UC-NRLF mi FROM -THE -LIBRARY- OF A. V. Ryder X Sou rce Book ON A mencan History General Local Personal Civil Political Military Catalogue of a very Important Collection of Out-of-Print Books and Pamphlets. FOR SALE BY LATHROP C. [HARPER ^~ ^^^ 437 Fifth Avenue, Corner 39th Street (Knabe Building) - New York All money should be sent by draft, Check, Money Order or Registered Letter; I cannot be responsible for remittance otherwise made All books are warranted perfect unless otherwise stated. Any book not agreeing with description may be returned within ten days Prices do not include Postage or Express Charges LIBRARIES PURCHASED I am at all times ready to pur chase for cash, at full market value, large or small collections of books Parties when through with this Catalogue will confer a favor on the publishers by sending or mail ing it to some book-loving friend SOURCE BOOKS ON AMERICAN HISTORY PRICED CATALOGUE OF A REMARKABLE COLLECTION OF SCARCE AND OUT-OF-PRINT BOOKS RELATING TO THE DISCOVERY, SETTLEMENT, AND HISTORY OF THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE COMPRISING Early Voyages of Discovery, First Settlement of the Colonies; French and Indian War; The Revolution, Washingtoniana ; War of 1812; Civil and Political History of the United States; Rare State, County, and Town Local Histories; Biographies of Eminent Men; The American Indians, their Antiquities, Ethnology, History, Wars, and Languages; British America, Canada; Mexico; Central and South America and the West Indian Islands; Genealogy and Family History. OFFERED FOR SALE AT THE MODERATE PRICES AFFIXED BY LATHROP C. HARPER / 437 FIFTH AVENUE, Knabe Building at 39th Street NEW YORK CITY 1914 E7 H-33 FOREWORD. This catalogue embodies the results of purchases made during the last four years, and as a whole contains an unusually large proportion of desirable " nuggets " that are seldom offered for sale. All but a very small percentage of these books have come to me through private purchase and have not passed through the auction room. I have given it the general title of " Source Books on American History for the reason that nearly every item contains first-hand historical data of general, local or personal interest the authors have given facts, rather than expressed their own deductions from the narratives of others. The story of the increasing rarity of Americana has been often insistently proclaimed and there is. . rpuch truth in. it. But desirable things are con stantly turning up and carr still be secured, at prices that are not prohibitive, by the careful buyer wHo \yiic-lies all , the .channels. I have always stood for and believe in conservative values, and I must be convinced of both the merit and rarity of a book before either giving or asking an advance in price. Good Americana, well bought, always has and always will increase in value. And I predict that we shall see a far larger number of book buyers, whom neither " rehash " nor reprints will satisfy, interested in the origin of the things that have influenced our history. While this catalogue is roughly subdivided into subjects, a careful reading of the whole is recommended. All lots are guaranteed perfect and in good condition unless otherwise described, and any item may be returned that proves on inspection to be unsat isfactorythe best asset being a satisfied customer. C-, NO. 136 PRICE 5O CENTS CATALOGUE:;; or BOOKS RELATING TO AMERICA OFFERED FOR SALE BY LATHROP C. HARPER No. 437 FIFTH AVENUE, : : : NEW YORK CITY ( flnabe Building at 39tK Street) GENERAL AMERICANA. Biography, Political and Civil History, Early Voyages, etc., etc. 1 Adams Administration. The States. Fine Plates, some colored. United States as They Are in their 4 vols. 4to, cloth. Boston, Little Political, Religious and Social Rela- Brown & Co., 1857-62. $8.00 tions. 8vo, boards, uncut, pp. 242. "One of the most valuable works ever London, 1828. $2.50 undertaken by any one editor," Sabin. A social and political view of John 4 Allen. Last Letters of Richard Qumcy Adams administration. L AUen> I2mQj doth> pp ^ New 2 Adet, P. A. A volume entitled York, 1871. $1.50 "Appendix," consisting of the Corre- Author of the "American Farm Book." spondence of Adet and Fauchet with Interesting letters of travel, etc. Randolph and Pickering, 1794-96. 5 American Atlas. Carey s Amer- 8vo, blue paper wrappers, uncut ican Pocket Atlas. Twenty-three (about 1796). $4-5 maps zvith descriptive letter press (in- Contains 163 Letters on the French chiding tzvo maps, Missouri and troubles. It seems to be the most com- Upper N. W . Territories not in plete work on the subject. earlier editions ) m i 2mO , sheep. Phila- 3 Agassiz, Louis. Contributions delphia, 1814. $5.00 to the Natural History of the United Scarce. American Binding. Barlow, Joel. The Columbiad. A Poem. Fine en graved portrait of Barlow after a painting by Robert Fulton, and n en graved plates by Smike after subjects designed by Fulton, including Cruelty Presiding over Prison Ships (of the American Revolution), etc. 4to, crimson morocco, elaborately gilt tooled, slightly foxed, pp. 454. Phila., 1807. $15.00 A beautiful example of early American bookbinding. This fine work, published at the expense of Robert Fulton, was the most costly American work issued up to that time. Includes descriptions of the cruelties of the British in the prison ships and the employment of the Indians, introducing the story of Miss McCrea, etc. M55918 LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. American Book Prices Current. Edited by Luther S. Livingston. From voi. I, 1895, t > IJDJ. 10, 1905, inclusive. 10 vols., 8vo, original cloth. $50.00 very rare. Of volume one but 400 copies were printed, which places the limit upon the number of sets that can be made up. New York, 1895-1904. T& -early volumes fire ver 6 American Criminals. Defenders and Offenders. Portraits and bio graphical sketches of N. Y. Police force and 300 American Criminals. Colored lithographs. 4to, cloth, 1888. $2.00 7 American Forts. Luffman, John. Select Plans of the Principal Cities, Harbors and Forts in the World. Illustrated by 180 colored copper-plate engravings. 2 vols. 4to, half calf. London, 1801. $15.00 A very scarce set, unknown to Sabin. The plans include a fine one of New York city and harbor, Boston, Charleston, Phila delphia, Port Royal, Carthagena, etc. 8 American Harmony. The Con tinental Harmony, containing a Num ber of Anthems and Choruses never before Published. Engraved front, oblong, boards, Boston, Isaiah Thomas and E. T. Andrews, 1794. $2.00 In excellent condition. Dedham, Sud- bury, New Plymouth, suitable for the An niversary of the Pilgrims Landing, Wash ington Street and other old New England tunes. 9 American Maps. The American Atlas (to accompany Winterbotham s History) . 20 large maps of the States engraved by Anderson, Tanner, Mar tin, etc. Folio, half calf. New York, John Reid, 1796. $10.00 At end, and apparently an extra plate, is a fine early plan of Washington City en titled " Plan of the City of Washington in the Territory of Columbia, ceded by Vir ginia and Maryland and established as the Seat of Government after 1800." En graved by Rollinson, 1795. The regular plates include a fine double page map of Kentucky, 1795, by Anderson. 10 American Notes and Queries. A Medium of Intercommunication for Literary Men, General Readers, etc. Vol. i (1888) to Vol. 6 (1891). 6 vols. bound in three. 4to, half roan. Phila., 1888-91. $6.00 Vol. 6 lacks title. 11 American Philosophical So ciety. Transactions of. ist Series, 6 vols.; 2d Series, Vols. 1-6. Plates. Together, 12 vols. 4to, half calf. Phila., 1789-1839. $50.00 Scarce. The most valuable of all the early American learned societies. 12 Ampere, J. J. Promenade en Amerique, with Study of the Author by C. A. St. Beuve. Illustrations of New York, Boston, etc. 8vo, cloth, pp. 299. Paris, 1874. $2.00 13 Anderson, Alexander. (The First American Wood Engraver). His Life and Works by Frederic M. Burr. Illustrations. Royal 8vo, half roan. New York, 1893. $2.50 Only a limited number were printed, many of the illustrations are impressions from the original blocks engraved by Dr. Anderson, pages 93-210, are extracts from his Diary kept in New York City, 1793-98 a valuable picture of those times. [Andrews, William Loring.] Eulogy on Thomas Crawford. By Thomas Hicks. Two medallion portraits one in tint, and three full-page plates on India paper. 4to, half morocco gilt, gilt top, original front wrapper bound in. New York, 1865. $35oo Privately printed by William Loring Andrews. A Large Holland Paper copy, and one of only two so issued. Very scarce. GENERAL AMERICANA. 5 Audubon, J. J. The Birds of America. From Drawings made in the United States and their Territories. 500 full-page fine colored plates. 7 vols., 8vo, half morocco. New York, /. /. Audubon, 1840-44. $400.00 Very fine, clean copy of the first octavo edition, far superior in coloring to any of the other issues. In this copy all the plates are unfoxed and fine impressions. No one who has not compared this edition with others can realize how important it is that this original edition be secured if the collector wishes for the perfection and beauty of the plates. Audubon, John J. The Birds of America. 500 colored plates. 7 vols. New York, V. G. Audubon, 1856; Audubon and Bachman. The Quadrupeds of North America. 155 colored plates. New York, 1854; Cassin, John. Birds of California, Texas, Oregon, British and Russian America not given by former Authors. 50 colored plates. Phila., 1856. Together IT vols., royal 8vo, full brown morocco, blind tooled, gilt edges. $350.00 Audubon, J. J., and Bachman, John. The Quadrupeds of North America. Illustrated with 155 beautiful colored plates. 3 vols., royal 8vo, half levant morocco, gilt tops. New York, V. G. Audubon, 1856. $60.00 Fine, clean copy of the octavo edition of this beautiful work. The plates, in most instances, exhibit two or more figures, male and female, in the most life-like attitudes, with their young, prey, etc., with views of their haunts and localities. 14 Anderson, Alexander. A Me- I2mo, boards, pp. 66. Phila., 1830. morial of the First Engraver on Wood $2.50 in America, by Benson J. Lossing. The first archery manual printed in the Illustrated with 38 engravings. 8vo, U. S. half morocco, gilt top. New York, i; ArctiCt De Long, George W. l8 72- $ 2 - The Voyage of the Jeannette. The 15 Andrews, William Loring. Ship and Ice Journals of the Comman- Bibliopegv in the United States, and ^er of the Polar Expedition of 1879- Kindred Subjects. Illustrated with 8l - Edited by Emma De Long. Maps fine examples of early American book- d Mirations. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. bindings, some in gold and colors. B st o n > l88 3- 8vo, boards, uncut. New York, 1902. 18 Arctic. O Reilly, Bernard. $ I 7-5 Greenland, the Adjacent Seas and the Edition limited to 141 copies. The best Northwest Passage to the Pacific work on the early history of the craft in Ocean illustrated in a Voyage to Davis Strait in 1817. Maps and 16 Archer s Manual; or the Art plates. 4to, new half cloth, uncut, of Shooting with the Long Bow, as London, 1818. $7-5o practised by the United Bowmen of Contains a chapter on Attempts made to Philadelphia. 2 fine engraved plates. Discover a Northwest Passage. Auk. The Auk, a Quarterly Journal of Ornithology, complete, 1876-1009. Vols. 1-8 half morocco, Vols. 9-29 cloth, Vols. 30-34 parts. 34 vols. bound in 33. Colored plates. Cambridge and New York. $125.00 Fine set of the standard American ornithological journal. This includes the First Series issued as Bulletin of the Nuttall Ornithological Club, and is rare. Con tributions by all the leading writers in this field. LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. 19 Arctic. Price, Julius M. From the Arctic Ocean to the Yellow Sea (around North Cape to Yenisei River and through Siberia). Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 384. New York, 1892. $2.00 20 Avery Collection. Catalogue Raisonnee. Works on Bookbinding, Practical and Historical with Ex amples of Bookbindings, i6th to I9th Centuries, from the Collection of Samuel P. Avery (with Foreword by Chas. A. Nelson). Frontispiece by Leloir. 8vo, cloth, pp. 136. New York (1903). $10.00 100 copies privately printed by De Vinne for Mr. Avery. Valuable notes to each item. 21 Bachman. Letters and Mem ories of the Life of John Bachman, pastor of St. John s Lutheran Church, Charleston, S. C. By C. L. Bachman. Portrait. i2mo, cloth, pp. 436. Charleston, 1888. $2.00 Joint author with Audubon of the " Quadrupeds of North America." 22 Bancroft, George. History of the Formation of the Constitution of the United States. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. New York, 1882-83. $2.50 23 Bancroft, George. History of the United States. Vol. 4. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1852. $5.00 Presentation copy with inscription from the Author to Peter Force. 24 Barber, Edwin A. The Pottery and Porcelain of the United States. An Historical Review of American Ceramic ... to the present day. 223 illustrations. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut, pp. 446. New York, 1893. $3-50 25 Barclay, Capt. Agricultural Tour in the United States and Upper Canada (largely New York). 121110, cloth, pp. 181. Edinburgh, 1842. $1.50 26 Beamish, North L. The Dis covery of America by the Northmen in the Tenth Century. Map. 8vo, calf, pp. 240. London, 1841. $5.00 Contains translations of the Sagas and other Icelandic texts relating to the subject. 27 Benson, John. A Short Ac count of the Voyages, Travels and Ad ventures of John Benson (of Newport, R. I.), comprising Seven Voyages to different parts of the World, with Anecdotes of Men and Manners. I2mo, boards, pp. 120. N. p., n. d. $2.50 28 Bibliography. American Cata logue (The). Edited by F. Leypoldt, 1884-1890. Author and Title Alpha bet : Subject Alphabet, etc. Thick 4to, half morocco. New York, 1891. $3.00 Bancroft, George. History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent. Portraits and plates. 10 vols., royal 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Boston, 1861-1875. $37-5O Large Paper copy, limited to fifty sets. A photograph of George Bancroft is inserted in volume one. Fine copy, in the original cloth, uncut, of this beautiful edi tion, which is now extremely rare. Bancroft, George. Poems. 121110, half blue levant morocco, gilt top. un cut, by Bradstreet. Cambridge, Milliard and Metcalf, 1823. $15.00 Fine copy, very rare, with interesting A. L. S. from the author to Dr. Shea laid in. Bancroft was only 23 years old when this volume was published. Second thought induced him to suppress it, and it is said that, with the exception of a few early copies sent out, the balance was burned at the house of Prescott. Appleton copy (without A. L. S.) sold for $38.00. GENERAL AMERICANA. Barber, John W. (and others.) State Historical Collections. An unusual collection comprising Massachusetts, Connecticut, New England, New York and New Jersey; Ohio and Virginia by Howe; Pennsylvania by Day, and the European Collections which includes England, Holland, Scotland, France, etc. Profusely illustrated with maps and hundreds of woodcuts of historic buildings, "views, etc. 9 vols., 8vo, new half sprinkled calf. 1839, etc. $45-00 A perfect mine of fact, tradition, biographical and other anecdotes of the early settlement of each respective State. The importance of the above series can hardly be overestimated. Many of the facts were orally collected by the authors at a period and from survivors that have since passed into oblivion. 29 Bigelow, Jacob. American Medical Botany, being a Collection of the Nature Medicinal Plants of the United States with Botanical History and Chemical Analysis. 60 colored plates. 3 vols., 8vo, new half green morocco, gilt tops. Boston, 1817-20. $20.00 Scarce. Plates and text a little foxed. 30 Binding. American Book bindings in the Library of Henry Wil liam Poor. Described by Henri Pene du Bois. Illustrated with beautiful plates executed in colors and stamped in gold leaf by Edward Biierstadt. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Printed at the Marion Press, 1903. $15.00 This beautiful volume was limited to 238 copies printed for Mr. Poor. The plates are probably the most beautiful and accu rate reproductions of bindings ever made, each having been stamped in gold leaf from brass dies. 31 Birch, William. Delices de la Grande Bretagne. Thirty-six Views of Great Britain from paintings and drawings by Reynolds, Gainsborough, Wilson, Opie, etc. Engraved by Wm. Birch. Oblong, small 4to, original boards. (London) 1812. $4-5o William Birch came to America and en graved the well known views of Phila delphia. 32 Bonaparte. The Life and Let ters of Madame Bonaparte. (Eliza beth Patterson.) By Eugene L. Didier. i2mo, cloth, pp. 276. N. Y., 1879. $1.00 33 Bradford, Alden. History of the Federal Government, 1789-1839. 8vo, cloth, pp. 480. Boston, 1840. $2.00 34 Bradford Club. The Croakers, by Joseph Rodman Drake and Fitz- Greene Halleck. First complete edi tion, with notes. Fine engraved por traits of both authors. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 191. New York, 1860. $6.00 Only 150 copies printed for private cir culation by special subscription. 35 Brayton, Patience. Short Ac count of the Life and Religious La bours of Patience Brayton, late of Swansey, Mass. 121110, sewn, uncut, pp. 144. London, 1802. $5>oo Travels through the Middle and South ern States. A scarce Quaker item. 36 Bridge, James H. The Inside History of the Carnegie Steel Com pany. Illustrated. 8vo, half morocco, gilt, pp. 369. New York, 1903. $2.50 37 Brinley Catalogue of Ameri cana. Catalogue of the American Li brary of the late George Brinley, of Hartford, Conn. Complete with printed prices to each part. 9,501 lots. With valuable bibliographical notes, collations, etc., by the late J. Ham mond Trumbull. 5 vols., 8vo, original paper, covers uncut. Hartford, 1878- 93. $10.00 Invaluable to the collector. The choicest collection of Americana ever dispersed at auction. Part one is the unabridged reprint. 8 LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. Bramwich, Mr. The American Traveller, being a New Historical Collec tion carefully compiled from Memoirs in several Languages and the most authentic Voyages and Travels, containing a compleat Account of the part of the World now called the West Indies . . . with Account of Admiral Vernon s taking Porto Bello, etc. Five copper-plates, including portraits of Drake and Cortes. 12010, old leather, pp. 398. London, $10.00 Apparently a collection of the numbers of the previous edition of 1741 (the last signature having " No. XVIII" printed in the corner), with a new title-page giving Mr. Bramwich " as the author. It was evidently intended as a complete history of American discovery, but ended with the i8th number, the Voyage of Grijalva in 1518 and discovery of Mexico. At the end in this edition is appended in smaller type the account of Admiral Vernon s victory. 38 Brissot de Warville, J. B. The Commerce of America with Europe comparatively stated and explained, and showing the Importance of the American Revolution to the interests of France. Portrait by S coles. I2mo, half roan, pp. 263. New York, Swords, 1795. $6.50 A very scarce edition. 39 Brockway, Beman. Fifty Years in Journalism. Embracing Recollections and Personal Experi ences; with an autobiography. Por trait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 426+67. Wa- tertown, 1891. $2.00 40 Bromwell, William J. History of Immigration to the United States, Exhibiting the Number, Sex, Age, Oc cupation and Country of Birth, etc. 8vo, cloth, pp. 225. New York, 1856. $2.50 41 Brooke, Henry K. Tragedies on the Land containing an authentic account of the most Awful Murders that have been committed in this Country, with a report of the Trial, Judge s Charge and the Confession and Execution of the Criminals, from the year 1823 to 1840 inclusive. Woodcuts. 161110, cloth. Poor copy and lacks a leaf. Philadelphia, n. d. (1841). $2.00 Very scarce. Most of similar American collection of crimes are composed of Euro pean cases with a few American. This is entirely American cases; and like all early books of this character has been much read and naturally somewhat soiled. 42 Brown, Alex. The Genesis of the United States, a Narrative of the Movement in England, 1605-1616, which resulted in the Plantation of North America. Portraits and maps. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1890. $10.00 An invaluable collection of documents, the larger number previously unprinted, relating to the inception and first year of the Virginia Colony. ^ 43 Bulloch, James D. The Secret Service of the Confederate States in Europe; or, How the Confederate Cruisers were Equipped. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. New York, 1884. $6.00 Easily first in authority upon its subject. Capt. Bullock was the naval representative of the Confederacy in Europe and its au thoritative agent in building and fitting out the Alabama and other cruisers. Whilst a devoted Confederate officer, his histori cal purpose is candidly sincere, his store of original knowledge is unequalled, and he has intelligently used collateral sources of information, diplomatic and other. 44 [Burke, Edmund.] An Ac count of the European Settlements in America. Two maps. 2 vols., 8vo, original calf. London, 1857. $5-oo Fine copy of the First Edition in the original binding. Contains an account of the manners and customs of the Indians and of the early Spanish, French and Dutch settlements. GENERAL AMERICANA. Bryant, Wm. Cullen. The Bryant Festival at The Century (on his ;oth Birthday). 4to, half crimson levant morocco, gilt. New York, 1865. $25.00 A remarkable tribute, containing original poems by Lowell, Holmes, Tuckerman, Stoddard, Willis, Bayard Taylor, Halleck, etc., and contributions from Longfellow, Bancroft, Emerson, Dana and a host of lesser literary lights. Extra illustrated with nearly 100 portraits, photographs, autographs, etc., including endorsed checks from Ticknor and Fields to Bryant, Bayard Taylor, Holmes and Lowell. The whole forming a unique collection of literary men and women of the period. 45 Burr. The Private Journal of Aaron Burr during his residence of four years in Europe, with Selections from his Correspondence. Edited by Matthew L. Davis. Portrait. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. New York, 1856. $4.50 46 Burr, Aaron. The Trial of Col. Aaron Burr on an Indictment for Treason. Taken in short-hand by T. Carpenter. 3 vols., 8vo, original sheep. Washington City, 1807-8. $22.50 Very scarce. The best edition of the Trial. 47 Burr. Cheetham, James. Nine Letters on the Subject of Aaron Burr s Political Defection with an Ap pendix. 8vo, unbound, pp. 139. New York, 1803. $5.00 48 Butler, Frances Anne. Fanny Kemble. Journal. 2 vols., 121110, orig inal cloth (water-stained). Phila., 1835- $1-50 First Edition. Fanny Kemble s journal of her visit to the United States. 50 Cabot, George. Life and Let ters of, by Henry Cabot Lodge. 8vo, cloth, pp. 617. Boston, 1878. $2.00 American political history, 1751 to 1823. 51 Calhoun. Life of John C. Cal- houn. Presenting a Condensed His tory of Political Events from 1811- 1843. Portrait. 8vo, paper, pp. 76. New York, 1843. $ I - 53 Carroll, A. E. Review of Pierce s Administration, showing his only popular measures originated with Millard Fillmore. I2mo, wrappers, pp. 137. Boston, 1856. $2.00 54 Gary, M. Autobiographical Sketches containing a View of the Rise and Progress of the American System Vol. I (all published.) I2tno, leather, uncut, pp. 156. Phila. (1829). $2.50 55 Celebrated Trials and Remark able Cases of Criminal Jurisprudence (Capt. Kidd, Capt. Gow, for Piracy, Salem Witches, Witchcraft in Scot land, Admiral Byng, etc.), by a Mem ber of the Philadelphia Bar. 8vo, cloth, pp. 596. Phila., 1847. $2.50 56 Champlain. Hill, Henry W. The Champlain Tercentenary. Re port of the New York Lake Cham- plain Tercentenary Commission. Il lustrated. 4to, cloth, pp. 534. Al bany, 1911. $2.00 Canals. Morris, Robert. Historical Account of the Rise, Progress and Present State of Canal Navigation in Pennsylvania. Large folding map shozving Roads, Portages, etc., by Trenchard. 4to, modern boards, uncut, pp. 80. Phila., 1795. $20.00 Very fine copy of this scarce book relating to the Schuylkill and Susquehanna Co. and Delaware and Schuylkill Co. The map is by Reading Ho well and shows all the roads and inland waterways of Pennsylvania. The original wrappers have been preserved, with autograph inscription to Benjamin Say (from Robert Morris?). 10 LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. Cassin, John. Illustrations of the Birds of California, Texas, Oregon, British and Russian America. Intended to contain descriptions and figures of all North American Birds not given by former American Authors and a general synopsis of North American Ornithology. 50 fine colored plates after the style of Audubon. Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt, gilt top, pp. 298. Phila., 1856. $35.00 A beautiful copy of a very rare work. A Supplement to Audubon s Birds. Cassin, John. Mammalogy and Ornithology of the U. S. Exploring Ex pedition. With folio atlas of 53 beautiful colored plates of Birds and Animals. 2 vols. Phila., 1858. $45-OO One of the most important works on the Birds and Animals of the Pacific coast and islands. 57 Chancellor, Wm. E., and Hewes, F. W. The United States, a History of Three Centuries. Parts i and 2 (all published), 1607-1774. 250 authentic illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1904. $2.50 One of the best popular works on the early history down to the beginning of the American Revolution. 58 Chandler, Peleg W. American Criminal Trials. Portraits of Andre and Stoughton. 2 vols. 121110, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1841-44. $8.50 Complete sets are scarce. Includes an account of the New York Negro Plot, Bos ton Massacre, Trials of Zenger, Leisler, Major Andre, Joshua Hett Smith, etc. 59 Chapin, Clara C. Thumb Nail Sketches of White Ribbon Women. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 190. Chicago, 1895. $1.00 60 Charnock, John. Biographia Navalis or Impartial Memoirs of the Lives and Characters of Officers of the Navy of Great Britain "from 1660. Portraits by Bartolozzi. 4 vols. 8vo, calf. London, 1794. $10.00 61 Cist, Lewis J. Catalogue of his Collection of Autographs. Priced Catesby, Mark. Hortus Britanno-Americanus, or a Curious Collection of Trees and Shrubs of the British Colonies in North America adapted to the Soil and Climate of England, with Directions how they may be Col lected, Packed, etc. Colored plates of 63 varieties. 4to, full smooth morocco gilt (binding worn). London, 1763. $20.00 The earliest form of title which was cancelled. A rare colonial work on trees by the author of Natural History of the Carolinas. in Ink. 4 parts bound in 2 vols., 8vo, half morocco. New York, 1886-7. $5.00 One of the most valuable collections ever sold nearly 12,000 lots. 62 Clark, McDonald. Poems of. (Relating to New York City, New London, etc.) I2tno, paper, pp. 288. New York, 1836. $1.50 A rare variation; being the 1836 edition with brown paper wrappers dated 1844, and with the imprint of Van Amringe and Bixby. Clark, the " Mad Poet " was one of the lions of the day. The above volume of poems is his most notable production. 63 Clay. Life and Public Services of Henry Clay. By Epes Sargent. Portrait. 8vo, paper, pp. 80. New York, 1844. Si. oo 64 Clinton, De Witt. Memoir, with an Appendix containing numer ous Documents illustrative of the Principal Events of his Life. By David Hosack. Portrait by Durand. 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut, pp. 530 (binding rubbed;. New York, $7-50 illustrated with 23 portraits in- GENERAL AMERICANA. Tl Chastellux, Marquis. Travels in North America, 1780-1782. Major Gen eral in the French Army, serving under Rochambeau. Maps and plates. 2 vols., 8vo, half red morocco, gilt tops, by Stikeman. London, 1787. $17.50 A fine set of a work that has become quite scarce. It gives the most graphic account of the private life of the American Revolution. Nothing escaped the eager eye and minute attention of this lively traveler. Cluny, Alexander. The American Traveller; or, Observations on the Pres ent State, Culture and Commerce of the British Colonies in America; with an Account of the Exports, Imports and Returns of each Colony respectively, and of the Numbers of British Ships and Seamen, Merchants, Traders and Manufacturers employed; together with the amount of the Revenue arising to Great Britain therefrom. In a Series of Letters, written originally to the Right Honourable the Earl of ********. By an Old and Experienced Trader. I2mo, half calf, uncut, pp. 89. n. p., 1770. $20.00 This edition, which was probably printed in Ireland, is very scarce. " The author was the first to give accurate intelligence of Hudson s Bay, and to institute an inquiry about a more successful commerce with the Americans. The book is said to have been published under the auspices of Lord Chatham, and both the English and the Americans, at that crisis, were so eager to possess it, that it was bought and read by one party with the same avidity that it was bought and destroyed by the other." 65 Clinton. Discourse on the Character and Services of Dewitt Clinton. By James Renwick. 8vo, boards, pp. 64. New York, 1829. $1.50 66 Cole, Thomas. A Funeral Oration on the Death of Thomas Cole before the National Academy of De sign, by William Cullen Bryant. 4to, half morocco. New York, 1848. $10.00 Extra illustrated with 18 portraits and views including beautiful engravings of some of Cole s best work, view of Smith Ferry, etc. Plates and text have been in laid to quarto in Trent s best style. 67 Colt. An Authentic Life of John C. Colt, now Imprisoned for Killing Samuel Adams, of New York. 8vo, paper, pp. 70. Boston, 1842. $1.50 68 Columbus. Harrisse, Henry. Christopher Columbus and the Bank of St. George. Two letters addressed to Samuel L. M. Barlow, Esq., by Henry Harrisse. With Notes and Additions. Full- page view of House of St. George, and facsimiles. 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut, pp. 126. New York ; Privately Printed, 1888. $10.00 Presentation copy; only 100 copies printed at the Chiswick Press on hand made paper. "At your request I send herewith all the facts and documents known in regard to the dealings of Christopher Columbus with the famous Genoese Bank of St. George, and incidentally, what I have been able to ascertain concerning his alleged autograph letter addressed to that institu tion, and dated Seyilla, April 2d, 1502, which, you tell me, is, or was, for sale in New York at the price of $2,000." 70 Columbus, Ferdinand. Sa Vie, Ser Oeuvres, Essai Critique (by Henry Harrise). Royal 8vo, paper, uncut, pp. 231. Paris, 1872. $12.50 Edition limited to 225 copies. 71 Columbus. Goodrich, Aaron. A History of the Character and Achievements of the so-called Chris topher Columbus. Numerous Illus trations. 8vo, cloth, pp. 403. New York, 1874. $2.00 12 LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. Columbus. Historic Del S. D. Fernando Colombo; Nelle quali s ha Partico- lare, & vera relatione della vita, & de fatti dell Ammiraglio D. Christo- foro Colombo, suo padre: Et dello scoprimento, ch egli fece dell Indie Occidentali, dette Mondo Nvovo, hora possedute dal Sereniss. Re Cato- lico: Nuouamento di lingua Spagnoula tradotte nell Italiana dal S. Al fonso Vlloa. i6mo, original vellum, pp. 40+496. Venetia, 1571. $75.00 Fi ? e T T? y of the first edition and very scarce. Contains the two blank leaves C4 and Hh 8. A translation from the original Spanish which was never printed. The author was the illegitimate son of Christopher Columbus. He accompanied his father on s last voyage and was with him when he died, and was therefore an eyewitness of many of the events of which he writes. He returned to Spain and collected the library of printed books and manuscripts now known as Bibliotheca Colombina at He wrote several memoirs besides this life of his father, the original text pi which is lost. Despite the efforts of some writers to discredit it, this book remains the only source of information upon many events in the life of Columbus. Columbus Second Voyage. Syllacius, Nicolaus. De Insulins Meridiana atque Indici Maris nuper inventis. With a Translation into English by Rev. John Mulligan. Folio, half morocco, pp. 18, 105, 63. New York I8l 9- $25.00* Exceedingly scarce, as only 102 copies were privately printed for Mr Tames Lenox strictly for presentation. The original edition was printed in 1404 or 140=;" and only two copies are known of it. The translation is preceded by an Introduction by Mr. Lenox, and in the Appendix an interesting bibliographical notice of the early accounts of Columbus voyages, illustrated by numerous facsimiles. In this very beautiful production the original text of Syllacius is printed in Gothic type on one page, with the translation on the opposite. 72 Columbus. Memorials of; or, 75 Cooper, J. Fenimore. A Letter A Collection of Authentic Documents to his Countrymen. First edition of that Celebrated Navigator. Now 8vo, original boards and cloth back first published from the original manti- pp. 116. New York, 18^4 $i qo scripts, by order of the Decurions of Genoa ; preceded by a Memoir of his 76 Cooper, J. Fenimore. The Life and Discoveries. Translated American Democrat. First edition. from the Spanish and Italian. Fac- I2mo, original cloth, with paper label, simile letters and postcripts. 8vo, pp. PP- 1 9 2 - Cooperstown, 1838. $1.50 256. London, 1823. $c oo , r , . T . , 77 Cooper, W. H. Incidents of 73 (Colvm, Calvin.) A Voice Shipwreck or the Loss of the San from America to England (Abo- Francisco (on her first voyage to litionism Slavery, American Mobs California.) i6mo, cloth, pp 108 and Riots, Pet Names of Public Men, Phila i8qq <to etc.). 8vo, boards, pp. 321. London, 1839. $1.0 78 Copley. Sketch of the Life , unbound, pp. 2ir Richmond ^ , only work that # ives full details of 1864 fctforl f C o pIe y. s v * riou , s Pointings. This copy con- $0-00 tains the Supplement. GENERAL AMERICANA. J 3 Cusack, Capt. George, The Grand Pyrate, or Life and Death of Capt. George Cusack the great Sea Robber with Accompt of his notorious Robberies both at Sea and Land, together with his Tryal, Condemnation and Execution. 4to, full sprinkled calf, gilt, pp. 3 1 . London, 1676. $60.00 Fine copy Cusack was much in New England and Virginia. Contains a curious letter from Boston, Dec. 23d, 1673, from Richard Wharton, which shows that some of the Puritans were not averse to share the profits of piracy. trial has a separate title-page dated 1675. The account of the 79 Copley, John S. The Domestic and Artistic Life of. By his grand daughter, Martha Babcock Armory. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 478. Boston, 1882. $2.00 The only authentic life of the great artist, the original letters having been se cured from Lord Lyndhurst. 80 Crevecoeur, St. John. Sa Vie et ses Ouvrages, 1786-1813, by Robt. de Crevecoeur. Portrait. 8vo, un bound, pp. 435. Paris, 1883. $2.50 81 Dampier. Funnell, William. A Voyage Round the World, contain ing an Account of Capt. Dampier s Ex pedition into the South Sea, 1703-4, with Various Adventures, Engage ments, etc. 5 Maps and g Plates. 8vo, calf, neatly rebacked, pp. 318. London, 1707. $10.00 First edition of the account written by the Mate of Capt. Dampier and the ap pearance of which stirred up much contro versy. Although not approved of by Dampier this narrative was included in the four-volume edition published in 1729. This original edition is scarce. 82 Dampier, Capt. William. Voy ages comprising A New Voyage Round the World, Supplement, etc., edited by John Masefield. Illustrated. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. London, 1906. 83 Darley, Felix O. C. Rip Van Winkle. Illustrated b y Darley. Six full-page etchings. Oolong 4to, wrappers. New York, 1848. $1.25 This series displays Darley at his best. 84 Delaplaine s Repository of the Lives and Portraits of Distinguished Americans. Vol. I. Part I. 6 Por traits of Washington, Hamilton, etc. 4to, boards, uncut. Phila., 1815. Fine clean copy. $2.OO 85 De Roos, Fred F. Personal Narrative of Travels in the United States and Canada with Remarks on the American Navy. Plates includ ing View of New- York. 8vo, half morocco, gilt, gilt top, uncut. London, 1827. $4-00 86 Desmond, Harry W r ., and Croly, Herbert. Stately Homes in America, from Colonial Homes to the Present Day. Profusely illustrated. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut, pp. 532. New York, 1903. $2.50 87 Drake, Francis S. Dictionary of American Biography, containing 10,000 notices of Persons of both Sexes. 8vo, cloth, pp. 1019. Boston, 1872. $5-00 This admirable work is now out of print and scarce. It is the best single volume work on American biography. $4.00 Drake. Sir Francis Drake Revived. Calling upon this Dull and Effeminate Age to follow his Nobel Steps for Gold and Silver. By this Memorable Relation of the Rare Occurrences in a Third Voyage made by him to the West Indies in the Years 72 and 73. 4to, full levant morocco, gilt, pp. 80. London, Nicholas Bourne, 1628. $85.00 This edition incorporates the errata of the 1626 issue. The last four leaves are printed in larger size, but are neatly folded so as to be fully preserved. As in the 1626 edition the title is also in larger size and here the bottom line with date is cut away. LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. 88 Drake. The World Encom passed by Sir Francis Drake, collated with an unpublished manuscript by Francis Fletcher, edited by W. S. W. Vaux. 8vo, cloth. London : Hak- luyt Society, 1854. $12.50 89 Doyle, J. A. The Colonies un der the House of Hanover (French and Indian War, etc.) Map. 8vo, cloth, pp. 629. London, 1907. $2.50 Large type edition. Treats at great length the relations with the Indians. 90 Duncan, Archibald. The Mari ners Chronicle or Authentic and Com plete History of Popular Shipwrecks. The most Remarka1}le Disasters and Sufferings by Wreck, Fire and Fam ine. Numerous Plates. 6 vols., I2mo, half calf. London, n. d. $15.00 A fascinating work. Includes hundreds of personal narratives of hardship, includ ing adventures among the Indians. Con tains enough " plots " for a whole library of tales of adventure. 91 Durand, Asher B. Catalogue of the Engraved Works of Asher B. Durand (with Introduction by Chas. Henry Hart). Portrait. 8vo, paper, uncut, pp. 103. New York, 1895. $3.00 Edition limited to 350 copies, printed for the Grolier Club. 92 Douglas, Stephen A. His Life, Public Services, Speeches and Patriot ism, by Clark E. Carr. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 293. Chicago, 1909. $1.50 93 D Orbigny, M. Alcide. Voy age pittoresque dans les Deux Ameriques. les voyages de Columb, Gomara, Acosta, Humboldt, Pike, Lang, etc. Illustrated with 2 large folding maps, portraits and the full and requisite number (130) of etched plates, many with two pictures on each plate. Royal 8vo, half calf. Paris, 1836. $3-50 Good copy. An illustrated general de scription of famous American explorers and their travels. Among the many fine views are those of Mexico, Havana, Quebec, Montreal, Halifax, Albany, Schenectady, and rare early New York City views ; Narroes, Broadway, Park Place, with Stages, Hudson River Views, etc. 94 Dickerson, Oliver M. Ameri can Colonial Government, 1696-1765. A Study of the British Board of Trade in its relation to the American Colonies. 8vo, cloth, pp. 390. Cleve land, 1912. $4.00 The first attempt to lay bare the work ings of the British Colonial Office during the most important period of Colonial times. 95 Early American Music. Read, Daniel. The Columbian Harmonist . . . containing a Plain and Con cise Introduction to Psalmody . . . and a Choice Collection of New Psalm Tunes of American Composi tion. The three parts complete in one volume. Small oblong 4to, original sheep, back neatly repaired, with slip case. New Haven (1793). $7-5O Very scarce. Brinley had only the first part, and Sabin knew apparently but the first and third. The text and music en graved entirely on copper by Amos Doo- little. The names of the A merican com posers are given. Resume general de tutes Dutch and English Wars. His Majesties Propriety and Dominion on the British Seas Asserted with a True Account of the Neatherlanders Insup portable Insolencies and Injuries they have Committed, also their Pro digious and Horrid Cruelties in the East and West Indies. (By R. Clavel.) Portrait of Charles II., and folding map. i2mo, original calf, pp. 176. London, 1665. $20.00 A very fine, clean, crisp copy of this rare book. Contains account of the Dutch cruelties at Amboyna and affairs in New Netherlands where " it has been abundantly proved that the said land is part of the possession of His Majesties Subjects of New England," etc. GENERAL AMERICANA. Eden, Richard. The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies, and other countreys lying eyther way towa-rdes the fruitfull and ryche Moluccaes . . . Gathered in parte, and done into Englyshe by Richarde Eden. Newly set in order, augmented, and finished by Richard Willes. Small 4to, original calf. London, 1577. $150.00 Second edition of the first English collection of voyages. The first edition of 1555 is an extremely rare book and practically unobtainable. A good deal of additional matter was added to this edition by Willes, including a description of Japan and the neighboring islands, a criticism of Frobisher s first voyage, etc. The volume is mainly a translation and condensation of Peter Martyr s Decades, and of Oviedo, with the addition of Maximillian Transylvaniennis account of the discovery of the Moluccas, Sebastian Cabot s voyage, the famous Bull of Pope Alexander VI, 1595, granting to the Spaniards all the Regions and Islands in the Western Ocean (the full Latin text, with an English translation, etc.). Very fine copy. 96 Early American Naval Action. An Account of the Arraignments and Trvals of Col. Richard Kirkby, Capt. of the 1 latter s conspiracy, frequently missing. The portrait is 98 Elliot, Prof. Daniel G. The John Constable, Capt. Cooper Wade, New and Heretofore Unfigured Birds Capt. Samuel Vincent and Capt. Christopher Fogg, at Port Royal, of North America. 72 colored plates. 2 vols. (in original sections), folio. Jamaica, for Cowardice, Neglect of New York (published by the Author), Duty and other Crimes committed by Them in a Fight at Sea, Aug. igtli, 1702, off St. Martha, near the Main (Land of America between Hon. John Benbow and Admiral Du Casse with Four French Ships of War. Folio, unbound, pp. 2, 10. London, 1703. $25.00 A rare item containing particulars of the action. Sabin does not locate a copy, and the title given varies from the above. 97 Eaton, Genl. Wm. The Life of, the commander of the forces that marched through the Desert of Barca, 1805 ; that led to the Treaty of Peace between the U. S. and Tripoli. Edited from his Manuscripts (by Chas. Pren- tiss). Portrait. 8vo, calf, pp. 448. Brookfield, 1813. $3.00 The best contemporary authority on the trouble between the U. S. and Tripoli, also includes letters to Burr during the progress 1869. $200.00 This magnificent work describes the birds not included in Audubon or Wilson. 99 Elliot, Daniel Giraud. The Land and Sea Mammals of Middle America and the West Indies. Nu merous fine illustrations. 2 vols., thick 8vo, paper uncut. Chicago, 1904. $8.00 Field Columbian Museum Publication No. 95. 100 Emerson. Bronze Medallion. Portrait of Ralph Waldo Emerson, by V. D. Bremer. New York, 1910. Issued by the Grolier Club. $15.00 101 Evans. Lewis Evans, his Map of the Middle British Colonies. A comparative Account of Ten differ ent Editions, 1755 to 1807, by Henry N. Stevens. 8vo, cloth, pp. London, 1905. $1.50 Esquemeling, John. The History of the Bucaniers of America, or a True Account of the most remarkable Assaults upon the Coasts of the West Indies by the Bucaniers of Jamaica and Tortuga. Folding maps, portraits and views. 4to, full crimson levant morocco, gilt, full gilt edges by Lloyd. London, 1695-84. $75-OO A fine copy of this rare early edition. Parts I, 2 and 3 are the second edition, with a rare form of title dated 1695. Part 4 is the first edition, with title dated 1685. i6 LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. Esquemeling, John. The History of the Bucanniers of America, From the First Original down to this Time. Four Parts complete, including Voy age of Capt. Sharpe and Exploits of Sir Henry Morgan, also Journal of a Voyage to the South Sea by Sieur Raveneau de Lussan, and Voyage of Sieur de Montauban to the Coast of Guiney. Folding maps, portraits and views. 8vo, original calf, neatly rebacked. London, 1699. $30.00 A very fine copy of this famous book. Contains all the fine 1 old engravings printed from the original coppers used in the quarto edition, and the first appearance of the Voyages of Raveneau de Lussan and de Montauban; these have a seperate title dated 1699. 102 Farmer, John S. American ism s Old and New. A Dictionary of Words. Phrases and Colloquialisms, their Derivation, Meaning and Appli cation. 4to, vellum, pp. 564. London, Privately Printed, 1889. $3-5o 103 Fidler, Isaac. Observations on Professions, Literature, Manners and Emigration, in the United States and Canada, made during a Residence there in 1832. I2mo, original boards, pp. 247. New York, 1833. $1.50 The author seemed to find the Americans wanting in everything necessary to form a gentleman and a scholar. 104 Force, Peter. Tracts and other Papers relating principally to the Origin, Settlement and Progress of the Colonies in North America to the year 1776. Collected by Peter Force. Vol. i, original boards uncut. Washington, 1836. $10.00 A presentation copy in fine condition, " Dr. J. W. Francis from his friend Peter Force." A reprint of 13 rare tracts, with separate titles and paging. Montgomery, a new Colony to the South of Carolina, 1717, A Brief Account of the Colony of Georgia under Oglethorpe, 1733, Tailfers, A True and Historical Narrative of the Colony of Georgia, 1741, Eliot s Indian and Civil Wars in Virginia, 1675, 1676, Nova Brit- tania, 1609, New England Plantation, 1630, etc. 105 Ford, Paul L. The Journals of Hugh Gaine, Printer. With Life and Bibliography of the Issues of his Press. Portrait and facsimiles. Japan paper copy. 2 vols., 8vo, boards, un cut. New York, 1902. $12.50 One of thirty copies that were printed throughout on Japan paper. Shows the usual exactness and care displayed in all of Mr. Ford s work. Careful collations are given to all the books and pamphlets described. 1 06 Franklin. The Works of Ben jamin Franklin, with Notes and Life of the author by Jared Sparks. Por trait. 10 vols., 8vo ? cloth, uncut. Lon don, B. F. Stevens, 1882. $15.00 107 Franklin. Calendar of the Papers of Benjamin Franklin in the Library of the Am. Philo. Society. Edited by I. Minis Hays. Portrait. 5 vols. Record of the Celebration of the 2OOth Anniversary of the Birth of Franklin. Together, 6 vols., royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. Phila., 1906-8. Federalist, The. A Collection of Essays written in favour of the New Constitution as agreed upon by the Federal Convention, Sept. I7th, 1787. First Edition. 2 vols., i6mo, original sheep. New York, J. and A. M Lean, 1788. $IOOOO A fine, clean copy of the rare first edition, with the book-plate of Jereh Wads- worth in the first volume. On the fly-leaf are pasted the autograph signatures of the authors Hamilton, Jay and Madison. The corner-stone of a constitutional collection. GENERAL AMERICANA. First Catalogue of American Books. Catalogue of all the Books printed in the United States. With Prices and Places where Published. Pub lished by the Booksellers of Boston. I2mo, unbound, pp. 79. Boston, 1804. $35-00 This rare little catalogue, of which only three or four copies are known, is the first attempt at a trade bibliography. It has been described at length by various writers. Montgomery copy sold for $50. 108 Franklin. Observations on Smoky Chimneys, their Cause and Cure. 2 folding plates. 8vo, new half calf, pp. 80. London, Taylor, 1792. $10.00 109 Franklin. Paper. A Poem and Twelve Rules for Self Govern ment. Broadside printed at the iden tical Press at which Dr. Franklin worked in London as a Journeyman, 1725-26. Liverpool, 1841. $5- no Franklin, Benj. Life, written by Himself, now first edited from orig inal manuscripts and from his (works). 2nd edition, revised and corrected. By John Bigelow. Por trait. 3 vols., crown 8vo, cloth. Phila., 1881. $2.50 in Franklin, Benjamin. Life and Times. By James Parton. Four por traits. 2 vols., post 8vo, cloth. New York, 1864. $2.50 " I have indulged the hope that these volumes may bring him home to the hearts of many who have been estranged from him, and render his wisdom and goodness more available as a means of influence upon the character of the American people." 112 Franklin. Ford, Paul L. Franklin Bibliography. A List of Books written by, or Relating to Ben jamin Franklin. 8vo, half roan, un cut, pp. 467. Brooklyn, 1889. $5.00 No. 120 of 500 copies printed. 113 Franklin. Stevens, Henry. A Bibliographical Essay on the Stevens Collection of Books and Manuscripts relating to Dr. Franklin. Steel por traits. Royal 8vo, cloth, printed on hand-made paper, pp. 40. London, 1881. $2.50 114 Franklin, James. Philosoph ical and Political History of the Thir teen United States of America, with a Short View of the Independent State of Vermont and of East and West Florida. I2mo, new half calf, pp. 156. London, 1784. $10.00 Contains a separate chapter on each State. One of the earliest histories of the United States. Forse, Peter. Tracts and Other Papers Relating Principally to the Origin, Settlement, and Progress of the Colonies in North America. Complete set. 4 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. Washington, 1836-46. $50.00 This collection of tracts on early American history is indispensable to all stu dents, whether of the North or South. It was made by Peter Force in order to supply his need for the possession of the writings it contains in accessible form as an aid to research. By far the larger number of the tracts concern the history of the South, but some of the most important have to do with New England. Among those of greatest value in the collection are Nova Britannia, and its second part. The New Life of Virgina; The Beginning, Progress and Conclusion of Bacon s Rebellion, by Thomas Matthews ; John Smith s New England Trials ; White s Planters Plea; Virginia and Maryland, or Lord Baltimore s Case Uncased; The Simple Cobbler of Agawam ; Leah and Rachel ; New England s Jonas Cast up in London ; Gorton s Simplicities Defence against Sever-headed Policy ; Father Andrew White s Relation of the Colony of the Lord Baron of Baltimore; Byfield s Account of the Late Revolution in New England; The Revolution in New England Justified, etc., etc. i8 LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. Fulton, Robert. A Treatise on the Improvement of Canal Navigation, Ex hibiting the numerous advantages to be derived from Small Canals. 17 plates. London, 1796; Chapman, Wm. Observations on the Various Systems of Canal Navigation in which Mr. Fulton s Plan of Wheel Boats are particularly Investigated. 4 plates. London, 1797. Together 2 vols., 4to, half morocco. $37-5o Both works are scarce, especially the one by Chapman. 115 Frobisher. Settle, Dionyse. A true reporte of the last voyage into the West and Northwest regions, etc., 1577, worthily atchieued by Captein Frobisher of the sayde voyage the first finder and Generall, etc., London, 1577. Reprint of the rare originall made at the expense of John Carter Brown. Small 4to, wrappers, uncut (1868). $7.50 Only 50 copies were printed, this being No. 17. The best contemporary account of Frosbisher s second voyage, by one who accompanied him. Three copies of the orig inal are all that is known. Murphy sale $23.00. 116 Frost, John. Various Works on American History. Book of the Navy, 1842; History of the United States, 1843; American Naval Biog raphy, 1844; Pictorial Modern His tory, 1846; Illustrated History of the United States (in German), 2 vols., 1845 ; Pictorial History of Mexico and the Mexican War, 1849; The Ameri can Speaker, 1851; Perilous Adven tures and Thrilling Incidents, 1852; Border Wars of the West and Indi vidual Adventures among the Indians, 1856; Thrilling Adventures among the Indians, 1857. Illustrated. Together, ii vols., 8vo, and I2mo. 1842-57. $15.00 All are more or less worn, but the popularly written works of Frost are now very hard to find. 117 Frout de Fontpertuis, Adal bert. Les Etats-Unis de L Amerique Septentrionale leurs Orinines, leur Emancipation et leurs Progress. 8vo, boards, pp. 615. Paris, n. d. $2.25 Colonial and Revolutionary history oc cupies 350 pages. 118 Fry, Richard. A Scheme for a Paper Currency, together with two Petitions written in Boston Gaol in 1739-1740. Introduction by A. McF. Davis. Small 4to, half parchment, un cut. Providence, 1908. $4-5O No. 66 of loo copies printed for the Club for Colonial Reprints. The petition at the end makes curious and coarse charges against the jailer. 119 Getchell, George H. Our Na tion s Executives and their Adminis trations. An Historical, Biographical and Statistical Conspectus of the Na tional Government from its foundation 1775 to 1885. Compiled from reliable and official sources. Steel portraits. 4to, cloth, pp. 421. New York, 1885. $2.00 120 Gray, Asa. The Genera of the Plants of the United States. Il lustrated with 1 86 plates by Sprague. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. New York, 1849. $12.50 Very scarce. This work does for botany what Audubon did for ornithology. The illustrations were all drawn from nature. 121 Greeley, Horace. Recollec tions of a Busy Life, including Rem iniscences of American Politics and Politicians ... to which are added Miscellanies and a discussion with Robert Dale Owen of the Law of Di vorce. Portrait and illustrations. 8vo, half calf, gilt, pp. 624. New York! 1869- $1.50 ^122 Greenwood, Isaac J. The Circus, its Origin and Growth prior to 1835, with a sketch of Negro Min strelsy. (Second edition with addi tions.) Facsimiles, etc. Square 8vo, GENERAL AMERICANA. cloth, gilt top, uncut, pp. 136. New York, 1909. $3-5 Limited to 100 copies. 123 Griswold, R. W. The Bio graphical Annual containing Memoirs of Eminent Persons recently Deceased. I2mo, original cloth, pp. 307. New York, 1841. $1.50 Among the biographies are Theodore Sedgwick, by W. C. Bryant; Judge White, by Horace Greeley, etc. 124 Grolier Club. Transactions of. Parts I and 2 (Life of Jean Grolier, Genealogy of a Book, Per sonal Sketches of some Famous Etchers, etc.). Illustrated with head band, tail pieces, etc., from the Grolier Books, including Knickerbocker s New York, Philobiblion, etc. 2 vols., 4to, boards, uncut. New York, 1885-94. $5.00 Only a limited edition printed. Part 2 has a small library stamp reverse of title- page. 125 Gurowski, Adam. Diary: 1863-65. I2mo, cloth, pp. 413. Wash ington, 1866. $2.00 The third and concluding volume and very scarce. 126 Hagar, Frank N. The Ameri can Family. A sociological problem. 8vo, cloth, pp. 196. New York, 1905. $1.25 A scientific treatise made interesting by the unusual public interest in the subject. 127 Hakluyt Society. Battell. The Strange Adventures of Andrew Battell of Leigh in Angola and the Adjoining Regions. Edited by E. G. Ravenstein. Map in pocket at end. 8vo, cloth. London, 1901. $4.00 128 Hakluyt Society. Vasco Da Gama. Journal of the First Voyage of Vasco da Gama, 1497-1499. Trans lated and edited by E. G. Ravenstein. Portrait, maps and illustrations. 8vo, cloth. London, 1898. $5.00 129 Hall, Basil. Fragments of Voyages and Travel. (Three series.) 8vo, cloth, pp. 495. London, 1860. $1.25 130 Halleck, Fitz-Greene. Fanny. 8vo, full polished calf, gilt, yellow edges, by Riviere. N. Y. : C. Wiley 6- Co., 1819. $12.50 A fine copy of the first edition of Hal- leek s first book, and very scarce. This edition is different to any of the subsequent reissues. The work was issued anony mously and like everything that has the good fortune to be both personal and poetic it made its hit. The edition was soon ex hausted and copies were circulated copied in manuscript, so it may be readily con ceived how rare the original edition has become at this day. 131 Halleck, Fitz-Greene. Fanny. 8vo, full brown levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers pre served. New York, 1821. $5.00 The second edition in which some changes were made. The name of the au thor is still omitted as it was some years before Halleck acknowledged it as his work. Hakluyt, Richard. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation made by Sea or Overland to the remote and farthest distant quarters of the Earth on any time within the compasse of these 1600 Years. 3 vols. in 2 (Vols. I and II being bound together as usual), folio, full sprinkled calf, gilt, rough gilt edges by Riviere. London, 1599-1600. $125.00 Blank top of first title repaired and the Voyage to Cadiz the reprint ; otherwise an excellent, sound copy of this famous book. It is difficult to overrate the importance and value of this extraordinary collection of voyages. Mr. Bancroft characterizes " Richard Hakluyt as the enlightened friend and able documentary historian of these commercial enterprises, a man whose fame should be vindicated and asserted in the land which he helped to colonize," while Oldys, in his British Library, devotes fifty pages to an analysis of his works, and remarks that his collection " redounds as much to the glory of the English nation as any book that ever was published." 20 LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. Hakluyt Society. First Series. Vols. i to 13. Including Voyages of Columbus, Drake, Hawkins, Raleigh, De Soto, etc. Maps. 13 vols., 8vo, blue cloth. London, 1847-53. $150.00 Beautiful clean copies of the very rare early volumes of this famous collection. 132 Hamilton, Alex. Letter from, concerning the Public Conduct and Character of John Adams. Third edi tion. 8vo, unbound, pp. 54. New York, John Lang, 1800. $2.50 This pamphlet brought forth several answers in defense of President Adams. 133 Hamilton, Alexander, etc. A volume of pamphlets containing Ham ilton s Observations on Certain Docu ments contained in No. V and VI of The History of the United States for the year 1796. pp. 37+58, Phila., 1800; Smith s Eulogium on Benjamin Franklin, pp. 4O-j-vi. Phila., 1792; Schlegel on Neutral Rights, pp. 162. Phila., 1801 ; Sampson against the Philistines. pp. 96. Phila., 1805 ; Tanguy de la Boissiere s Observations on Pickering s Dispatch to Pinkney. pp. 50. Phila., 1797; Address of the State Committee of Correspondence to the Citizens of Pennsylvania, pp. TO. (Phila., 1808) ; [B. F. Bache s] Truth will Out. The Foul Charges of the Tories against the Editor of The Aurora repelled. pp. 12. (Phila., 1798); Letters of General Washington to several of his Friends, June and July, 1776, pp. 44. Phila., 1795; Paine s Agrarian Justice, pp. 32. Phila., n. d. Bound in one vol., 8vo, original half calf, uncut. Phila., 1814. $10.00 W. Duane collected copies of the pam phlets as described above, had a number of copies bound up and printed a general title dated 1814. All are, however, the originals as given above. 134 Hamilton. Collection of Facts and Documents relative to the Death of Major General Alexander Hamilton with Orations, etc. (by James Coleman). 8vo, old calf, pp. 238. New York, 1804. $5.00 Blank corner of title torn. 135 Hamilton. Oliver, F. S. Alexander Hamilton : an Essay on American Union. New edition with frontispiece and map. 8vo, cloth, pp. 502. New York, 1907. $1.50 136 Hamilton. Oration on Gen eral Alexander Hamilton before the New York Society of the Cincinnati, by J. M. Mason. 8vo, unbound. New York, 1804. $3-50 Scarce. The appendix contains the will and particulars regarding the duel. 137 Hamilton. (Williams, John.) The Hamiltoniad or Extinguisher for the Royal Faction of New England, with Copious Notes, by Anthony Pas- quin. 8vo, boards, uncut, pp. 104. Boston (1804). $15.00 A fine uncut copy of the rare poem with the lengthy political notes. The three cantos complete. Many copies end at page 64 and Ford so describes the work. Re printed in 1866 by the Hamilton Club. Lewis copy $16.00. 138 Harrison, Wm. Henry. Nor ton, A. B. Reminiscences of the Log Cabin and Hard Cider Campaign of 1840, pp. 376; Tippecanoe Songs of the Log Cabin Boys and Girls. i2mo, cloth, pp. 102. Cleveland, 1888. $1.50 (Hall, F.) The Importance of the British Planatations in America, with State of their Trade and Methods for Improving it. Also a Descrip tion of the Several Colonies there. 8vo, half calf, pp. 114. London, J 73i- $50.00 The Crane copy sold for $120.00, where it was catalogued as not in " Church Bnnley, Ives, etc. The author devotes a good deal of space to the relations with the Indians. GENERAL AMERICANA. 21 Harleian Voyages. A Collection of Voyages and Travels by Authentic Writers relating to the Continents of Asia, Africa, America, Europe and the Islands thereof, from the Earliest Accounts to Date. Compiled from the Library of the Earl of Oxford. Numerous maps, folding copper plates, etc. 2 thick vols., folio, calf. London, 1745. $15.00 scription of New France with the Manners of the Inhabitants of the Same," 123 pages with maps; "A Description of Surinam in America," etc. 139 Harrison, Wm. Henry. The vols., royal 8vo, original cloth. Bos- Tippecanoe Club, Chicago. Dedicated ton, 1837. to Benjamin Harrison. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 253. Chicago, n. d. $1.50 The greater part edited by Nathaniel Hawthorne, and the last numbers March to August, 1837, almost entirely written by Hawthorne and his sister, and not re- 140 Harrisse, Henry. Decouyei printed in the collected works. The numerous woodcuts include valuable old views of American towns, historic et Evolution Cartographique de Terre- Neuve. 1497-1501-1769. Numerous maps, facsimiles, etc. 4to, half roan, pp. 420. Paris, 1900. $15.00 This exhaustive work on the Discovery etc 144 Hawthorne. Browne, Nina E. of Newfoundland is similar in form to the A Bibliography of Nathaniel Haw thorne. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 215. Boston, 1905. $2.50 Published at $5.00. 145 Hawthorne, Nathaniel, and his Wife. A Biography by Julian same author s " Discovery of North America." The edition was limited to 380 copies. 141 Hawaii. Gumming, F. Gor don. Fire Fountains. The Kingdom of Hawaii, its Volcanoes and the His tory of its Missions (Ancient Cus- Hawthorne. Vignettes, portraits and toms, Honolulu, Sugar Making, etc.). P^tes on India paper, etched by E. H. Garrett and S. A. Schoif. 2 vols., Maps and illustrations. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1883. $2.50 142 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Grand father s Chair, a History for Youth. First edition. 321110, original cloth, gilt edges as issued (paper label miss ing from side). Boston, 1841. $25.00 A clean fine copy of the very rare first edition. 143 [Hawthorne, Nathaniel.] The American Magazine of Useful and En tertaining Knowledge. Complete set, Sept. 1834, to August, 1837. In 3 thick royal 8vo, boards uncut, paper labels. Cambridge: Printed at the University Press, 1884. $5-OO No. 90 of only 350 copies printed. Large paper set. 146 Hazard Family. Thomas Hazard, son of Robert, called College Town. A Study of Life in Narra- gansett in the i8th Century by Caro line Hazard. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, $2.00 A valuable work on domestic life in Colonial days. Includes a large number of documents and papers. Harris, John. Complete Collection of Voyages and Travels, consisting of Hakluyt, Purchas, Thevenot, De Bry, Gynaeus, Herrera, etc., relating to Europe, Asia, Africa, and America. Maps and plates. 2 vols., folio, calf, neatly rebacked. London, 1705. $12.50 One of the best of the old collection of voyages and contains translations of many of the early American voyages not found elsewhere. 22 LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. Harvey, George. Scenes of the Primitive Forest of America. 4 plates. Folio, boards. London, 1841. $40.00 This very rare work on forestry consists of four beautiful colored plates of scenes in the West, engraved from the author s original paintings, accompanied by descrip tive text. The author states in his preface that the text has been revised by his friend Washington Irving. 147 Helps, Arthur. The Con querors of the New World. A Nar rative of the principal events which led to Negro Slavery in America. 2 vols., I2mo, cloth, uncut. London: Pickering, 1848. $2.50 First Edition. 148 Hervey, Frederic. The Naval History of Great Britain from the earliest times to the Rising of the Par liament of 1779. Many full-page cop per portraits and maps. 5 vols., 8vo, old calf. London, 1779. $12.00 149 Hoe Library. Catalogue of the Library of Robert Hoe. Complete in Four Parts. Numerous facsimiles. 4 vols., 8vo, cloth, leather labels. New York, 1911-12. $5.00 150 Holdsworth, J. T., and Dewey, D. R. The First and Second Banks of the United States. (Historical re port to the National Monetary Com mission.) 8vo, wrappers, pp. 311. Washington, 1910. $1.00 151 Holmes, Abiel. The Annals of America, 1492-1826. Second and best edition. 2 vols., 8vo, boards. Cambridge, 1829. $12.00 " One of the best works of the kind ever published. Everything of importance in the history of America is related in a con cise manner, with copious and interesting notes and references to the original au thorities." Rich. 152 Holmes, Clay W. Memorial History of the Theta Delta Chi Fra ternity. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 294. Elmira (1898). $2.00 153 Horsford, Eben Norton. The Problem of the Northmen. A Letter to Judge Daly on the Opinion of Jus tin Winsor, that " Though Scandi navians may have reached the shores of Labrador, the soil of the United States has not one vestige of their presence." Map and views. 4to, half morocco, pp. 23. Boston, 1889. $2.50 154 Hough, Franklin B. Ameri can Biographical Notes being Short Notices of Deceased Persons chiefly those not included in Allen s or Drake s Dictionary. 8vo, cloth, pp. 442. Albany, 1875. $5.00 Very scarce, only 130 copies printed. It supplements the well known dictionary of biography and contains only matter not to be found in them. Hawkins, Richard. The Observations of Sir Richard Hawkins, Knight, in his Voyage into the South Sea, 1593. Folio, full sprinkled calf, gilt, pp. 175- London, 1622. $5 ooo The author was the son of the famous Sir John Hawkins and like him greatly distinguished himself at the defeat of the Spanish Armada. His next employment was in this Voyage of Discovery to the South Seas, and while coasting up the western side of South America he encountered a Spanish squadron of superior strength, to which, after making a brave resistance and receiving some severe wounds, he was obliged to yield. He was taken prisoner, and did not regain his liberty for many years, which accounts for the lapse of time between the date of his Voyage (1593) and this publication of his experiences. He died in 1622, either just before or after the publication of his book. The volume contains some interest ing particulars concerning the Indians of Florida and the Caribean Islands, and parts of South America. GENERAL AMERICANA. Hennepin. Nouvelle Decouverte d un tres grand Pays Situte dans 1 Amer- ique entre Le Nouveau Mexique et La Mer Glaciale. 2 maps and 2 fold ing plates. i6mo, calf, pp. (70), 506. Amsterdam, A. van Someren, 1698. &-<*> This rare early edition follows closely the Utrecht edition of the preceding year, even going so far as to repeat the star pages at 313 and other individualities. It was once thought to be the Utrecht sheets with a new title, but with the two issues side by side it can be readily seen that it is an entirely new edition. 155 Hudson, Henry. Read, John M., Jr. Historical Inquiry concern ing Henry Hudson, his Friends, Rel atives and Early Life, etc. Plate. 8vo, half roan, pp. 209. Albany, 1866. $6.00 Presentation copy from the author to Dr. Haney, with A. L. S. inserted. 156 Humphries, Stephen. The Life of Stephen Humphries, Royal Marine written by Himself. A Manu script of 36 pages. 4to, half calf. $20.00 An interesting unpublished personal rec ord written about 1850. The author was with Nelson at Trafalgar and enlisted in Major Lewis Marine Battalion. He sailed for the Chesapeake and describes the ad vance and capture of Washington, battles of Bladensburg, Baltimore, death of Genl. Ross and the retreat. 157 Hunnewell, James F. Illus trated Americana, 1493-1889; articles read to the American Antiquarian So ciety. Portrait of Columbus, after De Bry. Small 4to, cloth, pp. 37. n. p. Privately printed for the Author. 1890. $3.00 Limited to 150 copies. With autograph presentation inscription by the author to Edward Everett Hale. 158 Hunter, R. M. T. Memoir. By Martha T. Hunter, with Address on his Life by Col. L. Q. Washington. Portrait. I2mo, cloth, pp. 166. Washington, 1903. $1.00 Confederate Secretary of State, 1861-62. 159 Hunt, William. American Biographical Panorama. Over 80 woodcut and engraved portraits, and views. Thick 8vo, cloth. Albany, 1849. $ 2 - Lives of the Presidents and Signers, with notabilities of the period. Supplementary leaves at the end containing a life of Zadock Pratt (founder of Prattsville, and associate of Jay Gould), and others. 160 [Ingersoll, Charles J.] In- chiquin, the Jesuit s Letters, during a late residence in the United States of America, being a fragment of a pri vate Correspondence accidentally dis covered in Europe, etc. First Edi tion. 8vo, original boards, uncut. New York, 1810. $2.00 A humorous satire on America that caused considerable sensation at the time of its anonymous appearance, and to-day is not so well known as its humor de serves. The chapter on his hunting adven tures in the city of Washington ("which is scattered over a wilderness as an image of the federal dominions ") is one of the most humorous in the book, and he satires and criticizes the Presidents, American au thors, and many other subjects. Holbrook, John E. North American Herpetology, or a Description of the Reptiles inhabiting the United States. Colored plates. 5 vols. Phila., 1842; Ichthyology of South Carolina. Colored plates. Charleston, 1855. Together 6 vols., 4to, half red morocco. $35- o Very fine clean copies. The Herpetology is a presentation set with autograph inscription from the author. It is needless to speak of its great rarity, it being one of the most difficult books of its time to obtain. LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. 161 Irving. Curtis, George W. Washington Irving: a Sketch. 8vo, original red straight-grain morocco, gilt, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1891. $15.00 Limited to 344 copies printed for the Grolier Club. 162 Isherwood, B. F. Experi mental Researches in Steam Engi neering, being Original Matter com posed of extensive Experiments made by the Navy Department. Plates. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. Phila 1863-5. $7.50 Very rare, as a few copies only were printed at the expense of the author and several eminent engineers, in order to have the matter in convenient form. One of the most important American works in the development of steam engineering. 163 Jack Sterry, the Jessie Scout, An Incident of the Second Battle of Manassas, on which turned the course of the Campaign and the Fate of the Southern Army. By John Cussons, Confederate Scout. 8vo, paper, pp. 20. Harrisburg, 19x37. $0.50 . l6 4 Jay, John. Life of, with selec tions from his Correspondence and Miscellaneous Papers. Portraits. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. New York, 1833. $3-50 Ancestors of John Jay, Invasion of Can ada, chosen President of Congress, Sails 1779 for France, etc. The original papers in this work are of great reference value to the student of the American Revolution and later. 165 Jefferson. Memoir, Corre spondence and Miscellanies from the Papers of Thomas Jefferson. Edited by Thos. J. Randolph. 4 vols., 8vo, calf. Charlottesville, 1829. $3.00 ^ 1 66 Jefferson. (Evans, Thos.) A Series of Letters addressed to Thomas Jefferson concerning his Official Con duct with Appendix of Important Documents by Tacitus. 8vo, un bound, pp. 170. Phila., 1802. $3.00 167 Jefferson. The Complete Anas of Thomas Jefferson. By Franklin B. Sawvel. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 283. New York, 1903. $1.50 1 68 Jefferson. Raynor, B. L. Sketches of the Life, Writings and Opinions of Thomas Jefferson. Por trait. 8vo, calf, pp. 556. New York, ^32. $2.00 Johnson, Cap. Charles. A General History of the Lives and Adventures of the most Famous Highwaymen, Murderers, and Street Robbers, etc. including the Voyages and Plunders of the most Notorious Pyrates etc" the whole interspersed with several Diverting Tales and Pleasant Songs, and adorned with the Heads of the most Remarkable Villians, curiously engraved on Copper. 26 large copper-plates, including portraits of Capts Avery, England and Morgan. Folio, full orange morocco, gilt London . edition, perfect with all the plates and leaf of index, of this most curious and entertaining work -a work that has been so popular with every geneS that most of the original copies are either totally destroyed, or are rendered value- less by the loss of portions of the text, or plates, or both t is ErtSSIiSE mg to the American reader and collector, for it contains the first and only pirtfcuhr account of the Adventures of Blackbeard, the Pirate, and his capture ^ W L?cut Maynard; the Life and Career of Capt. Kyd; the Life of Sir Henry Morgan the Pirate who took Panama by storm, etc., etc. To the English reader it is evS more important and interesting, for it contains very full accounts of the do ings of Jack Shepherd^ Jonathan Wild, the German Princess, Moll Cutpurse, Capt Hind Du Val Ir nlaf/sTr a " d r any ther T* 1 *". P^tes, Robbers and Cut-throat . mcfdents g<? COpper -P late engravings, and portray some very curious GENERAL AMERICANA. 169 Jefferson. The Life of Thomas Jefferson by Henry S. Ran dall. Portraits and Facsimiles. 3 vols., 8vo, half calf, gilt. New York, 1858. ^ $6.00 Fine copy of the best edition of the standard life of Jefferson. Includes a mass of documents not otherwise accessible and material collected from personal interviews. 170 Jefferson. President of the United States of America. Portrait Bust, slightly to left. Oval stipple engraving, unsigned. 2 x 1^4 m - $5.00 A very rare 1 engraving. 171 Job, Herbert K. Among the Water Fowl. Observations, Adven ture, Photography. A popular nar rative account of the Water Fowl as found in the Northern and Middle States and Lower Canada, east of the Rocky Mountains. Profusely Illus trated. Svo, cloth, pp. 224. New York, 1902. $1.00 172 Kendall, Edward A. Travels through the Northern Parts of the United States, 1807-1808. 3 vols., old half calf. New York, 1809. $7-50 " No previous work on this country so fully explains the state policy and organi zation of New England, and the social facts connected therewith. He analyzes the municipal system and the social develop ment with so much knowledge and fairness, that the political and economical student will find more data and detail in his work than at that period were elsewhere obtain able. It will serve as an authentic me morial of the region of country described at that transition era." Lamed A. L. A. Guide. 173 Kennedy, John. The Ameri can Songster, containing a choice se lection of about 150 modern and popu lar Songs. i8mo, in the original folded sheets, unstitched and uncut. Baltimore, 1836. $1.50 174 Kettell, Samuel. Specimens of American Poetry with Critical and Biographical Notices. 3 vols., I2mo, half green morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Boston, 1829. $6.00 Contains critical and historical account of the poets of America from time of Roger Wolcott including many minor au thors who are not noticed elsewhere. 175 Kitchen, Thomas. A General Atlas describing the whole Universe being a complete and new collection of the most approved maps extant the whole being an improve ment of the maps of D Anville and Robert. Thirty -five maps engraved on copper. [Large folio, old boards, leather back. London : R. Sayer and J. Bennett, 1782. $15.00 Inserted are two additional maps, the Middle British Colonies from Governor Pownall s Last Map, 1776, and a map of France. Kalm, Peter. Travels into North America ; containing its Natural History and a Circumstantial Account of its Plantations and Agriculture in gen eral, with the . . . State of the Country . . . Manners of the Inhabitants etc. Translated by J. R. Forster. Two maps and 7 plates. 3 vols., 8vo, old calf. Warrington and London, 1770-1771. $30.00 First English translation. The plan of Quebec, and map of the country between Crown Point and Ft. Edward seem to be extra contemporary plates that have been inserted. Kalm travelled in America between 1748 and 1751, and his keen observa tions and interesting account of the natural products of the country gave his narrative so much reputation that it went into several editions and translations. Kalm, Peter. Travels in North America. Map and plates. 2 vols., Svo, calf, neatly rebacked. London, 1772. $20.00 Fine copy of the Second Edition. 26 LATIIROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. Kerr, Robert. General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, forming a Complete History of the Origin and Progress of Navigation,^ Discovery and Commerce. Maps. 18 vols., 8vo, full calf, neatly rebacked. London, 1824. $35.00 The distinguishing feature of this collection is that it is devoted to voyages and travels of discovery, wherein boundaries of geographical knowledge were enlarged. It consequently contains all the early voyages to America and to the Pacific. Vol. 18 is by William Stevenson and contains a bibliographical catalogue of voyages and travels, which is a work of great value; it is frequently wanting from sets. Kidd. A Full Account of the Actions of the late Famous Pyrate Capt. Kidd, with the Proceedings Against Him and a Vindication of the Hon. Richard Earl of Bellomont and other Honorable Persons, from unjust Reflections cast upon them. By a Person of Quality. 4to, full polished calf, gilt top, pp. 4+42. Dublin, 1701. $65.00 Several editions were printed the same year, of which the Dublin edition seems to be the rarest. " No unimportant man has caused more fear, speculation and gold-digging than Capt. Kidd. Along the shores of New England and Long Island, from his day to this, men have dug in the dead of night, directed as they thought, by the whiten hazel or the divining-rod, to find his buried gold, and none have founid it. The Pirate Kidd was long a bugbear to frighten children, and a name to arouse the cupidity of men." 176 Knox, J. New Collection of Voyages, Discoveries and Travels in Europe, Asia, Africa and America. Illustrated with 49 Maps and Plates. 7 vols., 8vo, calf. London, 1767. $20.00 This interesting collection contains much relating to the interior of America and the Indians. Reprints the work of Capt. Rogers and Boquet, also Voyages of Co lumbus, Cortes, Urfer, Drake, Woodes, Rogers, etc. Vol. 7 is largely occupied with a Naval History of Great Britain. 177 Koch, Theodore W. A Port folio of Carnegie Libraries. 120 Plates. 8vo, in cloth portfolio. Ann Arbor, 1907. $1.50 178 Lanman, Charles. Biograph ical Annals of the Civil Government of the United States. Revised, en larged and completed to date by Joseph M. Morrison. Royal 8vo, half morocco. New York, 1887. $2.25 Over 7,000 biographical sketches. 179 Latrobe, Charles J. The Rambler in North America. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1835. $2.50 Fine copy. Written in the form of Let ters and treating of New York, New Eng land, Settlement of the West, Indians, etc. 180 Law. Official Report of the Universal Congress of Lawyers and Jurists, held at St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 28, 29 and 30, 1904. Edited by V. Mott Porter. 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 423. St. Louis, 1905. $1.50 181 Leech s Etchings. American Broad Grins. Edited by Rigdum Funnidos, Gent. Four full-page etch ings by John Leech. i8mo, cloth, pp. 76. London, 1838. $2.50 One of the earliest books illustrated by Leech. His signature to these etchings is either a long leech, or his initials ; later he signed a leech in a bottle. The editor is unknown, but believed to have been Robert B. Brough. 182 Leggett, William. A Collec tion of (his) Political Writings (Monopolies, Abolition Riots, The Riot at the Chatham Street Chapel, Free Trade Post Office, etc.), selected and arranged with a preface by Theo. Sedgwick, Jr. Portrait engraved by A. Sealey. 2 vols., 121110, cloth. New York, 1840. $3. 50 Very scarce with the portrait. Only a few so issued. GENERAL AMERICANA. 27 Lambert, John. Travels through Canada and the United States, 1806-1808, with Biographical Notes. Map and plates. 2 vols., 8vo, half levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut, by Bradstreet. London, 1814. $15.00 A very fine uncut copy. Gives an interesting picture of New York City during the embargo. This is the second edition, which contains a new preface relating largely to the War of 1812. 183 Liancourt, Duke de la Roche- foucault. Travels through the United States, the Country of the Iroquois and Upper Canada, 1795-97- Maps. 2 vols., 4to, half calf. London, 1799. $12.50 The author gives a very complete view of the United States and Canada of that time. Interesting descriptions of the New York Indians and the various places he visited. 184 Lincoln. Political Debates between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas in the Celebrated Campaign of 1858 in Illinois, includ ing the preceding speeches of each. 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 415. Cleveland, 1895. $2.00 185 Lincoln. Life of Abraham Lincoln to his Inauguration as Presi dent by Ward H. Lamon. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 547. Boston, 1872. $5.00 186 Longfellow. The Poems of. Complete in one volume. First Edi tion. 8vo, original paper wrappers, uncut, in a cloth case, pp. 117. New York : Harpers, 1846. $10.00 Very scarce in the 1 original wrappers, a few pages slightly damp-stained, but a fine copy. Contains Poems on Slavery omitted from the Philadelphia edition. 187 Longfellow. Life of Henry W. Longfellow with extracts from his Journals and Correspondence. Edited by Samuel Longfellow. Por traits. 3 vols., 8vo, half green mo rocco, gilt tops. Boston, 1886. $10.00 Large paper edition limited to 300 copies. The above includes the volume of " Final Memorials." 1 88 Loring, Fred. W. Two Col lege Friends. First edition. i2tno, original cloth. Used copy. Boston (1871). $3-00 A story of the Civil War. Loring just before the appearance of this volume had joined Wheeler s exploring party in Ari zona and California, and was also one of the few visitors to Death Valley who es caped alive. Crossing the plains in a stage coach on his return to the east he and his companions were attacked by the Apaches and all killed. 189 Lossing, Benson J. Harper s Popular Cyclopaedia of United States History, from the Aboriginal Period to 1876. Over 1,000 illustrations. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. New York, 1881. $3-50 A well chosen reference set. About 5,000 topics in American history are treated in description varying from a few lines to several pages. They are well chosen, clearly written and adequately illustrated. London Chronicle. From its commencement, January, 1757, to the con clusion of vol. 38, Dec. 28, 1775. Bound in 37 vols., 4to, half russia. London, 1757-1775. $150.00 Containing much valuable material for the history of the period, including the French-Indian War, the Stamp Act Troubles, the beginning of the American Revo lution, etc. Dr. Johnson contributed to it, writing the preliminary address to the readers, and occasional pieces. In No. 2545, April i, 1773, is Goldsmith s famous letter on the licentiousness of the press, following the beating he attempted to give Evans the bookseller on the supposition that it was he who had slandered " The Jessamy Bride." 28 LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. Lowell. Conservations on some of the Old Poets, by James Russell Lowell. First Edition. i2mo, illuminated wrappers, uncut. Cambridge John Owen > I8 45- $40.00 A splendid copy of the first edition in the illuminated paper covers, uncut The book is perfect and intact. Excessively rare in this fine statf of preservation Lowell. Bronze Medallion Portrait of James Russell Lowell, by Charles Calvabry. New York, 1895. $20.00 Issued by the Grolier Club. 190 Lowell, James Russell. My Study Windows. First Edition. I2mo, original cloth, pp. 433. Boston l8 /i- $2.00 First issue, with gilt device of Fields, Osgood & Co. on back. 191 Lowell, J. R. The Biglow Papers. Second Series. First Edi tion. 121110, cloth, pp. 258. Boston, 1867- $2.50 192 Lowell, James Russell. Three Memorial Poems. Square I2mo, orig inal cloth, pp. 92. Boston, 1872. $1.00 First edition with a misspelled word in the Dedication: " ackowledgment " and bookplate of Henry W. Poor. 193 McHenry, James. Steiner, Bernard C. The Life and Corres pondence of James McHenry. Secre tary of War under Washington and Adams. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 640. Cleveland, 1907. $2.50 194 Macmillan, Alexander. A Night with the Yankees. A Lecture Delivered in the Town Hall, Cam bridge, March 30, 1868. 8vo, cloth, pp. 60. Privately Printed, 1868. $2.50 195 Macon, Nathaniel. Life of, Public and Private, by Edward R. Cotten. I2mo, cloth, pp. 272. Balti more, 1840. $5.00 North Carolina statesman and bosom friend of Jefferson and Madison. Ran dolph characterized him in his will as " the best and purest and wisest man I ever knew." 196 Madison. The Papers of James Madison, purchased by Order of Congress, being his Correspond ence, etc., during the Congress of the Confederation and the Federal Con vention. 3 vols., 8vo, half calf (rubbed). Washington, 1840. $5.00 198 Mariners Chronicle. Con taining Narratives of Shipwrecks, Naval Engagements, Piratical Ad ventures, etc. Woodcuts. i2mo, old calf, pp. 504. New Haven (1834). $2.00 Engagements of War of 1812. Early Steamboat Explosions, amusing accounts of digging for treasure on Long Island, etc. 199 Marytr, Petrus. Der Ge- schichtsschreiber Des Weltmeeres. Eine Studie von Hermann A. Schu macher. Map. 410, half morocco, gilt top. New York, 1879. $3-OO Meehan, Thomas. The Native Flowers and Ferns of the United States in their Botanical, Horticultural and Popular Aspects. Illustrated by nearly 200 beautifully colored full-page plates of Flowers and Foliage, mostly in their natural size. Two series in 4 vols., royal 8vo, original brown and green cloth as issued. Boston, 1878-79; Phila., 1880. $16.00 This beautiful work while treating the subject with scientific accuracy is written " d tO the GENERAL AMERICANA. 29 200 Mason, George. Life of George Mason, 1725-92, by Kate M. Rowland, including his Speeches, Public Papers and Correspondence. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. New York, 1892. $3.00 A valuable contribution to Virginia and Revolutionary history. 201 Mason, Rev. J. M. Memoirs, with Portions of his Correspondence. By Jacob Van Vechten. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 559. New York, 1856. $2.50 Contains an account of the death of Alexander Hamilton. Dr. Mason attended Hamilton after the duel and preached an eulogy on him. 202 Map. A New Chart of the Coast of America from Philadelphia to Halifax Harbor. By Wm. Heather. 1809. 30^ x 83^ in. $7.50 A very scarce map with inset plan of the entrance to Boston Harbor, Harbor of New York, and profile views of the Harbor of New York. 203 Mease, James. A Geological Account of the United States compre hending ... the Animal, Vegetable and Mineral Productions, Antiquities and Curiosities. Frontispiece of Bison Hunting, and four other plates of the Trenton and Schuylkill bridges and Natural Bridge, Va. i6mo, calf, pp. 496+14. Phila., 1807. $3.50 204 Medley, J. G. An Autumn Tour in the United States and Canada. I2mo, cloth, pp. 1 80. London, 1873. $1.00 205 Melish, John. Geographical Description of the United States with the contiguous British and Spanish possessions. Five maps (including specimen map at end). 8vo, original half roan, pp. 182. Phila., 1816. $3-50 206 Melville, Herman. Madri and a Voyage Thither, 2 vols. ; Omoo, a Narrative of Adventures in the South Seas; Redburn, his First Voyage. 4 vols., I2mo, cloth. New York, 1847- 50. $4.00 207 Mendel and Hosmer, Misses. Notes of Travel and Life (Canada, New York City, Virginia, etc.). I2mo, cloth, pp. 288. New York, 1854. $2.00 A scarce volume, published for the authors. 208 Middleton, Chas. T. New and Complete System of Geography. Ac count and Description of Europe, Asia, Africa and America. Many maps and copper views. 2 vols., folio, calf. London, 1778. $7-5 The American views include Niagara, Quebec, Falls on the Mohawk, Beaver Hunting, etc. 209 Morris, Gouverneur. Life of, with Selections from his Correspond ence, by Jared Sparks. Portrait. 3 vols., 8vo, boards, uncut. Boston, 1832. $3.50 210 Morse, Jedediah. The Ameri can Gazetteer . . . with a particular description of the Georgia Western Territory. Seven maps. First edi tion. 8vo, old calf. Boston, 1797. $5.00 With the map of " The Georgia Western Territory" missing in some copies. 211 Motley, John L. The Cor respondence of, edited by Geo. Wil liam Curtis. Portrait. 