:-? -. - rr/r|S% ; . .;; wdU Fx* rf # * ^ XJ2Ht :-;*; < : ~ - * LIBRARY OK THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA GIFT OK THE STATE vmCl LTUR.U COMMISSION. I, January, 1896. Accession No .{) / (0 xL {? Class No . OLIVER P. MORTON, OF INDIANA SKETCH OP HIS LIFE AND PUBLIC SERVICES. PBEPABET> BY DIKECTION OF THE INDIANA REPUBLICAN STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE. INDIANAPOLIS : JOURNAL COMPANY, PRINTERS. 1876. y^ The following sketch of the life and public services of Hon. OLIVER P. MORTON has been prepared in pursuance of the following resolution which was unanimously adopted at the Republican State Convention, held at Indianapolis, on the 22d of February, 1876 : Resolved, That the State Central Committee be authorized and requested to prepare and publish for presentation to the National Republican Conven tion, when assembled at Cincinnati, an address embracing a brief sketch of the life and public services of Oliver P. Morton, and especially setting forth, his eminent fitness for the high office for which this convention has this day nominated him. OLIVER P. MORTON. SKETCH OF HIS LIFE AND PUBLIC SERVICES It is the purpose of this sketch to present, in such manner as a limited space will permit, some phases of the public life, character and services of the Hon. Oliver P. Morton, of In diana. If it can be fitly said of any man who has devoted himself consistently to the advocacy and advancement of a great cause, that he is its representative, then this can be truly said of Senator Morton and the Republican cause ; for his whole public life has been spent in battling for the prin ciple of political equality, and all the great ideas, which, naturally flowing from this, have signalized the grandest and most progressive era of our history. Nor is it invidious or inaccurate to say, if length of service and magnitude of results be taken into account, that he is the greatest living representative of Republican principles ; for, while it may be freely conceded that there are many among our public men as earnestly devoted to these principles as he, there is none who has battled for them on as many fields or rendered as dis tinguished service in their behalf. The main design of the present sketch is to call attention to his public and political services ; but this may be properly preceded by a brief notice of HIS EARLY LIFE AND PROFESSIONAL CAREER. Oliver Perry Morton was born in Wayne county, Indiana, August 4, 1823, and is consequently in his fifty-third year. He came of an old English family, his grandfather, who traced 2 OLIVER P. MORTON. his ancestry back quite a distance along an honorable line r having emigrated from England about a century ago and settled in New Jersey. This straight descent from an old English stock may account for some of the strong traits of Mr. Morton s character, which are supposed to be more com mon among the English than in other nationalities as for instance his unconquerable will, tenacity of purpose, and readiness to accept a contest, whenever occasion requires, in spite of odds or obstacles. His father, "William T. Morton, was a native of New Jersey and a man of sterling worth. His mother, also a native of New Jersey, was a woman of amiable disposition and rare force of character. Removing to the "West at an early day, they soon became identified with one of the rising communities of the young State of Indiana, of which their son was to become so distinguished and hon ored a citizen. Young Morton s early years were passed amid narrow opportunities, but as often happens in such cases, they were more highly prized and assiduously improved on that account. Like many other Americans who have risen to high position, Senator Morton traces his earliest development to a natural fondness for study and an earnest desire to utilize the meager advantages afforded him. Appren ticed to a hatter at the age of fifteen, he followed the business for four years and seemed likely to devote his life to that trade ; but Providence had not so decreed. During this per iod all his spare hours were spent in reading, and the infor mation thus acquired begetting a thirst for more knowledge, he quit his trade, and in January, 1843, at the age of nine teen, entered Miami University at Oxford, Ohio. Here he remained two years, his vigorous and healthy mind eagerly grasping and appropriating all the means of knowledge placed within his reach. One of his teachers says he was " a diligent, earnest student, modest but not timid, plain but <( not verdant, and more anxious to acquire knowledge than to " display it." He also had the reputation of being the best extemporaneous speaker and debater in the college a talent which doubtless shaped his career in life, and accounts, in a large degree, for his great success and power as a public man. At the age of twenty- two he left college and immediately HIS PROFESSIONAL CAREER. 3 began the study of law, in the office of the Hon. John S. Newman, at Cenlerville, Indiana. It may be mentioned as a fact equally honorable to both that the friendship then begun between them continues unbroken, and the former pre ceptor is still a trusted friend and counselor of his now dis tinguished pupil. Mr. Morton brought to this new under taking the same energy of purpose and conscientious effort which had now become a recognized trait of his character, and grappled with the law as one who meant to learn it. His masculine mind soon mastered the principles of the science, and with patient effort took in its details. Judge Xewman says he was a very thorough reader, and possessed, in a remark able degree, the power of thinking at all times and in every place. He was admitted to practice in 1847. At that time the bar of Wayne and adjacent counties embraced a number of the best lawyers in the State, and Mr. Morton soon found himself brought into professional contact with some of the ablest and most cultivated men who have ever graced the profession in Indiana. It was a good school for a young lawyer and well calculated to put him to his best efforts and bring out all there was in him. Though he did not leap at once to fame, as indeed few lawyers in this or any other country have ever done, his success was assured from the beginning, and he soon came to be recognized as one of the soundest lawyers on that circuit. Within ten years from his admission to the bar he had a very large and lucrative practice and was spoken of as a rising man. In 1852, at the age of twenty-nine, Mr. Morton was elected Circuit Judge by the Legislature. The position of a Judge, however, had little attraction for him, and though he filled it to. the entire satisfaction of the profession and the public, he willingly resigned it at the end of a year. Being naturally of a controversial cast of mind, he preferred the bar to the bench, and professional combat to judicial service. He was a good judge but a better counselor and advocate. From 1853 to 1860 he devoted himself assiduously and suc cessfully to the practice, with the exception of some brief digressions into politics, and was on one side or the other of nearly every important case tried in Wayne or the neighbor ing counties. OLIVER P. MORTON. ENTRANCE INTO POLITICS. Mr. Morton began life as a Democrat. The early tradi tions of that party exercised a peculiar power over the minds of ambitious young men, and the public conscience was still comparatively dormant as to its corrupt and corrupting ten dencies. He was reared to believe in Democratic doctrines, and when he became a voter (1844) slavery was still gener ally regarded as a sacred institution, upon the protection of which depended the perpetuity of the Union. The political danger of the institution was no better understood than its moral turpitude, and though a public sentiment was already forming which was destined to sweep it out of existence, that sentiment had not as yet assumed any well defined organiza tion or feasible line of action. The public mind was satu rated with the idea, so long and zealously taught by the Democratic party, that the Constitution was the twin brother of slavery, and that the preservation of the one required immunity, if not protection for the other. But the leaven was at work which was to leaven the whole lump, and the time was fast approaching when the corrupt and dangerous designs of the Democracy were to be exposed in all their hideous proportions. The repeal of the Missouri Compromise in 1854 at once betrayed the whole purpose of the party and opened the way for those to leave it, who had already become convinced of its faithlessness and treachery. Mr. Morton left it then and has ever since acted with the party of liberty and progress, then nameless, but now known to history and fame as the Republican party. Having made public avowal of his opposition to slavery and his withdrawal from the Democ racy, he soon became known as one of the most earnest advo cates of a new party to embody the growing sentiment against the aggressions of the slave power and to represent the princi ples of liberty and progress. He was one of the three dele gates sent from Indiana to the PITTSBURGH CONVENTION IN 1856. From this convention the Republican party dates it origin j HIS EARLY REPUBLICANISM. not the origin of its principles, but the beginning of its polit ical existence. It was held on the 22nd of February, a day which has been honored by many Republican conventions since. Its deliberations were interesting and important, and were actively participated in by Mr. Morton, who was already recognized as one of the rising men of the new party. This convention blazed the way for the one at Philadelphia, which, four months later, nominated John C. Fremont for Presi dent. In thus espousing the Republican cause, Mr. Morton was accompanied and followed by many honest and staunch Democrats, who, as the issue was made up, recognized the Republican party as the party of liberty and progress. Espec ially were the liberty-loving Germans quick to discern the significance of the movement and prompt in giving it their adhesion. They espoused the cause with great heartiness and enthusiasm and were then, as now, among its most ardent supporters. Among all his friends Senator Morton numbers none more ardent or more appreciative of his services to the cause of liberty than the German Republicans of Indiana. The Republican State Convention of Indiana met in 1856 to nominate candidates for Governor and State offi cers. The new party was on its metal, and every consi deration required that it should put forth its strongest and most available men. It already numbered in its ranks many thousands of the best citizens in the State, and justly claimed then, as now, to represent the best elements of society. On a full survey of the situation, the convention nominated Mr. Morton for Governor by acclamation. The nomination was accepted with a full consciousness that there was little or no prospect of election and that the party expected a thorough and exhaustive canvass of the State. It would involve several months neglect of professional business and considerable expense. But he had embarked in the new movement and his heart was in the cause. Foreseeing the rising contest between the powers of political darkness and light, he could have truthfully said with Richard, " My soul s " in arms and eager for the fray." His Democratic opponent in the contest was Hon. A. P. 6 OLIVER P. MORTON. Willard, a very able man and one of the most brilliant speak ers of his day. He represented an old, compact, powerful political organization, strengthened by the prestige of time and past successes ; while Morton appeared as the champion of a new party, comparatively weak in numbers and organi zation, but strong in the consciousness of right principles. From that campaign, unsuccessful as it was, dates his popu larity with the Republican masses and his powerful hold on the party; for, though subsequent events have infinitely strengthened both, they had their beginning in the campaign of 185G. Mr. Morton made a thorough canvass of the State, appearing then, for the first time, before the people at large. Wherever he went he made a deep and lasting impression by the vigor of his attack, the force of his logic, the evident earnestness of his convictions and the lofty confidence which he evinced in the ultimate triumph of Republican principles. Those who listened to him knew he was a rising man, and saw the light of ultimate victory in his eye. Broad and deep he laid in the hearts and minds of the people the foundation principles on which was to be reared, in future years, a polit ical structure of grandeur and beauty. The contest ended in his defeat, as he expected it would ; but it was a victory for the Republican party, since the seed then sown were, in due time, to spring up and bring forth abundant fruit. From that day to the present, no political campaign has occurred in the State in which he has not borne a leading part. In every battle for Republican principles he has been in the thickest of the fight, leading and cheering on his followers and dealing tremendous blows on the enemy, while his intuitive know ledge of politics and his consummate leadership have been found as valuable in council as in action. After the unsuccessful campaign of 1856, Mr. Morton resumed the practice of law, which he continued for four years, when the Republican party again demanded his services. In 1860 he was nominated for Lieutenant-Governor, with Hon. Henry S. Lane as Governor. Again, as in 1856, he threw aside private and professional business at the call of party, and prepared for another thorough canvass of the State. This time he was no stranger to the people. His services THE CAMPAIGN OF 1860. 7 to the new party had been matter of common remark dur ing the last four years, and wherever he went he was greeted with enthusiasm. The campaign lasted four months, and he spoke in every part of the State. In this canvass he showed the same intuitive insight into politics, the same comprehensive grasp of public questions and enthusiastic devotion to the principles of the Eepublican party that had won so much commendation in 1856. In a speech, delivered at Terre Haute on the 10th of March, 1860, he thus arraigned the Democratic party : "It found the country at peace, and has left it stained with blood and " torn by civil dissensions. It reopened the slavery question in a form most " offensive, and under circumstances most aggravating to the anti-slavery " sentiment of the North. It was the deliberate breach of a time-honored " Compromise which had had its origin in the most critical period of our "political history, and had given peace to the nation. History will pro- " nounce judgment on this repeal as a wanton and wicked act, without a " circumstance to palliate or excuse its perpetration, and as having its origin "in the political necessities and reckless ambition of partisans. The object " to be gained was the united favor of the South, and the means of obtain- " ing it an extravagant and reckless devotion to her supposed interests." Of the Republican party then advancing so grandly to vic tory, he said : "It is a matter of proud congratulation that there is not one disunionist " within the pale of the Republican party. There is no part of the Repub- " lican platform upon which a disunionist can stand. * * We do not "say that the Union may be preserved upon certain conditions ; we do not " measure our fidelity to it by our success; but we say it must and shall be " preserved, whatever party may be in the ascendant. We do not say the " Republican party first and the Union afterwards ; but we say the Union "first, last and all the time, and that we will wage uncompromising warfare " upon all parties that contemplate its destruction under any circumstances." Perhaps the remembrance of his defeat four years before spurred him to greater efforts, or perhaps the almost certain prospect of victory inspired him ; certain it is that in this campaign he performed a vast amount of labor and with marked results. Under Providence, his efforts in 1856 and 1860 contributed more than those of any other one person to the overthrow of the slave Democracy in this State and the final success of the Republican party. The election resulted in the success of the whole Republican ticket by about 10,000 majority. Immediately after the assembling of the 8 OLIVER P. MORTON. legislature, Mr. Lane was elected United States Senator, and Mr. Morton became GOVERNOR OF INDIANA. This office Lad in store for him such labors, responsibilities, and dangers as rarely fall to the lot of man ; and, it may be added, it was destined to bring him a corresponding amount of public applause and national reputation. But before notic ing in detail his great services to the State and Nation in this capacity, it will be necessary to glance at the political situation at the time of his assuming the office. The steady aggression of the slave power had culminated in the open avowal of a purpose to dissolve the Union in case of a Republican success in I860. While using the cry of "sectionalism" against the Republican party, the Southern Democracy had themselves erected the sectional standard by asserting that the government was nothing without slavery, and the constitution worthless unless that institution was to be both protected and extended. Public sentiment, already debauched by a long and systematic course of Democratic intrigue, was still further demoralized by the weakness and treachery of James Buchanan s administration, the most dis astrous and despicable that has ever disgraced our history. Corruption was the rule, and honesty the exception. Patriots blushed with shame, and treason lifted its head without rebuke. The October elections in 18GO showed that the public con science was at last aroused, and that the men of the North were moving. The election of Lincoln in November thre^v the Democracy into a frenzy of rage. Four months of Buchan an s administration still remained in which to work their policy of rulo or ruin, and they no longer attempted to con ceal their purposes. Dissolution of the Ucion was the South ern ultimatum peaceably if they could, forcibly if they must. The doctrine of secession was boldly avowed as a constitu tional and Democratic remedy against a Republican triumph, and the idea of preventing or " coercing " a State from going out of the Union was hooted at by every Southern Democrat and a majority of those in the North. Meanwhile, a Demo- DENOUNCES SECESSION. 9 cratic Secretary of War was scattering the army and plunder ing the government arsenals, and other Democratic traitors were using their utmost efforts to undermine the government. Disunion meetings were being held in all parts of the South. Resolutions had already passed the South Carolina legislature (Nov. 12, 18GO ; ) calling a convention with the distinct pur pose of secession, and both of the United States Senators from that State had resigned their spnts. And still, as yet, no one in all the great North had raised an authoritative voice against this madness. There was patriotism and loyalty enough, but it was unorganized, even disorganized. The President elect was not yet authorized to speak. The Northern press was wavering and public opinion was at sea. The country was WAITING FOB A LEADER. Just at this time a Republican mass meeting was called in .Indianapolis to consider the situation. It met on the 22d of November, 1861. The largest hall in the city was crowded with such an audience as the Republican party only could fur nish. The speaker was Oliver P. Morton. The subject was the rights and duties of the government in the existing emer gency. The audience knew he was a strong and bold man, and they expected strong and bold words ; but their hearts leaped with joy at what they heard that night, as the loyal heart of the country did the next day on reading the report of his speech. Then and there for the first time by any lead ing man was the duty of the government in the pending crisis clearly and boldly asserted. The doctrines of secession and coercion were examined in the light of the constitution, and the right and duty of self-preservation shown to belong to the government. Stripping the subject of all disguises, the speaker struck straight at the heart of the question, and interpreted at once the popular conviction and the popular wish in that trying hour. The path of honor and of duty was shown to be the only path of safety. The pernicious doctrine of " peaceable secession," advocated by some well meaning per sons in the North, was traced to its ultimate consequences, and shown to be contrary to the constitution and fatal to every 10 OLIVER P. MORTON. principle of government. The grandeur and glory of the Union were set forth in eloquent words, and the power of the government to " coerce" a seceding State was asserted in the strongest terms. In short, the patriotic sense of the loyal North in favor of preserving the Union was interpreted in a manner which no other public man had yet ventured to adopt. Morton rose to the height of the occasion. The policy of " coercion " had come to be a sort of bugbear to many persons. * What is coercion? " said Mr. Morton, " but the enforcement of the law? " Is anything else intended or required ? Secession or nullification can " only be regarded by the general government as individual action upon " individual responsibility. Those concerned in it can not entrench them- " selves behind the forms of the state government so as to give their con- " duct the semblance of legality, and thus devolve the responsibility upon " the state government, which of itself is irresponsible. The constitution " and laws of the United States operate upon individuals, but not upon " states, and precisely as if there were no states. In this matter the Presi- " dent has no discretion. He has taken a solemn oath to enforce the laws " and preserve order, and to this end he has been made Commander-in- " chief of the army and navy. How can he be absolved from responsibil- , " ity thus devolved upon him by the constitution and his official oath ? " He then showed that the constitution provided no way for a state to get out of the Union, and that the only alternative for the President was to enforce the laws or acknowledge the independence of a seceding state, and he could only do that by authority of Congress. The central thought and ruling idea of the speech was that the Union must be preserved, and, if need be, by force. Pursuing this line of thought, Mr. Morton said : " The right of secession conceded, the Nation is dissolved. Instead of " having a Nation, one mighty people, we have but a collection and combi- " nation of thirty-three independent and petty states, held together by a " treaty which has hitherto been called a constitution, of the infraction of "which each state is to be the judge, and from which any state may with- " draw at pleasure. The right of secession conceded and the way " to do it having been shown to be safe and easy, the prestige of the repub- " lie gone, the national pride extinguished .with the national idea, secession " would become the remedy for every state or sectional grievance, real cr " imaginary. * * * If South Carolina gets out of the Union, I trust it " will be at the point of the bayonet, after our best efforts have failed to " compel her to submission to the laws. * * * Shall we now surrender " the Nation without a struggle, and let the Union go with merely a few " hard words ? If it was worth a bloody struggle to establish this Nation, AN EFFECTIVE SPEECH. 