THE POWERS OF CONGRESS Constitutionality of its Acts on Reconstruction .ARMING TENDENCY OF THE SEYMOUR DEMOCRACY, SPEECH ION. MATT. It CARPENTER AT CHICAGO. ILL., AUGUST 12th, 1868. GTGN.D.C, CHA1EMAN, L-ADIE3 AXD G IEN : Tne occurrence of the impaign ciiis out the Americ. a ^eoulc examination of the principle- uud Le measures which have m-i.rkeu the ad- limstratlon for tho preceding term. An- [her Presidential election is on foot lother gathering of the American people mi Maine to California, from the lakes [the Gulf, which may now be aeci: in the lited States, for the same purpose. The ;Ue practical question is whether we jail support General Grant or Governor lymour for President of the United States; (ries of "Grant ! Grant !"] and this ques- >n we are to settle, not as mea-worship- or parasites, but by reason and judg- it, and as American citizens, conscious [the responsibilities which rest upon us ! this great choice. Glorious as Grant is his past record, if he stood to-day I do ft say with the party, but upon a plat- and principles detrimental to t throw a! It . .gedto encourage uud comfort rebellion, or whai ; or, if wecoulO >:lAy imagine such a transformation, i , Governor Seymour sLood to-day on ;i plat form which would secure us the fruits of our victory, and which would give to us lasting and permanent tranquillity, then there is no doubt that the American people would, as they have f t s i x years-, through all the trials and bloodshed of the war, support the pria.^les which are em bodied in ti-c-i:- .,1 dear jis their life, [great cheers,] although, it would pro- bably be equally difficult for them to deter- mine whether they would say that the p* triotic Grant had left their ranks, or that the unpatriotic Seymour had left their standard. But, by examining the platform upon which these respective candidates stand, it will be found that each is truo to ~ vP?i2*pt$ .Which; ^l^racterized him during the Avar. It will be found that Grant is struggling now to secure the fruits of the victories which he won, and that Seymour is to-d:iy endeavoring, as far as it is still possible to do, to thwart the object which the Government had in suppressing the rebellion to secure to the rebels, as much as possible, what they have lost by the result of this contest, and is pursuing precisely the same line of policy to-day that ho intrigued for during the war. THE DECLARATIONS OF THE DEMOCRATIC PLATFORM. Tin two political parties "have made un," as the lawyers would say, "the issues, and sent them down to the country for trial." One convention in Chicago and the other in New York have not only se lected their candidates, their standard-bear ers, but they have promulgated their plat forms, or their principles. There is no doubt that boili parties nrj seriously in dead earnest i:i th>.: issues which they have made. W<- little light as to the plat form uf the Democratic Coin from the speech which was made by W.ale Hampton af urn to his constitu ents lie, sa} -, thai he was on the Coin- on R-j-o/utions. He says that he had prepared a set for himself, but found that they couldn t 1)3 adopted. He listened to those which had been prepared by others, and the Democrats on that committee came around him and assured him that they were witli him, to the utmost of his wishes; that they would do all in their power to give the South back " iho Constitution as it was " before the war, and he contented himself with simply moving an amendment to one resolution which declared the governments of the States, which had been reconstructed under the auspices and patronage of Con gress, to be unconstitutional, revolutionary, and void. He says this announcement was met with enthusiastic cheers by the com mittee, and the Democrats plqdged selves to him that they would go to tluo ut most of their declaration. What, is the utmost of that declaration? We hear sa much said about what is constitutional and unconstitutional that we arc in danger of losing all the significance of that declaration of the Democratic party. If those govern ments which are now existing in the ten reconstructed States, of the South ar,e .un constitutional and void, and if these Demo crats mean to carry tint declaration into pracfu- -.1 operation, the result is that these governments are to be swept away. Another revolution is to sweep over the South ; anarchy and bloodshed, and another four years of wasting and ruin, is to follow as the result of that revolution accomplished in the South. But the Democrats have cloaked this matter under the plausible pre text that these acts of Congress are uncon stitutional, and the Republican party, ia its convention has espoused and adopted and promised to support the reconstruction policy of Congress. The Democrats have appealed to the reverence our people feel for the sicred instrument, the Constitution, to elo:ik and cover their design of revolu tion again in the South, and thus it throws upou us the burden of vindicating nstuutionality of the reconstruction v of Congress. Now, I am aware how : r, and how uninteresting .it is to