UC-NRLF 1M 3M1 GIFT F < elix Flt COLLECTION OF BRITISH AUTHORS. , VOL. CCCVIII, THE WIDE, WIDE WOELD BY ELIZABETH WETHEEELL. IS ONE VOLUME. Set W THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. ELIZABETH WETHEEELL AUTHOR S EDITION. LEIPZIG B E II N H A K D TAUCHNITZ 1854. Here at the portal thou dost stand, And with thy little hand Thou openest the mysterious gate, Into the future s undiscovered land I see its valves expand, As at the touch of FATE ! Into those realms of Love and Hate." LONGFELLOW. F THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 135-f CHAPTER I. Breaking the News. "MAMMA, what was thatlheard papa saying to you this morning about his lawsuit?" "I cannot tell you just now. Ellen, pick up that shawl and spread it over me." "Mamma! are you cold in this warm room?" " A little there , that will do. Now, my daughter, let me be quiet a while don t disturb me." There was no one else in the room. Driven thus to her own resources, Ellen betook herself to the window, and sought amuse ment there. The prospect without gave little promise of it. Eain was falling, and made the street and everything in it look dull and gloomy. The foot-passengers plashed through the water, and the horses and carriages plashed through the mud; gaiety had for saken the side-walks, and equi pages were few, and the people that were out were plainly there only because they could not help it. ButyetEllen, having seriously set herself to study everything that passed, presently became engaged in her occupation; and her thoughts travelling dreamily from one thing to another, she The Wide, Wide World. sat for a long time with her little face pressed against the window- frame, perfectly regardless of all but the moving world without. Day light gradually faded away, and the street wore a more and more gloomy aspect. The rain poured, and now only an occa sional carriage or footstep dis turbed the sound of its steady pattering. Yet still Ellen sat with her face glued to the window as if spell-bound, gazing out at every dusky form that passed, as though it had some strange in terest for her. At length, in the distance, light after light began to appear; presently Ellen could see the dim figure of the lamp lighter crossing the street, from side to side, with his ladder; then he drew near enough for her to watch him as he hooked his ladder on the lamp-irons, ran up and lit the lamp, then shouldered the ladder and marched off quick, the light glancing on his wet oil skin hat, rough greatcoat, and lantern, and on the pavement and iron railings. The veriest moth could not have followed the light with more perseverance than did Ellen s eyes, till the lamplighter gradually disappear ed from view, and the last lamp THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. she could see was lit; and not till then did it occur to her that there was such a place as indoors. She took her face from the window. The room was dark and cheerless, and Ellen felt stiff and chilly. However, she made her way to the fire, and having found the poker, she applied it gently to the Liverpool coal with such good effect, that a bright ruddy blaze sprang up, and lighted the whole room. Ellen smiled at the result of her experiment. " That is something like," said she, to herself; "who says I can t poke the fire? Now, let us see if I can t do something else. Do but see how these chairs are standing one would think we had had a sewing-circle here there, go back to your places that looks a little better; now, these cur tains must come down, and I may as well shut the shutters, too and now this tablecloth must be content to hang straight, and Mamma s box and the books must lie in their places , and not all helter-skelter. iNow, I wish Mamma would wake up ; I should think she might. I don t believe she is asleep, either she don t look as if she was." Ellen was right in this; her mother s face did not wear the look of sleep, nor indeed of repose at all; the lips were com pressed, and the brow not calm. To try, however, whether she was asleep or no , and with the half- acknowledged intent to rouse her at all events, Ellen knelt down by her side , and laid her face close to her mother s on the pillow. But this failed to draw either word or sign. After a minute or two, Ellen tried stroking her mother s cheek very gently and this succeeded, for Mrs. Montgomery arrested the little hand as it passed her lips, and kissed it fondly two or three times. "I havn t disturbed you, Mam ma, have I?" said Ellen. Without replying, Mrs. Mont gomery raised herself to a sitting posture, and lifting both hands to her face , pushed back the hair from her forehead and temples, with a gesture which Ellen knew meant that she was making up her mind to some disagreeable or painful effort. Then taking both Ellen s hands , as she still knelt before her, she gazed in her face with a look even more fond than usual, Ellen thought, but much sadder, too; though Mrs. Mont gomery s cheerfulness had always been of a serious kind. "What question was that you were asking me a while ago, my daughter?" "I thought, Mamma, I heard papa telling you this morning, or yesterday, that he had lost that lawsuit." "You heard right, Ellen he has lost it," said Mrs. Mont gomery, sadly. "Are you sorry, Mamma? does it trouble you?" "You know, my dear, that I am not apt to concern myself overmuch about the gain or the loss of money. I believe my THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. heavenly Father will give me in her lap , gave way to a violent rrrl->r.4. , m^^A -C -~ T L _.> * 1? 4.1. ~J. __ -_J what is good for me. " Then , Mamma , why are you troubled?" burst of grief, that seemed for a feAv moments as if it would rend soul and body in twain. For her "Because, my child, I cannot passions were by nature very carry out this principle in other strong , and by education very matters , and leave quietly my all in His hands." "What is the matter, dear mo ther? What makes you look so?" "This lawsuit, Ellen, has brought upon us more trouble than I ever thought a lawsuit could the loss of it, I mean." "How, Mamma?" ^"It has caused an entire change imperfectly controlled; and time "that rider that breaks youth," had not as yet tried his hand upon her. And Mrs. Montgomery, in spite of the fortitude and calm ness to which she had steeled herself, bent down over her, and folding her arms about her, yielded to sorrow deeper still, and for a little while scarcely less of all our plans. Your father says violent in its expression than he is too poor now to stay here I Ellen s own. any longer; and he has agreed to go soon on some government or military business to Europe." "Well, Mamma, that is bad; Alas! she had too good reason. She knew that the chance of her ever returning to shield the little creature who was nearest her but he has been away a great I heart from the future evils and deal before, and I am sure we snares of life was very, very were always very happy." small. She had at first absolutely i Tin4- TTll/^-n 1~ ^ J-Ki^,!- ,,, vi , t ,, ,v , I 4. n ~\^ n ~,^ T711 .~ , "U .~ "U Ellen, he thinks now, refused to leave Ellen, when her and the doctor thinks, too, that it I husband proposed it; declaring is very important for my health; that she would rather stay with that I should go with him." her and die than take the chance "Does he, Mamma? and do of recovery at such a cost. But you mean to go?" her physician assured her she "I am afraid I must, my dear could not live long without a child." j change of climate; Captain Mont- "Not and leave me, mother? "jgomery urged that it was better The imploring look of mingled i to submit to a temporary separa- astonishment, terror, and sorrow Ition, than to cling obstinately to with which Ellen uttered these | her child for a few months , and words, took from her mother all jthen leave her for ever; said power of replying. It was not he must himself go speedily to necessary; her little daughter ! France , and that now was her understood only too well the j best opportunity; assuring her, silent answer of her eye. With a hoAvever, that his circumstances wild cry she flung her arms round her mother, and hiding her face would not permit him to take Ellen with them, but that she 1* THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. would be secure of Chappy home with his sister during her mo ther s absence; and to the pres sure of argument Captain Mont gomery added the weight of authority insisting on her com pliance. Conscience also asked Mrs. Montgomery whether she had a right to neglect any chance of life that was offered her; and upon us; though we must sor row , we must not rebel." Ellen sobbed more gently; but that and the mute pressure of her arms was her only answer. "You will hurt both yourself and me, my daughter, if you cannot command yourself. Re member, dear Ellen, God sends no trouble upon his children but no trouble upon nis cnnureu uui at last she yielded to the com-|- n i ove . an d though we cannot bined influence of motives no onej see j 10Wj he will no doubt make of which would have had power all ^ wor k f or our good." sufficient to move her, and, though with a secret consciousness it would be in vain, she consented to do as her friends wished. And it was for Ellen s sake she did it, after all. Nothing but necessity had " "I know it, dear mother," sob bed Ellen, "but it s just as hard!" Mrs. Montgomery s own heart answered so readily to the truth of Ellen s words , that for the mo ment she could not speak. given her the courage to open|~~< T my daughter," she said, the matter to her little daughter. after a p ause _ "try to compose She had foreseen and endeavour- rse fc I am a f ra id you will ed to prepare herself tor Ellen BJ^ k me worse Ellen, if you anguish; but nature was. too strong for her, and they clasped each other in a convulsive em brace , while tears fell like rain. It was some minutes before Mrs. Montgomery recollected herself, and then, though she struggled hard, she could not im mediately regain her composure. But Ellen s deep sobs at length fairly alarmed her; she saw the , /* 1 - A 1- J.1_ ~*_ <-*!- ,*-("< cannot; lam, indeed." Ellen had plenty of faults, biit, amidst them all, love to her mother was the strongest feeling her heart knew. It had power enough now to move her as no thing else could have done ; and exerting all her self-command, of which she had sometimes a good deal, she did calm herself; ceased sobbing; wiped her eyes; tairly alarmed ner; sne saw uic ceased sobbing; wrpeu ner eyes, necessity, for both their sakes, | arose from her crouchingposture, of putting a stop to this state j an( j seating herself on a sofa of violent excitement; self-corn- ^ v h er mo ther, and laying her mand was restored at once. head on her bosom, she listened "Ellen! Ellen! listen to me," quietly to, all the soothing words she said. My child , this is not and ch eermg consi derations with right. Remember, my darling! which Mrs Montgomery endea- who it is that brings this sorrow [voured to lead her to take a THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 5 more hopeful view of the subject, j would take another), she filled All she could urge, however, had i up the little teapot from the but very partial success, though | boiling kettle, and proceeded to the conversation was prolonged make a cup of tea. She knew, far into the evening. Ellen said j and was very careful to put in, little, and did not weep any I just the quantity of milk and more; but in secret her heart refused consolation. Long before this the servant sugar that her mother liked ; and then she used to carry the tea and toast on a little tray to her had brought in the tea-things. mother s side, and very often Nobody regarded it at the time, held it there for her while she but the little kettle hissing away ate. All this Ellen did with the on the fire now by chance attract- zeal that love gives , and though ed Ellen s attention, and she sud- the same thing was to be gone denly recollected her mother had had no tea. Toinake_her mother s over every night of the year, she was never wearied. It was a real tea was Ellen s regular business, pleasure; she had the greatest She treated it as a very grave j satisfaction in seeing that the affair , and loved it as one of the j little her mother could eat was pleasantest in the course of the prepared for her in the nicest clay. She used in the first place to make sure that the kettle really boiled ; then she carefully poured some water into the teapot and rinsed it, both to make it clean and to make it hot; then she knew exactly how much tea to put into the tiny little teapot, which was just big enough to possible manner; she knew her hands made it taste better; her mother often said so. But this evening other thoughts had driven this important busi ness quite out of poor Ellen s mind. Now, however, when her eyes fell upon the little kettle, she recollected her mother had hold two cups of tea; and having I not had her tea, and must want it poured a very little boiling water very much ; and silently slipping to it, she used to set it by the off the sofa, she set about getting side of the fire while she made j it as usual. There was no doubt half a slice of toast. How careful this time whether the kettle boiled Ellen was about that toast ! The or no ; it had been hissing for an bread must not be cut too thick, | hour and more , calling as loud nor too thin; the fire must, ifjas it could to somebody to come and make the tea. So Ellen made it, and then began the toast. But she began to think, too, as she watched it, how few more times she would be able to do so how this was clone to her satisfaction ! soon her pleasant tea makings (and if the first piece failed , she | would be over and the desolate possible, burn clear and bright; and she herself held the bread on a fork, just at the right distance from the coals to get nicely browned without burning. When j.1^; ._ ,1 j.. i . _j.r_.r j.: THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD, feeling of separation began to Both remained silent and quiet come upon her before the time, awhile after this, till the clock These thoughts were too much ! struck ten. "You hao 1 better go for poor Ellen-, the thick tears to bed, my daughter," said Mrs. gathered so fast, she could not see what she was doing; and she had no more than just turned the slice of bread on the fork, when Montgomery. "I will, Mamma." "Do you think you can read me a little before you go ? " the sickness of heart quite over-) "Yes, indeed, Mamma;" and came her; she could not go on. ! Ellen brought the book. "Where Toast and fork and all dropped j shall I read?" from her hand into the ashes; " The twenty-third Psalm." and rushing to her mother s side, Ellen began it, and went who was now lying down again, through it steadily and slowly, and throwing herself upon her, though her voice quivered a little, she burst into another fit of sor- " The Lord is my shepherd, I row not so violent as the former, but with a touch of hope lessness in it which went yetmore to her mother s heart. Passion in the first said, "I cannot;" despair now seemed to say, "I must." But Mrs. Montgomery was too exhaused to either share or soothe Ellen s agitation. She lay in suf fering silence; till after some time she said, faintly "Ellen, my I with me; thy rod and thy staff love, I cannot bear this much they comfort me. longer." "Thou preparest a table be- Ellen was immediately brought fore me in the presence of mine to herself by these words. She enemies ; thou anointest my head shall not want. " He maketh me to lie down in green pastures; he leadeth me beside the still waters. " He restoreth my soul; he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name s sake. "Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art arose, sorry and ashamed that she should have given occasion with oil ; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy for them, and tenderly kissing j shall follow me all the days of her mother, assured her, most my life, and I will dwell in the sincerely and resolutely, that she house of the Lord for ever. " would not do so again. In a few minutes she was calm enough to finish making the tea, and having toasted another piece of bread, she brought it to her mother. Mrs. Montgomery swallowed a Long before she had finished, Ellen s eyes were full, and her heart too. "If I only could feel these words as Mamma does ! " she said to herself. She did not (dare look up till the traces of cup of tea, but no toast could be | tears had passed away; then she eaten that night. [paw that her mother was asleep. THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. Those first sweet words had fallen 1 like balm upon the sore heart d and mind and body had instantly] found rest together. Ellen breathed the lightest possible kiss upon her forehead, and stole quietly out of the room to her own little bed. CHAPTER II. Gives sorrow to the winds. SORROW and excitement made Ellen s eyelids heavy, and she slept late on the following morn ing. The great dressing-bell waked her. She started up with a confused notion that something was the matter: there was a weight on her heart that was very strange to A moment was enough to bring it all back; and she threw herself again on her quire and find out the reason, "ij will not trouble mother I will not I will not!" she resolved to herself as she got out of bed, though the tears fell faster as she said so. Dressing was sad work to Ellen to-day; it went 011 very heavily. Tears dropped into the water as she stooped her head to the basin; and she hid her face in the towel to cry, instead of making the ordinary use of it. But the usual duties were dragged through at last, and she went to the window. "I ll not go down till Papa is gone," she thought "he 11 ask me what is the matter with my eyes." Ellen opened the window. The rain was over ; the lovely light of a fair September morning was beautifying everything it shone pillow, yielding helplessly to the upon. Ellen had been accustomed grief she had twice been obliged! to amuse herself a good deal at to control the evening before. | this window, though nothing was Yet love was stronger than grief i to be seen from it but an ugly still, and she was careful to allow j city prospect of back walls of no sound to escape her that could houses, with the yards belonging reach the ears of her mother, to them, and a bit of narrow who slept in the next room. Her street. But she had watched the resolve was firm to grieve her no | people that showed themselves more with useless expressions of j at the windows, and the children sorrow to keep it to herself as \ that played in the yards , and the much as possible. But this very thought, that she must keep it to herself, gave an edge to poor Ellen s grief, and the convulsive clasp of her little arms round the pillow plainly showed that it needed none. The breakfast-bell again star tled her, and she remembered she must not be too late down stairs, or her mother might in- women that went to the pumps, till she had become pretty well acquainted with the neighbour hood; and though they were for the most part dingy, dirty, and disagreeable women, children, houses, and all she certainly had taken a good deal of interest in their proceedings. It was all gone now. She could not bear to look at them; she felt, .as if it C- 8 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD- made her sick ; and turning away her eyes, she lifted them to the bright sky above her head, and gazed into its clear depth of blue can possibly expect from me I ll astonish her I ll delight her I ll work harder than ever I did in my life before I ll till she almost forgot that there ; mend all my faults , and give her was such a thing as a city in the ! so much pleasure! But oh! if world. Little white clouds were | she only needn t go away! oh, chasing across it, driven by the Mamma!" Tears of mingled sweet fresh wind that was blowing away and bitter were poured out fast, Ellen s hair from her face, and but the bitter had the largest cooling her hot cheeks. That share. wind could not have been long in ! The breakfast -table was still coming from the place of woods j standing, and her father gone, and flowers, it was so sweet still, j when Ellen went down stairs. Ellen looked till, she didn t know | Mrs. Montgomery welcomed her why, she felt calmed and soothed! with her usual quiet smile, and as if somebody was saying to held out her hand. Ellen tried her softly, "Cheer up, my child,! to smile in answer, but she was cheer up ; things are hot so bad j glad to hide her face in her mo- as they might be: things will ither s bosom; and the long close be better." Her attention was | embrace was too close and too attracted at length by voices j long; it told of sorrow as well below; she looked down, and | as love; and tears fell from the saw there, in one of the yards, a eyes of each, that the other did poor deformed child, whom she | not see. had often noticed before, andi "Need I go to school to-day, always with sorrowful interest. Mamma?" whispered Ellen. Besides his bodily infirmity, he "No; I spoke to your father had a further claim on her sym- about that; you shall not go any pathy, in having lost his mother more; we will be together now within a few months. Ellen s i while we can." heart was easily touched this Ellen wanted to ask how long morning; she felt for him very j that would be, but could not much. "Poor, poor little fellow! " i make up her mind to it. she thought; "he s a great dealj "Sit down, daughter, and take worse off than I am. His mother ! some breakfast." is dead ; mine is only going away I " Have you done , Mamma ? " for a few months not for ever " No I waited for you." oh, what a difference ! and then the joy of coming back again!" poor Ellen was weeping al ready at the thought "and I will do, oh, how much! while she is gone I ll do more than she Thank you, dear Mamma" with another embrace "how good you are ! but I don t think I want any." They drew their chairs to the table, but it was plain neither had THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. much heart to eat; although Mrs. I he will, if you will only put your Montgomery with her own hands ; trust in Him , Ellen." laid on Ellen s plate half of the Ellen struggled hard to get little bird that had been broiled back her composure, and after a for her own breakfast. The half few minutes succeeded, was too much for each of them. "Mamma, will you tell me what "What made you so late this you mean exactly by my putting morning, daughter?" my trust in Him?" " I got up late, in the first place , Mamma ; and then 1 was a long time at the window." "At the window? Were you examining into your neighbours affairs, as usual?" said Mrs. Mont- " Don t you trust me, Ellen?" "Certainly, Mamma." "How do you trust me? in what?" "Why, Mamma, in the first place, I trust every word you gomery , surprised that it should say entirely I know nothing have been so. ! could be truer; if you were to " Oh , no Mamma , I didn t look : tell me black is white , Mamma , I that pleased you so much?" ! is right, perfectly. And I always "I don t know, Mamma; it feel safe when you are near me, looked so lovely and peaceful because I know you ll take care that pure blue spread over of me. And I am glad to think I my head, and the little white belong to you, and you have the clouds flying across it I loved management of me entirely, and to look at it; it seemed to do me ^needn t manage myself, because good." jl know I can t; and if I could, "Could you look at it, Ellen, I d rather you would, Mamma." without thinking of Him who "My daughter, it is just so made it?" it is just so that I wish you "No, Mamma," said Ellen, \ to trust in God. He is truer, ceasing her breakfast, and now i wiser, stronger, kinder by far speaking with difficulty; "I did; than I am, even if I could be al- think of Him ; perhaps that was ways with you ; and what will you the reason." I do when I am away from you? "And what did you think of And what would you do, my Him , daughter? " j child , if I were to be parted from "I hoped, Mamma I felt ! you for ever?" .1 thought he would take care ! "Oh, Mamma!" said Ellen, of me," said Ellen, bursting into bursting into tears, and clasping tears, and throwing her arms her arms round her mother again again round her mother. " Oh , dear Mamma , don t talk "He will, my dear daughter, ; about it ! " 10 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD, Her mother fondly returned her caress, and one or two tears fell on Ellen s head as she did so, but that was all, and she said no more. Feeling severely the effects of the excitement and anxiety of the preceding day and night, she now stretched herself on the sofa, and lay quite still. Ellen placed herself on a little bench at her side, with her back to the head of the sofa, that her mother might not see her face ; and, possessing herself of one of her hands , sat with her little head resting upon her mother, as , quiet as she. Theyreinained thus for two or three hours without speaking; and Mrs. Montgomery was part of the time slumbering , but now and then a tear ran down the side of the sofa, and dropped on the carpet where Ellen sat: and now and then her lips were softly pressed to the hand she held, as if they would grow there. The doctor s entrance at last disturbed them. Dr. Green found his patient decidedly worse than he had reason to expect; and his sagacious eye hadnotpassedback and forth many times between the mother and daughter before "what do you think of this fine scheme of mine?" "What scheme, Sir?" "Why, this scheme of sending this sick lady over the water to s:et well; what do you think of it, eh?". "Will it make her quite well, do you think, Sir?" asked Ellen, earnestly. " Will it make her well? to be sure it will. Do you think I don t know better than to send people all the way across the ocean for nothing? Who do you think would want Dr. Green if he sent people on wild-goose-chases in that fashion?" "Will she have to stay long there before she is cured, Sir?" asked Ellen. "Oh, that I can t tell; that depends entirely on circum stances perhaps longer, per haps shorter. But now, Miss Ellen, I ve got a word of business to say to you; you know you agreed to be my little nurse. Mrs. Nurse, this lady, whom I put under your care the other day, isn t quite as well as she ought to be this morning; I m afraid you havn t taken proper care of her; she looks to me as if she had he saw how it was. He made no j been too much excited. I ve a remark upon it, however, but i notion she has been secretly continued for some moments a taking half a bottle of wine , or pleasant chatty conversation \ reading some furious kind of a which he had begun with Mrs. Montgomery. He then called Ellen to him; he had rather taken a fancy to her. "Well, Miss Ellen," he said, novel, or something of that sort you understand? Now mind, Mrs. Nurse," said the doctor, changing his tone "she must not be excited you must take rubbing one of her hands in his, j care that she is not it isn t THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 11 good for her. You mustn t let a world which she had a secret her talk much , or laugh much, or misgiving she was fast leaving, cry at all, on any account; she I As forEllen, the doctor s warning mustn t be worried in the least had served to strengthen the will you remember? Now, you know what I shall expect of you; resolve she had already made, that she would not distress her you must be very careful; if that mother with the sight of her piece of toast of yours should! sorrow; and she kept it, as far chance to getburned, one of these I as she could. She did not let her fine evenings , I won t answer for the consequences. Good-bye," said he, shaking Ellen s hand; "you needn t look sober about it; all you have to do is to let your Mamma be as much like an oyster as possible; you under stand? Good-bye." Green took his leave. And Dr. ; Poor woman!" said the doc- mother see but very few tears, and those were quiet ones; though she drooped her head like a withered flower, and went about the house with an air of submissive sadness, thafc tried her mother sorely. But when she was alone , and knew no one could see, sorrow had its way; and then there were sometimes tor to himself, as he went down iagoniesof grief that would almost stairs (he was a humane man) have broken Mrs. Montgomery s "I wonder if she ll live till she i resolution, had she known them, gets to the other side! That s This, however, could not last, a nice little girl, too. Poor child! Ellen was a child, and of most 1 *1 J I U "L. A. 1 1 J_* *J_ J. poor child! buoyant and elastic spirit natu- Both mother and daughter rally; it was not for one sorrow, silently acknowledged the justice however great, to utterly crush of the doctor s advice, and deter- j her. It would have taken years mined to follow it. By common ! to do that. Moreover, she enter- consent, as it seemed, each for tained not the slightest hope of several days avoided bringing the j being able by any means to alter subject of sorrow to the other s j her father s will. She regarded mind; though no doubt it was i the dreaded evil as an inevitable constantly present to both. It J thing. But though she was at was not spoken of ; indeed, little first overwhelmed with sorrow, of any kind was spoken of , but land for some days evidently that never. Mrs. Montgomery was : pined under it sadly, hope at doubtless employed, during this ! length would come back to her interval, in preparing for what;littl heart; and no sooner in she believed was before her ;J again, hope began to smooth the endeavouring to resign herself .roughest, and soften the hardest, and her child to Him in whose J and touch the dark spots with hands they were, and strugglingj light, in Ellen s future. The to withdraw her affections from j thoughts which had just passed 12 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. through her head that first morn- 1 Mrs. Montgomery s frame, but ing, as she stood at her window, j Ellen did not see it. Mrs. Mont- no w came back again. Thoughts gomery was silent. Ellen presently of wonderful improvement to! introduced another subject, be made during her mother s! "Mamma, whatkind of aperson absence; of unheard-of efforts to is my aunt?" learn and amend, which should! "I do not know I have never all be crowned with success ; seen her." and, above all, thoughts of that j "How has that happened, "coming home," when all these: Mamma?" attainments and accomplish- 1 "Your aunt has always lived ments should be displayed to in a remote country town, and her mother s delighted eyes, and I have been very much confined her exertions receive their long- ! to two or three cities , and your desired reward; they made father s long and repeated ab- Ellen s heart beat, and her sences made travelling impossible eyes swim, and even brought alto me." smile once more upon her lips. Ellen thought, but she didn t Mrs. Montgomery was rejoiced say it, that it was very odd her to see the change; she felt that father should not sometimes, as much time had already been when he was in the country, have given to sorrow as they could; gone to see his relations, and afford to lose, and she had not taken her mother with him. known exactly how to proceed.) "What is my aunt s name, Ellen s amended looks and spirits j Mamma?" greatly relieved her. "I think you must have heard "What are you thinking about, that already, Ellen Fortune Ellen?" said she, one morning, j Emerson." Ellen was sewing; and while: "Emerson! I thought she was busy at her work her mother had I papa s sister?" fturrk f\i* -fVivon fimoa riVkcovvnrl a " Sir* oVo ia " two or three times observed a slight smile pass over her face. she is." Then how comes her name Ellen looked up, still smiling, not to be Montgomery?" and answered, "Oh, Mamma, I "She is only his half-sister was thinking of different things the daughter of his mother, not things that I mean to do while : the daughter of his father." you are gone. "And what are these things?" inquired her mother. Oh, Mamma, it Avouldn t do I am very sorry for that," said Ellen, gravely. "Why, my daughter?" "I am afraid she will not be so to tell you beforehand ; I want to likely to love me." surprise you with them when you ! "You mustn t think so, my come back." child. Her loving or not loving A slight shudder passed over; you will depend solely and THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 13 entirely upon yourself, Ellen. Don t forget that. If you are a good child, and make it your daily care to do your duty, she cannot help liking you, be she what she may ; and, on the other hand, if she have all the will in the world to love you, she cannot do it unless you will let her it all depends on your behaviour. Oh, Mamma, I can t help wishing dear Aunt Bessy was alive , and I was going to her." Many a time the same wish had passed through Mrs. Mont gomery s mind. But she kept down her rising heart, and went on calmly "You must not expect, my child, to find anybody as indul gent as I am, or as ready to overlook and excuse your faults. It would be unreasonable to look for it; and you must not think hardly of your aunt when you find she is not your mother; but then it will be your own fault if for ; I don t care a fig for anything people do for me without that." "But you can make her love you, Ellen, if you try." "Well, I 11 try, Mamma." "And don t be discouraged. Perhaps you maybe disappointed in first appearances, but never mind that; have patience; and let your motto be (if there s any occasion) , Overcome evil with good. Will you put that among the things you mean to do while I am gone?" said Mrs. Mont gomery, Avith a smile. "I 11 try, dear Mamma." "You will succeed if you try, dear , never fear if you apply yourself in your trying to the only unfailing source of wisdom and strength to Him without whom you can do nothing." There was silence for a little. "What sort of a place is it where my aunt lives?" asked Ellen. " Your father says it is a very pleasant place; he says the she does not love you, in time, country is beautiful, and very truly and tenderly. See that you render her all the respect and healthy, and full of charming walks and rides. You have never obedience you could render me; lived in the country; I think you that is your bounden duty; shej will enjoy it very much." will stand in my place while she has the care of you remember that, Ellen; and remember, too, that she will deserve more grati- ; Then it is not a town?" said Ellen. " No ; it is not far from the town of Thirlwall , but your aunt lives tude at your hands for showing in the open country. Your father you kindness than I do , because says she is a capital housekeeper, she cannot have the same feeling and that you will learn more, and of love to make trouble easy." "Oh, no, Mamma," said Ellen, "I don t think so; it s that very feeling of love that I am grateful be in all respects a great deal happier and better off, than you would be in a boarding-school here or anywhere." 14 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD, I am away, and cannot hear you, there will be nobody to supply Ellen s heart secretly ques tioned the truth of this last assertion very much. my place. Perhaps it will be "so, "Is there any school near?"! indeed; but then, my daughter, she asked. let it make you seek that Friend "Your father say-s there was who is never far away nor out of an excellent one in Thirlwall | hearing. Draw nigh to God, and when he was there." [he will draw nigh to you. You "Mamma," saidEllen, "I think! know he has said of his children the greatest pleasure I shall have ! Before they call, I will answer ; while you are gone will be writing j and while they are yet speakin to you. I have been thinking I will hear. " of it a good deal. I mean to tell you everything absolutely everything , Mamma. You know there will be nobody for me to talk to as I do to you" (Ellen s words came out with difficulty) ; "and when I feel badly, I shall just shut myself up and write to you." She hid her face in her mother s lap. "I count upon it my dear "But, Mamma," said Ellen, her eyes filling instantly, "you know he is not my friend in the same way that he is yours." And, hiding her face again, she added, "Oh, I wish he was!" "You know the way to make him so, Ellen. He is willing; it only rests with you. Oh, my child, my child! if losing your mother might be the means of daughter; it will make quite as j finding you that better Friend much the pleasure of my life, Ellen, as of yours." But then, mother," saidEllen, O J IJAJ.C**U *_F V>Ul>l^.L Jt; J.JLV<XlVt I should be quite willing and glad to go for ever." There was silence, only broken brushing away the tears from her: by Ellen s sobs. Mrs. Mont- eyes, "it will be so long before jgomery s voice had trembled, my letters can get to you ! The [ and her face was now covered things I want you to know right j with her hands; but she was not away, you won t know, perhaps, | weeping; she was seeking abetter in a month." j relief where it had long been her "That s no matter, daughter ; i habit to seek and find it. Both they will be just as good when! soon resumed their usual com- they do get to me. Never think iposure, and the employments of that; write every day , and all; which had been broken off; but manner of things that concern neither chose to renew the con- y OU just as particularly as if versation. Dinner, sleeping, and you were speaking to me." company prevented their having " And you 11 write to me , too, another opportunity during the you Mamma?" "Indeed I will rest of the day. when I can. But when the evening came, But, Ellen, you say that when j they were again left to them- THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 15 selves. Captain Montgomery was I sake, and I am glad for mine ; and away, which indeed was the case I am glad, too, because we have most of the time; friends had taken their departure; the cur tains were down, the lamp lit, the little room looked cozy and comfortable ; brought the the servant tea-things, had and withdrawn, and the mother and daughter were happily alone. Mrs. Montgomery knew that such occasions were numbered, and fast draAving to an end , and she felt each one to be very precious. She now lay on her couch, with her face partially shaded, and her eyes fixed upon her little daughter, who was preparing the tea. She watched her, with thoughts and feelings not to be spoken, as the little figure went back and forward between the table and the fire : and the light shining full upon her busy face, showed that Ellen s whole soul was in her beloved duty. Tears would fall as she looked, and were not wiped away; but when Ellen, having finished her work, brought with a satisfied face the little tray of tea and toast to her mother, there was no longer any sign of them left; Mrs. Mont gomery arose with her usual kind smile , to show her gratitude by honouring, as far as possible, what Ellen had provided. "You have more appetite to night, Mamma." "I am very glad, daughter," replied her mother, "to see that you have made up your mind to bear patiently this evil that has come upon us. I am glad for your a great deal to do, and no time to lose in doing it." "What, have we so much to do, Mamma?" said Ellen. "Oh, many things," said her mother; "you will see. But now, Ellen, if there is anything you wish to talk to me about, any question you want to ask, any thing you would like particularly to have , or to have done for you I want you to tell it me as soon as possible, now, while we can attend to it for by-and-by per haps we shall be hurried." "Mamma," said Ellen, with brightening eyes, "there is one thing I have thought of that I should like to have shall I tell it you now?" "Yes." "Mamma, you know I shall want to be writing a great deal; wouldn t it be a good thing for me to have a little box with some pens in it, and an inkstand, and some paper and wafers? Because, Mamma, you know I shall be among strangers at first, and I shan t like asking them for these things as often as I shall want them, and may be they wouldn t want to let me have them if I did." I have thought of that already, daughter," said Mrs.Montgomery, with a smile and a sigh. "I will certainly take care that you are well provided in that respect before you go." "How am I to go, Mamma?" "What do you mean?" "I mean, who will go with 16 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD, me? You know I can t go alone, ! and patient under this affliction. Mamma." |I should scarcely have been able "No, my daughter. I ll not; to endure it if you had not exerted send you alone. But your father j self-control. You have behaved says it is impossible for Mm to \ beautifully." take the journey at present, and it is yet more impossible for me. This was almost too much for poorEllen. It required her utmost There is no help for it, daughter, I stretcll O f self -control to keep but we must intrust you to the | w i t hi n any bounds of composure: care of some friend going thati and f or some moments her flushed way; but He that holds the ; cheek quivering lip, and heaving winds and waters in the hollow | bosom, told what a tumult of his hand, can take care of you ner mother s words had raised, without any of our help, and it is | Mrs. Montgomery saw she had to his keeping above all that I gone too far, and, willing to shall commit you. give both Ellen and he rself time Ellen made no remark, and to recover, she laid her head on seemed much less surprised and the pi i low agaillj and closed her eyes. Many thoughts coming thick upon one another presently filled her mind , and half an hour troubled than her mother had expected. In truth, the greater evil swallowed up the less. Part ing from her mother, and for so long a time, it seemed to her comparatively a matter of little importance with whom she went, or how, or where. Except for this, the taking a long journey under a stranger s care, would have been a dreadful thing to her. "Doyouknowyet who it will be that I shall go with, Mamma?" "Not yet; but it will be necessary to take the first good opportunity, for I cannot go till I have seen you off; and it is thought very desirable that I should get to sea before the severe weather comes." It was with a pang that these words were spoken and heard, but neither showed it to the other. "It has comforted me greatly, my dear child, that you have shown yourself so submissive had passed before she again recollected what she had meant to say. She opened her eyes; Ellen was sitting at a little dis tance, staring into the fire evidently as deep in meditation as her mother had been. "Ellen," saidMrs.Montgoinery, " did you ever fancy what kind of a Bible you would like to have ? " / A Bible! Mamma," saidEllen, with sparkling eyes; "do you mean to give me a Bible?" Mrs. Montgomery smiled. "But, Mamma," said Ellen, gently, "I thought you couldn t afford it?" "I have said so, and truly," answered her mother; "and hitherto you have been able to use mine; but I will not leave you now without one. I .will find THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 17 ways and means, 5 said Mrs. Mont gomery, smiling again. " Oh, Mamma, thank you," said Ellen, delighted; "how glad I shall be ! " And , after a pause of consideration, she added, "Mamma, I never thought much about what sort of a one I should like couldn t I tell better if I were to see the different kinds in the store?" "Perhaps so. Well, the first day that the weather is fine enough, and I am well enough, I will go out with you, and we will see about it." "I am afraid Dr. Green won t let you, Mamma." "I shall not ask him. I want to get you a Bible, and some other things that I will not leave you without, and nobody can do it but myself, possibly can." I shall go, if 1 equinoctial storms would have their way, as usual, and Ellen thought they were longer than ever this year, stormy days But after many had tried her patience, there was at length a sudden change, both without and had within doors. The clouds done their work for that time, and fled away before a strong northerly wind, leaving the sky bright and fair. And Mrs. Montgomery s deceitful disease took a turn, and for a little space raised the hopes of her friends. All were rejoicing but two persons Mrs. Mont gomery was not deceived, neither was the doctor. The shopping project was kept a profound secret from him, and from every body except Ellen. Ellen watched now for a favourable day. Every morning as soon as she rose, she went to the window to see what was the look of the weather; and about a week after the change above noticed , she was greatly pleased What other things, Mamma?" askedEllen, very much interested in the subject. "I don t think it will do to tell you to-night," said Mrs. Mont gomery, smiling. "I foresee that you and I would be kept awake I window, as usual, to find the too late if we were to enter upon j air and sky promising all that it just now. We will leave it till j could be desired. It was one of to-morrow. Now read to love , and then to bed." one morning, on opening her Ellen obeyed; and went to sleep with brighter visions dancing before her eyes than had been the case for some time, CHAPTER III. The worth of a Finger-Ring. ELLEN had to wait some time me, | those beautiful days in the end of September, that sometimes for the desired fine day. The Wide , Wide World. The herald October before it arrives cloudless , brilliant, and brea thing balm. " This will do," said Ellen to herself, in great satis faction "I think this will do I hope Mamma will think so." Hastily dressing herself, and a good deal excited already, she ran down stairs, and, after the 2 18 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. morning salutations, examined her mother s looks with as much anxiety as she had just done those of the weather. All was satisfactory there also; and Ellen ate her breakfast with an excel lent appetite ; but she said not a word of the intended expedition till her father should be gone. She contented herself with strengthening her hopes, by making constant fresh inspections of the weather and her mother s countenance alternately; and her eyes returning from the window on one of these excursions, and meeting her mother s face, saw a smile there which said all she wanted. Breakfast went on more vigorously than ever. But after breakfast it seemed to Ellen that her father never would go away. He took the newspaper, uncommon thing for him, an and pored over it most perseveringly, while Ellen was in a perfect fidget of impatience. Her mother, seeing the state she was in, and taking pity on her, sent her up stairs to do some little matters of business in her own room. These Ellen despatched with all possible zeal and speed; and coming down again, found her father gone, and her mother alone. She flew to kiss her in the first place, and then make the inquiry, * Don t you think to-day will do, Mamma?" "As fine as possible, daughter; we could not have a better; but I must wait till the doctor has been here." a pause, making a great effort of self-denial, "I am afraid you oughtn t to go out to get these things for me. Pray don t, Mamma, if you think it will do you harm. I would rather go without them; indeed I would." "Never mind that, daughter," said Mrs. Montgomery, kissing her; "I am bent upon it; it would be quite as much of a disappointment to me as to you, not to go. We have a lovely day for it, and we will take our time and walk slowly, and we haven t far to go either. But I must let Dr. Green make his visit first." To fill up the time till he came, Mrs. Montgomery employed Ellen in reading to her, as usual. And this morning s reading Ellen long after remembered. Her mother directed her to several passages in different parts of the Bible that speak of heaven and its enjoyments; and though, when she began, her own little heart was full of excitement, in view of the day s plans, and beating with hope and pleasure, the sublime beauty of the words and thoughts , as she went on , awed her into quiet, and her mother s manner at length turned her attention entirely from herself. Mrs. Montgomery was lying on the sofa, and for the most part listened in silence , with her eyes closed, but sometimes saying a word or two that made Ellen feel how deep was the interest her mother had in the things she read "Mamma," said Ellen, after of, and how pure and strong the THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 19 pleasure she was even now taking in them; and sometimes there was a smile on her face that Ellen scarce liked to see; it gave her an indistinct feeling that her mother would not be long away from that heaven to which she seemed already to belong. Ellen had a sad consciousness, too, that she had no part with her mother in this matter. She could hardly go on. She came to that beauti ful passage in the seventh of Revelation: "And one of the elders answer ed, saying unto me, What are these which are arrayed in white robes? and whence came they? And I said unto him, Sir thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. Therefore are they before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in his temple: and he that sitteth on the throne shall dwell among them. They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither shall the sun light on them , nor any heat. For the Lamb, which is in the midst of the throne, shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters; and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes." With difficulty, and a husky voice, Ellen got through it. Lift ing then her eyes to her mother s face , she saw again the same sin gular sweet smile. Ellen felt that she could not read another word ; to her great relief the door open ed, and Dr. Green came in. His appearance changed the whole course of her thoughts. All that was grave or painful fled quickly away; Ellen s head was imme diately full again of what had fill ed it before she began to read. As soon as the doctor had re tired, and was fairly out of hear ing, "Now, Mamma, shall we go?" said Ellen. "You needn t stir, Mamma ; I 11 bring all your things to you , and put them on may I, Mamma? then you won t be a bit tired before you set out." Her mother assented; and with a great deal of tenderness, and a great deal of eagerness, Ellen put on her stockings and shoes, ar ranged her hair, and did all that she could towards changing her dress , and putting on her bonnet and shawl ; and greatly delighted she was when the business was accomplished. "Now, Mamma, you look like yourself; I haven t seen you look so well this great while. I m glad you re going out again," said Ellen, putting her arms round her; "I do believe it will do you good. Now, mamma, I 11 go and get ready; I 11 be very quick about it; you shan t have to wait long for me." In a few minutes the two set forth from the house. The day was as fine as could be ; there was no wind, there was no dust; the sun was not oppressive ; and Mrs. Montgomery did feel refreshed and strengthened during the few 2* 20 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. steps thejr had to take to their first stopping-place. It was a jeweller s store. Ellen had never been in one before in her life , and her first feeling on entering was of dazzled wonder ment at the glittering splendours around; this was presently for gotten in curiosity to know what her mother could possibly want there. She soon discovered that she had come to sell, and not to buy. Mrs. Montgomery drew a ring from her finger, and , after a little chaffering, parted with it to the owner of the store for eighty dollars, being about three-quar ters of its real value. The money was counted out, and she left the store. " Mamma," saidEllen , in a low voice, "wasn t that grandmam ma s ring, which I thought you loved so much?" "Yes, I did love it, Ellen, but I love you better." " Oh, Mamma, I am very sorry ! " said Ellen. "Youneednotbe sorry, daugh ter. Jewels in themselves are the merest nothings to me; and as for the rest, it doesn t matter; I can remember my mother without any help from a trinket." There were tears, however, in Mrs. Montgomery s eyes, that showed the sacrifice had cost her something; and there were tears in Ellen s, that told it was not thrown away upon her. "I am sorry you should know of this," continued Mrs. Mont gomery; "you should not if I could have helped it. But set your heart quite at rest, Ellen; I assure you this use of my ring gives me more pleasure on the whole than any other I could have made of it." A grateful squeeze of her hand and glance into her face was Ellen s answer. Mrs. Montgomery had applied to her husband for the funds ne cessary to fit Ellen comfortably for the time they should be ab sent; and in answer he had given her a sum barely sufficient for her mere clothing. Mrs. Mont gomery knew him better than to ask for a further supply, but she resolved to have recourse to other means to do what she had deter mined upon. Now that she was about to leave her little daughter, and it might be for ever, she had set her heart upon providing her with certain things which she thought important to her comfort and improvement, and which Ellen would go very long without if she did not give them to her, and now. Ellen had had very few presents in her life , and those al* ways of the simplest and cheapest kind ; her mother resolved that in the midst of the bitterness of this time she would give her one plea sure , if she could it might be the last. They stopped next at a book store. "Oh, what a delicious smell of new books!" said Ellen, as they entered. "Mamma, if it wasn t for one thing, I should say I never was so happy in my life." Children s books, lying ia tempting confusion near the door , THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD, 21 immediately fastened Ellen s eyes and attention. She opened one, and was already deep in the in terest of it,when the word "Bibles" struck her ear. Mrs. Montgomery was desiring the shopman to show her various kinds and sizes, that she might choose from among them. Down went Ellen s book, and she flew to the place, where a dozen different Bibles were pre sently displayed. Ellen s wits were ready to forsake her. Such beautiful Bibles she had never seen; she pored in ecstasy over their varieties of type and bind ing, and was very evidently in love with them all. "Now, Ellen," said Mrs. Mont gomery, "look and choose-, take your time, and see which you like best." It was not likely that Ellen s " " 1J - a short one. this, took a "time" would be Her mother seein: chair at a little distance , to await patiently her decision ; and while Ellen s eyes were riveted on the Bibles, her own, very naturally, were fixed upon her. In the ex citement and eagerness of the moment, Ellen had thrown off her little bonnet, and with flushed cheek and sparkling eye, and a brow grave with unusual care, as though a nation s fate were de ciding, she was weighing the comparative advantages of large, small, and middle-sized black, blue, purple, and red gilt and not gilt clasp and no clasp. Everything but the Bibles before hej; Ellen had forgotten utterly; , _ ^ a she was deep in what was to her from coming to any conclusion. the most important of business; she did not see the bystanders smile she did not know there were any. To her mother s eye it was a most fair sight. Mrs. Mont gomery gazed with rising emo tions of pleasure and pain that struggled for the mastery; but pain at last got the better, and rose very high. " How can 1 give thee up!" was the one thought of her heart. Unable to command herself, she rose and went to a distant part of the counter, where she seemed to be examining books ; but tears, some of the bit terest she had ever shed, were falling thick upon the dusty floor, and she felt her heart like to break. Her little daughter, at one end of the counter, had for gotten there ever was such a thing as sorrow in the world; and she, at the other, was bowed beneath a weight of it that was nigh to crush her. But in her extremity she betook herself to that refuge she had never known to fail: it did not fail her now. She remem bered the words Ellen had been reading to her but that very morn ing, and they came like the breath of heaven upon the fever of her soul "Not my will, but thine be done." She strove and prayed to say it, and not in vain; and after a little while she was able to return to her seat. She felt that she had been shaken by a tempest, but she was calmer now than be fore. Ellen was just as she had left her, and apparently just as far THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. Mrs. Montgomery was resolved to | " Well, my dear, take it that iof i*ar. foi.^ Q v, Q ^ -.TTO^CT T^^^+UT , i s ? if y OU w ^j make up your mind to put on spectacles before your time." "Spectacles, Mamma! I hope I shall never wear spectacles." "What do you propose to do when your sight fails, if you shall live so long?" " Well, Mamma, if it comes to that; but you don t advise me, then, to take this little beauty?" "Judge for yourself; I think you are old enough." "Iknowwhatyou think, though, Mamma, and I daresay you are right, top ; I won t take it, though it s a pity. Well, I must look again." Mrs. Montgomery came to her help, for it was plain Ellen had lost the power of judging amidst so many tempting objects. But she presently simplified the mat ter by putting aside all that were decidedly too large or too small, or of too fine print. There re mained three of moderate size, and sufficiently large type, but different binding. "Either of volumes, gilt, and clasped, andithese, I think, will answeryour very perfect in all respects, but purpose nicely," said Mrs. Mont gomery. "Then, Mamma, if you please, I will have the red one. I like that let her take her way. Presently Ellen came over from the counter with a large royal octavo Bible, heavy enough to be a good lift for her. "Mamma," said she, lay ing it on her mother s lap, and opening it, "what do you think of that? isn t that splendid." "A most beautiful page, in deed; is this your choice, Mien?" " Well, Mamma , I don t know ; what do you think?" "I think it is rather incon veniently large and heavy for everyday use. It is quite a weight upon my lap. I shouldn t like to carry it in my hands long. You would want a little table on pur pose to hold it." "Well, that wouldn t do at all," said Ellen, laughing. "I be lieve you are right, Mamma; I wonderldidn tthmkof it. Imight have known that myself." She took it back; and there fol lowed another careful examina tion of the whole stock ; and then Ellen came to her mother with a beautiful miniature edition, in two of exceeding small print. "I think I 11 have this, Mam ma," said she, "isn t it a beauty? I could put it in my pocket, you know, and carry it any where, with the greatest ease." "It would have one great ob jection to me," said Mrs. Mont gomery, "inasmuch as I cannot possibly see to read it," "Cannot you, Mamma? can read it perfectly." But I best, because it will put me in mind of yours." Mrs. Montgomery could find no fault with this reason. She paid for the red Bible , and directed it to be sent home. "Shan t I carry it, Mamma?" said Ellen. "No, you would find it in the THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 23 way; we have several things to do yet." "Have we, Mamma? I thought we only came to get a Bible." had ever seen the inside of such a store, and the articles displayed on every side completely be witched her. From one thing to "That is enough for one day, another she went, admiring and I confess. I am a little afraid your! wondering ; in her wildest dreams head will be turned, but I must I she had never imagined such run the risk of it. I dare not lose | beautiful things. The place was the opportunity of this fine wea ther; I may not have such another. I wish to have the comfort of thinking , when I am away, that I fairyland. Mrs. Montgomery meanwhile attended to business. Having chosen a neat little japanned have left you with everything ne- dressing-box, perfectlyplain, but cessary to the keeping up of good well supplied with everything a habits everything that will child could want in that line , she make them pleasant and easy. 1 1 called Ellen from the delightful wish you to be always neat, and journey of discovery she was ma- tidy, and industrious; depending king round the store, and asked upon others as little as possible; and careful to improve yourself by every means, and especially by writing to me. I will leave you no excuse, Ellen, for failing in any of these duties. I trust you will not disappoint me in a single particular." Ellen s heart was too full to speak. She again looked up tear fully, and pressed her mother s hand. I dp not expect to be disap- Mrs. her what she thought of it. "I think it s a little beauty," said Ellen; "but I never saw such a place for beautiful things." " You think it will do, then?" said her mother. "Forme, Mamma! You don t mean to give it to me? Oh, mo ther, how good you are! But I know what is the best way to thank you, and I 11 do it. What a perfect little beauty ! Mamma, I m too happy!" I hope not," said her mother; "for you know I haven t got you pointed, love," returned Montgomery. They now entered a large fancy 1 the b ox for your pens and paper store. I yet." "What are we to get here,; "Well, Mamma, I ll try and Mamma?" said Ellen. jbear it," said Ellen, laughing. "A box to put your pens and; "But do get me the plainest little iperin," said her mother, smi- thing in the world, for you re gi- Saper ng Oh, to be sure," said Ellen; ving me too much." Mrs. Montgomery asked to look at writing-desks , and was shown "I had almost forgotten that" She quite forgot it a minute! to another part of the store for the after. It was the first time she | purpose. THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD* " Mamma," said Ellen, in a low tone, as they went, "you re not going to get me a writing-desk?" "Why, that is the best kind of box for holding writing ma terials," said her mother, smiling ; " don t you think so?" "I don t know what to say!" exclaimed Ellen. "I can t thank you, Mamma; I haven t any words to do it. I think I shall go crazy." She was truly overcome with the weight of happiness. Words failed her, and tears came instead. From among a great many desks of all descriptions, Mrs. Montgomery with some difficulty succeeded in choosing one to her mind. It was of mahogany, not very large, but thoroughly well made and finished, and very con venient and perfect in its internal arrangements. Ellen was speech less ; occasional looks at her mo ther, and deep sighs, were- all she had now to offer. The desk was quite empty. "Ellen," said her mother, "do you remember the furniture of Miss Allen s desk, that you were so pleased with a while ago?" "Perfectly, Mamma; Iknowall that was in it." " Well , then , you must prompt me if I forget any thing. Your desk shall be furnished with every thing really useful. Merely showy mat ters we can dispense with. Now, let us see here is a great empty place that I think wants some pa per to fill it. Show me some of different sizes, if you please." The shopman obeyed, and Mrs. Montgomery stocked the desk well with letter-paper , large and small. Ellen looked on in great satisfaction. " That will do nice ly," she said; "that large paper will be beautiful whenever I am writing to you, Mamma, you know; and the other will do for other times, when I haven t so much to say; though I am sure I don t know who there is in the world I should ever send letters to, except you." "If there is nobody now, per haps there will be at some future time, "replied her mother. "Ihope I shall not always be your only correspondent. Now,whatnext?" "Envelopes, Mamma?" "To be sure; I had forgotten them. Envelopes of both sizes to match." "Because, Mamma, you know I might, and I certainly shall, want to write upon the fourth page of my letter, and I couldn t do it unless I had envelopes." A sufficient stock of envelopes was laid in. "Mamma," said Ellen, "what do you think of a little note- paper?" "Who are the notes to be written to, Ellen?" said Mrs. Montgomery smiling. "You needn t smile, Mamma; you know, as you said, if I don t know now, perhaps I shall by- and-by. Miss Allen s desk had note-paper that made me think of it." "So shall yours, daughter; while we are about it, we will do the thing well. And your note- THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD, paper will keep quite safely in this nice little place provided for it, even if you should not want to use a sheet of it in half-a-dozen years." " How nice that is ! " said Ellen, admiringly. "I suppose the note-paper must have envelopes, too," said Mrs. Montgomery. "To be sure, Mamma; I sup pose so," said Ellen, smiling; "Miss Allen s had." " Well, now we have got all the paper we want, I think," said Mrs. Montgomery; " the next thing is ink or an inkstand, rather." Different kinds were presented for her choice. "Oh, Mamma, that one won t do," said Ellen, anxiously; "you know the desk will be knocking about in a trunk, and the ink would run out, and spoil every - thing. It should be one of those "I d rather take some of my own, by half," said Ellen. "You could not carry a bottle of ink in your desk without great danger to everything else in it. It would not do to venture." "We have excellent ink-pow der," said the shopman, "in small packages, which can be very con veniently carried about. You see, Ma am, there is a compartment in the desk for such things ; and the ink is very easily made at any time." "Oh, that will do nicely," said Ellen , " that is just the thing." "Now, what is to go in this other square place, opposite the inkstand?" said Mrs. Mont gomery. "/That is the place for the box of lights, Mamma." "What sort of lights?" "For sealing letters, Mamma, youknow. They are not like your that shut tight. I don t see the wax taper at all; they are little right kind here." wax matches , that burn just long The shopman brought one. enough to seal one or two letters ; "There, Mamma do you Miss Allen showed me how she see?" said Ellen. "It shuts with j used them. Hers were in a nice a spring, and nothing can possibly little box, just like the inkstand come out. Do you see, mamma. | on the outside; and there was a You can turn it topsy-turvy." | place to light the matches , and a "I see you are quite right, i place to set them in while they are daughter; it seems I should get; burning. There, Mamma, that s on very ill without you to advise I it ," said Ellen , as the shopman me. Fill the inkstand, if you brought forth the article which please." she was describing, "that s it " Mamma, what shall I do when exactly; and that will just fit. my ink is gone? that inkstand | Now, Mamma, for the wax." will hold but a little, you know." "Your aunt will supply you, of course, my dear, when you are out." You want to seal your letter before you have written it," said Mrs. Montgomery "we have not got the pens yet." 26 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD, " That s true, Mamma let us other part of the store. When she have the pens. And some quills, too, Mamma?" returned , Ellen had made up an assortment of the oddest colours : Do you know how to make a she could find, pen, Ellen?" "1 won t have any red, Mamma, "No, Mamma, not yet; but Iritis so common," she said. want to learn very much. Miss Pichegru says that every lady ought to know how to make her own pens. "Miss Pichegru is very right; "I think it is the prettiest of all," said Mrs. Montgomery. "Do you, Mamma? then I will have a stick of red on purpose to seal to you with." but I think you are rather too | "And who do you intend shall young to learn. However, we will have the benefit of the other co- try. Now, here are steel points j lours?" inquired her mother, enough to last you a great while "I declare, Mamma," saidEllen, and as many quills as it is need- ! laughing , "I never thought of ful you should, cut up for one! that; I am afraid they will have year at least; we haven t a pen- 1 to go to you. You must not mind, handle yet." | Mamma, if you get green, and "Here, Mamma," said Ellen, blue, and yellow seals once in a holding out a plain ivory one, while." " don t you like this? I think it is j "I dare say I shall submit my- prettier than these that are all j self to it with a good grace," said cut and fussed, or those other Mrs. Montgomery. "But come, gay ones either." "I think so, too, Ellen; the plainer the prettier, comes next?" Now, what " The knife , Mamma , to make the pens," said Ellen, smiling. "True, the knife. Let us see some of your best penknives. Now, Ellen, choose. That one my dear, have we got all that we want? This desk has been very very long in furnishing." "You haven t given me a seal yet, Mamma." "Seals! There are a variety before you ; see if you can find one that you like. By the way, you cannot seal a letter, can won t do, my dear; it should have , you?" two blades a large as well as a " Not yet, Mamma," said Ellen, small one. You know you want i smiling again; "that is another to mend a pencil sometimes." " So I do, Mamma to be sure you re very right; here s a nice one. Now, mamma, the wax." " There is a box full choose your own colours." Seeing it was likely to be a work of time, Mrs. Montgomery walked away to an- of the things I have got to learn." "Then 1 think you had better have some wafers in the mean time." While Ellen was picking out her seal, which took not a little time, Mrs. Montgomery laid in a good supply of wafers of all THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 27 sorts; and then went on further I Mamma?" said Ellen again, after to furnish the desk with an ivory leaf -cutter, a paper -folder, a pounce -box, a ruler, and a neat a while. I wished and intended to have gone to St. Clair and Fleury s, to little silver pencil ; also some ! get you some merino and other drawing -pencils, India -rubber, and sheets of drawing-paper. She took a sad pleasure in add- things , but we have been detain ed so long already, that I think I had better cro home. I feel ing everything she could think of I somewhat tired." that might be for Ellen s future " I arn very sorry, dear Mamma," use or advantage; but as with} said Ellen; "lam afraid I kept her own hands she placed in the you too long about that desk." desk one thing after another, the "You did not keep me, daugh- thought crossed her mind, how ter, any longer than I chose to 1 be kept. But I think I will go home now, and take the chance of another fine day for the merino. CHAPTER IV. The Bitter-sweet of Life. -WHEN dinner was over, and the Ellen would make drawings with those very pencils , on those very sheets of paper, wliich her eyes would never see! She turned away with a sigh, and receiving Ellen s seal from her hand, put that also in its place. Ellen had chosen one with her own name. "Will you send these things at , once?" said Mrs. Montgomery; table cleared away, the mother "I particularly wish to have them ! and daughter were left, as they at home as early in the day as| alwa ys loved to be, alone. It possible." I was ^ a ^ e * n the afternoon, and al- The man promised. Mrs. Mont- ! ad y somewhat dark, for clouds gomery paid the bill, and she and I 1 "" 1 fathered over the beautiful Ellen left the store. | l^T?* t . he . morn ] n ?, and the . J They walked a little way in si ence. wag }yj n g on th e so f a a ^ u < I cannot thank you, Mamma, | see mmgly at ease ; and Ellen said^llen. | sitting on a little bench before "It is not necessary, my dear the fi re very much at her ease child," said Mrs. Montgomery, indee d, without any seeming returning the pressure of her a bout it. She smiled as she met hand; "I know all that you her mo ther s eyes, would sav." n v/M 1 i 1 Q-.r Q r^ori, , waj j would say. There was as much sorrow as joy at that moment in the heart of the joyfullest of the two. "Where are we going now, You have made me very happy to-day, Mamma." "I am glad of it, my dear child. I hoped I should. I believe the whole affair has given me as 28 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. much pleasure, Ellen, as it has you." There was a pause. "Mamma, I will take the great est possible care of my new trea sures." "I know you will. If I had doubted it, Ellen, most assuredly I should not have given them to you, sorry as I should have been to leave you without them. So you see you have not establish ed a character for carefulness in vain." "And, Mamma, I hope you have not given them to me in vain, either. I will try to use them in the way that I know you wish me to ; that will be the best way I can thank you." "Well, I have left you no ex cuse, Ellen. You know fully what I wish you to do and to be ; and when 1 am away, I shall please myself with thinking that my little daughter is following her mother s wishes; I shall believe so, Ellen. You will not let me be disappointed?" "Oh no, Mamma," said Ellen, who was now in her mother s arms. "Well, my child," said Mrs. Montgomery, in a lighter tone, "my gifts will serve as reminders for you if you are ever tempted to forget my lessons. If you fail to send me letters, or if those you send are not what they ought to be , I think the desk will cry , shame upon you. And if you ever go an hour with a hole in your stocking, or a tear in your dress , or a string off your petti coat, I hope the sight of your workbox will make you blush." "Workbox, Mamma!" "Yes. Oh, I forgot you ve not seen that." "No Mamma what do you mean?" "Why, my dear, that was one of the things you most wanted, but I thought it best not to over whelm you quite this morning; so while you were on an explo ring expedition round the store, I chose and furnished one for you." "Oh, Mamma, Mamma!" said Ellen, getting up and clasping her hands, "what shall I do? I don t know what to say; I can t say anything. Mamma, it s too much ! " So it seemed, for Ellen sat down and began to cry. Her mother silently reached out a hand to her, which she squeezed and kissed with all the energy of gratitude, love, and sorrow; till, gently drawn by the same hand, she was placed again in her mo ther s arms and upon her bosom. And in that tried resting-place she lay, calmed and quieted, till the shades of afternoon deepened into evening, and evening into night, and the light of the fire was all that was left to them. Though not a word had been spoken for a long time, Ellen was not asleep: her eyes were fixed on the red glow of the coals in the grate, and she was busily thinking, but not of them. Many sober thoughts were passing through her little head, and stir- THE WIDE, WIDE WOULD. 29 ring her heart; a few were of her new possessions and bright pro jects more of her mother. She was thinking how very, very pre cious was the heart she could feel beating where her cheek lay she thought it was greater happiness to lie there than any thing else in life could be she thought she had rather even die so, on her mother s breast, than live long without her in the world she felt that in earth or in heaven there was nothing so dear. Suddenly she broke the silence. "Mamma, what does thatmean, He that loveth father or mother more than me , is not worthy of me? " "It means just what it says. If you love anybody or anything better than Jesus Christ, you can not be one of his children." "But then, Mamma," said El len, raising her head, "how can I be one of his children? I do love you a great deal better: how can I help it, Mamma?" "You cannot help it, I know, my dear," said Mrs. Montgomery, with a sigh, "except by His grace, who has promised to change the worthy of your affection than I am ; and if your heart were not hardened by sin, you would see him so; it is only because you do not know him that you love me better. Pray, pray, my dear child, that he would take away the power of sin, and show you himself; that is all that is want ing." "I will, Mamma," said Ellen, tearfully. "Oh, Mamma, what shall I do without you?" Alas! Mrs. Montgomery s heart echoed the question she had no answer. ; Mamma," said Ellen, after a few minutes , " can I have no true love to Him at all unless I love him best?" "I dare not say that you can," answered her mother, seriously. "Mamma," said Ellen, after a little, again raising her head, and looking her mother full in the face , as if willing to apply the severest test to this hard doc trine, and speaking with an in describable expression, "do you love him better than you do me?" She knew her mother loved the Saviour; but she thought it hearts of his people to take scarcely possible that herself away the heart of stone, and give could have but the second place them a heart of flesh." in her heart; she ventured a bold "But is mine a heart of stone, j question, to prove whether her then, Mamma, because I cannot | mother s practice would not con- help loving you best?" I tradict her theory. t "Not to me, dear Ellen," re-J But Mrs. Montgomery answer- plied Mrs. Montgomery, pressing ed steadily, "I do, my daughter;" closer the little form that lay inland, with a gush of tears, Ellen her arms; "I have never found i sank her head again upon her it so. But yet I know that the j bosom. She had no more to say; Lord Jesus is far, far more | her mouth was stopped for ever 30 THE- WIDE , WIDE WORLD. as to the light of the matter, though she still thought it an im possible duty in her own parti cular case. "I do, indeed, my daughter," repeatedMrs.Montgomery ; "that does not make my love to you the less, but the more, Ellen." "Oh, Mamma, Mamma!" said Ellen, clinging to her, "I wish you would teach me ! I have only you, and I am going to lose you. What shall I do , Mamma?" With a voice that strove to be calm , Mrs. Montgomery answer ed, " I love them, that love me, and they that seek me early shall find me. " And, after a minute or two, she added, "He who says this has promised, too, that he will gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom. " The words fell soothingly on Ellen s ear, and the slight tremor in the voice reminded her also that her mother must not be agitated. She checked herself "What is that, Mamma?" said Ellen, starting up. " Somebody at the door. Open it quickly, love." Ellen did so , and found a man standing there, with his arms rather full of sundry packages. "Oh, Mamma, my things!" cried Ellen, clapping her hands; " here they are !" The man placed his burden on the table and withdrew. "Oh, Mamma, I am so glad they are come! Now, if I only had a light this is my desk, I know, for it s the largest; and I think this is my dressing -box, as well as I can tell by feeling yes, it is, here s the handle on top ; and this is my dear work- box not so big as the desk, nor so little as the dressing-box. Oh, Mamma, mayn t I ring for alight?" There was no need, for a ser vant just then entered, bringing the wished -for candles, and the not -wished -for tea. Ellen was instantly, and soon lay as before, ! capering about in the most fan- quiet and still, on her mother s I tastic style, but suddenly stopped bosom, with her eyes fixed on | short at sight of the tea things, the fire; and Mrs. Montgomery! and looked very grave. "Well, did not know that when she now Mamma, I ll tell you what I ll and then pressed a kiss upon the do," she said, after a pause of forehead that lay so near her consideration; "I ll make the lips, it every time brought the I tea the first thing, before I untie water to Ellen s eyes, and a throb i a single knot; won t that be best, to her heart. But after some half Mamma? Because I know if I or three-quarters of an hour had once begin to look, I shan t want passed away, a sudden knock at; to stop. Don t you think that is the door found both mother and wise, Mamma?" daughter asleep ; it had to be re- But alas ! the fire had got very peated once or twice before the low; there was no making the knocker could gain attention. jtea quickly; and the toast was THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 31 a work of time. And when all was over at length, it was then too late for Ellen to begin to while every number, I do think ; and needles, oh, the needles! what a parcel of them! and, undo packages. She struggled j Mamma, what a lovely scissors! with impatience a minute or two, Did you choose it, Mamma, or and then gave up the point very gracefully, and went to bed. She had a fine opportunity the next day to make up for the even- JU/J.V4 J \J L4. V^AJ.WWOV- A U j J-TJ.C*.! did it belong to the box? "I chose it." "I might have guessed it, Mamma , it s just like you. And ing s disappointment. It was | here s a thimble fits me ex- cloudy and stormy; going out actly! and an emery -bag! how was not to be thought of, and it! pretty! and a bodkin! this is was very unlikely that anybody! a great deal nicer than yours, would come in. Ellen joy fully I Mamma yours is decidedly the allotted the whole morning to worse for wear; and what s the examination and trial of her! this? oh, to make eyelet-holes new possessions; and as soonasiwith, I know. And oh, Mamma! breakfast was over and the room here is almost everything, I think clear, she set about it. She first j here are tapes, and buttons, went through the desk and every- and hooks and eyes, and darning- thing in it, making a running [cotton, and silk- winders, and commentary on the excellence, I pins, and all sorts of things, fitness, and beauty of all it con- What s this for, Mamma?" tained; then the dressing-box "That s a scissors to cut but- received a share, but a much ton -holes with. Try it on that smaller share, of attention; and piece of paper that lies by you, lastly, with fingers trembling with i and you will see how it works." eagerness, she untied, the pack- "Oh, I see!" said Ellen; "how very nice that is! Well, I shall thread that was wound round the workb ox and slowly took off cover after cover; she almost screamed take great pains now to make my button-holes ve itton-holes very handsomely." when the last was removed. The One survey of her riches could box was of satinwood, beautifully by no means satisfy Ellen. For finished, and lined with crimson ! some time she pleased herself silk; and Mrs. Montgomery had j with going over and over the taken good care it should want contents of the box, finding each nothing that Ellen might need ! time something new to like. At to keep her clothes in perfect j length she closed it, and keeping order. ! it still in her lap, sat awhile look- " Oh, Mamma, how beautiful! ing thoughtfully into the fire; Oh , Mamma , how good you are ! till , turning towards her mother, Mamma, I promise you I ll never she met her gaze, fixed mourn- be~a slattern. Here is more cot- fully, almost tearfully, on her- ton than I can use up in a great; self. The box was instantly 32 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. shoved aside, and getting up and bursting into tears, Ellen went to her. "Oh, dear mother," she said, "I wish they were all back in the store, if I could only keep you ! " Mrs. Montgomery answered only by folding her to her heart. "Is there no help for it, Mamma?" "There is none. We know that all things shall work to gether for good to them that love God." "Then it will be all good for you , Mamma but Avhat will it be for me?" And Ellen sobbed bitterly. "It will be all well, my pre cious child, I doubt not. 1 do not doubt it, Ellen. Do you not doubt it either, love; but from the hand that wounds, seek the healing. He wounds that he may heal. He does not afflict will ingly. Perhaps he sees, Ellen, that you never would seek him while you had me to cling to." Ellen clung to her at that mo ment yet not more than her mother clung to her. " How happy we were, Mamma, only a year ago even a month! " "We have no continuing city here," ansAvered her mother, with a sigh. "But there is a home, Ellen, where changes do not come; and they that are once gathered there are parted no more for ever ; and all tears are wiped from their eyes. I believe I am going fast to that home; and now my greatest concern is, jthat my little Ellen - my pre cious baby may follow me, and come there too." No more was said, nor could be said, till the sound of the doctor s steps upon the stair obliged each of them to assume an appearance of composure as speedily as possible. But they could not succeed perfectly enough to blind him. He did not seem very well satisfied, and told Ellen he believed he should have to get another nurse he was afraid she didn t obey orders. While the doctor was there, Ellen s Bible was brought in; and no sooner was he gone than it underwent as thorough an examination as the boxes had received. Ellen went over every part of it with the same great care and satisfaction but mix ed with a different feeling. The words that caught her eye as she turned over the leaves seemed to echo what her mother had been saying to her. It began to grow dear already. After a little she rose and brought it to the sofa. "Are you satisfied with it, Ellen?" "Oh, yes, Mamma; it is per fectly beautiful, outside and in side. Now, Mamma, will you please to write my name in this precious book my name, and anything else you please, mo ther? I ll bring you my new pen to write it with, and I ve got ink here shall I?" She brought it; and Mrs. Mont gomery wrote Ellen s name and the date of the gift. The pen 5 played a moment in her fingers, and then she wrote below the date "I love them that love me; and they that seek me early shall find me." This was for Ellen; but the next words were not for her; what made her write them? "I will be a God to thee, and to thy seed after thee." They were written almost un consciously; and, as if bowed by an unseen force, Mrs. Mont gomery s head sank upon the open page, and her whole soul went up with her petition: "Let these words be my me morial that I have trusted in thee. And oh! when these miserable lips are silent for ever, remember the word unto thy servant, upon which thou hast caused me to hope; and be unto my little one all thou hast been to me ! Unto thee lift I up mine eyes, thou that dwellest in the heavens ! " She raised her face from the book, closed it, and gave it si lently to Ellen. Ellen had noticed her action, but had no suspicion of the cause; she supposed that one of her mother s frequentfeel- ings of weakness or sickness had made her lean her head upon the Bible , and she thought no more about it. However, Ellen felt that she wanted no more of her boxes that day. She took her old place by the side of her mother s sofa, with her head upon her mother s hand, and an expression of quiet sorrow in her face that it had not worn for several days. The Wide, Wide World. THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 33 CHAPTER V. A peep into the Wide World. THE next day would not do for the intended shopping, nor the next. The third day was fine, though cool and windy. "Do you think you can ven ture out to-day, Mamma?" said Ellen. "I am afraid not. I do not feel quite equal to it, and the wind is a great deal too high for me, besides." "Well," said Ellen, in the tone of one who is making up her mind to something, "we shall have a fine day by-and-by, I sup pose, if we waft long enough; we had to wait a great while for our first shopping -day. I wish such another would come round." "But the misfortune is," said her mother, "that we cannot afford to wait. November will soon be here, and your clothes may be suddenly wanted before they are ready, if we do not bestir ourselves. And Miss Kice is coming in a few days I ought to have the merino ready for her." "What will you do, Mamma? " "I do not know, indeed, Ellen; I am greatly at a loss." "Couldn t papa get the stuffs for you , Mamma ? " "No, he s too busy; and be sides^ he doesn t know about shopping for me." "Well, what will you do, Mamma? Is there nobody else you could ask to get the things for you? Mrs. Foster would do t, Mamma." 34 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLU. "I know she would, and I "But see, Mamma," pursued should ask her without any dif-| Ellen, eagerly, "I 11 tell you how ficulty , but she is confined to I 11 manage , and I know I can her room with a cold. I see no- manage very well. You tell me thing for it but to be patient and exactly what colour of merino let things take their course lypu want, and give me a little though, if a favourable oppor-! piece to show me how fine it tunity should offer , you would j should be , and tell me what price have to go, clathes or no clothes; 1 you wish to give, and then I 11 it would not do to lose the chance go to the store and ask them to of a good escort." And Mrs. Montgomery s face showed that this possibility of Ellen s going unprovided gave her some uneasiness. Ellen ob served it. "Never mind me, dearest mo ther; don t be in the least wor ried about my clothes. You don t know how little I think of them or care for them. It s no matter at all whether I have them or not." Mrs. Montgomery smiled, and passed her hand fondly over her little daughter s head, but pre sently resumed her anxious look out of the window. "Mamma!" exclaimed Ellen, suddenly starting up, "a bright thought has just come into my head! I ll do it for you, Mamma!" "Do what?" "I 11 get the merino and things for you, Mamma. You needn t smile I will, indeed, if you will let me." "My dear Ellen," said her mo ther, "I don t doubt you would, if goodwill only were wanting; but a great deal of skill and ex perience is necessary for a shop per, and what would you do with out either?" show me different pieces, you know, and if I see any I think you would like , I 11 ask them to give me a little bit of it to show you ; and then I 11 bring it home , and if you like it, you can give me the money, and tell me how many yards you want, and I can go back to the store and get it. Why can t I, Mamma?" "Perhaps you could; but my dear child, I am afraid you wouldn t like the business." ; "Yes, I should; indeed, Mam ma, I should like it dearly, if I could help you so. Will you let me try, Mamma?" "I don t like, my child, to ven ture you alone on such an errand, among crowds of people ; I should be uneas "Dear y about y Mamma, ou. what would the crowds of people do to me? I am not a bit afraid. You know, Mamma, I have often taken walks alone that s nothing new ; and what harm should come to me while I am in the store? You needn t be the least uneasy ab out me ; may I go ? " Mrs. Montgomery smiled, but was silent. "May I go, Mamma? " repeated Ellen. "Let me go at least and try what I can do. say, Mamma?" THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD* What do you 35 where her mother generally made her purchases ; and it did not oc cur to her that it might not be the daughter, but I am in difficulty best for her purpose on this oc- on either "hand. I will let you go casion. But her steps slackened a I don t know what to say, my and see what you can do. It would be a great relief to me to get this merino by any means." "Then shall I go right away, Mamma?" "As well now as ever. You are not afraid of the wind?" "I should think not," said El len; and away she scampered upstairs to get ready. With eager haste she dressed herself; then with great care and particularity took her mother s instructions as to the article wanted ; and finally set out, sensible that a great trust was reposed in her, and feeling busy and important ac cordingly. But at the verybot- fom of Ellen s heart there was a little secret doubtfulness respect ing her undertaking. She hardly knew it was there , but then she couldn t tell what it was that made her fingers so inclined to be tremulous while she was dress ing, and that made her heart beat quicker than it ought, or than was pleasant, and one of her cheeks so much hotter than the other. However, she set forth upon her errand with a very brisk step, which she kept up till, on turning a corner, she came in sight of the place she was going to. Without thinking much about it, Ellen had directed her steps to St. Clair and Fleury s. It was one of the largest and best stores , iu the city, and the one she knew as soon as she came in sight of it, and continued to slacken as she drew nearer, and she went up the. broad flight of marble steps in front of the store, very slowly indeed, though they were ex ceedingly low and easy. Pleasure was not certainly the uppermost feeling in her mind now; yet she never thought of turning back. She knew that if she could suc ceed in the object of her mission, her mother would be relieved from some anxiety; that was enough; she was bent on accom plishing it. Timidly she entered the large hall of entrance. It was full of people, and the buzz of business was heard on all sides. Ellen had for some time past seldom gone a- shopping with her mother, and had never been in this store but once or twice before. She had not the remotest idea where , or in what apartment of the build ing, the merino counter was situated, and she could see no one to speak to. She stood irre solute in the middle of the floor. Everybody seemed to be busily engaged with somebody else; and whenever an opening on one side or another appeared to pro mise her an opportunity, it was sure to be filled up before she could reach it, and, disappointed and abashed, she would return to her old station in the middle of 36 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. the floor. Clerks frequently passed her, crossing the store in all directions, but they were al ways bustling along m a great hurry of business; they did not seem to notice her at all, and were gone before poor Ellen could get her mouth open to speak to them. She knew well enough, now, poor child! what it was that made her cheeks burn as they did, and her heart beat as if it would burst its bounds. She felt convulsed, and almost con founded by the incessant hum of voices, and moving crowd of strange people all around her, while her little figure stood alone and unnoticed in the midst of them; and there seemed no pro spect that she would be able to gain the ear or the eye of a single person. Once she determined to accost a man she saw advancing towards her from a distance, and actually made up to him for the purpose, but with a hurried bow, and "I beg your pardon, Miss!" he brushed past. Ellen almost burst into tears. She longed to turn and run out of the store, but a faint hope remaining, and an unwillingness to give up her un dertaking, kept her fast. At length one of the clerks in the desk observed her, and remarked to Mr. St. Clair, who stood by, "There is a little girl, Sir, who seems to be looking for some thing, or waiting for somebody; she has been standing there a good while." Mr. St. Clair upon this advanced to poor Ellen s relief. " What do you wish, Miss ? " he said. But Ellen had been so long preparing sentences, trying to utter them, and failing in the at tempt, that now, when an op portunity to speak and be heard was given her, the power of speech seemed to be gone. " D o you wish anything, Miss ? " inquired Mr. St. Clair again. "Mother sent me," stammered Ellen "I wish, if you please, Sir Mamma wished me to look atmerinoes, Sir, if you please." "Is your Mamma in the store?" "No, Sir," said Ellen, "she is ill, and cannot come out, and she sent me to look at merinoes for her, if you please, Sir." "Here, Saunders," said Mr. St. Clair, " show this young lady the merinoes." Mr. Saunders made his ap pearance from among a little group of clerks, with whom he had been indulging in a few- jokes by way of relief from the tedium of business. " Come this way," he said to Ellen; and sauntering before her, with a rather dissatisfied air, led the way out of the entrance-hall into another and much larger apart ment. There were plenty of people here too, and just as busy as those they had quitted. Mr. Saunders having brought Ellen to the merino counter, placed himself behind it, and leaning over it and fixing his eyes care lessly upon her, asked what she wanted to look at. His tone and manner struck Ellen, most un- THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD, 37 pleasantly, and made her again wish herself out of the store. He was a tall, lank young man, with | a quantity of fair hair combed j down on each side of his face, a| slovenly exterior, and the most disagreeable pair of eyes, Ellen thought, she had ever beheld. She could not bear to meet them, and cast down her own. Their look was bold, ill-bred, and ill- humoured; andEllen felt, though she couldn t have told why, that she need not expect either kind ness or politeness from him. "What dp you want to see, little one?" inquired this gentle- 1 man, as if he had a business on| hand he would like to be rid of. Ellen heartily wished he was rid of it, and she too. "Merinoes, if you please," she answered, without looking up. "Well, what kind of merinoes? Here are all sorts and descrip tions of merinoes. and I can t pull them all down, you know, for you to look at. What kind do you want?" "I don t know without look-! ing," said Ellen. "Won t you please to show me some?" He tossed down several pieces upon the counter, and tumbled them about before her. "There," said he, "is that; anything like what you want? There s a pink one and there s a blue one and there s a green j one. Is that the kind?" " This is the kind," said Ellen ; "but this isn t the colour I want." " What colour do you want? " "Something dar,k, if you please." "Well, there, that green s dark; won t that do? See, that would make up very pretty for you." "No," said Ellen, "Mamma don t like green." "Why don t she come and choose her stuffs herself, then? What colour does she like?" "Dark blue, or dark brown, or a nice gray would do," said Ellen , " if it is fine enough." " Dark blue , or darkbrown, or a nice gray, eh ? Well, she s pretty easy to suit. A dark blue I ve showed you already what s the matter with that? " "It isn t dark enough," said Ellen. "Well," said he, discon tentedly, pulling down another piece, "how 11 that do? That s dark enough." It was a fine and beautiful piece, very different from those he had showed her at first. Even Ellen could see that, and fum bling for her little pattern of me rino, she compared it with the piece. They agreed perfectly as to fineness. "What is the price of this?" she asked, with trembling hope that she was goingtoberewarded by success for all the trouble of her enterprise. " Two dollars a yard." Her hopes and her countenance fell together. " That s too high," she said , with a sigh. "Then take this other blue: come it s a great deal prettier THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. than that dark one, and not so] "What s the matter, Saun- dear; and I know your mother I ders?" said one of his brother clerks, passing him. "Why, I ve been here this half will like it better. Ellen s cheeks were tingling and her heart throbbing , but she j hour showing cloths to a child couldn t bear to give up. that doesn t know merino from a "Would you be so good as to i sheep s back," said he, laughing. show me some gray?" He slowly and ill-humouredly complied, and took down an ex cellent piece of dark gray, which Ellen fell in love with at once; but she was again disappointed; it was fourteen shillings. " Well , if you won t take that, take something else," said the man ; "you can t have everything at once; if you will have cheap goods, of course you can t have the same quality "that you like ; but now, here s this other blue, only twelve shillings , and I 11 let you have it for ten, if you 11 take it." "No, it is too light and too coarse," said Ellen; "Mamma wouldn t like it." "Let me see," said he, seizing her pattern, and pretending to compare it ; " it s quite as fine as this, if that sail you want." "Could you," said Ellen, ti midly, " give me a little bit of this gray to show to Mamma ! " " Oh, no ! " said he, impatiently tossing over the cloths, and throwing Ellen s pattern on the floor; "we can t cut up our goods; if people don t choose to buy of us, they may go some where else; and if you cannot decide upon anything, I must go and attend to those that can. I can t wait here all day." And, some other customers co ming up at the moment , he was as good as his word, and left Ellen, to attend to them. Ellen stood a moment stock still, just where he had left her, struggling with her feelings of mortification; she could not en dure to let them be seen. Her face was on fire; her head was dizzy. She could not stir at first, and, in spite of her utmost efforts, she could not command back one or two rebel tears that forced their way; she lifted her hand to her face to remove them as quiet ly as possible. " What is all this about, my little girl?" said a strange voice at her side. Ellen started, and turned her face, with the tears but half wiped away, towards the speaker. It was an old gentleman an odd old gentleman, too, she thought one she certainly would have been rather shy of, if she had seen him under other circum stances. But though his face was odd, it looked kindly upon her, and it was a kind tone of voice in which his question had been put; so he seemed to her like a friend. " What is all this ? " repeated the old gentleman. Ellen began to tell what it was, but the pride which had forbid den her to weep before strangers, THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD* 39 gave way at one touch of sym- "I wanted a little bit of this pathy, and she poured out tears gray merino, Sir, to show to much faster than words, as she! Mamma. I couldn t buy it, you i; related her story, so that it was some little time before the old gentleman could get a clear no tion of her case. He waited very atiently till she had finished; ut then he set himself in good earnest about righting the wrong. " Hallo ! you Sir ! " he shouted, in a voice that made everybody look round; "you merino man! come and show your goods. Why aren t you at your post, Sir?" as Mr. Saunders came up, with an altered countenance, "here s a young lady you ve left stand ing unattended to , I don t know how long; are these your man ners?" "The young lady did not wish anything,! believe, Sir," returned Mr. Saunders , softly. You know better , you scoun- know, Sir, until I found out whether she would like it." Cut a piece, Sir, without any words," said the old gentleman. Mr. Saunders obeyed. " Did you like this best? " pur sued the old gentleman. "I liked this dark blue very much, Sir, and I thought Mamma would; but it s too high." "How much is it? "in quired he. "Fourteen shillings," replied Mr. Saunders. "He said it was two dollars!" exclaimed Ellen. "I beg pardon," said the crest fallen Mr. Saunders "the young lady mistook me; I was speaking of another piece when I said two dollars." "He said this was two dollars, and the gray fourteen shillings," drel!" retorted the old gentle- said Ellen, man, who was in a great pas- "Is the gray fourteen shil- sion; "I saw the whole matter | lings?" inquired the old gentle- with my own eyes. You are a|man. disgrace to the store, Sir, andi "I think not, Sir," answered deserve to be sent out of it, Mr. Saunders "I believe not, which you are like enough to I Sir I think it s only twelve be." I 11 inquire , if you please , Sir." "I really thought, Sir," said "No, no," said the old gentle- Mr. Saunders, smoothly for he man , " I know it was only twelve knew the old gentleman , and I know your tricks , Sir. Cut knew very well he was a person a piece ott the blue. Now, my that must not be offended "Ijdear, are there any more pieces really thought I was not aware, of which you would like to take Sir, that the young lady had any patterns, to show your mother?" occasion for my services." "No, Sir," said the overjoyed "Well, show your wares , Sir, Ellen; "I am sure she will like and hold your tongue. Now, my one of these." dear, what did you want?" "Now, shall we go, then?" 40 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. "If you please, Sir," said Ellen, ! They went gaily along El- "I should like to have my bitofjlen s heart about five times as merino thatl brought from home; light as the one with which she Mamma wanted me to bring it I had travelled that very road a back again." little while before. Her old friend "Where is it?" was in a very cheerful mood, too, That gentleman threw it on for he assured Ellen, laughingly, the floor." - 1 * 1 -* :i -* - that it was of no manner of use "Do you hear, Sir?" said the for her to be in a hurry, for he old gentleman; "find it directly."! could not possibly set off and Mr. Saunders found and de livered it, after stooping in search of it till he was very red in the skip to Green s Hotel, as she seemed inclined to do. They got there at last. Ellen showed the face; and he was left, wishing old gentleman into the parlour, heartily that he had some safe ! and ran up stairs in great haste means of revenge, and obliged to (to her mother. But in a few come to the conclusion that none minutes she came down again, was within his reach, and that he | with a very April face , for smiles must stomach his! indignity in the were playing in every feature, best manner he could. But Ellen while the tears were yet wet upon and her protector went forth her cheeks, most joyously together from the store. ; Do you live far from here?" " Mamma hopes you 11 take the trouble, Sir, to come up stairs," she said, seizing his hand; "she wants to thank you herself, Sir." "It is not necessary," said the , old gentleman "it is notneces- in Southing-street." | sary at all; " but he followed his "I ll go with you," said he ; little conductor, nevertheless, to "and when your mother has! the door of her mother s room, decided which merino she will | into which she ushered him with asked the old gentleman. " Oh, no, Sir," said Ellen, ^^ very; it s only at Green s Hotel, not have, we 11 come right back and get it. I do not want to trust you again to the mercy of that saucy thank you, Sir!" said great satisfaction. Mrs. Montgomery was looking very ill he saw that at a glance. She rose from her sofa, and ex tending her hand, thanked him, clerk." "Oh, Ellen; "that is "just what I was | with glistening eyes, for his kind- afraid of. But 1 shall be giving I ness to her child, you a great deal of trouble, Sir," "I don t deserve any thanks, she added, in another tone. Ma am," said the old gentleman; "No, you won t," said the old "I suppose my little friend has gentleman; "I can t be troubled, told you what made us ac- so you needn t say , any thing Iquainted?" about that." " She gave me a very short ac- THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 41 count of it," said Mrs. Mont gomery. "She was very disagreeably tried," said the old gentleman. than I can tell you how grateful I am for your kind interference." " Say nothing about that, Ma am 5 the less the better. I am I presume you do not need to an old man, and not good for be told, Ma am, that her be- j much now, except to please young haviour was such as would have people. I think myself best off become any years. I assure you, ! when I have the best chance to Ma am, if I had had no kindness | do that. So if you will be so good in my composition to feel for the j as to choose that merino , and let child, my honour as a gentleman Miss Ellen and me go and des- would have made me interfere patch our business , you will be for the lady." conferring, and not receiving, a Mrs. Montgomery smiled, but favour. And any other errand ust her see her . , . looked through glistening eyes! that you please to intrust her again on Ellen. "I am very glad with, I 11 undertake to to hear it," she replied. "I was very far from thinking, when I permitted her to go on this er- safe through." His look and manner obliged Mrs. Montgomery to take him at rand , that I was exposing her to ! his word. A very short examina- anything more serious than theltion of Ellen s patterns ended in annoyance a timid child would! favour of the gray merino 5 and feel at having to transact business! Ellen was commissioned, not with strangers." j only to get and pay for this , but "I suppose not," said the old gentleman ; " but it isn t a sort of also to choose a dark dress of the same stuff, and enough of a thing that should be often done, certain article called nankeen for There are all sorts of people in] a coat; Mrs. Montgomery truly this world , and a little one alone opining that the old gentleman s in a crowd is in danger of being care would do more than see her trampled upon." scathless that it would have Mrs. Montgomery s heart an- ! some regard to the justness and swered this with an involuntary prudence of her purchases, pang. He saw the shade that! In great glee Ellen set forth passed over her face, as she said, again with her new old friend, sadly Her hand was fast in his, and her "I know it, Sir; and it was with ! tongue ran very freely, for her strong unwillingness that I al- heart was completely open to lowed Ellen this morning to do | him. He seemed as pleased to* as she had proposed ; but in truth j listen as she was to talk; and by I was but making a choice be- j little and little Ellen told him all tween difficulties. I am very her history the troubles that sorry I chose as I did. If you are had come upon her in conse- a father, Sir, you know better jquence of her mother s illness, 42 and her intended prospects. THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD, journey and That was a happy day to Ellen. hood, or quilted bonnet. It was of dark blue silk, well made and pretty. He saw with great satis- They returned to St. Clair and j faction that it fitted Ellen well, Fleury s bought the gray me- 1 and would protect her ears nice- rino and the nankeen, and a dark ly; and having paid for it, and brown merino for a dress. (ordered it home, he and Ellen "Do you want only one of | sallied forth into the street again, these?" asked the old gentleman. ! But he wouldn t let her thank him. "Mamma said only one," said Ellen; "that will last me all the winter." It is just the very thing I want ed, Sir," said Ellen; "Mamma was speaking about it the other "Well," said he, "I think two j day, and she did not see how I will do better. Let us have an- j was ever to get one , 1 other of the same piece, Mr. Shop- did not feel at all abl man. "But I am afraid Mamma won t like it, Sir," said Ellen, gently. because she e to go out, and I could not get one myself; I know she 11 like it very much." Would you rather have some- "Pooh, pooh," said he, "your thing for yourself or your mother, mother has nothing to do with Ellen, if you could choose, and this; this is my affair." He paid have but one?" for it accordingly. "Now, Miss Ellen," said he, when they left the store , " have you got anything in the shape of a good warm winter bonnet? for it s precious cold up there in Thirlwall; your paste board things won t do; if you don t take good care of your ears, you will lose them some fine frosty day. You must quilt and pad, and all sorts of things, to keep alive and comfortable. So you haven t a hood, eh? Do you "Oh, for Mamma, Sir," said Ellen "a great deal! " "Come inhere," said he; "let us see if we can find anything she would like." It was a grocery store. After looking about a little, the old gentleman ordered sundry pounds of figs and white grapes to be packed up in papers ; and being now very -near home, he took one parcel, and Ellen,. the other, till they came to the door think you and I could make out|of Green s Hotel, where he com- to choose one that your mother jmitted both to her care. would think wasn t quite a fright! Come this way, and let us see. If she don t like it, she can give it away, you know." He led the delighted Ellen into a milliner s shop , and after turn ing over a great many different articles chose her a nice warm "Won t you come in, Sir?" said Ellen. "No," said he, "I can t this time I must go home to dinner." "And shan t I see you anymore, Sir?" said Ellen, a shade coming over her face, which a minute be fore had been quite joyous. THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 43 "Well, I don t know," said he, kindly "I hope you will. You shall hear from me again at any rate, I promise you. We Ve spent one pleasant morning together, haven t we? Good-bye, good bye." Ellen s hands were full, but the old gentleman took them in both his, packages and all, and shook them after a fashion, and again bidding her good-bye, walked away down the street. The next morning Ellen and her mother were sitting quietly together, andEllen had not finish ed her accustomed reading, when there came a knock at the door. " My old gentleman !" cried Ellen, as she sprung to open it. No there was no old gentleman, but a black man with a brace of beau tiful woodcocks in his hand. He bowed very civilly, and said he had been ordered to leave the birds with Miss Montgomery. Ellen, in surprise, took them from him , and likewise a note which he delivered into her hand. Ellen asked from whom the birds came, but with another polite bow the man said the note would inform her, and went away. In great curiosity she carried them and the note to her mother, to whom the latter was directed. It read thus " Will Mrs. Montgomery permit an old man to please himself in; his own way, by showing his re- j gard for her little daughter, and not feel that he is taking a liber ty? The birds are for Miss Ellen." " Oh , Mamma ! " exclaimed Ellen, jumping with delight, " did you ever see such a dear old gen tleman? Now I know what he meant yesterday, when he asked me if I would rather have some thing for myself or for you. How kind he is! to do just the very thing for me that he knows would give me the most pleasure ! Now, Mamma, these birds are mine, you know, and I give them to you. You must pay me a kiss for them, Mamma; they are worth that. Aren t they beauties ? " "They are very fine, indeed," said Mrs. Montgomery; "this is just the season for woodcock, and these are in beautiful condition." "Do youlike woodcocks, Mam ma?" " "Yes, very much." "Oh, how glad I am!" said Ellen. "I ll ask Sam to have them done very nicely for you, and then you will enjoy them so much." The waiter was called, and in structed accordingly, and to him the birds were committed, to be delivered to the care of the cook. "Now, Mamma," said Ellen, "I think these birds have made me happy for all day." ^"Then I hope, daughter, they will make you busy for all day. You have ruffles to hem, and the skirts of your dresses to make we need not wait for Miss Rice to do that; and when she comes, you will have to help her, for I can do little. You can t be too indus trious." "Well, Mamma, I am as willing as can be," THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. / This was the beginning of a pleasant two weeks to Ellen weeks to which she often looked back afterwards , so quietly and ) swiftly the days fled away, in busy occupation and sweet intercourse with her mother. The passions, which were apt enough to rise in Ellen s mind upon occasions, were, for the present, kept effec tually in check. She could not forget that her days with her mo ther would very soon be at an end, for a long time at least; and this consciousness, always pre sent to her mind, forbade even the wish to do anything that might grieve or disturb her. Love and tenderness had absolute rule for the time , and even had power to overcome the sorrowful thoughts that would often rise; so that in spite of them peace reigned. And perhaps both mo ther and daughter enjoyed this interval the more keenly because they knew that sorrow was at hand. All this while there was scarcely a day that the old gentleman s servant did not knock at their door , bearing a present of game. The second time he came with somefine larks; next was a superb grouse; then woodcock again. Curiosity strove with astonish ment and gratitude in Ellen s mind. "Mamma," she said, after she had admired the grouse for five minutes, "I cannot rest without finding out who this old gentle man is." "I am sorry for that," replied Mrs. Montgomery, gravely, "for I see no possible way of your do ing it." "Why, Mamma, couldn t I ask the man that brings the birds what his name is? He must know it." "Certainly not; it would be very dishonourable." "Would it, Mamma? why ? " "This old gentleman has not chosen to tell you his name; he wrote his note without signing it, and his man has obviously been instructed not to disclose it. Don t you remember, he did not tell it when you asked him, the first time he came? Now this shows that the old gentleman wishes to keep it secret, and to try to find it out in any way would be a very unworthy return for his kind ness." "Yes, it wouldn t be doing as I would be done by. to be sure ; but would it be dishonourable, Mam- ima?" "Very. It is very dishonourable to try to find out that about other people which does not concern you, and which they wish to keep from you. Kemember that, my dear daughter." "I will , Mamma. I 11 never do it, I promise you." "Even in talking with people, if you discern in them any unwill ingness to speak upon a subject, avoid it immediately, provided, of course, that some higher in terest do not oblige you to go on. That is true politeness , and true [kindness, which are nearly the same; arid not to do so, I assure THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 45 you, Ellen, proves one wanting! Sir; but I will always love you is h in true honour. "Well, Mamma, I don t care what his name is at least I won t try to find out; but it does wo me that I cannot thank him. Iwis he knew how much I feel obliged to him." "Very well ; write and tell him so." "Mamma!" said Ellen, open ing her eyes very wide " can I? would you?" "Certainly if you like. It would be very proper." " Then I will ! I declare that is a good notion. I 11 do it the first thing, and then I can give it to that man if he comes to-morrow, as I suppose he will. Mamma," said she, on opening her desk, "how funny! don t youremember you wondered who I was going to write notes to? Here is one now, Mamma ; it is very lucky I have got note-paper." More than one sheet of it was ruined before Ellen had satisfied herself with what she wrote. It was a full hour from the time she began when she brought the fol lowing note for her mother s in spection: "Ellen Montgomery does not knowhowto thank the old gentle man who is so kind to her. Mamma enjoys the birds very much, and I think I do more ; for I have the double pleasure of giving them to Mamma, and of eating them afterwards; but your kindness is the best of all. I can t tell you how much I am obliged to you, for all you have done for me. "ELLEN MONTGOMERY." This note Mrs. Montgomery ap proved; and Ellen having, with great care and great satisfaction, enclosed it in an envelope, suc ceeded in sealing it according to rule, and very well. Mrs. Mont gomery laughed when she saw the direction, but let it go. With out consulting her, Ellen had written on the outside, "To the old gentleman." She sent it the next morning by the hands of the same servant, who this time was the bearer of a plump partridge "To Miss Montgomery;" and her mind was a great deal easier on this subject from that time. CHAPTER VI. Night and Morning. OCTOBER was now far advanced. One evening the evening of the last Sunday in the month Mrs. Montgomery was lying in the parlour alone. Ellen had gone to bed sometime before; and now, in the stillness of the Sabbath evening, the ticking of the clock was almost the only sound to be heard. The hands were rapidly approaching ten. Captain Mont gomery was abroad; and he had been so according to custom or in bed, the whole day. The mother and daughter had had the Sabbath to themselves and most quietly and sweetly it had passed. They had read together, prayed together, talked together a great deal; and the evening THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. had been spent in singing hymns 5 "but Mrs. Montgomery s strength failed here, andEllen sang alone. She was not soon weary. Hymn succeeded hymn, with fresh and varied pleasure ; and her mother could not tire of listening. The sweet words, and the sweet airs which were all old friends, and brought of themselves many a lesson of wisdom and consola tion, by themere force of associa tion needed not the recommen dation of the clear childish voice in which they were sung, which was, of all things, the sweetest to Mrs. Montgomery s ear. She listened till she almost felt as if earth were left behind, and she and her child already standing within the walls of that city where sorrow and sighing shall be no more, and the tears shall be wiped from all eyes for ever. Ellen s next hymn, however, brought her back to earth again; but though her tears flowed freely while she heard it, all her causes of sorrow could not render them bitter. * God in Israel sows the seeds Of affliction, pain, and toil; These spring up and choke the weeds Which would else o erspread the soil. Trials make the promise sweet Trials give new life to prayer Trials bring me to his feet, Lay me low, and keep me there." "It is so, indeed, dear Ellen," said Mrs. Montgomery, when she had finished and folding the little singer to her breast "I have always found it so. God is faithful. I have seen abundant cause to thank him for all the evils he has made me suffer here tofore , and I do not doubt it will be the same with this last and worst one. Letus glorify him in the fires, my daughter ; and if earthly joys be stripped from us, and if we be torn from each other, let us cling the closer to him he can, and he will, in that case, make up to us more than all we have lost." Ellen felt her utter inability to join in her mother s expressions of confidence and hope; to her there was no brightness on the cloud that hung over them it was all dark. She could only press her lips, in tearful silence, to the one and the other of her mother s cheeks alternately. How sweet the sense of the coming parting made every such em brace ! This one , for particular reasons, was often and long re membered. A few minutes they remained thus in each other s arms, cheek pressed against cheek, without speaking; but then Mrs. Montgomery remem bered that Ellen s bed-time was already past, and dismissed her. For a while after, Mrs. Mont- f ornery remained j ust where Ellen ad left her , her busy thoughts roaming over many things, in the far past, and the sad present, and the uncertain future. She was unconscious of the passage of time , and did not notice how the silence deepened as the night drew on, till scarce a footfall was heard in the street, and the tick ing of the clock sounded with that sad distinctness which seem," THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 47 edtosay " Time is going on | "lam very glad of it, indeed," time is going on and you are said he; "it s quite a load off my going with it do what you will, mind. Now we 11 be gone directly, you can t help that." It was just j and high time it is I ll take upon the stroke of ten, and Mrs. passage in the England the first Montgomery was still wrapped in i thing to-morrow. And this is the her deep musings , when a sharp, \ best possible chance for Ellen brisk footstep in the distance [everything we could have desired, aroused her, rapidly approach-! I began to feel very uneasy about ing; and she knew very well it it was getting so late; but I whose it was, and that it would jam quite relieved now." pause at the door, before she! "Who is it?" said Mrs. Mont- heard the quick run up the steps, | gomery, forcing herself to speak, succeeded by her husband s tread! "Why, it s Mrs. Dunscombe," upon the staircase. And yet she said the captain, flourishing his saw him open the door with a poker by way of illustration; kind of startled feeling, which! "you know her, don t you? his appearance now invariably Captain Dunscombe s wife caused her ; the thought always j she s going right through Thirl- darted through her head , " Per- 1 wall, and will take charge of haps he brings news of Ellen s j Ellen as far as that, and there going." Something, it would have! my sister will meet her with a been impossible to say what, in | waggon and take her straight his appearance or manner, con- j home. Couldn t be anything firmed this fear on the present better. I write to let For- occasion. Her heart felt sick, I tune know when to expect her. and she waited in silence to hear j Mrs. Dunscombe is a lady of the what he would say. He seemed j first family and fashion in the very well pleased sat down be- highest degree respectable ; she fore the fire ^ rubbing his hands, I is going on to Fort Jameson, with partly with cold and partly with i her daughter and a servant, and satisfaction ; and his first words j her husband is to follow her in a were ."Well! we have got a fine few days. I happened to hear opportunity for her at last." of it to-day, and I immediately How little he was capable of j seized the opportunity to ask if understanding the pang this an- j she would not take Ellen with nouncement gave his poor wife !| her as far as Thirl wall, andDuns- But she only closed her eyes and; combe was only too glad to oblige kept perfectly quiet, and he neverM me. I m a very good friend of suspected it. iff He unbuttoned his coat, and taking the poker in his hand, his , and he knows it. "How soon does she go?" "Why, that s the only part of began to mend the fire, talking the business I am afraid you the while. won t like i but there is n.o help 48 for it; and, after all , it is deal better so than if you had time to wear yourselves out with mourning; better, and easier too, in the end." "How soon?" repeated Mrs. Montgomery, with an agonized accent. "Why, I m a little afraid of startling you Dunscombe s wife must go, he told me, to-mor row morning; and we arranged that she should call in the carriage at six o clock to take up Ellen." Mrs. Montgomery put her hands to her face and sank back against the sofa. "I was afraid you would take it so," said her husband, "but I don t think it is worth while. It is a great deal better as it is ; a great deal better than if she had a long warning. You would fairly wearyourself out if youhad time enough, and you haven t any strength to spare." It was some while before Mrs. Montgomery could recover composure and firmness enough to go on with what she had to do, though, knowing the necessity, she strove hardforit. For several minutes she remained quite silent and quiet, endeavouring to collect her scattered forces; then sitting upright and drawing her shawl around her, she exclaimed "I must waken Ellen imme diately ! " "Waken Ellen!" exclaimed her husband, in his turn; "what on earth for? That s the very last thing to be done." "Why, you would not put off THE WIDE, "WIDE WORLD. a great ! telling her until to- i _ 3 _O!> ~:ji\/r TVT -morrow morn ing?" said Mrs. Montgomery. " Certainly I would ; that s the only proper way to do. Why in the world should you wake her up, just to spend the whole night in useless grieving? unfitting her utterly for her journey, and doing yourself more harm than you can undo in a week. No, no ; just let her sleep quietly, and you go to bed and do the same. Wake her up , indeed ! I thought you were wiser." "But she will be so dreadfully shocked in the morning ! " "Not one bit more than she would be to-night, and she won t have so much time to feel it. In the hurry and bustle of getting off, she will not have time to think about her feelings ; and once on the way, she will do well enough; children always do." Mrs. Montgomery looked un decided and unsatisfied. "I 11 take the responsibility of this matter on myself; you must not waken her, absolutely. It would not do at all," said the captain, poking the fire very energetically; "it would not do at all ; I cannot allow it." Mrs. Montgomery silently rose and lit a lamp. "You are not going into Ellen s room?" said the husband. "I must I must put her things together." "Butyou ll not disturb Ell en?" said he , in a tone that required a promise. "Not if I can help it." Twice Mrs. Montgomery stop- THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 49 ped before she reached the door hearing, and touch, must all have of Ellen s room, for her heart done ^enceforth for ever. Keenly failed her. But she must go on, as Mrs. Montgomery felt this, she and the necessary preparations went on busily with her work all for the morrow must be made the while, and when the last thing she knew it; and repeating this was safely packed, shut the trunk to herself , she gently turned the and locked it, without allowing handle of the door, and pushed herself to stop and think, and it open, and guarding the light even drew the straps. And then, with her hand from Ellen s eyes, having finished all her task, she she set it whereitwould not shine went to the bedside ; she had not upon her. Having done this, she looked that way before. set herself, without once glancing at her little daughter, to put all things in order for her early departure on the following morn ing. But it was a bitter piece of work for her. She first laid out all that Ellen would need to wear; Ellen was lying in the deep, sweet sleep of childhood ; the easy position, the gentle breathing, and the flush of health upon the cheek, showed that all causes of sorrow were for the present far removed. Yet not so far either; the dark merino, the new nankeen j for once, when Mrs. Montgomery coat, the white bonnet, the clean frill that her own hands had done up, the little gloves and shoes, stooped to kiss her, light as the touch of that kiss had been upon her lips, it seemed to awaken a and all the etceteras, with the j train of sorrowful recollections in thoughtfulness and the careful- j the little sleeper s mind. A shade ness of love ; but it went through : passed over her face , and with and through her heart that it was | gentle but sad accent the word the very last time a mother s "Mamma!" burst from the parted fingers would ever be busy in lips. Only a moment and the arranging or preparing Ellen s shade passed away, and the attire; the very last time she j expression of peace settled would ever see or touch even; again upon her brow; but the little inanimate things that, Mrs. Montgomery dared not try belonged to her; and painful as | the experiment a second time, the task was, she was loth to have. Long she stood looking upon her, it come to an end. It was with a as if she knew she was looking kind of lingering unwillingness her last; then she knelt by the to quit her hold of them, that one bedside, and hid her face in the thing after another was stowed coverings but no tears came ; carefully and neatly away in the the struggle in her mind, and her trunk. She felt it was love s last anxious fear of the morning s act; words might indeed a few, trial, made weeping impossible, times yet come over the ocean on Her husband at length came to a sheet of paper; but sight, and seek her, and it was well he did; The Wide, Wide World. 4 50 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. she would have remained there on her knees all night. He feared something of the kind, and came to prevent it. Mrs. Montgomery suffered herself to be led away without making any opposition, and went to bed as usual; but sleep was far from her. The fear of Ellen s distress when she should be awakened and sud denly told the truth , kept her in an agony. In restless wake- fulness she tossed and turned uneasily upon her bed , watching for the dawn, and dreading unspeakably to see it. The cap tain, in happy^ unconsciousness of his wife s distress, and utter inability to sympathize with it, was soon in a sound sleep, and his heavy breathing was an aggravation of her trouble; it kept repeating, what indeed she knew already, that the only one in the world who ought to have shared and soothed her grief was not capable of doing either. Wearied with watching and tossing to and fro , she at length lost herself a moment in uneasy slumber, from which she suddenly started in terror, and seizing her husband s arm to arouse him, exclaimed, "It is time to wake Ellen!" but she had to repeat her efforts two or three times before she succeeded in making herself heard. "What is the matter?" said he, heavily, and not over well pleased at the interruption. "It is time to wake Ellen." "No, it isn t," said he, relap sing; "it isn t time yet this great while." " Oh yes, it is," said Mrs.Mont- gomery; "I am sure it is; I see ;he beginning of dawn in the east." "Nonsense! it s no such thing; t s the glimmer of the lamp-light ; what is the use of your exciting yourself so, for nothing? It won t be dawn these two hours. Wait till I find my repeater, and I ll convince you." He found and struck it. "There! I told you so only one quarter after four; it would be absurd to wake her yet. Do go to sleep, and leave it to me; I 11 take care it is done in proper time." Mrs. Montgomery sighed heavi ly, and again arranged herself to watch the eastern horizon, or rather with her face in that direc tion; for she could see nothing. But, more quietly now, she lay gazing into the darkness, which it was in vain to try to pene trate; and thoughts succeeding thoughts in a more regular train, at last fairly cheated her into sleep, much as she wished to keep it off. She slept soundly for near an hour; and when she awoke, the dawn had really begun to break in the eastern sky. She again aroused Captain Mont gomery, who this time allowed it might be as well to get up ; but it was with unutterable impatience that she saw him lighting a lamp, and moving about as leisurely as if he had nothing more to do than to get ready for breakfast at eight o clock. "Oh! do speak to Ellen!" she THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD- 51 said, unable to control herself. "Never mind brushing your hair till afterwards. She will have no time for anything. Oh! do not wait any longer! what are you thinking of?" "What are you thinking of?" said the captain; "there s plenty of time. Do quiet your self you re getting as nervous as possible. I m going imme diately." Mrs. Montgomery fairly groan ed with impatience, and an agonizing dread of what was to follow the disclosure to Ellen. But her husband coolly went on with his preparations, which indeed were not long in finishing ; and then taking the lamp , he at last went. He had in truth delayed on purpose , wishing the final leave-taking to be as brief as possible 5 and the gray streaks of light in the east were plainly showing themselves when he opened the door of his little daughter s room. He found her lying very much as her mother had left her in the same quiet sleep , and with the same expres sion of calmness andpeace spread over her whole face and person. It touched even him; and he was nol readily touched by anything; it made him loth to say the word that would drive all that sweet expression so quickly and completely away. It must be said, however; the increasing light warned him he must not tarry; but it was with a hesitating and almost faltering voice that he said, "Ellen!" She stirred in her sleep, and the shadow came over her face again. "Ellen! Ellen!" She started up broad awake now; and both the shadow and the peaceful expression were gone from her face. It was a look of blank astonishment at first with which she regarded her father, but very soon indeed that changed into one of blank despair. He saw that she understood perfectly what he was there for, and that there was no need at all for him to trouble himself with making painful explanations. "Come, Ellen," he said, "that s a good child make haste and dress. There s no time to lose now, for the carriage will soon be at the door; and your mother wants to see you , you know." Ellen hastily obeyed him, and began to put on her stockings and shoes. " That s right now you 11 be ready directly. You are going with Mrs. Dunscombe I have engaged her to take charge of you all the way quite to Thirl- wall; she s the wife of Captain Dunscombe, whom you saw here the other day, you know; and her daughter is going with her, so you will have charming company. I dare say you will enjoy the journey very much; and your aunt will meet you at Thirlwall. Now, make haste I expect the carriage every minute. I meant to have called you before, but I overslept myself. Don t be long. And nodding encouragement, her father left her. 4* 52 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. "How did she bear it?" asked Mrs. Montgomery, when he re turned. Like a little hero. She didn t 1 say a word, or shed a tear, expected nothing but that she would make a great fuss ; but she has all the old spirit that you used to have and have yet, for anything I know, admirably, She behaved Mrs.Montgomery sighed deeply. She understood far better than her husband what Ellen s feelings were, and could interpret much more truly than he the signs of them; the conclusion she drew from Ellen s silent and tearless reception of the news differed widely from his. She now waited anxiously and almo st fearfully for her appearance, which did not come as soon as she expected it. It was a great relief to Ellen when her father ended his talking, and left her to herself; for she felt she could not dress herself so quick with him standing there and looking at her, and his desire that she should be speedy in what she had to do , could not be greater than her own. Her fingers did their work as fast as they could, with every joint trembling. But though a weight like a mountain was upon the poor child s heart, she could not cry; and she could not pray, though, true to her constant habit, she fell on her knees by her bedside, as she j know that the whole of bitterness always did: it was in vain: all j death had for her mother she was was in a whirl in her heart and j tasting then. But it was true, head, and after a minute she rose Death had no more power to give again, clasping her little hands \ her pain after this parting should together with an expression of sorrow that it was well her mother could not see. She was dressed very soon, but she shrank from going to her mother s room while her father was there. To save time she put on her coat, and everything but her bonnet and gloves; and then stood leaning against the bedpost, for she could not sit down, watching with most intense anxiety to hear her father s step come out of the room and go down -stairs. Every minute seemed too long to be borne; poor Ellen began to feel as if she could not contain herself. Yet five had not passed away when she heard the roll of carriage- wheels, which came to the door and then stopped, and imme diately her father opening the do or to come out. Without waiting any longer, Ellen opened her own, and brushed past him into the room he had quitted. Mrs. Mont- jomerywas still lying on the bed, for her husband had insisted on her not rising. She said not a word, but opened her arms to receive her little daughter; and with a cry of indescribable expres sion , Ellen sprang upon the bed, and was folded in them. But then neither of them spoke or wept. What could words say? Heart met heart in that agony, for each knew all that was in the other. No not quite all. Ellen did not THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 53 be over. His after- work the parting between soul and body would be welcome, rather; yes, very welcome. Mrs. Montgomery knew it all well. She knew this was the last embrace between them. She knew it was the very last time that dear little form would ever lie on her bosom, or be pressed in her arms; and it almost seemed to her that soul and body must part company too, when they should be rent asunder. Ellen s grief was not like this ; she did not think it was the last time ; but she was a child of very high spirit and violent passions, untamed at all by sorrow s dis cipline ; and in proportion violent was the tempest excited by this first real trial. JPerhaps, too, her sorrow was sharpened by a sense ofwrong, and a feeling of indigna tion at her father s cruelty in not waking her earlier. Not many minutes had passed in this sad embrace , and no word had yet been spoken, no sound uttered, except Ellen s first in articulate cry of mixed affection and despair, when Captain Mont gomery s step was again heard slowly ascending the stairs. "He is coming to take me away!" thought Ellen ; and in terror lest she should go without a word been the matter, only her voice fell a little towards the last. "God bless my darling child! and make her his own and bring her to that home where parting cannot be ! " Ellen s eyes had been dry until now, but when she heard the sweet sound of her mother s voice , it opened all the fountains of tenderness within her. She burst into uncontrollable weep ing; it seemed as if she would pour out her very heart in tears; and she clung to her mother with a force that made it a difficult task for her father to remove her. He could not do it at first; and Ellen seemed not to hear any thing that was said to her. He was very unwilling to use harsh ness; and after a little, though she had paid no attention to his entreaties or commands, yet, sen sible of the necessity of the case, she gradually relaxed her hold and suffered him to draw her away from her mother s arms. He carried her downstairs, and put her on the front seat of the car riage beside Mrs. Dunscombe s maid but Ellen could never recollect how she got there, and she did not feel the touch of her father s hand, nor hear him when he bid her good-bye ; and she did paper of candies and sugar-plur in her lap. She knew nothing b that she had lost her mother. ms ut from her mother, she burst forth not know that he put a large with, "Mamma! speak!" A momenj; before, and Mrs. Montgomery could not have spoken. But she could now; and as clearly and calmly the words were uttered as if nothing had "It will not be so lon( the captain, in a kind oJ said apolo gizing way; "she will soon get 54 THE WIDE, WIDE WOULD. over it, and you will uot have any trouble with her." "I hope so," returned the lady, rather shortly; and then, as the captain was making his parting bow, she added, in no very pleased tone of voice "Pray, Captain Montgomery, is this young lady to travel without a bonnet?" "Without a bonnet! no," said the captain. "How is this? hasn t she a bonnet? I beg 1 a thousand pardons, Ma am I ll bring it on the instant." After a little delay, the bonnet was found , but the captain over looked the gloves in his hurry. - "I am very sorry you have b sen delayed, Ma am," said he. "I hope we may be able to reach the boat yet," replied the lady. "Drive on as fast as you can ! " A very polite bow from Captain Montgomery a very slight one from the lady and off they drove. "Proud enough," thought the captain, as he went up the stairs again. "I reckon she don t thank me for her travelling companion. thing and now I ll go and en gage berths in the England. " CHAPTER VII. "Strangers walk as friends." THE long drive to the boat was only a sorrowful blank to Ellen s recollection. She did not see the riment to Margaret Dunscombe and the maid, that they could hardly contain themselves. She did not find out that Miss Mar garet s fingers were busy with her paper of sweets, which only a good string and a sound knot kept her from rifling. Yet she felt very well that nobody there cared in the least for her sorrow. It mattered nothing; she wept on in her loneliness, and knew nothing that happened, till the carriage stopped on the wharf; even then she did not raise her head. Mrs. Dunscombe got out, and saw her daughter and servant do the same ; then , after giving some orders about the baggage, she returned to Ellen. "Will you get out, Miss Mont gomery , or would you prefer to remain in the carriage? We must go on board directly." There was something, not in the words , but in the tone , that struck Ellen s heart with an en tirely new feeling. Her tears stopped instantly, and, wiping away quick the traces of them as well as she could, she got out of But Ellen s off that s one good the carriage without a word, aided byMrs.Dunscombe s hand. The party were presently joined by a fine -looking man, whom Ellen recognised as Captain Dunscombe. "Dunscombe, do put these girls on board, willyou ? and then come back to me; I want jto speak to frowns that passed between her you. Timmins, you may go along companions on her account. She and look after them." companions did not know that her white bonnet was such a matter of mer- Captain Dunscombe obeyed. When they reached the deck, THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 55 Margaret Dunscombe and the maid Timmins went straight to the cabin. Not feeling at all drawn towards their company, as indeed they had given her no reason, Ellen planted herself by would be so soon beyond even gazing distance, was the only spot she cared for in the world; her heart was there. She could not see the place , to be sure , nor tell exactly whereabouts it lay in the guards of the boat, not far ail that wide-spread city; but it from the gangway, to watch the busy scene that at another time would have had a great deal of interest and amusement for her. was there, somewhere and every minute was making it far ther and farther off. It s a bitter thing, that sailing away from all And interest it had now; but it one loves; and poor Ellen felt it was with a very, very grave little so. She stood leaning both her face that she looked on the arms upon the rail, the tears bustling crowd. The weight on her heart was just as great as ever, but she felt this was not the time or the place to let it be seen ; 1/AHJ.Vy \J \ji\^ JJACtV^O lJ\J J-^lJ AL M \J O^VyJU. ^ so for the present she occupied herself with what was passing before her, though it did not for one moment make her forget her sorrow. At last the boat rang her last bell. Captain Dunscombe put his Avife on board, and had barely time to jump off the boat again when the plank was withdrawn. The men on shore cast off the great loops of ropes that held the boat to enormous wooden posts on the wharf, and they were off! At first it seemed to Ellen as if running down her cheeks, and blinding her so that she could not see the place towards which her straining eyes were bent. Somebody touched her sleeve it was Timmins. "Mrs. Dunscombe sent me to tell you she wants you to come into the cabin , Miss." Hastily wiping her eyes, Ellen obeyed the summons, and fol lowed Timmins into the cabin. It was full of groups of ladies , chil dren, and nurses bustling and noisy enough. Ellen wished she might have stayed outside; she wanted to be by herself; but, as the next best thing, she mounted upon the bench, which ran all the wharf and the people upon! round the saloon, and kneeling it were sailing away from them | on the cushion by one of the win- backwards; but she presently j dows , placed herself with the forgot to think of them at all. j edge of her bonnet just touching She was gone ! she felt the the glass , so that nobody could bitterness of the whole truth; -jsee a bit of her face, while she the blue water already lay be- ! could look out nearly as well as tweeu her and the shore , where j from the deck. Presently her ear she so much longed to be. In that i caught, as she thought, the voice confused mass of buildings at I of Mrs. Dunscombe, saying in which she was gazing , but which j rather an undertone , but laugh- 56 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. ing, too, "What a figure she does cut in that outlandish bonnet! " Ellen had no particular reason to think she was meant, and yet she did think so. She remained quite still, but with raised colour and quickened breathing waited to hear what would come next. Nothing came at first, and she was beginning to think she had perhaps been mistaken, when she plainly heard Margaret Duns- combe say, in a loud whisper "Mamma, I wish you could contrive some way to keep her in the cabin can t you? she looks so odd in that queer sun-bonnet kind of a thing, that anybody would think she had come out of the woods ; and no gloves, too ; I shouldn t like to have the Miss M Arthurs think she belonged to us; can t you, Mamma?" If a thunderbolt had fallen at Ellen s feet, the shock would hardly have been greater. The lightning of passion shot through every vein. And it was not pas sion only : there was hurt feeling and wounded pride ; and the sor row of which her heart was full enough before, now wakened afresh. The child was beside her self. One wild wish for a hiding- place was the most pressing thought to be where her tears could burst and her heart could break unseen. She slid off her bench and rushed through the crowd to the red curtain that put off the far end of the saloon; and from there down to the cabin below people were everywhere. At last she spied a nook where she could be completely hidden. It was in the far-back end of the boat, just under the stairs by which she had come down. No body was sitting on the three or four large mahogany steps that ran round that end of the cabin, and sloped up to the little cabin window: and creeping beneath the stairs , and seating herself on the lowest of these steps , the poor child found that she was quite screened, and out of sight of every human creature. It was time, indeed; her heart had been almost bursting with passion and pain,andnowthepent-up tempest broke forth with a fury that racked her little frame from head to foot; and the more because she strove to stifle every sound of it as much as possible. It was the very bitterness of sorrow, without any softening thought to allay it, and sharpened and made more bitter by mortification and a pas sionate sense of unkindness and wrong. And through it all, how constantly in her heart the poor child was reaching forth longing arms towards her far-off mother, and calling in secret on her beloved name. "Oh, Mamma! Mamma!" was repeated number less times, with the unspeakable bitterness of knowing that she would have been a sure refuge and protection from all this trouble, but was now where she could neither reach nor hear her. Alas ! how soon and how sadly missed! Ellen s distress was not soon quieted, or, if quieted for a mo ment, it was only to break out THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 57 afresh. And then she was glad to sit still and rest herself. Presently she heard the voice of the chambermaid upstairs , at a distance at first, and coming nearer and nearer. "Breakfast ready, ladies! Ladies, break fast ready ! " and then came all the people in a rush pouring down the stairs over Ellen s head. She kept quite still and close, for she did not want to see anybody, and could not bear that anybody should see her. Nobody did see her they all went off into the next cabin , where breakfast was set. Ellen began to grow tired of her hiding-place, and to feel rest less in her confinement she thought this would be a good time to get away; so she crept from her station under the stairs, and mounted them as quick and as quietly as she could. She found almost nobody left in the saloon and, breathing more freely, she possessed herself of her despised bonnet, which she had torn off her head in the first burst of her indignation, and passing gently out at the door, went up the stairs which led to the promenade-deck she felt as if she could not get far enough from Mrs. Dunscombe. The promenade-deck was very pleasant in the bright morning sun: and nobody was there ex cept a few gentlemen. Ellen sat down on one of the settees that were ranged along the middle of it, and much pleased at having found herself such a nice place of retreat, she once more took up her interrupted amusement of watching the banks of the river. It was a fair, mild day, near the end of October, and one of the loveliest of that lovely month. Poor Ellen, however, could not fairly enjoy it just now. There was enough darkness in her heart to put a veil over all nature s brightness. The thought did pass through her mind, when she first went up, how very fair every thing was; but she soon forgot to think about it at all. They were now in a wide part of the river, and the shore towards which she was looking was low and distant, and offered nothing to interest her. She ceased to look at it, and presently lost all sense of everything around, and before her, for her thoughts went home. She remembered that sweet moment, last night, when she lay in her mother s arms, after she had stopped singing - could it be only last night? it seemed a long, long time ago. She went over again, in imagi nation, her shocked waking -up that very morning how cruel that was ! her hurried dressing the miserable parting and those last words of her mother, that seemed to ring in her ears yet "That home where part ing cannot be." "Oh!" thought Ellen, "how shall I ever get there? Who is there to teach me now? Oh! what shall I do without you? Oh, Mamma! how much I want you already ! " While poor Ellen was thinking these things over and over, her 58 THE WIDE, WIDE WOULD. little face had a deep sadness ofjtenance. It won her confidence expression it was sorrowful to | immediately. All the floodgates see. She was perfectly calm |of Ellen s heart were at once her violent excitement had air opened. She could not speak, left her her lip quivered a very j but rising, and clasping the hand little, sometimes, but that was all; that was held out to her in both and one or two tears rolled slow- ! her own, she bent down her head ly down the side of her face. Her | upon it, and burst into one of eyes were fixed upon the dancing water, but it was very plain her thoughts were not, nor on any thing else before her; and there was a forlorn look of hopeless sorrow on her lip, and cheek, and brow, enough to move any body whose heart was not very hard. She was noticed , and with a feeling of compassion, by seve ral people ; but they all thought it was none of their business to speak to her, or they didn t know how. At length a gentleman, who had been for some time walking up and down the deck, happened to look, as he passed, at her little pale face. He went to the end of his walk that time, but in coming back he stopped j in front of her, and, bend: ust ing face towards hers, down his said "What is the matter with you, my little friend?" Though his figure had passed before her a great many times, Ellen had not seen him at all; for "her eyes were with her heart, and that was far away." Her cheek flushed with surprise as she looked up. But there was 110 mistaking the look of kind ness in the eyes that met hers, nor the gentleness and grave truthfulness of the whole coun- those uncontrollable agonies of weeping, such as the news of her mother s intended departure had occasioned the first sorrowful evening. He gently, and as soon as he could, drew her to a re tired they part were of the deck, where comparatively free from other people s eyes and ears; then, taking her in his arms, he endeavoured by many kind and soothing words to stay the torrent of her grief. This fit of weeping did Ellen more good than the former one; that only exhausted, this in some little measure relieved her. "What is all this about?" said her friend, kindly. "Nay, never mind shedding any more tears about it, my child. Let me hear what it is, and perhaps we can find some help for it." "Oh, no! you can t, Sir," said Ellen, sadly. "Well, let us see," said he "perhaps I can. What is it that has troubled you so much?" "I have lost my mother, Sir," said Ellen. "Your mother! Lost her! - how?" "She is very ill, Sir, and obliged to go away over the sea to France , to get well ; and papa could not take me with her," THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 59 said poor Ellen, weeping again; "and I am obliged to go to be among strangers. Oh, what shall I do?" "Have you left your mother in the city?" "Oh yes, Sir! I left her this morning." * What is your name ? " " Ellen Montgomery." "Is your mother obliged to go to Europe for her health?" "Oh yes, Sir; nothing else would have made her go, but the doctor said she would not live long if she didn t go, and that would cure her." "Then you hope to see her come back by -and -by, don t you?" "Oh yes, Sir; but it won t be this great, great long while; it seems to me as if it was for ever." "Ellen, do you know who it is that sends sickness and trouble upon us?" "Yes, Sir, I know; but I don t feel that that makes it any easier." "Do you know why he sends it? He is the God of love he does not trouble us willing ly he has said so; why does he ever make us suffer? do you know?" "No, Sir." "Sometimes he sees that if he lets them alone , his children will love some dear thing on the earth better than himself, and he knows they will not be happy if they do so; and then, because he loves them, he takes it away per haps it is a dear mother, or a dear daughter or else he hin ders their enjoyment of it, that they may remember him, and give their whole hearts to him. He wants their whole hearts, that he may bless them. Are you one of his children, Ellen?" "NOj Sir," said Ellen, with swimming eyes, but cast down to the ground. "How do you know that you are not?" "Because I do not love the Saviour." "Do you not love him, Ellen?" "I am afraid not, Sir." "Why are you afraid not? What makes you think so? " "Mamma said I could not love him at all, if 1 did not love him best; and, oh! Sir," said Ellen, weeping, "I do love Mamma a great deal better ! " "You love your mother better than you do the Saviour?" "Oh yes, Sir," said Ellen, " how can I help it?" "Then, if he had left you your mother, Ellen, you would never have cared or thought about him?" Ellen was silent. "Is/ it so? would you, do you think?" "I don t know, Sir," said Ellen, weeping again "oh, Sir! how can I help it?" "Then Ellen, can you not see the love of your heavenly Father in this trial? He saw that his little child was in danger of for getting him; and he loved you, Ellen; and so he has taken your 60 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. dear mother, and sent you away where you will have no one to look to but him ; and now he says to you, My daughter, give me thy heart. Will you do it, Ellen?" Ellen wept exceedingly while the gentleman was saying these words, clasping his hands still in both hers; but she made no answer. He waited till she had become calmer, and then went on in a low tone " What is the reason that you do not love the Saviour, my child?" "Mamma says it is because my heart is so hard." That is true; but you do not know how good and how lovely he is, or you could not help loving him. Do you often think of him , and think much of him, and ask him to show you himself, that you may love him? " "No, Sir," said Ellen; "not often." " You pray to him, don t you ? " "Yes, Sir; but not so." "But you ought to pray to him so. We are all blind by nature, Ellen ; we are all hard-heart ed; none of us can see him or love him unless he opens our eyes and touches our hearts; but he has promised to do this for those who seek him. Do you re member what the blind man said when Jesus asked him what he should do for him? he an swered, Lord, that I may re ceive my sight! That ought to be your prayer now, and mine too; and the Lord is just as ready to hear us as he was to hear the poor blind man; and you know he cured him. Will you ask him, Ellen?" A smile was almost struggling through Ellen s tears as she lift ed her face to that of her friend, but she instantly looked down again. "Shall I put you in mind, Ellen, of some things about Christ that ought to make you love him with all your heart? " "Oh yes, Sir, if you please." "Then tell me first what it is that makes you love your mother so much?" "Oh, I can t tell you, Sir; everything , I think." "I suppose the great thing is that she loves you so much ? " "Oh yes, Sir," said Ellen, strongly. "But how do you know that she loves you? how has she shown it?" Ellen looked at him , but could give no answer; it seemed to her that she must bring the whole experience of her life before him to form one. "I suppose," said her friend, "that, to begin with the small est thing, she has always been watchfully careful to provide everything that could be useful or necessary for you; she never forgot your wants , or was careless about them?" "No, indeed, Sir." "And perhaps you recollect that she never minded trouble, or expense, or pain, where your good was concerned; she THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 61 would sacrifice her own pleasure at any time for yours ? " Ellen s eyes gave a quick and strong answer to this, but she said nothing. "And in all your griefs and pleasures you were sure of find ing her ready and willing to feel with you, and for you, and to help you if she could? And in all the times you have seen her tried, no fatigue ever wore out her patience, nor any naughti ness of yours ever lessened her love ; she could not be weary of waiting upon you when you were sick, nor of bearing with you when you forgot your duty more ready always to receive you than you to return. Isn t it so?" "Oh yes, Sir." the love and gratitude of your whole heart, haven t you?" "Indeed I have, Sir;" and El len s face said it more than her words. "You are very right," he said, gravely, "to love such a mother to give her all possible duty and affection; she deserves it. But, Ellen, in all these very things I have been mentioning, Jesus Christ has shown that he deserves it far more. Do you think, if you had never behaved like a child to your mother if you had never made her the least return of love or regard that she would have continued to love you as she does?" "No, Sir," said Ellen "I do not think she would." "Have you ever 1 made any fit return to Grod for his goodness to you?" "No, Sir," said Ellen, in a low tone. "And has bee you every thing you "And you can recollect a great many words and looks of kind ness and love many and many endeavours to teach you and lead you in the right way all show- - " Ana . ^ 1 t . ne f e * as T bee ? n ing the strongest desire for your cna . n ge m fas kindness. Just look happiness in this world and in the next?" "Oh yes, Sir," said Ellen, tearfully; and then added, "Do I you know my mother Sir? ! Eaye . ^ ^ whoT j "No said he, smiling, "not; Yo u love your mother, because at all; but my own mother has ; she is so areful to ovide f been m many things like this to a ii your wants . but P who gave me, and I judged yours might her the materials to work with? - have been such to you. Have I S he has only been, as it were, described her right?" | the hand b / which he lie( j Yes indeed, Sir," said El-| YO u. And who gave you such a len "exactly." j mother? - There are many mo- "And in return for all this,!thers not like her; who put you have given this dear mother into her heart the truth and love at it, and see what he has done and is doing for you . In the first place, it is not your mother, but he, who has given good and pleasant 62 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. that have been blessing you ever since you were born? It is all all God s doing, from first to last: but his child has forgotten him in the very gifts of this mercy." Ellen was silent, but looked very grave. "Your mother never minded her own ease or pleasure when your good was concerned. Did Christ mind his? You know what he did to save sinners, don t you?" "Yes, Sir, I know, Mamma often told me." " Though he was rich , yet for our sakes he became poor, that we through his poverty might be rich. He took your burden of sin upon himself, and suffered that terrible punishment all to save you, and such as you. And now he asks his children to leave off sinning and come back to him, who has bought them with his own blood. He did this because he loved you*, does he not deserve to be loved in re turn?" Ellen had nothing to say 5 she hung down her head further and further. "And patient and kind as your mother is, the Lord Jesus is kinder and more patient still. In all your life so far, Ellen, you have not loved or obeyed him-, and yet he loves you, and is ready to be your friend. Is he not even to-day taking away your dear mother for the very purpose that he may draw you gently to himself, and fold you in his arms , as he has to do with his lambs ? He knows you can never be happy any where else." The gentleman paused again, for he saw that the little listener s mind was full. "Has not Christ shown that he loves you better even than your mother does? And were there ever sweeter words of kindness than these? " Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not; for of such is the kingdom of heaven. " I am the good shepherd ; the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep. " I have loved thee with an everlasting love; therefore with loving -kindness have I drawn thee. " He waited a minute , and then added, gently "Will you come to him, Ellen?" Ellen lifted her tearful eyes to his; but there were tears there too , and her own sank instantly. She covered her face with her hands , and sobbed out in broken words "Oh, if I could! but I don t know how." "Do you wish to be his child, Ellen?" "Oh yes, Sir, if I could." "I know, my child, that sinful heart of yours is in the way, but the Lord Jesus can change it, and will, if you will give it to him. He is looking upon you now, El len, with more kindness and love promised than any earthly father or mother THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 63 could, waiting for you to give that little heart of yours to him, that he may make it holy, and fill it with blessing. He says, you know, Behold, I stand at the door and knock. Do not grieve him away, Ellen." Ellen sobbed, but all the pas sion and bitterness of her tears was gone. Her heart was com pletely melted. "If your mother were here, and could do for you what you want, would you doubt her love to do it? would you have any difficulty in asking her?" "Oh no!" "Then do not doubt his love who loves you better still. Come to Jesus. Do not fancy he is awayup in heaven out of reach or hearing ; he is here , close to you, and knows every wish and throb of your heart. Think you are in his presence and at his feet even "Ellen, could you join in heart with my words?" "I did, Sir I couldn t help it all but the last." "All but the last?" "Yes, Sir." "But, Ellen, if you say the first part of my prayer with your whole heart, the Lord will enable you to say the last too do you believe that?" "Yes, Sir." "Will you not make that your constant prayer till you are heard and answered?" "Yes, Sir." And he thought he saw that she was in earnest. "Perhaps the answer may not come at once it does not al ways; but it will come, as surely as the sun will rise to morrow morning. Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the Lord. But then you must be in earnest. And if you are now and say to him in your;i n earne st, is there nothing you heart, Lord, look upon me I ha am not fit to come to thee , but thou hast bid me come take me and make me thine own take this hard heart that I can do nothing with , and make it holy and fill it with thy love I give it and myself into thy hands, dear Saviour! " These words were spoken very have to do besides praying? 1 Ellen looked at him without making any answer. "When a person is in earnest, how does he show it? " "JBy doing everything he pos sibly can to get what he wants." " Quite right," said her friend, smiling; "and has God bidden us do nothing besides pray for a low, that only Ellen could catch! new heart?" them. Her bowed head sank! "Oh yes, Sir, he has told us lower and lower till he ceased to do a great many things." .speaking. He added no more for j "And will he be likely to grant some time, waited till she had ! that prayer, Ellen, if he sees that resumed her usual attitude and you do not care about displeasing appearance , and then said | him in those great many things ? 64 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. Oh, matchless kindness! and he shows This matchless kindness to his foes. Admit him for the human breast Ne er entertain d so kind a guest; I Admit him or the hour s at hand When at His door, denied, you ll stand. Open my heart, Lord, enter in; Slay every foe, and conquer sin. Here now to thee I all resign My body, so.ul, and all are thine." The last two lines Ellen longed will he judge that you are sin cere in wishing for a new heart? " "Oh no, Sir!" "Then, if you are resolved to j be a Christian, you will not be contented with praying for a new heart, but you will begin at once to be a servant of God. You can do nothing well without help, but I you are sure the help will come ; and from this good day you will! to say, but could not: the two seek to know and to do the will j preceding were the very speech of God, trusting in his dear Son of her heart, to perfect that which concerneth Not more than fifteen minutes you. My little child," said the j had passed when her friend came back again. The book hung in Ellen s hand; her eyes were fixed on the floor. "Well," he said, kindly, and taking her hand, "what s your decision?" Ellen looked up. " Have you made up your mind on that matter we were talking about?" "Yes, Sir," Ellen said, in a low voice , casting her eyes down gentleman, softly and kindly, "are you ready to say you will do this?" As she hesitated, he took a little book from his pocket, and turning over the leaves , said "I am going to leave you for a little while I have a few mo ments business downstairs to at tend to: and I want you to look over this hymn and think care fully of what I have been saying, will you? and resolve what you will do." Ellen got off his knee, where she had been sitting all this while, and silently taking the book, sat down in the chair he had quitted. Tears ran fast again, and many thoughts passed through her mind, as her eyes went over and over the words to which he had pointed 41 Behold the Saviour at thy door; He gently knocks, fore , Has waited long, has knock d be- waiting still, God bless you, and help you, my dear Ellen ! " said he , gently Oh , lovely attitude ! - he stands passing his hand over her head ; With open heart and outstretched hands; "DUt QO not Cry any more You treat no other friend so ill. agan. "And how have you decided, my child?" "I will try to do as you said, Sir." " You will begin to follow your Saviour, and to please him, from this day forward?" "I will try, Sir," said Ellen, meeting his eyes as she spoke. Again the look she saw made her burst into tears. She wept vio lently. THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 65 you have shed too many tears this morning already. We will not talk about this any more now." And he spoke only soothing and quieting words for a while to her; and then asked if she would like to go over the boat and see the different parts of it. Ellen s joyful agreement with this proposal was only qualified by the fear of giving him trouble. But he put that entirely by. CHAPTER VIII. Leaves us in the Street. THE going over the boat held them a long time, for Ellen s new Ellen would have been quite friend took kind pains to explain satisfied though the gentleman to her whatever he thought he had done no more than merely "No, indeed, ^ Sir, I don t, 1 said Ellen, looking up with a face that was fairly brilliant with its expression of gratitude and love. But, casting it down again, she added, "But they are not my friends, Sir." "Well, then," he said, smiling, " will you come with me?" "Oh yes, Sir! if you will let me and if I shan t be a trouble to you, Sir." " Come this way," said he, " and we 11 see if we cannot find a nice place to sit down, where no one Avill trouble us." Such a place was found. And could make interesting; he was amused to find how far she pushed her inquiries into the how and the why of things. For the time her sorrows were almost forgotten. " What shall we do now?" said he , when they had at last gone permit her to remain there, by his side; but he took out his little Bible, and read and talked to her for some time so pleasantly, that neither her weariness nor the way could be thought of. When he ceased reading to her, and began to read to him- through the whole "would you self, weariness and faintness like to go to your friends?" "I haven t any friends on board, Sir," said Ellen, with a swelling | violently excited that day. A stole over her. She had had nothing to eat, and had been heart. "Haven t any friends on board! what do you mean? Are you alone?" "No, Sir," said Ellen "not exactly alone; my father put me in the care of a lady that is going to Thirlwall; but they are strangers , and not friends." "Are they tmfriends? I hope you don t think, Ellen, that little while she sat in a dreamy sort of quietude then her thoughts grew misty, and the end of it was she dropped her head against the arm of her friend, and fell fast asleep. He smiled at first, but one look at the very pale little face changed the expression of his own. He gently put his arm round her, and drew her head to a better strangers cannot be friends too? "j re sting-place than it had chosen, The WMe- Wide World. 