1 1 " it is worth one to preserve it, and I trust that we shall not, by surrender- " ing with indecent haste, publish to the world that the inheritance oui " fathers purchased with their blood we have given up to save ours." Then, after pointing out the frightful consequences, the anarchy and ruin sure to follow a dissolution of the Union, he said : " We must, then, cling to the idea that we are a Nation, one and indivis- " ible, and that, although subdivided by state lines for local and domestic " purposes, we are but one people, the citizens of a common country, having " like institutions and manners, and possessing a common interest in " that inheritance of glory so richly provided by our fathers. We must " therefore do no act we must tolerate no act we must concede no idea or <; theory that looks to or involves the dismemberment of the Nation. * * " * Seven years is but a day in the life of a nation, and I would rather " come out of a struggle at the end of that time, defeated in arms and con- " ceding independence to successful revolution, than to purchase present " peace by the concession of a principle that must inevitably explode this " Nation into small and dishonored fragments. * * * The whole ques- " tion is summed up in this proposition : Are we one Nation, one people, " or thirty-three nations, or thirty-three independent and petty states? "The statement of the proposition furnishes the answer. If we are one " nation then no State has a right to secede. Recession can only be the " result of successful revolution. I answer the question for you, and I know " that my answer will find a true response in every true American heart, " that we are one people, one Nation, undivided and indivisible." It is doubtful if any speech ever delivered in the United States produced more immediate and visible effects than the one from which the above quotations are made. It was what the country had been waiting for the voice of a leader able to comprehend the great issues involved, far-sighted enough to trace them to their legitimate results, and bold enough to assert the right and duty of the Government to protect itself against secession and treason. The speech went to the popu lar heart like a bullet to its mark. Men read it, and said, " here is the doctrine and the man." It dissipated the clouds of doubt and error as the sun scatters the morning mists. The public mind wavered no longer. From that day forth the idea of f peaceable secession " was dead and the policy of force was a fixed fact. It went like wild-fire all over the country. It was published far and wide in the Republican papers, and everywhere admitted to be unanswerable. The Southern leaders read in it an authoritative expression of 12 OLIVER P. MORTON. Northern opinion. A prominent gentleman, who visited the President-elect a short time afterwards, at Springfield, found Mr. Lincoln reading the speech, and Mr. Lincoln said : " It " covers the whole ground, and declares the whole policy of " the Government. It is the policy I shall pursue from the "first." Its echoes reached across the ocean, and it was regarded with such political significance that the English authorities applied, through the English consul at Cincinnati, for a copy of it. It constituted a rallying-point for public opinion throughout the North and gave an immense impulse to the development of loyal sentiment. It lifted Mr. Morton at once into national prominence and secured him universal recognition as one of the ablest men in the Republican party. On the 16th of January, 1861, he became Governor, vice Hon. Henry S. Lane, elected to the United States Senate. From the day of his inauguration Governor Morton gave evidence of possessing EXTBAOBDINABY EXECUTIVE ABILITY. Hitherto he had been known as an able lawyer, a powerful debater, and an eloquent champion of Republican principles. During the next few years he was destined to develop most surprising ability as an executive officer. It is entirely within the bounds of truth to say that no man now in public life has had so great experience as an executive officer, or has shown such signal ability in administering a high office in the face of unparralleled difficulties and dangers. With one exception, Governor Morton was the youngest Executive of any Northern State being, at the time of his inauguration, thirty-seven years old. But of all those who acted in that capacity during the eventful years of the war, none was surrounded with such difficulties as he, and none gave evi dence of such iron will and immense fertility of resources. Other Governors had, indeed, important duties to perform, but, they were sustained by a united people, und the path of duty was plain and unobstructed. With Governor Morton the case was very different. He was beset with difficulties HIS EXECUTIVE ABILITY. 13 and dangers throughout the whole course of his administra tion. In no other Northern State was the opposition to the war so strong and bitter as in Indiana, and nowhere else did it find expression in such formidable and dangerous organiza tions. The character and extent of this opposition will be more fully noticed hereafter, together with the means by which it was constantly met and defeated; the matter is referred to now by way of emphasizing the statement, made deliberately, that no public man in America has given evi dence of possessing such remarkable executive ability as the Hon. O. P. Morton. His first attention was turned toward reforming the civil administration of the State, and during the three months that preceded the breaking out of the war he accomplished wonders in this direction. The financial affairs of the State were in confusion and embarrassment. Under a succession of loose and corrupt administrations the State had been dis graced and its credit seriously impaired. A long period of uninterrupted Democratic rule had polluted every department of the State government. The public lands had been stolen, its revenues squandered, and fraud and extravagance were the prevailing rule. The people soon discovered that there was a new man at the helm and that the old order of things had passed away. Happily, he had in his work of reform the hearty co-operation of an excellent set of State officers, and the results were soon manifest in the higher tone of admin istration, the reduction of public expenses, the wholesale removal of peculating officials and a general reformation of affairs. Governor Morton had already distinguished himself as an executive officer before the war began ; but that event, ushering in the most memorable era of our history, was des tined to develop this quality of his character in a most mar velous degree, and to secure for him, in the mouths of all men and in history, the honorable title of And here let us recapitulate a little. Since the election of Lincoln the secessionists in the South had been very active, 14 OLIVER P. MORTON. and the Democratic conspiracy for the dissolution of the Union had made rapid progress. A convention had been called in South Carolina, which, on the 20th of December, 1861, had passed unanimously and amid great enthusi asm an ordinance of secession. The Georgia Legislature had passed a bill appropriating $1,000,000 to arm and equip the State, and a delegate convention had adopted an ordinance of secession by an overwhelming majority. Most of the South ern States had wheeled into line, or shown their willingness to do so. Peaceable expedients had been exhausted, and all attempts at compromise had failed. The South would have nothing but separation. The rebel Senators and Representa tives had remained in Congress as long as they dared, and then, drawing their pay, had fled South. A Congress of Southern States had been held at Montgomery, Alabama, early in February, 1861, at which a constitution for " The " Confederate States of America " had been adopted, and a President and Vice President had been elected. On his way to "Washington Mr. Lincoln made a brief stop at Indianap olis, and was received with great enthusiasm by a vast assem blage of people. On this occasion Governor Morton deliv ered the address of welcome to the President, in the course of which he said : " In every free government there will be differences of opinion, and these " differences result in the formation of parties ; but, when the voice of the " people has been expressed through the forms of the Constitution, all pat- " riots yield to it obedience. Submission to the popular will is the essential " principle of Kepublican government, and so vital is this principle that it " admits of but one exception, which is revolution. To weaken it is anar- " chy ; to destroy it is despotism. It recognizes no appeal beyond the bal- " lot-box, and while it is preserved, Liberty may be wounded but never slain." To these statesmanlike words the President-elect responded in terms which showed that he fully appreciated the gravity of the situation. After his inauguration events followed each other in rapid succession. Finally they culminated in the firing on Fort Sumter, and the surrender of that post to the rebels. This occurred on the 12th of April, 1861. On the 15th, President Lincoln issued his Proclamation calling for 75,000 men, and appealing " to all loyal citizens to favor, BEGINNING OF THE WAR. 15 4i facilitate and aid this effort to maintain the honor, the integ- " rity and existence of our National Union, and the perpet- " uity of popular Government, and to redress wrongs already " long enough endured." On the morning of the very day this proclamation was issued, and before it was received in Indianapolis, Governor Morton had telegraphed as follows : "EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OP INDIANA,) "INDIANAPOLIS, April 15, 1861. / " To ABRAHAM LINCOLN, "President of the United States: " On behalf of the State of Indiana, I tender to you, for the defence of " the Nation and to uphold the authority of the Government, ten thou- " sand men. "OLIVER P. MORTON, " Governor of Indiana" Thus Indiana, through her Governor, was the first State to accept the gauge of war and to proffer troops, as she was also one of the first to put her troops into the field. The State s quota, under the call, was six regiments, and on the next day Governor Morton issued the following proclamation : " WHEREAS, An armed rebellion has been organized in certain States of " this Union, having for its purppse the overthrow of the Government of " the United States ; "AND WHEREAS, The authors and movers in this rebellion have siezed, by " violence, various forts and arsenals belonging to the United States, and " otherwise plundered the Government of large amounts of money and val- " uable property ; "AND WHEREAS, Fort Sumter, belonging to the United States, the exclu- " sive possession of, and jurisdiction over, which were vested in the general "Government by the Constitution of the United States, has been besieged by " a large army, and assaulted by a destructive cannonade, and reduced to " submission, and the National flag hauled down and dishonored ; "AND WHEREAS, The President of the United States, in the exercise of the " power vested in him by the Federal Constitution, has called upon the " several States remaining true to their allegiance to aid him in the enforce- " ment of the laws, the recovery of the National property and the mainten- " ance of the rightful authority of the United States ; " Now, THEREFORE, I, OLIVER P. MORTON, Governor of the State of " Indiana, call upon the loyal and patriotic men of this State, to the num- " her of six regiments, to organize themselves into military companies, and " forthwith report themselves to the Adjutant General, in order that they " may be speedily mustered into the service of the United States. "OLIVER P. MORTON, " Governor." INDIANAPOLIS, April 16, 1861. 16 OLIVER P. MORTON. The response of the people to the Governor s call was as prompt as his own to that of the government. The day after it was issued there were five hundred men in camp at Indian apolis, and the State House had already begun to assume the appearance of a military headquarters. Fearing that an attempt would be made by the rebels to take possession of the National Capital, Governor Morton telegraphed to the Secre tary of War on the 18th offering to send forward one regiment immediately if needed to protect the capital, but they were not called for. At this time there was less than $15,000 in the State treasury, and no available means of arming, subsist ing and equipping troops. Foreseeing the approach of hostil ities, Governor Morton had visited "Washington about the middle of March for the purpose of procuring a supply of arms for State troops from the General Government, but obtained little satisfaction. What few arms the State had, therefore, were practically worthless. It had no military law nor any military system. All had to be built from the ground up. No man ever met new and sudden responsibilities more nobly than Governor Morton did in this emergency, or showed greater executive ability and aptitude for affairs. On the 20th of April, four days after his call was issued, the organization of regiments began. Meanwhile, the war spirit was rushing through the State like a whirlwind, and volunteers continued to pour in. At this juncture, Governor Morton, foreseeing that the government would need more men, telegraphed to the Secretary of War offering six additional regiments, without regard to length of service, and pledging his word to organize them in six days, if accepted. No response being received to this proposition, the Governor, on the 23d, sent a special mes senger to Washington, renewing the offer, and expressing his determination at all events to put six additional regiments into camp and hold them subject to the demand of the government. Thus, at the very threshold of the conflict, he showed an appreciation of its probable magnitude and an energy in pre paring for it not evinced by the Governor of any other North ern State. Happily, his great popularity throughout the State, and the unbounded confidence which the people had already learned to feel in his judgment and patriotism, enabled him to CONVENES THE LEGISLATURE. 17 fulfill to the letter every pledge or promise ever made to the Government, or to the troops themselves. Amid the vast and difficult labors now devolved on him, his personal energy was felt in the smallest details, while his promptness and vigor of action soon taught the Government and the people alike to look upon him as one of the MAIN PILLARS OF THE STATE. He threw himself with tremendous energy into the work of prosecuting the war, and steadily and rapidly rose to the height of the great occasion. On the 24th of April the State Legis lature met, in obedience to the Governor s call issued a few days previous. In his message to that body, after reviewing the history of the secession movement, he said : " We have passed from the field of argument to the solemn fact of war 41 which exists by the act of the seceding States. The issue is forced upon 1 us, and must be accepted. Every man must take his position on one side 1 or on the other. In time of war there is no ground upon which a third party can stand. It is the imperative duty of all men to rally to the sup- port of the government, and to expend in its behalf, if need be, their for- tunes and their blood. Upon the preservation of this government depend our prosperity and greatness as a nation, our liberty and happiness as individuals." The Legislature, catching the Governor s spirit, responded with alacrity to these patriotic sentiments. It promptly enacted all the legislation recommended by him, and in every way showed its perfect confidence in his judgment and patriotism. The appropriation bills passed were for general military pur poses, 1,000,000 ; for the purchase of arms, 500,000 ; for contingent military expenses, $100,000; and for organizing and supporting the State militia two years, $140,000. His determination to be first in the field, had induced Governor Morton; to send agents to the eastern cities and to Canada to purchase improved arms for the Indiana troops. The organ ization of regiments was pushed forward so rapidly that within ten days from the President s call Indiana s quota was organ ized, and on the 25th of April the whole six regiments were mustered into the service, and put upon a course of thorough military drill. Before the 1st of May lie had purchased a JHI7ERSIT7 18 OLIVER P. MORTON. large quantity of Belgian rifles of an agent in Montreal, and had contracted with a Cincinnati foundry for eight brass six- pounders and four twelve-pound howitzers for field use. This armament may seem small compared with subsequent opera tions, but it was in advance of the times, and showed rare energy and a full understanding of the situation. As a result of Governor Morton s splendid management, Indiana led all the Western States in its preparations for hostilities. He was terribly in earnest in the prosecution of the war, and infused his earnestness into every person about him and into all the people ; the consequence was, he was able to accomplish results which to those who did not know the man or his manner of working seemed incredible. His iron will carried all before it, while his capacity for labor seemed to have no limit. The three months troops which constituted Indiana s quota under the first call, left Indianapolis in the latter part of May for "West Virginia, where they were soon engaged in active oper ations. Their passage through Cincinnati excited great enthu siasm, though their complete equipment and martial outfit provoked unfavorable comparisons. The Cincinnati Gazette spoke in terms of high admiration of Governor Morton s executive ability, while the Commercial said; " The governor of Indiana has out-generaled the governor of Ohio. The " contrast in the condition of the troops of the respective states proves it. "The former has sent four admirably equipped regiments to the battle-field, " and has two more ready to march at an hour s notice. The governor of "Ohio has not a single regiment in camp or in field, properly equipped for " service. The Hoosier troops are all armed with rifle muskets, uniformed, " and are furnished with their complement of camp equipments. A large " number of their rifles have sword bayonets. Ohio troops have a few " rifles, some of them are uniformed, and a portion of them have camp "equipage; but there is almost as much difference in their conditions in " favor of the former as there is between raw militia and veteran troops." A few days later, in noticing the passage through Cincin nati of the Eighth and Tenth regiments the Commercial said : " The stout and brawny appearance of the Indiana troops was univer- " sally remarked. Napoleon never marshaled better stuff into his grena- "diers. The lads were bronzed and hardy, and carried themselves with "gallant bearing. Each regiment consisted of about 800 men. They were * armed with the new U. S. muskets of the most approved pattern. No "Ohio troops have such arms. "Whose fault is it?" ANTICIPATES THE SECOND CALL. 19 It is not desired to exalt Governor Morton at the expense of anybody else, but simply to recall what is matter of his tory and what was universally admitted during the war, viz.: that with one or two exceptions no other Northern governor displayed as much energy, capacity, and executive ability as he. The troops thus hurried to the front had been organized, fed, clothed and equipped by him without assistance from the National Government. They fired the first shots in the war west of the Alleganies, and were mainly instrumental in win ning the earliest victories. In anticipation of a second call, Governor Morton pro ceeded immediately to organize five additional regiments of twelve months volunteers, which, by an act of the Legisla ture, were to remain under his control until needed by the Government. The call came May 16, 1861. It was for forty-two thousand three years men, and Indiana s quota was four regiments. Governor Morton was prepared for this call in advance, the regiments being already organized, equipped and partially drilled. Thus his foresight in organizing these regiments proved of great value to the country, and enabled him to respond upon the instant to the President s second call without going through the formality and delay of another appeal to the people. And so it was all the time. He either anticipated every call for troops, or had matters in such a state of preparation that no time was lost in responding. His system of securing volunteers was admirable, while his fac ulty of stirring and rousing the people kept the war feeling at fever heat. It would be impossible within the limits of a sketch like this to narrate in detail his vast and multifarious labors during this period. He seemed to be ubiquitous, now in Washington, now at home, counseling with the President, encouraging the people, organizing regiments, hurrying troops to the front, looking after those already in the field, negotiat ing loans, organizing sanitary commissions, forwarding stores in short, performing the labor of a dozen meiT^ and infus ing his spirit into all with whom he came in contact. He was the right arm of the Government in the West, and when danger threatened anywhere within striking distance from Indiana, Governor Morton was looked to for succor and 20 OLIVER P. MORTON. defense. Thus, when Gen. Kirby Smith was preparing to invade Kentucky, loyal Kentuckians turned to Morton. The Secretary of War telegraphed him to do his utmost for the defense of Kentucky. General Boyle, commanding the dis trict of Kentucky, telegraphed from Frankfort to Governor Morton : " Rebels invading Kentucky. Send any forces "you can possibly spare." General Buell telegraphed him from Huntsville, Alabama, that a formidable raid was threat ening Kentucky, and urging that troops should be sent for ward with the utmost dispatch. So, too, when Cincinnati was threatened by Kirby Smith, Major General Wright, com manding the department, appealed to Governor Morton for aid in the defense of that city, which was believed to be in imminent danger. Within fifteen hours from the receipt of the call he had forwarded by special train two regiments of infantry, twenty-four pieces of artillery, 3,000 stand of arms, 31,000 rounds of artillery ammunition, and 3,365,000 mus ket cartridges the ammunition, by the way, manufactured in the state arsenal established by him. The governor and his military staff themselves went to Cincinnati to assist in organizing the troops and in other defensive arrangements. No demand was too great, and no call too sudden for him to meet. His energy, like his patriotism, responded to every draft. HIS MILITARY FORESIGHT. A remarkable characteristic of Governor Morton s adminis tration was the sound judgment and unerring foresight with which he prepared for every military emergency. We do not refer now to the manner in which he frequently anticipated and foreshadowed the policy of the government, but to his admirable arrangements for meeting promptly and efficiently those demands which he saw could not be long postponed. Thus after the second quota of the State had been filled, and when many persons thought there would be no further call for troops, he began to prepare for what he knew could not be long delayed. To this end, while the three months troops were still in the field, he sent special messengers to urge them VETERAN RE-ENLISTMENTS. 