J K Z8Z5 18/3 •/fe ESS JO OOCUMNTS DIPT. CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION i)IS"lT r T OF MAINE .Vii'll THE ARTICLES OF SEPARATION, GOVERNOR BROOKS' PROCLAMATION' PREFIXED. 1819-20 Mpsftt: FULLEK^&JPU^JiEit, PRINTERS TO THE STATE. 1856. Ik ± JOURNAL OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION DISTRICT OF MAINE WITH THE ARTICLES OF SEPARATION GOVERNOR BROOKS' PROCLAMATION, PREFIXED. 1819-20 Sttgttsta: FtTLIiER & FULLER, PRINTERS TO THE STATE. 1856. 3*' . DOCUMENTS DCPT. ARTICLES OF SEPARATION. COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS. An Act relating to the separation of the District of Maine from Massachusetts proper, and forming the same into a separate and independent State. Whereas, It has been represented to this Legislature, that a majority of the people of the District of Maine are desirous of establishing a separate and independent Government within said District; Therefore, Section 1. Beit enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives, in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, That the consent of this Commonwealth be, and the same is hereby given, that the District of Maine may be formed and erected into a separate and independent State, if the people of the said District shall, in the manner, and by the majority, hereinafter mentioned, express their consent and agree- ment thereto, upon the following terms and conditions; and, -provided, the Congress of the United States shall give its con- sent thereto, before the fourth day of March next; which terms and conditions are as follows, viz : First. All the lands and buildings belonging to the Com- monwealth, within Massachusetts proper, shall continue to be- long to said Commonwealth ; and all the lands belonging to the Commonwealth, within the District of Maine, shall belong, the one-half thereof, to the said Commonwealth, and the other half thereof, to the State to be formed within the said District, to be divided as is hereinafter mentioned ; and the lands within the said District which shall belong to the said Commonwealth, r> /» f\ B Cause of Rejection. fS § S3 c -> a * XI 1 • Phipsburg, . * . 33 33 Putnam, 18 18 St. George, . 23 23 Topsham, 61 61 Thomaston, . 74 74 Union, . 54 49 4 Warren, 42 35 7 Waldoborough, 35 33 2 Whitefield, . 42 42 Wales, . 14 14 Wiscasset, 57 52 5 Woolwich, 39 39 Appleton Plantation, - ■ ■ 18 18 Not returned until after Janu- ary 1, 1820. 1553 1496 56 110 110 Belfast, Belmont, Bluehill, Brooks, Brooksville, Bucksport, Castine, Deer Isle, Eden, . Ellsworth, Frankfort, Gouldsboroug Isle-borough, Jackson, Knox, . Lincolnville, Munroe, Mount Desert Northport, Orland, . Prospect, Penobscot, Searsmont, Swanville, Sedgwick, S v. Hi van, Surry, . Trenton, Thorndike, Yinalhaven, HANCOCK COUNTY 12 13 13 18 34 18 33 Not returned until after Janu- ary 1, 1820. l:Not returned until after Janu- I ary 1, 1820. 84 C36 98 74 73 ( 1 22 22 Not returned unlil after Janu- ary 1, 1^20. 102 CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION. WASHINGTON COUNTY. Accepted. Rejected. Towns. 1 p PI o A p s >* a S B a o 03 B >< 03 Cause of Rejection. Addison, Calais, . Cherryfield, . Columbia, Dennysville, . Eastport, Harrington, . Jonesborough, Lubec, . Machias, Orangetown, . Perry, . . . Tiobbinstown, Steuben, 17 40 14 22 44 38 8 20 203 17 38 12 22 44 38 8 20 199 2 2 4 14 20 34 14 9 23 11 11 Not returned until after Janu- ary 1, 1820. Return not signed by Town Clerk. KENNEBEC COUNTY. Augusta, 81 80 1 1 Belgrade, 30 28 2 Chesterville, . - - - 46 38 8 China, . Clinton, . 40 39 1 Dearborn, 28 28 I Fairfax, . 26 26 Fayette, Farmington, . 70 105 66 105 4 Freedom, Gardiner, 54 54 Greene, . 70 70 Hallowell, . - - - 145 142 3 Harlem, 34 33 1 Joy, - - - 28 28 Kingfield, 24 23 1 Leeds, . 93 93 Malta, . - - - 40 40 Monmouth, . 98 98 Mount Vernon, 70 70 New Sharon, 55 53 2 Pittstown, 28 20 8 Readfield, - - - 70 70 Rome, . 25 24 1 Sidney, . 74 73 1 Temple, 24 23 1 Unity, . 44 43 1 Not returned until after Janu- ary 1, 1820. Not returned until after Janu- ary 1, 1820. Not returned until after Janu- ary 1, 1820. Not returned until after Janu- ary 1, 1820. Not returned until after Janu- ary 1, 1820. THURSDAY, JANUARY 6. 103 KENNEBEC COUNTY, (Continued.) Accepted. Rejected. u 1 m Towns. A £ 9 . £ S • Cause of Rejection. O 9 6 o a CD >-> Vienna, . 