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Talbot s French Pronunciation. A Coniensel) Unite!) A CONDENSED SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES, CONSTRUCTED FOR DEFINITE RESULTS IN RECITATION, AND CONTAINING A NEW METHOD OF TOPICAL REVIEWS. BY WILLIAM SWINTON, A. M., PROFESSOR OP HISTORY IN THE UNIVERSITY OP CALIFORNIA AND AUTHOR OP " CAMPAIGNS OF THE ARMY OP THE POTOMAC," " DECISIVE BATTLES OP THE WAR," ETC. Jftap* anb otl)er Illustration*. NEW YORK: IVISON, BLAKEMAN, TAYLOR, AND COMPANY, 138 AND 140 GRAND STREET. 1871. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1871, BY WILLIAM SWINTON, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. I UNIVERSITY PRESS: WELCH, BIGELOW, & Co. CAMBRIDGE. ERBATA. PEEFAOE. THIS condensed manual of the History of the United States has been prepared in order to meet the views and wants of that large and increasing class of teachers, and more especially the teachers in our common schools, who are aiming at definite results in this study. It has grown out of a need deeply felt by the author dur ing many years occupation in class-room recitation. This manual is not a mere picture-book or story-book : with such works the market is fully supplied. It aims at something which, if not higher, is at least different. It is designed as a working book; and hence discards both the high-flown narrative style and the meaningless details of the majority of school histories. The text will derive its interest from the lucid presentation of the subject- matter, in itself deeply interesting. The technical points of novelty and superiority which the author thinks he may fairly claim as the justification of this manual will be evident to all practical teachers. Some of these points are : 1. A plan of clear and concise paragraphing, by which the gist of each paragraph is readily apprehended by the pupil. 2. A total, and it is hoped welcome, absence of involved, in verted, or in anywise rhetorical sentences, and the use, in lieu thereof, of the direct, concise, and recitable construction. 3. A new method of Topical Reviews. On this point perhaps the leading point of novelty in the book the author refers the teacher to an examination of the Reviews themselves. See the Topical Review at the close of the Period of Discovery, page 22 ; of the Colonial Period, page 107 ; of the Revolutionary War, page 155 ; and the other similar Reviews. The difference between the present and the old method of reviewing which does no more than print a string of review questions, referring to preceding pages for the piecemeal answers must be obvious. There can be few judicious teachers who have not discovered that pupils, in order Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1871, BY WILLIAM SWINTON, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. C*-^*-^ ^*^*v C/ J&7 x *-7 /* H 4* / ^ , /-,--* v 0^<J<<C /V^< ,.**^ x. - J UNIVERSITY PRESS : WELCH, BIGELOW, & Co. CAMBRIDGE. PEEFACE. THIS condensed manual of the History of the United States has been prepared in order to meet the views and wants of that large and increasing class of teachers, and more especially the teachers in our common schools, who are aiming at definite results in this study. It has grown out of a need deeply felt by the author dur ing many years occupation in class-room recitation. This manual is not a mere picture-book or story-book : with such works the market is fully supplied. It aims at something which, if not higher, is at least different. It is designed as a working book; and hence discards both the high-flown narrative style and the meaningless details of the majority of school histories. The text will derive its interest from the lucid presentation of the subject- matter, in itself deeply interesting. , The technical points of novelty and superiority which the author thinks he may fairly claim as the justification of this manual will be evident to all practical teachers. Some of these points are : 1. A plan of clear and concise paragraphing, by which the gist of each paragraph is readily apprehended by the pupil. 2. A total, and it is hoped welcome, absence of involved, in verted, or in anywise rhetorical sentences, and the use, in lieu thereof, of the direct, concise, and recitable construction. 3. A new method of Topical Reviews. On this point perhaps the leading point of novelty in the book the author refers the teacher to an examination of the Reviews themselves. See the Topical Review at the close of the Period of Discovery, page 22 ; of the Colonial Period, page 107 ; of the Revolutionary War, page 155 ; and the other similar Reviews. The difference between the present and the old method of reviewing which does no more than print a string of review questions, referring to preceding pages for the piecemeal answers must be obvious. There can be few judicious teachers who have not discovered that pupils, in order iv PREFACE. to have a really available knowledge of the crowded facts of history, require that these facts should be grouped and reiterated and turned over in a variety of ways. To accomplish this end, thus imparting a comprehensive knowledge of events and the connections of events, is the purpose of the novel method of reviewing adopted in this manual. 4. The separation of the history of the Western, Mississippi Valley, and Pacific States from its entanglement in the history of the Administrations. The history of these great States thus re ceives a degree of attention that is at least more nearly adequate than heretofore. 5. The separation of the leading facts of American Progress from their entanglement in the history of the Administrations, and their presentation in a section by themselves. 6. A tone of treatment free from partisan bias of sectionalism, politics, or religion, a tone of treatment as completely as possible American. A large number of excellent maps and other suitable illustrations will be found. W. S. CONTENTS. PERIOD I. DISCOVERIES. FROM THE DISCOVERY OF AMERICA, 1492, TO THE FOUNDING OF THE FIRST ENGLISH COLONY, 1607. PAGE I. COLUMBUS, CABOT, AND AMERICUS 1 II. SPANISH DISCOVERIES 9 III. FRENCH DISCOVERIES 13 IV. ENGLISH DISCOVERIES 16 TOPICAL REVIEW. I. Review of the Chronology 22 II. Review of Geography 25 III. Review of Settlements 25 IV. Review of Conflicting Claims 26 PERIOD II. HISTORY OF THE COLONIES. FROM THE SETTLEMENT OF JAMESTOWN, 1607, TO THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR, 1775. I. VIRGINIA 29 II. THE NEW ENGLAND COLONIES 37 1. Massachusetts 37 2. Connecticut 46 3. Rhode Island 51 4. New Hampshire ........ 54 III. NEW YORK 57 IV. NEW JERSEY . 63 vi CONTENTS. V. PENNSYLVANIA . QQ VI. DELAWARE 70 VII. MARYLAND ........... 71 VIII. NORTH CAROLINA 74 IX. SOUTH CAROLINA . . . . . . . .77 X. GEORGIA . . v - ................... . . . 80 TOPICAL REVIEW. I. Review of the Founding of the Colonies ... 82 II. Review of Colonial Governments and Charters . 84 III. Review of Colonial Progress . . . . . .87 XI. THE FRENCH WARS . . 90 TOPICAL REVIEW. I. Outline Review of the first three French Wars . . 107 II. Tabular Keview of the French and Indian War . 108 PERIOD III. THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR. FROM THE BREAKING our OF THE WAR, 1775, TO WASHINGTON S ADMIN ISTRATION, 1789. I. CAUSES OF THE REVOLUTION . 109 II. CAMPAIGN OF 1775 119 III. CAMPAIGNS OF 1776 124 IV. DOUBLE CAMPAIGN OF 1777 . . . . . . 131 V. CAMPAIGNS OF 1778-80 137 VI. CAMPAIGN IN THE CAROLINAS ... . . . . 142 VII. THE FINAL CAMPAIGN 148 TOPICAL REVIEW. I. Outline Review of the Campaigns .... 155 IT. Review of the Principal Battles 159 III. Review of Important Political Facts ... 160 PERIOD IV. THE CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD. FROM THE INAUGURATION OF WASHINGTON, 1789, TO THE PRESENT TIME. I. HISTORY OF THE ADMINISTRATIONS 161 I. Washington s Administration. 1789-1797 ... 161 CONTENTS. vii II. Adams s Administration. 1797 - 1801 .... 164 III. Jefferson s Administration. 1801-1809 . . . 166 IV. Madison s Administration. 1809-1817 . . . .170 War of 1812 ,.. _. 171 V. Monroe s Administration. 1817-1825 . . . . 182 VI. J. Q. Adams s Administration. 1825-1829 . . 184 VII. Jackson s Administration. 1829-1837 . . . .185 VIII. Van Buren s Administration. 1837-1841 . . . 188 IX. Harrison s and Tyler s Administrations. 1841-1845 . 189 X. Folk s Administration. 1845-1849 .... 131 The Mexican War 192 XI. Taylor s and Fillmore s Administrations. 1849 - 1853 198 XII. PieVce s Administration. 1853-1857. . ... 200 X11I. Buchanan s Administration. 1859-1861 . . .201 TOPICAL REVIEW. I. Presidents and Vice-Presidents from Washington to the War of Secession .. 202, II. States from which the Presidents were elected, etc. 204 9 III. Political Meaning of the Elections . . . .204 II. STATES OF THE MISSISSIPPI VALLEY . . . . 205 I. Founding of the Northwestern States 205 1. Ohio. . 208 2. Indiana 210 3. Illinois . . 211 4. Michigan 213 5. Iowa 214 6. Wisconsin . 214 7. Minnesota 215 8. Kansas 9. Nebraska 21 7 II. Founding of the Southwestern States 218 1. Kentucky 2. Tennessee 3. Louisiana . 219 220 4. Mississippi and Alabama 221 5. Missouri 222 6. Arkansas and Florida 222 7. Texas 223 TOPICAL REVIEW. I. Founding of the Mississippi Valley States . . 2 24 IT. Origin of the Mississippi Valley States . . - .225 III. FOUNDING OF THE PACIFIC STATES. . 1. California 2. Oregon 231 3. Nevada .... 233 IV. THE WAR OF SECESSION 235 I. Causes of the War 235 II. Events of 1861 242 viii CONTENTS. III. Campaigns of 1861 . . . . . 246 IV. Campaigns of 1862 . . . .*. . . 252 V. Campaigns of 1863 . 265 VI. Campaigns of 1864 . * 272 VII. The Final Campaign 279 TOPICAL REVIEW. I. Review of the Campaigns 283 II. General Facts of the Struggle 287 V. ADMINISTRATIONS SINCE THE WAR . . . 288 I. Johnson s Administration. 1861-1865 .... 288 II. Grant s Administration ..... 292 VI. A CENTURY OF PROGRESS onq APPENDIX. CONSTITUTION OP THE UNITED STATES . . . . 301 DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE 322 AREAS, SETTLEMENT, AND ADMISSION OF THE STATES . 326 LIST OF MAPS PACK 1. The World as known in the 15th Century 2 2. Route of Columbus, First Voyage 4 3. Copy of the newly found Cabot Map 7 4. Route of De Soto 11 5. Huguenot Settlements in the South 14 6. Roanoke Island 18 7. Map to illustrate Discoveries . ... . . . . .22 8. Map to illustrate conflicting Claims 27 9. Jamestown and Vicinity 31 10. Captain John Smith s Map of New England 38 11. Vicinity of Boston 42 12. Narragansett Fort and Swamp 45 13. Vicinity of Hartford 47 14. Narragansett Bay 52 15. Route of Champlain 91 16. Louisburg and Vicinity 96 17. Map of French and Indian "War .101 18. Lake Champlain and Vicinity 102 19. Operations around Quebec 105 20. Battle of Bunker Hill 121 21. War of the Revolution, the North 125 22. Battle of Long Island 128 23. Retreat up the Hudson 129 24. Operations in New Jersey 130 25. Operations in Pennsylvania 133 26. Battles near Saratoga 135 27. War of the Revolution, the South 143 28 Siege of Yorktown 151 29. Vicinity of Detroit 173 30. Operations near Niagara 178 31. Battle of Plattsburg 179 32. Battle of New Orleans 181 33. Map to illustrate the Mexican War 193 34. Eastern O perations . . . 247 35. Western Operations .253 HISTOET OF THE UNITED STATES. PERIODS OF AMERICAN HISTORY. 1. We are about to study the history of our country, the Republic of the United States. 2. It will be convenient to consider the history of the United States as divided into four periods : I. The Period of Discovery and Exploration, extending from the discovery of America by Columbus, A. D. 1492, to the establishment of the early English Colonies, 1607 - 20. IT. The Colonial Period, from the date of the early colonial set tlements to the breaking out of the American Revolution, 1775. ITT. The Revolutionary Period, from the breaking out of the Revolution, through the seven years war and the era of the Confedera tion to the organization of the government under the Federal Consti tution, 1789. IV. The Constitutional Period, from the organization of the government under the Constitution to the present time. QUESTIONS. 1 . On what study are we about to enter ? 2. Into how many periods is United States history divided ? Mention the first period and give its extent ; the second; the third; the fourth. PERIOD I. DISCOVERIES. FROM THE DISCOVERY OF AMERICA, 1492, TO THE FOUNDING OF THE FIRST ENGLISH COLONY, 1607. L COLUMBUS, CABOT, AND AMEKICUS. 1. ON the 3d of Au gust, 1492, three small vessels sailed out of the harbor of Palos \pali- los], a seaport town in Spain. 2. On the deck of one of them, named the Santa Maria \ma-re ah], stood a white-haired man, fifty-six years old. This man was Chris topher Columbus, sailing on that wonder ful voyage which result ed in the discovery of the New World, that is, AMERICA. Columbus on his Voyage of Discovery. NOTE. In the engraving which heads this chapter, and which is copied from a very early drawing, Columbus is represented on the deck of the Santa Maria. The instrument which he holds in his hand is an as trolabe, a rude kind of quadrant, which had recently been invented, and which was one of the things that made distant sea voyages possible. QUESTIONS. 1. State what is said of the 3d of August, 1492. 2. Who stood on the deck of one of these ships ? \Vho was this and on -.vhat voyage was he sailing? 1 A DISCOVERIES. 3. Columbus, when he sailed on this voyage, had not the least idea that there was such a continent as America. He did not start with the thought of finding a New World. The discovery of America was an accident. 4. The design with which Columbus did sail was to find a passage by sea from Europe to Eastern Asia, called India. 5. The reason why he wished to find a passage by sea to India was because the traders of Italy, who carried on a great deal of commerce with India, had to go from Europe by the Mediterranean, the Red Sea, and then overland, by caravans, which was a very troublesome and expensive way of carry ing their goods. A cheaper and easier route was very much wanted. 6. It may be asked why they did not sail round Africa, and reach India in that way. The answer is, that at this time no vessels had ever passed round the Cape of Good Hope ; that the shape of Africa was not known; and that people were not aware that it was possible to go from Europe to India by water. 7. The known world, at the time Columbus was born, four hundred years ago, is rep resented in this map, drawn at that period. If we com pare its narrow outlines with the map of the world as we now know it, we shall see : 1. That geog raphy four hundred years ago knew nothing what ever of North and South The World as known in the 15th Century. America or of Australia ; 2. That of Africa all that was known was a scimitar-shaped piece along its northern border; QUESTIONS. 3. Repeat what is said of Columbus s ideas when he began this voyage. 4. With what design did he sail ? 5. Give his reasons for wishing to go to India. State what was much wanted, H. How do you answer the question why Columbus did not sail round Africa? 7. What is represented on the little map on this page ? Comparing it witn on: present maps, what do we see ? COLUMBUS, CABOT, AND AMERICUS. 3 Christopher Columbus. 3. That Eastern Asia then called India and Cath-ay had no well-defined limits. NOTE. The strange figures of animals, headless men, hippogriffs, etc., were placed by the old geographers upon their maps to denote that the regions thus marked were unknown ; they were supposed to abound in horrible monsters. 8. Columbus, who was born in the sea-faring city of Genoa [jen o-ah~\ in Italy, and had been a sailor from boyhood, came to the conclusion, when he was about forty years old, that the common notion of the earth s being flat was a mistake. He was a man of original and daring genius. He believed the earth was a globe, and that, by sailing westward from Europe across the Atlantic, he would come round to Eastern Asia. 9. When he had come to this belief, he tried for several years to persuade some of the commercial nations of Europe to fit out an expedition to see if his belief was right. He applied to Italy and Portugal. These governments re jected his plan as an idle dream. 10. At last, after long waiting, the government of Spain agreed to make him admiral of a small fleet which should try the adventurous voyage. The sovereigns of Spain at this time were Ferdinand and Isabella. What persuaded Queen Isabella to go to the expense of fitting out a fleet for Columbus was the idea that it would be a great thing for Spain to be mistress of the rich countries of Eastern Asia, and also that the discovery of these new realms might be the means of spreading the Christian faith there. QUESTIONS. 8. Mention the conclusion Columbus had come to. What is said of his character ? What did he believe about the earth ? 9. What efforts did he now make ? To what governments did he apply ? How was his plan received ? 1 0. What government finally agreed to help him ? Name the sovereigns of Spain at this time. What induced Isabella to go to the expense of fitting out a fleet ? DISCO VER1ES. October 11, land was seen. 11. The map upon this page clearly shows the course of Colum bus in his immor tal voyage. The 3d of Au gust he left Pa- los, and in a few days the little fleet reached Gomera [go-may 1 ra], one of theCanarylslands, with no event of importance except that the Pmta un shipped her rud der. This obliged Columbus to delay some time at the Canaries. The 6th of Sep tember he set sail from Gomera, and struck boldly out to sea. From this date the fleet, during thirty-five days, sailed westward over the trackless waste of unknown waters. On the night of QUESTIONS 11. What is shown on the map on this page? When did he leave Palos ? At what island did he first touch ? and give the incidents. Where did he sail on leaving Gomera ? How long did he sail ? When was land first reen ? COLUMBUS, CABOT, AND AMERICUS. 5 12. Dawn revealed a sunny land of flowers and strange new beauty. The ships were in that island-dotted tropic sea over which Spain was long to hold despotic sway. The land reached was one of the Bahama [ba-ha ma] Islands. Colum bus named it San Salvador. NOTE. The native name of the island was Guanahani. It still bears the name of San Salvador (Spanish for Holy Saviour), though it is more frequently called Cat Island. 13. Columbus was not aware that he had discovered a new continent : he supposed he had realized his hope of reaching the coast of Eastern India, or Cathay. He therefore called the natives (who flocked down to the shore to see the wonderful strangers and their ships) " In dians," a name afterwards extended to all the aboriginal inhabitants of the American continent. 14. The landing was made on the morning of the 12th of October. Columbus took possession of the country in the name of the Spanish sovereigns. 15. From San Salvador, Columbus sailed southward, dis covering a number of islands, among them Cuba and Hayti [ha te]. NOTE. See his course as traced on the map, page 4. 16. At the commencement of the year 1493, Columbus sailed back to Spain to give an account of his discoveries. He was received with great honors by the monarchs and the people. 17. After this, Columbus made three voyages across the Atlantic, and planted several Spanish colonies in the West India Islands. 18. His second voyage was undertaken a few months after his return from the discovery. In this voyage he returned to QUESTIONS. 12. "What did dawn reveal ? What was the land reached ? How was it named by Columbus ? 13. Of what was Columbus ignorant, and what did he suppose? What name did he give the natives ? 14. When was the landing made, and what took place ? 1 5. State where Columbus now sailed and what discoveries he made. 1 6. When did he return to Spain, and how was he received? 17. How many subsequent voyages did Columbus make ? 18. Give the results of the serond voyage. 6 DISCOVERIES. Hayti, explored Jamaica and other islands, founded the colony of San Domingo on the island of Hayti, and, after three years, returned to Spain. 19. The third voyage was made in 1498. It resulted in the discovery of the coast of South America, near the mouth of the O-ri-no co River. He supposed he had at last reached the continent of Asia. 20. The object of his fourth voyage, undertaken in 1502, was to push farther westward from Cuba and Jamaica [ja-md ka] than he had yet done. He believed he would find a strait in the region where we now know the Isthmus of Pa-na-ma to be ; and he thought that, by passing through that supposed strait, he would reach the real continent of Asia. His course took him to the coast of Central America, which he explored for some distance ; but as the voyage was marked by great hardships, he was forced to return to Spain. After this he made no more voyages. 21. The life of Columbus, almost from the time of his grand discovery, was marked by great misfortunes suffered by him and great wrongs inflicted on him. It should also be mentioned, that, up to the time of his death, he was ignorant of the fact that he had discovered a new hemisphere. NOTE. Columbus died on the 20th of May, 1506. If he was bom in 1436, this would make him seventy years old. His remains were carried to Seville ; afterwards they were removed to San Domingo, and in 1796 to the cathedral at Havana, where they now rest. 22. Columbus was a man of commanding presence. His son Ferdinand describes him as above the middle height, with a long countenance, an aquiline nose, and light gray eyes full of expression. His hair was naturally light, but it turned nearly white before he was thirty. In character he was one of the greatest souls that ever lived. He was a man of lofty intellect, of wonderful enthu siasm, and of a deep religious nature. QUESTIONS. 19. When was the third voyage undertaken ? Give its results. 510. What was the object of his fourth voyage ? State what he thought he would find Recite the events of this voyage. 541. What is said of Columbus s life ? What other fact is mentioned? 5i i. Describe the personal appearance of Columbus. Describe his character. COLUMBUS, CABOT, AND AMERICUS. 23. Cabot and North America. The news of Colum- bus s discovery of a path over the Atlantic to what was sup posed to be the Indies caused great excitement throughout Europe. Soon afterwards other expeditions were fitted out to sail to the strange new lands. 24. Two of these voyages are of particular importance in connection with the earliest history of America, the voyage of John and Sebastian Cabot, and the voyage of A-mer - i-CUS Vesputius [ves-pu she-us]. 25. John Cabot was a Venetian merchant living at Bris tol, England. He had a son named Sebastian, who was a very bold and enterprising character. 26. When the Cabots heard of Columbus s voyage, they were eager to make fame and fortune in the same way. Accordingly, in 1494, they fitted out a ship named the Matthew. Sail ing on a line far to the north Of that taken Copy of Cabot s Map. by Columbus, they reached the North American continent at Cape Bret on, called by them " Pri ma Vis ta " ; that is, first seen. NOTE. It has usually been said that this voyage was made in 1497 ; but it was probably made in 1494. The map here copied was drawn by QUESTIONS. 23. State the effect of the news of Columbus s discovery. What were fitted out ? U4. Name two voyages particularly important. 25. Who were the Cabots ? 26. What did they wish to do ? Give an account of their voyage of 1494. 8 DISCOVERIES. Sebastian Cabot himself, and has only lately been discovered. An in scription on the original map states that Prima Vista was discovered by John and Sebastian Cabot in 1494. The scholar should compare this map with the present maps of that region. He will see that Prima Vista is really Cape Breton, and not the coast of Labrador, as was for merly supposed. 27. This was the first discovery of the American continent. 28. Several other voyages to the New World were made by Sebastian Cabot. The most important was in 1498. This time, the expedition reached the continent off the coast of Labrador. The severity of the climate made Cabot give up the idea of seeking a Northwest passage to Asia. He then turned southward and sailed along the shores of Ameri ca to the latitude of Albemarle Sound, taking possession of the country for the crown of England. 29. Americus and America. The name AMERICA is derived from Americus Vesputius, who made a voyage to the coast of South America in 1499, and wrote a letter de scribing the country. an NOTE. Americus Vesputius (in Italian, Amerigo Vespucci) was Italian, a native of Florence. At the time of Columbus s first voyage he was settled at Seville, in Spain, where he was connected with a mer cantile house that was employed in fitting out the fleet for Columbus s second voyage, made in 1493. 30. The usual account given of Americus Vesputius is that he was an enemy of Columbus, that he claimed the honor of having first touched the mainland of the New World, and that by misrepresentations he succeeded in having his name applied to America. This does great wrong to Americus. He was a warm friend of Columbus ; he never claimed the honor of first discovery, and the name "America" was given, not by him, but by a German geographer. 31. This geographer published a book which contained some letters written by Vesputius, and giving an account of his discoveries. QUESTIONS. 27. What is said of this discovery ? 28. Give an account of Cabot s voyage of 1498- ii9. What is the origin of the name " America " ? HO. What is the usual account of Americus ? State the real facts. 31. Repeat what is said of the German geographer. SPANISH DISCOVERIES. Q He did not know that Columbus had before this reached the very same coast, and he suggested that the country should be called AMERICA. The suggestion was adopted by other writers, and so the name America came into use. 32. Review. The review of this chapter shows that the first discovery of the New World was made in 1492 by Columbus, to whom alone belongs the undying glory ; That it was called " America " from the name of Ameri- cus Yesputius, not through fraud, but by mistake ; That the North American continent was first seen by the Cabots (in 1494, or, at latest, in 1497), who sailed under the flag of England. II. SPANISH DISCOVERIES. 33. The date of the discovery of America is 1492. But it was not till more than one hundred years after this that the English began to make those settlements on the coast of North America which afterwards became the United States. 34. In the mean time various nations of Europe took part in exploring the eastern and western coasts of North America. The principal countries that made explorations during this period were Spain, France, England. We must see what discoveries and settlements each made, beginning with Spain. 35. The Spaniards, immediately after Columbus s discovery, planted colonies in the principal islands of the West In dies. From these islands they sent expeditions to the main land. 36. In 1506 the eastern coast of Yucatan was discovered. 37. In 1510 the first colony on the continent was planted on the Isthmus of Darien [day-re-en ]. QUESTIONS. 33. Mention three things shown by the review. 3. Repeat the date of the discovery of America. When did the English begin to make settlements in America? 34. Name other countries which meantime made explorations. 35. What is said of the Spaniards ? What did they send out from the West Indies ? 36. What took place in 1506 ? 37. What took place in 1510? 1* 10 DISCOVERIES. 38. In 1513, Balboa [bahl-bo ah] crossed the Isthmus of Darien, and discovered the Pacific Ocean. Balboa was governor of a Spanish colony on the isthmus. He named the Pacific the " South Sea." 39. In 1512, Ponce de Leon [pone tha da, ld-on ] sailed from Porto Rico \re ko\ and discovered the coast of Florida. He called the country Florida because he discovered it on Easter Sunday, called by the Spaniards/wscwa fl.orida [pahs^ koo ah flor e-dah\ De Leon was an old Spanish enthusiast, and was looking for a fabled fountain of immortal youth. 40. In 1517, Cordova [cor-do vaJi\ sailed from Cuba and explored the north coast of Yucatan. The Spaniards found the people, not naked, but clothed in cotton garments. This fact made them guess that there must be a rich country in the interior. 41. In 1518 an expedition in the same direction was sent by the Spanish governor of Cuba. This expedition was under G-rijalva \gre-hal vah~\. He explored the southern coast of Mexico, and verified the belief that there was a rich empire in the interior. 42. In 1519, Cortez [kor tez] sailed from Cuba with a fleet and six hundred soldiers, and landed on the Mexican coast at Vera Cruz \yarah kruz\. After a great deal of fighting, Cor tez, in ten years, got possession of the capital. The wealthy empire of Mexico with its rich gold-mines then became a province of Spain. It so continued for three centuries, from 1521 till 1821. 43. In 1520 a Spanish planter of Hayti, named Ayllon \ile-y one}, reached the coast of South Carolina. He had sailed northward to kidnap the natives for slaves. Two years QUESTIONS. 38. Give Balboa s discovery. 39. Give Ponce de Leon s discovery. What did he call the country, and why ? Who was De Leon ? 40. Give Cordova s discovery. What did they find ? What did they then think ? 4:1. Give the facts and results of Grejalva s exploration. 42. Give an account of Cortez s expedition. What took place in Mexico? What did Mexico then become? How long did it remain a Spanish province? 43. Give Ayllon s discovery. What was his object? Mention the result of his other expedition. SPANISH DISCOVERIES. 11 afterward he returned to conquer the country; but the In dians defeated him. 44. In 1520, Ma-gellan, who had left Spain the year be fore, circumnavigated South America, and sailed across the Pacific Ocean to Spain. The voyage took over three years, It was the first circumnavigation of the globe. He called the "South Sea" the "Pacific Ocean" because it was so free from storms. 45. In 1528 a Spaniard named Narvaez \nar-vati eth~\ sailed from Cuba with an army to conquer Florida. He ex pected to find another such rich empire as Mexico or Peru. The expedition suffered terribly, was defeated by the Indians, and afterwards shipwrecked, only four men escaping. 46. In 1539 a bold Spanish cavalier named Ferdinand de SotO planned the conquest of Florida, which was the name applied to all that the Spaniards knew of North Amer ica outside of Mexico. 47. This is the most interesting of all the Span ish explorations, because it led to the discovery of the Mississip pi River. This discovery was made by De Soto in 1541. or Route of De Soto. QUESTIONS. 44:. Give an account of Magellan s voyage. What is said of this voyage? What ocean did he name, and why? 45. Describe Narvaez s expedition. What did he expect to find? What was the result? 46. What conquest did De Soto plan ? 47. Why is this the most interesting Spanish exploration ? Give the date of the discovery of the Mississippi. Give an account of De Soto s journejings. 12 DISCOVERIES. NOTE. The map here given presents a view of De Soto s interesting jour- neyings. He sailed from Cuba with a finely equipped army of six hundred men. In June, 1539, his fleet anchored in Tampa Bay, Florida. He sent two vessels to Apallachee Bay, while he led his army northward through Florida and then westward to near Apallachee Bay. It took live months to perform this journey. The Spaniards, after remaining five months in winter quarters, marched far to the northeast, passing through Georgia to the Ogechee Eiver, then northwestward through Northern Georgia. The expedition then travelled southwestward, down through the valleys of Alabama, till October, 1540, when they reached Mauville. Here a bloody battle was fought with the Indians. De Soto then turned from the coast and marched northwestward. He spent the winter of 1540 -41 on the Yazoo River, where he had another severe battle. In the spring of 1541 the Spaniards continued their march northward till they came to the Mississippi, April, 1541. They crossed it between the 33d and 34th parallels of latitude. From this point they journeyed several hundred miles west of the Mississippi, and spent the winter of 1541-42 on the Wachita River. In the spring of 1542 they passed down that river to the Mississippi. Here De Soto died, May, 1542. His army had dwindled away and suffered terribly. In December, 1542, the survivors built boats on the Mississippi, sailed down to the Gulf of Mexico, and finally reached Fanuco in Mexico. 48. The conquest of Mexico by Cortez led to the explora tion of the Pacific coast to the north of Mexico. Cortez fitted out several expeditions which explored northward into what is now called the G-ulf of California, then called the " Gulf of Cortez." 49. In 1540 the Spanish governor of Mexico sent out Co- ronado \ko-ro-nah do\ to explore the country to the north ward. Coronado penetrated by land as far north as the re gion now known as New Mexico and Arizona. 50. At the same time two vessels were sent under Alar- con [ah-lar son\. They sailed up the Gulf of California and ascended the Colorado River beyond the Gila [he lah]. 51. In 1542 a Spanish navigator named Cabrillo [cab- reel yo] sailed northward along the Pacific coast as high as latitude 44, the coast of the present State of Oregon. This was the first exploration of the coast of what is now the State of California. QUESTIONS. 48. What did the exploration of the Pacific coast grow out of? What gulf did Cortez explore? 4:9. Give an account of Coronado s exploration. Into what region did he pene trate? 50. Give an account of Aiarcon s voyage. 5 1 . Give an account of Cabrillo s voyage. Repeat what is said of this exploration. When was the name California first used . Give its origin. FRENCH DISCOVERIES. 13 It was during this early period that the term "California," or " the Californias," was applied as a general name to the re gion lying to the north of Mexico. NOTE. The name "California" originated in an old Crusader ro mance much read in the time of Cortez and Columbus. One of the characters in this romance was California, Queen of the Amazons. 52. In 1565 a Spanish soldier named Melendez \may- len detk] was commissioned by the king of Spain to conquer Florida and destroy a colony of French Protestants who had lately settled in that country. Immediately after landing he founded St. Augustine [teen], the oldest city in the United States. 53. In 1582, Espejo \es-pay ho] explored the region which Coronado had visited forty years before, and named it New Mexico. The same year he founded Santa Fe [fay]. 54. In 1769 the Spaniards made the first settlement in California, at San Diego [de-a go\. 55. Review. It is thus seen that by the close of the sixteenth century the Spaniards had made the following explora tions and settlements : 1. They had colonized the West India Islands. 2. They had colonized Central America. 3. They had conquered Mexico. 4. They had explored a good part of the Southern States. 5. They had explored the Pacific coast. 6. Their settlements within the present limits of the United States were St. Augustine and Santa Fe. III. FRENCH DISCOVERIES. 56. The French were first drawn to the coast of North America by the fisheries on the banks of Newfoundland \nu - fund-land]. French fishing-smacks went there as early as 1503. QUESTIONS. 52. What commission did Melendez receive ? Name the city founded by him. 53. Describe Espejo s exploration. Name the city founded by him. 54. What was the first Spanish settlement in California? 55. Give the facts of Spanish discovery stated in the review. 56. What first called the attention of the French to America ? 14 DISCOVERIES. 57. In 1506, Denys [den-ee ], a Frenchman, explored the G-ulf of St. Lawrence and the adjoining coast, and made a chart of the region. 58. In 1524, Verrazzani \ver-rat-sah ne\, an Italian in the service of the King of France, reached the continent in the latitude of Wilmington, North Carolina. He then ex plored the whole country northward as far as Nova Scotia. He named the country NEW FRANCE. 59. In 1534, James Cartier [kar-tyea ~\ explored and named the gulf and river of St. Lawrence. He claimed the country for the French king. 60. In 1535, while on a second voyage, Cartier sailed up the river St. Lawrence to where Montreal now stands. 61. In 1541, Cartier, with a band of colonists, made a third voyage to the St. Lawrence. He built a fort near the present site of Quebec, where his people passed the winter. They became dissatisfied and returned to France the next spring. 62. In 1562, Admiral Co ligny \ko-leen-ye\ a distinguished leader of the French Protestants, or Huguenots, sent out a colony to South Carolina. They made a settlement near Port Royal entrance, but suf fered greatly, and next year went homo. The Huguenot Settlement. QUESTIONS. 57. Describe Denys s discovery. 58. Describe Verrazzani s exploration. Along what coast did he sail ? What name did he give the country ? 59. Give an account of Cartier s first voyage. For whom did he claim the country ? 60. Speak of Cartier s second voyage. 61. Give an account of Cartiers third voyage. What did he do in Canada? State the result of this attempt. 62. Give an account of Coligny s colony. Where did the colonists settle, and what was the result ? FRENCH DISCOVERIES. 15 63. In 1564 a second colony of Huguenots established themselves on the river St. Johns, in Florida. Next year they were joined by several hundred more colonists. Spain claimed the country, and, in 1565, sent out Melendez (see If 52), who slaughtered most of the settlers. 64. In 1565 a French nobleman named De GrOUTgues [goorg] sailed from France with a force, and revenged the death of his countrymen by capturing the Spanish forts in Florida and putting the garrisons to death. 65. In 1603, De Monts \du mong ], an influential Hugue not courtier, obtained from the French king a grant of terri tory extending from near where Philadelphia now is to Cape Breton. This region was called Acadia. NOTE. Acadia was afterwards confined to what is now New Bruns wick, Cape Breton, and the neighboring islands. 66. In 1604, De Monts, along with a famous pioneer named Chaniplain \_skam-plairi], led a colony to his possessions. They, in 1605, made a settlement called Port Royal (after wards Annapolis), on the western coast of what is now Nova Scotia, then part of Acadia. This was the first permanent French colony in America. 67. In 1608, Champlain established a trading-post at a place on the St. Lawrence River which he named Quebec. Champlain was the founder of the first permanent settlements in Canada. Canada was the name given to all the territory watered by the St. Lawrence. 68. In 1609, Champlain pushed into the interior and dis covered Lakes Champlain and Huron. He afterwards led a party of Canada Indians against the Iroquois in Northern New York, which region he was the first white man to enter. QUESTIONS. 63. Give an account of the second Huguenot colony. What nation claimed the country ? State the fate of this colony. 64. Recite the history of De Gourgues s voyage of revenge. 65. State the grant of teritory made to De Monts What was this region named? 66. Give an account of De Monts s colony. Where and when was the settlement made ? What is said of this Acadia settlement ? 67. Give an account of Champlain s settlement in Canada. Of what, then, was Champlain t v io founder? To what territory was the name " Canada" applied? 68. Give an account of Champlain s explorations ; of his expedition into Northern New York. 16 DISCOVERIES. 69. Review. It is thus seen that by the early part of the seventeenth century the French had made good their claim to New France by colonizing Acadia and Canada. It was at the same time that the first permanent English settlements in America were made. IV. ENGLISH DISCOVERIES. 70. England was the earliest rival of Spain in American exploration. Indeed, the North American continent was first discovered by the Cabots, sailing under the English flag, in 1493, or five years before Columbus discovered the South American continent. 71. For a long time after this the English did very little in the way of American discovery. The first period of active Eng lish exploration in America was during the Elizabeth. reign of Queen K. - Queen Elizabeth "began to reign in 1558. It was an age of great maritime enterprise and activity in England. 72. In 1579, Francis Drake, the great English sea- captain, was making a cruise in the Pacific Ocean in search of Spanish merchantmen. He sailed north along the Pacific coast and explored the coast of California. This country he named NEW ALBION. i Tanc-is Drake. QUKSTIOXS. 69. Give a summing up of the French doings in America. What other settlements were made about thus same time? 70. What nation was Sp.iiu s first rival in American exploration? What early English discovery is spoken of ? 71. What is said of the English after Cabot s time? State the period when the English began active explorations. 7i. Give an account of Drake s voyage. What coast did he explore ? What name did he give the country ? ENGLISH DISCOVERIES. 17 73. Drake passed several weeks in the bay of San Fran- Cisco in the summer of 1579. Sailing homeward, he reached England by way of the Cape of Good Hope, second cir cumnavigation of the globe. 74. In 1583 the first British attempt at American coloniza tion was made by a brave man, Sir Humphrey Gilbert. He acted under the authority of Queen Elizabeth, from whom he obtained a patent to a great extent of American territory. The attempted settlement was made at Newfoundland. The enterprise was unsuccessful. Gilbert then put back homeward ; but the vessel in which he sailed was lost, and all on board perished. 75. The plan of making colo nies on the coast of America was next taken up by the daring soldier and accomplished cour tier, Sir Walter Raleigh [raw li], Baleigh was a half- brother of Gilbert. Having ob tained from Queen Elizabeth a large grant of land, he entered with great zeal into the work of American exploration and settle- merit. 76. In 1584, Raleigh sent to America two vessels under command of Amidas and Barlow. They explored Albe- marle and Famlico Sounds. They then returned with cargoes of furs and woods, and gave a glowing account of the country. The country then received the name of Virginia, in honor of Elizabeth, the Virgin Queen. QUESTIONS. 73. Where did Drake winter? What course did he then take on the Pacific coast? IIo-.v did he reach England? 74. Give an account of Gilbert s attempt at colonization. Under whose authority was he acting, and what of his grant? Where was the settlement made? State the result. What of Gilbert s fate ? 7.>. Who next went into the business of colonizing ? What is stated of Raleigh ? 76. Give an account of the expedition of Amidas and Barlow. What name did the country receive ? B 18 DISCOVERIES. Roanoke Island. 77. In 1585, Raleigh sent out a fleet of ships with emi grants to Roanoke Island, North Carolina, which was in the extensive region then called "Vir ginia. A colony was left on Roanoke Island under the control of Ralph Lane. The settlers became discour aged, and next year all returned with Sir Francis Drake, who happened to touch at Roanoke on one of his cruises. 78. In 1587, Raleigh sent out another company of emigrants to Roanoke Island under John White. White soon after went to England for supplies. It was nearly three years before he returned ; and when he did, not a trace of the colony could be found. 79. In 1602, Bartholomew Gosnold, an enterprising skipper, sailed from England to the coast of Massachusetts. He discovered and named Cape Cod; also Nantucket, Martha s Vineyard, and the Elizabeth Islands. It was proposed to leave a little colony on one of the Elizabeth Islands. But the men became discouraged, and all sailed home. 80. The London and the Plymouth Company. In the next two or three years several successful trading- voyages were made to the coast of New England. In the mean time many merchants and noblemen had become deeply interested in American settlement. The result was that two companies to colonize and govern Virginia were formed. These wore the London Company and the Plymouth Company. 81. In 1606, King James I. granted the country from the QUESTIONS. 77. Give an account of the emigration to Roanoke Island. What became of this colony ? 78. Give an account of the emigration of 1587. What of White ? State the fate of this colony. 79. Give the date of Gosnold s voyage. Name his discoveries. What of the pro- poped colony ? SO. Repeat what is said of subsequent trading-voyages. Who had become interested in American settlement ? What grew out of this ? Name the two companies. S") . State what royal grant was made to these companies. Give the name of the London Company s territory ; of the Plymouth Company s. DUTCH EXPLORATION. 19 34th to the 38th degree of north latitude to the London Company, and that from the 41st to the 45th degree to the Plymouth Company, for the purpose of establishing colo nies. The London Company s territory received the name of South Virginia; the Plymouth Company s was called North Virginia. 82. In 1007 each of these companies sent out emigration parties. The result was the planting of the first permanent English colony in America, at Jamestown, Virginia. The history of this colony and of the other colonies will be taken up in the Colonial Period. (See page 29.) 83. Review. It is thus seen that during the sixteenth century the English explored the Pacific coast ; that, under the lead of Gilbert and Raleigh, repeated attempts were made to plant a colony on the coast of North Carolina (then in Vir ginia), but that they all failed. At the beginning of the seven teenth century there was no English colony in America. 84. Dutch Exploration. The government of Hol land took no part in American exploration until the seven teenth century. In 1609, two years after the founding of Virginia, Henry Hudson, an English man in the service of the Dutch, sailed to America to try and find a passage round the northern ex tremity of the American conti nent to Asia. Not being able to make his way through the ice, he turned southward and explored a considerable part of the east coast of America. He entered New Hcnry IIudson> York Harbor and sailed up the Hudson River, so called after the discoverer. QUESTIONS. 82. What did these companies do? What was the result ? S3. Give a summing up of English exploration and settlement. 84. What is said of the government of Holland? Give an account of voyage. Turning southward, what discovery did he make ? 20 DISCOVERIES. 85. The Dutch based on these explorations by Hudson a claim to all the territory from the Connecticut River to the Delaware. It took the name of New Netherlands. 86. North American Indians. When the European explorers landed on the coast of North America or penetrated into the interior, they found the country thinly inhabited by a copper-colored race similar to the race Columbus found in the West Indies. These were the Indians, the aborigines of the American continent. Nobody knows where they came from, though we can understand how they might have reached America from Asia by way of Behring Strait. 87. It is calculated that when the English came to settle this country the number of Indians east of the Mississippi was about two hundred thousand. They lived in tribes, each tribe under its own sachem, or chief; and several tribes were frequently found united in a confederacy. The principal di visions of the Indians were : the Algonquins, including sev eral powerful tribes ; the Cherokees ; the Mobilians ; the Catawbas ; and the Sioux or Dakotas. 88. The Aztecs, or aboriginal inhabitants of Mexico, were a superior race belonging to the same family. They had risen to considerable civilization. This superior race seems at an early period to have occupied a considerable part of the continent. Extensive mounds, containing implements, orna ments of bronze, and articles of pottery, have been found in various parts of the country, and especially in the Mississippi Valley. These remains were the work of people that are des ignated the Mound-builders. It is probable that they were closely related to the Mexican aborigines. 89. The North American Indians were found in a savage state. They lived in wigwams, and supported themselves by QUESTIONS. 85. What claim did the Dutch base on Hudson s explorations 7 What name did the territory receive ? 86. Repeat what is said of the race of men found in America. State what ij >aid of their origin. 87. What was the number of the aborigines? Give an account of their manner of life. Name the principal divisions of the Indians. 88. Repeat what is said of the Aztecs. Repeat what is said of the Mound-builders. 89. Repeat what is mentioned as to the condition in which the Indians were found. NORTH AMERICAN INDIANS. 21 hunting and fishing, and occasionally raising patches of corn and beans. They were destitute of all that constitutes civ ilization. Their main delight was war. 90. The chief interest in the Indians arises from their rela tions with the whites who settled the American continent. These relations were generally of a hostile character. The Indians murdered the colony which Columbus left in Hayti on his first discovery. They massacred the early English colonists who established themselves 011 the coast of North Carolina. When finally the two permanent settlements were made at Jamestown and Plymouth, we shall see that these colonies were at various times almost exterminated by the savages. 91. By a strange continuance of the same traits, they have ever since been a source of trouble to the whites. They have repelled all attempts at civilization ; and even now the trains on the great trans-continental railroad are sometimes inter rupted by painted warriors, the descendants of the savages who, nearly four hundred years ago, met the earliest Euro peans with murderous attacks. Americans to-day are fighting Indians in Arizona and Montana, just as in the seventeenth cen tury they contended with them for the strip of land along the Atlantic coast. 92. It is not for us to say who is to blame. It is true, the whites were not always just and true and prudent in their dealings with the Indians. But, apart from this, there seems to be hostility between the Indian character and civilization. And it is not to be doubted that in a few more years the Red Men will have disappeared from the American continent. QUESTIONS 90. From what does the chief interest in the Indians arise ? Repeat what is said of their hostility to Europeans. 91. Repeat what is said of the continuance of these traits 92. Give the substance of the last paragraph on the Indians. 22 DISCOVERIES. TOPICAL REVIEW. TO f LLU3TOATE I. Review of the Chronology. In 1492 . . . Columbus . . . discovered the West Indies. In 1494 (or 1497) ... the Cabots . . . discovered North America at Cape Breton. REVIEW QUESTIONS. Chronology Give the date and fact of Columbus s dis covery. The date and fact of the Cabots discovery. TOPICAL REVIEW. 23 In 1498 . . . Cabot . . . sailed along the coast of the United States south to Albemarle Sound. In 1498 . . . Columbus . . . discovered South America at the mouth of the Orinoco. In 1499 . . . Americus Vesputius . . . sailed to South America. In 1506 . . . Denys . . . explored the Gulf of St. Lawrence. In 1512 ... Ponce de Leon . . . discovered Florida. In 1513 ... Balboa . . . crossed the isthmus of Darien and discovered the Pacific Ocean. In 1517 ... Cordova . . . explored the north coast of Yu catan. In 1518 ... Grrijalva . . . explored the southern coast of Mexico. In 1519-21... Cortez . . . conquered Mexico. In 1520 ... Aylloii . . . discovered the coast of South Caro lina. In 1520 ... Magellan . . . sailed round South America and then circumnavigated the globe. In 1524 ... Verrazzani . . . sailed along the coast of America from Wilmington to Nova Scotia. In 1528 . . . Narvaez . . . explored the interior of Florida. In 1534 and 35 ... Cartier . . . explored and named the Gulf and River St. Lawrence. In 1539-42 . . . De SotO . . . explored the interior of the Southern States, discovering the Mississippi,- 1541. REVIEW QUESTIONS. The date and fact of Cabot s second voyage. The date and fact of Columbus s other voyage. The date and fact of Vesputius s voyage. The date and fact of Denys s exploration. The date and fact of De Leon s discovery. The date and fact of Balboa s discovery. The date and fact of Cordova s exploration. The date and fact of Grejalva s exploration. The date and fact of Cortez s conquest. The date and fact of Ayllon s discovery. The date and fact of Magellan s voyage. The date and fact of Verrazzani s discoveries. The date and fact of Narvaez s exploration. The date and fact of Cartier s exploration The date and fact of Be Soto s explorations. 24 DISCOVERIES. In 1540-41 ... Coronado . . . explored New Mexico, and Alargon went up the Colorado River. In 1542 . . . Cabrillo . . . explored the Pacific coast north to Oregon. In 1562 ... Coligny s Huguenot colony attempted at Port Royal, S. C. A failure. In 1564 . . . Coligny s second Huguenot colony attempted at St. John s River, Florida. Destroyed by Span iards. In 1565 ... Melendez . . . founded St. Augustine. In 1579 ... Sir Francis Drake . . . explored the Pacific coast and discovered San Francisco Bay. In 1582 . . . Espejo . . . explored New Mexico and founded Santa Fe. In 1583 ... Sir Humphrey Gilbert . . . attempted a colo ny at Newfoundland. A failure. In 1584-85 and 1587 . . . "Walter Raleigh attempted to colonize the coast of North Carolina. A failure. In 1 602 . . . G-osncld . . . explored the coast of Massachu setts. In 1603 ... the Spaniards . . . founded San Diego, California. In 1605 . . . De Monts . . . founded Port Royal in Acadia (Nova Scotia). In 1606 . . . the London and Plymouth Companies sent out colonies to Virginia and Maine. In 1608-9 . . . Champlain . . . settled Quebec and discov ered Lakes Champlain and Huron. In 1609 . . . Hudson . . . discovered Hudson River. REVIEW QUESTIONS. The date and fact of Coronado s exploration. The date and fact of Cabrillo s exploration. The date and fact of Coligny s first colony. The date and fact of Coligny s second colony. The date and fact of Melendez s settlement. The date and fact of Drake s exploration. The date and fact of Espejo s exploration. The date and fact of Gilbert s attempted colony. The dates and result of Raleigh s attempted colonies. The date and fact of Gosnold s exploration. The date of the founding of San Diego. The date and fact of De Monts s settlement The date of emigrations under the London and Plymouth Companies. The date and fact of Champlain s settlement. The date and fact of Hudson s discovery. TOPICAL REVIEW. 25 IT. Review of Geography. 1. Atlantic Coast, beginning North. Gulf of St. Law rence explored by Denys, 1506. Gulf and River St. Lawrence explored by Carter, 1534 35. Cape Breton discovered by Cabot, 1494 or 1498. Atlantic coast down to North Carolina explored by Cabot, 1498 ; same by Verrazzani, 1524. Massachusetts coast explored by Gosuold, 1602. South Carolina coast discovered by Ayllon, 1520. Florida discovered by De Leon, 1512. Interior of Southern States explored by De Soto, 1539-42. 2. Gulf Coast, beginning East. West coast of Florida ex plored by Narvaez, 1528. North coast of Yucatan explored by Cordova, 1517. Southern coast of Mexico explored by Grijalva, 1518. Interior of Mexico explored and conquered by Cortez, 1519 - 21. Isthmus of Darien crossed by Balboa, and the Pacific Ocean discovered, 1513. 3. Pacific Coast, beginning South. New Mexico explored by Coronado, 1540 - 41. Colorado River explored by Alarqon, 1540-41. Coast of California north to Oregon explored by Ca- brillo, 1542. Same coast visited by Drake, 1579, and San Fran cisco Bay discovered. III. Review of Settlements. 1. Spanish Settlements. Spanish settlements were made in the West Indies immediately after Colum bus s discovery. REVIEW QUESTIONS Geography. 1. Give the eight discoveries and explorations on the Atlantic coast, beginning north. i. Give the five discoveries and explorations on the Gulf coast, beginning east. 3. Give the four discoveries and explorations on the Pacific coast, beginning south. Settlements. 1. State all the settlements made by the Spaniards. 2 26 DISCOVERIES. A Spanish settlement planted on the Isthmus of Da- rien, 1510. A Spanish province created in Mexico after Cortez s con quest, 1521. A Spanish settlement made at St. Augustine, Florida, 1565. A Spanish settlement made at Santa F6, 1582. A Spanish settlement made at San Diego, California, 1769. 2. French Settlements. A French colony established by Cartier at Quebec, 1541. A failure. A French Huguenot colony established in South Caro lina, 1562. A failure. A second Huguenot colony established in Florida, 1564. Destroyed by Spaniards. A French colony established in A cadi a by De Monts, in 1605. A success. A French colony established in Canada by Champlain, in 1608. A success. 3. English Settlements. An English colony attempted at Newfoundland by Gilbert, 1583. A failure. English settlements attempted at Roanoke Island, N. C., by Ealeigh, in 1584-85, and 1587. Failures. An English colony sent out by the London Company to Virginia, in 1606. A success. IV. Review of Conflicting Claims. I. Four European nations made discoveries, explorations, and settlements in the region which afterwards became the United States. These nations are the Spaniards, French, Dutch, and English. II. Each of these nations, by right of discovery, claimed large portions of American territory. REVIEW QUESTIONS. 2. State all the settlements attempted or made by the French. 3. State all the settlements attempted or made by the English. Conflicting Claims. I. How many European nations made American explora tions and settlements ? Name these nations. II. What claims did each make ? TOPICAL REVIEW. 27 III. The Spaniards, in addition to Mexico, claimed nearly all 1h3 territory of the United States, under the name of Florida, and all the Pacific coast, under the name of New Mexico. IV. The French claimed a large part of the Atlantic coast by right of Verrazzani s discovery. They named their region New France. It included Acadia, Canada, and the whole Mississippi Valley, including all west of the Alle^hanies. REVIEW QUESTIONS III. What did the Spaniards claim ? IV. What did the French claim? 28 DISCOVERIES. V. The Dutch claimed the Atlantic coast from the Connecti cut River to the Delaware, under the name of New Netherlands. This claim they based on Hudson s discovery. VI. The English claimed nearly the whole Atlantic coast, under the name of North Virginia and South Vir ginia. This claim they based on Cabot s discovery. VII. These conflicting claims led to numerous disputes and several wars, which had a great influence on the early history of the United States. REVIE v QUESTIONS V. What did the Dutch claim VI. What did the English claim ? VII. What did these conflicting claims lead to ? PEEIOD IT. HISTORY OF THE COLONIES. FROM THE SETTLEMENT OF JAMESTOWN, 1607, TO THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR, 1775. I. _ VIRGINIA. Seal of Virginia. 1. WE are now to learn about the English. Colonies in America. We shall see how these Colonies, thirteen in num ber, were founded, and how they grew in population and power and the love of liberty, till finally, in 1776, they revolted from the British government, and became the UNITED STATES. 2. It was more than a hundred years after the discovery of America before the English succeeded in establishing an American colony that lasted. 3. The first lasting Colony was Virginia. This Colony was QUESTIONS. 1. What are we now to learn ? What shall we see as to the Colonies ? ~. When did the English first establish a lasting American colony ? 3. Name the first lasting Colony. Established by whom ? 30 HISTORY OF THE COLONIES. founded in 1607. It was established by the corporation of English merchants and gentlemen before mentioned as the " London Company." (See If 80.) 4. In the year 1606, King James I. of England gave this company a written agreement called a patent, granting them the right to trade in and govern the large country called South Virginia. South Virginia extended from the 34th to the 38th degree of north latitude. 5. At the end of the year 1606 the London Company sent out, in three ships under Captain Newport, an emigration party of one hundred and five persons. 6. The colonists were all men ; there were no families, for the emigrants hardly expected to stay in America. They thought they would dig gold, and trade with the Indians, and get rich, and return home. 7. It was intended that the colony should be established at Roanoke Island. But a storm drove the vessels north into Chesapeake Bay. They sailed up James River, and in the month of May, 1607, the adventurers landed and founded Jamestown. 8. The whole country was then a wilderness, in which In dians roamed in pursuit of their enemies or of wild beasts for food. 9. From such neighbors the emigrants could expect but little aid or comfort. Yet they took no care to provide for their future support. They planted nothing the first year, and the provisions they brought were soon used up. By fall, famine and the disease of a hot and damp climate had swept away half their number. 10. Besides this, the Jamestown Colony was badly gov- QUESTIONS. 4. What patent did the London Company obtain ? Mention the ex tent of South Virginia. 5. What emigration party was sent out ? 6. What is said of the colonists ? What did they expect ? 7. Where was the colony intended to be established ? What prevented? Give the facts as to their landing. 8 State what is said of the country at this time. 9. Give an account of the improvident conduct of the colonists. State the result. 10. What other evil befell the colony ? What is said of the council ? Of the Supe rior Council ? Who was to appoint the members ? State what is said of the charter. VIRGINIA. 31 erned. The King of England had obliged the colonists to submit to the government of a, council composed of seven men whom he nominated. The council were to choose a presi dent. Over this coun cil was to be an other, in Eng land, called the Superior Coun cil. The King was to appoint the members of this council also. King James wrote all these arrangements of government in a Jamestown and Vicinity. document called the first charter of Virginia. 11. The president of the colonial council, named Wingfield, turned out to be a knave, and things went from bad to worse. 12. One of the Jamestown pioneers was a very bold and able man named Captain John Smith, who had led a life of wonderful adventure. The King had made him one of the colonial council ; but the other members were jealous of him and had excluded him from membership. However, they were now glad to put him at their head. 13. Smith did a great deal to set things to rights. In the fall and winter he made a number of expeditions into the in terior, cultivated the friendship of the Indians, the Fowhat- ans, and brought back supplies of corn and food for the starv ing colonists QUESTIONS. 11. What is said of the president ? 1*2. State what is said of Captain John Smith ; of his treatment of the colonists. 13. What did Smith accomplish ? Speak of his expeditions. 32 HISTORY OF THE COLONIES. NOTE. A well-known story is related of Smith on one of these expe ditions. He was captured by the Indians and carried before their chief, Powhatan, whose head-quarters were near the present site of Richmond. He was condemned to death, but was saved by Powhatan s daughter, Pocahontas. It is now believed that this is a fiction ; but there really was such an Indian girl as Pocahontas, and, some years after, she mar ried one of the colonists, named John Rolfe. 14. In the spring of 1608 new settlers arrived. But they were adventurers, and went to seeking gold which they did not find instead of planting and building. 15. The company in London, having put a good deal of money into the Colony, were very much disappointed that they got no returns of gold. They therefore thought they would do better to take away the government from the Jamestown council and put matters into the hands of a gov ernor. The King allowed them to make this change, and the new government is known as the second charter. 16. The company now went to work with new vigor. In 1609 they sent out five hundred colonists. At the same time they appointed Lord Delaware governor ; but he did not sail till later. 17. Smith was still at the head of affairs when the new emigrants came. But in the fall of 1609 he was accidentally wounded, and had to return to England. 18. The settlers, left to themselves, became idle and riot ous. When winter came they were without food. By the spring of 1610, sickness and famine had reduced them from over five hundred to sixty. This period -the winter of 1609-10 was afterwards known as the "starving time." 19. In June, 1610, the few colonists that were left were just abandoning Jamestown, when Lord Delaware, the governor, arrived with supplies and new settlers. 20. The new administration was a wise one, and the Colony QUESTIONS. 14. Give an account of the new settlers. 15. What is said of the disappointment of the London Company? State what they thought about the government of the Colony. What was the result ? 16. State what the company now did. Who was appointed governor ? 17. What of Smith, and his retirement from Virginia ? 18. What of the settlers now ? Give a statement of the " starving time." 19. What was the state of things in the summer of 1610 ? 20. What of the new administration? Mention what is said of other settlements ; of improvement. VIRGINIA. 33 prospered. Other settlements were made farther up the James River. Cattle and hogs were introduced from Europe, and industry and good habits spread among the people. 21. In 1612 the London Company obtained from King James a third charter. It allowed the stockholders of the company in England to exercise control over the Colony. Hitherto the supreme direction of the Colony had been in the hands of a Superior Council, resident in England and ap pointed by the King. 22. The result of this change was very good for Virginia. The explanation of this is that many members of the London Company were lovers of liberty, and they resolved to give their colony some of the rights of self-government. 23. Accordingly, in 1619, the company sent out a new gov ernor, named Yeardley, and told him to establish a legisla ture for the Colony. The Colony was divided into eleven boroughs, or counties, and the people were allowed to elect two representatives, or burr/esses, from each, to a colonial Assembly. 24. In 1619 the first representative Assembly ever con vened in America was held at Jamestown. The London Company further showed its good-will by granting the Virginians, in 1621, a written Constitution. This secured the people the privilege of electing their legisla ture, of trial by jury, and other important political rights. It laid the foundation of civil liberty in Virginia, 25. Virginia now entered on a flourishing period. The people devoted themselves to agriculture, and all the old famine troubles were over. During the year 1620, twelve hundred emigrants came to Virginia, and the population now numbered thirty-five hundred. The new settlers belonged to an excellent class. QUESTIONS. 21. When did the company get the third charter? State its pro visions. 2. What was the result of this change ? What is the explanation of this ? ii3. What did the company do in 1619 ? What political arrangements were made? 4. Where and when was the first Assembly held > State what is said of a Consti tution. What privileges did it secure ? 25. Give an account of the condition and growth of Virginia at this time. 2* c 34 HISTORY OF THE COLONIES. 26. In 1622, in the midst of peace and prosperity, the Virginians experienced the terrible calamity of an Indian war. The 22d of April, the savages fell upon all the outlying settlements, and murdered three hundred and sixty persons. This led to a bloody struggle, in which the Indians were ter ribly punished and driven far away from the plantations. 27. In 1624, Virginia underwent an important change in its government. The London Company was dissolved by the King, and Virginia was annexed to the crown. Virginia then became a royal Province. 28. Important Facts. We may now regard Virginia as firmly founded. The Colony had got over the early famine troubles, which several times threatened its destruction; it had survived the terrible Indian massacre ; it had received a good degree of political freedom, and it was now a royal Province. 29. In its government, Virginia continued a royal Prov ince for one hundred and fifty years, that is, down to the Revolutionary War, 1776. There was, indeed, one brief in terruption of the royal government, from 1677 to 1684. During this period King Charles II. resigned his dominion over Virginia, and gave it to one of his favorites, Lord Cul- pepper. It was then called a proprietary government. But the King resumed his rule over the Province. 30. The kings of England ruled Virginia through gov ernors, whom they appointed. But they left the colonists the privilege of electing their own legislature. The people always regarded the Virginia Assembly as the safeguard of their liberties. 31. The cultivation of tobacco in Virginia was begun about 1616. The raising of this staple soon proved very QUESTIONS. 26 What happened in 1622? Give an account of the massacre. What did this lead to? 27. What change in the government now took place ? What did Virginia hecome? 28. How may we now regard Virginia ? What difficulties had it got over ? What advantages had it? 20 Under what government did Virginia continue? When and under whom was it a proprietary government ? 30. How did the kings rule Virginia ? What privilege had the people ? How did they regard their legislature ? 31. When was tobacco first cultivated ? Repeat what is said of tobacco ; its price ? VIRGINIA. 35 profitable. Tobacco was not only the principal article of ex port from Virginia, but was the chief currency of the Colony. Tobacco, in the early days, brought three shillings (about seventy -five cents) a pound ; but its price afterwards fell very much. 32. In 1620 a Dutch trading-vessel brought into James River twenty Africans, who were immediately bought as slaves by the planters. The number of negroes in Virginia was for a long time limited to a few cargoes brought by the Dutch. After it was found that the blacks could be profitably employed on the tobacco plantations, their numbers increased rapidly. 33. In 1644 a second Indian massacre occurred. About three hundred whites were slaughtered. It was fol lowed by a war which lasted two years. The war ended in the complete subjugation of the Virginia Indians. They dwindled away, and were not afterwards troublesome. 34. During the whole period of the English civil war be tween Charles I. and the Parliament of England (which broke out in 1642, and resulted in the establishment of the Com monwealth, with Oliver Cromwell as Protector), the Virginians remained devoted loyalists, that is, they sided with the King. But when Cromwell triumphed and came into power he did not treat the Virginians ill.. They were allowed to choose their own governor. Many cavaliers, or English royal ists, removed to Virginia at this time. 35. In 1660 the English Parliament passed certain laws called the Navigation Acts. The purpose of these Acts was to give England the entire control of all the trade of the Colonies. The Virginians were not allowed to send their products anywhere but to England ; they were not allowed to QUESTIONS, 32. Give the origin of slavery in Virginia, State what is said of the number of negroes. When did they increase rapidly ? 33. Give the date of the second Indian massacre. How many were slaughtered? What resulted ? 34. What of Virginians during the English civil war? How did Cromwell treat them ? What right was allowed them ? What of the cavaliers ? 35. When were the Navigation Acts passed ! Their purpose. Explain the system. Effect of these laws- 36 HISTORY OF THE COLONIES. buy goods any where but in England; and everything had to be carried in English vessels. These laws bore very heavily on Virginia. They produced great discontent, and were one of the causes of the Kevo- lution. 36. In 1G7G, civil war broke out in Virginia. This war is known as "Bacon s Rebellion." The cause of it was ill- feeling which had arisen between the people and the aristo cratic party in Virginia. 37. The popular party thought the aristocrats were trying to deprive them of their liberties. They therefore rose in arms, under the lead of Nathaniel Bacon. They beat the Governor s party, and burnt Jamestown. But Bacon suddenly died, when the insurrection ceased. Jamestown was never rebuilt. Williamsburg was made the capital of the Colony. 38. Progress of Virginia. The progress of Virginia in population and wealth. was rapid, and continued to the end of the colonial period, 177G. The population of Virginia in 1770 was 275,000. 39. Virginia was a very attractive country to settlers. It was said to be "the best poor man s country in the world." 40. The people were very social and hospitable. Crime was rare, theft unknown. Virginian life and character were very different from those of New England, being much more jovial and hearty. 41. The form of religion established by the Colony was the Episcopalian. In the early days Puritans and Quakers were not allowed ; but religious freedom grew rapidly in Vir ginia. At the close of the colonial period two thirds of the Virginians were dissenters from the Episcopal Church. 42. Education did not make rapid progress till after QUESTIONS. 36. When did civil war break out ? Its name. State its cause. 37. What did the popular party think? What did they do? Which side was suc- ces?ful ? What of Bacon ? What of Jamestown ? What place became the capital ? 3S. Give an account of Virginia s progress. What was the population in 1770 ? 39. Repeat what is said of the attractions of Virginia. 40. What is said of the people ? of life and manners ? 41. What of religion ? Name the sects excluded. How was it later? 4 J. What of education ? Name the college of Virginia. THE NEW ENGLAND COLONIES. 37 1688. Many free schools were then established. The College of William and Mary was founded in 1692. 43. Slavery was rapidly extended in Virginia. The legislature tried to stop it several times ; but England would not consent. 44. A love of liberty early arose in Virginia. The firm stand which the Virginians always made for their political rights was a great benefit to all the other Colonies. It pre pared the way for independence. II. THE NEW ENGLAND COLONIES. 1. MASSACHUSETTS. Seal of Massachusetts. 45. Introduction. New England was so named by Captain John Smith, the character so famous in the his tory of Virginia. 46. In 1614, Smith, after his return from Virginia to Eng land, sailed to the American coast for the purpose of trade QUESTIONS. 43. Tell what is said of slavery. 44. Tell what is said of the love of liberty. Mention what is said of its effect. 45. Who named New England ? 40. When did Smith visit that region? Give an account of his explorations. Wh:it did he make ? 38 HISTORY OF THE COLONIES. and discovery. He examined the coast from the Penobscot River to Cape Cod. He made an interesting map of this re gion. A copy of this map is here given. Smith s Map of New England. NOTE. This map was first published in Smith s "Description of New England," printed in London in 1616. On the map are various names given by Captain Smith to different localities. Only those of Plymouth, Charles Eiver, and Cape Ann were afterwards retained as the names of the places designated by Smith. By comparing the map with a modern one, it will be seen that names were applied by Smith to other localities than those which now bear them. 47. It should be remembered that all this northern part of the United States had been granted by King James, in 1606, to the Plymouth Company. This company had tried in 1606 to found a colony near the mouth of the Ken- nebec River, in Maine. But they did not succeed. QUESTIONS. 47. To what company did all this northern country belong ? What had it done, and the result ? THE NEW ENGLAND COLONIES. 39 48. The Plymouth Company was dissolved in 1620, and a new company formed, called the "Council for New England." King James granted this company the territory between the 40th and 48th degree of north latitude, that is, from Penn sylvania to Nova Scotia, and extending westward from the Atlantic to the Pacific. 49. The members of the " Council for New England " were very much interested in the accounts which Captain Smith gave of their territory of New England. They began to make plans to plant a colony there. But before they began to carry out these plans a colony was founded in Massachusetts by a small band of persecuted religious Englishmen, known as the Pilgrim Fathers. 50. The Plymouth Colony. The Pilgrim Fathers be longed to a religious sect that had separated or seceded from the Established Church of England. On this account they were sometimes called Separatists. They were Puritans ; but they went farther than most of the Puritans in favor of re ligious independence. A body of Separatists had some years before left England on account of religious persecution, and had settled in Holland. These now resolved to seek an asy lum in the wilds of America. 51. It is always very noble when men do or suffer any thing for the sake of principle ; and we must admire the self- sacrifice and courage of the Pilgrims. 52. In 1620 this band returned to England and took ship in a vessel named the Mayflower. They sailed from Plymouth, England, in the month of September. There were one hundred and one persons. 53. The Mayflower reached the coast of Massachusetts, and QUESTIONS. 48. What took the place of the Plymouth Company ? What grant was received ? 49. What was the effect of Smith s accounts ? What did they begin to do ? What happened meanwhile? 50. Who were the Pilgrim Fathers? How named sometimes ? Give an account of one body of Separatists. 51. Why must we admire the Pilgrims ? 5 2. What did the Holland Pilgrims do? When and from where did they sail? How many did they number ? 53. Where did they land ? When was the landing made ? 