21 to re-enlist for three years or for the war. He represented to them that the war was sure to last during several campaigns,, that the government would need more men when the terms of those now in the service should expire, and that Indiana would certainly be called upon for further aid. The result was that these regiments re-enlisted almost in a body, and were reor ganized in time to respond with others to the third call for troops, which was issued August 4, 1862. This call was for 300,000 men for nine months ; the fourth call, issued June 15, 1863, was for 100,000 men for six months; the fifth call, October 17, 1863, was for 300,000 men for three years ; the sixth call, July 18, 1864, was for 500,000 men for one, two, or three years ; the seventh and last call, December 19, 1864, was for 300,000 men for one, two or three years. Under these various calls Indiana furnished an aggregate of 208,367 men, of whom all but about 17,000 were volunteers. Every call was met promptly and fully, no deficiencies being left to be filled on subsequent calls, and the excess, after the quotas had been filled, varying from two thousand to thirty thousand. This record is a splendid and perpetual proof of the patriot ism of the people of Indiana, and it also reflects imperishable honor on the name of Oliver P. Morton, to whose personal ability and exertions these great results were so largely due. VETERAN RE-ENLISTMENTS." Another evidence of his military foresight and fertility of resources is found in the matter of veteran re-enlistments. The policy adopted at the beginning of the war of accepting men for short terms of enlistment proved to be unfortunate and embarrassing in many respects. It is easy to see how the constant expiration of enlistments would demoralize and weaken the army. The Government authorities underrated the magnitude of the rebellion, and perhaps, also, the patriot ism of the people. The idea that the war could be brought to a conclusion in a few months was the parent of many blund ers, one of the most serious of which was the receiving of vol unteers for three, six, and nine months. During the first two years of the war the Government was greatly embarrassed by 22 OLIVER P. MORTON. this policy, and its military resources constantly weakened by expiring terms of enlistments. The only three years men enlisted during the first two years of the war were those under the second call, and their term of service would expire in the summer of 1864. These war-worn veterans were the main-stay of the Government, and the prospect of their retire ment from the service was very discouraging. Governor Morton was deeply impressed with the necessity of keeping them, or as many of them as possible, in the army, and during the winters of 1862-3 was in frequent communication with the Government authorities on this subject. This was the darkest period of the war.- The rebels were confident and aggressive. The Union army was being weakened by expiring enlist ments and desertions, not to speak of the heavy casualties of war. Eebel emissaries were actively at work urging recogni tion abroad, and fostering dissension in the North. Recruit ing was difficult, and many true patriots began to have mis givings of the result. But Governor Morton never doubted nor wavered. He maintained that the Government could and must suppress the rebellion ; that all that was needed was to recruit the armies to a point that would render them irresis tible, and then adopt a vigorous and aggressive policy. Time and again, in person and by letter, he urged his idea upon the Government authorities, accompanying it with a plan for vet eran re-enlistments. At length his suggestion took root. On the 25th of June, 1863, the War Department issued an order for recruiting veteran volunteers,offering certain inducements and prescribing details. It did not work well, and the veteran re-enlistments under it were comparatively few. Still Governor Morton adhered to his idea. Some three months later, in September, 1863, he wrote to the Secretary of War suggest ing another plan. He stated that quite a number of Indiana regiments then in the field were so much reduced as to have less than one hundred and fifty effective men. He suggested that one regiment from each Congressional district in the State, to be selected by the Governor, should be permitted to come home and rendezvous in their respective districts for recruitment and re-organization. His idea was, that allowing the men to visit their homes would inspirit them, and that INTIMACY WITH ME. LINCOLN. 23 nearly every man would become a recruiting officer among his friends and acquaintances. This suggestion was adopted to the extent of allowing one non-commissioned officer or pri- ate from each company, to be selected by the regimental com mander, to come home on recruiting service, and an order to this effect was issued October 23, 1863. This worked well, and resulted in securing a large number of new men. The work of re-enlisting veterans in the field, however, went on slowly till November, when the War Department issued an order allowing " a furlough of at least thirty days previous to " expiration of their original enlistment," this stipulation to be entered upon the re-enlistment rolls and the men to be furnished with transportation to and from their homes at government expense. This modification was well received, and under it re-enlistments went on rapidly. Thus, this idea, originated and persistently adhered to by Governor Morton, became at last a source of great military strength to the Gov ernment. HIS INFLUENCE WITH THE ADMINISTRATION. From the beginning of the war Governor Morton had great influence with the National administration. This was due partly to his recognized position as a leader of the Republican party, but more, doubtless, to the remarkable energy, judgment and sagacity which he displayed. He was the trusted friend and counselor of Lincoln and Stanton. His frequent visits to Washington brought him into close personal contact and constant correspondence with both of these great men, and they never failed to seek his advice on every pending question of importance. In October, 1862, he was in Washington on business connected with the war department. The President had, as usual, conferred freely with him concerning the conduct of the war, the state of popular feeling, etc. Governor Morton had expressed him self with his usual force to the effect that the people and the cause demanded more energy in the prosecution of the war. His conversation with the President left him in rather a 24 OLIVER P. MORTON. depressed state of mind, and after going to the hotel he wrote the following: "METROPOLITAN HOTEL, WASHINGTON, October 7, 1862. " His Excellency, Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States : "DEAE Sni: I could not leave tlie city without addressing you this " note, and my intense solicitude for the success of our cause must be my " apology. " In my opinion, if our arms do not make great progress within the next " sixty days, our cause will be almost lost. * * * * The danger of " foreign intervention is daily increasing. The length of time which the " rebels have maintained their Government and the success of their arms " are rapidly furnishing foreign nations with an excuse to do what they " have desired to do from the first to recognize the Confederacy, and aid " it in whatever way they can. You have now immense armies in the field, " and all that they require to achieve victory is, that they be led with " energy and discretion. The cold professional leader, whose heart is not " in the cause, and who regards it as only a professional job, and whose " rank and importance would be greatly diminished by the conclusion of " the war, will not succeed in a contest like this. I would rely with infin- " itely more confidence upon the man of strong intellect, whose head is " inspired by his heart, who believes that our cause is sacred, and that he " is fighting for all that is dear to him and his country, although he be " unlearned in military science, than upon the cold and polished profes- " sional soldier, whose sympathies, if he have any, are most likely on the " other side. It is my solemn conviction that we will never succeed until " the leadership of our armies is placed in the hands of men who are greatly " in earnest, and who are profoundly convinced of the justice of our cause. " Let me beg of you, sir, as I am your friend, a friend of your administra- " tion, and the friend of our unfortunate and unhappy country, that you " will at once take up the consideration of this subject, and act upon the " inspiration of your own heart and the dictates of your own judgment " Another three months like the last six and we are lost lost. We can " not afford to experiment a single day longer with men who have failed " continuously for a whole year, who, with the best appointed armies, have "done nothing; have thrown away the greatest advantages; evacuated " whole states, and retreated for hundreds of miles before an inferior enemy. " To try them longer, trusting that they may yet do something, it seems to " me, would be imperiling the life of the nation. You have generals in " your armies who have displayed ability, energy and willingness to fight " and conquer the enemy. Place them in command, and reject the wicked " incapables whom you have patiently tried and found utterly wanting. " I am, with sentiments of great respect, " Your obedient servant, "OLIVER P. MORTON." Quite early in the war Governor Morton was impressed with the fact that the opening of the Mississippi river was of OPENING OF THE MISSISSIPPI. 25 vital importance in a political as well as military point of view. Not only would it sever the Confederacy and cut off a large source of supplies, but it would prove to the people that come what might, the Government intended to hold the great commercial artery of the continent. Throughout the "West this was regarded as a matter of prime importance, though naturally enough it did not attract so much attention in the East, where the nearer field of operations in Virginia absorbed all other interests. In the early part of 1862 there began to be considerable talk among western Democrats of forming a Northwestern Confederacy, to act in concert with the Southern States, and to hold the Mississippi river in com mon. It was one of the means adopted by them to demoral ize the public mind, undermine the patriotism of the people, and defeat the efforts of the Government to preserve the Union. Little or nothing was heard of this talk in the East, but in the West it was quite common. On the 27th of October, 1862, Governor Morton addressed a letter to Presi dent Lincoln on this subject, in which, after referring to the Northwestern Confederacy plan, and to the use which Demo cratic politicians were making of it, he said : " Let us take security against it if possible, especially, when by so doing, " we shall be pursuing the surest mode for crushing out the rebellion in " every part, and restoring the Union to its former limits. The plan which " I have to suggest is the complete clearing out of all obstacles to the navi- " gation of the Mississippi river and the thorough conquest of the States " upon the western bank. Between the State of Missouri and the Gulf of Mexico on the western bank are the States of Arkansas and Louisiana. " Arkansas has a population of about 325,000 white citizens and 111,000 " slaves, and a very large per centage of her white population are in the " rebel army, and serving east of the Mississippi. Of the fighting popula- " tion of Western Louisiana, not less than fifty per cent, are in the rebel " army, and in service east of the river. The river once in our possession, " and occupied by our gun-boats, can never be crossed by a rebel army, and " the fighting men now without those States could not get back to their " relief. To make the conquest of those States thorough and complete, your "proclamation should be executed in every county and every township and " upon every plantation. All this can be done within ninety days, with an " army of less than 100,000 men. Texas would then be entirely isolated " from the rebel confederacy, and would readily fall into our hands. She " has, undoubtedly, a large Union element in her population, and with her " complete separation from the people of the other rebel States, could make M but feeble resistance. When this shall have been accomplished, a glance 26 OLIVER P. MORTON. " at the map will show what immense advantages will have been obtained. " The remaining rebel States, separated by the river, would be cut off effec- " tually from all the Territories and the States of Mexico. The dangers to " be apprehended from the French aggressions in Mexico would be avoided. " The entire western part of the continent now belonging to the Government " would be secured to us, and all communication between the rebel States " and the States on the Pacific entirely stopped. The work of conquest in " Arkansas and Louisiana would be easy and certain, and the presence of "our gun-boats in the river would effectually prevent any large force from " coming from the East to the relief of these States. The complete emancipa- " tion that could and should be made of all the slaves in Arkansas, Louisiana, " and Texas, would place the possession of those States on a very different " footing from any other rebel territory which we have heretofore overrun. " But another result to be gained by the accomplishment of this plan, "will be the creation of a guaranty against the further depreciation of the " loyalty of the North-western States by giving the assurance that, whatever "may be the result of the war, the free navigation and control of the Mis- " sissippi river will be secured at all events." These are the views of a statesman. They show that the writer saw not only the necessity of putting an end to the North-western Confederacy agitation, but the vital import ance to the Government of splitting the Southern Confeder acy by opening the Mississippi river, which Jefferson Davis at the beginning of the war had delared " the South would te never surrender." And so, in every emergency, Governor Morton was either called into the councils of the Government or expressed his views freely to the President and Secretary of War, sometimes in person and sometimes by letter. The appreciation of his services was attested by frequent expres sions from those high in authority, some of which are quoted further on. THE HUNDRED DAYS* MOVEMENT. Another instance of Governor Morton s fertility of resources is found in the history of " The Hundred Days Movement." The year 1864 opened under gloomy auspices. The result of the conflict hung in the balance, and it was evident that every effort would have to be put forth by the government during the ensuing campaign if it expected to maintain its ground and press the enemy. Generals Grant and Sherman were urging that every able-bodied soldier should be sent to the ORIGIN OF THE " HUNDRED DA YS MO FEMENT." 27 front. The grand Atlanta and Richmond campaigns were about to be opened, which, if successful, there was reason to hope, would virtually end the war. But to this end a great and united effort was necessary. General Sherman was in almost constant telegraphic correspondence with Governor Morton, his main reliance in the West, exchanging views and offering advice in regard to the equipment and forwarding of troops. About this time Governor Morton conceived an idea which took shape and culminated in important results. His aim was to devise a plan by which all the trained soldiers could be sent to the front for active service during the summer campaign, and their places be supplied by new men enlisted for a short period, who could thus relieve more experienced troops by guarding communications, supply depots, etc. It was a happy idea, but in order to give it the greatest effective ness other Western States must co-operate with Indiana. The plan was fully matured in Governor Morton s mind, and had been freely talked over with members of his military staff, when Governor Brough, of Ohio, happening to be in Indian apolis on private business, Governor Morton laid his plan before that official, and urged its adoption. Governor Brough saw its importance, and at once approved it. It was agreed between them that a meeting of Northwestern Governors should be held at Washington as soon as possible, and a <jo-operative plan of action agreed upon. This was the origin of " The Hundred Days Movement." This was early in April, 1864. On the llth, dispatches were sent from Indian- Governors of Illinois, _Iowa, Wisconsin and rernors of Ohio and onsult on important 11 of the Governors r ernor of Michigan, meeting Governor nd a plan of opera- >ceeded immediately i Government. The llowing proposition 28 OLIVER P. MORTON. " To the President of the United States : " I. The Governors of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa and Michigan offer " to the President infantry troops for the approaching campaign, as follows : Ohio 30,000 Indiana 20,000 Illinois 20,000 Iowa 10,000 Wisconsin 5,000 " II. The term of service to be one hundred days, reckoned from the " date of muster into the service of the United States, unless sooner discharged. " III. The troops to be mustered into the United States service by regi- " ments, when the regiments are filled up, according to regulations, to the " minimum strength the regiments to be organized according to the regu- " lations of the War Department. The whole number to be furnished within ".twenty days from the date of notice of the acceptance of this proposition. " IV. The troops to be clothed, armed, equipped, subsisted, transported, " and paid as other United States infantry volunteers, and to serve in forti- " fications, or wherever else their services may be required, within or with- " out their respective States. " V. No bounty to be paid the troops, nor the service charged or credited " to any draft. " VI. The draft for three years services to go on in any State or district " where the quota is not filled up ; but if any officer or soldier in this spe- " cial service should be drafted, he shall be credited for the service rendered. " JOHN BROUGH, Governor of Ohio. " O. P MORTON, Governor of Indiana. " EICHARD YATES, Governor of Illinois. " WM. M. STONE, Governor of Iowa. " JAMES T. LEWIS, Governor of Wisconsin. " The foregoing proposition of the Governors is accepted, and the Secre- " tary of War is directed to carry it into execution. "April 24, 1864. A. LINCOLN." The acceptance of this proposition was telegraphed to Indi anapolis even before the fact was published, and a call was immediately issued for the troops. The other States joined heartily in the movement, and the result was that a large force of hundred days men was furnished to relieve from guard duty the veteran troops, who were so much needed at the front. The sole credit of originating this important move ment belongs to Governor Morton. rV tftfNIV MEASURES OF STATE DEFE1 HIS MEASURES OF STATE DEFENCE. But Governor Morton s military zeal did not stop with responding to the calls of the General Government. His energy seemed to know no bounds, and the more he accomp lished the more he desired to accomplish. While contributing so largely and constantly to the National army, he organized an effective military force in Indiana to meet emergencies which he foresaw would arise. The position of Indiana as a border State, the disloyal attitude of Kentucky, and the disaffection existing in some of the Southern counties convinced him at the beginning of the war that there would be need of a State militia, to repel hostile incursions and protect the State. At a special session in 1861, the Legislature passed, May llth, an act for the organization of the militia, dividing the whole arms-bearing population in the State into active and sedentary militia, under the name and style of the Indiana Legion. Shortly after the passage of