32 32 Vassalborough, 50 50 Wayne, . 69 68 i Winslow, 31 31 Waterville, . 110 HOj Wilton, . 62 62! Winthrop, 82 64 1 18 1509 1466 43 329 318 11 • OXFORD COUNTY. Albany, . 21 5 16j Bethel", . 85 85 Brownfield, . 58 57 l| Buckfield, . 149 146 3 Dixfield, 29 27 2, Denmark, East Andover 41 32 9 Fryeburg, 73 73 Gilead, . 23 23 Greenwood, 21 21 Hiram, . 29 28 1 Hartford, 68 68 Hebrcn, 73 70 3 Jay, 75 72 3 Liyermore, 73 71 2 Lovel, . Mexico, 12 12 Newry, . 34 34 Norway, 77 I 6 1 Paris, 106 89 17 Porter, . 37 36 1 Rum ford, 52 52 Sweden, 20 20 Sumner, 52 48 4 Turner, . - - - 88 88 Waterford, 58 35 23 Weld, . 37 37 Woodstock, 29 27 2 Plantation No. 1, 18 18 13-50 1262 88 88 88 Not returned until after Janu- ary 1, 1820. 104 CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION. SOMERSET COUNTY. Accepted. Rejected. I Towns. P .2 B p a Cause of Rejection. o o a to o CO ai ^ o3 CD 1 03 Anson, . 70 70 Athens, 29 24 5 Avon, . . 28 28 Bloomfield, . 52 50 2 Bingham, - - - 7 7 Return signed by only one Se- lectman. Canaan, 40 40 Corinna, 25 25 Cornville, 27 •27 Embden, 15 14 1 Fairfield, - - - 71 67 4 Not returned until after Janu- ary 1, 1820. Freeman, 22 13 9 Harmony, Industry, 29 29 Mercer, . 31 23 8' Madison, 33 32 1 Moscow, Norridgewock, 66 66 New Portland, _ - - 24 9 15 Not returned until after Janu- ary 1, 1820. New Vineyard, ■ - - 26 21 5 Not returned until after Janu- ary 1, 1820. North Hill, . Palmyra, 27 27 Phillips, 11 11 Ripley, . 34 34 Starks, . 39 38 1 St. Albans, . 22 22 Solon, . 33 33 Strong, . 20 20 "Warsaw, " 19 19 Not returned until after Janu- ary 1, 1820. 653 626 27 I 147 123 24 PENOBSCOT COUNTY. Atkinson, Bangor, . Brewer, . Carmel, . Corinth, Dixmont, Dexter, . Exeter, . Eddington, Foxcroft, - - - 22 22 51 47 4 42 31 11 12 12 18 18 28 23 5 41 41 27 27 20 20 - - - 25 25 Not returned until after Janu- ary 1, 1820. Not returned until after Janu- ary 1, 1820w THURSDAY, JANUARY 6. 105 PENOBSCOT COUNTY, (Continued.) Accepted. Rejected. cu si Town 1 o s S3 o Cause of Rejection. co CO ^3 a ■a .a Garland, 16 16 Guilford, 27 27 Hermon, 16 16 Hampden, 36 36 Levant, . 6 6 Newburg, 22 21 11 Newport, 28 28 New Chariest on, . - - 1 28 28 Not returned until after Janu- ary 1, 1820. Orono, . 25 2.5 Orrin^ton, 58 58 Sanserville, 17 17 Sebec, . 23 23 Plantation N 3. 3, R. 6, 20 20 Plantation N 3. 1, R. 3, 14 14 Williamsburg PL, 13 10 3 560 536 24li 75 75 RECAPITULATION. Aggregate of votes le- Aggregate of votes not gally RETURNED. LEGALLY RETURNED. Counties. £ 5 number. o • o CO CO f^ a p % QJ fc York, .... 1,411 1,094 317 135 118 17 Cumberland, 1,814 1,675 139 70 57 13 Lincoln, 1,553 1,496 56 110 110 - Hancock, . 784 686 98 74 73 1 Washington, 203 199 4 34 23 11 Kennebec, . 1,509 1,466 43 329 318 11 Oxford, 1,350 1,262 88 88 88 - Somerset, . 653 626 27 147 123 24 Penobscot, 560 536 24 75 75 - 9,837 9,040 796 1,062 985 77 In Committee, January 6, 1820.— The foregoing is a true list of all the votes given on the adoption of the Constitution of Maine. ALBION K. PARRIS, Per Order. Attest: — Robert C. Yose, Secretary. IQQ CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION. Which report was read and accepted, and ordered to be entered with the special part of this report and schedule here- unto annexed, upon the journals of this convention. Mr. Preble, chairman of the committee to whom was referred the subject of what business it will be necessary to act upon before the convention separate, having attended to the duty assigned them, made the following Report : That in addition to the several subjects already committed to special committees, the committee submitted for the consid- eration of the convention, the following resolutions, which were severally read and passed : Resolved, That the Treasurer of this convention, be and he hereby is authorized, to borrow on the credit of the State of Maine, the sum of four thousand dollars, to defray the expendi- tures of this convention. Resolved, That be a committee to examine the books, accounts and vouchers of the Treasurer, with the view to an adjustment, and report thereon. Gen. Wingate, Mr. Ilsley of Portland, and Mr. Gage of Au- gusta, were appointed on the said committee. Resolved, That be a committee on the pay roll, and that they be instructed to make up the pay roll including to- morrow. Gen. Irish, Col. Lewis, and Mr. Dearborn