2 vols., royal 8vo, cloth. New York, 1889. $2.00 212 National Cyclopaedia of American Biography. Vols. i to 12. Portraits. 12 vols., royal 8vo, half roan. New York, White & Co., 1892- 1904. $18.00 Published at $10.00 per volume. 213 New York Mirror. Vols. 10- 11-12 and 13. July 1832 to July 1836. Illustrated with fine steel en gravings. 4 vols., 4to, half bound. New York, 1832-6. $10.00 The plates include view of the Battery, New York from Brooklyn Heights, Wash ington s Headquarters at Newburgh, High lands of the Hudson, etc. 214 O Callaghan, E. B. A List of Editions of the Holy Scriptures and LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. parts thereof, printed in America pre vious to 1860, with introduction, col lations and bibliographical notes. 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut, pp. 415. Albany, 1861. $3.50 " A carefully executed work, only 150 copies printed. Contains facsimiles of the title-pages to Eliot s Indian Bible." Sabin. 215 O Callaghan, E. B. Voyage of George Clarke, Esq., to America, with Introduction and Notes. Colored photograph of his tomb. Small 4to, half roan, gilt top, uncut. (New York Colonial Tracts.) Albany, 1867. $5.00 Limited to 100 copies. George Clarke was Lieut.-Gov. of New York 1736 to 1743. The voyage was made in 1703 and is printed from the original manuscript. Contains genealogy of the Clarke family. 216 Oldmixon, J. The British Empire in America, containing the History of the Discovery, Settlement, Progress and present State of all the British Colonies on the Continent and Islands of America. Eight maps. 2 vols., 8vo, old calf. The blank bot tom margin of the first few leaves in vol. i repaired. London, 1708. $15.00 Not quite uniform in binding. 217 [Osborne, Laughton.] The Vision of Rubeta : an Epic Story of the Island of Manhattan. Full-page illustrations. 8vo, half morocco, gilt, gilt top, uncut. Boston, 1838. $3.50 Laughton Osborne s writings had been severely criticised by W. L. Stone, the historian, as immoral, and this book is Os borne s reply. The poem satirises many of the prominent writers in America of the period, Hoffman, Park Benjamin, Dr. Bird, H. W. Herbert, Washington Irving, N. P. Willis, etc., and even exceeds the boundary of Manhattan by wholesale condemnations of Wordsworth and various English poets. 218 Oswald, Jonathan. Reports of the United German Evangelical Lutheran Congregations in North America, especially in Pennsylvania. With a preface by D. J. L. Schulze. I2mo, cloth, pp. 482. Phila., 1881. $1.00 219 Pacific Islands. Delano, Amasa. Narrative of Voyages and Travels, comprising Three Voyages Round the World, together with a Voyage of Survey and Discovery in the Pacific Ocean. Map and 2 por traits. 8vo, calf, pp. 599. Boston, 1817. $5.00 220 Pacific Islands. Keate, George. Account of the Pelew Islands, situated in the Western part of the Pacific Ocean. From the Journals, etc., of Capt. Henry Wilson, who in 1783 was shipwrecked there. Map and plates. 4to, new half morocco, pp. 378. Lon don, 1787. $7.50 Capt. Wilson in the ship Antelope, be longing to the East India Company, was shipwrecked on these islands August, 1783. It is claimed they were the first Europeans to discover this group and the account given here is very complete. 221 Pacific Islands. Reynolds, J. N. Voyage of the U. S. Frigate Po tomac during the Circumnavigation of the Globe in 1831-34. (Sumatra, Sandwich Islands, Java, etc.) Fold ing plates. 8vo, cloth, pp. 560. New York, 1835. $3.00 222 Paine, Robert Treat, Jr. The Works of, with Notes and Sketches of his Life, Character and Writings. Por trait. 8vo, boards, uncut, pp. 465. Boston, 1812. $2.00 224 Patten, Edmund. A Glimpse of the United States. 8 zincograph plates by the Author, including the Battery, Hudson River, Niagara, etc. 8vo, cloth, pp. 109. London, 1853. $5.00 Very scarce. Apparently privately printed. 225 Payne, John Howard. A Biographical Sketch of the author of " Home, Sweet Home/ with narrative of the removal of his remains to Washington. By Charles H. Brainard. Portraits and facsimiles. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, pp. 144. Washington, 1885! $1-25 GENERAL AMERICANA. Payne, John Howard. Lispings from the Muse. A Selection from Juvenile Poems chiefly written at and before the Age of Sixteen. 8vo, original paper covers, pp. 8+31. ((London) 1815. $75- Very rare, contains half-title and final leaf with printer s name. Privately printed " as a testimony of regard from the author to his personal friends." McKee copy, $121. 226 Philes, George P. The Philo- illustrations. 8vo, cloth, pp. 230. biblon. A Monthly Bibliographical London, 1899. $2.00 Journal. Complete set. 24 numbers. 2 ^ 2 Pirates. Parker, Lucretia. 4to, half morocco, gilt top. New pi ra ti ca l Barbarity, or the Female York, 1862-3. $3- Captive. The Particulars of the Cap- Printed throughout on India paper. ture o f t h e Sl OO p Eliza Ann on her 227 Philippines. Blanco, Fr. Passage from St. Johns to Antigua, Manuel Flora de Filipinas. 8vo, vel- and the Horrid Massacre of the Crew lum, pp. 887. Manila, 1837. $10.00 March I2th, 1825. Folding plate. Fine copy of a scarce book. 228 Philippines. Bowring, Sir York, 1825. i2mo, paper, uncut, pp. 36. New $2.50 John. A Visit to the Philippine 233 Pitt, William. William Pitt, Islands. Tinted illustrations, plan and Earl of Chatham. By Albert von charts. 8vo, cloth, pp. 438. London, Ruville. Translated by H. J. Chaytor 1859. $3-5 and M. Morison. Introduction by Now scarce. It is one of the best works Prof. H. E. Egerton. Portraits. 3 on the Philippines. Contains Music of an VO J 5 g vo c i ot h gjl t tops unc ut. Lon- T **.** AM C^*M >- tl*A TDVn i -v -\i*~t sic* T-i/-1o- O Indian Song of the Philippines, Indian T *r Funeral, Manila and Neighborhood, Popu- )n > 1 97- lar Proverbs, Language, etc. Philippines. Jagor, F. $5.00 ,. / .o in the Philippines (in 1859 and 60). of Canada. An exhaustive study of the Earl of Chatham, with much material on the his tory of the time including the Conquest Map and illustrations. 8vo, cloth, pp. 370. London, 1875. $3.50 230 Philippines. Maver, John 234 Poe, Edgar Allan. The Mur ders in the Rue Morgue. Facsimile of the Original Manuscript in the Hist, view of the Philippine Islands, Drexel Institute. Folio, cloth. Phila., exhibiting Discovery, Language, Man ners, Customs, etc., from the Spanish of Martinez de Zuniga. Map. 2 vols., 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1814. $10.00 Scarce. 1895. $2.00 Special limited edition printed on Japan paper. With facsimile of a letter from Poe to Lea and Blanchard in 1841, giving his ideas on " The Prose Tales." He states that he wishes the work to appear in thirty-three numbers and that he is 231 Philippines. Younghusband, willing for the publishers to take all profits Major G. J. The Philippines and and & v * him tN Y ent > c P ie . s .- ? ven n these T> i A -L 1 -At. A r n % i terms the work was declined and it was Round About with Account of British two years later that Part T> Murders in Interests in these Waters. Map and the Rue Morgue," was issued by Graham. Pownall, Thomas. A Topographical Description of such parts of North America as are contained in the Annexed Map of the Middle British Colonies. Large Paper. Folding map. Folio, original half calf. Lon don, 1776. $50.00 Indignant at the pirated copies that were issued of Evans Map, Gov. Pownall brought out this edition for the benefit of Mr. Evans daughter. The map has been enlarged so as to include New England. The appendix contains the Journals of Christopher Gist and Capt. Harry Gordon, down the Ohio. Also Journals of Anthony Van Schaick, etc. 32 LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. Prayer Book. The First Prayer Book Printed in the U. S. The Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments, & other Rites & Ceremonies as revised and proposed to the use of the Protestant Epis copal Church. Phila., 1786; The Same. Reprinted, London, 1789; The Book of Common Prayer & Administration of the Sacrament & other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church according to the use of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the U. S. of America, together with the Psalter, or Psalms of David. Phila., 1790. Together 3 vols., uniformly bound in new panelled calf gilt, gilt edges. Phila., 1786-90. $100.00 The " Proposed Prayer Book," the London reprint of the same, and the " Standard Prayer Book, the first and third being the first Prayer Books printed in the U. S. after the attainment of Independence with the designation " The Protestant Episco pal Church." A result of the successful Revolution was the necessity of changing the English Prayer Book with its suggestions of monarchical government. A committee was accordingly called, of which Bishop Wm. White, Bishop Provoost, Rev. Wm. Smith, Richard Peters and several others were members, and drew up this " Proposed Prayer Book." It was not favorably received, some pastors objected to certain changes, several States only partially accepted it, while others, including New York and New Jersey, rejected it entirely. Bishop Seabury event went so far as to say it " degraded the church." It soon went into obscurity, was forgotten and became rare. Bishop W. Stevens Perry writing of it that "a rarer book connected with the American Church can hardly be named." Three years later the reprint was made in London as a curiosity, only fifty copies, it is said, having been issued. The volume is undoubtedly rare, whatever number may have been printed. In 1789 another committee was appointed, this time under the presidency of Bishop Seabury who had so fiercely attacked the "Proposed" version, and a more satisfactory revision was made, that has practically stood until the present time. The volume was issued in 1790, Francis Hopkinson with one or two others superintending its progress through the press. The Signer of the Declaration had possibly some hand in the production of the " Proposed " Prayer Book, as one of the tunes in the eight pages of engraved music at the end of that volume is by him. The copy of the " Standard " version in this set is of the first issue, reading " End of the Prayer Book " on p. 221 of the Hymns, instead of merely " The End." A complete set of three is extremely rare. 235 Poe. The Atlantic Souvenir 238 Porteous, Archibald. A for 1831. Plates (some missing). Scamper through some Cities of i6mo, full leather. Phila., 1831. America. Being a record of a Three $5.00 Months Tour in the United States and Presentation copy from Rose M. Poe Canada. 121110, cloth, pp. 116. Glas- with inscription to Miss R. Sims. gow, 1890. $1-5 236 Poe. Bronze Medallion Por- 239 Porter, Admiral David D. trait of Edgar Allan Poe, by E. W. The Naval History of the Civil War. Burroughs. New York, 1909. $15.00 Illustrated. 4to, cloth, pp. 843. New Issued by the Grolier Club. York, 1 886. $2.OO 237 Polyanthus (The). Edited 2 4O Prayer Book. Book of Corn- by J. T. Buckingham. Portraits by "^Prayer etc Proposed to the use D. Edwin and views (a few lacking). f f ^ Protestant Episcopal Church, 4 vols., 8vo, half roan. Boston, 18*2- % * O ? vent ^ f he f sai Chl j rch in j $6 oo States of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Valued for the finely engraved portraits \ 7; ,-,,.: .-i:,, ^A c~ *.u r^^r ~LJ \A by Edwin, including Eleazer Wheelock, Virginia and South Carolina Held Commodore Bainbridge, John Lothrop, m Philadelphia from September 27th Franklin, David Rittenhouse, etc. to October 7th, 1785. I2mo, new full GENERAL AMERICANA. 33 Observations on America and the $50.00 Americans, including Considerations for Emigrants. 121110, paper, uncut, pp. 116 (covers damaged). Lincoln (about 1835). $5.00 An extremely rare book of travel in the United States and Canada. 246 Proposed Book of Common Prayer. English Edition. The Book of Common Prayer, etc., proposed for the Use of the P. E. Church in the States of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia and South Carolina. 121110, boards, uncut. London, 1789. $12.50 The English edition of the famous " Proposed Book of Common Prayer." Wright states that this English edition consisted of but fifty copies ; while un questionably it was much smaller than the American edition, this statement is open to question. Much of the opposition to the adoption of the " Proposed Book " came from the English prelates, and this edition was evidently a part of the move ment against its adoption. It was finally rejected in the summer of 1789. 247 Quakers. Quakerism Can vassed. Robin Barclay Bassed in the defending of his Theses against young Students at Aberdene, and he, together with George Keith, and the rest of his friends, found guilty of Blasphemy, Treason, Lying, Shifting, etc. 4to, calf (rebacked). Printed in the year 1675. $10.00 248 Raleigh, Sir Walter. The Life of, based on Contemporary Docu ments, British and Foreign, together with his Letters, now first collected. By Edward Edwards. Portrait. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1868. $5.00 The standard and best life of Raleigh. Antiquitates Amencanae sive Scriptores Septentrionales panelled calf, gilt, full gilt edges. Phila., 1786. After the Revolution it was found ex pedient to make certain alterations in the Book of Common Prayer, that it might be adapted to the conditions of a Republic. It was, however, rejected by the General Convention of 1789 which accounts for its great rarity. This copy has the Psalms of David, Hymns and six pages of music (some have eight). 241 Prescott. Life of William Hinckling Prescott, of Salem, Mass., 1796-1811. By George Ticknor. II- lustrated. 4to, cloth, pp. 491. Bos ton, 1864. $2.50 With an appendix on the Prescott Family. 242 Preston, Howard W. Docu ments illustrative of American His tory, 1606-1863. 8vo, cloth, pp. 320. New York, 1886. $1.50 243 Prime, William C. Coins, Medals and Seals, Ancient and Modern . . . with sketch of the His tory of Coins, Instructions for Young Collectors, Tables of Comparative Rarity, etc. 114 plates representing several hundred coins. Square 8vo, cloth. New York, 1861 $3 oo 244 Prince Society. Edward Ran dolph, his Letters and Official Papers, from New England, Middle and Southern Colonies, 1678-1700. Intro duction and notes by A. T. S. Good rich. 2 vols., 4to, paper, uncut. Bos ton, 1909. $12.50 These two volumes (6 and 7) supple ment the five volumes published in 1899. They consist of recently discovered ma terial, largely of letters addressed to Wil liam Blathwayt. 245 Proctor, Michael. Notes and Rafn, Carl C. rerum Ante-Columbianorum in America. 17 plates. Large paper. 41.0, half calf, pp. 486. Hafniae, 1837. $20.00 Scarce. The pioneer and fundamental work on the Norse voyages to America, and upon it most of the subsequent literature has been based. In it is given the original text of the sagas, in several languages, extracts from ancient Icelandic geographical writings, discussions on the supposed Norse relics in New England, and an elaborate identification -of localities. A summary of the evi dence and conclusions is given in English. 34 LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. 249 Railroads. Brown, Andrew S. Guide Book and Industrial Jour nal of the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad. Illustrations. 8vo, cloth, pp. i40+iii. West Chester, Pa., 1877. $1.00 250 Randolph, John. Life of John Randolph of Roanoke. By Hugh A. Garland. Tivo portraits. 2 vols., 8vo, half calf, gilt. New York, 1850. $2.50 251 Reuss, W. F. Calculations and Statements relative to the Trade between Great Britain and the United States of America . . . with copious Tables, Statistics of Com merce, Navigation, Produce and Manufactures. Royal 8vo, cloth, pp. 287. London, 1833. $3.00 From the library of Thomas Baring, the English banker, with his bookplate. 252 Rittenhouse, David. Memoirs of (his) Life, interspersed with vari ous notices of many distinguished men, with an Appendix containing Sundry Philosophical and other Papers, most of which have not hitherto been published. By William Barton. Fine Portrait. 8vo, boards, uncut (broken), pp. 614. $2.50 Rittenhouse was President of the Am. Philosophical Society, contains a short ac count of " a few Indian Families at Chenango." 253 Royall, Anne. Life and Times of (authoress of The Black Book, etc.), by Sarah H. Porter. 8vo, cloth, pp. 298. Cedar Rapids, 1909. $2.00 254 [Ruffin, Edmund.] Anticipa tions of the Future to serve as Les sons for the Present Time . . . with Appendix on the Causes and Consequences of the Independence of the South. i2mo, cloth, pp. 416. Richmond, 1860. $2.00 The author is credited with having fired the first gun in the Civil War at the bombardment of Fort Sumter. A presenta tion copy with the author s autograph in scription. 255 Sargent, F. W. England, the United States and the Southern Con federacy (Early History of Slavery in America, and the efforts made to abolish it, the relation of England to this Contest, etc.). 8vo, tinted paper covers, pp. 124. London, 1863. $1.00 Presentation copy from the author, with corrections in ink. 256 Savary, M. The Universal Dictionary of Trade and Commerce translated from the French with Addi tions and Improvements, with Laws, Customs and Usages by Malachy Postlethwayt. Numerous folded maps. 2 vols., folio, calf. London, 1757- $10.00 Contains a mass of information respect ing the early trade with Canada and the British Colonies. 257 Schoepf, Johann D. Travels in the Confederation, 1783-84. Trans lated and edited by Alfred J. Morri son. Portrait. 2 vols., I2mo, cloth, uncut. Phila., 1911. $6.00 First translated from the original edi tion of 1788. The author gives an inter esting picture of the country at the close of the Revolution. He visited New Jersey, Penna. and West to the Ohio, through Virginia, Carolina, Florida, etc. 258 Schoner, Johan. (Professor of Mathematics at Nuremberg.) A reproduction of his Globe of 1523, long lost ; his dedicatory letter to Rey- mer van Streytperck, and the " De Molvccis of Maximillianus Transyl- vanus, with translations and notes, by Henry Stevens of Vermont. Edited with introduction and bibliography, by C. H. Coote. Portrait. 3 large fold ing maps in pocket. 8vo, cloth, pp. 206. (London, 1888. $3.50 A limited number printed on hand-made paper. 259 Shipwrecks. The Seaman s Recorder or Authentic and Interesting Narratives of Popular Shipwrecks and other Calamities incident to a Life of Maritime Enterprise. Numerous woodcuts. 2 vols., 8vo, new half calf. London, 1824-5. $8.00 Fine copy. Scarce. GENERAL AMERICANA. 35 Smith, Capt. John. The Generall Historic of Virginia, New England and the Summer Isles, with the Names of the Adventurers, Planters and Governours from their first beginning 1584 to 1626. Also Maps and Descriptions of all those Countryes, their Commodities, People, Govern ment, Customer and Religion yet known. Engraved title with portraits and 4 maps and plates (mounted). London, Printed by J. D. and J. H> for Edzcard Blackmore, 1632. Smith, Capt. John. The True Travels, Adventures and Observations of Capt. John Smith in Europe, Asia, Africa and America, 1593-1629. Together with a Continuation of his Generall Historic of Virginia, as also of the New Plantations, etc. Folding plate. London, Printed by J. PL for Thomas Slater. 1630. 2 vols., folio, full green levant morocco, gilt, gilt edges. $600.00 A small lower portion of the plate in the True Travels is beautifully supplied in facsimile, otherwise desirable copies of these famous books. They always have and always will be regarded as the very corner stones in a library of rare Americana. All of the editions of the Generall Historic, although having different dates, are practically identical as to text. The True Travels is a much rarer book, and is quite necessary as it supplements the original work. The last copy to be offered at public sale of this alone brought $500.00. 260 Slavery. Sharp, Granville. A ica. Illustrated. 8vo, paper, pp. 14. Representation of the Injustice and New York, 1880. .50 Dangerous Tendency of Tolerating ^ Steamboats. Duer, William Slavery or of admitting the Least Alexander> Repl to Mr> Colden s Claim of Private Property in the Per- vindication of & steamboat Monop- sons of Men in England. 8vo half j with dix containing cop ies call. London, 1779. $1.50 of the mQst important documents re- Relates largely to Negro and Indian Slav- j ti g d l84+xxiv. ery in the British Colonies. The author ... * ^ draws comparison from conditions in New AlDany, I >I9- York, Virginia, etc. The appendix contains the letters patent of Fulton and Fitch with descriptions of 261 Slavery. The Wanderer the boats, etc. (Slave Ship) Case. Speech of Henry ^ , A . A R. Jackson of Savannah with Biog- _ 264 Stephens Alexander HA raphy of General Jackson by Joseph Constitutional View of the late War M Brown. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. be wee " the . S *tes 83. Atlanta, n. d. $i > vols., 8vo, cloth. Phila. Ip^.OO 262 St. Bris, Thomas. Discovery Fine dean copy The best defense of the of the Origin of the name of Amer- Southern side. Studer and Jasper. The Birds of North America. Drawn and colored from Life by Theodore Jasper. 119 colored plates, with Descriptive Text; Jasper, Theodore. Ornithology, or the Science of Birds from the Text of Dr. Brehm. 212 illustrations. 2 vols., 4to, half morocco. Columbus, 1878. $15.00 The original edition in which the 1 plates are far superior to those in the re-issue. A complete, popular and scientific account of the Birds of North America describing upwards of 700 observations. The illustrations were drawn from nature by Dr. Jas per, who made it his life work. LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. 265 Stevens Spanish Tracts. I. Memorial de Don Diego Colon . . . a S. C. C. Magd. el Rey sobre la conversion e consuacio de las gentes de las yndias. 2. Carta . . . de las Casas . . . en q suplicia se . poner remedio a los agravios de los yndios. 3. Carta de . . . Bartoloe de las Casas . . . a los Padres de Guatimala y del Chiapa . . . sobre de q no se vendiesen los repartimientos de los yndios. 4. Carta de amonestacio . . . de las Casas . . . tocante a la libertad y jurisdicion ecclica. 5. Parescer o Determinacio de los senores theologos de Salamanca sobre de que no deben ser baptizados los yndios. 6. Carta de Hernando Cortes ... a Carlos Quinto mostrandole su parescer acerca de los repartiminentos de los yndios, &c. The six tracts bound in one volume, small 4to, half morocco, un cut. London, 1854. $12.00 Scarce. Only a few were printed by Henry Stevens for presents, in Old Eng lish Gothic type by the Whittinghams at their Chiswick Press. Complete set. 266 Strong, Josiah. Our Country, its Possible Future and Present Crisis ( Mormonism, Intemperance, Wealth, Socialism, etc.). I2mo, mo rocco, pp. 229. New York (1885,). $1.00 267 Sumner, Charles. The Works of. Portrait. 15 vols., post 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1875. $22.50 Sumner s works are of special impor tance not only because of his prominent position in the anti-slavery struggle ; but his long experience in political life. In this collection, orations, addresses and speeches are arranged chronologically. There 1 are useful prefatory notes to the various pieces. 268 Sumner, William G. A His tory of American Currency . to which is added " The Bullion Re port." Post 8vo, cloth, pp. 391. New York, 1874. $2.00 270 Taylor, Fitch W. A Voyage Round the World, and Visits to Va rious Foreign Countries, in the United States Frigate .Columbia ; attended by her consort the Sloop of War John Adams, and commanded by Commo dore George C. Read. Illustrated. 2 vols. in one, 8vo, cloth. New Haven, 1846. $1.50 272 (Thoreau, Henry D.) Echoes of Harper s Ferry. (Edited) by James Redpath (with "a Plea for Capt. John Brown, by Thoreau;" Speeches, by Emerson; Poem by Whittier, etc.). I2mo, original cloth, pp. 513. Boston: Thayer & Eld- ridge, 1860. $5.00 Arnold sale, $11.00. 273 Ticknor, George. Life, Let ters, and Journals of. Portraits. (Astor Place Riots, History of the Boston Public Library, Social Habits of Boston in 1791, etc.) 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1876. $2.50 274 Tiebout, Cornelius. Early American Engraver. The Annuncia tion. Phila. Published by IV. H. Morgan. 14^ x 11^ in. Impres sion colored by hand. $3.00 275 Trescot, William Henry. The Diplomatic History of the Adminis tration of Washington and Adams, 1789-1801. 8vo, cloth, pp. 283. Boston, 1857. $3.50 A clear, well-proportioned narrative of American diplomacy during the critical period 1783 to 1789, and the scarcely less crit ical period from 1789 to 1800. Jay s treaty and the convention made with Bonaparte in 1800, each an event of the first impor tance in our domestic politics as well as foreign relations, are treated with fulness and in a judicial spirit. 276 Trial. Report of the Trial of Leavitt Alley indicted for the murder of Abijah Ellis, in the Supreme Court of Massachusetts. Reported by F. F. Heard. 8vo, cloth, pp. 176. Boston, 1875- $1.25 277 Tribune Almanac, 1838-1868, comprehending the Politician s Reg ister and Whig Almanac. 2 vols., 8vo, half morocco. New York, 1868. $4.00 Contains a mass of political history for the 30 years covered. Essays, Addresses, Party Platforms, Election Returns, etc. GENERAL AMERICANA. 37 278 [Trotter, Mrs. Alexander.] First Impressions of the New World on Two Travellers from the Old in the Autumn of 1858. Map. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1859. $2.00 279 Tucker, George. History of the United States from their Coloni zation to 1841. 4 vols., 8vo, cloth. Phila., 1856. $20.00 Containing the political history of America from the point of view of the Southern States. 280 Tyler, John. Life of John Tyler up to the close of the 2d Session of the 27th Congress. Portrait. 8vo, unbound, pp. 256. New York, 1843. $3-50 Scarce. 281 Tyler, Moses Coit. A History of American Literature, 1607-1765. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. New York, 1879. $3.00 Best printed edition, now scarce. 282 Van Buren. Life and Politi cal Opinions of Martin Van Buren, by Wm. M. Holland. Portrait. i2mo, cloth, pp. 364. Hartford, 1835. $1.50 283 Van Buren, Martin. Life and Times of, by Wm. L. Mackenzie. 8vo, paper, uncut, pp. 308. Boston, 1846. $2.00 Contains a mass of letters and docu ments. The author attacks Van Buren in his inconsistency on the bank question, etc. 284 Verrazano. Smith, Bucking ham. An Inquiry into the Authen ticity of Documents concerning the Discovery in North America, claimed to have been made by Verrazana. 8vo, paper. New York, 1864. $1.00 285 Vignaud, Henry. Toscanelli and Columbus. The Letter and Chart of Toscanelli on the Route to the Indies, by way of the West, sent in 1474, to the Portuguese Fernam Martius and later on to Columbus. Illustrated. Large paper copy. 8vo, half vellum, pp. 365. (London, 1902. $2.50 One of an edition of 200 copies on hand made paper signed by the author. A work of great research. 286 Wahlen, Auguste. Moeurs Usages et Costume les Peuples du Monde. Illustrated with upwards 200 fine colored plates of the Peoples and Costumes of Europe, Asia, Africa and America. 4 vols., royal 8vo, cloth. Bruxelles, 1843-5. $15.00 Treats extensively of the savage and wild tribes. The principal nations of the North American Indians are described and illustrated. An entire volume is devoted to the Pacific Islands and Australia, show ing the costumes and weapons of the South Sea Islanders. 287 Wakefield, Priscilla. Excur sions in North America in Letters from a Gentleman and his Young Companion. Map. I2mo, old calf, pp. 377. London, 1810. $1.00 Compiled from Carver, Bartrom, Herne, etc. 288 Waldseemuller Map. The Oldest Map with the Name America of the Year 1507, and the Costa Mari ana of 1516 by M. Waldseemuller. Edited by Profs. Joseph Fisher and Fr. F. V. Weiser. Folio, uncut. Innsbruck, 1903. $10.00 Probably the most important work on the early cartography of America. A lim ited edition issued, in conjunction with the Imperial Academy of Science of Vienna. United States Literary Gazette. Vol. I (semi-monthly), April, 1824, to March I5th, 1825, Vols. 2 to 4 (monthly,), April, 1825, to Oct., 1826. Complete Set. i vol. 4to, 3 vols. 8vo, new half sprinkled calf. Boston, 1824-1826. $15.00 Complete set, in fine condition, of this important early literary magazine. It had the support of the leading New England writers and abounds with original contribu tions from Longfellow, Bryant, Percival, Ticknor, etc. LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. 289 Wallack. Sketch of the Life of James William Wallack (senior), late Actor and Manager. Vignette portrait on title. 4to, wrappers, un cut, pp. 63. New York, 1865. $4.50 No. 41 of 50 copies on Large Paper, printed by Thos. H. Morrell. 290 (Ware, N. A.) Notes on Po litical Economy as applicable to the United States by a Southern Planter. 8vo, boards, pp. 304. New York, 1844. $3.50 An early Southern work on political economy. 291 Webster, Daniel. The Private Correspondence of Daniel Webster. Edited by Fletcher Webster. Two portraits. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, Boston, 1857. $2.00 292 Webster. Harvey, Peter. Reminiscences and Anecdotes of Daniel Webster. Portrait. Post 8vo, cloth, pp. 480. Boston, 1878. $1.50 293 Weld, Isaac. Travels through the States of North America and Upper and Lower Canada, 1795-97. Map and Plates. 2 vols., 8vo, lx)ards, uncut. London, 1799. $10.00 A very fine large uncut copy. Rare in such splendid condition. 294 Wheaton, Henry. History of the Northmen from Earliest Times to the Conquest of England, by William of Normandy. 8vo, boards, uncut, pp. 367. Phila., 1831. $3.50 Embraces all the leading features of Scandinavian history, the Discovery of America by the Northmen, Icelandic, Sagas, Eddar, etc. 295 Whitman. " Walt Whitman, the Man." By Thomas Donaldson. Illustrated by portraits and facsimiles of rare documents, letters, and manu scripts. I2mo, cloth, gilt top, pp. 300. A more readable volume of personal reminiscences it would be hard to produce. Mr. Donaldson was Mr. Whitman s friend for thirty years, and for the last twenty years of the latter s life, was in the closest and most constant intimacy with him. 296 Wright, Silas. Hammond, Jabez D. Life and Times of Silas Wright, late Governor of the State of New York. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 749. Syracuse, 1848. $3.50 With A. L. S. of Silas Wright, 1831. 297 Williams, Thomas. Life and Speeches, Orator, Statesman and Jurist, 1806-1872. A Founder of the Whig and Republican Parties. By Burton Alva Konkle, with introduc tion by Hon. Philander Chase Knox. Portraits, facsimiles of old maps, views, etc. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Phila., 1905. $4x30 298 Willis, N. P. Poem delivered before the Society of United Brothers at Brown University, Sept. 6, 1831, with other Poems. 8vo, cloth, pp. 76. New York, 1831. $1.00 First Edition, some pages foxed. 299 Winsor, Justin. Narrative and Critical History of America. Profusely Illustrated. 8 vols., royal 8vo, cloth, uncut (one binding a little shaken). Boston (1889). $12.50 300 Wise, John. Through the Air. A Narrative of Forty Years Ex perience as an Aeronaut with Account of the Author s Most Important Air Voyages and Thrilling Adventures. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 650. Phila., 1873. $3.00 301 Wortley, Lady Emmeline Stuart. Travels in the United States, etc., during 1849 ancl I ^5- Square I2mo, rough paper boards, uncut, pp. 463. New York, 1851. $1.00 THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 39 THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. Washingtoniana, Biographies of Officers, English and American Histories, etc. Anbury, Thomas. Travels through the Interior Parts of America, in a Series of Letters by An Officer. Map and engraved mews. 2 vols., 8vo, original tree calf, gilt. London, 1789. $20.00 Very fine copy of the first edition, containing the plates of Continental currency afterwards omitted. The author was an officer in Burgoyne s army and was taken prisoner at the surrender. It is one of the most valuable graphic personal narratives. 302 Allen, Ethan. A Narrative of 307 Andre. (Barbe-Marbois.) Col. Ethan Allen s Captivity written Complet d Arnold et^ Sir Henry Clm- by Himself. Fourth edition, with notes. I2mo, paper, pp. 120. Bur lington, 1846. $1.25 303 Allen, Ethan. De Puy, Henry W. Ethan Allen and the Green Moun tain Heroes of 76, with a sketch of the Early History of Vermont. (New Hampshire Grants, Bunker Hill, Ticonderoga, etc.) 121110, cloth, pp. 428. New York, 1861. $2.00 304 Almanac. BickerstafTs Bos ton Almanac for 1778. Woodcut portraits of Washington and Gates on title. I2mo (worn copy, one and one-half pages missing). Danvers (1777). $3-50 305 Almanac. Weatherwise s Town and Country Almanac for 1784. I2mo, uncut (half of one page missing). Boston: Norman and White (1783). $5.00 Contains full-page woodcut said to be by Paul Revere, containing crude portrait of Washington. 306 Almon, J. A Collection of Interesting, Authentic Papers relative to the Dispute between Great Britain and America; showing causes and progress of that Misunderstanding from 1764 to 1775. 8vo, half calf, gilt top, pp. 28o-|-index. London, 1777. $15.00 This valuable and scarce historical work is better known as the " Prior Documents," and is often missing from sets of Almon s Remembrancer. The documents, etc., in this volume relate to matters before the commencement of Hostilities, while " The Remembrancer " began with the first Hos tilities. ton. Map of West Point and fine por traits of Arnold and Washington. 8vo, calf. Paris, 1816. $10.00 309 Andre. Dewees, Captain Sam uel. History of the Life and Services of Capt. Dewees, soldier of the Revo lutionary and last Wars, also Remin iscences of the Indian War, Western Expedition, Liberty Insurrection in Northampton County, Pa., etc. By John Smith Hanna. Portrait and il lustrations. 121110, original sheep. Lacks pp. 77-81. Baltimore, 1844. $3.00 The interesting material relating to the execution of Major Andre is complete. The author played the Dead March at his last moments, gives an account of his last moments, an illustration of the execution unknown to most Andre collectors, etc. 310 Andre. Husted, Nath l C. Centennial Souvenir of the Monu ment Association of the Capture of Andre. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 167. 1881. $3-50 311 Andre. Seward, Miss Anna. Monody on Major Andre to which are added Letters addressed to her by Major Andre. Portrait of Miss Se- zvard inserted. 4to, half red levant mo rocco. Lichfield, 1781. $10.00 First Edition and scarce. This copy is autographed by Miss Seward at end of the poem. 312 - Same. Second edition. 4to, boards. Lichfield, 1781. $5.00 A second edition was called for in a few months. In it the errors were cor rected, half title added and a leaf " To Miss Seward" by W. Hayley. 40 LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. Andre, Major. An Authentic narrative of the causes which led to the death of Major Andre, Adjutant-General of His Majesty s Forces in North America. To which is added a Monody on the Death of Major Andre, by Miss Seward. By Joshua H. Smith. Complete with the map, plate of Andre monument in Westminster Abbey, and a fine impression of the beautiful portrait by Hopwood. 8vo, beautifully bound in inlaid polished calf gilt, yellow edges, by Morrell. London, 1808. $25.00 Blank margin of one page neatly repaired. A clean fine copy. - A copy of the New York Edition, with portrait by Scales. i6mo, boards, cloth back. Nlew York, Duyckinck, 1809. $15.00 This American edition is very rare. It was either a very small issue or was read with such avidity that but few copies survived. 313 Baltimore. Purviance, Rob- ton, compiled from original Papers, ert. A Narrative of Events which by his Brother Shute, Bishop of Dun- Occurred in Baltimore Town during ham. 8vo, cloth, pp. 226. London, the Revolutionary War, with various 1815. $5.00 documents and letters, the greater part Secretary of War, 1763-1778. His letters heretofore unpublished. 121110, cloth, an 1 d .P a P er ! afford great insight into the pp. 231. Baltimore, 1849. $3-5O s^ce Compiled principally from contemporarv orfi Battle of T p vino-ton fiich documents, collected by the author s father during the American Revolution. Inval- > J acob Dl vme judgments upon uable for reference. Tyrants : And compassion to the op- 314 Barnum. Enoch Crosby or P re f ssed - . A Sermon preached at Lex- The Spy Unmasked. A Tale of the mg !? n ^ *?\ ^ J common- American Revolution. Woodcuts. o r atlo f the Murderous War and Ra- I2mo, boards, pp. 104. Cincinnati n d P 1 ? 6 . inh umanly perpetrated by two in n u. b ng . ades of British troops, in that town A juvenile abridgment, issued* about d f , nei f h .bourhood, on the Nine- 1850, of the original work. teenth of A P nl > J 775- 8vo, half mo- 3 1 5 Barrington. Political Life of ^ ^ top, uncut, pp. 28. Boston^ William Wildman, Viscount Barring- 7 Very rare. Andreana. Containing the Trial, Execution and Various Matter Connected with the History of Major Andre, Adjutant-General of the British Army in America, A. D. 1780. 12 portraits and plates. Folio, half green morocco, gilt edges. Phila., 1865. $20.00 A^WMiSnS? ;- 3 f r 25 Copies printed for subscribers only. Reprinted from the Philadelphia Edition of 1780. With an introduction by H. W. Smith Amone the illustrations are six engraved especially for this edition. Includes five portraits of Major Andre (two of them reproduced from rare engravings), fine mezzotint portrait of Washington by Sartam after Peale. Portrait of John Paulding Mi^s Anna Reward (by Romney, in sepia), Honora Sneyd and General Arnold Also two facsimiles from rare prints. Andrews, John. History of the War with America, France, Spain and Holland; commencing in 1775 and ending in 1783. Maps and 24 fine engraved portraits, including Generals Washington, Greene, Clinton, Bur- goyne, Cornwallis, Lafayette, De Grasse, Count D Estaing, Capt. Asgill. etc. 4 vols., 8vo, new boards, uncut. London, 1785. $50.00 A splendid clean copy, entirely uncut. Excessively rare in this condition. THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 4 1 Barnum, H. L. The Spy Unmasked, or Memoirs of Enoch Crosby, alias Harvey Birch. The Hero of Mr. Cooper s Tale of the Neutral Ground. An Authentic Account of the Secret Service he rendered during the Revolutionary War. Plates. 8vo, boards, uncut. New York, 1828. $25.00 Fine copy of this very rare book. The plates, six in number, comprise Portrait of Harvey Birch, The Place where Major Andre was Taken, The House in which Major Andre was Tried, Map of the Neutral Ground, etc. Another copy. Plain half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Blank top of title repaired. $15.00 317 Battle of Lexington. Mili tary Sermons. Sermons delivered to Commemorate the Commencement of Hostilities between Great Britain and America, April iQth, 1775. Preached at Lexington. For 1779, by Samuel Woodward; for 1781, by Henry Cummings. 2 pamphlets. 8vo, uncut. Boston, 1779-81. $17.50 Very fine copies of these rare Revolu tionary items. The Lexington sermons are the most important of all the Military discourses. 318 Battle of Lexington. Sermon for 1776 with Brief Narrative of the Principal Transactions of that Day, by Jonas Clark. 8vo, paper. Modern reprint. Boston, 1776. $1.00 319 Beach, Allen C. Centennial Celebration of the State of New York. (Battle of Oriskany, Surrender of Burgoyne, Cherry Valley Massacre, etc.) Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 459. Albany, 1879. $1.50 320 Beauman, Col. Sebastian. Memoirs of, with Selections from his Correspondence, by Mary C. D. Fair- child. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 137. 1900. $5- Printed for the family. 321 Bickford, Eli. A Memoir of. A Patriot of the Revolution. Portrait. 8vo, paper, pp. 15. New York, 1865. $3-50 Only 30 copies, privately printed for Charles J. Bushnell. The author was cap tured from an American privateer and confined in the Old Jersey prison ship. 321^ Blatchford, John. Narrative of, His Sufferings in the Revolution ary War while a Prisoner with the British, as related by Himself. Notes by Chas. I. Bushnell. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 127. New York, Privately Printed, 1865. $2.50 322 Bolton, Reginald P. Fort Washington, New York City. An Ac count of the Identification of its Site and History of its Defence and Re duction. Illustrations and maps. 8vo. cloth, pp. 123. New York, 1902. $1.50 Boston Port Bill. Anno Regni Georgii III. Regis Magnae Britanniae, Franciae & Hiberniae, Decimo Quarto. An Act to Discontinue in such manner and for such time as are therein mentioned, the Landing and Discharging, Lading or Shipping of Goods, Wares and Merchandise, at the Town and within the Harbour of Boston in the Province of Massa chusetts Bay In North America. Small folio, sewed. London, Printed by Charles Eyre and William Strehan, Printers to the King s most Excel lent Majesty, 1774. $20.00 Extremely rare. A very fine copy of one of the most important documents relating to the American Revolution. This act, closing the port of Boston and making Salem the seat of government and Marblehead the chief port of entry, was approved March 31, 1774, and went into effect June I. It was England s answer to the Boston Tea Party, and was the means of bringing together the thirteen colonies for united action against England. Lossing sale, $80.00. LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. 323 Boston Massacre. A Short Narrative of the Horrid Massacre in Boston . . . printed by order of the Town of Boston, 1770. Repub- Hshed with Notes and Illustrations by J. Doggett, Jr. Map and reprint of the Revere view. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1849. $2.00 324 Boston Massacre. Oration delivered at the request of the Inhab itants of Boston to commemorate March 5th, 1770. I2mo, boards, un cut. Boston, 1807. $4.00 325 Another Copy. Orig inal calf. $2.50 326 Boston Port Bill. Extract of a Sermon by Mr. Thomas Prince in 1746 on the Destruction of the French Fleet and Army (Cape Breton, etc.), reprinted at this time to encourage the People of God under the severe and keen Distresses by the execution of the last Act of Parliament called the Bos ton Port Bill. 8vo, uncut, pp. 15. Boston, John Kne eland, 1774. $5.00 327 Boston. Votes and Proceed ings of the Inhabitants of the Town of Boston assembled in Town Meeting (at Faneuil Hall, Oct. 28, 1772). 8vo. uncut (name cut from blank top of title). Boston, Edes & Gill (1772). $5.00 The original report of one of the fam ous Faneuil Hall meetings presided over by John Hancock relative to taxation, Rights of the Colonies, etc. A contempor ary item of those turbulent times. 328 Boudinot, Elias. Journal ; or, Historical Recollections of American Events during the Revolutionary War. Printed from his Original Manuscript. Royal 8vo, paper, pp. 97. Philadel phia, 1894. $2.00 328^/2 Brown, Tarleton. Memoirs of, a Captain in the Revolutionary War, written by Himself. Notes by Chas. I. Bushnell. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 65. New York, Pri vately Printed, 1862. $3-5o 329 Bunker Hill. A Memorial of the American Patriots who fell at the Battle of Bunker Hill, with Dedication of Memorial Tablets. Facsimiles of old views, maps, etc. 8vo, cloth, pp. 274. Boston, 1889. $1.00 Broadside. " In Provincial Congress, Cambridge, February 14, 1775. Whereas it appears necessary for the Defence of the Lives, Liberties, and Properties, of the Inhabitants of this Province, that this Congress on the first Day of their next Session should be made fully acquainted with the Number and Military Equipments of the Militia, and Minute Men in this Province; and also the Town Stock of Ammunition in each Town and District, etc. (Commanding Officers and Select-Men ordered to make returns in writing.) Signed by John Hancock and Benjamin Lincoln. Folio, one page. $25.00 A scarce early broadside of the Provincial Congress of Massachusetts, printed two months before the British march on Concord. Especially interesting, as it relates to the Minute Men. In fine condition. Broadside. In Congress, April I4th, 1777. Articles for the Government of the Troops. Changes in those passed Sept. 2Oth, 1776, relating to Court Martials, Sentences, etc. Signed iby John Hancock. Folio, framed. Phila., Dunlap, 1777. $12.50 An interesting military broadside, increasing the powers of Washington and the other commanding generals. THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 43 Burgoyne, Lieut. Genl. A State of the Expedition from Canada, as laid before the House of Commons (by Burgoyne), and verified by evidence; with a Collection of Authentic Documents and an addition of many cir cumstances which were prevented from appearing before the House. Written and collected by himself. Fine maps and engraved plans of battles. 4to, half green levant morocco, gilt top. London, 1780. $25.00 Very fine copy. " General Burgoyne writes well ; his very interesting story is told in a masterly manner, and the materials of which it is composed will be held in great estimation by the historian who shall record the events of the unhappy war to which they owe their birth." Monthly Review. Another copy. Lacking two of the six plates. Half calf, broken. $7.50 Burgoyne. Remarks on General Burgoyne s State of the Expedition from Canada. 8vo, unbound, pp. 60. London, 1780. $20.00 Fine copy of one of the rarest works on the Burgoyne Campaign. The author candidly reviews the situation in America and severely criticises the commanders there. 330 Bunker Hill. Sketches of Bunker Hill Battle and Monument: with Illustrative Documents (by Chas. P. Emmons). Map and plate. i6mo, cloth, pp. 172. Charlestown, 1843. $1.25 331 Burd Papers. Extracts from 336 Chatham, Earl of. Plan of fered by the Earl of Chatham, to the House of Lords, entitled, A Provis ional Act, for settling the Troubles in America, and for asserting the su preme Legislative Authority and su perintending power of Great Britain Chief Justice William Allen s Letter over the Colonies. Which are rejected i- * /V 1 i 1 j 1 HP 1 1 Book, selected and arranged by Lewis Burd Walker, with appendix contain ing reprint of the pamphlets in the Controversy with Benjamin Franklin. Portrait. 8vo, boards, uncut, pp. 136. N. p., 1897. $1.50 Contains genealogy of the family from 1704. 332 Burgoyne. A Letter from Lt. Genl. Burgoyne, with Correspondence relative to his Return to America. 8vo, unbound, pp. 37. London, 1779. $3.50 333 Burgoyne Campaign. The Ballads and Poems relating to the Burgoyne Campaign annotated by William L. Stone. Plate. 4to, cloth, uncut, pp. 359. Albany, 1893. $2.50 334 Census of Pensioners for Revolutionary or Military Services, with Names, Ages and Places of Res idence. 4to, new half calf, pp. 195. Washington, 1841. $5.00 335 Chalmers, George. Introduc tion to the History of the Revolt of the American Colonies. 2 vols. in one, 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1845. $4-5 and not suffered to lie upon the Table. Half cloth, pp. 15. London, J. Almon, 1775- $7-50 This conciliatory plan suggests that in stead of direct Parliamentary taxation of the Colonies, the Provincial Congress should be empowered to make a voluntary grant as a perpetual revenue to be appro priated to the alleviation of the National Debt, while at the same time acknowledg ing the supreme authority and superintend ing power of Parliament. After such acknowledgment all Acts which had been found grevious were to be suspended, such as the Acts for blocking the Harbour of Boston and altering the Charter and Gov ernment of Massachusetts. 337 Chatham, Earl of. An Au thentic Account of the Part taken by the late Earl, in a Transaction which passed in 1778, 2nd edition, London, 1778; Another Account of the Trans action, London, 1778; An Address to the Interior Cabinet, 2nd edition, Lon don, 1782 ; A Letter to Charles Jenkin- son, 4th edition, London, 1781 ; An Address to Edmund Burke, relative to the Affairs in America, by Edward Topham, London, 1777; The (Ameri can) Revolution in 1782 Impartially 44 LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. Considered, London, 1782, with others. 10 4to tracts in one volume, old boards (cracked). London, 1771-82. $10.00 338 Cincinnati Society. Jackson, Major William. Eulogium on the Character of Washington, pronounced before the Penna. Soc. of the Cincin nati. 8vo, unbound, pp. 44. Phila., 1800. $3.50 The author was very close to Washing ton, having been both Aid-de-Camp and Secretary. 339 Coffin, Alex., Jr. The De structive Operation of Foul Air, Tainted Provisions, Bad Water, ex emplified in the unparalleled Cruelty of the British to the American Cap tives at New York on board their Prison and Hospital Ships, with In troduction by Charles I. Bushwell. Portrait. 8vo, paper, pp. 28. New York, 1865. $3.50 Only 30 copies privately printed. There seems to be no record of a sale of a copy. 340 Continental Congress. Jour nal of the Proceedings of Congress held at Philadelphia, Sept. 5th, 1775, to April 30th, 1776. 8vo, unbound, pp. 202. London, /. Almon, 1778. $1.50 Almon reprinted this volume in connec tion with the Remembrancer, to which set it is usually added. 341 Cornwallis. Surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown, A. D. 1781. Painted by Armand Dumaresq. En graved and Printed by Illman Broth ers. 16x23^ in. $7.50 342 Cornwallis. Capitulation de Cornwallis. Engraving on copper. Martinet, del. Delignon, sculp. 7^ x I2y 2 in. In mat. $2.00 343 Cowpens. (Courtenay, \Vm. A.) Proceedings at the unveiling of the Monument at Spartanburg, S. C. The Centennial of Battle of Cowpens. Illustrated. 8vo, paper, pp. 137. 1896. $1.00 With colored illustration of Col. Wash ington s Battle Flag. Clinton-Cornwallis Controversary : 1. Narrative of Lieut.-Gen. Sir Henry Clinton, relative to his Conduct during part of his Command of the King s Troops in North America. 2. An Answer to that Part of the Narrative of Lieut.-Gen. Sir Henry Clinton, which relates to the Conduct of Lieut.-Gen. Earl Cornwallis. 3. Observations on Some Parts of the Answer of Earl Cornwallis to Sir Henry Clinton s Narrative. 4. A Letter from Lieut.-Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to the Commissioners of Public Accounts. 5. Authentic Copies of Letters between Sir Henry Clinton and the Commissioners for Auditing the Public Accounts. 6. Memorandums respecting the Unprecedented Treatment which the Army have met with, respecting Plunder taken after a Siege, and of which Plunder the Navy serving with the Army divided their more than ample share, now Fourteen Years since. Together 6 vols., 8vo, half leather, uncut. London, 1783-94. $50.00 Very fine uncut copies. Sir Henry Clinton acquits himself of all share in Lord Cornwallis misfortune, leaving that General to answer for misconceptions of the orders sent him and for the choice of the post he was reduced to surrender. Cornwallis answer consists of the chain of correspondence between the two commanders during the campaign referred to, for the purpose of proving that " the conduct and opinions of the author were not the cause of the catastrophe which terminated the campaign of 1781." THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 45 Constitution (The) of the. Several Independent States of America ; the Declaration of Independence; the Articles of Confederation between the said States; the Treaties between His Most Christian Majesty and the United States of America. Published by Order of Congress. I2mo, original calf, pp. 226. Phila., F. Bailey, 1781. $15.00 A fine, crisp copy of the very rare original edition of which but 200 copies were printed. A name cut from the blank top of title-page, but nothing missing. This copy was " Presented to Robert L. Livingston by His Friend Tench Coxe, Esq., of Phila., 1782." Constitution (The) of the. Several Independent States of America, etc. The Second Edition. I2mo, original calf, pp. 181+29. Boston, 1/85. $3.00 As rare as the first edition. Name cut from title, but nothing missing. Constitutions of the several Independent States of America, the Declara tion of Independence, and Articles of Confederation. With appendix containing Treaties, etc. With Preface and Dedication by William Jack son. Portrait of Washington by Sharp. 8vo, original iboards, uncut. London, 1783. $25.00 A very fine uncut and unopened copy. In this splendid condition can never be duplicated. The portrait is the famous one surmounted with the inscription, " Don t Tread on Me." 344 Donkin, Major. Military Col- and is in favor of the independence of the lections and Remarks. Plate. 8vo, Colonies. calf, pp. 264. New York, H. Game, 347 De Lancey, Genl. Oliver. The 1777. $ 2 5-00 Orderly Book of Brig. Genl. De One of the rarest Revolutionary books Lancey, Jr., Battalions. New York and written in the bitterest spirit. Page and Lo Island Feb ^ j to 190 is cut as usual. June ^ * ^g fa ^ 345 Douglas Sir Howard. Naval A beautifull written made in l88l Evolutions, a Review and Refutation by E w Nash from the original in the of Mr. Clerk s Claims in relation to possession of John Davies in Brooklyn, the Maneuver of April I2th, 1782. Genl. De Lancey was the senior Loyalist Plates. 8vo, cloth, pp. 126. London, officer in America. He raised and equipped jg^2 $e oo these three battalions chiefly at his own J expense. A scarce work on the action between Rodney and De Grasse. 34 g Deux-Ponts, Count William 346 Day, Thomas. Reflexions de. My Campaigns in America: a upon the Present State of England Journal kept, 1780-81. Translated and the Independence of America, from the French manuscript, with In- Second edition. 8vo, sewed, uncut, pp. troduction and Notes, by Samuel Ab- 102. London, 1782. $3.00 bott Green. 8vo, cloth, pp. 176 By the author of " Sandford and Mer- (library stamp on title). Boston, ton." He reviews the causes of the war 1868. $2.50 Declaration of Independence. The Pennsylvania Magazine for July, 1776. 8vo, half red levant morocco, gilt top. Phila., July, 1876. $20.00 Contains The Declaration of Independence, signed only by Hancock and Thom son, one of the earliest editions of it ; the Constitutions of Virginia and New Jersey, and Revolutionary news. 46 LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. Drayton, John. Memoirs of the American Revolution, from its Commence ment to the year 1776, inclusive; as relating- to the State of South Caro lina and occasionally to North Carolina and Georgia. Portrait of W. H. Drayton and two maps. 2 vols., 8vo, half green morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut, slightly spotted as usual. Charleston, 1821. $35.00 Scarce in uncut condition. The materials for this work were collected by the writer s father, Chief Justice W. H. Drayton. Much information is presented rela tive to the early political events and the early military movements in the South particularly the expedition against the Cherokees and the defense of Fort Moultrie. Laid in is a D. S. by W. H. Drayton, Revolutionary patriot, and the father of the author. From the Library of Charles C. Jones, Jr., with his book-plate. Chas. I. Bushnell. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 86. New York, Pri vately Printed, 1866. $2.50 The author opposed Burgoyne, was captured, escaped and took part in Sulli van s expedition against the Indians. An important personal narrative. 354 Force, Peter. American Ar chives, Consisting of a Collection of Authentic Records, State Papers, Let ters, etc., 1774-1776. 9 vols., folio, half calf. Washington, 1839-53. $25.00 All published. 355 Ford, Worthington C. Brit ish Officers serving in the American Revolution, 1774-1783. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 187. Brooklyn: Historical Printing Club, 1897. $5-o Only 250 copies printed. ^ 356 Fox, Chas. James. Memo rials and Correspondence of, edited by Lord John Russell. Vols. i and 2. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. London, 1853. $1.50 Covering the years 1764-92, and showing Fox s support of American independence. 357 Fox, The Right Hon ble. Charles James. Mezzotint Portrait. Three-quarter length, seated at table, quill-pen in right hand. John Gill- bank, sculp, from an Original Picture in the Possession of J. Underwood. London, 1806. 13^ x n in. $12.50 A very fine mezzotint. 350 Drowne, Solomon. Journal of a Cruise in the Fall of 1780 in the Private Sloop of War Hope, by Sol omon Drowne, M. D., of Providence, with notes (and a genealogy of the Drowne Family), by Henry T. Drowne. 4 portraits. Royal 8vo, half morocco, pp. 27. New York, 1872. $5.00 A few copies printed. 351 Dudley Diary. The Cam bridge of 1776. Account of the Town and Events at Witnessed, with Diary of Dorothy Dudley, April i8th, 1775, to July 1 9th, 1776. Map and Illus trations. 8vo, cloth, pp. 123. Cam bridge, 1876. $1.25 352 Epistle from a Young Lady to an Ensign in the Guards upon her being Ordered to America. 4to, new- half calf, pp. 17. London, 1779. $15.00 A very rare satire in verse. Some per sonal attack seems to have been back of it, for the author states, " To address this insignificant personage 1 in the strong language of satire would be to thunder in the ear of a fly." 353 Ferguson, James. Two Scot tish Soldiers. A Soldier of 1688. A Soldier of the American Revolution. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 176. Aberdeen, 1888. $3-5o The Revolutionary portion is an account of the services of Lt. Col. Patrick Fergu son in the South. Campaign in the Caro- linas, Battle of Cowpens, Tarleton, etc. 353K Fletcher, Ebenezcr. The 358 Franklin. The Examination Narrative of, A Soldier of the Revo- of Dr. Benjamin Franklin relative to lution, written by Himself. Notes by the Repeal of the American Stamp THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 47 Act, 1766. 8vo, unbound,, pp. 50. (London: J. Almon) 1767. $10.00 Very rare. Probably no contemporary pamphlet on the Stamp Act exceeds it in interest. 359 Franklin. The Interest of Great Britain Considered, with Re gard to her Colonies, and the Acqui sitions of Canada and Guadaloupe. To which are added, Observations concerning the increase of mankind, peopling of countries, etc. 8vo, un bound, pp. 58. London, 1760. $2.50 The authorship of this rare tract is as- scribed to Benjamin Franklin. 360 Franklin. Political Miscel lanies and Philosophical Pieces. Portrait and plates. 8vo, calf (cracked), pp. 5/4. London, 1779. $3.00 Includes American Politics before and during the Revolution. 361 Frisbie, Levi. An Oration delivered at Ipswich, April, 1783, on account of the Happy Restoration of Peace between Great-Britain and the United States of America. 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. With the half-title. Pp. 24. Boston: E. Rus sell, near Liberty-Pole, 1783. $7.50 The Holden copy, with bookplate en graved by E. D. French. Levi Frisbie was a missionary to the Delaware Indians, ap pointed by Eleazar Wheelock, until the outbreak of the Revolution, when he was made minister of the ist Congregational Church at Ipswich. 362 Galloway, Joseph. A Reply to the Observations of Sir William Howe on " Letters to a Nobleman/ in which his Misrepresentations are Detected, with Appendix containing a Letter of the State of the Rebel Army at Valley Forge, found among the Papers of Henry Laurens. 8vo, half calf, uncut, blue paper wrappers pre served. London, 1780. $15.00 A fine uncut copy of this important pam phlet. It was reprinted in Phila. under the title of "A Short History of the War in America under Sir William Howe." 363 Garden, Alex. Anecdotes of the Revolutionary War. 8vo, half calf (rubbed), pp. 459. Charleston, 1822. $10.00 Binding a little worn, but good clean copy inside. 364 Graham, Genl. Memoir of, with Notices of the Campaigns in which he was engaged, 1779-1801. Edited by his Son. Portrait and maps. I2mo, cloth, uncut, pp. 318. Edin burgh, 1862. $5-00 Very scarce. Only a few copies were printed for the family. Contains a graphic account of the romantic and tragic inci dents connected with Capt. Charles Asgill. 365 Griswold, R. W. The Re publican Court, or American Society in the Days of Washington. 25 fine steel portraits, including Mrs. Wash ington, Madison, Jay, Beekman, Otis, Charles Carroll, etc. 4to, full morocco. New York, 1865. $5.00 Garden, Alexander. Anecdotes of the American Revolution, illustrative of the Talents and Virtues of the Heroes of the Revolution who acted the most conspicuous parts therein. 3 vols., 4to, half green morocco, gilt tops. Brooklyn, 1865. $32.50 Privately reprinted by Thomas W. Field and limited to 150 copies. The best edition of this scarce book containing additional material by the editor. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED with about 50 portraits, etc., including India Proofs, and all fine impressions or scarce. Among them is W. H. Drayton, by B. B. E(llis) ; Col. Tarleton, private portrait; Wm. Moultrie, Benedict Arnold, Major Andre, Marquis Cornwallis, Washington, Paul Jones, Gates, Arthur Middleton, Jefferson, Lafayette, Red Jacket, etc. Garden, Alexander. Anecdotes of the Revolutionary War. Both Series. 2 vols., new boards, cloth backs, uncut. Charleston 1822-28. $35-OO In the finest possible condition. An exceptional copy in every way. LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. 366 Groton Heights. Description of the Monument on Groton Heights (with narrative of Stephen Hemp- stead of the Battle of Fort Griswold). i6mo, paper, pp. 8. (1830.) $2.50 367 Guilford Court House. A Memorial Volume of the Guilford Battle Ground Company, organized May 6, 1887, at Greenboro, S. C. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 140+23. Greenboro, 1893. $1.50 368 Hancock, John. Ten Chap ters in the Life of. Now First Pub lished since 1789. 8vo, cloth, pp. 68. New York (Printed by Frank Moore). $1.50 These letters were written by Stephen Higginson under the signature of " Laco " and bitterly attacked Hancock for his acts while governor, framing the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, etc. 150 copies printed, 60 of which were destroyed by fire. Hanford, Levi. Narrative of the Life and Adventures of, A Soldier of the Revolution (with Notes), by Chas. I. Bushnell. Por trait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 80. New York, Privately Printed, 1863. $3.50 369 Hawkins, Christopher. The Adventures of. Details of his Cap tivity, suffering and escape from the Jersey Prison Ship, with Introduction and Notes by Charles I. Bushnell. Plates of the Jersey Prison Ship, por traits, etc. 8vo, boards, uncut, pp. 316. New York, Privately Printed, 1864. $3-50 Printed from the original manuscript with extensive notes, covering 160 pages, relating to the Prison Ships and Prisoners, Early Naval Commanders, etc. This is one of the best volumes on the subject. The illustrations include views, plans and por traits, all from private plates. 370 Heath, Gen. William. Mem oirs, by Himself. New edition with Illustrations and Notes by William Abbatt. To which is added accounts of the Battle of Bunker Hill by Gen erals Dearborn, Lee and Wilkinson. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 405. New York, 1901. $2.50 No. 256 of 500 copies printed. 371 Henry, John J. An Accurate and Interesting Account of the Hard ships and Sufferings of that Band of Heroes who traversed the Wilderness in the Campaign against Quebec in 1775. i6mo, old calf (broken), pp. 225. Lancaster, 1812. $4.00 372 Henshaw, Col. William. The Orderly Book of. April 2Oth to Sept. 26th, 1775, with Memoir, Notes and Additions. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 167. Boston, 1881. $3.00 373 Houck, Ross. American Mil itary Biography, containing Lives and Characters of the Officers of the Rev olution. Curious copper-plates, en graved by Woodruff. 8vo, calf, pp. 615. Cincinnati, 1830. $8.00 A good copy of this very scarce book. Hill, James. The Trial at Large of James Hill ; otherwise James Hind ; otherwise James Actzen, for setting fire to the Rope-House in His Maj esty s Dock- Yard at Portsmouth. Tried Thursday, March 6, 1777. Taken in shorthand by Joseph Gurney and published by permission of the Judges. Rare contemporary portrait of "John the Painter" in chains, inserted. Folio, half dark green morocco. London, n. d. (1777). $25.00 Very rare. Hill or Aitken was a native of Scotland. With the privity of Silas Deane, whom he met in Pans, he attempted to destroy shipping and stores at Ports mouth where the chief materials to be used against America were housed From Deane he was supplied with a royal passport and a sum of money in advance The council for the Crown on the trial publicly accused Benjamin Franklin and Silas Deane of complicity in the enterprise. The affair created much apprehension and suspicion throughout England. Stevens says " John the Painter was an American, \vho fought in the i? i* k- TXT^.. ^j ... :~i i *._ j_ __ < ^ country." 0- " .^.-..o jtjr j j\Jiiii LllC X aiilLCI WtlS itll ..\II1CI ICail, Revolutionary War and wished to do a daring deed for his THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 49 Hillard, D Auberteuil. Essais Historiques et Politiques sur les Anglo- Americains. Finely engraved portraits of Washington, Franklin, John Hancock, William Pitt, Earl of Chatham, View of the First Congress in Assembly, the Burning of Neiv York City, Funeral of Gen. Warren, Troops Carrying the Body of Gen. Montgomery, together with numerous maps and plans, including a plan of the Battle of Monmouth, not men tioned in the list of plates. 2 vols., 8vo, original calf, red edges. Brussels, 1782. $30.00 Two editions of the work were published the same year, 8vo and 4to; the plates in the 4to edition have a border. It is only necessary to compare the plates in the two works to be certain that the 8vo was the first one issued and contains much brighter and sharper impressions of the beautiful engravings. Hubley, Bernard. The History of the American Revolution, including the Most Important Events and Resolutions of the Continental Congress, also the most Interesting Letters and Orders of His Excellency, Gen. George Washington. Vol. I. (All published.) 8vo, new crimson full levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. Northumberland, Pa., 1805. $75.00 A very fine uncut copy of this rare and important history; it is perfect, having the eight extra pages after page 192 and the leaf of Errata. 374 Jackson, Gen. James. Life of. By U. P. Charlton. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 215. Atlanta, 1809. $4.00 On 250 copies reprinted, with additions from the unique original issued in 1809. A valuable biography, only obtainable in this form. 375 Jersey Prison Ship. Recollec tions of the Jersey Prison Ship pre pared from the Original Manuscript of Capt. Thomas Dring, one of the Prisoners, by Albert G. Greene. Fold ing plate. Providence, 1829; The Old Jersey Captive, or Narrative of Thomas Andros on the Old Jersey Prison Ship, 1781. Boston, 1833. 2 vols. uniformly bound in full polished calf, gilt, gilt edges. $35oo Fine copies. The first is a very scarce book and was reprinted by Henry B. Daw- son in 1865. 376 Johnson, Joseph. Traditions and Reminiscences, chiefly of the American Revolution in the South. Maps. 8vo, cloth, pp. 592. Charles ton, 1851. $20.00 Contains much material not accessible elsewhere. Sabin says in Menzies Cata logue, " We know of no book of recent date so difficult to obtain." Fine, clean copy with letter from the author to Ben son J. Lossing, inserted. 377 Jones, Charles C, Jr. The Siege of Savannah in 1779 as de scribed in two Contemporaneous Jour nals of French Officers in the Fleet of Count d Estaing. Large folding chart. 4to, half calf. Albany, 1874. $5.00 Only a few copies printed from manu script in possession of J. Carson Brevoort. 378 Jones, John Paul. Life and Correspondence of, including his Nar rative of the Campaigns of the Liman. From the original unpublished Letters and Manuscripts in the possession of Miss Janette Taylor (a niece of Paul Jones). Edited by Robert C. Sands. Fine portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 555. N. Y., 1830. $7.50 379 Jones, John Paul. The Life and Adventures of Paul Jones. 8vo, unbound, pp. 64. New York, 1848. $1.50 380 Jones, John Paul. Commo dore au Service des Etats-Unis de rAmerique (and six lines of script). Three-quarter length portrait, stand ing, brandishing sword in right hand, belt filled with pistols, naval combat LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. in background. Circle in rectangle. No engraver s name or imprint. (Af ter the design of J. Notte.) 6 l / 2 x 4 l /2 in. $3.50 381 Jones, John Paul. Attaque une flotte Anglaise commandee par Pearson revenant de la Balrique. Lith ograph. Dessine et Lith. par Ferd. Perrot. 11% x 16% in. $7.50 Fine French lithograph of this famous action. 382 Jones, John Paul. Lincoln, Chas. H. A Calendar of John Paul Jones. Manuscripts in the Library of Congress. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 316. Washington, 1903. $1.25 383 Knox, Genl. Henry. Life and Correspondence. (Siege of Boston, Valley Forge Privations, Boston Mas sacre, etc.) By Francis S. Drake. Fine steel portrait and view of house. 8vo, cloth, pp. 1 60. Boston, 1873. $5.00 Scarce. Only 300 copies printed. 384 Lafayette. Adams, John Quincy. Oration on the Life and Character of Lafayette, delivered Dec. 3 ist, 1834. 8vo, paper, uncut, pp. 94. Washington, 1835. $0.75 385 Lafayette. Lewis, Charlton T. Lafayette at Brandywine. Contain ing proceedings at the dedication of the Memorial Shaft dedicated to mark the place where Lafayette was wounded in the Battle of Brandywine. Map and illustrations. 8vo, cloth pp 102. West Chester, Pa., 1896. $1.50 386 Lafayette. Outlines of the Principal Events in the Life of Genl. Lafayette. 8vo, paper, uncut, pp. 64. Boston, 1825. $!. 5o 387 Lafayette. Full length por trait, standing, hat and stick in right hand. Painted by A. Scheffer, Paris. Engraved by M. I. Danforth, N. Y., 1825. 2i l / 2 x 145/8 in. $5 .oo 388 Laurens, Col. John. The Army Correspondence of Col. John Laurens in the years 1777-8, now first printed from original letters to his father Henry Laurens, with Memoir by W. Gilmore Simms. Portrait. 8vo, half morocco, pp. 250. New York, 1867. $7.50 Privately printed for the Bradford Club, only 75 copies issued, this being No. 4. 389 Lee, Charles. Moore, Geo. H. The Treason of Charles Lee, Major General, Second in Command in the American Army of the Revolu tion. 2 portraits and folding fac similes. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1860. $3-50 389^ Leggett, Major Abraham. The Narrative of, of the Army of the Revolution. Now first published from the Original Manuscript. In troduction and Notes by Chas. I. Bushnell. Portrait and illustrations. 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 72. New York, Privately Printed, 1865. $3-5O 390 Lendrum, J. Concise and Impartial History of the American Revolution. To which is prefixed a . . . History of North and South America, Discovery and Settlement of North America and View of the Prog ress, Character and Political State of the Colonies previous to the Revolu tion. 2 vols., I2mo, old sheep. Bos- ton > 1795- $3.00 Lossing, Benson J. The Pictorial Field-Book of the American Revolution; or, Illustrations by Pen and Pencil of the History, Biography, Scenery, Relics and Traditions of the War of Independence, iioo woodcuts. 2 vols., 8vo, in the original parts, uncut. New York, 1851-52. $20.00 First edition and rare in this condition. Written from personal observations of he localities described. The illustrations are from actual sketches by the author and the text is replete with anecdotes derived from conversations with veterans or embodying local traditions. A stimulating and useful work that preserves a mass of material that otherwise would have been lost. THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 391 Lewis. Biographies of Fran cis Lewis and Morgan Lewis, by Julia Delafield. 2 vols. in one, I2mo, half roan. New York, 1877. $7.50 Privately printed by the Delafield family. Presentation copy. 392 Lewis, Gen. Andrew. Or derly Book of that Portion of the American Army stationed at or near Williamsburg, Va., from March 18, 1776, to Aug. 28, 1776. Printed from the original manuscript with notes by Charles Campbell. 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. loo. Richmond, Privately Printed, 1860. $3- Only 100 copies printed. 393 Ludwick. An Account of the Life and Character of Christopher Ludwick, Baker-General of the Army of the U. S. during the Revolutionary War. By Benjamin Rush. I2mo, half leather, pp. 61. Phila., 1831. $2.50 394 Maine. Society Sons of the Am. Rev. with Roll giving Ancestors and their Services. Portraits. 8vo, paper, uncut, pp. 185. Portland, 1897. $1.00 395 Marion. Horry, Gen. P., and Weems, M. L. Life of Gen. Francis Marion. Fifth edition. Six copper plates. I2mo, sheep (upper margins of two leaves torn off). Phila., 1818. $1.50 395^ Meigs, Maj. Return J. Journal of the Expedition against Quebec under Arnold in 1775. Notes by Chas. I. Bushnell. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 57. New York, Pri- viately Printed, 1864. $3-5 396 Minthorne, Capt. Mangle. Reply to Resolutions and Address of a meeting convened at Martlings, in the City of New York . . . con taining the Proceedings of the Com mittee of Safety of 76 against Mangle Minthorne, chairman of that meeting. By a Whig of 76. 8vo, sewed, pp. n. New York, 1811. $2.00 397 Montgomery, General Rich ard. Portrait full length in uniform, engraved by John Norman. (Stauf- fer No. 2342), from Boston edition of Impartial History. In old frame, 4x6 inches. $5- From the Holden Collection. 398 Moody, James. Narrative of, with the Author s last Corrections and Introduction and Notes by Charles I. Bushnell. Portraits. 8vo, unbound, pp. 98. New York, Privately Printed, 1865. $3-50 399 Moore, Frank. Patriot Preachers of the American Revolution, 1766-83. I2mo, cloth, pp. 368. Printed for the Subscribers, 1860. $1.50 A reprint of a series of rare historical sermons with biographical sketches. 399^/2 Morris, Margaret. Private Journal kept during a portion of the Revolutionary War. (Edited by John J. Smith, Jr.) 4to, cloth, uncut, pp. 36. New York, 1865. $10.00 Fifty copies reprinted from the edition of 1836, by John G. Shea. Marion, Genl. Francis. A Sketch of the Life of Brig.-Genl. Francis Marion, and a History of his Brigade, from its Rise in 1780, until Disbanded in December, 1782, with Descriptions of Characters and Scenes not hereto fore published. Containing Appendix of Letters principally from Genl. Greene to Genl. Marion, by William Dobein James. 8vo, boards, uncut. Charleston, Gould & Riley, 1821. $100.00 A very fine copy of this scarce book, and excessively rare in uncut condition. This has always been one of the rarest of all Revolutionary books. This is the cleanest copy I have ever seen, as, owing to the softness of the paper, it is always badly foxed; the above is a little brown from age, but I believe it to be the finest copy in existence. 5 2 LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. Moody, Lieut. James. Narrative of his exertions and sufferings in the cause of Government, since the year 1776; authenticated by proper cer tificates. Second edition. London, 1783. Full calf. Accompanied by an extremely rare aquatint engraving representing an incident in the career of Lieut. Moody as described in the following lettering engraved below the picture : " Lieut. Moody. This officer during the American War distinguished himself as one of the most gallant Partizans in the British Service, and made himself the terror of the Rebels. In some of these exploits his adventures and escapes were wonderful. Returning from an excursion in May 1780, he heard that a soldier of General Bur- goyne s Army was confined in the goal of Sussex County, condemned for an offence of which he was not guilty, and Moody determined to release him. Accordingly with six men he beset the goal at night, made his way through a casement, and compelled the goaler to conduct him to the prisoner, whom he found in a quiet sleep, tho sentenced to die the next morning. Moody aroused him, but his terror was so great that he was dragged out, expecting nothing but instant execution. Although closely pursued for several days, Moody at length conducted his party and the prisoner to a place of safety. See Lieut. Moody s Narrative." Drawn and engraved by Robert Pollard. Aquatinta by F. Jukes. Size 21^ by iJ l /2, in excellent condition in cloth portfolio. London, 1785. $75 .00 Both the narrative and print are extremely scarce. Moody s New Jersey farmer, with every desire to remain neutral, was so much harassed by mobs, associations and committees that, driven into the British lines, he became an active and, in many instance s, successful partisan against his countrymen. From 1776 to 1782 he was a spy, a ranger and a scout in the service of the British, being for a portion of the time attached to General Skinner s New Jersey Tory Brigade. This second edition is by far the best, as it contains an Appendix of documents not issued with the first. 400 Morse, Jedediah. Annals of Rise and Progress, the political the American Revolution, interspersed springs thereof, with its various Suc- with Documents and Anecdotes, with cesses and Disappointments on Both some account of the Indian Wars. Sides. Plan of the town of Boston Plates. 8vo, calf, pp. 450. Hartford, and 23 fine portraits. 2 vols., 8vo, 1824. $5- calf, neatly rebacked. Newcastle, Good, clean copy. In much better con- n j d 2n ^ dition than is usual. yini Murray TamPQ An Tmnartial Contemporary engraved portraits, includ- 401 Murray James. An impartial ing Washington Franklin, Hancock, Put- History of the Present War m Amer- nam> Arnold, Gage, Lee, Clinton, Howe, ica. Containing an Account of the Bourgoyne, Sullivan, Gates, etc. Moultrie, William. Memoirs of the American Revolution, as far as it re lated to North and South Carolina and Georgia. Portrait. 2 vols., 8vo, original calf. New York, 1802. $37-5O This is one of the best copies I have ever seen of this rare book, which is nearly always found in very bad condition. It is one of the most interesting of the Revolu tionary narratives from personal observation by a leading participant. It has never been reprinted and is only accessible in the original edition which was printed by the author. THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 53 402 New York in the Revolution as Colony and State from Records dis covered and classified from 1895 to 1898. By James A. Roberts, Comp troller. Map, portrait and facsimiles. 4to, cloth, uncut, pp. 534. Albany, 1898. $2.50 The second and best edition, containing over 120,000 names of officers and men arranged according to their regiments. 403 Otis, James. Life of, with Notices of Contemporary Characters and Events, 1760-75. By William Tu dor. Plates. 8vo, calf, pp. 508. Bos ton, 1823. $7.00 Has the view of " Osgood Farm," often wanting. 404 Pauch Journal. Journal of Capt. Pauch, Chief of the Hanau Ar tillery during the Burgoyne Campaign. Translated (from a recently dis covered manuscript). With notes by William L. Stone. 4to, cloth, uncut, pp. 1 86. Albany, 1886. $3.50 Throws much light on the service of the Hessian troops, 405 Phelps, Richard H. History of Newgate of Connecticut at Sims- bury. Its Insurrections and Massacres, the Imprisonment of the Tories and the Working of its Mines. 4to, half morocco. Albany, 1860. $5.00 Large paper copy. Laid in is a photo and interesting letter from the author to publisher in reference to the work. 406 Porter, Eliphalet. Sermon de livered to the First Religious Society of Roxbury, Dec. nth, 1783, the Day of Public Thanksgiving, after the Res toration of Peace. 8vo, unbound, un cut (title split). Boston: Adams and Nourse, 1784. $3.50 407 Priestley, Joseph. An Ad dress to Protestant Dissenters of all Denominations, with respect to Public Liberty in General and American Affairs in Particular. 8vo, half roan. London, 1774. $2.00 " Do you imagine that we can sit still, and be the idle spectators of the chains which are forging for our brethern in America, with safety to ourselves ? " 408 Prison Martyrs. A Christmas Reminder. Being the names of about 8,000 persons, a small portion of the number confined on board the British Prison Ships during the War of the Revolution. 8vo, paper. Brooklyn, 1888. $1.00 411 Putnam, Major Genl. Israel. Essays on the Life of. By Col. David Humphrey, with notes and additions, and an appendix containing an His torical Sketch of Bunker Hill Battle by S. Sweet. Fine engraved portrait of Putnam. I2mo, calf, pp. 276. Bos ton, 1818. $3-00 412 Reed, Wm. B. Life of Ester De Berdt, afterwards Ester Reed, of Pennsylvania. Privately printed. I2mo, cloth, pp. 336. Philadelphia, 1853- $3-50 Printed for private circulation only. Re peal of Stamp Act, Philadelphia Eighty Years Ago, Arrival of Tea Ships, Battle of Lexington, Campaign of 1776, and In vasion of New Jersey, Revolutionary War, Correspondence with Washington in 1780, etc. 413 Robin, Abbe. Nieuwe Reize door Noore-Amerika in 1781 (New Travels through North America, ex hibiting the Victorian Campaigns of Washington and Rochambeau, also the capture of General Burgoyne and Lord Corn wallis, etc.). Map. 8vo, calf, pp. 286. Amsterdam, 1782. $3.50 This edition is the only one that was issued with a map. Ramsay, David. History of the Revolution of South Carolina from a British Province to an Independent State. Maps. 2 vols., 8vo, boards, uncut. Trenton, Isaac Collins, 1785. $20.00 Fine copy of this scarce book. The author was a resident of Charleston during the greater part of the Revolution and his work is based upon personal observations or on conversations with participants. 54 LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. Sargent, Winthrop, Editor. The Loyalist Poetry of the Revolution. Small, 4to, half roan, uncut. Phila., 1857. $20.00 Only 99 copies printed for subscribers. Contains the extra leaf. It is well known that during our Revolutionary War a very large part, if not an actual majority, of the American people remained more or less attached to the cause of the 1 Crown. And, considering how much of the education and intelligence of the community was included in their ranks, it will not be surprising to find that the Loyalists of that day were far from remiss in their efforts to vindicate their own conduct or to attack that of their opponents. Mr. Sargent, in this volume, rescued from oblivion much material that would have otherwise been lost. 414 (Robinson, Matthew.) Con siderations on the Measures Carrying on with respect to the British Colonies in North America. 8vo, unbound, pp. 60. Phila. : Reprinted and Sold by Benjamin Towne, 1774. $2.50 Rare. " The author is one of the most candid and best informed of any of the late writers on the interests of Great Britain and her Colonies, and justly ob tained the applause of the public." 415 Sabine, Lorenzo. Biograph ical Sketches of Loyalists of the American Revolution, with an Histori cal Essay. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. Bos ton, 1864. $7.50 Best edition. 416 Sabine, Lorenzo. Biograph ical Sketches of Loyalists of the American Revolution. Best edition. Vol. 2 (L to end). 8vo, cloth. Bos ton, 1864. $2.00 417 Sampson, Deborah. An Ad dress delivered in 1802 in Various Towns. By Mrs. Deborah Sampson Gannett (the celebrated Female Soldier of the Revolution). Portrait. 8vo, half calf, pp. 20. Boston, 1905. 418 Sanderson. Biography of the Signers of the Declaration of Inde pendence, revised and edited by Robt. T. Conrad. Facsimiles and 32 por traits engraved by Longacre. 8vo, roan (binding cracked), pp. 834. Phila., 1848. $3.50 419 Sheffield, Wm. P. Rhode Island Privateers and Privateersmen (With list of all the Vessels, Owners, Masters, etc.). 8vo, paper, pp. 67. Newport, 1883. $i-5o 420 [Shipley, Jonathan.] A Speech intended to have been spoken on the Bill for altering the Charters of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Fourth edition. I2tno, half roan, pp. 36. London, 1774. $3.00 421 Skinner, Israel. History of the Revolutionary War in Verse. I2mo, old calf, pp. 244. Binghamp- ton, 1829. $2.00 421 */2 Smith, Samuel. Memoirs of, a Soldier of the Revolution, 1776- 1786, written by Himself. Notes by Chas. I. Bushnell. Portrait and plate. 8vo, cloth, pp. 41. New York, Pri vately Printed, 1866. $3. 50 422 Smith, William. A Sermon on the Present Situation of American Affairs, Preached in Christ Church, June 23, 1775. At the Request of the Officers of the Third Batallion of the City of Phila. 8vo, half calf. Phila., 1775- $3-50 423 Sons of the Revolution. Gen eral Society. Meeting of April I9th, 1897; Triennial Meeting, April I9th, 1899; ditto, 1902; ditto, 1908. Each. 50 Simcoe, Lieut.-Col. Remarks on the Travels of the Marquis de Chatellus in North America. 8vo, full mottled calf gilt, gilt edges, by Riviere. London, G. & T. Wilkie, 1787. $20.00 Very rare. By the well-known author of "A Journal of the Operations of the Queen s Rangers." " Upon military points, I frequently agree with the Marquis, where I differ, I collect my information from British Officers who served in America." THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 55 Stamp Act. Good Humor; or, A way with the Colonies. Wherein is occasionally enquired into Mr. P t s Claim of Popularity; and the Prin ciples of Virtuous Liberty, as taught in the school of Mr. Wilkes and other Peripatetics. 8vo, unbound, pp. 37 (slightly soiled). London, Printed for the Author, 1766. $10.00 A fiery attack upon the colonies and their defenders. "The 1 so-calkd Liberty preached by such scoundrels as Mr. P (Lord Chatham), with whom are asso ciated Wilkes and Churchill, is real Slavery ! The colonists are worse than thieves to resist the Stamp Act, or any taxes imposed by their gracious monarch." 424 Stamp Act. Appelton, Na thaniel. A Thanksgiving Sermon on the Total Repeal of the Stamp Act, preached in Cambridge, New England, May 20th, in the Afternoon preceding the public Rejoicing. 8vo, half mo rocco, gilt top, uncut, pp. 73. Boston, 1766. $10.00 Fine copy from the E. B. Holden library, with the small bookplate engraved by E. D. French. 425 Stamp Act. A True History of a late Short Administration. 8vo, unbound, pp. 22. London, 1766. . $3-50 The period immediately following the repeal of the Stamp Act. 426 Stamp Act. Dawson, Henry B. The Sons of Liberty in New York. 8vo, paper, pp. 118. Privately printed, 1859. $2.00 One of the best works on Pre-Revolu- tionary Times in New York City. Stamp Act, Tea Riot, Battle of Golden Hill, etc. 427 Staples, Hon. Wm. R. The Documentary History of the Destruc tion of the Gaspee. 4to, paper, pp. 56. Providence, 1845. $1.50 Scarce. This was one of the earliest acts of vio lent resistance to Great Britain s Navy. 428 Stark, James H. The Loyal ists of Massachusetts and the Other Side of the American Revolution. Il lustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 510. Salem, 1910. $3.50 429 Steuben. Kapp, Frederick. The Life of Frederick William von Steuben. Portrait. I2mo, cloth, pp. 735. New York, 1859. $2.00 430 Stone, Edwin M. Our French Allies in the American Revolution. Numerous plates. 8vo, cloth, pp. 631. Providence, 1884. $4.50 431 Sullivan, William. Public Men of the Revolution, including Events from 1783 to 1815, in a Series of Letters. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 463. Phila., 1847. $3-00 One of the best volumes of personal reminiscences and sketches of the time. 432 Talbot, Com. Silas. Life of by Henry T. Tuckerman. Portrait and A. L. S. inserted. i6mo, cloth, pp. 137. New York, 1850. $10.00 Fine copy of this rare naval biography. It was written for Spark s American Biog raphies but the series was finished before its completion. Inserted is a very interest ing letter from the author to Benson J. Lossing regarding the book and a portrait of Talbot by West. A proof of this por trait is inserted of which only a few copies were printed. Stedman, C. History of the Origin, Progress and Termination of the American War. 15 large maps. 2 vols., 4to, calf. London, Printed for the Author, 1794. $30.00 Highly prized for the Jarge and splendid Military Maps made from the official drawings by the British Engineers. Another copy. 2 vols, 4to, boards, uncut. $37-50 56 LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. Tears of the Foot Guards upon their departure for America. Written by An Ensign of the Army. 4to, half levant morocco, gilt top, pp. 12. London, 1776. $1500 / ? atiri al , P em on . the departure of the regiment of Guards for America ( Boston l<icld ), accusing them of cowardice and puppydom. One of the lines " Germaine commands the King the King Lord North." Lord Germain (Viscount Sackville) was noted for his hostility to America. 433 Tallmadge, Col. Benjamin. 438 Treaty. Memorie wegens het Memoir, prepared by Himself at the Commercieele Belang deezer Repub- Request of his Children. Portrait licq in het sluiten van een Tractaat van after Trumbull. 8vo, cloth, pp. 70. Commercie met de Vereenigde Staaten New York, 1858. $6.00 van Noord-Amerika. 8vo, wrappers, ). 20. Rotterdam, 1781. $4.50 Memorial on the proposed treaty be tween Holland and the United States then being negotiated by John Adams. It com mends the alliance and predicts a great future for America. A very rare pamphlet. 439 Trumbull, John. M Fingal. An Epic Poem (on the American Revolution). With Notes and Intro duction by Benson J. Lossing. Fine engraved portrait. Royal 8vo, cloth, pp. 322. New York, 1860. $3.50 One of a few copies printed on large paper. The notes cover 160 pages. 440 Trumbull, Jonathan. The Life of, Governor of Connecticut, by I. W. Stuart. Portrait and colored Privately printed. Scarce. It gives an pp. 20. Rotterdam, 1781. account of the operations of the light cavalry under Col. Tallmadge during the whole of the Revolution. 