this act, Governor Morton took steps for the organization of the Legion. Competent officers were detailed for the work and a camp of instruction was established at Indianapolis. This movement resulted in the enrollment of about 50,000 men, and supplied a force that rendered effective service on various occasions in repelling invasions, guarding prisoners, and preserving the peace of the State. For a long period before the war the State had no militia law, and the work of organizing and regulating a State militia was one of great difficulty ; but it was success fully accomplished even amid the enormous pressure of other duties, and more than once during the war the Indiana Legion became an important factor in military operations. GOVERNOR MORTON S RELATIONS TO KENTUCKY. The course pursued by Kentucky during the war will be well remembered by most readers. While a large majority of her people were unquestionably in favor of the Union, there was also a strong and active rebel sentiment. At the begin ning of the war she had a disloyal governor, Beriah Magoffin, 30 OLIVER P. MORTON. and the Union people of the North feared the worst results from his treachery. It was especially important to Indiana that Kentucky should remain in the Union, as in the event of her secession, or of the rebels gaining a permanent foot hold there, the war would almost certainly have been trans ferred to Indiana. In his message to the special session of the Legislature in April, 1861, Governor Morton said : " To our sister state of Kentucky we turn with hope and affection. She 41 has grown rich and prosperous in the Kepublic ; could she do more if she " were out of it? It would be a sad day that would sever the bond which " binds these states together, and place us in separate and hostile nations. " I appeal to her by the ties of our common kindred and history; by our " community of interest, by the sacred obligations that bind us to maintain (: the Constitution inviolate, to adhere to the Union, and stand fast by that " flag in defense of which she has so often shed her best blood. I pray her "to examine her past history and perceive how the tide of her prosperity "has flowed on unbroken, and ever increasing, until her limits are filled " with material wealth and her people are respected, elevated and happy ; " and then inquire if all this is not the result of that Union she is called 11 upon to break, and of that government she is invited to dishonor and " overthrow. To ask Kentucky to secede, is to ask her to commit foul dis- " honor and suicide. I trust that the good sense and patriotism of her peo- " pie will not suffer her to be dragged by the current of events, which has " been cunningly invented for that purpose, into the vortex of disunion ; "nor permit her to be artfully inveigled into an armed neutrality between " the rebellious states and the Federal Government. Such a position would " be anomalous and fatal to the peace and perpetuity of the Union. There " is no ground in the Constitution midway between a rebellious state and u the Federal Government upon which she can stand, holding both in check " and restraining the Government from the enforcement of the laws and the "exercise of its constitutional authority. Such an attitude is at once "unconstitutional and hostile. At a time like this, if she is not for the " Government, aiding and maintaining it by the observance of all her con- " stitutional obligations, she is against it. If the voice of her people can "be heard, I fear not the result. Secession can only triumph, as it has "triumphed in other states, by stifling the voice of the people, and by the " bold usurpation, by demagogues and traitors, of the powers which right- " fully belong to them alone." These sentiments met with no response in the heart of Kentucky s Governor, and the Union men of that State soon found they had nothing to hope for from him. To President Lincoln s first call for troops he responded with an insolent refusal, and took occasion to air his treason under the guise of " Kentucky neutrality." His heart was with the rebels, KENTUCKY NEUTRALITY. 31 and most of his personal associates were open sympathizers with treason. Though he could not carry Kentucky out of the Union, he succeeded for a time in preventing her from doing her duty as part of it. His senseless prate about " armed neutrality " became odious throughout the loyal North, and fixed a stain upon Kentucky s name from which it has scarcely yet recovered. Finally, in May, 1861, he actually issued a proclamation, in which he said : " I hereby notify and warn all other States, separate or united, and espe- 41 cially the United and Confederate States, that I solemnly forbid any move- " ment on Kentucky soil, or occupation of any post or place therein, for any "purpose -whatever, until authorized by invitation or permission of the 41 legislative or executive authorities." As there was no imminent danger at that time of a Southern army marching North, the evident purpose of this proclama tion was to prevent the United States forces from entering or passing through the State to reach the rebels. About the mid dle of June General McClellan actually made a treaty with Governor Magoffin/virtually recognizing Kentucky s " neu trality," and binding the Government to allow no troops to enter on Kentucky soil " unless invited to do so by the state authorities." It is needless to say that this policy and these events utterly demoralized the Union men of Kentucky. Some of them lost heart altogether, and were cajoled or forced into abandoning their views. Others adopted a sort of mid dle course, which gave rise to the term " Kentucky Unionism." Others, still, and they were a majority, remained true to the flag. At an early day, however, they lost all faith in Magof- fin, and looked to Governor Morton for counsel, aid and succor. From the day of the firing on Fort Sumter Governor Mor ton recognized the vital importance both in a political and military point of view, of holding Kentucky in the Union, and was untiring in his efforts to this end. Early in May, 1861, he prepared a memorial to the President, in which the Governors of Ohio and Illinois joined, urging the Govern ment " at an early day to take possession, in force, of promi- " nent points in Kentucky, such as Louisville, Covington, "Newport, Columbus, etc., and the railroads leading from 32 OLIVER P. MORTON. " them to the South." For this work they recommended that loyal Kentuckians should be used if they could be found, and they added : " If Kentuckians can not be found, United States regulars would be the " next best for the purpose ; but in our judgment they should be occupied " at an early day, if it has to be done by the volunteer forces from adjoin- " ing states. We believe this course will save Kentucky to the Union, other- " wise that in the end the secessionists will control her." But the Government was slow to move, and " Kentucky neutrality" was treated very tenderly. In June, 1861, the gallant and loyal Rousseau determined to raise a force of Kentucky Unionists, and received authority from the Presi dent to that end. At a public meeting, however, held in Louisville, it was decided that the encampment ought not to be in Kentucky, and Rousseau was accordingly invited to establish his camp and rendezvous at Jeffersonville, in this State. Thus Indiana furnished the first rallying point for the Kentucky Unionists. At this time Governor Morton was in constant communication with General Rousseau and other loyal Kentuckians, encouraging and aiding them by every means in his power. He gave permission to citizens of Indiana to enlist in Kentucky regiments, and allowed a company of cavalry in Knox county and one in Dearborn county to be recruited for a Kentucky regiment. He also exerted himself to procure arms for the Kentucky troops who, having no Governor to look after their wants, had to rely on Governor Morton for this and numberless other services. Meanwhile, events followed each other rapidly, and " Kentucky neutral ity " was swept out of sight. The new Legislature having by a large majority decided to remain in the Union, the rebels determined to invade the State, and in September General Zollicoffer entered it in force. This movement created wide spread alarm in Kentucky. On the 2d of October, 1861, Governor Morton issued a proclamation to the people of Indiana, in which, after reciting the invasion of Kentucky, he said : " These rebel troops have entered the State from the southeast through " the Cumberland Gap ; also, from the southwest, occupying Columbus and "other points, but chiefly from the direction of Nashville, toward Louis- "ville, seizing and holding the Nashville and Louisville road, up to within DEFENDS KENTUCKY. 33 " forty miles of Louisville. A glance at the map will show the immense " importance of their position, and the advantages they have gained. From " their camps south of Louisville they can communicate, by railroad, with. " every seceding State but two ; and can thus transport to their aid, in a " few hours, men and munitions of war from every part of the South. It " is the determination of the invaders and conspirators to subjugate the " loyal people of Kentucky, and sieze for plunder and vengeance the " wealthy and populous cities on the border of Ohio and Indiana. " It should require no argument or appeal now, to arouse the people of " Indiana to put forth all their strength. When our State was in her " infancy, the brave men of Kentucky came to the rescue of our people " from the scalping-knife of the savage, and their blood is mingled with our " soil on many a field. And shall we not stand by Kentucky now, in this, " her hour of peril ? Not to do so, were base ingratitude and criminal " folly. We can best defend Indiana by repelling the invader from Ken- " tucky, and carry the war thence to the hearts of the rebellious States. * -s * 4 " I, therefore, call upon all men capable of bearing arms, and who can " leave their homes, to cast aside their ordinary pursuits and enroll them- " selves in the ranks of the army. Let the farmer leave his plow, the mer- " chant his store,the mechanic his workshop, the banker his exchange, and the professional man his office, and devote themselves to their country, " and by enrolling themselves either in the armies of the General Govern- " ment or under the military law of the State, be prepared to defend their " country and their homes. Every man in the State capable of bearing " arms should be in the service of the General Government or the State. " Let personal ease and private interests submit to the overruling necessities " of the hour, and let us show the world, by the sacrifices we are willing to " make in person and property, that we are worthy of our sires, and deserve "to retain the inheritance they have bequeathed to us." At this time Indiana s quota was already more than full, but this appeal gave a new impulse to volunteering and resulted in large accessions to the Union forces. The troops now recruited were speedily organized, equipped and sent into Kentucky, some of them joining BuelPs command south of Louisville, and others going to meet Zollicoffer in the south- cast. Without tracing in detail the movements that followed, it is enough to say that they ended in completely breaking the rebel power in Kentucky, and driving them from the State. Governor Morton s energy in this emergency was universally recognized as of immense value to Kentucky and the Union cause. So, also, when General Kirby Smith made his formidable 6 34 OLIVER P. MORTON. raid into Kentucky, in August, 1862, the Unionists of Ken tucky and the officers in command turned at once to Governor Morton for aid. August 10, General Boyle telegraphed him that the rebels were invading Kentucky, and begged him to send any forces he could possibly spare. On the llth he sent seven companies, fully armed and equipped, to Frankfort. On the same day, in compliance with General Boyle s requisition, he sent two car loads of ammunition to Frankfort, from the Indiana arsenal. On the 12th a dispatch came from General Buell, urging Governor Morton to forward all the troops he could to General Boyle in Kentucky. On the 13th a full regiment left Indianapolis for Louisville, and reported to the commanding officer at Bowling Green on the 15th. On the 16th another regiment was sent, and still another on the 17th. During the next ten days troops were forwarded at the rate of from one to three regiments per day. At this time an inci dent occurred, illustrative of Governor Morton s fertility of resources and promptness of action. While every nerve was being strained to get troops into Kentucky a difficulty arose from the fact that the funds to pay the advance bounty to which a certain regiment was entitled had not been forwarded from Washington. Many of the men had left their homes suddenly, without providing for the maintenance of their fami lies, expecting to receive the stipulated bounty-money in time to remit it before going to the field. They felt a natural reluctance to leaving the State, with the chances of battle in the immediate future, unless the wants of their families could be at least temporarily provided for. Governor Morton addressed the troops, explaining the urgent necessity of their instant departure, and proposed to send the money to them as soon as it could be obtained. Every murmur was hushed, and the men, with cheerful alacrity, shouldered their guns and started for the front. On the morning of the 19th, the Gov ernor effected an arrangement with citizens and bankers of Indianapolis and Cincinnati for an advance of nearly half a million dollars, and during that day and the succeeding night four regiments were mustered, paid and started for Kentucky. By the next evening three more regiments had been paid and started. The bounty-money due the regiment which left DEFENDS KENTUCKY. 35 without being paid was forwarded to Kentucky and paid them on the Richmond battle field, half an hour before the action opened. The battle of Richmond, fought on the 29th and 30th of August, 1862, though resulting disastrously to the Union troops, checked General Smith s advance, and gave time to put Cincinnati, which was his objective point, in a state of defense. In this battle there were six Indiana, one Kentucky and one Ohio regiment, besides some Kentucky cavalry. The opposing force was nearly three times as great. The Indiana troops had only been in the service from two to three weeks; the rebels w r erc veterans. In a dispatch to President Lincoln, dated Sept. 1, General Boyle said : " Our troops, especially the Indianians, fought with the courage and gal- " antry of veterans. If Ohio and Illinois had supported Indiana, and had " sent their troops on, the issue of the battle would have been different. " Governor Morton has sent to this state since I have been in command here " over twenty thousand men. If other states had done so well we could " have overwhelmed the enemy. I deplore the loss that noble Indiana has " sustained under the circumstances. It was important to meet the enemy " before he reached the center of the state or crossed it, and Indiana, appre- " ciating the importance of it, sent her gallant soldiers to meet the foe, no " doubt feeling that they would be supported by Ohio, Illinois and Ken tucky." Again, in May, 1864, when Morgan invaded Kentucky, General Burbridge telegraphed to Governor Morton for four regiments. The response was: "One regiment leaves to- " night, another to-morrow, and two more next day." A fort night later word came from Louisville : " The city is in dan- " ger. We want four or five thousand men." Troops were sent immediately. The same day General Hobson telegraphed from Covington for " any troops you can send me to Louisville " or Frankfort." Kentucky had then taken every man of Indiana s troops that the Governor had. He called out the militia of several counties, and placed it in the best position for service either at home or across the Ohio. A regiment of re-enlisted veterans, arriving at Indianapolis on the short fur lough given to re-enlisted men, at once volunteered to go to Kentucky, and were promptly sent to the relief of Governor Bramlette, besieged in Frankfort. A portion of the Indiana 36 OLIVER P. MORTON. Legion was sent to guard the Louisville and Nashville Rail road. By every effort, and at every point, Indiana threw her self forward to protect Kentucky. Thus repeatedly and in every emergency Governor Morton came to the rescue of Ken tucky during the war, until he actually became known in familiar parlance as the Governor of Indiana and Kentucky. His great services in this regard were fully appreciated at the time, and are still remembered by the Union men of Kentucky. In acknowledoino; them after one of the invasions above refer- O O red to, the Louisville Journal (the lamented George D. Pren tice being the writer) said : "He has been emphatically Kentucky s guardian spirit from the very " commencement of the dangers that threatened her existence. Kentucky " and the whole country owe him a large debt of gratitude. Oh, that all "the public functionaries of the country were as vigilant, as clear-sighted, " as energetic, as fearless, as chivalric as he." The Lexington Observer said : " There is no man in the nation to whom Kentucky owes a larger debt of " gratitude than to Governor Morton, of Indiana. * * * She is under " an obligation to him that she will never forget. It has been well that, " having virtually no Governor of her own, she could find so invaluable a " friend in the Governor of a neighboring State." And only recently a prominent Kentucky Unionist writes : What Kentucky Union soldier, whose heart does not bound at the men- " tion of his name ? I recollect well, as do hundreds of others, when the regi- " ment to which I was attached would have starved to death, after a long " and bloody battle, but for his promptness, energy, and determination. He " took the responsibility when other men would have hesitated and halted, " and our regiment have gone to pieces? " How easy it is to forget ! In how many critical emergencies did this " man step to the front just in the nick of time and save us. No wonder " rebels hate him. He was an army in himself. His influence, which per- " vaded the Nation, inspired every State, placed Indiana at the topmost pin- " nacle of honor and glory, and saved Kentucky. Kentucky was a sort of "an orphan during the rebellion a lone child, over whose inheritance rel- " atives furiously were fighting, while it was likely to die of starvation and " neglect. But for Morton s sheltering wing, they would have divided our " garments and cast lots for our inheritance, thrusting us naked into the "pit." THE SOLDIERS FRIEND. 37 HIS CAKE FOR SOLDIERS AND THEIR FAMILIES. No sketch of Governor Morton s military administration would be complete without at least a reference to the admira ble system which he organized and conducted for the relief of soldiers and their families. This feature of his administration was prominent from the beginning of the war, and finally became so conspicuous as to excite scarcely less admiration than his energy in raising and equipping troops. By his per sistent efforts the first Indiana troops put in the field were better equipped than those of any other State. In the fall of 1861, being unable to get a supply of overcoats from the Gen eral Government in time to protect the men from approach ing winter, he went to New York and purchased twenty-nine thousand overcoats. For a portion he paid the regular gov ernment price, $7 75, and for the remainder 9 25 each. They were immediately forwarded, and the men made comfortable. On presentation of the bill, the Quartermaster General refused to pay more than the regulation price on any of the coats, leaving the difference of $1 50 on a large number of coats to be settled by the State. When informed of this decision, Governor Morton replied, " Indiana will not allow her troops " to suffer if it be in her power to prevent it, and if the Gen- " eral Government will not purchase supplies at current rates, " Indiana will." And that was his spirit from the beginning. But cold weather was approaching. It was the first winter of the war, and the men were not yet accustomed to the hard ships nor inured to the exposure of campaign life. They needed many things, some of which the government could not furnish rapidly enough, and some of which were unknown to the regulations. To meet this want, the Governor issued a proclamation to the patriotic women of Indiana, calling on them to do what they could for their sons and brothers in the field. They were requested, either singly or by associations, to set about the manufacture of woolen shirts, drawers, socks and gloves. He said : " The sewing societies of our churches have a wide field for exertion, wider " and grander than they will ever find again. Will they not give their 38 OLIVER P. MORTON. associations for a time to this beneficent object ? The numerous female benevolent societies, by giving their energies and organizations to this work, can speedily provide the necessary supply. Let women through the country, who have no opportunity to join such associations, emulate each other in their labors, and see who shall do most for their country and its defenders in this hour of trial." In response to this appeal, an immense quantity of the above mentioned articles and other comforts were contributed by the women, and forwarded to the soldiers. This was the first organized effort of any State to make special provisions for its soldiers, and was the forerunner of all the sanitary com missions. By degrees it expanded into a system whose benefi cent operations were felt in all the armies of the "Union. Governor Morton also organized the " General Military Agency of Indiana," for the special benefit of Indiana sol diers. A gentleman of well known energy and probity of character was appointed General Agent, to whom was entrusted the receipt and distribution of all sanitary supplies, the sup ervision of local Agencies, and the direction of all matters relating to the relief of soldiers. A large number of local and field agents were appointed. The former had local officers at various points near the field of operations. They were required to make their offices the homes of soldiers ; to assist them in getting transportation in returning home, when they had no money or Government passes ; to provide them cloth ing when, as was too often the case, they were ragged and necessitous ; to feed them ; to facilitate every proper purpose ; to take charge of returning prisoners, and to provide every thing which their shocking destitution demanded ; and, in short, to exercise a careful guardianship over Indiana sol diers in every possible way. Field agents were expected not only to look after the health and comfort of the men, but to write letters, to take charge of commissions for them to their friends and relatives, to see to the burial of the dead, and the preservation of relics, to keep registers of the names of all men in hospitals, with date of entry, disease or injury, and, in case of death, the date and cause, and other informa tion that might be of interest to the friends. The amount of good done by the State Military Agency and the State Sani tary Commission is incalculable. They found out Indiana HIS CARE FOR THE SOLDIERS. 