of Hallowell, were appointed on the said committee. Resolved, That the Secretary of State pro tempore, be and he hereby is instructed to examine and ascertain what docu- ments and papers in the office of the Secretary of the Common- wealth of Massachusetts, or elsewhere, are of importance for the use of the Legislature of Maine, and that he procure the same or authenticated copies thereof. Resolved, That the treasurer of this convention, be directed to pay over to the Secretary of State pro tempore, the sum of one hundred dollars, to be accounted for by said Secretary to the Legislature of Maine. Resolved, That this day at half-past 3 o'clock be assigned for designating by ballot, the person who, in case of the death or other disqualification of the President of this convention THURSDAY, JANUARY 6. |Q^ before the election and qualification of the Governor, under this constitution of Maine, shall have all the powers and per- form all the duties which the President of this convention shall have and perform. Resolved, That this day at half-past 3 o'clock be assigned for designating by ballot, the person who, in case of the death or other disqualification of the Secretary of State pro tempore, before the election and qualification of the Secretary of State, under the constitution of Maine, shall have and perform all the powers and duties of Secretary pro tempore. Resolved, That this day at half-past 3 o'clock be assigned for electing by ballot, some suitable person to attend the Legisla- ture and Executive, and address the Throne of Grace by prayer, at the organization of the government of the new State. Gen. Wingatc, was appointed on the committee on the sub- ject of the expenses of the convention, exclusive of the pay roll, in the absence of Mr. Shepley of Saco. Adjourned to half-past 3 o'clock this afternoon. AFTERNOON. Met. Agreeably to assignment, the convention proceeded to the choice of a person, who, in case of the death or other disqualification of the President of this convention, before the election and qualification of the Governor under the constitu- tion of Maine, shall have all the powers and perform all the duties which the President of this convention shall have and perform ; and Mr. Preble, Judge Thatcher, and Mr. Herrick of Bowdoinham, were appointed a committee to receive, count and sort the votes — when it appeared that the whole number of votes given were one hundred sixty-eight; necessary to a choice, eighty- five ; and that the Hon. John Chandler had one hundred and ten votes, and he was declared elected. The same committee was then appointed to receive, count and sort the votes for the person who, in case of the death or other dis- qualification of the Secretary pro tempore, before the election and qualification of Secretary of State, under the constitution of Maine, shall have and perform the powers and duties of Secretary of State pro tempore — when it appeared that the 108 CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION. whole number of votes given was one hundred and seventy - four; necessary to a choice, eighty-eight ; and that Robert C. Vose had one hundred and seventy-two votes, and he was de- clared chosen. Col. Lewis, chairman of the committee appointed to consider and report in what manner the adoption of the constitution shall be announced to the people of Maine, submitted the fol- lowing resolution, which was read and accepted as amended : Resolved, That the Secretary of this convention be directed to publish in the several newspapers printed in Maine, the certified result of the votes from the several towns and planta- tions in the District of Maine, upon the adoption of the consti- tution, as reported to the convention, and that after the fifteenth day of March next, on condition that the proposed State of Maine, shall have been admitted into the Union, the President be requested to issue his Proclamation to the people of the State of Maine, making known such admission ; and that the constitu- tion proposed by the convention and adopted by the people, is the constitution and frame of government for the State. Mr. Wood of Lebanon, chairman of the committee on the subject of returns for Governor, Senators and Representatives, made the following Report : No. 1, return of votes for Governor; No. 2, return of votes for Senators ; No. 