434 Tappan, David. Discourse, May ist, 1783, delivered in Newbury. Occasioned by the Ratification of the Treaty of Peace with Great Britain. 8vo, unbound. Salem, 1783. $4.00 435 Thacher, James. Military Journal during the American Revolu tion with numerous Historical Facts and Anecdotes. 8vo, worn calf, pp. 603. Boston, 1822. $3.00 Thomas, Major-Gen. John. Life and Services of, compiled bv .// , , ** , T V and colored Charles Coffin. 8vo. half cloth nn <"trations. 8vo, cloth, pp. 700. Bos- Charles Coffin. 8vo, half cloth, pp. New York, 1844. $1.00 Scarce. , 1859. $3.50 Only a few issued with colored plates. ^ rr, 441 Van Schaack, Peter. Life of, 437 Townsend, Chas. The British embracing selections from his Corre- Invasion of New Haven, with some spondence during the American Revo- Account of their Landing and Burn- lution, and his Exile in England (Ton ing the Towns of Fairfield and Nor- side). Bv Henry C. Van Schaack walk, July 1779 View. 8vo, paper. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 400. New pp. 112. New Haven, 1879. $1.00 York, 1842. $3 5 o Webb, Samuel B. Correspondence and Journals, from 1772-1806. Col lected and edited by Worthington Chauncy Ford. Illustrated with fine portraits of Revolutionary Officers on India paper, facsimiles of maps plans, documents, etc. 3 vols., thick 8vo, half morocco, gilt top uncut New York 1893. $25 took part , n the Battle of Bunker Hill, an aid to General Putnam? 7tc efc H k?pt H and f ha ?i addC / T and i " tCrestin * cha P tcrs to the history of the V rt r> Wr V he OI t er r for P r teatin ff the Declaration of Independence of fin 9 ty -V ^ T aS the f( ? un r f the Societv of Cincinnati in 1783. Some the fine portraits that appear in this work have never been engraved before THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 57 Wilkinson, James. Memoirs of My Own Time. 3 vols. and Atlas. Phila., 1816; Clark, Proofs of the Corruption of Gen. James Wilkinson and of his connection with Aaron Burr, Phila., 1809. (Lacks last 3 leaves.) 5 vols., 8vo and 4to, plain, half morocco. $37-5 A primary source of Revolutionary history and later matters in which the author took a part. The atlas is rare. The fact that he was a competent military critic adc great value to the part on the Revolution. 442 Ward, Gov. Samuel. Life rence Washington. Copied from the and Services (of Rhode Island), a original with literal exactness and edited with Notes by J. M. Toner. View of Bridgetown in 1750. Small 4to, boards, uncut, pp. 88. Albany, member of the Connecticut Congress in 1774-75-76. By John Ward. 4to, paper, pp. 12. Providence, 1877. JpI.OO This supplements of the Life of Ward in "American Biography," including many newly discovered documents. 443 Warner, Col. Seth. Memoir 1892. 449 Washington. Davis, John. An Eulogy on General George Washing ton, pronounced at Boston on Wednes day, Feby. I9th, 1800, before the of, by Daniel Chipman : to which is American Academy of Arts and added the life of Colonel Ethan Allen, by Jared Sparks. i6mo, unbound, pp. 226. Middlebury, 1848. $1.00 444 Washington. Biographical Memoirs of the Illustrious General George Washington. Dedicated to the Youth of America. Curious woodcut portrait (margin a little stained), pasted down to front cover. i8mo, boards. Rare. New Haven : Sidney s Press, 1811. $2.50 445 Washington. Catalogue of the Engraved Portraits of Washington. By Charles H. Hart. Illustrated with 21 photogravure facsimiles of rare portraits. 4to, boards, uncut. New York, 1904. $22.50 Edition limited to 425 copies printed for the Grolier Club. 447 Washington. Custis, Geo. W. Parke. Recollections and Private Memoirs of Washington, bv his Sciences. 4to, half red morocco, pp. 24. Boston: Printed by W. Spots- ivood, 1800. $3- 450 Washington. Calendar of the Correspondence of George Washing ton with the Continental Congress. From the Original Manuscripts by J. C. Fitzpatrick. Facsimiles. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 741. (Library of Congress publication.) Washington, 1906. $2.00 Valuable not alone for the condensed historical information but_ also for the facsimiles of the handwritings of Wash ington s many aide-de-camps. 451 Washington. Green, Aaron. Discourse delivered at Maiden (Mass.), Jany. 8th, 1800, a Day de voted by the Inhabitants to the Mem ory of George Washington. I2mo, unbound, pp. 23. Medford (1800). $1.50 452 Washington. Life of George adopted Son, with a memoir of the au- Washington^ by Washington Irving, thor by his Daughter and explanatory notes by Benson J. Lossing. Fine en graved portraits and facsimiles. 8vo, half calf, pp. 644. New York, 1860. $3-50 448 Washington. Daily Journal in 1751-52, kept while on a tour to the Islands of Barbadoes with Maj. Law- Illustrwtcd Library Edition, over 100 fine steel portraits and plates. 5 vols. royal 8vo, sheets, uncut. New York, 1856-59. $20.00 A fine copy, now rare in this condition. Suitable for extra illustration. 453 Washington. Lossing, Ben son J. Mount Vernon and its Asso- LATIIROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. ciations, Historical, Biographical and Pictorial. Numerous engravings. 8vo, cloth, pp. 376. New York, 1859. $2.00 454 Washington. Memory of Washington, comprising a Sketch of his Life and Character, also a Collec tion of Eulogies and Orations. Por trait after Savage, engraved by Win. Hamlin. i2mo, calf, pp. 252. New port, 1800. $10.00 Rare. Contains 6-page List of Sub scribers. 455 Washington. Orderly Book of Genl. George Washington, kept at Valley Forge, i8th May nth June, 1778. 8vo, boards, uncut, pp. 54. Boston, 1898. $1.00 456 Washington s Political Lega cies, with an Account of his Illness, Death, etc., with Biographical Sketch and Dr. Tappan s Discourse. i6mo, calf, pp. 292. New York, 1800. $2.00 457 Washington. Porter, David. Two Discourses, the first on the Death of General Washington, the second on a Thanksgiving Occasion. i6mo, full calf, gilt edges. Hudson, 1800. $5.00 458 Washington. The Washing- toniana, containing Biographical Sketch with Outlines of his Character from pens of Eminent Writers. Fine portrait by Tanner. I2mo, new full paneled calf, gilt. Baltimore, 1800. $10.00 Choice copy, rare with the portrait. 459 Washington. The Washing- toniana. Privately Reprinted from the Baltimore edition of 1800. Large paper copy. India proof portrait. 4to, paper, uncut, pp. 400. New York, 1865- $5.00 No. 26 of an edition of 50 copies on large paper. 460 Washington. Tuckerman, Henry T. The Character Portraits of Washington. 12 India proof plates of Washington. 4to, sheets, in cloth case, pp. 104. New York, 1859. $15.00 Only a few copies printed and rare. 461 Washington. Washington s Reception by the Ladies of Trenton, together with the Chorus sung as he passed under the Triumphal Arch, April 26th, 1789. Facsimile views, music, etc. 4to, paper, uncut. New York, 1903. $ I0 .oo Edition limited to 104 copies for the Society of Iconophiles. An exquisite production. 462 Washingtonia ; or, Memorials of the Death of George Washington, giving an account of the Funeral Honors paid to his memory, with a list of tracts and volumes printed upon the occasion and a catalogue of medals commemorating the event, by Frank lin B. Hough. 2 fine full-page en graved portraits of Washington on India paper. 2 vols., 4to, cloth, uncut, leather labels. Roxbury, 1865. $10.00 Large paper, only 91 copies printed. Willitt, Col. Marinus. A Narrative of the Military Actions of Col. Marinus Willett, taken chiefly from his own Manuscript. Prepared by his son William H. Willett. Portrait. 8vo, original boards, uncut. New York I8 3 ; . $20.00 Original edition of this rare and important book which describes the nrinr : na1 r i0n c and Revoh- . * ~~ ^~. -r*^.^v- VJ. A *.. WJ IO.11 W 1-A.j JJClLLlC paigns, Expedition to Oswego, the Creek Mission, etc. THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 59 463 Watson, Elkanah. Men and Block House by Bull s Ferry . . . Times of the Revolution with his Cor- including the " Cow Chace " by Major respondence. Edited by Winslow C. Andre. Notes, illustrations and map. Watson. 8vo, cloth, pp. 460. New 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut, pp. 61. New York, 1856. $2.50 York, 1904. $2.00 464 Winfield, Charles H. The Limited to 200 copies. WAR OF 1812. 465 American Naval Battles, being ments of sums awarded on Claims a Complete History of the Battles (for Property captured and destroyed fought by the Navy of the U. S from by the Enemy). 8vo, uncut, pp. 33. its Establishment in 1794. Illustrated. Washington, 1816. $1.00 8vo, old calf, pp. 279. Concord, 1848. 46 g channing, Wm. E. Sermon $ l -5 on Declaration of War against Great 466 Brackenridge, H. M. History Britain. 8vo, pp. 20. Boston, 1812. of the Late War between the United $1.00 States and Great Britain. Woodcuts. ^ Citizen Soldiers at North I2mo, half morocco, pp. 298. Phila., Point and Fort McHenry, Sept. I2th T ^54- $2.50 anc i j,^ jg^. i2mo, paper, pp. 96. 467 Calhoun, John C. Letter Baltimore, n. d. $3-5o from the Secretary of War with State- This is the original edition. Broadside. Curious and rare large folio sheet containing three popular songs ; " Victory on Lake Champlain," " Commodore Macdonough s Victory," and " The Battle of Niagara." Surrounding the songs are 23 small woodcuts with mottoes, and in addition are a larger woodcut of the Battle of New Orleans, and cut of the " Chain of Union," and extracts from letters describing the Battle of New Orleans. Published at Wind sor, Vt. For the Flying Booksellers, Jan. I, 1816. 20*4 x 17 in. $45.00 A rare and amusing broadside printed for hanging on cottage walls or public inns. The smaller woodcuts are evidently drawn from various sources, and while some, with a slight stretch of the imagination, may be considered pertinent, others are decidedly the opposite. One cut which apparently must have been of Napoleon on a camel in the Egyptian Desert, has the following inscription : " Lieutenant Col. Bayenes, To keep up shins and sides, Upon a camel mounts, And off in shame he rides ; " a cut of two men fighting a duel that seems to have come from a New England Primer has the legend: "A Vermonter attacking the veterans of Lord Wel lington while crossing the fatal river ; " a woodcut of Time with a scythe stands for the God of War, and so on ; two woodcuts are evidently from some rare early illustrated edition of Robinson Crusoe. One song, " The Battle of Niagara," is to the metre of " Campbell s Battle of Hohenlinden." Brown, Samuel R. Views on Lake Erie, comprising: A Minute and Inter esting Account of the Conflict on Lake Erie, Military Anecdotes, Abuses in the Army, Plan of a Military Settlement, View of the lake coast from Buffalo to Detroit. I2mo, unbound, pp. 96. Troy: F. Adancourt, 1814. $15.00 Another chapter, not mentioned on the title is: Consummation of the Campaign of the Northwestern army in 1813. On the title is written, "Presented by the author who served in Ball s and Johnson s corps." Scarce. 6o LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. 470 Clark, Thomas. Sketches of the Naval History of the United States from the commencement of the Revolutionary War to the Present Time. i2mo, boards, uncut. Phila., 1813- $7.50 The first history of the American Navy. . 47 1 - Same. Second Edi tion. Plate of Constitution and Guer- riere. 2 vols., I2mo, half calf. Phila., 181 4- $10.00 472 Constitution and Register of Membership of the General Society of the War of 1812 to Oct. 1st, 1899. 4to, paper, pp. 231. Phila., 1899. $1.50 473 Cooper, J. Fenimore. History of the Navy of the United States. Second Edition with Corrections. Maps. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. Phila., J 840. $3.00 Vol. 2 relates entirely to War of 1812. 473^ Cruikshank, Capt. E. The Documentary History of the Cam paign on the Niagara Frontier, 1812- 1814. 9 vols. 8vo, cloth and paper. Welland, 1908. $10.00 474 Darnell, Elias. Journal of the Hardships, Sufferings, etc., of those Heroic Kentucky Volunteers and Regulars commanded by General Win chester in 1812-13. i6mo. boards, pp 98. Phila., 1854. $200 475 Dartmoor Prison. Reynolds, J. Peter Gott the Cape Ann Fisher man. Plate of Dartmoor. I2mo, cloth, pp. 280. Boston, 1856. $2.00 476 Dwight, Theo. History of the Hartford Convention with a Re view of the Policy which led to the War of 1812. 8vo, cloth, pp. 447 New York, 1833. $2.00 By the Secretary of the Convention and contains full report of the proceedings. 477 Frost, John. The Book of the Navy (largely War of 1812). Il lustrated (stained copy). 8vo, cloth, pp. 344. New York, 1842. $1.00 478 Gerry, Elbridge. Speech of the Governor of Massachusetts, Jany. loth, 1812. 8vo, pp. 20. Boston, 1811. $1.00 479 Giles, John. Two Discourses. Newburyport, Aug. loth, 1812. 8vo, pp. 20. Newburyport, 1812. $1.00 ^480 Guernsey, R. S. New York City and Vicinity during the War of 1812-15, with Incidents and Anec dotes. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. New York, 1889-95. $7.50 Limited edition published by the author. 481 Harrison. Speech of Mr. Corwin in reply to Genl. Crary s At tack on Genl. Harrison (on Indian and 1812 Campaign). 8vo, pp. 16. Wash ington, 1840. $1.00 ^ 482 Hollis, Ira N. The Frigate Constitution ; the Central Figure of the Navy under sail. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 263. Boston, 1900. $1.00 483 Impressments. All Impress ments, Unlawful and Inadmissible. 8vo, half roan, uncut, pp. 12. Boston (1806?). $3.50 484 James, William. The Naval History of Great Britain, 1793 to ac cession of George IV. New edition with additions and notes by Capt. Chamier. Portraits. 6 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1837. $7.50 485 Lathrop, John. Discourse, April i3th, 1815, in Consequence of the Peace. 8vo, pp 28. Boston, 1815. $1.00 486 Leech, Samuel. Thirty Years from Home or a Voice from the Main Deck (with account of Action of United States and Macedonian). I2mo, cloth, pp. 305. Boston, 1843. $2.00 487 [Lowell, John.] Mr. Madi son s War. A Dispassionate Inquiry into the Reasons alleged by Mr. Madi son for declaring an Offensive and Ruinous War against Great Britain, together with some Suggestions as to a peaceable and Constitutional Mode of averting that dreadful Calamity. By THE WAR OF 1812. 61 a New England Farmer. 8vo, pp. 63. Boston, 1812. $4-00 First Edition. Scarce. 488 Lossing, Benson J. The Pic torial Field book of the War of 1812; or, Illustrations by Pen and Pencil of the History, Biography, Scenery, Relics and Traditions of the Last War for American Independence. Several hundred wood engravings. Large 8vo, cloth, pp. 1084. New York, 1869. $4.00 Probably the best single volume in the War of 1812. 489 Madison, James. Message of the President communicating Further Information relative to the Pacific Ad vance made to Great Britain, Nov. 1 3th, 1912. 8vo, uncut, pp. 15. Wash ington, 1812. $1.00 490 Monroe. Notice of Mr. Adam s Eulogium on the Life and Character of James Monroe (entirely 1812). 8vo, uncut, pp. 36. (Wash ington, 1832.) $1.50 491 Music. Colonel Croghan s March. Folio. Phila. : G. E. Blake (1813). $5-00 Col. Croghan defended Fort Stephenson on Lower Sandusky, August, 1813. This piece evidently commemorates that action. 492 Music. Decatur s Victory. A favorite New Song by W. Strick land. Folio. Phila.: G. E. Blake (1812). $5.00 Capture of Macedonean by the United States. 493 Music. Hull s Victory, by Joseph Hutton and John Bray. Folio. Phila. : G. E. Blake, 1812. $5.00 Action of Constitution and Guerriere. 494 Music. The Pillar of Glory, a Naval Song, by E. C. Holland and Jacob Eckhard. Folio. Phila. : G. E. Blake (1812). $5- 495 (O Conor, Thos.) Impartial and Correct History of the War be tween the United States and Great Britain. 3d edition, revised. Plate of Battle of New Orleans. I2mo, calf, pp. 336. New York, 1816. $3.00 496 Osgood, David. A Solemn Protest against the Late Declaration of War. 8vo, pp. 20. Cambridge, 1812. $1.50 497 Parish, Elijah. Discourse at Byfield on the Public Fast, April 7th, 1814. 8vo, pp. 24. Newburyport, 1814. $1.00 498 Perry, Commodore. Macken zie, Alex S. Life of Oliver Hazard Perry. Portrait. 2 vols., i6mo, cloth. New York, 1840. $1.50 499 Personal Narrative of Events by Sea and Land, 1800-1815, including Expedition to Egypt, Battle of Trafal gar, etc., concluding with Narrative of Events in the Chesapeake and South Carolina, 1814-15. By a Captain in the Navy. Map of the Chesapeake and plates. i6mo, new half calf, pp. 186.. Portsmouth, 1837. $10.00 A scarce volume, of which a very small edition was printed. Describes the actions and campaign against Washington. 500 Pierce, Wm. L. The Year. A Poem (with historical notes). i6mo, unbound, uncut, pp. 266. New York, 1813. $5.00 Rare. 501 Review of the Address of the Minority in Congress on the subject of the War with Great Britain by a Republican. 8vo, pp. 34. Trenton, 1812. $2.00 Richardson, Major J. War of 1812. Containing a Detailed Account of the Operation of the Right Division of the Canadian Army. 8vo, original boards, pp. 8, 182. Brockville, 1842. $20.00 Part I, and all that was ever printed. It is one of the scarce books relating to the War of 1812. The author served during the campaign in the vicinity of Detroit. The narrative is fluent and vivid and his statements are those of an eye-witness. 62 LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. (Ripley, Genl. E. W.) Facts relative to the Campaign on the Niagara in 1814. Folding Table. 8vo, unbound, uncut, pp. 52. Boston, 1815. This defense of General Ripley is excessively rare. Tanner Benjamin. Macdonough s Victory on Lake Champlain, and Defeat of the British Army at Plattsburg by Genl. Macomb, Sept. nth, 1814. Painted by H. Reinagle. Engraved by B. Tanner. Published, Philadel phia, July 4th, 1816. 17 x 24^ in. $65.00 Very fine unwashed impression of a scarce print and a good example of one of the best early American engravers. 502 Reynolds, James. Journal of 506 Strong, Caleb. Speech of the An American Prisoner at Fort Mai- Governor of Mass., Oct i6th 1812 ~ - of 1812. with Documents. 8vo, uncut, pp. 76. by G. M. Fairchild, Jr. 4 to, Boston, 1812. $! oo boards, pp. 32. Quebec: Privately Printed, 1909. $3.50 57 Thomas, R. The Glory of 503 Russell, J., Jr. History of the Am f"ca comprising Memoirs of some of the Distinguished Officers engaged War between the United States and Great Britain, 1812-15, with Corre spondence, Official Reports, etc., and List of the Vessels taken. 8vo, cloth (slightly soiled), pp. 402. Hartford, 1815. 504 Smith, M. in the Late War with Great Britain. Woodcuts. i2mo, old calf, pp. 575. New York, 1836. $2.50 508 Treaties between Great Brit- $3-50 ain and the United States,"i783-i8i4, A Geographical with Mr. Monroe s Letter to the Sec- w f ,1 V. wiLii ivii. iviunroe s setter to me >>ec- View of the Province of Upper Can- re tary of State. 8vo half roan uncut A(\^ anrl Prr\i-nic^n^no T}^~,~-1,,, . ^.1_ _ " - imii iVWII, UI1LUL, ada, and Promiscuous Remarks on the Government ; with an Appendix. Re marks Relative to the Situation of the pp. 47. Troy, 1815. $3.50 _ _ 509 Van Buren. Mr. Van Buren Inhabitants respecting the War and a and the War (of 1812) Albany Argus Concise History of its Progress to the Extra. 8vo, pp. o. n d $i en Present Time. I2mo, half morocco, gilt top, pp. 119. New York, 1813. $7.50 505 Solemn Review of the Cus- 510 War without Disguise. Re lation of Great Britain and Ireland --.. with the United States at Close of 181 1 torn of War showing that War is the 2d edition with Postscript to clos of o - . v^iov.i ijJL i(j ClLfNC (_)I effect of Popular Delusion. 8vo, pp. July, 1812. 8vo, unbound pp 10 31. Phila, 1815. $I .oo Liverpool, 1812. $ 2 . 5 o THE AMERICAN INDIANS. Their History, Antiquities, Wars, Captivities, French and Indian War, etc. T^ h ^ Thri . llin ^ ftheDlstin d 512 American Antiquarian Soci- et. Vol.1. (Hennepin s Louisiana, Mosholeh Tabbee of the Choctaw Nation. (Yazoo River, Miss., etc.) Q . .. n, S 2 n . * Chlf J hnston : s Antiquities of the West! 121110, paper. New York, 1848. $5.00 ter, 1820. Johnston s Indian Tribes of Ohio). Plates. 8vo, sheets, uncut. Worces- $3-50 THE AMERICAN INDIANS. 513 Apess, Wm. Experience of Five Christian Indians of the Pequod Tribe. 8vo, paper, uncut, pp. 47 (wa ter-stained). Boston, 1837. $2.50 514 Apess, William. Indian Nul lification of the Unconstitutional Laws of Massachusetts relative to the Marsh- pee Tribe; or, the pretended Riot ex plained. Frontispiece. I2mo, cloth, pp. 168. Boston, 1835. $1.50 The author describes himself as "An Indian and Preacher of the Gospel." He was also the author of a Eulogy on King Philip, The Son of the Forest, etc. The Marshpee Indians were apparently the last members of the Pequot tribe. 515 Baldwin, John D. Ancient America or notes on American Arch aeology. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 299. New York, 1872. $1.50 516 Barrows, William. The In dian s Side of the Indian Question. 121110, cloth, pp. 206. Boston (1887). $1.00 517 Beach, W. W. The Indian Miscellany; containing Papers on the History, Antiquities, Arts, Languages, Religions, Traditions and Supersti tions of the American Aborigines. With Descriptions of their Domestic Life, Manners, Customs, etc. Illustra tions. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt. Albany, 1877. $3-00 Considerable fugitive material from newspapers, magazines, etc., here pre served in permanent form. 519 Benezet, Anthony. Some Ob servations on the Situation, Disposi tion and Character of the Indian Na tives of this Continent. 121110, un bound, pp. 53 (pages II and 12 miss ing). Phila. : Cruikshank, 1784. $1.00 520 Benson, Egbert. Memoir read before the Historical Society of the State of New York, Dec. 3ist, 1816. (The Indian, Dutch and Eng lish Names of Localities in the Vicin ity of New York.) I2mo, boards, un cut (broken), pp. 127. Jamaica, 1825. $5.00 This is the second edition, enlarged with notes and is very scarce. 521 Bollaert, William. Antiquar ian, Ethnological and other Researches in New Granada, Equador, Peru, and Chili, with Observations on the monu ments of the Peruvian Nations. Map and plates. 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 279. London, 1860. $3-5O He twice visited and examined the monuments in Peru and his book is a cyclopaedia of the records of South American antiquities. 522 Boturini, Benaduce. Idea de una Historia General de la America Septentrional Fundada sobre material copioso de figuras symbolos, cantares y manuscritos de autores Indios ultu- mamente descubrertos. Portrait and plate. 20 1., pp. 167 ; Catalog, 4 1., pp. 96. 4to, vellum. Madrid, 1746. $15.00 Writings during eight years residence in Mexico and a result of a considerable acquaintance with the manners and cus toms of the Indians. There has been no worthier workman in the field of Mexican antiquities than Boturni; even Lord Kings- borough s name can scarcely be placed so high." Sabin in Murphy Catalogue. Bartram, William. Travels through North and South Carolina, Georgia, East and West Flordia, the Cherokee Country, the Extensive Territories of the Muscogulges, or Creek Confederacy, and the Country of the Choctaws. Portrait, map and plates. 8vo, original calf. Phila., 1791. Fine copy of the original Philadelphia edition. $2O.OO " While the author is largely concerned with natural history, the Indians and the white fur traders interest him greatly, and his journal abounds in graphic descriptions of forest life and aboriginal manners. An appendix of 42 pages specifically treats of the persons, manners, customs and government of the tribes visited. The work is of high value as an original authority upon our southern Indians during the period of the Revolutionary War." LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. Bolton, Edmund. The Elements of Armories. First Edition. Numerous woodcuts of Coats-of-Arms. Large Paper. Small 4to, half green morocco, uncut. London: George Eld, 1610. $25.00 From the Huth Collection and very rare. Contains five pages of commendation and verses by W. Camden, Sir John Beaumont and others. The book is of American interest, as it gives an account, with woodcuts, of various shields with armorial bearings discovered among the American Indians. In form it consists of a dialogue between two knights, Sir Eustace and Sir Amias. 523 (Brackenridge, Henry.) Nar ratives of the Perils and Sufferings of Dr. Knight and John Slover among the Indians during the Revolutionary War. 8vo, paper, uncut. Cincinnati, 1867. $2.00 A clean and fresh copy. 524 Bradford, Alex. W. Ameri can Antiquities and Researches into the Origin and History of the Red Race. 8vo, cloth, pp. 435. New York, 1841. $2.50 In the first part the author sticks closely to facts, and in the second part he draws reasonable conclusions from these facts. 525 Brainerd. Life of John Brainerd the brother of David Brain erd and his successor as Missionary to the Indians of New Jersey. 8vo, cloth, of Red Jacket, Corn Planter and Mary Jemison. Portraits and illustrations. I2mo, wrappers, pp. 96. Privately printed. (Buffalo, 1901. ) .75 529 Cabrera, Dr. Paul F. De scription of the Ruins of an Ancient City discovered in the Kingdom of Guatemala, translated from the Orig inal Manuscript of Capt. Don An tonio del Rio followed by a Critical Investigation into the History of America. 17 plates of Remains. 4to, half morocco, gilt top, pp. 128. Lon don, 1822. $7.50 Account of the famous ruins of Palenque discovered in 1787. 530 Catlin, George. Catalogue Descriptive and Instructive of Catlin s pp. 492. Phila. (1865). 526 Brett, W. H. The Indian Indian Cartoons. 600 Paintings in Oil with 20,000 full length figures and 25 Paintings of La Salle s Discoveries. Tribes of Guiana, Their Condition and 8vo, paper, pp. 99. New York, 1871. $2.50 531 Catlin, George. O-kee-pa. A Religious Ceremony and the Customs of the Mandams. 13 colored plates. 8vo, cloth, pp. 52. Phila., 1867. $7.50 Habits, with Researches into their Past History, Superstitions, Legends, Antiquities, etc. Map and colored plates. 8vo, cloth, pp. 500. London, 1868. $3.50 527 Brine, Lindsey. Travels Amongst American Indians, their An cient Earthworks and Temples, with Ruins of Mexico, Yucatan, etc. Map and plates. 8vo, cloth, pp. 429. Lon don, 1894. $4.00 528 Brush, E. H. Iroquois, Past and Present, including brief sketches The terrible rites here described were practiced until the extinction of this tribe by small pox in 1837. 532 Catlin, George. Last Rambles Amongst the Indians of the Rocky Mountains and the Andes. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 351. Edinburgh, n. d. $2.50 Catlin, George. Illustrations of the Manners, Customs and Condition of the North American Indians with Letters and Notes written during eight years of Travel and Adventures among the Wildest and Most Remark able Tribes now Existing. 360 fine colored engravings from the author s original paintings. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. (London, 1876. $25.00 THE AMERICAN INDIANS. Catlin, George. Die Indianer Nord Amerikas. Translated into German by Dr. Heinrich Berghous. 24 fine colored plates. 8vo, morocco, pp. 382. Brussels, 1848. $25.00 A very scarce edition. The plates are reproduced from the Catlin Portfolio. Catlin, George. Illustrations of the Manners, Customs and Conditions of the North American Indians, etc. 360 Illustrations. 9th Edition. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1857. $10.00 An authentic, interesting and valuable work. Future generations must turn to these pages for a record of their peculiar habits, customs, legends, ceremonies, etc., etc. 533 Chauncey, Charles. All Na- and First Book of Kings, pp. 256; tions of the Earth Blessed in Christ. A Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. Joseph Bowman to work among the Mohawk Indians on the Western Borders of New England. 8vo, un bound, pp. 50. Boston, 1762. $7-5 Full of particulars regarding the Mo hawk and other tribes. 534 Cherokee. Genesis, Exodus, Psalms and Isaiah in the Cherokee Language. 4 in one volume. 24mo, leather. Park Hill, 1850-58. $2.50 Printed in the Cherokee characters at the Mission Press of Edwin Archer at Park Hill. Translated by Rev. Sam l A. Worcester. 535 Cherokee Laws. Laws Com piled and Published by authority of the National Council. 8vo, sheep (cracked), pp. 342. (National Advo cate Print), 1881. $7.50 536 Chippewa. Prayer Book, Psalms and Hymns in the Ojebway Language. 8vo, sheep, pp. 272, 356. Toronto, 1853. $3. 50 This edition does not seem to be men tioned by Pillings. 537 Choctaw. The Books of Joshua, Judges and Ruth, pp. 151 ; First and Second Books of Samuel Second Book of Kings, pp. 257-339, all translated into the Choctaw Lan guage (by Alfred Wright). 3 in one volume. I2mo, leather (binding a little worn). New York, 1871. $2.00 538 Choctaw. The Books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, etc., trans lated into the Choctaw Language (by Rev. Cyrus Byington). 121110, mo rocco, gilt, gilt top, pp. 564. New York, 1867. $2.50 The translator was an eminent scholar whose name is inseparably connected with the later history of the Choctaw nation. 539 Church, Benjamin. The His tory of King Philip s War. With an Introduction and Notes, by Henry M. Dexter. Folding maps. 2 vols., small 4to, half red morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Boston, 1865-67. $10.00 One of 285 copies printed. 540 Church, Thomas. History of King Philip s War, commonly called the Great Indian War of 1675-6. Nu merous Notes and Appendix by Saml. G. Drake. I2mo, new half calf, pp. 360. Exeter, 1829. $3.00 541 - - Another copy. Plate lacking. I2mo, old calf. Exeter, 1843. $1.00 Charlevoix. Journal of a Voyage to North America undertaken by Order of the French King, containing a Description of Canada with Account of the Customs, Religion, Manners and Traditions of the Original In habitants. In a Series of Letters to the Duchess of Lesdignieres. Map. 2 vols., 8vo, calf. London, 1761. $30.00 The accounts of the Indians of Canada, as written by this eminent historian, are among the most authentic which have ever been given us. He was himself a mis sionary among them; conversant with other learned priests who had spent their lives among the natives, and he had access to a great mass of documents of most unsus pected veracity. His work teems with the most vivid relations of their customs, reli gious rites and other peculiarities. 66 LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. Golden, Cadwallader. The History of the Five Indian Nations of Canada, which are the Barrier between the English and French in that part of the World, with Particular Accounts of their Religion, Manners, Customs, Laws and Government; their Several Battles and Treaties with the European Nations ; their War with the other Indians, and a True Account of the Present State of our Trade with them. Map. 8vo, new full sprinkled calf, pp. 204+284. London, 1747. $25.00 An exceedingly fine, tall copy of the second and best edition of this valuable work. The author was made first Surveyor-General of the province in 1718, and in 1761 became Lieut.-Governor. His residence of more than 60 years in New York, his intimate knowledge of Indian life and character, added to his scholarly attain ments, enabled him to produce the best history of the province. He also had access to the Minutes of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, which put him in a position to collect much material which had never before appeared in print. 542 Church, Benjamin. The His tory of the Eastern Expeditions, 1689- 1704, against the Indians and French. ( Part 2 of King Philip s War.) Edited by Henry M. Dexter. Map. 4to, paper. Boston, 1867. $2.50 543 Clark, Geo. Rogers. English, Wm. H. Conquest of the Country Northwest of the River Ohio, 1778- 83, and Life of George Rogers Clark. Illustrated. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. Indianapolis, 1896. $4.00 544 (Clarke, Peter D.) Origin and Traditional History of the Wyan- dotts and Sketches of other Indian Tribes and Traditional Stories of Te- cumseh and his League, 1811-12. 546 Creek. Buckner, H. F. Grammar of the Maskoke, or Creek Language, to which are prefixed les sons in spelling, reading and defining. 121110, cloth, pp. 138. Marion, Ala., 1860. $2.50 547 Cummuck, Thomas. Indian Melodies. Harmonized by Thomas Hastings. Oblong boards, pp. 116. New York, 1845. $3-5 " The work, small as it is, has occupied the attention of the author for seven years." 548 Curry, E. S. The Pre-His- toric Races of America and other Lands as disclosed thru Indian Tra ditions. Illustrated. Vol. I. (All published?) I2mo, cloth, pp. 340. I2mo, cloth, pp. 158. Toronto, 1870. Christy, Mo., 1903. $3.00 Printed and bound by the author and his family on their Missouri farm amid great privation. The lithographs were made on stones quarried on the place. 545 Copway, George. The Life, History and Travels of Kah-Ge-Ga- Gah-Bowh, a Chief of the Ojebwa Na tion, with Sketch of the Present State 549 Cushman, H. B. History of the Choctaw, Chickasaw and Natchez of the Ojebwas. Plate. I2mo, cloth, Indians. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. pp. 158. Phila., 1847. $1-50 607. Greenville, Texas, 1899. $2.50 Creuxius, P. Francisco. Historiae Canadensis sen Novae-Franciae Libri Decem ad Annum, 1656. Large folding Map of New France and 13 Plates. 4to, calf, pp. 816. Paris, Cramoisy, 1664. $225.00 Fine copy of this rare book. Father Creuxius founded it entirely upon the Jesuit Relations, and it is one of the earliest works on manners and customs of the Indians. The plates are mainly figures of the Indians, but a plate that is lacking in many copies depicts the martyrdom of Fathers Jogues, Laland, Brebeuf and Lalle- mand, which, although taking place some three years apart, are represented on one plate. It contains the first connected history of the life and explorations of Jean Nicolet. Two editions were issued; the above is a thick paper copy. THE AMERICAN INDIANS. 550 Custer. Campaigns of Gen. Custer in the Northwest and the final Surrender of Sitting Bull. By Judson E. Walker. Illustrated. 8vo, paper, pp. 137. New York, 1881. -75 551 Dakota. English and Dakota Service Book, being parts of the Book of Common Prayer for use in the Mis sionary Jurisdiction of Niobrara. I2mo, leather, pp. 276. 1875. $1.25 Contains English and Dakota texts on opposite pages. 552 Dakota. Extracts from Gene sis and the Psalms, etc., pp. 72; The Gospel according to Mark, pp. 96; Extracts from Matthew, Luke and John, etc., pp. 48, all translated in the Language of the Dacota or Sioux In dians by Joseph Renville and prepared for the press by Thomas S. William son. Three pieces bound in one vol. i6mo, calf. Cincinnati, 1839. $6.00 553 Dakota. Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel and the minor Prophets, trans lated in the Dakota Language by S. R. Riggs. I2tno, leather (lacks last leaf). New York, 1877. $1.00 554 Dakota. The Acts of the Apostles and Epistles of Paul, etc., in the Dakota Language by Stephen R. Riggs. I2mo, half leather, pp. 228. Cincinnati, 1843. $2.50 555 Dakota. The Book of Gene sis and part of the Psalms in the Da kota Language by Missionaries and Mr. Joseph Renville. I2mo, sheep, pp. 296. Cincinnati, 1842. $2.00 556 Dakota. The Dakota First Reading Book, prepared by Stephen R. Riggs and Gideon A. Pond. Wood cuts. i6mo, cloth, pp. 56. Cincinnati, 1839. $5-00 Fine, clean copy, very scarce. Riggs first book. 557 Delafield, John, Jr. An In quiry into the Origin of the Antiqui ties of America, with an Appendix containing notes and View of the Causes of the superiority of the Men of the Northern over those of the Southern Hemisphere. Plates and large folding one of Mexican paint ing. 4to, cloth. New York, 1839. $7-50 Scarce, especially with the long plate perfect. A fine copy. 558 Delaware. The Three Epistles of the Apostle John translated into the Delaware Indian (English and Dela ware texts on opposite pages), by C. F. Dencke. i6mo, boards, pp. 42. New York, 1818. $2.50 559 Dellenbaugh, Fredk. S. The North Americans of Yesterday, a Comparative Study of Indian Life, Customs, and Products. 350 illustra tions. 8vo, cloth, pp. 487. New York, 1902. $2.50 560 Domenech, Abbe. Manu script Pistographique Americain. 228 plates. 8vo, half morocco. Paris, 1860. $10.00 The unhappy work which caused such an immense sensation in the literary world. For extended note see Field. The Em peror and another destroyed all the copies that they could procure and it is now ex ceedingly rare. De Smet, Father P. J. Life, Letters and Travels of (1801-1873). Mission ary Labors and Adventures among the Wild Tribes of the North Amer ican Indians, embracing minute Description of their Manners, Customs, Legends, Tradition, etc. Edited from the Original Manuscripts and Printed Works by Hiram M. Chittenden and Albert T. Richardson. Map and illustrations. 4 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. N. Y., 1905. $15.00 " So fully and so well has he described the life and customs of the North American Indians, that were the tribes and remnants of nations now swept away, a complete knowledge of their characteristics and stage of culture could be had from these 1 volumes. * * * A greater fund of information concerning the Indians than by any other work in any language." N. Y. Times. 68 LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. 561 Donaldson, Thomas. The Six Nations of New York, Cayugas, Mo hawks, Oneidas, etc. By Thomas Donaldson (and Gen. H. B. Carring- ton) . Full page plates containing por traits of the chiefs, etc., and maps. 4to, sewed, pp. 89. Washington, 1892. $1.50 562 Drake, Saml. G. Biography and History of the Indians of North America. Plates. 8vo, cloth, pp. 708. Boston, 1848. $4.00 563 Drake, Benj. Life of Tecum- seh and of his Brother The Prophet, with a Hist. Sketch of the Shawanoe Indians. Woodcuts of Battle of the Thames, etc. I2mo, cloth, pp. 235. Cincinnati, 1858. $3.50 Full account of the Northwestern Cam paign. 564 Drannan, Wm. F. Thirty-one years on the Plains and in the Mountains. Record of a Life Time of Hunting, Scouting and Indian Fighting. Illustrated. 121110, cloth, pp. 586. Chicago, 1902. $2.00 The companion of Kit Carson, James Bridger, scout under General Crook, etc. 565 Du Ponceau and Fisher. Memoir on the History of the Cele brated Treaty made by Wm. Penn with the Indians under the Elm Tree at Shackamaxon in 1682. 8vo, un bound, pp. 63. Phila., 1836. $1.50 566 Eastman, Charles A. The Soul of the Indian. (Ceremonies, Symbolic Worship, etc.) I2mo, cloth, pp. 170. Boston, 1911. .75 567 Eliot Tract. A Further Ac- compt of the Progress of the Gospel amongst the Indians in New England set forth in certain Letters sent from thence. 4to, paper. London, 1659. New York; Reprinted 1865. $1.00 568 Ellis, Edward S. The Indian Wars of the United States from the First Settlement in 1607 to close of the Great Uprising, 1890-91. Illus trated. 8vo, half roan, pp. 516. New York (1892). $3.50 569 Eshleman, H. Frank. Lan caster County Indians. Annals of the Susquehannocks and other Indian Tribes of the Susquehanna Territory from about the Year 1500 to 1763, the date of the Extinction. An exhaus tive and interesting series of historical papers descriptive of Lancaster County s Indians prior to and during the advent of the Paleface. 8vo, cloth, pp. 415. Lancaster, 1908. $3.00 570 Eskimo. Fabricius, Otho. Den Gronlandske Ordbog. (The Greenlandish Dictionary amended and enlarged.) i2mo, half leather, pp, 795. Kiobenhawn, 1805. $8.00 " Very rare." Sabin. Indispensable to the student of the Eskimos and related languages. Brinley, $20.00. ^ 571 Eskimo. Fabricius, Otho. Forsog en Gronlandsk Grammatica. T2mo, half sheep, pp. 388. Kioben hawn, 1801. $5.00 An Essay to improve Greenlandish Grammar. 2d and best edition. Very scarce. Brinley, $14.00. 572 Eskimo. The Gospels accord ing to St. Matthew, St. Mark and St. Luke, translated into the language of the Esquimaux Indians on the coast of Labrador. I2mo, original calf, pp. 416. London, 1813. $6.00 The first book printed in this dialect, with the exception of the Gospel of St. John printed three years previously. Translated by the Rev. C. F. Burghardt. The title-page includes St. John, but it was not issued with this edition, being merely a reference to the previous separate edi tion. Easton, John. A Narrative of the Causes which led to Philip s Indian War of 1675 and 1676. With other Documents with Notes, etc., by Franklin B. Hough. Map. 4to, half morocco, pp. 208. Albany, 1858. $35.00 Large Paper Copy. THE AMERICAN INDIANS. French-Indian War. Gardiner, Richard. An Account of the Expedition to the West Indies against Martinico, Guadeloupe, and other the Leeward Islands; subject to the French King. Map of Guadeloupe, and plan of the attack on Guadeloupe. Small 410, sewed, pp. 75. London, 1759. $25.00 Verv rare Capt. Gardiner commanded Marines in this expedition and later was at the taking of Quebec, of which he edited an account from despatches captured from the : French "now an extremely rare book. On quitting the navy he took to literature as a profession, under the pseudonym of " Dick Merryfellow. This is the first edition, and there seems to be no record of its sale, only t later issue printed in Birmingham being recorded. Same. Second Edition. 8vo, calf, rebacked. London, 1760. Equally as rare as the first edition, published the preceding year. $12.50 573 Finerty, John F. War Path and Bivouac or the Conquest of the Sioux. Adventures in the Big Horn and Yellowstone Expedition of 1876. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 460- Chicago, 1890. $i-5o 575 Foster, J. W. Pre-historic Races of the United States of Amer ica. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 415. Chicago, 1873. $ 2 - 2 5 Written both from personal observation and a careful study of the writings of others. 576 Fowke, Gerard. Archaeolog ical History of Ohio. The Mound Builders and Later Indians. Over 300 illustrations. 8vo, cloth, pp. 760. Columbus, 1902. $2.00 577 French and Indian War. A Letter to the Right Hon. William Pitt on the Present Negotiations for a Peace with France and Spain. 8vo, new half calf, gilt top, pp. 74- London, 1762. $7-5 The author reviews the progress of the war in America. 578 French and Indian War. A Seventh Letter to the People of Eng land. 8vo, half (London, n. d. leather, pp. 78. $5.00 Canada and Louisiana. Argues strongly against the French retaining control of the Mississippi. 579 French and Indian War. Au thentic Journal of the Siege of the Havana, with a Plan of the Siege, showing the Landing, Encampments, Approaches and Batteries of the Eng lish Army, with the Attacks and Sta tions of the Fleet. By an Officer. Folding plan of the Siege, and en-, graved plan of the City of Havana, Cuba, showing the principal build ings, etc. 8vo, paper, pp. 44. London, 1762. $10.00 580 French and Indian ^ War. Davies, Samuel. The Crisis con sidered with Reference to Great Britain and her Colonies. A Sermon Oct. 25th, 1756, on the General Fast appointed by New York on account of the War with France. 8vo, un bound, pp. 36. London, 1757. $5.00 Reviews the events of the war. Brad- dock s Defeat, etc. French and Indian War. Knox, J. An Historical Journal of the Cam paigns in North America, for the Years 1757 to 1760, containing the most remarkable occurrences of that Period; particularly the two sieges of Quebec, etc., by Capt. John Knox. Map and two portraits. 2 vols., 4to, original half calf. (London, Printed for the Author, 1769. $75- Fine, clean copy. Portrait of Wolfe inlaid. Probably the best original authority on General Wolfe s campaign, and has been freely used by all subsequent writers. 7 LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. French and Indian War. Post Journals. An Inquiry into the Causes of the Alienation of the Delaware and Shawnese Indians from the British Interest, with the Remarkable Journal of Christian Frederick Post by whose Negotiations among the Indians on the Ohio they were withdrawn from the Interests of the French. (By Charles Thomson.) Map. Pp. 184. London, 1759; The Second Journal of Christian Frederick Post on a Message from the Governor of Pennsylvania to the Indians on the Ohio. Pp. 67. London, 1759. Two in one volume, 8vo, full sprinkled calf, & lt $90.00 m Since the days of Regulus no more perilous mission has been undertaken by a single man. Braddock had been defeated, and eight hundred white soldiers slain. Pitiless massacre reigned on both sides. Rewards that would have tempted all the fierce borderers a year before were offered in vain, until Christian Post, rejecting all offers of compensation, and solely for peace and mercy s sake, set out upon his mission. Every step through the wilderness the most appalling dangers thickened around him. A hundred times were savage arms raised to destroy him and a hun dred times by little less than miracles the blows were averted. It is impossible to exaggerate the importance of the work he accomplished. By his persuasions he detached the Ohio Indians from the French interest, and the empire of that nation in the west fell. 581 French and Indian War. traits of Francis Drake, Walter Death of General Wolfe. Engraved Raleigh, Admiral Boscawen and oth- by Theo. Falckeysen. Painted by ers. 2 vols., 8vo, calf. London Benjamin West. i67/ s x 23% in. (circa), 1765. $12.50 $7-5 Very rare, not mentioned by Sabin. In- Very fine impression of the third of four eludes accounts of the expeditions against states. Scarce. Louisbourg, Cape Breton and Quebec, in 582 French and Indian War. ft* r Fre f nch a ?l ln i?" War f ndi ^ th Military and Naval History of Great f? s e h CaptUre f the Phlh PP" ies ^ the En &- Britain. Being an Account of all the 583 French and Indian War. Battles, Sieges, Revolutions, Rebel- Parian, Francis. A Half Century FnH-l Nt ^ mm ^ ns f the Conflict between France and Eng^ English Nation, from Julius Caesar land I7 oo-i7 5 o. Old French War, to the Conclusion of the late War. Louisbourg, etc.) 2 vols., 8vo, cloth By a Society of Naval and Military Boston, 1892. $4 r O Gentlemen. 7 rare copper-plate por- Large paper edition, limited to 75 copies. French and Indian War. Washington. The Journal of Major George Washington sent by Hon. Robert Dinwiddie, Esq., Lt.-Gov. and Com- mander-in-Chief in Virginia to the Commandant of the French Forces on Ohio, with the Governor s Letter and a Translation of the French Officer s Answer. Map. 8vo, unbound, pp. 32. London, T. Jeffreys, 1754. $150.00 One of the best copies I have ever seen of this extremely desirable item. It measures 4% x 8^ inches. French and Indian War. Williamson, Peter. French and Indian Cruelty Exemplified in the Life of Peter Williamson. The Authors Adventures in North American (during the War), his Captivity among the Indians, etc. Plate. I2mo, new half calf, gilt top, uncut. Edinburgh, 1792. Very rare in uncut condition. $2O.OO THE AMERICAN INDIANS. 584 French and Indian War. Plan of the River St. Lawrence . . . with the Operations of the Siege of Quebec. Engraving on copper from "The London Magazine" (1760). 7xgy 2 in. $1.00 585 French and Indian War. Prince, Thos. Extraordinary Events the Doings of God. A Sermon oc casioned by the Taking of the City of Louisbourg by New England Soldiers, assisted by a British Squadron. Third edition. 8vo, unbound (cut close). Boston, 1746. $1-5 586 - - Another Copy. Fifth edition. 8vo, half morocco. Boston, 1746. $2.50 587 - - Another Copy. Lon don edition. 8vo, unbound. London, 1746. $2.00 588 French and Indian War. Sewall, Joseph. Sermon, Sept. i6th, 1762, before the General Court of Massachusetts, on the Joyful News of the Reduction of Havannah. 8vo, un cut. Boston, 1762. $3-00 589 French and Indian War. [Shebbeare, Dr. John.] A First Let ter to the People of England on the Present Situation and Conduct of Na tional Affairs. Fourth edition. 8vo, old calf. London, 1756. $7-5O Bound in the volume are likewise the Second, Third and Fourth Letters, all dated 1756. The title of the last reads : "A Fourth Letter to the People of Eng land on the Conduct of the M s in Al liances, Fleets and Armies, since the first differences on the Ohio, to the taking of Minorca by the French." The author fiercely attacks the Penn Family, Governor Shirley and the whole course of the War, mentions Braddock s defeat, but praises Sir William Johnson. For the publication of these and similar pamphlets Dr. Shebbeare was fined and pilloried. 590 French and Indian War. " View of the Taking of Quebeck by the English Forces Commanded by Genl. Wolfe, Sept. I3th, 1759." Cop per engraving from " The London Magazine, 1760." 6^x9% in. In laid. $1.00 591 French and Indian War. Wallace, Nesbet W. A Regimental Chronicle and List of Officers of the 6oth or King s Royal Rifle Corps, formerly the 62d or Royal American Foot Regiment. Colored plates of flags and uniforms. 8vo, cloth, pp. 312. London, 1879. $5oo The first three Colonels were Earl Lou- don, James Abercromby and Jeffery Amhe rst. 593 Frost, John. Indian Wars of the United States, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. Wood cuts. 8vo, leather, pp. 372. New York, 1856. $2.50 594 Gregg, Alexander. History of the Old Cheraws. Containing an Ac count of the Aborigines of the Pedee, the First White Settlements, their Subsequent Progress, etc., etc., 1730- 1810. With notices of families. Illus trated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 629. Colum bia, S. C, 1905. $3-00 595 Gillies, John. Historical Col lections relating to the Success of the Gospel. 2 vols., 8vo, calf. London, 1754. $6.00 Vol. i contains a report of the speeches of the early New England Indians, col lected and taken down by Daniel Gookin and translated into English by John Eliot, and Vol. 2 is largely devoted to accounts of the various missionary operations in North America among the Indians. Godwyn, Morgan. A Supplement to the Negro s and Indian s Advocate, or some further Considerations and Proposals for carrying on the Negro s Christianity on our Plantations. 4to, unbound, uncut, pp. 12. London, 1 68 1. $40.00 This supplement to the I2mo volume issued in 1680 is very rare. Printed in a different size and style, it rarely accompanies the volume it completes. LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. 596 Grinnell, Geo. Bird. The Story of the Indian. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 270. New York, 1896. $1.00 597 Hart, John S. The Iris, an Illuminated Souvenir for 1852. 12 colored plates of Indian life after drawings by Capt. Eastman. 8vo, mo rocco, pp. 298. Phila., 1852. $3.50 The text is largely from the pen of Mary Eastman. 598 Heckewelder, John. Account of the History, Manners and Customs of the Indian Nations who once in habited Pennsylvania and Neigh bouring States. 8vo, boards, uncut. Phila., 1819. $10.00 Transactions of Am. Philoso. Soc., Vol. I. An exceptional copy in the original boards, clean and fresh condition. 599 Henry and Thompson. New Light on the Early History of the Greater Northwest, Being the Journals of Alexander Henry, with Explora tions and Life with the Fur Traders on the Red, Saskatchewan, and Co lumbia Rivers, 1799-1814, now first published, with which are collated the original unpublished manuscripts of David Thompson, edited by Dr. El liott Coues, with maps, index, etc. Limited edition. 3 vols., 8vo, cloth. New York, 1897. $10.00 Large paper, 3 vols., boards, $20.00 Uniform with Dr. Coues " Lewis & Clark " and " Pike s Explorations." The matter here presented is entirely new and hitherto unpublished, and supplements and completes this editor s other works. Dr. Coues says of this work: "No work approaching these journals in the scope, extent, variety, and interest of its contents has appeared since the publication in 1801 of Sir Alexander Mackenzie s memorable voyages, and the present work will undoubtedly take rank with that classic as a veritable mine of accurate in formation." 600 Hillhouse, William. Indian Notices or Sketches of the Habits, Characters, Languages and Supersti tions of the Several Indian Nations (of British Guiana), with Icthyology of the Fresh Waters of the Interior. I2mo, blue paper wrappers, uncut, pp. 133. (Demerara?) 1825. $7.50 This rare book seems to have been over looked by bibliographers. The author in his preface states his intention of printing an illustrated London edition, but owing to the delay has issued a few copies of a Colonial edition, limited to enough to sup ply His Majesty s Ministers and a few friends. 601 Hodge, Frederick W. Hand book of the American Indians north of Mexico. Illustrated. (2,000 pages.) 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. Washington, 1907. $6.00 602 Holbrook, Florence. The Hia watha Primer. Colored illustrations. 8vo, cloth, pp. 1394-8. New York, 1898. .75 Hubbard, William. The Present State of New England, being a Narrative of the Troubles with the Indians in New England from the First Planting in 1607 to 1677. To which is added a Discourse about the War with the Pequods in 1637. Wine Hills Map, lower third of it missing. 4to, full Cambridge calf, gilt edges. London, Parkhurst, 1677. $75-OO A good copy of the London edition, with the rare leaf of License preceding title. The lower third of the map is missing, but the inscription, " Wine Hills," and country as far south as Boston are here. The author was especially qualified to act as historian of the thrilling experiences he describes. His account of them is graphic and comparatively free from the mannerisms and prejudices which mar the writings of some of his contemporaries. Such volumes are 1 the foundation of our knowledge of these stirring times, and their value, both to the student and the amateur, must continually increase. THE AMERICAN INDIANS. 73 Humboldt. Vues des Cordilleres et Monumens des Peuples Indigenes de rAmerique. Illustrated with 69 plates of antiquities, remains, etc., many of which are beautifully colored by hand. 2 vols., large folio, half russia (a little wornj. Paris, 1810. $60.00 Very rare probably the most beautiful as well as the most interesting of any of Humboldt s works. Every class of Mexican, Aztec and Peruvian antiquities receives the closest analysis, and are profusely illustrated by the beautiful colored plates. Many copies lack pages 272-350 of the text and plates 50-60. The above copy i complete, and also has the sixteen-page Introduction, dated 1813, which is almo; always wanting. 603 Hubbard, Win. The History colored and plain plates. 2 vols., 8vo, of the Indian Wars in New England old calf. London, 1814. $7-5 from the First Settlement to the Ter- Written to show the origin and progress of the ancient arts in America and to point out analogies between them and the arts of the old world. The illustrations, many of which are colored, are of ruins, sculptures, paintings and picture writings. 609 Hunter, John D. Manners and Customs of Several Indian Tribes located west of the Mississippi. 8vo, boards, uncut, with paper label. Phila., Printed for the Author, 1823. $7-50 While the English editions of Hunter are quite common, the original edition is a much scarcer book. The above copy is clean, uncut in the original boards, the best I have ever seen. 610 Indian Deeds of Hampden Co., Mass. Copies of all Land Trans fers from Indians, Recorded, with Notes and Translations of Indian Place Names. Edited by Harry An drew Wright. 8vo, cloth. Spring field, 1905. $4.50 This important work, of which a limited edition was printed at $10.00 net, is valua ble to the local historian and student of the Indians of our early Colonial period, as they give an insight into the manners and customs of the race, etc. 611 Inman, Henry. Tales of the Trail. Short Stories of Western Life. I2ino, cloth, pp. 280. Topeka, 1898. $1.00 mination of the War with King Philip in 1677. From the original work, carefully revised, with an Historical Preface^ Life, Pedigree of the Author and extensive notes by Samuel G. Drake. Map. 2 vols., 4to, half dark brown morocco, gilt top. Roxbury, 1865. $10.00 No. 18 of only 350 copies printed. 604 - - Another Copy. Large Paper. 2 vols., royal 8vo, half red mo rocco, gilt tops. $15.00 605 Hubbard, William. Narrative of the Indian Wars of New England from the First Planting, 1607-1677. 8vo, old calf, pp. 382. Stockbridge, 1803. $6.00 With List of Subscribers. An early Berkshire imprint. 606 Humfreville, J. Lee. Twenty Years among our Savage Indians, a Record of Personal Experiences, Ob servations and Adventures among the Indians of the Wild West. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 674. Hartford, 1897. $2.50 607 Humboldt, Alexander. Re searches concerning the Institutions and Monuments of the Ancient In habitants of America. Numerous Iroquois Treaty. The Treaty Held with the Indians of the Six Nations at Philadelphia in July 1742 with Account of the First Confederacy of the Six Nations ; their Present Tributaries, Dependents and Allies. 8vo, half levant morocco, pp. 12+38. London, 1742. $65.00 This is a London edition, with other matter added in reference to the Six Nations. It is one of the earliest treaties printed; the Philadelphia edition sold in 1910 for $600. 74 LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. Jesuit Relation for 1647 an d 1648, by Lalemant. I2mo, original Vellum, pp. 158+135. Paris, Cramoisy, 1649. $125.00 Very fine copy, with blank leaf between the two parts. Contains Ragauneau s Rela tion on the Hurons and other papers on the Iroquois. Also the original of Father Dreuillette s visit to the Abenakis which he supplemented with a visit to Boston in 1651 with the object of forming a league composed of New England, Canada and the Abenakis against the Iroquois. Jesuit Relation for 1669 and 1670, by Lemercier. I2mo, original vellum, pp. 318 (lower corner of title slightly damaged.) Paris, Cramoisy, 1671. $125.00 This is one of the most interesting of this famous series. It contains Marquette s Letter on the Western Tribes and Father Allonez s account of the River " Messi- Sipi," written near Green Bay, Wis., from the accounts that he gathered from the Indians. This is one, if not the earliest, references to the upper Mississippi and that which inspired the expedition of Joliet and Marquette four years later. 612 James, Geo. W. The Indians 617 Journal of American Ethnol- of the Painted Desert Region. Hopis, ogy and Archaeology. Edited by J. Navahoes, Wallapais, Havasupais, Walter Fewkes. Plates. 4 vols., 4to, Numerous illustrations. I2mo, cloth, boards, in neat half morocco slip case, pp. 268. London, 1903. $1.50 Boston, 1891-4. $10.00 613 Jameson, Mrs. Sketches in Fine copy of this very important set. Canada and Rambles among the Red Numerous papers by the editor containing Mpn romn Half ralf nn ?T A Inn the results of hls researches under Men. I2mo, halt calt, pp. 314. Lon- a ices f th Hemenway Expedition, don, 1862. $1.50 614 (Johnson, Anna C.) The 6l8 Keim > De B - R - Sheridan s Iroquois, or the Bright Side of Indian Troopers on the Border A Winter Character. Plates. i2mo, cloth, pp. Campaign (against the Indians) on 317. New York, 1855. $3-o the Plains> Illustrated - I2mo > cloth Legendary, historical and biographical. PP- 308. Phila., n. d. Presentation copy from the author. 615 Jones, Peter. History of the 619 Ketchum, Wm Authentic Ojebway Indians (Antiquities, Lan- f. d Comprehensive History of But- guage, etc.), with Memoir of the lo f . Wlth T H f tor i c ^ otl "? n ? f th ? r Writer. 16 plates. I2mo, cloth, pp. Nations; Life of Sir William John- 278. London, 1861. $2 50 son f et % 2 ls " * v half mor co uncut. Buffalo, 1864. $6.00 DID Journal de la Societe des Americanistes de Paris. Vol. I in 4 Finc J^ r i e ^P^ , s so-called " r> 7 , tory of Buffalo relates almost entirely to parts. Plates. 4 to, paper, uncut, the Iroquois and is a complete Indian his- Pans, 1896-7. $3.50 tory of Western New York. Kane, Paul. Wanderings of an Artist among the Indians of North Amer ica, from Canada to Vancouver s Island and Oregon through the Hud son s Bay Company s Territory and back again, with Census of the Indian Tribes of the Northwest coast of America. Maps and fine colored plates. 8vo, original cloth, uncut, pp. 45 5+ appendix. London, 1859. $15.00 Very scarce. The author, after four years study of art in Europe, returned to Canada filled with the determination to fulfill an early design of executing a series of drawings of scenes in Indian life. To accomplish this he traversed, almost alone, the territories of the Red River Settlement, the Valley of the Saskatchewan; across the Rocky Mountains, down the Columbia River, the shores of Puget Sound and Van couver s Island. The book is a transcript of his daily journal, thrown into the narrative form; and the beautiful engravings are copies of the labors of his pencil. It is an interesting collection of the incidents of life and travel among the Indian tribes inhabiting the regions over which he passed. THE AMERICAN INDIANS. 75 Le Clercq, Chrestien. Nouvelle Relation de la Gaspesie, qui Contient les Moeurs & la Religion des Sauvages Gaspesiens Porte-Croix, adorateurs du Soleil, & d autres Peuples de 1 Amerique Septentrionale, dite le Canada. Dedie s A Madame La Princesse d Epinoy. 121110, original, calf, pp. (28) 572. Paris, 1691. $60.00 A fine copy in the original binding. Important for its information relative to Northeastern Canada and the Province of New Brunswick. It contains a remarkable record of the labors of converting the Gaspe Indians. He not only records the results of his own missionary life among the savages inhabiting the shores of the St. Lawrence, but he has left us an account of their peculiar traits of character, religious rites and mode of life before these had been modified by contact with civilization. 620 Kip, Lawrence. Army Life 1857, and of Miss Abigail Gardiner s on the Pacific. A Journal of the Expe- Three Months Captivity among the dition against the Northern Indians in Indians. 8vo, paper, pp. 48. New the Summer of 1858. 121110, cloth, pp. Britain, 1857. $4-5 144. New York, 1859. $2.50 6 L i tt i e j o hn, F. J. Legends of Presentation copy from the author. Michigan and the Old North West. 621 Larpenteur, Charles Forty (Shawnee War or The Michigan Years a Fur Trader on the Lpper Scouts of l8oo _j . The Sauk> Fox and Missouri. The Personal Narrative of Chippewa Raid of 1803 ; The Chip- Chester Larpenteur from a hitherto pewa Raid Qn Green Bay; The Cam . unknown MS. Edited with full com- j of Ti pp ecanoe or f he Michigan mentory by Dr. Elliot Cones. 18 Scouts of 1811, etc.) Numerous inns- maps portraits and illustrations^ 2 trationSm 8vo, cloth, pp. 566. Allegan, vols, 8vo, cloth. N.Y.,i8g8 $6.00 M ich., 1875. $4-^ Limited edition and No. 2 of American ,.. - .. Explorer Series. Very scarce. The author was for forty T " T -n TT ^ r^i years in close touch with the Michigan ^ 622 Lee, Le P. History of the tribes as a Sllrvey0 r, and made a study of Spirit Lake Massacre, March 8th, the subject. Lewis, J, O. The Aboriginal Portfolio. 72 colored plates. Folio, half crim son morocco, gilt, gilt edges. Phila., 1835, etc. $125.00 Fine copy of this rare work. It contains front blue paper covers to five parts and the three leaves of Advertisements. For years this work was considered com plete with 72 plates, but it is now established that 8 additional plates were published, also a title-page. Lewis was the artist of the Indian Department who made his drawings on the spot when treaties were made and meetings held with the different tribes. Long, J. Voyages and Travels of an Indian Interpreter and Trader, De scribing the Manners and Customs of the North American Indians; with an Account of the Posts situated on the River St. Lawrence, Lake Ontario, &c. To which is added, a Vocabularly of the Chippeway Language. Names of the Furs and Skins, in English and French. Map. 4to, half levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Matthews, pp. 295. London, 1791. $40.00 The author engaged in the service of the Hudson s Bay Company in 1768 and journeyed as a fur trader among the Indians of Canada for nineteen years. His knowledge of the character, customs and domestic life of the Indians was therefore the most thorough and intimate. His relations are characterized by candor and in telligence, tinged a little with the disappointments which most of the servants of the Company who have written accounts of their experiences seem to have suffered. Very fine copy. 76 LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. 624 Livingston, William. A Let ter to the Rev. John, Lord Bishop of Landaff, occasioned by Some Passage in his Sermon, Feb. 2Oth, 1767, in which the American Colonies are loaded with great and undeserved Reproach. 8vo, unbound, pp. 26 Boston, 1768. $ 7 . 5 o Relates almost entirely to the Gospel among the Indians of New England Hoi- den copy, $11.50. 625 McCoy, Isaac. History of the Baptist Indian Missions, embrac ing Remarks on the Former and Pres ent Condition of the Aboriginal Tribes, etc. 8vo, cloth (binding worn and stamp on title). Washington, 1840. $2.25 The author lived for twenty years among the Indian Tribes in various parts ot the Western Territory, and relates his xpenences in this volume, combined with valuable material relating to Indian man ners and history. 626 McKnight, Charles. Our Western Border. Its Life, Massa cres, Captivities, etc., 100 Years Ago. Containing the Cream of all the Rare old Border Chronicles. 8vo cloth pp. 752. Phila., 1876. $2.50 627 McKenney, Thos. L. History of the Indian Tribes of North Amer ica, with Biographical Sketches and Anecdotes. 50 colored portraits. 2 vols., royal 8vo, half morocco. Phila., Rice, n. d. $15.00 An abridged edition of this famous work. 628 Maltby, W. J. Captain Jeff, or Frontier Life in Texas with the Texas Rangers. Illustrations. 8vo, cloth, pp. 161. Colorado, Texas, 1906. $2.00 629 Map of the British and French Settlements in North America, Canada, New England, New York, Pennsylvania, etc., and all Countries Westward, exhibiting the just Boun daries and the French Encroachments. In two parts, each 8 x 18 inches. En graved by T. Bowen. (London, 1756.) $1.50 Gives particulars relating to the various Indian tribes. 630 Marshall, Orsamus II. His torical Writings relating to the Early History of the West. Introduction by William L. Stone. Portrait and maps. Small 4to, cloth, uncut, pp. 500 Al bany, 1887. $400 The subjects include papers on Cham- plains expedition against the Onondagas in 1615; the Voyage of the Griffon (La Salle in 1679 on Lake Erie); De Non- ville s expedition against the Senecas in 1687; History of the New York Charter, 1664-74, and other writings on the Indians McKenny, T. L., and Hall, James. History of the Indian Tribes of North America, with Biographical Sketches and Anecdotes of the Principal Chiefs. 120 Beautiful Colored Portraits from Paintings in the Depart ment of War. 3 vols., folio, three-quarters polished crimson morocco >th sides, gilt tops, by Stikeman. Phila. 1838-42. $15000 Fine copy of the original edition of this splendid work, now extremely rare from these paintings. With each portrait is connected a biographical sketch of f ti T a l nT " ? !nte ", ded ,- * "- interspersed with anecdotes and narra- THE AMERICAN INDIANS. 77 Morton, Samuel G. Crania Americana ; or, Comparative View of the Skulls of Various Aboriginal Nations of North and South America. 78 plates and a map. Folio, new half calf gilt, gilt top. Phila., 1839. $25.00 Both in this country and in Europe, wherever learning and science are reverenced, Mr Morton s work has been recognized as one of the best contributions to exact knowledge of the history of man ever offered as the work of one individual. 631 Matthews, Washington. Eth- calf^ pp. 148. Bath, Eizak Pitman, nology and Philology of the Hidatsa Indians. 8vo, cloth, pp. 239. Wash ington, 1877. $ I -5 632 Meguiness, John F. Biog raphy of Frances Slocum, the Lost SisteV of Wyoming, a Complete Nar rative of her Captivity and Wander ings among the Indians. Illustrated. 8vo, half morocco. Williamsport, 1891. $3-00 1856. $1.50 Printed in Pitman s phonetic type. 637 Micmac. Rand, Silas T. Dic tionary of the Language of the Mic mac Indians who reside in Nova Scotia, etc. 4to, boards, pp. 286. Halifax, 1888. $3-00 638 Micmac. The New Testa ment, Pela Kesagunoodumunkawa, etc., translated by Silas T. Rand. 633 Merriam, C. Hart. The Dawn Thick i6mo, half bound. Chebook- of the World : Myths and Weird Tales too k (Halifax), 1871. $5.00 told by the Mewan Indians of Cali fornia. Collected and edited. Colored frontispiece. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, un cut. Cleveland, 1910. $3-5 The material was obtained by the author direct from the Indians of California. A valuable feature is a Bibliography of the Mythology of California. 634 Messiter, Charles A. Sport and Adventure among the North American Indians. Illustrations by Charles Whymper. 8vo, cloth, pp. 368. London, 1890. $2.50 635 Micmac. The Gospel accord- York, 1835. ing to Saint Matthew in the Micmac Language (of Nova Scotia, translated by Rev. Silas T. Rand). 121110, cloth, pp. 118. Charlottetown, 1853. $1.50 636 Micmac. The Gospel accord ing to Saint Luke in Mikmak (trans lated by Rev. Silas T. Rand). i6mo, Mohawk Prayer Book. The Book of Common Prayer, translated into the Mohawk Language, a new edition to which is added The Gospel accord ing to St. Mark. Translated by Capt. Joseph Brant " Thayendanegeo." English and Indian titles. Engraved front and 18 plates by Peachey. 8vo, pp. (8) 506, full morocco, gilt edges. London, 1787. $50.00 One of the most interesting books in the Indian language. Both Indian and Eng lish text are given on opposite pages, making it an important work for the student as well as the collector. An interesting copy bearing the auto graph of Rev. S. T. Rand in several places. 639 Mills, Samuel J. Memoir of. Late Missionary to the Southwestern Section of the United States, by Guardiner Spring. 8vo, uncut, pp. 247. New York, 1820. $i-5o 640 Mohawk. Acts of the Apostles, pp. 121 ; Epistle of Paul to the Ro mans, pp. 56, translated into the Mo hawk Language by H. A. Hill. Two in one volume, I2mo, calf. New $2.00 641 Mohawk. Nene Karighwiyo- ston tsinihorighhoten ne Saint John. The Gospel According to St. John (translated in the Mohawk Lan guage by John Norton, a Mohawk Indian). i6mo, contemporary sheep. London (1805). $3oo LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. 642 Mohawk Prayers. A Prayer Book in the Language of the Six Na tions of Indians, containing Morning and Evening Service, etc., by Solomon Davis. I2mo, no covers, pp. 168. New York, 1837. $3-5o 643 Mohawk. The Gospel accord ing to Saint John in the Mohawk Lan guage (Indian and English text on opposite pages). Translated by Capt. John Norton. 241110, sheep, pp. 234. New York, 1818. $3.50 Capt. John Norton s translation. (In dian and English.) Reprinted from the English edition of 1805, with such scrupu lous accuracy that the typographical er rors of that edition are left without cor rection, and the original page of errata ("Nene Yakowenuanneren," etc.) is faith fully reproduced. 644 Moore-Willson, Minnie. The Seminoles of Florida. Illustrated. J2mo, cloth, pp. 126. Phila., 1896. $1.00 645 Moorehead, Warren K. Wan- neta, the Sioux. (Custer, Sitting Bull, etc.) Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 285. London, 1891. $1.50 646 Moravian Missions. John Papunhank, a Christian Indian of North America. (Scenes in Susque- hanna, Zeisberger, etc.) 161110, un bound, pp. 32. Dublin, n. d. $3.50 647 Moravians. [Reichel, W. C.] A Memorial of the Dedication of Monuments erected by the Moravian Historical Society to mark the sites of Ancient Missionary Stations in New York and Connecticut. 5 full-page plates. 8vo, cloth, pp. 185. New York, 1860. $1.00 648 Nadailac, Marquis de. Pre- Historic America. Translated by N. D Anvers, edited by W. H. DalL 219 illustrations. 8vo, cloth, pp. 566. London, 1885. $2.50 649 Navaho. An Ethnologic Dic tionary of the Navaho Language by The Franciscan Fathers. 95 illustra tions. 8vo, paper, pp. 536. St. Michaels, Ariz. (1910). $5.00 Edition limited to 200 copies of this splendid work, which covers a wide field of information respecting this famous tribe. Their legends, customs, industries, etc., are treated at great length. 650 News from New England. A True and Last Account of the present Bloody War carried on betwixt the Infidel Natives and the English Christian and Converted Indians (with Notes by Saml. G. Drake). 4to, boards. London, 1676; reprinted, 1865. $5.00 One of three copies printed on drawing paper for W. Elliot Woodward. 651 Orton, J. R. Camp Fires of the Red Men or A Hundred Years Ago. Plates. i2mo, cloth, pp. 401. New York, 1857. $1.50 652 Perrot, Nicholas. Memoire sur les Moeurs, Coustumes et Religion des Sauvages de I Amerique Sep- tentrionale. 8vo, paper, uncut, pp. 384. Leipzig, 1864. $6.00 The work of Perrot here presented to the public for the first time had re mained in Manuscript for more than a century and a half; but not unknown. It had served Charlevoix in the preparation of his great history of New France; as it had long before its governors La Barre, Denonville and Frontenac in determining their policy towards the various tribes of Indian allies and foes it describes. Its author was for twenty years a simple fur trader, visiting and residing for long peri ods with the savages he had made his friends. For nearly twenty years subse quently he was the official interpreter of the government. 653 Morton, Sarah W. Ouabi, or the Virtues of Nature, an Indian Tale, by Philenia, a Lady of Boston. Plate by Hill. 8vo, unbound, uncut. Bos ton, 1790. $5.00 654 Fillings, James C. Bibliog raphies of the Eskimo, Siouan, Chi- nookon, Athapascan and Wakashan Languages (with Bibliographical Notes). 5 vols. 8vo, paper. Wash ington, 1887-94. $5.00 THE AMERICAN INDIANS. 79 Richardson, Major. Wacousta; or, the Prophecy: A Tale of the Canadas. 3 vols., I2mo, cloth (margins of a few pages in vol. 2 slightly damaged by a nail). London, 1832. $10.00 Very scarce. A remarkable study of life among the Canadian Indians in the 1 The story is founded upon incidents connected with the attempt on Fort Detroit by the famous Indian chief, Pontiac, in the year 1736. The conspiracy of this wily and treacherous warrior to possess himself of the various posts held by the English in the West and which was foiled of complete success only by the commandant at Detroit being forewarned, it is said, by a beautiful Indian girl for whom an omcer of the garrison had formed an attachment, gives the groundwork for a story replete with romantic and thrilling situations, vivid descriptive passages, and a rapidity c action that carries the reader along almost breathlessly to the close. Many com petent critics have declared " Wacousta " to be the greatest Canadian novel. Rafinesque, C. S. Ancient History, or Annals of Kentucky, with a Survey of the Ancient Monuments of North America. 8vo, half morocco, pp. 39. Frankfort, 1824. A good, clean copy. This learned author was the foremost of the earlier students of our aboriginal antiquities. 655 Priest, Josiah. American An- Lake Huron.) i6mo, unbound, pp. tiquities and Discoveries in the West. 58- Dublin, 1791. Evidence that an Ancient Population 660 Sacs and Fox War. Narra- difrerent from the present Indians, tive of the Capture and Providential peopled America. Plates. Third edi- Escape of Misses Frances and Almira tion. 8vo, calf (foxed), pp. 400. Al- Hall, who were taken Prisoners by the banv 1833 $3-00 Savages near Indian Creek (Illinois), likewise the Captivity and Suffering 656 - -- Same. Fifth Edition. of philip Brigdon, a Kentuckian. 8vo, calf, pp. 400. Albany, 1835. Plate. 8vo, paper, pp. 24. (New $4-50 York) 1832. $7-50 An exceptionally fresh, clean copy. Al- A scarce contemporary narrative of the though containing the same number of Sacs and Fox War in Illinois. Somewhat pages, it is an entirely new edition. Both worn. contain papers by Rafinesque. 66 1 Sanford, Ezekiel. History of - -p M ,i AT r ArM-in-nlnc - nf the United States before the Revolu- 657 Read M C Archaeo Aborigines. Ohio Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp 1 19. p * hil Cleveland, n. d. $1.50 658 (Richardson, Wm.) The In- .The part relating to the Indians occu- ,. J V t i j. HM pies the first 200 pages and is divided into dian, a Tragedy performed at Theatre f hree sections> th mythical, doubtful and Royal, Richmond. (Scene laid on certain historical data. Sanders, Daniel C. History of the Indian Wars with the First Settlers of the United States, particularly in New England. Written in Vermont. i6mo, original calf, with label. Montpelier, Vt., 1812. $100.00 The best copy I have ever seen of this book, which when found is usually in a more or less mutilated condition. " Published anonymously, without preface, it was known to but few that the author was the Rev. Daniel Clark Sanders, President of the University of Vermont. Immediately after its appearance some person . . . published an acrimonious critique upon the book. . . . Such was the effect of the article upon Mr. Sanders that the work was suppressed. ... So nearly complete was the destruction of the volume that it was forgotten by those who professed to know most of its author, his biographers, and neither Thompson, Williams or Hemenway mention Sanders authorship of the Indian Wars." Field. 8o LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. (Sanders, Daniel C.) History of the Indian Wars with the First Settlers of the United States to the commencement of the Late War. 2 wood cuts. I2mo, boards, uncut, in morocco case, pp. 180. Rochester, 1828. $32.50 Very fine copy from the Lefferts and Sampson collections. It is one of the copies issued without the Appendix. This second is rarer than the first edition printed at Montpelier, 1812. A manuscript note by Saml. G. Drake regarding the work pasted on inside of back cover. 662 Seneca. A Spelling Book in the Seneca Language, with English Definitions by Rev. Asher Wright. Small 4to, unbound, pp. 112. Buffalo Creek Reservation, Mission Press, 1842. $7.50 Exceedingly rare, especially in this state. An invaluable aid to the student, compiled by one who spent most of his life among the Seneca Indians, and whose knowledge of their language was thoroughly adequate. 663 Smith, Edmond R. The Araucanians, or Notes of a Tour among the Indian Tribes of Southern Chili. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 335. New York, 1855. $1.00 664 Some Transactions between the Indians and Friends in Pennsyl vania in 1791 and 1792. 8vo, paper, pp. 14. London, 1792. $3-5O Address of the Seneca Chief Corn- planter and Conference with Cherokees, Creeks, Chickesaws and Choctaws. 665 Sprague, John T. Origin, Progress and Conclusion of the Flor ida War. Map and illustrations. 8vo, half morocco, pp. 557. New York, 1848. $7.50 666 Squier, E. G., and Davis, E. H. Ancient Monuments of the Missis sippi Valley. 48 plates and 207 wood cuts. 4to, cloth, pp. 306. New York, 1848. $15.00 This is the first systematic work pub lished with descriptions of the Mound- builders. Recent works bearing on this subject have borrowed largely from its pages. Its chief features are, a scientific arrangement, simplicity and directness of statement, with no attempt at mere specu lation or theory. 667 Squier, E. G. Aboriginal Monuments of the State of New York, comprising the results of original sur veys and explorations, with an illus trative appendix. Plates. 4to, orig inal paper covers, uncut, pp. 188. (Washington, 1849.) $5-OO " Smithsonian Contributions to Knowl edge." 668 Squier, E. G. Antiquities of the State of New York, Describing Earthworks, Inclosures, Mounds, Bone-Heaps, etc., found in the Vari ous Counties. With a Supplement on the Antiquities of the West. Illus trated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 343. Buffalo, 1851. $4.50 669 Squier, E. G. The Serpent Symbol, and the Worship of the Reciprocal Principles of Nature in America. Plates. 8vo, cloth, pp. 254. New York, 1851. $12.00 Fine copy. The plates are representa tions of the ancient temples, idols or struc tures of Serpentine form which have been found in North America. These are com pared with corresponding symbols discov ered in Egypt, India and other parts of Asia. 670 Stanhope, George. The Early Conversion of Islanders, Wise Ex pedient for Propagating Christianity. A Sermon Preached before the Incor porated Society for the Propagation of the Gospel. 2 folding plates. I2mo, boards, pp. 39. London, 1714. $3-50 Contains account of work among the Mohawk and other New York Indians. 671 Stevens, Edward T. Flint Chips: A Guide to Prehistoric Ar chaeology, as illustrated in the Black- more Museum. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. London, 1870. $5 .00 Much the largest portion of the volume is devoted to the description of the uten sils, weapons and ornaments manufactured by the North American Indians. Their habitations, mounds, fortifications and antiquities are described at great length and with much evident research. THE AMERICAN INDIANS. 81 Steward, James. History of the Discovery of America, of the Landing of our Forefathers and of their Most Remarkable Engagements with the Indians in New England, to which is annexed the Defeat of Gens. Brad- dock, Harmer and St. Clair. Folding Copperplate. 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 176. Brooklyn (1809). $ 2 5- An excellent copy of the first edition of what is unquestionably one of the most difficult books to secure in good condition in the whole range of Indian literature It was repeatedly reprinted for about 50 years, usually under the authorship oi Henry Trumbull, but, as in the case of Loudon s book, it was read to pieces. Ihe first three editions were printed on soft, frail paper so were speedily destroyed. 672 Steele, Zadock. The Indian Captive, or Narrative of the Captivity and Sufferings of Zadock Steel Map. I2mo, boards, pp. 166. Springfield, 1908. $1-50 673 Stone, William L. Life and Times of Joseph Brant, including the Border Wars of the American Revo lution, and sketches of the Indian Campaigns of Generals Harmar, St. Clair and Wayne. And other matters connected with the Indian relations of the United States and Great Britain, from the peace of 1783 to the Indian peace of 1795. Illustrated. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. New York, 1838. $9.00 An exceptionally clean, fresh copy of the First Edition. 674 Street, Alfred B. Frontenac, a Poem of the Iroquois. Portrait of the author and colored title. 4to, cloth, gilt top, uncut, pp. 324. Albany, 1866. $3-50 A poem dealing with Frontenac s expedi tion against the Iroquois in 1696. A beau tiful volume. 676 Sullivan s Expedition. Jour nal of the Military Expeditions of John Sullivan against the Six Indian Nations, in 1779, with Records of the Centennial Celebrations. By Fred erick Cook. Maps and steel plates. Royal 8vo, cloth, pp. 580. Auburn, 1807. $2.50 677 Sullivan s Campaign. The Centennial Celebration of General Sullivan s Campaign against the Iro quois in 1779. Held at Waterloo, Sept. 3, 1879. Prepared by Diedrich Willers, with sketch of the Waterloo Library and Historical Society by Rev. S. H. Gridley. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 356. Waterloo, 1880. $2.50 Some newspaper cuttings on local his tory, and the early history of the Seneca Indians pasted in. 678 Thomson, Charles. An In quiry into the Causes of the Alienation of the Delaware and Shawanese In dians from the British Interest, and the Measures taken for recovering their Friendship, with the remarkable Journal of Christian Frederic Post, with notes by the Editor, explaining sundry Indian Customs, etc., written in Pennsylvania. Map. 4to, paper, uncut, pp. 184. London, 1759. $5 .00 A reprint (Phila., 1867). 75 copies printed this size. Stone, William L. Works of. Large Paper Edition. Life of Brant, 2 vols.; Life of Sir William Johnson, 2 vols.; Life of Red Jacket, I vol. Maps and Illustrations. 5 vols., royal 8vo, paper, uncut, in cloth box. Albany, 1864-6. $50.00 A splendid, clean set of the beautiful large paper edition which was limited to 50 copies. The importance of these works on Indian and Revolutionary history cannot be overestimated. 675 Sturgis, Thomas. Common Sense View of the Sioux War, with True Method of Treatment. 8vo, paper, pp. 45. Waltham, 1877. $ I -5 Five Articles written from Cheyenne soon after the Custer Massacre. LATH HOP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. Tanner, John. A Narrative of Captivity and Adventures during Thirty Years Residence among the Indians in the Interior of North America. Prepared for the Press by Edwin James. Portrait. 8vo, half blue levant morocco, gilt tops, pp. 426. New York, 1830. $30.00 Timberlake, St. Henry. The Memoirs of, who accompanied Three Chero kee Indians to England in 1762, containing whatever he observed Re markable during the Travels to and from that Nation. Map and plates of Secret Journal taken from a Frenchman. 8vo, morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, 1765. $75 .00 A very tall, fine uncut copy of this rare book. The map of " Over the Hills," drawn by the author, shows the Tennessee River country around Fort Loudon. 679 Tibbies, T. H. The Ponca 68 1 Treaties between the United Chiefs. An Indian s Attempt to Ap- States and the Several Indian Tribes, peal from the Tomahawk to the Court 1778-1837, with a copious Table of (on Dakota Land Cases). I2mo, Contents. 8vo, half sheep, pp. 699. paper, pp. 146. Boston, 1887. $1.00 Washington, 1837. $3.00 682 Treaties. A Compilation of all the Treaties between the United States and the Indian Tribes Now in Force. Royal 8vo, sheep, pp. 1,075. 680 Tooker, Wm. Wallace. The Algonquian Series. Ten valuable Monographs written by William Wal lace Tooker, with Ethnological and Historical notes. Handsomely printed Wasl m gton, 1873. on fine paper and edition limited to 250 copies. 10 vols., I2mo, cloth. $3.00 683 Vetromile, Eugene. Indian Good Book made for the benefit of the $15.00 Penobscot Passamaquoddy, St. Johns, 1. The Origin of the Name Manhattan. 2. Indian Names of Places in the Bor ough of Brooklyn. 3. The Names Susquehanna and Ches apeake. 4. The Indian Names for Long Island. 5. The Algonquian Names for the Sioux Tribes of Virginia. 6. The Boocootawanankes, or the Fire Nation. 7. Some Indian Fishing Stations upon Long Island. 8. The Algonquian Terms Patawoneke and Massawomeke. 9. The names of Chickahominy, Pas- nunkey and, Kuskarawaoke. 10. The Significance of John Eliot s Natick and the Name Merrimac. Micmac and other Tribes of Abnaki Indians. Lithograph plates. I2mo, red leather, pp. 450. New York, 1857. $7-50 Scarce, a good copy. Prayers, services, etc., in various languages of the Algon quian tribes. 684 Wakefield, John A. History of the Black Hawk War (between the United States and the Sac and Fox Nations). Reprinted from the edition of 1834, with Notes, by Frank E. Stevens. Illustrated. 8vo, boards, un cut, pp. 224. Chicago, 1908. $15.00 Edition of only 200 copies printed for the Caxton Club. Uncut Copies of Rogers Books. Rogers, Major Robert. Journals of, con taining an Account of several Excursions he made under the Generals who commanded in North America during the late War. 8vo, full crimson levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. By Bedford, London, 1765. A Concise Account of North America, with Account of the several Nations and Tribes of Indians. 8vo half green levant morocco, uncut. London, 1765. $150.00 Magnificent tall copies of these two important books, excessively rare uncut. THE AMERICAN INDIANS. Withers, Alexander. Chronicles of Border Warfare ; or, a History of the Settlement by the Whites of Northwestern Virginia, and of the Indian Wars and Massacres in that section of the State, with Selections, Anec dotes, etc. i2mo, sheep. Lacks the leaf of Contents as is generally the case, but contains the Advertisement of the Publisher. Clarksburg, Va., 1831. $ 2 5- Slightly foxed as usual, but otherwise a good copy. 685 Weiser, Conrad, and the In- eludes some of the most important Cap- el ian Policy of Colonial Pennsylvania 8vo, cloth, Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 4 2 - Phila. (1900). $2.00 686 Wimer, James. Events in Indian History beginning with an ac count of the American Indians . . . and embracing concise Biographies of the Principal Chiefs . . . Narra tives and Captivities, etc. 8 folding lithograph plates. 8vo, half morocco, pp. 633 (some pages stained). Lan- tivities and Indian Narratives of Western Pennsylvania and Ohio. caster, 1843. Very rarely met with $5.00 complete. In- 687 Wyoming Massacre. A Rec ord of the looth Year commemorative observance of the Battle and Massa cre, July 3d, 1778, edited by Wesley Johnson. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 355. Wilkesbarre, 1882. $2.50 688 Young, Egerton R. Stories of the Indian Wigwams and Northern Camp Fires. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 297. New York (1892). $2.00 THE NEW ENGLAND STATES. Local and General History, Settlement and Development. 689 Adams, Hannah. A Sum mary History of New England from the Virst Settlement at Plymouth to the Acceptance of the Federal Con stitution comprehending a general sketch of the American War. 8vo, unbound, uncut, pp. 516. Dedham, Printed for the Author, 1798. $5.00 Slight water-stain on title. Uncut copies are quite rare. 690 American Antiquarian Soci ety Proceedings, First Series, 1843- 1880. Nearly complete. 63 pieces. Also Second Series, 10 parts, and some Early Addresses. About 90 pieces. $25.00 Contains many valuable papers. 691 Ames Almanac. An Astro nomical Diary, or Almanack, by Na thaniel Ames, for the years 1745, 1746, 1747, 1749, I75 1 * T 753> 1754, 1755, 1756, 1758, 1759. 1762, 1763, 1764, 1766 and 1768. 16 parts, stitched, I2mo. Boston, James Draper. $25.00 A fine series of these famous old al manacs, from an old family, 1746 and 1758 are both somewhat imperfect, the others are perfect and in good condition. 