39 soldiers in every field and in every prison. Wherever a Hoosier boy was heard of in want or suffering, these humane organizations managed to reach him. They were on every battle-field, and the echoes of the cannon had hardly died away before Indiana s agents were there looking for Indiana soldiers. Through the Sanitary Commission enormous quan tities of fruit and vegetables were distributed among Indiana regiments. Nor did they confine their attentions exclusively to Indiana soldiers, though these were given the preference. Their instructions were to assist and relieve the soldiers of other States, whenever it could be done consistently with their first duty to those of Indiana, and many a boy in blue from other States has had occasion to bless Governor Morton, for attentions received from his Sanitary or Military Agents. Amid all his other cares Governor Morton found time to give considerable personal attention and supervision to these noble charities. By tongue and pen he cheered and inspired the people, while the vigor of his administration in this regard, as in others, made itself felt through the whole body politic. Local societies and organizations were formed, and a regular system of competitive patriotism inaugurated. In one of his proclamations on this subject Governor Morton said : "An effective working committee in each ward and township should " be at once selected, with such assistants and sub-committees as may be " necessary, who can easily ascertain the number of families within their "limits requiring aid, and estimate the quantity, kind and cost of all sup- " plies needed during the winter. Contributions can be taken up accord- " ingly. In this work the township trustees, and the officers of the various " churches, will doubtless lend a willing hand. Especially do I desire that " ministers of the gospel should present this subject to their respective con- " gregations, and co-operate, as far as possible, in carrying out the general " plan of relief." In another proclamation, calling for additional volunteers, he said : " Upon those who remain at home, I would urge the solemn duty of mak- " ing provisions for the families of those who have or may hereafter " enter the army. The soldier in the field should have the sweet assurance " that his wife and childen, and all who are dependent upon his labor for " a living, will be provided with sufficient food and clothing. Such an " assurance would nerve his arm in the hour of battle and enable him to " bear with cheerfulness the hardships and privation of a soldier s life. jK& Of THE 3^ ftfiriVBESITY 40 OLIVER P. MORTON. " It would be a lasting disgrace to our people if the family of any soldier " should want for bread or raiment while our country is full to overflowing " with all the necessaries of life." By such appeals and by continually suggesting some new plan of organized effort he kept the patriotism of the people in constant activity, and secured really marvelous results. Men, women, and children seemed to vie with each other in their efforts ; loyal ministers of the gospel lent their powerful aid to the movement and the whole machinery of society was placed at the disposal of the Governor to further his patriotic plans. Indiana s noble action in this regard won for the State almost as much reputation as the valor of her soldiers, and was the theme of general comment. The regu lar correspondent of the New York Tribune, writing to that paper from Fredericksburg, under date of December 18, 1862, immediately after the battle, said : " The peculiar and constant attention to the troops his State has sent out " so promptly, is the prominent feature of Governor Morton s most admir- " able administration. In all our armies, from Kansas to the Potomac, " wherever I have met Indiana troops, I have encountered some officer of " Governor Morton, going about among them,inquiring especially as to their " needs, both in camp and hospital, and performing those thousand offices " the soldier so often requires. Would that the same tender care could be " extended to every man from whatever State, who is fighting the battles of " the Kepublic." In his annual message to the Ohio Legislature, in 1864, Governor Brough spoke in the warmest terms of commenda tion of the Indiana State Agencies and urged the adoption of the same system in Ohio. The people of Indiana were especially proud of the Governor s labors in this regard. The total amount contributed to, and distributed by, the Sanitary Commission, from its organization to its close, was 606,570. These were the voluntary offerings of the people. In addi tion to this, the princely sum of 4,566,898 was contributed by counties, townships, cities and towns for the relief of sol diers families and soldiers discharged by reason of wounds and disease. In this great movement Governor Morton s inspiring influence was constantly felt and his patriotic appeals kept the people stirred up to this work as they did to that of volunteering. OBTAINS ADDITIONAL ARMY SURGEONS. 41 In addition to the stated efforts of the organizations above named Governor Morton sent special relief expeditions after every battle in which Indiana soldiers were engaged. During the year 1863 seven such missions were performed, a loaded steamer being sent in each case. The first took 540 packages of stores, twenty-five nurses, and "twenty-one surgeons ; the second took 1,000 packages of stores and several nurses and surgeons ; the third, 500 packages, with nurses and surgeons, etc. In each case these steamers brought back sick and wounded soldiers from the South-west. OBTAINS ADDITIONAL ARMY SURGEONS. On the 21st of April, 1862, just before the battle of Corinth, Governor Morton telegraphed the Secretary of War as follows : " That a great battle is impending at Corinth, is evident. Before addi- 1 tional surgical aid can reach the field from any quarter, five or six days will elapse. Meanwhile the wounded must suffer immensely. So it was at Donelson and Pittsburg. Indiana has at least twenty -four regiments before the enemy. I propose to send at once to each of them two addi- tional surgeons, and respectfully request authority from you to do so. I regard this as an absolute necessity." Heretofore each regiment had been allowed only one sur geon and one assistant. Experience had shown this medical force to be entirely inadequate, especially during or immedi ately after a severe battle. This was especially the case after the battles of Fort Donelson and Shiloh, and now as another one was impending, Governor Morton proposed to make bet ter provision, at least for the Indiana soldiers. His appeal to the Secretary of War was granted, the necessary authority given, and the requisite number of surgeons immediately selected and dispatched to the field, with instructions to remain as long as their services were required. This action gave so much satisfaction that on the 2d of July, 1862, Con gress passed an act providing that instead of one assistant sur geon, as provided by a former law, each regiment of volun teers in the service of the United States should have two assistant surgeons. Thus Governor Morton s thoughtful fore sight and care of Indiana troops resulted in this important change for the benefit of the whole army. 42 OLIVER P. MORTON. HIS CIVIL ADMINISTRATION. The foregoing pages furnish abundant evidence of Governor Morton s remarkable executive ability, but the record would be very incomplete without a reference to his civil adminis tration during the period of the war. In most of the North ern States this was a mere matter of ordinary routine, but in Indiana it was attended by complications of the gravest char acter, and difficulties which to most men would have seemed insuperable. The war record of Indiana is a monument more enduring than brass to the loyalty and patriotism of her peo ple who stood by the Government ; but there was another class whose memory equally merits preservation as having done all in their power to embarrass and cripple the efforts of Governor Morton to uphold the authority of the Nation. If the noble sacrifices of the former are worthy to be honored as long as the sentiments of loyalty and patriotism survive in the breasts of men, the infamous conduct of the latter deserves to be held up for execration to the last syllable of recorded time. There were disloyal men and Democratic rebel sympa thizers in nearly all the Northern States, but nowhere were they so numerous, malignant, active and well organized as in Indiana. For a little while after the firing on Fort Sumter the voices of these domestic traitors were hushed in the great roar of public patriotism, but they soon recovered confidence, and entered on a course of political intrigue and revolutionary plotting, which was kept up during the whole war. In pro portion as Governor Morton showed himself energetic and vigorous in his war policy, these men hated and maligned him, and sought to defeat his plans. They exerted themselves to weaken our armies by encouraging desertion, by discouraging or forcibly resisting recruiting, and by crippling the efforts of the State authorities to send reinforcements into the field. They held meetings and conventions, and passed resolutions denouncing the war. They labored to produce discontent and even disloyalty among the soldiers by sending them papers and letters condemning the war, urging desertion and promis ing protection to deserters. In nearly every county of the A DISLOYAL LEGISLATURE. 43 State they formed an organization for resisting the draft, pro tecting deserters and obstructing enlistments. Finally, they organized a secret treasonable society known as the " Sons of Liberty," for the express purpose of aiding the rebellion and, if possible, transferring the war to Indiana soil. During the winter of 1861-62, and the summer of 1863, the disloyal sen timent was very active. County and local meetings were held in many parts of the State, which declared the war "cruel and unnecessary," denounced President Lincoln as a " tyrant and usurper," Union soldiers as " Lincoln hirelings," etc. In the fall of 1862, the Democrats carried the State, elect ing a Democratic Legislature. It was a thoroughly disloyal Legislature, the Democrats having a majority of six in the Senate and twenty-four in the House. The first thing they did after assembling was to decline to receive Governor Mor ton s message, and to pass a joint resolution tendering thanks to Governor Seymour, of New York, for "the exalted and patriotic sentiments contained in his recent message." The message of Governor Morton was full of important matter, and was dignified and patriotic in tone ; but these Indiana copperheads rejected it, and indorsed instead the congenial utterances of the Democratic Governor of New York. This was the key-note of the whole action of the Legislature. They adopted resolutions denouncing "arbitrary arrests," and declared that Indiana would not " voluntarily contribute another man or another dollar to be used for such wicked, inhuman and unholy purposes " as the prosecution of the war. They instructed the Senators and requested the Representa tives in Congress from Indiana to take measures to suspend hostilities, and declared in favor of receiving the Southern States back into the Union " on a liberal compromise, grant ing them ungrudgingly all their constitutional rights and privileges, with such additional safeguards as may be neces sary to protect them in those rights." They refused to enter tain a proposition to allow soldiers in the field to vote, and thus practically disfranchised the men at the front. They denounced the arming of the negroes, and resolved that " the people of the State had over and over again decided against any interfer ence with slavery." These are but a few out of many evidences 44 OLIVER P. MORTON. of the rank disloyalty of this body. Finally, after having done what it could to disgrace the State and cripple the admin istration of Governor Morton, the Legislature adjourned with out passing a single one of the appropriation bills necessary to carry on the State government. This was A TERRIBLE CRISIS. The country in the midst of civil war, the Government making steady demands on the States for aid, another call for troops imminent, Southern emissaries and rebel sympathizers doing all in their power to foment disturbances, and the Leg islature adjourned without making any provision for the civil or military expenses of the State. In this emergency, Gover nor Morton had three courses open before him : first, to allow the State institutions to be closed, the interest on the State s bonds to go unpaid, and its credit to become bankrupt ; second, to call a special session of the same Legislature and endeavor to shame it into a performance of its duty ; third, to devise extraordinary means of raising money to carry along the State government and preserve its credit. He chose the latter course. He organized a Bureau of Finance, appointed a Financial Secretary, and devised a new system of State gov ernment. He appealed to the people, to private bankers and to various counties of the State to furnish funds to carry on the State government, confident that the next Legislature would be a loyal one and justify his acts. The response was prompt and liberal. Many counties made appropriations ranging from $2,000 to 20,000 each. Private citizens advanced a considerable sum, and one railroad company pat riotically loaned $15,000. Governor Morton went to Wash ington, and on his representation of the case, the General Government advanced him, as a disbursing officer, $250,000 out of a special appropriation for military expenses. Thus, through his personal energy and efforts, funds were raised to carry on the State government, keep all the State institutions open, and defray civil and military expenses. The State offi cers were hostile to his administration, and he carried out hir> plans entirely independent of them. The Bureau of Finance CIVIL ADMINISTRATION. 45 established by him continued from April, 1863, to January, 1865. The total amount of cash raised and received by Gov ernor Morton, during this period, was $1,026,321.31. Of this amount, he disbursed, through his Financial Secretary, for civil purposes $199,644.93, and for military purposes $702,420.15, making a total of ip902,065.08. Of the balance left in his hands ($124,256.23) $115,487.18, being part of the military fund, was paid back to the General Government, and $8,768.95 was paid into the State treasury. Every dollar disbursed during the one year and nine months of his finan cial administration was paid on his check, proper and suffi cient vouchers being taken in all cases. Not a dollar was lost or misappropriated. There is no similar case on record of the Governor of a State raising funds by his personal efforts to support the State Government, and carrying it along for nearly two years without any appropriations by the Legis lature and without any assistance from the State officers. It has already been stated that these latter were hostile to Governor Morton s administration . They were more than this. As Democrats they desired to see him utterly fail in his efforts to sustain the credit of the State and keep it in the front rank of loyal commonwealths. When the interest on the State debt fell due, on the 1st of July, 1863, they failed and refused to make any provision for it, hoping, thereby, to crip ple and defeat the plans of Governor Morton. But he was equal to this emergency also. Discovering their purpose, he hastened to New York, and effected an arrangement with a loyal and responsible banking house to advance the sum necessary to pay the interest falling due on the date above named. But here he met another difficulty. The interest could not be paid without a list of the stock-holders. The only complete list was in the books of the State Agent at New T York a disloyal Democrat and he refused to furnish it to the bankers, or to permit them to have access to his books. It was then proposed to him that he should pay the interest in the usual way, on his own books, the bankers to honor his checks issued therefor and to relieve him from any personal liability for moneys so paid. This offer was like wise refused. Determined not to be defeated, Governor Mor- 46 OLIVER P. MORTON. % ton set about obtaining a list of the stockholders from outside sources, and after much labor and delay, actually succeeded in doing so. The interest was finally paid, and the State s credit saved. An arrangement was made with the same house to pay the interest falling due on the 1st of January and 1st of July, 1864, and 1st of January, 1865, and a public notice to this effect quieted the fears of foreign creditors, and placed the credit of the State higher than it ever stood before. TREASONABLE PRACTICES AND SECRET SOCIETIES. The foregoing pages sufficiently indicate the malignant spirit of the Indiana Democracy daring the war, but they only faintly suggest the enormous difficulties which Governor Mor ton had to encounter from this quarter. It is no exaggeration to say that he fought two rebellions one in the South and one in Indiana. Reference has already been made to some of the treasonable practices by which the sympathizers with rebellion sought to embarrass his administration, but all of these, wicked and nefarious they were, sink into insignificance when com pared with the step in which they finally culminated. This was nothing less than the organization of a secret treasonable society, called " Knights of the Golden Circle," the undoubted purpose of which was to plunge the State into revolution and precipitate a civil war in its borders. Space would fail to relate the numerous outrages and open acts of treason perpe trated by this organization before it was discovered. In some counties Union men had been driven from their homes, their houses and barns had been burned, draft officers had been killed, squads of soldiers sent to arrest deserters had been fired upon, and companies of rebel sympathizers drilled in open clay, with the avowed purpose of resisting the Government authorities. Governor Morton was the special object of their hatred. His life was repeatedly threatened. Once he was fired at as he was leaving the State House at night, the bullet grazing his head. These outrages became so frequent, and the talk of organized resistance to the draft so alarming, that in June, 1863, the Governor issued a proclamation, reciting the TREASON AT HOME. 47 act of Congress to define and punish treasonable conspiracies, and ordering the agitators to submit to the laws. Finally, in 1864, through the efforts of Governor Morton, and an officer whom he had employed to assist him, a full oxposure was made of the secret organization known as the 41 Knights of the Golden Circle," or " Sons of Liberty." The exposure was complete embracing the signs, grips, pass words, oaths, ceremonies, principles and purposes of the order. The membership in the State at that time was about 50,000. Its officers had 200,000 in their hands for the purpose of buying arms. The leaders were in close and constant com munication with the rebels. An outbreak had been planned to take place in August, 1864. The arsenal at Indianapolis was to be siezed, railroad and telegraph lines to be cut, and the rebel prisoners confined here to be liberated. Governor Morton was to be captured, and, if necessary, put out of the way. The combined forces of released prisoners and Sons of Liberty were to join the rebel forces, who were to advance to meet them, in Kentucky. "With such information in his pos session, Governor Morton was prepared to deal this treasonable organization a crushing blow. He caused the arrest of the Grand Commander of the order in this State, the Deputy Grand Com- mande^ and four District Commanders all prominent Demo crats. These arrests created great consternation in Democratic oircles, and completely overthrew the plans of the order. It was determined to make an example of the leaders arrested. Accord ingly, a military commission was organized, and they were put upon their trial for conspiracy and treason. Pending the trial the Grand Commander made his escape from the United States Court building and fled to Canada. The evidence against the others was overwhelming. One of them turned State s evi dence, and disclosed all the secrets of the order. The court finally found all four of them guilty as charged, and sentenced three of them to death and one to imprisonment. The death sentence was approved, the day fixed for their execution, and preparations for it commenced, when, upon the earnest repre sentations of Governor Morton and other prominent loyal men, the President commuted their sentence to confinement 48 OLIVER P. MORTON. in the Ohio penitentiary. Subsequently, after the close of the war, they were all pardoned. It was amid such difficulties and dangers as these that Gov ernor Morton had to move. In spite of them all, however, he held the State to its duty, and, backed by the loyal citizens, gave it a place second to none in effective support of the National Government. HIS RE-ELECTION AS GOVERNOR. It is hardly necessary to say that Governor Morton s man agement of State affairs under the manifold difficulties above related was enthusiastically approved by the Republicans of Indiana. By his vigorous and brilliant administration he had given the State more prominence than it had ever enjoyed before, elevated its credit in financial circles, and won for it golden opinions from loyal people everywhere. During the four years from 1860 to 1864 he had come to be regarded as one of the foremost men of the nation. His great services to the Union cause were universally recognized, and the Repub licans in Indiana, at least, felt that he had done what no other man living could have done. Therefore, when the Republi can Convention met in 1864 he was unanimously nominated for re-election. This was an important epoch in his public career, and much depended on the result of the election. Of course the main question was whether Indiana would remain true to the Republican party and the Union, but scarcely sec ondary to this was the question whether the Legislature would indorse Governor Morton s administration and approve the various measures he had adopted to meet emergencies forced upon him by the disloyal Democracy. All his acts had been done in the confident hope that a Legislature would be elected in 1864 which would approve them, and now the time had come for an appeal to the people. His opponent for the Gov ernorship was Hon. Joseph E. McDonald, now a Senator from this State. Friends of both parties arranged for a joint Oanvass of the State, and the opening debate was appointed to take place at Laporte. The character of the occasion and the importance of the issues involved drew an immense con- RE-ELECTED GOVERNOR. 