained without pressing through a clean flannel jelly bag. Use the pectin test to determine the amount of sugar to be added. Bring the juice to a boil and add sugar, cup for cup. Continue the boiling until the jellying point is reached. Some guavas require the addition of an acid. Use either lemon juice or citric acid. The pectin of lemon added to guavas is helpful in increasing the amount of jell made from fruit. 269Jelly, Preserves, Marmalades Five-Fruit Jelly 1 pint ripe cherries 2 quarts of currants 1% quarts strawberries 1 pint raspberries 1 pint clear apple juice Sugar This is a very unusual combination and it should be made the latter part of June when the fruits are at their best. Stone the cherries, saving every particle of juice. Turn into a preserving kettle and add currants, strawberries, and raspberries. Heat all the fruits together until the juice runs freely and then strain through a jelly bag. Add clear apple juice and allow 1 cup of sugar for each cup of the combined fruit juices, and cook until it jells. Equal parts of strawberry and currant juice will also give a good jelly, as will equal parts of strawberry and apple juice; in the latter case, use only % of a cup of sugar to each cup of the combined juices. Spiced Cranberry-Apple Jelly This is a particularly good conserve to serve with a rich dish like roast goose, and it is very attractive for service owing to its bright color. Heat together 2 cups of strained apple juice and 1 cup strained cranberry juice, adding a spice bag containing 6 whole cloves, % a nutmeg, 3 blades of mace, and a broken stick of cinnamon. Boil for 20 minutes, remove the spice bag, and measure the juice. Add a cup of heated sugar for each cup of boiled juice and cook until a little jells when tried on a cold saucer. Pour into a large ornamental mold or individual molds. Strawberry Jelly 1 cup concentrated orange or lemon pectin 2 cups sugar 1 cup strawberry juice Mix the pectin and the juice, bring to a boil. Add sugar (heated). Continue to boil rapidly until the jellying point is reached and skim. When cold pour hot paraffin over the jelly. Set in the sunshine several days before storing. The same method may be used for cherry, peach or other jellies. 270Jelly, Preserves, Marmalades Mint Jelly 1 cup concentrated pectin 2 tablespoons lemon juice 1 cup water 1% cups sugar Cook in the same manner as for strawberry jelly. Color with vegetable coloring matter, and flavor with mint extract or the oil of peppermint. Grape Marmalade Select grapes about one-half of which are under-ripe rather than entirely ripe. Wash and stem the fruit. Separate the pulp from the skins. Cook pulp for 10 minutes and press through a sieve or colander to remove seeds. Add % cup of water to each quart of skins and boil until tender. Then put the pulp and skins together and measure. For every quart of this mixture, use 1 pound of sugar. Bring the fruit to a boil, add the sugar, cook, stirring frequently, until it will give the jelly test or reaches 220 degrees F. Pour into sterilized jars and proceed as for jam and preserves. Cranberry-and-Raisin Marmalade 1 quart cranberries 1 cup sugar 1 cup raisins 1 cup water Pour water over cranberries. Cover the saucepan and bring to a boil quickly. Mash with a wooden masher. Boil for 3 minutes. Mash through a strainer. Add sugar and raisins cut in pieces. Boil slowly 30 minutes, stirring often. Cherry Yum Yum 1% quarts tart cherrieB Juice of 1 orange 1 cup water 2 whole oranges cut in very 1 cup seeded raisins cut in half thin slices % lb. walnuts (broken in pieces) 1 quart sugar Juice of 1 lemon Place in a preserving kettle, cherries, water, seeded raisins, nuts, lemon and orange juice and the pieces of orange, and the sugar. Bring to the boiling point and let simmer for nearly 1 hour or until quite thick. Stir frequently, to prevent scorching. Store as for marmalade. 271Jelly, Preserves, Marmalades Strawberry Preserves (Virginia Style) 4' cups sugar 1 quart best berries 1 pint strained strawberry juice (use the small inferior ber- ries for this purpose) Dissolve the sugar in the strawberry juice, let boil for 5 minutes and skim well. Add the best and most perfect berries and simmer very gently until tender, but not mushy. Skim out the berries carefully and pack in hot sterilized jars. Drain the syrup from the fruit in the jars back into the preserving kettle and cook down until quite thick. Pour over the fruit, filling the jars to overflowing, and seal airtight with new rubbers and hot covers. Strawberry-and-PineappIe Preserve 6 quarts of strawberries 1 quart shredded pineapple 4 cups water 11 pounds of sugar Cook the pineapple in the water about 20 minutes, add the heated sugar, and when boiling, the hulled, washed berries. Cook 20 minutes and seal airtight in sterilized jars. Sunshine Strawberry Preserves Put into preserving kettle in layers as many pounds of sugar as you have of hulled washed berries. Set aside for 4 or 5 hours and put over the fire to simmer for 10 minutes after boiling begins. Then turn the berries into shallow agate pans or china plates, cover with panes of window glass and set in the direct heat of the sun. Let stand for 3 days, stirring 3 times daily. Move the pans of fruit into the house over night and seal as for jelly. These strawberries have the real fruit flavor, not obtainable by any other method. Tomato Figs Yellow, pear shaped tomatoes are generally used for this delicious confection, although any small tomato can be substituted. Peel the vegetables and for 5 pounds allow 2 pounds of brown sugar and the juice of 1 large lemon. Sprinkle a thin layer of the sugar in a shallow agateware pan, spread over the tomatoes, and 272Jelly, Preserves, Marmalades repeat with another layer of sugar and tomatoes, squeezing over them the lemon. Place in a slow oven (250 degrees to 300 degrees F.) and cook until the tomatoes have absorbed the sugar and look clear. Remove separately to a clean platter and let dry in the hot sun. Sprinkle occasionally with granulated sugar while drying. Store when perfectly dry in preserve jars. Fig Preserve 6 quarts figs 3 quarts water 2 quarts sugar Put the figs into a boiling soda solution (1 cup soda to 6 quarts boiling water) and allow figs to remain about 15 minutes. Rinse the figs well by putting them through two cold baths. Drain the fruit thoroughly and add gradually to the skimmed syrup which has been made by boiling the sugar and water together for 10 minutes. Cook rapidly until the figs are clear and tender (about 2 hours). Carefully lift the fruit out and place in shallow pans. Allow the syrup to become thick—cover the figs with this syrup and allow to stand over night. Pack the cold figs in sterilized jars, fill each jar to overflowing with the syrup. Process 12 ounce jars for 15 minutes at boiling or 30 minutes at simmering. Red Raspberry Jam With Currant Juice Wash and crush the fruit and to each quart of the berries allow % cup strained currant juice. Let stand for 10 or 15 minutes, turn into a preserving kettle, bring to the boil and let simmer for 20 minutes. Have ready heated sugar, allowing % the quantity of the uncooked fruit and cook down until a little of the syrup jells when tried on a plate. Store in jelly tumblers, covering with paraffin when cold. English Rhubarb Jam 1 quart finely cut rhubarb 1% pounds sugar 6 oranges Chop the rinds of the oranges. Place the orange pulp in the preserving pan with the sugar, rhubarb and orange rind and bring slowly to boiling. Skim as it cooks and when the jam stiffens when tested on a plate, it is finished. Cover, seal with paraffin, and store in a cool, dry place. 273Jelly, Preserves, Marmalades Rhubarb-and-Fig Jam pounds rhubarb 1 lemon pound dried figs , 2 pounds sugar Cut the rhubarb in small pieces and add the figs chopped fine, the chopped rind and juice of the lemon and sugar. Let stand all night. In the morning cook slowly for 1 hour and turn into glasses. (Nut meats may be added if desired). French Preserved Peaches Peel sufficient peaches to make 2 pints, weigh them, and to each pound of fruit allow 1 pound of sugar. Crack 6 stones, take out the kernels, blanch them and put them with the sugar and 1 pint of water into a granite kettle, stir until the sugar is dissolved, add the juice of % lemon and boil slowly, without stirring, to a rather thick syrup. Put one layer of the peaches in the bottom of the kettle, stone side up, and cook very slowly until the peaches are transparent but still perfectly whole. Lift 1 piece at a time with a skimmer and arrange them neatly in the j ars._ When the last have been cooked, boil the syrup rapidly, peaches in the jars, adjust the rubbers, screw stand them aside to cool. ladle it over the on the tops and Peach-Nut Conserve 29 peaches (clings) Add 1 cup sugar for 1 cup 4 oranges fruit 1% pounds of nuts Pinch of salt Cut and chop oranges; mix oranges, sugar and peaches. Boil until thick preserves (220 degrees F.) Add nuts 5 minutes before taking off stove. Stir well to prevent burning. Cranberry Conserve 2 pounds cranberries l1/^ cups water % pound walnut meats 1% pounds sugar 1 large orange I cup raisins Cook the cranberries in V> the water until the skins break, rub through a sieve and add the remaining water, raisins, sugar and orange juice, and the grated rind. Cook 25 minutes and add chopped nuts, cook 5 minutes, follow usual method of stoning. 274Jelly, Preserves, Marmalades Pineapple-Rhubarb-and-Orange Conserve 1 pint finely cut rhubarb Pulp of 2 large oranges 2 quarts finely diced pineapple 214 quarts of sugar Cut the rhubarb fine and add it to the finely diced pineapple. Arrange the fruit in layers in a preserving kettle, with the pulp of the oranges and the sugar. Chop the rind of the oranges very fine, cover with cold water and let stand over night, then cook in the same water until very tender. Add the rind to the fruit and sugar; after the latter has stood for several hours and the juice has begun to run freely, cook down until thick like marmalade. Store in jelly glasses. Pear Conserve For a delicious pear conserve peel the fruit, cut into pieces and place in a saucepan with an equal amount of grated fresh pineapple. Add the juice of 1 lemon for each pound of the combined fruits, the grated rind of % a lemon and % pound of granulated sugar for each pound of the mixed fruits. Stir in the mixture well, let stand over night and in the morning cook down until quite thick. 15 minutes before removing from the fire stir in 1 cup of chopped walnut meats for each quart of conserve. Store like jelly. Peach Jam 214 pounds peaches cut into small 1 inch ginger root pieces 1 pound of sugar 14 cup juice 1 teaspoon bark cinnamon 5 alspice berries 1 cracked peach seed 10 whole cloves 1 sprig mace Tie spice in a cheese cloth bag, and cook all together until thick as marmalade and clear. Remove spice bag. Pack hot in hot jars, clamp on hot caps and set away to cool. Gingered Pears Take coarse and firm pears, peel, core, and cut into thin strips. To 8 pounds of pears chopped very thin, allow 8 pounds of sugar, 1 cup water, juice and rind of 4 lemons cut in thin strips, % pound ginger root cut in pieces. Simmer to 220 degrees F. Pack hot into hot jars and seal immediately. 275Jelly, Preserves, Marmalades Vegetable Honey A very delicious tomato honey that is ideal for serving with buckwheat cakes and crisp sausage is as follows: 1 pound tomatoes 2 cups sugar 2 lemons For each pound of ripe tomatoes allow the grated yellow rind of 1 lemon. Cut the tomatoes into small pieces, add the rind and cook until quite thick. Press through a puree sieve, measure the pulp and for each pint add 2 cups sugar (or 1 cup honey) and 1 cup of sugar and the juice of 1% lemons. Cook, stirring frequently, until of the consistency of honey, and seal in %-pint Jars as f°r canned fruit. Kumquat Preserves (Whole Kumquats) 1 pound kumquats 1 pint water 1 pound sugar Clean kumquats thoroughly by washing with soda and water; sprinkle with soda, using 1 tablespoon of soda to 1 quart of kumquats. Pour sufficient boiling water over this to cover the fruit. Let stand 10 minutes, pour water off and rinse thoroughly in 3 changes of water. Make a slit *4 °f an incK l°ng one s^e of the kumquat, then place in kettle with sufficient water to cover and boil for 10 minutes. Pour this water off and drop the kumquats in a boiling sugar solution made by adding 1 pound of sugar to 1 pint of water. Boil slowly until transparent, and until the syrup gives a slight jelly test. Pack kumquats in jars and strain syrup over them. Partially seal and process pint jars 15 minutes. Seal while hot. Kumquat Marmalade Weigh the fruit, separate the pulp from skin, (save the skin) if necessary blanching the fruit by boiling for 1 minute in water. Cut into small pieces the pulp, using scissors. Cover with water and cook 30 minutes. Strain and bring the amount of juice up to the original weight of the kumquats, i. e., 2 cups for each pound of the original fruit. The kumquats will stand several extractions. Cook the skins in water until they are tender, pouring off the water from time to time, if it is thought desirable toJelly, Preserves, Marmalades reduce the strength of the flavor of the skins. Drain the skins and put them through a meat chopper, or cut them into thin slices. Combine juice and peel and add % of a cup of sugar for each cup of juice. Boil it until it jellies. Kumquat Jelly (two-day method) 1 pound kumquats 1 pint water 1 pound sugar 1 tablespoon soda Clean kumquats thoroughly, sprinkle with soda, using about 1 tablespoon of soda to 1 pound of kumquats. Pour sufficient boiling water over this to cover the fruit and allow to stand 10 minutes. Pour water off and rinse through 3 changes of water and cut kumquats horizontally. For each pound of fruit taken, add 1 pint of water. This is boiled for 15 minutes, then the kettle is covered and set aside until the next