692 Ames Almanacks. Briggs, Sam. The Essays, Humor and Poems of Nathaniel Ames . . . from their Almanacks, 1726-1775, with Notes and Comments. Facsimiles. 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 490. Cleveland, O., 1891. $4.00 " In the dim vista of the past this hum ble vehicle of general knowledge was an honored guest at every fireside, the chim ney corner was its throne and its well- thumbed leaves gave evidence of the esti mation in which it was held." 693 Amherst, Mass. Tyler, W. S. History of Amherst College during its First Half Century, 1821-71. Por traits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 671. Spring field, 1873. $1.50 8 4 LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. 694 Andover, Mass. Historical Manual of the South Church in An dover (with complete Catalogue of Members). i2mo, cloth, pp. 200. Andover, 1859. $2.00 695 Andover, Mass. Historical Sketch of the West Parish Church. Portraits. i2mo, cloth, pp. 82. 1906. $1.00 696 Arlington, Mass. Parker, Charles S. Town of Arlington, Past and Present. A Narrative of Larger Events and Important Changes in the Village Precinct and Town from 1637 to 1907. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 331- Arlington, 1907. $3.00 697 Ashburnham, Mass. Cush- ing, John. An Half Century (His torical) Sermon delivered at Ash burnham, Nov. 3, 1818. Second edi tion with some additions. 8vo, boards, pp. 24. Worcester, 1819. $1.00 698 Ashburndale, Mass. Manual of the Congregational Church (con taining History and List of Mem bers). I2mo, paper, pp. 55. Boston, 1887. .75 699 Augusta, Me. North, James W. History of Augusta from Earli est Settlement; with notices of the Plymouth Company and Settlements of Kennebec. Biographical Sketches and Genealogical Record. Portraits, maps and vieivs. 8vo, cloth, pp. 990. Augusta, 1870. $8.00 700 Antrobus, B. Buds and Blos- spme of Piety, with some Fruit of the Spirit of Love. Being a Collection of Papers (Poems) written by B. A. Third Edition. i6mo, full polished calf, by Riviere. London, 1716. $10.00 Fine copy from the Huth collection. A very scarce volume of verse. At page 43 occurs a poem " A Complaint against New England Professors," lamenting the " blood shed, cruel works and hardened hearts " there. 701 Barrington, R. I. Bicknell, Thos. W. Barrington Soldiers in the War of the Revolution, the Dorr War and the War of the Rebellion. Por trait. Large Paper Copy. 4to, cloth, pp. 109. Providence, 1898. $3.00 7oia Bartlett, W. H. The Pilgrim Fathers; or, Founders of New Eng land. First Edition. 28 beautiful steel engravings and numerous wood cuts. 8vo, cloth, pp. 240. London, 1853- $3.50 One of the best popular accounts of the Pilgrims in Holland and America. 702 Bay Psalm Book, being a Re print of the First Edition, printed by Stephen Daye at Cambridge, in New England, 1640. 8vo, boards, uncut. New York, n. d. $1.50 Contains introduction by Wilberforce Eames. 703 Baylies, Francis. Hist. Mem oirs of the Colony of New Plymouth, from the Flight of the Pilgrims into Holland, 1608, to Union with Mass., 1692. With Corrections and Index by Saml. G. Drake. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1866. $6.00 Best edition. One of the most important works in early New England history. 704 Belchertown, Mass. Doolit- tle, Mark. Historical Sketch of the Congregational Church in Belcher- town. i2mo, cloth, pp. 283. North ampton, 1852. $2.00 With full list of names and genealogies. 705 Berkshire County, Mass. A History of the County of Berkshire, with an account of the several Towns. By Gentlemen in the County. (Edited by D. D. Field.) Maps and illustra tions. I2mo, calf, pp. 468. Pittsfield, 1829. $7.50 A good copy with all the maps and plates. 706 Beverley, Mass. History of Beverley, Civil and Ecclesiastical, from its Settlement in 1630 to 1842. By E. M. Stone. Frontispiece and cuts in the text. I2mo, half roan (joints weak), pp. 324. Boston, 1843. $2.00 THE NEW ENGLAND STATES. 707 Billerica, Mass. Historical Memoir of Billerica. Containing No tices of the Principal Events in the Civil and Ecclesiastical Affairs of the Town, from its First Settlement to 1816. By John Farmer. Portrait loose. 8vo, paper, pp. 36. Amherst, N. H., 1816. $2.00 708 Billerica, Mass. Manual of the Orthodox Congregational Church, containing its History and List of Members. 121110, paper, pp. 20. 1855. 75 709 Block Island. Livermore, S. T. History of Block Island, from 1514. (Wars with Indians, Fisheries, Wrecking, etc.) I2mo, cloth, pp. 371. Hartford, 1877. $1.25 710 Boston. A History of the Dudley Street Baptist Church, Boston (formerly RoxburyJ. The Declara tion of Faith, and List of Members. I2mo, cloth, pp. 81. Boston, 1871. $1.00 711 Boston. Bigelow, Jacob. Florula Bostoniensis. A Collection of Plants of Boston and its Vicinity. 2nd edition, greatly enlarged. 8vo, boards, uncut, pp. 424. Boston, 1824. $3-5.0 A very fine, clean, fresh copy of this scarce work on early American Botany. 712 Boston. Bridgman, Thomas. Memorials of the Dead in Boston. Inscriptions on the Sepulchral Monu ments in the King s Chapel Burying Ground in the City of Boston, with Historical and Biographical Notices of Many of the Early Settlers of the Metropolis of New England. 121110, cloth, pp. 339. Boston, 1853. $3.00 713 - - Same. Copps Hill Burying Ground. I2mo, cloth, pp. 252. Boston, 1852. $2.00 714 Boston. Drake, Samuel G. The History and Antiquities of Bos ton, from its Settlement in 1630 to the Year 1770. With Notes, Critical and Illustrative. Royal 8vo, parts, uncut, pp. 840. Boston, 1856. $12.50 Fine copy in the original parts with all the wrappers. Like all the writings of Mr. Drake, this work shows exhaustive knowl edge and scrupulous care. One of the most important books on early New England history. 715 Another Copy. Half calf. $7.50 716 Boston. Ellis, Arthur B. History of the First Church, 1630- 1880. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 356. Boston, 1 88 1. $2.00 Largely devoted to the lives of its fa mous ministers, John Cotton, John Norton, John Davenport, Chas. Chauncey, John Clarke, etc. 717 Boston. Homans, J. S. Sketches of Boston, Past and Present, and of some Places in its Vicinity. Map and 120 illustrations. I2mo, cloth, pp. 112. Boston, 1851. $1.50 718 Boston. King, D. S. History of the North Russell Street M. E. Church and Sabbath School ; with a brief account of St. John s Church at the Odeon. (With List of Names.) 8vo, cloth, pp. 99. Boston, 1 86 1. $1.00 719 Boston. Lodge, Henry Cabot. Boston (Historic Towns) Map. 121110, cloth, pp. 242. London, 1891. $1.00 720 Boston. MacDonald, Edw. Old Copps Hill Burial Ground, with Historical Sketches. Illustrated. 8vo, paper, pp. 56. Boston, 1885. .75 721 Boston. Manual of the Cen tral Congregational Church, Jamaica Plain, Boston (with List of Mem bers). 8vo, cloth, pp. 100. 1898. $1.00 722 Boston. Quincy, Josiah. Mu nicipal History of the Town and City of Boston, during two centuries, from Sept. 17, 1630, to Sept. 17, 1830. Map and plate. 8vo, cloth, pp. 444. Boston, 1852. $1.50 About half the volume is devoted to the six years, 1823-28, when the author was Mayor. 723 Boston. Quincy, Josiah. Ad dress to Citizens of Boston, Sept. 17, 1830, the close of the 2nd Century, from the First Settlement of the City. 86 LATIIROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. 8vo, paper, pp. 68. Fine uncut copy. Boston, 1830. $1.50 and Benefactors and a complete list of Proprietors. Illustrated. 8vo, 724 Boston. Reports of the Rec- clotn uncut > PP- 236. Boston, 1907. ord Commissioners of (the City of Boston. By W. H. Whitmore and W. S. Appleton. ist to 14. 14 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1876-85. $10.00 $1.50 730 Boston. The Hawe s School Memorial. Account of the Reunion of the Old Boys Assn. With Bio- These valuable volumes comprise: Early graphical Sketches of the Old Ma itirl T?**rrM-r1c T^r^t-^V-*^.^^^*. T.^.,., *~ T3 ^ l_ Land Records, Dorchester Town Records, Early Church Records, Births, Baptisms, etc. 725 Boston. (Sargent, L. M.) Dealings with the Dead, by a Sexton of the Old School. (Huguenots in Boston, Gloves and Rings at Funer als, Duels, Slavery, etc.) 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1856. $4.00 Contain a variety of interesting informa tion about old Boston. 726 Boston. Shurtleff, Nathaniel B. A Topographical and Historical Description of Boston. Map. 8vo, cloth, pp. 720. Boston, 1872. $2.00 Best edition. Contains list of Early Maps and an accurate facsimile of the Burgess map of 1728. 727 Boston. Sprague, Charles. An Ode pronounced at the Centennial Celebration of the Settlement of the City. 8vo, paper, uncut, pp. 22. Bos ton, 1830. $ 1 . 00 728 Boston. Stark, James H. An tique Views of ye Towne of Boston. Numerous facsimiles of Old Prints, many folding. Royal 8vo, cloth. Bos ton (1901). $ 3 . 00 Second edition, greatly enlarged. 729 Boston. The Athenaeum Cen tenary. The Influence and History of the Boston Athenaeum, from 1807- 1907- With a record of its Officers ters. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 228. Boston, 1889. $1.25 731 Boston. Warren, J. C. The Great Tree on Boston Common, with historical notes. Plate and map of Boston in 1722. 8vo, cloth, pp. 20. Boston, 1855. $1.00 The map is a reproduction of the John Bower plan, the earliest map of Boston. 732 Boston. Wheelwright, John. A serman preached at Boston in New England upon a Fast Day, the i6th of Jan., 1636. From MSS. in Massa chusetts Historical Society. 8vo, pa per, pp. 28. Morrisania, 1867. $1.00 A few copies printed with introduction by H. B. Dawson. A very important ser mon on Antinomianism. 17, 1630-1880. T2mo, paper, pp. 141. Boston, 1880. .75 First Newspaper, Remarkable Proclama tions, etc. 734 Boston. Wood, Nathan E. The History of the First Baptist Church of Boston. 1665-1899. Illus trated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 378. Phila., 1899. $1.25 735 Boston Almanac. The New England Diary, or Almanack for 1737 (by Nathan Bowen). i2mo, 16 pages. Boston, T. Fleet , 1737. $5.00 Boylston, Zabdiel. An Historical Account of the Small-pox inoculated in New England, upon all Sorts of Persons, Whites, Blacks and of all Ages Constitutions, with short directions to the unexperienced. Second edition, corrected. I2mo, full dark brown calf, gilt top, uncut. Boston, 1730. $10.00 The title to this extremely rare work is in facsimile. Dr Boylston was the first person to introduce this practice into New England. THE NEW ENGLAND STATES. 736 Bradford, Alden. New Eng land Chronology, from the Discovery of the Country by Cabot, in 1497, to 1820. I2mo, cloth, pp. 202. Boston, 1843. $2 Although the title-page says to 1800 only, the book is really down to 1820. 737 Bradford, Mass. Kingsbury, J. D. Memorial History of Bradford. 8vo, boards, pp, 144. Haverhill, 1883. $1.50 Contains Roll of Church Members from 1682. 738 Bradford, Mass. Perry, Gard ner B. History of Bradford from the Earliest Period to close of 1820. 8vo, boards, pp. 69. Haverhill, 1872. .75 739 Bradford, Mass. Perry, Gard ner B. A Discourse delivered Dec. 22, 1820, 200 years after the Settle ment in New England. Containing a History of the Town. 8vo, paper, pp. 72 (last leaf imperfectj. Haverhill, 1821. $1-00 740 Bradford, Vt. McKeen. Silas. History of Bradford, containing some accounts of the place, First Settlement in 1765 to 1874, with Genealogical Records and Biographical Sketches of Families. Portraits. 8vo, boards, un cut, pp. 459. Montpelier, 1875. $3.50 741 Bridgton, Me. Cram, Mar shall. (Historical) Address at Dedi cation of the Town House, with Ap pendix. 8vo, paper, pp. 44. Port land, 1852. -75 742 Bristol, R. T. Miller, William J. Celebration of the 2ooth Anniver sary of the Settlement (with List of the Sons and Daughters of Bristol). 8vo, paper, pp. 194. (Providence, $1.25 743 Brunswick, Me. Wheeler, Geo. A. and Henry, W. History of Brunswick, Topsham and Harpswell (with Genealogies and Rolls of Sol diers). Map and portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 959. Boston, 1878. $3.00 744 Brunswick, Me. History of Bowdoin College, with Biographical Sketches of its Graduates, 1806-79. By N. Cleaveland and A. S. Packard. Portraits. 8vo, sheets, in cloth cover, pp. 905. Boston, 1882. $3-5 745 Burlington, Conn. Peck, Epahroditus. Hist. Address at Cen tennial Celebration. 8vo, paper, pp. 38. Bristol (1906). .50 746 Burlington, Vt. Semi-Cen- tennial of the University of Vermont. Historical Discourse by John Wheeler, etc. 8vo, paper, pp. 149. Burlington, 1864. $1-5 747 By-field, Mass. The Story of Byfield, a New England Parish. By John L. Ewell. Maps, plans and illus trations. 8vo, cloth, pp. 344. Boston, 1904. $4.00 748 Cambridge, Mass. Paige, Lucius R. History of Cambridge, 1630-1877, with a Genealogical Regis ter. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp.73 1 - Boston, 1877. $4-0 749 Cambridge, Mass. Harvard College. A Record of the Commemo ration, Nov. 5th to 8th, 1886, on the 25Oth Anniversary of the Founding of Harvard College Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 379. Cambridge, 1887. $2.50 750 Cambridge, Mass. Harvard College. Palmer, Joseph. Necrology of Alumni of Harvard College, i8$T- 52 to 1862-63. 8vo, cloth, pp. 536. Boston, 1864. $1.50 1880.) Byfield, Nathaniel. An Account of the Late Revolution in New England, together with the Declaration of the Gentlemen, Merchants and Inhabi tants of Boston, April i8th, 1689. 4to, full blue levant morocco by Riviere. London, 1689. $60.00 First edition of one of the best known and oftenest quoted of the Andros tracts. The author arrived in Boston in 1674, became an eminent merchant and one of the four proprietors of Bristol, R. I. 88 LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. Cambridge. Harvard University. Sibley, J. L. Biographical Sketches of Graduates of Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., 1642-1689. 3 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 642, 565, 465. Cambridge, 1873-1885. $12.50 These volumes are of special value to librarians and collectors, as they contain a complete bibliography of the publications of many early New England writers, among them William Hubbard, Samuel Mather, Jonathan Mitchel, Nathaniel Mather, Michael Wigglesworth, Isaac Chauncey, Joshua Moody, Increase Mather, Samuel Willard, Solomon Stoddard, Samuel Sewell, John Wise, John Danforth and Cotton Mather. 751 Calef. More Wonders of the Invisible World. Autograph Manu script by Saml. G. Drake, including Introduction, Life of Calef, and Notes prepared for the edition of 1866. Up ward 100 pages. Neatly written. $15.00 752 Candia, N. H. Moore, J. Bailey. History of the Town of Can dia. Map and portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 528. Manchester, 1893. $2.00 753 Castine, Me. Wheeler, George A History of Castine, Penobscot, and Brooksville. Including settlement of Pentagoet. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 401. Bangor, 1875. $6.00 754 Catholic Memoirs of Ver mont and New Hampshire. Illus trated. 121110, cloth, pp. 1 66. Bur lington, 1886. $2.00 755 Charlestown, Mass. Bartlett, Tosiah. An Historical Sketch of Charlestown, read to an assembly of Citizens at the opening of Washing ton Hall, Nov. 16, 1813. 8vo, paper, pp.24. Boston, 1814. (Reprint.) $1.00 756 Charlestown, Mass. Everett, Edward. Address delivered on the 25th of June, 1830, the Anniversary of the Arrival of Governor Winthrop at Charlestown. 8vo, paper, pp. 51. Boston, 1830. $1.00 757 Charlestown, Mass. Froth- ingham, Richard, Jr. The History of Charlestown, Mass. 7 parts, 8vo, pa per. Charlestown, 1845. $7-5 Fine copy in the original parts as issued. 758 Charlestown, Mass. Semi- Centennial Manual. Winthrop Church, with Historical Sketch and List of Members. I2mo, cloth, pp. 77. Bos ton, 1883. $1.00 759 Chelsea, Mass. Chamberlain, Mellen. A Documentary History of Chelsea, including the Boston Pre cincts of Winnisimmet, Rumney Marsh, and Pullen Point. 1624-1824. Portraits and maps. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1908. $5.00 760 Chelsea, Mass. Gillespie, Chas. B. The City of Chelsea. Illus trated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 204. Chelsea, 1898. $1.00 761 Clinton, Mass. Ford, An drew E. History of the Town of Clinton, 1653-1865. Illustrated. 8vo. cloth, pp. 696. Clinton, 1896. $3.00 762 Colman, Benjamin. The Case of Satan s Fiery Darts in Blasphemous Suggestions and Hellish Annoyances. Published at the Desire of Some who have suffered by such Temptations. 8vo, unbound (upper corner of title torn), pp. 95. Boston, Rogers and Fowlc, 1744. $2.50 Colman, Dr. Benjamin. Sermons as follows : Dissertation on the Three First Chapters of Genesis, 1735: Righteousness and Compassion, the Duty of Pious Rulers preached before the Governour and General Court, 1736. The Merchandise of a People Holiness to the Lord, 1736; The Un speakable Gift of God, 1739; The Withered Hand Stretched Forth, 1739. 5 Pieces. 8vo, unbound. Boston, 1735-9. $10.00 Fine, clean copies of these early sermons. The first is printed by Kneeland and Green, the others by J. Draper. THE NEW ENGLAND STATES. 89 763 Colrain, Mass. Taggart, Saml. God s Visitation of Sinful Na tions. Two Sermons (on life of the times, amusements, duelling, drinking, etc.). 8vo, uncut, pp. 74. Greenfield, 1812. $1.00 764 Conn. Backus, Simon. A Dissertation on the right and obliga tion of the Civil Magistrate. 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 34. Middletown, 1804. $2.50 765 Conn. Bailey, Frederic W. Early Connecticut Marriages, Prior to 1800. 5 vols., 8vo, boards. New Ha ven, 1896-1902. $6.50 766 Conn. Bowen, Clarence W. The Boundary Disputes of Connecti cut. Folding maps, etc. 4to, cloth, pp. 90. Boston, 1882. $3.50 767 Conn. Celebration of the Two Hundredth and Fiftieth Anni versary of the Adoption of the First Constitution of the State of Connecti cut, by the Connecticut Historical So ciety and the Towns of Windsor, Hartford and Wethersfield, Jan. 24, 1889. 8vo, cloth, pp. 98. Hartford, 1889. $1.00 768 Conn. Danforth, J. N. Mem oir of William C. Walton, late Pastor of the Second Presbyterian Church in Alexandria, D. C., and the Free Church in Hartford, Conn. Mezzo tint portrait. I2mo, cloth, pp. 319. Hartford, 1837. $1.25 769 Conn. Hollister, G. H. The History of Connecticut, from First Settlement to the Adoption of the Present Constitution. Portraits. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. N. H., 1855. $6-00 770 - - Another copy. Half morocco, uncut. $10.00 Rare in this condition. 771 Conn. Perrin, Lavalette. The Records of the General Associa tion of Ye Colony of Connecticut. 1738-1799. 8vo, cloth, pp. 198. Hart ford, 1888. $2.00 772 Conn. Roll of State Officers and Members of the General Assem bly, 1776-1881. 8vo, cloth, pp. 474. Hartford, 1881. $1.50 773 Conn. Sanford, Elias B. History of Connecticut. Map. I2mo, cloth, pp. 381. Hartford, 1887. $1.50 774 Conn. Spalding, J. A. Illus trated, popular biography of Con necticut. Numerous portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 375. Hartford, 1891. $1.50 Nearly 700 personal sketches and portraits. 775 Conn. Taylor, John M. The Witchcraft Delusion in Colonial Con necticut, 1647-1697. Facsimile. I2mo, cloth, pp. 172. N. Y., 1908. $1.25 776 Conn. The Jarvis Centenary, Oct. 27th, 1897. Illustrated. 8vo,, cloth, pp. 328. New Haven, 1897. $2.00 Memorial of Bishop Abraham Jarvis, second Bishop of Connecticut, and other papers on the early Episcopal Church in the state. 777 Connecticut Valley, Mass. History of (Hampshire, Hampton and Franklin Counties) with Biographical Sketches. (By N. B. Sylvester and others.) Portraits. 2 vols., 4to, half morocco. Phila., 1879. $7-5o 778 Conn. Almanacs. Ames Al manack for 1765, 1769 and 1770. 3 pieces, I2ino. New London, Timothy Green. $20.00 Perfect copies of each. Very rare. 779 Coolidge, A. J., and Mans field. History and Description of New England, General and Local. Vol. I (all published). Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont. Map and illustrations. 8vo, cloth, pp. 1023. Boston, 1859. $2.00 780 Coos County, N. H. Powers, Grant. Historical Sketches of Dis covery, Settlement, &c., in Coos Coun ty and Vicinity, included between 1754 and 1785. 121110, calf, pp. 240. Hav- erhill, N. H., 1841. $3.00 Early affairs with the Indians, Genls. Stark, Rogers, etc. oo LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. 781 Cromwell, Conn. Dudley, M. S. History of Cromwell, A Sketch. Square I2mo, paper, pp. 36. Middle- town, 1880. $1.25 782 Danvers, Mass. Hanson, J. W. History of the Town of Dan vers, from Early Settlement to 1848. I2mo, cloth, pp. 304. Danvers, 1848. $4-50 Library stamp on title. 783 Danvers, Mass. Account of the Centennial Celebration in Danvers, June 16, 1852, together with the Pro ceedings of the Town in Relation to the Donation of George Peabody of London. (Ancient Naumkeag, Witch craft Delusion, Battle of Lexington, Bunker Hill, Heroes of the Revolu tion, etc.) Numerous illustrations. 8vo, cloth, pp. 208. Boston, 1852. $2.50 784 Danvers, Mass. (Putnam, Eben.) Report of the Committee to Revise the Soldiers Record. 8vo pa per, pp. 165. Danvers, 1895. $1.00 Records of Soldiers in Indian Wars, Revolution, War of 1812 and Rebellion. 785 Davis Trial. Report of the Trial of James A. Trefethen and Wil liam H. Smith for the Murder of Deltena J. Davis (at Medford, Dec. 23d, 1891). 8vo, sheep, pp. 398. Bos ton, 1895. $1.50 786 Dedham, Mass. Mann (Her man). Annals of Dedham from its Settlement 1635, to l &47- (Records, Names, etc.) 8vo, cloth. Dedham, 1847. $3-50 Fine clean copy. 787 Dedham, Mass. Haven, Sam uel F. Historical Address, delivered before the Citizens of the Town of Dedham, Sept. 21, 1836, being the second Centennial Anniversary of the Incorporation of the Town. 8vo, pa per, pp. 79. Dedham, 1837. $2.00 Fine copy in the original wrappers, uncut. 788 Dedham, Mass. Rudd, Ed. A. Dedham s Ancient Landmarks. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 50. Ded ham, n. d. $1.00 789 Deane, James. Ichnographs from the Sandstone of Connecticut River. 46 colored plates. 4to, cloth, pp. 61. Boston, 1861. $3.50 The result of years of study of the pre historic footprints from the quarries around Greenfield. 790 Deer Isle, Me. Hosmer, George L. Historical Sketch of the Town of Deer Isle, with Notices of its Settlers and Early Inhabitants. Map and portrait. I2mo, cloth, pp. 289. Boston (1905^). $2.00 791 Derryfield, X. H. Contribu tions to the History of Derryfield. (Early occupation of the first settlers, home life, Indian habits, etc.) By Wm. E. Moore. 5 parts, 8vo, paper. (1896.) $2.00 792 Dorchester, Mass. History of the Town of Dorchester, by a Com mittee of the Dorchester Antiquarian and Historical Society. 8vo, cloth, pp. 672. Boston, 1859. $10.00 793 Dorchester, Mass. Same in the original 10 parts. Very rare in this condition. $15.00 794 Dorchester, Mass. Epitaphs from the Old Burying Ground in Dorchester. 8vo, paper, pp. 21. Bos ton Highlands, 1869. $1.00 795 Dorchester, Mass. Records of the First Church at Dorchester, 1636-1734. (Baptisms, Marriages, etc.) 8vo, cloth, pp. 270. Boston, 1891. $3.00 796 Dorchester Antiquarian Soci ety, i. Memoirs of Roger Clap, 1630. 2. Annals of the Town of Dorchester, by James Blake, 1750. 3. Journal of R ichard Mather, 1635. 3 vols., 121110. Boston, 1844-50. $4. 30 797 Douglas, Mass. Emerson, Wm. A. History of the Town of Douglas (with Genealogies). Map and illustrations. 8vo, cloth, pp. 359. Boston, 1879. $i-5O THE NEW ENGLAND STATES. 798 Dover, Mass. Smith, Frank Biographical Sketch of the Residents who took part in King Philip s War, French and Indian War, Revolution, War of 1812, Rebellion, etc. Map. 8vo, paper, pp. 92. Dover, 1909. .75 799 Dover, X. H. Hani, John R. Bibliography of Dover. Works on Dover, Works written by Residents, Works bearing Dover imprints (in cluding Newspapers and Maps). 8vo, paper, pp. 74. Concord, 1892. $1.00 800 Dover, N. H. (Quint, A. H.) The First Parish in Dover. 25oth Anniversary. 8vo, paper, pp. 148. Dover, 1884. $1.00 80 1 Drake, Samuel G. The Founders of New England. The or- ignal manuscript, with A. L. S. of the Author and his portrait. I2mo, finely bound in full crimson morocco, gilt. $10.00 Laid in is a contemporary copy (1671) of the passengers on board the ship Ara bella for New England, May, 1671. 802 Drake (Saml. G.) Results of some Researches among the British Archives, relative to the Founders of New England. Map and portrait. Folio, paper, uncut. Boston, 1865. $15.00 Contains full list of passengers by the ships Fortune, Ann and Little James. Whatman paper copy, only very few printed. 803 Dudley, Mass. Brief Hist. Sketch, Confession of Faith and List of Members of the Congregational Church. I2tno, paper, pp. 29. Web ster, 1885. .50 804 Dummerstown, Vt. Mans field, David L. The History of the Town of Dummerston. The First Town Settled by Anglo Saxon de scendants in the State. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 216. Ludlow, 1884. $3.00 805 Dunbarton, N. H. Stark, Caleb. History of Dunbarton (with Genealogies). 8vo, cloth, pp. 272. Concord, 1860. $2.50 806 Dunstable, Mass. Stearns, Ezra S. Early Generations of the Founders of Old Dunstable. Thirty Families. 8vo, cloth, pp. 203. Bos ton, 1911. $2.00 807 East Haddam, Conn. Par sons, Isaac. A Retrospect. Two Ser mons preached Oct. 24th, 1841, with appendix. 8vo, paper, pp. 25. Hart ford, 1841. $1.25 808 East Haddam, Conn. State ment of the Accounts of the Select men, Oct. i, 1857, to Oct. i, 1858. Arranged and published by the Town Clerk. With names. 8vo, paper, pp. 10. East Haddam, 1858. $1.50 809 Elliott, Charles W. The New England History from the Discovery of the Continent by the Northmen to 1776. Portraits. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. New York, 1857. $5-OO Related largely to the personal habits and daily life of early settlers as well as the more frequently rewritten portions of New England history. 810 Endicott, John. Address at the Commemoration of the Landing of John Endicott. By William C. Endi cott. 8vo, cloth. Salem, 1879. $1.00 Presentation copy from the author to Charles Deane. 811 Essex, Mass. Crowell, Robert. History of the Town of Essex, from 1634 to 1868, with Sketches of Soldiers in the War of the Rebellion (Records of Marriages and Deaths). By David Choate. 8vo, cloth, pp. 488. Essex, 1868. $5.00 812 Everett, Mass. The Everett Souvenir (by Dudley P. Bailey and others). Maps, portraits and views. 4to, cloth, pp. 137. 1893. $1.50 813 Exeter, N. H. Bell, Chas. H. History of the Town of Exeter (with Genealogies). Map. 8vo, cloth, pp. 557. Exeter, 1888. $6.00 One of the best New Hampshire locals. 814 Fall River, Mass. Earl, Henry H. Centennial History of Fall River, 1656 to 1876, with Statistical LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. Tables, etc. Steel portraits and illus trations. 4to, cloth, pp. 252. New York, 1877. $2.50 Over 100 pages on the Cotton Industry in America. 815 Fiske, John. The Begin nings of New England. First Edition. Map. I2mo, cloth. Boston, 1889. $1.00 816 Francestown Academy. Ex- excises at the Reunion of the Teach ers and Alumni, Aug. 17, 1870. 8vo, paper, pp. 58. Peterboro, 1871. $1.25 817 Franklin, Conn. Celebration of the i5Oth Anniversary of the Con gregational Church, Oct. i/j-th, 1868. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 151. N. H., 1869. $2.00 818 Franklin, Mass. Manual of the First Congregational Church (with List of 1,250 Members, date of death, etc.). I2mo, paper, pp. 43. Frank lin, 1888. $1.00 819 Gardiner, Henry. New Eng land s Vindication. Reprinted from the edition of 1660, with Notes and Extracts from contemporary manu scripts. Edited by Chas. E. Banks. Folding Pedigree of the Gardiner Family. 4to, paper. Portland, 1884. $4.50 Limited edition of 160 copies for the Gorges Society. 820 Gardiner, Me. Hanson, J. W. History of Gardiner, Pittston and West Gardiner, sketch of Kennebec Indians and New Plymouth Purchase, comprising Historical matter from 1602 to 1852. Genealogical Sketches of Families. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, PP- 343- Gardiner, 1852. $4.00 Fine clean copy. 821 Georgetown, Mass. The Pea- body Memorial Church in George town, Mass. Its Origin, the Exer cises Connected with it, and the Lay ing of the Corner-Stone. 8vo, cloth, pp. 77. Georgetown, 1869. $1.00 822 Gloucester, Mass. Pringle, James R. History of the Town and City of Gloucester. Illustrated. (Li brary stamp.) 8vo, cloth, pp. 340. Gloucester, 1892. $3.50 Contains very complete records of the Soldiers and Sailors. 823 Gloucester, Mass. Webber, John S. In and Around Cape Ann : a Hand Book of Gloucester, Mass., and its Immediate Vicinity. Illustra tions. i2mo, cloth, pp. 97. Gloucester, 1885. .75 824 Gilmanton, N. H. Lancaster, Daniel. The History of Gilmanton (with Genealogies). Map. 8vo, sheets. Gilmanton, 1845. $ I2 -5O An interesting copy, corrected through out by the author, with several pages of additional matter and a letter to Samuel S. Drake, for whom this copy was evi dently prepared. 825 Gloucester, Mass. Babson, John J. History of the Town of Gloucester, Cape Ann, including the Town of Rockport. 8vo, cloth, pp. 610. Gloucester, 1860. Notes and ad ditions to the History of Gloucester. Part first, Early Settlers. Small 4*0, wrappers, pp. 94. Gloucester, Mass., 1876. Same, Second Series, with ap pendix, containing indexes to Parts I and 2. Pp. 187. Salem, 1891. To gether, 3 vols. $17-50 826 Grafton, Mass. Pierce, Fred erick C. History of Grafton, from its Early Settlement by the Indians in 1647 to the Present Time, 1879. In cluding the Genealogies of 79 of the Older Families. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 623. Worcester, 1879. $7-50 827 Great Barrington, Mass. Tay lor, Charles J. History of Great Bar rington. Map of 1761 showing an cient boundaries. 8vo, half calf, pp. 516. Great Barrington, 1882. $3.50 " This volume is the result of researches begun long ago and continued at intervals of leisure through many years." 828 Green, Samuel A. Ten Fac simile Reproductions relating to New England. Facsimiles with descrip- THE NEW ENGLAND STATES. 93 tions of Stephen Daye Broadsides; Map of Massachusetts, 1637 ; Blodget s Plan of Battle of Lake George, 1755 ; Stamp Act Broadsides; Seat of War near Boston, 1775, etc. Folio, cloth. Boston, 1902. $10.00 Only 125 copies printed. 829 Green, Samuel A. Ten Fac simile Reproductions relating to Va rious Subjects. Facsimiles, with de scriptions of Some Engraved Portraits of the Mather Family, An Early Bos ton imprint 1681, The Boston News- Letter, 1704, Panorama of Boston, 1775, Roman s Battle of Bunker Hill, etc., etc. Folio, cloth. Boston, 1903. $10.00 Only 125 copies of this valuable work were issued. 830 Green, Dr. Saml. A. Various privately printed pamphlets. School Histories and Some Errors in them, Northern Boundary of Massachusetts in its relation to New Hampshire, A List of Commencement Days at Har vard College, 1642-1700, Congrega tional Churches in Nova Scotia, etc., etc. 8 pamphlets, 8vo, paper, v. d. $4.00 Only a small number of these valuable historical pamphlets were printed for pres entation among Dr. Green s friends. 831 Gorham, Me. Pierce, Josiah. History of Town of Gorham. 8vo, cloth, pp. 240. Portland, 1862. $6.00 With biographical and genealogical sketches. 832 Groton, Mass. Green, Sam uel A. An Historical Address Bi- Centennial and Centennial (Groton burned by the Indians, 1676, Declara tion of Independence, 1776), delivered July 4, 1876, at Groton, by request of the Citizens with an historical appen dix. 8vo, paper, pp. 86. Groton, 1876. $1.00 833 Groton, Mass. Green, Dr. Samuel A. Groton in the Witchcraft Times, pp. 29; The Geography of Groton, pp. 20; Two Chapters on the Early History of Groton, pp. 19; The Population of Groton at different times, pp. 8. 4 pamphlets, 8vo, 1882- 88. $2.50 Privately printed for presentation. 834 Groton, Mass. Green, Dr. Samuel A. Groton in the Witchcraft Times. 8vo, paper, pp. 29. Groton, 1883. $1.00 " George Hannah, with the regards of Samuel A. Green." 835 Groton, Mass. Green, Dr. Samuel A. Three Historical Ad dresses (List of Indian Words, etc.). Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 181. Groton, 1908. $2.00 836 Groton, Mass. The Early Records of Groton. 1662-1707. Edited by Samuel A. Green. 8vo, cloth, pp. 200. Groton, 1880. $3.50 837 Guilford, Conn. Andrews, Wm. G. History of Christ Episcopal Church in Guilford. Portraits. 8vo, paper, pp. 73. Guilford, 1895. .75 838 Guilford, Conn., 1639. Pro ceedings at the Celebration of the 250th Anniversary of the Settlement of Guilford, Sept. 8, 9 and 10, 1889. 8vo, cloth, pp. 288. New Haven, 1889. $1-75 839 Guilford, Conn. Robinson, Henry P. Guilford Portraits, Me morial Epitaphs of Alderbrook and Westside with Introductory Elegies and Essay. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 249. New Haven, 1907. $2.25 840 Hadley, Mass. Celebration of the 2OOth Anniversary of the Settle ment of Hadley, June 8, 1859. Ad dress by F. D. Huntingdon ; Poem by E. C. Porter, and other proceedings and exercises of the occasion. 8vo, paper, pp. 98. Northampton, 1859. 75 841 Hadley, Mass. Walker, Alice M. Historic Hadley, the story of the making of a famous Massachusetts Town. Illustrated. 121110, cloth, pp, 130. New York, 1896. $1.00 94 LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. 842 Hampton Co., Mass. Sketches of the Churches and Pastors in Hamp ton County. I2mo, cloth, pp. 144. Westfield, 1854. $1.50 843 Hampton, N. H. Dows, Jo seph. Historical Address delivered Dec. 25th, 1838, in commemoration of settlement; 200 years having elapsed since that time. 8vo, paper. Concord, 1839- $1.50 844 Hampshire County, Mass. Gay, W. B. Gazetteer of Hampshire County, 1654-1887 (with History of each Town). Portraits. 8vo, leather, pp. 800. Syracuse (1887). $1.50 845 Hanover, N. H. Smith, Bax ter P. The History of Dartmouth Col lege (Wheelock s Indian Charity School, etc.). Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 474. Boston, 1878. $2.50 846 Hancock, N. H. Hayward, William W. History of Hancock, 1764-1889. Portraits and illustrations. 8vo, cloth, pp. 1070. Lowell, Mass., 1889. $6.00 750 pages of elaborate genealogies. 847 Hardwick, Mass. Paige, Lucius R. History of Hardwick, with a Genealogical Register (of 230 pages). Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 556. Boston, 1883. $10.00 848 Hartford, Conn. Commem orative Exercises of the First Church of Christ at 25oth Anniversary. Il lustrated. 8vo, paper, pp. 215. Hart ford, 1883. $1.00 849 Hartford, Conn. Hawes, Joel. An Address delivered Nov. 9th, 1835, at the Close of the Second Cen tury, from the First Settlement of the City. i6mo, cloth, pp. 80. Hartford, 1835- $1.50 850 Hartford, Conn. Walker, George L. History of the First Church in Hartford, 1633-1883. Il lustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 503. Hart ford, 1884. $3.00 Contains Bibliography of Hooker s writ ings by J. Hammond Trumbull. 851 Harvard College. Memorial of the Class of 1833. By Waldo Hig- ginson : Memorials of the Class of 1837, by Henry Williams; Memorials of the Class of 1858. Portrait. 3 vols., 8vo, cloth. Cambridge, 1883-87- 98. $2.25 852 Haverhill, Mass. Foundation Facts concerning its Settlement, Growth, etc. (List of Soldiers.) 8vo, paper, pp. 39. Haverhill, 1880. 50 853 Haverhill, Mass. The Story of a New England Town, 1640-1890. Record of the 25oth Anniversary of the Settlement of Haverhill. Profusely illustrated. 4to, half morocco, pp. 364. Boston, 1891. $2.50 854 Hingham, Mass. The Town of Hingham in the Civil War with Sketches of the Soldiers and Sailors, by Fearing Burr and George Lincoln. 8vo, cloth, pp. 455. 1876. $3.00 ^ 855 Hollis, N. H. Worcester, Samuel T. History of the Town of Hollis, from Settlement to 1879. Biographical Sketches of Early Set tlers, their Descendants and other Residents. Maps and engravings. 8vo, cloth, pp. 394. Boston, 1879 $5.00 Contains list of Marriages, Family Reg isters, etc. 856 Houlton, Me. History of the Town of Houlton from 1804 to 1883 by an Old Pioneer. View. 8vo, paper. Haverhill, 1884. .50 857 Howard, R. A., and Crocker, H. E. History of New England con taining Historical and Descriptive Sketches of the Six New England States. Profusely illustrated. 2. vols., 4to, cloth. Boston, 1880. $3.00 858 Ipswich, Mass. Chronicle Report of the 25Oth Anniversary of Ipswich, together with a few Sketches about Town. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 74. Ipswich, 1884. $1.00 THE NEW ENGLAND STATES. 95 Josselyn, John. An Account of Two Voyages to New England, with a Description of the Country, Natives, Creatures, etc. i6mo, calf. London, 1674. $65 -co The McKee copy. It lacks leaf of License, but contains the rare leaf of Errata. The author made his first voyage in 1638, visiting his brother, who lived at Scar borough, Maine. In 1663 he came over again and on his return wrote his book. His observations are valuable, and it is one of the most important books on early New England. 859 Kingston, Mass. Report of the Proceedings and Exercises at the i5Oth Anniversary of the Incorpora tion of the town of Kingston, June 27, 1876. Views, maps, etc. Square 8vo, paper, pp. 151. Boston, 1876. $1.50 860 Kittredge, Geo. L. The Old Farmer and his Almanack. Observa tions on Life and Manners in New England 100 Years Ago suggested by the Earlier Numbers of Mr. Robt. B. Thomas s Farmer s Almanack with Curious Extracts. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 403. Boston, 1904. $2.50 861 Lawrence, Mass. Hayes, J. F. C. History of the City of Law rence. 8vo, cloth, pp. 168. Lawrence, 1868. $1.50 862 Lee, Mass. The Centennial Celebration and Centennial History of the Town of Lee. Compiled by Rev. C. M. Hyde and Alexander Hyde. Il lustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 352. Spring field, 1878. $2.00 863 Leicester, Mass. Chenoweth, C. D. History of the Second Congre gational Church and Society in Lei cester. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 199. 1908. $1.50 864 Leicester, Mass. The Cen tenary of Leicester Academy, held Sept. 4th, 1884, with Historical Ad dress by Wm. W. Rice. Illustrated. 8vo, unbound, pp. 120. Worcester, 1884. .50 865 Leicester, Mass. Washburn, Emory. Historical Sketches of the Town of Leicester. During the first century from its settlement (with Genealogies). Plates. 8vo, cloth, pp. 464. Boston, 1860. $5.00 866 Leominster, Mass. Wilder, David. The History of Leominster, or the Northern half of the Lancaster Grant, from June 26, 1701, to July 4, 1852. I2mo, cloth, pp. 263. Fitch- burg, 1853. $2.50 867 Lexington, Mass. Lexington, a Hand-Book of its Points of Interest, Historical and Picturesque. Map and illustrations. 8vo, cloth, pp. 75. Bos ton, 1891. .75 868 Lisbon, Conn. A Half Cen tury Sermon delivered in the First So ciety in Lisbon, Dec. 5th, 1854, by Rev. Levi Nelson, with genealogical and other accounts of the first settlers of that town. 8vo, paper, pp. 23. Norwich, 1854. $1.00 869 Litchfield, Conn. Starr, F. R. Farm Echoes of Echo Farm, Litchfield. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 1 10. New York, 1881. $1.00 Library of New England History. Mourts* Relation, or Journal of the Plantation at Plymouth, edited by Henry M. Dexter; A Description of New England in 1614, by Capt. John Smith; Church s History of King Philip s War, 2 vols. ; Lech ford s Plain Dealing or News from New England, edited by J. Hammond Trumbull. Maps. 5 vols., 4to. Boston, W "ig gin s and Litnt, 1865-67. $50.00 One of four sets printed throughout on India paper. 9 6 LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. 870 Litchfield County, Conn. Centennial Celebration, held at Litch field, Aug. I3th and I4th, 1851. View. 8vo, paper, pp. 212. Hartford, 1851. $2.50 871 Litchfield County, Conn. Kil- bourne, P. K. Biographical History of the County of Litchfield. Bio graphical Sketches of Distinguished Natives and Residents, List of Judges, Justices, etc. . . . from the organiza tion of the county to the present time. Portraits. 8vo, new half calf. New York, 1851. $10.00 872 Londonderry, N. H. Mack, Robt. C. Exercises on the i5Oth An niversary of Settlement of Old Nut- field, comprising Londonberry, Derry, Windham and parts of Manchester, Hudson and Salem, N. H., June 10, 1869. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 124. Manchester, 1870. $1.50 873 Lynn, Mass. Hawkes, Nathan M. Hearths and Homes of Old Lynn. Views of Old Houses, etc. I2mo, cloth, pp. 350. Lynn, 1907. $1.25 874 Lynn, Mass. Lewis, Alonzo. The History of Lynn, including Na- hant. 2nd edition. 8vo, half roan, pp. 278. Boston, 1844. $3.00 875 Lynn, Mass. Memorial of St. Stephen s Parish. (Hist. Address by James R. Newhall, etc.) 8vo, cloth, pp. 91. Lynn, 1882. $1.00 876 Maine. Abbott, J. S. C. His tory of Maine from the Earliest Dis covery of the Region by the North men until the Present Time ... in cluding the Voyages of the Early Ad venturers, Manners and Customs of Indian Tribes, etc. Portrait and nearly 50 views, etc. 8vo, cloth, pp. 556. Boston, 1875. $2.50 877 Maine. Business Directory of the Subscribers to the New Map of Maine, with Brief History of the State by William Willis. 8vo, cloth, pp. 344. Portland, n. d. $1.50 878 Gorges Society. I. New Eng land s Vindication, by Henry Gard iner. London, 1660. II. George Cleeve of Casco Bay, 1630-67, by James Phinney Baxter. III. Rosier s True Relation of Way mouth s Voy age to the Coast of Maine, 1605. Il lustrated. 3 vols., 4to, paper. Port land, 1884-87. $9.00 879 Maine. Greenleaf, Moses. Statistical View of the District of Maine more especially with reference to the value and importance of its In terior. 8vo, boards, uncut, pp. 154. Boston, 1816. $3-OO Very fine copy. Contains account of the new settlements, post roads, particulars re garding the sale of lands, etc. 880 Maine. Sullivan, James. His tory of the District of Maine. Large folding map engraved by Doolittle. 8vo, calf (rubbed), pp. 411. Boston, 1795- $12.00 The first general history of Maine. Scarce with the map in perfect condition. 881 - - Another Copy. Old calf (broken). Nearly all of the map missing. $2.50 882 Maine. Sewall, Rufus K. Ancient Dominions of Maine, embrac ing recent discoveries of Aboriginal Towns, Incidents of Indian Warfare, etc. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 366. Bath, 1859. $8.00 Contains a narrative of the interminable Indian wars which characterized the early history of this locality. Maine. Folsom, George. History of Saco and Biddeford, with Notices of other Early Settlements. Plate. i2mo, original boards, uncut. Saco, l8 30- $25.00 A wonderful copy, in original boards, entirely uncut and with the original paper label on back. It would seem impossible to preserve it in such condition for nearly 85 years. THE NEW ENGLAND STATES. 97 Maine Historical Society. Collections of Maine Historical Society. First Series, 10 vols. Second Series, vols. I and II. Maps. 12 vols., 8vo, cloth. Portland, 1831-91. $40.00 In the above set Volume I is the very rare original edition, which was almost entirely destroyed by fire. Partial contents of First Series. History of Portland, by W. Willis; History of Limerisk, by C. Freeman; History of Wells, by J. Greenleaf; Benedict Arnold s Letters while on an Expedition to Attack Quebec, 1775 ; Journal of the Expedition to Quebec in 1775, by W. Allen; Brief Narration, by Ferdinando Gorges; Voyage to New England in 1623, by C. Levett; Annals of Bakerstown, Poland and Minot, by W. Ladd: History of North Yarmouth, by E. Russell; History of Bath, by J. Sewall ; History of the Kenebec Purchase, by R. H. Gardiner; History of Scarborough, by W. S. Southgate; Account of Popham s Colony at the Mouth of the Kenebec River, by W. Strachey; Language of the Abnakis, or Eastern Indians, by W. Willis; Memoir and Journal of Rev. Paul Coffin, D. D. ; Papers Relating to Pemaquid, by F. B. Hough ; Ancient Pemaquid, by J. W. Thornton ; Waymouth s Voyage to the Coast of Maine in 1605, by J. McKeen; The Scotch-Irish Immigration to Maine, by W. Willis; Early Lawyers of Lincoln and Kenebec Counties, by F. Allen; The Abnaki Indians, by C. Vetromile and F. Kidder ; Ancient Penobscot, by J. E. God frey; Champlain s Voyages, by J. M. Brown; Northeastern Boundary, by I. Wash- burn, Jr.; Sir William Phips, by William Gould; The Sheepscot Farms, by A. Johnson; Grammatical Sketch of the Ancient Abnaki Language, by M. C. O Brien; Life and Public Service of Edw. Godfrey, 1584-1664, by C. E. Banks. Second Series : Vol. i, History of the Discovery of Maine, by J. E. Kohl, edited by W. Willis ; Vol. 2, Discourse on Western Planting, by Richard Hakluyt, edited by Chas. Deane. 883 Maine. Williamson, Joseph. A Bibliography of the State of Maine from the Earliest Period to 1891. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. Portland, 1896. $7-50 An important bibliography of all of Eastern New England. The two volumes contain about 1,400 pages. 884 Maine. Willis, William. History of the Law, the Courts and the Lawyers of Maine, from its First Colonization to the early part of the present century. Portraits. 8vo, half morocco, pp. 712. Portland, 1863. $7-50 885 Maine Wills, 1640-1760, ed ited by W. M. Sargent. 8vo, cloth, PP- 953- Portland, 1887. $5oo All the names are carefully indexed. 886 Maine. York Deeds. Book i. (1642-62.) 8vo, half sheep (cracked). Portland, 1887. $2.50 Carefully indexed and valuable for reference. 887 Maiden, Mass. The Bi-Cen- tennial Book of Maiden. Oration and Poem delivered on the 2OOth Anniver- May 23, 1849, with other Proceedings on that day; and matters pertaining to the History of the Place. I2mo, cloth, pp. 251. Boston, 1850. $3.00 888 Manchester, Mass. Lamson, D. F. History of the Town of Man chester, 1645-1895. (Early Life, The Revolution, War of 1812, Anti- Slavery Days.) Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 440. (1895.) $1.00 889 Manchester, N. H. Potter, C. E. History of Manchester, including Ancient Amoskeag of the Middle Merrimack Valley. Proceedings of Centennial Celebration on incorpora tion of Derryfield, Oct. 22, 1851. Por traits and maps. 8vo, cloth, pp. 764. Manchester, 1856. $6.00 890 Marshfield, Mass. Richards, L. S. History of Marshfield. Por- frait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 238. Plymouth, 1901. $2.50 891 Martha s Vineyard. Report to determine the Title of Certain Lands claimed by Indians at Deep Bottom in the town of Tisbury. 8vo, sary of the Incorporation of the Town, paper, pp. 52. Boston, 1856. $1.00 9 8 LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. Massachusetts Historical Society Collections, 1792 to date. Complete set of the Seven Series. Volumes I to 40, half morocco, balance in cloth. 70 vols., 8vo. Boston, 1792, etc. $500.00 An exceptional set, every volume being the original issue, with few exceptions uncut and in the first three volumes which were issued in numbers, nearly all of the original wrappers are preserved. The former owner spent many years in perfecting this set, and it is improbable that the opportunity to secure such a matchless copy will occur again. To speak of the importance of this set is almost unnecessary. It is the great source book of everything relating to the early history of New England. So indis pensable is it that history can neither be written nor correctly understood without consulting its pages. 8vo, sheets, uncut, pp. 259. Boston, 1839- $3-00 897 Mass. Historical Society Col lections. First Series, 10 vols. ; Sec ond Series (lacking Vols. 5 and 6), 8 vols.; Third Series, Vols. i to 7. 25 vols. bound in 12, 8vo, half roan. Boston, 1806, etc. $65.00 892 Mass. A History of the Em blem of the Codfish in the Hall of the House of Representatives (Boston). Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 62. Bos ton, 1895. .75 893 Mass. Barker, John W. Massachusetts Historical Collections relating to the History and Antiqui ties of every Town in Mass. Map and 200 engravings (part of map miss ing). 8vo, calf, pp. 624. Worcester, 1839- $2.50 894 Mass. Barry, John S. His tory of Massachusetts, Colonial, Pro vincial and Commonwealth Periods. 3 vols., 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1855-57. $4-50 < As a continuous account down to recent times it is the most valuable yet produced. The best authorities have been uniformly consulted, and conflicting statements care fully weighed. 895 Mass. Blake, Mortimer. A Centural History of the Mendon As sociation of Congregational Ministers (of Mass.). i2mo, cloth, pp. 348. Boston, 1853. $1.00 896 Mass. Felt, Joseph B. His- rency. With plates of the early Notes. A good run of the early volumes of this valuable series. Abounds with reprints of journals > ad ~ 898 Mass. Holland, Josiah G. History of Western Massachusetts, the Counties of Hampden, Hampshire, Franklin and Berkshire. Map. 2 vols. I2mo, cloth. Springfield, 1855. $4.00 899 Mass. Lectures before the Lowell Institute relating to the Early History of Massachusetts. 8vo, cloth, pp. 498. Boston, 1869. $2.00 Thirteen discoveries including the Medical Profession in Mass.," by Oliver Wendell Holmes. 900 Mass. Letters from the 44th Regiment M. V. M. A Record of the Experiences of a Nine Months Regi- Boston, 8vo, paper, pp. iz Rare. $3.50 Massachusetts. Hutchinson, Thomas. History of the Colony of Massa chusetts Bay from the First Settlement. 2 vols., 8vo, calf. London, 1765-67; Vol. 3., 8vo, boards, uncut, with the rare Preface, London, 1828, A Collection of Original Papers relative to the History of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. 8vo, calf. Boston, 1769. Together 4 vols. Complete set, and has now become very scarce. THE NEW ENGLAND STATES. 99 901 Mass. Minot, Geo. R. His tory of the Insurrection in Massachu setts in 1786 and the Rebellion conse quent thereon. 2d edition. 8vo, boards, uncut. Boston, 1810. $5.00 Best account of Shay s Rebellion, includ ing many original documents. 902 Mass. Old Colony Historical Society, Collections of. Nos. i to 4. (Addresses, etc., Leland s Indian Names, Baxter s Early Voyages to America, etc.) Portraits. 4 vols., 8vo, paper. Taunton, 1879-89. $4.00 903 Mass. Todd, Chas. B. In Olde Massachusetts. Sketches of Old Times and Plans during the Early Days. Illustrated. 121110, cloth, pp. 253. New York, 1907. $1.00 904 Mather, Cotton. Wonders of the Invisible World, being an Ac count of the Tryals of Several Witches lately Executed in New Eng land, to which is added A Farther Ac count of the Tryals of the New Eng land Witches, by Increase Mather. Portrait. I2mo, cloth, pp. 291. Lon don, 1862. $1.25 905 Medford, Mass. Brooks, Charles. History of the Town of Medford from First Settlement in 1630, to 1855. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 576. Boston, 1855. $6.00 With genealogies by Wm. H. Whitmore. 906 Medford, Mass. Brooks, Charles. History of the Town of Medford, from Settlement in 1630 to 1855. Revised and brought down to 1855, by J. M. Usher. Illustrated. 8vo, leather, pp. 592. Boston, 1886. $4.50 907 Medway, Mass. Jameson, E. O. The History of Medway (with Genealogies). Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 534. 1886. $7-50 Laid in is a six page Errata and Addenda. 908 Melrose, Mass. Goss, El- bridge H. The Centennial Fourth. Historical Address delivered in Town Hall, July 4, 1876; also the Proceed ings of the Day. 8vo, paper, pp. 46. Melrose, 1876. $1.00 909 Meriden, Conn. Brecken- ridge, Frances A. Recollections of a New England Town. I2mo, cloth, pp. 222. Meriden, 1890. $1.00 910 Merrimack Valley, Mass. The Historical and Genealogical Re searches and Recorder of Passing Events of Merrimack Valley. A Re pository of Antiquities relating to the History, Biography, Genealogy, Her aldry, etc., etc. illustrated. 4to, pa per, pp. 300. Andover, 1855. $4.50 911 Middleborough, Mass. Book of the First Church of Christ in Mid dleborough. With Notices of other Churches in that Town. 8vo, half mo rocco, pp. 124. Boston, 1852. $2.50 Full list of members, etc. Mather, Cotton. Psalterium Americanum. The Book of Psalms in a Translation Exactly conformed unto the Originals, but all in Blank Verse, fitted unto the Tunes commonly used in our Churches. i6mo, original calf, rebacked, pp. 426. Boston, S. Kneeland, 1718. $50.00 "In this singular publication, which is a close translation of the Hebrew, Dr. Mather has not only disregarded the modern practice of breaking the lines, whether rhymed or not, but he has run out (to use a printer s phrase) the whole matter; so that while each psalm looks exactly like prose, and may be read as such, it is, in fact, modulated so that it may be sung as lyric verse. The learned Doctor says that in the twice seven versions which he has seen, the authors put in as large an Heap of poor Things, which, are intirely their own, meerly for the sake of pre serving the Click of the Rhyme; Which after all is of small consequence unto a Generous Poem ; and of none at all unto the Melody of Singing. " 100 LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. 912 Middlesex County, Mass. Drake, Samuel Adams. History of Middlesex Co., Mass. Containing carefully prepared histories of every city and town in the county, by well known writers, and a general history of the county from the earliest to the present time. Maps, plans, and nu merous illustrations, old houses, por traits, plans of battles, etc. 2 vols., thick 4to, half morocco. Boston, 1880. $7-50 913 Milford, Conn. Pond, Nathan G. Inscriptions on Tombstones in Milford, Erected Prior to 1800, to gether with a few of aged persons who died after that date. 8vo, paper, pp. 69. New Haven, 1889. $1.00 From New Haven Hist. Society Papers. 914 Milford, Mass. Ballou, Adin. History of the Town of Milford, from its First Settlement to 1881 (with ex tensive Genealogies). Portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 1154. Boston, 1882. $5.00 915 Milford, N. H. Ramsdell, Geo. A. The History of Milford, with Family Registers (330 pages), by Wm. P. Colburn. Map and illus trations. 8vo, cloth; pp. 1023. Con cord, 1901. $5.00 916 Montpelier, Vt. Thompson, D. P. History of the Town of Mont pelier, from the time it was first char tered in 1781 to 1860. With Bio graphical Sketches of its most noted deceased Citizens. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 312. Montpelier, 1860. $2.50 917 Morton, Nathaniel. New England s Memorial. A facsimile re print of the original edition of 1669, with Introduction by Arthur Lord. 4to, boards, uncut. Boston, 1903. $7-50 One of a limited edition of 150 copies printed for the Club of Odd Volumes from one of the very few perfect copies known. The first published account by a contem porary writer of the men who made the history of New England from 1620 to 1669. 918 Morton, Nathaniel. New England s Memorial. Fifth Edition with Large Additions and Notes by John Davis. Facsimile of Hubbard s Map. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, un cut, pp. 480. Boston, 1826. $5.00 919 Natick, Mass. History of the Town of Natick, from the Days of the Apostolic Eliot, 1550 to 1830. By William Biglow. 8vo, paper, pp. 88. Boston, 1830. $2.00 Relates largely to the Indians and Eliot. 920 Neal, Daniel. The History of New England containing an Impartial Account of the Civil and Ecclesiasti cal Affairs to 1700. Second edition with many Additions. Folding map. 2 vols., 8vo, new full panelled calf, gilt. London, 1747. $15.00 A fine copy in new binding. While the author drew largely upon Cotton Mather, his work is superior to any that preceded it and his general attitude in his use of all the early authorities is an impartial one. 921 New Bedford, Mass. Ricket- son, Daniel. History of New Bed ford, Bristol County, including the Old Township of Dartmouth, and the present Townships of Westport, Dart mouth and Fairhaven, from their set tlement to the present time. 121110, cloth, pp. 412. New Bedford: Pub lished by the Author, 1858. $4.00 Nantucket. Hough, Franklin B. Papers relating to the Island of Nan- tucket, with Documents relating to the Original Settlement of the Island, Martha s Vineyard, and other Islands adjecent known as Dukes County while under the Colony of New York. From Official Records, etc. Map. Small 4to, half morocco (rubbed), pp. 162. Albany, 1856. $20.00 Very scarce. Only 150 copies printed for private distribution, this having an autograph presentation inscription from J. V. L. Pruyn to Hon. Gideon Hawley. THE NEW ENGLAND STATES 101 922 New Boston, N. H. Cogs well, Elliott C. History of New Bos ton (with genealogies, 100 pages). Map, portraits and illustrations. 8vo, cloth, pp. 470. Boston, 1864. $9.00 923 Newbury, Mass. Currier, John J. History of Newbury, 1635- 1902. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 755. Boston, 1902. $5-oo 924 Newburyport, Mass. A State ment of the Proceedings resulting in the Purchase of the Newburyport Public Library Building. With a Sketch of the History of the Library. View. 8vo, cloth, pp. 43. Newbury port, 1866. .50 925 Newburyport, Mass. Cush- ing, Caleb. The History and Present State of the Town of Newburyport. i6mo, boards, uncut, pp. 120. New buryport, 1826. $5-00 Fine copy. 926 Newburyport, Mass. Remi niscences of a Nonagenarian. Edited by Sarah A. Emery. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 336. Newburyport, 1879. $3.00 Contains a large amount of personal and genealogical material. 927 New Hampshire. Barstow, George. The History of New Hamp shire, from its Discovery, in 1614, to the Passage of the Toleration Act, in 1819. (Witchcraft at Portsmouth and Salem, Siege and Fall of Louisburg, Braddock s defeat, War of 1812, etc.) 8vo, cloth, pp. 456. Boston, 1853. $3.00 928 New Hampshire. Bell, Chas. H. The Bench and Bar of New Hampshire, including Biographical Notices of deceased Judges and Law yers of the Province and State and List of Names of those now living. 8vo, cloth, pp. 795. Boston, 1894. $6.00 929 New Hampshire. Charlton, Edwin A. New Hampshire As It Is : a Historical Sketch, from its First Settlement;" Gazetteer, anxt-a ; Qe/ieral View, etc. Portraits and- views ~&vo, cloth, pp. 592. Claremont, 1855. $1.50 930 New Hampshire. Farmer and Moore. Collections, Historical and Miscellaneous (Indian Wars, Civil History, Original Letters, etc.). Vols. 2 and 3. 2 vols., 8vo, boards (stamp on title). Concord, 1823. $6.00 931 New Hampshire Genealogical Record. Vols. i, 2, 6 and Part I of Vol. 7. 13 parts, 8vo, paper. Dover, 1903, etc. $3.00 932 New Hampshire. Stearns, Ezra S. Genealogical and Family History of the State of New Hamp shire. Portraits. 4 vols., 4to, half leather. New York, 1908. $15.00 933 New Hampshire. Stone, James W. Festival of the Sons of New Hampshire, Boston, Nov. 7th, 1849, w ^h Speeches of Webster, Woodbury, etc., and Letters. 8vo, cloth, pp. 178. Boston, 1850. $2.00 934 New Hampshire. Thaxter, Celia. Among the Isles of Shoals. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 184. Boston, 1873. $1.00 935 New Hampshire. The Town Register. Henniker, Bradford, Warner and Hopkinton. 8vo, cloth, pp. 212. Augusta, 1908. $1.50 936 New Haven, Conn. Bacon, Leonard. Thirteen Historical Dis courses on the Completion of 200 Years from the Beginning of the First Church in New Haven. Por traits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 400. N. Y., 1839. $2.00 One of the 1 best books on the Colonial History of Connecticut. 937 New Haven, Conn. Barber, J. W. History and Antiquities of New Haven. Map and colored plates. I2mo, cloth, pp. 120. New Haven, 1831. $8.50 Very fine copy. The plates include Views of Yale and Doolittle s Battle of Lexington. 102 :LATB.ROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. New Haven. . F^pera of the New Haven Colony Historical Society (Bron- son s Historical Account of Connecticut Currency, Notice of Early Po- mologists in New Haven, Whitaker s Early History of Southold, L. I., Goodrich s Invasion of New Haven, by the British Troops, Ancient Houses in New Haven, Inscriptions on Tombstones in New Haven, prior to 1800, Gardner Morse s Recollections of New Haven, between 1825 and 1837, Early History of Long Island Sound by Capt. Chas. H. Townshend, etc.). 7 vols., 8vo, cloth. New Haven, 1865-1908. $22.50 Complete set. 938 New Haven, Conn. History the Church in Newington : Its Doc- of the City of New Haven to the trine, Its Ministers, Its Experience present Time. By an Association of Portrait. 8vo, paper, pp 7* Hart- Writers. Edited by Edward E. At- ford, 1855. $ I qo water. Illustrated. 4to, half roan, pp. n /i c ISI*F T ,i r AT *u ~ 702 New York T R>7 <trVL 945 New London, Conn. Mather, $5-00 Wm. W. Sketch of the Geology and 939 New Haven, Conn. Lambert, Mineralogy of New London and Edward R. History of the Colony of Windham Counties, in Connecticut New Haven before and after the Published by William Lester, Jr. 8vo, Union with Connecticut. Map and original tinted paper covers, pp. 36 illustrations. i2mo, cloth, pp. 216. Norwich, Printed by J Dunham New Haven, 1838. $10.00 1834. $3 . oo 940 New Haven, Conn. Lever- 946 New London, Conn. Mc- more, Charles H. The Republic of Ewen, Abel. Some Changes which New Haven. A History of Munici- have occurred in the First Congrega- pal Evolution. 8vo, cloth, pp. 342. tional Society and in the County to Baltimore, 1886. $1.50 which it Pertains. 8vo, paper, pp 29. 941 New Haven, Conn. Merwin, New London > 1857. ^r.oo A Dcourse nthe Com- New London, Conn. Records 5 942 New Haven, Conn. Proceed- fthe ettle ^ 943 New Haven, Conn. College. Biographical Memoranda Includes a paper on New London in the War of 1812. ^ 948 New Milford, Conn. Two , Centuries of New Milford with His- 8vo, paper, pp. 70. torical Articles and Reminiscences. $0-75 Portraits a-nd illustrations. 8vo, cloth, Yale PP- 307. New York, 1907. $3.00 949 Newport, R. I. Cahoone, FFQrK $3 f Rh de Island . E. E. Salisbury. dothj pp> 2l ^ New Yor k, 1842. $1.50 944 Newington, Conn. Brace, J. 950 Newport, R. I. Turner Century Discourse. History of Henry E. Settlers of Aquidneck, and THE NEW ENGLAND STATES. 103 Liberty of Conscience. 8vo, paper. Newport, 1880. $**> 951 Newton, Mass. A Century of Church History. Celebration of the One Hundredth Anniversary of the Organization of the Second Church. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 163. Boston, 1882. $1.00 951^ Newton, Mass. Jubilee An niversary of the Pastorate of the Rev. Daniel "Little Furber of the First Church in Newton, Mass. Portrait and view. 8vo, cloth, pp. 128. New ton Centre, 1897. $*-oo 952 Newton, Mass. Smith, S.^F. History of Newton, Town and City, from its Earliest Settlement to the Present Time. 1630-1880. Illus trated. 8vo, leather, pp. 851. Bos ton, 1880. $5-00 953 Newton, Mass. The Mirror of Newton, Past and Present. Illus trated. 8vo, paper, pp. 169. 1907. 75 954 Norman Plates. Smellie, W. An Abridgment of the Practice of Midwifery. 39 Surgical Plates, en graved by John Norman. I2mo, new full calf. Boston, Norman, n. d. $8.00 Very fine copy. 955 Northampton, Mass. Address delivered at Northampton, Oct. 29, 1854, in Commemoration of the close of the 2d Century since the Settlement of the Town. By William Allen. 8vo, paper, pp. 56. Northampton, 1855- $ l -S 956 Northampton, Mass. Bridg- man, Thomas. Inscriptions on the Grave Stones of Northampton, and of other Towns in the Valley of the Con necticut Valley. I2mo, cloth, pp. 227. Northampton, 1850. $3-OO 957 Northampton, Mass. The Meadow City s Quarter Millennial Book. Celebration of 2$oth Settle ment of Northampton. Profusely Il lustrated. 4to, cloth, pp. 531. (1904-) $1.50 958 Northampton, Mass. Wil liams, Solomon. Historical Sketch of Northampton, from its First Settle ment; in a Sermon, delivered April 13, 1815. 8vo, paper, pp. 24. North ampton, 1815. $3- Very fine copy. 959 North Brookfield, Mass. Temple, J. H. History of North Brookfield, preceded by an Account of Old Quabaug, Indian and English Oc cupation, 1647-1767; Brookfield Rec ords, 1680-1783; with a Genealogical Register. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 824. North Brookfield, 1887. $6.00 960 North Springfield, Vt. John son, R. G. Hist. Sketch of the Baptist Church (with List of Members). 8vo, paper, pp. 49. Ludlow, 1880. $1-5 961 Norwalk, Conn. A Complete Copy of the Inscriptions found on the Monuments, Headstones, &c., in the Oldest Cemetery in Norwalk. By David H. Van Hoosear. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 47. Bridgeport, 1895. $2.00 962 Norwalk, Conn. Norwalk after Two Hundred and Fifty Years. An Account of the Celebration of the 250th Anniversary of the Charter of the Town, 1651-1901. Including his torical sketches of the Churches, Schools, Eminent Men, etc. A Rec ord of the Soldiers and Sailors en listed in Norwalk from 1676 to 1898. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 387. South Norwalk, 1902. $2.00 963 Norway, Me. Noyes, David. History of Norway, comprising a Minute Account of its First Settle ment. (List of Deaths, etc.) 8vo, cloth, pp. 216. Norway, 1852. $3.00 964 Norwich, Conn. Denison, Frederic. Notes of the Baptists and Their Principles in Norwich, from the Settlement of the Town to 1850. I2mo, paper, pp. 91. Norwich, 1857. $1.50 104 LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. 965 Norwich, Conn. Oilman, Danl. C. Historical Discourse de livered in Norwich, Conn., Sept. 7th, 1859, at the Bi-Centennial Celebration of the Settlement of the town. His torical notes on the Indian Deed of Norwich, Early Indian History, etc. 8vo, paper, pp. 128. Boston, 1859. $2.00 This second edition, with additional notes, was intended for private distribution. 966 Norwich, Conn. Jubilee. Re port of the Celebration at Norwich, on the 2ooth Anniversary of the Set tlement of tne Town, Sept. 7th and 8th, 1859. With an Appendix. By John W. Stedman. Map and illustra tions. 8vo, cloth, pp. 304. Norwich, 1859. $2.00 967 Norwich, Conn. King, Wal ter. A Farewell Discourse delivered to the Congregational Church and So ciety of Chelsea, Aug. 18, 1811. 8vo, paper, pp. 38. New York, 1811. $3.00 With appendix discussing a case of mar riage to a deceased wife s sister. 968 Old South Leaflets. Nos. i- 200. Reprints of early tracts and works relating to Boston, New Eng land, etc. 8 vols., I2mo, cloth. Bos ton. $12.00 An invaluable collection of rare material in popular form. 969 Orleans County, Vt. Bald win, Fredk. W. Biography of the Bar of Orleans County. 22 portraits. 8vo, half roan (rubbed), pp. 303. Montpelier, 1886. $2.25 970 Otis, James. Life of James Otis of Massachusetts, containing also Notices of some Contemporary Char acters and events from the year 1760 to 1775. By William Tudor. 8vo, original boards, cloth back, binding broken, uncut. Lacks portrait. Bos ton, 1823. $5-00 971 Oxford, Mass. Ammidown, Holmes. Historical Collection (relat ing to Oxford, Woodstock, Dudley, Webster, Sturbridge, Southbridge, etc.). Portraits and maps. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1874. $5.00 972 Palmer, Mass. Allen, Orrin P. Inscriptions from the Two Ancient Cemeteries of Palmer, Mass. 2 plates. 8vo, paper, pp. 67. 1902. $1.00 973 Parsonsfield, Me. History of the Town of Parsonsfield (with Gene alogies). Numerous portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 500. Portland, 1888. $5.00 974 Pelham, Mass. Parmenter, C. O. History of Pelham, 1738-1898. French and Indian War, The Revolu tion, Sketches (with Genealogical Notes) of Natives of the Town, List of Marriages, etc. Portraits and il lustrations. 8vo, cloth, pp. 531. Am- herst, 1898. $2.50 975 Pemaquid, Me. Hough, Franklin B. Papers relating to Pema quid and parts adjacent in the State of Maine, known as Cornwall Co., when under Colony of New York. Compiled from Official Records. 8vo, paper, uncut. Albany, 1856. $3.00 976 Pepperrell, Sir William. The Life of ; the only Native of New Eng land who \vas created a Baronet, by Usher Parsons. Map. 121110, cloth, pp. 352. Boston, 1855. $3.50 One of the best works on the Louisburg Expedition. The author consulted all the Pepperrell papers including a package found in an old shed that had been exposed to destruction for 50 years. 977 Pittsfield, Mass. History of the Town of Pittsfield. With map. By David D. Field. 8vo, paper. Hartford, 1844. $2.00 978 Pittsfield, Mass. Smith, J. E. A. History of Pittsfield, 1734-1876. Maps and portraits. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1869. $5-OO 979 Plainfield, Mass. Dyer, Charles N. History of the Town of Plainfield, Hampshire County, Mass., from its Settlement to 1891, including a Genealogical History of Twenty- three of the Original Settlers and THE NEW ENGLAND STATES. 105 their Descendants. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 187. Northampton, 1891. $1.50 980 Plymouth, Mass. Davis, Wil liam T. Ancient Landmarks of Plym outh. With Genealogical Register of Plymouth Families. Maps. 8vo, cloth, pp. 660. Boston, 1883. $4.50 The valuable Genealogical Register covers 300 pages. 981 Popham Colony, Me. Bal- lard, Edw. Memorial Volume of Pop- ham Celebration, Aug. 29, 1862. Com memorative of planting of Popham Colony on the Peninsula of Sabino, Aug. 19, 1607, Establishing Title of England to the Continent. Map. pp. 368. Portland, 1863 ; and Vindication of Claims of Sir Ferdinando Gorges as Father of English Colonization in America, by John A. Poor. pp. 164, 8vo, cloth. New York, 1862. $4.00 982 Popham Colony, Me. Patter son, James W. Address delivered on the 258th Anniversary of the Planting of the Popham Colony. 8vo, paper, pp. 38. Boston, 1865. $i-5o Only a limited number printed. Presen tation copy from the Publisher. 983 Popham Colony, Me. Poor, John A. Address (with Historical Notes) delivered at the Erection of a Monument Stone in the Walls of Fort Popham, Aug. 29, 1862, Com memorative of the Planting of the Popham Colony on the Peninsula of Sabino. Map. 8vo, paper, pp. 58. New York, 1863. $2.00 984 Portland, Me. Centennial Celebration, July 4-6, 1886, of the looth Anniversary of the Incorpora tion of the Town. By John T. Hull. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 380. Port land, 1886. $2.00 Consists largely of historical addresses, including a long one by T. B. Reed. 985 Portland, Me. Goold, Wil liam. Portland in the Past. With historical notes of Old Falmouth. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 543. Port land, 1886. $3.50 Early American shipping, Privateers of 1812 that sailed from Portland, Action of Enterprise and Boxer, etc. 986 Portland, Me. Journals of Rev. Thomas Smith and Rev. Samuel Deane, Pastors of the First Church in Portland. With Notes and Bio graphical Notices : and a summary History of Portland. By William Willis. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 484. Portland, 1849. $3-5 Covers an uninterrupted narrative of 123 years. 987 Portland, Me. Services at the Semi-Centennial of High Street Church, 1831-1881 (with List of Names). 8vo, cloth, pp. 87. Port land, 1881. $1.00 Pynchon, William. The Time when the First Sabbath was Ordained. The Manner how the First Sabbath was Ordained. A Treatise of the Holy Times. Small 4to, original calf. (London, 1654. $150.00 By the celebrated Founder of Springfield, Mass., and one of the earliest of the New England colonists. Written two years. after his return to England. A presentation copy from the author, having written on the title : " For the Rev erend Mr. Henry Adam, Preacher of God s word at Rawmarsh in Yorkshire: A cor rected copy: Ex Dono Authoris," and with autograph corrections and additions throughout, some several lines in length. The copy has been in the possession of the Rev. Henry Adam and his descendants to a recent period, and contains the old book label of Christopher Stephenson (1730) and of Joseph Adam Stephenson, 1809, together with the latter s autograph. A late owner has written on the fly-leaf and back of title a genealogical history of the family of Adam and Stephenson. The volume is not only very rare, but this copy is of remarkable interest in having so many autograph corrections by the author, autographs of William Pynchon being very rare. io6 LATIIROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. 988 Portsmouth, N. H. Adams, Nathl. Annals of Portsmouth, com prising a Period of 200 Years. With Biographical Sketches. 8vo, new boards, uncut, pp. 400. Portsmouth, 1825. $ I0 .oo In remarkable condition, clean as day of issue. 989 Pratt, Phinehas. A Declara tion of the Affairs of the English People that first inhabited New Eng land. With Notes by Richard Froth- ingham, Jr. 8vo, cloth, pp. 20. Bos ton, 1858. $1.25 First printed from the original manu script. 990 Prince Society. John Wheel wright. His writings, including his Fast-day Sermon, 1637, and his Mer- curius Americanus, 1645; with a pa per upon the genuineness of the In dian Deed of 1629, and a Memoir. By Charles H. Bell. Two facsimiles. Small 4to, half morocco. Boston, J 876. $10.00 Only 210 copies printed. All of these publications of the Prince Society are now very scarce. 991 Prince, Thomas. A Chrono logical History of New England in the Form of Annals. 8vo, half roan, pp. 439. Boston, 1826. $4.00 Best edition, including the manuscript additions left by the author and represent ing the three rare parts of the second volume. ^ 992 Prince, Thomas. Sermon at South Church, Boston, Nov. 27, 1746, being Day of Thanksgiving in the Province of Mass. Bay. (Relates largely to affairs with the Indians and the French in Canada). 8vo, half roan, pp. 35. Boston, 1746. $3.50 993 Princeton, Mass. Celebration of the looth Anniversary of the In corporation of the Town of Prince ton, Oct 20, 1859; including the Ad dress of Hon. Charles T. Russell, Poem of Erastus Everett, and other Exercises. 8vo, paper, pp. 119. Worcester, 1860. $2.00 Presentation copy from Erastus Everett to T. B. Thorpe. 994 Princeton, Mass. Russell, Charles T. The History of Prince ton, from its First Settlement. 8vo, paper, pp. 130. Boston, 1838. $2.00 995 Providence, R. I. Half a Cen tury with the Providence Journal. Being a Record of the Events and Associates connected with the past fifty years of the Life of Henry R. Davis, secretary of the Company. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 235. For Private Distribution, 1904. $1.50 996 Providence, R. I. King, H. M. Historical Catalogue of the Mem bers of the First Baptist Church in Providence, R. I., from 1638-1908. Illustrated. 4to, cloth, pp. 191. Provi dence, 1908. $1.50 997 Providence, R. I. Pitman, John. Discourse delivered at Provi dence, Aug. 5th, 1836, in Commemo ration of the First Settlement of Rhode Island. 8vo, paper, pp. 72. Providence, 1836. $1.50 998 Providence, R. I. North Providence Centennial. Report of the Celebration of Pawtucket, North Providence, of the rooth Anniversary of the Incorporation of the Town, June 24, 1865. With an address con taining Historical Matters of Local Interest. 8vo, paper, pp. 92. Paw- tucket, 1865. $1.50 999 Providence, R. I. Vose, James G. Commemorative Discourses preached in the Beneficent Congrega tional Church. (List of Names, etc.) I2ino, cloth, pp. 135. Providence, 1869. $1.25 ^ looo Providence, R. I. Willard. Geo. C. History of the Providence Stage, 1762-1891. 8vo, cloth, pp.298. Providence, 1891. $i-5o 1001 Quincy, Mass. Some Ac count of the Early History and the Present State of the Town of Quincy. By George Whitney. View. 8vb, paper, pp. 64. (Quincy), n. d. $2.50 Fine clean copy. THE NEW ENGLAND STATES. 107 1002 Randolph, Me. Webster, Henry S. Vital Records of Randolph to the Year 1892. 8vo, cloth, pp. 144- Gardiner, 1910. $1-5 1003 Reading, Vt. Davis, Gilbert A. Centennial Celebration, with His torical Sketch of Reading. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 169. Bellows Falls, 1874. $3-00 1004 Records of the Company of Massachusetts Bay in New England, 1628-1641, as contained in the First Volume of Archives. 8vo, paper, un cut. Cambridge, 1850. $1.50 1005 Rhode Island. Bowen, Henry L. Memoir of Tristram Burges, with selections from his Speeches and Occasional Writings. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 404. Provi dence, 1835. $2.00 Interesting view of social and political conditions in Providence and Washington. 1006 Rhode Island. Census of the Inhabitants of the Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Planta tions, 1774, arranged by John R. Bartlett. 8vo, paper, pp. 239. Prov., 1858. $2.50 1007 Rhode Island. Jackson, Henry. Account of the (Baptist) Churches in Rhode Island. 8vo, cloth, pp. 134. Providence, 1854. $1.00 1008 Rhode Island. My First Campaign. (History of the I2th R. I. Infanty by J. W. Grant.) i6mo, cloth, pp. 152. Boston, 1863. $7.50 Fine copy, a very rare regimental his tory. Most of the copies were destroyed. 1009 Rhode Island. Peterson, Ed ward. History of Rhode Island. (First Proprietors, First Settlers, Aquedneck Indians, First Discovery of Block Island, Genealogy of the Malborn and Brinley Families, etc.) Lithographic mews, including the Old Stone Mill at Newport. 8vo, cloth, pp. 370. New York, 1853. $2.50 1010 Rhode Island. Updike, Wil- kins. Memoirs of the Rhode Island Bar (with historical introduction). 8vo, cloth, pp. 311. Boston, 1842. $1.50 ion Rhode Island. Weeden, William B. Early Rhode Island. A Social History of the People. Illus trated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 381. New York, 1910. $1.25 1012 Roxbury, Mass. Celebration of the looth Anniversary of the Rox bury Charitable Society, Nov. 22, 1894. With Historical Notes and a List of Members. 8vo, cloth, pp. 84. (1894-) $075 1013 Roxbury, Mass. Ellis, Charles M. The History of Rox bury Town. 8vo, paper, pp. 146. Boston, 1847. $2.50 With account of the First Settlers and their families. 1014 Roxbury, Mass. Forest Hill Cemetery (with List of Lot Proprie tors). Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 237. Roxbury, 1855. $1.00 1015 Royalton, Vt. Dunklee, Ivah. Burning of Royalton by the Indians. A careful Research of all that pertains to the Subject, includ ing a reprint of Zadock Steele s Nar rative. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 88. Boston, 1906. $1.50 Rhode Island Historical Society Collection. Vols. I to 7. 7 vols., 8vo, cloth and paper. Providence, 1827-85. $25.00 Scarce. The principal contents are : William s Key to the Language in America, Potter s Early History of Narragansett, Callendar s Historical Discourse on Rhode Island, Staples Annals of Providence, Capt. Thayer s Journal of the Invasion of Canada, and many other valuable reprints and documents. Rhode Island Hist. Soc. Proceedings, 1872-1883, 12 Parts. Addresses, etc., 12 pamphlets, paper. 1844-92. $10.00 io8 LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. Rutherford, Samuel. The Due Right of Presbyteries. Wherein is ex amined The Way of the Church of Christ in New England, their Apology for the said Government, their Answers to thirty and two Questions are considered, Arguments of Mr. Robinson in his justification of separation are discovered, etc., etc. Small quarto, old calf (worn), pp. 468. London, 1644. $10.00 Lacks title and corners of two leaves torn off. Very scarce. The author, in the errata, apologizes for the numerous errors in paging and printing and explains " that he could not attend the Presse." 1016 Rutland Co., Vt. Redding- ton, Lyman W. Centennial Celebra tion of the Organization of Rutland County, 1781. 8vo, cloth, pp. 194. Montpelier, 1882. $1.50 1017 Saco, Maine. Owen, Danl. E. Old Times in Saco. A brief Mon ograph on Local Events. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 172. Saco, 1891. $1.50 Presentation copy from the Author. 1018 Salem, Mass. Did the First Church of Salem originally have a Confession of Faith distinct from their Covenant? By Joseph B. Felt. 8vo, paper, pp. 28. 1856. $1.00 Presentation copy. 1019 Salem, Mass. Old Naum- keag, Historical Sketch of the City of Salem (Mass.), and Marblehead, Beverly, Topsfield, etc., by C. H. Webber and W. S. Nevins. Illus trated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 312. Salem, 1877. $1.50 1020 Salem, Mass. White, Danl. A. New England Congregationalism in its Origin and Purity. Foundation and Early Records of the First Church in Salem. 8vo, cloth, pp. 319. Salem, 1861. $1.25 Saybrook Platform. Hobart, Noah. 102 1 Salem Witchcraft. Records of Salem Witchcraft, copied from the Original Documents. 2 vols., 4to, half morocco, gilt top. Roxbury, 1864. $10.00 The originals are preserved in the archives of Essex County. Published by W. Elliot Woodward. 1022 Sandwich, Mass. Pratt, Am brose E. 25oth Anniversary of Sand wich and Bourne. I2mo, cloth, pp. 131. Falmouth, 1890. $1.00 1023 Silliman, Benj. Remarks made on a Short Tour between Hart ford and Quebec in the Autumn of 1819. Plates. I2mo, boards, uncut, pp. 407. New Haven, 1820. $3.50 Scarce in uncut condition. Relates largely to the scenes of the Revolution and French and Indian War. 1024 Smith, Capt. John. New England s Trials. 8vo, paper. Lon don, 1622; (Reprint), 1867. $7.50 No. 4 of an edition of 60 copies printed for John Carter Brown. Presentation copy to Henry C. Murphy. 1025 Southington, Conn. Confes sion of Faith and Covenant of the First Church, with Catalogue of Members, 1780-1823. 121110, paper, uncut, pp. 21. New Haven, 1828. $3-50 An Attempt to illustrate and con firm the Ecclesiastical Constitution of the Consociated Churches of Con necticut occasioned by a late " Explanation of the Saybrook Platform." 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. New Haven: B. Mecom, 1765. $25.00 Fine copy of a very rare tract, printed in New Haven by Mecom soon after he bought out Parker. Mecom printed but few pieces and all o"f his imprints are rare. This copy has Jonathan Edwards autograph on title. The pamphlet that this is an answer to, Gov. Fitch s " Explanation," was the first work printed in Hartford. THE NEW ENGLAND STATES. 109 Stephensen, Marmaduke. A Call from Death to Life and Out of the Dark Wayes and Worships of the World, written by Marmaduke Stephensen who (together with another dear Servant of the Lord called William Robinson) hath (since the writing hereof) suffered from Death in Bos ton in New England. 4to, half roan (margins cut close), pp. 32. London, 1660. $35-0 A cheap copy of this early and very rare book on the persecution of the Quakers in Boston. He was arrested with William Robinson and Mary Dyer for preaching in the streets of Boston, they were tried before John Endicott and by him sentenced to death. Stephensen and Robinson suffered the penalty. Mrs. Dyer was reprieved while on the ladder with the halter on her neck. 1026 Southport, Conn. Guilbert, Edmund. Annals of an Old Parish. Historical Sketches of Trinity 1032 Springfield, Mass. Tower, James E. Springfield Present and Prospective. Profusely illustrated. Church, Southport, 1725-1898. Map 4to, cloth, pp. 214. Springfield, 1905. and illustrations. 8vo, boards, pp. 291. New York, 1898. $2.50 1027 South Reading, Mass. His- $1.25 1033 Stamford, Conn. Alvord, J. W. Historical Address, delivered at torical Sketch of the Baptist Church the Celebration of the Second Cen- in South Reading. Portrait. I2mo, tf nnial Anniversary of the First Set- boards, pp. 100. Boston, 1841. $2.00 Mass. 8vo, paper, pp. 40. New York, 1842. $1.50 1034 Stamford, Conn. Hunting- ton, E. B. Soldiers Memorial. 8vo, 1028 Spencer, Mass. Draper, James. History of Spencer from its Earliest Settlement to 1860. 2d edi tion enlarged (with Genealogies). c i oth , pp. 165. Stamford, 1869. $1.00 Portrait and map. 8vo, boards, un cut, pp. 276. Worcester (1860). $2.50 Includes Regimental Sketches and Naval Service. ._.,,, ^ 1035 St. George, Me. St. George s 1029 Springfield, Mass. Green, Chro ^ cl cont f ining an Historical Mason A Springfield 1636-1886. skfitch from I&) lg t ther History of Town and City. Illus- with Names and ^ of y the f nhab . jTff O l PP 44 P c mg " ita "t s a "d field, 1888. $4.00 nhlstrate d. 1030 Springfield, Mass. Morris, Rockland, Me., 1892. Henry. Early History of Spring field, 1636-1675. An Address with Sketches. I02> $1.25 1036 Stoneham, Mass. Dean, Si las. A Brief History of the Town of -. r / f ACi-o . xi. J_F JL iv^ j. j.xj.o LWJL y vyi tJiiw -LV- VVii wi Appendix. 2 *ortr<* o/ WWiant Stoneham from its " First Settlement ^ f W o^ 8v d th PP " 85 Sp l mg " to the Present Time, with an Account ^ I-2 5 of the Murder of Jacob Gould, Nov. Morris, 25, 1819. i6mo, paper, pp. 36. Bos- Henry. History of the First Church ton, 1843. in Springfield. 8vo, paper, pp. 60. Springfield, 1875. $0.50 field, 1876. 1031 Springfield, Mass. $3-OO Presentation copy from Samuel G. Drake to Herman E. Ludwig. Stiles, Ezra. History of Three of the Judges of King Charles I, who, at the Restoration, 1660, Fled to America and were secreted in Massachu setts and Connecticut for near Thirty Years. Portrait and 8 maps. i6mo, original calf. Hartford, 1794. $20.00 Dr. Stiles history of the Regicides who fled to America has always been a rare book. A small corner to Plate I is missing, but otherwise a fine copy. It contains the rare pasted iQ-line Errata and unpaged leaf of Advertisement. no LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. Trumbull, Benjamin. A Complete History of Connecticut. Best Edition. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, original calf. New Haven, 1818. $17.50 1037 Stoneham, Mass. Stevens, Win. B. History of Stoneham, with Biographical Sketches of Pioneers and Prominent Men. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 352. Stoneham, 1891. $3-50 1038 Sullivan, James. History of Land Titles in Massachusetts (with Chapter on Property of the Abori gines). 8vo, sheep, pp. 392. Boston, 1901- $2.00 1039 Swampscott, Mass. Thomp son, Waldo. Historical Sketches of the Town. I2mo, cloth, pp. 241. Lynn, 1885. $2.00 1040 Templeton, Mass. Adams, Edward G. Historical Discourse on looth Anniversary of First Congrega tional Church, with Survey of Mu nicipal Affairs of the Town. 8vo, paper, pp. 175. Boston, 1857. $1.00 1041 Thornton, John W. The Landing at Cape Anne; or, the Charter of the Massachusetts Com pany, now first published, with a His tory of the Colony, 1624-1628. Fac simile. 8vo, cloth, pp. 84. Boston, 1854- $2.50 The Turner Register, 1903-4 (with Census and List of Non-residents). 8vo, paper, pp. 109. Kent s Hill, 1904- $1.00 1045 Vermont. Hemenway, Abby M. Vermont Quarterly Gazetteer; an Historical Magazine. Illustrated. Vol. I in the original parts as issued, uncut. 1860. $7.50 Fine clean copy. 1046 Vermont. Beckley, Hosea. The History of Vermont, with De scriptions, Physical and Topograph ical. I2mo, cloth, pp. 396. Brattle- boro, 1846. $2.00 The publisher states that the author be stowed years of labor on this work which on his death is published for the benefit of the widow. 1047 Vermont. Slade, William. Vermont State Papers; a Collection of Records and Documents. 8vo, boards, uncut, pp. 568. Middlebury, 1823. $5.00 Contains nearly 200 pages of documents relating to the New Hampshire Grants and the dispute with New York. Minutes of the Council of Safety during the Burgoyne Invasion, etc. 1042 Topsfield, Mass. Historical 1048 Wallingford, Conn. Davis, Manual of the Congregational Church Charles H. S. History of Walling- of Topsfield, 1663-1907. Illustrated, ford, from its Settlement in 1670, in- 8vo, cloth, pp. 60. Topsfield, 1907. eluding Meriden and Cheshire (with $1.00 Genealogies). Portraits. 8vo, cloth, 1043 Townsend, Mass. Sawtelle, PP- &5- Meriden, 1870. $6.00 Ithamar B. History of the Town of Over 3 P a & es of Family Genealogies, Townsend, from the Grant of Haw- RHht Yat^rS?^ ^ t ? e assist , ance - of Hi^rn c "Pot-, T^W; T Q^Q D / EltllU Yale. The result of an exhaustive thorns Farm, 1676-1878. Portraits. examination of manuscripts and printed 8vo, cloth, pp. 455. Fitchburg, 1878. records, all carefully indexed. $4.00 I049 Large Paper Copy. 1044 Turner, Me. Davis, B. V. Only 15 printed. Folio, cloth. $10.00 Vermont. Hemenway. Abby M. Vermont Historical Gazetteer. A Local History of all the Towns in the State. Profusely illustrated. 5 vols., 8vo (3 half morocco, 2 paper, uncut). Burlington, etc., 1868-91. $37-5O Complete set and scarce. Each volume is over 1,000 pages, double column, and the whole presents a mass of local information, laboriously gathered, that cannot be equalled in the annals of any other State. THE NEW ENGLAND STATES. in 1051 Warren, R. I. Tustin, Jo- siah P. Historical Discourse, May 9, 1845, with supplement History of Warren from the earliest times, with Notices of Massasoit and his Family. By G. M. Fessenden. i6mo, cloth. Providence, 1845. $ 2 - 1052 Warwick, R. I. Ely, Wil liam D. Report of the Settlement of Warwick, 1642: and the Seal of the R. I. Historical Society. Square I2mo, paper, pp. 38. Providence, n. d. $0.50 1053 Warwick, Mass. Blake, Jonathan. History of the Town of Warwick, from its First Settlement to 1854, brought down to the Present Time by others. Portrait. I2ino, cloth, pp. 240. Boston, 1873. $2.00 With list of Deaths, Marriages, etc. 1054 Waterville, Me. Bangs, Isaac S. Military History of Water ville, Maine, including the Names and Records, so far as known, of all Soldiers from Waterville, in the Sev eral Wars of the Republic, etc. Por traits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 75. Augusta, 1902. $1.00 1055 Weare, N. H. Little, Wil liam. History of Weare, 1735-1888 (with Genealogies, 350 pages). Por traits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 1064. Lowell, 1888. . $5-00 1056 Wells, Me. Gushing, Jas. R. Hist. Discourse, isoth Anniver sary of the First Congregational Church in Wells. 8vo, paper, pp. 22. Portland, 1851. $0.75 1057 Westborough, Mass. De Forest, Heman P., and Bates, Ed. C. The History of Westborough (with Genealogical Sketches). Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 504. Westborough, 1891. $4.00 1058 Westminster, Mass. Cele bration of the looth Anniversary of th Incorporation of Westminster; containing an address by Charles Hudson, Poem by William S. Hey- wood, and other Proceedings and Ex ercises. 