66 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. And there she slept till the dinner-bell rang. Timmins was sent out to look for her, but Tim mins did not choose to meddle with the grave protector Ellen seemed to have gained; and Mrs. Dunscombe declared herself re joiced that any other hands should have taken the charge of her. After dinner Ellen and her friend went up to the promenade- deck again, and there, for a while, they paced up and down, enjoying the pleasant air and quick motion , and the lovely ap pearance of everything in the mild hazy sunlight. Another gentleman, however, joining them , and entering into conver sation, Ellen silently quitted her friend s hand, and went and sat down at the side of the boat. After taking a few turns more, and while still engaged in talk ing, he drew his little hymn-book out of his pocket, and, with a smile , put it into Ellen s hand as he passed. She gladly received it, and spent an hour or more very pleasantly , in studying and turning it over. At the end of that time, the stranger having left him, Ellen s friend came and sat down by her side. "How do you like my little book?" said he. "Oh, very much indeed, Sir." "Then you love hymns, do you?" "Yes, I do Sir, dearly." "Do you sometimes learn them by heart?" "Oh yes, Sir, often. Mamma often made me. I have learnt two since I have been sitting here." "Have you?" said he; "which are they?" "One of them is the one you showed me this morning , Sir." "And what is your mind now about the question I asked you this morning?" Ellen cast down her eyes from his inquiring glance, and answer ed, in a low voice, "Just what it was then, Sir." "Have you been thinking of it since?" "I have thought of it the whole time, Sir. "And you are resolved you will obey Christ henceforth? " "I am resolved to try, Sir." "My dear Ellen, if you are in earnest, you will not try in vain. He never yet failed any that sin cerely sought him. Have you a Bible?" "Oh yes, Sir! a beautiful one; Mamma gave it to me the other day." He took the hymn-book from her hand, and, turning over the leaves, marked several places in pencil. "I am going to give you this," he said, "that it may serve to remind you of what we have talked of to-day, and of your resolution." Ellen flushed high with plea sure. "I have put this mark," said tie, showing her a particular one, "in a few places of this book, for you; wherever you THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD, 67 find it, you may know there is| something I want you to take special notice of. There are some other marks here too, but they are mine these are for you." "Thank you, Sir," said Ellen, delighted ; " I shall not forget." He knew from her face what she meant not the marks. The day wore on, thanks to the unwearied kindness of her friend, with great comparative comfort to Ellen. Late in the afternoon they were resting from a long walk up and down the deck. "What have you got in this package that you take such care of?" said he, smiling. "Oh, candies," said Ellen; "I am always forgetting them. I meant to ask you to take some. Will you have some , Sir?" " Thank you. What are they ? " "Almost all kinds, I believe, Sir I think the almonds are the best." He took one. "Pray, take some more, Sir," said Ellen "I don t care for them in the least." "Then I am more of a child than you in this, at any rate, for I do care for them. But I have a little headache to-day; I mustn t meddle with sweets." "Then take some for to-mor row, Sir please do,"saidEllen, dealing them out very freely. " Stop, stop ! " said he "not a bit more; this won t do I must put some of these back again; you ll wautthemto-morrow, too." "I don t think I shall," said Ellen; "I haven t wanted to touch them to-day." "Oh, you ll feel brighter to morrow, after a night s sleep. But aren t you afraid of catching cold? This wind is blowingpretty fresh, andyou ve beenbonnetless all day what s the reason?" Ellen looked down, and co loured a good deal. "What s the matter?" saidhe, laughing: " has any mischief be fallen your bonnet? " " No , Sir ," said Ellen , in a low tone, her colour mounting higher and higher " it was laughed at, this morning." "Laughed at! who laughed at it?" "Mrs. Dunscombe, and her daughter , and her maid." "Did they? I don t see much reason in that, I confess. What did they think was the matter with it?" "I don t know, Sir; they said it was outlandish, and what a figure I looked in it!" "Well, certainly that was not very polite. Put it on , and let me see." Ellen obeyed. "I am not the best judge of ladies bonnets, it is true," said he, "but I can see nothing about it that is not perfectly proper and suitable nothing in the world. So that is what has kept you bareheaded all day? Didn t your mother wish you to wear that bonnet?" "Yes, Sir." "Then that ought to be enough for you. Will you be ashamed of 5* 68 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD- what she approved , because some people, that haven t probably half her sense, choose to make merry with it? is that right?" he said, gently "is that honour ing her as she deserves?" "No, Sir," said Ellen, looking up into his face; "but I never thought of that before I am sorry." i " Never mind being laughed at, my child. If your mother says a thing is right, that s enough for you let them laugh." "I won t be ashamed of my bonnet any more," said Ellen, trying it on; " but they made me very unhappy about it, and very angry, too." "I am sorry for that," said her friend, gravely. "Have you quite got over it, Ellen?" "Oh yes, Sir long ago." "Are you sure?" " I am not angry now , Sir." "Is there no unkindness left towards the people who laughed at you?" "I don t like them much," said Ellen "how can I?" "You cannot, of course, like the company of ill -behaved people, and I do not wish that you should ; but you can and ought to feel just as kindly disposed to wards them as if they had never offended you just as willing and inclined to please them or do them good. Now, could you offer Miss what s her name? some of your candies with as hearty goodwill as you could before she laughed at you?" "No, Sir, I couldn t. I don t feel as if I ever wished to see them again." "Then, my dear Ellen, you have something to do, if you were in earnest in the resolve you made this morning. If ye forgive unto men their trespasses, my Heavenly Father will also forgive you; but if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will my Father forgive your trespasses. " He was silent, and so was Ellen, for some time. His words had. raised a struggle in her mind; and she kept her face turned towards the shore, so that her bonnet shielded it from view; but she did not in the least know what she was looking at. The sun had been some time descending through a sky of cloudless splendour, and now was just kissing the moun tain-tops of the western horizon. Slowly and with great majesty he sank behind the distant blue line, till only a glittering edge ap peared and then that was gone. There were no clouds hanging lover his setting, to be gilded and -purpled by the parting rays , but & region of glory long remained, show where his path had been. The eyes of both were fixed upon this beautiful scene, but only one was thinking of it. Just as the last glimpse of the suri dis appeared, Ellen turned her face, bright again, towards her com panion. He was intently gazing towards the hills that had so drawn Ellen s attention a while ago , and thinking still more in tently, it was plain; so, though her mouth had been open to THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 69 speak, she turned her face away again as suddenly as it had just sought his. He saw the motion, however. "What is it, Ellen?" he said. Ellen looked again, with a smile. from the south , so that they did not feel it at all. The light gradually faded away, till only a silver glow in the west showed where the sun had set, and the sober gray of twilight "I have been thinking, Sir, of j was gently stealing over all the what you said to me." bright colours of sky, and river, "Well?" said he, smiling, in and hill; no wand then a twinkling answer. j light began to appear along the "I can t like Mrs. Dunscombe j shores. and MissDunscombe as well as if | "Yon are very tired," said they hadn t done so to me , but I \ Ellen s friend to her "I see you will try to behave as if nothing! are. A little more patience, my had been the matter, and be as ; child we shall be at our jour- kind and polite to them as if they !nev s end before a very great had been kind and polite to me. "And how about the sugar plums?" " The sugar-plums ! 11_ 1 1* //IT* while. "I am almost sorry," said Ellen, Ellen, laughing, "Miss Margaret may have them all , if she likes I m quite willing. Not but I had rather give them to you, Sir." " You give me something a great deal better when I see you try to " though I am tired. We don t go Oh," said [in the steamboat to-morrow, do we, Sir?" "No in the stage." "Shall you be in the Sir?" "No, my child. But I am glad that you and I have spent this overcome a wrong feeling. You i day together." mustn t _ rest ^ till you get rid of! "Oh, Sir," said Ellen, "I don t every bit of ill-will that ;you feel know what I should have done for this and any other unkindness if it hadn t been for you." you may suffer. You cannot do it j There was silence again , and yourself, but you know who can the gentleman almost thought his help you. I hope you have asked ; little charge had fallen asleep, Him, Ellen?" she sat so still. But she suddenly "I have, Sir, indeed." spoke again, and in a tone of "Keep asking Him, and he will voice that showed sleep was far do everything for you." away. A silence of some length fol- "I wish I knew where Mamma lowed. Ellen began to feel very i is now." much the fatigue of this exciting ! "I do not doubt, my child, day, and sat quietly by her from what you told me , that it is friend s side leaning against him. j well with her, wherever she is. The wind had changed about Let that thought comfort, you sundown, and now blew light [ whenever you remember her." 70 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. "She must want me so much," said poor Ellen, in a scarcely audible voice. "She has not lost her best friend, my child." "I know it, Sir," said Ellen, with whom grief was now getting the mastery "but oh! it s just near the time when I used to make the tea for her who 11 make it now? she 11 want me oh ! what shall I do ! " and , overcome com pletely by this recollection, she threw herself into her friend s arms and sobbed aloud. There was no reasoning against this. He did not attempt it ; but with the utmost gentleness and tenderness endeavoured, as soon as he might, to soothe and calm her. He succeeded at last; with a sort of despairing submission, Ellen ceased her tears, and arose to her former position. But he did not rest from his kind en deavours till her mind was really eased and comforted which, however , was not long before the lights of a city began to appear in the distance. And with them appeared a dusky figure ascend ing the stairs, which, upon nearer approach , proved by the voice to be Timmins. "Is this Miss Montgomery?" said she -"I can t see, I am sure, it s so dark. Is that y*u, Miss Montgomery?" "Yes," said Ellen, "it is I; do you want me?" "If you please, Miss, Mrs. Duns- combe wants you to come right down; we re almost in, she says, Miss." "I ll come directly, Miss Tim mins," said Ellen. "Don t wait for me I won t be a minute I ll come directly." Miss Timmins retired, standing still a good deal in awe of the grave personage whose protec- tionEllen seemed to have gained. "I must go ," said Ellen , stand ing up and extending her hand; "good-bye, Sir." She could hardly say it. He drew her towards him and kissed her cheek once or twice: it was well he did; for it sent a thrill of pleasure to Ellen s heart that she did not get over that evening, nor all the next day. " God bless you , my child ," he said, gravely but cheerfully ; "and foodnight! you will feel better, trust, when you have had some rest and refreshment." He took care of her down the stairs, and saw her safe to the very door of the saloon, and within it, and there again took her hand, and kindly bade her good night. Ellen entered the saloon only to sit down and cry as if her heart would break. She saw and heard nothing till Mrs. Dunscombe s voice bade her make haste and be ready, for they were going ashore in five minutes. And in less than five minutes, ashore they went. "Which hotel, Ma am?" asked the servant who carried her bag gage "theEagle, orFoster s?" "The Eagle," said Mrs. Duns- combe. " Come this way, then, Ma am," THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 71 said another man, the driver of theEagle carriage; "now,Ma am, step in, if you please." Mrs.Dunscombe puther daugh ter in. "But it s full!" said she to the driver-, "there isn t room for another one!" "Oh yes, Ma am, there said the driver, holding the door veller. Only one pleasant thing Ellen saw on her walk , and that was the sky; and that looked just as it did at home ; and very often Ellen s gaze was fixed upon it, much to the astonishment of Miss Timmins, who had to be not a little watchful for the safety of Ellen s feet while her eyes were thus employed. She had taken a great fancy to Ellen, however, open "there s plenty of room for I gicdu jLaiiv,j w *m^, j^..^*^, you, Ma am just get in, Ma am, | and let her do as she pleased, if you please we ll be there in; keeping all her wonderment to herself. less than two minutes." "Timmins, you 11 have to walk," said Mrs. Dunscombe. "Miss Montgomery, would you rather ride , or walk with Timmins ? " "How far is it, Ma am?" said Ellen. " Oh , bless me ! how can I tell how far it is ? I don t know , I am sure not far; say, quick would you rather walk or ride?" "I would rather walk, Ma am, if you please ," said Ellen. "Very well," said Mrs. Duns- combe , getting in ; " Timmins, you know the way." And off went the coach with its load; but, tired as she was , Ellen did not wish herself in it. Picking a passage-way out of the crowd , she and Timmins now began to make their way up one of the comparatively quiet streets. It was a strange place that she felt. She had lived long " Take care. Miss Ellen ! " cried Timmins , giving her arm a great pull; "I declare I just saved you out of that gutter! Poor child! you are dreadfully tired, ain t you?" "Yes, I am very tired, Miss Timmins," said Ellen; "have we much further to go ? " "Not a great deal, dear; cheer up ! we are almost there. I hope Mrs.Dunscombe will want to ride one of these days herself, and can t." "Oh, don t say so, Miss Tim- mius," said Ellen; "I don t wish so, indeed." "Well, I should think you would," said Timmins; "I should think you d be fit to poison her; / should, I know, if I was in your place." Oh, said Ellen, "that wouldn t be right that would enough in the place she had left, ! be very wrong. to feel at home there: but here "Wrong!" said Timmins; "why she came to no street or crossing! would it be wrong? she hasn t that she had ever seen before; [behaved good to you." nothing looked familiar; all re-| "Yes," said Ellen; "but don t minded her that she was a tra-|you know the Bible says, if we do 72 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. not forgive people what thev do to us, we shall not be forgiven ourselves." "Well, I declare," said Miss Timmins, "you beat all! But here s the Eagle Hotel at last and I am glad for your sake, dear." Ellen was shown into the ladies parlour. She was longing for a place to rest, but she saw directly it was not to be there. The room was large and barely furnished ; and round it were scattered part of the carriage -load of people that had arrived a quarter of an hour before her. They were waiting till their rooms should be ready. Ellen silently found her self a chair , and sat down to wait with the rest, as patiently as she might. Few of them had as much cause for impatience; but she was the only perfectly mute and uncomplaining one there. Her two companions, however, be tween them, fully made up her share of fretting. At length a ser vant brought the welcome news that their room was ready, and the three marched up stairs. It made Ellen s very heart glad, when they had got there , to find a good -sized, cheerful -looking bedroom, comfortably furnished, combe set about arranging her self for the tea-table. "Well!" >s he said "one day of this precious journey is over ! " "Does Ellen go with us to morrow, Mamma?" " Oh , yes ! quite to Thirlwall." "Well, you haven t had much plague with her to-day, Mamma." "No I am sure I am much obliged to whoever has kept her out of my way." "Where is she going to sleep to-night?" asked Miss Margaret. "I don t know, I am sure I suppose I shall have to have a cot brought in here for her." "What a plague!" said Miss Margaret. " It will lumber up the room so ! There s no place to put it. Couldn t she sleep with Timmins?" "Oh, she could, of course just as well as not only people would make such a fuss about it it wouldn t do; we must bear it for once. I 11 try and not be caught in such a scrape again." "How provoking!" said Miss Margaret " how came father to do so , without asking you about it?" "Oh, he was bewitched, I sup pose men always are. Look , here, Margaret Ican tgodown with a bright fire burning, large to tea with a train of children at curtains let down to the floor, my heels. I shall leave you and and a nice warm carpet upon it. Ellen up here, and I ll send up Taking off her bonnet , and only j your tea to you." that, she sat down on a low cushion by the corner of the fireplace, and leaning her head against the jamb , fell fast asleep almost immediately. Mrs. Duns- "Oh no, Mamma!" said Mar garet, eagerly "I want to go down with you. Look here, Mam ma! she s asleep, and you needn t wake her up that s, excuse THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. enough; you can leave her to have her tea up here , and let me go down with you." " Well," said Mrs. Dunscombe, "I don t care but make haste to get ready, for I expect every minute when the tea -bell will ring." "Timmins! Timmins!" cried Margaret, "come here and fix me quick! and step softly, will you? or you ll wake that young one up , and then , y^ou see, I shall have to stay up stairs." This did not happen, however. Ellen s sleep was much too deep to be easily disturbed. The tea- bell itself, loud and shrill as it was, did not even make her eyelids tremble. After Mrs. and Miss Dunscombe were gone down, Timmins employed herself a little while in putting all things about the room to rights; and then sat down to take her rest, dividing her attention between the fire and Ellen, towards whom she seemed to feel more and more kindness, as she saw that she was likely to receive it from no one else. Pre sently came a knock at the door " The tea for the young lady," on a waiter. Miss Timmins si lently took the tray from the man, and shut the door. " Well ! " said she to herself "if that ain t a pretty supper to send up to a child that has gone two hundred miles to-day , and had no break fast! a cup of tea, cold enough, I ll warrant bread and butter enough for a bird and two little slices of ham as thick as a wafer! Well, I just wish Mrs. Duns combe had to eat it herself, and nothing else ! I m not going to wake her up for that, I know, till I see whether something better ain t to be had for love or money. So just you sleep on , darling, till I see what I can do for you." In great indignation, down stairs went Miss Timmins ; and at the foot of the stairs she met a rosy-cheeked, pleasant-faced girl coming up. "Are you the chambermaid?" said Timmins. " I m one of the chambermaids," said the girl, smiling; "there s three of us in this house, dear." "Well, I am a stranger here," said Timmins, "and I want you to help me , and I am sure you will. I ve got a dear little girl up stairs that I want some supper for she s a sweet child, and she s under the care of some proud folks here in the tea-room that think it s too much trouble to look at her; and they ve sent her up about supper enough for a mouse, and she half-starving; she lost her breakfast this morning by their ugliness. Now ask one of the waiters to give me some thing nice for her, will you? there s a good girl." "James!" said the girl, in a loud whisper to one of the waiters, who was crossing the hall. He instantly stopped and came to wards them, tray in hand, and making several extra-polite bows as he drew near. "What s on the supper-table, James?" said the smiling damsel. "Everything that ought to be 74 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. there, Miss Johns ," said the man, with another flourish. "Come, stop your nonsense," said the girl, "and tell me quick I m in a hurry." "It s a pleasure to perform your commands , Miss Johns. I 11 give you the whole bill of fare. There s a very fine beefsteak, fri casseed chickens, stewed oysters, sliced ham, cheese, preserved quinces, with the usual comple ment of bread and toast, and muffins, and dough -nuts, and new -year -cake, and plenty of butter likewise salt and pepper likewise tea and coffee, and sugar likewise " "Hush!" said the girl. "Do stop, will you?" and then laughing and turning to Miss Timmins, she added, "What will you have?" "I guess I ll have some of the chickens and oysters," said Tim mins ; " that will be the nicest for her and a muffin or two." "Now, James, do you hear?" said the chambermaid; "I want you to get me now , right away , a nice little supper of chickens and oysters, and a muffin it s for a lady upstairs. Be as quick as you can." "I should be very happy to exe cute impossibilities for you, Miss Johns , but Mrs. Ousters is at the table herself." "Very well that s nothing she ll think it s for somebody upstairs and so it is." "Ay, but the upstairs people is Tim s, business I should be hauled over the coals directly." " Then ask Tim, will you? How slow you are ! Now, James, if you don t, I won t speak to you again." "Till to-morrow? I couldn t stand that. It shall be done , Miss Johns, instantum." Bowing and smiling, away went James, leaving the girls giggling on the staircase , and highly gra tified. "He always does what I want him to," said the good-humoured chambermaid, "but he generally makes a fuss about it first. He 11 be back directly with what you want." Till he came, Miss Timmins filled up the time with telling her new friend as much as she knew about Ellen and Ellen s hard ships ; with which Miss Johns was so much interested, that she de clared she must go up and see her; and when James in a few minutes returned with a tray of nice things, the two women pro ceeded together to Mrs. Duns- combe s room. Ellen had moved so far as to put herself on the floor with her head on the cushion for a pillow, but she was as sound asleep as ever. "Just see now!" said Timmins "there she lies on the floor enough to give her her death of cold; poor child! she s tired to death and Mrs. Dunscombe made her walk up from the steam boat to-night, rather than do it herself; I declare I wished the coach would break down, only for the other folks. I am glad I have got a good supper for her, though thank you, Miss Johns," THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 75 "And I 11 tell you what, I 11 go yourself on that low chair, and and get you some nice hot tea," j I 11 fix you off." said the chambermaid, who was quite touched by the sight of El len s little pale face. Ellen thanked her, and did as she was told. Timmins brought another chair to her side, and "Thank you," said Timmins placed the tray with her supper you re a darling. This is as | upon it , and prepared her muffin cold as a stone." I and tea; and having fairly seen While the chambermaid went Ellen begin to eat, she next took forth on her kind errand, Tim- j off her shoes, and seating herself mins stooped down by the little on a carpet before her, she made sleeper s side. "Miss Ellen! "i her lap the resting-place for she said " Miss Ellen ! wake ! Ellen s feet, chafing them in her up, dear wake up, and get some ; hands, and heating them at the supper come! you ll feel a fire; saying there was nothing great deal better for it you like rubbing and roasting to get shall sleep as much as you like rid of the leg-ache. By the help afterwards." of the supper, the fire, and Tim- Slowly Ellen raised herself, mins, Ellen mended rapidly, and opened her eyes. "Where With tears in her eyes, jshe am I?" she asked looking be- thanked the latter for her kind- wildered. ness. "Here, dear," said Timmins "Now just don t say one word "wake upandeat something j about that," said Timmins "I it will do you good." never was famous for kindness, With a sigh poor Ellen arose as I know; but people must be and came to the fire. ; kind sometimes in their lives - "You re tired to death, ain t unless they happen to be made you," said Timmins. j of stone, which I believe some "Not quite," said Ellen. "I people are. You feel better, don t shouldn t mind that, if my legs : you?" would not ache so and my| "A great deal," said Ellen, head, too." "Oh, if I only could go to bed "Now I m sorry!" said Tim- [now!" m i ns "but your head will be! "And you shall, "said Timmins. better for eating, I know. See "I know about your bed, and here I Ve got you some nice I 11 go right away and have it chicken, and oysters, and I 11 brought in." And away she went, make this muffin hot for you by While she was gone , Ellen the fire and here comes your drew from her pocket her little .tea. Miss Johns, I m your ser- hymn-book, to refresh herself vant, and I 11 be your bridesmaid with looking at it. How quickly with the greatest pleasure in life, and freshly it brought back to Now, Miss Ellen, dear, just put, her mind the friend who had 76 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. given it, and his conversations ! heartily worried, and out of with her, and the resolve she had patience. made! and again Ellen s whole! It was just five o clock when heart offered the prayer she had they reached her stopping-place. repeated many times that day Ellenknewof no particular house to go to, so Mrs. Dunscombe set her down at the door of the prin cipal inn of the town, called the "Star," ofThirlwall. The driver smacked his whip, Open my heart , Lord, enter in; Slay every foe, and conquer sin." Her head was still bent upon her little book when Timmins entered. Timmins was not alone j and away went the stage again, Miss Johns and a little cot-bed- ; and she was left , standing alone, stead came in with her. The! beside her trunk, before the latter was put at the foot of Mrs. ! piazza of the inn , watching Tim- Dunscombe s bed, and speedily mins, who was looking back at made up by the chambermaid, ! her, out of the stage window, while Timmins undressed Ellen; nodding and waving good-bye. and very soon all the sorrows and vexations of the day were for gotten in a sound, refreshing sleep; but not till she had re moved her little hymn-book from CHAPTER IX. The little Queen in the Arm-Chair. ELLEX had been whirled along over the roads for so many hours the pocket of her frock to a safe! the rattle of the stage-coach station under her pillow; it was had filled her ears for so long with her hand upon it that Ellen j that now, suddenly still and went to sleep, and it was in her j quiet, she felt half-stunned. She hand still when she was waked stood with a kind of dreamy feel- the next morning. ing, looking after the departing The next day was spent in a stage-coach. In it there were wearisome stage coach, over a three people whose faces she rough, jolting road. Ellen s com- [knew, and she could not count a panions did nothing to make her i fourth within many a mile. One way pleasant , but she sweetened ! of those was a friend , too , as the theirs with her sugar -plums, fluttering handkerchief of poor Somewhat mollified, perhaps, j Miss Timmins gave token still. Yet Ellen not wish herself after that, Miss Margaret con descended to enter into conver sation with her, and Ellen under went a thorough cross-examina tion as to all her own and her parents affairs, past, present, i body lumbering up and down and future; and likewise as to every now and then, reminding all that could be known of her! her of sundry uncomfortable yesterday s friend, till she was I jolts 5 till the horses making a back in the coach , although she continued to stand and gaze after it as it rattled off at a great rate down the little street, its huge THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 77 sudden turn to the right, it dis appeared round a corner. Still for a minute Ellen watched the whirling cloud of dust it had left behind; but then the feeling of at Ellen, and then she saw he was going to take himself and his broom into the house. So in de spair she ran up the two or three low steps of the piazza and pre- He strangeness and loneliness came sented herself before him. over her, and her heart sank. She stopped short, cast a look up and down the I "Will you please to tell me, street. The afternoon was lovely; j Sir," said poor Ellen, "if Miss the slant beams of the setting Emerson is here?" sun came back from gilded win dows, and the houses and chim ney-tops of the little town were in a glow; but she saw nothing bright anywhere ; in all the glory of the setting sun the little town looked strange and miserable. "Miss Emerson?" said he " what Miss Emerson?" "I don t know, Sir Miss Emerson that lives not far from Thirlwall." Eyeing Ellen from head to foot, the man then trailed his broom There was no sign of her having ! . L1 """ ff" "*"" m "*" been expected? nobody was| to the house Ellen followed waiting to meet her. What was " Mr. Forbes ! " said he "Mr. Forbes! do you know anything to be done next? Ellen had not the slightest idea. Her heart growing fainter and fainter, she turned again to the of Miss Emerson? "What Miss Emerson?" said inn. A tall awkward young another man , with a big red face countryman, with a cap set on| an( i a big round body, sho wing- one side of his head, was busying! himself in a doorway which he himself with sweeping of the nearly filled. floor of the piazza , but in a very leisurely manner; and between every two strokes of his broom "Miss Emerson that lives a little way out of town." "Miss Fortune Emerson? he was casting long looks at El- 1 yes, I know her. What of her?" len, evidently wondering who she "Has she been here to-day?" was, and what she could want "Here? what, in town? No there. Ellen saw it, and hoped j not as I Ve seen or heard. Why, he would ask her in words, f or I who wants her?" she could not answer his looks of " This little girl." curiosity but she was disap- And the man with the broom pointed. As he reached the end stepping back, disclosed Ellen to of the piazza, and gave his broom j the view of the red-faced land- two or three knocks against the lord. He advanced a step or two edge of the boards to clear it of towards her. dust, he indulged himself with j " What do you want with Miss one good, long, finishing look ; Fortune, little one?" said he. 78 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. "I expected she would meet me I you think she 11 be glad to see here, Sir," said Ellen. [her?" ; Where have you come from?" Mr. Forbes put this question "From New York." " The stage set her down just now ," put in the other man. "And you thought Miss For- with rather a curious look at his wife. She didn t answer him. She only looked at Ellen, grave, and gave a queer looked little and take me home." "Take you home! Are you going to Miss Fortune s home?" "Yes, Sir." "Why, you don t belong to her, anyway " Sir," do you?" No Sir," said Ellen, she s my aunt." "She s your what?" "but "My aunt, Sir my father s sister." "Your father s sister ! You tune would meet you, didyou?"|nod of her head, which meant, " Yes , Sir; she was to meet me Ellen could not make out what. "Now, what s to be done?" continuedMr. Forbes. "MissFor- tune was to have come up to meet her, but she ain t here, and I don t know how in the world I can take the child down there to night. The horses are both out to plough, you know; and be sides , the tire is come off that waggon-wheel. I couldn t pos sibly use it. And then it s a great question in my mind what Miss Fortune would say to me. I should get paid, Is pose?" "Yes, y^ou d get paid," said his wife, with another little shake of her head; but whether it would be the kind of pay you d like , I don t know." "Well, what s to be done, wife? Keep the child overnight and send word down yonder? " "No," said Mrs. Forbes, "I ll tell you. I think I saw Van Brunt go by two or three hours ago with the ox-cart, and I guess he s somewhere up town yet; I han t seen him go back. He can take the child home with him. Sam ! " shouted Mrs. Forbes " Sam ! here! Sam, run up street di rectly, and see if you see Mr. Van Brunt s ox -cart standing any where I daresay he s at Mr. Miller s , or maybe at Mr. " ben t the daughter of Morgan Montgomery, be you?" "Yes, lam," said Ellen, half- smiling. "And you are come to make a visit to Miss Fortune, eh?" "Yes," said Ellen, smiling no longer. "And Miss Fortune han t come up to meet you! that s real shabby of her; and how to get you down there to-night, I am sure is more than I can tell." And he shouted, "Wife!" "What s the matter, Mr. Forbes?" said a fat landlady, appearing in the doorway, which she filled near as well as her hus band would have done. "Look here," said Mr. Forbes " here s Morgan Montgomery s daughter come to pay a visit to her aunt Fortune Emerson. Don t THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD, 79 mersley s, the blacksmith and up. But the question had touched ask him to stop here before he; the sore spot. Her head sank goes home. Now, hurry! and on her hands, and "Oh, Mamma!" don t run over him, and then; was uttered with a bitterness that come back and tell me he ain t in even Mrs. Forbes could feel. town." Mrs. Forbes herself followed "Now, what made me ask you that !" cried she. "Don t cry Sam to the door, and cast an ex- don t, love; poor little dear! ploring look in every direction, you re as pale as a sheet; you re "I don t see no signs of him tired, I know ain t you? Now, up nor down," said she, returning j cheer up, do I can t bear to to Ellen; "but I m pretty sure he j see you cry. You Ve come a ain t gone home. Come in here great way to-day, han t you?" come in here, dear, and make Ellen nodded her head, but yourself comfortable ; it 11 be a could give no answer. while yet, maybe, afore Mr. Van! "I know what will do you Brunt comes, but he 11 be along good," saidMrs. Forbes, present- by-and-by ; come in here and ly, getting up from the crouching rest yourself." i posture she had taken to comfort She opened a door, and Ellen j Ellen; "you want something to followed her into a large kitchen, where a fire was burning, that eat that s the matter. I 11 warrant you re half-starved; no showed wood must be plenty in wonder you feel bad. Poor little those regions. Mrs. Forbesjthing! you shall have something placed a low chair for her on the good directly." hearth , but herself remained | And away she bustled to get it. standing by the side of the fire, Left alone, Ellen s tears flowed looking earnestly, and with a a few minutes very fast. She felt good deal of interest, upon the forlorn; and she was, besides, as - Mrs. Forbes opined, both tired and faint. But she did not wish little stranger. Ellen drew her white bonnet from her head, and sitting down with a wearied air, gazed sadly into the flames that were shedding their light upon her. "Are you going to stop a good while with Miss Fortune?" ** Mrs. Forbes. said "I don t know, Ma am yes, to be found weeping; she checked her tears, and was sitting again quietly before the fire when the landlady returned. Mrs. Forbes had a great bowl of milk in one hand , and a plate of bread in the other, which she placed on the kitchen table , and I believe so," said Ellen, faintly. j setting a chair, called Ellen to "Han t you got no mother?" come and partake of it. asked Mrs. Forbes, suddenly, "Come, dear here is some- after a pause. thing that will do you good. I "Oh, yes!" said Ellen, looking thought there was a piece of pie 80 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. in the buttery, and so there was, I know she was to have met me ; but Mr. Forbes must have got ! papa said he would write." hold of it, for it ain t there now; i "Oh, well! maybe something and there ain t a bit of cake in the hindered her from coming. It s house for you; but I thought (no matter; you 11 get home just maybe you would like this as well ~ as anything. Come ! " Ellen thanked her, but said she did not want anything. "Oh yes, you do," said Mrs. Forbes; pale I know better. You re as I don t know what. Come! this 11 put roses in your of curiosity, the good landlady cheeks. Don t you like bread and milk?" "Yes, very much indeed, Ma am," said Ellen; "but I m not hungry." She rose, however, and came to the table. " Oh, well, try to eat a bit, just to please me. It s real good country milk not a bit of cream off. You don t get such rnilk as that in the city, I guess. That s right! I see the roses coming back to your cheeks already?" "Is your pa in New York now?" "Yes, Ma am." "You expect your pa and ma up to Thirlwall by-and-by, don t you?" "No, Ma am." Mrs. Forbes was surprised, and longed to ask why not , and what Ellen had come for ; but the shade that had passed over her face as she answered the last question, warned the landlady she was get ting upon dangerous ground. "Does your aunt expect you to-night?" "I believe so, Ma am - I don t as well. Mr. Van Brunt will be here soon, I guess; it s most time for him to be along." She went to the front door to look out for him, but returned without any news. A few minutes passed in silence, for, though full dared not ask what she wanted to know, for fear of again exciting the sorrow of her little comrja- nion. She contented herself with looking at Ellen, who, on her part, much rested and refreshed, had turned from the table, and was again, though somewhat less sadly, gazing into the fire. Presently the great wooden clock struck half-past five, with a whirring, rickety voice, for all the world like a hoarse grass hopper. Ellen at first wondered where it came from, and was looking at the clumsy machine, that reached nearly fromthe floor of the kitchen to the ceiling, when a door at the other end of the room opened, and "Good day, Mrs. Forbes ," in a rough but not unpleasant voice, brought her head quickly round in that direc tion. There stood a large, strong- built man , with an ox- whip in his hand. He was well made, and rather handsome , but there was something of heaviness in the air of both face and person mixed with his certainly good-humoured expression, His dress was as THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 81 rough as his voice a coarse gray frock-coat, green velveteen pantaloons, and a fur cap that had seen its best days some time ago. "Good day, Mrs. Forbes," said this personage; "Sam said you wanted me to stop as I went along." "Ah, how d ye do, Mr. Van Brunt?" said the landlady, rising "you ve got the ox-cart here with you , han t you? " "Yes I ve got the ox-cart," said the person addressed, came in town for a barrel of flour; and then the near ox had lost both his fore-shoes off, and I had to go over there ; and Hammersley has kept me a precious long time -TTTl j ) j * TIT 171 "L, * What s wanting, I can t stop." Mrs. Forbes? great bale of goods , and he were considering whether his cart would hold her or not. "Well," said he at length, "I don t knowbut she can ; but there ain t nothing on arth for her to sit down upon." " Oh, never mind ; I 11 fix that," said Mrs. Forbes. "Is there any straw in the bottom of the cart? " "Not a bit." "Well, I ll fix it," said Mrs. Forbes. "You get her trunk into the cart, will you, Mr .Van Brunt? and I 11 see to the rest." Mr. Van Brunt moved off with out another word, to do what was desired of him apparently quite confounded at having apassenger instead of his more wonted load of bags and barrels. And his face still continued to wear the singu lar doubtful expression it had put on at first hearing the news. oisted Forbes "You ve no load in the cart, have you? " said the landlady. "No; I should have had, though, but Miller had no shorts nor fresh flour, nor won t till next week. What s to go down , Mrs. Forbes?" " The nicest load ever you car ried , Mr. Van Brunt. Here s a little lady come to stay with Miss Fortune. She s a daughter of Captain Montgomery, Miss For tune s brother, you know. She came by the stage a little while ago , and the thing is how to get her down to-night. She can go in the cart, can t she?" Mr. Van Brunt looked a little doubtful, and pulling off his cap with one hand , while he scratch ed his head with the other, he cxaminedEllen from head to foot, much as if she had been some ny things back again; will you The Wide , Wide World. Ellen s trunk was in, however; ancf Mrs" presently appeared with a little arm-chair , which Mr. Van Brunt, with an approving look, bestowed in the cart, planting it with its back against the trunk to keep it steady. Mrs. Forbes then raising herself on tiptoe by the side of the cart, took a view of the arrange ments. That won t do yet," said she ; "her feet willbe cold on that bare floor, and t ain t over clean nei ther. Here, Sally! run up and fetch me thatpiece of carpetyou 11 find lying at the top of the back stairs. Now, hurry! Now, Mr. Van Brunt, I depend upon you to get 82 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. see and bring em the first time you come in town?" "I ll see about it. But what if I can t gethold of them ! " answered the person addressed, with a half- smile. "Oh," said Mrs. Forbes, with another, "I leave that to you; you have your ways and means. Now, just spread this carpet down nicely under her chair 5 and then she 11 be fixed. Now, my darling, you 11 ride like a queen. But how are you going to get in? Will you let Mr. Van Brunt lift you up?" Ellen s "Oh, no, Ma am, if you please!" was accompanied with such an evident shrinking from the proposal, that Mrs. Forbes did not press it. A chair was brought from the kitchen, and by making a long step from it to the top of the wheel, and then to the edge of the cart, Ellen was at length safely stowed in her place. Kind Mrs. Forbes then stretched The doubtful look came back to Mrs. Forbes s face, and, with another little, grave shake of her head, she went into the kitchen. "How kind she is! how good everybody is to me!" thought little Ellen, as she moved off in state in her chariot drawn by oxen. Quite a contrast this new way of travelling was to the noisy stage and swift steamer. Ellen did not know at first whether to like or dislike it ; but she came to the conclusion that it was very funny, and a remarkably amusing way of getting along. There was one disadvantage about it, cer tainly their rate of travel was very slow. Ellen wondered her charioteer did not make his ani mals go faster ; but she soon for got their lazy progress in the in terest of novel sights and new scenes. Slowly, very slowly, the good oxen drew the cart and the little queen in the arm chair out of the herself up over the side of the town, and they entered upon the cart to shake hands with her, and open country. The sun had al- bid her good-bye, telling her ready gone down when they left again she would ride like a queen. | the inn, and the glow of his set- Ellen answered only, " Good-bye, j ting had faded a good deal by the Ma am;" but it was said with a time they got quite out of the look of so much sweetness, and town; but light enough Avas left eyes swimming half in sadness still to delight Ellen with the and half in gratefulness, that the good landlady could not forget it. "I do think," said she, when she went back to her husband, "that is the dearest little thing, about, I ever did see." "Humph!" said her husband, "I reckon Miss Fortune will think so too." pleasant look of the country. It was a lovely evening, and quiet as summer; not a breath stirring. The leaves were all off the trees; the hills were brown; but the soft, warm light that still lingered upon them, forbade any look of harshness or dreariness. These I hills lay towards the west, and THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 83 at Thirlwall were not more than two miles distant, but sloping off more to the Avest as the range ex tended in a southerly direction. Between, the ground was beauti fully broken. Eich fields and meadows lay on all sides , some times level, and sometimes with a soft, wavy surface, where Ellen thought it must be charming to run up and down. Every now and then these were varied by a little rising ground, capped with a piece of woodland, and beautiful trees , many of them , were seen standing alone, especially by the roadside. All pleasant look. had a cheerful, The houses were see dim outlines. She began again to think of their slow tra velling, and to wonder that Mr. Van Brunt could be content with it. She wondered, too, what made him walk, when he might just as well have sat in the cart; the truth was, he had chosen that for the very purpose that he might have a good look at the little queen in the arm-chair. Ap parently, however, he, too, now thought it might be as well to make a little haste , for he thun dered out some orders to his oxen, accompanied with two or three strokes of his heavy lash, which , though not cruel by any means, went to Ellen s heart. "Them lazy critters won t go fast anyhow," said he to Ellen; "they will take their own time ; it ain t no use to cut them." "Oh, no! pray don t, if you please ! " said Ellen , in a voice of the thoughts that rose in her j earnest entreaty, mind. But slowly the oxenj " T ain t fair, neither," conti- brought her abreast of the hou-nued Mr. Van Brunt, lashing his ses, one after another, and slowly ! great whip from side to side with- f hey passed on beyond, and there j out touching anything. "I have was no sign of getting home yet. seen critters that would take any Their way was through pleasant! quantity of whipping to make lanes towards the south, but con- j them go, but them ere ain t of stantly approaching the hills, [that kind; they 11 work as long About half a mile from Thirlwall, as they can stand, poor fellows ! " they crossed a little river, not| There was a little silence, du- more than thirty yards broad, ! ring which Ellen eyed her rough and after that the twilight deepen- ! charioteer, not knowing exactly ed fast. The shades gathered on j what to make of him. iield and hill; everything grewj "I guess this is the first time brown, and then dusky; and then you ever rid in an ox-cart, ain t Ellen was obliged to content her- it?" self with what was very near, for! "Yes," said Ellen; "I never further than that she could only | saw one before." 6* very scattered; in the whole way they passed but few. Ellen s heart regularly began to beat when they came in sight of one, and "I wonder if that is Aunt Fortune s house ! " "perhaps it is!" or, "I hope it is not! "were 84 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD, "Han t you never seen an ox cart! Well how do you like it?" "I like it very much indeed. Have we much further to go be fore we get to Aunt Fortune s house?" "Aunt Fortune s house? a pretty g^ood bit yet. You see that mountain over there?" point ing with his whip to a hill directly west of them, and about a mile distant. "Yes," said Ellen. " That s the Nose. Then you see that other?" pointing to one that lay some two miles fur ther south-, "Miss Fortune s house is just this side of that 5 it s all of two miles from here." And urged by this recollection, he again scolded and cheered the patient oxen, who for the most part kept on their steady way without any reminder. But per haps it was for Ellen s sake that he scarcely touched them with the whip. "That don t hurt them, not a bit," he remarked to Ellen -it only lets them know that I m here , and they must mind their business. So you re Miss For tune s niece, eh?" "Yes," said Ellen. "Well," said Mr. Van Brunt, with a desperate attempt at being complimentary, "I shouldn t care if you was mine too." Ellen was somewhat astounded, and so utterly unable to echo the wish , that she said nothing. She did not knoAv it, but Mr. Van Brunt had made, for him, most extraordinary efforts at sociabili ty. Having quite exhausted him self, he now mounted into the cart and sat silent , only now and then uttering energetic "Gees!" and "Haws!" which greatly ex cited Ellen s wonderment. She discovered they were meant for the ears of the oxen, but more than that she could not make out. They plodded along very slow ly, and the evening fell fast. As they left behind the hill which Mr. Van Brunt had called "The Nose," they could see through an opening in the mountains , a bit of the western horizon, and some brightness still lingering there; but it was soon hid from vieAv, and darkness veiled the whole country. Ellen could amuse her self no longer with lo oking about ; she could see nothing very clearly but the outline of Mr. Van Brunt s broad back , just before her. But the stars had come out! and brilliant and clear they were looking down upon her, with their thousand eyes. Ellen s heart jumped when she saw them, with a mixed feeling of pleasure and sadness. They carried her right back to the last evening, when she was walking up the hill with Timmins; she remembered her anger against Mrs. Dunscombe, and her kind friend s warning not to indulge it, and all his teaching that day; and tears came with the thought, how glad she should be to hear him speak to her again. Still looking up at the beautiful quiet stars , she thought of her dear far-off mother how long it was already since she had seen her THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 85 faster and faster the tears drop ped and then she thought of that glorious One who had made the stars, and was above them all, and who could and did see her mother and her, though ever so far apart, and could hear and bless them both. The little face was no longer upturned it was buried in her hands, and bowed to her lap , and tears streamed as she prayed that God would bless her dear mother and take care of her. Not once nor twice the fulness of Ellen s heart could not be poured out in one asking. Greatly comforted at last, at ha ving as it were laid over the care of her mother upon One who was able, she thought of herself, and her late resolution to serve him. She was in the same mind still. She could not call herself a Chris tian yet, but she was resolved to be one ; and she earnestly asked the Saviour she sought, to make her and keep her his child. And then Ellen felt happy. Quiet, and weariness, and even drowsiness, succeeded. It was well the night was still, for it had grown quite cool, and a breeze would have gone through and through Ellen s nankeen coat. As it was , she began to be chilly, when Mr. Van Brunt, who , since he got into the cart, had made no remarks except to his oxen, turned round a little and spoke to her again. ."It s only a little bit of way we ve got to go now," said he 5 "we re turning the corner." The words seemed to shoot through Ellen s heart. She was wide awake instantly, and quite warm; and leaning forward in her little chair, she strove to pierce the darkness on either hand of her, to see whereabouts the house stood, and how things looked. She could discern no thing but misty shadows, and outlines of she could not tell what; the starlight was too dim to reveal anything to a stranger. "There s the house," said Mr. Van Brunt, after a few minutes more, "do you see it yonder?" Ellen strained her eyes, but could make out nothing not even a glimpse of white. She sat back in her chair, her heart beating violently. Presently Mr. Van Brunt jumped down and opened a gate at the side of the road; and with a great deal of "gee "-ing the oxen turned to the right, and drew the cart a little way up hill then stopped on. what seemed level ground. "Here we are ! " cried Mr. Van Brunt, as he threw his whip on the ground "and late enough! You must be tired of that little arm-chair by this time. Come to the side of the cart, and I ll lift you down." Poor Ellen ! There was no help for it. She came to the side of the cart, and, taking her in his arms, her rough charioteer set her very gently and carefully on the ground. "There," said he, "now you can run right in ; do you see that little gate?" 86 THE WIDE, WIDE WOULD. "No," said Ellen; "I can t see its snow-white tablecloth and anything." shining furniture, looked very "Well, come here," said he, comfortable indeed. But the only "and I ll show you. Here person there was an old woman, you re running against the fence sitting by the side of the fire, this way." ^ith her back towards Ellen. And he opened a little wicket, She seemed to be knitting, but which Ellen managed to stumble did not move nor look round, through. Ellen had come a step or two "Now," said he, "go straight into the room, and there she up to that door yonder, and open stood, unable to speak or to go it, and you ll see where to go. any further. "Can that be Aunt Don t knock, but just pull the Fortune?" she thought; "she latch and go in." can t be as old as that!" And he went off to his oxen. : In another minute a door open- Ellen at first saw no door, and ed at her right, just behind the did not even know where to look old woman s back , and a second for it; by degrees, as her head figure appeared at the top of a became clearer, the large dark flight of stairs which led down shadow of the house stood before , from the kitchen. She came in, her, and a little glimmering line shutting the door behind her with of a path seemed to lead onward her foot; and indeed both hands from where she stood. With un- were full, one holding a lamp steady steps, Ellen pursued it and a knife, and the other a plate till her foot struck against the of butter. The sight of Ellen stone before the door. Her trem- i stopped her short, bling fingers found the latch - "What is this? and what do lifted it and she entered. All you leave the door open for, ~* n si-ir +V.QTO. >m+ t t>io rif/ht child?" she said. was dark there; but at the right a window showed light glimmer ing within. Ellen made towards it, and, groping, came to an other door-latch. This was big and clumsy; however, she ma naged it, and, pushing open the heavy door, went in. It was a good-sized, cheerful- looking kitchen. A fine fire was burning in the enormous fire place; the white walls and ceil ing were yellow in the light of the flame. No candles were need ed, and none were there. The supper-table was set, and, with She advanced towards it, plate and lamp in hand, and, setting her back against the door, shut it vigorously. "Who are you? and what s wanting?" "1 am Ellen Montgomery, Ma am," said Ellen timidly. "What?" said the lady, with some emphasis. "Didn t you expect me, Ma am?" said Ellen. "Papa said he would write." "Why, is this Ellen Mont gomery?" said Miss Fortune, THE WIDE, V/IBE WORLD. 87 apparently forced to the con clusion that it must be. "Tea, Ma am," said Ellen. Miss Fortune went to the table, and put the butter and the lamp in thtfr places. l>id you say your father wrote to tell rne of your corning?" "Iff! said he would, Ma am," said Kllen. "He didn t. Never sent me a " I p at Forbes s." "What have you got there?" " A trunk. Where is it to go ? " "A trunk! It must go up stairs; but how it is ever to get there, I am sure I don t know." "I ll find a way to get it there, I ll engage, if you ll be so good as to open the door for me, Ma am." "Indeed you won t! That ll line. Just like him! I never yet never do. "With your shoes!" knew Morgan Montgomery do a said Miss Fortune, in a tone of thing when he promised he indignant housewifery. WOUld." "Well, without rrr Ellen s face flushed, and her heart swelled. She stood motion- lefts. Wcll, ( without my shoes, then," said Mr. Van Brunt, with a half-giggle , as Ellen heard the shoes kicked off. " Now, Ma am, r* ^ How did you get down here out of my way! give me a road." to-night?" Miss Fortune seized the lamp, "I came in Mr. Van Brunt s and, opening another door, ox-cart," said Ellen. ushered Mr. Van Brunt and the "Mr. Van Brunt s ox -cart! trunk out of the kitchen, and Then he s got home, has he?":up Ellen saw not whither. In And hearing at this instant a a minute or two they returned, noise outside, Miss Fortune and he of the ox-cart went out. swept to the door, saying, as "Supper s just ready, Mr. Van -he opened it, "Sit down, child, Brunt, said the mistress of the and take off your things." house. The first command, at least, Kllen obeyed gladly; she did not feel enough at home to comply with the second. She only took off her bonnet. Well, Mr. Van Brunt," said "Can t stay, Ma am it s so late; must hurry home." And he closed the door behind him. "What made you so late?" asked Miss Fortune of Ellen, f don t know Ma am I be- MI SH Fortune, at the door, "have liove Mr. Van Brunt said the you brought, rne a barrel of flour?" blacksmith had kept him." Wins Fortune," said the Miss Fortune bustled a voice of Ellen s charioteer, "I ve few minutes in silence, s about a setting brought you something better some things on the taole an 4.u, A! x " /ii *i than that. said Miss Fortune, something shortly. filling the teapot. "Where did you find her?" "Come," she said to Ellen, "take off your coat and corne to ; the table. You must be hungry 88 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. by this time. It s a good while since you had your dinner , ain t it? Come, mother." The old lady rose, and Miss Fortune, taking her chair, set it by the side of the table, next the fire. Ellen was opposite to her, and now, for the first time, the old lady seemed to know that she was in the room. She looked at her very attentively, but with an expressionless gaze which El len Jdid not like to meet, though otherwise her face was calm and pleasant. "Who is that?" inquired the old lady presently of Miss For tune , in a half whisper. "That s Morgan s daughter," was the answer. "Morgan s daughter! Has Mor gan a daughter?" " Why, yes, mother ; don t you remember I told you a month ago lie was going to send her here?" The old lady turned again, with a half shake of her head, towardsEllen. "Morgan s daugh ter," she repeated to herself, softly; "she s a pretty little girl very pretty. Will you come round here and give me a kiss, dear?" Ellen submitted. The old lady folded her in her arms , and kiss ed her affectionately. "That s your grandmother, Ellen," said Miss Fortune, as Ellen went back to her seat. Ellen had no words to answer. Her aunt saw her weary down- look, and soon after supper pro posed to take her upstairs. Ellen gladly followed her. Miss For tune showed her to her room, and first asking if she wanted anything, left her to herself. It was a relief. Ellen s heart had been brimful, and ready to run over for some time , but the tears could not come then. They did not now, till she had undressed and laid her weary little body on the bed: then they broke forth in an agony. "She didn t kiss me! she didn t say she was glad to see me!" thought poor Ellen. But weariness this time was too much for sorrow and disappoint ment. It was but a few minutes, and Ellen s brow was calm again, and her eyelids still, and, with the tears wet upon her cheeks, she was fast asleep. CHAPTER X. Mud and what came of it. THE morning sun was shining full and strong in Ellen s eyes when she awoke. Bewildered at the strangeness of everything around her, she raised herself on her elbow, and took a long look at her new home. It could not help appearing cheerful. The bright beams of sunlight, stream ing in through the windows, lighted on the wall and the old wainscoting; and paintless and rough as they were, nature s own gilding more than made amends for their want of comeliness. Still Ellen was not much pleased with the result of her survey. The room was good -sized, and perfectly neat and clean ; it had two large windows opening to the east, through which, morn- THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 89 ing by morning, the sun looked I elbow, looking around her with in that was another blessing, a rather discontented face, when some door being opened down stairs, a great noise of hissing and sputtering came to her ears, and presently after there stole to But the floor was without a sign of a carpet, and the bare boards looked to Ellen very comfortless. The hard-finished walls Avere not very smooth, nor particularly I her nostrils a steaming odour of white. The doors and wood- something very savoury from the work, though very neat, and kitchen. It said as plainly as any even carved with some attempt! dressing-bell that she had better at ornament, had never known! get up. Soup she jumped, and the touch of paint, and had | set about the business of dress- grown in the course of years to ing with great alacrity. Where be of a light-brown colour. The j was the distress of last night? room was very bare of furniture. | Gone with the darkness. She too. A dressing- table, pier-table, I had slept well; the bracing at- or what-not, stood between the mosphere had restored strength windows , but it was only a half- 1 and spirits ; and the bright morn- circular top of pine -board set! ing light made it impossible to upon three very long bare-look- be dull or downhearted, in spite ing legs altogether of a most of the new cause she thought she awkward and unhappy appear- had found. She went on quick ance, Ellen thought, and quite! with the business of the toilet, too high for her to use with any But when it came to the washing, comfort. No glass hung over it, she suddenly discovered that nor anywhere else. On the north there were no conveniences for it side of the room was a fireplace ; in her room no sign of pitcher against the opposite wall stood or basin, or stand to hold them. Ellen s trunk and two chairs; Ellen was slightly dismayed; but that was all, except the cot-bed presently recollected her arrival she was lying on , and which had had not been looked for so soon, its place opposite the windows, and probably the preparations The coverlid of that came in for for it had not been completed, a share of her displeasure, being So she finished dressing, and of home-made white and blue then set out to find her way to worsted, mixed with cotton, ex-! the kitchen. On opening the ceeding thick and heavy. (door, there was a little landing- "I wonder what sort of a place from which the stairs de- blanket is under it," said Ellen, scended just in front of her and "if I can ever get it off to see! at the left hand another door, Pretty good; but the sheets are which she supposed must lead to cotton, and so is the pillow- her aunt s room. At the foot of case!" jthe stairs Ellen found herself in She was still leaning on her a large square room or hall, for 90 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. one of its doors on the east open-: morning V s i ie answered, with- ed to the outer air, and was injout looldngup. fact the front door of the house. Ellen replied she felt a great Another Ellen tried on the south deal better side; it would not open. A third,! "Slept warm, did you?" said to^^A^r"* admitted er Miss Fortune, as she set the pan e kltch en. back on the fire. And Ellen could The noise of hissing and sput- jj? , ? ,, answ er " Quite warm, tering now became quite violent iMaam >." when the hissing and and the smell of the cooking to s P utteri g began again, as loud Ellen s fancy, rather too strong i as u e T ver - to be pleasant. Before a good a,* m \ lst wait >" thought Ellen, fire stood Miss Fortune, holding! 1S ls over, before I say the end of a very long iron handle i wna ti want to. I can t scream by which she was kept in commu- j OU 3 to ask for a basin and towel." nication with a flat vessel sitting a * ew minutes the pan was on the fire, in which Ellen soon^ emoved from the fire > and Miss discovered all this noisy and rtune went on to take out the : brown slices of nicely- fried pork , nn r\ Q TT*O-K r*r\ 4-1^. <-.. -! _ j i i on the fire, in which Ellen soon^ emoved from the fire, and Miss discovered all this noisy and I * ortun e went on to take out the odorous cooking was going on brown slices of nicely-fried pork A tall tin coffee-pot stood on some ! ? nd arran g e them in a deep dish, coals in the corner of the fireplace ij. eav . m ga small quantity of clear and another little iron vessel in ifat m the P an - En en, who was front also claimed a share of Miss i g reatl J interested, and observing Fortune s attention, for she every ever ^ ste P most attentively, set- now and then leaned forward to ? . , m J 161 wn mind that cer- give a stir to whatever was in it |tamlythis would be thrown away, making each time quite a spas- ! em g P* for nothing but the pigs, modic effort to do so, without ! Ut Fortune didn t think so, quitting her hold of the end of the long handle. Ellen drew near, and looked on with great curio sity, and not a little appetite; but Miss Fortune was far too busy _ * v*j.j. u IJAJ.JIXJLIV DV tor she darted into some pantry close by, and returning with a cup of cream in her hand, emptied it all into the pork fat. Then she ran into the pantry again for a little round tin box , with a covei to give her more than a passing S? e ^ ^ -.-.- glance. At length the hissing | tu11 , of holes > and shaking this pan was brought to the hearth gently over the pan, a fine white shower of flour fell upon the j. -. UlOU^Ilu u\^ IIAJ^ (iv -i i in for some new arrangement of its contents, and Ellen seized the moment of peace and quiet to say, " Good morning, Aunt Fortune." MissFortune was crouching by the pan, turning her slices of pork. "How do you do this cream. The pan was then re placed on the fire and stirred; and, to Ellen s astonishment, the whole changed , as if by magic to a thick, stiff, white froth. It was not till Miss Fortune was carefully pouring this over the THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 91 fried slices in the dish, that Ellen suddenly recollected that break fast was ready, and she was not. "Aunt Fortune," she said, timidly, "I haven t washed yet there s no basin in my room." Miss Fortune made no answer, nor gave any sign of hearing; she went on dishing up breakfast. Ellen waited a few minutes. "Will you please, Ma am, to show me where I can wash myself?" "Yes," said Miss Fortune, suddenly standing erect, "you 11 have to go down to the spout." "The spout, Ma am," said Ellen, "what s that?" "You 11 know it when you see it, I guess," answered her aunt, again stooping over her prepara tions. But in another moment she arose and said, "Just open that door there behind you, and go down the stairs and out at the door, and you 11 see where it is, and what it is too." Ellen still lingered. "Would you be so good as to give me a towel, Ma am?" she said, timidly. Miss Fortune dashed past her and out of another door, whence she presently returned with a clean towel, which she threw over Ellen s arm , and then went back to her work. Opening the door by which she had first seen her aunt enter the night before , Ellen went clown a steep flight of steps , and found herself in a lower kitchen, in tended for common purposes. It seemed to be not used at all at least there was no fire there, and a cellar -like feeling and smell instead. That was no wonder, for beyond the fireplace on the left hand was the opening to the cellar, which, running under the other part of the house, was on a level with this kitchen. It had no furniture but a table and two chairs. The thick, heavy door stood open. Passing out, Ellen looked around her for water in what shape or form it was to present itself she had no very clear idea. She soon spied, a few yards distant, a little stream of water pouring from the end of a pipe or trough raised about afoot and a half from the ground , and a well-worn path leading to it, left no doubt of its being " the spout." But when she had reached it, Ellen was in no small puzzle as to how she should manage. The water was clear and bright, and poured very fast into a shallow wooden trough underneath, whence it ran off into the meadow and disappeared. "But what shall I do without a basin?" thought Ellen; "I can t catch any water in my hands, it runs too fast. If I only could get my face under there that would be fine!" Very carefully and cautiously she tried it, but the continual spattering of the water had made the board on which she stood so slippery, that before her face could reach the stream, she came very near tumbling headlong, and so taking more of a cold bath than she wished for. So she THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. contented herself with the drops her hands could bring to her face a scanty supply; "but those drops were deliciously cold and fresh. And afterwards she pleased herself with holding her hands in the running water till they were red with the cold. On the whole, Ellen enjoyed her washing very much. The morning air came playing about her 5 its cool breath was on her cheek, with health in its touch. The early sun was shining on tree, and meadow, and hill ; the long shadows stretched over the grass, and the very brown outhouses looked bright. She thought it was the loveliest place she had ever seen. And that sparkling, trickling water was certainly the purest and sweetest she had ever tasted. Where could it come from? It poured from a small trough, made of the split trunk of a tree , with a little groove or channel, two inches wide, hollowed out in it. But at the end of one of these troughs, another lapped on, and another at the end of that; and how many there were, Ellen could not see, nor where the beginning of them was. Ellen stood gazing and wondering, drinking in the fresh air, hope and spirits rising every minute, when she suddenly recollected breakfast! She hur ried in. As she expected, her aunt was at the table; but, to her surprise, and not at all to her gratification , there was Mr. Van Brunt at the other end of it, eating away, very much at home indeed. In silent dismay, Ellen drew her chair to the side of the table. "Did you find the spout?" asked Miss Fortune. "Yes, Ma am." "Well, how do you like it?" "Oh, I like it very much indeed," said Ellen. "I think it is beautiful." Miss Fortune s face rather sof tened at this , and she gave Ellen an abundant supply of all that was on the table. Her journey, the bracing air, and her cool morning wash, altogether, had made Ellen very sharp, and she did justice to the breakfast. She thought never was coffee so good as this country coffee; nor any thing so excellent as the brown bread and butter, both as sweet as bread and butter could be; neither was any cookery ever so entirely satisfactory as Miss For tune s fried pork and potatoes. Yet her teaspoon was not silver; her knife could not boast of being either sharp or bright; and her fork was certainly made for any thing else in the world but com fort and convenience, being of only two prongs, and those so far apart that Ellen had no small difficulty to carry the potato safely from her plate to her mouth. It mattered nothing; she was now looking on the bright side of things , and all this only made her breakfast taste the sweeter. Ellen rose from the table when she had finished, and stood a few minutes thoughtfully by the fire. "Aunt Fortune," she said at THE WIDE, WIDE WOULD. 93 length, timidly; "if you ve no objection, I should like to go and take a good look all about." "Oh, yes," said Miss Fortune, " go where you like ; I 11 give you a week to do what you please with yourself." "Thank you, Ma am," said Ellen, as she ran off for her bonnet; "a week s a long time. I suppose," thought she, "I shall go to school at the end of that." Returning quickly with her white bonnet, Ellen opened the heavy kitchen door by which she had entered last night, and went out. She found herself in a kind of long shed. It had very rough walls and floor, and overhead showed the brown beams and rafters; two little windows and a door were on the side. All manner of rubbish lay there, especially at the further end. There were scattered about and piled up various boxes, boards, farming and garden tools, old pieces of rope and sheepskin, old iron, a cheese -press, and what not. Ellen did not stay long to look, but went out to find some thing pleasanter. A few yards from the shed door was the little gate through which she had stumbled in the dark, and outside of that Ellen stood still a while. It was a fair, pleasant day, and the country scene she looked upon was very pretty. Ellen thought so. Before her, at a little dis- tance, rose the great gable end of the barn, and a long row of outhouses stretched away from it towards the left. The ground was strewn thick with chips ; and the reason was not hard to find, for a little way off, under an old stunted apple-tree, lay a huge log, well chipped on the upper surface, with the axe resting against it; and close by were some sticks of wood both chopped and unchop- ped. To the right, the ground descended gently to a beautiful plane meadow, skirted on the hither side with a row of fine apple-trees. The smooth green flat tempted Ellen to a run , but first she looked to the left. There was the garden, she guessed, for there was a paling fence which enclosed a pretty large piece of ground ; and between the garden and the house a green slope ran down to the spout. That reminded her that she had intended making a journey of discovery up the course of the long trough. No time could be better than now; and she ran down the slope. The trough was supported at some height from the ground by little heaps of stones, placed here and there along its whole course. Not far from the spout it crossed a fence. Ellen must cross it, too, to gain her object, and how that could be done , was a great ques tion; she resolved to try, however. But first, she played awhile with the water, which had great charms for her. She dammed up the little channel with her fingers , forcing the water to flow over the side of the trough ; there was something very pleasant in stopping the supply of the spout, and seeing the water trickling over where it 94 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD, had no business to go; and she did not heed that some of the drops took her frock in their way. She stooped her lips to the trough and drank of its sweet, current only for fun s sake, for she was not thirsty. Finally, she set out to follow the stream up to its head. ButpoorEllenhad not gone more than half way towards the fence, when she all at once plunged into the mire. The green grass growing there had looked fair enough, but there was running water and black mud under the green grass, she found to her sorrow. Her shoes, her stockings, were full. What was to be done now! The journey of discovery must be given up. She forgot to think about where the water came from, in the more pressing question, "What will Aunt Fortune say?" and the quick wish came that she had her mother to go to. However, she got out of the slough, and wiping her shoes as well as she could on the grass, she hastened back to the house. The kitchen was all put in order, the hearth swept, the irons at the fire, and Miss Fortune just pinning her ironing - blanket on the table. " Well what s the matter? " she said, when she saw Ellen s face; but as her glance reached the floor, her brow darkened. "Mercy on me!" she exclaimed, with slow emphasis; "what on earthhaveyoubeenabout? where have you been?" Ellen explained. " Well , you have made a figure of yourself ! Sit down ! " said her aunt, shortly, as she thrust a chair down on the hearth before the fire; "I should have thought you d have had wit enough aty our age , to keep out of the ditch." "I didn t see any ditch," said Ellen. "No, I suppose not," said Miss Fortune, who was energeti cally twitching off Ellen s shoes and stockings with her forefinger and thumb "I suppose not; you were staring up at the moon or stars, I suppose." "It all looked green and smooth," said poor Ellen " one part just like another and | the first thing I knew, I was up to my ankles." "What were you there at all for?" said Miss Fortune, shortly enough. "I couldn t see where the water came from, and I wanted to find out." / "Well you ve found out enough for one day, I hope. Just look at those stockings! Han t you got never a pair of coloured stockings, that you must go poking into the mud with white ones?" "No, Ma am." I "Do you mean to say you toever wore any but white ones at home?" j "Yes, Ma am I never had any others." ! Miss Fortune s thoughts seemed too much for speech, from the way in which she jumped up and went off without saying anything more, She presently came back o^ THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 9,j with an old pair of gray socks, | level of the chip -yard, from which she bade Ellen put on as j which a little bridge led to the soon as her feet were dry. | great doorway of the second "How many of those white floor. Passing down the range of stockings have you?" \shesaid. outhouses, Ellen came to the "Mamma bought me half a j little door her aunt had spoken dozen pairs of new ones just! of. "But what in the world before 1 came away, and 1 had as ! should I do if there should be many as that of old ones besides." I cows inside there?" said she to "Well, noAv go up to your herself. She peeped in the trunk and bring em all down to; cow-house was perfectly empty; me every pair of white stockings and cautiously, and with many a you have got. There s a pair of fearful glance to the right and old slippers you can put on till left, lest some terrible horned your shoes are dry," she said, ! animal should present itself , El- flinging them to her "they |len made her way across the cow- aren t much too big for you." j house, and through the barn- " They re not much too big for i yard, littered thick with straw the socks they re a great deal; wet and dry, to the lower barn- too big for me," thought Ellen, j floor. The door of this stood But she said nothing. She gather- ! wide open. Ellen looked with ed all her stockings together and wonder and pleasure when she brought them down stairs, as her , got in. It was an immense room aunt had bidden her. the sides showed nothing but " Now you may run out to the hay up to the ceiling, except here barn, to Mr. Van Brunt you 11 and there an enormous upright find him there and tell him I post; the floor was perfectly want him to bring me some white clean, only a few locks of hay maple bark when he comes home ! and grains of wheat scattered to dinner white maple bark, | upon it; and a pleasant sweet do you hear?" Away went Ellen , but in a few minutes came back. " I can t get in ," she said. "What s the matter?" " Those great doors are shut, and I can t open them. I knocked, smell was there , Ellen could not tell of what. But no Mr. Van Brunt. She looked about for him, she dragged her disagreeable slippers back and forward over the floor, in vain. Hilloa! what s wanting? " at but nobody came." (length cried a rough voice she "Knock at a barn door ! " said remembered very well. But where Miss Fortune. " You must go in was the speaker? On every side, at the little cow-house door, at, to every corner, her eyes turned the left, and go round. He s in | without finding him. She looked the lower barn-floor." up at last. There was the round The barn stood lower than the j face of Mr. Van Brunt peering 96 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. down at her through a large opening, or trap-door, in the up per floor. "Well!" said he, "have you come out here to help me thrash wheat?" Ellen told him what she had come for. "White maple bark well," said he, in his slow way, "I 111 opened on the lane,~and the bring it. I wonder what s in the | smooth meadow and rich broken wind now!" country beyond. It was a very So Ellen wondered, as she fair and pleasant scene in the soft sunlight of the last of Octo out of Ellen s heart too. She went to the window and opened it, but there was nothing to ,keep it open; it slid down again. as soon as she let it go. Baffled and sad, she stood leaning her elbows on the window-sill, looking out on the grass-plat that lay before the door, and the little gate that slowly went back to the house ; and yet more, when her aunt set her to tacking her stockings to gether by two and two. "What are you going to do with them, Aunt Fortune?" she at last ventured to say. "You 11 see when the time comes." "Mayn t I keep out one pair?" said Ellen, who had a vague notion that by some mysterious means her stockings were to be prevented from ever looking white anymore. " No just do as I tell you." Mr. Van Brunt came at dinner time with the white maple bark. It was thrown forthwith into a brass kettle of water, which Miss ber ; but the charm of it was gone for Ellen; it was dreary. She looked without caring to look, or knowing what she was looking at; she felt the tears rising to her eyes, and, sick of the window, turned away. Her eye fell on her trunk; her next thought was of her desk inside of it; and sud denly her heart sprang "I will write to Mamma!" No sooner said than done. The trunk was quickly open, and hasty hands pulled out one thing after an other till the desk was reached. "But what shall I do? "thought she "there isn t a sign of a table. Oh , what a place ! I 11 shut my trunk and put it on that, Fortune had already hung over But here are all these things to :1 (* T*11 _ fVlj ___ . . J_IT5_ 1_ _ J J ^ 1_ J?_...i 75 the fire. Ellen felt sure this had something to do with her stock ings, but she could ask no put back first. They were eagerly stowed away ; and then kneeling by the questions; and as soon as dinnei side of the trunk, with loving was over she went up to her room, hands Ellen opened her desk. A It didn t look pleasant now. The sheet of paper was drawn from brown wood -work and rough [her store, and properly placed dingy walls had lost their gilding, before her; the pen dipped in the The sunshine was out of it; and ink, and at first with a hurried, what was more, the sunshine was then with a trembling hand, she THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 97 wrote, "My dear Mamma." But Ellen s heart had been swelling and swelling with every letter of those three words, and scarcely begin. I am sure my paper will never hold it all. You will want to know about my j ourney. The first day was on the steamboat, was the last "a" finished, when I you know. I should have had a the pen was dashed down, and! dreadful time that day, Mamma, flinging away from the desk, she! but for something I 11 tell you threw herself on the floor in a! about. I was sitting up on the " upper deck, thinking about you, and feeling very badly indeed, when a gentleman came and spoke to me , and asked me what was the matter. Mamma, I can t passion of grief. It seemed as if she had her mother again in her arms, and was clinging with a death -grasp, not to be parted from her. And then the feelin that she was parted! As much (tell you how kind he was to me. bitter sorrow as a little heart can i He kept me with him the whole know was in poor Ellen s now. In | day. He took me all over the her childish despair she wished! boat, and showed me all about she could die, and almost thought I a great many things, and he she should. After a time, how- j talked to me a great deal. Oh, ever, though not a short time,! Mamma, how he talked to me! she rose from the floor and went j He read in the Bible to me, and to her writing again her heart j explained it, and he tried to make a little eased by weeping, yet the! me be a Christian. And oh! tears kept coming all the time, Mamma, when he was talking to and she could not quite keep her! me, how I wanted to do as he paper from being blotted. The j said! and I resolved I would. I flrst sheet was spoiled before she I did, Mamma, and I have not was aware ; she took another. DEAREST MAMMA, forgotten it. I will try indeed, but I am afraid it will be very hard, without you or him or any "It makes me so glad and so ( body else to help me. You sorry to write to you, that I don t \ couldn t have been kinder your- knowwhatto do. 1 want to see I self, Mamma 5 he kissed me at you so much, Mamma, that it ; night when I bid him good-bye, seems to me sometimes as if my and I was very sorry indeed. I heart would break. Oh, Mamma, I wish I could see him again, if I could just kiss you once more, i Mamma, I will always love that I would give anything in the ; gentleman , if I never see him whole world. I can t be happy as ; again in the world. I wish there long as you are away, andl am j was somebody here that I could afraid I can t be good either ; but \ love , but there is not. You will I will try oh ! I will try, Mam- ! want to know what sort of a per- ma. I have so much to say to .son my aunt Fortune is. I think you, that I don t know where to; she is very good-looking, or she The Wide, Wide World. 7 98 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. would be if her nose was not man driving the oxen, and he quite so sharp; but, Mamma, I was kind to me; but, Mamma, can t tell you what sort of a feel- j what do you think? he eats at ing I have about her ; it seems to the table ! I know what you would me as if she was sharp all over. I tell me ; you would say I must am sure her eyes are as sharp as not mind trifles. Well, I will two needles. And she don t walk try not, Mamma. Oh! darling like other people at least, ! mother, I can t think much of sometimes. She makes queer \ anything but you. I think of little jerks and starts and jumps, you the whole time. Who makes and flies about like I don t know tea for you now? Are you better? what. I am afraid it is not right ! Are you going to leave New York for me to write so about her; but soon? It seems dreadfully long may I not tell you, Mamma?: since I saw you. I am tired, dear There s nobody else forme to Mamma, and cold; and it is get- talk to. I can t like Aunt Fortune | ting dark. I must stop. I have much yet, andl am sure she don t a good big room to myself; that like me; but I will try to make is a good thing. I should not like her. I have not forgotten what to sleep with Aunt Fortune. Good you said to me about that! Oh! Anight, dear Mamma. I wish I dear Mamma, I will try to mind i could sleep with you once more, everything you ever said to me Oh ! when will that be again, in your life. I am afraid you Mamma? Goodnight. Goodnight, won t like what I have written Your affectionate "ELLEN." about Aunt Fortune; but indeed I have done nothing to displease The letter finished, was care- her, and I will try not to. If you fully folded, enclosed, and di- were only here, Mamma,! should rected; and then, with an odd say it was the loveliest place I mixture of pleasure and sadness, ever saw in my life. Perhaps, Ellen lit one of her little wax after all, I shall feel better, and matches, as she called them, and be quite happy by and by; but sealed it very nicely. She looked oh! Mamma, how glad I shall be at it fondly a minute when all when I get a letter from you! I was done, thinking of the dear shall begin to look for it soon, fingers that would hold and open andl think I shall go out of my it; her next movement was to wits with joy; when it comes. I; sink her face in her hands, and had the funniest ride down here pray most earnestly for a blessing from Thirl wall that you can upon her mother, and help for think; how do you guess I came? herself -- poor Ellen felt she In a cart drawn by oxen ! They needed it. She was afraid of went so slow, we were an age lingering lest tea should be getting here; but I liked it very; ready, so, locking up her letter, much. There was a good-natured \ she went clown stairs. THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 99 The tea was ready. Miss For tune and Mr. Van Brunt were at the table, and so was the old lady, whom Ellen had not seen before that day. She quietly drew up her chair to its place. "Well," said Miss Fortune, "I hope you feel better for your long stay up stairs." ; a great deal better." " What have you been about? " "I have been writing, Ma am." "Writing what?" "I have been writing to Mam- flung over to her, saying, " There 1 don t care if you keep that one." Then tucking up her sleeves to the elbows, she fished up pair after pair out of the kettle, and wringing them out, hung them on chairs to dry. But, as Ellen had opined, they were no longer white, but of a fine "I do, Ma am," said Ellen slate colour. She looked on in silence, too much vexed to ask questions. "Well, how do you like that?" said Miss Fortune, at length, when she had got two or three ma." Perhaps Miss Fortune heard the trembling of Ellen s voice, or her sharp glance saw the lip 11-11 o chairs round the fire , pretty well hung with a display of slate- coloured cotton legs. "I don t like it at all," said Trm ^_ quiver and eyelid droop. Some thing softened her. She spoke in a different tone; asked Ellen if her tea was good; took care she had plenty of the bread and but ter, and excellent cheese, which was on the table; and, lastly, cut her a large piece of the pump kin-pie. Mr. Van Brunt, too, looked once or twice at Ellen s face , as if he thought all was not right there. He was not so sharp as Miss Fortune, but the swollen eyes and tear-stains were not quite lost upon him. After tea, when Mr. Van Brunt was gone, and the tea things cleared away, Ellen had the plea- Ellen. " Well, I do. How many pairs of white stockings would you like to drive into the mud, and let me wash out every week?" " You wash! " said Ellen, in sur prise "I didn t think of your doing it." "Who do you think was going to do it? There s nothing in this house but goes through my hands, I can tell you, and so must you. I suppose you ve lived all your life among people that thought a great deal of wetting their little finger! but I m not one of em, I guess you 11 find." sure of finding out the mystery Ellen was convinced of that al- of the brass kettle and the white ready. maple stood bark, in the The kettle chimney corner. Miss Fortune, seating herself be fore it, threw in all Ellen s stock- " Well , what are you thinking of?" said Miss Fortune, pre sently. 1 am thinking of my nice mgs, except one pair, which she .white darning cotton, 7* said El- 100 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD, len; "I might just as well not have had it." " Is it wound , or in the skein ? " "In the skein." " Then just go right up and get it. I 11 warrant I 11 fix it so that you 11 have a use for it." Ellen obeyed , but musing ra ther uncomfortably what else there was of hers that Miss For tune could lay hands on. She seemed in imagination to see all her white things turning brown. She resolved she would keep her trunk well locked up ; but what if her key should be called for? She was dismissed to her room soon after the dyeing business was completed. It was rather a disagreeable surprise to find her bed still unmade ; and she did not at all like the notion that the ma king of it in future must depend entirely upon herself Ellen had no fancy for such handiwork. She went to sleep in somewhat the same dissatisfied mood with which the day had begun dis pleasure at her coarse heavy coverlid and cotton sheets again taking its place among weightier matters ! and dreamed of tying them together into a rope by which to let herself down out of the window; but when she had got so far, Ellen s sleep became sound, and the end of the dream was never known. CHAPTER XI. Running away with the brook. CLOUDS and rain and cold winds kept Ellen within doors for seve ral days. This did not better the state of matters between her self and her aunt. Shut up with her in the kitchen from morning till night, with the only variety of the old lady s company part of the time, Ellen thought neither of them improved upon acquain tance. Perhaps they thought the same of her she was certainly not in her best mood. With nothing to do , the time hanging very heavy on her hands , disap pointed, unhappy, frequently irritated, Ellen became at length very^ ready to take offence , and nowise disposed to pass it over, or smooth it away. She seldom showed this in words, it is true, but it rankled in her mind. List less and brooding, she sat, day after day, comparing the present with the past, wishing vain wishes, indulging bootless re grets, and looking upon her aunt and grandmother with an eye of more settled aversion. The only other person she saw was Mr. Van Brunt, who came in regularly to meals ; but he never said anything, unless in answer to Miss Fortune s questions, and remarks about the farm concerns. These did not interest her, and she was greatly wearied with the sameness of her life. She longed to go out again ; but Thursday, and Friday, and Saturday, and Sunday passed, and the weather still kept her close prisoner. Monday brought a change , but though a cool drying wind blew all day, the ground was too wet to venture out. On the evening of that day, as THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 101 Miss Fortune was setting the! "Now, if you don t bring it table for tea, and Ellen sitting back to-morrow, you won t get before the fire, feeling weary of any more in a hurry," said Miss everything, the kitchen door| Fortune, as she handed the opened, and a girl somewhat! pitcher back to the girl, larger and older than herself "I 11 mind it," said the latter, came in. She had a pitcher in with a little nod of her head, her hand, and marching straight which seemed to say there was up to the tea-table, she said no danger of her forgetting. "Who is that, Aunt For- Will you let granny have a little milk to-night, Miss For tune? I can t find the cow. I 11 bring it back to-morrow." "You han t lost her, Nancy?" "Have, though," said the other; "she s been away these two days." "Why didn t you go some where nearer for milk?" "Oh, I don t know I guess your n is the sweetest," said the tune? " said Ellen, when she was gone. " She is a girl that lives up on the mountain yonder." " But what s her name ?" "I had just as lief you wouldn t know her name. She ain t a good girl. Don t you never have any thing to do with her." Ellen was in no mind to give credit to her aunt s opinions, girl, with a look Ellen did notjaud she set this down as in part at least coming from ill-humour. understand. Miss Fortune took the pitcher and went into the pantry. While The next morning was calm and fine, and Ellen spent nearly she was gone, the two children the whole of it out of doors. She improved their time in looking! did not venture near the ditch, very hard at each other. Ellen s but in every other direction she gaze was modest enough, though explored the ground, and exa- it showed a great deal of interest | mined what stood or grew upon in the new object; but the broad, | it as; thoroughly as she dared, searching stare of the other; Towards noon she was standing seemed intended to take in all j by the little gate at the back of there was of Ellen from her head | the house, unwilling to go in, to her feet, and keep it, and find; but not knowing what more to out what sort of a creature she! do, when Mr. Van Brunt came was at once. Ellen almost shrank I from the lane with a load of from the bold black eyes, but! wood. Ellen watched the oxen they never wavered, till Miss ! toiling up the ascent, and Fortune s voice broke the spell. How s Nancy?" your grandmother, "She s tolerable, Ma am, thank you. thought it looked like very hard work; she was very sorry for them. "Isn t that a very heavy load? " she asked of their driver, as he 102 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. was throwing it down under the know it by that name; some folks apple-tree. call it a swing." "Heavy? Not a bit of it. It "A swing! oh, yes," said Ellen, ain t nothing atall to em. They d "now I know. Oh, I like it very take twice as much any day with much." pleasure." " Would you like to have "I shouldn t think so," said one?" Ellen; "they don t look as if| " Ye ,f indeed I should, very there was much pleasure about | mucn -" it. What makes them lean over |. "Well, what 11 you give me, so ae-ainst ea.r,h othpr wlip.n thev if I H fix you out?" : I don t know," said Ellen, so against each other when they are coming up hill?" " Oh, that s just a way they ve , ~ , ~ got. They re so fond of each |?> e L Ver 7 much obliged to you, other, I suppose. Perhaps they ve u something particular to say, and want to put their heads together for the purpose." "No," said Ellen, half laugh : I have nothing to give; I 11 "Well, now, come I 11 make a bargain with you: I 11 engage to fix up a scup for you, if you 11 give me a kiss." Poor Ellen was struck dumb. ing, "it can t be that: they m , wouldn t take the very hardest! ^good-natured Dutchman had time for that; they would waitl ake j a ^cy to the llttle P ale ~ till they got to the top of the hill : i *& sad-looking stranger, and but therl they stand just as if if all ^ fe [ t ver ^ k ! ndl 7 disposed they were asleep, only their eyes! * oward her ut she neithe ^ are open. Poor things ! " k ? ew >\ at c ^ ie moment cared v a good-natured smile upon his c <>^tion. ro * nd f he came g eaj . to He went on throwing the wood ! claim the kiss he no doubt out of the cart, and Ellen stood thought himself sure of, Ellen looking at him. I shot from him like an arrow from " What 11 you give me if I 11 J a bow. She rushed to the house, make you a scup one of these and bursting open the door, stood days?" said Mr. Van Brunt. "A scup ! " said Ellen. "Yes a scup; how would astonished aunt. with flushed face and sparkling eyes in the presence of her you like it?" " I don t know what it is ," said Ellen. "What in the world is the matter? " exclaimed that lady. "He wanted to kiss me!" said A scup! maybe you don t Ellen, scarce knowing whom she THE WIDE , WIDE WORLD. 103 was talking to, and crimsoning! great Friend she knew she had more and more. displeased , and prayed earnest- "Who wanted to kiss you?" lytobe made a good child; she LL mi. ~^ j. 1 " " " "That man out there. "Whatman?" felt and owned she was not one now. "The man that drives the! It was long after mid -day oxen." i when Ellen rose from her knees. "What, Mr. Van Brunt?" And Her passion was all gone; she Ellen never forgot the loud ha ! felt more gentle and pleasant ha! which burst from Miss For- than she had done for days; but tune s wide-open mouth. " Well, why didn t you let him at the bottom of her heart resent ment was not all gone. She still kiss you?" thought she had cause to be The laugh, the look, the tone, angry, and she could not think stung Ellen to the very quick. In of her aunt s look and tone with- a fury of passion she dashed out a thrill of painful feeling. In away out of the kitchen, and up a very different mood, however, to her own room. And there, i from that in which she had flown for a while, the storm of anger | up stairs two or three hours be- drove over her with such vio-^fore, she now came softly down, lence, that conscience had hard- land went out by the front door, ly time to whisper. Sorrow came to avoid meeting her aunt. She in again as passion faded, and had visited that morning a little gentler but very bitter weeping : brook which ran through the took the place of convulsive sobs meadow on the other side of the of rage and mortification , and road. It had great charms for then the whispers of conscience i her; and now, crossing the lane began to be heard a little. "Oh, and creeping under the fence, ** m- * 1 1 1 1 11 ^ "__ 1 * I you! can like Aunt Fortune it s of sudden turns, Ellen sat down no use I never can like her; I j upon the grass , and watched the hope I sha n t get to hate her! ! dark water whirling, brawling and that isn t right. I am forget- over the stones , hurrying past ting all that is good, and there s her, with ever the same soft, nobody to put me in mind. Oh, pleasant sound and she was Mamma! if I could lay my head never tired of it. She did not in your lap for a minute ! " Then hear footsteps drawing near, and came thoughts of her Bible and it was not till some one was close hymn-book, and the friend who beside her, and a voice spoke had given it; sorrowful thoughts almost in her ears, that she they were; and at last, humbled raised her startled eyes and and sad, poor Ellen sought that .saw the little girl who had come 104 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. the evening before for a pitcher j "Yes," said Ellen. "I m of milk. "What are you doing?" said the latter. | ready. Which way shall we go ? " With the assurance from the other that she would show her "I m watching for fish," said plenty of ways, they set off Ellen. down the lane Ellen with a " Watching for fish !" said the 1 secret fear of being seen and other, rather disdainfully. called back till they had gone "Yes," said Ellen "there, | some distance, and the house in that little quiet place they, was hid from view. Then her come sometimes I ve seen ! pleasure became great. The two." | afternoon was fair and mild, the " You can look for fish another [ footing pleasant , and Ellen felt time. Come now, and take a like a bird out of a cage. She Come! was ready to be delighted with every trifle; her companion could not by any means understand or walk with me." "Where?" said Ellen. "Oh, you shall see. I 11 take you all about and show! enter into her bursts of pleasure you where people live. Youha nt at many a little thing which she been any where yet, have you? "j of the] black eyes thought not "No," said Ellen "and I; worthy of notice. She tried to should like dearly to go, but" | bring Ellen back to higher sub- She hesitated. Her aunt s jects of conversation. words came to mind, that this "How long have you been was not a good girl, and that she here?" she asked. must have nothing to do with "Oh, a good while," said her; but she had not more than (Ellen "I don t know exactly; half believed them, and she j it sa^ week, 1 believe." could not possibly bring herself now to go in and ask Miss For tune s leave to take this walk. "I am sure," thought Ellen, "she would refuse me if there was no reason in the world." And then the delight of rambling through the beautiful country, and being for a while in other company than that of her aunt Fortune and the old grandmother! The temptation was too great to be withstood. " Well , what are you thinking about?" said the girl; "what s the matter? won t you come?" " Why, do you call that a good while?" said the other. "Well, it seems a good while to me," said Ellen, sighing "it seems as long as four, 1 am sure. "Then you don t like to live here much, do you?" "I had rather be at home, of course." "How do you like your aunt Fortune?" "How do I like her?" said Ellen, hesitating "I think she s good-looking, and very smart." THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 105 "Yes, you needn t tell me she s smart everybody knows that ; that ain t what I ask you how do you like her?" "How do I like her?" said Ellen, again "how can I tell how I shall like her? I haven t lived with her but a week yet." "You might just as well ha spoke out," said the other, some what scornfully; "do you think I don t know you half hate her already? and it 11 be whole hating in another week more. When I first heard you d come, I guessed you d have a sweet time with her." "Why?" said Ellen. ; 0h, don t ask me why," said "I don t like him at all," said Ellen, reddening. "Don t you?" said the other, surprised likes him. him for?" "why, everybody What don t you like "I don t like him," repeated Ellen. "Ain t Miss Fortune queer to live in the way she does? " " What way ?" said Ellen. "Why, without any help doing all her own work, and living all alone, when she s so rich as she is." "Is she rich?" asked Ellen. "Kich! I guess she is! She s one of the very best farms in the the other, impatiently, " when | country , and money enough to you know as well as I do. Every | have a dozen help , if she wanted soul that speaks of you, says! em. Van Brunt takes care of the poor child! and I m glad I farm, you know." : ,. T i v~,, ~ A ^14. *~ "Does he?" said Ellen. "Why, yes, of course he does; didn t you know that? what did you think he was at your house all the time for?" " I am sure I don t know ," said ain t her! You needn t try to come cunning over me. I shall be too much for you , I tell you." " I don t know what you mean," said Ellen. Oh, no, I suppose you don t," said the other, in the same tone Ellen. " And are those Aunt For- "of course you don t; I sup- j tune s oxen that he drives?" pose you don t know whether | " To be sure they are. Well, I your tongue is your own or some- j do think you are green, to have body s else. You think Miss For- 1 been there all this time , and not tune is an angel, and so do I found that out. Mr. Van Brunt to be sure she is ! does just what he pleases over the Not very well pleased with this ! whole farm, though; hires what kind of talk, Ellen walked on for help he wants, manages every - a while, in grave silence. Her! thing; and then he has his share companion meantime recollected of all that comes of it. I tell you herself; when she spoke again it what you d better make friends was with an altered tone. with Van Brunt, for if anybody "How do you like Mr. Van can help you when your aunt gets Brunt? " j one of her ugly fits, it s him ; she 106 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. don t care to meddle with him i fast; I wonder if it grows here, or "* " what it is?" "Oh, never mind," said the other; "it always grows on the much. Leaving the lane, the two girls took a footpath leading across the fields. The stranger was rocks everywhere; I don t know greatly amused here with Ellen s what it is and what s more , I awkwardness in climbing fences, don t care. Taint worth looking Where it was a possible thing, at. Come!" she was fain to crawl under; butj Ellen followed her. But pre- once or twice that could not be sently the path entered an open done; and having, with infinite j woodland, and now her delight difficulty, mounted to the top rail, ; broke forth beyond bounds, poor Ellen sat there in a most; "Oh, how pleasant this is! how tottering condition, uncertain on lovely this is ! Isn t it beautiful? " which side of the fence she should she exclaimed. tumble over, but seeing no other possible way of getting down. The more she trembled, the more her companion laughed, standing "Isn t wliat beautiful? I do think you are the queerest girl, Ellen." "Why, everything," saidEllen, aloof meanwhile , and insisting not minding the latter part of the she should get down by herself.] sentence; "the ground is beauti- Necessity enabled her to do this ful, and those tall trees, and that at last, and each time the task be came easier; but Ellen secretly made up her mind that her new friend was not likely to prove a very good one. As they went along, she point ed out to Ellen two or three houses in the distance , and gave her not beautiful blue sky only look at it!" "The ground is all covered with stones and rocks is that what you call beautiful? and the trees are as homely as they can be, with their great brown stems and no leaves. Come! a little gossip about the people what are you staring at?" who lived in them; but all this) Ellen s eyes were fixed on a Ellen scarcely heard , and cared I string of dark spots which were nothing at all about. She had rapidly passing overhead, paused by the side of a large rock "Hark!" said she; "do you standing alone by the wayside, hear that noise? what is that? and was looking very closely at what is that?" its surface. What is this curious brown "It s only a flock of ducks," said the other , contemptuously; come! do come!" But Ellen was rooted to the stuff," said Ellen, "growing all over the rock like shrivelled and dried -up leaves? Isn t it curious? part of it stands out the airy^ travellers till the last one like a leaf, and part of it sticks j had quitted the piece of blue sky ound, and her eyes followed THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 107 spring which the surrounding woods left! of, I suppose. Corne, I ll go with to be seen. And scarcely were ; you now. I do think this is the these gone when a second flight: loveliest place I ever did see. came in view, following exactly Are there any flowers here in the in the track of the first. "Where are they going?" said Ellen. "I am sure I don t know where they are going; they never told me. I know where / am going ; I should like to know whether you are going along with me." Ellen, however, was in no hurry. "I don t know yes, lots of em." "Pretty ones ? " said Ellen. " You d think so, I suppose; I never look at em." " Oh, how lovely that will be ! " said Ellen, clasping her hands. "How pleasant it must be to live The ducks had disappeared, but j in the country I" her eye had caught something "Pleasant, indeed!" said the other; "I think it s hateful. You d think so, too, if you lived where I do. It makes me mad at granny every day because she won t go to Thiiiwall. Wait till we get out of the wood , and I 11 show you where I live. You can t see it from here." Shocked a little at her compa nion s language, Ellen again walked on in sober silence. Gra dually the ground became more else that charmed it. "Whatisthis?" saidEllen. "Nothing but moss." "Isthatmoss? Howbeautiful! how green and soft it is ! I de clare it s as soft as a carpet." "As soft as a carpet ["repeated the other. "I should like to see a carpet as soft as that! you never did, I guess." "Indeed I have, though," said Ellen, who was gently jumping up and down on the green moss; broken, sinking rapidly from the to try its softness , with a face of j side of the path, and rising again great satisfaction. I in a steep bank on the other side "I don t believe it a bit," said of a narrow dell; both sides were the other; "all the carpets I ever! thickly wooded, but stripped of saw were as hard as a board, and green now, except where here harder; as soft as that, indeed!"] and there a hemlock-fir flung its "Well," saidEllen, still jump- graceful branches abroad, and ing up and down, with bonnet stood in lonely beauty among its off", and glowing cheek, and her leafless companions. Now the hair dancingaboutherface, "you gurgling of waters was heard, may believe what you like; but] " Where is that?" saidEllen, I ve seen a carpet as soft as this, stopping short, and softer, too only one, " Way down down at the bottom there. It s the brook." "What brook? Not the same though." "What was it made of?" What other carpets are made \ that goes by Aunt Fortune s?" 108 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. It s j the little quiet pools where the water lay still behind some large stone, and the variety of graceful " Yes , it s the very same, the crookedest thing you ever saw. It runs over there," said the speaker , pointing with her arm, tiny cascades, "and then it takes a turn and goes "Look here, Nancy!" cried that way, and then it comes Ellen; "that s the Falls of Nia- round so, and then it shoots off gara do you see? that large in that way again and passes byi one 5 oh, that is splendid! And your house; and after that, the) this will do for Trenton Falls what a fine foam it makes ! isn t it a beauty? And what shall we dear knows where it goes, for I don t. But I don t suppose it ippose could run straight, if it was to try to." "Can t we get down to it?" asked Ellen. "To be sure we can, unless you re as afraid of steep banks as you are offences." Very steep indeed it was , and strewn with loose stones; but Ellen did not falter here, andjly; "why? I don t like that. though once or twice in imminent "Why, the water s all dark and danger of exchanging her cau- black, don t you see?" tious stepping for one long roll "Well," said Ellen, "let it be to the bottom, she got there safe- Black, then; but I don t like it. ly on her two feet. When there, Now, remember, this is Niaga- everything was forgotten in de- ra, that is Black, and this is li 1 call this? I don t know what to call it; I wish we could name them all. But there s no end to them. Oh, just look at that one ! that s too pretty not to have a name; what shall it be?" "Black Falls," suggested the other. "Black!" said Ellen, dubious- Trenton ; and what is this ? " If you are going to name them all," said Nancy, "we shan t get ight. It was a wild little place. The high, close sides of the dell left only a little strip of sky over head; and at their feet ran the | home to-night; you might as well brook, much more noisy and name all the trees, there s a lively here than where Ellen had | hundred of em, and more. I say, before made its acquaintance ; Ellen , supposV we follow the leaping from rock to rock, eddy- j brook instead of climbing up ing round large stones , and boil- 1 yonder again ; it will take us out ing over the small ones , and now to the open fields by and by." and then pouring quietly over "Oh, do let s!" said Ellen; some great trunk of a tree that I that will be lovely!" had fallen across its bed and ? It proved a rough way; but dammed up the whole stream. lEllen still thought and called it : Ellen could scarcely contain her- * lovely." Often by the side of self at the magnificence of many fthe stream there was no footing of the waterfalls, the beauty of lat all, and the girls picked their THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD, 109 way over the stones, large and small, wet and dry, which strewed its bed ; against which the water foamed, and fumed, and fretted, as if in great impatience. It was ticklish work getting along over these stones ; now tottering on an unsteady one, now slipping on a wet one and every now and then making huge leaps from rock to rock, which there was no other method of reaching, at the immi nent hazard of falling in. But they laughed at the danger; sprang on in great glee , delight ed with the exercise and the fun ; didn t stay long enough any where to lose their balance, and enjoyed themselves amazingly. There was many a hair-breadth escape ; many an almost sousing ; but that made it the more lively. The brook formed, as Nancy had said, a constant succession of little waterfalls, its course being quite steep and very rocky; and in some places there were pools quite deep enough to have given them a thorough wetting , to say no more, if they had missed their footing and tumbled in. But this did not happen. In due time, though with no little difficulty, they reached the spot where the brook came forth from the wood into the open day; and thence, making a sharp turn to the right, skirted along by the edge of the trees, as if unwilling to part com pany with them. "I guess we d better get back into the lane now," said Miss Nancy; "we re a pretty good long way from home." CHAPTER XII. Splitters. THEY left the wood and the brook behind them, and crossed a large stubble-field; then got over a fence into another. They were in the midst of this when | Nancy stopped Ellen, and bade her look up towards the west, where towered a high mountain, no longer hid from their view by the trees. " I told you I d showyou where I live," said she. "Look up now clear to the top of the moun tain, almost, and a little to the ; right do you see that little mite of a house there? Look sharp it s a most as brown as the rock do you see it? it s close by that big pine-tree , but it don t look big from here it s just by that little dark spot near the top." "I see it," said Ellen "I see it now; do you live away up there?" "That s just what I do; and that s just what I wish I didn t But granny likes it; she will live there. I don t know what for, if it ain t to plague me. Do you think you d like to live up on the top of a mountain like that?" 5 No, I don t think I should," said Ellen. " Isn t it very cold up there ? " "Cold! you don t know any thing about it. The wind comes there , I tell you ! enough to cut you in two. I have to take and hold on to the trees sometimes, to keep from being blowed away. And then granny sends me out 110 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. every morning before it s light, no matter how deep the snow is, to look for the cow; and it s so bitter cold, I expect nothing else but I ll be froze to death some time." "Oh!" said Ellen, with a look of horror, "how can she do so!" tune said of you was true ," said Ellen. She had coloured very high, but she added no more, and walked on in dignified silence. Nancy stalked before her in si lence that was meant to be digni fied too, though it had not exactly that air. By degrees each cooled Oh, she don t care," said the j down , and Nancy was trying to other; "she sees my nose freeze off every winter, and it don t make no difference." "Freeze your nose off!" said Ellen. To be sure," said the other, find out what Miss Fortune had said of her, when on the edge of the next field they met the again. After running a brook long way to the right, it had swept round, and here was flow- 1 Jl j 1 nodding gravely "every winter; ing gently in the opposite direc- it grows out again when the warm tion. But how Avere they ever to sonm mean ing in a fury - m by that? it weather comes." "And is that the reason why it is so little?" saidEllen, innocent ly, and with great curiosity. * "Little!" said the other, crim- "Avhat do you "s as big as yours any day, I can tell you." Ellen involuntarily put her hand to her face, to see if Nancy spoke true. Somewhat reassured to find a very decided ridge where her companion s nose was rather wanting in the line of beauty, she answered in her turn "It s no such thing, Nancy! you oughtn t to say so ; you know better. "I don t know better! I ought to say so!" replied the other, fu riously. " If I had your nose, I d be glad to have it freeze off"; I d a sight rather have none. I d pull it every day, if I was you, to make it grow." "I shall believe what AuntFor- cross it? The brook ran in a smooth current between them and a rising bank on the other side, so high as to prevent their seeing what lay beyond. There were no stepping-stones now. The only thing that looked like a bridge was an old log that had fallen across the brook, or per haps had at some time or other been put there on purpose; and that lay more than half in the water; what remained of its sur face was green with moss and slippery with slime. Ellen was sadly afraid to trust herself on it ; but what was she to do? Nancy soon settled the question, as far as she was concerned. Pulling off her thick shoes , she ran fear lessly upon the rude bridge; her clinging bare feet carried her safely over, and Ellen soon saw her re-shoeing herself in triumph on the opposite side; but thus left behind and alone, her own difficulty increased. THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. Ill "Pull off your shoes, and do as to every ridiculous thing she I did ," said Nancy. | could think of. Too miserable to "I can t," said Ellen; "I m be angry, Ellen could not laugh, afraid of wetting my feet; I know and would not cry, but she ex- Mamma wouldn t let me." | claimed , in distress "Afraid of wetting your feet! " j "Oh, what shall I do ! I am so said the other ; "what a chickanin- cold ! " ny you are! Well, if you try to "Come along," said Nancy; come over with your shoes on, "give me your hand; we ll run you ll fall in, I tell you; and right over to Mrs. Van Brunt s then you 11 wet more than your ( t ain t far it s just over here, feet. But come along somehow, ! There ," said she , as they got to for I won t stand waiting here the top of the bank, and came much longer." I within sight of a house standing Thus urged, Ellen set out upon! only a few fields off "there it her perilous journey over the is! Run, Ellen, and we 11 be there bridge. Slowly and fearfully, ! directly." and with as much care as possible, | "Who is Mrs. Van Brunt?" she set step by step upon the Ellen contrived to say, as Nancy slippery log. Already half of the j hurried her along, danger was passed, when, reach- "Who is she? run, Ellen! ing forward to grasp Nancy s out- j why, she s just Mrs. Van Brunt stretched hand, she missed it jyour Mr. Van Brunt s mother, you perhaps that was Nancy s fault i know make haste, Ellen ! we poor Ellen lost her balance, and had rain enough the other day; went in head foremost. The water I m afraid it wouldn t be good for was deep enough to cover her the grass if you stayed too long completely as she lay, though not in one place ; hurry ! I m afraid enough to prevent her getting up you 11 catch cold you got your again. She was greatly frighten- feet wet after all , I m sure." ed, but managed to struggle upj Run they did; and a few mi- first to a sitting posture, and then nutes brought them to Mrs. Van to her feet, and then to wade out Brunt s door. The little brick to the shore ; though , dizzy and j wall leading to it from the court- sick, she came near falling back yard gate was as neat as a pin; again more than once. The water so was everything else the eye was very cold; and thoroughly could rest on; and when Nancy sobered, poor Ellen felt chill went in, poor Ellen stayed her enough in body and mind too; all foot at the door, unwilling to her fine spirits were gone; and carry her wet shoes and dripping not the less because Nancy s had garments any further. She could risen to a great pitch of delight at hear, however, what was going on. her misfortune. The air rang with "Hillo !Mrs.Van Brunt," shout- her laughter; she likened Ellen |ed Nancy u where are you? 112 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD, oh! Mrs. Van Brunt, are you! drawn Ellen to the fire, and all outof water? cos if you are I ve j this while she was pulling off as brought you a plenty; the person; fast as possible her wet clothes, that has it don t want it; she s Then sending a girl who was in just at the door; she wouldn t waiting , for clean towels, she bring it in till she knew you want- j rubbed Ellen dry from head to edit. Oh, Mrs. Van Brunt, don t foot, and wrapping her in a look so, or you ll kill me with: blanket, left her in a chair before laughing. Come and see! come the fire, while she went to seek and see!" something; for her to put on. The steps within drew near the door, and first Nancy showed herself, and then a little old wo- Ellen had managed to tell who she was, and how her mischance had come about, but little else, man not very old , neither j though the kind old lady had of very kind, pleasant counte- kept on pouring out words of sor row and pity during the whole time. She came trotting back di rectly with one of her own short gowns, the only thing that she nance. "What is all this?" said she, in great surprise. "Bless me! poor little dear! what is this?" Nothing in the world but a could lay hands on that was drowned rat, Mrs. Van Brunt, ! anywhere near Ellen s length, don t you see?" said Nancy. Enormously big it was for her, "Go home, Nancy Vawse! go but Mrs. Van Brunt wrapped it ame," said the old lady ; " you re j round and round, and the blanket home, a regular bad girl. I do believe ; overitagain, and then she bustled this is some mischief o y^ourn - 1 A * : " - 1 "* ^" J """^ " go right off home ; it s time you were after your cow a great while ago. As she spoke, she drew Ellen in and shut the door. "Poor little dear!" said the old lady, kindly, " what has happened to you? Come to the fire, love, you re trembling with the cold. Oh, dear! dear! you re soaking wet; this is all along of Nancy somehow, I know; how was it love? Ain t you Miss Fortune s little girl? Never mind, don t talk, darling; there ain t one bit of colour in your face, not one 1^4- " bit. Good Mrs. Van Brunt had about till she had prepared a tumbler of hot drink, which she said was to keep Ellen from catch ing cold. It was anything but agreeable, being made from some bitter herb, and sweetened with molasses ; but Ellen swallowed it, as she would anything else at such kind hands, and the old lady carried her herself into a little room opening out of the kitchen, and laid her in a bed that had been warmed for her. Excessively tired and weak as she was, Ellen scarcely needed the help of the hot herb-tea to fall into a very deep sleep ; per haps it might not have lasted so very long as it did, but for that. THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 113 Afternoon changed for evening, evening grew quite dark , still Ellen did not stir; and after every little journey into the bedroom to see how she was doing, Mrs. Van Brunt came back saying how glad she was to see her sleeping so finely. Other eyes looked on her for a minute kind and gentle eyes; though Mrs. Van Brunt s were kind and gentle too ; once a soft kiss touched her forehead there was no danger of waking her. It was perfectly dark in the little bedroom, and had been so a good while, when Ellen was aroused by some noise , and then a rough voice she knew very well. Feeling faint and weak , and not more than half awake yet, she lay still and listened. She heard the outer door open and shut, and then the voice said "So, mother, you ve got my stray sheep here, have you?" "Ay, ay," said the voice of Mrs. VanBrunt; "have you been look ing for her? how did you know she was here?" "Looking for her! ay, looking for her ever since sundown. She has been missing at the house since some time this forenoon. I believe her aunt got a bit scared about her ; any how, I did. She s a queer little chip , as ever I see." "She s a dear little soul, / know," said his mother; "^ou needn t say nothin agin her, I ain t agoing to believe it." "No more am I. I m the best friend she s got, if she only knowedit; but don t you think," The Wide, Wide World. said Mr. Van Brunt, laughing, "I asked her to give me a kiss this forenoon , and if I d been an owl she couldn t ha been more scared; she went oiflike a streak, and Miss Fortune said she was as mad as she could be, and that s the last of her." "How did you find her out?" "I met that mischievous Vawse firl, and I made her tell me ; she ad no mind to at first. It 11 be the worse for Ellen if she takes to that wicked thing." "She won t. Nancy has been taking her a walk , and worked it so as to get her into the brook, and then she brought her here, just as dripping wet as she could be. I gave her something hot and put her to bed, and she 11 do, I reckon; but I tell you it gave me queer feelings to see the poor little thing just as white as ashes, and all of a tremble , and looking so sorrowful, too. She s sleeping finely now; but it ain t right to see a child s face look so it ain t right," repeated Mrs. Van Brunt, thoughtfully; "You han t had supper, have you?" "No, mother, and I must take that young one back. Ain t she a wake yet?" "I 11 see directly; but she ain t going home, nor you neither, Brahm , till you ve got your sup per it would be a sin to let her. She shall have a taste of my split ters this very night; I ve been makin them o purpose for her. So you may just take off your hat and sit down." "You mean to let her know 114 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. where to come when she wants I which the old lady replied with a good things, mother. Well, 1 1 kiss, and telling her she mustn t won t say splitters ain t worth say a word about that. waiting for." Ellen heard him sit down, and then she guessed from the words that passed, that Mrs. Van Brunt and her little maid were busied in making the cakes; she lay quiet. " You re a good friend, Brahm," began the old lady again; "no body knows that better than me; but 1 hope that poor little thing has got another one to-day that 11 do more for her than you can." "What, yourself, mother? 1 don t know about that." "No, no; do you think I mean myself? there, turn it quick, Sally! Miss Alice has been here." "How? this evening?" "Just a little before dark, on her gray pony. She came in for a minute , and I took her that 11 burn, Sally! I took her in to see the child while she was asleep, and I told her all you told me about her. She didn t say much, but she looked at her very SAveet, as she always does, and I guess, there now I 11 see after my little sleeper." And presently Mrs. Van Brunt came to the bedside with a light, and her arm full of Ellen s dry clothes. Ellen felt as if she could have put her arms round her kind old friend, and hugged her with all her heart ; but it was not her way to show her feelings before strangers. She suffered Mrs. Van Brunt to dress her in silence, only say ing, with a sigh, "How kind you are tome. Ma am!" to The kitchen was bright with firelight and candlelight; the tea- table looked beautiful with its piles of white splitters, besides plenty of other and more sub stantial things ; and at the corner of the hearth sat Mr. Van Brunt. "So," said he, smiling, asEllen came in and took her stand at the opposite corner "Sol drove you away this morning ? You ain t mad with me yet, I hope?" Ellen crossed directly over to him , and putting her little hand in his great rough one, said, "I m very much obliged to you, Mr. Van Brunt, for taking so much trouble to come and look after me." She said it with a look of grati tude and trust that pleased him very much." "Trouble, indeed!" said he, good-humouredly," I d take twice as much any day for what you wouldn t give me this forenoon. But never fear, Miss Ellen, I ain t agoing to ask you that again." He shook the little hand; and from that time Ellen am d her rough charioteer were firm friends. Mrs.Van Brunt now summoned them to table ; and Ellen was well feasted with the splitters , which were a kind of rich short-cake, baked in irons, very thin and crisp, and then split in two and buttered whence their name. A pleasant meal was that. What ever an epicure might have THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 115 thought of the tea, to Ellen, in | and;, that " Brahrn" should go and her famished state, it was deli- j tell Miss Fortune the child was cious ; and no epicure could have I safe and well , and would be with found fault with the cold ham j her early in the morning. Mr. Van Brunt shook his head two or and the butter and the cakes but far better than all was the spirit of kindness that was there. Ellen feasted on that more than three times, but finally agreed, to Ellen s great joy. When he came back, she was sitting on the floor on anything else. If her host and j before the fire , with all the five hostess were not very polished, i kittens in her lap, and the old they could not have been out done in their kind care of her, mother cat walking around and over her and them. But she look- and kind attention to her wants, j ed up with a happier face than he And when the supper was at | had ever seen her wear, and told length over, Mrs. Van Brunt de-|him she was "so much obliged to clared a little colour had come j him for taking such a long walk back to the pale cheeks. The co- for her ; " and Mr. Van Brunt felt lour came back in good earnest a that, like his oxen, he could few minutes after, when a great have done a great deal more with tortoise-shell cat walked into the pleasure, room. Ellen jumped down from her chair, and presently was be stowing the tenderest caresses upon pussy, who stretched out herheadandpurredas if sheliked them very well. " What a nice cat ! " said Ellen. " She has five kittens," said Mrs. Van Brunt. "Five kittens!" said Ellen. CHAPTER XIII. Hope deferred. BEFORE the sun was up the next morning, Mrs. Van Brunt came into Ellen s room, and aroused her. "It s a real shame to wake you up," she said, "when you were sleeping so finely; but Brahm "Oh, may I come some time and! wants to be off to his work, and see them?" won t stay for breakfast. Slept "You shall see em right away, , sound , did you?" dear, and come as often as you "Oh, yes, indeed; as sound as like, too. Sally, just take a atop," said Ellen, rubbing her basket, and go fetch them kittens | eyes ; " I m hardly awake yet." here." "I declare it s too bad," said Upon this, Mr. Van Brunt be- { Mrs. Van Brunt "but there s gan to talk about its being time no help for it. You don t feel no to go, if they were going. But his headache , do you, nor pain in mother insisted that Ellen should your bones ? " stay where she was; she said she j "No, Ma am, not a bit of it; was not fit to go home that night, I feel nicely." that she oughtn t to walk a step,] "Ah! well," said Mrs. Van 116 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD, can t go that, mother. I 11 under take to r see Miss Ellen safe home, but the cat ud be more than I could manage, ft think I d hardly get off with [ a whole skin tween the one and t other." "Well, now!" said Mrs. Van Brunt. Ellen gave a longing look at her little black and white fa vourite, which was uneasily en deavouring to find out the height of the basket, and mewing at the same time with a most ungratified expression. However, though sadly disappointed, she submitted with a very good grace to what could not be helped. First setting down the little cat out of the basket it seemed to like so ill, and giving it one farewell pat and squeeze, she turned to the kind old lady, who stood watching her, and throwing her arms around her neck, silently spoke her gra titude in a hearty hug and kiss. " Good-bye , Ma am ," said she ; "I may come and see them some time again, and seey ou, mayn tl?" "Indeed you shall, my darling," said the old woman; "just as often as you like just as often Well, choose one, then, dear j as you can get away. I ll make choose the one you like best, j Brahm bring you home, some- Brunt, "then your tumble into the brook didn t do you any mis chief; I thought it wouldn t. Poor little soul!" "I am very glad I did fall in," said Ellen; "for if I hadn t I shouldn t have come here, Mrs. Van Brunt." The old lady instantly kissed her. "Oh! mayn t I just take one look at the kitties?" said Ellen, when she was ready to go. "Indeed you shall," said Mrs. Van Brunt, "if Brahm s hurry was ever so much; and it ain t, besides. Come here , dear." She took Ellen back to a waste lumber-room, where, in a corner, on some old pieces of carpet, lay pussy and her family. How fondly Ellen s hand was passed over each little soft back ! how hard it was for her to leave them ! "Wouldn t you like to take one home with you, dear?" said Mrs. Van Brunt, at length. "Oh! may I?" said Ellen, looking up in delight; "are you in earnest? oh, thank you, dear Mrs. Van Brunt! oh, I shall be so glad ! " and Brahm shall carry it for times. Brahm, you 11 bring her, won t you?" "There s two words to that The choice was made, and Mrs. Van Brunt and Ellen returned to bargain, mother, I can tell you; the kitchen, where Mr. Van Brunt j but if I don t, I 11 know the reason had already been waiting some time. He shook his head when he saw what was in the basket his mother handed to him. "That won t do," said he; "I on t." And away they went. Ellen drew two or three sighs at first, but she could not help brightening up soon. It was early - not sun THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 117 rise; the cool freshness of the air was enough to give one new life and spirit; the sky was fair and bright; and Mr. Van Brunt marched along at a quick pace. Enlivened by the exercise , Ellen speedily forgot everything dis agreeable; and her little head Avas filled with pleasant things She watched where the silver light in the east foretold the sun s coming. She watched the silver change to gold , till a rich yellow tint was flung over the whole landscape, and then broke the first rays of light upon the tops of the western hills the sun was up. It was a new sight to Ellen. "How beautiful! Oh! how beautiful!" she exclaimed. "Yes," said Mr. Van Brunt, in his slow way, "it ll be a fine day for the field. I guess I ll go with the oxen over to that ere big meadow." "Just look, said Ellen, "how the light comes creeping down the side of the mountain now it has got to the wood oh, do look at the tops of the trees! Oh! I wish Mamma was here ! " Mr. Van Brunt didn t know what to say to this. He rather wished so, too, for her sake. "There," said Ellen, "now the sunshine is on the fence , and the road, and everything. I wonder what is the reason that the sun shines first upon the top of the mountain, and then comes so slowly down the side ; why don t it shine on the whole at once?" Mr. Van Brunt shook his head in ignorance. " He guessed it al ways did so ," he said. "Yes," said Ellen, "I suppose it does; but that s the very thing I want to know the reason why. And I noticed just now, it shone in my face before it touched my hands. Isn t it queer? " " Humph ! there s a great many queer things, if you come to that," said Mr. Van Brunt, philosophi cally. But Ellen s head ran on from one thing to another, and her next question was not so wide of the subject as her companion might have thought. "Mr. Van Brunt, are there any schools about here?" "Schools?" said the person addressed; "yes there s plenty of schools." "Good ones?" said Ellen. "Well, I don t exactly know about that; there s Captain Con- klin s, that had ought to be a good un; he s a regular smart man , they say." "Whereabouts is that?" said Ellen. "His school? it s a mile or so the other side of my house." "And how far is it from your house to Aunt Fortune s?" "A good deal better than two mile; but we ll be there before long. You ain t tired, be you?" "No," said Ellen. But this reminder gave a new turn to her thoughts, and her spirits were suddenly checked. Her former brisk and springing step changed to so slow and lagging a one, that Mr. Van Brunt more than once 118 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. repeated his remark that he saw she was tired. If it was that, Ellen grew tired very fast; she lagged more and more as they neared the house, and at last fell quite behind , and allowed Mr. Van Brunt to go in first. Miss Fortune was busy about the breakfast, and, as Mr. Van Brant afterwards described it, "looking as if she could have bitten off a ten-penny nail," and, indeed, as if the operation would have been rather gratifying than otherwise. She gave them no notice at first , bustling to and fro with great energy, but all of a sudden she brought up directly in front of Ellen, and said "Why didn t you come home last night?" The words were jerked out rather than spoken. "I got wet in the brook," said Ellen, "and Mrs. Van Brunt was so kind as to keep me." "Which way did you go out of the house yesterday? " " Through the front door." " The front door was locked." "I unlocked it." "What did you go out that way for?" "I didn t want to come this way." "Why not?" Ellen hesitated. "Why not?" demanded Miss Fortune, still more emphatically than before. "I didn t want to see you, Ma am," said Ellen, flushing. " If ever you do so again ! " said Miss Fortune, in a kind of cold fury; "I ve a great mind to whip you for this , as ever I had to eat." The flush faded on Ellen s cheek, and a shiver visibly passed over her not from fear. She stood with downcast eyes arid compressed lips, a certain instinct of childish dignity warning her to be silent. Mr. Van Brunt put himself in between. "Come, come!" said he, "this is getting to be too much of a good thing. Beat your cream, Ma am, as much as you like; or if you want to try your hand on something else, you ll have to take me first, I promise you." "Now, don t you meddle, Van Brunt," said the lady, sharply, "with what ain t no business o yourn." "I don t know about that," said Mr. Van Brunt "maybe it is my business; but meddle or no meddle, Miss Fortune, it is time for me to be in the field; and if you han t no better breakfast for Miss Ellen and me than all this here, we ll just go right away hum again; but there s some thing in your kettle there that smells uncommonly nice, and 1 wish you d just let us have it , and no more words." No more words did Miss For tune waste on any one that morn ing. She went on with her work, and dished up the breakfast in silence, and with a face thatEllen did not quite understand; only she thought she had never in her life seen one so disagreeable. The meal was a very solemn and THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 119 uncomfortable one. Ellen could scarcely swallow, and her aunt was near in the same condition. Mr. Van Brunt and the old lady alone despatched their breakfast as usual ; with no other attempts at conversation than the common mumbling on the part of the latter, which nobody minded, and one or two strange grunts from the former, the meaning of which, if they had any, nobody tried to find out. There was a breach now be tween Ellen and her aunt that neither could make any effort to mend. Miss Fortune did not renew the disagreeable conversation that Mr. Van Brunt had broken off; she left Ellen entirely to her self, scarcely speaking to her, or seeming to knoAv when she went out or came in. And this lasted day after day. Wearily they passed. After one or two, Mr. Van Brunt seemed to stand just Avhere he did before in Miss For tune s good graces ; but notEllen. To her, when others were not by, her face wore constantly some thing of the same cold , hard , dis agreeable expression it had put on after Mr. Van Brunt s inter ference a look that Ellen came to regard with absolute abhor rence. She kept away by herself as much as she could ; but she did not know what to do with her time , and for want of something better often spent it in tears. She went to bed cheerless night after night, and arose spiritless morn ing after morning; and this lasted till Mr. Van Brunt more than once told his mother that "that poor little thing was going wandering about like a ghost, and growing thinner and paler every day; and he didn t know what she would come to if she went on so." Ellen longed now for a letter with unspeakable longin g but none came; day after day broughtnew disappointment, each day more hard to bear. Of her only friend, Mr. Van Brunt, she saw little ; he was much away in the fields during the fine weather ; and when it rained, Ellen herself was prisoner at home , whither he never came but at meal times. The old grandmother was very much disposed to make much of her: but Ellen shrank, she hardly knew why, from her fond caresses, and never found herself alone with her if she could help it ; for then she was regularly called to the old lady s side, and obliged to go through a course of kissing, fondling, and praising she would gladly have escaped. In her aunt s presence this was seldom attempted, and never permitted to go on. Miss Fortune was sure to pull Ellen away, and bid her mother " stop that palavering," avowing that "it made her sick." Ellen had one faint hope that her aunt would think of sending her to school, as she employed her in nothing at home, and certainly took small delight in her com pany; but no hint of the kind dropped fromMiss Fortune s lips ; and Ellen s longing look for this as well as for a word from her mother, was daily doomed to be 120 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD, ungratified, and to grow more keen by delay. One pleasure only remained to Ellen in the course of the day, and that one she enjoyed with the carefulness of a miser. It was seeing the cows milked morning and evening. For this she got up very early, and watched till the men came for the pails ; and then away she bounded, out of the house and to the barnyard. There were the milky mothers, five in number, standing about, each in her own corner of the yard or cowhouse , waiting to be relieved of their burden of milk. They were fine, gentle animals, in excellent condition, and looking every way happy and comfort able; nothing living under Mr. Van Brunt s care was ever suffered to look otherwise. He was al ways in the barn or barnyard at milking- time , and under his pro tection Ellen felt safe, and looked on at her ease. It was a very pretty scene at least, she thought so. The gentle cows standing quietly to be milked as if they enjoyed it, and munching the cud ; and the white streams of milk foaming into the pails ; then there was the interest of seeing whether Sam or Johnny would get through first; and how near Jane or Dolly would come to rivalling Streaky s fine pailful; and at last Ellen allowed Mr. Van Brunt to teach herself how to milk. She began with trembling, but learnt fast enough ; and more than one pailful of milk that Miss Fortune strained, had been, un known to her, drawn by Ellen s fingers. These minutes in the farm-yard were the pleasantest in Ellen s day. While they lasted every care was forgotten, and her little face was as bright as the morning; but the milking was quickly over, and the cloud gathered on Ellen s brow almost as soon as the shadow of the house fell upon it. "Where is the post-office, Mr. Van Brunt?" she asked, one morning, as she stood watching the sharpening of an axe upon the grindstone. The axe was in that gentleman s hand, and its edge carefully laid to the whirl ing stone, which one of the farm- boys was turning. "Where is the post office? Why, over to Thirlwall, to be sure," replied Mr. Van Brunt, glancing up at her from his work "faster, Johnny!" "And how often do the letters come here?" said Ellen. "Take care, Johnny! some more water mind your busi ness, will you? Just as often as I go to fetch em , Miss Ellen, and no oftener." "And how often do you go, Mr. Van Brunt?" "Only when I ve some other errand, Miss Ellen; my grain would never be in the barn if I was running to the post-office every other thing and for what ain t there, too. I don t get a letter but two or three times a-year, I s pose, though I call I guess half-a-dozen times." "Ah, but there s one there THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 121 now, or soon will be, I know, for me ," said Ellen. " When do you think you 11 go again , Mr. Van Brunt?" "Now, if I d ha know d that, I d ha gone to Thiiiwall yester day I was within a mile of it. I don t see as I can go this week, anyhow, in the world; but I ll make some errand there the first day I can, Miss Ellen that you may depend on. You shan t wait for your letter a bit longer than I can help." "Oh, thank you, Mr. Van Brunt you re very kind. Then the letters never come except when you go after them? " "No 5 yes they do come once in a while by old Mr. Swaim, but he han t been here this great while." "And who s he?" said Ellen. "Oh, he s a queer old chip that goes round the country on all sorts of errands; he comes along once in a while. That ll do , Johnny I believe this here tool is as sharp as I have any occasion for." "What s the use of pouring water upon the grindstone?" said Ellen; "why wouldn t it do as well dry?" "I can t tell, I am sure," re plied Mr. Van Brunt, who was slowly drawing his thumb over the edge of the axe; "your questions are a good deal too sharp for me , Miss Ellen ; I only know it would spoil the axe, or the grindstone, or both, most likely." "It s very odd," said Ellen, thoughtfully "I wish I knew everything. But, dear! I am not likely to know anything," said she, her countenance sud denly changing from its pleased inquisitive look to a cloud of (dis appointment and sorrow. Mr. Van Brunt noticed the change. "Ain t your aunt going to send you to school, then?" said he. "I don t know," said Ellen, sighing "she never speaks about it, nor about anything else. But I declare I ll make her!" she exclaimed, changing again. "I ll go right in and ask her , and then she 11 have to tell me. I will! I am tired of living so. I ll know what she means to do, and then I can tell what I must do." Mr. Van Brunt, seemingly du bious about the success of this line of conduct, stroked his chin and his axe alternately two or three times in silence, and finally walked off. Ellen, without wait ing for her courage to cool, went directly into the house. Miss Fortune, however, was not in the kitchen; to follow her into her secret haunts , the dairy, cellar, or lower kitchen, was not to be thought of. Ellen waited a while, but her aunt did not come, and the excitement of the mo ment cooled down. She was not quite so ready to enter upon the business as she had felt at first; she had even some qualms about it. "But I ll do it!" said Ellen to herself "it will be hard, but I ll doit!" 122 THE WIDE, WIDE WOULD. CHAPTER XIV. Work not deferred. THE next morning, after break fast, Ellen found the chance she rather dreaded than wished for. Mr. Van Brunt had gone out; the old lady had not left her room; and Miss Fortune was quietly seated by the fire, busied with some mysteries of cooking. Like a true coward, Ellen could not make up her mind to bolt at once into the thick of the matter, but thought to come to it gradually always a bad way. " What is that, AuntFortune? " said she, after she had watched her withabeating heart for about five minutes. "What is what?" "I mean, what is that you are straining through the colander into that jar?" "Hop-water." "What is it for?" "I m scalding this meal with it to make turnpikes." "Turnpikes!" said Ellen "I thought turnpikes were high, smooth roads, with toll-gates every now and then that s what Mamma told me they were." "That s all the kind of turn pikes your Mamma knew any thing about, I reckon," said Miss Fortune, in a tone that convey ed the notion that Mrs. Mont gomery s education had been very incomplete. " And indeed," she added, immediately after, "if she had made more turn pikes and paid fewer tolls, it would have been just as well, I m thinking." Ellen felt the tone , if she did not thoroughly understand the words. She was silent a moment; then remembering her purpose, she began again "What are these, then, Aunt Fortune?" " Cakes , child , cakes turn pike-cakes what I raise the bread with." "What, those little brown cakes I have seen you melt in water and mix in the flour when you make bread ? " "Mercy on us! yes! you ve seen hundreds of em since you ve been here, if you never saw one before." " I never did," said Ellen. " But what are they called turnpikes for?" "The land knows! I don t. For mercy s sake, stop asking me questions, Ellen; I don t know what s got into you ; you 11 drive me crazy." "But there s one more ques tion I want to ask very much," said Ellen, with her heart beat ing. "Well, ask it, then, quick, and have done, and take your self off. I have other fish to fry than to answer all your ques tions." Miss Fortune, however, was still quietly seated by the fire stirring her meal and hop-water, and Ellen could not be quick; the words stuck in her throat came out at last. "Aunt Fortune, I wanted to ask you if I may go to school." "Yes." THE WIDE, "WIDE WORLD. 123 Ellen s heart sprang with a feeling of joy, a little qualified by the peculiar dry tone in which the word was uttered. "When may I go?" "As soon as you like." "Oh, thank you, Ma am. To which school shall I go, Aunt Fortune?" " To whichever you like." "But I don t know anything about them," said Ellen "how can I tell which is best?" Miss Fortune was silent. " What schools are there near here?" said Ellen. "There s Captain Conklin s down at the Cross, and Miss Emerson s at Thirlwall." Ellen hesitated. The name was against her , but nevertheless she concluded on the whole that the lady s school would be the plea- santest. "Is Miss Emerson any relation of yours?" she asked. "No." "I think I should like to go to her school the best. I will go there if you will let me may I?" "Yes." "And I will begin next Mon day may I?" "Yes." Ellen wished exceedingly that her aunt would speak in some other tone of voice; it was a continual damper to her rising hopes. "I ll get my books ready, will be the best way for me to go, Aunt Fortune?" I don t know." I couldn t walk so far, could I?" "You know best." "I couldn t, I am sure," said Ellen. "It s four miles to Thirl wall, Mr. Van Brunt said; that would be too much for me to walk twice a day ; and I should be afraid, besides." A dead silence. "But, Aunt Fortune, do please tell me what I am to do. How can I know unless you tell me? What way is there that I can go to school?" "It is unfortunate that I don t keep a carriage," said Miss For tune "but Mr. Van Brunt can go for you morning and even ing in the ox -cart, if that will answer." "The ox-cart! But, dear me! it would take him all day, Aunt Fortune, hours to It takes hours and O and come with the oxen Mr. Van Brunt wouldn t have time to do anything but carry me to school, and bring me home." " Of course but that s of no consequence," saidMissFortune, in the same dry tone. " Then I can t go there s no help for it," said Ellen de- spondingly. " Why didn t you say so before? When you said yes, I thought you meant yes." She covered her face. Miss Fortune rose with a half -smile said she " and look em over and carried her jar of scalded a little, too, I guess. But what | meal into the pantry. She then 124 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. came back and commenced the operation of washing up the breakfast- things . "Ah, if I only had a little pony," said Ellen, "that would carry me there and back, and go trotting about with me every where how nice that would be!" " Yes, that would be very nice ! And who do you think would go trotting about after the pony? I suppose you would leave that to Mr. Van Brunt ; and I should have to go trotting about after you, to pick you up in case you broke your neck in some ditch or gulley it would be a very nice affair altogether, I think." " Ellen was silent. Her hopes had fallen to the ground, and her disappointment was unsooth- ed by one word of kindness or sympathy. With all her old grievances fresh in her mind, she sat thinking her aunt was the very most disagreeable person she had ever had the misfortune to meet with. No amiable feel ings were working within her 5 and the cloud on her brow was of displeasure and disgust, as well as sadness and sorrow. Her aunt saw it. "What are you thinking of?" said she , rather sharply. "I am thinking," said Ellen, "I am very sorry I cannot go to school." "Why, what do you want to learn so much? you know how to read and write and cypher, don t you?" "Kead arid write and cypher! " said Ellen "to be sure I do; but that s nothing; that s only the beginning." "Well, what do you want to learn besides?" " Oh , a great many things." "Well, what?" i " Oh, a great many things," said Ellen; "French, and Italian, and Latin, and music, and arithmetic, and chemistry, and all about ani mals, and plants, and insects I forget what it s called and oh, I can t recollect; a great many things. Every now and then I think of something I want to learn; I can t remember them now. But I m doing nothing," said Ellen, sadly "learning nothing I am not studying and improving myself as I meant to; Mamma will be disappointed when she comes back; and I meant to please her so much ! " The tears were fast coming; she put her hand upon her eyes to force them back. "If you re so tired of being idle," said Miss Fortune, "I ll warrant I 11 give you something to do; and something to learn, too, that you want enough , more than all those crinkum-crankums ; I wonder what good they d ever do you! That s the way your mother was brought up, I sup pose. If she had been trained to use her hands and do something useful, instead of thinking her self above it, maybe she wouldn t have had to go to sea for her health just now ; it doesn t do for "women to be bookworms." "Mamma isn t a bookworm!" THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 125 said Ellen, indignantly; " I don t know what you mean; and she never thinks herself above be ing useful ; it s very strange you should say so when you don t know anything about her." "I know she han t brought you up to know manners, any how," said Miss Fortune. " Look here I 11 give you something to do just you put those plates and dishes together ready for washing, while I am down stairs." Ellen enough. obeyed, unwillingly She had neither know- very delicately with the tips of her fingers. "Look here," said Miss For tune " don t you let me hear no more of that, or I vow I 11 give you something to do you won t like. Now, put the spoons here, and the knives and forks together here; and carry the salt-cellar, and the pepper-box, and the butter and the sugar into the buttery." "I don t know where to put them," said Ellen. Come alon g then, and I 11 show you; it s time you did. I reckon you 11 feel better when you ve something to do, and you shall have plenty. There, put them in that cupboard, and set the butter up here, and put the bread in this box, do you see? now don t let me have to show you twice over." This was Ellen s first introduc tion to the buttery ; she had never dared to go in there before. It ledge of the business nor any liking for it; so it is no wonder Miss Fortune at her return was not well pleased. "But I never did such a thing before," said Ellen. "There it is now!" said Miss Fortune. "I wonder where your eyes have been every single time that I have done it since you have been here. I should think your own sense might have told you ! But you re too busy learn- j was a long light closet or pantry, ing of Mr. Yan Brunt to know | lined on the left side , and at the what s going on in the house, j further end, with wide shelves up Is that what you call made ready | to the ceiling. On these shelves for washing? Now just have the I stood many capacious pans and goodness to scrape every plate basins, of tin and earthenware, clean off and put them nicely in filled with milk, and most of them a pile here; and turn out the j coated with superb yellow cream, slops out of the tea cups and Midway was the window, before saucers, and set them by them- j which Miss Fortune was accus- selves. Well! what makes you tomed to skim her milk; and at handle them so? are you afraid the side of it was the mouth of a they ll burn you?" wooden pipe , or covered trough, "I don t like to take hold off; which conveyed the refuse milk things people have drunk out down to an enormous hogshead of," said Ellen, who was indeed standing at the lower kitchen touching the cups and saucers!] do or, whence it was drawn as 126 THE WIDE, W1DB WORLD. WL ited for the use of the pigs. Beyond the window in the buttery, and on the higher shelves were rows of yellow cheeses; forty or fifty were there, at least. On the right hand of the door was the cupboard, and a short range of shelves, which held in ordinary all sorts of matters for the table, both dishes and eatables. Floor and shelves were well painted with thick yellow paint, hard and shining, and clean as could be; and there was a faint pleasant smell of dairy things. Ellen did not find out all this at once , but in the course of a day or two, during which her visits to the buttery were many. Miss Fortune kept her word, and found her plenty to do ; Ellen s life soon became a pretty busy one. She did not like this at all ; it was a kind of work she had no love for; yet no doubt it was a good exchange for the miserable moping life she had lately led. Anything was better than that. ! One concern, however, lay upon poor Ellen s mind with pressing weight her neglected studies and wasted time; for no better than wasted she counted it. "What shall I do?" she said to herself, after several of these busy days had passed; "I am doing nothing I am learning nothing I shall forget all I have learned directly. At this rate, I shall not know any more than all these people around me ; and what will Mamma say? Well, if I can t go to school, I know what I will do ," she said, taking | a sudden resolve "I ll study by myself! I 11 see what I can do ; it Avill be better than nothing, any way. I 11 begin this very day ! " With new life Ellen sprang up stairs to her room, and forthwith began pulling all the things out of her trunk to get at her books. They were at the very bottom ; and by the time she had reached them, half the floor was strewn with the various articles of her wardrobe: without minding them in her first eagerness, Ellen pounced at the books. " Here you are , my dear Numa Pompilius," said she, drawing out a little French book she had just begun to read; "and here you are, old grammar and dictio nary and here is my history very glad to see you, Mr. Gold smith! and what in the world s this? wrapped up as if it was something great oh ! my expo sitor; I am not glad to see you, I am sure; never want to look at S)ur face or your back again, y copy-book I wonder who 11 set copies for me nows ; my arith metic, that s you! geography and atlas all right ; and my slate; but, dear me, I dont believe I ve such a thing as a slate-pencil in the world; where shall I get one, I wonder? well, I ll manage. And that s all that sail, I believe." With all her heart Ellen would have begun her studying at once, but there were all her things on the floor, silently saying, "Put us up first." THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD, 127 " I declare," said she to herself, | was nothing in it but a broad KHV "it s too bad to have nothing in! shelf or step under the stairs, the shape of a bureau to keep 1 where Ellen presently decided one s clothes in. I wonder if ijshe could stow away her books am to live in a trunk, as Mamma ] very nicely. "It only wants a says, all the time I am here, and littles brushing out," said Ellen, have to go down to the bottom "and it Avill do very well." The of it every time I want a I other door, in the other corner, pocket-handkerchief or a pair of! admitted her to a large light stockings. How I do despise closet, perfectly empty. "Now, those gray stockings! But | if there were only some hooks or what can I do? it s too to squeeze my nice things up so. 1 wonder what is behind those doors? I 11 find out, I know, before long." On the north side of Ellen s room were three doors. She had never opened them, but now took it into her head to see what was there, thinking shemightpossibly pegs here," thought Ellen, "to hang up dresses on; but why shouldn t I drive some nails? I will ! I will ! Oh, that 11 be fine ! " Unfastening her door in a hurry , she ran down stairs ; and her heart beating, between plea sure and the excitement of daring so far without her aunt s know ledge, she ran out and crossed find what would help her out of! the chip-yard to the barn, where her difficulty. She had some little fear of meddling with any thing in her aunt s domain; so she fastened her own door, to guard against interruption while she was busied in making dis coveries. At the foot of her bed, in the corner, was one large door, fastened by a button, as indeed they were all. This opened, she found, updn a flight of stairs, leading, as she supposed, to the garret, but Ellen did not care to go up and see. They were lighted by half of a large window, across the middle of which the stairs went up. She quickly shut that door, and opened the next, a little one. Here she found a tiny closet under the stairs , lighted by the she had some hope of finding Mr. Van Brunt. By the time she got to the little cowhouse door, a great noise of knocking or pounding in the barn made her sure he was there , and she went on to the lower barn-floor. There he was, he and the two farm-boys (who, by -the -by, were grown men), all three threshing wheat. Ellen stopped at the door, and for a minute forgot what she had come for in the pleasure of look ing at them. The clean floor was strewn with grain, upon which the heavy flails came down one after another, with quick, regular beat one two three one two three , keeping per fect time. The pleasant sound could be heard afar off; though, other half of the window. There j indeed, where Ellen stood, it was 128 THE WIDE, WIDE WOELD. rather too loud to be pleasant. Her little voice had no chance of being heard; she stood still and waited. Presently, Johnny, who was opposite, caught a sight of her, and, without stopping his work, said to ; Somebody there his leader, for you Mr. Van Brunt." That gentle man s flail ceased its motion, then he threw it down, and went to the door to help Ellen up the high step. "Well," said he, "have you come out to see what s going on ? " "No," said Ellen, "I ve been looking but Mr. Van Brunt, could you be so good as to let me have a hammer and half-a-dozen nails?" "A hammer and half-a-dozen nails ; come this way," said he. They went out of the barn-yard and across the chip-yard to an out-house below the garden, and not far from the spout, called the poultry-house; though it was "I do," said Ellen, smiling. "You do! do you think your little arms can manage that big hammer?" "I don t know; I guess so; I 11 try." " Where do you want em driv?" "Up in a closet in my room," said Ellen, speaking as softly as if she had feared her aunt was at the corner: "I want em to hang up dresses and things." Mr. Van Brunt half smiled, and put up the hammer and nails on the shelf again. "Now, 1 11 tell you what we 11 do," said he; "you can t manage them big things ; I 11 put em up for you to-night when I come into supper." "But I m afraid she won t let you," said Ellen, doubtfully. "Never you mind about that," said he; "I 11 fix it. Maybe we won t ask her." "Oh, thank you!" said Ellen, joyfully, her face recovering its quite as much the property of the : full sunshine in answer to his hogs, who had a regular sleeping smile , and clapping her hands, apartment there, where corn was always fed out to the fatting ones. she ran back to the house , while more slowly Mr. Van Brunt re- Opening a kind of granary store- turned to the threshers. Ellen room, where the corn for this seized dustpan and brush, and purpose was stowed, Mr. Van Iran up to her room; and setting Brunt took down from a shelf [about the business with right a large hammer and a box of | good will, she soon had her nails , and asked Ellen what size closets in beautiful order. The books, wri ting- desk, and work- box were then bestowed very carefully in the one ; in the other her coats and dresses, neatly folded uj) in a pile on the floor, waiting till the nails should be driven. Then the remainder of she wanted. "Pretty large." "So?" "No, a good deal bigger yet, I should like." "A good deal bigger yet who wants em?" THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 129 her things were gathered up from the floor, and neatly arranged in the trunk again. Having done all this, Ellen s satisfaction was unbounded. By this time dinner was ready. As soon after dinner as she could escape from Miss Fortune s calls upon her, Ellen stole up to her room and her books, and began work in earn est. The whole afternoon was spent over sums , and verbs, and maps, and pages of history. A little before tea, as Ellen was setting the table, Mr. Van Brunt came into the kitchen with a bag on his back. "What have you got there, Mr. Van Brunt?" said Miss For tune. "A bag of seed-corn." "What are you going to do with it?" " Put it up in the garret for safe keeping." " Set it down in the corner, and I 11 take it up to-morrow." " Thank you, Ma am ; rather go myself, if it s all the same to you. You needn t be scared, I ve left my shoes at the door. Miss Ellen, I believe I ve got to go through your room." Ellen was glad to run before, to hide her laughter. When they reached her room, Mr. Van Brunt produced a hammer out of the bag, and taking a handful of nails from his pocket, put up a fine row of them along her closet wall, then, while she hung up her dresses, he went on to the garret, and Ellen heard him The Wide, Wide World. hammering there, too. Presently he came down, and they returned to the kitchen. "What s all that knocking?" said Miss Fortune. "I ve been driving some nails," said Mr. Van Brunt, coolly. "Up in the garret?" "Yes, and in Miss Ellen s closet; she said she wanted some." "You should ha spoke to me about it," said Miss Fortune to Ellen. There was displeasure enough in her face : but she said no more, and the matter blew over much better than Ellen had feared. Ellen steadily pursued her plan of studying, in spite of some discouragements. A letter, written about ten days after, gave her mother an account of her endeavours and of her suc cess. It was a despairing account. Ellen complained that she wanted help to understand, and lacked time to study; that her aunt kept * her busy, and, she believed, took pleasure in breaking her off from her books; and she bitterly said, her mother must expect to find an ignorant little daughter when she came home. It ended with "Oh, if I could just see you, and kiss you , and put my arms round you, Mamma, I d be willing to die!" This letter was despatched the next morning by Mr. Van Brunt; and Ellen waited and watched with great anxiety for his return from Thiiiwall in the afternoon. 