dis cus 3 such a question i:i a popular audience like this, in the open air, amid the thunder- in -t and confusion : ty like Chicago. I know how easy it is for a pub lic speaker to spend his apportioned thirty nfinu os or hour in cracking jokes which will create a good fueling in the crowd and read upon the speaker. But the misery of our Republican speakers i^ that the mem bers of the Republican party all have heads on them. [Laughter and applause. A voice "Bully ! that s so! 1 ] They all tbink, and read,, and reason, [a voice "Thai s the difference,"] and they demand of any speaker who is to occupy fifteen minutes of their time that he shall discuss some principle, shall come to some doc trine ia the issues of the war. CONSTITUTIONALITY OP THE ACTION OF CONGRESS. The only real issue made by the parties; the only doctrinal difference in the two rms which arises to anything like importance, is that which relates to the constitutionality of the reconstruc- 1 ion policy of Congress. This little squab ble about paying off our debts this little ion of universal suffrage, and a fjew other tilings, very important themselves, are questions which relate to the adminis tration of the Government after you have got a government to be administered. But the gr ;> ri-H S above, thdt - involves p-Ai^o and war, whL-h tour life of I!, jjs our c: ;is one people under the Coustitv. ailed Stales; and I propose: :inir, because I havo been requested Jo id because I think it important in itself, to discuss for a short time, as -well as I a:n able, under all the difficulties of situation, the question of the constihV .: ulity of these reconstruction laws. I can not make such an argument funcy nor amusing-, InU I will try to state clearly and distinctly the grounds upon which we de fend that legislation. To do this we must inquire into the facts of the case. What la the situation of the things to which Con gress was compelled to apply its reconstruc tion policy ? But, to save words, let us take the State of Georgia as illustrating the whole principle, for what is true of one State is of course true of two or three out of all. Georgia was one of the original thirteen States, and entered this Union by adopting a constitution. She had a State government organized in harmony with the Constitution of the United States, un der a State constitution which required all fcer officers to swear to support the Consti tution of the United States. That govern ment continued in existence, as we all know, down to 18GO or 1881, when the ma jority of her people, having determined to j throw off their allegiance to the Govern- ; ment of the United States, and levy war, if need be, to make that declaration good, | and to make Georgia an independent na tion, organized a new State government in j Georgia, and that government went into practical operation, and was supported bv the people during the entire continuance of the war. Now, if those leaders, af-ei- they determined to levy this war, had called a convention and framed a new State gov ernment, with new officers, and had levie- war upon the old State government of Georgia and supplanted it, aijd the a had entered into the Southern confederacy and levied war upon the United States, thero would be no difference of opinion in this assertion that the government which had come to exist by that proceeding in Georgia was no government in the Union of tho United States. And yet, in a legal, consti tutional sense, the people of Georgia did what was precisely equivalent to this. Thry called M constitutional convention, and they took the old constitutional Stitc gov ernment, changing it in every essential par ticular which was essential to its exist as a State ^ovorucieut. Instead of requir ing its officers to swear to support the (. stitution of the United States, they require them to swear to overthrow that Constitu tion. They severed in every particular every cord aad bond which bound them as a State or community to the Constitution and Uuiou of the Uni ted States. By so hey created, in loyal conU-mphtion, a new" government, as much as ihr-y would in the case which I have supposed of their calling a convention and framing a new government with new officers. The gov ernment which they created by taking the old constitution and moulding it to their views, was no government which ha in the Union from the adoption of the Con stitution. It was no constitutional govern ment in any sense, but only an or tion in deadly antagonism to the Constitu tion of the United States, and under that constitution the people of Georgia organ ized and gave their voluntary allegiance to that State government, went into the Southern confederacy and levied war upon tho United States. THK SOUTHERN STATE GOVERNMENTS. "Well, after a while, the war came out just as every man who believes God sits on His throne, and prefers truth to falsehood, justice to injustice, liberty to slavery, might have predicted it would come out. It came out with the triumph of all good things over all bad things. [Loud ap plause.] And our armies swept every thing