40 HISTORY OF THE COLONIES. the Pilgrim band made a landing at the place marked on Captain Smith s map as Plymouth. This name they re tained. The landing was made December 21, 1620. NOTE. The anniversary is celebrated on the 22d, an error of a day having occurred in changing the date from old to new style. 54. The Pilgrims, unlike the Virginians, had no charter from the King or from any company. They had, therefore, to govern themselves. On board the Mayflower the men had all agreed they would obey the laws that should be made for the common good. Their government was a pure democracy. They chose John Carver governor for one year. 55. It was a hard welcome they received to their wilder ness home. The country was covered with forests, and the snows and sleet and cold of the New England winter wer corning on. 56. They made themselves as comfortable as they could in rude log-cabins. But the greater part fell sick, and before spring half the little band had perished. Governor Carver was among the number. William Bradford succeeded him. 57. Fortunately they were not troubled by the Indians. No red men showed themselves during the winter, and when they began to come in in the spring, they were quite friendly. The Pilgrims formed with the Indians a treaty of friendship whirh lasted for a long time. 58. Plymouth Colony grew very slowly. At the end of ten years it contained only three hundred persons. Still it was firmly planted, and the success of the experiment was the cause of other and larger colonies being founded in New England. 59. Plymouth remained independent, with its own gov ernment, for seventy-two years, till 1692. It was then, by QUESTIONS. 54. What is said of the government of the Pilgrims ? What was done on board the Mayflower ? Their government was what ? Name the fir?t governor. 55* What of their welcome and the country ? 56. What did they do ? What of sickness ? 57. What of Indians ? of their first appearance, and of the treaty ? 58. What of the growth of Plymouth ? its population ? result of its success? 59. How lon^ was Plymouth independent? AVhat afterwards became of it? Its population in 1G92. THE NEW ENGLAND COLONIES. 41 order of the King of England, united with Massachusetts Bay Colony. Its population was then eight thousand, scat tered through several towns. 60. The Pilgrims and their descendants were a quiet, thrifty, God-fearing people. They were, for the age, liberal Christians, and were never guilty of that religious persecution for which the Puritans of Massachusetts Bay Colony have been much blamed. 61. Massachusetts Bay Colony. The success of Plymouth Colony led a number of wealthy and influential English Puritans to form a company that should send out Puritan settlers to New England. They called themselves the " Company of Massachusetts Bay." 62. This company, in 1628, purchased from the "Council for New England " a tract of land bordering on Massachusetts Bay. NOTE. The purchase comprised the lands extending from a line three miles north of every part of Merrimack River to a line three miles south of the Charles River, and from the Atlantic to the Pacific. 63. In 1629, King Charles I. granted the company a char ter. The charter and powers of government for the new colony were to be in the hands of the company in England. 64. The company began by sending out to Massachusetts a party of Puritans under John Endicott. They settled at Salem, and there laid the foundation of the colony of Massachusetts Bay. During the same summer others followed and settled at Charlestown. 65. In 1630 an important change was made in regard to the government of the Colony. The charter and powers of government were transferred from the company in England to the Colony. This gave Massachusetts Bay Colony self- government. The result was that a large number of Puritans QUESTIONS. 60. Repeat what is said of the character of the Pilgrims. 61. What did the success of Plymouth lead to? What was the name of the new company ? 6 2. State the territory purchased by it. 63. What did King Charles grant ? Where was the charter to be ? 64. What did the company first do ? Where did the immigrants settle ? 65. What important change took place ? What did this give Massachusetts ? State the result. 42 HISTORY OF THE COLONIES. Governor Winthrop of influence and wealth resolved to remove from England to the Colony. 66. The summer of 1630 brought to America a fleet of thirteen vessels, carrying nearly 1,500 Puritan settlers. John Winthrop carne with them as governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony. Governor Winthrop was greatly respected and esteemed by his people, and was frequently re-elected chief magistrate of the Colony. 67. The new-comers founded the city of Boston and settled Dorchester, Cambridge, Lynn, Roxbury, and other places, the situation of which may be seen in the map here given. 68. For the first two or three years the settlers around Mas sachusetts Bay had to suffer severe privations. But after that they enjoyed a great de gree of happiness and pros perity. The people were thrifty and persevering. They culti vated the ground and took care of flocks and herds. They hunted and fished for a part of their food. Their exports of Cured fish, furs, and him- Boston and Vicinity. her bought them articles of convenience and luxury in England. QUESTIONS. 66. Tell of the new immigration. Who was governor ? What of Win throp ? 67. What settlements did the new-comers make ? 68. What of their early and later experiences? the character of the people? their pursuits ? THE NEW ENGLAND COLONIES. 43 Thus Massachusetts Colony was by this time firmly founded. Let us now see some of the important facts of its colonial history. 69." Important Facts. The first important fact is the government of the Colony. The government of Massachu setts Colony was under a charter granted by the King of Eng land, Charles I. It was carried on by a governor, deputy- governor, and magistrates called "assistants," all chosen by the people. The laws were made by a legislature elected by the people. But the " freemen," or citizens, alone voted, and only church-members were citizens. 70. In 1686 the charter of Massachusetts was abolished by James II. The Colony was then ruled by a governor ap pointed by the King. The governor was Sir Edmund Andros, who was a despot. The legislature was abolished. This was a terrible blow to liberty. 71. In 1692, Massachusetts received from King William a new charter, which did not grant the people as much freedom as the original one. The King reserved the right of appointing the governor. However, popular representation was restored. 72. Massachusetts continued to be a royal Province un der this charter, down to Independence in 1776. 73. In Massachusetts, religious persecution grew out of the close connection between religion and politics. The Puritans wished to found a religious commonwealth. This made them intolerant of all who differed from them. Here follow some examples. 1. In 1635, Roger Williams, a minister, was banished from the Colony for advancing doctrines in opposition to those held by the Puritan churches. He went into the wilderness and founded Rhode Island. QUESTIONS. 69. State the first important fact. The government was what ? How carried on ? What of the laws ? Who were citizens ? 70. Describe the political changes that took place Under King James. Of the legis lature. Of liberty. 71. Give an account of Massachusetts under King William. 72. What was the subsequent government of Massachusetts ? 73. What of religious persecution? What sort of a commonwealth did the Puri tans wish to found ? The result of this ? Give the first example of religious intolerance. Give the second example. The third. 44 HISTORY OF THE COLONIES. 2. In 1636, Anne Hutchinson and Rev. John Wheel wright caused much trouble by their opposition to the clergy. They were finally compelled to leave the Colony. 3. In 1656 a law was passed banishing all Quakers from Massachusetts Bay Colony, and imposing the penalty of death on those who returned. Four persons were executed under this law. Very soon after, it was repealed. 74. What must we say of these things ? We can only say that the Puritans thought they were right, and that, in that age, they had not learned the lesson of religious tolerance. 75. In 1643 a union was made between Plymouth Colony and Massachusetts Bay Colony and two other colonies which had, meantime, been planted in New England. These two other colonies were " Connecticut " Colony and New Haven Colony, both within the present limits of the State of Connecticut. They took the name of the "United Colonies of New England." They joined together for mutual protection, and the union lasted for forty years. 76. In 1675 a savage contest, called King Philip s War, began with the Indians. Philip was chief of the Wampano- ags [wom-pa-no agz], and succeeded in uniting the Narragan- setts with him. The cause of the war was the execution of three Indians by the English for the murder of an Indian convert who had told the colonists that Philip was con spiring against them. 77. The savage warfare lasted more than a year. Nearly all the frontier New England settlements were attacked and burned, and many men, women, and children were slaugh tered. The colonists flew to arms and beat the savages in several fights. 78. The principal battle, called the swamp fight, took place in South Kingston, Rhode Island. The Indians had QUESTIONS. 74. What must we say of these things ? 75. State fully the history of the union of the New England Colonies, when formed, which they were, and the object. 76. Give the date of King Philip s War. Who was Philip? State the cause of the war. 77. Give an account of the warfare. 78. Name the principal battle. Give an account of it. THE NEW ENGLAND COLONIES. 45 three thousand warriors ; the colonists, fifteen hundred militia. The Indians were completely defeated, losing one thousand men killed and wounded. King Philip was killed. Six hundred whites perished during the war, which cost a million dollars. But the result was the complete subjugation of the New England Indians. 79. During the English civil war, when the Puritan Parliament of England fought against Charles L, Narragansett Fort and Swamp. and finally cut off his head and made Cromwell Protector, the sympathies of the New-Englanders were with Parliament. 80. In the history of Virginia, mention was made of the Navigation Acts of 1660. These laws crippled the trade of New England ; but the colonists evaded the laws as much as they could. The result was, the English government did not get much revenue from Massachusetts. It was in conse quence of this that James II., in 1686, declared the charter of Massachusetts null and void (see IT. 70), and sent out his own governors to enforce the laws. 81. In 1692 there broke out in Massachusetts a remark able delusion known as the Salem witchcraft. In that age the belief in witchcraft was common in all civilized coun tries, and in England, from time to time, witches were hung. In Salem this belief now took possession of the whole com munity and became a sort ofpanw. 82. This panic began by some little girls being taken with a singular nervous disorder. An old Indian woman-servant QUESTIONS. 79. What is said of Massachusetts during the civil war in England ? 80. What of the Navigation Acts ? What was the result of their evasion by the colonists ? 81. Give the result of Salem witchcraft. State what is said of witchcraft in Eng land; what of it in Salem. 85. Give an account of the panic. 46 HISTORY OF THE COLONIES. was accused and whipped till she confessed that she had be- witclied the children. Other children were affected in the same way, and other old women were charged with being witches. 83. Within a few months, twenty persons were tried and executed, and the jails were filled with others accused of witchcraft. But before long the terror passed away, and the accused were liberated. The people had come to understand that, whatever was the truth about witchcraft, death was neither the proper cure for nor the proper punishment of it. 84. During the hundred years before independence, the people of Massachusetts were, at different times, engaged in four wars against the French, assisted by Indian allies. These contests, in which the Colony suffered severely, are known as the French and Indian -wars. But as many of the other Colonies besides Massachusetts were engaged in these wars, we shall put them in a separate chapter. (See p. 90.) 2. CONNECTICUT. Seal of Connecticut. 85. Founding of "Connecticut" Colony. Con necticut was settled from Massachusetts. The people had QUESTIOKS 83. How many persons were executed ? How did the delusion die out ? What had the people come to understand ? 84. What is said of the French and Indian wars ? 85. From where was Connecticut settled ? Of what had the people heard ? THE NEW ENGLAND COLONIES. 47 heard of the fertile lands in the valley of a river called by the Indians Connecticut, which means, in their language, long river. 86. In 1635 a pioneer band of some sixty men, women, and children set out from Massachusetts to go to the west ward. They were guided through the wilderness by the com pass ; they drove their cattle before them, and after fourteen days toilsome journeying they reached the Connecticut River. They settled at Windsor. 87. In the next year, 1636, a larger party of emigrants followed from Massachusetts. They were led by Rev. Thomas Hooker. The new-comers founded the settlements of Hartford, Windsor, and Wethersfield, places which may be seen on this map. 88. These settlements were at first under the protection of Massachusetts, and were called the "Connecticut" Colony. However/ 1 two other colonies were soon planted within the present limits of Connecticut, 89. These Massachusetts pioneers were not actually tho first white men in Connecticut. In 1633 some Dutch trad ers from the Dutch -American Colony, New Netherlands (now New York), had established a fortified trading-post on the Connecticut River, near where Hartford was built. The same year a party of traders from Plymouth Colony sailed up tfie Connecticut River. The Dutch tried to stop them from passing the fort ; but they did not mind, and went up and built a trading-house at Windsor. 90. Then came, in 1636, the first real settlers, the Massa chusetts pioneers. It was thought there would be trouble QUESTIONS 86. Give an account of the immigration of the pioneer band. 87. Give an account of the next year s immigration. What settlements did the colonists found ? 88. Under whose protection were the settlements, and what was the name of the Colony ? What other colonies were planted ? 89. Who had been in Connecticut before the Massachusetts pioneers Give an account of the Dutch in Connecticut ; of the Plymouth people. 90. Repeat the date of the Massachusetts immigration. What was feared ? State the result of the disputes. 48 HISTORY OF THE COLONIES. between the English and Dutch, as both claimed Connecti cut. And there were disputes for a number of years. But it was finally decided that the English should have possession. 91. The Dutch had really very little right to Connecticut. That region belonged to the extensive territory of North Vir ginia, which King James I., in 1606, gave to the Plymouth Company. NOTE. In 1630, the company granted the soil of Connecticut to the Earl of Warwick. In 1632, the Earl of Warwick ceded his rights to an English corporation composed of Lord Say and Sele, Lord Brooke, and others. So Connecticut belonged to them. 92. Lords Say and Sele and Brooke, who became proprie tors of Connecticut in 1632, did not disturb the Massachu setts settlers in Connecticut. However, they sent out John Winthrop, Jr., son of Governor Winthrop of Massachusetts, as their agent, and told him to build a fort at the mouth of the Connecticut River. He did so, and formed a little settlement at Say brook. This constituted an independent colony called the Saybrook Colony, the first of the two other colonies before spoken of. Saybrook Colony was united with the Connecticut Colony in 1644. 93. The "Connecticut" colonists had not been a year in their new home before they had to wage a bloody war for their existence. The PequotS lived in Connecticut, and were the most powerful tribe of New England Indians. From the begin ning, they had murdered a good many of the scattered settlers. 94. In 1637, Captain John Mason, with a small force of colonists and friendly Indians, marched against the Pequots in their principal stronghold. This was a palisaded fort on the Mystic River, where the present town of Groton stands. 95. Mason surprised the savages, who defended themselves QUESTIONS. 91. What is said of the Dutch claim to Connecticut ? To whom did the territory really belong 92. What of the proprietors and the colonists ? Who was sent out as agent, and what did he do ? What was the name of the colony ? When united with Connecticut ? 93. What terrible experience had the settlers ? State what is said of the Pequots. 94. Give an account of Mason s march to the Indian fort. 95. Give an account of the battle. What of the result ? THE NEW ENGLAND COLONIES. 49 stoutly until their wigwams were set fire to ; in the confusion the Indians were shot down and burned. Six hundred men, women, and children perished, mostly by the flames. The result of this was the utter extermination of the Pequot tribe. 96. New Haven Colony. In 1638, a third colony was established in Connecticut. It was called the New Haven Colony., This colony was founded by a band of Puritans who came from England. The first settlement was made at New Haven. A government was organized on strictly re ligious principles, and only church-members were allowed to vote. 97. We have thus seen three colonies established on the soil of Connecticut, "Connecticut" Colony (consisting of the settlements of Windsor, Hartford, and W^ethersfield), Say- brook Colony, and New Haven Colony. But Saybrook Col ony, we saw, was united with the " Connecticut " Colony in 1644. 98. " Connecticut Colony " and New Haven Colony re mained separate governments, each under its own constitution framed by the people, till 1665. Then King Charles II. united them into one. Hence, after this, we have to speak only of CONNECTICUT. 99. Important Facts. In 1662, King Charles II. granted Connecticut a charter. It was under this charter that the two colonies were united and became Connecticut in 1665. 100. This charter was exceedingly liberal. It confirmed the free constitution which the people had formed, allowing them to elect their own governor and representatives. It also gave other privileges, and was the most liberal charter ever given to any American colony. It was secured by John AVinthrop, Jr., who applied to the King for it. QUESTIONS. 96. What was the name of the third Connecticut colony ? By whom founded ? Name of the settlement ? Character of the government ? 97. Repeat the names of the three Connecticut colonies. 98. What two remained separate ? What did they become when united? 99. Give the date of Connecticut s charter. What was done under it ? 300. Give an account of the charter. Who secured it ? 3 D 50 HISTORY OF THE COLONIES. 101. In 1685, King James II. annulled the charter of Connecticut. He did not wish any free governments in his dominion. 102. The charter itself was not lost ; for when Andros, who had been sent out as royal governor of New England, went to Hartford, in 1687, to seize the charter, the lights in the room suddenly went out, and the precious document was carried away by Captain Wadsworth and hid in the famous " Charter Oak." Still, under Andros, the rights and privi leges and liberties which the charter secured were taken away, though the document itself was safe. Andros destroyed the Colony s self-government and ruled like a tyrant. 103. Fortunately, Andros s rule came to an end in 1689, when his royal master, King James II., died, and a better monarch, King William, ascended the throne. Then the Charter Oak yielded its faded but precious treasure. 104. King William allowed the people of Connecticut to restore their charter government. 105. Progress. Under the constitution which they had themselves formed, and which was confirmed by the char ter, the people continued to grow and prosper. Their early constitution was found so good that it remained the funda mental law of the land for one hundred and eighty years, that is, till long after Connecticut became a State. 106. In character, the people of Connecticut were thrifty and industrious and liberty-loving. 107. Education early received much attention. An ex cellent system of common schools was established. Yale Col lege was founded in 1701. 108. In the several colonial wars with the French, Con- QCTESTIONS. 101. What of the charter under King James ? What did he desire? 103. Repeat the incident of the Charter Oak. What of Connecticut s liberties under Andros ? 103. When did Andros s rule come to an end ? What then ? 104. What of Connecticut under King William ? 105. What of Connecticut prosperity ? of the constitution? 106. Repeat what is said of the character of the people. 107. Repeat what is said of education ; of Yale College. 108. Repeat what i said of colonial wars. THE NEW ENGLAND COLONIES. 51 necticut furnished her full quota of troops and took a leading- part. U OTE . The history of these wars is related in Chap. XI., pp. 90 - 108. 109. The population of Connecticut at the breaking out of the Revolutionary War was 130,000. 3. RHODE ISLAND. - Seal of Rhode Island. 110. Founding of Rhode Island. It was religious persecution which led to the founding of Rhode Island. Roger Williams was the first white man who settled in that Colony. 111. When Williams was banished from Massachusetts (see IF 73), he fled in winter through the woods to the wigwams of the Narragansett Indians. By them he was well received. Williams at this time gave the red men so strong an impres sion of his nobleness and purity of character, that he always afterwards had great influence with the savages. On several subsequent occasions he was able to save New England from Indian attacks. QUESTIONS. 109. What was the population of Connecticut in 1776 ? 110. State the circumstances of the founding of Rhode Island. 111. Where did \Villiams go when banished? What of his influence with the Indians? 52 HISTORY OF THE COLONIES. 112. In the spring of 163G, Williams with a few friends left the Indian camp and went to a place called Seekonk, at the head of Narragansett Bay. Here he made a settlement which he named Providence, to express his confidence in the mercies of God. 113. Williams had been ban ished from Massachusetts because he said that government ought to protect all denominations of Chris tians. He resolved that in the noble community he established all denominations should be protect ed. His doctrine was that the magistrate was to rule "only in civil matters," while the people were responsible for their religious opinions to God alone. 114. The result of this liberal spirit was that the Colony soon became an asylum for the persecuted in other Provinces. 115. In 1638 a small band of people who were driven out of Massachusetts on account of church matters made a settle ment on the island of Rhode Island. They named their settlement Portsmouth. NOTE. The Dutch had called this island, from its reddish appearance, Roodt Eylandt, Red Island. Hence the English Rhode Island. The settlers bought the island of the Indian chiefs Canonicus and Miantonomah for "forty fathoms of wampum," or white beads. 116. In the spring of 1639 a number of colonists removed to the southeastern part of the island, where they laid the foundation of Newport. 117. In 1643, Roger Williams went to England, and came Roger Williams. QUESTIONS. 112. Give an account of the settlement of Providence. 113. What of religious denominations in Rhode Island ? 114. What was the result of this liberality? 115. Give an account of the settlement of Portsmouth. 116. Give an account of the settlement of Newport. 117. How and when was a charter obtained ? THE NEW ENGLAND COLONIES. 53 back next year with a charter, which united the settlements into one colony. He obtained the charter from the English Parliament. 118. Soon after, the people met and framed a free constitu tion for the colony. It allowed perfect religious liberty. A governor and legislature were elected by the people. This measure made Rhode Island a regularly organized Colony. 119. Important Facts. The relations of Rhode Island with Massachusetts were for a good while rather unfriendly. Massachusetts claimed part of the soil of Rhode Island as her own. In order to end this trouble, and also some disputes among the people themselves, Roger Williams was asked to go to England again. He went, and in 1654 obtained a confirma tion of the charter. 120. In 1663, Rhode Island obtained from Charles II. a royal charter. It granted all the rights and privileges given by the previous parliamentary charter. This charter named the Colony " Rhode Island and Providence Plantations." 121. When the persecution of the Quakers was begun in Massachusetts, the other New England Colonies asked Rhode Island to pass a law against that sect. But she refused. She was true to her original doctrine of religious freedom. 122. Progress. From the commencement of the eigh teenth century, Rhode Island had a career of prosperity down to the end of the colonial times. Education received much attention. Brown University was founded in 1 764. In 1732, James Franklin established at Newport the first newspaper in Rhode Island. The population of Rhode Island, at the beginning of the Revolutionary War, was 50,000. QUESTIONS. 118. Give an account of the constitution and the government. 119. What is said of the relations with Massachusetts? How were the troubles ended ? 120. Give the date of the royal charter , its character. What did it name the Colony ? 121. What is said of tV treatment of Quakers in Rhode Island ? 122. What is said of Rhode Island prosperity ? of education ? of the first news paper ? of the population ? 54 HISTORY OF THE COLONIES. 4. NEW HAMPSHIRE. = n Seal of New Hampshire. 123. New Hampshire. The Colony of New Hamp shire had, in one respect, a different history from the other Colonies. The difference is, that New Hampshire was not all the time a separate colony. At various times it formed part of Massachusetts. 124. In 1622, two years after the landing of the Pilgrims, two Englishmen, Sir Ferdinand Gorges [yar j ez] and Captain John Mason obtained a grant of a tract of land "bounded by the Merrimack, the Kennebec, the ocean, and the river of Canada. " They got this grant from the "Coun cil for New England," who held the royal patent for all New England. 125. The next year, a small party in the service of the proprietors made little settlements on the Piscataqua. Among these were Portsmouth and Dover. These were very fecHe for a long time. 126. In 1629, Gorges and Mason dissolved partnership. QUESTIONS. 123. How does the history of New Hampshire differ from that of jther Colonies ? 124. Give an account of the original grant. 125. What settlements were made ? What of them ? 120. What took place in 1 J29 ? What name did the Province receive ? THE NEW ENGLAND COLONIES. 55 Mason then obtained a new grant for the territory between the Merrimack and the Piscataqua. He named his Province New Hampshire. Mason had heen governor of Portsmouth, in Hampshire y England. Hence the name. 127. During the next few years, the region was divided up among many proprietors. This fact led to numerous dis putes and lawsuits. It should also be mentioned that New Hampshire suffered terribly from the Indians. 128. These troubles led the people to put themselves under the protection of Massachusetts. This they did in 1641. New Hampshire continued a part of Massachusetts for thirty-nine years, that is, till 1680. 129. In 1680 the King of England made New Hampshire a separate royal Province. It was ruled by a governor appointed by the King, and by an Assembly elected by the people. 130. During Andros s two years 1 despotic rule over New England (1686-1 688), New Hampshire, like her sister Colonies, lost her independence. But when Andros was overthrown the people took the government into their own hands, and in 1690 placed themselves again under the protection of Massa chusetts. 131. From this time till 1741, New Hampshire was some times separate from, and at other times united with, Massa chusetts. In 1741 it was finally separated, and remained a distinct royal Colony. 132. Though circumstances were not favorable to the rapid growth of New Hampshire, owing to Indian wars and the conflicting claims to the lands, that Colony nurtured a hardy, courageous, and liberty-loving people. The important QUESTIONS. 127. What took place in the following years ? What trouble did the people have ? 128. What did these troubles lead the people to do? Give the date and duration of the union with Massachusetts. 129. Give an account of New Hampshire as a royal Province. 130. Give an account of Andros s rule. Date of the next union with Massachusetts. 131. What of New Hampshire after this ? When finally separated? 132. Give a sketch of the subsequent history of New Hampshire. 56 HISTORY OF TUP: COLONIES. part she took in the French wars will be seen in another chapter. At the outbreak of the Revolutionary War, New Hampshire was ready to take her own share in the contest. 133. Maine. Maine was not one of the thirteen Colo nies which entered into the War for Independence in 1775. The reason is, that, in 1775, Maine was not a separate Colony, but a part of Massachusetts. Still, Maine was a separate Col ony during part of the colonial period, and we must know when this was. 134. In 1639, Sir Ferdinand Gorges obtained from the King of England a grant of land between the Piscataqua and the Kennebec. This he called the Province of Maine. NOTE. This northeastern part of New England had been called the Mayne [main] land, in distinction from the islands along the coast ; hence the name Maine. 135. At this time, almost the only population consisted of a few fishermen living in huts along the coast. But as time passed, there was considerable immigration into the woods of Maine, and the people established a government of their own. 136. For many years there was a continual dispute between Maine and Massachusetts. The cause of it was, that Massachusetts claimed jurisdiction over a part of Maine. 137. In 1677 the British authorities decided that Massa chusetts had no right to Maine. It was said to belong to the heirs of Gorges. 138. The secret of this was that the King of England wished to buy this Province for his son, the Duke of Mon- mouth. But the people of Massachusetts outwitted the King. They sent to the pretended heir and bought his title to the soil of Maine for twelve hundred pounds. This was in 1G77. Annexed by royal charter to Massachusetts, 1691. QUESTIONS. 133. State what is said of Maine. 134. Give an account of the grant of Maine. 135. What of the early condition of Maine? 136. What of the disputes with Massachusetts? 137. What did the British authorities decide? 138. What was the secret of this? How was the King outwitted 7 NEW YORK. 57 139. Maine remained a part of Massachusetts till 1820, when she came into the Union as an independent State. VERMONT. All the New England States have now been mentioned, except Vermont. Vermont never was a Colony. Its territory was part of New York and New Hampshire till 1791, when it carne into the Union as a State. But even during the colonial times the " Green Mountain boys," as they then began to be called, took a plucky part in the wars of New England. Ill NEW YORK. 140. Dutch Period. New York, now the first of all the States in wealth and population, was the only one of the American colonies settled by the Dutch. NOTE. By the "Dutch " is meant the people of Holland. 141. Henry Hudson landed on Manhattan Island (now New York) in 1609, and discovered Hudson River. Hudson was an Englishman ; but at this time he was in the service of the Dutch government. On this account QUESTIONS. 139. How long was Maine a part of Massachusetts? 140. State what is said of New York. 141. Give an account of Hudson s discovery, and what the Dutch claimed. 3* 58 HISTORY OF THE COLONIES. the Dutch claimed the country and named it New Nether lands. 142. Soon after Hudson s discovery, merchants of Holland sent out ships to traffic with the Indians. The traders estab lished trading-posts : one on Manhattan Island, the other up the Hudson, near where Albany was afterwards built. 143. In 1621, the year after the landing of the Pilgrims, a company of Dutch merchants, called the Dutch West India Company, obtained a patent for the territory of New Netherlands. The Dutch claimed that New Netherlands stretched from the Connecticut River to Delaware. 144. In 1623 the West India Company sent out a number of families from Holland to their colony. This was the first regular settlement of the country. On the island of Manhat tan they founded New Amsterdam. This was the begin ning of the great city of New York. In 1624, they founded Fort Orange, afterwards Albany. NOTE. Manhattan Island was bought of the Indians for sixty guild ers, twenty-five dollars. 145. In 1626, Peter Minuit [mm u-it] was sent out as governor of New Netherlands. The second Dutch governor was Wouter Van Twiller ; the third, Sir William Kieft \keeft] ; the fourth and last, Peter Stuyvesant [sti ves-ant]. These four governors ruled during about forty years, till 1664. 146. During this period New Amsterdam was growing in a slow but solid sort of way. In 1664, the Dutch colony could show a population of ten thousand. 147. The Dutch had a few troubles, troubles with the Puritans in Connecticut, with some Swedes who had settled to the south of them, and with the Indians. All these troubles were overcome during the administration of Governor Stuy vesant, who was decidedly a strong-minded man. QUESTIONS. 142. Give an account of th early Dutch trading settlements. 143. Give an account of the AVest India Company s grant. State the extent of New Netherlands. 144 . Give an account of the first regular settlements. 145. Name the four Dutch governors. How long did they rule ? 146- What of the growth and population of New Amsterdam ? 147. What is said of the troubles of the Dutch ? NEW YORK. 59 148. The English had all this time looked on the terri tory of New Netherlands as belonging to them. It was part of the English claim to American territory, the claim found ed on the discovery by the CabotS. 149. In 1664 the English were ready to make this claim good. King Charles II. granted the country from the Con necticut to the Delaware to his brother, the Duke of York. The Duke of York sent out an armed vessel and some troops under Colonel Nicolls, who was to ask the Dutch governor to give place to the English. 150. Stuyvesant was for resisting this demand ; but the people thought it was no use. So the city was surrendered, August 27, 1664. The whole Province, as well as the princi pal city, took the name of New York. 151. English Period. The principal reason why the Dutch gave up New York so easily was that many of the people wanted more freedom than they had under the Dutch West India Company s governors. A large number of New- Englanders had settled among the Dutch, and had the New England ideas of "government within themselves." Stuyvesant did not believe in these notions, and said he derived his authority from " God and the West India Com pany," and did not need the consent of the people. 152. The New-Yorkers did not gain all they thought they would when they changed Dutch masters for English masters. The Duke of York, who was proprietor of the whole Province, did not allow the people to govern themselves by a legislature (that is, representatives chosen by the peo ple), but sent out governors, who were responsible only to him. QUESTIONS. 14S. How had the English regarded this territory ? What claim had the English to it ? 149. When were the English ready to claim this region ? What grant was made by King Charles ? State what was done by the Duke of York. 150. Give an account of the surrender of the Dutch. What name did the Prov ince take ? 151. Why did the people give up so easily? What did Stuyvesant think of New Englind notions ? 152. What did the New-Yorkers gain by the change ? What is said of the govern ment of the Duke of York ? 60 HISTORY OF THE COLONIES. 153. The people were not sorry when, in 1673, a Dutch fleet came to New York the Dutch and English nations being then at war and compelled the city to surrender. The Dutch restoration lasted but a little over a year. In 1674, New York came again under English rule. It so re mained till Independence. 154. Important Facts. In 1674, the Duke of York sent out as governor Major Edmund Andros. This was the same Andros who was afterwards the oppressor of New England. He ruled New York for eight years. 155. In 1683 the people of New York were granted the right of representation. The Duke of York sent out a new governor with permission to call together an Assembly of representatives of the people. 156. This gave a long-desired right ; but it was soon taken away. The duke, in a year or two, became King of Eng land, under the title of James II. He then refused to allow the New-Yorkers to hold their Assembly, prohibited printing-presses, and sent out a governor who ground down the people. 157. In 1689 the news came that James II. was driven from the throne, and that King William had succeeded him. The New-Yorkers were delighted at this. As the peo ple of Boston had imprisoned Andros, the New-Yorkers de termined to seize the oppressive royal governor whom James II. had put over them. 158. There was a popular uprising headed by a citizen named Leisler \lis ler\. The people seized the fort in the name of King William, the royal governor fled, and Leisler put himself at the head of the Colony. He said he meant to QUESTIONS. 153. What change took place in 1673, and what of the feelings of the people ? How long did Dutch restoration last, and what of New York after that ? 154. Who was the first governor ? What of Andros ? 155. When did the people receive the right of representation ? State the circum stances. 156. When was this right taken away? What of the oppression under King James TT. ? 1 57. What joyful news was received in 1689 ? What of their feeling and conduct ? 158. Give an account of the uprising under Leisler. NEW YORK. Gl hold power only till King William should send out a gov ernor. 159. In 1691, Colonel Sloughter [slaw ter] came or.t as governor. Leisler had grown quite vain of his power, and made some trouble about giving up his authority. Sloughter had him arrested and tried. He and his son-in-law were con demned to death for high treason. 160. The governor refused to sign the warrant for their execution, since he thought they had been rather weak than wicked. But Leisler had made a great many enemies among the New York magistrates and the wealthy class, and they resolved he should die. They invited Governor Sloughter to a feast, and, when he was intoxicated with wine, he signed the death-warrant. Leisler and Melborne were executed early next morning. 161. The execution of Leisler, while it pleased one part of the people, enraged another. The feud between the two lasted for a long time, and had a great influence on colonial politics for many years. 162. From the time of King William (1689) to the Revo lutionary War, New York continued to be a royal Prov ince, ruled by the King s governors. King William also al lowed the Colony a legislature. But New York had no char ter of liberties, like New England. Hence it was often op pressed by bad governors. 163. These oppressions had one good effect : they taught tlie people to value liberty and resist tyranny. 164. Progress. The population of New York, at the commencement of English rule (1664), was 10,000. In 1776, it was over 100,000. The early settlers, as we saw, were QUESTIONS. 159. What took place on the arrival of Colonel Sloughter ? 160. What of the governors refusal to sign the death-warrant, and the way it was got out of him ? 161. State the result of the execution of Leisler. 162. What was the government of New York from King William s time What did he allow the Colony ? Had New York any charter ? What oppressions did it suffer in consequence ? 163. State one good effect of these oppressions. 164. State the population of New York in 1634 and in 1776. Give the character of the Dutch. What other settlers came ? 62 HISTORY OF THE COLONIES. Dutch. They were honest, thrift} , and whole-souled. After wards there came large numbers of Scotch, French, Germans, and English. The original Dutch blood was a noble element in New York societj r . 165. In religion, the majority were Presbyterians and In dependents. 166. New York City during the Dutch times con tained some three hundred houses and about three thousand people. Before the end of the colonial times, it had grown to be the most important commercial city on the Atlantic coast. 167. With the Indians the people of New York were, during almost the whole colonial period, on very friendly terms. The powerful confederacy of the Five Nations, or Iroquois, living in the northern part of New York, made several treaties with the people, and helped protect the fron tier against attacks from Canada. 168. The prominent part taken by New York in the va rious French wars is given in another chapter. NOTE. See page 90. 169. The spirit of independence was exceedingly strong in the New-Yorkers. In New York City able newspapers were published which defended the rights of the people. The New York Assembly was the first of the colonial As semblies to propose (in 1 7G4) that there should be " commit tees of correspondence " on the subject of England s oppres sions. The first blood of the Revolution was spilled in New York. (See page 116.) This was in the year 1770. QUESTIONS. 165. Repeat what is said of religion. 166. Repeat what is said of New York City. 167. Repeat what is said of relations with the Indians. 168. Repeat what is said of French wars. 169. Repeat what is said of the spirit of independence ; of the New York Assembly. What glory belongs to New York ? NEW JEfiSEY. IV. NEW JERSEY. 63 Seal of New Jersey. 170. Founding of New Jersey. The territory of New Jersey originally formed part of New Netherlands. The result was that when New Netherlands was given up to the Duke of York, and became the Province of New York, the territory of New Jersey was still included in New York. 171. But in 1664, the same year in which King Charles II. made the Duke of York proprietor of the Province of New York, the Duke of York ceded to two English noblemen, Lord Berkeley [berttli] and Sir George Car teret, a large slice of his territory. This was made a separate Province by the name of NEW JERSEY. NOTE. It received the name of New Jersey in compliment to Sir George Carteret, who had been governor of the little island of Jersey, England. 172. The proprietors made a very liberal constitution for the Colony. This charter promised equal rights and lib- QUESTIONS. 170. What was the territory of New Jersey originally? How did it become part of New York ? 171. What grant was made in 1664 ? What was the new Province called? 172. Give an account of the constitution and government. G4 HISTORY OF THE COLONIES. erty to all religions. The government was to be by a gov ernor and a council, both appointed by the proprietors. 173. The effect of these liberal offers was that many per sons, of various religious denominations, who were oppressed in Europe, came to the new Colony. 174. In 1665 the first settlement in New Jersey was made at Elizabeth. The band of settlers was led by Philip Carteret (brother of the proprietor), who had been appointed governor. He came with a hoe on his shoulder, to remind the people that industry and agriculture must be their main reliance. Thus the Colony of New Jersey was founded. 175. Important Facts. In 1674, Lord Berkeley sold his share of New Jersey to a company of English Friends, or Quakers. The Province was now divided into two parts, the Quaker purchase being named "West Jersey, the part still held by Carteret East Jersey. 176. The celebrated William Perm was made manager of the Quaker purchase. Immediately there was a very large immigration to West Jersey of persons belonging to the sect of Friends. In fact, it was a Quaker colony. 177. West Jersey had its own legislature. In 1681, the first Assembly met and passed excellent laws. 178. In 1682, East Jersey was sold by Carteret to Wil liam Penn and a number of partners. A famous Scotch Quaker, named Robert Barclay, was made governor, and many porsecuted Scotch Presbyterians emigrated there. 179. The fact that the soil of the Jerseys was in the hands of so many proprietors worked very badly for the people. They were very uncertain as to the title to their lands. 180. After long years of disputing between the proprietors and the people, the proprietors gave up their claims to the QUESTIONS. 173. What effect had this policy ? 174. Narrate the circumstances of the founding of Elizabeth. 175. Give an account of the division of New Jersey into East and West. 176. Who was made manager ? What was the result ? 177. What is said of the legislature of West Jersey ? 178. Narrate what is said of East Jersey and the Scotch. 179. What circumstance worked badly for the people ? ISO. How was the matter settled ? NEW JERSEY. 05 Colony, and in 1 702 the Jerseys were united into one royal Province, under the name of New Jersey. 181. At the time this was done, New Jersey was placed under the same governor as New York. But New Jersey was allowed its own Assembly, elected by the people. In this condition New Jersey remained for thirty-six years, from 1702 to 1738. 182. In 1738 the people petitioned the king to have a separate governor. This was granted. New Jersey re mained a royal Province, ruled by governors appointed by the king, down to Independence. 183. Progress. The soil of New Jersey was fertile, the Province was free from danger from Indians. Hence, it grew rapidly and attained great prosperity. 184. The Quakers and the Scotch were the main ele ments in the early population of New Jersey. These people were frugal, industrious, and moral. 185. The people of New Jersey were always distinguished for their love of liberty. They made a manful stand against the attempts of the royal governors to tyrannize over them. 186. In 1738 the college of Nassau Hall, at Princeton, was founded. 187. The population of the Colony, at the close of the colonial period, was over 50,000. QUESTIONS. 181. What of the governor of New Jersey ? Of the Assembly ? How long in this condition ? 182. What was granted in 173S ? How long did this continue ? 183. Give what is said of the soil and prosperity of New Jersey. 184. Of the inhabitants. 185. Of the love of liberty. 186. Of a college. 187. Of the population. HISTORY OF THE COLONIES. V. PENNSYLVANIA. Seal of Pennsylvania. 188. Founding of Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania was intended from the first to be an asylum for the persecuted English Quakers. The Friends, or Quakers, as they were called, belonged to a religious society which arose in Eng land about 1650. Its members were distinguished for the purity and simplicity of their religious belief and their man ners. 189. The Colonv of Pennsylvania was founded by the cele brated William Penn, who was a member of this sect. 190. Penn had become very much interested in American colonization, through his connection with the Quakers in the Jerseys, Learning that there was a large unoccupied territory be tween New Jersey and Maryland, he wished to purchase it for his persecuted religious brethren. 191. The English government had owed Penn s father, who was an admiral in the British navy, a large sum of money. QUESTIONS. 188. For what was Pennsylvania intended ? Explain who the Quakers were. 189. Who was the founder of Pennsylvania? 190. How had Penn become interested in America ? What territory did he hear of? 191. What of the debt to hia father? IIow did Penn take his payment? What was the territory named ? PENNSYLVANIA. 67 Perm, in payment, took a grant for the territory spoken of. The date of this grant was 1G81. The territory was named Pennsylvania. NOTE. Pennsylvania Penns woodland. signifies 192. In the autumn of 1681, a large company of emigrants, mostly Quakers, left England and came to the new settlement. They were under the direction of William Markham, who was appointed deputy-governor. Peim himself came out the next year, 1682. 193. In 1682, Penn obtained from the Duke of York a grant of the present State of Delaware. This region then went by the name of " The Territories." 194. There was a sparse population of Dutch and Swedes already settled in Pennsylvania and Delaware. Penn treated them very handsomely, and when he came the Swedes said it was " the best day they had ever seen." 195. Penn s behavior to the Indians was truly noble and Christian-like. Soon after his arrival he made his famous treaty with the Indians. Both parties lived up to this treaty ; and as long as the Quaker control of the Colony lasted, which was seventy years, there was unbroken harmony between the whites and the red man. The Indians called Penn " Onas," and the highest praise they could give a white man was to say he was like " Onas." 196. About the end of the year 1682, Penn selected a place between the rivers Schuylkill and Delaware for the QUESTIONS. 192. Narrate the facts of the first immigration. When did Penn come out? 193. What other grant did Penn obtain ? 194. Repeat what is said of the Dutch and Swedes. 195. What is said of Penn s behavior to the Indians? What of the treaty? How long did it last ? What did the Indians call Penn ? 19- Narrate the facts of the founding of the capital. 68 HISTORY OF THE COLONIES. capital of his Colony. He named it Philadelphia, which means brotherly love. 197. In this peaceful and loving manner was planted the great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. 198. Important Facts. First, the government of Pennsylvania was arranged by Penn. The Province was to be ruled by a deputy-governor appointed by the proprietor, Penn or his successors. The laws were to be made by a legis lature elected by the people. Besides this, Penn gave his Colony a " charter of liberties. " 199. In 1684, Penn returned to England. The condi tion of the Colony was most happy. The government was fully organized, and the Colony growing rapidly. It had then twenty settled townships and a population of 7,000. 200. Penn remained absent fifteen years. During this time dissensions arose in the Colony. First, in 1691, Dela ware, which had been united with Pennsylvania, withdrew from the union. Penn gave it a separate deputy-governor, and, in 1 703, he made it a distinct Province. Secondly, the persons left in authority began to quarrel. Thirdly, the peo ple became unwilling to pay the rents by which Penn ex pected to make good his large outlay on the Colony. 201. In order to remove all the grievances of the people, Penn returned to the Colony in 1699, and granted the people a new charter. This gave the people much greater power. It secured them the right of proposing laws, which they had not had before. It was found good, and remained in force till Independence. 203. After this, Penn returned to England, where he died in 1718. He was one of the greatest lawgivers and bene factors of mankind. QUESTIONS. 197. What was planted in this peaceful way ? 198. What was first arranged by Penu ? How was th* Colony to be ruled ? What of the laws? ef a charter? 199. Gire the date of Penn T s return. What of the Colony then ? 200. How long did Penn remain absent? What arose meantime? Give the first cause of dissension ; the second ; the third. 5401. How did Penn remove these evils ? What is said of the new charter ? 202. When and where did Perm die ? What is said of his character ? PENNSYLVANIA. 59 203. Progress. The wonderful growth and pros perity of Pennsylvania, during the sixty years from Penn s death down to the Revolutionary War, show the excellence of the institutions which the Quaker statesman had estab lished. 204. The sons of Penn were the proprietors of the Colony, and ruled it through deputy-governors. This pro prietary government lasted down to the Revolution, when the COMMONWEALTH bought the claims of Penn s sons for $580,000. 205. In religion, all sects were allowed. For a long time the Quakers were most numerous, but other denominations flourished. Each county had three officers called peace makers. 206. The boundary between Pennsylvania and Maryland had caused much trouble for many years. It was finally settled in 1761, when two surveyors, Mason and Dixon, fixed the present boundary. The boundary was afterwards known as " Mason and Dixon s line." 207. The Colony had a thriving trade with England, the West Indies, and the Southern Provinces. For many years, tobacco was largely cultivated. 208. Newspapers were early established in Philadel phia, and Benjamin Franklin edited one of them. 209. The population of Pennsylvania in 1 776 was 370,000. QUESTIONS. 203. What shows the excellence of Penn s institutions? 204. \Vho were the proprietors ? How loug did it last this way ? How much was paid for Pennsylvania ? 203. Repeat what is said of religion . 206. Explain what is meant by Mason and Dixon s line. 207. Repeat what is said of trade. 208. Repeat what is said of newspapers. 209. Give the population of Pennsylvania in 1776. 70 HISTORY OF THE COLONIES. VI. DELAWARE. Seal of Delaware. 210. Founding of Delaware. It has been seen that the Duke of York, in 1G82, granted the territory of Dela ware to William Penn. Many years before this, about 1632, it had been partly settled by a colony of Swedes. The Dutch of New Netherlands were offended at the Swedes being there, and made Delaware a part of their domain. When New Netherlands passed into the hands of the Duke of York and became New York, Delaware, of course, formed part of the Duke s possessions. This explains how the Duke of York was able to grant the territory of Delaware to Penn. 211. Important Facts. The history of Delaware while it formed part of Pennsylvania has already been given. 212. In 1703, the people of Delaware, being dissatisfied with their connection with Pennsylvania, were allowed by Penn to establish a separate legislature. Delaware and Pennsylvania were never afterwards united, but both re mained under the same governor. QUESTIONS. 210. Explain when and under what circumstances the Duke of York granted Delaware to Penn. 211. What have we already seen about Delaware ? 212. What took place in 1703 ? What of the governor ? MARYLAND. 71 213. The limited extent of the territory of Delaware gives the State rather a diminutive appearance on the map. But its soldiers were, during the Revolutionary War, among the bravest in defence of American liberty, and its statesmen have always exercised a great influence. Penn highly praised the good morals, excellent behavior, and patriotism of the people of Delaware. VII. MARYLAND. Seal of Maryland. 214. Founding of Maryland. The persecution of the Puritans led to the settlement of Massachusetts, and of the Quakers to the settlement of Pennsylvania. In like manner, the persecution of English Catholics led to the colonizing of Maryland. 215. The leader in the plan of settling Maryland was Lord Baltimore, a Roman Catholic nobleman of a very lofty and generous mind. In 1632 he received from King Charles II. a grant of a fine region lying north of the Poto mac. It received the name of MARYLAND. QUESTIONS. 213. What is said of the size of Delaware? of its soldiers and states men ? of its good morals ? 214. What led to the founding of Massachusetts and Pennsylvania? of Maryland? 215. Who was the leader in the plan of settling Maryland? Tell about his grant. What name did the Province take ? 72 HISTORY OF THE COLONIES. NOTE. The Province was called Maryland in honor of the queen, Henrietta Maria, who was a Catholic. 216. Before the business was completed, Lord Baltimore died. His son then succeeded him as second Lord Baltimore, and became proprietor of Maryland. 217. In the charter for the Province given to Lord Balti more, King Charles established a constitution for the Prov ince. It was very liberal. It provided that the laws for the colonists should be made by an Assembly of their own choos ing, and that the people were to pay no taxes. Lord Balti more allowed complete liberty of religious belief 218. We must now see how Maryland was first settled. In the fall of 1633, Leonard Cal- veit, a brother of Lord Balti- Lord Baltimore. more, sailed from England with about two hundred settlers. These were mostly English Catholic gentlemen with their families and servants. They came in two vessels named the Ark and the Dove. 219. The emigrants sailed to the Potomac, bought of the Indians a little village near its mouth, and settled down to cultivating the Indian fields. They raised a crop of corn that same year. They called the village and settlement St. Mary s. The settlement was begun March. 1634. New settlers im mediately commenced to pour in, and thus was founded the Commonwealth of Maryland. 220. Important Facts. Maryland was early involved in several disturbances. The most annoying was Clay- borne s Rebellion. Clayborne was a Virginian, who had QUESTIONS. 216. What of the first and the second Lord Baltimore ? 217. Give an account of the charter. What of religious liberty ? 218. Narrate the first settling of Maryland. 219. Reaching the Potomac, where did they settle ? Give the date. What of new settlers ? 220. What disturbance troubled Maryland? Tell about Clayborne s rebellion. MARYLAND. 73 obtained, before Calvert brought his colony, a royal license to trade in the country. Clay borne would not submit to Lord Baltimore s rule. He several times raised armed parties, who had several fights with the authorities. His conduct kept the Colony in trouble for ten years. 221. The subject of religion led to another difficulty. With a very noble spirit, the Assembly of Maryland passed, in 1649, a law called the "Toleration Act," which provided that all Christian denominations should be tolerated in Mary land. After a time, the Protestants obtained control of the legislature, and passed a law disfranchising Catholics. 222. The result was civil war in 1655. The Catholics were defeated. Maryland society was in confusion and tur moil till 1660, when peace and the old liberties were re stored. 223. In 1662, Charles Calvert was sent out as gov ernor by his father, Lord Baltimore. His wise and noble conduct did a great deal for the Colony. By the death of his father he became proprietor of Maryland, in 1684. 224. In 1689 a second religious war broke out. The Protestants, under a bad and designing man named Coode, seized the government and oppressed the Catholics. 225. In 1691, King William made Maryland a royal Province. It so remained for twenty years. In 1716, the proprietary government was restored under the fifth Lord Baltimore, and so continued till Independence. 226. Progress. From the beginning of the eighteenth century, Maryland s growth was very rapid. In 1700 the population was 30,000. 227. In 1699, the capital was shifted from St. Mary s to Annapolis. QUESTIONS. 221. What is said of the subject of religion? of the Toleration Act ? of the conduct of the Protestants ? 222. What was the result ? Which party was defeated ? When was peace restored ? 223. What is said of Charles Calvert? 224. Give an account of the second religious war. 225. What of Maryland under King William? When and under whom did it again become a proprietary government ? 226. What is said of growth and population? 227. What is said of the capital ? 74 HISTORY OF THE COLONIES. 228. Free schools and public libraries were established by law in all the parishes. 229. Like all the other Colonies, Maryland had slaves. But the blacks, as well as the indentured white servants, were treated with great humanity. 230. Tobacco was one of the staples of Maryland, and long served as the currency. The commerce of Maryland was very considerable, and Baltimore became an important commercial city. 231. The population of Maryland was intelligent and freedom-loving, in 1770 it numbered 120,000. VIII. NORTH CAROLINA. Seal of North Carolina. 232. Founding of North and South Carolina. - The first settlement of Carolina was made by emigrants from Virginia. Between 1640 and 1650 a considerable number of Virginians removed southward and settled in (or, as we should QUESTIONS. 228. What is said of schools ? 229. What is said of slaves ? 230. What is said of tobacco ? of commerce ? 231. What is said of the people ? Give population in 1776. 232. Who made the first settlement in Carolina ? When and where did they settle ? NORTH CAROLINA. 75 now say, squatted on) the country lying north of Albemarle Sound. 233. The reason of their emigration was that, at this early period, the Virginians, being zealous Churchmen, or Episco palians, were disposed to persecute persons of other denomina tions. The settlers found a rich soil and fine climate, and lived happily without any government. 234. In 16G3, King Charles II. gave Lord Clarendon and others a grant of all the land between Virginia and Florida, This territory received the name of Carolina. NOTE. In honor of the English King Charles (Latin, Carolus). 235. The proprietors made a liberal government for the little plantation on Albemarle Sound. It was called Albe marle Colony. 236. In 1665 a company from Barbadoes [bar-ba doze] made a settlement near the mouth of Cape Fear lliver. This took the name of Clarendon Colony. Both these settle ments were within the present limits of North Carolina ; but that name was not yet given to the Province. 237. In 1670, a number of English emigrants sent out by the proprietors, under William Sayle, made a settlement on the south side of Ashley lliver. This was Old Charles ton. The settlement received the name of the Carteret Colony. It was the first settlement within the present limits of South Carolina. 238. Important Facts. The English noblemen who were the proprietors of Carolina engaged a famous philoso pher named Locke to draw up a plan of government for the Province. He called it the Grand Model." But the "Grand Model" was not at all suited to plain people living QUESTIONS. 233. What was the reason of their emigration? How did they find the country ? 234. What royal grant of the territory is spoken of? What name did it take ? 235. What of the government? What was the Colony named ? 236. Give an account of the settlement of Clarendon Colony. In what limits were both these colonies ? 237. Give an account of the settlement made in 1670. What was the place named? What was the Colony called ? In what limits was the Colony ? 238. Tell about the " Grand Model." How did it work ? 7G HISTORY OF THE COLONIES. in the woods of Carolina. It was tried for some years, and then had to be given up. 239. The people of the northern settlements suffered so severely from different impositions, that in 1G77, under the lead of John Culpepper, they made a revolt. They took possession of the government, chose their own officers, and for some years things went on very smoothly. 240. In 1G83 the proprietors sent out Seth Sothel as governor. He was an unprincipled man, and plundered and oppressed the people for six years. At last, the people again took the law into their own hands and banished him. 241. After this there was a great improvement. The pro prietors allowed the colonists to choose their own representa tives to a colonial Assembly. A number of wise and good governors also were sent out. 242. North Carolina received an excellent class of set tlers. In 1707 a large company of French Protestants settled on the river Trent. In 1710 there was an immigra tion of persecuted German Lutherans. 243. In 1711 the Colony was afflicted with an Indian massacre. The Tuscaro ras went on the war-path, and murdered one hundred and thirty settlers. Troops from South Carolina were sent to their relief. They defeated the Indians, capturing eight hundred of them, and driving the rest northward into New York. 244. In 1729, the King of England bought from the pro prietors the whole Province of Carolina. He divided the northern settlement from the southern, and called them re spectively North Carolina and South Carolina. Each remained a royal Province, with a government and legisla ture of its own, to the end of colonial times. 245. Progress. The real prosperity of North Caro- QUESTIONS. 3!). What revolt was made ? 240. Tell about the government under Seth Sothel. 241. What is said of matters after this time? 242. What of the settlers of North Carolina ? 243. Give the date of the Indian massacre. Tell about it. 244. What was done by the King in 1729? What did he name the Colonies ? Under what government were they after this ? 245. Tell about the prosperity of North Carolina. Its settlers. SOUTH CAROLINA. 77 lina began about the commencement of the eighteenth cen tury. Then large numbers of Scotch, French, Germans, and North-of-Ir eland people settled there. 246. It was about this time that the interior of the coun try began to be explored, and was found to be much more fer tile than the coast. 247. The mode of life in early times was very favorable to the growth of a manly, independent spirit. It was not as fa vorable to education. It was a long time before there were many schools or churches. The first printing-press was set up in 1754. 248. About the middle of the eighteenth century, a great Btream of immigration flowed into North Carolina from Pennsylvania and other Northern Colonies. In 1776 it had a population of 75,000. IX. SOUTH CAROLINA. Seal of South Carolina. 249. Important Facts. It has been seen that the first settlement in South Carolina was made at Old Charleston. QUESTIONS. 246. What part of the Colony was now explored ? 247. To what was Carolina life favorable ? To what not so favorable ? 248. Repeat what is said of immigration. Give the population in 1776. 249. Give the date and place where the first South Carolina settlement was made. How long were North Carolina and South Carolina one Province ? 78 HISTORY OF THE COLONIES. The date of this is 1670. It must be remembered also that South Carolina and North Carolina were one Province till 1721. There are some facts in the history of South Carolina previous to 1721 which are to be learned. 250. The settlement in South Carolina soon attracted a large number of very desirable inhabitants. There were Hol landers from New York ; there was a large company of Hugue nots, or French Protestants; there were many people from England and Scotland, both Puritans and cavaliers. 251. One of the early governors, Sir John Yeamans, brought from Barbadoes a number of African slaves. As South Carolina was from the first a planting Colony, slave labor had a rapid growth. 252. The government of the Colony was in the hands of a governor chosen by the proprietors. The people elected their own legislature. 253. In 1650 the capital was removed from Old Charleston to the peninsula between Ashley and Cooper Rivers. Here Charleston was built. NOTE. Charleston was named in honor of Charles II. 254. In 1686 Governor Colleton oppressed the people, and they refused to submit. This led to a rebellion. The governor was deposed and exiled. 255. In 1694 the culture of rice was begun. The cap tain of a ship from Madagascar gave the governor of South Carolina a bag of seed rice. He said he had seen rice grow ing in the eastern countries, w^here it was thought excellent food. The governor divided the present among his friends. They planted the rice ; it increased wonderfully, and so be came a main staple of South Carolina. 256. The fact that the southern border of South Caro lina touched the Spanish possessions of Florida caused sev- QUESTIONS. 250. What did the settlement attract? Name some of the settlers. 251. Who introduced slaves ? What is said of slave labor ? 252. What is said of the government? 253. What is said of the founding of Charleston ? 254. What caused a rebellion ? 255. Give an account of the introduction of rice. 256. What is said of relations with the Spaniards ? SOUTH CAROLINA. 79 era! conflicts between the South-Carolinians and the Span iards. 257. In 1702, war then existing between England and Spain, Governor Moore of South Carolina led an expedition against St. Augustine. It was badly planned, and it failed. 258. The people blamed Moore so much that, after his re turn, he marched against the Apalachian Indians, who were allies of the Spaniards. In this expedition he was successful in clearing out the Indians. 259. In 1706 a fleet of Spanish and French vessels at tempted to capture Charleston. The enemy was repulsed with severe loss. 260. In 1715 a general Indian war broke out. It was started by the Yamassees, who were joined by all the Indian tribes from Cape Fear to the Alabama. The savages swooped down on the frontier settlements, murdering the inhabitants. Governor Craven, with twelve hundred men, met their main body on the Sal-ke-hatch ee, and completely defeated them. 261. The people were put to great expense by these wars. But the proprietors refused to pay any part of the loss, and also taxed the colonists severely. The people, in 1719, threw off all allegiance to the proprietors, and elected Colonel Moore governor. 262. The matter was taken before the British government. At last, in 1729, the King of England bought the claims of the proprietors, and Carolina became a royal Province. It was then that the separation between North and South Caro lina took place. 263. Progress. From 1729 to the end of colonial times, South Carolina was ruled by a governor appointed by the king and an Assembly elected by the colonists. QUESTIONS. 257. Give an account of the expedition against St. Augustine. 258. Give an account of an expedition against the Indians. 259. Give an account of the Spanish attack on Charleston. 261). Give an account of the war with the Yamassees. 261. What is said of the expense of these wars? When did they throw off alle giance ? 262. Who took up the matter ? What did the King do ? 263. What is said of the government of South Carolina? 80 HISTORY OF THE COLONIES. 264. Prosperity now blessed the Colony. The principal staples were indigo, rice, tar, and deer-skins. Charleston be came an important commercial city. 265. Slavery was a great feature in South Carolina. So many negroes were brought there, that, in 1734, they out numbered the whites as five to one. 266. The rice-planters of South Carolina formed a wealthy and cultivated class. They sent their sons to be educated in England. Thus a large number of young men of fine educa tion and chivalric spirit grew up, and were ready to take an important part in the struggle with the mother country. 267. The population of South Carolina in 1776 was 248,000. X. GEORGIA. Seal of Georgia. 268. Founding of Georgia. Georgia was the last of the States settled before the Declaration of Independence. QUESTIONS. 264. Repeat what is said of prosperity. Name some staples. What of Charleston ? 265. What of slavery ? Proportion of slaves to whites ? 266. Repeat what is said of the rice-planters. What kind of young men grew up ? 267. Give the population of South Carolina in 1776. 268. Which was the last founded of the Colonies ? By whom was Georgia founded ? Who were the " Trustees " ? Why was the Colony called Georgia? GEORGIA. 81 It was founded by a company of benevolent gentlemen, who proposed to establish a refuge for the poor and the persecuted. These gentlemen, called "Trustees," obtained from King George II. a grant of the territory between the Savannah and Altamaha rivers. It received the name of GEORGIA. NOTE. So called in honor of George II. 269. James Oglethorpe, a soldier and member of Parlia ment, was the noble character who proposed this benevolent plan. In 1 732 he led a company of one hundred and twenty emi grants to America. He ascend ed the Savannah River, and, in February, 1733, was commenced a settlement called Savannah. A treaty of friendship was made with the Indians. Thus was founded the Colony of Georgia. 270. Important Facts. The increase of the popula tion of Georgia was rapid. Large bands of thrifty and intel ligent Scotch, Swiss, and Germans came over. They were at tracted by the liberal grants of land made them by the Trustees. 271. With one of the early parties came two young clergy men, John and Charles Wesley, famous afterwards as the founders of the denomination of Methodists. 272. The trustees at first made some peculiar regula tions. The use of rum was prohibited, and slavery declared unlawful. 273. The condition of the Colony was rather backward for a number of years. One cause of this was the nearness of Georgia to the Spaniards in Florida. QTOSTION. 269. Who proposed the benevolent plan ? Give an account of the emigration Where and when was a settlement made? What of the Indians? 270. Tell what is said of the population of Georgia. 271. Name two famous clergymen who went there. 272. Repeat what is said of the peculiar regulations of the trustees. 273. What is said of the condition of the Colony ? 4* F 82 HISTORY OF THE COLONIES. 274. In 1740, Oglethorpe made an invasion of Florida. He laid siege to St. Augustine, but could not take the fort, and was compelled to return. 275. Two years later, 1742, there was a Spanish inva sion of Georgia. The Spaniards came from Havana with a fleet of thirty-six vessels and three thousand men. Ogle- thorpe s whole force was eight hundred. He managed his military operations with much skill, avoided a general engage ment, was successful in some skirmishes, and finally, by strata gem, drove the invaders from the coast. 276. In 1743, Oglethorpe having returned to England, the trustees established a government by a president and council. But the Colony languished. The prohibition of rum cut off trade with the West Indies. Colonists preferred to settle in South Carolina, where they could have blacks to cultivate their plantations. 277. In 1752, the trustees of Georgia surrendered the char ter to the King. Georgia then became a royal Province. 278. Progress. When Georgia became a royal Province all the prohibitions imposed by the Trustees were removed. From that time, Georgia advanced rapidly in population and wealth. Her institutions became in all respects like those of the other Southern Colonies. TOPICAL REVIEW. I. Review of the Founding of the Colonies. I. VIRGINIA. Jamestown Colony founded 1607. Settled by English emigrants. It. MASSACHUSETTS. Plymouth Colony founded 1620; QUESTIONS. 274. What is said of the invasion of Florida? 275. Give an account of the Spanish invasion. 27G- What is said of the government of the Colony? Did tlie Colony prosper? Why not ? 277. When did Georgia become a royal Province? 27S. Give a sketch of the subsequent progress of Georgia. REVIEW QUESTIONS. Founding of the Colonies. I. Give the date of t^io founding of Virginia. Settled by whom? II. Give the date of the founding of Massachusetts. Settled by whom ? TOPICAL REVIEW. 83 Massachusetts Bay Colony, 1628-30. Settled by Eng lish Puritans. III. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Founded 1622. Settled by colo nists from England and Massachusetts. IV. MARYLAND. Founded 1634. Settled by persecuted Catholics from England. V. CONNECTICUT. " Connecticut " Colony founded 1635 ; Saybrook Colony, 1636 ; New Haven Colony, 1638. Settled by emigrants from New England. VI. KHODE ISLAN D. Providence Plantation founded 1636 ; Rhode Island Plantation, 1638. Settled by persecuted New- Englanders. Vil. NEW YORK. Founded 1623, by the Dutch under rule of the Dutch West India Company. Came under the English rule 1664. Settled by Dutch, New-Englanders, and immigrants. VIII. NEW JERSEY. Part of New Netherlands. Fell un der English rule the same time as New York. Settled much like New York. IX. PENNSYLVANIA. Founded 1682. Settled by perse cuted English Quakers. X. DELAWARE. Included at first in Penn s province. Set tled by Quakers, previously by some Swedes. XI. NORTH CAROLINA. Both North and South Carolina at first included in one, called " Carolina." Albemarle County Colony (in North Carolina) founded 1663. Made a separate colony 1729. Settled by emigrants from Vir ginia, and afterwards by emigrants from Europe. XII. SOUTH CAROLINA. At first same as above. Carteret REVIEW QUESTIONS. III. Give the date of the founding of New Hampshire . Settled by whom T IV. Give the date of the founding of Maryland. Settled hy whom ? V. Give the date of the founding of Connecticut. Settled by whom ? VI. Give the date of the founding of Rhode Island. Settled by whom ? VII. Give the date of the founding of New York. Settled by whom ? VIII. Give the date of the founding of New Jersey. Settled by whom ? IX. Give the date of the founding of Pennsylvania. Settled by whom ? X. Give the date of the founding of Delaware. Settled by whom ? XI. Give the date of the founding of North Carolina. Settled by whom ? XII, Give the date of the founding of South Carolina. Settled by whom ? 84 HISTORY OF THE COLONIES. County Colony founded 1670. Settled by English emi grants and French Huguenots. XIII. GEORGIA. Founded 1733, by English colonists under Oglethorpe ; afterwards peopled by Scotch, Swiss, etc. II. Review of Colonial Governments -and Charters. Nature of the Colonial Governments. The Thir teen Colonies, each and all, from the time of their founding down to the Declaration of Independence in 1776, were under the dominion of the crown of England. But there were several different kinds of government in the Colonies, and various Colo nies, from time to time, changed their government. The kinds of government were : 1. The government of a commercial corporation, as the London Company, which ruled over Virginia in early times. 2. Proprietary government, the rule being under some proprietor or proprietary to whom the king granted the Prov ince. Pennsylvania under William Perm, and Maryland un der Lord Baltimore, are examples of proprietary government. 3. Royal government, or the government of the King of England through some royal governor appointed by the crown. Almost all the Colonies were, sooner or later, under royal government. 4. Charter government was the government of the Colo nies by a charter or written instrument, given by the king, and granting certain political rights and privileges. 