49 course of people, the crowd being estimated at not less than twenty thousand. His competitor was ten years his senior, a skillful debater and strong man. He had been nominated because it was thought he could cope with Morton " on the stump/ 7 but the result proved how ill founded this expectation was. The Laporte debate settled beyond all doubt the com parative ability of the two men, and in the minds of all pres ent virtually fixed the result of the election. Governor Mor ton had the opening. His speech was a powerful arraignment of the Democratic party and defense of his own administra tion. The utter rottenness and treason of the Democracy were exposed and every measure and act of his own vindi cated. It was a great and convincing speech. Mr. Joseph Medill, of the Chicago Tribune, who was present, said that one speech, scattered broadcast throughout the State, would elect Morton by 10,000 majority ; and the correspondent of the New York Tribune wrote : " Nothing like it has been heard " in this country since Webster s reply to Hayne." The speech was too much for McDonald, and its effect upon the audience disheartened him. His reply was virtually a failure, and the debate resulted in a great triumph for Governor Morton. His friends were prouder of him than ever, and the Democrats were correspondingly depressed. At every subsequent appointment the Laporte experience was virtually repeated. As Morton warmed to his work he rose to even higher strains of argu ment, while McDonald labored more and more as he noted everywhere that his antagonist was carrying the people with him. Governor Morton s speeches in this campaign were characterized by the qualities for which he was now so widely known power of logic, force of statement, and eloquent presentation of Republican principles. He was re-elected by 20,883 majority, and the Eepublicans gained a majority in the Legislature. It was the grandest popular triumph ever achieved in the State. His message to the Legislature set forth in detail all his public acts of the last two years, and was a complete exposi tion of the civil, military and financial affairs of the State. In conclusion he said : 50 OLIVER P. MORTON. "I respectfully request that a joint committee of the two Houses be "speedily appointed to investigate the civil and military expenditures I " have made since the adjournment of the last Legislature, and to examine " vouchers for the same on file in my department, and that the Legislature " will make prompt provision for the repayment of the money I have bor- " rowed for public purposes. It was advanced from patriotic motives, with " a full reliance upon the good faith of the State for its reimbursement, and " without it the machinery of the State government could not have been " kept in motion." Pursuant to this request, the Legislature appointed a joint committee to examine the vouchers for receipts and payments of money by the Governor. After a thorough examination, the committee found (as in his account stated) that the Governor had received $1,036.,321.31, and disbursed $902,- 065.08, leaving a balance in his hands of 124,265.23, for which he held a certificate of deposit in bank. The report of the committee was a complete vindication of the Gover nor s financial administration, and is a lasting tribute to his strict and unimpeachable integrity. During a time of civil war and great excitement, he raised by his personal efforts, and disbursed on his personal check, all the money used by the State government during a period of nearly two years, without the loss or misappropriation of a dollar. No public man in the United States can show a better record than this. No other can show a record to compare with it, for there is none who was ever placed in similar circumstances, or who ever achieved such great results under such enormous difficul ties. AFTER THE WAR. Governor Morton entered his second term with unabated zeal and ardor. He was now in his forty-second year and in the prime of physical and mental strength. The vast respon sibilities and labors of the last five years had developed his character to its fullest proportions. Experience had shown him to be equal to every emergency, and success had given him a confidence which was almost irresistible in itself. His energy, patriotism, executive ability and fertility of resources were a theme of general comment. His services to the State and Nation were known and honored everywhere. CLOSE OF THE WAE. 51 In April, 1865, came the end of the war, and the assassin ation of President Lincoln. This last event, which so shocked the Nation and the world, was a stunning blow to Governor Morton. The relations between the martyred President and himself had been exceedingly friendly even intimate for some years past. They had stood shoulder to shoulder in support of the same great cause, laboring with equal zeal to a common end. They had advised and counseled together dur ing every phase of the conflict, each at times borrowing hope and inspiration from the other. Amid a Nation of mourners no man felt the death of Mr. Lincoln more than Governor Morton, his admirer, co-laborer, and trusted friend. On the receipt of the sad intelligence, he issued the following procla mation : " STATE OP INDIANA, EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, \ " INDIANAPOLIS, April 15, 1865. / 11 To the Citizens of Indianapolis: " The mournful intelligence has been received that the President, Abra- " ham Lincoln, died this morning from a wound inflicted by the hand of an " assassin, last night. A great and good man has fallen, and the country " has lost its beloved and patriotic Chief Magistrate in the hour of her " greatest need. " I, therefore, request the citizens of Indianapolis, in testimony of their " profound sorrow, to close their places of business, and assemble in the " State House Square at twelve o clock M. to-day, to give expression to their " sentiments over this great National calamity. " O. P. MORTON, " Governor of Indiana. Immediately after the meeting thus called, the Governor hastened to Washington to join in paying the last sad honors to his murdered friend. He, with others, accompanied the President s remains to their final resting-place ; and, at his request, it was decided to have them rest for a day at Indian apolis. The ceremonies here were of a most solemn and im pressive character. Shortly after this the returning troops of Indiana began to arrive, and the grateful duty of properly receiving the victor ious veterans followed quickly on the mournful task of bury ing their murdered chief. The close of the war opened up a new field of executive labor, which, if less exciting than that of the last few years, was no less perplexing and severe. 52 OLIVER P. MORTON. In the fall of 1865, in consequence of his great labors and the continued strain upon his energies, Governor Morton s health became impaired to such a degree as to require a ces sation from work. His physicians prescribed rest and travel, and in November, 1865, he went to Europe. He remained abroad about five months, when he returned and resumed his duties as Governor. His safe return was the more gratifying to his friends in Indiana, since a State election was approach ing and he was looked to as usual to sound THE KEY NOTE. State officers, members of Congress and of the State Legis lature were to be elected in the fall. The Legislature then chosen would have to elect a United States Senator, and it was taken by common consent among Republicans that if they carried the State Governor Morton was to be the man. Shortly after his return from Europe the Republicans called a public meeting, the first of the campaign, on the 20th of June, 1866. The largest hall in Indianapolis was densely crowded with those anxious to see and hear him, and a large number of prominent men occupied seats on the platform. His speech on this occasion was one of the most powerful and scathing he ever delivered. The surroundings were sugges tive of stirring memories. He had often spoken from the same platform during the war, appealing to the people, call ing for volunteers, and exhorting the citizens of the State to stand by and support the Government. Now the war was over, and the question was presented, as it is to-day, whether the fruits of victory should be preserved or surrendered. His speech consisted of a vindication of the course of the Repub lican party and an arraignment of the Democracy. The lat ter portion of it was terribly severe, and is still well remem bered by those who heard it. He dwelt upon the course of the Democracy during the war, and recalled their countless acts of disloyalty. He hurled facts and history at them with fatal precision and eifect. Nearly every sentence was received with cheers by the audience, and the applause seemed to inspire the speaker. His invective fairly glowed with pas- ELECTED UNITED STATES SENATOR 53 sion. Having traced the dark and dishonoring course of the Democracy from the firing on Fort Sumter throughout the war and down to the time of speaking, he concluded his fiery philippic by saying : " In short, the Democratic party may be described as a common sewer " and loathsome receptacle> into which is emptied every element of inhu- " manity and barbarism which has desolated the age." In this speech also he made an argument in favor of the adoption of the Fourteenth Amendment to the National Con stitution, which attracted attention throughout the country. No speech delivered since the war had so excoriated the Democracy, or portrayed so powerfully their treasonable career and purposes, and it earned for Governor Morton their deeper hatred than ever. By Republicans it was generally accepted as a complete vindication of the principles and pol icy of the party, and nearly 3,000,000 copies of it were cir culated in different States of the Union. During the campaign which followed, Governor Morton spoke at various points in the State, and never with greater power or effect. The election resulted in a sweeping Repub lican victory. In the Legislature the Republicans had thirty- two majority on joint ballot. Shortly after the meeting of the General Assembly in January, 1867, Governor Morton was elected United States Senator, no other Republican can didate being even suggested; and he receiving every Repub lican vote. HIS SENATORIAL CAHEER. Great as Governor Morton s services to Republican princi ples and the cause of freedom had been heretofore, they have been fully matched by those which have marked his senatorial career. If he had died at the close of the war he would have been remembered as " Indiana s War Governor," as one of the mainstays of the Government during the rebellion, and as a man of extraordinary executive ability. To these distinctions history will now add that he was also a wise and sagacious legislator, of broad and comprehensive views, true to liberty as the needle to the pole, firm and unyielding in his devotion 54 OLIVER P. MORTON. to the cause of right, and immovable as a rock in his support of Republican principles. If it be true that no man did more to sustain the Government during the war, it is equally true that none has done more since the war to secure its results and to establish the Government on solid, broad, and enduring foundations. Governor Morton took his seat in the Senate of the Fortieth Congress, March 4, 1 867. At that time Hon. B. F. AVade was President of the Senate, and the body numbered among its members many able Senators of the war period, some of whom have since died, some have passed out of public life, and a few still remain in the Senate. Probably never before, certainly at no time since, has the Senate embraced more men of abil ity, experience and character than it did then. Senator Mor ton was welcomed to the body, and received at once into the fullest confidence by leading Republican Senators. His polit ical record- and services were familiar as household words, while his temperate life and spotless character made him a fit associate for the best of the great men who then adorned the Senate. Their estimate of his abilities is shown by the fact that in the organization of the standing committees he was accorded throe important places Chairman of the Committee on Manufactures, and a member of the Committees on Foreign Relations and Military Affairs. HIS FIEST SPEECH IN THE SENATE. The great question before the Fortieth Congress, and one which was occupying the attention of the whole country at that time, was that of Reconstruction, or the rehabilitation of the Southern States. The stubborn contest between President Johnson and Congress had attracted universal attention to the subject, and its intrinsic importance made it the theme of gen eral comment and discussion. The great question was how far to go in restoring the late rebels to their political rights, and what measures were necessary to secure Republican Gov ernment to the Southern States, and political equality, together with safety and protection, to all classes of people. On this question, and all those growing out of it, Senator Morton had SPEECH ON EECONSTR UCTION. 55 well settled views. He believed most profoundly that treason was a crime, and that those who had engaged in ifc should be made to realize the fact. He believed that men who had but just laid down their arms after a four years struggle to destroy the Government ought not to be trusted immediately with the absolute control of the Southern States without the exaction of guarantees in the interests of liberty. He desired to accord them all civil and political rights as soon as it was safe to do so, but he wished also to have the future peace and security of the Union "so imbedded in the imperishable bulwarks of the constitution that the waves of secession might dash against it in vain." While he regarded it as important that the work of reconstruction should not be unnecessarily delayed, he con sidered it still more important that it should proceed upon sound principles which would furnish guarantees for the future integrity and peace of the republic. On the 24th of January, 1868, Senator Morton delivered his first speech in the Senate. The subject under debate was the Reconstruction question. He had not intended to speak at that time, and had made no deliberate preparation. In the course of the debate, however, Senator Doolittle, of Wiscon sin, made a bitter attack on the Republican party and the Congressional policy of reconstruction. When he concluded, Senator Nye rose to reply, but yielded to Senator Morton, who spoke extemporaneously and without having made a sin gle note. At the beginning of his speech he said : "The issue here to-day is the same which prevails throughout the country " which will be the issue of this canvass, and perhaps for years -to come. " It is between two paramount ideas, each struggling for the supremacy. One " is, that the war to suppress the rebellion was right and just on our part ; " that the rebels forfeited their civil and political rights, and can only be " restored to them upon such conditions as the nation may prescribe for its " future safety and prosperity. The other idea is, that the rebellion was " not sinful, but was right ; that those engaged in it forfeited no rights, civil " or political, and have a right to take charge of their State governments, " and be restored to their representation in Congress, just as if there were no " rebellion and nothing had occurred. The immediate issue before the Sen- " ate now is between the existing State governments established under the " policy of the President of the United States in the rebel States, and the " plan of reconstruction presented by Congress." He then proceeded to demonstrate, first, that when the war 66 OLIVER P. MORTON. closed the rebel States were without State governments of any kind, since the State governments existing at the beginning of the war had been overturned by the rebels, and those erected by the rebels had been overturned by our armies, leaving the Southern jStates without any government what ever. Second, quoting that clause of the Constitution which provides that " the United States shall guarantee to every " State in this Union a republican form of government," he proved conclusively that Congress alone had the right to exer cise that power, and that it must be done by a Legislative act. Third, he then considered the powers of Congress in the execu tion of the guaranty, how it should be executed, and what means might be employed for this purpose. This branch of the subject was exhaustively treated, and the conclusion reached that Congress not only had the power, but was in duty bound, to prescribe such a plan of reconstruction as would insure justice, security, and equal rights to all classes in the South. This could only be done by giving the colored race the right of suffrage. Of the State governments organized under President Johnson s policy, he said : " So far from having been organized by the loyal people, they wereorgan- " ized by the disloyal ; every office passed into the hands of a rebel ; the " Union men had no part or lot in those governments ; and so far from " answering the purpose for which governments are intended, they failfid to " extend protection to the loyal men, either white or black." Then, having shown the utter failure of the attempt to recon struct the Southern States on the basis of the white population alone, he said : " Now, sir, what was there left to do ? Either we must hold these people "continually by military power, or we must use such machinery on such a " a new basis as would enable loynl republican governments to be raised up; " and in the last result I will say Congress waited long, the Nation waited long, experience had to come to the rescue of reason before the thing was " done in the last resort, and, as the last thing to be done, Congress deter- " mined to dig through all the rubbish dig through the soil and the shift- " ing sands, and go down to the eternal rock, and there, upon the basis of " the everlasting principle of equal and exact justice to all men, we have " planted the column of reconstruction ; and, sir, it will arise slowly, but " surely, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. " The meager outline here presented furnishes but a faint con ception of the comprehensive grasp and convincing power of SPEECH ON EECONSTR UCTION. 57 this speech. It was universally conceded to be a masterly presentation of the subject accurate in statement, unanswer able in logic, forcible and dignified in expression. It placed Senator Morton at once among the leaders of the Senate, and showed him to be the peer in -debate of the oldest and ablest member. Mr. Barnes, the Congressional historian, says, " It " was one of the most memorable and effective speeches ever " delivered in the United States Senate." Col. John W. For ney, in a letter to the Philadelphia Press, wrote : " The scene " this afternoon reminded me of the time when Webster and " Clay spoke to eager and applauding galleries, and of the "latex struggles after the war began, when Breckenridge, " thundering treason from his seat, was met and mastered by "by the martyred Baker. * * * Governor Morton s " speech surprised, even those who knew his consummate abil- " ities. He spoke like an inspired patriot. I will not attempt " to give you a glimpse of his tremendous refutation of Dem- " ocratic falsehoods or his overwhelming vindication of the " Republican Congress. * * * He left the chamber amid " the admiration of his friends and the respect of his enemies. te No statesman who listened to him but must have been con- " vinced that he had heard a master, not only in intellect, but " in heart, a profound thinker and a resistless logician but " more than these, a sincere and fervent lover of his country " and all the oppressed races of men." Hon. Reverdy John son, in the Senate at that time, said " the speech in manner " and matter recalled the days when the chamber was graced " by such men as Webster, Clay and Calhoun." The next day after its delivery General Rawlins read it to General Grant, then General of the army, who, after hearing it, said, " That settles it, Eawlins. That one speech, if not another " word is said, insures a Republican victory next fall." Thad- deus Stevens declared that the speech was the first successful attempt to defend the reconstruction policy of Congress. The National Executive Committee had it published as a campaign document, and distributed 2,000,000 copies of it during the ensuing Presidential campaign. From that time to the present Senator Morton has been recognized as one of the Republican leaders, if not distinctively 58 OLIVER P. MORTON. the leader of the Senate. He has been intimately identified with every important measure of legislation, originating many himself, and shaping or contributing largely to the success of others. Naturally progressive, fertile in expedients and resources, devoted to principlc/and untiring in the pursuit of ends which he believes to be just and right, he has been a most powerful advocate and ally of the cause of equal rights and free government. THE FIFTEENTH AMENDMENT. The thirteenth and fourteenth amendments to the consti tution were both adopted before Mr. Morton went into the Senate, but his influence had been effectively used in favor of the ratification of both in Indiana. These, however, humane and important as they were, were comparatively inoperative without the Fifteenth Amendment, establishing universal suf frage. The Congressional policy of reconstruction which Senator Morton was so largely instrumental in shaping, con templated the conferring of the suffrage on the negroes of the South as a measure at once of justice to them and protection to the Union. This was the object of the Fifteenth Amend ment, the discussion of which occupied a large share of atten tion during the third session of the Fortieth Congress, and the final ratification of which was mainly due to Senator Morton s persistence of purpose and boldness of action. After an exhaustive debate, and an all night session, the report of the Conference Committee of the Senate, recom mending the adoption of the Amendment, was agreed to early on the morning of the 26, 1869. Senator Morton had cham pioned the measure from the beginning, and had been ably seconded by other Republican Senators. Senator Sumner had opposed it on the double ground, first, that it virtually con ceded that Congress had not the power to regulate suffrage in the States by legislation ; and second, that even if adopted by Congress, the Amendment would not be ratified by a sufficient number of States to make it operative. Three- fourths of the States, (twenty-eight) were required, and to make this number Indiana, Texas, Virginia, Mississippi and Georgia would be THE FIFTEENTH AMENDMENT. 