130 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. CHAPTER XV: Mother earth rather than aunt Fortune. THE afternoon was already half spent when Mr. Van Brunt s ox-cart was seen returning. Ellen was standing by the little gate that opened on the chip-yard ; and with her heart beating anxiously, she watched the slow- corning oxen; how slowly they came! At last they turned out of the lane, and drew the cart up the ascent; and stopping beneath the apple-tree, Mr. Van Brunt lei surely got down, and flinging back his whip, came to the gate. But the little face that met him there quivering with hope and fear made his own quite sober. "I m really very sorry, Miss Ellen" he began. That was enough. Ellen waited to hear no more, but turned away, the cold chill of disappointment coming over her heart. She had borne the former delays pretty well , but this was one too many, and she felt sick. She went round to the front stoop, where scarcely ever anybody came, and sitting down on the steps, wept sadly and despairingly. It might have been half an hour or more after, that the kitchen door slowly^ opened, and Ellen came in. Wishingher aunt should not see her swollen eyes, she was going quietly through to her own room, when Miss Fortune called her. Ellen stopped. Miss Fortune was sitting before the fire with an open letter lying in her lap, and another in her hand. The latter she held out to Ellen, saying, "Here, child, come and take this." "What is it?" said Ellen, slowly coming towards her. "Don t you see what it is?" said Miss Fortune, still holding it out. "But who is it from?" said Ellen. "Your mother." "A letter from Mamma, and not to me!" said Ellen, with changing colour. She took it quick from her aunt s hand. But her colour changed more as her eye fell upon the first words, "My dear Ellen," and turning the paper, she saw upon the back, " Miss Ellen Montgomery." Her next look was to her aunt s face, with her eye fired, and her cheek pallid with anger, and when she spoke her voice was not the same. "This is my letter," she said, (trembling ; " who opened it? " Miss Fortune s conscience must have troubled her a little, for her eye wavered uneasily. Only for a second, though. "Who opened it?" she an swered; "/ opened it. I should like to know who has a better right. And I shall open every one that comes, to serve you for look ing so ; that you may depend upon." The look, and the words, and the injury together, fairly put Ellen beside herself. She dashed the letter to the ground, and livid and trembling with various feel ings, rage was not the only one , she ran from her aunt s THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 131 presence. She did not shed any ever, to be out of the house and tears now; she could not 5 they in the sweet open air. Ellen were absolutely burnt up by pas- breathed more freely, and pau- sion. She walked her room with sing a moment there, and clasping trembling steps , clasping and her hands together once more in wringing her hands now and sorrow, she went down the road, then , wildly thinking what could and out at the gate , and ex- she do to get out of this dreadful changing her quick, broken step state of things, and unable to see for a slow, measured one, she anything but misery before her. j took the way towards Thirlwall. She walked, for she could not sit; Little regarding the loveliness down ; but presently she felt that which that day was upon every she could not breathe the air of slope and roadside, Ellen pre- the house; and taking her bon- sently quitted the Thirlwall road, net, she went down, passed! and, half unconsciously, turned through the kitchen, and went into a path on the left which she out. Miss Fortune asked where had never taken before per- she was going, and bade her stay I haps for that reason. It was not within doors, but Ellen paid no j much travelled, evidently, the attention to her. grass grew green on both sides, She stood still a moment put- and even in the middle of the side of the little gate. She might way, though here and there the have stood long to look. The track of wheels could be seen. mellow light of anlndian summer afternoon lay upon the meadow and the old barn and chip-yard : there was beauty in them all under its smile. Not a breath was stirring. The rays of the sun struggled through a blue haze, which hung upon the hills and softened and the every distant object; silence of nature all around was absolute, made more noticeable by the far-off voice of somebody, it might be Mr. Van Brunt calling to his oxen, very far off and not to be seen; the sound carne softly to her ear through the stillness. "Peace," was the whisper of nature to her troubled child; but Ellen s heart was in a whirl ; she could not hear the whisper. It was a relief, how- Ellen did not care about where she was going; she only found it pleasant to walk on, and ge further from home. The road or lane led towards a mountain somewhat to the northward of Miss Fortune s ; the same which Mr. Van Brunt had once named to Ellen as "The Nose." After three-quarters of an hour, the road began gently to ascend the mountain, rising towards the north. About one-third of the way from the bottom, Ellen came to a little footpath on the left, which allured her by its promise of prettiness, and she forsook the lane for it. The promise was abundantly fulfilled; it was a most lovely, wild, woodway path; but withal not a little steep and 9* 132 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. rocky. Ellen began to grow | near the setting, threw his mel- wi ary . The lane went on towards lowing rays, touching every slope the north ; the path rather led off and ridge with a rich, warm towards the southern edge of the glow. mountain, rising all the while; 1 Poor Ellen did not heed the but before she reached that, El- picturesque affect of all this, yet len came to what she thought a I the sweet influences of nature good resting-place, where theireached her, and softened while path opened upon a small level ;they increased her sorrow. She platform or ledge of the hill. The j felt her own heart sadly out of mountain rose steep behind her, tune with the peace and loveli- and sank very steep immediately! ness of all she saw. Her eye before her, leaving a very superb sought those distant hills how view of the open country from very far off they were ! and yet the north-east to the south-east, all that wide tract of country was Carpeted with moss, and fur- j but a little piece of what lay be- nished with fallen stones and tween her and her mother. Her eye pieces of rock, this was a fine sought those hills but her mind resting-place for the wayfarer, or overpassed them, and went far loitering -place for the lover of beyond, over many such a tract, nature. Ellen seated herself on till it reached the loved one at one of the stones, and looked last "But, oh! how much be- sadly and wearily towards the tween! I cannot reach her east, at first very careless of the \ she cannot reach me!" thought exceeding beauty of what she rjoor Ellen. Her eyes had been beheld there. filling and dropping tears for For miles and miles, on every some time, but now came the side but the west, lay stretched rush of the pent-up storm, and before her a beautifully broken the floods of grief were kept back country. The November haze no longer. hung over it now like a thin veil, p When once fairly excited , El- giving great sweetness and soft- len s passions were always ex treme. During the former peace ful and happy part of her life, the occasions of such excitement had ness to the scene. Far in the dis tance a range of low hills showed like a misty cloud; near by, at the mountain s foot, the fields and farmhouses and roads lay, a pictured map. About a mile been very rare. Of late, unhap pily, they had occurred much oftener. Many were the bitter and a half to the south, rose thejfits of tears she had known within mountain where Nancy Vawse a few weeks. But now it seemed lived, craggy and bare; but the as if all the scattered causes of leafless trees, and stern, jagged rocks, were wrapped in the haze; and through this the sun, now sorrow that had wrought those tears were gathered together, ancl pressing upon her at once, THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 133 and that the burden would crush ness well matched the voice, her to the earth. To the earth it looking upon her with grave con- brought her, literally. She slid cern. She stood motionless and from her seat at first, and, em- silent. bracing the stone on which she "What is the matter, my dear?" had sat, she leaned her head! The tone found Ellen s heart, there ; but presently in her agony and brought the water to her quitting her hold of that, she cast ; eyes again, though with a diffe- herself down upon the moss, rence. She covered her face with lying at full length upon the cold her hands. But gentle hands ground, which seemed, to her were placed upon hers, and drew childish fancy, the best friend them away ; and the lady, sitting- she had left. But Ellen was down on Ellen s stone, took her wrought up to the last pitch of in her arms ; and Ellen hid her grief and passion. Tears brought face in the bosom of a better no relief. Convulsive weeping friend than the cold earth had only exhausted her. In the ex- i been like to prove her. But the tremity of her distress and de- change overcame her; and the spair, andinthatlonely place, out i soft whisper, "Don t cry any of hearing of every one, she I more," made it impossible to stop sobbed aloud, q,nd even scream- ; crying. Nothing further was said ed,for_almost the first time in for some time; the lady waited iTerTiTe7andtlie?c fits of violence ! till Ellen grew calmer. When she were succeeded by exhaustion, | saw her able to answer, she said, during which she ceased to shed: gently tears, and lay quite still, drawing I "What does all this mean , my only long, sobbing sighs, nowj child? What troubles you? Tell and then. How long Ellen had lain there, me, and I think we can find a way to mend matters/ or how long this would have Ellen answered the tone of gone on before her strength had: voice with a faint smile, but the been quite worn out, no one canj words with another gush of tears, tell. In one of these fits of forced j "You are Ellen Montgomery, quiet, when she lay as still as the i aren t you? rocks around her, she heard aj "Yes, Ma am." voice close by say, "What is the j "I thought so. This isn t the matter , my child? " first time I have seen you ; I have The silver sweetness of the seen you once before." tone came singularly upon the tempest in Ellen s mind. She got up hastily, and, brushing away the tears from her dimmed eyes,, Ellen looked up , surprised. "Have you, Ma am? I am sure I have never seen you." "No, I know that. I saw you she saw a young lady standing when you didn t see me. Where, there, and a face, whose sweetfi do you think?" 134 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. "I can t tell, I am sure," said Ellen, "I can t guess; I haven t seen you at Aunt Fortune s , and I haven t been anywhere else." "You have forgotten, "said the lady. "Did you never hear of a little girl who went to take a walk once upon a time , and had an unlucky fall into a brook, and then went to a kind old lady s house, where she was dried, and put to bed , and went to sleep ? " "Oh, yes," said Ellen. "Did } ier j n h er arms. "What is the you see me there, Ma am, and ma tter? Hardly anything in the when I was asleep?" world is so bad it can t be "I saw you there when you were asleep ; and Mrs. Van Brunt told me who you were, and where you lived; and when I came here, a little while aero, I knew you But never mind, dear, tell me what they are. Begin with the worst, and if I haven t time to hear them all now , I 11 find time another day. Begin with the worst." But she waited in vain for an answer, and became distressed herself at Ellen s distress, which was extreme. "Don t cry so, my child don t cry so," she said, pressing a little wnue ago, again very soon. And you knew what the matter was , too , pretty well; but nevertheless, tell me all about it, Ellen; perhaps I can help you." Ellen shook her head dejected ly. "Nobody in this world can help me," she said. "Then there s One in heaven that can," said the lady, stea dily. "Nothing is too bad for him to mend. Have you asked His help, Ellen?" Ellen began to weep again. " Oh , if I could , I would tell you all about it, Ma am," she said; world is so bad it can t be mended. I think I know what troubles you so it is that your dear mother is away from you, isn t it?" " Oh, no, Ma am ! " Ellen could scarcely articulate. But, strug gling with herself for a minute or two , she then spoke again , and more clearly. " The worst is, oh ! the worst is, that I meant I meant to be a good child, and I have been worse than ever I was in my life before." Her tears gushed forth. "But how, Ellen?" said her surprised friend, after a pause. "I don t quite understand you. When did you mean to be a good child? Didn t you always don t know when I get through." should ever Ltthe;ea reso m7ny^ngs^ mean so? and what have you I don t know where to begin I been doing? Ellen made a great effort, and ceased crying; straightened her self dashed away her tears , as if determined to shed no more; and presently spoke calmly, though a choking sob every now you a " So many things that trouble T711~ Of! Ellen? , JL4JULVSU Yes, Ma am." I am sorry for that, indeed, THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 135 and then threatened to interrupt her. "I will tell you, Ma am. That "You are grieved to find your self so unlike what you would be. You wish to be a child of the dear first day I left Mamma when I ! Saviour, and to have your heart was on board the steamboat, and filled with his love, and to do feeling as badly as I could feel I what will please him. Do you? a kind, kind gentleman I don t ; Have you gone to him day by knoAv who he was came to me, | day, and night by night, and told and spoke to me, and took care! him so? have you begged him of me the whole day. Oh , if I j to give you strength to get the could see him again! He talked j better of your wrong feelings, to me a great deal he wanted j and asked him to change you, me to be a Christian he wanted and make you his child?" me to make up my mind to begin thatday to be one and, Ma am, I did. I did resolve with my whole heart, and I thought I should be different from that time from what I had ever been be fore. But I think I have never been so bad in my life as I have been since then. Instead of feel ing right, I have felt wrong all the time, almost and I can t help it. I have been passionate and cross, and bad feelings keep coming; and I know it s wrong, and it makes me miserable. And yet, oh! Ma am,! haven t changed my mind a bit I think just the same as I did that day; I want to be a Christian more than anything | even didn t like to raise my things else in the world , but I am not enough to see the cover of it. I and what shall I do?" "At first I did, Ma am," said Ellen, in a low voice. "Not lately!" "No, Ma am;" in a lower tone still, and looking down. "Then you have neglected your Bible and prayer for some time past? " Ellen hardly uttered , "Yes." "Why, my child!" "I don t know, Ma am," said Ellen, weeping "that is one of the things that made me think myself so very wicked. I couldn t like to read my Bible or pray either, though I always used to before. My Bible lay down quite at the bottom of my trunk , and I Her face sank in her hands great was so full of bad feelings, I didn t feel fit to pray or read either." " Ah ! that is the way with the wisest of us," said her compa nion; "how apt we are to shrink "Do you remember who said, [most from pur Physician just Come unto me, all ye that labour ] when we are in most need of him ! and are heavy laden, and I will j But, Ellen, dear, that isn t right, give you rest? " No hand but His can touch that Ellen looked up inquiringly. sickness you are complaining of. agan. "And this is your trouble ? " said her friend. "Yes." 136 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. Seek it, love - seek it. He will ( " Then I am sure you will find bear and help you, no doubt of : your causes of trouble grow less. it, in every trouble you carry j I will not hear the rest of them simply and humbly to his feet; Inow. In a day or two I hope he has promised, ymiknow." |you will be able to give me a Ellen was weeping very much, very different account from what but less bitterly than before; the you would have done an hour clouds were breaking, and light ago; but, besides that, it is beginning to shine through. [getting late, and it will not do "Shall we pray together now?" ! for us to stay too long up here: said her companion, after a few minutes pause "Oh, if you please, Ma am, do!" Ellen answered, through her tears. And they knelt together there on the moss beside the stone, where Ellen s head rested and you have a good way to go to reach home. Will you come and see me to-morrow afternoon?" "Oh, yes, Ma am, indeed I will ! if I can ; and if you will tell me where." "Instead of turning up this little rocky path , you must keep her friend s folded hands were | straight on in the road that s laid. It might have been two - 11 children speaking to their father, for the simplicity of that prayer; difference of age seemed to be forgotten, and what suited one suited the other. It was not with out difficulty that the speaker carried it calmly through, for Ellen s sobs went nigh to check her more than once. When they rose, Ellen silently sought her friend s arms again, and laying her face on her shoulder and putting both arms round her neck, she wept still but what different tears ! It was like the gentle rain falling through sun shine, after the dark cloud and the thunder and the hurricane have passed by. And they kissed each other before either of them spoke. "You will not forget your Bible and prayer again, Ellen?" "Oh, no, Ma am." all : and it s the first house you come to. It isn t very far from here. Where were you going on the mountain?" "Nowhere, Ma am." "Have you been any higher up than this?" "No, Ma am." "Then, before we go away, I want to show you something. I 11 take you over the Bridge of the Nose; it isn t but a step or two more: a little rough, to be sure, but you musn t mind that." "W T hat is the Bridge of the Nose, Ma am?" said Ellen, as they left her resting-place, and began to toil up the path, which grew more steep and rocky than ever. You know this mountain is called the Nose. Just here it runs out to a very thin, sharp edge. We shall come to a place present ly where you turn a very sharp THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 137 corner to get from one side of the! whose hand raised up those hill to the other; and my brother mountains, and has painted them ~ so gloriously, is the very same One who has said, to you and to me , Ask and it shall be given named it, jokingly, the Bridge of the Nose." "Why do they give the moun tain such a queer name?" said;you. " Ellen. Ellen looked up; their eyes " I don t know, I am sure. The met: her answer was in that people say that from one point grateful glance, of view this side of it looks very] The lady sat down and drew like a man s nose; but I never Ellen close to her. could find it out, and have some "Do you see that little white doubt about the fact. But now village yonder, down at the far here we are! Just come round lend of the lake? that is the this great rock mind how you! village of Carra-carra; and that step, Ellen now, look there ! " | is Carra-carra lake ; that is where The rock they had just turned I go to church; you cannot see was at their backs , and they the little church from here. My looked towards the west. Both father preaches there every Sun- exclaimed at the beauty before day morning." them. The view was not so ex- "You must have a long way to tended as the one they had left, go," said Ellen. On the north and south the "Yes, a pretty long way, but broken wavy outline of moun- 1 it s very pleasant , though. I tains closed in the horizon; but | mount my little gray pony, and far to the west stretched an open- he carries me there in quick time, ing between the hills, through; when I will let him. I never Avhich the setting sun sent his wish the way shorter. I go in long beams, even to their feet, j all sorts of weathers, too, Ellen; In the distance all was a golden Sharp and I don t mind frost and haze; nearer, on the right and snow." left, the hills were lit up singu larly, and there was a most "Who is Sharp?" saidEllen. "My pony. An odd name, beautiful mingling of deep, hazy isn t it? It wasn t of my choosing, shadow, and bright, glowing! Ellen, but he deserves it, if ever mountain -sides and ridges. A pony did. He s a very cunning glory was upon the valley. Far ; little fellow. Where do you go, down below, at their feet, layajEllen? to Thirlwall?" large lake , gleaming in the sun- 1 " To church, Ma am ! I don t light; and at the upper end of it, go anywhere." a village of some size showed j "Doesn t your aunt go to like a cluster of white dots. I church ? " "How beautiful!" said the! "She hasn t since I have been lady again. "Ellen, dear, He here." 138 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. "What do you do with your self on Sunday?" "Nothing, Ma am; I don t know what to do with myself all getting upon another of your troubles, and we haven t time for that now. By your own account, you have been much in fault the day long. I get tired of being j yourself, and I trust you will find in the house, and I go out of all things mend with your own doors; and then I get tired of j mending. But now, there goes being out of doors, and come in! the sun! and you and I must again. I wanted a kitten dread- follow his example." fully, but Mr. Van Brunt said Aunt Fortune would not let me the houses of the village were 1, ,. , ,)) 1 _.!_ 1 .[__ 1 - _J. 11 .Ll - keep one. "Did you want a kitten to help you keep Sunday, Ellen?" said her friend , smiling. "Yes, I did, Ma am," said The lake ceased to gleam, and less plainly to be seen ; still the mountain heads were as bright as ever. Gradually the shadows crept up their sides , while the gray of evening settled deeper Ellen, smiling again. "I thought and deeper upon the valley, it would be a great deal of com- "There," said Ellen, "that s pany for me. I got very tired of just what I was wondering at the reading all day long, and I had! other morning; only then the nothing to read but the Bible; light shone upon the top of the and you know, Ma am, I told you ! mountains first , and walked I have been all wrong ever since down, and now it leaves the Icame here , and I didn t like to read that much." "My poor child!" said the lady "you have been hardly bestead, I think. What if you were to come and spend next Sunday with me? Don t you think I should do instead of a kitten?" bottom first and walks up. I asked Mr. Van Brunt about it, and he could not tell me. That s another of my troubles; there s nobody that can tell me any thing." "Put me in mind of it to-mor row, and I 11 try to make you understand it," said the lady. " Oh, yes, Ma am, I am sure of j "But we must not tarry now. I it," said Ellen, clinging to her. "Oh, I 11 come gladly, if you will let me and if Aunt For tune will let me ; and I hope she will, for she said last Sunday I was the plague of her life." "What did you do to make her say so ? " said her friend, gravely. "Only asked her for some books, Ma am." "Well, my dear, I see I am see you are likely to find me work enough, Ellen." "I 11 not ask you a question, Ma am, if you don t like it," said Ellen, earnestly. "I do like, I do like," said the other. " I spoke laughingly, for I see you will be apt to ask me a good many. As many as you please, my dear." "Thank you, Ma am," said THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 139 Ellen, as they ran down the hill; I much? For one person that "they keep coming into my head .shows herself well bred in this all the while." matter, there are a thousand, I It was easier going down than I think, that ask impertinent ques- comirig up. They soon arrived i tions. I am very glad you are an at the place where Ellen had left the road to take the wood path. "Here we part," said the lady. "Goodnight!" "Goodnight, Ma am." There was a kiss and a squeeze of the hand; but when Ellen would have turned away, the lady still held her fast. "You are an odd little girl," said she. "I gave you liberty to ask me questions." " "Yes, Ma am," said Ellen, doubtfully. ; There is a question you have exception to the common rule. But, dear Ellen, I am quite will ing that you should know my name it is Alice Humphreys. Now, kiss me again, and run home ; it is quite , quite time ; I have kept you too late. Good night, my dear. Tell your aunt I beg she will allow you to take tea with me to-morrow." They parted; and Ellen hastened homewards , urged by the rapidly-growing dusk of the evening. She trod the green turf with a step lighter and quicker not asked me "that I have been! than it had been a few hours be- Do you know who I fore, and she regained her home expecting, am?" "No, Ma am." "Don t you want to know?" "Yes, Ma am, very much," said Ellen, laughing at her friend s look; "butMamma told me never to try to find out anything about other people that they didn t in much less time than it had taken her to come from thence to the mountain. Lights were in the kitchen, and the table set; but though weary and faint, she was willing to forego her supper rather than meet her aunt just then, so she stole quietly up to wish me to know, or that wasn t I her room. She did not forget her my business." "Well, I think this is your business decidedly. Who are you friend s advice. She had no light; she could not read; but Ellen did pray. She did carry all her going to ask for when you come heart -sickness, her wants, and to see me to-morrow? Will you! her woes, to that Friend whose ask for the young lady that! ear is always open to hear the lives in this house? or will you cry of those who call upon Him give a description of my nose and in truth ; and then , relieved , re- J 1, * !, -i. JX, ~ ,. "U ^ ^ 1 .4. "U ,-. 1 ~ ,3 ~ 1 .i. eyes and height. Ellen laughed. "My dear Ellen," said the lady, changing her tone, "do you know you please me very freshed, almost healed, she went to bed and slept sweetly. 140 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. CHAPTER XVI. Counsel, Cakes, and Captain Parry. me," she thought; "I ll do as that dear Miss Humphreys told EARLY next morning Ellen! me it s good and early, and 1 awoke with a sense that some- shall have a fine time before thing pleasant had happened, breakfast yet to myself. And Then the joyful reality darted I 11 get up so every morning and into her mind, and jumping out have it!" that 11 be the very of bed , she set about her morn- best plan I can hit upon." ing work with a better heart than | As she thought this , she drew she had been able to bring to it i forth her Bible from its place at for many a long day. When she the bottom of her trunk; and had finished, she went to the opening it at hazard, she began window. She had found out how to read the 18th chapter of to keep it open now, by means Matthew. Some of it she did of a big nail stuck in a hole not quite understand; but she under the sash. It was very ! paused with pleasure at the 14th early, and in the perfect still- verse. "That means me," she ness, the soft gurgle of the little ( thought. The 21st and 22nd brook came distinctly to her ear. i verses struck her a good deal, Ellen leaned her arms on the but when she came to the last she window-sill, and tasted the! was almost startled. morning air; almost wondering | "There it is again!" she said. at its sweetness, and at the love- ! " That is exactly what that gen- liness of field and sky, and the tleman said tc me. I thought I bright eastern horizon. For days j was forgiven, but how can I be? and days all had looked dark for I feel I have not forgiven and sad. | Aunt Fortune." There were two reasons for Laying aside her book, Ellen the change. In the first place, knelt down ; but this one thought Ellen had made up her mind to so pressed upon her mind, that go straight on in the path of she could think of scarce any- duty; in the second place, she! thing else; and her prayer this had found a friend. Her little morning was an urgent and re- heart bounded with delight and ipeated petition that she might be swelled with thankfulness at the enabled "from her heart" to thought of Alice Humphreys. ! forgive her Aunt Fortune "all She was once more at peace with her trespasses." Poor Ellen! she herself, and had even some no- felt it was very hard work. At tion of being by and by at peace jthe very minute she was striving with her aunt; though a sad! to feel at peace with her aunt, twinge came over her whenever j one grievance after another she thought of her mother s j would start up to remembrance, letter. and she knew the feelings that " But there is only one way for j met them were far enough from THE WIDE!, WIDE WORLD, 141 the spirit of forgiveness. In the ! some prime maple. You like em, midst of this she was called I guess, don t you?" down. She rose with tears in her! "I don t know, yet I have eyes, and "what shall I do?" in never seen any," said Ellen. her heart. Bowing her head once " Never seen buckwheats ! why, more, she earnestly prayed that they re most as good as mymo- if she could not yet feel right to- ther s splitters. Buckwheat cakes wards her aunt, she might be kept and maple molasses that s food at least from acting or speaking fit for a king, / think when wrong. Poor Ellen ! In the heart they re good ; and Miss Fortune s is the spring of action; and she is always first-rate." found it so this morning. Miss Fortune did not relent at Her aunt and Mr. Van Brunt all at this compliment, were already at the table. Ellen! "What makes you so white, took her place in silence, for one this morning?" Mr. Van Brunt look at her aunt s face told her presently went on; "you ain t that no "good morning" would well, be you?" be accepted. Miss Fortune was j "Yes," said Ellen, doubtfully in a particularly bad humour, "I m well" owing, among other things, to "She s as well as lam, Mr. Van Mr. Van Brunt s having refused Brunt, if you don t go and put her to eat his breakfast unless Ellen up to any notions!" MissFortune were called. An unlucky piece of said, in a kind of choked voice, kindness. She neither spoke toj Mr. Van Brunt hemmed, and Ellen nor looked at her; Mr. Van \ said no more to the end of break- Brunt did what in him lay to make fast-time. amends. He helped her very J Ellen rather dreaded what was carefully to the cold pork and to come next, for her aunt s look potatoes, and handed her the ; was ominous. In dead silence the well -piled platter ~of griddle-: things were put away, and put cakes. up, and in course of washing and "Here s the first buckwheats drying, when Miss Fortune sud- of the season," said he, "and I denly broke forth told Miss Fortune I warn t agoing j "What did you do with your- to eat one on ern if you didn t self yesterday afternoon?" come down to enjoy em along! "I was up on the mountain," with us. Take two take two ! said Ellen, you want em to keep each other " What mountain?" hot." "I believe they call it the Ellen s look and smile thanked Nose." him, as, following his advice, she | "What business had you up covered one generous "buck-! there?" wheat" with another as ample. "I hadn t any business there." " That s the thing ! Now, here s ; "What did you go there for ? " 142 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. "Nothing." " Nothing ! you expect me to believe that? you call yourself a truth-teller, I suppose?" "Mamma used to say I was," said poor Ellen , striving to swal low her feelings. "Your mother! I daresay mothers always are blind. I dare say she took everything you said for gospel!" Ellen was silent, from sheer want of words that were pointed enough to suit her. "I wish Morgan could have had the gumption to marry in his own country; but he must go running after a Scotchwoman! A Yankee would have brought up his child to be worth some thing. Give me Yankees ! " Ellen set down the cup she was wiping. "You don t know anything about my mother," she said. " You oughtn t to speak so < it s not right." "Why ain t Bright, I should like to know?" said Miss Fortune ; " this is a free country, 1 guess. Our tongues ain t tied we re all free here." "I wish we were," muttered Ellen ; " I know what I d do." "What would you do?" said Miss Fortune. Ellen was silent. Her aunt re peated the question in a sharper tone. "I oughtn t to say what I was going to ," said Ellen "I d ra ther not." "I don t care," said Miss For tune 5 "you began, and you shall finish it. I will hear what it was. 1 "I was going to say, if we were all free I would run away." " Well, that is a beautiful, well- behaved speech ! I am glad to | have heard it. I admire it very | much. Now, what were you doing ! yesterday up on the Nose? Please ito go on wiping. There s a pile ready for you. What were you doing yesterday afternoon?" Ellen hesitated. "Were you alone, or with somebody?" "I was alone part of the time." "And who were with you the rest of the time?" "Miss Humphreys." "Miss Humphreys ! what were you doing with her?" "Talking." "Did you ever see her before?" "No, Ma am." "Where did you find her?" "She found me, up on the hill!" "What were you talking about?" Ellen was silent. "What were you talking about?" repeated IVliss Fortune. "I had rather not tell." "And I had rather you should tell so out with it." "I was alone with Miss Hum phreys." said Ellen; "and it is no matter what we were talking ab out it doesn t concern anybody but her and me." "Yes it does, it concerns me," said her aunt; "and 1 choose to know; what were you talking about?" Ellen was silent. THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 143 "Will you tell me?" "No," said Ellen, low, but re solutely. "I vow you re enough to try the patience of Job ! Look here," said Miss Fortune, setting down what she had in her hands "I will know! I don t care what it was, but you shall tell me, or I ll find a way to make you. 1 11 give you such a " " Stop ! stop ! " said Ellen wild ly "you must not speak to me so ! Mamma never did , and you have no right to ! If Mamma or Papa were here, you would not dare talk to me so/ The answer to this was a sharp box on the ear from Miss For tune s wet hand. Half stunned, less by >the blow than the tumult of feeling it roused, Ellen stood a moment, and then thro win down her towel, she ran out o the room, quivering with passion, and brushing off the soapy water left on her face as if it had been her aunt s very hand. Violent tears burst forth as soon as she reached her own room tears at first of anger and mortification only; but conscience presently began to whisper, "You are wrong ! you are wrong ! " and tears of sorrow mingled with the others. "Oh!" said Ellen, "why couldn t I keep still? when I had resolved so this morning why couldn t I be quiet? But she ought not to have provoked me so dreadfully 1 couldn t help it." "You are wrong," said conscience again, and her tears c ? p b flowed faster. And then came back her morning trouble the duty and the difficulty of forgi- j ving. Forgive her aunt Fortune ! I with her whole heart in a I passion of displeasure against her. Alas! Ellen began to feel and acknowledge that indeed all was wrong. But what to do? There was just one comfort, the visit to Miss Humphreys in the afternoon. "She will tell me," thought Ellen; "she will help me. But in the mean while ? " Ellen had not much time to think; her aunt called her down and set her to work. She was very busy till dinner-time, and very unhappy; but twenty times in the course of the morning did Ellen pause for a moment, and covering her face with her hands, ray that a heart to forgive might I e given her. As soon as possible after dinner, she made her escape to her room that she might prepare for her walk. Conscience was not quite easy that she was going without the knowledge of her aunt. She had debated the ques tion with herself, and could not make up her mind to hazard losing her visit. So she dressed herself very carefully. One of her dark meri- noes was affectionately put on; her single pair of white stock ings; shoes, ruffle, cape Ellen saw that all was faultlessly neat, just as her mother used to have it; and the nice blue hood lay upon the bed ready to be put on 144 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. the last thing, when she heard her aunt s voice calling "Ellen! come down and do your ironing right away, now ! the irons are hot." For one moment Ellen stood still in dismay; then slowly un dressed, dressed again, and went down stairs. "Come! you ve been an age," said Miss Fortune; "now make haste ; there ain t but a handful ; and I want to mop up." Ellen took courage again ironed away with right good will; and as there was really but a handful of things, she had soon done, even to taking off the iron ing blanket and putting up the irons. In the mean time she had changed her mind as to stealing off without leave; conscience was too strong for her; and, though with a beating heart, she told of Miss Humphrey s desire and her half engagement. "You may go where you like I am sure I do not care what you do with yourself," was Miss Fortune s reply. Full of delight at this ungra cious permission , Ellen fled up stairs, anddressingmuch quicker than before, was soon on her way. But at first she went rather sadly. In spite of all her good re solves and wishes, everything that day had gone wrong; and Ellen felt that the root of the evil was in her own heart. Some tears fell as she Avalked. Further from her aunt s house, however, her spirits began to rise ; her foot fell lighter cm the greensward. Hope and expectation quickened her I steps ; and when at length she passed the little wood-path, it was .almost on a run. Not very far be- |yond that, her glad eyes saw the house she was in quest of. It was a large white house ; not very white either, for its last dress of paint had grown old long ago. It stood close by the road, and the trees of the wood seemed to throng it round on every side. Ellen mounted the few steps that led to the front door, and knock ed; but as she could only just reach the high knocker, she was not likely to alarm anybody with the noise she made. After a great many little faint raps, which, if anybody heard them, might easi ly have been mistaken for the at tacks of some rat s teeth upon the wainscot, Ellen grew weary of her fruitless toil, and of standing on tiptoe, and resolved, though doubtfully, to go round the house and see if there was any other way of getting in. Turning the far corner, she saw a long, low out-building or shed, jutting out from the side of the house. On the further side of this, Ellen found an elderly woman, standing in front of the shed, which was there open and paved, and wring ing some clothes out of a tub of water. She was apleasant woman to look at, very trim and tidy, and a good-humoured eye and smile when she saw Ellen. Ellen made up to her, and asked for Miss Humphreys. " Why, where in the world did you coinefrom?" said the woman. THE 7yiDE, WIDE WORLD. 145 "I don t receive company at the back of the house." "I knocked at the front door till I was tired," said Ellen, smi ling in return. "Miss Alice must ha been a- sleep. Now, honey, you have come so far round to find me, will you go a little further and find Miss Alice? Just go round this corner, and keep straight along till you come to the glass- door there you ll find her. Stop! may be she s asleep; I may as well go along with you myself." She wrung the water from her hands and led the way. A little space of green grass stretched in front or the shed, and Ellen found it extended all along that side of the house like a very narrow lawn ; at the edge of it shot up the high forest-trees nothing between them and the house but the smooth grass, and a narrow, worn footpath. The quaintance," said Alice, smiling, and kissing her. "I began to think something was the matter, you tarried so late. We don t keep fashionable hours in the country, you know. But I m very glad to see you. Take off your things, and lay them on that settee by the door. You see I ve a settee for summer and a sofa for winter; for here I am, in this room, at all times of the year; and a very pleasant room I think it don t you?" e "Yes, indeed I do, Ma am," said Ellen, pulling off her last jlove. "Ah, but wait till you have ;aken tea with me half a dozen imes, and then see if you don t say it is pleasant. Nothing can be so pleasant that is quite new. But now come here and look out of this window or door, which ever you choose to call it. Do woods were now all brown stems, 1 7 OU see what a beautiful view I except here and there a superb I have ^ here? The wood was just hemlock and some scattered silver birches. But the grass was still green, and the last day of the Indian summer hung its soft veil over all; the foliage of the forest was hardly missed. They passed another hall door, opposite the one where Ellen had tried her as thick all along as it is on the right and left; I felt half smother ed to be so shut in, so I got my brother and Thomas to take axes and go to work there ; and many a large tree they cut down for me, till you see they opened a way through the woods, for the view {* J 1 , T vno wiicic j-^iiuii 11 a, u. iiiicvl iitJl o strength and patience upon the|f that beautiful stretch of knocker; a little further on they) country. I should grow melan- paused at the glass-door. Onej cnol y. if I tad that wall of trees step led to it. Ellen s conductress 1 Pressing on my vision all the looked in first through one of the! time; it always comforts me to panes, and then openingthe door, ! lk off? far away, to those distant motioned her to enter. blue hills." "Here you are, my new ac- "Aren t those the hills I was The Wide, Wide World. ^Q 146 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. looking at yesterday?" said Ellen. "From up on the mountain? the very same; this is part of the very same view, and a noble view it is. Every morning, Ellen, the sun, rising behind those hills, shines in through this door and lights up my room; and in winter he looks in at that south window, so I have him all the time. To be sure^ if I want to see him set, I must take a walk for it but that isn t unpleasant; and you know we cannot have everything at once." It was a very beautiful extent of woodland, meadow, and hill, that was seen picture -fashion through the gap cut in the forest; the wall of trees on each side ser ving as a frame to shut it in , and the descent of the mountain, from almost the edge of the lawn, being very rapid. The opening had been skilfully cut; the effect was remarkable, and very fine; the light on the picture being often quite different from that on the frame or on the hither side of the frame. "Now, Ellen," said Alice, turn ing from the window, "take a good look at my room. I want you to know it and feel at home in it; for Avhencver you can run away from your aunt s, this is your home do you under stand?" A smile was on each face. Ellen felt that she was understanding it very fast. "Here, next the door, you see, is my summer settee; and in sum mer it very often walks out of doors to accommodate people on the grass-plat. I have a great fancy for taking tea out of doors, Ellen, in warm weather; and if you do not mind a musquito or two, I shall always be happy to have your company. That door opens into the hall ; look out and see, for I want you to get the geography of the house. That odd-looking, lumbering, painted concern is my cabinet of curiosi ties. I tried my best to make the carpenterman at Thiiiwall under stand what sort of a thing I want ed, and did all but shoAv him how to make it; but, as the southerners say, he hasn t made it right, nohow! There I keep my dried ilowers, my minerals, and a very odd collection of cu rious things of all sorts that I am constantly picking up. I 11 shoAv you them some day, Ellen. Have you a fancy for curiosities?" "Yes, Ma am, I believe so." "Believe so! not more sure than that? Are you a lover of dead moths, and empty beetle- skins, and butterflies wings, and dry tufts of moss, and curious stones, and pieces of ribbon- grass, and strange birds nests? These are some of the things I used to delight in when I was about as old as you." "I don t know, Ma am," said Ellen ; " I never was where I could get them." "Weren t you? Poor child! Then you have been shut up to brick walls and paving-stones all your life?" THE WIDE, WIDE WOULD. 147 "Yes, Ma am, all my life." I "I have some pretty ones out " But nowyouhave seen a little yet , and shall have one or two in of the country don t you think the winter; but I can t keep a you shall like it better ? " I great many here ; I haven t room "Oh, a great deal better!" for them. I have hard work to "Ah, that s right. lam sure ; save these from the frost. There s you will. On that other side, you: a beautiful daphne that will be see, is my winter sofa. It s a very I out by-and-by, and make the comfortable resting-place , I can whole house sweet. But here, tell you , Ellen , as I have proved ; Ellen , on this side , between the by many a sweet nap ; and its ; windows , is my greatest treasure old chintz covers are very plea-j my precious books. All these santtome, for I remember them | are mine. Now, my dear, it is as far back as I remember any- 1 time to introduce you to my most thing." I excellent of easy-chairs the There was a sigh here; but: best things in the room, aren t Alice passed on, and opened a j they? Put yourself in that; now do you feel at home?" "Very much indeed, Ma am," said Ellen, laughing, as Alice placed her in the deep easy-chair. There were two things in the door near the end of the sofa. "Look in here, Ellen; this is my bedroom." "Oh, how lovely!" Ellen ex claimed. The carpet covered only the room that Alice had not mention- middle of the floor; the rest was ed; and while she mended the painted white. The furniture was fire , Ellen looked at them. One common, but neat as wax. Ample was the portrait of a gentleman, curtains of white dimity clothed grave and good-looking; this had the three windows , and lightly very little of her attention. The draped the bed. The toilet-table | other was the counter-portrait of was covered with snow- white mus- 1 a lady; a fine, dignified counte- lin, and by the toilet-cushion nance, that had a charm for Ellen, stood, late as it was, a glass of It hung over the fireplace in an flowers. Ellen thought it must be excellent light; and the mild eye, a pleasure to sleep there. [and somewhat of a peculiar ex- "This," said Alice, when they pression about the mouth, bore came out, "between my door and such a likeness to Alice, though the fireplace, is a cupboard. Here older, that Ellen had no doubt be cups and saucers, and so forth, whose it was. In that other corner beyond the Alice presently drew a chair fireplace you see my flower- close to Ellen s side, and kissed stand. Do you love flowers, her. Ellen?" "I trust, my child," she said, "I love them dearly, Miss |" that you feel better to-day than Alice." I you did yesterday?" 10* 148 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD, "Oh, I do, Ma am a great deal better," Ellen answered. " Thenlhope the reason is that you have returned to your duty, and are resolved not to be a Christian by-and-by, but to lead a Christian s life now?" " I have resolved so , Ma am I did resolve so last night and this morning ; but yet I have been doing nothing but wrong all to day." Alice was silent. Ellen s lips quivered for a moment, and then she went on " Oh, Ma am, how I have want ed to see you to-day to tell me what I should do ! I resolved and resolved this morning; and then, as soon as I gotdown-stairs, I be gan to have bad feelings towards Aunt Fortune, and I have been full of bad feelings all day 5 and I couldn t help it." "It will not do to say that we cannot help what is wrong, Ellen. What is the reason that you have bad feelings towards your aunt?" " She don t like me, Ma am." "But how happens that, Ellen? I am afraid you don t like her." "No, Ma am, I don t, to be sure; how can I?" "Why cannot you, Ellen?" "Oh, I can t, Ma am! I wish I could. But, oh! Ma am, I should have liked her I might have liked her, if she had been kind, but she never has. Even that first night I came she never kissed me nor said she was glad to see me." " That was failing in kindness, certainly; but is she unkind to you, Ellen?" "Oh, yes, Ma am, indeed she is. She talks to me , and talks to me, in a way that almost drives me out of my wits; and to-day she even struck me! She has no right to doit," said Ellen, firing with passion; "she has no rigid to ! and she has no right to talk as she does about Mamma. She did it to-day, and she has done it before. I can t bear it! and I can t bear/zer/ I can t Jearher!" "Hush, hush!" said Alice, drawing the excited child to her arms, for Ellen had risen from her seat "you must not talk so, Ellen; you are not feeling right now." "No, Ma am, I am not " said Ellen , coldly and sadly, ibhe sat a moment, and then turning to her companion, put both arms round her neck , and hid her face on her shoulder again ; and, with out raising it, she gave her the history of the morning. "What has brought about this dreadful state of things?" said Alice, after a few minutes." Whose fault is it, Ellen?" "I think it is Aunt Fortune s fault," said Ellen, raising her head; "I don t think it is mine. If she had behaved well to me, I should have behaved well to her. I meant to, I am sure." "Do you mean to say you do not think you have been in fault j at all in the matter?" " No , Ma am , I do not mean to say that. I have been very much in fault, very often I know that. I get very angry and vexed , and sometimes I say nothing, but THE "WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 149 sometimes I get out of all pa- earnest, the answer will come, tience, and say things I ought But there is something else you not. I did so to-day; but it is so can do, and must do, Ellen, be- very hard to keep still when I am sides praying, or praying may be in such a passion, and now I have in vain." got to feel so towards Aunt For- "What do you mean, Miss tune, that I don t like the sight Alice? of her ; I hate the very look of her "You acknowledge yourself in bonnet hanging up on the wall, fault; have you made all the I know it isn t right; and it makes amends you can? Have you, as me miserable ; and I can t help it, soon as you have seen yourself in for I grow worse and worse every the wrong, gone to your aunt day and what shall I do?" Fortune and acknowledged it, Ellen s tears came faster than and humbly asked her pardon?" her words. Ellen answered " Xo ," in a low "Ellen, my child," said Alice, voice. after a while, "there is but one " Then , my child , your duty is way. You know what I said to plain before you. The next thing you yesterday?" after doing wrong is to make all "I know it; but, dear Miss the amends in your power; con- Alice, in my reading this morning fess your fault, and ask forgive- I came to that verse that speaks ness, both of God and man. Pride about not being forgiven if we do struggles against it I see yours not forgive others ; and oh! how does; but, my child, God re- it troubles me! for I can t feel sisteth the proud, but giveth grace that I forgive Aunt Fortune; I unto the humble. " feel vexed whenever the thought Ellen burst into tears, and cried of her comes into my head ; and heartily. how can I behave right to her " Mind your own wrong doings, while I feel so?" my child, and you will not be " You are right there, my dear ; half so disposed to quarrel with you cannot, indeed. The heart those of other people. But, Ellen, must be set right before the life dear, if you will not humble your- can be." I self to this , you must not count "But what shall I do to set it upon an answer to your prayer, right?" j lf thou bring thy gift to the "Pray." I altar, and there rememberest that "Dear Miss Alice, I have been thy brother hath aught against praying all this morning that I thee what then? leave there might forgive Aunt Fortune, and thy gift before the altar; go first yet I cannot do it." and be reconciled to thy brother, "Pray still, my dear," said and then come. " Alice, pressing her closer in her "But it is so hard to forgive! " arms "pray still 5 if you are in sobbed Ellen. 150 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD-. "Hard? yes, it is hard when our hearts are so. But there is little love to Christ, and no just sense of his love to us, in the heart that finds it hard. Pride and selfishness make it hard; the heart full of love to the dear Saviour cannot lay up offences against itself." "I have said quite enough," said Alice, after a pause; "you know what you want, my dear Ellen , and what you ought to do. I shall leave you for a little while to change my dress, for I have been walking and riding all the morning. Make a good use of the time while I am gone." Ellen did make good use of the time. When Alice returned, she met her with another face than she had worn all that day, humbler and quieter; and flinging her arms around her, she said "I will ask Aunt Fortune s for giveness; I feel I can do it now." "And how about forqivinq. Ellen?" "I think God will help me to forgive her," said Ellen ; " I have asked him. At any rate I will ask her to forgive me. But oh ! Miss Alice , what would have become of me without you ! " "Don t lean upon me, dear Ellen ; remember you have a bet ter Friend than I always near you; trust in Him; if I have done you any good , don t forget it was He brought me to you yesterday afternoon." " There s just one thing that troubles me now," said Ellen, " Mamma s letter. I am thinking of it all the time ; I feel as if I should fly to get it!" "We ll see about that. Cannot you ask your aunt for it?" "I don t like to." "Take care, Ellen; there is some pride there vet." " Well , I will try," said Ellen ; "but sometimes, I know, she would not give it to me if I were to ask her. But I 11 try, if I can." "Well, now, to change the subject at what o clock did you dine to-day?" " I don t know, Ma am at the same time we always do, I be lieve." "And that is twelve o clock, isn t it?" " Yes, Ma am ; but I was so full of coming here and other things, that I couldn t eat." "Then I suppose you would have no objection to an early tea?" "No, Ma am whenever you please," said Ellen, laughing. "I shall please it pretty soon. I have had no dinner at all, to day, Ellen; I have been out and about all the morning, and had just taken a little nap when you came in. Come this way, and let me show you some of my house keeping." She led the way across the hall to the room on the opposite side; a large, well-appointed, and spot lessly neat kitchen. Ellen could not help exclaiming at its plea santness. " Why, yes I think it is. I have been in many a parlour that THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD, 151 I do not like as well. Beyond this is a lower kitchen, where Margery does all her rough work ; nothing comes up the steps that lead from that to this but the very nicest and daintiest of kitchen matters. Margery, is my father gone to Thirl wall?" "No, Miss Alice he s at Carra - carra Thomas heard him say he wouldn t be back early." "Well, I shall not wait for him. Margery, if you will put the kettle on and see to the fire, I ll make some of my cakes for tea." "I 11 do it, Miss Alice; it snot good for you to go so long with out eating." Alice now rolled up her sleeves above the elbows, and tying a large white apron before her, set about gathering the different things she wanted for her work . to Ellen s great amusement. A white moulding - board was placed upon a table as white and round it soon grouped the pail of flour, the plate of nice yellow butter, the bowl of cream, the sieve, tray, and sunclry_etce- teras. And then, first sifting some flour into the tray, Alice began to throw in the other things one after another, anc toss the whole about with a care lessness that looked as if al would go wrong, but with a con fidence that seemed to say al was going right. Ellen gazed ii comical wonderment. "Did you think cakes wen made without hands? " said Alice aughing at her look. "You saw ae wash mine before I began." " Oh ! I m not thinking of that," aid Ellen; "I am not afraid of four hands." "Did you never see your mo- her do this?" said Alice, who was now turning and rolling about the dough upon the board 11 a way that seemed to Ellen curious beyond expression. " No, never," she said. "Mamma never kept house, and I never saw anybody do it." "Then your aunt does not let you into the mysteries of bread ind butter making?" " Butter-making ! Oh," said El- ,en , with a sigh , " I have enough of that!" Alice now applied a smooth wooden roller to the cake with such quickness and skill, that the lump forthwith lay spread upon the board in a thin even layer, and she next cut into little round cakes with the edge of a tumbler. Half the board was covered with the nice little white things, which Ellen declared looked good enough to eat al ready; and she had quite for gotten all possible causes of vexation, past, prevent, or fu ture, when suddenly a large gray cat jumped upon the table, and coolly walking upon the mould ing-board, planted his paw di rectly in the middle of one of his mistress s cakes. "Take him off oh, Ellen!" cried Alice, "take him off! I can t touch him." But Ellen was a little afraid. 152 THE WIDE, WIDE WOULD. Alice then gently tried to shove puss off with her elbow; but he seemed to think that was very good fun, purred , whisked his great tail over Alice s bare arm, and rubbed his head against it, having evidently no notion that he was not just where he ought to be. Alice and Ellen were too much amused to try any violent method of relief, butMargery hap pily comingm, seizedpussinboth hands and set him on the floor. "Just look at the print of his paw in that cake," said Ellen. "He has set his mark on it, certainty. I think it is his now, by the right of possession if not the right of discovery." "I think he discovered the cakes too," said Ellen, laughing. "Why, yes. He shall have that one baked for his supper." "Does he like cakes?" "Indeed he does. CaptainPar- ry is very particular and delicate about his eating." "Cap tain Parry!" said Ellen, "is that his name?" "Yes," said Alice, laughing-, "I don t wonder you look asto nished, Ellen. I have had that cat five years , and when he was first given me, by my brother Jack, who was younger then than he is now, and had been reading Captain Parry s Voyages, gave him that name, and would have him called so. Oh, Jack!" said Alice, half laughing and half crying. Ellen wondered why. But she went to wash her hands, and when her face was again turned to Ellen , it was unruffled as ever. "Margery, my cakes arc ready," said she 5 "and Ellen and I are ready too." "Very well, Miss Alice the kettle is just going to boil; you shall have tea in a trice. I 11 do some eggs for you." " Something anything," said Alice. "I feel one cannot live without eating. Come, Ellen, you and I will go and set the tea- table." Ellen was very happy arran ging the cups and saucers and other things that Alice handed her from the cupboard; and when, a few minutes after, the tea and the cakes came in, and she and Alice were cozily seated at supper, poor Ellen hardly knew herself, in such a pleasant state of things. CHAPTER XVII. Difficulty of doing right. "ELLEN, dear," said Alice, as she poured out Ellen s second cup of tea, "haye we run through the list of your troubles?" "Oh, no, Miss Alice, indeed we haven t; but we have got through the worst." "Is the next one so bad it would spoil our supper?" "No," said Ellen, "it couldn t do that, but it s bad enough, though ; it s about my not going to school. Miss Alice, I pro mised myself I would learn so much while Mamma was away, and surprise her when she came back, and instead of that I am not learning anything. I don t mean not learning anything " said THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 153 Ellen, correcting herself; "but I can t do much. When I found Aunt Fortune wasn t going to .send me to school, I determined I would try to study by myself; and I have tried; but I can t get along." "Well, now, don t lay down your knife and fork and look so doleful," said Alice, smiling; "this is a matter I can help you in. What are you studying? " "Some things I can manage well enough," said Ellen "the easy things ; but I cannot under stand my arithmetic without some one to explain it to me: and French I can do nothing at all with , and that is what I wanted to learn most of all; and often I want to ask questions about my history." "Suppose," said Alice, "you go on studying by yourself as much and as well as you can, and bring your books up to me two or three times a week ; I will hear and explain and answer ques tions to your heart s content, un less you should be too hard for me. What do you say to that?" Ellen said nothing to it, but the colour that rushed to her cheeks the surprised look of delight were answer enough. "It will do, then," said Alice; "and I have no doubt we shall untie the knot of those arithme tical problems very soon. But, Ellen, my dear, I cannot help you in French, for I do not know it myself. What will you do about that?" "I don t know, Ma am; I am sorry." " So am I, for jour sake. I can help you in Latin, if that would be any comfort to you." "It wouldn t be much comfort to me," said Ellen, laughing; "Mamma wanted me to learn Latin, but I wanted to learn French a great deal more: I don t care about Latin except to please her." "Permit me to ask if you know English?" "Oh, yes, Ma am, I hope so; I knew that a great while ago." "Did you? I am very happy to make your acquaintance, then ; for the number of young ladies who do know English is, in my opinion, remarkably small. Are you sure of the fact, Ellen?" "Why, yes, Miss Alice." "Will you undertake to write me a note of two pages that shall not have one fault of grammar, nor one word spelt wrong, nor anything in it that is not good English? You may take for a subject the history of this after noon." "Yes, Ma am, if you wish it. I hope I can write a note that long without making mistakes." Alice smiled. "I will not stop to inquire," she said, "whether that long is Latin or French ; but Ellen , my dear, it is not English." Ellen blushed a little , though she laughed too. "I believe I have got into the way of saying that by hearing Aunt Fortune and Mr. Van Brunt 154 THE WIDE, WIDE "WORLD. say it; I don t think I ever did before I came here." "What are you so anxious to learn French for?" "Mamma knows it , and I have often heard her talk French with a great many people ; and papa and I always wanted to be able to talk it too ; and Mamma want ed me to learn it; she said there were a great many French books i ought to read." " "That last is true, no doubt. Ellen , I will make a bargain with ; you, if you will study English with me, I will study French with you." "Dear Miss Alice ," said Ellen, caressing her, "I ll do it with out that ; I 11 study anything you please." "Dear Ellen, I believe you would. But I should like to know it for my own sake ; we 11 study it together; we shall get along nicely, I have no doubt; we can learn to read it at least, and that is the main point." "But how shall we know what to call the words?" said Ellen, doubtfully. "That is a grave question," said Alice, smiling. "I am afraid we should hit upon a style of pronunciation that a Frenchman would make nothing of. I have it!" she exclaimed, clapping her hands; "where there s a will there s a way it always hap pens so. Ellen, I have an old friend upon the mountain who will give us exactly what we want, unless I am greatly mis taken. We ll go and see her; that is the very thing! my old friend Mrs. Yawse." "Mrs. Vawse ! " repeated Ellen; "not the grandmother of that Nancy Vawse ? " " The very same. Her name is not Vawse the country people call it so, and I, being one of the country people, have fallen into the way of it; but her real name is Vosier. She was born a Swiss, and brought up in a wealthy French family, as the personal attendant of a young lady, to whom she became ex ceedingly attached. This lady finally married an American gen tleman; and so great was Mrs. Vawse s love to her, that she left country and family to follow her here. In a few years her mistress died; she married; and since that time she has been tossed from trouble to trouble a perfect sea of troubles till now she is left like a wreck upon this moun tain top. A fine wreck she is! I go to see her very often, and next time I will call for you and we will propose our French plan ; nothing will please her better, I know. By the way, Ellen, are you as well versed in the other common branches of education as you are in your mother tongue ? " "What do you mean, Miss Alice?" "Geography, for instance; do you know it well?" "Yes, Ma am, I believe so; I am sure I have studied it till I am sick of it." "Can you give me the boun daries of Great Thibet or Peru?" THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 155 Ellen hesitated. "I had rather not try," she said "I am not sure. I can t remember those queer countries in Asia and South America, half so well as Europe and North America." "Do you know anything about the surface of the country in Italy or France the character and condition of the people what kind of climate they have, and what grows there most freely?" "Why, no, Ma am," saidEllen; " nobody ever taught me that." "Would you like to go over the atlas again, talking about all these matters, as well as the mere outlines of the countries you have studied before?" "Oh, yes, dearly!" exclaimed Ellen. "Well, I think we mav let Margery have the tea-things. But here is Captain s cake." "Oh, may I give him his sup per?" said Ellen. " Certainly. You must carve it for him; you know I told you he is very particular. Give him some of the egg, too he likes that. Now, where is the Cap tain?" Not far off; for scarcely had Alice opened the door and called him once or twice, when, with a queer little note of answer, he came hurriedly trotting in. "He generally has his supper .in the outer kitchen," said Alice "but I grant him leave to have it here to-night, as a particular honour to him and you." "How handsome he is! and how large ! " said Ellen. "Yes, he is very handsome; and more than that, he is very sensible for a cat. Do you see how prettily his paws are marked? Jack used to say he had white gloves on." "And white boots, too," said Ellen. "No, only one leg is white; pussy s boots aren t mates. Is he good-natured?" "Very if you don t meddle with him." "I don t call that being good- natured," said Ellen, laughing. "Nor I; but truth obliges me to say, the Captain does not per mit anybody to take liberties with him. He is a character, Captain Parry. Come out on the lawn, Ellen, and we will let Margery clear away." "What a pleasant face Mar gery has!" said Ellen, as the door closed behind them; "and what a pleasant way she has of speaking! I like to hear her; the words come out so clear, and I don t know how, but not like other people." "You have a quick ear, Ellen; you are very right. Margery had lived too long in England before she came here to lose her trick of speech afterwards. But Tho- ! mas speaks as thick as a Yankee, I and always did." "Then Margery is English?" said Ellen. "To be sure. She came over with us twelve years ago for the pure love of my father and mo ther; and I believe now she 156 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. looks upon John and me as her On the extreme edge , and at the own children. I think she could lower end of it, was fixed a rude scarcely love us more if we bench, well sheltered by the were so in truth. Thomas you towering forest trees. Here Alice haven t seen Thomas yet, have and Ellen sat down. you?" It was near sunset; the air cool "No." sand sweet; the evening light "He is an excellent good man upon field and sky. in his way, and as faithful as the "How fair it is!" said Alice, day is long but he isn t equal musingly "how fair and lovely! to his wife. Perhaps I am partial; Look at those long shadows of Margery came to America for the the mountains, Ellen; and how love of us, and Thomas came for bright the light is on the far hills ! the love of Margery there s a It won t be so long. A little while difference." i more, and our Indian summer will "But, Miss Alice!" be over and then the clouds, " What , Miss Ellen ? " I the frost , and the wind , and the " You said Margery came over snow. Well let them come." "I wish they wouldn t, "Yes; is that what makes you sure ," said Ellen. "I arn sorry look so astonished? " enough they are coming." "But then you are English, "Why? all seasons have their too?" pleasures. I am not sorry at all ; " Well, what of that? you won t I like the cold very much." love me the less, will you?" "I guess you wouldn t, Miss "Oh, no," said Ellen, "my own 1 Alice, if you had to wash every mother came from Scotland, Aunt morning where I do?" Fortune says." "I am English born, Ellen, but you may count me half American, if you like, for I have spent rather more than half my life here. Come this way, Ellen, and I 11 "Why, where is that?" "Down at the spout." "At the spout what is that, pray?" "The spout of water, Ma am, just down a little way from the show you my garden. It is some I kitchen door. The water comes distance off, but as near as a spot | in a little, long, very long trough could be found fit for it." from a spring at the back of the They quitted the house by a pig-field; and at the end of the little steep path leading down j trough, where it pours out, is the the mountain, which in two or spout." three minutes brought them to a "Have you no conveniences for clear bit of ground. It was not washing in your room?" large, but lying very prettily "Not a sign of such a thing, among the trees, with an open, Ma am. I have washed at the view to the east and south- east, j spout ever since I have been THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 157 here," said Ellen, laughing in spite of her vexation. "And do the pigs share the water with you?" "The pigs! Oh, no, Ma am; the trough is raised up from the ground on little heaps of stones; they can t get at the water, unless they drink at the spring , and I don t think they do that, so many big stones stand around it." "Well, Ellen, I must say that is rather uncomfortable, even without any danger of four-footed ! society." " It isn t so bad just now," said Ellen, "in this warm weather; but in that cold time we had a week or two back do you re member, Miss Alice? just be fore the Indian summer began? oh, how disagreeable it was! Early in the morning, you know ; the sun scarcely up, and the cold wind blowing my hair and my clothes all about; and then that board before the spout that I have to stand on , is always kept wet by the spattering of the water, and it s muddy besides, and very slippery there s a kind of green stuff comes upon it ; and I can t stoop down for fear of muddying myself; I have to tuck my clothes round me and bend over as well as I can, and fetch up a little water to my face in the hollow of my hand, and of course I have to do that a great many times before I get enough. I can t help laughing," said Ellen; "but it isn t a laughing matter, for all that." "So you wash your face in your hands , and have no pitcher but a long wooden trough? Poor child! I am sorry for you; I think you must have some other way of managing before the snow comes." " The water is bitter cold al ready," said Ellen; "it s the coldest waterl ever saw. Mamma gave me a nice dressing-box be fore I came away, but I found very soon this was a queer place for a dressing-box to come to. Why, Miss Alice, if I take out my brush or comb, I haven t any table to lay them on but one that s too high, and my poor dressing-box has to stay on the floor. And I haven t a sign of a bureau all my things are tumbling about in my trunk." "I think if I were in your place I would not permit that, at any rate," said Alice; "if my things were confined to my trunk, I would have them keep good order there, at least." "Well, so they do," said El len "pretty good order; I didn t mean tumbling about ex actly." "Always try to say what you mean exactly. "But now, Ellen, love, do you know I must send you away? Do you see, the sunlight has quitted those distant hills, and it will be quite gone soon. You musthasten home." Ellen made no answer. Alice had taken her on her lap again, and she was nestling there with her friend s arms wrapped around 158 THE WIDE, WIDE WOULD. her. Both were quite still for a! Learn more of Christ, our dear minute. Saviour, and you can t help but "Next week, if nothing hap- be happy. Never fancy you are pens, we will begin to be busy helpless and friendless while you with our books. You shall come; have him to go to. Whenever to me Tuesday and Friday, and you feel wearied and sorry, flee all the other days you must study j to the shadow of that great rock as hard as you can at home ; for I am very particular, I forewarn you "But suppose Aunt Fortune should not let me come? Ellen , without stirring. will you? and do you under stand me?" "Yes, Ma am yes, Ma am," said Ellen, as she lifted her lips "Oh, she will. You need not speak about it; I 11 come down \ and ask her myself, and nobody .ever refuses me anything." "I shouldn t think they would," said Ellen. said to kiss her friend. Alice heartily returned the kiss, and pressing Ellen in her arms , said "Now, Ellen, dear, you. must go*, I dare not keep you any longer. It will be too late now, I fear, before you reach home." Quick they mounted the little "Then, don t you set the first path again, and soon were at the example," said Alice, laughing, house; and Ellen was putting on "I ask you to be cheerful and her things. happy, and grow wiser and better every day." "Next Tuesday, remember but before that, Sunday you "How early?" " Oh, as early as you please Dear Miss Alice, how can I are to spend Sunday with me; promise that ? " come_bright and early." "Dear Ellen, it is very easy. There is One who has promised to hear and answer you when [before breakfast and our Sun- you cry to him ; he will make you ! day morning breakfasts aren t in his own likeness again ; and to late, Ellen ; we have to set off be- know and love him and not be times to go to church." happy is impossible. Thatblessed Kisses and good-byes; and Saviour ! " said Alice " oh ! I then Ellen was running down the what should you andl do without road at a great rate ; for twilight him, Ellen? as rivers of waters was beginning to gather, and she in a dry place; as the shadow of had a good way to go. a great rock in a weary land ; She ran till out of breath ; then walked awhile to gather breath ; then ran again, Running down hill is a pretty quick way of tra- how beautiful how true! how often I think of that!" Ellen was silent, though enter ing into the feeling of the words. "Remember Him, dear Ellen; remember your best Friend. veiling; so before very long she saw her aunt s house at a dis tance. She walked now. She had THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 159 good-humoured when she had that handkerchief on." She returned to the kitchen im mediately. Her aunt was busied in washing and wiping the dishes. "I have come home rather late," said Ellen, pleasantly; "shalll help you, Aunt Fortune?" Her aunt cast a look at her. "Yes, you may help me. Go and put on a pair of white gloves, and a silk apron , and then you 11 be ready." Ellen looked down at herself. " Oh, my merino ! I forgot about that. I 11 go and change it." Miss Fortune said nothing, and Ellen went. When she came back, the sav^and then, nowever shetakes | thin gs were all wiped ; and as she it, I shall have the comfort of w ^s about to put some of them knowing I have done right." away, her aunt took them out of "But," said conscience, "you! her hands, bidding her "go and must not say it stiffly and proud- slt down ! ly; you must say it humbly , and ^ llen obeyed, and was mute; as if you really felt and meant it." while MissFortune dashed round said Ellen. wlth a display of energ there come all the way in good spirits, though with a sense upon her mind of something disagreeable to come ; when she saw the house, this disagreeable something swal lowed up all her thoughts, and she walked leisurely on, ponder ing what she had to do, and what she was like to meet with in the doing of it. "If Aunt Fortune should be in a bad humour and say some thing to vex me but I 11 not be vexed. But it will be very hard to help it ; but I will not be vexed ; - I have done wrong, and I 11 tell her so, and ask her to forgive me ; it will be hard but I 11 do it I 11 say what I ought to her head , spoke displeasure. ! to . night? w ~ hy didn>t you "She isn t in a good mood, "j at Mr Humphreys ?" said Ellen, as she went upstairs "M ss Alice didn t ask me." to leave her bonnet and cape "That means, I suppose, that there ; " I never knew her to be . you would if she had?" 160 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. "I don t know, Ma am; Miss Alice wouldn t have asked me to do anything that wasn t right." "Oh, no! of course not! Miss Alice is a piece of perfec tion; everybody says so; and I suppose you d sing the same time. It will be better to go to bed now, and ask Aunt Fortune s pardon to-morrow." But con science said, "First be reconciled to thy brother." Miss Fortune came down stairs presently. But before Ellen could song, who haven t seen her three | get any words out, her aunt pre- times." ,--,-*-^/i u~ "Indeed I would," saidEllen; "I could have told that in one seeing. I d do anything in the world for Miss Alice." "Ay I daresay that s the way of it. You can show not one bit of goodness or pleasantness to the person that does the most | for you, and has all the care of you but the first stranger that comes along, you can be all honey to them, and make yourself out too good for common folks, and go and tell great tales how you are used at home, I suppose. I am sick of it!" said Miss For tune, setting up the hand-irons, and throwing the tongs and shovel into the corner in a way vented her. "Come, light your candle and be off I want you out of the way; I can t do anything with half a dozen people about." Ellen rose. "I want to say something to you first, Aunt For tune." " Say it, and be quick ; Ihaven t time to stand talking." "Aunt Fortune," said Ellen, stumbling over her words "1 want to tell you that I knowl was wrong this morning, and I am sorry, and I hope you ll forgive me." A kind of indignant laugh es caped from Miss Fortune s lips. "It s easy talking; I d rather have acting. I d rather see people that made the iron ring again, j mend their ways than stand "One might as good be a step- and make speeches about them, mother at once, and done \vith it! Being sorry don t help the matter Come, mother, it s time for you much." to go to bed." The old lady rose with the meekness of habitual submis sion, and went tip-stairs with her daughter. Ellen had time to be think herself while they were and resolved to lose no gone, an resove to ose no umpn time when her aunt came back once." "But I will try not to do so any more," saidEllen. "When I see you don t, I shall begin to think there is something in it. Actions speak louder than words. I don t believe in this into goodness all at in doing what she had to do. She would fain have persuaded her self to put it off. "It is late," she said to herself; "it isn t a good " Well, I will try not to, at any rate," said Ellen, sighing. "I shall be very glad to see it. What has brought you into this THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 161 sudden fit of dutifulness and fine ! should like him to know it for talking?" once." "Miss Alice told me I ought to j Ellen struggled hard with her- ask your pardon for what I had i self before she could speak; Miss done wrong," said Ellen, scarce i Fortune s lips began to wear a able to keep from crying; " and j scornful smile. I know I did wrong this morning, | "I 11 tell him! " said Ellen, at and I did wrong the other day! length; "I 11 tell him I was about the letter; and I am sorry, whether you believe it or no." wrong, if you wish me to." "I do wish it. I like people s eyes to be opened. It 11 do him Miss Alice told you, did she? So all this is to please Miss Alice. I suppose you were afraid your friend Miss Alice would hear of some of your goings on, and thought you had better make up with me. Is that it?" Ellen answered, "No, Ma am," in a low tone, but had no voice to say more. "I wish Miss Alice would look after her own affairs, and let other people s houses alone. That s always the way with your pieces of perfection they re eternally finding out something that isn t as it ought to be among their j said Ellen, timidly, neighbours. I think people that "Oh, I can t be bothered to don t set up for being quite such look for it now; I 11 see about it great things, get along quite as some other time; takeyour candle well in the world." and go to bed now, if you have Ellen was strongly tempted to j nothing more to say." good, I guess, and you too. Now, have you anything more to say?" Ellen hesitated; the colour came and went; she knew it wasn t a good time, but how could she wait? "Aunt Fortune," she said, "you know I told you I behaved very ill about that letter won t you forgive me?" "Forgive you? yes, child; I don t care anything about it." "Then will you be so good as to let me have my letter again?" reply, but kept her lips shut. Ellentook her candle and went. >ply, i "I 11 tell you what," said Miss I Some tears were wrung from her Fortune "If you want me to by hurt feeling and disappoint- believe that all this talk means |ment; but she had the smile of something, I ll tell you what! conscience, and, as she believed, you shall do you shall just tell ! of Him whose witness conscience Mr. Van Brunt to-morrow about: is. She remembered that "great it all, and how ugly you have rock in a weary land," and she been these two days , and let him went to sleep in the shadow of it. know you were wrong and I was The next day was Saturday, right. I believe he thinks you! Ellen was up early; and after cannot do anything wrong, and I ! carefully performing her toilet The Wide, Wide World, H 162 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. duties, she had a nice long hour before it was time to go down stairs. The use she made of thi hour had fitted her to do cheer fully and well her morning work and Ellen would have sat dowr to breakfast in excellent spirits iJ it had not been for her promised disclosure to Mr. Van Brunt. 11 vexed her a little. "ItoldAunl Fortune that was all right; bu1 why I should be obliged to tell Mr. Van Brunt, I don t know. Bu1 if it convinces Aunt Fortune thai I am in earnest, and mean what I say then I had better." Mr. Van Brunt looked uncom monly grave, she thought; her aunt uncommonly satisfied. Ellen had more than half a guess at the reason of both ; but make up her mind to speak she could not, during all breakfast time. She ate, without knowing what she was eating. Mr. Van Brunt at length having finished his meal, without saying a syllable, arose, and was about to go forth, when Miss Fortune stopped him. "Wait a minute, Mr. Van Brunt," she said; "Ellen has something to say to you. Go ahead, Ellen." Ellen felt rather than saw the smile with which these words were spoken. She crimsoned and hesitated. " Ellen and I had some trouble yesterday," said Miss Fortune; "and she wants to tell you about it." Mr. Van Brunt stood gravely waiting. Ellen raised her eyes, which were full, to his face. " Mr. Van Brunt," she said, "Aunt Fortune wants me to tell you what I told her last night that I know I behaved as I ought not to her yesterday, and the day before, and other times." " And what made you do that ? " said Mr. Van Brunt. " Tell him," said Miss Fortune, colouring , "that you were in the wrong, and I was in the right then he 11 believe it, I suppose." "I was wrong," said Ellen. "And I was right," said Miss Fortune. Ellen was silent. Mr. Van Brunt looked from one to the other. "Speak," said Miss Fortune; "tell him the whole , if you mean what you say." "I can t," said Ellen. "Why, you said you were wrong," said Miss Fortune; "that s only half of the business ; if you were wrong , I was right ; why don t you say so, and not make such a shilly-shally piece of work of it?" "I said I was wrong," said Ellen "and so I was; but I never said you were right, Aunt Fortune , and I don t think so." These words, though moderate- y spoken, were enough to put Miss Fortune in a rage. "What did I do that was wrong?" she said; "come, I should like to knoAV. What was t, Ellen? Out with it; say everything you can think of; stop and hear it, Mr. Van Brunt; ome, Ellen: let s hear the whole!" THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 163 "Thank you, Ma am, I ve heerd quite enough," said that gentleman, as he went out and closed the door. "And I have said too much," said Ellen. "Pray forgive me, Aunt Fortune. I shouldn t have said that if you hadn t pressed me so ; I forgot myself a moment. I am sorry I said that." "Forgot yourself!" said Miss Fortune; "I wish you d forgot herself. "It serves me right; I oughtn t to have got in a passion ; oh! I have got a lesson this time ! " CHAPTER XVIII. Loses care on the cat s back. THE Sunday with Alice met all Ellen s hopes. She wrote a very long letter to her mother, giving the full history of the day. How pleasantly they had ridden to yourself out of my house. Please church on the pretty gray pony to forget the place where I am for she half the way and Alice t ay the to-day, anyhow; I ve got enough | other half, talking to each other of you for one while. You had j all the while ; for Mr. Humphreys better go to Miss Alice and get had ridden on before. How lovely a new lesson, and tell her you are! the road was, "winding about coming on finely." Gladly would Ellen, indeed, round the mountain, up and down," and with such a wide fair i / / r* it j - _ i _ have gone to Miss Alice, but as | view, and "part of the time close the next day was Sunday, she! along by the edge of the water." thought it best to wait. She went I This had been Ellen s first ride sorrowfully to her own room, on horseback. Then the letter "Why couldn t I be quiet?" said described the little Carra-carra Ellen. "If I had only held my church Mr. Humphreys excel- tongue that unfortunate minute ! i lent sermon, "every word of what possessed me to say that?" which she could understand;" Strong passion strong pride both long unbroken; and Ellen had yet to learn that many a prayer and many a tear, much watchfulness, much help from on high, must be hers before she could be thoroughly dispossessed of these evil spirits, her sickness; But she Alice s Sunday-school, in which she was sole teacher; and how Ellen had four little ones put under lier care; and told how, while Mr. Humphreys went on to hold a second service at a village some six miles off, his daughter ministered to two infirm old applied to the Physician; she v, as in a fair way to be well. (MI(! thought in her solitary room that day drew streams of tears down Ellen s cheeks. "My letter! my letter! what shall I do to get you?" : she said to sEe~~ had j women at Carra-carra reading and explaining the Bible to the one and to the other, who was blind, repeating the whole sub stance of her father s sermon. "Miss Alice told me that nobody could enjoy , sermon better than that old woman, but she cannot 11* 164 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. go out, and every Sunday Miss Alice goes and preaches to her, she says." How Ellen went home in the boat with Thomas and Margery, and spent the rest of the day and the night also at the parsonage; and how polite and kind Mr. Humphreys had been. " He s a very grave-looking man, indeed," said the letter, "and not a bit like Miss Alice ; he is a great deal older than I expected." This letter was much the longest Ellen had ever written in her life ; but she had set her heart on having her mother s sympathy in her new pleasures, though not to be had but after the lapse of many weeks, and beyond a sad interval of land and sea. Still she must have it; and her little fingers travelled busily over the paper hour after hour, as she found time, till the long epistle was finished. She was hard at work at it Tuesday afternoon when her aunt called her down; and obeying the call, to her great surprise and delight she found Alice seated in the chimney- corner and chatting away with her old grandmother, who looked remarkably pleased. Miss For tune was bustling round, as usual, looking at nobody, though put ting in her word now and then. "Come, Ellen," said Alice, "get your bonnet; I am going up the mountain to see Mrs. Vawse, and your aunt has given leave for you to go with me. Wrap your self up well, for it is not warm." Without waiting for a word of answer , Ellen j oy fully ran off, "You have chosen rather an ugly day for your walk, Miss Alice." "Can t expect pretty days in December, Miss Fortune. lam only too happy it doesn t storm; it will by to-morrow, I think. But I have learned not to mind weathers." "Yes, I know you have," said Miss Fortune. "You 11 stop up on the mountain till supper-time, I guess won t you ? " "Oh, yes; I shall want some thing to fortify me before coming home after such a long tramp. You see I have brought a basket with me. I thought it safest to take a loaf of bread with me , for no one can tell what may be in Mrs. Vawse s cupboard, and to lose our supper is not a thing to be thought of." "Well, have you looked dut for butter, too? for you ll find none where you re going. I don t know how the old lady lives up there , but it s without butter, I reckon." "I have taken care of that, too, thank you, Miss Fortune. You see I m a far-sighted creature." "Ellen," said her aunt, as Ellen now, cloaked and hooded, came in, "go into the buttery and fetch out one of them pump kin pies to put in Miss Alice s basket." J Thank you, Miss Fortune," said Alice, smiling; "I shall tell Mrs. Vawse who it comes from. Now, my dear, let s be off; we have a long walk before us." Ellen was quite ready to be off, THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 165 Miss Fortune had said, an ugly afternoon. The clouds hung cold and gray, and the air had a raw chill feeling, that betokened a coming snow. The wind blew But no soonerhad she opened the outer shed door than her voice was heard in astonishment. "A cat! What cat is this? Miss Alice ! look here ! here s the Captain, I do believe." j strong, too, and seemed to carry "Here is the Captain, indeed," j the dullness through all manner said Alice. "Oh, pussy, pussy, of wrappers. Alice and Ellen, what have you come for?" j however, did not much care for Pussy walked up to his mistress, it ; they walked and ran by turns, and strokinghimself and his great j only stopping once in a while, tail against her dress, seemed to when poor Captain s u say that he had come for her sake, and that it made no difference to him where she was going. uneasy cry warned them they had left him too far behind. Still he would not submit to be carried, but jumped "He was sitting as gravely as down whenever Alice attempted possible," said Ellen, "on the i it, and trotted on most perseve- stone just outside the door, jringly. As they neared the foot waiting for the door to be opened, j of the mountain, they were some what sheltered from the wind, How could he have come here?" "Why, he has followed me," said Alice; "he often does; but I came quick, and I thought I had left him at home to-day. This is too long an expedition for him. Kitty, I wish you had stayed at home." Kitty did not think so ; he was and could afford to walk more slowly. "How is it between you and your aunt Fortune now?" said Alice. "Oh, we don t get on well at all. Miss Alice, and I don t know exactly what to do. You know arching his neck and purring in 1 1 said I would ask her pardon, acknowledgment of Alice s soft Well, I did, that same night touch. "Can t you send him back?" said Ellen. "No, my dear; he is the most after I got home , but it was very disagreeable. She didn t seem to believe I was in earnest, and wanted me to tell Mr. Van Brunt sensible of cats, no doubt, but that I had been wrong. I thought he could by no means understand I that was rather hard ; but at any such an order. No , we must let rate I said I would ; and next him trot on after us , and when morning I did tell him so ; and I he gets tired I ll carry him; it believe all would have done well won t be the first time, by a good if I could only have been quiet; many." but Aunt Fortune said something They set off with a quick pace, that vexed me, and almost before which the weather forbade them j I knew it I said something that to slacken, It was somewhat as | vexed her dreadfully. It. was 166 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. nothing very bad, Miss Alice, | be, is not a very happy person, though I ought not to have said j and no one can tell but those it, and I was sorry two minutes j that are unhappy how hard it is after; but I just got provoked, [not to be unamiable too. Return and what shall I do? for it is so j good for evil as fast as you can, hard to prevent it." " The only thing I know," said Alice , with a slight smile , "is to be full of that charity which among other lovely ;ways of show ing itself, has this that it is not easily provoked. " "I am easily provoked," said Ellen. "Then you know one thing, at any rate, that is to be watched and prayed and guarded against ; it is no little matter to be ac quainted with one s own weak points." "I tried so hard to keep quiet that morning," said Ellen; "and if I only could have let that un lucky speech alone but some how I forgot myself, and I just told her what I thought," "Which it is very often best not to do." "I do believe," said Ellen, and you will soon either have no thing to complain of or be very well able to bear it." They now began to go up the mountain, and the patl in places steep and became rugged enough. " There is an easier way on the other side," said Alice, "but this is the nearest for us." Captain Parrv now showed signs of being decidedly weary, and permitted Alice to take him up. But he presently mounted from her arms to her shoulder, and to Ellen s great amusement, kept his place there , passing from one shoulder to the other, and every now and then sticking his nose up into her bonnet as if to kiss her. "What does he do that for?" said Ellen. "Because he loves me, and is pleased," said Alice. "Put your "Aunt Fortune would like to have j ear close, Ellen, and hear the Mr. Van Brunt not like me." quiet way he is purring to himself said Alice, "what do you hear? That s his way; "Well," then?" "Nothing, I suppose, Ma am." "I hope you are not going to lay it up against her?" " No, Ma am , I hope not." "Take care, dear Ellen don t take up the trade of suspecting evil;youcouldnottakeupaworse; and even when it is forced upon you, see as little of it as you can, he very seldom purrs aloud. "He s a very funny cat," said Ellen, laughing. "Cat!" said Alice; "there isn t such a cat as this to be seen. He s a cat to be respected, my old Captain Parry. Ho s not to be laughed at, Ellen, I can tell you." The travellers went on with good will; but the path was so and forget as soon as you can steep, and the way so long, that what you see. Your aunt, it may j when about half-way up the THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD, 167 mountain they were fain to fol- and our little river of ice. What low the example of their four- pleasant sleigh-rides to church I footed companion, and rest them- 1 have had upon that river ! And selves. They sat down on the | then the evergreens look at ground. They had warmed them- 1 them ; you don t know in summer selves with walking, but the wea- ] how much they are worth. Wait ther was as chill and disagreeable j till you see the hemlock branches and gusty as ever; every now I bending with a weight of snow, and then the wind came sweeping j and then, if you don t say the by, catching up the dried leaves I winter is beautiful , I ll give you up as a young lady of bad taste." " " at their feet, and whirling and scattering them off to a distance winter s warning voice. "I never was in the country I dare say I shall," saidEllen; "I am sure I shall like what you like. But, Miss Alice, what makes before when the leaves were off j the leaves fall when the cold wea- the trees," said Ellen. " It isn t so ther comes? " pretty, Miss Alice ; do you think so?" "So pretty! No, I suppose not, if we were to have it all the while ; but I like the change very much." "Do you like to see the leaves off the trees?" "Yes, in the time of it. There s a beauty in the leafless trees that you cannot see in summer. Just look, Ellen no, I cannot find you a nice specimen here, they grow too thick; but where they have room, the way the branches "A very pretty question, Ellen, and one that can t be answered in a breath." "I asked Aunt Fortune other day," said Ellen, lau very heartily, "and she told me to hush up and not be a fool; and I told her I really wanted to know, and she said she wouldn t make herself a simpleton if she was in my place ; so I thought I might as well be quiet." "By the time the cold weather comes, Ellen, the leaves have done their work, and are no more spread and ramify, or branch out I needed. Do you know what work again , is most beautiful. There s they have to do? do you know first the trunk, then the large what is the use of leaves?" branches, then those divide into | "Why, for prettiness, I sup- smaller ones, and those part 1 pose," said Ellen, "and to give and part again into smaller and ; shade ; I don t know anything smaller twigs, till you are cano-jelse." pied, as it were, with a network j "Shade is one of their uses, no of fine stems. And when the snow j doubt, and prettiness too. He falls gently on them oh , Ellen, ! who made the trees, made them winter has its own beauties. I love [ pleasant to the eyes, as well as it all: the cold, and the wind, |* good for food. So we have an and the snow, and the bare forests, ; infinite variety of leaves; one 168 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. shape would have done the work just as well for every kind of tree, but then we should have lost a great deal of pleasure. But, Ellen, the tree could not live without leaves. In the spring, the thin sap which the roots suck up from the ground is drawn into the leaves; there, by the help of the sun and air, it is thickened and prepared in a way you cannot understand, and goes back to supply the wood with the various matters necessary for its growth and hardness. After this has gone on some time, the little ves sels of the leaves become clogged and stopped up with earthy and other matter; they cease to do their work any longer; the hot sundries them up more and more, and by the time the frost comes they are as good as dead. That finishes them, and they drop ofl from the branch that needs them no more, this?" Do you understand all "Yes, Ma am, very well," said Ellen; "and it s exactly what I wanted to know, and very curious. So the trees couldn t live without leaves?" "No more than you could with out a heart and lungs." "I am very glad to know that," said Ellen. " Then how is it with the evergreens, Miss Alice? Why don t their leaves die and drop off too?" "They do; lookhowthe ground is carpeted under that pine-tree." "But they stay green all winter, don t they?" " Yes ; their leaves are fitted to resist frost; I don t know what the people in cold countries would do else. They have the fate of all other leaves, however; they live awhile , do their work , and then die; not all at once, though; there is always a supply left on the tree. Are we rested enough to begin again?" "I am," said Ellen; "I don t know about the Captain. Poor fellow! he s fast asleep. I de clare it s too bad to wake you up, pussy. Haven t we had a pi sant little rest, Miss Alice? I h learnt something while we have been sitting here." ^That is pleasant, Ellen," said Alice, as they began their up ward march; "I would I might be all the while learning something." lea- ave But you have been teaching, Miss Alice, and that s as good. Mamma used to say, It is more blessed to give than to receive. " " Thank you, Ellen," said Alice, smiling; "that ought to satisfy me, certainly." They bent themselves against the steep hill again, and pressed on. As they rose higher, they felt it grow more cold and bleak ; the woods gave them less shelter, and the wind swept round the mountain head arid over them with great force, making their way quite difficult. "Courage, Ellen!" said Alice, as they struggled on; "we shall soon be there." "I wonder," said the panting Ellen, as, making an effort, she came up alongside of Alice, U I THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 169 wonder why Mrs. Yawse will live in such a disagreeable place." "It is not disagreeable to her, Ellen ; though I must say I should not like to have too much of this wind." "But does she really like to live up here better than down be low, where it is warmer? and all alone, too." "Yes, she does. Ask her why, Ellen, and see what she will tell you. She likes it so much better, made so it would be a great relief to them." The odd roof Ellen thought was pretty. But they now reach ed the door, protected with a deep porch. Alice entered , and knocked at the other door. They were bade to come in. A woman was there stepping briskly back and forth before a large spinning- wheel. She half turned her head to see who the comers were, then stopped her wheel instantly, and she followed to this country." "Well, "said Ellen," she n she must have a queer taste that is all I can say. They were now witlyn a few easy steps of the house, which did not look so uncomfortable when arms. that this little cottage was built j came to meet them with open onpurpose for her, near ten years ago, by a good old friend of hers, a connexion of the lady whom " Miss Alice ! Dear Miss Alice, how glad I am to see you ! " "And I you, dear Mrs. Vawse," said Alice , kissing her. " Here s another friend you must welcome for my sake little Ellen Mont gomery." "I am very glad to see Miss Ellen ," said the old woman , kiss- they came close to it. It was small; ing her also; and Ellen did not and low, of only one story, though shrink from the kiss , so pleasant it is true the roof ran up very were the lips that tendered it; so steep to a high and sharp gable, kind and frank the smile, so win- It was perched so snugly, in ajriing the eye; so agreeable the niche of the hill, that the little; whole air of the person. She turn- yard was completely sheltered ; ed from Ellen again to Miss Alice. with a high wall of rock. Thej "It s a long while that I nave house itself stood out more bold-! not seen you, dear not since ly, and caught pretty well near you went to Mrs. Marshman s. all the winds that blew; but so,! And what a day you have chosen Alice informed Ellen, the inmate , to come at last! " liked to have it. " I can t help that ," said Alice, "And that roof ," said Alice, pulling off her bonnet, "I "she begged Mr. Marshman, ; couldn t wait any longer. I want- when the cottage was building, ed to see you dolefully, Mrs. that the roof might be high and j Vawse." pointed; she said her eyes were! "Why, my dear? what s the tired with the low roofs of this matter? I have wanted to see you, country, and if he would have it \ but not dolefully." 170 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. "That s the very thing, Mrs.j Vawse; I wanted to see you, to get a lesson of quiet content- 1 nient." "I never thought you wanted: such a lesson, Miss Alice. What s j the matter?" "I can t get over John s going! away." Her lip trembled and her eye was swimming as she said so. The old woman passed her hands over the gentle head, and kissed her brow. " So I thought so I felt, when my mistress died, and my hus band , and my sons, one after the other. But now I think I can say, with Paul, I have learned, in whatsoever state I am , therewith to be content. I think so may be that I deceive myself; but they are all gone, and I am certain that I am content now." "Then surely I ought to be," said Alice. "It is not till one loses one s hold of other things, and looks to Jesus alone, that one finds how much he can do. There is a friend that sticketh closer than a bro ther; but I never knew all that meant till I had no other friends to lean upon; nay, I should not say no other friends ; but my dearest were taken away. You have your dearest still, Miss Alice." "Two of them," said Alice, faintly, "and hardly that, now." "I have not one," said the old woman, "I have not one; but my home is in heaven , and my Saviour is there, preparing a place for me. I know it I am sure of it and I can wait a little while, and rejoice all the while I am waiting. Dearest Miss Alice none of them that trust in him shall be desolate; don t you be lieve that?" "I do, surely, Mrs.Vawse," said Alice, wiping away a tear or two ; "but I forget it sometimes; or the pressure of present pain is too much for all that faith and hope can do." "It hinders faith and hope from acting that is the trouble. They that seek the Lord, shall not want any good thing. I know that is true, of my own ex perience ; so will you , dear." "I know it, Mrs. Vawse I know it all; but it does me good to hear you say it. I thought I should become accustomed to John s absence, but I do not at all; the autumn winds all the while seem to sing to me that he is away." "My dear love," said the old lady, "it sorrows me much to hear you speak so ; I would take away this trial from you if I could ; but He knows best. Seek to live nearer to the Lord, dear Miss Alice , and he will give you much more than he has taken away." Alice again brushed away some tears. "I felt I must come and see you to-day," said she , " and you have comforted me already. The sound of your voice always does me good. I catch courage and patience from you, I believe," THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 171 " As iron sharpeneth iron, so a; wood and stores were kept; no- man sharpeneth the countenance thing was to be seen here that of his friend. How did you leave did not agree with the very corn- Mr, and Mrs. Marshman? and has! fortable air of the whole. It Mr. George returned yet?" ! looked as if one might be happy Drawing their chairs together, j there; it looked as if somebody a close conversation began. Ellen was happy there; and a glance had been painfully interested at the old lady of the house and surprised by what went be- ! would not alter the opinion, fore , but the low tone of voice j Many a glance Ellen gave her as now seemed to be not meant for j she sat talking with Alice; and her ear, and turning away her j with every one she felt more and attention, she amused herself more drawn towards her. She with taking a general survey. was somewhat under the corn- It was easy to see that Mrs. mon size, and rather stout; her Yawse lived in this room, and countenance most agreeable; probably had no other to live in. j there was sense, character, sweet- Her bed was in one corner; cup- ness in it. Some wrinkles, no boards filled the deep recesses doubt, were there, too; lines on each side of the chimney; and deep-marked, that spoke of sor- in the wide fireplace, the crane rows once known. Those storms and the hooks and trammels; had all passed away; the last hanging upon it showed that the | shadow of a cloud had departed; bedroom and sitting-room was; her evening sun was shining the kitchen too. Most of the floor I clear and bright towards the was covered with a thick rag setting; and her brow was beau- carpet; where the boards could tifully placid, not as though it be seen they were beautifully! never had been, but as if it clean and white , and everything . never could be ruffled again. Re- else in the room, in this respect, spect no one could help feeling matched with the boards. The for her; and more than respect, panes of glass in the little win- one felt, would grow with ac- dows were clear and bright as quaintance. Her dress was very panes of glass could be made; odd, Ellen thought. It was not the hearth was clean swept up; American, and what it was she the cupboard doors were un- did not know, but supposed Mrs. stained and unsoiled, though Vawse must have a lingering fingers had worn the paint on , fancy for the costume as well as dust was nowhere. On a little for the roofs of her fatherland, stand by the chimney corner lay More than all, her eye turned a large Bible and another book; again and again to the face, close beside stood a cushioned which seemed to her, in its arm-chair. Some other apart- j changing expression, winning ment there probably was where \ and pleasant exceedingly. The 172 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. mouth had not forgotten to smile, j floor, and plenty of hay laid up nor the eye to laugh ; and though | for her. Snow deserved it, for this was not often seen, the she was a beauty, and a very constant play of feature showed well behaved-cow, letting Alice a deep and lively sympathy in j and Ellen stroke her and pat her, all Alice was saying, and held and feel her thick hide, with the Ellen s charmed gaze ; and when most perfect placidity. Mrs. the old lady s looks and words | Vawse meanwhile went to the were at length turned to herself, j door to look out. she blushed to think how long "Nancy ought to be home to she had been looking steadily at j milk her," she said; "I must give a stranger. i you supper and send you off. "Little Miss Ellen, how do 1 1 ve no feeling nor smell if snow you like my house on the rock; isn t thick in the air somewhere; here?" we shall see it here soon." "I don t know, Ma am," said "I 11 milk her," said Alice. Ellen; "I like it very much; only "I 11 milk her!" said Ellen; I don t think I should like it so "I 11 milk her! Ah, do let me! I well in winter." know how to milk ; Mr. Van Brunt . . I am not certain that I don t j taught me, and I have done it like it then best of all. Why several times. May I? I should would you not like it in winter?" "I shouldn t like the cold, Ma am, and to be alone." "I like to be alone but cold? I am in no danger of freezing, Miss Ellen. I make myself very like it dearly." "You shall do it surely, my child," said Mrs. Vawse. "Come with me , and I 11 give you the pail and the milking- stool." When Alice and Ellen came in with the milk, they found the my house is too strong for the j kettle on, the little table set, and wind to blow it away. Don t you ! Mrs. Vawse very busy at another want to go out and see my cow?: table. I have one of the best cows that "What are you doing, Mrs. warm keep good fires and ever you saw; her name is Snow: there is not a black hair upon her; she is all white. Come, Vawse, may I ask?" said Alice. "I m just stirring up some In dian meal for you ; I find I have Miss Alice ; Mr. Marshman sent not but a crust left." her to me a month ago; she s a| "Please to put that away, great treasure , and worth look- Ma am, for another time. Do you ing at." think I didn t know better than They went across the yard to to come up to this mountain top the tiny barn or outhouse, where j without bringing something to they found Snow nicely cared live upon while I am here? for. She was in a warm stable, Here s a basket, Ma am, and in a nice bedding of straw upon the jit are divers things: I believe THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD, 173 Margery and I between us have ticular. Miss Fortune s pumpkin packed up enough for two or pie was declared to be very fine, three suppers to say nothing and so were Mrs. Vawse s cheese of Miss Fortune s pie. There it J and butter. Eating and talking is sure to be good, you know; went on with great spirit, their and here are some of my cakes, old friend seeming scarce less that you like so much, Mrs. pleased or less lively than them- Vawse," said Alice, as she went! selves. Alice proposed the on pulling the things out of the j French plan, and Mrs. Vawse basket; "there is a bowl of \ entered into it very frankly; it butter that s not wanted, I was easy to see that the style of see and here is a loaf of bread; building and of dress to which and that s all. Ellen, my dear, this basket will be lighter to carry down than it was to bring up. "I am glad of it, I am sure," she had been accustomed in early life were not the only things re membered kindly for old times sake. It was settled they should meet as frequently as might be, said Ellen; "my arm hasn t done either here or at the parsonage, , though I had it so and become good Frenchwomen aching yet little while. "Ah, I am glad to hear that me. It is very fine tea ; and he sent me a noble supply, like him self, " continued Mrs. Vawse, taking some out of her little caddy. "I ought not to say I have no friends left; I cannot eat a meal that I am not re minded of two good ones. Mr. John knew one of my weak points when he sent souchong." The supper me that box of was ready, and the little party gathered round the table. The tea did credit to the judgment of the giver and the skill of the maker, but they were no critics that drank it. Alice and Ellen were much too hungry and too happy to be par- with all convenient speed. "Will you wish to walk so far to see me again, little Miss Ellen?" "Oh yes, Ma am." "You won t fear the deep snow, and the wind and cold, and the steep hill?" "Oh no, Ma am, Iwon tinind them a bit; but, Ma am, Miss Alice told me to ask you why you loved better to live up here than down where it is warmer. I shouldn t ask if she hadn t said I might." "Ellen has a great fancy for getting at the reason of every thing, Mrs. Vawse," said Alice, smiling. "You wonder anybody should choose it, don t you, Miss Ellen?" said the old lady. "Yes, Ma am, a little." "I ll tell you the reason, my child. It is for the love of my old 174 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. home, and the memory of my! "No need to be sorry, dear young days. Till I was as old as j I am glad ; you don t look fit for you are, and a little older, I any troublesome jobs." lived among the mountains andj "I am fit enough," said Alice. upon them; and after that, for ."Don t put up the curtains; I ll many a year, they were just be- come and do it." fore my eyes every day, stretch-! Y ou must come with a ing away for more than one stronger face, then," said her old hundred miles, and piled up one friend . "have you wearied your- above another, fifty times as big se lf with walking all this way?" as any you ever saw; these are I UI was a little weaiy " sa id only molehills to them I loved U^ but nice tea has them - oh ! how I love them still j made me ^ this hill that I am among my own j . mountains, but I can breathe ifh fh ^ } better plain. here than down in the -.-> o I feel more free; and in you stay with me ? d >t look c , t . the village I would not live for I " : A must no f ~ li Couldn t do," gold, unless that duty bade me." said Alice, who was hastily put- " .. ** n * rivi cf f\Y\ n Pv Tniruva t ncr/} II cr\rtv "But -all alone, so far from everybody," said Ellen. "I am never lonely ; and, old as I am, I don t mind a long walk or a rough road, anymore than your young feet do." "But isn t it very cold?" said Ellen. "Yes, it is very cold? what of that? I make a good blazing fire; and then I like to hear the wind whistle." "Yes, but you wouldn t like to have it whistling inside as well as out," said Alice. "I will come and do the listing and caulking for you in a day or two. Oh, you have it done without me ! sorry. 1 am ting on her things; "we 11 soon run down the hill. But we are leaving you alone where s Nancy ? " "She 11 not come if there s a promise of a storm," said Mrs. Vaw se; "she often stays out a night." "And leaves you alone ! " "I am never alone," said the old lady, quietly; "I have no thing to fear; but I am uneasy about you, dear. Mind my words ; don t try to go back the way you came; take the other road; it s easier; and stop when you vet to Mrs. Van Brunt s ; Mr. Van Brunt will take you the rest of the way in his little waggon," THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 175 "Do you think it is needful?" said Alice , doubtfully. a lam sure it is best. Hasten down. Adieu, man enfant." They kissed and embraced her, and hurried out. CHAPTER XIX. Showing that in some circumstances white is black. THE clouds hung thick and " She must be a very bad girl," said Ellen 5 "you can t think what stories she told me about her grandmother." "Poor Nancy!" said Alice. " Mrs. Vawse has no money nor property of any kind, except what is in her house; but there is not a more independentwoman. breathing. She does all sorts of things to support herself. Now, low 5 the wind was less than it for instance, Ellen, if anybody had been. They took the path i s s i c k within ten miles round, Mrs. Vawse had spoken of; it the family are too happy to get was broader and easier than the Mrs. Vawse for a nurse. She is other, winding more gently down an admirable one. Then she goes the mountain; it was sometimes, out tailoring at the farmers indeed, travelled by horses, Bouses; she brings home wool though far too steep for any kind ! and returns it spun into yarn: of carriage. Alice and Ellen ran i she br ings home yarn and knits along without giving much heed to anything but their footing it up into stockings and socks; all sorts of odd jobs. I have seen down, down running andj her picking hops; she isn t above bounding, hand in hand, till want do i ng anything, and yet she of breath obliged them to slacken ! never f or g e ts her own dignity. I their pace. think, wherever she goes and Do you think it will snow whatever she is about, she is at soon. asked Ellen. Ljl t i mes one O f tne most tru ly "I think it will snow how , lady . like persons I have ever soon, I cannot tell. Have you had i seen . And everybody respects a pleasant afternoon? " her ; everybody likes to gain her Oh, very. good will; she is known all over "I always have when I go the country; and all the country there. Now , Ellen , there is an are her friends." example of contentment for you. [ If ever a woman loved husband and children and friends, Mrs. Vawse loved hers ; I know this " They pay her for doing these things, don t they?" "Certainly ; not often in money ; from those who knew her long; more commonly in various kinds ago; and now, look at her. Of i of matters that she wants flour, them all, she has none left but ; and sugar, and Indian meal, and the orphan daughter of her pork, and ham, and vegetables, youngest son, and you know a land wool anything; it is but a little what sort of a child that is." j little of each that she wants. She 176 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. has friends that would not permit j her to earn another sixpence if they could help it, but she likes better to live as she does. And she is always as you saw her to day cheerful and happy as a little girl." Ellen was turning over Alice s last words, and thinking that little girls were not always the cheerfullest and happiest crea tures in the world, "when Alice suddenly exclaimed. "It is snow ing! Come, Ellen, we must make haste now!" and set off at a quickened pace. Quick as they might, they had gone not a hundred yards when the whole j air was rilled with the falling flakes, and the wind, which had lulled for a little , now rose with greater violence, and swept round the mountain furiously. The storm had come in good earnest, and promised to be no trifling one. Alice and Ellen ran on ? holding each other s hands and strengthening themselves against the blast, but their journey became every moment more difficult. The air was dark with the thick-falling snow; the wind seemed to blow in every direction by turns, but chiefly against them, blinding their eyes with the snow, and making it necessary to use no small effort to keep on their way. Ellen hard ly knew where she went, but allowed herself to be pulled along by Alice, or, as well, pull ed her along it was hard to say which hurried most. In the midst of this dashing on down the hill, Alice all at once came to a sudden stop. "Where s the Captain?" said she. "I don t know," said Ellen "I haven t thought of him since we left Mrs. Vawse s." Alice turned her back to the wind, and looked up the road they had come there was nothing but wind and snow there ; how furiously it blew! Alice called "Pussy!" " Shall we walk up the road a little way , or shall we stand and wait for him here?" said Ellen, trembling, half from exertion and half from a vague fear of she knew not Avhat. Alice called again ; no answer, but a wild gust of wind and snow that drove past. "I can t go on and leave him," said Alice; "he might perish in the storm." And she began to walk slowly back, calling at inter vals, "Pussy! kitty! pussy!" and listening for an answer that came not. Ellen was very unwilling to tarry, and nowise inclined to pro long their j ourney by going back wards. She thought the storm grew darker and wilder every moment. " Perhaps Captain stayed up at Mrs. Vawse s," she said, "and didn t follow us down." "No," said Alice; "I am sure he did. Hark! wasn t that he?" "I don t hear anything," said Ellen, after a pause of anxious listening. Alice went a few steps further. "I hear him!" she said; U L THE WIDE, WIDE WOULD. 177 hear him! poor kitty! " and she | hardest time of it, with that heavy set off at a quick pace up the hill. | load to carry ; 1 wish I could help Ellen followed, but presently a burst of wind and snow brought you " Thank you, my dear, but no- theni both to a stand. Alice body could do that; I doubt if faltered a little at this , in doubt i Captain would lie in any arms but whether to go up or down; but! mine." then, to their great joy, Captain s far-off cry was heard, and both Alice and Ellen strained their voices to cheer and direct him. "Let me carry the basket, then," said Ellen "do. Miss Alice." "No, my dear, it hangs very In a few minutes he came in well on my arm. Take it gently; sight, trotting hurriedly along; Mrs. Van Brunt s isn t very far through the snow, and on reach- j off ; we shall feel the windless ing his mistress he sat down im- 1 when we turn." mediately on the ground, without I But the road seemed long. The offering any caress a sure sign j storm did not increase in violence that he was tired. Alice stooped truly there was no need of that down and took him up in her but the looked-for turning was arms. not soon found, and the gather- " Poor kitty!" she said, "you ve j ing darkness warned them day done your part for to-day, I i was drawing to wards a close. As think; I ll do the rest. Ellen, they neared the bottom of the dear, it s of no use to tire our- J hill, Alice made a pause, selves out at once; we will go "There s a path that turns off moderately. Keep hold of my! from this, and makes a shorter cloak, my child; it takes both of cut to Mrs. Van Brunt s, but it my arms to hold this big cat. j must be above here; I must have Now, never mind the snow ; we [missed it, though I have been on can bear being blown about a j the watch constantly." little ; are you very tired? " She looked up and down. It "No," said Ellen, "not very; I would have been a sharp eyein- am a little tired ; but I don t care deed that had detected any slight for that, if we can only get home opening in the woods on either safe." side of the path, which the dri- " There s no difficulty about viiig snow-storm blended into that, I hope. Nay, there may be j one continuous wall of trees, some difficulty, but we shall get They could be seen stretching- there, I think, in good safety after .darkly before and behind them; a while. I wish we were there but more than that where they now, for your sake, my child. "Oh, never mind me," said Ellen, gratefully; "I am sorry stood near together, and were scattered apart, was all confusion through that fast-falling shower for you, .Miss Alice; you have the of flakes. The Wide, Wide_World. 12 178 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD, the p Shall we go back and lookfor j could not go fast, either; they TiofTir" cQirl TT.llo n txrovo fr^ri weaver an/1 4- V o irr n 1 Lr i r n* said Ellen. II were too weary, arid the walking am afraid we shouldn t find ! too heavy. Captain had the best it if we did," said Alice; "weiof it; snug and quiel should only lose our time, and we have none to lose. I think we had better go straight forward." "Is it much further this way than the other path we have missed?" "A good deal all of half a mile. I am sorry; but courage, my child! we shall knoAv better than to go out in snowy weather next time on long expeditions, at least." ,_, ^uiet he lay wrapped in Alice s cloak and fast asleep, little wotting how tired his mistress s arms were. The path at length brought them to the long-desired turning; but it was by this time so dark, that the fences on each side of the road showed but dimly. They had not spoken for a while; as they turned the corner , a sigh of mingled weariness and satisfac tion escaped from Ellen s lips. It They had to shout to make j reached Alice s ear. each other hear, so drove the, "What s the matter, love?" snow and wind through the trees, ! said the sweet voice. No trace of and into their very faces and ears. They plodded on. It was plod ding; the snow lajr thick enough now to make their footing un- weariness was allowed to come into it. "I am so glad we have got here at last," said Ellen, looking up easy, and grew deeper every mo- 1 with another sigh , and removing ment; their shoes were full; their ! her hand for an instant from its feet and ankles were wet; and their steps began to drag heavily over the ground, close to Alice s Ellen clung as cloak as their hurried travelling would permit ; sometimes one of Alice s hands was loosened for a moment to be passed round Ellen s shoulders, and a word of courage or comfort in the clear calm tone, cheered her to renewed exertion. The night fell fast ; it was very darkling by the time they reached the bottom grasp on the cloak to Alice s arm. "My poor child! I wish I could carry you, too ! Can you hold on a little longer?" "Oh, yes, dear Miss Alice; I can hold on." But Ellen s voice was not so well guarded. It was like her steps, a little unsteady. She pre sently spoke again. "Miss Alice are you afraid?" "I am afraid of your getting sick, my child , and a little afraid of the hill , and the road did not of it for myself of nothing else. yet allow them to turn their faces towards Mrs. Van Brunt s. A wearisome piece of the way this was, leading them from the place they wished to reach. They What is there to be afraid of? "It is very dark," said Ellen; "and the storm is so thick do you think you can find the way?" "I know it perfectly; it is no- THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 179 thing but to keep straight on;; the road was impossible; their and the fences would prevent us ; only Avay was to keep along by from getting out of the road. It ; one of the fences ; and , for fear is hard walking, I know, but we; of hurting themselves against shall get there by-and-by; bear some outstanding post or stone, up as well as you can, dear. I am it was necessary to travel quite sorry I can give you no help but gently. They were indeed in no words. Don t you think a nice condition to travel otherwise, if bright fire will look comfortable light had not been wanting, after all this ? " j Slowly and patiently , with pain- " dear, yes ! " answeredEllen, ful care groping their way, they rather sadly. "Are you afraid, Ellen?" "No, Miss Alice not much pushed on through the snow and the thick night. Alice could feel, the earnestness of Ellen s grasp I don t like its being so dark; I upon her clothes; andher clothes can t see where I m going." I pressing up to her, made their " The darkness makes our way progress still slower and more longer and more tedious ; it will difficult than it would otherwise do us no other harm, love. I wish have been. I had a hand to give you, but this i " Miss Alice," said Ellen, great cat must have both of mine, j "What, my child?" The darkness and the light are I "I wish you would speak to me both alike to our Father: we are once in a while." in His hand; we are safe enough, | Alice freed one of her hands, dear Ellen." and took hold of Ellen s. Ellen s hand left the cloak | "I have been so busy picking again for an instant to press my way along, I have neglected Alice s arm in answer; her voice you, haven t I?" failed at the minute. Then cling- ! " Oh, no, Ma am. But I like to ing anew as close to her side as hear the sound of your voice she could get, they toiled patient- sometimes; it makes me feel ly on. The wind had somewhat better." lessened of its violence, and, be- j " This is an odd kind of travel- sides, it blew not now in their ling, isn t it?" said Alice, cheer- faces, but against their backs, fully; "in the dark, and feel- helping them on. Still the snow ing our way along? This will be continued to fall very fast, and quite an adventure to talk about, already lay thick upon the won t it?" ground; every half hour increa- 1 " Quite," said Ellen, sed the heaviness and painfulness j "It is easier going this way; of their march; and darkness don t you find it so? The wind gathered till the very fences helps us forward." could no longer be seen. It was| "It helps me too much," said pitch dark; to hold the middle of; Ellen; "I wish it wouldn t be 12* 180 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD, quite so very kind. Why , Miss j after passing the house ; and now Alice, I have enough to do to hold | her glance was directed often be- myself together, sometimes. It j hind her, that they might be sure almost makes me run, though I; in any case of not missing their am so very tired." desired haven. In vain she look- "Well, it is better than having j ed forward or back; it was all it in our faces, at any rate. Tired one , no cheering glimmer of you are, I know, and must be. \ lamp or candle greeted her strain- We shall want to rest all day to- ; ing eyes. Hurriedly now from morrow, shan t we? " time to time the comfortingwords "Oh, I don t know," saidEllen, were spoken to Ellen, for to sighing; "I shall be glad when ! pursue the long stretch of way jve begin. How long do you; that led onward from Mrs. Van think it will be, Miss Alice, before Brunt s to Miss Fortune s, would we get to Mrs. Van Brunt s?" be a very serious matter; Alice "My dear child, I cannot tell] wanted comfort herself, you. I have not the least notion ! "Shall we get there soon, do whereabouts we are. I can see j you think, Miss Alice?" said no way-marks, and I cannot poor Ellen, whose wearied feet judge at all of the rate at which i carried her painfully over the deepening snow. The tone of voice went to Alice s heart. "I don t know, my darling; I hope so," she answered; but it was spoken rather patiently than we have come." "But what if we should have passed it in this darkness?" Ellen. said "No, I don t think that," said Alice, though a cold doubt! cheerfully. "Fear nothing, dear struck her mind at Ellen s words ; | Ellen ; remember who has the " I think we shall see the glimmer care of us; darkness and light of Mrs. Van Brunt s candle, by-and-by." riendly But more uneasily and more keenly now she strove to see that glimmer through the darkness ; strove till the darkness seemed to press painfully upon her eye balls, and she almost doubted her being able to see any light if light there were ; it Avas all blank thick darkness still. She began to question anxiously with her self which side of the house was Mrs. Van Brunt s ordinary sit ting-room; whether she should see the light from it before or are both alike to Him ; nothing will do us any real harm." How tired you must be , dear Miss Alice, carrying pussy!" Ellen said, with a sigh. For the first time Alice echoed the sigh; but almost immediately Ellen exclaimed, in a totally different tone, "There s alight! but it isn t a candle it is mo ving about; what is it, Miss Alice?" They stopped and looked. A light there certainly was , dimly seen, moving at some little dis tance from the fence on the^op- THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD, posite side of the road. All of a enrlrla-n T<- /3J~~., -i ** 181 sudden it disappeared "Whatisit?"w>n- T. fearfully. "I don t know, wait" love, yet; They waited several minutes. "What could it be?" . "It was certainly a *t as plainly as ever mg; what can said Va S m V ?I glad to see 7ou, Mr. Van Brunt," said Alice s sweet voice; but it trembled a little sobbed ./ pj vmat uaii it have done with itself ?- there it is again! going the other way!" Alice waited no longer, but screamed out, "Who s there?" But the light paid no attention to her cry; it travelled on Halloo! "called Alice, again asjoud as she could. "Halloo!" answered a rough deep. The light sudden^ That That gentleman, at first dumb with astonishment, lifted his lan tern to survey them, and assure his eyes that his ears had not been mistaken. "Miss Alice! how in the name of wonder! - and my poor htt e lamb! - but what on fith Ma am ? - you must be half dead SJ5 th ^V wa y -Just come back little bit - why, where were you^gomg, Ma am?" "To your house, Mr Van Brunt; I have been looking f vi h no little anxiety, I he! that s he! +* * uvi Tnat s he!" PT- I If* * Ell > an ecstacy, and almost dancing - "I know it - l^ Va ^ B /nt!it sMr.Van 5runt! oh M " you. "Looking for it! Why n Q 4-1-* f v *" tni you wouldn t see the biggest house ever was built half .!-oh,li?s7Alic b e " r -l Van thf s a " d ffsucha P la W night as crvine-. AliVo f a u +u to i. /> urr , _ /T ght from the windows! The storm rattled so agin the ISs-S^j^filK^lg r r :f f SSS SsSS?r ^ ;OU ^ K showing a bit of the dark covered with snow, and rails they re of a ij ! ouvw, an could dimly see the fiVu mangettingoverthem.fecro S sed ^5^a^^^ -- v,, diauuaSS already, hadn t we? "Indeed, had you, Ma am I saw my fight, han t 182 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. "Yes, and glad enough we were to see it, too." "I suppose so. It happened so to-night now that is a queer thing I minded that I hadn t untied my horse; he s a trick of being untied at night, and won t sleep well if he ain t; and mother wanted me to let him alone cause of the awful storm , but I couldn t go to my bed in peace till I had seemed to Ellen a perfect store house of comfort: the very walls had a kind face for her. There were no other faces, however; the chairs were all empty. Mr. Van Brunt put Alice in one and Ellen in another, and shouted, "Mother ! here ! " muttering that she had taken herself off with the light somewhere. Not very far; for in half a minute, an- seen him to his nT So that s how swering the call, Mrs. Van Brunt my lantern came to be going to the barn in such an awk ard night as this." They had reached the little gate, and Mr. Van Brunt with some difficulty pulled it open. The snow lay thick upon the neat brick walk which Ellen had trod the first time with wet feet and dripping garments. A few steps further, and they came to the same door that had opened then so hospitably to receive her. As the faint light of the lantern was thrown upon the old latch and door-posts, Ellen felt at home; and a sense of comfort sank down into her heart which she had not known for some time. CHAPTER XX. Head-sick and heart-sick. MR. VAN BRUNT flung open the door, and the two wet and weary travellers stepped after him into the same cheerful, comfortable- looking kitchen that had received Ellen once before. Just the same tidy, clean swept up, a good fire, and the same old red-backed chairs standing round on the hearth in most cozy fashion. It and the light came hurriedly in. "What s the matter, Brahm? who s this? why taint Miss Alice ! My gracious me ! and all wet! oh, dear, dear! poor lamb ! Why , Miss Alice , dear, where have you been? and if that ain t my little Ellen! oh dear! what a fix you are in! Well, darling, I m glad to see you again a most anyway." She crossed over to kiss Ellen as she said this ; but surprise was not more quickly alive than kind ness and hospitality. She fell to work immediately to remove Alice s wet things, and to do whatever their j ointprudence and experience might suggest toward oft any ill effects from the fatigue and exposure the wanderers had suffered ; and while she was thus employed, Mr. Van Brunt busied himself with Ellen, who was really in no condition to help herself. It Was curious to see him carefully taking off Ellen s wet hood (not the blue one) and knocking it gently to get rid of the snow ; evidently thinking that ladies things must have delicate handling. He tried the cloak THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 183 next, but boggled sadly at the fastening of that , and at last was fain to call in help. "Here, Nancy! where are you? step here and see if you can undo this here thing, what ever you call it; I believe my nngers are too big for it! " It was Ellen s former acquain tance who came forward in obe dience to this call. Ellen had not seen before that she was in the room. Nancy grinned a mis chievous smile of recognition as she stooped to Ellen s throat and undid the fastening of the cloak, and then shortly enough bade her "get up , that she might take it off!" Ellen obeyed, but was very glad to sit down again. While Nancy went to the door to shake the cloak, Mr. Van Brunt was gently pulling off Ellen s wet gloves, and on Nancy s return he directed her to take off the shoes, which were filled with snow. Nancy sat down on the floor be spoken, was in answer to a light touch of that gentleman s hand upon Miss Nancy s ear, which came rather as a surprise. He deigned no reply. J You re a fine gentleman!" said Nancy, tartly. "Have you done what I gave you to do?" said Mr. Van Brunt, coolly. "Yes there!" said Nancy, holding up Ellen s bare feet on one hand, while the fingers of the other, secretly applied in ticklish fashion to the soles of them, caused Ellen suddenly to start and scream. " Get up ! " said Mr. Van Brunt. Nancy didn t think best to diso bey. ^ "Mother, han t you got "Sally," said Mrs. Van Brunt, "you and Nancy go and fetch here a couple of pails of hot water right away." "Go, and mind what you are ^>-v,,4- ? * 1 TIT TT T fore Ellen to obey this order;l about >" sai(1 Mr. Van Brunt; and , tired and exhausted as she j aild after tnat kee P out of this was, Ellen felt the different man-! room > and don t whisper again ner in which her hands and feet tm I g ive 7 OU leave - Now , Miss were waited upon. Ellen, dear, how do you feel?" Ellen said in words that she felt "How did you get into this Ellen said in wor scrape?" said Nancy; "this was I "nicety," but the eyes and the none of my doings, anyhow. It ll sm il sa id a great deal more; never be dry weather , Ellen, j Ellen s heart was running over, where you are. I won t put on| "Oh, she ll feel nicely direct- my Sunday go-to-meeting clothes ly, I ll be bound," said Mrs. Van when I go a walking with you. Brunt; "wait till she gets her You had ought to ha been a duck .feet soaked, and then" . or a goose, or something like! "I do feel nicely now," said that. What s that for, Mr. Van Ellen. And Alice smiled in an- Br ",nt? " swer to their inquiries , and said, ihis last query, pretty sharply : if she only knew her father was 184 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. easy, there would be nothing wanting to her happiness. The bathing of their feet was a great refreshment, and their kind hostess had got ready a plentiful supply of hot herb-tea, with which both Alice and Ellen were well dosed. While they sat sipping this , toasting their feet before the fire, Mrs. Van Brunt and the girls meanwhile prepa ring their room, Mr. Van Brunt suddenly entered. He was cloak ed and hatted, and had a riding- whip in his hand. "Is there any word you d like to get home, Miss Alice? I m going to ride a good piece that way, and I can stop as good as not." "To-night, Mr. Van Brunt?" exclaimed Alice, in astonishment. Mr.VanBrunt s silence seemed to say that to-night was the time, and no other. "But the storm is too bad," urged Alice. "Pray don t go till to-morrow." "Pray don t, Mr. Van Brant," said Ellen. "Can t help it; I ve got busi ness must go. What shall I say, Ma am?" "I should be very glad," said Alice, "to have my father know where I am. Are you going very near the Nose?" "Very near." "Then I shall be greatly obliged if you will be so kind as to stop and relieve my father s anxiety. But how can you go in such weather? and so dark as it is." "Never fear," said Mr. Van Brunt. "We 11 be back in half an hour , if Brahm and me don t come across a snowdrift a leetU too deep. Good night, Ma am. And out he went. " Back in half an hour, " said Alice, musing. "Why, he said he had been to untie his horse for the night. He must be go ing on our account, I am sure, Ellen!" " On your account," said Ellen, smiling. "Oh, I knew that all the time, Miss Alice. I don t think he ll stop to relieve Aunt For tune s anxietjr." Alice sprang to call him back, but Mrs. Van Brunt assured her it was too late, and that she need not be uneasy, for her son "didn t mind the storm no more than a weather-board. Brahm and Brahm could go anywhere in any sort of a time. He was ago ing without speaking to you, but I told him he had better, for maybe you wanted to send some word particular. And your room s ready now, dear, and you d bet ter go to bed, and sleep as long as you can." They went thankfully. "Isn t this a pleasant room?" said Ellen , who saw everything in rose colour-, "and a nice bed? But I feel as if I could sleep on the floor to-night. Isn t it a most worth while to have such a time, Miss Alice, for the sake of the pleasure afterwards?" "I don t know, Ellen," said Alice, smiling; "I won t say that, though it is worth paying THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 185 a price for, to find how much i generous feeling on the part of kindness there is in some peo ple s hearts. As to sleeping on the floor, I must say I never felt less inclined to it." "Well, I am tired enough, too," said Ellen, as they laid themselves down. "Two nights with you in a week! Oh, those the other, untied their tongues; and Ellen looked from one to the other in some amazement, to see how agreeable they could be. Kindness and hospitality always kept Mrs. Van Brunt in full flow; and Alice, whatever she felt, exerted herself and supplied weeks before I saw you, Miss i what was wanting everywhere, Alice!" ilike the transparent glazing One earnest kiss for good which painters use to spread night; and Ellen s sigh of plea- over the dead colour of their sure on touching the pillow was pictures ; unknown , it was she scarcely breathed when sleep, i gave life and harmony to the deep and sound, fell upon her whole. And Ellen, inherenjoy- eyelids. It was very late next morning merit of everything and every body, forgot or despised aches when they awoke, having slept and pains, and even whispered to rather heavily than well. They I Alice that coffee was making her crawled out of bed, feeling stiff well again. and sore in every limb, each confessing to more evil effects from their adventure than she had been aware of the evening before. All the rubbing am bathing and drinking that Mrs. But happy breakfasts must come to an end, and so did this, prolonged though it was. Im mediately after, the party, whom circumstances had gathered for the first and probably the last Van Brunt had administered, had j time, scattered again: but the been too little to undo what wet; meeting had left pleasant effects and cold and fatigue had done. ! on all minds. Mrs. Van Brunt But Mrs. Van Brunt had set her was in general delight that she breakfast -table with everything had entertained so many people her house could furnish that was i she thought a great deal of, and nice; a bountifully-spread board j particularly glad of the chance it was. Mr. Humphreys was there, of showing her kind feelings to- too; and no bad feelings of two wards two of the number. Mr. of the party could prevent that | Humphreys remarked up on "that from being a most cheerful andj very sensible, good-hearted man, pleasant meal. Even Mr. Hum- j Mr. Van Brunt, towards whom he phreys and Mr. Van Brunt, two felt himself under great obliga- persons not usually given to many words , came out wonder- tion." Mr. Van Brunt said "the minister warn t such a grum man fully on this occasion; gratitude as people called him;" and more- and pleasure in the one, and j over said, "it was a good thing 186 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. to have an education, and lie had a notion to read more." As for Alice and Ellen, they went away full of kind feeling for every one, and much love to each other. This was true of them be fore ; but their late troubles had drawn them closer together, and given them fresh occasion to value their friends. Mr. Humphreys had brought was taken care of; Miss Fortune seemed to know, by instinct, when it wanted a fresh supply, and to be on the spot by magic to give it. Ellen s medicines were dealt out in proper time ; her gruels and drinks perfectly well made and arranged, with appe tizing nicety, on a little table by the bedside, where she could reach them herself: and Miss the little one-horse sleigh for his I Fortune was generally at hand daughter, and, soon after break- 1 when she was wanted. But, in fast, Ellen saw it drive off with I spite of all this, there was some- licr. Mr. Van Brunt then har- 1 thing missing in that sick room iiessed his own and carried Ellen there was a great want; and home. Ill though she felt, the whenever the delirium was upon poor child made an effort, and her, Ellen made no secret of it. spent part of the morning in j She was never violent; but she finishing the long letter to her moaned, sometimes impatiently, mother, which had been on the and sometimes plaintively, for stocks since Monday. The effort her mother. It was a vexation became painful towards the last: and the aching limbs and trem bling hand of which she com plained, were the first beginnings of a serious fit of illness. She went to bed that same afternoon, and did not leave it again for two weeks. Cold had taken vio lent hold of her system; fever set in, and ran high; and half the time little Ellen s wits were roving in delirium. Nothing, how ever, could be too much for Miss Fortune s energies; she was as much at home in a sick room as in a well one. She flew about with increased agility; was upstairs and downstairs twenty times in the course of the day, and kept all straight everywhere. Ellen s room was always the picture of neatness; the fire, the wood fire to Miss Fortune to hear her. The name of her mother was all the time on her lips; if by chance her aunt s name came in, it was spoken in a way that generally sent her bouncing out of the room. "Mamma," poor Ellen would say, "just lay your hand on my forehead, will you? it s so hot! Oh, do, Mamma! where are you? Do put your hand on my forehead, won t you? Oh, do speak to me ! why don t you, Mamma? Oh, why don t she come to me?" Once, when Ellen was uneasily calling in this fashion for her mo ther s hand, Miss Fortune softly laid her own upon the child s brow; but the quick sudden jerk of the head from under it told THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 187 her how well Ellen knew the one I knows," said Miss Fortune, on from the other; and, little as she her way down stairs "nobody cared for Ellen, it was wormwood to her. Miss Fortune was not without offers of help during this sick time. Mrs. Van Brunt, and after wards Mrs. Vawse, asked leave to come and nurse Ellen; but Miss Fortune declared it was more plague than profit to her, and she couldn t be bothered with having strangers about. Mrs. Van Brunt she surf ere d, much against her will, to come for a day or two; at the end of that, Miss Fortune found means to get rid of her civilly. Mrs. Vawse she would not allow to stay an hour. The old lady got leave, how ever, to go up to the sick-room for a few minutes; Ellen, who was then in a high fever, in formed her that her mother was downstairs, and her aunt For tune would not let her come up ; she pleaded, with tears, that she might come, and entreated Mrs. Vawse to take her aunt away, knows the blessing of taking care of other people s children that han t tried it. I ve tried it, to my heart s content." Mrs. Vawse sighed, but de parted in silence. It was not when the fever was on her and delirium high that Ellen most felt the want she then so pitifully made known. There were other times when her head was aching, and, weary and weak, she- lay still there oh, how she longed then for the dear wonted face , the old quiet smile that carried so much of comfort and assurance with it, the voice that was like heaven s music, the touch of that loved hand to which she had clung for so many years ! She could scarce ly bear to think of it, sometimes. In the still, wakeful hours of night, when the only sound to be heard was the heavy breathing of her aunt asleep on the floor by her side; and in the long, soli- and send her mother. Mrs. Vawse tary day, when the only Variety - tried to soothe her. Miss Fortune grew impatient. "What on earth s the use," said she, of talking to a child that s out of her head? she can t hear reason; that s the way she gets into whenever the fever s on her. I have the pleasure of hear ing that sort of thing all the time. to be looked for was Miss For tune s flitting in and out, and there came to be a sameness about that Ellen mourned her loss bitterly. Many and many were the silent tears that rolled down and wet her pillow ; many a long-drawn sigh came from the very bottom of Ellen s heart: she Come away, Mrs. Vawse, and | was too weak and subdued now leave her; she can t be better for violent weeping. She won- any way than alone, and I am in dered sadly why Alice did not the room every other thing come to see her; it was another she s just as well quiet. Nobody | great grief added t to the former. 188 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. She never chose, however, to mention her name to her aunt. She kept her wonder and her sor row to herself all the harder to bear for that. After two weeks Ellen began to mend, and then "Are you?" said Ellen, again. " Yes ; ain t you glad? I knew you must be lonely, so I thought I d come." There was a mischievous twinkle in Nancy s eyes. Ellen /_ _* i i f* i _i P _ she became exceeding weary of for once in her life wished for being alone and shut up in her room. It was a pleasure to have her Bible and hymn-book lying upon the bed, and a great com fort when she was able to look her aunt s presence. "What are you doing?" "Nothing ," said Ellen. "Nothing, indeed! It safine thing to lie there and do nothing. at a few words, but that was not j YOU won t get well in a hurry, _Ij. J _1_ 1 ] J._| T -n r> TT -i i I guess will your You look as well as I do this minute. Oh, I always knew you was a sham. very often, and she longed to see somebody, and hear some thing besides her aunt s dry ques tions and answers. One afternoon Ellen was sit ting, alone as usual, bolstered up in bed. Her little hymn-book was clasped in her hand; though not equal to reading, she felt the touch of it a solace to her. Half -dozing, half -waking, she had been perfectly quiet for some time, when the sudden and not very gentle opening of the room door caused her to start and open her eyes. They opened wider than usual, for, instead of her Aunt Fortune , it was the figure of Miss Nancy Vawse that pre sented itself. She came in brisk ly, and, shutting the door behind her, advanced to the bedside. "Well," said she, "there you are! Why, you look smart enough. I ve come to see you." "Have you?" said Ellen, un easily. "Miss Fortune s gone out, and she told me to come and take care of you; so I m going to spend the afternoon." You are very much mis taken," said Ellen, indignantly; "I have been very sick, and I am not at all well yet." "Fiddle-de-dee! it s very nice to think so; I guess you re lazy. How soft and good those pillows do look, to be sure. Come, Ellen, try getting up a little. / believe you hurt yourself with sleeping ; it ll do you good to be out of bed awhile ; come , get up ! " She pulled Ellen s arm as she spoke. " Stop, Nancy let me alone ! " cried Ellen, struggling with all her force "I mustn t I can t! I mustn t get up ! What do you mean? I m not able to sit up at all ; let me go ! " She succeeded in freeing her self from Nancy s grasp. "Well, you re an obstinate piece," said the other; "have your own way. But mind, I m left in charge of you; is it time for you to take your physic? " THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD, 189 "I am not taking any," said when she has a captured mouse Ellen. at the end of her paws. While "What are you taking?" the gruel was heating, she spun "Nothing but gruel and little round the room in quest of things." ! amusement; and her sudden " Gruel and little things; jerks and flings from one place little things means something and thing to another had so good, I s pose. Well, is it time much of lawlessness, that Ellen for you to take some gruel or was in perpetual terror as to what one of the little things? " ! she might take it into her head to "No, I don t want any." do next. "Oh, that s nothing; people! "Where does that door lead never know what s good for to?" them; I m your nurse now, and| "I believe that one leads to I m going to give it to you when the garret," said Ellen. I think you want it. Let me feel j " You believe so ? why don t you your pulse: yes, your pulse say it does, at once?" * says gruel is wanting. I shall j "I have not been up to see." put some down to warm right "You haven t! you expect me away." I to believe that, I s pose? I am "I shan t take it," said Ellen. ! not quite such a gull as you take " That s a likely story ! You d me for. What s up there ? " better not say so. I rather s pose | "I don t know, of course." you will if I give it to you. Lookl "Of course! I declare I don t here, Ellen, you d better mind know what you are up to exactly, how you behave; you re going but if you won t tell me, I 11 find to do just what I tell ^ou. I know out for myself pretty quick how to manage you ; if you make that s one thing." any fuss I shall just tickle you; She flung open the door and finely," said Nancy, as she pre- ran up; and Ellen heard her feet pared a bed of coals, and set the tramping overhead from one end tin cup of gruel on it to get hot. of the house to the other; and "I 11 do it in no time at all, my sounds, too, of pushing and young lady so you d better, pulling things over the floor; it mind." j was plain Nancy was rummaging. Poor Ellen involuntarily curled I "Well," said Ellen, as she up her feet under the bed-clothes, turned uneasily upon her bed, so as to get them as far as pos-;"it s no affair of mine; I can t sible out of harm s way. She help it, whatever she does. But judged the best thing was to oh! wont Aunt Fortune be an- keep quiet if she could, so she gry!" said nothing. Nancy was in great j Nancy presently came down glee ; with something of the same | with her frock gathered up into a spirit of mischief that a cat shows ; bag before her. 190 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. " What do you think I have got to bear, so it was set on one side here?" said she, "I s pose you to cool. Then taking up her didn t know there was a basket rambling examination of the of fine hickory- nuts up there in room, she went from window to the corner? Was it you or Miss window. Fortune that hid them away so! "What fine big windows! one nicely? I s pose she thought might get in here easy enough. I nobody would ever think of look- ; declare, Ellen, some night I 11 ing behind that great blue chest set the ladder up against here, arid under the feather-bed, but it i and the first thing you 11 see will takes me! Miss Fortune was be me coming in. You 11 have afraid of your stealing em, I me to sleep with you before you guess, Ellen." think." " She needn t have been ," said j " I 11 fasten my windows," said Ellen, indignantly. Ellen. "No, I s pose you wouldn t j " No, you won t. You 11 do it take em if you saw em; you a night or two , maybe, but then wouldn t eat em if they were j you 11 forget it. I shall find them cracked for you, would you?" [open when I come. Oh, I 11 She flung some on Ellen s bed come!" as she spoke. Nancy had seated I "But I could call Aunt For- herself on the floor, and using for , tune ," said Ellen, a hammer a piece of old iron she | "No, you couldn t, cause if had brought down with her from | you spoke a word I d tickle you the garret, she was cracking the i to death 5 that s what I d do. I nuts on the clean white hearth. "Indeed I wouldn t! Ellen, throwing them back : you oughtn t to crack them there, with my ladder, and then you d Nancy you 11 make a dreadful ! get a fine combing for disturbing mess." i the house. What s in this trunk?" " What , do you think I care ? " " Only my clothes and things," said the other, scornfully. She said Ellen. leisurely cracked and ate asj "Oh, goody! that s fine; now many as she pleased of the nuts, I 11 have a look at em. That s bestowing the rest in the bosom just what I wanted, only I didn t of her frock. Ellen watched know it. Where s the key? Oh, fearfully for her next move. If here it is, sticking in that s she should open the little door good!" ackmg the to death ; tliat s wnat l a do. 1 j hearth. know how to fix you off. And if t t!" said you did call her, I d just whap iack; "and out of the window and run off and get among her books and boxes! Nancy s first care, however, was the cup of gruel. It was Oh, please don t!" said Ellen, raising herself on her elbow; "they re all in nice order, and you 11 get them all in confusion. found too hot for any mortal lips j Oh , do let them alone I THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 191 "You d best be quiet, or I 11 j them a sudden fling at Ellen, come and see you," said Nancy ;i They just missed her face, and "I m just going to look at every- 1 struck the wall beyond. Ellen thing in it, and if I find anything! seized them to throwback, but out of sorts, you 11 get it. What s ; her weakness warned her she was this? ruffles, 1 declare ! ain t you [ not able, and a moment reminded fine ! I 11 see how they look on her of the folly of doing anything me. What a plague ! you haven t | to rouse Nancy, who, for the pre- a glass in the room. Never mind sent, was pretty quiet. Ellen lay I am used to dressing without upon her pillow and looked on, a glass." I ready to cry with vexation. All "Oh, I wish you wouldn t," i her nicely-stowed piles of white said Ellen, who was worried to! clothes were ruthlessly hurled the last degree at seeing her | out and tumbled about; her capes nicely -done -up ruffles round tried on; her summer dresses un- Nancy s neck; "they re so; folded, displayed, criticised, nice, and you 11 muss them all Nancy decided one was too up." j short; another very ugly; a third "Don t cry about it," said horribly ill- made; and when she Nancy, coolly; "I ain t agoing had done with each, it was cast to eat em. My goodness ! what I out of her way, on one side or the a fine hood! ain t that pretty?" j other, as the case might be. The nice blue hood was turning The floor was littered with about in Nancy s fingers, and clothes in various states of dis- well looked at inside and out. i arrangement and confusion. The Ellen was in distress for fear it! bottom of the trunk was reached would go on Nancy s head, as i at last, and then Nancy suddenly well as the ruffles round her I recollected her gruel, and sprang neck; but it didn t; she flung it to it. But it had grown cold at length on one side, and went again. on pulling out one thing after I "This won t do," said Nancy, another, strewing thein very care- as she put it on the coals again lessly about the floor. "it must be just right; it 11 warm "What s here? a pair of dirty soon, and then, MissEllen, you re stockings, as I am alive! Ain t agoing to take it, whether or no. you ashamed to put dirty stock- 1 1 hope you won t give me the ings in your trunk?" | pleasure of pouring it down." ^ "They are no such thing," said i Meanwhile she opened the Ellen, who, in her vexation, was j little door of Ellen s study closet in danger of forgetting her fear ; and went in there , though Ellen " I have worn them but once." [ begged her not. She pulled the "They ve no business inhere, | door to, and stayed some time anyhow," said Nancy, rolling perfectly quiet. Not able to see them up in, a hard ball and giving \ or hear what she was doing, and 192 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. fretted beyond measure that her work-box and writing-desk should be at Nancy s mercy, or even feel the touch of her fingers, Ellen at last could stand it no longer, but threw herself out of the bed, weak as she was, and went to see what was going on. Nancy was seated quietly on the floor, examining, with much seeming interest, the contents of the work-box; trying on the thimble, cutting bits of thread with the scissors , and marking the ends of the spools with whatever like pieces of mischief her restless spirit could devise*, but when Ellen opened the door, she put the box from her and started up. "My goodness me!" said she, " this 11 never do. What are you out here for? you 11 catch your death with those dear little bare feet, and we shall have the mis chief to pay!" As she said this, she caught up Ellen in her arms as if she had been a baby, and carried her back to the bed, where she laid her with two or three little shakes, and then proceeded to spread up the clothes and tuck her in all round. She then ran for the gruel. Ellen was in great question whether to give way to tears or vexation; but with some difficulty determined upon vexa tion as the best plan. Nancy pre pared the gruel to her liking, and brought it to the bedside ; but to get it swallowed was another matter. Nancy was resolved Ellen should take it. Ellen had less strength, but quite as much obstinacy as her enemy, and she was equally re solved not to drink a drop. Between laughing on Nancy s part, and very serious anger on Ellen s , a struggle en sued. Nancy tried to force it down, but Ellen s shut teeth were as firm as a vice, and the end was, that two -thirds were bestowed | on the sheet. Ellen burst into tears. Nancy laughed. "Well, I do think," said she, "you are one of the hardest customers ever I came across. I shouldn t wan t to have the ma naging of you when you get a little bigger. Oh, the way Miss Fortune will look, when she comes in here , will be a caution ! Oh, what fun!" Nancy shouted and clapped ; her hands. " Come, stop crying ! " | said she ; " what a baby you are ! what are you crying for? come, stop ! I 11 make you laugh if you don t." Two or three little applications of Nancy s fingers made her words good, but laughing was mixed with crying, and Ellen writhed in hysterics. Just then came a little knock at the door. Ellen did not hear it, but it quieted Nancy. She stood still a moment; and then, as the knock was repeated, she called out boldly, "Come in! * Ellen raised her head "to see who there might be;" and great was the surprise of both, and the joy of one , as the tall form and broad shoulders of Mr. Van Brunt pre sented themselves. THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 193 "Oh, Mr.VanBrunt," sobbed away, and not let her come back, Ellen , " I am so glad to see you ! j Mr. Van Brunt," said Ellen , "I ll Won t you please send Nancy be so much obliged to you." away?" "Let me go!" said Nancy; "I "What are you doing here?" declare you re a real mean said the astonished Dutchman. Dutchman, Mr. Van Brunt." "Look and see, Mr.VanBrunt," He took both her hands in one, said Nancy, with a smile of mis- 1 and laid the other lightly over chief s own curling; "you won t i her ears, be long finding out, I guess." "I 11 let you go," said he. "Take yourself off, and don t i" Now, don t you be caught here let me hear of your being caught again , if you know what is good here again." for yourself." "I 11 go when I m ready, thank He saw Miss Nancy out of the you," said Nancy; "and as to door, and then came back to the rest, I haven t been caught j Ellen , who was crying heartily the first time , yet; I don t know ! again from nervous vexation, what you mean." " She s gone," said he. " What She sprang as she finished her has that wicked thing been doing, sentence, for Mr.VanBrunt made I Miss Ellen? what s the matter a sudden movement to catch her with you?" then and there. He was foiled; "Oh, Mr. Van Brunt," said and then began a running chase (Ellen, "you can t think how she round the room, in the course of j has worried me; she has been which Nancy dodged, pushed, j here this great while; just look and sprang, with a power of | at all my things on the floor, and squeezing past impassables, and j that isn t the half." o verleaping impossibilities, that, j Mr. Van Brunt gave a long to say the least of it, was re- whistle as his eye surveyed the markable. The room was too tokens of Miss Nancy s mischief- small for her, and she was caught j making , over and through which said Mr. Van Brunt, both she and himself had been chasing at full speed, making the "I do say," said he, slowly, that is too bad. I d fix them ui at last. "I vow. as he pinioned her hands, "1| state of matters rather worse should like to see you play blind than it was before, man s buff for once , if I warn t the blind man." "How d you see me if you was?" said Nancy, scornfully. "Now, Miss Ellen," said Mr. Van Brunt, as he brought her to Ellen s bedside, "here she is safe ; what shall I do with her?" "If you will only send her The Wide, Wide World. mat is too Daa. i a nx mem up again for you, Miss Ellen, if I knew how; but my hands are a most as clumsy as my feet, and I see the marks of them there; it s too bad, I declare; I didn t know what I was going on." " Never mind, Mr. Van Brunt." 