8vo, paper, pp. 128. Boston, 1859. $2.00 1059 Weymouth, Mass. Proceed ings on the 250th Anniversary of the Permanent Settlement of Weymouth, with an Historical Address by Chas. F. Davis, Jr. 8vo, paper, pp. 107. Boston, 1874. $1.00 1060 Wilbraham, Mass. An His torical Address delivered at the Cen tennial Celebration of the Incorpora tion of the Town of Wilbraham, June 15, 1863. By Rufus P. Stebbins. With an Appendix. Illustrated. 8vo, paper, pp. 318. Boston, 1864. $3- Genealogies. Soldiers in the French and Indian War, Journal of Expedition to Cram Point, etc. 1061 Williams, Roger. The Bloudy Tenent of Persecution for cause of Conscience, discussed in a Conference between Truth and Peace. Edited by Samuel L. Caldwell. 4to, pp. 425. 1644. Reprinted, Provi dence, 1867. $3-00 Vol. 3 of Narragansett Club, limited to 200 copies. 1062 Williams, Roger. Experi ments of Spiritual Life and Health, and their preservatives. By Roger Williams of Providence in New Eng land. 4to, boards, pp. 59. lLondon, Printed 1652. Reprinted by Sidney S. Rider, Providence, 1863. " $1.00 Only two copies of the original are known. " Most of it was penned and written in the thickest of the naked Indians of America, in their very wild houses and by their barbarous fires." 1063 Williams, Roger. Durfee, Job. Watcheer, or, Roger Williams in Banishment. A Poem ; with his torical notes. I2mo, cloth, pp. 200. Providence, 1832. $1.00 An account in verse of Roger Williams departure from Salem. His journey through the wilderness, interviews with the Indians, and the settlement of Rhode Island. 1064 Williams, Roger. King, Henry M. The Baptism of Roger Williams : a Review of Rev. W. H. 112 LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. Whitsitt s Inference. I2mo, cloth, pp. 145. Providence, 1897. $0.50 1065 Williams, Roger. Memorial RelatecHargely to Rev. Timothy Edwards and the Edwards family. 1070 Windham County, Conn. of Roger Williams. A Paper read Larned, Ellen D. History of Wind- before the R. I. Historical Society, ham County. Maps and portraits. 2 May 18, 1860. By Zachariah Allen, vols., 8vo, cloth. Worcester, 1874. I2mo, paper, pp. 10. n. p., n. d. $0.50 1066 Williamstown, Mass. Perry, $7-50 1071 Windham County, Conn. A Arthur L. Origins of Williamstown. Letter from the Associated Ministers (Fort Mass in French and Indian of the County of Windham to the War, Life of Ephraim Williams, etc.) People of the several Societies in said Illustrated^ 8vo, cloth, pp. 650. New County (signed by Eleazer Wheelock and others). 8vo, unbound, pp. 52. Boston, 1745. $3.50 1072 Windham, N. H. Morrison, York, 1896. $2.50 1067 Wilton, N. H. Peabody, Ephraim. Address at Centennial Celebration. With Appendix (His tory of the Town, etc.). 8vo, un- Leonar d- A Supplement to the His- bound, pp. 103. Boston, 1839 $i 50 tor > r of Windham. (Marriages, 1068 Winchester, Mass The ^ irths 1 and P e * ths from l882 to l8 9 2 > Winchester Record (with Genealogies Genealogical Records Gathered in of Old Families). Vol. 2. Maps and Londonderry, Ireland, with Historical portraits. 3 parts, 8vo, paper Win- Gleanin g s m Dublin, Homes of the Chester, 1886. $3.00 Earl y _Settlers, etc.) 8vo, cloth, pp. Discontinued after Vol. 3, part i. 1069 Windsor Farms, Conn. 169. Boston, 1892. 1073 Winterport, Me. Littlefield, Stoughton, John A. A Glimpse of Ada D. An Old River Town. Being Roval a History of Winterport (Old Frank- ford), Maine. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 249. New York, 1907. $1.25 an Old Parish. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 150. Hartford, 1883. $7.50 Witchcraft. Scot, Reginald. The Discovery of Witchcraft, proving that the Compacts and Contracts of Witches with Devils, etc ... are Erro neous Novelties . . . whereunto is added a Discourse of the Nature and Substance of Devils and Spirits in two books . . . the second now added in this Third Edition as Succedaneous to the former, etc. Folio, half calf. London, 1665. $25.00 One of the most famous of the books exposing the absurdity of belief in witch craft. The first edition was published during the reign of King James I, and, as his majesty considered himself an authority on the subject and differed entirely from the author, he disposed of Reginald Scot s forcible arguments by the kingly method of seizing all the copies he could discover and burning them, in so doing much increasing the fame of the book. Witchcraft. Webster, John. The Displaying of Supposed Witchcraft, wherein is offered that there are many sorts of Deceivers and Imposters, but that there is Corporeal League made betwixt the Devil and the Witch, that Witches are turned into Cats, Dogs, etc., is utterly denied and dis proved. Folio, original calf. London, 1677. $15.00 Fine copy, with leaf of Imprimatur and 2 extra leaves at the end. Written in reply to Glanvil, Causabon, etc., and one of the most famous of the old works on Witchcraft. Brinley sale, $36.00. THE NEW ENGLAND STATES. Woodward s Historical Series. Nos. i and 2. Records of Salem Witch craft copied from the Original Documents ; Nos. 3 and 4 Hubbard s Indian Wars, edited by Saml. G. Drake ; Nos. 5 to 7 The Witchcraft Delusion in New England, edited by Saml. G. Drake; No. 8 Annals of Witchcraft in New England and elsewhere in the United States, by Saml. G. Drake. 8 vols., royal 4to, paper, uncut, in 2 cloth boxes. Roxbury, 1864-69. $60.00 Splendid large paper copy, of which only 15 complete sets were issued. Contains the most exhaustive account of the Salem witchcraft delusion and the best edition of Hubbard. 1074 Winthrop, John. History of Goodell, Jr. 8vo, paper, pp. 120. New England. Edited by James Sav- New York, 1885. $0.75 age. Portrait. Vol. I. 8vo, cloth, Vol. I. uncut. Boston, 1853. $3-5o Will be glad to purchase Vol. 2. 1075 Winthrop, Me. Thurston, David A. Brief History of Winthrop from 1764 to Oct. 1855 (with Gene- copies printed, alogical Register). I2mo, cloth, pp. 247. Portland, 1855. $1.50 1076 Witchcraft. Drake, Samuel G. Autograph Manuscript of his Introduction to The Witchcraft De- 1079 Witchcraft. (Poole, W. F.) The Mather Papers. Cotton Mather and Salem Witchcraft. I2mo, paper, pp. 23. Boston, 1868. $1.00 An able defense of Mather. Only 100 1080 Woburn, Mass. Sewall, Samuel. History of Woburn, from Grant of its Territory to Charlestown in 1640, to the year 1680 (with Rec ords of Revolutionary Soldiers and lusion m New England, 1866. 47 pp. Genealogical Notes). Portraits. 8vo, Neatly written. $20.00 doth) pp ^ Boston, 1868. $2.00 This valuable manuscript by one of the most able students of the subject comprises a critical review of the whole question. 1077 Witchcraft. Goodell, A. C. J. Further Notes on the History of 1081 Wolcott, Vt. Narrative of the Sufferings of Seth Hubbell and Family in his beginning a Settlement in the Town of Wolcott. I2mo, pa per. Danville, 1826. $2.50 A simple account of the extreme hard ships suffered by a settler who came from Witchcraft in Massachusetts, contain ing additional evidence of the passage of the Act of 1711, for renewing 1 the attainders of the witches ; facsimile of Connecticut in 1789. the Act. 8vo, paper, pp. 52. Cam- IO 82 Woodbury, Conn. Cothren, iclge, 1884. jx>75 Wm History of Ancient Woodbury 1078 Witchcraft. Moore, George (with Genealogies, 300 pages). Illus- A. Final Notes on Witchcraft in trated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 840. Water- Massachusetts, in reply to Hon. A. C. bury, 1854. $7.50 Worcester County, Mass. History of the County of Worcester, with Ac count of every Town. Map. 8vo, half levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, pp. 339. Worcester, 1739. $25.00 Very fine, large uncut copy, bound from the original sheets. This work is one of the earliest as well as one of the most reliable of New England local histories, and, with the original map, it is very scarce. Worcester Society of Antiquity. Publications Nos. I to 24. 8vo, 2 vols., cloth, balance parts. Worcester, 1877-87. $40.00 This valuable series contains many important papers on Worcester topics. The Early Records, Town Records, etc. Only a limited number of copies were printed. 114 LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. 1083 Worcester County, Mass. (Marvin, A. P., and others.) History of Worcester County from First Set tlement, with History of its Cities and Towns. Maps and illustrations. 2 vols., royal 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1879. $3-50 1084 Worcester Magazine and Historical Journal. Containing arti cles original and selected. (Language of Abenaki, Canadian Manners, In dian Barbarities, Destruction of Lan caster, Siege of Quebec, etc.) 2 vols., 8vo, boards, uncut. Worcester, 1826. $7-50 1085 calf. Another Copy. Half $5.00 1086 Worcester, Mass. Barton, W. S. Epitaphs from the Cemetery on Worcester Common, with occa sional notes, references, and an Index. 8vo, paper, pp. 36. Worcester, 1848. $1.50 1087 Worcester, Mass. Celebra tion of the 2ooth Anniversary of the Naming of Worcester (with Oration by Senator Geo. F. Hoar). 8vo, pa per, pp. 176. Worcester, 1885. $0.50 1088 Worthington, Mass. Secular and Ecclesiastical History of the Town of Worthington, from its First Settlement to the Present Time. 8vo, half morocco, pp. 72. Albany, 1853. $2.00 THE MIDDLE STATES. Local and General History, Discovery, Settlement, New York State and City, etc. 1089 Acrelius, Israel. History of lustrated. A Series of fine photograv- New Sweden. Translated with Notes by Wm. M. Reynolds. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 468. Phila., 1874. $2.00 1090 Adirondacks. Ives, Martin V. B. Through the Adirondacks in Eighteen Days. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 119. N. Y., 1899. $1.50 1091 Adirondacks. Smith, H. Perry. The Modern Babes in the Wood, or Summerings in the Wilder ness. With a Descriptive Guide to the Adirondacks. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 444. Hartford, 1872. $1.50 1092 Albany, N. Y. Albany II- ure plates with text. 12 parts, folio, paper. Albany, 1891. $2.50 1093 Albany, N. Y. Munsell, Joel. The Annals of Albany. Plates, maps, etc. 10 vols., I2mo, cloth. Al bany, 1850. $20.00 Fine copy. One of the most important works on the early Dutch settlement in New York. 1094 Albany, N. Y. Reynolds, Cuyler. Albany Authors. A List of Books written by Albanians. With Biographical Data. i6mo, paper, pp. 107. Albany, 1902. $1.25 Acrelius, Israel. Beskrifning om de Swenska Forsmlingars Forna och Nar- warande Tilstand, uti Det sa kallade Nya Swerige, etc. (A History of New Sweden; or, Settlements on the River Delaware). 4to, full pol ished calf, gilt, side panels with center ornaments, gilt edges, by Zaehns- dorf. Stockholm, 1759. $45.00 A very fine copy from the Brinley collection, at which sale it sold for $80.00. " This important work is hardly less rare than that of Campanius, especially when in good condition. It has, besides, the merits of being much more extensive and of reproducing a large number of documents, partly unpublished. The author stayed a long time in America, as Provost to the Swedish Congregation, and in his leisure hours he collected the materials of his history." F. Muller. THE MIDDLE STATES. 1095 Albany, N. Y. The Manual of the First Lutheran Church. With History, List of Members, etc. (by Joel Munsell). Illustrated. I2mo, paper, pp. 128. Albany, 1871. $2.00 1096 Albany, N. Y. Wilson, S. Albany City Guide and Traveller s Directory. Map and illustrations. i6mo, cloth, pp. 144. Albany, 1845. $3.00 1097 Albany County, N. Y. Art Work of Albany County. A Series of fine photogravure views, with text. 9 parts, folio, paper. Chicago, 1897. $2.50 1098 Anti-Masonic. Brown, Henry. Narrative of the Anti-Mason- ick Excitement in the Western Part of New York, 1826-28. I2mo, boards (broken), pp. 244. Batavia, 1829. $3-50 1099 Babylon, N. Y. The Baby lon Town Patents. As reviewed by Wm. G. Nicoll in letters to The South Side Signal, March-May, IQI i. I2mo, wrappers, pp. 70. Babylon, Signal Press (1911). $1.50 Printed on one side of the page only, only a few issued. i ioo Baltimore. Baltimore, or Long, Long Time Ago, by W. B. B. 8vo, paper, pp. 24. Baltimore, 1853. $2.50 noi Baltimore. Scharf, J. Thomas. History of Baltimore City and County, from the Earliest Period to the Present Day, including Bio graphical Sketches of Representative Men. Profusely illustrated. Thick 4to, half morocco (rubbed), pp. 947. Phila., 1881. $3.50 1102 Baltimore. Smith, Joseph T. Eighty Years, embracing a History of Presbyterianism in Baltimore. I2mo. cloth, pp. 279. Phila., 1899. $1.00 1103 Bayard Journal. A Narra tive of an Attempt made by the French of Canada upon the Mohaques Country. Folio, cloth, pp. 14. Wil liam Bradford, 1693. $2.00 A facsimile reprint of the first book printed in New York, with introductory note by Adelaide R. Hasse. Only 500 copies made in 1903. 1104 Bedford, N. Y. Baird, Chas. W. History of Bedford Church (from 1681). I2mo, cloth, pp. 149. New York, 1882. $1.50 1105 Bedford, N. Y. Hervy, P. B. Brief History of the Presby terian Church at Bedford from 1680. 2 plates. 8vo, paper, pp. 34. New York, 1874. $1.50 1106 Berks County, Pa. Rupp, I. D. History of the Counties of Berks and Lebanon. Account of the Indians and nearly 5,000 Names of Early Set tlers. Lithograph plates. 8vo, calf, pp. 519. Lancaster, 1844. $5.00 1107 Berks County, Pa. Strunck, Amos K. Officers of Berks County, 1752 to 1860, also Vote of the County at Elections. i6mo, cloth (loose), pp. 124. Reading, 1859. $ 2 -5o 1108 Bradford. The Excellent Priviledges of Liberty and Property. A Reprint and Facsimile of the First American Edition of the Magna Charta (with Penn s Patent and Frame of Government), printed in 1687 by William Bradford. 8vo, vel lum. Phila., 1897. $6.00 Edition limited to 150 copies beautifully printed on handmade paper. Introduction by Frederick D. Stone and edited by John Thomson. 1109 Bradford Laws. Facsimile of the Laws and Acts of the Province of New York. Printed by William Bradford, 1694. W r ith Historical In troduction, Notes and Appendix, by Robert L. Fowler. Folio, vellum, un cut. New York, 1894. $22.50 Limited to 312 copies printed for the Grolier Club. 1 1 10 Brighton, N. Y. Paere, Jo seph R. History of the Brighton Church, in Five Discourses. (With List of Members from its Organiza tion.) 8vo, papers, pp. 60. Rochester, 1877. $1.50 LATIIROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. Brooklyn, N. Y. Field, T. W. Historic and Antiquarian Scenes in Brook lyn and its Vicinity (Suydam House and the Hessians in Brooklyn, Indian, Dutch and English Names of Localities, Services of Maryland Battalions, Anecdotes, Traditions, etc.). Map and tinted and colored illusts. of old buildings. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut, paper label. Brooklyn, 1868. $15.00 One of a very few copies with the cancelled pages 23-6, as originally written, and before others were substituted. They tell quite different stories. The entire edition was only no copies. in i Brookhaven, N. Y. Records of the Town of Brookhaven up to 1800. 8vo, cloth, pp. 219. Patchogue, 1880. $2.50 1 1 12 Brooklyn, N. Y. Drowne, T. S. Discourse in Church of Holy Trinity with Historical Notes. ( Plant ing of the Church on Long Island, etc.) 8vo, paper, pp. 78. New York, 1868. $0.75 1113 Brooklyn, N. Y. Fifty Years in Brooklyn (of Y. M. C. A.), 1853- 1903. Illustrated. 8vo, paper, pp. 124. Brooklyn, 1903. $0.50 1114 Brooklyn, N. Y. History of the First Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of Bretickelen. 1654-1896. (With Personal Record of some of the Old Families.) Illustrations. 4to, cloth, pp. 94. 1896. $2.50 1115 Brooklyn, N. Y. Manual of the Church of the Pilgrims. (With List of Names.) I2mo, paper, pp. 42. New York, 1859. $!-25 1116 Broome County, N. Y. Burr, G. H. Historical Address Relating to the County of Broome. 8vo, paper, pp. 55. Binghamton, 1876. $1.50 Presentation copy from the Author. 1117 Bucks County, Pa. Bio graphical Sketches of the Leading Citizens of Bucks County. Portraits. 4to, leather (binding broken), pp. 558. Buffalo, 1899. $2.50 1118 Bucks County, Pa. Buck, Wm. J. History of Bucks County. 8vo, paper, pp. 142. (1855.) $15.00 Very rare, the largest part of the edition having been destroyed. 1119 Buffalo Historical Society. Publications, Vols. 3 to 8. Portraits, facsimiles, etc. 6 vols., 8vo, Vols. 4 and 5 in half roan, the others in wrap pers as issued. Buffalo, 1885-1905. $10.00 Valuable papers on Indians, Bibliography, etc. 1 120 Buffalo, N. Y. Knight, W. M. Manual, Catalogue and History of the Lafayette Street Presbyterian Church. 8vo, cloth, pp. 188. Buffalo. 1876. $1.50 1 12 1 Burlington County, N. J. Stackhouse, A. M. Maladies, Reme dies and Physicians of Colonial Days in Burlington County. 8vo, paper, pp. 52. Moorestown, 1908. $1.00 1 122 Bushnell, Charles I. An ar rangement of Tradesmen s Cards, Po litical Tokens, Election Medals, etc., described from the Originals. Plates. 8vo, paper, pp. 118. New York, 1858. $2.00 The best work on Tradesmen s Tokens. Only a limited number, privately printed. 1123 Campanius, Thomas. Kort Beskrifning Om Previncien Nya Swerige uti America Som nu fortyden of the Engelske Kallas Pennsylvania. (Description of the Province of New Sweden, now called by the English Pennsylvania. Compiled from the Relations and Writings of Persons worthy of Credit.) By Thomas Cam panius Holm. Engraved title, 4 maps and plans, and others in text (2 plates missing). 4to, morocco. Stockholm, 1702. $12.50 A scarce work, relating to the establish ment of the Swedes in Pennsylvania. The descriptions of the characteristics of the Indians have value, as statements made probably from the narrations of an actual observer. Pastor Campanius, the author s THE MIDDLE STATES. 117 grandfather, had an intimate acquaintance with the aborigines, as his translation of the Cathechism into the Indian tongue fully attests. One of the illustrations is an early view of Niagara Falls. 1124 Carbondale, Pa. Durfee, J. R. Reminiscences of Carbondale, Dundaff and Providence, fifty years past. I2mo, cloth, pp. 150. Phila., 1875. $3-00 1125 Carlisle, Pa. Klein, Theo. B. Early History and Growth of Carlisle. Maps. 8vo, cloth, pp. 75. Harrisburg, 1905. $1.00 1126 Carlisle, Pa. Wing, Conway P. A History of the First Presby terian Church of Carlisle. 8vo, cloth, pp. 263. Carlisle, 1877. $ijo 1127 Chester, Pa. Ashm-ead, Henry G. Historical Sketch of Chester, on Delaware. Maps and illus trations. 8vo, paper, uncut, pp. 336. Chester, 1883. $2.50 1128 Clarendon, N. Y. Copeland, D. S. History of Clarendon from 1810 to 1888. i2mo, cloth, pp. 382. Buffalo, Privately printed, 1889. $3.0x3 Presentation copy from the author with autograph inscription. 1129 Clarion County, Pa. Davis, A. J. History of Clarion County, witli Biographical Sketches. Por traits. Royal 8vo, half leather, pp. 736. Syracuse, 1887. $3-5 Contains considerable genealogical material. 1130 Clinton County, Pa. Histor ical View of Clinton County from its Earliest Settlement to the Present Time, comprising a complete Sketch and Topographical Description of each Township in the County. By D. S. Maynard. Numerous lithographs. 8vo, cloth, pp. 228. Lock Haven, Pa., 1875. $3-oo 1131 Coal Regions. Guide Book of the Central Railroad of New Jersey and its connections through the Coal Fields of Pennsylvania. Illustrations. 121110, cloth, pp. 120. New York, 1864. $1.25 1132 Golden, Cadwallader. The Golden Papers. Official Letter Books of Lt. Gov. Golden. 1760-1775- (N. Y. Hist. Soc., Vols., 1876-7.) 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. New York, 1877-8. $3-50 One of the most important collections of letters relating to the colonial history of New York. 1133 Dauphin County, Pa. Ad dresses, Ecclesiastical History of Dauphin County, by T. H. Robinson ; Dauphin County in the Revolution, by A. B. Hamilton, and Historical Re view of the Country by Dr. Egle. 8vo, paper, pp. 85. Harrisburg, 1876. $1.25 1134 Delaware. Act to Incorpo rate a Company for making an Arti ficial Road from or near the Borough of Wilmington, New Castle County, on the East side of the Brandywine Creek, through West Chester, etc. 8vo, uncut, pp. 18. (Dover, 1811.) $2.50 Upper corners of some leaves torn, but text preserved. 1135 Delaware. Ferris, Benj. His tory of the Original Settlements on the^ Delaware from its Discovery by Hudson, with Account of the Swedish Settlers, etc. Map and plates. 8vo, cloth, pp. 312. Wilmington, 1846. $6.00 1136 Delaware. Vincent, Francis. History of the State of Delaware from its First Settlement, with Full Account of the First Dutch and Swedish Settlements. 15 parts, clean, in the original covers, 8vo, uncut. Phila., 1870. $4-00 An excellent work, but owing to lack of support, only Vol. I was printed, which, however, covers all the early history of the state, with genealogical notes concerning the early Dutch and Swedish settlers. Rare in such fine condition. 1137 Delaware. Wheeler, Edward S. Scheyichbi and the Strand; or, Early Days Along the Delaware. Containing Sketches of the Romantic Adventures of the Pioneer Colonists, the Remarkable Course of Political n8 LATIIROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. Progress in the United States as shown in the History of New Jersey. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 116. Phila., 1876. $1.00 1138 Delaware County, Pa. Smith, George. History of Delaware County, with Catalogues of its Min erals, Plants, Quadrupeds and Birds. (Biographies of Early Settlers, etc.) Maps and lithograph plates. 8vo, half calf, pp. 582. Phila., 1862. $5.00 1139 Delaware River. Fernow, B. Documents relating to the Dutch and Swedish Settlements on the Del aware River. (1624-1682.) 4to, cloth, pp. 669. Albany, 1877. $2.50 N. Y. Col. Docs., Vol. 12. The early history up to the time of Penn s establish ment of Pennsylvania. 1140 Dutchess County, N. Y. Hasbrouck, Frank. The History of Dutchess County (with Genealogies). Portraits. 8vo, half morocco, pp. 825. Poughkeepsie, 1909. $7.50 1141 Dutchess County, N. Y. Sherrill, Hunting. Review of the Diseases of Dutchess County from 1809 to 1825, etc. 8vo, old calf, pp. 1.84. New York, 1826. $2.50 1 142 Elizabeth, N. J. Inscriptions of Tombstones and Monuments in the Burying Grounds of the First Pres byterian and St. John s Church at Elizabeth. Illustrations. 8vo, cloth, PP- 355- (1892.) $3.50 1143 Erie, Pa. Moorland, Isaac. The Occasional Writings of, with a Sketch of his Life. I2mo, cloth, pp. 258. Erie, 1882. $1.50 Includes Old Times in Erie and His tory of the Barnett Family. ^1144 Franklin County, Pa. Mc- Cauley, I. H. Historical Sketch of Franklin County. Enlarged edition with over 100 lithographs. 8vo, sheep (binding broken), pp. 322. Chambersburg, 1878. $1.50 1145 Franklin Imprint. Collection of the Works of Thomas Chalkley (including Journal of his Travels in New Jersey, Long Island, New Eng land, etc.). 8vo, calf, pp. 590. Phila., Franklin and Hall, 1749. $12.00 1146 Gaine Imprint. Every Man his own Lawyer; or, a Summary of the Laws of England, in a new and Instructive Method. I2mo, old calf, pp. 289. New York, Hugh Gaine, 1768. $4.50 1147 Gaine Imprint. The Psalms of David imitated in the Language of the New Testament, etc. By I. Watts. i6mo (worn and stained copy). New York, Hugh Gaine, 1772. $5.00 A scarce early New York edition of Watts Psalms in verse. Complete with both index and table. 1148 Genesee, N. Y. View of the Present Situation of the Western Parts of the State of New York, called the Genesee Country. i2mo, in neat cloth case, lettered. Fred erick-Town, 1804. $1.50 Facsimile reprint, made in 1892. Genesee. Mnnro, Robert. A Description of the Genesee County in the State of New York in which the Situation, Dimensions, Lakes , Rivers, Curiosities and other Interesting Matters are described. Map of Genesee County. 8vo, pp. 16. New York: Printed for the Author, 1804. $20.00 Fine copy of this scarce and early tract on central New York. The Appendix contains a description of the Military Lands. Genesee. Williamson, Charles. Description of the Genesee County, its rapidly progressive Population and Improvements in a Series of Letters. 2 maps, including the fine one of Ontario and Stcuben Counties, and view of Oswego. 410, paper, pp. 37. Albany, 1798. $37-5o Excessively rare. One of the earliest and most important works on the settlement ot the interior of the State. THE MIDDLE STATES. 119 1149 Geneva, N. Y. Winslow, Hubbard. The Former Days. His tory of the Presbyterian Church in Geneva. 8vo, paper, pp. 40. Boston, 1859. $i-50 1150 Gloucester, N. J. Mickle, Isaac. Reminiscences of Old Gloucester. Plate. 8vo, half calf, pp. 98+Errata. Phila., 1845. $12.50 Very scarce. The author quotes many of the early authorities as well as drawing on material that he collected personally. 1151 Greenwich, N. J. Andrews, Bessie A. Colonial and Old Houses of Greenwich, N. J. Illustrated. i2mo, cloth, pp. 87. Vineland, 1907. $1.00 1152 Hanover, Pa. Plumb, Henry B. History of Hanover Township, and Also A History of Wyoming Val ley (with Genealogical Tables). 8vo, cloth, pp. 499. Wilkes Barre, 1885. $4.00 1153 Harrisburg, Pa. Morgan, George H. Annals, comprising Mem oirs, Incidents and Statistics of Har risburg, from the period of its Settle ment ( Muster-Roll of the Cameron Guards, names, places of nativity, residence, etc., Fires, Indians, etc.). I2tno, cloth, pp. 400. Harrisburg, 1858. $3-00 1154 Herkimer County, N. Y. Di rectory, 1869-70 (with History of the Town). 8vo, cloth, pp. 235 (lacks title). 1870. $1.00 1155 Hudson County, N. J. Win- field, Chas. H. History of the County of Hudson, from its Earliest Settle ment (with Genealogies). Illus trated. 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 568. New York, 1874. $5.00 1156 Hudson River. Lossing, Benson J. The Hudson from the Wilderness to the Sea. 306 wood engravings from Sketches by the Au thor. 8vo, cloth, gilt, pp. 464. Troy (1866.) $3-50 The best work on the literary and his torical associations of each locality along the Hudson. 1157 Huntington, N. Y. Old Times in Huntington. Historical Address by Hon. Henry C. Platt, July 4, 1876. With additional notes and family sketches. 121110, cloth, pp. 83. Huntington, 1876. $1-5 1158 Huntington, N. Y. Turner, Chas. W. Annals of St. John s Church, with Historical and Descrip tive Notes. 8vo, boards, pp. 87. Huntington, 1895. $i-5 1159 Huntingdon County, Pa. Lytle, Milton S. History of Hunt ingdon County from Earliest Times. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 361. Lan caster, 1876. $1-5 1160 Jamaica, N. Y. McDonald, James M. Two Centuries in the His tory of the Presbyterian Church, Ja maica, L. I., the oldest existing church of the Presbyterian name in America. View. 1 2mb, cloth, pp. 329. New York, 1862. $2.00 1161 Jamaica, N. Y. Onderdonk. Henry, Jr. Antiquities of the Parish Church (including Newtown and Flushing). Illustrated from Authen tic Documents, with History of Grace Church to the Present Time. 8vo, un cut. Jamaica, 1880. $5-OQ Extra illustrated copy. Contains several letters of the author, 10 portraits, news paper clippings, etc., laid in. 1162 Jamesburg, N. J. Centennial and Historical Exercises, 1876. Plans. 8vo, cloth, pp. 78. Phila., 1876. $1.50 Huntington, N. Y. Wood, Silas. Sketch of the Geography of the Town of Huntington with Brief History of its First Settlement, etc. 8vo, new full sprinkled calf, gilt, by Worsfold. Washington. $22.50 Choice copy of this rare Long Island item, one of the scarcest New York locals. 120 LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. 1163 Jefferson County, N. Y. Hough, Franklin B. A History of Jefferson County. From the Earliest Period. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 601. Albany, 1854. $6.00 1164 Katonah, N. Y. Ancestry, George. Toombstones in the Ka- toonah Cemetery (now removed). I2mo, paper, pp. 24. (1903.) $2.00 Ancestry s Genealogical Series, No. I. Only a few printed. 1165 Kirkland, N. Y. Gridley, A. D. History of the Town of Kirkland. Map. i2mo, cloth, pp. 232. N. Y., 1874. $2.50 1166 Lackawanna Valley, Pa. Hollister, H. History of Lackawanna Valley. 2d edition, entirely rewritten. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 442. New York, 1869. $2.00 1167 Lancaster County, Pa. Lea- man, John. History of the Cedar Grove Presbyterian Church of East Earl Township. 8vo, unbound, pp. 43. Phila., 1853. $0.75 1168 Lancaster County, Pa. Rupp, I. D. History of Lancaster County, with Brief Sketch of the Early His tory of Pennsylvania. With Appen dix containing History of York County. Folding table and plates. 8vo, calf, pp. 750. Lancaster, 1844. $7-50 1169 Lewis County, N. Y. His tory of, from the Beginning of its Settlement to the Present Time. By Franklin B. Hough. (Davenport Families, Deeds to First Settlers, Flora, German Settlements, Indians, Revolutionary Reminiscences, Indian Treaties, etc.) Steel plates. Royal 8vo, paper, uncut, pp. 319. Albany, 1860. $5.00 Only a few issued in this style. 1170 Livingston County, N. Y. Biographical Review of the Leading Citizens of Livingston and Wyoming Counties. Portraits. 4to, leather (broken), pp. 684. Boston, 1895. $2.50 1171 Long Island. Craven, C. E. History of Mattituck, Long Island. Map, portraits, men s and facsimiles. Post 8vo, cloth, pp. 400. Privately Published (1906). $2.00 Over 100 pages at the end contain a re print of the Parish Registers of Mattituck and Aquebogue, 1751-1809, valuable for genealogical purposes. 1172 Long Island. Baiting Hol low (Suffolk County). Census, 1825. With Notes (on the families) by Jas. F. Young. 8vo, paper, pp. 8. 1906. $1.00 Only 25 printed. Long Island. Wood, Silas. Sketch of the First Settlement of the several Towns on Long Island with their Political Condition to the end of the American Revolution. First Edition. 8vo, unbound, pp. 66. Brooklyn, 1824. $ I5 ".oo Fine, clean copy of the very rare first edition, of which only 100 copies were printed. Formerly in the possession of Garrit Furman, with his autograph on top of title-page. Long Island. Wood, Silas. A sketch of the First Settlement of the Several Towns on Long Island; with their Political Condition to the end of the American Revolution. 8vo, new boards, uncut, pp. 184. Brooklyn, 1828. $10.00 Includes a short biography of Capt. Kidd, with a list of his treasures deposited on Long Island. THE MIDDLE STATES. 121 1173 Long Island. Fernow, B. 1177 Luzerne County, Pa. Documents relating to the Early Col- Bradsby, H. C. History of Luzerne onial Settlements, principally on Long County, with Biographical Selections. Island, with large folding map of the Portraits. 4to, half roan, pp. 1508. western part in 1666. Translated, Chicago, 1893. $5oo compiled and edited from original rec ords. 4to, cloth, pp. 800. Albany, 1883. $3-00 From Vol. 14 of the Colonial Documents, State of New York. An invaluable work of reference. There are some 850 refer ences to Indian Deeds, Patents, Council Minutes, Ordinances, Leases, etc. There are very full accounts of the towns of Brooklyn, Bushwick, Canarsie, Coney Island, Easthampton, Flatbush, Jamaica, Newton, etc., also a full account of the Indians of Long Island. Foot notes have been added throughout and a thorough index. 1174 Long Island. Prime, Na thaniel S. A History of Long Island, from its First Settlement, with Annals of the Several Towns, etc. Map. I2mo, half roan, pp. 420. New York, 1845. $4-00 1175 Long Island. Whittemore, Henry. Historic Long Island Homes (of Paine, Bryant, King, Roosevelt, Riper, Grace, Seaman, etc., with Gene alogies). Illustrated. 410, paper, pp. 224. New York, 1901. $2.00 1176 Long Island. Wilson, Rufus R. Historic ILong Island. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 364 (slightly water- stained). N. Y., 1902. $2.00 Maryland. Hughes, Jeremiah. A Brief Sketch of Maryland. Its Geog raphy, Boundaries, History, etc. i8mo, half blue levant morocco, gilt top, pp. 256. Printed for the Publisher, 1845. $20.00 Fine copy of this rare volume on Maryland history. The original front paper wrapper preserved. Maryland. Publications of the Maryland Historical Society, from 1844 to 1866 (except 1860) ; Journal of Charles Carroll s Visit to Canada in 1776, with notes by Brantz Mayer: Life and Character of George Cal- vert; Am. Colonial History, by Thomas Donaldson; Paper on California, by J. Morrison Harris, 1849; Maryland 200 years ago, by S. F. Streeter; Baltimore : or Long, Long Time Ago ; Memoirs of Baron De Kalb, Early Friends or Quakers in Maryland, etc. 29 pamphlets. 8vo. Baltimore, 1844-66. $20.00 Such a long run is now very rare. It is only seldom that single numbers can be secured. Clean, fine copies in the original wrappers. 1178 Luzerne County, Pa. Os mond, J. History of the Presbytery of Luzerne. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Wilkes Barre, 1897. $ : - 2 5 1179 Madison, N. J. Stokes, Ell- wood H. A Pilgrim s Foot-prints ; or, Life of John Hancock of East Madi son, who labored for 50 Years as a Local (Methodist) Minister. Por trait. i6mo, cloth, pp. 200. New York, 1855. $1.50 1180 Maryland. Allen, Ethan. Maryland Toleration, or Sketches of the Early History of Maryland to 1650. 8vo, paper, pp. 64. Baltimore, 1855. $ 2 - 1181 Maryland. Martin, Luther. Modern Gratitude, in 5 Numbers, pp. 165. (Baltimore, 1801) ; A Letter from Richard R. Keene to Luther Martin upon his Modern Gratitude. 8vo, uncut. Baltimore, 1802. $7.50 Rare. Martin was a leading Federalist and Attorney General of Maryland; his daughter married Keene, a Democrat, much against his wishes. Both works were privately printed and are rare. 122 LATIIROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. Maryland. The Acts of Dr. Bray s Visitation, held at Annapolis, in Mary land, May 23-25, 1700. Folio, boards, pp. 17. London: W. Downing I7 F $37-50 :e copy and very rarc^as are most of Dr. Bray s works. Contains Proposals for the Propagation of the Christian Religion and for the Reduction of the Quaker^ thereunto in the Province of Pennsylvania. ^ 1182 Maryland. Roberts, George C. M. Centenary Pictorial Album. Being Contributions of the Early His tory of Methodism in the State of Maryland. Portraits. 4to, cloth, pp. 114. Baltimore, 1866. $3.00 Binding loose. 1183 Maryland. Warfield, J. D. The Founders of Anne Arundel and Howard Counties. A Genealogical and Biographical Review from Wills, Deeds and Church Records. 8vo, cloth, pp. 610. Baltimore, 1905. $4.50 1184 Monroe County, N. Y. His tory of, with Illustrations descriptive of its Scenery, Palatial Residences, etc. Lithograph plates. 4 to, half mo rocco. Phila., 1877. $5.00 Devoted largely to Rochester. 1185 Montgomery County, Pa. Buck, Wm. J. History of Montgom ery County within the Schuylkill Val ley. Royal 8vo, half morocco, pp. 128 Norristown, 1859. $5.00 ^ 1186 Montgomery, P a . Mathews, Ldward. History of the Montgomery Baptist Church (with List of Mem bers). Illustrated. 8vo, cloth on ;? i895. $rco 1187 Montgomery County, Pa. Richards, J. W. Centenary Jubilee of the Lutheran Church at Trappe (Montgomery County, founded by Muhlenberg). i6mo, paper, pp 43 Pottstown (1843). $3.00 Very rare. Contains particulars of the early ministry of Muhlenberg. 1188 Mount Morris, N. Y. Cen tennial Celebration of, Aug. 15, 1894. Biographical Sketches, Histories of Churches, etc. Compiled by Rev. Levi Parsons and Samuel L. Rock- fellow. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 210. (1894.) $1.50 ^ 1189 Moravians. Rimius, Henry. Candid Narrative of the Rise and Progress of the Herrnhuters, com monly called Moravians, or Unitas Fratrum. Second edition, containing a translation of the Latin Appendix in the previous edition. London, : 753; also in the same volume, A Solemn Call on Count Zinzendorf ... to answer all and every charge brought against them in the Candid Narrative. By the same author. London, 1754. Two vols. in one, 8vo, half marbled calf gilt. $4-5o An attack on the Moravians. The au thor mentions his meeting Conrad Bissell and other leaders of the sect at Ephrata, lr 3.. 1190 New Brunswick, N. J. Cele bration of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Founding of the Second Re formed (Dutch) Church (with List of Names). Portraits and view. 8vo, cloth, pp. 71. 1893. $1.00 1191 Newburgh, N. Y. Rutten- ber, E. M. History of the Town of Newburgh. General, Analytical and Biographical. Maps and plates. 8vo, complete in 10 parts. Newburgh 1859- $10.00 Fine clean copy, complete in the original subscription parts, with green paper covers. Very scarce in this condition. 1192 New Netherland. Jacob Steendam. A Memoir of the First Poet in New Netherland, with his Poems, descriptive of the Colony (by Henry C. Murphy). Portrait. 8vo, paper. The Hague, 1861. $3.50 Printed for private distribution. THE MIDDLE STATES. 123 New Jersey Historical Society. Proceedings of. Complete Set. 8vo, paper. Newark, 1847-93. Vols. 1-22. $50.00 Very scarce and supplement the Collections. Contain many valuable papers and other historical material relating to the Colonial and Revolutionary history of State. New Jersey. The Petitions and Memorials of the Proprietors of West and East Jersey to the Legislature of New Jersey, with map of New Jersey and Country Adjacent and also an Appendix. Folding map. 8vo, sewn, uncut. New York : Shepard Kollick (1783)- $35-O Choice copy and rare. The appendix covers the " dispute respecting the right of Property in a Tract of Land containing about 400,000 acres in the Heart of New Jersey, and which dispute may ultimately destroy the Title to above 400,000 more, n diff ?ht^^pf alfo co nt^ Appendixes VIII and IX, which refer to the New York and New Jersey Boundaries, and contain a Petition to the Legislature regarding same. William Penn s name heads the list of some of the Proprietors. up? New Netherland. Murphy, 1196 New Jersey. Lee, Francis Henry C. Representation from New- B. New Jersey as a Colony and as a Nether-Land, concerning the Situa tion, Fruitfulness and Poor Condition of the Same. Hague, 1650; Broad- Advice to the United Netherland Provinces by I. A. G. W. C. Ant werp, 1649. Two rare tracts, trans lated from the Dutch by Henry C. Murphy. Map. 4to, cloth, pp. 190. New York, 1854. $10.00 Only 125 copies printed by Mr. Lenox. Mr. Murphy has added valuable notes. 1194 New Netherland. O Cal- laghan, E. B. The Register of New Netherland, 1626-1674. 8vo, paper, uncut, pp. 198. Albany, 1865. $5.00 Compiled from the Dutch records in the Secretary of State s office, and from other sources. It contains the names of all who held office, either civil or ecclesiastical, in the Province of New Netherland. 1195 New Netherlands. Vryhe- den By de Vergaderinghe van de ne- genthiene vander West Indische Com- pagnie, etc. (Freedoms and Exemp tions granted by the West India Com pany to all such as shall Plant any Colonies in New Netherland.) Fac simile Reprint. 4to, unbound. Am sterdam, 1630. $2.50 One of the rarest works relating to New York. The 31 Articles from the earliest Charter granted to the Colonists. It trans planted to the free soil of America the feudal burdens of Continental Europe. State. Illustrated. 4 vols., 8vo, cloth. New York, 1903. $5-OO Associate editors, W. S. Stryker, Wil liam Nelson, G. D. W. Vroom and E. C. Richardson. 1197 New Jersey. Whitehead, Wm. A. Contributions to the Early History of Perth Amboy and Adjoin ing country. Map and illustrations. 8vo, cloth, pp. 428. New York, 1856. $6.00 1198 New Jersey. Wickes, Ste phen. History of Medicine in New Jersey and its Medical Men to 1800. 8vo, cloth, pp. 449. Newark, 1879. $1.00 1199 New York Historical So ciety. Collections : Second Series, vol. i. Map. 8vo, cloth, pp. 487. New York, 1841. $3-Q The papers include Verrazano s voyage, 1524, in Italian and English; a translation of Van der Donck s New Netherland, 1656; Juet s Journal of Hudson s voyage; Indian Traditions of the first arrival of ^the Dutch on Manhattan ; Acrelius New Sweden, etc. 1200 New York. A Design to represent the beginning and comple tion of an American Settlement or Farm. Painted by Paul Sandby from a design by Governor Pownal. En graved by James Peake. London, n. d. (ca. 1760). I25^X20M* in. $5.00 One of the Pownal series of American Views. I2 4 LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. New York Historical Society Collections. Publication Fund Series. (The Lee Papers, 4 vols.; Kemble Papers, "2 vols.; including his Journals of the Expedition to Nicaragua, 1780-81, The Clarendon Papers, concern ing New Netherland, or Manhattan, New York and New Hampshire Grants, Old New York and Trinity Church, Journals of Col. Joseph Mon- tressor, 1757-9, Siege of Louisborg, Bradstreet s Expedition to Niagara etc.; Extract of New York Wills, 17 vols.), from the first volume of this series (1868) to the 4 2d volume (1909). In all 42 vols., 8vo, cloth New York, 1868-1910. With a share of the Publication Fund entitling the holder to all future volumes as issued. $100.00 These volumes contain an immense amount of valuable historical material not the least valuable of which is an entire volume devoted to "The Burghers of New Amsterdam and the Freemen of New York," from 1675, their indentures of aoDren ticeship, 1694-1708, Roll of Freemen, the Early New York Wills hi 17 vols et? The ciety expect to print two volumes each year which will be supplied without addi tional cost to the shareholders until the series is brought up to date. New York Hist. Society. Proceedings 1843 to 1847. 5 vols., 8vo, halt- calf. New York, 1844-48. $15.00 papers, including several by Henry R. Schoolcraft not pub- 1204 New York. Dunlap, Wil liam. History of the New Nether lands, Province of New York, and State of New York, to, the Adoption of the Federal Constitution. Portrait and maps. 2 vols., 8vo, boards. New York: Printed for the Author, 1839. $7-50 1205 New York. [Du Pont de Nemours, P. S.] Quelques Memoires sur differens sujets. 8vo, wrappers, uncut, pp. 374. Paris, 1807. $5.00 Two memoirs are on American subjects, one being on the Islands at the mouths of the Hudson, Passaic, Hackensack and Raritan, with a folding map. The anther came to America and founded the Du Pont Powder Works on the Brandywine. 1206 New York. Hammond, Ja- bez D. History of Political Parties in the State of New York. (Vol. 3 being Life of Silas Wright.) Por traits. 3 vols., 8vo, cloth. New York, 1842-8. $7.50 Though the author was a Republican he preserves throughout his work an attitude of remarkable candor and impartiality. His book justifies the statement made in the preface that he had written it with the same regard to truth which he would have 1201 New York. Barber and Howe. Historical Collections of the State of New York relating to the History and Antiquities of every Town. Map and 230 engravings. 8vo, cloth, pp. 418. New York, 1851. $5.00 1202 - - Another Copy, old calf. New York, 1841. $4.00 I202a New York. Bobin, Isaac. Letters of I. Bobin, Esq, private sec retary of Hon. George Clarke, Secre tary of the Province of New York, 1718-1730. Small 4to, boards, uncut, pp. 196-fxliii. New York Colonial Tracts. Albany, 1872. $2.50 Only a small number printed. 1203 New York. Brodhead, John R. History of the iState of New York, 1609-1691. Map. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. New York, 1853-71. $7.50 It is to be regretted that death prevented the completion of the work, which does not go farther than 1691 ; but what Mr. Brod head has given us must, for its complete ness and accuracy of research, and for the general acumen displayed in it, rank as a standard work and a classical authority on the subject. THE MIDDLE STATES. 125 if testifying in a court of justice. The ma terial of the work was derived from the author s own knowledge, from witnesses of events, from letters, contemporary news papers and pamphlets, and from official sources. 1207 New York. Harrison, Mitchell C. New York State s Promi nent and Progressive Men. An En cyclopaedia of Contemporaneous Biog raphy. Numerous portraits. 3 vols., large 4to, half morocco. New York, Tribune, 1900-1902. $6.00 1208 New York. Hickox, John H. History of Bills of Credit; or, Paper Money issued by New York, 1709-1789. 8vo, cloth, pp. 103. Al bany, 1866. $2.00 An important work on Colonial paper currency. Full account of the New York legislation on the subject. 1209 New York. Historical Sketch of the i62d Regiment, N. Y. Vol. Infantry, 1862-5. Portrait. 8vo, paper, pp. 45. Albany, 1867. $7-5 This regiment was organized under the auspices of the Police Commissioners of New York City. Presentation copy from Col. Blanchard. 1210 New York. Jenkins, John S. Lives of the Governors of the State of New York (George Clinton to Hamilton Fish). Portraits. 8vo, leather, pp. 826. Auburn, 1852. $2.50 121 1 New York. Journal of a Voyage to New York, 1679-80, by Jasper Bankers and Peter Sluyter. Trans, by Henry C. Murphy. Fac similes of Early Views of New York City. 8vo, cloth, pp. 440. Brooklyn, 1867. $7.50 1 21 2 New York. Nash, Eugene A. History of the 44th Regiment, 1861-65. Illustrated. 8vo, half mo- 1213 New York. O Callaghan, E. B. History of New Netherland; or, New York under the Dutch. Maps and illustrations. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth (Vol. I slightly water-stained). New York, 1848. $12.50 1214 New York. O Callaghan, E. B. History of New Netherland; or, New York under the Dutch. Maps. 8vo, cloth, pp. 493. New York, 1846. $6.00 This is the first edition of Vol. I, issued at that time as a complete work. 1215 New York. Sherman, John. Description of Trenton Falls, Oneida Co. i6mo, wrappers, pp. 23. New York, 1844. $1.25 The description was written in 1827. 1216 New York. Stoddard, Dwight J. Notable Men of Central New York : Syracuse, Utica, Oswego, Rome, etc. Over 1400 portraits. 8vo, morocco, pp. 428. 1903. $2.00 1217 New York. The Ontario and St. Lawrence Steamboat Company s Hand-Book for Travelers to Niagara Falls, Montreal and Quebec, and through Lake Champlain to Saratoga Springs. Illustrated. 121110, cloth, pp. 174. Buffalo, 1853. $1.25 1218 New York. Williams, Ed win. The New York Annual Regis ter for 1830. Woodcuts. I2mo, boards, pp. 348. New York, 1830. $2.50 1219 New York. Wilson, Mrs. Arabella M. Adventures of 1,000 Boys in Blue, 1862-65. (History 1 26th Regiment, N. Y. V.) Portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 593. Albany, 1870. $2.50 This is the regiment that a few weeks after its muster in, surrendered at Harper s Ferry and whose officers were held ac countable for that defeat. rocco, pp. 484. Chicago, 1911. $3.00 New York. Yates, John V. N., and Moulton, Jos. W. History of the State of New York. Part i. Aboriginal and Colonial Annals. Part 2. Novum Belgium. Folding view and large map of Hudson River. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. New York, 1824-6. $20.00 Fine copy of this important book. The large folding map of the Hudson Valley is found in but few copies. 126 LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. New York City. An Astronomical Diary; or, Almanack for the Year of Christian Era 1777. By Nathaniel Low. With rare view of the present seat of War at and near New York, and portraits of Franklin and Hamp- den inserted. i2mo, boards. Boston : Printed by J. Gill (1776). $20.00 Exceedingly rare. Following the plan of New York is an "Address to the Tories " >t 2 pp iiach month has a stanza bearing on the war. At the end is a table of dis tances from Boston, with the names of the tavern keepers. 1220 New York. (Wingate, Geo. W.) The Last Campaign of the 22d Regiment (in Pennsylvania and Mary land), June and July, 1863. 8vo, pa per, pp. 47. New York, 1864. $3.50 1221 New York. 26th Vol. In fantry. Narrative of the Fall and Winter Campaign, by a Private Sol dier, containing a detailed Description of the Battle of Fredericksburg. (By Charles S. McClethen.) i6mo, paper, PP- 53- Syracuse, 1863. $15.00 Very rare. 1222 New York City. Alvarez, R., and Grediaga, I. G. Guia de Neuva York (Guide, History and De scription of New York for use of Spaniards and Spanish- Americans). Folding map by P helps and 43 wood cuts. I2mo, cloth, pp. 202. New York, 1863. $1.50 1223 New York City. An Index to the Illustrations in the Manuals of the Corporation of the City of New York, 1841-70. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 108. New York, 1906. $4.00 Published by Society of Iconophiles. 1224 New York City. Bay ley, J. R. Brief Sketch of the Early His tory of the Catholic Church in the Island of New York. 2d edition en larged. Portraits. I2mo, cloth, pp. 242. New York, 1870. $1.50 Largely the work of Dr. Shea, who con tributed most of the particulars regarding the early history. 1225 New York City. Brief His tory of the Fifth Ave. Presbyterian Church, from 1808, with List of Mem bers (by Dr. John Hall). i2mo, cloth, pp. 67. New York, 1877. $1.50 1226 New York City. Boese, Thomas. Public Education in the City of New York: its History, Condition and Statistics. An Official Report of the Board of Education. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 228. New York, 1869. $1.00 ^ 1227 New York City. Bushnell, Charles I. Historical Account of the First Three Business Tokens issued in the City of New York. Plate. I2mo, paper, pp. 17. New York, 1857. $1.00 1228 Same. Second Edi tion. Plate in gold and color. 8vo, unbound, pp. 23. New York, 1859. $1.50 Both editions privately printed and rare. 1229 New York City. Charter of the Society of the New York Hos pital (with Hist. Account, Lists of Names of Governors, Physicians, etc.). Folding plate of the Hospital and one of Bloomingdale Asylum. 8vo, leather, pp. 104. New York, 1845- $2.00 New York City. Andrews, W. Loring. Lines to the Recorder. By Fitz- Greene Halleck. Royal 8vo, original wrappers, uncut and unopened. New York, 1866. $2000 Only . 70 copies privately printed for W. L. Andrews, this being a presentation copy, with Compliments of W. L. Andrews " in pencil. The poem is a pleasantly satirical one relating to New York City, and referring to Philip Hone, Richard Riker (the Recorder), Madame Malibran, Palmo s Opera House, etc. The notes were written by W. L. Andrews THE MIDDLE STATES. 127 New York City. Andrews, W. Loring. New Amsterdam, New Orange, New York : a chronologically arranged account of Engraved Views of the City from the First Picture published in 1651 until the year 1800. About 40 illustrations including facsimiles of rare views, portraits, etc., some in colors. 8vo, original cloth, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1897. $60.00 Limited to 200 copies, and now one of the 1 scarcest of Andrews books. Indis pensable to a New York collector, and one of the most useful from the historic standpoint. 1230 New York City. Crimmins, John D. Irish-American Historical Miscellany. Relating largely to New York City and Vicinity, together with much interesting material rela tive to other parts of the country. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 493. New York, 1905. $4.50 Privately printed by the Author. 1231 New York City. Dayton Abram C. Last Days of Knicker bocker Life in New York. Extra illustrated with plates from the Man uals and newspaper cuttings. i2mo, cloth, pp. 275. N. Y., 1882. $2.50 1232 New York City. Doggett, John, Jr. The Great Metropolis ; or, Guide to New York for 1846. Map and woodcuts. i6mo, cloth, pp. 165. New York (1845). $3-OO 1233 New York City. Davis, A. History of New Amsterdam; or, New York as it Was in the Days of the Dutch Governors; with papers and events connected with the American Revolution. Illustrations. 161110, cloth, pp. 240. New York, 1854. $2.50 1234 New York City. Domett, Henry W. A History of the Bank of New York, 1784-1884. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 139. New York, 1884. $r-00 1235 New York City. Du Bois, Henri Pene. Four Private Libraries of New York: a contribution to the history of Bibliophilism in America. Preface by Octave Uzanne. Full- page plates in color of bindings by Monnier, Trautz-Bauzonnet, for Gro- lier, etc., and other illustrations. 8vo, silk cloth gilt uncut. New York, 1892. $2.50 A beautiful book. 1236 New York City. Dutch Church. Historical Sketch of the Reformed Church in America and of the Collegiate Church of the City of New York (from 1628). Portraits and views. 121110, boards, pp. 60. New York, 1904. $0.50 1237 New York City. Ehret, George. Twenty-five Years of Brew ing. With Illustrated History of American Beer. Illustrated. 4to, cloth, pp. 1 20. (New York, 1891.) $1.00 1238 New York City. Expose of the Facts concerning the Proposed Elevated Patent Railway Enterprise in the City of New York. 1866. Maps and illustrations. 8vo, cloth, pp. 71. New York, 1866. $3.50 1239 New York City. Ferris, Isaac. Semi-Centennial Memorial Discourse of the New York Sunday School Union, in the Reformed Dutch Church in New York City. I2mo, cloth, pp. 1 20. New York, 1866. $0.50 New York City. Andrews, Wm. Loring. New York as Washington knew it after the Revolution. Portrait of Washington, charming vignette views of Old New York, facsimiles, etc. 8vo, boards, uncut. New York, 1905. One of 32 copies printed throughout on Japan paper. $37-5 128 LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. New York City. Andrews, Wm. Loring. The Bradford Map. The City of New York at the Time of the Granting of the Montgomeries Charter. Facsimile of the Bradford map and other illustrations. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1873. $20.00 Edition limited to 152 copies. 1240 New York City. First and Second Reports of the Society for the Encouragement of Faithful Domestic Servants (with List of Old New York Names). 2 parts, 8vo, wrappers. New York, 1826-7. $5 .00 " That the number of servants in our city has latterly been quite inadequate to our wants, is a fact as notorious as it is lamentable." 1241 New York City. Francis, John W. Old New York; or, Remi niscences of the Past Sixty Years. Large Paper Copy. Portrait. 4to, sheets, uncut. New York, 1865. $10.00 Best edition on large paper, a favorite book to extra illustrate. 1242 New York City. Greene, Asa. A Glance at New York (The atres, Rogues, Dandies, Mobs, Mon opolies, Booksellers, Hoaxes, etc.). i6mo, cloth, pp. 264. New York, 1837- $4-50 The author was a physician who became a bookseller. 1243 New York City. Griggs, Wm. N. The celebrated " Moon Story," its origin and incidents, with Memoir of the Author (Richard A. Locke). i6mo, cloth, pp. 143. New York, 1852. $2.50 1244 New York City. Hamm, Margherita A. Famous Families of New York. Historical and Biograph ical Sketches. Illustrated. 2 vols., royal 8vo, half vellum. New York (1902). $5.00 Chapters on 41 old New York Families, an augumented reprint of a series of articles that originally appeared in the Evening Post. Illustrated with portraits, views of old houses, etc. 1245 New York City. Historical Sketch of the Church of the Holy Apostles (Protestant Episcopal) in the City of New York. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 46. New York, 1894. $0.75 1246 New York City. Historical Sketch of the Fulton Ferry and its Associated Ferries. (By Henry E.. Pierrepont.) Maps and illustrations. Royal 8vo, half morocco, pp. 320. Brooklyn, 1879. $6.00 Privately printed. Contains account of the earliest steam navigation in New York Harbor, etc. A. L. S. from the auther inserted. 1247 New York City. Historical Sketch of the South Church (Dutch) of New York City. Plates. 8vo, boards, pp. 57. New York, 1887. 75 1249 Ne w York City. Horsman- den, Daniel. The New York Con spiracy ; or, History of the Negro Plot, with Journal of the Proceedings, 1741-2; containing the names of the White and Black Persons arrested on account of the Conspiracy, their trials, etc. 8vo, calf, pp. 392. New York, 1810. $10.00 1250 New York City. Hubert. Philip G., Jr. The Merchants Na tional Bank. A History of its First Century, 1803-1903. Portraits, views of Old New York, etc. 8vo, cloth, pp. 206. New York, 1903. $1.50 Anecdotes and personal histories of old New York Merchants. The early directors, stockholders, etc. 1251 New York City. Ireland, Joseph N. Records of the New York Stage. 1750 to 1860. Large Paper Copy. 2 vols., 4to, half morocco, red edges. New York, 1866. $15.00 This is one of the most interesting works on New York history. The entire edition was limited to 260 copies. THE MIDDLE STATES. 129 1252 New York City. Jessup, Henry W. History of the Fifth Ave. Presbyterian Church. 1808-1908. Illustrated. 8vo, paper, pp. 216. New York, 1909. $1.00 1253 New York City. Krehbiel, Henry E. The Philharmonic Society of New York. A Memorial Pub lished on the Occasion of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Founding of the Philharmonic Society. I2mo, cloth, uncut, pp. 183. New York, 1892. $1.00 12^4 New York City. Leonard, John^W. History of the City of New York. 1609-1909. From the Earliest Discoveries to the Hudson-Fulton Celebration. Together with Brief Biographies of Men Representative of the Business Interests of the City. Illustrated. 4to, cloth, uncut, pp. 954. New York, 1910. $5- 1255 New York City. Lloyd s Pocket Companion and Guide through New York City, for 1866-67. Illus trated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 150. New York, 1866. $1.50 Written in the form of "Walks about the City," embodying sketches of charac ter, anecdotes, etc. 1256 New York City. Mabie, Hamilton Wright. The Writers of Knickerbocker New York. Illus trated . I2mo, cloth, pp. 121. New York, 1912. $8.00 Edition limited to 300 copies for the Grolier Club. An interesting volume on the group of early nineteenth century writers in Manhattan. 1257 New York City. Map of New York City and Environs. Com piled from Map of the U. S. Coast Survey and from Supplemental Sur veys, by A. Lindenkohl and P. Wit- zel. 11x14 inches. New York, 1860. $1.50 1258 New York City. Map of the City of New York, with the adjacent cities of Brooklyn and Jersey City and the Village of Williamsburg. Bv H. Phelps. Drawn and engraved by Story and Atwood. 17^x21 in., folded to i6mo, in cloth covers. New York, 1844. $5-00 1259 New York City. Marty n, Carlos. History of Eighty Years of the Bloomingdale Dutch Reformed Church (with List of Names). I2mo, cloth, pp. 103. New York, 1886. $1.25 One of the earliest churches on the West Side. Established at Broadway and 68th Street in 1805. 1260 New York City. Miller, John. New York Considered and Improved, 1695. Published from MS. in the British Museum. Edited by Victor H. Paltsits. Folding plans. 8vo, boards, uncut. Cleveland, 1903. $1.50 The manuscript is here first accurately reprinted. 1261 New York City. Mines, John F. A Tour around New York. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 518. New York, 1893. $1.50 1262 New York City. Morrison, John H. History of New York Ship Yards (to close of Civil War). Illus trated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 167. New York, 1909. $2.00 1263 New York City. Negro Plot. The Trial of John Ury (with Re marks by Dr. Shea, etc.). 8vo, cloth, pp. 58. Phila., 1899. $1.50 1264 New York City. New York As It Is in 1833, and Citizen s Adver tising Directory, etc. Edited by Ed win Williams. Folding Map by Burr. 241110, original roan, pp. 224. New York, 1833. $5-00 1265 New York City. Observa tions on Accidental Fires, with an Ac count of those that lately happened within the United States. By A Cit izen of New York. 8vo, sewed, pp. 40. New York, 1797. $5.00 Rare. Besides accounts of early New York fires it contains letters from other cities giving particulars regarding losses, etc. 1 3 o LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. 1266 New York City. Perkins, Eliza. Memoirs and Moral Produc tions of, who died in New York, June 2Oth, 1823. i6mo, boards, pp. 96. New York, 1823. $2.50 Largely in verse. A very scarce little volume. 1267 New York City. Phelps, H. Guide to the Central Park. Two folding sheets containing a bird s-eye View of the City, a plan of the Park, and plans of the City and vicinity. Folded to i6mo, limp board covers. New York, 1865. $2.00 1268 New York City. Post, John J. Old Streets, Roads, Lanes, Piers and Wharves of New York. Show ing the Former and Present Names, with Alterations of Streets, either by Extending, Closing, etc. 8vo, cloth, pp. 76+2 supplemental leaves. New York, 1882. $7.50 Very scarce. 1269 New York City. Riker, James. Revised History of Harlem, with Sketches of Numerous Fami lies, revised by H. P. Toler and Ster ling Potter. Maps and illustrations. 8vo, cloth, pp. 908. New York, 1904. $5.00 1270 New York City. Robbins, Louis S. The Royal Decrees of Scanderoon. Dedicated by the author to the Sachems of Tammany, and to the other Grand Magnorums of Man hattan. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 45. New York, 1869. $1.50 1271 New York City. Scoville, Jos. A. The Old Merchants of New York City, by Walter Barrett, Clerk. Original Edition. 5 vols., 8vo, cloth, New York, 1864-70. $10.00 Contains more inside social and business information about the early " New York s 400" than any work ever issued. Valu able for the genealogical matter crowded on each of the 1,600 and odd pages of the set. Astors, Aspinwall, Brevoort, Blood- good, Brasher and thousands of other families. Where they lived, how much they were worth, the names of their chil dren, who they married, etc., etc. The early society and business life of New York City cannot be fully understood with out reading these interesting volumes. 1272 New York City. The Olden Time in New York. New York So ciety in Olden Time, and Traces of American Lineage in England. Plate. 8vo, cloth, pp. 64. New York, 1872. $2.00 ^ 1273 New York City. Thorburn, Grant. Life and Writings. Prepared by Himself. Portrait. Post 8vo, cloth, pp. 308. New York, 1852. $1.00 The memoirs of the eccentric seedsman of New York contain some interesting reminiscences of the New York and its notabilities in the commencement of the nineteenth century. 1274 New York City. Trinity Church. Dix, Morgan. History of the Parish of Trinity Church, in the City of New York. Vols. i and 2 (to 1816). Illustrated. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, New York, 1898. $4.00 1275 Ne w York City. Twiss, Charles V. The Centennial History of Jerusalem Chapter No. 8 of Royal Arch Masons of New York. 1799- 1899. Illustrated . 8vo, cloth, uncut, gilt top, pp. 329. New York, n. d. $2.00 1276 New York City. Valentine, David T. History of the City of New York. Maps, plates and views. 8vo, cloth, pp. 404. New York, 1853. $4.00 The early Dutch and English history, ending with the year 1750. The early maps and views are reproduced. 1277 New York City. Van Rens- selaer, Mrs. J. K. New Yorkers of the XIX Century. Folio, boards. New York, 1896. $5.00 Contains genealogies of the Barclay, Bard, Bronson, Buchanan, Delafield, Duer, Emmet, Fish, Glover, Hoffman, Jay, King, Lynch, McVicar, Morton, Ren wick, "Ruther- furd, Schuyler, Stuyvesant, and Van Rens- selaer families. Published at $10.00 net. 1278 New York City. Van Pelt, Danl. Leslie s History of Greater THE MIDDLE STATES. New York (with the Extra Biograph ical Volume). Profusely illustrated tvith portraits, views, etc. 4 vols., royal 8vo, half morocco. New York (1898). $12.50 Vols. i and 2 form a complete history of Manhattan, Brooklyn, Staten Island, etc. Vol. 3 is Encyclopedia of New York Biography and Genealogy. Vol. 4 is a biographical volume with steel portraits. 1279 New York City. Watson, John F. Annals and Occurrences of New York City and State in the Olden time, a Collection of Memoirs, Anecdotes and Incidents. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 390. Phila., 1846. $6.00 1280 New York City. Weeks, Ly- man H. Prominent Families of New York, an Account of Individuals and Families as Representative of Life in New York City. Large 4to, pp. 688. New York (1898). $5.00 With elaborate index of about 7,000 names. 1281 New York City. Wooley, Charles. A Two Years Journal in New York, and Part of its Territories in America. Reprinted from the Lon don edition of 1701, with Notes by E. B. O Callaghan. 8vo, cloth, pp. 97. New York, 1860. $2.50 1282 New York City. Wynne, James. Private Libraries of New York. Extra illustrated by 21 fine steel portraits laid in. 8vo, cloth, pp. 472. New York, 1860. $5-OO This work describes 51 collections, most of them have been dispersed. In cludes the libraries of Burton, Brevoort, Bancroft, Bushnell, Tilden, Van Buren, etc. The extra illustrations add greatly to the interest of this copy. 1283 New York City. Zenger, John Peter. His Press, His Trial and A Bibliography of Zenger. Im prints by Livingston Rutherfurd. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 274. New York, 1904. $3.00 1284 Newark, N. J. Record of the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of South Park Presbyterian Church (with Cat alogue of Members). 8vo, cloth, pp. 122. Newark, 1879. $1.00 1285 Niagara. Edwards, Charles R. A Story of Niagara, to which are appended Reminiscences of a Custom House Officer. 121110, cloth, pp. 335. New York, 1871. $1.50 1286 Niagara Falls, Book of. By Horatio A. Parsons. 5 lithographic views. 121110, cloth. Buffalo, 1838. $1.50 Very scarce, on the title-page is " ac companied by maps." This copy is in the original cloth, but has no maps. Per haps the maps referred to means the illustrations. This copy never had any other illustrations. 1287 Northampton County, Pa. Clyde, John C. History of the Allen Township Presbyterian Church and the Community which has sustained it, formerly known as the Irish Set tlement. I2mo, cloth, pp. 198. Phila., 1876. $3.00 1288 Onondaga County, N. Y. Smith, Carroll E. Pioneer Times in the Onondage County. Illustrated. 8vo, half morocco, pp. 415. Syra cuse, 1904. $2.50 1289 Orange, N. J. The First (Presbyterian) Church, Orange. One Hundred and 1 Fiftieth Anniver sary, Nov. 24th and 25th, 1869. Me morial. 8vo, cloth, pp. 174. 1870. $1.00 1290 Orleans County, N. Y. Thomas, Arad. Pioneer History of Orleans County, with Notices of Early Settlers, etc. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 463. Albion, 1871. $2.00 1291 [Perm, William. 1 A Defence of the Duke of Buckingham s Book of Religion and Worship, from the Exceptions of a Nameless Author. By the Pensilvanian. Small 4to, sewed, uncut, pp. 4-f3i (the first six leaves torn at the upper back corner, injuring a few words.) London, 1685. $5.00 132 LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. 1292 Penn, William. A Letter from William Penn, Gov. of Pennsyl vania, containing a Description of that Province and Account of the City of Philadelphia, newly laid out. Fold ing plan. Folio, paper. London, 1863. (Reprinted 1881). $1.50 An excellent reprint of this rare work, to which is added several important manuscripts and lists of names. 1293 Penn, William. Penn s Treaty with the Indians. Italian aquatint engraving by Gallina, colored by hand. Ca. 1800. 6y& x 8% in. $2.00 1294 Penn s Trial. The People s Ancient and Just Liberties Asserted in the Tryal of William Penn and William Mead at Old Bailey (for Preaching in the Streets of London). 4to, unbound, pp. 72. Printed in the Year 1670. $15.00 One of the most important trials in the history of law, being the first case in which a jury rendered a verdict, con trary to the charge of the judge. The verdict of " not guilty " was received described in a Series of Letters. I2mo, cloth, pp. 303. Phila., 1882. $1.00 Presentation copy from the author. 1298 Penna. DifTenderffer, Frank R. The German Immigration into Pennsylvania through the Port of Philadelphia. 1700-1775. Part II, The Redemptioners. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 330. Lancaster, 1900. $2.00 1299 Pennsylvania Dutch. Har- ter, T. H. Boonastiel. i2ino, cloth, pp. 240. Middleburgh, 1893. $1.25 Sketches of fun and philosophy. The first volume in prose in the local lan guage of the Pennsylvania German. 1300 Penna. (Franklin.) An Historical Review of the Constitu tion and Government of Pennsylvania from its Origin, with Several Points of Controversy, which have arisen be tween the Governors and their As semblies. 8vo, calf, pp. 444. Lon don, I759- $6.00 1301 Penna. Life of Elizabeth Ashbridge, of Goshen Co., Pa. ; Tour- liberate the prisoners " Letter from John Kelpius to Esther 1295 Penna. Bradford, Wm. An Ph^ Pr^ted^ c cT Enquiry how far the Punishment of $ Death is necessary in Pennsylvania, ,, O2 p en na. Lloyd, William P. ^J $3-50 1296 Penna. (Chambers, George.) 1864. $ 3 . 5 o A Tribute to the Principles, Virtues, 1303 Penna. McClure, A K Old Habits and Public Usefulness of the Time Notes of Pennsylvania : a Con- Irish and Scotch Early Settlers of nected and Chronological Record Pennsylvania. 8vo, paper, pp. 171. from 1838. Portraits. 2 vols., 8vo, Chambersburg, 1856. $3.50 cloth. Phila., 1905. $5.00 1297 Penna. Cook, loel Brief Author s autograph edition. Contains Summer Rambles near Philadelphia, iXmat^n itical and PerS naI Penna. Hazard, Samuel. The Register of Pennsylvania devoted to the preservation of Facts and Documents and every other kind of Information respecting Pennsylvania, 1828 to 1836. Complete set. 16 vols. bound in 8. Royal 8vo, half roan. Phila., 1828-36. $30.00 Complete set of this valuable work; it contains a mass of documents and other original matter and is a work of prime importance for reference. THE MIDDLE STATES. 133 Penna. Jennings, Samuel. The State of the Case briefly but impartially given betwixt the People called Quakers in Pennsylvania and George Keith and some few Seduced by him into a Separation. 121110, half calf, pp. 80. 8vo. London, 1694. $60.00 An excessively rare work on the Keith, Bradford, Budd and Boss controversies with the Quakers. Refers to the different publications of Bradford, "Appeal ^ from the Twenty-eight Judges," " Plea of the Innocent against the Guilty," and " New England s Spirit of Persecution," the printing of which resulted in his being driven from Philadelphia to New York. 1304 Penna. Meginness, J. F. Ot- zinachson, A History of the West Branch Valley of the Susquehanna. Its First Settlement, Indian Wars and Massacres, etc. Revised Edition. Vol. i (all published). 8vo, half mo rocco (rubbed), pp. 708. Williams- port, 1889. $ 6 - 1305 Penna. Pennypacker, Sam l \V. Pennsylvania in American His tory. 8vo, cloth, pp. 494. Phila., 1910. $4.50 The pape rs contained in this volume are the outcome of special studies and almost exclusively based upon original sources of information. 1306 Penna. Perry, Win. S. Papers relating to the History of the Church in Pennsylvania, 1680-1778. 4to, cloth, pp. 607. Privately Printed, 1871. $7-50 Largely from transcripts of original documents and letters made in England by Francis L. Hawks. 1307 Penna. Rogers, Henry D. Third Annual Report of the Geolog ical Survey of Pennsylvania (relative largely to western part of the state). 8vo, paper, pp. 118. Harrisburg, 1839. $1.00 1308 Penna. Smith, S. R. The Black Trail of Anthracite. Illus trated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 113. King ston, Pa., 1907. $1.25 Contains inside and personal matter relating to the Coal Trade. 1309 Penna. Society of New York. Year Books, 1901, 02, 06 and 07. Il lustrated. Each. $1.00 1310 Penna. Williams, Aaron. Centenary Memorial of the Planting and Growth of Presbyterianism in Western Pennsylvania and parts Ad jacent. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 445. Pittsburg, 1876. $3.00 Over 100 pages of Secular History by James Veech. 1311 Philadelphia. Allen, R. H. Leaves from a Century Plant. Re port of the Centennial Celebration of Old Pine Street Church (Third Pres byterian, with List of Names). Il lustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 215. Phila., 1870. $1.00 1312 Philadelphia. Beadle, E. R. The Old and the New. 1743-1876. The Second Presbyterian Church of Philadelphia. Its Beginning and In crease. Views. I2mo, cloth, pp. 180. (Phila.) 1876. $1.00 Penna. Proud, Robert. The History of Pennsylvania, from the Original Institution and Settlement of that Province by William Penn, 1681, with the first rise of the neighboring Colonies, more particularly West New Jersey, and the Settlement of the Dutch and Swedes on the Delaware. Portrait and map. 2 vols., 8vo, boards, uncut. Phila., 1797. $32.50 A very fine uncut copy and rare in such excellent condition. Laid in is an interesting document in the autograph of Zachariah Poulson, the publisher, answering certain queries of the author in reference to an accounting of sales by the publisher. 134 LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK Cr Philadelphia. An East Perspective View of the City of Philadelphia takeiT from the Jersey Shore. ioJ/ 2 x \6y 4 inches, in gilt frame. London: Bowles, 1778. $37oO A fine hand-colored view, with engraved descriptive text. From the Holden collection. 1313 Philadelphia. Bible, with Records of Peart, Millard and other old families. i6mo, old calf (worn). Oxford, 1713. $15.00 The Bible of Elizabeth Peart, 1733, containing 24 manuscript pages of Births, Deaths and Marriages of several early Philadelphia families, including Millard, Pearth, Morgan, Collett, etc. The birth records give the names of the godfathers and godmothers. 1314 Philadelphia. Brown, David Paul. The Forum; or, Forty Years Full Practice at the Philadelphia Bar. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. Phila., 1856. $5.00 One of the best works on early Ameri can history of the courts, judges and lawyers. 1315 Philadelphia. Buchanan, Edward Y. Historical Sketch of the Parish of Trinity Church, Oxford, Pa. (Names, Epitaphs, etc.). Viezv. 8vo, cloth, pp. 56. Phila., 1857. $i-OO 1316 Philadelphia. Daguerreo type Sketches of the Members of the First Common Council, after Consoli dation, for 1854-55. 8vo, cloth, pp. 48. Phila., 1855. $1.00 1317 Philadelphia. Fifty Years Work of the Hebrew Education So ciety of Philadelphia, 1848-1898. Il lustrated. 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 194. Published by the Society, 1899. $1.00 1318 Philadelphia. History of the Arch Street Presbyterian Church. I2mo, cloth, pp. 50. 1883. .50 1319 Philadelphia. History of Ebenezer M. E. Church of South wark, Phila. (with List of Members). Il lustrated. 2mo, cloth, pp. 1 80. Phila., 1890. .75 1320 Philadelphia. History of the First Troop, Philadelphia City Cavalry, 1774, Nov. 17, 1874. Por traits. 4to, paper, uncut, pp. 194, and Appendix. (Phila. Printed for the Troop, 1875.) $5.00 With Roll of Members and account of their military and public service. 1321 Philadelphia. Martin, John H. Martin s Bench and Bar of Philadelphia. Together with other Lists of persons appointed to ad minister the Laws in the City and County of Philadelphia, etc. 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 326. Phila., 1883. $2.00 1322 Philadelphia. Scott, John W. An Historical Sketch of the Pine Street, or, Third Presbyterian Church in the City of Phila. Portrait. I2mo, cloth, pp. 84. Phila., 1837. -75 1323 Philadelphia. Services Com memorative of the Seventy-Seventh Anniversary of the Union Methodist Episcopal Church, 1801-1878. Por trait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 101. Phila., 1878. $1.00 1324 Philadelphia. Shepherd. R. Bowden. The Semi-Centennial His tory of the Church of the Advent. Il lustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 79. 1890. $1.25 1325 Philadelphia. Story & At- wood. Explanatory Key to the Map of Philadelphia. 121110, cloth, pp. 68. Phila., 1841. .50 13253 Philadelphia. Todd, John. Principles and Results of Congrega tionalism. A Sermon delivered at the Dedication of the House of Worship erected by the First Congregational Church in Philadelphia, Nov. n, 1837. 8vo, cloth, pp. 39. Phila., 1837. .50 1326 Philadelphia. Winslow, Ste phen N. Biographies of Successful Philadelphia Merchants. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 245. Phila., 1864. $1.50 THE MIDDLE STATES. 135 1327 Pike County, Pa. Cross, John T. Index to the Map of the County of Pike, containing Names of the original Warrantees and Quantity in each Tract and Explanatory Re marks. 8vo, boards, pp. 36. New York, 1856. $3-50 1328 Pittsburg. Boucher, John N. A Century and a Half of Pitts- burg and her People. Illustrated. 4 vols., royal 8vo, half leather. (New York), 1908. $10.00 1329 Pittsburg. Centennial Vol ume of the First Presbyterian Church, 1784-1884. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 259. Pittsburg, 1884. $1.50 1330 Pittsburg. Craig, Neville B. The History of Pittsburg. 2 Maps. I2mo, cloth, pp. Pittsburg, 1851. $5.00 1331 Pittsburg. Dedicatory Ser vices of the New Edifice of the Third Presbyterian Church of Pittsburgh. Views. 8vo, cloth, pp. 95. Pittsburg, 1869. $1.00 1332 Pottstown, Pa. Davis, L. H. The Centennial Celebration at Potts- town, July 4, 1876, and Historical Sketch. 8vo, cloth, pp. 80. Potts- town, 1876. $1-25 1333 Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Vassar College Life and Letters of John Howard Raymond (First President, 1865-78). "Edited by Harriet R. Lloyd. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 744. New York, 1881. $1.25 1334 Queens County, N. Y. On- derdonk, Henry, Jr. Documents and Letters intended to illustrate the Rev olutionary Incidents of Queens County. Second Series. 8vo, paper, pp. 70. Hempstead, 1884. $1.50 1335 Radnor, Pa. Wadsworth, Charles. Wayne Presbyterian Church, Radnor, Pa. ; Dedication Sermon. Vieiv. 8vo, cloth, pp. 30. (1870.) 75 1336 Raritan, N. J. Messier, Abraham. Forty Years at Raritan. Sermons with Notes for the History of the Reformed Dutch Churches in Somerset County. 8vo, cloth, pp. 327. New York, 1873. $3.00 1337 Rhinebeck, N. Y. Morse, Howard H. Historic Old Rhinebeck. Echoes of Two Centuries. A Hudson River and Post Road Colonial Town. When, Where, by Whom Settled and Named, etc. Historical, Genealogical, Biographical and Traditional. Illus trated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 448. Rhine- beck, 1908. $3-00 1338 Richfield, N. Y. Ward, Henry A. Annals of Richfield. I2mo, cloth, pp. 102. Utica, 1898. $1.50 1339 Rochester, N. Y. Parker, Jenny M. Rochester. A Story His torical. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 412. Rochester, 1884. $2.50 1340 Rochester, N. Y. Robinson, Chas. M. Rochester Ways ; Third Ward Tracts. 2 vols., i6mo, boards. Rochester, 1899-1900. $5-OO Only a few copies printed. 1341 Rocky Springs, Pa. History of the Rocky Spring Church and Ad dress delivered at the Centennial An niversary of the Present Church Edi fice, Aug. 23, 1894 (with List of Names). By S. S. Wylie and A. Nevin Pomeroy. Portrait and Plates. 8vo, cloth, pp. 117. Chambersburg, Pa., 1895. $1.00 1342 Saratoga County, N. Y. The Bench and Bar of Saratoga County ; or, Reminiscences of the Judiciary and Scenes in the Court Room from the Organization of the County to the present time. By E. R. Mann. Post 8vo, cloth, pp. 391. Ballston, 1876. $1.50 1343 Seneca County, N. Y. Hal- sey, Lewis. History of the Seneca Baptist Association ; with Sketches of Churches and Pastors. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 285. Ithaca, 1879. $1.25 1344 Southampton, N. Y. How- ell, George R. Early History of 136 LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. Southampton, with Genealogies. I2mo, cloth, pp. 318. New York, 1866. $5.00 ^ 1345 Southold, N. Y. Griffin, A. Griffin s Journal. First Settlers of Southold: the names of the heads of those families, being only thirteen at the time of their landing; First Pro prietors of Orient; Biographical Sketches, etc. Portrait. I2mo, cloth, pp. 312. Some leaves slightly water- stained. Orient, L. I., 1857. $7-5o Very scarce. 1346 Staten Island, N. Y. Clute, J. J. Annals of Staten Island from its Discovery to the Present Time. With Genealogies of the old Families. (Long Island Indians, Adventures of Col. Simcoe in New Jersey, Staten Island 200 Years Ago.) Views of the old Moravian Church and Parsonage on Staten Island. 8vo, cloth, pp. 464. New York, 1877. $6.00 This work is becoming scarce. 1347 Staten Island, N. Y. De scription of New Brighton on Staten Island, N. Y. Curious folding litho graph plate. 8vo, boards, pp. 8. (N. Y., 1836.) $6.00 A good copy with the rare plate in perfect condition. 1348 Stelton, N. J. Ministerial Jubilee of John Wesley Sarles. (soth Anniversary as Minister of the Piscat- away Baptist Church.) Portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 124. 1897. $1.00 1349 Steuben County, N. Y. Mc- Masters, Guy H. History of the Settlement of Steuben County, includ ing Notices of the Old Pioneers and their Adventures. 121110, new half morocco, pp. 318. Bath, 1853. $10.00 One of the scarcest New York county histories. Contains many particulars of the settling of the Genesee country, Col. Williamson, early pioneers, hunters, etc. T 35 - Another copy. Cloth. stained. $6.00 1351 Steuben County, N. Y. Rob erts, Millard F. Historical Gazetteer of Steuben County (history of each Town). With Memoirs and illustra tions. Portraits. 8vo, roan, pp. 946. Syracuse, 1891. $3.50 1352 Suffolk County, N. Y. Bayles, R. M. Historical and De scriptive Sketches of Suffolk County. Its Towns, Villages, etc. I2mo, cloth, PP- 433- Port Jefferson, 1874. $4.50 1353 Suffolk County, N. Y. Por trait and Biographical Record of Suf folk County. Numerous portraits. 4to, morocco, pp. 1046. New York, 1896. $5.00 Contains a large amount of personal and genealogical data not accessible else where. 1354 Susquehanna County, Pa. Blockman, Emily C. History of Sus quehanna County. Maps and portraits by Sartain. 8vo, cloth, pp. 640. Phila., 1873. $4.50 Contains interesting account of the early life of Joseph Smith. Digging for Treasure, writing Book of Mormon, etc. 1355 Susquehanna County, Pa. Perkins, Wm. George A. Early Times on the Susquehanna. Illus trated. 8vo, half leather, pp. 285. Binghamton, 1806. $2.50 A new edition by the daughter of the author with additional matter on the Indians, etc. 1356 Tarrytown, N. Y. Bacon. Edgar M. Chronicles of Tarrytown and Sleepy Hollow. Illustrations. 121110, cloth, pp. 163. New York, 1897- .75 Andre, Irving, The Neutral Ground, etc. 1357 Tioga County, Pa., etc. (Sexton, John L.) Outline History of Tioga and Bradford Counties, Pa . and Chemung, Steuben, Tioga, Tomp- kins and Schuyler in New York. 121110, cloth, pp. 283. Elmira, 1885. $3.00 This scarce little book was offered as a premium by the Elmiara Gazette. It contains an immense amount of personal matter. THE MIDDLE STATES. 137 1358 Troy, N. Y. History of the Troy Citizens Corps, Troy, N. Y. By Harry P. Judson. Colored plates of costumes at various periods, and an autograph letter and photograph in serted. 8vo, half morocco, interleaved with blank paper for additions. Troy, 1884. $2.50 1359 Troy Imprint. Gorton, Ben jamin. A Scriptural Account of the Millennium. I2mo, original sheep, pp. 216. Troy: Moffitt & Lyon, 1802. $1.50 A very early imprint for Troy, the place then being not much more than a small village, founded only about twelve years before. 1360 Washington County, Pa. Crumrine, Boyd. History of Wash ington County. (Braddock s Expedi tion, Border Wars, etc.) Illustrated. 4to, half roan, pp. 1002. Phila., 1882. $7-50 1361 Warren County, Pcnna. Scheneck, J. S. and Ryan, W. S. His tory of Warren County. Portraits. 8vo, half roan, pp. 807. Syracuse, 1887. $5-oo 1362 Washington, D. C. Ellet, Mrs. E. F. The Court Circles of the Republic, or Life and Society under eighteen Presidents. Portrait.* 8vo. cloth, pp. 586. Hartford. 1869. $2.00 Probably the best work on the social life at the Capitol from Washington to Grant. 1363 Washington, D. C. Dom-er, S. History of St. Paul s English Lutheran Church, 1843-1893. Illus trated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 271. Washing ton, 1893. $1.25 1364 Washington, D. C. History of the Presbytery of Washington. Il lustrated. 8vo, half leather, pp. 450. Phila., 1889. $1.00 1365 Washington, D. C. Smith, John C. A Discourse Commemora tive of the Twenty-Seventh Anni versary of the Organization of the Fourth Presbyterian Church, Wash ington. I2mo, cloth, pp. 60. Wash ington, 1855. $1.00 1366 Washington, D. C. Thirty- Six Years in the White House. By Thomas F. Pendel, Doorkeeper. Lin coln-Roosevelt. Portraits. I2ino, cloth, uncut, pp. 176. Washington, 1902. $1.25 Intimate views of the Presidents and their families. Accounts of the assas sination of Lincoln, Garfield and McKinley. 1367 Washington, D. C. Wil liamson, James J. Prison Life in the Old Capitol, and Reminiscences of the Civil War. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 162. West Orange, 1911. $1.50 Published by the author. 1368 Washington, D. C. Win chester, Elhanan. Oration on the Dis covery of America, with Appendix containing a Description of the City of Washington. Folding map. 8vo, paper, pp. 80. London (1792). $6.00 The first plan of Washington printed in England. Rare. 1369 West Point, N. Y. Centen nial of the U. S. Military Academy. 1802-1902. Addresses, Histories and Bibliography. Illustrated. 2 vols., folio, cloth. Washington, 1909. $3.00 Vol. 2 is an exhaustive bibliography by Dr. Edward S. Holden of West Point and vicinity. List of maps and views and writings of graduates for 100 years. 1370 West Point. Larned, Chas. W. History of the Battle Monu ment at West Point, together with a List of the Names of those inscribed upon and Commemorated by It. To which is added a description of the quarrying, working transportation and erection of the shaft, by Edward F. Miner. Illustrated. 8vo, boards, un cut, pp. 237. West Point., 1898. $2.00 1371 Westchester County, N. Y. Pelletreau, Wm. S. Early Wills of Westchester Countv. A careful ab- 138 LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. stract of all the Wills recorded in New York and at White Plains, 1664- 1784, with genealogical and historical notes. 4to, cloth, pp. 488. New York, 1898. $5-00 Only 340 copies printed. 1372 Westchester County, N. Y. Proceedings of the Board of Super visors for 1898, 1899 and 1904. 3 vols., 8vo, cloth. Each. .75 1373 Wilmington, Del. Hanna, John D. C. The Centennial Services of Asbury Methodist Episcopal Church, Wilmington. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 295. Wilmington, 1889. $1.50 1374 Wilmington, Del. Reminis cences of Wilmington in Familiar Vil lage Tales, Ancient and New (Old Houses, Paper Mills, Legends, An cient Customs, People, etc.). By Elizabeth Montgomery. Fine mezzo tint portrait of Acrelius by Sartain, and engraved views. 8vo, cloth, pp. 367. Phila., 1857. $3.00 T 375 Wyoming Pa. Johnson, Wesley. A Record of the One Hun- dreth Year Commemorative Observ ance of the Battle and Massacre, 1778- 1878. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 354. Wilkesbarre, 1882. $2.50 1376 Wyoming, Pa. The Histori cal Record. A Monthly Publication devoted principally to the Early His tory of Wyoming Valley and contig uous territory. With Notes and Queries, Biographical, Antiquarian and Genealogical. 4 vols. in 2, 4to, half red morocco, uncut. Wilkes barre, 1887-93. $5-00 The original paper covers bound in at end. Binding cracked in joints. The Editor was F. C. Johnson, M. D. 1377 York, Pa. Hawkins, C. A., and Landis, H. E. Some Facts Con cerning York and York County, Pa. A Sesqui-Centennial Memento. Illus trated. 121110, cloth, pp. 144. York, 1901. $1.50 1378 York, Pa. Memorial of the Fiftieth Year, 1836-1886. Published by St. Paul s English Evangelical Lu theran Church, York. Portraits and illustrations. 8vo, morocco, pp. 95. Phila. (1886). $1.60 THE SOUTHERN STATES. 1379 Alabama. Heads of the Alabama Legislature; at the Session of 1842-3. 8vo, cloth, pp. 177. Tuskaloosa, 1843. $2.00 1380 Augusta County, Va. Wad- dell, Jos. A. Annals of Augusta Count} with Reminiscences of its Pioneer Settlers and Supplement. Map. 8vo, cloth, pp. 492. Richmond, 1886. $3.50 Beverley, Robert. The History and Present State of Virginia, in Four Parts. I. The History of the First Settlement of Virginia, and the Gov ernment thereof to the Year 1706. II. The Natural Productions and Con veniences of the Country, suited to Trade and Improvement. III. Native Indians, their Religion, Laws and Customs, in War and Peace. IV. The Present State of the Country as to Polity of the Government, and the Improvements of the Land. Frontispiece and 14 plates by Gribelin. 8vo, full polished calf, gilt, gilt edges by Pratt. London, 1705. $60.00 This is the first history of Virginia attempted by a Native writer. The illustra tions are after those that appeared in Hariot, which were from the drawings made by John White at Roanoke Island. Another copy. Plain half morocco. Very clean. $55-OO THE SOUTHERN STATES. 139 Beverley, Robert. The History of Virginia, in Four Parts. I. The History of the First Settlement of Virginia and the Government thereof to the Year 1706. II. The Natural Productions and Conveniences of the Country suited to Trade and Improvement. III. Native Indians, their Religion, Laws and Customs, in War and Peace. IV. The Present State of the Country as to the Polity of Government, and the Improvements of the Land, June loth, 1720. Second edition revised and enlarged. Front ispiece and 14 plates by Gribelin. 8vo, calf. London, 1722. $50.00 A superb copy in the old original mottled calf, gilt back. The second edition was brought down to date but other matter omitted, so that it is desirable to possess both the 1705 and 1722 editions. Carolina. Anno Regni Georgii II Regis Magnae Britanniae, Franciae and Hiberniae, Secundo. An Act for Establishing an Agreement with Seven of the Lords Proprietors of Carolina, for the surrender of their title and interest in that Province to His Majesty. Folio. London : Printed by the Assigns of His Majesty s Printer, and of Henry Hills, deceased, 1729. $20.00 Exceedingly rare and one of the most important acts relating to Carolina. By this Act the Proprietors were to receive the sum of Two thousand five hundred Pounds each. No copy has apparently been offered at Public Auction since the Brinley sale, that one being the only one recorded. In the finest possible condition. 