59 required ID addition to those States certain to ratify. Mr. Siimner was confident that the ratification of these States could not be secured. Mr. Morton, on the other hand, believed it could be. At all events, he maintained that the Amendment was just in itself, necessary to the peace and security of the Union, and that it should be adopted by Congress and the question of ratification be left to the future. Enough Senators agreed with him to secure the passage of the Amendment and it was adopted, the Democrats all voting against it, and Mr. Sumner not voting at all. The Indiana Legislature was in session at the time, the Republicans having a majority in each branch, but not a quorum (two-thirds) in the House. To pre vent the ratification of the Amendment by the House, there fore the Democratic members resigned in a body, thus break ing a quorum. This was treated as the breaking up of the Legislature, and the members of both Houses dispersed to their homes. Governor Baker, however, ordered new elec tions in the counties from which these members had resigned, and in April, 1869, convened the Legislature in extra session. Near the close of the session, the Republicans having an nounced their purpose of ratifying the Amendment, the Dem ocrats again resigned to break a quorum. This time, however, they reckoned without their host. Senator Morton returned home on the very morning the resignations were handed in, and learning what had been done, he immediately sent word to the Republican members not to adjourn, but to meet him that night in consultation at the Supreme Court Room. On assembling, he addressed them at length, taking the ground that a quorum of the House was not broken by a resignation of more than one-third of the members ; that the constitu tional provision requiring two- thirds of the members of each House to constitute a quorum meant two-thirds of the actual members, and that when a member died or resigned, he was no longer a member, and could not be counted as such, and that two-thirds of the remaining members constituted a quo rum. His argument was conclusive of the question, and the next morning both Houses of the Legislature met and ratified the Amendment. Their proceedings were duly certified to the Secretary of State at "Washington, and Indiana was 60 OLIVER P. MORTON. counted as having ratified the Amendment. The Democrats who resigned were equally surprised and disgusted at this turn of affairs. The next Legislature, (the Democrats being in a majority) passed a joint resolution declaring the "pretended " ratification "null and void," and "withdrawing and rescinding " all action, perfect and imperfect, on the part of this State, "purporting to assent to, and ratify said proposed Fifteenth "Amendment." Their protest, however, amounted to nothing, and Indiana remained in line. THE RATIFICATION OF THREE MORE STATES SECURED. Pending the passage of the Fifteenth Amendment, a bill was introduced in the House authorizing the President to recon struct Virginia, Texas and Mississippi. Here was another opportunity, and Senator Morton seized it. When the bill reached the Senate, he submitted as an amendment an additional section, providing that before these States should be admitted to representation in Congress they should ratify the proposed Fifteenth Amendment. The bill and amendment were referred to the Judiciary Committee, which reported adversely to the amendment. A three days debate ensued, in which Senator Trumbull, chairman of the Judiciary Committee, led in support of thr committee s report, and Senator Morton in support of his amendment. This debate brought Senator Morton again prominently before the Senate and the country. The importance of the subject, and the ability with which the debate was conducted, caused it to be regarded with unusual interest. Mr. Trumbull was deemed the best lawyer in the Senate, and was a very able debater, but in this contest Sen ator Morton showed himself fully the equal of the distin guished Senator from Illinois, both as a lawyer and debater. " Senator Morton," said a correspondent of the New York Times, " took both the legal and humane aspects of the case "into account, and sustained his propositions by a masterly " argument, excelling, if that be possible, his former speech " on reconstruction." At the conclusion of the debate a vote was taken, and Senator Morton was sustained. His amend ment passed the Senate and subsequently the House. Thus KU-KL UX LEGISLATION. G 1 the ratification of Virginia, Texas and Mississippi was secured. There remained but one more obstinate State to secure, viz., Georgia. This State had been reconstructed in 1868, but had subsequently violated faith with the Government by expelling all the colored members of the Legislature, on the ground that they were not eligible to hold office. In December, 1869, therefore, Senator Morton introduced a bill instructing the military commandant to reconvene the Georgia Legislature, including the colored members elect, and authorizing it thus convened to proceed to the work of reconstruction by the elec tion of two United States Senators, who should become entitled to their seats as soon as the Legislature should ratify the Fif teenth Amendment. The Judiciary Committee, as before, took exception to the last provision, and reported against it. Another debate ensued, similar in spirit to the former, and conducted with equal ability. On this occasion Senator Mor ton was opposed by Senator Carpenter and others. As before, however, he was successful, his bill passing the Senate in its original shape by seven majority. Thus was secured the ratification of the last of the five States which, a year previously, Senator Sumner had declared could not be secured, and the Fifteenth Amendment became a part of the constitu tion. The ratification of that noble and beneficent measure might, in time, have been secured by other means, but it stands to-day a grand and perpetual monument of Senator Morton s persistency of purpose, fertility of resources, and unflinching devotion to the cause of justice. THE KU-KLTJX LEGISLATION. In all of Mr. Morton s public life there is nothing more honorable to him than his course with regard to the Southern States. Rebels and rebel sympathizers have found pleasure in stigmatizing him as " the apostle of hate," etc., but the impartial historian will write that his whole course towards the States and the people of the South has been actuated by a desire to establish justice, insure tranquility, elevate the oppressed, and protect the weak and helpless. No man living 62 OLIVER P. MORTON. entertains towards the people of the South, in so far as they d-j right and obey the laws, a more just and kindly feeling than Senator Morton ; but he is the determined enemy of lawlessness, the unyielding champion of equal rights, and the best friend of the South in that he represents the only principles on which the Union can be rendered permanent and peaceable. About the close of the summer session of 1870, Senator Morton first called the attention of Congress to the fact that numerous outrages were being perpetrated and general intim idation practiced in the South for political purposes, and charged that an organization existed in various parts of the South for the purpose of encouraging and perpetrating these outrages. His first speech on the subject was replied to by Senator Trumbull, who ridiculed the idea of such an organi zation. During vacation, however, evidence accumulated, and at the opening of the next session of Congress Senator Morton offered a resolution authorizing the appointment of a committee to investigate and report upon the subject. The Senate, however, was not yet ready to act. His next step was the introduction of a resolution calling on the President for whatever information he might have in regard to the commis sion of outrages in the South. The President did not respond for some time, and when he did some Senators evinced a strong disposition to adjourn without taking any action in the premises. Senator Morton, however, was convinced that something must be done to protect life at the South and put a stop to the murders and outrages which were now growing more and more frequent. He accordingly determined to pre vent an adjournment of the Senate till some measure to that end could be perfected, and, if possible, passed. The result was that, after a protracted and earnest debate, extending through several weeks, the Senate passed an act entitled "An act to enforce the rights of citizens of the United States to vote in the several States of this Union, and for other pur poses/ 5 which became commonly known as " The Ku-klux Act." And, finally, when upon his original motion a commit tee was appointed to investigate as to the alleged existence of the ku-klux organization, their report showed a condition of THE LOUISIANA QUESTION. 63 affairs which startled the Nation and shocked the civilized world. Their report completely vindicated Senator Morton s wisdom and justified all he had said and done in this behalf. THE LOUISIANA QUESTION. One of the greatest political contests of recent times was the long struggle, hardly ended yet, running through several years, and embracing many ramifications and phases, commonly known as the Louisiana question. Briefly, it was a case of two contending State governments, each claiming to be legal and genuine, and asking for recognition by the General Gov ernment. In point of fact it was an effort on the part of the Democracy in that State to override the will of the majority and establish themselves in power by violence. Senator Morton espoused the cause of the Kellogg government, and defended it with such an array of facts and precedents, and legal argument as made the end certain from the beginning. The contest was stubborn and long continued, but at each renewal of it, Senator Morton established and secured his points. During the last session of the Forty-second Congress, a committee was appointed to investigate the Louisiana case. It consisted of Senators Carpenter, Logan, Anthony, Alcorn, of Mississippi, Hill, of Georgia, Trumbull and Morton. After an exhaustive investigation, Messrs. Carpenter, Logan, An thony and Alcorn reported that the election under which both State governments were claiming, was void for fraud, but admitted that if it had been fairly conducted Kellogg must have been elected Governor by at least 15,000 majority. Messrs. Trumbull and Hill took the ground that McEnery was elected. Senator Morton alone reported and mantained that while the election was characterized by great fraud and violence, Governor Kellogg had a majority of the vote cast and was clearly elected ; that the Supreme Court of the State, which was elected in 1868 and was therefore out of the dis pute, had recognized the Kellogg government ; that the decis ions of the Supreme Court of the State were conclusive on all questions arising exclusively under the Constitution and laws 64 OLIVER P. MORTON. of Louisiana, and that the validity of the State election was such a question. Pending these reports, Mr. Carpenter intro duced a bill setting aside the election, and authorizing the President to order a new one to be held under Federal super vision. A three days debate ensued, in which, Senator Mor ton, single-handed and alone, opposed the passage of the bill. Messrs. Carpenter, Anthony, Logan, and Alcorn advocated the measure very earnestly. They brought their combined powers to bear against Senator Morton, but without effect. He scarcely ever appeared to greater advantage than in this debate, and at its conclusion, Mr. Carpenter s bill was defeated by two majority. Subsequently, Senator Morton s report was adopted by the Senate, the Kellogg government recognized, and the President s support of it against the attempted revo lution of the White Leaguers was sustained by the votes of all the Republican members of the Senate. During the ses sion of 1873-4, Mr. Carpenter again introduced his bill for a new election in Louisiana, and re-opened the debate. As it progressed, however, he discovered that Senator Morton s position was more impregnable than ever, and his following stronger ; so he finally abandoned his own measure and came to the support of Mr. Morton. CHAIRMAN OF COMMITTEE ON PRIVILEGES AND ELECTIONS. It is freely charged against Senator Morton (and really it is the only charge brought against him) that he is wholly devoted to party, and has no convictions or motives beyond those of mere partisanship. A more unjust or untrue assertion could not be made. He is, indeed, an ardent Republican. He believes wholly and unreservedly in Republican principles, and that the welfare and safety of the country depend on the reten tion of the Republican party in power. He cordially detests because he fully understands the malignant spirit and dangerous purposes of the Democratic party, and believes that its restora tion to power would be a public calamity. But he is as honest in politics as he is in pecuniary matters, and no person can point to a single act of his public life not dictated by a desire to do justice and defend the right. As chairman of the committee THE CALDWELL CASE. 65 above referred to, he lias had ample opportunity to sacrifice prin ciple to partisanship, but in no case has he ever done so. He has treated every question brought before him in a spirit of lofty justice and judicial fairness, keeping constantly in view his responsibility to the Senate and the rights and dignity of the body. The case of Caldwell, of Kansas, is in point. Caldwell was charged with having bought his election to the Senate. As Chairman of the Committe on Elections it became the duty of Senator Morton to investigate the case, and upon the evi dence, adduced he reported in favor of CaldwelPs expulsion, and took high ground in favor of purifying the Senate. There was no question of CaldwelPs guilt, but his friends demanded that the Senate should simply declare his election void, instead of expelling him. Some of the ablest members of the Senate opposed Morton in this matter, but he so pressed the corrupt Senator that in order to escape the certainty of impending expulsion he resigned. Of Mr. Morton s action in this case, the Washington correspondent of the Chicago Tribune said " To take position against Caldwell as Morton did, required some mental " and moral courage, for the Senate is such a little body that fellowship " prevails in it as in a female seminary. A big conspiracy gathered around M Caldwell for his support ; but Morton is a man who kindles and enlarges " by opposition, when aware that his cause is legitimate and popular. * " * * He had prepared a closing speech to overwhelm Caldwell ; and from " what I have heard of the contents of that speech, I presume that, had he ** delivered it, it would have spread his reputation abroad as one of the most "determined political reformers of his time. * * * Senator Morton, H with his great energies, clear sagacity and adaptability, and solid acquire- 41 ments, can be one of the leading spirits of our period, if he continues to " remedy and lighten and harmonize matters as he has recently been doing." The press of the country generally gave Senator Morton great credit for his conduct of the case. The St. Louis Dem ocrat said : " Senator Morton deserves great credit for the boldness and energy with 11 which he pressed the matter upon the attention of the Senate. The coun- "try owes him much for what he has done." The Leavenworth Sentinel said : " Especially will the people of Kansas hold in grateful remembrance the "able and untiring and successful efforts of Senator Morton, of Indiana, " in bringing this guilty man to a proper sense of his unworthii d J^t OT THE ITJITIVERSITY; 66 OLIVER P. MORTON. The Topeka Daily Commonwealth said : " Next to his immediate people of Indiana, Senator Morton has the most "indefeasable claim on the gratitude and regard of the people of the State " of Kansas. As chairman of the Committee on Privileges and Elections, " and on the floor of the Senate, he fought the fight against bribery and " corruption for us when we were without a champion." Nearly all of the leading papers of the country spoke in the same strain. The Caldwell case is a type of Senator Morton s whole conduct as Chairman of the Committee on Elections in the Senate. Every question has been approached in a spirit of justice, without regard to partisan bearings, and treated with a strictly judicial fairness. The rights of the Senate have been kept constantly in view, while the rights of individuals have received the utmost consideration consistent with the dignity and purity of the Senate. In 1873 this committee was directed by resolution to report " the best and most practicable mode of electing the Presi dent and Vice President, and providing a tribunal to adjust and decide all contested elections connected therewith." In response to this resolution Senator Morton made an elaborate report, setting forth the inconvenience and cumbrousness of the electoral college, and proposed a plan for its practical abolition by the election of President and Vice President by popular vote. At the same time he proposed a remedy for the possible and dangerous emergency of a contested electoral representation. His ideas on the latter subject have been, practically adopted by changing the mode of counting elec toral votes, and it can hardly be doubted that his proposition for the abolition of the electoral college and the election of President and Vice President by popular vote will be adopted at no distant day, in substance if not in form. AMNESTY. As before stated, Senator Morton has never been actuated by a feeling of hostility to the South. His ruling sentiment. has been one of loyalty to the Union, fidelity to principle, and justice to all. He has repeatedly said that the Southern AMNESTY. 