13 194 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLt>. said Ellen, "I don t mind what houses, though," said Mr. Van you ve done , a bit. I m so glad . Brunt, with as near an approach to see you!" jto a smile as his lips commonly She put out her little hand to made; "we 11 see." him as she spoke. He took it in Ellen smiled more broadly, his own, silently; but, though he "But don t give yourself any said and showed nothing of it, trouble for me ," said she. Ellen s look and tone of afFectionj "Trouble, indeed!" said Mr. thrilled his heart with pleasure. I Van Brunt; "I don t know any- "How do you do?" said he,; thing about that. How came that kindly. i wicked thing up here to plague " I m a great deal better," said you? " Ellen. " Sit down, won t you, Mr. "She said Aunt Fortune left Van Brunt? I want to see you a her to take care of me." little." " That s one of her lies. Your Horses wouldn t have drawn aunt s gone out, I know; but him away after that. He sat she s a trifle wiser than to do down. jsuch a thing as that. She has "Ain t you going to be up again plagued you badly, han t she? " some of these days?" said he. He might have thought so. "Oh yes, I hope so," said The colour which excitement Ellen, sighing; "I am very tired brought into Ellen s face had faded away, and she had settled herself back against her pillow with an expression of weakness and weariness that the strong man saw and felt. "What is there I can do for you?" said he, with a gentleness that seemed almost strange from such lips. "If you would," said Ellen, faintly, "if you could be so kind as to read me a hymn I should be so glad. I ve had no body to read to me." Her hand put the little book towards him as she said so. Mr. Van Brunt would vastly rather any one had asked him to plough an acre. He was to the full as much confounded as poor Ellen had once been at a request of his. He hesitated, and looked of lying here. He looked round the room; got up and mended the fire; then came and sat down again. "I was up yesterday for a minute," said Ellen; "but the chair tired me so , I was glad to get back to bed again." It was no wonder; harder and straighter- backed chairs never were invented. Probably Mr. Van Brunt thought so. "Wouldn t you like to have a rocking cheer?" said he, sudden ly, as if a bright thought had struck him. " Oh yes, how much I should! " said Ellen, with another long- drawn breath; "but there isn t such a thing in the house, that ever I saw. "Ay, but there other THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 195 towards excuse. eyelash. But she quickly wiped them away. "What do you read them things for," said he, "if they Ellen, wishing for an But the pale little face that lay there against the pillow the drooping eyelids the, UU i 6 o ivi , o,^ , meek, helpless look of the little make you feel bad? child, put all excuses out of his "Feel bad!" said Ellen. "Oh, head ; and though he would have they don t 5 they make me happy; chosen to do almost any thing! I love them dearly. I never read else, he took the book, and asked | that one before. You can t think her "Where?" She said, "Any-! how much I am obliged to you where ; " and he took the first he for reading it to me. Will you let " "Poor, weak, and worthless though I am, I have a rich , almighty Friend; Jesus the Saviour is his name, He freely loves, and without end." "Oh," said Ellen, with a sigh,, of pleasure, and folding her! once more?" me see where it is? He gave it her. "Yes, there s his mark !" said with sparkling eyes. Mr. Van Brunt, would Ellen "Now , you be so very good as to read it hands on her breast, "how lovely that is ! " He stopped and looked at her He obeyed. It was easier this time. She listened, as before, with closed eyes, but the colour a moment, and then went on with ! came and went, once or twice. increased gravity "He ransom d me from hell with blood, And by his pow r my foes controll d; He found me wand ring far from God, And brought me to his chosen fold." "Fold!" said Ellen, opening her eyes ; " what is that? " "It s where sheep are penned, ain t it?" said Mr. Van Brunt, after a pause. "Oh, yes! "said Ellen; "that s it; I remember; that s like what he said I am the good shepherd, and the Lord is my shepherd; I know now. Goon, please." "Thank you, very much," she said, when he had done. "Are you going?" "I must; I have some things to look after." She held his hand still. "Mr. Van Brunt, don t you love hymns?" "I don t know much about em, Miss Ellen." "Mr. Van Brunt, are you one of that fold?" "What fold?" " The fold of Christ s people." "I m afeard not, Miss Ellen," said he, soberly, after a minute s He finished the hymn with- pause out more interruption. Looking] "Because," said Ellen, burst- again towards Ellen, he was sur- ing into tears, "I wish you were, prised to see several large tears very much." finding their way down her! She carried the great brown cheeks from under the wet .hand to her lips before she let it 196 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. go. He went, without saying a word. But when he got out, he stopped and looked at a little tear she had left on the back of it. And he looked till one of his own fell there to keep it com pany. CHAPTER XXI. Footsteps of Angels. THE next day, about the mid dle of the afternoon, a light step crossed the shed, and the great door opening gently, in walked Miss Alice Humphreys. The room was all "redd up," and MissFortune and her mother sat there at work; one picking over white beans at the table, the other in her usual seat by the fire, and at her usual employ ment, which was knitting. Alice came forward and asked the old lady ho w she did. " Pretty well! -- oh, pretty well!" she answered, with the look of bland good -humour her face almost always Avore "and glad to see you, dear. Take a chair." Alice did so , quite aware that the other person in the room was not glad to see her. "And how goes the world with you, MissFortune?" ask? Has anything happened to trouble you? "Oh, no!" said the other, somewhat impatiently ; " nothing that s any matter to any one but myself; it s no use speaking about it." "Ah! Fortune never would take the world easy," said the old woman, shaking her head from side to side; "never would; I never could get her to." "Now, do hush, mother, will you?" said her daughter, turn ing round upon her with startling sharpness of look and tone; " take the world easy! you al ways did; I am glad I ain t like you." "I don t think it s a bad way, after all," said Alice; "what s the use of taking it hard, Miss Fortune?" "The way one goes on!" said that lady, picking away at her beans very fast, and not answer ing Alice s question; "I m tired of it; toil, toil, and drive, drive, from morning to night and what s the end of it all?" "Not much," said Alice, grave ly, "if our toiling looks no fur ther than this world. When we go we shall carry nothing away with us. I should think it would Humph ! it s a queer kind of be very wearisome to toil only a world, I think," answered that I for what we cannot keep, nor lady, drily, sweeping some of stay long to enjoy." "It s a pity you warn t a minister, Miss Alice," said Miss Fortune, drily. the picked beans into her pan: "I get a most sick of it, some times." what s the matter," "Why, said Alice, pleasantly; "may I "Oh, no, MissFortune," said Alice, smiling, " the family would THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 197 be overstocked. My father is one, and my brother will be another a third would be too much. You must be so good as to let me preach without taking orders." "Well, I wish every minister was as good a one as you d make," said Miss Fortune, her hard face giving way a little ; " at any rate, nobody d mind any thing you d say, Miss Alice." "That would be unlucky in one sense," said Alice; "but I believe I know what you mean. But, Miss Fortune, no one would dream the world went very hard with you. I don t know anybody, I think, lives in more indepen dent comfort and plenty, and has things more to her mind. I never come to the house that I am not struck with the fine look of the farm , and all that belongs to it." "Yes," said the old lady, nodding her head two or three times; "Mr. Yan Brunt is a good farmer very good there s no doubt about that," " I wonder what lie d do ," said Miss Fortune, quickly and sharp ly, as before, " if there warn t a head to manage for him! Oh, the farm s well enough, Miss Alice tain t.that; every one knows where his own shoe pinches." "I wish you d let me into the secret, then, Miss Fortune; I m a cobbler by profession." Miss Fortune s ill-humour was giving way, but something dis- agreeable seemed again to cross her mind. Her brow darkened. "I say it s a poor kind of world, and I m sick of it! One may slave, and slave one s life out for other people , and what thanks do you get? I m sick of it." "There s a little body up stairs, or I m much mistaken, who will give you very sincere thanks for every kindness shown her." Miss Fortune tossed her head, and brushing the refuse beans into her lap, she pushed back her chair with a jerk, to go to the fire with them. "Much you know about her, Miss Alice. Thanks, indeed! I haven t seen the sign of such a thing since she s been here, for all I have worked and worked, and had plague enough with her, I am sure. Deliver me from other people s children, say I." "After all, Miss Fortune," said Alice, soberly, "it is not what we do for people that makes them love us or, at least, everything depends on the way things are done. A look of love, a word of kindness , goes further ! towards winning the heart than | years of service , or benefactions mountain high, without them." "Does she say I am unkind to her?" asked Miss Fortune, fiercely. "Pardon me," said Alice, "words on her part are unneces sary; it is easy to see from your own that there is no love lost THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 198 between you, and I am very sorry ! " Certainly, Miss Alice if I can. "If you think Ellen has been it is so." "Love, indeed!" said Miss Fortune, with great indignation ; sufficiently punished for her ill- " there never was any to lose, I j behaviour if you do not think can assure you. She plagues the it right to withhold her letter very life out of me. Why, she hadn t been here three days be fore she went off with that girl Nancy Vawse, that I had told her never to go near, and was still will you let me have the pleasure of giving it to her? I should take it as a great favour to myself." Miss Fortune made no kind of gone all night; that s the time reply to this, but stalked put of she got in the brook. And if the room, and in a few minutes you .d seen her face when I was scolding her about it it was stalked in again with the letter, which she gave to Alice, only like seven thunderclouds. Much saying, shortly you know about it! I dare say "It came to me in a letter from she s very sweet to you; that s her father." the way she is to everybody be side me; they all think she s too good to live; and it just makes me mad!" "She told me herself," said Alice, "of her behaving ill another time, about her mother s letter." "Yes that was another time. I wish you d seen her." "I believe she saw and felt her fault in that case. Didn t she ask your pardon? she said she would." "Yes," said Miss Fortune, dri ly "after a fashion." "Has she had her letter yet?" "No." "How is she to-day?" "Oh, she s well enough she s sitting up. and see her." You can go up "I will, directly," said Alice. "But now, Miss Fortune, I am going to ask a favour of you will you do me a great pleasure?" "You are willing she should have it?" said Alice. "Oh, yes! do what you like with it." Alice now went softly up stairs. She found Ellen s door a little ajar, and looking in, could see Ellen seated in a rocking-chair between the door and the fire , in her double gown, and with her hymn-book in hand. It happened that Ellen had spent a good part of that afternoon in crying for her lost letter; and the face that she turned to the door, on hear ing some slight noise outside, was very white and thin indeed. And though it was placid, too, her eye searched the crack of the door with a keen wistfulness that went to Alice s heart. But as the door was gently pushed open, and the eye caught the figure that stood behind it, the sudden and entire change of expression took away all her powers of THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 199 speech. Ellen s face became ra diant; she rose from her chair, and as Alice silently came in, and kneeling down to be near her, took her in her arms, Ellen put both hers round Alice s neck, and laid her face there ; one was too happy and the other too much touched, to say a word. "My poor child!" was Alice s first expression. "No, I ain t," said Ellen, tightening the squeeze of her arms round Alice s neck; "I am not poor at all HOAV." Alice presently rose, sat down in the rocking-chair, and took Ellen in her lap ; and Ellen rested her head on her bosom, as she had been wont to do of old time on her mother s. "I am too happy," she mur mured. But she was weeping, and the current of tears seemed to gather force as it flowed. What was little Ellen thinking of just then? Oh, those times gone by! when she had sat just so; her head pillowed on another as gentle breast ; kind arms wrapped round her, just as now; the same little, old double-gown; the same weak, helpless feeling; the same committing herself to the strength and care of another; how much i the same, and, oh! how much j not the same ! and Ellen knew j both. Blessing, as she did, the| breast on which she leaned, andi the arms whose pressure she felt, i they yet reminded her sadly of j those most loved and so very far j away ; and it was an odd mixture < of relief and regret, joy and. sorrow, gratified and ungratified affection, that opened the sluices of her eyes. Tears poured. "What is the matter, my love?" said Alice, softly. "I don t know," whispered Ellen. "Are you so glad to see me? or so sorry? or what is it?" "Oh, glad and sorry both, I think!" said Ellen, with a long- breath, and sitting up. "Have you wanted me so much, my poor child?" "I cannot tell you how much," said Ellen , her words cut short. "And didn t you know that I have been sick, too? What did you think had become of me? Why, Mrs. Vawse was with me a whole week, and this is the very first day I have been able to go out. It is so fine to-day, I was permitted to ride Sharp down." "Was that it?" said Ellen. "I did wonder, Miss Alice I did wonder very much why you did not come to see me, but I never liked to ask Aunt Fortune, because " "Because what?" "I don t know as I ought to say what I was going to ; I had a feel ing she would be glad about what I was sorry about." "Don t know that you ought to say," said Alice. "Kemember, you are to study English with me." Ellen smiled a glad smile. "And you have had a weary two weeks of it, haven t you, dear?" " Oh," said Ellen, with another long-drawn sigh, "how weary! Part of that time, to be sure, I was 200 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. out of my head ; but I have got so ! came up to see me last night? tired lying here all alone. Aunt Wasn t it good of him? He even Fortune coming in and out, was just as good as nobody." "Poor child!" said Alice, "you have had a worse time than I." sat down and read to me only think of that! And isn t he kind? he asked if I would like a rocking-chair, and of course I "I used to lie and watch that said yes, for these other chairs crack in the door, at the foot of are dreadful they break my my bed," said Ellen, "and I got back; and there wasn t such a so tired of it I hated to see it; but! thing as a rocking-chair in Aunt when I opened my eyes I couldn t j Fortune s house she hates em, help looking at it, and watching she says; and this morning, the all the little ins and outs in the j first thing I knew, in walked crack, till I was as sick of it asjMr. Van Brunt with this nice could be; and that button too, j rocking-chair. Just get up and that fastens the door, and the see how nice it is; you see little round mark the button has I the back is cushioned, and the made, and thinking how far the j elbows, as well as the seat; it s button went round. And then, queer-looking, ain t it? but it s if I looked towards the windows, ! very comfortable. Wasn t it good I would go right to counting the ! of him?" panes, first up and down, and "It was very kind, I think. But then across and I didn t want j do you know, Ellen, I am going to to count them, but I couldn t help : have a quarrel with you? " it; and watching to see through j "What about?" said Ellen, which pane the sky looked j "I don t believe it s anything brightest. Oh! I got so sick of j very bad, for you look pretty it all! There was only the fire [good-humoured, considering." that I didn t get tired of looking at; I always liked to lie and look at that, except when it hurt my eyes. And oh ! how I wanted to see you, Miss Alice! You can t think how sadl felt that you didn t come to see me. I couldn t think what could be the matter." "I should have been with you, dear, and not have left you, if I hadnotbeentiedat home myself." "Nothing very bad," said Alice, "but still enough to quarrel about. You have twice said ain t since I have been here." "Oh," said Ellen, laughing, "is that all?" "Yes," said Alice, "and my English ears don t like it at all." "Then they shan t hear it," said Ellen, kissing her. "I don t know what makes me say it So I thought, and that made I never used to. But I ve got it seem so very strange. But more to tell you I ve had more oh ! don t you think," said Ellen, visitors. Who do you think came her face suddenly brightening |to see me? you d never guess "don t you think Mr. Van Brunt | Nancy Yawse! Mr. Van Brunt THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 201 came in the very nick of time, j bringing the rocking-chair for when I was almost worried to, me she couldn t say much, death with her. Only think of | but I could see by her face. ^ And her coming up here unknown! then Mrs. Van Brunt s coming to everybody! And she stayed I don t think she liked that. an age , and how she did go on ! She cracked nuts on the hearth ; Oh, Mrs. Van Brunt came to see me this morning, and brought she got every stitch of my clothes ! me a custard. How many people out of my trunk, and scattered! are kind to me, everywhere them over the floor; she tried I go ! " to make me drink gruel, till, between us, we spilled a great I hope, dear Ellen, you don t forget whose kindness parcel on the bed; and she sends them all?" had begun to tickle me when "I don t, Miss Alice; I always Mr. Van Brunt came. Oh! wasn t] think of that now; and it seems, 1 glad to see him! And when i you can t think how pleasant, to Aunt Fortune came up and saw it me sometimes." all, she was as angry as she could " Then I hope you can bear be; and she scolded and scolded, unkindness from one poor wo- till at last I told her it was none i man who , after all , isn t as of my doing I couldn t help it | happy as you are without feel- at all and she needn t talk so ; ing any ill-will towards her in re- to me about it; and then she said | turn." it was my fault , the whole of it! ! "I don t think I feel ill-will that if I hadn t scraped acquain- 1 towards her," said Ellen; "I al- tance with Nancy, when she had i ways try as hard as I can not to ; forbidden me, all this would never but I can t like her, Miss Alice; have happened." I and I do get out of patience. "There is some truth in that, | It s very easy to put me out of isn t there , Ellen? " | patience, I think ; it takes almost "Perhaps so; but I think it nothing, sometimes." might all have happened whether "But, remember, * charity suf- orno; and, at any rate, it is a ferethlong, and is kind. " little hard to talk so to me about! "And I try all the while, dear it now, when it s all over, and Miss Alice, to keep down my can t be helped. Oh, I have been bad feelings," said Ellen, her so tired to-day, Miss Alice! eyes watering as she spoke; "I Aunt Fortune has been in such try, and pray to get rid of them, a bad humour." ! and I hope I shall, by-and-by ; I "What put her in a bad believe I am very bad." humour?" Alice drew her closer. "Why, all this about Nancy, "I have felt very sad part of in the first place; and then I know to-day," said Ellen, presently; she didn t like Mr. Van Brunt s , "Aunt Fortune, and my being so 202 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. lonely, and my poor letter, al- 1 you and myself. Which will you together; but part of the time I have first?" felt a great deal better. Iwasj "Three pieces of good news!" said Ellen, with opening eyes; "I think I 11 have my part first." Directing Ellen s eyes to her pocket, Alice slowly made the corner of the letter show itself. Ellen s colour came and went quick as it was drawn forth; but when it was fairly out, and she knew it again, she flung herself upon it with a desperate eager- say that, has no right to be ness Alice had not looked for: unhappy. No matter what she was startled at the half- happens , we have enough to be frantic way in which the child glad of." clasped and kissed it, weeping "And then I was thinking of bitterly at the same time. Her those words in the Psalms \ transport was almost hysterical. 4 Blessed is the man stop, I ll|She had opened the letter, but find it; I don t know exactly how | she was not able to read a word ; it goes; Blessed is he whose j and quitting Alice s arms, she learning that lovely hymn do you know it, Miss Alice? Poor, weak, and worthless, though I am. 1 " Alice went on : " I have a rich, almighty Friend; Jesus the Saviour is his name, He freely loves, and without end. "Oh, dear Ellen, whoever can transgression is forgiven; whose sin is covered. " "Oh, yes, indeed!" said Alice. "It is a shame that any trifles should worry much those whose sins are forgiven them , and who are the children of the great threw herself upon the bed, sobbing in a mixture of joy and sorrow that seemed to take away her reason. Alice looked on surprised a moment, but only a moment, and turned aAvay. When Ellen was able to begin her letter, the reading of it served throw her back into fresh fits King. Poor Miss Fortune never knew the sweetness of those to words. We ought to be sorry of tears. Many a word of Mrs. for her, and pray for her , Ellen ;|Montgomery s went so to her and never, never, evenin thought, little daughter s heart, that its return evil for evil. It is not like Christ to do so." "I will not, I will not, if I can help it," said Ellen. " You can help it; but there is only one way. Now, Ellen, dear, I have three pieces of news for you , that I think you will like. One concerns you, another iny- sclf, and the third concerns both very inmost chords of love and tenderness were wrung. It is true, the letter was short and very simple; but it came from her mother s heart ; it was written by her mother s hand; and the very old remembered hand-wri ting had mighty power to move her. She was so wrapped up in her own feelings, that through THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 203 it all she never noticed that Alice j ask no more questions ; but lift- was not near her, that Alice did! ing her hands once or twice not speak to comfort her. When! caressingly to Alice s face, she the letter had been read time was distressed to find her cheek after time , and wept over again and again, and Ellen at last was folding it up for the present, she bethought herself of her friend, and turned to look after her. wet still. Alice spoke at last. "It isn t fair not to tell you what is the matter, dear Ellen, since I have let you see me sor rowing. It is nothing new, nor Alice was sitting by the window, anything I would have otherwise her face hid in her hands; and i if I could. It is only that I have as Ellen drew near, she was sur- had prised to see that her tears were lost a mother once, and have her 5 and you brought flowing, and her breast heaving. | back the old time so strongly, Ellen came quite close, and that I could not command my- softly laid her hand on Alice s shoulder. But it drew no atten tion. "Miss Alice," said Ellen, al most fearfully, dear Miss Alice" and her own eyes filled fast again "what is the matter? won t you tell me ? Oh ! don t do so! please don t!" "I will not," said Alice, lifting her head; "I am sorry I have troubled you, dear; I am sorry, self." Ellen felt a hot tear drop upon her forehead, and again ven tured to speak her sympathy only by silently stroking Alice s cheek. "It is all past now," saidAlice; "it is all well. I would not have her back again. I shall go to her, I hope, by-and-by." "Oh, no! you must stay with me," said Ellen v , clasping both arms round her. There was a long silence, du- I could not help it." She kissed Ellen, who stood anxious and sorrowful by her ring which they remained locked side, and brushed away her tears, in each other s arms. But Ellen saw she had been "Ellen, dear," said Alice, at shedding a great many. (length, "we are both mother- "What is the matter, dearjless, for the present, atleast Miss Alice? what has happen- j both of us almost alone : I think ed to trouble you? won t you God has brought us together to tell me?" Ellen was almost be a comfort to each other. We crying herself. will be sisters while He permits Alice came back to the rock- us to be so. Don t call me Miss ing-chair, and took Ellen in her Alice any more. You shall be arms again; but she did not my little sister, and I will be your answer her. Leaning her face elder sister, and my home shall against Ellen s forehead, she re- ! be your home as well." mained silent. Ellen ventured to j Ellen s arms were drawn very 204 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. close round her companion at j washed Ellen s gruel cup and this, but she said nothing, and! spoon; and presently she had her face was hid in Alice s bo- 1 the satisfaction of seeing Ellen som. There was another very j eating the broth with that keen long pause. Then Alice spoke in a livelier tone. enjoyment none know but those that have been sick and are cret- " Come, Ellen! lookup! you ting well. She smiled to see her and I have forgotten ourselves; l gaining strength almost in the it isn t good for sick people to very act of swallowing, get down in the dumps. Look "Ellen," said she, presently, up, and let me see these pale j "I have been considering your cheeks. Don t you want some- dressing -table. It looks rather thing to eat?" doleful. I ll make you a present "1 don t know," said Ellen, of some dimity, and when you faintly. come to see me you shall make a "What would you say to a cup cover for it, that will reach down of chicken-broth?" to the floor and hide those long "Oh, I should like it very much!" said Ellen, with new energy. legs." "Thatwouldn t do at all," said Ellen; "Aunt Fortune would go ; Margery made me some par- ! off into all sorts of fits." ticularly nice, as she always does ; "and I took it into my head a little might not come amiss to "What about?" " Why, the washing, Miss Alice to have such a great thing to you ; so I resolved to stand the ! wash every now and then. You chance of Sharp s jolting it all i can t think what a fuss she makes over me , and I rode down with a j if I have more than just so many little pail of it on my arm. Let j white clothes in the wash every me rake open these coals, and week." you shall have some directly." "And did you come without being spattered?" said Ellen. Not a drop. Is this what you "That s too bad," said Alice. "Suppose you bring it up to me it wouldn t be often and I ll have it washed for you if you use to warm things in? Never | care enough about it to take the mind, it has had gruel in it; I 11 1 trouble. set the tin pail on the fire; it won t hurt it." I am so much obliged to you," ; Oh, indeed I do ! " said Ellen ; "I should like it very much, and I ll get Mr. Van Brunt to no , I said Ellen, "for do you know 1 1 can t, AuntFortune won t let me; have got quite tired of gruel, and I was going to say, I would get panado I can t bear." it." Then I am very glad I brought him to saw off the legs and make it lower for me, and then my dressing -box would stand so While it was warming, Alice nicely on the top. Maybe lean THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 205 yet. Oh , I never showed you iny boxes and things." Ellen brought them all out, and displayed their beauties. In the course of going over the writing- desk, she came to the secret drawer, and a little money in it. "Oh, that puts me in mind!" she said. "Miss Alice, this money is to be spent for some poor child ; now, I ve been thinking, Nancy has behaved so to me, I should like to give her something, to show her that I don t feel un kindly about it what do you think would be a good thing?" "I don t know, Ellen I ll take the matter into considera tion." "Do you think a Bible would do?" " Perhaps that would do as well as anything; I ll think about it." "I should like to do it, very much," said Ellen, "for she has vexed me wonderfully." "Well, Ellen, would you like to hear my other pieces of news? or have you no curiosity? " "Oh yes, indeed," said Ellen-, "I had forgotten it entirely; what is it, Miss Alice?" "You know, I told you one concerns only myself, but it is great news to me. I learnt this morning that my brother will come to spend the holidays with me. It is many months since I have seen him." "Does he live far away?" said Ellen. "Yes he has gone far away to pursue his studies, and cannot come home often. The other piece of news is, that I intend, if you have no objection, to ask Miss Fortune s leave to have you spend the holidays with me too." "Oh, delightful!" said Ellen, starting up, and clapping her hands , and then throwing them round her adopted sister s neck; "dear Alice, how good you are ! " " Then I suppose I may reckon upon your consent," said Alice "and I ll speak to Miss Fortune, without delay." "Oh, thank you, dear Miss Alice; how glad I am! I shall be happy all the time from now till then thinking of it. You aren t going?" "I must." "Ah, don t go yet! Sit down again ; you know you re my sister don t you want to read Mam ma s letter?" "If you please, Ellen I should like it very much. She sat down , and Ellen gave her the letter, and stood by while she read it, watching her with glistening eyes; and though, as she saw Alice s fill, her own over flowed again, she hung over her still to the last; going over every line this time with a new plea sure : "New York, Saturday, Nov. 22, 18 . "Mr DEAR ELLEN, I meant to have written to you before, but have been scarcely able to do so. I did make one or two efforts, which came to nothing; I was obliged to give it up before finish ing anything that could be called 206 THE WIt)E, WIDE WORLD. a letter. To-day I feel much stronger than I have at any time since your departure. "I have missed you, my dear child, very much. There is not an hour in the day, nor a half hour, that the want of you does not come home to my heart; and I think I have missed you in my very dreams. This separation is a very hard thing to bear. But the hand thathasarrangeditdoes nothing amiss; we must trust Him, my daughter, that all will be well. 1 feel it is well; though sometimes the thought of your dear little face is almost too much for me. I will thank God I have had such a blessing so long, and I now commit my treasure to him. It is an unspeakable comfort to me to do this , for nothing com mitted to his care is ever for gotten or neglected. Oh! my daughter, never forget to pray; never slight it. It is almost my only refuge, now I have lost you, and it bears me up. How often how often through years gone ]by when heart-sick and faint I have fallen on my knees, and presently there have been, as it were, drops of cool water sprinkled upon my spirit s fever. Learn to love prayer, dear Ellen, and then you will have a cure for all the sorrows of life. And keep this letter, that, if ever you are like to forget it, your mother s testimony may come to mind again. "My tea, that used to be so pleasant, has become a sad meal to me. I drink it mechanically, 1 and set down my cup, remember ing only that the dear little hand I which used to minister to my wants is near me no more. My child my child ! words are poor to ex press the heart s yearnings, my spirit is near you all the time. " Your old gentleman has paid I me several visits. The day after you went, came some beautiful pigeons. 1 sent word back that you were no longer here to enjoy I his gifts, and the next day he came to see me. He has shown himself very kind. And all this, | dear Ellen, had for its immediate ! cause your proper and ladylike | behaviour in the store. That ! thought has been sweeter to me than all the old gentleman s birds and fruit. I am sorry to inform you that, though I have seen him so many times , I am still perfect ly ignorant of his name. " We set sail on Monday, in the England. Your father has secured a nice state-room for me, and I have a store of comforts laid up for the voyage. So next week you may imagine me out on the broad ocean, with nothing but sky and clouds and water to be seen around me, and probably much too sick to look at those. Never mind that; the sickness is good for me. "I will write you as soon as I can , again , and send by the first conveyance. "And now, my dear baby my precious child farewell! May the blessing of God be with you! Your affectionate mother, "E, MONTGOMERY." THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD, 207 "You ought to be a good child,] shakes to the panes of glass, Ellen," said Alice, as she dashed land through many an opening in away some tears. " Thank you the wooden framework of the for letting me see this; it has Chouse it came in and saluted been a great pleasure to me." Ellen s bare arms and neck. She feel little Andnow," saidEllen, you hurried to finish her dressing, and as if you knew Mamma a wrapping her double-gown over ." all, went down to the kitchen. It "Enough to honour and respect! was another climate there. A her very much. Now, good-bye, I great fire was burning, that it my love; I must be at home be- 1 quite cheered Ellen s heart to fore it is late. I will see you again | look at ; and the air seemed to be before Christmas comes." CHAPTER XXII. Shows how Mr. Van Brunt could be sharp To upon some things. Ellen s sorrow, she was pronounced next morning well enough to come downstairs; her aunt averring that "it was no use to keep a fire burning up there for nothing." She must get up and dress in the cold, again; and winter had fairly set in now; the 19th of December rose clear and keen. Ellen looked sighingly at the heap of ashes and the dead brands in the fireplace, where the bright little fire had blazed so cheerfully the evening before. But regrets did not help the matter, and shivering she began to dress as fast as she could. Since her illness, a basin and pitcher had been brought into her room, so the washing at the spout was ended for the present; and, though the basin had no .place but a chair, and the pitcher must stand on the floor, Ellen thought herself too happy. But full of coffee and buckwheat cakes; Ellen almost thought she should get enough breakfast by the sense of smell. "Ah! here you are," said Miss Fortune. "What have you got that thing on for?" It was so cold up-stairs," said Ellen, drawin The warmth up her shoulders. ad not got inside of her wrapper ye "Well, taint cold here; you d better pull it off right away. I ve no notion of people s making themselves tender. You ll be warm enough directly. Break fast 11 warm you." Ellen felt almost inclined to quarrel with the breakfast that was offered in exchange for her comfortable wrapper; she pulled it off, however, and sat down without saying anything. Mr. Van Brunt put some cakes on her plate, "If breakfast s agoing to warm you," said he, "make haste and get something down; or drink a cup of coffee you re as blue as skim milk." how cold it was ! The wind swept] "Ami?" saidEllen, laughing; past her windows , giving wintry | " I feel blue , but I can t eat such 208 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. a pile of cakes as that, Mr. Van \ for once anyhow. I m not one of Brunt." | them to care what folks say. I ll As a general thing, the meals have it so! But I won t have em at Miss Fortune s were silent so- to tea, mind you I d rather lemnities; an occasional consul- ; throw apples and all into the fire tation, or a few questions and re- at once. I ll have but one plague marks about farm affairs, being of setting tables, and that. I won t all that ever passed. The break- have em to tea. I ll make it up fast this morning was a singular to em in the supper, though." exception to the common rule. "I ll take care to publish that," "I am in a regular quandary," j said Mr. Van Brunt, said the mistress of the house,! "Don t you go and do such a when the meal was about half thing," said Miss Fortune, earn- over, estly. "I shall have the whole Mr. Van Brunt looked up for country on my hands. I won t an instant, and asked, "What have but just as many on em about? " | as 11 do what I want done ; that 11 " Why, how I am ever going to be as much as I can stand under, do to get those apples and sau- ! Don t you whisper a word of it to sage-meat done? If I go to doing! a living creature. I ll go round em myself, I shall about get and ask em myself to come^Mon- through by spring." Why don t you make a bee? " day evening." "Monday evening; then I sup pose you d like to have up the said Mr. Van Brunt. " Ain t enough of either on em sleigh" this afternoon. Who s to make it worth while. I ain t acoming?" agoing to have all the bother of | "I don t know; I han t asked a bee without something to show " for t." " Turn em both into one," sug gested her counsellor, going on with his breakfast. "Both?" " Yes let em pare apples in one room and cutporkin t other." keeping. em yet." "They 11 every soul come that s asked that you may depend; there ain t one on em that would miss of it for a dollar." Miss Fortune bridled a little at the implied tribute to her house- "But I wonder who ever heard of such a thing before," said Miss Fortune, pausing with her cup of coffee half-way to her lips. Pre sently, however, it was carried to her mouth, drunk off, and set down with an air of determination. "I don t care," said she, "if it never was heard, of. I ll do it if to folks knowing it." " If I was some folks, I wouldn t let people know I was in such a of mighty hurry to get a good supper," she observed, rather scornfully. "Humph! " said Mr. Van Brunt; "I think a good supper ain t a bad thing, and I ve no objection THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD, 055 fdbtfd 200 "Pshaw! I didn t mean ?/ow," said Miss Fortune 5 "I was think ing of those Lawsons , and other folks." "If you re there," saidMr. Van Brunt "Dan Dennison s a fine hand at a most anything, in-doors or out." "That s more than you can agoing to ask them say for his sister. Cilly Dennison to your bee, you ain t of my mind." | gives herself so many airs, it s "Well, I am, though," replied altogether too much for plain iss Fortune; "there s a good; country folks. I should like to r Jl _? 5 .1 1 i j i j i i i ir Miss many hands of em ; they can turn off a good lot of work in an even ing; and they always take care to get me to their bees. I may as well get something out of them in return, if I can." "They ll reckon on getting as much as they can out o you, if they come, there s no sort of doubt in my mind. It s my belief Mirny Lawson will kill herself some of these days upon green corn. She was at home to tea one day last summer, and I declare I thought" What Mr. Van Brunt thought he left his hearers to guess. "Well, let them kill themselves if they like," said Miss Fortune ; "I m sure I m willing; there ll be enough; lain tagoingtomince matters when once I begin. Now, let me see. There s five of the Lawsons to begin with I sup pose they ll all come Bill Huff 1 and Jany, that s seven "That Bill Huff is as good- natured a fellow as ever broke ground," remarked Mr. Van know what she It s a most too thinks herself, much for my stomach to see her flourishing that watch and chain." "What s the use of troubling yourself about other people s no tions? " said Mr. Van Brunt. "If folks want to take the road , let them have it. That s my way. I m satisfied, provided they don t I d Brunt. "Ain t better people in the town than them Huffs are." " They re well enough," said Miss Fortune. "Seven and thellitchcocks, there s three of them , that 11 make ten " ain t The Wide , Wide World. far from run me over. " Tain t my way, then, have you to know," said Miss Fortune; "I despise it! And tain t your way, neither, Van Brunt; what did you give Tom Larkens a cowhiding for?" "Cause he deserved it, if ever <b man did," said Mr. Van Brunt, quite rousing up; "he was treat ing that little brother of his n in a way a boy shouldn t be treated; and I am glad I did it. I gave him notice to quit before I laid a finger on him. He warn t doing nothing to me" "And how much good do you suppose it did?" said Miss For tune, rather scornfully. "It did just the good I wanted to do. He has seen fit to let little Billy alone ever since." "Well, I guess I ll let the Dennisons come," said Miss For tune ; " that makes twelve and you and your mother are four- 14 210 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. teen. I suppose that man Marsh- little window that opened into i 11 11 ~l 1* 1 JT 1 T A 1 il 1 1 chalk will come dangling along after the Hitchcocks." To be sure he will; and his aunt, Miss Janet, will come with into the the shed. And there , indeed, was the face of Miss Nancy pressed flat against the glass, . . _ peering room! Miss Fortune beckoned to her. "That is the most impudent, shameless, outrageous piece of . What were you doing at the win dow?" said she, as Nancy came in. "Looking at you, Miss For- him, most likely." "Well there s no help for it," said Miss Fortune. "That makes sixteen." " Will you ask Miss Alice ? " "Not I; she s another of your ^v,~^ & , j^, ^^ proud set. I don t want to see j tune," said Nancy, coolly. "What anybody that thinks she s going have you been talking about, to do me a great favour by; this great while? If there had coming." | only been a pane of glass broken, Ellen s lips opened, but wisdom j I needn t have asked." came in time to stop the words "Hold your tongue," said Miss that were on her tongue. It did ; Fortune , " and listen to me." not, however, prevent the quick j "I ll listen. Ma am," said little turn of her head, which; Nancy, "but it s of no use to showed what she thought, and hold my tongue. I do try some - the pale cheeks were for a mo- j times, but I never could keep it long." " Have you done ? " "I don t know, Ma am," said ment bright enough. "She is, and I don t care who hears it," repeated Miss Fortune. "I suppose she d look as sober Nancy, shaking her head; "it s as a judge , too , if she saw cider just as it happens." on the table; they say she wontj "You tell your granny I m touch a drop ever, and thinks it s going to have a bee here next wicked; and if that ain t setting Monday evening, and ask her if one s self up for better than other i she 11 come to it." folks , I don t know what is." Nancy nodded. " If it s good "I saw her paring apples at j weather," she added, condition- the Huffs , though," said Mr. Van ally. Brunt, " and as pleasant as any- "Stop, Nancy!" said Miss For- but she didn t stay to tune "here!" for Nancy was body; supper. shutting the door behind her. "I d askMrs.Vawse, if>I could! "As sure as you come here Mon- get word to her ," said Miss For- j day night without your grandma, tune ; " but I can never travel up you 11 go out of the house quicker that mountain. If I get a sight of Nancy, I ll tell her." " There she is , then," said Mr. Van Brunt, looking towards the than you come in; see if you don t!" With another gracious nod and smile, Nancy departed. "Well," said Mr. Van Brunt, THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD, rising, "I ll despatch this busi-jVan Brunt was standing at ness down-stairs, and then I ll bottom, and he looked up. bring up the sleigh. The pickle s "itTo-o- T ^ A^ *i. Q ready, I suppose." 211 the "No, it ain t," said Miss For tune ; " I couldn t make it yester day ; but it s all in the kettle, and I told Sam to make a fire down stairs , so you can put it on when you go down. The kits are all ready, and the salt, and every thing else." Mr. Van Brunt went down the stairs, that led to the lower kitchen; and Miss Fortune, to make up for lost time, set about her morning s work with even an uncommon measure of activity. Ellen, in consideration of her being still weak, was notrequired to do anything. She sat and looked on, keeping out of the aunt as far as ut Miss For- May I come down there , Mr. Van Brunt?" said Ellen, softly. "Come down here? to be sure you may ! You may always come straight where I am, without asking any questions." Ellen went down. But before she reached the lowest step she stopped with almost a start, and stood fixed with such a horrified face , that neither Mr. Van Brunt nor SamLarkens, who was there, could help laughing. "What s the matter?" said the former "they re all dead enough, Miss Ellen; you needn t be scared." Three enormous hogs, which had been killed the day before, greeted Ellen s eyes. They lay in different parts of the room, with each a cob in his mouth. A fourth lay stretched upon his back on the kitchen table , which was drawn out into the middle of way of her bustling ; it was possible; b tune s gyrations were of that cha racter , that no one could tell five minutes beforehand what she j the floor. Ellen stood fast on the might consider "in the way."! stair. Ellen wished for her quiet room "Have they been killed?" was again. Mr. Van Brunt s voice j her first astonished exclamation, sounded downstairs in tones of j to which Sam responded with an- business; what could he be other burst, about? It must be very uncom- 1 "Be quiet, Sam Larkens/ said mon business that kept him in! Mr. Van Brunt. "Yes, Miss the house. Ellen grew restless j Ellen, they ve been killed, sure with the desire to go and see, j enough." and to change her aunt s com- j "Are these the same pigs I used pany for his ; and no sooner was j to see you feeding with corn, Mr. .Miss Fortune fairly shut up in Van Brunt?" the buttery at some secret work, " The identical same ones," re- than Ellen gently opened the plied that gentleman , as, laying door at the head of the lower j hold of the head of the one on stairs, and looked down. Mr. j the table , and applying his long 14* THE WIDE, WIDE WOULD. sharp knife with the other hand, he, while he was speaking, severed it neatly and quickly from the trunk. "And very fine porkers they are ; I ain t ashamed of em." "And what s going to be done with them now ? " said Ellen. "I am just going to cut them up and lay them down. You never see nothing of the kind before, did you?" " No ," said Ellen. " What do you mean by laying them down, Mr. Van Brunt?" "Why, laying em down in salt for pork and hams. You want to see the whole operation, don t you? Well, here s a seat for you. You d better fetch that painted coat o yourn and wrap round you, for it ain t quite so warm here as up-stairs ; but it s getting warmer. Sam , just you shut that door to, and throw on another log." Sam built up as large a fire as could be made under a very large kettle that hung in the chimney. When Ellen came down in her wrapper, she was established close in the chimney corner ; and then Mr. Van Brunt , not thinking her quite safe from the keen cur rents of air that would find their way into the room, despatched Sam for an old buffalo robe that lay in the shed. This he himself with great care wrapped round her, feet and chair and all, and secured it in various places with old forks. He declared then she looked for all the world like an Indian , except her face ; and , in high good humour both, he went on cutting up the pork, and Ellen from out of her buffalo robe watched him. It was beautifully done. Even Ellen could see that, although she could not have known if it had been done ill. The knife, guided by strength and skill, seemed to go with the greatest ease and certainty just where he wished it; the hams were beauti fully trimmed out; the pieces fashioned clean ; no ragged cut ting; and his quick-going knife disposed of carcass after carcass with admirable neatness and cele rity. Sam meanwhile arranged the pieces in different parcels at his direction, and minded the kettle, in which a great boiling and scumming was going on. Ellen was too much amused for a while to ask any questions. When the cutting up was all done , the hams and shoulders were put in a cask by themselves, and Mr. Van Brunt began to pack down the other pieces in the kits , strewing them with an abundance of salt. "What s the use of putting all that salt with the pork , Mr. Van Brunt?" said Ellen. "It wouldn t keep goodwithout that; it would spoil very quick." "Will the salt make it keep ? " . "All the year round as sweet as a nut." "I wonder what is the reason of that?" said Ellen. "Will salt make everything keep good?" "Everything in the .world if it only has enough of it, and is kept dry and cool." THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 213 "Are you going to do the hams in the same way?" "No; they re to go in that pickle over the fire." "In this kettle? what is in it?" said Ellen. "You must ask Miss Fortune about that; sugar, and salt, and saltpetre , and molasses , and I don t know what all." "And will this make the hams so different from the rest of the pork?" " No ; they ve got to be smoked after they have laid in that for a while." " Smoked !" said Ellen; "how?" "Why, han t you been in the smoke-house? The hams has to be taken out of the pickle and hung up there ! and then we make a little fire of oak chips, and keep it burning night and day." "And how long must they stay in the smoke?" "Oh, three or four weeks, or so." "And then they are done?" " Then $iey are done." "How very curious?" said Ellen. " Then it s the smoke that fives them that nice taste? 1 never new smoke was good for any thing before." "Ellen!" said the voice of Miss Fortune, from the top of the stairs " come right up here , this mi nute ! you 11 catch your death ! " Ellen s countenance fell. The upper door was shut again pretty sharply, but that was the only audible expression of opi nion with which Miss Fortune fa voured them. "I guess mv leather curtains keep off the wind, don t they?" said Mr. Van Brunt. "Yes, indeed they do," said Ellen; "I don t feel a breath; I am as warm as a toast too warm, almost. How nicely you have fixed me up, Mr .Van Brunt ! " "I thought that ere old buffalo had clone its work," he said; "but I 11 never say anything is good for nothing again. Have you found out where the apples are, yet?" "No," said Ellen. "Han t Miss Fortune showed you? Well, it s time you d know. Sam , take that little basket and go fill it at the bin; I guess you know where they be, for I believe you put em there." Sam went into the cellar, and presently returned with the bas ket nicely filled. He handed it to Ellen. "Are all these for me?" she said , in surprise. "Every one on em," said Mr. Van Brunt. "But I don t like to," said Ellen; " what will AuntFortune say?" "She won t say a word," said Mr. Van Brunt; "and don t you say a word neither, but whenever "There s no sort of fear of; you want apples, just go to the that, Ma am," said Mr. Van Brunt, [bin and take em. / give you quietly; "and Miss Ellen is fasten- leave. It s right at the end of the ed up so, she can t get loose ; and j far cellar, at the left-hand corner ; 1 can t let her out just now." | there are the bins and all sorts of 214 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD, apples in em. You ve got a pretty variety there, han t you? " "Oh! all sorts," said Ellen "and what beauties! and I love apples very much red, and yel low, and speckled, and green what a great monster ! " "That s a Swar; that ain t as good as most of the others; those are Seek-no-furthers." " Seek-no-further ! " said Ellen ; " what a funny name ! It ought to be a mighty good apple. / shall seek further, at any rate. What is this?" "That s as good an apple as you ve got in the basket: that s a real Orson pippin a very fine kind. I ll fetch you some up from home some day, though , that are better than the best of these." The pork was all packed ; the kettle was lifted off the fire 5 Mr. Van Brunt was wiping his hands from the salt. "And now, I suppose I must go," said Ellen, with a little sigh. "Why, 1 must go," said he; "so I suppose I may as well let you out of your tent first." "I have had such a nice time," said Ellen; "I had got so tired of doing nothing up-stairs. I am very much obliged to you, Mr. Van Brunt. But," said she, stopping as she had taken up her basket to fo , " aren t y^ou going to put the ams in the pickle ?" "No," said he, laughing, "it must wait to get cold first. But you ll make a capital farmer s wife, there s no mistake." Ellen blushed, and ran up stairs with her apples. To bestow them safely in her closet was her first care ; the rest of the morning was spent in increasing weariness and listlessness. She had brought down her little hymn-book, think ing to amuse herself with learn ing a hymn, but it would not do ; eyes and head both refused their part of the work; and when at last Mr. Van Brunt came in to a late dinner, he found Ellen seated flat on the hearth before the fire, her right arm curled round upon the hard wooden bottom of one of the chairs, and her head pil lowed upon that, fast asleep. "Bless my soul!" saidMr.Van Brunt, "what s become of that ere rocking- cheer?" "It s upstairs, I suppose. You can go fetch it if you ve a mind to," answered Miss Fortune, drily enough. He did so immediately; and Ellen barely waked up to feel herself lifted from the floor, and placed in the friendly rocking- chair ; Mr. Van Brunt remarking, at the same time, that "it might be well enough to let well folks lie on the floor and sleep on cheers, but cushions warn t a bit too soft for sick ones." Among the cushions Ellen went to sleep again with a much better prospect of rest; and, either sleeping or dozing, passed away the time for a good while. CHAPTER XXIII. How Miss Fortune went out arid pleasure came in. SHE was thoroughly roused at last by the slamming of the house THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. door after her aunt. She and Mr. j the wall, moved lightly by the Van Brunt had gone forth on \ wind , drew its icy fingers over their sleighing expedition, and | the panes of glass. Wintry it was Ellen waked to find herself quite without, but that made the alone. warmth and comfort within seem She could not long have doubt- all the more. Ellen would have ed that her aunt was away, even enjoyed it very much if she had if she had not caught a glimpse [had any one to talk to; as it was, of her bonnet going out of the she felt rather lonely and sad. shed door the stillness was so She had begun to learn a hymn; uncommon. No such quiet could j but it had set her off upon a long be with Miss Fortune anywhere i train of thought; and with her about the premises. The old j head resting on her hand, her grandmother must have been fingers pressed into her cheek, abed and asleep, too, for a cricket under the hearth, and the wood fire in the chimney, had it all to themselves, and made the only sounds that were heard; the first singing out every now and then in a very contented and cheerful style , and the latter giving occa sional little snaps and sparks, that just served to make one the other hand with the hymn- book lying listlessly in her lap, and eyes staring into the fire, she was sitting the very picture of meditation, when the door open ed, and Alice Humphreys came in. Ellen started up. "Oh, I m so glad to see you! I m all alone." Left alone, are you?" said take notice how very quietly and Alice, as Ellen s warm lips were steadily it was burning. Miss Fortune had left the room put up in the last extreme of neat ness. Not a speck of dust could pressed again and again to her cold cheeks. "Yes, Aunt Fortune s gone out. Come and sit down here in be supposed to lie on the shining; the rocking-chair. How cold you painted floor; the back of every j are ! Oh , do you know she is go- chair was in its place against the j ing to have a great bee here M on- wall. The very hearth -stones day evening? What is a bee?" shone, and the heads of the large Alice smiled. "Why," said she, iron nails in the floor were polish- " when people here in the country ed to steel. Ellen sat awhile have so much of any kind of work listening to the soothing chirrup! to do that their own hands are of the cricket, and the pleasant not enough for it, they send and crackling of the flames. It was a call in their neighbours to help fine, cold winter s day. The two, them that s a bee. A large little windows at the far end of the party in the course of a long kitchen looked out upon an ex- j evening can do a great deal." panse of snow; and the large " But why do they call it a bee?" lilac-bush, that grew close by "I don t know, unless they 216 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD, mean to be like a Live of bees for the time. As busy as a bee, you know." " Then they ought to call it a pressure of her two arms about her friend, said as much. There was a long pause. The cheek of Alice rested on Ellen s head, hive, and not a bee, I should I which nestled against her; both think. Aunt Fortune is going to were busily thinking, but neither ask sixteen people. I wish you spoke; and " were coming ! " " How do you know but I am ? " " Oh , I know you aren t. Aunt Fortune isn t going to ask you." "You are sure of that, are you?" "Yes, I wish I wasn t, she vexed me this morning by something she said! " You mustn t get vexed so Oh, how the cricket chirped, and the flames crackled, without being listened to. "Miss Alice," said Ellen , after a long time "I wish you would talk over a hymn with me." "How do you mean, my dear?" said Alice, rousing herself. "I mean, read it over and ex plain it. Mamma used to do it 5 sometimes. I have been thinking on t let every a great deal about her to-day; little untoward thing roughen and 1 think I am very different your temper." "But I couldn t help it, dear Miss Alice; it was about you. I don t know whether I ought to tell you; but I don t think you 11 from what I ought to be. I wish you would talk to me , and make me better, Miss Alice." Alice pressed an earnest kiss upon the tearful little face that mind it, and I know it isn t true, j was uplifted to her,andpresently She said she didn t want you to ~~" come, because you were one of the proud set." "And what did you say?" " Nothing. I had it just on the end of my tongue to say, It s no such thing ; but I didn t say it." "I am glad you were so wise. Dear Ellen, that is nothing to be vexed about. If it were true , in deed , you might be sorry. I trust Miss Fortune is mistaken. I shall try and find some way to make her change her mind, you told me." "I am so glad you are come, dear Alice!" said Ellen again. said "I am afraid I shall be a poor substitute for your mother, Ellen. What hymn shall we take?" "Any one this one, if you like. Mamma likes it very much. I was looking it over to-day: A charge to keep I have, A. God to glorify; A never-dying soul to save And fit it for the sky. " Alice read the first line, and paused. I am glad j "There, now," said Ellen "what is a charge?" "Don t you know that?" "I think I do, but I wish you would tell me." I wish I could have you al ways ! " And the long , very close | " Try to tell me first." THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 217 "Isn t it something that is given one to do ? I don t know exactly." "It is something given one in trust to be done, or taken care of. I remember very well once, when I was about your age , my mother had occasion to go out for half an hour, and she left me in charge of my little baby sister; she gave me a charge not to let anything disturb her while she was away, and to keep her asleep if I could. And I remember how I kept my charge, too. I was not to take her out of the cradle, but I sat beside her the whole time 5 I would not suffer a fly to light on her little fair cheek; I scarcely took my eyes from her; I made John keep pussy at a distance; and whenever one of the little, round, dimpled arms was thrown out upon the coverlet, I carefully drew something over it again." "Is she dead?" said Ellen, timidly, her eyes watering in sympathy with Alice s. ^"She is dead, my dear; she died before we left England." "I understand what a charge is," said Ellen, after a little; "but what is this charge the hymn speaks of? What charge have I to keep?" " The hymn goes on to tell you. The next line gives you part of it. A God to glorify. " "To glorify?" said Ellen, doubtfully. "Yes, that is, to honour to give him all the honour that belongs to him." "But can /honour Him? 11 " Most certainly ; either honour or dishonour; you cannot help doing one." "1!" said Ellen, again. "Must not your behaviour speak either well or ill for the mother who has brought you up?" "Yes, I know that." "Very well; when a child of God lives as he ought to do, people cannot help having high and noble thoughts of that glori ous One whom he serves, and of that perfect law he obeys. Little as they may love the ways of religion in their own secret hearts, they cannot help confessing that there is a God, and that they ought to serve him. But a worldling, and still more, an unfaithful Christian, just helps people to forget there is such a Being, and makes them think either that religion is a sham, or that they may safely go on de spising it. I have heard it said, Ellen, that Christians are the only Bible some people ever read; and it is true; all they know of religion is what they get from the lives of its professors; and oh! were the world but full of the right kind of example, the king dom of darkness could not stand. Arise, shine! is a word that every Christian ought to take home." "But how can I shine?" asked Ellen. " My dear Ellen in the faith ful, patient, self-denying per formance of every duty as it comes to hand Whatsoever 218 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD, thy hand findeth to do , do it with jghe was a Christian, because she thy might. " Jiad taught you the truth, and "It is very little that /can do," ^evidently had tried to lead you said Ellen. in it," "Perhaps more than you think The quivering face of delight but never mind that. All are with which Ellen began to listen not great stars in the church ; you gave way, long before Alice had may be only a little rushlight done , to a burst of tears, see you burn well." "It makes me so glad to hear "I remember," said Ellen, you say that!" she said, musing, "Mamma once told me, "The praise of it is your mo- when I was going somewhere, ther s, you know, Ellen." that people would think strangely! "I know it but you make of her if I didn t behave well." jme so glad!" And hiding her "Certainly. Why, Ellen, I: face in Alice s lap, she fairly formed an opinion of her very sobbed, soon after I knew you." "You understand now, don t "Did you?" said Ellen, with a you, how Christians may honour wonderfully brightened face ! or dishonour their Heavenly "what was it? was it good? ah! Father?" do tell me!" "Yes, I do; but it makes me "I am not quite sure of the afraid to think of it." wisdom of that," said Alice, "Afraid! it ought rather to smiling: "you might take home make you glad. It is a great the praise that is justly her right honour and happiness for us to and not yours." I be permitted to honour Him " Oh 010 , indeed ," said Ellen J] A never-dying soul to save " I had rather she should have it I And flt }t for the sk y- than I. Please tell me what you Yes that is the great duty you thought of her, dear Alice Lowe yourself. Oh, never forget know it was good, at any rate." jit, dear Ellen! And whatever "Well, I will tell you," said would hinder you, have nothing Alice, "at all risks. I thought! to do with it. What shall it your mother was a lady, from profit a man though he gain the the honourable notions she had [whole world, and lose his own given you ; and , from your ready j soul? Obedience to her, which was To serve the present age, evidently the obedience of love, | My calling to fulfil. 1 judged she had been a good! "What is the present age? " mother in the true sense of the said Ellen. term. I thought she must be a| "All the people who are living refined and cultivated person, in the world at this time." from the manner of your speech | "But, dear Alice, what can I and behaviour; and I was sure, do to the present age?" THE WIDE, "WIDE WORLD- 219 "Nothing to the most part of I ness. Is there no improvement them, certainly; and yet, dear! to be made here?" Ellen, if your little rushlightj "Ohme, yes!" L answeredEllen, shines well , there is just so much with a sigh. the less darkness in the world j "Then your old grandmother, though perhaps you light only a ; Can you do nothing to cheer her very Tittle corner. Every Christian : life in her old age and helpless- is a blessing to the world jness? can t you find some way of another grain of salt to go to- ! giving her pleasure some way wards sweetening and saving the | of amusing a long tedious hour, mass." I now and then?" " That is very pleasant to think I Ellen looked very grave ; in of," said Ellen, musing. her inmost heart she knew this " Oh , if we were but full of was a duty she shrank from, love to our Saviour, how pleasant "He went about doing good. it would be to do anything for j Keep that in mind. A kind word him! how many ways we should! spoken a little thing done to find of honouring bim by doing smooth the way of one, or lighten good." |the load of another teaching "I wish you would tell me those who need teaching en- some of the ways that I can do treating those who are walking it," said Ellen. in the wrong way. Oh! my child, "You will find them fast enough there is work enough ! if you seek them , Ellen. No one is so poor or so young but he has one talent at least to use for God." "I wish I knew what mine is," said Ellen. "Is your daily example as per fect as it can be?" Ellen was silent, and shook her head. Christ pleased not himself, To serve the present age, My calling to fulfil ; Oh, may it all my powers engage To do my Maker s will! Arm me with jealous care, As in thy sight to live ; And oh! thy servant, Lord, prepare, A strict account to give ! " "An account of what?" said Ellen. "You know what an account and went about doing good ; and is. If I give Thomas a dollar to he said, If any man serve me, spend for me at Carra-carra, I let him follow me. Remember expect he will give me an exact that. Perhaps your aunt is uu- account, when he comes back, reasonable and unkind see what he has done with every with how much patience and per- shilling of it. So must we give feet sweetness of temper you can an account of what we have done bear and forbear 5 see if vou |with everything our Lord has cannot win her over by untiring : committed to our care our gentleness, obedience, and meek- (hands, our tongues, our time, 220 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. our minds, our influence; how much we have honoured him, how much good we have done to others , how fast and how far we have grown holy and fit for heaven." "It almost frightens me to hear you talk , Miss Alice." "Not frighten, dear Ellen that is not the word; sober, we ought to be mindful to do nothing we shall not wish to and glistening eyes were raised "It will be a dreadful day to all but those whose names are written in the Lamb s book of life; not dreadful to them, dear Ellen." " But how shall I be sure , dear Alice, that my name is written there? and I can t be happy if I am not sure." "My dear child," said Alice, tenderly, as Ellen s anxious face remember in the great day of account. Do you recollect how that day is described? Where is your Bible?" She opened at the 20th chapter to hers, " if you love Jesus Christ, you may know you are his child, of the Revelation. Where I and none shall pluck you out of his hand." "But how can I tell whether I do love him really? Sometimes I "And I saw a great white! think I do, and then again some- throne, and him that sat on it, | times I am afraid 1 don t at all." Alice answered in the words of from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them. "And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God: and the books were opened; and another book was opened, which is the book of life; and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. And the sea gave up the dead which grieved when you fail? There were in it; and death and hell is the point. You cannot love delivered up the dead which were Christ without loving to please in them: and they were judged! him." every man according to their Ellen rose, and putting both works. And death and hell were arms round Alice s neck, laid cast into the lake of fire. This is! her head there, as her manner Christ: "He that hath my com mandments and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me." "Oh, I don t keep his com mandments!" said Ellen, the tears running down her cheeks. "Perfectly, none of us do. But, dear Ellen , that is not the ques tion. Is it your heart s desire and effort to keep them? Are you j "U j? i o mi the second death. "And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire." Ellen shivered. "That is dread ful! " she said. sometimes Avas, tears flowingfast. "I sometimes think I do love him a little ," she said ; " but I do so many wrong things. But he will teach me to love him if I ask him, won t he, dear Alice?" THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD, 221 " Indeed he will, dear Ellen," said Alice, folding her arms round her little adopted sister -indeed he will. He has promised that, llemember what he told | pay for it." said Miss Fortune. " She s slept this whole blessed forenoon; I suppose she 11 want to be alive and dancing the whole night, to somebody who was almost in "I can tell you what she ll despair Fear not; only be- want a sight more," said Mr. lieve. " i Van Brunt, who had followed her Alice s neck was wet with j in it must have been to see Ellen s tears; and after they had about Ellen, for he was never ceased to flow, her arms kept known to do such a thing before their hold, and her head its j or since "I ll tell you what resting-place on Alice s shoulder j she 11 want, and that s a right for some time. It was necessary! hot supper. She s ate as nigh at last for Alice to leave her. as possible nothing at all this Ellen waited till the sound of | noon. There ain t much danger her horse s footsteps died away j of her dancing a hole in your on the road; and then, sinking floor this some time." on her knees beside her rocking- chair, she poured forth her whole heart in prayers and tears. She confessed manyafault andshort- CHAPTER XXIV. Sweeping and dusting. GREAT preparations were ma- coming that none knew but her- [ king all Saturday and Monday self; and most earnestly besought I for the expected gathering. From help that "her little rushlight; morning till night Miss Fortune might shine bright." Prayer was i was in a perpetual bustle. The to little Ellen what it is to all ; great oven was heated no less that know it the satisfying of than three several times onSatur- doubt, the soothing of care , the | day alone. Ellen could hear the quieting of trouble. She had j breaking of eggs in the buttery, knelt down very uneasy; but she I arid the sound of beating or knew that God has promised to, whisking, for a long time to- be the hearer of prayer, and shelgether; and then Miss Fortune rose up very comforted, her mind would come out with floury fixing on those most sweet words hands, and plates of empty egg- Alice had brought to her me-! shells made their appearance, mory "Fear not; only believe." But Ellen saw no more. When- When Miss Fortune returned, i ever the coals were swept out of Ellen was quietly asleep again in the oven, and Miss Fortune had her rocking-chair, with a face made sure that the heat was just very pale, but calm as an evening ! right for her purposes, Ellen was sunbeam. |sent out of the way, and when "Well, I declare if that child; she got back there was nothing ain t sleeping her life away !"|to be seen but the fast-shut oven M LD. 222 THE WIDE, WIDE WOR door. It was just the same when ! unable to go out or come in. the dishes, in all their perfec-jBut not long. As the words tion, were to come out of the; came back upon her memory oven again. The utmost Ellen; "A charge to keep I have" was permitted to see was the her mind was made up ; after one napkin covering some stray cake moment s prayer for help and or pie that by chance had to i forgiveness, she shut the door, pass through the kitchen where ! came back to the fireplace, and she was. As she could neither help nor look on, the day passed rather spoke in a cheerful tone "Grandma, wouldn t you like to have me read something to wearily. She tried studying; a; you?" very little, she found, was enough i "Eead!" answered the old to satisfy both mind and body in; lady "laws a me! / don t their present state. She longed read nothing, deary." to go out again and see how the "But wouldn t you like to have snow looked, but a fierce wind me read to you, Grandma?" all the fore part of the day made ! The old lady, in answer to it unfit for her. Towards the this, laid down her knitting, middle of the afternoon she saw j folded both arms round Ellen, with joy that it had lulled, and, land kissing her a great many though very cold, was so bright i times , declared she should like and calm, that she might ven- anything that came out of that ture. She had eagerly opened sweet little mouth. As soon as the kitchen door to go up and I she was set free, Ellen brought get ready, when a long weary j her Bible, sat down close be- yawn from her old grandmother i side her, and read chapter after made her look back. The old chapter; rewarded even then by lady had laid her knitting in her; seeing that, though her grand- lap , and bent her face down to i mother said nothing , she was her hand, which she was rub- j listening with fixed attention, bing across her brow, as if to j bending down over her knitting clear away the tired feeling that ! as if in earnest care to catch had settled there. Ellen s con- j every word. And when at last science instantly brought up ! she stopped, warned by certain Alice s words "Can t you\do j noises downstairs that her aunt something to pass away a tedious I would presently be bustling in, hour now and then?" The first the old lady again hugged her feeling was of vexed regret that close to her bosom, kissing her they should have come into her! forehead and cheeks and lips, head at that moment; then con science said that was very selfish. There was a struggle. Ellen stood with the door in her hand, and declaring that she was "a great deal sweeter than any sugar -plums;" and Ellen was very much surprised to feel her THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 223 face wet with a tear from herjSukey, and Betty Flynn sleek grandmother s cheek. Hastily; and contented; winter and sum- kissing her again (for the first mer were all the same to them, time in her life), she ran out of. And Mr. Van Brunt was very the room , her own tears start- i glad to see her there again , and ing, and her heart swelling big. Sam Larkens and Johnny Low "Oh! how much pleasure," she looked as if they were too, and thought, "I might have given Ellen told them with great truth my poor Grandma ; and how I she was very glad indeed to be have let her alone all this while !> there ; and then she went in to How wrong I have been! But it: supper with Mr. Van Brunt and shan t be so in future ! " tan amazing appetite. It was not quite sundown, andj That was Saturday. Sunday Ellen thought she might yet have i passed quietly, though Ellen two or three minutes in the open j could not help suspecting it was air. So she wrapped up very ; not entirely a day of rest to her warm and went out to the chip- j aunt ; there was a savoury smell yard. | of cooking in the morning, which Ellen s heart was very light; nothing that came on table by she had just been fulfilling a duty; any means accounted for; and that cost her a little self-denial, j Miss Fortune was scarcely to be and the reward had already seen the whole day. come ; and now it seemed to her With Monday morning began that she had never seen anything a grand bustle, and Ellen was so perfectly beautiful as the scene I well enough now to come in for before her the brilliant snow | her share. The kitchen, parlour, that lay in a thick carpet over! hall, shed, and lower kitchen, all the fields and hills , and the i must all be thoroughly swept pale streaks of sunlight stretch- and dusted; this was given to ing across it between the long, her, and a morning s work pretty shadows that reached now from near she found it. Then she had the barn to the house. One mo- to rub bright all the brass han- ment the light tinted the snow- , dies of the doors, and the big capped fences and whitened brass andirons in the parlour barn-roofs; then the lights and and the brass candlesticks on the shadows vanished together, the parlour mantel-piece. When and it was all one cold, dazzling at last she had got through, and white. "Oh, how glorious !" came to the fire to warm herself, Ellen almost shouted to herself, she found her grandmother la- It was too cold to stand still; menting that her snuff-box was she ran to the barnyard to see empty, and asking her daughter the cows milked. There they i to fill it for her. were all her old friends "Oh, I can t be bothered to Streaky and Dolly, and Jane and be running upstairs to fill snuff- 224 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. boxes," answered that lady; "you ll have to wait." "I ll get it, Grandma," said Ellen, "if you 11 tell me where." " Sit down, and be quiet! " said Miss Fortune; "you go into my room just when 1 bid you, and not till then." feeling had sprung up fast; in stead of disliking and shunning, she had begun to love her. There was no dinner for any one this day. Mr. and Mrs. Van Brunt came to an early tea; after which, Ellen was sent to dress herself, and Mr. Van Brunt to Ellen sat down. But no sooner I get some pieces of board for the was Miss Fortune hid in the but- 1 meat -choppers. He came back tery, than the old lady beckoned (presently with an armful of her to her side, and nodding her I square bits of wood; and sitting head a great many times, gave down before the fire, began to her the box , saying , softly "You can run up now; she won t see you, deary. It s in a jar in the closet. Now s the time." Ellen could not bear to say no. She hesitated a minute, and then boldly opened the buttery door. "Keep want?" out! what do you "She wanted me to go for the snuff," said Ellen, in a whisper; "please, do let me I won t look at anything, nor touch any thing, but just get the snuff." With an impatient gesture, her whittle the rough sawn ends over the hearth. His mother grew ner- - r -|71 j T *_ vous. Miss Fortune bore she would have borne it it as from vv mi Hii impauuiii gusuurc, iitu i o aunt snatched the box from her! nold her tongue, hand, pushed Ellen out of the no one else, but vexation was gathering in her breast for the first occasion. Presently, Ellen s voice was heard singing down the stairs. "I d give something to stop that child s pipe ! " said Miss For tune; "she s continually singing the same thing over and over something about a charge to keep I d a good notion to give her a charge to keep , this morning; it would have been to buttery, and shut the door. The old lady kissed and fondled her, as if she had done what she had only tried to do ; smoothed down her hair, praising its beauty, and whispered "Never mind, deary you ll read to Grandma, won t you?" It cost Ellen no effort now. With the beginning of kind of fices to her poor old parent, kind tjn. ub- an "That would have been a lie loss, /think," said Mi- Brunt, gravely. "Well, you are making a pre cious litter ! " said the lady, turn ing short upon him. "Nevermind," said he, in the same tone "it s nothing but what the fire ll burn up, anyhow ; don t Avorry yourself about it." Just as Ellen came in, so did Nancy by the other door. THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 225 "What are you here for?" said Miss Fortune, with an ire ful face. "Oh, come to see the folks, and get some peaches," said Nancy; "come to help along, to be sure." "Ain t your Grandma coming?" "No, Ma am, she ain t. I knew she wouldn t be of much use, so I thought I wouldn t ask her." Miss Fortune immediately or dered her out. Half - laughing, half-serious , Nancy tried to keep her ground, but Miss Fortune was in no mood to hear parley ing. She laid violent hands on the passive Nancy, and between pulling and pushing, at last got her out and shut the door. Her next sudden move was to haul off her mother to bed. Ellen looked her sorrow at this,andMr. Van Brunt whistled Ids thoughts ; but that either made nothing, or made Miss Fortune more deter- 1 mined. Off she went, with her; old mother under her arm. While j she was gone, Ellen brought the j broom to sweep up the hearth, j but Mr. Van Brunt would not let her. "No, "said he; "it s more than you nor I can do. You know," said he, with a sly look, "we might sweep up the shavings into the wrong corner ! " This entirely overset Ellen s gravity, and unluckily she could not get it back again, even though warned by Mrs. Van Brunt that her aunt was coming. Try ing only made it worse , and Miss Fortune s entrance was, but thej The Wide, Wide World, signal for a fresh burst of hearty merriment. What she was laugh ing at, was of course instantly asked, in no pleased tone of voice. Ellen could not tell; and her silence and blushing only made her aunt more curious. "Come, leave bothering her," said Mr. Van Brunt, at last; "she was only laughing at some of my nonsense, and she won t tell on me." "Will you swear to that?" said the lady , sharply. " Humph ! no, I won t swear ; unless you will go before a magis trate with me ; but it is true." "I wonder if you think I am as easily blinded as all that comes to!" said Miss Fortune, scornfully. And Ellen saw that her aunt s displeasure was all gathered upon her for the evening. She was thinking of Alice s words, and trying to arm herself with patience and gentleness, when the door opened , and in walked Nancy as demurely as if nobody had ever seen her before. "Miss Fortune, granny sent me to tell you she is sorry she can t come to-night; she don t think it would do for her to be out so late; she s a little touch of the rheumatics , she says." "Very well," said Miss For tune." "Now, clear out." "You d better not say so, Miss Fortune ; I ll do as much for you as any two of the rest see if I don t!" "I don t care if you did as much as fifty!" said Miss For- 15 226 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. tune impatiently. "I won t have you here; so go, or I ll give you something to help you along." Nancy saw she had no chance with Miss Fortune, in her pre sent humour, and went quietly out. A little while after, Ellen was standing at the window, from which, through the shed window, she had a view of the chip-yard, and there she saw Nancy linger ing still, walking round and round in a circle, and kicking the snow with her feet in a dis contented fashion. "I am very glad she isn t go ing to be here," thought Ellen. "But, poor thing! I dare say she is very much disappointed. And how sorry she will feel go ing back all that long, long way home! What if I should get her leave to stay? wouldn t it be a fine way of returning good for evil? But, dear! J don t want her here! But that s no matter " The next minute, Mr. Van Brunt was half startled by Ellen s hand on his shoulder, and the softest of whispers in his ear. He looked up , very much surprised. "Why, doyouwanther?" said he, likewise in a low tone. " No," said Ellen, " but I know I should feel very sorry if I was in her place." Mr. Van Brunt whistled iquiet- ly to himself. " Well ! " said he, "you are a good-natured piece." "Miss Fortune," said he, pre sently, " if that mischievous girl comes in again, I recommend you to let her stay." "Why?" " Cause it s true what she said she ll do you as much good as half-a-dozen. She ll behave herself this evening, I ll engage, or, if she don t, I ll make her." "She s too impudent to live! But I don t care her grand mother is another sort ; but I guess she is gone by this time." Ellen waited only till her aunt s back was turned. She slipped down stairs and out at the kitchen door, and ran up the slope to the fence of the chip - yard. "Nancy! Nancy!" "What?" said Nancy, wheel ing about. "If you go in now, I guess Aunt Fortune will let you stay." "What makes you think so?" said the other, surlily. "Cause Mr. Van Brunt was speaking to her about it. GrO in, and you 11 see." Nancy looked doubtfully at Ellen s face, and then ran hastily in. More slowly Ellen went back by the way she came. When she reached the upper kitchen she found Nancy as busy as possible as much at home already as if she had been there all day 5 help ing to set the table in the hall, and going to and fro between that and the buttery with an im- Dortant face. Ellen was not suffered to help, nor even to stand and see what was doing; so she sat down in the corner, by her old friend Mrs. Van Brunt, and with her head in her lap watched, by the fire-light, the THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 227 "Not a bit? "No." busy figures that went back and! Do you know what s going to be forward, and Mr. Van Brunt, who | for supper? " still sat working at his bits of "No." board. There were pleasant thoughts in Ellen s head, that kept the dancing blaze company. Mr. Van Brunt once looked up, and asked her what she was smi ling at; the smile brightened at his question , but he got no more answer. At last the supper was all set out in the hall, so that it could _ very easily be brought into the j m yself what do you think of parlour when the time came: the| tnat ? Miss Fortune always has "Ain t that funny? Then I m better off than you. I say, Ellen, any one would think / was Miss Fortune s niece, and you was somebody else, wouldn t they? Goodness! I m glad I ain t. lam going to make part of the supper table in the front room, was| nave a bee every week, I know, carried away; the great pile j an( l let me come and help. Hark ! of wood in the parlour fire place, ~ didn t I tell you? there s some- built ever since morning, was kindled; all was in apple-pie order, and nothing was left but to sweep up the shavings that Mr. Van Brunt had made. This was done; and then Nancy seized hold of Ellen. "Come along," said she, pull ing her to the window "come along, and let us watch the folks come in." "But it isn t time for them to be here yet," said Ellen; fire is only just burning." ; Fiddle -de -dee! they won t wait for the fire to burn, I can tell you. They 11 be along directly, some of them. I wonder what Miss Fortune is thinking of that fire had ought to have been burning this long time ago but they won t set to work till they all get here, that s one thing. the body coming this minute; don t you hear the sleigh-bells? I ll tell you who it is now; it s the Lawsons you see if it ain t. It s good it s such a bright night we can see em first-rate. There here thev come just as I told you here s Mirny Lawson the first one if there s anybody I do despise, it s Mirny Lawson." "Hush! "said Ellen. The door opened, and the lady herself walked in, followed by three others large, tall women, muffled from head to foot against the cold. The quiet kitchen was speedily changed into a scene of bustle. Loud talking and laugh ing a vast deal of unrobing pushing back and pulling up chairs on the hearth and Nancy and Ellen running in and out of the room with countless wrap- 15* 228 THE WIDE, WIDE "WORLD. pers, cloaks, shawls, comforters, hoods, mittens, and moccasins. "What a precious muss it will be to get em all their own things when they come to go away again," said Nancy. "Throw em all down there, Ellen, in that heap. Now, come quick some body else 11 be here directly." "Which is Miss Mirny?" said Ellen. " That big ugly woman in the purple frock. The one next her is Kitty the black -haired one is Mary, and t other is Fanny. Ugh ! don t look at em ; I can t bear em." "Why?" " Cause I don t, I can tell you ; reason good. They are as stingy as they can live. Their way is to get as much as they can out of other folks, and let other folks get as little as they can out of them. I know em. Just watch that purple frock when it comes to the eating. There s Mr. Bob." "Mr. who?" "Bob BobLawson. He s a precious small young man, for such a big one. There go take his hat. Miss Fortune," said Nancy, coming forward, "mayn t the gentlemen take care of their own things in the stoop , or must the young ladies wait upon them, too? t other room won t hold everything neither." This speech raised a general laugh , in the midst of which Mr. Bob carried his own hat and cloak into the shed, as desired. Before Nancy had done chuck ling came another arrival a tall, lank gentleman, with one of those unhappy-shaped faces that are very broad at the eyes and very narrow across the chops, and having a particularly grave and dull expression. He was welcomed with such a shout of mingled laughter, greeting, and jesting, that the room was in a complete hurly-burly; and a plain-looking, stout, elderly lady, who had come in just behind him, was suffered to stand un noticed. "It s Miss Janet," whispered Nancy - - "Mr. Marshchalk s aunt. Nobody wants to see her here; she s one of your pious kind, and that s a kind your aunt don t take to." Instantly Ellen was at her side, offering gently to relieve her of hood and cloak, and with a tap on his arm drawing Mr. Van Brunt s attention to the neglected person. Quite touched by the respect ful politeness of her manner, the old lady inquired of Miss For tune, as Ellen went off with a load of mufflers , "who was that sweet little thing?" "It s a kind of sweetmeats that is kept for company, Miss Janet," | replied Miss Fortune, with a darkened brow. " She s too good for everyday use, that s a fact," remarked Mr. Van Brunt. Miss Fortune coloured and tossed her head, and the com pany were for a moment still with THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 229 surprise. Another arrival set them agoing again. "Here come the Hitchcocks, Ellen," said Nancy. "Walk in, Miss Mary walk in, Miss Jenny Mr. Marshchalk has been here this great while." Miss Mary Hitchcock was in nothing remarkable. Miss Jenny, when her wrappers were taken off, showed a neat, little, round figure , and a round face of very bright and good-humoured ex pression. It fastened Ellen s eye, till Nancy whispered her to look at Mr. Juniper Hitchcock, and that young gentleman entered, dressed in the last style of ele gance. His hair was arranged in a faultless manner unless, per haps, it had a little too much of the tallow -candle; for when he had sat for awhile before the fire, it had somewhat the look of being excessively wet with per spiration. His boots were as shiny as his hair; his waistcoat was of a startling pattern; his pantaloons were very tightly strapped down; and at the end of a showy watch -riband hung some showy seals. The kitchen was now one buzz of talk and good-humour; Ellen stood half-smiling herself to see the universal smile , when Nancy twitched her. "Here s more coming uess no it s too Cilly Dennison, I tall; who is it?" But Ellen flung open the door with a half-uttered scream, and cock; threw herself into the arms of! was over, Ellen had a Alice, and then led her in; her | greater respect for him. face full of such extreme j oy, that it was perhaps one reason why her aunt s wore a very doubtful air as she came forward. That could not stand, however, against the graceful politeness and plea santness of Alice s greeting. Miss Fortune s brow smoothed, her voice cleared, she told Miss Hum phreys she was very welcome and she meant it. Clinging close to her friend as she went from one to another, Ellen was de lighted to see that every one echoed the welcome. Every face brightened at meeting hers, every eye softened, and Jenny Hitch cock even threw her arms round Alice and kissed her. Ellen left now the window to Nancy, and stood fast by her adopted sister, with a face of satisfaction it was pleasant to see, watching her very lips as theymoved. Soon the door open ed again, and various voices hailed the new-comer as "Jane," "Jany," and "Jane Huff." She was a decidedly plain -looking country girl; but when she came near, Ellen saw a sober, sensible face, and a look of thorough good-nature, which immediately ranked her next to Jenny Hitch cock in her fancy. Mr. Bill Huff followed, a sturdy young man; quite as plain, and hardly so sensible -looking; he was still more shining with good -nature. He made no pretensions to the elegance of Mr. Juniper Hitch- but before the evening vastly 230 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD, Last, not least, came the Den- or three. Now, it would be hard nisons; it took Ellen sometime to say whether talking or working to make up her mind about them, j went on best. Not faster moved Miss Cilly, or Cecilia, was cer tainly very elegant indeed. Her hair was in the extremest state of nicety, with a little round curl plastered in front of each ear; how she coaxed them to stay there, Ellen could not conceive. She wore a real watch there was no doubt of that and there was even a ring on one of her fingers, with two or three blue and red stones in it. Her dress was smart, and so was her figure, and her face was pretty; and Ellen overheard one of the Law- sons whisper to Jenny Hitchcock, that " there wasn t a greater lady in the land than Cilly Dennison." Her brother was very different; tall and athletic, and rather hand some , lie made no pretensions to be a gentleman. He valued his fine farming and fine cattle a and talking went on so merrily; stories were told; anecdotes, great deal higher than Juniper Hitchcock s gentility. CHAPTER XXV. Shows what noise a bee can make when it gets into the house. As the party were all gathered, it was time to set to work. The fire in the front room was burning up finely now, but Miss Fortune had no idea of having pork-chop- Sing or apple-paring done there, ne party was despatched down stairs into the lower kitchen ; the others made a circle round the fire. Every one was furnished with a sharp knife , and a basket of apples was given to each two the tongues than the fingers ; not smoother went the knives than the flow of talk; while there was a constant leaping of quarters of apples from the hands that had prepared them into the bowls, trays , or what not, that stood on the hearth to receive them. Ellen had nothing to do : her aunt had managed it so, though she would gladly have shared the work that looked so pretty and pleasant in other people s hands. Miss For tune would not let her; so she watched the rest and amused herself as well as she could with hearing and seeing; and standing between Alice and Jenny Hitch cock, she handed them the apples out of the basket as fast as they were ready for them. It was a pleasant evening that. Laughing gossip, jokes, passed from mouth to mouth ; and not one made him self so agreeable, or had so much to do with the life and pleasure of the party, as Alice. Ellen saw it, delighted. The pared apples kept dancing into the bowls and trays; the baskets got empty surprisingly fast ; Nancy and El len had to run to the barrels in the shed again and again for fresh supplies. Do they mean to do all these to-night?" said Ellen to Nancy, on one of these occasions. "I don t know what they mean, I am sure, "replied Nancy, diving THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 231 down into the barrel to reach the apples; "if you had asked me what Miss Fortune meant, I might ha given a guess." "But only look," said Ellen "No hush!" said Juniper Hitchcock Humph!" sassages! said Dan, as he speared up an apple out of the basket on the point of his knife only so many done, and all| "ain t that something like these to do ! Well, I know what what you call killing two " busy as a bee means now, if I never did before." "You 11 know it better to-mor row, I can tell you." "Why?" "Oh, waittillyou see. I wouldn t be you to-morrow for something, though. Do you like sewing? " "Sewing!" said Ellen. But, "Girls! girls! what are you leaving the door open for!" sounded from the kitchen, and they hurried in. " Most got through, Nancy?" inquired Bob Lawson. (MissFor- tune had gone downstairs.) "Han t begun to, Mr. Lawson. There s every bit as many to do as there was at your house t other night." "What on airth does she want with such a sight of em?" in quired Dan Dennison. Live on pies and apple-sass Just that, exactly," said Jenny Hitchcock, as Dan broke off short, and the mistress of the house walked in. "Ellen," she whispered, " don t you want to go downstairs and see when the folks are coming up to help us? And tell the doctor he must be spry, for we ain t agoing to get through in a hurry," she added, laughing. " Which is the doctor, Ma am?" "The doctor! Doctor Marsh- chalk! don t you know? " "Is he a doctor?" said Ellen. "No, not exactly, I suppose, but he s just as good as the real. He s a natural knack at putting bones in their places, and all that sort of thing. There was a man broke his leg horribly at Thirl- wall, the other day, and Gibson was out of the way , and Marsh- chalk set it , and did it famously suggested j they said. So go, Ellen, and bring us word what they are all about." Mr. Van Brunt was head of the party in the lower kitchen. He till next summer , Mirny Lawson. "That s the stuff for my money!" replied her brother; _ "taters and apple-sass is my sass j stood at one end of the table, in the winter." [cutting, with his huge knife, the "It s good those is easy got," | hard-frozen pork into very thin said his sister Mary; "the sass is slices , which the rest of the com- the most of the dinner to Bob, pany took, and, before they had inost commonly." I time to thaw, cut up into small "Are they fixing for more j dice on the little boards Mr. Van apple - sass down - stairs ? " Mr. Brunt had prepared. As large a Dennison went on rather drily, jfire as the chimney, would hold 232 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. was built up and blazing finely ; j Janet , and Mrs. Van Brunt, and the room looked as cozy and ~ bright as the one upstairs, and the people as busy and as talka- They had less to do , how- or they had been more smart, for they were draAving to Mr. Huff they all speak kindly, and look so kindly at me. But it s very funny what a notion people have for kissing I wish they hadn t I ve run away from tive. ever. . __ ^ __.._ . _ uiuu,*..,, jLVi uuv,j T^i^ ^i a, \IHIQ LV/ three kisses already, and I m so the end of their chopping; of j afraid somebody else will try which Miss Janet declared herself very glad, for, she said, "the wind came sweeping in under the doors, and freezing her feet the whole time, and she was sure the biggest fire ever was built couldn t warm that room ; " an opinion in which Mrs. Van Brunt agreed perfectly. Miss Janet no sooner spied Ellen standing in the chimney-corner, than she called her to her side, kissed her, and talked to her a longtime, and finally, fumbling in her pocket, brought forth an old, ^ little, three-cornered pin cushion , which she gave her for a keepsake. Jane Huff and her brother also took kind notice of her; and Ellen began to think the world was full of nice people. About half -past eight the choppers went up and joined the company, who were paring apples; the circle was a very large one now, and the buzz of tongues grew quite furious. "What are you smiling at?" asked Alice of Ellen, who stood at her elbow. "Oh, I don t know," saidEllen, smiling more broadly ; and pre sently added "they re all so kind to me." "Who?" "Oh, everybody Miss Jenny, and Miss Jane Huff, and Miss next. " You don t seem very bitterly displeased," said Alice, smiling. "I am, though I can t bear it," said Ellen, laughing and blushing. "There s Mr. Denni- son caught me , in the first place, and tried to kiss me, but 1 tried so hard to get aAvay , I believe he saw I was really in good earnest, and let me go. And just now only think of it ! while I was standing talking to Miss Jane Huff, downstairs, her brother caught me, and kissed me, before I knew what he was going to do. I declare it s too bad!" said Ellen, rubbing her cheek very hard, as if she would rub off the affront. " You must let it pass, my dear ; it s one way of expressing kind ness. They feel kindly towards you, or they would not do it." "Then I wish they wouldn t feel quite so kindly," saidEllen "that s all. Hark! what was that?" " Whatisthat?" said somebody else ; and instantly there was silence, broken again, after a minute or two , by the faint blast of a horn. "It s old Father Swaim, I reckon," said Mr. Van Brunt; "I 11 go fetch him in." THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 233 " Oh, yes ! bring him in bring him in," was heard on all sides. " That horn makes me think of what happened to me once," said Jenny Hitchcock to Ellen. "I was a little girl at school, not so big as you are; and one after noon, when we were all as still as mice, and studying away, we heard Father Swaim s horn " "What does he blow it for?" said Ellen, as Jenny stooped for her knife, which she had let fall. "Oh, to let people know he s there, you know; did you never see Father Swaim? " "No." " La ! he s the funniest old fel low! He goes round and round the country, carrying the news papers ; and we get him to bring us our letters from the post-office, when there are any. He carries em in a pair of saddle-bags hang ing across that old white horse of his I don t think that horse will ever grow old, no more than his master; and in summer he has a stick so long with a horse s tail tied to the end of it, to brush away the flies , for the poor horse has had Us tail cut off pretty short. I wonder if it isn t the very same," said Jenny, laughing heartily; " Father | Swaim thought he could manage it best, I guess." "But what was it that happen ed to you that time at school?" said Ellen. "Why, when we heard the horn blow, our master the school master , you know went out to get a paper ; and 1 was tired with sitting still, so I jumped up, and ran across the room and then back again, and over and back again, five or six times; and when he came in , one of the girls up and told of it. ItwasFannyLawson," said Jenny, in a whisper to Alice, "and I think she ain t much different now from what she was then. I can hear her now Mr. Starks, Jenny Hitchcock s been running all round the room. Well, what do you think he did to me? He took hold of my two hands , and swung me round and round by my arms, till I didn t know which was head and which was feet." "What a queer schoolmaster!" said Ellen. "Queer enough; you may say that. His name was Starks; the boys used to call him Starksi- fication. We did hate him, that s the fact. I 11 tell you what he did to a black boy of ours you know our black Sam, Alice? I forget what he had been doing; but Starks took him so by the rims of his ears and danced him up and down upon the floor." " But didn t that hurt him? " " Hurt him ! I guess it did , he meant it should. He tied me under the table once. Sometimes, when he wanted to punish two boys at a time , he would set them to spit in each other s faces." " Oh ! don t tell me abouthim !" cried Ellen, with a face of horror ; " I don t like to hear it." Jenny laughed ; and just then the door opened, and Mr. Van, 234 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. Brunt and the old news-carrier came in. He was a venerable, mild-look ing old man, with thin hair as white as snow. He wore a long snuff-coloured coat 5 and a broad- brimmed hat, the sides of which were oddly lopped up to the crown, with twine; his tin horn or trumpet was in his hand. His saddle-bags were on Mr. Van Brunt s arm. As soon as she saw him , Ellen was fevered with the notion that perhaps he had some thing for her; and she forgot everything else. It would seem that the rest of the company had the same hope, for they crowded round him, shouting out wel comes, and questions, and inqui ries for letters all in a breath. " Softly softly," said the old _ man, sitting down, slowly; " not | tramp after that. Here s^some- all at once ; I can t attend to you all at once ; one at a time one at a time." farmer VanBrunt s hands, I don t know any more what s going to become of me ; and after that glass of cider, I don t much care! Now let s see let s see Miss Jenny Hitchcock here s some thing for you. I should like to know very much what s inside of that letter there s a blue seal to it. Ah, young folks ! young folks!" Jenny received her letter amidst a great deal of laughing and joking, and seemed herself quite as much amused as any- bod J Jedediah B. Lawson there s for your father, Mirny; that saves me a Miss long tramp if you ve twenty -one cents in your pocket, that is; if you han t, I shall be obleeged to thing for most all of you, I m thinking. Miss Cecilia Dennison your fair hands how s the squire rheumatism, eh? I think I m a younger man now than your father, Cecilly ; and yet Imustha seenagoodmanyyears more than Squire Dennison; I "Don t attend to em at all till you re ready," said Miss Fortune "let em wait."And she handed him a glass of cider. He drank it off at a breath, smacking his lips as he gave back I must, surely. Miss Fortune the glass to her hand, and ex- 1 Emerson that s for you; a claiming, " That s prime ! " Then double letter, Ma am." taking up his saddle-bags from Ellen with a beating heart had the floor, he began slowly to passed nearer and nearer to the undo the fastenings. j old man, till she stood close by "You are going to our house j his right hand, and could see to-night, ain t you, Father every letter as he handed it out. Swaim?" said Jenny. A spot of deepening red was on " That s where I was agoing," each cheek as her eye eagerly said the old man " I was agoing ; scanned letter after letter; it to stop with your father, Miss spread to a sudden flush when Jenny ; but since I ve got into j the last name was read. Alice a \ THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. , $3 V V" ^>^ watched in some anxiety her keen I that he had forgotten to bting look as it followed the letter from ! for ard when they were talking the old man s hand to her aunt s, | on that ere subject two months and thence to the pocket, where I ago." So Nancy brought her Miss Fortune coolly bestowed it. things from the next room, and Ellen could not stand this; she | helped her on with them, and sprang forward across the circle, looked pleased, as well she Ann* "EWtrmA fViorA Q ipf f r>v might, at the smile and kind ; Aunt Fortune, there s a letter inside of that for me won t you give it to me? won t you give words with which she was re warded. Alice lingered at her it to me ? " she repeated , trem- j leave - takings , hoping to see bling. Ellen, but it was not till the last Her aunt did not notice her by moment that Ellen came in. She so much as a look; she turned! did not say a word, but the two away and began talking to some | little arms were put round Alice s one else. The red had left Ellen s! neck, and held her with a long, face when Alice could see it again ! close earnestness , which did not it was livid and spotted from j pass from her mind all the even- stifled passion. She stood in a ing afterwards. When she was gone , the com pany sat down again to business ; and apple-paring went on more kind of maze. But as her eye caught Alice s anxious and sor rowful look, she covered her face with her hands , and as quick as 1 steadily than ever for a while, possible made her escape out of i till the bottom of the barrels was the room. seen, and the last basketful of For some minutes Alice heard j apples was duly emptied. Then none of the hubbub around her. \ there was a general shout; the Then came a knock at the door, ! kitchen was quickly cleared, and and the voice of Thomas Grimes everybody s face brightened, as saying to Mr. Van Brunt that much as to say, "Now for fun!" Miss Humphreys horse was there. ! While Ellen and Nancy, and Miss " Mr. Swaim," said Alice, rising, j Fortune and Mrs. Van Brunt "I don t like to leave you with ; were running all ways with trays, these gay friends of ours; you ll pans, baskets, knives, and stand no chance of rest with them buckets, the fun began by Mr. to-night. Will you ride home 1 Jumper Hitchcock s whistling in with me ? " j his dog, and setting him to do va- Many of the party began to beg rious feats for the amusement of Alice would stay to supper, but the company. There followed she said her father would be un- such a rushing, leaping, barking, easy. The old news-carrier con- laughing, and scolding on the eluded to go with her, for, he part of the dog and his admirers, said, "there was a pint he wanted that the room was in an uproar, to mention to Parson Humphreys ; He jumped over a stick ; he got 236 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. into a chair, and sat up on two legs; he kissed the ladies hands; he suffered an apple -paring to be laid across his nose, then threw it up with a j erk and caught it in his mouth. Nothing very re markable, certainly ; but, as Miss Fortune observed to somebody, "if he had been the learned pig, there couldn t ha been more fuss made over him." Ellen stood looking on, smiling partly at the dog and his master, and partly at the antics of the company. Presently Mr. Van Brunt, bending down to her, said j "What is the matter with your eyes?" "Nothing," said Ellen, start ing "at least, nothing that s any matter, I mean." "Come here," said he, drawing her on one side; "tell me all about it what is the matter? " "Never mind please don t ask me, Mr. Van Brunt, it s no thing I ought to tell you it isn t any matter." But her eyes were full again, and he still held her fast doubt fully. "/ /Z tell you about it, Mr. Van Brunt," said Nancy, as she came Fast them " you let her go, and 11 tell you by-and-by." And Ellen tried in vain after wards to make her promise she would not. " Come, June," said Miss Jenny, " we have got enough of you and Jumper turn him out; we are going to have the cat now. Come! Puss, puss in the corner! Go off in t other room, will you, everybody that don t want to play. Puss, puss ! " Now the fun began in good earnest, and but few minutes had passed beforeEllen was laughing with all her heart, as if she never had had anything to cry for in her life. After " puss, puss in the corner" came/ blind-inan s-buff;" and this was played with great spirit, the two most distinguished being Nancy and Dan Dennison, though Miss Fortune played ad mirably well. Ellen had seen Nancy play before ; but she for got her own part of the game in sheer amazement at the way Mr. Dennison managed his longbody, which seemed to go where there was no room for it, and vanish into air just when the grasp of some grasping "blind man" was ready to fasten upon him. And when lie was blinded, he seemed to know by instinct where the walls were , and keeping clear of them, he would swoop like a hawk from one end of the room to the other, pouncing upon the unlucky people who could by no means get out of the way fast enough. When this had lasted awhile , there was a general call for "the fox and the goose," and Miss Fortune was pitched upon for the latter, she having in the other game shown herself capable of good generalship. But who for the fox? Mr. Van Brunt? "Not I," said Mr. Van Brunt "there ain t nothing of the fox about me; Miss Fortune would beat me all hollow." THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 237 " Who then, farmer?" said Bill Huff; "come! who is the fox? Will I do?" "Not you, Bill; the goose ud be too much for you." There was a general shout, and cries of "Who then? who then?" "DanDennison," said Mr. Van Brunt. "Now look out for a sharp fight." Amidst a great deal of laughing and confusion, the line was formed, each person taking hold of a handkerchief or band passed round the waist of the person before him, except when the women held by each other s skirts. They were ranged accord ing to height, the tallest being, next their leader, the "goose." Mr. Van Brunt and the elder ladies, and two or three more, chose to be lookers-on, and took post outside the door. Mr. Dennison began by taking off his coat, to give himself more freedom in his movements; for his business was to catch the train of the goose, one by one, as each in turn became the hindmost; while her object was to baffle him and keep her family together, meeting him with outspread arms at every rush he made to seize one of her brood; while the long train behind her, following her quick movements, and swaying from side to side to get out of the reach of the furious fox, was sometimes in the shape of the letter C, and sometimes in that of the letter S, and sometimes looked like a long snake with a curling tail. Loud was the laughter, shrill the shrieks, as the fox drove them hither and thither, and seemed to be in all parts of the room at once. He was a cunning fox that, as well as a bold one. Sometimes, when they thought him quite safe, held at bay by the goose, he dived under or leaped over her outstretched arms, and almost snatched hold of little Ellen, who being the least, was the last one of the party. But Ellen played very well, and just escaped him two or three times, till he declared she gave him so much trouble, that when he caught her he would " kiss her the worst kind." Ellen played none the worse for that; however, she was caught at last, and kissed, too; there was no help for it, so she bore it as well as she could. Then she watched and laughed till the tears ran down her cheeks, to see how the fox and goose dodged each other, what tricks were played, and how the long train pulled each other about. At length Nancy was caught, and then Jenny Hitch cock, and then Cecilia Dennison, | and then Jane Huff, and so on, till at last the fox and the goose had a long struggle for Mirny Lawson, which would never have come to an end if Mirny had not gone over to the enemy. There was a general pause. The hot and tired company were seated round the room, panting | and fanning themselves with their pocket-handkerchiefs, and speaking in broken sentences; glad to rest even from laughing, 238 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. Miss Fortune had thrown herself | down on a seat close by Ellen, when Nancy came up and softly asked, "Is it time to beat the eggs now?" Miss Fortune nod ded, and then drew her close to receive a long, low whisper in her ear, at the end of which Nancy ran off. "Is there anything / can do, Aunt Fortune?" said Ellen, so gently and timidly, that it ought to have won a kind answer. "Yes," said her aunt, "you may go and put yourself to bed ; it s high time, long ago." And looking round as she moved off, she added, "Go!" with a little nod that as much as said, "I am in earnest." Ellen s heart throbbed she stood doubtful. One word to Mr. Van Brunt, and she need not go that she knew. But as surely, too, that word would make trouble and do harm. And then she remembered, -"A charge to keep I have ! " She turned quick, and quitted the room. Ellen sat down on the first stair she came to, for her bosom was heaving up and down, and she was determined not to cry. The sounds of talking and laughing came to her ear from the parlour, and there at her side stood the covered-up supper; for a fewj minutes it was hard work to keep her resolve. The thick breath came and went very fast. Through the fanlights of the hall door, opposite to which she was sitting, the bright moonlight streamed in ; and presently, as Ellen quieted, it seemed, to her fancy, like a gentle messenger from its Maker bidding his child remember Him ; and then came up some words in her memory that her mother s lips had fastened there long ago "I love them that love me, and they that seek me early shall find me." She remembered her mother had told her it is Jesus who says this. Her lost pleasure was well nigh forgotten; and yet, as she sat gazing into the moonlight, Ellen s eyes were gathering tears very fast. " Well, I am seeking Him," she thought "can it be that he loves me! Oh, I m so glad!" And they were glad tears that little Ellen wiped away as she went upstairs, for it was too cold to sit there long, if the moon was ever so bright. She had her hand on the latch of her door, when her grand mother called out from the other room to know who was there. "It si, Grandma." "Ain t somebody there? Come in here who is it? " "It si, Grandma," said Ellen, coming to the door. "Come in here, deary," said the old woman, in a lower tone "what is it all? what s the mat ter? who s down stairs?" "It s a bee, Grandma; there s nothing the matter." "A bee! who s been stung? what s all the noise about? " " T isn t that kind of bee, Grandma; don t you know? there s a parcel of people that came to pare apples, and they Ve THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 239 been playing games in the par lour that sail." "Paring apples, eh? Is there company below?" "Yes, Ma am a whole parce of people." "Dear me ! " said the old lady, I oughtn t to ha been abed! Why han t Fortune called me? I 11 get right up. Ellen , you go in that fur closet and bring me my paddysoy, that hangs there, and then help me on with my things I 11 get right up. D ear me! what was Fortune thinking about?" The moonlight served very well instead of candles. After twice bringing the wrong dresses, Ellenat last hit upon the "paddy- soy," which the old lady knew immediately by the touch. In haste, and not without some fear and trembling on Ellen s part, she was arrayed in it; her best cap put on, not over hair in the best order, Ellen feared, but the old lady would not stay to have it made better; Ellen took care of her down the stairs, and after opening the door for her went back to her room. A little while had passed, and ^llen was just tying her nightcap strings , and ready to go peace fully to sleep, when Nancy burst in. " Ellen ! Hurry ! you must come right downstairs." " Downstairs ! why, I am just ready to go to bed." "No matter you must come right away down. There s Mr. Van Brunt says he won t begin supper till you come." "But does Aunt Fortune want me too?" "Yes, I tell you! and the quicker you come the better she ll be pleased. She sent me after you in all sorts of a hurry. She said she didn t know where you was!" " Said she didn t know where I was ! Why, she told me herself," Ellen began, and stopped short. "Of course!" said Nancy; "don t you think I know that? But he don t, and if you want to plague her, you 11 just tell him. Now come, and be quick, will you? The supper s splendid." Ellen lost the first view of the "able, for everything had begun to be pulled to pieces before she came in. The company were all crowded round the table , eating and talking, and helping them selves; and ham and bread and mtter, pumpkin-pies and mince- pies and apple-pies, cake of A j-^-.~ JJ. AV >^ j \^c*i\.Vy VA various kinds, and glasses of egg-nogg and cider, were in everybody s hands. One dish in the middle of the table had won the praise of every tongue; nobody could guess, and many asked how it was made, but Miss Fortune kept a satisfied silence, pleased to see the constant stream of comers to the big dish, till lit was near empty. Just then, I Mr. Van Brunt , seeing Ellen had nothing, gathered up all that was left, and gave it to her. It was sweet, and cold, and rich. Ellen told her mother after- 240 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. wards it was the best thing she had ever tasted except the ice cream she once gave her in New York. She had taken, how ever, but one spoonful, when her eye fell upon Nancy, standing back of all the company, and forgotten. Nancy had been upon her good behaviour all the evening, and it was a singular proof of this that she had not pushed in and helped herself among the first. Ellen s eye went once or twice from her plate to Nancy, and then she crossed over and offered it to her. It was eagerly taken, and, a little dis appointed, Ellen stepped back again. But she soon forgot the disappointment. " She 11 know now that I don t bear her any grudge," she thought. " Han t you got nothing? " said Nancy, coming up presently; "that wasn t yourn that you gave me was it?" Ellen nodded, smilingly. "Well, there ain t no more of it," said Nancy. "The bowl is empty." "I know it," said Ellen. "Why, didn t you like it?" "Yes very much." "Why, you re a queer little fish," said Nancy. "What did you get Mr. Van Brunt to let me in for?" "How did you know I did?" " Cause he told me. Say what did you do it for? Mr. Dennison, won t you give Ellen a piece of cake or something? Here take this," said Nancy, pouncing upon a glass of cgg-uogg, which a gap in the company enabled her to reach ; " I made it more than half myself. Ain t it good?" "Yes, very," said Ellen, smack ing her lips; "what sin it?" "Oh, plenty of good things. But what made you ask Mr. Van Brunt to let me stop to-night? you didn t tell me did you want me to stay?" "Never mind," said Ellen; " don t ask me any questions." "Yes, but I will though: and you ve got to answer me. Why did you? Come! do you like mer say! " I should like you , I dare say, if you would be different." "Well, I don t care," said Nancy, after a little pause; "I like you, though you re as queer as you can be. I don t care whether you like me or not. Look here, Ellen, that cake there is the best I know it is, for I Ve tried em all. You know I told Van Brunt I would tell him what you were crying about." "Yes, and I asked you not. Did you?" Nancy nodded, being at the moment still further engaged in "trying" the cake. " I am sorry you did. What did he say?" "He didn t say much to me somebody else will hear of it, I guess. He was mad about it, or I am mistaken. What makes you sorry?" "It will only do harm, and make Aunt Fortune angry." "Well, that s just what I THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD, 241 should like, if I were you. I can t make you out." "I d a great deal rather have her like me," said Ellen. "Was she vexed when Grandma came down?" "I don t know, but she had to keep it to herself if she was; everybody else was so glad , and Mr. Van Brunt made such a fuss. Just look at the old lady, how pleased she is ! I declare if the folks ain t talking of going! Come, Ellen ! now for the cloaks ! you and me 11 finish our supper afterwards." That, however, was not to be. Nancy was offered a ride home to air was keen and raw. It was already growing dark, and Alice was sitting alone in the firelight, when two little feet came running- round the corner of the house; the glass door opened, and Ellen rushed in. "I have come! I have come!" she exclaimed. "Oh, dear Alice, I m so glad!" So was Alice , if her kiss meant anything. "But how late, my child! how late you are ! " "Oh, I thought I never was going to get done ! " said Ellen, pulling off her things in a great hurry, and throwing them on the sofa "but I am here at last. Mrs. Van Brunt s , and a lodging there. They were ready cloaked j Oh , I m so glad ! " and shawled, and Ellen was still "Why, what has been the hunting for Miss Janet s things in the moonlit hall, when she heard Nancy close by, in a lower tone than common, say "Ellen, will you kiss me?" Ellen dropped her armful of things, and, taking Nancy s hands , gave her truly the kiss of peace. When she went up to undress for the second time, she found on her bed her letter! And matter?" said Alice, folding up what Ellen laid down. " Oh, a great deal of matter ! I couldn t think what Nancy meant last night I know very well now I shan t want to see any more apples all winter. What do you think I have been about all to-day, dear Miss Alice?" "Nothing that has done you much harm," said Alice, smiling, "if I am to guessfromyour looks. with tears Ellen kneeled down You are as rosy as a good Spitzen- and gave earnest thanks for this! berg yourself." blessing, and that she had been "That sveryfunny,"saidEllen, able to gain Nancy s good-will. ! laughing, "for Aunt Fortune said a while ago that my cheeks were CHAPTER xxvi. just the colour of two mealy Sundry things round a pot of chocolate. ! potatoes." IT was Tuesday, the 22nd of j "But about the apples?" said December, and late in the day. [Alice. Not a pleasant afternoon. The "Why? this morning I was gray snow-clouds hung low 5 the | thinking I would come here so The Wide, Wide World. 242 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. early, when the first thinglknew, Aunt Fortune brought out all those heaps and heaps of apples Into the kitchen, and made me sit down on the floor, and then she gave me a great big needle , and set me to stringing them all to gether; and as fast as I strung them, she hung them up all round the ceiling. 1 tried very hard to get through before , but I could not, and I am so tired ! I thought I never should get to the bottom of that big basket." "Never mind, love come to the fire we 11 try and forget all disagreeable things while we are together." "I have forgotten it almost al ready," said Ellen, as she sat down in Alice s lap , and laid her face against hers; "I don t care for it at all now." But her cheeks were fast fading into the uncomfortable colour Miss Fortune had spoken of; and weariness and weakness kept her for awhile quiet in Alice s arms, overcoming even the pleasure of talking. They sat so till the clock struck half-past five ; then Alice proposed they should go into the kitchen, and see Margery, and order the tea made, which she had no doubt Ellen wanted. Mar gery welcomed her with great cordiality. She liked anybody that Alice liked, but she had be sides declared to her husband that Ellen was "an uncommon well-behaved child." She said she would put the tea to draw, and they should have it in a very few minutes. "But, Miss Alice, there s an Irish body, out by, waiting to speak to you. I was just coming in to tell you; will you please to see her now?" " Certainly let her come in. Is she in the cold, Margery?" "No, Miss Alice there s a fire there this evening. I 11 call her." The woman came up from the lower kitchen at the summons. She was young, rather pretty, and with a pleasant countenance, but unwashed, uncombed, un tidy, no wonder Margery s nicety had shrunk from introdu cing her into her spotless upper kitchen. The unfailing Irish cloak was drawn about her, the hood brought over her head, and on the head and shoulders the snow lay white, not yet melted away. "Did you wish to speak to me, my friend?" said Alice, plea santly. "If ye plase, Ma am, it s the master I m wanting," said the woman , dropping a courtesy. "My father? Margery, will you tell him?" Margery departed. "Come nearer the fire," said Alice , " and sit down ; my father willbe here presently. It is snow ing again , is it not ? " "It is, Ma am a bitter storm." "Have you come far?" "It s a good bit, my lady it s more nor a mile bey ant Carra just right forgin the ould big hill they call the Catchback; in Jem my Morrison s woods . where THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 243 rgery fresh Pat M Farren s clearing is it s there I live, my lady." "That is a long distance, in deed, for a walk in the snow," said Alice, kindly; "sit down, and come nearer the fire. Mar will give you something to re you." "I thank ye, my lady, but I want nothing man can give me the night ; and when one s on an arrant of life and death, it s little the cold or the storm can do to put out the heart s fire." "Life and death! who is sick?" said Alice. "It s my own child, Ma am my own boy all the child I have and I 11 have none by the morning light." "Is he so ill?" said Alice-, " what is the matter with him? " "Myself doesn t know." The voice was fainter; the brown cloak was drawn over her face ; and Alice and Ellen saw her shoulders heaving with the grief she kept from bursting out. They exchanged glances. "Sit down," said Alice again presently, laying her hand upon the wet shoulder; " sit down and rest; my father will be here di rectly. Margery oh, that s right a cup of tea will do her good. What do you want of my father?" "The Lord bless ye! I 11 tell you, my lady." She drank off the tea, but re fused something more substantial that Margery offered her. "The Lord bless ye! I couldn t. My lady, there wasn t a stronger, nor a prettier, nor a swater child, nor couldn t be, nor was he when we left it it ll be three years come the fifteenth of April next ; but I m thinking the bitter winters of this cowld country has chilled the life out o him and troubles cowlder than all," she added, in a lower tone. "I seed him grow waker and waker, an his dair face grow thinner and thinner, and the red all left it, only two burning spots was on it some days; an I wor ried the life out o me for him, an all I could do , I couldn t do no thing at all to help him, but he just growed waker an waker. I axed the father wouldn t he see the doctor about him, but he s an aisy kind o man, my lady, an he said he would, an he never did to this day ; an John , he al ways said it was no use sinding for the doctor, an looked so swato at me , an said for me not to fret, [for sure he d be better soon, or he d go to a better place. An I thought he was already like a heavenly angel itself, an always was, but then more nor ever. Och! it s soon that he 11 be one en tirely ! let Father Shannon say what he will." She sobbed for a minute, while Alice and Ellen looked on, silent and pitying. "An to-night, my lady, he s very bad," she went on, wiping away the tears that came quickly again "an I seed he was going fast from me , an I was breaking my heart wid the loss of him, whin I heard one of the men that was in it say, What s this he s say- 244 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD, ing? says he. An what is it, thin? says I. About the gintle- man that praiches at Carra, says he he s a calling for him, says he. I knowed there wasn t a praist at all at Carra, an I thought he was draiming, or out o his head, or crazy wid his sickness, like; an I went up close to him, an says I, John, says I, what is it you want? says I an sure , if it s anything in heaven above or in earth beneath that yer own mother can get for ye, says I, ye shall have it, says I. An he put up his two arms to my neck, an pulled my face down to his lips, that was hot wid the faver, an kissed me he did An , says he, mother dair, says he if ye love me, says he, fetch me the good gintleman that praiches at Carra, till I spake to him. Is it the praist you want, John, my boy? says I sure he s in it, says I; for Michael had been for Father Shannon, an he had come home wid him half an hour before. Oh no, mother, says he, it s not him at all that I mane it s the gintleman that spakes in the little white church at Carra he s not a praist at all, says he. An who is he, thin? says I, getting up from the bed , or where will 1 find him , or how will I get to him? Ye 11 not stir a fut for him, thin, the night, Kitty Dolan, says my hus band are ye mad? says he; sure it s not his own head the child has at all at all, or it s a little hiritic he is, says he; an ye won t show the disrespect to the praist in yer own house. I n maningnone, says I normore he isn t a hiritic ; but if he was he s a born angel to you, Michae Dolan , anyhow, says I ; an wic the kiss of his lips on my face wouldn t I do the arrant of m;j own boy, an he a dying? by tin blessing, an I will, if twenty men stud between me an it. S( tell me where I 11 find him, thif praist, if there s the love o merc^ in any soul o ye, says I. Bu they wouldn t spake a word fo; me, not one of them; so I axec an axed at one place an other till here I am. An now, my lady will the master go for me to ni} poor boy? for he d maybe b( dead while I stand here." " Surely I will," said Mr. Hum phreys, who had come in while she was speaking. "Wait but om moment." In a moment he came bad ready, and he and the woman sel forth to their walk. Alice lookec out anxiously after them. "It storms very hard," she saic and he has not had his tea But he couldn t wait. Come, Ellen love, we 11 have ours. Howwil he ever get back again? it will be so deep by that time." There was a cloud on her fail brow for a few minutes, but il passed away, and, quiet and calm as ever, she sat down at the little tea-table with Ellen. From liet Pace all shadows seemed to have flown for ever. Hungry and hap py, she enjoyed Margery s good oread and butter, and the nice honey, and from time to time cast 0?HE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 245 very bright looks at the dear face on the other side of the table, which could not help looking bright in reply. Ellen was well pleased, for her part, that the third seat was empty. But Alice looked thoughtful sometime as a gust of wind swept by, and once or twice went to the window. After tea, Alice took out her work, and Ellen put herself con tentedly down on the rug, and sat leaning back against her. Si lent for very contentment for a while, she sat looking gravely into the fire; while Alice s fingers drove a little steel hook through and through some purse silk in a mysterious fashion , that no eye could be quick enough to follow, and with such skill and steadi ness, that the work grew fast under her hand. "I had such a funny dream last night," said Ellen. "Had you? what about?" "It was pleasant, too," said Ellen, twisting herself round to talk "but very queer. I dreamed about that gentleman that was so kind to me on board the boat you know? I told you about him?" "Yes, I remember." "Well, I dreamed of seeing him somewhere, I don t know where and he didn t look a bit like himself, only I knew who it was ; and I thought I didn t like to speak to him for fear he wouldn t know me, but then I thought he did , and came up and took my hand, and seemed so glad to see me; and he asked me if I had been pious since he saw me." Ellen stopped to laugh. "And what did you tell him?" "I told him yes. And then I thought he seemed so very plea sed." "Dreamers do not always keep close to the truth, it seems." "/ didn t," said Ellen. "But then I thought I had, in my dream." "Had what? kept close to the truth?" " No, no been what he said." "Dreams are queer things," said Alice. "I have been far enough from being good to-day," said Ellen, thoughtfully. "How so, my dear?" "I don t know, Miss Alice because I never am good, I sup pose." " But what has been the matter to-day?" " Why, those apples ! I thought I would come here so early, and then , when I found I must do all those baskets of apples first, I was very ill-humoured ; and Aunt Fortune sawlwas, and said some thing that made me worse. And I tried as hard as I could to get through before dinner, and when I found I couldn t, I said I wouldn t come to dinner ; but she made me, and that vexed me more, and I wouldn t eat scarcely anything; and then, when I got back to the apples again, I sewed so hard, that I ran the needle into my finger ever so far see there , what a mark it left ! and 246 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. Aunt Fortune said it served me right, and she was glad of it, and that made me angry. I knew I was wrong, afterwards, and I was very sorry. Isn t it strange, dear Alice, I should do so when I have resolved so hard I wouldn t." "Not very, my darling, as long as we have such evil hearts as ours are it is strange they should be so evil." "I told Aunt Fortune after wards I was sorry, but she said, Actions speak louder than words, and words are cheap. If she only wouldn t say that just as she does! it does worry me so." "Patience! "said Alice, passing her hand over Ellen s hair as she sat looking sorrowfully up at her. "You must try not to give her occasion. Never mind what she says, and overcome evil with good." "That is just what Mamma said!" exclaimed Ellen, rising to throw her arms round Alice s neck, and kissing her with all the energy of love, gratitude, repen tance, andsorrowfulrecollection. " Oh , what do you think? " she said, suddenly, her face changing again, "1 got my letter last night!" "Your letter!" "Yes, the letter the old man brought don t you know? and it was written in the ship, and there was only a little bit from Mamma, and a little bit from Papa, but so good! Papa says she is a great deal better, _ and he has no doubt he will bring her back in the spring or summer Isn t that quite well again. ~ood?" "Very good, dear Ellen. lam very glad for you." "It was on my bed last night. I can t think how it got there ; and I don t care, either, so long as I Ve got it. What are you ma king?" "A purse," said Alice, laying it on the table for her inspection. " It will be very pretty. Is the other end to be like this?" "Yes, and these tassels to finish them off." "Oh, that s beautiful," said Ellen, laying them down to try the effect; "and these rings to fasten it with. Is it black?" "No, dark green. I am making it for my brother John." "A Christmas present!" ex claimed Ellen. "I am afraid not; he will hardly be here by that time. It may do for New Year." "How pleasant it must be to make Christmas and New Year presents!" said Ellen, after she had watched Alice s busy fingers for a few minutes. "I wish I could make something for somebody. Oh ! I wonder if I couldn t make something for Mr. Van Brunt! Oh , I should like to, very much." Alice smiled at Ellen s very wide-open eyes. "What could you make for him?" "I don t know that s the thing. He keeps his money in his pocket; and besides, I don t know how to make purses." "There are other things be- THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 247 sides purses. How would a watch- guard do? Does he wear a watch?" "I don t know whether he does or not ; he doesn t every day, I am sure, but I don t know about Sun days." " Then, we won t venture upon that. You might knit him a night cap." 4 A nightcap ? you re j oking, Alice, aren t you? I don t think a nightcap would be pretty for a Christmas present do you?" "Well, what shall we do, Ellen?" said Alice, laughing. "I made a pocket -pin cushion for Papa once, when I was a little girl , but I fancy Mr. Van Brunt would not know exactly what use to make of such a convenience. I don t think you could fail to please him, though, with any thing you should hit upon." "I have got a dollar," said Ellen, "to buy stuff with; it came in my letter last night. If I only knew what!" Down she went on the rug again, and Alice worked in silence, while Ellen s thoughts ran over every possible and im possible article of Mr. Van Brunt s dress. "I have some nice pieces of fine linen," said Alice; "suppose I cut out a collar for him, and you can make it and stitch it, and then Margery will starch and iron it for you , all ready to give to him. How will that do ? Can you stitch well enough?" ; 0h, yes, I guess I can," said CO to destruction never heard of Alice ! you are the best help that ever was. Will he like that, do you think?" "I am sure he will very much." "Then, that will do nicely," said Ellen, much relieved. "And now, what do you think about Nancy s Bible ?* "Nothing could be better; only that I am afraid Nancy would either sell it for something else, or let it very quickly, her spending five minutes over a book, and the Bible, I am afraid, last of all." "But I think," said Ellen slow ly, "I think she would not spoil it, or sell it either, if / gave it to her." And she told Alice about Nancy s asking for the kiss last night. "That s the most hopeful thing I have heard about Nancy for a long time," said Alice. " We will get her the Bible by all means, my dear a nice one and I hope you will be able to persuade her to read it." She rose as she spoke, and went to the glass door. Ellen followed her, and they looked out into the night. It was very dark. She opened the door a moment, but the wind drove the snow into their faces , and they were glad to shut it again. "It s almost as bad as the night we were out, isn t it?" said Ellen. Not such a heavy fall of snow, VSUj J CB ) Jl g ITOpO Jl lHMj Qcin-i i^Ut ou^uicl ticciv j J.CIAI \ji oiivrv , Ellen. "Oh, thank you, dear 1 1 think; but it s very windy and 248 THE WIDE. WIDE WORLD. cold. Papa will be late getting home." "I am sorry you are worried, dear Alice." "I am not much worried, love. I have often known Papa out late before, but this is rather a hard night for a long walk. Come, we 11 try to make a good use of the time while we are waiting. Suppose you read to me while I work." She took down a volume of Cowper, and found his account of the three pet hares. Ellen read it, and then several of his smaller pieces of poetry. Then followed a long talk about hares and other animals; about Cowper and his friends, and his way of life. Time passed swiftly away; it was get ting late. "How weary Papa will be!" said Alice. "He has had nothing to eat since dinner. I 11 tell you what we 11 do, Ellen," she ex claimed, as she threw her work down, "we 11 make some chocolate for him that 11 be the very thing. Ellen, dear, run into the kitchen and ask Mar gery to bring me the little choco late-pot and a pitcher of night s milk." Margery brought them. The pot was set on the coals, and Alice had cut up the chocolate that it might melt the quicker. Ellen watched it with great inter est till it was melted, and the boiling water stirred in, and the whole was simmering quietly on the coals. "Is it done now?" "No, it must boil a little while, and then the milk must be put in, and when that has boiled, the eggs and then it will be done." With Margery and the choco late-pot the cat had walked in. Ellen immediately endeavoured to improve his acquaintance; that was not so easy. The Cap tain chose the corner of the rug furthest from her, in spite of all her calling and coaxing, paying her no more attention than if he had not heard her. Ellen crossed over to him, and began most tenderly and respectfully to stroke his head and back, touch ing his soft fur with great care. Parry presently lifted up his head uneasily, as much as to say, "1 wonder how long this is going to last" and finding there was every prospect of its lasting some time , he fairly got up and walked over to the other end of the rug. Ellen followed him, and tried again, with ex actly the same effect. "Well, cat! you aren t very kind," said she at length; "Alice, he won t let me have anything to do with him ! " "I am sorry, my dear, he is so unsociable; he is a cat of very bad taste that is all I can say." "But I never saw such a cat! he won t let me touch him ever so softly; he lifts up his head and looks as cross; and then walks off." "He don t know you yet, and truth is , Parry has no fancy for extending the circle of his ac- THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 249 quaintance. Oh, kitty, kitty!" said Alice, fondly stroking his head, "why don t you behave better?" Parry lifted his head, and opened and shut his eyes, with an expression of great satis faction , very different from that he had bestowed on Ellen. Ellen gave him up for the present as a hopeless case, and turned her attention to the chocolate, which had now received the milk , and must be watched lest it should run over, which Alice said it would very easily do when once it began to boil again. Mean while Ellen wanted to know what chocolate was made of where it came from where it was made best burning her little face in the fire all the time , lest the pot should boil over whilst she was not looking. At last the chocolate began to gather a rich froth, and Ellen called out "Oh, Alice! lookhere quick! here s the shape of the spoon on the top of the chocolate ! do look at it." An iron spoon was in the pot, and its shape was distinctly raised on the smooth frothy sur face. As they were both bending forward to watch it, Alice waiting to take the pot off the moment it began to boil, Ellen heard a slight click of the lock of the door, and turning her head, was a little startled to see a stranger there, standing still at the far end of the room. She touched Alice s arm without looking round. But Alice started to her feet with a slight scream, and in another minute had thrown her arms round the stranger, and was locked in his. Ellen knew what it meant now, very well. She turned away as if she had nothing to do with what was going on there, and lifted the pot of chocolate off the fire with infinite difficulty; but it was going to boil over, and she would have broken her back rather than not do it. And then she stood with her back to the bro ther and sister, looking into the fire, as if she was determined not to see them till she couldn t help it. But what she was think- iing of, Ellen could not have told, then or afterwards. It was but a few minutes, though it seemed to her a great many, be fore they drew near the fire. Curiosity began to be strong, and she looked round to see if the new-comer was like Alice. No, not a bit how different ! . darker hair and eyes not a bit like her; handsome enough, top, to be her brother. And Alice did not look like herself; her usually calm, sweet face was quivering and sparkling now -- jit up as Ellen had never seen it oh, how bright! Poor Ellen herself had never looked duller in her life ; and when Alice said, gaily, "This is my brother, Ellen," her confusion of thoughts and feelings resolved themselves into a flood of tears ; she sprang and hid her face in Alice s arms. Ellen s were not the only eyes 250 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. that were full just then, but of was a difference between John course she didn t know that "Come, Ellen," whispered Alice, presently, "look up! what kind of a welcome is this? Come! we have no business with tears just now. Won t you run into the kitchen for me, Humphreys and Mr. Van Brunt, or the young gentlemen of the apple -paring; for, though she coloured a good deal, she made no objection, and showed no displeasure. Alice and she now busied themselves with getting love," she added, more low, "and! the cups and saucers out of the ask Margery to bring some bread cupboard, and setting the table : and butter, and anything else but all that evening, through whatever was doing, Ellen s eyes sought the stranger as if by fascination. She watched him she has veller? that fit for a tra- Glad of an escape, Ellen darted away that her wet face might not I whenever she could without be seen. The brother and sister being noticed. At first she was were busily talking when she re turned. John," said Alice, "this is my little sister that I wrote you about Ellen Montgomery. Ellen, this is your brother as well as mine , you know." Stop! stop!" said her bro- in doubt what to think of him; she was quite sure, from that one look into his eyes, that he was a person to be feared; - there was no doubt of that; as to the rest she didn t know. "And what have my two sisters been doing to spend the tber, "Miss Ellen, this sister of i evening?" said John Humphreys, mine is giving us away to each j one time that Alice was gone other at a great rate; I should; into the kitchen on some kind like to know first what you say to errand for him. I A -w/-k -*Tf\it TTTI 11-t-n *-*> 4-r\ 4-n1-rf\ f* ii ^P o 1 Iri n rr Q.TI it. Are you willing to take a strange brother upon her recom mendation?" Half inclined to laugh, Ellen glanced at the speaker s face, ; Talking, Sir," said Ellen, doubtfully. "Talking! this whole even ing? Alice must have improved. What you been talking iut meeting the grave though about?" somewhat comical look of two "Hares and dogs and very keen eyes, she looked down about Mr. Cowper and some again, and merely answered, other things." " Then, if I am to be your bro ther, you must ther s right, you know drawing her gently to him , a] kissing her gravely on the lips. Probably Ellen thought there ive me a bro- said he, d Jin "Private affairs, eh?" said he, with again the look Ellen had seen before. "Yes, Sir," said Ellen, nod ding and laughing. "And how came you upon Mr. Cowper?" THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 251 "Sir?" "How came you to be talking about Mr. Cowper?" "I was reading about his hares, and about John Grilpin; and then Alice told me about Mr. Cowper and his friends." "Well, I don t know, after all, that you have had a pleasanter evening than I have had," said her questioner, "though I have been riding hard, with the cold wind in my face , and the driving snow doing all it could to dis comfort me. I have had this very bright fireside before me all the way." He fell into a fit of grave musing, which lasted till Alice came in, then suddenly fell afumbling in his pocket. "Here s a note for you," said he , throwing it into her lap. "A note ! Sophia Marshman where did you get it? " "From her own hand. Passing there to-day, I thought I must stop a moment to speak to them, and had no notion of doing more ; but Mrs. Marshman was very kind, and Miss Sophia in despair, so the end of it was, 1 dismounted and went in to await the pre paring of that billet while my poor nag was led off to the stables and a fresh horse sup plied me I fancy that tells you on what conditions." " Charming ! " said Alice " to spend Christmas I am very glad; I should like to, very much with you dear. If I can only get Papa but I think he will ; it will do him a great deal of good. To-morrow, she says, we must come ; but I doubt the weather will not let us; we shall see." "I rode Prince Charlie down. He is a good traveller, and the sleighing will be fine if the snow be not too deep. The old sleigh is in being yet, I suppose?" "Oh, yes in good order. Ellen, what are you looking so grave about? you are going, too." "I?" said Ellen, a great spot of crimson coming in each cheek. "To be sure; do you think I am going to leave you behind?" "But" "But what?" " There won t be room." "Koom in the sleigh? Then we 11 put John on Prince Charlie, and let him ride there, postilion fashion." "But Mr. Humphreys? " "He always goes on horse back; he will ride Sharp or old John." In great delight, Ellen gave Alice an earnest kiss; and then they all gathered round the table to take their chocolate, or rather to see John take his , which his sister would not let him wait for any longer. The storm had ceased, and through the broken clouds the moon and stars were looking out, so they were no more uneasy for Mr. Humphreys, and expected him every moment. Still the supper was begun and ended without him, and they had drawn round the fire again 252 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. before his welcome step was at last heard. There was new joy then; new embracing, and questioning, and answering; the little circle open- I have seen a little ransomed spirit go home to its rest. Oh! that unspeakable gift! " He pressed his lips thoughtfully to gether while he stirred his cho colate; but having drunk it, he ed to let him in; and Alice brought the corner of the table I pushed the table from him , and to his side and poured him out a drew up his chair. cup of hot chocolate. But, after drinking half of it, and neglect ing the eatables beside him, he sat with one hand in the other, his arm leaning on his knee, with a kind of softened gravity upon his countenance. "Is your chocolate right, Papa?" said Alice, at length. " Very good , my daughter." He finished the cup, but then went back to his old attitude and look. Gradually they ceased their conversation, and waited with respectful affection and some curiosity for him to speak; something of more than common interest seemed to be in his thoughts. He sat looking earn estly in the fire, sometimes with almost a smile on his face, and gently striking one hand in the palm of the other. And sitting so, without moving or stirring his eyes, he said at last, as though the words had been forced from him, "Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift." As he added no more, Alice said, gently, "What have you seen to-night, Papa?" He roused himself, and pushed the empty cup towards her. "A little more, my daughter; Tt it f , I i 1 "You had a long way to go, Papa," observed Alice, again. "Yes a long way there I don t know what it was coming home; I never thought of it. How independent the spirit can be of externals! I scarcely felt the storm to-night." "Nor I," said his son. " I had a long way to go ," said Mr. Humphreys; "that poor wo man that Mrs. Dolan she lives in the woods behind the Cat s Back, a mile beyond Carra- carra, or more it seemed a long mile to-night; and a more miser able place I never saw yet. A little ricketty shanty, the storm was hardly kept out of it, and no appearance of comfort or nicety anywhere or in anything. There were several men gathered round the fire, and in a corner, on a miserable kind of bed, I saw the sick child. His eye met mine the moment I went in , and I thought I had seen him before, but couldn t at first make out where. Do you remember, Alice, a little ragged boy, with a remarkable bright, pleasant face, who has planted himself regularly every bunday morning for some time past in the south aisle . of the I have seen the fairest sight, al- church, and stood there all ser~ most, a man can see in this world, vice time? " THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 253 Alice said no. "I have noticed him often, and noticed him as paying a most fixed and steady attention. I have repeatedly tried to catch him on his way out of church , to speak to him, but always failed. I asked him to-night, when I first went in, if he knew me. I do, Sir, he said. I asked him where he had seen me. He said, In the church beyant. * So, said I, you are the little boy I have seen there so regularly; what did you come there for?" "To hear your honour spake the good words. "What good words? said I; about what? "He said, About Him that was slain, and washed us from our sins in his own blood. "And do you think he has washed away yours? I said. "He smiled at me very ex pressively. I suppose it was somewhat difficult for him to speak 5 and, to tell the truth , so it was for me , for I was taken by surprise; but the people in the hut had gathered round, and I wished to hear him say more , for their sake as well as my own. I asked him why he thought his sins were washed away. He gave me for answer part of the verse, Suffer little children to come unto me, but did not finish it. Do you think you are very sick, John? I asked. "I am, Sir, he said I ll not be long here. "And where do you think you are going, then? said I. "He lifted one little, thin, bony arm from under his coverlid, and, through all the dirt and pallor of his face, the smile of heaven I am sure was on it, as he looked and pointed upward, and answered, Jesus! "I asked him presently, as soon as I could, what he had wished to see me for. I don t know whether he heard me or not; he lay with his eyes half closed, breathing with difficulty. I doubted whether he would speak again; and indeed, for my self, I had heard and seen enough to satisfy me entirely; for the sake of the group around the bed, I could have desired some thing further. They kept perfect stillness; awed, I think, by a profession of faith such as they had never heard before. They and I stood watching him, and at the end of a few minutes , not more than ten or fifteen, he opened his eyes, and with sudden life and strength rose up half way in bed , exclaiming , Thanks be to God for his unspeakable gift! -- and then fell back - just dead." The old gentleman s voice was husky as he finished, for Alice and Ellen were both weeping, and John Humphreys had covered his face with his hands. "I have felt," said the old gentleman, presently, "as if I could have shouted out his words his dying words all the way as I came home. My little girl," said he, drawing Ellen to him, "do you know the meaning of 254 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. those sweet things of which little JohnDolan s mind was so full?" Ellen did not speak. "Do you know what it is to be a sinner? and what it is to be a said, "And so you have been well all this time , John? " He turned his face towards her without speaking, but Ellen as well as his sister saw the look of love with which he answered her forgiven child of God?" "I believe I do, Sir," Ellen! question, rather of endearment said. [than inquiry; and from that He kissed her forehead and blessed her ; and then said , "Let us pray." It was late ; the servants had minute Ellen s mind was made up as, to the doubt which had troubled her. She went to bed quite satisfied that her new bro- gone to bed, and they were ther was a decided acquisition, alone. Oh ! what a thanksgiving Mr. Humphreys poured forth for that "unspeakable gift!" that they, every one there, had been CHAPTER XXVII. The jingling of sleigh-bells. BEFOKE Ellen s eyes were open made to know and rejoice in it; the next morning almost be- for the poor little boy, rich in if ore she awoke the thought of faith, who had just gone home i the Christmas visit, the sleigh- in the same rejoicing; for their | ride, John Humphreys , and the own loved ones who were there j weather, all rushed into her mind already; and for the hope ofjat once, and started her half up joining them soon in safety and j in the bed to look out of the win- joy, to sing with them the "new dow. Well frosted the panes of song," for ever and ever. glass were, but at the corners There were no dry eyes in the j and edges, unmistakeable bright room. And when they arose, gleams of light came in. ,er giving his "Oh, Alice, it s be Mr. Humphreys , after daughter the usual kiss for good night, gave one to Ellen too, which he had never done before, and then going to his son, and laying both hands on his shoul ders, kissed his cheek also; then silently took his candle and went. They lingered a little Avhile exclaimed Ellen ; beautiful ! " look how the sun is shining! and tisn t very cold. Are we going to-day?" "I don t know yet, Ellie, but we shall know very soon. We 11 settle that at breakfast." At breakfast it was settled. They were to go, and set off after he was gone, standing [directly. Mr. Humphreys could round the fire as if loth to part, j not go with them, because he but in grave silence , each busy had promised to bury little John with his own thoughts. Alice s Dolan; the priest had declared ended by fixing on her brother, for, laying her hand and her head caressingly on his shoulder, she kUL.iv, JJJ.J.GOL iidu. u.cuia,icu have nothing to do with it; and the poor mother had ap plied to Mr. Humphreys, as being THE WIDE WIDE WORLD, 255 the clergyman her child had most trusted and loved to hear. It seemed that little John had per suaded her out of half her pre judices by his affectionate talk and blameless behaviour during some time past. Mr. Humphreys, therefore, must stay at home that day. He promised, however, to follow them the next, and would by no means permit them to wait for him. He said the day was fine, and they must improve it; and he should be pleased to have them with their friends as long as possible. So the little travelling-bag was stuffed with more things than it seemed possible to get into it. Among the rest, Ellen brought her little jred Bible, which Alice decided should go in John s it never would be locked. By dint of much pushing and crowding, however, locked it was ; and they made themselves ready. Over Ellen s merino dress and coat went an old fur tippet; a little shawl was tied round her neck; her feet were cased in a pair of warm moccassins, which, be longing to Margery, were of course a world too big for her, but " anything but cold ," as their Mother Bunch, begged to know how she expected to get to the sleigh ; he said she would want a /boZman indeed to wait upon her, to pick up her slippers, if she went in that fashion. However, he ended by picking her up, carried her, and set her down safely in the sleigh. Alice fol lowed, and in another minute they were off. Ellen s delight was unbounded. Presently they turned round a corner and left the house behind out of sight; and they were speeding away along a road that was quite new to her. Ellen s heart was dancing for joy. No body would have thought it, she sat so still and quiet between Alice and her brother; but her eyes were very bright as they pocket; the little carpet-bag looked joyously about her, and could not take it. Ellen was afraid every now and hthen she could elp smiling to herself. No thing was wanting to the pleasure of that ride. The day was of winter s fairest; the blue sky as clear as if clouds had never dim med or crossed it. None crossed it now. It was cold , but not bit terly cold, nor windy; the sleigh skimmed along over the smooth frozen surface of the snow as if it was no trouble at all to Prince Charlie to draw it ; and the sleigh KfULU C * JJ - C / l****g IL/U.U \S\SJ, Vt O UIX^XJ. VJLltJlAA 1>V/ VI J. <& VV lUj Clll^i. U1AC OJ.V/J.C^U. owner said. Her nice blue hood | bells jingled and rang, the very would protect her head well, and music for Ellen s thoughts to Alice gave her a green veil to | dance to. And then with some- save her eyes from the glare of \ body she liked very much on the snow. When Ellen shuffled leach side of her, and pleasures out of Alice s room in this trim, untold in the prospect, no won- John gave her one of his grave j der she felt as if her heart could looks, and saying she looked like j not hold any more. The green 256 THE WIDE, WIDE WOULD. veil could not be kept on, every- If "Beautiful! wherever you thing looked so beautiful in that can escape from the signs of morning s sun. The long, wide slopes of untrodden and un spotted snow, too bright some times for the eye to look at; the shadows that here and there lay upon it, of woodland and scatter- man s presence and influence." "Isn t that almost too strong?" said Alice. | He shook his head, smiling somewhat sadly, and touched Prince Charlie, who was indul- ed trees ; the very brown fences, j ging himself in a walk. and the bare arms and branches I "But there are bright excep- leafless trees, showin sharp against the white groun and clear bright heaven; all seemed lovely in her eyes. For "It is content of heart Gives nature power to please." She could see nothing that was not pleasant. And, besides, they were in a nice little red sleigh, with a warm buffalo robe, and Prince Charlie was a fine-spirited gray, that scarcely ever needed to be touched with the whip ; at a word of encouragement from his driver, he would toss his head and set forward with new life, making all the bells jingle again. To be sure, she would have been just as happy if they had poorest of vehicles on : had the runners, with old John instead; but still it was pleasanter so. Their road at first was through a fine undulating country, like that between the Nose and Thirl- wall; farmhouses and patches of woodland scattered here and there. It would seem that the minds of all the party were full of the same thoughts, for, after a very long silence, Alice s first word, almost si "This is a John!" h , was >eautiful world, tions ," said Alice. " 1 believe it ; never so much as when I come home." "Are there none around you, then, in whom you can have con fidence and svmpathy?" He shook his head again. "Not enough, Alice. I long for you quick eve life. ry day of my dice turned her head Alice away. "It must be so, my dear sister," he said, presently; "we can never expect to find it otherwise. There are, as you say, bright excep tions many of them; but in almost all I find some sad want. We must wait till we join the spirits of the just made perfect, before we see society that will be all we wish for." "What is Ellen thinking of all this while?" said Alice, presently, bending down to see her face, what ; As grave as a are you musing at I was thinking," said Ellen, "how men could help the world s being beautiful." "Don t trouble your little head with that question," said John, smiling "long may it be be fore you are able to answer it. Look at those snow-birds! " THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 257 By degrees the day wore on. About one o clock they stopped at a farmhouse to let the horse rest, and to stretch their own limbs, which Ellen, for her part, was very glad to do. The people of the house received them with great hospitality, and offered them pumpkin -pies and sweet cider. Alice had brought a basket of sandwiches, and Prince Charlie was furnished with a bag of corn Thomas had stowed away in the sleigh for him; so they were all well refreshed and rested and warmed before they set off again. From home to Ventnor, Mr. Marshman s place, was more than thirty miles, and the longest, be cause the most difficult, part of the way was still before them. Ellen, however, soon became sleepy, from riding in the keen air 5 she was content now to have j of her moccassins, went with John lawns were a smooth spread of snow now; the great skeletons of oaks and elms were bare and wintry ; and patches of shrubbery offered little but tufts and bunches of brown twigs and stems. It might have looked dreary, but that some well-grown evergreens were clustered round the house, and others scattered here and there relieved the eye ; a few holly - bushes , singly and in groups, proudly displayed their bright dark leaves and red ber ries; and one unrivalled hemlock, on the west, threw its graceful shadow quite across the lawn, on which, as on itself, the white chimney- tops, and the naked branches of oaks and elms, was the faint smile of the afternoon sun. A servant came to take the horse, and Ellen, being first rid the green veil over her face, and sitting down in the bottom of the sleigh, her head leaning against Alice, and covered well with the buffalo robe, she slept in happy unconsciousness of hill and dale, wind and sun, and all the re maining hours of the way. It was drawing towards four and Alice up the broad flight of steps, and into the house. They entered a large, handsome square hall, with a blue-and- white stone floor, at one side of which the staircase went winding up. Here they were met by a young lady, very lively and pleasant-faced, who threw her arms round Alice, o clock, when Alice, with some; and kissed her a great many difficulty , roused her to see the \ times , seeming very glad indeed approach to the house , and get ! to see her. She welcomed Ellen, wide awake before they should too, with such warmth , that she reach it. They turned from the | began to feel almost as if she had road, and entered by a gateway I been sent for and expected into some pleasure-grounds, ! told Mr. John he had behaved through which a short drive admirably and then led them brought them to the house. These [into a large room, where was a grounds were fine, but the wide, group of ladies and gentlemen. The Wide, Wide World. 17 258 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. - The welcome they got here was less lively, but quite as kind Mr. and Mrs. Marshman were fine, handsome old people , of stately presence, and most dignified as well as kind in their deportment. Ellen saw that Alice was at home here, as if she had been a daughter of the family. Mrs Marshman also stooped down and kissed her herself, telling her she was very glad she had come, and that there were number of young people there, who would be much pleased to have her help them keep Christ mas. Ellen could not make out yet who any of the rest of the company were. John and Alice seemed to know them all, and there was a buzz of pleasant voices, and a great bustle of shaking hands. The children had all gone out to walk, and, as they had had their dinner a great while ago , it was decided that Ellen should take hers that day with the elder part of the family. While they were waiting to be called to din ner, and everybody else was talking and laughing, old Mr. Marshman took notice of little Ellen, and drawing her from Alice s side to his own, began a long conversation. He asked her a great many questions, some of them such funny ones, that she could not help laughing, but she answered them all , and now and then so that she made him laugh too. By the time the butler came to say dinner was ready, she had almost forgotten she was a stranger. Mr. Marshman him self led her to the dining-room, begged the elder ladies would excuse him, but he felt bound to give his attention to the greatest stranger in the company. He placed her on his right hand, and took the greatest care of her all dinner-time; once sending her plate the whole length of_the table for some particular little thing he thought she would like. On the other side of Ellen sat Mrs. Chauncey, one of Mr. Marsh- man s daughters; a lady with a sweet, gentle, quiet face and manner , that made Ellen like to sit by her. Another daughter, Mrs. Gillespie, had more of her mother s stately bearing; the third, Miss Sophia, who met them first in the hall , was very unlike both the others, but lively and agreeable and good-humoured. Dinner gave place to the des sert , and that in its turn was re moved with the cloth. Ellen was engaged in munching almonds and raisins, admiring the bright ness of the mahogany, and the richly -cut and coloured glass, and silver decanter-stands, which were reflected in it; when a door at the further end of the room half-opened , a little figure came partly in, and holding the door in her hand, stood looking doubt fully along the table, as if seeking 7 or some one. J What is the matter, Ellen?" said Mrs. Chauncey. "Mrs. Bland told me, Mamma," she began, her eye not ceasing "ts uneasy quest; but then break- THE WIDE , WIDE WORLD, 259 ing off and springing to Alice s side , she threw her arms around her neck, and gave her, certainly, the warmest of all the warm wel comes she had had that day. " Hallo ! " cried Mr. Marshman, rapping on the table; "that s too much for any one s share. Come here, you baggage, and give me just such another." The little girl came near ac cordingly, and hugged and kissed him with a very good will, re marking, however, "Ah, but I ve seen you before, to-day, Grand- "Well, here s somebody you ve not seen before," said he, good-humouredly, pulling her round to Ellen, "here s a new friend for you a young lady from the great city, so you must brush up your country manners. Mis Ellen Montgomery, come from pshaw! what is it? come from " "London, Grandpapa?" said the little girl , as with a mixture of simplicity and kindness she took Ellen s hand, and kissed her on the cheek. "FromCarra-carra, Sir ," said Ellen, smiling. " Go along with you," said he, laughing, and pinching her cheek. "Take her away, Ellen, take her away, and mind you take good care of her. Tell Mrs. Bland she is one of grandpapa s guests." The two children had not, how ever, reached the door, when El len Chauncey exclaimed, "Wait - oh, wait a minute! I must speak to Aunt Sophia about the bag." And, flying to her side, there followed an earnest whis pering, and then a nod and smile from Aunt Sophia ; and, satisfied, Ellen returned to her companion, and led her out of the dining- room. "We have both got the same name," said she, as they went along a wide corridor; "how shall we know which is which?" "Why," said Ellen, laughing, "when you say Ellen, I shall know you mean me ; and when I say it you will know I mean you. I shouldn t be calling myself, you know." "Yes, but when somebody else calls Ellen, we shall both have to run. Do you run when you are called?" "Sometimes," said Ellen, laughing. "Ah, but I do always ; Mamma always makes me. I thought perhaps you were like Marianne Gillespie she waits often as much as half a minute before she stirs, when anybody calls her. Did you come with Miss Alice?" "Yes." "Do you love her?" "Very much! oh, very much ! " Little Ellen looked at her com panion s rising colour, with a glance of mixed curiosity and pleasure , in which lay a strong promise of growing love. "So do I," she answered, gaily; "I am very glad she is come; and I am very glad you are come, too." 17* 260 THE WIDE, WIDE The little speaker pushed open j her knees then slowly raising a door, and led Ellen into the his head, stepped back. presence of a group of young people, rather older than them selves. "Miss Ellen Montgomery, I am rejoiced to have the pleasure of seeing you at Ventnor. Isn t "Marianne," said she to one of | that polite, now? Is that like them, a handsome girl of four- \ what you have been accustomed teen, "this is Miss Ellen Mont- j to, Miss Montgomery?" gomery she came with Alice, "No-, Sir thank you," said and she is come to keep Christ- j Ellen , who laughed in spite of mas with us aren t you glad? herself. The mirth of the others There 11 be quite a parcel of us redoubled. when what s-her-name comes - May I request to be informed, won t there?" then," continued Gillespie, " what Marianne shook hands with k g the fashion of making bows in E1 Jen. . , the great city?" "She is one of grandpapas M j don > tknow sa idEllen; "I guests, I can tell you, said little neyer gaw a boy make a bow be- Ellen Chauncey; "and he says f ore " we must brush up our country j ^ , _ j ~ C me manner?will do for you, "Do you think we are a set of ignoramuses, Miss Ellen?" in quired a well-grown boy of fif teen, who looked enough like Marianne Gillespie to prove him her brother. "I don t know what that is," said Ellen. "Well, do they do things bet ter in the great city than we do here?" "I don t know how you do them here," said Ellen. "Don t you? Come! Standout of my way, right and left, all of you, will you? and give me a chance. Now then ! " Conscious that he was amusing most of the party, he placed him self gravely at a little distance from Ellen, and marching so lemnly up to her, bowed down to "You re giving her a pretty specimen of em, Bill," said an other boy. "For shame, William!" cried little Ellen Chauncey? "didn t I tell you she was one of grand papa s guests? Come here, El len, I 11 take you somewhere else." She seized Ellen s hand, and pulled her towards the door, but suddenly stopped again. " Oh , I forgot to tell you," she said; "I asked Aunt. Sophia about the bag of moroccoes, and she said we should have em early to-morrow morning, and then we can divide em right away." "We mustn t divide em till Maggie comes ," said Marianne. "Oh, no not till Maggie THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 261 comes," said little Ellen; and then they ran off again. " I am so glad you are come ! " said she: "the others are all so possible. None of the rest, how ever, not even his sister, could keep their countenances, for the eye of the speaker had pointed DOli-li O-LH-/ ^ IjAIVy \J IJ-IX^J. O Cfc-L \J C^-LA K? \S \Jj\S VJi IM_1\_/ OJ,/ \v t*V\_,A J.J.C4VL JJ \J AAJL U\^ v*. much older, and they have all so and sharpened his words; and much to do together and now "William, very red in the face, you can help me think what I will < was understood to mumble , as make for Mamma. Hush! don t soon as mumbling was possible, say a word about it!" that "he wouldn t laugh unless They entered the large draw- he had a mind to," and a threat ing-room, where old and young! to "do something" to his tor- were soon gathered for tea. The children, who had dined early, sat down to a well-spread table, at which Miss Sophia presided; mentor. "Only not eat me," said John, with a shade of expression in his look and tone which overcame the elder persons were standing | the whole party, himself and poor or sitting in different parts of the William alone retaining entire room. Ellen, not being hungry, gravity. had leisure to look about her, "What s all this? what s all and her eyes soon wandered from this? what s all this laughing- the tea-table in search of her old | about?" said old Mr. Marshman, friends. Alice was sitting by Mrs. coming up. Marshman, talking with two other pre- " This young gentleman , Sir," said John, "has been endeavour- ladies; but Ellen smiled sently, as she caught her eye ling with a mouthful of argu- fromthe far end of the room, and jments to prove to us the in- fot a little nod of recognition, feriority of city manners to those ohn came up just then to set i learned in the country." down his coffee-cup, and asked "Will, "said the old gentleman, her what she was smiling at. glancing doubtfully at William s "That s city manners," said discomfited face; then added, William Gillespie, "to laugh at sternly, " I don t care where your what s going on." manners were learned, Sir, but I "I have no doubt we shall all! advise you to be very particular follow the example ," said John as to the sort you bring Avith you Humphreys, gravely, "if the j here. Now, Sophia, let us have young gentleman will try to give some music." us a smile. He set the children a-dancim The young gentleman had just and as Ellen did not know how, accommodated himself with an he kept her by him, and kept her outrageously large mouthful of very much amused, too, in his bread and sweetmeats, and if! own way; then he would have ever so well disposed, compli- her join in the dancing, and bade ance with the request was iin- - Ellen Chauucey give her lessons. 