1381 Carolina. Purry, Jean P. 1382 Charleston. Elzas, Barnett Memorial to Duke of Newcastle upon A. The Old Jewish Cemeteries of the Present Condition of Carolina, Charleston. A Transcript of the In- 1724. (Translated from the only scriptions. I2mo, cloth, pp. 121. known copy, with preface by C. C. Charleston, 1903. $2.00 Jones, Jr.) 4to, paper, pp. 24. Au- 1383 Charleston. Cardozo, J. N. gusta, 1880. $2.00 Reminiscences of Charleston. I2mo, Only a limited edition privately printed P a P er > PP- : 44- Charleston, 1866. for Col. Jones. With A. L. S. from him. $2.50 Carolina. [Ash, Thomas.] Carolina; or, a Description of the Present State of that Country, and the Natural Excellencies thereof, vis. The Healthfulness of the Air, Pleasantness of the Place, Advantage and Use fulness of those Rich Commodities there plentifully abounding, which much encrease and flourish by the Industry of the Planters that daily enlarge that Colony. Published by T. A. Gent, Clerk on Board his Majesties Ship the Richmond, which was sent out in the Year 1680, with Particular Instructions to enquire into the State of that Country, by His Majesties Special Command, and Return d this Present Year, 1682. Small 4to, red levant morocco, gilt, gilt edges, pp. 4-j-4- Bound by Riviere. London, for W. C., 1682. $90.00 Rare. One of the earliest books describing the Carolinas. It is probably also the first book to describe Charlestown, which was only founded in 1680, the year of the author s arrival in the country. The ship Richmond was probably sent out to inquire into the dissatisfaction of the settlers which resulted shortly before in Culpeper s Rebellion. The author gives a most glowing account of the country. Fine copy. 140 LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. Catesby, Mark. The Natural History of Carolina, Florida and the Bahama Islands, containing figures of the Birds, Beasts, Fishes, Serpents, Insects and Plants. Map and 220 colored plates. 2 vols., folio, full contemporary calf, gilt. London, 1754. $85.00 A ver y fine copy of this splendid old work, complete with the 20 extra plates. Ihe author lived in Virginia many years, principally engaged in natural history studies. 1384 Charleston. Fraser, Chas. with Mexico, Nullification, Secession, Reminiscences of Charleston, lately Rolls of all the Companies from Edge- published in the Charleston Courier, field in the War of Secession, etc.) and now revised and enlarged by the Map. 8vo, cloth, pp. 521. 1897. Author. 8vo, cloth, pp. 119. Charles ton, 1854. $5.00 "He (the author) is aware how far he ventures in describing scenes and incidents that have so long passed away, but he has the gratification of knowing that his rem- . . iniscences have been deemed correct by 8vo, cloth, gilt tops. Boston, 1900. $2.50 1388 Fiske, John. Old Virginia and her Neighbours. Portraits, maps, contemporary views, and historic material. 2 vols., post the few of his contemporaries who now survive." 1385 Charleston. McCrady, Ed ward. The Westminster Abbey of South Carolina. A Sketch of St. Philip s Church, 1665-1897. Illus- $4.00 Illustrated edition, published at $8.00. 1389 Florida. Anno Regni Georgii III. An Act for extending like Liberty in the Exportation of Rice from East trated. 8vo, paper, pp. 65. Charles- a . nd West Flori . da as granted to Caro ton, 1901. .75 1386 Charleston. The Old and the New; or, Discourses and Proceed ings at the Dedication of the re modelled Unitarian Church, Charles- town. Views. 8vo, cloth, pp. 168. Charlestown, 1854. $2.00 1387 Edgefield County, S. C. lina and Georgia, 1770; Act to amend same, 1771 ; Acts including Reviving the Premiums upon the Importation of Pitch, Tar and Turpentine from East Florida. 3 pieces, folio, unbound. London. $5-oo 1390 Florida. Assembly Journal, First Session, June 8th, 1868. 8vo, unbound, uncut, pp. 225. Tallahassee, Chapman, John A. Edgefield County, T 868 $? oo ^^ eEa . r ^ St | etUe T n ^ t0 l $ 7 Th * first *ess io f the newly formed ( Sketches ot the bemmole War, War government after the Civil War. Florida. A Description of East Florida (by William Stork), with a Journal kept by William Bartram, Botanist for the Floridas, upon a Journey from St. Augustine up the river St. John. Maps and plans. 4to, half morocco, pp. 8, 40, 12, 36. London, 1769. $30.00 Third and best edition, greatly enlarged. One of the most important books written during the English occupation. Another copy. Half levant morocco, entirely uncut. $40.00 Florida. De Soto. Histoire de la Conqueste de la Floride par Ferdinand de Soto. Translated into French from the Portuguese of the Gentleman of Elvas by M. D. C. I2mo, half calf, pp. (24), 300. Paris, 1685. $25.00 The original edition of 1577 is one of the rarest pieces of Americana. THE SOUTHERN STATES. 141 Florida. Roberts, William. An Account of the First Discovery and Natural History of Florida with a Particular Detail of several Expedi tions and Descents made on that Coast. Folding maps and plate. 410, half morocco, pp. 102. London, 1763. $45- A fine copy of this rare work, which was the first published after Florida was ceded to England by Spain. The Spanish inhabitants very generally left the country, going to Cuba and Mexico. 1391 Florida. Bill, Ledyard. A Winter in Florida; or, Observations on the Soil, Climate and Products of our Semi-Tropical State, with sketches of the Principal Towns and Cities in Eastern Florida. Map and illustra tions. I2mo, cloth, pp. 222. New York, 1869. $1.00 1392 Florida. Canova, A. P. Life and Adventures in South Florida. Portrait. Square I2mo, cloth, pp. 160. Tampa, 1906. $2.00 Recollections of the Seminole War of 1855, fishing and hunting adventures, etc. 1393 Florida. De Soto. The Travels, Life and Adventures of Ferdinand De Soto, Discoverer of the Mississippi. By Lambert A. Wilmer. Mezzotint portraits and plates by Sar- tain and woodcuts. 8vo, cloth, pp. 532. Phila., 1858. $4.00 1394 Florida. Discovery and Con quest of Terra Florida, by Ferdinando De Soto, written bv a Gentleman of Elvas, translated by Richard Hakluyt. Edited by William B. Rye. Map. 8vo, cloth. London : Hakluyt Society, 1851. $15.00 Interleaved and contains numerous notes and additions. 1395 Field, Henry M. Blood is Thicker than Water. (A Trip through the New South in 1886.) 121110, unbound, pp. 151. New York, 1886. 50 1396 Florida. Irving, Theodore. The Conquest of Florida by Hernando De Soto. Post 8vo, cloth. New York, 1869. $2.00 The early history of Florida to the end of De Soto s invasion and the standard work on that period. The author studied the original authorities in Spain. 1397 Florida. Laudoniere, L His- toire Notable de la Florida, by M. Basanier. i6mo, cloth, pp. 228. Paris, 1853. $5.00 A reprint of the rare original edition of 1586. Florida. The Case of Mr. John Gordon. With Respect to the Title to certain Lands in East Florida, Purchased of his Catholic Majesty s Sub jects by Him and Mr. Jesse Fish, for Themselves and Others of His Britannick Majesty s Subjects. 4to, half morocco. London, Printed in the Year 1772. $75-OO Privately printed for the use of the persons interested, and very rare. We have not been able to find the book recorded in the Rice, Barlow, Brinley, Menzies, Ives or other sale -catalogues consulted. It comprised 32 pages, followed by an Appendix of 21 unnumbered leaves and contains an engraved plan of the property in question. John Gordon, a Carolina merchant, after the Treaty of Peace in 1763, in which Florida was ceded to the English, bought several large tracts of land on the east coast from the original Spanish owners, with the idea that when the British took possession values would increase. After the country got under control of the British there was great difficulty in getting his title recognized. This long document relates to this matter, but includes, incidentally, considerable information relating to the country. The tract of land in question was known as " Palica " and was on the east coast south of St. Augustine, opposite Anastasia Island and Matanzas Inlet. I4 2 LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. Georgia. A State of the Province of Georgia, attested upon Oath in the Court of Savannah, Nov. 10, 1740. 8vo, half morocco, pp. 32. London, $ I5 .oo From the Chas. Jones, Jr., collection, and contains a note in his handwriting to the effect that Patrick Graham and Col. Wm. Stevens were the authors of this tract, also that it was printed by order of the Trustees and distributed for the purpose of counteracting the pernicious influence exerted by the scandalous publication of Tailfer and others, entitled " Narrative of the Colony of Georgia," which was published in I74 1 - Georgia. A Brief Account of the Causes that have retarded the Progress of the Colony of Georgia, in America; attested upon Oath, being a proper Contrast to " A State of Province of Georgia, attested upon Oath;" and some other Misrepresentations on the same Subject. I2mo, half morocco, gilt top, pp. 101. London, 1743. $20.00 r i T fe- a . uthor of this tract a PP e ars to have been Mr. Thomas Stephens, son of Col. William Stephens, who had been commissioned by the malcontents to petition for a redress of grievances, the principal grievance being the prohibition of Negro Slavery. It is particularly interesting from the large number of names it gives as signers to the petitions, etc. 1398 Florida. Secession Ordi- Illustrated. 8vo, boards, uncut. New nances, etc., as follows: Journal and York, 1856. $6.00 Proceedings of the Convention at Tal- 125 copies printed for the Bradford lahassee, Jany. 3d, 1861, pp. 95; Pro- Club. ceedings of the Convention at Called I4OO Georgia. Biographical Sou- Session, Feby. 26th, and April i8th, ven ir of the States of Georgia and 1861, pp. 70; Constitution at Florida Florida. Portraits. 4 to, leather, pp. as Revised, Jany. 3 d, 1861 ; together 88a Chicago, 1889. $ 4 50 with Ordinances (and Resolutions), Bindi d d back missi adopted to May 4th, 1861, pp. 24, 97 to 112, 25 to 68. Three in one vol- I4QI Geor gia. Books relating to ume, 8vo, half sheep. Tallahassee, the History of Georgia in the Library 1861. $15.00 : Wymberley Jones De Reune. Com- -CM . , 0-1 piled and annotated by Oscar Wegelin. 1399 Florida. Smith Bucking- Facsimiles. 4 to, paper, pp. 286. IQII. ham. Narratives of the Career of ^ - o Hernando De Soto in the Conquest of The most , etc work on the ^ Florida as told by a Knight of Elvas. raphy of Georgia Georgia. An Impartial Inquiry into the State and Utility of the Province of Georgia (by Earl of Egmont and Benjamin Martyn). 8vo, half mo rocco, gilt top, pp. 104. London, 1741. $15.00 Half-title missing. This tract was prepared and published by direction, and the charge of the Trustees for establishing a Colony of Georgia in America, and includes interesting documents and letters. Georgia. (Hewatt, Alexander.) An Historical Account of the Rise and Progress of the Colonies of South Carolina and Georgia. 2 vols., 8vo, London, 1779. $2aoo Hewatt was a resident of South Carolina for several years, and during that period gathered together many original papers and manuscripts relating to the colonies of South Carolina and Georgia. To this mania for collecting we no doubt owe the preservation of much valuable historical matter contained in this work. THE SOUTHERN STATES. 143 Georgia Historical Society Publications. Collections, Vol. i, 1841; Vol. 2, 1842; Vol. 3, Part i, 1848; Vol. 3, 1873; Vol. 4, 1878. Pamphlets, King, Mitchell. Qualifications and Duties of an Historian, 1843; Ward, John E. Lecture, 1843; Elliott, Stephen, Jr. Discourse, 1844; Talmadge, S. K. Lecture, 1844; Church, A. Lecture, 1845; Cohen, Solomon. Eulogy on Stephen Elliott, 1867; Jones, C. C, Jr. Sergeant William Jasper, 1876; Jones. De Soto s March. Georgia, 1880; Harden, William. Origin of the Plan of Savannah, 1886. Savannah, 1841-46. $25.00 Scarce Full of valuable papers relating to the early history of Georgia, Indians, etc. This lot contains the rare Vol. 3, Part i, issued in 1848. In 1873 a new Vol. 3 was printed of different material and entirely ignoring the part issued in 1848. 1402 Georgia. Browne s Arith- tation since the War. 8vo, cloth, pp. metical Tables combined with Easy Lessons in Mental Arithmetic. i6mo, paper, uncut. Atlanta, 1865. $1.00 1403 Georgia. Jones, Chas. C., Jr. The History of Georgia, Aborig inal, Colonial, Revolutionary. Maps and Portraits. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, pp. 556 and 540. (Published at $10.00 net). Boston, 1883. $6.00 One of the best State histories that has ever been written. The author, a leading authority, has reprinted in the text many contemporary documents. The second volume is almost entirely devoted to the part borne by Georgia in the Revolution. 1404 Georgia. Jones, Charles C. The Religious Instruction of Negroes in the United States. Scarce. i2mo, cloth. Savannah, 1842. $2.50 1405 Georgia. Jones, Joseph. First Report of the Cotton Planter s Convention of Georgia on the Agri cultural Resources (etc.), of Georgia. 8vo, new half calf, pp. 316. Augusta, 1860. $5.00 Very scarce. 1406 Georgia. Leigh, Frances 347. London, 1883. $2.00 1407 Georgia. M Call, Hugh. The History of Georgia. Vol. I. 8vo, boards, uncut (back broken). Savannah, 1811. $7-5 Stamp on title. I will pay a good price for Vol. 2. 1408 Georgia. Richards, Wm. C. Georgia Illustrated in a Series of Views by T. Addison Richards, en graved by Rawdon, Weight, Hatch and Smillie, with Historical and Topo graphical Sketches. 13 Beautiful Steel Plates. 4to, leather. Penfield, Ga., 1842. $5.00 1409 Georgia. Scott, W. J. Bio graphic Etchings of Ministers and Laymen of the Georgia Conferences. 121110, cloth, pp. 317. Atlanta, 1895. $1.50 1410 Georgia. Seward, Wm. Journal of a Voyage from Savannah to Philadelphia and from Philadelphia to England. I2mo, half roan, pp. 87. One leaf repaired. London, 1740. $7-50 The author was sent by Whitfield to the Trustees of the Colony of Georgia to give an account of the country and their pro ceedings. Butler. Ten Years on a Georgia Plan- Georgia. McCall, Capt. Hugh. The History of Georgia, containing brief Sketches of the most Remarkable Events up to the Present Day. 2 vols., 8vo, half green morocco, marbled edges. Savannah, 1811-16. $50.00 Largely devoted to the history of the border warfare with the Creeks and Chero- kees. Numerous incidents relating to these tribes and their sanguinary attacks upon the frontiers, with sketches of their chiefs, and of the loyalist refugees who led them are narrated. These were derived in many instances directly from the lips of the survivors of these scenes, from manuscripts, or from printed documents no longer accessible to the student of history. 144 LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. Georgia. Smith, James E. The Natural History of the rarer Lepidopter- ous Insects of Georgia, collected from Observations of Mr. John Abbot. Text in French and English. 104 beautiful hand colored plates. 2 vols., folio, full contemporary straight grain morocco, gilt, gilt edges. London, T. Bensley, 1797. $125.00 Splendid copy of one of the rarest and most beautiful of all the early books on American natural history. No record of a copy ever having been offered at public sale in America. 1411 Georgia. Smith, Samuel. Sermon before the Trustees for Estab lishing the Colony of Georgia, and be fore the Associates of the late Dr. Bray, for converting the Negroes in the British Plantations. Map. 4to, paper, pp. 42. London, 1733. $6.00 Contains designs of the Trustees for es tablishing the Colony of Georgia, Dr. Bray s Petition, etc. 1412 Georgia. Wylie, Lollie B. Legend of the Cherokee Rose, and other Poems. I2mo, cloth, pp. in. Atlanta, 1887. $1.00 1413 Greensboro, N. C. 1808-1904. Facts, Figures, Traditions and Rem iniscences. Collated by James W. Al bright. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 134. Greensboro, 1904. $2.00 1414 Harper s Ferry, W. Va. The Annals of Harper s Ferry, 1794 to 1869 with Anecdotes (of the John Brown Raid, etc.). By Josephus, Jr. 8vo, paper, pp. 64. Hagerstown, 1869. $3-00 1415 Hawks, Francis L. Con tributions to the Ecclesiastical History of the United States. The Rise and Progress of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Virginia and Maryland. 2 vols., 8vo, new half sprinkled calf. New York, 1836-9. $6.50 1416 Kingstree, S. C. Wallace, Jas. A. History of Williamsburg Church. i6mo, unbound, pp. 122. Salisbury, 1856. $3.00 Very scarce. Contains Revolutionary history of the district. The cruelties of the Tories, Tarleton, Marion s campaign, etc. 1417 Louisiana. Acts passed at the First Session of the Tenth Legisla ture of the State of Louisiana, begun at Donaldson and adjourned to New Orleans. 8vo, unbound, pp. 143. New Orleans, 1831. $2.50 In French and English. 1418 Louisiana. Barbe-Marbois, M. Histoire de la Louisiane. Map. 8vo, half morocco, pp. 485. Paris, 1829. $4.00 1419 Louisiana. Gayarre, Charles. Histoire la Louisiane. 2 vols., 8vo, new half calf, gilt tops, uncut. New Orleans, 1846-47. $7. 50 First edition. 1420 Louisiana. Heustis, Jabez W. Physical Observations and Re searches on the Topography and Dis eases of Louisiana. 8vo, boards, un cut, pp. 165. New York, 1817. $5.00 Presentation copy from the author. 1421 Mississippi. Ingraham, Jos. H. The South West. 2 vols., I2mo, cloth. New York, 1835. $4. 50 Intimate sketches of life around Natchez, New Orleans, social condition of the slaves, etc. Dedicated to John A. Quitman. 1422 Mississippi. Morgan, A. T. Yazoo; or, on the Picket Line of Freedom in the South. Post, 8vo, cloth, pp. 512. Washington, D. C. Published by the author, 1884. $1.50 An interesting narrative of Reconstruc tion days. Louisiana. Martin, Francois Xavier. The History of Louisiana. 2 vols., 8vo, boards, uncut (bindings worn). New Orleans, 1827-29. $20.00 Very rare uncut. Lacks half-title to Volume 2. THE SOUTHERN STATES. 145 1423 Mississippi. The Mississippi Territorial Archives, 1798-1803. Ex ecutive Journals of Govs. Sargent and Claiborne. Edited by Dunbar Row land. 8vo, cloth, pp. 615. Nashville, 1905. $2.50 1424 Mississippi. Wells, James M. The Chisholm Massacre: A Picture of " Home Rule " in Missis sippi. Portrait and view. I2mo, cloth, pp. 331. Washington, 1878. $1.50 1425 Moore, M. H. Sketches of the Pioneers of Methodism in North Carolina and Virginia. I2mo, cloth, pp. 314. Nashville, 1884. $1.50 1426 Nashville, Tenn. History of Mound Builders, Indian Tribes, Early Settlement and History to the Present Time. Portraits. 8vo, half morocco, pp. 656. Nashville, 1890. $5.00 1427 Newberry, S. C. Annals of. (Early Settlements, Palatine Settle ment, Friends and their Migration to Ohio, Events Preceding Secession, War Times in Newberry, The Soldiers of Newberry, etc.). Part I, by John Belton O Neall; Part 2, by John A. Chapman. Portraits of Old Settlers. 8vo, cloth, pp. 823. 1892. $2.50 1428 New Orleans. Le Grand, Julia. The Journal of, in New Or leans, 1862-3. Illustrated. i2mo, cloth, pp. 318. Richmond, 1911. $1.25 A vivid picture of New Orleans under Butler and Banks. 1429 North Carolina. Alexander, J. B. Biographical Sketches of the Early Settlers of the Hopewell (N. C.) Section, and Reminiscences of the Pioneers and their Descendants, etc. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 104. Char lotte, N. C., 1897. $1.50 1430 North Carolina. Autobiog raphy of Brantley York. (Published by the Trinity College Historical So ciety, Durham, N. C.). Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 139. Durham, 1910. $1.50 1431 North Carolina. Burkhead, L. S. Centennial of Methodism in North Carolina containing History and Addresses (Lives of Early Preachers, etc.). Portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 427. Raleigh, 1876. $2.50 1432 North Carolina. Jordan, F. M. Life and Labor of. For Fifty Years a Preacher of the Gospel among North Carolina Baptists. Portraits. I2mo, cloth, pp. 325. Raleigh, 1899. $1.00 1433 North Carolina. Lawson, John. The History of Carolina con taining the exact description of that Country together with the present state thereof and a Journal of a thou sand miles traveled through several nations of Indians, etc. Post, 8vo, half calf, pp. 390. Raleigh, 1860. $4.50 1434 North Carolina. Life of Hon. Nathaniel Macon. Private and Public, by Edward R. Gotten. Scarce. I2mo, cloth. Baltimore, 1840. $2.50 Revolutionary soldier and statesman, Member of Congress, Speaker of the House, Senator, and warm personal friend of Jefferson, Madison and Randolph. 1435 North Carolina. The North Carolina Booklet. Great Events in North Carolina History. 24 Parts (No. 5 lacking). 23 Parts. 121110, paper. Raleigh, 1901-3. $3-5 Each number is a complete historical monograph. 1436 North Carolina. Wheeler, John H. The Legislative Manual and Political Register of North Carolina for 1874. Map and Tables. 8vo, cloth, pp. 390. Raleigh, 1874. $1.50 Mr. Wheeler has embodied a variety of historical data. Names of Colonial, State and County officers from earliest times. 1437 North Carolina. Zeigler, W. G., and Grosscup, B. S. The Heart of the Alleghanies, or Western North Carolina. Comprising its Topography, History, Resources, etc. Map and Il lustrations. Raleigh, 1883. $1.50 1438 Olmsted, Fredk. L. A Jour ney in the Back Country. (Missis sippi, etc.). i2tno, cloth, pp. 492. New York, 1863. $1.50 146 LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. 1439 Richmond, Va. Fisher, George D. History and Reminis cences of the Monumental Church, from 1814 to 1878 (including Bap tisms, Marriages, etc.). Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 510. Richmond, 1880. $1.00 1440 Richmond. Semi-centennial of the Installation of Rev. Moses D. Hoge as Pastor of the Second Presby terian Church. 121110, cloth, pp. 156. Richmond, 1895. .75 1441 Savannah. Jones, Chas. C, Jr. History of Savannah to Close of Eighteenth Century. From that date by O. F. Vedder and Frank Weldon. Illustrated. 8vo, half leather (rubbed), pp. 655. Syracuse, 1890. $4.50 1443 Savannah. Wilson, Adelaide. Historic and Picturesque Savannah. Illustrated. 4to, cloth, pp. 258. Boston, 1889. $3-50 1444 South Carolina. A Yankee among the Nullifiers, by Elnathan Elm wood, Esq. i6mo, boards, pp. 143. New York, 1833. $2.00 1445 South Carolina. Carroll, B. Historical Collections of South Carolina, embracing many rare and valuable Pamphlets and other Docu ments. Map. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. New York, 1836. $6.00 Vol. 2 consists of reprints of 16 rare early works on the history of Carolina. 1446 South Carolina. Chreitiz- berg, A. M. Early Methodism in the Carolinas. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 364. Nashville, 1897. $1.50 1447 South Carolina. Collections of the South Carolina Historical So ciety (including Vocabulary of the Ca- tawba Language). Vols/i and 2. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. Charleston, 1857-58. $10.00 1448 South Carolina. Dalcho Frederick. Historical Account of the Protestant Episcopal Church in South Carolina, from First Settlement to the Revolution with Some Account of the Early Civil History of Carolina never before published. 8vo, calf, pp. 616. Charleston, 1820. $7.50 1449 South Carolina. [Rivers, W. J.] Sketch of the History of South Carolina to the close of the Proprietary Government by the Revo lution of 1719, with Appendix contain ing many valuable Records hitherto unpublished. 8vo, cloth, pp. 470. Charleston, 1856. $6.00 1450 South Carolina. Rivers, Win. J. A Chapter in the Early His tory of South Carolina. 8vo, half mo rocco, pp. no. Charleston, 1874. $2.50 A continuation of the original work pub lished in 1856. 1451 South Carolina. Taylor, Win. C. A Trip to South Carolina in 1873 i n Search of a Missing Brother. 121110, paper, pp. 71. London, 1874. $3-50 Rare. Only a few copies printed for pri vate circulation. 1452 South Carolina. Tourney, M. Report on the Geology of South Carolina. Maps and illustrations. 4to, cloth, pp. 360. Columbia, 1848. $7-50 1453 Southern Poetry. Pleasants, Julia, and Bradley, T. B. Aphelia and other Poems. By Two Cousins of the South. I2mo, cloth, pp. 272. New York, 1854. $1.25 South Carolina. Ramsay, David. The History of South Carolina from its First Settlement, 1670 to 1808. Map. 2 vols., 8vo, new boards, uncut, each volume in a half morocco slip case. Charleston, 1809. $30.00 A superb copy in the finest possible condition. Dr. Ramsay was a zealous investigator and was a participant in many of the events narrated from the time of the Revolution. - Another copy. Half sheep, (binding rubbed). $12.50 THE SOUTHERN STATES. 147 1454 St. Augustine, Fla. Fair banks, Geo. R. The History and An- 1460 Virginia. Cartmell, T. K. Shenandoah Valley Pioneers and their tiquities of St. Augustine", Florida, Descendants. A history of Frederick founded 1565. Plates. 8vo, cloth, pp. County, from its formation in 1738 $3-5 to 1908. Compiled mainly from Or iginal Records. Illustrated. 4to, cloth, >pp. "587. (Winchester, Va., 1909-) $7-50 1461 Virginia. Conway, Moncure D. Barons of the Potomack and the Rapphannock. Illustrated. 8vo, boards, uncut. New York, 1892. $20.00 Edition limited to 360 copies printed for the Grolier Club. 1462 Virginia. Hariot. The Mathematician, Philosopher and Scholar, by Henry Stevens with Re print of " Brief and True Report of the new found land of Virginia," 1588 edition. 2 vols., I2mo, boards, uncut. London, 1900. $7-5o 1463 Virginia. History of the College of William and Mary, 1660- 1874 (including Catalogue of Gradu ates, etc.). 8vo, paper, pp. 185. Rich mond, 1874. $1.50 1464 Virginia. Howe, Henry Historical Collections of Virginia ; a collection of the most interesting facts, traditions, anecdotes, etc., relating to its History and Antiquities, with a Historical and Descriptive Sketch of the District of Columbia. Maps and over 100 engravings. 8vo, newly and finely bound in half sprinkled calf, gilt, yellow edges, pp. 544. Charleston, 1856. $10.00 200. New York, 1858. 1455 St. Mark s Parish, Va. Slaughter, Philip. History of St. Mark s Parish, Culpeper County, with Notes of Old Churches and Old Fam ilies. I2mo, cloth, pp. 200. 1877. $6.00 1456 St. Mary s, Ga. Historical Sketches of Old St. Mary s from the files of the Southeast Georgian. 8vo, paper, pp. 12. St. Mary s, n. d. $1.00 A scarce local pamphlet. 1457 Stowe, Harriet Beecher. Uncle Tom s Cabin ; or, Life among the Lowly. Illustrated. 2 vols., I2mo, original black cloth. Boston : John P. Jcwett & Co., 1852. $3.50 A fine, clean copy published the same year as the first edition. 1458 Virginia. Addresses and Historical Papers before the Centen nial Council of the Protestant Episco pal Church ... at its meetings, May 20-24, 1885. 8vo, cloth, pp. 195. New York, 1885. $1.50 Includes Slaughter s Colonial Church of Virginia. 1459 Virginia. Burk, John. The History of Virginia. Vols. i and 2. 2 vols., 8vo, calf. Petersburg, 1804-5. $6.00 Clean and unspotted. Virginia. Hartlib, Samuel. The Reformed Commonwealth of Bees. Pre sented in several Letters and Observations. With the Reformed Virginian Silk-worm. Containing many Excellent and Choice Secrets, Experi ments and Discoveries for attaining of National and Private Profits and Riches. 4to, new boards. London, Printed for Giles Calvert, 1655. A very fine large copy with some of the leaves uncut at bottom. $67.50 The second part, " The Reformed Virginian Silk-worm," has separate title, signa tures and pagination and was probably published separately. It is so described by Sabin. The Dedication and the first 18 pages of text are a reprint of the edition of 1652, but with two letters interpolated. Then follows "A Loving Advertisement to all the Ingenius Gentlemen-Planters in Virginia," etc., by Virginia Ferrar, a poem (6 pages) on silk-culture, by her, and other matters not in the 1652 edition. 148 LATIIROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. Virginia. Howison, Robt. B. History of Virginia from its Discovery and Settlement by Europeans. 2 vols., 8vo, new half sprinkled calf, yellow edges. Phila., 1846. $20.00 One of the most pleasing and comprehensive works on Virginia. 1465 Virginia. Long, C. M. Vir ginia County Names : Two Hundred and Seventy Years of Virginia His tory. Folding map. i2mo, cloth, pp. 208. New York, 1908. $1.00 1466 Virginia. Martin, Joseph. New and Comprehensive Gazetteer of Virginia and District of Columbia to which is added a History of Virginia to 1754. Folding map. 8vo, calf, pp. 636. Charlottes ville, 1836. $6.00 1467 Virginia. (Moore, Clement C.) Observations upon certain pas sages in Mr. Jefferson s Notes on Vir ginia which appear to subvert Re ligion and establish a false Philosophy. 8vo, blue paper wrappers, uncut. New York, 1804. $2.50 Fine copy. 1468 Virginia. Moore, J. Staun- ton. Reminiscences, Letters, Poetry and Miscellanies. Portrait. Post 8vo, cloth, pp. 785. Richmond, 1903. $1.50 Including Civil War recollections and a roll of the Virginia Life Guards, Com pany B. 1469 Virginia. Peyton, William M. Memoir, Speeches and Letters in reference to Secession, Civil War, etc. (with Pedigrees of Peyton and Lewis families), by John L. Peyton. 8vo, cloth, pp. 392. London, 1873. $5-OO 1470 Virginia. Semple, Robert B. History of the Rise and Progress of the Baptists in Virginia. 8vo, calf (foxed), pp. 447. Richmond, 1810. $6.00 The scarce original edition. Contains much original material relating to the early individual churches. 1471 Virginia. Smith, Capt. John. A True Relation of Virginia, with an Introduction and notes by Charles Deane. Facsimile of the large folding map. 4to, cloth, uncut, leather label. Boston, 1866. $7.50 One of a few copies printed on India paper, in 4to size. 1472 Virginia. Smith, Capt. John. True Travels, Adventures and Obser vations, Reprinted from the London edition of 1629; The Generall His- toire of Virginia, New England and the Summer Isles, Reprinted from the London edition of 1627. Maps and Plates. 2 vols., 8vo, boards, uncut. Richmond, 1819. $12.50 Very scarce in uncut condition. J 473 Virginia. (Strothers, David.) Virginia Illustrated containing a Visit to the Virginian Canaan and Adven ture of Porte Crayon and his Cousins. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 300. New York, 1857. $4.00 Virginia. Jefferson, Thomas. Observations sur La Virginie, par M. T. Traduites De L Anglois. Fine large folding map. 8vo, original calf, yellow edges. Paris, 1786. $10.00 A very fine copy of the extremely rare first published edition. The map was made by Jefferson himself, and he states in a letter to Dr. Edward Bancroft, that " I answer for the exactness, and I have supplied some new places. By the death of Mr. Wil liams, a copy of my Notes on Virginia (the private edition) got into the hands of a bookseller who was about publishing a very abominable translation of them, when the Abbe Morellet heard of it, and diverted him from it by undertaking to translate it for him. They will thus appear in French in spite of my precautions. The Abbe engaged me to make a map/ etc. THE SOUTHERN STATES. 149 1474 Virginia. The Case of the Planters of Tobacco in Virginia as represented by Themselves, signed by the President of the Council (Robert Carter) and Speaker of the House of Burgesses (John Holloway), to which is added a Vindication of the said Rep resentation. 8vo, half calf, uncut, pp. 64. London, 1733. $10.00 A very fine uncut copy. An important tract on early American trade. 1475 Virginia. The White Sul phur Papers, or Life at the Springs, by Mark Pencil. 121110, cloth, pp. 166. New York, 1839. $1.50 Interesting sketches of amusements, so cial life, distinguished characters, etc. 1476 West Virginia. Aler, F. Vernon. Aler s History of Martins- burg and Berkeley County, West Vir ginia. From the origin of the Indians, embracing their Settlements, etc. 8vo, cloth, pp. 452. Hagerstown (1888). $3.00 1477 West Virginia. Atkinson, George W., and Gibbens, Alvaro F. Prominent Men of West Virginia. Biographical Sketches of Representa tive Men in every Honorable Voca tion, Growth and Advancement of the State as Shown in the History of her Distinguished Representatives, etc. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 1022. Wheeling, 1890. $4-5o 1478 Wheeling, W. Va. Cranmer, Gibson L. History of Wheeling City and Ohio Coimty, West Virginia, and Representative Citizens. Illustrated. 4to, morocco, gilt edges, pp. 853. Chicago, 1902. $6.00 1479 Williams, James. The South Vindicated. A Series of Letters writ ten during the Canvass for Presidency in 1860, the Presidential Contest and its Consequences. 8vo, cloth, pp. 444. London, 1862. $3.00 THE 1480 Alaska. Ball, William H. Alaska and its Researches. Illus trated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 668. Boston, 1870. $3.50 The best work of time on Alaska. In cludes travels in the Yukon Territory, ac count of the Fur Trade, Indians, Natural History, etc. 1481 Alaska. Schwatka, Fredk. Along Alaska s Great River. Illus trated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 360. New York (1885). $1.50 Account of exploring the Yukon in 1883. 1482 Alaska. Whymper, Freder ick. Travels and Adventures in the Territory of Alaska, formerly Russian America, now ceded to the United States, and in various other parts of the North Pacific. Maps and illustra tions. 8vo, cloth, pp. 331. London, 1869. $5.00 The opening chapters of this valuable work contain some earlier reminiscences of British Columbia and Vancouver Island, whilst the concluding pages contain a WEST. sketch of California of our own time (1869). 1483 Albach, James R. Annals of the West, from the Discovery of the Mississippi Valley to 1856. Thick 8vo, original cloth, index. Pittsburg, 1857. $5.00 Very scarce. Best edition. A compen dious account of over a thousand pages of the principal events in the Indian wars of the Western States and Territories during period stated. 1484 Alpena County, Mich. Com plete History of, written by Win. Boulton. (Early History, Description of the Different Business Houses, Alpena in 1858, etc.) 8vo, original paper cover, Alpena, 1876. $3-5o This rare work was printed by the Al pena Weekly Argus, and only a few copies were made. 1485 Alvord, C. W., and Bidgood, L. The First Explorations of the Trans- Allegheny Region by the Vir ginians, 1650-74. Map. 8vo, cloth, pp. 275. Cleveland, 1912. $4.00 LATIIROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. 1486 Arizona. Acts, Resolutions and Memorials adopted by the Fourth Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Arizona. 8vo, half sheep, pp. 74. Prescott, 1868. $5-oo 1487 - - Another copy. Pages 61 and 62 cut, pages 64 and 65 miss ing. $2.50 1488 Arizona. Journals of the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Arizona, Second, Third and Fourth Sessions. 3 vols., 8vo, half sheep. Prescott, 1866-68. $15.00 Very scarce. The Second Session lacks several pages. 1489 - - Same for Third and Fourth Sessions, lacking several pages. 2 vols., 8vo, half sheep. Prescott, 1867-8. $5.00 1490 Arkansas. Hallum, John. Biographical and Pictorial History of Arkansas. Vol. I (all published?). 8vo, sheep, pp. 581. Albany, 1887. $4-50 1491 Arkansas. Monks, William. A History of Southern Missouri and Northern Arkansas. Being an Ac count of the early Settlements, the Civil War, the Ku-klux, and Times of Peace. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 247. West Plains, Mo., 1907. $1.50 1492 Arkansas. The New Ar kansas Travelers. History of the Northwestern Editorial Excursion to Arkansas. Maps. 8vo, paper, pp. 404. Little Rock, 1876. $2.00 1493 Arlington, Wis. Schuyler, M. The Pioneer Church ; or. the Story of a New Parish in the West. Views. i2mo, cloth, pp. 211. Bos ton, 1868. .75 1494 Ashland County, Ohio. Knapp, H. S. History of Pioneer and Modern Times of Ashland County. 8vo, cloth, pp. 550. Phila., 1863. F . $5-00 .bmc, clean copy. 1495 Bartlett, John Russell. Per sonal Narrative of Explorations and Incidents in Texas, New Mexico, Cal ifornia, Sonora and Chihuahua. Map and Plates. 2 vols., 8vo, new half calf, yellow edges. New York, 1854. $7.50 The author was commissioner for the survey of the Mexican boundary in 1851-3. A gentleman of scholarly attainments, a skilled journalist, and an excellent ob server, appreciative of the needs of stu dents during his operations in a new field of investigation, Bartlett produced a work of lasting importance to science and his tory. His narrative possesses high literary merit, is exact almost beyond criticism and altogether is one of the best works devoted to the Southwest that has ever appeared. 1496 Another copy. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. $6.00 1497 Beadle, Charles. A Trip to the United States in 1887 (to Cali fornia, Oregon and return). 121110, cloth, pp. 210. Printed for Private Circulation (1887). $3-OO 1498 Beadle, J. H. Western Wilds and the Men who Redeem Them, an Authentic Narrative, em bracing seven years travel in the Far West (Arizona, Mjormons, Custer s Defeat, etc.). Map and illustrations. 8vo, half morocco, pp. 624. Cincin nati, 1878. $2.50 1499 Bell, Wm. A. Xew Tracks in North America Journal while en gaged in the Survey for a Southern Railroad to the Pacific 1867-8. Map and Plates. 8vo, cloth, pp. 565. Lon don, 1870. $3.00 Part 2 is Native Races of New Mexico and Arizona. 1500 Beltrami, J. C. A Pilgrim age in Europe and America, Leading to the Discovery of the Sources of the Mississippi and Bloody River, with a Description of the Whole Course of the Former, and of the Ohio. Illus trated. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1828. $7.50 The narrations of what he witnessed are tinged with the peculiar glow of the au thor s temperament. Beltrami must have moved in a gigantic world, if he saw ex ternal objects through the same media with which he viewed his own person and accomplishment. THE WEST. i5 [ 1501 Bloomington, Ind. Harding, Particular Record of the Mexican Samuel B Indiana University, 1820- Grants, Early History and Settlement, 1004 Illustrated. 4 to, cloth, pp. 348. and the Original Spanish and Ameri- Bloomington, 1904. $1.50 can Pioneers and Early Settlers. A n- With a Bibliography of the Writings of wrens Portraits Royal 8vo, sheep Faculty, Students and Alumni, 150 pages. 1502 Boone. Miner, Win. H. pp. 891. San Francisco, 1881. $3-5 1510 California. Illustrated His Darnel Boone" Contributions toward tory of Southern California. Embrac- a Bibliography. I2mo, boards. New ing the Counties of San Diego, ^Los York, 1901. Brackenridge, H. M. Views of a Voyage up the Missouri River in 1811. 8vo, calf (binding broken). Pittsburgh, 1814. A very clean copy. 1505 California. Cowe, Mary. Two Years in California. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 238. Chicago, 1876. 1506 California. $3.00 Angeles and Peninsula of Lower Cali fornia, etc. Portraits. 4to. leather (cracked), pp. 898. Chicago, 1890. $7-50 1511 California. Munroe, Kirk. Sit; co The Golden Days of 49. A Tale of the California Diggings. Illustrated. 121110, cloth, pp. 351. New York (1889). $1.00 1512 California. Smith, Frank M. San Francisco Vigilance Committee of j) r 56, with sketches of events succeeding Dietrich, JL/I. > ~ ThVGerman Emigrants or Frederick ^ . 8vo wrappers, pp. 83. San Wohlgemuths* Voyage to California Francisco, 1883. 1513 California. To San Fran- 121110, cisco and Back. By a London Par- $2.00 son. 121110, cloth, pp. 223. London, n. d. $1-50 1514 California. Voyage to Cali fornia to observe the Transit of Venus. By M. C. d Auteroche ; with . historical description of the author s (in 1851), translated by Leopold Wray. 8 Colored Plates. boards, pp. 39. Guben, n. d. Fine, fresh copy of a very curious book. 1507 California. Fitzgerald. O. P. California Sketches. New and Old. Illustrated. 121110, cloth, pp. 336. Nashville, 1895^ $1.50 ^throu^r Mexico, Natural His- 1508 California. Gold Stories of of that Province . a j so> a voyage 49. (In verse.) By a Californian. tQ Newfoundland and Sallee, by M. i2mo, cloth, uncut, pp. 52. Boston, De Cassini pj an O f Mexico. 8vo, l8 9^. $ T - original half calf, pp. 215. London, 1509 California. History of Napa 17 j&. $7-5 and Lake Counties comprising Geog- Fine copy> w j t h t j ie \a book-plate of Sir raphy, Topography, Alining, etc., with Walter Blount. California. Original Manuscript Diary of Voyage from New York to Upper California. Jan. loth, 1849, to Feb - 2d l8 5> covering 188 pages. Folio, unbound (several leaves missing, and no entries between dates Tan. 27th, Feb. 3d, June 5th, July 3Oth, and July 22cl-3Oth, 1849-50). $25.00 The Diary of a passenger on board a sailing vessel on his voyage around Cape Horn bound for California during the Gold Excitement, 1849. Commences with an ^ entry Jan. 3oth, 1849, giving an account of his departure from " Manhattan Isle " and continues with a daily record of incidents on board, descriptions of places, scenes, etc.. and closes with an entry at sea Feb. 2d, 1850. \i the back is a pretty water color sketch of the ship the writer sailed in, Ihe Clarissa," also water color drawings of a steamboat, the helmsman at his wheel, a man in the rigging, etc. 152 LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. the fine the best Carver, Jonathan. Travels through the Interior Parts of North America in the Years 1766, 1767 and 1768. With the two maps colored, fine portrait and five plates, four of which are colored. 8vo, half calf, gilt back. London, 1781. $35.00 A fine and desirable copy containing two plates not called for in the list portrait of Carver and the colored plate of the Tobacco Plant. ThU is edition, containing a Biography of the Author. - Another copy. New half morocco, entirely uncut. $60.00 A very fine uncut copy. A copy of the 1778 edition, uncut, recently sold at auction for $92.50. 1515 Caxton Club. Relation of Henri de Tonty, concerning the Ex plorations of La Salle from 1678 to 1683. Translated by Melville B. Anderson. 8vo, boards, uncut as issued, pp. 121. Chicago, 1898. $15.00 Only 194 copies printed. 1516 Chicago. Chamberlin, Ever ett. Chicago and its Suburbs (His tory, etc.). Folding map and numer ous -views. 8vo, cloth, pp. 468. Chicago, 1874. $1.50 ^ 1517 Chicago. (Goodsell, C. M.) Chicago. A Strangers and Tourists Guide, with Reminiscences of Chicago in Early Days. Lithograph and wood cut Views of Chicago before the Fire. :6mo, cloth, pp. 129. Chicago, 1866. $3.00 Lacks a map. 1518 Chicago. Second Presby terian Church. Historical Sketch (1841-1892), by T. B. Carter and J. C. Grant: List of Members, 1842- 1892, by H. M. Ralston: and Account of the Exercises at the Semi-Centen- nial, 1892, by S. J. McPherson. Views and over 40 portraits, includ ing many of the early residents of Chicago. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 355. Chicago (1892). $3.00 ^1519 Chicago. Wood, David W. Chicago and its Distinguished Citizens or the Progress of Fifty Years. Por traits. 8vo, morocco, pp. 579. Chicago, 1881. $3.50 1520 Chittenden, Hiram M. The American Fur Trade of the Far West. A History of the Pioneer Trading- Posts and Early Fur Companies of the Missouri Valley and the Rocky Moun tains, and of the Overland Commerce with Santa Fe, etc., written largely from manuscript and other records hitherto inaccessible. Illustrated. 3 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1902. $10.00 A work of the highest merit and greatest importance on the early history of the great West. The author has embodied in it the results of years of painstaking re search, going into the whole subject with a thoroughness ,and ability rarely met with in these days. Every known printed au thority has been consulted and digested, and in addition a mass of original manu scripts hitherto inaccessible has been placed at Capt. Chittcnden s disposal. 1521 Chittenden, Hiram M. His tory of Early Steamboat Navigation on the Missouri River. The Life and Adventures of Joseph La Barge, Pioneer Navigator and Indian Trader. For fifty years identified with the com merce of the Missouri Valley. Map, portraits and illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. (Edition limited to 950 copies.) $6.00 A valuable and interesting original work- by the author of "The American Fur Trade of the Far West." Very few people now have any conception of the part the steamboat navigation of the Missouri River played in the upbuilding of the West. The business of the fur trade, the intercourse of government agents with the Indians, the campaigns of the army throughout the valley and the wild rush of gold-seekers to the mountains, all de pended, in greater or less degree, upon the Missouri River as a line of transportation. No other river in this country has a record to compare with it. THE WEST. 153 Coues, Dr. Elliott. Works on Western Exploration. Large Paper Set. (i) History of the Expedition of Lewis and Clark to the Sources of the Missouri, thence across the Rocky Mountains and down the Columbia River, 1804-6. Portraits and maps. 4 vols. ; (2) Expedition of Zebulon M. Pike to the Headwaters of the Mississippi, the interior parts of Louisiana and Texas, 1805-7. Portrait and maps. 3 vols.; (3) New Light on the Early History of the Greater Northwest Manuscript Journals of Alexander Henry and David Thompson with Explorations and Life of the Early Fur Traders. Portrait and maps. 3 vols. Together 10 vols., royal 8vo, blue boards, white cloth backs, uncut. New York, 1893-97. $75.00 The fine large paper edition, printed on handmade paper. Of the importance of Dr. Coues editorial work on the above volume it is needless to speak. No other series contains such a mass of carefully digested material relating to the early history of the West. Since their appearance they have been quoted and referred to by other writers times without number, and always will be ; and no library on the subject can be considered anything like complete without them. 1522 Cincinnati. Old Woodward. A Memorial relating to Woodward High School and College, 1831-51. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 315. Cincinnati, 1884. $i-5o Very complete Student Record, giving marriages, number of children, etc. 1523 Cincinnati. Proceedings of the Memorial Association, with Bio graphical Sketches of Distinguished Citizens. Portraits. Vol. I (all pub lished). 8vo, morocco, pp. 277. Cincinnati, 1881. $2.00 1524 Cleveland, Ohio. Whittle- sey, Col. Chas. Early History of Cleveland, including Original Papers and Biographical Notices of Pioneers and Surveyors. Plates. 8vo, cloth, pp. 487. Cleveland, 1867. $3oo An able work. Covers all the early his tory of Cleveland and Cuyahoga county prior to 1810. 1525 Clinton Co., Iowa. Dunn, L. V. The Catholic Church in Clin ton County. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 114. 1907. $1.25 1526 Colorado. Greatorex, Eliza. Summer Etchings in Colorado. 20 Illustrations from Nature. 8vo, cloth, pp.96. New York (1873). $2.50 1527 Columbus, Ohio. Marsten, Francis E. After Eighty Years (His tory of the First Presbyterian Church). Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 127. Columbus, 1886. .75 1528 Cummings, Samuel. The Western Pilot, containing Charts of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, Description of the Towns. (Biog raphy of Black Hawk by George Con- clin). 8vo, boards (broken), pp. 144. Cincinnati, 1840. $3.50 1529 Dakota County, Minn. His tory of Dakota County, including The Explorers and Pioneers of Minnesota by E. D. Neill, and Outline of the His tory of Minnesota by J. Fletcher Wil liams. 4to, half morocco, pp. 551. Minneapolis, 1881. $6.00 1530 Davenport, Iowa. Downer, Harry E. History of Davenport (with Biographies and Genealogical Data). Illustrated. 2 vols., royal 8vo, half morocco, pp. ion and 1037. Chicago, 1910. $9.00 1531 Davenport, Iowa. Wilkie, F. B. Davenport Past and Present, including Early History and Personal Reminiscences! Lith. Portraits, in cluding Black Hawk and Keokuk. 8vo, cloth, pp. 334. Davenport, 1858. $1.50 154 LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK Ci TY. 1532 Detroit. Farmer, Silas. History of Detroit and Michigan. A Chronological Cyclopaedia of the Past and Present. Profusely illustrated. 2 vols., 4to, half morocco. Detroit, 1889. $6.00 1533 Douglas County, 111. Gres- ham, John. Historical and Biograph ical Record of Douglas County (with Early History and Military History, Regimental Sketches, etc.). Por traits. 4to, morocco, pp. 298. 1900. $5.00 1534 Dubuque, Iowa. Perry, Wm. Stevens. Historical Address in St. John s Church on Semi-Centennial Celebration. i6mo, paper, pp. 36. Davenport, 1896. $1.00 1535 Evansville, Ind. White, Ed ward. Evansville and its Men of Mark. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 320. Evansville, 1873. $1.00 1536 Fairfax, Iowa. Semi-Cen tennial Souvenir of the United Pres byterian Church. Plate. 8vo, paper, pp. 32. 1908. .50 1537 Fearon, Henry B. Sketches of America. A Narrative of a Jour ney of Five Thousand Miles through the Eastern and Western States of America. Third Edition. 8vo, half calf, pp. 454. London, 1819. $2.50 The author s visit was at the expense of 39 English families to ascertain the most favorable location for a settlement. 1538 Featherstonhaugh, G. W. Report of a Geological Reconnoissance in 1835 to Coteau de Prairie by way of Green Bay and Wisconsin Terri tory. 8vo, cloth, pp. 1 68. Wash ington, 1836. $1.25 1539 Finley, Rev. J. B. Sketches of Western Methodism : Biographical. Historical and Miscellaneous, illus trative of Pioneer Life. Edited by W. P. Strickland. Mezzotint por trait. I2mo, cloth, pp. 551. Cin cinnati, 1855. $2.00 1540 Foster, J. W. The Missis sippi Valley; its Physical Geog raphy, including Sketches of its To pography, Botany, Development, etc. Maps. 8vo, cloth, pp. 443. Chicago, 1869. $2.00 1541 Fowler, Major Jacob. The Journal of, Narrating an Adventure from Arkansas through Indian Ter ritory, Kansas, Colorado, and New Mexico, to the source of Rio Grande del Norte, 1821-22, now first printed from his original manuscript carefully edited by Dr. Elliott Coues. Plate. 8vo, cloth, New York, 1898. $3.00 Limited edition, and the first volume of "American Explorers Series." An impor tant and hitherto unknown exploration. He was the first white man to describe much of the country through which he traveled. 1542 Franklin County, Ohio. Mar tin, Wm. T. History of Franklin County, a Collection of Reminiscences of the Early Settlement of the County. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 449. Columbus, 1858. $3-OO 1543 Gambier, Ohio. The Ken- yon Book (History of Kenyon Col lege). Illustrated. Royal 8vo, half morocco (rubbed), pp. 412. Colum bus, 1890. $1.50 1544 Gallaher, J. The Western Sketch-Book. Third edition. i2mo, cloth, pp. 408. Boston, 1852. $1.50 1545 Garces, Fran. On the Trail of a Spanish Pioneer. The Diary of Francisco Garces in Sonora, Arizona and California, 1775-76. Translated from the Original Spanish Manu script, and copiously edited by Dr. Elliott Coues. 18 maps, plates and illustrations. Edition limited to 950 numbered copies. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. New York, 1900. $6.00 Dr. Coues final work. Xo. 3 of the American Explorers Series. 1546 Green Bay, \Yis. Crawford. Wm. Three Discourses on the 401 h Anniversary of the First Presbyterian Church, Green Bay. 8vo, paper, pp. 37. Green Bay, 1876. $1.00 THE WEST. 155 1547 Grigg s Southern and West ern Songster. New edition greatly enlarged. Frontispiece. i6mo, half morocco, pp. 324 (somewhat stained). Philadelphia, 1844. $2.00 1548 Goddard, Frederick B. Where to Emigrate and Why. Cli mate, Soil, Productions, Minerals, Quality and Price of Farm iLands, etc., in nearly all sections of the United States, with description of the Pacific Railroad. 19 maps and 3 il lustrations. 8vo, cloth, pp. 591. New York, 1869. $2.00 A chapter on each of the Western States. 1549 Goodhue County, Minn. History of, Pioneer Incidents and Biographical Sketches of Early and Prominent Settlers. Portraits. 8vo, half morocco, pp. 664. Red Wing, 1878. $3-50 1550 Haliburton, Thomas C. The Americans at Home ; or, Byeways, Backwoods and Prairies. I2mo, cloth, pp. 314. London, n. d. $1.00 1551 Hall, James. Legends of the West. Lithograph Frontispiece. I2mo, cloth, pp. 435. New York, 1854. $ 2 -50 Fine, fresh copy, good as day of issue. 1552 Harris, William T. Re marks made during a Tour through the United States, 1817-19, in a Series of Letters to Friends in England. I2mo, boards, pp. 196. London, 1821. $5.00 The author went as far south as Georgia, then west to Kentucky, Ohio, etc. 1553 Hennepin, Louis. A New Vast Country sand Miles between New France and New Mexico with Continuation, giv ing an Account of Sieur de la Salle. Imperfect copy of the " Tonson " edi tion. 8vo, old calf. London, 1698. $20.00 A useful copy for making up. The text is perfect, it lacks the two maps and plate of " Death of La Salle," corner missing from Buffalo plate and frontispiece trimmed close. The plate of Niagara is in excellent condition, which alone is worth the price asked. 1554 Hennepin, Louis. A New Discovery of a Vast Country in America. Reprinted from the Lon don edition of 1698, with Introduc tion, Notes and Index by Reuben G. Thwaites. Maps and plates. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. Chicago, 1903. $5.00 1555 Henry, Alexander. Travels and Adventures in Canada and the Indian Territories, between 1760-1776. 8vo, calf (one joint cracked.) New York, 1809. $10.00 As with most copies, the above does not contain the portrait. To describe it as "portrait missing" is hardly correct from the fact that the portrait was only issued in a small portion of the edition, and was probably engraved as an after-thought and added to the unsold copies. It is in the original binding, and there is no evidence of the portrait ever having been included. 1556 [Hoffman, Charles Fenno."| A Winter in the West. By A New- Yorker. First Edition. 2 vols., I2mo, original cloth. New York, 1835. $3-oo 1557 Illinois. Birkbeck. Morris. Notes on a Journey in America, from Virginia to the Territory of Illinois. Map. Letters from Illinois. 2 in one vol. 8vo, new half calf. Dublin, 1818. $3-00 Discovery of a Vast Lountry in America, extending above Four Thou- Harris, Thaddeus M. Journal of a Tour into the Territory Northwest of the Alleghany Mountains ; made in the Spring of the year 1803, with a Geographical and Historical Account of the State of Ohio. Map of the State of Ohio by Gcnl. Putnam, and other maps, etc. 8vo. Boston, 1805. $2a A remarkable and almost immaculate copy, in the original boards, entirely uncut, with an autograph presentation inscription by the author to the Rev. J(asper) Adams of Charleston, S. C. The book is now very rare in any condition. With slip case 156 LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. Illinois. Reynolds, John. The Pioneer History of Illinois, containing the Discovery in 1673, and the History of the Country to 1818. I2mo, cloth, pp. 348. Belleville, 1852. $40.00 Good copy. 1558 Illinois. Fordham, Elias P. Personal Narrative of Travels in Virginia, Maryland, etc., and of a Residence in the Illinois Territory, 1817-18. Edited by F. A. Ogg. 8vo, cloth, pp. 248. Cleveland, 1906. $3.00 Now first printed from the manuscript. Fordham was a companion of Birkbeck. 1559 Illinois Hist. Collections. Virginia Series, Vol I. Cahokia Records, 1778-90. Edited by Clarence W. Alvord. Map. 8vo, cloth, pp. 663. Springfield, 1907. $2.00 Important records in French and Eng lish of Illinois under Virginia rule. 1560 Illinois. Lusk, D. W. His tory of the Contest for U. S. Senator in 1885. (Election of John A. Lo gan.) Portrait. i2mo, cloth, pp. 121. Springfield, 1885. $1.25 1561 Illinois. Morse s Map of Il linois. Large folding colored map in cloth cover. Chicago, Rufus Blan- chard, 1854. $2.50 In excellent condition. 1562 Illinois. Parrish, Randall. Historic Illinois, the Romance of Earlier Days (Indian Battlefields, First Explorers, La Salle and Tonty, The Footsteps of Geo. Rogers Clark, Black Hawk, etc.). Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 479. Chicago, 1905. $2.50 1563 Impressions of the West and South during a Six Weeks Holiday. (Chicago, St. Louis, Trip down the Mississippi, New Orleans, etc.) 8vo, cloth, pp. 83. Toronto, 1858. $3.50 1564 Indiana. Biederwolf, W. E. History of the i6ist Regiment Indiana Vol. Infantry. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 450. Logansport, 1899. $2.50 1565 Indiana. Counties of War ren, Benton, Jasper and Newton. Historical and Biographical. Por traits. 8vo, half morocco, pp. 810. Chicago, 1886. $3.50 1566 Indiana. Life and Times of Rev. Allen Wiley, containing Sketches of Early Methodist Preachers and Introduction of Meth odism in Indiana, by F. C. Holliday. I2mo, cloth, pp. 291. Cincinnati, 1853- $1-50 1567 Indiana. Smith, Wm. H. History of the State of Indiana from Earliest Explorations by the French. Illustrated. (Stamp on title.) 2 vols., 8vo, half morocco. Indianapolis, 1897. $5-00 1568 Indiana. Tuttle, Chas. R. Illustrated History of the State of Indiana. Edited and revised by W. S. Haymond. 8vo, cloth, pp. 798. Indianapolis, 1879. $3-5 Third and best edition, greatly enlarged. 1569 Iowa. Augustus Caesar Dodge (U. S. Senator from Iowa, etc.), by Louis Pelzer. Portrait. I2mo, cloth, pp. 369. Iowa City, 1908. $1.50 1570 Iowa. Fellows, Stephen N. History of the Upper Iowa Confer ence of the Methodist Episcopal Church, 1856-1906. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 260. (Cedar Rapids, 1907.) $1.50 Imlay, Gilbert. Topographical Description of the Western Territory of North American (Filson s Kentucky, Hutchin s Topographical Descrip tion, Kennedy s Journal, etc.). 3d and best edition. Maps. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. London, 1797. $25.00 Best edition. One of the most important works on early western history. THE WEST. 157 1571 Iowa. Fragments of the Debates of the Iowa Constitutional Conventions, 1844 and 1846, with Press Comments, etc., by Benj. F. Shambaugh. 8vo, paper, pp. 415. Iowa City, 1900. $2.25 1572 Iowa. Garden, Robert I. History of Scott Township, Mahaska County; War Reminiscences (with the 3d Iowa Vols.), and Did the Buffalo ever Inhabit Iowa? Por trait. I2mo, cloth, pp. 291. Oska- loosa, 1907. $1.50 1573 Iowa. Harsha, William J. The Story of Iowa. Map. 8vo, cloth, pp. 341. Omaha, 1890. $1.50 1574 Iowa. History of Cedar County, with a History of Iowa. Nu merous Illustrations and Portraits. Royal 8vo, half roan, pp. 410. Chicago (1901). $3.50 1575 Iowa. History of Western Iowa. Its Settlement and Growth. 8vo, half morocco, pp. 568. Sioux City, 1882. $5.00 1576 Iowa. Hubbard, Joseph W. History of the Presbyterian Church in Iowa, 1837-1900. Illustrated. Oblong 8vo, cloth, pp. 112. Cedar Rapids, 1907. $1.00 1577 Iowa. Mitchell, S. H. His torical Sketches of Iowa Baptists. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 504. Bur lington, 1886. $1.50 1578 Iowa. Parker, Nathan H. The Iowa Handbook for 1856. Fold ing map. I2mo, cloth, pp. 188. Bos ton, 1856. $1.25 1579 Iowa. Reminiscences of the Twenty-second Iowa Volunteer In fantry. Giving its Organization, Marches, Skirmishes, Battles, and Sieges, as taken from the Diary of Lieut. S. G. Jones. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 164. Iowa City, 1907. $2.50 1580 Iowa. The Home for Immi grants, being a treatise on the Re sources of Iowa, and giving useful information, for the benefit of immi grants and others. 8vo, paper, pp. 96. Des Moines, 1870. $1.00 1581 Iowa. Todd, John. Early Settlement and Growth of Western Iowa ; or, Reminiscences. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 203. Des Moines, 1906. $1.25 1582 Jefferson County, Iowa. Fletcher, Chas. H. Centennial His tory, 1776-1876. 8vo, paper, pp. 36. Fairfield, 1876. $1.50 1583 Kansas. Brewerton, G. Douglas. The War in Kansas. A rough trip to the Border among New Homes and a Strange People. Por trait of the author in " Kansas " cos tume, and other illustrations. 121110, cloth, pp. 400. New York, 1856. $2.00 A narrative of the Kansas troubles amusingly and graphically written. The author states that he was correspondent of " The New York Herald." 1584 Kansas. Gihon, John H. Governor Geary s Administration in Kansas, with Complete History of the Territory until June, 1857. I2mo, cloth, pp. 348. Phila., 1857. $2.00 1585 Kansas Historical Society. Transactions, 1875-1900. Vols. I to 6, bound in five volumes, 8vo, cloth. Topeka, 1881-1900. $8.50 Contains a mass of valuable material on the early settlement and Kansas troubles. 1586 Kentucky. Bennett, Emer son. Ella Barnwell : a Historical Ro mance of Border Life (Simon Garty, etc.). 8vo, paper, pp. 112. Cincin nati (1853). $1.00 1587 Kendall County, 111. Bio graphical Directory of the Voters and Tax-Payers of Kendall County, containing also a Map of the County, an historical sketch, business direc tory, etc. 8vo, cloth, pp. 114. Chi cago, 1876. $2.00 LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. Kentucky. Filson, John. Histoire De Kentucke, Nonvelle Colonie a 1 ouest cle la Virginie. Translated into French by M. Parraud. Large folding Map. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Paris, 1785. $12.50 An exact translation of the edition published at Wilmington, 1784, with a preface by the translator. No London edition was made until 1793, and it is a matter of some surprise that Paris should have found a market for this work so many years before London. A large uncut copy. 1588 Kentucky. Collins, Lewis. History of Kentucky. Revised and enlarged four-fold by Richard H. Collins. Map, portraits and illustra tions. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. Covington, 1874. $12.50 Best edition, scarce. Binding a little worn. 1589 Kentucky. Croghan, John. Rambles in the Mammoth Cave, dur ing the Year 1844, by a Visitor. i2mo, cloth, pp. 101. Louisville, 1845- $1.25 1590 Kentucky. Davidson, Rob ert. History of the Presbyterian Church in the State of Kentucky, with Sketch of Churches in the Val ley of Virginia. Svo, cloth, pp. 371. New York, 1847. $6.00 1591 Kentucky. Drake, Daniel. Pioneer Life in Kentucky. A Series of Reminiscential Letters, edited by Charles D. Drake. Portrait. Svo , cloth, pp. 263. Cincinnati, 1870. $3.50 1592 Kentucky. Price, W. T. Without Scrip or Purse ; or, " The Mountain Evangelist," George O. Barnes. The History of a Conse crated Life, the Record of its Silent Thoughts, and a Book of its Public Utterances. Portrait. Svo, cloth, pp. 631. Louisville, 1883. $1.50 1593 Kentucky. Redford, A. If. Western Cavaliers : embracing the history of the Methodist-Episcopal Church in Kentucky from 1832 to 1844. 121110, cloth, pp. 548. Nash ville, 1876. $1.00 1594 Kentucky Resolutions of 1798. A Letter from George Nich olas of Kentucky to his Friend in Virginia, Justifying the Conduct of the Citizens of Kentucky as to some of the Late Measures of the General Government. Svo, unbound, pp. 39. Phila., 1799. $7.50 A scarce contemporary defence of the Kentucky Resolutions by one of her ablest statesmen. Reprinted from the Lexington edition. 1595 Kentucky Resolutions. The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions of 1798 and 99, with Jefferson s Or iginal Draught and Madison s Report, and Resolutions of several States relative to State Rights. Svo, boards (broken), uncut, pp. 82. Washing ton, 1832. $5 -co 1596 King, Clarence. Mountain eering in the Sierra Nevada. Post Svo, cloth, uncut, pp. 292. London, 1872. 1597 Kirkland, C. M. Clearings. 121110, New York. 1845. 1598 Langford, Nathaniel P. Vigilante Days and Ways. The Pio neer Days of the Rockies. The Mak ers and Making of Montana, Idaho, Oregon, Washington and Wyoming. Illustrated. 2 vols. in one, Svo, cloth. $2.00 Western boards, pp. 239. $1.50 New York, 1893. $2.50 Kentucky. Kentucky Jurisprudence, a History of the Trial of Miss Delia A. Webster at Lexington, Dec. 17-21, 1844, on charge of aiding Slaves to Europe, including her Views on Slavery. By Herself. 121110. sewn, uncut, pp. 84. Vergennes (Vt.), 1845. $15.00 A very rare and scarce Vermont imprint. The book is copyrighted by Benajah Webster .in Vermont, evidently some connection of the authoress. THE WEST. 159 Lewis and Clark. Message from the President of the United States, com municating Discoveries made in exploring the Missouri, Red River and Washita by Capts. Lewis and Clark, Rr. Sibley and Mr. Dunbar. Folding Table. Svo, sheets, uncut, pp. 128. New York, Hopkins and Seymour, 1806. $25.00 The excessively rare New York reprint of the Message. Dr. Coues gives the title from hearsay, misquoting the number of pages. 1599 La Salle. Jontel s Journal Journal Reprinted from the edition of of La Salle s Last Voyage, 1684-7. 1811, with Index and Notes, by James Edited by Henry R. Stiles, with Bib- K. Hosmer. Portrait and illustrations. liography by A. P. C. Griffin. Map. 8vo, cloth, pp. 351. Chicago, 1904. 4to, boards, uncut, pp. 258. Albany, $2.50 1906. $3-5 The best working edition on account of The Bibliography is an able review of the notes and index - 1603 Lewis and Clark. History 1600 Lenawee County, Mich, of the Expedition of, 1804-6. A re- Whitney, W. A., and Bonner, R. I. print of the edition of 1814. Maps and Historical and Biographical Record portraits. Large paper copy. 3 vols., of Lenawee County, containing a Svo, boards, uncut. New York, 1902. History of the Organization and $7-5 Early Settlement of the County, etc. Limited to 210 copies beautifully printed Vol. I. Svo, cloth, pp q^6. Adrian, on handmade paper. An excellent reprint T o_- ,._ of the authentic edition of 1814. 1079. $ 2 o 1604 Lewis and Clark. Message 1601 Lewis and Clark Brooks, of the President Communicating the Noah. First Across the Continent, D i scoveries of Capts. Lewis and Clark, the Story of the Exploring Expedi- Dr Sibley and M * Dunbar FM tion of Lewis and Clark. Map and TMc ^ g sewlli uncut pp . I7I+5 . illustrations. 8vo, cloth, pp 365. Washington, 1806. $6.00 New York, 1901. $1.00 Lacks last leaf of Meteorological Ob- 1602 Lewis and Clark. Gass s servations. Lewis and Clark. History of the Expedition under the Command of Cap tains Lewis and Clark to the Sources of the Missouri, thence across the Rocky Mountains and down the River Columbia to the Pacific Ocean. Performed during the Years 1804-05-06. Prepared for the press by Paul Allen. Maps. 2 vols., Svo, contemporary calf (foxed). Phila. Bradford & Inskeep, 1814. $37-5O The most important book of American travel issued during the last hundred years. It should form the keystone to any collection of books on the development of the West. Lewis and Clark. Travels to the Source of the Missouri River and across the American Continent to the Pacific Ocean. Performed by order of the Government of the United States in the Years, 1804-05-06. Published from the Official Report. Maps. 3 vols. Svo, half green morocco, gilt tops. London: Longman, Hurst, 1815. $30.00 A fine copy of the English edition, edited by Thomas Rees. Louisiana. Le Page du Pratz. History de la Louisiana, etc. (History of Louisiana, Containing the Discovery of that vast Country ; A Geographical Description of it, and a Tour through its Territories ; Its Natural History, and the Manners, Customs and Religion of the Natives, with their Origin. Also two Voyages through the Northern part of New Mexico to the South Sea.) 2 Maps and 40 Plates. 3 vols., 121110, original calf. Paris, 1758. $25.00 Very fine copy of the original and only complete edition, which is rare in perfect condition with all the plates. The English translator, with an assurance which is perfectly satire proof, not only abridges the work, but reconstructs and distorts it, and then calls upon us to admire his dexterity in subverting the labor and plan of the author. The work teems with facts and particulars relating to the Natchez and other tribes of Louisiana. Le Page du Pratz resided in Louisiana fifteen years, and it is from his relation that most of the details of the life of the Natchez and other Mississippi tribes have been derived. Later historians have largely availed themselves of his materials. It is difficult to procure his work complete in all the plates and maps, which should number forty-two. 1605 Lewis and Clark. Travels in North America (by George Philips). i6mo, calf. Dublin, 1822. $5.00 The author gives a fictitious account of his accompanying Capt. Lewis and Clark to the Pacific and return. 1606 Linn County, Iowa. Pro ceedings of the Historical Society of, edited by A. N. Hurbert. Illustrated. i2mo, paper. Vol. I.) Cedar Rap- ids, 1905. $1.50 1607 Louisiana. Barbe-Marbois. The History of Louisiana, particu larly of the Cession of that Colony to the United States. 8vo, sheep, pp. 456. Phila., 1830. $7.50 As the commissioner appointed by Bona parte to represent France in the prelimi nary negotiations with the United States, Barbe-Marbois was well qualified to be the historian of the event ; and his book has proved a general source of information about it. The vividness of its style quick ens the usual tedium of diplomatic nego tiations into a real dramatic interest, which culminates in the cession as a climax rather than as a result. 1608 Louisiana. De Villiers du Terrage, Baron Marc. Les Dernieres Annees de la Louisiane Francaise. 64 maps and illustrations. 8vo, paper, pp. 468. Paris (1903). $3-00 History of Louisiana under the French to 1803. 1609 Louisiana. Memoirs of John Ker, of Kersland, containing his Secret Transactions and Negotiations in Foreign Parts. Portrait and map. 3 Parts bound in 2 vols., 8vo, calf. London, 1727. $10.00 Contains curious details respecting Louisiana and the French in America. For its publication the publisher was pilloried. 1610 Louisville, Ky. Casseday, Ben. The History of Louisville from Earliest Settlement to 1852. Map. I2mo, cloth, pp. 255. Louisville, 1852. $5.00 Presentation copy from the author. 1611 Louisville, Ky. Craik, James. Historical Sketches of Christ Church. 1822-1862. 121110, cloth, pp. 137. Louisville, 1862. $2.00 1612 Lucas, Robert. Life of (Governor of Ohio and later of Iowa), by John C. Parish. Portrait. I2mo, cloth, pp. 356. Iowa City, 1907. $1.50 The author had access to about 2,000 manuscripts and letters of Gov. Lucas re lating to Ohio and Iowa. 1613 Madison, \Vis. Draper, Ly- man C. Madison, the Capital of Wis consin ; its growth, progress, condi tion, etc. 8vo, original yellow paper covers, with map printed on third page, pp. 48. Madison, 1857. $1.50 THE WEST. 161 Monette, John W. History of the Discovery and Settlement of the Valley of the Mississippi by Spain, France and Great Britain, and subsequent extension by the United States to 1846. Maps. 2 vols., 8vo, sheep. New York, 1846. $20.00 Scarce. An indispensable work to the student of the early discovery and the various geographical complications under the various changes of government. Another copy. 2 vols., new half sprinkled calf. Last leaf in Vol. I supplied in typewriting. $15.00 1614 Madison, Wis. (Park, Wm. J.) Madison, Dane County and Sur rounding Towns. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 664. Madison, 1877. $1.00 1615 Marietta, Ohio. Waters, Wilson. History of Saint Luke" s Church (with Parish Register). Illus trated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 282. Mari etta, 1884. $2.00 1616 Marion County, Ind. Cline and McHaffie. The People s Guide, a Business, Political and Religious Directory of Marion County, with Im portant Documents and Historical Sketch. Map. 8vo, cloth, pp. 600. Indianapolis, 1874. $3.00 Includes Indianapolis. 1617 Mariposa County, Cal. Mc- Culloch, Hugh. The Mariposa Es tate : Its Past, Present and Future. Comprising the Official Report of J. Ross Browne upon its Mineral Re sources. Map. 8vo, cloth, pp. 62. New York, 1868. $1.50 1618 Miami Valley, Ohio. Ben nett, Emerson. The League of the Miami. Enlarged edition. 8vo, paper, pp. 116. Cincinnati, 1860. $0-75 1619 Michaux, F. A. Travels to the Westward of the Allegheny Mountains in the States of Ohio, Ken tucky and Tennessee. Translated by B. Lambert. Large folding map. 8vo, boards, uncut, pp. 350. London, 1805. $9.00 Very fine copy of the best edition con taining the map. There were several edi tions in English, but all were inferior to this one. 1620 Michigan. Curtis, O. B. History of the 24th Michigan of the Iron Brigade, known as the Detroit and Wayne County Regiment. Illus trated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 483. Detroit, 1891. $2.50 1621 Michigan. Bowling, Mor gan E. Southern Prisons ; or, Josie, the Heroine of Florence. Four Years of Battle and Imprisonment (with the I7th Michigan Vols.). Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 506. Detroit, 1870. $3.00 1622 Michigan. Lanman, James. H. History of Michigan, Civil and Topographical, with a View of the Surrounding Lakes. Folding map. 8vo, half morocco. New York, 1839. $5.00 1623 Michigan. Proceedings of the Commercial Convention, held in Detroit, July nth to I4th, 1865. 8vo, boards, pp. 276. Detroit, 1865. $2.00 1624 Michigan. Pioneer Collec tions. Vols. i to 27 (except Vols. 6, 8, 10 and 20). 23 vols., 8vo, cloth. Lansing, 1877-97. $20.00 1625 Miller, Joaquin. 49. The Gold-Seeker of the Sierras. 121110, cloth, pp. New York, 1884. $2.00 1626 Milwaukee, Wis. Buck, J. S. Pioneer History of Milwaukee, from First American Settlement to 1860. Portraits, etc. 4 vols., 8vo, cloth. Milwaukee, 1890. $4.50 1627 Milwaukee, Wis. Wheeler, A. C. The Chronicles of Milwaukee : a Narrative History of the Town from its Earliest Period. I2tno, 1 62 LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. cloth, pp. 303. Milwaukee, 1861. Fine copy. $3-OO 1628 Minnesota. Bond, J. Wes ley. Minnesota and its Resources, with Notes of a Trip to Pembina and Selkirk Settlement on the Red River. Map. I2ino, cloth, pp. 364. New York, 1853. $1.50 ^ The Red River trip was undertaken by Goy. Ramsey to form a treaty with the Chippewa Indians. 1629 Minnesota. Hall, H. P. Ob servations, being more or less a His tory of Political Contests in Minne sota, 1849 to J 904- Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 384. St. Paul, 1904. $2.50 1630 Minnesota. Neill, Edward D. A Hand Book for the Presby terian Church in Minnesota. i2mo, cloth, pp. 71. Phila., 1856. $1.50 1631 Minnesota Hist. Society. Annals of. Part I, 1850; Part 2, 1851; Part 3, 1852; Part 4, 1853; Part 5, 1856. 5 parts, 8vo, paper. St. Paul, 1850-56. $10.00 Complete set of the rare original issues which in 1872 were reprinted as Vol. I of Collections. 1632 Minnesota Hist. Society. Collections. Vol. I, Reprint of Re ports, 1850-56; Vols. 2 and 3 in parts; Vol. 4, History of St. Paul ; Vol. 5, History of the Ojibways; Vol. 6, Pts. i and 2. Together 6 vols., 8vo. paper and cloth. St. Paul, 1860-91. $15.00 1633 Mississippi River. The Heart of the West. An American Story. Time: 1860; Scene: On the Mississippi. 8vo, cloth, pp. 232. Chi cago, 1871. $2.00 An Indian story founded on fact. 1634 Monterey, Cal. History of the Joint Celebration of the noth Anniversary of American Independ ence and 4pth of Taking Possession of California by Com. Sloat, July 7th, 1846. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. 1886. $1.50 1635 Mormons. Bennett, John C. The History of the Saints ; or, an Expose of Joe Smith and Mormon- ism. Portraits. I2mo, cloth. Bos ton, 1842. $4.00 Very scarce. One of the most outspoken of books on the Mormons and their prac tices. Written from the inside, the author having been very close to the Prophet. 1636 Mormons. Campbell, Alex. Delusions. An Analysis of the Book of Mormon, with Remarks by Joshua V. Himes. 8vo, paper, pp. 16. Bos ton, 1832. $5-00 This very early anti-Mormon pamphlet was circulated to offset the efforts of the Mormons to make converts in New Eng land. 1637 Mormons. Carlton, A. B. The Wonderlands of the Wild West, with Sketches of the Mormons. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 348. 1891. $2.00 The author was one of the Commission ers under the "Anti-Polygamv Act " of 1882. 1638 Mormons. Kennedy, J. H. Early Days of Mormonism. Pal myra, Kirtland, and Nauvoo. Two portraits. I2mo, cloth, pp. 275. New York, 1888. $1.00 1639 Mormons. Pratt, Orson. A Series of Pamphlets, by Orson Pratt, one of the Twelve Apostles of the Church of Latter-Day Saints. (Di vine Authenticity of Book of Mor mons, Discussion, Joseph Smith, etc.) Portrait. 8vo, half calf. Liverpool, 1851. $5.00 1640 Mormons. Remy. Jules, and Brenchley, Julius. A Journey to Great Salt iLake City, with History, Religion and Customs of the Mor mons. Map and plates. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1861. $4.00 With sketches of western travel. Indians, etc. 1641 Mormons. Turner, J. B. Mormonism in All Ages ; or, Rise, Progress and Causes of Mormonism. With Biography of Joseph Smith. I2mo, cloth, pp. 304. New York, (1842). $2.00 THE WEST. 163 1642 Mullan, John. Miners and Travelers Guide to Oregon, Wash ington, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming and Colorado, via the Missouri and Columbia Rivers. I2rfio, cloth, pp. 153. New York, 1865. $2.50 1643 Nebraska. Johnson, Harri son. History of Nebraska. Large folding map and numerous views. 8vo, cloth, pp. 591. Omaha, 1880. $2.50 1644 Nebraska. Turner, John. Pioneers of the West. A True Nar rative (of Settlers in Boone County). 121110, cloth, pp. 404. Cincinnati, 1903. $1.25 1645 Nevada. Sutro, Adolph. The Mineral Resources of the United States, and the Importance and Ne cessity of Inaugurating a Rational System of Mining, with special refer ence to the Comstock Lode and the Sutro Tunnel in Nevada. Maps and view. 4to, cloth, pp. 232. Baltimore, 1868. $2.50 1646 Northwest Coast. Bayley, William. The Original Astronomical Observations made on A Voyage to the Northern Pacific, wherein the North West Coast of America and the North East Coast of Asia were Explored, 1776-80, by Capt. James Cook. 4to, new half morocco gilt, pp. 352. London, 1781. $7.50 1647 Northwest Coast. Coxe, Wm. Account of the Russian Dis coveries between Asia and America, to which are added the Conquest of Siberia and History of Transactions and Commerce between Russia and China. Five maps and a view. 8vo, half morocco, pp. 500. London, 1803. $7-50 Fourth edition enlarged. Containing accounts of voyages of exploration from the time of Behring. 1648 Northwest Coast. Judson Katharine B. Subject Index to the History of the Pacific Northwest and Alaska as found in U. S. Documents, State Papers, etc., 1789-1881. 8vo, cloth, pp. 341. Olympia, 1913. $1.50 1649 Northwest Coast. Smith, Chas. W. Check List of Books and Pamphlets relating to the History of the Pacific Northwest to be found in Representative Libraries of that Region. 8vo, paper, pp. 191. Olympia, 1909. $0.50 1650 Oakland County, Mich. Durant, Samuel W. History of Oak land Co. With illustrations descrip tive of its scenery, palatial residences, etc. Folio, cloth, pp. 334+XXV. Phila., 1877. $3-5 Binding worn. 1651 Ohio. Centennial Anniver sary at Chillicothe, May 20-2 1st, 1903. (Military History, Ohio in War of 1812, Press of Ohio, etc.) Edited by E. O. Randall. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 730. Columbus, 1903. $1.50 1652 Ohio. Comegys, C. G. Reminiscences of the Life and Pub lic Services of Edward Tiffin, Ohio s First Governor. i6mo, half calf, pp. 16, the original wrappers bound in. Chillicothe, Privately Printed, 1869. $3-00 1653 Ohio. Eyre. John. The Christian Spectator, being a Journey from England to Ohio, and Two Years in that State, Albany, 1838; The European Stranger in America. New York, 1839. Two in i vol., I2mo, cloth. $2.50 The first editions. The first work is printed by Munsell and is one of his earli est publications. 1654 Ohio. Hannaford, E. The Story of a Regiment : a History c.f the Campaigns, and Associations in the Field of the Sixth Ohio Volunteers. 8vo, cloth, pp. 622. Cincinnati. Pub lished by the Author, 1868. $3.50 Presentation copy from the author. 164 LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. Ohio. The Firelands Pioneer. Published by The Fire Lands Historical Society, Vol. I (1858) to Vol. 13 (1878) ; New Series, Vol. I (1882) to Vol. 17 (1909,). 30 vols., bound in half roan and parts. Norwalk, 1858- 1909. $75-00 Complete set and very scarce. Contains a large number of personal reminiscences, town sketches, pioneer adventures, Indian history, etc. 1655 Ohio. King, Rufus. Ohio. First Fruits of the Ordinance of 1787. (Am. Commonwealth Series.) Map. I2mo, cloth, pp. 427. Boston, 1888. $0-75 1656 Ohio. Life and Times of Ephraim Cutler (with Account of Journey to Ohio, 1795, with Col. Israel Putnam, etc.), from his Jour nals and Correspondence, by Julia P. Cutler. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 353. Cincinnati, 1880. $2.50 1657 Ohio. Morris, B. F. Life of Thomas Morris, Pioneer and long a Legislator of Ohio and U. S. Sena tor from 1833 to 1839. I2mo, cloth, pp. 408. Cincinnati, 1856. $1.00 1658 Ohio. Riddle, A. G. An- sels Cave. A Story of Early Life in the Western Reserve. I2tno, cloth, pp. 249. Cleveland, 1893. $1.00 All the personages go by their proper names and were well known to the author in his boyhood. 1659 Ohio. The Western Reserve Register for 1852. Containing Lists of the Officers of the General Govern ments and of the Officers and Insti tutions on the Reserve. I2mo, cluth, pp. 197. Hudson, O., 1852. $(.50 1660 Ohio. Thomas, T. E. Cor respondence, mainly relating to the Anti-Slavery Conflict in Ohio, espe cially in the Presbyterian Church. Published by his Son. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 137. Cincinnati, 1909. $1.00 1661 Ohio River. Bennett, Em erson. Mike Fink. A Legend of the Ohio. 8vo, paper, uncut, pp. 100. Cincinnati (1852). $1.00 A work of fiction founded on the life of this famous western character. 1662 Ohio River. Thwaites, Reu ben G. Afloat on the Ohio. An His torical Pilgrimage of a Thousand Miles in a Skiff, from Redstone to Cairo. I2mo, cloth, pp. 334. Chi cago, 1897. $1.25 1663 Olmstead County, Minn. Geographical and Statistical History of the County of Olmstead, with a general view of Minnesota from its Earliest Settlement to the Present Time. By W. H. Mitchell. I2mo, paper. Rochester, Minn., 1866. $5.00 Includes the names of all who enlisted for the Rebellion, arranged under their towns, descriptions of the first houses built, with names, etc. 1664 Osceola County, Iowa. Per kins, D. A. W. History of Osceola County. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 280. Sioux Falls, 1892. $2.50 " The book is not produced as a money making scheme; is not written to advertise anybody or anything." Ohio. Young, Arthur. Observations on the Present State of the Waste Lands of Great Britain. Published on Occasion of the Establishment of a New Colony on the Ohio. 8vo, half morocco, pp. 83. London, 1773. $35.00 A very rare work by this able writer. He gives a description of Ohio and states that the new colony is in a most fertile and agreeable country and discusses the project of Thomas Walpole, Benjamin Franklin and their associates. An important treatise on American emigration and agriculture. THE WEST. 165 Oregon. Farnham, Thomas J. Travels in the Great Western Prairies, the Anahuac and Rocky Mountains, and in the Oregon Territory. I2mo, boards. Ploughkeepsie ; Kill ey and Lossing, 1843. $8.00 Much of the greater portion of the work is devoted to the narration of his observa tions of Indian life and character, with incidents of adventure, or association, with almost every tribe of the Great Plains and the Rocky Mountains. His work is full of interest, as it is written with fidelity to actual observation. 1665 Oshkosh, Wis. Biographi cal and Statistical History of the City of Oshkosh, Early History, Prog ress and Condition. 8vo, paper, pp. 76. Oshkosh, 1867. $5.00 1666 Owen-Campbell. Debate on the Evidence of Christianity, contain ing an Examination of the Social Sys tem, held at Cincinnati, between Rob ert Owen and Alexander Campbell. Reported by Charles H. Sims. 2 vols. in one, 8vo, pp. 251+304, sheep. Bethany, Va., 1829. $5oo Rare. Campbell was the founder and head of the Campbellites and at that time was said to have 100,000 followers ; Owen had just founded New Harmony, Indiana, and was trying to put his theories of com munism into practice. 1667 Oxford, Ohio. Memorial of the 25th Anniversary of the Western Female Seminary. (Catalogue of Alumni with their Married Names.) I2mo, cloth, pp. 231. Indianapolis, 1881. $1.00 1668 Peoria, 111. Wells, H. W. The Schools and Teachers of Early Peoria. Illustrated. i6mo, cloth, pp. 164. Peoria, 1900. $1.00 1669 Peyton, John L. Over the Alleghanies and Across the Prairies. Personal Recollections of the Far West, one and twenty years ago. I2mo, cloth, pp. 377. London, 1869. $4.00 1670 Pike, Zebulon M. Expedi tions of, to the Headwaters of the Mississippi River, the Interior Parts of Louisiana, Mexico, and Texas, in the Years of 1805-6-7. Reprinted in full from the original edition of 1810. With copious Notes, compiled from many unpublished sources of informa tion; a new Memoir of Pike, and an Index. Portrait and maps. By Prof. Elliott Coues. 3 vols., 8vo, cloth. New York, 1895. $10.00 Large paper, 3 vols., boards. $20.00 1671 Pine, George W. Beyond the West. An Account of Two Years Travel far beyond the Old West. Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Wyoming, Oregon, California, etc. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 483. Utica, 1871. $3.50 1672 Pittman, Capt. Philip. Pres ent State of the European Settle ments on the Mississippi. Reprinted, with Notes, by Frank H. Hodder. Folding maps. 8vo, cloth. Cleveland, 1906. " $3-oo 1673 Pomeroy, Iowa. The Story of a Storm. A History of the Great Tornado at Pomeroy, Calhoun County, July 6th, 1893. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 245. Chicago, 1893. $1.00 One of the most destructive tornadoes ever experienced in the West. Pike, Zebulon M. Account of Expeditions to the Sources of the Mississippi and through the Western Parts of Louisiana to the Sources of the Arkansaw, Kans, La Platte and Pierre Jaun Rivers. Portrait. 8vo, calf. Maps and Tables in a 4to volume, half calf. Phila., 1810. $25.00 A splendid clean and fresh copy of the original edition of Pike. The maps and tables are bound in a separate volume. i66 LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. Pittman, P. The Present State of the European Settlements on the Mississippi, with a geographical description of that River. Illustrated, 8 folding engraved maps and plans. By Capt. Philip Pittman. 4to, half morocco, pp. VIII, 99. London, 1770. $100.00 " It is the earliest English account of those settlements, and, as an authority in early western history, is of the highest importance. He (Pittman) was a military engineer, and for five years was employed in surveying the Mississippi River and exploring the western country. The excellent plans, artistically engraved on copper, add greatly to its value." W. F. Poole, in Narrative and Critical History of America. 1674 Pope, John. A Tour through the Southern and Western Territories of the United States, the Spanish Dominions on the Mississippi, the Floridas and Countries of the Creek Nations. 8vo, cloth. Richmond, 1792. New York, reprinted, 1888. $3.00 1675 Princeton, 111. Sketches of the Early Settlement and Present Ad vantages of Princeton. View. 121110, paper, pp. 96. Princeton, 1857. $6.00 1676 Quincy, 111. An Illustrated Chapter of Representative Men and Residences of Quincy. Portraits and views. 4to, cloth. Quincy, 1888. $2.50 1677 Racine County, Wis. Dyer, Charles E. Historical Address be fore the Old Settlers Society (with List of Members). I2mo, paper, pp. 84. Racine, 1871. $2.00 1678 Rockford, 111. Browne, Eu gene, and Rowe, F. F. Historical and Picturesque Rockford. I2mo, paper, pp. 127. Rockford, 1891. $0.75 1680 Rock Island County, 111. Portrait and Biographical Album of Rock Island County, with History to the Present Time. Profusely illus trated with portraits, views of houses, barns, cattle and windmills. 4to, leather, pp. 919. Chicago, 1885. $5.00 1681 San Francisco, Cal. The Annals of San Francisco. Its First Discovery, Settlement and Present Condition of California. With Bio graphical Memoirs by Frank Soule, John H. Gihon and James Nisbet. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 824. New York, 1855. $6.00 1682 San Francisco. The Bay of San Francisco. The Metropolis of the Pacific Coast and its Suburban Cities. A History. Illustrated. 2 vols., 4to, leather (worn). Chicago, 1892. $5-00 1683 San Francisco. The San Francisco Chronicle and its History. The Story of its Foundation, Strug gles of its Early Life, and its Well- Earned Successes. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 60. San Francisco, 1879. $1.50 1684 San Jose, Cal. Hall, Fred eric. History of San Jose, with Bio graphical Sketches of Early Settlers. Map and illustrations. 8vo, half roan, PP- 537- San Francisco, 1871. $3.00 1685 Schoolcraft, Henry R. A View of the Lead Mines of Missouri. With Antiquities, etc., of Missouri and Arkansaw. Plates. 8vo, boards, uncut. New York, 1819. $7-5o Very fine, clean copy. Includes Voyage up the Mississippi, Account of the White River, Outline of Missouri Territory, etc. 1686 Seneca County, Ohio. But- terfield, Consul W. History of Seneca County, with History of the Indians, Early Customs, etc. I2mo, half calf, pp. 252. Sandusky, 1848. $7.50 This excellent work, compiled principally from the experiences of the early settlers themselves, is now rare. A fire in a ware house in Tiffin, Ohio, in 1849, destroyed 1,300 copies. 1687 Seneca County, Ohio. His tory of Seneca County (with Bio graphical and Genealogical data). Portraits. 8vo, half leather, pp. 1069. Chicago, 1886. $4.00 Contains separate list of the original Land Entries. THE WEST. 167 1688 Shea, John Gilmary. Early Voyages Up and Down the Missis sippi, by Cavelier, St. Cosme, Le Sueur, Gravier and Guignas, with in troduction, notes and index, 4to, cloth, uncut. Albany, 1861. $12.50 Large Paper copy; only six made. 1689 Smith, Theo. C. The Lib erty and Free Soil Parties in the Northwest (Harvard Hist. Studies). 8vo, cloth, pp. 351. New York, 1897. $1.25 1690 St. Albans, Ohio. Scott, Jo seph M. Our Early Times. Histor ical Sketch of St. Albans Township (Licking Co. Pioneer Pamphlet No. 8). 8vo, paper. Newark, 1873. $1.50 1691 Steele, Mrs. A Summer Journey in the West. (Great Lakes, Chicago, St. Louis, etc.) i2mo, cloth, pp. 278. New York, 1841. $2.50 1692 St. Louis County, Cal. His tory of San Louis Obispo County. Illustrated. 