3, return of votes for Representatives ; and that the Secretary of this convention be requested to superin- tend the printing and furnishing the selectmen of all the towns, and the assessors of all the plantations in the State of Maine, with a suitable number of the same — which report was read and accepted. Agreeably to assignment, the convention proceeded to the choice of a person to attend the Legislature and Executive, and address the Throne of Grace by prayer, at the organization of the government of the new State ; and the Hon. Judge Cony, Rev. Mr. Titcomb, and the Rev. Mr. Lock, of Chesterville, were appointed a committee to receive, count and sort the votes — when it appeared that the whole number of votes given were one hundred and thirty-eight; necessary to a choice, seventy ; the THURSDAY, JANUARY 6. 109 Rev. Mr. Nichols, of Portland, had one hundred and thirty-three votes, and he was declared chosen ; and thereupon Ordered, That the delegates from the town of Portland be requested to notify the reverend gentleman of his election. Col. Lewis was excused from serving on the committee upon the pay roll, and Col. Atherton was appointed in his stead. Judge Thatcher submitted the following resolution : Resolved, That four attested copies of the constitution of the State of Maine, together with an attested copy of the report of the committee appointed to examine the returns of the votes from the several towns and plantations in Maine, on the con- stitution proposed to the people by this convention, be trans- mitted to the Supreme Executive of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and like copies be delivered by the Secretary of State to the Supreme Executive of the State of Maine, as soon as the government thereof shall be organized — and the same was read and committed to Mr. Moody of Hallo well, Dr. Chandler of Parris, Mr. Burr of Litchfield, Mr. Jarvis of Surry, and Major Treat, to consider and report. Voted, That when the convention adjourn, it be until 10 o'clock to-morrow morning. Adjourned accordingly. 110 CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION. FRIDAY, January 7, 1820. Met according to adjournment. Gen. Wingate, chairman of the committee appointed to ex- amine the books, accounts and vouchers of the Treasurer, sub- mitted the following Report : That it appears by the accounts presented to the committee by the Hon. Albion K. Parris, Treasurer of this convention, accompanying this report, he has received the sum of nineteen thousand seven hundred forty-two dollars and twelve cents, that he has paid to the members of this convention for their travel and attendance the first session, the sum of sixteen thousand dollars, and for accounts allowed, interest and incidental expenses at the first session, seven hun- dred eighty-two dollars and twenty-nine cents, leaving a balance in the hands of the Treasurer of two thousand nine hundred fifty- nine dollars and eighty-three cents, to be applied in part payment of the expenses of the present session of the convention. The pay roll of the present session not having been placed in the hands of the Treasurer, the committee have not been enabled to adjust the accounts of the expenditures of the present session, and therefore recommend the passage of the following resolves, which are respectfully submitted : Resolved, That the Treasurer of this convention be directed to account with the first Legislature of Maine, for the balance of money remaining in his hands, after defraying the appropria- tions made by this convention. Resolved, That the Treasurer be allowed as compensation for his services, the one-half of one per centum on all moneys paid out by him, under the direction of this convention — which report and resolutions were severally read and accepted. The return of votes from the town of Steuben upon the ques- tion of the constitution was this day received by the Hon. President, and by him communicated to the convention, where- FRIDAY, JANUARY 7. 