before them, and demolished every citadel and stronghold of treason and re bellion, and they" planted our flag in old and time-honored places after sweeping away the rebel armies, and after sweeping the rebel States they swept away every thing that was part and parcel of rebellion, every instrumentality, every agency, and every means by which traitors had sought to levy war upon th? Government; and these revolutionary S r ate governments were the principal agency for tha 1 ", war. Now, theii, what was the consequence ? They had had a government in the Union from the organization of the Union down to 18GO. Tney had destroyed that. They had set up in its place a revolutionary, illegal, unconstitutional government, which ha. I been in existent until Grant swept .away. Then they will be without any State government whatever. The old government they had destroyed, ami the new government we h id destroyed. They wore without any government. [ A; ; 2sow, what was their condition ? The soil of Georgia was still a p ivc of the dominion of the United States; t io people of ( were sMll citizen* of the United They hvl thrown off no part of the duty waich hoy o\vl fo t!u; Union. The Union 1i . l hx br forfeij,e<l no part of its powjr <nv:- :!! an. Tbny - "I fur ther, so many sju ire 1 ^ ( > many Ami-rlcm citizens, wiMiont :i local ,<y Xo\v, i-.iinifes ly, tiis first step afu.T r ended was for some one to estab lish a lo?al gi)\-ernnvr us to the ques.ion wao shall do that? The Demo, \ : >The people of the Sl.i f e e^all i-o ir." T.u Democrat .s.iy that the people of Georgia bad got their baud iu in making governments; they had experimented upon the subject [derisive laughter;] they had a peculiar and special knowledge. [Laughter.] They had de molished the old Union State governments, and they had created a revolutionary gov ernment; they had seen that go to the wall; hey had built a Southern Confederacy, and over they flung out its flaunting nig in rivalry with the Star-splangled Ban ner of America; and they should form this -State government for Georgia. THE TWO THEORIES OF SECESSION. Now, there are two theories, one or I lie other of which must be true. The Southern theory of the situation is that the edict of secession passed by Georgia, took her out of the Union and out of the limits ot our Federal dominions. Upon this theory, when we conquered that State her soil and her 3 were as subject to the absolute will conqueror a"s would be the soil and on conquered Mexico or any other foreign power subdued by our army. If this ;vas their condition, then it wasnot for them whether they would have a State gov ernment or not; it was not for them to say whether they would ever belong to the Union or not as an independent State. It v/as for us to say. It was for the conqueror to dictaie terms to the conquered not for ,:quercd to dictate terms to the con queror. ["You are right,"] Then, upon i. j(\r theory, Georgia had no more right to Sitate government, to come back into the Union, thun the people of Mexico had a right to demand admission into the Union when Scott planted his standard on the hulls of the Montezumas. Again, the other theory is the Northern theory is (he constiUr.iomil theory is that the ordi nance of eecch- a nullity; that it- was no protection U the rebels of the South; and, although we chose, as we had a right to do, to exercise as against them belligerent rights the rights and power of a sovereign over his rebel citizens yet they acquired by the ordinance of secession no privilege and 710 protection. "What is the result of that doc- irine? The result of that doctrine is that when the war ended they were so many subdued and conquered traitors, taken in .he crime, taken with, the blood upon their garments. [Sensation.] Thoy have forfeited lift , liberty, property, civil government, and everything that belongs to a man. [Great applause; cries of "That s so !" You have got ii 1"] Upon this theory, very clearly, the people of Georgia had no right to form a government and say it had a right to conic; back into the Union. Now, I don t care which theory the Democrats take for the purposes of this argument, be cause either one cu;s their own throat from car to ear. [Great applause and laughter. ] There is, then, an end to this pretext, that Georgia could settle this question. Rebels may say when war shall be^in, where it shall begin, how it shall begin, howi f , shall be managed; but the Government must say | how it shall end, [cheers,] ami what snail ; be the condition of the conquered. ["That s the idea. 1 Applause.] It is about H I after hundreds and thousands of lives have 1 been facriflccd after we have baptized and ! fertilized that : !on<! of the land i had the courage and the nerve, and good sense, to stand up and talk the truth i this subject. [Sensation, applause, i Vipers. ] It is clear, then, that Georgia could not reconstruct u government with- . . r :nt. Now, tlio only party i the Government of the United They, as i could Tiie General Government must i POWER TO F.ESTORE TITS STATE GOVERN- MEI-iTS. And, then, we