morning. After again boiling for 5 minutes, remove from the stove and allow to drain. Let this stand for 1 hour, then pour into a flannel jelly bag and allow to drain until no more juice can be obtained. This juice is placed in a kettle and brought to a boil, at which time there is added 1 pound of sugar for each pound of fruit taken. Stir until the sugar is thoroughly dissolved and continue boiling until it reaches the jellying point. More jelly may be made by extracting juice the second time and add % pound of sugar for each pound of fruit. Kumquat and Strawberry Jelly % pound strawberry juice 1 pint kumquat juice 1 pound sugar Preparation of Strawberry Juice: Wash the strawberries, pour into a colander, cap, weigh and place in a preserving kettle, and boil them for 10 minutes, stirring constantly, then pour into a jelly bag and allow to drain. To % pint °f this strawberry juice, add 1 pint of kumquat juice, prepared as per directions for making kumquat jelly. Bring to a boil and add 1 pound of sugar. Continue the boiling until the jellying point is reached, which is indicated by the flaking or sheeting from the spoon. Kumquat and Orange Marmalade Follow the directions for making kumquat marmalade, using 277Jelly, Preserves, Marmalades orange peel instead of kumquat peel. Cut the peel into quarters and boil until tender. Throw oft the water and remove the white part of the skin by means of a spoon. Cut the remainder into thin slices. This can be done most conveniently by laying the pieces one on top of the other, and cutting several at a time. Best time to make marmalade is just before fruit is ripe. Fruit that has stood a long time or is over ripe has lost some of its pectin. In California, culls can be successfully used. California Marmalade 6 navel oranges Juice of 4 lemons 3 large seedless lemons Slice the large seedless lemons and oranges very thin, and leave out the thick top and bottom of the peel. The juice of 4 lemons, then weigh, and to each pound of fruit add 3 pints of water. Let stand 24 hours, then boil an hour. Let stand another 24 hours, then weigh water, pulp and all. To each pound add 1 pound of sugar, and boil rather fast for an hour. After standing a few days it will turn a quivering jelly, is not bitter, and I think you will agree to the assertion that it is the most delicate and delicious orange marmalade you ever tasted. It will not jelly perfectly if made too late in the season, when the oranges are at their sweetest. Orange Marmalade 5 oranges (sour) 1 lemon Slice oranges and lemon very thin, and remove all seeds. Weigh and to each pound of fruit add 3 pints of water. Let stand 24 hours and then boil for 45 minutes. Remove from the fire and let stand 12 hours. Weigh and to each pound add 114 pounds sugar. Then boil 45 minutes. Put in glasses and seal. Quince Honey 1 dozen quinces Sugar 8 pounds of apples Grind the quinces and apples through the meat grinder, add water to cover and cook for 1 hour. Add sugar in the proportion of y2 cup to 1 cup of liquid and cook for another half hour. Place in jars and seal. Rose-Leaf Jam Take the petals of fresh red roses, being sure that they are free 278Jelly, Preserves, Marmalades from insects. Add an equal quantity of sugar and water enough to dissolve the sugar; set the whole in the sun under glass until the sugar is well dissolved. Then cook for twenty minutes, stirring well. Pour into jars and cover securely. Mock-Orange Marmalade Scrape raw carrots, then grate enough to weigh 2 pounds and squeeze over the carrots the juice of 3 lemons; set to cook in a double boiler over boiling water; let cook an hour or until the carrot is tender, then add the grated rind and juice of 2 oranges and 4 cups of sugar and let cook to a marmalade. Glaced Crabapples Select a hard variety of crabapple, and use only perfect fruit. For 8 quarts of apples, take 5 pounds of granulated sugar. Wash and wipe the fruit, leaving on the stems if desired; put the fruit and sugar in stone jars in layers, adding cinnamon to taste. Cover the jars with a wax paper and bake in a slow oven for 2% hours. 279CHAPTER XXVIII. PICKLING, RELISHES, CONDIMENTS Pickle making begins with the brine and to carelessly made or carelessly kept brine is attributed most of the soft and unfit cucumber pickles. Make the brine with enough salt to float an egg. (This old fashioned test is a good one). From 68% to 70% salt will be necessary. Fill until 2/3 full a keg on which may be fitted a tight wooden top. Gather the cucumbers when they are very small, preferably those under 2 inches. Do not wash cucumbers unless very sandy. Put in the keg each morning. Stir from the bottom frequently and keep the top fitted closely at all times. Exposure to air and light will cause pickles to soften. Let cucumbsrs remain in brine until a certain fermentation has taken place. This can be determined usually by a change of color from green to an olive or a greenish brown. Cucumbers should remain in the brine for about 6 weeks before pickling. In addition to a cover on the vessel, a weight should be placed on the top of the cucumbers to be sure they are submerged in the brine. When the brining process has continued long enough, remove from the keg and soak over night in twice their bulk of cold water. A very good spiced vinegar is made of 1 gallon of vinegar, 2 tablespoons of whole allspice, 2 tablespoons whole cloves, 2 sticks cinnamon, % cup white mustard seed, 1 tablespoon celery seed, 1 teaspoon grated horseradish. Put in small cloth bag and drop into the boiling vinegar, add 4 cups sugar and allow this to cook 5 minutes. Set aside for several days, allowing the spice bag to remain in the vinegar. When the pickles have been taken from the brine and soaked, pack into stone jars, or any large jar, and enough of this vinegar poured over to cover them. Fusion takes place between the juices in the cucumbers and the vinegars so that it weakens the vinegar. They should be kept for at least 6 weeks in the spiced vinegar before removing them to small bottles or jars. This spiced vinegar may be used for any sliced or whole cucumber pickle, or mixture of cucumber, cabbage, cauliflower and onion. In placing them in the jars they may be garnished with small red peppers. Where the pickles are to be used sliced, 280Pickling, Relishes, Condiments they should be brined whole, and when ready for the vinegar, sliced. In cooking the vinegar it is well to use a porcelain vessel for the boiling. Pickling Olives (Circular 158—University of California) The following is a method of pickling and canning olives suited to home use, particularly for the Mission and Manzanillo olives. Select large, ripe, well-colored fruit. Prepare a lye solution consisting of 3 ounces of lye to each gallon of water. Treat the olives with this in earthenware crocks or wooden buckets and leave until the lye has well penetrated through the skin. This can be determined by cutting an olive open and is shown by a discoloration of the flesh beneath the skin. Drain off the lye into another container and leave the olives exposed to the air until black in color. They should be stirred 7 or 8 times during the process. Dilute the lye solution already used with 1 gallon of water to each 2 gallons of solution and replace on the olives. Stir often and watch the treatment until the lye reaches the pit. Then remove and expose the olives to the air again for 8 hours. Cover with water changed twice daily until all taste of lye or bitterness is removed. Make up a salt brine of 4 ounces of salt to the gallon of water. Place the olives in this for 3 days. If the brine darkens after the first day change it for fresh brine of the same strength. Place the olives in cans. Fill with boiling brine of 4 ounces of salt to the gallon of water. Cap and tip. Heat No. 2, No. 2^ and No. 3 cans for 30 minutes at 212 degrees F. and gallons for 40 minutes. Quart or pint jars require 35 minutes at 212 degrees F. Mixed Sweet Pickles Place 25 small cucumbers in crock and brine as described. Then combine: 3 cups cider vinegar 2 pounds brown sugar % cup celery seed 1 tablespoon mustard seed 4 pieces ginger root 2 pieces stick cinnamon, broken % cup Worcestershire sauce 1 teaspoon cayenne Bring to a boil and cook for 15 minutes. Add 1 large head of cauliflower cooked until tender and onions cooked until tender 281Pickling, Relishes, Condiments and drained well. Add the prepared cucumbers, boil 5 minutes. Put into all-glass jars, fill to overflowing with spiced vinegar. Adjust rubber and lid and seal securely, place jars in kettle with water to the neck of the jar. Bring to a boil and cook 5 minutes. Remove and let cool, then seal jars. Sour Pickles Place 25 brined cucumbers in preserving kettle, add enough cider vinegar to cover them to % of depth, add boiling water, 1 ounce celery seed, 1 ounce of mustard seed, 2 ounces of ginger root, piece of horseradish root, and heat to the boiling point, add 1 dozen dried pepper pods, 1 cup of pickling spices and boil for 5 minutes. Fill jars and cover with vinegar. Add 2 tablespoons of vinegar just before sealing. Dill Pickles Fill a quart jar with pickles about the size of a finger. Between the pickles put a piece of dill or more if liked. When the jar is filled, add a level tablespoon of salt. Pour in cold water; put dill on top of pickles and seal air tight as for canned fruit. Place the jars in the sun each day until the water gets cloudy; when the water looks clear again, the pickles are ready for use. A few whole peppers and a very small piece of fresh red pepper may be added. Keep in cool, dry place. Stuffed Peppers (For winter use) Select uniform sized green peppers. Remove seeds and lay in strong salt brine 30 days. Soak in clear water 24 hours. Put in a jar and scald with vinegar and water, half and half, with a small piece of alum for 3 days in succession. Make a stuffing of 1 pound cabbage, % ounce each horseradish, ground ginger and ground mustard; 1 teaspoon each of mace, cloves and cinnamon. Fill them; boil strong vinegar and put over them hot. Chow-Chow Prepare 15 pickles in brine, wash and cut in pieces. Place in preserving kettle, add 1 quart small white onions, parboiled; 1 282Pickling, Relishes, Condiments quart string beans, 1 medium sized head cauliflower, 1 dozen dried red pepper pods cut in bits. Cook the string beans and the cauliflower until nearly tender before adding. Add the prepared cucumbers and sufficient strong cider vinegar to cover the mixture. Cook together 1 quart water, y^ pound mustard, 2 tablespoons tumeric, 1 ounce celery seed, 2 ounces mustard seed, % teaspoon allspice, 1 teaspoon ginger, 1 tablespoon white pepper, 1 teaspoon cayenne pepper, 1 cup brown sugar, % cup Worcestershire sauce, li/2 cups flour, y^ cup salt. Stir with a wire spoon. Bring to a boil and cook slowly for 10 minutes. Then add pickles and stir with a large wooden spoon or stick and heat the mixture while stirring, to the boiling point; boil 15 minutes and then fill into jar. Pour 2 tablespoons salad oil over the chow-chow and adjust the rubber and lid and seal securely. Three-day Pickle (Lazy Housewife Pickle) Twelve dill pickle, soaked in cold water for 24 hours. Cut in slices % inch thick. Boil together 3 cups sugar, 1 cup vinegar, 1 tablespoon whole spice, cinnamon and cloves. Put the dills in a crock and pour over the heated syrup mixture three mornings in succession. On the third morning leave mixture on the pickles and cover the crock. Let stand preferably a few months before using. Olive Oil Pickles Take 25 sour school pickles (in bulk), made at home or bought. Be sure that you can pierce with thumbnail. Cut off the stem and cut into 1 inch pieces and put in stone jars. Over this pour 14 CUP Tarragon vinegar, i/j CUP olive oil and 2 or 3 pierced garlic buttons. Into the preserving kettle put 2 pounds of light brown sugar, 1 quart apple vinegar, % tablespoon whole black pepper, % tablespoon whole allspice, and allow this to boil 20 minutes before pouring over the pickle in the jar. Let it stand several days before touching, then stir with a wooden paddle to thoroughly mix oil with vinegar. This is a deliciously crisp pickle, and when the pickles have been used do not make the mistake of using the liquid for a second batch, as it is never sufficiently strong. This liquid may be used, however, for steaming ham—it imparts a delightful flavor. Pickled Walnuts There is a short space of time in the life of a walnut during 283 Pickling, Relishes, Condiments which it may be pickled. It is when a needle may be run through the soft walnut without coming in contact with any substance that is solid. They are picked, washed and covered with a strong brine. To make brine, add salt to boiling water (1 cup to 6 cups water), allowing the liquid to cool. Pour over walnuts, allow to stand for a week, drain off the brine each day and replace with fresh. At the end of week, drain and wash walnuts. Cover with vinegar and boil 10 minutes, add spices—cloves, allspice, celery, mustard seeds, peppercorns, mace, using 4 tablespoons of this mixture in whatever proportions is liked, to 1 gallon of vinegar. Cover closely and put in a cool place, watch for 3 weeks. If at any time, there seems a disposition to “cloud” pour out the mixture into a preserving kettle and bring the liquid to boiling point slowly. When thoroughly • heated pour over the walnuts, pack and seal. Sauerkraut Sauerkraut is made in a large earthen jar or in wooden kegs or barrels. Take firm cabbages, remove the outer leaves and slice into narrow strips and weigh. For each 10 pounds cabbage, weigh 6 to 8 ounces (!