262 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. There was a little backwardness at first, and then Ellen was jumping away with the rest, and thinking it perfectly delightful, as Miss Sophia s piano rattled out merry jigs and tunes, and little feet flew over the floor as light as the hearts they belonged to. At eight o clock the young ones were dismissed, and bade good night to their elders: and, pleased with the kind kiss Mrs. Marshman had given her, as well as her little granddaughter , Ellen went off to bed very happy. The room to which her com panion led her was the very pic ture of comfort. It was not too large, furnished with plain, old- fashioned furniture, and lighted and warmed by a cheerful wood- fire. The very old brass-headed hand-irons that stretched them selves out upon the hearth with such a look of being at home, seemed to say, "You have come to the right place for comfort." A little, dark, mahogany book case in one place an odd toilet- table of the same stuff in another; and opposite the fire an old- fashioned high -post bedstead, with its handsome Marseilles quilt and ample pillows, looked very tempting. Between this and the far side of the room, in the corner, another bed was spread on the floor. " This is Aunt Sophia s room," said Little Ellen Chauncey; "this is where you are to sleep." "And where will Alice be?" said the other Ellen. " Oh , she 11 sleep here , in this j bed, with Aunt Sophia; that is because the house is so full, you know; and here is your bed, here on the floor. Oh, delicious ! I wish I was going to sleep here ! Don t you love to sleep on the floor? I do. I think it s fun." Anybody might have thought it fun to sleep on that bed, for, instead of a bedstead, it was luxuriously piled on mattrasses. The two children sat down to gether on the foot of it. " This is Aunt Sophia s room," continued little Ellen , "and next to it, out of that door, is our dressing-room, and next to that is where Mamma and I sleep. Do you undress and dress your self?" "To be sure I do," saidEllen " So do I; but Marianne Grilles- pie won t even put on her shoes and stockings for herself." "Who does it, then?" said Ellen. "Why, Lester --Aunt Matil da s maid. Mamma sent away her maid when we came here, and she says if she had fifty she would like me to do everything I can for myself. I shouldn t think it was pleasant to have any one put on one s shoes and stockings for you, should you?" "No, indeed," said Ellen. "Then you live here all the time?" "Oh, yes ever since papa didn t come back from that long voyage we live here since then." "Is he coming back soon?" THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 263 "No," said little Ellen, gravely "he never will come back he never will come back any more. Ellen was sorry she had asked, "No," said Ellen. "Don t you? why, I always did, ever since I can remember. I used to think , when I was a little , you know," said she, laugh- and both children were silent for I ing "I used to think that Santa a minute. I Claus came down the chimney, "I ll tell you what," said little I and I used to hang up my stock- Ellen, jumping up "Mamma ing as near the fire-place as I said we mustn t sit up too long could; but I know better than talking, so I ll run and get my that now; I don t care where I things and bring em here, and hang it. You know who Santa we can undress together; won t that be a nice way?" CHAPTER XXVIII. Scraps of Morocco and talk. LEFT alone in the strange room with the flickering fire, how quickly Ellen s thoughts left Ventnor and flew over the sea ! They often travelled that road, it is true, but now perhaps the very home-look of everything, where yet she was not at home, might have sent them. There was a bitter twinge or two , and for a minute Ellen s head droop ed. " To-morrow will be Christ mas-eve last Christmas-eve oh, Mamma!" Little Ellen Chauncey soon came back, and sitting down be side her on the foot of the bed, began the business of undressing. "Don t you love Christmas time ?" said she ; "I think it s the pleasantest in all the year; we al ways have a houseful of people, and such fine times. But then in summer I think that s the plea santest. I s pose they re all plea sant. Do you hang up your stock ing?" Claus is, don t you?" "He s nobody," said Ellen. " Oh, yes, he is he s a great many people he s whoever gives vou anything. My Santa Claus is Mamma, and Grandpapa, and Grandmamma, and Aunt So phia, and Aunt Matilda; and I thought I should have had Uncle George, too, this Christmas, but he couldn t come. Uncle Howard never gives me anything. I am sorry Uncle George couldn t come ; I like him the best of all my uncles." "I never had anybody but Mamma to give me presents," said Ellen, "and she never gave me much more at Christmas than at other times." "I used to have presents from Mamma and Grandpapa too, both Christmas and New Year, but now I have grown so old, Mamma only gives me something Christmas , and Grandpapa only New Year. It would be too much, you know, for me to have" both when my presents are so big. I don t .believe a stocking will hold em much longer. But oh ! we Ve got such a fine plan in our heads," 264 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. said little Ellen, lowering her there s another thing I don t voice, and speaking with open i know how to fix, and that s the eyes and great energy we are edges of the leaves the leaves going to make presents this year ! jfor the needles they must be we children won t it be fine? : fixed somehow." we are going to make what we "I can show you how to do like for anybody we choose, and that," said Ellen, brightening; let nobody know anything about! "Mamma had a needlebook that it; and then New Year s morn- 1 was given to her that had the ing, you know, when the things edges beautifully fixed; and I are all under the napkins, we will \ wanted to know how it was done, give ours to somebody to put land she showed me. I ll show where they belong, and nobody j you that. It takes a good while, will know anything about them but that s no matter." till they see them there. Won t "Oh, thank you; how nice that it be fine? I m so glad you areas! Oh no, that s no matter. And here, for I want you to tell me ! then it will do very well, won t what I shall make." it? Now, if I can only catch Gil bert in a good humour he isn t my cousin he s Marianne s " Who is it for?" said Ellen, you know "Oh, Mamma! can t make for everybody, so I cousin that big boy you saw think I had rather it should be for I down -stairs he s so big he Mamma. I thought of making her j won t have anything to say to a needle-book with white backs, me, sometimes, but I guess I ll and getting Gilbert Gillespie to I get him to do this. Don t you paint them he can paint beau- 1 want to make something for tifully and having her name and something else written very nicely inside; how do you think that would do ? " "I should think it would do very nicely," said Ellen "very nicely, indeed." somebody?" Ellen had had one or two fever ish thoughts on this subject since the beginning of the con versation, but she only said "It s no matter you know I j haven t got anything here ; and "I wish Uncle George was at besides, I shall not be here till home, though, to write it for me New Year." he writes so beautifully; can t do it well enough." "I m afraid I can t either," said Ellen. "Perhaps somebody else can. "I don t know who. Aunt "Not here till New Year! yes, you shall," said little Ellen, throwing herself upon her neck; " indeed you aren t going away before that. I know you aren t I heard Grandmamma and Aunt Sophia scribbles and scratches, ! Sophia talking about it. Say you and besides, I don t want her will stay here till New Year to know anything about it. But do!" THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 265 "I should like to, very much in deed," said Ellen, "if Alice does." In the midst of half a dozen kisses with which her little com panion rewarded this speech, somebody close by said, plea santly "What time of night do you suppose it is?" The girls started there was Mrs. Chauncey. " Oh, Mamma ! " exclaimed her than she was showing and ex plaining to Ellen Chauncey a par ticularly splendid and mysterious way of embroidering the edges of needlebook leaves. Deep in this, they were still an hour after wards, and in the comparative merits of purple and rose-colour, when a little hubbub arose at the other end of the room , on the ar rival of a new-comer. Ellen Chauncey looked up from her little daughter, springing to her [work, then dropped it, exclaim- feet, "I hope you haven t heard ing, "There she is! now for the bag_!" and pulled Ellen along with her towards the party. A young lady was in the midst of what we about?" have been talking "Notaword," said Mrs. Chaun cey, smiling-, "but as to-morrow will be long enough to talk in, you better go to bed hadn t now? Her daughter obeyed her im mediately, after one more hug to cey stayed to see Ellen in bed, and press one kind, motherly it, talking so fast, that she had not time to take off her cloak and bonnet. As her eye met Ellen s, however, she came to a sudden pause. It was Margaret Dun- scombe. Ellen s face certainly Ellen, and telling her she was so showed no pleasure; Margaret s glad she had come. Mrs. Chaun- darkened with a very disagree able surprise. " My goodness ! Ellen Mont- kiss upon her face , so tenderly j gomery ! how on earth did you that Ellen s eyes were moistened 1 get here?" she withdrew. But in her dreams that night, the rosy, sweet face, blue eyes, and little plump figure of Ellen Chauncey "Do you know her?" asked one of the girls, as the two Ellen s went off after "Aunt Sophia." "Do I know her? Yes just enough exactly. How did she Humphreys brought played the greatest part. She slept till Alice was obliged get here to waken her the next morning; j "Miss and then got up with her head in ; her." a charming confusion, of plea- j "Who s Miss Humphreys?" sures past and pleasures to come " Hush !" said Marianne, lower- things known and unknown, j ing her tone "that s her bro- to be made for everybody s New ther in the window." Year presents linen collars and painted needlebooks; and no sooner was breakfast over, "Whose brother? hers or Miss Humphreys ? " "Miss Humphreys . Did you 266 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. never see her? She is here, or has been here, a great deal of the time. Grandma calls her her piece of blue morocco in particu lar was made up in imagination by two or three of the party in as fourth daughter; and she is just; many different ways. Marianne as much at home as if she was: wanted it for a book-cover; Mar- and she brought her here." garet declared she could make a "And she s at home, too, I j lovely reticule with it; and Ellen could not help thinking it would make a very pretty needlebox, such a one as she had seen in the possession of one of the girls, and longed to make for Alice. " Well, what s to be done no w ?" said Miss Sophia " or am I not to know?" "Oh, you re not to know you re not to know, Aunt Sophy," cried the girls "you mustn t ask." "I ll tell you what they are goingto do with em," said George Walsh , coming up to her with a mischievous face , and adding in back, bringing word to clear the j a loud whisper, shielding his table, for Aunt Sophia was co-i mouth with his hand "they re ming with the moroccoes. As going to make pr " soon as she came , Ellen Chaun- 1 He was laid hold of forcibly by cey sprang to her neck and the whole party, screaming and suppose. Well, it s no business of mine." "What do you know of her?" " Oh, enough that s just it don t want to know any more." "Well, you needn t; but what s the matter with her?" "Oh, I don t know. I ll tell you some other time she s a conceited little piece. We had the care of her coming up the river that s how I come to know about her; Ma said it was the last child she would be bo thered with in that way." Presently the two girls came whispered an earnest question. "Certainly!" Aunt Sophia said, as she poured out the contents of the bag; and her little niece de lightedly told Ellen she was to have her share as well as the rest. The table was now strewn with pieces of morocco , of all sizes and colours, which were hastily turned over and examined with eager hands and sparkling eyes. Some were mere scraps, to be sure ; but others showed a breadth and length of beauty which was declared to be "first-rate," and "fine;" and one beautiful large laughing, and stopped short from finishing his speech. "Well, then, I ll take my de parture," said Miss Sophia "but how will you manage to di vide all these scraps ! " " Suppose we were to put them in the bag again, and you hold the bag, and we were to draw them out without looking," said Ellen Chauncey "as we used to do with the sugar-plums." As no better plan was thought of, this was agreed upon; and little Ellen shutting up her eyes very tight, stuck in her hand, and THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD, 267 pulled out a little bit of green morocco aboutthe size of a dollar. Ellen Montgomery came next; then Margaret, then Marianne, then their mutual friend Isabel Hawthorn. Each had to take her and I might get yours. We had best each choose in turn what we like, beginning at Isabel." "Very well," s aid little Ellen "I m agreed." Anythingforaquietlife," said turn a great many times; and at George Walsh. the end of the drawing, the pieces! But this business of choosing were found to be pretty equally divided among the party, with the exception of Ellen, who, be sides several other good pieces, had drawn the famous blue. "That will do very nicely," said little Ellen Chauncey "I am glad you have got that, Ellen. Now, Aunt Sophy one thing more you know the silks and ribbons you promised us ? " "Bless me ! I haven t done yet, eh? Well, you shall have them; was found to be very long and very difficult, each one was so fearful of not taking the exact piece she wantedmost. The elder members of the family began to gather for dinner, and several came and stood round the table where the children were; little noticed by them, they were so wrapped up in silks and satins. Ellen seemed the least interested person at table, and had made her selections with the least de- turn, sat very with her head "I declare it s too vexatious!" said Margaret Dunscombe "here I ve got this beautiful but we are all going out to walk I lay and difficulty; and now, as now; I ll give them to you this | it was not her tu afternoon. Come! put these! soberly looking on, wi away, and get on your bonnets resting on her hand, and cloaks." A hard measure! but it was done. After the walk came dinner; after dinner, Aunt Sophia piece of blue satin, and can t do had to be found and waited on, i anything with it; it just matches till she had fairly sought out and | that blue morocco it s a per- delivered to their hands the feet match I could have made wished-for bundle of silks and! a splendid thing of it, and I have satins. It gave great satisfaction, j got some cord and tassels that "But how shall we do about j would just do I declare it s too dividing these ? " said little Ellen ! bad ! " " shall we draw lots again? "No, Ellen," said Marianne, Ellen s colour changed. "Well, choose, Margaret," said "that won t do, because we might Marianne, every one get just the thing we "I don t know what to choose do not want. 1 want one colour: that s the thing. What can or stuff to go with my morocco, : one do with red and purple mo- and you want another to go with! rocco and blue satin? I might yours; and you might get mine j as well give up. I ve a great no- 268 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. "I shall say what I think, my dear," said Mrs. Gillespie, smi ling; "but I am glad you add the grace of modesty to that of gene- "I wish you would, Margaret, rosity; it is the more uncommon and give it to me when it s done," ~ f ^~ * ^ " cried little Ellen Chauncey. tion to take this piece of yellow satin, and dress up a Turkish doll to frighten the next young one I meet with." "Taint made yet," said the other, drily. Ellen s colour had changed and changed ; her hand twitched of the two. "I am not modest! I am not generous! you mustn t say so," cried Ellen. She struggled; the blood rushed to the surface, suf fusing every particle of skin that nervously, and she glanced un-j could be seen; then left it, easily from Margaret s store of finery to her own. choose, "Come, Margaret," said Ellen Chauncey; "I dare say Ellen wants the blue morocco i at all with eyes cast down she went on "I don t deserve to be praised it was more Margaret s than I oughtn t to have kept it - for I saw a little bit when as much as you do." "No, I don t!" said Ellen, I put my hand in. 1 didn t mean to , but I did ! " abruptly, throwing it over the) Kaising her eyes hastily to table to her; "take it, Mar garet, you may have it." "What do you mean?" said the other, astounded. Alice s face, they met those of John, who was standing behind her. She had not counted upon him for one of her listeners ; she "I mean you may have it," said knew Mrs. Gillespie, Mrs. Chaun- Ellen "I don t want it." j cey , Miss Sophia , and Alice , had "Well, I ll tell you what," said, heard her; but this was the one the other "I ll give you yellow | drop too much. Her head sunk; satin for it or some of my red | she covered her face a moment, morocco!" land then made her escape oui "No, I had rather not," re- 1 of the room, before even Ellen peated Ellen ; " I don t want it could follow her. you may have it." There was a moment s silence. "Very generously done," re- Alice seemed to have some difli- marked Miss Sophia; "I hopejculty not to follow Ellen s ex- you ll all take a lesson in the art ample. Margaret pouted; Mrs. of being obliging." | Chauncey s eyes filled with tears, "Quite a noble little girl," said and her little daughter seemed Mrs. Gillespie. Ellen crimsoned. "No, Ma am, divided between doubt and dis may. Her first move, however, I am not, indeed," she said, ! was to run off in pursuit of Ellen, looking at them with eyes that were filling fast; "please don t Alice went after her. Here s a beautiful example of say so I don t deserve it." honour and honesty for you!" THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 269 said Margaret Dunscombe, at of course, that wasn t proper be- length. "I think it is," observed John, quietly. "An uncommon instance," said Mrs. Chauncey. "I hope all." "No, indeed," said Isabel. "I suppose," said John, cool- , "she chose the society she the pleasantest. Pro- iss Margaret s politeness she had been ac- shan t copy it, that s "I think you are in no danger," said John, again. "Very well!" said Margaret coloured, not quite knowing what to make of the speaker or his speech who, between her desire of speaking and her desire of con cealing her vexation, did not know what to do with herself; "It would take much to make Margaret, me believe," said gentle Mrs. "everybody must judge for him self, 1 suppose; I ve got enough of her, for my part." Chauncey, "that a child of such refined and delicate feeling as that little girl evidently has, could take pleasure in improper company. Margaret had a reply at her tongue s end, but she had also " Where did you ever see her j an uneasy feeling that there were before?" said Isabel Hawthorn. 1 6 yes not far off too keen of sight "Oh, she came up the river I to be baffled; she kept silence with us Mamma had to take till the group dispersed , and she care of her she was with us had an opportunity of whisper- two days." "And didn t you like her?" "No, I guess I didn t!" she was a perfect plague. All that day on board the steamboat "What a singular fancy you ing in Marianne s ear that "that was the very most disagreeable man she had ever seen in her she scarcely came near us; we have taken to this little pet of couldn t pretend to keep sight Alice s, Mr. John!" said Mrs. of her; Mamma had to send herlMarshman s youngest daughter, maid out to look after her, I " You quite surprise me." don t know how many times. She "Did you think_ me a misan- scraped acquaintance with somejthrope, Miss Sophia?" strange man on board, and liked " Oh, no, not at all; but I al- his company better than ours, ways had a notion y^ou would not for she stayed with him the whole be easily pleased in the choice blessed day, waking and sleep- of favourites." ing; of course Mamma didn t like "Easily! When a simple, in- it at all. She didn t go to a i telligent child of twelve or thir- single meal with us ; you know, ! teen is a common character, then 270 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. I will allow that I am easily pleased." "Twelve or thirteen!" said Miss Sophia; "what are you thinking about? Alice says she is only ten or eleven." "In years perhaps." "How gravely you take me up ! " said the young lady, laugh ing. "My dear Mr. John, in years, perhaps, you may call yourself twenty, but in every thing else you might much better pass for thirty or forty." As they were called to dinner, Alice and Ellen Chauncey came back; the former looking a little serious, the latter crying, and wishing aloud that all the mo- roccoes had been in the fire. They had not been able to find Ellen. Neither was she in the drawing-room when they return ed to it after dinner; and a se cond search was made in vain. John went to the library, which was separate from the other rooms, thinking she might have chosen that for a hiding-place. She was not there ; but the plea sant light of the room, where only the fire was burning, invited a stay. He sat down in the deep window, and was musingly look ing out into the moonlight, when the door softly opened, and Ellen came in. She stole in noiseless ly, so that he did not hear her, and she thought the room empty, till in passing slowly down to ward the fire she came upon him in the window. Her start first let him know she was there; she would have run, but one of her hands was caught, and she could not get it away. "Kunning away from your bro ther, Ellie!" said he, kindly; "what is the matter?" Ellen shrank from meeting his eye , and was silent. "I know all, Ellie," said he, still very kindly "I have seen all why do you shun me ? " Ellen said nothing; the big tears began to run down her face and frock. "You are taking this matter too hardly, dear Ellen," he said, drawing her close to him; "you did wrong, but you have done all you could to repair the wrong -neither man nor woman can do more than that." But though encouraged by his manner, the tears flowed faster than ever. "Where have you been? Alice was looking for you, and little Ellen Chauncey was in great trouble. I don t know what dread ful thing she thought you had done with yourself. Come! lift up your head, and let me see you smile again." Ellen lifted her head but could not her eyes, though she tried to smile. "I want to talk to you a little about this ," said he. " You know you gave me leave to be your brother will you let me ask you a question or two?" " Oh , yes whatever he plea sed," Ellen said. " Then sit down here," said he, making room for her on the wide window -seat, but still keeping THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 271 hold of her hand and speaking very gently. " You said you saw when you took the morocco I don t quite understand how was it?" "Why," said Ellen, "we were not to look, and we had gone three times round, and nobody had got that large piece yet, and we all wanted it; and 1 did not mean to look at all, but, I don t know how it was, just before I shut my eyes I happened to see the corner of it sticking up , and then I took it." " With your eyes open? " "No, no, with them shut. And I had scarcely got it when I was sorry for it, and wished it back." "You will wonder at me, per haps, Ellie," said John, "but I am not very sorry this has hap pened. You are no worse than before; it has only made you see what you are very, very weak guite unable to keep yourself right without constant help. Sudden temptation was too much for you so it has many a time been for me, and so it has happened to the best men on earth. I suppose if you had had a minute s time to think, you would not have done as you did?" "No, indeed! "said Ellen. "I was sorry a minute after." "And I dare say the thought of it weighed upon your mind ever since ? " "Oh, yes!" said Ellen; "it wasn t out of my head a minute the whole day." "Then let it make you very humble, dear Ellie, and let it make you in future keep close to our dear Saviour, without whose help we cannot stand a moment." Ellen sobbed; and he allowed her to do so for a few minutes, then said "But you have not been think ing much about Him , Ellie?" The sobs ceased; he saw his words had taken hold. "Is it right," he said, softly, " that we should be more troubled about what people will think of us, than for having displeased or dishonoured Him?" Ellen now looked up, and in her look was all the answer he wished. "You understand me, I see," said he. "Be humbled in the dust before him the more the better; but whenever we are greatly concerned, for our own sakes, about other people s opi nion, we may be sure we are thinking too little of God and what will please him." "I am very sorry," said poor Ellen, from whose eves the tears began to drop again "I am very wrong: but I couldn t bear to think what Alice would think and you and all of them." "Here s Alice to speak for her self," said John. As Alice came up with a quick step and knelt down before her, Ellen sprang to her neck, and they held each other very fast indeed. John walked up and down the room. Presently he stopped before them. 272 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. "All s well again," said Alice, I her shoulders, and whispering, " emrl wf> QVP o-m nrr in fr> f OQ " "T?ll/m T?ll/->v*f" iv r> -*-/-in^ 4-Ur.i : and we are going in to tea. He smiled and held out his hand, which Ellen took, but he would not leave the library, de claring they had a quarter of an hour still. So they sauntered up and down the long room, talk ing of different things, so plea santly, that Ellen near forgot her troubles. Then came in Miss Sophia to find them, and then Mr. Marshman, and Marianne to call them to tea; so the going into the drawing-room was not half so bad as Ellen thought it would be. She behaved very well; her face was touchingly humble that night; and all the evening she kept fast by either Alice or John, without budging an inch. And as little Ellen Chauncey and her cousin George Walsh chose to be where she was, the young party was quite divided; and not the least merry portion of it was that mixed with the older people. Little Ellen was half beside her self with spirits; the secret of which, perhaps, was the fact, which she several times in the course of the evening whispered to Ellen as a great piece of news, that "it was Christmas eve!" Stockings, CHAPTER XXIX. to which the was nothing. Bas Bleu CHRISTMAS morning was dawn ing gray, but it was still far from broad daylight, when Ellen was awakened. She found little Ellen Chauncey pulling and pushing at kissing her with "all her heart. ; Ellen, Ellen!" in a tone that showed a great fear of waking somebody up. There she was, in nightgown and nightcap , and barefooted, too, with a face brim ful of excitement, and as wide awake as possible. Ellen roused herself in no little surprise , and asked what the matter was. "I am going to look at my stocking," whispered her visitor; "don t you want to get up and come with me? it s just here, in the other room; come! don t make any noise." "But what if you should find nothing in it? " said Ellen, laugh ingly, as she bounded out of bed. "Ah, but I shall, I know; I al ways do never fear. Hush! step ever so softly I don t want to wake anybody." "It s hardly light enough for you to see," whispered Ellen, as the two little barefooted white figures glided out of the room. "Oh, yes, it is that s all the fun. Hush! don t make a bit of noise I know where it hangs Mamma always puts it at the back of her big easy- chair ; come this way here it is! Oh , Ellen ! there s two of em ! There s one for you! there s one for you!" In a tumult of delight, one Ellen capered about the floor on the tips of her little bare toes, while the other, not less happy, stood still for pleasure. The dancer finished by hugging and THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 273 declaring she was so glad, she "Oh, never mind! make haste," didn t know what to do. said Ellen Chauncey; "it won t "But how shall we know which hurt you, I guess." is which?" "No, it won t hurt me," said ^ Perhaps they are both alike," j Ellen , "but" said Ellen. She drew forth a great bunch "No at any rate, one s for of white grapes. me , and t other s for you. Stop ! here are pieces of paper, with our names on, I guess let s turn the chair a little bit to the "Splendid! isn t it?" said Ellen Chauncey. "Now for mine." It was the counterpart of Ellen s bunch. and this is mine ! " light there yes! Ellen | "So far, so good," said she. M-o-n there, that s yours; my "Now for the next." name doesn t begin with an M; The next thing in each stock ing was a large horn of sugar plums. "Well, that s fine, isn t it?" said Ellen Chauncey "yours is Another caper round the room, and then she brought up in front of the chair, where Ellen was still standing. j tied with white ribbon, and mine "I wonder what sin em," she with blue; that s all the dif- said; "I want to look, and I ference. Oh! and your paper s don t want, too. Come , you be- 1 red and mine is purple." gin." "Yes, and the pictures are "But that s no stocking of different," said Ellen, mine," said Ellen, a smile gradu- 1 "Well, I had rather they ally breaking upon her sober [would be different wouldn t little face; "my leg never was as i you? I think it s just as plea- big as that." sant. One s as big as the other "Stuffed, isn t it?" said Ellen at any rate. Come, what s Chauncey. " Oh, do make haste, next ? " and see Avhat is in yours. I want Ellen drew out a little bundle, to know so, I don t know what which, being opened, proved to to do." | be a nice little pair of dark kid "Well, will you take out of gloves. yours as fast as I take out of "Oh, I wonder who gave me mine?" this?" she said "it s just "Well!" what I wanted. How pretty! oh, Oh, mysterious delight, and: I m so glad! I guess who it delightful mystery, of the stuffed i was." stocking ! Ellen s trembling | " Oh, look here," said the other fingers sought the top, and then! Ellen, who had been diving into very suddenly left it. Vher stocking "I Ve got a ball "I. can t think what it is ," said I this is just what I wanted, too ; she,laughmg "itfeels so funny." j George told me if I d get one The Wide, Wide World. 18 274 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. he d show me how to play. Isn t it pretty? Isn t it funny we should each get just what we wanted? Oh , this is a very nice ball. I m glad I ve got it. Why, here is another great round thing in my stocking! what can it "be? they wouldn t give me two balls ," said she , chuckling. "So there is in mine!" said Ellen. "Maybe they re apples?" "They arnen t! they wouldn t give us apples; besides, it is soft. Pull it out and see." Then they are oranges," said Ellen, laughing. "/ never felt such soft orange ," said little Ellen Chaun cey. " Come, Ellen! stop laugh ing, and let s see." They were two great scarlet satin pincushions, with E. C. and E. M. , very neatly stuck in pins. "Well, we shan t want pins for a good while, shall we? " said Ellen. " Who gave us these ? " "I know," said little Ellen Chauncey "Mrs. Bland." "Now, I wonder what all this toe is stuffed with," said she, "raisins and almonds, I declare ! and yours the same , isn t it? Well, don t you think we have got enough sweet things? Isn t this a pretty good Christmas?" "What are you about, you monkeys?" cried the voice of Aunt Sophia, from the dressing- room door. "Alice, Alice! do look at them. Come right back to bed, both of you. Crazy pates ! It is lucky it is Christmas day if it was any other in the year, we should have you both sick in bed; as it is, I suppose you will go scot free." Laughing, and rosy with plea sure, they came back and got into bed together; and for an hour afterwards the two kept up a most animated conversation, intermixed with long chuckles and bursts of merriment, and whispered communications of immense importance. The ar rangement of the painted needle- / , . -, . -i 1 CtJ-JLCi t-ill V>JLL \J V/JL UJJ.V pCHJ-.u.uV- V*. AAV^V-* v.*v; "She was very kind to make bo( J. wag entirely decided upon ie for me, said Ellen. Mow . thig C0nsultat i n ; also two or _. J_T_ ~ -~ ^-^4- I " -t . t one for the next! Her next thing was a little three other matters ; and the two children seemed to have al- bottle of Cologne water. _ ready lived a day since day- "I can tell who put that m, break by the time they came id her friend "Aunt Sophia. , Mm ? * said I know her little bottles of Co logne water. Do you love Co logne water? Aunt Sophia s is delicious." Ellen did like it very much, and was extremely pleased. Ellen Chauncey had also a new pair^of scissors, which gave entire satis faction. down to breakfast. After breakfast, Ellen applied secretly to Alice, to know if she could write very beautifully she exceedingly wanted some thing done. "I should not like to venture, Ellie , if it must be so superfine : but John can do it for you." THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 275 "Can he? Do you think he Alice said I shouldn t disturb would?" you." "Not at all; I Ve been long enough over this stupid news- "I am sure he will, if you ask him." "But I don t like to ask him," said Ellen, casting a doubtful glance at the window. paper. What is it?" "I want you, if you will be so ood," said Ellen, "to write a the newspaper. You won t dis turb him." " Well, you won t say anything about it?" "Certainly not." Ellen accordingly went near, and said, Mr IW to hear her. "Mr. Humphreys ! " Nonsense, he s only reading I little bit for me on something, - & very beautifully." " Very beautifully ! Well come to the library; we will see." "But it is a great secret," said Ellen; "you won t tell any body?" " Tortures shan t draw it from me when I know what it is," said he , with one of his comical ,.,,, , - " looks. - a little louder. _ In high glee EUen ran for ^ He has not arrived yet, said pieces of Bristol board which John, looking round gravely. were to form the backs of the He spoke so gravely, thatjneedlebook, and brought them Ellen could not tell whether he j to the library; and explained were joking or serious. Her face | how room was to be left in the of extreme perplexity was too (middle of each for a painting, a much for his command of coun-jrose on one, a butterfly on the tenance. other; the writing to be as "Whom do you want to speak elegant as possible, above, be- to?" said he, smiling. Ineath, and roundab "I wanted to speak to you,i fan( T of the wri1 Sir," said Ellen, "if you are not ch s , e n too busy." Well, what is to be inscribed u i\/r rr 7 -i on thi g most original of needle- -Mr. Humphreys, is always books?" said John, as he care- K> M r^ 6 shakl SS his head, fully mended his pen. but Mr. John can attend to you - ~ - -- at any time, and John will do out, as the writer should for you whatever you please to ask him." "Then, Mr. John," said Ellen, laughing, "if you please, I wanted to ask you to do some thing for me, very much in- tell 11 h one, the front, you know, is to go, To my dear mother, many happy; New Years ; - - and on this side, From her dear little daughter, Ellen Chauncey. You know," she added, "Mrs.Chaun- deed, if you are not too busy; I cey isn t to know anything about 18* 276 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. it till New Year s day ; nor any body else." "Trust me," said John. I am asked any questions, they shall find me as obscure as an oracle." " What is an oracle, Sir ? " "Why," said John, smiling "this pen won t do yet the old heathens believed there were certain spots of earth to which some of their gods had more favour than to others, and where they would permit mortals to come nearer to them, and would even deign to answer their ques tions." "And did they ? " said Ellen. "Did they what?" "Did they answer their ques tions?" "Did who answer their ques tions?" "They oh, to be sure," said Ellen, "there were no such gods. But what made people think they answered them? and how could they ask questions?" "I suppose it was a con trivance of the priests, to in crease their power and wealth. There was always a temple built near, with priests and pries tesses; the questions were put through them; and they would not ask them except on great oc casions, or for people of con sequence, who could pay them well, by making splendid gifts to the god." "But I should think the people would have thought the priest or priestess had made up the an swers themselves." " Perhaps they did, sometimes. JBut people had not the Bible If then, and did not know as much as we know. It was not unna tural to think the gods would care a little for the poor people that lived on the earth. Besides, there was a good deal of manage ment and trickery about the an swers of the oracle , that helped to deceive." "How was it?" said Ellen; "how could they manage, and what was the oracle?" "The oracle was either the answer itself, or the god who was supposed to give it, or the place where it was given; and there were different ways of managing. At one place the priest hid himself in the hollow body or among the branches of an oak-tree , and people thought the tree spoke to them. Some times the oracle was delivered by a woman, who pretended to be put into a kind of fit tearing her hair and beating her breast." "But suppose the oracle made a mistake what would the people think then? " "The answers were generally contrived so that they would seem to come true in any event." "I don t see how they could do that," said Ellen. "Very well just imagine that I am an oracle , and come to me with some question I 11 answer you." "But you can t tell what s going to happen?" "No matter you ask me THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 277 "Yes, if you please," said Ellen. The pen was laid down while mine. "Exactly but the oracle truly, and I ll answer you ora cularly." "That means, like an oracle, I suppose?" said Ellen. "Well, he explained, to a most eager Mr. John, will Alice be pleased little listener. Even the great with what I am going to give her! business of the moment was for- New Year ? " | gotten. From hieroglyphics they " She will be pleased with what ; went to the pyramids ; and Ellen she will receive on that day." had got to the top of one, and "Ah, but," said Ellen, laugh- was enjoying the prospect (in ing, " that isn t fair ; you haven t imagination), when she suddenly answered me ; perhaps some- 1 came down to tell John of her body else will give her some- 1 stuffed stocking and its contents, thing, and then she might be j The pen went on again, and came pleased with that, and not with! to the end of the writing by the time Ellen had got to the toe of the stocking. " Wasn t it very strange they should give me so many things?" said she; "people that don t know me?" "Why, no," said John, smi ling "I cannot say I think it was very strange. Is this all the business you had for my hands?" "This is all; and I am very much obliged to you, Mr. John." Her grateful, affectionate eye said much more , and he felt well paid. Gilbert was next applied to, to paint the rose and the butter fly, which, finding so elegant a beginning made in the work , he was very ready to do. The girls were then free to set about the embroidery of the leaves, which was by no means the business of an hour. A very happy Christmas day was that. With their needles and thimbles, and rose-coloured silk, they kept by themselves in a never means to be understood." "Well, I won t come to you," said Ellen. "I don t like such answers. Now for the needle- book!" Breathlessly she looked on while the skilful pen did its work; and her exclamations of delight and admiration when the first cover was handed to her were not loud but deep. "It will do, then, will it? Now let us see From her dear little daughter there; now, Ellen Chauncey, I suppose, must be in hieroglyphics." "In what?" said Ellen. "I mean, .written in some dif ficult character." "Yes," said Ellen. "But what was that you said ? " . "Hieroglyphics." Ellen added no more, though she was not satisfied. He looked up, and smiled. "Do you want to know what that means ?"( 278 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. corner, or in the library, out of the way; and sweetening their talk with a sugar-plum now and then, neither tongues nor needles knew any nagging. It was won derful what they found so much to say, but there was no lack. Ellen Chauncey especially was inexhaustible. Several times, too, that day, the Cologne bottle was handled, the gloves looked at and fondled, the ball tried, and the new scissors extolled as "just the thing for their work." Ellen attempted to let her com panion into the mystery of ora cles and hieroglyphics, but was fain to give it up; little Ellen showed a decided preference for American, not to say Ventnor, subjects, where she felt more at home. Then came Mr. Humphreys; and Ellen was glad, both for her own sake and because she loved to see Alice pleased. Then came the great merry Christmas dinner, when the girls had not talked themselves out, but tired them selves with working. Young and old dined together to-day, and the children not set by them selves, but scattered among the grown-up people; and as Ellen was nicely placed between Alice and little Ellen Chauncey, she enjoyed it all very much. The large long table surrounded with happy faces; tones of cheerful ness, and looks of kindness, and lively talk ; the superb display of plate and glass and china; the stately dinner ; and last , but not least, the plum-pudding. There was sparkling wine, too, and a .great deal of drinking of healths; [but Ellen noticed that Alice and her brother smilingly drank all theirs in water; so, Avhen old Mr. Marshman called to her to "hold out her glass," she held it put, to be sure, and let him fill it, but she lifted her tumbler of water to her lips instead, after making him a very low bow. Mr. Marsh- man laughed at her a great deal, and asked her if she was "a pro selyte to the new notions;" and Ellen laughed with him , without having the least idea what he meant, and was extremely happy. It was very pleasant, too, when they went into the drawing-room to take coffee. The young ones were permitted to have coffee to night as a great favour. Old Mrs. Marshman had the two little ones on either side of her, and was so kind, and held Ellen s hand in her own , and talked to her about her mother, till Ellen loved her. After tea there was a great call for games, and young and old joined in them. They played the Old Curiosity Shop; and Ellen thought Mr. John s curiosities could not be matched. They played the Old Family Coach, Mr. Howard Marshman being the manager, and Ellen laughed till she was tired: she was the coach door, and he kept her opening and shutting , and swinging and breaking, it seemed all the while, though most of the rest were worked just as hard. When they were well tired , they sat down to rest and hear music, and Ellen THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 279 enjoyed that exceedingly. Alice sang, and Mrs. Gillespie, and Miss Sophia, and another lady, and Mr. Howard; sometimes alone, sometimes three or four, or all together. At last came ten o clock, and the young ones were sent off: and from beginning to end that had been a Christmas day of un broken and unclouded pleasure. Ellen s last act was to take an other look at her Cologne bottle, gloves, pincushion, grapes, and paper of sugar-plums, which were laid side by side carefully in a drawer. CHAPTER XXX. Sunday at Ventnor. MR. HUMPHREYS was persuaded to stay over Sunday at Ventnor: and it was also settled that his children should not leave it till after New Year. This was less their own wish than his ; he said Alice wanted the change , and he wished she looked a little fatter. Besides, the earnest pleadings of the whole family were not to be denied. Ellen was very glad of this, though there was one drawback to the pleasures of Ventnor she could not feel quite at home with any of the young people, but only Ellen Chauncey and her cousin George Walsh. This seemed very strange to her; she almost thought Mar garet Dunscombe was at the bot tom of it all, but she recollected she had felt something of this be fore Margaret came. She tried to think nothing about it 5 and in truth it was not able to prevent tier from being very happy. The breach, however, was destined to grow wider. About four miles from Ventnor was a large town called Ran dolph. Thither they drove to church on Sunday morning, the whole family; but the hour of dinner and the distance prevented any one from going in the after noon. The members of the family were scattered in different parts of the house, most in their own rooms. Ellen with some difficulty made her escape from her young companions, whose manner of spending the time did not satisfy her notions of what was right on that day, and went to look in the library for her friends. They were there, and alone : Alice half- reclining on the sofa , half in her brother s arms; he was reading or talking to her; there was a book in his hand. "Is anything the matter?" said Ellen, as she drew near; "aren t, you well, dear Alice? Headache? oh, I am sorry. Oh! I know" She darted away. In two mi nutes she was back again with a pleased face, her bunch of grapes in one hand, her bottle of Cologne water in the other. "Won t you open that, please, Mr. John?" said she; "I can t open it; I guess it will do her good, for Ellen says it s delicious. Mamma used to have Cologne water for her headaches. And here, dear Alice, won t you eat these? do ! - try one." "Hasn t that bottle been open. 280 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. yet?" said Alice, as she smilingly took a grape. " Why, no, to be sure it hasn t. I wasn t going to open it till I wanted it. Eat them all, dear Alice please do ! " "But I don t think you have eaten one yourself, Ellen , by the look of the bunch. And here are a great many too many for me." "Yes, I have, I ve eaten two-, I don t want em. I give them all to you and Mr. John. I had a great deal rather ! " Ellen took, however, as pre cious payment, Alice s look and kiss; and then, with a delicate consciousness that perhaps the brother and sister might like to be alone, she left the library. She did not know where to go, for Miss Sophia was stretched on the bed in her room, and she did not want any company. At last, with her little Bible, she placed her self on the old sofa in the hall above-stairs, which was perfectly well warmed , and for some time she was left there in peace. It was pleasant, after all the hubbub of the morning , to have a little quiet time that seemed like Sun day; and the sweet Bible words cime, as they often now came to Ellen, with a healing breath. But after an hour or so, to her dismay she heard a door open, and the whole gang of children come trooping into the hall below, where they soon made such a noise, that reading or thinking was out of the question. "What a bother it is that one can t play games on a Sunday?" said Marianne Gillespie. "One can play games on a Sunday," answered her brother. "Where s the odds? It sallSun- day s good for, /think." " William ! William ! " sound ed the shocked voice of little Ellen Chauncey, "you are a real wicked boy!" "Well, now," said William, "how ami wicked? Now say I should like to know. How is it any more wicked for us to play games than it is for Aunt Sophia to lie a-bed and sleep, or for Uncle Howard to read novels, or for grandpapa to talk politics , or for mother to talk about the fa shions? there were she and Miss What s-her-name for ever so long this morning doing every thing but makea, dress. Nowwhich is the worst?" " Oh , William ! William ! for shame! for shame!" said Ellen again. "Do hush, Ellen Chauncey,. will you?" said Marianne, sharp ly; "and you had better hush too, William, if you know what is good for yourself. I don t care whether it s right or wrong, I do get dolefully tired with doing no thing." Oh, so do I!" said Margaret, yawning. "I wish one could sleep all Sunday." "I ll tell you what," said George "I know a game we can play, and no harm either, for t sail out of the Bible." "Oh, do you? let s hear it, Greorge," cried the girls. THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 281 "I don t believe it is good for anything if it is out of the Bible," saidMargaret. "Now stare, Ellen Chauncey, do!" "I ain t staring," said Ellen, in dignantly; -"but I don t believe it is right to play it, if it is out of the Bible." "Well, it is, though," said George. "Now listen; I ll think of somebody in the Bible some man or woman, you know 5 and you all may ask me twenty questions about him, to see if you can find out who it is." "What kind of questions?" "Any kind of questions what ever you like." " That will improve your know ledge of scripture history," said Gilbert. "To be sure; and exercise our memory," said Isabel Hawthorn. "Yes, and then we are thinking of good people and what they did all the time," said little Ellen. "Or bad people and what they j did ," said William. "But I don t know enough about people and things in the Bible," said Margaret ; " I couldn t guess." "Oh, never mind it will be all the more fun," said George. "Come! let s begin. Who 11 take somebody?" " Oh , 1 think this will be fine ! " said little Chauncey; "but, Ellen, where s Ellen? we want her." "No, we don t want her! we ve enough without her she won t play," shouted William, as the little girl ran upstairs. She persevered, however. Ellen had left her sofa before this , and was found seated on the foot of her bed. As far and as long as she could, she withstood her little friend s entreaties, and very un willingly at last yielded and went with her downstairs. "Now we are ready," said little Ellen Chauncey; "I have told Ellen what the game is ; who s going to begin?" "We have begun," said Wil liam. "Gilbert has thought of somebody. Man or woman?" "Man." "Young or old?" "Why, he was young first, and old afterwards." " Pshaw, William ! what a ridi culous question ! " said his sister. "Besides, you mustn t ask more than one at a time, liich or poor, Gilbert?" "Humph ! why, I suppose he was moderately well off. I dare say I should think myself a lucky fellow if I had as much." "Are you answering truly, Gil bert?" " Upon my honour ! " "Was he in a high or low station of life?" asked Miss Hawthorn. "Neither at the top nor the bottom of the ladder a very respectable person indeed." "But we are not getting on," said Margaret. "According to you, he wasn t anything in parti cular; what kind of a person was he, Gilbert?" "A very good man." "Handsome or ugly?" "History don t say." 282 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. " Well , what does it say ? " said George " what did he do ? " "He took a journey once upon a time." "What for?" "Do you mean wliy he went, or what was the object of his go ing?" "Why, the one s the same as the other, ain t it?" " I beg your pardon." "Well, what was the object of his going?" "He went after a wife." "Samson! Samson!" shouted William and Isabel and Ellen Chauncey. "No it wasn t Samson ei ther." "I can t think of anybody else that went after a wife," said George. "That king what s hisname? that married Esther?" The children screamed. "He didn t go after a wife, George, his wives were brought to him. Was it Jacob?" "No , he didn t go after a wife, either," said Gilbert 5 "he mar ried two of them, but he didn t go to his uncle s to find them. You had better go on with your ques tions. You have had eight al ready. If you don t look out, you won t catch me. Come!" "Did he get the wife that he went after? " asked Ellen Chaun cey. "He was never married that I know of," said Gilbert. "What was the reason he fail ed?" said Isabel. "He did not fail." "Did he bring *home his wife then? You said he wasn t mar ried." " He never was, that I know of; but he brought home a wife not withstanding." " But how funny you are , Gil bert ."said little Ellen. "He had a wife and he hadn t a wife : what became of her?" "She lived and flourished. Twelve questions : take care." "Nobody asked what country he was of," said Margaret, - "what was he, Gilbert?" "He was a Damascene." "Awkatfi" "Of Damascus of Damascus. You know where Damascus is, don t you?" "Fiddle ! " said Marianne " I thought he was a Jew. Did he live before or after the Flood? " e " After. I should think you might have known that." "Well, I can t make out any thing about him," said Marianne. "We shall have to give it up." " No , no not yet ," said Wil liam. "Where did he go after his wife?" "Too close a question." "Then that don t count. Had he ever seen her before?" "Never." "Was she willing to go with him?" " Very willing. Ladies always are, when they go to be married." "And what became of her?" "She was married, and lived happily, as I told you." "But you said he wasn t mar ried?" THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 283 "Well, what then? I didn t say she married 7w." "Whom did she marry?" "Ah , that is asking the whole ; I can t tell you." "Had they far to go?" asked Isabel. "Several days journey I don t know how far." "How did they travel?" "On camels." "Was it the queen of Sheba?" said little Ellen. There was a roar of laughter at this happy thought, and poor little Ellen declared she forgot all but about the journey; she remembered the queen of Sheba had taken a journey, and the camels in the picture of the queen of Sheba, and that made her think of her. The children gave up. Ques tioning seemed hopeless; and Gilbert at last told them his thought. It was Eliezer, Abra ham s steward , whom he sent to fetch a wife for his son Isaac. "Why haven t you guessed, little mumchance?" said Gilbert to Ellen Montgomery. "I have guessed," said Ellen; "I knew who it was, some time ago." "Then why didn t you say so? and you haven t asked a single question," said George. "No,youhaven t askedasingle .question," said Ellen Chauncey. "She is a great deal too good for that," said William; "she thinks it is wicked, and that we are not at all nice, proper-behaved boys and girls to be playing on Sunday; she is very sorry she could not help being amused." "Do you think it is wicked, Ellen?" asked her little friend. "Do you think it isn t right?" said George Walsh. Ellen hesitated; she saw they were all waiting to hear what she would say. She coloured, and looked down at her little Bible, which was still in her hand. It encouraged her. "I don t want to say anything rude," she began; "I don t think it is quite right to play such plays, or any plays." She was attacked with impa tient cries of " Why not?" " Why not?" "Because," said Ellen, trem bling with the effort she made, "I think Sunday was meant to be spent in growing better and learning good things ; and I don t think such plays would help one at all to do that; and I have a kind of feeling that I ought not to do it." "Well, I hope you ll act according to your feelings , then," said William; "I am sure nobody has any objection. Youhad better go somewhere else, though, for we are going on; we have been learning to be good long enough for one day. Come! I have thought of somebody." Ellen could not help feeling hurt and sorry at the half-sneer she saw in the look and manner of | the others, as well as in William s ! words. She wished for no better than to go away ; but as she did so, her bosom swelled, and the 284 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. thin^ said ; nothing is the matter," lllen. tears started, and her breath came quicker. She found Alice lying down and asleep, Miss Sophia beside her; so she stole out again, and went down to the library. Finding nobody, she took posses sion of the sofa, and tried to read again ; reading somehow did not go well, and she fell to musing on what had just passed. She thought of the unkindness of the children; how sure she was it was wrong to spend any part of Sunday in such games; what Alice would think of it, and John, and her mother; and how the Sundays long ago used to be spent, when that dear mother was with her; and then she wondered how she was passing this very one j happen? )Y while Ellen was sitting here in I "I do know a great deal the library alone, what she was " Then what are those tears in your eyes for?" "I don t, know," said she, laughing "there weren t any till I came here. I was thinking just now about Mamma." He said no more still , how ever , keeping her beside him. "I should think," said Ellen, presently, after a few minutes musing look out of the window, "it would be very pleasant if there were such things as oracles don t you, Mr. John?" " But wouldn t you like to know something about what s going to doing in that far-away land ; and she thought if there only were such things as oracles that could tell truly, how much she should like to ask about her. "Ellen!" said the voice of John from the window. She started up; she had thought she was alone; but there he was lying in the window-seat. "What are you doing?" "Nothing," said Ellen. "Come here. What are you thinking about? I didn t know you were there till I heard two or three very long sighs. What is the matter with my little sister?" He took her hand and drew her fondly up to him. " What were you thinking about?" "I was thinking about different about it." "About what is going to happen?" He smiled. "Yes a great deal, Ellie -* enough to give me work for all the rest of my life." " Oh , you mean from the Bible I was thinking of other things." "It is best not to know the other things , Ellie I am very glad to know those the Bible teaches us." "But it doesn t tell us much, does it? What does it tell us?" "Go to the window, and tell me what you see." "I don t see anything in parti cular," said Ellen, after taking a grave look out. " Well, what in general?" " Why, there is the lawn cover ed with snow, and the trees and THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 285 bushes; and the sun is shining on everything, just as it did the day we came ; and there s the long shadow of that hemlock across the snow, and the blue sky." "Now look out again, Ellie, and listen. I know that a day is to come, when those heavens shall be wrapped together as a scroll they shall vanish away like smoke, and the earth shall wax old like a garment and it, and all the works that are therein, shall be burned up." As he spoke, Ellen s fancy tried to follow to picture the ruin and desolation of all that stood so fair, and seemed to stand so firmb efore her ; but the sun shone on, the branches waved gently in the wind, the shadows lay still on the snow, and the blue heaven was fair and cloudless. Fancy was baffled. She turned from the window. "Doyoubelieveit?" said John. "Yes," said Ellen "I know it; but I think it is very disagree able to think about it." J It would be, Ellie," said he, bringing her again to his side "very disagreeable very mise rable indeed, if we knew no more than that. But we know more read here." Ellen took his little Bible and read at the open place. " Behold, I create new heavens I and a new earth , and the former ! shall not be remembered, neither come into mind. " "Why won t they be remem bered?" said Ellen " shall we forget all about them?" "No, I do not think that is meant. The new heavens and the new earth will be so much more lovely and pleasant, that we shall not want to think of these." Ellen s eyes sought the window again. "You are thinking that is hardly possible?" said John, with a smile. "I suppose it is possible ," said Ellen "but" "But lovely as this world is, Ellie, man has filled it with sin, and sin has everywhere brought its punishment, and under the weight of both the earth groans. There will be no sin there; sorrow and sighing shall flee away; love to each other and love to their blessed King will fill all hearts, and his presence will be with them. Don t you see that, even if that world shall be in itself no better than this, it will yet be far, far more lovely than this can ever be, with the shadow of sin upon it?" "Oh, yes!" said Ellen. "I know, whenever I feel wrong in any way, nothing seems pretty or pleasant to me , or not half so much." "Very well," said John "I see you understand me. I like to think of that land, Ellen very much." "Mr. John," said Ellen "don t you think people will know each other again?" "Those that love each other here ! I have no doubt of it." Before either John or Ellen had broken the long musing fit 286 THE WIDE, WIDE WOULD. that followed these words, theylEllie. Oh, Jack! - there has were joined by Alice. Her head I been many a day lately when I was better; and taking her place would gladly have had a head- in the window -seat, the talk ache for the power of laying my began again, between the brother head on vour shoulder! " and sister now; Ellen too happy "And if Mamma had not gone to sit with them and listen. They i away, I should never have known talked of that land again, of the | you," said Ellen. "I wish she happy company preparing for it; never Jiad gone, but I am very, of their dead mother, but not j very glad for this !" much of her; of the glory of their I She had kneeled upon the King, and the joy of his service, j window -seat and clasped Alice even here till thoughts grew j round the neck, just as they were too strong for words , and silence j called to tea. The conversation again stole upon the group. The had banished every disagreeable short winter-day came to an end; j feeling from Ellen s mind. She the sunlight faded away into ; met her companions in the draw- moonlight. No shadows lay now > ing-room , almost forgetting that on the lawn ; and from where she J she had any cause of complaint sat Ellen could see the great against them. And this appeared hemlock all silvered with the; when in the course of the evening moonlight, which began to steal ; it came in her way to perform in at the window. It was very, | some little office of politeness for very beautiful yet she could ! Marianne. It was done with the think now without sorrow that gracefulness that could only all this should come to an end, j come from a spirit entirely free because of that new heaven and; from ungraceful feelings. The new earth wherein righteousness children felt it, and for the should dwell. I time were shamed into better "We have eaten up all your j behaviour. The evening passed grapes, Ellie," said Alice "or; pleasantly, and Ellen went to rather / have, for John didn t help me much. I think I never ate so sweet grapes in my life ; John said the reason was because every one tasted of you." "I am very glad," said Ellen, laughing. There is no evil without some bed very happy. CHAPTER XXXI. Flowers and Thorns. THE next day it happened that the young people were amusing themselves with talking in a room where John Humphreys, walking good ," Alice went on. " Except up and down, was amusing himself for my headache, John would not with thinking. In the course of have held my head by the hour his walk, he began to find their as he did ; and you couldn t have | amusement rather disturbing to given me the pleasure you did, j his. The children were all grouped THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 287 closely round Margaret Duns- combe, who was entertaining them with a long and very detailed account of a wedding and great party at Randolph, which she had the happiness of attending. Eagerly fighting her battles over again, and pleased with the rapt attention of her hearers , the speaker forgot her self, and raised her voice much more than she meant to do. As every turn of his walk brought John near, there came to his ears sufficient bits and scraps of Margaret s story to give him a very fair sample of the whole; and he was sorry to see Ellen among the rest, and as the rest, sense was branching out right and left into worse than nonsense. "Ellen!" said he, suddenly "I want you in the library." "My conscience!" said Mar garet, as he left the room "King John the second, and no less." "Don t go on till I come back," said Ellen; "I won t be three minutes ; just wait for me." She found John seated at one of the tables in the library, sharpening a pencil. "Ellen," manner said he, in his usual I wan t you to do something for me." She waited eagerly to hear what; but, instead of telling her, hanging upon her lips and drink- he took a piece of drawing-paper, ing in what seemed to him to be and began to sketch something, very poor nonsense. "Her gown! Ellen stood by, wondering and was all blue satin , trimmed here impatient to the last degree ; and so you know, with the most exquisite lace, as deep as that and on the shoulders and here, you know, it was looped up with the most lovely bunches of" here John lost the sense. When he came near again, she had got upon a different topic " Miss Simmons, says I, what did you do that for :" Why, says she, how could I help it? I saw Mr. Pyne coming, and I thought I d get behind you , and not caring, however, to show her impatience , though her very feet were twitching to run back to her companions. "Ellen," said John, as he finished the old stump of a tree, with one branch left on it , and a little bit of ground at the bottom, " did you ever try your hand at drawing?" "No," said Ellen. "Then sit down here," said he, rising from his chair, "and The next time the let me see what you can make speaker was saying with great \ of that." animation, "And lo and behold, \ "But I don t know how," said when I was in the midst of all my : Ellen. pleasure, up comes a little gentle-*) "I will teach you. There is a man of about his dimensions ." j piece of paper , and this pencil is He had not taken many turns, sharp enough. Is that chair too Avhen he saw that Margaret s non- low for you?" THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. He placed another, and with I "Did he set you about that extreme unwillingness and some precious piece of business?" said displeasure, Ellen sat down. It I William. was on her tongue to ask if an- "Yes." *j.wo. UWAJ.^ 1^.0 u\J CtOJV 1J_ till" other time would not do, but somehow she could not get the words out. John showed her than any one eise I know~of. r how to hold her pencil, how to "I don t know who the Grand place her paper, where to begin, I Turk is ," said Ellen. and how to go on; and then went "I 11 tell you," said William, to the other end of the room, and j putting his mouth close to her took up his walk again. T^ii" *! ^ * 1 -- - -!-- first felt more inclined her pencil through the paper than biggest gobbler in the yard. "I declare," said Margaret, "he s fitter to be the Grand Turk ain. Ellen at j ear , and speaking in a disagree- ined to drive 1 able loud whisper, "it s the to make quiet marks upon it. However, necessity was upon her. She began her work; and once fairly begun, it grew de- "Ain t you ashamed, William? " cried little Ellen Chauncey. "That s it exactly," said Margaret "always strutting lightfully interesting. Her vexa- about." tion went off entirely; she forgot j "He isn t a bit," said Ellen, Margaret and her story; the | very angry; "I Ve seen people a wrinkles on the old trunk smooth-! great deal more like gobblers ed those on her brow; and those than he is." troublesome leaves at the branch "Well," said William, red- end brushed away all thoughts dening in his turn, "I had rather, of everything else. Her cheeks 1 at any rate, be a good turkey were burning with intense inter- gobbler, than one of those out- est, when the library do or burst landish birds that have an ap- open, and the whole troop of ; petite for stones , and glass, and children rushed in; they wanted j bits of morocco, and such things. Ellen for a round game in which ; Come , let us leave her to do the all their number were needed ;i Grand Turk s bidding. Come, she must come directly. j Ellen Chauncey, you mustn t "I can t come just yet," said! stay to interrupt her we want she; "I must finish this first." you!" "Afterwards will just do as well," said George; "come, They left her alone. Ellen had coloured, but William s words 7 O" wAXix-^ \J\JJL\J i*j. v>^i^ ft^ U.U r f LLllCkiLLL O W \J L U.O Ellen, do! you can finish it, did not hit very sore; since John s afterwards." [talk with her about the matter j _ . pride tl didn t see him go out. I 11 come ! ing very hard to bear. She was in a little while." jvery sorry , however, that they THE WIDE, WID!} WORLD. 289 had fallen out again, and that her own passion , as she feared, had been the cause. A few tears had to be wiped away before she very painful discoveries in that K^~ " line. Ellen thought, if he did not, it would not be her fault. She truly could see exactly how the old repented her momentary anger tree stood, then, taking up her and hasty speech to William, pencil, jshe soon_forgot every- Not that he did not deserve it, or thing in her work. It was finished, and with head now on one side, now on the other, she was look ing at her picture with very great satisfaction, when her eye caught the figure of John standing be fore her. "Is it done?" said he. "It is done," said Ellen, smi ling, as she rose up to let him come. He sat down to look at it. "It is very well," he said "better than I expected it is very well indeed. Is this your first trial, Ellen?" "Yes the first." "You found it pleasant work?" "Oh, very, very pleasant. I like it dearly." that it was not true ; but it was unwise , and had done mischief; and "it was not a bit like peace making, nor meek at all," Ellen said to herself. She had been reading that morning the fifth chapter of Matthew, and it ran in her head, "Blessed are the meek" "Blessed are the peace makers ; for they shall be called the children of God." She strove to get back a pleasant feeling to ward her young companions, and prayed that she might not be angry at anything they should say. She was tried again at tea- time. Miss Sophia had quitted the table , bidding William hand the . dough-nuts to those who could I hen 1 will teach you. This not reach them. Marianne took a shows you have a taste for it, and j that is precisely what I wanted to find out. I will give you an easier copy next time. I rather expected, when you sat down," said he, smiling a little, "that the old tree g-eat while to make her choice, er brother grew impatient. " Well, I hope you have suited S)urself ? " said he. " Come, Miss ontgomery, don t you be as long 5 my arm is tired. Shut would grow a good deal more!your eyes, and then you ll be crooked under your hands than I j sure to get the biggest one in the meant it to be." basket." Ellen blushed exceedingly. "I "No, Ellen," said John, who do believe, Mr. John," said she, none of the children thought was stammering, "that you know near "it would be ungenerous everything I am thinking about." j I wouldn t deprive Master Wil- thinking "I might do that, Ellen, with out being as wise as an oracle. But I do not expect to make any The Wide, Wide World, I wouldn t deprive Master Wil liam of his best arguments." "What do you mean by my ar guments?" said William, sharply. 19 290 THE WIDE, WIDE WOULD. "Generally, those which are in the second place, /was not a Q TYirkO-f /li-fifim-il 4- 4-r\ 4-nl^^ ivk * TV\O -f r*V\ -P/M I-IITY-* o TTnoi o ncr* or* TT/MI the most difficult to take in, answered his tormentor with per fect gravity. Ellen tried to keep from smi ling, but could not; and others of the party did not try. William match for him a year ago 5 so you may judge I do not know pre cisely," he went on to the lady he was walking with, "what it takes to rouse John Humphreys; but when he is roused, he seems to and his sister were enraged , the me to have strength enough for more because John had said j twice his bone and muscle. 1 have nothing they could take hold of, I seen him do curious things once or even repeat. Gilbert made common cause with them. "I wish I was grown up for once ," said William. " Will youfight me, Sir ? " asked Gilbert, who was a matter of three years older, and well-grown enough. His question received no an swer, and was repeated. "No, Sir." "Whynot, Sir?" "I am afraid you d lay me up with a sprained ankle," said John, "and I should not get back to Doncaster as quickly as I . A / must. " It is very mean of him ," said Gilbert, as John walked away " I could whip him , I know." " Who s that? ". said Mr. How ard Marshman. "John Humphreys/ "John Humphreys! You had better not meddle with him , my dear fellow. It would be no par ticular proof of wisdom." "Why, he is no such great affair," said Gilbert, "he s tall enough , to be sure , but I don t believe he is heavier than I am." "You don t know, in the first place, how to judge of the size of a perfectly well-made man; and, or twice ! " "That quiet Mr. Humphreys? " "Humph ! " said Mr. Howard "gunpowder is pretty quiet stuff, so long as it keeps cool." The next day another matter happened to disturb Ellen. Mar garet had received an elegant pair of ear-rings as a Christmas present, and was showing them for the admiration of her young friends. Ellen s did not satisfy her. "Ain t they splendid?" said she. " Tell the truth , now, Ellen Montgomery, wouldn t you give a great deal if somebody would send you such a pair?" "They are very pretty," said Ellen, "but I don t think I care much for such things I would rather have the money." "Oh, you avaricious! Mr. Marshman!" cried Margaret, as the old gentleman was just then passing through the room "here s Ellen Montgomery says she d rather have money than anything else for her present." He did not seem to hear her, and went out without making any "Oh, Margaret!" said Ellen, shocked and distressed "how THE WIDE , WIDE WORLD. 291 could you ! liow could you! What I ment and pride had roots deep ,.;ii T\/T Tv/foToTiTTnoi-, 4-v,;%9 enough to keep her pulling up the snoots for a good while. She will Mr. Marshman think? Margaret answered she didn t care what he thought. Ellen used to get alone when she could, could only hope he had not to read a verse, if no more, of her heard. Bible, and pray; she could for- But a day or two after, when give William and Margaret more neither Ellen nor her friends were j easily then. Solitude and dark- present, Mr. Marshman asked I ness saw many a prayer and tear who it was that had told him El- of hers that week. As she strug- len Montgomery would like mo- 1 gled thus to get rid of sin , and to ney better than anything else for her New Year s present. " It was I , Sir," said Margaret. "It sounds very unlike her to say so," remarkedMrs. Chauncey. "Did she say so?" inquired Mr. Marshman. ; I understood her so," said e more like what would please God, she grew humble and happy. Never was such a strug gle carried on by faith in Him, without success. And after a time , though a twinge of the old feeling might come, it was very slight; she would bid William Margaret "I understood her and Margaret good morning, and to say she wouldn t care for any- join them in any enterprise of thing else. "1 am disa appointed d erentlei in her," said the old gentleman; "I wouldn t have believed it." "I do not believe it," said Mrs. Chauncey, quietly; "there has been some mistake." It was hard for Ellen now to keep to what she thought right. Disagreeable feelings would rise when she remembered the impo liteness, the half-sneer, the whole pleasure or business, with a brow as unclouded as the sun. They, however, were too conscious of having behaved unbecomingly towards their little stranger guest to be over fond of her company. For the most part, she and Ellen Chauncey were left to each other. Meanwhile the famous needle- book was in a fair way to be finished. Great dismay had at first been excited in the breast of taunt, and the real unkindness of the intended giver, by the dis- several of the young party. She co very that Gilbert had consulted found herself ready to be irrita ted, inclined to dislike the sight of those, even wishing to visit some what seemed to be a verv extra ordinary fancy, in making the rose a yellow one. Ellen did her sort of punishment upon them, best to comfort her. She asked But Christian principle had taken stronghold in little Ellen s heart; she fought her evil tempers man fully. It was not an easy battle to gain. Ellen found that resent- Alice, and found there were such things as yellow roses, and they were very beautiful, too ; and, be sides, it would match so nicely the yellow butterfly on the other leaf, 19* 292 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. "I had rather it wouldn t anew lamented the uncouth va- match!" said Ellen Chauncey;!riety of colours in her own. It "and it _don t match the rose- 1 was a grave question whether coloured silk, besides. Are the pink or yellow ribbons should be yellow roses sweet? " used for the latter. Ellen Mont- "No," said Ellen; "but this gomery recommended pink, she couldn t have been a sweet rose herself inclined to yellow, and, at any rate, you know." tired of doubting, at last resolved "Oh, but," said the other, burst- to split the difference, and put ing out into a fresh passion of! one string of each colour. Ellen inconsolable tears , "I wanted it thought that did not mend mat- should be the picture of a sweet jters, but wisely kept her thoughts rose! And I think he might have j to herself. Besides the needle- put a purple butterfly yellow: case for Alice, she had snatched butterflies are so common! I had the time, whenever she could get a great deal rather have had a | away from Ellen Chauncey, to purple butterfly and a red rose ! " j work at something for her. She What cannot be cured, how- j had begged Alice s advice and ever, must be endured. The tears s help ; and between them, out of were dried in course of time, and | Ellen s scraps of morocco and the needlebook, with its yellow! silk, they had manufactured a pictures and pink edges, was very \ little bag of all the colours of the neatly finished. Ellen had been j rainbow, and very pretty and busy, too, on her own account, tasteful withal. Ellen thought it a Alice had got a piece of fine linen chef-d oeuvre , and was unbounded for her from Miss Sophia; the in her admiration. It lay folded collar for Mr. Van Brunt had been up in white paper in a locked cut out, and Ellen with great drawer, ready for New Year s pleasure had made it. The; day. In addition to all these stitching, the strings, and the fpieces of business, John had very buttonhole, after infinite jfbegun to give her drawing les- pains, were all finished by Thurs- (fsons , according to his promise, day night. She had also made aj These became Ellen s delight, needlecase for Alice, not of so j She would willingly have spent much pretension as the other, much more time upon them than one; this was green morocco, he would allow her. It was the lined with crimson satin; no most loved employment of the leaves, but ribbon stitched in to day. Her teacher s skill was not hold papers of needles, and a greater than the perfect gentle- place for a bodkin. Ellen worked ness and kindness with which he very hard at this; it was made with the extremest care, and made beautifully. Ellen Chaun- cey admired it very much, and j stand it. taught. Ellen thought of Mr. Howard s speech about gun powder she could not under- THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 293 " What is your conclusion, on j Home will not look disagreeable the whole?" asked John, one (again, will it, even after all our day, as he stood beside her gaiety here?" mending a pencil. "No, indeed! at least, your "Why," said Ellen, laughing home won t I don t know what and blushing, "how could you! mine will. me! I had almost guess what I was thinking about, | forgotten Aunt Fortune ! " "Never mind, dear Ellie ! You and I have each something to bear we must be brave, and bear it manfully. There is a Friend that sticketh closer than a brother, you know. We shan t be unhappy if we do our duty and love Him." "How soon is Mr. John going away?" "Not for all next week. And so long as he stays, I do not mean that you shall leave me." Ellen cried for joy. "I can manage it with Miss Mr. John?" "Not very difficult, when you are eyeing me so hard." "I was thinking," said Ellen, "I don t know whether it is right in me to tell it because some body said you " "Well?" "Were like gunpowder." " Very kind of somebody ! And so you have been in doubt of an explosion?" "No Idon tknow I wonder ed what he meant." "Never believe what you hear said of people, Ellen; judge for yourself. Look here that house has suffered from a severe gale of wind, I should think all the up rights are slanting off to the right can t you set it up straight? " Ellen laughed at the tumble down condition of her house , as thus pointed out to her, and set about reforming it. It was Thursday afternoon that Alice and Ellen were left was "that you said to Margaret alone in the library, several of jDunscombeaboutwantingmoney the family having been called for a New Year s present?" out to receive some visitors;! "You know it, then!" cried Alice had excused herself, and Ellen, starting up. "Oh, I m so Ellen, as soon as they were gone, glad ! I wanted to speak to you nestled up to her side. about it, so I didn t know what " How pleasant it is to be alone ; to do, and I thought I oughtn t to. together, dear Alice! I don t; What shall I do about it, dear have you even at night now." | Alice? How did you know? "It is very pleasant, dearEllie ! | George said you were not there." Fortune, I know," said Alice. "These fine drawing lessons must not be interrupted. John is very much pleased with your performances." "Is he?" said Ellen, delighted. "I have taken all the pains I could." " That is the sure way to suc cess, Ellie. But,|Ellie, I want to ask you about something. What 294 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. "Mrs. Chauncey told me; she thought there had been some mis take, or something wrong; how was it, Ellen?" "Why," said Ellen, "she was showing us her ear-rings, and asking us what we thought of them, and she asked me if I wouldn t like to have such apair; and I thought I would a great deal rather have the money they cost, to buy other things with, you know, that I would like better; and I said so; and just then Mr. Marshman came in , and she called out to him, loud, that I wanted money for a present, or would like it better than anything else, or something like that. Oh, Alice, how I felt ! I was frighten ed; but then I hoped Mr. Marshman did not hear her, for he did not say anything ; but the next day George told me all about what she had been saying in there , and oh! it made me so un happy ! " said poor Ellen, looking very dismal. "What will Mr. Marshman think of me ? He will think I expected a present , and I never dreamed of such a thing! It makes me ashamed to speak of it, even ; and I can t bear he should think so I can t bear it ! What shall I do, dear Alice ? " "I don t know what you can do , dear Ellie ; but be patient Mr. Marshman will not think any thing very hard of you, I dare say." "But I think he does already; he hasn t kissed me since that as he did before; I know he does, and I don t know what to do. How could Margaret say that! oh, how could she ! it was very unkind. What can I do?" said Ellen , again , after a pause , and wiping away a few tears. "Couldn t Mrs. Chauncey tell Mr. Marshman not to give me anything for that I never expect ed it, and would a great deal rather not?" " Why, no, Ellie, I do not think that would be exactly the best or most dignified way." "What then, dear Alice? I ll do just as you say." "I would just remain quiet." "But Ellen says the things are all put on the plates in the morn ing; and if there should be money on mine I don t know what I should do, I should feel so badly. I couldn t keep it, Alice! I couldn t!" "Very well, you need not; but remain quiet in the mean while ; and if it should be so , then say what you please , only take care that you say it in a right spirit and in a right manner. Nobody can hurt you much, my child, while you keep the even path of duty; poor Margaret is her own worst enemy." "Then, if there should be money in the morning, I may tell Mr. Marshman the truth about it?" " Certainly only do not be in haste ; speak gently." "Oh, I wish everybody would be kind and pleasant always!" said poor Ellen, but half com forted. "What a sigh was there! " said THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 295 John , coming in. "What is the "It is not altogether that," matter with my little sister?" said Mrs. Marshman, laughing; "Some of the minor trials of |" though I do believe, I am the life, John," said Alice, with a | only Yankee good Hutchinson has ever made up his mind en tirely to like. But go and see him he will be very much smile. "What is the matter, Ellie?" "Oh, something you cai help," said Ellen. pleased." "And something I mustn t] "Who is Mr. Hutchinson?" know. Well, to change the scene said Ellen, as they went on. - suppose you go with me to "He is the gardener, or rather visit the greenhouse and hot- the head gardener. He came out houses. Haveyou seen themyet?" with his master some thirty or "No," said Ellen, as she eager- forty years ago , but his old Eng- ly sprang forward to take his ilish prejudice will go to the grave hand; "Ellen promised to go with me, but we have been so busy." " Will you come, Alice ? " " Not I," said Alice, "I wish I could, but I shall be wanted else where." "By whom, I wonder, so much as by me?" said her brother. "However, after to-morrow I will have you all to myself." As he and Ellen were crossing moderate calculation. You shall the hall, they metMrs. Marshman. j have an answer to your question, " Where are you going, John? " however. " with him, I believe. "But why don t he like the Americans?" John laughed. "Itwouldnever do for me to attempt to answer that question, Ellie ; fond of going to the bottom of things as you are. We should just get to hard fighting about tea - time , and should barely make peace by mid- day to-morrow, at the most said she. Ellen could not conceive what "Where I ought to have been he meant, but resolved to wait before , Ma am to pay my re- for his promised answer, spects to Mr. Hutchinson." As they entered the large and "You ve not seen him yet! beautifully - kept greenhouse, that is very ungrateful of you. j Hutchinson came from the fur- Hutchinson is one of your warm- 1 ther end of it to meet them an est friends and admirers. There | old man, of most respectable ap- are few people he mentions with pearauce. He bowed very civilly, so much respect, or that he is so and then slipped his pruning- glad to see , as Mr. John Hum- ; knife into his left hand , to leave phreys." the right at liberty for John, who A distinction I owe, I fear, principally to my English blood," said John, shaking his head. shook it cordially. "And why aven t you been to see me before, Mr. John? I Ve 296 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. thought it rather ard of you: Miss h Alice has come several times." " The ladies have more leisure, Mr. Hutchinson. You look flou rishing here." "Why, yes, Sir pretty mid dling, wi thing doors; but I don t like the climate, Mr. John 1 don t like the climate, Sir. There s no country like h England , I be lieve, for my business. Ere sa fine rose, Sir if you ll step a bit this way quite a new kind I got it over last h autumn the Palmerston it is. Those are fine buds, Sir." The old man was evidently much pleased to see his visitor, and presently plunged him deep into English politics, for which he seemed to have lostno interest by forty years life in America. As Ellen could not understand what they were talking about, she quitted John s side, and went wandering about by herself. From the moment the sweet aro matic smell of the plants had greeted her, she had been in a high state of delight; and now, lost to all the world beside, from the mystery of one beautiful and strange green thing to another she went wondering and admi ring, and noAv and then timidly advancing her nose to see if something glorious was some thing sweet too. She could hard ly leave a superb cactus, in the petals of which there was such a singular blending of scarlet and crimson as almost to dazzle her sight; and if the pleasure of J paper to John. smell could intoxicate, she would have reeled away from a luxuriant daphne odorata in full flower, over which she feasted for a long time. The variety of green leaves alone was a marvel to her; some rough and brown-streaked, some shining as if they were varnished, others of hair -like delicacy of structure all lovely. At last she stood still with admiration, and almost held her breath before a white camellia. "What does that flower make you think of, Ellen?" said John, coming up. His friend the gar dener had left him to seek a news paper in which he wished to show him a paragraph. "I don t know," said Ellen " I couldn t think of anything but itself." "It reminds me of whatl ought to be and of what I shall be if I ever see heaven it seems to me the emblem of a sinless, pure spirit looking up in fearless spotlessness. Do you remember what was said to the old church of Sardis? Thou hast a few names that have not defiled their garments; and they shall walk with me in white, for they are worthy. " The tears rushed to Ellen s eyes, she felt she was so very un like this; but Mr. Hutchinson coming back prevented anything more from being said. She look ed at the white camellia; it seem ed to speak to her. "That s the paragraph, Sir," said the old gardener, giving the vkQVkOv ^r\ A r\\\n~\ { Ti)l*C s Si llttlo THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 297 lady that is fond of flowers , if I don t make a mistake; this is somebody I Ve not seen before? Is this the little lady little Miss h Ellen was telling me about." "I presume so," said John. "She is Miss Ellen Montgomery a sister of mine , Mr. iHutch- inson, and Mr. Marshman s guest." "By both names h entitled to my greatest respect," said the old man, stepping back, and making a very low bow to Ellen , with his hand upon his heart, at which she could not help laughing. "I am very glad to see Miss h Ellen; what can I do to make her re member old Utehinson? Would Miss h Ellen like a bouquet?" Ellen did not venture to say yes , but her blush and sparkling eyes answered him. The old gardener understood her, and was as good as his word. He began with cutting a beautiful sprig of a large purple geranium, then a slip of lemon myrtle. Ellen watched him as the bunch grew in his hand, and could hard ly believe her eyes as one beauty after another was added to what became a most elegant bouquet. And most sweet, too; to her joy, the delicious daphne and fragrant lemon blossom went to make part of it. Her thanks, when it was given her, were made with few words , but with all her face ; the old gardener smiled, and was quite satisfied that his gift was not thrown away. He afterwards showed them his hothouses, where Ellen was astonished and very much interested to see ripe oranges and lemons in abun dance, and pines, too, such as she had been eating since she came to Ventnor, thinking nothing less than that they grew so near home. The grapes had all been cut. There was to be quite a party at Ventnor in the evening of New Year s day. Ellen knew this, and destined her precious flowers for Alice s adornment. How to keep them, in the meanwhile? She consulted Mr. John, and accord ing to his advice , took them to Mrs. Bland , the housekeeper, to be put in water, and kept in a safe place for her till the time. She knew Mrs. Bland, for Ellen Chauncey and she had often gone to her room to work, where none of the children would find and trouble them. Mrs. Bland promised to take famous care of the flowers , and said she would do it with the greatest pleasure. "Mr. Marshman s guests," she added, smiling, "must have every thing they wanted." "What does that mean, Mrs. Bland? "said Ellen. "Why, you see, Miss Ellen, there s a deal of company always coming, and some is Mrs. Gilles- pie s friends, and some Mr. Howard s, and some to see Miss Sophia more particularly, and some belong to Mrs. Marshman, or the whole family, maybe ; but now and then Mr. Marshman has ; an old English friend or so , that he sets the greatest store by ; and | them he calls Jus guests ; and the 298 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. best in the house is hardly good enough for them , or the country . , 1 J I , , . .. " so I am one of Mr. Marshman s guests?" said Ellen. "I didn t know what it meant." either. "And plates, in their usual fashion, they were in all sorts of dis order sticking up in curious angles, some high, some low, some half-folded, some quite un folded, according to the size and She saved put one little piece j shape of that which they covered, of rose-geranium from her flowers It was worth while to see that for the gratification of her own i long tableful , and the faces of nose; and skipped away through the company, before yet a napkin the hall to rejoin her companions, very light-hearted indeed. CHAPTER XXXII. The Bank-Note and George Washington. NEW YEAR S morning dawned. "How I wish breakfast was over ! " thought Ellen as she was dressing. However, there is no way of getting over this life but was touched. An anxious glance at her own, showed Ellen that it lay quite flat; Alice s, which was next, had an odd little rising in the middle, as if there were a small dumpling under it. Ellen was in an agony for this pause to come to an end. It was broken by some of the older persons, and then in a trice every plate was by going through it; so when the! uncovered. And then, what a bell rang she went down as usual, buzz ! pleasure , and thanks, Mr. Marshman had decreed that and admiration, and even laugh- he would not have a confusion of jter. Ellen dreaded at first to gifts atthe breakfast-table ; other | look at her plate ; she bethought people might make presents in her, however, that if she waited their own way; they must not interfere with his. Needlecases, bags, and so forth, must there fore wait another opportunity; and Ellen Chauncey decided it would just make the pleasure so long, she would have to do it with all eves upon her; she lifted the napkin slowly; ^yes just as she feared there lay a clean bank-note of what value she could not see, for confusion much longer, and was a great! covered her; the blood rushed to improvement on the old plan. " "Happy New Years" and plea- her cheeks and the tears to her eyes. She could not have spoken, sant greetings were exchanged, and happily it was no time then; as the party gathered in the j everybody else was speaking breakfast-room; pleasure sat on j she could not have been heard, all faces exceptEllen s, and many | She had time to cool and recol- a one wore a broad smile as they 1 lect herself; but she sat with her sat down to table. For the nap- eyes cast down, fastened upon kins were in singular disarrange- her plate and the unfortunate ment this morning; instead of! bank-bill, which she detested being neatly folded up on the with all her heart. She did not THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 299 know what Alice had received; she understood nothing that was going on , till Alice touched her, and said gently, " Mr. Marshman is speaking to you, Ellen." " Sir ! " said Ellen , starting. "You need not look so terri fied," said Mr. Marshman, smi ling; "I only asked you if your bill was a counterfeit something seems to be wrong about it." Ellen looked at her plate and hesitated. Her lip trembled. "What is it?" continued the old gentleman. "Is anything the matter?" Ellen desperately took up the bill, and with burning cheeks, marched to his end of the table. "I am very much obliged to you, Sir, but I had a great deal rather not if you please if you will please to be so good as to let me give it back to you I should be very glad." "Why, hoity-toity!" said the old gentleman "what s all this? what s the matter? don t you like it? I thought I was do ing the very thing that would please you best of all." "I am very sorry you should think so, Sir," said Ellen, who had recovered a little breath, but had the greatest difficulty to keep back her tears; "I never thought of such a thing as your giving me anything, Sir, till somebody spoke of it; and I had rather never have anything in the world than that you should think what you thought about me." "What did I think about you?" "George told me that some body told you, Sir, I wanted money for my present." " And didn t you say so ! " "Indeed I didn t, Sir!" said Ellen, with sudden fire. "I never thought of such a thing! " "What did you say, then?" "Margaret was showing usher ear-rings, and she asked me if I wouldn t like to have some like them ; and I couldn t help think ing I would a great deal rather have the money they would cost to buy something for Alice; and just when I said so, you came in, Sir, and she said what she did. I was very much ashamed. I wasn t thinking of you , Sir , at all , nor of New Year." "Then you would like some thing else better than money? " "No, Sir, nothing at all, if you please. If you ll only be so good as not to give me this, I will be very much obliged to you indeed; and please not to think I could be so shameful as you thought I was." Ellen s face was not to be with stood. The old gentleman took the bill from her hand. "I will never think anything of you," said he, "but what is the very tip -top of honourable pro priety. But you make me ashamed now what am I going to do with this? here have you come and made me a present, and I feel very awkward indeed." "I don t care what you do with it, Sir," said Ellen, laughing, thoug h in imminent danger of bursting into tears! "I am very glad it is out of my hands." 300 THE WIDE, WIDE WOKLD. "But you needn t think I am; her treasures, carried them, glass going to let you off so," said and all, to the library, where e; "yon must give me half Alice and John often were in the a dozen kisses at least, to prove morning alone. Alice thanked her that you have forgiven me for; in the way she liked best, and making so great a blunder." jthen the flowers were smelled Haifa dozen is too many at and admired afresh. once," saidEllen, gaily; "three now, and three to-night." "Nothing could have been pleasanter to me, Ellie, except So she gave the old gentleman Mr. Marshman s gift." three kisses, but he caught herj "And what was that, Alice? in his arms and gave her a dozen j I haven t seen it yet." at least ; after which he found out Alice pulled out of her pocket that the servant was holding a a small, round, morocco case, cup of coffee at his elbow, and the very thing that Ellen had Ellen went back to her place! thought looked like a dumpling with a very good appetite for her breakfast. After breakfast the needle- cases were delivered. Both crave under the napkin , and opened it. "It s " Ellen. Neither of her hearers could Mr. John ! " exclaimed "Oh, how beautiful!" the most entire satisfaction. Mrs. J help laughing. Chauncey assured her daughter j "It is very fine, Ellie," said that she would quite as lief have 1 Alice; "you are quite right. Now a yellow as a red rose on the|l know what was the business cover, and that she liked the .that took John to Randolph every inscription extremely; which thejdav, and kept him there so long, little girl acknowledged to have while I was wondering at him been a joint device of her own unspeakably. Kind, kind Mr. and Ellen s. Ellen s bag gave I Marshman ! " "Did Mr. John get anything?" "Ask him, Ellie." "Did you get anything, Mr. John?" said Ellen, going up to when she had a minute to herself, him where he was reading on which Ellen Chauncey did not the sofa. give her for a good while, Ellenj "I got this," said John, hand- bethought her of her flowers ing her a little book which lay a sweet ^gift still to be made, beside him. Why not make it now? why "What is this! Wime s should not Alice have the plea- Wiem s Life of Washington sure of them all day? A bright Washington? he was may I thought! Ellen ran forthwith to look at it?" the house -keeper s room, and "Certainly." after a long, admiring look at She opened the book, and pre- great delight, and was paraded all over the house. After the bustle of thanks and rejoicing was at last over, and THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 301 sently sat down on the floor when called off, as she often was, where she was , by the side of by Ellen Chauncey, to helj) her the sofa. Whatever she had in fifty little matters of business found within the leaves of the or pleasure. These were attended book , she had certainly lost her- to , and faithfully and cheerfully, self. An hour passed. Ellen had but the look was in her head all not spoken or moved except to turn over leaves. "Ellen!" said John. She looked up her cheeks coloured high. { What have youfound there?" said he, smiling. the while. And this pleasure was mixed with Alice s pleasure , the flowers and the miniature, and Mr. Marshman s restored kind ness. She never met John s or Alice s eye that day without a smile. Even when she went to "Oh, a great deal! But did; be dressed, her book went with Mr. Marshman give you this ? " "No. v her, and was laid on the bed within sight, ready to be taken " ! " said Ellen, looking puz- 1 up the moment she was at liberty, zled, "I thought you said you; Ellen Chauncey lent her a white got this this morning." frock, which was found to an- "No, I got it last night. I got swer very well with a tuck let it for you, Ellie." out; "Forme!" said Ellen, her co- her. lour deepening very much; "for garet Dunscombe put her head me ! did you? Oh, thank you ! j m at the door to ask Anne , Miss oh, I m so much obliged to you, j Sophia s maid, if she was almost and" Alice herself dressed While thiswas doing , Mar- Mr. John! 1 ; It is only an answer to one of ready to come and curl her hair. Indeed I can t say that I am, Miss Margaret," saidAnne. "I ve ;v something to do for Miss Hum- I phreys, andMiss Sophia hasn t so your questions." "This! is it? I don t know what , I am sure. Oh , I wish could do something to please; much as done the first thing to- you , Mr. John ! " I wards beginning to get ready yet. "You shall, Ellie; you shall It ll be a good hour, and more." give me a brother s right again." Margaret went away, exclaim- Blushingly Ellen approached ing, impatiently, that she could her lips to receive one of his get nobody to help her, and grave kisses; and then, not at would have to wait till every - all displeased, went down on i body was downstairs. thefloor,and waslostin her book, j A few minutes after, she heard Oh, the long joy of that New Ellen s voice at the door of her Year s day! how shall it be room, asking if she might told! The pleasure of that de lightful book, in which she was wrapped the whole day even "Yes who s that? what do you want?" 302 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. "I ll fix your hair, if you ll A. *> MA .?^1 TT^ll^ let me," said Ellen. "You! I don t believe can." you "Oh, yes, lean; I used to do Mamma s very often; I am not afraid, if you ll trust me." "Well, thank you, I don t care if you try, then ," said Mar- would alone have made the even ing pass pleasantly; she was sure he was her firm friend again. In the course of the evening, Mrs. Chauncey found occasion to ask her about her journey up the river, without at all mentioning Margaret, or what she had said. Ellen answered that she had aret, seating herself; "it won t j come with Mrs. Dunscombe and do any harm, at any rate; and I want to be downstairs before anybody gets here; I think it s half the fun to see them come in. Bless me! you re dressed and all ready." Margaret s hair was in long, thick curls ; it was not a trifling matter to dress them. Ellen plodded through it patiently and faithfully, taking great pains, and ; But you said it was partly pleasant?" doing the work well, and then "Oh, that was because I had her daughter. "Did you have a pleasant time?" asked Mrs. Chauncey. "Why, no, Ma am," said Ellen "I don t know it was partly pleasant, and partly unpleasant." "What made it so, love?" "I had left Mamma that morn ing, and that made me unhappy." went back to Alice. Margaret s thanks, not very gracefully given, would have been a poor reward for the loss of three-quarters of an hour of pleasure. But Ellen was very happy in having done right. It was no longer time to read : they must go downstairs. The New Year s party was a nondescript young and old to gether ; a goodly number of both were gathered from Randolph and the neighbouring country. such a good friend on board," said Ellen, her face lighting up, as his image came before her. "Who was that?" "I don t know, Ma am, who he was." "A stranger to you?" "Yes, Ma am I never saw him before I wish I could see him again." " Where did you find him? " "I didn t find him he found me , when I was sitting up on the There were games for the young, I highest part of the boat." dancing for the gay, and a su- "And your friends with perb supper for all; and the big, bright rooms were full of bright faces. It was a very happy even ing to Ellen. For a good part of it, Mr. Marshman took pos session of her, or kept her near him; and his extreme kindness your friends with you?" "What friends?" "Mrs. Dunscombe and her daughter." " No, Ma am they were down in the cabin." "And what business had you to be wandering about the boat THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 303 alone?" said Mr. Marshman, good-humouredly. "They were strangers, Sir," said Ellen, colouring a little. "Well, so was this man your friend a stranger, too, wasn t he?" "Oh, he was a very different stranger," said Ellen, smiling, "and he wasn t a stranger long, besides," " Well , you must tell me more about him come, I m curious ; what sort of a strange friend was this?" "He wasn t a strange friend," said Ellen, laughing; "he was a very, very good friend; he took care of me the whole day; he was very good and very kind." "What kind of a man?" said Mrs. Chauncey; "a gentle man?" "Oh, yes, Ma am!" said Ellen, looking surprised at the question, "lam sure he was." "What did he look like?" Ellen tried to tell, but the por trait was not very distinct. "What did he wear? Coat or cloak?" " Coat dark brown, I think." "This was in the end of Octo ber, wasn t it?" Ellen thought a moment and answered, "Yes," "And you don t know his name?" "No, Ma am; I wish I did." "I can tell l you. said Mrs. Chauncey, smiling; "he is one of my best friends, too, Ellen; it is my brother, Mr. George Marshman," ! How Ellen s face crimsoned! I Mr. Marshman asked how she knew. "It was then he came up the river, you know, Sir; and don t I you remember his speaking of a | little girl on board the boat, who Iwas travelling with strangers, and whom he endeavoured to i befriend? I had forgotten it entirely till a minute or two ago." "Miss Margaret Dunscombe!" cried George Walsh, " what kind | of a person was that you said Ellen was so fond of when you came up the river?" "I don t know, nor care," said : Margaret. " Somebody she pick ed up somewhere." "It was Mr. George Marsh man ! " "It wasn t!" "Uncle George!" exclaimed Ellen Chauncey, running up to the group her cousin had quitted ; "my uncle George? Do you know uncle George ? Ellen?" " Very much I mean yes," 1 T~ll 1 ** said Ellen. Ellen Chauncey was delighted. So was Ellen Montgomery. It seemed to bring the whole family nearer to her, and they felt it, too. Mrs. Marshman kissed her when she heard it, and said she remembered very well her son s speaking of her, and was very glad to find who it was. And now, Ellen thought, she would ! surely see him again some time. The next day they left Vent- nor. Ellen Chauncey was very sorry to lose her new friend, and begged she would come again 304 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. "as soon as she could." All the family said the same. Mr. Marsh- man told her she must give him a large place in her heart, or he should be jealous of her "strange friend ," and Alice was charged to brin to see t her whenever she came iem. The drive back to Carra-carra was scarcely less pleasant than the drive out had been; and home, Ellen said, looked lovely ; that is, Alice s home, which she began to think more her own than any other. The pleasure of the past ten days , though great as Ellen entered , " have you got enough of visiting? I should be ashamed to go where I wasn t wanted, for my part." "I haven t, Aunt Fortune," said Ellen. "She s been nowhere but what s done her good," said Mr. Van Brunt; "she s reely she s rowed handsome since een away." " Grown a fiddlestick!" said which Miss Fortune. "She. couldn t grow hand somer than she was before," said the old grandmother, hugging T 1 *^ T 1 i . I had not been unmixed; the week land kissing her little grand- that followed was one of perfect daughter with great delight; m-ii rfctTTV* n-n4- Tn TV/Tv TTnmr\liTmrc! ^ -f V* a ortrcm-f oc -f v\/-\o-i n i-r -f \\ r\ rv m A n -* enjoyment. In Mr. Humphreys household there was an at mosphere of peace and that even a child could feel , and in which such a child as Ellen throve exceedingly. The draw- for Miss Fortune ing lessons went on with great haps increased success; other lessons were | marked, that begun; there were line, long " the sweetest posie in the garden Mr. Van Brunt looked as if he entirely agreed with the old lady. That, while it made some amends for Miss Fortune s dryiiess, per- walks, and charming sleigh- rides, and more than one visit to Mrs. Vawse ; and what Ellen, perhaps, liked best of all, the long evenings of conversation, and reading aloud, and bright fire-lights, and brighter sym pathy, and intelligence , and af fection. That week did them all good, and no one more than Ellen. It was a little hard to go back to Miss Fortune s , and begin her old life there. She went in the evening of the day John had de parted. They were at supper. "Well!" said Miss Fortune, it. She re- "she thanked heaven she could always make herself contented at home;" which Ellen could not help think ing was a happiness for the rest of the world. In the matter of the collar, it was hard to say whether the giver or receiver had the most satisfaction. Ellen had begged him not to speak of it to her aunt ; and accordingly, one Sun day, when he came there with it on, both he and she were in a state of exquisite delight. Miss Fortune s attention was at last aroused; she made a particular review of him , and ended by de claring, that "he looked un- THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 305 commonly dandified, but she could not make out what he had done to himself;" a remark which transported Mr. Van Brunt and Ellen beyond all bounds of prudence. Nancy s Bible, which had been purchased for her at Randolph, was given to her the first oppor tunity. Ellen anxiously watched her as she slowly turned it over, her face showing, however, very decided approbation of the style of the gift. She shook her head once or twice , and then said "What did you give this to me for, Ellen?" "Because I wanted to give you something for New Year," said Ellen, "and I thought that would be the best thing. If you would only read it, it would make you so happy and good." "You are good, I believe," said Nancy, "but I don t expect ever to be, myself I don t think I could be. You might as well teach a snake not to wriggle." "I am not good at all," said Ellen "we re none of us good ; " and the tears rose to her ! "but the Bible will j precious fine care of it and keep it always for your sake." "Well," said Ellen, sighing, "I am glad you will even do so much as that. But, Nancy, before you begin to read the Bible, you may have to go where you never can read it, nor be happy nor good neither." Nancy made no answer, but walked away, Ellen thought, rather more soberly than usual. This conversation had cost Ellen some effort. It had not been made without a good deal of thought and some prayer. She could not hope she had done much good, but she had done her duty. And it happened that Mr. Van Brunt, standing behind the angle of the wall, had heard every word. CHAPTER XXXIII. A gathering cloud in the spring weather. ELLEN S life had nothing to mark it for many months. The rest of the winter passed quietly away, every day being full of employment. At home the state of matters was rather bettered. Either Miss Fortune was soften- , ,, the best of the little inmate she "You don t want me to make aj C0 uld not get rid of. She was promise I shouldnt keep, I guess, j certainly resolved to make the "No," said Ellen. most of her. Ellen was kept on the jump a great deal of the so "Well, I shouldn t keep that, time: she was runner of errands I won t promise it; but I tell and maid of all work to set the you what I will do , I 11 take j table and clear it was only a The Wide, Wide World. 20 306 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. trifle in the list of her everyday duties and they were not ended till the last supper dish was put away and the hearth swept up. Miss Fortune never spared herself, and never spared Ellen, so long as she had any occasion for her. There were, however, long pieces of time that were left free these Ellen seized for her studies, and used most diligent ly ; urged on by a three or four fold motive; for the love of them and for her own sake , that John might think she had done well that she might presently please and satisfy Alice above all, that her .mother s wishes might be answered. This thought, whenever it came , was a spur to her efforts so was each of the others; and Christian feeling added another, and kept all the rest in force. Without this , in dolence might have weakened, or temptation surprised her re solution; little Ellen was open to both; but if ever she found her self growing careless from either cause, conscience was sure to smite her; and then would rush in all the motives that called upon her to persevere. Soon faithfulness began to bring its reward. With delight she found herself getting the better of dif ficulties, beginning to see a little through the mists of ignorance, making some sensible progress on the long road of learning. Study grew delightful her lessons with Alice one of her greatest enjoyments. And as they were a labour of love to both teacher and scholar, and as it was the aim of each to see quite to the bottom of every matter, where it was possible, and to leave no difficulties behind them on the road which they had not cleared away, no wonder Ellen went forward steadily and rapidly. Reading also became a wonderful pleasure. Weem s Life of Washington was read , and read, and read over again, till she almost knew it by heart; and from that she went to Alice s library, and ransacked it for what would suit her. Happily it was a well-picked one, and Ellen could not light upon many books that would do her mischief. For jthose, Alice s wish was enough she never opened them. Fur thermore, Alice insisted that when Ellen had once fairly begun a book she should go through with it not capricious ly leave it for another , nor have half a dozen about at a time. But when Ellen had read it once she commonly wanted to go over it again, and seldom laid it aside until she had sucked the sweet ness all out of it. As for drawing, it could not go on very fast while the cold weather lasted. Ellen had no place at home where she could spread out her paper and copies without danger of being dis turbed. Her only chance was at the parsonage. John had put all her pencils in order before he went, and had left her an abundance of copies , marked as THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 307 she was to take them. They, or I wish to be doing something else ; some of them , were bestowed in | but, after all, this was not amiss. Alipp s Hpslc ! and wlipnpvpv Tipsiflpa flip rlispinlinp. of P.Via,- Alice s desk; and whenever Ellen had a spare hour or two, of a fine morning or afternoon, she made the best of her way to the mountain; it made no dif ference home or whether Alice were not she went at coaxed up the fire, and began her work. It happened many a time that Alice, coming home from a walk or a run in the woods, saw the little hood and cloak on the settee before she opened the glass door, and knew Besides the discipline of cha racter, these trials made theplea-^ sant things with which they were mixed up seem doubly pleasant the disagreeable parts of het life relished the agreeable won derfully. After spending the whole morning with Miss For tune in the depths of house work, how delightful it was to forget all in drawing some nice little cottage , with a bit of stone wall, and a barrel in front! or to go with Alice, in thought, to very well how she should find ! the south of France , and learn T5111 T 1 i jl 1 1 it Jl Ellen, bending intently over her desk. These runs to the moun tain were very frequent: some times to draw, sometimes to re cite, always to see Alice and be happy. Ellen grew rosy, and hardy, and in spite of her se paration from her mother, she how the peasants manage their vines, and make the wine from them; or run over the Hock of Gibraltar with the monkeys ; or, at another time, seated on a little bench in the chimney when the fire blazed up candles were corner . , well, before the was very happy, too. Her ex- 1 lighted, to forget the kitchen, treme and varied occupation I and the supper, and her bustling made this possible. She had no! aunt, and sail round the world time to indulge useless sorrow; with Captain Cook. Yes these on the contrary, her thoughts | things were all the sweeter for were taken up with agreeable being tasted by snatches, matters, either doing or to be Spring brought new occupa- done; and at night, she was far tion; household labours began too tired and sleepy to lie awake \ to increase in number and mea- musing. And besides she hoped! sure; her leisure times were that her mother would come I shortened. But pleasures were back in the spring, or the summer I increased too. When the snow at furthest. It is true Ellen had i went off, and spring-like days no liking for the kind of business i began to come , and birds notes her aunt gave her it was often- were heard again, and the trees times a trial of temper and put out their young leaves, and patience. Miss Fortune was not the brown mountains were look- the pleasantest work-mistress in J ing soft and green, Ellen s heart the world, and Ellen was apt to | bounded at the sight. Thespring- 20* 308 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD* ing grass was lovely to see; dandelions were marvels of beauty; to her each wild wood- flower was a never to be enough admired and loved wonder. She used to take long rambles with and all in the world that was disagreeable was forgotten forgotten , no more to be remem bered till the walk should come to an end. And it would have surprised anybody to hear the Mr. Van Brunt when business led long conversations she and Mr. him to the woods, sometimes riding part of the way on the ox- sled. Always a basket for flowers went with her; and when the sled stopped, she would wander all around seeking among the piled -up dead leaves for the white wind-flower, and pretty little hang -head uvularia, and Van Brunt kept up he, silentest man in Thirlwall ! Their talk often ran upon trees, among which Mr. Van Brunt was at home. Ellen wanted to become acquainted with them, as well as with the little flowers that grew at their feet; and he tried to teach her how to know each sc- delicate blood-root, and the wild I parate kind by the bark and leaf geranium and columbine ; and j and manner of growth. The pine many others, the names of which and hemlock and fir were easily she did not know. They were like friends to Ellen ; she gather ed them affectionately as well as admiringly into her little basket, and seemed to purify herself in their pure companionship. Even Mr. Van Brunt began to have an indistinct notion that Ellen and flowers gether. were made to be to- After he found what a pleasure it was to her to go on these expeditions, he made it a point, whenever he was bound to the woods on a fine day, to come to the house for her. Miss Fortune might object as she pleased; he always found an answer; and at last Ellen, to her learnt; the white birch, too beyond those, at first, she was perpetually confounding one with another. Mr. Van Brunt had to go structions over and over his never weary, ways vastly amused. n al Pleasant lessons these were ! Ellen thought so , and Mr. Van Brunt thought so too. Then there were walks with Alice, pleasanter still, if that could be. And even in the house, Ellen managed to keep a token of spring-time. On her toilet- table, the three uncouth legs of which were now hidden by a neat dimity cover, there always stood -i great joy, would be told, "Well!! a broken tumbler with a supply "" of flowers. The supply was very varied, it is true ; sometimes only a handful of dandelions , some times a huge bunch of lilac flowers, which could not be per suaded to stay in the glass with- go get your bonnet and be off with yourself." Once under the shadow of the big trees, the dried leaves crackling beneath her feet, and alone with her kind conductor and Miss Fortune _ \ THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 309 out the help of the wall, against a piece of that cheese along with which itleaned in very undignified her;" or, "she wondered if the style; sometimes the bouquet was of really delicate and beauti ful wild-flowers. All were charm ing in Ellen s eyes. As the days grew long and the weather warm, Alice and she be gan to make frequent trips to the Cat s Back, and French came very much into fashion. They generally took Sharp to ease the long way, and rested themselves with a good stay^ on the moun tain. Their coming was always a joy to the old lady. She was dearly fond of them both, and delighted to hear from their lips the language she loved best. Af ter a time they spoke nothing else when with her. She was well qualified to teach them; and, indeed, her general education had been far from contemptible, though nature had done more for her. As the language grew fami liar to them, she loved to tell and they to hear long stories of her youth and native country scenes and people so very dif ferent from all Ellen had ever seen or heard of; and told in a lively, simple style, which she could not have given in English, and with a sweet colouring of Christian thought and feeling. Many things made these visits good and pleasant. It was the least of Alice s -* T7V old lady would like a little fresh meat; she guessed she d cut her a bit of that nice lamb ; she wouldn t want but a little piece." A singular testimony this was to the respect and esteem Mrs. Vawse had from everybody. Miss Fortune very, very seldom was known to take a bit from her own comforts another. to add to those of The ruling passion of this lady was thrift; her next, good housewifery. First, to gather to herself and heap up of what the world most esteems; after that, to be known as the most thorough housekeeper and the smartest woman in Thirlwall. Ellen made other visits she did not like so well. In the course of the winter and summer she be came acquainted with most of the neighbourhood. She some times went with her aunt to a formal tea-drinking, one, two, three, or four miles off, as the case might be. very pleasant. They were not To some places not she was asked by herself; and though the people invariably showed themselves very kind, and did their best to please her, Ellen seldom cared to go a se cond time liked even home and Miss Fortune better. There were a few exceptions; Jenny Hitch- and Ellen s j cock was one of her favourites, joy to carry their old friend and Jane Huff was another; and something that might be for her comfort in her lonely way of life. For even Miss Fortune now and then told Ellen " she might take all of their respective families came in , with good reason , for a share of her regard Mr. Juniper, indeed, excepted. Once they went 310 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. to a quilting at Squire Demii- son s; the house was spotlessly neat and well- ordered; the people all kind ; but Ellen thought they did not seem to know how to be pleasant. Dan Dennison alone had no stiffness about him. Miss Fortune remarked with pride, that even in this family of preten sion, as she thought it, the re freshments could bear no com parison with hers. Once they were invited to tea at the Law- sons ; but Ellen told Alice, with much apparent disgust, that she never wantedto go again. Mrs.Van Urunt she saw often. To Thirl- wall, Miss Fortune never went. Twice in the course of the summer Ellen had a very great pleasure in the company of little Ellen Chauncey. Once Miss So phia brought her, and once her mother; and the last time they made a visit of two weeks. On both occasions Ellen was sent for to the parsonage, and kept while they stayed ; and the plea sure that she and her little friend had together cannot be told. It was unmixed now. Rambling about through the woods and over the fields, no matter where, it was all enchanting; helping Alice to garden; helping Thomas to make hay, and the mischief they did his haycocks by tumbling upon them, and the patience with which he bore it; the looking for eggs; the helping Margery to churn, and the helping each other to set tables; the pleasant mornings, and pleasant evenings, and pleasant mid- days it can not be told. Long to be remem bered, sweet and pure, was the pleasure of those summer days unclouded by a shade of dis content or disagreement on either brow. Ellen loved the whole Marshman family now, for the sake of one , the one she had first known ; and little Ellen Chauncey repeatedly told her mother in private that Ellen Montgomery was the very nicest girl she had ever seen. They met with joy, and parted with sorrow, entreat ing and promising if possible, a speedy meeting again. Amidst all the improvement and enjoyment of these summer months and they had a great deal of both for Ellen there was one cause of sorrow she could not help feeling, and it began to press more and more. Letters they came slowly and when they came , they were not at all satisfactory. Those in her mother s hand dwindled and dwindled, till at last there came only mere scraps of letters from her; and sometimes , after a long interval, one from Captain Mont gomery would come alone. El len s heart sickened with long- deferred h^pe. She wondered what coula make her mother neglect a matter so necessary for her happiness; sometimes she fancied they were travelling about, and it might be incon venient to write ; sometimes she thought, perhaps they were co ming home without letting her know, and would suddenly sur prise her some day, and make THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 311 her half lose her wits with joy. But they did not coine,nor write ; and, whatever was the reason, Ellen felt it was very sad, and sadder and sadder as the summer went on. Her own letters became pitiful in their supplications for letters ; they had been very cheer ful, and filled with encouraging matter, and in part they were so still. For a while her mind was diverted from this sad subject, and her brow cleared up , when John came home in August. As before, Alice gained Miss For tune s leave to keep her at the parsonage the whole time of his stay, which was several weeks. Ellen wondered that it was so easily granted , but she was much too happy to spend time in think ing about it. Miss Fortune had several reasons. She was un willing to displease Miss Hum phreys, and conscious that it would be a shame to her to stand openly in the way of Ellen s good. Besides, though Ellen s services were lost for a time , yet she said she got tired of settin Fortune was accustomed to be chief, not only in her own house, but in the regards of all who came to it. At any rate , the leave was granted , and Ellen went. And now was repeated the pleasure of the first week in Ja nuary. It would have been in creased, but that increase was not possible. There was only the difference between lovely winter and lovely summer weather; it was seldom very hot in Thirlwall. The fields and hills were covered with green instead of white; fluttering leaves had taken the place of snow-covered sprays and sparkling icicles; and for the keen north and brisk north wester, soft summer airs were blowing, difference Ellen saw no other except that, per haps, if it could be, there was something more of tenderness in the manner of Alice and her bro ther towards her. No little sister could have been more cherished and cared for. If there was a change, Mr. Humphreys shared it. It is true, he seldom took much part in the conversation, O11W 0CU.U QiAV^ S^^U LiXV^VA \J OVyUKJLJLJ.^ i -LAiClVAJ. JJ C* A. U AAA U JJL O V; \y AA I V A WC*J VAW AA j her to work; she liked to dash and seldomer was with them in round the house alone, withoutlanyof their pursuits or pleasures, thinking what somebody else was j He generally kept by himself in doing or ought to be doing. In j his study. But whenever he did short, -she liked to have her out speak to Ellen, his tone was parti- of the way for a while. Further- 1 cularly gentle , and his look kind, more, it did not please her that j He sometimes called her "My Mr. Van Brunt and her little ! little daughter," which always handmaid were , as she expressed ! gave Ellen great pleasure ; she it, "so thick." His first thought, ! would jump at such times with and his last thought, she said, she double zeal, to do anything he believed, were for Ellen, whether j asked her. he came in or went out; and Miss I Now drawing went on with 312 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. new vigour under the eye of her master. And many things beside. John took a great deal of pains with her in various ways. He made her read to him; he helped her and Alice with their French ; he went with them to Mrs.Vawse s; and even Mr. Humphreys went there too, one afternoon to tea. How much Ellen enjoyed that afternoon! They took with thema great basket of provisions, for Mrs. Vawse could not be expected to entertain so large a party 5 and borrowed Jenny Hichcock spony, which, with old John and Sharp, mounted three of the company; they took turns in walking. No body minded that. The fine weather, the beautiful mountain- top, the general pleasure, Mr. Humphreys uncommon spirits and talkableness, the oddity of their way of travelling, and of a tea-party up on the "Cat s Back," and, furthermore, the fact that Nancy stayed at home and be haved very well the whole time, all together filled Ellen s cup of happiness, for the time, as full as it could hold. She never forgot that afternoon. And the ride home was the best of all. The sun was low by the time they reached the plain ; long shadows lay across their road; the soft air just stirred the leaves on the branches; stillness and loveliness were over all things; and down the mountain and along the roads, through the open country, the whole way, John walked at her bridle ; so kind in his care of her, so pleasant in his talk to her, teaching her how to sit on the saddle, and hold the reins and whip, and much more important things , too , that Ellen thought a pleasanter thing could not be than to ride so. After that they took a great many rides, bor rowing Jenny s pony or some other, and explored the beautiful country far and near. And almost daily, John had up Sharp and gave Ellen a regular lesson. She often thought, and sometimes looked, what she had once said to him, "I wish I could do some thing for ?/OM, Mr. John;" but he smiled at her, and said nothing. At last he was gone. And in all the weeks he had been at home, and in many weeks before, no letter had come for Ellen. The thought had been kept from weighing, upon her by the thou sand pleasures that filled up every moment of his stay; she could not be sad then, or only for a minute ; hope threw off the sor row as soon as it was felt; and she forgot how time flew. But when his visit was over, and she went back to her old place and her old life at her aunt s, the old feeling came back in greater strength. She began again to count the days and the weeks ; to feel the bitter unsatisfied longing. Tears would drop down upon her Bible; tears streamed from her eyes when she prayed that G-od would make her mother well and bring her home to her quickly oh! quickly! and little El len s face began to wear once more something of its old look. THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD, 313 CHAPTER XXXIV. The cloud overhead. ONE day in the early part of September, she was standing in 1 front of the house at the little; wicket that opened on the road. ! With her back against the open! gate , she was gently moving it to and fro, half-enjoying the weather ! and the scene , half-indulging the melancholy mood which drove her from the presence of her bustling aunt. The gurgling sound of the brook afew steps off was a great deal more soothing to her ear than Miss Fortune s sharp tones. By-and-by a horse man came in sight at the far end of the road, and the brook was forgotten. What made Ellen look at him so sharply? Poor child! she was always expecting news. At first she could only see that the man rode a white horse ; then, as he came nearer, an odd looped- up hat showed itself and some thing queer in his hand what was it? who is it? the old newsman! Ellen was sure. Yes she could now see the saddle bags, and the white horsetail set in a handle , with which he was brushing away the flies from his horse; the tin trumpet was in his other hand, to blow withal. He was a venerable old figure, with all his oddities; clad in a suit of snuff-brown , with a neat, quiet look about him , he and the saddle-bags and the white horse jogged on together as if they be longed to nothing else in the world but each other. In an ecstasy of fear and hope, Ellen watched the paee of the old horse to see if it gave any sign of slackening near the gate. Her breath came short, she hardly breathed at all, she was trembling from head to foot. Would he stop, or was he going on? Oh! the long agony of two minutes ! He stopped. Ellen went towards him. " What little gal is this? " said he. "I am Ellen Montgomery, Sir," said Ellen, eagerly, "Miss For tune s niece I live here." " Stop a bit," said the old man, taking up his saddle-bags; "Miss Fortune s niece, eh? Well, I be lieve as I ve got somethin for her somethin here. Aunt well, eh?" "Yes, Sir." "That s more than you be, ain t it?" said he, glancing side ways at Ellen s face. "How do you know but I Ve got a letter for you here, eh?" The colour rushed to that face, and she clasped her hands. "No, dear, no," said he; "I han t got any for you it s for the old lady; there, run in with it, dear." But Ellen knew before she touched it that it was a foreign letter, and dashed into the house with it. Miss Fortune coolly sent her back to pay the postage. When she came in again, her aunt was still reading the letter. But her look, Ellen felt, was un promising. She did not venture to speak expectation was chill ed. She stood till Miss Fortune began to fold up the paper. 314 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. " Is there nothing for me ?" she thought no more was to be got said then , timidly. out of her. "No." Her father "Oh! why don t she write to me?" cried Ellen, bursting into tears. She felt miserable, and her aunt both seemed to act strangely; and where to find comfort she scarcely knew. She had one day been tell- Miss Fortune stalked about the ling her doubts and sorrows to without anyparticular pur pose as far as could be seen. " It is very strange," said Ellen, sorrowfully; "I am afraid she is worse. Does papa say she worse?" "No." "Oh! if she had only sent me John. He did not try to raise her hopes, but said "Troubles will come in this world, Ellie; the best is to trust is | them and ourselves to our dear Saviour, and let trials drive us to him. Seek to love him more, and to be patient under his will; the a message! I should think she good Shepherd means nothing might oh! I wish she had! |but kindness to any lamb in his three words! does papa say why! flock you maybe sure of that, !, j u :^o> Ellie " Ellen remembered his words, she don t write? "No." "It is very strange ! " repeated poor Ellen. "Your father talks of coming home," said Miss Fortune, after a few minutes , during which Ellen had been silently weeping. "Home! then she must be better!" said Ellen, with new life; "does papa say she is bet ter?" "No." and tried to follow them now, but she could not be "patient under his will " yet not quite. It was very hard to be patient in such uncertainty. With swimming eyes she turned over her Bible in search of comfort, and found it. Her eye lit upon words she knew very well, but that were like the fresh sight of a friend s face for all that, "Let not your heart be troubled; ye believe in God, "But whatdoeshemean?" saidj believealsoinmet i nmy Father s Ellen, uneasily; "I dont seej nousearemanymans i ons> " There what he means; he doesn t say is no part mg there, thought little rse , and he doesn t say Ellen> She cried a long time, but she is worse p she is better; what does he say? " He don t say much about any thing." "Does he say when they are coming home ?" Miss Fortune mumbled some thing about " spring," and whisk ed off to the buttery; Ellen she was comforted, nevertheless. The heart that rests on the bless ed One who said those words can never be quite desolate. For several days things went on in the old train, only her aunt, she thought, was sometimes ra ther queer not quite as usual THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 315 in her manner towards her. Mr. Van Brunt was not rather, but very queer; he scarce spoke or looked at Ellen; bolted down his food, and was off without a word; and even stayed away entirely from two or three meals. She saw no body else. Weather and other circumstances prevented her go ing to the mountain. One afternoon, she was giving her best attention to a French lesson, when she heard herself called. Miss Fortune was in the lower kitchen, dipping candles. Ellen ran down. "I don t know what s got into these candles," said Miss Fortune "I can t make em hang to gether; the tallow ain t good, I guess. Where s the nearest place they keep bees?" "They have got bees at Mrs. Hitchcock s," said Ellen. "So they have in Egypt, for anything I know," said her aunt; "one would be about as much good now as t other. Mrs. Lown- des that ain t far off. Put on your bonnet, Ellen , and run over there , and ask her to let me have a little bees -wax. I 11 pay her in something she likes best." "Does Mrs.Lowndes keep bee hives?" said Ellen, doubtfully. "No ; she makes the bees -wax herself," said Miss Fortune, in the tone she always took when anybody presumed to suppose she might be mistaken in anything. "How much shall I ask her for?" said Ellen. " Oh , I don t know a pretty good piece." Ellen was not very clear what quantity this might mean. How ever, she wisely asked no more questions, and .set out upon her walk. It was hot and disagree able ; just the time of day when the sun had most power, and Mrs. Lowndes house was about half way on the road to Alice s. It was not a place where Ellen liked to go, though the people always made much of her; she did not fancy them, and regularly kept out of their way when she could. Miss Mary Lawson was sitting with Mrs. Lowndes andher daugh ter, when Ellen came in and briefly gave her aunt s message. "Bees -wax," said Mrs. Lown des " well , I don t know. How much does she want?" " I don t know, Ma am, exactly : she said a pretty good piece." "What s it for, do you know, honey?" "I believe it s to put in some tallow for candles," said Ellen; "the tallow was too soft, she said." ^ "I didn t krow Miss Fortune s tallow was ever anything but the hardest," said Sarah Lowndes. "You had better not let your aunt know you ve told on her, Ellen," remarked Mary Lawson; " she won t thank you." "Had she a good lot of taller to make up?" inquired the mo ther, preparing to cut her bees - wax. " I don t know, Ma am ; she had a big kettle, but I don t know how full it was." "You may as well send a good 316 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD, piece, Ma, while you are about it," said the daughter " and ask her to let us have a piece of her sage cheese, will you? " "Is it worth while to weigh it?" whispered Mrs. Lowndes. Her daughter answered in the same tone, and Miss Mary joining them, a conversation of some length went on over the bees - wax , which Ellen could not hear. The tones of the speakers be came lower and lower: till at length her own name and an in cautious sentence were spoken more distinctly, and reached her. " Shouldn t you think Miss For tune might put a black ribbon at least on her bonnet? " "Anybody but her would." "Hush!" They whispered again under breath. The words entered Ellen s heart like cold iron. She did not move hand or foot; she sat motionless with pain and fear, yet what she feared she dared not think. When the bees -wax was given her, she rose up from her chair, and stood ajazing into Mrs. Lowndes face as if she had lost her senses. "My goodness, child, how you look! " said that lady. "What ails you, honey?" " Ma am ," said Ellen " what was that you said, about " "About what, dear?" saidMrs. Lowndes , with a startled look at the others. "About a ribbon?" saidEl- len, struggling to get the words out of white lips. " My goodness ! " said the other - "did you ever hear anything like that? I didn t say nothing about a ribbon, dear." "Do you suppose her aunt han t told her?" said Miss Mary in an undertone. Told me what?" cried Ellen; "oh! what? what?" "I wish I was a thousand miles off!" said Mrs. Lowndes; "I don t know, dear I don t know what it is Miss Alice knows." "Yes, ask Miss Alice," said MaryLawson; " she knows better than we do." Ellen looked doubtfully from one to the other; then, as "Go ask Miss Alice," was repeated on all sides, she caught up her bonnet, and flinging the bees - wax from her hand, darted out of the house. Those she had left, looked at each other a minute in silence. "Ain t that too bad , now ! " ex claimed Mrs. Lowndes, crossing the room to shut the door. "But what could I say ? " " Which way did she go ? " " I don t know, I am sure I had no head to look , or anything else. I wonder if I had ought to ha told her. But I couldn t ha done it." "Just look at her bees -wax!" said Sarah Lowndes. " She will kill herself if she runs up the mountain at that rate," said Mary Lawson. They all made a rush to the door to look after her. "She ain t in sight," saidMrs. Lowndes; "if she s gone the way to the Nose , she s got as far as them big poplars already, or THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 317 she d be somewhere this side of em , where we could see her." "You hadn t ought to ha let her go , Ma am , in all this sun," said Miss Lowndes. " I declare," said Mrs. Lowndes, " she scared me so, I hadn t three there. Alice thought she had fainted ; she laid her on the sofa, called Margery, and tried the usual things, weeping bitterly herself as she did so. It was not fainting, however; Ellen s senses soon came back; but she seemed ideas left in my head. I wish I ! like a person stunned with a great knew where she was, though, poor little soul!" Ellen was far on her way to the mountain, pressed forward by a blow, and Alice wished grief had had any other effect upon her. It lasted for days. A kind of stupor hung over her; tears did not fear that knew no stay of heat or i come ; the violent strain of every fatigue: they were little to her! nerve and feeling seemed to have that day. She saw nothing on her left her benumbed. She would way; all within and without was sleep long, heavy sleeps the swallowed up in that one feeling; greater part of the time, and yet she dared not think what it j seemed to have no power to do was she feared. She put that by. anything else. Alice knew : Alice would tell her ; Her adopted sister watched her on that goal her heart fixed, to | constantly, and for those days that she pressed on ; but oh ! the \ lived but to watch her. She had while , what a cloud was gather- heard all Ellen s story from Mary ing over her spirit, and growing Lawson and Mr. Van Brunt, who darker and darker! Her hurry | had both been to the parsonage of mind and hurry of body made! one on Mrs. Lowndes part, each other worse; it must be soothe other on his own to ask and when she at last ran round about her; and she dreaded that the corner of the house and burst a violent fit of illness might be in at the glass door, she was in a brought on by all Ellen had un- frightful state. jdergone. She was mistaken, Alice started up and faced her however. Ellen was not ill; but as she came in, but with a look her whole mind and body bowed that stopped Ellen short. She under the weight of the blow that stood still: the colour in her; had come upon her. As the first cheeks, as her eyes read Alice s, stupor wore off, there were, in- faded quite away; words, and the deed, more lively signs of grief; power to speak them, were gone she would weep till she wept her together. Alas! the need to utter eyes out, and that often, but it them was gone too. Alice burst was very quietly; no passionate into tears, and held out her arms, sobbing, no noisy crying; sorrow saying only, "My poor child! " : had taken too strong hold to be Ellen reached her arms , and struggled with, and Ellen meekly strength and spirit seemed to fail , bowed her head to it. Alice saw 318 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. this with the greatest alarm. She had refused to let her go back to her aunt s; it was impossible to do otherwise; yet it maybe that ed and shaken as it had been, began to take rest again in that happy resting-place with stronger affection, and even with erreater , I t n T-r "j i-m Ellen would have been better \ joy, than ever before. Yet for all there. The busy industry to I that, this joy often kept company 11 with bitter weeping; the stirring which she would have been forced at home might have roused her; as it was, nothing drew her, and nothing could be found to draw her from her own thoughts. Her interest in everything seemed to JLUJJ. WL\j\j\jjL. V V>^ |_f AIJ.^ ^ LIJLt/ OL1J.JLXAJ. of anything like pleasure rouse sorrow up afresh, and though Ellen s look of sadness grew less dark, Alice could not see that her face was at all less white and be gone. Books had lost their j thin. She never spoke of her mo- "ther, after once hearing when charm. Walks and drives and staying at home were all one except, indeed, that she rather liked best the latter. Appetite and where she had died; she never hinted at her loss , except exclaiming in an agony, "I shall failed; her cheek grew colour- (get no more letters !" and Alice less ; and Alice began to fear that j darertli ot touch upon what the if a stop were not soon put to this child seemed to avoid so care- gradual sinking, it would at last fully : though Ellen sometimes end with her fife. But all her j wept on her bosom ,_ and often sat efforts were without fruit; and | for hours still and silent, with her the winter was a sorrowful one head in her lap. not to Ellen alone. The time drew nigh when John As it wore on, there came to be : was expected home for the holi- one thing in which Ellen again j days. In the meanwhile they had took pleasure, and that was her j many visits from other friends. Bible. She used to get alone or j Mr. Van Brunt had come several into a corner with it, and turn the times, enough to set the whole leaves over and over; looking! neighbourhood a- wondering, if out its gentle promises, and sweet ; they had only known it ; his good comforting words to the weak I old mother oftener still; Mrs. and the sorrowing. She loved to I Vawse as often as possible ; Miss read about Christ all he said! Fortune once; and that because, and did; all his kindness to his las she said to herself, " Every - people, and tender care of them; I body would be talking about the love shown them here and what was none of their business the j oys prepared for them here- j if she didn t." As neither she nor after. She began to cling 1 more [Ellen knew in the least what to to that one unchangeable Friend I say to each other, the visit was from whose love neither life nor rather a dull one , spite of all death can sever those that be- Alice could do. Jenny Hitchcock, lieve in him ; and her heart , toss- 1 and the Huffs, and the Dennisons J and others , came now and then; but Ellen did not like to see any of them all but Mrs. Vawse. Alice longed for her brother. He came at last, just before New Year. It was the middle of a fine afternoon, and Alice and her father had gone in the sleigh to Carra-carra. Ellen had chosen to stay behind, but Margery did not know this, and of course did not tell John. After paying a visit to her in the kitchen, he had come back to the empty sitting- room, and was thoughtfully walk ing up and down the [floor, when the door of Alice s room slowly opened, and Ellen appeared. It was never her way, when she could help it, to show violent feelings before other people; so she had been trying to steel her self to meet John without crying, and now came in with her little grave face , prepared not to give way. His first look had like to overset it all. "Ellie!" said he; "I thought everybody was gone. My dear Ellie!" Ellen could hardly stand the tone of these three words, and she bore with the greatest diffi culty the kiss that followed them; it took but a word or two more, and a glance at the old look and smile , to break down entirely all her guard. According to her usual fashion, she was rushing away; but John held her fast, and, though gently, drew her close to him. "I will not let you forget that I am your brother, Ellie," said he. THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 319 Ellen hid her face on his shoulder, and cried as if she had never cried before. "Ellie," said he, after a while, speaking low and tenderly , "the Bible says, * We have known and believed the love that God hath toward us ; have you remem bered and believed this lately." Ellen did not answer. "Have you remembered that God loves every sinner that has believed in his dear Son? and loves them so well, that He will let nothing come near them to harm them? and loves them never better than when He sends bitter trouble on them? It is | wonderful! but it is true. Have | you thought of this, Ellie?" She shook her head. "It is not in anger He does it; it is not that He has forgotten you: it is not that He is careless of your trembling little heart never, never ! If you are his child, all is done in love, and shall work good for you; and if we often cannot see how, it is because we are weak and foolish, and can see but a very little way<" Ellen listened with her face hid on his shoulder. "Do you love Christ, Ellen?" She nodded, weeping afresh. "Do you love him less since he ,has brought you into this great i sorrow?" "No," sobbed Ellen, "morel" He drew her closer to his breast, and was silent a little while. "I am very glad to hear you | say that ! then all will be well. 320 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD, And haven t you the best reason to think that all is well with your dear mother?" Ellen almost shrieked. Her mother s name had not been For it seemed as if Ellen s very heart was flowing away in her tears ; yet they were gentler and softer far than at the beginning. The conversation beginning, had been a spoken before her in a great great relief. The silence between while, and she could hardly bear I her and Alice on the thing always to hear it now. Her Avhole frame in her mind a silence neither quivered with hysterical sobs. "Hush, Ellie!" said John, in a tone that, low as it was, somehow found its way through all her agitation, and calmed her like a spell; "have you not good reason to believe that all is well with her?" "Oh, yes! oh, yes!" "She loved and trusted Him, too ; and now she is with Him she has reached that bright home where there is no more sin, nor sorrow, nor death." "Nor parting either," sobbed Ellen, whose agitation was ex cessive. " Nor parting ! and though we are parted from them, it is but for a little; let us watch, and keep our garments clean, and soon we shall be all together, and have done with tears for ever. She has done with them now . Did you hear from her again?" " Oh , no ! not a word ! " " That is a hard trial. But, in it all , believe , dear Ellie , the love that God hath toward us ; remember that our dear Saviour is near us, and feels for us, and is the same at all times, don t cry so, Ellie" And He kissed her once or twice, of them dared to break had grown painful. The spell was taken off-, and though, at first, Ellen s tears knew no measure, she was easier even then ; as John soothed her, and went on with his kind talk, gradually leading it away from their first subject to other things , she grew not only calm , but more peaceful at heart than months had seen her. She was quite herself again before Alice came home. " You have done her good al ready," exclaimed Alice, as soon as Ellen was out of the room; "I knew you would; I saw it in her face as soon as I came in." "It is time," said her brother. " She is a dear little thing! " The next day, in the middle of the morning, Ellen, to her great surprise, saw Sharp brought be fore the door, with the side saddle on, and Mr. John care fully looking to the girth, and shortening the stirrup. "Whv, Alice," she exclaimed, "what is Mr. John going to do?" "I don t know, Ellie, I am sure; he does queer things sometimes. What makes you ask? " Before she could answer, he opened the door. "Come, Ellen, go and get and begged her to calm herself . | ready. Bundle up well, for it is THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 321 rather frosty. Alice, has she a ! creature. Appetite came back; pair of gloves that are warm j the colour sprang again to her enough? Lend her yours, and 1 cheek; hope meek and sober I 11 see if I can find some at ; as it was re-lighted her eye. In Thirlwall." j her eagerness to please and sa- r- Ellen thought she would rather \ tisfy her teacher, her whole soul not go; to anybody else sheiAvas given to the performance would have said so. Half a mi- 1 of whatever he wished her to do. nute she stood still then went I The effect was all that he looked to put on her things. for. "Alice, you will be ready by The second evening after he the time we get back? in half came, John called Ellen to his an hour." side, saying he had something he Ellen had an excellent lesson, [wanted to read to her. It was and her master took care it before candles were brought, but should not be an easy one. She the room was full of light from came back, looking as she had I the blazing wood fire. Ellen riot done all winter. Alice was ; glanced at his book as she came not quite ready; while waiting to the sofa; it was a largish for her, John went to the book- volume, in a black leather cover, case and took down the first a good deal worn; it did not look volume of Kollin s Ancient Hi- 1 at all interesting, story; and giving it to Ellen, he " 1 * rt: " L " - J - " he said he would talk with her to- What is it?" she asked. ; It is called," said John, "The morrow about the first twenty Pilgrim s Progress from tins World pages. The consequence was, to a better." the hour and a half of their ab- Ellen thought it did not sound sence, instead of being moped at all interesting. She had never away, was spent in hard study. A j been more mistaken in her life, pair of gloves was bought at [and that she found almost as Thirlwall; Jenny Hitchcock s j soon she began. Her attention pony was sent for; and, after j was nailed ; the listless, careless , that, every day, when the weather mood in which she sat down was v would at all do , they took a long i changed for one of rapt delight; ride. By degrees, reading, and j she devoured every word that drawing, and all her studies, fell from the reader s lips; in- were added to the history, till deed they were given their fullest Ellen s time was well filled with effect by a very fine voice and business again. Alice had en- singularly fine reading. When- deavoured to bring this about; ever anything might not be quite before, but fruitlessly. What! clear to Ellen, John stopped to she asked of her, Ellen indeed make it so; and with his help, tried to do; what John told her, | and without it, many a lesson was done. She grew a different went home, Next day she looked The Wide, Wide World. 21 322 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. a long time for the book ; it could not be found; she was forced to wait until evening. Then, to her "Do all Christians have it?" "Certainly. None can be a ! Christian without it." great joy, it was brought out! "But how can one tell whether again and John asked if she wished to hear some more of it. After that, every evening while he was at home, they spent an hour with the "Pilgrim." Alice one has it or no?" said Ellen, very gravely. "Carry your heart and life to the Bible, and see how they agree. The Bible gives a great would leave her work and come; many signs and descriptions, by to the sofa, too; and with her j which Christians may know them- head on her brother s shoulder, selves know both what they her hand in his , and Ellen s face leaning against his other arm, that was the common way they E laced themselves to read and ear. No words can tell Ellen s enjoyment of those readings. They made her sometimes laugh and sometimes cry; they had much to do in carrying on the cure which John s wisdom and kindness had begun. They came to the place where Christian loses his burden at the cross; and as he stood looking and weeping, three shining ones came to him "The first said to him, Thy sins be forgiven thee ; the second stripped him of his rags, and clothed him with a change of raiment; the third also set a mark on his forehead." John explained what was meant by the rags and the change of raiment. "And the mark in his fore head?" said Ellen. /That is the mark of God s children the change wrought in them by the Holy Spirit the change that makes them different from others, and different from their old selves." are and what they ought to be. If you find your own feelings and manner of life at one with these Bible words , you may hope that the Holy Spirit has changed you, and set his mark upon you." "I wish you would tell me of one of those places," said Ellen. "The Bible is full of them. To them that believe, Christ is pre cious, there is one. If ye love me, keep my commandments ; He that saith he abideth in him, ought himself also so to walk even as lie walked; Oh how love I thy law! 1 _ The Bible is -full of them, Ellie; but you have need to ask for great help when you go to try yourself by them ; the heart is deceitful." Ellen looked sober all the rest of the evening, and the next day she pondered the matter a good deal. "I think I am changed," she said to herself, at last. " I didn t use to like to read the Bible, and now I do very much ; I never liked praying in old times , and now, oh ! what should I do with out it! I didn t love Jesus at all, but I m sure I do now. I don t THE WIDE, WID\ WORLD. 