67 people had in their own hands the power of restoring perfect peace by obeying the Constitution and the laws in good faith, and recognizing the principle of political toleration. But he has opposed with all the force and determination of his nature the admission of unrepentant rebels to a full participation in government, or the practical obliteration of the dividing line between loyalty and treason. He believes that there is such a thing as treason, and that those who engaged it should have been made to feel some of its consequences. He believes that during the civil war there was a right side and a wrong side, and that public opinion, at least, if not the law of the land, should recognize a distinction between those who fought for the Government and those who fought against it. Shortly after the close of the war, in his message to the Indiana Leg islature in November, 1865, he said : " While the heresy of State sovereignty has been extirpated, and the ques- " tions involved in the conflict settled by the arbitrament of arms, it is yet " of the greatest importance to the Nation that these questions be acljudi- "catedand determined by the highest judicial tribunal, which might most " appropriately be done in a trial, for high treason and other atrocious " crimes, of the chief and head of this most wicked and bloody rebellion. " It should be definitely established as a principle in our Constitution, both "by judicial decision and example of punishment, that rebellion is treason, " that treason is a crime which may not be committed with impunity ; and " that there is but one sovereignty, which resides in the collective and undi- " vided people of the United States." In the light of subsequent events, it cannot be doubted that the country would have been the gainer by such a judi cial determination of the crime of treason, or that it is likely to experience more and more sharply the evil results of a too lenient policy. In January, 1872, a bill was introduced in the Senate for the removal of all disabilities imposed by the third section of the Fourteenth Amendment in other words for universal amnesty. Senator Morton opposed it in a speech delivered on the 23d of that month. After premising that amnesty was usually considered in the light of expediency on one hand, or of passion on the other, he said he proposed to consider it from a higher plane, entirely above the domain of feeling or expediency. He said : " I think there is a great principle involved which Congress ought to con- 68 OLIVER P. MORTON. " sider a principle of consistency, of duty to the Government, and espec ially a principle of the greatest importance to posterity." As to the real meaning and effect of amnesty, which he declared as an act of oblivioJ, he said : " Universal amnesty removes the last mark of legal disapprobation of " this rebellion. It is a declaration to posterity that there was nothing " wrong in the rebellion, that it involved no criminality, that it was simply " an honest difference of opinion between parties, in which there was no " criminality on either side. * Sir, I want peace in the South ; I " want it as earnestly as any man can ; but I want peace in the South on " correct principles. I am not willing to purchase peace by Conceding that " they were right and that we were wrong. They must regard universal " amnesty in that light ; history must regard it in that light." After further discussing the moral effect of universal amnesty, with the probable results of the restoration of the Democratic party to power, through the votes of the ex-rebels, he continued : " Mr. President, to me universal amnesty Beems like sickly sentimental- " ism ; it is magnanimity slopping over ; it is spurious generosity, oblivious " alike of justice, of principle and of posterity. Let us have a little healthy " public sentiment. Let us have something this nation can live by. Let us " teach a lesson in history that we are willing our children shall be governed " by. Let us not say to future generations that those who sought to destroy " the best government tn the world, who sought to build a new government " whose corner-stone should be human slavery, who were guilty of inhu- " manity, and who practiced a barborism that belonged to times long gone " by let us not say to future generations that these men did no wrong, that " they were worthy of all acceptation, and of again being returned to the " highest positions in the Government." The extracts do not represent the scope and comprehensive ness of the speech, but they indicate its spirit. It was a plea for loyalty against treason, for the real rights of the Govern ment against imaginary rights of rebels. Towards the close of the speech he was several times interrupted by Democratic Senators, when, changing the course of his argument, he attacked the recent record of the Democratic party, showing its avowed hostility to the Constitutional amendments and to political equality in the South. He demonstrated beyond a doubt that their purpose was to undo the reconstruction acts of Congress, overthrow the State governments then established in the South, and re-organize them on the " White man s " basis." In the light of subsequent events some portions of A POLITICAL LEADER. 69 this speech read like a prophecy, and each succeeding year furnishes additional proof of the speaker s political prescience. The amnesty bill was defeated in the Senate, and this speech of Senator Morton s, which was mainly instrumental in the result, was published as a campaign document and circulated far and wide in the campaign of 1868. A. NATURAL LEADER. Space would fail us to recount all of Senator Morton s ser vices in the Senate to the cause of liberty, union and prog ress. At all times and in all circumstances he has been the faithful champion of Republican principles, instant in season and out of season, always ready to lead in attack or defense as occasion might require. No man now in public life has been identified with so many great public measures either as author or champion. If his services to the Republican party have been such as to deserve the gratitude of all Republicans, his services to the cause of liberty and humanity challenge the admiration of every patriot and philanthropist. Nature and circumstances have united to make him a political leader. His remarkable political sagacity and foresight have been supplemented by large experience and knowledge of men and affairs. He is bold without being rash, sanguine without being over confident, always cool, never losing his self con trol, never forgetting what is due to an opponent or to himself, and, above all, never forgetting to press steadily toward his objective point. Once committed to a great measure he knows no such word as fail. The foregoing pages furnish abundant evidence of his persistence of purpose and fertility of resources. He knows the Democratic party thoroughly, and exposes its plans and purposes with an accuracy as mar velous as it is relentless. His own strong and conscientious convictions in politics seem to bring him into close accord with the people, and he rarely fails to interpret their feelings and wishes aright. For this reason, among others, he has ever since the war been looked to by the Republicans, not alone of Indiana, but of other States, to lead the attack on the Democratic party. 70 OLIVER P. MORTON. For ten years past he has borne an active part in the cam paigns of other States than Indiana, generally being called upon to open the campaign and sound the key note. His services last year in Ohio, Pennsylvania and Maine are still fresh in the memories of Republicans in those States. He was the first speaker from any other State to enter Ohio and the last to leave it, delivering the first speech made by any non-resident, on the 7th of August, at Urbana, and follow ing it up with a series of powerful and effective addresses. His last speech ii} the State was delivered at Cincinnati on the Saturday night before the election. In Indiana it is hardly necessary to say he is the head and front of every campaign, so far as the Republicans are concerned. The party in this State embraces many other able and eloquent men, but none who has such a hold on the hearts of the peo ple, or whose tremendous power is so universally felt and rec ognized. The secret of Senator Morton s force as a speaker lies in his terrible earnestness and irresistible logic. He never trifles with his audiences or underrates their intelli gence. He rarely, if ever, indulges in anecdotes or pleas antry. His style is dignified, severe, and argumentative, yet so simple as to interest all classes of hearers, while his logic carries conviction to all minds alike. As a politic::! organ izer he has no superior. His services in this regard have been invaluable to the Republicans of Indiana, and his coun sel and advice are often sought by those of other States. HIS POSITION ON THE CURRENCY QUESTION. From the first issue of legal tender notes during the war and their subsequent speedy depreciation, Mr. Morton has recognized the evils of a depreciated currency and the neces sity of placing it upon a stable basis as soon as it could be done without unnecessary injury to the business of the country. In dealing with this difficult problem, while keeping steadily in view the ultimate resumption of specie payments, he has aimed to shape the policy of the Government so that this end might be reached with the least shock to business and the least distress to business men. In his speech at Urbana, THE UNITED STATES A NATION. 71 Ohio, delivered on the 7th of August, 1875, after speaking of the origin, object and effect of the so-called Resumption Act, he said : " I had something to do with tho preparation of this bill, voted for it in "good faith, and intend to stand by it until experience has demonstrated " that it is impracticable or needs amendment. Its main feature, fixing a " day for resumption and providing for it, I had proposed to the Senate " six years before, and whether the time fixed for it is a proper one or not, " and I should have preferred it a year or two later, it is the method by " by which, I believe, specie payments can and will be reached. It estab- " lishcs the policy of free banking, the slow, gradual, but sure return to " specie payments, and no contraction or expansion of the currency until " that time. This is still his position. It may be added that he has always been opposed to the increase of greenbacks beyond the original limit of 400,000,000, and has denounced every prop osition of the kind, and particularly the proposition to issue new greenbacks in payment of the bonds, as equivalent to robbery and repudiation. Prior to the panic of 1873, he had steadily advocated legislation looking to the early resumption of specie payments. When that event occurred, believing that the per iod of resumption was necessarily postponed for a considera ble time, and that the true remedy for, and relief from, the panic was that which had long been successfully employed in England in similar emergencies, viz : a moderate increase of the currency, he advised the President to. put into circulation the 44,000,000 reserve of greenbacks then in the treasury, but he did not then advocate, and never has advocated any increase of the greenback circulation beyond the original legal limit of 400,000,000. THE UNITED STATES A NATION. No American statesman of the present generation has labored so hard or so effectively as Senator Morton to incul cate the idea that the United States are a Nation, and not a mere confederation of states. To his mind the former idea embraces the true conception of our governmental system, and the only one on which the Union can be made enduring, while the latter contains the very elements of weakness, disintegra- 72 OLIVER P. MORTON. tion and ruin. In the attempted secession of the Southern States, and the war which followed, he saw the natural fruits of the doctrine that the Government is a mere confederation of states, and the resultant heresy of State rights ; while in the efforts of the Government to preserve the Union and its own existence he recognized the grand idea of a new nation ality. In a message to the Indiana Legislature, in November, 1865, shortly after the close of the war, he said : " The war has established upon imperishable foundations the great funda- " mental truth of the unity and indivisibility of the Nation. We are many " States, but one people, having one undivided sovereignty, one flag, and one "common destiny." In a lecture, delivered at Providence, Rhode Island, Novem ber 27, 1871, in the Franklin Lyceum course, he took for his theme the " National Idea," and elaborated the subject very thoroughly, tracing the the development of the State Sover eignty doctrine from the resolations of 1798 to the breaking out of the rebellion, and showing how pregnant it had always been with danger to the country. In the course of this address Senator Morton said : " The idea that we are a Nation, that we are one people, undivided and " indivisible, should be a plank in the platform of every party. It should " be presented on the banner of every party. It should be taught in every "school, academy and college. It should be the political north star, by " which every political manager should steer his bark. It should be the " central idea of American politics, and every child should, so to speak, be "vaccinated with the idea, that he may be protected against this political " distemper that has brought such calamity upon our country." Similar quotations might be made at length. From nearly all his speeches and addresses delivered in or out of the Sen ate during the last ten years, the idea crops out with ever recurring force that the American people are one people, and this Government a government of the people and not of States in short, that we are a Nation, and not a Confederacy. There is now pending in the Senate a series of resolutions, introduced by him, declaratory of this idea as against the opposing one of State sovereignty, upon which he will speak whenever, in the course of public business, the question can be reached. SERVICES RECOGNIZED. 73 RECOGNITION OF HIS SERVICES. A man of Senator Morton s positive character must needs have warm friends and bitter enemies. During the whole of his public life he has held strong convictions on all public questions, dodging nothing, evading no responsibility, and never concealing his opinions. In every contest for principle he has been in the thickest of the fight, and generally lead ing the way. Thus he has won for himself the enthusiastic support of the rank and file of the Republican party, the pro found respect of all who admire consistent devotion to prin ciple and the bitter hatred of Democrats generally. He has exposed and defeated the plans of the Democracy so often, routed them on so many fields, and pointed the way to Repub lican victory in so many contests, that they stand in mortal fear of him and hate him in the same proportion. But while Senator Morton has the honor of being the most cordially hated and best abused man in the Nation by ex-rebels, rebel sympathizers, and Democrats, he has also received such evidences of approval from many quarters as any public man might well be proud of. It is needless to speak of his popu larity and strength in Indiana. The Republicans of his own State delight to honor him. They elected him Governor in 1864 by the largest majority ever given in the State, and have since twice elected him unanimously to the United States Senate. But recognition of his services to the country and the Republican party has not been confined to the people of Indiana. In September, 1862, Secretary Chase said, in a let ter to Robert Dale Owen, " Governor Morton merits all you " promise. I have believed in him from the first day I saw " him." Admiral Foote wrote to a brother of his during the war, " Governor Morton furnished me the powder with which " my Jleet took Fort Henry. He is our mainstay in the " West." General Grant acknowledged his services several different times in letters which have since been lost. After the close of the war, Secretary Chase wrote him as follows : " WASHINGTON, Nov. 10, 1865. " MY DEAR GOVERNOR : I think it is the right of men, who have ably 74 OLIVER P. MORTON. " and faithfully served their country, to know that their labors are appre- " ciated as they merit. " So I will not deny myself the pleasure of telling you that Secretary " Stanton was with me last evening, and we, naturally turning our minds to " the past, fell to talking of you. "We agreed that no Governor rendered such services, or displayed such " courage or more ability in administration ; and we agreed that your " recent services were most meritorious of all, because rendered under cir- " cumstances of greater personal risk of health and life, and which would " have been by almost any man regarded, and by all accepted, as good rea- " son for total in action. " I have seldom heard Stanton express himself so earnestly. " I hope you will derive some satisfaction from this little relation. The " talk gave much to me. " Cordially, your friend, "S. P. CHASE." In a speech delivered at a Soldiers Re-union at Rockville, in this State, on the 6th of September last, General Sherman said : " Governor Morton was one of the few civilians who seemed to be unable " to do enough for his soldiers, never hesitating to count the cost or the sac- " rifice, but acting speedily and in season. Gen. Grant and all of us thought " him one of the noblest men at home. I wish to repeat what I have here- " tofore said so often, that to Governor Morton the army owed much in " many ways. He never failed us. He never said our State had stood the " draft, or we have furnished our quota, but answered every called, and when " the State was well nigh impoverished he used his own credit. To-day the "record of his fame as the soldier s friend is bright and untarnished as " glittering gold." Referring to his war services, the Cincinnati Commercial said: " During the war there were three civil officers who displayed great exec- " utive ability, viz.: Stanton, Andrews and Morton. However, others were "distinguished, the first distinction for grasping the responsibilities of the " occasion and becoming recognized, positive personal forces, distinctly and " vastly influential, belongs to the Secretary of War and the Governors of "Massachusetts and Indiana. The labor performed by these men, the "energy they put into the war, the mighty impulses they gave to armies " can not be understood by ordinary workers were but dimly appreciated " in the days when their services were most essential but they will stand " forth denned and gigantic in history." In 1863 the New York Times said: "The State of Indiana has already more than half raised her quota " under the last call of the President, and her residue will be ready in " about two weeks. The State of New York has not yet raised a regiment TENDERED THE ENGLISH MISSION. 75 " in response to that proclamation. The difference is principally "due to the fact that Indiana has a Governor of pre-eminent devotion to " the cause and signal executive ability, while New York has not." Seymour was Governor of New York at that time. The Washington Chronicle said : " In the darkest hour of the slaveholders rebellion Governor Morton " stood like a rock for the flag. He held the great State of Indiana true " to that sacred symbol of freedom. When the politics of the so-called " Democracy in that State became little better than a conspiracy of assas- a sins, when beaten everywhere at the ballot-box that party turned to the " pistol and the midnight conclave the final arguments of traitors how " heroically did governor Morton meet and vanquish their gathering clans ! " how did he put to flight the cabals of traitors ! " The St. Louis Democrat said, in 1872 : " Of the many distinguished men, soldiers and civilians, who have been " brought into prominence during the last sixteen years, few have been " more conspicuous or useful than Oliver P. Morton, of Indiana. * * * " There is no man in public life who has done more for the safety, honor " and prosperity of the Nation. His pluck and energy during the war, and " especially his clear grit throughout the more perilous ordeal of recon- <; struction; have given him a strong hold on the popular heart." Similar extracts from leading papers might be multiplied indefinitely, Xo American statesman now living has received so many evidences of approval from distinguished sources of his services to the country and his devotion to Republican principles. In October, 1870, President Grant tendered him the mis sion to England. At that time the Alabama question was absorbing public attention, and its settlement upon just and enduring principles was universally conceded to be a matter of great consequence. Senator Morton s ability as a lawyer, his experience as a statesman, and his proved loyalty to Amer ican ideas marked him as one eminently fitted for the duty of settling this important controversy, and the appointment was accordingly tendered to him. The announcement of this fact met with general approval throughout the country. The Boston Advertiser said : "The selection of Senator Morton for the English mission is creditable to 41 the administration. He has filled with honor many high offices at home, 41 though he is yet in the prime of life. In Indiana, during the war, he was " a model governor. In the United States Senate he has had few peers in " the clearness of his intellect and the breadth of his views. In his new 76 OLIVER P. MORTON. " position we have no doubt he will prove a worthy successor of the able "ministers who have gone before him. The State of Indiana will be for tunate if it secures a Senator in his place of equal ability and influence." The Chicago Tribune said : " The appointment is creditable to the administration. England is just " now the great point in Europe at which the United States need a statesman " of ability. * * * In selecting a minister to Great Britain the Presi- " dent has been more than usually prudent. He has not held the office to " bestow it in any sense ns a mere compliment, or as a reward for political "services. He has sought the best man in the country in order to " obtain a suitable person for the grave responsibilities of the post. There " are few men in public life equal in ability and vigor of intellect to Sen- " ator Morton. * * * The appointment will strike the country as an " admirable one in every respect." Such was the unanimous voice of the Republican press, and of the country generally. Upon full consideration, however, and especially in view of the fact that if he resigned his plane in the Senate the Legislature would elect a Democrat to suc ceed him, Senator Morton declined the proffered honor. Upon this the President sent him the following : "EXECUTIVE MANSION, > " WASHINGTON, D. C., Oct. 21. / " Hon. 0. P. Morton, U. 8. S. : " DEAR SIR : Your letter of the 19th inst., declining the English Mis- " sion, with reasons therefor, is received. I fully concur with you in all "the reasons which you give for the course you find it your duty to pursue "in the matter, but regret that the country is not to have your valuable " services at the English Court at this important juncture. Your course, " however, I deem wise, and it will be highly appreciated by your constit- " uents in Indiana and throughout the country. "With assurances of my highest regards, I remain, very truly, your " obedient servant, TT. S. GRANT." CONCLUSION. We have thus presented in outline some of the salient fea tures of Mr. Morton s character and career. According to any just standard of greatness he must be regarded as one of the great men of the age, and his friends point with confidence and pride to his public services as entitling him to a place among America s greatest sons. Those who do not know him will gather some idea from the foregoing pages of his comprehen- CONCLUSION. 77 sive scope of intellect, his lofty patriotism, his devotion to principle, and his readiness to assume responsibility in every emergency. Those who enjoy his personal acquaintance will bear further witness to his amiable disposition, his simplicity of character, and the absolute purity of his private life. It is a grand thing for a man to be able to point to such a rec ord of public service as Mr. Morton s ; bat it is a still greater source of pride to his friends to have it in their power to say that in the whole course of his long career he has never made a dollar dishonestly, nor lent himself to the commission of a wrong or an unjust act. Enemies may defame and rivals may endeavor to belittle his character, but the impartial his torian will write the name of Oliver P. Morton among those of the great men of the nineteenth century. 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