4to, half morocco, pp. 391. Oakland, 1883. $10.00 1693 St. Louis, Mo. Billon, Fred eric L. Annals of St. Louis in its Territorial Days, 1804, to 1821. Por trait and plates. 8vo, cloth, pp. 463. St. Louis, 1888. $3-50 One of the best books on the history of Louisiana Territory in the early years un der United States rule. 1694 Texas. Berlandier, Louis, and Chovel, Rafael. Diario de Vioge de la Comision de Limites bajo la direccion del Genl. de Mier y Teran. Portrait (lacks maps). 8vo, half calf, pp. 299. Mexico, 1850. $3-50 Journal of the Commission to settle the boundary between United States and Mexico. 1695 Texas. (Folsom, Chas. J.) Mexico in 1842, with an Account of Texas. Map. i6mo, cloth, pp. 256. New York, 1842. $2.50 Eighty pages relate to Texas and in cludes the correspondence of General Ham- Hamilton and Santa Anna. 1696 Texas. Foote, Henry S. Texas and the Texans. Vol. 2. I2mo, cloth. Phila., 1841. $5.00 I would be glad to pay a like sum for Vol. I. 1697 Texas. Jackson, George. Sixty Years in Texas (Life in the Peters Colony in Dallas County). Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 384. Dallas, 1908. $1.50 1699 Texas. Lane, J. J. History of the University of Texas. Based on Facts and Records. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 322. Austin, 1891. $2.00 1700 Texas. McCalla, W. L. Adventures in Texas, chiefly in the Spring and Summer of 1840. 161110, cloth, pp. 199. Phila., 1841. $7.50 Very scarce. Printed for the author. 1701 Texas. Parker, A. A. Trip to the West and Texas, comprising a Journey of 8,000 Miles, with Sketch of the Texan War. Map and illus trations. I2mo, cloth, pp. 380. Con cord, 1836. $7-50 Second and best edition. One of the earliest books in English on Texas. 1702 Townsend, S. Nugent. Our Indian Summer in the Far West. An Autumn Tour in Kansas, Texas, New Mexico, Colorado and Indian Terri tory. Photo illustrations. 4to, cloth. London, 1880. $5-OO Texas. Foote, Henry S. Texas and the Texans, or Advance of the Anglo- Americans to the Southwest. 2 vols., I2mo, half morocco, gilt. Phila., 1841. $ 20 - Presentation copy from the Author. One of the best histories of Texas and rare. Contains many valuable documents since destroyed. i68 LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. Vancouver, George. Voyage de Decouvertes a 1 Ocean Pacifique du Nord, I 79-95- 3 vols., 4to, boards, uncut and folio atlas of 16 maps. Paris 080). $3000 Very fine copy of the beautiful French edition of this famous work. The beautiful maps are equally fine as in the English edition. 1703 Utah. Stansbury, Howard. Exploration and Survey of the valley of the Great Salt Lake of Utah, in cluding a reconnaissance of a new route through the Rocky Mountains. Nearly 60 plates. 8vo, cloth. Phila., 1852. $1.50 1704 Vincennes, Ind. Law, John. The Colonial History of Vincennes under French, British and American Governments, from its First Settle ment clown to the Territorial Admin istration of General Harrison. 8vo, cloth, pp. 157. Vincennes, 1858. $2.00 Full account of Gen. Geo. Rogers Clark. 1705 Virginia City, Nev. Views of the Works of the Gould and Curry Silver Mining Company. 13 litho graph plates by Britton. Oblong, cloth. San Francisco (1860?). $5.00 1706 Wabash County, Ind. Helm. T. B. History of Wabash County. Containing a History of Its County, its Townships, Towns, Military Rec ord, Portraits of Early Settlers, Prominent Men, etc. Illustrated. Large 4to, half leather, pp. 492. Chi cago, 1884. $6.00 1707 Wadsworth, Ohio. Brown, Edward. Wadsworth Memorial, con taining an account of the proceedings of the celebration of the Sixtieth An niversary of the first Settlement of the Township of Wadsworth (with Gene alogies). 121110, cloth, pp. 213. Wads- worth, 1875. $2.50 1708 Washington County, Minn. History of Washington County and the St. Croix Valley, including the Explorers and Pioneers of Minne sota; and Outlines of the History of Minnesota, by J. Fletcher Williams. Map. 4to, morocco, pp. 636. Minne apolis, 1881. $6.00 1709 Washington. Illustrated History of (North Washington), Stevens, Ferry, Okanogan and Chelan Counties. Portraits. 4to, leather, pp. 867. Spokane, 1904. $7.50 1710 Wapello County, Iowa. Evans, S. B. History of Wapello County, and Representative Citizens. Illustrated. 4to, leather, pp. 670. Chi cago, 1901. $4.50 1711 Wayne County, Ind. Young, Andrew W. History of Wayne County, with Biographical and Family Sketches. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, un cut, pp. 459. Cincinnati, 1872. $3.50 1712 Wisconsin. Bennett, P. S. History of Methodism in Wisconsin. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 522. Cincinnati, 1890. $1.25 1713 Wisconsin. Biographical History of La Crosse, Trempealean and Buffalo Counties, Wis. Contain ing portraits of all the Presidents of the United States, with accompanying Biographies of each; Engravings of Prominent Citizens of the Counties, with Personal Histories of many of the Early Settlers and Leading Fami lies. 4to, morocco, gilt edges, pp. 794. Chicago, 1892. $5.00 Wisconsin State Hist. Society Collections. Vols. i to 12 (1854-1892.) 12 vols., 8vo, paper and cloth. Madison, 1855-92. $25.00 One of the noblest works on western history. By far the largest portion relates to the Indians. THE WEST. 169 1714 Wisconsin. Castleman, Al fred L. The Army of the Potomac. Behind the Scenes. A Diary of Un written History (of the 5th Regiment, Wisconsin Volunteers, by the Sur geon), from) the organization of the Army, by Genl. McClellan, to the close of the Campaign in Virginia, about January ist, 1863. I2mo, cloth, pp. 288. Milwaukee, 1863. $7.50 Very scarce. 1715 Wisconsin. Centennial Rec ords of the Women of Wisconsin. Edited by Anna B. Butler and others. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 223. Mad ison, 1876. $1.50 1716 Wisconsin. Hebberd, S. S. History of Wisconsin under the Dominion of France. I2mo, cloth, pp. 178. Madison, 1890. $i-5o 1717 Wisconsin. Soldiers and Citizens. Album of Biographical Record, containing Personal Sketches of (Wisconsin) Army Men and Cit izens prominent in Loyalty to the Union. Portraits. 2 vols., 4to, half morocco (bindings cracked). Chi cago, 1888. $6.50 1718 Wisconsin. Tuttle, Charles R. Illustrated History of Wisconsin, a complete Civil, Political and Mili tary History. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 800. Milwaukee, 1875. $2.50 1719 Wyoming. The State of Wyoming. A Book of Reliable In formation (with description of each County). Illustrated. 8vo, paper, pp. 162. Cheyenne, 1908. $0.75 BRITISH AMERICA. 1720 British Columbia. Guide to the Province of British Columbia, 1877-8 (with Lists of Residents). 8vo, pp. 410. Victoria, 1877. $1.00 1721 Canadian Revolution. A Letter to her Majesty the British Queen, with Letters to Lord Durham, Lord Glenelg and Sir George Arthur : to which is added an appendix em bracing a report of the testimony taken on the trial of the writter by a court martial, at Toronto in Upper Canada. By Th. Jefferson Suther land. I2mo, cloth. Albany, 1841. $5.00 The author of this now extremely rare historical work of the Revolution in Can ada was to have been the first person ex ecuted. The work was written to call the attention of the United States Government to the 150 American citizens captured and sent to Van Dieman s Land, where they were " without food or necessary clothing, subject to the last and other severities." Historians will be thankful to the author for publishing the names of these prisoners and the homes they came from. 1722 Canadian Tourist. (Ni agara, Toronto, Kingston, Montreal, Quebec, White Mountains, etc.) Large map. i6mo, cloth, pp. 211. Montreal, 1856. $1.50 With Appendix on Railways, Canals, Trade, etc. 1723 Cartier. Stephens, Hiram B. Jacques Cartier, and his Four Voy ages to Canada. Illustrated. 4to. cloth. Montreal (1890). $2.50 Charlevoix, P. F. X. de. Histoire et Description Generale de la Xouvelle France avec Journal Historique d un Voyage dans 1 Amerique Septentrionale. 28 Maps and 44 Plates. 6 vols., I2mo, original calf, gilt. Paris, 1744. $45-0 An exceptional copy, clean and fresh in the original binding of this important work. There is a small stamp on each title, otherwise its condition is immaculate. It has evidently been kept under glass and never read. Such a copy will always prove a source of satisfaction to the discriminating collector. 170 LATIIROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. 1724 Chambers, E. T. D. The Ouananiche and its Canadian Envi ronment. Numerous illustrations. Post 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut, pp. 357. New York, 1896. $1.25 1725 (Chisholme, David.) The Lower Canada Watchman. i6mo, boards, pp. 491. Kingston, 1829. $10.00 Fine copy of one of the first books printed at Kingston. The author arrived in Canada in 1822 and vyas a strong sup porter of Lord Dalhousie, the Governor- General, and was by him appointed clerk of the peace at Three Rivers. He was dis missed by Lord Gosford for his open ex pressed opinions and opposition. 1726 Clarke, Charles. Sixty Years in Upper Canada. With Au tobiographical Recollections. Por traits. I2mo, cloth, pp. 321. Toronto, 1908. $1.25 1727 Colby, Charles W. Cana dian Types of the Old Regime, 1608- 1698. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 366. New York, 1908. $1.50 1728 Eastern Townships Gazet teer and General Business Directory: A Commercial Directory and Guide to the Eastern Townships of Canada, containing also much useful informa tion of a miscellaneous character. Map. 4to, cloth, pp. 143. St. Johns, 1867. $1.50 1729 Elgin, The Earl of. Life by George M. Wrong. (Governor-Gen eral of Canada, 1847-54.) Portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 300. London (1905). $2.00 1730 Hind, Henry Y. Northwest Territory. Reports of Progress: to gether with Preliminary and General Report on the Assiniboine and Sas katchewan Exploring Expedition. Maps and plates. 4to, half roan, pp. 201. Toronto, 1859. $7.50 Scarce. Prof. Kurd s original report on the Red River country. 1731 Howison, John. Sketches of Upper Canada, Domestic, Local, and Characteristic: to which are added, Practical Details for the Information of Emigrants of every class; and some Recollections of the United States of America. 8vo, boards, un cut, pp. 353. Edinburgh, 1825. $2.00 1732 Hudson Bay. Chappel, Ed ward. Narrative of a Voyage to Hudson s Bay, and of the Tribes in habiting that remote Region. Map and plates. 8vo, half calf (binding broken), pp. 279. London, 1817. $2.25 ^ 1733 Hudson Bay. Lindsey, Charles. An Investigation of the Unsettled Boundaries of Ontario. Map. 8vo, cloth, pp. 250. Toronto, 1873- $2.50 Contains extracts from early works, doc uments, etc. ^ 1734 Labrador. Cartwright. George. Journal of Transactions and Events during a Residence of nearly 16 years on the Coast of Labrador. Portrait and maps. Vols. i and 3. Large Paper. 2 vols., 4to, boards, uncut. Newark, 1791. $10.00 _ J 735 Lysons, Gen. Sir Daniel. Early Reminiscences. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 246. London, 1896. $1.50 Canadian reminiscences principally, in cluding the Rebellion of 1837. Hudson Bay. Dobbs, Arthur. An Account of the Countries adjoining to Hudson s Bay . . . containing a Description of their Lakes and Rivers, the Nature of the Soil and Climates, and their methods of Commerce, &c., shewing the Benefit to be made by settling Colonies . . . whereby the French will be deprived in a great Measure of their Traffick in Furs, etc. Large folding map. 410, original boards, entirely uncut, pp. 211. The front cover loose. London, 1744. $30.00 Rare in this condition. It contains the original Hudson s Bay Co. s Charter, Esquimaux vocabularies, etc. BRITISH AMERICA. 171 1736 Mackenzie, Alexander. Voy age from Montreal, on the River St. Lawrence, through the Continent of North America, to the Frozen Pacific Oceans in 1789-1793, with a Prelimi nary Account of the Rise, Progress and Present State of the Fur Trade of that Country. Portrait and maps. 4to, calf. London, 1901. $15.00 This is undoubtedly one of the most im portant works on the early Geographical Discoveries in the Northwest, and the progress of the fur trade, dealing consider ably with the other Fur Trading Companies of the Northwest. The valuable maps in this volume are: i. Map exhibiting Mac kenzie s Track from Montreal .to Fort Chipewyan, and from thence to the North Sea, in 1789, and to the West Pacific Ocean in 1793. Size 31 by 18 inches (showing Russian America, Nootka Sound and the Northwest coast). 2. Mackenzie s Track from Fort Chipewyan to the North Sea in 1789. 3. Mackenzie s Track from Fort Chipewyan to the Pacific Ocean in 1793. 1737 Montreal. Bosworth, N. Hochlega Depicta ; or, History and Present State of the Island and City of Montreal. Map and plates. I2mo, cloth, uncut, pp. 284. Montreal, 1839. $10.00 1738 Moodie, Mrs. Susanna S. Roughing it in the Bush ; or, Life in Canada: Life in the Clearings versus The Bush. 2 vols., I2mo, cloth. New York (1853-54). $2.00 1739 Mudie, Robert. The Emi grant s Pocket Companion, contain ing: What Emigration is, Who Should be Emigrants, Where Emi grants Should Go, a Description of North America, especially the Can- adas, etc. I2mo, cloth, pp. 276. Lon don, 1832. $1.50 1740 Newfoundland. Cartwright, Major John. Life and Correspond ence of. Edited bv F. D. Cart- wright. Portrait. 2 vols., 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1826. $3.50 1741 Newfoundland. Prowse, D. W. History of Newfoundland, from English, Colonial and Foreign Rec ords. Maps and illustrations. 8vo, cloth, pp. 634. London, 1896. $3.50 1742 Newfoundland. Willson, Beckles. The Tenth Island. Being some Account of Newfoundland, its People, its Politics, its Problems, and its Peculiarities. I2mo, cloth, uncut, pp. 208. London, 1897. $1.25 1743 Northwest Lands. Descrip tions of the Townships of the North west Territories. Compiled from Field Notes and Reports of Survey ors. 3 maps. 8vo, paper, pp. 384. Ottawa, 1886. $2.00 1744 Nova Scotia. Descriptive Sketches of Nova Scotia, by a Nova Scotian (Eliza France). I2mo, cloth, pp. 245. Halifax, 1864. $3.50 1745 Nova Scotia. Eaton, Ar thur W. The Church of England in Nova Scotia and the Tory Clergy of the Revolution. I2mo, cloth, pp. 320. New York, 1891. $1.00 With account of the Loyalists from New York and Massachusetts. 1746 Nova Scotia. Hind, H. Y. Report on the Sherbrooke Gold Dis trict, together with a paper on the Geneisses of Nova Scotia, and abstract of a paper on Gold Mining. Four folding maps and plans. 8vo, sewed, pp. xiii+79. Halifax, 1870. $1.50 1747 Nova Scotia. (Owen, C. B.) An Epitome of the History, Statis tics, etc., of Nova Scotia. i6mo, pa per, pp. 147. Halifax, 1842. $2.50 Scarce. 1748 Parliamentary Debates on the Subject of the Confederation of the British North American Prov inces. 8vo, cloth, pp. 1032. Quebec, 1865. $2.00 1749 Preston, T. R. Three Years Residence in Canada, 1837-9. With Notes of a Winter Voyage to New York and a Journey thence to the British Possessions. 2 vols., I2mo, cloth. London, 1840. $2.50 172 LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. Smith, William. History of Canada from its First Discovery to the Peace of 1763, and from the Establishment of the Civil Government in 1764 to Establishment of the Constitution in 1792. 2 vols., 8vo, full calf. Quebec, 1815. $45.00 A tall, clean copy of this rare book. The author, who was the son of the historian of New York, was Clerk of Parliament and Master in Chancery in Quebec. His history was only intended for private use, which accounts for its rarity, but is a work of great merit. It is the first English history of Canada, and in it are transcribed at length valuable historical documents which the author, from his position, had access to. I 75 Quebec. An abstract of the most material parts of an Act of the Provincial Parliament of Lower- Canada . . . intituled an Act for making-, repairing and altering the Highways and Bridges within this Province, etc. 8vo, sewed, pp. 36. Quebec, W. Vondenvelden, 1796. $5.00 Printed in French and English on oppo site pages. All early Canadian imprints are rare. 1751 Red River. Huyshe, Capt. G. L. The Red River Expedition (of 1870). Map. 8vo, cloth, pp. 275. London, 1871. $2.50 Written from a private journal of a member of the military expedition to sup press the Riel Rebellion. 1752 Red River. Statement re specting the Earl of Selkirk s Settle ment upon the Red River in North America, its Destruction in 1815 and 1816, and the Massacre of Governor Semple and his Party, with Observa tions upon a recent Publication, en titled, "A Narrative of Occurrences in the Indian Countries," etc. Fine map by Arrowsmith, showing the Forts and Factories of the Hudson s Bay Co., etc. 8vo, new boards, cloth back, uncut. London, 1817. $12.50 An immaculate copy. A minute account of the daring and dastardly plot of the Nprth-West Company to annihilate the Red River Settlement. This is the second edi tion, with additions, and observations on the publication of the agents of the North- West Company of Montreal, entitled. "A Narrative of Occurrences in the Indian Countries of North America." 1753 Roy, J. Edmond. Au Royaume du Saguenay. Voyage au Pays de Tadoussac. 8vo, wrappers, uncut, pp. 235. Quebec, 1889. $1.50 A history with much material concerning the early Jesuit missionaries. 1754 Simpson, Thomas. Narra tive of the Discoveries on the North Coast of America, effected by Officers of the Hudson s Bay Company, 1838-9. 2 maps. 8vo, half morocco, pp. 419. London, 1843. $6.00 T 755 Sport. The Canadian Hand book, giving a Description of Lakes, Rivers and Places of Historical Inter est, and Best Sports for Fishing and Shooting. Photos. I2tno, cloth, pp. 196. Montreal, 1867. $2.00 1756 Suite, Benjamin. Histoire des Canadiens Francais. 1608-1880. Origine, Histoire, Guerres, Colonisa tions Vie Domestique, Sociale, etc. Portraits, old views, etc. 8 vols., folio, cloth, gilt. Montreal, 1882. $25.00 LATIN AMERICA. 1757 Amazon. Wallace, Alfred R. Narrative of Travels on the Am azon and Rio Negro, with an Account 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 541. of the Native Tribes and observations 1853. on the Climate, Geology and Natural History of the Amazon Valley. Map, colored frontispiece and illustrations. London, $10.00 The first edition, in the original cloth. LATIN AMERICA. 173 Barbados. Hughes, Griffith. The Natural History of the Barbados. In ten Books. Map, Vieiv of Bridgetown and 29 fine Plates. Folio, calf. London, 1750. $10.00 With the exception of Catesby this is probably the most beautiful of the early works on American natural history. The author, in addition to dedicating the book to the Archbishop of Canterbury, has dedicated each plate to some member of the nobility, with engraved inscription and coat-of-arms. Contains List of Subscribers, List of Subscribers in Virginia, supplemental pages 251-54, 2 leaves of Addenda and a pasted slip of additional Errata. 1758 Andes. Whynper, Edward. Travels amongst the Great Andes of the Equator. Maps and illustrations. 8vo, cloth, pp. 456. New York, 1892. $2.50 Adventures among the highest altitudes of Ecuador, written in this author s most readable style. 1759 Argentine. Account of the United Provinces of Rio de la Plata. Translated from the Spanish. Maps. 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 327. London, 1825. $2.50 1760 Bahamas. Bacot, J. T. W. The Bahamas. A Sketch (with Chap ter on the Pirates). 8vo, cloth, pp. 112. London, 1869. $2.00 1761 Argentine. De Moussy, V. M. Description Geographique et Statistique de la Confederation Ar gentine. 3 vols., 8vo, half morocco. Paris, 1860. $3.00 Contains a mass of material relating to the Indians, their arts, early missions, etc. 1762 Brazil. Henderson, James. A History of the Brazil, comprising its Geography, Commerce, Coloniza tion, Aboriginal Inhabitants, etc. Two maps and 28 plates. 4to, original boards, cloth back, uncut, pp. 523. London, 1821. $4.50 1763 Brazil. Prince Maximilian of Wied. Travels in Brazil, 1815-17. Map and plates. 4to, cloth, pp. 335. London, 1820. $5-OO Best edition in English of the Journey of this famous traveler in South America. 1764 Brazil. Rugendas, M. Voy ages Pittoresque dans le Bresil. 100 fine folio lithographic plates, repre senting the Costumes, Scenery, Man ners and Customs, Indians, etc. Large folio, new spinkled calf, gilt, yellow edges. Paris, 1835. $10.00 The original cost of this fine work was 240 francs. 1765 Caldcleugh, Alex. Travels in South America, 1819-21, with Ac count of the Present State of Brazil, Buenos Ay res and Chili. Map and plates. 2 vols., 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1825. $4.00 1766 Central America. Daniel, J. B. The New El Dorado; a Short Sketch of Honduras, Its People, Cli mate, Natural Resources and vast Mineral Wealth. Map and illustra tions. i2mo, cloth, pp. 60. Phila., 1888. $1.00 1767 Central America. Dunlop, Robt. G. Travels in Central America. A Journal of Three Years Residence, with Sketch of the History. Map. I2mo, cloth, pp. 359. London, 1847. $1.50 A valuable work from original sources and supplementing Southey. Bougainville s Voyage. History of a Voyage to the Malouine or Falkland Islands, 1763 and 1764, under Command of M. de Bougainville in order to form a Settlement. Two Voyages to the Straights of Magellan with Account of the Patagonians from French of Don Pernety. Map and Plates. 4to, original wrappers, uncut. London, 1771. $15.00 Very fine copy. 174 LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. _ 1768 Central America. Squier, E. Gonino and Conant. Numerous illus- G. The States of Central America, trations. Royal 8vo, cloth, pp. 514. their Geography, Topography, Re- New York, 1887. $4.00 sources, Aborigines, etc. The Mos- ~ , u . quito Shore and the Honduras Inter- v - 7 / , rT t- T" ^T* A Oceanic Railway. Maps and ilhtstra- ^ to Colombia. 1822 and 23. tions. 8vo, cloth, pp. 782. New Jg" *"> half roan < PP- <*? York, 1858. $6.00 ^ S The standard authority, now scarce. 17/2 Cortes. The Despatches of 1769 Central America. Squier, Hernando Cortes addressed to E. G. Notes on Central America, par- Charles V. Now first translated into ticularly the States of Honduras and En llsh > with Notes, by George Fol- San Salvador. Maps and plates. 8vo som - 8vo > boar ds, pp. 431. New cloth, pp. 397. New York, 1855. York > l8 43- $3-5o $4.00 1773 Cuba. Yankee . Travels 1770 Charnay, Desire. The An- through the Island of Cuba, or, Men cient Cities of the New World. Voy- and Government, the Laws and Cus- ages and Explorations in Mexico and toms of Cuba, as seen by American Central America from 1857 to 1882. Eyes. i2mo, cloth, pp. 412 New Translated from the French by York, 1856. $1.25 Darien. A Defense of the Scots Settlement at Darien, with an Answer to the Spanish Memorial against It, to which is Added a Description of the Country and a Particular Account of the Scots Colony. 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut, pp. 60. Printed in the year 1699. $15.00 Very scarce and a fine copy. This is one of the best of the Darien Tracts from the fact that it contains a description of the country and is not given over entirely to a discussion of points under dispute. Give s account of the Indian tribes with names of their chiefs, etc. Darien. A Defense of the Scots Settlement at Darien, with Answer to the Spanish Memorial against It, with a Description of the Country. Pp. 86. Edinburgh, 1699; An Enquiry into the Causes of the Miscarriage of the Scots Colony at Darien. Pp. 112. Glasgow, 1700. Two in one volume, 8vo, calf. $25 oo Very fine clean copies. Darien. A Short and Impartial View of the Manner and Occasion of the Scots Colony s Coming away from Darien. In a letter to a Person of Quality. (Signed P. C.) 4to, unbound, pp. 40. Printed in the year l6 99- $15.00 Fine clean copy. It recites the various causes for the failure of the Darien Venture. Darien. The History of Caledonia, or the Scots Colony in Darien, with Account of the Manners of the Inhabitants and Riches of the Country. By a Gentleman lately Arriv d. (Title soiled), 8vo, half morocco, pp. 54. London, 1699. $15.00 LATIN AMERICA. 175 Darien. The Original Papers and Letters relating to the Scots Company trading in Africa and the Indies, pp. 56; Sepplement, pp. 16. Two in one volume, 8vo, half roan. 1700. $20.00 Darien. Borland, Francis. The History of Darien, giving a Short Account of that Country and of the Attempt of the Scotch Nation to settle a Colony in that Place. 8vo, half calf, pp. 100. Glasgow, 1779. $25.00 The author was one of the Ministers who accompanied the Colonists. He wrote the work while in America, but it was not printed for many years. The Murphy copy, which brought $33.00, seems to be the only one ever sold in America. 1779 Mexico. Calderon de la Barca, Madame. Life in Mexico. With Preface by Wm. H. Prescott. 8vo, cloth, pp. 437. London, 1843. $5.00 1774 Guatimala. Dunn, Henry. Guatimala, or the United Provinces of Central America in 1827-8, with Sketches made during a 12 Months Residence. 8vo, boards, uncut, pp. 319. New York, 1828. $2.00 1775 Jamaica. Bridges, Geo. W. The Annals of Jamaica. 2 vols., 8vo, boards, uncut (binding worn). Lon don, 1828. $3.50 A valuable historical work written in charming style and gives a full and reli able history of the island. Includes a chapter on the Mosquito Shore and one on the early inhabitants of America. 1776 Jamaica. Renny, Robert. History of Jamaica, with observations on the Climate, Scenery, Trade, Pro ductions, Negroes, Slave Trade, etc. Folding map. 4to, old calf gilt, with the arms of Sir Simon R. B. Taylor, pp. 333. London, 1807. $3-5 Treats especially on the advantages that are likely to occur from the abolition of the Slave Trade. 1777 Juan Fernandez. The Earth quake of Juan Fernandez as it oc curred in the Year 1835, authenti cated by the Retired Governor. Lithograph viezvs and plates. Royal 8vo, paper, pp. 32. Manchester, 1839. $2XX> 1778 Lambert, Aylmer B. An Il lustration of the Genus Cinchona; comprising Descriptions of all the Peruvian Barks ; Humboldt s Ac count of the Cinchona Forests, etc. Plates. 4to, boards, uncut, pp. 181. London, 1821. $5-OO A rare work on the Forestry and Medici nal Trees of South America. 1781 Mexico. Trip to Mexico : One of the most deservedly popular books on Mexico ever written. Absolutely genuine and real, giving an accurate pic ture of the life there of the time. 1780 Mexico. Gilliam, Albert M. Travels in Mexico, 1843 an< ^ 44> m ~ eluding a Description of California (also Oregon). Maps and plates. 8vo, cloth, pp. 455. Phila., 1846. $3.00 (Leahy, D.) A or, Recollections of a Ten-Months Ramble in 1849-50. I2tno, cloth, pp. 256. London, 1851. $2.00 1782 Mexico. McCarthy, J. Hen- drickson. Two Thousand Miles through the Heart of Mexico. Viezvs. 121110, cloth, pp. 288. New York, 1886. $1.50 1783 Mexico. Mayer, Brantz. Mexico, Aztec, Spanish and Republi can : Historical, Geographical, Politi cal, and Social Account of that Coun try from the Invasion to the Present Time, with a View of the Ancient Aztec Empire. Illustrated. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, pp. 433 and 399. Hart ford, 1853. $5-00 1784 Mexico. Mayer, Brantz. Mexico as it Was and as it Is. Illus trated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 391. New York, 1843. $ 2 -5<> 176 LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. 1785 Mexico. Noll. Arthur H. From Empire to Republic. The Story of the Struggle for Constitutional Government in Mexico. Map and portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 336. Chi cago, 1903. $1.00 1786 Mexico. Reid, Mayne. The White Chief. A Legend of North ern Mexico. 3 vols., I2mo, cloth, un cut. London, 1855. $ 2 -5o 1787 Mexican Revolution. Diaz Calvillo, Juan B. Sermon que en Anniversario de Gracias a Maria, etc. 4to, sheep, pp. 269. Mexico, 1811. $5.00 See Sabin for long note. A volume of considerable historical importance. Over 200 pages of historical notes, 1808-12. 1788 Mexico. Robertson, Wm. P. A Visit to Mexico, with Obser vations and Adventures on the Way. Plate and map. 2 vols., I2mo, cloth. London, 1853. $2.50 Subscriber s copy. Published by the author. 1789 Mexico. Tylor, Edward B. Anahuac; or, Mexico and the Mexi cans. Ancient and Modern. Colored plates. 8vo, cloth, pp. 344. London, n. d. $3.50 An interesting and authoritative work re lating particularly to the antiquities and ancient art of Mexico. 1790 Mexican War. Furber, George C. The Twelve Months Volunteer ; or, Journal of a Private in the Tennessee Regiment of Cavalry, 1846-7. Map and illustrations. 8vo, cloth, pp. 640. Cincinnati, 1857. $3.00 Very fine, clean copy. 1791 Mexican War. M Sherry, Richard. El Puchero; or, A Mixed Dish from Mexico, embracing Gen eral Scott s Campaign and Sketches of Military Life. Maps and illustra tions. I2mo, cloth, pp. 247. Phila., 1850. $2.00 1792 Mexican War. Mansfield, Edward D. The Mexican War: a History of its Origin, etc. Illus trated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 365. New York, 1849. $1-25 1793 Mexican War. Sketches of a Campaign in Northern Mexico, by An Officer of the 1st Ohio Volun teers. i2mo, cloth, pp. 336. New York, 1853. $3.00 1794 Nicaragua. Boyle, Freder ick. A Ride Across a Continent. Personal Narrative of Wanderings through Nicaragua and Costa Rica. Illustrated. 2 vols., I2mo, half mo rocco gilt. London, n. d. $4.00 1795 Nicaragua. Squier, Edward G. Nicaragua, Its People, Scenery, and Monuments, and the Proposed Inter-Oceanic Canal. Maps and plates. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. New York, 1852. $3.50 A substantial compendium of all the available information, giving a complete view of the actual social, economic and political conditions of Nicaragua at that time. Mr. Squier made most admirable use of his exceptional opportunity for gather ing extended and reliable data during his long career in the United States diplomatic service. 1796 Nicaragua. Squier, E. G. Waikna ; or, Adventures on the Mos quito Shore. Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 366. London, 1855. $ r -5 1797 Panama. Liot, W. B. Panama, Nicaragua and Tehauntepec, or Considerations upon the Question of Communication between the At lantic and Pacific Oceans. 2 folding plates. 8vo, cloth, pp. 63. London, 1849. $3-5 1798 Peru. Prescott, W. H. His tory of the Conquest of Peru, with a Preliminary view of the Civiliza tion of the Incas. Frontispieces, etc. First edition. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. New York, 1847. $3-5<> LATIN AMERICA. 177 Peru. The Royal Commentaries of Peru. By Garcilasso de la Vega. Rendered into English by Paul Rycaut. Portrait and Plates. Folio, calf. London, 1688. $15.00 Fine copy of this famous history of the Conquest of the Aboriginal Natives of Peru by one of the descendants of the Inca. Many writers have treated lightly the historical value of his writings, but he had access to much material that no longer exists, such as documents, relations of the conquerors and the records of the Incas. See Field for an extended estimate of his place as a contemporary historian. Ruyter, Admiral Michiel de. Journael gehonden op s Lants schip De Spiegel van 1 gene gepasseert en verricht is op de Vloot van haer Ho Mo de Heeren Staten Generael der Vereenighde Nederlanden, soo in de Middellantsche Zee als op de kusten van Africa en America onder t Beleyt van Michiel de Ruyter als Admiraal en de heer Jan Cornelis van Meppelen als vice admiraal in de Jare 1664 en 1665. 4to, paper, pp. 80. Amster dam, 1665. $10.00 Very scarce. Contains Treaty between the West-Indian Company and the English African Company; Voyage of De Ruyter to the West Indies, etc. 1799 Snow, W. P. Two Years Cruise off Terra del Fuego, the Falk land Islands, Patagonia and in the River Platte. Map and colored plates. 2 vols., 121110, cloth, uncut. London, 1857- $3-50 1800 Tehuantepec. The Isthmus of Tehuantepec. Being the Results of a Survey for a Railroad to Con nect the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, made by Scientific Commission under the direction of Major J. G. Barnard. With a resume of the geology, cli mate, local geography, etc. Arranged and prepared by J. J. Williams. Map and illustrations. 8vo, cloth, pp. 295. New York, 1852. $2.00 1801 View of South America and Mexico, with a complete History of the Revolution, etc., by A Citizen of the United States. Portrait of Bolivar. 2 vols. in one. I2mo, calf. New York, 1826. $1.50 1802 West Indies. A Trip to the Tropics and Home Through America. By the Marquis of Lome. View. 8vo, cloth, pp. 355. London, 1867. $2.00 More than half the volume relates to Virginia and the South. 1803 West Indies. Commemora tive Wreath Celebration of the Ex tinction of Negro Slavery in the Brit ish Dominions. Plate. 121110, cloth. London, 1835. $11.00 Printed for the benefit of the Peckham Commemorative Adult School, Jamaica. 1804 West Indies. De Pradt, M. The Colonies and the Present Ameri can Revolutions. Translated from the French. (Necessity of a Colonial Congress, What will become of the United States, etc.) 8vo, half calf, pp. 501. London, 1817. $3-5o 1805 Yucatan. Fancourt, Charles St. J. The History of Yucatan from its Discovery to close of Seventeenth Century. Map. 8vo, cloth, pp. 340. London, 1854. $3.00 Written from the earliest Spanish records. The author was thoroughly ac quainted with the country and its people. 1806 Yucatan. Norman, B. M. Rambles in Yucatan, including a Visit to its Remarkable Ruins. Plates. 8vo, cloth, pp. 304. New York, 1844. $3.00 LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. GENEALOGY AND FAMILY HISTORY. Including a large Collection of Privately Printed Personal Memoirs and Biographies. 1807 Abbot. The Abbot Memo rial Book. (With a Memoir of Gor- ham Dummer Abbot, of Brunswick, Me.) Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. in. Poughkeepsie (1900?). $1.25 1808 Adams. Memoir of Rev. Seymour W. Adams, late pastor of the First Baptist Church, Cleveland, Ohio. By J. P. Bishop. Portrait. i2mo, cloth, pp. 237. Cleveland, 1866. $1.00 1809 Adams. Genealogy and His tory of Part of the Newberry Adams Family, formerly of Devonshire, be ing the descendants of Robert and El eanor. By Smith Adams. 8vo, paper, pp. 64. Calais, 1895. $3.00 Contains two supplemental printed pages and numerous manuscript corrections and additions by the author. 1810 Adams. Pedigree of the Adams Family. A sheet 12^ x 19 inches. $1.00 1811 Allan. Memoir of Col. John Allan, an Officer of the Revolu tion. With a Genealogy. By George H. Allan. 8vo, paper, uncut, pp. 32. Albany, 1867. $3.00 1812 Allen. George Allen, Ralph Allen. One Line of their Descendants in New Jersey, with some fragments of history. By David A. Thompson. 121110, cloth, uncut, pp. 66. Albany, 1910. $5-oo 1813 Allen. The Allen Memorial. Descendants of Edward Allen of Nantucket, Mass. 1690-1905. By Orrin Peer Allen. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 213. Palmer, Mass., 1905. $3-50 1814 Allcott. Family of Asa All- cott. By Charles A. Flagg. Portrait. 8vo, paper, pp. 48. Albany, 1899. $2.00 1815 Allison. History of the Ali son, or Allison Family in Europe and America. (Descendants of Samuel, of Londonderry, N. H.), by Leonard A. Morrison. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 312. Boston, 1893. $2.50 1816 American Ancestry, giving the Name and Descent, in the male line of Americans whose Ancestors settled in the United States previous to ... 1776. ii vols. (lacking Vol. IX to complete the set). 8vo, original boards. Albany, 1887-1899. $30.00 Each volume contains several hundred names and is complete in itself. 1817 Ames. The Samuel Ames Family: A Genealogical Memoir of the Descendants of Samuel Ames of Canterbury, N. H. Six Generations, 1713-1891. By John Kimball. Por trait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 55. Concord, N. H., 1890. $2.00 1818 Ames. Seventy-Five Years. The Birthday Celebration of Charles Gordon Ames. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 60. Boston, 1903. $1.00 1819 Amory. The Descendants of Hugh Amory, 1605-1805. By Ger trude E. Meredith. Illustrations and folding tables. 4to, paper, uncut, pp. 373. London, Chisivick Press, 1901. $5.00 Privately printed for the family, and a beautiful volume. Largely from material left by Thomas C. Amory, of Boston. Contains Boston Letter Books during the Revolutionary period and earlier. 1820 Ancestor, The. A Quarterly Review of County and Family His tory, Heraldry and Antiquities. Illus trated. Vol. I to Vol. III. 3 vols., 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1902. $3.00 1821 Ancestry, George. Genea logical Series No. I. List of Tomb- GENEALOGY AND PERSONAL MEMOIRS. 179 stones in the Katoonah, N. Y., Ceme tery. I2mo, paper, pp. 24. (1903.) $2.00 Only a few copies printed. 1822 Anthon. Narrative of the Settlement of George Christian An thon in America, with Genealogical Registers of his children and of the Macomb Family. By Chas. Edward Anthon. 8vo, paper. New York, 1872. $2.50 A small number of copies printed for the family by the Bradstreet Press. 1823 Anthon. The Ancestry of Genevieve Jadot Anthon. By her great-grand-daughter, Marie M. G. Anthon. 4to, cloth, pp. 48. (1901.) $3-50 Only a few copies privately printed. 1824 Antil, Edward. A New York Merchant of the I7th Century, and his descendants : particularly Edward An til, 2d, of Piscataway, N. J. ; Lieut. - Col. Edward Antil, 3d, of Quebec and Montreal ; Lewis Antil of Perth Amboy, and John Antil of N. Y. By William Nelson. Coat of Arms. 8vo, paper, pp. 36. Paterson, 1899. $3.00 Only 100 copies printed. 1825 Arms. Wax impressions of the Stuyvesant, Hammersley and Kip Arms. $3.00 1826 Arthur. In Memoriam of Chester A. Arthur. Proceedings of the Senate and Assembly of the State of New York, held at the Capitol, April 20, 1887. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 46. Albany, 1887. $0.75 1827 Ashley. The Ashley Gene alogy. A History of the Descend ants of Robert Ashley of Springfield, Mass. By Francis B. Ashley. Coat of Anns, portraits and plate. 8vo, cloth, pp. 464. New Haven, Printed for the Author, 1896. $4.00 1828 Atlee. Genealogical Record of the Atlee Family of Lancaster Co., Pa. By Edwin A. Barber. Illus trated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 130. Phila., 1884. $3-50 1829 Atwater. A Genealogical Register of the Descendants in the Male Line of David Atwater, one of the original planters of New Haven, Conn., to the sixth generation. 8vo, paper, pp. 64. New Haven, 1873. $1.25 1830 Austin, John O. Ancestry of Thirty-three Rhode Islanders, also 27 charts of Rogers Williams De scendants, List of R. I. Portraits, etc. Folio, sheets, pp. 139. Albany, 1889. $4.00 A companion volume to the " Genea. Dic tionary of Rhode Island." 1831 Avery. The Avery Notes and Queries. A quarterly Magazine devoted to the Groten Averys. 18 numbers. 8vo, paper. Cleveland, 1898-1902. $5-00 Complete set. Conducted by O. E. M. Avery. Several autograph letters laid in. 1832 Bailey, Frederic W. Early Connecticut Marriages as found on Ancient Church Records prior to 1800. 3 vols., 8vo, paper. New Ha ven, 1896-98. $4.00 1833 Baker. In Memory of Rev. George D. Baker, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 133. Phila., 1903. $1.00 1834 Baldwin. Memorial of Mat thias W. Baldwin. (Founder of the Baldwin Locomotive Works.) Por trait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 237. Phila., Privately Printed, 1867. $2.00 1835 Baldwin. Notes on the An cestry of Sylvester Baldwin, by Chas. C. Baldwin. 8vo, paper, pp. 15. Bos ton, 1872. $0.75 1836 Ballard. The Ballard His tory. From 1420-1903,. (By Ste phen Ballard.) 8vo, paper, pp. n. n. p., n. d. $2.00 1837 Ballou. An Elaborate His tory and Genealogy of the Ballous in America. Carefully compiled and edited bv Adin Ballou. Illustrations :8o LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. and colored coat of arms. 8vo, half sheep, pp. 1323. (Providence, 1888.) $5.00 1838 Ballou. Memorial of Adin Ballon. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 100. Cambridge, 1890. $i-5O Founder of the Hopedale Community. 1839 Banta. A Frisian Family. The Banta Genealogy. Descendants of Epke Jacobse, who came from Friesland, Netherlands, to New Am sterdam, Feb. 1659. Portraits. 8vo, half leather (a little worn), pp. 412. New York, 1893. $5-oo 1840 (Barbour, H. H.) My Wife and My Mother. 121110, cloth, pp. 396. Hartford, 1864. $2.50 Only a few copies printed for private circulation. Contains 84 pages of genealogi cal notes on the Merrill, Webster, Blanch- ard, Goodwin and other Connecticut families. 1841 Barker. The Barker Gene alogy : giving the Names and De scendants of several ancestors, who settled in the U. S., previous to 1776. By James C. Parshall. 8vo, paper, pp. 36. (Middletown, N. Y., 1897.) $1.25 1842 Barton. Lieut. William Bar ton of Morris Co., N. J., and his De scendants. By William E. Barton. Coat of Arms and illustrations. 12010, paper, pp. 148. Oak Park, 111., Pri vately Printed, 1900. $2.00 1843 Batchelder, Batcheller Gene alogy. Descendants of Rev. Stephen Bachiler, of England, who settled in New Hampton, N. H., and Joseph, Henry, Joshua and John Batcheller of Essex Co., Mass. By F. C. Pierce. Illustrated. Thick 8vo, cloth, pp. 623. Chicago, Published by the Au thor, 1898. $9.00 1844 Beal. John Beal of Hing- ham, and one line of his Descend ants. (By N. B. Shurtleff.) 8vo, paper, pp. 8. (Boston, 1865.) $5.00 Only 25 copies printed. 1845 Bean. Proceedings of the John Bean (Exeter, 1660) Associa tion. 2d to 5th Reunions. 4 parts, 8vo, paper. 1897-1900. $5 .00 1846 Bedell. Memoir of Rev. George T. Bedell, Rector of St. An drew s Church, Philadelphia. By Stephen H. Tyng. Portrait. 8vo. cloth, pp. 402. Phila., 1836. $1.50 1847 Bedford. Pedigree of the Family of Bedford of Hull, Dews- bury, Penistone, etc., Co. York. Com piled by Edwin Jackson Bedford. 4to, half vellum. London, Privately Printed, 1879. $2.50 1848 Beebe. A Monograph of the Descent of the Family of Beebe, from the earliest known emigrant John, of Broughton, England, 1650. By Clarence Beebe. Coat of Arms and illustrations. 8vo, paper, pp. 126. New York, 1004. $1.50 1849 Bellows. Historical Sketch of Col. Benjamin Bellows, Founder of Walpole, N. H. ; the Gathering of his Descendants, Oct. n, 1854. By Henry W. Bellows. Coat of Arms. 8vo, paper, pp. 125. New York, 1855. $2.50 1850 Bellows. Parentage of Ezra Bellows of Lunenburg, Mass., with Account of the Bellows Family of Westboro, by Thomas B. Peck. 8vo, paper, pp. 9. Burlington, 1902. $0.75 Supplement to page 609, " Bellows Genea- ology." 1851 Bentley. The Bentley Family. With Genealogical Records of Ohio Bentleys, and known as the Tribe of Benjamin. By Gen. Roeliff Brinkerhoff. 8vo, paper, pp. 20. Mansfield, 1897. $1.00 1852 Benedicts. The Genealogy of the Benedicts in America. By Henry M. Benedict. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 474. Albany, 1870. $15.00 A. L. S. from author laid in. 1853 Benedict. Memorial of Lewis and Susan Benedict. By John T. Hall. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 55. Printed for the Family, 1870. $1.50 GENEALOGY AND PERSONAL MEMOIRS. 181 1854 Benton, Caleb; and Bishop, Sarah. Their Ancestors and their Descendants. By Charles E. Benton. Folding Pedigree. 8vo, cloth, pp. 92. Poughkeepsie, 1906. $2.00 1855 Bergen. A Memoir of the Life and Writings of Hon. Teunis G. Bergen of New Utrecht, with Pedi grees. By Samuel S. Purple. 4to, unbound. New York, Privately Printed, 1881. $5 .00 1856 Berkeley. The 2OOth Birth day of Bishop George Berkeley. By Noah Porter. Portrait. 8vo, boards, uncut, pp. 84. New York, 1885. $1.00 1857 Bicknell. The Bicknells and the Family Re-Union at Weymouth, Mass., Sept. 22, 1880. With list of the Bicknell Descent. Colored coat of anus. 8vo, cloth, pp. 96. Boston, 1880. $2.00 1858 Bicknell. Memorial of a Re spectable and Respected Family, and especially of Joshua Bicknell. By Thomas W. Bicknell. (With 16 pages of Tombstone Inscriptions of the Bicknells in Barrington, R. I.) 8vo, paper, pp. 48. Boston, 1880. $1.00 1859 Bicknell. Proceedings and Addresses at the Second Family Re- Union at Weymouth, Mass., Sept. 2Oth and 2ist, 1882; with addresses and exercises at dedication of the Bicknell Family Monument. 8vo, paper, pp. 56. Boston, 1883. $2.00 1860 Biddle. Autobiography of Charles Biddle. 1745-1821. Vice- President of the Supreme Executive Council of Pennsylvania (with Genea logical Appendix on the Biddle Fam ily, 1630-1878). 8vo, cloth, pp. 423. Phila., Privately Printed, 1883. $3.50 Laid in is an autograph receipt of Charles Biddle. 1861 Bidwell. In Memoriam. Marshall S. Bidwell (of the New York Bar). Photo portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 60. (New York, 1872.) $1.50 1862 Bill. History of the Bill Family. Edited by Ledyard Bill. Il lustrated with photographs. 8vo, half morocco, gilt, pp. 368. New York, 1867. $5.00 1863 Binney. Genealogy of the Binney Family in the United States. (Descendants of John Binney of Hull, Mass., etc.) Portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 278. Albany, 1886. $3.50 1864 Bird, Francis William. A Biographical Sketch. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 1 68. Boston, Privately Printed, 1897. $2.00 1865 Bisbee. Family Records of Some of the Descendants of Thomas Besbedge (Bisbee), of Scituate, Mass., 1634. By William B. Lapham. 8vo, paper, pp. 48. Augusta, 1876. $3-50 1866 Bishop. A Layman s Min istry. Notes on the Life of Nathan Bishop, LL.D., of Vernon, Oneida Co., N. Y. Portrait. 121110, cloth, pp. 56. Printed for Private Distribu tion (1869). $1.00 1867 Bishop. Origin and History of the Name of Bishop, with Biogra phies of all the most Noted Persons of that Name. 8vo, cloth, pp. 112. Chicago, 1905. $5.00 1868 Blake. In Memoriam. Eli Whitney Blake, LL.D., of New Haven, Conn. Portrait. 4to, cloth, pp. 19. Providence, 1895. $1.00 1869 Bond, Henry. Genealogies of the Families and Descendants of the Early Settlers of Watertown, Mass. With illustrations, maps and notes. 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 1,094. Boston, 1855. $15.00 1870 Booth. The Angel Bride. (Memorial of Isabella N. Booth.) For her Friends. By her Father, W T . H. Newell. Small 4to, cloth, pp. 51. New York, 1868. $1.50 182 LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. 1871 Booth. One Branch of the Booth Family. Showing the Lines of Connection with One Hundred Massa chusetts Bay Colonists. By Charles E. Booth. Coat of Arms. 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 259. New York, Privately Printed, 1910. $4.^0 Presentation copy from the author. 1872 Bouton. Autobiography of Nathaniel Bouton (Historian of Con cord, N. H.). Edited by John B. Bouton. 8vo, cloth, pp. 87. New York, 1879. $1.00 1873 Bowditch. Memorial (of Lt. Nathl. Bowditch, ist Mass. Cavalry). Portrait. 4to, cloth, pp. 134. Boston, Privately Printed, 1865. $3.50 Only a few copies printed for the family. Lt. Bowditch fell leading a cavalry charge at Kelly s Ford and this memorial relates almost entirely to his military services. 1874 Bowdoin. Some Account of the Bowdoin Family, with Notes of the Families of Portage, Newgate, Lynde, and Erving. By Temple Prime. 8vo, paper, pp. 28. New York, 1887. $1.25 1875 Bowens. Lineage of the Bowens of Woodstock, Conn. By Edward Augustus Bowen. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 245. Cambridge, 1897. $4.50 No. 227 of 250 copies printed. 1876 Bradbury. Pedigree of the Bradbury Family of Herts, Essex and Soff, compiled by Harriet Bain- bridge, London, for Capt. W. F. Goodwin, U. S. A. Arms of Brad bury and Goodwin. Lithograph 14 x 17. Richmond, n. d. $3-5O 1877 Bradford. The Life and Writings of Hon. Vincent L. Brad ford, an eminent lawyer, legislator and railroad president. By Henry E. Dwight. Portrait. i2mo, cloth, pp. 297. Phila., Printed for Private Dis tribution, 1885. $1.50 Descendant of Bradford, the printer, etc. 1878 Bradley. In Memoriam. Joseph P. Bradley (Justice of the Supreme Court of U. S.). Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 118. (Phila., 1892.) $1.00 1879 Bradstreet. A Manuscript Pedigree of Simon Bradstreet, who died at Salem, 1697; also a Printed Pedigree of Bradstreet by John Dean and Dean Dudley, and a Letter re garding the Bradstreets, by J. M. Bradstreet, dated Cincinnati. 3 pieces. $3.00 1880 Bradstreet. Pedigree of the Bradstreet Family. Compiled by John Dean and Dean Dudley. Sheet, 9 l /2 x 13^4 inches. $0.75 1 88 1 Bridge. Account of the De scendants of John Bridge, Cam bridge, 1632 (by Wm. F. Bridge). 2 plates. 8vo, cloth, pp. 122. Bos ton, 1884. $2.50 With extra leaf of Addenda, pp. 121 and 122. 1882 Briggs. A Partial Record of the Descendants of Walter Briggs, of Westchester, Mass. To which is added some account of his ancestry, collateral branches, origin of the fam ily name, ancient pedigrees, wills, etc. By Samuel Briggs. 4to, paper, pp. 50. Cleveland, 1878. $3.00 ^ 1883 Bright. The Brights of Suffolk, England, represented in America by the Descendants of Henry Bright, Jr., who came to New England in 1630. _ By J. R. Bright. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 345. Bos ton, For Private Distribution, 1858. $5-oo Presentation copy from the author. 1884 Brinckerhoff. The Family of Joris Dircksen Brinckerhoff, 1638. Coat of Arms and illustrations. 8vo, cloth, pp. 1 88. New York, 1887. $2.00 1885 - -Another copy. Paper. $ r . so 1886 Britton Genealogy. By Ed ward Britton. 8vo, paper, pp. 50. Brooklyn, 1901. $2.00 " These family records have been com- GENEALOGY AND PERSONAL MEMOIRS. piled for the eleven children of Winches ter Britton and Caroline Amelia (nee Par ker)." 1887 Brown. A Memoir of James Brown (of the firm of Little, Brown & Co.). With Obituary Notices and Tributes of Respect. By George S. Hillard. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 138. Boston, Privately Printed, 1856. $2.50 1888 Brown. The Browns of Nottingham (Descendants of James and William Brown of West Not tingham, Pa., about 1680, by Gilbert Cope). 8vo, paper, pp. 18. (West Chester, 1864.) $5.00 1889 Brown. Report of the Brown Association. (Over 120 pages of Brown family genealogy.) By Columbus Smith (includes C. M. Fisher s Report, 1866). Folding ta ble. 8vo, paper. Burlington, 1868. $3.00 1890 Brown. Tributes to the Memory of James M. Brown (mem ber of the banking-house of Brown Bros.). 4to, cloth, pp. 53. New York, Privately Printed, 1891. $1.50 1891 Browne. In Memoriam. John W. Browne, of Salem, Mass. By John A. Andrew. 8vo, cloth, pp. 90. Boston, 1860. $i-5o 1892 Brubacher. The Brubacher Genealogy in America. By Jacob N. Brubacher. i6mo, cloth, pp. 243. Elkhardt, Ind., 1884. $3.00 1893 Brush-Bowers Genealogy. Robert De Brus (of England, 1066) and George Bower of Scituate, Mass., 1637. By Maria A. Brush. Illus trated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 118. Brook lyn, For Private Circulation, 1904. $4.00 1894 Buckley. Memorial of Thomas C. T. Buckley (of New York City Bar). Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 28. 1876. $1.00 1895 Bukenham. Notes and Ex tracts from numerous authorities re specting the Family of Bukenham or Bokenham, of Norfolk and Suffolk, 1066 to 1883, with Pedigrees, Births, Marriages, Deaths, etc. By Henry Maudslay. Part I (all published). Illustrations of arms, views, etc. 8vo, half roan, pp. 364. London, 1884. $3.00 Only 250 copies privately printed. 1806 Paper. Another copy. $2.00 1897 Bumpus. In Memoriam. Edward Avery Bumpus (Co. C, cjth U. S. Infantry. Killed 1901, Pacific Island of Samar). By E. C. Bum- pus. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 123. n. d. $1.50 1898 Burhans. Descendants fron the First Ancestors in America, Jacob Burhans, 1660, and his Son, Jan Burhans, 1663, to 1893. By Samuel Burhans, Jr. Facsimile, portraits and views. 4to, cloth, pp. 799. New York, 1894. $10.00 1899 Bush. Memorial Sketch of Theoda Davis F. Bush (of Roxbury. etc.). By her Husband. With an introduction by Edward E. Hale. Portrait. i2mo, cloth, pp. 186. Bos ton, 1800. $1.00 1900 Butts. John Butts: His Ancestors and some of his Descend ants. By Allison Butts. Colored coat of arms and view. 4to, cloth, pp. 153. Poughkeepsie, 1898. $4.00 1901 Caswell. Memorial of Prof. Alexis Caswell (of Brown Univers ity). By Edward T. Caswell. Por trait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 113. n. p., 1877. 75 1902 Caverno. Records of the Caverno Family (Descendants of Ar thur Caverno or Kavanagh, who came to New Hampshire, 1740). Caverno. I2tno, pp. 36. Dover, N. H., 1874. $2.50 1903 Chace. A Memorial of George Ide Chace (Prof, in Brown University). Edited by James O. i8 4 LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. Murray. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 271. Cambridge, 1886. $1.00 1904 Chase Family Extracts. Genealogy of the Descendants of William Thomas or Aquila Chase, from 1622. One 410 sheet. .50 This "Extract" or pedigree was printed from a manuscript unpublished volume of the Chase family by John B. Chase, M. D., of Taunton, Mass. 1905 Chase. In Memoriam. A Sermon Commemorative of the Rev. Robert Green Chase, late Rector of the Church of St. Matthias, Philadel phia. By George P. Schetky. I2mo, cloth, pp. 44. Phila., 1868. $1.00 1906 Chase. In Memoriam. Wil liam Leverett Chase of Brookline, Mass, (who died Oct. 7, 1895). i2mo, cloth, pp. 70. n. p., 1895. $1.00 1907 Champion. The Champion Genealogy. A History of the De scendants of Henry Champion, of Saybrook and Lyme, Conn. Together with some account of other families of the name. By Francis B. Trow- bridge. Map. 8vo, cloth, pp. 560. New Haven, 1891. $3 .00 Only 500 copies printed. 1908 Champney. Address at the Funeral of Mrs. Susanna (Park) Champney, with an Appendix con taining a Genealogical Notice of the Champney and Park Families. By Frederick A. Whitney. 8vo, paper, pp. 35. Boston, 1855. $1.50 1909 Chauncey. Memorial Ser mon of Rev. Peter Schermerhorn Chauncey, Rector of St. Tames Church, N. Y. City. By Rev. Henry E. Montgomery. 8vo, cloth, pp. 33. New York, Published by Request of the Vestry, 1867. $2.00 1910 Chauncy Pedigree. Descend ants of Isaac and Jane Chauncy. Chart, Sy 2 x n inches, n. p., n. d. 75 1911 Cheeseman. Memoir of Ed ward Smith Cheeseman (of Phila.). By W. P. Breed. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 134. Phila., 1882. $1.00 1912 Cheshire Marriages. Ches hire Parish Registers. Marriages, Vol. I, edited by W. P. W. Philli- more and Leopold Choice. 8vo, cloth, pp. 152. London, 1909. $2.50 Edition limited to 150 copies. 1913 Chittenden. The Chittenden Family. William Chittenden of Guil- ford, Conn., and his Descendants. Compiled by Alvan Talcott. 8vo, cloth, pp. 262. (New Haven, 1882.) $4.00 1914 Clapp. Family Meeting at Northampton, Aug. 24, 1870. Pro ceedings, Addresses, Historical and other Papers. 8vo, paper, pp. 68. Boston, 1870. $1.50 1915 Clarke. Memorial of Rev. Pitt Clarke, Pastor of the First Con gregational Church in Norton, Mass., and of Mary Jones Clark, his wife. 8vo, cloth, pp. 94. Cambridge, Printed for Private Distribution, 1916 Clarke. Services at the Funeral of Martha, Wife of Hovey K. Clarke. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 37. Detroit, 1869. $1.50 1917 Clarke. The Clarke Families of Rhode Island. By George A. Mor rison, Jr. Royal 8vo, cloth, pp. 337. New York (1902). $10.00 1918 Clarke. Richard Clarke of Rowley, Mass., and his Descendants in the Line of Timothy Clark of Rockingham, Vt., 1638-1904. By Thos. Bellows Peck. Portraits and plates. 8vo, cloth, pp. 93. Boston, I905- $1.50 1919 Clason. Stephen Clason of Stamford, Conn., 1654, and some of his Descendants. By William B. Lapham. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 160. Augusta, Me., 1892. $2.50 1920 Clayton. Memoir of John M. Clayton (of Dagsborough, Del.). GENEALOGY AND PERSONAL MEMOIRS. 185 By Joseph P. Comegys. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 307. Wilmington, 1882. $1.00 1921 Cleveland. A Genealogy of Benjamin Cleveland, a great-grand son of Moses Cleveland of Woburn, Mass. Portrait and coat of arms. By Horace G. Cleveland. 8vo, cloth, pp. 260. Chicago, 1879. $2.00 1922 Clinton. The Centennial Me morial of the looth Anniversary of the Church at Little Britain, N. Y. With Sketch of the Clinton Family, by Chas. A. Clinton. Portrait. I2mo, cloth. New York, 1859. $3-OO The only account of this prominent New York family. 1923 Codman. Memoir of John Codman, D. C. By William Allen. With Reminiscences by Joshua Bates. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 408. Bos ton, 1853. $2.00 Pages ii to 18 contain the ancestry of Dr. Codman in America from 1620. 1924 Coffin. The Memoir and Journals of Rev. Paul Coffin, D. D. (With genealogical particulars ; Trav els through Maine, etc.) Photo por trait. 8vo, cloth. Portland, 1855. $3-50 1925 Coffin. Life of Admiral Sir Isaac Coffin, his English and Ameri can Ancestors, by Thomas C. Amory. Portrait. 8vo, sheets, uncut, pp. 141. Boston 1886. $1.00 1926 Cohen. In Memoriam. Henry Cohen. Portrait. I2mo, cloth, pp. 22. (Phila., 1879.) $1.00 1927 Coit. Coit Correspondence of 1871, or the Second Trip (from Worcester) to New Brunswick, by the Coit Family. I2mo, cloth, pp. 71. Worcester, 1872. $1.25 1928 Coit. In Memoriam. Rev. Joseph Rowland Coit (of Plattsburg, N. Y.). i2mo, cloth, pp. 56. (New York, 1866.) $1.00 1929 Golden. Genealogical Notes of the Golden Family in America. By Edwin R. Purple. 4to, cloth, pp. 24. New York, Privately Printed, 1873. $5.00 Only 50 copies printed. 1930 Cole. Isaac Kool (Cool or Cole), and Catharine Serven. Their descendants complete to 1876, also their American ancestors from the set tlement of N. Y. City. By Rev. David Cole, D. D. Portraits. 8vo, paper, pp. 268. New York, 1876. $3.00 1931 Colegrove. History and Genealogy of the Colegrove Family in America (Descendants of Francis, of Warwick, R. I.), with Biographical Sketches. Portraits. I2mo, cloth, pp. 792. Chicago, 1894. $4.00 1932 Coleman, James. General Index to Printed Pedigrees, under Alphabetical Arrangement. 8vo, cloth. London, 1866. $2.50 1933 Colonial Wars Society. Year Books, Containing Lists of Names, Genealogical Sketches, etc. 1894. 1895, 1896, 1899-1902 and 1903-1906. Illustrated. 5 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. $7-50 Contains valuable data on the Colonial families. 1934 Conn. Year Book of the Conn. Society of Sons of the Am. Revolution, 1895 and 1896 (with Genealogical Records). Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 614. New Haven, 1896. $1.50 1935 Conant. A History and Genealogy of the Conant Family in England and America. 1520-1887. Containing also some genealogical notes on the Connett and Connitt Families. Coat of Arms in colors and illustrations. By F. O. Conant. 4to, sheets folded, pp. 640. Portland, Privately Printed, 1887. $10.00 No. 9 of ten copies printed on large paper. Cost in sheets $20.00. 1936 Cone. Some Account of the Cone Family in America, principally of the descendants of Daniel Cone, who settled in Haddam, Conn., 1662. 1 86 LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. By William W. Cone. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 546. Topeka, 1903. $5.00 1937 Conway, Wales. The First Volume of Conway Parish Regis ters. 1541-1793. 8vo, paper, uncut, pp. 396. London, 1900. $3-5o 1938 Cooper. Chart of the De scendants of Daniel Cooper and Grace Runyon, of Long Hill, Morris Co., N. J. 1695-1895. By Arthur E. Cooper. $3.00 1939 Cornell. Genealogy of the Cornell Family, by John Cornell. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 468. New York, 1902. $6.00 1940 Cornwall. Genealogy of the Family of Cornwall of Bonhard, Co. Linlithgow. By R. R. Stodart. 4to, boards, pp. n. Edinburgh. 1877. $2.50 1941 Cotton. Pedigree of Cotton compiled principally from a Pedigree in Vol. I, N. E. Hist.-Gene. Reg., etc. Chart 13 x 21 inches. N. d. .75 1942 Cox, William S. Annals of a Quiet Life. (Phila., St. Paul, etc.) Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 185. 1906. $2.00 1943 Craighead. The Craighead Family, Descendants of Thos. and Margaret Crayhead, 1658-1876. by James G. Craighead. 121110, cloth, pp. 173. Phila., 1876. $4.50 1944 Crawford. Descendants of James Crawford who settled in New ton, Mass., 1730. By David Craw ford. Small 4to, paper, pp. 29. New York, 1905. $3.00 1945 Crittenden. Sketch of the Life, Character and Work of Alonzo Crittenden, late President of the Packer Collegiate Institute. Edited by Margaret E. Winslow. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 241. New York, 1885. $1.00 1946 Crozer. The John P. Crozer Memorial (of Phila., Pa.). I2mo, cloth, pp. 44. Phila., 1866. .75 1947 Culberton. Supplement to the Culberton Genealogy. By Lewis R. Culberton. 8vo, paper, pp. 32. Cin cinnati, 1896. $1.50 1948 Gumming. Table of the De scendants of William Cumming of Frederick County, Md. Compiled by Montgomery Cumming. 28 x 44 inches. Mounted on muslin and bound in 4to, cloth. Washington, 1905. $7.50 A very elaborate chart. 1949 Curtenius. Manuscript Gene alogical Material collected by Dr. Pur ple, and in his handwriting, relating to the Curtenius Family. 8 pieces. $4.00 1950 Gushing. Three Wisconsin Cushings. A Sketch of the lives of Howard B., Alonzo H., and William B. dishing, children of a pioneer family in Waukesha County, Wis. By T. W. Haight. Portraits and Fac similes. 8vo, boards, pp. 109. Madi son, 1910. $1.00 1951 Dane. A Declaration of Re markable Providence in the Course of my Life. By John Dane of Ipswich, 1682. To which is added a Pedigree of the Dane Family and a few notes. (By John Ward Dean.) 8vo, paper, pp. 16. Boston, 1854. $2.00 1952 Dana. The Life of Daniel Dana. By Members of his Family. With a Sketch of his Character, by W. B. Sprague. Portrait. I2mo, cloth, pp. 279. Boston, 1866. $1.50 With appendix on the Dana family. 1953 Daughters of the American Revolution Lineage Book. Vols. i to 6. (Containing 6,000 Genealogical Sketches.) Portraits. 6 vols., 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops. 1895, etc - $12.00 1954 - - Same. Yols. 24-28. (Containing 5,000 Sketches.) 5 vols., 8vo, paper. Washington. 1907-09. $5.00 GENEALOGY AND PERSONAL MEMOIRS. i8 7 1955 Directory. 8vo, cloth, pp. 961. Washington, 1908. $1.50 1956 Davis. Memoir of Julia So phia Davis, who died at Worcester, March 31, 1833. By John S. C. Ab bott. Portrait, 161110, boards, pp. 62. Worcester, 1833. $2.00 1957 Davis. Commemorative Ser vices at the Funeral of Mrs. Sarah Woodruff Davis, of Bloomington, 111. 8vo, cloth, pp. 25. (1879.) $0.75 1958 Davis. Dolor Davis. A Sketch of his Life and Record of his Earlier Descendants. By Horace Davis. 8vo, paper, pp. 46. Printed for Private Distribution, 1881. $1.50 1959 Davis, Samuel ; of Oxford, Mass. ; and Joseph Davis of Dudley, Mass., and their descendants. By George L. Davis. 8vo, cloth, pp. 610. North Andover, 1884. $6.00 1960 Dawson. Charles C. Daw- son. A Collection of Family Rec ords, with Biographical Sketches of the various families of Dawson. (New England, New Jersey, New York, Penna., Maryland, Virginia, etc.) 8vo cloth, pp. 572. New York, 1874. $7.50 1961 Dawson. A Record of the Descendants of Robert Dawson of East Haven, Conn., and numerous other families with genealogical notes. By Chas. C. Dawson. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 115. Albany, 1874. $5.00 Presentation copy, with two pages A. L. S. laid in. " Edition limited to 40 copies C. C. D." 1962 Dean. The Life, Experi ences and Incidents of Rev. Gardner Dean ; written by himself. With Genealogies of the Gardner, Dean and Hinds Family. By E. W. Pierce. Portrait. i2mo, cloth, pp. 307. New Bedford, 1883. $3.00 1963 Dean. Genealogy of Isaac Dean of Grafton, N. H. By Josiah H. Drummond. 8vo, paper, pp. 35. Portland, 1902. $1.25 1964 Deane. Descendants of Thomas Deane, of Massachusetts and New Hampshire. By John Ward Dean. 8vo, paper, pp. 12. Boston, Privately Printed, 1883. $1.00 1965 De Myer and Meyer. Manu script Abstract of Wills of Johannis De Myer, 1725; Nicholas and Henry Meyer, 1689-1739, in Dr. Purple s handwriting. 3 pieces. $i-5O 1966 Denison Memorial. Ipswich, Mass., Sept. 2oth, 1882. Two Hundredth Anniversary of the Death of Ma j. -Gen. Daniel Denison. (With Genealogy.) By D. D. Slade and Augustine Caldwell. 8vo, paper. (Ipswich, 1882.) $2.50 1967 De Voe. Genealogy of the De Veaux Family, introducing the numerous forms of spelling the name by the various branches and genera tions for the past noo years. By Thomas F. De Voe. 8vo, cloth, pp. 302. Privately Printed, 1885. $1.50 1968 Dexter Genealogy, 1642- 1904. By Orlando P. Dexter. Being a History of the Descendants of Richard Dexter of Maiden, Mass., from the Notes of John Haven Dexter, and original researches. Colored Coat-of-Arms. 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 279. New York, 1904. $2.50 1969 Dickson. Border or Riding Clans, followed by a history of the Clan Dickson. With a brief account of the Family of the author. P.. Homer Dixon. 4to, cloth, uncut, pp. 220. Albany, 1889. $2.50 1970 Dimond. Genealogy of the Dimond or Dimon Family of Fair- field, Conn. Together with records of the Dimon or Dymont Family of East Hampton, L. I., and of the Dimond Family of New Hampshire. By Edwin R. Dimond. 8vo, cloth, pp. 179. Albany, 1891. $2.50 i88 LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. 1971 Dinkins and Springs. Gene alogical (Sketches.) By Capt. James Dinkins. Portraits. 8vo, paper, pp. 24. New Orleans, 1908. $2.00 " The genealogy of my own family and that of my wife, for my children and the younger members of both families." 1972 Dod. Genealogical Tree of the Male Descendants of Daniel Dod (1646-1863), who was born in Eng land and died at Branford, Conn., 1776-6. One sheet 14 x 13^ inches. $4.00 1973 Dodge. Report, Full Au thentic and Complete, of all the Ad dresses and Pedigrees of the First Reunion of the Dodge Family in America, the 25oth Anniversary of the Arrival of their Ancestors from England, and the founding of Salem. By Robert Dodge. Coat-of-Arms. 8vo, paper, pp. 53. N. Y., 1879. $1.50 1974 Dolbeares. The Dolbeares of Boston. By Edward D. Harris. 4 pages. 8vo, paper. 1893. $1.00 1975 Doremus. A Humble Trib ute in Memory of Mrs. Thomas C. Doremus. By Rev. E. P. Rogers. 8vo, cloth, pp. 128. (N. Y., 1877.) $1.00 1976 Downer. The Downers of America, with Genealogical Record, by David R. Downer. Colored coat of arms and portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 244. Newark, 1900. $3-OO 1977 Drake, Samuel G. Result of some Researches among the British Archives for information relative to the^ Founders of New England. Third edition. Large paper copy. Map and several steel portraits. 4to, half morocco, gilt top, pp. 160. Bos ton, 1865. $10.00 Best edition. Large paper copy, of which but 75 were printed. Laid is in an inter esting autograph letter from Samuel G. Drake. 1978 Drake. Genealogical Chart of the Descendants of Robert Drake of Hampton, N. H. By Samuel G. Drake. 1867. 19 x 24 inches. Boston, $1.00 1979 Draper. Account of Silver Wedding of Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Draper, at Westford, N. Y. With Es say on the Draper and Preston Fam- iles. 8vo, paper, pp. 32. Albany, 1871. $1.60 1980 Dreer. In Memoriam. Fer dinand F. Dreer (of Philadelphia.) 4to, cloth. (1902.) .75 1981 Drexel. Services in Memory of Anthony J. Drexel, Founder of the Drexel Institute of Art, Science and Industry. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 88. Phila., 1896. $i.co 1982 Du Barry. In Memoriam. Joseph N. DuBarry (of Penna. R. R.), 1830-1892. Portrait. 410, cloth, pp. 22. (Phila, 1892.) .75 1983 Du Bois. Bi-Centenary Re union of the Descendants of (Louis and Jacques Du Bois. (Emigrants to America, 1660 and 1675), at New Palts, N. Y., 1875. Plates and Por traits. 4to, cloth, pp. 158. Phila, 1876. $ 2 o.oo Edition limited to 325 copies printed on writing paper. 1984 Dudley. The Dudley Gene alogies and Family Records. By Dean Dudley. 8vo, cloth, pp. 144. Boston, 1848. $2.50 1985 Dudley. Supplement to the History and Genealogy of the Dudley Family. By Dean Dudley. Por traits, Facsimiles, Coats-of-Arms. 8vo, cloth, pp. 96. Wakefield, Mass, Published by the Author, 1898. $3.00 1986 Dunster. Henry Dunster and his Descendants. By Samuel Dunster. I2mo, cloth, pp. 333. Central Falls, 1876. $3-OO 1987 Duycinck. The Duvcinck and Allied Families. Being a Record of the Descendants of Evert Duycinck who settled in New Amsterdam, now New York, 1638. By W. C. Duycinck GENEALOGY AND PERSONAL MEMOIRS. 189 and John Cornell. Colored Coat-of- Arms, map and portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 236. New York, 1908. $4.50 Edition limited to 250 copies. Leaf of Errata laid in. 1988 Dyer. The Dyer Family. Descendants of Samuel Dyer of Albe- marle County, Va., from the Records of Thomas B. Dyer of St. Louis, Mo. By Theodore H. Price. Folding Chart. 1906. $3-50 1989 Early. History of the Fam ily of Early in America, by Saml. S. Early. 4to, boards, pp. 53. (Stamp on title.) Albany, 1896. $2.00 1990 Eastman. History and Gene alogy of the Eastman Family of America. Containing biographical sketches, and genealogies of both males and females. Compiled by Guy S. Rix. Colored Coat-of-Arms and illustrations. 8vo, cloth, pp. 500. Concord, N. H., 1901. $3.00 Vol. I only. 1991 Eddy. Memoir of Col. Jona than Eddy, of Eddington, Me. : With some account of the Eddy Family, and of the early settlers on Penobscot River. By Joseph W. Porter. 8vo, paper, pp. 73. Augusta, 1877. $1.00 1992 Eddy. Genealogy of the Eddy Family. By Charles Eddy. I2mo, paper, pp. 180. Brooklyn, 1881. $1.00 1993 Elliot. Address in Memory of Rebecca G. Elliot, by E. P. Rogers. 4to, cloth. New York, Bradstreet Press, 1867. $1.25 1994 Eliot. Printed Pedigree of Francis Eliot and Mary Saunders of Braintree (his wife). $1.00 1995 Ellis. Notices of the Ellises of France and England. Of the Synonymous families of Halis, Ales, Elie, Ellies, Helis, Alis, Fitz-Ellis, etc. By William S. Ellis. 8vo paper, pp. 52. London (1857). $1.50 1996 Ellis, William S. A Plea for the Antiquity of Heraldry, with an attempt to expound its theory and elucidate its history. 8vo, paper, pp. 23. London, 1853. .75 1997 Emerson, Ralph Waldo. His Maternal Ancestors, with some Rem iniscences of him. By Daniel Greene Haskins. I2mo, paper, pp. 59. Boston, 1886. $1.50 1998 Engel. A Memorial to Mary Engel (of New York City.) Por trait. I2mo, cloth, pp. 46. New York, 1869. $1.00 1999 Epitaphs. Cansick, Freder ick T. A Collection of Curious and Interesting Epitaphs, copied from the Existing Monuments of Distinguished and Noted Characters in the Churches of Hornsey, Tottenham, Middlesex, etc., etc. Coats-of-Arms. i2mo, cloth, pp. 296. London, 1875. $1.50 2000 Estes. Estes Genealogies to 1097-1893, by Charles Estes. Por traits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 401. Salem, 1894. $4-00 2001 Etheredge. Genealogical Memoranda relating to the Family of Etheredge. 8vo, half roan, pp. n. Privately Printed: London, 1873. $2.50 2002 Evans. A Memorial of Frederick Evans. Edited by B. D. Thomas. Portraits and illustrations. I2mo, cloth, pp. 209. Phila., 1899. $1.00 2003 Exeter Registers. Hinger- ston-Randolph, F. C. The Registers of Walter Bronescombe, 1257-1280, and Peter Quivil, 1280-1291. Bishops of Exeter. 8vo, cloth, pp. 504. London, 1889. $3-5 2004 Fabens. Some of the De scendants of Jonathan Fabens of Marblehead, by Geo. A. Perkins. 8vo, paper, pp. 26. Salem, 1881. $1.00 2005 Fan-field. The Life of Sum- ner Lincoln Fairchild (of Warwick, Mass.). By Jane Fairfield. Portrait. I2mo, cloth, pp. 132. N. Y., Pub lished by the Author, 1846. $1.25 With poem, etc. Dedicated to Halleck. LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. 2006 Faneuil. Manuscript Gene alogical Material collected by Dr. Purple, and in his handwriting, relat ing to the Faneuil Family. 19 pieces. $4.00 2007 Farwell. Ancestral Memo rial of Henry Farwell, of Concord and Chelmsford, Mass.; and all his Descendants to the Fifth Generation. By David Parsons Holton. Portrait and genealogical charts. 8vo, cloth, pp. 257. N. Y., 1879. $10.00 2008 Fawkes. The Fawkes s of York in the i6th Century, including Notices of the Early History of Guye Fawkes. 121110, paper. Westminster, 1850- . $1.50 2009 Fenner. Genealogy of the Fenner Family (Descendants of Capt. Arthur of Providence, R. I.). By J. P. Root. 2 parts, 8vo, paper. (Providence, 1886.) $2.50 Not in the Whitmore sale. Reprinted from the R. I. Historical Magazine. 2010 Fernow, Berthold. Calendar of Wills on File and Recorded in the Offices of the Clerk of the Court of Appeals, of the County Clerk at Al bany, and of the Secretary of State. 1626-1838. 8vo, cloth, pp. 657. New York, 1896. $4.50 No. 16 of 500 copies printed. 201 1 Flanders. The Flanders Family. By William Prescott. 8vo, paper, pp. 8. (Boston, 1873.) $1.00 2012 Fletcher. The Fletcher Genealogy : an Account of the Descendants of Robert Fletcher of Concord, Mass. By Edward H. Fletcher. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 279. Boston ; Printed for the Author, 1871. $6.00 2013 Field. A Genealogical Sketch of the Family of Field, of the West Riding of Yorkshire, England, and of Flushing and Newtown, in Long Island, N. Y. With a tabular pedi gree. By Osgood Field. 8vo, calf. Albany; Printed for Private Distribu tion, 1863. $13.50 Has the Appendix, with corrections in ink by the author. Presentation copy from the author, with A. L. S. laid in. Bound up with a copy of the Gentleman Maga zine, containing account of the Field Fam ily. Whitmore copy fetched $21.00. 2014 Field. Genealogy of the Field Family of Providence, R. L, as traced by Mrs. Harriet A. Brownell, mainly from records and papers in Rhode Island. 8vo, paper, pp. 65. Providence, 1878. $5.00 Printed for private distribution. This copy has extensive manuscript additions. 2015 Field Genealogy. Being the Record of all the Field Family in America, whose Ancestors were in this country prior to 1700. Emigrant an cestors located in Massachusetts, N. Y., N. J., New Hampshire, and Vir ginia. By Frederick C. Pierce. Por traits and Illustrations. 2 vols., thick 8vo, cloth. Chicago, 1901. $15.00 2016 Field. Pedigree of Feld, Feild or Field, of Horton (England), and Flushing, N. Y. A sheet 21 x 27 inches (imperfect). $1.00 2017 Field. Proceedings at the Banquet in Honor of Cyrus W. Field of New York, in London, July i, 1868. 8vo, cloth, pp. 80. London, 1868. $1.00 2018 Pillow. Record of the De scendants of John Fillow. By D. H. Van Hoosear. Coat-of-Arms and portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 274. Al bany, 1888. $3.00 2019 Firth. Jane F. R. Firth (of Plymouth, Mass.). A Memory. Portrait. 121110, cloth, pp. 118. Boston, Privately Printed, 1885. $1.00 2020 Fish. Proceedings of the Legislature of the State of New York in Memory of Hon. Hamilton Fish, held at trie Capitol, April 4, 1894. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 70. Albany, 1894- 75 GENEALOGY AND PERSONAL MEMOIRS. 191 202 1 Fisher. The Autobiography of Milton M. Fisher of Medway, Mass. Portraits and illustrations. 8vo, cloth, pp. 86. Concord, N. H., 1902. $1.00 Chapters on Ancestry and Family. 2022 Fiske. The Fiske Family. A History of the Family Ancestral and Descendant of William Fiske of Amherst, N. H. 2d and complete edi tion. By Albert A. Fiske. I2mo, cloth, uncut, pp. 209. Chicago, 1867. $10.00 2023 Follansbee. Report of the Follansbee Association (with gene alogies of different branches of the family). By Columbus Smith (Middlebury), 1635. 8vo, paper, pp. 28. Middlebury, 1865. $1.00 2024 Follett-Fassett. The Follett- Dewey, Fassett-Safford Ancestry of Capt. Martin Dewey Follett (1765- 1831), and his wife, Persis Fassett 1767-1849). By Henry P. Ward. 8vo, cloth, pp. 249. (Columbus, O.), 1896. $2.50 2025 Folsom. In Memoriam. George Folsom. Portrait. I2ino, clotlCpp. 1 8. (London, 1871.) $2.00 Author of " History of Saco and Bidde- ford, Maine," " Dispatches of Cortes," etc. 2026 Folsom. Descendants of the First John Folsom, through John, Peter and Ephraim Folsom. 8vo, paper, pp. 29. Boston, 1876. $1.00 Reprinted from N. E. Hist, and Genea. Register. 2027 Folsom. A Genealogy of the Folsom Family : John Folsom and his descendants. 1615-1882. By Jacob Chapman. Portrait and view. 8vo, cloth, pp. 297. Concord, N. H., 1882. $5.00 2028 Foote. The Foote Family, or the Descendants of Nathaniel Foote, one of the First Settlers of Wethersfield, Conn., with Genealogical Notes of Pasco Foote, who Settled in Salem, Mass., and John Foote and others of the name, who settled more recently in New York. By Nathaniel Goodwin. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 360. Hartford, 1849. $12.50 2029 Forster. The Pedigree and Descendants of Jacob Forster, of Charlestown, Mass. By Edward J. Foster. I2mo, paper, pp. 25. Charles- town, 1870. $1.50 2030 Foster. Memorial Sketch of {Lafayette S. Foster, United States Senator from Conn., and Acting Vice- President of the United States. Por trait. 4to, cloth, pp. 129. Boston, 1881. $1.00 2031 Fowler. Memorials of Mrs. Harriet W r . Fowler, wife of Rev. Prof. William C. Fowler. 8vo, cloth, pp. 56. (Bridgeport, Conn., 1845.) $1.00 2032 Fowler. William Fowler the Magistrate (of Milford, Conn., 1639), and one line of his Descend ants. By William Chauncy Fowler. 8vo, paper, pp. 12. (1867.) $1.50 2033 Francis. Discourse on the Death of Convers Francis, D. D. (With Extracts from his Diary.) By John Weiss. I2mo, cloth, pp. 78. Cambridge, Privately Printed, 1863. $1.50 2034 Francis. In Memoriam. Mrs. John M. Francis. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 113. (Troy, 1889.) $1.50 Wife of editor of the Troy Times. 2035 Fretz. History of Joan and Christian Fretz and a Complete Gene alogical Family Register. By A. J. Fretz. Portraits. i2mo, cloth, pp. 607. Elkhart, 1890. $2.00 2036 Fuller. Record of some of the Descendants of John Fuller, Newton, 1644-98. Compiled from Jackson s History of Newton and other sources. By Samuel C. Clark. 8vo, paper, pp. 16. Boston, 1869. $1.25 2037 Garvin. A Tribute to the Memory of William Garvin (of Lou- 192 LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. isville, Ky.). Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 70. Louisville, 1869. $1.50 2038 Gerard. Biographical Sketch of James W. Gerard (of New York City). Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 51. New York, 1874. $0.75 2039 Gerard. Proceedings of the Bar of New York in Memory of James W. Gerard. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 21. New York, 1874. $0.75 With remarks on his half century of practice in New York. 2040 Genealogist, The. First Series. 7 vols., cloth. Edited by George W. Marshall. New Series. Edited by W. D. Selby and H. W. F. Harwood. Vols. I to 10 half calf, Vols. 1 1 to 24, No. 2, in parts. Plates. Together 30^2 vols. London, 1877- 1907. $75.00 2041 Genealogist, The. (A monthly, edited by N. L. Collamer.) Vol. i, Nos. i to 4, Sept.-Dec. 1887. 4 parts, i6mo, paper. Washington, D. C. $6.00 All published (?). Very scarce. 2042 Gernhardt. Heinrich Gern- hardt and his Descendants. Records of births, marriages and deaths of all branches of the family. Portraits. By J. M. M. Gernerd. 8vo, half leather, pp. 315. Williamsport, 1904. $4.00 2043 Gillman. Searches into the History of the Gillman or Gilman Family. Including the various branches in England, Ireland, Amer ica and Belgium. By Alexander W. Gillman. Coats of Arms, portraits, folding pedigrees, and plates. 4to, cloth, pp. 231. London, 1895. $7.50 2044 Gimlette, Thomas. History of the Huguenot Settlers in Ireland. Maps and illustrations. 4to, cloth, pp. 375. n. p. (Printed for Private Cir culation, 1888). $6.00 2045 Goble. The Goble Family in New Jersey. Luther, Jabez G., and Luther Spencer Goble. Portraits. 8vo, paper, pp. 8. n. p., n. d. $2.00 2046 Goodhue. Manuscript Gene alogy of the Goodhue Family to 1833. Collected by Henry Wheatland, with two A. L. S. 4to, paper, pp. 14. $9.00 2047 Goodspeed. Goodspeed, Weston A. History of the Goodspeed Family. Illustrated. 4to, half mo rocco, pp. 561. Chicago, 1907. $9.00 2048 Goodwin, Nathaniel. Gene alogical Notes ; or, Contributions to the Family History of some of the First Settlers of Connecticut and Massachusetts. 8vo, cloth, pp. 362. Hartford, 1856. $7-5o 2049 Goodwin. The Goodwins of Hartford, Conn., Descendants of Wil liam and Osias Goodwin. By James J. Goodwin. Folding pedigrees and portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 798. Hart ford, 1891. $4.00 2050 Gorham. The Gorham Family of Connecticut and Vermont. By Frank W. Sprague. 8vo, paper, pp. 6. Boston, 1903. $1.00 2051 Gorham. Jabez Gorham of Plymouth, Mass., and his Descendants, by Frank W. Sprague. 8vo, paper, pp. 7. Boston, 1904. $1.00 2052 Gould. Pedigree of the Family of Gould. Compiled by R. S. Boddington. Privately Printed. 4to. London, 1880. $2.00 2053 Gould. In Memoriam. Ste phen G. Gould (of Newark, N. J.). 8vo, cloth, pp. 48. (1883.) $0.75 2054 Gray. The Gray Family of Hancock Co., Ale. Reunion at West Sedgwick, Maine, Aug. 19, 1903. Also some additional matter of Inter est. Portraits. 8vo, paper, pp. 52. Bucksport, 1903. $i-5o 2055 Griffin. Recollections of Rev. E. D. Griffin (President of Wil liams College), or Incidents Illus trating his Character. By Parsons Cooke. Portrait. I2mo, cloth, pp. 205. Boston (1855). $1.00 GENEALOGY AND PERSONAL MEMOIRS. 193 2056 Griffith, Benjamin. Bio graphical Sketches. Edited by Charles H. Banes. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 296. Phila., n. d. $1.00 2057 Guest. A Memoir of Wil liam Henry Guest. By Frederic de Peyster. 8vo, cloth, pp. 36. New York, 1878. $1.00 2058 Gunn. Memorial Sketches of Dr. Moses Gunn, by his Wife. With extracts from his Letters. ^ Por traits. I2mo, cloth, pp. 380. Chicago, 1889. $1.25 Surgeon in the Civil War, life in Chi cago, etc. 2059 Guthrie. Brief History of a Branch of the Guthrie Family (John, who emigrated to Conn, in 1700), by Seymour Guthrie. Plates. 8vo, cloth, pp. 61. Chicago, 1889. $3.00 2060 Gutherie. Records of the Gutherie Family, of Pennsylvania, Connecticut and Virginia, with Ances try of those who have intermarried with the family. By Harriet A. and Eveline Gutherie Dunn. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 178. Chicago, 1898. $3-50 2061 Hadley. Genealogies of the Hadley Families, embracing the early settler s of the towns of Hatfield, South Hadley, Amherst and Granby, Mass. 8vo, pp. 168. Northampton, 1862. $5.00 2062 Hakes. The Hakes Family. By Harry Hakes. Second edition, with additions and corrections. Por traits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 220. Wilkes Bar re, 1889. $2.00 2063 Hale. The Statue of John P. Hale, presented to the State of New Hampshire by William E. Chandler. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 176. Concord, 1892. $0.75 2064 Hall. A Memorial of Rev. Edward B. Hall, late Pastor of the First Congregational Society of Prov idence. Portrait and plate. Provi dence, 1867. $2.00 2065 Hall. Genealogical Notes: relating to the Families of Hon. Ly- man Hall, of Georgia; Hon. Samuel Holden Parsons Hall, of Binghamton, N. Y., and Hon. Nathan Leysey Hall, of Buffalo, N. Y. By Theodor e Par sons Hall. Portraits and folding tables. 8vo, half morocco, pp. 192. Albany, Printed for Private Distribu tion, 1886. $7.50 2066 Hall, John, Pastor and Preacher. A Biography by his Son, Thomas C. Hall. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 341. New York, 1901. $1.00 2067 Hallock. Life of Rev. Jere miah Hallock, Pastor of the Congre gational Church in Canton, Conn. By Cyrus Yale. I2mo, boards, uncut, pp. 316. New York, 1828. $2.00 2068 Hammond. In Memory of Charles G. Hammond (of Chicago), and Charlotte B. Hammond. 8vo, cloth, pp. 87. Cambridge, 1887. $1.00 2069 Hand List of American Genealogies in the New York Public Library. I2mo, paper, pp. 104. New York, 1897. $0.50 2070 Hanly. Memoirs of Rev. Joseph J. Hanly, M. D., of New Jersey. Mrs. Joanna P. R. Hanly. Portrait. I2mo, cloth, pp. 368. Phila., 1869. $0.75 2071 Harewood (England). Jones, John. History and Antiquities of Harewood County of York. (Pedi grees of Lords of Harewood and other Families. Plates. 8vo, cloth, pp. 312. London, 1859. $ 2 - 2 5 2072 Harper. In Memoriam of Rev. R. D. Harper, Pastor of the North Broad Street Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 131. (Phila., 1890.) $1.00 2073 Harrington. Memories of the Life of Calvin Sears Harrington (Professor in Wesleyan University). Portrait. I2mo, cloth, pp. 178. Mid- dletown, Conn., 1887. $1.00 194 LATIIROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. 2074 Harris. History of James Harris of New London and his De scendants. 1640-1878. By Nathaniel L. Morgan. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 239. Hartford, 1878. $5.00 2075 Harris. The Harris Family. Thomas Harris of Ipswich, Mass., in 1636, and some of his Descendants, through Seven Generations, to 1883. By William S. Harris. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 135. Printed for the Author, 1883. $2.00 2076 Harris. Genealogical and Biographical Sketches of the Branch of the New Jersey Branch of the Harris Family in the United States. By. Sarah j (Harris) Keifer. Por traits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 350. Madison, Wis., 1888. $3.00 2077 Hartwell. An Account of the Descendants of William Hartwell, of Concord, Mass., 1636-1895. By L. W. Densmore. 8vo, pp. 80. Hart ford, 1895. $5.00 2078 Harwood. Genealogical His tory of, descended from James Harwood, who was of English origin, and resided in Chelmsford, Mass. By Watson H. Harwood. 8vo, paper, pp. 33- Potsdam, Published for the Au thor, 1879. $2.00 2079 Hawtrey. The History of the Hawtrey Family. By Florence Molesworth Hawtrey. Portraits and folding pedigrees. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1903. $3.50 2080 Haxtun, Anne A. Signers of the Mayflower Compact. 3 num bers bound in 2 vols., 4to, cloth. New York, 1896. $4.00 2081 Hayden. Genealogy of the Hayden Family. (Descendants of William, who settled in Dorchester, Mass., 1630.) By Jabez H. Hayden. 8vo, paper, pp. 15. Windsor Locks, Ct., 1859. $1.00 2082 Hayes. A Long Journey. The Story of Daniel Hayes. (With Genealogy of the Hayes Family.) By Charles W. Hayes. i2mo, cloth, pp. 76. Portland, Me., 1876. $5.00 2083 Heath. In Memoriam. Staf ford R. W. Heath (of New Jersey). I2mo, morocco, pp. 40. Newark, Printed for Private Distribution, 1888. $1.00 2084 Headley. Genealogical Rec ord of the Descendants of Leonard Headley of Elizabethtown, N. J., with Historical and Biographical Sketches by A. J. Fretz. Portraits. I2mo, cloth, pp. 223. Milton, N. J., 1905. $2.00 2085 Heraldry. A Little Book of Heraldry. By Clara M. H. Lyons. Illustrated with coats of arms and shields. 8vo, cloth, pp. 58. n. p., JW. $2.25 2086 Heraldry. Lower, Mark A. Curiosities of Heraldry, with Illustra tions from Old English Writers. Numerous zvoodcuts. 8vo, cloth, pp. 319. London, 1845. $3oo 2087 Herrick. A Genealogical Register of the Name and Family of Herrick, from the settlement of Hen- erie Hericke in Salem, Mass., 1629- 1846. With a concise notice of their English Ancestry. By J. Herrick. Coat of Arms. 8vo, cloth, pp. 69. Bangor, 1846. $5.00 2088 Higgins. In Memory of Elizabeth S. Higgins (of Illinois). By N. B. Judd. Portrait and plate. I2mo, cloth, pp. 62. (Illinois, 1882.) $1.00 2089 Higley. The Higleys and their Ancestry ; an Old Colonial Fam ily. By Mary C. Johnson. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 738. New York, 1892. $6.00 2090 Hinds. History and Gene alogy of the Hinds Family. By Al bert Henry Hinds. Numerous por traits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 383. Portland, 1809. $3.50 2O9oa Hine. Notes on the Hine Family of Essex Co., Mass., with GENEALOGY AND PERSONAL MEMOIRS. 195 Genealogical Chart. By Ezra D. Hines. In the Salem Press Hist, and Genea. Record. Vol. 2, No. 2. 8vo, paper. $0.50 2091 Hingham Families. Early Settlers of Hingham. Extracts from the Minutes of Daniel Gushing, with Photograph of his Manuscript en titled "A List of Names of such Per sons as Settled in Hingham." With Account of John Cutler (and his De scendants). Photos. Folio, half roan, pp. 28. Boston, 1865. $12.50 Only 24 copies privately printed by Henry A. Whitney. Presentation copy from the Whitmore Collection, with A. L. S. Very rare. 2092 Hinman, R. R. Catalogue of the Names of the First Puritan Set tlers of the Colony of Connecticut, with the time of their arrival in the Colony, etc. 8vo, half morocco, pp. 367. Hartford, 1846. $10.00 2093 Hinman, Royal R. A Cata logue of the Names of the Early Puri tan Settlers of the Colony of Con necticut ; with the time of their Arri val in the Country and Colony. Por traits. 6 Parts, 8vo, uncut, pp. 884. Hartford, 1852. $25.00 In the original numbers, with the tinted paper covers. 2094 - - Same. Parts I, 2, 5 and 6. 4 Parts. $12.00 2095 Hoadley. A History of the Descendants of William Hoadley of Branford, Conn. Together with some account of other families of the name. By Francis B. Trowbridge. 8vo, cloth, pp. 276. New Haven, 1894. $3-50 2096 Hodges. Genealogical Rec ord of the Hodges Family in New England. Containing the names of over 1500 persons, from 1633-1853. By Almon D. Hodges. 8vo, paper, pp. 72. Boston, 1853. $2.50 2097 Hoffman. Manuscript Ab stract of Wills of the Hoffman Fam ily in Dr. Purple s handwriting. 5 pieces. $2.00 2098 Hoge. Biographical Sketch of Jane C. Hoge (of Philadelphia). By Henry H. Forsyth. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 80. (Chicago, 1890.) $1.00 2099 Holberton. In Memoriam. John W. Holberton (of Canandaigua, N. Y.). Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 26. 1862. $1.50 2100 Holman. Sermon on the Death of Mrs. Mary Ann Holman (of New York City). By Thomas Armitage. Portrait. I2mo, cloth, pp. 40. New York, 1861. $1.00 2101 Holmes. The Holmes Fam ily of East Haddam, Conn. A neatly written manuscript of 59 pages. 