323 keep his commandments, but I do try to keep them ; I must be changed a little. Oh! I wish Mamma had known it before ! " Weeping with mixed sorrow and thankful joy, Ellen bent her head upon her little Bible to pray that she might be more changed; and then, as she often did, raised the cover to look at the texts in the beloved handwriting. "I love them that love me, and they that seek me early shall find me." Ellen s tears were blinding her. "That has come true," she thought. " I will be a God to thee, and to thy seed after thee." "That has come true, too!" she said, almost in surprise "and Mamma believed it would." And then, as by a flash, came back to her mind the time it was was written; she remembered how, when it was done, her mo ther s head had sunk upon the open page she seemed to see again the thin fingers tightly clasped she had not under stood it then she did now. "She was praying for me," thought Ellen " she was pray ing for me; she believed that would come true." The book was dashed down, and Ellen fell upon her knees , in a perfect agony of weeping. Even this , when she was calm again, served to steady her mind. There seemed to be a link of communion between her mother and her that was wanting before. The promise, written and be lieved in by the one, realized and rejoiced in by the other, was a dear something in common, though one had m the meanwhile removed to heaven, and the other was still a lingerer on the earth. Ellen bound the words upon her heart. Another time , when they came to the last scene of Christian s journey, Ellen s tears ran very fast. John asked if he should pass it over, if it distressed her? She said, "Oh, no, it did not distress her;" she wanted him to go on, and he went on, though himself much distressed, and Alice was nearly as bad as Ellen. But the next evening, to his sur prise, Ellen begged that before he went on to the second part, he would read that piece over again. And when he lent her the book, with only the charge that she should not go further than he had been , she pored over that scene with untiring pleasure, till she almost had it by heart. In short, never was a child more comforted and contented with a book than Ellen was with the Pilgrim s Progress. That was a blessed visit of John s. Alice said he had come like a sunbeam into the house ; she dreaded to think what would be when he went away. She wrote, him, however, when he had been gone a few weeks, that his will seemed to carry all before it, present or absent. Ellen went on steadily mending at least she did not go bacK any, They were keeping up 91* 324 THE WID/, WIDE WOULD. come and see you soon. Remem ber what John said when he went their rides, also their studies, most diligently; Ellen was un tiring in her efforts to do what ever he had wished her, and was j Ellen did not trust herself to springing forward, Alice said, in speak. She pulled herself away her improvement. from Alice, and turned to Mr. Van Brunt, saying, by her manner, that she was ready. He took her bundle , and they went out of THE spring had come ; and j the house together. Alice and Ellen were looking! Ellen made a manful effort , all forward to pleasanter rides and the way down the hill, to stifle walks , after the sun should have j the tears that were choking her. got a little warmth, and the snow | She knew they would greatly should be gone; when one morn- disturb her companion, and she CHAPTER XXXV. " This working-day world." ing, in the early part of March, Mr. Van Brunt made his appea rance. Miss Fortune was not well, and had sent him to beg that Ellen would come back to her. did succeed, though with great difficulty , in keeping them back. Luckily for her, he said hardly anything during the whole walk; she could not have borne to He was sorry, he said; he knew answer a question. It was no Ellen was in the best place; but! fault of Mr. Van Brunt s that he her aunt wanted her, and "he was so silent he was beating s posed she d have to go." He his brains the whole way to think did not know what was the matter of something it would do to say, with Miss Fortune; it was a little] and could not suit himself. His of one thing and a little ofj another; "he s posed she d over did, and it was a wonder, for he didn t know she could do it. She thought she was as tough as a piece of shoe-leather, but even that could be wore out." Ellen looked blank. However, she hurriedly set herself to get her things together; and, with Alice s help, in half an hour she was ready to go. The parting was hard. They held each other fast a good while, and kissed each other many times , without speaking. "Good-bye, I . T A 1 dear Ellie, \jiwvvi M y c * vic/ciJL j^Jij-j-v/^ whispered Alice at last "1 11 single remark was, "that it was like to be a fine spring for the maple, and he guessed they d make a heap of sugar." When they reached the door, he told her she would find her aunt upstairs, and himself turned off to the barn. Ellen stopped a minute upon the threshold to remember the last time she had crossed it and the first time: how changed everything now ! and the thought came, was this now to be her home for ever? She had need again to remember John s words. When bidding her good-bye, he had said, "My little pilgrim, I hope you will keep the 5 straight road , and win the praise of the servant who was faithful over a few things." "I will try ! " thought poor Ellen ; and then she passed through the kitchen, and went up to her own room. Here, without stopping to think, she took off her things, gave one strange look at the old familiar place, and her trunk in the corner, fell on her knees for one minute, and then went to her aunt s room. "Come in," cried Miss Fortune, when Ellen had knocked. " Well, Ellen, there you are. I am thank ful it is you ; I was afraid it might be Mirny Lawson, or Sarah Lown- des, or some of the rest of the set ; I know they 11 all come scamper ing here as soon as they hear I m -, i^-, i laid up. "Are you very sick, Aunt For tune?" said Ellen. "La! no, child I shall be up again to-morrow; but I felt queer this morning, somehow, and I thought I d try lying down. I expect I ve caught some cold." There was no doubt of this; but this was not all. Besides catching cold, and doing her best to bring it about, Miss For tune had overtasked her strength, and by dint of economy, house wifery, and smartness, had brought on herself the severe punishment of lying idle and helpless for a much longer time than she at first reckoned on. "What can I do for you, Aunt Fortune?" said Ellen. " Oh, nothing as I know," said Miss Fortune "only let me alone, and don t ask me anything, THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 325 and keep people out of the house. Mercy! my head feels as if it would go crazy! Ellen, look here," said she, raising herself on her elbow "I won t have anybody come into this house if I lie here till doomsday, I won t ! Now, you mind me. I ain t agoing to have Mirny Lawson, nor nobody else, poking all round into every hole and corner, and turning every cheese upside down to see what s under it. There ain t one of em too good for it, and they shan t have a chance. They ll be streak ing here, a dozen of em, to help take care of the house ; butl don t care what becomes of the house ; I won t have anybody in it. Pro mise me you won t let Mr. Van Brunt bring any one here to help ; I know I can trust you to do what I tell you; promise me!" Ellen promised, a good deal gratified at her aunt s last words ; and once more asked if she could do anything for her. "Oh, I don t know," said Miss Fortune, flinging herself back on her pillow; "I don t care what you do, if you only keep the house clear. There s the clothes in the basket under the table downstairs you might begin to iron em; they re only rough dry. But don t come asking me about anything; I can t bear it. Ellen, don t let a soul go into the buttery except yourself. And, Ellen ! I don t care if you make me a little catnip-tea: the catnip s up in the store-room the furthest door in the back | attic here s the keys. Don t 326 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. go to fussing with anything else there." Ellen thought the prospect before her rather doleful when she reached the kitchen. It was in order, to be sure, and clean; but it looked as if the mistress was away. The fire had gone out, the room was cold; even so little a matter as catnip -tea seemed a thing far off and -hard to come by. While she stood looking at the great logs in the fireplace, which she could hardly move , and thinking it was rather a dismal state of things , in came Mr. Van Brunt with his good- natured face, and wanted to know if he could do anything for her. The very room seemed more comfortable as soon as his big figure was in it. Pie set about kindling the fire forthwith , while Ellen went up to the store-room. A well-filled store-room! Among other things , there hung at least a dozen bunches of dried herbs from one of the rafters. Ellen thought she knew catnip, but after smelling two or three, she became utterly puzzled , and was fain to carry a leaf of several kinds down to Mr. Van Brunt to find out which was which. When she came down again , she found he had hung on the kettle for her, and swept up the hearth ; so Ellen, wisely thinking it best to keep busy, put the ironing blanket on the table, and folded the clothes, and set the irons to the fire. By this time the kettle boiled. How to make catnip-tea Ellen did not exactly know, but supposed it must follow the same rules as black tea, in the making ,of which she felt herself very much at home. So she put a pinch or two of catnip leaves into the pot , poured a little water on them, and left it to draw. Mean- : while came in kind Mr. Van Brunt with an armful or two of small, i short sticks for the fire , which Ellen could manage. " I wish I could stay here and take care of you all the while ," | said he; "but I ll be round. If you want anything, you must i come to the door and holler." Ellen began to thank him. "Just don t say any thing about that ," said he , moving his hands as if he were shaking her thanks out of them; "I d back all the | wood you could burn every day for the pleasure of having you hum again, if I didn t know you jwas better where youAvas; but I can t help that. Now, who am I going to get to stay with you? Who would you like to have ? " "Nobody, if you please, Mr. Van Brunt," said Ellen; "Aunt i Fortune don t wish it, and I had rather not, indeed." He stood up and looked at her in amazement. "Why, you don t mean to say," said he, "that you are thinking, or she is thinking, you can get along here alone without help ?" "I ll get along somehow," said Ellen. "Never mind, please let me, Mr. Van Brunt; it would wor ry Aunt Fortune very much to have anybody; don t say any thing about it." THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 327 " Worry her ! " said he ; and he muttered something Ellen did not cjuite understand, about "bring ing the old woman to reason." However, he went off for the present; and Ellen filled up her teapot and carried it upstairs. Her old grandmother was awake ; before, when Ellen was in the room, she had been napping; now she showed the greatest de light at seeing her fondled her, kissed her, cried over her, and finally insisted on getting up di rectly and going downstairs. El len received and returned her ca resses with great tenderness, and then began to help her to rise and dress. " Yes , do ," said Miss Fortune : "I shall have a little better chance of sleeping. My stars ! Ellen, what do you call this ? " "Isn t it catnip?" said Ellen, alarmed. "Catnip! it tastes of nothing but the tea-kettle. It s as weak as dishwater. Take it down and make some more. How much did you put in? you want a good double -handful, stalks and all; make it strong. I can t drink such stuff as that. I think if I could get into a sweat I should be better." Ellen went down, established her grandmother in her old corner, and made some more tea. Then her irons being hot, she be gan to iron ; doing double duty at the same time, for Mrs. Mont gomery had one of her talking fits on, and it was necessary to hear and answer a great many things. Presently the first visitor appeared in the shape of Nancy. "Well, Ellen," said she, "so Miss Fortune is really sick for once, and you are keeping house. Ain t you grand? " "I don t feel very grand ," said Ellen. " I don t know what is the matter with these clothes; lean- not make em look smooth." "Irons ain t hot," said Nancy. "Yes, they are too hot; I ve scorched a towel already." "My goodness, Ellen! Iguess you have. If Miss Fortune was down, you d get it. Why, they re bone dry!" said Nancy, plunging her hand into the basket: "you haven t sprinkled em, have you?" " To be sure ," said Ellen , with an awakened face , "I forgot it!" " Here , get out of the way , Til doitforyou," said Nancy, rolling up her sleeves, and pushingEllen from the table; "you just get me a bowl of water, will you? and we ll have em done in no time. Who s a-coming to help you?" "Nobody." "Nobody! you poor chicken; do you think you re a-going to do all the work of the house your self?" "No," said Ellen, "but I can do a good deal, and the rest will have to go." " You ain t going to do no such thing; I 11 stay myself." "No, you can t, Nancy," said Ellen, quietly. "I guessl will, if I veamind to. I should like to know how you d help it: Miss Fortune s a-bed." "I could help it ? though," said 328 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD, Ellen; "but I am sure you won t, when I ask you not." "I ll do anything you please ," said Nancy, "if you ll get Miss Fortune to let me stay. Come, do, Ellen ! It will be splendid ! andl ll help you finely, and I won t bo ther you neither. Come, go ask her; if you don t, I will." "I can t, Nancy; she don t want anybody; and it worries her to talk to her. I can t go and ask her." Nancy impatiently flung down the cloth she was sprinkling, and ran up stairs. In a few minutes she came down with a triumphant face, and bade Ellen go up to her aunt. "Ellen," said Miss Fortune, "if I let Nancy stay, will you take care of the keys, and keep her out of the buttery?" " I 11 try to, Ma am, as well as I can." "I d as lief have her as any body," said Miss Fortune, "if she d behave. She was with me a little in the winter. She is smart, and knows the ways. If I was sure she would behave herself but I am afraid she will go rampan- ging about the house like a wild cat." " I think I could prevent that ," said Ellen; who, to say truth, was willing to have anybody come to share what she felt would be a very great burden. "She knows I could tell Mr. Van Brunt if she didn t do right, and she would be afraid of that." "Well," said Miss Fortune, disconsolately, "let her stay, then. dear, to lie here! but tell her , if she don t do just what SDU tell her, I ll have Mr. Van runt turn her out by the ears. And don t let her come near me, for she drives me mad. And, El len, put the keys in your pocket. Have you a pocketinthatdress?" "Yes, Ma am." "Put em in there, and don t take em out. Now, go." Nancy agreed to the conditions with great glee; and the little housekeeper felt her mind a good deal easier; for though Nancy herself was somewhat of a charge, she was strong, and willing, and ready, and, if she liked anybody, liked Ellen. Mr. Van Brunt pri vately asked Ellen if she chose to have Nancy stay; and told her, if she gave her any trouble , to let him know, and he would make short work with her. The young lady herself also had a hint on the subject. "I ll tell you what," said Nancy, when this business was settled, "we 11 let the men go off to Mrs. Van Brunt s to meals ; we 11 have enough to do without em. That s how Miss Fortune has fixed herself she would have Sam and Johnny in to board; they never used to, you know, afore this winter." " The men may go," said Ellen, "but I had a great deal rather Mr. Van Brunt would stay than not if we can only manage to cook things for him; we should have to do it at any rate for our selves, and for grandma." " Well I aint as fond of him THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 329 as all that," said Nancy, "but if 11 have to be as you like, I sup pose. We 11 feed him somehow." Mr. Van Brunt came in to ask if they had anything in the house for supper. Ellen told him "plenty," and would have him come in just as usual. There was nothing to do but to make tea; cold meat and bread and butter and cheese were all in the buttery ; so that evening went off very quietly. When she came down the next morning, the fire was burning nicely, and the kettle on and singing. Not Nancy s work-, Mr. Van Brunt had slept in the kitchen-, whether on the table, the floor, or the chairs, was best known to himself; and before going to his work, had left every thing he could think of ready done to her hand; wood for the fire, pails of water brought from the spout, and some matters in the lower kitchen got out of the way. Ellen stood warming herself at the blaze , when it sud denly darted into her head that it was milking time. In another minute she had thrown open the door and was running across the chip-yard to the barn. There, in the old place, were all her old friends, both four- legged and two-legged; and with great de light she found Dolly had a fine calf, and Streaky another superb one, brindled just like herself, Ellen longed to get near enough to touch their little innocenl heads, but it was impossible ; anc recollecting the business on her lands, she too danced away. "Whew!" said Nancy, when lien told her of the new inmates of the barnyard; "there 11 be work to do ! Get your milk-pans ready, Ellen; in a couple of weeks we 11 be making butter." "Aunt Fortune will be well by that time, I hope," said Ellen. "She won t, then, so you may ust make up your mind to it. Dr. Gibson was to see her yester day forenoon, and he stopped at Miss Lowndes on his way back; and he said it was a chance if she got up again in a month and more. So , that s what it is , you see." "A month, and more." It was all that. Miss Fortune was not dangerously ill; but part of the time in a low nervous fever, part of the time encumbered with other ailments, she lay from week to week, bearing her con finement very ill , and making it as disagreeable and burdensome as possible for Ellen to attend upon her. Those were weeks of trial. Ellen s patience and prin ciple and temper were all put to ; the proof. She had no love, in ; the first place, for household i work, and now her whole time was filled up with it. Studies could not be thought of. Read ing was only to be had by mere snatches. Walks and rides were at an end. Often , when already very tired , she had to run up and down stairs for her aunt, or stand and bathe her face and hands with vinegar, or read the paper 330 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. to her, when Miss Fortune de clared she was so nervous she should fly out of her skin if she didn t hear something besides the wind. And very often , when she was not wanted upstairs , her old grandmother would beg her to come and read to her per haps at the very moment when Ellen was busiest. Ellen did her best. Miss Fortune never could be put off; her old mother some times could, with a kiss and a promise but not always ; and then, rather than she should fret, Ellen would leave everything, and give half an hour to soothing and satisfying her. She loved to do this at other times ; now it was sometimes burdensome. Nancy could not help her at all in these matters, for neither Miss Fortune nor the old lady would let her come near them. Besides all this, there was a measure of care con stantly upon Ellen s mind; she felt charged with the welfare of all about the house; and under the effort to meet the charge, joined to the unceasing bodily exertion, she grew thin and pale. She was tired with Nancy s talk ; she longed to be reading and studying again; she longed oh! how she longed! for Alice s and John s company again; and it was no wonder if she sometimes cast very sad, longing looks further back still. Now and then an old fit of weep ing would come. But Ellen re membered John s words; and often in the midst of her work, stopping short with a sort of pang of sorrow and weariness, and the difficulty of doing right, she would press her hands toge ther and say to herself, "I will try to be a good pilgrim!" Her morning hour of prayer was very precious now; and her Bible grew more and more dear. Little Ellen found its words a mighty refreshment; and often when reading it she loved to recall what Alice had said at this and the other place, and John, and Mr. Marshman, and before them her mother. The passages about heaven, which she well remem bered reading to her one parti cular morning, became great fa vourites: they were joined with her mother in Ellen s thoughts ; and she used to go over and over them till she nearly knew them by heart. "What do you keep reading that for, the whole time?" said Nancy, one day. "Because I like to," said Ellen. "Well, if you do, you re the first one I ever saw that did." "Oh, Nancy!" said Ellen, - your grandma ? " "Well, she does, I believe," said Nancy; "for she s always at it; but all the rest of the folks that ever I saw are happy to get it out of their hands, / know. They think they must read a little , and so they do , and they are too glad if something hap pens to break em off. You needn t tell me I Ve seen em." I wish you loved it, Nancy," said Ellen. "Well, what do you love it THE WIDE, WIDE WOELD, 331 for? Come, let s hear: maybe but it makes me happy to read you 11 convert me." such verses as these. I wish "I love it for a great many you knew, Nancy, how happy it reasons," said Ellen, who had! makes me." some difficulty in speaking of! This profession of faith was what she felt Nancy could not not spoken without starting tears, understand. Nancy made no reply. " Well I ain t any wiser yet." As Miss Fortune had foretold, "I like to read it because I plenty of people came to the want to go to heaven, and it tells house with proffers of service, me how." j Nancy s being there made it easy "But what s the use?" said for Ellen to get rid of them all. Nancy "you ain t going to Many were the marvels that die yet you are too young Miss Fortune should trust her you Ve time enough." I house to "two girls like that," "Oh, Nancy! little John and many the guesses that she Dolan, and Eleanor Parsons, and would rue it when she got up Mary Huff all younger than again. People were wrong, you and I; how can you say so?" | Things went on very steadily, "Well," said Nancy "at any land in an orderly manner; and rate, that ain t reading it because | Nancy kept the peace as she you love it it s because you! would have done in few houses, must, like other folks." Bold and insolent as she some- " That s only one of my rea- times was to others, she regarded sons," said Ellen, hesitating, and j Ellen with a mixed notion of re- speaking gravely; "I like tojspect and protection, which led read about the Saviour, and what her at once to shun doing any- he has done for me, and what a thing that would grieve her, and friend he will be to me , and how \ to thrust her aside from every he forgives me. I had rather heavy or difficult job, taking the have the Bible Nancy, than all .brunt herself. IS an cy might well the other books in the world." j do this , for she was at least "That ain t saying much,"! twice as strong as Ellen; but she said Nancy "but how come you would not have done it for every- to be so sure you are forgiven? " j body. "Because the Bible says, HeJ There were visits of kindness that believeth on him shall not be as well as visits of officiousness. ashamed, and I believe in him Alice and Mrs. Van Brunt and and that he will not cast out any Margery, one or the other every one that comes to him, and I day. Margery would come in and have come to him and that he mix up a batch of bread ; Alice loves those that love him, and I! would bring a bowl of butter or a love him. If it did not speak so : basket of cake; and Mrs. Van. very plainly, I should be afraid, , Brunt sent whole dinners. Mr. 332 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. Van Brunt was there always at night, and about the place as much as possible during the day ; when obliged to be absent, he stationed Sam Larkens to guard the house, also to bring wood and water, and do whatever he was bid. All the help , however, that was given from abroad could not make Ellen s life an easy one ; Mr. Van Brunt s wishes that Miss Fortune would get up again began to come very often. The history of one day may serve for the history of all those weeks. It was in the beginning of April. Ellen came downstairs early, but come when she would , she found the fire made and the kettle on. Ellen felt a little as if she had not quite slept off the remembrance of yesterday s fatigue ; however; that was no matter, she set to work. She swept up the kitchen, got her milk-strainer and pans ready upon the buttery shelf, and began to set the table. By the time this was half done , in came Sam Larkens with two great pails of milk, and Johnny Low followed with another. They were much too heavy for Ellen to lift, but, true to her charge , she let no one come into the buttery but herself; she brought the pans to the door, where Sam filled them for her, and as each was done she set it in its place on the shelf. This took some time, for there were eight of them. She had scarce wiped up the spilt milk and finished setting the table, when Mr. Van Brunt caine in. "Good morning!" said he. "How d ye do to-day?" Very well, Mr. Van Brunt." "I wish you d look a little redder in the face. Don t you be too busy. Where s Nancy? " "Oh, she s busy, out with the clothes." "Same as ever upstairs? - What are you going to do for breakfast, Ellen?" I don t know, Mr. Van Brunt; there isn t anything cooked in the house ; we have eaten every thing up." "Cleaned out, eh? Bread and all?" "Oh, no, not bread; there s plenty of that, but there s no thing else." - "Well, nevermind ; you bring me a ham and a dozen of eggs, and I 11 make you a first-rate breakfast." Ellen laughed, for this was not the first time Mr. Van Brunt had acted as cook for the family. While she got what he had asked for, and bared a place on the table for his operations , he went to the spout and washed his hands. "Now, a sharp knife, Ellen, and the frying-pan and a dish and that s all 1 want of you." Ellen brought them , and while he was busy with the ham, she made the coffee, and set it by the side of the fire to boil; got the cream and butter, and set the bread on the table ; and then set herself down to rest, and amuse herself with Mr. Van Brunt s cookery. He was no mean hand: THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 333 his slices of ham were very artist- ! again to get the salt and pepper like, and frying away in the most and vinegar; but she always unexceptionable manner. Ellen jumped willingly for Mr. Van watched him, and laughed at Brunt. The meals were plea- him, till the ham was taken out santer during those weeks than and all the eggs broke in; then, in all the time Ellen had been in after seeing that the coffee was , Thirlwall before ; or she thought right, she went upstairs to dress j so. That sharp eye at the head her grandmother always the of the table was pleasantly last thing before breakfast. missed. They with one accord "Who s frying ham and eggs sat longer at meals ; more talking and laughing went on; nobody felt afraid of being snapped up. Mr. Van Brunt praised Ellen s coffee (he had taught her how to make it), and she praised his ham downstairs?" inquired Miss For tune. " Mr. Van Brunt ," said Ellen. This answer was unexpected. Miss Fortune tossed her head over in a dissatisfied kind of way, I and eggs. Old Mrs. Montgomery and told Ellen to tell him to be praised everything, and seemed careful." to be in particular comfort; "Of what?" thought Ellen; talked as much as she had a and wisely concluded with her- mind, and was respectfully at- self not to deliver the message,! tended to. Nancy was in high very certain she should laugh if feather; and the clatter of knives she did; and she had running in and forks and tea-cups went on her head an indistinct notion j very pleasantly. But at last, of the command, "Honour thy chairs were pushed from the father and thy mother." Breakfast was ready, but no table , and work began again. Nancy went back to her tubs. one there when she got down-! Ellen supplied her grandmother stairs. She placed her grand- with her knitting , and filled her mother at table, and called! snuff-box; cleared the table, and Nancy, who all this time had | put up the dishes ready for been getting the clothes out of [washing. Then she went into the the rinsing water and hanging j buttery to skim the cream. This them out on the line to dry; said j was a part of the work she liked, clothes having been washed the It was heavy lifting the pans of day before by Miss Sarah j milk to the skimming shelf before Lowndes, who came there for j the window; but as Ellen drew the purpose. Ellen poured out her spoon round the edge of the the coffee , and then in came Mr. Van Brunt with a head of early lettuce, which he had pulled in the garden and washed at the it was it looked half butter spout. Ellen had to jump up already. She knew how to take cream, she liked to see it wrinkle up in thick, yellow, leathery folds, showing how deep and rich 334 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD, it off now, very nicely. The cream was set by in a vessel for future churning, and the milk, as each pan was skimmed, was poured down the wooden trough, at the left of the window, through which it went into a treat hogshead at the lower itchen door. This done, Ellen went up stairs to her aunt. Dr. Gibson always came early, and she and her room must be put in apple-pie order first. It was a long, wearisome job. Ellen brought the basin for her , to wash her face and hands ; then combed her hair, and put on her clean cap. That was always the first thing. The next was to make the bed; and for this Miss Fortune, weak or strong, wrapped herself up and tumbled out upon the floor. When she was comfort ably placed again, Ellen had to go through a laborious dusting of the room and all the things in it, even taking a dustpan and brush to the floor, if any speck of dust or crumbs could be seen there. Every rung of every chair must be gone over, though never so clean ; every article put up or put out of the way ; Miss Fortune made the most of the little pro vince of housekeeping that was left her; and a fluttering tape, escaping through the crackof the door, would have put her Avhole spirit topsy-turvy. When all was to her mind , and not before , she would have her breakfast, only gruel and biscuit, or toast and tea, or some such trifle, but Ellen must prepare it, and bring it up stairs , and wait till it was eaten. And very particularly it must be prepared, and very faultlessly it must be served, or, with an impa tient expression of disgust, Miss Fortune would send it down again. On the whole , Ellen al ways thought herself happy when this part of her day was well over. When she got down this morn ing she found the kitchen in nice order, and Nancy standing by the fire in a little sort of pause, having just done the breakfast dishes. "Well!" said Nancy "what are you going to do now? " "Put away these dishes, and then churn," said Ellen. "My goodness! so you are. What s going to be for dinner, Ellen?" "That s more than I know," said Ellen, laughing. " We have eaten up Mrs. Van Brunt s pie, and washed the dish there s nothing but some cold potatoes." "That won t do," said Nancy. "I ll tell you what, Ellen we ll just boil pot for to-day; some body else will send us something by to-morrow, most likely." "I don t know what you mean by * boil pot, " said Ellen. U 0h, you don t know every thing yet, by half. / know l ll fix it. You just give me the things, Miss Housekeeper, that s all you Ve got to do ; I want a piece of pork and a piece of beef, and all the vegetables you ve got." "All?" said Ellen. "Every soul on em. Don t be scared, Ellen; you shall see what [ can do in the way of cookery . THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 335 if you don t like it, you needn t! eat it What have you got in the cellar?" " Come and see , and take what you want, Nancy ; there is plenty of potatoes and carrots and onions, and beets, I believe the turnips are all gone." "Parsnips out in the yard, ain t there?" "Yes, but you ll have to do with a piece of pork, Nancy 5 I don t know anything about beef." While Nancy went round the cellar, gathering in her apron the various roots she wanted, Ellen uncovered the pork barrel, and, after looking a minute at the dark pickle she never loved to plunge into, bravely bared her arm , and fished up a piece of pork. "Now, Nancy, just help me with this churn out of the cellar, will you? and then you may go." "My goodness! it is heavy," said Nancy. " You 11 have a time of it, Ellen; but I can t help you." She went off to the garden for parsnips, and Ellen quietly put in the dasher and the cover, and began to churn. It was tiresome work. The churn was pretty full, as Nancy had said; the cream was rich and cold, and at the end of half an hour grew very stiff. It spattered and sputtered up on Ellen s face and hands, and frock and apron, and over the floor; legs and arms were both weary; but still that pitiless dasher must go up and down, hard as it might be to force it either way she must not stop. In this state of matters she heard a pair of thick shoes come clumping down the stairs, and beheld Mr. Van Brunt. "Here you are!" said he. "Churning! Been long at it?" "A good while," said Ellen, with a sigh. "Coming?" "I don t know when." Mr. Van Brunt stepped to the door, and shouted for Sam Larkens. He was ordered to take the churn and bring the butter ; and Ellen, very glad of a rest, went out to amuse herself with feeding the chickens, and then up stairs to see what Nancy was doing. " Butter come ? " said Nancy. " No , Sam has taken it. How are you getting on? Oh, I am tired!" "I m getting on first-rate ; I ve got all the things in." "In what?" "Why, in the pot! in a pot of water, boiling away as fast as they can; we ll have dinner di rectly. Hurra! who comes there?" She jumped to the door. It was Thomas, bringing Margery s re spects, and a custard-pie for Miss Ellen. "I declare," said Nancy, "it s a good thing to have friends, ain t it? I 11 try and get some. Hollo! what s wanting? Mr. Van Brunt s calling you, p]llen." Ellen ran down. " The butter s come ," said he. "Now, do you know what to do with it?" "Oh, yes," saidEllen, smiling; "Margery showed me nicely." He brought her a pail of water 336 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. from the spout, and stood by with | said she was tired of gruel, and a pleased kind of look, while she | couldn t eat it; she must have carefully lifted the cover and! some milk porridge; and she gave rinsed down the little bits of Ellen very particular directions butter which stuck to it and the how to make it. Ellen sighed dasher; took out the butter Avith only once as she went down with her ladle into a large wooden j her despised dish of gruel, and bowl, washed it, and finally salt- set about doing her best to fulfil ed it. her aunt s wishes. The first dish "Don t take too much pains," j of milk she burnt; another said he; "the less of the hand it : sigh and another trial; better gets , the better. That will do j care this time had better success, very well." j and Ellen had the satisfaction to "Now, are you ready?" said see her aunt perfectly suited with Nancy, coming down stairs, cause dinner is. My goodness ! her dinner. When she came down with the ain t that a fine lot of butter? empty bowl, Nancy had a pile of there s four pounds, ain t there?" [ dishes ready washed , and Ellen "Five," said Mr. Van Brunt. took the towel to dry them. Mrs. "And as sweet as it can be,"! Montgomery, who had been in an said Ellen. "Beautiful, isn t it ?i uncommonly quiet fit all day, now Yes, I m ready as soon as I set laid down her knitting, and asked " if Ellen would not come and read this in the cellar and cover it up." Nancy s dish the pork, pota toes, carrots, beets, and cabbage, all boiled in the same pot toge ther was found very much to to her. "Presently, Grandma, as soon as I have done here." "Iknow somebody that s tired," everybody s taste, except Ellen s, said Nancy. "I tell you Avhat, She made her dinner off potatoes | Ellen, you had better take to and bread, the former of which liking pork; you can t work on she declared, laughing, were potatoes. I ain t tired a bit. very porky and cabbagy; her | There s somebody coming to the meal would have been an ex- door again! Do run and open it, tremely light one, if it had not twill you? my hands are wet. I been for the custard-pie. wonder why folks can t come in After dinner, new labours be- without giving so much trouble." gan. Nancy had forgotten to j It was Thomas again , with a hang on a pot of water for the j package for Ellen, which had just dishes ; so, after putting away the come, he said, and Miss Alice eatables in the buttery, while the water was heating, Ellen warmed some gruel, and carried it, with a plate of biscuit, upstairs to her aunt. But Miss Fortune V/VfiiAV> ^ **V kJCt-J-V*. j CbJLLVL XTAiOO ^jLlAVy^ thought she would like to have it directly. Ellen thanked her, and thanked him, with a face from which all signs of weariness had fled away. The parcel was sealed THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 337 up, and directed in a hand she often think of you, and wish I was pretty sure she knew. Her could be near you. Still, dear fingers burned to break the seals ; , Ellie , the good Husbandman but she would not open it there, knows what his plants want. Do neitherleaveherworkunfinished; jyou believe that, and can you she went on wiping the dishes, i trust him? They^ would have with trembling hands and a beat- nothing but sunshine if that was ing heart. good for them. He knows it is " What s that?" said Nancy;jnot; so there come clouds and "what did Thomas Grime want? rains, and stormy wind, fulfilling what have you got there ? " I don t know," said Ellen, smiling; "something good, I guess. Something good? is it some thing to eat? ig good? No," said Ellen "I didn t his will. And what is it all for? Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit ; do not disappoint his purpose, Ellie. We shall have sunshine enough by-and-by but I know it is hard for so young a one as my mean anything to eat when I said j little sister to look much forward ; something good; I don t think so do not look forward, Ellie; those are the best things." look up ! look off unto Jesus from To Ellen s delight, she saw that all your duties, troubles, and her grandmother had forgotten { wants ; he will help you in them about the reading,and was quietly i all. The more you look up to taking short naps , with her head | him , the more he will look down against the chimney. So she put! to you; and he especially said, away the last dish , and then j Suffer little children to come unto seized her package and flew up- me; you see you are particularly stairs. She was sure it had come invited." from Doncaster; she was right. Ellen was a long time upstairs, It was a beautiful copy of the | and when she came down, it was Pilgrim s Progress, on the first! with red eyes, leaf was written, "To my little { Mrs. Montgomery was now sister Ellen Montgomery. From j awake, and asked for the reading J. H.; " and within the cover lay^a : again; and for three quarters of letter. This letter Ellen read in an hour Ellen and she were quiet- the course of the next six days, at ly busy with the Bible. Nancy, least twice as many times; and mean while, was downstairs wash- never without crying over it. j ing the dairy things. When her "Alice has told me, "said John, grandmother released her, Ellen ^aboutyournewtroubles. There had to go up to wait upon her is said to be a time when the aunt; after which, she went into clouds return after the rain. I am! the,; buttery, and skimmed the sorry, my little sister, this time! cream, and got the pans ready should come to you so early. I : for the evening milk. By this The Wide , Wide World. 22 338 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. time it was five o clock,and Nancy I Van Brunt, when she came down came in with the basket of dry again, clothes-, at which Ellen looked with the sorrowful consciousness that they must be sprinkled and folded by-and-by, and ironed to morrow. It happened, however, that Jane Huff came in just then, with a quantity of hot short-cake for tea; and seeing the basket, she very kindly took the business ; She wanted to know what was burning." "Did you tell her?" "Yes." "Well, what did she say?" " Said I mustn t use any more eggs without asking her." " That ain t fair play," said Mr. Van Brunt; "you and I are the of sprinkling and folding upon head of the house now, I take it. herself. This gave Ellen spirits You just use as many on em as to carry out a plan she had long you ve a mind; and all you spile, had , to delight the whole family ! I ll fetch you again from hum. with some eggs, scrambled in That s you, Nancy! Now, Ellen, Margery s fashion ; after the milk here s the spider; try it again; was strained and put away , she let s have plenty of butter in this went about it, while Nancy set time, and plenty of eggs, too." the table. A nice bed of coals was I This time the eggs were scram bled to a nicety, and the supper prepared; the spider set over them; the eggs broken in, pep pered and salted; and she began carefully to stir them as she had seen Margery do. But instead of acting right,the eggs malilicious- ly stuck fast to the spider and burned. Ellen was confounded. mt uid " How much butter did you j in?" said Mr. Van Brunt, who h come in, and stood looking on. "Butter!" said Ellen, looking up ; " oh, I forgot all about it I ought to have put that in, oughtn t I? I am sorry ! " Never mind," said Mr. Van met with great favour from all parties. Ellen s day was done when the fishes were. The whole family went early to bed. She was weary but she could rest well. She had made her old grandmother comfortable; she had kept the peace with Nancy; she had pleased Mr. Van Brunt; she had faithfully served her aunt. Her sleep was uncrossed by a dream, .untroubled by a single jar of con- Iscience. And her awaking to another day of labour, though by Brunt " taint worth your being j jao means joyful, was yet not un- sorry about. Here Nancy clean (hopeful or unhappy _*.^_-_ __ .*__ _j _.ni ^_ She had a hard us off this spider, again " and we ll try At this moment Miss Fortune was heard screaming; Ellen ran "What did she want? "said Mr. two after. trial a day or It was in the end of the afternoon; she had her big apron on, and was in the buttery skimming the milk, when she heard the kitchen door open, and THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 339 footsteps enter the kitchen. Out went little Ellen to see who it was, and there stood Alice and old Mr. Marshman! He was going to take Alice home with him the next morning, and wanted Ellen to go too; and they had come to ask her. Ellen knew it was impos sible that is, that it would not be right, and she said so; and in spite of Alice s wistful look, and Mr. Marshman s insisting, she stood her ground. Not without some difficulty, and some glisten ing of the eyes. They had to give it up. Mr. Marshman then wanted to know what she meant by swallowing herself up in an apron in that sort of way? so Ellen had him into the buttery, and showed him what she had been about. He would see her skim several pans, and laughed at her prodigiously; though there was a queer look about his eyes, too , all the time. And when he went away, he held her in his arms, and kissed her again and again ; and said that " some of these day she would take her away from her aunt, and she should have her no more." Ellen stood and looked after them till they were out of sight, and then went upstairs and had a good cry. The butter -making soon be came quite too much for Ellen to manage; so Jane Huff and Jenny Hitchcock were engaged to come by turns, and do the heavy part of it; all within the buttery being still left^to Ellen, for Miss Fortune would have no one else go there. It was a great help to have them take even so much off her hands; and they often did some other little odd jobs for her. The milk, however, seemed to increase as fast as the days grew longer, and Ellen could not find that she was much less busy. The days were grow ing pleasant, too; soft airs be gan to come; the grass was of a beautiful green; the buds on the branches began to swell, and on some trees to put out. When Ellen had a moment of time she used to run across the chip-yard to the barn, or round the garden, or down to the brook, and drink in the sweet air, and the lovely sights, which never had seemed quite so lovely before. If once in a while she could get half an hour before tea, she used to take her book and sit down on the threshold of the front door, or on the big log under the apple- tree, in the chip-yard. In those minutes the reading was doubly sweet; or else, the loveliness of earth and sky were such, that Ellen could not take her eyes from them, till she saw Sam or Johnny coming out of the cow house door with the pails of milk, or heard their heavy tramp over the chips then she had to jump and run. Those were sweet half- hours. Ellen did not at first know how much reason she had to be delighted with her Pilgrim s Progress: she saw, to be/ sure, that it was a fine copy, well- bound, with beautiful cuts. But when she came to look further, she found all through the book, 22* 340 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. on the margin, or at the bottom of the leaves, in John s beauti ful hand -writing, a great many notes; simple, short, plain, ex actly what was needed to open for any things were said to be dreadfully "in the way" where she had never found it out dis order and dirt were groaned over where Ellen did not know the the whole book to her, and make | fact, or was utterly ignorant how it of the greatest possible use! to help it waste was suspected and pleasure. Many things she j where none had been, and care- remembered hearing from hisilessness charged where rather lips when they were reading it 1 praise was due. Impatient to have together; there was a large part j things to her mind, and as yet of the book where all was new ;| unable to do anything herself, the part he had not had time to Miss Fortune kept Nancy and finish. How Ellen loved the book Ellen running, till both wished and the giver, when she found her back in bed; and even Mr. these beautiful notes, it is im- Van Brunt grumbled, that "to possible to tell. She counted it pay Ellen for having grown white her greatest treasure, next to her and poor, her aunt was going to little red Bible. work the little flesh she had left off her bones." It was rather hard to bear, just when she was looking for ease, too her patience and temper were more CHAPTER XXXVI. The Brownie.. IN the course of time Miss For- tried than in all those weeks be- tune showed signs of mending;: fore. But if there were small and at last, towards the latter pleasure in pleasing her aunt, end of April, she was able to j Ellen did earnestly wish to please come downstairs. All parties j God: she struggled against ill- hailed this event, for different; temper, prayed against it, and, reasons: even Nancy was grown! though she often blamed herself tired of her regular life, and I in secret, she did so go through willing to have a change. Ellen s that week as to call forth Mr. joy was, however, soon dimmish- 1 VanBrunt s admiration, and even ed by the terrible rummaging to stir a little the conscience of which took place. Miss Fortune s her aunt. Mr. Van Brunt coin- hands were yet obliged to lie forted her with the remark, that still, but her eyes did double "it is darkest just before day;" duty; they were never known to and so it proved. Before the be idle in the best of times, and ( week was at an end, Miss For- it seemed to Ellen now as if they j tune began, as she expressed it, were making amends for all their , to "take hold:" Jenny Hitchcock weeks of forced rest. Oh , those j and Jane Huff were excused from eyes! Dust was found where j any more butter-making; Nancy Ellen never dreamed of looking | was sent away 5 Ellen s labours THE WIDE* WIDE WORLD. 341 were much lightened; and thej house was itself again. The third of May came. For the first time in near two months, Ellen found in the afternoon she could be spared awhile ; there J you ! Aren t you come in the was no need to think twice what] very nick of time! How do you she would do with her leisure, do? I am very glad to see you corner. She stopped at the shed door, and went through into the loAver kitchen. "Why, Miss Ellen, dear!" ex claimed Margery "if that isn t Perhaps Margery could tell her something of Alice ! Hastily and joyfully she exchanged herwork- uncommon glad, to be sure. What witch told you to come here just now? Run in; run into ing frock for a merino, put on I the parlour, and see what you ll nice shoes and stockings, and ^-^ ^ " ruffle again, and taking her bon- find there. "Has Alice come back?" cried net and gloves to put on out of j Ellen. But Margery only laughed doors , away she ran. Who can and said " Run in ! " tell how pleasant it seemed, after] Up the steps, through the so many weeks, to be able to j kitchen, and across the hall, walk abroad again, and to walk to the mountain ! Ellen snufFed the sweet air, skipped on the green- ays of grass Ellen ran burst open the par lour door and was in Alice s arms, room, There were others in the but Ellen did not seem to sward, picked noseg* and dandelions , and at last un-j know it, clinging to her, and able to contain herself, set off! holding her in a fast, glad em- to run. Fatigue soon brought | brace , till Alice bade her look this to a stop; then she walked up, and attend to somebody else, more leisurely on, enjoying. It And then she was seized round was a lovely spring day. Ellen s ! the neck by little Ellen Chaun- eyes were gladdened by it; she cey! and then came her mother, felt thankful in her heart that and then Miss Sophia. The two God had made everything so j children were overjoyed to see beautiful; she thought it was i each other, while their joy was pleasant to think He had made | touching to see, from the shade them, pleasant to see in them \ of sorrow in the one, and of everywhere so much of the wis- sympathy in the other. Ellen dom, and power, and goodness, j was scarcely less glad to see kind of Him she looked up to with joy | Mrs. Chauncey; Miss Sophia s as her best friend. She felt quiet- ! greeting, too , was very aftectio- ly happy, and sure He would take ] nate. But Ellen returned to Alice, care of her. Then a thought of ; and rested herself in her lap, Alice came into her head ; she j with one arm round her neck, set off to run again, and kept it i the other hand being in little up this time till she got to the! Ellen s grasp, old house, and ran round the| "And now you are happy, I 342 THE WIDE, WIDE WOULD. suppose?" said Miss Sophia, t failing in the eftortto controlher- when they were thus placed. | self; she clasped Alice as if she "Very," said Ellen, smiling. ! feared even then the separating "Ah , but you ll be happier by- < hand. Alice bent her head down, and-by," said Ellen Chauncey. and whispered words of comfort. <; Hush, Ellen!] said Miss So- "Mamma!" said little Ellen phia; "what curious things chil- Chauncey, under her breath, and dren are ! You didn t expect to looking solemn to the last degree find us all here, did you, Ellen \ "don t Ellen want to see her Montgomery? " I father ? " "No, indeed, Ma am," said! " She s afraid that he may take Ellen, drawing Alice s cheek her away where she will not be nearer for another kiss. jwith Alice any more; and you "Wehavebutjustconie, Ellie," know she has no mother to go to." said her sister. "I should not "Oh!" said Ellen, with a very have been long in finding you enlightened face; "but he out. My child, how thin you have i won t, will he? " got?" Oh , I ll grow fat again now ," sa d Ellen. How is Miss Fortune? " Oh, she s up again and well." Have you any reason to expect your father home, Ellen," ~ i * iji Mrs. Chauncey. " Yes, Ma am ; AuntFortune says perhaps he will be here in a week." "Then you are very happy in looking forward, aren t you?" said Miss Sophia, not noticing the cloud that had come over El len s brow. Ellen hesitated coloured coloured more and finally, with a sudden motion, hid her face against Alice. "When did he sail, Ellie?" asked Alice , gravely. "In the Due d Or leans he said he would " " When?" I hope not; I think not." Cheered again, the little girl drew near, and silently took one of Ellen s hands. "We shallnotbe parted, Ellie," said Alice "you need not fear, said! If your father takes you away from your aunt Fortune , I think it will be only to give you to me. You need not fear yet." "Mamma says so too, Ellen," said her little friend. This was strong consolation. Ellen looked up and smiled. "Now come with me," said El len Chauncey, pulling her hand "I want you to show me some thing; let s go down to the garden come, exercise is good for you." "No, no," said her mother smiling "Ellen has had exer cise enough lately; you mustn t take her down to thegardennow; you would find nothing there. "The fifth of April. Oh! I Come here!" can t help it!" exclaimed Ellen, j A long whisper followed, which THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 343 seemed to satisfy little Ellen, and she ran out of the room. Some time passed in pleasant talk and telling all that had happened since they had seen each other; then little Ellen came back and called Ellen Montgomery to the glass door, saying she wanted her to look at something. "It is only a horse we brought with us ," said Miss Sophia. " El len thinks it is a greatbeauty, and can t rest till you have seen it." Ellen went accordingly to the door. There, to be sure, was Thomas before it, holding apony bridled and saddled. He was cer tainly a very pretty little crea ture; brown all over except one white forefoot; his coat shone, it was so glossy; his limbs were sent to a friend of Mr. Marsh- "She I should 11 be a very happy friend, think, "said Ellen. " That s what I said, " said El len Chauncey , dancing up and down "that s what I said. I said you d be happier by-and- by, didn t I?" "I?" said Ellen, colouring. "Yes, you you are the friend it is for ; it s for you , it s for you ! You are Grandpa s friend, aren t you?" she repeated, springing upon Ellen, and hugging her up in an ecstacy of delight. "But it isn t really for me, is it?" said Ellen, now looking al most pale " oh , Alice ! " "Come, come," said Miss So phia "what will Papa say if I fine; his eye gentle and bright; tell him you received his present his tail long enough to please the children. He stood as quiet as a lamb , whether Thomas held him or not. " Oh , what a beauty ! " said El len "what alovely little horse!" "Ain t he?" said Ellen Chaun cey "and he goes so beautifully besides , and never starts nor no thing; and he is as good-natured as a little dog." "As a good-natured little dog, so ? come , hold up your head ! Put on your bonnet and try him come , Ellen ! let s see you." Ellen did not knoAv whether to cry or laugh till she mounted the pretty pony; that settled the matter. Not Ellen Chauncey s unspeakable delight was as great as her own. She rode slowly up and down before the house , and once a-going would not have known how to stop if she had not she means, Ellen," said Miss | recollected that the pony had tra- Sophia "there are little dogs j veiled thirty miles that day, and of very various character." I must be tired. Ellen took not an- "Well, he looks good-natured," j other turn after that. She jumped saidEllen. "What a pretty head! ! down, and begged Thomas to and what a beautiful new side-: take the tenderest care of him; saddle , and all ! I never saw such ! patted his neck ; ran into the kit- a dear little horse in my life. Is it | chen to beg of Margery a piece of yours , Alice ? " bread to give him from her hand ; "No," said Alice, "it is a pre-j examined the new stirrup and 344 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. housings, and the pony all over a I "But why don t you call him dozen times; and after watching that?" said Ellen Chauncey; him as Thomas led him off, till he ! " George is a very pretty name was out of sight, finally came j I like that. I should call him back into the house with a face of , Uncle George. " marvellous contentment. She! "Oh, I couldn t!" said Ellen tried to fashion some message of j "I couldn t call him so: I thanks for the kind giver of the ; shouldn t like it at all." pony; but she wanted to express "George Washington?" said so much that no words would do. Mrs. Chauncey. Mrs. Chauncey, however, smiled, I " No, indeed ! " said Ellen. " I and assured her she knew exactly | guess I wouldn t! " what to say. "Why, is it too good, or not That pony has been destined good enough?" said Miss Sophia, for you, Ellen," she said, "this| "Too good! A great deal too year and more; but my father; good for ahorse. I wouldn t for waited to have him thoroughly j anything." well broken. You need not be| "How would Brandywine do, afraid of him ! he is perfectly then, since you are so patriotic? " gentle and well-trained; if hehad , saidMiss Sophia, lookingamused. not been sure of that, my father j "What is patriotic? " said would never have sent him ! Ellen. though Mr. John is making such a horsewoman of you." "I wish I could thank him," said Ellen, "but I don t know J A patriot, Ellen ," said Alice, smiling, "is one who has a strong and true love for his country." "I don t know whether I am patriotic," said Ellen, "but I how." j.ivti.^.AV, W M/A VA J^JJ.V>AJ.^ JLJ U. l> J "What will you call him, won t call him Brandy wine. Why. Ellen?" said Miss Sophia. "My Miss Sophia?" father has dubbed him George | "No, I wouldn t either," said Marshman- *-"- - , .... .. like .___, favourite er has dubbed him George | "No, I wouldn t either," said shman; he says you will i Ellen Chauncey; "it isn t a that , as my brother is such a pretty name. Call him Seraphine ! urite of yours." like Miss Angell s pony - " " He didn t really, did he?" said Ellen, looking from Sophia to Alice. "I needn t call him that, need I?" j "call himBenedict Arnold, Ellen; that s pretty." "No, no Seraphine! non- sense!" said Miss Sophia; , ca menec rno, en; j Not unless you like," said ! and then it will be a relief to your Miss Sophia, laughing " you j mind to whip him." may change it, but what will you "Whip him!" said Ellen; "I call him?" don t want to whip him, I am "I don t know," said Ellen, sure; and I should be afraid too, very gravely "he must have a besides." name, to be sure." "Hasn t John taught you that THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 345 lesson , yet? " said the young no fancy for giving up, he carried lady; "he is perfect in it him- j his point partly by manage- self. Do you remember, Alice, ment, partly, I confess, by a judi- the chastising he gave that fine cious use of the whip and spur; black horse of ours we called the but there was no such furious Black Prince a beautiful flagellation as Sophia seems to creature he was more than a ! mean, and which a good horse- year ago ? My conscience ! he ; man would scarce be guilty of." frightened me to death." "A very determined use, " said Miss Sophia. " I advise you, Ellen, not to trust your pony with Mr. John ; he will have no mercy on him." "Sophia is laughing, Ellen," said Alice. "You and I know John, do we not?" "I remember," said Alice; "I remember I could not look on." "What did he do that for?" said Ellen. "What s the matter, Ellen Montgomery? " said Miss Sophia, laughing; "where did you get that long face? Are you thinking j "Then he did right?" said of John or the horse? Ellen s eye turned to Alice. Ellen. "Perfectly right except in "My dear Ellen," said Alice, < mounting the horse at all, which smiling, though she spoke seri-|I never wished him to do. No ously "it Avas necessary; it one in the place would ride him." sometimes is necessary to do "He carried John beautifully such things. You do not suppose all the day after that, though," John would do it cruelly or un- said Miss Sophia, "and I dare necessarily?" Ellen s face siderably. shortened con- say he might have ridden him to the end of the chapter if you would have let papa give him to But what had the horse been him. But he was of no use to doing?" anybody else. Howard couldn t "He had not been doing any- j manage him I suppose he was thing; he would not do that, too lazy. Papa was delighted was the trouble; he was as ob- enough that day to have given stinate as a mule." John anything. And I can tell "My dear Ellen," said Alice, you, Black Prince the second is "it was no such terrible matter j spirited enough; I am afraid you as Sophia s words have made you won t like him." believe. It was a clear case of "John has a present of ahorse, obstinacy. The horse was re solved to have his own way, and not to do what his rider required of him; it was necessary that either the horse or the man .should give up ; and as John has too, Ellen," said Alice. ; Has he? from Mr. Marsh- man t "Yes." "I m very glad! Oh, what rides we can take now , can t we, 346 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. Alice? We shan t want to borrow Jenny s pony any more. What kind of a horse is Mr. John s ? " Black perfectly black." Is he handsome?" Very." Is his name Black Prince?" Yes." Ellen began to consider the possibility of calling her pony the Brown Princess, or by some similiar title the name of John s two chargers seeming the most striking a horse could be known by. "Don t forget, Alice," said Mrs. Chauncey, "to tell John to stop for him on his way home. It will give us a chance of seeing him, which is not a common plea- have a horse called Fairy. Do, Ellen ! call him Fairy." "No," said Ellen; "he can t have a lady s name that s the trouble." " I have it , Ellen ! " said Alice "I have a name for you call him the Brownie." " The Brownie? " said Ellen. "Yes brownies are male fairies; and brown is his colour; so how will that do ? " It was soon decided that it would do very well. It was simple, descriptive, and not com mon: Ellen made up her mind that The Brownie should be his name. No sooner given, it be gan to grow dear. Ellen s face sure, in any sense of the term." I quitted its look of anxious gra- They went back to the subject!^, and came out into the of the name, which Ellen pon dered with uneasy visions of John and her poor pony flitting through her head. The little horse was very hard to fit, or else Ellen s taste was very hard to suit; a great many names were proposed , none of which were to her mind. Charley, and Cherry, and Brown, and Dash, and Jum per but she said they had "John" and "Jenny" already in Thirlwall , and she didn t want a "Charley." "Brown" was not pretty, and she hoped he wouldn t "dash" at anything, nor be a "jumper" when she was on his back. "Cherry" she mused awhile about, but it wouldn t do. "Call him Fairy," said Ellen Chauncey -- "that s a pretty name. Mamma says she used to broadest and fullest satisfaction. She never showed joy boisterous ly; but there was a light in her eye which brought many a smile into those of her friends as they sat round the tea-table. After tea it was necessary to go home , much to the sorrow of all parties. Ellen knew, how ever, it would not do to stay; Miss Fortune was but just got well, and perhaps already think ing herself ill-used. She put on berthings. "Are you going to take your Eony home with you?" said Miss ophia. " Oh, no, Ma am, not to-night. I must see about a place for him ; and, besides, poor fellow, he is tired, I dare say." "I do believe you would take THE WIDE, "WIDE WORLD. 347 more care of his legs than of and bridle 1 ; you never saw any- your own," said Miss Sophia. thing so beautiful, Mr. Van "But you 11 be here to-morrow! Brunt; he is all brown, with early, Ellie?" lone white fore -foot, and I ve "Oh, won t I!" exclaimed named him The Brownie; and Ellen, as she sprang to Alice s; oh, Mr. Van Brunt! do you think ne ck "as early as I can, at i Aunt Fortune will let him come least; I don t know when Aunt here?" Mr. Van Brunt chipped away at his pole, looking very good- Fortune will have done with me." The way home seemed as no thing. If she was tired, she did : humoured. not know it. The Brownie! the| "Because you know I couldn t Brownie! the thought of him shave half the good of him if he carried her as cleverly over the | had to stay away from me up ground as his very back would j on the mountain. I shall want have done. She came running! to ride him every day. Do you into the chip-yard. think Aunt Fortune will let him "Hollo!" cried Mr. Van Brunt, be kept here, Mr. Van Brunt?" who was standing under thej "I guess she will," said Mr. ipple-tree, cutting a piece of I Van Brunt ,_ soberly; ^and^ his wood for the tongue of the ox- tone said to Ellen, "/ will, if she don t. V " Then will you ask her , and see about it, if you please, Mr. cart, which had been broken "I m glad to see you can run. I was afeard you d hardly be able to stand by this time; but! Van Brunt? I d rather you there you come like a young j would. And you won t have him deer!" I put to plough or anything, will "Oh, Mr. Van Brunt," said you, Mr. Van Brunt? Miss Ellen, coming close up to him, Sophia says it would spoil him." and speaking in an undertone "I 11 plough myself first," said "you don t know what a present ! Mr. Van Brunt, with his half- I have had! What do you think, I smile "there shan t be a hair Mr. Marshman has sent me from of his coat turned the wrong Ventnor?" way. I ll see to him as if he "Couldn t guess, 3 said Mr. was a prince." Van Brunt, resting the end of "Oh, thank you, dear Mr. Van his pole on the log, and chipping Brunt! How good you are ! Then at it with his hatchet "never -I shall not speak about him at guessed anything in my life all till you do , remember. I am what is it?" very much obliged to you, Mr. "He has sent me the most Van Brunt!" beautiful little horse you everj Ellen ran in. She got a chi- saw! for my own for me to ding for her long stay, but it fell ride; and a new beautiful saddle; upon ears that could not hear. 348 THE WIDE, WlbE WORLD. The Brownie came .like a shield between her and all trouble. She smiled at her aunt s hard words as if they had been sugar-plums. And her sleep that night might have^ been prairie land , for the ! multitude of horses of all sorts that chased through it. . "Have you heerd the news?" said Mr. Van Brunt, when he had got his second cup of coffee at breakfast next morning. "No," said Miss Fortune. "What news?" "There ain t as much news as there used to be when I was! young," said the old lady;| " seems to me I don t hear no thing now-a-days." " You might if you d keep your ears open, mother. What news. \ Mr. Van Brunt?" "Why, here s Ellen s got a splendid little horse sent her a present from some of her great friends Mr. Marshchalk " "Mr. Marshman," said Ellen. "Mr. Marshman. There ain t the like in the country, as I ve; heerd tell; and I expect next thing she 11 be flying over all the fields and fences like smoke." There was a meaning silence. Ellen s heart beat. "What s going to be done with him, do you suppose?" saidj Miss Fortune. Her look said, "If j you think I am coming round, you are mistaken." " Humph ! " said Mr. Van Brunt, slowly "I s pose he 11 eat grass in the meadow, and there 11 be a place fixed for him in the stables." "Not in my stables," said the lady, shortly. " No in mine ," said Mr. Van Brunt, half - smiling ; "and I ll settle with you about it by-and- by when we square our ac counts." Miss Fortune was very much vexed, Ellen could see that; but she said no more, good or bad, about the matter; so the Brownie was allowed to take quiet pos session of meadow and stables, to his mistress s unbounded joy. Anybody that knew Mr. Van Brunt would have been surprised to hear what he said that morn ing; for he was thought to be quite as keen a looker after the main chance as Miss Fortune herself, only somehow it was never laid against him as it was against her. However that might be , it was plain he took pleasure in keeping his word about the pony. Ellen herself couldn t have asked more careful kind ness for her favourite than the Brownie had from every man and boy about the farm. CHAPTER XXXVII. Timothy and his master. CAPTAIN MONTGOMERY did not come the next week, nor the week after; and what is more, the Duck Dorleens, as his sister called the ship in which he had taken passage, was never heard of from that time. She sailed duly on the fifth of April, as they learnt from the papers ; but whatever became of her, she never reached port. It remained THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 349 a doubt whether Captain Mont gomery had actually gone in her; and Ellen had many weeks of anxious watching, first for him self and then for news of him, in case he were still in France. intents and purposes, so she had been a year and three quarters before; but it was something to have a father and mother living, even on the other side of the world. Now, Miss Fortune was None ever came. Anxiety gradu- j her sole guardian and owner, ally faded into certainty; and by j However, she could hardly realize midsummer, no doubt of the , that, with Alice and John so near truth remained in any mind. If j at hand. Without reasoning much Captain Montgomery had been ! about it, she felt tolerably secure alive, he would certainly have! that they would take care of her written, if not before, on learn- interests, and make good their ing the fate of the vessel in which | claim to interfere if ever need he had told his friends to expect were. him home. Ellen and her little horse grew Ellen rather felt that she was 1 more and more fond of each other. J^lICH XclLilCl J.C1L 111(1 L O11C W dO l 111U1 U aiJLU. 111UHJ AU11U. \J J. CtUJll U L1IC1 . an orphan, than that she had lostiThis friendship , no doubt, was a her father. She had never learned to love him , he had never given her much cause. Comparatively comfort to the Brownie; but to his mistress it made a large part of the pleasure of her every-day 1 * (* m * j 1 " 1 1 1 1 j a small portion of her life had life. .To visit him was her delight, been passed in his society, and at all hours, early and late ; and she looked back to it as the least; it is to the Brownie s credit that agreeable of all; and it had not he always seemed as glad to see been possible for her to expect her as she was to see him. At any with pleasure his return to Ame- j time Ellen s voice would bring rica, and visit to Thirl wall she j him from the far end of the mea- dreadedit. Life had nothing now ; do w where he was allowed to worse for her than a separation | run. He would come trotting up from Alice and John Humphreys ; : at her call, and stand to have her she feared her father might take [ scratch his forehead or pat him her away, and put her in some and talk to him; and though the dreadful boarding-school, or j Brownie could not answer her carry her about the world where- ! speeches , he certainly seemed to ever he went, a wretched wan- hear them with pleasure. Then derer from everything good and throwing up his head he would pleasant. The knowledge of his;, bound off, take a turn in the field, death had less pain for her than; and come back again to stand as the removal of this fear brought still as a lamb so long as she relief. ! stayed there herself. Now and Ellen felt sometimes, soberly: then, when she had a little more and sadly, that she was thrown time, she would cross the fence upon the wide world now. To all; and take a walk with him; and 350 THE WIDE, WIDE WOULD. there, with his nose just at her elbow, Avherever she went the Brownie went after her. After a while there was no need that she should call him; if he saw or heard her at a distance it was enough; he would come running Ellen loved him dark gingham; and it was "the admiration of the country to see her trotting or cantering by, all alone, and always looking happy. Ellen soon found that if the Brownie was to do her much good, she must learn to saddle and bridle him herself. This was very awkward at first, but there was no help for it. Mr. Van Brunt showed her how to manage, and after aAvhile it became quite easy. She used to call the Brownie to the bar-place , put the bridle on, and let him out; and then he would stand motionless before her while she fastened the saddle on; looking round sometimes, as if to make sure that it was she herself, and giving a little kind of satisfied neigh when he saw that it was. Ellen s heart began to dance as soon as she felt him moving under her; and once off and awajr on the docile and spirited little animal, over the roads, through the lanes, up and she wanted to do with it, and I down the hills, her horse her up directly, dearly. She gave him more proof of it than words and caresses. Many were the apples and scraps of bread hoarded up for him; and if these failed, Ellen sometimes took him a little salt, to show that he was not forgotten. There were not, certainly, many scraps left at Miss Fortune s table ; nor apples to be had at home for such a purpose, except what she gathered up from the poor ones that were left under the trees for the hogs; but Ellen had other sources of supply. Once she had begged from Jenny Plitchcock a waste bit that she was going to throw away; Jenny found what after that, many a basket of apples and many apiece of cold short-cake was set by for her. Margery, too, remembered the Brownie when disposing of her odds and ends ; likewise did Mrs. Van Brunt; so that among them all, Ellen seldom wanted some thing to give him. Mr. Marsh- man did not knowwhathappincss he was bestowing when he sent her that little horse. Many, many were the hours of enjoyment she had upon his back. Ellen went nowhere but upon the Brownie. Alice made her a riding-dress of only companion, but having the most perfect understanding with him, both Ellen and the Brownie cast care to the winds. "I do believe," said Mr. Van Brunt, "that critter would a leetle rather have Ellen on his back than not." He was the .Brownie s next best friend. Miss Fortune never said anything to him or of him. Ellen, however, reaped a re ward for her faithful steadiness to duty while her aunt was ill. Things were never after that as they had been before. She was looked on with a different eye. THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 351 To be sure, Miss Fortune tasked her as much as ever, spoke as sharply, was as ready to scold if anything went wrong; all that was just as it used to be ; but beneath all that , Ellen felt with great satisfaction that she was trusted and believed. She was no longer an interloper, in every body s way; she was not watched and suspected ; her aunt treated " There was a quilting party gathered that afternoon at Mrs. Van Brunt s house. /There is no doubt of that, neighbour," said Mrs. Yawse; "nobody ever found enough here to make him happy yet." "Well, I don t want to see a prettier girl than that," said Mrs. Lowndes; her, workin you 11 never catch at home or riding her as one of the family , and a along on that handsome little person to be depended on. It was a very great comfort to little Ellen s life, owned that Miss Fortune even she believed she was an honest child, and meant to do right" a great deal from her; Miss Fortune was never over forward to give any one the praise oilionesty. Ellen now went critter of her n , that she han t a pleasant look and a smile for you, and as pretty behaved as can be. I never see her look sorrowful but once." "Ain t that a pretty horse?" said Mirny Lawson. "/ ve seen her look sorrowful, though," said Sarah Lowndes; out and came in without feeling j "I Ve been up at the house when she was an alien. And though Miss Fortune was bustling every- her aunt was always bent on keeping herself and everybody else at work, she did not now show any particular desire for breaking off Ellen from her stu- body round, and as sharp as vinegar, and you d think it would take Job s patience to stand it and for all there wouldn t be a bit of crossness in that child s dies; and was generally willing, ! face she d go round, and not when the work was pretty well: say a word that wasn t just so; done up , that she should saddle i you d a thought her bread was the Brownie , and be off to Alice all spread with honey, and every - or Mrs. Vawse. body knows it ain t. I don t see Though Ellen was happy, it how she could do it, for my part: was a sober kind of happiness I know /couldn t." the sun shining behind a cloud.] "Ah, neighbour," said Mrs. And if others thought her so, it Vawse, "Ellen looks higher than was not because she laughed to please her aunt; she tries to loudly, or wore a merry face. please her God; and one can bear "I can t help but think," said people s words or looks, when Mrs. Van Brunt, "that that child one is pleasing Him. She is a has something more to make her dear child ! " happy than what she gets in this | "And there s Brahm," said world." I Mrs. Van Brunt; "he thinks the 352 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. hull world of her. I never see him take so to any one. There ain t an airthly thing he wouldn t do to please her. If she was his own child, I ve no idee he could set her up more than he does." thing. Eun and drive him into the barnyard , can t you? " ButEllen stood still, and shook her head. " He wouldn t stir for me," she said; "and besides, I am as afraid of that ox as can be. If it was Clover, I wouldn t mind. But he 11 have every bit of "Very well!" said Nancy, coming up "good reason! Ellen don t set Mm up any , does | the corn eaten up in five minutes ! she? I wish you d just seen her Where s Mr. Van Brunt?" once, the time when Miss For- 1 "I heard him say he was going tune was a-bed the way she d home till noon," said Ellen, look out for him! Mr. Van Brunt s| "And SamLarkens is gone to as good as at home in that house, | the mill and Johnny Low is sure enough; whoever s down- laid up with the shakes. Very ""*"""" " careless of Mr. Van Brunt! " said Miss Fortune, drawing her arms put of the cheese-tub, and wring ing off the whey "I wish he d mind his own oxen. There was no business to be a low place in stairs. "Bless her dear little heart!" said his mother. A good name is better than precious ointment." August had come, and John, was daily expected home. One! the fence. Well, come along! morning Miss Fortune was in the j you ain t afraid with me, I sup- lower kitchen, up to the elbows pose." in making a rich fall cheese; El- Ellen followed, at a respectful len was busy upstairs, Avhen her i distance. Miss Fortune, how- aunt shouted to her to "come and! ever, feared the face of neither see what was all that splashing i man nor beast; she pulled up a and crashing in the garden." El- bean pole, and made such a show len ran out. of fight, that Timothy, after " Oh, Aunt Fortune !" said she looking at her a little, fairly C rP * >tt It t I. -I . 1 1 ^ "Timothy has broken down the fence , and got in." " Timothy! " said Miss Fortune "what Timothy?" " Why, Timothy, the near ox," said Ellen, laughing; "he has knocked down the fence over there where know." it was low, you " The near ox?" said Miss For tune "I wish he warn t quite, turned tail, and marched out at the breach he had made. Miss Fortune went after, and rested not till she had driven him quite into the meadow; get him into the barnyard she could not. "You ain t worth a straw, El len!" said she, when she came back; "couldn t you ha headed him, and driv him into the barn yard? Now, that plaguy beast so near this time. Look! he 11 1 will just be back again by the be at the corn , and over every- j time I get well to work. He han t THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 353 done much mischief yet there s I VanBrunt in the garden or about Mr. Van Brunt s salary he s i a pretty mess of I in glad on t! He should ha put potatoes, as I told him. I don t know what s to be done I can t be leaving my cheese to run and mind the gar den every minute, if it was full of Timothys ; and youd be scared if a mosquito flew at you; you had better go right off for Mr. Van made \ the barn. She went on to the Brunt, home and fetch him strai serve him right! he no business to leave things so. Eun along, and don t let the grass grow under your feet! " Ellen wisely thought her po ny s feet would do the business quicker. She ran and put on her gingham dress , and saddled and bridled the Brownie in three mi nutes; but, before setting off, she had to scream to her aunt that Timothy was just coming round the corner of the barn again ; and Miss Fortune rushed out to the garden as Ellen and the Brownie walked down to the g^ate. The weather was tine , and El len thought with herself, it was an ill wind that blew no good. She was getting a nice ride in the early morning, that she would not have had but for Timothy s lawless behaviour. To ride at that time was particularly plea sant and rare; and, forgetting how she had left poor Miss Fortune, between the ox and the cheese -tub, Ellen and the Brownie cantered on in excellent spirits. She looked in vain, as she passed his grounds, to see Mr. The Wide, Wide World. little gate of the courtyard, dis mounted, and led the Brownie in. Here she was met by Nancy, who came running from the way of the barnyard. "How d ye do, Nancy?" said Ellen; . "where s Mr. Van Brunt?" "Goodness, Ellen! what do you Avant?" "I want Mr. VanBrunt where is he?" "Mr. Van Brunt! he s out in the barn; but he s used himself up." "Used himself up; what do you mean?" "Why, he s fixed himself in fine style he s fell through the trapdoor, and broke his leg." Oh, Nancy!" screamed El len "he hasn t! How could he?" "Why, easy enough, if he didn t look where he was going there s so much hay on the floor. But it s a pretty bad place to fall." "How do you know his leg is broken?" " Cause he says so, and any body with eyes can see it must be. I m going over to Hitch cock s to get somebody to come and help in with him; for you know me and Mrs. Van Brunt ain t Samsons." " Where is Mrs. Van Brunt?" " She s out there, in a terrible to-do." Nancy sped on to the Hitch cock s; and, greatly frightened 23 354 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. and distressed, Ellen ran over to "Dr. Gibson, he said; but he s the barn, trembling like an aspen, away off to Thirlwall; and he s Mr. Van Brunt was lying in the ! been lying here all the morning lower floor, just where he had I already! nobody found him fallen, one leg doubled under he couldn t make us hear. Oh, him in such a way as left no isn t it dreadful?" doubt it must be broken. He had lain there some time before any one found him ; and on trying to so, dear Mrs. "Oh, don t cry Van Brunt," said Ellen, pressing her cheek to the poor old lady s \JH\j i \J LA JJ.VA JJ.1J.AJ. ^ CQUAA \J1-L ljJ.yj.AICl W I UVJL VXAVVJC^ UV l>ll.\j f/UV/A. V/l^iACtVAV O. change his position, when he saw "he ll be better he will! his mother s distress, he had I ve got the Brownie here and fainted from pain. She sat by, I 11 ride over to Mrs. Hitchcock s weeping most bitterly. Ellen! and get somebody to go right could bear but one look at Mr. | away for the doctor. I won t be Van Brunt that one sickened long we 11 have him here in a her. She went up to his poor mo ther, and, getting down on her knees by her side , put both arms round her neck. "Don t cry so, c dear Mrs. Van Brunt" (Ellen was crying so, she could hardly speak herself), "pray don t do so! he 11 be better oh , what shall we do? " "Oh, ain t it dreadful!" said poor Mrs. Van Brunt; "oh, Brahm, Brahm! my son, my son! the best son that ever was to me oh, to see him there; ain t it dreadful? he s dying ! " "Oh, no, he isn t," said Ellen " oh, no, he isn t! what shall we do, Mrs. Van Brunt? what shall we do?" "The doctor!" said Mrs. Van Brunt "he said send for the doctor; but I can t go, there s nobody to send. and Oh! he 11 die ! Oh ! my dear Brahm ! I wish it was me ! " "What doctor?" said Ellen "I 11 find somebody to go what doctor?" little while ! don t feel so bad ! " "You re a dear blessed dar ling!" said the old lady, hugging and kissing her "if ever there was one. Make haste, dear, if you 1 o ve him ! he loves you." Ellen stayed but to give her another kiss. Trembling so that she could hardly stand, she made her way back to the house, led out the Brownie again, and set off, full speed for Mrs. Hitch cock s. It was well her pony was sure-footed, for, letting the reins hang, Ellen bent over his neck, crying bitterly , only urging him now and then to greater speed; till at length the feeling that she had something to do came to her help. She straightened herself, gathered up her reins, and by the time she reached Mrs. Hitch cock s, was looking calm again, though very sad and very earnest, She did not alight, but stopped before the door, and called Jenny. Jenny came out, ex pressing her pleasure. "Dear Jenny," said Ellen < 5 "isn t there somebody here that will go right off to Thirlwall for Dr. Gibson? Mr. Van Brunt has broken his leg, I am afraid, and wants the doctor directly." " Why, dear Ellen," said Jenny, "the men have just gone off this minute to Mrs. Van Brunt s. Nancy was here for them to come and help move him in a great hurry. How did it happen? I couldn t get anything out of Nancy." "He fell down through the trap-door. But, dear Jenny, isn t there anybody about? Oh!" said Ellen, clasping her hands "I want somebody to go for the doctor so much ! " "There ain t a living soul!" said Jenny ; " two of the men and all the teams are way on the other side of the hill , ploughing, and pa, and June, and Black Bill have gone over, as I told you; but 1 don t believe they ll be enough. Where s his leg- broke?" "I didn t meet them," said Ellen ; " I came away only a little while after Nancy." "They went cross lots, I guess that s how it was; and that s the way Nancy got the start of you." "What shall I do?" said Ellen. She could not bear to wait till they returned; if she rode back she might miss them again, be sides the delay; and then a man on foot would make a long journey of it. Jenny told her of a house or two where she might try for a messenger; but they THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 355 were strangers to her she could not make up her mind to ask such a favour of them. Her friends were too far out of the way. "I ll go myself!" she said, suddenly. "Tell em, dear Jenny, will you, that I have gone for Dr. Gibson, and that I ll bring him back as quick as ever I can. I know the road to Thirlwall." "But Ellen! you mustn t," said Jenny ; "I am afraid to have you go all that way alone. Wait till the men come back they won t be long." "No, I can t, Jenny," said Ellen, "I can t wait; I must go. You needn t be afraid. Tell em I ll be as quick as I can." "But see, Ellen! " cried Jenny, as she was moving off, "I don t like to have you ! " "I must, Jenny. Nevermind." "But see, Ellen!" cried Jenny again , "if you will go if you don t find Dr. Gibson, just get Dr. Marshchalk he s every bit as good, and some folks think he s better; he ll do just as well. Good-bye!" Ellen nodded and rode off. There was a little fluttering of the heart at taking so much upon, herself: she had never been to Thirlwall but once since the first time she saw it. But she thought of Mr. Van Brunt, suffering for help which could not be obtained, and it was impossible for her to hesitate. "I am sure I am doing right," she thought; "and what is there to be afraid of? If I ride two miles alone, why shouldn t I four? And I am doing right > 23* 356 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. God will take care of me." EllenlEllen, as she went; "there will earnestly asked him to do so;jbe no sickness, no pain, no and after that she felt pretty I sorrow ; but Mr. Van Brunt I easy. "Now, dear Brownie," said: wonder if he is fit to go to she, patting his neck , "you and heaven?" This was a new matter I have work to do to-day, behave of thought and uneasiness, not like a good little horse as you now for the first time, in Ellen s are." The Brownie answered; mind; and so the time passed, with a cheerful kind of neigh, as j till she crossed the bridge over much as to say, Never fear me ! the little river, and saw the houses of Thirlwall stretching Then she They trotted on nicely. But nothing could help that away in the distance, being a disagreeable ride. Do i felt comfortable, what she would , Ellen felt a little | Long before, she had be- afraid when she found herself on i thought her that she did not a long piece of road where she | know where to find Dr. Gibson, had never been alone before, and had forgotten to ask Jenny. There were not many houses on For one instant Ellen drew the way; the few there were (bridle, but it was too far to go looked strange. Ellen did not | back, and she recollected any- know exactly where she was, or j body could tell her where the how near the end of her journey; doctor lived. When she got to it seemed a long one. She felt j Thirlwall , however, Ellen found rather lonely; a little shy of that she did not like to ask any- meeting people, and yet a little unwilling to have the intervals between them so very long. She repeated to herself, "I am doing body. She remembered her old friend Mrs. Forbes, of the Star Inn, and resolved she would go there, in the first place. She right God will take care of j rode slowly up the street, looking me." Still there was a nervous I carefully till she came to the trembling at heart. Sometimes she would pat her pony s neck! and say, "Trot on, dear Brownie, we ll soon be there!" by way of cheering herself: for certainly the Brownie needed no cheering, and was trotting on bravely. Then the thought of Mr. Van Brunt, as she had seen him lying on the barn floor, made her feel sick and miserable; many tears fell during her ride, when she remembered him. "Heaven will be a good place," thought little house. There was no mistaking it; there was the very same big star over the front door , that had caught her eye from the coach window, and there was the very same boy or man , Sain , lounging on the sidewalk. Ellen reined up, and asked him to ask Mrs. Forbes if she would be so good as to come out to her for one minute. Yankee Sam look gave her a long and disappeared, coming back again directly with the landlady. THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 357 "How d ye do, Mrs. Forbes?" said Ellen, holding out her hand 5 " don t you know me? I am Ellen Montgomery that you were so kind to , and gave me bread and milk when I first came here Miss Fortune s " "Oh, bless your dear little heart!" cried the landlady; "don t I know you! and ain t I flad to see you ! I must have a iss. Bless you! I couldn t mis take you in Jerusalem; but the sun was in my eyes , in that way I was a most blind. But ain t you frown, though! Forget you? guess I han t! There s one o your friends wouldn t let me do that in a hurry. If I han t seen you, I ve heerd on you. But what are you sitting there in the sun for? Come in come in and I ll give you something bet ter than bread and milk this time. Come! jump down." "Oh, I can t, Mrs. Forbes," said Ellen, "I m in a great hurry ; Mr. Van Brunt has broken his- leg, and I wantto find the doctor." "Mr. Van Brunt!" cried the landlady. "Broken his leg! The land s sakes ! how did he do that? he, tool" "He fell down through the trap-door in the barn ; and I want to get Dr. Gibson, as soon as I can, to come to him. Where does he live, Mrs. Forbes ? " "Dr. Gibson? you won t catch him to hum, dear; he s flying round somewheres. But how come the trap-door to be open? and how happened Mr. Van Brunt not to see it afore he put his foot in it? Dear! I declare I m real sorry to hear you tell. How hap pened it, darlin ? I m cur ous to hear." "I don t know, Mrs. Forbes," said Ellen; "but, oh, where shall 1 1 find Dr. Gibson? Do tell me! he ought to be there now; oh, help me! where shalllgo forhim?" "Well, I declare," said the landlady, stepping back apace, "I don t know as I can tell there ain t no sort o likelihood I that he s to hum at this time o I day. Sam! you lazy feller , you I han t got nothing to do but to gape at folks ha you seen the doctor go by this forenoon ? " "I seen him go down to Mis Perriman s," said Sam, / Mis Perriman was a-dyin , Jim Bar- stow said." "How long since?" said his mistress. But Sam shuffled and shuffled, looked every way but at Ellen or Mrs. Forbes , and " didn t know." " Well, then," said Mrs. Forbes, i turning to Ellen, "I don t know ibut you might about as well go ! down to the post-office ; but, if/ was you, I d just get Dr. Marsh- chalk instead. He s a smarter man than Dr. Gibson any day in (the year; and he ain t quite so awful high neither, and that s something. I d get Dr. Marsh- chalk; they say there ain t the like o him in the country for settin bones ; it s quite a gift; he ! takes to it natural like." But Ellen said Mr. Van Brunt wanted Dr. Gibson, and if she : could she must find him. 358 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. "Well," said Mrs. Forbes,! "Isn t this Mrs. Perriman s "every one has their fancies; I j house?" wouldn t let Dr. Gibson comej "You are in the right box, my near me with a pair of tongs; but dear, and no mistake ," said the anyhow, if you must have him, young man; "but then it ain t your best way is to go right: Dr. Gibson s house, you know." straight down to the post-office, I " Can you tell me , Sir, where I and ask for him there, maybe lean find him?" you ll catch him." "Can t, indeed; the doctor "Thank you, Ma am," said never tells me where he is going, Ellen; "where is the post-office?" and I never ask him. I am sorry "It s that white -faced house; I didn t this morning, for your down street," said the landlady, ! sake." pointing with her finger where! The way, and the look, made Ellen saw no lack of white-faced the words extremely disagree- houses; "you see that big red able; and, furthermore, Ellen store , with the man standing out : had an uncomfortable feeling in front? the next white house! that neither was new to her. below that is Mis Perriman s ; Where had she seen the man be- just run right in and ask for Dr. j fore? she puzzled herself to Gibson. Good-bye , dear I m think. Where but in a dream had real sorry you can t come in j she seen that bold, ill-favoured that first white house." face, that horrible smile, that Glad to get free, Ellen rode sandy hair? She knew! It was smartly down to the post-office. ; Mr. Saunders, the man who had Nobody before the door; there | sold her the merino at St. Clare was nothing for it but to get off andFleury s. She knew him; and here and go in ; she did not know the people either. " Never mind, she was very sorry to see that he knew her. All she desired now, o ge nie, like a good little horse as you away ; but on turning she saw are!" | another man, older and respect- No fear of the Brownie. He able-looking, whose face encou- stood as if he did not mean to | raged her to ask again if Dr. Gib- budge again in a century. At j son was there. He was not, the first going in, Ellen saw nobody ! man said; he had been there and in the post-office; presently, at; gone. an opening in a kind of boxed-up j "Do you know where I should place in one corner, a face looked be likely^to find him, Sir?" out and asked what she wanted. "Is Dr. Gibson here?" "No," said the owner of the face, with a disagreeable kind of smile. No, I don t," said he; "who wants him?" "I want to see him, Sir." "For yourself?" "No, Sir; Mr. Van Brunt has THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD, 359 broken his leg, and wants Dr.jdo just as well. I am very much Gibson to come directly and set obliged to you, Sir." it." He did not seem to hear her " Mr. Van Brunt !" said he thanks; he was all eyes; and, "Farmer Van Brunt that lives with his clerk, stoodlooking after down towards the Cat s Back? I ; her till she was out of sight, am very happen?" sorry! How did it Poor Ellen found it a long way up to the doctor s. The post- Ellen told as shortly as pos- office was near the lower end of sible , and again begged to know j the town , and the doctor s house where she might look for Dr. Gibson. "Well," said he, "thebestplan I can think of, will be for you how did you come here?" "I came on horseback, Sir." Ah well the best plan was near the upper; she passed one church , and then the other, but there was a long distance between, or what she thought so. Happily, the Brownie did not seem tired at all; his little mistress was tired, and disheart- will be for you to ride up to hisienedtoo. And there, all this time, house; maybe he 11 have left was poor Mr. Van Brunt, lying word there , and anyhow you can without a doctor ! She could not leave word for him to come down bear to think of it. She jumped down when she as soon as he gets home. Do you know where the doctor lives?" "No, Sir." " Come here," said he , pulling it* 4- r\ -f Vi Q f\ f\m* ^Trrvn noti -f <_/<* if came to the block she had been told of, and easily found the house where Dr. Gibson lived. her to the door "you can t see it She knocked at the door. A from here ; but you must ride up grayhaired woman , with a very street till you have passed two ill-favoured countenance pre- churches, one on the right hand ! sented herself. Ellen asked for first, and then, a good piece be- j the doctor. yond, you ll come to another red "He ain t to hum." "When will he be at home?" "Couldn t say." "Before dinner?" The woman shook her head. " Guess not till late in the day." brick one on the left hand and Dr. Gibson lives in the nextblock but one after that , on the other side anybody will tell you the house. Is that your horse ? " "Yes, Sir. I m very much obliged to you." "Well, I will say! if you han t the prettiest fit out in Thirl- j I guess he told me Babcock is wall shall I help you? will you a considerable long way." have a cheer? " Ellen thought a minute. "No, I thank you, Sir; I 11 "Can you tell me where bring him up to this step; it will j Dr. Marshchalk lives?" " Where is he gone ? " "He is gone to Babcock one to attend a consummation, 360 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. "I guess you d better wait till Dr. Gibson comes back, han t you?" said the woman, coaxingly; he 11 be along by-and-by. If you 11 leave me your name , 1 11 give it to him." "I cannot wait," said Ellen, "I am in a dreadful hurry. Will you be so good as to tell me where Dr. Marshchalk lives?" "Well if so be vou re in such atakin youcan t wait you know where Mis Forbes lives?" "At the inn? the Star? yes." "He lives a few doors this side o her n ; you 11 know it the first minute you set your eyes on it it s painted a bright yaller." Ellen thanked her, once more mounted, and rode down the street. CHAPTER XXXVIII. Wherein the black Prince arrives opportunely. THE yellow door, as the old woman had said, was not to be mistaken. Again Ellen dismount ed and knocked; then she heard a slow step coming along the entry, and the pleasant, kind face of Miss Janet appeared at the open door. It was a real refreshment, and Ellen wanted one. "Why, it s dear little ain t it? her that lives down to Miss Fortune Emerson s? yes, it is; come in , dear ; I m very glad to see you. How s all at your house?" "Is the doctor at home, Ma am?" "No, dear, he ain t to home just this minute, but he 11 be in directly. Come in; is that your horse? just kitch him to the post there, so he won t run away, and come right in. Who did you come along with?" "Nobody, Ma am I came alone," said Ellen, while she obeyed Miss Janet s directions. "Alone! on that ere little skittish creeter? he s as hand some as a picture, too why, do tell if you warn t afraid? it a most scares me to think of it." "I was a little afraid," said Ellen, as she followed Miss Janet along the entry "but I couldn t help that. You think the doctor will soon be in, Ma am?" "Yes, dear, sure of it," said Miss Janet, kissing Ellen and taking off her bonnet; "he won t be five minutes, for it s a most dinner-time. What s the matter, dear? is Miss Fortune sick again?" "No, Ma am," said Ellen, sadly ; " Mr. Van Brunt has fallen through the trap-door in the barn and broken his leg." " Oh ! " cried the old lady, with a face of real horror "you don t tell me ! Fell through the trap -door! and he ain t a light weight neither; oh, that is a lamentable event! And how is the poor old mother, dear?" "She is very much troubled, Ma am," said Ellen, crying at the remembrance; "and he has been lying ever since early this morning without anybody to set it; I have been going round and THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 361 round for a doctor this ever so warn t there nobody long." "Why, to come but you, you poor lamb ? " said Miss Janet. "No, Ma am; nobody quick enough ; and I had the Brownie there , and so I came." "Well, cheer up, dear! the doctor will be here now, and that Miss Janet s industry did not spend itself in housework alone. Before the fire stood a pretty good-sized kettle, and a very appetizing smell came from it to Ellen s nose. In spite of sorrow and anxiety, her ride had made her hungry. It was not without pleasure that she saw her i kind hostess arm herself with a we 11 send him right off; he won t deep plate and tin dipper, and be long about his dinner, I 11 carefully taking off the pot cover, engage. Come and set in this ! so that no drops might fall on the big cheer do! it 11 rest you; hearth, proceed to ladle out a I see you re a most tired out, and I goodly supply of whatEllen knew it ain t a wonder. There don t ! was that excellent country dish that feel better? now I ll give j called pot-pie. Excellent it is you a little sup of dinner, for j when well made, and that was you won t want to swallow it at Miss Janet s. The pieces of the rate Leander will his n. crust were white and light like Dear! dear! to think of poor new bread; the very tit-bits of Mr. Van Brunt! He s a likely man, too ; I m very sorry for him and his poor mother. A kind body she is, as ever the sun shined upon. "And so is he," said Ellen. the meat she culled out forEllen ; and the soup-gravy, poured over all, would have met even Miss Fortune s wishes, from its just degree of richness and exact seasoning. Smoking hot, it was "Well, so I dare say," said placed before Ellen, on a little Miss Janet; "but I don t know stand by her easy-chair, with so much about him ; hows ever, I some nice bread and butter; and he s got everybody s good word! presently Miss Janet poured her as far as I know; he s a likely out a cup of tea; for," she said, man." "Leander never could take his The little room into which dinner without it." Ellen s appe- Miss Janet had brought Ellen tite needed no silver fork. Tea was very plainly furnished indeed, and pot-pie were never better but as neat as hands could make: liked; yet Miss Janet s enjoyment it. The carpet was as crumbless ; was perhaps greater still. She andlintlessasif meals were never j sat talking and looking at her taken there, nor work seen; and j little visitor with secret but yet a little table ready set for immense satisfaction, dinner forbade the one conclu-j "Have you heard what fine sion, and a huge basket of: doings we re a-going to have naperies in one corner showed; here by -and -by?" said she. 362 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. " The doctor s tired of me ; he s going to get ajiiew housekeeper; he s going to get married some ^.f 4-1-*^,- ^ ^l n ^* ". * and I ll make the doctor go along with you. But, oh dear! maybe he wouldn t be able to , neither ; he s got to go up to that tiresome Mrs. Kobins; it s too bad. Well, take good care of yourself, dar- ; Yes, indeed he is to Jenny I ling; couldn t you stop till it s Jenny Hitchcock; and a nice I cooler? well, come and see me little wife she 11 make him. You re las soon as you can again, but of these days." "Is he?" sai Jenny?" UVoc, n -, said Ellen. "Not to a great friend of Jenny, I know. "How soon?" said Ellen. " Oh, not just yet by-and-by don t come without some one else along! Good-bye! I wish 1 could keep you." after we get a little smarted i She went to the door to see her up, I guess; before a great | mount, and smiled and nodded while. Don t you think he 11 be a j her off. happy man?" | Ellen was greatly refreshed with Ellen could not help wonder-! her rest and her dinner; it grie- ing, as the doctor just then came i ved her that the Brownie had not in and she looked up at his un- fared as well. All the refresh- fortunate three - cornered face, ment that kind words and patting whether Jenny would be a happy ; could give him, she gave; pro- woman. But as people often do, i mised him the freshest of water, she judged only from the outside ; j and the sweetest of hay, when he Jenny had not made such a bad should reach home ; and begged choice after all. him to keep up his spirits and The doctor said he would go ! hold on for a little longer. It may directly to Mr. Van Brunt after he be doubted whether the Brownie had been over to Mrs. Sibnorth s; understood the full sense of her it wouldn t be a minute. Ellen j words, but he probably knew meant to ride back in his com- i what the kind tones and gentle pany; and having finished her hand meant. He answered cheer- dinner, waited now only for him. j fully; threw up his head and gave But the one minute passed two a little neigh , as much as to say, minutes ten twenty she j lie wasn t going to mind a few waited impatiently, but he came | hours of sunshine; and trotted not. I on as if he knew his face was to- " I 11 tell you how it must be," wards home which no doubt he said his sister, "he s gone offjdid. Luckily it was not a very without his dinner, calculating to hot day; for August, it was re- get it at Miss Hitchcock s he d markably cool and beautiful; in- be glad of the chance. That si deed, there was little very hot how it is, dear; and you 11 have j weather ever known in Thirlwall. to ride home alone; I m real; Ellen s heartfelt easier, now that sorry. S pose you stop till evening, j her business was done ; and when THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 363 she had left the town behind her, I Ellen was silent, and was again in the fields, she "It s quite a long time since I was less timid than she had been saw you last," said he "how before; she was going towards have the merinoes worn?" home; that makes a great dif- Ellen could not bear to look at ference; and every step was his face, and did not see the ex- bringing her nearer. "lamgladlpression which went with these I came, after all," she thought; | words ; yet she felt it. " but I hope I shall never have to I " They have worn very well," do such a thing again. But I am said she ; "but I want to get home glad I came." She had no more than crossed the little bridge , however, when very much please let me go." "Not yet, not yet," said he " oh no, not yet. I want to talk to she saw what" brought her heart you; why, what are you in such a into her mouth. It was Mr. Saun-j devil of a hurry for? I came out ders, lolling under a tree. What | on purpose; do you think I am could he have come there for, at going to have all my long waiting that time of day? A vague feel- ing crossed her mind, that if she she or nothing?" Ellen did not say, her heart know what to sprang with a could only get past him should pass a danger; she [nameless pang to the thought, thought to ride by without seem- j if she ever got free from this! ing to see him, and quietly gave j Meanwhile she was not free. the Brownie a pat to make him "Whose horse is that you re go faster. But as she drew near, Mr. Saunders rose up, came to the middle of the road, and taking on?" "Mine," said Ellen. " Your n! that s a likely story. hold of her bridle, checked her; I guess he ain t your n, and so pony s pace so that he could walk you won t mind if I touch him up alongside to Ellen s unspeak- a little; I want to see how well able dismay. "What s kept you so long?" you can sit a horse." Passing his arm through the said he "I ve been looking out bridle as he said these words, Mr. for you this great while. Had j Saunders led the pony down to hard work to find the doctor? " the side of the road where grew a "Won t you please to let go i clump of high bushes, and, with my horse ? " said Ellen , her heart some trouble, cut off a long, stout beating very fast "I am in a sapling. Ellen looked in every great hurry to get home please direction while he was doing this, don t keep me." despairing, as she looked, of aid "Oh, I want to see you a little, "| from any quarter of the broad, said Mr. Saunders "you ain t | quiet, open country. Oh, for in such a hurry to get away from ; wings ! But she could not 1( me as that comes to, are you?" | the Brownie if she had them. leave 364 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. Returning to the middle of the I mane and hold on tight, and yon road, Mr. Saunders amused him- j won t fall off; I want to see self, as they walked along , with j him rear." stripping off all the leaves and! "But you 11 give him bad little twigs from his sapling, tricks !" said Ellen. "Oh, pray, leaving it, when done, a very I don t do so! It s very bad for good imitation of an ox-whip in him to be teased. I m afraid he size and length, with a fine lash- ! will kick if you do so , and he d like point. Ellen watched him in be ruined if he got a habit of an ecstasy of apprehension, afraid kicking. Oh , please let us go ! " alike to speak or to be silent. said she , with the most acute ac- " There! what do you think cent of entreaty "I want to be of that?" said he, giving it two: home." or three switches in the air to try "You keep quiet," said Mr. its suppleness and toughness; Saunders, coolly; "if he kicks, "don t that look like a whip ?j I ll give him such a lathering as Now we 11 see how he 11 go ! " | he never had yet; he won t do it " Please don t do anything with ! but once. I ain t agoing to hurt it," said Ellen, earnestly "I him, but I am agoing to make never touch him with the whip him rear no , I won t I ll he doesn t need it he isn t used ! make him leap over a rail,the first to it pray, pray do not ! " j bar-place we come to that will "Oh, we ll just tickle him a ; be prettier." little with it," said Mr. Saunders, "Oh, you mustn t do that," coolly "I want to see how well said Ellen "I ve not learned to you ll sit him just make him leap yet I couldn t keep on caper a little bit." j you musn t do that,if you please." He accordingly applied thej "You just hold fast, and hold switch lightly to the Brownie s your tongue. Catch hold of his heels, enough to annoy, without \ ears , and you ll stick on fast hurting him. The Brownie show- enough; if you can t, you may ed signs of uneasiness , quitted get down, for I am going to make his quiet pace, and took to little! him take the leap, whether you starts and springs , and whisking Avill or no." motions, most unpleasing to his I Ellen feared still more to get off rider. I and leave the Brownie to her tor- " Oh, do not!" cried Ellen, al- 1 mentor s mercy, than to stay most beside herself "he s very [where she was, and take her spirited, and I don t know what chance. She tried in vain, as well he will do if you trouble him." as she could, to soothe her horse ; "You let me take care of that," (the touches of the whip coming said Mr. Saunders; "if he troubles now in one place, and now in me, I 11 give it to him ! If he rears | another, and some of them pretty up, ouly you catch hold of his j sharp, he began to grow very THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 365 frisky indeed ; and she began to | whip to force the horse to take be very much frightened, for fear the spring. she should suddenly be jerkedoff. uj tell ou l shall fall said With a good deal of presence of Ellen, reining him back. "How mind, though wrought up to a: can you be so cruel ! I want to terrible pitch of excitement andi^ onome t" fear, Ellen gave her best atten tion to keeping her seat as the ; Well, you ain t agoing home Brownie sprang, and started, 1 ^ ^et off if you are afraid." and jumped, to one side and the! But, though trembling in every other; Mr. Saunders holding the!? erv . e | r m 1 J iead P bridle as loose as possible , so as fancied the Brownie was safer so to give him plenty of room. For - lon S as ? had . her on ^ ls back some little time he amused him-j^e would not leave him She self with this game, the horse Pleaded her best, which Mr. growing more and more irritated, i Saunders heard as if it was amu- At length a smart stroke of thei sm S an f ^i 1011 * makm ^ an ^ whip upon his haunches, made, ans 7 er > kept the horse capering the Brownie spring in away that m front of the bars, pretending brought Ellen s heart into her every minute he was coing to mouth and almost threw her off. ^ip him up to take the leap. "Oh, don t!" cried Ellen, Hls ob J?^ ct however, was merely bursting into tears for the first i* gratify the smallest of minds time she had with great effort b ? teasing a child he had a spite commanded them backuntil now; j against; he had no intention to "poor Brownie! - How can breaking her bones by a fall youf Oh, please let us go! from her horse ; so m time he had please let us go I " For one minute she dropped her face in her hands. "Be quiet! " said Mr. Saunders. "Here s a bar-place now for the leap!" Ellen wiped away her tears, forced back those that were coming, and began the most earnest remonstrance and plead ing with Mr. Saunders that she enough of the bar-place ; took the bridle again, and walked on. Ellen drew breath a little more freely. "Did you hear how I handled your old gentleman after that time?" said Mr. Saunders. Ellen made no answer. "No one ever affronts me that don t hear news of it afterwards, and so he found to his cost. / knew how to make. He paid her! paid him off, to my heart s con- no sort of attention. He led the tent. I gave the old fellow a les- Brownie to the side of the road, son to behave in future. I forgive let down all the bars but the lower j him now entirely. By the way, two, let go the bridle, and stood | I ve a little account to settle with a little off, prepared with his j you -didn t you ask Mr, Per- 366 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. riman this morning if Dr. Gibson was in the house?" "I don t know who it was," said Ellen. "Well, hadn t I told you just before he warn t there ? " Ellen was silent. "What did you do that for, eh? Didn t you believe me ? " Still she did not speak. "I say!" said Mr. Saunders, touching the Brownie as he spoke " did you think I told you a lie about it? eh?" "I didn t know but he might be there," Ellen forced herself to say. " Then you didn t believe me ? " said he, always with that same smile upon his face ; Ellen knew that. "Now that warn t handsome of you and I m agoing to punish you for it, somehow or nether*, but it ain t pretty to quarrel with ladies, so Brownie and me 11 settle it together. You won t mind that, I dare say." "What are you going to do?" said Ellen, as he once more drew her down to the side of the fence. "Get off and you ll see," said he, laughing "get off and you ll see." "What do you want to do?" repeated Ellen, though scarce able to speak the words. " I m just going to tickle Brow nie a little, to teach you to believe honest folks when they speak the truth; get off!" "No, I won t," said Ellen, throwing both arms round the neck of her pony 5 "poor Brownie ! you shan t do it. He hasn t done any harm, nor I either; you are a bad man ! " " Get off! " repeated Mr. Saun ders. "I will not," said Ellen, still clinging fast. " Very well," said he, coolly "then I will take you off; it don t make much difference. We 11 go along a little further till I find a nice stone for you to sit down upon. If you had got off then, I wouldn t ha done much to him, but I 11 give it to him now! If he hasn t been used to a whip he ll I know pretty well what it means by the timel have done with him; and then you may go home as fast as you can." It is very likely Mr. Saunders would have been as good, or as bad, as his word, His behaviour to Ellen in the store at New York, and the measures taken bv the old gentleman who had befriend ed her, had been the cause of his dismissal from the employ of Messrs. St. Clair and Fleury. Two or three other attempts to get into business had come to nothing, and he had been obliged to return to his native town. Ever since, Ellen and the old gentle man had lived in his memory as objects of the deepest spite, the one for interfering, the other for having been the innocent cause; and he no sooner saw her in the post-office , than he promi sed himself revenge, such revenge as only the meanest and most cowardly spirit could have taken pleasure in. His best way of dis- THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 367 tressing Ellen, he found, was; rage for the time overcame cowar- through her horse ; he had almost j dice. satisfied himself; but very natu- 1 "Take your hand off the rally his feeling of spite had bridle ! " with a slight touch of grown stronger and blunter with j the riding- whip upon the hand in indulgence, and he meant to wind 1 question. up with such a treatment of her | "Not for you, brother," said pony, real or seeming, as he knew j Mr. Saunders, sneeringly; would give great pain to the!" I ll walk with any lady I ve a pony s mistress. He was prevent- 1 mind to. Look out for yourself!" ed. "We will dispense with your As they went slowly along, El- ; further attendance ," said John, len still clasping the Brownie s j coolly. "Do you hear me? Do as neck, and resolved to clingto him I order you ! " to the last, Mr. Saunders making j The speaker did not put him- him caper in a way very uncom- self in a passion, and Mr. Saun- fortable to her, one was too busy, ; ders, accustomed for his own part and the other too deafened byjto make bluster serve instead of fear, to notice the sound of fast- j prowess, despised a command so approaching hoofs behind them. calmly given. Ellen, who knew It happened that John Hum-! the voice, and still better could phreys had passed the night at read the eye , drew conclusions Ventnor; and having an errand very different. She was almost to do for a friend at Thirlwall, breathless with terror. Saunders had taken that road, Avhich led was enraged and mortified at an him but a few miles out of his interference that promised to way, and was now at full speed baffle him; he was a stout young on his way home. He had never man, and judged himself the made theBrownie s acquaintance, ! stronger of the two ; and tookno- and did not recognise Ellen as tice, besides, that the stranger he came up ; but in passing; them, had nothing in his hand but a some strange notion crossing his \ slight riding-whip. He answered mind he wheeled his horse round very insolently, and with an oath ; directly in front of the astonished and John saw that he was taking pair. Ellen quitted her pony s the bridle in his left hand and neck, and stretching out both shifting his sapling whip so as to arms towards him, exclaimed, al- : bring the club end of it upper most shrieked, "Oh, John! John! | most. The next instant he aimed send him away ! make him let me a furious blow at his adversary s go!" "What are you about, Sir?" said the new comer, sternly. "It s none of your business! " horse. The quick eye and hand of the rider disappointed that with a sudden swerve. In another moment and Pollen hardly saw answered Mr. Saunders , in whom how, it was so quick John had 368 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. dismounted, taken Mr. Saunders by the collar, and hurled him quite over into the gulley at the side of the road, where he lay at full length without stirring. "Eide on , Ellen ! " said her de liverer. She obeyed. He stayed a mo ment to say to his fallen adver sary a few words of pointed warn ing as to ever repeating his of fence; then remounted and spur red forward to join Ellen. All her power of keeping up was gone, now that the necessity was over. Her head was once more bowed on her pony s neck, her whole frame shaking with convulsive sobs ; she could scarce with great effort keep from crying out aloud. "Ellie!" said her adopted bro ther , in a voice that could hardly be known for the one that had last spoken. She had no words, but as he gently took one of her hands , the convulsive squeeze it gave him showed the state of ner vous excitement she was in. It was very long before his utmost efforts could soothe her, or she could command herself enough to tell him her story. When at last told, it was with many tears. " Oh, how could he ! how could he!" said poor Ellen "how could he do so! it was very hard! ; An involuntary touch of the spurs made John s horse start. "But what took you to Thirl- wall alone?" said he "you have not told me that yet." Ellen went back to Timothy s invasion of the cabbages, and gave him the whole history of the morning. I thought when I Avas going for the doctor, at first," said she, "and then afterwards when I had found him, what a good thing it was that Timothy broke down the garden fence and got in this morning; for if it hadnotbeenfor that, I should not have gone to Mr. Van Brunt s and then again, after that I thought , if he only hadn t!" "Little things often draw after them long trains of circumstan ces," said John "and that shows the folly of those people who think that God does not stoop to concern himself about trifles; life, and much more than life, may hang upon the turn of a hand. But, Ellen, you must ride no more alone. Promise me that you will not." " I will not to Thirlwall, certain ly," said Ellen - "but mayn t I to Alice s? how can I help it?" " Well to Alice s that is a safe part of the country; but I should like to know a little more of your horse before trustingyou even there." "Of the Brownie?" said Ellen "oh, he is as good as he can be; you need not be afraid of him ; he has no trick at all ; there never was such a good little horse." John smiled. "How doyoulike mine?" said he. "Is that your new one? Oh, what a beauty ! Oh me , what a beauty! I didn t look at him be- THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 369 fore. Oh, I like him very much! j amusement, he rode round her he s handsomer than the Brownie j two or three times, to view her do you like him?" | horse and show her his own; com- "Very well! this is the first: mended the Brownie; praised her trial I have made of him. I was at | bridle hand ; corrected several Mr. Marshman s last night, and j things about her riding; and they detained me this morning, by degrees engaged her in very or I should have been here much earlier. I am very well satisfied with him, so far." "And if you had not been de tained ! " said Ellen. "Yes, Ellie I should not have fretted at my late breakfast and having to try Mr. Marshman s favourite mare , if I had known what good purpose the delay was to serve. I wish I could have been here half an hour sooner, though." animated conversation. Ellen roused up; the colour came back to her cheeks ; and when they reached home, and rode round to the glass door, she looked al most like herself. She sprang oif as usual without waiting for any help. John scarce saw that she had done so, when Alice s cry of joy brought him to the door, and from that together they went in to their father s study. Ellen was left alone on "Is his name the Black Prince?" the lawn. Something was the said Ellen, returning to the horse, matter; for she stood with swim- "Yes, I believe so; but you ming eyes and a trembling lip, shall change it, Ellie, if you can rubbing her stirrup, which really find one you like better."^ needed no polishing, and forget- "Oh, I cannot! I like that j ting the tiredhorses, which would very much. How beautiful he is ! have had her sympathy at any Is he good?" I Hope so," said John smiling other time. What was the matter? Only that Mr. John had for- JL J-IWJV^ UV/2 U<*X\-i. tf V/ AJ-i-L^ WAAAiAJii^ "if he is not, I shall be at the j gotten the kiss he always gave pains to make him so. We are her on going or coming. Ellen hardly acquainted yet." was jealous of it as a pledge of Ellen looked doubtfully at the sistership , and could not want it; black horse and his rider, and and though she tried as hard as patting the Brownie s neck , ob- ; she could to get her face in order, served with great satisfaction | so that she might go in and meet that lie was very good. j them, somehoAv it seemed to take John had been riding very : a great while. She was still busy slowly on Ellen s account; they j with her stirrup, when she sudden- now mended their pace. He saw, ly felt two hands on her shoulders, however, that she still looked mi- j and looking up, received the very serably, and exerted himself to j kiss the want of which she had turn her thoughts from every- been lamenting. But John saw thing disagreeable. Much to her the tears in her eyes, and asked The Wide, Wide World. 24 370 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. her , she thought with somewhat of a comical look, what the matter was. Ellen was ashamed to tell, but he had her there by the shoul ders , and besides , whatever that eye demanded, she never knew how to keep back; so with some difficulty she told him. "You are a foolish child, Ellie," said he, gently, and kissing her again. "Hun in out of the sun, while I see to the horses." Ellen ran in, and told her long story to Alice ; and then, feeling very weary and weak, she sat on the sofa, and lay resting in her arms in a state of the most entire and unruffled happiness. Alice, however, after a while, trans ferred her to bed, thinking, with good reason , that a long sleep would be the best thing for her. CHAPTER XXXIX. Halcyon Days. WHEN Ellen came out of Alice s room again, it was late in the afternoon. The sun was so low that the shadow of the house had crossed the narrow lawn and mounted up near to the top of the trees; but on them he was still shining brightly, and on the broad landscape beyond, which lay open to view through the gap in the trees. The glass door was open; the sweet summer air and the sound of birds and insects and fluttering leaves floated into the room, making the stillness musical. On the threshold pussy sat crouched, with his forefeet doubled under his breast, watch ing, with intense gravity, the operations of Margery, who was setting the table on the lawn, just before his eyes. Alice was paring peaches. " Oh , we are going to have tea out of doors, aren t we?" said Ellen. "I m very glad. What a lovely evening! isn t it? Just look at pussy, will you, Alice? don t you believe he knows what Margery is doing? Why didn t you call me to go along with you after peaches?" "I thought you were doing the very best thing you possibly could, Ellie, my dear. How do you do?" " Oh, nicely now! where s Mr. John? I hope he won t ask for my last drawing to-night; I want to fix the top of that tree before he sees it." "Fix the top of your tree , you little Yankee!" said Alice; - "what do you think John would say to that? wnfix it, you mean ; it is too stiff already, isn t it?" " Well, what shall I say?" said Ellen, laughing. "I am sorry that is Yankee, for I suppose one must speak English. I want to do something to my tree, then. Where is he, Alice?" "He is gone down to Mr. Van Brunt s, to see how he is , and to speak to Miss Fortune about you on his way back." "Oh, how kind of him! he s very good; that is just what I want to know; but I am sorry, after his long ride " "/ He doesn t mind that, Ellie. He 11 be home presently." THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD . 371 "How nice those peaches look! they are as good as straw berries don t you think so? better I don t know which is best but Mr. John likes these best, don t he? Now you ve done shall I set them on the table? and here s a pitcher of splendid cream , Alice ! " "You had better not tell John so, or he will make you define splendid" John came back in good time, and brought word that Mr. Van Brunt was doing very well, so far as could be known; also, that Miss Fortune consented to Ellen s remaining where she was. He wisely did not say, however, that her consent had been slow to gain, till he had hinted at his readiness to provide a substitute for Ellen s services; on which Miss Fortune had instantly de-* clared she did not want her, and she might stay as long as she pleased. This was all that was needed to complete Ellen s feli city. "Wasn t your poor horse too tired to go out again this after noon, Mr. John?" "I did not ride him, Ellie; I took yours." ; The Brownie ! did you? "Why?" said Ellen, somewhat alarmed. "I have been trying him; and instead of going quietly along the road, we have been taking some of the fences in our way. As I intend practising you at the bar, I wished to make sure, in the first place, that he knew his lesson." "Well, how did he do?" "Perfectly well I believe he is a good little fellow. I wanted to satisfy myself if he was fit to be trusted with you ; and I rather think Mr. Marshman has taken care of that." The whole wall of trees was in shadow when the little family sat down to table ; but there was still the sunlit picture behind; and there was another kind of sunshine in every face at the table. Quietly happy the whole four , or at least the whole three, were first, in being together after that, in all things beside. Never was tea so refreshing, or bread and butter so sweet, or the song of birds so delightsome. When the birds were gone to their nests, the cricket and rasshopper, and tree-toad and katydid, and nameless other songsters, kept up a concert nature s own in delicious har- I m very glad! How did you mony with woods and flowers, like him? But perhaps lie was land summer breezes and evening tired a little, and you couldn t lig-ht. Ellen s cup of enioyment 4-^11 c,~ ,~~\\ 4-~ J_ " __ T7_.-..r tell so well to-day. was runnig over. From one "He was not tired with any j beautiful thing to another her work you had given him, Ellie; eye wandered from one joy to - perhaps he may be a little, | another her thoughts went till now." I her full heart fixed on the God 24* 372 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. who had made and given them When tea was over, and Mar- all, and that Redeemer whose gery had withdrawn the things, blood had been their purchase- 1 and taken away the table, they money. From the dear friends j still lingered in their places. It beside her, the best loved she; was far too pleasant to go in. Mr. had in the world , she thought of Humphreys moved his chair to the one dearer, yet from whom | the side of the house, and throw- death had separated her; yet! ing a handkerchief over his head living still and to whom death j to defend him from the musqui- would restore her, thanks to; toes, a few of which were buzzing Him who had burst the bonds of about, he either listened, me- death, and broken the gates of ( ditated, or slept; most probably the grave , and made a way for one of the two latter, for the con- his ransomed to pass over. And the thought of Him was the joy- fullest of all. "You look happy, Ellie," said her adopted brother. "So 1 am," said Ellen, smiling versatipn was not very loud nor very lively, it was happiness enough merely to breathe so near each other. The sun left the dis tant fields and hills ; soft twilight stole through the woods, down a very bright smile. j the gap , and over the plain ; the "What are you thinking grass lost its green; the wall of about?" But John saw it would not do to press his question. trees grew dark and dusky; and very faint and dim showed the picture that was so bright a little You remind me," said he, while ago. As they sat quite "of some old fairy story that my j silent, listening to what nature childish ears received, in which! had to say to them, or letting the fountains of the sweet and | fancy and memory take their bitter waters of life were said to : way, the silence was broken stand very near each other, and; hardly broken by the distinct to mingle their streams but a! far- off cry of a whip-poor-will, little way from their source. Alice grasped her brother s arm, Your tears and smiles seem to be and they remained motionless, brothers and sisters ; whenever : while it came nearer, nearer, then we see one we may be sure the quite near, with its clear, wild, other is not far off." I shrill, melancholy note sounding "My dear Jack," said Alice, j close by them again and again laughing "what an unhappy! strangely, plaintively then simile! Are brothers and sisters leaving the lawn, it was heard always found like that?" further and further off, till the "I wish they were," said John, last faint "whip-poor-will," in sighing and smiling; "but imyi the far distance, ended its pretty last words had nothing to do with ; interlude. It was almost too dark my simile, as you call it." | to read faces, but the eyes of the THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 373 brother and sister had sought I " We are thinking of it, Papa, each other, remained fixed till said Alice, cheerfully, the bird was out of hearing; then Alice s hand was removed to his, and her head found its old place on her brother s shoulder. "Sometimes, John," said Alice, "I am afraid Lhave one tie too strong to this world. I cannot bear as I ought to have you? He went in, and was heard call ing Margery for a light. They had better lights on the lawn. The stars began to peep out through the soft blue, and as the blue grew deeper, they came out more and brighter, till all heaven was hung with lamps. But that was not all. In the eastern horizon, just above the low hills that bordered the far aAvay from me. Her brother s lips were in stantly pressed to her forehead. "I may say to you, Alice, as! side of the plain, a white light, Colonel Gardiner said to his spreading, and growing, and wife, we have an eternity to j brightening, promised the moon, spend together ! " and promised that she would rise "I wonder," said Alice, after a pause, "how those can bear to love or be loved, whose affection can see nothing but a blank promise very splendid; and even before she came , began to throw a faint lustre over the landscape. All eyes were fastened and exclama- beyond the grave." jtions burst, as the first silver "Few people, I believe," sa idi edge showed itself, and the moon, her brother, "would come exactly rapidly rising looked on them under that description ; most flat- ! wlth her whole , broad , bright ter themselves with a vague hope : ace: lighting up not only then- faces and figures, but the wide country view that was spread out of reunion after death." "But that is a miserable hope very different from ours." below, and touching most beauti- a^T J-& j j i j fully the trees in the edge of the / Very different, indeed! and * and faintly the lawn; while miserable; for it can only de- f^ n f J t d . n dee ceive ; but ours is sure < Them i and blacker ghad() than P that sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. " "Isn t that beautiful?" said "Precious!" saidAlice. "How| Ellen - exactly fitted to 1 every want and ! " Come round here , Ellie," mood of the mind are the sweet : said John; "Alice may have you Bible words ! " all the rest of the year , but when "Well! rousing in! These musquitoes eaten me up. Are you going to "When? said Ellen, oif *v,,-. n ~;,v.i^ i e words ! " all the rest or the year , but when Well!" said Mr. Humphreys, I am at home you belong to me ing himself " I am going ! What was your little head busied These musquitoes have half; u P on a while ago ? " sit there all night? " When I asked you " 374 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD.- " Oh , I know I remember. I was thinking " "Well?" " I was thinking do you want me to tell you?" "Unless you would rather not." "I was thinking about Jesus Christ," said Ellen, in a low tone. "What about him, dear Ellie ? " said her brother, drawing her closer to his side. "Different things; I was thinking of what he said about little children; and about what he said, you know In my Fa ther s house are many mansions ; and I was thinking that Mam ma was there: and 1 thought that we all " Ellen could get no further. " He that believeth in him, shall not be ashamed, " said John , softly. " This is the pro mise that he hath promised us, even eternal life ; and who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Not death, nor things present, nor things to come. But he that hath this hope in him, purifieth himself, even as he is pure; let us remember that too." "Mr. John," said Ellen, pre sently " don t you like some of the chapters in the Revelation very much?" "Yes very much. Why? do you?" "Yes. I remember reading parts of them to Mamma, and that is one reason, I suppose; but I like them very much. There is a great deal I can t understand, though." "There is nothing finer in the Bible than parts of that book," said Alice. "Mr. John," said Ellen "what is meant by the white stone? " m " And in the stone a new name written? " " Yes that I mean." " Mr. Baxter says it is the sense of God s love in the heart; and, indeed, that is it which no man knoweth saving him that re- ceiveth it. This, I take it, Ellen, was Christian s certificate, which he used to comfort himself with reading in, you remember?" "Can a child have it?" said Ellen, thoughtfully. "Certainly many children have had it you may have it. Only seek it faithfully. Thou meetest him that rejoiceth and worketh righteousness, those that remember thee in thy ways. And Christ said, He that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and I will manifest myself to him. There is no failure in these promises, Ellie; he that made them is the same yesterday, to-day, and for ever. For a little while each was busy with his own meditations. The moon, meanwhile, rising higher and higher, poured a flood of light through the gap in the woods before them, and steal ing among the trees, here and there, lit up a spot of ground under their deep shadow. The THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 375 distant picture lay in mazy bright ness. All was still, but the cease less chirrup of insects, and gentle flapping of leaves; the summer air just touched their cheeks with the lightest breath of a kiss, sweet from distant hayfields, and nearer pines and hemlocks, and other of nature s numberless perfume boxes. The hay harvest had been remarkably late this year. "This is higher enjoyment," said John, "than half those who make their homes in rich houses and mighty places have any notion of." "But cannot rich people look at the moon?" said Ellen. "Yes, but the taste for pure pleasures is commonly gone, when people make a trade of pleasure." "Mr. John" Ellen began. " I will forewarn you ," said he, "that Mr. John has made up his mind he will do nothing more for you. So if you have any thing to ask , it must lie still unless you will begin again." Ellen drew back. He looked grave , but she saw Alice smiling. "But what shall I do?" said she, a little perplexed , and half- laughing. "What do you mean, yourself permanently for the fu- ;ure." " Was that man hurt this morn- ng, John?" said his sister. "Whatman?" " That man you delivered Ellen from." " Hurt? no nothing material ; I did not wish to hurt him. He richly deserved punishment, but it was not for me to give it." "He was in no hurry to get 3," said Ellen. "I do not think he ventured upon that till we were well out of the way. He lifted his head and looked after us as we rode off." Mr. John? What does he mean, Alice?" "You could speak without a Mr. to me this morning, when you were in trouble. " "Oh," said Ellen, laughing, "I forgot myself then." ; But I wanted to ask some thing ," said Ellen "oh what is the reason the moon looks so much larger when she first gets up, than she does afterwards?" "Whom are you asking? " "You." "And who is you? Here are two people in the moonlight." "Mr. John Humphreys, Alice s brother , and that Thomas calls the yxDung master, " said Ellen, laughing. "You are more shy of taking a leap than your little horse is," said John, smiling; "but I shall bring you up to it yet. What is the cause of the sudden enlarge ment of my thumb ? " He had drawn a small magni- fying-glass from his pocket, and held it between his hand and Ellen. "Why, it is not enlarged," said Ellen "it is only magnified. "Have the goodness to forget | "What do you mean by that?" 376 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. "Why, the glass makes it look larger." "Do you know how, or why? "No." He put up the glass again. "But what do you mean by that?" said Ellen, "there is no magnifying-glass between us and the moon to make her look larger." "You are sure of that?" "Why, yes," said Ellen, "lam perfectly sure; there is nothing in the world. There she is, right lip there, looking straight down upon us, and there is nothing between." "What is it that keeps up that pleasant fluttering of leaves in the wood?" "Why, the wind." "And what is the wind?" "It is air air moving, I sup pose." "Exactly. Then there is some thing between us and the moon?" "The air? But, Mr. John, one can see quite clearly through the air; it doesn t make think look larger or smaller." "How far do you suppose the air reaches from us towards the moon?" "Why, all the way don t it?" " No only about forty miles. If it reached all the way, there would indeed be no magnifying- glass in the case." "But how is it?" said Ellen. "I don t understand." "I cannot tell you to-night, Ellie. There is a long ladder of knowledge to go up before we can get to the moon, but we will begin to mount to-morrow, if no thing happens. Alice , you have that little book of Conversations on Natural Philosophy, which you and I used to delight ourselves with in old time." "Safe and sound in the book case," said Alice. "I have thought of giving it to Ellen before, but she has been busy enough with what she had already." "I have done Kollin, now, though," said Ellen; "that is lucky, I am ready for the moon." This new study was begun the next day, and Ellen took great delight in it. She would have run on too fast in her eagerness, but for the steady hand of her teacher; he obliged her to be very thorough. This was only one of her items of business. The weeks of John s stay were, as usual, not merely weeks of constant and varied delight, but of constant and swift improve ment too. A good deal of time was given to the riding lessons. John busied himself one morning in prepa ring a bar for her on the lawn, so placed that it might fall if the horse s heels touched it. Here Ellen learned to take first stand- ng, and then running leaps. She was afraid at first, but habit wore that off; and the bar was raised higher and higher, till Margery declared she " couldn t stand and ook at her going over it." Then John made her ride without the stirrup , and with her hands be- lind her, while he, holding the lorse by a long halter, made him THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 377 go round in a circle, slowly at first, and afterwards trotting and cantering, till Ellen felt almost as secure on its back as in a chair. It took a good many les sons, however, to bring her to this, and she trembled very much atthe beginning. Herteacher was careful and gentle, but deter mined; and whatever he said she did , tremble or no tremble ; and, in general, loved her riding les sons dearly. JQrawin^ tpo , went on finely. He began ~toTe~t hSr~a*raw things from nature; and many a plea sant morning the three went out together with pencils and books and work, and spent hours in the open air. They would find a pretty point of view, or a nice shady place where the breeze came , and where there was some good old rock with a tree beside it, or a piece of fence, or the As soon as it was decided that Mr. Van Brunt s leg was doing well, and in a fair way to be sound again, Ellen went to see him; and after that rarely let two days pass without going again. John and Alice used to ride with her so far, and taking a turn beyond while she made her visit, call for her on their way back. She had a strong motive for going in the pleasure her presense always gave , both to Mr. Van Brunt and his mother. Sam Larkens had been to Thirl- wall and seen Mrs. Forbes, and from him they had heard the story of her riding up and down the town in search of the doctor; neither of them could forget it. Mrs. Van Brunt poured out her affection in all sorts of expres sions whenever she had Ellen s ear; her son was not a man of many words ; but Ellen knew his house or barn in the distance, for face and manner well enough Ellen to sketch; and while she! without them, and read there, whenever she went into his room, what gave her great pleasure. "How do you do, Mr. Van Brunt?" she said, on one of these occasions. "Oh, I m getting along, I s pose," said he "getting along as well as a man can that s lying on his back from morning to night; prostrated, as Squire Dennison said his corn was t other day." "It is very tiresome, isn t it?" said Ellen. "It s the tiresomest work that ever was , for a man that has two arms to be a-doing nothing, day- drew and Alice worked, John read aloud to them. Sometimes he took a pencil too, and Alice read; and often, often, pencils, books, and work were all laid down; and talk lively, serious, earnest, always delightful took the place of them. When Ellen could not understand the words, at least she could read the faces; and that was a study she was never weary of. At home there were other studies and much reading; many tea- drinkings on the lawn, and evenbreakfastings, which she thought pleasanter still. 378 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD, after day. And what bothers me never heerd a man talk I liked to is the wheat in that ten-acre lot, i hear so much." that ought to be prostrated too, Ellen secretly resolved some- and ain t, nor ain t like to be, as I thing should bring him; and went know, unless the rain comes and on with a purpose she had had does it. Sam and Johnny 11 make i for some time in her mind. no headway at all with it I can "Wouldn t it be pleasant, tell as well as if I see em. while you are lying t ere and ; But Sam is good, isn t he? "| can do nothing wouldn t you said Ellen. like to have me read something "Sam s as good a boy as ever; to you, Mr. Van Brunt? /should was; but then Johnny Low is like to, very much." mischievous, you see, and he "It s just like you," said he, gets Sam out of his tracks once gratefully "to think of that; in a while. I never see a finer: but j wou id n t have you be growth of wheat. I had a sight bothered with it." rather cut and harvest the hull of j It wou ldn t, indeed. I should it than to lie here and think of it 1 uk e jt very much." getting spoiled. I m a most out! o conceit o trap-doors, Ellen." Ellen could not help smiling. Wellj if you * " T p.a.n t. sn said he "I can t say but it would be a kind o comfort to keep that "What can I do for you, Mr. grain out o my head a while. Van Brunt?" | Seems to me I have cut and "There ain t nothing," said ! housed it all three times over al- he; "I wish there was. How j ready. Read just whatever you are you coming along at home?" have a mind to. If you was to go "I don t know," said Ellen over a last year s almanac it "I am not there just now, you j would be as good as a fiddle to know ; I am staying up with Miss j me." Alice again." I 11 do better for you than "Oh, ay! while her brother s that, Mr. Van Brunt," said Ellen, at home. He s a splendid man, [ laughing in high glee at having that young Mr. Humphreys , ain t gained her point. She had se- he ? " cretly brought her Pilgrim s Pro- " Oh , / knew that a great while ago," said Ellen, the bright co lour of pleasure overspreading her face. "Well, /didn t, you see, till the other day, when he came here, very kindly, to see how I was getting on. I wish some thing would bring t him again. I gress with her, and now with mar vellous satisfaction drew it forth. "I han t been as much of a reader as I had ought to," said Mr. Van Brunt, as she opened the book and turned to the first page; "but, however, I under stand my business pretty well; and a man can t be everything 5 to once. Now let s hear what you Ve got there." With a throbbing heart, Ellen began; and read, notes and all, till the sound of trampling hoofs and Alice s voice made her break off. It encouraged and delighted her to see that Mr. Van Brunt s attention was perfectly fixed. He lay still, without moving his eyes from her face , till she stopped ; then thanking her, he declared that was a "first-rate book," and he "should like mainly to hear the hull on it." From that time Ellen was dili gent in her attendance on him. That she might have more time for reading than the old plan gave her, she set off by herself alone some time before the others, of course riding home with them. It cost a little, some times, to forego so much of their company ; but she never saw the look of grateful pleasure with which she was welcomed without ceasing to regret her self-denial. How Ellen blessed those notes as she went on with her reading! They said exactly what she wanted Mr. Van Brunt to hear, and in the best way, and were too short and simple to interrupt the interest of the story. After a while she ventured to ask if she might read him a chapter in the Bible. He agreed very readily; owning "he hadn t ought to be so long without reading one as he had been." Ellen then made it a rule to herself, without asking any more questions, to end every reading with a chapter THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 379 in the Bible; and she carefully sought out those that might be most likely to take hold of his judgment or feelings. They took hold of her own very deeply, by the means; what was strong or tender, before, now seemed to her too mighty to be withstood; and Ellen read not only with her lips, but with her whole heart, the precious words , longing that they might come with their just effect upon Mr. Van Brunt s mind. Once, as she finished reading the tenth chapter of John, a fa vourite chapter, which, between her own feeling of it, and her strong wish for him, had moved her even to tears, she cast a glance at his face to see how he took it. His head was a little turned to one side, and his eyes closed; she thought he was asleep. Ellen was very much dis appointed. She sank her head upon her book, and prayed that a time might come when he would know the worth of those words. The touch of his hand startled her. "What is the matter?" said he. "Are you tired?" "No," said Ellen, looking hastily up ; " oh, no I m not tired." "But what ails you?" said the astonished Mr. Van Brunt ; " what have you been a- crying for? what s the matter? " "Oh, nevermind," said Ellen, brushing her hand over her eyes "it s no matter." "Yes, but I want to know," 380 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. said Mr. Van Brunt; "you Brunt. But Jesus Christ has died sha n t have anything to vex you! for us, and if we ask him, he will that / can help 5 what is it?" j forgive us, and wash away our "It is nothing, Mr. Van Brunt,"| sins, and teach us to love him, said Ellen , bursting into tears and make us good, and take usto again "only I thought you be with him in heaven. Oh! I were asleep I I thought you wish you would ask him ! " she re- didn t care enough about the peated, with an earnestness that Bible to keep awake I want so went to his heart. "I don t be- much that you should be a Chris- ! lieve any one can be very happy * ; " " that doesn t love him." tian ! He half groaned, and turned his head away. "Is that what makes you happy? "said he. " I have a great many things to "What makes you wish that so much?" said he, after a minute mak V me happy," said Ellen, I soberly - but that is the great- e est of all. It always makes me happy to think of him, and it makes everything else . I am pretty tolerable sand times pleasanter. I happy, said he; "as happy as you knew how it "Because I want you to happy," said Ellen "and know you can t without." \ ms ^ s everything else a thou- "Well, I am pretty tolerable sand times pleasanter. I wish ,ppy said he; "as happy as knew how it ig Mr y au most folks, I guess." i Brunt!" " But I want you to be happy | R wag n t f Uttle and when you die, too, said Ellen - . disturbed Ellen thought. "I want to meet you in heaven. ., TT 11( ,, ., , ,, " I hone I will o-o there sure- Wel1 ! said he at len S th ~ " the folks that thinks themselves the best that is the ly," said he, the time comes~ .,, Ellen was uneasily silent, not e j* always -if you am ; good, knowing what to sav should like to know what good- "I ain t as good as I ought to ?* { * T ^ s somebody that be," said he presently, with a half thl ? ks ^ u be, said he a minute sigh : - " I ain t good enough to or tw afterwards , as the horses nrrofo noQvri /">rkrrTn o* Tr\ rno rroro go to heaven I wish I was. You are, I do believe." "I! Oh no, Mr. Van Brunt, do not say that; I am not good at all I am full of wrong things." "Well,_ I wish I^was full of wrong things, too, in the same way," said he. "But I am," said Ellen - "whether you will believe it or not. Nobody is good, Mr. Van were heard coming to the gate. " No, she knows me better than that," said Ellen. "It isn t any she that I mean," said Mr. Van Brunt, "There s somebody else out there, ain t there?" "Who?" said Ellen "Mr. John? Oh no, indeed he don t. It was only this morning he was telling me of something I did that THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 381 was wrong." Her eyes watered and held the cotton, and, as soon as she spoke. as it was done, set down again to "He must have mighty sharp her drawing. Before ten minutes eyes, then," said Mr. Van Brunt had passed, Margery came to set "for it beats all my powers of the table for dinner; Ellen s seeing things." papers and desk must move. "And so he has," said Ellen, "Why, it is not dinner-time yet, putting on her bonnet; "he al- j this great while , Margery," said ways knows what I am thinking she "it isn t much after of just as well as if I told him. ! twelve." Good-bye ! " " No, Miss Ellen," said Marge- " Good -bye," said he "I ry, under her breath, for John han t forgotten what you ve been was in one corner of the room saying, and I don t mean to." reading "but by-and-by I ll be How full of sweet pleasure was busy with the chops and frying the ride home! (the salsify, and I couldn t leave The "something wrong," of j the kitchen if you ll let me which Ellen had spoken, was have the table now." this. The day before, it happen- j Ellen said no more, and moved ed that Mr. John had broken her (her things to a stand before the off from a very engaging book to j window, where she went on with take her drawing lesson; and as her copying till dinner was ready, he stooped down to give a touch | Whatever the reason was, how- or two to the piece she was to ever, her pencil did not work copy, he said, "I don t want you, smoothly: her eye did not see to read any more of that, Ellie; it j true ; and she lacked her usual is not a good book for you." steady patience. The next morn- Ellen did not for a moment ques- ing, after an hour and more s tion that he was right, nor wish work and much painstaking, the to disobey ; but she had become drawing was finished. Ellen had very much interested , and was a quite forgotten her yesterday s good deal annoyed at having trouble. But when John came to such a sudden stop put to her review her drawing, he found several faults with it; pointed put two or three places in which it had suffered from haste and want of care ; and asked her how ., it had happened. Ellen knew it annoyed again at the interrup- happened yesterday. She was tion; the harpstringsj were jar-j vexed again, though she did her ringyet, and gave fresh discord best not to show it; she stood at every touch. She had , how- quietly and heard what he had to ever, no mind to let her vexation say. He then told her to get be seen; she went immediately | ready for her .riding lesson. pleasure. She said nothing, and went on with her work. In a little while Alice asked her to hold a skein of cotton for her while she wound it. Ellen was 382 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. "Mayn t I just make this right j while the reproof coming from first? said Ellen "it won t take him went to the quick, Ellen yet me long." [joined with it no thought of 4 "_No," said he 5 "you have been j harshness or severity. She was sitting long enough; I must break: completely subdued, however; you off. The Brownie will be here the rest of the riding lesson had to be given up, and for an hour in ten minutes." Ellen was impatiently eager to Ellen s tears could not be stayed. mend the bad places in her draw- 1 But it was , and John had meant ing, and impatiently displeased j it should be, a strong check given at being obliged to ride first.! to her besetting sin. It had a Slowly and reluctantly she Aventj long and lasting effect, to get ready ; John was already gone ; she would not have moved so leisurely if he had been any where within seeing distance. As CHAPTER XL. "Prodigious!" IN due time, Mr. Van Brunt was on his legs again, much to every - it was, she found it convenient to quicken her movements, and was j body s joy , and much to the ad- at the door ready as soon as he vantage of fields, fences, and and the Brownie. She was soon thoroughly engaged in the ma nagement of herself and her horse ; a little smart riding shook all the ill-humour out of her, and she was entirely herself again. At the end of fifteen or twenty minutes they drew up under the shade of a tree to let the Brownie rest a little. It was a warm day, and John had taken off his hat and stood resting too , with his arm leaning on the neck of the horse. Presently he looked round to Ellen, and asked her, with a smile, if she felt right again. "Why?" said Ellen, the crim son of her cheeks mounting to her forehead. But her eye sunk immediately at the answering glance of his. He then, in a very few words , set the matter before her, with such a happy mixture of pointedness and kindness, that grain. Sam and Johnny found they must "spring to," as their leader said; and Miss Fortune declared she was thankful she could draw a long breath again, for, do what she would, she couldn t be everywhere. Before this John and the Black Prince had departed, and Alice and Ellen were left alone again. "How long will it be, dear Alice," said Ellen, as they stood sorrowfully^ looking down the road by which he had gone , " be fore hewill be through that be fore he will be able to leave Don- caster?" "Next summer." "And what will he do then?" " Then he will be ordained." "Ordained! whatisthat?" "He will be solemnly set apart for the work of the ministry, and appointed to it by a number of clergymen." THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 383 much attached to old Mr. and Mrs. Marshman, and Mrs. Chaun- cey and her daughter ; the latter of whom reckoned all the rest of her young friends as nothing compared with Ellen Mont gomery. Ellen, in her opinion, did everything better than any one else of her age. "She has good teachers," said Mrs. Chauncey. "Yes, indeed! I should think she had. Alice I should think anybody would learn well with her; and Mr. John I suppose he s as good, though I don t know so much about him; but he must be a great deal better teacher than Mr. Sandford, Mam ma , for Ellen draws ten times as well as I do ! " "Perhaps that is your fault, and not Mr. Sandford s," said her mother; "though I rather think you overrate the difference." "I am sure I take pains enough, if that s all," said the little girl; "what more can I do, Mamma? months Mr. Marshman was sure j But Ellen is so pleasant about it to come for them, or Mr. Howard, [always; she never seems to think or perhaps the carriage only with j she does better than I ; and she is a letter; and it was bargained j always ready to help me, and for, that Mr. Humphreys should! take ever so much time to show follow to see them home. It was me how to do things ; she is so not always that Ellen could go, j pleasant, isn t she, Mamma? I but the disappointments were | know I have heard you say she is seldom; she, too, had become j very polite." quite domesticated at Ventnor, "She is certainly that," said and was sincerely loved by the Mrs. Gillespie; "and there is a, whole family. Many as were the grace in her politeness that can times she had been there, it had \ only proceed from great natural oddly happened that she had ; delicacy and refinement of cha- iiever met her old friend of the racter. How she can have such boat again ; but she was very , manners , living and working in "And then will he come and stay at home, Alice ? " "I don t know what then, dear Ellen," said Alice, sighing; "he may for a little ; but Papa wishes very much that before he is settled anywhere , he should visit Eng land and Scotland, and see our friends there; though I hardly think John will do it, unless he sees some further reason for go ing. If he do not, he will probably soon be called somewhere ; Mr. Marshman wants him to come to Randolph. I don t know how it will be." "Well!" said Ellen, with a kind of acquiescing sigh, "at any rate, now we must wait until next Christmas." The winter passed with little to mark it except the usual visits to Ventnor; which, however, by common consent, Alice and Ellen had agreed should not be when John was at home. At all other times they were much prized and enjoyed. Every two or three 384 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. the way you say she does, Icon- when their backs are turned fess is beyond my comprehen- said Mrs. Gillespie. sum." "She! oh, Aunt Matilda! she " One would not readily forget wouldn t do the least thing they the notion of good-breeding in don t like for the whole world. I the society of Alice and John know she never reads a story Humphreys," said Miss Sophia. when she is here, unless it is my "And Mr. Humphreys," said Sunday books, without asking Mrs. Chauncey. j Alice first." > " There is no society about | "She is a most extraordinary him," said Miss Sophia 5 "he don t child!" said Mrs. Gillespie. say two dozen words a day." "She is a, good child," saidMrs. "But she is not with them," Chauncey. said Mrs. Gillespie. " Yes, Mamma, and thatis what " She is with them a great deal, I wanted to say. I do not think AuntMatilda," said Ellen Chaun- Ellen is so polite because she is cey, "and they teach her every- so much with Alice and Mr. John, thing, and she does learn! She but because she is so sweet and must be very clever; don t you good. I don t think she could help think she is , Mamma? Mamma, being polite." she beats me entirely in speaking i " It is not that ," said Mrs. Gil- French, and she knows all about lespie; "mere sweetness and English history, and arithmetic! goodness would never give so and did you ever hear her sing, ; much elegance of manner. As Mamma?" I far as I have seen, Ellen Mont- "I do not believe she beats ! gomery is ^perfectly well-behaved you, as you call it, in generous | child." estimation of others," saidMrs. j " That she is," said Mrs. Chaun - Chauncey, smiling, and bending cey; "but neither would any cul- forward to kiss her daughter; tivation or example be sufficient "but what is the reason Ellen is for it without Ellen s thorough so much better read in history than you?" I don t know, Mamma, unless I wish I wasn t so fond of read ing stories." Ellen Montgomery is just as good principle and great sweet ness of temper." " That s exactly what / think, Mamma," said Ellen Chauncey. Ellen s sweetness of temper was not entirely born with her; it fond of them, I 11 warrant," said ^vas one of the blessed fruits of Miss Sophia. religion and discipline. Discipline " Yes oh , I know she is fond lad not done with it yet. When of them ; but then Alice and Mr. he winter came on, and the John don t let her read them, ex- jnouse-work grew less, and with cept now and then one. 5 [renewed vigour she was bending "I fancy she does it, though, herself to improvement in all THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 385 sorts of ways, it unluckily came into Miss Fortune s head, thai some of Ellen s spare time mighi be turned to account in a new line. With this lady, to propose and do were two things always very near together. The very next day Ellen was summoned to help her down-stairs with the big spinning-wheel. Most unsuspi ciously, and with her accustomed pleasantness, Ellen did it. But when she was sent up again for the rolls of wool, and Miss For tune, after setting up the wheel, put one of them into her hand and instructed her how to draw out and twist the thread of yarn, she saw all that was coming. She saw it with dismay. So much yarn as Miss Fortune might think it well she should spin, so much time must be taken daily from her beloved reading and writing, drawing, and studying; her very heart sunk within her. She made no remonstrance, unless her dis consolate face might be thought one 5 she stood half a day at the big spinning-wheel, fretting se cretly, while Miss Fortune went round with an inward chuckle visible in her countenance, that in spite of herself increased El len s vexation. And this was not the annoyance of a day; she must expect it day after day through the whole winter. It was a grie vous trial. Ellen cried for a great while when she got to her own room, and a long hard struggle was necessary before she could resolve to do her duty. "To be patient and quiet! . and spin The Wide, Wide World. nobody knows how much yarn and my poor history and philo sophy and drawing and French and reading! " Ellen cried very, heartily. But she knew what she ought to do; she prayed long, humbly, earnestly, that " her little rushlight might shine bright;" and her aunt had no cause to complain of her. Sometimes, if over-pressed, Ellen would ask Miss Fortune to let her stop ; say ing, as Alice had advised her, that she wished to have her do such and such things ; Miss For tune never made any^ objection; and the hours of spinning that wrought so many knots of yarn for her aunt, wrought better things yet for the little spinner; patience and gentleness grew with the practice of them; this weari some work was one of the many seemingly untoward things which in reality bring out good. The time Ellen did secure to herself was held the more precious, and used the more carefully. After all it was a very profitable and plea sant winter to her. John s visit came as usual at lie holidays, and was enjoyed as usual; only that every one seemed to Ellen more pleasant than the last. The only other event that broke the quiet course of things (besides the journeys ;o Yentnor) was the death of Mrs. Van Brunt. This happened very unexpectedly and after a short llness, not far from the end of January. Ellen was very sorry, DO th for her own sake and Mr. Van Brunt s, who she was sure 25 386 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. felt much , though , according to salt , and she went eagerly out of his general custom, he said no- the door with Mr. Van Brunt to a thing. Ellen felt for him none new pleasure, the less. She little thought what I They crossed two or three an important bearing this event j meadows behind the barn, to a would have upon her own future j low rocky hill covered with trees, well-being. On the other side of this, they The winter passed and the came to a fine field of spring spring came. One fine, mild, wheat. Footsteps must not go pleasant afternoon, early in May, I over the young grain. Ellen and Mr. Van Brunt came into the kitchen and asked Ellen if she Mr. Van Brunt coasted carefully round by the fence to another wanted to go with him and see piece of rocky woodland, that the sheep salted. Ellen was lay on the far side of the wheat- seated at the table with a large field. It was a very fine after- tin pan in her lap, and before her a huge heap of white beans, which she was picking over for the Saturday s favourite dish of pork and beans. She looked up at him with a hopeless face. " I should like to go very much noon. The grass Avas green in the meadow; the trees were beginning to show their leaves ; the air was soft and spring-like. In great glee Ellen danced along, luckily needing no entertainment from Mr. Van Brunt, who was indeed , Mr. Van Brunt, but you j devoted to his salt-pan. His na- seelcan t. All these to do!" tural taciturnity seemed greater "Beans, eh?" said he, putting than ever; he amused himself all the way over the meadow, with turning over his salt and tasting it, till Ellen laughingly told him, she believed he was as fond of it as the sheep were; and then he took to throwing little bits of it right and left, at anything he saw that was big enough to serve for a mark. Ellen stopped him again, by laughing at his wastefulness; and so they came to the wood. She left him then to do as he liked, while she ran hither and thither to search for flowers. It was slow getting through the wood. He was fain to stop and wait for her. "Aren t these lovely?" said one or two into his mouth. "Where s your aunt?" "Here, Ma am!" said he "can t you let this child go with me? I want her along to help feed the sheep." To Ellen s astonishment, her aunt called to her through the closed door to "go along, and the beans till she came Joyfully Ellen obeyed. leave back. She turned her back upon the beans, careless of the big heap which would still be there to pick over when she returned, and ran to get her bonnet. In all the time she had been in Thirlwall, something had always prevented her seeing the sheep fed with THE WIDE) "WIDE WORLD. 387 thought it must be out before now the dear little thing ! but I can t find any blood-root. Mr. Van Brunt." "I guess they re gone," said Mr. Van Brunt. "I suppose they must," said Ellen. "I am sorry; I like them so much. Oh, I believe I did get them earlier than this two years ago , when I used to take so many walks with you. Only think of my not having been to look for flowers before, this spring." "It hadn t ought to ha hap- iVQ/l n/-v *!-<-* ,- ^ r*4- " n Csl Ellen, as she came up with her j posture, discovered some cows- hands full of anemones " and j lips to be scrambled for. Wild look there s the liverwort. 1 1 columbine, the delicate cory- dalis, and more uvularias, which she called yellow bells, were added to her handful, till it greAv a very elegant bunch indeed. Mr. Van Brunt looked compla cently on , much as Ellen would at a kitten running round after its tail. "Now, I won t keep you any longer, Mr. Van Brunt," said she , when her hands were as full as they could hold; "I have kept you a great while ; you are very good to wait for me." They took up their line of march again, and after crossing pened so, that s a fact," said! the last piece of rocky wood- Mr. Van Brunt; "I don t know land, came to an open hill-side, sloping gently up , at the foot of which were several large flat stones. "But where are the sheep, Mr. Van Brunt? " said Ellen. "I guess they ain t fur," said he. "You keep quiet, cause they don t know you; and they are mighty scary. Just stand still there by the fence. Ca-nan! ca-nan! ca-nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan!" This was the sheep-call, and raising his voice , Mr. Van Brunt made it sound abroad far over the hills. Again and again it sounded; and then Ellen saw the white nose of a sheep, at the edge of the woods , on the top of the hill. On the call s sounding how it has. "Oh! there are my yellow bells!" exclaimed Ellen "oh, you beauties! Aren t they, Mr. Van Brunt?" "I won t say but what I think an ear of wheat s handsomer," said he , with his half smile. "Why, Mr. Van Brunt! how can you? but an ear of wheat s pretty, too. Oh, Mr. Van Brunt, what is that? Do get me some of it, will you, please? Oh, how beautiful ! what is it ? " "That s black birch," said he ; " t is kind o handsome ; . stop, I ll find you some oak blos soms directly. There s some Solomon s seal do you want some of that?" Ellen sprang to it with ex clamations of j oy , and , before j in a long train they came running she could rise from her stooping along a narrow footpath, down. again, the sheep set forward, am 25* 388 THE WIDE, WIDE WOULD. towards where Mr. Van Brunt was standing with his pan. The soft tramp of a multitude of light hoofs in another direction, turned Ellen s eyes that way, and there were two more single files of sheep running down the hill from dif ferent points in the woodland. The pretty things came scamper ing along, seeming in a great hurry till they got very near; then the whole multitude came to a sudden halt, and looked very wistfully and doubtfully indeed at Mr. Van Brunt , and the strange little figure standing so still by the fence. They seemed in great doubt, every sheep of them, whether Mr. Van Brunt were not a traitor, who had put on a friend s voice, and lured them down there with some dark evil intent, which he was going to carry out by means of that same dangerous- looking stranger by the fence. Ellen almost expected to see them turn about and go as fast as they had come. But Mr. Van Brunt, gently repeating his call, went quietly up to the nearest stone, and began to scatter the salt upon it, full in their view. Doubt was at an end; he had hung out the white flag; they flocked down to the stones, no longer at all in fear of double- dealing, and crowded to get at the salt; the rocks where it was strewn were covered with more sheep than Ellen would have thought it possible could stand upon them. They were like pieces of floating ice, heaped up with sno\v ; or queen-cakes with an immoderately thick frosting. It was one scene of pushing and crowding those which had not had their share of the feast forcing themselves up to get at it, and shoving others off in conse quence. Ellen was wonderfully pleased. It was a new and pretty sight, the busy hustling crowd of gentle creatures, with the soft noise of their tread upon grass and stones, and the eager devour ing of the salt. She was fixed with pleasure, looking and lis tening, and did not move till the entertainment was over, and the body of the flock were carelessly scattering here and there, while a few that had perhaps been disappointed of their part, still lingered upon the stones, in the vain hope of yet licking a little saltness from them. "Well," said Ellen, "I never knew what salt was worth before. How they do love it! Is it good for them, Mr. Van Brunt?" "Good for them!" said he "to be sure it is good for them. There ain t a critter that walks, as I know, that it ain t good **"*** cept chickens, and, it s for very queer, it kills them." They turned to go homeward. Ellen had taken the empty pan to lay her flowers in , thinking it would be better for them than the heat of her hand; and, greatly pleased with what she had come to see, and enjoying her walk as much as it was possible, she was going home very happy, yet she could not help missing Mr. Van Brunt s old sociableuess. THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 389 He was uncommonly silent, even "Why, no," said Ellen "she for him, considering that he and never tells me anything 5 what Ellen were alone together; and;isit?" she wondered what had possessed "Why, the story is," said him with a desire to cut down all j Mr. Van Brunt "at least I the young saplings he came to i know, for I ve understood as that were large enough for walk- much from herself, that I ing-sticks. He did not want to believe she s going to be married make any use of them that was i before long." certain ; for as fast as he cut and trimmed out one, he threw it away and cut another. Ellen was glad when they got out into the open fields, where there were none to be found. "It is just about this time a year ago," said she, "that Aunt Fortune was getting well of her long fit of sickness." "Yes!" said Mr. Van Brunt, with a very profound air; " something is always happening most years." Ellen did not know what to make of this philosophical remark. "I am very glad nothing is happening this year," said she; "I think it is a great deal plea- santer to have things go on quietly." " Oh, something might happen j without hindering things going on quietly, I s pose mightn t it?" "I don t know," said Ellen, wonderingly. "Why, Mr. Van Brunt, what is going to happen? " "I declare," said he, half- laughing, "you re as cute as a razor ; 1 didn t say there was any thing going to happen, did I?" But is there ? " said Ellen. "Han t }^our aunt said nothing to you about it?" : She ! " exclaimedEllen. " Mar ried ! Aunt Fortune ! " "I believe so," said Mr. Van Brunt, making a lunge at a tuft of tall grass , and pulling off two or three spears of it, which he carried to his mouth. There was a long silence, during which Ellen saw nothing in earth, air, or sky, and knew no longer whether she was passing through woodland or meadow. To frame words into another sentence was past her power. They came in sight of the barn at length. She would not have much more time. "Will it be soon, Mr. Van Brunt?" "Why, pretty soon as soon as next week, I guess; so I thought it was time you ought to be told. Do you know to who ? " "I don t know" said Ellen, in a low voice; "I couldn t help guessing." "I reckon you Ve guessed about right," said he, without looking at her. There was another silence, during which it seemed to Ellen that her thoughts were tumbling head over heels, they were in such confusion. 390 THE WIDE, WIDE WOELD. "The short and the long of it; absolutely speechless was iiot a is," said Mr. Van Brunt, as they very uncommon thing, rounded the corner of the barn "we have made up our minds to draw in the same yoke ; and we re both on us pretty go-ahead folks, so I guess we 11 contrive to pull the cart along. I had just as lief j Alice, and eagerly poured out tell you, Ellen, that all this was j the whole story, her walk and CHAPTER XLI, "The clouds return after the rain." As soon as she could, Ellen carried this wonderful news to as good as settled a long spell back afore ever you came to Thhiwall; butl was never a-going to leave my old mother without a home, sol stuck to her, and would, to the end of time , if I had never been married. But now she is gone, and there is nothing to keep me to the old place any longer. So now you know the hull on it, and I wanted you should." With this particularly cool statement of his matrimonial views , Mr. Van Brunt turned off into the barnyard , leaving Ellen to go home by herself. She felt as if she were walking on air while she crossed the chip-yard, and the very house had a seeming of unreality. Mechanically she put her flowers in water, and sat down to finish the beans ; but the beans might have been flowers, and the flowers beans, for all the dif ference Ellen saw in them. Miss Fortune and she shunned each other s faces most carefully for a long time Ellen felt it impos sible to meet her eyes ; and it is a matter of great uncertainty which, in fact, did first look at the other. Other than this there was no manner of difference in anything without or within the house. Mr. Van Brunt s being all. She was somewhat disap pointed at the calmness of her hearer. "But you don t seem half so surprised as I expected, Alice; I thought you would be so much surprised." "I am not surprised at all, Ellie." "Not! aren t you? why, did you know anything of this be fore? "I did not know, but I sus pected. I thought it was very likely. I am very glad it is so." " Glad ! are you glad? I am so sorry. Why are you glad, Alice?" " Why are you sorry, Ellie ? " "Oh because I don t know it seems so queer! I don t like it at all. I am very sorry, in deed." "For your aunt s sake, or for Mr. Van Brunt s sake? " " What do you mean ? " "I mean, do you think he or she will be a loser by the bar gain?" " Why, he to be sure I think he will I don t think she will. I think he is a great deal too good. And, besides I wonder if he wants to, really it was settled so long ago maybe he has changed his mind since." THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 391 Have you any reason to think so, Ellie?" said Alice, smiling. "I don t know I don t think he seemed particularly glad." "It will be safest to conclude that Mr. Van Brunt knows his own mind, my dear; and it is certainly pleasantest for us to hope so." "But then, besides," said Ellen, with a face of great perplexity and vexation "I don t know it don t seem right! How can I ever must I do you think I shall have to call him anything but Mr. Van Brunt?" Alice could not help smiling again. "What is your objection, El- lie?" "Why, because I can tl I couldn t do it, somehow. It would seem so strange. Must I, Alice? Why in the world are you glad, dear Alice?" "It smooths my way for a plan I have had in my head; you will know by-and-by why I am glad, Ellie." "Well, I am glad if you are glad," said Ellen, sighing; "I don t know why I was so sorry, but I couldn t help it. I suppose I shan t mind it after a while." She sat for a few minutes , mu sing over the possibility or im possibility of ever forming her lips to the words "Uncle Abra ham," "Uncle Van Brunt," or barely "uncle ;" her soul rebelled against all three. "Yet, if he should think me unkind, then I must oh! rather fifty times over than that!" Looking up, she saw a change in Alice s coun- ;enance, and tenderly asked "What is the matter, dear Alice? what are you thinking about?" "I am thinking, Ellie, how I shall tell you something that will ve you pain." "Pain! you needn t be afraid of giving me pain," said Ellen, fondly, thro wing her arms around ler. "Tell me, dear Alice; is it something I have done that is wrong? what is it?" Alice kissed her, and burst into tears. What is the matter; oh, dear Alice!" said Ellen, encircling Alice s head with both her arms, "oh, don t cry! do tell me what it is!" " It is only sorrow for you, dear Ellie." "But why?" said Ellen, in some alarm; "why are you sorry for me ? I don t care if it don t trouble you, indeed I don t? Never mind me: is it something that troubles you , dear Alice ? " ; No, except for the effect it may have on others." "Then I can bear it," said El len; "you need not be afraid to tell me, dear Alice ; what is it? don t be sorry for me ! " But the expression of Alice s face was such that she could not help being afraid to hear: she anxiously repeated, "Whatisit? " Alice fondly smoothed back the hair from her brow, looking herself somewhat anxiously and somewhat sadly upon the uplifted face. THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. " Suppose Ellie," she said, at I Alice s face for tlie tokens of length, "that you and I were taking a journey together a , dangerous journey had a way of getting I troublesome and that/ at once safe to the end ol"it; would you be willing to let me go , and you do without me for what she wished and what she feared. It had once or twice lately flitted through her mind that Alice was very thin , and seemed to want her old strength, whether in riding or walking or any other exertion; and it had struck her that the bright spots of colour in Alice s face were just like what the rest of the way ? " "I would rather you should take me with you,"saidEllen, in a j her mother s cheeks used to wear kind of maze of wonder and fear ; jjin her last illness. These thoughts "why, where are you going, ihad just come and gone; but Alice?" {now, as she recalled them, and "I think I am going home, El- [was forced to acknowledge the lie before you. "Home? "said Ellen. "Yes, home, I feel it to be; it is not a strange land; I thank God it is my home I am going to." Ellen sat looking at her, stupi- fied. justness of them, and her review of Alice s face pressed them home anew hope for a moment faded. She grew white , even to her lips. "My poor Ellie! my poor El- lie!" said Alice, pressing her "It is your home, too, love, I j little sister to her bosom "it trust and believe," said Alice, ! must be! We must say, The tenderly; "we shall be together Lord s will be done; we must at last. I am not sorry for my self; I only grieve to leave you alone and others but God knows best. We must both look to Him." "Why, Alice," said Ellen, starting up suddenly; "what do not forget He does all things well." But Ellen rallied; she raised her head again: she could not believe what Alice had told her. To her mind, it seemed an evil too great to happen; it could not you mean? what do you mean? be! Alice saw this in her look, I don t understand you what and again sadly stroked the hair do you mean?" Ellie Do you not understand me, IP ?" "But, Alice! but Alice and again from her sadly brow. "It must be, Ellie," she repeated. "But have you seen some body? have you asked some- dear Alice! what makes you body?" said Ellen say so? is there anything the ^n^m-?" matter with you? "Do I look well, Ellie?" With an eye sharpened 1o painful keenness, Ellen sought in some "I have seen, and I have asked," said Alice; "it was not necessary, but I have done both. They think as I do," THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 393 Thirlwall doc-! saved them from this: and then "But these tors" " Not them ; I did not apply to i them. I saw an excellent phy- thou hadst been here ! when sician at .Randolph , the last time j he saw their tears, and more, saw I went to Ventnor." the other, weeping, and falling at his feet, and repeating, Lord, if "And he said "As I have told you." Ellen s countenance fell fell. the torn hearts that tears could not ease he even wept with them too! Oh, I thank God for those words! He saw reason to and his hand not "It is easier for me to leave | strike you than for you to be loft I ! spare; but his love shed tears for know that, my dear little Ellie ! j them ! and he is just the same You have no reason to be sorry: now." forme I am sorry for you ; but Some drops fell from Alice s the hand that is taking me away is one that will touch neither of us but to do us good*, I know that, too. We must both look away to our dear Saviour, and not for a moment doubt his love. I do not you must not. Is it not said that he loved Martha and her sister, and Lazarus? "Yes," said Ellen, whenever stirred her eyes from Alice s. "And might he not did it not rest with a word of his lips, to keep Lazarus from dying, and save his sisters from all the bitter sorrow his death caused them?" Again Ellen said "Yes," or her lips seemed to say it. "And yet there were reasons, good reasons, why he should not, eyes, not sorrowful ones; Ellen had hid her face. "Let us never doubt His love, dear Ellie, and surely then we can bear whatever that love may bring upon us. I do trust it. I do believe it shall be well with them that fear God. I believe it will be well for me when I die well for you, my dear, dear Ellie well even for my father " She did not finish the sentence, afraid to trust herself. But oh! Ellen knew what it would have been; and it suddenly startled into life all the load of grief that had been settling heavily on her heart. Her thoughts had not looked that way before; now, when they did, this new vision of little as poor Martha and Mary \ misery was too much to bear, could understand it. But had j Quite unable to contain herself, he at all ceased to love tliem when j and umvilling to pain Alice more he bade all that trouble come ?i than she could help, with a Do you remember, Ellie oh, j smothered burst of feeling she how beautiful those words are!; sprang away, out of the door, when at last he arrived near; into the woods, where she would the place, and first one sister! be unseen and unheard, came to him with the touching I And there , in the first burst of reminder that he might have j her agony, Ellen almost thought 394 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. she should die. Her grief had not now, indeed, the goading sting of impatience: she knew the hand that gave the blow , and did not raise her own against it; she believed, too, what Alice had been saying, and the sense of it was, in a manner, present with her in her darkest time. But her spirit died within her; she bowed her head as if she were never to lift it up again: and she was ready to say with Job, "What good is my life to me ? " It was long, very long after, when slowly and mournfully she came in again to kiss Alice before going back to her aunt s. She would have done it hurriedly and turned away; but Alice held her, and looked sadly for a minute into the woe -begone little face, then clasped her close, and kissed her again and again. " Oh ! Alice," sobbed Ellen, on her neck, "aren t you mistaken? maybe you are mistaken! " "I am not mistaken, my dear Ellie my ownEllie," said Alice s clear, sweet voice "nor sorry, except for others. I will talk with you more about this. You will be sorry for me at first, and then I hope you will be glad. It is only that I am going home a little before you. Remember what I was saying to you a while ago. Will you tell Mr. Van Brunt I should like to see him for a few minutes , some time when he has leisure? And come to me early to-morrow, love." Ellen could hardly get home. Her blinded eyes could not see where she was stepping; and again and again her fulness of heart got the better of every thing else, and , unmindful of the growing twilight, she sat down on a stone by the wayside, or flung herself on the ground, to let sorrow have full sway. In one of these fits of bitter struggling with pain, there came on her mind, like a sunbeam across a cloud, the thought of Jesus weeping at the grave of Lazarus. It came with singular power. Did He love them so well? thought Ellen, and is He looking down upon us with the same tender ness even now? She felt that the sun was shining still, though the cloud might be between; her broken heart crept to His feet, and laid its burden there, and after a few minutes she rose up and went on her way, keeping that thought still close to her heart. The unspeakable tears that were shed during those few minutes were that softened out pouring of the heart that leaves it eased. Very, very sorrowful as she was, she went on calmly now, and stopped no more. It was getting dark, and a little way from the gate , on the road, she met Mr. Van Brunt. "Why, I was beginning to get scared about you," said he. "I was coming to see where you was. How come you so late*? " Ellen made no answer, and as she now came nearer, and he could see more distinctly, his tone changed. "What s the matter?" said THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 395 he; "you han t been well! what has happened? what ails you, Ellen?" In astonishment, and then in alarm, he saw that she was There, the first thing she did was to find the eleventh chapter of John. She read it as she never had read it before ; she found in it what she had never found be- unable to speak, and anxiously I fore 5 one of those cordials that and kindly begged her to let him know what was the matter, and if he could do anything. Ellen shook her head. "Ain t Miss Alice well?" said he; "you han t heerd no bad news up there on the hill, have you?" Ellen was not willing to answer this question with yea or nay. She recovered herself enough to give him Alice s message. "I ll be sure and go, said he; "but you han t told me yet what s the matter. Has anything happened?" "No," said Ellen; "don t ask me she 11 tell you don t ask me. "I guess I ll go up the first thing in the morning, then," said he "before breakfast." "No," said Ellen "better not; perhaps she wouldn t be up so early." "After breakfast, then; I ll go up right after breakfast. I was a-going with the boys up into that ere wheat lot, but any how I ll do that first. They won t have a chance to do much bad or good before I get back to them, I reckon." As soon as possible, she made her escape from Miss Fortune s eye and questions of curiosity, which she could not bear to answer, and got to her own room. none but the sorrowing drink. On the love of Christ, as there shown, little Ellen s heart fasten ed ; and with that one sweetening thought, amid all its deep sad ness, her sleep that night might have been envied by many a luxurious roller in pleasure. At Alice s wish, she immediate ly took up her quarters at the parsonage , to leave her no more. But she could not see much diffe rence in her from what she had been for several weeks past; and with the natural hopefulness of childhood, her mind presently al most refused to believe the ex tremity of the evilwhichhadbeen threatened. Alice herself was constantly cheerful, and sought by all means to further Ellen s cheerfulness; though careful, at the same time, to forbid, as far as she could, the rising of the hope she saw Ellen was inclined to cherish. One evening they were sitting together at the window, looking out upon the same old lawn and distant landscape , now in all the fresh greenness of the young spring. The woods were not yet in full leaf; and the light of the setting sun upon the trees border ing the other side of the lawn, showed them in the most exqui site and varied shades of colour. Some had the tender green of the 396 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. new leaf, some were in the red or I "Why should I not say so between , and the evergreens are a great comfort to me. standing dark as ever, setting off the delicate hues of the surround ing foliage. This was all softened off in the distance ; the very light of the spring was mild and tender compared with that of other sea sons ; and the air that stole round the corner of the house and came in at the open window was laden with aromatic fragrance. Alice and Ellen had been for some time silently breathing it, and gazing thoughtfully on the .loveliness that was abroad. "I used to think," said Alice, "And what have you been to me?" said Ellen, weeping bitterly. "What I cannot be much long er; and I want to accustom you to think of it, and to think of it rightly. I want you to know that, if I am sorry at all in the thought, it is for the sake of others, not myself. Ellie, you yourself will be glad for me in a little while ; you will not wish me back." Ellen shook her head. "I know you will not, after a while ; and I shall leave you in good hands 1 have arranged "thatitmustbe a very hard thing j for that, my dear little sister!" 