/> pound) cooking or fine salt. In the bottom of the barrel put a layer of coarse salt, then a layer or cabbage and salt again until the desired amount is packed. With each layer of cabbage press down with a heavy pestle until the juice floats on the surface, then a fresh layer can be added. Leave in a warm place. The juice of the cabbage dissolves the salt and forms a brine. Fermentation will soon start and foam appear. After about three week the “kraut” should have the desired flavor. When a skum appears, skim it off. If left undisturbed, it may completely spoil the product. When fermentation ceases and the kraut has developed the proper flavor, it may be kept by sealing over with paraffin. A better method of preserving is to heat it to boiling and pack boiling hot in jars. Sterilize for half an hour in a boiler sterilizer at 212 degrees F., and seal. Put in granite kettle with enough water partly to cover to cook. Cucumber Dill Pickles Wash the cucumbers. Prepare a crock, keg, barrel, or wooden bucket. Do not use metal. Place a layer of dill plant in the bottom of the container and 284Pickling, Relishes, Condiments a small quantity of mixed “dill pickle spices.” These can be obtained from a grocery. On these place two or three layers of small cucumbers. Add another layer of dill plant and spices and two or three layers of cucumbers, repeating the alteration of layers until the container is almost full. Cover with layer of beet leaves or grape leaves at least an inch thick. Fill and cover with a brine made of 1 pound of salt, 10 quarts water and 2/3 quart vinegar. Allow to stand until fermentation ceases (3 to 4 weeks). Seal with paraffin. If large barrels are used, the barrels may be headed up after filling with the cucumbers and spice and then filled with a brine made as above. Leave the bunghole open. When fermentation is over, the barrel may be completely filled with the brine and the bunghole closed. Dill picklds may be kept indefinitely by heating to boiling in the brine in which they are made and sealing boiling hot in glass jars. Sweet Fruit Pickles (Peaches, Plums, Watermelon Rinds) If the fruits are not to be peeled, puncture them thoroughly with a silver fork or in some way to permit the syrup to penetrate without causing shrivelling. Prepare the following syrup: 3 pounds sugar 1% tablespoons whole cloves 2 pints water 2 tablespoons stick cinnamon 1 pint vinegar Place the fruit in the syrup and cook slowly until tender. Soft fruits, such as grapes, require very little cooking. Allow to stand in the syrup overnight. On the next day pour off the liquid and boil down to a heavy syrup. Heat the fruit to boiling in this syrup; pack and seal hot in jars. No further sterilization is necessary. Fig Pickles 7 pounds figs 1 teaspoon allspice Salt water 1 teaspoon cinnamon 4 pounds sugar % teaspoon mace 1 pint vinegar ¥2 ounce ginger root 1 teaspoon cloves Wash figs in strong soda water, boil 5 minutes and let drain thoroughly, cover and wash in cold water. Mix sugar with vinegar, put spices together in a cheese- 285Pickling, Relishes, Condiments cloth bag, and boil all together for 5 minutes. Drop in figs and bring to the boiling point. Remove spice bag and set fruit aside until next morning. Drain off syrup, bring to a boiling point and repeat your operation of dropping in figs and bringing to boiling point. Cook them this way for 4 days in succession. The last day boil syrup until quite thick, put figs in this, let them boil up once more, then pack in jars and seal. Pickling Mushrooms The mushrooms should be freshly gathered and of the small button variety. Cut off the stalks from as many mushrooms as are required and clean the caps by rubbing them with a flannel dipped in salt. Place in a graniteware pan in layers and sprinkle with pepper and powdered mace between the layers. Place them uncovered in a moderate oven; shake pan frequently until the j uice has evaporated; cover with vinegar, bring almost to a boil and pack in glass jars tightly covered. Cucumber Pickles in Vinegar (а) Choose small cucumbers. (б) Prepare a brine of 2 pounds of salt per gallon of water. Place the cucumbers in this and keep them submerged with a wooden float. Store in this brine for about four weeks. Fermentation will take place and a scum will form. If the pickles become soft, add more salt. (c) After about 4 weeks, remove the cucumbers and heat them in a large amount of water to the simmering point for about 20 minutes. Discard this water; cover with fresh water. Heat to simmering point; remove from the stove and let stand about 2 hours to soak out the excess salt. If the pickles tend to be soft or “flabby,” add a tablespoonful of alum per gallon of water. This will harden them and is not injurious to health. (d) Rinse in cold water. Drain. Store in strong cider vinegar of good quality until ready for use. If at any time they soften or mold, place them in fresh vinegar. Pack in widemouthed corked bottles or in jars with glass tops. Do not use metal. Onion, Green Tomato and Cauliflower Pickles in Vinegar (a) Place the vegetables in a brine of 3]/2 pounds of salt 286Pickling, Relishes, Condiments per gallon of water. Store for 4 to 6 weeks or longer, keeping them submerged in the brine. (6) Remove and treat as directed for cucumbers in preceding recipe (b), (c) and (tZ). Tomato Picallili Use 8 quarts green tomatoes, 2 or 3 green sweet peppers and 2 hot peppers. The tomatoes may be chopped or sliced in half-inch pieces. Soak the tomatoes and chopped peppers over night in 1 pint of salt and water to cover. Drain thoroughly. Tomato Paste (a) Boil ripe red tomatoes until soft. Pass through a screen to remove seeds and skins. (b) Boil down quickly on a stove to about the consistency of thick ketchup. Then place on the back of the stove or, better, in a double boiler and cook down until it is as thick as peanut butter. (c) Pack hot in jars or cans. (d) Sterilize 1 hours at 212 deg. F. in a washboiler sterilizer and seal. This product can be used as a flavoring for various dishes; e. g., macaroni, stews, rice, beans, etc., in the same way as canned tomatoes, but much less is necessary. It may be flavored by adding a button of garlic, a tablespoonful of cayenne pepper, two sweet red peppers, and salt to taste, to each gallon of pulp before cooking. Then, when thick, a little olive oil may be beaten in before packing in jars or cans. A product similar to the above paste is also known as tomato “conserve” by the Italians. It is used by them in great quantities. Com Relish Chop 1 head cabbage, sprinkle with salt and let stand 1 hour. Boil 12 small ears of corn and cut the corn from the cob. To the corn add 4 large onions, 1 large or 2 small red peppers, and chop all together, add chopped cabbage and cover with a dressing made of 1^ quarts vinegar, 1 tablespoon mustard, 2 tablespoons salt, 1 tablespoon celery seed, 1 cup sugar. Let all come to a boil; then add 1 tablespoon flour and 1 small teaspoon tumeric mixed together. Cook a few minutes. 287Pickling, Relishes, Condiments Mexican Relish Use 4 green tomatoes, 2 green chili peppers, 1 onion, a very small bit of horseradish; chop the above together or grind fine. Place in a jar and cover with boiling vinegar, to which has been added 1 teaspoon salt, 2 tablespoons chili powder and 1 tablespoon mustard. The chili powder should be boiled in vinegar for at least 10 minutes before seasoning is added. Tomato Ketchup Select only ripe tomatoes for ketchup; wash, but do not peel, cut out green cores and bad places; quarter, measure and place on stove in open-top vessel. For every gallon of tomatoes add 1 level cup finely chopped onions. Boil until both tomato and onion are soft. Strain juice and pulp through a coarse wire sieve, mashing through all the pulp possible. Measure this strained pulp and juice and proceed as in the following recipe: 2 gallons strained mixture to- 3 tablespoons alspice matoes and onions 1 tablespoon black pepper 2% teaspoons cloves 1 cup sugar 3 teaspoons ginger % cup salt 2 teaspoons red pepper 1 quart vinegar Place strained tomatoes in vessel; add ground spices tied in bag, sugar and salt; boil until thick; then add hot vinegar slowly and let boil 30 minutes. Remove spice before bottling. Wash bottles well with soda and place in hot water until ready to use. Fill with boiling ketchup. Cork tightly. Tomato Chutney Green tomatoes Apples 2 cups strong vinegar 4 ounces sugar 4 ounces seeded raisins 3 ounces garlic and white onions 3 ounces salt % ounce cayenne 2 ounces mustard and celery seed Peel sufficient green tomatoes and apples to make 7 ounces each when chopped. Cover with strong vinegar, add 4 ounces sugar, and simmer until fruit and vegetables are soft enough to be beaten to a pulp. Pass through the meat grinder the seeded raisins, garlic and white onions. Turn into a large chopping-bowl and with a wooden potato masher crush with the salt, cayenne, mustard and celery seed. Cool the cooked mixture, combine with thePickling, Relishes, Condiments crushed ingredients and place in jars. Seal. One-half teaspoon of curry powder may be added if the flavor is liked. Gingered Pears 8 pounds pears 6 thinly sliced lemons (leave the 5 pounds sugar rind on 3 of the lemons) % pound chopped candied ginger Peel juicy firm winter pears and cut the pulp from the cores in small pieces. Place in a preserving kettle with alternate layers of sugar and lemon slices. Sprinkle in between the candied ginger. Cover the kettle and let stand over night. Boil. Then siinmer until quite thick and the pears look translucent. Seal in sterilized jars as for canned fruit. Chili Sauce 8 pounds ripe sound tomatoes % cup grated horseradish % cup salt 1 teaspoon ground black pepper 2 red peppers, chopped fine 2 teaspoons celery seed, crushed 1 cup nasturtium seed chopped fine 1 cup brown sugar 2 drops oil of cloves % teaspoon tobasco 20 drops essence of alspice 20 drops essence of cinnamon % teaspoon ground mace 5 cloves garlic 4 small onions, grated 1 quart cider vinegar Peel the tomatoes, cut them into halves and squeeze out the seeds. Chop the flesh of the tomato in an ordinary choppingbowl until very fine; turn it into an earthen or granite bowl, add horseradish, salt, pepper, red peppers, celery seed, nasturtiums, sugar, cloves, tobasco, alspice, cinnamon, mace and garlic mashed to a pulp. Mix thoroughly, add onion and cider vinegar. Mix, bottle and seal. This will keep all winter. Peach Mangoes Peaches Salt Celery seed 1 pint grated horseradish % cup white mustard seed Vk cup good cider vinegar 1 teaspoon salt Dash of cayenne 1 pound brown sugar 2 quarts cider vinegar % bottle Worcestershire sauce Select fine, large, freestone peaches, wash and wipe them 289Pickling, Relishes, Condiments carefully, put them in a stone or granite vessel, cover with brine strong enough to bear an egg, and stand aside for 24 hours; drain, cover them with cold water, soak an hour, wipe each one carefully, put them in a stone or granite vessel, cover with brine press stone out with the handle of a knife or fork. Dust the inside of the peach with celery seed. Mix pint of grated horseradish with mustard seed, add ^4 cup good cider vinegar, teaspoon salt and cayenne. Stir this mixture into the peaches, and put them into glass jars. Dissolve brown sugar in cider vinegar, do not heat it. When the sugar is dissolved add Worcestershire, stir over heat until it reaches boiling point. Ladle it over the peaches, let them stand uncovered until cold, then adjust the rubbers and fasten the jars. They will be ready for use in 10 days and will keep all winter.CHAPTER XXIX. CANDY In making candies in the home, a candymaker’s thermometer should be used when this is possible. The following table shows the temperature of the important stages in boiling syrup: Small thread F. 215° Soft ball 238 Large thread.... 217 Firm ball 248 Pearl 220 Hard ball 254 Large pearl 222 Small crack 290 The blow 230 Hard crack 310 The feather 232 Caramel 350 Fondant is the foundation of so many candies that a study of candy must necessarily begin with this fundamental principle. Fondant is a soft, creamy mass of sugar so finely grained that no crystals can be felt, and of such consistency that it may be molded in any shape. Success in making fondant (and this is true of all candies) consists of completely dissolving the sugar before boiling, boiling the sugar until the proper density has been reached and then immediately controlling conditions so that recrystallization takes place without the formation of discernible crystals. For this purpose several things are absolutely necessary. First, sugar, water and some agent for inverting part of the sugar. This latter may be glucose or acid (cream of tartar, tartaric acid or lemon juice) or, if preferred, corn syrup. This acid inverts part of the sugar and interferes with the reformation of large crystals. The use of too much acid would invert too much sugar and thus prevent the crystallization of the mass. Too much water will require longer cooking for the syrup, requiring a longer time to produce the proper density, and this, it is found, produces an appreciable amount of inversion. Definite amounts of water, acid and sugar are necessary, and these amounts have been formulated by expert candy makers and offer success to the amateur who patiently follows directions. It has been found that much difference is noted in the fondant made at sea level and that made at higher altitude, and sea-IeveL made fondant is less likely to “grain” than same material made into fondant at 1000 to 6000 feet elevation. This is due to the 291Candy time it takes the syrup to reach the boiling point, atmospheric conditions being taken into consideration. Fondant 2 cupa granulated sugar 2/3 cup boiling water 1/16 teaspoon cream tartar Pour the water over the sugar in a smooth granite or porcelain saucepan, stir until sugar is dissolved. With a cotton mop wipe down the sides of the saucepan, place on the stove, cover and allow to come slowly to boiling point. Do not stir from beginning to end. When boiling add 1/16 teaspoon cream tartar, turn on more heat and allow to come quickly to 238 degrees, or what is known as the soft ball—that is, will form a soft ball in cold water—which, while it holds shape, can be molded with fingers. Others test this temperature as the “first thread” which syrup spins. Pour the syrup slowly into a large ■ platter, slightly oiled with Gocoanut oil or sweet butter or on a marble slab. Let stand to cool a few minutes, but do not allow to become hard about the edges. With the spatula fold in the edges toward the center and work as one would butter until white and creamy. It will quickly change from this condition into lumps and then it must-be kneaded with the hands until perfectly smooth. Put in a bowl, cover with oiled paper to exclude the air, to prevent a crust forming on top and allow to stand 24 hours. It is then ready for the many uses to which fondant is put. The addition of shredded cocoanut, nuts and fruits to the fondant, dipping in chocolate or adding the fruits, nuts, etc., to the melted chocolate and dipping in the fondant as you please, will extend the sugar you have at hand. Notes on Fondant Glycerine added to fondant makes a glossy, smooth surface to mints or bonbons. Paraffin is sometimes added to mints, 1 teaspoon melted parawax to 2 cups of fondant being permitted. Brown sugar instead of granulated, gives a soft smooth candy, sometimes called Penoche. 