1 1 1 by it appeared that the inhabitants of said town gave in seven- teen votes in favor of the constitution and none against it. Ordered, That said return be placed on file. Gen. Irish, chairman of the committee upon the pay roll, made a report, by which it appeared that the amount of travel and attendance, due the several members the present session, amounting in the whole to the sum of four thousand two hund- red and sixteen dollars ; which was read, and Ordered, That the Treasurer of this convention be author- ized to pay the several persons borne on the pay roll, the sum set against their names respectively. Hon. Mr. Gage, chairman of the committee on accounts, made a report that the sums set against the names of the following persons, to wit : to Francis Douglass, for printing, $178 20 Christopher Eand, for sundry expenses, 42 26 Aaron Chamberlain, 15 25 Robert C. Yose, Secretary, for services and expenses, 1 18 20 William B. Peters, Sergeant-at-Arms, 6 (JO Thomas Bailey, 6 00 N. G. Jewett, a Clerk in the lobbies, 6 00 Robert Ilsley, Post Master, 11 39 J $383 30£ Which report was read, and Ordered, That the Treasurer pay the several persons borne on this roll, the sums set against their names respectively, in full for their services. Mr. Moody of ITallowell, chairman of the committee to whom was referred the resolutions submitted yesterday by the Hon. Judge Thatcher, reported the following resolution as taken into a new draft : Resolved, That the President of this convention, cause to be transmitted to the Supreme Executive of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, one attested manuscript copy of the constitu- tion of the State of Maine, and the reports of the committee appointed to examine the return of the votes of the several 1X2 CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION. towns and plantations, upon the question of the adoption of the constitution, and also an attested manuscript copy of the pro- ceedings of this convention — which resolution was read and accepted. The Hon. Judge Thatcher, read in his place the following resolution : Resolved, unanimously, That the thanks of this convention be presented to the Honorable William King, for the dignified and impartial manner with which he has discharged the duties of the chair, during our deliberations — which resolution was again read by the Secretary and unanimously adopted. The Honorable President then made the following reply : Gentlemen of the Convention: — For the sentiments which you have expressed, I feel particularly grateful; — they come, I perceive, from an old and respected friend, from whom politi- cal considerations have perhaps too long separated me. My friend, on this occasion, does not remember them — they are, therefore, erased from my recollection forever. The constitution, gentlemen, which you have presented with so much unanimity to our fellow-citizens, an unexampled ma- jority have adopted. Your business has therefore now termi- nated ; to the public it has been most useful ; to yourselves most honorable, being now enrolled as the fathers of the constitu- tion. Permit me, gentlemen, to hope that the constitution with which God has been pleased, through you, to bless us, may long preserve the liberties, and promote the happiness of all our fellow-citizens ; and that for your services, you may not only receive the respect of the virtuous of your own time, but the regard of posterity. The business of the convention being completed, on motion of the Hon. Judge Cony, Voted, That the convention adjourn without day. Adjourned accordingly. Attest:-— R. C. YOSE ; Secretary. STATE OF MAINE Resolves to authorize the printing of the Journal of the Constitutional Convention. Resolved, That the secretary of state be directed to cause one thousand copies to be printed, of the journal of the convention which framed the constitution of Maine. Resolved, That copies of the same be transmitted to such persons and corporations as are entitled under existing resolves to receive copies of the laws of the state, and that the remainder be retained for the future disposition of the legislature. [Approved April 10, 1856.] RETURN TO the circulation desk of any University of California Library or to the NORTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY Bldg. 400, Richmond Field Station University of California Richmond, CA 94804-4698 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS • 2-month loans may be renewed by calling (510)642-6753 • 1-year loans may be recharged by bringing books to NRLF • Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date. DUE AS STAMPED BELOW MAR24?0QQ 12,000(11/95) H«7H-tiinbULHIIIlU UiSWA i 1