5. There were some colonies founded by the people them selves, without the authority of king or company or proprie tor. Example, Plymouth Colony. This kind of government may be called government by voluntary association. I. VIRGINIA. Government of a commercial corpora- REVIEW QUESTIONS. XIII. Give the date of the founding of Georgia. Settled by whom? Colonial Governments and Charters. Under what dominion were the Col onies? What is said of the kinds of government ? Describe the commercial corpora tion. Describe proprietary government. Describe royal government. Describe char ter government. Describe voluntary association I. Give a synopsis of the changes of government in Virginia. TOPICAL REVIEW. 85 tion, the London Company. The London Company had a charter from the King. In 1624, the London Company was dissolved, and Virginia became a royal Province. During nine years, from 1675 to 1684, Virginia was a proprietary government. From 1684 to the Revolution, it was a royal Province. Virginia was first allowed to elect a colonial legislature in 1619. II. MASSACHUSETTS. Plymouth Colony governed by vol untary association. Massachusetts Bay Colony governed by a Puritan company that obtained a patent from the coun cil for New England (old " Plymouth Company ") and a charter from the King. In 1686, James II. annulled the charter, and made Massachusetts a royal Province. It continued such to the end of the colonial period, though, in 1692, King William gave Massachusetts a new charter. III. NEW HAMPSHIRE. At first a proprietary govern ment, under Gorges and Mason, ruled by agents of the pro prietors, or by magistrates chosen by the people. In 1641 the people placed themselves under Massachusetts. In 1680 New Hampshire became a royal Province. Subsequently it was alternately under Massachusetts and separated. From 1741 onwards it was a royal Province. IV. MARYLAND. A proprietary government under Lord Baltimore and his heirs. In 1691, King William took away from Lord Baltimore his proprietary rights, and Maryland be came a royal Province, and so remained for over twenty years. In 1716 the proprietary government was restored in the person of the fifth Lord Baltimore. This lasted till In dependence. Maryland enjoyed a charter. V. CONNECTICUT. Saybrook Colony under proprietary rule, and so remained till united with " Connecticut " Colony, in 1644. "Connecticut" Colony and New Haven Colony both had government by voluntary association. " Con necticut" Colony obtained a royal charter in 1662. This REVIEW QUESTIONS. II. Give a synopsis of the changes of government in Massa chusetts. III. Give a synopsis of the changes of government in New Hampshire. IV. Give a synopsis of the changes of government in Maryland. V. Give a synopsis of the changes of government in Connecticut. 86 HISTORY OF THE COLONIES. united New Haven Colony with " Connecticut." The charter allowed the people to elect their own governor and legislature. Under Andros, 1687, charter government destroyed, but re vived by King William. From this time on, Connecticut was governed under its liberal charter. VI. RHODE ISLAND. Governed at first by voluntary as sociation. In 1G44, Roger Williams obtained a charter from Parliament. In 1663, Charles II. granted Rhode Island a new charter. This allowed the people to elect their own governor and Assembly. Rhode Island lost her independence under the Andros rule ; but, after that, was governed under her charter. VII. NEW YORK. At first proprietary government un der governors appointed by the Duke of York. New York received no charter. It was allowed a legislature in 1683. Wlien the Duke of York became King of England (called James II.), New York was, of course, a royal Province. It remained such till Independence. VIII. NEW JERSEY. At first proprietary government under Berkeley and Carteret. Then divided into East and W^est Jersey, and ruled by different proprietors, West Jersey being under Quaker rule. Subsequently New Jersey had va rious political changes till 1702, when the proprietors gave up their claims, and New Jersey became a royal Province, which it continued to be till Independence. IX. PENNSYLVANIA. Proprietary government under William Penn, who gave the people a charter. The charter allowed the people to elect members of the Assembly, and also to choose the governor s council. The governor was ap pointed by the proprietor. In 1692 the proprietary rights of Penn were taken away for a brief period, and Pennsylvania was under the governor of New York. The proprietary government was then restored, and continued under Penn s sons down to Independence. REVIEW QUESTIONS. VI. Give a synopsis of the changes of government in Rhode Island. VII. Give a synopsis of the changes of government in New York. VIII. Give an account of the changes of government in New Jersey. IX. Give an account of the changes of government in Pennsylvania. TOPICAL REVIEW. 87 X. DELAWARE. Included at first in Penn s Province and under the same proprietary government. Delaware was allowed a separate legislature in 1703 ; but was under the same governor as Pennsylvania down to the close of the colonial period. XL NORTH CAROLINA. North and South Carolina under one proprietary government till 1729. In 1729 both be came royal Provinces, and so continued till Independence. The King appointed the governors for each, but allowed the people to elect their own Assemblies. XII. SOUTH CAROLINA. Proprietary government, as mentioned above, till 1729; after that, a royal Prov ince. XIII. GEORGIA. At first under the government of trus tees of a company that obtained a grant of the soil of Georgia for twenty-one years. The government may, therefore, be considered proprietary. In 1752, Georgia became a royal Province, and continued such till Independence. III. Review of Colonial Progress. I. The population of the Colonies was made up of a great variety of elements. England furnished the largest number of colonists ; but Holland, Sweden, France, Scotland, Ireland, Germany, and other countries, were well represented in the domain which was to form the United States. This mixture of the best races has made the people of the United States the most versatile, energetic, and progressive in the world. II. The love of liberty was strong in all the Colonies. Indeed, it was the desire of civil and religious freedom that was the strongest motive in bringing the colonists to this country. " Whoever will study the character of the earliest REVIEW QUESTIONS. X. Give an account of the changes of government in Delaware. XI. Give an account of the changes of government in North Carolina. XII. Give an account of the changes of government in South Carolina. XIII. Give an account of the changes of government in Georgia. Colonial Progress. I. Repeat the substance of what is said of the population of the Colonies. II. What is said of the love of liberty ? Give the substance of what was said by Mr Seward. 88 HISTORY OF THE COLONIES. immigrants to this country," said William H. Seward, " will find the same indomitable love of liberty among the Episco palian adventurers on the Iloanoke, the Puritans who, in the fear of God, established their congregation upon the rock of Plymouth, the Quakers on the Schuylkill, the Catholics on the Susquehanna, the Netherlander on the Hudson, the Ger mans on the Lehigh, and the Swedes and Finns at Cape Hen- lopen. He will be ready to say that God in his providence seems to have collected from the nations of Europe men of sturdy limbs, free minds, and bold hearts, to lay broad and deep the foundations of a State which, for the benefit of the human race, was to prove, under the most propitious circum stances, the experiment of a popular representative govern ment." III. Slavery was introduced in Virginia in 1620. It soon found its way into all the Colonies. North and South were equally responsible for slavery ; because, while slave labor was more profitable on the Southern plantation than at the North, slave importation was profitable to the Northern and New England shipmasters, and they went largely into the traffic in negroes. But the chief promoters of the slave-trade were British merchants and shippers. IV. Almost all the Colonies were more or less troubled with Indian wars. Virginia had the two massacres of 1622 and 1644. Connecticut had its Pequot war in 1637. Massa chusetts had the war of King Philip in 1675. The Dutch of New York suffered severely from the Indians from 1640 to 1643. The Carolinas and Georgia also had their wars. New Jersey, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Delaware were little or not at all troubled by Indian wars. The colonists invaria bly got the better of the Indians in the end, and gradually the Indians receded farther and farther from the neighbor hood of the whites. V. Religion in the Colonies presented itself in every va riety of denomination. Maryland, which was founded as a REVIEW QUESTIONS. III. Give the substance of what is said about slavery. IV. Repeat what is said of Indian wars. V. State what is said of religion. TOPICAL REVIEW. 89 Catholic Colony, finally had a majority of Protestants. The other Colonies were almost entirely Protestant. The Church of England was established in Virginia, Maryland, and the Carolinas. In New England, the colonists were CalvinistS in doctrine and Congregational in discipline. The leading denomination in New York was the Dutch Reformed. The first Baptist church in America was established by Koger Williams, at Providence. Pennsylvania, Delaware, West Jersey, Khode Island, and, in some measure, North Carolina, were Quaker Colonies. The different sects were often at variance with each other. The New England Puri tans imprisoned Baptists and executed Quakers. The Vir ginia Churchmen imprisoned Quakers and Baptists and ban ished Puritans. As time passed, all denominations became much more liberal and tolerant, and before the close of the colonial period religious persecution was entirely given up. VI. All the Colonies had more or less experience of British oppression. Two kinds of oppression were particularly ex perienced, the commercial oppression of the "Navigation Acts " and the oppression of royal governors. (For the Navi gation Acts, see Virginia, f 35 ; Massachusetts, If 80.) The royal governors were, in many cases, unprincipled men, who sought to get rich by swindling the colonists. These oppres sions had one good effect, they made the colonists jealous of their rights and liberties, and helped develop the people up to the sentiment of independence. VII. The leading business of the colonists was agricul ture. The restrictions imposed by the British government bore heavily on colonial trade and manufactures ; but, in spite of these, they nourished to a good decree. It has been noticed, that, in most of the Colonies, education received proper attention. The first printing-press in America was set up at Cambridge in 1639. The first newspaper printed in America was the Boston News Letter, issued in 1704. Among great thinkers may be mentioned Jonathan Ed- REVIEW QUKSTIONS. VI. State what is said of British oppression. VII. State what is said of agriculture ; of trade and manufactures ; of education ; of the Orst printing-press ; of the first newspaper ; of great men ; of population. 90 HISTORY OF THE COLONIES. wards as a metaphysician and Benjamin Franklin as a scientific discoverer. The population of the Colonies at the close of the colonial period was nearly 3,000,000. XL THE FRENCH WARS. 1. French Explorations. About the time when the first English colonies were founded on the Atlantic coast (1607- 1620), France began to establish colonies to the north, in Acadia and Canada. (See pp. 14, 15.) 2. While the various English colonies were growing, the French, on the St. Lawrence, were growing too. They grad ually pushed westward. They established missions, trading- posts, and forts along the chain of Great Lakes. They pene trated the Mississippi Valley. They finally claimed that valley from the source of the Mississippi to its mouth in the Gulf of Mexico. They said it was a part of NEW FRANCE. 3. The presence of two rival nations on American soil made it certain that some time the two would come into collision. It was sure there would be a contest for the mastery of the continent. 4. Such a contest did come. It was fought through four wars. These are: 1. The war of 1689, called "King Wil liam s War" ; 2. The war of 1702, called "Queen Anne s War"; 3. The war of 1 745, called " King George s War " ; 4. The war of 1754, called the " French and Indian War." The last was the most important. But they were all French and Indian wars. 5. We must first look at French explorations. Between 1609 and 1616, Champlaiil made western explorations, in which he discovered Lake Champlain and Lake Huron, and entered Northern New York with a party of Canadian Indians to fight the Iroquois. Other explorers followed Champlain. QUESTIONS. 1. When did France begin to make American settlements ? 2- Give an account of the growth of the French in America. Jl. What is said of the effect of the presence of the two rival nations? 4. How many wars were there in America between the French and English ? Name them , and give the dates. 5. What must we first look at ? Give an account of Champlain s explorations. THE FRENCH WARS. 91 6. The principal French explorers were Jesuit mission aries. There was a wonderful romance in their wanderings and labors to convert the savages and explore the country. In the year 1634 we find these zealous men as far westward as Lake Huron, where they had established missions. 7. In 1668 the mission of St. Mary s was established on the southern shore of the outlet of Lake Superior. 8. In 1673 a Jesuit missionary named Marquette [mar- ket ~\, with a trader named Joliet \zhol-e-dy ] and five other Frenchmen, started out to reach a "great river" in the far West, of which much had been heard. This was the Missis sippi. The explorers reached the Mississippi, and sailed down it to the mouth of the Arkansas. This may be called the second discovery of the Mississippi. 9. In 1679 a bold adventurer, named La Salle \sal\ built QUESTIONS. 6. Who were the principal French explorers? What is said about 7. Where and when was the mission St. Mary s established? 8. Give an account of Marquette s exploration. How far down the Mississippi did he go? 9. Give an account of La Salle s explorations. 92 HISTORY OF THE COLONIES. a bark on Lake Erie, and sailed through the Great Lakes as far as Green Bay. From there, La Salle, with a few com panions, in a birch canoe, went up Lake Michigan to the mouth of the St. Joseph. They crossed to a branch of the Illinois River, which they went down, and then made their way back to Lake Ontario. 10. In their absence, Father Hennepin and another priest had gone down the Illinois River to the Mississippi. From here they went up the Mississippi as far as the Falls of St. Anthony. 11. In 1682, La Salle, in a barge, descended the Mississippi from the mouth of the Illinois River to the Gulf of Mexico. La Sail took possession of the country for the King of France. He named it LOUISIANA. NOTE. In honor of Louis XIV. 12. A year or two afterwards, La Salle brought a company of people from France to make a colony at the mouth of the Mississippi. The ship could not find the mouth of the river, so the party landed in Texas. This colony was a complete failure. La Salle was murdered. 13. It was just at this time, 1689, that the first war be tween the English and French broke out. The population of all New France at this period was about 12,000, one twen tieth of the population of the English Colonies. 14. King William s "War. In 1689 war broke out in Europe between England and France. The contest extended to the American Colonies. 15. The war was begun by the Eastern Indians, who were allies of the French. They fell upon the settlements in New Hampshire and Maine. They took Dover, N. H., destroyed QUESTIONS. 10. What was done by Father Hennepin ? 11. Give an account of La Salle s voyage on the Mississippi. For whom did he take possession of the country ? What was it named, and why ? 1 "2. Give an account of La Salle s colony. 13. What war broke out now? What was the population of New France at this period ? 14. When did King William s War break out in Europe? Tt extended where? 15. Give an account of the beginning of the war in this country. Name places cap tured and destroyed by the Indians. THE FRENCH WARS. 93 it, and carried many of the inhabitants prisoners to Canada. Fort Femaquid, Maine, was also captured. Most of the inhabitants of Salmon Falls arid Casco Bay, Maine, were massacred. 16. The settlements in Northern New York were next at tacked by a war party of French and Indians from Montreal. Schenectady was burned. Many of the inhabitants were slain or made captives. 17. These atrocities made the colonists resolve to attack the enemy in return. A plan of campaign was made. It was resolved to send a fleet and army from Boston to attack Quebec. At the same time, nine hundred men, to be raised in Connecticut and New York, were to march against Montreal. 18. While preparing for this invasion, Massachusetts, in May, 1690, sent a fleet, under Sir William Phipps, to Acadia. The result was the easy capture of Port Royal. 19. Immediately after this, the plan of invading Can ada was begun. The troops marched overland by way of the Hudson and Lake Champlain. But they got no farther than Lake Champlain. The officers quarrelled, the provisions gave out, and the expedition returned, a failure. 20. The naval part of the expedition was equally unsuc cessful. The fleet found Quebec too strong to be attacked. These were the principal facts in King William s War, though for four or five years more the New England settlements suf fered much from the Indians. In 1697, Haverhill, Massa chusetts, was attacked, and forty persons were killed or made captive. 21. In 1697, the treaty of Ryswick [riz wik] put an end to King William s War. It was agreed that each side was to have the same territory as before the war. QUESTIONS. 16. What settlements were next attacked ? What place was burned? What of the inhabitants ? 17. What effect had these atrocities on the colonists? Describe the plan of cam paign. 1 S. What expedition was meanwhile fitted out ? State the result. 1 9. What was next done ? Narrate the facts. 20. What as to the naval part of the expedition? What of the Indians? Name a pl ir-p in Massachusetts attacked. 21. What treaty put an end to King William s War ? State the agreement. 94 HISTORY OF THE COLONIES. 22. Queen Anne s War. The peace of Eyswick was broken in five years by a war between England on one side, and France and Spain on the other. It soon involved the Colonies. 23. In this war, New England was the principal sufferer. New York was spared, because the French, having made a truce with the Iroquois, or Five Nations, resolved not to in vade their territory. 24. This contest took the same form as the previous one. The French from Canada and their Indian allies in Maine laid waste the frontier settlements of New England. 25. In 1704, Deerfield, in Massachusetts, was burned, and its inhabitants were killed or taken prisoners to Canada. So active were the Indians, that large rewards were offered for the scalps of red men. 26. The colonists now determined again to invade Acadia. In 1707, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire fitted out an expedition against Port Royal. The expedi tion was not successful. It was renewed in 1710, and Port Royal was taken. 27. The result of this conquest was that Acadia, under the name of Nova Scotia, became a British province. 28. In 1711 the plan of invading Canada, which had failed in the previous war, was renewed. An English fleet, with a New England force, sailed for Quebec. The fleet was wrecked at the mouth of the St. Lawrence. 29. At the same time, a column started overland to march against Montreal by way of Lake Champlain. Soon after starting, this force heard of the failure of the fleet. The expedition was then abandoned. The whole plan was a failure. QUESTIONS 22. How and when was the peace of Ryswick broken ? 23. Which section was the principal sufferer, and why ? 24. What form did this contest take ? 25. Give an account of the Indian attacks. 26. What did the colonists now determine on? Wliat expedition was fitted out? Give the result. What of Port Royal afterwards ? 27. Give the result of this conquest. 28. What plan of invasion was renewed in 1711 ? To what place did the fleet sail ? What of the fleet ? 29. What is said of the overland column ? What of the whole plan ? THE FRENCH WARS. 95 30. Queen Anne s War was ended by the Treaty of Utrecht [t/ou trekt], in 1713. The only gain to England was the winning of Acadia (Nova Scotia). 31. French Possessions in the West. It has been seen, that, at the beginning of the first French War (King William s War), the French had extended their missions and trading-posts along the Great Lakes, that Marquette and La Salle had explored the Mississippi and called the region Lou isiana, and that a French colony had been attempted on the Gulf of Mexico, but failed. 32. French progress in settlement was stopped by King William s War. But after it the effort to colonize Louisiana w r as renewed. 33. In 1699 a Canadian named Iberville [eber-veel ] car ried a colony from France to Biloxi, the first European set tlement within the present State of Mississippi. In 1700 he brought out another colony of Canadians. In 1702 he moved most of the Biloxi settlers to Mobile, the first settlement within the present State of Alabama. Mobile was made the capital of all Louisiana. 34. In 1712, Crozat [croz-ah ] established a colony at Fort Rosalie, which was the beginning of Natchez. 35. In 1716 Louisiana was put under the control of what was called the "Mississippi Company." Bienville was appointed governor. Under the patronage of this company several thousand French settlers moved to Louisiana. 36. In 1718, Bienville founded the city of New Orleans, which was made the capital of Louisiana. 37. French progress in the Mississippi Valley was slow. In 1 750 the population was only 7,500. QUESTIONS. 30. What treaty ended Queen Anne s war? What had been gained ? 31. What have we seen as to the French, at the beginning of the first French war ? 32. What stopped French settlements ? When renewed ? 33. Give an account of the colony planted by Iberville? What did he do in 1700? in 1702 ? What is said of Mobile ? 34. Give an account of the colony established by Crozat. 35. Give an account of Louisiana under the Mississippi Company. 36. When and by whom was New Orleans founded? 37. Repeat what is said of French progress in the Mississippi Valley. Give popula tion in 1750. Name places founded by them in the Northwest. 96 HISTORY OF THE COLONIES. In the mean time, the French were firmly establishing their power in the Northwest. They built Fort Niagara in 1728, Crown Point in 1731, a post at Vincennes in 1732. 38. By the middle of the eighteenth century (1750) the French had control of all the water-routes leading from the Great Lakes to the Valley of the Mississippi. They had more than sixty military stations from Lake Ontario by way of Green Bay and the Illinois River, the Wabash and Maumee rivers, down the Mississippi to New Orleans. 39. King G-eorge s War. French progress was inter rupted in 1744 by a third war, called "King George s War." 40. There was only one important event in this war, the capture of Louisburg, on Cape Breton Island. Louisburg was a very strong fort, and it was very important to the French, because it guarded the entrance to the Gulf of St. Lawrence. 41. A force of thirty-two hundred men, under William Pepperell, sailed from Boston in April, 1745. At Canso they were met by Admiral Warren, with a British fleet to assist. The landing was made at Gabarus Bay, and the siege imme diately begun. Every- LOUISBUttG v , ... , ,. thing was ready lor a grand land and naval attack, when the French garrison surrendered, June 17, 1745. 42. King George s War was closed in 1 748 by the Treaty of Aix- la-Chapelle \abt-lah- sha-pel ]. It was agreed that both sides should restore the places taken. Accordingly, Louisburg was given up to the French. QUESTIONS. 38. What is said of the French in the middle of the eighteenth century ? 39. Give the name and date of the third war. 40. What was the only important event? Describe Louisburg. 41. Give an account of the expedition, the landing, and the surrender. 42. When and by what treaty was King George s War closed ? What agreement was made ? THE FRENCH WARS. 97 43. French and Indian War. Three wars had now been waged between the French and English. These wars grew out of disputes in Europe. But in 1 754 was begun a war, much greater than the others, that grew out of an Ameri can question. The question was whether the French or the English should be supreme on the American continent. 44. The progress of the French in the Northwest and the Mississippi Valley has been seen. They had a grand design it was, to found a great empire in the magnificent territory watered by the St. Lawrence, the Great Lakes, and the Mis sissippi River. 45. The French claimed this vast territory by right of dis covery and settlement. The English claimed it also, by right of Cabot s discovery of North America. But the French had formed settlements in the Northwest and down the Missis sippi, and this made their claim superior. 46. It has been seen that the French had built a line of about sixty fortified posts. Their wish was to confine the English to the belt of land along the Atlantic coast, while they were to hold all west of the Alleghanies, and control the rich Indian traffic. 47. Up to 1752 the English had attempted no settlements west of the Alleghanies. In 1749 a company of English mer chants and Virginia land speculators, named the Ohio Com pany, obtained from the King of England a grant of a large tract of land on the east bank of the Ohio River, with the privilege of Indian trade. 48. In 1752 the company made a trading-post at Red stone (now Brownsville), on the Monongahela. The French immediately sent troops to build forts in the disputed terri tory. They also made prisoners of the traders. QUESTIONS. 43. How many wars had been waged between the French and Eng lish ? Out of what did they grow ? What happened in 1754 ? What was the question ? 44. What was then the grand design of the French ? 45. Repeat what is said of the relative claims of the French and English to this territory. 46. What is said of the French forts ? What did the French wish ? 47. Up to what date had the English attempted no settlements west of the Alle ghanies ? Give an account of the Ohio Company. 48. What trading-post did the company make ? What action was taken by the French ? 98 HISTORY OF THE COLONIES. 49. When the English government heard of this outrage, orders were sent to Governor Diiiwiddie of Virginia to send a "person of distinction" to demand an explanation of the French. The ambassador selected was Major G-eorge Washington, a young Virginian, twenty-one years old, tiie same who afterwards led his country to independence. NOTE. Washington was born on the banks of the Potomac, in West moreland County, Virginia, February 22, 1732. As a lad, he was dis tinguished for his truthfulness, manly spirit, and energy. He had made himself a good surveyor at sixteen. At nineteen he was made adjutant of one of the Virginia militia districts, with the rank of major. Even then he was looked on as a young man of uncommon promise. 50. Washington s First Campaign. Washington, with two or three attendants, set out iroin Williamsburg, Vir ginia. After a toilsome journey of over a month, he reached the French outposts on the Alleghany River. He found the French commandant at Venango. 51. The French commandant sent back by Washington to Governor Dinwiddie a letter refusing to withdraw the French troops from the disputed territory. He said these were his orders from the governor-general of Canada, Governor Du Qnesne [du kane \ 52. This reply was not satisfactory. Governor Dinwiddie immediately sent a party to construct a fort at the junction of the Alleghany and Monongahela rivers, where Pittsburg now stands. In the spring of 1754 a regiment of militia was sent into the disputed territory. The regiment was under Colonel Frye, and Washington was second in command. 53. While the troops were on the march, news came that the French had driven off the fort-builders, and had them- s^lves completed the work. They called it Port Du Quesne. QUESTIONS. 49. What orders were now sent to Governor Dinwiddie ? What did the governor do ? 50. Give an account of Washington s mission. 51. What message was returned by the French commander 7 5 2. Wnat of this reply ? What was the first party sent to do ? What took place in the spring of 1754 ? 53. What news came? What did they name the fort? THE FRENCH WARS. 99 54. Washington hastened forward with an advanced party. He met a body of French at a place called Great Mead ows. He made a sudden attack, and beat the French, first blood shed in the war. 55. At Great Meadows, Washington built a work called Fort Necessity. While waiting here, Colonel Frye died, and Washington became chief commander. 56. Fort Du Quesne was about fifty miles beyond Fort Necessity. The French advanced from Fort Du Quesne and attacked Fort Necessity. Washington held out all day, but had to surrender, July 4, 1754. He and his troops were per mitted to return to Virginia. 57. It was now felt that a great struggle would follow. The French and English governments both prepared for war. The Colonies did the same. 58. The British government recommended the colonists to secure the Six Nations, or Iroquois, as allies. Accordingly, a convention of delegates from the New England Colonies, and from New York, Pennsylvania, and Maryland, met at Albany, and made a treaty with the Indian chiefs. 59. Benjamin Franklin was a member of this convention. He took the opportunity to present a plan of union of the Colonies. This plan was adopted by the convention, but it did riot go into effect, for the reason that it was rejected both by the Colonial Assemblies arid by the British government. 60. Campaign of 1755. The British government gave proof that it meant to defend its American possessions by sending out, in the spring of 1755, two regiments of Regulars, under General Braddock as commander-in-chief. QUESTIONS. 54. What of Washington ? Give an account of the attack and the result 55. What fort did Washington build ? What happened there? 56. Give an account of the attack of Fort Necessity. 57. What was now felt ? What was done? 58. What did the British government recommend about the Indians ? What was done? 59. What is said of Franklin ? What was done with his plan ? 60. How did the British government prove it meant to defend its possessions? 100 HISTORY OF THE COLONIES. 61. Braddock had a meeting with the colonial governors at Alexandria, Virginia, and settled the plan of campaign. Three military operations were planned, one under Braddock, against Fort Du Quesne ; a second under General Shirley, against Fort Niagara; the third, against the French fort at Crown Point, on the shore of Lake Champlain. Nearly all the Colonies raised militia, and voted money and supplies, to carry on these campaigns. 62. While preparations were going on, it was determined to attack the French in Nova Scotia. It will be remem bered that Acadia, or Nova Scotia, fell into the hands of the English as the result of Queen Anne s War. (See U" 27.) 63. The province was ruled by a British governor. The French community, composed of peaceful, innocent, and happy people, wished to remain neutral during the war. But the colonists feared they might side with the French troops. 64. The expedition sailed to the head of the Bay of Fundy, and captured forts Beausejour \bo-say-zhour] and Gaspe- reau \gas-pa-r o \ The French settlers, to the number of seven thousand, were then kidnapped on board the ships, and exiled to vari ous colonies. It was a terrible deed, but was thought necessary. 65. Braddock s column of twenty-five hundred troops moved from Alexandria against Fort Du Quesne. Wash ington accompanied Braddock as an aide-de-camp. 66. When within ten miles of Fort Du Quesne, July 9, 1755, Braddock, leading an advanced body of about half his army, was attacked by the French and Indians concealed in the woods. Braddock was not accustomed to American bush- QUESTIONS. 61. What was settled at the Alexandria meeting? Give the three operations that were planned. What i.s said of the Colonies ? O*2. What place was it determined to attack? When did Acadia come under the English ? 63. By whom was the province ruled ? Repeat what is said of the people. What did the colonists fear ? 61. State what the expedition did. What was done with the French settlers ? 65. What of Braddock s column ? Where was Washington ? 66. Narrate the attack hy the French. What of Braddock s ignorance ? What was the result ? What of Washington ? of the expedition ? THE FRENCH WARS. 101 FRENCH AN D INDIAN WAR, SCALE OFM X Q fighting, and did not know how to manage troops in a wooded country. The whole column was thrown into confusion, and fled in panic. Braddock was killed. 102 HISTORY OF THE COLONIES. Washington, with a little band of Virginians, covered the retreat. The expedition was now given up, and the whole force retired to Philadelphia. 67. Shirley s column, destined against Fort Niagara, marched from Albany, and, in August, reached Oswego. Here a fort was built. But storms, sickness, and the desertion of the Indians, caused Shirley to abandon the enterprise. 68. Johnson s column of six thousand troops, destined against Fort Crown Point, was collected at the head of boat navigation on the Hudson. Here Fort Edward was built. Johnson, leaving a gar rison there, moved to the southern end of Lake George. 69. Meantime a French column, under General Dieskau [dyeas-ko], moved for ward from Crown Point to attack Fort Edward. Johnson sent Colonel Williams, with a thousand men, to watch the French. A fight followed, in which Williams s force was defeated, and he killed. 70. Dieskau then followed the fugitives to Johnson s main body, in the camp at Lake George. An action followed, called the Battle of Lake George. The French were badly de feated, and Dieskau was taken prisoner. 71. Though Johnson had defeated the French force, he did not feel able to attack Crown Point. On the battle-ground he built and garrisoned Fort William Henry, and then dis banded his army. 72. Campaigns of 1756 and 1757. In the spring QUESTIONS. 67. Narrate the movements of Shirley s column. 68. What of Johnson s column ? Where did it move to from Fort Edward ? 69. Give an account of the movement of a French column. Narrate the encoun ter between Williams and Dieskau . 70. State the pursuit, battle, and result. 71. What did Johnson now do ? 7 2. Name the new British commander ; the French commander. Lake Champlain and Vicinity. THE FRENCH WARS. 103 of 1756, Lord Loudon was sent out from England as commander-in-chief. The French government made the Marquis of Montcalm \mont-Jcham ~\ the successor of Dieskau. 73. In August, 1756, Montcalm opened the campaign by capturing the fort at OswegO. He took fourteen hundred prisoners and a large quantity of stores. He then returned to Canada. The result of this staggering blow was that all the English plans of campaign had to be given up for a year. 74. In July, 1757, Montcalm again assumed the offensive. He besieged Fort William Henry. This fort was defended by two thousand troops, under Colonel Monroe. General Webb was stationed at Fort Edward, fifteen miles off, with four thousand troops. But he would send no assistance, and Fort William Henry had to be surrendered, August 9, 1 75 7. A number of the prisoners were killed in cold blood by the Indian allies of the French. 75. Campaign of 1758. In the summer of 1757, that great man, William Pitt, was made a member of the British Cabinet, and placed at the head of colonial affairs. Pitt re placed the feeble Lord Loudon by G-eneral Abercrombie, and prepared to carry on the war with great vigor. 76. The spring of 1758 saw on American soil an army of 50,000 men, 22,000 British Regulars and 28,000 "provin cials," or colonists. Three expeditions were planned, one against Louisburg, a second against the French on Lake Champlain (Forts Ticon- deroga and Crown Point), and a third against Fort Du Quesne. 77. First, the Louisburg expedition. In June, 1758, Ad miral Boscawen appeared before Louisburg with a large fleet QUESTIONS. 73o When and by what did Dieskau open the campaign? State the effect on the English plans . 74. Give an account of the siege of Fort William Henry. State an incident con nected with the surrender. 75. Repeat what is said of William Pitt. Who took Lord Loudon s place ? 76. Give the number of troops now in America. What expeditions were planned? 77. Tn the Lour burg expedition, what of the fleet and force? Who; of Wolfe? What was the result ? Enumerate the captures. 104 HISTORY OF THE COLONIES. and twelve thousand troops brought from England. The troops were under General Amherst. The brave young Gen eral Wolfe was his lieutenant. After a vigorous resistance the garrison surrendered, July 27. The whole of Cape Breton Island, six thousand prisoners, and a large amount of munitions of war, were the prize. It was a very severe blow to the French. 78. Next, as to the Lake Champlain expedition. In July, General Abercrombie led a column of fifteen thousand troops against Fort Ticonderoga. It was held by Mont- calm, with four thousand troops. In a preparatory skirmish, the brave and beloved Lord Howe was killed. 79. Abercrombie made a fierce assault on the fort, lost two thousand men, and made a disorderly retreat to Fort William Henry. Abercrombie was now recalled, and the chief command given to General Amherst. The only success of this expedition was the capture of Fort Frontenac (now Kingston) by Colonel Bradstreet. 80. The third operation of the campaign of 1758 was that against Fort Du Quesiie. In November, General Forbes, with a column of nine thousand troops, marched against this position. The French force there, being now very much re duced, abandoned the fort. The name of Fort Du Quesne was changed to Fort Pitt, a name still preserved in Fittsburg. 81. Conquest of Quebec. The principal object of the campaign of 1759 was to capture Quebec. But two auxil iary operations were planned, one against Fort Niagara, the other against forts Ticonderoga and Crown Point. 82. The grand operation was under General Wolfe. With a fleet carrying eight thousand troops he sailed up the QUESTIONS. 78. Which was the second expedition ? Give an account of it. 79. Describe Abercrombie s assault. What became of Abercrombie? Name the only success of this expedition. 80. Name the third operation of this campaign. State the events. What name did the fort take ? 81. State the principal object of the campaign of 1759. What auxiliary operations were there ? 82. Under whom was the grand operation ? To what place did he first sail ? THE FRENCH WARS. 105 St. Lawrence to Orleans Island, a few miles below Quebec. Here he landed June 27, and began to make preparations for attack. 83. This threat to the capital of New France caused Mont- calm to weaken very much the garrisons at Ticonderoga, Crown Point, etc. The result was : 1. That General Amherst captured Ticon- deroga in July, and Crown Point August 1 ; 2. That General Johnson captured Fort Niagara in July. Operations around Quebec. 84. Wolfe began with some preliminary operations that were unsuccessful. Afterwards a bold design of scaling the Heights of Abraham was carried out. Here, on the 13th of September, 1758, was fought a battle that decided the war. Wolfe was twice wounded, but continued to lead the charge at the head of his grenadiers till he received a third and mortal wound. Montcalm, also, was mortally wounded. 85. After hours of stubborn fighting, the left wing and QUESTIONS. S3. What did this threat cause Montcalm to do ? State the two results. 84. How did Wolfe be-^in ? What bold design was next carried out ? Describe the battle up to the wounding of the generals. 85. Describe the remainder of the battle. Give the date of the surrender of Quebec 106 HISTORY OF THE COLONIES. centre of the French gave way, and the English were trium phant on the Heights of Abraham. Five days after, Quebec surrendered. 86. After the loss of Quebec, the French concentrated their remaining forces at Montreal. In September, 1760, that city was compelled to surrender to the English. Soon after, all the military stations in Canada were given up. 87. Close of the French War. The contest for the possession of America ended triumphantly for the English in 1760. But the French and English continued the war else where till 1763. During these three years the Indians were very hostile, especially in the Northwest. 88. In 1763, the Indians, under an able chief named Pon- tiac, fell upon the English posts in the Northwest. All those west of Oswego, except Fort Niagara, Fort Pitt, and Detroit, were captured by them. Hundreds of persons were massa cred or driven from their homes. At length the colonists rose and subdued the savages. 89. In 1763, the French and Indian War was ended by the Treaty of Paris. France gave up to England all her American possessions east of the Mississippi, except the island and city of New Orleans NOTE. At the same time, France gave up to Spain all the country west of the Mississippi. This she did. because Spain had aided her during the war against England. 90. By the same treaty, Spain ceded to England Florida, in exchange for Havana, which the English had taken the year before. 91. The American colonists had suffered very severely dur ing the long French wars. The barbarities of Indian warfare QUESTIONS. 88. Where did the French now concentrate ? Narrate the subsequent events. 87. When did the contest end in America? How long was it continued elsewhere ? What occurred from 1760 to 1763? 88. Give an account of Pontiac s war. What was at last done ? 89. When and by what was the last French war ended ? State the terms of this treaty. 90. What did Spain cede to England? 91. What reflection is made on the conclusion of the French wars ? TOPICAL REVIEW. 107 had been brought to their firesides. It was with hope and joy the Americans now looked forward to a period of peace. TOPICAL REVIEW. I. Outline Review of the first three, French Wars. I. There were four wars against the French : 1. King William s War, beginning 1689 ; Queen Anne s War, beginning 1702; King George s War, beginning 1745; the French and Indian War, beginning 1754. II. The first event in King William s War was the capture of Port Royal by the English, May, 1690. The second event was an unsuccessful land and naval expe dition against Quebec in the summer of 1690. The third event was the Indian depredations, which lasted all through the war. The Treaty of Ryswick, 1697, closed King William s War, which had lasted five years. III. The first event in Queen Anne s War was an expedition against Port Royal in 1707. Unsuccessful. The second event was a renewed expedition against Port Royal in 1710. Successful. The third event was a land and naval invasion of Canada in the autumn of 1711. Both unsuccessful. The Treaty of Utrecht, 1713, closed Queen Anne s War, which had lasted eleven years. IV. The only important event in King George s War was the capture of the French fortress of Louisburg, on Cape Breton Island, in the summer of 1745. The Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle, 1748, closed King George s War, which had lasted three years. REVIEW QUESTIONS. French "Wars. I. Name and give the dates of the four wars against the French. II. State the three important events of King William s War. When and by what treaty was it closed ? III. State the three important events of Queen Anne s War. When and by what treaty was it closed ? IV. State the one important event of King George s War. When and by what treaty was it closed ? 108 HISTORY OF THE COLONIES. II. Tabular Review of the French and Indian War. I. The principal actions of the French and Indian War, which began 1754 and closed 1763, are presented in the following tabular statement : When fought. Where fought. Commanders. Army successful. English. French. 1754 Great Meadows, Washington, Jumonville, English. Fort Necessity, Washington, Villiers, French. 1755 In Nova Scotia, ( Mouckton, ) \ Winslow, j English. Near Fort Du Quesne, Bruddock, French. Near Lake George, Williams, Dieska. French. Fort Edward, Johnson, Dieskau, English. 1756 Oswego, Mercer, Montcalm, French. 1757 Fort William Henry, Monroe, Montcahn, French. 1758 Louisburg, Amherst, English. Ticonderoga, Abercrombie, Montcalm, French. Fort Frontenac, Bradstreet, English. 1759 Fort Niagara, Prideaux, English. Quebec, Wolfe, Montcalm, English. - II. The Treaty of Paris, 1763, closed the French and In dian War. It established the supremacy of the English on the American continent. REVIEW QUESTIONS. French and Indian War. I. Name the principal action of the French and Indian War. II. When and by what treaty was it closed ? What did this treaty establish ? PERIOD III. THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR. FROM THE BREAKING OUT OF THE WAR, 1775, TO WASHINGTON S ADMINISTRATION, 1789. t I. CAUSES OF THE REVOLUTION. 1. Real Cause of the Revolution. The attachment of the American Colonies to the " mother country " was never stronger than at the close of the French War. The colonists were proud of being descended from British ancestors, and gloried in sharing the rights of subjects of England. The trials and triumphs of the French wars made colonists and Englishmen feel more than ever like brothers. 2. It is true, the colonists had some grievances. The Eng lish " navigation laws " and " trade monopoly " bore heavily on the industry, commerce, and manufactures of the Colonies. These grievances made some dissatisfaction, but not a great deal. 3. In all other respects America might well be satisfied to be under the government of England. 4. This being the case, the important question arises : How was it that the Colonies began a revolt which resulted in their independence ? 5. The usual answer is, that the attempt of England to impose taxes upon the American Colonies without their con sent was the cause of the Revolutionary War. 6. This is true in part only. The imposition of taxes was the occasion of the revolt of the Colonies ; but its cause was QUESTIONS. 1. What is said of the feeling of the American colonists towards Eng land? 2. What grievances had the colonists ? What did these cause? 3. What is said of America in other respects ? 4. What important question arises ? 5. State the usual answer. 6. How far is this true ? HO THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR. that the whole history of the American Colonies meant inde pendence. Providence so designed it. Let us see some of the circumstances which prove this. 7. First, the very origin of the Colonies pointed to freedom as their birthright. It was for the sake of liberty that the early colonists had left their homes. They had fled to the woods of America and faced savage men and wild beasts rather than endure oppression. 8. Secondly, the habits of the early settlers, and many circumstances in the history of their descendants, had led them to study closely the principles of political liberty. 9. Thirdly, all the Colonies had suffered from bad royal governors. The misconduct of these governors had taught the colonists to be very jealous of arbitrary power. 10. Thus America was gradually growing fit for freedom. The whole drift of things was such that the Colonies could not long be subject to Britain. 11. American Views of Taxation. It was generally claimed in America that the power of making laws belonged to the colonial Assemblies. It was admitted that Parliament might regulate commerce, as it had done in the " Navigation Acts " ; but the colonists held that they alone had the right to control their own internal affairs. 12. The colonists were early unwilling to be taxed. Vari ous colonial legislatures had denied England s right to tax the Colonies. 13. The French and Indian War had added largely to the already heavy debt of England, and the British government determined that the American Colonies should bear a part of this burden. It was all at once claimed, that, if hitherto QUESTIONS. 7. State the first fact proving that the whole history of the Colonies foretold independence. 8. State the second fact proving this. 9. State the third fact proving this. 10. For what was America gradually preparing ? 11. What was claimed in America regarding the law-making power? What was admitted in regard to commerce ? 12. How did the colonists feel about being taxed? 13. What determined the British government to tax the Colonies? What was claimed for Parliament ? CAUSES OF THE REVOLUTION. England had not taxed the Colonies, it was not because Par liament had not the right to do so ; and that as the war had been made for the benefit of the Colonies, the Colonies should help pay the debt. 14. The Americans denied that Parliament had a right to impose taxes. They said their own losses and expenses in the war had already been as heavy as they could bear. 15. The British government began by laying duties on certain imported articles, and made severe regulations to see that the colonists obeyed the " Navigation Acts." 16. These regulations led to an offensive system of prying and spying, which irritated the colonists very much. 17. In 1764, Parliament made a law that it "had a right to tax the Colonies." Parliament also recommended the passage of a " Stamp Act," which had been proposed by the prime minister, Grenville. 18. The Stamp Act. The law called the "Stamp Act" provided that all deeds, notes, bills, and other legal documents should be written on stamped paper. This the British rev enue offices were to furnish at certain fixed rates. 19. This law, which was a heavy tax on almost every trans action in business, was passed by Parliament in the spring of 1765. It was to take effect on the 1st of November of the same year. 20. The Uprising of the People. The news of the passage of the " Stamp Act" reached America in April, 1765. It caused great indignation and alarm. 21. Virginia spoke out first. The legislature of that Col ony was in session at the time the news came, but the leaders of that body hesitated to say anything on the matter, till Patrick Henry, one of the younger members, came forward. QUESTIONS. 14. What position was taken by the Americans? 15. By what measures did England begin ? 16. To what did these regulations lead ? 17. What was done by Parliament in 1764? IS. Explain the Stamp Act. 19. When was it passed ? When to take effect ? 20. When dH the no^vs rou-h An>orica? Tt< effect ? 21. Which Colony spoke first ? What is said of the legislature of Virginia ? 112 THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR. Patrick Henry. 22. Patrick Henry proposed a series of resolutions which claimed for the inhabitants of Virginia all the rights of born British subjects. Henry made a speech of wonderful power, and the resolutions were adopted by the legislature. 23. The action of Virginia went out to the country and had a great effect. 24. New York was very bold and outspoken. The question of the day was taken up by able writers in the newspapers, and discussed in a very telling way. 25. The Massachusetts legislature now proposed that there should be a convention, or congress, to be composed of com mittees of the various colonial ^^Hfe^. Assemblies. It was to be held in New York in October, a mouth before the Stamp Act was to go into effect. That sterling pa triot, Samuel Adams of Massa chusetts, proposed it. 26. The proposal was not very well received by some of the Col onies. At last it was adopted by South Carolina. "Massa chusetts," said a South Carolina patriot of the times, "sounded the trumpet, but to South Carolina it is owing that it was attended to. Had it not been for South Carolina, no congress would then have hap pened." 27. About this time societies, tinder the title of Son* of QUESTIONS. 2*2. What is said of Patrick Henry? 23. What is said of the action of Virginia ? 24. What is said of New York ? 25. Repeat what is said of the Massachusetts legislature. 26. State what is said of this proposal, and of South Carolina. 27. What is said of the Sons of Liberty ? Samuel Adams. CAUSES OF THE REVOLUTION. H3 Liberty, were formed, to resist the unjust measures of the British government. 28. The Sons of Liberty made it their special business to frighten the stamp officers. In all the Colonies these officers were compelled to resign. The stamps which came were either unpacked or else were seized and burned. 29. The Assembly of Pennsylvania, in September, adopted resolutions denouncing the Stamp Act as unconstitutional and as going against their dearest rights. 30. Throughout all the Colonies public meetings were held to protest against the Stamp Act. These events tended to mould public opinion in the Colonies. The public opinion of America expressed itself in the sentiment that " Taxation without representation is tyranny." 31. The people proved they were in earnest. The mer chants of the principal cities agreed to import no more goods from Great Britain till the Stamp Act was repealed. Fami lies denied themselves the use of all foreign luxuries, and the trade with England was almost entirely stopped. The very children in the streets learned the cry, " Liberty, property, and no stamps ! " 32. First Colonial Congress. In the midst of this ex citement, the First Colonial Congress met in New York City, October 7, 1765. Nine Colonies were represented by twenty-eight delegates. 33. After three weeks deliberation, the Congress agreed on a declaration of rights and a statement of grievances. The declaration claimed in strong terms the right of the Colo nies to be free from all taxes not laid by their own representa tives. A petition to the King and Parliament was also sent to England. QUESTIONS. 28. What was the particular business of the Sons of Liberty ? What was the result ? 29. Ho-.v did the Pennsylvania Assembly act ? 30. Repeat what is said of public meetings. How did public opinion express itself? 31. How did the people prove they were in earnest ? 32. Repeat what is said of the first colonial congress. 33. What declaration was adopted ? H 114 THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR, 34. When the various colonial Assemblies came to meet, in the winter of 1765, they gave these proceedings their hearty approval. 35. The Blow Averted. When the 1st of Novem ber, the day appointed for the Stamp Act to take effect, came, net a stamp was to be seen. Every stamp officer in America had resigned. The colonists, by their firm stand, had made the law of no effect. 36. A very serious question now was, " Would Great Brit ain force the Colonies to obedience]" It did not; for, at the next meeting of Parliament, the Stamp Act was repealed. 37. There were several reasons for this. First, there were some noble men in England who took sides with America, for they believed America was right. Secondly, British mer chants, finding themselves severely punished by the Ameri cans ndt importing any British goods, petitioned for the repeal. 38. Parliament repealed the Stamp Act, February 22, 1766. Those great men, William Pitt and Edmund Burke, then both members of Parliament, were advocates of the repeal. 39. The joy of the colonists at the repeal of the Stamp Act was very great. All the old kindly feeling towards the mother country seemed to revive. Trade was resumed. 40. The Storm Gathering. It might now have seemed that all cause of quarrel with England was removed, and that henceforth there would be peace and harmony between the Colonies and the mother country. But, in the mean time, a great change had come over the colonists. Before this they had made a distinction between duties on imports, or external taxation, and internal taxation, such as was imposed by the Stamp Act. They had not objected to external taxation, but QUESTIONS. 34. What of the coloni-il Assemblies? 35. State what is said respecting the 1st of November. 36. What serious question now arose ? What of the Stamp Act? 37. Mention the reasons for the repeal of the Stamp Act. 38. Give the date of the repeal. What great men favored the repeal ? 39. Mention the effect of the repeal on the colonists. 40. How did the relations between America and England now look ? What impor tant change had taken place in the minds of the colonists ? CAUSES OF THE REVOLUTION. only to internal taxation. Now they objected to all taxation. They claimed that, as the Colonies were not represented in Par liament, Parliament had no right to tax them at all. 41. The year the Stamp Act was passed, Parliament re quired the Colonies to furnish quarters and supplies to Brit ish troops sent amongst them. New York refused. 42. In 1767, Parliament passed an act putting a duty on tea aifd several other imports, and sent a board of revenue commissioners to America. 43. When the news reached America, the old ill-feeling broke out afresh. The press, the pulpit, and the colonial legislatures denounced the acts. 44. These acts stirred up the British Ministry, and they tried to frighten the Colonies. But they did not succeed. 45. The commissioners of customs appointed by Parliament entered upon their duties at Boston. From the excitement existing there, a collision between them and the people was daily expected. 46. The collision soon happened. The officers seized a sloop belonging to John Hancock (a prominent merchant and an active patriot), for violating the revenue laws. A riot followed. 47. General Gage was at this time commander of the British Army in America. He had been told by the British government to send two regiments from Halifax to Boston. They reached Boston, September, 1768. 48. The people of Boston were required to furnish quarters for the troops. They positively refused. The State House was then taken possession of. 49. It was with indignant feelings that the people of Bos ton looked upon this military force. They saw soldiers pa- QUESTIONS. 41. What is said of the quartering of troops ? of New York ? 42. What was done in 1767 ? 43. What effect had the news ? 44. What did the British Ministry now try to do? 45. State what is said of the commissioners of customs. 46. Give an account of the collision that occurred. 47. What of General Gage and the troops ? 48. What were the people required to do, and did they obey? 49. How did the people look upon the soldiers ? 116 THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR rading their streets, challenging them as they walked, and disturbing their Sabbath quiet. They soon came to hate the " red-coats." 50. The Parliament, meanwhile, acted so as to still fur ther exasperate the Colonies. In February, 1769, Parliament censured the rebellious spirit of the Colonies, arid prayed the King to have those guilty of " treason " brought to England for trial. 51. This called forth indignant protest from the colonial legislatures. The Assemblies of Virginia and North Carolina protested so strongly that they were dissolved by the royal governors. 52. The First Outbreak. In New York the sol diers provoked the " Sons of Liberty " by cutting down their liberty-pole. A riot followed. One citizen was killed, and several wounded, January 17, 1770. Thus New York laid the first offering on the altar of the country. 53. In Boston, on the 5th of March, a small guard of sol diers, passing through the streets, were so provoked by the jeers and taunts of a crowd of men and boys, that they fired, killing three persons and wounding several others. This is called the Boston Massacre. 54. This shedding of blood produced tremendous excite ment in Boston. The citizens, however, behaved with great prudence. In place of retaliating the massacre, they simply asked the governor to remove the troops from the city. 55. The attempt to raise a revenue in America by taxes turned out a total failure. The cost to England of keeping up the officers and the troops was five hundred times the paltry sum which the duties yielded. 56. This fact, together with the protests of English mer chants, caused the repeal of the duties, in April, 1770. QUESTIONS. 50. How did Parliament meanwhile act ? 51. What did the colonial legislatures do? What of Virginia and North Carolina? 5:2. Describe the riot in New York. What blood was spilled, and what is said of it? 53. Describe the riot in Boston. 54. What effect did this have in Boston? 55. Repeat what is said of the attempt to raise a revenue in America. 56. What did this failure cause ? CAUSES OF THE REVOLUTION. H7 57. Parliament made a very foolish exception in this re peal. They took off the duties from all the articles except tea. This exception was made merely to assert the principle that they had a right to tax the Colonies. But it was the principle that the colonists objected to. The people determined not to import any tea. 58. In 1773, Parliament allowed the East India Com pany to send their tea to America free from the English du ties. It had to pay only the threepence a pound in America. It was thought that the Americans would pay this small duty, as they would even then get tea cheaper in America than in England. 59. The authorities did not know the spirit of the colo nists. When the tea arrived at the various points, it was either sent back or locked up. 60. In Boston, the people would not allow the tea to land. The governor, at the same time, would not permit the ships to be sent back. 61. The difficulty was solved by a party of men, who, dis guised as Indians, boarded the tea-ships, breaking open the chests and emptying the tea into the harbor. It was done very quietly, without any riot, December 16, 1773. 62. The doings in Boston made Parliament determine to punish that city. An act was passed, in 1774, closing the port of Boston and removing the custom-house to Salem. Boston was to be starved out. Gage was appointed military governor of Massachusetts. 63. The "Port Bill," which took effect June, 1774, caused great distress in Boston. She was cheered, however, by the aid and sympathy of all the Colonies. They felt that Boston was making tkeir fight. QUESTIONS. 57. What foolish exception did Parliament make ? What was the motive ? 58. Repeat what is said of the East India Company. 59. What mistake did the authorities make? What of the tea? 60. How did matters go in Boston ? 61. How was the difficulty disposed of? 6 .i. What retaliatory act was now passed by Parliament ? 63. What is said of the Port Bill ? How did the Colonies feel ? 118 THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 64. First Continental Congress. In the midst of these experiences, the colonists, for the first time, began to think of armed resistance. But first they resolved to consult together. The first Continental Congress was called at Philadelphia, September 5, 1774. 65. In this Congress all the Colonies were represented except Georgia, whose governor had prevented the election of delegates. This body praised the conduct of Massachu setts, agreed upon a declaration of rights, recommended the suspension of all commercial intercourse with England, and sent a petition to the King. Another Congress was agreed on, to meet in May, 1775. 66. The Crisis Approaching. In September, 1774, General Gage, the governor, fortified Boston Neck, and seized the ammunition and stores in the provincial arsenals at Cam bridge and Charlestown, Massachusetts. 67. The Massachusetts Assembly had been dissolved by the governor ; but the members met under the name of a " Pro vincial Congress." This body organized a corps of militia called "minute-men," and formed a "committee of safety," with John Hancock for chairman. 68. The Colonies took up the position of defence. Wash ington was organizing the militia of Virginia, and Patrick Henry was exclaiming in thunder tones, " I repeat it, sir, we must fight ! " 69. In 1775, the British Parliament declared that rebellion existed in Massachusetts, and was abetted by the other Colo nies. At the same time, ten thousand troops were ordered to America. It was about this time that Washington prophet ically wrote : "More blood will be spilled, if the Ministry are de termined to push matters to extremity, than history has ever yet furnished instances of in the annals of North America." QUESTIONS. 64. What did the people now begin to think? What did they resolve first to do? When did the first Continental Congress meet ? 65. Repeat what is said of the Congress ? When was the next Congress to meet? 66. What did General Gage do in September, 1774 ? 67. What steps did the Provincial Congress of Massachusetts take? 68. What was going on in the other Colonies? 69. What was done by Parliament in 1775 ? What is said of troops ? Repeat the substance of Washington s prophetic language. CAMPAIGN OF 1775. 119 II. CAMPAIGN OF 1775. 70. The Lexington Skirmish. In April, 1775, Gen eral Gage, royal governor and commander-in-chief, had in Boston about three thousand troops. With this large force he fully expected to be able to quell any unruly conduct of the colonists. 71. Learning that there were some military supplies at Con cord, he sent a body of men to destroy them. Some patriots learned this movement, and promptly sent out messengers along the supposed route of the troops to warn the " minute- men." 72. Early in the morning of April 19 the British troops reached Lexington. There they found a small body of American militia. An English officer rode up to them, say ing, " Disperse, you rebels." As the Americans did not obey, he ordered the soldiers to fire. Eight Americans were killed and several wounded. The rest dispersed, without returning the fire. 73. The British then marched on to Concord, where they destroyed the stores. While this was going on, the militia around Concord and Lexington hastily collected. A spirited little attack was made by the Americans at Concord Bridge, and then the British began to retreat towards Lexington. 74. It was only a few miles ; but these miles were made very hot. The British experienced what American bush-fight ing is. From every patch of woods, every rock, stream, and fence, came a savage fire from the flint-locks of the American farmers. 75. The retreat became a rout, and the whole British force would have been destroyed, had it not been met at Lexington by reinforcements, under cover of which the broken battalions QUESTIONS. 70. What force had Gage in April, 1775? What did he expect to be able to do ? 71. What measure did Gage now take ? What of the patriots ? 7 2. Describe the occurrences at Lexington. 73. Describe the occurrences at Concord. 74. What is said of the retreat ? 75. What did the retreat become ? How did it end ? Give the loss on each side. 120 THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR. made their way to Charlestown. The British loss in killed and wounded was about two hundred and eighty ; the Amer icans lost about ninety. 76. The effect of the news of Lexington was electric. The Colonies rushed to arms. The New England militia in great numbers hastened to Boston, and on the night of the 19th of April the royal governor and his troops were closely be leaguered in Boston. 77. Before the end of the month, twenty thousand men were encamped in the vicinity. A line of fortification was run from lioxbury to the river Mystic, thus confining the British to the Boston peninsula. 78. Ticonderoga and Crown Point. A very inter esting little affair happened soon alter the action at Lexington. In May, Ethan Allen, with a small band of volunteers, took by stratagem E ort Ticonderoga, a fortress guarded by over one hundred pieces of artillery. Fort Crown Point sur rendered with equal ease. The military stores captured were very valuable to the Americans. 79. Battle of Bunker Hill. In the month of May, 1775, large reinforcements of British troops reached Boston from England. They were commanded by Generals Howe, Clinton, and Burgoyne. Gage, the commander-in-chief, having now an army of twelve thousand veterans, resolved to commence operations. 80. As the New England troops stopped the land outlet from Boston, Gage determined to cross by water to the oppo site peninsula of Charlestown. The Americans suspected this, and determined to be beforehand with the enemy. 81. On the evening of the 16th of June, the Massa chusetts military authorities sent a force of eight hundred QUESTIONS. 76. What is said of the effect of the news of Lexington ? What mili tary steps were taken ? 77. What had taken place before tbe end of the month ? 78. What interesting affair soon occurred ? What is said of the capture ? 79. What is said of British reinforcements ? Who were the commanders ? What did Gage resolve on ? 80. What move did Gage determine to take ? What of the Americans ? 81. Tell about the movement to Bunker liill CAMPAIGN OF 1775. 121 men to preoccupy Bunker Hill, on the Charlestown penin sula. One of the officers, however, led the troops to Breed s Hill, farther down the peninsula, and directly opposite Boston. NOTE. It was on Breed s Hill the battle was fought, and Breed s Hill is now usually called Bunker Hill. The Bunker Hill Monument is on the original Breed s Hill. Battle of Bunker Hill. 82. On the morning of the 17th of June, the British in Boston were astonished to see an earthwork frowning on them from the opposite height. Three thousand Regulars, under General Howe, were sent across in boats to storm the rude earthworks, behind which about fifteen hundred Americans, under Prescott, lay. In the afternoon the Battle of Bunker Hill began. QUESTIONS 82. What met the view of the British? What movement was made by the British ? What battle now began? 6 122 THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 83. The British made two assaults, bat were severely re pulsed by the Americans. In these fights, however, the Americans completely used up their ammunition. A third assault by the British carried the rude line of defences, and Bunker Hill was a British victory. 84. The victory was dearly won, for the British had lost a thousand men. The American loss was four hundred and fifty. 85. Second Continental Congress and Washing ton. Before the battle of Bunker Hill the second Conti nental Congress, appointed to assemble at Philadelphia, met in May. Congress took the authority of a general govern ment of the Colonies, which now received the name of " The United Colonies." It voted to raise an army of twenty thou sand men, and authorized an issue of three million dollars, paper money. In June, Congress chose G-eorge Wash ington (who was present as a delegate from Virginia) as commander-in-chief of the Continental Army. 86. Washington set out for Massachusetts, and heard of the battle of Bunker Hill on his way. He reached Cambridge, head-quarters of the American army, July 2, 1775, and next day took command. The army was found to consist of fourteen thousand undis ciplined militia. Washington immediately began to shape it into an army. 87. America Aroused. Our attention has been di- reoted to Massachusetts, because, at the beginning, Massachu setts was the centre of interest. The other Colonies, though, were not inactive. 88. In Virginia, the detested royal governor, Dunmore, QUESTIONS. 83. Describe the battle. 84. What is said of the price of the British victory? 85. When and where did the second Continental Congress meet? State three im portant measures taken by Congress. 86. Give the movements of Washington. When and where did he take command? What of the American army ? 87. Why have we been considering the affairs of Massachusetts ? What of other Colonies ? 8$. Describe what had taken place in Virginia. CAMPAIGN OF 1775. 123 tried to imitate Gage, by seizing a quantity of ammunition which the Virginia patriots had in readiness. Patrick Henry headed a party of militia and forced Dunmore to pay for the powder he had taken. Dunmore then tried to make more trouble ; but the Virginians drove him from the Colony. Some months afterwards, a British man-of-war arrived, and Dunmore gratified his revenge by bombarding and burning Norfolk, January 1, 1776. 89. The colonists, from Maine to Georgia, rushed to arms immediately after the battle of Lexington. By fall, 1775, the power of every royal governor in America was destroyed. 90. In North Carolina the people were still bolder. A band of patriots met at Charlotte, in Mecklenburg County, in May, 1775, and declared their independence of the King and Parliament. This is called the Mecklenburg Decla ration. 91. It should be stated, that, though a majority of Ameri cans were devoted to the cause of freedom, there were num bers in all the Colonies who sided with the royal cause all through the Revolution. These were called Royalists, or Tories. 92. The Canada Campaign. Now that the war had fairly broken out, the Americans concluded it would not do to allow the American frontier to lie open to attacks by the Canadian royalists. Therefore the invasion of Canada was planned. 93. Two columns invaded Canada. The first column of three thousand New York and New England troops, under Schuyler (soon succeeded bv Montgomery), marched by way of Lake Champlain to St. Johns, which was taken, and then to Montreal, which surrendered November 13. Most QUESTIONS . 89. What is said of the colonists generally, and of the royal governors ? 90. What took place in North Carolina ? 91. What is said of royalist Americans? 9 i. What did the Americans conclude in regard to Canada? Whnt was planned? 93. How many columns invaded Canada ? Give the movements of the first column. What of Montgomery s troops? Towards what place did he now move ? 124 THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR. of Montgomery s troops now went home, as their term of enlistment had expired. With a small remainder he went down the St. Lawrence towards Quebec. 94. In the mean time, the second column, which was under Colonel Benedict Arnold, advanced through the wilder ness of Maine to near Quebec (Point aux Trembles). The two columns made a junction, Decem ber 1, and advanced against Que bec. The whole American force was nine hundred men. On the last day of the year 1775, an assault was made on Quebec. It was unsuccessful. The gallant soldier Montgomery was killed, and Arnold wound- General Montgomery. g(J 95. Arnold, with the remainder of the force, remained all winter behind bulwarks of snow near Quebec. But the next spring the British, largely reinforced, drove them back to the States. The invasion of Canada was a total failure. III. CAMPAIGNS OF 1776. 96. The military operations of 1776 comprise three prin cipal events, the siege of Boston, the siege of Charleston, South Carolina, and Washington s campaign in New York and New Jersey. 97. Siege of Boston. Washington s army had lain en camped in the neighborhood of Boston during the winter of 1775 - 76. The city of Boston was still occupied by a British army, under General Howe. It was known that a large Brit- QUESTIONS 94. Describe the movement of the second column. What of the col umns when united ? Give an account of the assault on Quebec, and the result. 95. What of Arnold ? Sum up the invasion 96. Give the three principal events of the campaign of 1776. 97. What of Washington s army ? Where were the British What was known, and what was Washington ordered to do ? CAMPAIGNS OF 1776. 125 REVOLUTION NORTHERN COLONIES 126 THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR. ish army would arrive in America in spring. Accordingly, Washington was ordered to take Boston. 98. The plan which Washington adopted was to erect bat teries on the Heights of Dorchester, now South Boston. This was done suddenly and secretly, and the British were astonished to find the city at the mercy of Washington s cannon. 99. General Howe, seeing this, surrendered the city on condition that he was allowed to withdraw with his troops. Washington occupied Boston, March 1 7. 100. General Howe carried his troops to Halifax, to await the arrival of a new army of twenty-five thousand British troops and seventeen thousand Hessians, which England was preparing to send out. 101. Washington did not know where Howe was going ; but fearing the British would sail to New York, he moved his army to that city. 102. Siege of Charleston. The first offensive move ment of the British in 1776 was directed against Charles ton, South Carolina. In June, a fleet under Sir Peter Parker, and a body of twentv-five hundred British under General Clinton, appeared off Charleston. 103. The entrance to the harbor was defended by a fort (afterwards named Fort Moultrie), made of sand and pal metto-logs, and garrisoned by four hundred men, under Colonel Moultrie. 104. On the 28th of June, a land and naval attack was made on this work. It was a complete failure. The British fleet and force lost severely. In a few days the expedition sailed from Charleston for New York. 105. South Carolina received the thanks of Conoress and QUESTIONS. 98. Describe Washington s plan. Describe its execution. 99. What did Howe do when he saw the state of things ? Give date of the occupation of Boston. 100. Where did Howe go ? 101. What of Washington and his movement ? 102. State the first movement of the British in 1776. Give the force. 103. What fort defended the harbor? 104. Narrate the events of the attack. 195. What praise dii South Carolina receive ? CAMPAIGNS OF 1776. 127 the country for the gallant defence of Charleston. It was the salvation of the whole southern coast. 106. Declaration of Independence. It is a remark able fact in the early history of the American Revolution, that the colonists claimed they were still loyal subjects of England. The people, at first, really were such ; but the war made a great change in the feelings of Americans. 107. The British Parliament had, in the spring of 1776, proclaimed the Americans rebels, and had raised a .large army to crush them. Consequently, Americans saw that nothing short of independence would now do. 108. Congress, being the general government of the Colo nies, was the proper body to proclaim independence. On the 7th of June, 1776, Richard Henry Lee, a member from Vir ginia, offered a resolution that the " United Colonies are, and ought to be, free and independent States." This was earnestly debated, and adopted July 2. 