292Candy Fondant 2 cups sugar 1 tablespoon butter 1 tablespoon corn syrup % cup water Cook sugar, water and butter until it forms a soft ball when dropped in cold water. Remove from stove and let cool. Beat until creamy. When too stiff to beat work with hands until soft and fine. Flavor and shape as desired, and dip in melted chocolate. Nuts may be used for centers. Coloring or cocoa may be added. Fondant may be used as a filling for dates, after which the dates may be rolled in sugar, making a delicious confection. Cocoanut or chopped figs may be added. For peppermint candy, add a few drops of peppermint. Uncooked Fondant 1 egg white 3 cups or more confectioner’s 1 tablespoon water sugar 1 teaspoon lemon juice Add water and lemon juice to egg white, beat in sugar with a Dover egg beater or fork, added gradually until very smooth and creamy. Too much sugar is to be guarded against. This fondant may be kneaded on board and set aside, well covered with paraffin paper, to ripen. Use for mints, colored, flavored to suit; combine with nuts and fruits, or dip in chocolate. Use for stuffing dates, or melt over hot water and dip nuts in to coat. Cocoanut Creams 3 tablespoons xx cream 2% cups sifted confectioner’s sugar 1 cup cocoanut Lemon flavoring 1 egg white ' Slightly beat egg, add the cream and flavoring, gradually add sugar, when 2^ cups have been added, begin adding shredded cocoanut. These should be dropped on wax paper, and sprinkled with cocoanut and allowed to stand until solid enough to remove. Fudge This name is applied to candies made of sugar boiled with milk, cream or water to the thread or soft ball point (238 degrees F.), cooled and then beaten until creamy but firm. The common objection to this form of candy is that it is coarse-grained andCandy hard, this is the result of beating while mixture is hot or cooking too long. After beating until creamy, care must be taken to pour out before it becomes solid. Corn syrup gives smoothness; evaporated milk is excellent. Many varieties of fudge make it a popular candy. Cream Fudge 2 cups granulated sugar % cup rich cream 1 tablespoon corn syrup or 1/16 teaspoon cream of tartar Boil these ingredients together to 238 degrees F. or until soft ball is formed in cold water, allow to stand in saucepan until cold, add 1 teaspoon any flavoring, beat well and pour on buttered platter. When set, mark off in blocks with knife. . Variations to Cream Fudge Pour cream fudge over marshmallows, chopped small, nuts and shredded cocoanut. When fudge begins to cream, add fruits, cherries, pineapple and nuts before pouring on pan. Eight mashmallows cut small, allowed to melt in the hot mixture and beaten in vigorously will give a delightfully creamy light mixture. Use 4 tablespoons of peanut butter instead of butter. Cocoanut Bars 2 cups granulated sugar % cup milk 2 tablespoons corn syrup % cup cocoanut 1 tablespoons butter Vanilla to taste Mix sugar, milk and corn syrup and cook in usual way to 238 degrees F. Remove from stove, add butter, allow to cool, beat with spoon until creamy, add flavoring and cocoanut. Do not beat much after adding these. Pour out on buttered pan and mark in bars with knife. When cold these may be dipped in melted chocolate and placed on an oiled paper. Chocolate Fudge 2 cups granulated sugar 4 ounces (squares) bitter 1 tablespoon corn syrup or 1/16 chocolate (melted) teaspoon cream of tartar 1 tablespoon butter % cup rich mik 1 teaspoon vanilla Stir sugar and water, until sugar is fairly well dissolved, 294Candy wash sides o£ saucepan with damp cotton or paper, cover the pan, bring to boil slowly, add cream tartar or syrup and cook to 238 degrees F., or until soft ball stage is reached. Add the chocolate melted and cook few seconds, stirring well to mix chocolate. Remove from stove, drop in the hutter, allow to cool. Beat well, flavor and pour on buttered pan. Chocolate Fudge 3 cups granulated sugar 3 tablespoons cocoa 2 tablespoons corn syrup % cup milk 1 tablespoon butter 1 teaspoon vanilla 14 teaspoon salt Mix and cook all ingredients together until it forms a soft ball when dropped in cold water. Set aside until cool. Add vanilla and beat until it creams. Pour into oiled pan and cut in squares. Variations Cover bottom of buttered pan with marshmallows, quartered, or broken nut meats. Pour the fudge on top of these. When fudge begins to cream add 24 marshmallows, cut in small pieces and pour on buttered pan. Use 1 cup brown sugar in addition to other ingredients. Use buttermilk or sour cream instead of sweet milk. Use 1 cup of maple syrup instead of % cup milk. Use 1 cup of caramelized sugar in addition to other ingredients. Use cocoa instead of chocolate 1/3 to % CUP according to richness desired and use twice as much butter. Use 3 cups brown sugar and 1/3 cup strong clear coffee instead of milk, for coffee fudge. Use 4 tablespoons of liquor drained from Maraschino cherries instead of that much milk. Two kinds of fudge may be made about same time. One poured in pan to set, and cut marshmallows spread on top, the second fudge poured on top. Grapenuts, corn flakes, Post toasties and shredded wheat biscuits, shredded or puffed wheat and rice may be used instead of nuts in like proportions. Dip marshmallows with syrup when nearly ready to remove from stove. 295Candy Orange Fudge 2 cups granulated sugar % cup orange juice 1 tablespoon butter '/i cup cream 1 tablespoon grated orange rind % cup candied orange peel Mix sugar, cream and orange juice and follow usual method of cooking to 238 degrees F. Add the rind and butter, cool and beat well until creamy. Place the orange peels on the bottom of buttered pan, pour the candy over. The peel may be omitted and marshmallows be used to advantage. Cocoanut Walnut Fudge 2 cups sugar 2/3 cup rich milk 4 squares chocolate 2 tablespoons butter % cup walnuts Put sugar and milk in saucepan, stir until sugar is dissolved and boil without stirring to 238 degrees F., or until candy forms a soft ball when tried in cold water. Add melted chocolate and butter, and allow to stand in saucepan until nearly cold. Beat well and pour on large platter that has been wiped over with a damp cheesecloth. When firm, cut in squares. If nuts are used, arrange on bottom of platter before pouring in fudge. Evaporated milk, condensed milk or buttermilk may be used, thinning the canned milk with a very little water. Divinity Fudge 3 cups granulated sugar 1 cup corn syrup 2/3 cup boiling water 2 egg whites Stir sugar, corn syrup and water well, wipe down sides of saucepan, cover and bring to boil, uncover and boil to 238 degrees F. It is important not to cook too much, the soft ball test or the “first thread” may be depended upon, but the thermometer is the safe way. Two whites of egg should be beaten stiff and dry in large pan, pour the 238 degrees F. syrup over egg whites, continue to beat until cool and the mixture drops heavy and holds its shape, add flavoring, pinch of salt, 1 teaspoon extract (lemon juice and orange extract), 1 cup nut meats (blanched almonds cut in strips), 1 cup pineapple, cherries, raisins or any, or all, as liked and 1 cup shredded cocoanut. Allow to stand in bowl and beat or lift occasionally until beginning to stiffen. Spread out on oiled platter in long roll, or several smaller rolls. Let stand 24 296Candy to 36 hours before using. Then it may be sliced with a sharp knife and should be the texture of cake. Divinity Fudge 2 cups granulated sugar 2/3 cup corn syrup Y cup water % cup chopped nuts /■2 cup chopped raisins 1. teaspoon vanilla 2 eggs (whites) Boil sugar, corn syrup and water together until it forms a hard mass in cold water. Beat whites of eggs very stiff and beat in nuts and raisins. Pour on the hot syrup, beating constantly. When mixture will stand alone drop from teaspoon onto plate, allow to stand for half an hour, then roll in cocoanut. Uncooked Fudge % pound sweet chocolate (melt) 1 tablespoon butter 1 cup confectioner’s sugar 2 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 cup nut meats Melt chocolate in double boiler, add butter, sugar and yolks of eggs. Stir well while cooking, and when smooth, add the beaten whites. Fudge 3 cups granulated sugar 2 cups light brown sugar % cup corn syrup 1 tablespoon butter % teaspoon salt % pound nuts 1% cups milk Mix brown and white sugar thoroughly, add corn syrup, milk and salt. Cook until it forms a soft ball when dropped in cold water. Remove from stove, add flavoring, and let stand until cool. Beat until creamy, pour into an oiled pan and cut in squares. Sea Foam 1 cup granulated sugar % cup finely chopped fruits 1 cup brown sugar (press down % teaspoon lemon juice well in cup) % teaspoon vanilla extract Y cup boiling water 1 teaspoon corn syrup 1 egg white (well beaten) % cup nut meats Stir sugar and water and syrup together and boil until it spins a hair (about 240 degrees). Pour over the beaten white of egg, 297Candy very slowly, beating constantly until it begins to get creamy. Add extract, nuts, and fruits. Place the saucepan in a larger one half filled with hot water to prevent it getting hard. Drop by teaspoonfuls on oiled marble or an aluminum tray. This gives a pretty finish but the mixture may be poured out on plate to harden and cut in squares. Cream Divinity IV2 cups granulated sugar 2 tablespoons corn syrup % cup boiling water White 1 egg Extract and coloring Mix sugar, syrup and water, stir well and bring to boil; wipe sides of pan and-cook to 238 degrees F. Beat white of egg slightly and pour over this mixture, beating well, until stiff enough to hold its shape. Let stand and occasionally come back to same until cold, flavor and color. This may be dropped on oiled paper from tip of teaspoon or by placing in a pastry tube with a start point, making very attractive rosettes. Cream Drops 2 cups sugar 1 cup corn syrup J4 cup boiling water % cup nuts (peanuts best) Flavoring 2 egg whites Boil sugar, syrup and water to hard ball, stay about 252 degrees F. Do not allow to brown. Remove from stove and stir with spoon until it begins to look milky, beat continually, pouring % the syrup on the beaten egg whites, then reverse and pour all of the egg mixture into the balance of syrup. Add the flavoring and nuts, continue beating until stiff enough to hold shape, using a sliver knife, drop from spoon on waxed paper or marble. Allow to become firm. Caramels Sugar syrups boiled from 242 degrees F. to 250 degrees F. and not beaten after cooking are waxy and soft. When removed from stove they are of consistency of the finished candy. Corn syrup is excellent combined with sugar and cream. Chocolate, cocoanut and marshmallows and nuts are additions to make. 298Candy Caramels 1% cups sugar 1% cups cream % cup corn syrup 1 teaspoon vanilla Place sugar, syrup and % cup cream in saucepan, stir until sugar is dissolved, bring to boil and cook until it forms a soft ball when tried in cold water. Stir well, scraping bottom to prevent burning, but be careful not to beat, as beating will cause it to become granular; add % CUP cream, stir and boil until it forms soft ball, repeat the operation and add the remaining % cup cream. Then boil until a firm hard ball is formed. This is a test, the caramel will be just as hard when cold as the syrup tried in water. Pour in a saucepan, well buttered, when cold mark off in squares and wrap in wax paper. If caramel mixture becomes sugary, add more cream and cook again. All the cream may be added at one time, but candy will not be so creamy. Chocolate Caramels % cup brown sugar % cup molasses 1 teaspoon soda 1 cup nut meats % cup white sugar 3 squares chocolate (melted) 2 tablespoons butter 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 cup cream or rich milk Place sugars, molasses in saucepan and bring to boiling point, add part of the cream. Stir gently, as it thickens, add more milk until all is added, be careful not beat; add the melted chocolate and when it reaches 242 degrees F., or forms a firm ball in cold water, remove from stove, add butter, nuts and soda and pour into buttered pans. When cool, mark in squares, wrap with wax paper. Caramels (quick) 2 cups granulated sugar 1% cups corn syrup % cup milk % cup butter 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 cup chopped nuts Cook until it forms a firm ball in cold water. Remove from fire, add vanilla and nuts and pour into oiled pan. Variations for Caramels Add 1 cup nut meats just before pouring in pans. 299Candy 12 to 16 marshmallows cut in small pieces may be added before pouring in pans. Add 3 squares of melted chocolate before removing from stove and beat. Pour chocolate caramel in pan y8 