4-~ i^^,,^ >u I^~,,^A,I \A The sorrowing child neither knew nor cared what she meant, but a mute caress answered the spirit of Alice s words. "Look up, Ellie look out again. Lovely, lovely ! all that is ; but 1 know heaven is a great deal more lovely. Feasted as our eyes are with beauty, I believe that eye has not seen nor heart imagined the things that God has prepared for them that love him. to leave such a beautiful world. Did you ever think so , Ellie?" "1 don t know," said Ellen, faintly "I don t remember." "I used to think so," said Alice, "but I do not now, Ellie ; my feel ing has changed. Do you feel so now, Ellie?" " Oh, why do you talk about it, dear Alice?" "For many reasons, dear Ellie. Come here and sit in my lap again." I You believe that, Ellie ; you must "I am afraid you cannot bear! not be so very sorry that I have it." | gone to see it a little before you." "Yes, I can. Sit here, and let your head rest where it used to ; " Ellen could say nothing. After all, Ellie, it is not beau- and Alice laid her cheek upon tiful things nor a beautiful world Ellen s forehead: "you are a that make people happy it is + ^^c^4.4.^ ^ ^^T^iKo" loving and being loved; and that is the reason why I am happy in the thought of heaven. I shall, if he receives me, I shall be with my dear Ellie. say so you ll kill me ! " exclaimed Ellen, in great distress. great comfort to me , "Oh, Alice, don t THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 397 Saviour; I shall seehimandknow! so, dearEllie and I know John him, without any of the clouds; will take care of you. And my that come between here. I am place will not be empty. I am often forgetting and displeasing very , very glad." him now never serving him well! Ellen felt her place surely nor loving him right. I shall be would be empty, but she could giad to find myself Avhere all that not say so. will be done with for ever. I shall \ "It was for this I was so glad be like him! Why do you cry of your aunt s marriage, Ellie," so, Ellie?" said Alice, tenderly. Alice soon went on. " I foresaw "I can t help it, Alice." she might raise some difficulties "It is only my love for you in my way hard to remove, per- and for two more that could haps ; but now 1 have seen Mr. make me wish to stay here no- 1 Van Brunt, and he has promised thing else; and I give all that me that nothing shall hinder your up, because I do not know what taking up your abode, and ma- is best for you or myself. And king your home entirely here. I look to meet you all again be- 1 Though I believe, Ellie, he would fore long. Try to think of it as I truly have loved to have you in do. Ellie." But what shall I do without his own house." "I am sure he would," said \ Ellen "but oh, how much ra- Youlther!" you?" said poor Ellen. "I will tell you, Ellie. must come here and take my "He behaved very well about place, and take care of those I jit the other morning in a very -,-,-, n -i i i _/ i_ i __ j ___ . i . _ "i manly, frank, kind way showed a good deal of feeling, I think, too. He gave me to understand that for his own sake he should I have managed all that. Will j be extremely sorry to let you go ; leave behind; will you? and they will take care of you." "But," said Ellen, looking up eagerly " Aunt Fortune " you do it, Ellen? I shall feel easy and happy about you, and far easier and happier about my fa ther, if I leave you established but he assured me that nothing over which he had any control should stand in the way of your good." here, to be to him , as far as you j "He is very kind he is very can. what I have been. Will you I good he is always so," said promise me, Ellie?" . In words it was not possible; but what silent kisses and the close pressure of the arms round Alice s neck could say, was said. "I am satisfied, then," said Ellen. "I love Mr. Van Brunt very much. He always was as kind to me as he could be." They were silent for a few mi nutes , and Alice was looking out of the window again. The sun Alice, presently. "My father had set, and the colouring of all be your father thiuk him i without was graver. Yet it was Y\JD 398 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. \ but the change from one beauty to another. The sweet air seemed still sweeter than before the sun went down. "You must be happy, dear Ellie, in knowing that I am. I am happy now. I enjoy all this, and I love you all but I can leave it and can leave you yes, both "About the death of Laza rus?" "Yes. It has comforted me very much." "So it has me, Ellie. It has been exceeding sweet to me at different times. Come, sing to me How firm a foundation. " From time to time Alice led to for I would see Jesus ! He who this kind of conversation , both has taught me to love him, will for Ellen s sake and her own not forsake me now. Goodness | pleasure. Meanwhile she made and mercy have followed me all [ her go on with all her usual stu- the days of my life , and I shall ! dies and duties ; and but forthese dwell in the house of the Lord for talks Ellen would have scarce ever. I thank him! Oh, I thank! known howto believe thatit could him! Alice s face did not belie her be true which she feared. The wedding of Miss Fortune words, though her eyes shone! and Mr. Van Brunt was a very through tears. i quiet one. It happened at far too "Ellie, dear you must loveljbusy a time of year, and they Him with all your heart , and live [were too cool calculators , and constantly in his presence. I [looked upon their union in much know if you do, he will make you Moo business-like a point of view, happy, in any event. He can al- ifco dream of such a wild thing as ways give more than he takes (a wedding-tour, or even resolve away. Oh, how good he is! upon so troublesome a thing as a and what wretched returns we wedding -party. Miss Fortune make him! I was miserable when would not have left her cheese John first went away to Don- ! and butter-making to see all the caster; I did not know how to | New Yorks and Bostons that ever bear it. But now, Ellie, I think I j were built ; and she would have can see it has done me good, and ! scorned a trip to Randolph. And I can even be thankful for it. All Mr. Van Brunt would as certain- things are ours all things |ly have wished himself all the the world, and life, and death while back among his furrows too." and crops. So one day they were "Alice," said Ellen, as well as quietly married at home, the Rev. she could "you know what j Mr. Clark having been fetched you were saying to me the other j from_Thirlwall for the purpose. day?" "About what, love?" "That about you know that chapter." Mr. Van Brunt would have pre ferred that Mr. Humphreys should perform the ceremony; but Miss Fortune was quite decided iu THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 399 favour of the Thiiiwall gentle man, and of course lie it was. The talk ran high all over the country on the subject of this marriage and opinions were greatly divided; some congratu lating Mr. Van Brunt on having made himself one of the richest landholders "in town," by the junction of another fat farm to his own; some pitying him for having got more than his match within doors, and " guessing he d missed his reckoning for once." "If he has, then," said Sam Larkens, who heard some of these condoling remarks, "it s the first time in his life , I can tell you. If she ain t a little mistaken, I wish I mayn t get a month s wages in a year to come. I tell you , you don t know Van Brunt ; he s as easy as anybody as long as he don t care about what you re doing ; but if he once takes a notion, you can t make him gee nor haw no more than you can our near ox Timothy when he s out o yoke and he s as ugly a beast to manage as ever I see when he ain t yoked up. Why, bless you! there han t been a thing done on the farm this five CHAPTER XLII. One less in the wide , wide world. IT was impossible at first to make Mr. Humphreys believe that Alice was right in her notion about her health. The greatness of the evil was such that his mind refused to receive it, much as Ellen s had done. His unbelief, however, lasted longer than hers. Constantly with Alice as she was, and talking to her on the subject, Ellen slowly gave up the hope she had clung to ; though , still, bending all her energies to the present pleasure and comfort of her adopted sister, her mind shrank from looking at the end. Daily and hourly , in every way, she strove to be what Alice said she was, a comfort to her, and she succeeded. Daily and hourly Alice s look and smile and manner said the same thing over and over. It was Ellen s precious reward, and in seeking to earn it, she half the time earned another in for getting herself. It was different with Mr. Humphreys. He saw much less of his daughter; and when he was with her, it was im possible for Alice, with all her efforts , to speak to him as freely year but just what he liked she j and plainly as she was in the don t know it. I ve heerd her," habit of speaking to Ellen. The said Sam chuckling "I ve heerd her a-telling him how she wanted this thing ~ ij done and t other, and he d just not say a consequences were such as grie ved her, but could not be helped. As soon as it was known that her health was failing, Sophia word, and go and do it right Marshman came and took up her t other way. It 11 be a wonder if abode at the parsonage. Ellen somebody ain t considerably was almost sorry; it broke up in startled in her calculations afore a measure the sweet and peaceful summer s out." | way of life she and Alice had held 400 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. together ever since her own co ming. Miss Sophia could not make a third in their conversa tions. But as Alice s strength grew less, and she needed more attendance and help, it was plaiA her friend s being there was a happy thing for both Alice and Ellen. Miss Sophia was active, cheerful, untiring in her affec tionate care , always pleasant in manner and temper ; a very use ful person in a house where one was ailing. Mrs. Vawse was often there, too, and to her Ellen clung, whenever she came, as to a pillar of strength. Miss Sophia could do nothing to help her: Mrs. Yawse could, a great deal. Alice had refused to write or allow others to write to her bro ther. She said he was just finish ing his course of study at Don- caster ; she would not have him disturbed or broken off by bad news from home. In August he would be quite through; the first of August he would be home. Before the middle of June, however, her health began to fail much more rapidly than she had counted upon. It became too likely that , if she waited for his regular return at the first of August , she would see but little of her brother. She at last re luctantly consented that Mrs. Chauncey should write to him, and from that moment counted the days. Her father had scarcely till now given up his old confidence respecting her. He came into her room one morning when just about to set out for Carra-carra to visit one or two of his poor parishioners. "How are you to-day, my daughter?" he asked, tenderly. "Easy, Papa and happy," said Alice. " You are looking better ," said he. "We shall have you well again among us yet." There was some sorrow for him in Alice s smile, as shelooked up at him and answered, "Yes, Papa in the land where the in habitant shall no more say, I am sick. " He kissed her hastily, and went out. "I almost wish I was in your place, Alice," said Miss Sophia. "I hope I may be half as happy when my time comes." " What right have you to hope so, Sophia?" said Alice, rather sadly. "To be sure," said the other, after a pause, "you have been ten times as good as I. I don t wonder you feel easy when you look back and think how blame less your life has been." "Sophia, Sophia!" said Alice "you know it is not that. I never did a good thing in my life that was not mixed and spoiled with evil. I never came up to the full measure of duty in any matter." "But surely," said Miss So phia, "if one does the best one can, it will be accepted?" "It won t do to trust to that, Sophia. God s law requires per fection , and nothing less than THE WIDE, WIDE WOULD. 401 perfection will be received as payment of its demand. If you owe a hundred dollars, and your| creditor will not hold you quits for anything less than the whole! sum, it is of no consequence! whether you offer him ten or twenty." "Why, according to that," said Miss Sophia, "it makes no difference what kind of life one leads." Alice sighed, and shook her head. "The fruit shows what the tree is. Love to God will strive to please him always." "And is it of no use to strive to please him?" "Of no manner of use, if you make that your trust." "Well, I don t see what one is to trust to," said Miss Sophia, " if it isn t a good life." "I will answer you," said Alice, with a smile, in which there was no sorrow, "in some words that I love very much , of an old Scotchman, I think; I have taken all my good deeds and all my bad, and have cast them together in a heap before the Lord; and from them all I have fled to Jesus Christ, and in him alone I have sweet peace. " Sophia was silenced for a minute by her look. "Well," said she, "I don t understand it; that is what George is always talking about; but I can t understand him." " I am very sorry you cannot," said Alice, gravely. The Wide, Wide World. They were both silent for a little while. "If all Christians were like you," said Miss Sophia, "I might think more about it; but they are such a dull set; there seems to be no life nor pleasure among them." Alice thought of the lines, "Their pleasures rise to things unseen, Beyond the bounds of time: Where neither eyes nor ears have been, Nor thoughts of mortals climb." "You judge," said she, "like the rest of the world, of that which they see not. After all, they know best whether they are happy. What do you think of Mrs.Vawse?" "I don t know what to think of her; she is wonderful to me; she is past my comprehension entirely. Don t make lier an ex ample." "No, religion has done that for me. What do you think of your brother?" "George? lie is happy, there is no doubt of that; he is the happiest person in the family, by all odds; but then I think he has a natural knack at being happy; it is impossible for anything to put him out." Alice smiled, and shook her head again. "Sophistry, Sophia. What do you think of me?" "I don t see what reason you have to be anything but happy." " What have I to make me so?" Sophia was silent. Alice laid her thin hand upon hers. 26 402 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. "I am leaving all I love in this world. Should I be happy if I were not going to somewhat I love better? Should I be happy if I had no secure prospect of meeting with them again? or if I were doubtful of my re ception in that place whither I hope to go?" Sophia burst into tears. "Well, I don t know." ^said she; "I suppose you are right; but I don t understand it." Alice drew her face down to hers, and whispered something in her ear. Undoubtedly Alice had much around, as well as within her, to make a declining life happy. Mrs. Vawse and Miss Marshman were two friends and nurses not to be surpassed in their different ways. Margery s motherly af fection, her zeal, and her skill, left nothing for heart to wish in her line of duty. And all that affection, taste, and kindness, with abundant means, could supply, was at Alice s command. Still her greatest comfort was Ellen; her constant, thought ful care; the thousand tender attentions, from the roses daily gathered for her table, to the chapters she read and the hymns she sung to her; the smile that often covered a pang; the plea sant words and tone that many a time came from a sinking heart; they were Alice s daily and nightly cordial. Ellen had learn ed self-command in more than one school; affection, as once before, was her powerful teacher now, and taught her well. Sophia openly confessed that Ellen was the best nurse; and Margery, when nobody heard her, mut tered blessings on the child s head. Mr. Humphreys came in often to see his daughter, but never stayed long. It was plain he could not bear it. It might have been difficult, too, for Alice to bear; but she wished for her brother. She reckoned the time from Mrs. Chauncey s letter to that when he might be looked for; but some irregularities in the course of the post-office made it impossible to count with cer tainty upon the exact time of his arrival. Meanwhile, her fai lure was very rapid. Mrs. Vawse began to fear he would not arrive in time. The weeks of June ran out; the roses, all but a few late kinds, blossomed and died; July came. One morning, when Ellen went into her room, Alice drew her close to her, and said, "You remember, Ellie, in the Pilgrim s Progress, when Chris tiana and her companions were sent for to go over the river? I think the messenger has come for me. You mustn t cry, love; listen this is the token he seems to bring me I have loved thee with an everlasting love. I am sure of it, Ellie; I have no doubt of it ; so don t cry for me. You have been my dear comfort , my blessing we shall love each other in heaven, Ellie." THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 403 Alice kissed her earnestly se veral times, and then Ellen escaped from her arms and fled away. It was long before she could come back again. But she came at last, and went on through all that day as she had done for weeks before. The day seemed long, for every member of the family was on the watch for John s arrival, and it was thought his sister would not live to see another. It wore away; hour after hour passed without his coming, and the night fell. Alice showed no impatience, but she evidently wished and watch ed for him; and Ellen whose affection read her face and knew what to make of the look at the opening door, the eye turned toward the window, the attitude of listening grew feverish with her intense desire that she should be gratified. From motives of convenience, Alice had moved upstairs to a room that John generally occu pied when he was at home, di rectly over the sitting-room, and with pleasant windows towards the east. Mrs. Chauncey, Miss Sophia, and Mrs. Vawse, were all there. Alice was lying quietly on the bed, and seemed to be dozing; but Ellen noticed, after lights were brought, that every now and then she opened her eyes and gave an inquiring look round the room. Ellen could not bear it; slipping softly out, she went downstairs and seated her self on the threshold of [the glass door, as if by watching there she could be any nearer the know ledge of what she wished for. It was a perfectly still summer night. The moon shone brightly on the little lawn, and poured its rays over Ellen, just as it had done one well-remembered even ing near a year ago. Ellen s thoughts went back to it. How like and how unlike ! All around was just the same as it had been then; the cool moonlight upon the distant fields the trees in the gap lit up as then the lawn a flood of brightness. But there was no happy party gathered there now; they were scatter ed. One was away; one a sor rowful watcher alone in the moon light; one waiting to be gone where there is no need of moon or stars for evermore. Ellen al most wondered they could shine so bright upon those that had no heart to rejoice in them; she thought they looked down coldly and unfeelingly upon her dis tress. She remembered the whip- poor-will; none was heard to night, near or far; she was glad of it; it would have been too much ; and there were no flut tering leaves ; the air was abso lutely still. Ellen looked up again at the moon and stars. They shone calmly on, despite the re proaches she cast upon them; and as she still gazed up towards them in their purity and stead fastness, other thoughts began to come into her head of that which was more pure still, and more steadfast. How long they have been shining! thought El- 26* 404 THE WIDE, WIDE WOliLD, len; going on just the same, from night to night, and from year to year as if they would never come to an end. But they will come to an end the time ivill come when they will stop shining, bright as they are; and then, when they all are swept away, then heaven will be only begun; and that will never end! never! And in a few years, we who were so happy a year ago, and are so sorry now, shall be all glad together there this will be all over! And then as she looked, and the tears sprang to her thoughts , a favourite hymn of Alice s came to her remem brance : " Ye stars are but the shining dust Of my divine abode; The pavements of those heavenly courts Where I shall sec my God. "The Father of eternal lights Shall there his beams display; And not one moment s darkness mix With that unvaried day." "Not one moment s dark ness ? Oh," thought little Ellen, "there are a great many here!" Still gazing up at the bright, calm heavens, while the tears ran fast down her face , and fell into her lap, there came trooping through Ellen s mind many of those words she had been in the habit of reading to her mother and Alice, and which she knew and loved so well. "And there shall be no night there ; and they need no candle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord God giveth them light: and they shall reign for ever and ever. And there shall be no more curse , but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it: and his servants shall serve him; and they shall see his face; and his name shall be in their foreheads. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things have passed away." "And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also." While Ellen was yet going over and over these precious things, with a strong sense of their pre- ciousness in all her throbbing grief, there came to her car, through the perfect stillness of the night, the faint, far-off, not to be mistaken sound of quick- coming horses feet nearer and nearer every second. It came with a mingled pang of pain and pleasure, both very acute; she rose instantly to her feet, and stood pressing her hand to her heart, while the quick measured beat of hoofs grew louder and louder, until it ceased at the very door. The minutes were few; but they were moments of in tense bitterness. The tired horse stooped his head, as the rider flung himself from the saddle, and came to the door, where Ellen stood fixed. A look asked, and a look answered, the ques tion that lips could not speak. Ellen only pointed the way and uttered the words, "up -stairs," THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 405 and John rushed thither. He checked himself, however, at the door of the room , and opened it, and went in as calmly as if he had but come from a walk. But his caution was very needless. Alice knew his step, she knew Ids horse s step too well; she had raised herself up , and stretched out both arms towards him be fore he entered. In another mo ment they were round his neck, and she was supported in his. There was along, long silence. "Are you happy, Alice?" whis pered her brother. "Perfectly. This was all I wanted. Kiss me, dear John!" As he did so again and again, she felt his tears on her cheek, and putup her hand to his face to wipe them away, kissed him then, and then once again laid her head on his breast. They remained so a little while without stirring; ex cept that some whispers were ex changed too low for others to hear, and once more she raised her face to kiss him. A few mi nutes after, those who could look saw his colour change; he felt the arms unclasp their hold, and, as he laid her gently back on the pillow, they fell languidly down the will and the power that had sustained them were gone. Alice was gone ; but the depart ing spirit had left a ray of bright ness on its earthly house; there was a half -smile on the sweet face, of most entire peace and satisfaction. Her brother looked for amoment closed the eyes kissed once and again the sweet lips and left the room. Ellen saw him no more that night, nor knew how he passed it. For her, wearied with grief and excitement , it was spent in long, heavy slumber. From the pitch to which her spirits had been wrought by care, sorrow, and self-restraint, they now sud denly and completely sank down; naturally, and happily, she lost all sense of trouble in sleep. When sleep at last left her, and she stole downstairs into the sitting-room in the morning, it was rather early. Nobody was stirring about the house but her self. It seemed deserted; the old sitting-room looked empty and forlorn the stillness was op pressive. Ellen could not bear it. Softly opening the glass door, she went out upon the lawn, where everything was sparkling in the early freshness of the sum mer morning. How could it look so pleasant without, when all pleasantness was gone within? It pressed upon Ellen s heart. With a restless feeling of pain, she went on, round the corner of the house, and paced slowly along the road till she came to the footpath that led up to the place on the mountain John had called the Bridge of the Nose. Ellen took that path, often tra velled and much loved by her; and slowly, and with slow-drop ping tears, made her way up over moss wet with the dew, and | the stones and rocks with which [the rough way was strewn. She 406 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD, passed the place where Alice had first found her she remember ed it well; there was the very stone beside which they had kneeled together, and where Alice s folded hands were laid. Ellen knelt down beside it again, and for a moment laid her cheek to the cold stone , while her arms embraced it, and a second time it was watered with tears. She rose up again quickly, and went on her way, toiling up the steep path beyond, till she turned the edge of the mountain, and stood on the old place, where she and Alice that evening had watched the setting sun. Many a setting sun they had watched from thence; it had been a favourite pleasure of them both to run up there for a few minutes, before or after tea, and see the sun go down at the far end of the long valley. It seemed to Ellen one of Alice s haunts she missed her there and the thought went keenly home that there she would come with her no more. She sat down on the stone she called her own , and leaning her head on Alice s, which was close by, she wept bitterly. Yet not very long she was too tired and subdued for bitter weeping; she raised her head again, and wiping away her tears, looked abroad over the beautiful land scape never more beautiful than now. The early sun filled the valley with patches of light and shade. The sides and tops of the hills looking towards the east were bright with the cool brightness of the morning; beyond and be tween them deep shadows lay. The sun could not yet look at that side of the mountain where Ellen sat, nor at the long reach of ground it screened from his view, stretching from the moun tain foot to the other end of the valley; but to the left, between that and the Cat s Back, the rays of the sun streamed through, touching the houses of the vil lage, showing the lake, and making every tree and barn and clump of wood in the distance stand out in bright relief. De- liciously cool, both the air and the light, though a warm day was promised. The night had swept away all the heat of yester day. Now, the air was fresh with the dew, and sweet from hayfield and meadow ; and the birds were singing merrily all around. There was no answering echo in the little human heart that looked and listened. Ellen loved all these things too well not to notice them even now; she felt their full beauty, but she felt it | sadly. "She will look at it no | more ! " she said to herself. But instantly came an answer to her thought "Behold I create new heavens, and a new earth; and the former shall not be re membered, nor come into mind. Thy sun shall no more go down, neither shall thy moon withdraw itself: for the Lord shall be thine everlasting light, and the days of thy mourning shall be | ended." HAf t< -< **& THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 407 "She is there now," thought Ellen; "she is happy; why should I be sorry for her? I am not ; but oh ! I must be sorry for myself Oh ! Alice ! dear Alice ! " She wept; but then again came sweeping over her mind the words with which she was so familiar, "the days of thy mourning shall be ended;" and again with her regret mingled the consciousness that it must be for herself alone. And for herself, "Can I not trust Him whom she trusted?" she thought. Somewhat soothed and more calm, she sat still look ing down into the brightening valley, or off to the hills that stretched away on either hand of it; when up through the still air the sound of the little Carra-carra church bell came to her ear. It rang for a minute and then stopped. It crossed Ellen s mind to wonder what it could be ringing for at that time of day ; but she went back to her musings and had entirely forgotten it, when again, clear and full through the stillness, the sound came peal ing up. "One two!" Ellen knew now! It went through hervery heart. It is the custom in the country to toll the church bell upon oc- another short pause. Then fol lows the number of the years the person has lived, tolled in short, rather slow strokes, as one would count them up. After pausing once more, the tolling begins, and is kept up for some time ; the strokes following in slow and sad succession, each one being per mitted to die quite away before another breaks upon the ear. Ellen had been told of this custom, but habit had never made it familiar. Only once she had happened to hear this notice of death given out; and that was long ago ; the bell could not be heard at Miss Fortune s house. It came upon her now with all the force of novelty and surprise. As the number of the years of Alice s life was sadly tolled out, every stroke was to her as if it fell upon a raw nerve. Ellen hid her face in her lap , and tried to keep from counting, but she could not; and as the tremulous sound of the last of the twenty- four died away upon the air, she was shuddering from head to foot. A burst of tears relieved her when the sound ceased. Just then a voice close beside her said low, as if the speaker might not trust its higher tones "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh casion of the death of any one in ! my help." the township or parish. A few How differently that sound strokes are rung by way of draw- struck upon Ellen s ear! With ing attention; these are fol-jan indescribable air of mingled lowed, after, a little pause , by a tenderness, weariness, and sor- single one, if the knell is for a row, she slowly rose from her man, or two for a woman. Then | seat, and put both her arms 408 TITE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. round the speaker s neck. Nei ther said a word 5 but to Ellen the arm that held her was more than all words; it was the dividing line between her and the world on this side everything, on that side nothing. No word was spoken for many minutes. "My dear Ellen," said her bro ther, softly, "how came you here?" " I don t know ," whispered El len; "there was nobody there I couldn t stay in the house." " Shall we go home now?" "Oh, yes whenever you please." But neither moved yet. Ellen had raised her head; she still stood with her arm upon her bro ther s shoulder; the eyes of both were on the scene before them the thoughts of neither. He pre sently spoke again. "Let us try to love our God better, Ellie, the less we have left to love in this world; that is His meaning let sorrow but bring us closer to Him. Dear Alice is well she is well, and if we are made to suffer , we know and we love the hand that has done it; do we not, Ellie?" Ellen put her hands to her face ; she thought her heart would break. He gently drew her to a seat on the stone beside him, and still keeping his arm round her, slowly and soothingly went on "Think that she is happy; think that she is safe; think that she is with that blessed One whose face we seek at a distance, - satisfied with His likeness instead of wearily struggling with sin ; think that sweetly and easily she has got home ; and it is our home, too. We must weep, because we are left alone; but for her I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me , Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord. " As he spoke in low and sweet tones, Ellen s tears calmed and stopped; but she still kept her hands to her face. "Shall we go home, Ellie?" said her brother, after another silence. She rose up instantly, and said, "Yes." But he held her still, and looking for a moment at the tokens of watching and grief and care in her countenance, he gently kissed the pale little face, adding a word of endear ment, which almost broke Ellen s heart again. Then taking her hand, they went down the moun tain together. CHAPTER XLIII. Those that were left. THE whole Marshman family arrived to-day from Ventnor; some to see Alice s loved remains, and all to follow them to the grave. The parsonage could not hold so many; the two Mr. Marsh- mans, therefore, with Major and Mrs. Gillespie, made their quar ters at Thirlwall. Margery s hands were full enough with those that were left. In the afternoon, however, she found time for a visit to the room TTTH AVTDE, \VTD11 WOTTLD. 10!) Ilie. room. She was standing .-it the foot of the bed. ga/.ing oil the s\\(Vl faee slu^ loved so dearly, when Mrs. Chauneey and Mrs. Vawse came up for the saint 1 purpose. All three stood some lime in silence. The lied was strewn with flowers, somewhat singularly disposed. Upon the pillow, and upon and about the hands, which were 1 olded oil the breast, were scattered some of the rirh late roses roses and rosebuds, strewn with beautiful and pro fuse carelessness. A single stem of white lilies lay on the side of the bed; the rest of the flowers, a, large quantity, covered the feet, seeming to have been Hung there without any attempt at arrange ment. They were of various kinds, chosen, however, with exquisite taste and feeling. Beside the roses , there were none that were not either white or distinguished for 1 heir fragrance. The delicate white verbena, the pure fever few, mignonette, sweet geranium, white myrtle, the rich -scented heliotrope, were mingled with the late-blossoming damask and purple roses; no yellow tiowers, no purple, except those men tioned; even the flaunting petu nia, though white, had been left out by the nice hand that had culh-d them. JUit the arranging of these beauties seemed to have been little more than attempted; though indeed it might be ques tioned whet her the lines! art could have bettered the effect of what the overtasked hand of affection had left half done. Mrs.rhauncev. however, after a while, began slowU to take a flower or two from the foot, and place them on other parts of the bed. "Wdl Mrs. rhauncey pardon my being so bold?" said Margery then, who had looked on with no pleasure while this was doing, "but if she had seen when those flowers were put there, it wouldn t be her wish, 1 am sure it wouldn t be her wish, to stir one of them." Mrs.. Chauncey s hand, which was stretched out for a fourth, drew back. " Why, who put them here . " she a^ked. "Miss Kllen. Ma am/ -Where is KllenV" M 1 think she is sleeping. Ma am. Poor child! she s the most wearied of us all, with sorrow and watching," said Margery, weeping. "You saw her bring them up, did you?" "1 saw her, Ma am. Oh, will 1 ever forget it as long as 1 live!" "Why?" said Mrs. Chauneey, gently. "It s a. thing one should have seen, Ma am, to understand. 1 don t know as I can tell it well." Seeing, however, that Mrs. Chauncey still looked her wish, Margery went on half under her breath "Why. Ma am, the way it was I had come up to get some linen outof the closet, for I had watched my time; Mrs. Chauncey sees, 1 was afeard of finding Mr. John 410 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. here, and I knew he was lying down just then, so " "Lying down was he?" said Mrs. Vawse. " I did not know he had taken any rest to-day." "It was very little he took, Ma am, indeed though there was need enough, I am sure; he had been up with his father the live-long blessed night. And then the first thing this morning he was away after Miss Ellen, poor child ! wherever she had betaken herself to ; I happened to see her before anybody was out, going round the corner of the house, and so I knew when he asked me for her." "Was she going after flowers then? " said Mrs. Chauncey. "Oh, no, Ma am it was a long time after; it was this morning some time. I had come up to the linen closet, knowing Mr. John was in his room, and I thought I was safe; and I had just taken two or three pieces on my arm, you know, Ma am, when somehow I forgot myself, and forgot what I had come for; and leaving what I should ha been a -doing, I was standing there, looking out this way at the dear features I never thought to see in death and I had entirely forgotten what I was there for, Ma am when I heard Miss Ellen s softly upstairs to catch sight of me just then, so I had just drew myself back a bit, so as I could see her without her seeing me back in the closet where I was. But it had like to little footstep coming 3. I didn t want her have got the better of me entirely, Ma am, when I see her come in with a lapful of them flowers, and looking so as she did too! but with much trouble I kept quiet. She went up and stood by the side of the bed, just where Mrs. Chauncey is standing, with her sweet, sad, little face it s the hardest thing to see a child s face to look so and the flowers all gathered up in her frock. It was odd to see her, she didn t cry not at all only once I see her brow wrinkle, but it seemed as if she had a mind not to, for she put her hand up to her face and held it a little , and then she began to take out the flowers one by one , and she d lay a rose here and a rosebud there, and so ; and then she went round to the other side and laid the lilies, and two or three more roses there on the pillow. But I could see all the while it was getting too much for her; I see very soon she wouldn t get through; she just placed two or three more, and one rose there in that hand, and that was the last. I could see it working in her face ; she turned as pale as her lilies all at once, and just tossed up all the flowers out of her frock on to the bed- foot there that s just as they fell and down she went on her knees , and her face in her hands on the side of the bed. I thought no more about my linen," said Margery, weeping "I couldn t do anything but look at that child kneeling there, and her flowers and all beside her she used to call ^ THE WIDlf, WIDE WORLD. 411 her sister, and that couldn t be a | made such a prayer! Oh," said ^_.L j._ i j _t.~ > Margery, her tears falling fast at going to tell you been there five sister to her no more ; and she s without a sister now, to be sure, poor child!" "She has a brother, unless I am mistaken," said Mrs. Chaun- cey, when she could speak. And that s just what I was , Ma am. She had or ten minutes without moving, or more I am sure I don t know how long it was, I didn t think how time went when the first thing I knew I heard another step, and Mr. John came in. I thought, and expected, he was taking some sleep ; but I suppose," said Margery, sighing, "he couldn t rest. I knew his step, and just drew myself back further. He came just where you are, Ma am, and stood with his arms folded a long time, looking. i don t know how Miss Ellen didn t hear him come in; but, however, she didn t; and they were both as still as death, one on one side , and the other on the other side. And I wondered he didn t see her; but her white dress and all and I suppose he had no thought but for one thing. I knew the first minute he did see the recollection, "I never heard the like! I never did. He gave thanks for Miss Alice and he had reason enough , to be sure and for himself and MissEllen I wondered to hear him and he prayed for them, too , and others and oh ! I thought I couldn t stand and hear him; and I was afeard to brea the the whole time, lest he would know I was there. It was the beautifullest prayer I did ever hear, or ever shall, how ever." "And how did Ellen behave?" said Mrs. Chauncey. "She didn t stir, nor make the least motion nor sound, till he had done, and spoke to her. They stood a little while then , and Mr. John put the rest of the flowers up there round her hands and the pillow Miss Ellen hadn t put more than half a dozen; I no ticed how he kept hold of Miss Ellen s hand all the time. I heard her begin to tell him how she didn t finish the flowers , and he told her 1 1 saw it all, Ellie , he said ; and he said , it didn t want finishing. I wondered how he her, when he looked over and j should see it, but I suppose he spied her on the other side of the did, however, /under stood it very bed. I see his colour change ; and ! well. They went away downstairs then his mouth took the look it! after that." .always does whenever he sets himself to do anything. He stood a minute, and then he went round "He is beautifully changed," said Mrs. Yawse. "I don t know, Ma am," said and knelt down beside of her, and j Margery; "I ve heard that said softly to ok away one of her hands afore, but I can t say as I ever from under her face , and held it : could see it. He always was the in both of his own, and then he ; same to me always the honour- 412 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. ablest, truest, noblest my hus band says he was a bit fiery, but I never could tell that the one temper was sweeter than the other; only everybody always did whatever Mr. John wanted, to be sure; but he was the per- fcctest gentleman always." "I have not seen either Mr. John or Ellen since my mother came," said Mrs. Chauncey. "No, Ma am," said Margery, "they were out reading under the trees for a long time; and Miss Ellen came in the kitchen way a little while ago , and went to lie down." "How is Mr. Humphreys ? " "Oh, I can t tell you, Ma am he is worse than any one knows of, I am afraid, unless Mr. John; you will not see him, Ma am; he has not been here once, nor don t mean to , I think. It will go hard with my poor master, I am afraid," said Margery, weeping; "dear Miss Alice said Miss Ellen was to take her place ; but it would want an angel to do that." "Ellen will do a great deal," said Mrs. Vawse; "Mr. Hum phreys loves her well now, I know." "So do I, Ma am, I am sure; and so does every one; but still -" Margery broke off her sentence, and sorrowfully went downstairs. Mrs. Chauncey moved no more flowers. Late in the afternoon of the next day Margery came softly in to Ellen s room. "Miss Ellen, dear, you are awake , aren t you? " "Yes, Margery," said Ellen, sitting upon the bed; come in. What is it?" "I came to ask Miss Ellen if she could do me a great favour. There s a strange gentleman come, and nobody has seen him yet, and it don t seem right. He has been here this some time." " Have you told Mr. John ? " "No, Miss Ellen; he s in the library with my master; and somehow I durstn t go to the door; mayhap they wouldn t be best pleased. Would Miss Ellen mind telling Mr. John of the gentleman s being here?" Ellen would mind it very much, there was no doubt of that; Mar gery could hardly have asked her to put a greater force upon her self; she did not say so. "You are sure he is there, Mar gery?" "I am quite sure, Miss Ellen. I am very sorry to disturb you; but if you wouldn t mind I am ashamed to have the gentleman left to himself so long." "I 11 do it, Margery." She got up, slipped on her shoes, and mechanically smooth ing her hair, set off to the library. On the way, she almost repented her willingness to oblige Marge ry; the errand was marvellously disagreeable to her. She had ne ver gone to that room except with Alice never entered it uninvi ted. She could hardly make up her mind to knock at the door. TILE WIDE, WIDE WORLD, 413 But she had promised ; it must be done. The first fearful tap was too light to arouse any mortal ears. At the second, though not much better, she heard some one move, and John opened the door. With out waiting to hear her speak, he immediately drew her in, very unwillingly on her part, and led her silently up to his father. The old gentleman was sitting in his great study -chair, with a book open at his side. He turned from it as she came up, took her hand in his , and held it for a few mo ments without speaking. Ellen dared not raise her eyes. "My little girl," said he, very gravely, though not without a tone of kindness, too "are you coming here to cheer my loneli ness?" Ellen in vain struggled to speak an articulate word ; it was impos sible; she suddenly stooped down and touched with her lips the hand that lay on the arm of the chair. He put the hand ten derly upon her head. "God bless you," said he, "abundantly, for all the love you stood still by his side, though showed her. Come if ymi will with a kind of feeling that it was - and be, as far as a withered) not there the best place or time heart will let you, all that she j for her old friend to recognise wished. All is yours except! her. He was sitting by Mr. what will be buried with her." | Humphreys , and for the present Ellen was awed and pained very i quite occupied with him. Ellen much. Notbecause the words and! thought nothing of what they manner were sad and solemn; it \ were saying; with eyes eagerly was the tone that distressed her. [fixed upon Mr. Marshman, she There was no tearfulness in it; it | was reading memory s long story trembled a little; it seemed to lover again. The same pleasant come indeed from a withered .look and kind tone that she re- heart. She shook with the effort she made to control herself. John asked her presently what she had come for. "A gentleman," said Ellen "there s a gentleman, a stranger." He went immediately out to see him, leaving her standing- there. Ellen did not know whe ther to go too, or stay; she thought , from his not taking her with him, he Avished her to stay; she stood doubtfully. Presently she heard steps coming back along the hall steps of two persons the door opened, and the strange gentleman came in. No stranger to Ellen! she knew him in a moment it was her old friend , her friend of the boat Mr. George Marshman. Mr. Humphreys rose up to meet him, and the two gentlemen shook hands in silence. Ellen had at first shrunk out of the to the other side of the room, and now, when she saw an way, she opportunity, she was going to make her escape; but John gently detained her: and she 414 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. membered so well came to com fort her in her first sorrow the old way of speaking, and even of moving an arm or hand the fa miliar figure and face ; how they took Ellen s thoughts back to the deck of the steamboat, the hymns, the talks! the love and the sorrow of that time mixed with the sorrow now; and the sense that the very hand that had wiped those first tears away, was the one now laid in the dust by death. All thronged on her heart at once; and it was too much. She had scarce touched Mr. kindness that led and persuaded I Marshman s hand when she her so faithfully and effectually \ hastily withdrew her own , and to do her duty _it was all pre- 1 gave way to an overwhelming sent again; and Ellen gazed at him as at a picture of the past, forgetting for the moment every thing else. The same love and kindness were endeavouring now to say something for Mr. Hum phrey s relief; it was a hard task. The old gentleman heard and )urst of sorrow. It was infec tious. There was such an utter absence of all bitterness or hard ness in the tone of this grief; there was so touching an expres sion of submission mingled with it , that even Mr. Humphreys was overcome. Ellen was not the answered, for the most part [only subdued weeper there not briefly, but so as to show that j the only one whose tears came his friend laboured in vain; the j from a broken-up heart. For a bitterness and hardness of grief j few minutes the silence of stifled were.unallayed yet. It was not j sobs was in the room, till Ellen till John made some slight re- 1 recovered enough to make her mark, that Mr. Marshman turned; escape, and then the colour of his head that way; he looked for I sorrow was lightened, in one a moment in some surprise, and j breast at least, then said, his countenance "Brother," said Mr. Hum- lightening, " Is that Ellen Mont- j phreys , "I can hear you gomery?" better than I could a little now while remembered grasp of it, and metjlias given me a lesson." the old look, the thought ofj Ellen did not know what had which she had treasured up for; passed around her, nor what had years it was too much. Back i followed her quitting the room, as in a flood to her heart seemed ! But she thought when John came to come at once all the thoughts and feelings of the time since then; the difference of this to the tea-table he looked re lieved. If his general kindness and tenderness of manner to- meeting from the joyful one she wards herself could have been had so often pictured to herself ; greater than usual, she might THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 415 have thought it was that night; but she only thought he felt better. Mr. Marshman was not per mitted to leave the house. He was a great comfort to every body. Not himself overburdened with sorrow, he was able to make that effort for the good of the rest which no one yet had been equal to. The whole family, ex cept Mr. Humphreys, were ga thered together at this time ; and his grave, cheerful, and un ceasing kindness, made that by far the most comfortable meal that had been taken. It was ex ceeding grateful to Ellen to see and hear him , from the old re membrance as well as the pre sent effect. And he had not for gotten his old kindness for her; hear you sing a hymn do you think you could?" Ellen looked up with a peculiar mixture of uncertainty and reso lution in her countenance, and said, "Yes." "Not if it will pain you too much and not unless you think you can surely go through with it, Ellen," he said, gently. "No," said Ellen "I will try." " Will it not give you too much pain? do you think you can ? " "No I will try," she re peated. As she went along the hall she said and resolved to herself that she would do it. The library was dark; coming from the light, Ellen at first could see nothing. John placed her in a chair and she saw it in his look, his words, j went away himself to a little his voice, shown in every way; distance, where he remained per- andthe feeling that she had got fectly still. She covered her face her old friend again , and should | with her hands for a minute , and never lose him, now gave her more deep pleasure than any thing else could possibly have done at that time. His own fa- prayed for strength; she was afraid to try. Alice and her brother were re markable for beauty of voice and mily , too , had not seen him for a j utterance. The latter, Ellen had long time, so his presence was in part caught from them; in the matter of general satisfaction. former she thought herself Later in the evening, Ellen greatly inferior. Perhaps she was sitting beside him on the j underrated herself: her voice, sofa, looking and listening he j though not indeed powerful, was was like a piece of old music to ( low and sweet, and very clear; her when John came to the and the entire simplicity and back of the sofa and said he ; feeling with which she sang wanted to speak to her. She hymns , was more effectual than went with him to the other side any higher qualities of tone and of the room. | compass. She had been very "Ellie," said he, in a low voice, ] much accustomed to sing with "I think my father would like to \ Alice, who excelled in beautiful 41G THE WIDE, WIDE WOULD. truth and simplicity of expres sion; listening with delight, as she had often done, and often joining with her, Ellen had caught something of her manner. She thought nothing of all this now ; she had a trying task to go through. Sing! then and there! And what should she sing? All that class of hymns that bore directly on the subject of their sorrow must be left on one side; she hardly dared think of them. Instinctively she took up another class, that without baring the wound would lay the balm close to it. A few minutes of deep stillness were in the dark room; then very low, and in tones that trembled a little , rose the words "How sweet the name of Jesus sounds In a believer s ear ! It soothes his sorrows, heals his wounds, And drives away his fear." The tremble in her voice ceased, as she went on " It makes the wounded spirit whole, And calms the troubled breast! T is manna to the hungry soul, And to the weary, rest. "By Him my prayers acceptance gain, Although with sin deiiled; Satan accuses me in vain, And I am owu d a child. Weak is the effort of my heart, And cold my warmest thought But when I see thee as thou art, I 11 praise thee as I ought. Till then, I would thy love proclaim With every lab ring breath ; And may the music of thy name Refresh my soul in death." Ellen paused a minute. There was not a sound to be heard in the room. She thought of the hymn, "Loving kindness;" but the tune and the spirit of the words was too lively. Her mo ther s favourite, " T is my hap piness below," but Ellen could not venture that; she strove to forget it as fast as possible. She sang clearly and sweetly as ever now " Hark, my soul , it is the Lord, T is thy Saviour, hear his word; Jesus speaks, and speaks to thee : Say, poor sinner, lovest thou me? u I deliver d thee when bound, And when bleeding heal d thy wound; Sought thee wandering, set thee right Turn d thy darkness into light. " Can a mother s tender care Cease toward the child she bare? Yea she may forgetful be, Yet will I remember thee. " Mine is an unchanging love; Higher than the heights above, Deeper than the depths beneath, Free and faithful, strong as death. " Thou shalt see my glory soon , When the work of life is done , Partner of my throne shalt be Say, poor sinner, lovest thou me? " Lord, it is my chief complaint That my love is weak and faint ; Yet I love thee and adore Oh for grace to love thee more !" Ellen s task wasnolongerpain- ful, but most delightful. She hoped she was doing some good; and that hope enabled her, after the first trembling beginning, to go on without any difficulty. She was not thinking of herself. It was very well she could not see the effect upon her auditors. Through the dark, her eyes could only just discern a dark figure stretched upon the sofa, and an other standing by the mantel piece. The room was profoundly THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 417 still, except when she was sing- Still silence " silence that ing. The choice of hymns gave spoke ! " Ellen did not know what her the greatest trouble. She it said, except that her hearers thought of "Jerusalem, my j did not wish her to stop. Her happy home;" but it would not I next was a very favourite hymn do ; she and Alice had too often! of them all sung it in strains of joy. Happily came to her mind the beautiful "How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord," &c. "What are these in bright array?" &c. Ellen had allowed her thoughts to travel top far along with the words, for in the last lines her fehe went through all the seven voice was unsteady and faint, long verses. Still when Ellen! She was fain to make a longer paused at the end of this, the pause than usual to recover her- breathless silence seemed to in vite her to go on. She waited a minute to gather breath. The blessed words had gone down into her very heart ; did they ever self. But in vain; the tender nerve was touched; there was no , Humphreys stilling its quivering. "Ellen!" said Mr. , then, after a few minutes. She seem half so sweet before? She i rose and went to the sofa. He was cheered and strengthened,! folded her close to his breast, and thought she could go through. "Thank you, my child," he with the next hymn, though it said, presently "youhave been had been much loved and often ; a comfort to me. Nothing but a used, both by her mother and choir of angels could have been sweeter." As Ellen went away back through the hall, her tears almost choked her; but for all that there was a strong throb of pleasure at her heart. " I have been a comfort to him," she repeated. "Oh. dear Alice! sol will!" Alice : "Jesus, lover of my soul, Let me to thy bosom fly, While the billows near me roll, While the tempest still is nigh. Hide me, my Saviour, hide, Till the storm of life be past Safe into the haven guide, Oh, receive my soul at last! " Other refuge have I none, Hangs my helpless soul on thee Leave, ah! leave me not alone! Still support and comfort me. All my trust on thee is stay d, All my help from thee I bring; Cover my defenceless head Beneath the shadow of thy wing. " Thou, Christ, art all I want; More than all in thee I find; Eaise the fallen, cheer the faint, Heal the sick , and lead the blind. Just and holy is thy name , I am all unrighteousness; Vile and full of sin I am, Thou art full of truth and grace. The Wide, Wide World. . CHAPTER XLIV. The little spirit that haunted the big- house. THE whole Marshman family returned to Ventnor immediately after the funeral, Mr. George ex- cepted; he stayed with Mr. Humphreys over the Sabbath, and preached for him, and, much | to every one s pleasure , lingered 27 418 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. still a day or two longer , then he I miserably. She had , however, was obliged to leave them. John! the best" possible companion in also must go back to Doncasterjher old Swiss friend. Her good for a few weeks; he would not sense, her steady cheerfulness, be able to get home again before her firm principle , were always the early part of August. For the awake for Ellen s good ever month between, and as much I ready to comfort her, to cheer longer, indeed, as possible, Mrs. j her, to prevent her from giving Marshman wished to have Ellen j undue way to sorrow, to urge her at Ventnor; assuring her that it. to useful exertion. Affection and was to be her home always when- gratitude to the living and the ever she chose to make it so. At dead , gave powerful aid to these first, neither Mrs. Marshman nor efforts. Ellen rose up in the her daughters would take any morning, and lay down at night, denial; and old Mr. Marshman, witli the present pressing wish to was fixed upon it. But Ellen: do and be, for the ease and corn- begged with tears that she might fort of her adopted father and stay at home and begin at once, ; brother, all that it was possible as far as she could, to take Alice s; for her. Very soon, so soon as place. Her kind friends insisted l she could rouse herself to any- that it would do her harm to be, thing, she began to turn over in left alone for so long at such a! her rnind all manner of ways and season. Mr. Humphreys in the j means for this end. And in gene- best of times kept very much to ral, whatever Alice would have himself, and now he would more wished, what John did wish, was than ever; she would be very j law to her. lonely. "But hoAv lonely lie will) "Margery," said Ellen, one be if I go away ! " said Ellen "II day , "1 wish you would tell me can t go." Fin ding that her heart, all the things Alice used to do; was set upon it, and that it would so that I may begin to do them, be a real grief to her to go to you know, as soon as I can." last joined to " What things, Miss Ellen?" Ventnor, John at excuse her; and he made an. ar rangement with Mrs. Vawse in- I mean the things she used to do about the house, or to help stead, that she should come and you don tyouknow? allsorts stay with Ellen at the parsonage ; of things. I want to know them, till he came back. This gave, all, so that I may do them as she Ellen great satisfaction ; and her ! did. I want to very much." kind Ventnor friends were obliged "Oh, Miss Ellen, dear," said unwillingly to leave her. The first few days after John s departure were indeed sad days very sad to every one ; it could not be otherwise. Ellen drooped Margery, tearfully, "you are too little and tender to do them things I d be sorry to see you, indeed!" " Why, no, I am not, Margery," THE WIDE, WIDE WOULD. 419 said Ellen; "don t you know | want you to : I didn t mention it how I used to do at Aunt For- for that, but you was wishing me tune s ? Now , tell me , please, to tell you I don t want you to dear Margery! If I can t do it, I trouble your dear little head won t, you know." about such work. It was more "Oh, Miss Ellen, she used to : the though tfulness that cared see to various things about the; about me than the help of all she house I don t know as I can ! could do , though that wasn t a tell em all directly; some was j little I 11 get along well to help me, and some to please [ enough." her father, or Mr. John, if he was! "But I should like to it would at home; she thought of every make me happier; and don t you one else before herself, sure j think / want to help you too, enough." | Margery?" "Well, what, Margery? what] "The Lord bless you, Miss were they? Tell me all you can i Ellen ! " said Margery, in a sort of remember." (desperation, setting down one "Why, Miss Ellen for one j iron and taking up another; thing she used to go into the ] " don t talk in that way, or you 11 library every morning to put it in upset me entirely. I ain t a bit order, and dust the books and | better than a child," said she, her papers and things; in fact, she tears falling fast on the sheet she took the charge of that room en tirely: I never went into it at all, unless once or twice in the year, or to wash the windows." Ellen looked grave; she thought with herself there might was hurriedly ironing. "What else, dear Margery?" said Ellen, presently. "Tell me what else?" "Well, Miss Ellen," said Mar gery, dashing away the water fvrm aiTnAi* &\T* ^ alia iicprl ir\ be a difficulty in the way of her from either eye, "she used to taking this part of Alice s daily duties; she did not feel that she had the freedom of the library. And then," said Margery, look over the clothes when they went up from the wash; and put them away; and mend them if there was any places wanted " she used to skim the cream for i mending." me, most mornings, when I d be "I m afraid I don t know how busy ; and wash up the breakfast to manage that," said Ellen, very things "Oh, I forgot all about the breakfast things!" exclaimed Ellen "how could I! I ]11 do them, to be sure, after this. I never thought of them, Margery. And I ll skim the cream too." "Dear Miss Ellen, I wouldn t gravely. "There is one thing I can do I can darn stockings very nicely: but that s only one kind of mending. I don t know much about the other kinds." "Ah, well, but she did, how ever," said Margery, searching in her basket of clothes for some 27* 420 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. particular pieces. "A beautiful mender she was, to be sure! look here, Miss Ellen just see that patch the way it is put on so evenly by a thread all round; and the stitches, see and see the way this rentis darned down oh, that was the way she did everything ! " "I can t do it so," said Ellen, sighing ; " but I can learn that I can do. You will teach me, Margery won t you? " "Indeed, Miss Ellen, dear, it s more than I can myself; but I will tell you who will, and that s Mrs. Vawse. I am thinking it was her she learnt of in the first place, but I ain t certain. Anyhow, she s a first-rate hand." "Then I 11 gether to teach me," said Ellen: "that will do very nicely. And now Margery, what else? "Oh, dear Miss Ellen, I don t know; there was a thousand little things that I d only recol lect at the minute; she d set the table for me when my hands was uncommon full: and often she d come out and make some little thing for the master when I wouldn t have the time to do the same myself; and I can t tell one can t think of those things just at the minute. Dear Miss Ellen, I d^be sorry, indeed, to see you a-trying your little hands to do all that she done." "Never mind, Margery," said Ellen and she threw her arms round the kind old woman as she spoke "I won t trouble you and you won t be troubled if I am awkward about anything at first, will you?" Margery could only throw down her holder to return most affec tionately as well as respectfully Ellen s caress, and press a very hearty kiss upon her forehead. Ellen next went to Mrs. Vawse, to beg her help in the mending and patching line. Her old friend was very glad to see her take up anything with interest, and readi ly agreed to do her best in the matter. So some old clothes were j looked up; pieces of linen, cot ton, and flannel gathered to- ! gether: a large basket found to | hold all these rags of shape and no shape; and for the next week or two Ellen was indefatigable. She would sit making vain endea vours to arrange a large linen patch properly, till her cheeks were burning with excitement; and bend over a darn , doing her best to take invisible stitches, till Mrs. Vawse was obliged to assure her it was quite unnecessary to take so much pains. Taking pains, however , is the sure way to suc cess. Ellen could not rest satis fied till she had equalled Alice s patching and darning; and though when Mrs. Vawse left her she had not quite reached that point, she was bidding fair to do so in a little while. In other things she was more at home. She could skim milk well enough, and immediately began to do it for Margery. She at once also took upon herself the care of the parlour cupboard and all the things in it, which she well THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 421 knew had been Alice s office; and, thanks to Miss Fortune s training, even Margery was quite satisfied with her neat and orderly manner of doing it. Ellen begged her, when the clothes came up from the wash, to show her where everything went, so that for the future she might be able to put them away; and she studied the shelves of the linen closet, and the chests of drawers in Mr. Hum phreys room, till she almost knew them by heart. As to the library, she dared not venture. She saw Mr. Humphreys at meals and at prayers only then. He had never asked her to come into his study since the night she sang to him; and as for her ask ing, nothing could have been more impossible. Even when he was out of the house , out by the hour, Ellen never thought of go ing where she had not been ex pressly permitted to go. When Mr. Van Brunt informed his wife of Ellen s purpose to de sert her service, and make her future home at the parsonage, the lady s astonishment was only less than her indignation; the latter not at all lessened by learning that Ellen was to be come the adopted child of the house. For a while her words of displeasure were poured forth in a torrent; Mr. Van Brunt mean time sayingvery little, and stand ing by like a steadfast rock that the waves dashed past, not upon. She declared this was the "cap- sheaf of Miss Humphrey s doings; she might have been wise enough to have expected as much; she wouldn t have been such a fool if she had! This was what she had let Ellen go there for ! a pretty return ! " But she went on. "She wondered who they thought they had to deal with : did they think she was going to let Ellen go in that way? she had the first and only right to her; and Ellen had ho more business to go and give herself away than one of her oxen; and they would find it out, she guessed, pretty quick; Mr. John .and all; she d have her back in no time!" What were her thoughts and feelings , when, after having spent her breath, she found her husband quietly opposed to this conclusion, words cannot tell. Her words could not; she was absolutely dumb, till he had said his say; and then, ap palled by the serenity of his manner, she left indignation on one side for the present, and be gan to argue the matter. But Mr. Van Brunt coolly said he had promised: she might get as many helps as she liked he would pay for them, and welcome; but Ellen would have to stay where she was. He had promised Miss Alice ; and he wouldn t break his word "for king, lords, and com mons." A most extraordinary ex pletive for a good republican which Mr. Van Brunt had pro bably inherited from his father and grandfather. What can waves do against a rock? Miss Fortune disdained a struggle which must end in her own confusion, and wisely kept her chagrin to her- 422 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. self; never even approaching the j fore he reached home, and her subject afterwards, with him or! anxious watch of hope and fear any other person. Ellen had left j for the sound of his horse s feet the whole matter to Mr. Van i grew very painful. She busied Brunt, expecting a storm, and i herself with setting the tea-table; not wishing to share it. Happily it all blew over. As the month drew to an end, and indeed long before, Ellen s thoughts began to go forward eagerly to John s coming home. She had learned by this time how to mend clothes; she had grown somewhat wonted to her new round of little household duties ; in everything else the want of him was felt. Study flagged; though, knowing what his wish would be, and what her duty was, she faith fully tried to go on with it. She had no heart for riding or walk ing by herself. She was lonely; she was sorrowful; she was weary; allMrs.Vawse s pleasant society was not worth the mere know ledge that lie was in the house ; she longed for his coming. He had written what day they might expect him. But when it came , Ellen found that her feel ing had changed; it did not look the bright day she had expected it would. Up to that time she had thought only of herself; now she remembered what sort of a co rning home this must be to him; and she dreaded almost as much as she wished for the moment of his arrival. Mrs. Vawse was sur prised to see that her face was sadder that day than it had been for many past; she could not understand it. Ellen did not ex plain. It was late in the day be- it was all done ; and she could by no means do anything else. She could not go to the door to listen there; she remembered too well the last time; and she knew he would remember it. He came at last. Ellen s feel ing had judged rightly of his, for the greeting was without a word on either side; and when he left the room to go to his father, it was very, very long before he came back. And it seemed to Ellen for several days that he was more grave, and talked less, than even the last time he had been at home. She was sorry when Mrs. Vawse proposed to leave them. But the old lady wisely said they would all feel better when she was gone; and it was so. Truly as she was re spected and esteemed on all sides, it was felt a relief by every one of the family when she went back to her mountain top. They were left to themselves ; they saw what their numbers were; there was no restraint upon looks, words, or silence. Ellen saw at once that the gentlemen felt easier that was enough to make her so. The extreme oppression that had grieved and disappoint ed her the first few days after John s return, gave place to a softened gravity ; and the house hold fell again into all its old ways ; only that upon every brow THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 423 there was a chastened air of sor- ; Humphreys would let me go into row in everything that was said ; his study every day when he is a tone of remembrance, and that out, to put it in order and a little figure was going about; the books?" where Alice s used to move as "Certainly. But why does not mistress of the house. Margery do it? " Thanks to her brother, that "She does, I believe, but she little figure was an exceeding never used to; and I should like busy one. She had in the first i to do it very much if I was sure place her household duties, in he would not dislike it. Iwoul discharging which she was per- j be careful not to disturb any- fectly untiring. From the cream i thing ; I would leave everything skimmed for Margery, and the just as I found it." cups of coffee poured out every "You may go when you morning for Mr. Humphreys and please, and do what you please her brother, to the famous mending, which took up often one half of Saturday, whatever she did was done with her best diligence and care: and from love to both the dead and the living, Ellen s zeal never slacken ed. These things, however, filled but a small part of her time , let her be as particular as she would; and Mr. John effectually hindered her from being too particular. He soon found plen ty for both her and himself to do. Not that they ever forgot, or tried to forget Alice ; on the con trary, they sought to remember her, humbly, calmly, hopefully, there, Ellie. "But I don t like to I couldn t without speaking to him first; I should be afraid he would come back and find me there, and he might think I hadn t had leave." him muster And you wish me to speak to is that it? resolution that, Ellen?" Cannot you enough for Ellen was satisfied, for she knew by his tone he would do what she wanted. "Father," said John, the next morning at breakfast, "Ellen wishes to take upon herself the daily care of your study ; but she is afraid to venture without thankfully! By diligent per- formance of duty, by Christian i being assured it will please yoi faith, by conversation and to see her there." prayer, they strove to do this; The old gentleman and after a time succeeded. * Sober that winter was, but it was very far from being an un happy one. "John," said Ellen, one day, some time after Mrs. Vawse had left them, "do you think Mr. laid his hand affectionately on Ellens head, and told her she was welcome to come and go when she would the whole house was hers. The grave kindness and ten derness of the tone and action 424 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. spoiled Ellen s breakfast. She could not look at anybody nor hold her head up for the rest of the time. As Alice had anticipated, her brother was called to take the charge of a church at Randolph, and at the same time another more distant was offered him. He refused them both, rightly judging that his place for the present was at home. But the call from Randolph being press ed upon him very much, he at length agreed to preach for them during the winter ; riding thither for the purpose every Saturday, and returning to Carra-carra on Monday. As the winter wore on, a grave cheerfulness stole over the household. Ellen little thought how much she had to do with it. She never heard Margery tell her husband, which she often did with great affection, that "that blessed child was the light of the house." And those who felt it the most said nothing. Ellen was sure, indeed, from the way in which Mr. Humphreys spoke to her, looked at her, now and then laid his hand on her head, and sometimes, very rare ly, kissed her forehead, that he loved her and loved to see her] about, and that her wish of I supplying Alice s place was in some little measure fulfilled. Few as those words and looks were, they said more to Ellen than whole discourses would from other people: the least of them gladdened her heart with the feeling that she was a com fort to him. But she never knew how much. Deep as the gloom still over him was, Ellen never dreamed how much deeper it would have been but for the little figure flitting round and filling up the vacancy ; how much he reposed on the gentle look of affection, the pleasant voice, the watchful thoughtfulness that never left anything undone that she could do for his pleasure. Perhaps he did not know it him self. She was not sure he even noticed many of the little things she daily did or tried to do for him. Always silent and re served, he was more so now than ever; she saw him little, and very seldom long at a time, un less when they were riding to church together: he was always in his study or abroad. But the trifles she thought he did not see were noted and registered, and repaid with all the affection he had to give. As for Mr. John, it never came into Ellen s head to think whether she was a comfort to him; he was a comfort to her; she looked at it in quite another point of view. He had gone to his old sleeping-room upstairs, which Margery had settled with herself he would make his study ; and for that he had taken the sitting-room. This was Ellen s study too , so she was constantly with him; and of the quietest she thought her movements would have to be. "What are you stepping so THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 425 softly for?" said he, one day, catching her hand as she was passing near him. "You were busy I thought you were busy," said Ellen. "And what then?" "I was afraid of disturbing you." "You never disturb me," said he; "you need not fear it. One day Margery came into the room with a paper in her hand. "Miss Ellen," said she, in a low tone "here is Anthony Fox again he has brought another of his curious letters, that he wants to know if Miss Ellen will be so good as to write out for him once more. He says Step as you please, and do not he is ashamed to trouble you so shut the doors carefully. I see much." you and hear you, but without any disturbance." Ellen found it was so. But she was an exception to the general rule ; other people disturbed him, as she had one or two occasions of knowing. Of one thing she was perfectly sure, whatever he might be doing Ellen was reading, comfort ably ensconced in the corner of the wide sofa. She gave a glance, a most ungratified one, at the very original document in Mar gery s hand. Unpromising it certainly looked. "Another! Dear me! I wonder if there isn t somebody UMVJ T AJ.WJCV/ T V^-L X-LV^ -L-L-Li^ AJ. II *J \J \A. \J U. ^ | ? V AJ. Vi. Vv i J.X Lillt/AV^ J.O-IA U O \J AAJ. V> k/ \J\JL J that he saw and heard her; else he could get to do it for him, and equally sure, that if any- Margery? I think I have had thing were not right , she should ; my share. You don t know what sooner or later hear of it. But a piece of work it is to copy out this was a censorship Ellen ra- one of those scrawls. It takes ther loved than feared. In the j me ever so long, in the first first place, she was never mis- place, to find what he has written, understood; in the second, how- and then to put it so that any ever ironical and severe he might : one else can make sense of it be to others and Ellen knew I ve got about enough of it. he could be both when there was [Don t you suppose he could find occasion he never was either plenty of other people to do it for to her. With great plainness al- ! him? " ways, but with an equally happy "I don t know, Miss Ellen; I choice of time and manner, he suppose he could." either said or looked what hej "Then ask him, do; won t you, wished her to understand. This Margery? I m so tired of it! and happened , indeed , only about ! this is the third one ; and I ve got comparative trifles ; to have se- j something else to do. Ask him if riously displeased him Ellen there isn t somebody^ else he can would have thought the last get to do it; if there isn t, I will; great evil that could fall upon tell him I am busy." her in this world. Margery withdrew, and Ellen 426 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. buried herself again in her book. | obliged her to stop till she could Anthony Fox was a poor Irish- clear them. It was clone, and she man, whose uncouth attempts at carried it out to the kitchen her- a letter Ellen had once offered to self. write out and make straight forj The poor man s thanks were him, ^ upon hearing Margery tell very warm; but that was not of his lamenting that he could what Ellen wanted. She could not make one fit to send home to not rest till she had got another his mother. j word from her brother. He was Presently Margery came in busy; she dared not speak to again , stopping this time at the him ; she sat fidgeting and un- table, which Mr. John had pushed easy in the corner of the sofa till to the far side of the room, to get it was time to get ready for away from the fire. riding. She had plenty of time J I beg your pardon, Sir," she to make up her mind about the said; "I am ashamed to be so right and the wrong of her own troublesome but this Irish conduct. body, this Anthony ^ Fox, has| During the ride he was just as begged me, and I didn t know usual, and she began to think he how to refuse him, to come in and did not mean to say anything ask for a sheet of paper and a more on the matter. Pleasant pen for him , Sir he wants to talk and pleasant exercise had copy a letter if Mr. John would almost driven it out of her head, be so good; a quill pen, Sir, if when as they were walking their you please; he cannot write with horses over a level place, he sud- any other." denly began " No," said John, coolly. " El- " By-the-bye, you are too busy, len will do it." Ellie," said he. " Which of your Margery looked in some doubt studies shall we cut off?" from the table to the sofa, butj "Please, Mr. John," said Ellen, Ellen instantly rose up , and with blushing , " don t say anything a burning cheek came forward about that! I was not studying and took the paperfrom the hand | at all I was just amusing my- where Margery still held it. self with a book I was only " Ask him to wait a little while, Margery," she said, hurriedly; "I 11 do it as soon as I can tell] were too busy, Ellie. him in half an hour." Ellen s eyes filled. It was not a very easy nor] "I was wrong," she said "I quick job. Ellen worked at it knew it at the time at least, patiently, and finished it well byjas soon as you spoke I knew it; the end of the half-hour; though and a little before ; I was very with a burning cheek still ; and a | wrong ! " dimness over her eyes frequently) And his keen eye saw that the selfish and lazy." "Only I would rather you THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. confession was not out of compli- 1 hurried through ment to him merely ; it came from j load. Carefully the heart. "You are right now," he said, "But how are your smiling, reins?" Ellen s heart was at rest again. "Oh, I forgot them," said she, gaily; "I was thinking of some thing else." "You must not talk when you are riding, unless you can con trive to manage two things at once ; and no more lose com mand of your horse than you would of yourself." Ellen s eye met his, with all the contrition, affection, and in genuousness that even he wished to see there ; and they put their horses to the canter. This winter was in many ways a very precious one to Ellen. French gave her now no trouble ; she was a clever arithmetician; she knew geogra and was tolerab both English and American his tory ; the way was cleared for the course of improvement in which her brother s hand led and helped her. He put her into Latin ; car ried on the study of natural phi losophy they had begun the year before, and which with his in structions was perfectly delight ful to Ellen; he gave her some works of stronger reading than she had yet tried, besides histo ries in French and English, and higher branches of arithmetic. These things were not crowded together so as to fatigue, nor raphy admirably, ably at home in 427 so as to over- and thoroughly she was obliged to put her mind through every subject they en tered upon ; and just at that age, opening as her understanding was , it grappled eagerly with all that he gave her, as well from love to learning as from love to him. In reading, too, she began to take new and strong delight. Especially two or three new Eng lish periodicals, which John sent for on purpose for her, were mines of pleasure to Ellen.. There Avas no fiction in them, either; they were as full of instruction as of interest. At all times of the day and night, in her intervals of business, Pollen might be seen with one of these in her hand, nestled among the cushions of the sofa, or on a little bench by the side of the fireplace in the twilight, where she could have the benefit of the blaze, which she loved to read by as well as ever. Sorrowful remembrances were then flown , all things pre sent were out of view, and Ellen s face was dreamingly happy. It was well there was always somebody by, who , whatever he might himself be doing, never lost sight of her. If ever Ellen was in danger of bending too long over her studies, or in dulging herself too much in the sofa corner, she was sure to be broken off to take an hour or two of smart exercise, riding or walk ing, or to recite some lesson (and their recitations were very lively things), or to read aloud, or to 428 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. talk. Sometimes, if he saw that she seemed to be drooping or a little sad, he would come and sit down by her side , or call her to his , find out what she was think ing about, and then, instead of slurring it over, talk of it fairly, and set it before her in such a light that it was impossible to think of it again gloomily, for that day at least. Sometimes he took other ways, but never, when he was present, allowed her long to look weary or sorrowful. He often read to her , and every day made her read aloud to him. This Ellen disliked very much at first, and ended with as much liking it. She had an admirable teacher. He taught her how to manage her voice, and how to manage the language, in both which he ex celled himself, and was determin ed that she should; and, besides this, their reading often led to talking that Ellen delighted in. Always when he was making copies for her she read to him, and once at any rate in the course of the day. Every day, when the weather would permit, the Black Prince and the Brownie, with their re spective riders, might be seen abroad in the country, far and wide. In the course of their rides, Ellen s horsemanship was dili gently perfected. Very often their turning -place was on the top of the Oat s Back, and the horses had a rest and Mrs. Vawse a visit before they ;went down again. They had long walks, too, by hill and dale 5 pleasantly silent or pleasantly talkative all pleasant to Ellen ! Her only lonely or sorrowful time was when John was gone to Randolph. It began early on Saturday morning, and perhaps ended with Sunday night; for all Monday was hope and expecta tion. Even Saturday she had not much time to mope; that was the day for her great week s mend ing. When John was gone, and her morning affairs were out of the way, Ellen brought out her work-basket, and established herself on the sofa for a quiet day s sewing, without the least fear of interruption. But sewing did not always hinder thinking. And then, certainly, the room did seem very empty, and very still; and the clock, which she never heard the rest of the week, kept ticking an ungracious re minder that she was alone. Ellen would sometimes forget it, in the intense interest of some nice little piece of repair which must be exquisitely done in a wrist band or a glove ; and then per haps Margery would softly open the door and come in. "Miss Ellen, dear, you re lone some enough; isn t there some thing I can do for you? I can t rest for thinking of your being here all by yourself." "Oh, never mind, Margery," said Ellen, smiling "I am do ing very well. I am living in hopes of Monday. Come and look here, Margery how will that do ? don t you think I am learning to mend?" 5 " It s beautiful , Miss Ellen ! 1 1 can t make out how you ve learn- ed so ejuick. I 11 tell Mr. John | some time who does these things j for him." "No, indeed, Margery! don t you. Please not , Margery. I like to do it very much, indeed, but I don t want he should know it, nor Mr. Humphreys. Now you won t, Margery, will you?" "Miss Ellen, dear, I wouldn t do the least little thing as would be worrisome to you, for the whole world. Aren t you tired sitting here alone?" "Oh, sometimes a little," said Ellen, sighing. "I can t help that, you know." "I feel it even out there in the kitchen," said Margery ; -"I feel it lonesome hearing the house so still I miss the want of Mr. John s step up and down the room. How fond he is of walk ing so , to be sure ! How do you manage, Miss Ellen, with him making his study here? don t you have to keep uncommon quiet?" "No," saidEllen "no quieter than I like. I do just as I have a mind to." "I thought, to be sure," said Margery, "he would have taken upstairs for his study, or the next room, one or t other 5 he used to be very particular in old times; he didn t like to have anybody round when he was busy; but I am glad he has altered, however; it is better for you, Miss Ellen, dear, though I didn t know how you was ever going to make out at first." THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 429 Ellen thought for a minute, when Margery was gone, whether it could be that John was putting a force upon his liking for her sake , bearing her presence when he would rather have been with out it. But she thought of it only a minute ; she was sure, when she recollected herself, that however it happened, she was no hin drance to him in any kind of work; that she went out and came in, and, as he had said, he saw and heard her without any disturbance. Besides, he had said so , and that Avas enough. Saturday evening she general ly contrived to busy herself in her books. But when Sunday morning came , with its calmness: and brightness when the busi ness of the week was put away, and quietness, abroad and at home , invited to recollection then Ellen s thoughts went back to old times , and then she missed the calm, sweet face that had agreed so well with the day. She missed her in the morning, when the early sun streamed in through the empty room. She missed her at the breakfast -table, where John was not to take her place. On the ride to church , where Mr. Humphreys was now her silent companion, and every tree in the road, and every opening in the landscape, seemed to call for Alice to see it with her. Very much she missed her in church. The empty seat beside her the unused hymn-book on the shelf the want of her sweet voice in the singing < oh! how it went 430 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. to Ellen s heart! And Mr. Hum- motive she had, soon enabled phreys grave, steadfast look and tone kept it in her mind ; she saw it was in his. Those Sunday mornings tried Ellen. At first they were bitterly sad her tears used to flow abundantly when ever they could , _ unseen. Time o f Alice s pleasant comments and Ellen to remember and repeat faithfully the greater part of Mr. Humphreys morning sermon. Beading the Bible to Mrs. Block- son was easy she had often done that; and to repair the loss softened this feeling. While Mr. Humphreys went on explanations, she bethought her of her Pilgrim s Progress. To her to his second service in the vil- delight the old woman heard it lage beyond, Ellen stayed at greedily, and seemed to take Carra-carra, and tried to teach | great comfort in it; often refer- a Sunday-school. She deter- ring to what Ellen had read be- mined, as far as she could, to fore, and begging to hear such supply beyond the home circle a piece over again. Ellen gene- the loss that was not felt only rally went home pretty thorough- there. She was able, however, ly tired, yet feeling happy; the to gather together but her own pleasure of doing good still far four children, whom she had con stantly taught from the begin ning, and two others. The rest overbalanced the pains. Sunday evening was another lonely time; Ellen spent it as were scattered. After her lunch, best she could. Sometimes with which, having no companion but! her Bible and prayer, and then Margery, was now a short one, she ceased to be lonely: some- Ellen went next to the two old times with so many pleasant women that Alice had been ac- 1 thoughts that had sprung up out customed to attend for the pur- of the employments of the morn- pose of reading, and what Ellen ing, that she could not be sor- jcalled preaching. These poor rowful; sometimes she could riot old people had sadly lamented help being both. In any case, the loss of the faithful friend | she was very apt, when the whose place they never expected! darkness fell, to take to singing to see supplied in this world, and hymns ; and it grew to be a habit whose kindness had constantly with Mr. Humphreys, when he sweetened their lives with one heard her, to come out of his great pleasure a week. Ellen felt study and lie down upon the sofa afraid to take so much upon her self as to try to do for them what Alice had done; however, she resolved; and at the very first attempt their gratitude and joy far overpaid her for the effort she had made. Practice, and the and listen, suffering no light in the room but that of the fire. Ellen never was better pleased than when her Sunday evenings were spent so. She sang with wonderful pleasure when she sang for him; and she made it THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 431 her business to fill her memory the horse was almost always left with all the beautiful hymns she at the further door. Back then ever knew or could find, or that j she came from India or the Nile; he liked particularly. | down went the book; Ellen had With the first opening of her no more thought but for what eyes on Monday morning came was before her. the thought, "John will be at For the rest of that evening home to-day ! " That was enough the measure of Ellen s happiness to carryEllen pleasantly through j was full. It did not matter whe- whatever the day might bring, ither John were in a talkative or a She generally kept her mending ! thoughtful mood; whether he of stockings for Monday mom- 1 spoke to her and looked at her or ing, because with that thought! not; it was pleasure enough to in her head she did not mind any- 1 feel that he was there. She was thing. She had no visits from perfectly satisfied merely to sit Margery on Monday ; but Ellen j down near him, though she did not sang over her work, sprang about i get a word by the hour together, with happy energy, and studied her hardest; for John, in what he expected her to do, made no calculations for work of which CHAPTER XLV. The Guardian Angel. ONE Monday evening, John he knew nothing. lie was never! being tired, was resting in the at home till late in the day; and | corner of the sofa. The silence when Ellen had done all she had had lasted a long time. Ellen, to do, and set the supper -table! thought so; and standing near, with punctilious care , and a face she by -and -by put her hand of busy happiness it would have \ gently into one of his , which he been a pleasure to see if there was thoughtfully passing through had been any one to look at it, the locks of his hair. Her hand she would take what happened was clasped immediately, and, to be the favourite book, and ; quitting his abstracted look, he plant herself near the glass door, ! asked what she had been doing like a very epicure, to enjoy both that day. Ellen s thoughts went the present and the future at; back to toes of stockings and a once. Even then, the present! long rent in her dress; she often made her forget the future ; | merely answered , smiling , that she would be lost in her book, she had been busy. perhaps hunting the elephant in " Too busy, I m afraid. Come India, orfightingNelson s battles round here, and sit down. What over again; and the first news have you been busy about?" she would have of what she had j Ellen never thought of trying set herself there to watch for, | to evade a question of his. She would be the click of the door- ! coloured and hesitated. He did lock or a tap on the glass, for j not press it any further. 432 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. "Mr. John," said Ellen, when the silence seemed to have set in again "there is something I have been wanting to ask you this great while -" " Why hasnt it been asked this great while?" "I didn t quite like to ; I didn t know what you would say to it," " I am sorry I am at all terrible to you, Ellie. "Why, you are not!" said Ellen, laughing "how you talk! but I don t much like to ask people things." J l don t know about that," said he, smiling 5 "my memory rather seems to say that you ask things pretty often." "Ah, yes those things; but I mean , I don t like to ask things when I am not quite sure how people will like it." "You are right, certainly, to hesitate when you are doubtful in such a matter; but it is best not to be doubtful when I am con cerned." "Well, "said Ellen, "I wished very much I was going to ask if you would have any ob jection to let me read one of your sermons." "None in the world, Ellie," said he, smiling ; " but they have never been written yet." " Not written !" "No there is all I had to guide me yesterday." "A half-sheet of paper! and only written on one side! Oh, I can make nothing of this. What iatMs? Hebrew?" "Short-hand." "And is that all? I cannot un derstand it," said Ellen, sighing as she gave back the paper. "What if you were to go with me next time? They want to see you very much at Ventnor." "So do I want to see them," said Ellen, "very much indeed." "Mrs. Marshman sent a most earnest request by me that you would come to her the next time I go to Randolph." Ellen gave the matter a very serious consideration if one might judge by her face. "What do you say to it?" "I should like to go, very much," said Ellen, slowly, "but" "But you do not think it would be pleasant?" "No, no,"saidEllen, laughing, "I don t mean that; but I think I would rather not." "Why?" " Oh I have some reasons." " You must give me very good ones , or I think I shall overrule your decision, Ellie." " I have very good ones ; plenty of them; only " A glance, somewhat comical in its keenness , overturned Ellen s hesitation. "I have, indeed," said she, laughing; "only I did not want to tell you. The reason why I didn t wish to go was because I thought I should be missed. You don t knowhow muchlmissyou," said she , with tears in her eyes. " That is what I was afraid of! Your reasons make against you, THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 433 "I hope not; I don t think they "Oh, no!" said Ellen, " don t ought." think of me. I don t mind it, in- "But, Ellie, I am very sure my deed. I do not always feel so father would rather miss you ; sometimes but 1 get along very once or twice than have you want | well 5 and I would rather stay what would be good for you." (here, indeed I would. lamalways "I know that! I am sure of happy as soon as Monday morn- that; but that don t alter my ing; comes." feeling, you know. And besides, that isn t all." "Who else will miss you?" Ellen s quick look seemed to say that he knew too much al ready, and that she did not wish him to know more. He did not repeat the question, but Ellen felt that her secret was no longer entirely her own. "And what do you do, Ellie, when you feel lonely?" he went on presently. Ellen s eyes watered the tone in which these words were spoken; she answered "Dif ferent things." "The best remedy for it is He rose up suddenly, and be gan to walk up and down the room. "Mr. John" "What Ellie?" "I do sometimes seek His face very much when I cannot find it." She hid her face in the sofa cushion. He was silent a few mi nutes, and then stopped his walk. "There is something wrong, then, with you, Ellie," he said, gently. "How has itbeen through the week? If you can let day after day pass without remembering your best Friend, it may be that when you feel the want you will prayer. In seeking the face of not readily find Him. How is it our best Friend we forget the daily, Ellie? is seeking his face loss of others. That is what I try, your first concern? do you give a Ellie , when I feel alone ; do you I sufficient time faithfully to your ^.^i^-O" r.iJl,^ ^^1 TJI Ul ^ ,.,~/3 ~, .~Q try it? " said he, softly. Ellen looked up ; she could not well speak at that moment. " There is an antidote in that Bible and prayer? Ellen shook her head; no words were possible. He took up his walk again. The silence had last- for every trouble. You know I ed a length of time , and he was who said, He that cometh to me still walking, when Ellen came to shall never hunger, and he that! his side and laid her hand on his believeth on me shall never arm. thirst. " "Have you settled that ques- " It troubles me," said he, after jtion with your conscience, Ellie?" a pause, "to leave you so much { She weepingly answered, alone , I don t know that it were not best to take you with me every week," The Wide, Wide World. " Yes. " They walked a few turns up and down. "Will you promise me, Ellen, 434 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. j that every day when it shall be possible , you will give an hour at least to this business, whatever else may be done or undone? " Ellen promised ; and then with her hand in his they continued their walk through the room till Mr. Humphreys and the servants came in. Her brother s prayer that night Ellen never forgot. No more was said at that time about her going to Ventnor. But a week or two after, John smiling ly told her to get all her private affairs arranged, and to let her friends know they need not ex pect to see her the next Sunday, for that he was going to take her with him. As she saw he had made up his mind, Ellen said no thing in the way of objecting, and, now that the decision was taken from her, was really very glad to go. She arranged every thing, as he had said; and was ready Saturday morning to set off with a very light heart. They went in the sleigh. In a happy, quiet mood of mind, Ellen enjoyed everything exceedingly. She had not been to Ventnor for several months; the change of scene was very grateful. She could not help thinking, as they slid along smoothly and swiftly over the hard -frozen snow, that it was a good deal pleasanter, for once, than sitting alone in the parlour at home with her work- basket. Those days of solitary duty, however, had prepared her for the pleasure of this one ; El len knew that, and was ready to be thankful for everything. Throughout the whole way, whe ther the eye and mind silently in dulged in roving, or still better- loved talk interrupted that, as it often did, Ellen was in a state of most unmixed and unruffled satis faction. John had not the sligh test reason to doubt the correct ness of his judgment in bringing her. He went in but a moment at Ventnor, and leaving her there, proceeded himself to Kandolph. Ellen was received ais a precious lending that must be taken the greatest care of and enjoyed as much as possible while one has it. Mrs. Marshman and Mrs. Chaun- cey treated her as if shehadbeen their own child. Ellen Chauncey overwhelmed her with joyful ca resses, and could scarcely let her out of her arms by night or by day. She was more than ever Mr. Marshman s pet; but, indeed, she was well petted by all the fa mily. It was a very happy visit. Even Sunday left nothing to wish for. To her great joy, not only Mrs. Chauncey went with her in the morning to hear her brother (for his church was not the one the family attended) , but the carriage was ordered in the afternoon also ; and Mrs. Chaun cey and her daughter and Miss Sophia went with her again. When they returned,Miss Sophia, who had taken a very great fancy to her , brought her into her own room and made her lie down with her upon the bed, though Ellen insisted she was not tired. "Well, you ought to be, if you are not/ said the lady. "/am. THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 435 Keep away, Ellen Chauncey you can t be anywhere without talking. You can live without Ellen for half an hour, can t ye? Leave us a little while in quiet." Ellen for her part was quite willing to be quiet. But Miss So phia was not sleepy, and it soon appeared had no intention of be ing silent herself. "Well, how do you like your brother in the pulpit?" she be gan. "I like him anywhere, Ma am," said Ellen, smiling a very unequi vocal smile. "I thought he would have come here with you last night; it is very mean of him! He never comes near us ; he always goes to some wretched little lodging or place in the town there always ; never so much as looks at Vent- nor, unless sometimes he may stop for a minute at the door." "He said he would come here "I believe you will grow to be as sober as the rest of them," said she. "How does Mr. John be have?" Ellen turned so indubitably curious a look upon her at this, that Miss Sophia half -laughed and went on "Mr. Humphreys was not al ways as silent and reserved as he is now; I remember him when he was different, though I don t think he ever was much like his son. Did you ever hear about it?" "About what, Ma am?" "Oh, all about his coming to this country, and what brought him to Carra-carra?" "No, Ma am." "My father, you see, had come out long before , but the two fa milies had been always very in timate in England, and it was kept up after he came away. He was a particular friend of an elder brother of Mr. Humphreys ; to-night," said Ellen. his estate and my grandfather s Amazing condescending of lay very near each other; and him! However, he isn t like any body else ; I suppose we must not judge him by common rules. besides , there were other things that drew them to each other he married my aunt, for one. How is Mr. Humphreys, Ellen?" My father made several journeys "I don t know, Ma am," said back and forth in the course of Ellen; "it is hard to tell; he years, and so kept up his attach- doesn t say much. I think he isjment to the whole family, you rather more cheerful, if anything, j know; and he became very desi- than I expected he would be." jrous to get Mr. Humphreys over "And how do you get along here this Mr. Humphreys , you there, poor child! with only two! know. He was the younger bro- such grave people about you? " | ther younger brothers in Eng- "I get along very well, Ma am," ! land have generally little or no- saidEllen, with what Miss Sophia | thing; but you don t know any- thought a somewhat curious thingaboutthat, Ellen. //<? hadn t smile, ; any thin 28* then but his living, and 436 THE WIDE, WIDE WOULD. that was a small one ; he had some property left him, though, just before he came to America." "But, Miss Sophia," Ellen hesitated, "are you sure they would like I should hear all this?" "Why, yes, child! of course they would ; everybody knows it. Some things made Mr.Humphrey s as willing to leave England about that time as my father was to have him. An excellent situation was offered him in one of the best institutions here, and he came out. That s about let me see I was just twelve years old, and Alice was one year younger. She and I were just like sisters always from that time. We lived near together, and saw each other every day, and our two families were just like one. But they were liked by everybody. Mrs. Hum phreys was a very fine person very ; oh, very ! I never saw any woman I admired more. Her death almost killed her husband: and I think Alice I don t know ; there isn t the least sign of deli- went and buried himself at Carra-carra. That was a little after we came here." How much all this interested Ellen! She was glad, however, whenMiss Sophia seemed to have talked herself out, for she wanted very much to think over John s sermon. And as Miss Sophia heavily fell into a doze soon after, she had a long quiet time for it, till it grew dark, and Ellen Chaun- cey, whose impatience could hold no longer, came to seek her. John came in the evening. Ellen s patience and politeness were severely tried in the course of it; for while she longed ex ceedingly to hear what her bro ther and the older members of the family were talking about animated , delightful conversa tion she was sure Ellen Chaun- cey detained her in another part of the room; and for a good part of the evening she had to bridle her impatience, and attend to what she did not care about. She did it, and Ellen Chauncey did not suspect it; and at last she cate health about Mr. Humphreys j found means to draw both her nor Mr. John not the slightest! and herself near the larger group. nor about Mrs. Humphreys either. She was a very fine woman ! " "How long ago did she die?" said Ellen. * "Five six, seven seven years ago. Mr. John had been left in England till a little before. Mr. Humphreys was never the same after that. He wouldn t hold his professorship any longer ; he couldn t bear society; he just But they seemed to have got through what they were talking about; there was a lull. Ellen waited, and hopedthey would be gin again. "You had a full church this afternoon, Mr. John," said Miss Sophia. He bowed gravely. "Did you know whom you had among your auditors? the and were there ;" naming some dis- THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD, 437 tinguished strangers in the neigh bourhood. "I think I saw them." "You * think you did! Is that an excess of pride or an excess do modesty? Now, do be a reasonable creature, and confess that you are not insensible to the pleasure and honour of address ing such an audience ! " Ellen saw something like a flash of contempt for an instant in his face , instantly succeeded by a smile. "Honestly, Miss Sophia, I was much more interested in an old woman that sat at the foot of the pulpit-stairs." "That old thing!" said Miss Sophia. "I saw her," said Mrs. Chaun- cev i "poor old creature! she seemed most deeply attentive when I looked at her." "I saw her!" cried Ellen Chauncey " and the tears were running down her cheeks several times." "I didn t see her," said Ellen Montgomery , as John s eye met hers. He smiled. "But do you mean to say," con tinued Miss Sophia, "that youj are absolutely careless as to who hears you?" "I have always one hearer, Miss Sophia , of so much dignity, \ that it sinks the rest into great insignificance." "That is a rebuke," said Miss Sophia; "but nevertheless, I shall tell you that I liked you very much this afternoon." He was silent. "I suppose you will tell mo next," said the younglady, laugh ing, "that you are sorry to hear me say so." "I am," said he, gravely. "Why? may I ask?" "You show me that I have quite failed in my aim, so far at least as one of my hearers was concerned." "How do you know that?" " Do you remember whatLouis the Fourteenth said to Massillon ? Mon pere, j ai entendu plu- sieurs grands orateurs dans ma chapelle ; j en ai e te fort content: pour vous, toutes les fois que je vous ai entendu , j ai ete tres me- content de moi-meme!" Ellen smiled. Miss Sophia was silent for an instant. " Then you really mean to be understood, that provided you fail in your aim , as you say , you do not care a straw what people think of you?" "As I would take a bankrupt s promissory note in lieu of told gold. It gives me small gratifica tion, Miss Sophia very small indeed to see the bowing heads of the grain that yet my sickle cannot reach." "I agree with you most hearti ly," said Mr. George Marshman. The conversation dropped; and the two gentlemen began another in an undertone, pacing up and down the floor together. The next morning, not sorrow fully, Ellen entered the sleigh again, and they set off home wards. 438 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. What a sober little piece that natural to her, I suppose; she can said Mr. Howard. ; 0h! sober!" cried Ellen Chauncey; "that is because you don t know her, Uncle How ard. She is the cheerfullest, happiest girl that I ever saw "Except Ellen Chauncey al ways," said her uncle. " She is a singular child ," said Mrs. Glillespie. "She is grave, certainly, but she don t look rnoped at all, and I should think she would be, to death." have nobody to teach her." "I am not so sure as to that," said Miss Sophia; "but I have noticed the same thing often. Did you observe her last night, Ma tilda, when John Humphreys came in? you were talking to her at the moment; I saw her before the door was opened; 1 saw the colour come, and her eyes sparkle, but she did not look to wards him for an instant, till you had finished what you were say ing to her, and she had given, as she always does, her modest, "There s not a bit of moping . t j th h ^ ;," said Miss Sophia. !^ ent ^^ ag an arrow ^ about her, " She can laugh and smile as well as anybody; though she has sometimes that peculiar grave look of the eyes that would make a stranger doubt it. I think John Humphreys has infected; he has something of the same look him self." "I am not sure whether it is the eyes or the mouth, Sophia," said Mr. Howard. "It is both," said Miss Sophia. "Did you ever see the eyes look one way and the mouth an other?" "And besides," said Ellen where he was standing." "And yet," said Mrs. Chauncey, "she never moved towards him when you did , but stayed quietly on that side of the room with the young ones, till he came round to them; and it was some time too." "She is an odd child," said Miss Sophia, laughing. "What do you think she said to me yesterday? I was talking to her, and getting rather communica tive on the subject of my neigh bours affairs; and she asked me gravely the little monkey! if Chauncey, "she has reason to I was sure they would like her to look sober, I am sure." hear it? I felt quite rebuked, "She is a fascinating child," though I didn t choose to let her said Mrs. Gillespie. "I cannot know as much." comprehend where she gets the manner she has. I never saw a more perfectly polite child, and there she has been for months, with nobody to speak to but two gentlemen and the servants. It is "I wish Mr. John Avould bring her every week," said Ellen Chauncey, sighing ; " it would be too pleasant to have her." Towards the end of the winter, Mr. Humphreys began to propose THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 439 that his son should visit England and Scotland during the following summer. He wished him to see his family and to know his native country, as well as some of the most distinguished men and in stitutions in both kingdoms. Mr. George Marshman also urged upon him some business in which he thought he could be eminently useful. But Mr. John declined both propositions, still thinking he had more important duties at home. This only cloud that rose above Ellen ? horizon scattered away. One evening it was a Mon day in the twilight, John was as usual pacing up and down the floor. Ellen was reading in the window. " Too late for you, Ellie." "Yes," said Ellen; "I know; I will stop in two minutes." But in a quarter of that time she had lost every thought of stopping, and knew no longer that it was growing dusk. Some body else, however, had not for gotten it. The two minutes were not ended, when a hand came be tween her and the page, and quietly drew the book away. "Oh, I beg your pardon!" cried Ellen, starting up. "I en tirely forgot all about it !" He did not look displeased; he was smiling. He drew her arm within his. "Come and walk with me Have you had any exercise to day?" "No." "Why not?" "I had a good deal to do, and I had fixed myself so nicely on the sofa with my books; and it Looked cold and disagreeable out of doors." "Since when have you ceased ;o be a fixture?" "What! oh," said Ellen, aughing, "how shall I ever get rid of that troublesome word? What shall I say? I had ar- anged myself, established myself, so nicely on the sofa." And did you think that a sufficient reason for not going out?" "No," said Ellen, "I did not; and I did not decide that I would not go ; and yet I let it keep me at home after all; just as I did about reading a few minutes ago. I meant to stop , but I forgot it, and I should have gone on I don t know how long if you had not stopped me. I very often do so." He paused a minute and then said "You must not do so anymore, Ellie." The tone, in which there was a great deal both of love and de cision, wound round Ellen s heart, and constrained her to answer immediately "I will not I will not." "Never parley with conscience ; it is a dangerous habit." "But then it was only " "About trifles, I grant you; but the habit is no trifle. There will not be a just firmness of mind and steadfastness of action 440 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD, where tampering with duty is permitted even in little things." "I will try not to do it," Ellen repeated. "No," said he, smiling "let it stand as at first. * / will not means something; 1 1 will try 1 i very apt to come to nothing, ] will keep thy precepts with my whole heart! not I will try. Your ^ reliance is precisely the same in either case." <; I will not, John," said Ellen, smiling. "What were you poring over so intently a while ago ? " "It was an old magazne Blackwootfs Magazine, I believe is the name of it; I found two great piles of them in a closet upstairs the other day; and brought this one down." " This is the first that you have read?" " Yes ; I got very much inter ested in a curious story there ; why?" "What will you say, Ellie, if I ask you to leave the rest of the two piles unopened?" \ ^ " Why , I will say th it, _of course," said E a little smothered sigh of regret, however "if you wish it." "I do wish it, Ellie." "Very well I 11 let them alone, then. I have enough other reading; I don t know how I hap pened to take that one up; be cause I saw it there , I suppose." "Have you finished Nelson yet?" "Oh, yes! I finished it Sa turday night. Oh , I like it very that I will do said Ellen with much! I am going all over it again, though. I like Nelson very much; don t you?" "Yes as well as I can like a man of very fine qualities without principle." "Was he that? "said Ellen. "Yes; did you not find it out? I am afraid your eyes were blind ed by admiration." "Were they?" said Ellen. "I thought he was so very fine in everything; and I should be sorry to think he was not." "Look over the book again by all means, with a more critical eye ; and when you have done so, you shall give me your cool esti mate of his character." "0 me!" said Ellen. "Well but I don t know whether I can ive you a cool estimate of him however, I 11 try. I cannot think coolly of him now, just after Tra falgar. I think it was a shame that Collingwood did not anchor as Nelson told him to; don t you? I think he might have been obeyed while he was living at least." "It is difficult," said John, smiling, "to judge correctly of many actions without having Deen on the spot, and in the cir cumstances of the actors. I be- ieve you and I must leave the question of Trafalgar to more nautical heads." "How pleasant this moonlight ! " said Ellen. "What makes it pleasant?" "What makes it pleasant! I don t know; I never thought of ,uch a thing. It is made to be THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD, 441 pleasant I can t tell wliy; can anybody?" " The eye loves light for many reasons ; but all kinds of light are not equally agreeable. What makes the peculiar charm of these long streams of pale light across the floor? and the shadowy brightness without?" "You must tell," said Ellen-, "I cannot." "You know we enjoy anything much more by contrast-, I think that is one reason. Night is the reign of darkness, which we do not love ; and here is light strug gling with the darkness, not enough to overcome it entirely, but yet banishing it to nooks and corners, and distant parts, by the side of which it shows itself in contrasted beauty. Our eyes bless the unwonted victory." "Yes," said Ellen; "we only have moonlight nights once in a while." "But that is only one reason out of many, and not the greatest. It is a very refined pleasure, and to resolve it into its elements, is something like trying to divide one of these same white rays of light into the many various- coloured ones that go to form it; and not by any means so easy a task." "Then it was no wonder I couldn t answer," said Ellen. "No; you are hardly a full- grown philosopher yet, Ellie." " The moonlight is so calm and quiet," Ellen observed, admi ringly. "And why is it calm and quiet? I must have an answer to that." "Because we are generally calm and quiet at such times?" Ellen ventured, after a little thought. "Precisely! we and the world. And association has given the moon herself the same cha racter. Besides that, her mild, sober light is not fitted for the purposes of active employment, and therefore the more graciously invites us to the pleasures of thought and fancy." "I am loving it more and more, the more you talk about it," said Ellen, laughing. "And there you have touched another reason, Ellie, for the pleasure we have, not only in moonlight, but in most other things. When two things have been in the mind together, and made any impression, the mind associates them ; and you cannot see or think of the one, without bringing back the remembrance or the feeling of the other. If we have enjoyed the moonlight in pleasant scenes, in happy hours, with friends that we loved though the sight of it may not al ways make us directly remember them , it yet brings with it a waft from the feeling of the old times sweet as long as life lasts ! " "And sorrowful things may be associated too?" said Ellen. "Yes, and sorrowful things. But this power of association is the cause of half the pleasure we enjoy. There is a tune my mo ther used to sing I cannot hear 442 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. it now without being carried swiftly back to my boyish days to the very spirit of the time; I feel myself spring over the green sward as I did then." " Oh , I know that is true," said Ellen. "The camellia thewhite camellia, you know I like it so much ever since what you said about it one day. I never see it without thinking of it; and it would not seem half so beautiful but for that." " What did I say about it?" Don t you remember? you said it was like what you ought to be, and what you should be, if you ever reached heaven; and you repeated that verse in the .Revelation about those that have not defiled their garments. 1 always think of it. It seems to give me a lesson." "How eloquent of beautiful lessons all nature would be to us," said John, musingly, "if we take them in!" "And in that way you would heap associations upon associa tions?" "Yes; till our storehouse of pleasure was very full." "You do that now," said Ellen. "I wish you would teach me." "I have read precious things sometimes in the bunches of flowers you are so fond of, Ellie. Cannot you?" "I don t know; I only think of themselves; except sometimes they make me think of Alice." You know, from any works the mind and character of their author?" "From their writings, I know you can," said Ellen; "from what other works?" "From any which are not me chanical ; from any in Avhich the mind , not the hand , has been the creating power. I saw you very much interested the other day in the Eddystone lighthouse ; did it help you to form no opinion of Mr. Smeaton?" "Why, yes, certainly," said Ellen; "I admired him exceed ingly for his cleverness and per severance; but what other works? I can t think of any." "There is the lighthouse, that is one thing. AVhat do you think of the ocean waves that now and then overwhelm it? " Ellen half- shuddered. I shouldn t like to go to sea , John ! But you were speaking of men s works and women s works? ; had but the eye and the ear to f t ** i Well , women s works ; lean- not help forming some notion of a lady s mind and character from we may form some judgment of) will show itself." the way she dresses herself." "Can you? do you?" " 1 cannot help doing it. Many things appear in the style of a lady s dress that she never dreams of; the style of her thoughts, among others." "It is a pity ladies didn t know that," said Ellen, laughing ; " they would be very careful." " It wouldn t mend the matter, Ellie. That is one of the things in which people are obliged to speak truth. As the mind is, so it THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 443 "But we have got a great way from the flowers," said Ellen. You shall bring me some to- Icaves upon the spirit, when it is just what it ought to be." My Mr. Mar shman ! " exclaim- morrow, Ellie , and we will read ed Ellen, them together." John smiled again. " I thought "There are plenty over there of him, Ellie. And I thought, now," said Ellen, looking towards also , of Cowper s lines: the little flower-stand, which was . When one wno holds communion with as full and as flourishing as ever ; ( the skies "but we couldn t see them well Has mrd his . urn where thoso pure , ,. ,. i, 5 , waters rise, by tnis ilgnt. Descends and dwells among us meaner "A bunch of flowers seems to bring me very near the hand that tilings, It is as if an angel shook his wings ! " made them. They are the work Ellen was silent a minute from of His fingers ; and I cannot con- pleasure. sider them without being j oyfully j " Well , I have got an associa- assured of the glory and loveli- tion now with the daphne ! " she ness of their Creator. It is written said, joyously; and presently as plainly tome in their delicate added, sighing, "How much you painting, and sweet breath, and j see in everything, that I do not curious structure , as in the very j see at all ! " pages of the Bible; though, no ! "Time, Ellie," said John; coubt , without the Bible I could : " there must be time for that. It not read the flowers." j will come. Time is cried out " I never thoughtmuch of that," upon as a great thief; it is said Ellen. "And then, you find; people s own fault. Use him but well, and you will get from his hand more than he will ever take from you." Ellen s thoughts travelled on little way from this speech, particular lessons in particular ilowers?" "Sometimes." "Oh, come here!" said Ellen, pulling him towards the flower- stand, "and tell me what this and then came a sigh, of some daphne is like, you need not burden, as it seemed; and her see that, only smell it, that s face was softly laid against the enough ; do, John , and tell me arm she held. ,,,i_^^i:i_i "Let us leave all that to God," what it is like! He smiled as he complied with her request, and walked away again. " Well , what is it? " said Ellen ; "I know you have thought of something." : It is like the fragrance that said John , gently. Ellen started. "How did you know, how could you know what I was thinking of? " "Perhaps my thoughts took the same road," said he, smiling. "But, Ellie, dear, let us look Christian society sometimes j to that one source of happiness 444 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. that can never be dried up ; it is not safe to count upon anything else. "It is not wonderful," said CHAPTER XLVI. "Something turns up." THE rest of the winter, or rather the early part of the Ellen, in a tremulous voice, "if i spring, passed happily away. * . March, at Thirlwall, seemed It is not wonderful, Ellie, jmore to belong to the former nor wrong. But we, who look! than the latter. Then spring -.-.-^ 4-^ ^ ! _ ~n i -i t i .4- <-? up to God as pur Father who rejoice in Christ our Saviour came in good earnest: April and May brought warm days and we are happy, whatever beside wild flowers. Ellen refreshed we may gain or lose. Let us herself and adorned the room trust Him , and never doubt that, Ellie." : But still " said Ellen. "But, still, we will hope and pray alike in that matter; and while we do , and may, with our whole hearts, let us leave our selves in our Father s hand. with quantities of them: and, as soon as might be, she set about restoring the winter-ruined garden. Mr. John was not fond of gardening; he provided her with all manner of tools, ordered whatever work she wanted to be done for her, supplied her with The joy of the knowledge of j new plants and seeds, and roots, Christ; the joy^ the world cannot; and was always ready to give intermeddle with, the peace it her his help in any operations or cannot take away ! Let us make press of business that called for that our own, Ellie; and, for the it. But, for the most part, Ellen rest, put away all anxious care about what we cannot control." Ellen s hand, however, did not just then lie quite so lightly hoed and raked and trans planted, and sowed seeds, while he walked or read ; often giving \his counsel, indeed, asked and on his arm as it did a few minutes i unasked, and always coming ago he could feel that and | between her and any difficult or could see the glitter of one or heavy job. The hours thus spent two tears in the moonlight as j were to Ellen hours of unmixed they fell. The hand was fondly j delight. When he did not choose taken in his; and, as they slowly j to go himself, he sent Thomas paced up and down, he went on, with her, as the garden was some in low tones of kindness and, little distance down the moun- cheerfulness, with his pleasant; tain, away from the house and talk, till she was too happy in from everybody he never al- the present to be anxious about ] lowed her to go there alone. the future looked up again brightly into his face , and ques tion and answers came as gaily as ever. As if to verify Mr. Van Brunt s remark, that "something is al ways happening most years," about the middle of May there THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 445 came letters that, after all, de termined John s going abroad. strengthen and cheer her mind in view of his long absence. The The sudden death of two rela- memory of those hours never tives, one after the other, had ~ left the family estate to Mr. Humphreys ; it required the per sonal attendance either of him self or his son; he could not, therefore his son must, go. Once on the other side of the Atlantic, Mr. John thought it best his going should fulfil all the ends for which both Mr. Humphreys and Mr. Marshman had desired it; this would occasion his stay to be prolonged to at least a year, probably more. And he must set off without delay. In the midst, not of his hurry for Mr. John seldom was or seemed to be in a hurry about anything but in the midst of his business, he took special care of everything that concerned , or could possibly concern, Ellen. He arranged what books she should read, what studies she should carry on; and directed that about these matters, as well went from her. The family at Ventnor were exceeding desirous that she should make one of them during all the time John should be gone ; they urged it with every possible argument. Ellen said little, but he knew she did not wish it; and finally compounded the matter by arranging that she should stay at the parsonage through the summer, and spend the winter at Ventnor, sharing all Ellen Chauncey s advantages of every kind. Ellen was all the more pleased with this arrange ment that Mr. George Marshman would be at home. The churches John had been serving were be come exceedingly attached to him, and would by no means hear of giving him up ; and Mr. George had engaged, if possible, to supply his place while he should be away. Ellen Chauncey was in ecstatics. And it was as about all others, she should | further promised that the sum- keep up a constant communica- mer should not pass without as tion with him by letter. He re- many visits on both sides as quested Mrs. Chauncey to see could well be brought about, that she wanted nothing, and to Ellen had the comfort, at the act as her general guardian in all : last, of hearing John say that minor things, respecting which she had behaved unexception- Mr. Humphreys could be ex- ably well where he knew it was peeted to take no thought what- difficult for her to behave well at ever. And what Ellen thanked all. That was a comfort, from him for most of all, he found him, whose notions of unexcep- time for all his wonted rides, and | tionable behaviour, she knew, she thought more than his wont- were remarkably high. But the ed talks with her; endeavouring, ! parting , after all, was a dread- as he well knew how, both to [fully hard matter; though soften- 446 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. ed as much as it could be at the time, and rendered very sweet to Ellen s memory by the tender ness, gentleness, and kindness with which her brother , without checking, soothed her grief. He your fingers to a file now-a-days do you?" "A file!" said Ellen. "You han t forgot what it means, I s pose," said Nancy, somewhat scornfully cause was to go early in the morning ; i if you think I m a-g"oing to swal- and he made Ellen take leave of! low that, you re mistaken. I ve him the night before; but he was i seen you file off tables down in no hurry to send her away; j yonder a few times, han t I?" and when at length he told her it "Oh, I remember now," said was very late, and she rose up to i Ellen, smiling; "it is so long go , he went with her to the very I since I heard the word, that loor of her room, and there bade I didn t know what you meant. her good night. How the next days passed Ellen hardly knew; they were unspeakably long. Not a week after, one morn ing , Nancy Vawse came into the kitchen, and asked in her blunt fashion "Is Ellen Montgomery at home?" " I believe Miss Ellen is in the parlour," said Margery, drily. " I want to speak to her." Margery silently went across the hall to the sitting-room. Miss Ellen, dear," she said, Margery calls it a dish-cloth, or floor-cloth , or something else." "Well, you don t touch one now-a-days, do you?" "No," said Ellen; "I have other things to do." "Well, I guess you have. You ve got enough of books now, for once, han t you? What a lot! I say, Ellen, have you got to read all these?" "I hope so, in time," said Ellen, smiling. "Why haven t you been to see me before ? " "Oh I don t know," said Nancy, whose roving eye looked softlv, " here is that Nancy girl \ a little as if she felt herself out of wanting to speak with you will her sphere. "I didn t know as you you please to see her ? " Ellen eagerly desired Margery would care to see me now." "I am very sorry you should to let her in; by no means dis-j think so, Nancy; I would be as pleased to have some interruption glad to see you as ever. I have to the sorrowful thoughts she | not forgotten all your old kind- could not banish. She received j ness to me when Aunt Fortune Nancy very kindly. "Well, I declare, Ellen!" said that young lady, whose wandering was sick." You Ve forgotten all that went before that, I s pose," said eye was upon every thing but Ellen j Nancy, with a half-laugh. " You herself "ain t you as fine as albeat all! Most folks remember fiddle! I guess you never touch ! and forget just t other way THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 447 won t make any talk about it, I promise you." "I won t speak of it, certainly, Nancy, unless I think I ought; can t you trust me?" "I wouldn t give two straws for anybody else s say so," said Nancy; "but as you re as stiff as the mischief, I s pose I ll have to let it go. I 11 trust you ! Now listen. It don t look like any thing, does it?" " Why, no," said Ellen, laugh ing; "you hold your apron so exactly. But, besides, I didn t know but I should catch myself in queer company." " Well I am all alone now," said Ellen , with a sigh. "Yes, if you warn t I wouldn t be here, I can tell you. What do you think I have come for to-day, Ellen?" "For anything but to see me?" Nancy nodded very decisively. "What?" "Guess." "How can I possibly guess? \Vhat have you got tucked up in your apron there?" " Ah ! that s the very thing," said Nancy. "What have I got, sure enough?" " Well, I can t tell through your apron," said Ellen, smiling. "And /can t tell either that s more, ain t it? Now listen, and| I 11 tell you where I got it, and then you may find out what it is, for I don t know. Promise you won t tell anybody." "I don t like to promise that, Nancy." "Why?" "Because it might be some thing I ought to tell somebody about." "But it ain t." "If it isn t I won t tell Can t you leave it so?" " But what a plague ! Here I > have gone and done all this just | in a while not very often, mind for you, and nowyou must go and you, but when he takes a fancy make a fuss. What hurt would it s fun to see! 0, 1 can get along loose, that I cannot see any thing." "Well, now listen. You know I ve been helping down at your aunt s did you? " "No." "Well, I have these _six weeks. You never see anything fo on quieter than they do, Ellen, declare it s fun. Miss Fortune never was so good in her days. I don t mean she ain t as ugly as ever, you know, but she has to keep it in. All I have to do , if I think anything is going wrong, I just let her think I am going to speak to Um about it; only I have to do it very cunning, for fear she would guess what I am up to; and the next thing I know, it s all straight. He is about the coolest shaver," "I ever did see. said Nancy, The way he walks through her notions once it do you to promise? it s nobody s business but yours and mine, and somebody else s that there first-rate, now. You d have a royal time, Ellen." " Well , Nancy your story ? " 448 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. "Don t you be in a hurry. I am foing to take my time. Well, Ve been there this six weeks, doing all sorts of things, you know taking your place, Ellen don t you wish you was back in it? Well, a couple of weeks since, Mrs. Van took it into her head she would have up the waggon, and go to^ Thirl wall, to I he scorning round, Ellen. But get herself somethings a queer do hold up your head and listen start for her 5 but, at any rate, to me! I can t talk to you when Van Brunt brought up the! you lie with your head in the waggon, and in she got, and off (cushion like that. I ha n t more "What book? why your book the Bible there ain t any other book in the house, as I know. What on earth are you crying for, Ellen? He s fetched over his mother s old Bible , and there it lays on a shelf in the cupboard; and he has it out every once in a while. Maybe they went. Now, she meant, you must know, that I should be fast in the cellar-kitchen all the while she was gone, and she thought she had given me enough to keep me busy there ; but I was up to her. I was as spry as a cricket, and flew round , and got things put up; and then I thought I d nave some fun. What do you think I did? Mrs. Montgomery was quietly sitting in the chimney- corner, and I had the whole house to myself. How Van Brunt looks ! found it? than begun my story yet." "Well, goon," said Ellen. "You see, I ain t in any hurry," said Nancy, "because as soon as I ve finished I shall have to be off; and it s fun to talk to you. What do you think I did, when I had done up all my chores? where do you think I found this, eh? you d never guess." "What is it?" said Ellen. " No matter what it is I don t know where do you think I out for her, Ellen! he won t let her be put out for anything or anybody." "I am glad of it," said Ellen, her face flushing, and her eyes watering "it is just like him. I love him for it." "How can I tell? I don t know." "You ll be angry with me when I tell you." Ellen was silent. "If it was anybody else," said Nancy, "I d ha seen em shot "The other night she was afore I d ha done it, or told of it mourning and lamenting at a either; but you airi t like any- great rate because she hadn t ibody^ else. Look here!" said she, you to read to her ; and what do tapping her apron gently with you think he does, but goes and | one finger, and slowly markin takes the book, and sits down and reads to her himself! You should have seen Mrs. Van s face ! " "What book?" said Ellen. off each word "this come out of your aunt s box in the closet upstairs in her room." THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 449 "Nancy! " to see if there was any more for "Ay, Nancy! there it is. Now I you, but there warn t. There you look ! Twon t alter it, Ellen ; i it is ! " And she tossed the package into Ellen s lap. Ellen s head swam. that s where it was, if you look till tea-time." " But how came you there? " " Cause I wanted to amuse my self , I tell you. Partly to please myself, and partly because Mrs. Van would be so mad if she knew it." "Oh, Nancy!" "Well I don t say it was right but, anyhow, I did it! you han t heard what I found yet." "You had better put it right back again , Nancy, the first time you have a chance." "Put it back again! I ll give it to you, and then you may put it back again, if you have a mind. I should like to see you! Why, you don t know what I found." "Well, what did you find?" " The box was very full of all sorts of things , and I had a mind to see what was in it, so I pulled em out one after the other till I got to the bottom, bottom was some At the very letters and papers, and there staring right in my face the first thing I see was Miss Ellen Montgomery. " "Oh, Nancy!" screamed El len " a letter for me ?" "Hush! and sit down, will you? yes , a whole package of .letters for you. Well, thought I, Mrs. Van has no right to that, anyhow, and she ain t agoing to take the care of it any more-, so 1 ust took it up and put it in the "Well, good-bye!" said Nancy, rising; "I may go now, I suppose, and no thanks tome." " Yes , I do I do thank you very much, Nancy!" cried Ellen, starting up and taking her by the hand "I do thank you though it wasn t right; but oh! how could she! how could she!" "Dear me!" said Nancy; "to ask that of Mrs. Van ! she could dp anything. WJiy she did it ain t so easy to tell." Ellen, bewildered, scarcely knew, only felt, that Nancy had gone The outer cover of her the seal of which was broken , contained three letters ; two addressed to Ellen, in her father s hand, the third to an other person. The seals of these had not been broken. The first that Ellen opened she saw was all in the same hand with the direction; she threw it down and eagerly tried the other. And yes! there was indeed the be loved character of which she never thought to have seen an other specimen. Ellen s heart swelled with many feelings; thankfulness, tenderness, joy, and sorrow, past and present that letter was not thrown down, but grasped, while tears fell bosom of my frock while I looked much too fast for eyes to do their The Wide, Wide World. 29 450 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. work. It was long before she could get far in the letter. But when she had fairly begun it she went on swiftly, and almost breathlessly, to the end. "MY DEAR, DEAR LITTLE ELLEN, "I am scarcely able but I must write to you once more. Once more, daughter, for it is not permitted me to see your j is done away. She will take you face again in this world. I look to her heart, to the place I once j T 11T 1 * t f*11 1 T T 1 1 / Tl wrote to her after I reached America. She was dead to me. I do not say that I did not de serve it. "But I have written to her lately, and she has written to me. She permits me to die in the joy of being entirely forgiven, and in the further joy of knowing that the only source of care I had left to see it, my dear child, where it will be fairer than ever here it seemed , even to me. I shall die in this hope and expectation. Ellen, remember it. Your last letters have greatly encouraged and rejoiced me. I am comforted, and can leave you quietly in that hand that has led me , and I be lieve is leading you. God bless you , my child ! "Ellen, I have a mother living, and she wishes to receive you as her own when I am gone. It is best you should know at once why I never spoke to you of her. After your aunt Bessy married and went to New York, it dis- filled , and I believe fill yet. She longs to have you, and to have you as entirely her own, in all respects 5 and to this, in consi deration of the wandering life your father leads , and will lead, I am willing and he is willing to agree. It is arranged so. The old happy home of my childhood will be yours, my Ellen. It joys me to think of it. Your father will write to your aunt and to you on the subject, and furnish you with funds. It is our desire that you should take advantage of the very first opportunity of proper persons going to Scot land, who will be pleased and grieved my mother j take charge of you. greatly that I too, who had al ways been her favourite child, should leave her for an American home. And when I persisted , in spite of all that entreaties and authority could urge, she said she forgave me for destroyingall her prospects of happiness, but that after I should be married and gone, she should consider me as lost to her entirely, and so I must consider myself. She never wrote to me, and I never willing to Your dear friends, Mr. and Miss Humphreys, will, I dare say, help you in this. " To them I could say much , if I had strength. But words are little. If blessings and prayers from a full heart are worth any thing, they are the richer. My love and gratitude to them can not " The writer had failed here; and what there was of the letter had evidently been written at THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 451 different times. Captain Montgo mery s was to the same purpose. He directed Ellen to embrace the first opportunity of suitable guar dians, to cross the Atlantic, and repair to No. , G eorgestreet, Edinburgh; said that Miss For tune would give her the money she would need, which he had written to her to do, and that the accompanying letter Ellen was to carry with her, and de liver to Mrs. Lindsay, her grand mother. Ellen felt as if her head would split. She took up that letter, gazed at the strange name and direction which had taken such new and startling interest for her, wondered over the thought of what she was ordered to do with it, marvelled what sort of fingers they were which would open it, or whether it would ever be opened; and finally, in a per fect maze , unable to read, think, or even weep, she carried her package of letters into her own room, the room that had been Alice s, laid herself on the bed, and them beside her, and fell into a deep sleep. She woke up towards evening, with the pressure of a moun tain weight upon her mind. Her thoughts and feelings were a maze still; and not Mr. Hum phreys himself could be more grave and abstracted than poor Ellen was that night. So many points were to be settled, so many questions answered to her self, it was a good while before Ellen could disentangle them, and know what she did think and feel, and what she would do. She very soon found out her own mind upon one subject she would be exceedingly sorry to be obliged to obey the direc tions in the letters. But must she obey them? "I have promised Alice," thought Ellen "I have pro mised Mr. Humphreys ; I can t be adopted twice. And this Mrs. Lindsay my grandmother! she cannot be nice, or she wouldn t have treated my mother so. She cannot be a nice person; hard she must be hard; I never want to see her. My mother! But then my mother loved her, and was very glad to have me go to her. Oh ! oh ! how could she ! how could they do so! when they didn t know how it might be with me, and what dear friends they might make me leave ! Oh, it was cruel ! But then they did not know, that is the very thing they thought I would have nobody but Aunt Fortune, and so it s no wonder oh! what shall I do? What ought I to do? These people in Scotland must have given me up by this time ; it s let me see it s just about three years now a little less since these letters were written. I am older now, and circumstances are changed; I have a home , and a father, and a brother; may I not judge for myself? But my mother and my father have ordered me what shall I do? If John were only here but perhaps he would 29* 452 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD, make me go he might think it right. And to leave him, and maybe never see him again! and Mr. Humphreys! and how lonely he would be without me ! I cannot ! I will not ! Oh, what shall I do! What shall I do!" Ellen s meditations gradually plunged her in despair; for she could not look at the event of being obliged to go, and she could not get rid of the feeling, that perhaps it might come to that. She wept bitterly it didn t mend the matter. She thought painfully, fearfully, long and was no nearer an end. She could not endure to submit the matter to Mr. Humphreys; she feared his decision; and she feared also that he would give her the money Miss Fortune had failed to supply for the journey; how much it might be , Ellen had no idea. She could not dismiss the subject as decided by circum stances, for conscience pricked her with the fifth commandment. She was miserable. It happily occurred to her, at last, to take counsel with Mrs. Vawse; this might be done, she knew, without betraying Nancy; Mrs. Vawse was much too honourable to press her as to how she came by the letters, and her word could easily be obtained not to speak of the affairs to any one. As for Miss Fortune s conduct, it must be made known; there was no help for that. So it was settled; and Ellen s breast was a little lightened of its load of care for that time; she had leisure to think of some other things. Why had Miss Fortune kept back the letters? Ellen guessed pretty well, but she did not know quite all. The package , with its accompanying despatch to Miss Fortune, had arrived shortly after Ellen first heard the news of her mother s death, when she was refuged with Alice at the parsonage.. At the time of its being sent , Captain Mont gomery s movements were ex tremely uncertain ; and, in obe dience to the earnest request of his wife, he directed that, without waiting for his own return , Ellen should immediately set out for Scotland. Part of the money for her expenses he sent; the rest he desired his sister to furnish, pro mising to make all straight when he should come home. But it happened that he was already this lady s debtor in a small amount, which Miss Fortune had serious doubts of ever being re paid: she instantly determined, that if she had once been a fool in lending him money, she would not a second time in adding to the sum; if he wanted to send his daughter on a wild-goose-chase after great relations, he might come home himself and see to it; it was none of her business. Quietly taking the remittance to refund his own owing, she of course threw the letters into her box, as the delivery of them would expose the whole transac tion. There they lay till Nancy found them. THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 453 have picked up wonderfully; hadn t heard her speak so 1 Early next morning, after breakfast, Ellen came into the kitchen , and begged Margery to ask Thomas to bring the Brownie to the door. Surprised at the energy in her tone and manner, Margery gave the message , and added, that Miss Ellen seemed to she brisk since Mr. John went away. The Brownie was soon at the door, but not so soon as Ellen, who had dressed in feverish haste. The Brownie was not alone; there was old John saddled and bridled, and Tho mas Grimes in waiting. "It s not necessary for you to take that trouble , Thomas ," said Ellen; "I don t mind going alone at all." " I beg your pardon, MissEllen (Thomas touched his hat) but Mr. John left particular or ders that I was to go with Miss Ellen whenever it pleased her to ride; never failing." "Did he? 5 ; said Ellen; "but is it convenient for you now, Thomas? 1 want to go as far as Mrs. Yawse s "It s always convenient, Miss Ellen always ; Miss Ellen need Ellen had spread out all her diffi- ulties before her and given her the letters to read. Mrs. Vawse readily promised to speak on the subject to no one without Ellen s leave; her suspicions fell upon Mr. Van Brunt, not her grand daughter. She heard all the story and read the letters before making any remark. " Now, dear Mrs. Yawse ," said Ellen, anxiously, when the last one was folded up and laid on the table, "what do you think?" "I think, my child, you must go," said the old lady, steadily. Ellen looked keenly, as if to find some other answer in her face; her own changing more and more for a minute , till she sank it in her hands. "Cela vous donne beaucoup de chagrin je le vois bien," said the old lady, tenderly. (Their conversations were always in Mrs. Yawse s tongue.) "But," said Ellen, presently, lifting her head again (there were no tears) "I cannot go without money." " That can be obtained without any difficulty." "From whom? I cannot ask Aunt Fortune for it, Mrs. Yawse ; I could not do it." not think of that at all; I am always ready." Ellen mounted upon Brownie , sighing for the want of Mr. Humphreys." the hand that used to lift her to the saddle ; and spurred by this recollection, set off at a round pace. Soon she was at Mrs. Yawse s; and soon, finding her alone, : to give me the money, Mrs. "There is no difficulty about the the money. Show your letters to Humphreys." Oh, I cannot!" said Ellen, covering her face again. Will you let me do it ? I will speak to him if you permit me." " But what use ? lie ought not 454 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. Vawse. It would not be right; j that is not a good time to go, and and to show him the letters \ then comes winter. " would be like asking him for it. Oh , I can t bear to do that ! " "He would give it you, Ellen, with the greatest pleasure." "My dear Ellen," said Mrs. Yawse, sorrowfully, "I must drive you from your last hope. Don t you know that Mrs. Gil- .111 Lilt; gl CctLeSL piect&U-lC. A^V/JLI u JVUL j.xjj.\j r iiuoiu -LT-I..L o . xjij-i.- "Oh, no, Mrs. Yawse!" said les P ie is g in g abroad with all Ellen, bursting into tears; "hej her family? next month, I would never be pleased to send! tnmk - me away from him ! I know I Ellen grew pale for a minute, Oh, an d sat holding bitter counsel with her own heart. Mrs. Yawse hardly knew what to say next. "Youneednotfeel uneasy about your journeying expenses," she remarked, after a pause; "you can easily repay them if you wish, when you reach your friends in know he would miss me. what shall I do ! " "No that, my dear Ellen," said the old lady, coming to her, and gently stroking her head with both hands. " You must do what is right; and you know it cannot be but that will be the best and happiest for you in the end." "Oh! I wish I wish," ex claimed Ellen from the bottom of her heart, "those letters had never been found!" "Nay, Ellen, that is not right." "But I promised Alice, Mrs. Yawse ; ought I to go away and leave him? Oh, Mrs. Yawse, it is very hard ! Ought I ? " " Your father and your mother have said it, my child." "But they never would have said it if they had known ! " " But they did not know, Ellen ; and here it is." Ellen wept violently, regard less of the caresses and soothing words which her old friend la vished upon her. "There is one thing," said she at last, raising her head ; "I don t know of anybody going to Scot land, and I am not likely to ; and if I only do not before autumn Scotland. Ellen did not hear her. She looked up with an odd expression of determination in her face, determination taking its stand upon difficulties. "I shan t stay there, Mrs. Yawse , if I go ! I shall go , I suppose, if I must; but do you think anything will keep me there? Never!" "You will stay for the same reason that you go for, Ellen, to do your_duty." "Yes, till I am old enough to choose for myself, Mrs. Yawse, and then I shall come back if they will let me." " Whom do you mean by they? " "Mr. Humphreys and Mr. John." " My dear Ellen ," said the old lady, kindly, "be satisfied with doing your duty now; leave the future. While you follow him, THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 455 God will be your friend is not will try to hope that you will gain that enough? and all things more than I lose. As the Lord shall work for your good. You pleases! If I am bereaved of my do not know what you will wish children, I am bereaved." when the time comes you speak "Mrs Gillespie," he said, after of. You do not know what new ; a pause , " is about going to Eng land I know not how soon, it friends you may find to love." Ellen had in her own heart the will be best for you to see her at warrant for what she had said, | once, and make all arrangements and what she saw by her smile j that may be necessary. I will go Mrs. Vawse doubted ; but she j with you to-morrow to Ventnor, disdained to assert what she if the day be a good one." could bring nothing to prove.) There was something Ellen She took a sorrowful leave of longed to say, but it was impos- her old friend, and returned sible to get it out she could not home. utter a word. She had pressed After dinner, when Mr. Hum- j her hands upon her face to try to Ehreys was about going back to keep herself quiet , but Mr. Hum- is study, Ellen timidly stopped jphreys could see the deep crim- him and gave him her letters, and j son flushing to the very roots of asked him to look at them some; her hair. He drew her close time when he had leisure. She j within his arms for a moment, told him also where they were j kissed her forehead, Ellen felt it found and how long they had : was sadly, and went away. It was lain there, and that Mrs. Vawse well she did not hear him sigh as had said she ought to show them he went back along the hall it to him. She guessed he would read them at once and she waited with a beating heart. In a little while she heard his step coming back along the hall. He came was well she did not see the face of more settled gravity with which he sat down to his writing she had enough of her own. They; went to Ventnor. Mrs. Gillespie with great pleasure and sat down by her on the sofa, undertook the charge of her, and and took her hand. promised to deliver her safely to ; What is your wish in this j her friends in Scotland. It was matter , my child? " he said, arranged that she should go back . ,rl sil-* siyk-M-fiillv-r 4-S\ T 1 V* i -M! wr r* 1 1 4- r\ irtr\ O IT- f\ V f\ ** Q/IlOTICi* gravely and cheerfully. Ellen s look answered that, will do whatever you say I to Thirlwall to make her adieus ; and that, in a week or two, a car- riage should be sent to bring her must, Sir," she said, faintly. to Ventnor, where her prepara- "I dare not ask myself what I tions for the journey should be would wish , Ellen ; the matter is j made , and whence the whole taken out of our hands. You must party would set off. do your parents will, my child. I| "So you are going to be a 456 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. Scotchwoman, after all, Ellen," ! privately agreed with Ellen said Miss Sophia. Chauncey that the Brownie "I had a great deal rather be should be sent to her to keep and an American, Miss Sophia." I use as her own, till Ms mistress " Why, Hutchinson will tell j should come lack both children you," said the young lady, " that i being entirely of opinion that the it is infinitely more desirable to arrangement was a most unex- be a Scotchwoman than that." ceptionable one. Ellen s face, however, looked j It was not forgotten that the so little inclined to be merry, that she took up the subject in another tone. Seriously, do you know," lapse of three years since the date of the letters, left some un certainty as to the present state of affairs among Ellen s friends said she, "I have been thinking in Scotland; but this doubt was it is a very happy thing for you. \ not thought sufficient to justify I don t know what would be come her lettingpass so excellent an op- of you alone in that great par- iportunity of making the journey; sonage-house. You would mope \ especially as Captain Montgo- h in a little while, i mery s letter spoke of an uncle, yourself to death in a little especially now that Mr. John is gone. He will be back," said Ellen. to whom, equally with her grand mother, Ellen was to be consign ed. In case circumstances would "Yes; but what if he is? he j permit it, Mrs. Gillespie engaged can t stay at Thirlwall , child j to keep Ellen with her, and bring he can t live thirty miles from his her home to America when she church, you know did you herself should return, think he would? They think all And in little more than a month the world of him already. I ex- 1 they were gone ; adieus and pre- pect they 11 barely put up with , parations and all were over. El- Mr. George while he is gone ; | ten s parting with Mrs.Vawse was they will want Mr. John all to | very tender and very sad ; with themselves when he comes back, Mr. Van Brunt, extremely and you may rely on that. What are gratefully affectionate on both you thinking of, child?" | sides with her aunt, constrain- ^F or Ellen s eyes were sparklin with two or three thoughts, whic Miss Sophia could not read. should like to know what you are smiling at," she said, with some curiosity; but the smile was almost immediately quenched in tears. Notwithstanding Miss So phia s discouraging talk, Ellen ed and brief; with Margery very sorrowful indeed. But El len s longest and most lingering adieu was to Captain Parry , the old gray cat. For one whole even ing she sat with him in her arms ; and over poor pussy were shed the tears that fell for many better loved and better deserving per sonages, as well as those not a THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 457 few that were wept for him. Since lean do for you when you are Alice s death Parry had transfer- ! gone?" red his entire confidence andi "Oh, yes, dear Nancy," said esteem to Ellen; whether from Ellen , weeping "if you would feeling a want, or because love only take care of your dear and tenderness had taught her grandmother. She is left alone the touch and the tone that were now. If you would only take care fitted to win his regard. Only of her, and read your Bible , and John shared it. Ellen was his be good, Nancy oh, Nancy, chief favourite and almost con- j Nancy ! do , do ! " stant companion. And bitterer | They kissed each other, and tears Ellen shed at no time than; Nancy went away fairly crying, that evening before she wentj Mrs. Marshman s own woman, away, over the old cat. She could a steady , excellent person , had not distress kitty with her distress, come in the carriage for Ellen, nor weary him with the calls upon And the next morning, early after his sympathy, though, indeed, it breakfast, when everything else is true that he sundry times j was ready, she went into Mr. poked his nose up wonderingly; Humphrey s study to bid the last and caressingly in her face. She | dreaded good-bye. She thought had no remonstrance or interrup- j her obedience was costing her tion to fear: and taking pussy as | dear. the emblem and representative of j It was nearly a silent parting, the whole household, Ellen wept He held her a long time in his them all over him ; with a tender- j arms ; and there Ellen bitterly ness and a bitterness that were thought her place ought to be. somehow intensified by the sight i" What have I to dp to seek new of the gray coat and white paws, ; relations?" she said to herself, and kindly face of her uncon-j But she was speechless; till gen- scious old brute friend. tly relaxing his hold , he tenderly The old people at Carra-carra : smoothed back her disordered were taken leave of; the Brownie hair, and kissing her, said a very too with great difficulty. And, few grave words of blessing and only soul in town I care about. I spoken, wish I d thrown them letters inj "Sir," said she, falling on her the fire after all! Who d ha knees before him, and looking up thought it? " in his face "this don t alter Ellen could not help in her you do not take back what you heart echoing the wish. "I m real sorry, Ellen," she re peated, "Ain t there something I said, do you? "What sthatI said, my child?" " That," said Ellen , hiding her 458 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. face in her hands on his knee, j" best- bred child in the world." and scarce able to speak with i "Best-hearted, too, I think," said great effort "that which you! the Major; and even Mrs. Gilles- said when I first came that pie owned that there was some- which you said about " | thing more than good -breeding "About what, my dear child? "I in Ellen s politeness. She had "My going away don t change I good trial of it; Mrs. Gillespie anything, does it, Sir? Mayn t Lwas much longer ailing than any come back , if ever I can ? " He raised her up and drew her of the party ; and when Ellen got well , it was her great pleasure to close to his bosom again, devote herself to the service of "My dear little daughter," said, the only member of the Marsh- he, "you cannot be so glad to | man family now within her reach, come back as my arms and my She could never do too much, heart will be to receive you. I j She watched by her, read to her, scarce dare hope to see that day, \ was quick to see and perform all but all in this house is yours, dear | the little offices of attention and Ellen, as well when in Scotland j kindness where a servant s hand as here. I take back nothing, my ^is not so acceptable; and withal daughter. Nothing is changed." j never was in the way nor put her- A word or two more of affection j self forward. Mrs. Gillespie s own and blessing, which Ellen was; daughter was much less helpful, utterly unable to answer in any I Both she and William , however, way and she went to the car- j had long since forgotten the old riage ; with one drop of cordial in grudge, and treated Ellen as well her heart, that she fed upon a as they did anybody rather long while. "He called me his ; better. Major Gillespie was atten- daughter! he never said that;tive and kind as possible to the before, since Alice died! Oh! so gentle, well -behaved little body I will be as long as I live, if I find that was always at his wife s pil- fifty new relations. But what good low; and even Lester, the maid, will a daughter three thousand told one of her friends "she was such a sweet little lady, that it was a pleasure and gratification to do anything for her." Lester acted this out ; and in her kindly THE voyage was peaceful and i disposition Ellen found very sub- prosperous ; in due time the whole stantial comfort and benefit Earty found themselves safe in ; throughout the voyage, ondon. Ever since they set out, | Mrs.Gillespie told her husband Ellen had been constantly gain- jshe should be rejoiced if itturned ing on Mrs. Gillespie s good-will; out that they might keep Ellen the Major hardly saw her but she j with them and carry her back to had something to say about that j America ; she only wished it were miles off do him?" CHAPTER XL VII. The wide world grown wider. THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD, 459 not for Mr. Humphreys , but her- 1 handsomely and agreeably, two self. As their destination was not things that do not always go now Scotland, but Paris, it was together. You meet a plea- proposed to write to Ellen s friends to ascertain whether any change had occurred, or whether they still wished to receive her. This, however, was rendered unnecessary. They were scarcely established in their hotel, when a gentleman from Edinburgh, an intimate friend of the Ventnor family, and whom Ellen herself had more than once met there, came to see them. Mrs. Gillespie bethought herself to make inqui ries of him. " Do you happen to know a fa mily of Lindsays, in George- street, Mr.Dundas?" "Lindsays? yes, perfectly well. Do you know them?" "No; but I am very much in terested in one of the family. Is the old lady living?" "Yes, certainly; not very old, either not above sixty, or sixty-five; and as hale and alert as at forty. A very fine old lady." "A large family?" "Oh, no; Mr.Lind indsay is a wid ower this some years , with no children ; and there is a widowed daughter lately come home Lady Keith ; that s all." "Mr. Lindsay that is the son?" "Yes. You would like them.] They are excellent people ex cellent family wealthy beau tiful country-seat on the south bank of the Esk, some miles out of Edinburgh. I was down there two weeks ago entertain mos santer circle nowhere than at Lindsay s." "And that is the whole family?" said Mrs. Gillespie. " That is all. There were two daughters married to Americans some dozen or so years ago. Mrs. Lindsay took it very hard ^be lieve, but she bore up, and bears upnow,as if misfortune had never crossed her path, though the death of Mr. Lindsay s wife and son was another great blow. I don t believe there is a gray hair in her head at this moment. There is some peculiarity about them, perhaps some pride, too; but that is an amiable weakness," he added, laughing, as he rose to go: "Mrs. Gillespie, I am sure, will not find fault with them for it." "That s, an insinuation, Mr. Dundas; but look here, what I am bringing to Mrs. Lindsay in the shape of a grand-daughter." " What, my old acquaintance, Miss Ellen! is it possible? My dear Madam , if you had such a treasure for sale,they would pour half their fortune into your lap to purchase it, and the other half at her feet." "I would not take it, Mr. Dundas." "It would be no mean price, I assure you, in itself, however it might be comparatively. I give Miss Ellen joy." Miss Ellen took none of his giving. 