109. A committee of Congress had been appointed to pre pare a Declaration of Independence. This Declaration was written by Thomas Jefferson of Virginia. On the 4th of July, 1776, it was adopted by Congress. The thirteen Colo nies then became the United States of America. 110. Washington s Campaign of 1776. At the date of the Declaration of Independence, Washington had in New York an army of seventeen thousand. 111. Two days before the Declaration, General Howe had arrived with his army from Halifax, and taken possession of Staten Island. On the 12th of July, a fleet under Ad miral Howe, a brother of the General, arrived at Staten Island with the new army from Europe. On the 1st of Au- QU-STIONS 106. What remarkable fact is mentioned regarding the feelings of Americans toward England ? How did this feeling change ? 107. What showed Americans that nothing but independence would do ? 108. What was the proper body to proclaim independence ? Narrate the introduc tion of the resolution for independence. When was it adopted? 109. What committee had been appointed ? Who wrote the Declaration ? WTien was it adopted 7 What did the Colonies then become ? 110. Give Washington s force in July, 1776. Where was his army ? 111. Mention the three British forces that now arrived. Give tlie whole number xir.der General Howe. 128 THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR. Battle of Long Island. gust, the force under Clinton arrived from South Carolina. General Howe had then thirty thousand troops. 112. Battle of Long Island. Howe s plan was to take Brook lyn before trying to capture New York. To guard against this, Washington had given General Put nam five thousand men to defend Long Island. 113. Towards the end of August, the British landed on Long Island, and engaged the Americans in an action called the Battle of Long Island, August 27. The Americans were defeated. The American loss was heavy, about two thousand men. The British loss was about one fifth that number. 114. After this defeat, the Americans retreated to the Brooklyn fort. The British delayed attacking this work. With great skill Washington, on the second night after the battle, withdrew the force, under cover of a fog and night, to New York. 115. Retreat through New Jersey. Washington knew he could not hold New York, on account of the British war-ships. Accordingly, in the middle of September, he evac uated New York, and withdrew to Harlem. Here, in a smart skirmish, the Americans had the advantage. From Harlem he withdrew to White Plains. Here there was a partial engagement, in which the British had the advan tage. The Americans retired to the rocky hills of North Castle. 116. The British commander, in place of following up the Americans, resolved to transfer his army to New Jersey. QUESTIONS. 112. State Howe s plan. How did Washington guard against it ? 113. Describe the battle of Long Island. Give the loss on each side. 114. Describe the withdrawal of the Americans. 115. Why could not Washington hold New York City? What did he do? What took place at Harlem ? What two other moves did he make in New York ? 116. What did the British commander resolve to do? Describe the facts connected with the capture of Fort Washington. CAMPAIGNS OF 1776. 129 But first he assailed Fort Washington, on the Hudson. This work he captured, with about three thousand Americans, November 15. 117. As soon as Washing ton saw Howe s design of en tering New Jersey, he drew his own little force across the Hudson to New Jersey, leav ing General Charles Lee to hold the position at North Castle. 118. Washington removed the garrison from Fort Lee (opposite Fort Washington), thus giving him about five thousand men and began the retreat through New Jersey. On the 8th of December he crossed the Delaware. 119. The British force, un der the immediate command of Lord Cornwallis, fol lowed up, and took posses sion of New Brunswick, Princeton, and Trenton. 120. The American army rested behind the Delaware. T . , , Retreat up the Hudson. It was now in a very bad way, being reduced by desertion and the expiration of the term of service to about three thousand. 121. Washington at this time frequently ordered General Charles Lee to join him with the force left on the New York QUESTIONS. 117. How did Washington meet the British move? Whom did he leave in New York ? 11 S. Describe Washington s retreat. Date of crossing the Delaware. 119. Describe the movements of the British. 120. What is said of the condition of the Americans behind t"ip Delaware ? 121. Describe the conduct of General Lee. What is said of that officer ? 6* I 130 THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR. side. Lee disobeyed, and put off his march. Finally he started to join Washington, hut was himself captured. It has recently been discovered that Lee was a traitor to the Ameri can cause. 122. The British in New Jersey were waiting for the Delaware to freeze, in order to cross and take Philadelphia. Washington deter mined to " clip their wings," as he said. 123. On Christmas night, 1 776, Washington crossed the Dela ware, and, next morning, sudden ly fell upon a body of fifteen hun- Hessians at TrentOn. The Seat of War in New Jersey. result was that he captured a thousand Hessians, and lost but four men. This stroke encouraged the army very much, and Washington s force began to increase in numbers. His whole army was moved across the Delaware to Trenton. 124. Cornwallis now resolved to attack the Americans at Trenton. The British advanced to that point January 2, 1777. But Washington, by a bold move that night, planted himself on the rear of the British. Marching on Princeton, he defeated a body of the enemy. Washington then marched to Morristown. 125. This brilliant move of Washington s compelled the British to retreat in turn. Thus the Americans regained nearly the whole of New Jersey. The British were confined to New Brunswick and Amboy. Washington held Morris- town, and in these positions both sides went into winter quarters. 126. Capture of Rhode Island. On the very day of QUESTIONS. 122. What delated the British ? What did Washington say he would do ? 123. Describe the attack on Trenton. State the effect of this victory. 124. What did Cornwallis now do ? What bold move did Washington make ? To what places did he march ? 125. What was the result of this brilliant move ? To what places were the British confined ? Where did Washington s army winter ? 126. Give the facts of the capture of Rhode Island. DOUBLE CAMPAIGN OF 1777. 131 Washington s retreat over the Delaware, December 8, a Brit ish fleet, under Sir Peter Parker, took possession of the island of Rhode Island, and a military force occupied the State. IV. DOUBLE CAMPAIGN OF 1777. 127. During the year 1777 there were two important cam paigns. The first was the campaign of Washington against the British in New Jersey and Pennsylvania ; the sec ond, the invasion of northern New York by a British army under Burgoyne. 128. Before beginning these, there are two events to be noted. First, in April, 1777, a British force, under Governor Tryon made a raid into Connecticut, destroying the military stores at Danbury, and burning the town. The raiders were pursued to their vessels by the American militia, and severely handled. 129. Secondly, a small body of Connecticut militia under Colonel Meigs attacked the British at Sag Harbor, on Long Island, burned a dozen vessels, and destroyed a large amount of British supplies. 130. Washington s Campaign. We left Washington in his winter quarters at Morristown, New Jersey. He passed the winter recruiting his army. By May, 1777, he had about ten thousand. The British had thirty thousand at New Brunswick. 131. The object of the British now was to get possession of Philadelphia. But they feared to march overland while Washington was in New Jersey. They thought it would be safer to embark in transports, and go by water. 132. At the end of June, 1777, the British evacuated New QUESTIONS. 127. Mention the two campaigns of 1777. 128. State the first of the two previous events. 129. State the second event, and what was accomplished. 130. Where did we leave Washington s army ? Give the relative strength of the two armies in the spring of 1777 131. What was the object of the British? What were they afraid of? What plan did they think safest ? 132. Describe the British move southward. What hindered the British ships from going up the Delaware ? Where did they sail to ? What place did they make for ? 132 THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR. Jersey, and went to Staten Island. A month later, Howe put eighteen thousand troops on transports, and sailed southward, leaving the rest of the army under Clinton to defend New York. The British fleet could not sail up the Delaware River to Philadelphia, because the Americans had built forts Mifflin and Mercer below Philadelphia, to guard the river. On this account the ships sailed to the head of Chesapeake Bay, and landed at Elkton, in Maryland. From there he was to march northward on Philadelphia. 133. As soon as Washington knew that the British fleet had really gone southward, he marched his army across New Jersey to Philadelphia. There he was joined by the Marquis de Lafayette [lah-fay-yet 1 \, a gallant young French noble man, who had come to fight for American independence. 134. From Philadelphia, Marquis de Lafayette. Washington went southward to the Brandywine, there to prevent the British from moving northward to Philadelphia. 135. On the llth of September, the British, under Howe, advanced to the Brandywine, where was fought the Cattle Of Chad s Ford. The Americans were defeated, with a loss of about twelve hundred men. 136. Washington knew after this that he could not defend Philadelphia. Congress moved to Lancaster, and afterwards to York. The American army retired to Pottsgrove, on the Schuylkill. The British took possession of Philadel phia, September 26. QUESTIONS. 133. Describe Washington s movement. Who joined Washington? 134. Where did Washington go from Philadelphia ? 135. What battle took place on the Brandywine? Where and when? Give the result. 136. What did Washington know after this? What of Congress? What of the American army ? Give the date of the British occupation of Philadelphia? DOUBLE CAMPAIGN OF 1777. 133 137. Washington soon after formed the design of attacking a detached portion of the British army at G-ermantown, six miles from Philadelphia. The attack was made October 4 ; but the Americans were repulsed, with a loss of twelve hun dred men. OPERATIONS PENNSYLVANIA 138. The British were now in secure possession of Phila delphia. But the navigation of the Delaware was not yet open to them, owing to forts Mifflin and Mercer. In the latter part of October, the British besieged both these forts. The Americans defended them many days, but had, at last, to abandon them. The British fleet then sailed up the Delaware to Philadelphia. 139. It was now the fall of 1777, and both armies went into winter quarters, the British in and around Philadelphia, the Americans at Valley Forge. QUESTIONS. 137. State what design Washington now formed. Give the result of the battle of Brandy wine. 13H. What obstructed the navigation of the Delaware ? Describe the capture of these fort 5 !. 139. What did both armies do in the fall of 1777 ? 134 THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 140. Burgoyne s Invasion. While the British were pursuing their triumphant campaign in Pennsylvania, the Americans had a series of brilliant successes in northern New York. 141. In the spring of 1777, General Burgoyne brought from Europe an army of seven thousand Regulars, and, landing in Canada, increased the force to ten thousand. With this column, Burgoyne invaded New York State by way of Lake Champlain . It was intended that, at the same time, a column under Clinton should move up the Hudson from New York City. The British designed to hold the line of the Hudson, and thus separate New England from the Middle States. 142. Burgoyne first moved his army to Fort Crown Point, then in British possession. From there he advanced and besieged Fort Ticonderoga, which he captured July 2. 1777. The American garrison retreated to Fort Edward. 143. At Fort Edward the American General Schuyler had four thousand men. This force was too feeble to meet Burgoyne s column ; so Schuyler fell back to the islands at the mouth of the Mohawk. Before leaving Fort Edward, Schuyler had felled trees and destroyed bridges over the road by which the British had to advance. From this cause Bur goyne did not reach Fort Edward until the 30th of July. 144. Burgoyne had to remain six weeks at Fort Edward. It was found very tedious work hauling supplies through the woods from Ticonderoga. 145. The British commander heard of a quantity of stores at Bennington, Vermont, and sent Colonel Baum to capture them. Baum s detachment was totally defeated, August 16, by Colonel John Stark, with a body of four hundred " Green Mountain Boys " and New Hampshire militia. A QUESTIONS. 140. What success had the Americans at this time? 141. What force was gathered under Burgoyne ? What State did he invade ? What other column was to move? State the British design. 142. Give Burgoyne s first moves. What of the Americans at Ticonderoga ? 143. What American force was at Fort Edward ? What did Schuyler do? How did Schuyler obstruct the British advance ? When did Burgoyne reach Fort Edward ? 144. What of Burgoyne at Fort Edward ? 143. Describe the action at Bennington. What other victory was won the same day ? Give the loss on each side- DOUBLE CAMPAIGN OF 1777. 135 fresh body of the British that came up was served in the same way by Colonel Warner. The British loss was seven hundred men ; the American, under one hundred. 146. A few days after the victory at Bennington came equally cheering news from the valley of the Mohawk. Bur- goyue had sent a body of troops under St. Leger to take the American work, Fort Schuyler, now Rome, and then join him at Albany ! But St. Leger, after besieging Fort Schuyler, was forced to retreat into Canada, and Burgoyne never got to Albany. 147. Burgoyne, during this time, remained at Fort Edward. Schuyler, with the American army, remained at the mouth of the Mohawk. The successes had encouraged the people, and the army increased veiy rapidly. In the middle of Au gust the American army was put under command of G-eneral Gates. He moved to Stillwater. 148. The British now ad vanced on Stillwater. Near there, at Bemis Heights, an engagement took place, Sep tember 19. It was not deci sive. 149. Another action took place on the same ground, Oc tober 7. This time the Ameri cans had decidedly the advan tage. 150. Burgoyne nOW at- Battles near Saratoga. tempted to retreat to Fort Edward. The Americans advanced so rapidly that they cut off retreat, and surrounded the Brit ish at Saratoga. The British were now nearly out of provis ions. There was but one alternative for Burgoyne, to cut QUESTIONS. 146. What good news came from the Mohawk Valley ? 147. Where were Burgoyne and Schuyler in the mean time ? What of the American army ? What American general now took command ? To what point did he move 7 148. Describe the first action at Bemis Heights. 149. Describe the second action at Bemis Heights. 150. What did Burgoyne now attempt to do? Why was Burgoyne compelled to surrender ? Give the date of the surrender, and the number of prisoners. 136 THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR. his way out, or surrender. On the 1 7th of October, Burgoyne surrendered his whole army of nearly six thousand men. 151. The effect of this victory was very great. It freed Americans from all fear of invasion from Canada. Patriotism revived, and Washington s thin ranks filled up. 152. What of Clinton meantime? Clinton had led a force up the Hudson as far as Kingston, which he wantonly hurned. Just then the news of Burgoyne s surrender sent him back at double-quick to New York. 153. Washington at Valley Forge. We left Wash ington s army in winter quarters at Valley Forge, December, 1777. It was a gloomy winter, the darkest of the war. Washington s army was dispirited with its defeats and re treats. It was miserably supplied. Many of the soldiers were barefoot. They were scantily clad, ill-fed, and unpaid. 154. As if these were not afflictions enough for Washing ton, a plot was hatched in Congress to put him out of com mand of the army. This is called the Conway cabal. When the people heard of it, they were so indignant that its getters up were glad to slink into silence. 155. The Confederation. In November, 1777, Con gress adopted what are called the Articles of Confedera tion. These Articles were to form the constitution, or gen eral government, for the United States. But this was only to be so if all the States approved. All the States did approve, but not till 1781. The real constitution was the patriotism of the American people. 156. In the same year, 1777, Congress adopted the stars and stripes as the flag of the United States. The same year Captain Wickes floated this flag at his masthead in a successful cruise in British waters. QUESTIONS. 151. What is said of the effect of this victory? 152. What of Clinton meantime ? 153. Where and when did we leave Washington s army? What of the winter? De- srrihe the condition of the American army at Valley Forge. 1 54. What plot was formed against Washington ? How did it end ? 155. When were the Articles of Confederation adopted ? What were these Articles t-> be ? What of their adoption ? What was the real constitution ? 156. When were the stars and stripes adopted ? On whose ship did they float CAMPAIGNS OF 1773-80. 137 V. CAMPAIGNS OF 1778-80. 157. The French Alliance. We now enter on a new period of the war. This period is distinguished by two things, first, the fact that the French became allies of the Americans, and sent out fleets and soldiers to aid ; sec ondly, that the war was, after this, carried on chiefly in the South. 158. The Americans had, from the beginning of the war, sought to get France to take sides with them. In 1776, Silas Deane was sent to France to urge the alliance. France hated England, but she was not yet prepared to come out openly. However, she secretly furnished some arms and supplies. 159. After the declaration of independence, Congress sent Benjamin Franklin on a mission to the court of France. This venerable philosopher was a man of most persuasive man ners, and he did an immense deal for the American cause. 160. When the French king heard of Burgoyne s surrender, he hesitated no longer. On the 6th of February, 1778, he ac knowledged the independence of the United States, and made a treaty of alliance with the young Republic. 161. Conciliatory Proposal. This new danger, and the news of Burgoyne s surrender, brought the British govern- QUESTIONS. 157. By what two things is the new period of the war distinguished? 158. Repeat what is said of efforts to obtain French aid. Who was first sent over? What is said of the feelings of France towards England, and how far France went ? 159. Who was afterwards sent ? What of Franklin s efforts ? 160. What determined the French king ? Give the date of the treaty. 161. What effect had these things on the British government ? Who were sent out ? How were they received ? Benjamin Franklin. 138 THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR. ment to its senses. Commissioners were sent to offer Ameri cans all they had asked, if they would only become loyal subjects of England. Congress indignantly rejected the pro posal. The people now wanted nothing short of independence. 162. Soon after the rejection of the British proposal of peace, Congress received the news of the French treaty of alliance. 163. America s Friends. About this time, a number of noble characters belonging to various European nations came forward to serve the American cause. Lafayette has already been named. There were, in addition, the Polish patriots, Thaddeus Kos-ci-usko and Count Fu-laski, and the two Germans, Baron De Kalb and Baron Steuben [stoi beri]. They were able officers and rendered grand service. 164. Change of Base. In April, 1778, a French fleet, under Count d Estaing, sailed for America. 165. The effect of this was immediate : the British fleet left the Delaware for New York ; the British army, under Clinton, was ordered from Philadelphia to New York also. 166. The British army evacuated Philadelphia in June and marched towards New York. Washington, from Valley Forge, followed the British. 167. The retreating enemy was overtaken near Mon- mouth, New Jersey. Here an action took place, June 28. Owing to the bad conduct of General Charles Lee, nothing was gained. But Lee himself was got rid of, being dismissed from the service for insolent behavior to General Washington. 168. Clinton now withdrew his army to New York. Washington soon after marched to White Plains, New York. 169. In July, 1778, the French fleet, under Count d Es- QUESTIONS. 16. What news did Congress now hear? 163. What is said of America s friends ? Name some of them. 164. When did the French fleet sail ? 165. What was the effect of this on the British fleet and army r 166. What move was made by the British army ? What of Washington ? 167. Where was the enemy overtaken Describe the action at Monmouth. What of Lee? 168. Where did Clinton go ? where Washington ? 169. When did the French fleet arrive ? What did D Estaing do ? What force did Washington send ? CAMPAIGNS OF 1778-80. 139 taing, carrying four thousand troops, reached the American coast. By Washington s advice, D Estaing sailed to Rhode Island to attack the British fleet. At the same time, Washington sent an American force, under General Sullivan, to co-operate with the French in reducing Newport. 170. When preparations had been made, D Estaing sailed out to give battle to the British fleet. Just then there arose a violent storm, which so damaged the French vessels that they had to put into Boston for repairs. In this turn of affairs Sullivan s force had to retire from Rhode Island. 171. In July, 1778, the happy and flourishing settlement of Wyoming \ivi-o 1 ming\, in Pennsylvania, was attacked by a force of Tories and Indians, under a brute named Butler. The settlers were massacred, their houses burned, and an earthly paradise changed into utter desolation. In Novem ber, Cherry Valley settlement, New York, experienced the same dreadful fate. 172. Operations of 1779. The French fleet, after refitting at Boston, sailed for the West Indies. This move had an important effect on the war. The British fleet had to follow the French. The British army without its fleet could not do much in the North. Clinton then resolved to transfer the war to the South, where he would be nearer the fleet. 173. Campaign in Georgia. The campaign in the South was opened just before the commencement of the year 1779. Clinton sent from New York a British division which captured Savannah, December 29, 1778. Early in Janu ary, 1779, the British General Prevost took the fort at Sun- bury and marched to Savannah, where he assumed command of the English forces. 174. Soon after the conquest of Georgia, General Lincoln QUESTIONS. 170. Describe what took place. 171. Give an account of the Wyoming massacre ; the attack on Cherry Valley. 172. Where did the French fleet now sail to ? AVhat important effect had this oil the war ? 173. When did the campaign in the South open ? What city in Georgia was taken ? When ? What fort ? By whom ? 174. What American officer now took command of the Southern department ? What did he do ? 140 THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR. took command of the American troops in the Southern de partment. He established himself in South Carolina, and prepared to resist the British. 175. The English fully expected to be joined by large numbers of Southern Tories. A body of renegades did, in deed, rise in arms and march to unite with the enemy. But they were met at Kettle Creek, February, 1779, and totally defeated by Colonel Pickens. 176. In March, Lincoln sent two thousand men, under General Ash, against the British in Georgia. This force encamped at Brier Creek, where it was surprised and defeated by Prevost, with heavy loss. 177. In April, Lincoln, with a force of five thousand militia, marched into Georgia. Upon this the British marched against Charleston. Lincoln hastened back to its defence. On hearing of his approach, the enemy withdrew. Lincoln followed up and made an attack on a British force at Stone Ferry. But he was not successful. The British returned to Savannah, and the summer heats hindered further operations till September. 178. Events in the North While these events were in progress in the South, several operations were made in the North, both by the British and the Americans. They were all of secondary importance. 179. The British operations were: 1. A plundering expe dition, under Governor Tryon, to Connecticut ; 2. A naval expedition which went to Virginia and partially destroyed the towns of Portsmouth, Norfolk, etc. ; 3. An expedition from New York, under Clinton, resulting in the capture of the American posts at Stony Point and Verplank s Point, on the Hudson; 4. A second Connecticut expedition, under Tryon, resulting in the plundering and partial destruction of New Haven, East Haven, Fairfield, and Norwalk. QUESTIONS 175. What did the British expect? Were they disappointed? De scribe the defeat of the Tories. 176. Describe the action at Brier Creek. 177. Give an account of Lincoln s march into Georgia, the British advance on Charleston, and what followed. 178. What operations were meanwhile going on at the North ? 179. Give the first of the British operations ; -the second ; the third : the fourth. CAMPAIGNS OF 1778-80. 141 180. On the part of the Americans, the first achieve ment was the recapture of Stony Point, two or three weeks after it was taken by the British. Stony Point was a place of importance to Washington, who sent General Anthony Wayne to recover it. Wayne, in a night attack, scaled the fort, and captured it at the point of the bayonet. 181. The second operation was the capture of Paulus Hook (now Jersey City), in July, by Major Lee. 182. The third operation was a land and naval expedition, which, in July, went from Boston against the British at Fort Castine, on the Penobscot. This was a total failure, as some British men-of-war destroyed the American flotilla, and the troops had to make their way back to Massachusetts through the wilderness. 183. The fourth operation was designed to revenge the massacres of Wyoming and Cherry Valley. Washington sent General Sullivan with a large force, which attacked the In dians on the frontiers of Pennsylvania and New York. The savages were everywhere defeated, and forty of their villages burned. 184. Siege of Savannah, In September, 1779, D Es- taing s fleet from the West Indies appeared off Savannah. The fleet bore six thousand French troops. It was proposed that this fleet and force should co-operate with the American force under General Lincoln in besieging Savannah. 185. After a month s preparation, an assault was made on the British works. The attack was repulsed with severe loss to the French and Americans, nearly one thousand men being killed or wounded. The gallant Count Pulaski was among the slain. 186. After this, the French fleet sailed home. Lincoln QUESTIONS. 180. What was the first achievement on the American side? 181. Give an account of the second operation. 182. Give an account of the third operation. 183. Give an account of the fourth operation. 184. Wtien and where did the French fleet turn up ? WTiat was proposed ? 185. Give a description of the riege of Savannah. 186. What of the French fleet after this? of Lincoln ? of the effect of the failure? 142 THE REVOLUTIONARY withdrew his force to South Carolina. The failure spread gloom throughout the South. 187. Paul Jones. During the summer of 1779, the American commissioners at Paris fitted out a squadron which was placed under command of Paul Jones, a Scotch-Ameri can of wonderful pluck and skill. 188. In September, 1779, Jones, with his squadron, when cruising off the coast of Scotland, fell in with two English frigates convoying a fleet of merchantmen. Jones attacked the frigates, and, after one of the most bloody sea-fights on record, captured both. 189. Situation at the Close of 1779. There was a very despondent feeling at the close of the year 1779. The Americans had gained no important victory. Besides, Amer ican finances were in a very bad way. Congress had, from the start, been making paper money to carry on the war. So much of this was issued that it greatly depreciated in value. It took at this time thirty dollars of continental money to make one in specie ; afterwards it took fifty and sixty. 190. To purchase provisions with this currency was at first difficult, and finally impossible. Washington had to take supplies from the surrounding country. Even then his army, shivering in its winter quarters at Morristown, was suf fering very much. Unless American soldiers had been men who were fighting for principle, the war would now have utterly broken down, VI. CAMPAIGN IN THE CAROLINAS. 191. After the year 1 779, all the important military oper ations of the Revolutionary War were made in the South. QUESTIONS. 1ST. What was done by the American commissioners in 1779? 188. Describe Paul Jones s sea-fight. 189. What was the feeling at the close of 1779? What is said of the finances and continental money ? 190. Mention what is said of the difficulties of getting supplies. What had Wash ington to do? What sort of men were the American soldiers? 191. Where were all important military operations after 1779? Name the two CAMPAIGN IN THE CAROLINAS. 143 Map of the OF l THE REVOLUTION. SOUTHERN COLONIES So ALE or MILES 144 THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR. There were two campaigns, the campaign in the Carolinas, and the final campaign in Virginia. This chapter will contain the Carolina campaign ; the next, the Virginia cam paign. 192. British Change of Base. The day after Christ mas of the year 1779, Sir Henry Clinton embarked the principal part of his army on transports at New York and sailed southward under convoy of a British squadron under Admiral Arbuthnot. The British landed at Savannah, and prepared to attack Charleston. 193. Siege of Charleston. In 1780, Clinton landed near Charleston, worked his way up to near the city, and in April began erecting works across the neck of land in rear of Charleston. A week afterwards (April 9), the British fleet succeeded in passing Fort Moultrie, and anchored within cannon range of the city. 194. While Clinton thus held the American army in Charleston, he sent off detachments to meet any bodies of militia that might be coming to the relief of the city. Two parties were formed, one at Monk s Corner, on the Cooper River, the other on the Santee, and both were cut off. 195. The situation of the Americans in Charleston was now hopeless. Lincoln was compelled to surrender his force of about five thousand men, May 12, 1780. 196. South Carolina overrun. Clinton s next object was to make himself master of the whole State ; to subjugate South Carolina and re-establish the royal authority there. For this purpose he sent out detachments, which held the most important points of the State. 197. The British commander calculated that many South ern royalists would join his standard. He was not wholly mistaken in this. A number of the baser sort did side with QUESTIONS. 192. Give an account of Clinton s change of base. 193. Describe the siege of Charleston. What of the fleet ? 194. What did the British detachments do? What actions were fought? 195. What of the situation in Charleston ? How did the siege end? 196. What was Clinton s next object? How did he accomplish it ? 197 . What did Clinton calculate ? Was he disappointed ? CAMPAIGN IN THE CAROL1NAS. 145 the enemies of their country, and for a while the whole popu lation seemed to be submissive. 198. Clinton was so sure his work was accomplished, that he embarked a large part of his army and sailed back to New York. He left Lord Cornwallis in command in the South. 199. Marion and Sumter. The submission was only in appearance. A number of dashing officers like Francis Marion \mdr e-on\ and Thomas Sumter arose, and, witli such irregular troops as they could collect, carried on a partisan warfare. They harassed the enemy in every way, kept the Tories from rising, and confined the British operations within more narrow limits. 200. Gates s Operations. To aid the Southern pa triots, Congress, in July, 1780, sent down General Gates with a body of troops, which, with the Carolina militia, made about five thousand men. 201. Gates marched through North Carolina into South Carolina. Cornwallis hurried forward from Charleston to meet him. The two met near Camden, and the battle of Sander s Creek took place, August 16. In this action Gates was defeated with heavy loss. 202. After this disaster, Gates retreated to Hillsborough, North Carolina. The British behaved with great barbarity in South Carolina. 203. But they had not things all their own way. The partisan leaders were active. Eight of these trooper-chiefs, uniting their little bands, attacked a large force of British and Tories on King s Mountain. The patriots utterly de feated the enemy, who lost eleven hundred in killed, wounded, and prisoners, while the patriots lost but twenty men. QUESTIONS. 198. Where did Clinton now go ? 199. What is said of the submission of South Carolina? Name two bold leaders. What did they do ? 200. Who was sent to aid the Southern patriots? 201. What movements were made by Gates and Cornwallis ? Where did the armies meet? Give the result ? 202. What of Gates ? What of the British ? 203. Describe the exploits of the partisan leaders. 7 J 146 THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR. Nathaniel Greene. 204. In December, 1 780, Gates, at Hillsborough, was su perseded by Greneral Nathaniel Greene, one of the ablest of the American commanders. 205. G-reene s Campaign Of 1781. Early in January, 1781, General Greene sent out General Morgan, with one thou sand men, to the western part of South Carolina, to hold the British in check. The bold British cavalry leader Tarle- ton was sent against him. The two forces met at Cowpens, Jan uary 17, and Morgan whipped Tarleton. The American loss was seventy ; the British, seven hundred, and all their artil lery. 206. When Cornwallis heard of Tarleton s defeat, he started in pursuit of Morgan, who was making towards Vir ginia with his booty and prisoners. Cornwallis tried to head off Morgan before he reached the ford of the Catawba River. But he did not succeed. Two hours after Morgan crossed, the British arrived on the opposite bank. But during the night a heavy rain came, which made the river impassable for two days. 207. Greene now joined Morgan, and took the command. Cornwallis, as soon as possible, continued the pursuit. But Greene made his retreat with great skill, and got safely across the Dan River into Virginia. 208. Here Cornwallis gave up the chase, and retired to Hillsborough. Greene soon returned to North Carolina, and kept harassing the British. One of his officers, Colonel QUESTIONS. 204. Who superseded Gates, and when ? 205. Give an account of Morgan s expedition. Describe the battle of Cowpens. Give the losses. 206. What did Cornwallis do when he heard of this? Describe the race. 207. Who now joined Morgan ? Continue the account of the chase ? 208. Where did Cornwallis give up the chase ? What of Greene ? Give an account of the operations of Colonel Lee. CAMPAIGN IN THE CAROLINAS. 147 Lee, known as " Light Horse Harry," fell in with a body of three hundred and fifty loyalists, and killed or captured the whole. 209. In a short time, Greene, having received some rein forcements, felt able to strike a blow. He advanced to Griiil- ford Court-House, where a severe action was fought, March 15. The losses were about equal, and the action was not decisive. 210. Soon after this, Cornwallis drew off, marched with the bulk of his force to Wilmington, North Carolina, and shortly afterwards was called north to Virginia. 211. The British force left in South Carolina was under Lord Rawdon. Greene advanced on this force, and was attacked by it at Hobkirk s Hill, in April. The advantage was rather on the British side. But Greene kept annoying Rawdon so much that he withdrew to Eutaw Springs. 212. Meantime, the enterprising troopers, Marion, Sum- ter, and Lee, captured various British posts. The result was that, by midsummer of 1781, the enemy were confined to the positions of Ninety-Six, Eutaw Springs, and Charleston. 213. Greene, in May, proceeded against the stronghold of Ninety-Six, which he assaulted. The attack was unsuccess ful. The Americans then withdrew to pass the hot months in the hills of the Santee. 214. In September, Greene resumed the offensive. On the 8th, he attacked the British at Eutaw Springs. The action was not decisive, the loss of each side being about equal. 215. The battle of Eutaw was the last engagement in the Carolinas. The enemy had been so much harassed by Greene and the partisan leaders, that they left the open country and QUESTIONS. 209. Give an account of the battle of Guilford Court-House. 210. What move did Cornwallis make last of all? 211. Who now commanded the British army in the South? Give an account of the action at Hobkirk s Hill. Where did Rawdon now go ? 212. What of Marion and Sumter? Where were the British by midsummer of 1781? 213. Describe the attack on Ninety-Six. Where did the Americans then go ? 214. Give an account of the attack on Eutaw Spring** 215. What is said of the battle of Eutaw? What of the British ? 148 THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR. retired to Charleston. Here the Americans watched them closely till the end of the war. 216. It thus appears that, in the campaign in the Caro- linas, though Greene often retreated, and though he won no very important victory, yet the main object was accomplished. He was a general of wonderful pluck and perseverance. VII. THE FINAL CAMPAIGN. 217. We left Washington s army in winter quarters, 1779-80. It was a period of great suffering, one of the gloomiest of the war. 218. In midsummer of 1780 the Americans were greatly encouraged by the arrival of Admiral de Ternay, with a fleet having on board six thousand French troops, under the Count de Roehambeau [ros/i-awm-bo ]. This fleet and force were sent out by the French king through the influence of Lafayette, who had passed the previous winter in France. 219. The French fleet and force went to Newport, Rhode Island. It was not thought best to do anything during the whole of the remainder of the year 1780. 220. Arnold s Treason. It was in September, 1780, that the treasonable plot of General Benedict Arnold was discovered. 221. Arnold had been a brave and skilful officer ; but he fell into bad ways in Philadelphia, of which city he was put in command in 1781. He had been court-martialed for ap propriating public money, but was forgiven by Washington. In August, 1780, Washington put him in command of the im portant fortress of West Point. 222. Being filled with the desire of revenge, Arnold here QUESTIONS. 216. What is said of Greene s campaign as a whole? 217. Where did we leave Washington s army ? What of the winter? 218. What was the first thing that encouraged the Americans ? What is said of Lafayette? 219. Where did the fleet go ? Was anything done ? 220. What treasonable plot was discovered at this time ? 221. Give an account of Benedict Arnold. 222. With whom did Arnold enter into correspondence ? What did he agree * do ? Who was sent up to arrange matters? THE FINAL CAMPAIGN. 149 entered into a correspondence with the British commander at New York. He agreed to deliver up West Point for a reward of ten thousand pounds sterling and a general s commission. A personal interview was necessary, and General Clinton sent his aide-de-camp, Major Andre [an dray], in a sloop-of-war, up the Hudson for that purpose. 223. When Andre was ready to return, he found the sloop had been obliged to move down the river. He therefore at tempted to reach New York by land. He went disguised as a citizen. At Tarrytown he was seized by three militia-men, to whom he confessed that he was a British officer. They sent him to the nearest American post. The commander in cautiously allowed Andre to write to Arnold. Arnold, taking the alarm, fled to a British vessel, and went down the Hudson to General Clinton at New York. He got his reward. 224. Andre was hung as a spy. His three captors were John Paulding, Isaac Van Wert, and David Williams. Con gress gave each of them a medal and a pension for life. 225. Troubles in Camp. The winter of 1780-81 brought new sufferings to the soldiers in Washington s camp at Morristown. So grievous did these privations become, that, on New Year s day of 1781, the Pennsylvania line, to the number of thirteen hundred, left the camp, with the intention of marching to Philadelphia and demanding that Congress should give them relief. They were met at Princeton by a committee from Congress, who satisfied their demands, and they returned to camp. 226. This demonstration and a similar one made soon after by a body of New Jersey troops made Congress realize that something must be done to better the condition of the army. Congress accordingly appointed Robert Morris, a wealthy Philadelphia merchant, financial agent of the government. QUESTIONS. 223. Give an account of Andres capture. 224. What became of Andre" ? What of his captors ? 225. Describe the sufferings of the soldiers in the winter of 1781. Give an account of the Pennsylvania line. How was the matter settled ? 226. What did these things lead Congress to do ? What is said of Robert Morris? 150 THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR. He was a great financier, and took measures which relieved the army very much. 227. Concentration in Virginia. The early months of 1781 saw a number of military movements that resulted in placing the opposing armies in a position in which the Ameri cans were able to win a victory that ended the war. 228. In January, 1781, General Clinton sent the traitor Arnold, with sixteen hundred men, into Virginia. He ad vanced on Richmond, where he committed much havoc. He then fortified himself at Portsmouth. Here he received a reinforcement of two thousand troops. To oppose Arnold, Washington sent Lafayette into Vir ginia, with twelve hundred men. 229. At this same time, Cornwallis, whom we saw going to Wilmington after the Carolina campaign, marched north ward to Petersburg, Virginia. Cornwallis now took command of all the British forces in Virginia. Lafayette, with his small army, now raised to three thou sand men, could only watch the enemy. 230. In June, 1781, Cornwallis received a message from Clinton, telling him to take up a position on the sea-coast of Virginia. Cornwallis chose Yorktown, on the south side of the James River. Here he fortified himself. 231. The reason why Clinton told Cornwallis to get near the sea-coast was because he wished the Virginia force to be handv in case Washington should attack New York. 232. Now, Washington, in the summer of 1781, really had formed a design of attacking the British in New York. But he now gave it up, as he thought he could accomplish more by striking a blow at Cornwallis in Virginia. QUESTIONS. 227. Repeat what is said of the military movements of 1781. 228. Give an account of Arnold s doings. Whom did Washington send to oppose him? 229. Give ah account of the movements of Cornwallis. What is said of Lafayette ? 230. What message did Cornwallis receive from Clinton ? State the position taken up by Cornwallis. 231. WTiy did Clinton send this message 7 232. What design had Washington formed ? Why did he change this plan 7 Relate in what manner Washington deceived Clinton. Towards what point did he now march ? THE FINAL CAMPAIGN. 151 Washington, however, continued so to act as to make Clin ton think he was really going to attack New York. In Sep tember, when everything was ready, he suddenly drew off, and, with the allied forces, made forced marches for Yorktown. 233. Siege of Yorktown. Washington appeared be fore Yorktown, September 28, 1781. The French fleet of Count de Grasse had previously entered the Chesapeake, and blocked up James and York rivers. This prevented escape by water ; Washington prevented escape by land. It was now simply a question of time as to the sur render of the British army. It numbered about eight thousand men. Washington had sixteen thousand. 234. Washington, witli the French and American forces, began a regular siege of Yorktown. One hundred pieces of artillery were brought to bear on the British works, and did terrible execution. During the bombardment the British lost over five hundred men. 235. Cornwallis stood the siege for three weeks. Finding his situation hopeless, he offered to capitulate. On the 19th of October the British commander surrendered his army of over seven thousand men. . QUESTIONS. 233. Give the date of Washington s appearance before Yorktown. What is said of the French fleet ? How was the British army hemmed in ? State the relative strength of the two armies. 234. Give an account of the siege of Yorktown. 235. Give an account of the capitulation. 152 THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 236. Close of the War. The news of this great vic tory awoke exultation from one end of the United States to the other. Patriotic demonstrations of all kinds were made. Congress appointed the 13th of December as a day of public thanksgiving. 237. Although the war had not formally closed, yet it was practically over. The British still continued to hold New York and Charleston. But the soul of the war was gone. 238. In the British Parliament resolutions for terminating the war were introduced. In the spring of 1782 the British Ministry offered to treat with the Americans. John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Henry Laurens, and John Jay were ap pointed commissioners for the United States to conclude a peace with Great Britain. On the 30th of November a pre liminary treaty of peace was signed at Paris. 239. The final treaty of peace, the Treaty of Paris, was signed on the 3d of September, 1783. By this Great Britain acknowledged the independence of the United States. The boundaries of the United States were agreed upon as extending northward to the Great Lakes and westward to the Missis sippi. NOTE. All west of the Mississippi was recognized as belonging to Spain. Florida, which had been in British possession since 1763 (close of the French and Indian War), was restored to Spain. 240. The army, during all these proceedings, remained in the field. The war-toils of the soldiers had ceased ; but there were causes of trouble that threatened disaster to the Repub lic. The troops had not been paid for so long a time that they began to mutiny. Washington, however, by his firmness and wisdom, settled the whole matter. QUESTIONS. 236. What is said of the news of the victory ? 237. Was the war practically over ? What positions were held by the British ? 238. What is said of the British Parliament ? What is said of the British Ministry ? Name the American commissioners. Give the date of the preliminary treaty of peace 239. Give the date of the final treaty of peace. What did this treaty acknowledge? State what is said of the boundaries of the United States ? 240. What of the American army ? State the troubles that arose, and how they were settled. THE FINAL CAMPAIGN. 153 241. The 3d of November, 1 783, was appointed for the dis banding of the array. Then the patriot soldiers of the Revo lution returned to their homes. They carried with them the proud consciousness that they had made their country free and independent. 242. By the close of the year the last red-coat had disap peared from the United States. The British evacuated New York November 25, and Charleston in December. 243. Washington, on the 4th of December, took farewell of his officers at New York. He then went to Annapolis, where Congress was sitting, and resigned his commission, Decem ber 23. He then retired to his farm at Mount Vernon, carry ing with him the love and gratitude of his countrymen. 244. The Confederation. The government of the United States at the close of the war was not the government as we now know it. It was a Confederation, or league, of States. In place of the Constitution, they had the " Articles of Con federation." These Articles of Confederation had been agreed to by Congress in 1777, and ratified by all the States in 1781. 245. The Confederation, by these Articles, had the power of incurring debts, but no power of paying them. All it could do was to recommend the several States to pay each its own proportion. But the States had their own local debts, and business was very much depressed ; so it was found very- hard to meet the obligations of the general government. 246. In some of the States where it was attempted to tax the people to pay the debt, insurrections occurred. This -was particularly the case in Massachusetts. Here there was quite a disturbance, known as Shay s Rebellion. The military had to be called out to put it down. QUESTIONS. 241. When was the army disbanded ? Repeat the reflections on this subject. 242. What is said of the departure of the British army from America ? 243. Give an account of Washington s farewell. To what place did he retire? 244. What kind of government had the United States at this time ? What is said of the Articles of Confederation ? When were they agreed to ? When were they ratified ? 245. What power had the Confederation by these Articles? State all it could do regarding the debt. Mention what is said of the inability to pay the debt. 246. What is said of insurrections ? Give an account of Shay s Rebellion. 154 THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 247. The Confederation, moreover, had no power to make general laws for regulating the commerce. The result was so bad that merchants all over the country came forward to urge the establishment of a uniform system of trade duties. 248. Three years after the conclusion of peace the opinion had become general that there should be a revision of the Articles of Confederation. Finally, in 1787, it was agreed that a convention of delegates from all the States should be held for this purpose. 249. The Constitution. The " Constitutional Conven tion "met at Philadelphia, in May, 1787. George Washing ton was elected presiding officer. When the convention came to consider the Articles of Confederation, they found them so faulty that it was resolved, in place of mending the old con stitution, to form a new constitution and union. 250. After four months deliberation, the Constitution was agreed on. It was signed September 17, 1787. By the mid dle of the year 1788, majorities of the people in eleven States had adopted the Constitution. The remaining two adopted it soon afterwards. 251. The Constitution, while under discussion in the sev eral States, met with strong opposition. Many thought it gave too much power to the Federal government. The people divided into two parties, the Federalists, who favored the adoption of the Constitution ; and the Anti-Federalists, who op posed it. This is the reason why it was not completely rati fied till 1790. 252. It was appointed that the new government, the " more perfect Union," should go into operation March 4, 1789. QUESTIONS. 247. What is said of the power of the Confederation for regulating commerce? What was the result ? ,. 248. What is said of the revision of the Articles of the Confederation ? What conven tion was agreed on ? 249. When and where was the Constitutional Convention held? Who was tke presiding officer ? What did the convention resolve to do ? 250. Give the date of the signing of the Constitution. How many States had rati fied it by 1788 ? What of the two other States ? 251. Repeat what is said of the opposition to the Constitution. WTiat was thought by many people ? Explain what is meant by the Federalists ; the Anti-Federalists. 252. When was the new government to go into operation ? What election now took place? TOPICAL REVIEW. 155 Under the provisions of the Constitution the people of the United States elected members of Congress and a President. The President chosen was GEORGE WASHINGTON. TOPICAL REVIEW. I. Outline Review of the Campaigns. I. The first action of the Revolutionary War was Lexing ton, fought April 19, 1775. The last action was the siege of Yorktown, which surrendered October 19, 1781. Thus the operations in the field lasted six years and a half. II. The first division of the Revolutionary War is the campaign of 1775. The events are : 1. Lexington; American success. 2. Ticonderoga ; American success. 3. Bunker Hill; British success. 4. Montgomery s invasion of Canada; British success. III. The second division of the Revolutionary War is th? campaign of 1776. The events are : 1. The siege Of Boston and occupation by Washington, in March ; American success. 2. Siege of Charleston, in June ; American success. 3. Washington s move to New York, British concentra tion on Staten Island, Battle of Long Island in August ; British success 4. Washington s retreat from New York, skirmish at White Plains; British success. 5. Capture of Fort Washington; British success. 6. Washington s retreat into and through Jersey, behind the Delaware, which was crossed December 8. 7. Washington s recrossing of the Delaware, and blow at the British at Trenton ; American success. REVIEW QUESTIONS. Review of the Campaigns. I. Give the date of the first and of the last action of the Revolutionary War. How long did the war last ? II. What is the first division of the Revolutionary War ? Give the first event ; the second ; the third ; the fourth. III. What is the second division of the war ? Give the first event ; the second ; the third ; the fourth ; the fifth ; the sixth ; the seventh ; the eighth. 156 THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR 8. Action at Princeton, January 3, 1 777 ; American success. IV. The third division of the Revolutionary War is the double campaign of 1777, the campaign of Washington against Howe, in Pennsylvania, and the campaign of Schuyler and Gates against Burgoyne, in New York. The events of Washington s campaign are : 1. British change of base from New York to the Chesapeake, in July, 1 777. 2. Washington s forward move to the Brandywine. 3. Battle of Shad s Ford, on the Brandywine, in Septem ber ; British success. 4. British occupation of Philadelphia, as the result. 5. Washington s attack on Germantown, in October; British success. 6. Capture of Forts Mercer and Mifflin, thus opening the Delaware ; British success. The events of Burgoyne s campaign are : 1. Capture of Ticonderoga, in July ; British success. 2. Evacuation of Fort Edward by Schuyler, who takes position at the mouth of the Mohawk. 3. Action at Bennington, in August ; American success. 4. Siege of Fort Schuyler by the British, in August ; American success. 5. First battle of Bemis Heights, September 18; inde cisive. 6. Second battle of Bemis Heights, October 7 ; Ameri can success. 7. Surrender of Burgoyne s army, at Saratoga, October 1 7 ; American success. V. The fourth division of the Revolutionary War comprises the campaigns of 1778-80. The leading events of this period are : REVIEW QUESTIONS. IV. What is the third division of the Revolutionary War ? Give the first event in Washington s campaign ; the second , the third ; the fourth ; the fifth ; the sixth. Give the first event of Burgoyne s campaign ; the second ; the third ; the fourth ; the fifth ; the sixth ; the seventh. V. What is the fourth division of the Revolutionary War. Give the first event ; the second ; the third : the fourth ; the fifth ; the sixth ; the seventh ; the eighth -, the ninth ; the tenth ; the eleventh ; the twelfth. TOPICAL REVIEW. 157 1. French treaty of alliance, February 6, 1778. 2. British change of base from Philadelphia to New York, in June, 1778. 3. Action at Monmouth, June 28 ; indecisive. 4. Arrival of the French fleet and force, under D Estaing, in July. 5. Attempted operation against the British at Newport J unsuccessful. 6. The French fleet sails to the West Indies, in the fall of 1778. 7. In consequence of this, Clinton transfers the seat of war to the South. 8. Georgia occupied by the British, in January, 1779. 9 Defeat of Tories at Kettle Creek, in February, by Colonel Pickens ; American success. 10. Attack on the British at Brier Creek, in March; British success. 11. Minor operations and raids of the British in the North, in the summer of 1779 ; capture of Stony Point by the British ; recapture of Stony Point by Wayne, in July. 12. Return of the French fleet to Savannah, in Septem ber, 1779, and siege of that place by the French and Ameri cans ; unsuccessful. VI. The fifth division of the Revolutionary War is the campaign in the Carolinas, commencing with the beginning of 1780, and extending to the end of 1781. The events of the Carolina campaign are : 1. Clinton s transfer of the bulk of the British army from New York to Savannah, January, 1780. 2. Siege of Charleston ; its surrender, May 12, 1780; British success. 3. Gates sent down to Carolina. 4. Action of Sander s Creek, South Carolina, in August ; British success. REVIEW QUESTIONS. VI. What is the fifth division of the Revolutionary War ? Give the first event of the campaign of the Carolinas ; the second ; the third : the fourth ; the fifth ; the sixth ; the seventh ; the eighth ; the ninth , the tenth ; the eleventh ; the twelfth ; the thirteenth. 158 THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 5. Action at King s Mountain, South Carolina, in Octo ber ; American success. 6. Greene takes command of the Carolina army, in Decem ber, 1780. 7. Action at Cowpens, in January, 1781; American success. 8. Retreat of the American army into Virginia, and pur suit by Cornwallis, January, 1781 ; American success. 9. Return of Greene into North Carolina. Action at GrUilford Court-House, in March ; indecisive. 10. Greene s advance to Hobkirk, South Carolina. At tack by the British, in April ; British success. 11. Greene s assault of Ninety-Six, in June; British success. 1 2. Action at Eutaw Springs, in September ; inde cisive. 13. And, as the result of the whole Carolina campaign of eighteen months, that the British occupy only Charles ton. VII. The sixth division of the Revolutionary War is the final campaign. The events of this period are : 1. The arrival of a French fleet and force of six thou sand men, in midsummer of 1 780. 2. The British concentration in Virginia in the early months of 1781. Arnold and Cornwallis sent to Virginia. Corn wallis takes position at Yorktown in June, 1781. 3. Washington deceives Clinton by making him believe he is going to attack New York, and then rushes to York- town. 4. Siege of Yorktown by the allied forces and the fleet, September and October, 1781. Surrender of Cornwallis, October 19, 1781. American success and end of military operations. REVIEW QUESTIONS. VII. What is the sixth division of the Revolutionary War? Give the first event of the final campaign ; thfc second ; the third ; the fourth. TOPICAL REVIEW. 159 II. Review of the Principal Battles. When fought. Where fought. Commanders. Army successful. American. British. 1775 Lexington, Parker, ( Smith and 1 fPitcairn, J American. Ticonderoga, Allen, De Laplace, American. Bunker Hill, Prescott, Howe and 1 Clinton, j British. Quebec, Montgomery, Clinton, British. 1776 Fort Moultrie, Moultrie, ( Clinton & Sir ) | Peter Parker, ) American. Long Island, Putnam, Hosve and [ Clinton, ) British. White Plains, McDougall, Howe, British. Fort Washington Trenton, Magaw, Washington, Howe, Rahl, British. American. 1777 Princeton, Washington, Mawhood, American Ticonderoga, St. Clair, Burgoyne, British. Fort Schuyler, St. Leger, American. Bennington , Stark, Baum, American. Bennington, Warner, Breyman, American. Brandy wine, Washington, Howe, British. Stillwater, Gates, Burgoyne, Indecisive. German town, Washington, Howe, British. Stillwater, Gates, Burgoyne, American. Fort Mercer, Col. Greene, Donop, American. 1778 Monmouth, Washington, Clinton, American. Wyoming, Zeb. Butler, John Butler, British. Rhode Island, Sullivan, *>igot, American. Cherry Valley, Savannah, Robt. Howe, Brant, Campbell, British. British. 1779 Sunbury, Lane, Prevost, British. Kettle Creek, Pickens, Boyd, American. Brier Creek, Ash, Prevost, British. Stono Ferry, Lincoln, British. Stony Point, Wayne, Johnson, American. Paulus Hook, Lee, American. Savannah, Lincoln, Prevost, British. 1780 Monk s Corner, Tarleton, British. Charleston, Lincoln, Clinton, British. Sander s Creek, Gates, Cornwallis, British. Fishing Creek, Sumpter, Tarleton, British. King s Mountain, Campbell Ferguson , American. 1781 Cowpens, Morgan, Tarleton, American. GuilfordC. II, Greene, Cornwallis, British. Hobkirk s Hill, Greene, Rawdon, British. Ninety-Six, Greene, British. Fort Griswold, Ledyard, Arnold, British. Eutaw Springs, Greene, Stewart, Indecisive. York town, (Washington 1 I & De Grasse, ) Cornwallis, American. REVIEW QUESTIONS. Kevlew of Battles. Give the principal battles of 1775 ; of 1776 ; of 1777 ; of 1778 ; of 1779 ; of 1780 ; of 1781. 160 THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR. III. Review of Important Political Facts. I. American Independence declared July 4, 1776. II. Different places where the Continental Congress met: Philadelphia, 1774-76; Baltimore, 1776; Philadel phia, 1777; Lancaster and York, 1777; Philadelphia, 1778- 83; Princeton, 1783; Annapolis, 1783; Trenton, 1784; New York, 1785-89. III. The "Articles of Confederation," adopted by Congress November 15, 1777; ratified by all the States March, 1781. They then became the Constitution of the country. IV. British commissioners sent to America to negotiate terms, April, 1778. Terms rejected. V. Preliminary articles of peace signed at Paris, November 30, 1782. Final Treaty of Paris signed September 3, 1783. REVIEW QUESTIONS. Important Political Facts* I. Date of American In dependence? II. Name the different places where the Continental Congress met. III. When were the Articles of Confederation adopted ? When were they ratified ? IV. When were British commissioners sent ? What was the result ? V. Date of preliminary treaty of peace ? of final treaty ? PERIOD IV. THE CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD. FROM THE INAUGURATION OF WASHINGTON, 1789, TO THE PRESENT TIME. I. HISTORY OF THE ADMINISTRATIONS. I. _ WASHINGTON S ADMINISTRATION. 1789 - 1797. 1. Introduction. We now enter on the most important period of our history, the period when our country became really the UNITED STATES. 2. There will be given : First, a brief history of the successive administrations from Washington s up to the War of Secession in 1861. This may he called the political history of the United States. the the the the and Secondly, a history of founding and progress of group of great States in West and Southwest, and history of the founding George "Washington. This may growth of the great States of the Pacific coast. be called the growth of States. Thirdly, a history of the advance of the United States in things material and intellectual. This may be called Ameri can progress. Fourthly, the history of the War of Secession in the United States. Fifthly, subsequent history. QUESTIONS. X. On what period do we now enter? 2. State what will be given in this period. 162 THE CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD. 3. The Government Established. Washington was inaugurated President of the United States, April 30, I78y. The ceremony took place at New York, then the capital. John Adams, of Massachusetts, had been elected Vice-President. 4. The Constitution had appointed that the government of the United States should consist of three branches, the legislature, which makes the laws ; the executive, which en forces them; and the judicial, which interprets them. The \aw-making power is Congress, the \&vr-enforcing power is the President, the law -interpreting power resides in certain courts. 5. Congress began by decreeing that to the executive de partment should belong four departments, the Depart ment of State (having charge of foreign affairs), the Depart ment of the Treasury, the Department of War, and the De partment of Law. The heads of the first three are called secretaries, of the last, the Attorney-General. The whole constitutes the President s Cabinet. NOTE. Washington s first Cabinet was as follows : Alexander Ham ilton, Secretary of the Treasury ; Thomas Jefferson, Secretary of State ; Henry Knox, Secretary of War, and Edmund Randolph, Attorney-General. Other departments^ as tbe Post-Office, etc. have been created since. 6. Important Facts. The most important task for Congress to perform was to provide a revenue for the sup port of the government. For this purpose duties were laid on all imported goods. Such duties are called a tariff. 7. The wise treatment of the public debt was the next thing. Alexander Hamilton proposed a financial plan, which Congress adopted. By this plan, the war debt of the general government and of the several States (in all about seventy- four millions of dollars) was funded and afterwards paid. The Bank of the United States was established in 1791. 8. The people of the United States now went vigorously to QUESTIONS. 3. Give the date of Washington s inauguration. Where did the cere mony take place ? Who was Vice-President ? 4. What had the Constitution said about the government? Define each branch. 5. What did Congress decree in regard to departments ? What is the head of each called ? What is the President s Cabinet ? 6. The first important fact is in regard to revenue ; what is said about that ? 7. The next important fact is regarding the public debt ; what is said about that? 8. The next important fact is regarding prosperity ; what is said about that ? HISTORY OF THE ADMINISTRATIONS. 163 , work on their forms and in their workshops. The finances of the country were on a sound basis. Americans felt they had a good government. The result was a season of great prosperity. 9. In 1790, Congress decreed that the seat of government should be for ten years in Philadelphia ; after that perma nently in the District of Columbia, on the Potomac. Washington chose the spot of the city which received his illustrious name. 10. In 1791, Vermont was admitted into the Union as a State. 11. The Constitution fixed the Presidential term at four years. As Washington would thus go out March 4, 1793, the American people, in the fall of 1792, again elected him Presi dent and John Adams Vice-President. 12. Up to this time there had been very little politics in the country; but political lines now began to be drawn. Hamilton was considered the head of the Federalists, Jefferson of the Republicans. NOTE. The Federalists favored a strong Federal government; the Republicans thought power should be more in the hands of the people, and wished a strictly democratic government. 13. At the beginning of Washington s second term of office the country was much disturbed by the great French Revo lution. Many Americans wished to aid France in her strug gle for liberty against England, Spain, and Holland. Wash ington knew the wise course for the United States was to re main neutral. 14. The French Republic, in 1793, appointed Citizen G-enet Minister to the United States. This person was very indiscreet. He thought that, as there was a great deal of QUESTIONS. 9. The next important fact is regarding the capital of the United States ; what is said about that? 10. The next important fact is regarding Vermont ; what fe said about that? 11. What is the length of the President s term of office? What of AVashington s re-election ? 12. The next important event is regarding politics ; what Is said about that ? 13. Th next important event is regarding the French Revolution : -what is said about that ? 14. The next important fact is regarding Citizen Gone*; who was he, and what about him ? 104 THE CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD. popular enthusiasm for France, he might do anything ; so he went to work fitting out privateers. Washington had to de mand his recall. 15. In 1794 the people of western Pennsylvania resisted the collection of taxes on distilled spirits, and rose in what is called the Whiskey Insurrection. Washington had to send an armed force into the region. 16. The boundaries between the Spanish possessions of Louisiana and Florida and the United States had never been definitely fixed. In 1795 a treaty was made with Spain, which arranged this question, and gave the United States the right of navigating the Mississippi. 17. Washington s retirement took place at the close of his second administration, which ended March 4, 1797. He had refused re-election in 1796, and published his Farewell Address, a document breathing the loftiest political wisdom and the purest patriotism. At the close of his term he retired to Mount Vernon. II. ADAMS S ADMINISTRATION. 1797 -1801. 18. The second President of the United States was John Adams of Massachusetts. He was inaugurated March 4, 1797. 19. Meaning of the Elec tion. The election of Adams was a triumph of the Fed eralists, who desired that the principles of Washington s ad ministration should continue to be pursued. The Republicans, John Adams. IT- , i T-I T > ^ believing the Federalists to be QUESTIONS. 15. The next important fact is regarding the Whiskey Insurrection ; what is said about that ? 1-6. the next important fact is regarding the boundaries between the Spanish and American possessions ; what is said about that ? 17. The next important fact is regarding Washington s retirement ; what is said about that ? 18. Who was the second President of the United States ? When inaugurated ? 19. What was the political meaning of Adams s election ? HISTORY OF THE ADMINISTRATIONS. less friendly than themselves to democratic liberty, had made great efforts to elect Thomas Jefferson ; but Adams succeeded. Jefferson was chosen Vice-President. 20. Important Facts. The administration of Adams found the internal affairs of the United States in a highly prosperous condition. The agricultural and commercial wealth of the country had increased beyond all former example. 21. The external affairs that is, the foreign relations of the United States were not so favorable. The particular trouble was with France. 22. The French government, angered because the United States did not take up their quarrel with England, adopted trade regulations that were very injurious to American commerce. Many American vessels were captured by the French for pretended violations of their unjust commercial regulations. Agents whom the United States sent to France were met by French agents, who demanded large sums of money before they would negotiate. 23. These events excited great indignation in the United States. " Millions for defence, but not one cent for tribute," resounded from every quarter. 24. Congress, in May, 1798, authorized reprisals, that is, the capture of armed French vessels. A small army, also, was raised, and Washington reluctantly undertook its com mand. 25. The storm of war was mercifully averted. It is true, hostilities began on the ocean. The American frigate Con stellation, after a desperate fight, captured a larger French frigate. But circumstances arose that warded off the conflict. In the autumn of 1799, Napoleon Bonaparte overthrew QUESTIONS. 20. The first important fact in Adams s administration is regarding internal affairs ; what is said of them? 141. The next important fact is regarding external affairs ; what is said of them ? 14 i. The next important fact is regarding French trade regulations ; what is said about them ? U3. What feeling was excited by these events ? 144. What step was taken by Congress ? Who became commander ? 25. What is said of the storm of war ? Did any hostilities take place? Who came to the head of French afiairs ? What did he do ? 166 THE CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD. the government of France, and took the control of affairs into his own hands. Napoleon made a treaty of peace with the United States in 1800. 26. It was in the midst of these events that Washington was removed from the scene of his earthly glories. Washing ton died at Mount Vernon, December 14, 1799, at the age of sixty-eight years. The entire American people put on mourn ing, the sincere expression of their heartfelt grief. A resolu tion in Congress, deploring his death, called him " first in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen." 27. During the summer of 1800 the seat of government was removed from Philadelphia to WASHINGTON. III. JEFFERSON S ADMINISTRATION. 1801-1809. 28. The third President, of the United States was Thomas Jefferson of Virginia. He was inaugurated March 4, 1801. Aaron Burr had been chosen Vice-President. 29. Meaning of the Elec tion. The election of Jefferson was a triumph of the Republi can or democratical party, the party opposed to the Federalists. Various measures which Adams and the Federalists took had made large numbers change sides. One of the chief reasons of the change was the pas sage of the Alien and Sedition laws by the Federalists, in 1798. The "Alien Law " gave the President the right of expelling from the country any foreigner who was regarded as dangerous to the United States. The " Sedition Law " said QUESTIONS. 2. Repeat what is said of the death of Washington ? What was said of him by Congress ? 27. What took place during the summer of 1800 ? 28. Who was the third President? Inaugurated when ? Name the Vice-President 29. What was the political meaning of Jefferson s election ? Explain the Alien Law : the Sedition Law. What did the Republicans think about these laws ? HISTORY OF THE ADMINISTRATIONS. 167 that any person who published anything false or malicious against the President or Congress might he fined or im prisoned. The Republicans thought these laws were contrary to liberty. They nominated Jefferson, who triumphed over Adams, the candidate of the Federalists. 30. Important Facts. The Republican Congress and administration began by measures of economy. They abolished internal taxes, cut down the army and navy, and introduced several reforms. 31. The next important event was the purchase of Louis iana from France by the United States, in 1803. The price paid was 1 15,000,000. . Louisiana had originally belonged to France. In 1763, at the close of the French and Indian War, France ceded it to Spain, for her aid against the English. In 1800, Spain ceded it back to France. Thus the purchase in 1803 was made from France. 32. This vast region included all west of the Mississippi to the Rocky Mountains (the Pacific coast still belonging to Spain) and north to the British Possessions. The purchase was of great importance to the United States, as it secured the undisputed navigation of the Mississippi. 33. The commerce of the United States in the Mediterra nean Sea had long suffered by the depredations of the piratical Barbary States. In 1801, Tripoli [trip o-li], one of those States, declared war against this country. President Jeffer son, in 1803, sent a naval force into the Mediterranean. 34. One of the American fleet, the frigate Philadelphia, while pursuing a small craft of the enemy before Tripoli, ran upon a rock, and was captured by the Tripolitans. The crew were treated as slaves. 35. The pirates thought this a great prize ; but, in Febru ary, 1804, Lieutenant Deca tur entered the harbor of QUESTIONS. 30. What measures of economy are mentioned ? 31. The next important event is regarding the purchase of Louisiana ; what is said about that ? 33. What territory did the purchase include ? What is said of its importance ? 33. The next important fact is regarding the war with a Barbary State ; what about that ? 34. Give the incident of the frigate Philadelphia. 35. What exploit was performed by Decatur? 1G8 THE CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD. Tripoli in a small schooner, at night, and captured and burned the Philadelphia. 36. A few months later, Commodore Preble several times bombarded Tripoli. But the troubles did not cease till 1805, when the bashaw was glad to make a treaty of peace. 37. In July, 1804, a duel, growing out of a political dis pute, was fought between Aaron Burr, Vice-President of the United States, and Alexander Hamilton. Hamilton was killed, a fact greatly lamented by the people of the United States. 38. In the fall of 1804, Jefferson was re-elected Presi dent. George Clinton of New York was chosen Vice-President. 39. Burr was a man of brilliant intellect, but of bad prin ciples and great ambition. In 1806 he was found making secret preparations for an expedition down the Ohio River. He was accused of plotting to separate the country west of the Alleghanies from the Union, and also of a design to conquer Mexico. Burr was arrested, and tried on these charges. For want of proof he was set at liberty. But the people continued to believe that he had meant treason to the United States. 40. In Europe the great war between England and France, with Napoleon at its head, was still going on. The United States remained neutral, that is, did not side with either. As the powerful navy of England had swept nearly all the vessels of France and her allies from the seas, American mer chantmen found very profitable employment in carrying goods for France and other European nations. 41. In order to check this, the British government, in May, 1806, declared a large part of the coast of Europe in a state ( f blockade, thus preventing American vessels from entering the ports said to be blockaded. In November, 1806, NapO- QUESTIONS. 36. State what is said of the Preble. When did the war end ? 37. What duel was fought at this time? Tell about it. % MS. When \vas Jefferson re-elected ? Name the Vice-President. 39. What is said of the character of Aaron Burr ? Give an account of his supposed plot. 40. WTiat war was still going on in Europe? What was the position of the United States ? Repeat what is said of American merchantmen. 