inch thick, spread melted marshmallow on top and then pour on more chocolate caramel. Allow to cool thoroughly, cut with very sharp knife, wrap in wax paper. Caramels may be made with evaporated milk instead of cream. Candied Nuts 1 teaspoon corn syrup juice 2 tablespoons boiling water 2 cups confectioner’s sugar teaspoon extract or orange Place corn syrup and water in double boiler and add gradually confectioner’s sugar, beating continually until 2 cups have been used. Keep in the hot water, but remove from stove and dip nuts in the soft mixture. Place nuts on a wax paper to dry out. Nougatines Nougatines are much like caramels, but lighter by the addition of whites of egg. cup corn syrup % cup boiling water 2 cups sugar Whites of 2 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla % cup nut meats Mix water, corn syrup and sugar, boil to 270 degrees F., or to a point where it is brittle. Beat the whites and add gradually the syrup, beating until creamy, add vanilla when almost firm, add the nuts. Pour into pan, lined with oiled paper, leave until solid and wrap in paper. Almond Nougatines 1 cup marshmallows • % cup nuts % cup almond paste % cup fruit Put marshmallows, almond paste in double boiler, stir and beat until melted and blended, add nuts and fruit and spread in pan and sprinkle with confectioner’s sugar, cut in bars. 300Candy Cream Nut Balls 2% squares chocolate 1 teaspoon vanilla 3 cups sugar % teaspoon salt 1 cup sour cream Chopped nut meats Put chocolate in saucepan and melt over hot water. Add sugar and sour cream alternately to chocolate, put directly on range, bring to boiling point, and boil without stirring to 230 degrees F., or until a soft ball is formed when candy is tried in cold water. Pour upon slightly oiled marble slab, large platter, or white , agate tray, leave undisturbed until cool, then work with spatula until creamy. Add vanilla and salt, knead with the hands until candy is smooth, shape in small balls or any other desired shape and roll in chopped nut meats. Cocoanut Cream Candy 1% cups sugar Vi cup shredded cocoanut % cup milk % teaspoon vanilla 2 teaspoons butter Put butter into granite saucepan; when melted, add sugar and milk and stir until sugar is dissolved. Heat to boiling point and boil 12 minutes; remove from stove, add cocoanut and vanilla and beat until creamy and mixture begins to sugar slightly around edge of saucepan. Pour at once into a buttered pan, cool slightly and mark in squares. One-half cup nut meats, broken in pieces, may be used in place of cocoanut. Taffy 1 cup brown sugar 1% teaspoons butter % cup corn syrup. % teasp.o.on lemon flavoring 1 tablespoon lemon juice ■ Cook ingredients and lemon juice until it forms a hard ball in cold water. Add flavoring. Pour into oiled pan and pull when cold. Peanut Brittle ’ 1 cup corn syrup 1 cup sugar 1 tablespoon butter Pinch of salt % teaspoon soda 1 cup peanuts Boil corn syrup and sugar to 290 degees F. Add butter, salt, soda and peanuts to syrup and pour in pans. 301Candy Peanut Brittle 2 cups brown sugar 1 cup shelled peanuts 2 tablespoons water Boil sugar and water until it is crisp when dropped in cold water. Just before taking from fire add nuts. Pour into oiled tins. Marshmallow Penoche 2 cups brown sugar 12 marshmallows 1 tablespoon butter % cup nut meats 34 cup milk Add sugar to milk, stir well and cook to 238 degrees F. Cool, add butter and mashmallows, beat until almost sugary and pour on buttered plate. Pralines 1% cups granulated sugar 2 cups hickory nut or pecan 1 cup maple syrup meats (cut in pieces) % cup cream Boil first 3 ingredients until, when tried in cold water, a soft ball may be formed. Remove from fire, cool and beat until of a creamy consistency; add nuts and drop from tip of spoon in small piles on buttered paper, or mixture may be poured into a buttered tin and cut in squares, using a sharp knife. Candied Orange Peel 6 orange peels 1 cup water 3 cups sugar Peel of 6 oranges. Cover with cold water, bring to boil, change water and boil until tender. Drain thoroughly. Remove excess white with spoon, cut in strips with scissors. Boil 2 cups sugar and 1 cup water until it threads. Add peal and let boil until syrup is boiled away. Watch carefully. Add 1 cup sugar and stir with fork until crystallized. Spread on wax paper to dry. Grapefruit Peel 1 pound grapefruit peel 2 cups water lVs pounds sugar Select bright fruit with thick peel. Wash with brush. Grate 302Candy lightly. Cut peel in sections, remove from fruit and weigh. Cut into strips. For each quart of peel, add 3 pints cold water. Boil 10 minutes and pour off water. Repeat 6 or 8 times or until as much bitter flavor is removed as is desired. Dry peel between folds of cloth, pressing gently. To each pound peel take 1% pounds sugar and 2 cups water. Bring syrup to a boil and cook until sugar is dissolved. Add prepared peel and cook until syrup is absorbed. This may be told by the formation of sugar crystals in the clear peel. Do not cook too long. When the peel begins to cook thick like a preserve, try rolling a piece in granulated sugar after draining well. If this stiffens on cooling, the whole product is ready to drain and roll in granulated sugar. Apples may be cut in sections and treated in the same manner, except it is not necessary to parboil. 303CHAPTER XXX. SANDWICHES, RAREBITS . The best sandwiches are made from bread which is fine grained and 1 day old. Always cream the butter for spreading the bread. Always spread the butter before cutting the slice from the loaf. Cut each slice as thin as possible. After cutting, spread the slice with the sandwich mixture, and cover with another slice. Press the slices together firmly; cut off all crusts and cut in rounds, triangles, or any shape desired. Keep sandwiches wrapped in a cheesecloth which has been thoroughly dampened with cold water, and pack in a closed box until ready to use. Simple Fillings—Ham, Corned Beef, Veal, Lamb, Pork, Tongue, Chicken, Oysters, Sardines, Sturgeon, Eggs, Cheese, Lettuce, Celery, Peanut Butter, Walnuts, Pineapple, Jelly, Hash and Veal Loaf. Chicken—Equal parts chicken breast, tongue, celery, mayonnaise. Chicken—Half lb. sliced chicken, 2 oz. sliced nuts, salt. Club—Chicken, bacon, lettuce, mayonnaise; toast. Turkey—Thin slices laid on lettuce, with capers. Chicken—1 cup; % cup each ham and butter. Bacon—Broiled or fried, with water-cress; French dressing. Bacon—Broiled, with Tartare Sauce. Roast Beef—Cover with catsup and chopped pickle. Ham—Equal parts ham and tongue, mustard, creamed butter. Ham—Boiled or fried, with boiled eggs, paprika; chop; mix. Tongue—Equal parts tongue, veal, lettuce. Lobster—2 parts lobster, 1 part celery, mayonnaise, capers. Shrimp—1 cup; cup mayonnaise; l/2 teaspoon each anchovy paste, vinegar. Sardine—1 can, boiled yolks; mash together with lemon juice. Salmon—Marinate, with mayonnaise; nasturtiums. Caviare—Caviare, olive oil, lemon juice; beat well. Fish—Any cooked fish, flaked; salt, pickle, parsley, salad dressing. 304Sandwiches, Rarebits Sardine—Chop sardines with celery and lettuce; salad dressing. Sandwich Fillings Mix equal quantities of Neufchatel cheese and chopped olives. Season with salt and pepper and moisten with mayonnaise. Mix equal quantities of cream cheese and chopped olives. Season with paprika and salt. Mix equal quantities of cream cheese and grape jam. Mix 1 cup of chopped chicken with % cup of walnuts. Moisten with mayonnaise.' Sweeten almond paste with powdered sugar. Season with salt and moisten with mayonnaise. Chop 1 large Spanish onion and mix with hot mayonnaise dressing. Season with salt. Chop 2 sweet green peppers, 2 sweet pickles and 2 hard-boiled eggs. Mix with mayonnaise and season with salt. Mix equal quantities of peanut butter and chopped celery. Spread on bread. Chop preserved figs and moisten with lemon juice. Spread on white bread. Combine equal quantities of peanut butter and mild cheese. Spread between white and brown bread. Cream a pimento cheese and put between 1 slice of brown and white bread. Mix together 1 cup chopped celery, 1 tablespoon of walnuts, and 6 olives. Use as filling for dark breads. Cook 1 cup of chopped raisins until soft. Add 1 cup chopped celery and moisten with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and mayonnaise. Mix equal quantities of snappy cheese Neufchatel, chopped walnuts, and % the amount of sliced sweet peppers. Enough dressing to make it moist. Make a paste of cooked chicken livers with melted butter. Add lemon juice, cayenne, salt, and chopped olives. Spread between thin slices of white bread. Moisten flaked smoked whitefish with butter, add chopped sour cucumber pickles. Season with mustard paste and a dash of cayenne, and use as a sandwich filling with white bread. Finely minced salmon and cucumber mixed with salad dressing. Sardines and hard-cooked egg yolk. Remove the skin and 305Sandwiches, Rarebits bones from the sardines, mash them to a paste with the egg, and season with salt, pepper, and a little lemon juice. Equal quantities of grated cheese and butter creamed together. Spread this on the bread and sprinkle with minced water cress. Finely chopped peanuts and celery mixed with salad dressing. Mix well together chopped nuts and raisins and a little lemon juice. Heat through, let cool and spread on graham crackers. Press together lightly and crisp in moderate oven. Hot Beef Sandwiches Have cooked and chopped fine 1 pound of steak, use left over roast or steak of another meal. Season well with salt, pepper, paprika and a little Worcestershire sauce. Make a rich biscuit dough by the following recipe: 2 cups flour Enough milk to make a dough 4 teaspoons baking powder (This amount will be depend- 1 teaspoon salt ent upon the quantity of the 2 tablespoons of drippings of dripping used) roast It will usually take two-thirds cup of milk to make a soft dough. Roll the dough out about one-third of an inch in thickness and in as nearly as possible a rectangular shape. Cover the dough with the chopped meat, roll like a jelly roll, cut in slices one-half inch in thickness and bake on shallow baking sheet with the cut side down. Allow these biscuits 10 minutes to rise before placing in hot oven. Have a gravy made of the beef drippings to serve with this. Raw Beef Sandwiches Chop raw steak and onions very fine, season with salt and pepper and spread on brown bread. Luncheon Sandwiches A sandwich may be made hearty enough to serve as the main dish at luncheon or supper. The following combination is a good one. For each individual have 2 slices rye bread or entire wheat 2 thin slices of cheese (prefer-bread ably Swiss cheese) 2 slices cold ham or tongue 2 tablespoons of cold slaw Butter the bread and place the meat on each slice, over that 306Sandwiches, Rarebits the cheese and in the center the cold slaw. Press together and serve with a slice of tomato and a spoonful of mayonnaise dressing or serve with chopped pickles or olives. Ham Sandwiches Mix 1 cup chopped ham, 1 teaspoon vinegar, 1 teaspoon French mustard, 1 teaspoon horse-radish and 1 tablespoon oil. Spread between buttered slices of white bread. Chicken Pimento Sandwiches (For 20 persons) Singe, draw and cook until tender a 3%-pound stewing chicken. Let cool, then break in pieces. Strip meat from bones and put through the food chopper, adding 1 large can pimentoes 1 large stalk celery Turn in bowl and add 1 cup mayonnaise dressing 1 cup whipped cream Mix and use for filling. Use 4 stalks celery 4 cream cheeses 1 onion 1 bunch parsley 2 teaspoons salt 1 teaspoon white pepper 2 cans pimentoes and same seasoning as for the cheese pimento filling Hot Roast Beef Sandwiches White bread Pepper Butter Horseradish Sliced roast beef Gravy Salt Cut slices of rare roast beef and place on buttered slices of bread from which crusts have been removed. Sprinkle with salt, pepper, and grated horseradish. Cover with slices of bread and serve at once with brown gravy. With these sandwiches pass mustard pickle or garnish with sliced Bermuda onion. Club Sandwiches Put 1 medium-sized Spanish onion through a meat chopper, then 1 cucumber and 5 slices of crisp brown bacon. Mix all together with mayonnaise dressing, using enough to moisten well. Butter a slice of bread, place on it a lettuce leaf, then a little of 307Sandwiches, Rarebits the above chopped mixture, then a slice of tomato, after which spread with the chopped mixture, add a lettuce leaf, and top with another slice of buttered bread. Wrap each sandwich in oiled paper and seal down the ends with gummed paper binding tape which can be procured at any stationer’s. Cheese Sandwich Spreads 3 tablespoons flour 1% cups grated American brick 1 cup milk cheese 3 tablespoons mayonnaise Make a white sauce with the flour, milk and mayonnaise and season mildly with garlic, salt, pepper and Tabasco sauce. When smooth add the grated cheese. Stir until smooth, spread about % inch thick on i/^-inch slices of bread, put three slices together and stand aside for short time. With sharp knife cut in strips. 1 inch wide. 2 1 pound snappy cheese 2 cups boiled dressing 1 can pimentoes Put cheese and pimentoes through meat chopper, put in bowl with dressing and beat well with Dover egg whip. Use to spread on bread, or use with lettuce sandwiches. 3 1 can tomato soup % pound cheese 2 eggs Place soup and cheese in double boiler, stir until cheese is melted, add the eggs, beat well, season to taste with garlic, salt, pepper and lemon juice. Cool slightly before spreading on thinly sliced bread. 4 Toast very little and quickly slices of bread and butter and place on top of . each a hard poached egg, cover with melted cheese. 5 Make sandwiches of bread and cheese and cut in three pieces. Beat well together 1 egg, 1 cup of milk, paprika, salt and pepper. Dip the sandwiches in this mixture and saute in bacon or ham drippings until brown. Place in oven for 5 minutes, garnish with water cress. 