460 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. "Ah, Ellen, my dear," said Mrs. Gillespie, when he was gone "we shall never have you back in America again. I give up all hopes of it. Why do you look so solemn, my love? You are a strange child; most girls would be delighted at such a prospect opening before them." "You forget what I leave, Mrs. Gillespie." " So will you, my love, in a few days; though I love you for re membering so well those that have been kind to you. But you don t realize yet what is before you." " Why,you ll have a good time,! Ellen," said Marianne ; " I wonderj you are not out of your wits with! joy. /should be." "You may as well make over the Brownie to me, Ellen," said William; "I expect you ll nevei- want him again." "I cannot, you know, William^ I lent him to Ellen Chauncey." "Lent him ! that s a good one. For how long?" Ellen smiled, though sighing inwardly to see how very much | narrowed was her prospect of! ever mounting him again. She did not care to explain herself to those around her. Still, at the very bottom of her heart lay two thoughts , in which her hope re fuged itself. One was a peculiar assurance that whatever her brother pleased, nothing could hinder him from accomplishing; the other, a like confidence that it would not please him to leave his little sister unlocked after. But all began to grow misty, and it seemed nowas if Scotland must henceforth be the limit of her horizon. Leaving their children at a re lation s house, Major and Mrs. Gillespie accompanied her to the north. They travelled post, and arriving in the evening at Edin burgh, put up at an hotel in Princes-street It was agreed that Ellen should not seek her new home till the morrow; she should eat one more supper and breakfast with her old friends, and have a night s rest first. She was very glad of it. The Major and Mrs. Gillespie were enchanted with the nbble view from their parlour windows ; while they were eagerly conversing together, Ellen sat alone at the other win- do w,looking out up on the curious Old Town. There was all the fascination of novelty and beauty about that singular picturesque mass of buildings , in its sober colouring , growing more sober as the twilight fell; and just be fore outlines were lost in the dusk, lights began feebly to twinkle here and there, and grew brighter and more as the night came on, till their brilliant multi tude were all that could be seen, where the curious jumble of chimneys and house-tops and crooked ways had shown a little before. Ellen sat watching this lighting up of the Old Town, feel ing strangely that she was in the midst of new scenes, indeed, entering upon a new stage of life ; THE WIDE, WIDE WOULD. 461 and having some difficulty to per suade herself that she was really Ellen Montgomery. The scene of extreme beauty before her seem ed rather to increase the confu sion and sadness of her mind. Gillespie, kindly; "and yet she must be all three." Ellen was all three. But she had the rest of a Cjuiet mind. In the same quiet mind, a little fluttered and anxious now, she Happily, joyfully, Ellen remem- set out in the carriage the next bered, as she sat gazing over the morning with her kind friends to darkening city and its brighten ing lights, that there was One near her who could not change; that Scotland was no remove from him; that His providence as well as His heaven was over her there ; that there, not less than in America, she was His child. She rejoiced, as she sat in her dusky window, over his words of assu rance. " I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine ; " and she looked y were in a hurry to be there, Mrs. Gillespie judged that the No. , George-street. It was their intention, after leaving her, to go straight on to England. The and presence of a~ stranger at the meeting between Ellen and her relations would be desired by none of the parties. But when they reached the house, they found the family were not at home ; they were in the country, at their place on the Tyne. The up into the clear sky (tltat at least direction was obtained, and the was homelike) in tearful thank- j horses heads turned that way. fulness, and with earnest prayer After a drive of some length, that she might be kept from | through what kind of a country evil. Ellen guessed she might I Ellen could hardly have told, have special need to offer that prayer. And as again her eye wandered over the singular bright they arrived at the place. It was beautifully situated; and through well-kept grounds spectacle , that kept reminding j they drove up to a large_, gather her she strange ^ leaned upon tence "This God is our God! Ellen took a kind leave of Mrs. for ever and ever, He will be our Gillespie, shook hands with the guide even unto death. She was called from her win dow to supper. . "Why, how well you look!" said Mrs. Gillespie; "I expected Major at the door, and was left alone , for the second time in her life, to make her acquaintance with new and untried friends. She stood for one second looking you would have been half tired I after the retreating carriage to death. Doesn t she look well?" one swift thought went to her ad- "As if she were neither tired, opted father and brother far away hungry, nor sleepy," said Major| one to her Friend in heaven 462 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. and Ellen quietly turned to the to come with her. This, then, servant and asked for Mrs must be Lady Keith, but no Lindsay. sign of recognition. Ellen She was shown into a large wondered, as her trembling feet room, where nobody was, and; carried her upstairs, and to the sat down, with a beating heart, door of a room where the lady while the servant went upstairs; motioned her to enter; she did looking with a strange feeling | not follow herself, upon what was to be her future i A large pleasant dressing- home. The house was handsome, j room, but Ellen saw nothing comfortably, luxuriously furnish- ! but the dignified figure and ed, but without any attempt at searching glance of a lady in display. Things rather old-fa- black , standing in the middle of shioned than otherwise; plain, i the floor. At the look which in- even homely, in some instances; stantly followed her entering, yet evidently there was no spa- however, Ellen sprang forward, ring of money in any line of use and was received in arms that or comfort; nor were reading folded her as fondly and as close- and writing, painting and music, j ly as ever those of her own nio- strangers there. Unconsciously |ther had done. Without releasing acting upon her brother s prin- j her from their clasp , Mrs. Lind- 1 P 1 ./* T f it t t II ciple of judging of people from their works, Ellen, from what she saw gathered around her, formed a favourable opinion of her rela tions, without thinking of it, for indeed she was thinking of some thing else. A lady presently entered, and say presently sat down , and pla cing Ellen on her lap, and for a long time without speaking a word, she overwhelmed her with caresses caresses often inter rupted with passionate bursts of tears. Ellen herself cried hearti ly for company, though Mrs. said that Mrs. Lindsay was not j Lindsay little guessed why. A- very well. Seeing Ellen s very [long with the joy and tenderness hesitatinglook, she added, "Shall arising from the finding a rela- Icarryher anymessageforyou?"!tion that so much loved and va- This lady was well-looking and ; lued her, and along with the sym- well-dressed; but somehow there pathy that entered into Mrs. was something in her face or Lindsay s thoughts , there mixed manner that encouraged Ellen to other feelings. She began to an explanation ; she could make j know, as if by instinct, what kind none. She silently gave her her father s letter, with which the lady left the room. In a minute or two she return ed, and said her mother would see Ellen upstairs, and asked her of a person her grandmother was. The clasp of the arms that were about her said as plainly as pos sible , " I will never let you go ! " Ellen felt it. ^ She did not know, in her confusion, whether she was THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 463 most glad or most sorry, and this uncertainty mightily helped the flow of her tears. not be parted with. She was not satisfied till she had drawn Ellen s head fairly to rest on her breast, When this scene had lasted and then her caressinghand often some time, Mrs. Lindsay began touched her cheek, or smoothed with the utmost tenderness to take off Ellen s gloves, her cape (her bonnet had been hastily thrown off long before); and smoothing back her hair, and ta king the fair little face in both her hands, she looked at it and pressed it to her own, as indeed back her hair, softly now and then asking slight questions about her voyage and journey, till, exhausted from excitement more than fatigue, Ellen fell a- sleep. Her grandmother was beside her when she awoke , and busied something most dearly^ prized j herself, with evident delight, in and valued. Then saying, "I I helping her to get off her travell- must lie down; come in here, ing clothes, and put on others, love," she led her into the next jand then she took her down room, locked the door, made Ellen stretch herself on the bed, and placing herself beside her, drew her close to her bosom again, murmuring, "My own child my precious child my Ellen my own darling! why did you stay away so long from me, tell me?" It was necessary to tell, and stairs, and presented her to her aunt. Lady Keith had not been at home, nor in Scotland, at the time the letters passed between Mrs. Montgomery and her mo ther, and the result of that cor respondence respecting Ellen had been known to no one except Mrs. Lindsay and her son. They this could not be done without; had long given her up, the rather revealing Miss Fortune s dis-j as they had seen in the papers the graceful conduct. Ellen was [name of Captain Montgomery sorry for that. She knew her mo- 1 among those lost in the ill-fated ther s American match had been Due a Orleans. Lady Keith, there- unpopular with her friends, and fore, had no suspicion who Ellen now what notions this must give j might be. She received her affec- them of one at least of the near;tionately, but Ellen did not get connexions to whom it had intro- rid of her first impression. duced her! She winced under Her uncle she did not see until what might be her grandmother s late in the day, when he came thoughts. Mrs. Lindsay heard home. The evening was extreme- her in absolute silence, and made ly fair, and having obtained per- np comment, and at the end again mission, Ellen wandered out into kissed her lips and cheeks, and the shrubbery, glad to be alone, embracing her, Ellen felt, as aland glad, for a moment, to ex- recovered treasure that would j change new faces for old 5 tha 464 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. flowers were old friends to her, and never had looked more friendly than then. New and old, both were there. Ellen went on softly from flower-bed to flower bed, soothed and rested, stopping here to smell one, or there to gaze at some old favourite or new beauty, thinking curious thoughts of the past and the future, and through it all taking a quiet lesson from the flowers, when a servant came after her with a re quest from Mrs. Lindsay that she would return to the house. Ellen hurried in she guessed for what and was sure as soon as she opened the door, and saw the figure of a gentleman sitting before Mrs. Lindsay. Ellen re membered well she was sent to her uncle as well as her grand mother, and she came forward with a beating heart to Mrs. Lind say s outstretched hand, which presented her to this other ruler of her destiny. He was very different from Lady Keith her anxious glance saw that at once more like his mother. A man not far from fifty years old, fine- looking and stately, like her. Ellen was not left long in sus pense his look instantly soften ed, as his mother s had done; he drew her to his arms with great affection, and evidently with very great pleasure ; then held her off for a moment, while he looked at her changing colour and down cast eye, and folded her close in his arms again, from which he seemed hardly willing to let her go, whispering, as he kissed her, "You are my own child now you are my little daughter: do you know that, Ellen? I am your father henceforth you belong to me entirely, and I belong to you, my own little daughter ! " "I wonder how many times one may be adopted," thought Ellen that evening; "but, to be sure , my father and my mother have quite given me up here that makes a difference. They had a right to give me away if they pleased. I suppose I do be long to my uncle and grand mother in good earnest, and I cannot help myself. Well, but Mr. Humphreys seems a great deal more like my father than my uncle Lindsay. I cannot help that, but how they would be vexed if they knew it ! " That was profoundly true. Ellen was in a few days the dear pet and darling of the whole household, without exception, and almost without limit. At first , for a day or two , there was a little lurking doubt, a little anxiety, a constant watch, on the part of all her friends, whether they were not going to find something in their newly -ac quired treasure to disappoint them; whether it could be that there was nothing behind to belie the first promise. Less keen ob servers, however, could not have failed to see very soon that there was no disappointment to be looked for: Ellen was just what she seemed, without the shadow of a cloak in anything. Doubts THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 465 vanished, and Ellen had not been three days in the house when she was taken home to two hearts, at least, in unbounded love and tenderness. When Mr. Lindsay was present, he was not satisfied without having Ellen in his arms, or close beside him; and if not there , she was at the side of her grandmother. There was nothing, however, in the character of this fondness, great as it was , that would have inclined any child to presume upon it. Ellen was least of all likely to try; but if her will, by any chance , had run counter to theirs, she Avould have found it impossible to maintain her ground. She understood this from the first with her grand mother; and in one or two trifles since had been more and more confirmed in the feeling that they would do with her, and make of her precisely what they pleased, without the smallest re gard to her fancy. If it jumped with theirs, very well; if not, it must yield. In one matter, Ellen had been roused to plead very hard, and even with tears, to have her wish, which she verily thought she ought to have had. Mrs. Lindsay smiled and kissed her, and went on with the utmost coolness in what she was doing, which she carried through with out in the least regarding Ellen s distress, or showing the slightest discomposure, and the same thing was repeated every day till Ellen got used to it. Her uncle she had never seen tried, but she The Wide, Wide World. knew it would be the same with him. When Mr. Lindsay clasped jher to his bosom, Ellen felt it was as Ms own; his eye always seemed to repeat, " my own little daughter;" and in his whole man ner, love was mingled with as much authority. Perhaps Ellen did not like them much the worse for this, as she had no sort of disposition to displease them in anything; but it gave rise to sundry thoughts, however, which she kept to herself thoughts that went both to the future and the past. Lady Keith, it may be, had less heart to give than her mother and brother, but pride took up the matter instead; and ac cording to her measure, Ellen held with her the same place she held with Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay, being the great delight and darling of all three, and with all three seemingly the great object in life. A few days after her arrival, a week or more , she underwent one evening a kind of catechizing from her aunt, as to her former manner of life; where she had been, and with whom, since her mother left her; what she had been doing: whether she had been to school, and how her time was spent at home, &c. &c. No comments whatever were made on her answers , but a something in her aunt s face and manner induced Ellen to make her re plies as brief, and to give her as tittle information in them as she could. She did not feel inclined 30 466 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. to enlarge upon anything, or to j loose from all loyalty and fealty, go at all further than the ques-lthat no good Briton has any tions obliged her; and Lady j business to like?" Keith ended without having j "You are not in earnest, more than a very general notion uncle?" of Ellen s way of life for three or "You are, I see," said he, look- four years past. This conversa- ing amused. "Are you one of tion was repeated to her grand- those that make a saint of mother and uncle. "To think," said the latter the next morning at breakfast, was a great deal better than "to think that the backwoods ! some saints. But I don t think of America should have turned the Americans were rebels." little George Washington?" "No," said Ellen, "I think he us out of" such specimen " Of what, uncle?" said Ellen, laughing. Ah, I shall not tell you that," said he. " But it is extraordinary," said "You are a little rebel your self. Do you mean to say the Americans were you think right?" "Do you mean to say you link they were wrong, uncle?" "I assure you," said he, "if I Lady Keith, "how after living! had been in the English army, I among a parcel of thick-headed, | should have fought them with all and thicker -tongued Yankees, j my heart." she should come out and speak "And if I had been in the pure English in a clear voice; it American army, I would have is an enigma to me." j fought you with all my heart, " Take care , Catherine ," said i Uncle Lindsay." Mr. Lindsay, laughing, "youj " Come, come," said he, laugh- are touching Ellen s nationality ; ing ; "you fight! you don t look look here," said he, drawing his j as if you would do battle with a fingers down her cheek. j good-sized mosquito/ "She must learn to have no nationality but yours," said Lady Keith , somewhat shortly. Ellen s lips were open, but she spoke not. Ah, but I mean, if I had been a man," said Ellen. "You had better put in that qualification. After all, I am inclined to think it may be as "It is well you have come out j well for you on the whole that 3m the Americans , you see, ! we did not meet. I don t know from Ellen," pursued Mr. Lindsay; "your aunt does not like them." "But why, Sir?" "Why," said he, gravely, " don t you know that they are a parcel of rebels who have broken but we might have had a pretty stiff encounter, though." "A good cause is stronger than a bad one , uncle." "But, Ellen, these Americans forfeited entirely the character THE WIDE , WIDE WORLD. 467 of good friends to England and good subjects to King George." "Yes, but it was King George s fault, uncle ; he and the English forfeited their characters first." "I declare," said Mr. Lindsay, laughing, "if your sword had " I think that s all, about Ame rica," said Ellen. "No, but about other things." "Oh, I don t know, Sir," said Ellen, smiling; "a, great many books ; I can t tell them all." "Did you spend all your time man been as stout as your tongue, I over your books?" don t know how I might have "A good deal, Sir, lately; not come off in that same encounter." j so much before." "I hope Ellen will get rid of "How was that?" these strange notions about the "I couldn t, Sir. Americans," said Lady Keith, discontentedly. "I hope not, Aunt Keith," said Ellen. J Where did you get thein?" said Mr. Lindsay. "What, Sir?" "These notions." "In reading, Sir; reading dif ferent books ; and talking. "Reading! so you did read in the backwoods?" " Sir ! " said Ellen , with a look of surprise. "What have you read on this subject?" I had a great any other things to do " " What else had you to do ? " "Different things," said Ellen, hesitating, from the remembrance of her aunt s manner the night before. "Come, come! answer "me." "I had to sweep and dust," said Ellen, colouring, "and set tables and wash and wipe dishes and churn and spin and" Ellen heard Lady Keith s look in her, "Could you have con ceived it!" "What shall we do with her?" "Two lives of Washington, and! said Mrs. Lindsay; "send her to some in the Annual Register, andi school, or keep her at home?" part of Graham s United States ;\ "Have you never been to and one or two other little school, Ellen?" things." "No, Sir; except for a very But those gave you only one side, Ellen; you should read the English account of the matter." "So I did, Sir; the Annual Re gister gave me both sides; the bills and messages were enough." " What Annual Register?" t "I don t know, Sir; it is Eng lish; written by Burke, I believe." "Upon my word! else have you read? " little while, more than three years ago." "Would you like it?" "I would a great deal rather study at home, Sir, if you will let me." "What do you know now?" "Oh, I can t tell, Sir," said Ellen; "I don t know anything And what very well, unless " " Unless what?" said her uncle, 30* 468 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. laughing; "come! now for your accomplishments." "I had rather not say what I was going to, uncle ; please don t ask me." "Yes, yes," said he; "I shan t let you off. Unless what?" "I was going to say, unless riding," said Ellen, colouring. "Hiding! and pray how did you learn to ride ? Catch a horse by the mane , and mount him by the fence, and canter off bare backed? was that it eh?" "Not exactly, Sir?" said Ellen, laughing. "Well, but about your other accomplishments. You do not know anything of French , I sup pose?" "Yes, I do, Sir." " Where did you get that?" "An old Swiss lady in the mountains taught me." "Country riding and Swiss French," muttered her uncle. "Did she teach you to speak it?" "Yes, Sir." * Mr. Lindsay and his mother exchanged glances, which Ellen interpieted, "Worse and worse." "One thing at least can be mended ," observed Mr. Lindsay. "She shall go to De Courcy s riding- school as soon as we get to Edinburgh." "Indeed, uncle, I don t think that will be necessary." "Who taught you to ride, Ellen? " asked Lady Keith. " My brother." "Humph! I fancy a few les sons, will. do you no harm," she remarked. Ellen coloured and was silent. " You know nothing of music, of course?" "I cannot play, uncle." "Can you sing?" "I can sing hymns." " Sing hymns ! That s the only fault I find with you , Ellen; you are too sober. I should like to see you a little more gay, like other children." "But, uncle, I am not unhappy because I am sober." "But I am," said he. "I do not knowpreciselywhatl shall do with you; I must do something! " "Can you sing nothing but hymns?" said La dy^ Keith. "Yes, Ma am," said Ellen, with some humour twinkling about her eyes and mouth, "I can sing Hail Columbia! V "Absuxdl^&aW Lady Keith. "Why, Ellen," said her uncle, laughing, "I did not know you could be so stubborn; I thought you were made up of gentle ness and mildness. Let me have a good look at you there s not much stubbornness in those eyes," he said, fondly. "I hope you will never salute my ears with your American ditty," said Lady Keith. "Tut, tut," said Mr. Lindsay, " she shall sing what she pleases, and the more the better." "She has a very sweet voice," said her grandmother. "Yes, in speaking, I know; I have not heard it tried otherwise; and very nice English it turns out. Where did you get your (English, Ellen?" THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD, 469 "From my brother," saidEllen, with a smile of pleasure. Mr. Lindsay s brow rather clouded. "Whom do you mean by that?" " The brother of the lady that was so kind to me." Ellen dis liked to speak the loved names in the hearing of ears to which she knew they would be un lovely. "How was she so kind to you?" "Oh, Sir! in everything I cannot tell you; she was my friend when I had only one be side ; she did everything for me." "And who was the other friend ? Your aunt ? " "No, Sir." "This brother?" "No, Sir; that was before I knew him." "Who then?" " His name was Mr. Van Brunt." "Van Brunt! Humph! And what was he ? " "He was a farmer, Sir." "A Dutch farmer, eh? How came you to have anything to do with him?" "He managed my aunt s farm, and was a great deal in the house." "He was? And what makes you call this other your bro ther?" * His sister called me her sister and that makes me his." " It is very absurd ," said Lady Keith, "when they are nothing at all to her, and ought not to be." "It seems, then, you did not find a friend in your aunt, Ellen, eh?" "I don t think she loved me much," said Ellen, in a low voice. "I am very glad we are clear of obligation on her score ," said Mrs. Lindsay. "Obligation! And so you had nothing else to depend on, Ellen , but this man this Van something this Dutchman! What did he do for you? " "A great deal, Sir." Ellen would have said more, but a feel ing in her throat stopped her. "Now, just hear that, will you?" said Lady Keith. "Just think of her in that farmhouse, with that sweeping and dusting woman and a Dutch farmer, for these three years ! " "No," said Ellen, "not all the time; this last year I have been " "Where, Ellen?" "At the other house, Sir." " What house is that? " "Where that lady and gentle man lived that were my best friends." "Well, it s all very well," said Lady Keith; "but it is past now; it is all over, you need not think of them any more. We will find you better friends than any of these Dutch Brunters or Grun- ters." " Oh , Aunt Keith ! " said Ellen, "if you knew" But she burst into tears. "Come, come," said Mr. Lind say, taking her in his arms, "I will not have that. Hush, my 470 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. daughter. What is the matter, j herself, as she went to get ready; Ellen?" "but there are some things he But Ellen had with some diffi culty contained herself two or three times before in the course of the conversation, and she wept now rather violently. " What is the matter, Ellen ? " "Because," sobbed Ellen, cannot command; nor I neither I am glad of that! Forget, in deed! " She could not help loving her uncle ; for the lips that kissed her were very kind as well as very peremptory; and if the hand that thoroughly roused, "Hove them I pressed her cheek was, dearly ! and I ought to love them \ felt it was, the hand of p as she power, its with all my heart. I cannot forget j touch was also exceeding fond. them , and never shall ; and I can { And as she was no more inclined never have better friends to dispute his will than he to per- never! _it s impossible Oh, it s mitit, the harmony between them impossible. Mr. Lindsay said nothing at first, except to soothe her; but when she had wept herself into quietness upon his breast, he whispered / "It is right to love these people if they were kind to you ; but, as / your aunt says, that is past. It is / not necessary to go back to it. \TCT X was perfect and unbroken. CHAPTER XL VIII. How old friends were invested with the regalia. MR. LINDSAY had some reason that morning to wish that Ellen would look merrier; it was a very sober little face he saw by his side as the carriage rolled smooth ly on with them towards Edin- you belong to me; your j burgh; almost pale in its sad- iiame is not Montgomery any I ness. He lavished the tenderest more, it is Lindsay; and I will j kindness upon her, and without not have you call me uncle ; I \ going back by so much as a hint am your father you are my to the subjects of the morning, YForget that lEllen yoi little daughter, and must do pre cisely what I tell you. Do you understand me?" He would have a "yes" from her, and then added " Gro and get yourself ready, and I will take you with me to Edinburgh." Ellen s tears had been like to burst forth again at his words; with great effort she controlled herself, and obeyed him. "I shall do precisely what he tells me, of course," she said to he exerted himself to direct her attention to v the various objects of note and interest they were passing. The day was fine , and the country, also the carriage and the horses. Ellen was dearly fond of driving; and long before they reached the city, Mr. Lind say had the satisfaction of seeing her smile break again, her eye brighten, and herhappy attention fixing on the things he pointed out to her, and many others that THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 471 she found for herself on the way, his horses first of all. Mr. Lind say might relax his efforts and look on with secrettriumph ; Ellen was in the full train of delighted observation. "You are easily pleased, El len," he said, in answer to one of her simple remarks of admira tion. "I have a great deal to please me," said Ellen. "What would you like to see in Edinburgh?" "I don t know, Sir; anything you please." " Then I will show you a little of the city in the first place." They drove through the streets of Edinburgh, both the Old and the New Town, in various direc tions. Mr. Lindsay was extremely pleased to see that Ellen was so, and much amused at the curiosity shown in her questions, which, however, were by no means as free and frequent as they might have been had John Humphreys filled her uncle s place. "What large building is that over there?" said Ellen. "That? that is Holyrood House." "Holyrood! I have heard of that before; isn t that where Queen Mary s rooms are? where Rizzio was killed?" "Yes; would you like to see them?" " Oh , very much !" " Drive to the Abbey ! So you have read Scottish history, as well as American, Ellen?" "Not very much , Sir ; only the Tales of a Grandfather yet. But what made me say that, I have read an account of Holyrood House somewhere. Uncle " "Ellen!" "I beg your pardon, Sir; I for got: it seems strange tome," said Ellen, looking distressed. "It must not seem strange to you, my daughter; what were you going to say?" "I don t know, Sir; Oh, I was going to ask if the silver cross is here now to be seen?" "What silver cross?" "That one from which the abbey was named, Sir ; the silver rood that was given, they pre tended, to I forget now what king." "David the First, the founder oftheabbev? No, it is not here, Ellen; David the Second lost it to the English. But why do you say pretended, Ellen? It was a very real affair, kept in England for a long time with great vene ration." " Oh yes , Sir, I know the cross was real; I mean, it was pre tended that an angel gave it to King David when he was hunting here." "Well, how can you tell but that was so? King David was made a saint, you know." " Oh, Sir," said Ellen, laughing, " I know better than that ; 1 know it was only a monkish trick." " Monkish trick ! which do you mean? the giving of the cross, or the making the king a saint? " "Both, Sir," said Ellen, still smiling. 472 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. : At that rate," said Mr. Lind say, much amused, "if you are vourite Eizzio, sitting there at supper, and how that door, that such a sceptic , you will take no j very door, had opened, and comfort in anything at the ab-|Ruthven s ghastly figure, pale, bey; you will not believe any- 1 and weak from illness, presented thing is genuine." | itself, and then others ; the alarm "I will believe what you tell; of the moment; how Rizzio knew me, Sir." they were come for him, and fled "Will you? I must be carefu what I say to you, then, or I may run the risk of losing my own credit." Mr. Lindsay spoke this half- jestingly, half in earnest, went over the palace. They "Is this very old, Sir?" asked Ellen. to the Queen for protection; how she was withheld from giving it, and the unhappy man pulled away from her, and stabbed with a great many wounds, before her face ; and there, there ! no doubt, his blood fell! "You are tired; this doesn t please you much," said Mr. Lind- "Not very; it has been burnt, | say, noticing her grave look, and demolished, and rebuilt, tilli " Oh, it pleases me very much," nothing is left of the old abbey I said Ellen, starting up; "I do of King David but the ruins of | not wonder she swore ven- the chapel, which you shall seeigeance." g-esently. The oldest part of the j "Who?" said Mr. Lindsay, ouse is that we are going to see laughing. " Queen Mary, Sir." "Were you thinking of her all this while? I am glad of it. I spoke to you once without get ting a word. I was afraid this was not amusing enough to de- now, built by James the Fifth, Mary s father, where her rooms are." At these rooms Ellen looked with intense interest. She pored over the old needlework of furniture , the which she was told was at least in part the work of the beautiful Queen s own fingers; gazed at the stains in the floor of the bed-chamber, said to be those of Rizzio s blood; meditated over the trap door in the passage by which the conspirators had come up; and finally sat down in the room , and tried to realize the scene which had once been acted there. She tried to imagine the poor Queen, and her attendant, and her fa- tain your thoughts " Oh yes , it is ," said Ellen ; "I have been trying to think about all that. I like to look at old things very much." "Perhaps you would like to see the regalia?" "The what, Sir?" "The royal things, the old diadem and sceptre, &c. of the Scottish kings. Well, come," said he , as he read the answer in Ellen s face, "we will go; but first let us see the old chapel." THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD, 473 With this Ellen was wonder fully pleased. This was much, older still than Queen Mary s rooms. Ellen admired the wild melancholy look of the Gothic pillars and arches springing from the green turf, the large carved; window, empty of glass, the broken walls ; and, looking up to\ the blue sky, she tried to imagine the time when the Gothic roof closed overhead, and music sounded through the arches, and trains of stolid monks paced among them, where now the very pavement was not. Strange it seemed, and hard, to go back and realize it; but in the midst of this, the familiar face of the sky set Ellen s thoughts off upon a new track, and suddenly they were at home, on the lawn before! the parsonage. The monks and! the abbey were forgotten; she silently gave her hand to her uncle, and walked with him to the carriage. Arrived at the Crown-room, Ellen fell into another fit of grave attention; but Mr. Lind say, taught better, did not this time mistake rapt interest for ab sence of mind. He answered questions, and gave her several pieces of information, and let her take her own time to gaze and| meditate. "This beautiful sword," said he, "was a present from Pope Julius the Second to James the Fourth." "I don t know anything about the popes ," said Ellen. " James ! the Fourth! I forget what kind of a king he was." "He was a very good king; he was the one that died at Flod- den." " Oh , and wore an iron girdle, because he had fought against his father, poor man ! " "Why poor man, Ellen? he was a very royal prince ; why do you say poor man ? " "Because he didn t know any better, Sir." "Didn t know any better than what?" "Than to think an iron girdle would do him any good." "But why wouldn t it do him any good?" "Because you know, Sir, that is not the way we can have our sins forgiven." " What is the way?" Ellen looked at him, to see if he was in jest or earnest. Her look staggered him a little, but he repeated his question. She cast her eyes down, and an swered "Jesus Christ said, I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man cometh unto the Father but by me. " Mr. Lindsay said no more. "I wish that was the Bruce s crown," said Ellen, after a while. "I should like to see anything that belonged to him." "I ll take you to the field of Bannockburn some day; that be longed to him with a vengeance. It lies over yonder." "Bannockburn! will you? and 474 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. Stirling Castle! Oh, how I should I all; the French were England s like that!" enemies too, and helped us be- t " Stirling Castle ," said Mr. | sides ; but I like the Scots a great Lindsay, smiling at Ellen s deal better than the French. I clasped hands of delight; " what j like them because they would be do you know of Stirling Castle?" fvnn " "From the history, you know, Sir, and the Lord of the Isles j " Old Stirling s towers arose in light " " Go on," said Mr. Lindsay. " And twined in links of silver bright, Her winding river lay. " " That s this same river Forth, Ellen. Do you know any more?" "Oh yes, Sir." "Go on, and tell me all you can remember." 11 All! that would be a great deal, Sir." " Go on till I tell you to stop." Ellen gave him a good part of ton?" "You have an extraordinary jtaste for freedom ! And pray, are all the American children as strong republicans as yourself? " " I don t know, Sir ; I hope so." "Pretty well, upon my word! Then I suppose even the Bruce cannot rival your favourite Washington in your esteem?" Ellen smiled. " Eh ? " said Mr. Lindsay. "I like Washington better, Sir, of course ; but I like Bruce very much." Why do you prefer Washing- the battle, with the introduction to it. "You have a good memory, I should have to think to tell you that, Sir." " Very well, think, and answer Ellen," he said, looking pleased, me." "Because I like it, Sir; thatj "One reason, I suppose, is, makes it easy to remember. I because he was an American," said Ellen. "That is not reason enough much gratified. " I did not know for so reasonable a person as you you liked anything on this side | are, Ellen; you must try again, like the Scots people." "Do you?" said Mr. Lindsay, of the water, them? Why do you like "Because they never would be conquered by the English." "So," said Mr. Lindsay, half- nused and half -disappointed, amusec "the long and the short of it is, you like them because they fought the enemies you were so eager to have a blow at." " Oh no, Sir," said Ellen laugh ing, "I do not mean that at or give up your preference." "I like Bruce very much in deed," saidEllen, musingly; "but he did what he did OT himself Washington didn t." "Humph! I am not quite sure as to either of your positions," said Mr. Lindsay. "And besides," said Ellen, "Bruce did one or two wrong things. Washington always did right." THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 475 "He did? eh? What do you think of the murder of Andre?" "I think it was right," said Ellen, firmly. "Your reasons, my little rea- soner?" "If it had not been right, Washington would not have done it." "Ha, ha! So at that rate you may reconcile yourself to any thing that chances to be done by a favourite." "No, Sir," said Ellen, a little confused, but standing her ground; "but when a person always does right, if he happen to do something that I don t know enough to understand, I have good reason to think it is right, even though I cannot understand it." "Very well: but apply the same rule of judgment to the Bruce , can t you ? "Nothing could make me think the murder of the Red Comyn right, Sir. Bruce didn t think so himself." "But remember there is a great difference in the times; those were rude and uncivilized com pared to these ; you must make allowance for that." "Yes, Sir, I do; but I like the civilized times best." "What do you think of this fellow over here what s his name? whose monument I was showing you Nelson ! " "I used to like him very much, Sir." "And you do not now?" "Yes, Sir, I do; I cannot help liking him." "That is to say, you would if you could?" "I don t think, Sir, I ought to like a man merely for being great, unless he was good. Washington was great and good both." " Well, what is the matter with Nelson? " said Mr. Lindsay, with an expression of intense amuse ment; "I used to think, as you say, that he was a very noble fellow." " So he was, Sir; but he wasn t a good man." "Why not?" "Why, youknow, Sir, he left his wife ; and Lady Hamilton per suaded him to do one or two other very dishonourable things ; it was a great pity ! " " So you will not like any great man that is not good as well. What is your definition of a good man, Ellen?" "One who always does right because it is right, no matter whether it is convenient or not," . said Ellen , after a little hesita- ; tion. "Upon my word, you draw the line close. But opinions often differ as to what is right; how shall we know?" "From the Bible, Sir," said Ellen, quickly, with a look that half -amused and half -abashed him. "And you, Ellen are you yourself good after this nice fashion?" "No, Sir; but I wish to be." "I do believe that. But after 476 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. all, Ellen, you might like Nel son; those were only spots in the sun." "Yes, Sir; but can a man be a truly great man who is not master of himself? " " That is an excellent remark." " It is not mine, Sir," said Ellen, blushing; "it was told me; I did not find out all that about Nel son, myself; I did not see it all much. Plenty of books; old look ing, comfortable furniture; plea sant light; all manner of etceteras around which rejoiced Ellen s heart. Mr. Lindsay noticed her pleased glance passing from one thing to another. He placed her in a deep easy-chair, took off her bonnet and threw it on the sofa, and kissing her fondly, asked her if she felt at home. "Not yet," Ellen said; but her look also said it would not take long to make her do so. She sat enjoying her rest, and munching her biscuit with great appetite and satis faction, when Mr. Lindsay poured ! That glass of wine looked to Ellen like an enemy marching up TO attack her. Because Alice and John did not drink it, she had always at first, without other reason, done the same; and she was determined not to forsake their example now. She took no notice of the glass of wine, though she had ceased to see anything else in the room, and went on, seemingly as before, eating her biscuit, though she no longer knew how it tasted. y don t you drink your Wl wme, the first time I read his life; I thought he was perfect." "I know who / think is," said Mr. Lindsay, kissing her. They drove now to his house in George Street. Mr. Lindsay had some business to attend to, and would leave her there for an hour or two. And that their fast might not be too long unbroken, Mrs. Allen, the housekeeper, was directed to furnish them with some biscuits in the library, whi ther Mr. Lindsay led Ellen. C This command was not to be She liked the looks of it ver3\ jdisobeyed. The blood rushed Ellen? " I do not wish any, Sir." "Don t you like it?" "I don t know, Sir; I have never drunk any." "No! Taste it and see." "I would rather not, Sir, if you please. I don t care for it." ,_" Taste it, Ellen!" to Ellen s temples as she just touched the glass to her lips, and set it down again. "Well?" said Mr. Lindsay. "What, Sir?" "How do you like it?" "I like it very well, Sir; but I would rather not drink it." "Why?" Ellen coloured again at this exceedingly daring question, and answered as well as she could, that she had never been ac customed to it, and would rather not. "It is of no sort of conse quence what you have been ac- her out a glass of sweet wine. customed to," said Mr. Lind- TML T :HE WIDE, WIDE WOULD. say. "You are to drink it all, Ellen. Ellen dared not disobey. 477 trembling from head to f&ot: rest and amuse yourself in any way you like till I return." He left the room. "I have done it now ! " thought Ellen, as she sat in the corner of the sofa, where Mr. Lindsay had tenderly placed her; "I have called him my father; I am bound to obey him after this. I wonder what in the world they will make me do next. If he chooses to make me drink wine every day, I must do it! I cannot help myself. That is only a little matter. But what if they were to want me to do something wrong? they might; John never did I could not have disobeyed liim, possibly! but I could them , if it was necessary and if it is necessary, I will! I should have a dreadful time I wonder if I could go through with it. Oh yes, I could, if it was right; and besides, I would rather bear anything in the world from them than have John it seemed to her that it was to i displeased with me a great set her hand and seal to the deal rather! But perhaps after When biscuits and wine were disposed of, Mr. Lindsay drew her close to his side, and en circling her fondly with his arms, said "I shall leave you now for an hour or two, and you must amuse yourself as you can. The book cases are open perhaps you will find something there; or there are prints in those port folios; or you can go over the house and make yourself ac quainted with your new home. If you want anything, ask Mrs. Allen. Does it look pleasant to you?" "Very," Ellen said. "You are at home here, daughter; go where you will, and do what you will. I shall not leave you long. But before I go , Ellen , let me hear you call me father." Ellen obeyed, trembling, for deed of gift her father and mo ther had made. But there was no retreat it was spoken, and Mr. Lindsay, folding her close all they will not want anything wrong of me. I wonder if this is really to be my home always, and if I shall never get home in his arms, kissed her again and again ! John will not leave me again. here! But I don t see how in "Never let me hear you call me j the world he can help it, for my anything else, Ellen. You are ! father and my mother , and I my- mine own now my own child ! self I know what he would tell my own little daughter. You shall , me if he was here, and I 11 try to do just what pleases me in every- do it. God will take care of me thing, and let by-gones be by-! if I follow him: it is none of my gones. And now lie down there j business." and rest daughter; you arej Simply and heartily com- 478 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. , Sir," she said, it s mair than an mending her interests to his "I cam in keeping, Ellen tried to lay aside whispering the care of herself. She went on I hour back, and she s been sleep- musing; how very different and ing just like ababby ever syne; how much greater her enjoyment she hasna stirred a finger. 0, Avould have been that day if j Mr. Lindsay, it s a bonny bairn, John had been with her! Mr. and a gude. What a blessing to Lindsay, to be sure, had an swered her questions with abun dant kindness and sufficient ability; but his answers did not, as those of her brother often did, skilfully draw her on from one thing to another, till a train of thought was opened, which at the setting out she never dreamed the house! " "You re about right there, I. believe, Maggie; but how have you learned it so fast?" "I canna be mista en, Mr. George ; I ken it as we el as if we had a year auld acquentance; I ken it by thae sweet mouth and een, and by the look she gied of; and along with the joy of|me when you tauld her, Sir, I acquiring new knowledge, she j had been in the house near as had the pleasure of discovering lang s yoursel. An look at her new fields of it to be explored, ee now. There s heaven s peace and the delight of the felt exer- within, I m a maist assured." cise and enlargement of her own The kiss that wakened Ellen powers, which were sure to be found her in the midst actively called into play. Mr. dream. in the midst of a She thought that John Lindsay told her what she asked, was a king of Scotland, and and there left her. Ellen found standing before her in regal at- herself growing melancholy over! tire. bhe offered him, she the comparison she was drawing, thought, a glass of wine; but, and wisely went to the book- raising the sword of state, silver cases to divert her thoughts. I scabbard and all, he with a Finding presently a history of j tremendous swing of it, dashed Scotland, she took it down, re- the glass out of her hands; and solving to refresh her memory then, as she stood abashed, he on a subject which had gained j bent forward with one of his old such new and strange interest 1 grave kind looks to kiss her. As for her. Before long, however, j the kiss touched her lips, Ellen fatigue and the wine she drunk effectually got the better of studious thoughts ; she stretched herself on the sofa and fell fast asleep. There Mr. Lindsay found her a couple of hours afterwards, under the guard of the housekeeper. opened her eyes, to find her brother transformed into Mr. Lindsay, and the empty glass standing safe and sound upon the table. "You must have had a plea sant nap," said Mr. Lindsay; " you wake up smiling. Come THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 479 make haste I have left a friend no business to be uneasy. Two in the carriage. Bring your book months ago , and I was quietly at along, if you want it." jhome, and seemed to be fixed The presence of the stranger, there for ever; and now, and who was going down to spend without anything extraordinary a day or two at "the Braes,", happening, here I am just as prevented Ellen from having fixed. Yes, and before that, at any talking to do. Comfortably j Aunt Fortune s, it didn t seem placed in the corner of the front possible that I could ever get seat of the barouche, leaning on | away from being her child; and the elbow of the carriage, shej yet how easily all that was ma- was left to her own musings. ! naged. And just so, in some way She could hardly realize the j that I cannot imagine, things may change in her circumstances, j open so as to let me out smoothly The carriage rolling fast and: from this." She resolved to be smoothly on the two gentlemen ! patient, and take thankfully what opposite to her, one her father!; she at present had to enjoy; and the strange, varied, beautiful in this mood of mind, the drive scenes they were flitting by home was beautiful; and the the long shadows made by the evening was happily absorbed in descending sun the cool even- j the history of Scotland, ing air Ellen , leaning back in | It was a grave question in the the wide easy seat, felt as if she family that same evening, whe- were in a dream. It was singu- ther Ellen should be sent to larly pleasant ; she could not help ! school. Lady Keith was decided but enjoy it all very much; and! in favour of it; her mother seem- yet it seemed to her as if she ! ed doubtful ; Mr. Lindsay, who were caught in a net from which had a vision of the little figure she had no power to get free ; I lying asleep on his library sofa, and she longed to clasp that hand j thought the room had never that could, she thought, draw her | looked so cheerful before, and whence and whither it pleased, had nearly made up his mind that "But Mr. Lindsay, opposite! she should be its constant adorn- I have called him my father ment the coming winter. Lady I have given myself to him ," she Keith urged the school plan, thought; "but I gave myself to "Not a boarding-school," said somebody else first; I can t undo i Mrs. Lindsay; "I will not hear that and I never will ! " Again ! of that." shetriedtobequietandresignthel "No, but a day-school; it care of herself to better wisdom j would do her a vast deal of good, andgreater strength thanherown. !l am certain; her notions want ; " This may all be arranged easily | shaking up very much. And I/ in some way I could never dream never saw a child of her age so/ of , * she said to herself; "I have j much a child." 480 THE WIDE, WIDE WOELD. "I assure you /never saw one so much a woman. She has asked me to-day, I suppose," said he, smiling, "a hundred questions or less; and I assure you there was not one foolish or vain one among them; not one that was not sensible , and most of them singularly so." " She was greatly pleased with her day," said Mrs. Lindsay. "I never saw such a baby face in my life," said Lady Keith, "in a child of her years." "It is a face of uncommon in telligence ! " said her brother. "It is both," said Mrs. Lindsay. "I was struck with it the other day," said Lady Keith "the day she slept so long upon the sofa upstairs, after she was dress ed; she had been crying about something, and her eyelashes were wet still, and she had that curious, grave, innocent look you only see in infants; you might 1 have thought she was fourteen : months, instead of fourteen years old ; fourteen and a half, she says she is." "Crying!" said Mr. Lindsay, " What was the matter? " "Nothing," said Mrs. Lindsay, "but that she had been obliged to submit to me in something that did not please her." "Did she give you any cause of displeasure ?" "No; though I can see she has strong passions. But she is the first child I ever saw, that I think I could not get angry with." "Mother s heart half misgave her, I believe," said Lady Keith, j laughing ; " she sat there looking at her for an hour." "She seems to me perfectly Eentle and submissive ," said Mr. indsay. "Yes ; but don t trust too much | to appearances," said his sister. "If she is not a true Lindsay, after all, I am mistaken. Did you see her colour once or twice this morningwhen somethingwas said that did not please her? " "You can judge nothing from that," said Mr. Lindsay; "she co lours at everything. You should have seen her to-day when I told her I would take her to Bannock- burn." "Ah, she has got the right side of you, brother; you Avill be able to discern no faults in her pre sently." "She has used no arts for it, sister; she is a straightforward ! little hussy, and that is one thing I like about her; though I was as near as possible being pro voked Avith her once or twice to day. There is only one thing I wish was altered she has her head filled with strange notions absurd for a child of her age I don t know what I shall do to get rid of them." After some conversation, it was decided that school would be the best thing for this end , and half decided that Ellen should go. But this half-decision Mr. Lind say found it very difficult to keep to, and circumstances soon de stroyed it entirely. Company was constantly coming and going THE WIDE, WIDE WOULD. 481 at "the Braes," and much of it of a kind that Ellen exceedingly liked to see and hear; intelligent, cultivated, well-informed people, whose conversation was highly agreeable and always useful to her. Ellen had nothing to do with the talking, so she made good use of her ears. One evening Mr. Lindsay, a M. Villars, and M. Muller. a Swiss gentleman and a noted man of science, very much at home in Mr. Lindsay s house, were carry ing on, in French, a conversa tion, in which the two foreigners took part against their host. M. Yillars began with talking about Lafayette; from him they went to the American revolution and AVashington, and from them to other patriots and other repub lics , ancient and modern MM. Villars andMuller taking the side of freedom, and pressing Mr. Lindsay hard with argument, au thority, example, and historical testimony. Ellen, as usual, was fast by his side, and delighted to see that he could by no means make good his ground. The ladies at the other end of the room would several times have drawn her away, but happily for her, and also, as usual, Mr. Lindsay s arm was around her shoulders, and she was left in quiet to listen. The conversation was very lively, and on a sub ject very interesting to her; for America had been always a dar ling theme ^Scottish struggles for freedom were fresh in her mind; her attention had long ago been The Wide, Wide World. called to Switzerland and its his tory by Alice and Mrs. Vawse, and French history had formed a good part of her last winter s reading. She listened with the most eager delight, too much engrossed to notice the good- humoured glances that were every now and then given her by one of the speakers. Not Mr. Lind say, though his hand was upon her shoulder, or playing with the light curls that fell over her temples; he did not see that her face was flushed with interest, or notice the quick smile and sparkle of the eye that followed every turn in the conversation that favoured her wishes, or foil ed his ; it was M. Muller. They came to the Swiss, and their famous struggle for freedom against Austrian oppression. M. Muller wished to speak of the noted battle in which that free dom was made sure , but for the moment its name had escaped him. "Parmafoi," said M. Villars, "il m a entierement passe !" Mr. Lindsay would not or could not help him out. But M. Muller suddenly turned to Ellen, in whose face he thought he saw a look of intelligence, and begged of her the missing name. "Est-ce, Morgarten, Mon sieur?" said Ellen, blushing. " Morgarten ! c est c.a!" said he, with a polite pleased bow of thanks. Mr. Lindsay was little j less astonished than the duke of Argyle, when his gardener 31 482 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. claimed to be the owner of aLatin work on mathematics. The conversation presently took a new turn with M. Villars; and M. Muller withdrawing from it, addressed himself to Ellen. He was apleasant-looking elderly gentleman 5 she had never seen im before that evening. "You know French well, then?" said he, speaking to her in that tongue. "I don t know, Sir," said Ellen, modestly. "And you have heard of the Swiss mountaineers?" "Oh yes, Sir; a great deal." He opened his watch and showed her in the back of it an exquisite little painting, asking her if she knew what it was. "It is an Alpine chalet, is it not, Sir?" He was pleased, and went on, always in French, to tell Ellen that Switzerland was his country: and drawing a little aside from the other talkers, he entered into a long, and to her most delightful conversation. In the pleasantest manner he gave her a vast deal of very entertaining detail about the country, and the manners and habits of the, people of the Alps, especially in the Tyrol, where he had often travelled. It would have been hard to tell whether the child had most pleasure in receiving, or the man of deep study and science most pleasure in giving, all manner of informa tion. He saw, he said, that she was very fond of the heroes of freedom, and asked if she had ever heard of Andrew Hofer, the Tyrolese peasant, who led on his brethren in their noble endea vours to rid themselves of French and Bavarian oppression. Ellen had never heard of him. " You know William Tell?" "Oh -yes ," Ellen said; "she knew him." "And Bonaparte?" "Yes, very well." He went on then to give her, in a very interesting way, the history of Hofer; how when Napoleon made over his country to the rule of the king of Bavaria, who oppressed them, they rose in mass , overcame army after army that were sent against them in their mountain fastnesses, and freed themselves from the hated Bavarian government ; how, years after, Napoleon was at last too strong for them; Hofer and his companions defeated, hunted like wild beasts, shot down like them; how Hofer was at last betrayed by a friend, taken and executed, being only seen to weep at parting with his family. The beautiful story was well told, and the speaker was animated by the eager, deep attention and sym pathy of his auditor, whose hanging colour, smiles, and even tears, showed how well she entered into the feelings of the patriots in their struggle, iriumph, and downfall; till, as he finished, she was left full of pity for them and hatred of Napo leon. They talked of the Alps again. M. Muller put his hand in his pocket, and pulled out a little THE WIDE, WIDE WOULD, 483 painting in mosaic to show her, which he said had been given him that day. It was a beautiful piece of pietra-durawork MontBlanc. He assured her the mountain often looked exactly so. Ellen admired it very much. It was meant to be set for a brooch, or some such thing, he said, and he asked her if she would keep it and sometimes wear it, "to re member the Swiss, and to do him a pleasure." "Moi, Monsieur!" said Ellen, colouring high with surprise and pleasure, "je suis bien obligee; mais, Monsieur, je ne saurais vousremercier?" He would count himself well paid, he said, with a single touch of her lips. " Tenez, Monsieur! " said Ellen, blushing, but smiling, and ten dering back the mosaic. He laughed, and bowed, and begged her pardon, and said she must keep it to assure him she had forgiven him; and then he asked by what name he might remember her. "Monsieur, je m appelle El len M " She stopped short, in utter and blank uncertainty what to call herself; Montgomery she dared not; Lindsay stuck in her throat. " Have you forgotten it?" said M. Muller, amused at her look, "or is it a secret?" "Tell M. Muller your name, Ellen," said Mr. Lindsay, turning round from a group where he was standing at a little distance, The tone was stern and displeased. Ellen felt it keenly, and with difficulty and some hesitation still , murmured "Ellen Lindsay." "Lindsay! Are you the daugh ter of my friend Mr. Lindsay? " Again Ellen hesitated, in great doubt how to answer, but finally, not without starting tears, said "Oui, Monsieur." " Your memory is bad to-night," said Mr. Lindsay in her ear; "you had better go where you can refresh it." Ellen took this as a hint to leave the room, which she did immediately, not a little hurt at the displeasure she did not think she had deserved; she loved Mr. Lindsay the best of all her relations, and really loved him. She went to bed and to sleep again that night with wet eyelashes. Meanwhile M. Muller was gra tifying Mr. Lindsay in a high degree by the praises he bestowed upon his daughter, her intelli gence, her manners, her modesty, and her French. He asked if she was to be in Edinburgh that winter, and whether she would be at school; and Mr. Lindsay declaring himself undecided on the latter point, M. Muller said he should be pleased, if she had leisure , to have her come to his rooms two or three times a week to read with him. This offer, from a person of M. Muller s standing and studious habits, Mr. Lindsay justly took as both a great com pliment and a great promise of advantage to Ellen. He at once 484 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. and with much pleasure accepted it. So the question of school was settled. Ellen resolved the next morn ing to lose no time in making up her difference with Mr. Lindsay, and schooled herself to use a form of words that she thought would please him. Pride said , indeed, "Do no such thing; don t go to making acknowledgments when you have not been in the wrong; you are not bound to humble yourself before unjust displea sure." Pride pleaded powerfully. But neither Ellen s heart nor her conscience would permit her to take this advice. "He loves me very much," she thought, "and perhaps he did not understand me last night; and besides, I owe him yes, I do ! a child s obedience now. I ought not to leave him displeased with me a moment longer than I can help. And besides, I could not be happy so. God gives grace to the humble ; I will humble myself." To have a chance for execu ting this determination, she went down-stairs a good deal earlier than usual; she knew Mr. Lind say was generally there before the rest of the family, and she hoped to see him alone. It was too soon even for him, however; the rooms were empty; so Ellen took her book from the table, and being perfectly at peace with herself, sat down in the window, and was presently lost in the interest of what she was reading. She did not know of Mr. Lindsay s approach till a little imperative tap on her shoulder startled her. "What were you thinking of last night? What made you an swer M. Muller in the way you did?" Ellen started up , but to utter her prepared speech was no longer possible. "I did not know what to say," she said, looking down. " What do you mean by that? " said he, angrily. "Didn t you know what I wished you to say?" " Yes but do not speak to me in that way!" exclaimed Ellen, covering her face with her hands. Pride struggled to keep back the tears that wanted to flow. "I shall choose my own method of speaking. Why did you not say what you knew I wished you to say?" "I was afraid Ididn tknow but he would think what wasn t true." "This is precisely what I wish him and all the world to think. I will have no difference made, Ellen, either by them or you. Now lift up your head and listen to me ," said he , taking both her hands. "I lay my commands upon you, whenever the like questions may be asked again , that you an swer simply according to what I have told you, without any ex planation or addition. It is true, and if people draw conclusions that are not true, it is what I wish. Do you understand me?" Ellen bowed. "Will you obey me?" THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 485 She answered again in the same ! spoken so low that his ears could mute way. !but just catch it. Displeasure He ceased to hold her at arm s | was entirely overcome. He press- length, and sitting down in her ed her to his heart, kissing her chair, drew her close to him, say- j with great tenderness, and would ing more kindly jnot let her go from his arms till "You must not displease me, he had seen her smile again; and Ellen." j during all the day he was not I had no thought of displea- willing to have her out of his sing you, Sir," said Ellen, burst ing into tears; "and I was very sight. It would have been easy that sorry for it last night. I did not) morning for Ellen to have made mean to disobey you ; I only hesi- 1 a breach between them that tated." would not readily have been "Hesitate no more. My com- (healed. One word of humility mands may serve to remove the! had prevented it all, and fasten- cause of it. You are my daugh- j ed her more firmly than ever in ter , Ellen , and I am your father. Mr. Lindsay s affection. She met Poor child," said he, for Ellen with nothing from him but tokens was violently agitated: "I don t of great and tender fondness; ik and "it believe I shall have much diffi culty with you." "If you will only not speak look at me so," said Ellen; makes me very unhappy." "Hush!" said he, kissing her; "do not give me occasion." "I did not give you occasion, Sir." "Why, Ellen ! " said Mr. Lind say, half- displeased again, "I shall begin to think your aunt Keith is right, that you are a true Lindsay. But so am I, and I will have only obedience from you, without either answering or argu- menting." "You shall," murmured Ellen. "But do not be displeased with me, father." Ellen had schooled herself to say that word; she knew it would and Lady Keith told her mother apart that there would be no do ing anything Avith George; she saw he was getting bewitched with that child. CHAPTER XLIX. Thought is free. IN a few weeks they moved to Edinburgh, where arrangements were speedily made for giving Ellen every means of improve ment that masters and mistresses, books and instruments, could af ford. The house in George Street was large and pleasant. To El len s great jov, a pretty little room opening from the first land ing-place of the private staircase was assigned for her special use as a study and work-room, and greatly please him; and she was j fitted up nicely for her with a not mistaken, though it was; small bookcase, a practising 486 THE WIDE, WIDE WOELD. piano, and various etceteras. Here her beloved desk took its place on a table in the middle of the floor, where Ellen thought she would make many a new drawing when she was by herself. Her work-box was accommodated with a smaller stand near the window. A glass door at one end of the room opened upon a small iron balcony; this door and bal cony Ellen esteemed a very par ticular treasure. With marvellous satisfaction she arranged and ar ranged her little sanctum till she had all things to her mind , and it only wanted, she thought, a glass of flowers. "I will have that, too, some of these days," she said to herself; and resolved to de serve her pretty room by being very busy there. It was hers alone, open indeed to her friends when they chose to keep her com pany; but lessons were taken elsewhere in the library, or the music-room, or more fre quently her grandmother s dress ing-room. Wherever, or what ever, Mrs. Lindsay or Lady Keith was always present. Ellen was the plaything, pride, and delight of the whole family. Not so much, however, Lady Keith s plaything as her pride; while pride had a less share in the affection of the other two , or rather, perhaps, was more over topped byit Ellen felt, however, that all their hearts were set upon her , felt it gratefully, and deter mined she would give them all the pleasure she possibly could. Her love for other friends, friends | that they knewno thing of, Ameri- : can friends, was, she knew, the ! sore point with them; she re- | solved not to speak of those ; friends, nor allude to them, j especially in any way that should show how much of her heart was ! out of Scotland. But this wise re- j solution it was very hard for poor Ellen to keep. She was unaccus tomed to concealments; and in ways that she could neither fore see nor prevent, the unwelcome truth would come up , and the sore was not healed. One day Ellen had a headache and was sent to lie down. Alone, and quietly stretched on her bed, very naturally Ellen s thoughts went back to the last time she had had a headache at home , as she always called it to herself. She recalled with a straitened heart the gentle and tender man ner of John s care for her; how nicely he had placed her on the sofa; how he sat by her side ba thing her temples , or laying his cool hand on her forehead, and once, she remembered, his lips. u I wonder," thoughtEllen, " what I ever did to make him love me so much, as I know he does!" She remembered how, when she was able to listen, he still sat be side her, talking such sweet words of kindness, and comfort, and amusement, that she almost loved to be sick to have such tending, and looked up at him as at an angel. She felt it all over again. Unfortunately, after she had fallen asleep, Mrs. Lindsay came in to see how she was, and THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD, 487 the last pair of them, (reasons for taking it up "said her were slowly making their wayjaunt; "they had acted from m- two tears, were siowiy matting men way au.uu, v^j - ~ ; , , down her cheeks. Her grand- terested motives, I .have no doubt; mother saw them, and did not ; people always do. rest till she knew the cause. Ellen | " You are very much mistaken, was extremely sorry to tell, she! Aunt Keith," said Ellen, with un did her best to get off from it, but! controllable feeling; "you do she did not know how to evade j not in the least know what you questions ; and those that were j are talking about ! " put to her indeed admitted of no Instantly, Mr. Lindsay s fingers evasion. tapped her lips. Ellen coloured A few day slater, just after they j painfully, but after an instant s came to Edinburgh, it was re marked one morning at breakfast that Ellen was very straight, and carried herself well. "It is no thanks to me," said Ellen, smiling, " they never would let me hold myself ill." "Who is they ?" said Lady Keith. "My brother and sister." "I wish, George," said Lady Keith, discontentedly, "that you would lay your commands upon Ellen to use that form of expres sion no more. My ears are abso lutely sick of it." " You do not hear it very often, Aunt Keith," Ellen could not help saying. "Quite often enough; and know it is upon your lips a thou- sand times speak it. when you do no CtiV . And if Ellen does, we dp not, said Mrs. Lindsay, "wish to claimkindred with all the world. "How came you to take up such an absurd habit?" said Lady Keith. " It isn t like you "They took it up first," said Ellen; "I was too glad " "Yes, I dare say they had thei I be r said your pardon, Aunt should not have said hat." "Very well!" said Mr. Lindsay. But understand, Ellen, how ever you may have taken it up his habit you will lay it down *or the future. Let us hear no more of brothers and sisters. I cannot, as your Grandmother ays, fraternize with all the world, especially with unknown rela- ions." "I am very glad ypuhavemade that regulation," said Mrs. Lind say. "I cannot conceive how Ellen tias got such a way of it," said Lady Keith. " It is very natural," said Ellen, with some huskiness of voice, "that I should say so , because I feel so." " You do not mean to say," said Mr. Lindsay, "that this Mr. and Miss Somebody these people I don t know their names -" " There is only one now , Sir." "This person you call your brother do you mean to say 488 THE WIDE, WIDE WOULD. you have the same regard for him as if he had been born so?" "No," said Ellen, with cheek and eye suddenly firing, "but a thousand times more ! " She was exceeding sorry the next minute after she had said this , for she knew it had given both pain and displeasure in a great degree. No answer was made. Ellen dared not look at anybody, and needed not; she wished the silence might be broken; but nothing was heard except a low "whew!" from Mr. Lindsay, till he rose up and left the room. Ellen was sure he was very much displeased. Even the ladies were too much offended to speak on the subject; and she was merely bade to go to her room. She went there, and sitting- down on the floor, covered her face with her hands. "Whatshall I do? what shall I do?" she said to herself , "I never shall govern this tongue of mine. Oh , I wish I had not said that! they will never forget it. What can I do to make them pleased with me again? Shall I go to my father s study and beg him but I can t ask him to forgive me I haven t done wrong I can t unsay what I said. I can do nothing. I can only go in the way of my duty, and do the best 1 can, and maybe they will come round again. But, oh dear!" A flood of tears followed this resolution. Ellen kept it; she tried to be blameless in all her work and be haviour, but she sorrowfully felt that her friends did not forgive her. There was a cool air of dis pleasure about all they said and did; the hand of fondness was not laid upon her shoulder, she was not wrapped in loving arms, as she used to be a dozen times a day: no kisses fell on her brow or lips. Ellen felt it, more from Mr. Lindsay than both the others ; her spirits sunk; she had been forbidden to speak of her absent friends, but that was not the way to make her forget them; and there was scarce a minute in the day when her brother was not present to her thoughts. Sunday came her first Sun day in Edinburgh. All went to church in the morning; in the afternoon Ellen found that no body was going; her grandmo ther was lying down. She asked permission to go alone. "Do you want to go because you think you must , or for plea sure?" said Mrs. Lindsay. "For pleasure," said Ellen s tongue and her opening eyes at the same time. "You may go." With eager delight Ellen got ready, and was hastening along the hall to the door, when she met Mr. Lindsay. "Where are you going?" " To church, Sir." "Alone! what do you want to go for? No, no, I shan t let you. Come in here I want you with me; you have been once to-day already, haven t you? You do not want to go again ? " "I do, indeed, Sir, very much," THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 489 said Ellen, as she reluctantly fol lowed him into the library, "if you have no objection. You know I have not seen Edinburgh yet." "Edinburgh! that s true, so you haven t," said he, looking at her discomfited face. " Well, go, if you want to go so much." Ellen got as far as the hall door, no further 5 she rushed back to the library. "I did not say right when I servation, bending her head upon her knees , she burst into an ago ny of tears. It was a great relief to be able to weerj freely; at home she was afraid of being seen, or heard, or questioned; now she was alone and free, and she poured out her very heart in weeping, that she with difficulty kept from being loud weeping. "Oh, how could I say that! how could I say that! Oh, what said that," she burst forth ; "that would John have thought of me was not the reason I wanted to if he had heard it? Am I begin- go. I will stay if you wish mejning already to lose my truth? Sir." am I going backward already? "I don t wish it," said he, in surprise; "I don t know what you mean; I am willing you should go, if you like it. with you ! it is time." Away Oh, what shall I do ! what will be come of me if I do not watch over myself; there is no one to help me or lead me right not a single one all to lead me Once more Ellen set out, but wrong! what will become of me? this time with a heart full much But there is One who has promi- too full to think of anything she sed to keep those that follow him saw by the way. It was with a he is sufficient, without any singular feeling of pleasure that others. I have not kept near she entered the church alone. It enough to him! that is it; I have was a strange church to her not remembered nor loved him. never seen but once before; and] If ye love me, keep my com as she softly passed up the broad mandments I have not! I have aisle , she saw nothing in the not! Oh, but I will! I will ; and he building or the people around her will be with me, and help me, and that was not strange no f ami- 1 bless me, and all will go right liar face, nor familiar thing. But "^ ~" it was a church, and she was alone, quite alone in the midst of that crowd ; and she went up to the empty pew and ensconced herself in the far corner of it, with me. With bitter tears Ellen mingled as eager prayers for forgiveness and help to be faithful. She re solved that nothing, come what would, should temptherto swerve with a curious feeling of quiet j one iota from the straight line of and of being at home. She was | truth ; she resolved to be more no sooner seated, however, than, j careful of her private hour; she leaning forward as much as pos- 1 thought she had scarcely hadhcr sible to screen herself from ob-;full hour a day lately; she resol- 490 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. ved to make the Bible her only and her constant rule of life in everything: and she prayed such prayers as a heart thoroughly in earnest can pray, for the seal to these resolutions. Not one word of the sermon did Ellen hear; but she never passed a more profit able hour in church in her life. All her tears were not from the spring of these thoughts and feel ings ; some were the pouring out of the gathered sadness of the week 5 some came from recollec tions, oh, how tender and strong ! of lost and distant friends. Her mother, and Alice, and Mr. Hum phreys, and Margery, and Mr. Van Brunt, and Mr. George Marshman; and she longed, with longing that seemed as if it would burst her heart, to see her bro ther. She longed for the pleasant voice, the eye of thousand ex pressions, into which she always looked as if she had never seen it before, the calm look that told he was satisfied with her, the touch of his hand , which many a time had said a volume. Ellen thought she would give anything in the world to see him and hear him speak one word. As this could not be, she resolved with the greatest care to do what would please him 5 that when she did see him, he might find her all he wished. She had wept herself out; she had refreshed and strengthened herself by fleeing to the strong hold of the prisoners of hope; and when the last hymn was given out, she raised her head and took the book to find it. To her great surprise, she saw Mr. Lindsay sitting at the other end of the pew, with folded arms, like a man not thinking of what was going on around him. Ellen was startled, but obeying the instinct that told her what he would like , she im mediately moved down the pew and stood beside him while the last hymn was singing ; and if El len had joined in no other part of the service that afternoon, she at least did in that with all her heart. They walked home then without a word on either side. Mr. Lindsay did not quit her hand till he had drawn her into the li brary. There he threw off her bonnet and wrappers, and taking her in his arms, exclaimed " My poor little darling ! What was the matter with you this afternoon?" There was so much of kind ness again in his tone, that, over joyed, Ellen eagerly returned his caress, and assured him there was nothing the matter with her now. "Nothing the matter !" said he, tenderly pressing her face against his own, "nothing the matter! with these pale cheeks and wet eyes ! nothing now , Ellen? " "Only that I am so glad to hear you speak kindly to me again, Sir." "Kindly! I will never speak any way but kindly to you, daughter. Come ! I will not have any more tears you have shed enough for to-day, I am sure ; lift up your face, and I will kiss them 5 away. What was the matter with you, my child?" But he had to wait alittleVhile for an answer. "What was it, Ellen?" THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 491 "Ah, Sir, but I had made you believe what was false." "Upon my word," said Mr. Lindsay, "you are a nice reaso- ner. And are you always true One thing," said Ellen, "I upon this close scale? was sorry for what I had said to L "I wishl was, bir: but you see you , Sir , just before I went out." i l . am not - 1 am sure I hate ever ^- thing else ! " " Well, I will not quarrel with EDU for being true," said Mr. indsay ; "I wish there was a little "What was that? I do not re member anything that deserved to be a cause of grief." //T- j T-] O T T J-J J-JA1J.VIQ<* y } JL J.OJJ. i/UL\yA. *_> T GUCJ Ct AJ.UUl.V- 1 told you, bir, when ^ Canted j more of it in the world _ Was this you to let me go to church, that 1 ! the cause of all those tears this hadn t seen Edinburgh yet. "Well?" "Well, Sir, that wasn t being quite true ; and I was very sorry for it." "Not true? yes, it was; what do you mean? you had not seen Edinburgh." afternoon?" "No, Sir not all." "What beside, Ellen?" Ellen looked down, and was silent. " Come , I must know." " Must I tell y^ou all, Sir?" "You must, indeed," said he, "No, Sir; but I mean fhat\ smiling; "I will have the whole, was true ; but I said it to make you believe what wasn t true." "How?" "I meant you to think, Sir, that that was the reason why I wanted to go to church to see the city and the new sights ; and it wasn t at all." "What was it, then?" Ellen hesitated. "I always love to go , Sir; and, besides , I believe I wanted to be alone." "And you were not, after all," said Mr. Lindsay, again pressing her cheek to his, "for I followed you there. But, Ellen, my child, you were troubled without rea son ; you had said nothing that was false." daughter." "I had been feeling sorry all the week, because you, and grandmother, and Aunt Keith, were displeased with me." Again Mr. Lindsay s silent ca ress, in its tenderness, seemed to say, that she should never have the same complaint to make again. "Was that all, Ellen?" as she hesitated. "No, Sir." "Well?" "I wish you wouldn t ask me further; please do not. I shall displease you again." "I will not be displeased." "I was thinking of Mr. Hum phreys," said Ellen, in a low tone. "Who is that?" 492 THE WIDE. WIDE WOULD. "You know, Sir; you say 1 1 your grandmother, Ellen, for she must not call him jdoes not very readily forgive; "What were you thinking of but I think we can arrange this him?" "I was wishing very much I could see him again." matter. Go you to sleep. "I wonder," saidEllen, smiling as she closed her eyes, "why ft/ u a I i^ If everybody calls me little; I ly, "or bolder than i don t thinklam very little. Every- I think you. I body says little. " "You said you would not be displeased , Sir." Mr - Lindsay thought he under- " Neither will I, daughter; but stood it, when a few minutes after what shall I do to make you forget | he sat watching her as she really these people?" had fallen asleep. The innocent Nothing, Sir; I cannot forget brow, the perfect sweet calm of them; I shouldn t deserve to have j the fac e, seemed to belong to you love me a bit if I could. Let much younger years. Even Mr. Lindsay could not help recollect ing the housekeeper s comment leaven s peace within ;" scarce- me love them, and do not be angry with me for it." "But I am not satisfied to have your body here, and your heart somewhere else." " I must have a poor little kind of heart," said Ellen, smiling amidst her tears, "if it had room in it for only one person." "Ellen," said Mr. Lindsay, in quisitively, "did you insinuate a falsehood there?" "No, Sir." "There is honesty in those eyes, "said he, "if there is honesty anywhere in the world. I am satis fied, that is, half satisfied. Now lie there, my little daughter, and rest," said he, laying her upon the sofa; "you look as if you needed it." "I don t need anything now," said Ellen, as she laid her cheek upon the grateful pillow, "except one thing if grandmother would only forgive me too." " You must not try to offend ly Ellen s own mother ever watch ed over her with more fond tender ness than her adopted father did now. For several days after this he would hardly permit her to leavq him. He made her bring her books, and study where he was, he went out and came in with her, and kept her by his side whenever they joined the rest of the family at meals or in the evening. Whether Mr. Lindsay intended it or not, this had soon the effect to abate the displeasure of his mother and sister. Ellen was almost taken out of their hands, and they thought it ex pedient not to let him have the whole of her. And though Ellen could better bear their cold looks and words since she had Mr. Lindsay s favour again, she was very glad when they smiled upon THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 493 her too , and went dancing about with quite a happy face. She was now very busy. She 1 "Oh, no, I have been learning this great while ; only they don t think I know how, and they have had masters for the piano and(| never seen me. Are you just singing and different branches ofii come , Miss Gordon?" knowledge ; she went to M.Muller "Yes, and they are bringing regularly twice a week; and soonij out Sophronisbe for me -do you her riding attendance began. She! know Sophronisbe? look, that had said no more on the subject, light gray, isn t she beautiful? but went quietly, hoping they! she s the loveliest creature in the would find out their mistake be- ! whole stud." fore long. Lady Keith always "0, I know!" said Ellen; "I accompanied her. saw you on her the other day; One day Ellen had ridden near she went charmingly. How long her usual time , when a young shall I be kept walking here, Miss lady with whom she attended a Gordon?" German class came up to where she was resting. This lady was several years older than Ellen, but had taken a fancy to her. "How finely you got onyester- day," said she, "making us all "Why, I don t know; I should think they would find out: What does De Courcy say to you?" "0, he comes and looks at me, and says, *Tres bien tres bien, and Allez comme a and then ashamed. Ah , I guess M. Muller he walks off." helped you." "Well, I declare that is too ; Yes," said Ellen, smiling, "he bad," said Miss Gordon, laugh- did help me a little; he helped me with those troublesome pro nunciations." " With nothing else, I suppose ! ing. "Look here I have got a good thought in my head: sup pose you mount Sophronisbe in my place, without saying any- Ah, well, we must submit to be I thing to anybody, and let them stupid. How do you do to-day?" "I am very tired, Miss Gordon." "Tired! "Oh, you re not used to it." "No, it isn t that," said Ellen; "I am used to it that is the reason I am tired. I am accus tomed to ride up and down the country at any pace I like ; and it is very tiresome to walk stupid ly round and round for an hour." "But do you know how to ma- na only just see what you are up to. Can you trust yourself? she s very spirited." "I could trust myself," said Ellen; "but, thank you, I think I had better not." "Afraid?" "No, not at all; but my aunt and father would not like it." "Nonsense! how should they dislike it? There s no sort of danger, you know. Come! I ge ahorse? 1 thought you were ! thought you sat wonderfully for ily just beginning to learn." : a beginner. I am surprised De 494 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. Courcy hadn t better eyes. guess you have learned German before, Ellen? Come, will you?" But Ellen declined, preferring her plodding walk round the ring to any putting of herself forward. Presently Mr. Lindsay came in. It was the first time he had been there. His eye soon singled out Ellen. "My daughter sits well," he remarked to the riding-master. A merveille ! Mademoiselle Lindesay does ride remarquable- ment pour une beginner qui ne fait que commencer. Would it be possible that she has had no lessons "before ?" "Why, yes, she has had les sons of what sort I don t know," said Mr. Lindsay, going up to Ellen. "How do you like it, Ellen?" "I don t like it at all, Sir." "I thought you were so fond of riding." "I don t call this riding, Sir." " Ha ! what do you call riding? Here, M. De Courcy, won t you have the goodness to put this young lady on another horse, and see if she knows anything about handling him? " " With great pleasure !" M. De Courcy would do anything that was requested of him. Ellen was taken out of the ring of walkers and mounted on a fine animal, ; and set by herself to have her skill tried in as many various ways as M.DeCourcy s ingenuity could point out. Never did she bear herself more erectly; never were her hand and her horse s mouth on nicer terms of acquain tanceship; never, even to please her master, had she so given her whole soul to the single business of managing her horse and her self perfectly well. She knew, as little as she cared, that a number of persons besides her friends were standing to look at her. She thought of only two people there, Mr. Lindsay and her aunt; and the riding-master, as his opi nion might affect theirs. ^" C est tres bien c est tres bien," he muttered; " c est par- faitement, monsieur, made moiselle votre fille has had good lessons; voila qui est entiere- ment comme il faut." "Assez bien," said Mr. Lind say, smiling. " The little gipsy ! " "Mademoiselle," said the ri ding-master, as she paused be fore them, "pourquoi, wherefore have^ you stopped in your canter tantot a little while ago et puis recommence?" "Monsieur, he led with the wrong foot." "C]est a justement!" he exclaimed. "Have you practised leaping, Ellen?" "Yes, Sir." " Try her, M. De Courcy. How high will you go, Ellen?" J As high as you please, Sir," said Ellen, leaning over and pat ting her horse s neck to hide her smile. "How you look, child!" said Mr. Lindsay, in a pleased tone. "So tlds is what you call riding?" " It is a little more like it , Sir," THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 495 Ellen was tried with standing and running leaps, higher and higher, till Mr. Lindsay would have no more of it; and M. de Courcy assured him that his daughter had been taught by a very accomplished rider, and there was little or nothing left for him to do; "il n y pouvoit plus;" but he should be very happy to have her come there to practise, and show an example to his pupils. The very bright colour in El len s face as she heard this might have been mistaken for the flush of gratified vanity: it was no thing less. Not one word of this praise did she take to herself, nor had she sought for herself; it was all for somebody else; and perhaps so Lady Keith under stood it, for she looked rather discomfited. But Mr. Lindsay was exceedingly pleased, and promised Ellen that as soon as the warm weather came she should have a horse, and rides to her heart s content. CHAPTER L. Trials without. ELLEN might now have been in some danger of being spoiled not, indeed, with over-indulgence, for that was not the temper of the family but from finding herself a person of so much con sequence. She could not but feel Lady Keith was perpetually watching, superintending, and admonishing; though she every now and then remarked, with a kind of surprise, that "really she scarcely .ever had to say any thing to Ellen; she thought she must know things by instinct." To Mr. Lindsay and his mother she was the idol of life ; and ex cept when by chance her will might cross theirs , she had what she wished, and did what she pleased. But Ellen happily had two safeguards which effectually kept her from pride and presumption. One was her love for her bro ther, and longing remembrance of him. There was no one to take his place , not indeed in her affections, for that would have been impossible , but in the daily course of her life. She missed him in everything. She had abundance of kindness and fond ness shown her, but the sympathy was wanting. She was talked to, but not with. No one now knew always what she was thinking of, nor, if they did, would patiently draw out her thoughts, canvas them, set them right, or show them wrong. No one now could tell what she was feeling, nor had the art sweetly, in a way she scarce knew how, to do away with sadness, ordulness, or per- verseness, and leave her spirits that in the minds of every one of 1 clear and bright as the noonday, her three friends she was the ob- With all the petting and fond- ject of greatest importance; their ness she had from her neAV thoughts and care were princi- 1 friends , Ellen felt alone. She pally occupied with her. Even j was petted and fondled as a 496 JV-JL... .0, V w . THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. Lindsay knew the right from the wrong or is there any good kind? " "All good, Ellen, all good," said Mr. Lindsay, "provided you do not have too much of it." "Would you like me to be proud, Sir? darling possession a dear play thing a thing to be cared for, taught, governed, disposed of, with the greatest affection and delight; but John s was a higher style of kindness, tha.t entered into all her innermost feelings and wants; and his was a higher style of authority, too, that reached where theirs could never attain - an authority Ellen al ways felt it utterly impossible to dispute; it was sure to be exerted on the side of what was right; and she could better have borne hard words from Mr. than a glance of her brother s sical or philosophical, and dis- eye. Ellen made no objection to missed with no light on the sub- the imperativeness of her new ject. She sighed for her brother. The hours with M. Muller were the best substitute she had; they "Yes," said he, laughing and pinching her cheek, "as proud as you like, if you only don t let me see any of it." Not very satisfactory ; but that was the way with the few ques tions of any magnitude Ellen ventured to ask; she was kissed and laughed at, called metaphy- guarclians; it seldom was called up so as to trouble her, and she was not of late particularly fond of having her own way ; but she sometimes drew comparisons. "I could not any sooner I could not as soon have dis obeyed John; and yet he never would have spoken to me as they do if I had." "Some pride, perhaps?" she said, remembering Mr. Dundas s words; "I should say a great deal, John isn t proud; and yet, I don t know, he isn t proud as they are; I wish I knew what kinds of pride are right and what wrong; he would tell me if he was here." "What are you in a brown study about, Ellen?" said Mr. Lindsay. "I was thinking, Sir, about dif ferent kinds of pride; I wish I were dearly prized by her., and, to say truth, by him. He had no family, he lived alone; and the visits of his docile and intilligent little pupil became very pleasant breaks in the monotony of his home life. Truly kind-hearted and benevolent, and a true lover of knowledge, he delighted to impart it. Ellen soon found she might ask him as many questions as she pleased, that were at all proper to the subject they were upon; and he, amused and inter ested, was equally able and will ing to answer her. Often when not particularly busy, he allowed hour to become fr her two. Excel lent hours for Ellen. M. Muller had made his proposition to Mr. Lindsay, partly from grateful regard for him, and partly to gratify the fancy he had taken to THE WIDE, WIDE WOULD. 497 draws closer to liis children the closer they draw to him; she had never realized more the joy of having him to go to. It was her special delight to pray for those loved ones she could do nothing else for; it was a joy to think that He who hears prayer is equally present with all his people, and that though thousands of miles lie between the petitioner and the petitioned-for, the breath of prayer may span the distance and pour blessings on the far-off head. The burden of thoughts and affections gathered during the twenty-three hours , was laid down in the twenty-fourth; and Ellen could meet her friends at hour patiently, matters that I the breakfast -table with a sun- could neither interest nor con- shiny face. Little they thought cernher. On the whole, and with where her heart had been, or good reason , the days when they where it had got its sunshine, were to meet were hailed with as I But notwithstanding this, El- much pleasure, perhaps, by M. len had too much to remember Muller as by Ellen herself. and regret, than to be otherwise Her other safeguard was thejthan sober, soberer than her precious hour alone, which she| friends liked. They noticed with had promised John never to lose sorrow that the sunshine wore when she could help it. The only off as the day rolled on; that time she could have was the early though ready to smile upon oc- morning, before the rest of thelcasion, her face always settled family were up. To this hour, an d| again into a gravity they thought Ellen on account of her simpli city, intelligence, and good man ners. This latter motive did not disappoint him. He grew very much attached to his little pupil ; ;in attachment which Ellen faith fully returned, both in kind, and by every trifling service that could fall in her way to render him. Fine flowers and fruit, that it was her special delight to carry to M. Muller; little jobs of copy ing, or setting in order some dis orderly matters in his rooms, where he soon would trust her to do anything; or a book from her father s library; and once or twice when he was indisposed, reading to him, as she did by the it was often more than an hour, Ellen was faithful. Her little Bible was extremely precioue altogether unsuitable. Mrs. Lind say fancied she knew the cause, and resolved to break it up. now; Ellen had never gone to n| From the first of Ellen s co- with a deeper sense of need; and ming, her grandmother had never did she find more comfort | taken the entire charge of her in being able to disburden her toilet. Whatever Mrs. Lindsay s heart in prayer of its load of notions in general might be as to the propriety of young girls learning to take care of them- cares and wishes. Never more than now had she felt the pre- ciousness of that Friend who j selves, Ellen was much too pre- The Wide , Wide World. . 32 498 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD, cious a plaything to be trusted to any other hands, even her own. At eleven o clock regularly every day she went to her grand mother s dressing-room for a very elaborate bathing and dress ing; though not a very long one, for all Mrs. Lindsay s were energetic. Now, without any hint as to the reason, she was directed to come to her grandmother an hour before the breakfast-time, to go through the course of cold- water, sponging, and hair-gloving that Mrs. Lindsay was accustom ed to administer at eleven. Ellen heard in silence, and obeyed, but made up her hour by rising earlier than usual , so as to have it before going to her grand mother. It was a little difficult at first, but she soon got into the habit of it, though the mornings were dark and cold. After a while it chanced that this came to Mrs. Lindsay s ears, and Ellen was told to come to her as soon as she was out of bed in the morning. "But Grandmother," said El len, "I am up a great while be fore you are ; I should find you asleep; don t I come soon enough?" " What do you get up so early for?" "You know, Ma am, I told you some time ago. I want some time to myself." "It is not good for you to be up so long before breakfast, and in these cold mornings. Do not rise in future till I send for you." "But, Grandmother, that is the only time for me there isn t an hour after breakfast that I can have regularly to myself; and I cannot be happy if I do not have some time." "Let it be as I said," said Mrs. Lindsay, smiling. "Couldn t you let me come to you at eleven o clock again, Ma am? do, Grandmother!" Mrs. Lindsay touched her lips ; a way of silencing her that Ellen particularly disliked, and which both Mr. Lindsay and his mother were accustomed to use. She thought a great deal on jthe subject, and came soberly to pie conclusion that it was her kluty to disobey. "I promised jJohn," she said to herself; "I will never break that promise! I 11 do anything rather. And besides, if I had not, it is just as much my duty, a duty that no one here has a right to command me against. I will do what I think right , come what may." She could not, without its coming to the knowledge of her grandmother. A week or two after the former conversation, Mrs. Lindsay made inquiries of Mason, her woman, who was obliged to confess that Miss El len s light was always burning when she went to call her. "Ellen," said Mrs. Lindsay, the same day, "have you obeyed me in what I told you the other morning? about lying in bed till you are sent for?" "No, Ma am." " You are frank ! to venture to THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 499 tell me so. Why have you dis obeyed me?" "Because, Grandmother, I thought it was right." "You think it is right to dis obey, do you?" "Yes, Ma am, if " "If what?" "I mean, Grandmother, there is One I must obey even before you." "If what? "repeated Mrs. Lind say. "Please do not ask me, Grand mother; I don t want to say that." "Say it at once, Ellen." "I think it is right to disobey if I am told to do what is wrong," said Ellen, in a low voice. "Are you to be the judge of right and wrong? " "No, Ma am." "Who then?" "The Bible." "I do not know what is the reason," said Mrs. Lindsay, "that I cannot be very angry with you. Ellen, I repeat the order I gave you the other day. Promise me to obey it." "I cannot, Grandmother; I must have that hour; I cannot do without it." " So must I be obeyed, I assure you, Ellen. You will sleep in my room henceforth." Ellen heard her in despair; she did not know what to do. Ap pealing was not to be thought of. There was, as she said, no time she could count upon after break fast. During the whole day and evening she was either busy with her studies or masters, or in the company of her grand mother or Mr. Lindsay; and if not there , liable to be called to them at any moment. Her grand mother s expedient for increasing her cheerfulness had marvellous ill success. Ellen drooped under the sense of wrong, as well as the loss of her greatest comfort. For two days she felt and looked forlorn; and smiling now seemed to be a difficult matter. Mr. Lindsay happened to be remark ably busy these two days, so that he did not notice what was going on. At the end of them, however, in the evening, he called Ellen to him, and whis- peringly asked her what was the matter. "Nothing, Sir," said Ellen, "only grandmother will not let me do something I cannot be happy without doing." "Is it one of the things you want to do because it is right, whether it is convenient or not?" he asked, smiling. Ellen could not smile. "0, father," she whispered, putting her face close to his, "if you would only get grandmother to let me do it!" The words were spoken with a sob, and Mr. Lindsay felt her warm tears upon his neck. He had, however, far too much re spect for his mother to say any thing against her proceedings while Ellen was present; he simply answered that she must do whatever her grandmother said. But when Ellen had left 500 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD, the room, which she did im mediately, he took the matter up. Mrs. Lindsay explained, and insisted that Ellen was spoiling herself for life and the world by a set of dull religious notions that were utterly unfit for a child; that she would very soon get over thinking about her habit of morning prayer, and would then do much better. Mr. Lind say looked grave; but with Ellen s tears yet wet upon his cheek, he could not dismiss the matter so lightly, and persisted in desiring that his mother should give up the point, which she ut terly refused to do. Ellen, meanwhile, had fled to her own room. The moonlight was quietly streaming in through the casement; it looked to her like an old friend. She threw herself down on the floor, close by the glass, and after some tears, which she could not help shedding, she raised her head and looked thoughtfully out. It was very seldom now that she had a chance of the kind; she was rarely alone but when she was busy. "I wonder if that same moon is this minute shining in at the glass door at home? no, to be sure it can t this minute what am I thinking of? but it was there, or will be there let me| see east west it was there some time this morning, I sup pose, looking right into our sitting-room. Oh, moon, I wish I was in your place for once , to look in there too! But it is all empty now there s nobody there Mr. Humphreys would be in his study how lonely, how lonely he must be! Oh, I wish I was back there with him ! John isn t there, though no matter, he will be and I could do so much for Mr. Humphreys in the meanwhile. He must miss me. I wonder where John is nobody writes to me; I should think some one might; I wonder if I am ever to see them again. Oh , he will come to see me sure ly before he goes home! but then he will have to go away without me again I am fast now , fast enough but oh ! am I to be separated from them for ever! Well! I shall see them in heaven ! " It was a "well" of bitter ac quiescence, and washed down with bitter tears. "Is it my bonny Miss Ellen?" said the voice of the house keeper, coming softly in; "is my bairn sitting a her lane i the dark? Why are ye no wi the rest o the folk, Miss Ellen?" "I like to be alone, Mrs. Allen, and the moon shines in here nicely." " Greeting! " exclaimed the old lady, drawing nearer, "I ken it by the sound of your voice; greeting eenow! Are ye no weel, Miss Ellen? What vexes my bairn? Oh , but your father would be vexed an he kenned it ! " "Never mind, Mrs. Allen," said Ellen; "I shall get over it directly; don t say anything about it." THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. -501 "But I m wac to see ye ," said the kind old iwornan, stooping down and stroking the head that again Ellen had bowed; on her knees; "will ye no tell me what vexes ye? Ye suld be as blithe as a bird the lang day." "I can t, Mrs. Allen, while I am away from my friends." "Frinds! and wha has mair frinds than yoursel , Miss Ellen, or better frinds? father and mo ther and a ; where wad ye find thae that will love you mair?" "Ah, but I haven t my bro ther!" sobbed Ellen. "Your brither, Miss Ellen? An wa s he?" "He s everything, Mrs. Allen! he s everything ! I shall never be happy without him! never, never!" "Hush, dear Miss Ellen! for the love of a that s gude ; dinna talk that gate, and dinna greet sae! your father wad be sair vexed to hear ye or to see ye." "I cannot help it," said Ellen; "it is true." "It may be sae; but dear Miss Ellen, dinna let it come to your father s ken; ye re his very heart s idol; he disna merit ought but gude frae ye." "I know it, Mrs. Allen," said Ellen, weeping; "and so I do love him better than anybody in the world, except two. But oh! I want my brother; I don t know how to be happy or good either without him. I want him all the while." "Miss Ellen, Ikenned and loved your dear mither weel for mony a day will yc mind if I speak a word to her bairn?" "No, dear Mrs. Allen, I 11 thank you. Did you know my mother?" "Wha suld if I didna? she was brought up in my arms , and a dear lassie. Ye re no muckle like her, Miss Ellen; ye re mair bonny than her, and no a the- ither sae frack ; though she was ouce and kind too." "I wish," Ellen began, and stopped. "My dear bairn, there is Ane abuve what disposes a things for us; and he isna weel pleased when His children fash them selves wi His dispensations. He has ta en and placed you here for your ain gude, I trust I m sure it s for the gude of us a and if ye haena a things ye wad wish, Miss Ellen, ye hae Him! dinna forget that, my ain bairn." Ellen returned heartily and silently the embrace of the old Scotch-woman, and when she left her, set herself to follow her advice. She tried to gather her scattered thoughts, and smooth her ruffled feelings , in using this quiet time to the best advantage. At the end of half an hour she felt like another creature, and began to refresh herself with softly singing some of her old hymns. The argument which was car ried on in the parlour sunk at length into silence without co ming to any conclusion. "Where is Miss Ellen?" Mrs. 502 THE WIDE , WIDE WORLD. Lindsay asked of a servant that came in. " She is up in her room, Ma am, singing." " Tell her I want her." "No stop," said Mr. Lind say, "I 11 go myself." Her door was a little ajar, and he softly opened it without dis turbing her. Ellen was still sit ting on the floor before the win dow, looking out through it, and in rather a low tone singing the last verse of the hymn, " Kock of Ages:" " While I draw this fleeting breath When my eyelids close in death When I rise to worlds unknown, And behold Thee on thy throne Rock of Ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee ! " Mr. Lindsay stood still at the door. Ellen paused a minute and then sung " Jerusalem, my happy home." Her utterance was so distinct that he heard every word. He did not move till she had finished, and then he came soft ly in. "Singing songs to the moon, Ellen?* Ellen started , and got up from the floor. "No, Sir; I was singing them to myself." " Not entirely , for I heard the last one. Why do you make your age. What do you love them for, my little daughter?" there are a great I don t know "Oh, Sir, many reasons how many." "I will have patience, Ellen; I want to hear them all." "I love them because I love to think of the things the hymns are about I love the tunes dear ly and I like both the words and the tunes better, I believe, because I have sung them so often with friends." "Humph! I guessed as much. Isn t that the strongest reason of the three?" "I don t know, Sir; I don t think itis." "Is all your heart in America, Ellen, or have you any left to bestow onus?" "Yes, Sir." "Not very much!" "I love you, father," said Ellen, laying her cheek gently along side of his. "And your grandmother, El len?" said Mr. Lindsay, clasping his arms around her. "Yes, Sir." But he well understood that the "yes" was fainter. "And your aunt? speak, El len?" ; I don t love her as much as I wish I did," said Ellen; "I love yourself sober singing such sad I her a little , I suppose. Oh, why things?" do you ask me such a hard ques- j- .f *!,,. O I don t, Sir; they are not sad to me they are delightful, I love them dearly." How came you to love them? tion, father? "That is something you have nothing to do with," said Mr. Lindsay, half -laughing. "Sit it is not natural for a child of) down here," he added, placing THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 503 her on his knee , " and sing to me again." Ellen was heartened by the tone of his voice, and pleased with the request. She immediate ly sang with great spirit a little and the more I think of them the happier I am." "You are a strange child. I am afraid your grandmother is right, and that you are hurting yourself with poring over serious Methodist hymn she had learned j matters that you are too young when a mere child. The wild air f " and simple words singularly suit- ed each other: "0 Canaan, bright Canaan, I m bound for the land of Canaan, Canaan! it is my happy, happy home! 1 am bound for the land of Canaan." " Does that sound sad , Sir ? " "Why yes, I think it does, ra ther, Ellen. Does it make you feel merry?" " Not merry, Sir it isn t mer ry; but I like it very much." " The tune or the words ? " "Both, Sir." "What do you mean by the land of Canaan?" "Heaven, Sir." "And do you like to think about that, at your age? " Why "Why, certainly, Sir! not?" "Whydoyou?" "Because it is a bright and happy place," said Ellen, grave ly, "where there is no darkness, nor sorrow, nor death, neither pain nor crying ; and my mother is there, and my dear Alice, and my Saviour is there ; and I hope I shall be there too." "You are shedding tears now, Ellen." "And if I am , Sir , it is not be cause I am unhappy. It doesn 1 make me unhappy to think of these things it makes me glad " She would not think so if she knew," said Ellen, sighing. "I should not be happy at all with out that, and you would not love me half so well, nor she either. Oh, father ! " she exclaimed, press ing his hand in both her own, and laying her face upon it, "do not let me be hindered in that! forbid me anything you please , but not that! the better 1 learn to please my best Friend, the better I shall please you." " Whom do you mean by your best friend? " " The Lord , my Redeemer." "Where did you get these no tions?" said Mr. Lindsay, after a short pause. From my mother, first, Sir." She had none of them when I knew her." "She had afterwards, then, Sir 5 and oh ! " Ellen hesitated "I wish everybody had them too ! " "My little daughter," said Mr. Lindsay, affectionately kissing the cheeks and eyes which were moist again, "I shall indulge you in this matter. But you must keep your brow clear, or I shall re voke my gran*. And you belong to me now, and there are some things I want you to forget, and not remember you under- 504 THE WIDE , WIDE WORLD. stand? Now, don t sing songs to the moon any more to night. Good night, my daughter." "They think religion is a strange melancholy thing," said Ellen to herself as she went to bed; "I must not give them reason to think so I must let my rushlight burn bright I must take care I never had more need!" And with an earnest prayer for help to do so , she laid her head on the pillow. Mr. Lindsay told his mother he had made up his mind to let Ellen have her way for a while, and begged that she might return to her old room and hours again. Mrs. Lindsay would not hear of it. Ellen had disobeyed her orders, she said; she must take the consequences. "She is a bold little hussy, to venture it," said Mr. Lindsay, "but I do not think there is any naughtiness in her heart." "No, not a bit. I could not be angry with her. It is only those preposterous notions she has got from somebody or other." Mr. Lindsay said no more. Next morning he asked Ellen pri vately what she did the first thing after breakfast. "Practise on the piano for an hour," she said. "Couldn t you do it at any other time?" "Yes, Sir, I could practise in the afternoon, only grandmother likes to have me with her." "Let it be done then, Ellen, in future." "And what shall I ck> with the hour after breakfast, Sir?" Whatever you please ," said, he, smiling. Ellen thanked him in the way she knew he best liked, and grate fully resolved he should have as little cause as possible to com plain of her. Very little cause in deed did he or any one else have. No fault could be found with her performance of duty, and her cheerfulness was constant and unvarying. She remembered her brother s recipe against loneli ness, and made use of it; she re membered Mrs. Allen s advice, and followed it; she grasped the promises, "He that cometh tome shall never hunger," and "Seek and ye shall find" - precious words that never yet disappoint ed any one; and though tears might often fall that nobody knew of, and she might not be so merry as her friends would have liked to see her; though her cheerfulness was touched with sobriety, they could not com plain, for her brow was always unruffled, her voice clear, her smile ready. After a while she was restored to her own sleeping room again, and permitted to take up her former habits. CHAPTER LI. Trials within. THOUGH nothing could be smoother than the general course of her life, Ellen s principles were still now and then severely tried. Of all in the house , next to Mr. THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD, 505 Lindsay, she liked the company of the old housekeeper best. She was a simple-minded Christian, a most benevolent and kind-heart ed, and withal sensible and re spectable person-, devotedly at tached to the family, and very fond of Ellen in particular. Ellen loved, when she could, to get alone with her, and hear her talk of her mother s young days : and she loved furthermore, and al most as much, to talk to Mrs. Allen of her own. Ellen could to no one else lisp a word on the subject; and without dwelling directly on those that she loved, she delighted to tell over to an interested listener the things she had done, seen, and felt, with them. "I wish that child was a little more like other people," said Lady Keith , one evening in the latter end of the winter. "Humph!" said Mr. Lindsay, "I don tremember at this moment any one that I think she could re semble without losing more than she gained." "Oh, it s of no use to talk to you about Ellen, brother! You can take up things fast enough when you find them out , but you never will see with other people s eyes." "What do your eyes see, Ca therine?" " She is altogether too childish for her years; she is really a baby." "I don t know," said Mr. Lind say, smiling: "you should ask M. Muller about that. He was hold ing forth to me for a quarter of an hour the other day , and could not stint in her praises. She will go on, he says , just as fast as he pleases to take her." "Oh, yes, in intelligence and so on, I know she is not wanting; that is not what I mean." "She is perfectly lady-like al ways," said Mrs. Lindsay. Yes, I know that, and per fectly child-like too." "I like that," said Mr. Lindsay: "I have no fancy for your grown up little girls." "Well," said Lady Keith, in despair, "you may like it; but I tell you she is too much of a child, nevertheless, in other ways. She hasn t an idea of a thousand things. It was only the other day she was setting out to go, at mid day, through the streets, with a basket on her arm some of that fruit for M. Muller, I believe." "If she has any fault," said Mr. Lindsay, "it is want of pride but I don t know I can t say I wish she had more of it." "Oh, no, of course! I suppose not. And it doesn t take anything at all to make the tears come in her eyes ; the other day I didn t know whether to laugh or be vexed at the way she went on with a kitten, for half an hour or more. I wish you had seen her! I am not sure she didn t cry over that. Now I suppose the next thing, brother, you will go and make her a present of one." " If you have no heavier charges to bring," said Mr. Lindsay, smi ling , " I 11 take breath and think about it." 506 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. "But she isn t like anybody else she don t care for young companions she don t seem to fancy any one out of the family unless it is old Mrs. Allen, and she is absurd about her. You know she is not very well lately, and Ellen goes to see her, I know, every day regularly; and there are the Gordons, and Carpenters, and Murrays, and M Intoshes she sees them continually , but I don t think she takes a great deal of pleasure in their company. The fact is, she is too sober." " She has as sweet a smile as I ever saw," said Mr. Lindsay, "and as hearty a laugh, when she does laugh; she is none of your gigglers." "But when she does laugh," said Lady Keith , "it is not when other people do. I think she is generally grave when there is most merriment around her." "I love to hear her laugh," said Mrs. Lindsay, "it is in such a low, sweet tone, and seems to come so from the very spring of enjoy ment. Yet, I must say, I think Catherine is half right." " With half an advocate ," said Lady Keith, "I shall not effect much." Mr. Lindsay uttered a low whistle. At this moment the door opened, and Ellen came gravely in, with a book in her hand. "Come here, Ellen," said Mr. Lindsay, holding out his hand "here s your aunt says you don t like anybody how is it? are you of an unsociable disposition?" Ellen s smile would have been a sufficient apology to him for a much graver fault. "Anybody out of the house, I meant," said Lady Keith. " Speak, Ellen, and clear your self," said Mr. Lindsay. "I like some people," said El len, smiling; "I don t think I like a great many people very much." "But you don t like young people," said Lady Keith "that is what I complain of; and it s unnatural. Now, there s the other day, when you went to ride with Miss Gordon and her bro ther, and Miss M Pherson and her brother I heard you say you were not sorry to get home. Now, where will you find plea- santer young people ? " "Why don t you like them, Ellen? " said Mrs. Lindsay. "I do like them, Ma am, toler ably." " What does tolerably mean ?" t "I should have liked my ride better the other day," said Ellen, "if they had talked about sen- ible things." " Nonsense ! " said Lady Keith. " Society cannot be made up of M. Mullers." "What did they talk about, Ellen?" said Mr. Lindsay, who seemed amused. "About partners in dancing at least the ladies did and dresses, and different gentlemen, and what this one said and the other one said it wasn t very amusing to me." Mr. Lindsay laughed. "And the gentlemen, Ellen; how did you like them?" THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 507 "I didn t like them particular ly, Sir." "What have you against them, Ellen?" "I don t wish to say_ anything against them , Aunt Keith." . Come , come ; speak out." ," I didn t like their talking, Sir, any better than the ladies ; and! besides that, I don t think they are very polite." "Why not?" said Mr. Lindsay, highly amused. "I don t think it was very po lite ," said Ellen , "for them to sit still on their horses when I went out, and letBrocklesby help me to mount. They took me up at M. Muller s, you know, Sir; M. Muller had been obliged to go out and leave me." Mr. Lindsay threw a glance at his sister, which she rather re sented. "And pray what do you ex pect, Ellen?" said she. "You are a mere child ; do you think you ought to be treated as a woman?" "I don t wish to be treated as any thing but a child , Aunt Keith." But Ellen remembered well one day at home when John had been before the door on horse back, and she had run out to give him a message , his instantly dis mounting to hear it. " And I was more a child then," she thought; "and he wasn t a stranger." "Whom do you like, Ellen?" inquired Mr. Lindsay, who looked extremely satisfied with the re sult of the examination. "I like M. Muller, Sir." "Nobody else?" "Mrs. Allen." "There!" exclaimed Lady Keith. "Have you come from her room just now?" "Yes, Sir." "What s your fancy for going there?" "Hike to hear her talk, Sir, and to read to her; it gives her a great deal of pleasure; and I like to talk to her." "What do you talk about? " "She talks to me about my mother " "And you?" "I like to talk to her about old | times," said Ellen, changing co lour. "Profitable conversation !" said Mrs. Lindsay. "You will not go to her room any more , Ellen," said Mr. Lind say. In great dismay at what Mrs. Allen would think, Ellen began a remonstrance. But only one word was uttered ; Mr. Lindsay s hand was upon her lips. He next took the book she still held. "Is this what you have been reading to her?" Ellen bowed in answer. "Who wrote all this?" Before she could speak, he ! had turned to the front leaf, and | read, "To my little sister." He | quietly put the bookin his pocket, and Ellen as quietly left the room. "I am glad you have said that," said Lady Keith. "You are quick enough when you see anything for yourself, but you never will believe other people." 508 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. "There is no tiling wrong here," said Mr. Lindsay; "only I will not have her going back to those old recollections she is so fond of. I wish I could make her drink Lethe!" / What is the book?" t said Mrs. Lindsay. " Hiardly know," said he, turn ing it over 5 "except it is from that person that seems to have obtained such an ascendancy over her it is full of his notes it is a religious work." "She reads a great deal too much of that sort of thing," said Mrs. Lindsay. "I wish you would contrive to put a stop to it. You can do it better than any one else ; she is very fond of you." That was not a good argument. Mr. Lindsay was silent; his thoughts went back to the con versation held that evening in Ellen s room, and to certain other things ; and perhaps he was thinking that if religion had much to dp with making her what she was, it was a tree that bore good fruits. "I think," said Lady Keith, "that is one reason why she takes so little to the young people she sees. I have seen her sit perfect ly grave Avhen they were all laughing and talking around her it really looks singular I don t like it I presume she would have thought it wicked to laugh with them. And the other nightl missed her from the youn ger part of the company, where she should have been, and therey she was in the other room witji [M. Muller and somebody else, gravely listening to their conver sation ! " "I saw her," said Mr. Lindsay, smiling; "and she looked any thing but dull or sober. I would rather have her gravity, after all, Catherine, than anybody else s merriment I know." "I wish she had never been de tained in America after the time when she should have come to us ," said Mrs. Lindsay. "I wish the woman had what she deserves that kept back the letters ! " said Mr. Lindsay. " Yes , indeed ! " said his sister ; "and I have been in continual fear of a visit from that very per son that you say gave Ellen the book." "He isn t here !" said Mr. Lind say. " I don t know where he is ; but he was on this side of the water at the time Ellen came on; so she told.me." " I wish he was in Egypt! " "I don t intend he shall see her if he comes," said Lady Keith, "if I can possibly pre vent it. I gave Porterfield or ders, if any one asked for her, to tell me immediately, and not her upon any account; but no body has come hitherto, and I am in hopes none will." Mr. Lindsay arose, and walk ed up and down the room with folded arms . in a very thought ful style. Ellen, with some difficulty, bore herself as usual throughout tjj next day and evening, though WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 509 constantly on the rack to get possession of her book again. It was not spoken of nor hinted at. When another morning came "But it is mine!" Ellen ven tured to urge , though trembling. " Come , come ," said Mr. Lind say, his tone changing, "and she could stand it no longer ; she I you are mine , you must under went, soon after breakfast, into stand." Ellen stood silent, struggling Mr. Lindsay s study, where he was Avriting. Ellen came behind him, and, laying both her arms over his shoulders, said in his ear "Will you let me have my book again, father?" A kiss was her only answer. Ellen waited. "Go to the bookcases," said Mr. Lindsay, presently, "or to the book -store, and choose out anything you like, Ellen, in stead." I wouldn t exchange it for all between the alternate surgings of passion and checks of pru dence and conscience. But at last the wave rolled too high, and broke. Clasping her hands to her face, she exclaimed, not indeed violently, but with suffi cient energy of expression, " Oh, it s not right! it s not right!" "Go to your room, and con sider of that," said Mr. Lindsay; "I do not wish to see you again to-day, Ellen." Ellen was wretched. Not from that is in them!" she answered grief at her loss merely; that she with some warmth, and with the | could have borne; that had not husky feeling coming in her i even the greatest share in her throat. Mr. Lindsay said nothing, i distress ; she was at war with her- "At any rate," whispered El- 1 self. Her mind was in a perfect len, after a minute, "you will turmoil. She had been a passio- not destroy it, or do anything to j nate child in earlier days; under it? you will take care of it, religion s happy reign, that had lli 1 j 5i 1 _ _ _^Jj__l_ and let me have it again, won t you, Sir?" "I will try to take care of you, my daughter." Again Ellen paused , and then long ceased to be true of her; it was only very rarely that she, or those around her, were led to remember or suspect that it had once been the case. She was sur- came round in front of him to! prised, and half frightened at plead to more purpose. | herself now, to find the strength "I will do anything in the of the old temper suddenly world for you, Sir," she said, | roused. She was utterly and ex- , earnestly, "if you will give me Iceedingly out of humour with Mr. my book again." j Lindsay, and with everybody and "You must do anything in the everything else; consequently, world forme," said he, smiling, conscience would not give her a and pinching her cheek, " with- j moment s peace! and that day out that." I was a long and bitter fight be 510 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. in the place of a father to you, and you owe him a child s duty." But pride and passion still fought against reason and con science, andEllen was miserable. The dressing-bell rang. "There! I shall have to go down to breakfast directly, and they will see how I look they will see I am angry and ill- humoured. Well, fought to be angry ! But what will they think, then, of my religion? Is my rushlight burning bright? Am I honouring Christ now? Is this the way to make his name and his truth lovely in their eyes? Oh, shame! shame! I have enough to humble myself for. And all yesterday, at any rate, they know I was angry." Ellen threw herself upon her knees, and when she rose up, the spirit of pride was entirely broken, and resentment had died with self -justification. The breakfast-bell rang before she was quite ready. She was afraid she could not seeMr.Lind- can be any "peace." " But I said | say until he should be at the table. "But it shall make no difference," she said to herself, "they know I have offended him it is right they should hear what I have to say." They were all at the table. But it made no difference. Ellen what he pleases with you and went straight to Mr. Lindsay, and yours, and he may have his own i laying one hand timidly in his, reasons for what he has done; and the other on his shoulder, twixt right and wrong. Duties were neglected, because she could not give her mind to them; then they crowded upon her no tice at undue times ; all was mise rable confusion. In vain she would try to reason and school herself into right feeling ; at one thought of her lost treasure, pas sion would come flooding up, and drown all her reasonings and endeavours. She grew absolutely weary. But the day passed, and the night came , and she went to bed without being able to make up her mind, and she arose in the morning to renew the battle. "How long is this miserable condition to last?" she said to herself. "Till you can entirely give up your feeling of resent ment, and apologize to Mr. Lind say," said conscience. "Apolo gize! but I haven t done wrong." "Yes, you have," said conscience, "you spoke improperly; he is justly displeased, and you must make an apology before there the truth it is not right! it is not right it is wrong; and am / to go and make an apology! I can t do it." "Yes, for the wrong you have done ," said con science, "that is all your con cern. And he has a right to do and he loves you very much, and you ought not to let him remain displeased with you one moment longer than you can help ; he is she at once humbly and frankly confessed that she had spoken as she ought not the day before, and that she was very sorry she THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 511 had displeased him, and begged his forgiveness. It was instantly granted. "You are a good child, Ellen," said Mr. Lindsay, as he fondly embraced her. there much better than in the city ; there was more that remind ed her of old times. The sky and the land, though different from those she best loved, were yet but another expression of na- "Ohno, Sir! don t call me so ; ture s face; it was the same face I am everything in the world but ! still ; and on many a sunbeam that." Ellen travelled across the At- " Then all the rest of the world lantic.* She was sorry to lose are good^ children. Why didn t M. Muller, but she could not have you come to me before?" kept him in Edinburgh; he quitted "Because I couldn t, Sir; I felt Scotland about that time, wrong all day yesterday." Other masters attended her in Mr. Lindsay laughed, and kiss- the country, or she went to Edin- ed her, and bade her sit down burgh to attend them. Mr. Lind- and eat her breakfast. j say liked that very well; he was It was about a month after this j often there himself, and after that he made her a present of .her lesson he loved to have her a beautiful little watch. Ellen s with him in the library, and at first look was of great delight; dinner, and during the drive the second was one of curious home. Ellen liked it, because it doubtful expression, directed to j was so pleasant to him; and be- his face, half tendering the watch i sides, there was a variety about back to him, as she saw that he it, and the drives were always understood her. jher delight, and she chose his "Why," said he, smiling, " do ; company at any time rather than you mean to say you would rather that of her aunt and grandmother. nave that than this ? " "A great deal." "No," said he, hanging the So, many a happy day, that sum mer, had she and Mr. Lindsay to gether, and many an odd plea- watch round her neck, " you j sure, in the course of them, did shall not have it; but you may he find or make for her. Some- make your mind easy, for I have ! times it was a new book, some- it safe, and it shall come back to times a new sight, sometimes a you again some time or other." new trinket. According to his With this promise Ellen was promise , he had purchased her a obliged to be satisfied. | fine horse, and almost daily Ellen The summer passed in the en- was upon his back, and , with Mr. joyment of all that wealth of Lindsay, in the course of the purse and of affection both could summer, scoured the country, far bestow upon their darling. Early! and near. Every scene of any in the season the family returned j . M Thcn a sunbcam , will dimb to to "the Braes. Ellen liked it thee." GEORGE HERBERT. 512 THE WIDE, WIDE WOULD. historic interest, within a good distance of "the Braes," was visited , and some of them again and again. Pleasures of all kinds were at Ellen s disposal; and to her father and grandmother she was truly the light of the eyes. And Ellen was happy; but it was not at all these things, nor even her affection for Mr. Lind say, that made her so. He saw her calm, sunshiny face, and busy happy demeanour, and fancied, though he had some times doubts about it, that she did not trouble herself much with old recollections, or would, in time, get over them. It was not so. Ellen never forgot; and some times, when she seemed busiest and happiest, it was the thought of an absent and distant friend that was nerving her energies, and giving colour to her cheek. Still, as at first, it was in her hour alone that Ellen laid down care and took up submission: it was that calmed her brow and brightened her smile. And though now and then she shed bitter tears, and repeated her despairing exclamation, "Well! I will see him in heaven!" ini general she lived on hope, and] kept at the bottom of her heart some of her old feeling of con fidence. Perhaps her brow grew some what meeker, and her smile less bright, as the year rolled on. Months flew by, and brought her no letters. Ellen marvelled and sorrowed in vain. One day, mourning over it to Mrs. Allen, the good housekeeper asked her if her friends knew her address? Ellen at first said, "to be sure," but after a few minutes reflec tion, was obliged to confess that she was not certain about it. It would have been just like Mr. Humphreys to lose sight entirely of such a matter, and very natural for her, in her grief, and con fusion of mind, and inexperience, to be equally forgetful. She wrote immediately to Mr. Humphreys, and supplied the defect, and hope brightened again. Once before she had written, on the occasion of the refunding her expenses. Mr. Lindsay and his mother were very prompt to do this, though Ellen could not tell what the exact amount might be; they took care to be on the safe side, and sent more than enough. El len s mind had changed since she came to Scotland; she was sorry to have the money go ; she under stood the feeling with which it was sent, and it hurt her. Two or three months after the date of her last letter, she re ceived at length one from Mr. Humphreys, a long, very kind, and very wise one. She lived upon it for a good while. Mr. Lindsay s bills were returned. Mr. Humphreys declined utterly to accept of them , telling Ellen that he looked upon her as his own child up to the time that her friends took her out of his hands, and that he owed her more than she owed him. Ellen gave the money, she dared not give the whole message, to Mr. Lindsay. THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 513 The bills were instantly andilen; but you know it s your haughtily re-enclosed and sent grandmother that must be satis- back to America. j tied , and she will have it just so -, Still nothing was heard from \ there , now that s going to look Mr. John; Ellen wondered, wait- lovely; but, indeed, Miss Ellen, ed, wept; sadly quieted herself j she won t be pleased if you carry into submission, and as time went | such a soberish face downstairs on, clung faster and faster to her and what will the master say !" Bible, and the refuge she found ; Most young ladies would be as there. bright as a bee at being going to see so many people ; and, indeed, it s what you should." "I had rather see one or two CHAPTER LII. "Thou!" ONE evening, it was New Year s eve, a large party was expected at Mr. Lindsay s. Ellen was not persons than one or two hundred," said Ellen, speaking half to her- of an age to go abroad to parties, self and half to Mrs. Mason. but at home her father and grand- "Well, for pity s sake, Miss mother never could bear to do Ellen, dear, if you can, don t without her when they had com- j look as if it was a funeral ! There ! pany. Generally Ellen liked it t ain t much trouble to fix you, very much; not called upon to anyhow; if you d only care a take any active part herself, she j little more about it, it would be a had leisure to observe and enjoy j blessing. Stop till I fix this lace, in quiet; and often heard music, ! The master will call you his and often by Mr. Lindsay s side white rosebud to-night, sure listened to conversation in which j enough." "That s nothing new," said Ellen, half- smiling. Mason left her; and feeling the want of something to raise her she took great pleasure. To night, however, it happened that Ellen s thoughts were running on other things ; and Mrs. Lindsay s woman, who had come in to dress spirits, Ellen sorrowfully went to her, was not at all satisfied with her Bible, .and slowly turning it her grave looks, and the little; over, looked along its pages to concern she seemed to take in j catch a sight of something cheer- what was going on. | ing before she went downstairs. "I wish, Miss Ellen, you d "This God is our God for ever please hold your head up, and. and ever: lie will be our guide even look somewhere; I don t know unto death." when I ll get your hair done if "Isn t that enough?" thought you keep it down so." Ellen, as her eyes filled in answer. "Oh, Mason, I think that 11 do; | "It ought to be John would it looks very well ; you needn t do say it was Oh ! where is he ? " anything more." She went on, turning over leaf "I beg your pardon, Miss El- after leaf. The Wide, Wide World. 33 514 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 1 O Lord of hosts, blessed is the my lady," Porterfield answered man that trusteth in thee!" in a low tone. "That is true, surely," sheijj "A gentleman?" said thought. " And I do trust in him JKeith , inquiringly. Lady I am blessed, I am happy, come what may. He will let no thing come to those that trust in "Certain, my lady! and as up ,nd down spoken as if he was a prince of the blood; he s some- him but what is good for them ; if j body that is not accustomed to be he is my God, I have enough to make me happy I wi I ought to be be happy 1 will trust him, and take what he gives me, and try to leave, as John used to tell me, my affairs in his hand." For a minute tears flowed 5 then they were wiped away; and the smile she gave Mr. Lindsay, when she met him in the hall, was not less bright than usual. The company were gathered, . . j 1 1 i j i . said no to for sure." Lady Keith hesitated. Recol lecting, however, that she had just left Ellen safe in the music- room, she made up her mind, and desired Porterfield to show the stranger in. As he entered unan nounced, her eyes unwillingly ve rified the butler s judgment ; and to the inquiry whether he might see Miss Lindsay, she answered very , politely, though with regrets, but it was still early in the evening that Miss Lindsay was engaged. trrTiovi o nrov* -f 1 om a v ramo TxrTi f\ flr_ ^ IVTatT T V\i T^O vr\ f\-nc*r\ -P/-\T o alr-ir* rv " when a gentleman came, who de clinedto enter the drawing-room, and asked for Miss Lindsay. "Miss Lindsay is engaged." "An what for suld ye say sae, Mr. Porterfield?" cried the voice of the housekeeper, who was passing in the hall, "when ye ken as weel as I do that Miss Ellen " The butler stopped her with saying something about "my lady," and repeated his answer to the gentleman. The latter wrote a word or two on a card which he drew from his pocket, and desired him to carry it to Miss Ellen. Lady Keith. He carried it to "What sort of a person, Porter- field," said Lady Keith, crumpling the paper in her fingers, and with drawing a little from the company. "Uncommon fine gentleman, May I be pardoned for asking, said the stranger, with the slight est possible approach to a smile, "whether that decision is impera tive? I leave Scotland to-morrow my reasons for wishing to see Miss Lindsay this evening are urgent." Lady Keith could hardly be lieve her ears, or command her countenance to keep company with her expressions of "sorrow that it was impossible Miss Lindsay could not have the plea sure that evening." "May I beg, then, to know at what hour I may hope to see her to-morrow?" Hastily resolving that Ellen should on the morrow accept a long-given invitation, Lady Keith answered that " she would not be in town she would leave Edin burgh at an early hour." THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 5l5 The stranger bowed and with- j was in all its lines that singular drew ; that was all the bystanders ; mixture of gravity and sweetness saw. But Lady Keith , who had j that is never seen but where reli- winced under an eye that she gion and discipline have done could not help fancying read her | their work well; the writing of too well, saw that in his parting! the wisdom that looks soberly, look which made her uneasy 5 land the love that looks kindly, beckoning a servant who stood j on all things. He was not sure near, she ordered him to wait : at first whether she were intently upon that gentleman to the door, j listening to the music, or whether The man obeyed; but the her mind was upon something stranger did not take his cloak, I far different and far away; he and made no motion to go. j thought the latter. He was right. "No, Sir! not that way," he i Ellen at the moment had escaped said , sternly, as the servant laid j from the company and the noisy his hand on the lock ; " show me to Miss Lindsay!" : Miss Ellen!" said the man, sounds of the performer at her side; and while her eye was ,..* ^.^^. uu ,*vi ^^ u * uu , curiously tracing out the pattern doubtfully, coming back, and! of the carpet, her mind was thinking from the gentleman s ! resting itself in one of the verses manner that he must have mis- she had been reading that same understood Lady Keith; "where is Miss Ellen, Arthur?" evening. Suddenly, and as > it seemed, from no connexion with The person addressed threw anything in or out of her thoughts, his head back towards the door! there came to her mind the image he had just come from on the ! of John as she had seen him that other side of the hall. first evening she ever saw him at "This way, Sir, if you please; what name, Sir?" Carra-carra, when she looked up from the boiling chocolate and "No name; stand back!" said espied him, standing in an atti- the stranger, as he entered. jtude of waiting near the door. There were a number of people j Ellen at first wondered how that gathered round a lady who was thought should have come into at the piano singing. Ellen was j her head just then; the next there in the midst of them. The moment , from a sudden impulse, gentleman advanced quietly to she raised her eyes to search for the edge of the group, and stood the cause, and saw John s smile, there without being noticed;] It would not be easy to describe Ellen s eyes were bent on the the change in Ellen s face. Light- floor. The expression of her face ning makes as quick and as bril- touched and pleased him greatly ; |liant an illumination,but lightning it was precisely what he wished! does not stay. With a spring she to see. Without having the least I reached him, and seizing both his shadow of sorrow upon it, there i hands, drew him out of the door 33* 516 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. near which they were standing; her head upon him, took his hand and as soon as they were hidden in both hers and pressed it to her from view, threw herself into his lips, as if she were half beside arms in an agony of joy. Before, herself. But that was not per- however, either of them could say i mitted to last either, for his hand a word , she had caught his hand j quickly imprisoned hers again, again, and led him back along the j There was silence still. Ellen hall to the private staircase ; she ! could not look up yet, and neither mounted it rapidly to 7/er room, and seemed very forward to speak: there she again threw herself in to I she sat gradually quieting down his arms, exclaiming, "0 John! into fulness of happiness, my dear John! my dear brother!" "I thought you never would But neither smiles nor words come, John," at length Ellen half would do for the overcharged whispered, half said, heart. The tide of joy ran too| "And I cannot stay now. I strong, and too much swelled must leave you to-morrow, Ellie." from the open sources of love and | Ellen started up, and looked memory, to keep any bounds, up now. And it kept none. Ellen sat down, "Leave me! For how long? and bowing her head on the arm Where are you going?" of the sofa, wept with all the "Home." vehement passion of her child- "To America!" Ellen s heart hood, quivering from head to ; died within her. Was ?/ s the end of foot with convulsive sobs. John | all her hopes? did her confidence might guess, from the outpouring j end here? She shed no tears now. now, how much her heart had ; He could see that she grew abso- been secretly gathering for i lutely still from intense feeling. months past. For a little while "What s the matter, Ellie?" he walked up and downtheroom; said the low gentle tones she so but this excessive agitation he well remembered; "I am leaving was not willing should continue, you but for a time. I must go He said nothing; sitting down! home now, but if I live you will beside Ellen on the sofa, he see me again. "Oh, I wish I was going with you ! " Ellen exclaimed, bursting (LH^QAl_LV> J-JJLJ.V^JJ. \_/AA Hl^ D \J L C*> ^ J.XO quietly possessed himself of one of her hands, and when in her excitement the hand struggled into tears, to get away again, it was not " My dear Ellie !" said her bro- permitted. Ellen understood ther, in an altered voice, drawing that very well , and immediately j her again to his arms ; "you can- checked herself. Better than not wish it more than I !" words, the calm firm grasp of his hand quieted her. Her sobbing stilled; she turned from the arm of the sofa, and leaning I never thought you would leave me here, John." "Neither would I, if I could help it; neither will I a minute THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 517 longer than I can help ; but we must both wait, my own Ellie. Do not cry so, for my sake ! " "Wait! till when?" saidEllen, not a little reassured. "I have no power now to re move you from your legal guar dians , and you have no right to choose for yourself." "And when shall I?" "In a few years." " A few years ! But in the mean time , John , what shall I do with out you? If I could see you once in a while but there is no one here not a single one to help me to keep right: no one talks to me as you used to; and I am all the while afraid I shall go wrong in something; what shall I do? " "What the weak must always do, Ellie; seek for strength where it may be had." "And so I do, John," saidEl len, weeping: "but I want you; oh, how much ! " "Are you not happy here?" "Yes, I am happy; at least I thought I was half an hour ago as happy as I can be. I have everything to make me happy, except what would do it." "We must both have recourse to our old remedy against sorrow and loneliness; you have not for gotten the use of it, Ellie?" "No, John," saidEllen, meet ing his eyes with a tearful smile. "They love you here, do they not?" "Very much too much." " And you love them ?" "Yes." "That s a doubtful yes. " "I do love my father very much; and my grandmother too, though not so much. I cannot help loving them; they love me so. But they are so unlike you!" "That is not much to the pur pose, after all," said John, smi ling. " There are varieties of ex cellence in the world." " Oh yes , but that isn t what I mean ; it isn t a variety of excel lence. They make me do every thing that they have a mind I don t mean," she added, smiling, "that that is not like you but you always had a reason; they are different. My father makes me drink wine every now and then I don t like to do it, and he knows I do not, and I think that is the reason I have to do it." " That is not a matter of great importance, Ellie, provided they do not make you do something wrong." "They could not do that, I hope ; and there is another thing they cannot make me do." "What is that?" " Stay here when you will take me away." There was a few minutes thoughtful pause on both sides. "You are grown, Ellie," said John; "you are not the child I left you." "I don t know," said Ellen, smiling; "it seems to me I am just the same." "Let me see look at me." She raised her face, and, amidst smiles and tears , its look was not less clear and frank than | his was penetrating. "Just the 518 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. same," was the verdict of her brother s eyes a moment after wards. Ellen s smile grew bright as she read it there. "Why have you never come or written before, John?" "I did not know where you were. I have not been in England for many months till quite lately, and I could not get your address. 1 think my father was without it "That is exactly what 1 think ! " said Ellen , with one of her bright looks , and then burst ing into tears; "I am very glad you think so too ! I will always do whatever you tell me just as I used to no matter what anybody else says." "Perhaps I shall try you in two or three things, Ellie." "Will you! in what? Oh, it for along time , and when at last would make me so happy so much happier if I could be doing something to please you. I wish I was at home with you again ! " "I will bring that about, Ellie, by -and -by, if you make your words good." "I shall be happy then," said Ellen, her old confidence stand ing stronger than ever, "because I know you will if you say so; though how you will manage it I cannot conceive. My father, and grandmother, and, aunt, cannot bear to hear me speak of Ame rica; I believe they would be glad if there wasn t such a place in the world. They would not even let me think of it if they could help it; I never dare men tion your name, or say a word about old times. They are afraid of my loving anybody, I believe. They want to have me all to themselves." "What will they say to you then, Ellie, if you leave them to give yourself to me?" "I cannot help it," replied El len; "they may say what they please ;" and with abundance of energy, and not a few tears , she he sent it to me , the letter mis carried never reached me there were delays upon delays." " And when you did get it? " "I preferred coming to writing." "And now you must go home so soon!" "I must, Ellie. My business has lingered on a great while, and it is quite time I should return. I expect to sail next week. Mrs. Gil- lespie is going with me ; her hus band stays behind till spring." Ellen sighed. "I made a friend of a friend of yours whom I met in Switzerland last summer M. Muller." "M. Muller! did you! Oh, I am very glad! I am very glad you know him he is the best friend I have got here , after my father. I don t know what I should have done without him." "I have heard him talk of you," said John, smiling. "He has just come back; he was to be here this evening." There was a pause again. "It does not seem right to go home withoutyou, Ellie, "said her brother, then. "I think you belong to me more than to anybody." THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 519 went on : "I love them, but I had given myself to you a great while I * his "Ixead.no novels."^-? <r Tnever do V John. I knew you did not like it , and I have taken ago ; long before daughter, you called me your good care to keep out of the way little sister I can t undo that, | of them. If I had told anybody John, and I don t want to it! why, though, they would have doesn t make a bit of difference | made me read a dozen." that we were not born so ! " "Why,Ellie! " said her brother, John suddenly rose, and began j "you must need some care to to walk up and down the room, keep a straight line where your Ellen soon came to his side, and course lies now." leaning upon his arm as she had "Indeed I do, John," said El- been used to do in past times, len, her eyes filling with tears-, walked up and down with him, at; " Oh, how I have felt that some- first silently. I times ! And then , how I wanted "Whatisityouwantedmetodo,|you!" Her hand was fondly taken in his, as many a time it had been of old, and for a long time they paced up and down , the conver sation running sometimes in the strain that both loved, and Ellen now never heard; sometimes on other matters; such a conver sation as those she had lived upon in former days, and now drank in with a delight eagerness inexpressible. and Mr. John? " she said, gently, at length; "you said two or three things. " "One is, that you keep up a regular and full correspondence with me." "I am very glad you will let me do that," said Ellen; "that is ex actly what I should like, but " "What?" "I am afraid they will not let me." "I will arrange that." "Very well," said Ellen, joy ously, "then it will do. Oh, it would make me so happy! And you will write to me? " "Certainly." "And I will tell you everything about myself; and you will tell! She almost forgot what the mor- me how I ought to do in all sorts ! row would bring, in the exquisite of things? that will be the next j pleasure of the instant, and hung best to being with you. And then upon every word and look of her you will keep me right." brother , as if her life were there. "I won t promise you that, I " And in a few weeks," said El- Ellie," said John, smiling; "youj leu at length, " you will be in our must learn to keep yourself right." old dear sitting-room again, and "I know you will, though, how- ! riding on the Black Prince ! and ever you may smile. Whatnext?" I shall be here! and it will be " Lindsay would have been in dis may to have seen her uplifted face, which, though tears were many a time there, was sparkling and glowing with life and joy in a manner he had never known it. 520 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. "It will be empty without you, Ellie ; but we have a Friend that is sufficient ; let us love him and be patient." "I is very hard to be patient," murmured Ellen. "But, dear John, there was something else ?DU wanted me to do, what is it? ou said two or three things." "I will leave that to another time." "But why? I will do it, what ever it be pray tell me." "No," said he, smiling, "not now; you shall know by-and-byj Brownie, but I don t suppose you ( the time is not yet. Have you | have heard of them. Oh , when I heard of your old friend Mr. Van j think of it all at home, how I Brunt?" " How kind she is," said Ellen ; "how many friends I find every where. It seems to me, John, that everybody almost loves me." "That is a singular circum stance! However, I am no ex ception to the rule , Ellie." " Oh, I know that," said Ellen, laughing. " And Mr. George ? " "Mr. George is well." "How much I love him!" said Ellen. " How much I would give to see him. I wish you could tell me about poor Captain and the No what of him?" "He has come out before the world as a Christian man. "Has he?" John took a letter from his pocket and opened it. "You may see what my father says of him, and what he says of you, too, Ellie; he has missed you much." "Oh, I was afraid he would," said Ellen; "I was sure he did!" She took the letter, but she could not see the words. John told her she might keep it to read at her leisure. "And how are they all at Vent- and Margery?" "All well. Mrs. Vawse spends ab out half her time at my father s." " I am very glad of that." Mrs. Marshman wrote me to want to be there! Oh, John! sometimes lately I have almost thought I should only see you again in heaven." "My dear Ellie ! I shall see you there , I trust ; but if we live we shall spend our lives here together first. And while we are parted, we will keep as near as possible by praying for and writing to each other. And what God orders, let us quietly submit to." Ellen had much ado to com mand herself at the tone of these words and John s manner, as he clasped her in his arms, and kissed her brow and lips. She strove to keep back a show of nor? and how is Mrs. Vawse? feeling that would distress and might displease him. But the next moment her fluttering spirits were stilled by hearing the few soft words of a prayer that he breathed over her head. It was a bring you back with me if I could, prayer for her and for himself, and said she had a home for you ! and one of its petitions was , that always at Ventnor." j they might be kept to see each THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 521 the appeared, Ellen, with tolerable composure, met him, her hand upon John s arm, and said, Father, this is Mr. Humphreys" my brother she dared not add. "I hope Mr. Lindsay will par don my giving him this trouble," other again. Ellen wrote words on her heart. "Are you going?" He showed his watch. " Well, I shall see you to-mor row." "Shall you be here?" "Certainly, where else should I said the latter; "we have one thing be? What time mustyousetout? ^ in common which should forbid "I need not till afternoon; but| our being strangers to each other, how early can I see you?" II, at least, was unwilling to leave "As early as you please. Oh, \ Scotland without making myself spend all the time with me you can, John!" So it was arranged. "And now, Ellie, you must go known to Mr. Lindsay." Mr. Lindsay most devoutly wished the "thing in common " had been anything else. He downstairs and present me to Mr. j bowed , and was " happy to have the pleasure," but evidently neither pleased nor happy. Ellen could see that. "May I take up five minutes^of Lindsay." "To my father!" For a moment Ellen s face was a compound of expressions. She instantly acquiesced, however, Mr. Lindsay s time to explain, and went down with her brother, j perhaps to apologize," said John, her heart, it must be confessed, slightly smiling, "for what I going very pit-a-pat indeed. She j have said? " took him into the library, which! A little ashamed, it might be, was not this evening thrown j to have his feeling suspected, open to company, arid sent a [Mr. Lindsay instantly granted servant for Mr. Lindsay. While j the request, and politely invited waiting for his coming, Ellen felt his unwelcome guest to be seated, as if she had not the fair use of Obeying a glance from her bro- her senses. Was that John ther which she understood, Ellen Humphreys quietly walking up I withdrew to the further side of and down the library ! Mr. Lind-jthe room, where she could not say s library! and was she about hear what they said. John took to introduce her brother to the up the history of Ellen s ac- person who had forbidden her j quaintance with his family, and to mention his name? There! briefly gave it to Mr. Lindsay, was something, however, in Mr. scarce touching upon the benefits John s figure and air, in his utter by them conferred on her, and coolness, that insensibly resto- skilfully dwelling rather on Ellen red her spirits. Triumphant con- herself , and setting forth what fidence in him overcame the fear; she had been to them. Mr. Lind- of Mr. Lindsay; and when he: say could not be unconscious 522 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. of what his visitor delicately omitted to hint at, neither could he help making secretly to him- heard Mr. Lindsay beg her bro ther to go in with him to the company, and be presented to self ^ some most unwilling ad- Mrs. Lindsay. After a moment s missions; and though he might: hesitation this invitation was ac- wish the speaker at the anti- i cepted , and they went together podes, and doubtless did, yet .into the drawing-room, the sketch was too happily given, j Ellen felt as if she was in a and his fondness for Ellen too I dream. With a face as grave as great, for him not to be delight- 1 usual, but with an inward ex- edly interested in what was said I ultation and rejoicing in her of her. And however strong [brother, impossible to describe, might have been his desire to she saw him going about among dismiss his guest in a very sum- the company, talking to her mary manner, or to treat him I grandmother ; yes, and her with haughty reserve, the grace- 1 grandmother did not look less ful dignity of Mr. Humphreys i pleasant than usual, recognising manners made either expedient JM. Muller, and in conversation impossible. Mr. Lindsay felt con- j with other people whom he knew, strained to meet him on his own With indescribable glee, Ellen ground the ground of high- saw that Mr. Lindsay managed bred frankness, and grew secretly most of the time to be of the still more afraid that his real same group. Never more than feelings should be discerned. i that night did she triumphantly Ellen, from afar, where she think that Mr. John could do could not hear the words, anything. He finished the even- watched the countenances with ing there. Ellen took care not to great anxiety, and great admira- 1 seem too much occupied with him ; tion. She could see that while; but she contrived to be near when her brother spoke with his usual i he was talking with M. Muller, perfect ease, Mr. Lindsay was j and to hang on her father s arm embarrassed. She half-read the ! when he was in Mr. John s neigh- truth. She saw the entire polite- 1 bourhood. And when the latter ness where she also saw the had taken leave , and was in the secret discomposure, and she hall, Ellen was there before he felt that the politeness was forced from him. As the con versation went on, however, she wonderingly saw that the cloud on his brow lessened she saw him even smile ; and when at last they rose, and she drew near, she almost thought her ears were playing her false, when she could be gone. And there came Mr. Lindsay too , behind her. "You will come early to-mor row morning, John?" " Come to breakfast, Mr. Hum phreys, will you?" said Mr. Lind say, with sufficient cordiality. But Mr. Humphreys declined this invitation, in spite of the THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. 523 a different answer. "I will be with "By all means, Lindsay, "let us timid touch of Ellen s fingers upon his arm, which begged for you early, Ellie," he said, however. "And oh! John," said Ellen, suddenly, "order a horse, and let us have one ride together; let me show you Edinburgh." said Mr. show you Edinburgh ; but order no horses, Mr. Humphreys , for mine are at your service." Ellen s other hand was grate fully laid upon her father s arm as the second proposal was made and accepted. "Let us show you Edinburgh," said Ellen to herself, as she and Mr. Lindsay slowly and gravely went back through the hall. " So there is an end of my fine morning I foolish I But, however, how am ! John has his own ways of doing things he can make it pleasant in spite of everything." She went to bed, not to sleep, indeed, for a long time, but to cry for joy, and all sorts of feel ings at once. Good came out of evil, as it often does, and as Ellen s heart presaged it would when she arose shining in her face. She took no part in the conversation ; it was enough to hear. She sat with charmed ears, seeing her bro ther overturning all her father s and grandmother s prejudices, and making his own way to their respect at least, in spite of themselves. Her marvelling still almost kept pace with her joy. "I knew he would do what he pleased," she said to herself ; "I knew they could not help that; but I did not dream he would ever make them like him , that I never dreamed ! " On the ride, again, Ellen could not wish that her father were not with them. She wished for nothing; it was all a maze of pleasure, which there was no thing to mar but the sense that she would, by-and-by, wake up and find it was a dream. And no not that either. It was a solid good and blessing, which, though it must come to an end, she should never lose. For the present there was hardly any thing to be thought of but enjoy ment. She shrewdly guessed that Mr. Lindsay would have enjoyed it too, but for herself ; there was a little constraint about him still, she could see. There was none the next morning. The! about Mr. John; in the delight of ride was preceded by half an his words, and looks ? and pre- 11 our s chat between Mr. John, sence, Ellen half the time forgot Mr. Lindsay, and her grand- Mr. Lindsay entirely; she had mother; in which the delight of enough of them; she did not for the evening before was renewed! one moment wish that Mr. Lind- and confirmed. Ellen was obliged: say had less, to look down to hide the tool At last the long, beautiful ride bright satisfaction she felt was came to an end ; and the rest of 524 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. the morning soon sped away, though, as Ellen had expected, she was not permitted to spend any part of it alone with her bro ther. Mr. Lindsay asked him to dinner, but this was declined. Not till long after he was gone did Ellen read Mr. Humphreys letter. Onebitofitmaybegiven: "Mr. Van Brunt has lately joined our little church. This has given me great pleasure. He had been a regular attendant for a long time before. He ascribes much to your instrumentality 5 but says his first thoughts (earnest ones) on the subject of religion, were on the occasion of a tear that fell from Ellen s eye upon his hand one day when she was talking to him about the matter. He never got over the impression. In his own words, it scared him ! That was a dear child! I did not know how dear till I had lost her. I did not know how severely I should feel her absence; nor had I the least notion when she was with us of many things respecting her that I have learnt since. I half hoped we should yet have her back, but that will not be. I shall be glad to see you, my son." The correspondence with John was begun immediately, and was the delight of Ellen s life. Mrs. Lindsay andher daughter wished to put a stop to it; but Mr. Lind say dryly said that Mr. Hum phreys had frankly spoken of it before him, and as he had made no objection then, he could not now. Ellen puzzled herself a little to think what could be the third thing John wanted of her : but, whatever it were, she was very sure she would do it ! For the gratification of those who are never satisfied, one word shall be added, to wit, that The seed so early sown in lit tle Ellen s mind, and so carefully tended by sundry hands, grew in course of time to all the fair sta ture and comely perfection it had bid fair to reach : storms and winds that had visited it , did but cause the root to take deeper hold; and at the point of its young maturity it happily fell again into those hands that had of all been most successfulinits cul ture. In other words, to speak in telligibly, Ellen did in no wise dis appoint her brother s wishes, nor he hers. Three or four more years of Scottish discipline wroughther no ill ; they did but serve to tem per and beautify her Christian character; and then, to her un speakable joy, she went back to spend her life with thafriends and guardians she best Icrved, and to e to them , still more than she had been to her Scottish rela tions, the "light of the eyes." THE END. PRINTED BY BEBNHARD TAUCHNITZ. VO 900 "ON WdOd