41. Tell what is said of the British blockade. How did Napoleon retaliate? What vtas the effect on American commerce . HISTORY OF THE ADMINISTRATIONS. 169 leon retaliated by declaring the blockade of the British Islands. Numerous American vessels, which attempted to trade to these various ports, were captured either by the Eng lish or French. The result was that American commerce was nearly destroyed. 42. These measures were contrary to the law of nations. American merchants therefore protested loudly, and the whole country was in great excitement ; but it was of no avail. 43. Another thing which Americans felt as an outrage was a claim which the British made, that their vessels had a right to search American ships, and take from them any seamen of English birth. This the English called the "right of search." The American government indignantly denied this pretended " right " ; and the more so as several times Ameri can seamen were seized and forced into the British navy, un der the pretence that they were deserters. 44. In the month of June, 1807, an event occurred of an extremely irritating character. The American frigate Chesa peake, refusing to give up four men claimed by the English as deserters, was fired upon by the British frigate Leopard. The Chesapeake, being unsuspicious of danger and unpre pared for defence, struck her colors, after having three of her men killed and eighteen wounded. She was then boarded by the British, and four of her crew were carried off. Upon in vestigation it was found that three of them were American citizens, who had been impressed by the British, and had after wards escaped. 45. This outrage called forth a Proclamation by Presi dent Jefferson, forbidding all British vessels from entering the harbors of the United States until satisfaction for the past and security for the future should be made by England. 46. In November, 1807, the British government issued the QUESTIONS. 42. What is said of these measures? What was done by American merchants ? 43. Explain what was meant by the right of search. What did the United States say about this pretended right ? 44. Give an account of the affair of the ship Chesapeake. 45. What did this outrage call forth 46. What were the British " orders in council " ? What was the Milan Decree ? 8 170 THE CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD. famous " orders in council," by which all neutral nations were prohibited from trading with France or her allies, ex cepting upon payment of a tribute to England. This was immediately met by Napoleon s "Milan Decree," which confiscated all vessels that had submitted to search by an English ship or had paid tribute. 47. To retaliate upon France and England, Congress, in December, 1807, decreed an embargo, by which all American vessels and sailors were called home and detained, and foreign vessels were prohibited from taking cargoes from our ports. It failed in obtaining from France and England an acknowledg ment of American rights, and proved ruinous to the commerce of this country. The distress in the United States caused by the embargo was so great that large numbers left the Republican or administration party, and went over to the Federalists. 48. It was in this state of affairs that President Jefferson went out of .office, in March, 1 809, and retired to his farm at Monticello, Virginia. IV. MADISON S ADMINISTRATION. 1809 - 1817. 49. The fourth President of the United States was James Madison of Virginia.. He was inaugurated March 4, 1809. George Clinton of New York was re-elected Vice-President. 50. Meaning of the Elec tion. The election of Madi son was a triumph of the Fed eralists, who had zealously opposed the measures of Jeffer- Madison. son > s Republican administra- QUESTIONS. 47. How did Congress retaliate? Was the embargo effectual? What influence did it have on political parties ? 48. What of the close of Jefferson s term? 49. Who was the fourth President of the United States? When inaugurated? Name the Vice-President. 50. What is said of the meaning of the election ? HISTORY OF THE ADMINISTRATIONS. 171 tion, and who, through the dissatisfaction caused by the em bargo, gained strength enough in New England to elect their candidate. 51. Important Facts. In March, 1809, the Embargo Act was repealed, and a Non-Inter course Act was passed, forbidding all commerce of the United States with Great Britain and France. We shall soon see that this did not help matters much, and that the troubles finally led to war. 52. In 1811 the Indians on the northwestern frontier be came very hostile, and took the war-path. G-eneral Har rison, governor of " Indiana Territory," collected a large force, and marched against them. Their principal chief, Te- cumseh, and his brother, " The Prophet," were not present ; but, on the approach of General Harrison, other chiefs came out to meet him. They proposed a conference, and requested him to encamp for the night, which he did. Early the next morning the Indians rushed upon the camp, and a bloody contest followed. This action took place near the Tippecanoe River, and was hence called the Battle of Tippecanoe \tip-pe-kan-oo ~\. 53. The chief event of Madison s administration is the declaration of war against England, and the hostilities which followed for two years. WAR OF 1812. 54. Cause of the War. The conduct of England in harassing the commerce of the United States, and the im pressment of seamen from American vessels, was the cause of the War of 1812. 55. The state of things when President Madison came into office in 1809 has been seen. The Non-Intercourse Law ex- QUESTIONS. 51. The first important fact in Madison s administration is regarding a Non-Intercourse Act ; what is said about this? 52. The next important fact is regarding Indian hostility ; what is said of these and of the battle of Tippecanoe ? 53. What is the chief event of Madison s term? 54. State the cause of the War of 1812. 55. When did the Non-Intercourse Act expire? What proposal did the United States then make ? What did France do ? 172 THE CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD. pired in May, 1810. The United States government then made a proposal, both to England and France, that, if either nation would repeal its orders prohibiting trade by neutral vessels, the United States would revive the Non-Intercourse Law against the other nation. France, in 1810, revoked her "Milan Decree." 56. The result was that, in November, 1810, -President Madison proclaimed that there was now free commerce with France, but that all trade with Great Britain was prohibited. 57. England now enforced her hostile orders more rigidly than before. She stationed ships of war before the principal harbors of the United States. All American merchantmen, departing or returning, were boarded, searched, and many of them sent to British ports as legal prizes. 58. At the same time the " right of search " was continued, and impressments of seamen from American vessels were fre quent. The British naval officers behaved in a very insolent and high-handed way. 59. In one instance, their insolence was deservedly pun ished. In May, 1811, the American frigate President, commanded by Commodore Rodgers, when oft the capes of Virginia, hailed the British sloop-of-war Little Belt. Instead of receiving a satisfactory answer, a shot was returned. An action followed, and the British vessel was soon disabled, hav ing eleven of her men killed and twenty-one wounded. 60. The American government had to make reparation for this act ; but the American people generally thought that it served the British ship right. 61. This state of things was worse than war. America suffered all the evils of war, and could do nothing in return. During the previous seven or eight years British cruisers had QUESTIONS. 56. As the result, what did the President proclaim ? 57. State the measures taken by England to enforce her regulations? 58. What is said of the right of search and British naval officers ? 59. Give an account of the incident which punished their insolence. 60. What had the government to do ? What did the people think ? 61. Repeat what is said of this state of things. What message did the President send to Congress ? HISTORY OF THE ADMINISTRATIONS 173 captured nine hundred American vessels for violation of Eng land s unjust commercial restrictions. President Madison, on the 1st of June, 1812, sent a mes sage to Congress, recommending a declaration of war against England. This was adopted. 62. On the 19th of June, 1812, a Proclamation of War against England was published. General Henry Dearborn, of Massachusetts, was appointed commander-in-chief. 63. Military Events of 1812. It was determined to invade the British province of Canada. In midsummer, General Hull, Governor of Michigan Territory, crossed from Detroit, in that Territory, with a small force, to Sandwich. Hull was incompetent. He did nothing at Sandwich, and while dawdling there a British force captured the important post of Mackinaw. This made Hull return in haste to Detroit. 64. A small British force now ap peared before Detroit. The Ameri can soldiers were perfectly confident vicinity of Detroit. they could hold the place against the British. Nevertheless, when Hull was called on to surrender, he hung out the white flag and capitulated without striking one blow. The army and the whole country were very indignant at this disgrace ful affair, and Hull s name was struck from the rolls of the army. 65. On the 13th of October, another American detachment crossed the Niagara River from Lewiston into Canada, and attacked the British on Queenstown Heights. The Amer icans were at first successful, but were at last overpowered, chiefly owing to the fact that the American militia on the QUESTIONS. 62. Give the date of the Proclamation of War. Who was appointed commander ? 63.. What invasion was determined on? Give the movements of Hull. What was the result ? 64. Give an account of the surrender of Detroit. 65. Describe the action at Queenstown Heights. 174 THE CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD. American side would not cross to aid their brethren. Lieu tenant-Colonel (afterwards General) Winfield Scott distin guished himself in this action. 66. Naval Operations of 1812. While failure met the unimportant and badly conducted military operations of 1812, the United States navy performed a number of bril liant exploits that greatly encouraged the country. During the year 1812 there were several important naval combats, in every one of which the Americans were successful : 1. The frigate Essex, Captain David Porter, captured the sloop-of- war Alert, August 13; 2. The frigate Constitution, Cap tain Hull, off the Gulf of St. Lawrence, captured the Guer- riere \gare-yare \ August 19; 3. The sloop Wasp, Captain Jones, captured the British brig Frolic, October 18; 4. The frigate United States, Commodore Decatur, cruising south of the Azores, captured the Macedonian, October 25 ; 5. The frigate Constitution, Commodore Bainbridge, captured, off Brazil, the British frigate Java, December 29. Several of these combats were desperate, and were illustrated by the most splendid heroism on the part of the American sailors. 67. While the regular navy was performing these exploits, numerous American privateers were fitted out to prey upon British commerce. During the year 1812, no less than three hundred prizes were taken. This was some return for the numerous British captures in time of peace. 68. A majority of the American people heartily approved the war. The result was, that, at the next election, in the Ml of 1812, Madison was re-elected President of the United States. Elbridge Gerry was chosen Vice-President. 69. Military Operations of 1813. At the beginning of 1813, the American forces on the northern frontiers were divided into three armies. The Army of the West, under QUESTIONS. 66. Give whnt is said of the exploits of the navy. Mention the first naval action : the second : the third ; the fourth ; the fifth. 67. Repeat what is said of privateers. What number of prizes were taken ? 68. How did the American people look on the war ? What was the result as to Madison ? Who was Vice-President ? 69. Into what three armies were the American forces divided in 1813 ? HISTORY OF THE ADMINISTRATIONS 175 General Harrison, was stationed near the head of Lake Erie ; the Army of the Centre, under General Dearborn, on the Ni agara frontier ; the Army of the North, under General Wade Hampton, near Lake Champlain. 70. The object of the Army of the West was to re cover Detroit and Michigan from the English. In January, 1813, a body, under General Winchester, advanced on Frenchtown, beating a British party and taking the vil lage. Soon after, a larger force of English, and Indians at tacked Winchester s detachment and compelled his surrender. The next morning the Indians brutally murdered all the sick and wounded Americans. 71. General Harrison now built Fort Meigs at Maumee Rapids. Here he was besieged, May 1, by Colonel Proctor. An American reinforcement came, and the British gave up the siege and returned to Maiden. Proctor next attacked Fort Stephenson, at Lower Sandusky (now Fremont), Ohio, but was repulsed. 72. Land and Naval Operations. During the sum mer of 1813, a fleet of nine ves sels, carrying fifty-four guns, was equipped at Erie and placed un der Commodore Ferry. To oppose this, the English had a fleet of six vessels, carrying sixty- three guns, under Commodore Barclay. 73. On the 10th of Septem ber the two squadrons met in the western part of Lake Erie, and a fierce naval action began. Commodore Perry. The combat lasted three hours, and resulted in a brilliant victory. Perry told this triumph in a brief and modest de- QUESTIONS. 70. What was the object of the Army of the West ? Give an account of the movement on Frenchtown. 71. Give an account of what happened at Fort Meigs ; of what happened at Fort Sandusky. 72. What fleet now appeared on Lake Erie ? What fleet had the British ? 73. Describe the battle of Lake Erie. 17t> THE CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD. spatch, saying : " We have met the enemy, and they are ours." 74. Harrison s troops now embarked on Perry s ships and crossed to Canada, taking Maiden, and pursuing the British up the Thames. Here an action was fought, October 5. The Western Rangers charged furiously, and completely routed the British and the Indians under Tecumseh. The Indian chief was slain. 75. The recovery of Detroit and Michigan Territory put an end to the war in that quarter. Harrison s force was now able to join the Army of the Centre. 76. Army of the Centre. The invasion of Canada was now the leading object. General Dearborn, in April, sent a body to cross Lake Ontario and attack York (now Toronto). The British abandoned York, blowing up their magazine, and thus killing or wounding above two hundred Americans. 77. General Dearborn next moved against Fort Greorge, at the mouth of the Niagara River. This was taken, and all the Canada side of the Niagara River fell into possession of the Americans. The British attacked Sacketf s Harbor, but were repulsed. After a while, most of the forces were taken elsewhere. Then the British turned the tables on the Americans. They recaptured Fort G-eorge and took Fort Niagara, and in the fall made several raids into northern New York, plundering and burning settlements. This they did in revenge for the wanton burning by the Americans of the Canadian village of Newark. 78. Army of the North. It was planned that the Army of the North, under General Wade Hampton, should conjointly with the Army of the Centre, now under General Wilkinson, make an expedition against Montreal QUESTIONS 74. Give an account of the action on the Thames. 75. What had been recovered ? What of Harrison s force? 76. State what was now the leading object. Describe the expedition against York. 77. Describe the movement against Fort George. What of Sackett s Harbor ? What of the recapture of Fort George, and the conduct of the British? 78. What expedition was planned against Montreal ? HISTORY OF THE ADMINISTRATION. 177 79. In November, Wilkinson, with the Army of the Centre, moved from Lake Champlain to the St. Lawrence, and went down that river in a flotilla as far as St. Regis. Here he was to have been joined by Hampton s force ; but Hampton would not move. So the whole expedition was given up. 80. Creek and Seminole War. During this year, the Creek and Seminole Indians commenced a war against the whites in Georgia and Alabama. In August, they captured Fort Minims, in southern Alabama, and three hundred men, women, and children were butch ered. 81. The whites of Georgia and Tennessee flew to arms, under the leadership of General Jackson. The Indians were defeated in a number of fights. The last great encounter was at To-ho-pe ka, or Horseshoe Bend, on the Tal-la-poo sa River. Here Generals Jackson and Coffee gave the Indians a terrible defeat, slaying over eight hundred of them. This brought the Creek War to an end. 82. Sea-FightS of 1813. In addition to the naval vic tory on Lake Erie, a number of sea-fights took place during the year 1813. 83. On the 24th of February, the sloop-of-war Hornet, Captain Lawrence, captured the British brig Peacock. The latter sank soon after the action. 84. On the 1st of June, Captain Lawrence, who had been promoted to the command of the frigate Chesapeake, at tacked the British frigate Shannon, off" Boston harbor. After a furious fight, in which Lawrence was mortally wounded, the enemy captured the Chesapeake by boarding. Lawrence s last and heroic order was, " Don t give up the ship," a say- QUESTIOXS. 79. Give an account of Wilkinson s movement. Why was the expe- dHon given up? 80. Give an account of the outbreak of the Seminole War. 81. Who was the leader of the whites? Give an account of the fights. State the result. 82. What is said of sea-fights ? 83. Tell about the sloop Hornet. 84. Tell about the frigate Chesapeake. 8* L 178 THE CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD. ing which, though the ship had to be given up, served as the watch-cry of American sailors in many a victory. 85. In the spring of 1813, a British squadron, under Ad miral Cockburn, entered Chesapeake Bay and destroyed Frenchtown, Georgetown, Havre de Grace, and Frederick. They attempted to capture Norfolk, but were repulsed with heavy loss. After committing shocking brutalities at Hamp ton, the fleet sailed for the West Indies. 86. Military Operations of 1814. There were two campaigns in 1814, the Northern campaign and the South ern campaign. 87. The Northern campaign was along the Niagara frontier. On the 3d of July, 1814, General Brown, assisted by Generals Scott and Ripley, crossed the Niagara River and took Fort Erie. They then advanced against Chippewa \Chip pe-ivaw\^ where they defeated the enemy under General lliall [ri al] on the 5th of July. 88. The British retreated to Lake On tario, where General Drummoiid took command with fresh forces. On the 25th of July, the two little armies met at Lundy s Lane, near Niagara Falls. The action was not decisive. Each side lost about eight hundred men. 89. Soon after, the Americans fell back to Fort Erie. The British ad vanced, five thousand strong, and laid siege to this place. They made an as sault, August 15, but were repulsed, with a loss of one thousand men. A month later, General Brown issued from the fort,, and gave the British so stunning a blow that they were forced to give up the siege. 90. The Americans continued at Fort Erie for two months QUESTIONS. 85. Tell about the operation? of Cockbunrs fleet. 86. Name the two campaigns of 1814. 87. Where was the Northern campaign to be? Give an account of the movements. 88. To what point did the British retreat Tell about the battle of Lundy s Lane. 89. Give an account of the attack on Fort Erie. What was the result of the siege ? 90. What was the last thing done by the Americans on the Canada side ? Niagara Operations. HISTORY OF THE ADMINISTRATION 179 more, and then, of their own accord, blew up the fort, and withdrew from the Canada shore. 91. Battle of Lake Champlain. In September, 1814, Sir George Prevost, at the head of fourteen thousand troops, advanced upon Flattsburg, on Lake Champlain. Here General Macornb \_ma-koom ] was stationed, with a force of less than two thousand. The American squadron, com manded by Commodore Macdonough \mak-don uli\, was lying in the harbor of Plattsburg. 92. The British force ar rived before Plattsburg, September 6. General Ma- comb made a firm defence, and, for four days, kept the enemy at bay ; yet the situ ation of the American force was critical. 93. In this state of af fairs the British squadron, under Captain Downie, bore down in order of battle. Commodore Macdonough cleared his decks for action. After a contest of two hours, the whole British fleet on the lake was captured by the Americans. 94. The British land force then retreated in hot haste to Canada. The enemy s loss was about twenty-five hundred men. 95. Operations in the South. In the month of Au gust, 1814, a squadron of fifty or sixty British vessels arrived in Chesapeake Bay with troops from Europe. The design was to attack Washington, the capital of the United States. Five thousand troops, under General Ross, were landed, and marched towards that city. QUESTION S. 91. What place on Lake Champlain did the British now move on? What American officer was in command at Plattsburg? Where was the American squadron ? 92. When did the British arrive before Plattsburg ? What of Macomb ? 93. Give an account of the naval action. 9 1. What was the British land force compelled to do? 9.5. What squadron arrived in 1814 ? What was the design ? Who was the com mander ? 180 THE CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD. 96. At this time there was very little force for the defence of Washington. However, General Winder, with about four thousand men, met the enemy at Bla densburg, near Wash ington. The militia did not behave well, and were routed. The President and Cabinet had to leave. Ross entered Washington, August 24. His troops burned the Capitol and other public buildings. This was an act of vandalism. They then retreated to their shipping. 97. Ross next sailed to Baltimore. Landing at North Point, a few miles below the city, the troops moved towards Baltimore. In an action which followed, the Americans were compelled to retreat to the works around the city. Ross was killed. However, the enemy feared to attack the works, and turned aside. 98. In the mean time, the British fleet made an unsuccess ful attack on Fort McHenry, which commanded the en trance to the city, after which the army re-embarked and left the bay. 99. Sea-Fights of 1814. During the year 1814, vic tories on the sea were about equally divided between the Brit ish and Americans. 100. In March, 1814, the Essex, Commodore Porter, was captured by two British vessels, after a long cruise that was very destructive to English commerce. In April the Ameri can ship Frolic was captured by a British frigate. The American ship Peacock captured a British brig, and the Wasp captured another. Early the next year, the frigate President, Commodore Decatur, was taken by an English squadron. The Constitution, Commodore Stewart, cap tured two British ships. The American ship Hornet took a British brig. QUESTIONS. 96. What is said of the defence of Washington ? Give an account of the action at Bladensburg. Give the date of the capture of Washington City. What of the British? 97. To what place did Ross next sail ? Describe the movement against the city. 98. Repeat what is said of the attack on Fort McHenry. 99. What is said of sea-fiphts in 1814 ? 100. Tell what is said of the Essex. Tell what is said of the Frolic. Tell what is said of the Peacock. Tell what is said of the frigate President. Tell what is said of the frigate Constitution. HISTORY OF THE ADMINISTRATIONS. 181 101. There was strong opposition to the war, particularly in New England. This led to what is called the Hartford Convention. This convention was composed of delegates from the New England States, and met in December, 1814. They deliberated in secret. All that came of it was a report recommending some changes in the Constitution. 102. Battle of New Orleans. In December, 1814, a powerful British fleet, carrying over ten thousand troops, ap proached New Orleans by way of Lake Borgne [born]. It captured the small American naval force on the lake, after a desperate fight. Battle of New Orleans. 103. In the city of New Orleans was General Jackson, with a force of about six thousand men. He hastily built a parapet of earth and cotton-bales a few miles below the city, and planted his marksmen behind it. 104. On the 8th of January, 1815, the entire British army, under Sir Edward Pakenham [pak n-am\ advanced to storm the intrenchments. It met a terrible repulse. Jack son won a great victory, killing and wounding two thousand of the British, with a loss of eight men killed and thirteen wounded. Pakenham was killed. This stunning blow caused the British to retreat to their ships, and New Orleans was safe. QUESTIONS. 101. What is said of opposition to the war? To what did this lead? WTiat came of the Hartford Convention ? 102. What of the British fleet and New Orleans ? 103. Who was in New Orleans ? What did he do? 104. Describe the battle of New Orleans. Give the relative losses. What did this caupe the British to do ? 182 THE CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD. 105. Peace. A treaty of peace between Great Brit ain and the United States was signed on the 25th of Decem ber, 1814. It is called the Treaty of Ghent. It was ratified by the United States, February 17, 1815, and put an end to the War of 1812, which had lasted a little over two years and a half. 106. War -with Algiers. During the war with Great Britain, the Dey of Algiers had committed depredations on American commerce. To check these, Decatur, soon after the peace with England, was sent, with a fleet, into the Med iterranean. 107. Decatur captured two of the Algerine ships-of-war, and compelled the Dey to sign a treaty. By this treaty he released all American prisoners, gave satisfaction for past offences, and relinquished all claim to tribute in the future. 108. In the year 1816, a financial institution, called the Bank of the United States, was chartered, to continue for twenty years. We shall hear of this bank again. V. MONROE S ADMINISTRATION. 1817-1825. 109. The fifth President of the United States was James Monroe, of Virginia. He was inaugurated March 4, 1817. Daniel D. Tompkins, of New York, had been chosen Vice- President. 110. Meaning of the Election. The election of President Monroe was not a tri umph of either the Federalists James Monroe. or Republicans. He was elect- QUESTIONS. 105. When was the treaty of peace signed? What is it called? When was it ratified ? How long had the war lasted ? 106. How did the war with Algiers begin ? Who was sent to the Mediterranean? 107. Give an account of the doings of Decatur. Give the substance of the treaty. 108. What financial institution was now started ? 109. Who was the fifth President ? When inaugurated ? Name the Vice-President. 110. Give the meaning of the election. HISTORY OF THE ADMINISTRATIONS. ed almost unanimously by the whole people. The war of the politicians stopped for a time. This period received the name of the "era of good feeling." 111. Important Facts. The cessation of the war and the industry of the people soon brought great prosperity to the United States. Commerce, manufactures, and agricul ture revived and nourished wonderfully. 112. About the close of 1817, the Seminole Indians took the war-pa,th and commenced hostilities against the in habitants of Georgia. They were encouraged by the Spanish authorities of Florida. General Jackson was sent against the savages, and overran their country. He then marched into Florida, took the Spanish fort of St. Marks, and seized Pensacola. 113. Many persons blamed General Jackson for going into Florida, because he was invading the territory of a friendly power ; but he was sustained by the government and a major ity of the people. Out of Jackson s proceedings grew nego tiations with Spain, which led to the acquisition of Florida. A treaty w r as entered into by which, for five millions of dol lars, Spain ceded Florida to the United States. 114. In 1820, Maine was admitted into the Union as a State. (See page 57.) 115. In 1820, the question of admitting Missouri into the Union as a State arose. A very angry dispute sprang up as to whether she should be admitted as a slave State or a free State. This was finally settled by the Missouri Compro mise, which, in 1821, admitted it as a slave State, but pro hibited slavery in all territory west of the Mississippi and north of 36 30 north latitude. Note the nature of the " Missouri Compromise " : it is important. QUESTIONS. 111. The first important fact mentioned is regarding prosperity; what is said of that ? 112. The next important fact is regarding hostilities -with the Seminoles ; what is said about that ? 113. Why did many blame Jackson? What grew out of Jackson s proceedings? State the amount paid for Florida. 114. Give the date of the admission of Maine into the Union. 115. The next important fact is regarding the Missouri Compromise ; what is said about that ? Tell again what was agreed on in the compromise. 184 THE CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD. 116. In the fall of 1820, President Monroe and Vice- President Tornpkins were re-elected. Their second term of offics began March 4, 1821. 117. During the year 1822, President Monroe, in a mes sage to Congress recommending the recognition of the South American Republics, which had been struggling for indepen dence against Spain, proclaimed what is known as the "Monroe Doctrine." This is, that the American conti nents are not to be considered as subject for future coloniza tion by any European power." 118. In 1824, G-eneral Lafayette arrived in America, to pay a visit to the* country which he had helped make inde pendent. He remained in this country for over a year, as the guest of the American people. He was received every where with the greatest honor and affection. 119. Monroe, having served two terms, declined re-elec tion. VI. J. Q. ADAMS S ADMINISTRATION. 1825-1829. 120. The sixth President of the United States was John Quincy Adams of Massachu setts, son of the second Presi dent. He was inaugurated March 4, 1825. John C. Calhoun, of South Carolina, had been chosen Vice-President. 121. Meaning of the Elec tion. In the latter part of Monroe s administration, the two political parties Federal and QUESTIONS. 116. What re-election took place in 1820 ? 117. The next important fact is regarding, the Monroe Doctrine ; what is said ahout that ? 118. Give an account of the visit of Lafayette to America 119. What did Monroe decline ? 120. Who was the sixth President ? When inaugurated ? Name the Vice-President. 121. Give the meaning of Adams s election ? HISTORY OF THE ADMINISTRATIONS. 185 Republican were very much broken up. John Quincy Adams was a Republican, but became one of the leaders of that party which was afterwards called the Whig party. There had been no less than six Presidential candidates. As no one had a majority of electoral votes, the House of Representatives had the choice, and it chose J. Q. Adams. 122. Important Facts. Adams s term of office was a period of peace and of rapid growth and prosperity. The Union now consisted of twenty-four States, and contained ten millions of population. 123. The 4th of July, 1826, was the fiftieth anniversary of American Independence. On that day two patriots, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, both died. This was noted as a very striking fact. 124. During Adams s administration there was a great deal said in this country about a protective tariff. A tariff is a system of duties laid on goods imported from abroad. A protective tariff is a high duty laid on manufac tured articles, for the purpose of protecting and encouraging the manufacture of similar articles at home. 125. A protective tariff was enacted by Congress in 1828. Henry Clay was the author of this policy, which took the name of the American system. It led afterwards to violent political disputes. VII. JACKSON S ADMINISTRATION. 1829 - 1837. 126. The seventh President of the United States was Gen eral Andrew Jackson, of Tennessee. He was inaugu rated March 4, 1829. John C. Calhoun had been re-elected Vice-President. QUESTIONS. 122. What is said in general of Adams s term ? Of how many States did the Union now consist ? What was the population ? 123. What events occurred on the 4th of July, 1826? 124. What question excited much attention during this administration ? What is a tariff? a protective tariff ? 125. In what year did Congress adopt a protective tariff? Who was the author of it ? To what did it lead ? 126. Who was the seventh President? Inaugurated when ? Name the Vice-Presi dent. 186 THE CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD. 127. Meaning of the Election. The election of Jack son was a victory tor the party opposed to the Whigs, repre sented by Adams and Clay. The party which elected Jackson now began to be called the Demo cratic party. 128. Important Facts. The chartering of the United States Bank has been men tioned. (See page 182, 1" 108.) It was now proposed to renew the charter. President Jackson, in his first message to Congress, took strong grounds against this Andrew jutkson. - renewal. Nevertheless, in 1832, Congress enacted that the charter should be renewed. The President vetoed the act ; and, as Congress did not pass the law over his veto, the charter was not renewed. The charter expired in 1836. 129. But before the charter expired, namely, in 1833, the President ordered that the government moneys, which had before been deposited in this bank, should be removed. This was done. Many persons denounced this act as a high-handed proceeding. 130. The year 1832 is notable for the Black Hawk War. The Western Indians, under Black Hawk, began hostilities against the people of Illinois. A battle was fought on the banks of the Mississippi, and the Indians were de feated. They were forced to make treaties by which they gave up large tracts of Western lands. 131. In 1832, Congress passed a new Tariff Bill, laying QUESTIONS. 127. Give the meaning of Jackson s election. 1 2S. The first important point mentioned in Jackson s administration is regarding the charter of the United States Bank ; what is said about that ? 149. What step did Jackson take in regard to the government deposits in the bank? What did many persons say ? 130. The next important fact is regarding the Black Hawk War ; what is said about that? 131. The next important f$pt is regarding the Tariff Bill of 1832; what is said about that ? HISTORY OF THE ADMINISTRATIONS. 187 heavy protective duties on imported articles. This met with violent opposition. The opposition was particularly strong in the South, where the people did not manufacture much. They therefore wanted to get foreign goods as cheap as possible. 132. South Carolina led the resistance to the Tariff Bill. A convention of the people of that- State said the law should not be heeded in South Carolina, that it should be null and void there. This was called nullification. John C. Cal- houn was the strongest supporter of nullification. 133. President Jackson then issued a proclamation warn ing the people that the law would be enforced. South Caro lina threatened to secede from the Union. 134. It seemed likely that there would be war between the general government and the State of South Carolina. Fortunately, the matter was settled by compromise. Henry Clay got a bill passed in Congress providing for the gradual reduction of the duties. Thus the matter was peace ably settled. 135. At the election in 1832, Jackson was re-elected President, and Martin Van Buren was elected Vice-President of the United States. 136. In 1835, a war with the Seminole Indians, called the Florida War, broke out. This proved to be a most vexa tious and costly contest. The Indians lurked in the swamps and everglades, and could hardly be got at. In this way they kept up the war for seven years. 137. The cause of the war was an attempt by the United States government to remove the Indians to the west of the Mississippi. They had previously made a treaty agreeing to remove to the Indian Territory, but they now refused. 138. At the first outbreak of the war, the Indians attacked QCESTIOXS. 13*1. What State headed the resistance ? Explain nullification. 133. What proclamation was issued by the President ? What did South Carolina threaten ? 13 1. What seemed likely to be the result ? How was the matter settled ? 133. What election took place in 1832 ? Who became Vice-President ? 136. The next important fact is regarding the Seminole War ; what is said about that ? 137. State the cause of the war. 138. What was done at the outbreak of the war ? 188 THE CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD, a party of one hundred and seventeen United States troops, under Major Dade, and all his men, except four, were killed. 139. Several actions were fought during 1835 and 1836. Then General Scott took command. In 1837, Osceola, the chief of the Semiuoles, came to the American camp, under a flag of truce. He was seized and imprisoned by General Jessup. 140. In December, 1837, Colonel Zachary Taylor de feated the Indians at Lake Okeehobee. After the battle the savages retired to the swamps, and kept up intermittent war till 1842. Then peace was established. 141. The great political questions during the latter part of Jackson s administration were the bank and tariff ques tions. Politics ran very high. Those who supported Jack son s administration and opposed the United States Bank and a protective tariff were now recognized as Democrats. Those who favored the bank and the tariff were called Whigs. VIII. VAN BUREN S ADMINISTRATION. 1837-1841. 142. The eighth President of tho United States was Martin Van Buren of New York. He was inaugurated March 4, 1837. Richard M. Johnson, of Ken tucky, had been chosen Vice- President. 143. Meaning of the Election. The election of President Van Buren was a tri umph for the Democrats. It was a continuation of Jackson s policy. 144. Important Facts. Soon after President Van QJF.SHONS. 139. What took place in 1835, 1830, and 1837 ? 140. Give an account of Taylor s battle When was peace established ? 141. The next important fact is regarding the political questions of Jackson s admin istration ; what is said about them ? Explain Democrats ; Whigs. 142. Who was tho eighth President? When inaugurated ? Name the Vice-President. 143. Give the meaning of the election. 144. The first important fact is regarding the panic of 1837 ; what is said about that ? 31 ur in Van Luren. HISTORY OF THE ADMINISTRATIONS 139 Buren came into office, the country suffered great distress from a terrible crash in business and money matters. This is known as the " Panic of 37." Nearly all the banks of the country had to suspend specie payment. This caused an im mense number of failures and wide-spread suffering. 145. To remedy the trouble, an extra session of Congress met in September, 1837. Congress passed several bills, among which was one for issuing treasury-notes to the amount of ten million dollars. This did not bring much relief; but, after a while, the country grew out of its financial difficulties. 146. In 1837 a Canadian rebellion broke out. Many Americans crossed the line to help the patriots. This obliged the President to issue a proclamation that those who invaded Canada would lose the protection of their government. 147. In 1840, Congress passed what is called the Sub- Treasury Bill. This law was intended to provide for the safe-keeping of the public funds. Many opposed this measure. IX. - HARRISON S AND TYLER S ADMINISTRATIONS. 1841-1845. William Henry Harrison. John Tyler. 148. The ninth President of the United States was Wil liam Henry Harrison of Ohio. He was inaugurated QUESTIONS. 145. Describe the measures taken by Congress to help matters. 146. The next important fact is regarding a Canadian rebellion: what is said about that ? 147. Repeat what is said of the Sub-Treasury Bill. 148. Who was the ninth President? When inaugurated ? Name the Yice-President 190 THE CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD. March 4, 1841. John Tyler, of Virginia, had been elected Vice- President. 149. Meaning of the Election. The election of President Harrison was a triumph of the Whig party. The Whigs said the distress of the country was in great part owing to the financial experiments of the Democratic administrations, and that the Sub-Treasury Law was wrong. Hence they car ried the day. 150. President Hairison had been just a month in office when he died. By the terms of the Constitution, Vice-President Tyler succeeded him in the office of Presi dent. 151. Important Facts. The Whigs, who elected Har rison and Tyler, expected to establish a United States Bank; but bills passed by Congress for this purpose were vetoed by President Tyler when he came into office. The Whigs were very angry at this behavior on the part of the man they had put in office. Every member of President Tyler s Cabinet, except Daniel Webster, immediately re signed. 152. The boundary line of Maine, which had caused much controversy between the United States and Great Brit ain, was settled, in 1842, by two commissioners, Daniel Web ster and Lord Ashburton. 153. In 1842 serious difficulties occurred in Rhode Island. The cause of the trouble was this : certain parties wished to change the Constitution of Rhode Island (which was the old charter granted by Charles IT.), and form a new constitution. A party, headed by Dorr, favored the change ; another party opposed it. Dorr and his friends took up arms, and it seemed as though there would be civil war. The President had to QUESTIONS. 149. Give the meaning of the election. 15O, When did President Harrison die? Who then hecame President ? 15 . The first important fact is regarding the United States Bank and what Presi dent Tvler did : what is paid about these things ? 1 5-2. The next important fact is regarding the boundary of Maine , what is said about that ? 15tJ. The next important fact is regarding the Dorr Rebellion , what is said about that? HISTORY OF THE ADMINISTRATIONS. send troops to keep the peace. The new Constitution was adopted the same year. 154. During the latter part of Tyler s term, the country was much agitated by the question of the annexation of Texas. Texas had been a part of Mexico ; but the Texans threw off the Spanish yoke in 1836, and established a re public of their own. They now wished to come under the government of the United States. The free States strongly opposed the annexation of Texas, as it would add another slave State. The slave States, of course, favored the annexation. X. FOLK S ADMINISTRATION. 1845 - 1849. 155. The eleventh President of the United States was James K. Polk of Tennessee. He was inaugurated March 4, 1845. George M. Dallas, of Pennsyl vania, had been chosen Vice- President. 156. Meaning of the Election. The election of President Polk was a triumph of the Democratic party. The Whigs had put up Henry Jamcs K - Polk Clay. Polk was pledged to the annexation of Texas. The Whigs were opposed to it. The Democrats won. 157. Important Facts. The most important fact of Polk s administration was the Mexican War. We must now see how it arose. 158. In January, 1845, Congress passed a bill for the QUESTIONS. 154. The next important fact is regarding the question of the annexa tion of Texas ; what is said about that ? 155. Who was the eleventh President of the United States? When inaugurated? Name the Vioe-President. 156. Give the meaning of President Polk s election. 157. The most important fact in this administration is what ? 158. Narrate the circumstances which made Texas a State of the Union. 192 THE CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD. annexation of Texas. The Republic of Texas approved the bill, July 4, 1845. Thus Texas became a State in the Union. 159. But Mexico still claimed Texas as a part of her terri tory. Besides this, the western boundary of Texas was in dis pute. The Texans claimed the country westward to the Rio G-railde [ree o gran dy]. Mexico said the pretended Republic of Texas had never spread farther westward than the river Nueces [uu d ses]. The Mexicans prepared to de fend what they considered their rights. THE MEXICAN WAR. 160. In the summer of 1845, General Taylor was or dered into the disputed territory. He formed his camp at Corpus Christi. Early the next year lie moved to the Rio Grande, opposite Matamoras \mat-a-mo ras\. Here he built Fort Brown (now Brownsville). 161. The war broke out in the following manner : On the 24th of April, 1846, Captain Thornton, with a party of dragoons, was sent up the river to reconnoitre. He fell into a Mexican ambuscade, and was compelled to surrender, after losing sixteen men. 162. Soon after this the Mexicans attacked Fort Brown. General Taylor, who had taken his main body to Point Isabel, marched to the assistance of the garrison with twenty-three hundred men. On the 8th of May, he met and defeated six thousand Mexicans, under General Arista, at Palo Alto \patilo ahl to]. Next day he attacked the Mexicans at Re- saca de la Palma [m-sah kahday lah paM mah]. The Mex ican loss was one thousand ; the American only a tenth of that number. On the 18th of Mav. Tavlor crossed the Rio Grande and took possession of Matamoras. QUESTIONS. 159. Repeat what is said of the claim of Mexico. What other matter was in dispute ? What did the Mexicans claim and say? ] 60. Give an account of General Taylor s movement into the disputed territory. 161. Give an account of how the war began 162. What place was attacked hy the Mexicans? Where was General Tcylor at this time ? Give an account of the two important battles fought by Taylor. HISTORY OF THE ADMINISTRATIONS. 193 163. The news of the capture of Thornton s party caused great excitement in the United States. On the llth of May, MAP TO JLLUSTRATE THE MEXICAN WAR. Congress declared that war existed between the United States and Mexico. It was proposed to raise an army, and volunteers came forward in great numbers. QUESTIONS. 163. What is said of the news of Thornton s defeat? When was war declared by Congress ? 9 M 194 THE CONSTITUTIONAL PEMOD. 164. The United States government now planned an in vasion of the Mexican possessions on three different lines. 1. Taylor was to operate on the line of the Rio Grande, from Matamoras; 2. A column, under General Kearney [kar ny], was to invade and conquer the Spanish possessions of New Mexico and California; 3. Another column, under General Wool, was to enter the northern States of Mexico and conquer Chihuahua \che-ivati waJi\. 165. Taylor s Operations. Taylor was reinforced at Matamoras during the summer. In September, 1846, with six thousand troops, he moved against Monterey [mon-te- ray \ which was defended by a Mexican army nine thousand strong. After a four days siege and several assaults, Mon terey was surrendered to the Americans, September 24. 166. The next month, Taylor advanced and occupied Sal- tillo \sahl-teel yo~\, and, at the same time a naval force took possession of Tampico \tam-pe ko\. 167. A considerable part of Taylor s army was now moved to aid General Scott, who was to invade Mexico by way of Vera Cruz. 168. The Mexican commander-in-chief was General Santa Anna. He had collected an army of twenty thou sand men. With this force he advanced to meet Taylor s diminished numbers. The Americans met the Mexicans in the narrow mountain pass of Buena Vista [bwa nah vees tah], February 23, 1847, and beat them there thoroughly. 169. The victory of Buena Vista secured to the Americans the frontier of the Rio Grande, and left them free to direct their whole force against Vera Cruz. 170. Conquest of New Mexico and California. The column of Kearney, designed for the invasion of New QUESTIONS. 104. State the three jines of invasion now planned IS What is Said of Ta y ]or at Matamoras ? Against what place did he move ? De scribe the siege and give the result. 166. Mention the position next occupied by Taylor. What port was taken ? b7. \\ hat was now done with part of Taylor s army ? 168. Who was the Mexican commander-*in-chief? Describe Santa Anna s move ments What battle took place ? Its result ? 169. What did this victory secure to the Americans ? 170. Where did Kearney s column collect? HISTORY OF THE ADMINISTRATIONS. 195 Mexico and California, collected at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, in June, 1846. 171. The troops marched overland one thousand miles to Santa Fe, in New Mexico. From Santa Fe, Kearney sent a column, under Colonel Doniphan, southward into Chihuahua. Doniphan beat the Mexican rabble that opposed him, and reached Saltillo in safety. , 172. With another column, Kearney started for the Cali fornia settlements. While on the way, Kearney learned that California was already in the possession of Fremont. He therefore sent back most of his forces to Santa Fe, and pro ceeded with a hundred mounted men to San Diego, Cali fornia. 173. The circumstances under which California had been conquered were quite romantic. A few months before the opening of the Mexican War, Captain John C. Fremont, of the Topographical Engineers, entered California with a small exploring party. 174. Fremont had been sent by the government to seek a new route to Oregon, farther south than the one usually trav elled by emigrants. W^hile in California, in 1846, and before he knew there was any war with Mexico, Fremont heard that the Mexican commander in California was raisins; a force to o expel the American settlers from that province. About this time a message from Washington came to Fremont to protect the interests of the United States in California. 175. The American settlers now flocked to Fremont s standard. They met the Mexicans in several conflicts in the valley of the Sacramento. The Mexicans were beaten and QUESTIONS. 171. Describe the march. What column was sent southward from Santa Fe ? 172. For what place did Kearney himself start ? What did he learn ? What move did he make accordingly ? 173. State the circumstances under which Fremont s party entered California. 174. What had Fremont been sent to seek : What did Fremont learn in California? What message did he receive ? 175. Repeat what is said of the American settlers, and their encounters with the Mexicans. What declaration did the settlers make, and when? 196 THE CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD. compelled to retire southward. By Fremont s advice, the American settlers in California declared their independence of Mexico, July 5, 1846. 176. Just at this time, Commodore Sloat, who had been cruising off the Pacific coast, and had lately heard of the declaration of war against Mexico, seized the port of Monterey, in California. Soon afterwards, Commodore Stockton took command in place of Sloat. 177. Fremont and Stockton together accomplished the overturning of Mexican authority in California. This was completed by January, 1847. 178. Scott s Campaign in Mexico. Soon after the war with Mexico had fairly begun, the war authorities at Washington determined to send another army against the city of Mexico. 179. This column was put un der the command of G-eneral Scott, who became commander- in-chief in Mexico. 180. Scott s force made a land ing near Vera Cruz, early in the year 1847. As has been seen, the main body of Taylor s army was transferred to Scott s column soon after the victory of Monterey and Saltillo. General Scott. 181. General Scott besieged the city of Vera Cruz in March, 1847. Vera Cruz was guarded by the strong castle of San Juan de Ulloa [sahn hwan day oo-lo ah]. After a furious bombardment, the castle and city surrendered, March 29. 182." Now began the advance on the city of Mexico. The QUESTIONS. -176. State what is said of Commodore Sloat and Commodore Stockton ? 177. What did Fremont and Stockton accomplish ? Give the date. 17S. What other army was it now determined to send ? 1 79. Who was made commander ? 1 SO. When did Scott s army land ? What force joined it ? 1S1. Describe the siege of Vera Cruz 182. What now began ? What is said of Santa Anna ? Describe the battle of Gordo- HISTORY OF THE ADMINISTRATIONS. 197 Mexican commander, Santa Anna, had collected a fresh army, and had stationed his force at the mountain pass of Cer ro G-or do, to oppose the advance of the Americans towards the capital. On the 18th of April, the Americans stormed the works and routed the Mexicans. 183. The American column now continued its advance to Puebla [pivay bla/i], which was taken without a struggle. Here General Scott waited three months till reinforcements arrived. 184. In August, General Scott, with his army, now num bering about ten thousand men, resumed his march towards the city of Mexico. This capital was defended by thirty thousand Mexicans, intrenched in a series of works in the vicinity of the city. 185. In the latter part of August and the early part of September, 1847, the Americans defeated the Mexicans in the fortified camp of Contreras [kon-tray ras], at Churubusco \choo-roo-boosko], in the stone building called Molilio del Rey [mo-le no del ray], and at the castle of Chapultepec [chah-pool-ta-pek 1 ]. The whole Mexican army was routed. 186. On the 14th of September, 1847, General Scott and the American army entered the city of Mexico. The fall of the capital practically closed the conflict. 187. The Mexican War was formally ended by the treaty of G-uadaloupe Hidalgo [gaad-a-loop ay he-dahl go], con cluded February 2, 1848. Peace was proclaimed by Presi dent Polk on the 4th of July following. 188. The treaty of Guadaloupe Hidalgo ceded to the United States all the vast territory now comprised in New Mexico, QUESTIONS. 183. AVhere did the Americans next advance to ? What did General Scott do here ? 184. When did Scott resume his march and for where ? What force defended the city. 185. Give an account of the battles before the city of Mexico. 188. Give the date of the American entrance into the capital. What was the result of its fall ? 187. What treaty formally ended the Mexican War? When was peace pro claimed ? 188. State the territory ceded by this treaty to the United States. What compensa tion did Mexico receive ? 198 THE CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD. Utah, and California. In return, Mexico received a compen sation of fifteen millions of dollars. 189. It was just about the time of this treaty that gold was discovered in California. Then began a remarkable rush from all parts of the world to the Pacific. We shall learn fully of this in the chapter ou California. XI. TAYLOR S AND FILLMORE S ADMINISTRATIONS. 1849-1853. Zachary Tnylor. Millard Fillmore. 190. The twelfth President of the United States was Gen eral Zachary Taylor, who had distinguished himself in the Mexican War. He was inaugurated March 5 (the 4th being Sabbath), 1849. Millard Fillmore of New York had been chosen Vice-President. 191. Meaning of the Election. The election of President Taylor was, in some degree, a triumph of the Whig party. The most exciting question had been whether slavery should be allowed in, or kept out of, the new Territories. There had been three candidates in the Presidential canvass QUESTIONS. 189. What was discovered in California at this time ? What began then? 190. Who was the twelfth President ? When inaugurated ? Name the Vice-Presi dent. 191. Give the meaning of the election of President Taylor. What had been the most exciting question ? HISTORY OF THE ADMINISTRATIONS. 199 of 1 848. These were Martin Van Buren, Lewis Cass of Michi gan, and Zachary Taylor of Louisiana. Cass was the regular Democratic nominee, and Taylor the Whig candidate. Van Buren was the candidate of the Free-Soilers, that is, those Northern men who were distinctly opposed to the extension of slavery. This party was not then numerous. 192. Important Facts. The most important question at the commencement of Taylor s administration concerned the admission of the State of California, whether it should be admitted into the Union as a slave State or a free State. This question was discussed with great bitterness by both po litical parties. 193. To settle the difficulty, Henry Clay proposed in Con gress a compromise bill. This provided, 1st. That California should be admitted as a free State ; 2d, That the Territory of Utah should be established without mention of slavery ; 3d, That the Territory of New Mexico should be es tablished without mention of slavery, and that ten millions of dollars should be paid to Texas in purchase of her claims to Mexican lands ; 4th, That the slave-trade in the District of Columbia should be abolished, that a law should be passed for the arrest and return of fugitive slaves. This bill, known as the Compromise measure, was passed by Congress, Sep tember, 1850. 194. On the 9th of July, 1850, President Taylor died, after having been in office sixteen months. Vice-Presi dent Fillmore became President, 195. During the year 1852, both Henry Clay and Dan iel Webster died. QUESTIONS. 192. State the most important question at the commencement of this administration. What is said of the discussion ? 103. What settlement did Henry Clay propose? In what shape were these meas ures passed ? 104. When did President Taylor die ? How long had he been in office? Who suc ceeded him ? 105. What two great men died in 1852. 200 THE CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD. XII. PIERCE S ADMINISTRATION. 1853-1857. 196. The fourteenth President of the United States was Franklin Pierce of New Hampshire. He was inaugurated March 4, 1853. William R. King of Alabama had beeu cho sen Vice-President. 197. Meaning of the Election. The election of President Pierce was a triumph of the Democratic party. The Whigs had put up General Winfield Scott as their candi date ; but Pierce carried the day. rrankiin pierce. 198. Important Facts. In the early part of President Pierce s administration a new boundary treaty was made with Mexico. By this treaty the United States government agreed to pay Mexico twenty millions of dollars, and was to receive in return the Territorv of Arizona. This is called the Gadsden purchase. It brought the southern boundary of the United States on the Pacific coast considerably farther south than it had been by the Treaty of Guadaloupe Hidalgo. 199. The most important and exciting events of President Pierce s administration were the Missouri Compromise and the struggle in Kansas. 200. In 1854, Senator Douglas of Illinois proposed, in the United States Senate, a bill called the Kansas-Nebraska Bill. This bill provided for the organization of two Terri tories, to be called Kansas and Nebraska ; and in regard to slavery, which was the exciting question of the time, the peo- QUESTIOXS 196. Who was the fourteenth President ? When inaugurated ? Name the Vice-President. 107. Give the meaning of President Pierce s election. 19$. The first important fact in President Pierced administration is regarding the boundary with Mexico ; what is said of that? 199. Mention the most exciting event of this administration. 200. What bill was proposed by Senator Douglas ? What did this bill provide for? HISTORY OF THE ADMINISTRATIONS. 201 pie of these Territories were to decide whether they would have slaves or not. 201. A great many people, especially in the North, op posed this measure. They said that the Missouri Compromise of 1820 had decided that there should be no slavery north of 36 30 , which Kansas and Nebraska both were. The passage of Senator Douglas s bill would be the repeal of the Missouri Compromise. 202. In spite of all opposition, the bill became a law in May, 1854. 203. It was then the struggle for Kansas began. As the people of this Territory were to decide whether it should be a slave State or a free State, a large number of settlers poured into the Territory. Those from the Northern States wished to have Kansas without slavery ; those from the South, with slavery. 204. This led to war in Kansas. We shall learn more par ticularly of this in the history of Kansas. 205. During this period, the party opposed to the exten sion of slavery increased in numbers very much. The old Whig party was now broken up, and there was a reorgani zation of parties. Those opposed to the extension of slavery became known as the Republican party. XIII. BUCHANAN S ADMINISTRATION. 1857 - 1861. 206. The fifteenth President of the United States was James Buchanan of Pennsylvania. He was inaugurated March 4, 1857. John C. Brcckinridge, of Kentucky, had been chosen Vice-President. QUESTIONS. 201. What is stated about opposition to thi? measure ? AVhat did the opponents say 1 What would the adoption of Douglas s bill be 1 20 2. Did the bill become a law 1 When 1 203. What struggle then began? Why was there a great rush to Kansas 7 204. What did this lead to ? 205. Repeat what is said about the party opposed to the extension of slavery. What of the Whig party 1 What of the Republican party 1 2O6. Who was the fifteenth President? When inaugurated? Name the Vice- Pre.ident. 9* 202 THE CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD. 207. Meaning of the Election. The election of President Buchanan was a triumph of the Democratic party. The Republicans had brought forward as their candi date John C. Fremont. The Republican candidate received a very large number of votes, showing how strong the anti- slavery sentiment in the North had become. But a majority of the people of the United States did not think that the Consti tution gave any right to inter- James Buchanan. fere with slavery. Buchanan s election greatly disappointed the Republican party. 208. Important Facts. There were many important political events during the administration ; but as these are very closely connected with the history of Secession, which began in President Buchanan s administration, they will be related in the section on the history of the war. TOPICAL KEVIEW. T. Presidents and Vice- Presidents from Washington to the War of Secession. 1. George Washington, of Virginia ; two terms; inau gurated April 30, 1789. John Adams, Vice-President. 2. John Adams, of Massachusetts; one term; inaugu rated March 4, 1797. Thomas Jefferson, Vice-President. QUESTIONS 207. Give the meaning of President Buchanan s election. What is said of the effect of his election ? 208. What is said of important facts during this administration ? Where will they be related ? REVIEW QUESTIONS. Topical Review. I. Name the first President and Vice- President, giving the number of terms and date of inauguration; the second; the third ; the fourth ; the fifth ; the sixth ; the seventh ; the eighth ; the ninth ; the tenth ; the eleventh ; the twelfth ; the thirteenth ; the fourteenth , the fifteenth ; the sixteenth. TOPICAL REVIEW. 203 3. Thomas Jefferson, of Virginia ; two terms ; inaugu rated March 4, 1801. Aaron Burr and George Clinton, Vice- Presidents. 4. James Madison, of Virginia; two terms; inaugu rated March 4, 1809. George Clinton and Elbridge Gerry, Vice-Presidents. 5. James Monroe, of Virginia ; two terms ; inaugurated March 4, 1817. D. D. Tompkins, Vice-President. 6. John Quincy Adams, of Massachusetts ; one term ; inaugurated March 4, 1825. John C. Calhoun, Vice-Presi- dent. 7. Andrew Jackson, of Tennessee ; two terms ; inau gurated March 4, 1829. John C. Calhoun and Martin Van Buren, Vice-Presidents. 8. Martin Van Buren, of New York ; one term ; in augurated March 4, 1837. R. M. Johnson, Vice-Presi- dent. 9. William H. Harrison, of Ohio ; died soon after in auguration, March 4, 1841. John Tyler, Vice-President. 10. John Tyler, of Virginia ; filled out Harrison s term ; inaugurated April 6, 1841. 11. James K. Polk, of Tennessee; one term; in augurated March 4, 1845. George M. Dallas, Vice-Presi dent. 12. Zachary Taylor, of Louisiana; died the year after inauguration, March 5, 1849. Millard Fillmore, Vice-Presi dent. 13. Millard Fillmore, of New York ;. filled out Taylor s term ; inaugurated July 10, 1850. 14. Franklin Fierce, of New Hampshire; one term; inaugurated March 4, 1853. William R. King, Vice-Presi dent. 15. James Buchanan, of Pennsylvania; one term; in augurated March 4, 1857. J. C. Breckinridge, Vice-Presi dent. 16. Abraham Lincoln, of Illinois; inaugurated March 4, 1861. 204 T11 E CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD. II. States from which the Presidents were elected, etc. 1. Of the sixteen Presidents of the United States, from Washington to Lincoln, Virginia had five, Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Tyler. Massachusetts had two, John Adams and John Quincy Adams. New York had two, Van Buren and Fillmore. Pennsylvania had one, Buchanan. New Hampshire had one, Pierce. Ohio had one, Harrison. Tennessee had two, Jackson and Polk. Louisiana had one, Taylor. Illinois had one, Lincoln. 2. Of these sixteen Presidents, seven were from free States, nine from slave States. 3. The Presidents who served two terms were, Washington,. Madison, Monroe, and Jackson. The Presidents who died in office were Harrison and Taylor. The Vice-Presidents who then became Presidents were Tyler and Fillmore. III. Political Meaning of the Elections. Washington, elected by all parties. John Adams, elected by the Federalists. Jefferson, elected by the Republicans. (That is, the old sense of "Republicans." Sec page 1G6.) Madison, elected by the Federalists. Monroe, without much regard to party. John Quincy Adams, elected by the Federalists. RF.VIEW QUESTIONS. II. 1. How many Presidents had Virginia ? Massachusetts ? New York? Pennsylvania? New Hampshire? Ohio? Tennessee? Louisiana? Illinois ? 2. How many Presidents were there from the free States? from the slave States ? 3. Name the Presidents that served two terms ; those that died in office ; the Vice- Presidents who became Presidents. III. Washington s election was by what party? Adams s? Jefferson s? Madi-- son s? Monroe s? J.Q.Adams s? Jackson s? Vanliuren s? Harrison s? Tyler s? Polk B? Taylor s? Fillmore s? Piurce s ? Buchanan s? Lincoln s ? STATES OF THE MISSISSIPPI VALLEY. 205 Jackson, elected by the Democrats. Van Buren, elected by the Democrats. Harrison, elected by the Whigs. Tyler, became President by death of Harrison. Polk, elected by the Democrats. Taylor, elected by the Whigs. Fillmore, became President by death of Taylor. Pierce, elected by the Democrats. Buchanan, elected by the Democrats. Lincoln, elected by the Republicans. II. STATES OF THE MISSISSIPPI VALLEY. I. FOUNDING OF THE NORTHWESTERN STATES. 1. The thirteen original States all lay along the compara tively narrow strip of territory upon the Atlantic coast. At the close of the Revolutionary War, the vast country beyond the Alleghanies, the magnificent domain of the Mississippi Valley, which had before been sparsely settled by the French, became a part of the United States. 2. Emigrants from the old States soon began to cross the Alleghanies into the fertile domain of the West. As popula tion increased, the region was divided into States, which, one by one, were admitted into the Union. 3. First admitted was Kentucky, in 1792; 2. Tennessee, in 1796; 3. Ohio, in 1802; 4. Louisiana, in 1812; 5. Indi ana, in 1816; 6. Mississippi, in 1817; 7. Illinois, in 1818; 8. Alabama, in 1818; 9. Missouri, in 1821; 10. Arkansas, in 1836; 11. Michigan, in 1837; 12. Florida, in 1845 ; 13. Texas, in 1845; 14. Iowa, in 1846; 15. Wisconsin, in 1848; 16. Minnesota, in 1858; 17. Kansas, in 1861 ; 18. Nebraska, in 1867. QUESTIONS. 1. Where did all the original thirteen States lie? What region became part of the United States at the close of the Revolutionary War ? ii. What of immigrants to this region ? What of new States ? 3. Give the Mississippi Valley States in the order of their admission. 206 THE CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD. 4. These eighteen States all lie in the grand domain of the Mississippi Valley. This great group contains the majority of the population and covers the larger part of the territory of the United States. The history of the founding and growth of these States is of great interest and importance to all Americans. 5. We shall first take up the history of the Northwestern States, that is, the States north of the Ohio River. These States are : 1. Ohio; 2. Indiana; 3. Illinois; 4. Michigan; 5. Iowa ; 6. Wisconsin ; 7. Minnesota. To these may be added : 8. Kansas ; 9. Nebraska. 6. It has been seen that the whole valley of the Mississippi was taken possession of by the French during the seventeenth century. Marquette, Joliet, La Salle, and others explored from the Great Lakes, by the water-routes of the Ohio, Wa- bash, and Illinois rivers, to the Mississippi. The whole country received the name of LOUISIANA. French forts, trading-posts, and missionary stations soon dotted the lines of travel from the St. Lawrence to New Orleans. 7. Around these trading-posts and missions grew up settle ments. In 1682 a Jesuit mission was established at Kaskas- kia, on the Mississippi (in the present State of Illinois). In 1712 it had become quite a village, and was regarded as the French capital of the " Illinois country." In 1700 a French settlement was made at Detroit. About 1750 a military post was made at Vincennes, on the Wabash River (in the present State of Indiana). Here, also, a settlement grew up. Peo- ria, Illinois, is another old French settlement. 8. The French inhabitants were a lively, innocent people. " On the margin of a prairie, or on the borders of some gentle stream, their villages sprang up, in long narrow streets, with the family homesteads so contiguous that the merry and so- QUESTIONS. 4. Where do these eighteen States lie? What is said of this great group ? Of what interest is their history ? 5. What States do we first take up ? Name them. 6. What has been seen regarding the French in this region? Name some of the ex plorers. What was the region called ? What of trading-posts, etc. ? 7. Mention some of the early missions and settlements. 8. Repeat what is said of the character of the French inhabitants. STATES OF THE MISSISSIPPI VALLEY. 207 ciable villagers could carry on their voluble conversation, each from his own door or balcony." The men were generally hunters, trappers, and boatmen, or, as they were called, voya- geurs. 9. The Treaty of Paris, which closed the French and Indian War in 1763, ceded to England all the French territory be tween the Alleghanies and the Mississippi, except the island and city of New Orleans. (Review page 106, H 89.) 10. The treaty of peace which ended the Revolutionary War in 1783 transferred this extensive country to the United States. In 1803 the United States government acquired, by purchase from France, the domain west from the Mississippi to the Rocky Mountains. For this, France received fifteen million dollars. 11. Several of the original thirteen States (Massachu setts, Connecticut, New York, and Virginia) claimed exten sive belts of the Western country. They based these claims on the fact that their old charters described the colonial grants as extending "from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean." 12. In 1786 the different States gave up their claims to their Western territory to the general government. Congress, in 1787, organized the region north of the Ohio into a Terri tory called the Northwest Territory. The ordinance or ganizing this Territory declared that slavery was not to be allowed in it. Thus it was that, when the various States north of the Ohio and east of the Mississippi were admitted into the Union, they came in as free States. 13. The ordinance provided that a certain number of fu ture States, from three to five, should be formed from this Territory, and admitted into the Union when they should have a population of 60,000 each. QUESTIONS. 9. What territory did England acquire by the Treaty of Paris ? 10. How did it come to belong to the United States ? What did the United States acquire in 1803 ? 11. What did several of the old States base a claim to part of this region on ? 12. What did these States do in 1786 ? What did Congress do? What did the or dinance say as to slavery ? What resulted from this? 13. What did the ordinance provide as to future States? 208 THE CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD. 1. OHIO. 14. The first State carved out of the Northwest Terri tory was Ohio, admitted 1802. It takes its name from the Ohio River, which, in the Indian language, means " river of blood." 15. Ohio was first settled by a company of New England pioneers. The band consisted of forty-seven persons, who, under General Rufus Putnam, journeyed from Massachusetts to Pittsburg in 1787. Near Pittsburg they built a boat, which, in memory of the famous ship of their Pilgrim fore fathers, they named the " Mayflower." 16. On the 2d of April, 1788, she was launched, and the band of pioneers sailed down the. Monongahela and Ohio. After sailing five days, they made a landing where the Mus- kingum empties into the Ohio. There, opposite Fort Harman, they chose the location for their settlement, and began build ing them log-cabins. They named their village Mar-e-et ta, after the unfortunate Queen of France, Marie Antoinette [an- tivan-ett ~\. 17. In July, 1788, the colony was strengthened by another company from Massachusetts. They had been nine weeks on their way, had travelled by land with their wagons and stock to Wheeling, and thence passed down the river in flat-boats to the settlement on the Muskingum. 18. Congress had appointed General St. Clair governor of the " Northwest Territory." Under him a territorial govern ment was established. 19. The early settlers of Ohio were intelligent, hardy, and moral New-Englanders. Washington was very much in terested in this first emigration to the Great West, and said of the settlement : " No colony in America was ever settled QUESTIONS. 14. Name the first State carved out of the Nortlr.vcst Territory. It took its name from what ? 15. Who first settled Ohio ? Give an account of the first immigration. 16. To what point did the pioneers sail? What did they name their settlement? 17. Give an account of the emigration of the other company. 1 8. Who was governor of the Northwest Territory ? What was established? 19. What of the character of the early settlers ?. What did Washington say of them? STATES OF THE MISSISSIPPI VALLEY. 209 under such favorable auspices as that which has just com menced at the Muskingum. I know many of the settlers per sonally, and there never were men better calculated to pro mote the welfare of such a community." 20. The settlement which afterwards grew into the "Queen City" of Cincinnati was founded the following year, 1789. In the month of January, a few pioneers landed on "a de lightful high bank of the Ohio," where they began a village which they called Losanteville, a name soon changed to Cin cinnati. 21. At this period the woods and prairies of Ohio swarmed with Indians. Among them were the Shawanese, Miamies, Wyandots, and many other tribes. These were very hostile to the whites, who now began to overrun their hunting- grounds. 22. In 1790, hostilities broke out. Several encounters took place, in which the Indians were successful. Governor St. Clair, at the head of the troops, fought a battle, in No vember, 1791. He was defeated, with a loss of over eight hundred men killed and wounded. Afterwards General An thony Wayne was put in command of the forces, and defeated the Indians. The war continued till 1795, when General Wayne made a treaty of peace, which forever buried the hatchet in Ohio. 23. The increase of the population of the Northwest Terri tory was very rapid. In 1800 it had forty-five thousand in habitants. The settlers were from New England, the Middle States, and Virginia. 24. Large numbers went from Connecticut to what was called the " Connecticut Reserve," or the "Western Reserve," a part of Connecticut s charter claim, which that State had reserved when she gave up her Western lands to Congress. A QUESTIONS. 20. When was Cincinnati founded ? What was it first called 7 21. What of the Indians ? How did they feel towards the whites ? 22. Give an account of the hostilities ? How were they ended ? 23. What of the increase of population? What was it in 1800? Where were the settlers from ? 24. Tell about the Connecticut Reserve. When was Cleveland founded ? What of Cincinnati in 1796 ? N 210 THE CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD. large part of this " Reserve " was sold to a Connecticut com pany, in 1795. Moses Cleveland was the surveyor, and in honor of him the chief city of the Reserve was named. Cleveland was founded 1796. In 1796, Cincinnati contained over one hundred log-cabins and about six hundred persons. 25. In 1800 the Northwest Territory was divided. The western part took the name of the Indiana Territory. 26. In 1802 the eastern part of the Northwest Territory had a sufficient population (60,000) to be admitted as a State. Accordingly, in that year, it came into the Union, under the name of the State of OHIO. 27. In 1811 the first steamboat that ever sailed the West ern waters was launched at Pittsburg. The vessel was named "The New Orleans." 28. In 1825, Ohio s noble State common-school system was adopted. 29. The progress of Ohio up to the present time has been extraordinarily rapid. The one hundred log-cabins of Cin cinnati in 1796 have grown to a splendid and populous city. The Ohio, which in 1788 floated the " Mayflower," the rude ark of the first white pioneers, now bears its hundreds of steamers, and its banks are filled with beautiful and flourish ing towns and villages. The population of Ohio, by the last census (1870), was over 2,662,000. 2. INDIANA. 30. The second of the States carved out of the Northwest Territory was Indiana, admitted 1816. 31. Indiana was originally a part of the Northwest Ter ritory. In 1800, Congress made out of the western part a QUESTIONS. 25. What of the division of the Northwest Territory ? 26. Give an account of the admission of Ohio as a State ? 27. Tell about the first Western steamboat. 28. When was the common-school system begun ? 29. What of Ohio s progress ? What of the Ohio River? What was the population of Ohio at the last census ? 30. Name the second State carved out of the Northwest Territory ? 31. Indiana was originally a part of what Territory? When was it made a sep arate Territory ? STATES OF THE MISSISSIPPI VALLEY. 211 separate Territory, called the " Territory of Indiana." This at first included all of the Northwest Territory except Ohio. 32. William H. Harrison, afterwards President of the United States, was appointed the first governor. Harrison had previously been secretary of the Northwest Territory. 33. When Indiana was made into a separate Territory, it had already considerable population. 34. The settlers early became involved in difficulties with the Indians. The famous Tecumseh was chief of the Shaw- nees. He and his brother, " The Prophet," persuaded the red men to unite in a league to prevent the extension of white settlements in that quarter. 35. Several encounters took place, in which the Indians were victorious. But, in 1811, Governor Harrison defeated the savages in a fierce battle near the mouth of the Tippe- canoe [tip-pe-kan-oo ], in Indiana, November 7. 36. In 1816, Indiana was admitted as a State into the Union. Its Constitution was formed with great care and wis dom. Its subsequent growth has been rapid, and its popula tion at the last census was over 1,673,000. 3. ILLINOIS. 37. The third State carved out of the Northwest Terri tory was Illinois, admitted 1818. It takes its name from one of the Western Indian tribes. 38. The region which afterwards became Illinois was first visited by the Jesuit explorer La Salle in 1680. The first settlement was made by French traders and missionaries at Kaskaskiain 1682. QUESTIONS. 32. WTio was the first governor ? What had he been ? 33. What of Indiana s population ? 34. With whom did they get into difficulties. Tell about Tecumseh. 35. Give an account of the fights and Ihe decisive battle. 36. When was Indiana admitted as a State ? What of its Constitution * Its popula tion by the last census? 37. What was the third State carved from the Northwest Territory ? Origin of its name? 38. This region was first visited by whom ? First settlement ? 212 THE CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD. 39. Illinois was at first a part of the Northwest Territory. When the Indiana Territory was made, Illinois was a part of that Territory. In 1809, Illinois was organized as a separate Territory, carved out of the Indiana Territory. 40. In 1818, Illinois had increased sufficiently in popula tion to allow its admission into the Union as a State. 41. The deposits of lead in the Illinois country, in the neighborhood of Galena, were known and worked even in the French times. About the year 1826, the mining and smelt ing of lead were begun on a large scale. The business at tracted great attention and caused a wonderful rush of popu lation. 42. Illinois received a large share of the tide of westward emigration. The rich farming-lands of the State were very attractive to settlers. 43. Illinois showed her progressive spirit by taking a lead ing part in the construction of railroads. The first railroad in this State, from Lake Michigan to the Mississippi, was the Chicago and Rock Island, opened in 1854. The construction of the Illinois Central Railroad did an immense deal to settle and develop this great State. 44. The city of Chicago is an example of the almost magi cal growth of the West. In 1831, it was an insignificant trading-station, amid the wigwams of Indians. Now it has a population of about a quarter of a million, and is the largest grain port in the world. 45. Illinois has a fine educational system. Her people, accordingly, are enlightened, enterprising, and prosperous. The population of Illinois, at the last census, was over 2,539,000. QUESTIONS. 39. Illinois was at first a part of what ? When was it made a separate Territory ? 40. When was it admitted into the Union ? 41. What of lead-mining? When did it begin on a large scale? 42. What is said of immigration to Illinois ? What attracted settlers ? 43. Tell about railroads in Illinois. 44. What is said of Chicngo ? 45. What is said of education ? of her people ? Give the population by the last census. STATES OF THE MISSISSIPPI VALLEY. 213 4. MICHIGAN. 46. The fourth State carved out of the Northwest Terri tory is Michigan, admitted 1837. It derives its name from the great lake. 47. Michigan Territory was, in 1805, carved out of Indiana Territory, which, in 1800, had been carved out of the North west Territory. The first territorial governor was William Hull 48. Michigan remained a Territory for thirty-two years, that is, till 1837, when its population had increased enough for it to enter the Union as a State. 49. During the War of 1812 with England, the nearness of Michigan to Canada caused it to be invaded by the British. It has been seen (see page 173) that the British came up to attack Detroit in August, 1812. Governor Hull would not allow his troops to fire, but, to their great indignation, ordered a white flag to be hung out in token of submission. Hull surrendered his whole army and the Territory of Michigan to the British. 50. The victory of Perry on Lake Erie, and of Harrison on the Canada shore, in 1813, restored Michigan Territory to the Stars and Stripes. 51. In 1818 a large immigration to Michigan took place, in consequence of the sale of large quantities of public land. 52. In 1837, Michigan came into the Union as a State. She had, some years before, sufficient population to enter, but Congress would not receive her on account of some trouble about the boundary between Michigan and Ohio. This was settled in 1837. 53. The population of Michigan, by the last census, was over 1,184,000. QUESTIONS. 46. Name the fourth State carved out of the Northwest Territory? Takes its name from what ? 47. When was Michigan made a separate Territory? Who was the first governor ? 48. How long was it a Territory ? What did it then become ? 49. What of Michigan in the War of 1S12 ? of Hull ? 50. What victories restored it to the United States ? 51. When and why did immigration begin? 52. When was Michigan ndmitted as a State ? Why did she not come in before ? 53. The population of Michigan by the last census. 214 THE CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD. 5. IOWA. 54. The./?#A of the Northwestern States is Iowa. It was called after the river of the same name. Iowa was a part of the "Louisiana Purchase" made from France in 1803. 55. A small French settlement was made in this Territory, in 1788, by a Canadian named Dubuque, who settled in this region and engaged in lead-mining. But as Iowa was in the "Far West," it was late in receiving American emigration. In 1832, after the close of the Black Hawk War in northern Illinois and southern Wisconsin, its fertile prairies were thrown open to settlers. 56. The first settlement was made in 1833, in the vicinity of Burlington. From this period, population grew far more rapidly than in any previous Territory. 57. Iowa was organized as a separate Territory in 1 838. In 1840 it had grown enough to entitle the Territory to be come a State in the Union, which it did in that year. 58. Iowa s history, during the past quarter of a century, has been one of marked progress in every respect. Her pop ulation, by the last census, was over 1,191,000. 6. WISCONSIN. 59. The sixth State carved out of the Northwest Terri tory was Wisconsin, admitted 1848. It was called after the river of the same name. 60. Wisconsin was penetrated by the early French mis sionaries, traders, and trappers nearly two hundred years ago. The first actual settlement was made at Prairie du Chien, that is, prairie-dog, so called after a family of the Fox Indians, who formerly lived there. QUESTIONS. 54. Name the fifth of the Northwest States. Named after what ? It was originally a part of what ? 55. What early French settlement was made ? Why did it grow slowly ? When did it take a start ? 56. Where was the first settlement made ? What of growth ? 57. When did Iowa become a Territory ? When did it become a State . 58. What of Iowa s progress ? Give the population. 59. Name the sixth State carved out of the Northwest Territory. Called after what 7 60. Who were the first explorers ? Name the first settlement. STATES OF THE MISSISSIPPI VALLEY. 215 61. The tide of American immigration to Wisconsin began to set in about 1833. In 1836 it was organized into a sep arate Territory. In 1848, Wisconsin had population enough to enter the Union as a State. At the last census its popu lation was over 1,055,000. 7. MINNESOTA. 62. The seventh of the Northwestern States is Minnesota, admitted 1858. It was called after the river of the same name, which signifies " cloudy water." 63. This State was not carved out of the Northwest Ter ritory. That Territory extended only to the Mississippi, and Minnesota is west of the Mississippi. The soil of Minnesota formed part of the vast region of Louisiana, which became part of the United States, by purchase from France, in 1803. 64. The region of Minnesota had been explored by the early Jesuit missionaries nearly two hundred years ago. In 1680, Father Hennepin, the companion of La Salle, descended the Illinois River in a bark canoe to the Mississippi, and then made his way up that river. He was probably the first white man who visited the country now known as the State of Min nesota. 65. Soon after the United States acquired the region west of the Mississippi from France, in 1803, Lieutenant Pike was sent to explore the sources of the Father of Waters. In 1805 he penetrated as far as Sandy and Leech lakes. 66. The first white settlement was made in 1812. It was founded by a party from the Red River country, in the British Possessions. In 1838 there were two or three log-cabins on the site of the present flourishing capital of St. Paul. QUESTIONS. 61. What of immigration ? When did Wisconsin become a Territory ? When did it become a State ? Its population ? 62. Name the seventh of the Northwest States ? Called after what ? 63. Was Minnesota carved out of the Northwest Territory ? It was part of what re gion? 64. Who were the early explorers ? Tell about Father Hennepin. 65. Tell about Pike s explorations. 66. When and by whom was the first settlement made ? What of St. Paul ? 216 THE CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD. 67. In 1849, Minnesota was organized into a territorial government. At this time the region was a mer e wilderness, over which the Dakotas or Sioux roamed. In 1851 they ceded all their lands west of the Mississippi as far as the Sioux River to the United States. 68. From this time population increased so rapidly, th^t, in 1858, Minnesota came into the Union as a State. 69. In the summer of 1862, Minnesota was made to feel the horrors of an Indian massacre. Many of the inhabitants were away fighting the battles of the great civil war. The Sioux fell upon the inhabitants and killed more than seven hundred. Troops were sent, imder General Sibley, who drove the savages into Dakota. A large number were hanged, and their chief, Little Crow, was killed. 70. The prosperity of Minnesota is continually increasing. Its population, at the last census, was over 435,000. 8. KANSAS. 71. The eighth of the Northwestern States admitted into the Union wa# Kansas, admitted 18G1. 72. Kansas was an original part of that immense territory west of the Mississippi, which, under the name of Louisi ana, the United States bought of France in 1803. 73. Kansas first came prominently into notice in 1854, when Senator Douglas introduced into Congress his famous Kansas-Nebraska Bill. This was a bill for the territorial or ganization of Kansas and Nebraska. It provided that the question whether these Territories should be slave or free should be determined by their inhabitants. This was called "popular sovereignty," sometimes nicknamed squatter sover eignty. The bill became a law. QUESTIONS. 67. When was Minnesota made a Territory ? What of the Indians ? 68. When did Minnesota become a State ? 69. Tell about the great Indian massacre. 70. What of its prosperity ? its population ? 71. Name the eighth Northwestern State ? 74. Kansas was originally a part of what ? 73. When did it first come into notice ? Tell about the Kansas-Nebraska Bill. STATES OF THE MISSISSIPPI VALLEY. 217 74. A great rivalry now sprang up between the proslavery party of the South and the antislavery party of the North on the subject of colonizing Kansas. Large parties of Free- Soil men poured into Kansas from the East and the North west. " Emigrant aid societies " were formed to colonize Kansas with antislavery inhabitants. 75. The South sent its representatives also. From the neighboring State of Missouri large bands of armed men crossed the borders. The antislavery men called these " bor der ruffians." 76. It was not long before bloodshed began between the two classes of settlers. Cold-blooded murders were numer ous, and for years Kansas was a scene of lawless violence. Each side strove for the mastery, and, at one time, there were two capitals and two constitutions in Kansas. 77. At last, after long contention, the antislavery party triumphed, and Kansas was admitted as a free State, January 30, 1861. 78. The growth of Kansas has been extraordinarily rapid. The construction of the Kansas Pacific Railroad has thrown open the fertile prairies of this State for hundreds of miles west of the Missouri River. The vast buffalo-ranges have given place to corn-fields and settlements. The population of this State, at the last census, was over 362,000. 9. NEBRASKA. 79. The early history of Kansas covers the early history of Nebraska. Nebraska, like Kansas, was organized as a Territory in 1854. 80. Nebraska was admitted as a State in 1867. "Ne- QUESTIONS. 74. What rivalry now sprang up? Tell about colonists from the North. 75. Tell about colonists from the South. 76. What soon began ? Describe the state of things. 77. Which side triumphed ? When was Kansas admitted as a State ? 78. What of the growth of Kansas ? What railroad is spoken of? Give the popula tion. 79. What of the early history of Nebraska ? When did it become a Territory ? 80. When was it admitted into the Union ? What does the word mean ? Name the capital; the chief city. 10 218 THE CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD. braska" is an Indian word signifying "water-valley." The capital is Lincoln. Omaha, on the Missouri River, is the chief city, and is the eastern terminus of the great railroad running westward to the Pacific coast. 81. In 1870 the population of Nebraska was over 125,000. II. FOUNDING- OF THE SOUTHWESTERN STATES. 1. KENTUCKY. 82. We have seen the founding and growth of the North western States. We are now to see the founding of the South western States, that is, the States south of the Ohio. 83. The first formed of the Southwestern States was Ken tucky; admitted into the Union, 1792. This was ten years before the admission of Ohio ; so that Kentucky was the first of the States beyond the Alleghanies admitted into the Union. 84. About the year 1760, Dr. Thomas Walker, of Virginia, explored and named the Cumberland Mountains and the Cumberland River. The range and river were so called after his patron, the Duke of Cumberland. Dr. Walker also ex plored the upper part of the Kentucky River, and gave it the name of Louisa, in honor of the Duchess of Cumberland. 85. A few years later, the bold pioneer, Daniel Boone, ranged over the mountains from North Carolina, where he lived, into the Kentucky country. It was through the efforts of Boone and some of his friends that Kentucky was first settled. 86. The first lasting settlements in Kentucky were made by Boone and others in the first year of the Revolutionary War, 1775. The spring before, James Harrod had built the QUESTIONS. 81. What was the population in 1870 ? 82. We are now to see the founding of what States ? 83. Which State was first formed? How long was this before Ohio ? 84. Who was the first explorer ? What mountains did he name ? What did he call the Kentucky River ? 85. Repeat what is said of Boone. 86. Who made the first settlements ? AVho built the first cabin ? Date of founding of Boonesborough ? STATES OF THE MISSISSIPPI VALLEY. 219 first log-cabin in the valley of the Kentucky. Boonesborough was founded in 1775. 87. The settlements at first suffered greatly from the In dians, who were very hostile. Many dreadful deeds were done in early times, deeds which gave peculiar significance to the name Kentucky, which, in the Indian language, means the " dark and bloody ground." 88. The most prominent man in Kentucky s early history was Major George Rogers Clark, a soldier and surveyor. It was through his efforts that the Kentucky region was, in 1776, made a county of Virginia, and came under the protec tion of the Old Dominion. 89. After the close of the war of the Revolution, the era of Kentucky immigration began. Virginians and North- Carolinians especially went there in large numbers. By the year 1784 the population had grown to 30,000. Louisville, Lexington, and other villages had been founded. 90. Kentucky s connection with Virginia continued till 1792, when Kentucky became a State in the Union. Its population by the last census, was 1,321,000. 2. TENNESSEE. 91. The second of the Southwestern States was Tennes see ; admitted into the Union, 1 796. Tennessee is called after the river of the same name, signifying the " river of the big bend." 92. The Tennessee country was originally a part of North Carolina, for North Carolina was claimed to run westward to the Mississippi. 93. In 1777 the legislature of North Carolina organ- QUESTIONS. 87. What is said of the Indians and of the terrible scenes of early times ? 88. What prominent Kentuokian is named ? What was done through his influence? 89. When did immigration set in ? What States sent settlers ? Give the population in 1784. What cities had been founded ? 90. When was Kentucky admitted as a State? Its population by the last census ? 91. Name the second of the Southwestern States. Called after what? 92. Tennessee was originally a part of what ? 93. How was it first organized? What settlers went there ? When was Nashville founded ? 220 THE CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD. ized the county of Washington, which comprised the whole State of Tennessee. In the next year, a colony of refugees from the tyranny of the British in Carolina penetrated the wilderness and located themselves on the Cumberland River, near the site of Nashville. That city was founded in 1784. 94. In 1790, North Carolina ceded to the United States the whole region now forming the State of Tennessee. It was then organized under the name of the " Southwest Terri tory." 95. By 1796 the population had increased sufficiently to entitle Tennessee to enter the Union as a State. The popu lation, by the last census, was over 1,255,000. 3. LOUISIANA. 96. The third of the Southwestern States was Louisi ana, admitted 1812. 97. The name " Louisiana " was originally given by the French to the whole of their extensive possessions in the Mis sissippi Valley. It has been seen, that, by the treaty that closed the French and Indian War in 1763, France gave up all east of the Mississippi. 98. In 1803 the United States bought from France, for the sum of fifteen million dollars, all the French possessions west of the Mississippi. This included from the Gulf of Mex ico north to the British Possessions, and westward from the Mississippi to the Rocky Mountains and the Mexican posses sions. 99. Soon after this purchase was made, the country form ing the present State of Louisiana was organized as the " Ter ritory of Orleans." The remainder of the country was called QUESTIONS 94. When did North Carolina cede this region ? How was it organized ? 95. When was it admitted into the Union ? Its population by the last census ? 96. Name the third Southwestern State. 97. To what region was the name " Louisiana " first given ? When did the French give up the part east of the Mississippi 98. When did the United States acquire the territory west of the Mississippi ? What was its extent ? 99. What Territory was first organized in this region? What of the remainder 9 What States have been carved out of the District of Louisiana ? STATES OF THE MISSISSIPPI VALLEY. 221 the " District of Louisiana." Out of the latter were after wards carved the States of Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas, Ne braska, Iowa, and a large part of Minnesota. 100. At this time the " Territory of Orleans " contained a considerable population of French, who had settled there from early times. New Orleans had been founded in 1718, and was now a large and flourishing French city. 101. In 1812, Louisiana was received into the Union as a State. Her population, by the last census, was 734,440. 4. MISSISSIPPI AND ALABAMA. 102. The fourth of the Southwestern States is Missis sippi; admitted into the Union, 1817. It is called after the river of the same nanle, signifying the " Father of Waters." 103. The fifth of the Southwestern States is Alabama ; admitted 1819. It is called after the river of the same name, signifying " here we rest." 104. The State of Georgia claimed the country west of her present limits, and including the soil of Mississippi and Ala bama. In 1800, Georgia ceded to the United States her claim to this region, which was then organized as the " Terri tory of Mississippi." 105. In 1817 the Territory of Mississippi was divided, and the western portion of it admitted into the Union as the State of Mississippi. Its population in 1870 was over 834,000. The eastern portion was formed into a territorial government, and called "Alabama Territory." In 1819, Alabama was admitted into the Union as a State. Its population, by the last census, was over 996,000. QUESTIONS. 100. What population was there ? Name the principal city ; when founded ? 101. When was Louisiana admitted into the Union ? Its population ? 10*2. Name the fourth Southwestern State. Called after what? 103. Name the fifth Southwestern State. Called after what ? 104. What State claimed the region? When did Georgia cede it to the United States ? What Territory was organized ? 1O-5. What division took place in 1817 ? When was Alabama admitted into the Union ? its population ? 222 THE CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD. 5. MISSOURI. 106. The sixth of the Southwestern States is Missouri ; admitted into the Union, 1821. It is called after the river of the same name, which signifies " muddy water." 107. Missouri was part of the " Louisiana Purchase." Af ter the organization of the " Territory of Orleans," in 1803, Missouri formed part of the " District of Louisiana." A few years later it took the name of " Missouri Territory," and the State of Missouri was a part of that Territory. 108. In 1820, Missouri applied to Congress for admission into the Union as a State. It was then proposed in Congress that slavery should be prohibited in Missouri, if she was ad mitted as a State. This led to a very hot discussion of the whole question of slavery, and arrayed the friends and oppo nents of slavery in bitter political strife. 109. The matter was at length settled by a compromise. It was agreed that slavery should be allowed in Missouri, but should be prohibited in all the territory of the United States north and west of the northern boundary of Arkansas. This arrangement is known as the " Missouri Compromise." 110. By this arrangement, Missouri came into the Union as a State in 1821. Her population, by the last census, was 1,715,000. 6. ARKANSAS AND FLORIDA. 111. The seventh of the Southwestern States is Arkan sas; admitted into the Union, 1836. 112. Arkansas was a part of Missouri Territory. In 1819 it was set off as a distinct Territory. In 1836 it was admitted as a State. QUESTIONS. 106. Name the sixth of the Southwestern States. Called after what? 107. Missouri originally formed part of what ? In what district was it included ? It afterwards took what name ? 108. When did Missouri apply for admission into the Union ? What was proposed in Congress ? What did this lead to ? 109. How was the matter settled ? What arrangement did the Missouri Compro mise make ? 110. When was Missouri admitted into the Union ? its population? 111. Name the seventh of the Southwestern States. 112. Arkansas was part of what? When was it set off as a Territory ? When did it come into the Union ? STATES OF THE MISSISSIPPI VALLEY. 223 113. In 1819, Florida was purchased by the United States from Spain for five million dollars. Soon afterwards it was organized as a Territory, and in 1845 it was admitted into the Union as a State. Its population, in 1870, was 483,000. 7. TEXAS. 114. Texas was originally claimed as a part of the Span ish-American possessions. The Spaniards had made settle ments there as early as 1715. 115. When the United States bought Louisiana from France, Americans claimed Texas as a part of that purchase. But when the United States bought Florida of Spain, in 1819, the government agreed to give up to Spain all its claim to Texas. 116. In 1821, Mexico and Texas declared themselves in dependent of Spain. After this, a large American immigra tion into Texas began. Texas remained under Mexican rule till 1835. 117. In 1835 the people of Texas resisted the Mexican rule. Santa Anna tried to subdue them. The result was a war, which lasted during 1835 and 1836. The Texans were victorious. 118. In 1830, Texas declared herself independent of Mexico. General Sam. Houston [hew ston] was in command of the Texan army, and succeeded in utterly defeating Santa Anna. Houston then became President of the " Lone Star State." 119. Soon after this, Texas asked to be annexed to the United States. There was great opposition to this on the part of antislavery men at the North, who did not wish to see another slave State admitted. QUESTIONS. 113. When was Florida bought? How much was paid ? When was it admitted into the Union ? 1 14. What is said of Texas originally ? When had the Spaniards settled there ? 115. What is said of Texas at the time of the purchase of Louisiana? What was agreed to ? 116. When did Mexico and Texas declare their independence? What immigration then began ? How long did Mexico and Texas remain under Mexico ? 117. What took place in 1835? What was the result ? 118. When was Texan independence declared ? Who was the leader? 119. What did Texas soon ask ? Who opposed annexation ? 224 T11E CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD. 120. The question of the annexation of Texas was brought prominently before the American people in the Presidential contest of 1844. James K. Polk favored the annexation; and, as Polk was elected, he urged the annexation of Texas. 121. In 1845, Texas was admitted as a State in the Union. Her population by the last census, was over 797,000. TOPICAL REVIEW. I. Founding of the Mississippi Valley States. I. Kentucky, admitted 1792. II. Tennessee, admitted 1796. III. Ohio, admitted 1802. IV. Louisiana, admitted 1812. V. Indiana, admitted 1816. VI. Mississippi, admitted 1817. VII. Illinois, admitted 1818. VIII. Alabama, admitted 1819. IX. Missouri, admitted 1821. X. Arkansas, admitted 1836. XL Michigan, admitted 1837. XII. Florida, admitted 1845. XII L Texas, admitted 1845. XIV. Iowa, admitted 1846. XV. Wisconsin, admitted 1848. XVI. Minnesota, admitted 1858. XVII. Kansas, admitted 1861. XVIII. Nebraska, admitted 1867. QUESTIONS. 1*20. When did the question come before the people? Who was elected, and what did he do? 121. When was Texas admitted into the Union ? Its population ? REVIEW QUESTIONS. Review I. Kentucky admitted when ? IT. Tennessee ad mitted when? III. Ohio admitted when ? IV. Louisiana admitted when? V. Indi ana admitted when ? VI. Mississippi admitted when ? VII. Illinois admitted when ? VIII. Alabama admitted when ? IX. Missouri admitted when? X. Arkansas ad mitted when? XI. Michigan admitted when ? XII. Florida admitted when ? XIII. Texas admitted when ? XIV. Iowa admitted when ? XV. Wisconsin admitted when ? XVI. Minnesota admitted when? XVII. Kansas admitted when? XVIII. Ne braska admitted when ? TOPICAL REVIEW. 225 II. Origin of the Mississippi Valley States. I. The whole region between the Alleghanies and the Mis sissippi, with the exception of Florida, which belonged to Spain, and the city and island of New Orleans, which be longed to France, came into the possession of the United States by the treaty which closed the war of the Revolution in 1 783. II. This region was organized into two Territories, the Northwest Territory and the Southwest Terri tory. III. The Northwest Territory was divided in 1800. Ohio in 1802 became a State; the rest of the Northwest Territory, after 1800, took the name of Indiana Terri tory. IV. In 1816 the present State of Indiana was carved out of Indiana Territory. Indiana Territory was carved up into the following States : Illinois, organized into Illinois Territory in 1801), and admitted as a State, 1818 ; Michi gan, organized as a Territory, 1805, and admitted as a State, 1837; Iowa, organized as a Territory, 1838, and admitted as a State, 1846 ; Wisconsin, organized as a Territory, 1836, and admitted as a State, 1848. V. The Southwest Territory, formed in 1790, was first divided by the organization of Kentucky as a comity of Vir ginia ; but in 1 792, Kentucky was admitted as a State. In 1796, Tennessee was carved out of the Southwest Territory. In 1800 the Territory of Mississippi was carved out. This formed two States : Mississippi, ad mitted as a State in 1817 ; and Alabama, organized as a separate Territory, 1817, and admitted as a State, 1819. REVIEW QUESTIONS. Review II. I. What region became part of the United States in 1783 ? II. Into what two Territories was this region organized? III. When was the Northwest Territory divided ? What State was then formed ? What was the rest called ? IV. When and out of what was Indiana State carved 7 Name the other States formed from the rest of Indiana Territory. V. How was the Southwest Territory divided? Kentucky admitted what year? What other States were formed out of the Southwest Territory ? 10* O 226 THE CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD. VI. The "Louisiana Purchase" was made in 1803. By this purchase the United States acquired from France the vast region stretching westward from the Mississippi to the Rocky Mountains, except Texas. VII. In 1803 the Louisiana Purchase was divided into the " Territory of Orleans " and the " District of Louisi ana." In 1812 the "Territory of Orleans" was admitted into the Union as the State of Louisiana. VII E. The " District of Louisiana " was carved up into the following States : Missouri, admitted as a State, 1821 ; Arkansas, organized as a separate Territory, 1819, and ad mitted as a State, 1836; Iowa, organized as a separate Territory in 1838, and admitted as a State, 1846 ; Min nesota, organized as a Territory, 1849, and admitted as a State, 1858 ; Kansas, organized as a Territory, 1854, and admitted into the Union, 1861 ; Nebraska, organized same time as Kansas, and admitted as a State, 1867. IX. Texas did not spring from the " Louisiana Purchase." It had an independent origin. The Texans, in 1836, threw off the Mexican yoke and founded an independent Republic, which in 1845 was admitted as a State. X. Florida did not spring from the Southwest Terri tory. It was a Spanish possession. Florida was purchased by the United States in 1819. Soon after, it was organized as a Territory, and in 1845 admitted as a State. III. FOUNDING OF THE PACIFIC STATES. 1. CALIFORNIA. 1. The acquisition of California grew out of the war with Mexico, 1846-48. REVIEW QUESTIONS, VI. When was the Louisiana Purchase made ? What Terri tory did the United States then acquire ? VII. How was the Louisiana Purchase divided ? When was Louisiana State admit ted? VIII. Give the States carved out of the District of Louisiana. IX. Give the origin of the State of Texas. X. Give the origin of the State of Florida. QUESTIONS. 1. What did the acquisition of California grow out of? FOUNDING OF THE PACIFIC STATES. 227 2. It has been seen (review page 12, IT 48) that the pe ninsula of California, Upper or Alta California, and the region of New Mexico, were first explored by the Spaniards. These explorations began within fifty years after the discovery of America by Columbus. 3. It has also been noted as an interesting fact (see page 1 6) that the bold English navigator, Sir Francis Drake, visited the coast of California in 1579. He spent part of that summer in the fine harbor now known as the Bay of San Francisco. Drake named the whole region New Albion, and claimed the country for the sovereign of England. 4. The English never did anything to make good this claim, and California remained a Spanish possession. NOTE. The name "California" was given by the Spaniards to the region north of Mexico. The name is taken from an old Crusader romance which was very popular in the days of Cortez. 5. The Spaniards made their first settlement in Upper Cali fornia about the middle of the eighteenth century. This was at San Diego \_san dyea go\ in 1769. San Diego was the first of a series of Missions, or " Presidios," as they were called, which the Spanish Catholic missionaries established in Cali fornia, running north from San Diego to San Francisco. 6. Into these Presidios the Indians were gathered, and the Padres, or Roman Catholic priests, taught them the arts of civilization. They cultivated the vine, the olive, and the fig, and lived in spacious houses, built of adobe, or sun-dried bricks. 7. In 1822, Mexico threw off the yoke of Spain, and be came an independent Republic. Alta or Upper California was then made a Mexican province. 8. The first American settlers found their way into Cali- QUESTIONS. 2. What regions on the Pacific coast were explored by the Spaniards? When did these explorations begin ? 3. Repeat what is said of Drake. He named the country what, and claimed it for whom? 4. Did the English do anything to make good their claim ? 5. When were the first settlements in Upper California made ? Repeat what is said of the Missions. 6. Repeat what is said of the Indians. 7. When did Mexico become independent ? What of Upper California then ? 8. When did the first American settlers go to California ? What of the population ? Who visited California ? 228 THE CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD. fornia about 1843. At this time, the region had a small population of Spaniards, Mexicans, and Indians. California was visited only by an occasional ship, which went away freighted with hides and tallow. 9. In 1846 the war between the United States and Mexico began. The Americans in California immediately raised the "bear flag/ and asserted their independence of Mexico. The result of this was a series of contests with the Mexican authorities. 10. It has already been seen (review page 195), that, at this time, Captain John C. Fremont, who had been sent West to survey a new route to Oregon, arrived in California. Fre mont united with the Americans, who were successful in sev eral encounters with the Mexicans. 11. In July, 1846, Commodore Sloat, then commander of the United States fleet on the Pacific coast, hearing of the declaration of war, took possession of Monterey. A little later, Stockton superseded Sloat. He took San Diego, and, aided by Fremont, captured Los Angeles. 12. Late in the year, General Kearney [few S], with a small column from the army operating against Mexico on the northern line, reached California after a long and toilsome march from Santa Pe" \saritahfay], in New Mexico. Kearney arrived in time to take part in the battle of San G-abriel \gdb-re-el \ January 8, 1847. This action overthrew the Spanish power, and established the authority of the United States in California. 13. The Mexican War was ended by the Treaty of Guada- loupe Hidalgo [guad-a-loop ay he-dahl go], February 2, ] 848. It was by this treaty that the United States acquired the Tast territory including New Mexico and California. The QUESTIONS. 9. When did the Mexican War begin ? What did the Americans in California then do ? State the result. 10. Repeat what is said of Fremont. 11. Repeat what is said of Sloat and Stockton. 12. What is said of Kearney and the battle which took place ? What was the result of this battle? 13. What treaty ended the Mexican War ? What territory did the United States ac quire by this treaty ? What was paid ? FOUNDING OF THE PACIFIC STATES. 229 United States agreed to pay Mexico fifteen millions of dollars, and assume the debts of Mexico to American citizens, amounting to three millions more. NOTE. By this treaty the boundary between Mexico and the United States was to be the Kio Grande, from its mouth to New Mexico ; thence to the river Gila ; that river to its junction with the Colorado ; then in a straight line to the Pacific, at a point ten miles south of San Diego. Soon afterwards, the United States acquired by the "Gadsden Purchase" a considerable strip of the territory of Northern Mexico, including a good part of Arizona. 14. It was just before this treaty was concluded (January ID, 1848), that the first discovery of gold in California took place, a discovery which resulted in founding a great State on the Pacific coast. 15. The first gold was found on the American fork of the Sacramento River. General Sutter, a Swiss settler in the Sacramento Valley, employed an American named Marshall to build him a saw-mill on the American River. A dam and race were constructed, and the water, rushing through the race with a strong current, deposited a large bed of sand and gravel. One day Mr. Marshall observed glittering particles in this mass, and knew they were gold. He told Mr. Sutter, and they agreed to keep the discovery a secret. But it soon be came known, and the American settlers in California flocked to the spot. They were richly rewarded. 16. The news of the discovery reached the States, and it soon spread throughout the world that California was the golden land, the true " El Dorado." 17. An extraordinary rush of immigration to the diggings now set in. Some crossed the thousands of miles of dreary and desolate plains, others braved the deadly climate of the Panama route, while still others made the long circumnavigation of Cape Horn. In 1849, between the months of April and January, nearly forty thousand emigrants arrived at the port of San QUESTIONS. 14. Wlien did the discovery of gold take place ? 15. Where was gold first found? Relate the circumstances. 1(>. What effect did the news have ? 17. What took place? How did people go to California? How many arrived in 1849 ? What was the population in 1850 ? 230 THE CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD. Francisco. In 1850, California contained a population of 100,000. 18. San Francisco, " like the magic seed of the Indian jug gler, which grew, blossomed, and bore fruit before the eyes of the spectator," became a great city and seaport. The ship ping of the world crowded through the Golden Gate. It had a population of 20,000 in 1850, of 60,000 in I860, and of over 150,000 in 1870. 19. California was soon ready to become a State. In Sep tember, 1849, a convention met at Monterey and formed a free State Constitution. Congress admitted California into the Union, September 9, 1850. 20. The object for which the flocks of emigrants crowded to California was to dig gold. Nearly all who went into the business realized handsome profits. The amount of gold taken out in California was enormous. Between 1849 and 1870 it is calculated at over $1,000,000,000. This great in crease of the " circulating medium " has deeply influenced the trade of the whole world. 21. The history of California may be divided into two pe riods, the period of " gold and experiment," and the period of " wheat and growth." 22. The first period began with the discovery of gold, and lasted till about 1860. During this period the great object of the people was to accumulate a fortune and return " home." The second period began when the population ceased to be exclusively a mining population and commenced to develop the agricultural resources of the State. 23. It was found that the soil of California, which in the QUESTIONS. 18. What is said of the wonderful growth of San Francisco ? its popu lation at different times ? 19. When was the Monterey Convention held ? When was California admitted into the Union ? 20. What was the object of people in going to California ? Did they succeed ? Give the amount of gold taken out. What has been the effect of this large amount of gold ? 21. What two periods of California history can you make ? 22. When did the first period begin? Tell about it. When did the second period begin? 23. What is said of the soil of California? What did people now begin to be? How did the profits of agriculture compare with gold-digging? FOUNDING OF THE PACIFIC STATES. 231 summer, or " dry season," looks quite barren, possessed a won derful capacity of producing wheat and all the grains, with the vine and all fruits. People then began to be agricul turalists. After some years it was found that the yearly returns derived from the export of wheat were fully equal to the value of the gold produced. 24. With the period, of " wheat and growth," people began to think of making their homes on the Pacific coast. They found they had every inducement to do so in its remarkable climate and its rich returns for human industry. 25. The subsequent progress of California has been both rapid and healthful. The pioneers of California were, as a rule, young men of energy and brains. Many were finely educated. This has given a very bright and progressive character to California life and civilization. 26. By the great Pacific Railroad, completed in 1869, Cal ifornia is connected with the cities of the Atlantic coast. By the splendid steamers of the Pacific Mail Company she reaches out to the shores of Asia. These lines of commerce, with her gold-fields and wheat-fields, form the sure basis of California s prosperity. To these must be added, as of equal importance, a noble system of common schools and a flourish ing State university. 27. The population of California, by the last census, was over 560,000. 2. OREGON. 28. The coast of Oregon, though occasionally visited by navigators from early times, did not attract much attention until near the close of the last century. As early as the year 1788 two trading ships from Boston, under Captains Ken- drick and Gray, visited the Oregon coast. QUESTIONS. 24. What change in the thoughts of the people now took place? What inducements -were there to remain ? 25. What is said of the progress of California ? What of the pioneers ? 26. By what is California connected with the East ? with Asia ? What is the basis of California s prosperity ? What of education ? 27. Give the population of California by the last census. 28. When did Oregon begin to attract attention ? When did two Boston ships go there? 232 THE CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD. 29. In 1792, Captain Gray discovered the great river of Oregon, which he named the Columbia, in honor of Captain Kendrick s ship. At this time this North Pacific country did not belong to any nation. 30. When the United States acquired from France the great territory of Louisiana, in 1803, President Jefferson sent an exploring party, under Lewis and Clark, to go to the head waters of the Missouri lliver and thence advance across to the Pacific. 31. These bold explorers, with a party of men, set out in 1804. They explored to the very head of the Missouri River, a distance of three thousand miles, then crossed to the head-waters of the Columbia, and down that river to its mouth. This was the first exploration of this region. 32. The report of this exploration led John Jacob Astor, a far-seeing merchant of New York, to plan a settlement on the Oregon coast, with the view of fur-trading. Mr. Astor sent out one party across the continent and another in a vessel, and in 1811 a settlement was made on the southern bank of the Columbia. The settlement was named Astoria. 33. The British became very jealous of this American settlement and set up a claim to the North Pacific region. By treachery Astoria was given up to the British " Northwest Fur Company" in 1812. 34. The United States continued to assert its claim to that country. A great deal of correspondence on the subject between the two governments resulted. At last, in 1818, the United States and England agreed to a joint occupancy of the whole territory for ten years. In 1828 the treaty of joint occupancy was renewed, to terminate on either party s giving a year s notice. QUESTIONS. "29. By whom and when was the Columbia River discovered? To whom did that country belong ? 30. What exploring expedition was sent by Jefferson ? 31. Give an account of the explorations of Lewis and Clark. 32. What did their reports lead to ? Tell about Astoria. 33. Repeat what is said of the British and Astoria. 34. Did the United States give up their claim? What resulted? How and when was the matter compromised? FOUNDING OF THE PACIFIC STATES. 233 35. Up to this time, the number of Americans in Oregon was trifling, and the first beginnings of real settlement were made in 1834. In that year, a little band of Methodist missionaries established themselves in the lovely valley of the Willamette. Here they were joined by others, and several mission stations were founded. 36. No settlement of the conflicting claims of the British and Americans to this region was made till 1846. It was then agreed by a treaty that the American possessions should extend as far north as latitude 49. Out of the bounds of Oregon were afterwards formed the State of Oregon and the Territories of Washington and Idaho. Oregon was organized as a Territory in 1848. 37. The growth of Oregon was very slow until after the discovery of gold in California. In 1850, Congress passed a law giving lands to settlers in Oregon. The country then began to fill up. In 1859 it was admitted as a State. 38. Since the completion of the Pacific Railroad, the growth of Oregon has been exceedingly rapid. It has great resources, and remarkable attractions for settlers. The population of Oregon, by the last census, was over 90,000. 3. NEVADA. 39. The soil of Nevada was part of the extensive terri tory acquired by the United States from Mexico by the treaty of Guadaloupe Hidalgo, in 1848. 40. When the present boundaries of California were marked off, in 1849, the newly acquired region to the east was organized as Utah Territory. This Territory embraced what is now the State of Nevada. QUESTIONS. 35. What is said of the number of Americans and of the first settle ments ? 36. When and how were the conflicting claims settled? What State and whp,t Territories were formed out of the American part ? 37. What is said of the early growth of Oregon ? after 1850 ? When was it admit ted into the Union ? 38. What of Oregon s growth in later times ? its resources ? its population ? 39. Nevada originally formed part of what ? 40. llo\v was the region east of California organized? Was Nevada included in Utah Territory? 234 THE CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD. 41. While Nevada was a part of Utah, it received a small Mormon population. These first actual settlers went to Nevada in 1848. The population was very small, however, till the period of the first great silver discovery in 1859, when it increased rapidly. A number of towns were founded, among which Virginia City and Carson took the lead. 42. Nevada was made a separate Territory in 1861. The territorial government continued till 1864, when Nevada was admitted into the Union as a State. 43. The prosperity of Nevada is based chiefly on its pro duction of silver. It has the richest silver-mine^ in the world. 44. Utah. It has been seen that " Utah Territory" was organized in 1849. This Territory was first settled by the sect known as the Mormons. 45. The Mormon sect was founded by Joseph Smith, a na tive of Vermont. In 1730 he published the "Book of Mor mon," which he said was a revelation of a new religion. 46. A few followers flocked to Smith. They settled first in Ohio, afterwards in Missouri, and then in Illinois, where they built the city of Nauvoo. Wherever they settled they were subjected to severe persecution, and Smith was killed by a mob in 1845. 47. In 1848, under the lead of Brigham Young, who succeeded Smith as " Prophet," the Mormons, or, as they called themselves, the " Latter-Day Saints," resolved to seek a refuge in the far Western widerness. They migrated to the vicinity of the Great Salt Lake. Here they built Salt Lake City. 48. In 18o7, during the administration of President Bu- QUESTIONS. 41. What was the first population of Nevada? When did Nevada begin to grow ra pidly ? Mention two cities 42. When was Nevada organized as a Territory ? When was it admitted as a State ? 43. On what is the prosperity of Nevada based ? What of its silver-mines ? 44. Who tjjst settled Utah Territory ? 45. Who was the founder of the Mormon sect ? Tell about him. 46. What of his followers, and the persecutions they suffered ? 47. When did they emigrate westward? Where did they settle ? 48. What is said of the difficulties that arose? Who was sent out as governor? What of the military force ? THE WAR OF SECESSION. 235 chanan, trouble arose between the Utah authorities and the Federal government. The President appointed Alexander Cummings governor, and sent out a military force under General Albert Sydney Johnston to aid the civil officers. 49. Young claimed to be governor ; and when he heard of the approach of Johnston s army he called out the forces of Utah and prepared to resist. It was thought there would be bloodshed ; but the difficulty was settled peaceably, and Cum mings became governor. 50. The growth of Utah has been rapid. From all parts of the world believers in the doctrines of Mormons have emi grated to the Territory. Many of the people practise po lygamy, which is part of their religion. Utah has enjoyed much prosperity, and has now a population estimated at from fifty to eighty thousand. IV. THE WAR OF SECESSION. L CAUSES OF THE WAR. 1. We are now to study the history of the civil war in the United States. This war commenced with the firing on Fort Sumter, in April, 1861, and closed with the surrender of the Southern armies in April, 1865. It therefore lasted four years. 2. We may say of the War of Secession in the United States, that it was one of the most tremendous conflicts on record. The struggle was waged by enormous armies, upon a vast territory, and was attended with fearful destruction of life. It was one of the most lamentable that ever occurred, because it arrayed in fratricidal strife the two sections of a people which had previously been the most happy and most prosperous on earth. QUESTIONS. 49. What did Young claim to be ? How was the matter settled ? 50. What is said of the growth of Utah? of polygamy? of its prosperity and pop ulation ? 1. What are we now to study ? State the duration of the war. 2. What may be said of this war ? Why was it a lamentable war ? 236 THE CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD. 3. It was during the administration of President Buchanan, in December, 1860, that the bad feeling, or, as we may call it, the antagonism, between South and North came to a head in the secession of South Carolina from the Union. The ex ample of South Carolina was soon followed by other Southern States. 4. This antagonism between North and South had its roots deep down in our country s history. The seeds of the war were sown before the men who waged the war were born. 5>. There was a difference of opinion respecting the nature of the United States government almost from the time the United States became a government. One class of statesmen said that the Federal Union was a league or confederation, which might be dissolved at the wish of the respective States. Another class of statesmen held that the Federal Union formed a national government, which could not be dissolved. 6. This was truly a very wide difference of opinion ; but the love for the Union was strong in all sections of the coun try, and this disagreement respecting the theory of the gov ernment would not probably have led to the dissolution of the Union, if important material questions had not arisen to give practical point to the disagreement. 7. Several such questions did arise. Thus the South wished free trade, while a large majority of the people of the North, especially those belonging to the great manufacturing States, desired a protective tariff. But the question which most widely divided the North and South was the question of slavery. 8. At the time of the adoption of the Constitution, slavery existed in the Northern as well as the Southern States. In QUESTIONS. 3. When did the bad feeling between the North and South come to a head ? What did South Carolina do ? What of other States ? 4. What is said of the beginnings of this antagonism ? 5. What was there a difference of opinion about? Explain the views of the two classes of statesmen . C. Would this difference of opinion by itaelfhave led to war ? 7. What is said of practical questions that arose ? What of free trade ? What was the great question of difference? S. What is sa^l of slavery at the formation of the government ? What of slaves in the North and in the South ? What of the cottou-giu ? THE WAR OF SECESSION. 237 the Northern States, the number was comparatively insignifi cant. In the South, they had been very numerous from early colonial times, owing to the fact that slave labor was profitably employed in the cultivation of tobacco and rice. The invention of the cotton-gin by Whitney, in 1793, soon made the cultivation of cotton the leading branch of Southern industry. This created a demand for large numbers of ne groes. 9. It thus came about that the interests of the Southern States were very closely connected with slave labor. In the year 1860, the negroes of the South had increased to about four millions. In the North, on the other hand, where slave labor was not profitable, slavery soon died out. The new States of the Northwest filled up with free immigrants. Thus in the North opposition to slavery arose and steadily in creased. 10. The opposing interests and sentiments on the subject of slavery led to a long political struggle. This contest be gan about 1820, with what is called the " Missouri Compro mise." It grew in bitterness from year to year, and finally resulted in the secession of the Southern States. Let us re view the principal steps of this political struggle. These steps are : I. The Missouri Compromise. This compromise, as we have seen (page 222), grew out of a violent agitation 011 the slavery question, which shook the whole country, in 1820, when the admission of Missouri as a State was brought up. The Missouri Compromise was supposed to be a complete set tlement of the dispute between the slave and the free States ; but it afterwards proved to be satisfactory to neither North nor South. 11. The Fugitive-Slave Act. This law, passed by Congress QUESTIONS. 9. With what were the interests of the South closely connected ? Give the number of slaves in 1860. What of slaves in the North? Of the growth of free States and opposition to slavery ? 10. To what kind of a struggle did this difference lead ? When did the contest be gin ? What of i ts growth T I. Tell about the Missouri Compromise. Did it prove satisfactory? 11. Tell about the Fugitive-Slave Act. 238 THE CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD. in 1850, was to enable masters to recover their slaves escap ing to a free State. It met with great opposition at the North. III. The Repeal of the Missouri Compromise. In 1854, a bill presented by Senator Stephen A. Douglas, rendering the Missouri Compromise null and void, was passed by Congress. This act, which had for its object the organization of a terri torial government in Kansas and Nebraska, provided that the people of the Territories should be left free to adopt or exclude slavery as they pleased. IV. Formation of the Republican Party. The repeal of the Missouri Compromise caused the deepest excitement throughout the North. This resulted in the formation of a new party called the Republican party, the principal doctrine of which was opposition to the extension of slavery. V. The Kansas Struggle. The condition in which the Territory of Kansas was placed by Mr. Douglas s bill, with reference to the slavery question, made the soil of that Terri tory the scene of a violent contest for its possession. The history of this struggle has already been seen (page 217). This border war served to still further imbitter the North and South. VI. The Political Campaign of 1856. In 1856, the sub ject of slavery was, for the first time, made the avowed issue between the opposing parties in a Presidential campaign. John C. Fremont was the Republican candidate, and James Buchanan the Democratic candidate. The Democrats tri umphed ; but the strength of the antislavery party was shown by the fact that Fremont received over 1,300,000 votes. VII. The Dred Scott Decision. In 1857, the Supreme Court of the United States decided that the Missouri Com promise was unconstitutional, and that slave-owners might QUESTION?. ITT. Tell about the repeal of the Missouri Compromise. IV. Tell about the formation of the Republican party. V. Tell about the Kansas struggle. VI. Tell about the political campaign of 1856 VII. Tell about the Dred Scott decision. How di<l the people of the South look on this? of the North? What was done in the Northern States? What did the South think of this ? THE WAR OF SECESSION. 239 take their slaves into any State in the Union. The people of the South looked on this as their right under the Consti tution ; but the North regarded it as virtually establishing slavery throughout all the States, and converting it from a local into a national institution. In some of the Northern States, " Personal Liberty Laws," declaring freedom to slaves who came within their borders, were passed. These meas ures gave great offence to the people of the South, who said they showed, on the part of the Northern people, a want of good faith in carrying out the compromise of 1850. 3 VIII. The John Broivn Raid. li\ the fall of 1859 an event occurred which caused great excitement and bitterness at the South. This was a mad scheme, devised by an old man named John Brown, who, with his sons, had taken an active part in the border warfare in Kansas. His scheme was to liberate the Southern slaves. With but twenty-one follow ers, he began by seizing the United States arsenal at Harper s Ferry, Virginia, October 16, 1859. But here he and his party were overpowered by the State and Federal troops. Most of the raiders were killed. John Brown and six of his associates were tried and convicted, and were hanged December 2, 1859. This raid served to inflame the mind of the people of the South ; for though the great majority of the people of the North strongly condemned the conduct of Brown, his action was regarded by the South as a natural result of the Free- Soil doctrine. 11. Such was the state of the country when the time came to nominate a candidate for the Presidency to succeed Bu chanan, in the spring of 1860. The people became divided into four parties, and each party nominated a Presidential candidate to represent its principles. 12. These candidates and their " platforms " were : I. BRECKIXRIDGE, candidate of the Southern Democracy. QUESTIONS. VIII. Tell about the John Brown mid. What effect on the people of the South had this raid ? 11. Into how many parties did the American people become divided ? 12. Name the first candidate and his platform ; the second ; the third ; the fourth 240 THE CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD. Platform : Any citizen has a right to migrate to any Terri tory, taking with him anything that is property (including slaves), and Congress is bound to protect the rights of slave holders in all the Territories. II. DOUGLAS, candidate of the Northern Democracy. Plat form : Slavery or no slavery in any Territory is entirely the affair of the white inhabitants of that Territory. They can have it if they choose, can exclude it if they choose, and neither Congress nor the people of the country outside of that Territory has any right to meddle in the matter. III. LINCOLN, candidate of the Republican party. Platform : There is no law for slavery in the Territories and no power to enact one, and Congress is bound to prohibit it in or exclude it from every Federal Territory. IV. BELL, candidate of the Union Constitutional party. Platform : The "Constitution of the country, the Union of the States, and the enforcement of the laws." This platform was somewhat vague, as it did not definitely touch the main question which was agitating the country. 13. During the months which intervened between the nom ination of these candidates and the election, a political cam paign marked by extraordinary excitement was carried on. The election took place on the 6th of November, I860. That night the telegraph flashed all over the Union the tidings that the Republicans had triumphed, and that Abraham Lincoln was President of the United States. NOTE. The electoral vote was: For Lincoln, 180 ; for Breckinridge, 72; for Bell, 39 ; for Douglas, 12. The popular vote was: For Lin coln, 1,857,610 ; for Breckinridge, 84,953 ; for Douglas, 1,365,976 ; for Bell, 596,631. 14. There can be no doubt that at the time of Mr. Lin coln s election the great majority of the American people, North and South, sincerely loved the Union, and would have preferred to have seen it maintained at any sacrifice. The QUESTIONS. 13. What is said of the political campaign 7 When did the election take place ? What was the result ? 14. What is said of the feelings of the American people towards the Union ? How is this shown ? THE WAR OF SECESSION. 241 proof of this is, that the great majority of the popular vote in the Presidential contest was cast in favor of the conservative candidates. 15. It is true there were extreme men on both sides. At the North there were the Abolitionists, who were bent on the destruction of slavery, even if the Constitution and the country were destroyed with it. But they were very small in number and took little part in the election. At the South, there was another inconsiderable party of extreme men, who were anxious for nothing but to see the South separated from the North. The election of Mr. Lincoln was the signal for action by the leading Secessionists. 16. South Carolina headed the movement. A convention met, and on the 20th of December, 1860, formally dissolved the connection of South Carolina with the Union, by an ordinance of secession, passed by a unanimous vote. 17. The action of South Carolina was promptly imitated by several of the other Southern States in the month of January, 1861, by Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and Louisiana; and on the 1st of February, by Texas, so that at the latter date the seven cotton States had withdrawn from the Union. 18. The position taken by President Buchanan was that neither he nor Congress had the right to coerce a State into submission. 19. Conservative men, North and South, it is true, still hoped that some compromise might be effected that would peacefully bring back the seceded States. During the winter numerous efforts were made to bring about such a coin- promise ; but they came to nothing. QUESTIONS. 15. Who were the extreme men at the North, and what of them? at the South ? What of the election of President Lincoln ? 1C. What State headed the secession movement ? When was the ordinance of seces sion passed ? 17. What States imitated South Carolina? 18. What was the position taken by President Buchanan ? 19. What did conservative men hope? Did tli3 efforts at compromise come to any thing ? 11 P 242 THE CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD. 20. On the 4th of February, 1861, a convention of the seceded States met at Montgomery, Alabama, and there adopted a Constitution and organized a government under the name of the Confederate States of America. Jefferson Davis, late United States Senator from Mississippi, was chosen President, and Alexander H. Stephens, of Georgia, Vice- President. 21. The seceding States seized most of the forts, arsenals, custom-houses, ships, and other Federal property within their boundaries. At the time of the inauguration of President Lincoln, March 4, 1861, there remained in the South, in the possession of the United States force, only Fort Sumter, in Charleston Harbor, Fort Pickens, near Pensacola, and the forts off the southern extremity of Florida. II. POLITICAL EVENTS OF 1861. 22. Abraham Lincoln was in augurated President of the Unit ed States, March 4, 1861. Han nibal Hamlin, of Maine, had been chosen Vice-President. 23. In his Inaugural Address, President Lincoln set forth his views of the great question which rent the country. He declared that no State could lawfully withdraw from the Union, disa- Abraham Lincoln. vowcd the intention of interfer ing with slavery in the South, and proclaimed that it would be his duty to " hold, occupy, and possess the places and property " belonging to the Federal government in the South, QUESTIONS. 20. When and where was the Southern government organized ? Who were chosen President and Vice-President? 21. What places did the seceded States seize ? Name the forts in the South in Union possession in March, 1861. 22. When was Lincoln inaugurated ? Who was Vice-President ? 23. Give the points in the President s Inaugural Address. THE WAR OF SECESSION. 243 that is, the forts, arsenals, etc., which had been seized by the seceders. 24. The tone of this address was taken by the Secessionists as a challenge to war. The Southern Congress at Montgom ery began the organization of an army. Many Southern-born officers of the United States army and navy joined the Con federate service. General Beauregard was placed in command of the forces, numbering about four thousand men, that were already investing Fort Sumter, in Charleston Harbor. 25. Fort Sumter was held by a garrison of eighty men, under Major Anderson. At the time of the secession of South Carolina, in December, 1860, he was stationed at Fort Moultrie, but, a few days afterwards, he withdrew to Fort Sumter as a place of greater security. 26. When President Lincoln was inaugurated, the situa- .tion was such that Fort Sumter would very soon have to be evacuated, on account of want of provisions, or else the gov ernment at Washington would have to get supplies and rein forcements to Fort Sumter. 27. It is believed that at first the President and his ad visers inclined to the withdrawal of the garrison from Fort Sumter, and the Southern commissioners who had been sent to Washington understood that it was not the intention of the government to reinforce the fort. But early in April it was resolved to send a fleet with supplies to Major Anderson. 28. As soon as this design became known, Beauregard was instructed by the Montgomery authorities to demand the evacuation of Fort Snmter. He was ordered, if this de mand was not complied with, to reduce it by force. 29. The demand was made on the afternoon of the llth QUESTIONS. 24. How was it* tone regarded by the Secessionists? What di 1 the Southern Congress begin to do? What of officers? Who was- the commander at Charlestoi. ? 25. Who held Fort Sumter ? Where had he been, and why did he move to Sumter ? 26. Describe the situation of Fort Sumter at Lincoln s inauguration. "27. State what the President and his advisers were first inclined to do. What of the Southern commissioners ? What was resolved on early in April ? 28. What was Beauregard now instructed to do ? 29. WTien was the demand made ? Was it accepted ? When was the bombardment begun ? Tell about it. What remarkable fact is stated ? 244 THE CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD. of April. It was declined by Major Anderson. Early on the morning of the 12th, fire was opened on Fort Sumter from the land batteries which had been erected around it. The bombardment was kept up for thirty-four hours. At the end of this time the fort was surrendered by Major Anderson, April 13. It is a remarkable fact that no one on either side was killed. 30. The news of the fate of Sumter produced intense ex citement throughout both North and South. At the North all differences in politics were laid aside. The stars and stripes, waving from every house-top and steeple, were the symbol of the united North s determination to uphold the supremacy of the general government. On the day following the evacuation of Fort Sumter, President Lincoln issued a proclamation calling for seventy-five thousand men to serve for three months. The answer to this call was immediate and enthusiastic on the part of all the free States. Volunteers from all quarters at the North began to hurry forward to the capital, and in a very short time a large force was assembled around Washington. General Winfield Scott was General-in- Chief. 31. On the 1 9th of April, a Massachusetts regiment on its way through Baltimore was attacked by a mob. Three soldiers were killed and several wounded. The soldiers re turned the fire, killing and wounding a number. This was the first blood shed in the war. 32. At the South excitement ran equally high. A call made by the Montgomery authorities for thirty-five thousand additional troops was responded to with the greatest alacrity. 33. Up to the time of the bombardment of Fort Sumter, the seven cotton States alone had seceded. The eight other slave States embracing Virginia, Mary- QUESTIOXS. 30. Describe the effect of the news of Fort Sumter. Describe what was done at the North. How many troops were called for? What of the response to the call ? Who was General-in-Chief? 31. Give an account of the attack on the Massachusetts troops in Baltimore. 3 2. Describe the state of things at the South. 33. Up to this time how many States had seceded? Name the eight other Southern States, and what of them ? THE WAR OF SECESSION. 245 land, Delaware, North Carolina, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mis souri, Arkansas, and including much the larger half of the Southern population had stood aloof from the secession movement, hoping for peace, and resolving not to side with the seceded States, unless coercion should be used. 34. As these eight States had not withdrawn from the Union at the time of Mr. Lincoln s proclamation, he called on each of them for its proportion of troops. But from all came defiant replies, refusing to furnish any troops. 35. Virginia passed an ordinance of secession on the 1 7th of April. 36. Arkansas passed an ordinance of secession May 6. 37. North Carolina passed an ordinance of secession May 20. 38. Tennessee passed an ordinance of secession June 8. 39. The other slave States were Delaware, Maryland, Ken tucky, and Missouri. In these States secession had to en counter a powerful opposition. The result was that they were held in the Union. 40. The South was greatly strengthened by the adhesion of Virginia. As soon as that State had withdrawn from the Union, the government of the " Confederacy " was removed from Monrgomery to Richmond. 41. It was soon seen that Virginia, in the East, and the Western border States of Kentucky and Missouri, would be the theatre of the war, which all recognized as now inevitable. From North and South armed forces were hurried forward to dispute the possession of those States. QUESTIONS. 34. AVhat did Mr. Lincoln call on them for? What replies did they send? 35. Give the date of the Virginia ordinance. 36. Of the Arkansas ordinance. 37. Of the South Carolina ordinance. 38. Of the Tennessee ordinance. 39. What of the other sls~e States ? w. 40. What was the effect 01 the secession of Virginia? To what city was the Con federate capital shifted ? 41. AVhat States were to be the theatre of the war ? 246 THE CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD. III. CAMPAIGNS OF 1861. 42. Operations in the East. The situation of the Union forces in Virginia, at the close of the month of May, was as follows : A large army had collected around Washington, under the veteran General Scott. During the night of the 23d of May, a strong column was thrown across the Potomac at Washington, and took possession of Arlington Heights and Alexandria, Virginia. A body of twelve thousand troops, under G-eneral But ler, held possession of Fortress Monroe, on the YorKtovvn peninsula. A column, under General Patterson, was posted near Harper s Ferry. A corps of Ohio militia and Unionist West- Virginians, un der General G. B. McClellan, had crossed the Ohio Kiver into West Virginia. 43. The situation of the Confederate forces in Virginia, at the same period, was as follows : The principal army was gathered in the vicinity of Manas- sas Junction, Virginia, and was under the command of Gen eral Beauregard. There was a force on the Peninsula (at Yorktown and Big Bethel), under General Magruder, to hold Butler in check. There was a force, under General J, E. Johnston, in the Shenandoah Valley, confronting the corps of Patterson. There was a force in West Virginia, holding the strong po sitions in that mountain region, and prepared to resist the advance of McClellan. 44. McClellan s West Virginia Campaign. It was in West Virginia that the opening conflict occurred. An en counter took place, June 3, at Fhilippi. The Union force was successful. QUESTIONS. 42. At the end of the month of May what was the situation of the Union forces in the East? 43. Describe the positions held hv the Confederates. 44. When did the opening conflict occur? What battle was this ? Give the result. THE WAR OF SECESSION. 247 MAP OFOPERATIONS 248 THE CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD. 45. McClcllan then followed up the campaign by the action at Rich Mountain, July 11, in which he forced the South ern troops to retreat. In two stands made by them at Car- rick s Ford and Beverly they were again overwhelmed. Before the close of July the campaign was ended, and the Confederates, for the time being, abandoned West Virginia. NOTE. The operations of the West Virginia campaign were of no great magnitude or importance; but their success served to encourage the North, and soon after led to McClellan s appointment to the com mand of the main Union army in Virginia. The Union army in West Virginia numbered about 30, 000 ; the Confederate force, less than 10,000. 46. Soon after the conflict thus began in the mountains of West Virginia, an encounter took place between the opposing forces on the Peninsula. General Butler sent forward from For tress Monroe a body of troops, which attacked a force at Big Bethel, June 10. Butler s troops were repulsed with loss. 47. In the Shenandoah Valley, the column of Patterson and that of Johnston watched each other without any action of note. 47. The Bull Run Campaign. Meantime the atten tion of both North and South was centred on the two main armies, the Northern force, called the Army of the Poto mac, and the Southern force, called the Army of Northern Virginia. The former consisted of about thirty-five thousand men, and was under the immediate command of General Irwin McDowell, General Scott, though still General-in- ChUf, being too old and infirm to take the field. The latter, under the command of Beauregard, occupied a position at Centre ville and Manassas Junction, covering the approach to Richmond. 49. Richmond, as the capital of the Southern Confei- QUESTIONS. 45. Describe how McClellan followed up the campaign. When was the campaign ended ? 46. State the action which took place on the Peninsula ; its result. 47. What was going on in the Shenandoah Valley ? 48. What armies was the attention of North and South now directed to? Who commanded the Army of the Potomac ? Who commanded the Southern army ? Where was it placed ? 49. What city was the Potomac army to capture? Repeat what is said of the ex citement at the North on this subject. What movement did General Scott order ? THE WAR OF SECESSION. 249 eracy, became the grand "objective point" which the Army of the Potomac was to capture. The whole North was extraor dinarily excited on this subject, and raised the cry of " On to Richmond ! " General Scott, yielding to this pressure, or dered General McDowell to make a forward movement. This was begun July 1 6. 50. After some preliminary skirmishing at CentreviUe and Blackburn s Ford, the Union army, early on Sunday morning, July 21, reached Bull Run, behind which the army of Beauregard was posted. 51. Having crossed the stream, the Union army opened the conflict. A severe battle ensued, lasting the greater part of the day. It was fought with much stubbornness on both sides. It seemed that the Union army would carry the field ; but, in the afternoon, the Confederates, reinforced by John ston s column from the Shenandoah Valley, fell upon the right flank of the Union army, which was thrown into great disorder. The troops then fled, panic-stricken, to Washington. NOTE. The official Southern loss in the battle of Bull Run was 378 killed, 1,489 wounded, and 30 missing ; total, 1,897. The official Union loss was 481 killed, 1,011 wounded, and about 1,500 prisoners; total, in round numbers, 3,000 men. 52. The principal result of Bull Run was to convince the country that a real and terrible war was upon it ; not a holi day affair, which many people had fancied. Both sides recog nized this fact, and set to work forming armies on a gigantic scale. President Lincoln called out half a million of troops. 53. The army around Washington was placed under com mand of General George B. McClellan. He began to organize, arm, and discipline his force. By the fall of 18G1, the Army of the Potomac numbered over one hundred and fifty thousand men. The Southern army also received large QUESTIONS. 50. Describe the preliminary operations. 51. Give an account of the battle of Bull Run 5*2. What was the principal result of this battle ? What did both sides now begin doing ? What call for troops was made ? 53. Who was now put in command of the army around Washington ? What did he do ? Give the strength of the army in the fall. What of the Southern army ? 11* 250 THE CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD. additions. It continued to hold its position, under Beaure- gard, at Manassas Junction. 54. During the remainder of the year 1861, the main ar mies in Virginia did not again join battle. The only military operation in the East during these months was the affair of Ball s Bluff, which resulted disastrously to the Union side. NOTE. This encounter took place October 21. A force of two thou sand men was thrown across the Potomac at Ball s Bluff, where it was assailed by a body of Confederates, and repulsed with severe loss. The Union commander, General Baker of California, was killed in this action. 55. Operations in the West. Military operations in the West during 18G1 were confined to the State of Mis souri. In this State, as in the other border State of Ken tucky, the population was divided between Unionists and Secessionists. 56. The Secessionists made great efforts to secure the State to the Confederacy, and pushed up troops from Texas and Arkansas into Missouri. The two most important actions in the Missouri campaign of 1861 were the engagement at Car thage and the battle of Wilson s Creek, in both of which the Union columns were forced to retreat. 57. The only other operation in Missouri during this year was the action of Belmont, November 7. Brigadier-Gen eral IT. S. Grant made an expedition down the Mississippi, from Cairo to Belmont. After destroying a Secessionist camp at that point, his force w r as attacked by troops sent over from the Confederate fortified camp at Columbus, on the Kentucky side of the Mississippi, opposite Belmont. Grant s force was compelled to take to its gunboats and make its way back to Cairo. 58. Naval and Coast Operations. Soon after the QUESTIONS 54. Was anything done during the rest of the year ? Name the only operation in the East. 55. In what State were the Western operations carried on ? Repeat what is said. 56. What efforts were made by the Secessionists in this State ? Name the two most important actions. 57. What other operation in Missouri can you mention ? Give an account of this action. 58. What is said of the blockade ? of the United States navy ? Was the blockade strict ? THE WAR OF SECESSION. 251 outbreak of the war, a blockade of the Southern ports was declared by President Lincoln, and measures were taken to render it as effective as possible. The navy of the United States was very small at first, but many ships were chartered or purchased. The number of vessels, however, was insuffi cient to perfectly seal the Southern ports, so that blockade- runners had little difficulty in passing in and out, and it was a long time before the blockade was rendered effective. 59. The South was almost destitute of naval resources, but it contrived to fit out a number of privateers to prey upon the commerce of the North. Of these, the most successful during this year was the Suniter, under command of Captain Semmes. 60. The importance of the possession of the principal Southern ports led to the fitting out of several naval expe ditions during the year 18G1. The first of these was under Commodore String-ham and General Butler, who, on the 29th of August, took the forts at Hatteras Inlet, on the North Carolina coast. 61. A second expedition, on a much larger scale, under Commodore Dupont and General W. T. Sherman, captured the earthworks commanding Port Royal, South Carolina, November 27. A military force was landed at Hilton Head, and this point became afterwards an important centre of naval operations against the Southern ports. 62. Foreign Relations. Soon after the outbreak of hostilities, the British government issued a proclamation of neutrality (May 13), acknowledging the South as a bel ligerent power. France soon after did the same. 63. This caused much hard feeling at the North. At the same time the South said that England did not go far enough, QUESTIONS. 59. What of the South in regard to naval resources ? GO. Give an account of the expedition to Ilatteras Inlet. 61. Give an account of Dupont s expedition. Where was a military force landed, and what of this point ? 62. Give the date of the British neutrality proclamation. What nation followed England s example ? 63. State the effect produced at the North. What did the South say? What did the people of the South hope in regard to cotton ? How far did England go ? 252 THE CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD. and claimed recognition by European powers as an independent nation. Many people at the South hoped that England, which suffered greatly, owing to the stoppage of her cotton supply, would come in and acknowledge Southern independence and break the blockade. But England went no further than to acknowledge the " belligerent rights " of the South. 64. An event which happened towards the close of the year 1861 came near plunging the United States into a war with England. This event was the celebrated "Trent af fair." 65. Mason and Slidell, two Confederate commissioners to the British government, ran the blockade, and at Havana took passage on board the Trent, an English mail- steamer. The day after leaving (November 8), the Trent was stopped by the United States war-vessel San Jacinto, commanded by Captain Wilkes. Mason and Slidell were seized and car ried to Fort Warren. 66. When the tidings of this seizure reached England, the British government demanded the surrender of the envoys, and began preparations for war. But war was avoided, for the United States government gave up Mason and Slidell. The reason why the government gave them up was because the United States had all along, and especially during the War of 1812, taken a position respecting the rights of neutral ships that did not justify Captain Wilkes in taking the Con federate commissioners from the Trent. IV. CAMPAIGNS OF 1862. 67. Operations in the West. The military opera tions of the year 18G2 opened in the Western theatre of war. 68. The situation of the opposing armies in the West, at QUESTIONS. 64. What event nearly produced war with England ? 65. Give an account of the seizure of Mason and Slidell. 66. Describe the effect on the British government. How was war avoided? Why did the United States government give them up ? 67. Where did the operations of 1862 begin ? 68. Describe the situation of Confederate forces at this time. Wlio was in chief command ? THE WAR OF SECESSION. 253 MAP COOPERATIONS cir, 254 THE CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD. the beginning of 1862, was as follows : The Confederates held a defensive line running from the Mississippi River eastward to the Cumberland Mountains. The left was at Columbus, on the Mississippi. Forts Henry and Donelson guarded the Cumberland and Tennessee rivers. A considerable army at Bowling Green covered the great railroad lines southward to Nashville. The right flank was held by a force posted at Mill Spring, Kentucky. General Albert Sydney Johnston was in command of the Southern forces in the West. 69. On the Union side, there was an army at Cairo and vicinity, under General Grant. Bowling Green was threat ened by an army under General Buell. The force at Mill Spring was threatened by a body of troops under General G. H. Thomas. General Halleck was general-in-chief of these Western forces. 70. The campaign of 1862 opened with an attack on the Southern force at Mill Spring, in the first month of the year. General Thomas was successful, and the Southern general, Zollicoffer, was killed. 71. The second action of the campaign was a mixed land and naval expedition made against forts Henry and Don elson. A flotilla of Western-built gunboats was under com mand of Commodore Foote ; the land force was under General Grant. The fleet sailed up the Cumberland to Fort Henry (February 6). That fort surrendered after a brief fight. A lar^ e part of the Confederate garrison escaped to Fort Donelson. 72. General Grant now advanced 011 Fort Donelson, and appeared before it on the 12th of February. After several severe engagements, the garrison, consisting of about nine thousand men, capitulated on the morning of the 16th of February. QUESTIONS. 69. Describe the situation of the Union forces. Who was in chief command ? 70. Give an account of the action at Mill Spring. 71 . What was the second action of the campaign ? Give an account of the expe dition against Fort Henry. 71. Where did the garrison escape to ? 72. What did General Grant now do ? What was the result of the action at 1 ort Donelson ? THE WAR OF SECESSION. 255 73. The capture of these forts was considered a very severe blow to the South. This was so, not only on account of the actual loss of men, but because the opening up of the Cum berland and Tennessee rivers to the Union gunboats destroyed the whole defensive line taken up by the Confederates. Gen eral Albert Sydney Johnston had to abandon Kentucky and a large part of Tennessee. He retired at first to Murfrees- boro , Tennessee. The Union army, under Buell, followed up closely, and on the 23d of February took possession of Nashville. 74. While the capture of Donelson thus shook the centre of the Confederate defensive line, it also endangered its left, that is, the stronghold of Columbus. This place the Confeder ates immediately abandoned, and moved down to Island No. 10 and New Madrid. Columbus was occupied by the Union army, March 22. The Western operations of 1862 opened brilliantly for the Union armies, and served to encourage the whole North. 75. The Battle of Shiloh. A new campaign was now prepared. Albert Sydney Johnston, during the month of March, united all his scattered forces at Corinth, and resolved to strike a blow at the Union army under General Grant. That army, after the capture of Fort Donelson, was moved to Pittsburg Landing, on the Tennessee River. The Union army, under Buell, was ordered to move from Nashville and unite with Grant s army. 76. Before these forces could be united, the Southern army moved up secretly from Corinth, and fell upon Grant s army at Pittsburg Landing. The result was the fierce battle QUESTIONS. 73. How was the capture of these forts regarded in the South ? Why ? What was General Johnston compelled to do ? Where did he go to ? What of the Union army? 74. What is said of Columbus ? To what points did the Confederates move ? Give the date of the occupation of Columbus. Repeat what is said of the Western operations of this year. 75. What new campaign did Johnston now prepare? Where was Grant s army? What of Buell s army ? 76. Describe the movement on Pittsburg Landing. What was the result? Give the strength of the two armies. 256 THE CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD. of Shiloh, fought April 6. The Confederates numbered about 40,000 men ; the Union army, 57,000. 77. The assailants were successful in the onslaught, and drove the Union army from the field and down to the shelter of the gunboats. But General Albert Sydney Johnston was killed, and during the afternoon Buell s army came up ; so that when, the following morning, an advance was made by the Union army, the Confederates retired to Corinth. NOTE. The Union loss in the battle of Shiloh was nearly 15,000 ; the Confederate loss was 10,699, killed, wounded, and missing. 78. Beauregard, who came into command of the Southern forces on the death of Johnston, remained in Corinth till the the Union armies, now under General Halleck, had worked their way cautiously up to near that point. Then Beauregard evacuated Corinth. It was occupied by the Union army May 30. 79. In the mean time, in consequence of the retreat of the Confederates, several of their defensive points on the Missis sippi fell. Island No. 10, on the 7th of April ; Fort Pil low, 011 the 4th of June ; and the city of Memphis, two days afterwards. 80. Bragg s Invasion of Kentucky. After the capture of Corinth, Grant s army remained for a time sta tionary. It held a long line from Memphis, Tennessee, to Huntsville, Alabama. Buell s army was detached, and sent to gain possession of the important point of Chattanooga, Tennessee. 81. The main Confederate army of the Southwest, under General Bragg (who succeeded Beauregard), had mean time been secretly transferred eastward from Corinth and concentrated at Chattanooga. Buell s army was approaching that place in the month of August, 1862, when suddenly QUESTIONS. 77. Describe the battle of Shiloh. 78. Who came into command of the Southern force? What did he do? Give the date of the capture of Corinth. 79. Name several Confederate positions on the Mississippi which now fell. 80. What of Grant s army after this? What line did it hold? What of Buell s army? 81. Give an account of Bragg s secret movement. THE WAR OF SECESSION. 257 Bragg pushed with his whole army northward towards the Ohio River. 82. This movement compelled Buell to retreat rapidly to Louisville. 83. At the same time that Bragg s army moved northward, another column, under General Kirby Smith, advanced from Knoxville into Kentucky. The two Southern armies remained in Central Kentucky during the month of Sep tember. They overran the State, and their foraging parties gathered vast quantities of supplies. They failed, however, in causing a general uprising in the State ; and as the Union army was soon largely reinforced, Bragg and Smith retreated towards Chattanooga at the end of September. 84. Buell s army pursued Bragg through Kentucky. At Perry ville, an action was fought October 8, in which the Union army had the advantage. But Bragg escaped to Chattanooga. 85. The Union army, now under General Rosecrans, went forward as far as Nashville, where it occupied a forti fied position. Soon afterwards the army of Bragg moved north from Chattanooga, and planted itself at Murfrees- boro , a few miles south of Nashville. 86. Battle of Murfreesboro . Near the close of De cember, 1862, General Rosecrans advanced from Nashville to attack Bragg. The result was the Battle of Murfrees boro . 87. The action began on the morning of the 31st De cember. The Confederates attacked, and, falling upon the right flank of the Union army, forced it from the field. The fight was continued all day in a very determined manner on QUESTIONS. 82. What was Buell compelled to do by this movement? 8:$. Give an account of the movement of Smith s column. What did the Southern armies do ? Did they succeed in making an uprising in Kentucky ? What were Bragg and Smith compelled to do? 84. Give an account of Buell s pursuit and the battle of Perryville. 85. To what point did the army of Rosecrans now move ? What movement was made by Bragg s army ? 86. When did Rosecrans move to attack Bragg ? What battle resulted ? 87. Give an account of this battle. Was the action decisive? Q 258 THE CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD. both sides. When night came, the action was still inde cisive. 88. The following day (January 1, 1863) there was a little fighting, but neither side gained a decided advantage. There was more fighting on the 2d ; but at the close of the bloody contest it was still a " drawn battle." However, the Union army held possession of Murfreesboro and the field of battle, and Bragg retired and took position on Duck River, a few miles south. NOTE. In the battle of Murfreesboro , or "Stone River," as it is sometimes called, the Union army numbered 47,000, the Confederate Army, 35,000 men. The Union loss was very heavy, nearly 14,000 men ; while the Confederate loss was heavy also, over 10,000 men killed, wounded, and missing. 89. Other Western Operations. While the main armies of the West were thus operating in Kentucky and Tennessee in the summer and fall of 1862, the opposing forces in Mississippi were carrying on some minor operations. 90. When Bragg and Buell went to Tennessee, Grant w T as left behind to hold the position of Corinth and luka in Mississippi. On the Confederate side, Generals Price and Van Dorn remained to watch this force. Towards the close of August, Price and Van Dorn made assaults on Corinth and luka, but they were not able to dislodge the Union troops, whose position was strongly fortified. 91. In the early part of 1862, a severe battle was fought far west of the Mississippi. This was at Pea Ridge, Ar kansas. The Southern force was under General Van Dorn ; the Union army was under General Curtis. Van Dorn was defeated in the action which took place March 7 and 8. 92. Eastern Operations. -- From the Western cam paigns of 1862 we now turn to the Virginia campaigns of 1862. QUESTIONS. 8S. Give an account of the operations of the next two days. Who held the battle-field ? What of Bragg ? H9. In what other State were operations going on at the same time ? 90. Who was in command at Corinth and luka? Give an account of the assaults. 91. What battle was fought west of the Mississippi? Who were commanders? Give the result. 92. To what campaigns do we now turn our attention ? THE WAR OF SECESSION. 259 93. It has been seen that the Army of the Potomac was organized in the vicinity of Washington during the ^all and winter of 1861. General George B. McClellan was in chief command. In the spring of 1862, he had formed an army of nearly two hundred thousand. The Southern army, now under General J. E. Johnston, still lay at Manassas Junction. 94. General McClellan s plan was not to attack Johnston s army at Manassas, but to transfer his force by water to the Yorktown peninsula and approach Richmond by that line. McClellan began in March, 1862, by making a feint of an advance on Manassas. Johnston retired southward towards Richmond. The Army of the Potomac was then brought back to Alexandria and moved by water to Fortress Mon roe, on the Peninsula. 95. The Peninsular Campaign. On the 4th of April, 1862, the Army of the Potomac began to move up the Peninsula. It was soon brought to a halt by the fortifica tions of Yorktown. A delay took place there which gave General Johnston time to bring his whole army into York- town. 96. A month was spent in erecting batteries before York- town. Johnston then quietly evacuated the place and re tired towards Richmond. McClellan took possession of York- town, May 4. He then pushed forward after the retreating army. 97. The next day, the rear of Johnston s army was over taken at Williamsburg. Here an action took place May 5. It was somewhat of a success for the Union army, but Johnston made good his retreat. QUESTIONS. 93. Repeat what is said of the Army of the Potomac. Who was its commander? Give its strength. Who commanded Southern army? Where. was it lying ? 94. What was McClellan s plan ? Give the first movements on each side. To what point was Union army moved by water ? 95. When did the army begiu its march up the Peninsula? What is said of York- town and the delay ? 96. Give an account of the siege of Yorktown. When was Yorktown taken ? What did McClellan now do? 97. Give an account of the action at Williamsburg. 260 THE CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD. 98. The Army of the Potomac now advanced to the Chickahominy. McClellan placed the army partly on the one side of the Chickahominy, partly on the other. The left was at Bottom s Bridge, the right at Mechanicsville, 99. No action took place till the last day of May. The Southern commander then attacked that part of McClellan s army that was on the south side of the Chickahominy. The action is called the Battle of Fair Oaks. It was not de cisive. 100. The battle was renewed the next day, June 1. Mc Clellan was more successful, and the Confederates retired nearer to Richmond. In this action, General J. E. Johnston was wounded, and General R. E. Lee took command of the Southern army in Virginia, 101. McClellan did not now advance on Richmond. He was waiting for the aid of another Union army which was under McDowell, and which had moved from the Potomac to Fredericksburg, whence it was to come down and assist the army besieging Richmond. 102. In addition to McDowell s army, there were two other Union forces in Virginia. These were Fremont s force in southwestern Virginia, and Banks s force in the Shenandoah Valley. 103. While the Army of the Potomac was lying waiting, the Confederate commander sent Stonewall Jackson on a raid northward. Jackson first struck a blow at Fremont, which caused that officer to retreat. He then fell upon Banks s force at Strasburg, and, punishing it severely, sent it to the Potomac. McDowell s army, also, had to retire from Fredericksburg, so as to oppose Jackson. 104. When Jackson had thrown back the three Union QUESTIONS. 95S. Describe the situation of McClellan s army on the Chickahominy. 99. When did the first action take place? Give an account of it. What is this battle called ? Was it decisive ? 100. When was the battle renewed? What of the result? Who came into com mand of the Southern army ? 101. For what was McClellan waiting? 10. What other Union forces are mentioned? 103. Who was sent on a r.iid by Lee ? Give an account of Jackson s raid 104. Give an account of Jackson s return. When did these events take place ? THE WAR OF SECESSION. 261 forces, he hastily put back to join Lee. The Union forces of McDowell and Banks and Fremont raced Jackson up the Shenandoah Valley : but they could not head him off. These stirring events took place in the latter part of May and early part of June. 105 On his return from this raid Jackson was ordered by Lee to move secretly down upon the right flank of the Union army at Mechanicsville. This he did June 25. The next day Lee from Richmond crossed the Chickahominy, and, uniting with Jackson, attacked that part of McClellan s army that was on the north side of the Chickahominy. The result was the battle of G-aines s Mill, June 27. 106. In this battle the Union corps were driven from their positions with heavy loss. They with difficulty were able to cross the Chickahominy and join the part of the army which lay on the south side. 107. The result of Gaines s Mill was to deprive McClellan of his base of supplies on the York River, and compel him to seek a new base on the James River. The retreat was marked by the battles of Savage s Station (June 29), Grlendale (June 30), and Malvern Hill (July 1). In the last action, Lee s army met a repulse. This gave McClellan the opportunity of withdrawing to Harrison s Landing, on the James River. 108. Thus McClellan s Peninsular campaign failed of its object, which was to capture Richmond. However, Lee s loss was greater than McClellan s. The former was about twenty thousand killed, wounded, and missing ; the latter, about eighteen thousand. 109. Lee s Invasion of the North. Soon after the QUESTIONS. 105. What movement was Jackson now ordered to make? Give the date of the movement. What did Lee do the next day? What battle re sulted ? 106. What Is said of the Union corps in this battle ? 107 . What was the result of Gaines s Mill ? What is said of the retreat ? What \.\ said of the action at Malvern Hill? 108. Had the Peninsular campaign succeeded ? Give the losses on each side. 101). In what direction did the Confederates now begin to move? What army was between Lee and the Potomac ? What line was this army guarding ? 262 THE CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD. retreat of the Union array, the Confederates, in August, 1862, began to move towards Washington. Between Lee and the Potomac was an army of about fifty thousand men, made up of the forces lately under Fremont and Banks and McDowell, and now united under General John Pope. This army was guarding the line of the Rapidan. 110. Jackson, leading the advance of the Southern army, attacked Banks s force at Cedar Mountain, August 9. Banks was able to hold Jackson in check for some time ; but when the main Confederate force arrived, Banks had to re treat. Lee pressed heavily upon Pope, compelling him to retreat northward from every position. 111. The most bloody combat of this campaign occurred near the old Bull Run battle-ground. This action, called the Second Battle of Manassas took place August 29 and 30. Pope s army was utterly defeated. 112. When it became known that Lee was pressing north ward, McClellan was ordered to hastily ship the Army of the Potomac back to Washington. A part of the army got up and was forwarded to take part in the second Bull Run bat tle. But Pope s army was overwhelmed and reeled back to Washington. The last action was Chantilly, Septem ber 1. Here the Union generals, Kearney and Stevens, were killed. 113. The broken army of Pope was united with the Army of the Potomac at Washington, and the whole put under Mc Clellan. 114. Lee now, instead of advancing straight on Washing ton, crossed the Potomac above, and marched to Frederick City, Maryland, and from there westward. McClellan moved up the Potomac to meet the Confederates. QUESTIONS. 11O. Who made the attack at Cedar Mountain? When was Banks compelled to retreat ? What of Lee and Pope ? 111. Where did the most bloody combat take place? What is this action called? Give its d:ite and result. 112o What was McClellan ordered to do? Give an account of these matters Name the last action. Who were killed here ? 113. What became of Pope s army ? 114. In what direction did Lee now move ? McClellan ? THE WAR OF SECESSION. 263 115. At South Mountain, Lee left a force to dispute the passes in the range of hills, while he sent Jackson to capture the Union garrison at Harper s Ferry. McClel- lan s force, after a vigorous fight at South Mountain, carried the passes, September 14. But before McClellan could press forward to save Harper s Ferry, the garrison of twelve thou sand men was surrendered to Jackson, September 15. 116. Lee now united his forces behind Antietam Creek, near the town of Sharpsburg. McClellan moved up and en gaged the Confederates in the great battle of Antietam, September 17. The combat raged all day. Both armies were much shattered. But the Union army held the ground, and Lee was compelled to recross the Potomac into the Shen- andoah Valley. 117. The Union army did nothing till November. Then McClellan crossed the Potomac and moved southward, on the east side of the Bljue Ridge. The Confederates retreated up the Shenandoah Valley. 118. In the midst of this movement, McClellan, at War- renton, was ordered to deliver up the command of the Army of the Potomac to General Ambrose E. Burnside. 119. Operations on the Rappahannock. General Burnside moved the army to the Rappahannock, opposite Fredericksburg. His plan was to march on Richmond by that route. Lee threw his army into Fredericksburg and made the hills in rear of the town strong with earthworks. 120. Burnside crossed the Rappahannock December 11 and 12, and fought the sanguinary battle of Fredericksburg, December 13. The Union army was defeated, with a loss of about eleven thousand men. QUESTIONS. 115. Where did Lee make a stand? What was Jackson doing * Give the date of the action at South Mountain. What became of the garrison at Harper s Ferrv ? 116. Behind what creek did Lee unite his forces ? What battle took place ? Give an account of the battle of Antietam. Who held the ground ? What of Lee ? 117. What movement did McClellan make in November ? What of the Confederates ? 118. AVho took McClellan s place ? 119. To what point did Burnside move the army * What was his plan ? What did Lee do 120. WTien did Burnside cross the Rappahannock ? What battle resulted ? Which side was defeated ? 264 THE CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD. 121. It is thus seen, that, during the year 1862, the results of the war in Virginia were, on the whole, highly favorable to the Confederates, while in the West they were highly favor able to the Union army. 122. Capture of New Orleans. In the spring of 1862, a powerful fleet of armed vessels, under Commodore David G. Far ragut, was fitted out to capture the important city of New Orleans. A military force, under General Butler, was to aid in the operation. 123. The fleet passed up the Mississippi to Forts Jack son and St. Philip, which defended the passage to New Or leans. Farragut, after bombarding these forts for six days, ran past them with his gunboats, April 24. 124. In this action, the fleet had not only to engage the forts, but had to meet the Confederate rams, fire-rafts, etc. In a grand naval combat Farragut was completelv successful. The fleet approached New Orleans, which was abandoned by the Confederate force. On the 28th of April, the city was surrendered, and the army, under General B. F. Butler, took military possession of it. 125. Naval Actions. During the year 1862, several important naval actions and coast operations took place. The most remarkable ef the naval combats was the fight between the Merrimac and Monitor, in Hampton Roads. 126. The Merrimac was a Confederate iron-clad war-vessel, which had been constructed at Norfolk. On the 8th of March, this formidable sea-monster burst out upon the Union fleet, near the mouth of James River. It destroyed the sloop-of-war Cumberland and the frigate Congress. It seemed that noth ing could stop its devastating career. 127. But during the night, the Monitor arrived from New QUESTIONS 121. How do the Eastern campaigns of 1862 compare with the Western ? 122. When was the New Orleans expedition fitted out ? Under whom was it ? 123. Give an account of the naval battle on the Mississippi. 124. What did the fleet have to encounter Which side was successful ? Give the date of the surrender of New Orleans. 125. Name the most remarkable naval action of this year. 126. Tell about the Merrimac. Give an account of its attack on the Union fleet. 127. What i said of the Monitor? THE WAR OF SECESSION. 265 York. The Monitor was a new and peculiar iron-clad war ship, constructed by Captain Ericsson. 128. In the morning, the Monitor, commanded by Captain Worden, attacked the Merrimac, and after a fierce fight com pelled the Confederate iron-clad to retire damaged to Norfolk. Two months later, when McClellan had captured Yorktown, General Wool took Norfolk, and the Confederates destroyed the Merrimac. 129. On the Atlantic coast there were several important land and naval expeditions during the spring of 1862. The first was under General Burnside and Commodore Golds- borough. The fleet and force, on the 8th of February, cap tured Roanoke Island. On the 14th of March, General Burnside captured Newbern, North Carolina. During March, an expedition captured St. Augustine, Fernandina, and other points in Florida. On the llth of April, Fort Pulaski, at the mouth of the Savannah River, was reduced by General Gillmore. On the 26th of April, Fort Macon, North Carolina, was surrendered to the Union forces under Commodore Goldsborough. 130. During this year, immense havoc was committed on the commerce of the North by the Florida and Alabama, two cruisers which were permitted by the British government to pass into the service of the Confederates. V. CAMPAIGNS OF 1863. 131. On New Year s day of 1863, President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which declared free all the slaves within the borders of the Confederate States. 132. Operations in the East. The opening of the year 1803 found the two great armies in Virginia in the QUESTIONS. 128. Describe the fight. What afterwards became of the Merrimac ? 129. Give an account of the capture of Roanoke Island. Give the date of the cap ture of Newbern. Give the date of the capture of Fort Pulaski; of Fernandina; of Fort Macon. 130. What is said of the Florida and Alabama? 131. What proclamation was issued on the 1st of January, 1863? 132. Describe the position of the two Virginia armies at the beginning of 1863. 12 266 THE CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD. same position they held immediately after the battle of Fred- ericksburg. Lee s army occupied Fredericksburg, while the Army of the Potomac was posted on the north side of the Rappahannock. 133. About the end of January, General Burnside was re lieved of the command of the Army of the Potomac, and it was given to General Joseph Hooker. 134. Battle of Chancellorsville. The Army of the Potomac was recruited, and, at the end of April, Hooker moved to attack Lee. Hooker said his plan was, not to assail the strong works of Fredericksburg, but to cross the Rappa hannock about twenty miles above Fredericksburg, and, by moving on Lee s communications with Richmond, compel the Confederates to fight in the open field. 135. The bulk of the Union army was accordingly marched to Chancellorsville, about ten miles southeast of Fredericks burg. This compelled Lee to draw most of his force away from Fredericksburg and go to meet Hooker. The result was the great battle of Chancellorsville. The heaviest en gagements were fought on the 2d and 3d of May. In these, the Confederates inflicted terrible loss on the Union army, and Hooker was forced to recross the Rappahannock, May 5. 136. The North felt this disaster very much, for Hooker s army was double the Southern force, 90,000 to about 45,000. The Union loss was over 17,000 killed and wounded. 137. It was in this battle that the famous Stonewall Jack son was mortally wounded through mistake, in the darkness, by one of his own men. 138. Invasion of Pennsylvania. Lee now resolved on a second invasion of the North. He drew forces from the South, and brought his army up to about seventy thousand men. With this powerful and high-spirited army he struck QUESTIONS. 133. Who succeeded Burnside in command of the Potomac army ? 134. When did Hooker move to attack Lee? What was Hooker s plan ? 1.35. Give an account of Hooker s movement and of Lee s. What battle resulted Give the date. What was the result? 136. Why did the North feel this disaster very much ? 137. Who was killed in thi battle? State the circumstances. 138. What did Lee now resolve on ? Give bin movements and Hooker s. THE WAR OF SECESSION. 267 northward. This move compelled Hooker to fall back so as to protect Washington. 139. Lee s object was to carry the war into the Northern States. He accordingly moved from Fredericksburg to Har per s Ferry. Here he crossed the Potomac and advanced northward up the Cumberland Valley. 140n The Union army, after reaching Washington, marched to Frederick City, Maryland. Here Hooker was superseded by General G. G. Meade. 141. The van of Lee s army pushed up to the Susquehan- na, and took the towns of York and Carlisle. The Army of the Potomac hastened forward to meet the invading force. The two mighty armies encountered each other, July 1, 18G3, and the result was the tremendous battle of Gettysburg. 142. This action, the greatest of the war, lasted during the first three days of July. The Union army was strongly posted on a hill-slope near the town. The Confederates attacked this position with great fury during the 2d and 3d of July, but each time were repulsed. The Confederate loss in killed, wounded, and missing was over thirty thousand men. 143. Lee retreated after this battle. He recrossed the Po tomac, moved up the Shenandoah Valley, and took position on the south side of the Rapidan. The Army of the Poto mac followed up and placed itself on the north side of the Rapidan. In this situation the two armies confronted each other, without any event of importance, during the remainder of the year 1863. 144. Operations in the West. At the commencement QUKSTTONS. 139. What was Lee s object ? To what point on the Potomac did he move ? Tn what direction dTd he .then march ? 140. To what point did the Union army retire? What change of commander was made? 141. What towns in Pennsylvania did the Confederates take ? What of the Army of the Potomac ? Where and when did the two forces meet ? 142. What is said of this action? When was the Union army posted? What did the Confederates do ? What was their loss ? 143. What did Lee do after Gettysburg ? At what place did he take position ? What of the Union army ? Was anything more done ? 1 44. How many Union armies were there in the West in 1863 ? Where was the first one ? Who was opposed to this force ? 268 THE CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD. of the year 1863, there were in the West two Union armies. There was the Army of the Cumberland, under Rosecrans, at Murfreesboro , where we saw a great battle taking place on the last day of 1862 and the first day of 1863. The Confed erate army opposed to Rosecrans was under Bragg, and lay a few miles south of Murfreesboro . 145. In northern Mississippi was the Army of the Tennes see, under General Grant. It held the line of the Memphis and Charleston Railroad, the right at Memphis, the left at Corinth. The Confederate army opposed to Grant was under General Pemberton, who held the line of the Tallahatchie. 146. Opening of the Mississippi. The great object of the army under General Grant was the opening of the Mississippi River. In consequence of the capture of the Confederate strongholds at Island No. 10, Columbus, and Memphis, and the opening of the Lower Mississippi by the capture of New Orleans, all that was required for the unlock ing of the Mississippi was the capture of the fortified river- posts of Vicksburg and Port Hudson. 147. General Grant had already, at the close of the year 1862, sent a column, under General W. T. Sherman, to assault the works north of the town, but they proved too strong to be taken. 148. Early in 1863, Grant moved his army to the west side of the Mississippi, and took position at Milliken s Bend, a few miles north of Vicksburg. The months of February and March were spent in trying a number of plans for capturing the Confederate stronghold. 149. The bold and successful plan which was at last adopt ed was to have the transports run past the Vicksburg batter ies, while the army would march down the west side of the QUESTIONS. 145. Who commanded the Union army in Mississippi? What line did it hold? Who commanded the Confederate force opposing Grant? 146. What was the great object of Grant s army? What were the only places on the Mississippi to be captured ? 147. What effort had been made by General Sherman against Vicksburg ? 148. To which side of the Mississippi did Grant now move his army? What was done during February and March ? 149. Describe the bold plan at last adopted by General Grant. THE WAR OF SECESSION. 269 Mississippi to far below Vicksburg, then cross in the transports to the east side, and attack the stronghold from the rear. 150. This plan was successfully carried out. The trans ports ran past the batteries during the night of April 22. A week later, the army crossed to Grand Gulf, and from there marched on the rear of Vicksburg. 151. During this movement, Grant met and defeated the Confederates under Pemberton in five actions. Pemberton then retired to his works in Vicksburg, and Grant laid siege to them. 152. The siege of Vicksburg lasted for six weeks. Pember ton had hoped that General J. E. Johnston, who was hovering about the rear of the Union army with a small force, would relieve him. Johnston could do nothing. The Vicksburg garrison must either starve or surrender. Pemberton capitu lated July 4, 1863, with twenty-seven thousand prisoners. 153. While Grant was besieging Vicksburg, General Banks, who had succeeded Butler in command of the Gulf army, was laying siege to Port Hudson. That place could not hold out after Vicksburg was gone, so it was surrendered July 9. By these operations the Mississippi was opened throughout its entire length. 154. The capture of Vicksburg took place at the same time as the decisive battle of Gettysburg. These successes caused great rejoicings throughout the whole North, and made suc cess seem much more likely than it had ever seemed before. 155. Rosecrans s Campaigns. The Army of the Cumberland, under Rosecrans, lay at Murfreesboro till QUESTIONS. 150. Was it successful? When did the transports pass the batteries? To what point did the army then cross ? 151. How many actions were fought in swinging round on Vicksburg 7 Which side was successful ? To what point did Pemberton retire ? What then began ? 152. How long did the siege last ? What had Pemberton hoped ? What of John ston ? What alternative was left the Confederates in Vicksburg? When did the sur render take place? How many men surrendered? 153. What siege was Banks carrying on? When had it to fall? Give the date of the surrender. State the result of these operations. 154. What great battle in Virginia took place at the same time as the surrender of Vicksburg? What was the effect of these successes? 155. Where did Kosecrans s army lie? When did it advance? What of Bragg? What was- the result of the partial actions? 270 THE CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD. June, 1863. It then advanced southward. Bragg s force retreated before it, and went back towards Chattanooga. In several partial actions which took place, the Union army was successful. 156. The operations in southern Tennessee continued till the middle of September. Kosecrans then crossed the Ten nessee River. While he took possession of Chattanooga (abandoned by Bragg) with part of his force, the Confederates engaged his main army in the great battle of Chicka- niauga, a few miles south of Chattanooga. 157. The battle of Chickamauga was fought September 19 and 20. The Union army was beaten. But General Gr. H. Thomas fought so stubbornly that it was able to retire and fortify itself in Chattanooga. 158. Bragg succeeded in shutting up Rosecrans s army in Chattanooga, and nearly starved it out. But Sherman came with troops from Vicksburg, and Hooker brought a corps from Virginia. Grant was put in command of all the Western armies, and went to Chattanooga. 159. The siege of Chattanooga was raised by a great bat tle. It was begun November 23, and continued the next two days. The Confederates were attacked at Lookout Moun tain and on Missionary Ridge. They were defeated and forced to flee southward. 160. The next thing done by Grant was to send Sherman to relieve East Tennessee. That region had been taken possession of by an army under Burnside in the summer of 1863. But Longstreet succeeded in shutting up Burnside s army in Knoxville. Longstreet was repulsed in an assault (November 30), and when he heard of Sherman s advance QUESTIONS. 156. How long did the Tennessee operations last? What did Rose- crans then do ? What great battle resulted ? 157. Give the date of the battle of Chickamauga. Which army was beaten ? Who fought stubbornly ? Where did the army fortify itself? 158. What did Bragg succeed in doing? What Union troops came? Who was made commander? 159. How was the siege of Chattanooga raised? Give the date of the battle. De scribe it. Tn what direction did the Confederates retreat? 1 60. What was the next thing Grant did ? Who had seized East Tennessee ? What took place between Burnside and Longstreet 7 What did Longstreet finally do? THE WAR OF SECESSION. 271 he retreated into Virginia. East Tennessee, the population of which was largely Unionist, was after this held perma nently. 161. Operations against Charleston. -- In April, 1863, Admiral Dupont sailed from Port Royal, South Caroliona, with an iron-clad fleet for the capture of Fort Sumter and Charleston. The iron-clads attacked the fort, April 8, but were so much damaged by the heavy shot that they had to retire. 162. During the summer land and naval forces under General Gillmore and Admiral Dahlgren attacked the defences of Charleston, but without success. An assault on Fort Wagner on Morris Island was repulsed with great slaughter. 163. Afterwards Gillmore, by means of very heavy guns, battered Fort Sumter into a heap of ruins ; but the Con federate garrison still held the work. With long-range can non, Gillmore threw shells into Charleston. These operations all failed. 164. Draft Riot. During the session of Congress which ended in March, 1863, the Conscription Act became a law. Under this act the President ordered a draft for three hundred thousand men. This led to a riot in New York City (July 13), by which one hundred and fifty lives were lost and a very large amount of property was destroyed. 165. Summing Up. At the close of 1863, the Union forces held possession of the Mississippi River, of the States of Missouri, Arkansas, Kentuck}^ and Tennessee, and of a large portion of Mississippi, Louisiana, and Florida. QUESTIONS. 161, Give an account of Dupont s iron-clad fleet. What fort did it attack ? Give the date and result. 162. What o^her operations were made against Charleston? Repeat what is said of Fort Wagner. 163. What did Gillmore succeed in doing? Could he take the fort? What of the shelling of Charleston? 164. Give an account of the New York draft riot? 165. Give the summing up of the operations of the year. 272 THE CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD. VI. - CAMPAIGNS OF 1864. 166. Operations in Virginia. The Virginia cam paign of 1804 opened in the month of May. U. S. Grant had been made Lieutenant-General and commander of all the armies. He left Sherman in command of the Western forces, and transferred his head-quarters to the Army of the Potomac, which was still under the immediate command of General Meade. General P. H. Sheridan was put in com mand of the cavalry. 167. In the month of May, 1864, Lee was still guarding the line of the Rapidan. The Army of the Potomac crossed the llapidan May 4, and met the Confederates in the stub born and bloody battle of the Wilderness. The combat lasted during the greater part of three days, without decided victory on either side. 168. Grant now tried by a flank movement to march on Richmond. Lee moved faster and planted his army at Spottsylvania behind earthworks. The Army of the Po tomac tried during two weeks to carry these works. The most important success was won by General Hancock, who took part of the Confederate line and captured about four thousand prisoners. 169. Giving up the attempt against Spottsylvania, Grant made another flank movement to get between Lee and Richmond. But Lee confronted the army at the North Anna. 170. A repetition of the same movement brought the Army of the Potomac up to the line of the Chickahominy. Here it met a very disastrous repulse in the battle of Cold QUESTIONS. 166. When did the Virginia campaign of 1864 open ? Who had been made general-in-chief ? AVho was left in command of the Western armies ? Where did General Grant go ? Who commanded the cavalry ? 167. What line was Lee guarding? When did the Army of the Potomac cross the Rapidan ? What battle resulted ? How long did it last ? What was the result ? 16!S. What did Grant now try to do ? Where did Lee meet him? Give an account of operations at Spottsylvania. 169. What movement did Grant make after this, and give the result. 170. What stream was then reached ? Name the battle, and give its result. What change of base did Grant then make ? What of Lee ? THE WAR OF SECESSION. 273 Harbor. Finding that he could not approach Richmond from the north side, Grant made a change of base. He threw his army across the James River. Lee then fell back within the intrenchments of Richmond and Petersburg. 171. The series of battles from the Rapidan to the James is called the Overland Campaign. It lasted six weeks, from the beginning of May to the middle of June. It cost the Union army sixty thousand men. The Confederate loss was less than one third that number. The end of the campaign was that the Union army was brought up against the strong works of Petersburg and Richmond. 172. At the same time that the main Virginia army moved against Lee, in May, two co-operative movements were begun. A column under General Sigel, afterwards under General Hunter, marched down the Shenandoah Valley. It met a Confederate force and was defeated. Hunter marched against Lynchburg, but it was too strong to be taken ; so Hunter retreated into the mountains of West Virginia. 173. The second co-operative column was under General B. F. Butler. While Grant was attacking Lee at Spottsyl- vania, Butler s column was taken up the James River in trans ports and landed at City Point and Bermuda Hundred. His object was to capture Petersburg ; but this purpose was foiled. When the Army of the Potomac had fought its way to the Chickahominy, most of the " Army of the Jaines," as Butler s force was called, joined it at Cold Harbor. 174. The hope of the Union commander in swinging across the James was to capture Petersburg before it should be strongly fortified. Accordingly an immediate assault was made on getting up in front of that place, June 18. It- was repulsed, as were also several other attacks which were made during the next few days. QUESTIONS. 171. What is this series of battles called? Give an account of the campaign and the losses on each side. What was the end of the campaign ? 172. What co-operative movements were made ? Tell about Pigel s column. 17tt. Tell about Butler s column. What was Butlers object ? Where did Butler s force join Grant s army? 174. What was the hope of the Union commander in swinging across the James? What place was assaulted? Give the result. Give the result of the other attacks. 12* R 274 THE CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD. 175. General Grant now saw that the Confederates would have to be worn out. He therefore sat down to the long siege. Lee occupied an extended line of about thirty miles, running from the southwest of Petersburg to the northeast of Richmond. The Union army built an elaborate system of works and entered on the operations of the siege. 176. During the siege of Petersburg and Richmond, which lasted from June, 1864, to April, 1865, a great number of ac tions and several important battles took place. Sometimes one side was successful, sometimes the other. But there was no grand decisive combat. 177. An operation from which a great deal was expected was the exploding of a tremendous mine of powder, which had been run under one of the Confederate forts before Pe tersburg. The mine was fired July 30, and carried the earth work into the air. A storming column then advanced to press through to Petersburg, but the troops were repulsed with great slaughter. 178. Siege of Washington. In July, Lee, having stopped Grant before his lines, and the Shenandoah column of Hunter having been driven into West Virginia, sent a col umn northward under General Early to threaten and, if pos sible, capture Washington. Early crossed the Potomac into Maryland, where he defeated a force of Union militia, under General Lew Wallace, at Monocacy, July 9, and then advanced to the works around Washington. 179. Finding the Washington works stronger than had been expected, Early returned to Virginia. He took with him great booty from Maryland and Pennsylvania, and burned the town of Chambersburg, July 30. QUESTIONS 175. What did Grant now see ? What did he sit down to ? Describe Lee s line. What did the Union army do? 176. How long did the siege of Petersburg and Richmond last? What took place during the siege ? Which side won ? 177. Name the operation from which a great deal was hoped. Give an account of the mine affair. 178. Where did Lee send Early s column? Give an account of Early ; s movement into Mary Land. 179. What did Early find about the Washington works? What is said of his plun der? of Chambersburg? THE WAR OF SECESSION. 275 180. Sheridan s Valley Campaign. A force under General Wright, detached by Grant from the Army of the Potomac and sent to protect Washington, followed Early s army into the Shenandoah Valley. It took position a little south of Harper s Ferry. 181. To command this Valley army Grant sent General Sheridan. He began an active campaign against Early in the month of September. The battle of Winchester took place September 19. The Confederates were defeated and retired southward. 182. Sheridan advanced and took position at Cedar Creek. Here Sheridan s army (he being absent) was at tacked by Early, October 19, and routed. After retreating some miles, a stand was made, Sheridan arrived, and late in the day the Union army, in turn, routed the Confederates, who were now too feeble to again assume the offensive. Grant ordered Sheridan to lay waste the fertile Shenandoah Valley, so that the Confederate army should have nothing to live on. 183. Sherman s Campaign. When Grant, in May, started on the march from the Rapidan to Richmond, Sher man, commanding the western Union army, advanced from Chattanooga to march on Atlanta, Georgia. The Confeder ate army of the West was now under General J. E. Johnston, whose army lay at D alt on. 184. Sherman began the advance May 6. Instead of at tacking his opponent, Sherman made a series of flank move ments. The result was that Johnston was obliged to evacu ate position after position, till finally he crossed the Chat- ta-hoo chee and retired within the works of Atlanta about the middle of July. QUESTIONS. ISO. What Union force was sent after Early s army? Where did this force take position ? 181. Who was sent to command it? When did Sheridan begin the campaign? What was the first battle? its result ? 182. To what position did Sheridan advance? Describe the attack by the Con federates. Continue the account after Sheridan arrived. What was Sheridan ordered to do in the Shenandoah Valley ? 183. What great army moved at the same time on the Virginia army? What point was Sherman aiming at ? Who commanded the Confederate army ? 184. When was the advance begun? What was Sherman s policy? State the re sult. To what city did Johnston retire ? 276 THE CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD. 185. During this march, several important actions took place. The most notable were Resaca (May 14 and 15), Dallas (May 25-28), and Kenesaw Mountain (June 22 to July 3). 186. The Confederate authorities were dissatisfied with Johnston s retreating policy, and superseded that officer by General Hood. 187. While Sherman was preparing to attack Atlanta, Hood made three furious assaults on the Union army, July 20, 22, and 28. These were not successful, for Sherman swung round, got between Hood and Atlanta, and occupied that city September 2. 188. Hood now adopted a bold plan. He moved back over the route over which Sherman had advanced, and, by seizing Sherman s line of supplies, compelled the army to fall back. The plan, however, did not succeed, for Sherman, after following Hood some distance, sent General George H. Thomas, with a large force, to oppose Hood, while he himself returned to Atlanta and prepared to start on his march southward to the sea. There were thus carried on at the same time two campaigns, Hood s campaign against Thomas and Sherman s march through Georgia. 189. Hood s Campaign. The immediate object of Hood was the capture of Nashville. Here Thomas concen trated his forces. 190. While Hood was marching upon Nashville, and one of the Union columns, under General Schofield, was fall ing back on the same place, an encounter took place at Franklin, November 30. Here Hood met a severe repulse, in which he lost many officers. 191. The Confederates now advanced and laid siege to QUESTIONS 185. Name the notable battles around Atlanta. ISC. By whom was Johnston superseded, and why ? 187. Give the dates of Hood s assaults. Were they successful? What move did Sherman make ? 188. What bold plan did Hood now adopt? Why did the plan not succeed ? What two campaiirns were then carried on ? 1 89. State Hood s object. Where did Thoma* concentrate his forces? 190. Give the circumstances of the battle of Franklin. State the result. 191. What did the Confederates now do? Give an account of the battle before Nashville. THE WAR OF SECESSION. 277 Nashville. After a fortnight of preparation, the Confed erates were suddenly attacked by Thomas, December 15, and severely handled. The action was renewed the next day, when Thomas won a victory. Hood had to retreat, and, being pursued by Thomas, his army suffered so terribly that it was never good for much after this. 192. Sherman s March. While Hood was making his disastrous campaign against Thomas, Sherman, cutting his communications with the North and burning Atlanta, set off on his march through Georgia. His object was, by mov ing through the interior of the Confederacy and destroying all supplies, to deprive the Confederates of the means of sus taining their armies. 193. Sherman started from Atlanta in the middle of No vember. He cut a wide swath of desolation through the South. The Confederates had no army to offer any serious resistance. Thus in less than a month Sherman reached the sea, near Savannah. The only obstacle, Fort McAllister, was taken by assault. This done, the Union army was put in communication with the Union fleet oft the coast. Fort McAllister was taken December 13; Savannah, December 21. This ended Sherman s campaign of 1864. 194. Other Operations. We have seen the history of the two main campaigns of 1864. But there were several other operations during this year not directly connected with the great armies. These are : First, General Seymour made an expedition from Port Royal, South Carolina, to Florida. In an engagement at Olustee, February 20, he was defeated. Second, In February, General Sherman, before he went to Chattanooga, made an expedition from Vicksburg to destroy the railroads in Northern Mississippi. This was only in part successful. The Confederate General Forrest defeated QUESTIONS. 192. What was Sherman doing meantime ? What was his object ? 193. When did Sherman start? Tell what he did. How long did the march last? What was the only obstacle? When was this fort captured ? When did Sherman reach Savannah ? 194. Give an account of Seymour s expedition ; of Sherman s raid ; of Forrest s raid} of Fort Pillow; of Banks s expedition. 278 THE CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD. Sherman s cavalry column, and then entered on a raid into Tennessee. He attacked and captured Fort Pillow, which had a garrison mostly composed of negro troops. A number of them were massacred. Third, General Banks, in March, led an expedition from New Orleans into the Red River Country, Louisiana. He was aided by a fleet under Admiral Porter. Two actions were fought : the first, Sabine Cross Roads, April 8, being a Confederate victory ; and the second, Pleasant Hill, inde cisive. The expedition was given up. 195. Naval Operations. In July, 1864, an expedi tion, consisting of a powerful fleet, under Admiral Farra- gut, and a land force, under General Granger, was sent against Mobile. The harbor of Mobile was defended by forts Morgan and Gaines, and by a Confederate fleet. 196. Farragut succeeded in running the gantlet of the forts with the loss of but one vessel. He engaged the Confed erate iron-clad, the Tennessee, which was disabled and cap tured. The land and naval force afterwards took the forts, and thus got possession of Mobile Bay. The city, however, did not surrender till the spring of 1865. 197. A similar coast expedition was made against the Confederate stronghold of Fort Fisher, North Carolina, which commanded the entrance to the port of Wilmington. Admiral Porter with a fleet, and a land force under General Butler, attacked the fort in December. The bombardment did not accomplish anything, and an assault by the land force was repulsed. The expedition then returned to Fortress Monroe. The following month General Terry assaulted Fort Fisher, and captured it January 15. 198. Immense loss was caused to American commerce QUESTIONS. 195. What expedition was sent against Mobile? What defended the harbor of Mobile? 196. Give the circumstance of Farragut s victory. What of the forts ? What of the city? 197. What place in North Carolina was attacked? Give an account of it. After the failure, where did the expedition go? What other expedition was made ? Give the result. 198. What caused great loss to American commerce? Which was the most de structive vessel ? Where was the career of the Alabama ended ? Give the facts of the fight. THE WAR OF SECESSION. 279 during this year by certain Confederate cruisers, built in England. The most destructive of these vessels was the Alabama, commanded by Captain Semmes. The career of this famous ship was however terminated in a naval battle, fought off the harbor of Cherbourg \sher-boor ~\, France. The United States vessel Ke ar-sarge, Captain Winslow, at tacked the Alabama in June and sunk her. 199. Another interesting naval operation was the destruc tion of the Confederate iron-clad Albemarle, at Plymouth, North Carolina. This was accomplished by Lieutenant Gushing, who fastened a torpedo to the Albemarle which exploded and sank her. 200. In the fall of 1864, Abraham Lincoln was re- elected President, and Andrew Johnson was elected Vice- President. The candidate of the Democratic party was General George B. McClellan. But the Republicans triumphed. VII. THE FINAL CAMPAIGN. 201. The military situation at the opening of 1865 was such that it was believed the war could be ended in one campaign in the spring. Sherman had almost destroyed the Western army of the Confederates, and had done immense havoc. The only formidable army consisted of Lee s veterans, still lying behind the earthen parapets around Petersburg and Richmond. But even this army was reduced to less than forty thousand men, and the South was exhausted, whereas Grant s army numbered a hundred thousand strong. 202. Sherman s Operations. The campaign of 1865 was begun by Sherman. Turning northward from Savannah, February 1, Sherman found nothing to oppose his march to QUESTIONS. 199. What other interesting naval operation is mentioned? 200. State the result of the election in the fall of 1864. Who was chosen Vice- President? Name the Democratic candidate. Which political party triumphed? 201. Repeat what is said of the military situation at the opening of 1865. What had Sherman accomplished? Name the only formidable Confederate army. What of Lee s army ? its strength ? 202. Who began the campaign of 1865 ? What force was there to oppose Sherman ? 280 THE CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD. join Grant, save a small Confederate force which General J. E. Johnston had hastily gathered together. 203. The first point to which Sherman marched was Columbia, S. C. This he captured with little difficulty, and burned, February 17. This move compelled the Con federates to evacuate Charleston, February 1 7. 204. From Columbia. Sherman advanced on Fayette- ville, N. C. Near Averysboro he defeated a Confederate force, and at Bentonville fought a successful battle against Johnston. On the 23d of March, Sherman s army entered G-oldsboro , where he was joined by forces under Generals Schofield and Terry. Johnston withdrew his army to Ra leigh. 205. In the mean time, General Thomas sent a cavalry column under General Wilson, who rode through Alabama capturing towns and destroying railroads. 206. Operations in Virginia. We left the great army under Grant, in the summer of 1864, engaged in the siege of Petersburg and Richmond. During the autumn and winter a number of engagements were fought between the two armies. The most important of these were fought to the south and west of Petersburg. 207. The object of these movements was to work round on the Confederate right flank and seize the South Side Railroad. They were not successful in the main design. 208. The spring campaign of 1865 in Virginia was opened by Sheridan. With a strong cavalry column he rode through the Shenandoah Valley, capturing most of the remnants of Early s force. At the same time Stoneman made a raid in southwestern Virginia. QUESTIONS. 2O3. What was the first point to which Sherman marched? Give the date of the capture. What effect had this on Charleston ? 204. Where did Sherman go from Columbia? Where were battles fought ? When did he reach Goldsboro ? Who joined him here ? 205. What cavalry expedition did Thomas send out? Give an account of it. 206. When we last saw the Army of the Potomac, what was it doing? What took place during the autumn and winter? Where were they fought ? 207. What was the object of these movements ? Were they successful? 208. Who opened the spring campaign in Virginia? Give an account of Sheridan s movements. What of Stoneman ? THE WAR OF SECESSION. 281 209. Sheridan swept down to the James River, where he destroyed the canal and tore up the railroads, and joined the Army of the Potomac near Petersburg, March 26. 210. Lee s situation was now almost hopeless. He was surrounded by overwhelming numbers. Lee, however, did not give up. On the contrary, he planned an assault on the Union lines. This assault was made March 25, and resulted in the capture of Fort Steadman. But the Confederates were soon driven out. 211. Grant opened the final campaign by sending a force, under Generals Sheridan and Warren, to assail the right flank of the Confederates. The result was the battle of Five Forks, April 1. The Confederate force was defeated. 212. An attack was then made along the whole line of works in front of Petersburg, April 2. The line was car ried at several points. During the night, Lee abandoned Petersburg and Richmond, which were entered by the Union army April 3. 213. Lee with his diminished army retreated westward. His hope was to join Johnston in North Carolina. A hot pursuit was immediately begun by the forces of Grant. Several partial engagements were fought during the long race. At last the Confederate army was completely sur rounded at Appomattox Court-House. Here Lee sur rendered, April 9. 214. Sherman had engaged Johnston at Raleigh, which city he entered April 13. At this time General Johnston heard of Lee s surrender. As he knew that further resist- QUESTIOXS. 209. In what direction did Sheridan sweep ? What did he do ? When did he join the army before Richmond? 210. Repeat what is said of Lee s situation. What assault did he plan? Give the facts and the result. -ill. How did Grant open the final campaign ? What battles resulted ? Which side was defeated ? 212. What attack was then made ? State the result. When did Lee evacuate Rich mond and Petersburg? 21 3. In what direction did Lee retreat ? What was his hope ? Describe the pursuit. Where and when did Lee surrender? 214. What of Sherman? What did Johnston now hear of? What did he do? What had taken place by the end of May ? 282 THE CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD. ance was now hopeless, he opened a correspondence with Sherman, and the result was the surrender of Johnston s army, April 26. By the end of May, all the Confederate forces had surrendered, and the CIVIL WAR was at an end. 215. The tidings of Lee s surrender caused the greatest joy throughout the North. But in the midst of the re joicings a terrible event happened. President Lincoln was as sassinated in the theatre at Washington on the evening of April 14. The man who did the deed was a desperate and probably insane person named John Wilkes Booth. Mr. Lin coln died the next morning. Booth fled into Maryland, but was overtaken and shot by one of his pursuers. 216. On the same night on which Mr. Lincoln was shot, Secretary Seward was stabbed while lying ill in bed in Wash ington. Booth and the persons who assailed Mr. Seward formed a band of desperadoes and conspirators. Several of them were afterward hanged. 217. Some time after the surrender of the Confederate armies, Jefferson Davis was captured in Georgia. He was carried to Fortress Monroe, where he was kept a prisoner for a long time ; but he was finally liberated. 218. At the end of May a two days review of the armies of Sherman and Grant was held at Washington. These armies numbered about two hundred thousand men. The disbanding of the armies then began, and one million men retired from the camp and bivouac to the pursuits of peace ful life. QUESTIONS. 215. What was the effect of Lee s surrender? What terrible event now happened? Who did the deed? What of him? When did the President die? 216. Give an account of the attack on Mr. Seward. What is said of the conspira tors? 21 7. What is said of the capture of Davis ? Where was he taken to ? Tell about it. 218. When and where were the armies reviewed? What was the number of men disbanded? TOPICAL REVIEW. 283 TOPICAL KEVIEW. I. Review of the Campaigns. I. The principal events of the campaign of 1861 were : In the East : Fort Sumter, surrendered April 13. McClellan s successful West Virginia campaign in June and July. Butler s repulse at Big Bethel in June. Bull Run, Confederate victory, July 21. Ball s Bluff; Confederate victory, October 21. In the West : Action at Carthage, Missouri, Confederate victory, July 5. Action at Wilson s Creek, Missouri, Confederate victory, August 10. Action at Belmont, Missouri, Confederate victory, No vember 7. II. The principal events of the campaigns of 1862 were: In the West : Capture of Fort Henry, Union victory, February 6. Capture of Fort Donelson, Union victory, February 10. Occupation of Nashville by Buell, Union victory, Febru ary 23. Occupation of Columbus by the Union fleet, March 22. Battle of Shiloh, April 6 and 7 ; first day, Confederate victory ; second day, Union victory. Capture of Corinth, Union victory, May 30. Capture of Island No. 10, Union victory, April 7. Capture of Memphis, Union victory, June 6. Bragg s invasion of Kentucky, August and September ; Confederate success. Retreat of the Confederates, and battle of Ferryville; Union success. REVIEW QUESTIONS. Review T. I. Mention the principal events of the cam paign of 1861. II. Mention the principal events of the campaigns of 1862. 284 THE CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD. Battle of Murfreesboro , end of December, 1862, and be ginning of January, 1863 ; indecisive at first, but battle-field held by the Union army. Corinth and luka, latter part of August ; Union suc cesses. Battle of Pea Ridge, Arkansas, March 7, 8 ; Union vic tory. In the East : Movement of the Army of the Potomac to the Peninsula in April. Capture of "Forktown, Union victory, May 4. Action at Williamsburg, Union victory, May 5. Battle of Fair Oaks, May 31 and June 1 ; indecisive. Jackson s raid, causing the retreat of Fremont, Banks, and McDowell, latter part of May and early part of June ; Confederate success. Battle of G-aines s Mill, Confederate victory, June 27. The seven days retreat, ending with Malvern Hill, July 1 ; Confederate success, but Confederate check at Mal vern. Lee s invasion of the North, overwhelms Pope latter part of August and first part of September. Confederate success. Action at South Mountain, Union victory, Septem ber 14. Surrender of Harper s Ferry, Confederate victory, Sep tember 15. Battle of Antietam, Union victory, September 17. Battle of Fredericksburg, Confederate victory, Decem ber 13. Capture of New Orleans, Union victory, April 28. III. The principal events of the campaigns of 1863 were : In the East : Battle of Chancellors ville, May 2 and 3 ; Confederate victory. REVIEW QursTiONS. III. Mention the principal events in the campaigns of 1888. TOPICAL REVIEW. 285 Lee s invasion of Pennsylvania, in June. Battle of Gettysburg, -rdbsate 1, 2, and 3; Union vic tory. In the West : Siege of Vicksburg and surrender, July 4 ; Union vic tory. Surrender of Port Hudson, July 9 ; Union victory. These operations resulting in the opening of the Missis sippi. Rosecrans s advance movement through Tennessee, June, July, and August ; Union victory. Battle of Chickamauga ; Confederate victory. Siege of Chattanooga raised by battle of Missionary Ridge, November 23, 24, and 25 ; Union victory. Operations in East Tennessee in November ; Union vic tory. Naval attack on Fort Sumter by Dupont, in April ; Con federate victory. IV. The principal events of the campaigns of 1864 were : In the East : Grant s overland campaign, begun in May ; marked by battles of Wilderness, Spottsylvania, North Anna, and Cold Harbor; indecisive. On the one hand, terrible destruction of the Union army ; on the other, Lee compelled to retreat to Petersburg and Richmond. Attack on Petersburg, June 18 ; Confederate victory. Operations by Siegel s (afterwards Hunter s) column in the Shenandoah Valley, in May and June ; Confederate vic tory. Butler s advance against Petersburg in May ; Confederate victory. The mine affair before Petersburg, July 30 ; Confeder ate victory. Siege of Washington in July, Union victory ; but battle of Monocacy Confederate victory. REVIEW QUESTIONS. IV. Mention the principal events of the campaigns of 1864. 286 THE CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD. Sheridan s Valley campaign in September ; battle of Winchester, September 19 ; Union victory. Battle of Cedar Creek, October 1 9 ; at first, Confederate victory ; afterwards, Union victory. In the West : Sherman s campaign from Chattanooga began May 6. R jtreat of Johnston, accompanied by the battles of Resa- ca, Dallas, and Kenesaw Mountain. Hood s attacks on Sherman s army in front of Atlanta, in the latter part of July ; Union successes. Hood s northward movement in August. Battle of Franklin, November 30 ; Union victory. Battle of Nashville, December 15 ; Union victory. Sherman s march to the sea in November. Capture of Fort McAllister, December 1 3. Capture of Savannah, December 21. V. The principal events of the final campaigns (1865) were: In the South : Sherman s north-ward march from Savannah, begun February 1. Columbia taken, February 1 7. Charleston falls, February 1 7. Union successes at Averysboro and Bentonville. Arrival at Goldsboro , March 23. In the East : Sheridan moves down the Shenandoah Valley and joins Grant, March 26. Lee s attack on Fort Steadman, March 25 ; Union vic tory. Battle of Five Forks, April 1 ; Union victory. Attack on the works of Petersburg, April 2 ; Union vic tory. Capture of Petersburg and Richmond, April 3. Confederate retreat to Appomattox Court-House. Surrender of Lee s army, April 9. Surrender of Johnston s army, April 26. REVIEW QUESTIONS. V. Mention the principal events of the campaigns of 1865. TOPICAL REVIEW. 287 II. General Facts of the Struggle. I. There were various calls made for troops during the war. These calls were : The call of April, 1861, for 75,000. The call of May, 1861, for 82,748. The call of July, 1861, for 500,000. The call of July, 1862, for 300,000. The call of August, 1862, for 300,000. The call of June, 1863, for 100,000. The call of October, 1863, for 300,000. The call of February, 1864, for 200,000. The call of March, 1864, for 200,000. The call of April, 1864, for 85,000. The call of July, 1864, for 500,000. The call of December, 1864, for 300,000. The total number of troops called for was 2,942,748. The total number of troops obtained was 2,690,401. The term of service varied : some were called for three months, some for six months, others for one, two, and three years. II. The war was carried on by means of paper money called greenbacks. These were first issued in 1862. At this time all the banks of the United States had suspended specie pay ments. As the war went on, gold began to command a pre mium ; that is, greenbacks began to depreciate. In 1864, gold rose as high as 280. III. The expenditures of the government were enormous. In 1864 and 1865 they amounted to over three and half mil lions of dollars per day. The expenditures of the govern ment during the last year of the war were more than the whole expenditures of the government from the inauguration of Washington to the inauguration of Buchanan. The na tional debt at the end of the war was over $2,749,000,000. IV. The Confederates also carried on the war by means of REVIEW QUESTIONS. Review II. I. Give the aggregate of all the troops caVei for ; the total number obtaired. II. What is said about greenbacks and gold ? III. What is said of the expenditures of the government? Repeat the facts stated- IV. What is said of the Confederate finances ? 288 THE CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD. paper money. About the middle of the war this money be gan to depreciate very much. Before the close of the con test Confederate notes had become nearly worthless. V. For the relief of the sick and wounded soldiers, chari table organizations were established. The Sanitary Com mission and the Christian Commission did their work of benevolence on a very large scale. The people voluntarily contributed millions of dollars to their support. VI. On the Union side, it is estimated that three hundred thousand were either killed in battle or died from disease in the field. It is estimated that four hundred thousand more were crippled or disabled for life. It would be a low estimate to say -that on both sides over one million of men were either killed or received wounds ! V. ADMINISTRATIONS SINCE THE WAR. I. JOHNSON S ADMINISTRATION. 1865 -1869. 1. The death of Mr. Lincoln made Vice-President Andrew Johnson, of Tennessee, Presi dent of the United States. He was inaugurated the day of Mr. Lincoln s death, April 15, 1865. 2. As already related, the civil war was brought to a conclu sion in the early days of Presi- dent JohnSOn S administration. The most important matter now pressed on the attention of the government was the adaptation of things to a state of peace. REVIEW QUESTIONS. V. What is said of charitable organizations ? VI. Give the figures of the total killed and wounded during the war. QUESTIONS. 1. Who became President on the death of Mr. Lincoln ? Inaugurated when? 5i. What was now the most important matter? ADMINISTRATIONS SINCE THE WAR. 289 3. The question first in importance was the reconstruc tion of the Southern States, on what terms should the seceded States be restored to their former relations in the Union. 4. President Johnson, in May, 1865, issued a Proclamation of Amnesty to all persons who had been engaged in the Seces sion War, except to certain specified classes. For the late Confederate States he appointed "provisional governors," whom he told to call conventions of the people of the South ern States to re-establish the relations of those States with the Federal government. The States were required to rescind their ordinances of secession, declare void all debts contracted in support of the War of Secession, and vote to adopt an amendment to the Constitution proposed by Congress, abol ishing slavery. 5. These requirements were complied with by the South ern States. The amendment to the Constitution abolishing slavery, called the Thirteenth Amendment, was, on the 18th of December, 1865, announced by Secretary Seward as having been duly ratified by the legislatures of twenty-seven States. It was therefore now a part of the Constitution. 