308Sandwiches, Rarebits 6 3 eggs 6 slices of freshly toasted bread y/‘2 cup minced ham or chicken Put eggs and minced ham or chicken into frying pan, scramble very soft, season with salt and pepper. Pile up on toast, run in oven for 2 minutes. Serve hot with water cress. French Cheese Sandwiches Brown bread Jam, marmalade or preserved Cream cheese ginger. Slice the bread very thinly and spread with a layer of the marmalade or jam. Strawberry or peach flavor should be used for the best results. Spread a layer of very fine cream cheese over the jam and cover it with another slice of bread. Press and serve for afternoon tea. Cream Cheese, Olives and Nuts Thinly cut Boston brown bread Piece of butter Cream cheese Lettuce leaves Pitted olives Walnuts Work the cream cheese with sufficient butter to soften it. Chop the walnuts and olives finely, and when the cream cheese has been worked smooth add them and work the paste some more until all of the ingredients are well mixed. Then spread on thin slices of buttered white bread, add a leaf of lettuce to each sandwich to moisten it and press the pieces of bread together. Cheese and Anchovy Sandwiches Mash or grate American cheese, add salt, a few drops of vinegar and paprika, and a speck of mustard. Mix thoroughly, add a little anchovy essence. Sardines mashed or rubbed together into a paste or any other fish paste may be used in a similar way and spread between thin slices of bread. Cuban Sandwiches This sandwich may be described as a club sandwich with cheese. It is usually made large so that it is necessary to eat 309Sandwiches, Rarebits with a knife or fork. It may be made in such proportions as to supply a large amount of nourishment. Cut the crusts from the slices of bread. Between two slices lay first lettuce leaf with a little salad dressing or salt on it, then a slice of soft, mild cheese and finally thin slices of dill pickles or a little chopped pickle. Toasted Cheese Sandwiches Plain bread and butter sandwiches with fairly thick slices of cheese put between the slices are frequently toasted, and at picnics, or at chafing-dish suppers, are often browned in a pan in which bacon has just been fried. French Cheese Sandwiches Brown bread Jam, marmalade or preserved Cream cheese ginger. Slice the bread very thinly and spread with a layer of the marmalade or jam. Strawberry or peach flavor should be used for the best results. Spread a layer of very fine cream cheese over the jam and cover it with another slice of bread. Press and serve for afternoon tea. Nut and Cheese Sandwiches Mix with cheese chopped or pounded nuts and spread on slices of rye, whole wheat, graham or Boston brown bread. Almonds, butternuts, peanuts or English walnuts may be used. But for the open sandwich, of the size of a good mouthful often, and garnished with the tiny rounds or stars or threads of pimento, the cream cheese is perhaps the best, especially if it is of the home-made sort, of salted and whipped sour cream well drained for eight or ten hours, through double cheese cloth. Cream cheese may be creamed with a little cream, then lightened up with a little whipped cream folded into -it, before any measure to taste of the chopped seasonings are added. It is the sweet green pepper that gives the most agreeable quality, and the pimento, which may be mashed instead of chopped, the color. Graham Bread Sandwiches Mash a cream cheese and moisten with French dressing. Cut graham bread in ^4-inch slices, spread with cheese mixture 310Sandwiches, Rarebits and sprinkle with chopped almonds. Put together in pairs. Remove the crusts and cut in finger-shaped pieces. Toast and serve. Savory Sandwiches Bread % cup catsup or tomato puree Butter % cup dried beef % cup cheese Heat the catsup or puree and into it stir the cheese, cut in small pieces. When the cheese is melted add the dried beef, ground fine. Spread between slices of buttered bread. This mixture spread thinly on delicate slices of bread makes delicious tea sandwiches. Supreme Sandwiches Toast Cream cheese Butter Guava jelly Lettuce Toast the bread on one side, butter the toasted side, spread with lettuce, cheese and jelly. Cover with lettuce and toast and serve at once. Russian Sandwiches Spread crackers with thin slices of cream cheese. Cover with chopped olives, mixed with mayonnaise. Place a cracker over each and press together. Welsh Rarebit 1 tablespoon butter % teaspoon each of salt and 1 teaspoon cornstarch mustard % cup milk Speck cayenne pepper % pound cheese (cut into small pieces) Cook the cornstarch in the butter, then add the milk gradually and cook 2 minutes, add the cheese and stir until it is melted. Season and serve on crackers or bread toasted on one side, the rarebit being poured over the untoasted side. Make a Boston rarebit with cream and spread between slices of white bread and crackers. 311Sandwiches, Rarebits Sandwich Filling 1 small onion 1 chow-chow pickle 9 olives 1 cup grated cheese 1 green pepper Bread and butter Chop fine all the ingredients excepting the bread and butter. Then add enough mustard dressing from the chow-chow to form a paste when mixed with the other things. Spread on thin slices of buttered bread. Cheese and Chicken Sandwiches % cup mayonnaise dressing Salt % cup finely chopped chicken Pepper % cup cream cheese 1 loaf bread Mix cheese, mayonnaise and chicken, season with salt and pepper, and use between thinly sliced bread. Cut in fancy shapes and serve garnished with watercress. Mystery Sandwiches 3 hard boiled eggs 1 pimento % pound American cheese % teaspoon salt 1 small onion % teaspoon paprika Put all the ingredients through the meat grinder, using the finest cutter. Mix thoroughly, adding the seasonings. If not moist enough add oil until of a creamy consistency, just right to spread. Let the mixture stand several hours before using to blend the flavors more perfectly. This filling can be carried in a wide-mouth jar to picnics and the sandwiches made when the feast is spread. Salmon Sandwiches Drain a can of salmon, remove the bones, and flake the fish very fine. Dip a lettuce leaf in mayonnaise dressing, lay on a thin slice of buttered bread from which the crust has been cut, put a layer of the flaked salmon on this, cover with another lettuce leaf, and put on the upper half of the sandwich.Sandwiches, Rarebits Tomato Sandwiches Drain whole or canned tomatoes and cut in thin slices. Make a French dressing and dip each slice into it, then lay on a lettuce leaf between two slices of Boston brown bread. Spinach Sandwiches Drain the liquor from canned spinach, cover with boiling water, salting slightly, and boil for 5 minutes, after which drain very dry, pressing out all moisture. When cold chop the spinach very fine, seasoning with a little mayonnaise and pickled cucumber, minced into tiny bits. Spread between buttered bread-slices. California Tuna Club Sandwich Recipe Toast three slices of bread on one side. On one slice place a curly crisp lettuce leaf and cover with dressing, put on second slice toast, more lettuce, dressing, slices or flakes of Tuna. Third slice toast topped with three slices broiled bacon and thinly sliced pickles. Decorate with parsley. Sardine Sandwiches 6 tinned sardines French mustard 2 hard-boiled eggs Sardine oil 5 olives Salt Lemon juice Butter rye or white bread Scrape the skin lightly from each fish and cut off the tail. Split open and remove the bones. Chop the eggs and olives fine; then add the sardines and mix the whole well, adding enough of the sardine oil to bind it. Flavor with lemon juice, salt and French mustard. Spread on thin slices of bread. If desired, the eggs may be omitted and the boned sardines alone be spread on the bread. Cover with a leaf of lettuce and flavor with a few drops of lemon juice before the top layer of the sandwich is put on.Sandwiches, Rarebits Caviar-Lettuce On a lettuce leaf place a thick slice of tomato. Spread the tomato thickly with caviar. Take a hard-boiled egg, grate white and yolk separately. Cover the tomato with the yolk, and sprinkle the white on the lettuce leaf. Lettuce, Water Cress, Sardine, Shrimp and Oyster Sandwiches Lettuce, water cross, sardines, shrimp and oysters may be mixed with French dressing or mayonnaise, and used for filling for sandwiches. Shrimp Sandwiches Shrimps Chopped cucumber Mayonnaise Cress With a silver fork work the fish into small pieces, add to each cup of the fish % CUP finely chopped cucumbers, add a little chopped cress, moisten with thick mayonnaise, and spread between thin slices of lightly buttered bread. French Toast Chicken Sandwiches 10 slices bread 1 cup minced chicken 2 egg yolks 1 teaspoon onion juice 1 cup milk Seasoning Mix the chicken with the onion juice, salt, pepper, and paprika to taste. Spread between large slices of bread from which crusts have been removed. Mix the milk and egg well and dip the sandwiches one at a time into this mixture. Fry in a hot frying pan until brown on both sides. Cream of Chicken Sandwiches % cup white chicken meat Seasoning of salt 1 teaspoon gelatin Buttered white bread 1 pint whipping cream Dissolve the gelatine in 2 tablespoonfuls of cold water. Pound the chicken finely and add the liquid gelatin and salt to taste. Put over the fire and stir until it begins to thicken; then remove from the fire- and add cream, previously whipped, a little at a time. Stand away to cool, and when very cold spread on thinly cut and buttered bread. 314Sandwiches, Rarebits Jellied Chicken Sandwiches Chop the meat of a cold chicken with 1 stalk of celery, or put all through a food chopper. Season with a little grated onion or minced parsley. Soak 1 tablespoonful granulated gelatin in 4 teaspoonfuls of water until soft, then add 6 tablespoonfuls of sweet cream and heat over hot water until gelatin is dissolved. Add the chicken meat, lemon juice, salt, and paprika to taste, beat all together thoroughly, and put all together in a shallow, oblong pan, wet in cold water. Set on ice to chill, then cut into slices to fit the bread cut for sandwiches. Club Sandwiches For one service spread 4 fresh-toasted, triangular pieces of bread with mayonnaise dressing. Cover 2 of these with lettuce hearts; on the lettuce lay thin slices of cold, cooked chicken breast, above the chicken slices of crisp, hot broiled breakfast bacon, then cover with the other triangles of toast, spread with mayonnaise, and put a thin slice of tomato on it. Set these on a plate; beside them set 2 heart leaves of lettuce, each containing a scant teaspoonful of mayonnaise dressing. Spanish Chicken Salad Cook until tender 4% pounds stewing chicken and when cold cut in inch pieces. Place in a mixing bowl and add % pound of nuts 1 large bottle olives, cut in bits 1 large stalk well cleansed 2% cups well-seasoned mayon- celery, in bits naise 2 cans pimentoes, chopped fine Toss to blend. Turn in crisp nest of lettuce. Mask with mayonnaise. 315Sandwiches, Rarebits Cucumber Sandwiches Slice 1 cucumber, marinate with French dressing. Sprinkle thin slices of white bread with cayenne; spread with marinated cucumbers, and cover with white bread cut in thin slices. Nasturtium Sandwiches Use 94 blossoms and leaves. Lay on thin slices of buttered bread, brown or white, cover with another slice, and cut into small, oblong form. Pile in log-cabin fashion on a dainty doily. Celery Sandwiches Take the tops of young celery and wash carefully and lay between thin slices of bread that have been spread with mayonnaise. Pimento or Red Butter Drain 1 pimento very dry, add 1/3 cup of butter and rub together; put through a fine sieve. Season with salt and a lit-, tie cayenne. Novelty Sandwich Cut white bread very thin and shape with a fancy cutter. Spread the under slice with creamed butter or a filling. With a tiny cutter or sharp knife cut a small piece from the center or near the end of the upper slice. Have ready some tiny sprays of watercress, nasturtium leaves or very small sweet geranium leaves. Put the upper slice on the under and stick the stem of the leaf through the opening, letting the leaf lie on the top of the upper slice. Brown and White Sandwiches Boston brown bread Chopped olives White bread Celery salt Creamed butter Red pepper Season the butter with a bit of celery salt, finely chopped red peppers and olives, work to a paste. Cut the brown and white bread into thin and even slices, and trim off the crusts until the pieces of bread are of the same size; then spread on butter. Place the slices alternately, first a white and then aSandwiches, Rarebits brown slice, until you have five layers. Press these down firmly but evenly and with a sharp knife cut down slices about inch thick. Sweet Sandwiches % pound chopped dates 1 scant cup sugar % pound figs 1 cup pecan nuts 1 cup cocoanut Rye bread or crackers 1 tablespoon chocolate Melt the butter in a saucepan and add the rest of the ingredients. Put the mixture over the fire in a double boiler and stir well. After simmering for about 10 minutes, remove from the fire and allow to cool slightly. Then beat to a creamy consistency and spread on crackers or fresh rye bread. Fig Sandwiches 1% cup light-brown sugar Scant tablespoon butter % cup water % pound shredded cocoanut % pound chopped figs % cup chopped walnuts Whole wheat bread Boil the sugar, butter and water together until they form a thick syrup. Then remove from the fire and add the cocoanut, the figs and the nuts. Stir until creamy and then pour into buttered dish. When cool spread between thin slices of bread. Preserved Ginger Sandwiches Chop preserved ginger very fine, moisten with some of the syrup or rich cream to a consistency to spread and put between rounds of entire bread no larger than a dollar. Marmalade Sandwiches Cream together equal portions of marmalade and butter. Spread this on white, whole wheat, or graham bread slices. Rose Leaf Sandwiches Flavor butter with rose by putting it with some rose petals in a jar with a tightly fitting cover and letting it stand in this way overnight. Cut white bread into circles (with a cookie 317Sartdzviches, Rarebits cutter) or into oblong strips and spread with the perfumed butter. Place one or two rose petals between each sandwich, allowing the edges of the petals to show. Any kind of rose petals may be used for these sandwiches. Pineapple Sandwiches To two tablespoons of juice from a can of pineapple add % teaspoon cornstarch and place in a sauce pan over the fire. Let boil up for a moment, until the mixture thickens, then remove from fire and cool. When cold, cream into this 1 tablespoon butter and % CUP powdered sugar. Spread this thinly on crustless slices of white bread. Chocolate Marshmallow Sandwiches Melt four marshmallows in the upper part of a double boiler, over hot water and then stir in 1 tablespoon of sweet chocolate melted (measured after melting). Spread while warm on buttered white bread. Cut in some fancy shape—a star, for instance. Raisin Sandwiches Spread whole wheat bread with butter, and then cover with seedless raisins and some finely chopped nuts. Cut, wrap in wax paper and chop celery and onions fine. Add finely shredded lettuce and mayonnaise and pack in paper cups. Lettuce and olive sandwiches are made from: Finely shredded lettuce Stuffed olives Scallions Between either whole-wheat bread, white or rye bread and butter. And then I can hear some one say that the scallions will perfume the office all day long; but not if you drink the milk last and then use a piece of Ahewing gum for a few minutes to dispel the odor. Peanut Sandwiches Shell well roasted peanuts, put through meat grinder, and mix with salad dressing and sweet cream. Spread between thin slices of bread. 318Sandwiches, Rarebits Egg Sandwiches 2 hard-boiled eggs chopped fine *4 teaspoon each of salt and 1 cucumber, chopped fine pepper. Mix with mayonnaise. Spread between thin slices of buttered bread. Olive Sandwiches 12 olives (large) 1 pimento 3 hard-boiled eggs Mayonnaise dressing Mince the olives and the pimento very fine, add the eggs also minced fine, then add enough mayonnaise dressing to make of a nice consistency to spread. Use as filling between very thin slices of bread cut into fancy shapes. Harlequin Sandwiches Cut bread very thin and shape the under slice with a round cooky cutter. Use a doughnut cutter the same size to cut the top slice. Spread three under slices—one with lemon butter, one with green butter and the third with red butter or jelly. Press the upper slice lightly on top. Arrange these on a plate so the colored centers will show. Boston Sandwiches Chop finely 2 hard-boiled eggs and add 1 tablespoon of chopped mustard pickles (chowchow), 6 minced stuffed olives, 6 chopped, peeled radishes, l/2 cupful of finely shredded cress. Moisten with sufficient mayonnaise dressing to bind the ingredients and use as the filling between buttered slices of Boston brown bread. Ritz-Carlton Ritz-Carlton is made by mixing pate de foie gras, or very finely chopped or pounded calves’ liver that has been boiled and highly seasoned, to a paste with enough stiff mayonnaise to moisten it well; then it is spread on very thin toast and sprinkled thickly with the yolks of hard-boiled eggs, forced through a sieve. Sometimes the egg garnish is merely sprinkled about the edge of the canape, forming a sort of wreath, then a fleck of scarlet pimento is placed in the center. 319Sandwiches, Rarebits Tea Daisies White bread French dressing Butter Seasoning Hard-cooked eggs Butter the bread on the loaf and cut slices ^4 incb thick. Cut into rounds with a large biscuit-cutter. Separate the yolks from the whites of the eggs. Mash the yolks and mix with enough French dressing to blend, adding more seasoning if necessary; form into rounds, and place on the center of each round of bread. Chop the whites, mix with dressing, and pile smoothly around the yolks. Anchovy-paste or minced sardines may be mixed with the yolks. Serve on a sandwich-plate and garnish with watercress. Club Rarebit Have the bread freshly toasted, butter and cover the slices with the following: Beat 6 eggs, 2 tablespoons milk, 1 tablespoon tomato catsup, fold in % cup of deviled ham, pour into fry pan in which 1 tablespoon butter has been melted and allowed the eggs to cook until soft scrambled. Heap up on the toast, sprinkle with grated American cheese and run into the oven for few minutes or long enough to melt the cheese. Garnish with cress. Pink Rabbit One can of tomato soup, heated in the double boiler; add % pound of cheese and 2 eggs well beaten, season with salt, pepper as desired, pour over crackers or toast. Tiled Toast Slice hard cooked eggs and arrange the slices on toast, pour over the egg 1 can of tomato soup, pound of cheese cooked until smooth, season to taste. 320Sandwiches, Rarebits Boston Rarebit 1 pound of mild cheese 2 cups of bread crumbs 2 tablespoons butter 3 eggs 1% cups of milk Cut the cheese in thin slices, sprinkle a layer of bread crumbs in the dish, cover with the cheese and alternate until the cheese and crumbs are used. Beat the eggs, add the milk, salt and pepper, to taste; add 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce, pour the milk over the cheese and crumbs; bake 20 minutes in moderate oven and serve at once. Welsh Rarebit 1 tablespoon butter teaspoonful salt 1 teaspoon cornstarch % teaspoonful mustard % cup milk Speck of cayenne pepper pound cheese cut into small pieces Cook the cornstarch in the butter; then add the milk gradually and cook 2 minutes; add the cheese and stir until it is melted. Season and serve on crackers or bread. Hunters’ Choice 2 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons flour % cup cream % cup stewed tomatoes Y<2. teaspoon soda 2 cups finely chopped cheese 3 eggs slightly beaten Salt, mustard, cayenne to taste Make a cream sauce of the flour, butter and cream, add the tomato, soda and seasoning, beat in the cheese and as soon as melted pour on toasted crackers or bread. 321CHAPTER XXXI. BEVERAGES Old-Fashioned Boiled Coffee 1 rounding tablespoon coffee 1 cup cold water, or ' (coarsely ground) 1 cup freshly boiled water Bring to the boiling point and keep simmering for 5 minutes; do not allow it to boil, but keep where the temperature will be maintained. Add 1 tablespoon cold water to this to settle when ready to serve. Filtered Coffee For this a drip coffee pot is used, provided with a perforated receptacle or muslin bag in which the finely ground or pulverized coffee is placed. Pour freshly boiled water over the coffee and if it is desired to piake the coffee strong, it is permissable to pour the water through the coffee a second time. The tricolator (glass) or china pots are excellent for this sort of coffee, which is possibly productive of the most beverage made from the beans. Five cups boiling water poured over 2/3 cup of coffee will give a delicious flavor. Percolated Coffee A percolator is so constructed that the water is heated in the pot by means of a baffle plat placed in the bottom. This small plate concentrates the heat, so it strikes with such force that the water is forced up through a tube and distributed throughout the coffee grounds. Rinse the percolator in boiling water and place in the receptacle 1 rounded tablespoon coffee for each cup to be made, and into the reservoir 1 cup boiling water for each cup. Place the pot over the flames, using a ring to protect the percolator, otherwise the handle is sometimes burned. Cover the pot and percolate to the desired strength. Do not allow the coffee to boil in the percolator. Never reheat the coffee in the percolator of aluminum or you will find the flavor is lacking—the aluminum seems to give metallic flavor; and, above all, keep the percolator clean, taking it apart to scour and frequently placing the pot in the sunshine to air. Always remove the coffee grounds as soon as beverage is made. 322Beverages Cafe au Lait (Coffee With Milk) Two methods are commonly used: (a) Use coffee ground very fine. Add milk instead of water. Heat slowly to a temperature just under the boiling point, stirring it. Serve at once. (b) Use coffee ground medium fine. Add *4 -the usual amount of water. Heat this slowly to the boiling point, strain, and add hot milk to make up the other % of liquid. Clearing Coffee It is necessary to clear coffee only when the grounds are steeped in water loose (boiled), not enclosed in a bag. 1. Egg White—(a) Add an egg white mixture to the dry grounds, stir the mixture well. Use cold water, (b) Add a beaten egg white or clean egg shell to coffee. 2. Cold Water—Remove the coffee from the fire as soon as it is cooked; pour slowly into a small quantity of cold water, not more than y8 cup to 2 cups of the beverage and set aside to settle. 3. Hot Coffee—Pour out a little of the coffee into a cup; return the clear part of this to the pot through the spout. Repeat this process 2 or 3 times until no grounds appear in the cup. Allow it to stand for a few minutes to settle. Iced Coffee Cup Allow 1 slightly rounded tablespoon coffee for 1 cup boiling water 1 eggshell for 4 cups coffee Sugar Stick cinnamon 1 quart thin cream Whites 3 eggs Ice 1 teaspoon vanilla extract Whipped cream Almond extract Brew the coffee as though it were to be served hot. Strain, cool and sugar to taste, with an inch piece of cinnamon for each pint of the clear coffee. Chill on the ice and allow for 20 guests 4 quarts of the clear coffee. When ready to serve blend in the thin cream, the stiffly whipped whites of the eggs, 1 quart of cracked ice and vanilla. Serve in tall iced-tea glasses and top each with a mount of sweetened whipped cream flavored with a few drops of sweet almond extract. 323Beverages Coflfee Milk Shake With Egg (Individual Rule) % cup strong coffee Few grains of salt % beaten, egg 1 tablespoon cream Sugar to taste 1 cup chilled milk Ice Carbonated water Place in a tall glass the strained coffee, beaten egg, sugar, salt, cream and milk. Shake well or mix with an egg beater and add 2 tablespoons cracked ice and enough carbonated water to foam the mixture to the top of the glass. Coffee and Chocolate Milk Shake % cup strong coffee Milk 4 tablespoons chocolate syrup Combine the coffee, syrup and enough milk for 2 glasses of the finished beverage. Shake well or mix with an egg-beater and add 2 tablespoons of cracked ice. A tablespoon of whipped cream adds to the beverage. Chocolate Syrup 1 cup water 1 cup sugar 4 squares bitter chocolate 1 teaspoon cornstarch Combine the cornstarch and sugar, add to boiling water, cook until clear, add chocolate and cook and stir until well blended. Beat with Dover egg-beater. Hot Chocolate 6 tablespoons cocoa, or 3 squares chocolate 4 teaspoons sugar 1 teaspoon cornstarch, or 1% teaspoons flour 1 cup water 3 cups scalded milk Mix the first 4 ingredients to smooth paste and boil them, stirring constantly for about 5 minutes. Gradually pour in the scalded milk, bring this to the boiling point, then beat it with the egg-beater for 2 minutes. To boil chocolate for 10 or 15 minutes, with or without a little cornstarch, gives body and richness, and is to be recommended for special occasions. 324Beverages Cocoa With Evaporated Milk % cup milk % tablespoon cocoa % cup water 1 teaspoon sugar Let it boil from 5 to 8 minutes, beat for several minutes with an egg-beater, and a rich, creamy beverage will be your reward. Chocolate Punch 5 squares unsweetened chocolate I1/! cups strong coffee 21A cups boiling water % teaspoon salt 10 tablespoons sugar % teaspoon vanilla 4 quarts rich milk Whipped cream Melt the shaved chocolate over hot water, add boiling water and sugar. Boil, stirring constantly, for 3 minutes. Scald the milk with the coffee, strain and add to the chocolate mixture with the salt. Bring to a boil again, beat with an egg beater and add vanilla. Serve each portion topped with sweetened whipped cream. This quantity serves 20 people. Cocoa Fruit Cordial 3 cups strawberries Grated rind of % lemon 1% cups sugar 5 tablespoons cocoa Water Juice 2 oranges Grated rind of 1 orange Juice 1 lemon Press the strawberries through a colander, mix with 1 cup sugar, and let stand from 1 to 2 hours. Cook % cup sugar and 1 cup water with the grated rind. Add cocoa, blended to a paste with a little water, then add 1% pints water and cook until the whole boils. Add sugared strawberries, strain the whole and allow to cool; add the juice of the oranges and lemon and serve in tall glasses with shaved ice at the bottom. Chocolate or Coffee Ginger Cream 1 cup sugar % cup honey, or I cup “corn syrup” Stick cinnamon % cup warm water cup cocoa 2 tablespoons coffee 1 teaspoon vanilla Cream Cracked ice Ginger ale Make a chocolate syrup by mixing well the sugar, syrup or honey, cinnamon and water. Add cocoa and cook for 2 minutes, 225Beverages then add coffee and vanilla. Strain and keep in a cool place. Put 2 tablespoons of this chocolate syrup in a glass with 1 of cream, shake well, add a tablespoon cracked ice and fill the glass with ginger ale. To make a coffee ginger cream: 2 tablespoons strong cold coffee 1 tablespoon cream 1 tablespoon sugar syrup or Ice corn syrup Ginger ale Place first three ingredients in a glass, stir well, add 1 tablespoon of cracked ice and fill the glass with ginger ale. Iced Ginger and Orange Cup This is very simply made and is one of the best and most refreshing beverages that the summer hostess can serve. For 75 guests: 2 gallons orange ice 16 quarts chilled ginger ale Juice and edible pulp of 18 oranges Turn into 2 punch bowls the orange ice (1 gallon in each), orange juice and pulp and chilled ginger ale. No ice will be required as the fruit ice and chilled ingredients will render its sufficiently cool. Foundation for Cold Drinks A good foundation for summer drinks can be easily prepared by sprinkling 2 cups of sugar over a box of ripe and well-washed