come to consider the fur ther question: How? By what depart ment, and through what department and agency shall the United States act to the end of establishing these State governments? ATA! this brings "us to the only question upon which nny of the departments of the Government have ever held different opin ions. The Supreme Court of the United States, the President of the United States, the Congress of the United States, have nil concurred in saying that tlio result of the IS to leave Georgia without any civil government, and that the pooplc of Geor gia wers powlerless as a government in the place of the one which they bad destroyed. The Supreme Court of the United States decided what necessarily leads to this con clusion, in the prize cases decided in 180:3, when they decided that the people of Geor gia, without reference to their private con duct, were to bo regarded as public ene mies, but, although they were to bo regarded i as public Syuemies, they were not the less traitors to the Government of the United j States. ASSUMPTION BY MR. JOIIKSOOT. Andrew Johnson had taken up this sub ject, and treated it with- the fullness and the wisdom that is peculiar to himself, lie had said, in his proclamation, which he issued immediately after the surrender of Lee and Johnson, that this rebellion had, in its progress, swept away all civil gov ernment in the rebel Slates", and that the Government of the United States owed it as a duty to that section of the country to establish local State governments there, and he, Andrew Jonnson, (being the United States, ) undertook to do it. And he did it "in a horn." [Cries of "And he Oid it with a horn."] Yes, Doth. I accept the amendment. He did it both The President of the United States as such, dearly had no authority over the . Our people, when they framed our Government, were jealous of the ex ecutive power that is, the kingly power, hers were Englishmen. They 11 the contests that had of England with blood iu the struggle to wrest rights and principles from the Crown and deposit them for sife use and xerci-e wi h the Parliament of England, and when they framed our Con stitution they determined to limit and cir cumscribe and bind down this e, Broaching Executive power within very narrow" limits. There is no danger of op pression of the people by Congress. The danger is always of oppression and usurpa tion coming from that power which is cen tralized in one man s bosom. There is no danger that Congress, rent asunder as it is, and must ever be, by cliques and factions, will ever consent to oppress the people, be cause they can never agree among them selves which clique shall be the oppressors. ?rlr. Fess?nden will have his little circle of friends ; Judge Trumbull will have his ; Judge Howe will have his. And so there are a dozen cliques in the Senate, and the danger is that they won t bo able to get to gether and do sonic things that ought to be done some tinre. [Great laughter and ap- - . ] ITot so with the President of the United That great rash act of his which brought on his impeachment the removal of Fhc Secretary of War, for no of fence except for differing from him in opin ion, and diiTermg from him in this particular, that tho Secretary of War thought fit to act according to his own convictions, accord ing to the Constitution, and with the party and with the friend-3 who placed him in power that rash act of the Presi dent of the United States was the result of no deliberation with anybody. No Cabinet officer knew anything about it. Nc-ithcr Scward nor his chum, Randall, ever dreamed that the thing was to be done. It was the result of a consultation between Andrew Johnson and his demijohn alone, [great applause and laughter,] and, when the purpose was formed, it was executed by an order written at his own table at night. No oth T man had to be got to sign it, no other ambitious clique had to be conciliated. [Applause.] This I have alluded to only to il!ustrat> the fact and the theory that five-lorn is in no danger of overthrow from a Congress, or a Parliament, or any other multitudinous deliberative body. It is always in danger of encroachment and overthro.w from power which is consoli dated and may be exercised upon the volition of a single man. So our fathers, when they framed the Constitution, laid upon that ofiice the iirmest and the strongest bond. The President of the United States shall be the Commander in-Chief of the army and a;ivy;he may grant pardons and reprieves;he may receive ambassadors and other foreign ministers; ho may comrnis-i <n officers of the United States when properly appointed, and he shall take care that thy laws be faithfully executed. Those ace the powers which are vested in the President, indepen- ; dent of Congress and cooperation with | Congress. Now, it is manifest tha!; none i of these powers include that of reconstruct- j ing a State government, and when Andrew rtook t > ; ; itted and upon the Co mon- ,:nd to the ; ;;ere no pretence or col.-r . , his whole proceedings. He -titu- ti:mal convention to fram.} governnn : a- ion of - , and the ifiC-ilions oftboso who sinniM he elected But suppose those voters who were not qualified suppose tho?e came mven^on who wer<3 not entitled to r his proclamation what was the coi: t He could not- punish, for :i that ho could not make law. His whoje proceedings were unau thorized, and necessarily and consequently void. But as to the power of the President, I need not j/ush a stop further or discuss it at length, because the Democrats them selves ; and as far as a discussion of this question as a part of our platform is concerned, it is sufficient to rest it there. Tbx-y admit this point. THE POWF/TIS OP COXGPvE.-S. The question then recurs, where is the power of the General Government to frame | governments in these rebel States ? And, in the first place, the general proposition may be laid down, that if the power is in the Government of the United States at all, and is not conferred by express words upon the President, or some other officer of the Government, then it is surely vested in Congress; because the Constitution pro vides that Congress shall have the power to make all laws necessary and proper to carry into execution the power conferred upon Congress, and all other powers conferred upon the United States, or any department or officer thereof; consequently, if the power of framing these State governments reposes in the General Government, and not in the people of Georgia, and, as it is con ceded, every man can settle the question for himself for thirty minutes reading, that. the Constitution does not locate this power in the President, or any other specific ofli- j cer, or in the courts, then it follows neces- ! sadly that this power of the Government is j to be exercised through the power of Con gress, to make laws to carry that power : into execution. But I do not propose to rest here upon this mere general pro- 6 position, although it is entirely conclu sive. There are other provisions of the Con- stiUU r- -Mstinct grounds upon which . i ly rested. The Constitution provides that Congress IC3." NOW, V the in- ling a "new State," :leto be admitted? Half the confusion that the public labor under rding this subject h; iVom the fact that tbG word "State 1 in the Constitu tion is used with various meanings. Somo- timrs i;. is u. ;;d in a geographic \] < : and sometimes in a political sense. For insiiiiKe, when the Constitution provides that any man who commits a crime shall he tried in the "State" where it was com- | milted, it means a geographical State, called the State of New York, or of Georgia, &G. When it says a "State" may he a party to any sui: ii t:: j Supreme Court of the United Sites, it means a u State govern ment," or a corporation, which is created for that purpose. Take, for instance, Illi nois. In a geographical sense, Illinois was ill ways in the Union; her soil was always Federal dominion; her people were always citifcen s of the United States. But the State of Illinois, which was admitted into the Union by an act of Congress, means the corporation or State government which was organizsd by the people for that purpose. Therefore, when the Con stitution says that Congress shall provide for the;v]missionof "new States," it means "new State governments." WHAT IS A NEW STATE ? The Democrats say, "Tnis is conceded, j but Georgia is not a new State. Georgia was one ot the original thirteen, one of the old States, and clearly that provision of the i Constitution does not apply to your case." Bur, my friend, I have already saiil that to j admit a State means to admit a State gov- | eminent, and when the rebels of the South i destroyed the State government which had leen in the Union, and put in its place a | rebel State government which never was j in the Union, and when the armies of the United States swept that way and lelt Georgia without any government what- ever, then, when a goverment shall be organized there, to be admitted again into j the Union aad to be restored to the Fed eral rights, that government thus formed i.s u new government, as much as though the people of Georgia had never had a gov- | eminent whatever. What difference can it make, for instance, with this power ot Congress to admit a State government and to frame a government, whether the people ! who are to be admitted have once had a government which they have destroyed, or whether they never had a government. For instance, we have west of the 11 jcky mountain 3 so many square miles of ter- ! ritory, and so many citizens of the ; United States born in the country. : We say, "Those people are our peo ple, that soil is our soil, and they are titled to our protection." The Gov:-. meat of the United States establish-- Territorial government there and p them until such time ;>* they como to proper condition to be admit! \tc, in full communion, into the Unio : i. Now, this power and jurisdiction cf --to , do this^thiug grows our, of this fact, simj * that if our citizens are dwe! i: . pact community upon our goii. lo cal government, (it is of no i how that state of things is brought about whether it is because they moved there and never had a government, or because they have been th -re and once Jnd a govern- J ment and destroyed it;) if they are our people, dwelling upon our territory, and have no government, the United States is bound to put a civil government there. [A.t this point the grand torchlight pro cession filed into the square, aad the speaker suspended his remarks for a few moments, resuming as follows:] I have forgotten precisely where I was addressing the world before the rest of mankind came in; but I believe I had got through with saying what I proposed to in reference to the power of Congress to ad mit new States; and claimed that that cov ered the entire ground, an. I gave Congress the constitutional power to reconstruct a State government lor Georgia. A REPUBLICAN FOKM OF GOVKESMENT. Suppose, for the sake of argument, that we admit what the Democrats claim, th-it Georgia never was out of the Union, and that her territory and people remaining in the Union as we conceded they always did, because they could not get out that therefore sue is to be regarded as a Stato of the Union. The Constitution provides that the United States shall guarantee to every fctate & republican form of government. Now, if Georgia was not a State of the Union she was a State without any gov ernment whatever; consequently she had no republican form of Slate government; and Congress was called upon iu its ca pacity of legislating and executing that power to take the proper steps to put a re publican form of State government in | Georgia. This guarantee of the Consiitu- 4 tion was intended to secure to the Union a republican State government for such State, without reference to the wishes of fie people of a particular State. If New York, for instance, to-niorrow should call a convention, and change her form of gov ernment from a republican to a monarchical govern nicnt, it would be the duty of Congress to interfere, because the Constitution makes it the duty of the United States to see to it that there is a republican form of govern ment for them in New York ; and if h- should call a convention to abolish tlie form i of government, and resolve herseJf ;j ac^. into her original condition, so much soil, an.! *;> mr.iy people without 1 any govern ment whaLvcr, Congress, in this case, would be compelled to take particular steps to put a State government there for the State of New York, be<::>uso the Constitu tion has imposed this duty upon the Gefitc- r.<l Government ; and the Constitution has provided that Congress sha 1 ! pass all laws nece-sary to execute all the powers which \ the Constitution has conferred upon the lied States. This has been so frequently decided by the Supreme Court of the United States so clearly has it been announced by Chief Justice Gardner, especially in the Rhode Island case, as it is called, reported in the 7th of Howard, where he distinctly v lays down the doctrine that it is the pro vince of Coftgress, and Congress alone, to determine whether the form of government is republican. It must also have the power to say whether there is a government there at all, because without so doing it cannot de termine whether a particular form of govern ment is republican or not and that this duty rests upon Congress and when it acts in the premises its decision is binding upon every part of the Government, and cannot bo questioned in court. This doctrine is so clearly and fully decided that there is no necessity of argument beyond referring you to those decisions. In two or three cases they have been before the Supreme Court, and have been settled beyond dispute, and upon these three grounds that I have men tioned; first, that the power is clearly ia the Congress of the United States, and is not conferred specifically upon any other department; secondly, the power in Con gress to admit new State governments covers this State, and authorizes Congress to organize a government for the purpose of being admitted; and thirdly, the duty which the Constitution imposes upon Con gress to take care that at all times there shall be a republican Stats govern- * nient for each State from tha4 ground lone the power is clearly neduci ole from these three facts from these three separate sources we derive the power of Congress to organize State gov ernments for the rebellious States, which were left at the end of the war without form of government whatever. I have proposed | this evening to confine myself strictly to the constitutional power of Congress, and shall leave for another occasion, perhaps at Galena, on Friday evening, to discuss the other independent question, of how wisely and how well Congress has exercised that constitutional power. This is a distinct subjL-c: tuo full to be spoken of here to - nignt uuder the circumstances, and at the foot of a speech. I shall leave the subject of reconstruction, then, with this imper fect discussion of the constitutional power of Congress. That is the only issue which the Democratic platform makes on the sub ject. They cTo not q nestio dls of their acts. They struck tin death blow to the system by saying that the whole pro ceedings are unconstitutional, am"! therefore void. If I have succeeded in convincing you that Congress has the constitutional power, my object has been accomplished, and that was all I intended to do when I came upon the platform. A CONCLUDING WORD TO THE FENIANS. I have been invited to como here to Chi cago and address the Republican Fenian Club of this State. As the camptigu is thickening at home, and I. shall pr<. be detained there until November, and it is doubtful whether I shall have the oppor tunity of coming here again, I shall say a few words to the Fcnhns. I am not as drunk as Blair was when he said, Tinne- gans, I am with you," [laughter,] but I have a few words which I wish to you on the subject of Fenian?, and upon several of your duties as Fenians to the Government of the United States Xow, it is too late in the day, it is too far ad vanced in the history of the world, for any man or set of men to hope to accomplish great results, unless they h-ive some theory, some philosophy of the subject which can stand an examination and be countenanced by the world. What is the philosophy of Feniauism? Suppose a Fenian w<r to-night here why Ireland should 1 and why Irishmen should govern Ireland. lie could not give any other answer to that 11 tlr.m to say that every nation should be free, and that the freemen of every nation should control its destiny. That is the philosophy of Fenian- ism, it it has any philosophy. That is the corner-stone of the claim which 1 makes to-day for an independent government for Ireland. Now, the ques tion is, what can any Irishman do in the United States to further that end, which is so near his heart? and if I were to give him a word of caution to-night, without charg ing him one cent for the advice, I would tell him not to make a raid upon Canada. The only result of that would be to put Pat in jail, and not free Ireland. There is, nevertheless, much that he may accomplish. He may accomplish it by framing a public sentiment for the world with that great party in the United States to-day which is pledged in all its policy and all its measures to ad vance and faithfully apply the doctrines of the Declaration of Independence. Such has become the intercourse of the world, by means of the telegraph, that the senti ment of one nation is known and felt in another. The voice of tha nation is heard all round the globe. If you can unite here with that party and give it an ascendency; if you can strengthen its hands; if you caii contribute to make the Declaration of Independence a practical fact; then you have done what a man may do, and till that a man may do, to form the public sentiment of the world; and when the public sentiment of the world is formed then you will see its practical fruits being bomc all over the world. It a mean, dirty scallawag comes into a community to live, one or two things always follows ; he either has to reform and conform to the condition of things around him, or he hate to leave. Xow nations are assuming toward each ether precisely that relation, and the opin ion of one nation upon the others is grov/- ing to be precisely what the opinion of one individual is upon another. Join your hands, then, and join your voices with the party in the United States which is pledged to sec every man free. There are certain principles to be ruled by if you are to reach any practical results. If you want to have fualigut in Chicago you must consent to have sunlight in Springfield. If you want to be ftee yourself you must consent that every one shall be .free. If j ou want to see Ireland free } ou must consent that England shall be free, and Germany free, and France free, and every other nation as free as yourselves are here in the United States. If you would exer cise this power, as citizens of the United States, in shaping public sentiment, you must act practically in the things you reach; you must make liberty a practicj fact all around you; and whether the is a German or a Frenchman, an Euglisl man or a Yankee, an Indian or ; wnfetever his rights are before the < must respect them. In this way : doing something for the <)ov, - -; over the world. You are ; voices to the chorus of the nation : be heard far over the ocean, in t hold and in every dungt [Great applause.] That is your pi that is your duty, good, hone: t 1 [Loud applause," and cries of "Go on. 1 It is one thing for you t <:.ay \oii *;re wii ing for me to go on, and another f have the strength. I nm in very much tl condition that General Cuss was iu whc he was invited to dkcuss the 0=1 1. improvements there ia too nuicli noii] and confusion. I cannot talk dosvn tb| whole tumultuous multitude. I answer these rockets. I cannot, i:\ words, talk down all creation. Tb tude is too great for the speaker, and I al completely exhausted, and you will have excuse me. The speaker retired amid great applauj and cheers. Chronicle Print. Gay lord Bros. Makers Syracuse, N. Y. PAT. JAN. 21, i90fa YC 51397 DAY is book is due on the last date the date to subject to immediate recall. J7My 58J N