6. But it was soon manifest that there was a disagree ment between Congress and President Johnson on the sub ject of reconstruction. Congress was not willing that the saceded States should come back to the Union on these terms. Congress required that the freedmen (the blacks who had been slaves) should have certain civil rights conceded to them, and it required that certain other conditions, all of which were embodied in the Fourteenth Amendment, should be complied with. 7. President Johnson opposed these requirements, and in- sisted that the Southern States should be admitted into the QUESTIONS. 3. State the question first in importance. 4. What proclamation did the President issue in May, 1865 How were the late Confederate States governed? What were the seceded States required to do? 5. Were these requirements complied with ? What amendment was adopted? 6. What soon became manifest ? Explain what Congress required. 7. What position did President Johnson take? How did the South feel about the matter? 13 290 THE CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD. Union on what they had already done. The conditions im posed by Congress were very distasteful to the people of the South, who thought, with President Johnson, that they should be restored to their place in the Union without further stipu lations. 8. The disagreement between Congress and the Executive became very bitter, and lasted till 1867, when the policy of Congress prevailed. During all this time the Southern States were kept out of the Union, and were ruled by pro visional governors. 9. The war left a public debt amounting, in June, 1865, to about $2,700,000,000. The interest on this amounted to over $130,000,000 a year, most of it payable in gold. It was necessary to devise ways and means to meet this yearly interest, and also to meet the regular expenses of the govern ment. 10. A system of revenue was devised which, by means of duties on imported articles, and by taxes on manufac tures, incomes, etc., enabled the treasury to meet all de mands. The Secretary of the Treasury under President Johnson was Hon. Hugh McCullough. He adopted a plan of "contraction" which in three years extinguished many millions of the public debt. Congress, to strengthen the confidence of holders of government bonds in the good faith of the United States, passed a resolution in December, 1865, declaring that "the public debt must and ought to be paid, principal and interest." 11. The relations of the United States with France in regard to Mexico formed another important question in John son s administration. During our war Napoleon sent an army which defeated the Mexican Republicans in 1863. Na poleon made the Archduke Maximilian " Emperor " of Mexico. The United States, having its hands full during the QUESTIONS. S. What is said of the disagreement ? What of the South meantime ? 9. Repeat what is said of the public debt 10. What system of revenue was devised? What of the Secretary of the Treasury of Congress and the bondholders ? 11. What is said of the relations of the United States with France? What had Napoleon done in Mexico ? What deir.and did Mr. Seward make? State the result. ADMINISTRATIONS SINCE THE WAR. 291 war, could do nothing. But at the the close of the war Secretary Seward demanded of Napoleon that the French troops should be withdrawn from Mexico. Napoleon found it best to do this. The Mexicans then rose against Maximilian and his retainers and conquered them. The end was that Maximilian was shot in June, 1867. 12. The quarrel between the President and Congress in creased in bitterness during the year 1866. In February and March, 1867, Congress passed a reconstruction act over the President s veto, and other acts prescribing the mode in which the Southern States might be admitted into the Union. Congress decreed that until the Southern States should come up to these terms, they must be ruled by mili tary governors. These terms were considered very hard by the Southern people, and they complained bitterly of military rule. It was not till two or three years afterwards that the terms were accepted by all the Southern States. 13. In March, 1867, Congress passed what was called the Tenure of Office Bill. This bill said that all those civil officers whose appointment by the President required the con sent of the Senate should not be removed from office without the Senate s permission. It was designed to prevent Presi dent Johnson from getting rid of officers not favorable to his own policy. 14. In the summer of that year, soon after the adjourn ment of Congress, the President suspended from office Mr. Stanton, the Secretary of War, and told General Grant to as sume the duties of the office. When Congress met again, they reinstated Secretary Stanton. The President issued an order removing him. But Stanton would not yield. 15. Congress now determined to impeach President John son. The House of Representatives, January 24, 1868, QUESTION S. 12. What of the quarrel between the President and Congress? Men tion some acts passed by Congress. How did the South look on these terms? 13. What was the Tenure of Office Bill ? For what was it designed ? 14. Relate the facts about Secretary Stanton. 15. What did Congress no.v determine to do? Give an account of the impeachment. Why did it fail 9 292 THE CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD. brought in articles of impeachment, charging the President with violating the Tenure of Office Act and with other misde meanors. After a long trial before the Senate, President Johnson was acquitted. It requires by the Constitution a two-thirds vote to convict on impeachment. One vote was lacking. 16. On the 24th of June, 1868, Arkansas, Alabama, Geor gia, Louisiana, and North and South Carolina were readmitted to the Union. 17. By a treaty made in March, 1867, with the Russian government, the United States acquired the Territory of Alaska. The sum of $ 7,200,000 in gold was paid for it. 18. In the Presidential campaign of 1868, the Democrats nominated for President Horatio Seymour of New York. The Republicans nominated General U. S. Grant. Grant was elected in November, 18G8, and Schuyler Colfax was chosen Vice-President. II. GRANT S ADMINISTRATION. Ulysses S. Grant. 19. General U. S. Grant, the eighteenth President of the United States, was inaugurat ed March 4, 1869. As General Grant was in harmony with the Republican party, the contest between the two branches of the government was now at an end. Both North and South, accordingly, looked forward to a better state of things. 20. In February/ 1869, a QUESTIONS. 16. Name Ftates now readmitted into the Union. 17. Give the facts of the purchase of Alaska. 18. VtTiom did the Democrats nominate in 1868? the Republicans? Who was elected? the Vice-Presidcnt? 1 9. When was President Grant inaugurated ? What quarrel now ended ? What was looked for ? 20. Give an account of the Fifteenth Amendment. What was its design ? A CENTURY OF PROGRESS. 293 month before President Grant s inauguration, Congress agreed to recommend to the legislatures of the different States what is called the Fifteenth Amendment. Its design was to give the negroes the privilege of suffrage, and provided that " the right of the citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude." 21. In the course of the following year, three fourths of the States had agreed to the Fifteenth Amendment, and it was declared to be part of the Constitution, March 30, 1870. 22. During the first year of Grant s administration the last of the seceded States were restored to the Union. The suffering South began to recover from the wounds of the war. Providence blessed the South with several good crops ; and with material prosperity a much better feeling hi every re spect has arisen. VI. A CENTURY OF PROGRESS. 1. The Declaration of Independence was put forth to the world on the 4th of July, 1776. It was put forth by the Continental Congress, composed of delegates from the old thirteen English Colonies, and proclaimed to the world the birth of the UNITED STATES. The Republic, therefore, is not yet quite a century old. 2. A hundred years is a brief period in the life of a nation. Yet this century has witnessed a marvellous growth in the United States. Let us review some of the principal facts of American progress. 3. The century has seen the thirteen States grow to thirty-seven, nearly treble. QUESTIONS. 21. When was it ratified ? 2. Give an account of the condition of the South. 1. Give the date of the Declaration of Independence. Who put it forth? What did it proclaim ? How old is the Republic ? 2. What has this century witnessed ? 3. What has the century witnessed as to the growth of States ? 294 THE CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD. 4. The century has seen the area of the Republic expand ing from the narrow strip of territory along the Atlantic coast till it has taken in the whole vast basin of the Mississippi and has spread out to the shores that face the morning-land of Asia. The area of the United States, at the formation of the Federal Union in 1789, was about eight hundred thousand square miles. It is now more than three millions of square miles. 5. The century has witnessed a growth of population more surprising than the increase of territory. It has seen the three millions of 1776 swelling to the thirty-eight mil lions of 1870. This great growth is partly the result of natural increase, and largely the result of immigration from the Old World. Europe has given us her overflowing millions, attracted by the /lospitality of the Republic, which offers to all civil liberty, equal rights, and a fair chance to get on in life. 6. The century has witnessed unparalleled material pro gress. This progress may be divided into the three heads of invention, production, and distribution. Let us consider each a little. 7. The inventive genius of our countrymen has become proverbial, and some of the most important appliances of art and manufacture have come from the brain of ingenious Amer icans. Franklin s interesting experiments with lightning, by which he identified lightning and electricity, resulted in his invention of the lightning-rod. And this was one of the least of the applications of his discovery, as we shall soon see. 8. The COtton-gin is the invention of an American. It was constructed by -Eli Whitney, while in Savannah, in 1792. QUESTIONS. 4. As to the area of the Republic ? What was the area of the United States in 1789? Now? 5. What has the century witnessed in regard to population ? Give the population of the United States in 1776 : in 1870. What is this growth the result of? What attracts European emigrants to this country ? 6. Material progress may be divided into what three heads ? 7. Repeat what is said of the inventive genius of Americans. What invention did Franklin make ? 8. What can you say of the cotton-gin ? What effect did it have on cotton culture ? Give statistics ia regard to cotton. What of England and cotton ? A CENTURY OF PROGRESS. 295 This machine greatly stimulated the cultivation of cotton. Gradually it became almost the exclusive staple of the five or six Gulf States. By the year 1860, the yearly production of cotton amounted to over three millions of bales. The present production is quite as great. Previous to the war, the mil lions of English spindles in the great British manufacturing towns were dependent solely on the American supply ; and though, during the war, other sources were opened up to a certain extent, America still controls the cotton supply of the world. 9. The first steamboat ap plied to practical uses was con structed by an American and sailed on American waters. This was the Clermont, built by Rob ert Fulton. She began her trips on the Hudson River, Septem ber 4, 1807, a date far more memorable than that of any battle that was ever fought on earth. The first passage by steam to Europe was made in 1819, by the steamship Savannah, from New York to Liver pool. Now, as every scholar knows, the rivers and lakes and seas of America float thousands of magnificent steam ers, bearing the passengers and products of the continent. 10. Americans were the leaders in railroad construction, though the adaptation of the locomotive to iron roads be longs to Stephenson, an Englishman. The first railroad in the United States was in Quincy, Massachusetts. This was in 1827, during the Presidency of John Quincy Adams. This, however, was a mere tram road to carry granite. The first Robert Fulton. QUESTIONS 9. Name the next great invention ? Give an account of the first steam boat. What is said of this fact ? Name the first steamer to Europe. How is it now ? 10. What is said of railroads ? What was the first railroad in the United States ? the first real railroad ? the first engine ? What can you say of the South Carolina railrond? Give the length of railroads in the United States at present. What is said of the trans-continental railroad? 296 THE CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD. real railroad was the Baltimore and Ohio, commenced in 1828. The first locomotive engine used on any American road was on the Baltimore and Ohio, in 1831. Another early railroad was the South Carolina, from Charleston to Hamburg (opposite Augusta), a distance of one hundred and thirty-five miles. It was opened in 1833, and at that time was the longest continuous line of railroad in the world. There are at present nearly fifty thousand miles of rail road in the United States. The trans-continental railroad from New York to San Francisco, completed in 1869, is a wonder far more striking than all the old " seven wonders of the world." The brief period of six days now serves to transport one from the Atlantic seaboard to the shores of the Pacific, a distance of thirty-six hundred miles. 11. The electro-magnetic telegraph is an American in vention. It was invented by Prof. Samuel F. B. Morse. The first telegraph line ever built was stretched between Wash ington and Baltimore in 1844. It was a success, and the in vention was soon imitated in all parts of the civilized world. There are at present nearly a hundred thousand miles of tele- Professor Samuel F. B. Morse. graph wires in operation. 12. The most signal example of telegraphic appliance was the successful laying of the submarine Atlantic cable, a triumph of American skill. In the year 1857 -8 a cable was laid between Newfoundland and Ireland by the Atlantic Telegraph Company, of which Mr. Cyrus W. Field was the President. The cable worked for a brief period and then failed. In 18G6, another cable was laid under the superin- QUESTIONS. 11. Repeat what is said of the telegraph. Name the first line. Give the present length of telegraph lines. 12. Tell about the first Atlantic cable ; the second cable. Illustrate its effect. A CENTURY OF PROGRESS. 297 tendence of Mr. Field, and this has ever since been in perfect working order. The battles of Europe and the speeches of her statesmen are, by this wonderful invention, reported in the journals of New York, St. Louis, and San Francisco the next morning. 13. It would be impossible to mention here the one-hun dredth part of the remarkable inventions of American ge nius, the sewing-machine, the reaper, the steam-plough, etc., etc. The Patent Office at Washington, with its hun dreds of thousands of models, is the best proof of American ingenuity and skill. An average of about fifteen thousand patents a year are now issued, and they are constantly on the increase. 14. American production has during the century increased at an astonishing rate. In regard to production and manu facture, we may consider the United States as divided into three great zones. In the centre is the great agricultural zone of the Mississippi basin. This is the heart of the con tinent, whence the life-giving streams go forth. In those States is produced the greater part of all the cereals, the wool, the cotton, the sugar, the tobacco, the hay, the pork, and the beef of the United States. The Eastern zone is pre eminently the land of the loom, the foundry, the mill, the workshop. Here are the vast coal-fields which supply the power that carries on the vast manufacturing interests of the United States. The region of the Rocky Mountains, the Sierra Nevada, and the Pacific coast, is the treasure-house of the precious metals. Here is what President Grant called the " strong box " of the United States. The United States furnish the greater part of all the gold and silver of the world. 15. We have seen about production and manufacture : we must now glance at the distribution of products. This is the QUESTIONS. 13. Repeat what is said of other inventions. What of the Patent Office ? How many patents a year are issued ? 14. How may we divide the United States in regard to production ? What is said of the Centre zone ? of the Eastern zone ? of the Western zone ? 15. What is that branch called that distributes products? 13* 298 THE CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD. business of commerce, and commerce is of two sorts, for eign and domestic. 16. In the three quarters of a century, from the formation of the government to the breaking out of the war in 1861, the United States had become the successful rival of the most powerful commercial nation in the world, England. In 1860 the amount of American tonnage was nearly six millions. The value of exports and imports carried in Ameri can vessels, in the year 1860, was over five hundred millions of dollars. One of the results of the war was to reduce the American commercial marine very much, and since 1861 English ships have done a large part of the American " car rying trade." But this state of things cannot last long. Meantime the domestic trade of the United States has reached immense proportions and is constantly increasing. 17. The century has witnessed remarkable intellectual progress. The sure foundation of this is the American com mon-school system, which is established in nearly all the States, and which, with the Prussian system, is the best and broadest educational organization in the world. There are now over seven million children attending the public schools of the United States. Our country has over four hundred col leges and universities. 18. During colonial times, Americans were almost entirely dependent on the mother country for intellectual food. This state of things continued for many years after the founding of the government. It used, accordingly, to be sneeringly asked, " Who reads an American book 1 " This question would not now be asked ; or, if it were, it would be answered highly to the credit of the United States. During the past fifty years, American authors of great merit, in all branches QUESTIONS. 16. Repeat what is said of the growth of American commerce. Give the amount of tonnage in I860. The value of exports and imports carried in American ships ? What was one result of the war ? What of domestic commerce ? 17. Relate something about intellectual progress What is said to be its foundation ? State the number of children attending public schools. Give the number of colleges. 18. What is said of Americans in colonial times ? What used to be sneeringlv asked ? How about it now ? What is said of American authors ? Name some historians ; some poets ; some miscellaneous writers ; some orators ; some artists. A CENTURY OF PROGRESS. 299 of literature and science, have arisen, and their works are read and appreciated throughout the civilized world. Among his torians may be named Prescott, Bancroft, and Motley. Among poets may be named Bryant, Whittier, Simms, Holmes, Poe, and Longfellow. Among romance and miscellaneous writers may be named Cooper, Hawthorne, Irving, Channing, and Le"gare [le-gree ~\. Among orators may be named Webster, Clay, Calhoun, Benton, Everett, Phillips, Seward, Prentice, Stephens, Douglas, Choate. In the fine arts, also, the American school of painters and sculptors stands very high. 19. The newspaper is the peoples library. Americans are pre-eminently a newspaper-reading people. It is reckoned that there are over seven thousand different newspapers and periodicals published in the United States. Some of these have an immense circulation. The " ten-cylinder " printing p ress another American invention prints thirty thousand sheets an hour. 20. Nor has moral progress been behind intellectual growth. Over fifty thousand churches minister to the spir itual wants of the people. Missionary and Bible societies do their work on a grand scale. Benevolent institutions of all kinds, as orphan asylums, hospitals, etc., are scattered through out the length and breadth of the land. 21. The great civil war, though terrible in its effects, has not been without some good results. The extinction of slavery is already proving a benefit to the people of the South, while it has taken away the long-standing subject of political dispute between the two great sections of the Union. 22. Another benefit of the war is, that it has brought the two sections, North and South, to understand each other bet ter and respect each other more than they ever did before. The war has also made Americans less puffed up and sensational QUESTIONS. 19. What is said of the newspaper? How many newspapers are pub lished in the United States ? What is said of the ten-cylinder press ? 20. Can you tell anything about moral progress ? 21. Can you state any good effect arising from the war? 22. Mention another benefit of the war. What eSect has it had on American char acter? 300 THE CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD. than formerly, and has given a more earnest and manly cast to the American character. 23. It must not be supposed, from what has been said, that American institutions and the American people are without faults. They have many, and these the young who are grow ing up to take the places of their fathers should endeavor to correct and reform. But, on the whole, it may be said that no people are more just, upright, prosperous, and happy than the American people. 24. The century has seen the Union shaken by many storms, and, for a time, convulsed by a great civil war. But the Union has been preserved. And, whatever temporary dissatisfactions may exist, the love of the Union is in the very heart of the whole American people. This is the best assurance of its perpetuity. 25. The study of United States history should infuse into our minds the American spirit, which is as broad as the continent. It should inspire us with fraternal feelings to wards all sections, with love for the Union, reverence for the Constitution, and faith in our country s destiny. QUESTIONS. 23. Is it meant that America is faultless ? What observation is made? 24. Repeat what is said of the Union ; of love for the Union. 25. What should be the effect of the study of our country s history? CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. PREAMBLE. WE, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquillity, provide for the common defence, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. ARTICLE I. LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT. SECTION I. Congress in General. All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Con gress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives. SECTION II. House of Representatives. Clause 1. The House of Representatives shall be composed of members chosen every second year by the people of the several States ; and the electors in each State shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the State Legislature. Clause 2. No person shall be a representative who shall not have attained to the age of twenty-five years, and been seven years a citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an inhabitant of that State in which he shall be chosen. Clause 3. Representatives and direct taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which maybe included within this Union, QUESTIONS. Preamble. Who ordained and established the Constitution for the United States? To accomplish what was it ordained and established? Article I. SECTION I. Repeat section first of article first, which tells in what body the legislative, powe-.? "hall be vested. SECTION II. l.J Clause, Of what is the House of Representatives composed ? What are the qualifications of electors of representatives? 2d Clause. How old must a representative be ? How long must he have been a citizen , and of what State ? Zd Clause. How are representatives and direct taxes to be apportioned among the States ? How is the representative population to be determined ? When was the first enumeration or census to be made, and how often thereafter ? What limits are put to the number of representatives ? What representation at least shall each State have ? 302 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. according to their respective numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole number of free persons, including those bound to service for a term of years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other persons. The actual enumeration shall be made within three years after the first meeting of the Con gress of the United States, and within every subsequent term of ten years, in such manner as they shall by law direct. The number of representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty thousand, but each State shall have at least one representative ; and until such enumeration shall be made, the State of New Hampshire shall be entitled to choose three, Massachusetts eight, Rhode Island and Providence Plantations one, Connecticut five, New York six, New Jersey four, Pennsylvania eight, Delaware one, Maryland six, Vir ginia ten, North Carolina five, South Carolina five, and Georgia three. Clause 4. When vacancies happen in the representation from any State, the executive authority thereof shall issue writs of elec tion to fill such vacancies. Clause 5. The House of Representatives shall choose their speaker and other officers, and shall have the sole power of im peachment. SECTION III. Senate. Clause 1. The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two senators from each State, chosen by the Legislature thereof for six years, and each senator shall have one vote. Clause 2. Immediately after they shall be assembled in con sequence of the first election, they shall be divided, as equally as may be, into three classes. The seats of the senators of the first class shall be vacated at the expiration of the second year, of the second class at the expiration of the fourth year, and of the third class at the expiration of the sixth year, so that one third may be chosen every second year ; and if vacancies happen, by resignation QUESTIONS. 4UA Clause. How are vacancies in the representation of a State to be filled ? 5th Clause. By whom are the speaker and other officers of the House chosen ? What body has the sole power of impeachment ? SECTION III. 1st Clause. Of how many senators does the Senate of the United States consist ? By what body are United States senators chosen ? For how many years ? Each senator has how many votes ? 2rf Clause. Into how many classes were the senators at first divided? How long did the senators of the first class hold their offices? of the second class? of the third class? This classification was made so as to accomplish what ? What is to be done if vacancies happen? CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. 3Q3 or otherwise, during the recess of the Legislature of any State, the executive thereof may make temporary appointments until the next meeting of the Legislature, which shall then fill such vacancies. Clause 3. No person shall be a senator who shall not have at tained to the age of thirty years, and been nine years a citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an inhab itant of that State for which lie shall be chosen. Clause 4. The Vice-President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no vote, unless they be equally divided. Clause 5. The Senate shall choose their other officers, and also a president pro ternpore, in the absence of the Vice-President, or when he shall exercise the office of President of the United States. Clause 6. The Senate shall have the sole power to try all im peachments. When sitting for that purpose, they shall be on oath or affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the chief-justice shall preside; and no person shall be convicted without the concurrence of two thirds of the members present. Clause 7. Judgment in case of impeachment shall not extend farther than to removal from office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust, or profit under the United States ; but the party convicted shall, nevertheless, be liable and subject to indictment, trial, judgment, and punishment according to law. SECTION IV. Both Houses. Clause 1. The times, places, and manner of holding elections for senators and representatives shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time, by law, make or alter such regulations, except as to the place of choosing senators. Clause 2. The Congress shall assemble at least once in every QUESTIONS. 3tf Clause How old at least must a senator be? How long must he have been a citizen of the United States, and of what State an inhabitant? Ilk Clause. Who is President of the Senate ? What vote has he ? 5th CVav.se. What is said of the other officers of the Senate ? 6th Clause. What body alone has the power to try impeachments ? What is said of the Senate when sitting for that purpose ? Who presides when the President is im peached ? What number is needed for conviction ? 1th Clause. Repeat what is said of judgment in cases of impeachment. SECTION TV 1st Clausf. What does the Legislature of each State prescribe as re gards elections for senators and representatives ? AVhat may Congress do in this mat ter? 2d Clause. How often shall Congress assemble ? When? 304 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. year, and such meeting shall be on the first Monday in December, unless they shall by law appoint a different day. SECTION V. The Houses separately. Clause 1. Each house shall be the judge of the elections, re turns, and qualifications of its own members, and a majority of each shall constitute a quorum to do business; but a smaller number may adjourn from day to day, and may be authorized to compel the attendance of absent members, in such manner and under such penalties as each house may provide. Clause 2. Each house may determine the rules of its proceed ings, punish its members for disorderly behavior, and, with the concurrence of two thirds, expel a member. Clause 3. Each house shall keep a journal of its proceedings, and from time to time publish the same, excepting such parts as may in their judgment require secrecy ; and the yeas and nays of the members of either house, on any question, shall, at the desire of one fifth of those present, be entered on the journal. Clause 4. Neither house during the session of Congress shall, without the consent of the other, adjourn for more than three days, nor to any other place than that in which the two houses shall be sitting. SECTION VI. Privileges and Disabilities of Members. Clause 1. The senators and representatives shall receive a com pensation for their services, to be ascertained by law, and paid out of the treasury of the United States. They shall in all cases, except treason, felony, and breach of the peace, be privileged from arrest during their attendance at the session of their respective houses, and in going to or returning from the same : and for any speech or debate in either house, they shall not be questioned in any other place. Clause 2. No senator or representative shall, during the time for QUESTIONS SECTION T. 1st Clause. Of what is each house the judge? What constitutes a quorum. What may a smaller number do? 2d Clause. What may each house do regarding rules and punishments ? 3d Clause. What is required of each house in regard to keeping and publishing a journal ? When are the yeas and nays to be entered on the journal ? 4th Clause What prohibition is made as to adjournment? SECTION VI. 1st Clause. What is said of the compensation of members of Congress ? In what cases and at what times are members privileged from arrest ? For what are they not to be called to account ? 2d Clause. What restriction is placed upon members as regards civil offices? Can an office-holder be at the same time a member of Congress ? CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. 305 which he was elected, be appointed to any civil office under the authority of the United States, which shall have been created, or the emoluments whereof shall have been increased, during such time ; and no person holding any office under the United States shall be a member of either house during his continuance in office. SECTION VII. Mode of passing Laws. Clause 1. All bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives ; but the Senate may propose or concur with amendments, as on other bills. Clause 2. Every bill which shall have passed the House of Rep resentatives and the Senate shall, before it become a law, be pre sented to the President of the United States; if he approve, he shall sign it ; but if not, he shall return it, with his objections, to that house in which it shall have originated, who shall enter the objections at large on their journal, and proceed to reconsider it. If, after such reconsideration, two thirds of that house shall agree to pass the bill, it shall be sent, together with the objections, to the other house, by which it shall likewise be reconsidered, and if ap proved by two thirds of that house, it shall become a law. But in all such cases the votes of both houses shall be determined by yeas and nays, and the names of the persons voting for and against the bill shall be entered on the journal of each house respectively. If any bill shall not be returned by the President within ten days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the same shall be a law in like manner as if he had signed it, unless the Congress by their adjournment prevent its return, in which case it shall not be a law. Clause 3. Every order, resolution, or vote to which the con currence of the Senate and House of Representatives may be neces sary (except on a question of adjournment), shall be presented to the President of the United States ; and before the same shall take effect, shall be approved by him, or, being disapproved by him, shall be repassed by two thirds of the Senate and House of Repre- QUESTIOXS. SECTION Til. Ixt Clause. Where must all revenue bills originate 7 What may the Senate do in this matter? 2tt Clause. What is to he done with every bill when it has passed both houses? What shall the President do with it ? After the President has vetoed a bill, how may ik become a law ? How may a bill which has neither been signed by the President nor vetoed become a law ? 3/7 Clause. What must be done before any order, resolution, or vote requiring the concurrence of both houses can take effect? If disapproved by the President, how may it be repassed ? T 306 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. sentatives, according to the rules and limitations prescribed in the case of a bill. SECTION VIII. Powers granted to Congress. The Congress shall have power Clause 1. To lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts, and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defence and general welfare of the United States ; but all duties, imposts, and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States; Clause 2. To borrow money on the credit of the United States; Clause 3. To regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian tribes; Clause 4. To establish a uniform rule of naturalization, and uni form ~laws on the subject of bankruptcies, throughout the United States ; Clause 5. To coin money, regulate the value thereof arid of foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures ; Clause 6. To provide for the punishment of counterfeiting the securities and current coin of the United States ; Clause 7. To establish post-offices and post-roads ; Clause 8. To promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing for limited times to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries ; Clause 9. To constitute tribunals inferior to the Supreme Court ; Clause 10. To define and punish felonies committed on the high seas, and offences against the law of nations ; Clause 11. To declare war, grant letters of marque and reprisal, and make rules concerning captures on land and water; Clause 12. To raise and support armies ; but no appropriation of money to that use shall be for a longer term than two years ; Clause 13. To provide and maintain a navy ; QUESTIONS. SECTION VIII. 1st Clause. What power has Congress in respect to taxes, duties, imposts, and excises ? What are to be uniform ? 2f1 Clause. What power has Congress as to borrowing money ? &/ Clause. What power has Congress as to regulating commerce? 4th Clause. As to naturalization and bankruptcies ? 5th Clause. In regard to coining money ? 6th Clause. In regard to counterfeiting? 1th Clause. In regard to post-offices and post-roads? 8th Clause. In regard to authors and inventors ? Qth Clause. In regard to tribunals? 10th Clause. In regard to piracies, etc. ? llth Clause. In regard to declaring war, etc. ? Y>th Clause. In regard to armies ? But what of appropriations ? l&h Clause. In regard to a navy ? CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. 3Q7 Clause 14. To make rules for the government and regulation of the land and naval forces ; Clause 15. To provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the Union, suppress insurrections, and repel invasions ; Clause 16. To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining the militia, and for governing such part of them as may be em ployed in the service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively the appointment of the officers and the authority of training the militia according to the discipline prescribed by Con gress ; Clause 17. To exercise exclusive legislation, in all cases whatso ever, over such district (not exceeding ten miles square) as may, by cession of particular States and the acceptance of Congress, be come the seat of government of the United States, and to exercise like authority over all places purchased, by the consent of the Legislature of the State in which the same shall be, for the erection of forts, magazines, arsenals, dock-yards, and other needful build ings ; and, Clause 18. To make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers, and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the government of the United States, or in any department or officer thereof. SECTION IX. Powers denied to the United States. Clause 1. The migration or importation of such persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight ; but a tax or duty may be imposed on such im portation, not exceeding ten dollars for each person. Clause 2. The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended unless when, in case of rebellion or invasion, the public safety may require it. Clause 3. No bill of attainder, or ex-post-facto law, shall be passed. QUESTIONS. llth Clause. In regard to rules for the land and naval forces? lot/i Clause. In regard to calling forth the militia ? IQt/i Clause. In regard to organizing the militia, etc. ? What rights are reserved to the States ? 17th, Clause. In regard to legislation respecting the seat of government ? In regard to places purchased for the erection of forts, etc. ? 18th, Clause. Repeat the last clause, in regard to general powers granted to Congress. SECTIOX IX 1st Clause. What is said of the migration or importation of certain persons, meaning slaves ? What tax might be imposed on such importation ? 2d Clause. What is said of the writ of habeas corpus ? 3d Clause. What is said of a bill of attainder, or ex-post-facto law? 308 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. Clause 4. No capitation or other direct tax shall Be laid, unless in proportion to the census or enumeration herein before directed to be taken. Clause 5. No tax or duty shall be laid on articles exported from any State. Clause 6. No preference shall be given by any regulation of commerce or revenue to the ports of one State over those of another ; nor shall vessels bound to or from one State be obliged to enter, clear, or pay duties in another. Clause 7. No money shall be drawn from the treasury but in consequence of appropriations made by law ; and a regular state ment and account of the receipts and expenditures of all public money shall be published from time to time. Clause 8. No title of nobility shall be granted by the United States ; and no person holding any office of profit or trust under them shall, without the consent of the Congress, accept of any present, emolument, office, or title of any kind whatever, from any king, prince, or foreign state. SECTION X. Powers denied to the States. Clause 1. No State shall enter into any treaty, alliance, or con federation ; grant letters of marque and reprisal ; coin money ; emit bills of credit ; make anything but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts; pass any bill of attainder, ex- post-facto law, or law impairing the obligation of contracts; or grant any title of nobility. Clause 2. No State shall, without the consent of the Congress, lay any imposts or duties on imports or exports, except what may be absolutely necessary for executing its inspection laws ; and the net produce of all duties and imposts laid by any State on imports or exports shall be for the use of the treasury of the United States ; and all such laws shall be subject to the revision and control of the Congress. Clause 3. No State shall, without the consent of Congress, lay xs. ith Clause. How are capitation taxes or othf-r direct taxes to be laid ? 5th Clause. What is said of duties on articles exported from any State? 6th Clause. What commercial preference shall not be given? What of vessels bound to one State from another? 7th Clause. What is necessary in order to draw money from the treasury? What statement and account shall be published ? 8th CMtise. What of titles of nobility ? What must office-holders not accept ? SECTION X. 1st Clause What is a State forbidden to do ? 2<V Clause. What prohibition is there as to imposts and duties? 3 / Cause. What prohibition is there as to any duty of tonnage, as to keeping troops., etc. ? CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. 3Q9 any duty of tonnage, keep troops or ships of war in time of peace, enter into any agreement or compact with another State or with a foreign power, or engage in war, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent danger as will not admit of delay. ARTICLE II. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. SECTION I. President and Vice- President. Clause 1. The executive power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America. He shall hold his office during the term of four years, and, together with the Vice-President, chosen for the same term, be elected as follows : Clause 2. Each State shall appoint, in such manner as the Legis lature thereof may direct, a number of electors, equal to the whole number of senators and representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress ; but no senator or representative, or person holding an office of trust or profit under the United States, shall be appointed an elector. [ Clause 3. The electors shall meet in their respective States, and vote by ballot for two persons, of whom one at least shall not be an inhabitant of the same State with themselves. And they shall make a list of all the persons voted for, and of the number of votes for each ; which list they shall sign and certify, and transmit, sealed, to the seat of the government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate. The President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates, and the votes shall then be counted. The person having the greatest number of votes shall be the President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of electors appointed ; and if there be more than one who have such majority, and have an equal number of votes, then the House of Representatives shall immediately choose by ballot one of them for President; and if no person have a majority, then, from the five highest on the list, the said House shall in like mariner choose the President. But in choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by States, the rep resentation from each State having one vote ; a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two thirds of the States, and a majority of all the States shall be necessary to a QUESTIONS. Article II. SECTION I. 1st Clause. In whom is the executive power vested ? How long is his term of office ? Ill Clause. Tell how Presidential electors are appointed. How many is each State to have ? What persons cannot be electors ? 310 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. choice. In every case, after the choice of the President, the person having the greatest number of votes of the electors shall be the Vice-President. But if there should remain two or more who have equal votes, the Senate shall choose from them by ballot the Vice-President.*] Clause 4. The Congress may determine the time of choosing the electors, and the day on which they shall give their votes, which day shall be the same throughout the United States. Clause 5. No person except a natural-born citizen, or a citizen of the United States at the time of the adoption of this Constitu tion, shall be eligible to the office of President ; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained to the age of thirty-five years, and been fourteen years a resident within the United States. Clause 6. In case of the removal of the President from office, or of his death, resignation, or inability to discharge the powers and duties of the said office, the same shall devolve on the Vice-Presi dent ; and the Congress may by law provide for the case of re moval, death, resignation, or inability, both of the President and Vice-President, declaring what officer shall then act as President ; and such officer shall act accordingly, until the disability be removed or a President shall be elected. Clause 7. The President shall, at stated times, receive for his services a compensation, which shall neither be increased nor diminished during the period for which he shall have been elected, and he shall not receive within that period any other emolument from the United States, or any of them. Clause 8. Before he enter on the execution of his office, he shall take the following oath or affirmation : " I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States." QUESTIONS. 4iA Clause. What power has Congress as to the time of choosing the electors, etc.? 5th Clause. What qualifications are required in order to be eligible to the office of President? Gth Clause. In what cases does the A T ice-President act as President ? What is done in case the offices of both President and Vice-President are vacant ? 7th. Clause. What of the President s salary? 8th Clause. Repeat the oath taken by the President. * Altered by the 12th Amendment. See page 318- CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. 3H SECTION II. Powers of the President. Clause 1. The President shall be commander-iii-chief of the army and navy of the United States and of the militia of the several States, when called into the actual service of the United States; he may require the opinion in writing of the principal officer in each of the executive departments, upon any subject re lating to the duties of their respective offices; and he shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons for offences against the United States, except in cases of impeachment. Clause 2. He shall have power, by and with the advice and con sent of the Senate, to make treaties, provided two thirds of the senators present concur ; and he shall nominate, and by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall appoint embassadors, other public ministers and consuls, judges of the Supreme Court, and all other officers of the United States, whose appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by law ; but the Congress may by law vest the appointment of such inferior officers as they think proper in the President alone, in the courts of law, or in the heads of departments. Clause 3. The President shall have power to fill up all vacancies that may happen during the recess of the Senate, by granting com missions, which shall expire at the end of their next session. SECTION III. Duties of the President. He shall, from time to time, give to the Congress information of the state of the Union, and recommend to their consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient ; he may, on extraordinary occasions, convene both houses, or either of them ; and in case of disagreement between them, with resp.ectto the time of adjournment, he may adjourn them to such time as he shall think proper ; he shall receive embassadors and other public minis ters ; he shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed, and shall commission all the officers of the United States. QUESTIONS SECTION TT. 1st Clause. What position does the President hold with reference to the army and navy ? Whose opinion may he require, and on what sub jects ? What power has he in regard to reprieves and pardons ? 2/7 Clause. What power has the President in respect to treaties? "What concurrence of the Senate is required ? In whom is the appointing power vested? What officers shall the President nominate and appoint? What of inferior officers? x 2>d Clause. What of vacancies? When do such appointment* expire? SECTION III. State the duties of the President in respect to Congress. When may he convene Congress ? When adjourn it? State his duty in respect to ambassadors; in respect to the execution of the laws ; in respect to commissions of officers. 312 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. SECTION IV. Impeachment of the President. The President, Vice-President, and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for and con viction of treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors. ARTICLE III. JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT. SECTION I. United States Courts. The judicial power of the United States shall be vested in one Supreme Court, and in such inferior courts as Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The judges, both of the supreme and inferior courts, shall hold their offices during good behavior ; and shall, at stated times, receive for their services a compensation, which shall not be diminished during their continuance in office. SECTION II. Jurisdiction of the United States Courts. Clause 1. The judicial power shall extend to all cases in law and equity arising under this Constitution, the laws of the United States, and treaties made, or which shall be made, under their authority ; to all cases affecting embassadors, other public ministers, and consuls ; to all cases of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction ; to controversies to which the United States shall be a party ; to con troversies between two or more States ; between a State and citizens of another State ; between citizens of different States ; be tween citizens of the same State claiming lands under grants of different States ; and between a State, or the citizens thereof, and foreign states, citizens, or subjects.* Clause 2. In all cases affecting embassadors, other public minis ters and consuls, and those in which a State shall be party, the Supreme Court shall have original jurisdiction. In all the other cases before mentioned, the Supreme Court shall have appellate jurisdiction, both as to law and fact, with such exceptions, and under such regulations as the Congress shall make. QUESTIONS. SECTION IV Under what circumstance shall the President, Vice-Presi dent, or any civil officer be removed ? Article III. SECTION I. In what is the judicial power of the United States vested ? How long shall the judges hold their offices ? What of their compensation ? SECTION II. 1st Clause. Repeat the ca^es to which the judicial power shall extend. 2fl Clause. In what cases has the Supreme Court original jurisdictiou ? In all other cases what jurisdiction ? * Altered by the llth Amendment. See page 318. CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. 313 Clause 3. The trial of all crimes, except in cases of impeach ment, shall be by jury ; and such trial shall be held in the State where the said crimes shall have been committed ; but when not committed within any State, the trial shall be at such place or places as the Congress may by law have directed. SECTION III. Treason. Clause 1. Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court. Clause 2. The Congress shall have power to declare the punish ment of treason ; but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood, or forfeiture, except during the life of the person at tainted. ARTICLE IV. SECTION I. State Records. Full faith and credit shall be given in each State to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other State. And the Congress may, by general laws, prescribe the manner in which such acts, records, and proceedings shall be proved, and the effect thereof. SECTION II. Privileges of Citizens, etc. Clause 1. The citizens of each State shall be entitled to all privi leges and immunities of citizens in the several States. Clause 2. A person charged in any State with treason, felony, or other crime, who shall flee from justice and be found in another State, shall, on demand of the executive authority of the State from which he fled, be delivered up, to be removed to the State having jurisdiction of the crime. QUESTIONS. &/ Clause. How are all crimes but impeachment to be tried? Where shall the trial be held ? SECTION III. Is* Clause. In what does treason against the United States consist? What testimony is necessary for conviction ? 2rl Clause. What body has the power of declaring the punishment of treason? What is said of attainder of treason ? Article IV. SECTION I. Repeat what is said of State records SECTION II 1st Clause. What is said of the privileges of the citizens of one State in other States ? 2d Clause Repeat what is said of a person who is charged with crime in one State and flees into another. 14 314 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. Clause 3. No person held to service or labor in one State, under the laws thereof, escaping into another, shall, in consequence of any law or regulation therein, be discharged from such service or labor, but shall be delivered up on claim of the party to whom such service or labor may be due. SECTION III. New States and Territories. Clause 1. New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; but no new State shall be formed or erected within the jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the junction of two or more States, or parts of States, without the con sent of the Legislatures of the States concerned, as well as of the Congress. Clause 2. The Congress shall have power to dispose of, and make all needful rules and regulations respecting the territory or other property belonging to the United States ; and nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to prejudice any claims of the United States or of any particular State. SECTION IV. Guarantee to the States. The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion ; and, on application of the Legislature, or of the executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened), against do mestic violence. ARTICLE V. POWER OF AMENDMENT. The Congress, whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution, or, on the application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of this QUESTIONS. 3tf Clause. What is said of persons held to service or labor who flee from one State into another? SECTION III. Is* Clause. What body has the power to admit new States ? What restrictions are mentioned? 2d Clause. Repeat what is said of the power of Congress over United States territory and other property. How is this power restricted ? SECTION IV. What shall the United States guarantee to each State? What pro tection is to be afforded the States ? Article V. How may amendments to the Constitution be proposed? What is required before amendments become a part of th Constitution ? Where has every State equal suffrage ? CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. 315 Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States, or by conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by Congress; provided, that no amendment which may be made prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any manner affect the first and fourth clauses in the ninth section of the first Article ; and that no State, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in the Senate. ARTICLE VI. PUBLIC DEBT, SUPREMACY OF THE CONSTITUTION, OATH OF OFFICE, RELIGIOUS TEST. Clause 1. All debts contracted and engagements entered into before the adoption of this Constitution shall be as valid against the United States under this Constitution as under the Confedera tion. Clause 2. This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof, and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land ; and the judges in every State shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding. Clause 3. The senators and representatives before mentioned, and the members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by oath or affirmation to support this Con stitution; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualifica tion to any office or public trust under the United States. ARTICLE VII. RATIFICATION OF THE CONSTITUTION. The ratification of the conventions of nine States shall be suf ficient for the establishment of this Constitution between the States so ratifying the same. Done in Convention, by the unanimous consent of the States present, the seventeenth day of September, in the year of our QUESTIONS. Article VI. 1st Clause. Repeat what is said of certain debts and engagements. 2d Clause. What constitutes the supreme law of the land? Who are mentioned as bound thereby ? 3d Clause. Who are required to be bound by oath or affirmation to support the Con stitution ? What is said of religious tests ? Article VJJ. What number of States was required for carrying the Constitution into effect ? 316 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-seven, and of the Independence of the United States of America the twelfth. In witness whereof, we have hereunto subscribed our names. GEORGE WASHINGTON, President and Deputy from Virginia. New Hampshire. John Langdon, Nicholas Gilman. Massachusetts. Nathaniel G-orham, Rufus King. Connecticut. Wm. Samuel Johnson, Roger Sherman. Neuu York. Alexander Hamilton. New Jersey. William Livingston, William Patterson, David Brearley, Jonathan Dayton. Pennsylvania. Benjamin Franklin, Robert Morris, Thomas Fitz- simons, James Wilson, Thomas Mifflin, George Clymer, Jared Ingersoll, Gouverneur Morris. Delaware. George Read, John Dickinson, Jacob Broom, Gun ning Bedford, Jr., Richard Bassett. Maryland. James M Henry, Daniel Carroll, Daniel of St. Tho. Jenifer. Virginia. John Blair, Jas. Madison, Jr. North Carolina. William Blount, Hugh Williamson, Richard Dobbs Spaight. South Carolina. John Rutledge, Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, Pierce Butler. Georgia. William Few, Abraham Baldwin. Attest, WILLIAM JACKSON, Secretary. AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION. ARTICLE I. Freedom of Religion, etc. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the pi-ess ; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. ARTICLE II. Right to bear Arms. A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. ARTICLE III. Quartering Soldiers on Citizens. No soldier shall, in time of peace, be quartered in any house without the consent of the owner ; nor in time of war> but in a manner to be prescribed by law. ARTICLE IV. Search Warrants. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated ; and no warrants shall issue but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describ ing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. ARTICLE V. Trial for Crime, etc. No person shall be held to answer for a capital or otherwise in famous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the QUESTIONS. AMENDMENTS. Article I. What restrictions are laid upon Con gress in respect to religion? What is said of freedom of speech and of the press? of the right of petition ? Article II. Repeat Article IT., regarding the right to bear arms. Article III. What is said of quartering soldiers? Article IV. What is said of searches and seizures ? What of the issuing of war rants? Article V. Repeat what is said about holding a person to answer for crimes. Can a criminal be compelled to be a witness against himself? What is said as to life, liberty, and property ? Can private property be taken for public use ? 318 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. militia when in active service in time of war or public danger ; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb ; nor shall be compelled, in any criminal case, to be a witness against himself; nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law ; nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation. ARTICLE VI. Rights of accused Persons. In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation ; to be confronted with the witnesses against him ; to have compulsory process for obtain ing witnesses in his favor ; and to have the assistance of counsel for his defence. ARTICLE VII. Suits at Common Law. In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved; and no fact tried by a jury shall be otherwise re-examined in any court of the United States than according to the rules of the com mon law. ARTICLE VIII. Excessive Bail. Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishment inflicted. ARTICLE IX. The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. ARTICLE X. The powers not granted to the United States by the Constitu tion, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively or to the people. QUESTIONS. Article VI. What rights are provided for in all criminal prosecu tions ? Article VII. In what suits shall the right of trial by jury be preserved ? What is said of the re-examination of a fact tried by a jury ? Article VIII. State what is said of bails, fines, and punishments. Article IX. State what is said of rights retained by the people. Article X. What is said of powers not delegated to the United States? CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. 319 ARTICLE XI. The judicial power of the United States shall not be construed to extend to any suit in law or equity commenced or prosecuted against one of the United States by citizens of another State, or by citizens or subjects of any foreign state. ARTICLE XII. Mode of choosing the President and Vice- President Clause 1. The electors shall meet in their respective States, and vote by ballot for President and Vice-President, one of whom, at least, shall not be an inhabitant of the same State with themselves; they shall name in their ballots the person voted for as President, and in distinct ballots the person voted for as Vice-President ; and they shall make distinct lists of all persons voted for as President, and of all persons voted for as Vice-President, and of the number of votes for each, which list they shall sign and certify, and trans mit, sealed, to the seat of government of the United States, direct ed to the President of the Senate ; the President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates, and the votes shall then be counted ; the person having the greatest number of votes for President shall be the President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of electors appointed ; and if no person have such majority, then from the persons having the highest numbers, not exceeding three, on the list of those voted for as President, the House of Represen tatives shall choose immediately by ballot the President. But in choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by States, the representation from each State having one vote; a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two thirds of the States, and a majority of all the States shall be necessary to a choice. And if the House of Representatives shall not choose a President, whenever the right of choice shall devolve upon them, before the fourth day of March next following, then the Vice- QUESTIONS. Article XI. What restriction on the judicial power of the United States is provided in Article XI.? Article XII. 1st Clause. Where do the electors meet ? How is the vote taken ? What provision prevents the President and Vice-President from being inhabitants of the same State ? How do the electors proceed to vote ? What else are they required to do ? Before whom are the votes counted ? What portion of the electoral vote is required for an election ? What is done if there is no choice by the electors ? When the duty of choosing the President devolves on the House of Representatives, how is an equal voice given to each State ? What constitutes a quorum for the choice of a President ? What is necessary to a choice ? Who is to act as President, in case no choice is made before the 4th of March following ? 320 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. President shall act as President, as in the case of the death or other constitutional disability of the President. Clause 2. The person having the greatest number of votes as Vice-President shall be the Vice-President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of electors appointed, and if no person have a majority, then from the two highest numbers on the list the Senate shall choose the Vice-President: a quorum for the purpose shall consist of two thirds of the whole number of sena tors, and a majority of the whole number shall be necessary to a choice. Clause 3. But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States. ARTICLE XIII. SECTION 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except a* a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. SECTION 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation. ARTICLE XIV. SECTION 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law, nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. SECTION 2. Representatives shall be apportioned among the sev eral States according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed. But when the right to vote at any election for the choice of elec- QUESTIONS. 2d Clause. How is the Vice-President chosen ? How is he chosen in case of not receiving a majority of the electoral votes 3fl Clause. Can a person who is not eligible to the office of President become Vice- President ? Article XIII. SECTION 1. What is said of slavery, or involuntary servitude 7 SECTION 2. What had Congress the power to do in regard to this amendment ? Article XIV. SECTION 1 Who are citizens of the United States ? What is said about abridging the privileges of citizens ? What other restrictions are laid upon States SECTION 2. How shall representatives be apportioned among the several States ? For what cause shall the basis of representation of a State be reduced, and in what way ? CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. 321 tors for President and Vice-President of the United States, repre sentatives in Congress, the executive and judicial officers of a State, or the members of the Legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male members of such State, being twenty-one years of age, and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such State. SECTION 3. No person shall be a senator or representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State Legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or com fort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may, by a vote of two thirds of each house, remove such disability. SECTION 4. The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pen sions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or re bellion, shall not be questioned. But neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave ; but all such debts, obligations, and claims shall be held illegal and void. SECTION 5. The Congress shall have power to enforce by appro priate legislation the provisions of this article. ARTICLE XV. SECTION 1. The right of the citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. SECTION 2. The Congress shall have power to enforce by appro priate legislation the provisions of this article. QUESTIONS. SECTION 3 What disabilities are imposed by Section 3? How re moved ? SECTION 4. What declaration is made regarding the public debt? What debts, etc., an- declared illegal and void 7 Article XV. Repeat the Fifteenth Amendment. 14* u DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. IN CONGRESS, JULY 4, 1776. A DECLARATION BY THE REPRESENTATIVES OF THE UNITED STATES OP AMERICA, IN CONGRESS ASSEMBLED. WHEN, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of man kind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident: That all men are created equal ; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pur suit of happiness. That, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed ; that, whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate, that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes ; and accord ingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former systems of government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these States. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world. He has refused his assent to laws the most wholesome and necessary for the public good. DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. 323 He has forbidden his governors to pass laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his assent should be obtained ; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them. He has refused to pass other laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of representation in the legislature, a right inestimable to them, and formidable to tyrants only. He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, un comfortable, and distant from the depository of their public records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures. He has dissolved representative houses repeatedly, for opposing, with manly firmness, his invasions on the rights of the people. He has refused, for a long time after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected ; whereby the legislative powers, incapable of annihilation, have returned to the people at large, for their exercise, the State remaining, in the mean time, exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without, and convulsions within. He has endeavored to prevent the population of these States ; for that purpose, obstructing the laws for naturalization of foreign ers, refusing to pass others to encourage their migration hither, and raising the conditions of new appropriations of lands. He has obstructed the administration of justice, by refusing his assent to laws for establishing judiciary powers. He has made judges dependent on his will alone for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries. He has erected a multitude of new offices, and sent hither swarms of officers, to harass our people, and eat out their sub stance. He has kept among us, in times of peace, standing armies, with out the consent of our legislatures. He has affected to render the military independent of, and supe rior to, the civil power. He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his assent to their acts of pretended legislation, For quartering large bodies of armed troops among us: For protecting them, by a mock trial, from punishment for any murders which they should commit on the inhabitants of these States: For cutting off our trade with all parts of the world: For imposing taxes on us without our consent : 324 DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. For depriving us, in many cases, of the benefits of trial by jury: For transporting us beyond seas to be tried for pretended of fences : For abolishing the free system of English laws in a neighboring province, establishing therein an arbitrary government, and en larging its boundaries, so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule into these Colonies : For taking away our charters, abolishing our most valuable laws, and altering, fundamentally, the powers of our governments: For suspending our own legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever. He has abdicated government here, by declaring us out of his protection, and waging war against us. He has plundered our seas, ravaged our coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people. He is, at this time, transporting large armies of foreign merce naries, to complete the works of death, desolation, and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of cruelty and perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the head of a civilized nation. He has constrained our fellow-citizens, taken captive on the high seas, to bear arms against their country, to become the execu tioners of their friends and brethren, or to fall themselves by their hands. He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has en deavored to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers the merciless Indian savages, whose known rule of warfare is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes, and conditions. In every stage of these oppressions we have petitioned for re dress in the most humble terms ; our repeated petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people. Nor have we been wanting in attention to our British brethren. We have warned them, from time to time, of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity ; and we have conjured them, by the ties of our com mon kindred, to disavow these usurpations, which would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They, too, have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. We must, DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. 325 therefore, acquiesce in the necessity which denounces our separa tion, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, enemies in war, in peace friends. We, therefore, the Representatives of the United States of America, in General Congress assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the name and by the authority of the good people of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent States ; that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British crown, and that all political connection between them and the state of Great Britain is, and ought to be, totally dissolved ; and that, as free and inde pendent States, they have full power to levy war, conclude peace, contract alliances, establish commerce, and to do all other acts and things which independent states may of right do. And, for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor. The foregoing Declaration was, by order of Congress, engrossed, and signed by the following members : JOHN HANCOCK NEW HAMPSHIRE. NEW JERSEY. Thomas Stone, Josinh Bartlett, Richard Stockton, Charles Carroll, of Carrollton. William Whipple, John \Vitherspoon, Matthew Thornton. Francis Hopkinson, VIRGINIA. John Hart, George Wythe, MASSACHUSETTS BAY. Abraham Clark. Richard Henry Lee, Samuel Adams, Thomas Jefierson, John Adams, PENNSYLVANIA. Benjamin Harrison, Robert Treat Paine, Robert Morris, Thomas Nelson, Jr., Elb ridge Gerry. Benjamin Rush, Francis Lightfoot Lee, Benjamin Franklin, Carter Braxton. RHODE ISLAND. John Morton, Stephen Hopkins, George Clymer, NORTH CAROLINA. William Ellery. James Smith, William Hooper, George Taylor, Joseph Hewes, CONNECTICUT. James Wilson, John Penn. Roger Sherman, George Ross. Samuel Huntington, SOUTH CAROLINA. William Williams, DELAWARE. Edward Rutledge, Oliver Wolcott. Cfcsar Rodney, Thomas Hey ward, Jr., George Read, Thomas Lynch, Jr., Thomas M Kean. Arthur Middleton. NEW YORK. William Floyd, GEORGIA. Philip Livingston, MARYLAND Button Gwinnett, Francis Lewis* Samuel Chase, Lyman Hall, Lewis Morris. William Paca. George Walton. AREAS, SETTLEMENT, AND ADMISSION OF THE STATES. States. Areas. Sq. Miles. When, where, and by whom settled. Admit ted. Virginia, 38 52 1607 Jamestown, English, i New York, 47,000 1(514 New York, Dutch, S _g Massachusetts, New Hampshire, 7,800 9,280 1620 1623 Plymouth, Portsmouth, English, English, 00 3 Connecticut, 4,750 1633 Windsor, English, .5 Maryland, 11,124 1634 St. Mary s, English, To Rhode Island, 1,306 1636 Providence, English, Delaware, North Carolina, 2,120 50,704 1638 Wilmington. Albemarle Sound, Swedes, English, 1 New Jersey, 8,320 1664 Elizabeth, English . South Carolina, Pennsylvania, 34,000 46.000 1670 1682 Ashlev River, Philadelphia, English, English, I O Georgia, Vermont, 58,000 10,212 733 724 Savannah, Brattleboro , English, English, M H 1791 Kentucky, Tennessee, Ohio, 37,680 45,600 39,964 774 768 788 Harrodsburg, Watauga River, Marietta, English, English, Americans, 1792 1796 1802 Louisiana, 41,346 700 French, 1812 Indiana, 33,809 Vincennes, French, 1816 Mississippi, 47.156 1699 Biloxi, French, 1817 Illinois, 55,410 1693 Kaskaskia, French, 1818 Alabama, 50,7*22 1702 Mobile Bay, French, 1819 Maine, 35,000 English, 1820 Missouri, 65,350 1755 St Genevieve, French, 1821 Arkansas, 52,189 1685 Arkansas Post. French, 1836 Michi<ran, 56,451 1701 i Detroit, French , 1837 Florida, 59,268 1565 i St. Augustine, Spaniards, 1845 Texas, 274,356 1715 Spaniards, 1845 Iowa, 55,045 1833 Dubuque, French, 1846 Wisconsin , 53,924 1745 Green Bay, i rench, 1848 California, 188,981 1769 San Diego, Spaniards, 1850 Minnesota, 83,531 1838 St. Paul, Americans, 1858 Oregon, 95,274 1811 Astoria, Americans, 1859 Kansas, 81,318 1861 West Virginia, 23,000 1863 Nevada, 112,090 1864 Nebraska, 75,995 1867 DSst of Columbia, 60 . . . The TERRITORIES have an area of about 1,042,000 square miles. ALASKA has an area of 577,390 square miles. THE END. Cambridge : Electrotyped and Printed by Welch, bigelow, & Co. RETURN EDUCATION-PSYCHOLOGY LIBRARY 2600 Tolmon Hall 642-4209 ORM NO. DD10 BERKELEY, CA 94720 s>\ i^. 11 ^ i, ^ . 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