berries, such as strawberries, raspberries or blackberries. Allow the mixture to stand several hours. Strain the juice and bottle. This will keep for days in a cool place. It is surprising what a difference it makes when these directions are followed instead of merely putting raw sugar and a fruit juice together at the last moment. Always use tea or ginger ale as a base and allow the sugar and fruit juice to give “body” to fruit punches. Currant and Raspberryade 1 quart currants 1 cup water % cup sugar % cup crushed raspberries 1 quart ice water % cup cold tea Juice 1 lemon 1 pint cracked ice % cup raspberries 1 pint carbonated water Heat currants with 1 cup water, mash the fruit and simmer 326Beverages for 5 minutes. Remove from the fire, press through a sieve and add sugar and crushed raspberries. Cool, add cold tea, lemon juice and place on the ice to chill and ripen. When ready to serve, stir well, add cracked ice, fresh raspberries, ice water and chilled carbonated water. Serve in slender glasses and top each portion with sweetened whipped cream. Debutante Punch 1 pint sweetened, strong lemon- Tiny bunch fresh mint ade 1 quart either red or white grape 1 cup strained tea juice 2 chopped peeled oranges 1 pint carbonated water Prepare the lemonade, add strained tea, oranges, mint, grape juice and carbonated water. Pour slowly over a block of ice placed in the punch bowl. Chinese Cup 1 quart strained tea 4 thinly sliced lemons Bunch of crushed mint 1 quart can shredded pineapple 1 quart pitted ox heart cherries 1 quart strawberries 2 cups of sugar Ice water Gingerale Carbonated water 2 thinly sliced oranges Place in a large bowl the strained tea, add lemon slices, a bunch of crushed mint, shredded pineapple, cherries and strawberries. Sweeten with the sugar and let stand on the ice for 5 or 6 hours to chill and ripen. When ready to serve add 1 quart of ice water, 2 quarts each chilled ginger ale and carbonated water. Pour over a block of ice placed in a punch bowl and add 2 thinly sliced oranges. This will serve 25 persons. Diplomatic Rickey » 1 pint red raspberry or logan- 1 cup sugar berry juice Whites of 2 eggs Juice from 2 limes 1 quart chilled seltzer water Stick cinnamon Pour into a bowl the berry juice, lime juice, cinnamon, sugar and the whites of the eggs whipped to a stiff froth. Chill on the ice for 2 hours, remove the cinnamon and whip with an egg-beater. Pour in gradually from a height the chilled seltzer water, add 1 quart shaved ice and serve immediately.Beverages Fruit Juice Eggnog (Individual) 1 egg % cup chilled milk Few grains salt cup grape or loganberry juice 1 teaspoon powdered sugar Turn into a shaker with 2 tablespoons finely cracked ice and shake for 3 minutes. Serve in tall glasses, top with grated nutmeg if liked. Punch 1 quart white grape juice % teaspoon cinnamon Juice of 6 lemons 1 box raspberries 1 pint of pineapple juice Sugar Punch Strawberry and pineapple juice Juice of 3 lemons (equal portions) As much carbonated water as Sliced pineapple combined juice Grenadine Fruit Punch Juice from 1 can sliced pine- 1 cup of any available bitters apples 3 pints carbonated water Juice of 4 lemons . Grenadine syrup (2 cups) Juice of 3 oranges Ice Mix the fruit juices and syrup in a large glass pitcher, and water and ice, sliced lemon, sprigs of mint, cherries and cubes of pineapple. Serve very cold—when the frost is on the pitcher. Oriental Punch 3 cups of tea 1 broken stick of cinnamon Juice of 5 lemons 6 whole cloves 2 cups sugar 3 thinly sliced oranges 2 tangerines 1 pint Maraschino cherries 1 can shredded pineapple 2 quarts carbonated water 2 quarts ginger ale Place in a large mixing bowl the tea, lemon, spices and sugar. Let chill on the ice for several hours and when ready to make the punch remove the spices and add oranges, tangerines, cherries with syrup, pineapple with syrup. Mix well and pour in from a height the chilled carbonated water and ginger ale. Pour into a punch bowl containing a block of ice and serve as soon as it is sufficiently iced. This punch will serve 40 persons. 328Beverages Loganberry Fruit Cup 1 cup strained tea 3 slices of cucumber Juice of 2 lemons A stick of cinnamon 1 lemon thinly sliced % cup syrup % cup honey 1 quart loganberry juice 1 cup pitted cherries 1 pint carbonated water Combine the strained tea, cucumber, lemon juice, cinnamon, syrup and honey. Stir until the syrup and honey are dissolved. Chill and when ready to serve add loganberry juice, cherries and slices of lemon. Remove the cinnamon, add carbonated water and pour over a block of ice or serve in glasses with crushed ice. A little mint may be added if desired. Witches’ Punch Juice 3 lemons 3 thinly sliced oranges 2 cups tea 1 quart sweet cider IV2 cups sugar 1 quart iced ginger ale Squeeze into a mixing bowl the juice from lemons and add tea, sugar and slices of oranges. Place on the ice to chill and ripen, and just previous to serving add iced ginger ale and cider. Turn over a block of ice placed in the punch bowl and serve. Grape Punch To 1 quart of grape juice add the juice of 4 lemons and 6 oranges, with 1 cup of sugar; when the sugar is dissolved, add 1 quart of water and the rind of a large cucumber. Let chill on ice. Fruit Punch for Forty 1 quart chopped pineapple with 1 cup hot tea pulp and juice % cup lemon juice 2 cups sugar 1 quart Apollinaris 1 cup boiling water 2 cups grape juice 3% quarts cold water Add pineapple pulp to the boiling water, reserving the juice to be added later to the punch. Boil gently for about 5 minutes. Add sugar for the syrup. Boil 5 minutes longer. Add tea (freshly made) and when the mixture is cold add the fruit juices. Let stand at least 30 minutes and strain. Add cold water and Apollinaris just before serving. 329Beverages Fruit Punch 1 quart grated pineapple 1 quart lemon juice 1 quart orange juice 1 quart grape juice 2 quarts tea infusion 2% gallons water 2 quarts sugar % cup mint leaves Make a syrup of the sugar and a quart of the water. While the syrup is cooling add the mint leaves. Mix the syrup with the fruit juices and strain. Serve the punch iced. The volume will be somewhat greater if the fruit pulp is not strained out. This amount will ¿erve 60 persons. Southern Limeade 1 cup water Lime juice % cup sugar Carbonated water Make a syrup of the water and sugar. To 2 tablespoons of this syrup placed in a tall glass add the juice of 1 lime and generous cubes of ice. Fill with carbonated water and serve with slices of lime. Mint Julep 2 cups cold tea 1 pint white grape juice Mint Pineapple Juice 2 lemons Small bottle maraschino cher- 3 oranges ries 1 cup sugar 1 quart chilled carbonated 3 whole cloves water Place in a large bowl the tea, a bunch of crushed mint, lemon juice and juice of 2 oranges, sugar and cloves. Let stand on the ice for several hours, and when ready to serve strain and add remaining orange cut in bits, white grape juice, a few bits of pineapple, cherries and chilled carbonated water. Pour into tall glasses half filled with cracked ice and top y with a small bouquet of fresh mint. 330ELECTRIC RANGES Perfect results—always and easily obtained! These are the final tests of a kitchen range, and they have established the Hotpoint Hughes Electric Range in a separate class above all other cooking appliances. There is a Hotpoint Hughes Electric Range to meet your needs—see the various models on display at the Evening Express Exhibit Electric Ranges are a “Check” Seal Product PACIFIC STATES Los Angeles Oakland ELECTRIC CO. San Francisco Seattle Portland SpokaneFOR CLEANING AND POLISHING SILVERWARE AND ALL OTHER METALS, USE THE A treated cloth. Removes tarnish and stains. Will not scratch. Prevents corrosion. Saves finish, time, labor and dollars. Lasts indefinitely. For sale at first-class stores. If your dealer cannot supply you, send us his name and address with 25 cents in coin or stamps, for full-size standard cloth. Recommended by Kate Brew Vaughn. EYE SHINE MANUFACTURING CO. 1656 W. 58th St. Los Angeles, Calif. Keeps Food Perfectly and makes Ice for your Table Electrically It is no longer necessary to depend on an outside ice supply. Frigidaire enables you to make your own ice for table use. With Frigidaire there is no drip pan, no slimy drain pipe, no danger of contamination and no spoiled food. | With all its advantages and its convenience, it will probably cost | you less to operate than you now pay for ice. J We now have Frigidaire on display and will be glad to show you 1 how it operates, or, if you prefer, we will mail you an interesting | little booklet that tells the whole story. HOME ECONOMICS DEPARTMENT, EVENING EXPRESS » S'old by E. C. Ebert, 600 Metropolitan Building, Los Angeles. A product of General Motors. Phone 822-837Cousin Maru’s Rose Petals . . Banana Orange Blossoms oix Varieties Pineapple Violets rk • /• Strawberry Geraniums Delicious tor Orange Sweet Peas Sundaes and Ices Lemon Carnations Tutti-Frutti FOR SALE AT FANCY FOOD STORES Manufactured by Cousin Mark’s 2769 W. Eighth Street Los Angeles Mail Orders Promptly Attended to 2-ounce jars.....45 cents 5-ounce jars.....65 cents Packed in redwood art boxes and prepaid to any point in U. S. for 25 cents additional Used and Endorsed by Mrs. Kate Brew Vaughn WHENEVER A RECIPE IN THIS BOOK CALLS FOR “GELATINE” IT MEANS Knox Sparkling Gelatine WHICH IS USED FOR MAKING DELICIOUS ¿Desserts ¿Puddings Jellies Salads Ices Sherbets Candies One package will make FOUR PINTS of jelly or four different Desserts or Salads—each enough for a family of six. Mrs. Knox’s recipe books “Dainty Desserts” and “Food Economy” will be sent FREE if you mention this book. KNOX SPARKLING GELATINE Johnstown, N. Y.Bran in a Healthful Delicious Form At Your Grocers Dietitians will tell you Cubbison’s Fig Bran and Whole Wheat Bread are highly nutritious, build up, the body and are natural food laxatives. Send 30 cents for 2-pound loaf of Fig Bran Bread, prepaid. Or 25 cents for a loaf of Whole Wheat Bread. Cubbison’s Bran Crackers will help keep your weight normal. Cubbison’s Health Foods 3417 Pasadena Ave. Los Angeles, Calif.FOR biscuits waffles cobbler fritters dumplinqs short cake fruit cake plain muffins bran muffins drop biscuits qinger bread meat piecrust corn bread hot cakes Made of the finest flour, shortening, salt and Betty Brown Better. Baking Powder. All ready for use— just add water or milk and bake. BETTI] BROWN 947 E, 4th St., Los Angeles 340 Sacramento St., San Francisco5 5For Flavor Sprinkle Dromedary Cocoanut On Salads, Cakes, Pies, Puddings In Candies, Desserts, Muffins, etc. Cocoanut Raspberry Float Mix 2 beaten egg yolks with % teaspoon salt and 1 tablespoon sugar; pour in 1% cups scalded milk. Cook until it thickens, stirring constantly. Cool slightly and add 1 teaspoon vanilla extract. Pour into glass dish and chill. Beat 2 egg whites stiff; add 2 cups mashed raspberries and % cup sugar. Mix well. Pile on top of custard sauce and sprinkle Dromedary Cocoanut over top. The Hills Bros. Co. New YorkOnly Pure Milk in Every Can of CARNATION MILK Here’s a quart of Whole Milk Here is toe water that came out of it Here n is hermetically sealed and sterilized Here is Carnation Milk as it comes from the can Put back this water and you have quart of mi —Carnation, absolutely pure and safe Remember! Only Water Removed Nowhere in all nature is to be found a more complete food than whole milk. Carnation Milk is just that— rich, country milk with part of the water removed by evaporation. When you add an equal part of water to a large can of Carnation you get one quart of pure whole milk of more than normal richness. Use Carnation for every milk purpose, for drinking, cooking, and for coffee. You will find it economical and convenient. It has that rich, creamy flavor. Made in California at Gustine.Distinctive Wash Dresses An interesting subject in the home — really important too — where to find pleasing and satisfactory tub dresses, for a beaming face above a becoming frock is the crowning touch. Its value is not always realized! Among the “Laurel Cut-Right” models, which are daintily simple and have an air of in dividuality, there is sure to be found the proper type of dress for home wear any time of day. Then too, there are modest little street dresses, smart models for the outing, and uniforms for nurses and teachers of economics. Those wearing sizes smaller or larger than the average, will find their needs have received careful attention. Much appreciated is the service— adapting the various models to the lines of the individual figure. Also, there is the pleasure of selecting from a large assortment of pretty materials. The workmanship is of the best. A visit to the shop is most convincing!COSTUME DESIGNING A rich-paying profession. Superior opportunities and prestige. Be distinctive in dress—be a professional. Master this art in a short, complete and guaranteed course, with individual instruction. DESIGNING and CUTTING, FASHIONS, FRENCH DRAPING, MILLINERY, SKETCHING, PATTERN DRAFTING. Enroll now. Day or Evening. WOLFE SCHOOL OF COSTUME DESIGNING 948 W. 7th St. Los Angeles, Calif. Beautu —An Achievement The greatest aid to enduring beauty is a weekly visit to an experienced cosmetician Individual attention to every patron Personal interest in establishing beauty habits Experienced operators always in attendance Shampooing, Inecto Rapid Hair Dyeing, Henna Pack, 'Manicuring, Facial Treatment, Hair Goods to Order, Eye Brow Arching, Marillo and Lady Alyse Preparations MABLE MACK 523 Byrne Building Broadway at Third Open evenings by appointmentSelect Butter Carefully Undisputed authorities state that the best butter is made entirely of PURE SWEET cream. And only in Clover Glen can you obtain this quality, all the time. Recommended by Kate Brew Vaughn, publisher of this book. Say Plainly to your grocer CLOVER GLEN BETTER Made from Sweet Cream E.L.THOMSON CO. Inc' LOS ANGELES. CAL- PICO 4-757