4to, cloth. $10.00 2102 Holmes. A Letter of Direc tions to his Father s Birthplace. By John Holmes. With Notes and a Genealogy by D. William Patterson. 8vo, paper, uncut, pp. 76. New York, 1865. $1.50 Only 241 copies printed for the U. Q. Club. 2103 Holmes. The Descendants of George Holmes of Roxbury, Mass. 1594-1908. By George A. Gray. To which is added the descendants of John Holmes of Woodstock, Conn. Plate. 8vo, cloth, pp. 432. Boston, 1908. $4.50 2104 Hosford. A Memorial of the Life, Character and Death of Rev. Benjamin F. Hosford (of Haverhill, Mass.). Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 261. Cambridge, 1866. $1.50 2105 Hotten, John C. The Origi nal Lists of Persons of Quality ; Em igrants, Religious Exiles, Political Rebels, etc., who went from Great Britain to the American Plantations. 1600-1700. 4to, half roan, uncut. New York, 1874. $9.50 2106 Howard. The Howard Genealogy, descendants of John How ard of Bridgewater, Mass. 1643- 1903. By Herman Howard. Coat of Anns, facsimile and illustrations. 8vo, LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. cloth, pp. 330. (Brockton, Mass., 1903.) $4.00 2107 Howes. Genealogy of John Howes, the Branch of John of Madi son, N. Y. Of the Sixth American Generation. By Herman H. Sanford. 8vo, paper, pp. 16. 1893. $0.50 2108 Rowland. Extracts from the Journal of Sarah Howland (with Genealogical Records). Compiled by Howland Pell. 8vo, paper, pp. 122-j-IV. 1890. $5-oo 2109 Hubbard. Autobiography of N. T. Hubbard (of Mattituck, L. I.), with Personal Reminiscences of New York City from 1798-1875. Portrait. I2mo, cloth, pp. 244. New York, 1875. $1.50 Old Hotels, Opera, Fire of 1835, Brook lyn, Old Landmarks, etc. 21 10 Huber. Autobiography of Rev. Samuel Huber; with a Sketch of his Life. I2mo, cloth, pp. 254. Chambersburg, Pa., 1858. $1.00 21 1 1 Huntington. Memoirs of Mrs. Sarah Huntington, of Boston, consisting principally of Extracts from her Journal and Letters. By Benjamin B. Wisner. Portrait. 121110, boards, uncut, pp. 408. Bos ton, 1826. $2.00 21 12 Huntington. A Genealogical Memoir of the Huntington Family in this Country ; embracing all the known Descendants of Simon and Margaret Huntington, who have re tained the Family Name. By Rev. E. B. Huntington. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 428. Stamford, 1863. $12.00 Presentation copy from the Author. 2113 Huntoon. Philip Huntoon and his Descendants. By Daniel T. V. Huntoon. 8vo, paper, pp. 113. Can ton, Mass., 1881. $1.00 2114 Hurlburd, Merritt. In Me- moriam. Portrait. I2mo, cloth, pp. 90. New York, 1896. $0.75 2115 Hutchins. The Autobiog raphy of Levi Hutchins; with a preface, notes and addenda, by his youngest son. Private edition. Por trait. I2mo, unbound, uncut, pp. 188. Cambridge, 1865. $3.00 Contains deaths, births, marriages in the Hutchins family, and the pages are filled with genealogical matter relating to the family. 21 16 Hutchinson. Chester, Joseph L. Notes upon the Ancestry of Wil liam Hutchinson and Anne Marbury. From Researches made in England. 4to, paper, pp. 24. Boston, 1866. $3.00 2117 Hutchinson. Genealogy of the Hutchinson Family of Yorkshire, and of the American Branch. By Joseph L. Chester. 4to, paper. Bos ton, 1868. $2.00 2118 Hyde. A Biographical Sketch of Henry Baldwin Hyde. Portraits and plates. 8vo, cloth, un cut, pp. 244. New York, 1901. $0.50 Printed at the De Vinne Press. 2119 Illinois. Year Book of the Illinois Society of Sons of the Am. Revolution (with Genealogical Rec ord of Members). Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Chicago, 1896. $1.50 2120 Ingraham, Edward D. Singu lar Surnames, collected by the late Edward D. Ingraham, edited by Wil liam Duane. 8vo, paper, pp. 30. Phila., 1873. $0.75 2 12 1 Inskip. Memorial of Rev. John S. Inskip. Edited by E. I. D. Pepper. Portrait. I2mo, cloth, pp. 52. Phila., 1884. $0.75 Prominent in affairs of the M. E. Church. 2122 Ipswich Wills. Crisp, Fred erick A. Calendar of Wills at Ips wich. 1444-1600. 410, boards, un cut, pp. 524. Privately Printed, 1895. $15.00 Edition limited to 100 copies. 2123 Isaac. Facsimile of a Pedi gree of Isaac, showing their connec tion with the Family of Appleton, with a description of the Arms, GENEALOGY AND PERSONAL MEMOIRS. 197 Quarterings and of a Crest. 1600. 2 pages 19x15 inches. $2.00 2124 James, Joshua. Life Saver. By Sumner I. Kimball. I2mo, cloth, pp. 102. Boston, 1909. $0.50 2125 Janes. The Janes Family. A Genealogy and Brief History of the Descendants of William Janes, with emigrant ancestors of 1637. With an extended notice of Bishop Edmund S. Janes, and other biographical sketches. By Frederic Janes. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 419. New York, 1868. $5.00 2126 Jarvis. The Life and Times of William Jarvis, of Vermont. By Mary P. S. Cutts. Portrait. I2mo, cloth, pp. 451. New York, 1869. $1.50 2127 Jauncey. The Bermuda Branch of the Jauncey Family. 8vo, paper, pp. 6. New York, 1873. $1.50 2128 Jauncey. The Jaunceys of New York. Portrait and Index of Names. 8vo, paper, pp. 25. New York, 1876. $2.00 2129 Jennings. Report to the Jen nings Association, U. S. A. Made by Columbus Smith and C. M. Fish er. Containing information in their possession relative to the Jennings property in England ; the crest and coat of arms of the family: likewise several genealogies of different branches of the family in America and England. 8vo, paper, pp. 24. Rutland, Vt., 1863. $1.50 2130 Jennings, Rev. S. C. Recol lections of Useful Persons and Im portant Events, within Seventy Years. With Appendices. (War of 1812, Slavery, etc.) Portrait. i2mo, cloth, pp. 152. Vancefort, Pa., 1884. $1.50 2131 Jennens. Manuscript Gene alogy of the Jennens, descendants of John Jennens, 1579. A neatly writ ten pedigree on muslin. $4-5 2132 Jessup. Edward Jessup of West Farms, Westchester County, N. Y., and his Descendants, with an Introduction and Appendix, contain ing records of other American Fam ilies of the Name. By Henry G. Jes sup. Portraits and plates. 4to, cloth, pp. 442. Cambridge, 1887. $6.00 2133 Jones. Memorial of Hon. David S. Jones. With Appendix on the Jones Family of Queens County, N. Y. I2mo, cloth, pp. 99. New York, 1849. $3-00 2134 Jones. Tributes to the Mem ory of John D. Jones (of New York City), 1814-1895. Portrait. 121110, morocco, pp. 72. (New York, 1895.) $1.00 Jones family of Oyster Bay, President of the Atlantic Mutual, etc. 2135 Kane. Honors to Dr. Kane. RepoVt of the Joint Committee ap pointed to Receive the Remains and Conduct the Obsequies of the late Elisha Kent Kane. 8vo, cloth, pp. 94. $0-75 2136 Keen. Memorial of Mrs. Dr. William W. Keen, of Philadel phia. 8vo, cloth, pp. 42. Phila., 1887. $1.00 2137 Kellogg. The Kelloggs in the Old World and the New. By Timothy Hopkins. Facsimile, map and plates. 3 vols., 4to, cloth. San Francisco, 1903. $25.00 Large part of edition burned at the San Francisco fire. 2138 Kendrick. Col. Henry L. Kendrick, U. S. A. A Biography. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 41. New York, 1892. $1-00 2139 Keyser. The Keyser Family, descendants of Dirck Keyser of Am sterdam. By Charles S. Keyser. Por traits. 8vo," cloth, pp. 161. Phila., 1889. $10.00 2140 Kilmer. History of the Kil mer Family in America. By C. H. Kilmer. Coat of Arms, chart, and portraits. 4to, cloth, pp. 214. Elmira, 1897. $4-00 198 LATIIROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. 2141 Kimball Family News. An Historic and Genealogical Monthly Paper. By G. F. Kimball. Vol. I, nos. 1-12, 1898 (13 parts); Vol. U, nos. 1-12, 1899; Vol. Ill, nos. 1-12, 1900; Vol. IV, nos. 1-12, 1901; Vol. V, nos. 1-9, 1902. Together 5 vols., 8vo, paper. Topeka, Kan., 1898- 1902. $10.00 2142 King. Obituary Addresses on the Occasion of the Death of William R. King, of Alabama, Vice- President of the United States. Por trait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 63. Washing ton, 1854. $1.00 2143 Kingston, N. Y. Baptismal and Marriage Registers of the Old Dutch Church of Kingston for 150 years, from their commencement in 1660. Transcribed and edited by Ros- well Randall Hoes. 4to, cloth, pp. 797. New York, 1891. $15.00 2144 Kinsey, John. Speaker of the Pennsylvania Assembly, and Jus tice of the Supreme Court of the Province. By Joseph S. Walton. View. I2mo, cloth, pp. 69. Phila., 1900. $1.00 2145 Kip. Historical Notes of the Family of Kip of Kipsburg and Kip s Bay, N. Y. 8vo, paper, pp. 49. Pri vately Printed, 1871. $2.50 2146 Kite. Memoirs and Letters of Thomas Kite. Prepared by his Family. I2mo, cloth, pp. 479. Phila 1883. $r . 25 2147 Kittredge. In Memoriarn. Mrs. Margaret Hyde Kittridge. 8vo, cloth, pp. 70. (1877.) $1-00 2148 Knaggs. The Knaggs Fam ily of Ohio and Michigan. Histor ical, Biographical and Genealogical. By Robert B. Ross. Illustrated^ 4to, paper, pp. 56. Detroit, 1902. $2.00 2149 Knapp. An Autobiography of W. H. Knapp, of Cambridge, Mass. i2mo, cloth, pp. 307. Boston, $1.50 2150 Knowles. Memoir of Oliver Blachly Knowles, late Colonel 21 st Pennsylvania Cavalry, and Brevet- Brigadier General. By Samuel P. Bates. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 14. Phila., 1875. $1.00 2151 Lamb. Genealogical Sketch of the Lamb Family. By F. W. Lamb. Second edition, revised and enlarged. Portrait. 8vo, paper, pp. 7. Manchester, 1903. $0.50 2152 Lancaster. The Lancaster Family; a History of Thomas and Phebe Lancaster, of Bucks Co., Penna., and their Descendants. 1711- 1902. By Harry F. Lancaster. Illus trated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 302. Colum bia City, 1902. $4.00 2153 Lane. Memoranda relating to the Lane, Reyner and Whipple Families, Yorkshire and Massa chusetts. Table of pedigree. By W. H. Whitmore. 8vo, cloth, pp. 24. Boston, 1857. $1.25 Reprinted from the N. E. Hist. & Genea. Register. 21533 Lane Genealogies. Vol. i. William Lane of Boston, 1648, includ ing the records of Edmund J. and James P. Lane. Capt. John Lane, York Co., Me., 1693, and Capt. John Lane of Fishersfield, N. H., 1737. By Rev. Jacob Chapman and Rev. James H. Fitts. Exeter, N. H., 1891 ; Vol. 2. William of Dorchester, Mass., 1635; Robert, Stratford, Ct., 1660: John, Milford, Conn., 1642; John Merrifield, Boston, 1/52; Daniel, New London, Conn., 1651; and George, Rye, N. Y., 1664. By James Hill Fitts. Exeter, N. H., 1897; Vol. 3. English Family, Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire, 1542-1758; Job, Mai den, Mass., 1649, James, Casco Bay, Me., 1650, and Edward, Boston, 1657. By James H. Fitts. Exeter, N. H., 1902. Together, 3 vols., 8vo, cloth, Exeter, N. H., 1891-1902. $10.00 2154 Lanier. Sketch of the Life of J. F. D. Lanier (of New York GENEALOGY AND PERSONAL MEMOIRS. 199 City). 8vo, cloth, pp. 66. New York, Printed for the Use of the Family Only, 1870. $5-0 2155 Lanier. Sketch of the Life of J. F. D. Lanier. (With genealog ical particulars.) Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 87. Printed for the Use of the Family Only, 1877. $3-5 2156 Lapham. A Biographical Sketch of Increase Allen Laphan (of Milwaukee). By S. S. Sherman. 2 portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 80. Mil waukee, 1876. $1.00 2157 Larned. Life and Eloquence of Rev. Sylvester Larned, first pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, New Orleans. By R. R. Gurley. Portrait. I2mo, cloth, pp. 412. New York, 1844. $1.00 2158 Lathers, Col. Richard. Bio graphical Sketch, 1841-1902, embrac ing 60 Years Residence in South Car olina, New York and Massachusetts (with Personal and Family data). Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 207. Phila., 1902. $2.00 2159 Lathrop. A Genealogical Memoir of the Lo-Lathrop Family in this Country, embracing the de scendants as far as known, of Rev. John Lothrop, of Scituate and Barn- stable, Mass., and Mark Lothrop of Salem and Bridgewater, Mass., and the first generation of descendants of other names. By E. B. Huntington. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, uncut, gilt top, pp. 457. Ridgefield, Conn., 1884. $12.50 2160 Lauderdale. Peerage Claim. House of Lords. Minutes of Evi dence taken before the Committee for Privileges. 10 folio manuscript pages. $2.50 Includes Early New York Marriage Laws, etc., 1654. 2161 Lawrence-Archer, Capt. J. H. Monumental Inscriptions in the British West Indies from the earliest date, with Genealogical and Historical Annotations . . . engravings of the Arms of the Principal Families, etc. Cuts of arms in the text. 4to, cloth, uncut. London, 1875. $5.00 Only 500 copies printed. 2162 Lawrence. Genealogy of the Ancestry and Posterity of Isaac Law rence. (By F. S. Pease.) 8vo, cloth, pp. 70. Albany, 1853. $10.00 2163 Lawrence. Memoir of Wil liam Lawrence. By Samuel K. Lothrop. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 33. Boston, Privately Printed, 1856. $1.00 Presentation copy from the author. 2164 Lawrence, Lucas, of Utica. N. Y. Illustrated. 4to, cloth, pp. 104. (1887.) $1.50 2165 Lawrence. Pedigree of Law rence. Compiled from Heralds Vis itations, Inquisitions Post Mortem. Deeds, Charters, Wills, Parish Regis ters and other original Manuscripts. By H. G. Somerby. n. d. $0.75 2166 Lee, John. A Letter to Judge Story correcting the errors of Blackstone and his editors on the Theory of Human Genealogy and Kindred. 8vo, paper, pp. 32. Cam bridge, 1840. $o./5 2167 Lee. Genealogical History of the Lee Family of Virginia and Maryland. 1300-1866. With notes and illustrations. Edited by Edward C. White. Coats of Arms in colors, portraits and vieivs. 4to, sheets, pp. 114. New York, 1868. $10.00 Portraits laid in and newspaper cuttings. 2168 Lee. The Quarter-Millen nial Gathering of Descendants and Kinsmen of John Lee, one of the Early Settlers of Farmington. 8vo. cloth, pp. 116. Meriden, 1885. $2.50 2169 Lee. John Leigh of Aga- warn (Ipswich), Mass., 1634-1671, and his Descendants of the name of Lee, with Genealogical Notes and Bio graphical Sketches of all his Descend ants as far as can be obtained, includ- 2OO LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. ing Collateral Branches, by William Lee. 4to, cloth, pp. 499. Albany. 1888. $2.50 2170 Leeds. Thomas Leeds (of Shrewsbury, N. J., 1676) ; a New Jersey Family. Its Beginning and a Branchlet. By Clara L. Humeston. 8vo, paper, pp. 17. Phila., n. d. $1.25 2171 Leicestershire Marriages. Leicestershire Parish Registers. Mar riages, edited by W. P. W. Phillimore and T. M. Blagg. 4 vols., 8vo, cloth. London, 1908-10. $10.00 Edition limited to 150 copies. 2172 Leisler. Genealogical Notes Relating to Lieut.-Gov. Jacob Leisler, and his family connections in New York. By Edwin R. Purple. 4to, cloth, pp. 24. New York, Privately Printed, 1877. $5.00 Only 75 copies printed. 2173 Leonard. Major Thomas Leonard (who came from England and settled in Taunton, Mass., about 1650). 4 pp., 8vo. From N. E. Hist, and Genea. Reg. $1.00 2174 Lester. In Memory of Jo seph W. Lester (with 2 pages of Lester genealogy). 4to, cloth, n. p., 1873. $1.00 2175 Leverett Family Pedigree. Chart of the Descendants of Thomas and Anne Leverett. 1585-1853. 4to. n. p., n. d. $0.50 2176 Levering Family, Genealogi cal Account of. By H. G. Jones. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 203. Phila., 1858. $5.00 Scarce. Wigard Levering and Gerhard Leverwing were two of the pioneer settlers of Roxborough Township, Philadelphia Co., Pa. 2177 Lincoln. Tribute to the Memory of Jane Porter Lincoln. 8vo, cloth, pp. 51. Printed for private circulation. (Baltimore, 1855.) $ r -5o 2178 Lincoln. Notes on the Lin coln Families of Massachusetts, with some account of the family of Abra ham Lincoln, by Solomon Lincoln. 8vo, paper, pp. 10. Boston, 1865. $6.00 2179 Lincolnshire Marriages. Lin colnshire Register Marriages. Edited by W. P. W. Phillimore and A. K. Maples. 5 vols., 8vo, cloth. London, 1905-10- $12.50 Edition limited to 150 copies. 2180 Little. A Memorial of the Closing Scenes in the Life of Rev. George B. Little (of Maine). Por trait. 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 171. Cambridge, Mass., 1861. $1.00 2181 Little. Descendants of George Little, who came to Newberry 1640. By George T. Little. Coat of Arms. I2mo, cloth, pp. 82. Cam bridge, 1877. $3.00 2182 Livermore. The Livermore Family in America. By Walter E. Thwing. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 479. Boston, 1902. $4-5o ^2183 Livingston. Memoir of Mrs. Edward Livingston, with hitherto un published Letters, 1728-1860. By Louise L. Hunt. I2mo, cloth, pp. 182. N. Y., 1886. $1.00 Throws light on the social life of first half of nineteenth century. ^ 2184 Long Island Wills. With Genealogical and Historical Notes, by Wm. S. Pelletreau. The record of the Prerogative Court for the County of Suffolk from May, 1691, to April, 1703. A complete copy of the so called " Lester Will Book," with in dex of Xames, Localities, and Let ters of Administration. New York, 1897- $5-oo Edition limited to 300 numbered copies. An interesting work for collectors of Long Island material, and invaluable for genealo gists and lawyers. 2185 Longstreth. Memoir of Mary Anna Longstreth. By Helen W. Ludlow. Portrait. I2mo, cloth, pp. 224. Phila., 1886. $1.00 2186 Loomis. The Descendants of Joseph Loomis, who came from GENEALOGY AND PERSONAL MEMOIRS. 201 Braintree, England, 1638, and settled at Windsor, Conn., 1639. By Ellas Loomis. Second edition, revised and enlarged. Coats of Arms and por traits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 611. New Haven, 1875. $i5-o 2187 Lord. Memorial of Daniel Lord (also James Couper Lord). Photo portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 114. New York, 1869. $1.50 2188 Lord. Our Sister, Mrs. Ruth Thompson Lord. (With Gene alogical Note.) 8vo, paper, pp. 19. For Family Friends, 1874. $1.50 2189 Lorimer. (Genealogy of) Lorimer of Scotland. Compiled by R. R. Stodart. Coat of Arms. 8vo, half morocco, pp. 4. n. p., n. d. $2.00 2190 Low. Manuscript Abstract of Wlils of Nicholas, William, and Cornelius Low, 1739-1826, in Dr. Purple s handwriting. 3 pieces. $1.50 2191 Lower, Mark Antony. A Dictionary of the Family Names of the United Kingdom. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 443. London, 1860. $5.00 2192 Lowrie. A Memorial of Mrs. Mary K. Lowrie (of Wilbraham, Conn.). I2ino, cloth, pp. 65. New York, Printed for Private Distribu tion, 1870. $1.00 2193 Lucas. Memorial of Har riet A. Lucas, wife of John Lucas, of Philadelphia, Pa. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 262. (Phila., 1893.) $1.00 Chairman of Committee of Woman s Work of Chicago Exposition. 2194 Ludlow. Manuscript Ab stract of Wills of the Ludlow Family, in Dr. Purple s handwriting. 3 pieces. $1.50 2195 Ludlow. In Memoriam. David Orr Ludlow, 1867-1881. By Eliot McCormick. Portrait. 4to, cloth, pp. 45. New York, 1881. $0.75 2196 Lunt. Memoir of William Parsons Lunt (of Boston). By Na thaniel L. Frothingham. 8vo, cloth, pp. 16. Boston, Privately Printed, 1858. $1.00 2197 Lunt, William P. Gleanings. Portrait. I2mo, cloth, pp. no. Bos ton, 1874. $1-50 2198 Lyon. Memoirs of Miss Mary Lyon of New Haven, Conn. (With Extracts from her Journals, etc.) 121110, cloth, pp. 250. New Haven, 1837. $1.00 2199 Ly sons, Samuel. Our British Ancestors. Who and What Were They? I2mo, cloth, pp. 555. Ox ford, 1865. $3-50 2200 McCarthy. Edward Dorr McCarthy (of the New York Bar), 1839-1895. With genealogical table. Portraits. 8vo, boards, uncut, pp. 79. (1895.) $1-25 2201 McClellan. In Memoriam. Kate McClellan of Brooklyn, N. Y. Portrait. I2tno, cloth, pp. 79. New York, 1869. $1-50 2202 McDonald. Vindication of the "Clanronald of Glengarry" against attacks made in the Inverness Journal, with Remarks on the De scent of the Family of Clanronald (McDonald, Macdonell, Macronald, etc.). Folding chart. : 8vo, cloth, pp. 127. Edinburgh, 1821. $3-OO 2203 McKinley. The Scotch An cestors of William McKinley, ex- President of the United States. By Edward A. Claypool. Portrait. i2mo, paper, pp. 45. Chicago, 1897. $0.50 2204 McMillan, E. M. In the Morning of Life. A Tribute. Por trait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 151. Pittsburg; 1879. $1-50 2205 McNaughton. Tribute to the Memory of James McNaughton, M. D. (of Albany, N. Y.). Portrait, 4 to, cloth, pp. 96. Albany, 1875. $0.75 2206 Mack. The Descendants of John Mack of Lyme, Conn. With ap pendix containing genealogy of allied families, etc. By Sophia (Smith) 202 LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. Martin. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, pp. 1788. Rutland, Vt, 1903. $5.00 2207 Mackintosh. A Memorial. Charles Austin Mackintosh, of Massa chusetts. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 84. Cambridge, 1890. $1.00 2208 March. Tribute to the mem ory of Alden March, M. D. (of Al bany, N. Y.). Portrait. 4to, cloth, pp. 112. Albany, 1870. $0.75 2209 Marcy. In Memoriam. Oliver Marcy of Illinois. Portrait. I2mo, cloth, pp. 179. Printed for Private Circulation (1899). $1.00 2210 Marvin. Descendants of Reinold and Matthew Marvin of Hartford, Conn., 1638 and 1635. By George F. and Wm. T. R. Marvin. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 650. Bos ton, 1904. $7.00 221 1 Marshall. The Marshall Family. By W. M. Paxton. Por trait and chart. 8vo, unbound, uncut, pp. 515. Cincinnati, 1885. $3-5o 2212 Mason. Life and Writings of Ebenezer Porter Mason. Inter spersed with hints to parents and in structors on the training and educa tion of a child of genius. By Denison Olmsted. I2mo, cloth, pp. 252. New York, 1842. $ T .25 Relates almost entirely to his life at Yale. 2213 Mass. Year Books and Register of Members of Mass. Soci ety Sons of Am. Revolution (with Genealogical Records). 1894, 1897, 1899 and 1903. Illustrated. Each $1.00 2214 Mayer. Memoir and Gene alogy of the Maryland and Pennsyl vania Family of Mayer, 1495-1878. By Brantz Mayer. Illustrated. 4to, paper, pp. 178. Baltimore, 1878. $10.00 Only 50 copies privately printed for the family. 2215 Mead. History and Gene alogy of the Mead Family of Fair- field Co., Conn., Eastern New York, Western Vermont and Western Penn sylvania, 1180-1900. By Spencer P. Mead. Colored Coat of Arms, por traits and views. 8vo, cloth, pp. 471. New York, 1901. $12.00 With seperate Index, 72 pages, published in 1907. 2216 Meagher. Some Historical Notices of the Six Meaghers of Iker- rin. (With Wills, Church Records, etc.) By Dr. Wm. O Meagher. Plates. 8vo, sheets, pp. 216. New York, 1890. $2.50 This edition contains 25 pages relating almost entirely to the Rebellion, the ser vices of the N. Y. Regt. under command of Col. Thos. F. Meagher, etc. 2217 Meriwether. The Meri- wethers and jtheir Connections. A family record, giving the genealogy of the Meriwethers in America, to gether with biographical notes and sketches. By Louisa H. A. Minor. Coat of Arms and portraits. 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 180. Albany, 1892. $3.00 2218 Messinger. Genealogy of the Messinger Family. Compiled by Hon. George W. Messinger. 8vo, pa per, pp. 14. Albany, 1863. $1.50 Only 50 copies are said to have been printed. 2219 Miller. Memoirs of an Old Disciple and his Descendants: Chris tian, Sarah S., Isaac L. K., and John E. Miller. By Francis M. Kip. I2mo, cloth, pp. 309. New York, 1848. $5.00 2220 Milnor. Memoir of the Life of James Milnor, late Rector of St. George s Church, N. Y. By John S. Stone. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 646. New York, 1848. $1.00 2221 Montgomery. In Memorials. The Life and Character of the late Rev. Henry Eglinton Montgomery (of New York City). 8vo, cloth, pp. 42. New York, 1875. $1.00 2222 Morehouse. Ancestry and Descendants of Gershom Morehouse, Jr., of Redding, Conn., a Captain in the American Revolution. 8vo, boards, GENEALOGY AND PERSONAL MEMOIRS. 203 pp. 40. Printed for Private Circula tion, n. p., n. d. $2.50 2223 Morris. Memoranda of the Descendants of Amos Morris of East Haven, Conn, (by E. L. Hart and O. Street). Plate. "121110, cloth, pp. 103. New York, 1853. $3-o 2224 Morris, Morrison and True- blood Families. Among Ourselves; to a Mother s Memory. Being a life story (principally seven generations, especially of the Morris-Trueblood Branch, including not only descend ants of Benoni and Rebecca (True- blood) Morris, but their relatives and connections. By Sarah P. Morrison. Vol. I (only). Illustrated. I2mo, cloth, pp. 170. Plainfield, 1901. $1.50 2225 Morris. Glimpses of the Life of Samuel Morris. By his Daughter. Portrait. I2mo, cloth, pp. 207. Phila., Privately Printed, 1907. $1.00 Extracts from his diary. 2226 Morse, Abner. A Genea logical Register of the Descendants of Several Ancient Puritans. Vol. 2. Containing the Brigham, Hapgood, Pettee, Hewins, Frary, Willis and Cutler Families. Steel portraits. 8vo, boards, uncut, pp. 238. Boston, 1859. $15.00 2227 Mott. James Mott of Dutchess Co., N. Y., and his Descendants. By Edward D. Harris. 8vo, cloth, pp. 58. (New York, n. d.) $5.00 2228 Mowry. A Family History. Richard Mowry of Uxbridge, Mass., his Ancestors and Descendants. By Wm. A. Mowry. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 238. Providence, 1878. $2.00 2229 Mowry. The Descendants of Nathaniel Mowry of Rhode Island. By William A. Mowry. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 343. Providence. 1878. $1.50 2230 Mudge. Memorials : Being a Genealogical, Biographical and His torical Account of the Name of Mudge in America, from 1638-1868. By Alfred Mudge. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 443. Boston, Printed for the Family, 1868. $4.00 2231 Munroe. The Munroe Gene alogy, by John G. Locke. 8vo, paper, pp. 15. Boston, 1853. $3-OO Several pages of manuscript additions laid in. 2232 Munsell. Genealogy of the Windsor Family of Munsell. (By H. R. Stiles.) 8vo, paper, pp. 8. $0-75 2233 Munsell. Biographical Sketch of Joel Munsell. By George R. Howell. With genealogies of the Munsell and Windsor Families, by Frank Munsell. Portrait. 8vo, un bound, pp. 16. Boston, 1880. $1.00 2234 Munson. Historical Address at the First Munson Family Reunion (with genealogy), held at New Haven, August 17, 1887. By Myron A. Mun son. 8vo, paper, pp. 56. New Haven, 1887. $1.00 2235 Murphy. Proceedings at the Dinner given by the Citizens of Brooklyn at the Mansion House, Aug. 5, 1857, to Hon. Henry C. Murphy. Previously to his Departure as Minis ter to the Netherlands. 5 steel por traits laid in. 8vo, cloth, pp. 90. Brooklyn, 1867. $2.00 2236 Names. Phillimore, W. P. W., and Fry, Edward A. An Index to Changes of Name. Under Author ity of Act of Parliament or Royal Licence and including Irregular Changes from I George III to 64 Victoria, 1760-1901. With an Intro duction on the Law of Change of Name. 8vo, cloth, pp. 357- London, 1905. $3- 2237 Navarre; or, Researches after the Descendants of Robert Navarre, whose ancestors are the noble Bourbons of France, and some historical notes on families who inter married with Navarres. By Christian 204 LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. Denissen. Portrait. 8vo, calf, pp. 418. Detroit, 1897. $5 .00 2238 Newcomb. Sketch of the Life of Dan forth Stillman Newcomb (of Boston). By Joseph Cummings, D. D. 8vo, cloth, pp. 88. Boston, Not Published, 1855. $1.00 2239 Newcomb. In Memoriam. Harriott Sophie Newcomb (of N. Y. City). I2mo, cloth, pp. 48. (New York, 1870.) $1.00 2240 Newell. Memoirs of Fanny Newell. i6mo, calf, pp. 216. Spring field, Mass., 1833. $1.50 2241 New England Historical and Genealogical Register, published quarterly under the Directions of the New England Historic Genealogical Society. Vol. I, 1847 to Vol. 62, 1908. Portraits, etc. 62 vols., 8vo, original cloth (covers bound in). Vol. 1 6 the original edition. Boston, 1847- 1908. $275.00 Of this valuable series little need be said. Its scarcity is extreme, particularly certain volumes. The portraits and illus trations are of great interest, and in many instances cannot be duplicated. Many bi ographies of distinguished men; genealo gies of American families ; transcriptions of church, town, county and court records ; historical memoranda; old account books; ancient private journals; old letters; mar riages and deaths ; notes and queries, etc., are here found. This set of books, to gether with Savage s Genealogical Diction ary, may be looked upon as the two sources of genealogical data in America. ^ 2242 New England Historic Genealogical Society s Memorial Biog raphies, 1845-62. 4 vols., 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1880-85. $8.00 Contains personal itms not to be found in any other publication. ^ 2243 New England Historic, Genealogical Society Proceedings, from 1871 to 1899, containing Ad dresses, Reports, etc. 29 pieces, 8vo, paper. Boston, 1871-1899. $5.00 2244 New Hampshire Repository, devoted to Education, Literature, etc., edited by Rev. William Cogswell. Portraits. Complete in six numbers. Oct., 1845, to Jany., 1847. 8vo > origi nal wrappers. Gilmanton, 1845-7. $25.00 Very rare. This is the forerunner of the New England Historic-Genealogical Regis ter, into which publication it was merged. The Editor, having been appointed Ed itor of a work to be published in Boston, entitled " The New England Historical and Genealogical Register," has made provision that subscribers to the Repository will re ceive the first two numbers of the Register in lieu of the last two numbers that were to have been printed of the Repository, etc. 2245 New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, devoted to the Interests of American Genealogy and Biography. Vols. i to 28 (la cking Vol. 27, No. 4). 28 vols. in the origi nal wrappers, uncut. New York, 1870-97. $75.00 2246 New York Wills, 1665-1800. Abstracts of Wills on File in the Sur rogate s Office (hitherto unpublished), with Notes, by Wm. S. Pelletreau, and Complete Indexes, Additions, etc., by Robt. H. Kelly. 17 vols., 8vo, cloth. New York/ 1 893- 1 909. $60.00 Probably the best work for tracing the genealogies of early New York families. The set is now complete and includes the Letters of Administration and unrecorded wills. The volumes are not sold, but only supplied to the shareholders of the N. Y. Hist. Society Publication Fund. I can sup ply some separate volumes to complete sets. 2247 New York. Register of the Empire State Society Sons of the Am. Revolution (with Genealogical Records). Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 584. New York, 1899. $2.00 2248 New York. Year Books, New York Society Sons of the Rev olution (with Genealogical Records). 1890, 91, 92, 93, 96, 98 and 1903. Illustrated. Each $1.00 2249 New York City. Trotuv Boof oft. Register der Personen, die Hier ingeschreeven ende Hier, oft buyten dese Stadt New-Yorke. First Part. Dec. n, 1639, totten Jany. GENEALOGY AND PERSONAL MEMOIRS. 205 1666. A Manuscript Copy. Folio, paper. $5- The Marriage Book, or register of per sons who were married in New York city. 2250 Norris. Lineage and Biog raphies of the Norris Family in Amer ica. 1640-1892. By Leonard A. Mor rison. With references to the Nor- rises of England as early as 1311. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 207. Bos ton, 1892. $1.50 2251 Nutting. A Record of Some of the Descendants of John Nutting, of Groton, Mass. By John Keep Nutting. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 277. Syracuse, 1908. $3.50 2252 Ogden-Hoffman. Manu script Genealogical Material collected by Dr. Purple and in his handwriting relating to the Ogden and Hoffman Families. 23 pieces. $5-QO 2253 Olin. The Olin Souvenir. (Prospectus of the Olin Genealogy.) By C. C. Olin. Portrait. 161110, pa per, pp. 9. 1892. $0.50 2254 Oliver, Henry Kemble (of Mass.). By Jesse H. Jones. 8vo, cloth, uncut, pp. 47. (1886.) $1.00 2255 Opdyck. Manuscript Gene alogical Material. Collected by Dr. Purple and in his handwriting, relat ing to the Opdyck and Opdyke Fam ilies. 30 pieces. $5oo 2256 Oriental Genealogy. By Colonel Miles. The Shajrat ul Atrak, or Genealogical Tree of the Turks and Tartars. 8vo, boards, uncut, pp. 383. London, 1838. $2.00 2257 Oxenbridge. The Oxen- bridges of Brede Place, Sussex, and Boston, Mass., by Wm. D. Cooper. 8vo, paper, pp. 20. London, 1860. $1.00 2258 Paine Family Records. Edited by H. D. Paine. 2 vols., sheets. Vol. I wants part I ; Vol. II wants charts 2 and 3. New York, 1880-83. $3-00 2259 Palmer. Tributes Offered by Members of the iQth Century Club to its Founder and First President, Courtlandt Palmer. Portrait. 4to, cloth, pp. 250. New York, 1889. $0-75 2260 Parsons. Chart Showing the Descendants of Cornet Joseph Par sons ; came from England 1635, and settled in Springfield, Mass. ; after wards in Northampton, Mass. 4to, sheet. $3-00 2261 Patterson, Morris (of Phila delphia). Memorial Discourse. Por trait. 4to, cloth, pp. 82. (1878.) $I.OO 2262 Paulet. A Manuscript Gene alogy of the Paulet or Paulding Fam ily. By Albert Welles. A manuscript some 25 yards long, written in pencil. $8.00 2263 Pedigrees. A Catalogue of Pedigrees Hitherto Unindexed. 8vo, boards, pp. 70. London, Published for the Editor, 1867. $2.00 2264 Penn. Pedigree and Genea logical Notes from Wills, Registers and Deeds of the Penn Family of England and America. Folding pedi gree, seals, etc. 8vo, paper. London, 1871. $1-25 2265 Penna. Register, Penna So ciety Sons of the Revolution. 1891, 1899-00, 1803. Each $1.00 2266 Pennypacker. The Pedigree of Samuel W., Henry C., Isaac R., James L., of Philadelphia, sons of Isaac Henderson Pennypacker, and of Anna Maria Whitaker (Pennypacker). Folio. Pedigree bound in cloth cover. Phila., 1892 $15.00 Fifty copies privately printed. 2267 Pepper. The Monument to William Pepper, Md. Its Inception, Completion and Presentation. Illus trated. 4to, cloth, uncut, pp. 79- Phila., 1900. $T.OO 2268 Perkins. Letters Concern ing the Perkins Family. Plate and 206 LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. Coats of Arms. 8vo, paper, pp. 24. Salem, 1887. $1.00 2269 Perkins, Mary E. Old Fam ilies of Norwich, Conn., 1660-1800. Adgate, Backus, Baldwin, Bingham. Vol. I, part i (all published). 410, paper, pp. 50. Norwich, 1900. $1.50 2270 Perry. Our Perry Family in Maine. Its Ancestors and De scendants. By Charles N. Sinnett. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 125. Lewis- ton, Me., 1911. $3.00 2271 Pfautz. Family Record of John Michael Pfauts, native of Swit zerland, who emigrated to America 1707, and his posterity down to the year 1880. By John E. Pfautz. i6mo, cloth, pp. 70. Lancaster, 1881. $3-50 2272 Phelps. The Phelps Family in America, descendants of George and William Phelps, who came from England 1630 and settled in Dorches ter, Mass., 1635. Colored Coat of Arms, and portrait. 4to, pp. 15. n. p., n. d. $3.50 2273 Phetteplace. Pedigree of the Descendants of Philip Phette place, of Portsmouth, R. I., 1687- 1767. Sheet g l / 2 x io]/ 2 inches. $5.00 2274 Philbrick. A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, descendants of Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667. By Rev. Jacob Chapman. Portrait. Svo, cloth, pp. 202. Ex eter, N. H., 1886. $6.00 With pamphlet on Thomas Philbrick and his family, 1583-1883. 10 pages. 2275 Phoenix. Sermon on the Death of Rev. Alexander Phoenix. By Rev. S. Bourne, Jr. 8vo, cloth, pp. 32. Printed for Private Distribu tion, 1864. $0.50 2276 Phoenix. The Descendants of John Phoenix, an Early Settler of Kittery, Maine. By S. Whitney Phoenix. With A. L. S. 8vo, boards, uncut, pp. 51. New York, Privately Printed, 1867. $10.00 Only ioo copies printed for private cir culation. 2277 Pickard. Memoir and Writ ings of Mrs. Hannah M. Pickard. (New England, New Brunswick, etc.) By Edward Otheman. 8vo, cloth, pp. 311. Boston, 1845. $1.00 2278 Pierce. The Pierce Gene alogy. Being the Records of the Pos terity of Capt. Michael, John, and Capt. Wm. Pierce, who came to this Country from England. By Fred erick C. Pierce. Coat of Arms. 8vo, cloth, pp. 441. Albany, 1889. $3.50 2279 Pinkham. Memoir of Mrs. Rebekah P. Pinkham (of Maine). By E. W. Garrison. Portrait. i6mo, cloth, pp. 160. Portland, 1840. $1.00 2280 Platt. Life and Letters of Mrs. Jeanette H. Platt (of Delaware, Ohio). Compiled by her husband. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 363. Phila., 1882. $1.50 2281 Plumb, Henry B. Pedigrees of the Blackmans, Darrows, Booses, Jonesses, Collingses, Stearnses, Straws, Plumbs and Hydes. 4to, paper, pp. 22. 1894. $3.50 Only ioo copies printed. 2282 Pollock. In Memoriam. James Pollock. Governor of Pennsyl vania. Portrait. I2mo, cloth, pp. 77. (1890.) $0.75 2283 Poore. Genealogy of John Poore of Newberry, Mass., for ten Generations, 1615-1880, including Posterity of numerous Daughters, whereby Pedigrees of many other Families are Given. By Alfred Poore. 4to, cloth, pp. 332. Salem, 1881. $5.00 2284 Pound and Kester Families. Containing an Account of the Ances try of John Pound and William Kes ter, and a Genealogical Record of all their Descendants and other Family Historical Matter. By John E. Hunt. 8vo, cloth, pp. 628. Chicago, 1904. $4.00 2285 Powell. A Tribute to the Memory of James A. Powell. (With sketch of the Ludlow Family, and GENEALOGY AND PERSONAL MEMOIRS. 207 chart of the Ludlow and Powell Fam ilies.) By A. Gerald Hull. Plates. 8vo, leather. Not Published, 1829. $5.00 2286 Powell. Memorial of Thomas Powell, who died at his Residence in Newburgh, N. Y., 1856. By R. B. Van Kleeck. 8vo, paper. New- burgh, 1856. $5-oo Privately printed. Purple, $9.50. Also sermon and obituary addresses. 2287 Powell. Pedigree of the Family of Powell, from Henry VII to Victoria. With a pedigree of the fam ily of Baden and Thistlethwayte. By Edgar Powell. Coat of Arms, folding pedigree, plate and facsimile. 4to, cloth, pp. 139. London, 1891. $7.50 2288 Pratt. In Memoriam. Charles Pratt (of Brooklyn, N. Y.). Por trait. 4to, vellum, uncut, pp. 134. Brooklyn, 1891. $1.50 2289 Preble. Memoir of the Life of Hariet, containing portions of her correspondence, journal, and other writings. By R. H. Lee. Portrait. J2mo, cloth, pp. 409. New York, 1856. $1.00 2290 Preble. Genealogical Sketch of the First Three Generations of Prebles in America, with an Account of Abraham Preble the Emigrant, their Common Ancestor. By George H. Preble. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 336. Boston, Printed for Family Cir culation, 1868. $15.00 Only 125 copies printed for private dis tribution. 2291 Price. In Memory of Luch Silber Price, of Philadelphia. Por trait. I2mo, cloth, pp. 38. (1878.) $1.00 2292 Prime. Notes, Genealogical, Biographical and Bibliographical of the Prime Family. By E. D. Prime. 8vo, cloth, pp. 118. New York, 1888. $2.00 Printed for private use, none for sale. 2293 Prince. Descendants of Daniel Prince. By Frank A. Prince. Portrait. 8vo, paper, pp. n. Daniel- son, Conn., 1898. $1.00 2294 Princes. Records of Our Ancestors. A complete list of all per sons by the name of Prince, who served, in the Rev. War, War 1812, and Civil War, edited by Frank A. Prince. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. Frank lin, 1898. $1.50 2295 Prindle. Embracing the de scendants of William Prindle, and also the descendants and ancestors of Zalmon Prindle. 1654-1906. By Franklin C. Prindle. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 335. New York, 1906. $4-50 No. 121 of 350 copies printed and type distributed. 2296 Provoost. Genealogical Notes of the Provoost Family of New York. By Edwin R. Purple. Por trait. 4to, cloth, pp. 32. New York, Privately Printed, 1875. $3-5O Only 100 copies printed. 2297 Pudney. Prospective His tory of the Pudney Family, descend ants of John Pudney, of Salem, Mass. 1662-1889. By W. D. Pudney. 8vo, pp. 15. (Cleveland, 1900.) $1.50 2298 Purple, Edward R. Manu script Genealogical Memoranda of the Purple Family. Copies of old New England Records, Wills, etc. 16 papers. $3-5 2299 Purple. Copies and Ex tracts from Early New York Wills, Lists of Baptisms, Marriages, etc., including Elizabeth De Lancey, Gov. William Burnet, Gerard Beekman, Cornelia De Peyster, etc.. made at various times by Samuel S. Purple, and all in his handwriting. Laid in a 4to scrap book. $7-5O 2300 Purple. Manuscript gene alogical notes, pedigrees, copies of old wills, etc., made by and in the handwriting of Dr. Samuel S. Purple, 208 LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. also a few genealogical letters ad dressed to the Purples. (A large package, some hundreds of pieces.) $15.00 An invaluable collection for a genealogi cal library or working genealogist. 2301 Putnam. A History of the Putnam Family in England and America. By Eben Putnam. Col ored Coat of Arms, portrait and plate. 2 parts, 8vo, paper. Salem, 1893-4. $3- Parts 4 and 5. 2302 Randolph. Fitz. Randolph Traditions. A Story of a Thousand Years, by L. V. E. Randolph. Illus trations and genealogical tables. 121110, cloth, pp. 134. (New York) 1907. $1.25 2303 Rawlins. Notes Relating to Rawlins, or Rollins, with Notices of Early Settlers of the Name in Amer ica, and Family Records of Thomas of Boston, Nicholas of Newbury, William of Gloucester. By John R. Rollins. Portrait. 8vo, paper, pp. 84. Lawrence, 1870. $1.50 2304 Read. Reed-Read Lineage. Capt. John Reed of Providence, R. I., and Norwalk, Conn., and his De scendants, through his sons John and Thomas. 1660-1909. By Ella Reed Wright. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 780 / Waterbury, 1909. $9.00 2305 Renick. Memoirs. Corre spondence and Reminiscences of Wil liam Renick (Ohio Pioneer). With brief Genealogy. By William Renick. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 115. Circle- ville, O., 1880. $2.50 Not in Thompson. 2306 Reynolds, William. A Life Sketch. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 95. Peoria, 111., 1897. $1.00 2307 Richards. Memorial of Rev. Elias J. Richards, Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church at Reading, Pa. Portrait. I2mo, cloth, pp. 84. Phila., 1872. $0-75 2308 Richards. In Loving Mem ory of Sarah Evans Richards, of Philadelphia. Portrait. I2mo, cloth, pp. 101. Phila., 1905. $1.00 2309 Riddle. History of the An cient Ryedales and their Descend ants, 860-1884. A Genealogy and Biography for 1000 Years of the Families of Riddell, Riddle, Ridlon, Ridley, etc. By G. T. Ridlon. Illus trated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 786. Man chester, 1884. $5-00 2310 Robertson. An Outline of the Life of George Robertson (of Kentucky). Written by himself. With an introduction and appendix by his son. 8vo, cloth, pp. 209. Lex ington, Ky., 1876. $2.50 2311 Robinson. Memoir of Rev. William Robinson, formerly pastor of Congregational Church in Southing- ton, Ct. With some account of his ancestors in this country. By Ed ward Robinson. 8vo, cloth, pp. 214. New York, Printed for Private Cir culation, 1859. $2.50 2312 Robinson. Recollections of Olden Times. Rowland Robinson of Narragansett and his Unfortunate Daughter. With Genealogies of the Robinson, Hazard, and Sweet Fam ilies of Rhode Island. By Thomas R. Hazard and Willis P. Hazard. 8vo, cloth, pp. 264. Newport, 1879. $3-50 2313 Rogers. Memoirs of Rev. Ammi Rogers, Clergyman of the Episcopal Church, persecuted in Con necticut on account of Religion and politics, and falsely imprisoned in Norwich, Conn. Compiled by him self. 121110, half calf, pp. 268. Mid- dlebury, Vt., 1830. $1.00 2314 Rogers. John Rogers of Marshfield, and some of his Descend ants. By Josiah H. Drumtnond. 8vo, paper, pp. 195. Portland, 1898. $2.50 2315 Rowland. Memorial of the Life and Services of Rev. Henry A. GENEALOGY AND PERSONAL MEMOIRS. 209 Rowland, pastor of Park Presby terian Church, Newark, N. J. By E. R. Fairchild. Portrait. I2mo, cloth, pp. 191. New York, 1860. $0-75 2316 Rowson. A Memoir of Mrs. Susanna Rowson, with extracts from her writings in prose and poetry. By Elias Nason. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 212. Albany, 1870. $1.25 Revolutionary experiences, theatrical and literary life of the times. 2317 Rumpff. Transplanted Flowers; or, Memoirs of Mrs. Rumpff, daughter of John Jacob Astor and Duchess De Broglie, by Robert Baird. Portrait by Prud- Jwmme. 121110, cloth, pp. i6o-f-8. New York, 1839. $1.25 2318 Russell. Sketch of the His tory of the House of Russell. By David Ross. I2mo, paper, pp. 844-8. London, 1848. $2.00 2319 Rutherford. Family Rec ords and Events, compiled principally from the Original Manuscripts in the Rutherford Collection, by Livingston Rutherford. Illustrations and folding genealogical tables. 8vo, cloth, pp. 355. New York, 1894. $10.00 Edition limited to 150 copies. 2320 Sackett. Family Record: Consisting of Genealogical Table and Biographical Notes relating to Ances tors of Adam Tredwell Sackett, their children and children s children. By Charles H. Weygant. 8vo, paper, pp. 31. Newburgh, 1899. $2.00 2321 Sanford. Memoir of Rev. David Sandford, pastor of the Village Church in Medway, Mass. By Wm. M. Cornell. I2mo, cloth, pp. 90. Middleboro, Mass., 1878. $0.75 2322 Sanford. Genealogy of Wil liam Sanford, of Madison, N. Y. Of the Sixth American Generation. By Herman H. Sanford. Portraits. 8vo, paper, pp. 70. Syracuse, 1894. $2:50 2323 Sands. Descent of Comfort Sands and of his Children. (By Temple Prime.) 8vo, paper, pp. 91. New York, 1886. $3.50 With notes on the families of Ray, Thomas, Gutheris, Alcock, Palgrave, Cor nell, Didge, Hunt and Jessup. 2324 Sargent. Memorial of Mary Elizabeth Sargent, of New Orleans, La. 121110, cloth, uncut, pp. 30. (1904-) $1.50 2325 Sater. Maclay, Isaac W. Henry Sater, 1690-1754, an Early Adventurer to Virginia and subse quently a Settler in Maryland (with Genealogy, 51 pages). Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1897. $3.00 2326 Savage, James. A Genea logical Dictionary of the First Set tlers of New England, showing three generations of those who came before May, 1692, on the Basis of Farmer s Register. 4 vols., 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1860-62. $65.00 2327 Savory. Genealogical Sketch of some of the descendants of Robert Savory of Newbury, 1656. By Fred erick W. Lamb. Second edition, re vised and enlarged. Portrait. 8vo, paper, pp. 16. Manchester, 1904. $0.50 2328 Seaman. Folding Pedigree of the Family of Seamans descended from Capt. John Seamon, of Hemp- stead, L. I., who came from England about 1660. By Jordan Seaman, pp. ii. n. p., n. d. $5-OO 2329 Searight. A Record of the Searight Family (also written Sea- wright) in America. By William Seawright, who came from near Lon donderry in the north of Ireland, to Lancaster Co., Pa., 1740. With an account of his descendants as far as can be ascertained. By James Sea- right. Svo, leather, pp. 228. Union- town, Pa., 1893. $4.00 2330 Sears. In Memoriam. Ed mund H. Sears ; Ellen B. Sears and Katharine Sears, of Massachusetts. I2mo, cloth, pp. 171. Boston, 1898. $1.00 210 LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. 2331 Sessions. Materials for a History of the Sessions Family in America, by Francis C. Sessions. Illustrated. 4to, boards, pp. 252. Albany, 1890. $2.00 2332 Sewall. Pedigree of Sewall Family from Materials furnished by the Rev. Samuel Sewall of Burling ton, Mass. The original manuscript. Size 16 x 16 inches. $3.50 2333 Sewall. Pedigree of the Sewall Family from Material fur nished by Rev. Samuel Sewall of Burlington, Mass. Chart. 4to. $3.00 Unique copy, with extensive manuscript additions. 2334 Sewall. Pedigree of the Sewal Family from Materials fur nished by Rev. Samuel Sewall of Burlington, Mass. A sheet i2 l / 2 x 19 inches. $1.50 2335 Schell. Memoir of Augustus Schell (of Schenectady, N. Y.). By Francis Schell. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 83. New York, Privately Printed, 1885. $1.00 2336 Schell. Researches of De scendants of John Christian Schell and John Schell. By Christian Denissen. Portrait. 8vo, paper, pp. 94. Detroit, n. d. $3 .00 2337 Schoff. The Descendants of Jacob Schoff, who came to Boston in 1752 and Settled in Ashburnham in 1757. With an account of the German Immigration into Colonial New Eng land. By Wilfred H. Schoff. Plates. 8vo, cloth, pp. 163. Phila., 1910. $4-50 2338 Schuyler Family. By Joel Munsell. 8vo, paper, pp. u. Albany, 1874. $5.00 Very scarce, only 30 copies privately printed from the N. H. Genea. and Bio graphical Record. 2339 Schuyler. A Memorial of Louis Sand ford Schuyler. Portrait. I2mo, cloth, pp. 153. New York, 1879. $1.50 2340 Scovel. Memoir of Sylvester Scovel, President of Hanover College, Ind. By James Wood. Portrait. I2mo, cloth, pp. 213. New Albany, 1851. $1.25 One of the early books on education in Indiana. 2341 Sheldon. The Sheldon Mag azine : a genealogical list of the Shel- dons in America. With biographical and historical notes, and notices of the families with which they inter married. By Henry O. Sheldon. 8vo, 2 parts. Sidney, O., 1857. $7.50 Parts 3 and 4, for April and October, 1857- 2342 Shippen. Genealogy of the Descendants of Dr. William Shippen, the Elder of Phila., member of the Continental Congress. By Roberdeau Buchannan. 8vo, paper, pp. 16. Washington, Privately Printed, 1877. $2.00 2343 Shuey. History of the Shuey Family in America. 1732-1876. By D. B. Shuey. I2mo, cloth, pp. 279. Lancaster, 1876. $2.00 Contains extra leaf of " Revised Dats " connecting and bringing the work down to Nov., 1877. 2344 Sims, Richard. Manual for the Genealogist, Topographer and Antiquary. Descriptions of Public Records, Registers, Wills, Family Histories, etc. 8vo, cloth, pp. 527. London, 1856. $3.00 2345 Smedley. Genealogy of the Smedley Family. Descended from George and Sarah Smedley, settlers in Chester Co., Pa. With brief notices of other families of the name and ab stracts of early English Wills. Por traits. By Gilbert Cope. 4to, cloth, uncut, pp. 1,000. Lancaster, Pa., 1901. $5.00 2346 Smelt. Memoir of the Life of Miss Caroline Elizabeth Smelt of Augusta, Ga. Compiled from Au thentic Papers. By Moses Waddel. I2mo, calf, pp. 175. New York, 1818. $3.00 GENEALOGY AND PERSONAL MEMOIRS. 211 2347 Smith. The Heraldry of Smith in Scotland, with Genealogical Annotations. 4to, paper, uncut. London, 1873. $i-5 2348 Smith. A Complete Gene alogy of the Descendants of Matthew Smith of East Haddam, Conn., with mention of his ancestors. 1637-1890. By Sophia (Smith) Martin. 8vo, cloth, pp. 269. Rutland, Vt., 1890. $3.00 2349 Smith Families of New York and Long Island, 1664-1794. Wills of. Careful Abstracts of All the Wills of the Name of Smith Recorded in New York, Jamaica, and Hempstead Prior to 1794. Edited, with genea logical and historical notes, by Wm. S. Pelletreau, with indexes of Names and Localities. 4to, cloth. New York, 1898. $3.00 Only 340 numbered copies were printed, and published uniform with " The Early Long Island Wills." 2350 Smith. Memorial and Bio graphical Sketch of Elisha Dickinson Smith (of Menasha, Wis.). By H. A. Miner. Portraits and plates. 8vo, cloth, pp. 72. Madison, Wis., Privately Printed, 1903. $1.25 2351 Smith. The Smith Family. Being a Popular Account of Most Branches of the name, however spelt. From the I4th Century downwards, with Numerous Pedigrees now pub lished for the first time. By Compton Reade. 8vo, cloth, pp. 280. London, 1904. $3.00 2352 Smyth. Discourses and Let ters Commemorative of Emily Lane Smyth (wife of ex-Governor Fred erick Smyth, of Manchester, N. H.). Portrait. Small 4to, cloth, pp. 147. Manchester, 1885. $1.00 2353 Soult. Extracts from the Journal of Marshal Soult: Addressed to a Friend, how Obtained and by whom Translated. By G. L. Knapp. I2mo, boards, uncut, pp. 143. New- buryport, 1817. $1.50 2354 Sprague. Memorial of the Sprague Family. A Poem, recited at a meeting in Duxbury of the De scendants and Connections of Seth Sprague. With the family genealogy and biographical sketches in notes. By Richard Soule, Jr. Portrait, fac similes and view. I2mo, cloth, pp. 191. Boston, 1847. $3-5 A. L. S. of the author laid in. 2 355 Sprague. A Tribute to Elizabeth R. Sprague (of Boston). 8vo, boards, uncut, pp. 41. Boston, Privately Printed, 1905. $1.00 2356 Speed. Pedigree of Speed of Southampton and Extracts from Church Registers, etc., and four-page letter from the Vicar of Pear Tree Vicarage, Southampton. 4 pieces. $2.50 2357 Spottswood. Brief Annals of Rev. W. Lee Spottswood. (Life in Va., Penna., etc.) Portrait. I2mo, cloth, pp. 351. Harrisburg, 1888. $1.50 2358 Stackhouse. The Book of the Descendants of John Stackhouse, and Elizabeth Buckingham, his Wife. By Powell Stackhouse and Wm. R. Stackhouse. Colored Coat of Arms. 8vo, paper, uncut. Moorestown, N. J., 1906. $7.50 No. 47 of only 50 copies printed. 2359 Stafford. A Contribution to the Genealogy of the Stafford Fam ily in America, containing an account of Col. Job Stafford and a complete record of his descendants in the male line. By H. M. Benedict. Portrait. 8vo, paper, pp. 27. Albany, 1870. $2.50 Has the rare folding plan of Peart Street, N. Y., with the families living on it. 2360 Stanford. Memoir of Rev. John Stanford, Chaplain to the Hu mane and Criminal Institutions in the City of New York, by Charles G, Sommers. Portrait and plate. I2mo, cloth, pp. 417. New York, 1835. $2.25 2361 Starin. The Starin Family in America, descendants of Nicholas 212 LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. Ster, one of the Early Settlers of Fort Orange, N. Y. By William L. Stone. 4to, cloth, pp. 233. Albany, 1892. $9.00 Presentation copy from the author. 2362 Steevens. A Genealogy of the Lineal Descendants of John Stee vens, who settled in Guilforcl, Conn., 1645. Compiled by Charlotte Stee vens Holmes, and edited by Clay W. Holmes. 8vo, cloth, pp. 162. (El- mira, N. Y., Printed for Private Dis tribution, 1896.) $5-oo 2363 Steiner. Genealogy of the Steiner Family, especially the De scendants of Jacob Steiner. By Lewis H. and Bernard C. Steiner. 8vo, pa per, pp. 103. Baltimore, 1896. $1.50 2364 Stetson. Genealogical and Biographical Sketch of the Name and Family of Stetson, 1634-1847 (De scendants of Robert of Scituate, 1634). 8vo, paper, pp. 116. Boston, 1847- $5-00 2365 Stewart. A Memoir of the Life and Labors of Rev. Thomas G. Stewart. By his Son. Portrait. I2mo, cloth, pp. 252. Phila., 1858. $1.00 Interesting account of Methodism in New Jersey. 2366 Stewart. A Life Sketch of P. P. Stewart (of Fairfield Co., Ct.). A mechanic, teacher and missionary. Portrait. 121110, cloth, pp. 138. New York, Printed for the Author, 1873. $1.00 2367 Stiles. Contributions Towards a Genealogy of the (Mass.) Family of Stiles, descended from Robert, of Rowley, Mass., 1659-1860. By Henry R. Stiles. 4to, paper, pp. 48. Albany, 1863. $3 .00 Only loo copies printed. 2368 Stiles. Genealogy of the Stiles Family (of Connecticut). From Stiles History of Ancient Windsor. 8vo, paper, pp. 31. $1.00 2369 Stiles. The Stiles Family in America. Genealogies of the Con necticut Family, descended from Windsor, etc. With the New York and Pennsylvania Families, by Henry R. Stiles. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, un cut, pp. 782. Jersey City, 1895. $3.00 ^ 2370 Stiles. A History of the Kentucky and Missouri Stiles, with a sketch of New Jersey and other Kin dred. By L. S. Pence. Coat of Arms and portraits. 8vo, paper, pp. 45. Lebannon, 1896. $1.50 2371 Still. Early Recollections and Life of Dr. James Still. Por trait. I2mo, cloth, pp. 274. 1877. $1.50 2372 St. John. Descendants of Matthias St. John of Dorchester, Mass., 1634; of Windsor, Conn., 1640; of Wethersfield, Conn., 1643-1645, and Norwalk, Conn., 1650. By O. St. John Alexander. 8vo, cloth, pp. 644. New York, 1907. $9.00 2373 St. Nicholas Society. Gene alogical Record. Advance Sheets, First Series. 8vo, boards, pp. 113. New York, 1902. $1.00 2374 Stoddard. Genealogy of An thony Stoddard of Boston, Mass. Re vised and enlarged by E. W. Stod dard. N. Y., 1865; Genealogy of Anthony Stoddard of Boston and his descendants, 1639-1873. With an Ap pendix by E. W. Stoddard. N. Y., 1873; Genealogy of John Stoddard of Wethersfield, Conn., and his de scendants, 1642-1872. By D. W. Pat terson. Succasunna, N. Y., 1873 ; Genealogy of Ralph Stoddard, of New London and Groton, Conn., and his descendants. Compiled by E. W. Stoddard. N. Y., 1872. Coats of Arms and portraits. 4 vols. in one. 8vo, cloth. 1865-1873. $12.00 2 375 Stoddard. Some of the An cestors of Rodman Stoddard, of Waterbury, Conn., and Detroit, Mich. By Edward Deacon. Folding table and illustrations. 8vo, boards. Bridgeport, 1893. $5.00 2376 Stokes. In Memoriam. A Biographical Sketch of Thomas GENEALOGY AND PERSONAL MEMOIRS. 213 Stokes. By James S. Dickerson. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 39. New York, 1870. $1.50 2377 Stranahan. In Memoriam. Mrs. Mariamme Fitch Stranahan (wife of J. S. T. Stranahan of Brooklyn). By Samuel T. Spear. Photo portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 112. New York, 1867. $1.00 2378 Strobridge. Genealogy of Strobridge Morrison, or Morison Strobridge. By Mrs. Mary Stiles (Paul) Guild. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 315. Lowell, 1891. $6.00 Unique copy. No. 121 of only 500 copies printed. Laid in is an A. L. S. from the author stating that she has corrected and added with a pen all material received too late for printing in the proper places. 2379 Stuart. Discourse on the Life and Services of Prof. Moses vStuart. By William Adams. 8vo, cloth, pp. 71. New York, 1852. $1.00 2380 Stuart. In Memory of Jo seph Stuart (of New York). Photo portrait. 8vo, morocco, pp. 118. (n. p., 1874.) $2.00 2381 Studwell. The Studwell Family of Fairfield County, Conn. I2mo, cloth, pp. 45. n. p., 1889. $3.00 2382 Stuyvesant. Manuscript Genealogical Material collected by Dr. Purple, and in his handwriting, relating to the Stuyvesant Family. 14 pieces. $6.00 2383 Swartz. Autobiography of an American Mechanic. George W. Swartz of Philadelphia. Portrait. I2mo, cloth, pp. 68. Phila., 1895. $1.00 2384 Sweet. (Genealogical) Me mentos of the Sweet Family. By Eu gene Wingate Thornton. 8vo, cloth. Roxbury, Privately Printed, 1851. $2.50 Only IOO copies printed. Presentation copy from the author. 2385 Sweet. The Sweet Family. (Extracts from the Register, pp. 49- 62.) 8vo, paper. Boston, 1865. .50 2386 Swift. In Memoriam. Mary Elizabeth Swift (Wife of John A. Swift, of N. Y. City). I2mo, cloth, pp. 48. Printed for Private Distri bution, 1853. $1.00 2387 Swift. The Memoirs of Gen- Joseph G. Swift, first graduate of U. S. Military Academy, West Point, 1800-65. To which is added a gene alogy of the family of Thomas Swift of Dorchester, Mass., 1634. By Har rison Ellery. Portrait and Coat-of- Artns. 4to, cloth, pp 2924-584-7-+- ii. Worcester, Privately Printed, 1890. $6.00 2388 Taft. The Taft Family Gathering. Proceedings at Uxbridge, Aug. 1 2th, 1874. (The family of President Taft.) 8vo, paper. Ux bridge, 1874. $3.50 Presentation copy to Albert Welles. Dr. J. Taft, of Cincinnati. 2389 Taft. Ancestry of William Howard Taft. With Genealogy of the Torrey, Rawson, Wilson, Grin- dall, Hooker, Cheney, and Emerson Families. By Mabel T. R. Wash- burn. Illustrated. I2mo, paper, un cut, pp. 52. New York, 10/08. $1.00 2390 Tainter. A History and Genealogy of the Descendants of Jo seph. By Dean W. Tainter. 8vo, leather. Boston, Printed for Private Distribution, 1859. $3. 50 2391 Tappan, Henry P. Brief Memorials of an Only Daughter. I2mo, cloth, pp. 285. New York, Printed for Private Distribution, 1844. $i-5o 2392 Taylor. Reunion of the Family of Joseph Taylor at Middle- town, N. J., 1861. Manuscript Coat- of- Arms laid in. 4to, paper, pp. 9. New York, Printed for Private Cir culation, 1 86 1. $4-5 2393 Taylor. Some Account of the Taylor Family. By Peter A. Tay lor. Illustrated ivith 62 portraits, col ored coat-of-arms, etc. 4to, morocco, 2I 4 LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. gilt, pp. 699. London, Printed for Private Circulation, 1875. $45 .00 Edition limited to 100 copies. One of the most elaborate and beautiful family histories ever produced, money having been lavished upon its production without stint. Much of the matter was contributed by Col. Joseph L. Chester. The edition of loo copies was placed in hands where it does not come out. I have been unable to trace the sale of a copy in America. 2394 Temple. An Account of the Temple Family, with Notes and Pedi grees of the Family of Bowdoin. By W. H. Whitmore. 8vo, paper, pp. 15. Boston, Printed for Private Circula tion, 1856. $ I<00 2395 Temple. Some Account of the Temple Family. (By Temple Prime.) Folding table. 8vo, paper, pp. 100. New York, 1887. $1.50 2396 Thacher. The Thacher Family. Facts which have been as certained within eighteen months past, touching the early history of the Thacher family in England, chiefly through the indefatigable labors of Miss Julia W. Redfield, of Pittsfield, Mass., with certain comments there upon. i2mo, paper, pp. 6. Boston, l88 5- $2.00 2397 Thaw. In Memoriam. Wil liam Thaw (of Pittsburg, Pa.). Por trait. 4to, morocco, pp. 67. Pitts- burg, 1891. $ r . 50 2398 Thayer, Elisha. Family Memorial. Genealogies of the Alden, Adams, Bass, Billing, Capen, Cope- land, French, Hobart, Jackson, Paine, Thayer, Wales and White Families. 8vo, half calf, pp. 180+98. Hingham, Mass., 1835. $15.00 Fine copy, interleaved for additions. 2399 Thayer. Memoir of Nathan iel Thayer (of Lancaster, Mass.). By George E. Ellis. Portraits and illus trations. 8vo, cloth, pp. 51. Cam bridge, 1885. 75 2400 Thomas. Descendants of John Thomas, commencing with John Thomas Seaman of Stackville, N. B., grandson of John Thomas, 4th. (By Leonard J. Thomas.) Chart 18x23 inches. Eden, Me., 1850. $3.00 2401 Thomas. Genealogical Notes : Containing the pedigree of the Thomas Family of Maryland, and of the following connected families: Snowden, Buckley, Lawrence, Chew, Ellicott, Hopkins, Johnson, Ruther ford, Fairfax, etc. By Lawrence Buckley Thomas. Coats-of-Arms and views. 4to, cloth, pp. 197. Baltimore, Ig 77- $5.00 2402 Thomas. Address at the Annual Reunion of the Descendants of "Iron" John Thomas, held at Williamsport, Pa., Aug. 20, 1896. By John Meginness. 8vo, paper, pp. 17. Williamsport, 1896. $1.50 ^ 2403 Thomas Book. Giving the Genealogies of Sir Rhys ap Thomas, K. G. ; the Thomas Family descended from him and of some Allied Fami lies. By Lawrence Buckley Thomas, D. D. Portraits and illustrations. 8vo, cloth, pp. 642. New York, 1896. $4-50 Genealogies of Camby, Chew, Dallas In- gersoll Lawrence, Marshall, Montgomery Randolph, Sewall and other well-known families. 2404 Thompson. A Memoir of Judge JEbenezer Thompson, of Dun ham, N. H., with some account of his Parentage and Offspring. By Mary P. Thompson. 8vo, paper, pp. 86 Concord, 1886. $ 2 .oo Presentation copy. ^2405 Thorp. Memorial of Thomas S. Thorp, Jr. (with Extracts from his Letters with the 23d N. Y. Vols. in the Civil War). Portrait. i2mo, cloth, pp. 96. Brooklyn, Printed for Private Distribution, 1867. $1.50 2406 Thwing, C. F. The Family. An Historical and Social Study. 8vo, cloth, pp. 213. Boston, 1887. $1.00 2407 Tiernan. The Tiernans and Other Families (of Maryland). By GENEALOGY AND PERSONAL MEMOIRS. 215 Chas. B. Tiernan. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 466. Baltimore, 1901. $2.50 2408 Titled Americans. A List of American Ladies who have Mar ried Foreigners of Rank. Coats-of- Arms. I2mo, paper, pp. 258. New York, 1890. $1.00 2409 Tolman, James, of Concord, Mass. Memoir of. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 88. Boston, 1869. $1.00 2410 Tompkins. Cursory Family Sketches (of the Tompkins Family), by S. Ann Garnett. 8vo, cloth, pp. 140. Privately Printed, 1870. $3.50 Edition limited to 100 copies. 2411 Tompkins. A Record of the Ancestry and Kindred of the Children of Edward Tompkins, Sr. Late of Oakland, Cal. With an Appendix. Printed for the Compiler, with Pedi grees. 8vo, paper, pp. 65. n. p., 1893. $3-00 2412 Torrey. Genealogical Notes, showing the Paternal Line of Descent from William Torrey of Combe, St. Nicholas, England, 1557, to Jason Torrey of Bethany, Penn., with the Descendants of Jason Torrey, and of his Brothers and Sisters, to 1884. By John Torrey. 8vo, paper, pp. 50. Scranton, 1885. $2.50 Has the leaf of errata at end. 2413 Towne. The Towne Family Memorial, by Edwin Hubbard. With autograph letter from the Author to Henry B. Dawson, inserted. 8vo, paper, uncut, pp. 130. Chicago, 1880. $2.50 2414 Treman. Five Colonial Families. The History of the Tre man, Tremaine, Truman Family in America, with the Related Families of Mack, Dey, Board and Ayers : Be ing a History of Joseph Truman of Conn. (1666), John Mack (1680), Richard Dey of New York (1641), Cornelius Board (1730), John Ayer (1635), and their Descendants. By E. M. Treman and M. E. Poole. Illustrated. 2 vols., thick 8vo, cloth, pp. 2,128. Ithaca, 1901. $12.50 Published at $20.00 net. 2415 Trowbridge. The Trow- bridge Family or the Descendants of Thomas Trowbridge, one of the First Settlers of New Haven, Conn. By F. W. Chapman. 8vo, cloth, pp. 416. New Haven, 1872. $5.00 2416 Trowbridge. The Trow bridge Genealogy. The History of the Trowbridge Family in America. By Francis B. Trowbridge. Illus trated. 4to, cloth, pp. 848. New Haven, 1908. $15.00 2417 Tweed. Sketch of the James Tweed Family, Wilmington, Mass. By Benjamin Walker. I2mo, paper, pp. 30. Lowell, 1887. $1.00 2418 Tyler, Daniel. A Memorial Volume, containing his Autobiogra phy and War Record, with Abstract of Tyler Family Pedigree (by Don ald G. Mitchell). Portraits. 4to, cloth, pp. 1 86. New Haven, 1883. $5.00 200 copies, privately printed. 2419 Upham. Memoir of Chas. Wentworth Upham (with short gene alogy). By George E. Ellis. Por trait. 8vo, paper, pp. 43. Cambridge, 1877- -75 Presentation copy from the author. 2420 Usher. A Brief Genealogy of the Usher Family of New England. By W. H. Whitmore. Reprinted with additions from the N. E. Hist, and Genea. Register. 8vo, paper, pp. n. Boston, 1869. $1-00 2421 Van Benschoten. Concern ing the Van Bunschoten or Van Ben schoten Family in America. A Gene alogy and Brief History. Illustrated. 8vo," cloth, pp. 813. West Park-on- Hudson, 1907. $15.00 2422 Van Cott. Life and Labors of Mrs. Maggie Newton Van Cott, 2l6 LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. the First Lady Licensed to Preach in the Methodist Episcopal Church in the United States. By John O. Fos ter. Portrait. i2mo, cloth, pp. 339. Cincinnati, 1872. .75 2423 Van Dam. Manuscript Gene alogical Material. Collected by Dr. Purple, and in his handwriting, "relat ing to the Van Dam and Throckmor- ton Families. 19 pieces. $4.00 2424 Van Rensselaer. Memorial of Cortlandt Van Rensselaer. Por trait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 64. Phila., 1860. $2.00 2425 Van Kleeck. The Van Kleeck Family. An Account of its Origin, and a Record of that Branch of it represented by the Descendants of Tunis Van Kleeck of Poughkeepsie, N. Y. With miscellaneous material. I2mo, boards, pp. 59. n. p., 1900. $3.00 2426 Vermont, E. de. V. Amer ican Heraldica: a Compilation of Coats of^ Arms, Crests and Mottoes of Prominent American Families be fore 1800. 17 colored plates of 272 coats-of-arms. 410, half morocco, pp. 192. New York (1886). $7.50 2427 Vickers. The Vickers or Vickery Family (of Hull, Mass., 1679). 8vo, paper, pp. 5. (Albany, Ig 640 $1.00 2428 Vincent. Portions of Vin cent and Boddington Pedigrees. Com piled by R. S. Boddington. Private Impression. 4to, paper, pp. 12. Lon don, 1876. $2.00 ^ 2429 Vinton. Genealogical Sketches of the Descendants of John Vinton, of Lynn, 1648; and of Sev eral Allied Families. By John A. Vinton. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 232. Boston, Published for the Au thor, 1858. $3.00 With autograph letter and manuscript additions and corrections by the author. 2430 Virginia. Register Contain ing the Baptisms made in the Church of the French Refugees at Mannikin- town, Va., in the Parish of King Wil liam, in the Year of our Lord 1721. Folio, pp. 19. $600 2431 Visscher. Genealogy of the Visscher Family, written Visser, Vis- ger, Visselaer, De Vysslaar and De Visser. These names in English are Fisher. 4to, pp. 22. (n. p., 1880.) $2.50 2432 Wadsworth. Memoir and Literary Remains of Mary Esther Wadsworth (of Oneida Co., N. Y.), by her Sister. With an Introduction by Z. Paddock. i2mo, cloth, pp. 124. Binghamton, 1854. $1.25 2433 Wagenseller. History of the Wagenseller Family in America, with Kindred Branches, by Geo. W. Wag enseller. Portraits. i2mo, cloth, pp. 225. Middleburgh, 1898. $2.00 2434 Wagner. Memorial of Webster Wagner, of New York. Portrait. 4to, cloth, pp. 81. Albany, 1882. $ T .oo 2435 Waite. The \Vaite Family, of Maiden. By Deloraine P. Corey. 8vo, paper, pp. n. Maiden, For Private Distribution, 1878. $1.50 2436 Washington. Notes, Clip pings and manuscript material col lected by Dr. Samuel S. Purple for a History of the Washington Family. In an octavo, indexed book. $10.00 2437 Washington. Facsimiles of the Memorial Stones of the Last English Ancestors of George Wash ington, in the Parish Church of Brighton, England. Folio, paper, pp. 15. Boston, 1862. $2.00 2438 Washington. An Examina tion of the English Ancestry of George Washington, to connect him with the Washingtons of Sulgrave and Brington. With map and folding pedigree. By Henry F. Waters. 8vo, paper, pp. 53. Boston, 1889. .75 2439 Washington. The Irish Washingtons, at Home and Abroad. GENEALOGY AND PERSONAL MEMOIRS. 217 Together with some mention of the ancestry of the American Pater Patriae. By George Washington, of Dublin, Ireland, and Thos. H. Mur ray of Boston. Portraits. 8vo, paper, pp. 43. Boston, 1898. $i-5 2440 Walcott. Memorial Sermon delivered at the Funeral of Benjamin S. Walcott, of New York. By Chester Fitch. 4to, cloth, pp. 40. New York, 1862. $1.00 2441 Waldo and Chase Families, from the Registers of the Church of All Hallows, Bread Street London, with additions from the Visitation of London, 1664. Privately Printed. 4to, paper. $2.00 2442 Waldron. Pedigree of Wal- dron, compiled from Chancery Rec ords in the Tower of London and from the Parish Register of Alcester. By H. G. Somerby. A sheet 10 x i2 l / 2 inches. $1-5 2443 Walton. A Manuscript Pedi gree of the Walton Family. By Al bert Welles. A Manuscript about 10 yards long, in pencil. $5-5 2444 Ware. Descendants of Elisha Ware of Wrentham, Mass, (by Franklin W. Mann). Folding chart and facsimiles. 8vo, paper. (Mul- ford, 1896.) $1.50 2445 Warren. Memorial of Mrs. Nathan Warren (of Troy, N. Y.). 8vo, cloth, pp. 144. New York, 1859. $1.50 2446 Watson. John Watson of Hartford and his Descendants, his Genealogy. By Thomas Watson. Portrait. 8vo, half roan. New York, 1865. $2.00 2447 Webb. Genealogical Notes of the Webb Family by Edward S. Waters. 8vo, paper, pp. 24. Salem, 1880. $1-50 2448 Weeks. Leonard Weeks of Greenland, N. H., and Descendants. 1639-1888. By Joseph Chapman. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 184. bany, 1889. $3- 5 2449 Welch, Ashbel. Memoir. President of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Portrait. 4to, cloth, pp. 54. (1882.) $1.00 2450 Wellons. Life and Labors of Rev. William Brock Williams, of Virginia. By J. W. Wellons and R. H/ Holland. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 448. Raleigh, 1881. $2.50 2451 Wells. Genealogy of the Wells Family, of Wells, Me. By Charles K. Wells. 8vo, paper, pp. 38. Mihvaukee, 1874. $1.50 2452 Wentworth. A Genealogical and Biographical Account of the De scendants of Elder William Went worth, one of the first settlers of Dover, N. H. By John Wentworth. 8vo, paper, pp. 20. Boston, 1850. $7-50 Presentation copy. Whitmore copy fetched $15.00. 2453 West Simsbury, Conn. Gene alogical History, with Short Sketches and Family Records of the Early Settlers of West Simsbury, now Can ton, Conn. By Abiel Brown. And Introduction by Rev. J. Burt. Photo. 8vo, paper, pp. 151. Hartford, 1856. $7-50 Record and sketches of 185 families from monuments, burial records, probate records and recollections of old settlers then living. 2454 Westchester County. Early Wills of, from 1664 to 1784. A Care ful Abstract of All W T ills Recorded in New York Surrogate s Office, and at White Plains, N. Y., from 1664 to 1784, with Genealogical and Historical Notes by William S. Pelletreau. Uni- form with " Early Long Island Wills and " Smith Wills." 4*0, cloth. $5.00 2455 Whaley Family. English Records of the Whaley Family and its Branches in America. By Rev. Sam uel Whaley. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, pp. 233. Ithaca, 1901. $3- Contains accounts of the Bardwell, Dresser, Parsons and Cromwell families. 218 LATHROP C. HARPER, NEW YORK CITY. 2456 Whitall. Study of the Life of John M. Whitall (of Phila.). By Hannah W. Smith. Portrait. I2mo, pp. 338. Phila.; Printed for the Family, 1879. $2.00 25 pages of ancestry. 2457 White. A Manuscript Gene alogy of the Descendants of John White, of Brookline; Edward White of Dorchester; and William White of Boston. 4to, paper, pp. 57. $9.00 A neatly written manuscript. 2458 White. A Manuscript Gene alogy of the White Family. By Dr. Samuel S. Purple, and in his hand writing, on 27 sheets of paper each three feet long. $6.00 2459 White. Manuscript Genea logical Letters on the Descendants of Dr. Ebenezer White, of Westchester, N. Y. 4to, pp. 36. Mostly addressed to Lemuel Shattuck in 1846. $8.50 2460 White. Manuscript Genea logical Memoirs of the Descendants of William White, of Haverhill, Mass. 2 parts, 2 vols., 4to, paper, pp. 50. $10.00 2461 White. Manuscript Geneal ogy of the Descendants of Thomas White, of Charlestown, and John White of Lancaster. 4to, paper, pp. 22. $7.00 2462 White. Manuscript Gene alogy of the First Three Generations of the Descendants of William White, the Mayflower Pilgrim. 4to, paper, pp. 90, neatly written. $7. 50 2463 White. A Memorial of Mary A. White (of Hartford, Conn.). By Norman White. Portrait. 121110, cloth, pp. 116. New York, 1859. .75 2464 White. The White Family. (Descendants of James White, of Huntington, L. I., 1717. By H. K. White.) Oblong I2mo, paper, pp. 44. (Detroit, 1891.) $3.50 2465 White. Genealogy of " The Whites." By H. K. White. 4to, paper, pp. 35. Detroit, 1906. $1.50 2466 Whitmore. Notes on the Manor and Family of Whitmore. Compiled by W. H. Whitmore. 8vo, paper, pp. 14. Boston, Printed for Private Circulation, 1856. .75 2467 Whitmore, William H. Handbook of American Genealogy, being a catalogue of Family Histories and Publications containing Genealog ical Information Chronologically Ar ranged. Small 4to, half morocco, pp. 272. Albany, 1862. $2.00 Only 100 copies were printed. A pres entation copy from the publisher, Joel Munsell, with autograph inscription. 2468 Whitney. The Descendants of John Whitney, Who Came from London, England, to Watertown, Mass., in 1635. By Frederick Clinton Pierce. Illustrations. 8vo, cloth, pp. 691. Chicago, 1895. $9.00 2469 Whittier. Genealogy of Two Branches of the Whittier Family, 1620-1873. By D. B. Whittier. 8vo, paper. Boston, 1873. $1.50 2470 Whittlesey. Memorial of the Whittlesey Family in the United States. 8vo, cloth, pp. 125. (1855.) $2^.00 2471 Whittlesley. Memorial of Colonel Charles Whittlesley. (With genealogical particulars). Portrait. 8vo, paper, pp. 28. Cleveland, 1887. 75 2472 Wiggin. In Memoriam. Charles E. Wiggin, of Newmarket. N. H. With Genealogy and Family History. By C. E. and A. C. Wiggin. Portrait. I2mo, cloth, pp. 148. Boston, 1888. $3.50 2 473 Wight. The Wight Family. Memoir of Thomas Wight, of Ded- ham, Mass., with genealogical notices of his Descendants, 1637-1840. By Dan forth P. Wight. I2mo, cloth, pp. 119. Boston, 1848. $3.50 2474 Wileman. Manuscript Ab stract of Wills of Henry and Rachel Wileman, 1723-1760, in Dr. Purple s handwriting. 2 pieces. $1.00 GENEALOGY AND PERSONAL MEMOIRS. 219 2475 Williams. Genealogy of the Family of Williams in America, more particularly of the Descendants of Robert Williams of Roxbury. Por traits. i2mo, cloth, pp. 424. Green field, 1847. $5- 2476 Williams. Memoir of Hon. Reuel Williams (of Augusta, Me.). By John A. Poor. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. 66. Privately Printed, 1864. $1.00 2477 Wilmot. The Wilmot Fam ily of New Haven, Conn. By Donald L. Jacobus. 8vo, cloth, pp. 9. Boston, 1904- $ I - 2 5 2478 Winslow. The True Catho lic Churchman, in his (Life, and in his Death : The Sermons and Poetical Remains of Rev. Benjamin D. Wins- low (of St. Mary s Church, Burling ton, N. J.). By Rt. Rev. George W. Doane. 8vo, cloth, pp. 361. New York, 1841. $1.00 2479 Winthrop. Notes on the Winthrop Family and its English Connections before its Emigration to New England. By William H. Whit- more. 8vo, paper, pp. 10. Albany, 1864. $3.60 2480 Wittewronge. Pedigree of Wittewronge of Ghent, together with those of their Descendants Lawes, Capper, Burke, (Gery, etc. By Gery, Milner, Gibson, Cullum. 4to, paper, pp. 42. London, 1905. $2.00 2481 Wood. A Genealogy of the Lineal Descendants of William Wood who settled in Concord, Mass., 1638. Compiled by Clay W. Holmes. Por traits. 8vo, cloth, pp. 365. Elmira, 1901. $4.50 2482 Woodward. Genealogy of the Woodward Family of Chester Co., Pa. By L. Woodward. 8vo, cloth, pp. 114. Wilmington, 1879. $7.00 Very scarce. Whitmore copy fetched $9.00. 2483 Woodworth. Descendants of Walter Woodworth, of Scituate, Mass. By William A. Woodworth. 8vo, paper, uncut, pp. 134. White Plains, 1898. $2.00 2484 Yale Family; or, the De scendants of David Yale. With Genealogical Notices of Each Family. By Elihu Yale. 8vo, paper, pp. 201. New Haven, 1850. $3-OO Historical Works Published by Lathrop C* Harper AMERICAN EXPLORERS SERIES, No, 4. History of Early Steamboat Navigation on the Missouri River By CAPT. HIRAM M. CHITTENDEN, U. S. Engineer Corps. The Life and Adven tures of Joseph La Barge, Pioneer Navigator and Indian Trader. For fifty years identified with the commerce of the Missouri Valley. Map, portraits, and illustra tions from early photographs. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. (Edition limited to 950 copies.) $6.00 net A valuable and interesting original work by the author of " The American Fur Trade of the Far West." Very few people now have any conception of the part the steamboat navigation of the Missouri River played in the upbuilding of the West. The business of the fur trade, the intercourse of government agents with the Indians, the campaigns of the army throughout the valley, and the wild rush of gold-seekers to the mountains, all depended, in greater or less degree, upon the Missouri River as a line of transportation. No other river in this country has a record to compare with it. From beginning to end it abounds in thrilling incident, and the life which it fostered was full of picturesque and even tragic details. The American Fur Trade of the Far West By CAPT. HIRAM M. CHITTENDEN, U. S. Engineer Corps. A History of the Pio neer Trading Posts and Early Fur Companies of the Missouri Valley and the Rocky Mountains, and of the Overland Commerce with Santa Fe. etc., written largely from manuscript and other records hitherto inaccessible. Illustrated with maps and plates and an elaborate folding map of the Trans-Mississippi Territory, showing Posts, Trails, Waterways, Indian Tribes, etc., in great detail. 3 vols., 8vo. cloth, uncut, per set, ............ $10.00 net A work of the highest merit and greatest importance on the early history of the great West. The author has embodied in it the results of years of painstaking research, going into the whole subject with a thoroughness and ability rarely met with in these days. Every known printed authority has been consulted and digested, and in addition a mass of original manuscripts hitherto inaccessible has been placed at Capt. Chittenden s disposal. The result is that many important details connected with the discovery and development of the West are now first brought to light. This is a work that has at once taken its place in the very front rank in the field of American history. Such critics as Ripley Hitchcock and Cyrus Townsend Brady give it the highest praise. Written by one who is in thorough sympathy with his task, the entire subject is treated in the most happy style, and there is not a dull page in it. Part I. THE FUR TRADE. Character of the business Relations with the Indians Trad ing Posts The Trapping Fraternity, etc. Part II. HISTORICAL. Louisiana Rise of the Fur Trade St. Louis Early Expedition- Missouri Fur Co. Astoria The Rocky Mountain Fur Co. American Fur Co. Capt. Bonne- ville Nathl. T. Wyeth The Oregon Trail The Santa Fe Trail The Santa Fe Trade, etc. Part III. CONTEMPORARY EVENTS. Lewis & Clark and Long s Expeditions- Yellowstone Expedition of 1825 Military Occupations and Explorations Missionary Work, etc. Part IV. NOTABLE INCIDENTS AND CHARACTERS IN THE HISTORY OF THE FUR TRADE. The Lost Trappers The Battle of Pierce s Hole The Battle of Fort McKenzie Alexander Harvey Indian Escapes and Captivities, etc. Part V. THE COUNTRY AND ITS INHABITANTS. Mountains Rivers Indian Tribes, etc. Buffalo Beaver Bear and other Fauna. Life, Letters and Travels of Father De Smet By MAJOR HIRAM M. CHITTENDEN, U. S. Engineering Corps, and Mr. A. T. RICH ARDSON. A history of Father P. J. De Smet s Travels, Observations, Hardships, etc., on the Plains, his experience.s among the Indians of the West, and manners, customs, etc., mostly new material now for the first time printed and culled with great care from the original twenty-four manuscript letter books of Father De Smet. Illustrated with a map of his route, views of Trading Posts, Indians, Scenery, etc. 4 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut, per set, $15.00 net The authors state " We will show Father De Smet to be a great man, not merely in his call ing, but in the broader sphere of a public servant to his country, and we believe that this work will rank as one of the very best in the line of Western History and Exploration." To the text the authors have added numerous valuable historical, geographical, ethnological and other notes, and the work is one that will necessarily be consulted by all students and readers of Western History. Send for prospectus. Uniform with Dr. Coues " Pike s Expeditions," " Henry and Thompson Journals," and Major Chittenden s " American Fur Trade of the Far West." The Algonquian Series By WILLIAM WALLACE TOOKER. A series of ten valuable works, written by William Wallace Tooker, with Ethnological and Historical notes. Handsomely printed on fine paper, and edition limited to 250 copies. Sold only in complete sets. 10 vols., 121110, cloth. $15.00 net The series consists of 1. The Origin of tlit* \aiiie Miniluittim. 2. Indian \uineM of Places in the lloronuh of Ilrooklyii. :t. Tlie \anieN Susquelia mill, and Chesapeake. 4. The Indian Names for Long? Island. 5. The AlKOiiquiaii Xaniet* for the Sionliiii Tribes of Virginia. <>. The Horootawaiiaiikes, or the Fire Nation. 7. Some Indian Fishing- Stations upon l,onii Island. S. The AlK-on quiii 11 Terms Patiiwomeke and Massiiwomeke. J>. The Names Cliifkaliomiiiy, Pawmniikey and Kiiskara waoke. 10. The Significance of John Eliot s Natick and the Name Merrimac. Mr. William \Vallace Tooker has made the study of the ancient Indian names of localities, the vocabulary, and antiquities of these tribes his life work, and this series represents an im mense amount of research, some points requiring months to trace and verify. J he hist student will find in these volumes many valuable hints and facts not generally known, and t general reader will be interested in learning about the early Indian history and curious early- Indian names of his localities. Early Long Island Wills With Genealogical and Historical Notes by WM. S. PKLLETREAU. The Record of the Prerogative Court for the County of Suffolk from May, 1691, to April, 1703. A complete copy of the so-called " Lester Will Book," with index of names, localit and letters of administration. . . $5- net Edition limited to 340 numbered copies. An interesting work for collectors of Long Island material and invaluable for Genealogists and Lawyers. The Wills of the Smith Families of New York and Long Island 1664-1794 A careful abstract of all the Wills of the name of Smith recorded in New York, Jamaica, and Hempstead prior to 1794. Edited with genealogical and historical notes by WM. S. PELLETREAU, with indexes of names and localities. 4to, cloth. $3.00 net Edition limited to 340 numbered copies. Many of the families of Smiths that settled in New York City and on Long Island between the Years 1664 and 1794 are the original stock whose descendants are to be found in all parts ot the Tnited States, and these "Early Wills," now for the first time printed will be found to an invaluable aid to genealogists in tracing family history. The lawyer will be saved and expense hunting up these records. Early Wills of Westchester County, N. Y., from 1664 to 1784 A careful abstract of all Wills recorded in Xew York Surrogate s Office, and at White Plains, X. Y., from 1664 to 1/84, with genealogical and historical notes by WM S. PELLETREAU. Uniform with "Early Long Island Wills and Smith Wills." 4to, cloth, 488 pages. Edition limited to 340 copies. Uniform with Early Long Island and Smith Wills. Walt Whitman, The Man By THOMAS DONALDSON. Illustrated by (13) portraits and facsimiles of rare docu ments, letters, and manuscripts. Elegantly printed on fine deckle-edge book paper, and tastefully bound in cloth gilt, gilt top, post, 8vo, 300 pages. $1.75 A more readable volume of personal reminiscences it would be hard to produce. Mr. Donald son was Mr. Whitman s friend for thirty years. Dr. Elliott Coues Works on Western Exploration Expeditions of Zebulon Montgomery Pike To the Head Waters of the Mississippi River, the Interior Parts of Louisiana, Mex ico and Texas in the years 1805-6-7. Reprinted in full from the original Philadelphia edition of 1810. With copious explanatory, geographical, and scientific notes to the text, compiled from many unpublished sources of information, and embracing the results of a canoe voyage of the editor up the Mississippi River, a new Memoir of Pike and an Index to the whole, by Prof. Elliott Coues, A. M., M. D., Ph. D. Edi tion limited as follows: 3 vols., 8vo, cloth. 1 ,000 on fine book paper, ....... $10.00 net per set 150 on hand-made paper, ........ $20.00 net per set New Light on the Early History of the Greater Northwest The Journals of Alexander Henry (Partner of the Northwest Company), with Explorations and Life with the Fur Traders on the Red, Saskatchewan and Columbia Rivers, I7gg-i8i4, now first published from the Coventry Manuscripts in the Library of Parliament, Ottawa, with which are collated the original unpublished manuscripts of David Thompson, Explorer and Geographer of the Northwest Company. 1 he whole carefully edited, with copious notes, by Dr. Elliott Coues, with Mapsj Index, etc. Limited edition. 3 vols., royal 8vo, cloth. 1,000 copies, fine book paper . . . $10.00 net per set joo on hand-made paper ........ $20.00 net per set Uniform with Dr. Coues " Pike s Exploration." The matter here presented is entirely new and hitherto unpublished, and supplements and completes this editor s other works. Dr. Coues says of this work: " Xo work approaching these journals in the scope, extent, variety, and interest of its contents has appeared since the puhlication in 1801 of Sir Alexander Mackenzie s memorable voyages, and the present work will undoubtedly take rank with that classic as a veritable mine of accurate information." American Explorer s Series FINAL WORK OF THE LATE DR. COUES No. 3. On the Trail ot a Spanish Pioneer The Diary of Francisco Carets in Sonora, Arizona, and California, 1/75-76. Trans lated from the Original Spanish Manuscript, and copiously edited by Dr. Elliott Coues. 18 maps, plates, and illustrations. Edition limited to 9.^0 numbered copies. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth $6.00 net No. I The Journal of MiJDr Jacob Fowler Narrating an Adventure from Arkansas through the Indian Territory, Kansas, Colorado, and New Mexico to the source of Rio Grande del Norte, 1821-22, now first printed from his original manuscript, carefully edited by Dr. Elliott Coues. Plate. Edition limited to 9.^0 numbered copies. 8vo, cloth. . . $3.00 net An important and hitherto unknown exploration. He was the first white man to travel much of his route, including the ascent of the Arkansas as far as Pueblo, and trail through Colorado, Kansas, etc. No. 2. Forty Years a Fur Trader on the Upper Missouri The Personal Narrative of Charles Larpenteur, 1833-1872, now first printed from a hitherto unknown manuscript in the author s handwriting, with collations from vari ous private journals, etc., by Dr. Elliott Coues. 18 maps, plates, and portraits. Edition limited to 950 numbered copies. 2 vols., 8vo. .... $6.00 net SEXD FOR PROSPECTUS WHAT THE REVIEWERS SAY OF THESE WORKS Chas. 1 ; . Liimmis in the Dial: " l.y much the most competent and valuable collection of Far- West exploration in the nineteenth century (and in English, of any century) a complete, rounded, and standard work; a sound staff for historical students as long as there shall be any, and withal eminently readable to the thoughtful layman." B. A. Hinsdalc in the Dial: " In the Henry and Thompson Journal-, Dr. Coues has found another rich store of materials. It is material, too, that he is admirably qualified to handle. No reader who has looked intelligently into the Doctor s splendid editions can doubt his perfect competency to edit any mass of material relating to early Northwestern affairs that, for its eluci dation, demands an extensive knowledge of geography, ethnography, natural history, and of earlier or contemporary exploration and adventure in the same region." San Francisco Sun Shine Magazine: " Dr. Elliott Coues, our foremost authority upon the ex ploration of the West during this century, keeps piling higher the debt which every American student owes him. These monumental works are indispensable, and in all large essentials, the last word on those important prefatory pages to the winning of the West." Another Review : " Dr. Coues has lighted up the pages with inexhaustible learning, and with yet more wonderful gems from his treasury of curious information. The work is one to be proud of and one which nothing but pinching poverty should keep from the shelves of collectors of original works on American history." " YC 69304 M55918 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY